_3 9002 06447 3839 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY MKMOIRS OF... GEORGIA CONTAINING HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS OF THE STATE'S CIVIL, MILITARY, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS, AND PERSONAL SKETCHES OF MANY OF ITS PEOPLE. Vol. I. ATLANTA, GA. THE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, 1895 Copyrighted, 1895, BY The Southern Historical Association, atlanta, ga. Cll^.os-o TABLE OF CONTENTS. 'CHAPTER I. Civil History— Gen. Oglethorpe's Plan— Georgia's Colonial Charter— The Colony Starts for the New World- Tomo-Chi-Chi, the Indian Chief— Early Struggles of the Colony— John and Charles Wesley— Difficulties with the Spaniards— Gen. Oglethorpe Leaves the Col ony—Slaves Introduced and the Bosomwortih Claim— Under the British Crown— Admin istration of Govs. Ellis and Wright— The Eve of the Revolution— Georgia no Longer a Royal Colony — In the Revolution — Savannah Occupied by tie British — The Evacuation of Savannah and the Close of the Revolution — The State University Founded — Georgia Enters the Union- George Washington's Visit— The Tazoo Fraud — Georgia's New Seal — Georgia Cedes Territory to the Union — Three Distinguished Georgians Pass Away — The War of 1812 — Mississippi and Alabama Admitted — The Indians Refuse to Concede More Lands— Gov. Troup's Administration— Death of Mcintosh— Gov. Troup's Re-elec tion and Gen. Lafayette's Visit — Gov. Forsyth's Administration — Gov. Gilmer's Admin istration — The Cheroltees Refuse to Give up Their Country — Gov. Lumplcin's Admin istration — Indian Difficulties Renewed — The Cherokee Indians Removed — Gov. Schley's Administration and the Creek War— Gov. Gilmer's Second Election— Gov. McDonald's Administration — Gov. Crawford's Administration and the Mexican War — Administra tion of Gov. Towns and the Slavery Question— Gov. Cobb's Administration— Gov. John son's Administration — Gov. Brown's Election — Gov. Brown's Re-election and the Begrin- ning of Hostilities — Georgia Passes the Ordinance of Secession — Organization of the Confederacy— Fort Sumter Taken— The War Between the States — Gen. Sherman's March to the Sea and the Fall of Atlanta— Last Days of the Confederacy- The Era of Reconstruction — Gov. Jenkins Goes into Exile, Taking with Him the Great Seal- Restitution of the Great Seal— Gov. Colquitt's Administration— Re-election of Gov. Col quitt — ^Election of Alex. H. Stephens and His Death — Gov. Gordon's Administration — Administration of Gov. Northen. Page 17 CHAPTER n. Military History— Troubles with Spain- Difficulties with Indians — Oppressions of the Mother Country— Georgia Becomes Aggressive— Governor Flees— New Constitution la Drafted— Plan of Military Organization— Opening of the War— Events in Georgia — Under the Confederation— War of 1812— Revision of Militia Laws— War with Creelc Indians — ^Mexican War— Territorial Difficulties — Secession Agitation — Military Organi zation in 1860— Seizure of United States Forts — Secession Convention— Preparations for the Struggle — Beginning of Hostilities— Defense of Georgia— Federal Blockade— The iv CONTENTS. Year 1862— Capture of Fort Pulaski- The State Army— Emancipation Proclamation- Fort McAllister- Events of 1863— Chickamauga— Chattanooga— Campaign Against Atlanta— Hood Supersedes Johnston— Fall of Atlanta— Sherman's March to the Sea. Page. .80 CHAPTER HI. Industrial Resources— Agriculture— Cultivation of Silk— The Soils of Georgia— The Crops of Georgia— Manufacturing in Georgia— Silk Production in Georgia— General Manu factures-Manufactures in Georgia by Counties in 1860— Growth of Cotton Manufacture in Georgia Since 1860— Comparative Table of Manufactures, 1860-1890- Lumber and Naval Stores— Woods of Georgia— Health-Giving Properties of Georgia Lumber— Tellow Pine— Shipment of Stores— The Minerals and Mineral Resources of Georgia— Geological Character of the State— Minerals Occurring in Georgia— Rocks— Economic Minerals In Workable Quantities- Raw Minerals— Economic Minerals — Limonite— The Brown Iron Ores of Polk County— Brown Iron Ores in Floyd County— The Brown Iron Ores of Bartow County— Brown iTon Ores of Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Chattooga, Walker and Dade Counties— Cedartown and Fish Creek Ores— Etna Ores— Deaton Mine — Magnetite — Lead — Copper — Silver — Gold — Ochers — Barite — Asbestos — Coal — Pyrite — Manganese — Magnesia — Phosphates — Gypsum — Graphite — Mica — Corun dum-Talc— Sandstone and Sand— Flagstones— Slates— Marble — Gilmer County— Pickens County — Cherokee County — The Semi-Crystalline Marbles of Northwest Georgia — Mur ray County — Whitfield County — Floyd County — Marble Dressing Works — Clays — Granite. Page 148 INDEX TO PERSONAL SKETCHES. Page. Aaron, Daniel M 471 Abbott, Benjamin F 695 Adair, George W 696 Adair, A. D 698 Adams, Z. T 409 Adamson, G. R 409 Addington, James T. MoD 285 Addy, Wesley W 517 Aiken, Frank D 974 Akerman, Amos T 286 Allen, John T 260 Allen, George D 320 Allen, Robert H 998 Allen, Alexander A 1056 Alexander, Philemon W. 312 Alexander, James F 699 Allgood, Andrew P 453 Almond, George L 626 Amorous, Martin F 700 Amster, Dr. Ludwig 701 Anderson, J. W 449 Anderson, James W 518 Anderson, Reuben S 578 Anderson, Robert N 613 Angler, Nedom L 702 Angler, Edgar A 703 Archer, James M 1026 Armstrong, William S 703 Arnall, William T 519 Arnold, Hugh M 520 Arnold, McAlpin 627 Arnold, Reuben 705 Arnold, W 974 Arrington, T. N 376 Ashbum, W. W 597 Ashe, William 278 Ashley, William C 313 Askew, B. H 253 Askew, William S 520 Atkinson, W. T 521 Atkinson, Henry M 706 Atkinson, John C 967 Atwater, Henry L 707 Avera, Alexander 972 Ayer, William F 659 'Ayres, Austin 1043 Bachlott, John R 393 Bacon, Augustus 0 321 Bagley, William H..' 452 Bailey, R. B 511 Baird, James B 708 Baker, Thomas N 603 Baldwin, Abraham 249 Barnes, James J 709 Barnett, William S 523 Page. Barron, Robert B 322 Bartlett, Charles L 323 Bass, William C 324 Bass, Charles L 1012 Bass, A. S 1027 Battey, Robert 660 Baumgartner, R. C 975 Baxter, John S 325 Baxter, Moses J 410 Baxter, Richard B 1028 Bazemore, William J 450 Beall, R. A 1029 Beattie, David A 709 Beavers, Reuben C 396 Beazley, John S 287 Beck, Jedemiah J 388 Beck, L. H 710 Bedgood, Richmond A... 603 Beerman, Charles 711 Bell, Thomas 460 Bell, J. B 628 Bell, Hiram P 683 Bellingrath, Albert 712 Benedict, Samuel 471 Benedict, Samuel C 472 Benford, James H. L 411 Benson, Chas. F 712 Berrien, John McP 245 Berry, William B 523 Beysiegel, William B 660 Bibb, William M 247 Bigbee, James N 489 Bigby, John S 7 Page. Boynton, H. A 718 Bradwell, Samuel D 473 Branch, M. J 512 Brand, Charles H 99S Brand, L. M 999 Brandon, William 289 Brandon, Morris 719 Brannon, William A 525 Brannon, S. M 1056 Brantley, W. G 975 Bray, Wellborn M 720 ^rewster, P. H 721 Brewster, Gary S 723 ^riggs, George R 508 Brock, Benjamin T 571 Brooke, George W 461 Brotherton, William H.. 723 Brown, Joseph E 235 Brown, S. J 413 Brown, W. F 413 Brown, D. H 526 Brown, S. B 608 Brown, Thomas A 645 Brown, James L 688 Brown, Julius L 724 Brown, Thomas A 972 Brown, William J 1044 Brown, Andrew B 1075 Brown, John G 1089 Browne, William 290 Brownson, Nathan 227 Broyles, Edwin N 726 , Edward H 516 Biggs, P. D --"975 Birch, Edmund P 397 Bishop, James 598 Bishop, Thomas L 714 Bizzell, Benjamin W 714 Black, John J 661 Bleckley, Logan E 715 Block, Aleck 326 Blanton, William M- 524 Boardman, Arthur E 327 Boggs, Wiliam E 472 Bonner, George A 412 Booth, Wiley 499 Bow'doin, Joshua W 288 Bowen, Caleb P 614 Bowen, W. L. L 1030 Bower, B. B 583 Bowers, William P 686 Bowers, William M 6S7 Boyd, P. E 388 Boyd, W. W 718 Boyett, John H., Jr 584 Boynton, JefCerson L 388 . TiS- — Bryan Buck, Edward A 509 Buck, Alfred B 728 BuUai-d, Thomas J 399 Bulloch, Archibald 225 Bulloch, William B 249 Bullock, Ruf us B 730 Bunt, O. D 414 Burden, W. H 733 Burdine, William B 579 Burford, R. E. L 976 Burford, Hugh 976 Burge, William T 291 Burke, John W 327 Burke, Thomas C 328 Burke, W. P 376 Burke, J. F 735 Burnett, Wiley B 475 Burns, James W 414 Burroughs, William B . . . 977 Burt, A. J 1057 Burtz, Levi P 461 Burtz, Jesse M 482 Bush, M. M 982 VI INDEX. Page. Cabaniss, George A 736 Calhoun, A. B 526 Calhoun, William L 738 Callaway, John A 260 Camp, John L 400 Camp, George H 502 Camp, Edmond N 527 Camp, G. B 527 Camp, Arthur P 528 Candler, William B 415 Candler, Milton A 739 Candler, John S 740 Candler, Allen D 1018 Carling, Thomas J 328 Carlisle, John 1057 Carmical, George H 528 Carmioal, W. W 529 Carmichael, Patrick 530 Carr, Josiah 1031 Carter, Robert P 1058 Cartlidge, G. H 688 Cater, L. F 1089 Chamberlin, B. P 744 Champion, John 1 565 Chancey, James B 623 Chancey, Brinkley 623 Chappell, J. Harris 260 Charles, Melvin J 1020 Charlton, Robert M 247 Chastain, Judson R 646 Cheney, Winslow D 392 Chesnut, S. J 585 Childs, Julius A 746 Clark, Matthew 598 Clark, Hamilton 599 Clark, Harlow 599 Clark, Reuben G 661 Clarke, John 231 Clarke, Marshall J 746 Clay, Alexander S 503 Clayton, Augustine S . . . . 252 Clements, Allen C 313 Cleveland, A. J 628 Cleveland, Thomas P 748 Cline, Peter J 261 Cobb, Howell 234 Cobb, Thomas W 244 Cobb, Thomas R. R 251 Cobb, Andrew J 749 Cock, Benjamin P 530 Coffee, John A 1090 Coggins, Alfred B 462 Colcord, J. T 600 Cole, Robert D., Sr 531 Cole, Matthew 532 Cole, J.R 533 Coleman, W. A 416 Coleman, James A 639 Coleman, Elisha J 640 Coleman, Blnathan W... 968 Coleman, W. N 1031 Collier, Charles A 750 Colley, M. N 524 Collins, James R 750 Colquitt, Alfred H 240 Page. Colquitt, Walter T 244 Conley, Benjamin 237 Connor, James J 292 Conyers, Bennett J 751 Cook, Philip 752 Cooper, Thomas J 262 Cooper, Henry T 614 Cooper, Hunter P 754 Cooper, John T 755 Copeland, Edward A 994 Copeland, Henry J 1084 Cordle, Frank 454 Corput, Pelix 662 Couch, M. H 534 Courtney, John C 757 Cox, William R 329 Cox, Jesse 1058 Crankshaw, Charles W.. 756 Crawford, George W 233 Crawford, William H 240 Crawford, Martin J 251 Crawford, Belton 0 293 Crawford, John 293 Crawford, Henry P 416 Crawford, John R 475 Crawford, W. D. R 490 Crawford, Sarah Jane 512 Crawford, Levi B 646 Creel, Elisha 417 Crichton, Logan McL 758 Crovatt, A. J 982 Crowe, Walter A 758 Cruger, N. J 609 Crump, Elijah 689 Culpepper, John P., Sr. .. 417 Culver, John L 1032 Cumming, Alfred 663 Cunningham, Matthew M 294 Curry Family 586 Cutcher, Leonidas G 647 Cuthbert, Alfred 247 Dabney, William H 663 Daniel, Charles P 652 Dart, P. Willis 509 Dart, Horace 983 Dart, E. M 984 Davenport, Adam 648 Davidson, Columbus 1059 Davie, Prank T 1020 Davis, Arthur 295 Davis, William A 329 Davis, Thomas R 491 Davis, J. Lem 1059 Davis, James B 1075 Dawson, William C 246 Deadwyler, M. P 628 De Give, Laurent 759 Dempsey, Thomas J 385 Denny, Richard A 664 Denmark, Thomas 1 378 Dent, William J 566 Denton, David 973 Derry, Joseph T 331 Dessau, Washington 331 Page. Dickenson, S. H 587 Dickson, William S 1033 Dickson, David 1034 Divine, Kinsman C 760 Dolvin, John T 935 Donnelly, James 572 Dorminy, D. D 314 Dorough, James H 604 Dorsey, Rufus T 761 Poughtry, David T ...... . 604 DuBose,CharlesW 1034 Du Bignon, Charles 263 Du Bignon, J. B 984 Dukes, William B 516 Duncan, John B 615 Duncan, John T 616 Duncan, John W 763 Dunlap, Samuel S 331 Dunn, James 248 Dunn, Thomas J 389 Dupree, Oliver R 648 Early, Peter 230 Earnest, John G 764 Eaves, C. C 1044 Edenfield, Henry C 640 Edenfield, Ephraim A.... 640 Edge, John M 616 Edwards, John M 263 Edwards, P. G 609 Elbert, Samuel 228 Ellington, Coke A 969 Ellis, Henry 224 Ellis, Pearson 60.5 Ellis, W. D 765 Ellis, Joe L 1091 Ellison, Adger S 1060 Emanuel, David 230 English, James W 767 Bnnis, Charles W 264 Brskine, John 769 Erwin, Alexander S 476 Brwin, George Phillips.. .1014 Espy, John F 999 Evans, Samuel 265 Evans, John P 27S Evans, Clement A 773 Everett, W. S ; 777 Ewen, William 223 Pain, John N 778 Parmer, J. J 535 Peatherston, Charles N.. 664 Felder, Thomas B., Jr.... 779 Felton, Wm. H., Jr 332 Pew, William 250 Fiedler, P. M 418 Field, John W 463 Pitten, John A 779 Pitts, W. W 419 Portson, S. H 629 Poster, Moses R 400 Forsyth, John 232 Freeman, H. L 536 Pi-eeman, Matthew R 333 Fuller, Judson T 419 Fuller, Jones C 536 INDEX. VU Page. Puller, Francis A 991 Futch, Reuben 314 Putch, J. H 390 Gable, James L 653 Gaillard, L D 665 Gaines, John L 1021 Gaines, F. M 1070 Gairdner, Henry K 630 Garlington, Thomas R . . . 665 Gamer, James F 1044 Garrett, William J 780 Gaston, J. McF 780 Gaulden, Charles S 381 Gauldipg, William 1045 Gay, Allen M 420 Gentry, William T 783 George, John B 390 Gerdine, John 477 Gibson, Joel W. T 537 Giddings, Charles G 784 Gilmer, George R 232 Gilmer, William B 334 Glenn, Gustavus R 335 Glenn, WiUiam C 785 Glenn, John T 786 Glower, William T 654 Gober, Newton N 788 Godwin, WiUiam M 609 Goldin, W. F 1045 Goode, Samuel W 789 Goodman, John C 314 Goodman, S. C 1060 Goodwin, John B 790 Gordon, WiUiam M 337 Gordon, John B 791 Goss, I. H 477 Grady, Henry W 792 Graham, J 537 Grandy, Luther B 793 Grant, Lemuel P 793 Grant, ^ohn T 795 Grantland, Seaton 265 Gray, Hosea 538 Gray, James R 796 Gray, J. M 1091 Green, Joseph H 593 Green, John M 798 Green, Robert E 1022 Greenwood, Thomas M.. 649 Greer, Thomas F 970 Gross, G. V 799 Grieve, Miller 266 Griffin, James P 420 Griffin, R. L 421 Griffin, Isaiah 588 Grimsley, Joseph B 492 Grimsley, Jerry W 493 Grogan, J. H 631 Grow, S. E 421 Gueiry, Dupont 335 Gunn, M. A 991 Gunn, John M 992 Gunnells, J. D 279 Guthrie, Rufus E 685 Gwinnett, Button 225 Page. Habersham, James 224 Habersham, Joseph 250 Hagan, Hugh 800 Hale, William C ."804 Hall, Lyman 226 Hall, Mcintosh M 509 HaU, J. Frank 622 Hall, Albert S. J 650 Hall, John 1 801 Hamilton, David B 666 Hamilton, George R 1046 Hammond, T. R 390 Hammond, Levi P 667 Hammond, William R... 804 Hammonds, Peter 295 Hand, L H 254 Handley, George 228 Hanleiter, C. R 802 Harban, Balaam 579 Harbin, W. R 992 Hardee, William J 251 Hardeman, John L 338 Hardeman, Thomas, Jr... 340 Hardon, Virgil 0 806 Harley, James A 1036 Harley, Reuben B 1037 Harman, Arthur D 422 Harp, William N. T 654 Harper, Charles R 268 Harrell, W. W 588 HarreU, John D 589 Harris, Iverson L 268 Harris, Sampson W 423 Harris, Caleb J 539 Harris, Nathan 0 807 Harris, Joel C 808 Harris, James M 1038 Harrison, WiUiam R 493 Harrison, John W 494 Harrison, Z. D 809 Harrison, George W 810 Hart, John C 995 Hartley, William G 567 Harvey, M. P 401 Harvey, John P 985 Haslam, William M 605 Hawkins, William G.... 269 Hawley, Richard 227 Hayes, Joshua J 494 Head, James R 1046 Heard, Stephen 227 Hearn, Charles W 1076 Hemphill, William A 811 Henderson, Robert H 655 Hendrick, Alford G 1077 Hendrick, Martha S 1077 Hendrix, John C 811 Henry, William M 668 Herman, Ellas 600 Herndon, Joel J 539 Herrington, Alfred 641 Hester, John T 610 High tower, Thomas J 812 Highto wer, John D 1077 Hilburn, William J 296 Page. Hill, Benjamin H 242 Hill, Joshua 244 Hill, Charles D 813 Hill, William P 815 Hill, William F 970 HlUlard, William A 1070 HlUyer, George 815 Hines, James K 818 Hirsch, Joseph 819 Hitchcock, Robert B 1046 Hobbs, Arthur G 821 HockenhuU, John 684 Hodnett, George P 540 Hogan, Hamilton 423 Hoge, Samuel C 351 Holcombe, John K., Jr. . . .1047 Holman, William S 478 Holmes, Joses B. S 821 Holt, William P 351 Hood, E. C 1061 Hook, James S 823 Hopkins, John L 825 Home, Henry 352 Horsley, William J 391 Hosklnson, James H 669 Houser, Henry 580 Houser, John A 1092 Houseworth, John 424 Houston, John 226 Houston, Washington J. 593 Howard, Charles W 296 Howel, Theodore F 669 Howell, Evan P 826 Howell, Clark 827 Hoyt, WiUiam D 671 Hudson, C. 1 1062 Hudspeth, B. F 253 Huff, William A 352 Huffaker, L N 993 Hughes, Daniel G 353 Hulme, George H 479 Hulsey, W. H 828 Humphries, J. R 504 Hunnicutt, John A 479 Hunnlcutt, Calvin W.... 830 Hunt, A. J 1047 Hunter, Fielden P 541 Hurt, Charles D 832 Hutcheson, Arthur 425 Hutcheson, Joseph 541 Hutcheson, R. 3 1048^ Hutchins, Miller B 831 Hutchins, Nathan L 1000 Hutchins, Nathan L 1000 Hutchins, G. R 1048 Hutchinson, Benjamin 540 Huzza, Thomas H 833 'Inman, Samuel M 833 Inman, Hugh T 834 Irwin, Jared 228 Iverson, Alfred 248 Jackson, James 229 Jackson, R. Housan 1078 Jacoway, John P 573 James, W. A 617 VIU INDEX. Page. James, Joseph S 617 James, Wiley 1049 Jarnagin, William C 835 Jelks, E. A 382 Jenkins, Charles J 237 Jenkins, James C 836 Jenkins, John F 1062 Jemigan, S. J 997 Jeter, William A 354 Jewett, Henry L 355 Johnson, Herschel V 235 Johnson, James 248 Johnson, John J 299 Johnson, Rowan B 500 Johnson, John D 543 Johnson, W. W. 567 Johnson, Lindsay 672 Johnson, J. Lindsay 673 Johnson, George B 836 Johnson, Joseph H 837 Johnson, John M 839 Johnson, William, Jr 1049 Johnston, William B 357 Johnston, J. Marshall... 357 Johnston, William McE . . 358 JoUey, Levi D 298 Jones, Robert H 298 Jones, C. M 300 Jones, Samuel P 301 Jones, W. H 514 Jones, J. P 542 Jones, Thomas F 624 Jones, J. B., Sr 631 Jones, J. H 632 Jones, A. R 690 Jones, George H 839 Jones, George H 1001 Jones, Thomas J 1038 Jones, Willis 1063 Jones, Christopher C 1063 Joyner, James H 568 Joyner, W. R 840 Karver, Henry A 610 Kell, John McI 841 Kelley, W. W 426 Kelley, James M 605 Kelley, Joe W 1050 Kemp, J. W 610 Kendrick, Ruffin T 315 Kendrick, WiUiam S 842 Key, T. T 1003 Kibbee, Charles C 358 Kidd, J. T 256 Kimball, H. 1 843 Kincald, James G 464 King, John P 246 King, Adoniram S 464 King, Alexander C 844 Kirk, Elijah 1051 Kitchens, Seaborn 973 Kitchens, Robert L 973 Knight, John G .316 Knight, Henry H 316 Knott, James J 846 Knowles, Clarence 847 Page. KoUock, WiUiam W 1014 Kontz, Anton L 848 Kontz, Ernest C 849 Lamar, Lucius Q. C 270 Lamar, Lucius Q. C 360 Lamar, Henry J 361 Lamar, MuUer D 1015 Lamb, Thomas W 985 Lamb, John P 986 Lamkin, James A 513 Lane, Joseph P 624 Lane, John H 1079 Langston, N. J 1051 Lassetter, J. R 426 Lassetter, J. W. G 427 Latham, Joseph L 402 Latimer, James R 1051 Lawshe, Er 850 Leach, W. A 544 Ledbetter, H. A 257 Leigh, Thomas 544 ILef twitch, Thomas J 851 (Lemon, James L 505 Leonard, Thomas K 391 (Lewis, James T 655 Lewis, John R 851 Linch, William D 545 Linder, T. J 1071 Lindsay, John 568 Liner, Miles W 1052 Little, W. R 690 Livermore, Daniel H 853 Lockhart, Vincent D 280 Long, R. L. Y 546 Long, N. G 633 Longstreet, James 1022 Lorch, Jacob 611 Love, Williard H 316 Love, William A 853 Loveless, T. J 1052 Lovvorn, W. D 427 Lowe, William B 855 Lowe, Henry L 1064 Lowry, Charles 303 Lowther, Samuel H 601 Lucas, WUHam H 304 Lucas, Daniel McD 656 Lumpkin, Wilson 232 Lumpkin, Edwin K 480 Lumpkin, Thomas J 574 Lumpkin, J. H 856 Lumpkin, Samuel 858 Lumpkin, Mary F lOSO Lyle, F. M 1053 Lyon, Patterson H 465 McBride, J. M 1053 McBurney, Edgar P 858 McCain, B. J 432 McCall, John G 383 McCalla, John W 634 McConnell, J. P 675 McCord, Joseph A 859 (McCormick, Henry J 305 McDaniel, G. A 432 McDaniel, Marion 513 Page. McDaniel, John J 1004 McDonald, Charles J 233 McDonald, William S.... 546 McDonnell, W. H 1064 McElroy, S. T 1004 McGarity, John C 433 Mcintosh, Lachlan 252 MoKenzie, Daniel 691 McKinney, Thomas S 650 McLaws, La Fayette 249 McMahon, John J. C 485 McMillan, Malcolm J.... 317 McMuUan, J. H 1072 MoMuUan, Thomas L 1072 McMuUan, A. J 1073 McPhergon, C. L 1053 McRae, Floyd W 860 MoWhirter, A. J 280 McWhorter, Eliphalet A. 394 Maddox, John W 674 Malone, William H.. 435 Manahan, Manning W 860 Mann, William B 451 Marsh, Edwin W 863 Marshall, J. W 569 Martin, John 227 Martin, D. R 428 Martin, W. E. E 547 Martin, Edmund W 861 Mathews, George 229 Mattox, Lucius C 500 Mattox, Clark 634 Mayson, Asbury S 595 Mell, Patrick Hues 480 MeU, Thomas S 482 Melson, William H 1080 Merry, H. A 515 Mershon, M. L 986 Mettauer, Henry A 363 Meyerhardt, Max 675 Middlebrooks, J. T 1039 Middlebrooks, Henry L..1040 Middlebrooks, J. A 1065 Middleton, D. Spencer 573 Milledge, John 230 Milledge, John 863 Millen, Alfred C 386 MiUer, John I lOSO Miller, Alexander M 363 Miller, H. V. M 865 Milton, Pinkney H 971 Mitchell, David B 230 Mitchell, WiUiam A 547 Mitchell, Tandy K 1006 Mize, Columbus L 692 Mobley, J. M 1065 Monroe, Lorenzo D 391 Monroe, Virgil D 581 Moody, John T 867 Moon, J. C 1067 Moore, James D 429 Moore, James P 429 Moore, WiUiam A 510 Moore, John J 642 Moore, Archibald A...... 645 INDEX. IX Page. Moore, William A 867 Moore, J. W 1040 Moore, C. G 987 Morgan, John P 548 Morgan, Benjamin F 1054 Morris, C. C 430 Morris, Sylvanus 482 Morrow, H. L 430 Moses, Charles L 549 Moses, Luther T 549 Moss, Rufus L 483 MuUenix, John M 1016 Munnerlyn, C. J 590 Murphey, M. E -isi Murphy, Anthony 868 Murrow, John 317 Mynatt, Pryor L 870 Myrick, J. W 363 Nash, Joseph Van H.... 871 Neal, Thomas A 281 Neal, Thomas B 871 Neel, William J 676 Neese, L. P 403 Nelms, N. H 692 Nelson, Levi B 872 Nelson, William N 1084 Nesbitt, Robert T 874 Neves, James C 495 Nevin, Mitchel A 677 Newman, Howard W 466 Newman, William T 875 Newman, Tobias 987 Nickerson, Reuben 484 Nicolson, William P 877 Nisbet, Eugenius A 364 Nisbet, Robert A ,?66 Nisbet, James C 576 Nixon, Joseph J 403 Nixon, Wiley 433 Noble, G. H 877 Nolan, Q. R 1085 ¦Norcross, Jonathan 879 Norman, Jephtha W 1073 Norris, J. T 256 Northen, William J 879 Ogg, Charles D 988 Oglesby, D. P 635 Oglethorpe, James How ard 223 Ogletree, William T 434 Oliver, W. C 281 Olmstead, John C 883 Orme, Francis H 884 Orme, Joseph T 886 Orr, I. N 550 Owens, John W 1017 Pace, W. W 611 Paine, W^alter 269 Palmer, Howard E. W . . . 887 Palmer, John T 989 Palmer, Joseph 1093 Palmour, John 581 Park, Robert E 367 Parker, Henry 223 Parker, Henry G 435 Page. Parks, Hugh B 677 Parks, Willis B 888 Parks, A. H 1074 Parrott, George W 889 Pate, Redding H 606 Pate, Madison D 993 Patillo, W. P 890 Patten, William L 318 Patterson, WiUiam H 890 Payne, John W 466 Payne, George P 891 Payne, J. Carroll 893 Peace, John N 306 Pearce, Haywood J 1025 Pearson, J. T 1067 Peck, John C 894 P.eeples, Henry B 318 Peeples, Henry C 895 Pendleton, John T 896 Pepper, Mulf ord M 678 Perkins, Robert 550 Perkins, Mioajah T 1017 Perry, J. 0 258 Perry, Benjamin P 467 Peters, Alvin B 517 Peters, Edward C 897 Peterson, Josiah S 897 Phinizy, B 484 Plant, I. C 369 Poole, W. H 618 Pope, J. B 485 Pound, BUB 386 Powell, Theophilus 0 270 Powell, William E 591 Powell, Richard H 624 PoweU, Thomas S 899 Price, Sylvester B 370 Prince, Oliver H 247 Pritchett, P. P 436 Pullen, Henry T 259 Putnam, A. T 989 QuiUian, H. P 282 Rabun, WiUiam 231 Rachel, Pleasant W 1041 Ragsdale, William M 596 Randall, Ira W 693 Ransom, William M 455 Ransone, Julien 370 Ramspeck, George A 596 Read, Charles A 901 Redwine, J. 0 1054 Red wine, John E 1023 Reece, John H 678 Reed, John C 902 Reed, Wallace P 903 Reid, Henry W 437 Reid, Harry M 904 Rentz, Edward P 643 Reynolds, John 224 Rice, Frank P 907 Richards, William G 913 Richardson, John 393 Richardson, Edward H.. 904 Richardson, Francis M.. 914 Richardson, Moses 1007 Page. Ridley, Robert B 915 Riley, A. C 1094 Roberts, Charles A 392 Roberts, David M 602 Roberts, WiUiam T 619 Robertson, Ulof 0 916 Robins, John B 917 Robinson, James N 404 Robinson, Albert C 437 Robison, W. R 273 Romare, Paul 917 Roop, John K 438 Roop, Martin 438 Roop, George W 439 Root, Sidney 918 Root, John W 921 Roper, Amos 582 Ross, WiUiam H 371 Ross, James T 372 Rosser, Luther Z 923 Rosser, Egbert B 924 Roundtree, Joshua R 643 Rountree, A. J 377 Roy, Gustavus G 924 "Roy, Charles D 926 Rucker, J. H 486 Rucker, Tinsley W 926 Rudicil, Robert Y 456 Rudolph, John J .394 Russell, Moses R 439 Russell, A. C 551 Ryals, James G 306 Ryan, Frank T 927 Sandef ord, John S 569 Sanders C. C 1023 Sanford, D. B 276 Sasser, W. W 552 Saterfleld, William T.... 469 Schley, WiUiam 233 Schofleld, Alonzo D 372 Schofleld, R. B 570 Sciple, George W 928 Scott, Joseph B 606 Scott, Henry P 929 Scott, Daniel W 1086 Scruggs, William L 931 Seay, John J... 679 Selman, J. L 620 Sharp, B. A 441 Sharp, John J. A 469 Sharpe, Edwin R 442 Shedden, Robert F 932 Shivers, Mark M 496 Shores, Henry T 552 Shropshire, Wesley 458 Sibbett, WiUiam P 510 Sikes, P. Frank 440 Simmons, T. J 933 Simms, John D 553 Simonton, Abner A 441 Sirmans, David J 501 Sirmans, Franklin B . . . . 501 Slaton, W. P 933 Slaton, John M 934 Smith, James M 238 INDEX. Page. Smith, Abner B 405 Smith, WiUiam R 517 Smith, Emanuel C 602 Smith, Robert L 651 Smith, Halstead 680 Smith, Alexander W 935 Smith, Burton 935 Smith, Hoke 937 Smith, W. T 1007 Smith, A. R 1024 Spearman, Wesley 1081 Speer, Emory ,373 Spence, William M 443 Spence, McAlvin H 1067 Stacy, James 554 Stafford, John D 554 StalUngs, WiUiam T 555 Standifer, WiUiam M 625 Standifer, WiUiam B 625 Stanford, Lycurgus L....1068 Starke, S. C 636 Starke, Henry P 938 Steed, Franklin H 406 Steed, J. E 407 Stephens, WiUiam 223 Stephens, Alexander H... 238 Stetson, James D 373 Stevens, Henry 274 Stevens, John H 275 Stevens, Walter C 275 Stevens, W. P 374 Stewart, Andrew P 939 Stewart, Andrew J 1055 Stiles, Joseph C 251 Stiles, William, H 252 Stovall, A. C 636 Strange, John E 283 Strickland, Colquitt 319 Strickland, Henry H 444 Strickland, John J 486 Strickland, Ansel 686 Strozier, Eugene P 607 Tait, Charles 246 Talbot, Matthew 231 Taliaferro, John 993 Talley, James W 319 Tanner, G. H 939 Tate, Edmund B 637 Tattnall, Josiah 230 Taylor, J. P 556 Taylor, WiUiam 556 Telfair, Edward 247 Terrell, Joseph M 941 Terrell, L. M 942 Thomas, WiUiam W 487 Thomas, John B 582 Thomas, C. H .391 Thomas, Gabriel L 651 Thomas, Lovick P 943 Thomas, Lewis W 944 Thomason, .Tames R 444 Page. Thompson, P. H 497 Thompson, Y. H 557 Thompson, Chester, Jr. . . 558 Thompson, WiUiam H...1069 Thomson, William S 607 Thomson, WiUiam S 945 Tift, Henry H 319 Tillman, D. N 445 Tindall, H. C 375 Tinsley, Philip 498 Tolbert, J. Thomas 446 Tomlinson, Moses 501 Tompkins, Henry B 946 Tompkins, Benjamin H..1082 Tompkins, Humphrey A. .1082 Toombs, Robert 243 Towns, George W 233 Trammell, Leander N 506 Trammell, Paul B 946 Treadwell, J. W 1041 Treutlen, John A 226 Tribble, L. N 693 Trimble, WiUiam W 307 Troup, George M 231 Trulock, Andrew J 592 TurnbuU, "V^Uer T 680 Turner, J. D 681 Turk, L. N 283 Tye, John L 947 Upchurch, John J 452 Van Epps, Howard 948 Van Goidtsnoven, Emile.. 950 Van Hoose, A. W 1024 Van Valkenburg, WiUiam B 395 Veach, J. M 308 Vickery, WiUiam 1074 Vincent, Aulsey A 309 Wade, John McG 625 Wade, Reube,n W 626 Walker, William H. T . . . 249 Walker, Freeman 246 Walker, John H 309 Walker, John H., Jr 310 Walker, James P 310 Walker, Randolph 310 Walker, WiUiam S 320 Walker, James B 558 Walker, Charles H 570 Walker, George W 1026 Wall, J. N 638 Wallace, Charles B 311 Walton, George 228 Walton, WiUiam T 515 Ward, .Tohn Elliott 252 Ward, Calvin A., Jr 510 Ware, Alexander F 607 Ware, Jame.s B 1083 Ware, Nicholas 247 Waring, George H 31 1 Webb, Caloway M 559 Page. Weddington, Alexander G 620 Welden, Elijah B 657 Wereat, John 226 West, Jahiel J 608 West, A. J 950 Westbrook, L. M 408 Westbrook, R. N 612 Westmoreland, Thomas P 951 Westmoreland, Willis F... 933 Westmoreland, George... 953 Whaley, James T 1042 White, John T 284 White, H. C 487 White, John R 488 White, James 489 Whitfield, Robert 277 Whitley, T. R 621 Whitner, John C 954 Wight, Edwin L 612 Wilcox, JefCerson 511 Wilcoxon, John B 560 Wilkins, Grant 959 Williams, Henry M 447 Williams, Robert J 644 Williams, James E 960 WilUams, WiUiam M 1055 Williamson, Jasper J 448 Wilson, James W 1010 Wimberly, Ezekiel H 1096 Winn, Samuel J 1010 Winn, Thomas E 1012 Winship, George. 962 Wolff, Bernard 963 Wood, James 0 285 Wood, Albert R 560 Wood, WiUiam J 562 Woods, Robert H -561 Woods, WiUiam S 562 Woodson, Stewart F 964 Woolsey, Isaac G 637 Wooster, George 638 Word, John H 448 Wright, Sir James 224 Wright, Young A 387 Wright, W. W 592 Wright, Seaborn 681 Wright, William A 965 Wright, G. W 990 Wright, J. B 990 WyUe, James R 966 Wynn, Obadiah 563 Wynn, Joseph H 564 Wynn, Frank A CS2 Yancey. Hamilton 6S3 Young, Pierce M. B 250 Yow. Richard D 694 Zacln-y. Charles T 1087 Zellers, William S 408 Zellars, Thomas E 564 INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Aiken, P. D 974 Allen, George D .320 Armstrong, W. S 703 Battles around Chatta nooga between 132-133 Battles around Atlanta between 136-137 Bishop, T. L 714 Bleckley, L. E 716 Bowen, W. L. L 1030 Brandon, Morris 719 Brown, Julius L 724 Buck, E. A 508 Bulloch, R. B 730 Burford, R. B. L 976 Burford, Hugh 977 Calhoun, A. B 526 Carter, R. P 1058 Cline, Peter J 261 Confederate position May 19 between 132-133 Courtney, J. C 757 Davis, Thomas R 491 Dorgey, R. T 761 Du Bignon, Charles 263 Du Bignon, J. E 984 Dukes, W. B 516 EngUsh, J. W 767 Evans, Clement A 80 Futch, Reuben 314 Goodman, J. C. . , 315 Grant, L. P 793 Page. Gress, G. V 799 HaU, M. M 509 Hammond, W. R 804 Hardeman, Thomas 340 Harris, Joel C 17 Harrison, W. R 493 Harrison, Z. D 809 Harrison, George W 810 HiU, C. D 813 Hillyer, George 815 Hood, J. B., beik'een 136-3.37 Hood, E. C 1061 Howel, T. F 669 Hunnicutt, C. W 830 Jeter, W. A 354 Johnston, J. B between 132-133 Jones, Sam 301 Joyner, W. R 840 Kontz, A. L 848 Lamb, T. W 9S5 Leonard, T. K 391 Lewis, John R 851 Longstreet, James between 136-137 Lowe, W. B 855 Lucas, W. H 304 Lumpkin, J. H 856 McCaU, J. G 383 McDaniel, G. A 432 Malone, W. H 435 Page. Martin, E. W 861 Mershon, M. L 986 Milledge, John 863 Mobley, J. M 1065 Moore, Charles G 987 Murphy, Anthony 868 Newman, T 988 Northen, W. J 148 Palmer, H. B. W 887 Peck, J. C 894 Plant, L C .369 PoweU, T. 0 270 PoweU, T. S 899 Rice, Prank P 907 Root, Sidney 918 Roy, G. G 924 Sibbett, W. P 510 Sherman, W. T between 132-133 Smith, Burton 935 Stanford, L. L 1068 Starke, H. F 938 Stevens, Henry 274 Talley, J. W 319 Thomas, L. W 944 Trammell, L. N 506 Walker, W. S 320 Westmoreland, T. P 951 Whitner, John C 954 Wright, Seaborn 681 Woodson, S. P 964 ^If^aveai^.^-A'Ct-m^Se:: ^ ^' MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA CHAPTER 1. BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. ¦CIVIL HISTORY— INCEPTION OP THE COLONY— GEN. OGLETHORPE'S PLAN- GEORGIA'S COLONIAL CHARTER- THE COLONY STARTS FOR THE NEW WORLD— TOMO-CHI-CHI— EARLY STRUGGLES— JOHN AND CHARLES WES LEY _ DIFFICULTIES WITH THE SPANIARDS — SLAVES INTRODUCED— UNDER THE BRITISH CROWN— ADMINISTRATIONS OP GOVS. ELLIS AND WRIGHT— THE EVE OF REVOLUTION— GEORGIA NO LONGER A ROYAL COLONY— IN THE REVOLUTION— SAVANNAH OCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH- STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDED— GEORGIA ENTERS THE UNION— GEORGE WASHINGTON'S VISIT— THE YAZOO FRAUD— GEORGIA CEDES TERRITORY TO THE UNION— WAR OP 1812— MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA ADMITTED- GEN. LA FAYETTE'S VISIT— THE CHEROKEES REFUSE TO GIVE UP THEIR COUNTRY— INDIAN DIFFICULTIES RENEWED— THE CHEROKEE INDIANS REMOVED— THE MEXICAN WAR— THE SLAVERY AGITATION— THE BEGIN NING OF HOSTILITIES— GEORGIA PASSES THE ORDINANCE OF SECESSION- ORGANIZATION OF THE CONFEDERACY— FORT SUMTER TAKEN— THE WAR BETWEEN THE STATES— GEN. SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA— LAST DAYS OF THE CONFEDERACY — THE ERA OF RECONSTRUCTION — GOV. JENKINS GOES INTO EXILE— RESTITUTION OF THE GREAT SEAL— ELEC TION OF ALEX. H. STEPHENS AND HIS DEATH. THE colony of Georgia was not conceived in the bold, adventurous spirit of enterprising individuals, who merely sought the gratification of their own selfish ends, but, on the contrary, in the sufferings of a large class of British subjects ; and the enterprise that culminated in a charter from the crown was the result of a legislative measure enacted for the relief of these sufferers. The colony of Georgia, therefore, was the only one of the original thirteen colonies along the Atlantic coast that derived its existence through the legislative functions of the government; and not only is this fact recalled with pride and pleasure by Georgians, but especially do they recall with satisfaction the feelings of kindness and humanity in which the enterprise originated. 1-2 lo MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. In order to fully comprehend the scope and nature of the movement that resulted in the colony of Georgia, it is necessary to review the hardships of the debtor class in England and the rise to prominence of their illustrious benefactor,. Gen. Oglethorpe, who espoused their cause in the house of commons. It was Gen. Oglethorpe who conceived the idea of compromising with their creditors and of giving them a fresh start in the new world. Under the rigid enforcement of the iron laws that governed the relationship existing between debtor and creditor the former class had become the objects of legislative persecution, and many were the distinguished victims who fell prey to this cruel injustice. If perchance a debtor was unable to meet his obligations, or varied even in the merest detail from the stipulations of his contract, he was rudely thrown in prison as a punishment for the crime imputed to him, and thus permitted to suffer without regard to the excuse rendered, or to such considerations as his physical health or social respectability. No discrimination was made by the law between the honest and the dishonest insolvent, and all who failed to meet its rigid requirements were treated as common thieves and placed on the same scale of criminal equality. Hundreds of the best men in England, representing the culture, genius and respectability of the king dom, were thus placed under the proscription of a law that blighted their reputation without good and sufficient reason. But this was not all; the operation of the law did not end with the public disgrace to which the hapless victim was upheld, but continued to oppress him within the walls of the prison. The rules by which these torture-dens of oppression were conducted ignored the religious atmosphere of England, and recalled the pre-historic days of barbarism and brutality. The jail officials were monsters of inhumanity, who were utterly deficient in both sense and sympathy. They were the mere hirelings of justice, who tortured the inmates of the prison with a grim delight that seemed to revel in the privilege of applying the lash. But these were scarcely better than the judges who disgraced the bench by the acceptance of bribes and costly presents, and who degraded justice inta mercenary traffic. This cruel order of things existed in England for a number of years, but happily for her subjects the obnoxious law was subsequently annulled,. and her prison life purified. This reign of terror is now recalled by Englishmen as perhaps the darkest blot on the fair page of their country's civilization. GEN. OGLETHORPE'S PLAN. A man whose strong sympathies made him the friead of the unfortunate debtor, and whose broad intellect speedily grasped the situation with a realizing sense of its injustice, was Gen. James Edward Oglethorpe, the founder of the colony of Georgia. Gen. Oglethorpe was an Englishman of noble birth and distinguished ancestry. He was born in the parish of St. James, Westminster, on June i, 1689, and was the third son of Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe. He received his early training at Oxford, after which he entered the military service, having acquired the martial instinct from his father, who was a distinguished officer under James II. His promotion in the army was rapid, and his signal courage displayed on the continent soon gave him a pronounced reputation for soldierly conduct both at home and abroad. On his return to England he succeeded to the family estate at Westbrook, and after a few years, in 1722, he was elected to the house of commons as a member from the county of Surrey. According to the records he was intrusted with the represen tation of this county for thirty-two years. At the beginning of his political career Gen. Oglethorpe evinced a decided feeling of sympathy for the unfortunate debtors, and his labors were chiefly devoted to the amelioration of their distresses. His CIVIL HISTORY. I9 avowed championship soon gave him a conspicuous place, and made him one of the prominent figures of the house of commons. As the result of this attitude Gen. Oglethorpe was made the chairman of a special committee to visit the prisons, and, after a thorough examination into their rules and regulations as they con cerned the care and treatment of inmates, to make a full report to the house, suggesting practical measures of reform. Gen. Oglethorpe performed his duty well, and as the result of this investigation of the prisons and his exposure of the manner in which they were conducted, he succeeded in convincing the government that a radical change was necessary and that speedy measures should be adopted for their purification. Thus engaged in the study of prison life in England, and especially of a method for relieving the unfortunate debtor who, though honestly insolvent, was made a victim of legal persecution, it occurred to Gen. Oglethorpe, as if by inspiration, that the fitting out of an expedition to the new world for the purpose of establishing a colony was the key to the situation. Convinced of the feasibility of his plan he lost no time in taking the preliminary steps. His attention was drawn to the lands lying between the Altamaha and the Savannah rivers as an excellent site for his contemplated colony. The British subjects in Carolina were anxious to secure a neighbor to the south of them in order to prevent the incursions of the Indians upon their territory, and to aid them in successfully defying these ruddy natives of the forest. Lord Percival was informed of this scheme by Gen. Oglethorpe, and other noblemen were taken into consultation. It was explained that the purpose of the expedition was not to relieve those who were righteously imprisoned for the repudi ation of their debts, nor for those who merely submitted to a brief imprisonment in order to secure an unmolested title to their shamefully acquired wealth. The object of the enterprise was simply to befriend the honest and worthy inmates of these prisons, who would demonstrate their desert of such clemency by the character of their exertions in the new world. Accordingly a memorial was addressed to the privy council in which the enterprise was fully stated. It was further urged that the care of these indigent debtors was a burden to the public, and that to colonize the better portion of them in America would not only be a relief to the treasury of the kingdom, but would give these debtors an opportunity to make a fresh start, besides strengthening the British possessions on the conti nent. The petitioners agreed to take a personal charge of the expedition, and to safely conduct the emigrant party to the lands that might be granted to them by tlie crown. They proposed to establish a plantation, to be owned and regulated by the government, in such a manner as the government might prescribe. The petition was favorably considered, and after passing through the usual channels, received the legal sanction, and a charter was accordingly framed by the advocates of the measure and signed by his majesty George II. on June 9, 1732. GEORGIA'S COLONIAL CHARTER. In substance the charter recited, by way of preliminary exposition, a full inventory of the reasons that were urged upon the crown in support of the enterprise of Gen. Ogletliorpe. The special reasons emphasized were those of establishing more firmly the British possessions in America, increasing the trade and wealth of the kingdom, and the necessary defense of the colony of South Carolina, exposed to the slaughter and depredation of the red men. The territory conveyed by the charter embraced all the lands "lying and being in that part of South Carolina, in America, from the northern part of a stream or 20 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. a river there commonly called the Savannah, all along the sea coast to the southward, unto the most southern stream of a certain other great water or river called the Altamaha, and westerly from the heads of the said rivers respectively in direct lines to the South seas ; and all that share, circuit and precinct of land within the said boundaries, with the islands on the sea lying opposite to the eastern coast of said lands, within twenty leagues of the same, which was not inhabited already or settled by any authority derived from the crown of Great Britain." It was further stipulated in the terms of the grant that a yearly sum of four shillings should be paid on each hundred acres of land which the corporation should grant, demise, plant and settle; but that no payment should commence or be made until ten years after such grant, demise, planting or settling; that the province should be designated by the name of Georgia, and that for a period of twenty-one years from the date of the charter the corporation should have power to enact laws for the government and regulation of the colony, not repugnant to the laws and statutes of England. The transaction of the ordinary affairs of the colony was lodged with the common council, and this body was given the power to receive and disburse the- moneys of the corporation ; to use the common seal in the execution of necessary contracts ; to nominate a treasurer, secretary and other important officers ; to fix salaries; and to administer oaths for the faithful performance of duty. The creation of this council was to obviate the difficulty of bringing together the entire corporation in carrying on the business of the colony. In consideration of the reasons for granting the charter the following named subjects were designated as members of the corporation, appointed by the crown: John, Lord Viscount Percival, of the Kingdom of Ireland, Edward Digby, George Carpenter, James Oglethorpe, George Heathcote, Thomas Tower, Robert Moor, Robert Hucks, Roger Holland, William Sloper, Francis Eyles, John Laroche, James Vernon, Wm. Beletha, Esqs., John Burton, Richard Bundy, Arthur Beaford, Samuel Smith and Adam Adamson, Gentlemen, and such other persons to be elected in the manner subsequently prescribed, to be known as "The Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America." Lord Percival was named as the first president of the corporation, and he was required to convene the corporators within thirty days for the purpose of getting ready for the expedition. A common council of fifteen was also designated by the ¦charter to transact business' in behalf of the corporation. Provision was made for subsequent additions to the council, and Edward Digby was selected as the first ¦chairman. In keeping with the unselfish and benevolent nature of the enterprise, both the president of the corporation and the chairman of the common council were for bidden to receive pay in compensation for their services either directly or indirectly. Each officer, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, was required to take a solemn and binding oath, obligating himself to perform the duties of his ¦office faithfully. An important duty enjoined upon the corporation, under the provisions of the ¦charter, was to present a written report each year, addressed to the proper officers of the crown, showing an itemized statement of all transactions and expenditures of money by the colony. The privilege of transporting British subjects to America was granted by the ¦charter, and also all foreigners who were willing to take the oath of allegiance and become true and loyal subjects of Great Britain. Religious Hberty was accorded to all who might avail themselves of the expedition, except the Catholics. In brief, without going into details, the charter provided for the comfort, proper CIVIL HISTORY. 21 maintenance and pi-otection of all who should join the emigrating party; and the privilege of taking with them agricultural implements, cattle, provisions, furniture, firearms, and munitions of war, in addition to such merchandise as they might need in carrying on negotiations with the natives, were all granted to the corporation in behalf of the colonists. It was further provided in the charter that, after the expira tion of twenty-one years, a new and substantial form of government should be adopted in heu of this provisional one. THE COLONY STARTS FOR THE NEW WORLD. A meeting was held by the corporation for the purpose of accepting the charter in July, 1732. This was followed by several others in rapid succession. The officers of the corporation as provided for in the charter were duly elected and qualified, and the Bank of England was selected as the custodian of all moneys subscribed in furtherance of the enterprise. It is important, as well as interesting, to observe in this connection, the character of the seal adopted. On one side of the instrument two figures were represented, each reclining against an urn from which issued a stream, signifying the two rivers that formed the upper and lower boundaries of the province in America. Each figure held in its hand a spade, suggestive of the agricultural employment that would engage the attention of the settlers. Above these figures was seated a goddess, who impersonated the genius of the colony, holding in her right hand a spear and in her left hand a cornucopia, signifying protection and plenty. In the background stood a tree, and above it was written this inscription: "Colonia Georgia Aug." The purpose of this face of the seal was to attest all deeds and commissions as well as to give proper authenti cation to legislative acts. The other face of the seal represented a lot of silk-worms with this engraving: "Non Sibi Sed Aliis," the literal meaning of this motto being "Not for Ourselves but for Others." This face of the seal was to be used for all grants, orders and certificates. It was thought at the time of the adoption of this seal that the cultivation of silk would be the controlling industry on account of the number of mulberry trees supposed to abound in the locality. The charter having been procured, a committee of citizens was appointed to bring the enterprise before the people and solicit contributions in behalf of the colony. The liberal sum of iio,ooo was donated by parliament, in addition to large subscriptions from private individuals and benevolent associations. Before the enterprise was fairly launched the heart of England was deeply stirred in behalf of the unfortunate class who had been so long the subject of discriminating legis lation. The offer of the trustees to defray the expenses of all who wished to embark for the new world, the permission of their creditors having been obtained, met with general acceptance on the part of the oppressed debtors, and many worthy foreigners, in addition to large numbers of poor people, were prevailed upon to join the expedition. They hstened to the glowing descriptions that were given to them of the new country, and their imaginations began to picture it as a land of peace and plenty in which they would have no occasion to revert to their former ills except to contrast them with their contented and happy lot In the regulations that were drawn up by the trustees each man was regarded as a planter and a soldier. He was not only charged with the cultivation of the soil but also with its defense and protection. It was adjudged that fifty acres of land would be sufficient for himself and his family and this was to be held by him as a military fief. It was provided that no African slaves should be introduced into the colony, but this provision was afterward rescinded. A number of regula tions were prescribed, in pursuance of the charter, including the tenure of land by 22 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. estates in tail, and for life only, in order to prevent confusion. The colonist had the privilege of naming his heir if he died without male issue. The lands were to be cultivated within a certain time or forfeited. By the time the expedition was ready to start the number of emigrants enrolled was one hundred and fourteen, including men, women and children. Gen. Oglethorpe waS appointed to command the expedition and to superintend the planting of the colony. A vessel was comfortably fitted up and provided with all the supplies that were needed for the voyage. In going with the emigrants Gen. Oglethorpe volunteered to bear his own expenses, and to give to the enterprise the unremitting service of his hands and heart. The last Sabbath in England was spent by the emigrants on the banks of the historic Thames. They held devotional exfercises and passed the day in prayer and meditation. On Nov. 17 the vessel weighed anchor and started on its watery journey. The name of the ship was the "Anne," commanded by Capt Thomas. It numbered thirty-five families and one hundred and thirty persons, including Gen. Oglethorpe, Dr. Henry Herbert, an Episcopal clergyman, and a man by the name of Amatis who was to instruct the emigrants in the cultivation of silk. The weather for the trip was unusually good, and the emigrant vessel reached Charleston Harbor on Jan. 13, 1733. Only two children died at sea. The other members of the party landed in safety. Gen. Oglethorpe and his crew were cordially received by the governor of South Carolina and pledges of hearty support and co-operation were extended to him. The next morning Gen. Oglethorpe returned to the "Anne" and set sail with his crew for Port Royal. Leaving the colonists at Beaufort he proceeded with Col. Wm. Bull to the Savannah river and explored that stream as far as Yamacraw bluff. His eye at a glance comprehended the situation, and he proceeded at once to mark off the new town and to give it the! name of Savannah. The height of the bluff was forty feet and extended for nearly a mile along the river. It was covered with pines, live-oaks and magnolias, and presented a beautiful and pleasing pros pect to the eye of the noble-hearted Englishman. The bluff extended for several miles to the west. It overlooked the broad expanse of the Carolina lowlands which contained the delta of the Savannah river and presented a gorgeous picture to the morning sun. TOMO-CHI-CHI, THE INDIAN CHIEF. In the immediate neighborhood of the spot on which Gen. Oglethorpe landed, and occupying a part of the bluff, stood an Indian village, and here lived Tomo- chi-chi, the aged chief or Mico of the Yamacraws. A Carolina trader by the name of Musgrove, whose wife was a half-breed Indian, had established a trading post with the natives, at this point; and before returning to his party Gen. Oglethorpe decided, if possible, to obtain communication with the old chief. He accordingly paid Tomo-chi-chi a visit for the purpose of securing his friendship in behalf of the colony, and to make known to the chief his own friendly intentions. Mary Musgrove, the wife of the trader, who was kindly disposed to Gen. Oglethorpe, acted as interpreter for them, and used her influence with the old chief to accom plish the purpose of the Englishman. At the beginning of the interview the Indian chief was disposed to be uneasy, but he was soon persuaded of the benefits to be derived from the immigration of the English, and was led to look upon it with extreme favor before the coversation was concluded. Having thus treated with the Yamacraws, Gen. Oglethorpe lost no time in retiirning to the emigrants who awaited him at Beaufort He conducted the CIVIL HISTORY. 23 <:olonists through a blinding and bitter storm to the bluffs on which he himself had landed a few weeks before ; and thus the early settlement of Georgia com menced. No time was lost by the colonists in transferring their supplies to land. They began to fell the trees and to busy themselves in the erection of rude huts for their provisional shelter and protection. They were greatly aided by volunteers who cam<; over from South Carolina to help them along until they could manage to plant the colony upon a secure foundation. Religious exercises were held by Gen. Oglethorpe in gratitude to God for the safe landing of the emigrants, after which he implored his followers to guard against the evils of intemperance and idleness, and to so conduct themselves as to be a blessing and not a curse to the red men. In laying off the streets of the new town. Gen. Oglethorpe was ably assisted by Col. Bull, and for that gentleman one of the streets was named. It is now the leading thoroughfare of Savannah and is beautified by many handsome monuments. For nearly a year Gen. Oglethorpe, as an evidence of his desire to share in the common hardships of the colony, occupied a rude tent on the bluff overlooking the Savannah river. Seated in his camp on Feb. lO, 1733, he indited his second letter to the trustees, in which he gave a full account of the expedition after leaving Charleston, and the circumstances connected with the landing. He described the situation minutely, enclosing a key to the town, and also letters from the governor and council of South Carolina. He also expressed his obligations to Col. Bull and others for a loan of servants in addition to their personal help. In his next letter, written the following month, Gen. Oglethorpe expressed his surprise at finding the province much larger than, he had supposed. He had measured the distance between the Savannah and the Altamaha rivers and found it to be 120 miles. He described the Indians and also the general features of the country, and closed by saying that old Tomo-chi-chi was a regular attendant at church, and had given his nephew to him to rear in the faith of the Christian religion. Gen. Oglethorpe was regarded by the settlers as a father to them, and they looked up to him not only with respect but with love and veneration. Having no machinery the work of building homes for the settlers proceeded slowly. One by one, however, the little frame houses began to rise, and the colonists with a pride in their new homes commenced to cultivate their sur rounding lots and, in the midst of a wild and cheerless country, to grow the bloom and beauty of an English civilization. In gratitude to the colony of South Carolina for the kind assistance extended to the emigrants Gen. Oglethorpe paid a visit to Charleston, and was received with a cordial demonstration. He expressed his gratitude, in behalf of the young colony, in a very graceful speech and pledged to South CaroHna, in all her undertakings, his hearty support and co-operation. The traditional account of the treaty between Gen. Oglethorpe and the old Mico, Tomo-chi-chi, is interesting. As soon as the colonists arrived, under the leadership of Gen. Oglethorpe, they were met on the bluff by the chief himself, in company of his wife and a retinue of Indians. In front of the chief advanced the medicine man, bearing in his hands a fan of white feathers, emblematic of the peace and friendship that would always exist between them under the terms of the treaty. The chief, at this time, was ninety-one years old, but he was still erect and possessed a commanding influence over the neighboring tribes. A convention of all the chiefs was subsequently called and, at the instance of Tomo-chi-chi, it was agreed that no harm should befall the colony as long as they could prevent it. In view of the perilous situation of the young colony, between the Spaniards on the south and the Indians to tha north and west, in addition to the hardships incident to pioneer life, the colony would' never have survived its infant struggles without the favor and 24 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. friendship of the red men; and both the wisdom of Gen. Oglethorpe and the- magnanimity of the old Indian chief deserve to be commended. EARLY STRUGGLES OP THE COLONY. The numerical strength of the colony was increased by the arrival of a new emigrant ship, the "James," bringing seventeen passengers in May, 1733. The ves sel was commanded by Capt Yoakley and contained a lot of additional supplies for the colony. The new emigrants were given a hearty welcome by the settlers. No uneasiness or alarm disturbed the peaceful life of the colony for several months. In wise provision, however, against the possibility of harm in the future, it was deemed prudent by Gen. Oglethorpe to begin the erection of a fort on the Ogeechee river at a point where the Indians usually crossed in carrying on their hostile relations with South Carolina. To the new military post he gave the name of Fort Argyle, in honor of his friend, the Duke of Argyle. A large number of families were immediately transferred from Savannah to this neighborhood for the purpose of strengthening the fortification. This was the second settlement made in Georgia. Fort Argyle was located near the mouth of the Ogeechee river about eighteen miles from Savannah. In the neighborhood of Savannah a number of small villages were started, but they lacked the concentration of strength that was needed to give them life and vigor, and hence they declined. As a further protection to the colony a small fort was erected at Thunderbolt on St. Augustine creek. A light-house was con structed on Tybee island and here also a guard was posted for security. As the number of emigrants increased, plantations were assigned to them along the several water courses in the neighborhood of Savannah and on the islands in the vicinity. On July 7, 1733, Gen. Oglethorpe called a meeting of the colonists for the purpose of giving names to the streets and parks, and also to make such divisions of the town as might serve to better advantage the purposes of govern ment. The town was divided into four wards: Percival, Decker, Heathcote and Derby, in honor of the friends of Gen. Oglethorpe, who assisted his enterprise and who belonged to the nobility. Each ward was subdivided into four tithings and to each of these appropriate names were given. The public square was called Johnson square, in honor of Gov. Johnson of South Carolina. To the streets running north and south the names of Abercorn, Drayton, Bull and Whitaker were given. The streets crossing at right angles were designated as Bay, Bryan and St. Julian. In the middle of Johnson square a large sun-dial was erected. This spot is now marked by a handsome shaft erected to the memory of Gen. Nathaniel Greene. The town lots were intended simply as sites for private dwellings. In addition to one of these town lots, sixty by ninety feet, each settler received a garden spot of five acres in the neighborhood and a farm containing forty-four acres and a fraction, making in all the total prescribed in the regulations of the colony. Judges were appointed and courts of justice established with the proper officers attached. A few days after this pubhc meeting, was held a colony of forty Jews landed at Savannah, having received the permission of the trustees. Much dissatisfaction was caused by their arrival, but the Jews were permitted to remain and they were soon absorbed into the life of the growing colony. The formal deeds conveying the requisite amount of property to each settler were executed in proper form on July 7, 1733. The next movement of Gen. Oglethorpe was to make a survey of the southern frontier of the province in order to form an "estimate of the defense needed to CIVIL HISTORY. 25 protect the colony against the Spaniards. To one of the islands on the coast below St. Simon he gave the name of Jekyll island, in honor of Sir Joseph Jekyll. During this expedition he selected sites for the future defenses of the frontier to which the names of New Wilderness and Frederica were given. Gen. Oglethorpe returned to Savannah greatly pleased with his trip. The funds for meeting the expenses of the colony were nearly exhausted by this time, but they were shortly replenished by a handsome appropriation from the general government. In the spring of 1734 a large colony of Salzburgers landed at Savannah on board the "Purisburg." These worthy settlers came from Germany, where they had been the objects of bitter persecution on account of their religion. They applied to the trustees and were given the privilege of coming to Georgia provided they would become true subjects of the British crown. The colonists were given a warm welcome by Gen. Oglethorpe, and after a few days they made a settlement in what is now Effingham county. To this settlement they gave the name of Ebenezer, in recognition of the fact that God had helped them. The Salzburgers labored under many disadvantages and were largely dependent upon the bounty of the trustees. In the following year they were reinforced by the arrival of a new colony of their persecuted fellow countrymen. Having been away from England for nearly fifteen months Gen. Oglethorpe decided to return home on a short visit. The colony was in a prosperous state and the frontiers of the province were well protected. He decided to carry with him old Tomo-chi-chi, his wife and nephew and five Indian chiefs, who gladly consented to make the trip with him. The trustees were delighted with the Indians and with the glowing account of Gen. Oglethorpe as to the growth and outlook for the young colony. The Indians were greatly amused and entertained by the revela tions of the new world into which they were ushered, and numerous presents were heaped upon them by their admiring friends of the nobility. During their stay in London a portrait of Tomo-chi-chi and his nephew was sketched by one of the leading artists of the kingdom. Gen. Oglethorpe was detained in England for several months after the departure of the Indians. He was engaged, however, in prosecuting the affairs of the colony, and was instrumental in sending over a colony of Swiss and Moravian settlers in January, 1735. These settled at Fort Argyle on the Ogeechee river. A colony of Scotch Highlanders was likewise sent over in the fall of the same year and located at New Inverness, on the Altamaha river. They gave to the district in which they settled the name of Darien. For the purpose of introducing two important measures for the welfare of the colony Gen. Oglethorpe temporarily resumed his seat in parliament. One of these measures was to prohibit the importation of intoxicating liquors into the colony, and the other the introduction of negro slaves. They were passed with the royal sanction but they failed to operate successfully, although wisely conceived. _ They served to place the colony at a great disadvantage, especially the prohibition of African slave labor, which was well adapted to the new and undeveloped country. New rules were adopted by the trustees for the regulation of the colony, which was fast growing and which called for important changes as experience and actual demonstration approved their expediency. JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY. The success of Gen. Oglethorpe in planting the colony of Georgia and the hardships which he voluntarily endured in order to promote his enterprise soon gained for him a reputation not only in Great Britain but throughout the Christian 26 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. world. His humane and liberal spirit, thus signalized by his success, became the toast of all Europe, and many sonnets were composed in honor of the illustrious soldier and statesman. Among the companions of Gen. Oglethorpe, on his return to America, were two young men whose names were destined to become associated with the growth of Methodism in Georgia, John and Charies Wesley. In order to accompany Gen. Oglethorpe on his return voyage John Wesley gave up his position as a fellow in Lincoln college, Oxford, and decided to endure the hardships incident to mis sionary work in the new world. His brother, Charles Wesley, desired to accompany him, and Gen. Oglethorpe agreed to make him his private secretary, and also the secretary of Indian affairs. Rev. Samuel Quincey, who had been the resident missionary in Georgia, failed to give satisfaction and his commission was revoked on Oct. lo, 1735. The vessel was delayed by adverse winds and it was not until Dec. 10 that the sails were lifted. It was a stormy and tempestuous voyage, but the trip was finally accomplished. Mr. Wesley was deeply impressed with the religious conduct of the German emigrants on board, and he immediately began the study of German in order to understand the character of these people more fully. On his return Gen. Oglethorpe found that much dissatisfaction had prevailed during his absence on account of the oppressive conduct of Thomas Causton, who was left in charge of the government. Under the direction of Gen. Oglethorpe, however, order was again restored. The Germans who came over with Gen. Oglethorpe were permitted to join their fellow countrymen at Ebenezer. On a subsequent visit to Ebenezer it was found that the colony was not prospering on account of the sterile condition of the land. Gen. Oglethorpe at first opposed a change of location, but the Salz burgers felt that a change was necessary, and in a short time the old settlement was abandoned for a new one near the Savannah river. The plan of the settlement was drawn by Gen. Oglethorpe and closely resembled that of Savannah. Shortly after his return Gen. Oglethorpe founded the colony of Frederica, on St. Simons island, at the mouth of the Altamaha river, named in honor of Frederick, Prince of Wales. This was in February, 1736. Here he constructed a fort and fixed his own place of residence. After commencing these military fortifications on the island Gen. Oglethorpe continued his tour of inspection. He visited all the new settlements and found them in a flourishing condition. Passing beyond Jekyll island he discovered a new body of land, to which he gave the name of Cumberland island in honor of the Duke of Cumberland. Here he located two forts, one on the northern extremity called Fort Andrews and one on the southern extremity called Fort Williams. This tour was of great advantage to Gen. Oglethorpe in his subsequent difficulties with the Spaniards, as it gave him a thorough knowledge of the country. Before leaving the colony on his return voyage to England Gen. Oglethorpe had given instructions to lay out a military post further up the Savannah river. The name of Augusta was given to this new town. The first settler was Roger de Lacey, an Indian agent. Gen. Oglethorpe's new secretary entered upon the discharge of his duties with zeal and earnestness, but he soon found that his lot was not a happy one, and a gradual estrangement sprung up between himself and Gen. Oglethorpe. The change was too decided for the young minister who was just from the cloisters, and who was accustomed to a more pronounced religious atmosphere than he found in the colony. A reconciliation, however, was afterward effected, though Mr. Wesley was never satisfied. In the summer of 1736 he resigned his com- CIVIL HISTORY. 27 mission, but Gen. Oglethorpe prevailed upon him to withdraw it. He returned to England, however, and his health declining, he was not permitted to cross the water. His resignation was tendered, therefore, and accepted. Mr. Wesley is the author of many familiar hymns that are sung to-day in the Christian world. It was Charies Wesley who suggested to Mr. Whitfield the establishment of an orphan asylum in Georgia. Rev. John Wesley, the more distinguished of the two brothers, and known as the founder of Methodism, began his missionary work among the Indians. He held his first interview with Tomo-chi-dhi on Feb. 14, 1736. The old chief explained to him that he was greatly perplexed by the French on the one hand and the Spaniards on the other, but he would be glad to call his people together. The chief was not impressed with the conduct of the white Christians, as they had been guilty of many acts that seemed to contradict their religion. Mr. Wesley was not encouraged by Ms work among the Indians. He was ignorant of their language and lacked the services of a good interpreter. He was, therefore, compelled to give up his work among them and devote his time to the Europeans. His labors in Savannah were characterized by intense zeal, and his sermons, though bold and vigorous denunciations, were marked by a peculiar eloquence, and hundreds flocked to hear him whenever it was known that he was going to preach. The first Sunday school in Georgia was organized by Mr. Wesley in Savannah, and in the weekly services that were held each Wednesday evening the germ of the Methodist church was planted. On account of Mr. Wesley's bold and fearless conduct in denouncing p,eople, and especially his attitude with reference to certain members of his congregation, charges were preferred against him and these proved very damaging to his reputation. Mr. Wesley was deeply grieved by the charges against him and he determined to quit the province. Accordingly on Dec. 24, 1737, he sailed for England, never to return. In his dealings with the Spaniards Gen. Oglethorpe was soon convinced of their hostile intentions. Accordingly he set out for England a second time in January, 1737. This was long before the troubles of Mr. Wesley commenced. The fortunes of the province began to waver at this time. The threatened invasion of the Spaniards which necessitated the return of Gen. Oglethorpe to England in order to procure arms and ammunition, and the hardships incident to pioneer life, were beginning to fret the colonists and they were sorely discouraged over the situation. Fifty-seven thousand acres of land had been granted to the settlers and five large towns had been established. Slave labor, however, was needed in order to compete with the other colonists, but this the trustees steadily refused. DIFFICULTIES WITH THE SPANIARDS. The fullness of time had now arrived for the Spaniards to assert their claim to the land occupied by the colony of Georgia. In their settlement of South Carolina the English derived their claim from the discovery of the Cabots, John and Sebastian, in 1497. The Florida peninsula was settled by the Spaniards, and the dividing line between the two discoveries was never fully determined. The early Spanish discoverers who explored the continent were Juan Ponce de Leon, a daring officer, who labored under the delusion that the fountain of youth existed among the flowers of this tropical country; and Ferdinand De Soto, who pene trated the wilds of the interior until he discovered the waters of the Mississippi. During this expedition De Soto marched through Georgia, camping near the site of the present city of Augusta and near the confluence of the Etowah and the Oostanaula rivers. Relics of this expedition have been preserved, and they have 28 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. thrown considerable Hght on Georgia's pre-historic annals. These explorations of the Spaniards were made during the early part of the sixteenth century. The new colony of Georgia thus planted between these hostile frontiers, though it served to strengthen the arm of South Carolina was not calculated, by any means, to appease the greed of the Spaniards. It was now time for Spain to assert her dominion and accordingly she raised the standard of war on Oct. 22, 1739. In the meantime Gen. Oglethorpe had returned from England and every precaution was taken for the defense of the frontier. Soldiers were distributed along the coast and each fort was strongly garrisoned. A conference was held with the Indians and the original treaty was confirmed. Hostilities began by the introduction of spies who endeavored to excite a mutiny among the soldiers and to murder Gen. Oglethorpe. The design of the Spaniards, however, was intercepted, and the men who were appointed to execute it were tried and shot An effort to incite insurrection among the negroes of South Carolina was also made and, though the movement failed, it served to put Gen. Oglethorpe more securely on his guard in showing him the dangerous char acter of the enemy. In addition to the wily schemes of the Spaniards, Gen. Oglethorpe was menaced by a lack of enthusiasm and a spirit of discontent in his own camp. A number of the colonists were dissatisfied because of the refusal of the trustees to grant them a title to their lands in fee simple and to allow the importation of negro slaves. In consequence of this refusal the colony was in a wavering condition and there was little inclination on the part of the settlers to imperil their lives for such a restricted Uberty. A petition was sent to the trustees at this critical juncture but they still refused. They sought, however, to pacify the discontented element by giving them a promise of speedy rehef in a different direction. On Oct 5, 1739, Tomo-chi-chi, the old Indian chief, died. He had reached the advanced age of ninety-seven years and his dying exhortation to his people was to stand squarely by the English. His only regret in dying was that he was pre vented from serving Gen. Oglethorpe in his war against the Spaniards. The death of the old Indian was calm and peaceful, and his soul passed out into the spirit land just as the red October sunset was beginning to shed its glory upon the forest and to give a crimson hue to the fohage. In the death of the old chief the colony realized a severe loss and he was mourned as if he had been one of their own countrymen. Receiving orders to prosecute war against the Spaniards, who had committed a number of outrages along the frontier. Gen. Oglethorpe enlisted 1,000 Indians and started in pursuit of the enemy, routing them with great slaughter. On Dec. i, 1739, he resolved to penetrate farther into Florida. The expedition succeeded, and after gaining possession of the St John's river, he returned to Frederica. In May of the following year he collected 1,100 men and marched toward St Augustine. He was reinforced on the way, however, by troops from South Carolina, and sending on a detachment in advance he hoped thereby to deceive the enemy. The movement failed, however, and many of the soldiers were either murdered or taken prisoners. Gen. Oglethorpe resolved to besiege the town, but after twenty days, on account of ill health, he was forced to abandon the siege and return to Frederica. For several reasons the growth of the colony began to slacken and the trustees resolved upon a change of government They made a division of the colony into two distinct counties — Savannah and Frederica. Each county was to be governed by a presiding officer, and the power of the courts was restricted to prevent them from oppressing the inhabitants. Two years later the two counties were con solidated. CIVIL HISTORY. 29 In a final effort to overthro-^ the colony the Spaniards resolved to invade Georgia with a strong fleet. Seven thousand men and fifty-six vessels left Havana and started for the Georgia coast in the spring of 1742. They were met by Gen. Oglethorpe, however, in the sound near Cumberland island and driven back into the Florida waters. Gen. Oglethorpe returned to Frederica and sent to Charleston for immediate aid. On June 28 a fleet of thirty-six vessels, bearing 5,000 Spaniards, appeared near one of the islands, and raising the battle flag, proceeded to land on the southern extremity of the island. Gen. Oglethorpe had only 700 men, but he was momentarily expecting to be reinforced. On July i the first ' engagement occurred, but on account of the numerical weakness of his troops Gen. Oglethorpe suffered a severe defeat. It was found that two of his companies were missing and he was greatly concerned to know what had become of them. In the meantime, however, these companies retrieved the fortunes of the day by getting behind the Spaniards and secreting themselves in ambush along the road. As soon as the enemy came up they halted and stacked their guns. The signal was then given and a deadly fire of shot was poured upon the Spaniards. Two hundred and fifty of their men were killed. Gen. Oglethorpe hearing of the engagement immediately promoted the two-officers. By a shrewd letter that was written to Gen. Oglethorpe in French, and addressed to one of his deserters who had fled into the Spanish camp and who would probably betray the weakness of his troops, unless intercepted, the desired effect was produced, and the Spaniards were given to understand that Gen. Oglethorpe was strongly reinforced and in possession of vast supplies of ammunition. The Spaniards were overcome with dismay, and setting fire to their camp they embarked on July 14, 1742. This concluded the Spanish difficulties, as the war between Spain and England across the water engaged the attention of the two countries and the colony was left serenely undisturbed. Rev. George Whitfield came to Georgia just in advance of the Spanish invasion. From the two Wesleys he conceived the idea of establishing an orphan asylum in Georgia, and by his eloquent appeals he soon succeeded in raising the necessary funds. The asylum was located at Bethesda, and completed during the year 1741. GEN. OGLETHORPE LEAVES THE COLONY. In September, 1743, Gen. Oglethorpe left the colony, having watched its early growth and progress and having guided its affairs with consummate skill and ability. His departure from the province caused universal sorrow. The return of Gen. Oglethorpe to England was hastened by the diminution of his private fortune. In order to promote the welfare of the colony he had not only given up his seat in parliament but had even sacrificed a portion of his property. On account of certain charges that were made against him by one of his officers, Lieut.-Col. Cooke, he called for a thorough investigation soon after reaching England. As the result of this investigation the charges were pronounced false and without foundation and their author was given his dismissal from the army. In 1745 the appointment of brigadier-general was conferred upon Gen. Oglethorpe by George II. during the war with France. During this same year he wedded Elizabeth Wright, the daughter of a wealthy baronet. Being called to meet the pretender, a close kinsman, he was commissioned with the title of major- general, and subsequently, on Feb. 22, 1747, he was still further promoted to the rank of lieutenant-general. Eighteen years after this he was made the com mander-in-chief of all his majesty's forces. He was offered the command of the British troops in the revolutionary war, but he refused the offer partially on account of his advanced age and because his sympathies were largely enlisted 30 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. in behalf of the colonies. He lived to see the colony of Georgia erected into a free state and forming a part of an independent nation. Among his personal friends he had numbered the intellectual men and women of Europe, among them Edmund Burke, Samuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith, Sir Joshua Reynolds and Hannah More. He survived all his contemporaries and, as a very singular coin cidence, died at the advanced age of ninety-seven years, exactly that of Tomo- chi-chi, the old Indian chief who had greeted him on the bluffs of the New World. Gen. Oglethorpe was buried with national honors and a splendid memorial was subsequently erected over him. A more illustrious soldier, benefactor. Christian statesman and philanthropist never lived, and the fame of Gen. Oglethorpe is equally cherished by all Georgians and by all true Enghshmen. SLAVES INTRODUCED AND THE BOSOMWORTH CLAIM. In spite of the frequent appeals that were made by the colonists the trustees persistently refused to allow the importation of negro slaves. They were strength ened in this position by letters received from the German settlers who differed in their views from the remainder of the colony. Finally, however, after several years had elapsed the eloquence of Rev. Geo. Whitfield, combined with the approval of the Salzburgers, prevailed upon the trustees. Resolutions stating the terms on which the colonists desired the importation of slaves were drawn up and read before the trustees on May 16, 1749. The petition was granted with a proviso that called for the proper treatment of the slaves and for their education and religious instruction.. The cultivation of silk, though discontinued before the revolution, was one of the chief industries of the colony at this time. Rice and indigo were also cultivated. The new era of growth that dawned upon the colony in the final concessions of the trustees was soon clouded by what is known as the "Bosomworth Claim." Thomas Bosomworth, a 'minister sent out by the trustees to labor among the Indians, had married Mary Musgrove, the interpreter for Gen. Oglethorpe, and through his influence she was led to assert her claims to all the islands along the coast. The denial of her claim by the president of the colony resulted in the organization of a small band of followers, headed by her husband, who marched against Savannah. No blood was shed, however, though Mary and her husband were both captured. The colonists assured the Indians that Mary had imposed upon them, and urged that as long as they had been friends since tlie landing of Oglethorpe they might continue their cordial relations. The Indians were satisfied and left Savannah. Mary was afterward set at liberty with her husband, but the case was carried into the English courts and there died a natural death. A change in the government was resolved upon at this time by the trustees. They first called for a general assembly, but on account of the lack of sufficient legislative power it soon dissolved. In 175 1, Col. Wm. Stephens, who had been for eight years the president of the colony, resigned. Two years later he died, having become a mental and physical wreck on account of his cares and the burden of advancing years. Henry. Parker, the vice-president, succeeded him, with James Habersham as secretary. During this year the title to land was changed to a fee simple, and there was great rejoicing throughout the colony. In order to provide a militia for the protection of the colony the trustees required every man who owned 300 acres of land to appear at a certain time on horseback, and all who owned less to appear on foot At a subsequent meeting Capt. Noble Jones was placed in command. The Uchee Indians in the neighbor hood of Savannah, and the Cherokees in the northern part of the province, exhibited hostile intentions and it was necessary for the colony to be on its guard. CIVIL HISTORY. 31 A large colony of Puritans settled on the Ogeechee river at Midway in 1752. They had settled first in Massachusetts, but on account of the severe cHmate they decided to come farther south. It was only human that, after the expiration of twenty-one years, the trustees should have no desire to renew the charter. On April 29, 1752, the last meeting of the trustees was held and all matters pertaining to the colony were settled. It is well to note, in this connection, that the trustees included many of the noblest and purest men in England, who managed the affairs of the colony without reward or compensation. In 1752, therefore, Georgia passed directly under the British crown. UNDER THE BRITISH CROWN. The last president of the colony, under the government of the trustees, was Patrick Graham. On March 5, 1754, a committee appointed by the lords of the council recommended that Georgia be governed like the other colonies in America, by a royal governor, a legislative body and by courts of law and equity. It was further provided that officers should be appointed for the collection of customs and duties and that a provost-marshal, an attorney-general and a secretary to the governor be also appointed. This recommendation was adopted, and the first royal governor sent to Georgia was Capt John Reynolds of the navy. A new seal, retaining the principal features of the old one, was ordered for the colony. The newly appointed governor reached Savannah in October, 1754, and was cordially received. His first appointments were James Habersham, secretary, and Wm. Clifton, attorney-general. The command of the militia, the right to convene and dissolve the assembly at will, and the veto authority, were among the powers vested in the governor of the colony. Patrick Graham was elected president of the upper house and David Douglas of Augusta, speaker of the commons house. In the organization of the judiciary Noble Jones and Jonathan Bryan were appointed to hold office during the king's pleasure. They had jurisdiction of all crimes and offenses committed in the colony and the right to try all civil matters above forty shillings. A court of chancery was also organized with the governor at the head. On Jan. 7, 1755, the first legislative assembly met in Savannah. Gov. Rey nolds delivered a well received address and called upon the colonists for their support and co-operation. He began his administration by making a tour of the province, and being impressed with a certain locality on the Ogeechee river he conceived the idea of moving the capital to that point. The removal was never made, however, and his plans of defense for the better security of the province were also postponed. A rupture between the governor and the legislative assembly occurred during the following year and he never regained the love of the colony. Complaints were made against him and he was called to England for investigation. As the result of these complaints Georgia received a new governor, who arrived before the departure of Gov. Reynolds. A large number of French Catholics who arrived at Savannah in a destitute condition were given admittance to the colony, but they left in the spring of the following year. ADMINISTRATION OF GOVS. ELLIS AND WRIGHT. Georgia's next royal governor was Henry Ellis. He arrived in Savannah in February, 1757, and was received by the people yvith enthusiasm on account of his 32 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. distinguished reputation. He addressed himself to the relief of the people, and sought by kindness to secure their confidence. He concluded (his address to the legislature by saying: "If my wishes and efforts for the welfare of the colony prove fruitless I shall be the first to solicit my recall." A bill was passed by the legisla ture offering a home in the province to insolvent debtors. The province, at this time, was divided into eight parishes: Christ Church, including Savannah; St. Paul's, including Augusta; St. Matthew's, including Abercorn and Ebenezer; St George's, including Halifax; St Phihp's, including Great Ogeechee; St John's, including Midway; St Andrew's, including Darien; and St. James', including Frederica. The exports of indigo and rice by the colony were very large. Difficulties with the Indians, involving all the English settlements in America, soon extended into Georgia and Fort Prince George on the Savannah river became the center of hostile operations. After much disaster and bloodshed the Indians, nearly all of whom belonged to the Cherokee nation, were defeated and a treaty of peace was concluded. On account of ill-health Gov. Ellis requested his recall, but the government, refusing to give up such a valuable man, transferred him to Nova Scotia. He was a good man and was held in high respect by the colony. His departure from the province was greatly regretted. Gov. James Wright was the third and last governor of the colony. He arrived in Savannah Oct. ii, 1760. Having practiced law in South Carolina he was familiar with the needs of the colony and understood the situation. The affairs of the colony were at a low ebb, but Gov. Wright immediately addressed himself to the task of restoring a better condition. A number of plantations were reclaimed from the swamp, and bills of credit were put into circulation. On Oct 25, King George II. of England died. Impressive services were held by the colonists in his honor, as he had granted the charter to the colony and given it his own name. A report from Gov. Ellis revealed the colony to be in a prosperous condition at this time. No articles were manufactured, but numerous products of the soil were exported. A breach of feeling between the governor and the chief justice at this time led to a very unfair procedure on the part of the chief justice, and he was accordingly removed by the English authorities in 1763. In order to conciliate the Indians Gen. Wright issued a general call to all the tribes to meet him at Augusta. He was aware of ihe hostile attitude of the French settlers, and their influence with the Indians needed to be counteracted. Seven hundred Indians were present, representing the Catawbas, the Choctaws, the Chickasaws, the Cherokees and the Creeks. The governors of North and South Carolina and of Virginia were also present. A general treaty of peace was signed. As a result of an understanding between Great Britain and France the territorial limits of the province extended as far west as the middle of the Mississippi river. Florida was surrendered to the British, and after the removal of the Spaniards it was settled by French emigrants. It was agreed, as the southern boundan- of the province, to fix the St. Mary's river. Four additional parishes were added to the province in 1765 — St. Patrick's, St Thomas', St David's and St. Mary's, all between the Altamaha river and the Florida line. The conduct of the British government at this time sounded the first note of alienation. As the result of the French and Indian war on the continent a heavy debt was entailed and it was decided by the British ministry that this debt should be paid by the colonies. In pursuance of this decision the nefarious stamp act was shortly afterward passed in parliament, requiring all papers, bonds and deeds to have stamps on CIVIL HISTORY. v 33^ them which amounted to a heavy tax. The free, open life of the North American forest had fully aroused the colonial spirit of liberty, and a wave of popular indigna tion extended itself along the entire Atlantic coast. A general congress was called to meet in New York in October, 1765. A meeting was held in Savannah at which resolutions were passed expressing full sympathy with the movement, but on account of the interference of Gov. Ellis no delegates were sent to the New York congress. A public demonstration ordered by Gov. Wright to commemorate the succession of George III. to the throne was converted into a scene of protest and remonstrance that indicated, in no slight measure, the spirit of revolution. THE EVE OP REVOLUTION. The enforcement of the stamp act was not calculated to increase the affection of the colony for the mother country, and the stamps that were sent over by the government were only used on cumpulsion. Gov. Wright received a number of letters and his life was in imminent peril as long as the stamp act continued in operation. On Feb. 22, 1766, the offensive act was repealed and good will and harmony were restored; Gov. Wright made a neat speech and the people assured him that they would remain loyal subjects as long as their rights and liberties were not invaded. The population of the colony at this time was about 18,000. One hundred and seventy-one vessels entered the hai'bor and the active militia numbered 1,800. The growing of silk reached its highest mark and the general condition of the colony was good, due largely to the wise administration of Gov. Wright. If the stamp act encountered a fixed resistance on the part of the colonies it was simply paving the way for the military act, a second measure of oppression, that provided for the raising and quartering of troops on the continent. A demand was made on Gov. Wright for barracks in which to accommodate a body of British soldiers. This demand was laid before the assembly only to be indignantly refused. In February, 1768, a letter was received by the speaker of the assembly from the speaker of the Massachusetts house proposing a colonial union. The legis lature was not in session, but the speaker penned a letter in which he expressed his full sympathy. This action offended Gov. Wright, to whom it savored of disloyalty. In April of this year Benj. Franklin was appointed as Georgia's agent to the court of Great Britain. The legislature that met this year approved the action of the speaker in regard to a colonial union of aggrieved subjects and was immediately dissolved by Gov. Wright. The assembly appealed to the crown through their agent only to be ignored. Events, however, were slowly drifting on. The Boston massacre created another wave of indignation and the colonies became more firmly united. A meeting was held at a private house in Savannah, at vvhich it vi'as declared that all commercial relations with England should cease and that anyone who should deal with her would be a foe to the interests of liberty. Jonathan Bryan, a member of the gov ernor's council, was present at this meeting. In Julv, 1 77 1, Gov. Wright left for England and was absent a year and a half. James Habersham, a friend to the colonies, filled the position during his absence and though it gave him pain, he ruled -with loyalty to England and the assembly was frequently dissolved. Returning to America Gov. Wright issued a call for a second meeting of all the Indian tribes at Augusta. In order to extinguish a debt contracted with the traders the Indians conceded a large tract of land to the colony. Numerous depredations were committed by them, however, along the frontier after the conclusion of the treaty. In the meantime it became evident from the 1-3 34 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. ' ' attitude of the British ministry and the withdrawal of the charter of the Massa chusetts colony that only one course was left, and that was expressed in the word — Liberty. A meeting of all the friends of liberty was held in Savannah on Aug. lo, 1774, against the protest of the governor. This meeting was called by Noble Wimberly Jones, Archibald Bulloch, John Houston, and George Walton. Each parish was represented, and a set of resolutions expressive of the feelings entertained by the colony was drawn up. The Boston port bill, the withdrawal of the charter of Mas sachusetts, the unjust taxation of the colonies, and the transportation of accused persons to England for trial, were all heartily condemned. The effect of these resolutions was to show that Georgia was in full sympathy with the revolutionary movement. In order to counteract these resolutions a meeting of the royalists was also held in Savannah, and resolutions passed to which a number of fictitious names were affixed. A provincial congress was held in Savannah on Jan. 18, 1775, presided over by John Glen, the legislature being in session at the same time. On account of the sympathy existing between the lower house and the provincial congress and a resolution to send delegates to the continental congress in Philadelphia, May 10, 1775, the governor adjourned the assembly until May 9. Delegates, however, were elected by the provincial congress: N. W. Jones, A. Bulloch, and John Houston, but, on account of dissensions, they did not attend. Lyman Hall, -nho was elected at a special meeting of St. John's parish, was present, however, and his name was enrolled. Just at this time it was reported in Georgia that 3,000 British troops had collected in Boston, and that great danger was felt. Gathering up a body of men, on the night of May 11, Joseph Habersham made a raid on the powder magazine at Savannah, A large part of the ammunition was stored away in private cellars, and the remainder conveyed secretly to Boston. Gov. Wright made an effort to punish the guilty parties, but they were never discovered. The feeling of the colonists was so intense that a young royalist who ridiculed the friends of liberty for their conduct was tarred and feathered in the public square at Savannah. The next provincial congress met on July 4, 1775, and every parish was repre sented. Information was given, during the session, that 14,000 pounds of powder would shortly arrive at Tybce for the suppression of the colonists. It was resolved' to capture this powder, and the enterprise, being placed in the hands of Col. Haber sham and Commodore Bowen, succeeded. The situation had grown alarming, and Gov. Wright, seeing that he was powerless, asked for his recall. In the meantime the council of safety ordered the arrest of Gov. ^^'¦right, and the order wag executed by Joseph Habersham in person. He afterward escaped, however, and made his way to England. At a subsequent meeting of the provincial congress held in January, 1776, A. Bulloch, John Houston, George Walton, Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett were selected to represent Georgia in the continental congress. Provisions were also made for the protection of the Savannah river. A number of British vessels were in the river at this time, and it was agreed upon to capture these vessels or set them on fire. The latter course was adopted and successfully carried into eft'ect. Those who figured in this bold enterprise were Col. Lachlan Mcintosh, Commodore Bowen, Joseph Habersham, James Jackson, Samuel Elbert and John Morel. GEORGIA NO LONGER A ROYAL COLONY. In behalf of Georgia the declaration of independence was signed bv George Walton, Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett. When the news reached Georgia a CIVIL HISTORY. o e public demonstration was held and great enthusiasm prevailed. A copy of the declaration was read, and at night bonfires were kindled. In order to adopt a new- form of government to meet the changed condition of things a convention was called to meet in Savannah on Feb. 5, 1777. The declaration of independence was ratified and provision made for the selection of a governor and a legislative assembly. A chief justice for the state and a superior court for each county were also provided. The new constitution abolished the parishes and divided the state into eight counties, named in honor of the friends of liberty across the water. The counties were designated as Chatham, Glynn, Effingham, Richmond, Burke, Camden, Liberty and Wilkes. A new seal was adopted, one bearing the inscription "Deus nobis haec otia facit," and the other, "Pro bono pubhco." Archibald Bulloch, who was chief executive, under the new constitution, died shortly after the adoption, and was succeeded by Button Gwinnett, who had been instrumental in its preparation. Without consulting Col Mcintosh, who was in charge of the military opera tions of the state, the new executive projected one or two important expeditions much to the anger of Col. Mcintosh. The failure of these expeditions did not appease _him, and when the next election for governor was held Col. Mcintosh successfully used bis efforts to defeat Gwinnett. As the result of this feud the defeated aspirant for gubernatorial succession challenged Col. Mcintosh to mortal combat. Facing each other at a distance of twelve paces they simultaneously fired. Both fell wounded, Gwinnett dying in a few days and Mcintosh recovering after a painful illness. , At the suggestion of Col. Walton he afterward sought a transfer to the northern division of the army in order to avoid the hostility of Mr. Gwinnett's friends. IN THE REVOLUTION. The valor and patriotism that Georgia evinced during the revolution was equal to that of her sister colonies who had suffered with her under the yoke of British oppression. Her blood and treasure were freely dedicated to the cause of liberty, and having entered the revolution she determined to persevere in the struggle until every resource was exhausted. In January, 1778, John Houston was called to the executive chair. Gen. Howe, who was in command of the southern army, at the suggestion of Gov. Houston, commenced operations against the British in Florida, assisted by Col, Elijah Clarke. The enterprise was soon abandoned, however, on account of dissensions, which niade it impossible to proceed with a union of strength. Gen. Washington, w'ho was in command of the American forces, had gained a signal victory in the meantime, notwithstanding the severity of the winter, at Trenton, N. J., and the enthusiasm of the patriots was deeply aroused. Gen. Howe was called to Philadelphia, where he took an active part with Gen. Washington in the battle of Brandywine in that vicinity. The rigors of the northern winter were intense, but the sufferings of the British were equally as pronounced as those of the patriots, and the fortunes of battle seemed to favor the cause of liberty. Burgoyne was forced to surrender to Gen. Gates, and this was followed by friendly offices from France which gave the colonists every reason to indulge in the hope of ulti mate victory. In November, 1778, Gen. Clinton, in command of British troops, left New York for the Georgia coast, taking with him a fleet of ten vessels and 3,500 men. Gen. Howe, who had returned to Savannah, hastened to meet him with as many men as he could hastily summon. After landing his forces about two miles from Savannah on the south Gen. Clinton made a c^mp. Having located the British 36 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. forces Gen. Howe ordered the bridges, over which they would have to pass in order to make an attack on the Americans, burned to the edge of the water. The British officer, however, was shrewd, and leaving a portion of his men facing the head quarters of Gen. Howe, he withdrew the greater number of them from the rear, and discovered a circuitous route by which to advance upon the Americans unawares.. In this way the British gained a signal victory, and the troops under Gen. Howe were scattered in every direction. As the result of this martial stratagem Savannah fell into the hands of the enemy, and numerous spoliations and brutalities were committed. Gen. Howe was severely censured for his carelessness in allowing the British to get the better of him, as Col. George Walton, among others, had warned him of the danger of the situation. Being acquitted by the court-martial that was ordered to try him, he was recalled from the southern department, and Gen. Lincoln sent to Georgia in his stead. SAVANNAH OCCUPIED BY THE BRITISH. The defeat of Gen. Howe greatly discouraged the American cause in Georgia, and on the return of Gov. Wright from England in the summer of 1779 a large number of the colonists were induced to join the king on the assurance of a favor able reception. On the arrival of Gen. Lincoln the situation in Georgia was not very inviting. He had scarcely more than 1,200 men against 4,000 British in possession of the city and adjacent strongholds. The hopes of the patriots were revived in a me"asure by small victories won over the royalists in Burke county and in the neighborhood of Augusta, and this afforded them enough encouragement to wait for brighter signs. Hostilities were practically suspended during the spring and summer of 1779, though Savannah remained in possession of the British. In the meantime the legislative business of the state was carried on in Augusta. John Houston continued to act as governor until the legislature convened, and John Werriat was elected. A quorum, however, was not present, and Col. George Walton challenged the election. A new assembly being called Col. Walton v.-as declared the chief executive. Count d'Estaing, who represented the favor of the French government, and who had won quite a number of signal victories, reached Georgia on Sept. 23. 1779, with a large number of frigates and battle ships. He captured several British vessels near Tybee Island, and after landing pitched his camp about three miles from Savannah. Gen. Provost, in charge of the British forces, ordered all outposts to fall back into the city. Count d'Estaing was soon joined by Gen. Lincoln, and together they resolved to lay siege to Savannah. The count, however, perceiving that the storms were ruining his vessels, proposed an attack, and for this purpose 2,500 men were put in motion. The British, who were on their guard, perceived the advance of the Americans and their allies, and proceeded to open fire. Count d'Estaing, in leading the gallant charge, received a severe wound and fell back with his men. The Americans, however, pressed forward until they planted a battle flag on one of the principal redoubts. This flag had been presented to Sergt. Jasper bv .Mrs. Elliott, of South Carolina. As soon as the flag was placed in position it was immediately struck down. As quick as a flash the gallant hero leaped to the top of the battlement, and, amid a storm of bullets, reinstated the flag securely. This noble feat accomplished, he fell to the ground mortally wounded. "Tell Mrs. Elliott," said he with his last breath, as he lay on the field, "that I died fighting for my colors." CIVIL HISTORY. Z7 In the same bloody engagement Count Pulaski, a brave and dashing PoHsh officer, was also mortally wounded. On the following day Gen. 'Lincoln retreated to Charleston, S. C, the French fleet returned home, and Savannah remained securely in possession of the British. In 1780 Charleston shared the fate of Savannah and fell into the hands of the enemy. During the same year the seat of government was changed from Augusta to Heard's Fort, in Wilkes county. Having reduced both Charleston and Savannah, Gen. Clinton next endeavored to subjugate all the southern colonies. He ordered Col. Brown to take possession of Augusta, and this ferocious and brutal officer immediately undertook to capture that stronghold. Col. Elijah Clarke, however, intercepted his movements and put the force to rout, while on the way to Augusta, with great slaughter. He was subsequently reinforced, and Col. Clarke's efforts to retain Augusta proved unsuccessful. Gen. Nathaniel Greene assumed the command of the southern army in the spring of 1781. He was successful to a marked degree, and the British were driven into the neighborhood of their strongholds at Charleston and Savannah. During the summer, with the aid of Lieut.-Col. Henry Lee and Gen. Pickens, a second effort was made by Col. Clarke to capture Augusta. Forts Grierson and Cornwallis, by which it was defended, were both taken, and June 5, 1781, Augusta was re-occupied by the Americans. It was during this critical season that Nancy Hart, a brave woman residing in Elbert county, who cordially despised the tories, held six of them captive in her house by forbidding them to move, under the penalty of being shot. One of them made a movement toward her and fell dead at her feet. A county was subsequently named in honor of this brave woman. Maj. James Jackson was left in charge of Augusta, while Pickens and Lee hastened to join Gen. Greene at Ninety-Six. At the north the issue of battle was decidedly in favor of the colonies. On Oct 19, 1781, Gen. Cornwallis surrendered his army of 7,000 men to Gen. Washington. The Americans in the south, especially in Georgia, were greatly reduced on account of privations to which they were subjected, but they had every reason to be encouraged, and they persevered through existing hardships in the hope of ultimate victory. THE EVACUATION OF SAVANNAH AND THE CLOSE OF THE REVOLUTION. In January, 1782, Gen. Wayne was sent into Georgia, and by his skillftri maneuvering he succeeded in driving the British into their stronghold at Savannah. Realizing that little hope of success was now left to them, and that further resistance was fruitless, they voluntarily surrendered the city on July 11, 1782. A treaty of peace was signed between the United States and England at Paris on Nov. 30, 1782, by which the independence of the thirteen states was recognized, and the war of the revolution was at an end. The governors who had served Georgia during this critical period were George Walton, Richard Howley, Stephen Heard, Nathan Brownson and John Martin. On Jan. 9, 1783, Lyman Hall was elected governor, and George Walton chief justice. On account of the enlarged area of population the seat of government, which was transferred to Savannah after the evacuation by the British, was again changed to Augusta, in order to be nearer the center of population. Gov. Hall delivered an address to the legislature that convened July 8, urging the people of the state to devote themselves to a speedy restitution of their losses, and to prove themselves worthy of the freedom which they had achieved. A tax was levied on slaves and property, and the lands of all the royal adherents were confiscated. A 38 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. treaty was made with the Indians by which enough territory was ceded for two additional counties. They were given the names of Franldin and Washington, in honor of those two distinguished patriots of the revolution. John Houston was called to the executive chair in January, 1784. At the next session of the legislature a bill was introduced providing for the establishment of a state university. THE STATE UNIVERSITY POUNDED. Scarcely had Georgia emerged from the revolution before she commenced to lay the foundation of a broad and liberal system of education. The bill that was introduced in the legislature provided for a survey in each of the counties of Washington and Franklin of 20,000 acres of land, divided into tracts of 5,000 acres each, for the endowment of an institution of learning; the said lands to be granted in trust to the governor for the time being, John Houston, James Haber sham, William Few, Joseph Clay, Abraham Baldwin, WilHam Houston and Nathan Brownson. By an act of the legislature, passed in the following year, a board of visitors was created, to consist of the governor, the speaker of the house and the chief justice of the state, and a board of trustees composed of influential Georgians, the two bodies to be known as the Senatus Academicus of the University of Georgia. The first meeting of the Senatus Academicus was held in Louisville, Ga., in 1799, and Joseph Meigs was chosen as the first president, at a salarj^ of $1,200. The original site for the university was located in Greene county, but the trustees were not satisfied, and it was subsequently changed to the banks of the Oconee river, in Frankhn county, and the name of Athens given to the location. A land court was organized in 1784 for the purpose of investigating all claims to the land recently ceded by the Indians. Nearly 5,000 applications were received, based on various grounds. Twenty thousand acres were voted to Count d'Estaing in recognition of his gallant services. In 1785 Samuel Elbert was elected governor. His administration was characterized by Indian disturbances along the frontier. The general government had appointed commissioners to meet with the Creeks and the Cherokees to fix the boundary line, but Georgia claimed that her wishes in the matter should have been consulted, and accordinglv appointed her own commission to see that her rights were not invaded. The year 1786 began with the election of Edward Telfair as governor, and was subsequently marked by the death of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, who died at his home, about fourteen miles from Savannah. By an act of congress the currency was changed from the English to the American system. It was ascertained that the debt of the state was ?i''50,ooo, and bills of credit were accordingly issued. GEORGIA ENTERS THE UNION. Gov. Telfair was succeeded by George Matthews in 1787. In April of this year a boundary line was agreed upon between Georgia and South Carolina.' A conventton haying been called by the continental congress to meet on Feb. 21, 1787, to establish a national constitution, the following delegates represented the state at Philadelphia: William Few, William Houston, William Pierce, Aliram Baldwin, George Walton and Nathaniel Pendleton. The constitution adopted by this convention was duly ratified, and on Jan. 2, 1788, Georgia was admitted as the fourth state into the union. George Handly was the next governor. On Nov. 4 a state convention was held at Augusta for the purpose of considering a new constitution. This convention adjourned, after a full discussion, in order to give the people of the state an CIVIL HISTORY. 39 opportunity to express themselves in a second convention to be held on Jan. 4, 1789. In the meantime electors were chosen in all the states for the ensuing national election, and, as the result of the ballots cast, George Washington and John Adams were declared the choice of the American people for president and vice-president. On account of several new amendments proposed the second state convention failed to adopt a constitution. Gov. George Walton, having succeeded to the chair of state, called a third convention, which met in Augusta on May 4, 1789, and adopted the new constitution. This instrument went into effect in (October, 1789, and Edward Telfair was the first governor under the new constitution. On Dec. 8 the state was divided into three congressional districts, and James Jackson, Abram Baldwin and George Matthews were selected as Georgia's representatives in congress. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S VISIT. In order to understand the people betterand to give them his personal assur ances of interest and good will President Washington decided to make a tour of the southern states. Tie reached Savannah in May, 1791, and was warmly greeted by a large delegation of people collected from all parts of the state and headed by the local authorities. After a pleasant stay in Savannah, horses were provided and the distinguished chieftain, attended by a large escort, set out for Augusta, the state capital. Here he was warmly received by Gov. Telfair and several speeches were delivered. The president was taken to the Richmond academy, and after making the pupils a brief address, presented to Mr. William H. Crawford, who was then a young tutor, with a copy of "Caesar's Commentaries." At the elegant home of Col. Walton near Augusta Gen. Washington w'as lavishly entertained for more than a week, after which he left for South Carolina greatly impressed by his visit and leaving a fragrant impression in the hearts of all. The population of the state at this time was 83,000, and the value of goods exported nearly $500,000. The administration of Gov. Telfair was marked by unusual prosperity. For the next few years the progress of the state was uninter rupted, except for occasional difficulties with the Indians along the frontier. The seat of government was changed from Augusta to Louisville, Ga., in May, 1795, and Gov. Matthews, after serving the state for a second term, was succeeded in January, 1796, by Jared Irwin. THE YAZOO FRAUD. A thrilling and dramatic chapter in Georgia's history is the one that records the Yazoo fraud. - In order to understand this monumental fraud, perpetrated upon the people, it is necessary to go behind the events that have just been recorded. In the year 1789 a company was organized in South Carolina, known as the South Carolina Yazoo company. This company was organized for the purpose of purchasing from the state of Georgia a large tract of land in what was then the western part of the state, bordering on the Mississippi river. The name was taken from a tribe of Indians that formerly occupied that locality. The land in this section of the state was comparatively unknown, and was remote from the center of population. It occurred to the projectors of this great land enterprise that if the purchase could be effected at a nominal price it would enable them to realize a large sum of m.oney and to live in feudal ease and splendor. At the same time in Virginia and Tennessee companies of a like character were organized. A man by the name of Tom Washington first conceived the idea ot purchasing this large domain. Agents were sent into every part of the country 40 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and large sums of money were expended in order to create a favorable impression upon the state legislature. Everything having been arranged a bill was introduced providing for the sale of a portion of these lands. Under the provision of the bill these companies were to receive over 20,000,000 acres of land for $200,000. The bill was passed and received the approval of the governor, much to the regret and disapprobation of the people of the state, but, on account of certain difficulties in the way, the sale of the land was never negotiated; In 1794 these men renewed their efforts to purchase the land. The companies organized for the purpose of making the purchase from the state were 'The Georgia Company," "The Tennessee Company," "The Virginia Yazoo Company," and "The Georgia Mississippi Company." A bill was introduced, finally receiving the approval of the governor, who at first opposed it, conveying 35,000,000 acres of land to these companies for $500,000. This was almost equivalent to giving the land away, and the people of the state were not slow in expressing their indigna tion. Charges of corruption were brought against members of the legislature in yielding to the overtures of men who merely sought to cheat and defraud the commonwealth. Mr. William H. Crawford, who subsequently became one of the most distinguished men of the state, took a leading part in the opposition. One of the state senators, James Gunn, had been prevailed upon to accept a position in one of the Yazoo companies, but no amount of inducement could persuade his colleague, Hon. James Jackson. He refused to be influenced, and finally resigned his seat in the senate in order to prevent the sale of the Yazoo lands from being consummated. He was elected to the state legislature that met in January, 1796, and became the author of the rescinding act that declared the law a nullity on account of the fraud practiced to obtain it. This act received the official signature of Gov. Jared Irwin on Feb. 13, 1796. A few days later the papers and records pertaining to the fraud were burned in the presence of the assembled representa tives. They were kindled by a beam of light passed through a magnifying glass in order that the fire of heaven might be the instrument of their destruction. A prolonged dispute in the courts resulted. The companies were deeply aggrieved by the state's action, and they vowed to prosecute the matter until their rights were recognized. A commission was appointed, but the demands of the companies were never satisfied until Georgia ceded her western domain to the United States and a large sum of money was voted by congress for their extinction. The notoriety attached to the Yazoo fraud was such that Georgia, in the course of a few years, acquired a world-wide renown. The popularity of Gen. James Jackson was such that he was called to the gubernatorial chair on Jan. 12, 1798. In the following May a constitutional con vention was held at Louisville and a permanent constitution adopted. GEORGIA'S NEW SEAL. A new seal of the state was adopted by the legislature that met in June, 1799. On one side the flag of the United States was displayed from a ship that was receiving on board hogsheads of tobacco and bales of cotton. In the rear of this view a man in the act of plowing and a flock of sheep were represented, with the motto: "Agriculture and Commerce, 1799." On the other side an arch resting upon three pillars represented the constitution as resting upon the three cardinal virtues: "Wisdom, Justice, and Moderation." After the adoption of this seal it was placed in the hands of the secretary of state and by him used in the proper authentication of all state papers. It will be observed that the silk worm was not honored in the pictorial design CIVIL HISTORY. 4I of the new seal, that industry having yielded to a more prolific source of profit — the culture of cotton. Twenty-four counties were represented in the legislature of 1799, and under the plan of representation there were twenty-four senators and seventy-five representa tives. Three judicial circuits were formed, known as the eastern, middle, and Avestern, and over these David B. Mitchell, George Walton, and Thomas P. Carnes were elected respectively. Gen. Washington died at his home at Mt. Vernon, Va., on Dec. 14, 1799, and his death was universally deplored. On the following day Georgia sustained an additional loss in the death of Gen. Elijah Clarke, one of the heroes of the revolution. The introduction of cotton into Georgia is placed to the credit of Josiah Tattnal and John Milledge. At the close of the century the population of the state was 163,000, and the productions of the field and forest represented a great variety. Tlie invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, a Georgian living near Savannah, gave a much-needed impetus to this industry. The Indian tribes that came in contact with the settlers on the frontier were the Creeks and the Cherokees, the Creeks occupying the middle and southern portions of the state, and the Chero kees living among the mountains. In this connection it may be observed that the Cherokees were the most intelhgent Indians that peopled the solitudes of the American forest. GEORGIA CEDES TERRITORY TO THE UNION. The reins of government were next placed in the hands of Josiah Tattnall. His first official signature was affixed to an act of the legislature recalling his banished father, whose property had been confiscated and he himself exiled on account of his loyal adherence to the English government during the revolution. By an act passed on Dec. 2, 1800, Abram Baldwin and James Jackson, the two state senators, and James Jones and Benjamin Taliaferro, representatives, were appointed to settle all disputes growing out of the Mississippi land troubles. John Milledge was subsequently placed on the committee instead of Benjamin Talia ferro and James Jones. On the part of the United States, James Madison, Albert Gallatin and Levi Lincoln were appointed to meet with the Georgia committee. The conference took place in Washington city in April, 1802, and the following treaty was agreed upon: "Georgia cedes to the United States all the territory belonging to her south of Tennessee, and west of the Chattahoochee, up to the great bend, thence west of the line direct to Nickajack creek, near the present city of Chattanooga, upon these conditions : "(i) That out of the proceeds of the sale of these lands the United States shall give to Georgia $1,250,000. "(2) That all persons who are settled within the said territory shall be confirmed in all their titles under the United States government. "(3) That the ceded lands be considered a public fund to be distributed by the United States in the proper manner, as other public funds in lands. "(4) That the United States, at their own expense, extinguish for the use of Georgia as soon as the same can be peaceably done on reasonable terms the Indian claims to the county of Tallahassee, to the land occupied by the Creeks, and to those between the forks of the Oconee and Ocmulgee rivers, for which several objects the president of the United States shall order that a treaty be immediately held with the Indians, and that, in like manner, the United States shall extinguish the Indian title to all other lands in the state of Georgia. 42 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. "(5) That the territory thus ceded shall form a state as soon as it shall contain 60,000 people, and as such be admitted into the union." The stipulations of this agreement were ratified by the state legislature, and all moneys that were paid into the state treasury by the Yazoo companies were trans ferred to the vaults of the genei:al government. A few days after this a treaty was made with the Creek Indians by which they agreed to surrender all their territory between the Oconee and the Ocmulgee rivers. The treaty was signed at Fort Wilkinson by the commissioners and forty chiefs on June 16, 1802, and received the signature of President Jefferson the following year. In November, 1802, John Milledge, who was then representing the state in congress, was elected governor of Georgia. He had distinguished himself as one of the most illustrious men in the state, having taken an active part in the war of the revolution, and having been one of the most bitter opponents of the Yazoo sale. As the friend and patron of all learning, Gov. Milledge may be well styled the father of the state university, for he was one of the founders and chief benefactors of that institution. The lands ceded to the state by the Indians were divided into three counties, Wayne, Wilkinson, and Baldwin, and parceled out among the people by means of the lottery system. Twelve months after the drawing each fortunate land owner was required to pay $4 for every 100 acres. Georgia was the only state that adopted this method of division. THREE DISTINGUISHED GEORGIANS PASS AWAY. In close succession the state was now called upon to mourn the departure of three of her most distinguished sons. The first of these was Josiah Tattnall. He died in the West Indies on June 6, 1803, and his dying request to those about him was to carry his remains to Georgia, that he might repose on the banks of his own beautiful Savannah. He had served as governor of the state and had been one of the first planters to introduce the cultivation of cotton. At his home near Augusta, Ga., Gov. George Walton breathed his last on Feb. 2, 1804. No citizen of the state was more profoundly honored than this devoted Georgian. ITe was a member of the continental congress, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence for Georgia, twice governor of the state, its highest judicial officer, wearing the ermine of the chief justice, and for nearly fifteen years a judgeof the superior court, in addition to his gallant services as a colonel in the revolution. He was a man of considerable literary talent, and was on the eve of writing a history of Georgia when his death occurred. During his visit to Augusta in 1796 Gen. Washington' was the guest of Gov. Walton, and was entertained by him with lavish hospitality. Gov. Walton at the time of his death was the judge of the middle circuit. One of the largest counties in the state is named in honor of Gov. Walton, and his ashes repose'near Augusta, on the banks of the Savannah river. In March, 1806, while discharging his duties at Washington, Senator James Jackson, who made himself illustrious by his ()]:)position to the Yazoo fraud^ died. He was buried four miles from Washington city, but his remains were afterward transferred to the Congressional cemetery. On his tombstone was engraved this plain inscription: "To the memory of Maj.-Gen. James Jackson, of Georgia, who deserved and enjoyed the confidence of a grateful country. A soldier of tlie revo lution." In the death of Gen. Jackson the state suffered a severe loss, and he was universally nKuirned. His place in the senate was filled by ex-Gov. John Alilledge. A brilliant Georgian whose star was beginning to rise at this period of Georgia's CIVIL HISTORY. 43 history was William H. Crawford. He became the secretary of war under Presi dent Madison, and afterward United States minister to France. He was regarded by the great Napoleon as the handsomest man he ever met, and the only one to whom he felt constrained to hft his hat. In 1807 Mr. Crawford was elected to the L^nited States senate, and Gov. Jared Irwin occupied for a second time the gubernatorial chair. The capital of the state was changed to Milledgeville, and here the laws of Georgia were enacted for more than fifty years. For the next few years the progress of the state was uninterrupted. Edward Telfair died in September, 1807, and his death was soon followed by that of other revolutionary heroes. A dispute with North Carolina over the boundary line, the formation of several new counties, a revision of the militia laws, and the act of 1810 incorporating the State Agricultural society, were the chief features of the next two or three administrations. A number of towns and cities had sprung up, educational institutions had multiplied, the population of the state had steadily increased, and the people of the state were industrious, enterprising and happy. THE WAR OF 1812. A second difficulty with England, however, soon interrupted this tranquillity, and the quarrel between the two governments was soon referred to the arbitrament of the war of 1812. American vessels had been insulted by British sailors, and this, added to the attitude of the English government with reference to American com merce, thoroughly aroused the indignation of the United States, in which resent ment the people of Georgia warmly shared. England, however, was anxious to have deahngs with Georgia and South Carolina on account of the cotton trade, and for this reason fitted out a number of vessels to open their ports. At Savannah, however, they were met with decided coldness and ordered to leave immediately. On putting out to sea a number of shots were fired from the British vessels and other outrages committed. England and France were shedding each other's blood at this time, and both of these countries had issued orders respecting American commerce. They took offense .at the neutral attitude of the United States, and threatened to capture all American vessels and imprison their seamen. England added to this offensive threat by actually putting it into outrageous execution. Seeing that bloodshed was necessary in order to maintain the national honor, and spurred by an urgent petition from the people of Georgia, President Madison recommended to congress a declaration of war. On June 18, 1812, war against England was declared. A spirited message from Gov. Mitchell called attention to the unprotected coast, and to the need of troops for the purpose of defying the invader. This call was promptly answered by the legislature with an appropriation of $30,000, and preparations for a thorough military defense were immediately commenced. Learning that the British had formed an alliance with the Spaniards in Florida. President Madison directed Gov. Mitchell to inquire into the situation. A corre spondence ensued between Gov. Mitchell and the chief officer in charge of the affairs in East Florida, with a view to annexation, but the proposition was indig nantly repelled. An effort was made to drive the American troops away, but in this attempt the British and Spaniards failed signally. Leaving Col. Smith in charge of the troops, Gov. Mitchell returned to Georgia. In order to protect the coast, two companies of infantry were stationed in each of the counties of Camden, Bryan and Chatham and along the Florida line. The Seminoles in Florida were instigated by the Spaniards, but after several engagements, conducted bv Adjt- Gen. Newman, they were brought to terms. During the hostilities Wilham H. 44 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Crawford was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George Clinton. vice-president of the United States, on April 20, 181 2. The seat of war, during the year 1813, was confined to the northern part of the country. At the expiration of his term of office Gov. Mitchell was succeeded by Gov. Peter Early, and the first act of the new executive was to draw a warrant of $80,000 upon the state treasury as a loan to the general government in prosecution of the war. The brilliant victory of Commodore Perry on Lake Erie had greatly enthused the army, under the command of Gen. Andrew Jackson, who was, at this time, in the neighborhood of Mobile. The Creek Indians made a dangerous and wily foe, but after a number of battles a treaty of peace was signed by which all lands between the Chattahoochee and the Altamaha were ceded. Gen. John Floyd, Gen. Wilham Mcintosh, Gen. David Blackshear and Col. Daniel Appling dis tinguished themselves with great valor during this campaign. In January, 181 5, an effort was made by the British to land on the Georgia coast after leaving St. Augustine, but they were met by Col. William Cone and driven back to sea with a loss of 180 men. This ended the war of 1812, so far as Georgia was concerned. For the second time Gov. Mitchell was called to the helm of state in November, 181 5. A board of inspection was appointed to visit the state penitentiary, and the penal code was framed and passed, Dec. 19, 1816. A convention of judges was held at Augusta this year, and several acts of the legislature were condemned as unconstitutional. A serious outbreak of the Seminole Indians in the southern part of the state was one of the features of Gov. Mitchell's administration. Mai. Mcintosh, a Creek Indian, led the expedition against the Seminoles. He surprised one of their posts and captured a stand of 3,000 arms, in addition to nearly 300 killed and wounded. On the accession of James Monroe to the presidency, Gov. Mitchell resigned the chair of state to assume the agency of Indian affairs. He called an assemblage of the Creek nation, July, 1817, and assured them of his good will. From the territory ceded by them to the state the counties of Newton, De Kalb, Gwinnett, \\"alton. Hall, and Habersham were formed. A large sum of money was appropriated by the legislature this year for the improvement of rivers in order to render them more suitable for navigation. The Seminoles in Florida renewed their hostilities along the frontier. Gen. Jackson, who was the head of the troops, assisted by Gen. Gaines and Col. Arbuckle, soon reduced them to surrender and put an end to their dis turbances. MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA ADMITTED. Georgia now enjoyed the satisfaction of seeing two states admitted into the Union from the territory which she had ceded to the general government in 1802. Mississippi was the first to join the sisterhood of states on Dec. 10, 1817. Two years later, on Dec. 14, 1819, Alabama was admitted, and both of these young states entered upon brilliant and successful careers. In 1818 the boundary line between Georgia and Tennessee was settled to the satisfaction of all parties. By an act of the general government, during the same year, Mr. Wilson Lumpkin was appointed to fix the boundary line between Georgia and Florida. In November, 1818, a Creek Indian meeting was held at Fort Hawkins to receive their fixed allowance from the government, and over 4,000 Indians were present. The entire population of the Creek nation at this time was about 10,000. A similar meeting of the Cherokees was held near the Georgia line for the purpose of discussing the terms of their removal by the government to a point west of the Mississippi river. CIVIL HISTORY. 45 A visit from President Monroe in the spring of 1819, the crossing of the first steam packet on its ocean voyage laden with Georgia produce, an,d the cession of Florida to the United States were the events of the next few months in which Georgia was interested. On Feb. 27, 1819, a treaty between the chiefs of the Cherokee Indians and John C. Calhoun, the secretary of war, was made at Washington. A large tract of land was ceded by them, and articles of peace were entered into, besides various stipulations as to the extension of religious and educational advantages among them. The land thus ceded was divided between Hall and Habersham counties, leaving enough for the formation of Rabun county. Slave labor had become a very essential factor in the growth and progress of the state. An effort to evade the law governing the slave trade was made in Brunswick in the summer of 1819. A number of slaves were brought over, and soon after their landing were seized by the collector of the port After due notice they were exposed for sale. Before the sale was consummated a deputy marshal arrested the slaves by virtue of a warrant purporting to have come from a citizen of Portugal. The governor refused to surrender the slaves, acting upon the belief that a certain party of men were merely using the Portuguese citizen as a blind. A calamity befell the state at this time in the death of Gov. Rabun, who passed away during his term of office. He was succeeded by Matthew Talbot, pending the action of the legislature. In the campaign which ensued Hon. William H. Crawford was the leader of one faction, and Gen. John Clarke of the other faction. Mr. Crawford was a man of national reputation and pre-eminent ability, who v/as reckoned as a presidential candidate, but on account of a sudden and severe illness he was not able to continue in the race or devote himself longer to the cares of public life. He transferred the leadership of his party to George M. Troup, who was defeated by only a small majority in favor of Gen. Clarke. THE INDIANS REFUSE TO CONCEDE MORE LANDS. Having purchased from Georgia the territory west of the Mississippi river the United States seemed to be in no hurry to remove the Indians or extinguish theii" claims in compliance with the terms of the treaty. An urgent appeal was made to congress by the legislature, but it accomplished very little good. A civil engineer was appointed to survey the rivers of the state for the purpose of removing all obstructions to navigation. A report from the university gave a glowing account of that institution, then under the control of Dr. Moses Waddell. The population of the state was now about 340,000. There were no railroads, and travel and transportation were restricted to wagons and stage coaches. A disastrous fire occurred in Savannah in 1820, followed by an epidemic of yellow fever. The , population of the city was greatly reduced, and the business life of Savannah was considerably enfeebled. Prosperity, hoAvever, returned in a few months and the growth of the city was resumed. On Jan. 8, 1821, Daniel M. Forney and David Meriwether, having been appointed by congress to confer with the Creek Indians in regard to the cession of their lands, held an interview with the chiefs of the nation at Indian Springs. A treaty was signed, by the terms of which the government was to pay into the state treasury the full amount of all indebtedness due from the Indians, not to exceed $250,000. In consideration of this relief enough land was ceded between the Flint and the Ocmulgee rivers to form the counties of Monroe, Bibb, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Fayette, Pike, and Henry. The land thus acquired was distributed according to the lottery system. 46 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. " The Indians were a source of great annoyance to the state, and their claims were a continual vexation. The reservation to which the Cherokees were assigned under the treaty but holding that the right of suffrage should not be too hastily conferred upon him before he had shown his ability to exercise it. The people of Georgia were greatly incensed by the attitude of congress, and a special committee was appointed, one of its members being ex-Gov. Joseph E. Brown, to repair to Washington in behalf of a more thorough understanding of the situation. This committee failed to accomplish anything, as congress was not disposed to alter its demands. Gov. Brown thereupon issued a letter to the people in which he urged them, at the expense of their personal inconvenience, to calmly submit to the terms of reconstruction in the hope of a final and complete revolution. In the light of subsequent happenings the wisdom and patriotism of Gov. Browm's letter is clearly seen, but the warm-blooded passions of the south were too easily inflamed to admit of calmness under insult, and they failed to see the wisdom of Gov. Brown's advice. Gov. Jenkins himself repaired to Wasliington for the purpose of testing the constitutionalit)' of the amendment, and failing to secure satisfaction he advised the people of the state to persevere in their refusal to acquiesce in the demands of congress. The views of Gov. Jenkins were warmly espoused by the eloquence of Benjamin H. Hih,' who delivered the greatest speeches of his life during this frightful era of gloom and despondency. In order to force upon the state the adoption of the measures proposed by congress, Georgia was again placed under military rule, and Gen. John Pope was put in command. A convention of the- democratic party was held in December, 1867, and Benja min H. Hill was elected chairman. The convention declared in favor of non- resistance to congress, but boldly protested against the military administration of Gen., Pope. Resolutions were passed denouncing the measures of reconstruction as harsh and unwise. Gen. Pope next called a convention to meet during the same month. All the counties were not represented, and the body was largely oomp'Osed of negroes. The convention remained in session until ]\Iarch t. In the meantime Gen. Meade succeeded Gen. Pope in command of the state. The convention being in need of funds demanded $40,000 from the state treasury to meet its expenses. This the treasurer refused to pay without an order from the governor. Gen. Meade there upon addressed a request to Gov. Jenkins asking him to draw the order. Gov. Jenkins refused to comply with his request and was thereupon removed from office. -^2 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Gen. Ruger was detailed to act in his stead, and all the state officials who had served under Gov. Jenkins were likewise dismissed. GOV. JENKINS GOES INTO EXILE, TAKING WITH HIM THE GREAT SEAL. Being deposed from his high office as governor of the state. Gov. Jenkins took with him the great seal of the commonwealth and $400,000 of the state's money and departed for Washington city. He filed a bill of complaint in the supreme court of the United States against the seizure of the state government by certain military officials, and passing through New York he deposited the $400,000 in one of the banks of that city. He then departed into exile, still retaining the great seal in his possession. The convention that was called by Gen. Meade, being stih in session, ordered an election for governor to be held in April, 1868. Rufus B. Bullock was the candidate of the republican party, and Gen. John B. Gordon the nominee of the democratic party. The new constitution was submitted to a vote of the people during this election and ratified. A large number of the best people in the state being denied the privilege of voting, the republican candidate was elected by a small majority. A society known as the Union League was organized about this time to promote the interests of the republican party in the state. Contemporane ously the celebrated Ku Klux organization sprung into existence, and many acts of violence were committed by this band. It was designed, according to the declaration of its leading members, to protect the wives and daughters of Georgia from black republicanism. Gov. Brown became very unpopular by consenting to prosecute several members of the Ku Klux organization in Columbus for the kilhng of a man by the name of Ashburn. It was denounced as an act of disloyalty to tlie cause of southern patriotism. Benjamin Conley was chosen president of the senate that convened in July, 1868, and R. L. McWhorter, by the small majority of only one vote, was elected speaker of the house. Gov. Bullock was inaugurated and the fourteentli amendment was ratified. Gen. Meade thereupon declared mihtary rule in Georgia at an end. The unseating of twenty-five negro members, in spite of the protest of Gov. Bullock, called forth great indignation on the part of the republicans. A colored convention was held in Macon, and violent speeches were made condemning the action of the legislature. The matter was subsequently brought to the attention of Qiarles Sumner, who demanded that Georgia be put for a third time under militan- rule. A resolution was adopted by congress to this effect, but it was never put into operation. The supreme court in June, 1869, decided that, under the constitutional amendment, the negroes were entitled to their seats, and this put an end to the controversy. A delegation was appointed by the republican executive committee to urge congress to put the state again under military rule. Gov. Bullock also repaired to Washington for the purpose of securing the passage of a bill author izing the governor to convene the legislature, and providing for the oath of amnesty, the seating of the colored members of the legislature, and the ratification of the fifteenth amendment. For a third time Georgia was placed under military rule, and Gen. Alfred Terry was appointed commander for the district The first session of the legisla ture under this new regime was held amid great confusion. Thirty-one negro members were seated, and twenty-four democrats expelled. The attention of congress was called to the manner in which the legislature was organized, and the state authorities were severely criticised by the judiciar)'- committee of congress designated to inquire into the organization. A bill was introduced providing for CIVIL HISTORY. :z a new election, and also for the re-admission of Georgia into the Union. The bill admitting the state into the sisterhood of American republics was signed by President Grant in July, 1870. Under the provision of the new act Gov. Bullock was re-elected in the following November. Gov. Joseph E. Brown, who had been appointed by Gov. Bullock chief justice of the state, resigned that office in 1870 to accept the presidency of the Western & Atlantic railroad that had been leased from the state for twenty years. It may be stated in this connection that Gov. Brown, by reason of his peculiar views in regard to reconstruction, was obliged to affiliate with the republicans. In adopting this course he was severely criticised by his former friends and political allies. He acted, however, from patriotic motives, believing it better to suffer patiently than to oppose the measures of reconstruction that were put upon the state by the Federal authority. The fact jihat Gov. Brown was afterward received into full democratic confidence is the highest evidence of his patriotism and devotion to the state. The population of Georgia at this time in spite of the decimating effect of the war was 1,184,109. The taxable property of the state had greatly 'decreased in value, but was slowly beginning to rise again. The manufacturing industries had been greatly stimulated, and the cultivation of cotton was resumed with renewed vigor. In spite of the bitter ordeal of reconstruction there were lacking none of the visible signs of growth and prosperity, and Georgia needed only a home government of her own selection to make her once more strong and powerful. During the month of October, 1871, Gov. Bullock, who had been re-elected to the office of governor the year preceding, formally resigned his position. . He left the state immediately, turning over the executive chair to Benjamin Conley, the president of the senate. The state was surprised by the sudden departure, and the feeling was shared, in a great measure, by the whole country. It v/as known that Gov. Bullock had found it anything but pleasant to gov'ern a state that entertained no love for the republican party, and that, furthermore, a misunder standing had taken place between him and the state treasurer in regard to advancing a large sum of money to H. I. Kimball for fitting up the old opera house building for a state capitol, when Kimball was under an express obligation to put it in proper condition. No effort was made to apprehend the fugitive governor, and he was allowed to remain unmolested until the fall of 1872. A legislative commit tee, appointed to investigate the cause of his departure, 'reported that he was in default to the state in the sum of $60,000, and thereupon a requisition for his arrest was made to the governor of New York. He was not found, however, andTin 1876 returned to Georgia, and was shiortly afterward given a trial and acquitted. Gov. Bullock had hardly left the state, after his resignation, when the legisla ture convened. James M. Smith was elected speaker of the house of representa tives and L. N. Trammell president of the senate. Benjamin Conley assumed the executive chair and was permitted to retain it by the legislature. An election, however, was called for the following December and James M. Smith was declared the choice of the people without opposition. Thomas M. Norwood was elected to the United States senate by the legislature that met in the fall of 1871. Gov. ,Smith had been a gallant officer in the Confederate army and had served on the floor of the Confederate congress, after being disqualified by a wound from serving in the field. The governor found it a difficult matter to correct the evils that had crept into the state government by reason of the republican administration, but he addressed himself to the undertaking with patriotism and ability. His mes sage to the legislature suggested a number of reforms, many of which were sub stantially adopted by that body and enacted into laws. It was evident before a great while that the state was beginning to show marked sign's of increasing pros perity. 74 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. The rebound from depression to buoyancy and hopefulness was instantaneous. Freed from the despoiling rule and the strangling grip of those who felt no real interest in her prosperity, and the government restored to her intelligent native and long-time adopted citizenship, Georgia soon regained her old-time progressive spirit, new political life was infused, manufactures, mining and railway construc tion was fostered, and improvement was manifest along all the lines of material development and commerce. RESTITUTION OF THE GREAT SEAL. It was now time for that patriotic old Roman, Gov. Chas. J. Jenkins, to emerge from his retirement and restore the great seal of the state that had been carried with him into exile. He had been informed of the changes that were taking place in the state, and as soon as Georgia's sovereignty was recognized he appeared upon the scene and made a formal restitution of the seal that he had faithfully guarded, saying, as he returned it, that he was thankful it had never been desecrated by the grasp of a military usurper's hand. A resolution of grateful thanks was voted to Gov. Jenkins in behalf of the people of Georgia, and the governor of the state was instructed to have a facsimile of the great seal made and presented to Gov. Jenkins and to bear the inscription: "Presented to Chas. J. Jenkins by the state of Georgia," together with the motto: "In aruduis fidelis." In the presidential election of 1872 the vote of Georgia was cast for Horace Greeley, the democratic candidate, who was defeated by Gen. U. S. Grant An appropriation for the common schools of the state was made this year by the legis lature, setting aside the poll tax and all revenues derived from liquors, shows and exhibitions, in addition to one-half the rental of the Western & Atlantic railroad, making a total of $250,000 appropriated to the common school system. It was necessary to increase this appropriation, but this amount, meager as it was, served to awaken the popular heart of the state, and to create a sentiment in favor of a better educational system. In May, 1872, the Georgia state college of agriculture and mechanical arts was organized at Athens, Ga., under the conttol of the uni versity. Gen. John B. Gordon, who had served with such distinction in the Confederate army, was elected to the United States senate in 1873. He was one of the most picturesque men in the Union, and his election to the senate was hailed with popular rejoicing. The office of state geologist was created during the year 1874 and Dr. Geo. Little was appointed to fill this p'Osition. The department of agriculture was also created this year and Dr. Thomas P. Janes was called to its head. The resignation of Judge McKay and Judge Trippe from the supreme bench in 1875 resulted in the app'ointment of Judge James Jackson and Judge Logan E. Bleckley to fill their vacancies. Dr. Gustavus J. Orr was also appointed by Gov. Smith to fill the position of state school commissioner. The governor was authorized to lease tlie convicts of the state for a term not exceeding five years. His limit was afterward fixed for a term not to exceed twenty years. A provision was further made for the proper care and treatment of the prisoners. It was made the duty of the principal keeper of the penitentiary and of the state physician to visit each camp in the state monthly, and to submit a written report of their condition. GOV. COLQUITT'S ADMINISTRATION. In the summer of 1876 the state democratic' convention met in Atlanta and Gen. Alfred IT. Colquitt, who had distinguished himself in the war between the CIVIL HISTORY. 75 states, was the unanimous choice of that body for governor. His nomination was followed by his triumphant election in the fall, defeating his opponent by a popular majority of 80,000 votes. The vote of the state was cast for Tilden and Hendricks in the presidential election. Gov. Colquitt was duly inaugurated on Jan. 12, 1877, and entered upon a term of four years, this term of service having been fixed prior to the administration of Gov. Smith. Gov. Colquitt was the son of Walter T. Colquitt, the distinguished statesman and orator. He was a native of Walton county, and was born in 1824. He graduated at Princeton college, after which he entered the practice of law, but soon gave up that profession to engage in agricultural pursuits. He served in the Mexican war, subsequently entered congress, became a distinguished general in the Confederate army, and had been the president of the state agricultural society. In his able message to the legislature Gov. Colquitt recommended economy in the use of public funds, and a more accurate return of taxable property. The legislature decided to call for a constitutional convention to revise the work of the one that had met in 1868. The convention met in the summer of 1877 and ex-Gov. Chas. J. Jenkins was made the chairman. Gen. Robt. Toombs was the leading spirit on the flo'or of the convention. It remained in session for several weeks and a number of changes were adopted. The governor's term of 'Office was reduced from four to two years ; the selection of judges and solicitors was referred to the people instead of the exec utive; biennial sessions, instead of yearly ones, were agreed upon and the homestead was reduced. The regulation of freight and passenger tariff was put under the control of legislation, and the fraudulent bonds of the state were re pudiated. These proposed changes were submitted to a vote of the people, together with the choice of a state capitol. Atlanta had been the seat of legislation since 1868, but the removal of the state capitol from Milledgeville to that city was not considered as permanent. In order to get the capitol, however, Atlanta made a liberal offer. In the election that followed the new constitution was ratified and Atlanta was made the seat of government The change was exceedingly dis tasteful to Milledgeville, as the capitol had been located in that town for more than half a century. The state recovered from the United States government in 1878 the sum of $152,000, an amount of money that Georgia had paid into the United States treasury in excess of what was right for repairing the Western & Atlantic railroad after the war. A number of Indian claims were also collected and these, in addition to an increase in the state's revenue, served to reduce the bonded debt considerably. Severe criticism was heaped upon the governor for endorsing the bonds of the Northeastern railroad. It was made to prevent the sale of the road in accordance with the state's agreement. Gov. Colquitt was found to be in the right, as the law of 1874 that repealed the instructions as to endorsing railroad bonds, distinctly ex cepted the bonds of the Northeastern railroad. But the administration of Gov. Colquitt was further fretted and disturbed by charges of irregularity in the several state 'departments. A thorough investigation resulted in proceedings of impeachment against the comptroher-general and the state treasurer. Chief Justice Hiram Warner presided. The comptroller was im peached, but the treasurer was acquitted. The legislature of 1879 passed an act creating a board of railroad commissioners to carry out the provisions of the con stitution" with reference to railroad tariff. Under this act Gov. Colquitt appointed ex-Gov. James M. Smith, Campbell Wallace and .Samuel Barnett. In 1880, Gen. Gordon, having resigned his seat in the United States senate. Gov. Colquitt appointed Joseph E. Brown to succeed him. This created general 76 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. dissatisfaction on account of Gov. Brown's unpopularity, and charges of a ring were preferred in many of the newspapers 'of the state and became the stock of the anti- Colquitt men in the succeeding campaign. RE-ELECTION OP GOV. COLQUITT. It was not the intention of Gov. Colquitt to seek a re-election, but such were the criticisms that were made against him that he found it necessary to seek from the people an endorsement 'of his administration. The convention that met in August, 1880, to nominate a governor was one of the m'ost eventful that ever assembled in the history of the state. Col. L. N. Tram- m'cll was elected chairman and the two-thirds rule was adopted, making it necessary for the successful candidate to receive two-thirds of the votes of the convention. Several days were spent in fruitless balloting, the Colquitt men being in the ma jority, but unable to secure the requisite majority. Finally the convention adjourned, recommending Gov. Colquitt to the people of Georgia as the choice of the majority of the convention. The name of Flon. Thos. M. Norwood of Savannah was presented as tiie preference of the minority. In the fall election Gov. Colquitt received a popular majority of 55,000. The state house officers elected were N. C. Barnett, secretary of state; W. A. Wright, comptroller-general; Clifford Anderson, attorney-general, and D. N. Speer, treas urer. The legislature that met in November confirmed the appointment of Joseph E. Brown, by electing him to represent the state for a full term of six years in the senate. Gen. Gordon, who had resigned that high office, engaged in private pur suits. The finances of the state were in good condition, and the ravages of war fast disappearing. A large sum 'of money was collected from the railroads in default of taxes, and this was put into the state treasury. At this session of the legislature Judge James Jackson was made the chief justice of the state. He was one of the most distinguished men in Georgia, having served the state in the legis lature, in the halls of congress and upon the bench. The assassination of President Garfield by Chas. Guiteau in July, 1881, produced general sorrow throug'hout the state. A petition was sent to congress by the legislature of 1881 asking for an appro priation in behalf of the ignorant children of the state. The petition stated that by reason of negro emancipation it was necessary for the state to provide for their education, and it was impossible to do this without help. Nothing was im mediately accomplished by this petition, but it received the warm support of Senator Brown, and resulted in a wholesome and beneficial agitation. In the state Commissioner Orr was making the best use of the state's limited allowance to further the interests of the common-school system. Among the signs of recupera tion that indicated the rapid growth of the state were the establishment of numerous manufacturing industries, applications for railroad charters and the general development of the mining and agricultural resources of the state. This spirit of enterprise was stimulated by the international cotton exposition held in Atlanta in the fall of 1881. It was in the nature of a revelation to those who had no idea of the infinite resources of the piedmont region. If the first term of Gov. Colquitt's administration was one of violent dissensions, the second one was characterized by profound peace and tranquillity. The close of Gov. Colquitt's second term of office was saddened by the death of Senator Benj. FI. Hill, which occurred in August, 1882. Senator Hill was one of the ablest men that Georgia ever produced, and as an orator he had no superior CIVIL HISTORY. 77 in the nation. The cause of his death was cancer of the tongue. A life-size por trait of the deceased senator was ordered by the legislature, and a marble statue was subsequently erected to his memory by popular subscription. ELECTION OF ALEX. H. STEPHENS AND HIS DEATH. Under the provisions of the constitution of 1877 the governor's term of office was reduced to two years. In the summer of 1882, therefore, the gubernatorial campaign was inaugurated by the presentation of the name of Alex. FI. Stephens, the- great commoner. Mr. Stephens was well advanced in years and was in ex tremely feeble health. He was still in public life, however, and the suggestion of his name was received with patriotic enthusiasm. He received the nomination and in the fall election was successful by an unprecedented majority. He was duly inaugurated and entered upon the discharge of his official duties in November, 1882. It was preordained, however, that Mr. Stephens' term of seiwice should be a brief one. He died early in the following year and was mourned by all the people of the south. He was buried in Crawfordville, Ga., and a monument over his grave has since been erected to his memory. The president of the senate, Hon. James S. Boynton, assumed the chair on the death of Gov. Stephens and performed the duties of that office until the qualification of his successor. In the convention that met to nominate a candidate Gov. Boynton was the choice of a large number of the delegates. Speaker Bacon of the house of representatives aLso had a splendid following. After a prolonged session, however, Hon. Henry D. McDaniel was nominated as a dark horse and received a majority of the votes in the popular election. It was during the term of Gov. McDaniel that the bill was passed authorizing the erection of the present state capitol at a cost of $1,000,000. The work of putting up the building proceeded without interruption and the structure was com pleted in 1889. At the laying of the corner-stone the oration was delivered by Gen. A. R. Lawton of Savannah. The first legislature that assembled after the death of Senator Benj. H. Hill elected Hon. Pope Barrow of Athens, Ga., to succeed him until the expiration of the unfinished term. Gov. Alfred H. Colquitt was elected for the long term. The administration of Gov. McDaniel was patriotic and conservative. In 1884, therefore, he was complimented by a re-election to the high office that he had filled with such distinguished ability. The election of Grover Cleveland, the democratic candidate for the presidency, in the fall of this year created universal rejoicing throughout the south. GOV. GORDON'S ADMINISTRATION. The spring of 1886 brought to Atlanta, as the guest of the city, the venerable chieftain of the Confederacy, Hon. Jefferson Davis. His visit to the city was the signal for a pronounced ovation, and the joy of the people at seeing their old leader again was all the more sincere because of the close retirement in which he had lived since the war. Flowers were sprinkled before the carriage in which 'he rode and the people of the city, young and old, turned out to greet him. The occasion of his visit was the unveiling of the statue of Senator Hill. Gov. McDaniel's term of office expiring this year the name of Gen. John B. Gordon was proposed as his successor. The suggestion met with popular en thusiasm and Gen. Gordon, having received the democratic nomination, was elected by an overwhelming majority. 78 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. His administration was fearless and aggressive. In the summer of 1888 he was triumphantly re-elected. The new capitol building was completed in 1889 and the executive dep'artment was transferred to the beautiful structure on Washington street, crowning the highest eminence in the city. It may be said in praise of the commission and of all concerned in the erection of the capitol, that it was built within the original ap propriation. In the fall of this year the greatest oratorical achievement of the generation was won by Henry W. Grady in the city 'of New York .at a banquet of the famous New England society. In a speech of only twenty minutes Mr. Grady caught the ear of the entire nation and did more to heal the breach between the sections than all the orators who had declaimed in favor 'of reconstruction since the war. From this response of Mr. Grady to "The New South" until his final speech, delivered three years later at Plym'outh Rock, his life was one continuous ovation. His death at the age of thirty-nine, following upon that of Mr. Davis by only a few weeks, was considered a national calamity. A series of expositions inaugurated in Atlanta for the purpose of advertising the resources of the Piedmont region attracted thousands of people to Georgia. The first of these expositions was held in 1887 and President Cleveland was one of the distinguished visitors. The population of the state at this time was in the close neighborhood of 1,800,000. The enterprise of the state in all departments of industry, her rapid growth since the war and the development of her marvelous material resources, had won for her the well-merited distinction of the "Empire State of the South." ADMINISTRATION OF GOV. NORTHEN. The rise of the farmers' alliance now claimed the attention of the public. From a social organization it had grown into a strong political factor and sought to correct a number of legislative evils. Hon. Wm. J. Northen of Sparta, Ga., was the preferred candidate of this rural order and received the democratic nomination in the summer of 1890. Fie was subsequently elected by a large majority and en tered upon the discharge of his duties with patriotic zeal, giving marked evidence of decided administrative ability. In the summer of 1892 he was re-elected to the office of governor by the unprecedented majority 'of 70,000 votes. In the meantime the farmers' alliance had merged into a new party known as the people's party, incorporating the sub-treasury plank in its platform. Gov. Northen, however, in the strictest loyalty to the farming interests of the state, remained true to the traditions of the democratic party. The success of the national democracy in 1892 restored Mr. Cleveland to the executive chair after a retirement of four years. In the distribution of portfoHos Hon. Hoke Smith of Georgia was called to the department of the interior in Mr. Cleveland's cabinet, and Hon. Chas. F. Crisp, a distinguished citizen of Georgia, was elected speaker of the national house of representatives. Gen. John B. Gordon, who had returned to public life, now occupied the seat of Senator Joseph E. Brown in the United States senate. Senator Brown, on account of failing 'health, was not a candidate for re-election at the close of his second term. The death of Justice L. Q. C. Lamar of the United States supreme court, a native of Georgia, who had served in the councils of the nation, representing the state of Mississippi in the United States senate, in the first cabinet of President Cleveland and on the bench of the supreme court, produced general sorrow throughout the south. Pie was buried in the state of his birth, though his remains CIVIL HISTORY. 79 were subsequently exhumed and taken to Mississippi. The death of Senator Col quitt occurred within a few months after the demise of Justice Lamar. This distinguished Georgian, who had served with equal ability in the field and forum, and who had worthily won the mantle of his illustrious father, was buried with civic honors in Rose Hill cemetery, Macon, Ga. Gov. Northen appointed Hon. Patrick Walsh of Augusta to succeed Senator Colquitt for the unexpired term. The legislature that met in the fall of 1894 elected Hon. A. C. Bacon of Macon, Ga., for the long term. The democratic convention that met this year nominated Hon. Wm. Y. Atkinson of Newman, Ga., for governor. Gen. Clement A. Evans was a popular candidate for that high honor, but withdrew from the race before the assembling of the convention. This brings the history of Georgia down to the closing decade of the nineteenth century — m'ore than 160 years from the landing of Oglethorpe on the bluffs of the Savannah river. The state has grown into a splendid commonwealth, em'bracing a population of nearly 2,000,000 souls and rejoicing in the assured hope of a long- continued prosperity. In the preparations she has made for the cotton states and international exposition, the greatest enterprise ever inaugurated on southern soil, the state has written the peroration of the century so far as her own marvelous achievements are concerned. The crowned heads of the world have been invited to attend this exposition and to witness the miracle of growth on which the colony of Georgia, planted by the philanthropic hand of Oglethorpe, has been converted into the splendid and colossal commonwealth that responds in the roll-call of de velopment to the "Empire State of the South." CHAPTER IL BY BRIG.-GEN. CLEMENT A. EVANS. MILITARY HISTORY— GEORGIA MILITARY PROVINCE— TROUBLES WITH SPAIN —OPPRESSIONS BY THE MOTHER COUNTRY— GEORGIA BECOMES AGGRES SIVE—GOVERNOR FLEES— NEW CONSTITUTION— MILITARY ORGANIZATION- OPENING OF THE WAR— EVENTS IN GEORGIA- UNDER THE CONFEDERA TION—WAR OF 1812— WAR WITH CREEK INDIANS— MEXICAN WAR— TERRI TORIAL DIFFICULTIES — SECESSION AGITATION — MILITARY ORGANIZA TION IN 1860— SEIZURE OP UNITED STATES FORTS— SECESSION CONVEN TION—PREPARATIONS FOR THE STRUGGLE— BEGINNING OF HOSTILITIES —DEFENSE OF GEORGIA— FEDERAL BLOCKADE— THE YEAR 1862— CAPTURE OF PORT PULASKI— THE STATE ARMY— EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION- FORT M'ALLISTBR— EVENTS OF 1863— CHICKAMAUGA— CHATTANOOGA- CAMPAIGN AGAINST ATLANTA— FALL OF ATLANTA— SHERMAN'S MARCH TO SAVANNAH— THE CLOSE. GEORGIA was originally organized as a military province, subject to the crown of Great Britain. Its martial founder. Gen. James Edward Ogle-* thorpe, had served with distinction in the armies of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough. Moved by a benevolent as well as a venture some spirit, he projected and carried into effect a colony in this English province situated far down the lower Atlantic coast. In 1732, the colonists, with Ogle thorpe at their head, left the shores of England and, crossing the ocean, debarked upon the bluff of the Savannah river, where they marked out the site of a town and called it Savannah ; thus founding the present elegant and prosperous seaport of the state. The first colonists of Georgia entered upon the edge of a wilderness which stretched in gloomy solitude more than a thousand miles northward and westward and met upon this threshold of the new world a body of aboriginal inhabitants differing from themselves in color, traits and customs so greatly as to be thouo-ht a distinct race of mankind. These Indians, as they were called, belonged to the tribes of the Creeks and Muscogees and being but a part of many warlike nations inhabiting the great American forests, came forward to greet their coming. The situation required a military government. The town, exposed to attacks, must be under the rules of a garrison. Therefore Georgia began its career as a rnilitary colony, whose citizens held their lands at first by a tenure that exacted military duty. Every male inhabitant capable of service was armed with some weapon of war. Other emigrants came soon afterward, among whom were the sturdy Salz burgers and the peaceful Moravians. A fine body of Scotch Highlanders dressed in picturesque plaids and armed with broadswords and firearms landed a little lower down the coast and settled Inverness. Oglethorpe, as the military chief and MILITARY HISTORY. gl governor of all, explored the coast, selected sites for military posts, built a fort on St. Simon's island and adopted all necessary measures for the safety of the new colony. TROUBLES WITH SPAIN. Not six years after their landing the Georgia settlers found that their earliest antagonists were not Indians, but Spaniards — men of their own race. Spain had laid claim to Florida as England had to Georgia and these claims extending vaguely into the unsurveyed wilds, a conflict of interests was inevitable. A state of hostility soon occurred. The Spaniards threatened Georgia and Oglethorpe being appointed by the crown commander of the colonial forces of South Carohna and Georgia, invaded Florida with about 2,000 men. The expedition was de signed against the old Spanish town, St Augustine. Marching into Florida, Oglethorpe attacked several small outposts and capturing them, laid siege to the ancient city. But the Spaniards had fortified their position so well and provisioned it so amply that after some unsuccessful assaults and a fruitless siege of several months, Oglethorpe was compelled to retreat into Georgia. The Spaniards afterward, in 1742, retaliated by appearing off the coast of Georgia with a large fleet and attacked Fort Williams on Cumberland island, which, however, was held against them by reinforcements sent to its support. The Spanish armament of fifty-six vessels, carrying about 7,000 men under Gov. Mon- tiano, then sailed into Brunswick bay and afterward entered an inlet, effected a landing on St Simon's island, notwithstanding the gallant fire from the batteries which Oglethorpe had erected. Montiano, having landed 5,000 men, marched against the fortified town of Frederica, which was situated farther inland. Ogle thorpe met him with part of his command amidst the marshes which intervened, but was being driven back until by a skillful maneuver the rangers, under McKay and Sutherland, v/ere wheeled under cover of a thick palmetto brush and from this ambush dashed upon the Spanish flank and producing a panic, made this battle, called Bloody Marsh, a briUiant and memorable American victory. The Spanish army abandoned a large quantity of military stores and hastily embarking set sail for Elorida. This splendid victory won by not over 600 men fighting on their own soil against an equipped army nearly ten times their number, is one of the most lustrous events in military history, although Bloody Marsh is among the unnoticed battles of those perilous times. DIFFICULTIES WITH INDIANS. While Georgia was now safe from the formidable Spanish invasion contem plated b}- Montiano, the colonists were at no time entirely free from fears of attacks by the Indians. Therefore, in extending their settlements they built small wooden forts and block-houses at all trading stations and setdements. Oglethorpe went up the Savannah river a distance, by direct course, 130 miles, and selected a fine site for a strong trading post, which he laid off with great regularity into spacious streets and squares, naming the town Augusta. For the refuge and protection of the inhabitants in the event of Indian hostilities, he constructed a "brace of wooden forts" and mounted them with some guns of small caliber. Considerable numbers of adventurous people from the adjacent province of South Carohna as well as from the settlements of the sea coast of Georgia began to gather at this important station in order to engage in profitable trade with the Indian tribes. The French and Indian war, opening up about the middle of this century, chiefly affected the northern and western sections, but toward its close a 1-6 82 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. series of fierce Indian hostilities involved the south and produced widely-spread troubles. The Cherokee nation had been friendly to the English in the war with the French, but taking offense at some supposed indignities, a band of Cherokees ravaged the northern frontier of Carolina and provoked a retahation by the destruction of many Indian vihages and fields. The governmental form in Georgia had been changed by the surrender of their charter and the adoption of a new plan approved in 1754, under v/hich the king of England appointed John Reynolds captain-general and governor-in-chief of his majesty's province of Georgia and vice-admiral of the same. The new military governor made a tour of inspection of the coast and exhibited great zeal in increas ing the military defenses. The alarm felt by the inhabitants in the upper part of the state was made known to him by earnest letters signed by leading men at Augusta, who represented that Indian hostilities were inevitable. The danger seemed to them so imminent that they declared, "We are afraid we cannot hold this place long without speedy assistance. All the settlements on the Ogeechee are abandoned. The fort cannot contain all the inhabitants, so that we shall be obliged to fortify some other places." At the same time a formal petition for help signed by a large number of the inhabitants of Augusta and other places and forwarded to the governor, represented that "Your petitioners by their vicinity and connection with the Indians and Indian affairs have had an opportunity to behold with concern the great progress the French have made for some time past in sedu cing the Creek Indians and drawing them over to their interest. These people are indefatigable in persuading and spurring on the Indians to a rupture with us and had within those few months, according to the best intelHgence we could get, and from the behavior of the Indians in general, very nearly succeeded, and even with the concurrence of a part of the Cherokees." Augusta and other towns near by were then the frontiers of the state, around which hung the threatening cloud of restless, dissatisfied Indians. The trading goods, with wrhich traffic was carried on with the Creeks, Cherokees and Chickasaws, were bulked at that place and invited the raid of the Indians under the instigations of the French emissaries. The situa tion was indeed gloomy enough. The old fort was not only small, but decayed. The few soldiers stationed there had been drawn upon 30 largely for detached serv ice as to leave the tov/n defenseless. Its loss by attacks of the Indians and French was regarded by the alarmed inhabitants as opening the way for the destruction of the whole province. The reports from the outlying country continued to come in that the -Indians were murdering families and burning the settlements. A new white settlement on the upper source of the Ogeechee had given special offense to the Creeks, and outrages on their rights had provoked them to frequent mur derous retaliation. The tomahawk in the brown hand of the savage did murderous execution. Scalps of men, women and children were grimly added to the belts of the warriors. All upper Georgia was in a state of constant dread, and stockades were newly built in all directions. As an example of the bloody incidents occurring in tlie rough experiences of the hardy settlers of Georgia but a little over a century ago, the following is taken from reliable authority. Richard Tyner had settled a place in Elbert county, built his log house, and with his little family was securing a subsistence from the fertile soil. One day during his absence the savage Creeks broke suddenly upon his place and proceeded with the usual bloody work. Mrs. Tyner was kifled first, and her baby was dashed against a tree until its brains bespattered the ground. Little Noah Tyner, a young lad, fled to the forest, and concealed liimself in a hollow tree. The two girls, Mary and Tamar, were carried away into captivity, where they were kept several years, concealed, until the eldest was found by a trader, who brought her back to Elbert. The trader offered to MILITARY HISTORY. 83 purchase both girls, but the Indians refused to sell Tamar, the youngest. After the departure of her sister, Tamar made her escape down the Chattahoochee river alone in a canoe, and at length reaching protection at Appalachicola, she was assisted to her home. OPPRESSIONS OP THE MOTHER COUNTRY. While the Georgians were thus annoyed by the Indians, their troubles were increased by the oppressive acts of the mother country. Various acts of parliament had been passed during many years, injurious to the interests of the colonies and destructive to their liberties. The British ministry obtained the right to tax the colonies either directly or by tariff, to restrict their manufactures, to control their com'merce and to quarter troops upon them without their consent. These claims being asserted by practical legislation, produced great discontent They were openly declared to be tyrannical, and a common political creed asserted that "Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God." Otis, of Boston, in an eloquent sentence, said 'that "taxation without representation is tyranny." Virginia had abolished the slave trade and passed other salutary laws which were annulled in London by the king. Patrick Henry in a passionate speech declared .that "the king who annuls a law of so salutary a nature, degenerates into a tyrant and forfeits all right to obedience." The fever of resistance heightened from month to month, until all the colonies became alike inflamed. Georgia, youngest of the British provinces and least prepared for resistance, was soon borne by its sympathy into the general revolt. Public meetings, held as early as 1769, made strong patriotic protests against those acts 'Of parliament which were declared to be "oppressive and contrary to the birthright of every Briton." Resolutions were passed not to import any British goods or to buy any negroes brought in by British ships. The royal governor. Sir James Wright, wrote to England "that a large proportion of the people of Georgia were Sons of Liberty, and the same spirit of sedition which first appeared in Boston had reached Georgia." The "Sons of Liberty" were composed of ardent patriots, a party 'of whom, led by Habersham, entered the magazine at Savannah, and, removing the powder, secreted it so safely that they secured its use later on in actual battle. In 1774 resolutions Avere passed in a public assembly held in Savannah condemning the act of parliament for blockading the port of Boston, the stamp act, the transportation of citizens to England for trial, and concurring with the other colonies in every measure to obtain redress of American grievances. Conservative steps were advised by leading men of the province, and the colony, still declaring its loyalty, made earnest efforts to obtain redress through peaceable means. The general assembly of 1775 was addressed by Gov. Wright, who stated "that the alarming situation of American affairs at this juncture makes it highly necessary for me to say something to you on the subject, and it is with the utmost concern that I see by every account all the colonists to the northward of us as far as Nova Scotia in a general ferment." The governor warned the assembly that the extraor dinary measures adopted by these northern colonies, if pursued, would involve all America in most dreadful calamities, and exhorted them not to suffer the province to be involved in these distresses. The assembly responded with assurances of their desire to 'have "every obstacle removed which m.ay interrupt a cordial and lasting union with the mother country," but they said, "Anxious for the present welfare of our country and the interest of posterity, our ardent wish is that his majesty's American subjects may enjoy all the rights and privileges of British subjects, as 84 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. fully and effectually in all respects as the inhabitants of Great Britain do, and to that end it now appears necessary that the constitutional rights of his majesty's American subjects may be clearly defined and firmly established, so that they may hold these inestimable blessings on such a footing as will unite the mother country and the colonies by a reciprocation of benefits, and on terms consistent with the spirit of the constitution, and the honor, dignity and safety of the whole empire."' This firm response was followed by a declaration 'of rights, passed by the assembly in January, 1775, reciting the grievances and demands, afterward substantially repeated in the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776. "All and each of which," said this Georgia declaration of January, 1775, "the commons 'Of Georgia in general assembly met claim, demand, and insist on as their indubitable rights and liberties, which cannot legally be taken away from them, altered or abridged by any power without their consent" GEORGIA BECOMES AGGRESSIVE. Georgia had not yet taken any steps of separation from Great Britain, but had sent delegates to the continental congress and raised contributions for the people of Boston. Events, however, were hastening on to the general declaration of independence. The first bloods'hed occurred in Lexington, in April, 1775, the battle 'of Concord next took place, then Ethan Allen captured Fort Ticonderoga, and the battle of Bunker Hill was fought. All occurred during the first 'half of 1775, and the news was borne by couriers to all parts of the country. The royal Gov. Wright had dissolved the Georgia general assembly early in the year, and as there was no authorized authority to express the popular will, a provincial congress convened in Savannah in July, 1775, composed of delegates elected by various parishes, and elected Archibald Bulloch president and George Walton secretary. After two days' discussion the congress resolved to "approve and adopt the American declaration or bill of rights, published by the continental congress, and to carry into execution all and singular, the measures and recom mendations of the continental congress." Five representatives to the continental congress then sitting in Philadelphia were elected, composed of Houston, Bulloch, Zubly, Jones 'and Hah. A patriotic and fraternal declaration was also adopted, that the "loyalty, patriotism and prudence of the inhabitants of New England, under their unparalleled pressure, having been construed into timidity and dread of regular troops, a civil war in .support of acts extremely oppressive to themselves has been actually begun, and there is much reason to beheve that plans have been in agitation big with everything horrible to other provinces — plans as rash, barbar ous and destructive as the cause which they were intended to serve. Resolved that this province join with all the provinces in America now met by delegates in continental congress." Before adjourning, the provincial congress unanimously entered into an association in behalf of the province, under a strong declaration, tantamount to secession from British control, worded as follows: "Georgia, being persuaded that the salvatton of the rights and liberties of America depend, under God, on the firm union of the inhabitants, in its vigorous prosecution of the measures necessary for its safety, and convinced of the necessity of preventing the anarchy and confusion which attend the dissolution of the powers of government; we, the freemen, free holders, and inhabitants of the province of Georgia, being greatly alarmed at tlie avowed design of the ministi-y to raise a revenue in America, ancl shocked by the bloody scene now acting in the Massachusetts bay, do, in the most solemn manner. MILITARY HISTORY. 85 resolve never to become slaves ; and do associate under all the ties of reUgion and honor and love to our country to adopt and endeavor to carry into execution whatever may be recommended by the continental congress or resolved upon by our provincial convention appointed for preserving our constitution and opposing the execution of the several arbitrary and oppressive acts of the British parliament, until a reconciliation between Great Britain and America on constitutional princi ples, which we most ardently desire, can be obtained." The spirit of resistance to British authority manifested itself in many violent demonstrations. In October, 1775, Gov. Wright directed a mmster in honor of the k;ing, but instead of loyal compliance the people made effigies 'Of obnoxious royalists and burned them in the streets of Savannah. A large number of "Liberty Boys" assembled a few months later and threatened the governor with personal violence if he attempted to issue the odious stamps which had recently arrived. A consid erable company, consisting of about 200 men coming from adjacent settlements paraded the commons near the city, clamoring for redress with such 'demonstrations that the governor marched against them with his regulars, rangers and seamen, and forced them to retire. The excited state of the people of Savannah may be judged from other incidents occurring at the time, one of which was the seizure and dismounting of the guns on the battery. Gov. Wright had published directions for the celebration 'Of his majesty's birthday, with the usual ceremonies, but on the night of June 2 a body of citizens dismounted the cannon, and after spiking all the guns, dragged them down the bluff, where they were found next day, and with some difficulty the spikes were removed, the guns reinstated in position, and made sullenly to sound the prescribed salutes. GOVERNOR FLEES. During the ferment existing in Savannah several ships of war appeared at Tybee and increased the popular fear. It was conjectured that they were sent at the instigation of Gov. Wright, to overawe the "Sons of Liberty," and in order to prevent him from communicating with the fleet it was determined by 'a small body of patriots to hold him as a prisoner. The party, led by Habersham and Milledge, entered the house of the governor, and politely making known their purpose, proposed to leave him, at his own house protected by a guard at the door. The governor, however, eluded the sentinel after the departure 'Of iiis captors, and making his escape to Bonaventure, obtained a boat and was rapidly rowed to the warship "Scarborough." The flight of the royal governor brought 'the revolution in Georgia to a crisis. The province was left nearly without any organized government, as the general assembly had been dissolved, and the provincial congress had assembled by only a revolutionary authority. But 'On the departure of the governor, a provisional government was rapidly organized under a written agreement entered into by delegates from the parishes, which provided a method of electing new delegates by all the parishes, "to meet in one body or council, to be styled a provincial congress, who shall act in all cases whatsoever for the good of the common cause." After adopting this primitive method of forming a government of the people, the congress still in session provided for the protection of the commonwealth, until a new election could be held, and after their issuing an address to the inhabitants of the province 'Of Georgia, dissolved itself. In this address they set forth that "a civil war in America is begun. Several engagements have already happened. The friends of America were in hopes that British troops could not be induced to slay 86 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA their brothers. It is, hovvfever, done, and the circumstances are such as must be an everlasting blot on their character for humanity and generosity." NEW CONSTITUTION IS DRAFTED. The committee which was appointed to draft a constitution for a provisional government published a form which provided for election of delegates, the election by ballot of the next congress, of a president and commander-in-chief for six months, also a council of safety, who together with the five members of the continental congress from Georgia would constitute a privy council to the president. Ample powers were conferred on the president, subject to the advice of the privy council, and all legislative powers were reserved to the provincial congress. Former colonial laws v^/ere continued in force, and the congress was required to elect a full judiciary. Thus the new government of the province was launched under trying circumstances. The population of the entire province did not exceed 3,000 men, and they were generally poor. The arms were fewer than the men who could bear them, and were of an inferior kind. Munitions of war were scant indeed, discipline and drill little understood, but the people had been inured to danger, their hearts were inflamed with the love of liberty, and they were led by a number of intrepid men. There were two general lines of settlement; one a narrow strip extending along the coast from Savannah to the Florida line, and the other up the Savannah river beyond Augusta. On 'the south of the province the Spanish state of Florida contained an unfriendly people, with whom serious difficulties had at times occurred, and several hundred regular, well-equipped Spanish soldiers were in garrison at St. Augustine. The Creeks, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Cherokee Indians hovered on the west and north, in dangerous unknown numbers. Five British ships of war, the "Syren," the "Cherokee," the "Raven," the "Tamar," and the "Scarborough," with Gov. Wright, the refugee, on board, rode threateningly at the Tybee inlet, with two transports, carrying over 300 well-armed men. Another small force had landed at Cockspur Island and were ready for action. No assist ance could be expected from the small continental force now gathering to defend the northern colonies, and South Carolina, the near neighbor, was already "drained of men" for its own defense. PLAN OF MILITARY ORGANIZATION. The military organization of the times was modeled on the European plan, and the orders for recruiting companies and battalions were duly issued, but money was sadly lacking to provide for their subsistence. Clothing for troops was hard to get, and imported goods of all kinds had advanced in price 300 per cent. "Our currency," said Col. Mcintosh, "passed in no other colony than our own, and we have received very little continental money as yet." But a battalion upon the continental plan, composed of eight companies, was raised subject to 'the control of the Georgia provincial congress, except "where sudi control should interfere with the orders of the general congress or a committee thereof." Lachlan Mcintosh was appointed colonel, Samuel Elbert lieutenant-colonel, and Joseph Habersham major. Col. Mcintosh promptly addressed a communication to Gen. George Washington, in which, describing the condition of the province, and the dangers which threatened it, he asked for directions, and naively remarked that the provin cial congress had chosen all other officers, but neglected to provide surgeons. He would, therefore, take the liberty of appointing "surgeons to those battalions, which are so indispensably necessary." The courageous colonel evidently intended to lead his brave command into danger. In addition to this infantry battalion several MILITARY HISTORY. 87 mounted companies were raised to patrol the coast, and to defend the western limit of the settlement from the Indians. The enlistments of these troops were generally for twelve months, although some were received for a shorter time. The pay for enhstment was fixed at $8 for each man. The infantry total amounted to about 360 officers and men, and the troops of horse to perhaps half that number. Less than 500 soldiers were mustered by April i, 1776, and the arms and accoutrements were insufficient for even half that number. As for artillery, the guns which the patriots had dismounted and spiked were in position on the bluff, and a small battery was placed at Trustee's garden below Savannah. Not one ship of war to protect the scores of open inlets belonging to the new government "Several armed vessels," as Mcintosh wrote to Washington, "infest our inlets southward, and have made several captures, which we cannot prevent, as we have not a single vessel of any force; but they have always been driven off the shore when they attempted to get a supply of provisions." OPENING OF THE WAR. Such was the military state of the province when it entered into the confedera tion of colonies to resist the oppressions of Great Britain. Armed with flint-lock muskets of small bore, and with long-barreled rifles which they loaded from the muzzle by the use of the ramrod; equipped with powder horn, charges made of cane for loading, bullet molds and wadding, but bravely arrayed in homespun of blue, and belted with cutlass and broadsword by the side, cockade on the hat and courage in the heart, these revolutionary soldiers marched to the music of fife and drum into battle for freedom against all the power of England. The British war upon America was at this time directing its force mainly upon the colonies upon the northern coast, but in 1776 Sir Henry CHnton turned his attention southward to begin operations against the Carolinas and Georgia. A resolute attempt was made to occupy Charleston, but the city was so well defended by Fort Moultrie on Sullivan island that the assault failed. This unsuccessful venture was followed by many annoying attacks all along the southern coast. Several vessels of war "spread terror along the coast," until the career of three of them was arrested by their valorous capture by Gen. Elbert, off the coast near Brunswick, April 19, 1778. Information being brought to Elbert of the presence of these vessels, he detached 300 men, and placing them and two pieces of artillery on board three small galleys, the "Washington," Capt. Hardy; the "Lee," Capt. Braddock; the "Bulloch," Capt Hatcher, he arrived opposite St Simon's island late in the evening, and next morning bravely sailed out to attack the three large vessels which prepared to receive him. "You may imagine what my feelings were," said the ciiivalric Elbert, "to see our three little men-of-war going on to the attack of these three large vessels, which have spread terror upon our coast and were drawn up in order of battle." The gallant attack was made by the little Georgia navy with great spirit. Their shot from the guns poured upon the wooden sides of the ships, and they steadily stood the return fire. Moving closer they used the musket and rifle, as well as cannon, with such disastrous effect that the British began to fly to their boats and abandoned the vessels with . everything on board. The captured ships and prisoners were put in charge of the brave Col. White, who had acted with conspicuous courage. The event elated the hopes of the Georgia province, and gave the several settlements along the coast greater assurance of being protected from the British raids, which had heretofore alarmed them so greatly. EVENTS IN GEORGIA. The county of Liberty had a most glorious record for its patriotic endurance of suffering during this, as well as other years of the revolution. The name was 88 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. bestowed upon the parish in 1777 on account of the patriotism of its people. Its ancient town of Sunbury and Midway church were the scenes of a battle in 1778, in which the place was taken by the British after a most gahant defense. Sunbury, built on a high bluff, bade fair to become a flourishing port. It was occupied by a small body of intelligent inhabitants, engaged in agriculture and trade, who for protection against the Indians and all other foes built a fort and manned it with a few guns, but depended most on their own trussty rifles and muskets. On account of the many incursions attempted by tlie British, and the apprehension that this inlet would be entered. Gen. John Mcintosh and Col. James Screven were sent to Fort Morris at Sunbury with American troops for its defense. The British, under command of Col. Fuser, very soon marched against the fort with a largely superior force, which was divided into four bodies, and captured the upper part of the town. Col. Fuser, commanding the advance, dispatched a note to Mcintosh, calhng his attention to the large force which now invested the fort, and demanded surrender upon conditions that the Americans would lay down their arms and remain neutral until the fate of America was determined. To this note Mcintosh returned immediate reply that "we would rather perish in a vigorous defense than accept your proposals. We, sir, are fighting the battles of America, and therefore disdain to remain neutral till its fate is determined. As to surrendering the fort, receive this I'eply, Come and take it." In the meantime Col. Browne was ordered by Gen. Prevost to meet the Americans, who were reported as coming under Screven to the assistance of the garrison at Sunbury, and placing his command in ambush he surprised the troops under Screven with a sudden and murderous fire, from which the brave Screven fell mortally Vv^ounded, and his command retreated. The loyalists used their success in Liberty county to inflict great calamities on the patriots and their families, destroying their property and dragging their families into captivity. In the latter part of 1779 Col. Campbell was ordered by Gen. Clinton to attack Savannah in association with Admiral Parker, and aided by the forces under Gen. Prevost Col. Campbell's well-equipped command consisted of one regiment of British regulars, two battalions of Hessians, four battalions of provincials, and a battery of artillery, all of which were borne by transports to Tybee island. A fleet of ten ships under command of Admiral Parker accompanied the expedition to take an active part in the assault The British force was over 2,000, and the continental defenders of Savannah were about 900. Without delay the British began to ascend the river at the beginning of the Christmas week, and after a brief and brave resistance by the Georgians effected a landing on Brewton's hill, about two miles above the city. Campbell immediately marched to the Tattnall plantation, where he found the Americans under Maj.-Gen. Howe drawn up in line of battle, four regiments of the Georgia brigade, commanded by Gen. Elbert, extending from the main road, the left resting on the battery on the bluff. The Carolina troops, under the command of Col. Huger, were formed with their right protected by a heavy timber swamp and their left joining the Georgia brigade. A detachment of riflemen was deployed in the swamp for the protection of the right flank of Huger's com mand, and a few pieces of cannon were scattered at available points along the line. A trench cut across the main road, and a slight marshy creek extending nearly l^arallel to the American line on its front, contributed to the strength of its defense. Col. Campbell, discovering that the weak point of Howe's line was on his left flank, made a feint on the right wing, and, at the same time, threw a corps of light infantry entirely around the left, and to the rear of Howe. Posting his artillery under cover of a slight swell of ground to bo ready for the advance, and his disposi tions being all made, the signal was given, and the attack followed with an onset that broke the American line. Col. George W'alton, commanding a body of MILITARY HISTORY. 89 Georgia militia and a battery on the right, met the final brunt of the fierce charge of the British under Col. Baird, and, although he most bravely contested the position, was forced to fly. Within a short time the retreat became general and Savannah fell into the hands of the enemy. The Americans were body pursued through the streets by the victorious British, who bayoneted several non-combatant citizens, and seizing many others, hurried them to the prison ships. The Americans lost eighty-three killed and about 450 prisoners. The rest of the discomfited command retreated into South Carohna. Gen. Prevost was placed in command of Savannah, and under his direction the British rapidly overcame all eastern Georgia. Maj. Maitland was sent to Ebenezer, where he built a fort and harassed the patriotic Germans, who were made to feel the severity of war to the utmost. Ebenezer was selected as the place where captured men were sent and kept under guard, until they could be forwarded in numbers to Savannah, and the inhabitants were forced to witness the merciless cruelties which the prisoners were compelled to endure. The rescue of a party of these prisoners is an incidental illustration of the daring spirit of the Sons of Liberty, who were figiiting for their country against overwhelming numbers. Sergt. Jasper and Sergt Newton, both bold scouts, having ascertained that a number of prisoners in irons were 'On the way from Ebenezer to .Savannah under guard of ten men, secreted themselves near a spring where they knew the guard would pass. As they expected, the guard halted, leaned their guns against the trees, and leaving only two men with the prisoners, went down to the spring to refresh themselves with water. In a moment the two scouts sprang from their places of concealment, shot down the guard of two men, and seizing all the guns, demanded the surrender of the remainder, which was quickly granted. Losing no time the prisoners were released, and the captured British were marched across the Spanish river to the American camp. The British invaders, pushing into the interior, established military forts at intervals along the west bank of the Savannah river, and in January, 1779, appeared before Augusta in such force that the town fell into their hands with httle resistance. The capture of Augusta was followed by active operations on the part of the British forces to subdue the whole of Georgia, and in pursuance of this purpose Col. Boyd was ordered with a considerable force collected by him in Carolina to cross the Savannah river and scour tlie_ northwestern region. This invasion was bravely met in Wilkes county in the notable battle of Kettle Creek, by the Georgia and Carolina troops belonging to the commands of Heard, Clarke, Dooly and Pickens. Stephen Heard had moved into Georgia only a few years before the war of the revolution, and for protection against the Indians, he and 'his neighbors built a rude strong fortification wliicli was named Fort Heard. Around this fort a sturdy band of planters had gathered, among whom Heard was the recognized leader, and at this spot after the fall of Savannah and Augusta the refugee govern ment of Georgia made its final stand against invasion. Heard joined Dooly, Clarke and Pickens to meet Boyd at Kettle Creek, and there the desperate patriots fought their enemy with such impetuous bravery as to defeat and rout them com pletely. This scarcely noted battle, equal though it was to any in the revolution, was so decisive as to force for the time the British from Augusta back to Savannah and Charleston. But a quick reverse 'Of fortune occurred within a m'Onth. Gen. Ashe, in com mand of an American force in South Carolina, composed of Georgians under Gen. Elbert and Col. Mcintosh, with North and South Carolina regiments, amounting to 1,200 infantry and a small body 'Of cavalry, was ordered to cross the river and take a position near Brier Creek bridge in Screven county, about half way between 90 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Augusta and Savannah, so as to interpose the command between the enemy and the up country. His left rested upon the impassable swamp of the river, while the creek was along the front, and a curtain of cavalry hung around his right. Provid ing for possible disaster, notv.'ithstanding his strong dispositions. Gen. Ashe made arrangements to retreat by boats across the river, and in his strong position felt secure against the enemy. But Gen. Prevost, marching from Savannah and collect ing detachments from all parts as he went, made a rapid detour by which he evaded the cavalry that had been unfortunately crossed to the south side of the creek, and suddenly fell upon the surprised rigiit flank of the American line. The attack found the command of Gen. Ashe wholly unprepared. The troops were 'not in battle line, and Ashe was unable to form his entire command before his enemy had charged and broken down the opposition of a few companies which Elbert and Mel ntosh with rare bravery had rallied, and fought until they were overpowered. The patriot army gave way in confusion, and the mass escaped by the boats or by swimming the river. The Georgia troops suffered heavy losses, and their brave leaders, Elbert and Mcintosh, with Maj. Douglass and eight captains, besides over 150 men, were taken prisoners. Elated with victory, Prevost marched his command, May, 1779, against Charleston and demanded its surrender. Moultrie courageously refused the demand, and while preparing the defense was succored by Gen. Lincoln, whose advance caused Prevost to beat a slow retreat toward Savannah along the coast Col. Maitland, with a strong force, was attacked by the Americans at Stone Ferry, June, 1779, and repulsed the Americans with heavy loss. In this state of affairs, where neither side appeared to gain any decided advan tage, it was determined by the Americans to attempt the recapture of Savannah by a combined assault of the fortress under Gen. Lincoln, with the aid of a French fleet under Count d'Estaing. The troops under Lincoln were moved from South Carolina and upper Georgia to the west side of the Savannah, and in 1779 the French fleet, appearing oft' the coast, anade demonstrations at various inlets, and finally began to land in launches below the city, and at the same time prepared their eleven frigates to advance up the river from Tybee. Upon this demonstration Gen. Prevost prepared for defense with great energy. Col. Maitland was withdrawn from Port Royal, the British ships retired up the river, guns and ammunition were transported in light vessels at Port Royal harbor through the cuts, and the seamen were appointed to the batteries which hp-d been constructed under the skillful supervision of Col. Moncrief. The buoys of the bar were cut away, several ships were sunken in the channel for obstructions, and the fortifications around the city were hurriedly strengthened. Above the city a boom was laid across the river to avoid the danger of fire rafts, which Lincoln's men migbt float down the river among the British shipping, and the good ship Germain, armed with her guns, Avas stationed off Yamacraw to protect the flank. Junction of the French and Americans having been effected, d'Estaing demanded the surrender of the city on Sept. 16, and received the defiant answer, "We are unanimously determined to defend the town." The attack opened with three small vessels having twelve-pound and eighteen-pound guns, which were advanced near enough to throw shot into the city with little damage. Proceeding afterward to reduce the fortified city by regular approach, the French commander constructed a line of works for infantry and thirty-seven pieces of artillery. These finished, a furious cannonading began at midnight of Oct 3, and continued for nearly a week without producing any ¦effect. It was then determined in a council of war to take the city by storm, and at daybreak Oct. 9 the assault was made along the entire American and French line combined. Three separate times the American and French charged the British in their entrenchments, but were as often repulsed MILITARY HISTORY. 91 with severe loss. Grapeshot from the British batteries was seen to do destructive work in assisting the fire of musketry. The Georgians and Carolinians, led by Lincoln; attacked the British batteries in the fort at Spring Hill, and even planted their colors on the crest, but were forced back by the fire of the foe. Sergt. Jasper again distinguished himself by his heroic conduct in this assault. He was already celebrated for repeated acts of gallantry, and was now among the first to scale the parapet of the redoubt with the colors of his regiment, which had been presented by Mrs. Elliott. To celebrate the momentary victory as well as to inspire his fellow- soldiers with new daring, the ardent patriot stuck the staff of his flag upon the parapet and saw it v/ave over the redoubt, but a moment afterward he was pierced by a deadly ball, and fell upon the spot made forever memorable for his chivalry. During the fiercest hours of their combined assault the noble Pole, Count Pulaski, rode -at the head of his 200 cavalry whenever a charge could be made. At length he diought he saw an advantage througb which he could penetrate the British lines, and, forming his gallant horse for a headlong charge, dashed at full speed into the city and bore all before him until he reached an obstruction of heavy abbattis, through which it was impossible to ride. This devoted body or brave men were then compelled to endure a galling fire from the British batteries and riflemen, which at last threw them into confusion. A canister shot driving through Pulaski's thigh, hurled him at this critical moment from his horse, and inflicted a deadly wound. The fallen hero was borne from the battlefield and afterward placed under skillful treatment aboard the "Wasp," but as the ship was departing for Charleston a few days later the patriot foreigner, who in love of liberty came to the help of Georgia in its extremity, yielded his great soul to death, and his body was consigned to the sea, where the waters 'of the Atlantic and the Savannah river met. The fierce battle continued until about noon, and the assault ' having failed with lamentable losses of officers and men, d'Estaing and Lincoln ceased firing, and running up a white flag asked for a truce to bury the dead and remove the W'Ounded. This was agreed to by the British commander, and while these humane offices were being performed by both armies, a council was held in which Lincoln urged a renewal of the assault, but the discouraged count resolved to withdraw. Retiring to their original lines the French began to remove their heavy guns to the ships, and on October 17, without having made any furtlier demonstration, d'Estaing drew 'off his command and embarked. Gen. Lincoln being left without support fell back upon the interior, and Georgia was again in control of the enemy. Augusta was re-entered by the British with their Indian allies under the com mand of Col. Thomas Browne, who held it witii an iron band for many months. Col. Elijah Clarke made a gallant attempt in September, 1780, to wrest the town from Browne's grasp by hastily gathering three companies of militia, commanded by Col. McCall, Maj. Taylor and himself, and marched to an attack on the west side of the city. He first encountered the Indians, and driving them rapidly back, fell suddenly on a body of rangers in camp witliin a few miles of the city, and surprising the garrison, laid siege with vigor to the fortifications. Irregular fighting continued from day to day, resulting in an unsuccessful attempt by the patriots to either force Browne to surrender or to carry his works by storm. A body of Cherokee Indians arriving, and also a force of British under Col. Cruger coming to reinforce Browne, the Americans v/ere compelled to raise the siege. They had suffered heavy loss, and Maj. Carter, defending the pass to the White House with great bravery, was killed, leaving behind him this eulogium from the commander: "A man of more bravery than Alaj. Carter never occupied a space between heaven and earth." With him fell the fiery Luckie and many others equally brave. In one of the sorties Capt. Ashby, 92 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA, with twenty-eight men, was captured by the British, and twelve of the number, including Ashby, were hanged on the White House staircase. Indian brutalities were also permitted within the knowledge ol the British officers, which painfully disclosed the savage nature of the wild war which was waged in Georgia. Col. Browne was desperately W'Ounded himself during the skirmishes of this siege, but recovered and remained in charge of Augusta until the final siege and surrender of the place in 1781. Gen. Greene had been sent to take charge of the southern department after the disastrous campaign of Gates, and had the assistance of the great partisan leaders, Marion, Sumter, Pickens, Clarke and Dooly. These noted leaders carried on a harassing warfare against the British, striking unexpected blows, and now began under the generalship of Greene to force the invaders of Carolina back toward the sea. With them "Light Horse Harry" Lee co-operated with signal distinction, and participating in the plan to drive the enemy from all their interior forts, moved his command into Georgia for the purpose 'Of re-taking Augusta. Fort Galphin lay in his path, and there, he learned, had been recently stored a quantity of ammuni tion and presents for the Indians. These he seized with little resistance and distributed among his troops. The cavalry, under Maj. Eggleston, forded and swam the river, and the entire command was quickly marched to the western side of the city, and formed a junction with the provincial troops which Gens. Clarke, Pickens and Jackson had in their command. The plan adopted was to first attack Fort Grierson, which had been erected in the upper part of the place, and this was done at the first assault. The garrison was taken by storm and its defend ers were killed, captured or driven down the river to Fort Cornwallis, near the center of the city. The Americans then took a strong position, with Lee near the bluffy banks of the river, while Pickens and Clarke extended the right into adjacent roads. Taking advantage of the shelter which the curves and high banks of the river afforded, the Americans began to work their fortifications toward Fort Corn wallis, but as the flat, even ground afforded no advantageous position for the light artillery which they had, the expedient was adopted of building a low tower of wood from which their cannon might be fired with effect The besieged British made several furious sallies against the besiegers, to be driven back to their fort at the point of tlie bayonet Several bloody hand-to-hand engagements took place along the river bank in the vain attempt of Col. Browne to take the American works. The erection of the tower endangered Fort Cornwallis. Several houses between the American and the British lines had been seized by a few sharpshooters from Lee's lines, and the situation grew desperate for the British garrison. Browne made a final effort to burn the tower and the houses which sheltered the sharpshoot ers, but all means of defense failing, he was compelled to surrender. The British garrison marched out 'Oii the morning of June 5, 1781, at shouldered arms, with drums beating, to a spot near by, where their arms were piled, and the}' with the Indian allies were guarded toward Savannah, to be delivered as prisoners to the nearest American command until exchanged. Col. James Jackson was ordered to march to Ebenezer with his command, and making that point tlie center of operations, engaged in numerous sinaU battles \vith parties 'of British. Col. Jackson harassed the enemy at all points around Savannah until Col. Campbell followed after him with a large force of British cavalry, and overtaking him 'Oii the Ogeechee, compelled him after several hours of stubborn fighting to retreat into a swamp, from which he escaped during the night and returned to Ebenezer. Reinforcing his command he again scoured the country and intercepted the foraging parties sent out so successfully that the British commander ceased to occupy the country outside the limits of Savannah. MILITARY HISTORY. 93 Georgia from Fort Heard to Savannah was once again free from British invasion. Gen. Greene, who had scarcely over 2,000 men when he assumed the command in the Carolinas, had fought Cornwallis, Rawdon, and Stewart succes sively, each time outnumbered, but always with such success as to re-inspire confidence in the colonies and to force the enemy steadily from their p'Ositions until at length they held only Charleston and Savannah. Washington soon compelled the surrender of Cornwallis at York, and the long seven years' war was over. Savannah was evacuated July 12, 1782, and Gen. Jackson entered it proudly with his dashing cavalry and received the surrender 'of the town. The military organization which existed in Georgia during these years of war with England was of such an imperfect character as to have embarrassed the natural courage of the colonists. The number enlisted in service was small for the popula tion, but a better organization and equipment with smaller forces would have been much more effective. The meager records show an attempt to form Georgia brigades in the continental line with regiments and battalions of infantry; com panies of 'mounted men called dragoons; and certain bodies called legionary corps; unattached partisan rangers and troops of horse were accepted and used, sometimes in co-operation with the main body, and often in independent service. The artillery was least effective of all arms on account of the poor quality of the guns, the inadequate means of carriage, and tlie expensiveness of their use. Officers and soldiers were clad in coarse attire, generally home made, and by no means uniform in cut or color. These ttoops assembled and fought their battles, then many dispersed, and came together again in emergencies. And thus the state maintained its cause and won its place among the free commonwealths of the Union. The territory covered by the war, as 'has been noticed, was a narrow strip extending along the coast from St. Mary's to the Savannah, 'and then up between the Ogeechee and Savannah rivers to Elbert and Wilkes counties. The population was small and grouped around a score of httle towns. The patriots were generaUy poor, hardy and brave, accustomed to perils by the Indians, and bred to the love of liberty. They fought well without complete military organization or equipment, but they learned the need of both and began to devise a militia system, which after many changes is growing into the more perfect plans of the present period. UNDER THE CONFEDERATION. Georgia was now a member of the confederation of states formed during the revolution, and a few years later united with the other states in the adoption of the constitution of the United States. When the colonies first opposed the aggressions of the crown and parliament diey had no idea of producing a separation between the countries. Their object was merely to obtain a redress of their wrongs, and to this end repeated petitions and remonstrances were made, all expressing the most loyal feelings, and claiming or asking only those rights and liberties to which they were entitled as British subjects. When, however, these were all disregarded, and new petitions produced only new violations of their rights — when the parliament assumed to itself the right to bind the colonists in all cases without their consent, and when by repeated oppressions the burden became too heavy to be borne by a free people, they indignantly threw off the trammels of tyranny, declared themselves free and independent of the mother country, and by an appeal to arms supported t'nat declaration to the emancipation of thirteen states from the oppressions of a weak, misguided king. Although now free from British invasion, the people of the state were still flanked from the seaboard to the mountains by the Indians, who occupied a large 94 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. extent of unceded lands which they claimed the right to use as hunting grounds. Their dangerous proximity and frequent predatory incursions upon the American settlements required the maintenance of a ready and vigilant military estabhshment, to be called at a moment's notice into actual service. The old organizations of the recent revolution provided a basis in part, and the officers who had distinguished themselves in that war furnished experienced commanders of divisions, brigades and regiments. Col. James Jackson was made a colonel. First regiment of regu lars, and afterward brigadier-general of an important brigade composed of battal ions from Chatham and contiguous counties. Tattnall was assigned to the duty of organizing commands to cover the exposed counties of Bryan, Liberty, and Mclntos'h, and for protection of the people against the troublesome Indians. The Chatham artillery was kept under Tattnall's instruction in superb drill. Gen. Wayne was also in constant service, and Gens. Twiggs, Elbert, Heard and other leaders were continued in commission. Col. Hammond, who had attained a richly deserved distinction as a partisan fighter, was sent with a battalion of Chatham militia to suppress a body of lower Creeks who were doing damage on the frontier. The office of adjutant-general was organized, the militia enrolled, and required to make regular reports. The legislature appropriated funds for the purchase of 10,000 stand of arms, 12 field pieces, 700 pairs horsemen pistols, 1,000 horsemen swords, 10,000 pounds of powder, and other munitions, to be deposited in the arsenal at Louisville, the capital of the state. The following official return of a battalion of eleven companies will serve to show the military character of the organization 'Of the times : "A return of the First battalion of Burke county militia, agreeable to order with its present situation and rank, with the number of men in each company and the number of arms, shot bags, and powder-horns for the year 1792." Captains. 1st Lieut. 2d Lieut. No. Men. Arms. Shot. Samuel White Hopkin Dye Jno. McGomery Martin Martin Henry Bryant 44 68 48 3^ 48 92 55 34 37 82 43 23 50 3020 2768 15 20 15 41 21 2'? Willis Watson Lack Robinson Wills Davies 50 30 Daniel Kvans Charles Kilbee Wm. Martin John. Huford Lem Lassiter John Tredwell John McCarroU John Wright 2768 15 20 'Wm. Edwards Wm. Caursey Nich Stregles John Roberts Laban Thompson Benjamin Matthews Noah Williams Wm. Parrimore Elihu Thompson. .... John Fryar John Salter Wm. Dunn 15 41 M. McCormick Aaron Justice. Jas. Rawles WAR OF 1812. The war of 1812 was fought by the United States against England for maritime independence. The honor of the new repubhc was assailed on the high seas by the insistence of Great Britain of a right to search American vessels for fugitive British subjects. A doctrine which America regards as established by the revolution, that a citizen of a foreign country could voluntarily surrender his native citizenship and swear allegiance to another government, was disputed by Great Britain, who held that "once an Enghshman was to be an Englishman always." Upon this ground American vessels were held up on the ocean by English men-of-war and searched to such an extent that within the eight years of forbearance, over 6,000 men were MILITARY HISTORY. gc taken from the ships of the United States and forced into the British navy. At length the American ship "President" encountered and attacked the British war ship "Little Belt,'' and with well-trained shots disabled and brought her to terms. About the same time the Indians in Indiana were excited by British agency to make war on the Americans, and were defeated in the great battle of Tippecanoe, fought under the leadership of Gen. William Henry Harrison. These victories roused the American spirit, and war was declared by congress against Great Britain in June, 1812. At thattime the United States navy consisted of only thirteen inferior vessels, while the British numbered nearly 1,000, nor were the American armies yet organized and equipped. The first battles were therefore won by the British, and the war raged along the great lakes upon the frontier of New York, and in the west. But after a year of defeats the day brightened for the Americans by the naval victory of Perry on Lake Erie, and the brilliant battle where Col. Dick Johnson is famed for killing the great Tecumseh. Scott, Ripley and Gaines commanded in the New York district, winning the batties of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane. The httie navy began also to astonish the world. The "Essex" whipped the "Albert," the "Constitution" vanquished the "Guerrier," the "Wasp" forced the "Frohc" to haul down its flag. Capt. Bainbridge blew up the "Java" with his "Old Ironsides," and the "Hornet" sank the "Peacock." Privateers put in commission scoured the seas, captured three hundred merchant ships and broke down British commerce. During this time Georgia was ¦U'Ot invaded at any point, but was endangered on its western frontier by the visit of Tecumseh, whom the Shawnees sent to engage the Creek Indians on behalf of Great Britain in the general quarrel. In this visit to Alabama Tecumseh, who was afterward slain, excited the Creeks to attack Fort Mims and massacre the prisoners, producing such alarm that the call on the government in Georgia by the Federal government for a levy of troops was immediately filled. Thirty-six hundred men were assembled at Camp Hope in the vicinity of Fort Hawkins and placed under command of Gen. Floyd, with orders to join Gen. Andrew Jackson, who was in supreme co'mmand in Alabama. Floyd's force was composed of two regiments of infantry armed with muskets, one battal ion of riflemen, one squadron of dragoons, and a company of artillery, nearly all of whom were volunteers and the best quality of Georgia miHtia. Delayed for a time for the want of supplies and transp'ortation, Floyd procured funds from the state tteasury and purchased his supplies for active operations. Then constructing a line of blockhouses and stockade forts from the Ocmulgee westward, he built a strong work on the Chattahoochee which was named Fort Mitchell. Establishing a camp there Floyd detached a body of 1,000 picked men, carrying their rations in their haversacks without baggage, and by a forced march of about two days and a night, reajched the Indian town of Antossee at daybreak, which was instantly and furiously attacked. The Indians, although taken by surprise, fought with despera tion, but were routed with great slaughter and the town was reduced to ashes. Floyd's command suffered severe loss, and he himself was seriously wounded, but after a short rest, the Georgians were reinforced from Fort Mitchell to the sttength of 1,500 men, and moved to attack the upper Creeks at Challibee. On the march and when near the town they were in turn surprised by the Indians, who fell upon them at night in large numbers and kept them under murderous fire until, daylight coming, the Georgia troops rallied and drove the Indians entirely from the field with great loss. Gen. Jackson, with Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia troops, rapidly reduced the Creeks to peace, and Floyd's command being disbanded to their homes, he ' was subsequently appointed to a new brigade to co-operate with Gen. Clarke on ^ 96 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the coast. The British, however, made a few attempts to enter Georgia from the sea. Landing at Cumberland island they made an effort to hold the island, but were so vigorously attacked by a small force under Capt Messias, Capt. Tattnall, Lieut. Hill and Lieut. Hardee, that they were compelled to retreat to their boats,- Another similar enterprise was miade up the St Mary's river with barges, but they were driven back by the sharp-shooters along the bank, who from all coverts dis charged their rifles with almost unerring aim. Other small harassing events oc curred, but meanwhile Jackson won the great victory at New Orleans, and the treaty of peace signed at Ghent December, 1814, gladdened the distressed country. REVISION OP MILITIA LAWS. After the war of 1812 the militia laws of the state were thoroughly revised, and with some occasional changes the system was continued in force until the period of the Confederate war. By this militia system the state was divided into small military jurisdictions called captain's districts, and were numbered con secutively as districts of Georgia militia in which magistrates or justices of the peace had civil and criminal jurisdiction in limited cases. By the new statute of 1818, the militia was organized into divisions, brigades, regiments, battalions and com panies, respectively commanded by maj-or-generals, brigadier-generals, colonels, lieutenant-colonels, majors and captains. The territory was divided into two de partments and each of these departments was divided into six divisions, covering certain designated counties, making twelve military divisions, each under the command of a major-general. The divisions were composed of two or more brigades and these were formed of regiments and battalions of infantry, squadrons of horse and one company of artillery to each regiment. The regiments w^ere made up of two battalions, and the battalions were composed of companies without special number, under command of the captains. The companies were divided into two platoons, and each platO'On into four sections. The commissioned officers were first and second lieuenant and ensign. The non-commissioned officers were four sergeants and four corporals, and a drummer and a filer were allowed for each company. Sixty-four privates constituted the limit of a company enrollment, and these were divided by the captains into four squads, each squad under direction and drill by a sergeant and a corporal. The enrollment of the citizen soldiery was de signed to include the arms-bearing' strength of the entire population, and every able- bodied white male 'Citizen between the ages of eighteen and forty-five was made subject to military duty, and required to be enrolled in the company of his district The United States was expected to furnish arms, but the state, without waiting for them from this source, voted liberal ap'propriations for that purpose, and dis tributed them upon proper requisition ani'Ong the troops. It was therefore required that every commissioned officer should be properly armed with his sword, every non-commissioned officer to. appear at all musters "armed, equipped and provided with a firelock in good order, a cartridge box, and a shot-pouch." Grenadiers, or riflemen, the cavalry and artillery were to be armed and equipped fully, like regulars in the United States amiy, and all volunteer companies organ ized apart from the militia of the line were to be held to the same riile as to arms, uniform and equipment. The musket of that date was a smooth-bore barrel on a rough-and-ready straight stock, with thimbles on the under side of the barrel to hold the iron ram rod, and it was discharged by means of a flint and steel lock which cast a spark into a small metal pan primed with powder. The powder in the pan caught the spark and flashing out a httle puff of smoke, its fire entered the barrel at the side of MILITARY HISTORY. 97 the breech through a touch-hole, and exploded the charge which had been rammed tightly to the bottom of the barrel. The round leaden ball, or the charge of buck shot, was thus driven out with sufficient force to do good execution at the distance of a hundred yards. A bayonet was borne in a scabbard by the soldier and was adjusted so as to go over the muzzle of the musket, and by a turn of its shank was fastened securely in place. The manual of arms taught the soldier was necessarily adapted to the kind of weapon in his hands. He was taught to "Handle cartridge" in two motions, which transferred the cartridge from the cartouch to a position opposite his mouth : to "Tear cartridge," which he did by biting one end off with the teeth; "Load," "Draw rammer," "Prime," "Ready," "Aim," "Fire!" All these motions were gone through with in drill and were necessary to actual battle, al though executed at the will of the soldier when face to face with the foe. It may be supposed that the firing was slov/ and the execution much less than in this period of improved weapons of war. The horseman's pistol was simply a short musket-barrel on a pistol stock. The entire arm was a little over a foot in length, heavy, cumbersome and of short range. A brace of them was carried by each trooper in holsters on the front of his saddle. But with these and his trusty, slightly curved broadsword, the mounted man did admirable service. The artillery was scarcely as effective in construction as these imperfect small arms. The guns were commonly smooth-bore ten and twelve-pounders, carrying round shot and grape, loaded by rammers at the muzzle and fired by being touched off at the vent near the breech. But they made a noise and were dreaded by the savages. The guns on the coast and the general equipment of the Chatham artillery were of superior qual ity and had been often handled with great effect. The private militia soldiers were not required to dress in uniform and consequently they mustered in all varieties of suits, but the uniform of the officers must correspond with those worn by the United States army officers, with this provision, that they "might be made of home spun dark blue cotton and wool, with plated bullet buttons." The uniform of the volunteer was required to be blue, but with liberty as to ornament The button worn by the militia was a round, hollow, brass or white metal attachment put on in triple rows, the center row serving to fasten the coat and the others for con spicuous show. Field officers wore the heavy cocked hat with waving plume, and were further distinguished by epaulettes of gilt or bright yellow worsted fastened on each shoulder. The musters required by law were frequent. The officers, both commissioned and non-commissioned, of every. regiment were to be assembled once each year, and being formed into a company the adjutant-general was required to train and instruct them in the exercises and discipline prescribed by the congress of the United States. At these annual drills the commissioned officers were ordered to- appear in full uniform and with their swords ; the non-commissioned officers with firelocks and bayonets accoutered also with cartouch boxes, bayonet belts and' scabbards, and with six blank cartridges each for practice in loading and firing.. The encampment and drill could continue three days and in addition to this exercise the brigadier-general could order separate drills and reviews of the officers under his personal supervision. The regimental muster of the entire command was held annually under the inspection of the adjutant-general, who was directed by the law to instruct the regiments in the evolutions prescribed by congress. The colonel must also hold an annual muster of his whole regiment, and the majors were authorized to call on their battaH'Orjs for exercise twice every year. In addition to these general assemblies the company parade was to be made in the several militia districts four times annually, at whidi time the captains exercised their men according to the tactics. 1-7 98 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. It was found necessary to give special encouragement to the volunteer cavalry, who could be rapidly moved in emergencies. Many sections of the state needed this particular arm for protection of the inhabitants. Hence squadrons of volun teer cavalry were organized, comprising two to five troops and commanded by a major. Each troop was required to consist of at least forty men uniformed in blue, mounted on good horses and armed with broadswords and pistols with holsters. Musters for instruction were held four times a year, and once annually a three^days' patrol and drill of the whole squadron was exacted. Every county was permitted to form a cavalry company, the whole body throughout the state being known as the Georgia Guards, and were subject to first call in all emer gencies. A system of reports was adopted by which an exact account of arms, aooouterments and the number of effective men was regularly made by each captain, and these forwarded to regimental headquarters were consolidated, then transmitted to brigade commanders, were again consolidated and forwarded to the division headquarters, and then to the office of the governor. Military storekeepers were also appointed for Savannah and Milledgeville, who were charged with the cus tody of all arms, munitions, arsenals and other military property. This minute military system which converted the population of Georgia into a military force, was sustained in part by fines and penalties for delinquencies, but also by the knowledge of its importance for the safety of the people. Notwith standing its imperfect fulfillment it provided the state with a method through which a sufficient force could be quickly assembled in any section. The governor was clothed with full authority to call out the militia of the line or any volunteer com pany on invasion or insurrection, or a probable prospect thereof, either by entire companies or by drafts of men, and when thus called out they were governed by the laws which regulate troops of the United States. Even officers commanding in counties were empowered in cases of sudden invasion of a county to summon their commands to repel the invaders without waiting for orders from any superior officer. In such cases, however, it was made their duty to dispatch a courier to the brigade commander, and through that source to report the invasion to the governor. With these mihtary dispositions'"GeGrgia sustained itself throughout the petty Indian difficulties of twenty years following the cessation of British hostilities until confronted with the serious outbreak of the lower Creeks in 1836. WAR WITH CREEK INDIANS. The war with the Creek Indians in Georgia during the year 1836 was caused by the continued depredations comm.itted by roving bands of this tribe upon the frontiers. Near the beginning of the century it was deemed advisable to extinguish by treaties the titles of the Indians to the territory of the state and to induce them to remove to the west beyond the Mississippi river. Many treaties were signed under which partial cessions of land had been made, and the United States govern ment finally contracted with Georgia to secure the removal of the Creeks, Cherokees and all other Indians from the state. This effort was so warmly resisted by the Indians in South Georgia as to cause its temporary suspension, but the commissioners were directed to hold a council with the Creeks at The-Cath-Co, the capital of the tribe, for the purpose of final negotiations. The council was held in 1824 and resuhed in a refusal by a majority of the chiefs to accede to the proposed terms. President Monroe being appealed to, brought about another full meeting of the chiefs at Indian Springs. February, 1825. Big Warrior, the head of the Muscogee Confederacy in the Creek nation, a man of great ability and of friendly disposition, was attended in the council by the notable chiefs of his MILITARY HISTORY. 99 tribe and listened with gravity to the addresses of the commissioners. They were answered by Opothleyolo, their chosen spokesman, who eloquently recited the claims of the Creeks, and in conclusion declared that no treaty for the extinguish ment of their titles could be agreed upon by their chiefs. He therefore advised the holding of another council at Broken Arrow. After the council of the day ended Big Warrior departed with the chiefs and warriors of the Cussetas, but certain leading chiefs belonging to the party led by Mcintosh remained in large numbers, and on the next day resumed die council and agreed upon a treaty which was duly signed and forwarded to President Monroe, who also signed it on behalf of the United States This formal cession of their lands in Georgia created an excite ment among the hostile portions of the Creek nation which was expressed at first in warm protests accompanied with threats of war. Among their first revenges was the assassination of Mcintosh in the night at his house by two bands which had been selected for that purpose in a secret council. The home of Mcintosh on the Chattaheechee river was set afire by the appointed assassins and he, after desperately fighting for his life, was slain and scalped. His house was then burned to the ground, his property plundered and his cattle killed. The excited Indians next marched to the house of Hawkins, the son-in-law of Mcintosh, and brutally slew him in the same manner. Tustennugee, a brave, intelligent chief who had signed the treaty was also killed, and the Creeks proceeded to make forays for plunder and slaughter upon the defenseless settlements. The fears of the people becoming very great, Gov. Troup organized bodies of Georgia militia for defense. The secretary of war of the United States also ordered Gen. Gaines to co-operate with Troup. An extra session of the legislature was called, during which the treaty was fully discussed, and a dangerous controversy arose between the state and the Federal government. The legislature declared that upon its investigation it fully appeared that the Indian Springs council had concluded a fair and open treaty which President Monroe had ratified. The treaty was made in accordance with the compact entered into between the state and the general government in 1802. But through improper influences this treaty was ignored and another signed in 1826 which President Adams sent to the senate for ratification. Cuth bert, Forsyth, Meriwether and other Georgia congressmen vigorously opposed the second treaty, but it was ratified by the senate. Gov. Troup held to the validity of the first treaty at Indian Springs, and in reply to the president, who had threat ened force in carrying the last treaty into effect, declared that "he would feel it to be his duty to resist to the utmost any military attack which the president of the United States should think proper to make upon the territory, people, or sovereignty of Georgia." The legislature sustained the bold governor, and the people declared for "Troup and the treaty" without dissent. Fortunately no violence was offered by the general government to sustain its untenable position, and the territory ceded by the Creeks was surveyed and divided by lottery in 1827. But the hostile Creeks were not at all contented and uniting with the Seminoles in lower Alabama, made numerous hostile demonstrations throughout Alabama and on the borders of Georgia along the Chattahoochee river, producing constant alarm. One of the earliest attacks upon the Georgia settlers was made at night in May, 1836, upon the little village of Roanoke, situated on the left bank of the Chattahoochee river in Stewart county by the same body of Creek Indians who had attacked the small steamboat "Georgia" not long before, and killed all on board. The first night attack on Roanoke was repelled by the citizen soldiers who had collected there for its defense, chiefly from Stewart county, and the Indians were driven across the river. A block-house surrounded by sharpened pickets had been built in Roanoke and other preparations made to resist attacks, but as the Indians lOO MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. did not immediately return the town felt secure and relaxed its vigilance. So little fear was felt of further immediate assault that many of the soldiers who had been assembled at that place to guard the borders of Georgia went to their homes in Lumpkin and other parts of the county on short leaves of absence. Only a few men were left on guard and there appeared no danger. But on Sunday morning, very shortly after the first unsuccessful attempt of the Indians and just before day break, the slumbering garrison was aroused by the yells and s'houts of the Indians now nurabering about 300. They had silently crossed the river and stealthily approaching the little hamlet, scattered around it in Indian fashion and, as if fearing the result of assault, began to pour in their fire from a little distance. The aroused troops returned the fire with irregular and uncertain aim in the dark, and the Indians closing in around them began to fire with deadly effect. Eleven men were killed in a short time and eight were wounded. The remainder who were unhurt, with such of the wounded as could escape, making a dash for life broke through the circle of Indians into the adjacent woods and fled under the bluffs of the river. The savages set fire to the town and in the midst of their revels .during the day were attacked and routed by a new body of soldiers who had fortunately hurried to the relief of the little garrison. This and similar attacks created such alarm that many families fled to middle Georgia. Women and children were removed to Lumpkin, and the court-house was converted into a block-house as a safe refuge. All the men of the county were put under arms. About three weeks later a severe fight occurred on Sheppard's plantation in the same county between Capt. Garmany's command of Georgia militia and the Creeks. Capt Garmany's company consisted of only about forty men, but on meeting with the Indians the heroic little band at once attacked them, when a fight ensued in the style adopted often in Indian wars. The fight was in the form of a skirmish where each soldier took advantage of any tree or other protection while firing on his foe. At first Garmany drove his enemy before him, but re inforcements coming from the larger body of Indians he was forced to fight in retreat, stubbornly contesting the field from tree to tree. Maj. Jernigan, who was stationed at Fort Jones, hearing the firing pushed forwa'rd and arrived in time to take a brave and active part in the battle. At a critical moment another relief came from Fort McCreay and then a general advance being made the Indians were put to flight. The courage of these pioneer settiers fighting for the protection of their families from the ravages of Indian marauders was widely commended. Garmany was severely shot and many of the command were killed and wounded. After these battles in Stewart county the Indians with increased numbers began their march down the Chattahoocliee river and turning through Randolph county sought to reach the Seminoles on the borders of Florida and Georgia. As they were passing through Randolph and Lee counties they were pursued by the gallant; Jernigan with the companies of Capt. Ball and Capt. Clifton, now reinforced by companies from other parts 'of the state commanded by Captains Wood, Mathews, Guilford, Snellgrove, Wills and Smith, making a regiment of about 300 men. A short and bloody encounter occurred on July 25 at the Ichuanochua creek and the Indians retreating at night were followed until July 27, when they were again overtaken and Gen. Welborn, arriving from Eufaula with troops, was placed in command and continued the battle. The Indians, numbering over 300, secreted themselves in the depths of the swamp and awaited the advance of the Americans. Dividing the command so as to- move with advantage to a common center Welborn and Jernigan charged the Indians from several directions, but met with a desperate resistance at all points. Finally securing an advantage through a flank movement of Capt. Wood, and a simultaneous direct attack by the companies of Capt. Ball MILITARY HISTORY. lOI and Capt. Clifton, the whole line assailed the Indians and so impetuously scattered them, that contrary to their custom they left many of their dead and wounded behind. The battle of Chickasawhachee, which occurred in a swamp in Baker county, is a companion of the engagement just related and also illustrated the warfare in Georgia during its early settlement. The Indians, about 300 strong, had collected on an island in the swamp and prepared for defense. The swamp was about six miles wide and fifteen miles long, containing small islands and infested with wild animals. Within its dark recesses the Indians had penetrated, intending to march southward to join the Seminoles. Col. Beall, commanding a militia force of about 500 men, composed of infantry companies from Stewart, Early, Baker, Thomas and Pulaski and a cavalry company from. Bibb, pursued and 'determined to attack them in their covert. First stationing a part of his force at points along the swamp to intercept the Indians on, their escape, the 'Other companies marched into the swamp through mud and water about four miles. The advance guard coming in sight of the savages imprudently fired and thus by alarming the camp saved the Indians from complete surprise. Instantly taking to their cover and animated by their chief, they fought the advancing Georgians with great bravery and only gave way when a rifle ball slew their courageous chief. The Indians were heavily slaughtered as they fled down the swamp, leaving behind them all their tents, horses, provisions and entire equipage. The battle almost entirely broke up the Indian party. Dispersing in all directions, one body hurried southward to the Seminoles for shelter and others skulking through the woods, recrossed the Chat tahoochee into Alabama, while many of them were captured in small numbers in different places. It was one of these, scattered remnants marching through Thomas county toward Florida that was discovered and attacked by the Thomas county and Lowndes county battalions, commanded by Maj. Young, between Warrior creek and Little river. The battalion was formed in line confronting the Indian force, which had made a stand in a good position and dashed against them under a galling fire. The Indians made a fierce resistance, continuing the fight even after their lines were broken by firing from behind trees until they at last escaped below the borders 'of the state. The difficulties with the Creeks in southern Georgia were co-incidental with the Cherokee troubles. The Cherokee Indians, once a powerful nation inhabiting the fine country from the Ohioi to the Tennessee river, had dwindled to a small but intelligent tribe which had encroached 'on the territory of the upper Creeks until they had gained possession of a large part of north Georgia. The tribe in 1838, the date of their removal, had advanced very much in civilization. They had schools, churches, farms and trading places and lived under a written constitutional form of government. Conflicts of jurisdiction were inevitable where the state of Georgia claimed civil and military jurisdiction over territory occupied by a race which asserted for themselves another form of government, and the 'difficulties were of such a character as to be without solution except by the entire submission of the Cherokees to the state government, or their removal beyond the Mississippi. The latter alternative appearing to be alone feasible, the United States in 1827 provided for removal and permanent settlement of the Cherokees, but very few were found willing to make the change of counties. Georgia had found it neces sary to extend its commercial jurisdiction over the Cherokee nation, but John Ross, principal chief, appealed to the supreme court of the United States for in junction to restrain the state from enforcing this legislation. Pending these troubles a survey of the land was made by Georgia amidst great excitement, and I02 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. for many years the state as well as the general government was in perplexity. In 1834 the Cherokees began to make such a show of hostilities that the legislature authorized the government to organize the Georgia guard for protection, and a part of this guard composed of mounted troops was put under command of Col. Bishop and stationed within the Qierokee territory. As a further complication of difficulties parties divided among the Cherokees on the question of removal. John Ridge, a Cherokee chief of distinction who favored the removal, and John Ross, another Cherokee of high esteem among his people who led the party opposed to removal, at first strove for supremacy, but finally went together to Washington and there formulated a plan of treaty which, after much discussion between the Ross party and the Ridge party, was concluded and ratified May, 1836, at Washington. But hostile sentiments felt by Cherokees opposed to the treaty were still exhibited in terms so unfriendly as to cause great fears of an outbreak. Consequently Gen. Hemphill was ordered to station a body of militia on the Coosa under Maj. Nelson and arms were freely distributed among the Americans in the Cherokee country. Gen. Wood was sent into Georgia with a Tennessee brigade commanded by Gen. Dunlop, and these prudent movements of well-armed troops acting in concert with the Georgia guard prevented hostilities. Final arrangements were then made for the removal of the Cherokees and Gen. Scott was sent in 1838 to superintend the work. He assembled his command at New Echota and dispatching various companies in different directions throughout the Cherokee nation, collected the Indians in camp and ab'out the close of the sum mer started them up the long march to the west. About 14,000 were then re moved and all possible arrangements were adopted for their comfort. Thus ended the Indian difficulties of the state with the Indian tribes whom Oglethorpe found in Georgia 105 years before. MEXICAN WAR. Scarcely a decade had passed, during which the whole country as well as Georgia passed through several years of financial distress, when the United States became involved in a brief successful war with Mexico, caused chiefly by the resistance of that country to the "annexation of Texas." But it is not withm the scope of this sketch to follow the history of that foreign struggle. It is sufficient to say that Georgia favored most heartily the annexation of Texas, and having already contributed men like Lamar, Houston, Fannin and Wood to fight and die for Texan independence now responded to its small quota of men and money re quired by the government. The entire United States force employed in the invasion of Mexico was composed of 26,690 total regulars and 56,926 total volun teers, besides the navy. The losses of men by death from disease and wounds was about 11,000, and only about 1,500 were killed in battle, making a loss of only seven per cent The cost in money amounted to $1 50,000,000. The gain consisted of the cession of extensive territory stretching to the Pacific ocean, several thou sand miles of valuable sea coast and an immense bound of the United States into international power. In the accomplishment of this general result Georgia sent the following organizations in addition to numbers wlio served from the state in various bodies through the war: First regiment of volunteers: Col. Henry R. Jackson, Lieut-Col. T. Y. Redd, Maj._ Chas J. Williams; Adjts. C. P. Hervey, John Forsyth, Capts. Bird, Calhoun, Davis, Dill, Grambling, Holmes, Jones, Nelson, Sarjent and Turner. Battalion Georgia volunteers: Lieut-Col. I. G. Seymour, Adjt F. M. Levison, Capts. Fain, Gaulden, Grant, Hervey, Nelson and Smith. Battalion Georgia MILITARY HISTORY. 103 mounted volunteers: Lieut.-Col. J. S. Calhoun, Adjts. Haliday and Knight; Capts. Fulton, Goulding, Hamilton, Kendall, Nelson, Renfro and W. T. Wofford. Independent Georgia mounted volunteers: Capt John Loyall; Lieuts. F. M. McCordy, George T. Anderson and Ed. L. Thomas. Among the regular army officers we find the names 'Of men distinguished then and afterwards for military skill and gallantry, such as Maj. James Longstreet, Lieut La Fayette McLaws, Lieut.-Col. W. H. T. Walker, Maj. Alfred H. Colquitt, Maj. Goode Bryan, Capt. Gilmer, Capt G. W. Smith, Maj. Geo. Rains, Capt Duncan Clinch, Capt. Ector, Col. Echols, all of whom, as is well known, rose to high rank in the Confederate war. Maj. David E. Twiggs was a distinguished soldier before the Mexican war and now bore a famous part under Taylor and Scott from the beginning to the close. Lieut. Geo. T. Anderson and Lieut. Ed. L. Thomas and Lieut. W. T. Wofford became brigadier-generals in the Confederate army. Lieut.-Col. Wm. Mcintosh, an officer of the war of 1812, commanded the Fifth infantry, was one of the most conspicuously gallant commanders under Taylor, but was unfortunately mortally wounded in a charge upon the regiment by the Mexican cavalry, which he gallantly repulsed. The Georgia regiment in Quitman's brigade and in de tached service fought at Resaca, Palo Alto and Monterey and followed Scott from Vera Cruz to Mexico. Loyall's chivalric command did extraordinary service. In one of the engagements at the storming of Huamantla Gen. Lane assigned an important assault to this company, in which they drove the Mexicans back with slaughter, and Lieut. George T. Anderson had the honor of capturing the brave Mexican general La Vega. The entire Georgia contingent became greatly de pleted by the close of the war, especially by diseases produced by the chmate, and when the struggle was over the survivors returned with honor to the state which they had faithfully served. TERRITORIAL DIFFICULTIES. Following the Mexican war questions arose relating to the territory acquired by the treaty of peace as well as by former purchases from France, causing fiery debates in the Federal congress and continuing until a settlement was had in the celebrated campaign measures of 1850. But the party spirit inflamed during these discussions produced an increased sectional feeling, notwithstanding the forma tion of a constitutional union movement which was designed to unite into one salutary organization the old whig and democratic parties of the country. Sec tional discussions continued to be prominent through the years succeeding the settlement made in 1850 until the epoch of the great Confederate war began to dawn in 1859. Causes of various kinds had been tending towards this terrible event in American history, until coming together in full force they culminated in the convulsion which for a time concerned and even alarmed many civilized nations of the world. The period of that eventful war is the most interesting, tragical and patriotic part of Georgia's history and the great struggle between the states will be here considered mainly as it took place on the soil of Georgia with only necessary notices of nations and movements of armies outside the common wealth. Already the relations between the southern states and the general government were strained to the utmost tension. The governor of Georgia, Joseph E. Brown, set forth in his message to the legislature of 1859 a careful, serious and able review of the situation, pointing attention to the approaching presidential election as a critical period in the history of the country. He said : "In the present condition of affairs I would advise the citizens of Georgia to stand united with the national I04 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. democracy so long as they continue to stand by her rights and protect them in the Union ; but should this organization be broken down and her constitutional rights be denied, and her equality in the Union destroyed I would then advise her citizens to strike for indepenflence and to pledge each 'Other their lives, their fortunes and their most sacred honor never to forsake each other until triumphant success shall have crowned their eff(3rts. My fervent prayer to Almighty God is that wisdom, moderation and justice may control 'Our national and state councils, and that the rights of the states and the union of the states may be perpetuated." SECESSION AGITATION. This message of the governor sent to the legislature more than a year before secession actually occurred, merely reflected a common popular feeling. There were few in Georgia who were urging disunion per se. All parties, and even fac tions of parties, declared their veneration for the Union and uttered strong pro testations of fidelity to the constitutional form of government as it then existed. With few exceptions the people held to the doctrine of state rights and under that view agreed in holding to the legal power of peaceable withdrawal from the Union as belonging to the sovereign state of Georgia. But the union senti ment in the state was greatly in the ascendant and prevailed with too much power to allow secession without causes which the people at least believed to exist. Mr. Stephens, afterward vice-president of the Confederate states, was the acknowledged leader of the Union sentiment and he boldly assumed the position that the questions at issue should be debated and determined in the Union and not out of it Robert Toombs deprecated disunion if it could be averted. The majority in 1859 opposed secession as the sole remedy for alleged grievances, and indulged in the hope that political evils would be removed through the ballot and by peaceable legislation. There were, however, avowed secessionists who declared their despair of preserving the authority of the state, and of pro tecting the interests of the south within the Federal union. They pointed public attention to the formation and growing power of a sectional party which threat ened to control the policy of the government adversely to all southern prosperity. The states thus threatened, they urged, were in a minority, and the majority was jDressing on to control completely all departments of government Just at this hour, when public sentiment was rapidly forming, the ill-starred invasion of Virginia took place, led by John Brown, of Kansas, and created a fear in the southern mind which swept away the suggestions of all cool reason. The bold criminal act of John Brown was regarded as only the advance skirmish line of a grand army of invasion and insurrection. A song composed after war set in by a southern soldier and afterward sung in the camps and marches of the Union army — -"Old John Brown's Soul is Marching On" — expressed the fear felt in 1859 by the southern people. Misunderstanding among the best citizens of the two great sections of the Union was the inevitable and unfortunate condition, resulting from the state of the times and the actions of rash partisans. The Georgia legislature declared that the John Brown raid was "the result of a fanaticism which had invoked the aid of treason, murder, and rapine, and advancing on southern soil had spread bloodshed throughout a southern state." Northern assemblies resented the strong southern language in expressions of equal bitterness. Union hopes in Georgia gre\v fainter as these and other political events followed fast after each other. The advance of secession ideas was hastened by the utterances ot eminent northern statesmen as well as by the warmth of MILITARY HISTORY. 105 speech indulged in by the southern men. Extremists in the press as well as on the hustings provoked die popular mind to discord. Threats on one side were answered by defiance on the other. The conservatives in Georgia were goaded into the secession ranks by provocations mercilessly made by extremists. The fuel for the flames was furnished by northern ultraists. and the kindled fires grew too great to be subdued. War became inevitable. Even in 1859 the con servative, sagacious governor began to buy arms for Georgia from northern factories. The extremity of wrong had come, and it is there that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins." The political crisis in the history of the great American republic strided on into the year i860. That was the year in which the presidency of the United States was at stake and with the choice of president was involved the possible installation in power of a new party whose policy was understood in Georgia as being wholly hostile to the welfare of its people. Abraham Lincoln was nominated by this new party for the presidency, and notwithstanding his high character he was held to be the representative of an aggressive party directed against the prosperity of the people of the state. No electoral ticket was offered in Georgia on his behalf, for he had no supporters. The people divided their votes among Breckinridge, Douglas and Bell, and the first named received the majority of ballots. But Lincoln carried all the northern states, and the movement through which he was borne into the office of president was regarded as a distinct declaration of hostilities to southern interests. It was the popular belief; whether grounded in reason or not, that a determined practical war was being made under the form of national govertiment, against the sovereignty of all the states and against the welfare of one section of the Union. Georgia statesmen did not attack the character of Lincoln nor base secession merely on his election. Those who knew him personally eulogized his worth, and some even expressed the opinion that he would not obstruct by force of arms the effort of Georgia in confederation with other states to form a new government. No war was proposed against him, no army measures to set aside his election. Their aim was, as they avowed it to be, "simply to enter into concert of action •with the sister southern states which will secure their common rights under the constitution in the Union, or if that be no longer possible, their indejjend- ence and security out of it" Asserting their own interpretation of the con stitutional provisions, designed to protect the states, they laid claim to a right peaceably to withdraw from the Union, and insisted that it was their purpose in secession to do no injury to the United States. Such facts as those above stated are to be kept in view, in order that justice may be done the people of Georgia who had patriotically reposed the great interests of the state in the keeping of a common country, and were faithfully co-operating with all sections in increasing the majestic glory of the greatest popular nation on earth. "The war," said Stephens, "had its origin in oppos ing principles which in their action upon the conduct of men produced the ultimate collision of arms. The contest was between those who held that the general government was strictly federal in its character, and those who main tained that it was thoroughly national." With this statement of facts kept in mind let us look at the condition of Georgia at this date as it is shown by the report of Comptroller Thweatt for i860. This report shows that the total wealth of the state was $672,323,777, disclosing a remarkable increase since 1850 and especially during the four years under Brown's administration before the date of the secession. This taxable wealth consisted of 450,000 slaves valued at nearly $303,000,000, thus averaging about $700 each. The taxable land was valued Io6 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. at $161,765,000, and all other property was summed up to about $200,000,000. Agriculture prospered and general trade was good. The rate of taxation was so low as not to be felt, a surplus in the state treasury from year to year had served to reduce the small bonded debt, and the state's property in the West ern & Atlantic railroad was then paying increasing and profitable instalments every month. The debts of the people bore a smaU proportion to their general property; mortgages were few, and by an easy cultivation of the lands the farmers were able to produce enough food for themselves besides a good export of cotton which was turned into money. The wealth of the people was dis tributed with such evenness that very few were enormously rich and few were in abject poverty. The Georgians of i860 were descendants of all states from Maine to California, but chiefly came from Virginia and North Carolina and South Carolina. Georgia was then a rural state with no large cities, many beautiful towns and a thrifty country population. Its people were characterized by morality, culture and republican simplicity with boundless hospitality. It was in these conditions of material advantage that this people considered in i860 their grave political situation. Their interest in the national question was all the more intense because their state affairs were so well managed. The only threat thrust at their peace and prosperity seemed to come from the national government. Their poHtical foes appeared to be resolved on using the Union which they loved as a power to do them damage. They felt harassed as Bartow declared by "the endless controversy, and were wearied by seeing this threatening cloud forever above their heads." So after a discussion in which their greatest and best men participated, these Georgians cast their electoral vote for Breckinridge and gravely rebuked the election of a sectional president. In the last months of i860, members of the legislature met to face the greatest responsibility. Soon after assembhng they received the governor's message advising them to call a convention of the people of the state, and recommend ing the appropriation of $1,000,000 for a military fund to be expended for the purpose of placing the state in a condition of defense. The people also began to assemble in mass meetings to discuss the probable result of the presidential election and passed resolutions favoring some form of state resistance to be forwarded to the legislature for consideration. The volunteer and military com panies of many cities and towns were assembled in a general convention and declared themselves ready to respond to any call of the governor when their services were needed. In response to these evident popular demands, as well as in accord with the message of the governor, the legislature unanimously voted the call for a convention to be held at Milledgeville, Jan. 16, 1861, and to be composed of delegates elected from each county by the ballots of the people. This convention was called to determine the momentous question of union or disunion by an august body representing directly the sovereign will of the whole people of Georgia. MILITARY ORGANIZATION IN 1860. At this serious juncture it is proper to consider the military organization of the state. We have seen that after the war of 181 2 the militia system was revised and made efficient for the wars with the Indians and also that the state early furnished its quota of troops for the Avar with Mexico. But during the years of peace when attention was given to peaceful pursuits unharassed by fears of war, the militia system had fallen into disuse. The laws were not enforced and the plan of divisions, brigades, and regiments was nearly obsolete. Now and then some ambitious colonel or captain of militia summoned his com- MILITARY HISTORY. IO7 mand to muster, giving legal notice for every man to "appear armed and equipped as the law directs." But the muster became ridiculous by the appearance of the •militiamen in line, armed with every conceivable substitute for a gun, such as walking sticks, one-barrel shotguns, or cornstalks, and the awkward evolutions contributed to the general fun of the burlesque parade. The militia muster grew to be a farce which the Georgians indulged in as an occasional amusement Volunteer companies, however, were organized in the cities and in a number of the towns, composed of young men who bore the expense of the company, but these companies received but little encouragement from the state and were maintained with great difficulty. There was afterward a general awakening of interest about the year 1857, which resulted in an increase in the number of voluntary military and their better equipment. The legislature began to give more attention to the military defense of the state. The militia laws were revised and improved, and more liberal grants made for the encouragement of the citi zen soldiery. Governor Brown addressing the legislature by message, said, "I do not hesitate to say that the state should offer very reasonable inducement for the organization and training of volunteer military corps as the best and most efficient mode of reviving the military spirit among the people. This can not be done unless she has made provision for arranging such companies. At present the only provision for the purpose is the distribution; of the small quota of arms which the states receive annually from the general government arid which is wholly inadequate to the demand. The consequence is that many of our volunteer companies are without arms, while many others would be organized were it known that they would be supplied." The governor, also, early in his administration called attention to the benefit the state would derive by fostering liberally the state military institute at Marietta. "It would not only put the institute upon a solid basis and add largely to the number of educated persons in the state, affording a collegiate education to many of the poorest though brightest and most intellectual boys in Georgia, but would diffuse a knowledge of military service among the people of every county in the state; which all must admit in these perilous times is second in importance to no other." The successive legislatures from 1856 caught the spirit of the times and following the recommendations of the governor restored the state's military organization, and by energetic measures prepared to respond to the call of arms. SEIZURE OF UNITED STATES PORTS. Resuming the military story, we see that the many peace projects under taken soon after the presidential election were destined to failure. The gover nor therefore, sagaciously seeing that delayed action would increase the peril of the state, resolved upon a bold act in advance of the formal secession by the convention. Georgia was still in the Union, but its people had spoken by ballot, and there was no doubt as to the action in the approaching convention. Anticipating that certain action of the sovereign state, the governor sought to protect the people against the seizure of all the forts on the coast and the occupation of its seaboard cities and towns. With these patriotic as well as sagacious views, he first took immediate and successful measures to get posses sion of Fort Pulaski on Cockspur island just below Savannah, which had been built to guard that seaport city against invasion. It was the most important fort on the entire coast of Georgia, although at that time scarcely garrisoned at all, and its occupation was indispensable to the security of the state. The governor went in person to Savannah, in order to become fully informed con cerning the necessity of taking this important step in advance of the meeting Io8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of the convention, and after fully satisfying himself issued the fohowing efficient and peremptory order: Headquarters Georgia Militia, Savannah, Jan. 2, 1861. Col. A. R. Lawton, Commander First Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, Savannah: Sir: — In view of the fact that the government at Washington has, we are informed on high authority, decided on the pohcy of coercing the seceding state back into the Union, and it is believed now has a movement on foot to reinforce Fort Sumter at Charleston and to occupy with Federal troops the southern forts, including Fort Pulaski in this state, which if done would give the Federal government in any contest great advantage over the people of this state: To the end, therefore, that this stronghold which commands the entrance into Georgia may not be occupied by any hostile force until the convention of the state of Georgia which is to meet on the i6th instant has decided on the policy which Georgia will adopt in this emergency, you are ordered to take possession of Fort Pulaski as by pubhc order herewith, and to hold it against all persons, to be abandoned only under orders from me, or under compulsion of any overpowering hostile force. Immediately upon occupying the fort you will take measures to put it in a thorough state of defense as far as its means and ours will permit; and for this purpose you will advise with Capt. Claghorn, Chatham artillery, who has been charged with all matters relating to ordnance and ordnance stores and their supply. You will further arrange with Capt. Claghorn a series of day and night signals, for communication with the city of Savannah for the purpose of calling for reinforcements or for other necessary purposes. And you will arrange with Mr. John Cunningham, military purveyor for the time being, for the employment of one or more steamboats or other means of transportation by land or by water that may be necessary, and for other supplies (except for ordnance stores for which you wiU call upon Capt. Claghorn) as may be required. If circumstances should require it the telegraph will be placed under surveillance. I think from your conversation you fully understand my views, and relying upon your patriotism, energy and sound discretion in the execution of this important and delicate trust, I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor and Commander-in-Chief. Co. A. R. Lawton was at this time commander of the state military at Savannah and subsequently was commissioned brigadier-general and assigned to the department of Georgia. After serving most efficiently several months in this department, he was, by his own special desire, ordered to engage actively in the field, assigned to the command of a fine brigade of Georgians, formed and forwarded for Virginia service and placed in the division of Stonewall Jack son. Lawton commanded his brigade in the battles around Richmond and in subsequent actions with marked distinction, and afterwards the division to which it was attached. He was severely wounded at Sharpsburg, and notwithstand ing his urgent appeal to be returned on his recovery to active field duty, he was required by President Davis to accept the office of quartermaster-general of the Confederate states. The position was as distinguished as it was arduous, and was filled by him with such ability as gained the well-merited commendation of all the southern armies. Lawton on receiving the order of the governor organ ized a command for the proposed expedition by causing details to be made MILITARY HISTORY. IO9 from several companies among whom an earnest emulation sprang up at once. The details were promptly furnished by the Chatham artillery, Capt Jos. S. Claghorn, the Savannah volunteer guards, Capt. John Screven, the Oglethorpe light infantry, Capt. Francis S. Bartow, altogether making a force of 134 men. Borne upon a steamer the military under the command of Col. Lawton proceeded to the fort and after a temporary parley it was entered and occupied in the name of the state of Georgia. The fort thus taken into the custody of the state of Georgia was built on a marshy island, the walls presenting five faces and prepared for a little over 100 guns. At the time of its seizure there were only twenty-two guns in the fort and a meager supply of ammunition. Its capture therefore was understood to be only a form through which Georgia would reassume the control of the works for the safety of the coast. The taking of this fort in the manner deter mined on by the governor and his advisers insured a bloodless occupation, and prevented all undue irritation of the people of the United States. Immediately after taking possession, the flag of the state, a red star on a white field, was raised above the fort, a salute followed from the guns, a small detachment was left in charge, the United States guards were honorably cared for and the occu pation was complete. The fort was too important to be neglected, and conse quently it was put in good order through the work of the efficient Savannah military. Animunition was supplied and a daily drill and practice instituted. The city of Savannah exhibited great interest in the proper preparation of the fort for any attack, even the ladies uniting with patriotic zeal to furnish the cartridges for the mounted guns. The state convention afterward endorsed the act of the governor and made it the act of the state in the following terms: "This convention highly approves the energetic and patriotic conduct of Gov. Brown in taking possession of Fort Pulaski by Georgia troops, and requests him to hold possession until the relations of Georgia and the Federal govern ment be determined by the convention." The governor was also applauded by the entire press, and having sent com munications to several governors of southern states, informing them of his action he received replies fully commending his course. Public meetings held in many places expressed warm public approval, and Savannah in patriotic fervor testified its gratification in many ways. The flag of the United States was taken down from the custom house on the resignation of Mr. Boston, the port collector, and in its place floated a new ensign made for the occasion. The new white flag bore the coat of arms of the state, surmounted by six stars, the number of seceded states, and was raised by the hand of Maj. Lachlan Mcintosh. The march of events leading towards the actual shock of battles now took the double quick step. One after another in rapid succession the exciting causes of conflict followed in columns of attack to the inevitable result Southern states in convention were seceding and calling for a confederacy. Fort Moultrie on the Carohna coast was burned and abandoned by the United States troops and the garrison stationed there was removed to Fort Sumter. Rumors were cur rent that reinforcements were to be sent to this strong fort so as to hold it against South Carolina, and the war vessels were in the way to blockade Charleston harbor at once. One Federal steamer had actually attempted to reach Fort Sumter, and had been driven back by a fierce fire from Carolina troops at Fort Morris. Georgia was unanimous against coercion of any seceding state, and the rumor that South Carohna, which had already withdrawn from the Union, would be invaded aroused general resentment. A movement was started at once no MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. among the volunteer companies to march across the Savannah river to the help of the neighbor state. Several companies formally applied to the gov ernor of Georgia for permission to offer their services at once to South Caro lina, but the governor properly refused their request Bankers grew enthusiastic and offered immediate money to the state for defense. The press sounded alarms in patriotic editorials, and the people became united in the sentiment against coercion of South Carolina. SECESSION CONVENTION. In the midst of these thrilling events the state convention called by the legislature and elected by the ballots of the people, met Jan. i6, i86t, in Mil ledgeville. The convention was composed of the ablest and most conservative men in the state chosen by their constituents without regard to party differences. Douglas men, Breckinridge men, and Bell men, who had contended in i860, perceived in this grave crisis that they must rise above former party issues and face the tremendous question of state secession. Influenced by high patriotic considerations the people elected their best and truest men to represent them in the solemn and sovereign convention, who would gravely discuss the situa tion and determine the course of the state. Upon the assembling of this august body it became soon evident that even yet Georgia was reluctant to secede. One reliable, authoritative word of peace, good-will, and legal safeguard, coming just then from the United States, would have arrested secession. It was not spoken. Judge Nisbet, a cultured, upright, and conservative statesman, intro duced a resolution favoring immediate separate secession and requiring that a committee be appointed to report the proper ordinance for adoption by the convention. But other resolutions were offered as a substitute, proposing delay of action and co-operation with other states in lieu of separate state action. It was fully proposed to call a convention of southern states in Atlanta in Febru ary following. One significant resolution provided that Georgia would in any event resist the coercion of any state which had already seceded. These resolu tions were before the convntion for discussion, and one of the ablest, most animated and eloquent debates ' ensued that ever occurred in human history. All the mighty issues of the critical hour were set forth with rare eloquence possessed by such intellectual giants as Nisbet, Stephens, Ben Hill, Toombs, T. R. R. Cobb, Herschel V. Johnson, and others nearly or quite their equal. The great debate was exhaustive, well-tempered, and with open doors, result ing in a ballot by which the Nisbet resolution was carried and the committee being appointed at once, very soon reported the ordinance by which the state would sever its connection with the government of the United States. This highly important pubhc document is of such interest that it may well have a place in this chapter as follows: AN ORDINANCE To dissolve the union between the state of Georgia and other states united with her under a compact of government entitled, "The Constitution of the United States of America": WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED, DO DECLARE AND ORDAIN, AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND ORDAINED: That the ordinance adopted by the state of Georgia, in convention on the second day of January, in the year of our Lord 1788, whereby the constitution MILITARY HISTORY. HI of the United States was assented to, ratified and adopted, and also all acts and parts of acts of the general assembly of the state, ratifying and adopting amend ments of the said constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded and abrogated. WE DO FURTHER DECLARE AND ORDAIN: That the union now existing between the state of Georgia and other states, under the name of the United States of America, is hereby dissolved, and that the state of Georgia is in the full possession and exercise of all of those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent state. After the first reading of this important paper a request was made for it to be repeated and this was done amid the profound silence of the sovereign conven tion. The approval of its terms by the majority was evident, but opposition to its passage was nevertheless made in the form of resolutions designed to delay separate action and invite the co-operation of other states, and on taking the vote for this substitute it was lost by only thirty-one votes. This first effort to secure secession by co-operative state action having failed, the opposition to secession broke down and the ordinance passed by a vote of 208- yeas to 89 nays. At two o'clock P. M., Jan. 19, 1861, the president of the convention, Geo. W. Crawford, briefly and impressively announced the vote and declared officially that by virtue of the ordinance the sovereign state of Georgia was a free and independent republic. To this announcement the convention responded with dignified applause, but the people outside who had gathered in Milledgeville from various parts of the state in large numbers, manifested their approval by much greater demonstrations. Cannon saluted the event, the bells were sounded, the popular voice rose in swelling volume of cheers, the colonial state fiag waved over the capitol, and at night the city was made a blaze of illumination. Intelli gence spread in a few minutes through the state by telegraph, and the people were everywhere promptly informed of this expected final action by thousands of extras poured out by the press. They were evidently ready to ratify the act of the constitution notwithstanding its serious import. Very many deplored disunion and nearly all would have averted it There had been a difference of opinion, "not so much as to the rights which Georgia claims, or the wrongs of which she complains as to the remedy and its application." Union men fully beheved that the power of the republican party would be overthrown as soon as it attempted any wrong against the south and had insisted on resort to another ballot in the Union. Others urged a temporary delay of secession until a convention of southern states could assemble and agree on a plan of concerted action. But now that the state had by its convention decided on immediate secession, its people buried their differences and united in support of the ordinance. The entire state thus rapidly rallied and was aroused to indescribable enthusiasm. Cities and towns became the centers of mass meetings in which the population, men, women, and children, gathered to hear the orators of the state. Every possible aspect of the momentous question was fully presented, even to the dreadful possibilities of long and wasting war. Speakers with impassioned utter ance quoted the words spoken by the colonial orators, "Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and my heart to this cause." "Peace if possible, but war to the end if we must." "If we perish, let it be so, for we will die for liberty and all liberty will perish with us." Yet the hope was brightly painted that secession would be peaceable; that armed coercion by the United States government would not be used; southern states would all unite in a constitutional government; treaties of amity and close commerce would be made with the' United States, and prosperity and peace for both governments would 112 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. certainly follow. Thousands shook their heads in dissent to these fond hopes and urged that no delusions be indulged. Secession, they said, involved war and it was the first business of the hour to prepare for the inevitable, irrepressible conflict. The foregoing account of populai" feeling and state action preceding the military operations in Georgia is necessary to a presentation of the causes that produced the disastrous movements of contending troops, when brave Ameri cans of common blood met in great battle within the limits of the state. The profound convictions of the Union forces which invaded the state being con ceded and their valor proclaimed, it is fully just to say that no impeachment of the people of Georgia on account of their action in those days can be sustained. They had a rare reverence for the principles fought for and then framed into constitutional form by the founders of the American Union, and they were distinguished by ardent devotion to the Union itself. The political platforms of all their parties reposed on the conservative doctrines of fidelity to the Union and the constitution. They had furnished troops, arms and sustenance in all the wars of the common country. They were conspicuously faithful to the Union in the war of 1812, when other sections talked seriously of secession; they had refused to sustain the nullification views of a southern sister state; they had first contributed as a southern people the leaders who had won peace and vast territory in the Mexican war. They were justly proud of their heroes, Zachary Taylor, Winfield Soott, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis, whose armies had brought Mexico to terms; and in 1850, ten years before secession took place, the state stood foremost in agreeing to the celebrated compromise, which it was hoped would allay all sectional disputes and secure constitutional union. Now at this crisis of 1861, the same people of Georgia were profoundly persuaded that a dual Union formed in the whole country covered by the United States would be better for both north and south than the one Union governed by a sectional party. They had lost confidence in the power of constitutional guar antees to protect them from sectional oppression. They wished in good faith to withdraw in peace, and not without great hope that the separation by a geo- gi^aphical line running from ocean to ocean would destroy the causes of strife and unite the two distinct nations in the closest international fraternity. Even if it be supposed that secession thus considered was a mistake, it would be admitted that Georgians were provoked into error and acted with becoming dignity in asserting their views. All they had they staked in this action. They immolated property and their lives on the altar of their convictions; they illus trated honor itself by their conduct of the war, and put new and loftier value upon the love of liberty under constitutional free government by making its "last analysis the blood of the brave." The legal rights of Georgia under the Federal constitution to secede, has been conceded by implications in those amendments 'of the constitution, resulting from the Confederate war, which expressly forbade secession. Whether the exercise of that privilege was prudent admits of contrary opinions, but does not affect the question of the honorable purpose 'of Georgians to abide by the terms of the constitution, nor allow a criticism which accuses Georgia of disloyalty to the flag of the nation, the con stitution of the government and the union of the states. The ordinance of secession was signed by all the members of the conven tion Jan. 22, 1861, and on the next day thereafter the governor emphasized the sovereign act by taking steps to obtain possession of the Augusta arsenal in the name of the state. On the summit of salubrious sandhills noted for the purity and dryness of the climate and near a patriotic, historic and delightful MILITARY HISTORY. ^ II3 city, the United States had erected buildings, established an arsenal, and kept there at all times a detachment of regular troops. The flag of the nation floated over the place and asserted resistance to the secession and sovereignty of Georgia. The continued occupation of this arsenal by United States forces after Georgia had formally resumed its original independent sovereignty was construed to be a defiance of its supreme authority within its own boundaries, and hence the demand arose for the surrender of its possession to the authorities of the state. Gov. Brown, accompanied by Col. Henry R. Jackson, an accomplished and experienced officer as his aide, and also Col. William Phillips as a member of his staff, proceeded to Augusta in person and on Jan. 23 addressed a courteous note to Capt Elzey, commanding the arsenal, requesting him to withdraw his troops and proposing to receipt for all public property in his charge to be accounted for on adjustment between the state and the United States. The commandant, Capt. Elzey, well understanding his duty as a military officer, declined to surrender his post on this demand and immediately sent a dispatch by telegraph to the secretary 'of war at Washington, and about midnight received the following answer: Washington, Jan. 23, 1861. Capt Arnold Elzey, Second Artillery Commander, Augusta Arsenal, Georgia: The governor of Georgia has assumed against your post and the United States an attitude of war. His summons is harsh and peremptory. It is not expected that your defense should be desperate. If forced to surrender by violence or starvation, you wih stipulate for honorable terms and a free passage by water with your company to New York. T HOLT, Secretary of War. The governor having received the refusal of Capt. Elzey to vacate the arsenal, ordered the military of Augusta to be put in readiness to take it by force if necessary. Col. Cumming, in command of the Augusta battalion, prepared for action in obedience to orders, but no further movement was made on that day in order that Capt Elzey might have ample time to determine on a bloodless sur render of his charge. Early on the morning of Jan. 24, the command of Col. Cumming was assembled under arms to march against the arsenal, when the governor received a note from Capt. Elzey requesting an interview "for the purpose of negotiating honorable terms of surrender." Elzey having become fully satisfied by the show of force which had been marshaled to take the arsenal that resistance would be vain, and result only in the wanton destruction of life, determined to act upon his judgment according to the discretion given him by the secretary of war. The governor had only desired to enforce the authority of the state, and promptly retiring the troops which had assembled, he went at once to hold the interview which Elzey had requested. Attended by Gen. Williams, Gen. Harris, Col. Wm. H. T. Walker, and his aides, Col. Jackson and Col. Phillips, the governor entered the arsenal grounds and held a satisfactory consultation with the gallant officer in command. After proper deliberation it was agreed that the flag on being lowered should be saluted, the garrison should march out with military honors, retaining arms and private property and have safe passage to Savannah and then to New York. The governor also receipted for the property of the arsenal, and thus all the honorable terms were adjusted. Great sympathy was shown for the commandant in the trying circumstances of this enforced surrender of his trust No one doubted his courage or his willing ness to defend his post at any reasonable hazard, but all commended the prudence by which needless loss of life was prevented. In appreciation of his embarrassing 1-8 1 14 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. position. Gov. Brown and all present extended warm assurances of their esteem, and expressed the common desire that the unhappy difficulties of the country might be adjusted without estrangement or hostility. The brave and impetuous Walker, afterward major-general in the Confederate army, and killed in battle near Atlanta, had been with Elzey at West Point. Seizing the hand of his former fellow-cadet with a warm grasp, he said: "You have dene all that could be required of a brave man." Elzey silently threw his arm around his friend in acceptance of his sympathy, and both expressed regret that an occasion had arrived which separated chief friends. A very large amount of ordnance and general munitions fell into possession of the state upon the occupancy of the arsenal, including 22,000 small arms, two howitzers, two cannon, together with considerable stores of ammunition. Observing the form of surrender the garrison was paraded and a salute of thirty-three guns, one for each state, was fired. The United States flag dropped down the line along the staff and -soon afterward Gen. Harris with a detachment of Oglethorpe artillery took possession under the authority of Georgia. A flag had been provided, made of white material and displaying in the center a five-pointed red star, and this was run up on the arsenal to symbolize the sovereignty of the state. The event was duly celebrated by a salute of twenty-one guns, the first for the republic of Georgia, five others in honor of the states already seceded, and then fifteen more in anticipation of the union of all the states of the south in the southern Confederacy. Gov. Brown and staff returned immediately to the capitol, where the conven tion was still in session, and engaged in maturing many important measures made necessary to the new relations which the states bore to all nations and states of the world. Among other acts the governor was authorized to raise two regiments at once for state defense. These were very promptly formed. Offers pressed in upon the governor from all parts of the commonwealth and the only difficulty was in the selection from the excessive number of eager aspirants. Two colonels, William J. Hardee and W. H. T. Walker, were commissioned; also Lieut-Cols. Chas. J. Williams and E. W. Chartain, and Majs. McLaws, Gardner, Cumming and Harben. The governor, or commander-in-chief, proceeded vigorously to organize the military of the whole state so as to be ready for possible war. The formation of volunteer companies in every county was considerably encouraged, notwithstanding the want of arms. These companies were advised to organize and drill with or without guns. Uniforms made at home were adopted without much regard at first to regularity of cut or color. Officers capable of drilling were few and books of military tactics were scarce. There were more plough-shares than swords in Georgia, and while shotguns and small-bore rifles were plentiful, they were not well adapted for battle. Nevertheless the military spirit was at work and strong enough to overcome all difficulties so successfully that com panies were rapidly formed in such numbers as to be far in excess of the requisitions. PREPARATIONS POR THE STRUGGLE. The honor, it is said, falls to a company called Lee's Volunteers, organized in Atlanta, of being the first in Georgia to tender service to the Confederate States government. The tender was formally and enthusiastically made at Mont gomery on the fifth day of March, by officers who had gone to Montgomery, Ala., the Confederate capital, for that purpose. On their return from this successful mission they were honored with public demonstrations at various places on the way and received with distinguished honor at Atlanta. On the train which bore them homeward there were some patriotic ladies who, fully imbued with the MILITARY HISTORY. "5 spirit of the times, procured material at Grantvihe, and with their own hands made the first Confederate flag for Georgia, and presented it to the company. ^ The flag as made showed seven stars in a circle on a blue union, and three hori zontal bars of red and white. As in all parts of the state volunteer companies were being formed and drilled numerous incidents suitable to that just related occurred and increased the already ample enthusiasm. In forecast of the needs of the state Gov. Brown had contracted with northern firms for arms and some had been delivered, but the difficulty of securing their delivery increasing, he contracted with the Tredegar iron works, at Richmond, Va., and through that source obtained a number of guns for coast defense. As a further means for obtaining small arms all old muskets were put in order. The smooth-bore flint and steel gun was altered to the percussion lock. Where it could be done the bore was rifled and bayonets were attached. Companies were directed to arm themselves with the common double-barrel shotgun. Cartridges were made of buckshot, or with "buck and bah," consisting of one lead ball and three or four buckshot Such private arms as these were freely contributed by the people, and with these the companies learned to drill, and in many cases fought their first battles. Pending all the popular stir in the state which followed the 'Ordinance of secession the convention which had adjourned from Milledgeville met again March 7, 1861, in Savannah, and gave the governor power to issue state bonds and treasury notes for war purposes. The convention also yielded entire control of forts, arms and military operations to the Confederate States govern ment, which had been formed at Montgomery during the first week of the preceding February. After adopting all other measures of immediate necessity the convention proceeded to adjournment, after hearing the parting words of the president, George W. Crawford, a portion of which are here recahed to show the common spirit of the times. Said he: "You have overturned a government which has been sectional in policy and sectional in hostility. It had lost nationality, and the first requirement of every government is that of protection to person and property. You have overthrown the Federal Union, but you have preserved the Federal constitution. You have sustained ancestral wisdom in the foundation of your government sepa rated only from those abuses which experience has developed. In short you have effected a poHtical reformation." After the state had become a member of the Confederate States government the issue was joined between the two nationalities and no longer existed as between the state separately and the United States. Georgia in convention formally recognized the fact that the supreme military authority, and, therefore, the responsibility for the conduct of military operations, rested in the Confederate States government Accordingly the governor responded promptly to all requi sitions for troops made by the secretary of war. The first regiment ordered into Confederate service was organized at Macon and sent to Pensacola, where it was early under fire and sustained itself with admirable gallantry. Subsequently it saw some service in Northwestern Virginia, and still later on, being divided among other commands, its gallant companies were conspicuous in nearly all the great battles of the war. This first regiment attracted particular attention on account of its priority in the field, and its organization at Macon was witnessed with great enthusiasm. An election was held in camp for field officers, resulting in the choice of James N. Ramsey, colonel; J. O. Clarke, lieutenant-colonel; G. H. Thompson, major. A review of the troops was held by Gov. Brown, witnessed by a great assembly of citizens and in these inspiring circumstances the regiment Il6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. left for action and dangerous service. Further requisitions continued to be quickly made, and were responded to in numbers 'Of companies far beyond the ability of the state to equip them for service or the demand made by -the Confederate government Local camps were also formed in many counties during the spring of 1861, when the young soldiery learned their first lessons in the art of war. Not only did the young men offer themselves as soldiers, but the people of all ages and classes showed a wonderful readiness to share the burdens now falhng on the state. Contributions of funds to meet the expenses of new companies were raised in large amounts. Uniforms were bought in many instances at the public expense. Even entire companies were equipped by the liberality of a few men of wealth. The women formed sewing societies and made clothing for the young soldiers who were preparing for war. Pledges were ^iven to protect the families of men who enlisted for the Confederate struggle. The food crop was more largely planted and in general a community of feeling and effort existed everywhere. It will be borne in mind that these active preparations were stimulated by the threatening effect of the clouds which were gathering in the north and the early mutterings of the storm brewing at Washington. Peace commissioners had been sent from southern states to submit the secession question to peaceable consideration of the government Among these messengers from the south, an eminent Georgian, Martin J. Crawford, accepted a prominent place, and after a long, unavailing effort to obtain a hearing he returned home in April, 1861, and announced to the people that the subjugation of Georgia would certainly be attempted. The peace commissioners now understood that the hearing which they had so long asked for in Washington had been delayed, in order to gain time for military operations, and that the final refusal in April to allow their overtures to be considered was in their judgment tantamount to a public declara tion of war. Their address published throughout the south destroyed the last hope of peaceful settlement, and aroused the state to immediate preparations for a war that might begin at any time by invasion of the coast. BEGINNING OP HOSTILITIES. Hence no great surprise was felt at the beginning of hostilities by the appear ance of war vessels off the coast of Carolina, and the attempted reinforcement of Fort Sumter, which resulted in the thrilling bombardment and surrender of that fortress to the Confederate forces. The further news was also brought that Norfolk was under threat of attack and it was now clearly realized that war had indeed begun. A telegram from Richmond, sent by Gov. Letcher to Gov. Brown, asked for troops from Georgia to be dispatched without delay to Norfolk to aid in its defense. The governor expeditiously put himself in communication with the cities of Columbus, Macon and Griffin, where he knew that military companies had been well drilled and prepared for emergencies. The demand was very urgent. Not over a day was given for departure and not more than an hour allowed for the answer of acceptance. But the responses came to their demand ¦quickly and bravely. The companies were ordered to move at once, and in less- time than twenty-four hours the gallant men composed of the flower and pride of the state had made preparations, bidden adieu to their homes, and were aboard the cars hurrying with ardent haste to the front. Notwithstanding this short notice, the people of the cities left behind as well as those through which they passed evinced their patriotic pride with enthusiastic demonstrations. This is MILITARY HISTORY. 117 but one instance given as an example of the readiness with which the young Georgians of that day exhibited their fealty to the state. The companies com posing the command were the Floyd rifles, Capt Thos. Hardeman ; Macon volun teers, Capt Smith; City hght guards of Columbus, Capt. P. T. Colquitt; and the Griffin guards, Capt. Doyal. These were formed into a battalion commanded by Capt. Thos. Hardeman, and made a record unsurpassed for courage and fidelity to the close of the war. But it is not within the scope of this chapter to trace the events of the Confederate war outside of the hmits of the state; the history of Georgia troops in Virginia and other states will not be told. Their deeds are worthy of the lofty patriotism which inspired them and the state should not be left without an honorable and enduring record of the services and sacrifices of these, its gifted and gallant sons. It is, however, an interesting legend in the record of this battalion that it reached the immediate seat of war before Norfolk with such promptitude as to be on the ground, even in advance of troops called out from noble, patriotic Virginia itself. And there is the further state ment, which reflects luster on the military history of the state, that the first gun turned against the enemy and that sent the first hurtling defiance against the invasion of the south was in the charge of this command. Capt. Colquitt had this rare distinction and months afterward he gave up his loyal life in battle. Thus it is history for Georgia that it fired the first gun at Norfolk, and we will see in the sequel that Georgia also fired the last gun at Appomattox. Five regiments of twelve-months infantry troops had been organized during the first four months of 1861, besides a large number of unattached companies of infantry not yet put in service, and several commands 'of cavalry and artiller)-. Further demands for Georgia troops continued to be made by the Confederate government. The great war was now on in earnest. The Federal government had made a call for a large army and its demand was met with offers of troops from every quarter of the northern states. Washington was crowded with appli cations for service. The two great sections were becoming terribly interested. Both sides appeared to believe that the struggle would be short, fierce and decisive. Three months was to be the limit in which the momentous issues were to be determined. One great duel in Virginia and then — peace! Upon one side the cry arose "On to Richmond." Confidence was felt that the quick capture of that city would explode the secession bubble. On the other side, there was an equally strong confidence in the fighting enthusiasm of southern troops, which paid no regard to the force of numbers and superior equipment. With these thoughts gallant northerners poured into Washington. With these inspirations Georgia companies were forming and drilling every day in the presence of an excited and applauding population. The governor was pressed even to annoy ance with the demands for arms, equipments and orders to march at once to Virginia and anywhere, that gunpowder could be burnt and glory won. Young blood was up to the highest mark of patriotic heat Capt Glenn, of Savannah, expressed the general passion in a notable pubhc letter, in whi'ch he begged permission to go with his command "to Virginia where there was a prospect of a fight." Hitherto the ttoops called out for service had been enlisted for twelve months, but in May, 1861, the Confederate congress then in session at Montgomery, Ala., authorized enlistments for the full term of the war. An incident immediately fol lowing the passage of this act to raise troops for service during the war illustrates the high spirit which at the moment was moving the men of Georgia. The name of Francis Bartow has become as immortally associated with Georgia history through this incident and his heroic death at Manassas as that of Jasper or Marion Il8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. with the war of the revolution. Bartow was at the time a member of the Confed erate congress and also captain of the Oglethorpe light infantry of Savannah, a splendid volunteer company which had been formed in 1856 and was superbly drilled, equipped and composed 'of young men of superior spirit A detail of this splendid company had participated in the seizure of Fort Pulaski and the entire command while on active duty at or near Savannah had constantly manifested an eager desire to become participants in the pending struggle where battles might oftener take place. Bartow being at the seat of the Confederate government when the important measure passed to authorize war enlistments, wired his company at once concerning this opportunity to be placed foremost in action and received an immediate reply urging him to tender the command without delay. The gallant commander lost no time in seeing Pres. Davis, and having secured the accept ance of his company, gave them notice and then hurried away himself to take ch'arge of their departure. Preparations were rapidly made for leaving Savannah for Virginia 'and Savannah 'honored their going with great demonstrations. Citi zens abandoned all business for the hour of departure, the local rrtilitary proudly escorted their comrades and artillery salutes reverberated through the city, re inforced' by the enthusiastic cheering of the people. One only circumstance caused apprehension of trouble. The splendi'd guns borne by the company had been bought and furnished by the state of Georgia and were about to be carried away without the consent of the governor first obtained. Georgia was not yet free from fear of invasion of Savannah. The coast line was already threatened. The defenses were inadequate, the troops few and arms difficullt to get Hence the governor sought to retain in Georgia the guns belonging to the state, or at least required that the consent of the state be obtained for their removal. This neglected concession to state authority provoked a sharp controversy between Bartow and the governor in which the latter maintained the right and need of the state with strong argument, and in which the gallant officer expressed in a single phrase the pride of his company in their commonwealth itself as well as the patriotism by which they were inspired : "I go to illustrate Georgia." This was the historic burn ing line which alone remains of the controversy in the memory of the present age. It settled the contention. It was a noble utterance, made potent and pathetic for ever by the blood of the brave hero which ebbed his grand life away on the field of Manassas not three months afterward. Wounded and dying on that battle ground, when southern troops won the first great victory, Bartow added renewed pathos to his former phrase by the words : "They have killed me, but never give up the fight." Georgia regiments were rapidly formed after this act of congress and sent to Virginia. A. R. Wright, the colonel of the Third Georgia regiment, was already in the field and facing the foe. The Sixth Georgia, commanded by Col. Alfred Colquitt, was however the first full regiment enlisted and accepted for the war. The Seventh, Col. Gartrell ; the Eighth, Col. Bartow, and the Ninth and Eleventh Georgia regiments constituted the brigade led by Bartow in the battie of Manassas. DEFENSE OP GEORGIA. Turning attention more exclusively to the progress of the war on the soil of Georgia we observe that the fall of Fort Sumter, the threatened attack of Norfolk, the increasing naval demonstrations of the Federals, drew early attention to the defenseless condition of tiie long coast of the state. It appeared certain that Cjeorgia was in danger o finvasion from the direction of the sea. Therefore, it was prudent to improve its defenses as rapidly as the limited resources of the .state MILITARY HISTORY. 119 would permit The approadies to Savannah, Brunswick, Darrien and other points were therefore put under the best protection that could be made. The littie Tattnall navy was made all use of possible for its strength. The first regiment of Georgia regulars was divided and stationed at Tybee, Fort Pulaski and Fort Jackson. Land batteries were erected here and there. Fort Jackson was improved. Fort Pulaski had been strengthened and newly equipped at a cost of $80,000. The governor made frequent careful inspections of the coast and being satisfied of the peril which threatened the state prepared with all the resources at his command to put the grand seaport of Georgia in a defensible condition by encouraging fortifi cations and forwarding from the state all the troops that could be provided with arms not called out of the state in general Confederate service. A Federal fleet of forty-one vessels having captured Port Royal on the coast of South Carolina, afterward appeared off the Georgia seaboard near Tybee and plainly threatened Ft Pulaski. Other Federal movements fully justified the un easiness felt by the governor and the inhabitants of the seabi.iard section. Only four small vessels, commanded by Commander Tattnall, were ready to offer any resistance to this formidable fleet They were the "Savannah," Lieut. Maffit; 'The Resolute," Lieut Jones; "The Samson," Lieut. Kennard, and "Lady Davis," Lieut Rutledge. Commander Tattnall had been assigned to command this little navy which hugged the coast and hovered near the inlets. He had already achieved great and merited distinction as a naval officer, but was contented to serve the state in this 'humble command. By his birtih at Bonaventure in 1796, he was a Georgian in whose career the state had great. pride. Having joined the United States navy in early life he sen'ed under Decatur, fought the Algerines and the West Indian pirates, bore a most gallant part in the Mexican war and in 1859 gave that famous and fortunate aid to the English fleet in the Chinese seas, justifying himself in the saying that "blood is thicker than water." When his state seceded i;i 1861 he was stationed at Locket's Harbor, N. Y., but promptly retiring, he cast his lot with its fortunes. The coast department of Georgia extending from Savannah to the Florida line had been put in charge of Gen. A. R. Lawton by the Confederate government This eminent Georgian was a graduate of West Point, but retiring early from military service became a distinguished jurist and statesman. His military abili ties, however, had. been in constant requisition and as has been stated he was fortunately in charge of the military of his city at the capture of Fort Pulaski. On receiving his commission and assignment by the Confederate government in 1861, he entered vigorously upon the discharge of his duties, co-operating intelligently and patriotically with the governor of the state. The legislature having authorized a call for 10,000 volunteers for state defense, the governor divided the state into four parts with the design of raising one brigade in each section, constituting a division of state troops, the command of which was tendered to Gen. Henry R. Jackson with the rank of major-general. This distinguished officer had the ad vantage 'Of military training and experience in the Mexican war, and enjoyed the confidence of the governor, who accepted his services as an aide and military adviser in the affairs at Fort Pulaski and the Augusta arsenal, as well as in other early preparations of the state for war. At the time this important service in the state was tendered him Gen. Jackson was in northwestern Virginia, where he had been in command with the rank 'of brigadier-general during a short, severe cam paign. He was there first apprised of the existence of the Georgia division by a telegram from Gov. Brown, informing him that the troops were already in the field and tendered him the command with the request that he accept or decline by telegram. At that moment Gen. Jackson was under orders to remain in winter I20 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. quarters in West Virginia within "handling distance" 'Of such force as he might retain for the purpose of holding the line which he then had in charge, and seeing that the service offered by the governor would transfer him from the camp to the field, from inactivity to active important duty 'On behalf of his state, he could but accept the honorable call. The command, however, was only for a six months' service, as that was the period for which the body of state troops was generahy accepted, and hence Jackson asked the Confederate authorities for leave of ab sence for that term and supposed it would be readily granted. The leave of absence, however, was refused and he was compelled to resign 'his commission as brigadier-general in the Confederate states army in order to fill the position required of him by his state. Arriving 'at Savannah Gen. Jackson found one brigade of his division near that city, another on the Atlantic & Gulf railroad, and the third between the road and the seaboard near or within Camden county. Perceiving that Savannah was specially threatened Jackson at once massed his division at that imperiled city and according to the report of tiie Federal commander the contem plated movement against Savannah at that time was thus thwarted and abandoned. This massing of a division at a point available for ready m.oving to any point ac corded with the p'olicy which Jackson urged as the best for defending the seaboard line. In an elaborate letter to the governor he suggested that a strong picket of observation should be maintained along the southern coast and especially on the Georgia coast, and that divisions be massed in the rear so that by co-operation of the state forces raised by the CaroHnas, Georgia and Florida among them selves and with the Confederate commands, it would be feasible to concentrate a large body upon any threatened point. Gen. Jackson had the efficient assistance to his division of Gen. Flarrison, Gen. Walker and Gen. Capers, and the full co-operation of Gen. Lawton, who com manded the department, and Gen. Mercer, commanding Savannah. In the mean time while this attention was given the coast the office of Adjt.-Gen. Wayne was busied with the organization and preparation of tro'ops to all p'oints. Gens. Semmes and Walker, who had at first been under state commissions, were trans ferred to commands in the general Confederate line. Gen. Phillips was directed to organize a brigade, which he rapidly accomplished and placed it in a camp of instruction with the view of preparing the troops for active operations. With the aid of Adjt.-Gen. Wayne and Maj. Capers, conmiandant of the Georgia military institute at Marietta, he soon raised his command to a high conditon of efficiency. Referring to this body of Georgia military the governor said in his message to the legislature: "They were a noble, patriotic and chivalrous band of Georgians and I hazard nothing in saying — military men being the judges — that no brigade in the Confederate service was composed of better material or was better trained at that time for active service in the field." During the summer 'of 1861 the governor tendered this splendid brigade to the Confederate government, but the president expressed his desire that the tender should be made of the regiments only, not including the battalions, and that they sihould be tendered separately. Gov. Brown insisted on the acceptance of the brigade entire as officered by tiie choice of the men. The difference of views was at length settled, as the governor states in his message: "Finally the president agreed to accept the battalions and regiments, and in view of the pressing necessity for troops in Virginia I yielded the point and accepted Gen. Phillips' resignation and permitted the troops to be mustered with the Confederate service by regiments and battalions." Gen. Phillips subse- quentiy did gallant and distinguished service as commander of Phillips' Legion. A regiment of "Georgia regulars," as they were called, had been formed under command of Col. Chas. J. Williams, and another of volunteers commanded by Col. MILITARY HISTORY. 121 P. J. Semmes, upon which the state was relying for defense. These two fine bodies of 'men, commanded by accomplished officers, were ordered by the secretary of war out 'of tlie state about the same time that the regiments and battalions of Phillips' brigade had been called into Confederate service. The arms collected by Georgia had also been generally sent with its volunteers into the general service in Virginia and elsewhere, with the result that great difficulties now arose in attempts to supply such troops as had volunteered to defend the coast. The situa tion grew serious as the summer of 1861 wore away and decided Federal demon strations began to be made along the general coast line of the Confederacy. It was true that the state was not yet actually invaded at any place, but it was open to successful 'attacks at all points available by water. Therefore, the governor summoned more troops to the coast and appointed Geo. P. Harrison of Chatham brigadier-general, ordering him to organize a brigade of volunteers to be arnied as well as possible. This meant the employment to a considerable extent of the country rifle and shot-gun. It was a curious sight to the trained military men wdio knew the indispensable importance of arming troops with the most improved weapons of war. But the presence of the men themselves on the coast was no little advantage. It would reassure the planters as well as the inhabitants of the towns near the sea that the state desired to defend them, and the soldiers would also grow used to camp life, pass through the usual first camp afflictions of war troops, learn something of the evolutions and acquire the habit of obedience to orders. At any rate the call was quickly heeded and the troops from all the interior country came promptly to the aid of the state, bringing with them the rifles and shotguns with which they had hunted through the Georgia forests. Some companies even provided rude bayonets forged at home shops and fastened to the barrels of the guns. Others carried the long broad-bladed knife made by the blacksmiths at the country forge from old steel files, which they carried in a leather sheath slung to their belts as a substitute for the bayonet, should any hand-to-hand encounters take place. Their uniforms had been hastily woven at the looms in the country and quickly cut and made by the willing hands of the patriotic women. Tents, blankets, haversacks and nearly every other requisite were strictly 'home manufacture. Thus the business of the state was on a war basis. The military use of Georgia products became a patriotic pleasure as well as a stern necessity, and the gallant young fellows esteemed nothing as being hard, or even life as dear, if they might by their sacrifice and valor save the state from dreaded invasion. Out of this splendid material, Gen. Harrison rapidly and skillfully found a fine command and,the governor on receiving troops enough for another brigade, com missioned Maj. Capers brigadier-general and ordered him to take command. FEDERAL BLOCKADE. Toward the close of 1861 the blockade by Federal vessels increased in efficiency until its effects began to be felt throughout the state. The women of Georgia, cut off from the purchase of northern and European goods, began to exhibit a lively and skillful interest in domestic dress. Fashion courted necessity and formed a happy union. Beautiful gowns made at home out of raw material becam.e the style. The state developed hundreds of small industries, which flourished under the blockade without the help of a tariff. Men's clothing made of mixed wool and cotton was manufactured in all counties without the aid of machinery except cards, reels and looms of home construction. Coffee and tea came to be rarities, but substitutes abounded. Cotton was unsalable, but with grim humor the farmer paid his debts in Confederate money and made an abundance of meat and 122 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. grain. An enforced economy prevailed, but the necessaries of life were as yet produced for ah. Salt was obtained a while from the old stock on 'hand, then from the salt fields of Virginia, then from evaporation of the water of the sea, and at last even from the old smoke-houses as the buildings were called in which the bacon of successive years had hung and dropped its excessive salt upon the ground floor. Privations of former luxuries were little cared for in the midst of greater troubles caused by the battles where brave men were mangled and killed. The pressure grew stronger as 1861 came toiaclose, and thoroughly understand ing the situation, the governor urged the legislature to appropriate $3,500,000 for the year 1862. The Confederate government had issued $50,000,000 in bonds, which the people were advised to buy. The bankers of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Florida met in Atlanta, and agreed to use Confederate tteasury notes or currency. Gov. Brown urged the passage of a stay law, and recommended legalizing the existing suspension of banks. An arm'ory was established in the state penitentiary for making and repairing muskets, the Georgia Relief and Hospital association was formed, and at the tender suggestion of Mrs. Williams, of Columbus, wayside homes were opened all along railroad routes for the comfort of the troops. The comptroller-general's report for 1861 showed that forty-one regiments and battalions had been sent to the field, and $1,000,000 had been expended for military purposes. But the message of the governor at the session of the legislature in November, 1861, more fully sums up the account of Georgia troops, both state and Confederate, to the number of forty-seven regiments and six battalions. "Including a few country arms, the state had armed, accoutered and equipped thirty of these regiments." THE YEAR 1862. When the year 1862 arrived, the hope of speedy settlement of the war had flown, and the people 'of Georgia faced the dreadful possibility of a protracted struggle, which would demand all their energies and exhaust their resources. The Federal army had been increased from the first call made upon the northern states to nearly 1,000,000 men on the field, while the entire Confederate forces reported less than a total of 300,000. Georgia had sent to the front over 20,000 ttoops, besides the state forces, and was raising more regiments to be ready for coming requisitions. In addition to calls for men the Confederacy levied a necessary war tax, the assessed portion of Georgia amounting to $2,500,000, but this large levy was raised without delay by the sale of state bonds, and even before the time of payment arrived the entire assessment of Georgia was in the treasury. While thus meeting the requisitions for men and money for the general Confederate operations, the state continued its attention to the question of home defense. Gov. Brown issued his proclamation in March, 1862, requiring a 'Complete enrollment and organization of the militia under the laws of the state, through which the wdiole body of the population capable of bearing arms were mustered in the various counties under military officers of their own selection, and constituted a valuable force of citizen soldiery for the drafts which soon became necessary. In fact the danger of invasion at several inlets on the coast required the earnest attention of the governor and military commanders. The Federal fleet now completely blockaded the port of Savannah, and Tybee island was occupied by the Union forces. Gen. R. E. Lee had been temporarily assigned to the general soutiiern coast, .and gave his skillful advice in regard to the proper fortifications. Lawton, Jackson, Mercer, and other experienced officers were fully employed in general direction of the defenses, but MILITARY HISTORY. 123 notwithstanding all efforts, the Federals succeeded in pushing into Warsaw. The reduction of Fort Pulaski was then determined by the Federal general, David Hunter, by batteries of heavy guns established on Big Tybee. Batteries were also located above the fort in the marsh at Venus Point and Bird Island, and still another was planted on a hulk anchored in a creek south of the fort. During these preparations to invest the fort by the Federals, Commodore Tattnall executed a bold and successful venture with his little fleet in conveying under the fire of the United States gunboats a six-months' supply of provisions to the besieged garrison. But the Union officers and men on their side displayed equally great skill and energy in providing the purpose to capture the strong Confederate works. During the month of March the Seventh Connecticut volunteers, the Third Rhode Island artillery, witbtwo corps 'of engineers, were employed' in transporting ordnance into position, building roads through the marshes, and constructing batteries. "Mortars of eight and a half tons weight and columbiads but a trifle lighter were moved in the dead of night over a narrow causeway bordered by swamps on either side, and liable at any moment to be overturned and buried in the mud beyond reach. The men were not allowed to speak above a whisper, and were guided by the notes of a whistle." The entire armament consisted of thirty-five guns of heavy ordnance, completely investing the fort, five batteries of which had been constructed at night under concealment in very advanced positions. CAPTURE OF FORT PULASKI. This important fort, held by the Confederates to the number of 389 men, com manded by Col. Charles H. Olmstead, a brave and faithful officer, was originally garrisoned to defend the river 'approach to Savannah. It was a brick structure of five casemated sides, walls seven and a half feet thick at the base, and twenty-five feet above water, and built to mount two tiers of guns, one in casemate, and one en barbette. A demi-lune covered the gorge face, and beyond all a tide-water ditch was cut surrounding the whole work. Its armament at this time was forty- eig'ht guns, but only about twenty could be trained upon the batteries of the Federds. Gen. Hunter's dispositions being all made, he sent a formal demand on April 10 for the surrender of the fort, and received from the heroic Olmstead the noble response: "I am here to defend the fort, not to surrender it." The bombardment opened with the tremendous force of the full amount of heavy guns, and mortars, and for two days Olmstead and his intrepid comrades replied to the furious fire, until their gums were dismounted and the heavy missiles from Hunter's batteries of Parrott rifle-guns began to pour in through the crumbling walls. The magazine became exposed to explosion, the fort was no longer tenable, and as retreat was utterly cut off, the brave defenders yielded to the 'dreadful necessity, and on April 1 1 surrendered upon the most honorable terms to their valorous foe. A deed of heroism something similar to the gallant act of Jasper at Fort Moultrie, in revolutionary times, occurred during the flercest fire 'Of this heavy cannonading. Amidst the bombardment of the second 'day, while the air was thick with bursting shells, and solid shot were pounding the tottering walls, the colors of the garrison were torn down by a Federal shot that severed the staff. Seeing their flag fall, Lieut. Hussey, of the Montgomery guards, and Private John Latham, of the Washington volunteers, leaped upon a parapet, and amidst the hail of deadly projectiles raised the colors with their 'Own hands upon a gun carriage, and there unfurled them with an heroic courage that was worthy of brave m'cn of every country and all ages. 124 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. The fort was lost, but its fall only stimulated the Georgians to increase their remaining means of defense. The islands, with all their outer defenses were given up, and as the mainland was easily accessible, new fortifications were built at all points. In anticipation of the reduction of Fort Pulaski by the Federal forces, and the movements made possible afterward, all persons near the co'ast liable to 'military duty were ordered into service by the governor, and Gen. Jackson was required to enforce the order. The volunteer companies of Savannah were strengthened, and a general increase of the local force occurred. During all this' period, when the coast was under threat of invasion, the state had the services of not only its "war governor" and his staff, but from time to time the presence of Lee,Beaure- guard and Pemberton, all experienced army officers and military engineers. Brig.- Gen. A. R. Lawton, commanding the coast line, and Gen. Mercer, at Savannah, as we have seen, were the first 'Officers in charge at the beginning of hostilities. Maj.-Gen. Henry R. Jackson, with his adjutant-general. Col. Charlton Way, com manded the Georgia division of six-months' troops, composed of three brigades commanded by Gen. W. H. T. Walker, Gen. George P. Harrison, and Gen. F. M. Capers, and it was by the work 'of this division that new and elaborate fortifications were constructed under direction of Gen. Boggs, a most competent military engineer officer. The division had been of great service in preventing any raid upon the borders of the state by such forces as might be tempted to land from the ships and had been drilled under good officers. Its arms, as well as its quartermaster and commissary stores were ample, and of the best quality, and in all respects it had become one of the finest body of troops in' the service. "The works around the city of Savannah will relate to posterity the skill, intelligence, energy and patriotism of the state troops of 1861 and 1862." And now came a pressure under the con scription law for the service of these men in Virginia. Their term of enlistment Vifas nearly expired, and the Federals were making no further decided demon stration against well-fortified Savannah. Gen. Jackson suggested that they be tendered as an organized division, after re-enlistment, for the war. The governor had desired that these disciplined state troops should be protected from individual conscription, but telegraphed, April 15, 1862, to the secretary of war: "I propose to turn over the troops who yet remain at service with the responsibilities to you immediately on such manner as may be most agreeable to the president." On the next day the command of Gen. Jackson expired, and the brigadier-generals were directed to report to Gen. Lawton. Gen. Jackson pa.rted with his division by a farewell order, in which he touchingly said: "While he confesses to a keen disap pointment in the disorganization of his command before it had encountered an enemy in battle, he feels strengthened by the conviction that wherever, and under whomsoever, its elements may be called into action, they will exhibit, not only the heroism of Georgians fighting for their liberty, but the force and efficiency of drilled and disciplined soldiers." In a message to the legislature, November, 1862, Gov. Brown says in reference to this gallant officer: "It is but justice to Maj.-Gen. Jackson that it be remarked that he has with untiring energy and consummate ability pressed forward the preparation of tiie defenses and the training of the army, and that the people of Georgia owe much gratitude to him for the safety of the city of Savannah and its present freedom from the tyrannical rule of the enemy." 1 THE STATE ARMY. The "state army," as the governor chose to call the troops assembled by his special call, became incorporated with the general Confederate line, and the regi ments were rapidly distributed through the armies of Lee and Bragg, where they MILITARY HISTORY. 125 increased the luster already glowing round the soldiery from Georgia. Gov. Brown, as their commander-in-chief, says in his message: "I feel it a duty which I owe to the gallant officers and brave men who composed the state army to say that they were at the time ol the transfer as thoroughly organized, trained and disci plined, as probably any other body of troops of equal number on the continent who 'had not been a m.uch longer time on the field. While they regretted that an opportunity did not offer to show their courage and efficiency upon the battlefield, they stood like a bulwark of strong arms and stout hearts between the city and the enemy, and by their chivalrous bearing and energetic preparation, in connection with the smaller number of brave Confederate troops near, saved the city from attack and capture without bloodshed and carnage." Notwithstanding the gloomy advent of 1862, the year closed with somewhat brightening prospects for the Confederates. Georgia still held its territory untouched, except a few islands occupied after the fall of Fort Pulaski. The state had in the field of infantry, cavalry, and artillery about 75,000 men, and its troops had fought through all the great battles in Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. Already a large number had been slain in battle or tortured by wounds. Hospitals had multiplied, millions of money had been spent, and the stress of war was felt everywhere. Within the boundaries of the state 8,000 Georgians had been under arms as state troops in actual service, and over $2,000,000 had been expended in state defense, besides $2,500,000 paid into the Confederate treasury. Confederate money depreciated three to one, and all articles of produce and merchandise rose correspondingly high in price. The legislature sitting in November and December enacted many important war measures, among them a law forbidding cultivation of cotton beyond three acres to each field hand, in order to encourage the increase of grain and meat Cotton cards to be used in the homes of the people for domestic cotton spinning- became a great want, and the manufacture and sale of them was regarded of such importance as to autiiorize an appropriation of $100,000 for that purpose. The governor was requested to buy salt to the amount of $500,000 and have it sold to the people at nearly the cost. As a further step to prevent waste and secure supplies of food the distillation of corn into; whisky was for'oidden. Clothing for troops was ordered to be supplied by an appropriation of $1,500,000, and $1,000,000 was set apart for a military fund. The families of the deceased and disabled soldiers were afforded support to the sum of $2,500,000. A benevolent society having been perfected, caUed the Georgia Rehef association, the legislature donated $400,000 toward its support Manufactures of shoes, hats, blankets, medicines, arms and ammunition were fully encouraged by public and private aid. These large appro priations of money, amounting to over $6,000,000 in one year, were readily made by the legislature in 1862, and accepted with patriotic willingness by the people. Georgia placed its all on the altar. Suffering and loss of life had already been appalling, but the state did 'not falter. At this date, when less than two years of war had passed, there were 500 totally disabled soldiers and a far greater number of widows and little children to be provided for. The men were at the front in numbers almost equal to the voting population, and the people at home were nearly all employed in sustaining the army. EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. The next prominent and significant event of the war occurred when the president of the United States celebrated New Year's Day, 1863, by issuing the celebrated 126 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. emancipation proclamation, by ^v^hich he declared that the negroes of the south were no longer subject to their owners. The news spread rapidly throughout the state, producing, however, no effect upon the relations existing between the white and colored races. Some apprehension was felt that the negroes would be tempted by Federal rewards to insurrection, and that the state military would be required to suppress outbreaks. But the negroes manifested no disposition to disturb the peace. History will record to their praise that while actual war was pending on the soil of Georgia they quietly awaited the issue 'of the fiery struggle between the south and the north. Entire communities of women and children were left in their charge, while all able-bodied white men were away on the battlefield, and the trust was faithfully kept. Instances of criminal acts were so riare that at this perio'd none are recalled, and while this fidelity is proof of the peaceful character of the negro, it is also evidence for their owners that slavery had produced no personal 'hostihties between the two races in Georgia, and that the treatment of the negro by his owner under the law had been such as to maintain between them personal attachment and mutual confidence. Many negroes accompanied their owners to the seat of war, not to take part in battle, but to serve in semi-military duties with out exposure to danger. Some of them marched in Maryland and Pennsylvania with the armies of Lee, voluntarily returning, although they might have remained in the free states without hindrance. They are still proud of the conduct of their race in those days of anxiety and peril. The proclamation of President Lincoln, however, was regarded in Georgia as a strictly political war measure, designed to place the cause of war distinctly upon the sole question of slavery, for an effect to be produced upon foreign countries, and with the purpose of mal-cing use of negroes as soldiers in the Federal army. The issue of negro' freedom had not been distinctly made until this proclamation created it. Hitherto it had been understood that at the furthest the Federal authorities would insist only on restriction of slavery to the limits where it already existed, and a gradual emancipation upon payment of the value of slaves held at the beginning of the war. But now it was settled that the United States proposed to enforce by arms an instantaneous emancipation without compensation. FORT M'ALLISTER. From this political war measure we turn to the gallant defense of Fort McAl lister in March, 1863, one of the illustrious war incidents which marked the spirited resistance made by Georgia people against invasion. This fort, built at the mouth 'of the Ogeechee river, was a low earthwork, consisting largely of sand thrown up in parapets, which proved to be an excellent protection, and at this time it was under the command of Maj. Gallic with a small garrison. Several times its reduction had been attempted with failure, and now again seven Federal ships, among which were a number of monitors, steamed up into position to renew the attack on the devoted stronghold. For eight 'hours the fort was furiously bom barded, and the fire was returned with spirit. Maj. Gallic was killed early in the fight, and Capt. Anderson assuming the command, heroically continued the defense. The sand parapet walls drank up the shots which plunged into their sides, and infolded the fragments of exploded shells, while the Federal gunboats were so skillfully battered from the guns of the fort that prudence demanded their with drawal from the unsuccessful attack. The splendid 'defense brought great honor to the little garrison from all quarters, and the commanding general sent flattering commendations of their heroism in orders authorizing the defenders to celebrate MILITARY HISTORY. 1 27 tiie victory by placing upon the flag of the fort the words : "Fort McAlhster, March 3> 1863." EVENTS OF 1863. The legislature assembled by special proclamatiO'U of the governor in March, discussed with serious earnestness the difficulties which beset the state. It was becoming evident that suffering would grow intense. The state had been drained of its fighting men, the blockade had become strict, and cotton could not go out for sale, nor goods come in except by 'Occasional desperate ventures in "running the blockade." Senator Ben. Hill cam.e from Richmond to Georgia and addressed the legislature in a patriotic and impassioned .speech, in which, with his wo'uderful eloquence, he discussed the recent conscript law, as well as the general situation of affairs. The conscript law, passed April, 1862, by the Confederate congress con tinued to be unpopular. It was declared that the state was already sending its volunteers, and would continue to 'do so, without this measure, and the appeal to patriotism was believed to be more effective than the resort to legal conscription. Mr. Hill had voted against the measure in congress, but after it was passed into law he urged the legislature with great force to co-operate with the Confederate congress and make the act effective. The governor also believed the law to be unwise and unnecessary, but he responded to every requisition made by the secretary of war. The president had written in June, 1862, to Gov. Brown: "I take great pleasure in recognizing that the history of the past year affords the amplest justification for your assertion that if the question had been whether the conscript law was necessary to raise men in Georgia, the answer must have been in the negative. Your noble state has responded to every call that it had been my duty to make on her, and to you personally as her executive I acknowledge my indebtedness for the prompt, candid, and effective co-operation you have afforded me to defend the country against the cO'mm'On enemy." Under all these circumstances volunteers continued to go to the field of active operations, filling up the broken ranks of the old regiments, the new companies were likewise raised for the war and forvviarded into service. The supply of muni tions of war and general equipment required the establishment of manufactures to be managed by competent officers, and these were constructed and maintained at Macon, Columbus, Milledgeville, Augusta and other points. The chiefest of these were the foundry and powder works built and managed by Gen. George W. Rains, who was assisted by Col. Shaler, a highly accomplished civil and military engineer. Gen. Rains was one of the ablest among the scientific soldiers of the army, and conducted the manufacture of munitions at Augusta with such great success as to furnish a very large supply of powder and equipment for the armies of the Confederacy. The powder works at Augusta contributed an imposing array of buildings, above which towered the tall brick chimney that has been preserved as a conspicuous monument of Confederate times. During the latter part of April, 1863, the Federal Col. Streight made a daring attempt with a cavalry force of 1,500 .men to ride to the rear of Bragg's army, then in lower Tennessee, and not only to destroy Confedtrate supphes in northern Georgia, but also to cut off Bragg's communications. Streight marched from Tuscumbia, directiy toward Rome, where a large amount of stores were in depot, which he hoped to capture and destroy. Forrest becoming quickly advised, started with a small force then immediately at hand to intercept him, and also summoned Col. Roddy with his command to engage in the pursuit by another course. Riding rapidly, Forrest came in contact with Streigiht at Day's Gap, and gave him imme diate battie, but as it was Streight's purpose to raid rather than waste his force in 128 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. battle, he merely met the brunt of Forrest's charge and v/ithdrew toward Rome, but for three days he was pursued day and night and hotly attacked by Forrest at every opportunity. Streight was driven from his second stand at a mountain pass, and pushed on toward the Georgia line, only to be overtaken next day at Black Creek, where, after heavy skirmishes, he succeeded in crossing upon a wooden bridge which he burned at once, and placed the deep and rapid stream between his command and pursuit Forrest found it impossible to ford the creek at that point, and was seeking some other place to cross when a handsome girl of the south, Emma Sanson, coming from her home, told him that s'he knew of a ford near by, and said, "I would guide you if I had a horse, but the Yankees have taken all we owned." Gen. Forrest 'offered her his thanks, and courteously requested her to mount behind him and direct him to the place. The patriotic girl answered, "I will go with as brave a man as Gen. Forrest," and springing on the horse behind him, and followed by a. courier, soon conducted Forrest to a bend in the creek where there was an old ford which cavalry could use. When the little party dismounted and approached the creek they were fired upon by a picket from the opposite bank, and as the balls whistled by them the brave girl placed herself in front of Forrest, and said, "Stand behind me, general, and they won't dare to shoot." But Forrest could not accept such costly protection, and gently requested her to screen herself behind the roots of a fallen tree until he could reconnoiter the ford. The intrepid girl, however, would not stay under shelter, and several balls came cutting the ground around 'her feet, and some of them actually passing through her skirts, she lifted her sunbonnet and waved it defiantly toward the foe. The gallant cavalry in blue ceased firing, raised their caps, and gave her three hearty huzzas as she retired out of sight Forrest at once brought his artillery into play across the ford, and drawing off the detachment, crossed 'his command in a few hours, and once more hurried after the Federal force. Two or three times Streight stood and skirmished, but after each battle made away toward Rome. On the morning of May 3, Forrest, with his command reduced to about 500 men, overtook Streight again and forced a pitched battle, which he managed by a show of strength, completely deceiving his antagonists, who outnumbered him nearly three to one. At the "white heat of battle" Forrest audaciously dispatched an officer to Streight demanding immediate and unconditional surrender of his whole force. Streight parleyed a very short while, but Forrest with an impatient 'declaration that he could wait no longer, sent couriers and staff officers to a number of imaginary batteries and to four supposed regiments of cavalry to form line and prepare for battle. Forrest had in fact only two field pieces and a fragment 'of a regiment, but his staff and couriers dashed off impatiently to convey his orders as he had given them. "Within ten minutes," said Forrest, "the signal gun shall be fired and the truce will end." Whereupon Streight surrendered his entire force of 1,500 men prisoners of war. The capture of this 'Strong command by Forrest, "the wizard of the saddle," as he came to be called, excited the loftiest praises from Confederate and Federal alike. It rescued Rome from invasion, saved the foundry, machine shops and supplies, and left Bragg's communication in a secure position. About this date, Georgians were illustrating their state in the batties of Baker's creek, and on to Vicksburg on the west, and around Chancellorsville in Virginia, and at Gettysburg. The state itself was also sufficiently threatened to require a call by the president for the organization of a special military body, to be styled Home 'guards, and on his call in July for 8,000 men for that puipose, the state responded with 18,000. This body was composed of men not yet in the Confed erate army, and Maj.-Gen. Cobb was assigned to the command and entered upon his duties in September, with Gen. Jackson commanding the department at MILITARY HISTORY. 129 Savannah, and Gen. Iverson 'Commanding another, with headquarters at Rome. And now the alarmed attention of Georgia was turned in the latter part of the .summer of 1863 to the advance of the Union forces under Rosecrans through Tennessee toward the northern counties of the state. Bragg, after fighting the battle of Perryville, December, 1862, withdrew to Murfreesboro, where he was pursued and so vigorously attacked by Rosecrans, that notwithstanding the heavy slaughter of the Federals, he was forced back to Shelbyville. From this position he was also flanked and withdrew to Chattaii'ooga, in June, 1863, where Rose crans followed, and by the last of August occupied 'Stevenson and Bridgeport. During these movements of Rosecrans against Bragg, another large Federal force, commanded by Burnside, drove Buckner's littie army from Knoxville, Tenn., .and pressed it back into Georgia, while Rosecrans, detaching Crittenden's corps, sent it through Sequatchie valley to attack Buckner in the rear, and also ordered Thomas' corps across Lookout mountain into McLemore's cave, thus threatening Chattanooga, but hazarding his army by a separation of his forces. Moving his command from Chattanooga, Sept. 7, 1863, the Confederate commander formed his line of battle, chiefly along the road from La Fayette to Lee and Gordon's mills, the right lying between Graysville and Ringgold, upon the Western & Atlantic railroad. In this position he covered the country and held the passage through which the Federals must march in invading the state from Chattanooga. Within two days after Bragg's departure the army of Rosecrans occupied that city, and was then advanced by separate corps upon the Confederate position. These movements of the two armies soon brought them into close contact, and consequently there was severe skirmishing by infantry 'pickets, and short but fierce encounters occurred between cavalry all along the line between Ringgold and La Fayette for many days. On .Sept. 11, Catoosa Springs was the scene of a bril liant cavalry contest, in which the Confederate cavalry were driven back to Tunnel hill, where they made a successful stand. On 'the same day the gray and blue met as mounted men near Ringgold, when the Confederates beat their adversaries back into the littie dty, and then with a dashing charge, led by Forrest in person, drove them in disorder from the place. A few days later a body of Michigan cavialry stationed at Reed's bridge for its defense crossed a part of the command to ma'ke a reconnoissance, but their advance was watched by Confederate cavalry concealed in the woods, who opened fire with two pieces of artillery, and cutting them off from the bridge, stampeded them down the river to a ford, through which they escaped, and at the time dashing across the bridge, drove back the entire detachment. CHICKAMAUGA. These stirring preliminaries in which the Confederate and the Union soldiers toyed with the dangers of the field, in equally conspicuous gallantry, brought on the grea:t historic battie of Chickamauga. The meager official records show the following organization from Georgia in Bragg's army at the date of that battle : Cheatham's Division. — Second Georgia cavalry battalion. Gen. J. K. Jackson's brigade, First Georgia battalion, Maj. J. C. Gordon; Fifth Georgia regiment. Col. C. P. Daniel; Second Georgia battalion sharpshooters, Maj. Whitely. In Cleburne's and Breckinridge's Division — Gen. M. A. Stovall's brigade. Fortieth, Forty-first, Forty-second, and Forty-seventh Georgia regiments. In Walker's Division — Gist's brigade, Forty-sixth Georgia, Col. P. H. Colquitt, and Eighth Georgia battalion, Lieut.-Col. Napier; Wilson's brigade, Twenty-fifth Georgia regiment, Col. A. J. Williams; Twenty-ninth Georgia regiment, Lieut- 1-9 130 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Col. McRae; Thirtieth Georgia regiment. Col. J. S. B'oynton; First Georgia battalion sharpshooters, Maj. Shaff ; Howell's battery, Capt. E. P. Howell. In Stewart's Division — Bates' brigade, Thirty-seventh Georgia regiment, Col. Rudler; Fourth Georgia battalion sharpshooters, Maj. Caswell; Dawson's battery and Company E, Ninth Georgia artillery battalion. In Preston's Division — Kelly's brigade, Sixty-fifth Georgia regiment, Col. Moore; Peeples' battery, Capt. Tyler M. Peeples; Wollikins' battery, Capt A. N. Wolhkins. In Longstteet's Corps, Hood Commanding — Wofford's brigade. Sixteenth, Eighteenth, Twenty- fourth Georgia regiments. Second battalion sharpshooters; Cobb legion and Phillips legion; Bryan's brigade. Tenth, Fiftieth, Fifty-first and Fifty-fifth Georgia regiments; Benning's brigade, Second, Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Twentieth Georgia regiments; Harris' battery and Massenbury's battery. In addition to these are the First Georgia cavalry. Col. Morrison; Second Georgia cavalry. Col. Ison; Third Georgia cavalry. Col. Thompson; Fourth Georgia cavalry. Col. Avery ; Sixth Georgia cavalry. Col. Hart. The general field of maneuvers for several days prior to the final clash of the bloody battle of Chickamauga spread over a vast extent of broken ground lying west of Ringgold, but the scene of conflict was at last compressed into the incarna dined space enclosed within the tortuous windings of the Chickamauga creek and the adjacent m'Ountain spurs. Rosecrans commanded the Union men and Bragg the Confederates. The right wing of the Federals was held by McCook, the center by Chittenden and the left by Thomas. On the right of the Confederate line stood the splendid corps of Polk, while Longstreet's command under Hood for the first day extended to the left. By wionderful sagacity Gen. Lawton, quartermaster- general at Richmond, had transported Longstreet's corps from the Rapidan in Virginia, a distance of 800 miles over worn railroads to Chickamauga in the nick of time to take a glorious part in the impending battle. The great encounter opened during the morning of Saturday, Sept. 18, by a demonstration from the Federal side, which was promptly met by a most resolute attack led by Polk against the extreme left of the Federal army, commanded by Thomas. The ardent southerners poured en masse against their adversaries at this point, for the purpose of turning the left of Rosecrans and thus to beat an open way into Chattanooga. The assault was made with impetuous force, and repeated with unabated courage and with only the general result of forcing back the Federal line a mile or more. The Confederates pressed their stern antagonists hard all day, winning an advantage here and there, but still failing to break down the strong Federal lines which bore the brunt of the day's battle. Meanwhile Hood, with the divisions of Kershaw, Johnson, Cleburne, Stewart and Hindman, as well as his own, battered the right wing and center with many furious assaults that several times imperiled the Federal lines, but at the dose of the horrible day the advantage appeared to rest with neither side. Thomas spent the night in strengthening 'his breastworks, and placing his rein forcements in position. Longstreet arrived in person, and having reported to Bragg, early next morning assumed the command of his old corps. Some slight changes were made along the position of both armies preparatory to the renewal of the struggle, and at dawn of day the two brave adverse lines of Americans rose up from troubled slumber, or laid down the pick and spade to engage again in deadly strife for the mastery 'of the already bloody field. Dispositions on Sunday morning showed the right wing 'of Bragg's army formed of divisions of Cleburne. Breckinridge, Walker, and Cheatham, under Polk. The left wing with the com mands of Johnston, Buckner, Hindman, Stewart, Kershaw, and Hood, under the MILITARY HISTORY. I3I direction of Longstreet. The general Federal alignment was nearly as on the day before. About 8 a. m. the Confederates moved against the center and left of the fortified Union lines, and the Federal left center became at once the theater of one of the most desperate fights of the war. Charge and countercharge distinguished the morning hours, and marked the spot for perpetual fame. Hood, called "The Paladin of the fight," flushed with victories won with his division, rode headlong in the successive charges until shot by a minie-ball he fell from his horse into the loving support of some soldiers of his old Texas brigade. With him went down hundreds of men on both sides equally brave. The crash and roar of artillery and musketry, with all the gory incidents of dreadful battle, swept up and down the entire field, but it was at the left wing where Thomas still stood on his fiercely debated ground that the heaviest and bottest fire raged. Hard pressed all the morning by the veteran divisions of Walker, Cleburne and Cheatham, and with difficulty maintaining his grim hold upon the line assigned him, Thomas called in the early afternoon for reinforcements, which were promptly sent. Van Cleve's and Negley's divisions were withdrawn by Rosecrans from McCook's and Crittenden's corps for that purpose, but by a misunderstanding 'of orders a gap was left in the Federal lines near Davis' division. Longstreet saw the opportunity, and hurling his ttoops into the fissure, struck the opened Union flank and threw Davis' division into disorder and 'rout. Pressing their advantages the southern divisions mixed. among the Federals at all angles, and charged wherever they found a foe. Sheri dan was at this precise hour m'Oving his command to the support of Thomas, but encountered the impetuous corps of Longstreet, which had penetrated the Federal lines, and after a brief, brave stand W'Cre driven back to Crawfish spring road. The flame 'of battle burned along Horseshoe battery. Mission and Snodgrass ridges, and victory seemed to be within the Confederate grasp. The commands of McCook and Critteniden, composing the entire Federal right, were broken and driven toward Chattanooga, pursued by Confederate infantry and artillery. Rose crans himself hurried back amidst the retreating troops to make a stand and save 'his army, which now appeared to be threatened with complete destruction. Sheridan and Davis, however, although driven to the rear, had eluded the dashing advance of the Co'ufederates, who were pursuing Crittenden and McCook, and reforming their commands at Rossville, rallied to the support of Thomas, who still invincibly held his position, althlough bent to a semi-circle, with the flanks plunged deep into the spurs of a mountain. The succor was timely, for Longstreet had turned a part of 'his victorious column against Thomas, expecting to drive him from his line by debouching through a gap in the hills and descending upon his flank. It was a critical hour in this, the afterpart of the bloody day. Polk was pounding away with relentless force, and the infantry of Longstreet were pouring toward the gap, while field batteries were hurrying to the adjacent 'hills. The fighting became instantly desperate. On all sides the Confederates pushed their advantages with hot entbusiasm, but at the critical moment Gen. Granger, com manding a body 'Of reserves, hearing the firing near by and perceiving the danger, without waiting for orders, threw Steadman's cavalry into the coveted gap, placed artillery in commanding positions, and double-quicked his infantry to meet the Confederate onset. The fearful collision came on at once. Down into the gap rode the Michigan cavalry. Tlie artillery poured a cataract of shot and shell upon the southern columns. The fresh infantry reserves thickened the air with minie- balls. Twice and thrice did Longstreet's men charge this fresh Federal opposition, and then even after dark made the final unavailing assault. Thomas, during all this crisis, when his whole command was environed with peril, withstood every attack, 132 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and as night came on to curtain the bloody scene from sight, he was left in possession of his well-earned position. But with battered troops, reduced in numbers and scarce of ammunition, he could not remain before the valiant foe, who would certainly attack and destroy him at dawn. Therefore under shelter 'of the night he safely transferred his weary, wounded, brave command to Rossville, and then to Chattanooga. Victory in this great national battle may be claimed for the Confederate side, but the triumph was only partial and produced no permanent result. The reports show that the Confederates captured thirty-six guns, 15,000 small arms, a large amount of accouterments and valuable stores, with 7,000 pris oners. The battlefield became theirs by the retirement 'Of Rosecrans to Chatta nooga, but the frightful losses in killed and wounded on both sides attest the valor of all the troops and exhibit the consuming cost of war. The united nation has converted this historic spot into a national park, where patriotic Americans of the future ages will meet to observe with mutual pride the memorial monument of American valor. After the battle 'of Chickamauga, the army of Rosecrans occupied the strong fortifications of Chattanooga, and Bragg, drawing his forces forward, erected works along Missionary ridge and Lookout mountain. Thus for about two months the Confederates 'held 'their 'opponents in siege. Longstreet's corps was now moved to east Tennessee to attack Burnside, and fought the battle of Knox ville. Rosecrans was relieved Oct 30 and Gen. Grant was assigned to the com mand. Grant at once commenced an energetic organization of the army, and having reinforced his strength with the corps of Sherman and Hooker, the last week of November found him ready with a splendid army for the bold, aggressive action W'hich characterized him as a military commander. CHATTANOOGA. Bragg's army now extended along the general crest of Missionary ridge, from McFarland's gap to the mouth of the Chickamauga creek, a distance of about six miles. Grant moved out of his trenches Nov. 23, and after two days' maneuvering for position, opened the attack 'on Bragg's line by massed columns directly driving against the opposing Confederate left flank. Har dee's corps occupying that point met the assault of the morning witli cour ageous nerve, and the first Federal attempt ended in their repulse. Later, about noon, another charge was made with heavy infantry lines preceded and sustained by artillery by which the Union forces broke through a part of the Confederate lines, gained the crest, and turning s^liArely upon the disrupted ranks broke the brigades successively until the army of Bragg was forced to a full retreat. The day was lost to the Confederates. All the triumph of Chicka mauga vanished at the instant the \\edge of Grant drove into the Confederate position at the crest. Suddenly the whole southern army fell back, followed at first by their victorious foe, but at T-aylor's ridge Cleburne turned upon the pursuers with such vigor as to win a splendid victory, capturing 250 prisoners and infiicting a heavy loss in killed and wounded, while so arresting pursuit as to permit Bragg to remove his army safely out of danger, and to bring the further operations of this patriotic body of troops upon the soil of Georgia. Notable changes in the command of botii armies occurred in this juncture by the appointment of Grant as the commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States, who went at once to open the Virginia campaign against Lee, leaving Sherman in charge of the forces in Georgia. Bragg was relieved in December, JtAPOF WAIIHCWS, NORTHnUP & CO., AHr-PKlNTlNO WORKS, BUFFALO, H. Y. Map showing positions of Confederate Armies May 19, 1864, under Qen. J. E. Johnston. -Ceirticoa Scale 10f(-lo cnie liae -\ ^-¦¦' .J «- K> ^^_-*~> GEN. W. T. SHERMAN. GEN. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. MILITARY HISTORY. j.,- and Hardee was left in temporary command, but at his own request was retained in t le command of his coips and Gen. JosC'ph E. Johnston was ordered, Dec. 27, to the command of the Confederate army. CAMPAIGN AGAINST ATLANTA. Two great commanders now confronted each other. Sherman, wily, aggressive, and skillful had the advantage of greatly superior numbers and equipment Johnston, the master of strategy, had an advantage in the privilege of sdecting his ground and fighting in defense of the state against invasion. We will follow by only a general survey the deathless story which these two armies shall tell with the thrilling tongue of many battles fought from Dalton to Atianta, over a b oody course of 100 miles. Johnston estabhshed and fortified his line of battie in the vicinity of Dalton and Ringgold, over a broken country, where he secured a position of good defense against direct attack, but open to the objection that It could be turned without giving battie. In that position he addressed his remarkable military skill to the task of bringing the Confederate army into splendid fighting condition, with all the limited means which the state and the Confederacy were able to place at his disposal. His entire effective force (May 6) was 42,856 men of ah arms, comprising Hood's and Hardee's corps, and he was confronted by Sherman with a strength of 98,787. Sherman formed his hne in Johnston's front, with the right on Mill. creek gap, and the left near the Cleveland road, and commencing active operations attacked, with Schofield and Thomas, but at the same time marched McPherson's corps through Snake creek gap toward Resaca. This earliest flank movement, which foreshadowed the general Federal plan of invasion, caused Johnston to withdraw from Dalton and fortify at Resaca, where the southern force was augmented by the arrival of Cantly's division and Loring's division on May 11 to 55,248 of ah arms. Sherman kept close on to his retreating enemy, but cautiously entrenched at every advance. At Resaca the passage at arms between the two armies covered scarcely more than two days, the first of which was spent in desultory but sharp fighting. On the second day the engagement, although limited to a part of the line, was noted among the participants as one of the severest in their martial experience. Sherman's general line extended across the Western & Atiantic railroad, somewhat overlapping the Confederates. The first day passed in the maneuvering of the two commanders, and on the morning of May 16 both armies were ready f®r action. The battle was begun during the day by a general movement of the Federal forces against Johnston's breastworks at Resaca, which failed, and a simultaneous attempt to force a crossing at Tanner's Ferry, which succeeded, notwithstanding the stubborn resistance of Avery's brigade. It was in this action that the memorable charge of Stovall's Georgia brigade was made across an open field under galling and destructive fire in order to secure a position which was regarded as important and which the Federals were moving to occupy. It was a quick, sharp, gallant charge, in which the Forty-second Georgia, Col. Thomas commanding, was especially exposed and suffered severe loss. Colonel, afterward Gen. Henderson, bleeding from a wound in the face, continued to inspire 'his dauntless command. Hulsey was cut down in the thick of the fray and borne from the field severely wounded. Calhoun fell with a shot in his hip, at the moment of bitterest fire, and many a brave soldier on both sides surrendered his life. It is also a worthy incident of the battle of Resaca that the young cadets of the Georgia military institute, then located near Marietta, on one of the foothills of Kennesaw Mountain, received their first baptism of fire. 134 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. The Georgia military institute, founded in 1857, was designed as an academy for military instruction and furnished the first military training of many young men who became conspicuous in the Confederate war. Among them were Hon. Gen. Pierce Young, Gen. George P. Harrison, Gen. Capers, Capt E. P. Howell, and Capt. John Milledge. The institute continued its educational work through out the first years of the war, and in the spring of 1864, when the campaign opened at Dalton, the cadets were eager to take an active part in the defense of the state. At length they were gratified by the "long roll' and the orders to take cars at once "for the front," then at Resaca. The gallant boys reached the field and took their place in the line of battle. The battalion was commanded by Maj. Capers and consisted of Company A, Capt Austin, and Company B, Capt. Manget. During the advance of the Federals the cadets encountered the Ninth mounted Illinois infantry and received their charge with well directed volleys and held the line until withdrawn by order. ' We shall have occasion to note the subsequent service thus gahantly begun by these boy soldiers in gray jeans in many a weary march and hard battle. Sherman's success in the movement at Tanner's Ferry enabled him once more to turn the Confederate flank and put Johnston's army in peril. Yielding there fore to necessity, the Confederate general retired from his entrenchment, and after two days of smah affairs below Resaca, entered Cassville, May 18, about noon, and massed his command by brigades for a temporary bivouac. Next day a stirring announcement in general orders from headquarters informed the troops that battle would be given in this new position, and the announcement was received with enthusiasm by the gallant men who desired to meet their valiant foe and drive them from the soil of the state. Line of battle was formed along a range of hills in the rear of the town with here and there an intervening depression. Accustomed to promptly fortify their position, the army quickly threw up the ordinary rude but serviceable breastworks, but they were scarcely ready before the alert Federal troops appeared upon the opposite ridges, placed their batteries, and opened fire on the corps of Hood and Polk, continuing the cannonading until dark. The Federals found an advantageous line along an extended range of hills, nearly covering the entire front of these two commands and about thirty to fifty feet higher 'than the ridges which they occupied. Bat teries were accordingly posted at available positions where an enfilade would sweep the open ridges of Johnston's left wing with a plunging fire. Pickets advanced to the crest could not hold their positions in some of these exposed places on account of the heavy cross-firing along several' hundred yards of the Confederate lines. Observing this dangerous defect in the location, a careful examination was made before nightfall and then a consultation was called at the headquarters of Polk, at which Hood and Polk advised Johnston either to assume the offensive next morning or to change the positions of their commands. These two officers were positive that neither would be able to hold his line the next day on account of the great exposure to enfilade by the Federal artillery. It seemed evident that Sherman would attack Johnston's right flank at this weak point by moving through the open country, instead of advancing against Hardee's stronger position directly across the valley in which the beautiful town was nestied. Report was also brought at the same time that Schofield's corps was moving to cross the Etowah, and threaten the southern connections. Johnston, having the ultimate responsibility, yielded to the views of his lieu tenant-generals and at once gave orders for his army to cross the Etowah river. The movement required the utmost secrecy and celerity, for the withdrawal must be made in the immediate presence of a watchful enemy. Accordingly details MILITARY HISTORY. 135 were made to be deployed along the main line with orders to keep fires burning, to cut trees and to make other demonstrations while the main army moved silentiy away. The night was calm, and alight with stars. The two lines of battle frowned upon each other that soft night in the middle of May from the opposing hilltops. Campfires threw their weird light against the sky and dappled the foliage of the trees. The strange, muffled hum made by armies at night preparing for to-morrow's battie extended along the Confederate hne. The Federal general was preparing his flank movement from the left and the wary Confederate general was preparing to elude and disappoint him. The devoted Confederates, confiding in the masterful spirit of their leader, quietly drew out of their rifle pits, scarcely leaving a trace behind except their hastily constructed trenches. The Federals either suspecting retreat or determined on a quick assault at daylight, had almost as quickly extended and advanced their lines. It is probable if Johnston had resolved on a daybreak attack and moved out his troops for that purpose before dawn, both armies would have found themselves face to face, and not many yards apart. All night the subdued sounds of moving troops crossed from side to side, and when the sun had risen the main columns of the Confederates were all on the south side of the river. The details who had been left to make the show of a line had also withdrawn and were hurriedly crossing to rejoin the army, while at the same hour the Federal infantry, cavalry, artillery and wagon trains were in full motion on the roads toward Kingston. Before noon the whole of John ston's army was across the river and safe from immediate attack. Sherman, in following Johnston from Cassville, moved his columns toward Dallas in order to avoid the Altoona pass, and two weeks later the two armies again faced each other and fought the little brilliant battle of New Hope church. Johnston had rested the right of his infantry upon Little Pumpkin Vine creek, with Wheeler's cavalry prolonged as a protecting curtain, and while in this position Hooker's corps was thrown against Stewart's division near the church on May 25, but were gallantly repulsed with frightful slaughter. The following two days were spent in skirmishes between both cavalry and infantry almost without cessation, and as Sherman rapidly extended to the left so as to employ his usual flank movement, Hood found his right flank threatened seriously by Howard's corps. , Having secured Cleburne's division for his relief, he massed it in columns of brigades in the rear of his extreme right, with careful instructions to permit Howard to make the attack on them, and to quickly deploy into line so that the Federals would be suddenly faced by a solid line of infantry, where they expected only an open space upon the Confederate flank. Late in the afternoon (May 27) the anticipated attack was made, the cavalry pickets were brushed aside and Howard's corps came down upon Wheeler's dismounted men and Cleburne's ready division. The unexpected stubbornness of their reception caused a temporary recoil, but the attack was again renewed with chivalric vigor only to fail again. And thus the brilliant battie went on until the Confederates, taking the offensive at dark, made a gallant charge, forcing their opponents from the field and capturing 200 or 300 prisoners. Encouraged by the successes of the two days, Johnston resolved on a general battle for May 29, but the Federals changed position during the night, drawing back across Pumpkin Vine creek, and quickly built a strong, fortified line. After these movements the two armies remained in threatening opposition for nearly a week, engaging in scattered contests every day. Sherman repeatedly assailed portions of the Confederate line, and was as often repulsed. All attempts to break over the rifle pits which Johnston's men had thrown up for protection were foiled, and the determined Federal commander again shifted his position 136 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and overlapped Johnston so thoroughly as to compel him to drop to Marietta^ and occupy a succession of hills, with his right on Kennesaw mountains, his left at Lost mountain and with Pine mountain at his center. On this new line the intrepid Hood was placed to command the right, Hardee, cool, resolute, skillful, held tlie left, and brave-hearted Polk had charge of the center. Sherman, advancing his newly reinforced army, faced Johnston fully along the whole length of the field. McPherson, the idol of his corps, was assigned the Federal left over against Hood; Schofield, the match of Flardee, occupied the right, and. the gallant Thomas, who 'had won imperishable fame at Chickamauga, confronted Polk in the center. At this date Johnston's effective force of all arms was less than 60,000 men and Sherman's over 100,000. Confident of his strength, the eager Federal general began on June 9 tliat remarkable series of assaults, feints, and general attacks which made this one of the most memorable struggles of the long campaign. For more than three weeks the deadly strife was protracted with thrilling incidents and frequent displays of sublime courage. These were no sham battles. The skirmishes were always hot, and now and then the scourge of battle reddened the entire lines with the blood of brave men. The first week had nearly gone when Pine mountain, standing out in dangerous salient at Johnston's center, drew the special attention of the Federal commander. It became also the object of Johnston's solicitude and began to be regarded as an untenable part of his line of defense. A council upon its brow, intended to devise a plan by which it could be strengthened, was therefore held, and it was that council which cost the life of the brave and good Lieut-Gen. Polk. On June 14 a group of Confederate generals, composed of Johnston, Polk, Hardee, and the gallant cavalry general, Jackson, rode from the front of Bate's division to select an advance position for artillery. A lull occurring in the skirmishing, these officers dismounted and walked to the brow of the hill where, standing together, within 800 yards of the Federal guns, they examined the situation with such interest as to attract the special attention of their foes. Very soon a shell discharged from the nearest battery came hurtling toward the distinguished group and exploded over their heads. Presently another tore its way to the same spot, and crushing through the body of the brave Polk, robbed the world of as noble a knight as ever made honorable battle in a sacred cause. When the mangled hero fell Johnston bent over him in anguish, and, assisted by his comrades, bore the bloody form back to the rear.. It is enough to say that the true men of both armies were saddened by the fall of Bishop-General Leonidas Polk. The grief is not outworn by the years that have elapsed, and as often as Kennesaw battle is named, the distinguishing event of the three weeks' contest is stated to be that Polk was killed. Loring succeeded to the oommand of Polk's corps, and the general dispo sitions were soon changed, for Johnston found that his line of separate moun tains was untenable, and giving up Lost mountain as well as Pine moun tain, he defined a shorter and stronger line of battle about Kennesaw, which baffled every assault The Federal forces were promptly moved up to meet the situation, fortified themselves afresh, and disposing infantry and artillery to great advantage, were ready, June 27, for the terrible venture made by Mc Pherson and Thomas to crush the Confederates under Loring and Hardee. With terrific cannonading and impetuous infantry assaults, the Union forces rolled in billows of fire against the Confederate entrenchments, and as often ebbed in broken battalions to cover of their trenches. The veteran division of Cheatham and Cleburne, in Hardee's corps, and those of French and Featherstone, in Loring's corps, bore the brunt of the furious attacks made by men equally GEN. JAMES LONGSTREET. GEN. J. B. HOOD. BATTr.ES AROUND ATXiAN^TA. MILITARY HISTORY. 137 veteran and equally brave. They had met before on many fields and knew each other's mettle. The trained troops of Thomas, who had stood their ground at Chickamauga against the fiercest Confederate charges, here met with a valor as stubbornly firm as their own. McPherson led his men to the fight, animating them by his own chivalric spirit, only to see them recoil in bloody, broken regiments. The storm of battle only subsided with the sinking of the sun, and the day's deeds satisfied both armies of the intrepid courage of each and gave to history an illustrious example of the fighting qualities of American soldiers. As the sequel of these efforts for three weeks to batter down the living wall of Confederates, interposed between the state and a sweeping desolation, the direct attack in front was abandoned and Sherman began an adroit march toward the Chattahoochee river, intending, as he states in his reports, to "avoid the Kennesaw hill." In anticipation of this maneuver, Johnston had caused forti fications to be constructed near the river, and the governor of Georgia co-operat ing with the Confederate commander had forwarded to this line the state troops commanded by Gen. G. W. Smith. It has been understood in the current story of the continuous fighting from Chattanooga to Kennesaw that the governor 'Of the state and its people manifested deeply their interest in all military opera tions. Every department of state government was practically on military duty and the intense strain of popular concern can scarcely be conceived. The dread of invasion with all its horrors darkened nearly every home. The boom of the hostile cannon now swelled along the hills below Marietta and rolled gloomily away south of the Chattahoochee. All along that river from Roswell to West Point the Georgia militia division had been picketed under Johnston's orders to guard the crossings until called to the support of the cavalry on the left wing at Kennesaw, where they were engaged in the fighting of the final days. "When the army fell back they were the last infantry withdrawn to the fortified position," and were assigned a place in Hood's corps. Clearly baffling pursuit and suc cessfully repelling the minor attacks made during the withdrawal, Johnston moved his army across the Chattahoochee, July 9, and threw it on guard at Atlanta. Sherman moving eastward from his position at Marietta, crossed above Peachtree creek, and advancing parallel with that stream, marched left in front until Schofield and McPherson reached Decatur, leaving the right of the Federal army commanded by Thomas well up against the left bank of the Chattahoochee. According to Gen. Wheeler's report, made to Confederate headquarters, the entire Federal army was crossing the river July 17, and moving against Atlanta. HOOD SUPERSEDES JOHNSTON. Just before noon of the same day Gen. Johnston received orders from the Coiifederate secretary of war, relieving him and assigning the command of the army to Gen. Hood. On receiving the orders assigning to him the great trust at this critical emergency, Hood earnestiy urged Johnston to retain the com mand and joined with other officers in telegrams to President Davis, entreating the recall of the untimely order. The Confederate president declined the request with courteous repHes, assigning reasons which he regarded as his entire justi fication, and nothing remained to be done but the acceptance of the situation. Two days, including July 17 and 18, were wasted by the Confederates. Johnston remained with the army for nearly that time, and during these important hours the southern force appears to have been without an active directing head. Hood writes of the confusion incident to this change of commanders, announces his want of information and states that he consumed the greater part of the day in 138 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. vain endeavors to adjust the existing difficulties. But in the meanwhile Sherman was marching his great armies directly across the front of Atlanta, only a few miles distant, and even exposing them to serious and dangerous assaults if made by an alert organized foe. The Federal "armies," as Sherman properly calls his command, were active on July i8, each moving separately into position. Thomas covered Buckhead and faced Peachtree creek, Schofield turned into Decatur and McPherson marched far down to Clarkston on the Georgia railroad and then turned toward Atlanta, tearing up the railroad as he came, and reaching Decatur at night, where he formed the contemplated juncture with Schofield. It thus appears that Sherman ran a great and needless risk in moving his three army corps separately within almost immediate sight and easy striking distance of his enemy, and he was perhaps saved a disastrous assault by the confusion and consequent inaction of the Confederate army. The removal of Johnston one week earlier or one week later might have entirely changed the history of all the battles around Atlanta. Hood formally assumed command on the afternoon of July i8, and actively spent the night in getting himself in full connection with all parts 'of his brave little army of 50,000 men. With these he was to defend "the heart of the south," as Atlanta was officially called, against 106,000 splendid troops. Can they save the day in this last extremity of the southern Confederacy? During the night Hood began to form his line of battle fronting Peachtree creek. Throwing his right wing eastward as far as possible, so as to cover Atlanta against McPherson, he rested his left across the Pace ferry road toward the northward, and trusting largely in the Chattahoochee river to protect his left flank, employed his cavalry mainly on the right. On the morning of July 19 Cheatham's corps occupied the breastworks of the right wing, Hardee filled the center with his fine corps, and Stewart was assigned to the extreme left. The artillery was carefully posted at intervals along the hills and Maj.-Gen. G. W. Smith's Georgia state troops were put in position on Cheatham's right. While the Confederate dispositions were in progress Thomas was rapidly building a number of bridges over Peachtree creek, and purposing to cross his army to the south side where he would entrench a position with the Chattahoochee on his right flank and the creek in his rear. The army under Schofield was also moving from Buckhead for the purpose of crossing Peachtree creek east 'Of the Buckhead road. Away on Shennan's left and southeast of the creek, McPherson was aligned near Decatur. It was the evident purpose of these movements to establish a connected line near the city from which an assault could be made without the disadvantage lof the interven ing creek. Hood determined boldly to attack his enemy while in motion and attempting to cross the stream. Thomas was to be the first object of assault, and after crushing that corps' back against the river, the Confederates would turn upon Schofield. Explaining his plan of battle to his generals, Hood chose one o'clock in the afternoon, next day, July 20, as the hour when his attack would begin. He expected to find his enemy partially under cover of hastily con structed breastworks, but the larger body engaged either in rapid entrenching or crossing the bridges of the creek. He reckoned on the disorder of Thomas, and expected to fall with the crushing weight of Stewart and Hardee, first upon Thomas and then turn his whole force upon the remainder of Sherman's army. Sherman had the long and difficult and he had the short and easy line of com munications, so that the general situation aided in his plan of battle. By this plan the battle was to begin on the right by divisions attacking in echelon at short intervals of space, and, driving Thomas back, to continue the movement down the left bank of the stream until his army would be packed in the pocket MILITARY HISTORY. 139 formed by the creek and the river. The orders were that where entrenchments were encountered they were to be carried with the bayonet, and every opposing division as it was met should be forced back by assault His bold, but appar ently feasible plan of battle met with the approval of his generals and accordingly they separated to prepare for the action. The hour of one o'clock arrived and the impetuous Hood was made to chafe by a delay, which postponed the begin ning of the fight until four, but even at that hour the Federals were taken by surprise. Stewart after addressing his troops, while riding along the line, and arousing their enthusiastic hope of a great victory, moved out his splendid corps in the order as designated and drove line after line back with intrepid courage. But the charge from his right was not so impetuous. By a fatal error these divisions missed the points of attack, and while Stewart's corps was executing orders in a gallant style, their supporters were able to do little more than skir mish with the unbroken lines of their enemy. Gen. Sherman was not on the lookout for any assault, as he states in regard to this battle. "On July 20 I was met by Gen. Schofield near the center and soon after noon I heard heavy firing in front of Thomas' right. I soon learned that the enemy had made a furious sally, the blow falling on Hooker's corps and partially in Johnston's division of the Fourteenth and Newton's of the Fourth. The troops had crossed Peachtree creek, were deployed, but at the same time were resting for noon, when without notice the enemy came pouring out of their trenches down upon them. They became commingled and fought in many places hand to hand. Gen. Thomas happened to be near the rear of Newton's division and got some field batteries in good position on the north side of Peachtree creek, from which he directed a furious fire upon a mass of the enemy which was passing around Newton's left and exposed flank. After a couple of hours of hard and close conflict the enemy slowly retired within his trenches, leaving the dead and many wounded on the field." These facts show a well ordered battle which should have met with distin guished success. The ground favored the assailants, the distance was short and the advance was covered from view. The assailed were slightly entrenched and to the discredit of their officers were taken by surprise in open day. "There was quite a gap," as Gen. Sherman states, "'between Thomas and Schofield," into which the returning victors might have poured. The battle was a misadventure as many battles are for which there is no explanation. The sullen Confederates resumed their trenches, disappointed indeed by the issue of the day and it was felt that some vigorous movement must be made or Atlanta could not be defended. Gen. Wheeler had been active on July 20 in securing information which he imparted fully to Hood at night. He had discovered that Sherman had left a flank of McPherson unsupported, just as he had left a gap between the armies of Schofield and Thomas. McPherson's flank was thus left "standing out in air,' between Decatur and Atlanta, permitting a vigilant enemy to move in the opening at night and make a successful attack at break of day. Preparing for another sally at this exposed point, Hood ordered a new line of breastworks to be rapidly constructed, using nearly his whole force in the labor with such energy that they were ready for occupation on the night of July 21. Hoping now to gain an advantage of what he supposed to be a serious military blunder, committed by his adversary. Hood developed his plan to the corps of commanders and with remarkable energy began its fulfillment. That Gen. Sherman saw the hazardous position of his command appears at this junc ture from his note of caution to McPherson, July 21, concerning which he says: "Finding that McPherson was stretching too much on his left flank, I wrote 140 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. him a note early in the morning not to extend so much by the left, for we had not troops enough to invest the place, and I intended to destroy utterly all parts of the Augusta railroad to the east of Atlanta, then to withdraw from the left flank and add to the right." Very early on the morning of July 22, Sherman saw in person that the old entrenchments of the Confederates had been abandoned the night before, and for some moments supposed that Hood was preparing to evacuate the city. He at once placed Schofield's corps in motion to discover the real meaning of the movement, and riding in advance himself he soon came in view of the new line, "strongly manned with guns in position at all intervals." At precisely the same hour Hood rode on the high hih near the right of Cheatham's corps and surveyed the Federal lines which he was preparing to storm. It was the morn ing of the eventful battle of July 22. Daylight revealed extraordinary move ments which called the non-combatant citizens to the tops of the houses. Ladies in some numbers anxiously looked for suitable positions and watched for the coming events foreshadowed by the actions 'of the armies. Confederate troops had been moving all night into new positions. Hardee's corps had passed along the city's edge toward the Confederate right as if escaping southward. Gen. McPherson approaching in full view of the city from the high eastern hills saw the commotion of southern troops as well as the excitement of citizens and rashly concluded that Hood was in full retreat. At the same moment Sherman heard with some uneasiness "the sound of artihery back toward Decatur." It was Wheeler who had swept with his cavalry round the Federal right quite to the rear. Immediately afterward, heavy skirmishing broke out near to the rear of McPherson, followed almost instantly by rapid volleys of musketry and the shouts of charging men. The battle was on. The moving troops which the brave McPherson thought were in hasty retreat had turned upon his flank and were mowing their way over the field. Hardee had swung round on the McD'onough road in accordance with Hood's plan of battle, and was making the first drive which was designed to double the Federal divisions on each other in confusion toward their right, subject them to successive attacks by Cheatham, Smith and Stewart, until they were forced into retreat beyond Peachtree creek. But McPherson had taken the precaution to fortify his left flank and place troops in easy reach of the entrenchments. It was the entrenched line com manded by Gen. Frank P. Blair which Hardee assailed, and not the open flank of McPherson as was expected. The Confederates encountered also, by a 'strange accident, a division of the Six teenth corps which McPherson had ordered without knowledge of the pending attack to take position .on the left of Blair. As this division halted on the Clay road, in the rear of Blair's division, they were suddenly assailed by the Confed erates who at the same time pressed with vigorous charges both the rear and flank of Blair's entire position. It was during these irregular but fierce assaults that McPherson fell. Blair in his report says: "Gen. McPherson, under whom I served, with several other officers and myself rode out to the front to see what was going on, and if possible to make up our minds as to the nature of the movement that was being made. As we rode back to our lines Gen. McPherson repeatedly expressed bis opinion that the Confederates were retreat ing and would abandon the city. I rode with him to his headquarters and after I had been there some half hour, we heard skirmishing in our rear immediately in the direction of Decatur. Gen. McPherson ordered me to send back to the rear two regiments to protect our hospitals. I executed this order, and as these regiments were moving to the rear 'One division of the Sixteenth corps which MILITARY HISTORY. 141 had been ordered by Gen. McPherson to take position on my extreme left made its appearance in the rear of my position on a road known as the Clay road, and at right angles with the McD'onough road, along which my corps was entrenched. Just as this division halted about 500 yards in rear of my line, heavy skirmishing commenced on the extreme left of my line. I hastened toward the front of the line, and as I reached a skirt of timber, which inter vened between me and the line, I saw Gen. McPherson accompanied by one orderly enter this piece of timber in front of me. In a few minutes I heard a heavy discharge of musketry, and McPherson's horse came out of the timber riderless." The gallant Federal general was attempting to reach the spot where his troops were in imminent danger. He rode forward to share their danger, to inspire them with his presence and to die with them if need be. The monument erected to his memory on the fatal field where he fell is revered by the men of the south who admired his splendid military abilities and loved him for the worth of his personal qualities. Upon the same day the gallant Walker gave up his life. Brave to a fault, generous to the extreme, the state 'Of Georgia honors his memory and will forever cherish his fame. So with the costly price of noble blood spilled freely in trench and open field, from the veins of privates unknown tO' fame as well as officers of distinction, the battle went on through all the bloody day. Blair found his men struggling desperately to hold their breastworks by fighting from the reverse ol their entrenchments and by the singular good fortune that the Sixteenth corps reached him simultaneously with the attack made upon him by Hardee, he was able to save his line. Around his corps and near him the battle chiefly raged during the day. The Confederates attacked and held several lines of breastworks only to find themselves involved in a network of others manned by determined Federals. Hood watched the battle near by and seeing that the purposed break was not taking place at McPherson's corps, commanded Cheatham in the after noon to attack the position in his front, and the order was readily and bravely obeyed with conspicuous success. The Confederates in Cheatham's line and the Georgia state troops under Gen. Smith forced the Federal defenses, notwith standing a most stubborn defense, capturing five guns and holding his ground until forced by enfilade fire to withdraw from the works he had captured. One of the most brilhant assaults made at any time by the Confederate army and which signalizes this fierce battle occurred in the charge of Stovall's brigade. Col. Abda Johnson commanding, and the capture of DeGress battery by the Forty-second Georgia regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas. The gallant achievement won the applause of Sherman, who witnessed the attack from an elevation, and remarked afterward that it was the "grandest charge made during the war." Upon the right of this regiment the state troops under command of Col. John Brown participated in the triumphant assault in which he was mor tally wounded and the command fell upon Capt Albert Howell, whose gallantry on that day won him the commission of heutenant-colonel. Upon reaching the Federal works a hand-to-hand fight ensued. Bayonets were found useful and club muskets did deadly work. The Union defenders gave way at last after marking the defense of their guns with Confederate dead, then afterward rallied and regained their lost position. In the shadows of the forest as well as along the heights of these entrenchments many instances of Federal and Confederate valor occurred which made mutual the renown of the men who fought the fight of their faith. Georgia was honored and illustrated by thousands of its infantry, artillery and cavalry who were foremost in the defense of their homes upon this historic day. The battie cannot be counted as a Confederate victory, but it 142 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. seemed to have failed by the sheerest accident. Gen. Blair, whose defense saved McPherson's corps from rout says, "The position taken up accidentally by the Sixteenth corps prevented the full force of the blow from falling where it was intended to fall. If my command had been driven from its position at the time that the Fifteeenth corps was forced back from its entrenchments there must have been a general rout of all the troops of the army of the Tennessee commanded by Gen. McPherson, and possibly the panic might have been communicated to the balance of the army." Atlanta from this date was subjected to a daily shelling from the Federal guns and therefore bomb-proof pits rapidly became part of the domestic arrange ments in the especially exposed parts of the city. Residences were constantly struck and the population of women and children necessarily remaining lived in the awful strain of hourly suspense and anxiety. The Confederate line of breastworks which had been drawn close in the suburbs on the north and east, were matched by the new commanding fortifications of the Federals, but no hostile demonstrations took place more than the disturbance of the usual shelling for several days. On July 26 and 27 Gen. Sherman shifted his line steadily to the right down the Chattahoochee on the west side of Atlanta toward the 'West Point & Central railroads, for the purpose of seizing and destroying "the only line by which the Confederate army was still able to secure its supplies." This important movement was inaugurated by a splendid body of Federal cavalry, which had crowded round to the right of the Confederates at Flatrock and another strong mounted force which was rapidly moving by way of Fairburn toward the Central road. To meet these threatening demonstrations Wheeler pursued the Union cavalry toward Flatrock and by a vigorous assault checked their advance. The Federal demonstration toward Fairburn was more fortunate and succeeded in destroying a wagon train at Fayetteville and tearing up a mile or two of the railroad below Jonesboro. While these cavalry demonstrations were in progress Sherman was steadily moving his great columns of infantry southward on the west side of Atlanta to seize the railroads leading south from that city. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, who had just been assigned the command of a corps in Hood's army, was at once ordered to arrest this extension of the Federals southward and 'on the execution of this trust came in conflict with his enemy on the west side of Atlanta near Ezra church. The advanced Federal division had already reached the ground which Lee designed to seize, and in consequence he found himself compelled to attack at once in order to gain the desired position. The fight which ensued grew in magnitude to a battle. The Confederates charged the Federals without success, and in turn the countercharge was equally unavailing. Stewart was hurried to the field of the engagement in support of Lee and the strife was renewed in detached assaults lasting until sunset, when the firing ceased without material advantage to either side. The active operations of the Federal cavalry radiating in several directions from Atlanta, commanded earnest Confederate attention. Sherman's cavalry of 12,000 men were commissioned to raid the surrounding country, destroy railroads, capture Macon, and release the Andersonville pris oners. A powerful force of picked men under McCook moved toward Columbus and encountered the Confederate Roddy near Newnan, who held them at bay until Wheeler arriving in person, together with Jackson and his command, attacked with such relentless vigor that the Federals were forced to fiy with the loss of 950 prisoners, 1,200 horses and two pieces of artillery. At the same time Iverson was pursuing Stoneman, who had destroyed many miles of the Georgia railroad, and after burning the bridge across the Oconee river was MILITARY HISTORY. ia-, rapidly advancing on Macon. At that city he was met by the state forces under Gen. Cobb, and when Iverson arrived the splendid Confederate victory was won which induced Gen. Shoupe to say, "The first day of August deserves to be marked with a white stone." From Iverson's brief despatch next day the state learned that "Gen. Stoneman, after having his force routed yesterday, surren dered with 500 men; the rest of the command are scattered and flying toward Eatonton." These defeats of well equipped Federal cavalry by the mounted Confederate men who had fought with Bragg, Johnston, and Hood, every inch of the long battlefield through Georgia, arrested the puipose of Sherman to release the Andersonville prisoners and thwarted his plan for destroying the Confederate communications south. "I now became satisfied," says that Federal general, "that cavalry could not or would not make a sufficient lodgment on the railroad below Atlanta and that nothing would suffice but for us to reach it with the main army." Unfortunately the partial and fruitless victories of Hood inspired him with the hope of destroying the mighty power of his adversary by the extremely hazardous and finally fatal campaign which he at this time projected. Almost duplicating Sherman's recent cavalry failures. Hood despatched Wheeler north ward to break the communications of the Federal army, with a force of 4,500 mounted men. Pursuing the general's instructions Wheeler burned the Etowah bridge near Cartersville, recaptured Resaca and Dalton, destroyed thirty-five miles of the Western & Atlantic railroad, seizing large numbers of mules and horses, but was finally forced to retreat. Forrest, the Confederate "wizard," moved part of his forces from Mississippi and co-operated with Wheeler in these successes, only to participate in the ultimate failure. Sherman being on the alert sent Newton's division to Chattanooga, Corse's division to Rome, and gave instructions to Rosser at Nashville and Steadman at Chattanooga so as to meet the raiders and protect his roads. Possessing all superior facilities the well equipped Federal chief was enabled to meet these Confederate demonstrations with such ease that Hood was made to see that his cavalry could not compel Sherman to retreat. During these incursions of the cavalry, the operations around Atlanta by the infantry and artillery 'grew in their lurid significance of the city's doom. Bate's division was charged Aug. 6 by two desperately determined Union assaults which it bravely repelled, and Aug. 9 became a famous date for the beginning of a most terrible bombardment of the city. The Federal batteries poured from their hundreds of brazen muzzles shot and shell in nearly every direction. Hitherto the cannonading had occurred chiefly during the progress of some battle, but now even while the troops were in the trenches the batteries rolled their red wrath against the homes of the people. Women and children flew into cellars and pits where they crouched in fear of death. Bomb proofs were hurriedly built everywhere for safety. Shell came crashing through residences and churches, and exploding along the streets threw deadly fragments on all sides. The night of Aug. 17 centered the terror of the dreadful bombardment. An eye-witness says: "The night was dark, the spectacle sublime, and but for the burning houses, crashing of timbers and the screams from wounded and frightened women and children as they fled away in terror and despair from desolate homes, might have been enjoyed as a grand pyrotechnic display." The fury of that fearful fire from Federal batteries during the dead hours of night seemed to presage the storming and sacking of the stubborn city, but its lines stood ready for the encounter and its people gave no sign of surrender. After the day dawned and 144 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the news came from various quarters, it became apparent that all this artillery outrage was merely designed to cover the Federal cavalry raids. For nearly a month afterward .Sherman cautiously but persistently extended his right west and south of Atlanta until he had secured an entire change of position, and on the morning of Aug. 26 the Confederates found the old Federal breastworks entirely abandoned. Hood at once readjusted his lines to the new situation and from scouts and cavalry learned that the Federal army was entrenched in force across the West Point railroad and revealing evidently the design to capture the railroad leading to Macon, From this new position Sher man began on Aug. 29 to move toward Jonesboro, and from his own lines near Atlanta Hood directed the brigades of Lewis, Reynolds and Armstrong to take position in the vicinity of the same town, and on Aug. 30 the Confederate line of battle was established between Rough and Ready and East Point. The opposing armies were thus converging at every step and Lewis' brigade became the -first object Of attack, about dark, by a Federal corps which had crossed Flint river. The battle of Jonesboro now became an impending event and Hood realized that upon his success depended the fate of Atlanta. Forming his plans for an advance on the next day, he gave the initiation of battle to Hardee's corps which was to strike its enemy from a base line at Jonesboro supported by Lee, and if the assault should be successful, Stewart's corps and Smith's state troops were to take up the attack from East Point, and with a general movement the Federal army was to be driven down the Flint river and the West Point railroad. In the afternoon of Aug. 31 Hardee made his attack and gained a part of the Federal breastworks, but failed in the general assault to carry the entrenchments "which had been rapidly built along the Federal front. The following day Sherman assumed the offensive by a successful dash against Hardee's weakened corps and although the debatable ground was bravely con tested the confident Federals broke through the corps and at nightfall had the important railroad in their possession. The division of Lee had been withdrawn on the night before and marched to Rough and Ready, to protect the flank of Hood's retiring columns, who were rapidly moving away from Atlanta to Lovejoy •station, and in that position Lee was attacked by a large Federal force and driven back with a loss -of eight guns. FALL OP ATLANTA. This retreat of Hardee meant that Atlanta was unavoidably abandoned to the mercy of the invaders. The unfortunate Confederate commander had attempted to prepare for this possible event by instructions to have all facilities ready for the prompt removal of stores, cars and engines, and accordingly all were saved except one valuable trainload which the rear guard blew up at night. The troops were rapidly withdrawn from their several positions and before the morning of Sept. 2 the gates of Atlanta, so valiantly defended for forty-six days, stood open without a guard to challenge the approach of a foe. Within a few days Sherman ordered his wearied forces to repose in camps and entered Atianta as its conqueror. Mayor Calhoun, accompanied by a body of non-combatant citizens, met him on his arrival and requested protection for the defenseless inhab itants. The people of Atianta had endured the terrible siege with wonderful fortitude and in uncomplaining submission to the dangerous and threatening situation in which they were placed by the progress of the war. Even when their homes were shelled and they were forced into their pits for safety and when their rations grew scant as well as coarse, they bravely bore their calamities and cheered their defenders. The women nursed the sick and wounded in the MILITARY HISTORY. 145 hospitals and even in their homes with the most delicate care and assiduous attention. The old and infirm men did humane seiwice to friend and foe aHke. All they now asked was to be protected in their domiciles and allowed to remain in their dty. But Gen. Sherman thought it expedient to order the departure of all citizens, notwithstanding their protest and appeal. He considered that they could not be provisioned in Atlanta and accordingly gave Gen. Hood notice on Sept 7 that he would send them with their baggage into his lines. The order was executed and a large number were subjected to this involuntary exile. The city was then converted into a military post and subjected to all laws of war. The dilemma from which Hood must now choose, one of two evils, pressed sorely on his brave heart. He could not successfully attack. He could not safely wait He could not presume that Sherman would loiter in Atlanta as long even as he did, and therefore decision must be made without delay. Those who knew well this splendid fighter of a division in Lee's army would expect him to decide just as he did. His natural impulses were to daring exploit, and during his services in Virginia he became fascinated with the military genius and strategic methods of Stonewall Jackson. This is the secret of his movements frofn the day he planned the battle of July 20 to the day of his fatal overthrow in Ten nessee. In every plan of battle he had Stonewall Jackson in mind, and nobly aspired to repeat 'in his Georgia campaign the remarkable movements and achievements of that great commander. This suggestion is also evidenced by his repeated reference to Jackson in his published book. But the conditions in Georgia were different from those in Virginia. There was never but one Stone wall Jackson. No one could take his place. While revolving in his mind tbe extreme perplexities of his situation. Hood received the full assurances of the governor of Georgia that all the resources of the state would be put at his disposal. Maj.-Gen. Smith, commanding the state line, was ordered to fortify Columbus, Macon and Augusta. The Georgia reserves, under Gen. Cobb, were ordered to the front, and the governor called into the field the few remaining arms-bearing men of the state. It was too true that the fall of Atlanta sounded like the first crack of doom to the Confederacy, but Georgia stood ready for whatever a patriotic people should dare to attempt In this extremity President Davis came into the state to visit Hood's army, and a council of generals was held with the president in Palmetto, at which Hood proposed the plan on which he had resolved to act. It was not, as is generally supposed, to make a rapid march at once into Tennessee and Kentucky, but to withdraw a few miles above Atlanta, and thence to fortify a strong line and from that position descend on Sherman's communications so as to force him either to move his army south toward a new base of supplies, or retrace his steps northward and attack Hood in his new entrenchments. The inarch to Tennessee was the result of an afterthought The general plan was approved in the council, and Sept 28 Hood moved across the Chattahoochee toward Powder Springs and Lost Mountain. Stewart was then rapidly advanced to Big Shanty and captured it, taking 170 prisoners. The garrison at Acworth at the same time surrendered to Loring. French, pressing farther, attacked Corse at Allatoona, but was foiled by a splendid defense. Sherman, scarcely comprehending Hood's actions, forwarded a large part of his command from Atlanta and formed line of battle near Kennesaw, but at this juncture Hood, encouraged by his success, changed his original plan and decided to move his command further up the line of railroad, with the intention of drawing Sherman after him. The Con federate army marched rapidly through Dallas, Van Wert, Cedartown and Cave Spring to Coosaville, followed for a time by Sherman, whom the cavalry of l-io 146 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Wheeler and Forrest harassed at every opportunity as far as Snake Creek gap, near Rome. Hood had meanwhile reached the Tennessee river and there awaited the arrival of Forrest, and while he was making his arrangements to march through Tennessee, Sherman returned with his army to Atlanta to destroy that city and begin his "March to the Sea." SHERMAN'S MARCH TO THE SEA. Gen. Sherman describes the beginning of this famous march in the following words: "About 7 a. m. of Nov. 16, we rode out of Atlanta by the Decatur road filled by marching troops and wagons of the Fourteenth corps and reaching the hill just outside of the old rebel works we naturally paused to look back upon the scenes of our past battles. We stood upon the very ground where was fought the bloody battle of July 22, and' we could see the copse of wood, where McPherson fell. Behind us lay Atlanta, smoldering in ruins, the black smoke rising high in air and hanging like a pall over the ruined city." This testimony concerning an inexcusable horror faintly describes the destruction even down to heaps of ashes by military order two months after its capture, of the city that now so proudly vindicates "its right to be," by its unsurpassed restoration from ruins. No description need be given of the fiery storm which swept the city and the crash of collapsing walls scattering their ruins over the streets, or of the hot, stifling air and the vast black volumes of smoke arising and falling in great somber waves. Four thousand houses were wantonly burned and the remainder were left at the mercy of marauders. But worse than all this was the human want and other suffering that followed the needless waste of Atlanta by the ruthless torch. Sherman marched his entire army from Atlanta and spreading out his columns began to seek the sea by the shortest line. It may be observed that the course of his march from Dalton to Atlanta is a narrow strip lying close to the Western & Atlantic railroad, made rugged with fortifications and ghastly with graves. But from Atlanta southward the course broadens into a dark swath nearly fifty miles wide, sharply defined by burnt or pillaged dwellings, devastated farms and sacked hamlets. The legislature was in session and the governor communicated the information received Nov. 17, concerning the departure of Sherman from Atlanta and his advance, laying waste the towns and country in his march. The message suggested the immediate passage of the pending appropriation and mili tary bills "and that the governor and legislature then adjourn to the front, to join in the struggle till the enemy be repulsed." The legislature at once appro priated $500,000 for the relief fund, $6,000,000 for disabled soldiers and soldiers' famihes, $1,000,000 for military funds and $3,000,000 more for sundry military purposes, in all $10,500,000. Never before or since were such millions voted by a Georgia legislature on such short notice. The rapid advance of Sherman's cavalry followed close by dense columns of infantry, stimulated legislation and soon brought the front to the very gates of the capitol, rendering it easy for the general assembly to adjourn according to the governor's suggestion, and shortened the distance they would have to go "to aid in the struggle till the enemy is repulsed." By the exercise of great diligence nearly all the valuable books and papers of the state were removed to the lunatic asylum, and the penitentiary convicts were released and formed into a company, except a few confined for murder, who were sent off under guard. In a short time the train moved off toward Macon loaded with refugees, and the capital of the state was left on Nov. 19 to tiie occupancy of the Federals, who entered, and after burning a few build ings, but sparing the old capitol, moved on. Near Macon, Gen. Cobb threw out a portion of his Georgia reseiwes and made a dash at the passing columns without MILITARY HISTORY. 147 checking its course an instant. Farther down at Griswoldville, the Georgia militia impetuously attacked numbers greater than their own and were thrown mangled and bleeding aside. Detachments of Wheeler's corps left in Georgia rode at all pioints night and day, seeking information and contending with their vastly superior antagonists. There was, in fact, nearly nothing to oppose the steady advancing tread of the devastating force under SJierman over the anguished state. The Georgia institute cadets, now veritably bronzed veterans, but not 100 ¦ in number, stood before the Federal army at Oconee bridge and actually gave battle at the cost of life and limb. Gen. 'Wayne, commanding whatsoever troops he was able to collect, could only move ahead of the destruction which followed after him. On the east side of Sherman's course a brush occurred near Waynes boro. Col. Young with a part of Gaines' command foiled the attempt of cavalry at Ball's Ferry. Huger's artillery assisting Wheeler's cavalry harassed the head of the advancing column at Sandersville. A Hne was fortified at Miller on Sunday, Nov. 27, from which the defenders retired before the Seventeenth corps. Toombs' First brigade state troops, with Anderson's and Phillips' brigades, made a junction on Little Ogeechee with three pieces of Pruden's battery and no cavalry. They boldly formed line of battle in the afternoon and skirmished with their enemy, but Gen. McLaws arriving from Savannah directed withdrawal at night. The Washington and Emmanuel militia companies, composed of men in advanced life, were spedally commended in reports for active service. At length these futile efforts to stay the sweeping blight that burned a broad track to the sea culminated at the trenches near Savannah on Dec. 7. Sherman had exhausted twenty-four days in the march, and then after carrying Fort McAllister against the heroic resistance of the garrison commanded by Maj. Anderson fully invested Savannah. The Confederate fortifications around the city were manned by about 10,000 naen under command of Gen. Hardee, who remained in their defense until the night of Dec. 20, when they were quietly withdrawn across the river into South Carolina. Sherman then entered the dty unopposed and gaily telegraphed his conquest as a Christmas gift. Not long afterward he resumed his march taking a direction northeastward through Carolina, and after the surrender of Lee and Johnston, returned in person to Savannah. Thus closed the thrilling story of active hostilities in Georgia, and as the purpose of this history is thus fulfilled we will not fohow the current of history into the years of reconstruction, out of whose gloom Georgia grandly rose after a brief, determined struggle. From all the armies of the south and the prisons of the north the soldiers of Georgia returned to resume the pursuits 'Of peace amidst unprecedented difficulties. They found the state under Federal military rule, labor disorganized, all social order imperiled, wealth 'destroyed and the future uncertain. But they were still young men, inured to hardships, accustomed to difficulties, and possessed of an unexampled experience which fitted them to undertake and to signally achieve the restoration of their state. Grappling bravely, intelligently and effec-tively with all the serious problems of their times, they rapidly bore the state, for which they had so nobly fought, back to its equal constitutional position in the Union, and conquering many antagonists uplifted themselves and families from the prostration of defeat to the constantly rising ground of material prosperity. To such valor, intelligence and patriotism promptly employed in peace the state as it now is owes an inextinguishable debt of gratitude. • CHAPTER III. BY EX-GOV. W. J. NORTHEN. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES— AGRICULTURE— CULTIVATION OF SILK— THE SOILS OF GEORGIA— THE COTTON BELT— THE NATIVE TIMBERS— THE CROPS OF GEORGIA— DEFECTS IN AND NEEDS OF AGRICULTURE— MANUFACTURING IN GEORGIA— LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES— MINERAL AND MINERAL RE- , SOURCES OF GEORGIA. AGRICULTURE. AS early as the tenth century the grand expanse of country between the Atiantic and Pacific oceans, for years known as Georgia, is reputed to have been discovered by Celtic and Irish navigators. So favorably impressed were they with this country that on their charts they designated it as Great Ireland or White Man's land. It is also asserted that in the twelfth century Madawc, son of Owen Gwyedh, Prince of Wales, visited these shores. In 1525 Jean de Ver- razzano was delighted with the promising appearance of the country. Jean Ribault sailed from Havre de Grace in 1562, and coasting northward from Florida reached the Georgia coast. So charmed was he with the country that in proof of his appreciation he named the rivers after those in France. To the St. Mary's river he gave the name of Seine; to the Satilla that of the Somme; to the Altamaha that of the Loire; to the Newport that of the Chareute; to St. Catherine's that of the Garonne; to the Ossabaw Sound that of Gironde, and to the Savannah river that of the Grande. But little is known of what they discovered as to the productions of the country at the time of their visits. They were deeply impressed, however, and expressed their admiration of the country. In March, 1540, Sir Ferdinand De Soto entered Georgia at the southwest corner of the state with a large retinue of men, and ttaveled mostly in a northeasterly direction, through the pine barrens of Lowndes, Ware and Irwin counties, through Houston county, via Stone mountain to Hall county, and thence to the Conesauga river in Murray county. This route afforded him an opportunity to see the con dition of the country. The Indians furnished them with abundant supplies of com, mulberries, etc. As late as 1850 the remains of a fortification of rode wall could be seen on the sides of Stone mountain, which it is thought was put up by the Indians or by De Soto in 1540 to guard against apprehended attacks. The Indians at that time, by the rudest kind of husbandry, raised com in abundance, and ponies, which pastured on the luxuriant grass. that abounded in the woods. The effect of these discoveries in the new world was slow in developing for the reason that intelHgence, at that period, was not so rapidly promulgated or widely disseminated as at the present time in the old world. On March 24, 1663, King Charles II. granted to the lord proprietors of Carolina all the land lying between the thirty-first and the thirty-sixth degrees of north lati tude and westward to the Pacific ocean. This grant was enlarged on June 30, 1665,. W. J. NORTHEN. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 149 by including all the land between the twenty-ninth and the thirtieth degrees of north latitude. This embraced the greater portion of the present states of Alabama and Mississippi, a territory containing 147,000 square miles, rich in natural re sources and which, if it had remained a part of Georgia, would have constituted her tfhe third state in the Union, only less in area than California and Texas. In 1802 Georgia ceded 88,020 square miles of her territory to the Federal govern ment A very strong effort was made in the year 1717 to improve the lands be tween the Savannah and the Altamaha rivers. Sir Robert Montgomery, Bart., termed it the "Margravate of Azilia" and enthused with the country, described it as "the most delightful country in the universe." In a letter to Europe he referred to it in the following strong language: "Nature has not blessed the world with any tract that can be preferable to it. Paradise with all its virgin beauties may be modestly supposed, at most, but equal to its native excellencies." A charter was granted on June 9, 1732, constituting twenty -one noblemen and gentlemen a body corporate for twenty-one years by the name of trustees, for the establishment of the colony of Georgia, the grant specifying "all those lands, coun tries and territories situate, lying and being in that part of South Carolina between the Savannah and the Altamaha and westerly to the Pacific, and the islands within twenty leagues of the coast." Subsidiary to the great design of philanthropy in establishing a colony in Georgia was the further purpose of making it a silk, wine, oil and drug-growing country. The movement to establish a colony in Georgia with a colonial government met with papular favor in London. A writer in the London Magazine of October, 1735, evidenced his approbation in the following Hues: "'While ripening slow, the future purpose lay, And conscious silence planned the opening way, Kind o'er the rising schemes an angel hung And dropped his counsel from his guardian tongue, ¦Wish you this way the royal pair inclined? To Carolina be a Georgia joined. Then shall both colonies sure progress make. Endeared to either for the other's sake- Georgia shall Carolina's favor move, And Carolina bloom by Georgia's love." The aborigines of Georgia, although possessing nothing but the rudest agri cultural implements, succeeded in obtaining from the soil abundant yields of corn, pumpkins, gourds, beans and melons. They selected the richest spots in their towns and the valleys, and with but little labor secured large crops. When they took in new fields they girdled the trees with stone axes. 'Many of the fields bad evidently been cultivated for many years, as the roots and stumps of the trees had entirely disappeared. CULTIVATION OF SILK- In 1732 the colonists in Liberty county grew fine crops of rice, corn, peas, pota toes, pumpkins, cabbage and indigo. Silk culture attracted considerable attention in South Carolina, and on Jan. 31, 1732, Sir Thomas Lambe certified that the silk produced in South Carolina possessed as much natural strength and beauty as the silk of Italy. Gen. James Edward Oglethorpe estimated that the cost of the produc tion of silk in Georgia was twenty-five percent, lower than in Piedmont. All seemed to agree in the belief that the production of silk was important to be considered and fostered. The production of raw silk was then begun in Georgia under flattering auspices. It became the fashion, and in 1735, upon the king's birthday, the queen illustrated the royal approval lOf the industry by appearing in a full robe of Georgia ISO MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. silk. In 1739 Samuel Auspourquer carried the raw silk from Georgia to England and it was pronounced by John Zachary, an eminent raw silk merchant, and Mr. Booth, the great silk-weaver, to: be as fine as Italian silk, and worth twenty shillings per pound. At New Ebenezer, in 1741, twenty girls made seventeen pounds of cocoons, which sold in Savannah for eight pounds three shillings. In 1747, 800 pounds of coco'ons were raised in Georgia, of which one-half was raised in Eben ezer. In 1750, 1,000 pounds of cocoons and seventy-four pounds two ounces of raw silk were sold in Ebenezer for £110 sterling. In 1764, 5,514 pounds of cocoons were -delivered in Savanna'h. In his official account of the reasons for establishing the colony of Georgia, the secretary of the board of trustees says: "The Itahan, French, Dutch, Indian and China silks, imported, thrown and wrought only, may, on the most mo'derate computation, be reckoned to cost us £500,000 sterling per annum, which may all be saved by raising the raw silk in Georgia. The saving of this £500,000 sterling per annum is not all, but our supplying ourselves with raw silk from Georgia carries this further advantage aloH'g with it, that it will provide new or additional employment for at least 20,000 people in Georgia for about four months in the year during the silk season and 20,000 more people of our own poor 'here all the year round in working the raw silk." Gen. Oglethorpe in his "new and accurate account" of the colony, says: "We shall be the market for great quantities of raw silk, perhaps for wine, oil, cotton, drugs, dyeing stuffs au'd many other lesser commodities. It must be a weak hand indeed that cannot earn bread where silk worms and white mulberry trees are so plenty. In Georgia the working hand will have the benefit of all his labor." He was very enthusiastic in his description of the climate, soil, productions and beauties of Georgia. To give an idea of the general climate he quoted the following lines as applicable: "The kind Spring which but salutes us here, Inhabits there, and courts them all the year; Ripe fruits and blossoms on. the same trees live, At once they promise, when at once they give. So sweet the air, so moderate the clime. None sickly lives, or dies before his time. Heaven, sure, has kept this spot of earth uncursed, To show how all things were created first." Lucerne was planted in Frederica in 1735. Indigo was planted on Bermuda, now known as Colonel's island, and its culture was profitable until the invention of the cotton gin in 1792 stimulated the culture of cotton and consequently the culture of indigo was abandoned. The Salzburgers at Ebenezer, in 1738, made a limited experiment in growing cotton. The yield was abundant and the quality excellent, but at that time the trustees of the colony favored silk and wine, and did not give any encouragement to the culture 'Of cotton. In 1749 the principal exports were pitch, tar, rice, deerskins and indigo. History is silent as to the individual who first introduced the seeds of the cotton plant into America. In 1736 cotton was cultivated as an object of horticulttire in Talbot county, Md. Tlie earliest and most decided proof of the practicability of raising cotton crops to advantage was first received in a letter from Mr. Leake of Georgia, to Gen. Thomas Proctor of Philadelphia. THE SOILS OF GEORGIA. The cession of a large part of her territory to the Federal government by Georgia left her in a compact form, strictiy a soutiiern state. Georgia lies between thirty degrees, twenty-one minutes, thirty-nine seconds and thirty-five degrees north lati- INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 151 tude; her northern boundary is south of the lowest parallel of Europe — thirty-six degrees. The variety of soil and climate in Georgia makes the cultivation of almost any product a possibility. Georgia is essentially agricultural, but her resources are so abundant that she may be considered a variety state. Artificial agricultural progress is of very slow growth. Experiment and demonstration must precede development Agricultural 'progress has been slow in Georgia, and necessarily slow when all its environments are considered. In considering the lines of progress in agriculture the quality and character of the soil is a factor worthy of attention, and in that consideration the geological formations of the state present themselves in the following 'order: The Metamorphic, representing the arcbaean of middle and northern Georgia; the Paleozoic, in the Silurian, Devonian and the Carboniferous of northwest Georgia; the Cretaceous, lying south and east of Columbus, on the western bound ary of the state, representing Mesozoic; the Tertiary and Quaternary of southern Georgia, representing-the Cenozoic. Middle and Northeast Georgia. — The Metamorphic covers the larger part of the agricultural divisions of middle and northeast Georgia. The southern limit of its exposure may be correctly defined by a line drawn on the map of the state from Augusta through Milledgeville and Macon to Columbus. North of this, with the exception of the ten counties of northwest Georgia, the fornia.tion covers all the country. Approached from south Georgia the change is from a rolling region of sandy lands to one of a more broken character, with a rocky or gravelly surface ; from pine lands to lands covered with a growth of oak and hickory. In ap proaching it from northwest Georgia there is a change from a region of parallel valleys and ridges that are usually continuous for long distances, to a generally broken country — from a limestone to- a freestone. The topography is that of a broken region. The country gradually rises toward the north and is generally hilly, with few elevations rising to the proportions of mountains in middle Georgia, but becoming quite mountainous in some parts of north Georgia. The country rises to the very general level of 2,000 feet above the sea near the northern line of the state, with mountains from 3,000 to 5,000 feet. The soils of this division are red, sandy and clayey; gray, sandy and gravelly, and granitic lands. Under the designation of red lands are included both red, sandy and clayey soils, from whatever source they may be derived. The color and character of the soil are as varying as is the proportion of hornblende and associated minerals in the rock. The surface of the country occupied by these red lands is rolling or undu lating, and often somewhat hilly, there being but few level areas, and then not in very large tracts. Very Httle is too broken for cultivation. The red lands are usually sandy for a depth of several inches and hence are rather easily cultivated, especially in dry weather. Decayed vegetation frequently gives to them a dark, "black" surface, but the subsoils and underclays are very red. The latter being in place and derived from the disintegrated and decomposed rocks, are variegated, showing different colored strata. They are generally difficult to till in wet weather, being sticky, and in dry seasons are very hard and compact Except perhaps in southern counties these red clay lands are considered best for small grain, es pecially 'Oats, as they are cold and their cotton crops are late in maturing. A large portion, probably one-third of these lands under cultivation, is devoted to cotton. The disintegration of the quartz, feldspar and mica of the gray gneiss rocks produce a loose, sandy, gray soil, more or less clayey, and covered or mixed with gravel and loose quartz rock. The subsoil is usually a yellowish clay. The surface of the country covered by the gray lands is always more or less rolling and hilly, but has broad, level areas either 'on the ridges or in the valleys. The slopes of the 152 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ridges are so gradual as not to interfere with their successful cultivation, excepting of course in the more mountainous distrirts. Their light, sandy 'nature makes them very liable, when opened up to cultivation, to wash into gullies and flo'od the low lands with sand. There is comparatively Httle of the gray lands too broken for cul tivation outside of the Blue Ridge mountain region. The soils are coarse, gray and sandy, frequently colored dark for an inch or two with decayed vegetation, are more or less gravelly, from three to twelve inches deep and have a yellow, clayey subsoil. From this intermixture of the soil and subsoil in cultivation a yellow mulatto soil is obtained. Of the gray lands under cultivation, from one-half to two-thirds is devoted to the culture of cotton. Though these lands are said to produce late crops of cot ton, they are preferred to the red clays as being more productive and because they enable the stalk to stand the drought better. They are also easy to till, and a larger area can be cultivated than of the red lands with the same labor. Fresh lands yield from 500 to 700 pounds of seed cotton per acre, as do also old lands by the aid of fertilizers; without fertilizers the latter yield 250 or 300 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Large and small areas of gray, sandy soils, having out-cropping, under lying granite rocks, are found in many counties of the Metamorphic region, but chiefly in the southern half and cover about 2,600 square miles. The surface of the country is generally rolling and broken, with sharply-defined and rounded hills in localities which have the granite boulders or rounded masses, and broad, level areas when only the flat rock underlies the land. The soil is often a coai'se, gray or gravelly sand from three to six inches deep, with a subsoil of yellow or red clay more or less sandy, or sometimes a whitish, impervious clay. The soils are cold, but are easily tilled and well adapted to cotton culture. About two per cent, of the entire granite lands of the state are untillable, either from their broken character or because of the exposure of the granite or its near approach to the surface. The yield per acre on these lands is about 800 pounds of seed cotton when fresh and un- manured. Cultivation reduces the yield to 350 pounds of seed cotton per acre. " A notable feature in the soils of the granite region is the increase of both potash and lime over that of other Metamorphic soils, both derived doubtless from the feld spars of the granite. In the high and mountainous districts of the Blue Ridge region, especially in Towns and Rabun counties, there is comparatively a small amount of the land suitable for tillage. The farms are small and are found principally along the water courses. In the entire group of ten counties the average of land under cultivation is only seventy-nine acres per square mile. The lands have a dark or red loam soil, very rich and durable ; those of the Little Tennessee valley in Rabun county being espedally noted for fertility and excellence; but in those counties which lie chiefly outside, or south and west of the 'mountains, the lands are gray, sandy and gravelly, with a yellow or red clay subsoil. Cotton is not cultivated because of the distance from market, Avant of transp'Ortation facilities, severe climate and short seasons. In the counties of Fra'uklin, Hart, Madison, Banks, Hall, Forsyth, Cherokee 'and Pickens, south of the Blue Ridge counties, the acreage in cultivation is about thirty-eight per cent. The lands north of the Chattahoochee river on the northeast have almost en tirely gray, sandy soils with but few strips of red clay. The subsoils are almost universally clays. The yield per acre with fair cultivation is: Corn, twenty bushels; wheat, fifteen bushels; oats, twenty-five bus'hels; hay, two to three tons; sorghum syrup, seventy-five gallons. Tobacco, buckwheat and German millet can be grown with great success. Tlie fruits adapted to this section are the apple, pear, cherry, grape, plum, peach, raspberry and strawberry. In that part of the INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 153 Metamorphic region geographicaHy called "Middle Georgia," cotton, corn, oats, wheat, all the grains and grasses and tobacco can be grown successfully. This division was settled after the coast country and has long been the most populous section of the state. The exhaustion of the soil by injudicious culture has reduced the yield, and the yield of the ordinary crops per acre is: Corn, twelve bushels; wheat, eight bushels; oats, twenty-five bushels; barley, thirty bushels; rye, eight bushels; sweet potatoes, one hundred bushels. In the northern counties, near the Blue Ridge, the acreage in cotton is naturally small. Southward the acreage increases rapidly, until it reaches the percentage of the total area of ten or fifteen per cent, on the east and fifteen to twenty per cent on the west, with Clayton, Pike and Troup above twenty per cent. The Central Cotton Belt. — ^There are three distinct belts within the central cotton belt, differing very widely from each other. These are : First, the sand hills and pine belt on the north and bordering the Metamorphic region of the state; its sands also extending northward and covering some of its rocks. Second, the red hills adjoining the first belt on the south. Third, the sandy loam upland with clay subsoils, forming a transition belt from the red hills to the sandy wiregrass region of the south and gradually falling in elevation from the hills to the level lands of the latter. The northern limit of the sand and pine hill belt extends from a very few miles north of Augusta and Thomson, a few miles south of Warrenton and Sparta, to Milledgeville, Macon, Knoxville, Geneva and Columbus, at which point the Metamorphic rocks are found outcropping in the beds of the streams, while the sand hills extend northward a short distance along the uplands. The southern limit is defined by the somewhat abrupt clay hills along its border. The area embraced in the sand hills is about 2,950 square miles. Its width varies greatly, but is great est on the east and west, about twenty-five miles from each of the large boundary rivers. Between the Ogeechee -and the Flint rivers it is rather narrow, but widens to the west to twenty-five miles or more in the counties of Marion and Taylor. On the Chattahoochee river its southern limit is near the mouth of Upatoi creek. The surface of the country embraced in this belt is high and rolling, and especially is this the case near its northern limit, where tlie altitude is from. 500 to 600 feet above the sea and sometimes 100 feet or more above the metamorphic region adjoining. Southward the country falls to the foot of the line of red 'hills, which often rise abruptly from its limit In other locahties, as between the Flint and the Ocmulgee rivers, the lower part of the belt 'presents a broad plateau which gradually declines southward. In the western portion of the belt the transition of the red hills is gradual. The country is hilly and broken, with a height of from 100 to 150 feet above the streams, and is interspersed with deep gullies formed by the washing away of clays and sands. The lands of the sand 'hill region have a soil of white sand from six to twelve inches deep, and usuahy a sandy subsoil underlaid by variegated clays, and are not very productive except where fresh or highly fertilized. The yield of cotton after a few years of cultivation will not exceed 300 pounds of seed cotton per acre. The red hills region is characterized by a high, rolling or broken and well-timbered surface, covered with deep red day lands, more or less sandy. The red lands are very generally associated with siliceous shell rocks and friable ferruginous sandstones, and are found in isolated areas over the entire yellow loam region. The beds have a thickness of sixty feet 'at Shell bluff on the Savannah river and fifty feet at Fort Gaines on the Chatta hoochee, but between these two points they thin out to ten or twenty feet as they approach the central Atlantic and gulf-water divide. The lands of these red and clay hills are usually somewbat sandy and have a 154 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. depth of from twelve to twenty-four inches in the eastern counties and from six to twelve inches in the others. The subsoil is 'a heavy clay loam, deeper in color than the soil and more clayey, which sometimes overlies a variegated and plastic pipe clay. The lands of this belt lying on the Savannah and Flint rivers are the best of this region, and not only 'Occur in large areas, but are more productive and durable and easily tilled. The subsoil is stiff and tenacious and hard to break up. The lands yield from 800 to 1,000 pounds of seed cotton per acre when fresh, and 500 pounds after a few years' cultivation. After being in cultivation fifty years it yields 300 pounds per acre. These lands are preferred for small grain. The yellow loam region forms 'a belt across the state between the Savannah and Chattaho'OC'hee rivers, and extends in width from the sand hills south to the pine barrens and wiregrass region. Its width varies greatly. Between the Savannah and the Ocmulgee it is narrow and confined almost entirely to the country south of the red hills from fifteen to twenty-five miles. Westward to the Flint river it is wider, and in Houston county the lands are found north of the red hills. On the west the area widens still more, one narrow belt extending southwest to Albany, while the lower limit of the rest of the region extends to the Alabama line, a few miles north 'of Fort Gaines, and the northern passes west to the Alabama line at the mouth 'of Upatoi creek. The entire area embraced by the yellow loam region, including the red hills, is about 6,650 square miles. The soils of the eastern part of the belt are gray and sandy, except on the immediate surface, where they are dark from decayed vegetation. Black, brown and yellow ferruginous gravel is abundant in some of the counties on the surface and mixed with the soil. The subsoil, at a depth of from three to nine inches from the surface, is either a yellow clay loam or yellow sand. Lands having the latter are poor and unproductive, except for a year or two, and the use of fertilizers is almost a necessity. The growth is alm'ost exclusively the long-leaf pine. The better class of soils, with their clay subsoils and a mixed growth of long-Jeaf pine, 'oak and hickory, are easy to cultivate and well drained, and yield an average of 500 pounds of seed cotton per acre when fresh and 250 to 300 pounds after a cultivation of ten years. The upper counties, and those along the Chattahoochee river as far south as Clay county, are hilly and usually covered with a heavy deposit of sand. Underneath the sandy soil are the red and yellow clays over variegated and joint clays with cretaceous marls. Southern Oak, Hickory and Pine Region. — The area embraced in this region is 2,317 square miles, comprising portio'us of the counties of Brooks, Decatur and Thomas, lying along and near the Florida line. The countrj' for the most part is high and rolling, and is about 75 feet above the wiregrass country on the north or 130 feet above the river. It presents a bolder front tothat region in Decatur county than in the other counties; the ascent from a point seven miles south of Bainbridge thence eastward to near Attapulgas and north ward to Climax being quite abrupt. Eastward it gradually assumes the wire- grass feature and the line of separation is not so well marked. The surface of the country for the most part is very open, with a tall timber growth of long pine. The soil is very generally sandy, from six to twelve inches deep, with mostly a clayey subsoil, underlaid by white limestone. A peculiar feature of this region is the presence of a red clay loam in localities where the timber growth is oak and hickory. The yield is from 600 to 800 pounds of seed cotton per acre after four years' culti vation. Lowlands of the Central Belt. — The bottoms and hammocks of the streams and gallberry flats comprise the lowlands of the central belt. The bottoms of the larger streams are usually liable to yearly overflows and are, there- INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 155 fore, but little in cultivation. Their width varies from 209 to 1,500 yards and even more in the sharp bends of the streams. The soil is a dark loam, more 'Or less sandy, red in some of the streams and from one foot to, six feet deep to a tenacious pipe-clay. On the Chattahoochee river there is but little bottom land proper, the uplands approaching to the water's edge and forming bluffs. Corn and oats are the chief crops, as cotton crops on all of the bottom lands are liable to injury from early frosts and rust. The gallberry flats are lowlands along the very small streams which 'have a light sandy soil and a dense growth of gallbeny bushes about three feet high and a large growth of cassine and a few cypress. They are somewhat m'arshy and are not cultivated. The hammocks, or second bottoms of the larger streams, are very extensive. They are very level and have a growth similar to the bottoms. The soil is rich, sandy loam from twelve to twenty-four inches deep, with much decayed vegetation, and is considered the most productive lands of the belt When fresh the hammocks yield 1,400 pounds of seed cotton per acre, and after cultivation for a few years from 800 to 1,000 pounds. Heavy clay underHes these lands, and as they are cold and ill-drained, they are not consid ered the best for cotton, as that crop is liable to injury from early frosts and rust. The alluvial lands of the Savannah river are very level and wide. The soil is fine, brown loam mixed with scales of mica, is from two to three feet deep, with a putty-like, tenacious pipe-clay which is hard to till and breaks up in clods. These lands are well adapted to cotton, corn and grain. On fresh land the yield is 1,500 pounds of seed cotton per acre, and after a few years' cultivation 1,000 pounds. Along the Chattahoochee river, south from Columbus to Georgetown, there are many level valleys of open prairie 'occupying a positioa similar to the second bot toms 'of the other streams, higher but without their growth. In Muscogee county these valleys are very broad and open, and have a very fine, sandy, loam soil from five to twelve inches deep and a heavy clay subsoil. In the counties south, where the blue clay marls approach near the surface th.^se prairie valleys are richer, the soil being darker and more tenacious. The sand and red clays of the adjoining hills enter more or less into its composition. In the southwestern part of Stewart county this valley is two or more miles wide. These lands when fresh yield from 800 to 1,200 pounds of seed cotton per acre, and after ten years of tillage from 600 to 800 pounds. Long-Leaf Pine and Wiregrass Region. — The region of the long-leaf pine and wiregrass covers a large portion of southern Georgia, south of the oak and hickory pine lands of the central cotton belt, extending from the Savannah river on the east to the Chattahoochee on the west, including in. its area eighteen whole counties and large parts of others. The entire region is, as it were, a vast plain nearly level, except in the north, and covered with a growth of long- leaf pine. The surface of the upper and western portions of this region is some what undulating, with a few long ridges or hills, and is elevated from twenty-five to fifty, or even seventy-five feet above the streams and from 200 to 500 feet above the sea. The Lime-Sink Region. — The lime-sink region lies chiefly 'on the west of the Atiantic and the gulf-water divide. The soft limestone underlying this section, instead of sandstone, is accompanied on the surface and sometimes in beds, by masses of a siliceous and aluminous and often flinty shell-rock. The eastern limit is marked by a line of low ridges branching 'off southward from the main divide and separating the water of the Allapaha and Withlacoochee rivers from those of the Flint river. This line passes through the eastern side of Worth and Colquitt counties and southeastward into Brooks and Lowndes. The region embraces 7,020 square miles and includes the following counties and parts of coun- 156 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ties: Screven, except ai strip along the eastern and northern side of the county; the lower part of Burke, the upper part of Bulloch, all of Miller, Mitchell, Colquitt and Worth; the southern part of Pulaski, Dougherty, Baker and Early; the northern part of Decatur, Thomas, Brooks and Lowndes ; the eastern part of Dooly, Lee and Doug'herty and the western part of Irwin, Berrien, Dodge and Wilcox. This is a better cotton-producing region than the pine barrens, and Decatur county was at one time the banner county in total production. Four per cent, of the land is irreclaimable swamp and twenty-six per cent, of the remainder has been cleared. The uplands, with their long-leaf pine and wiregrass, have a gray, sandy soil, which is from six to twelve inches deep and a red or yellow, sandy clay subsoil, and con tains some ferruginous gravel. These lands are not as productive or as durable as in other sertions and the country is so sparsely settled that the farms are located on the better classes of land. At first these lands yield from 500 to 800 pounds of seed cotton per acre, but after cultivation for eight or ten years without fertiHzers the yield is reduced to 350 or 500 pounds. The bottom lands lying along the rivers and hammocks of the creeks have a dark, loamy soil with a clay subsoil at the depth of from ten to twenty indies. They are very durable and yield when fresh from 800 to 1,000 pounds of seed cotton per acre, and nearly the same after several years of cultivation. The Pine Barrens. — The pine bartens proper cover an area of 'Over 10,000 square miles and include parts ol the following counties: Tattnall, Montgomery, Emanuel, Telfair, Appling, Coffee, Effingham, BuUooh, Johnson, Laurens, Wilcox, Irwin, Berrien, Lowndes, Pierce, Wayne, Mcintosh, Liberty and Bryan, and areas of Jefferson, Washington, Dodge, Ware and Clinch. It has a general level or slightly undulating surface and is underlaid in many places by a sandstone that juts out in bold bluffs in some of the streams. The soil is usually fine and sandy, with a yellow, sandy subsoil, though clay frequently underlies it. The surface of the country in the upper counties is undulating, but becomes quite level southward; the soil also becomes less sandy. The land contains much ferruginous gravel or brown pebbles. The wiregrass region terminates near the coast, forming the second terrace. From this terrace there is a descent of fifteen to twaity-five feet to the savannas and pine flat and palmetto lands. While this is not properly a cotton-growing section, about eighteen of the counties are devoted to the culture of cotton. The introduction of fertilizers has made the cultivation of cotton profit able and to some extent has broken up the old method of throwing away old lands and taking in new. Six per cent, of this area is irreclaimable swamp and only fifteen per cent, has been cleared for cultivation. The soil of the uplands is sandy and gray or ash-colored, twelve inches deep and has a subsoil of yellow or orange- colored loam. In the higher regions there is sometimes a clay subsoil approaching the surface, giving to the land greater fertility and durability as indicated by the oak and hickory growth. The soil is frequently covered with gravel, either of quartz or ferruginous concretions, yellow or of dark brown externally and either smooth or rough, with a black exterior. These sandy soils, while producing a good crop of cotton when new and fresh, very soon wear out On fresh sandy uplands, without the aid of fertilizers, the yield is 500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. After cultivation for several years the yield diminishes to 300 pounds 'of seed cotton per acre. Corn, oats and sorghum do very well. In some counties the bottom lands are considered better than the uplands, but are more or less liable to overflow. In the northern section, owing to the liability of cotton to suffer from rust and early frosts, corn is raised instead. The soil is very sandy and colored nearly black by decayed leaves and other vegetation. Its depth is twelve inches or more, INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 157 and it is sometimes underlaid by clay. The second bottoms of hammocks differ from the bottom only in being above overflow. Pine and Palmetto Flats. — Lying in the southeastern part of the s.tate, around Okefenokee swamp, and embracing mainly the counties of Charlton, Clinch and Echols and large portions of Pierce, Ware and Wayne, is the region designated as the pine and palmetto flats. It is considerably higher than the belt of the coast region that extends across other counties to the Savannah river. The country is very level and open and sparsely settled, and is covered with many swamps having a dense growth of trees, all interlocked and frequentiy tied together with bamboo briers, forming an impenetrable thicket. This region is about 125 feet above the sea, the descent being very rapid on the east from Okefenokee swamp to Trader's hill at the head of the tide-water on St. Mary's river. Hence there is a level second terrace to the edge of the savanna lands, fifteen miles east of Colerain. This terrace is covered in places with deep, white sand, and is very similar to the third or Okefenokee uplands. But little cotton is planted in this entire section. The lands are sandy though firm and the roots of the saw palmetto not only make traveling disagreeable, almost forbidding the use of four-wheel vehicles, but give trouble in farming operations. The lands wear out rapidly. In the swamps the white, sandy bottoms are covered with a muck several inches deep, .while streams of dark and even black water flow sluggishly among the roots and cypress knees and across open spaces. The creek bottom lands and ham mocks of this pine flat region are not very wide and have a dark loam soil from eight to twelve inches deep, with a clayey subsoil underlaid by a blue stratum of clay. This latter is found in the wells of the uplands north of Homerville in Clinch county, at a depth of nine feet from the surface. These lands, wthile con sidered the best for cotton, are not devoted to its culture except in a limited area, because of the danger to it from early frosts. Savannas. — The region properly designated the savannas occupies a belt of country from ten to fifteen miles wide, between the pine barrens and the wire- grass region on one side and the coast live-oak lands on the other, extends from the Savannah river to the St Mary's river and embraces nearly all parts of the coun ties of Chatham, Bryan, Glynn and Camden and large portions of Liberty and Mcintosh. The surface of the country is very level and ten or fifteen feet above tide-water and comprises what is known as the first terrace. Its northwestern limit is the bluff of the second or wiregrass terrace, passing through the lower part of Effingham, county, twenty miles north of the city of Savannah, into Bryan county, where it is fifty feet high. Southward through Liberty county this bluff forms the gravel hill south of HinesviUe, which has an elevation of fifteen to thirty feet above the sea; deep-sea sands are found here. Thence the limit extends through Mcintosh county to Waynesville and on the eastern side of the Satilla river into and across Camden county at a distance of about fifteen miles east of Colerain. At this last point this rise is twenty-five feet. Within this regio'U ad joining the marsh lands there is a belt of live-oak lands having a width of several miles which properly belongs to the savannas. This region along the first or lower terrace is noted for its beautiful meadow lands, which are broad, flat and open plains, having no growth other than sparse and tall long-leaf pine, flat and thick undergrowth of saw palmetto, with here and there bunches of wiregrass that have found its way down from the upper terrace. The savannas at one time cov ered a large portion of these counties, but the custom of burning off the lands to cause a growth of young grass for grazing purposes has also produced a scrub undergrowth of trees and bushes. The soils and subsoils outside of the live-oak lands are sandy and are not cultivated to any extent. 158 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Live-Oak and Coast Lands. — From the Savannah river to the St. Mary's river, along 'the coast as well as occupying the islands, there is an irregular and interrupted bed of yellow or mulatto sandy lands about ten miles wide, whose characteristic feature is the growth of very large live-oak trees. There are properly three divisions of this live-oak belt, viz.: upland or ridge, middle or lower bottom lands, each comprising about one-third of the area. The first has sandy soils and subsoils, which are not remunerative. The bottoms are very rioh and have a dark soil underlaid by a blue clay. They are adapted to sea-island cotton, the yield being 400 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Coast Tide Swamp Land. — Occupying a narrow belt along the Atlantic coast, not continuous, but bordering on the varjous inlets and streams to the limit of tide-water is the region of the coast tide swamp land. On the Savannah river the bodies 'of tide swamp land are extensive and are cultivated upward of twenty miles from the brackish marsh up the river. On the Altamaha river these lands equal in width those of the Savannah river, but from the marshes upward their extent does not exceed sixteen miles, where the freshets forbid their being of any value except for timber. The soil is m'ore of decayed vegetable mold than the land of the Savannah river and is more easily cultivated. The tide lands of the Ogeechee river extend from the marshes about ten miles. Those of the Satilla river, not as broad as those mentioned, extend from the marshes twenty miles up the river and are liable to freshets. On the St. Mary's river the swamp lands on the Georgia side extend only to the foot of the second terrace, fifteen miles east of Colerain, though the tide-water reaches Trader's hill. These are rich lands, devoted almost exclusively to the cultivation of rice, although other crops do well. The black seed of Florida sea-island cotton was at one time the principal crop of these low swamp lands. The soil of these swamp lands along the streams and island is ash-col'Ored and clayey, from one foot to six feet deep to a blue gray stratum. There is very little of w*hat may be properly called sea marsh along the Georgia coast. Very small areas are found at the .mouths of some of the rivers. The Sea Islands. — ^Along the coast there lies from one end to the other a perfect network 'Of islands, large and small, having a rolling surface, not exceed- . ing fifteen feet above the tide. Their united area amounts to 560 square miles. The soil is usually sandy and well-adapted to the production 'of sea island cotton, corn and sweet potatoes, and lemons, figs, pomegranates, olives, oranges grow finely. Formerly these soils yielded 400 pounds of sea-island. cotton per acre, but the introduction of commercial fertilizers has caused more attention to be paid to the cultivation 'of upland or short sitaple cotton. The Limestone Region. — ^Economic geology gives a knowledge of the soils and the distribution of the mineral fertilizers, which is essential in forming a correct judgme'nt as to the measure of progress. The limestones and calcareous shales form 'the brown and red loams. These lands are perhaps the ridiest uplands in the state. They lie well, but when hilly they are inclined to wash. The blue limestone areas are on the eastern and western sides, and the rotten limestones in the central part of this division of the state. In the blue limestone region the soil varies in color from a light to a dark brown and black, a 'dark or chocolate brown being the most characteristic color, with a subsoil approaching to red. The soil 'of the rotten limestone belts is a dark red color, with a red subsoil. There is a striking difference in the appearance of these lands, though in tlie more important characteristics of productiveness and in adaptation to various crops there is littie difference. Lands that have been in cultivation for thirty years or more will often produce from thirty to fifty bushels of corn per acre. For the culture of wheat these lands are not so well adapted, yet, by the growing of clover and turning under INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 159 the crop, a yield from ten to twenty bushels of wheat per acre is possible. Cotton in the counties of Floyd and Polk yields on an average 600 pounds of seed cotton per acre. In the regions where the rocks are of limestones, arenaceous shales and siliceous or cherry limestones, the lands are rolling generally, but sometimes nearly level where the valleys are broad, the soil being brown, calcareous and siHceous or sandy, with sufficient clay in the subsoil to give it a somewhat retentive character, and admit of good drainage, even where the lands are nearly level. The areas of this character are in the valleys immediately around Lookout, Pigeon and Sand ¦mountains, in the broad valleys immediately east of Taylor's ridge and of Horn's mountain, in the following valleys: West Armuchee, in Walker county; Sugar valley, in Gordon county; Dirt town, in Chattooga county; Texas, with a large portion of the county to the west of Coosa river, in Floyd county. These are the best uplands for the culture of cotton in this part 'of the state, often yielding, without commercial fertiHzers, from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Corn, oats and w^heat do well. In Dade county, along the eastern side of Lookout mountain and around Pigeon mountain, in Walker county, the soil is yellow or orange colored, rather argillaceous in character, though there is an admixture of fine sand and gravel that renders it easy 'of tillage. The rocks consist of green calcareous shales that outcrop in the hills or on the slopes of the ridges around these mountains, and the lands to which they give rise are rich. The steepness of the slopes and character of the soil predisposes the land to wash, rendering horizontal hillside plowing necessary. These lands are well adapted to corn and wheat. There are in Georgia about 400 square miles underlaid by a series of shales or indurated day and limestones 2,500 feet in thickness and occupying in belts of from half a mile to two or three miles in width, and found in all the counties of the limestone region, except in Dade county. The soil is argillaceous and of an orange or light color, the entire area nearly being slightly rolling or nearly level lands. It contains more clay in general than most of the good lands of this region, but is more or less calcareous, and contains a sufficient amount of sand or fine gravels derived in part from bordering cherty ridges, to promote easy culture. The clay beneath the soil has varying depths from a foot or two to fifteen feet down to the shales, but rarely less than four or five feet. These lands rank as about third-rate upland for the culture of cotton; with fertilizers they yield 500 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Corn, oats, wheat, clover and the grasses grow well, and on land that has been cultivated for thirty years, with little if any return to the soil for its improvement, an average of twenty bushels of corn, ten bushels of oats and six bushels of wheat per acre will be obtained. These lands are capable of a high degree of improvement. Gray Gravelly Lands of the Ridges. — ^The gray lands of the ridges have a gravelly soil, varying in color from light to dark gray, with generally a porous gravelly subsoil; but in some places there is a good clay subsoil, with a gravelly soil of a brown or red color. These lands are among the most profitable for the culture of cotton, giving a better immediate return for manures than the richer valley lands. The cotton crop is less subject to injury from continued wet weather in the spring than on most other soils, and come to maturity early, rarely failing to open well. With the use of fertiHzers the produdion is 1,200 pounds of seed cotton per acre. Except in the very rainy seasons corn 'does not do so well after a few years' cultivation. Wheat, when fertilizers are used, tills well and matures better developed grain, and is less subject to disaster than in the richer valley Jands. Although these lands are hilly, they are less Hable to injury from washing than most of the uplands, being protected by the pervious character of the l6o I MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. soil, and the gravel and small stones with which the surface is covered. The tops and slopes of the ridges have an immunity from late spring frosts, making them well suited to fruit culture. These lands are remarkably rich in potash and phosphoric acid, and a sufficiency of lime to insure their availability for the present. Sandy Lands of the Mountain Summits. — On the tablelands from i,ooo to 1,200 feet above the valleys the soils are yellow, sandy land, more or less gravelly and rocky. The total area of these lands is 200 square miles, embrac ing Sand mountain in Dade county. Lookout mountain in Qiattooga, Walker and Dade counties, and Little Sand mountain in Chattooga county. The topography varies from nearly level to rolling and hilly. Owing to the average low tempera ture it is not suitable for the culture of cotton, but is well adapted to the culture of fruit and a great variety of vegetables. The Flatwoods. — The topography is diversified with mountains, hills, and nearly level flatwoods. The soils everywhere are of one general character of sterility. The most extensive area of these lands is that of the flatwoods near the Oostanaula and Coosa rivers, in the counties of Floyd, Gordon and Polk, and a mountainous section south of the Coosa river, in Floyd and Polk counties. It occurs again in a belt of hills in the southern part of Murray county, extending southward nearly across the county of Gordon, and in a narrow belt extending southward from the eastern part of Catoosa county into Whitfield county. The soil is thin, of a gray or light-brown color, with but little depth, and of little value for cultivation. Alluvial Lands. — In the mountains, where the streams are rapid, the alluvial lands have little extent, but in the valleys the creek and river bottoms are compara tively broad. The bottom lands vary from one-eighth of a mile on small streams to two miles on the larger ones, the greater part of their width being generally on the western side of the stream. The alluvial deposits of the small streams vary much in character, those of the larger ones in general being more productive. Where a large proportion of sand is contained in these alluvial lands, cotton has been grown with success. Some of the best cotton lands in this part of the state are along the Coosa and Etowah rivers. THE CROPS OF GEORGIA. The adaptability of Georgia to successful diversified agricultural pursuits is evidenced by her geographical position and geological formation. Elevations and longitude help each other in supplying a range of climate and productions. The ¦productions, both natural and cultivated, are varied, and the ranges between the coast and mountains very great. Cotton, corn, wheat, oats, rye, barley, rice, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, melons, peas, ground peas, vegetables of all kinds, all kinds of grasses and forage crops, oranges, figs, bananas, apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, grapes, berries and nuts are produced in Georgia. Indian Corn. — How long prior to 1540 Indian com was cultivated in Georgia history does not give us any data. Ferdinand De Soto in his "marching through Georgia" was given thousands of bushels of Indian corn by the Indians, who then occupied a portion of the soil of Georgia. Even with the crude system of culture employed by the Indians the soil made handsome returns. With good seasons and proper culture a fair crop is always possible. The following authenticated yields have been reported: 125 bushels per acre in Cobb county, 123 bushels in Wilkes county, 119 bushels in Thomas county, 115 bushels in Crawford county, 100 bushels in Gwinnett, Walker and Hall. Oats. — While very much depends upon the season in the cultivation of oats, it INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. igj is a very important and valuable crop. The following yields have been reported by reliable parties: 137 bushels per acre in Wilkes county, 131 bushels in De Kalb county, 121 bushels in Floyd county, 115 bushels in Coweta county, 100 bushels in Schley county, and 75 bushels in Brooks, Newton, and Putnam counties. Wheat. — Before the system of railroad transportation was introduced the cul ture 'of wheat was conducted 'On a more extended scale in Georgia than for the last few years, and the return was remunerative. That wheat can be produced 'here profttably is evidenced by the experience of many. Among the yields reliably reported are: 65 bushels per acre in De Kalb county, 40 bushels in Carroll county, and 28 bushels in Cherokee, Walton, Clark and Morgan counties. Sweet Potatoes. — Sweet potatoes can be grown in almost any section of Geor gia to the profit of the grower, especially in the middle and southern parts of the state. Authenticated yields are reported as follows : 800 bushels per acre in Berrien county, 600 in Riclmiond county, 500 in Brooks county, 400 in Fulton county. Irish Potatoes. — The culture of Irish potatoes in Georgia yields fair returns for the labor employed. In Wilkes county a yield lof 420 bushels per acre is reported, 108 bushels in Walker county, 100 bushels in Rabun. In the vicinity of Savannah the truck farmers grow them 'On an extensive scale for market. Rice. — Along the coast of Georgia rice has been cultivated for many years with decided profit to the producers. On the uplands its culture is growing in favor and extending in territor}'. One hundred bushels per acre is reported in Pike, White, Hall, Talbot, and Early counties. Clover Hay. — Clover can be grown with success. As an evidence of this fact there are yields reported of 10,000 pounds of clover hay in DeKalb and Greene counties, 6,000 pounds in Cobb county, and 4,862 pounds in Hancock count}^ Other Hay. — The adaptability of Georgia soil to the 'growing of the grasses and forage plants is a settled fact. In Bibb county 8,046 pounds of crab grass was gathered from an acre. In Spalding county 10,720 pounds of peavine hay, in Greene county 13,953 pounds of Bermuda grass hay, in Gordon county 9,400 pounds of lucerne were housed as the product of a single acre each. Syrup and Sugar. — That syrup and sugar can be produced on the soil of Georgia from the ribbon cane and sorghum is 'well known. The following yields from the ribbon cane are reported : Six hundred and ninety-four and a half gallons from one acre in Thomas county, 700 gallons in Bulloch county, 600 gallons in Thomas county, and 480 gallons in Burke county. In sugar 21 barrels per acre in Bullodi county. Cotton. — Cotton is the most extensively cultivated crop in Georgia. The fol lowing yields of seed cotton before it is ginned are reported: 6,917 pounds per acre in Washington county, 4,595 pounds per acre in Troup county, 4,500 poundsperacre in the counties of Clay, Schley, Carroll and Burke; 4,000 pounds -per acre in Crawford county, 3,500 pounds per acre in Bulloch, 2,700 pounds in Brooks, 2,200 pounds in Coweta and 2,000 pounds in De Kalb. The value ¦of the cotton crop has been materially increased in consequence of the utiHzation of the cotton seed in the production of oil, 'meal and hulls. Between the years 1874 and 1894 the fai-mers of Georgia used $100,000,000 worth of com mercial fertilizers, which vast sum had to be paid out of the proceeds of the cotton crop. Tobacco. — Tobacco has never been a staple crop in Georgia, yet repeated tests have demonstrated that it can be successfully and profitably grown. The great drawback to the successful culture has been and is at present the want of con venient warehouses and proper barns. In 1842 141,523 pounds were grown in Georgia; in 1880, 228,590 pounds, and in 1890 263,752 pounds. In 1786 a i-ii l62 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. tobacco warehouse w as erected by Dionysius Ohver in the fork between Broad and Savannah rivers, near the to\yn of Petersburg. Average Annual Productions. — The lack of adequate and reliable data as to the gross annual productions of the state renders it almost impossible to give the correct figures. The best possible information, however, fixes the average annual productions as follows: Cotton, from 750,000 to 950,000 bales; corn, 30,000,000 bushels; oats, 5,000,000 bushels; wheat, 3,000,000 bushels; sweet potatoes, 5,000,000 bushels; rice, 35,000,000 bushels. Compared with Italy. — In respect to climate there is great resemblance between that of Italy and Georgia. The soil and climate of Italy are congenial to the staples which have engaged the attention of Georgia agriculturists. Indian corn and rice have long been grown by the Italians, and during the continental system of Napoleon the culture of cotton was commenced in the south of Italy, but abandoned with the fall of that system and its author. That silk, wine and oil can be made on Georgia soil as well as in Italy is a settled fact. The soil of Georgia is capable of sustaining as large a population to the square mile as that of Italy. The Italians have been successful in solving the problem of how to gather the largest portions of the most valuable products from a given surface of land in any given number of years. In the northern part of Italy the three divisions of her system are often displayed at one view — the plain, the hill and mountain farms. The grape and the olive are seen clustering in the richest abundance on the highest and bleakest spots. Golden harvests of corn are to be seen on the sides of the hills and the most luxuriant meadows on the plain. A specially notable fact is that the sides of the hills are girdled by terraces of the most substantial masonry. Did this prevail in Georgia the lands would be benefited and the yield increased. Defects in Georgia Agriculture. — Prior to i860 the aim of the cotton planter was to get the cream of the soil converted into cotton, and then abandon the fields used for fresher soil. It was the general rule to "clear up more land to purchase more slaves" and "to purchase more slaves to clear up more land." The improvement of the soil was not considered. After the "War Between the States" the planter had to begin anew, without anything save the soil and without slave labor. Under the system that existed before i860 the planter made his supplies on his farm, but under the new order of things the planter had to obtain his supplies on time, and gradually a system was adopted, pernicious in its influence and disastrous in its results, viz. : purchasing supplies and fertilizers on time, and depending upon one cotton crop to pay off the entire indebtedness. Under the operation of this system the fertility of the soil has been nearly •exhausted, the cost of production increased, and the condition of the farmer made worse. Improvement cannot possibly obtain under such a pernicious .system. Needs of Georgia Agriculture. — Agriculture in Georgia needs for its full devel opment the inauguration of a system based on improvement of the soil as the primal consideration. The development of the fertility of the soil is possible when there exists a soil. The thorough tillage and pulverization of the earth is the first step to secure increased fertility in the soil. The judicious terracing of hillsides and lands subject to washing away is important to preserve the soil of fields in cultivation. Diversified and intensive farming are essential factors in improving the condition of the soil and those who till it. Rotation of crops, and the planting of crops suitable to the location of the particular plat of land, will be found of great practical benefit The limit of the productive capacity of an acre of Georgia soil has never been reached or determined. A system that will INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 163 return to the soil more fertility than has been taken from it and keep and main tain it in proper condition at all seasons will enable the farmer to approximate the capacity of the soil to produce. The possibihties of Georgia soil under a wise and comprehensive system are gr,eat. MANUFACTURING IN GEORGIA. Silk Raising. — The policy that led to the establishment of the royal colony of Georgia was the same that in ancient times led to the founding of Carthage by the mother cities of Tyre and Sidon. England wanted to increase her trade and her power. She was contesting with Spain the supremacy of land and sea; and she was engaged in her long and marvelous struggle, decided a century ago in her favor, for the commerce of the world. Spanish fleets from the West Indies continually threatened the devastation of her colonies along the Atlantic coast, and she was paying to Piedmont $3,000,000 annually for importation of silk. It was thought by English statesmen that a colony founded to the south of Charleston could be made to perform the double duty of setting bounds to Spanish aggression from the martial province of Florida, and of transferring the silk trade with Piedmont to the American plantations. With the military feature of the colony we are not concerned in this sketch; but the attempt to estabHsh the silk industry in Georgia is of peculiar interest, because it is the beginning of our history of manufacturing, and because of the vast expectations and visions of remunerative commerce it excited in Enghsh minds. It was the heroic age of American industry; and although the production of silk in the plantations was doomed to an early fate, it bears for us the charm of being one of the diief causes that led to the foundation of Georgia, and presents to our imagination all the elements of romance. It was the dream of English economists that the mother country could save millions of sterling annually if the American colony would produce silk. Joshua Gee, a noted populist, had written: "As this nation (England) very much inclines to the wearing of silk garments in imitation of the French, to the great discour agement of our woolen manufactures, the manufacture of silk from our plantations would not only make us to supply ourselves, but to be capable of exporting very great quantities of silk fully manufactured." Twelve years after the founding of Jamestown, Va., eggs of the silk worm were sent to that colony, and the cultivation of mulberry trees was enforced by fines and rewarded by bounties. Every planter, by an act of colonial assembly of 1656, was fined if he did not have at least ten mulberry trees to each hundred acres of land. Hartlib, in an essay published in 1652-5 says that the " bottoms,' or cocoons, raised in Virginia were so large as to be the. wonder of the world; to the glory of the Creator and exaltation of Virginia." But all efforts failed, and the silk industry in Virginia died, partly for want of encouragement from England, and partly from the lack of trained workmen, who were prevented from coming to America by CromweH's navigation laws. The culture of silk in the Carolinas also met with an early fate. These two colonies exported only 251 pounds of silk in the twenty-five years from 1731 to 1755. When the revolutionary war put a stop to English bounties it also put an end to silk culture. The experiment in Georgia was more successful. When, in 1732, Georgia was separated from Carolina and made a distinct province, it was the aim of the trustees that silk should be raised as the principal article of export. On every ten acres of cleaned land 100 white mulberry trees were to be planted. The colonial seal consisted of a device showing the silk-worms weaving their cocoons and bearing the motto: 164 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Non sibi sed alias. "Not for ourselves but for others." Oglethorpe was of the opinion that 40,000 or 50,000 people might be profitably employed in the silk industry, and that the cost of production would be 25 per cent less than the cost of its production in Piedmont. In 1734-35 the general carried to Eng land a package of eight pounds of Georgia raised silk, which Sir Thomas Lambe, by the royal command, had woven at his factory. This was made into a robe for Queen Caroline, and worn by her majesty on the king's birthday in 1735. The trustees sent over a number of skilled workers from Piedmont to teach the colonists the art of manufacture. Every colonist had to plant mulberry trees or keep them standing where they had jjeen planted, and liberal bounties were offered by England for the production of silk. This latter greatly stimulated the industry. The colonists soon became very skillful in the business. In 1739, as we find recorded in "An Impartial Inquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia," printed in London in 1741, "Some was brought over by one Mr. Samuel Auspourquer, who has made an affidavit that he saw the Italian family winding it off from the balls. It was viewed by Mr. Zachary, an eminent raw silk merchant, and Mr. Booth, one of our greatest weavers, who affirmed it to be as fine as any Italian silk, or any they would wish to use, and that it was worth at least twenty shillings per pound." Here we are given an expert opinion upon the quality of Georgia silk. The muse was summoned to celebrate the triumph of Georgia silk. Upon the occasion of Gen. Oglethorpe's visit to England bearing the eight pounds of silken thread that was thought to be an augury of the success of British trade, the muse did not hesitate to predict a great commerce from the new colony: "The merchant hence unwrought the silk imports, To which we owe the blaze of queens and courts," which ma}^ very probably be an allusion to Queen Caroline's robe of Georgia silk. Another poet prophesied that "Hence annual vessels shall to Europe sail 'With the gay treasures of the silky spoil." But the colonists must not rest satisfied with the production of a few pounds^ and the statesmen and poets of the mother country united in an effort to encourage the colonists to greater activity. The author of "A True and Historical Narrative of the Colony of Georgia" says that they could instance a hundred hackney muses, "but confined themselves to the celebrated performance of the Rev. Samuel Wes ley, where we might well expect a sufficient stock of truth and religion to coun terbalance of poeticaldicense." After commanding Georgia merchants to "bring wine no more, or from the Iberian or the Tuscan shore," and inviting France herself to "drink her best champagne," as all these were to be produced abundantly in the "young province," Mr. Wesley cautions the general against neglecting the golden possibilities of the silk-worn: "Nor less the care, Of thy young province, to oblige the fair; Here tend the silli-worm ia tlie verdant shade The frugal matron and the blooming maid." Under the stimulus of a poetic policy on the part of the statesmen, and a politic poetry on the part of the bards, the colonists devoted their best energies to the production of silk. The town of New Ebenezer, one of the "dead towns" INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. jgt of Georgia, where the "wandering emigrants," as the persecuted Protestants of Salzburg were called, had settied, led in the culture of silk. In 1747 these Salzburgers produced one-half of all the silk of the colony. They continued the industry several years after the other colonists had abandoned ft for the more profitable raising of cotton and rice. The reels used by them were of their own manufacture, and were so admirably adapted to the work that one of them was sent to England as a model, and another to the East Indies. The following table, which is compiled from Jones' "Dead Towns," McCall's History, and from the United States census reports, gives the production of silk in Georgia, as far as it can be ascertained, from 1735 to 1772: SILK PRODUCTION IN GEORGIA. 1735 — Enough to make a robe for Queen Caroline. 1747 — 847 pounds of cocoons. 1748 — 850 pounds of cocoons (estimated). 1749 — 762 pounds of cocoons and fifty pounds of spun silk. 1750 — 6,300 pounds of cocoons at filature. 1750-54 — Value of raw silk exported, $8,800. 1756 — 268 pounds of raw silk exported. 1757 — 1.052 pounds of cocoons received at filature. 1758 — 7.040 pounds of cocoons received at filature. 1759 — Excess of 10,000 pounds of cocoons at Savannah. 1764 — 15,512 pounds of cocoons produced. 1766 — 20,000 pounds of cocoons produced. 1768 — 1,084 pounds raw silk sent to England. 1758-68— In ten years 100,000 pounds of cocoons at filature. 1770 — 291 pounds raw silk. produced. ] '^77'^ — ^438 pounds raw silk produced. > silk raising confined to New Ebenezer. 1772 — ^485 pounds raw silk produced. ) 1755-72 — In seventeen years 8,829 pounds of raw silk exported. It will be seen that.the industry reached its most productive period in 1766, when 20,000 pounds of cocoons were produced. From 1770 the industry was confined to New Ebenezer. Operations at the filature in Savannah ceased in 177 1, and Sir James Wright, the royal governor, suggested to the common house of assembly in 1774 that the building should be used for some other purpose. The cessation of the royal bounties, which was the immediate result of the war with England, was the finishing stroke, and the prediction ventured upon by Judge Law in his oration at the celebration of the first anniversary of the Georgia Historical society, in 1840, that "silk is doubtless destined to bring again into utility our exhausted soils and greatly to increase the wealth and capital of our state" has not been fulfiHed. But the effort to estabHsh the silk trade had given an interesting and instructive page to the history of Georgia, and may serve to teach the needful lesson that bounties and tariffs cannot secure for an industry successful competition with other countries more favorably conditioned for its pursuit. Among these futile efforts to legislate against the laws of nature and create prosperity by decree, may be mentioned the act of George 1 1., 1749, which provided that raw silk from the American plantations should be admitted free of duty and that Georgia and South Carolina should be known as the "Silk Colonies," aright they have long since forfeited. In 1754 George II. directed that a silver seal should be made for Georgia with the device of a figure presenting a skein l66 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of silk to his majesty and the motto: "Hinc laudem sperate coloni." All this royal soHcitude was in vain. By the time of the revolution the industry was in its last stages of decay. During that war it is recorded by Thomas McCall that French settlers at New Bordeaux, seventy miles north of Augusta, supplied "much of the high country" with sewing silk spun from their own cocoons. In 1790 two hundred-weight of raw silk was purchased in Georgia for export, the price paid being eighteen to twenty-six shillings a pound. This is the last men tion of the silk industry. GENERAL MANUFACTURES. The "frugal matron and the blooming maid" no longer tend silk-worms on the white mulberry trees which were the pride of the trustees, the dream of England, and the despair of the colonists. They have turned their hands and cares to more profitable pursuits. It was inevitable that the industry should fail; and it has yielded room for other occupations better suited to our climate, latitude and soil. As soon as Georgia devoted her attention to such industries as were adapted to her condition and resources, she began a development which increases in greater proportion than her population, and which is destined to put her in the foremost rank of the states of the Union. It is an error to suppose, as is too often done, that manufactures were neglected in the "Old South" and that they are of recent development and largely due to the inflow of northern energy since the war. In thousands of homes throughout the south the "frugal matron and the blooming maid," of the Rev. Mr. Wesley's poem, who had abandoned the unprofitable silk reels, spun and wove cotton and wool into clothing for their households. They had laid their hands to the spindle and their hands held the distaff. Cotton manufactories, blomary iron forges, naileries, smithies, and little unpretentious factories, wherein were made the few implements and manufactured articles that were needed in those days of "plain living and high thinking" were springing up everywhere. There is no record of them and the world no longer accepts traditions without sustaining documents. But they were the germs of the stupendous manufacturing industries of the south of to-day, and the greater south of to-morrow. In 1810, at the third census enumeration, the national government made the first attempt to get statistics of the manufacturing industries of the country. That year, therefore, is the era of manufacture, the dawn of authentic history. It was ascertained by the census that in 1810 the manufactured products of Georgia and the two Carolinas were greater, both in variety and in value, than the manu factured products of all New England. What a change has taken place in eighty years. To-day the south operates 2,774,087 spindles — to limit the comparison to one industry, and the very one in which the south should lead the world — while New England operates more than 12,000,000. From 1810 to i860 the growth of man.ufacturing at the south was rapid. In the latter j'ear out of a total value of what was known as home-made manufactures of $24,300,000, the south was credited with $16,500,000. The war not only put a stop to all development, _ but involved the south in such disaster that manufacturing was impossible. New England eagerly took advantage of the situation. She had capital and labor, the south had neither. The raw products of the south went to New England factories, and the south by reason of helplessness suffered a second spoliation at the hands of her late enemy. Conditions are rapidly changing, however, and the growth of manufacturing is now more marked at the south than it is in any other section of the country. The situation has been admirably summed up by a recent writer who says: "It (the south) has accumulated capital enough INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 167 to undertake very extensive manufacturing. It has demonstrated that the south ern man makes a successful manufacturer and as skilled a mechanic as the northern man or the Englishman, and that the climate is rather advantageous- than otherwise to successful and profitable work. In iron, cotton and lumber manufacture it is not a question whether the south can hold its own against other sections, but whether other sections can compete with the south." \Miat is true of the south is doubly true of Georgia, because in variety of climate, soil, natural resources, products of agriculture, and in the energy and thriftiness of the people she is the heart of the south. She was founded as a manufacturing colony, a history that no other state can boast. She led her sister colonies in the manufacture of silk, and her development since the war has been such as to indicate that she will be the center of southern industries. The list of manufactures in Georgia, as disclosed by the census of 1810, is remarkable. It shows that manufacturing has sprung up in small industries everywhere, and that its extent was very much greater than is generally supposed. As given in the report, the list includes "cotton goods in families, etc., cotton manufacturing estabhshments, flaxen goods in families, etc., mixed goods and hempen, chiefly mixed; blended and unnamed cloths and stuffs, woolen goods in families, etc.; bagging for cotton or hemp, flaxen and mixed goods, stockings, carding machines, spinning wheels, looms, labor-saving machinery, drawing and roving machines, mules, billies, jennies, looms with fly shuttles, spinning frames, spindles, blomaries, forges, naileries, soap and candles, tanneries, deer-skins, distilleries, breweries, gun powder miHs and saw-mills," which last are classed as "articles of doubtful nature." We can see in this list, which has great historic interest and value, the early begin nings of our manufactures of the present day. We do not find fertilizers, cotton-seed oil and meal, marble, stone, crackers, confections and "patent medicines," which constitute a large proportion of the manufactured products of (Jeorgia at the present time. The first was not needed in the virgin soil, and the others are products created to supply new demands in the world of trade. The foHowing table shows the growth of Georgia manufactures since 1850, the earliest date from which definite statements are obtainable: Year. No. Estab lishments. Capital Invested. Hands Employed. Wages Paid. Value Material. Value Products. 1850 1.4221.890 3-836 3-5934.28s $5,456,^83 10,890,875 13.930.125 20,672,410 8,368 11-575 17,871 24,875 56.383 $1,709664 2.925,148 4,844.508 5,266,152. 17,312,196 $3,404,917 9.986,532 18-583.75' 24,143939 35.774,480 $7,08^,075 16,025,564 i860 1870 31,196,11536,440 948 68,917,020 1880 1890 -. . From 1880 to 1890, the increase in value of the manufactured product of the United States, was 69.31 per cent. During the same period the increase in the value of these products in Georgia was 90 per cent. In 1880, wages in Georgia were $211.70 per capita; in 1890, $307.04; an increase of 45 per cent. The percentage of increase in wages for the United States for the same period was 39. The increase in population in Georgia during the same decade was 19.14 per cent., showing that the growth of manufacturing is greatiy in excess of the growth of the population. The development in manufacturing was also far greater than the growth of wealth. In i860, the real and personal property of the south was worth l68 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. $6,332,456,289. In 1870, after the loss of all property in slaves, in cotton, in the general devastation of war, the value of all property was $4,401,462,507. The war had cost the south about $2,500,000,000. In 1880, the south had slightiy more than recovered her lost ground, and the value of all property was $7,641,000,000. In 1890 the value was $11,534,261,685. Taking this rate of increase as a basis for the estimate, the present value of all property is not less than $15,000,000,000 in 1894. The rate of increase in property is over 50 per cent; while the increase in manufactures in Georgia is 90 per cent. In other words, while the population of Georgia will double in about forty years — at the present rate — the value of all property will double in about twenty years; and the value of manufactures will double in about ten years. At this point, before we taken up the history and development of separate industries, it will be of interest to consider the general condition of manufacturing in the state in i860. In that year the state was at its highest point of ante-bellum prosperity. The old order, in which the most prominent features were slavery and the extensive plantations, had more than doubled the wealth of the southern states in a single decade, from 1850 to i860. It had, possibly, done its greatest v^r-ork, because the old order was already passing away. For these reasons the condition of every southern state in i860 will always be the basis for future com parisons to illustrate development and prosperity. In Georgia, in i860, the true value of ah property according to the national census, was $645,895,237. In 1870, it was only $268,169,207. In. 1880, it was $606,000,000. In 1890, it was $852,409,449. The following table shows the condition of manufactures in every county in the state that had any to report, and the condition in the state as a whole. It is given in its entirety because of its great historic value. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. MANUFACTURES IN GEORGIA BY COUNTIES IN i860 169 Counties. Baker Baldwin Berrien Bibb Brooks Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Calhoun Camden Campbell Carroll Cass (Bartow) . Catoosa Charlton Chatham Chattahoochee Chattooga . . . . Cherokee Clarke Clay Clayton Clinch Cobb Columbia Colquitt Coweta Crawford Dade Dawson Decatur DeKalb Dooly Dougherty Echols Effingham-. . . . JElbert Fannin Fayette ....".. Floyd Franklin Fulton Gilmer Glynn Gordon -Greene Habersham . . . Hall Hancock Haralson Harris Hart Houston Jackson Jasper Jefferson O OJ o 4 19 7 88 13 5 9 32 6 4 7 13 4231 16 5 3^ 18 5 7 36 28 II 2 16 5 4 58 5 12 4 15 20 1619 5 4 40 4 10 6 8 15 3 I 23 17II 6 18 6 45 16 3§ 1817 6 13,800 146,725 45,200 955,i3i 8,175 31,000 1 5 ,600 92 000 54 500 10.700 78,75084,900 37.886 107,615 38,800 73.500 913,400 18,475 87,000 17,200 294,700 46 060 29,100 8,000 468,453 99,500 9,000 192,560 20,900 40,200 6,400 107,100 37,700 19,040 46,000 4,600 32,50070,575 306,700 27,600 93,500 5,800 770,600 2,050 16,000 54.875 152,100 24,050 17,275 122,400 11,000 79,185 16,005 130,600 30,550 55,210 73,000 , i Employes, Cost of ; ^I Raw Material. Male. Female $ 20,450 178,23^1 14.700 460,030 6,923 12,000 14,440 265,02c 49,700 9,>97 88,39044,771 88,945 124,390123,775 83,000 1,273.393 55,62529,567 23,150 218,823 62,851 20.760 15,000 383.051 16,356 2,325 191,777 5,6005,360 .3,064 71.650 65,679 23,375 14 620 12,700 6,6co 199,206 19.962 48,65044,475 5,100 198,781 900 7, coo 26,544 204,475 26,933 164.300 5.600 8,700 236,626 9,403 213,862 61,700 50,27457,300 12 12^ 18 719 34 10 2189 60 14 94 7177 175 55 181 654 2129 28 229 84 21 18 260 70 II 174 '5 'I 100 60 36 91 10 53 8768 28 100 12 319 69 74 III 2635 96 7 "5 37 128 35 56 44 79 ¦78' I 30 I 9 58 1 3 20 50 I 136 256 5 35 I 3 20 85 5 27 Annual Cost of Labor. $ 2,760 40.348 4,932 308,664 9,024 2,412 5,100 27,600 17.520 3,624 20,508 19.728 16,392 47,256 22,644 42,504 270,216 4,248 10,920 3 432 70 224 23 616 5,0765,100 97,188 13,956 2 400 45,768 3,180 8,940 1,080 28,452 13,488 7.404 24 300 •1,980 10,584 22,512 18,144 5,820 34,080 2,460 110,484 1,596 3,240 15,456 29,784 6,960 11,352 34,200 1,224 32,012 7,824 35,916 6,372 13,824 12,960 Annual ¦Value of Product. $ 30,412 269,898 22,725 1,003,824 24,570 19,240 32,290 427,143 76,500 16,650 147,756 83,609 121,988 211,750210,620 '50,355 1.917,357 68,671 48,700 33,600 398.838 116,897 30,40030.000 676,609 59,270 6,890 294,720 1 1 ,400 18,750 4.959 143.100 98.325 38,175-64,58022,25034,900 263,252 48.400 74,500 100,800 15,825 414,336 2.375 13,300 50,295 283,090 40,372 21,100 244,922 11,545 325.460 19.751 304,808 81,044 83,82183,000 170 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. MANUFACTURES IN GEORGIA BY COUNTIES IN i860.— Continued. Counties. Jones Laurens . . . . Lee Lincoln Lowndes, . . . Macon Madison . . . . Marion Mcintosh . . . Meriwether . Milton Monroe Morgan Murray Muscogee. . . Newton • Oglethorpe. . Pickens Pierce Pike Polk Pulaski Putnam . . . , Quitman . . . Randolph. . , Richmond , . Schley Screven . . . . Spalding. . . Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro . . Tattnall . . . , Taylor Terrell Thomas . . . . Towns Troup Twiggs Union Upson •Walker Walton ¦Ware ¦Warren . . . . ¦Washington Wayne White Whitfield. . . Wilkes .... Wilkinson . , Worth Aggregate . , ..o c w 14 7 6 10 24 1,415 4 10 44 I 6 19 8 19 8924 13 2 37 7 15 3 6 12 47 93 14 9 '9 44 14 2288 II 6 I 30 17 2 41 1051 3 12 8 1^12 24 18 1,800 Capital, $ 72,023 9,400 29.440 16 200 39,865 13.175 18,500 9,900 217,400 69,412 8,000 74,500 47,800 21,200 808,500 200,730 75,75027,100 10.000 52,372 9,850 60,20095,000 15,34018,880 1,057,200 13,050 34,75061,00034.25025,92590,285 17.455 35,800 103,522 29,250 35,200 5,000 182,850 31-375 5,300 316,915 11,666 78,645 21,500 52,900 48,200 49,265 12,800 85,500 41.300 37,240 950 10,890,875 Cost of Raw Material. 39,405 16,800 31,710 12,580 63750 22,899 15,870 1,765 116,200 28,822 1,500 28,08562,710 9,585 762,245212,379 147,136 17,724 3,000 107,723 16,776 63,35045,200 7,464 16,221 844,400 42,784 39,000 48,906 33-57561,81146,650 87,062 13,720 356,505 37,86026,000 10,000 222,595 19,206 2,000 220,257 6,800 143 757 25,50034231 11,22511,675 8,700 46,278 23,860 35.406 709 Employes. Male. Female 119 17 49 22 653930 II 161 119 5 53 7126 540 224 50 40 3099 444649 26 41 591 24 62 86 4445 126 2438 245 4769 2 173 ^8 174 17 146 41 79 33 16 83 62 75 8 415 73 I 2 34 250 70 9640 20 9,986,532 I 9,511 I 2,064 AnnualCost of Labor. 21,756 2,880 14,988 4,596 14,31610,044 7,152 3.420 36.'' 44 29,856 1,440 16,80017,664 4,200 222,912 58,908 13,572 10,332 9,600 30,303 14,88013-380 14,760 6,804 14,808 234,696 4512 18,756 24.960 13,224 10,596 3^'^H 7,608 4,968 42^972 9,804 19.392 480 41,316 8.520 2,040 48,552 4,236 40,068 9,060 18,336 8,040 6,780 3,252 27,264 13,22418,000 2,640 2,925,148 Annual Value of Product. J) 144000- 22,625 81,37320,700 98.06544,370-34,120- 9.251 197,475 84,775 6,000-. 63,100 109,450- 18,925 1,409,711 348,831 187,343- 33,00034.000 177,857 45,800 88,87c85 030-. 17.948^ 42,432 1.362,642 57,675 62,400- 114 671 57,150 89,188 102,225110,13a 24.525 533.433- 62,930 57,000- 11,000 344,950 34,394 10,000 330,782 13,016 229,632 40,200-82,296 28,400-30,276 14,565 126,150- 52,400 84,666- 4,100 16,925,564, Note — No returns from twenty counties. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 17^ Cotton. — 'When the manufacture of silk ceased to be profitable, or to give hope of profit, the colonists of Georgia turned their attention mainly to agriculture ; but found it necessary and economical to make at home many things that they had been getting from England. The separation from the mother country greatly stimulated these small home industries, and the people of the state, making a virtue of necessity, began the manufacture of farming implements, nails, utensils of the home and ofHce, clothing for the household, and iron from the ores of the northern hills. The census authorities say in their compilation of their last reports that all information upon cotton manufacture prior to 1840 is "meagre and not altogether trustworthy." Nevertheless it is fair to assume that the manufacture of cotton soon took th€) place occupied by silk in the old colonial days. The staple that has for a half century been the king and ruler of the destinies of the south, was brought to this country from Cyprus and Smyrna in 1621, at which time a few seeds were planted, as an experiment, in A'irginia. It was twenty years after this first planting of cotton seed in Virginia that cotton began to be used in the manufacture of textile fabrics in England. The cotton used, however, was not from the American plantations, but imported from the Levant. The experiment did not promise well, as at the time of the revolution the cotton crop of the south consisted in a few thousand pounds raised in little garden patches for home use. It was not until 1784 that cotton was exported. In that year 1,200 pounds were shipped to England. For the same year the total consumption of cotton in England was 11,250,000 pounds. In 1894, the southern states exported to Eng land 2,761,306 bales, or 1,365,130,388 pounds; the total crop of the south being 7,527,211 bales, or 3,478,422,352 pounds; and England's consumption being 4,100,000 bales, or 1,640,000,000 pounds. ¦ The south itself consumes 839,000 bales ; the United States, 2,830,000 ; and the entire world, 11,714,000. These figures show the tremendous growth of our cotton crop, and at the same time indicates the danger to which the south is exposed. We now raise within 2,000,000 or 3,000,000 bales of the world's con sumption. Adding to this crop the product of Egypt, India, China and Russian Asia, the world is raising more cotton than it consumes. This year's crop leaves- an excess of nearly 2,500,000 bales. In 1800 the south" produced 40,000,000 pounds of cotton. By 1820, the crop had grown to 160,000,000 pounds; by 1830, to 350,000,000 pounds; by 1840, to 790,000,000 pounds; by 1850, to 978,000,000 pounds, or 2,469,093 bales. In i860, the total crop was 2,154,820,800 pounds, or 5,387,052 bales. Southern planters who got fkbulous prices for cotton just after the war declared that the south would never raise another 5,000,000 crop. In 1867, the crop was only 2,230,000 bales. In 1870 it reached 3,011,996. In 1880 it got up to 5.75S.3S9, or back to the figures of i860, just twenty years after the golden era. The con sumption of cotton and its manufacture has not either in this state or in the United States, kept pace with the crop. As eariy as 1640, nineteen years after the planting of the first cotton seed in 'Virginia, and a year before England herself began to manufacture cotton, Massachusetts offered bounties for the manu facture of cotton goods. The first factory was established at Rowley, Mass., in 1743. In 1791, only 5,500,000 pounds were manufactured in the United States, At the beginning of this century, 1801, 9,000,000 pounds were consumed; in 1811,. 17,000,000 pounds; in 1821, 50,000,000 pounds; in 1831, 77,500,000 pounds; in 1841, 97,500,000 pounds; in 1850, 245,250,000 pounds; in i860, 422,704,975 pounds, or 1,094,762 bales of 400 pounds each; in 1870, 1,109,000 bales; in 1880, 2,118,000 bales.; in 1890-91, 2,958,000; and in 1894, 2,830,000 bales. The south raised in 1894, 7,577,211 bales, and consumed 718,515 bales; Georgia raised 172 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. 1,125,000 bales, and consumes 176,303 bales. The increase for consumption in the south has been 55 per cent, since 1889. In an address delivered in Baltimore, Aug. 14, 1894, Mr. R. H. Edmonds made the following statement as to the general condition of cotton manufacturing in the south: "There are about 15,000,000 cotton spindles in the United States. They represent an investment, including all classes of cotton manufactures, of over .$400,000,000. Of this number the south has in round numbers one-sixth or 2,700,000 spindles, and the capital invested is about $97,000,000. The world has about 85,000,000 spindles. If the capital invested were in the same proportion as in this country the aggregate would be over $2,300,000,000, but the capital of European mills is less in proportion to the number of spindles than in this country. The south produces nearly 60 per cent, of the entire cotton crop of the world, and if it manufactured this it would need over twenty times as many spindles as it has, or about 50,000,000, and the capital needed would exceed $1,300,000,000. The total annual value of the product of these mills would be equal to the value of three full cotton crops. In the last eighteen years the cotton crops of the south have been sold for an aggregate of nearly $6,000,000,000. Before they reach the consumer their value has increased to $18,000,000,000 or $20,000,000,000. This enormous business, creating wealth wherever established, is the prize for which the south has now commenced to contend." Growth ok Cotton Manufacture in Georgia since i860. Year. C a; 0 B 0 '^ID ui B 00 Ji g 'S, OJ > 'S 53a, 0 Capital Invested. Wages Paid. Cotton Consumed. "Value of Product. i860 33 2,041 85,186 2,813 $ 2 126,103 $ 415,332 13,907.904a $ -2,371,207 1870 34 1,887 85,602 2,846 3 433-265 611,868 10,921,176(1 3.648,973 1880 44 4.493 198,656 6,215 6,537,657 1. 141.782 33-757- '99« 6,513,490 1890 53 10,459 442,148 10,530 17.664,675 2.366 085 145.859*1 12,035,629 3893 65 11,655 534,360 12,2,-jod 25,000,000^ 2,622,440c 184.4031^ i5,ooo,ooorf i Notes to table on cotton: (a) Number of pounds given for 1860, 1870 and 1880; (b) number of biles lor 1890 and 1893; the number ot pounds for 1890 were 69,139,410, and for 1893, 78,722,079; (c) operatives estimated on the basis of one to every 43.19 spindles; (d) estimated. While the figures for 1893 cannot be given in regard to operatives, capital, wages, and value of product, yet a very close estimate is possible. For instance, the average number of spindles to the operative in Georgia is 43.19; this would give 12,370 operatives. Other estimates are based upon such averages, and the information gathered through correspondence with the mills of the state. A glance at the table will be sufficient to show that the rate of increase in the manufacture of cotton has been very marked and rapid. We should not go back to i860 for oomparison, because between i860 and 1870 there is a gulf which comparative statistics cannot cross. \Ye should begin the comparison at 1870. The figures for i860 are given for their historic interest, and to give a basis of contrast between ante-bellum prosperity and the prosperity of the present day. Taking the figures for 1870, therefore, we see that in the manufacture of cotton INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. jy-r Georgia's increase has been nearly 500 per cent, in twenty-three years. A few- more years of such growth will place her in the front rank in this industry. Everything points to an even more rapid advance. The mills, as has often been said, are coming to the cotton. New England and Great Britain cannot success fully compete against the south in the manufacture of southern cotton. England has the advantage of a century's start ahead, and so has New England. But the natural conditions at the south cannot be met by artificial conditions. The south has 20,000,000 horse-power comparatively idle; she has cheaper labor than can .be found elsewhere, and this labor is equal in industry and skill to any in the world; she has a chmate in which work can be performed with comfort and safety all the year; and she has the cotton at the doors of her mills. In middle Georgia there is a cotton mill driven by water power, situated by the side of a railroad, and within a field'of cotton. The picture of this mill tells the whole story, and is itself a clear prophecy of the future of the cotton manufacture. It is claimed, however, that while the southern mills can control the markets of the world with regard to coarse goods they cannot do so with regard to fine goods. What is true in the one case is true in the other. The skill necessary will soon be forth coming, and the day is not far distant when the southern states will manufacture their own cotton, and control the markets of the world in all varieties of cotton- manufactures. To the $300,000,000 of the cotton crop will be added at least $800,000,000 invested in cotton manufacture, and the south will become one of the richest portions of the globe. Georgia does ab'out 25 per cent, of all the cotton manufacturing of the south. She will hold this proportion for years to come, and will probably increase it within the next few years. The prospect is that cotton manufacturing in this state will grow with tremendous rapidity, and will soon have an invested capital of upward of $100,000,000. From 1880 to 1890, the increase in value of the product of the cotton mills for the whole United States was 39.51 per cent, and for Georgia 85.52 per cent. Wo'ol. — The manufacture of wool is so closely related to that of cotton that it might b^ well included in the statistics and accounts of the latter industry. While the manufacture is still of considerable importance, it has not fulfilled the rich promise it gave of rapid development and growth. Its history goes back dimly to 1810, when it was entered into the census list of industries in Georgia as "woolen goods in families." But there is nothing authentic prior to 1840. At that* time Georgia is credited vvith one woolen establishment with a capital of $2,000, and with a product value of $3,000. By 1850, there were three establish ments, with capital of $68,000, and a product value of $88,750. In i860, the industry showed a very great development. There were eleven establishments with a capital of $242,500 and a product of $464,420. In 1870, it reached its highest point of growth. The establishments numbered forty-six, the capital invested was $936,585, and the product $471,523. In 1880, there were thirty-two- establishments, capital $180,733, and product $239,390. In 1890, there were only fourteen establishments, but the capital had risen to $298,539. The product still decreased in value and was reported as $173,245. The condition in 1894 remains probably as in 1890. The growth of the business in the west has somewhat over shadowed the industry in the southern states, although a prominent operator in this state reports the outiook as encouraging, and predicts a substantial and satis factory advance. Cotton Seed Ojl. — Within recent years a new industry of very great importance to the farmers of the south has sprung into existence. A few years ago the only revenue the farmer received from his cotton was from the sale of the lint. The 174 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. seed, except what was needed for replanting and the little used for feeding stock, was almost a waste. It was not even understood and appreciated as a fertilizer. The seed is now utilized to the farthest degree, and has added alarge and growing industry to the southern states, and many thousands of dollars to the scanty revenues of the cotton planters. It is estimated that there are in every bale of cotton thirty bushels of seed. Two bushels are needed to plant an acre, and as it requires three acres to produce a bale, six bushels out of these thirty must be saved for the next crop. This leaves twenty-four bushels of seed for every bale of cotton, which constitutes the raw material of'the new industry. This year's crop of cotton was 7,427,211 bales. ]\Iultipl_ying this by twenty-four and we have 180,653,064 bushels of cotton seed. Twenty bushels of cotton seed weigh 720 pounds. There are, therefore, 5,419,591,920 pounds of cotton seed from a single crop that may be made into oil, meal and fertilizer. To the fai-mers who sell to the mills, this means at the usual price paid for seed, 15 cents a bushel, or $10 per ton — $30,000,000 a year. The average value of the cotton crop may be stated as about $300,000,000. The value of cotton seed is about one-tenth. In other words, the southern farmer has added to his income by 10 per cent, of what he was making from his cotton. The industry has a brilliant .outlook, as the oil is being more and m-ore extensively used in the manufacture of lard and the various substitutes for butter, and for mixing witli olive oil. In i860, cotton seed oil is mentioned for the first time in our national census reports. At that time there were seven establishments, with a product valued at $741,000 for the whole country. In 1870, there were twenty-six establishments, with a product worth $2,205,610. Louisiana led with six establishments. New York, Rhode Island and Ohio together had seven. All the rest were in the south ern states. Georgia had not one. In 1880, there were forty-five establishments, with a capital of $3,862,300, and a product valued at $7,690,921. With the excep tion of one establishment each in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Ohio, and two in Missouri, all were in the south. Georgia was still without a report. In 1890, there were 119 establishments, with a product valued at $19,335,947- Georgia's share is reported as seventeen establishments, and a product valued at $1,670,196. The development in this state since 1890 has iDeen marvelous. There are now twenty-five establishments, which crushed this year 200,000 tons of seed. The product of a ton is as follows: Forty gallons of oil at 40 cents, $16; 700 pounds of meal at $20 a ton, $7 ; 25 pounds of lint at 3 cents, 75 cents ; 900 pounds of hulls at $3 a ton, $1.25. Total, $25.10. This gives the following result: Eight million gallons of oil, $3,200,000; 5,000,000 pounds of lint, $150,000; 180,000,000 pounds of hulls, $270,000; 140,000,000 pounds of meal, $1,400,000. Total, $5,020,000. If this estimate, which is furnished by thoroughly informed men engaged in this industry, may be relied on, the manufacture of cotton seed oil and its attendant industries has increased 300 per cent, in four }'ears. The "crush" of the present year in Georgia was about one-third of the seed produced. Iron. — In the history of manufacturing in Georgia, the iron industries follow close upon the manufacture of cotton. As early as 1810, we find the census report mentioning blomaries, forges and naileries. It is more than probable the colonists had found it both necessary and economical to m'ake nails and farming imple ments, but there is 1110 record of the industry, which was confined, perhaps, to the plantation, each supplying itself with such tools and iron implements as were necessary. In 1810, however, it is recorded that there wasi a nailery in Chatham county, a forge in Elbert, and a "bloniar>" in Warren. A blomary is "the first forge in an iron works through which the metal passes after having been melted INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 175 from the ore, and in which it is made into blooms." As the iron ores of Georgia were all in the upper part of the state, they could not be got at until after the Indians had vacated portions of the mountainous region. It was not until 1838 that the Cherokees abandoned their claims to the territory. The iron industry, therefore, labored under many disadvantages in its early history. The Sequee blomary forge was built in 1830, three miles south of Clarkesville, Habersham Co., but was abandoned in 1835. Iii '''he same county Hodge's forge was established, probably about the same date, if not earlier. Blomary forges were built in Cass county ('now Bartow) in 1838, 1841 and 1846. In Unio.n county one was built in 1839 and one in Murray county in 18^13. Blomaries were also built in Dade and Walker about the same date. The first furnace built in the state was the one at Sequee, 1832, abandoned about five years later. Others were built in Cass and Walker counties about the same period. Rising Fawn furnace, in. Dade co.unty, has the distinction of being the first furnace in the United States- to use the White- well hot-blast stove. The first blowing in iron was on June 18, 1875. The iron industry has been re-established in this state within the last twenty-five years, and gives promise of a much greater development. The following table shows the industry since 1870. The census report for i860 does mot give figures: Number 01 Year. Establishments. Capital. Product. 1870 ¦ 7 $ 228,060 $903,068 1880 14 1,135,900 990,850 1890 5 471,757 This table, compiled from the census, would indicate a decided decrease in the iron production, but such is not the case. In 1892 Georgia produced 9,950 tons of pig iron. In 1893 she produced 39,675 tons. This advance is remarkable because only three states showed an increase in iron production in 1893 — Colorado, J\Iary- land and Georgia. The percentage of increase in Colorado was .40, in Maryland .52, and in Georgia within a fraction of 300. It may be well to caU attention here to the great increase in industries using iron and steel as material in manufacture. The manufacture of agricultural implements increased from a product of $601,935 in 1880 to $793,825 in 1890; foundry and machine-shop products from $1,299,491 in 1880 to $2,272,653 ih 1890. Marble and Granite. — ^The marble and stone industries are of recent develiDp- ment. The census report for 1870 gives a record of marble and stone work (not specified) as two establishments, with a capital of $60,000, and a product of $25,000, while "monuments and tombstones" are recorded as having seven establishments, a capital of $62,300 and a productiof $104,800. Paving material is not given at all. In i860 none of these industries is mentioned. The report of the United States census for 1880 gives the condition of the paving-.stone industry for Georgia as two establishments, with a capital of $7,500, and a product of $13,100. By 1890 it had grown to five establishments, with a product of $513,648. In 1881, less than twenty carioads of paving stone, building and monumental stone were shipped out of Georgia. For the last three years, that is, for 1891, 1892 and 1893, the average has been from 8,000 to 10,000 carioads, and a product of upward of $1,000,000 a year. In 1893 Georgia did as large a business in this one industry as the entire country did ten years before. By the census report of 1880 the entire granite product of the United States was $5,188,998. By 1890 the industry had almost trebled its product. In 1880 Georgia ranked twelfth among the states' in stone-producing industries. In 1890 she had advanced to fiftli 176 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. rank in paving material, and sixth in building stone. In the cities of Baltimore, Cincinnati, Columbus, O., Dayton, Louisville, Qiattanooga, Nashville, Memphis, Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleans, Savannah, Augusta and Atlanta there are 1,845,000 square yards of granite paving — equal to 130 miles of roadway — furnished by the quarries of Stone Mountain and Lithonia in this state. While the marble industry dates from 1840, when F. T. Simmons opened a small quarry in Longswamp valley, near Tate, no extensive product was made until some years after the war. In 1850 two mills were erected on Longswamp creek, and the output was very largely increased. But it was not until 1885 that quarrying was conducted on an extensive scale. A company was organized in 1884, with a capital of $1,500,000, for the purpose of quarrying marble. Another large company was organized in 1885. Since that date the business has grown very rapidly.- In 1886 a third large company was organized. Georgia produced $261,666 worth of marble in 1893, and now ranks next to Vermont in the amount of product. Marble is found in Fannin, Pickens and Gilmej counties, though Pickens is the only one now actively producing. The work of dressing marble constitutes an auxiliary industry which has a capital of about $200,000 and is an important and thriving business. Fertilizers. — A number of industries have sprung up within recent years or have assumed large proportions. Among them is the manufacture of fertilizers. In 1870, when this industry makes its first appearance in the census statistics, there were six establishments, with a capital of $51,500, and a product of $163,950. In 1880 there were three establishments, with a capital of $240,000, and a product of $246,500. In 1890 the business showed an increase of 2,000 per cent, for the decade. There were forty-four establishments having a product of $5,026,034. It is estimated by the manufacturers that 225,000 tons were produced in the state during the past season. The state chemist inspected about 315,000 tons, and the amount consumed by the state was about 325,000 tons. The state uses probably 100,000 more tons than is manufactured in it. Crackers and Candy. — Another industry of recent and rapid development is the manufacture of crackers and candy. Ten years ago the candy and cracker industries employed $150,000 capital, and had a product of $400,000. This year the capital employed is $400,000 and the product about $1,000,000. Patent Medicines. — The manufacture of patent medicines has become a very important industry in the state. In 1880 there were twelve establishments and a product of $138,500. By 1890 there were fourteen establishments and a product of $837,495. The product is now very greatly in excess of these figures, as may be inferred from the development of one of these manufactories. In 1880 the retail value of the product of this single preparation was only $1,843. ^^ 1889 it was $13,894; in 1890, $56,672; in 1891, $126,918; in 1892, $226,404; in 1893, $309,932, and in 1894, $367,993. Atlanta has the reputation of doing the largest business in patent medicines of any city in the south, and as much as all others south of Louisville combined. One firm in 1890 did a business of $500,000. Industries have not yet grouped themselves in certain places as they have in other states. Georgia has no Lowell or Pittsburg. -But the process has begun. Cotton manufacturing is mostly confined to Augusta and to Columbus, where water power is very cheap, convenient and exhaustless. Savannah is the largest naval-store market in the world, and Brunswick is following her development rapidly. Atianta is remarkable for diversified industries. Only Lowell and Law rence, Mass., outrank her in the proportion of population engaged in manufac turing pursuits. She had more than 840 manufacturing establishments in 1885, the variety extending to fifty-two different industries. INDUSTRIAL, RESOURCES. 177 The following table gives the conditions of manufactures in the state for 1880 and 1890, with aggregates for i860 and 1870. Lumber and naval stores are treated in another article following this. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF MANUFACTURES— 1860 TO 1890. Industries.^ Year. ¦^ In Wages Paid. Cost of Material. Value of Product. Agricultural Implements Brick and Tile Cotton Compressing Cotton Ginning Cotton Goods Fertilizers Flouring and Grist Mill Products, . . Foundry and Machine Shop Products. Furniture, Cabinet Making, etc Iron and Steel Leather Liquors, Malt Lumber, etc Planing Mill Product, etc Oil, Cotton Seed and Cake Patent Medicines, etc Paving and Paving Materials Printing and Publishing Rice, Cleaning, etc Tar and Turpentine All other Industries 1890 18801890 I880 18901880i8go 188018901880 1890 188018901880 1890 1880 18901880 18901880 1890 188018901880 1890 1880 i8go18801890 1880189018801890 18801890188018901880 189018801890 1880 Aggregates by Decades. i86018701880 i8qo II 2061 76 9 I 281 467 274 2,080 1,228 514 5 1,236 $174,811 77,585 473.872 188,883 127,147 1,000 88,903 $425,985 337,846 253,922 115,747 59,135 1,500 23,613 $793,825 601,935 1,201,542 409,025401, .303 3,200 227,782 53 44 44 3 719 1,132 52 39 52 42 5 14 32 173 5 I 434655- 8227 17 14 12 5 2 238 21 3 9 228 84 1,9401,238 1,890 3,8363,593 4,285 10,530 6,241 1,428 67 1,394 1,845 1,743 912 854205 357 1,303 255 243 193 25 5.917 3,392 2,317 682 800 131 90 422 13 1,9.30 483 85 209 9.9112,743 13,819 4,9' 5 11,575 17,871 24,875 56,383 2,366,085 1,141,782 484,589 22,877 301,342327,602 842,449343,072 378,479 45,742 112,170185,489 94,369 50,284 129.186 10,943 1,572,284 554,085 998,302 164,663 186,685 61,69532,479 176,230 3,600 1,022,561 213,052 34,776 34,957 2,012,396 506,842 5,673,865 1,361,215 4,844,508 5,266,152 17,312,196 7,832,230 4,039,673 3,098,883 203,000 4.356,700 8,619,092 753.299612,483 475,279 55,464 312,728 631,707259-585 388,696 241,783 60,567 3,263,027 3,197,15s 1,907,370 353,300 1,289,421 180,147 56,900 184,497 6,000 760,085218.306 684,396 1,309,4001,001,686 490,355 8,401,7093,446,748 9,986,532 18,583,731 24,143.93935,774,480 12,035,629 6,513,490 5,026,034 246, 500 5,190,311 9,793.898 2,272,653 1,299,4911,092,829 188,514 471,757 990,850 433,853 619,957 580,760 99,584 6,306,0954,875,310 3,548,972 737,200 1,670,196 837,495 138,500 513,648 13,100 2,706,829 579,054 914,611 1,488,769 4.242,255 1,455,739 18,448,641 6,386,832 16,925.564 31,196,115 36 440,948 68,917,020 LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. The lumber industry, if we include in it all its legitimate branches, is the most important of the manufacturing industries of the state. And yet almost nothing 1-12 178 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. is known of its extent and condition. It is very difficult to get accurate infor mation, as the census reports on this particular industry are totally untrustworthy. Recourse has been had to private sources of information, to the scattering articles on special branches of the business, and the entire work has been done from the start, or originally, as there was nothing to be had better than very general and very unsatisfactory accounts. Since i860 the value of the product of the lumber industries has been above $3,000,000 annually, and has comprised about one-seventh of the entire manufacturing business of the state. We have just begun, however, to appreciate the extent and value of the industry, and to realize that we have, in our ignorance and blind race after immediate profit, been killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. The pine forests are going, just as we are beginning to understand their tremendous value. It will require from thirty to fifty years for the pine forests to grow to their maturity; and half a cen tury is necessary to repair the injury done by the greed of a single generation. F'ortunately there yet remains a vast amount of pine timber in the state; enough to constitute a source of great natural wealth, if. properly protected. The great dangers that threaten the pines are the recklessness of the mill men, who do not seem to care how much they destroy in their efforts to increase their "cuts" and profits, and the blind desire of the small farmer to have the timber cut down in order that he may impoverish himself by planting the land in "cotton- patches." Instead, therefore, of the mature trees being cut, and the young growth allowed to remain for future milling, the whole forest is swept away. In its place spring up here and there "patches" of cotton, which are cultivated until the natural fertility of the soil is exhausted, and the patches are moved to other fresh land, and so on, and so on, leaving barren acres of land that once grew the most valuable timber of the world. It is to be hoped that proper care will be exercised by the state over this great natural resource, and that it will be preserved as a constant and boundless source of revenue. The value of Georgia yellow pine is increasing year by year. Its uses, its qualities of endurance, and its ornamental value, are becoming better understood and appreciated. It is known all over the world, and serves for luxurious street pavements in Berlin, and for ornamental woodwork in the halls of the nobility of Europe. In every country of the old world forests of valuable timber are cared for as if they were orchards, from which they expect future crops. They are not destroyed for one harvest. It is sheer folly to sweep away the forests of yellow pine in this state, and deprive ourselves of our greatest source of wealth. In i860 the census report gave to Georgia, in the lumber industries, 429 establishments, with a capital of nearly $2,000,000, and a product valued at $3,000,000. In 1870 there were, according to the same authority, 543 establish ments with a capital of about $2,000,000, and a product of $4,700,000. In 1880 there were 682 establishments, with a capital of about $3,500,000, and a product of $5,612,510. In 1885 the estabhshments had increased to about 800, the capital to something like $5,500,000, and the value of product to about $8,000,000. In 1890 the estimate of the census enumerators was that there were 516 estabhshments and a product valued at $9,855,067. No estimate has been made as to the cap ital invested. Although these figures would seem to indicate a decrease in the number of establishments, the value of the product has increased nearly lOO per cent, over 1880. The figures given by the census must, however, be taken with several grains of allowance, especially with regard to this industry. In 1890 the forestry division of the agricultural department estimated 101,760,5-50,000 feet of long and short leaf timber were standing in the forests of this state, about half of it being "long INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. lyg leaf" or "yellow" pine. The figures of the yellow pine standing in 1880 were given as 16,778,000,000 feet. A careful estimate was made in 1890, through members of the legislature from the pine section of the state, as to the condition of the yellow pine timber. It was pretty definitely determined by this method that the estimates of the census were far from the truth. A statement of the result will show both the vast wealth the state possesses in her pines and the fearful vandaHsm of speculators which is so rapidly destroying this abundant source of revenue. There are 15,000,000 acres of yellow pine timber in Georgia. It is calcu lated that here are, on an average, 3,000 feet of lumber to the acre, or 45,000,- 000,000 feet of standing yellow pine. A careful calculation shows that this timber, when marketed, is worth $37.50 to the acre; that there is a profit in cutting and marketing this timber at $12 per acre. The yellow pine timber of Georgia, as it stood in the forests in 1890, was worth $562,500,000; or more than the assessed valuation of all the property, real and personal, of the state. The profit in marketing this would be $180,000,000. This land, bearing a crop worth $37.50, or a clear profit of $12 to every acre, is assessed for taxation at from twelve to thirty cents an acre. For the purpose of a general article, and as denoting the respective value of the different kinds of timber in Georgia, the yellow pine may be considered as constituting one class, and all other varieties of our timber as embraced in another class. The value and importance of the pine timber far exceed that of all other varieties. ¦WOODS OP GEORGIA.' The other and less known and less utilized timbers are, however, very abund ant and valuable. Along the range of the mountains in northern Georgia are extensive forests of oak and hickory. These varieties of timber are found in great abundance in the counties of Rabun, Habersham, Union, Lumpkin, White, Pick ens, Towns, Murray, Fannin, Gilmer, Walker, Dade, Catoosa, Chattooga, Bartow, Cherokee, and other counties comprising what is known as northern, or upper Georgia. Large quantities of these woods are now being used in the manufacture of carriages, buggies, wagons, plow frames, tool handles, etc., and the oak is becoming more and more popular for finishing and ornamental material in interior and cabinet work. There is no wood in the forests of this country, with the possible exception of bird's-eye maple, walnut, and cherry, which are all rare and costly, that is more ornate and durable than the Georgia oak. Our oak has the tremendous advantage of being abundant. The red oak, the white oak and the mountain oak are the most famihar varieties. The oaks and hickories, while generally indicative of a clayey soil and a high country, are yet found continuously from the northern to the southern boundary of the state. In central Georgia and in the upper part of southern Georgia, where the yellow pine reigns supreme, the oaks and hickory disappear; but they are found again along the southernmost bound of the state, in Thomas, Decatur, Lowndes and Brooks counties. Along the western side of the state they extend almost unbrokenly from Lookout mountain to the Appalachicola. On the east, also, they are found from the North Carolina line to the ocean. Along the Atlantic coast, in a strip of about twenty miles in width and about one hundred miles long, are found forests of live oak. This wood is the toughest of all our varieties, and is very valuable in shipbuilding. It cannot be split, as its fibers and grain are so knit as to be as strong as iron. The live oak is a beautiful and picturesque tree. One who has seen the oaks of Bonaventure, near Savannah, can never forget their grandeur, their solemnity, and their inex- J go MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. pressible beauty. Their long, knotted and twisted branches, frequently larger and longer than the main trunk or stem, extend over the paths and avenues and the gray moss trails from them almost to the graves below. They seem draped in perpetual mourning for the dead who sleep beneath their boughs. It is under such trees, bending their branches until they rest refreshed in the damp marsh, that Henry Lee, "Lighthorse Harry," hes "buried by the upbraiding shore" on Cumberland island, at Dungeness, the seat of Gen. Greene. Along the coast, also, and in the swamps on the banks of the rivers near the sea, are extensive forests of cypress, one of the most valuable of all woods. Cypress lumber is the material of a large industry in that section of the state. The lumber is more expensive than pine, and the shingles made of it are the best and most durable. It is also excellent for use in places where it will be subjected to damp ness. Heretofore a large part of this timber was inaccessible, growing as it does in almost impenetrable swamps. But the draining of Okefenokee swamp, and the use of improved machinery for hauling the logs out of the very heart of the swamp on long cables of wire or rope have made cypress lumber more abundant in the market. Prior to 1886 cypress was almost unknown as lumber, but since that time its use has steadily increased. There is quite a good deal of cedar in what is known as the lime-sink region of southern Georgia, and in the limestone country of the northwest. In the northern and northeastern parts of the state the ash, white pine and spruce are found, but not in very large quantities. The gathering of oak bark for tanning purposes constitutes quite an industry in this part of the state Scat tered all through the state are occasional groups of poplars, growing to tremendous size and height; but the poplar is no longer abundant enough to make any show as lumber. It was once one of the most common trees of our forests, but it is fast disappearing. There are some other hardwoods in the Georgia forests and swamps that are slowly becoming recognized as timber woods. These are the persimmon, the holly and the gum. They will be utilized some day, and, as they are rapid growers, will form quite a valuable addition to the timber wealth of the state. These woods constitute one class of our lumber trees. The yellow pine, forming a class by itself, is yet more valuable than all the other woods of the state. The yellow pine is at once the glory and the benefactor of Georgia. This majestic tree, bearing its crown of fadeless green upon its lithe, straight stem, 100 feet high, like a temple column with Corinthian capital, is the most beautiful object to be seen in our forests. Its trunk offers to the avarice of man the most valuable lumber to be found on this continent, and its balsamic leaves are "for the healing of the nations." It should be put upon the seal of the state, and be made our emblem. It has given us already enormous revenue, and the pine forests still hold a greater wealth than is stored in all the farms, railways, mines, manufactories and cities of the state. HEALTH-GIVING PROPERTIES OF GEORGIA LUMBER. While we are considering lumber only, and looking at the pine tree as if its beauty and perennial freshness were destroyed and the columnar stem cut into a blank square representing so many feet of board, and so much profit, we may pause to glance at the tree as a benefactor in a higher sense. The pine forests are natural sanitariums. Under the pines health reigns and sickness disappears. The invalid, whose throat and lungs have become diseased in the cold climates of the north and west, finds relief and health in the breath of the pines. The pines neutral ize the unwholesome vapors rising from the swamps and purify the air. This -enables us to enjoy perfect health and strength in a warm and almost Italian INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. l8l climate. In the entire pine section of the state, which embraces about 25,000,000 acres, or more than one-half of the state, is found health and an invigorating climate. This, too, may be considered from a commercial point of view. The salutary and curative virtues of the pine bring thousands of people yearly to Georgia, increasing the traffic of railways, enabling hotels to pay dividends, supporting stablemen, creating a market for fruit and vegetables, and helping physicians, who would starve and die upon the natural healthf ulness of the region, to find a practice among sojourning invalids. The pines around Thomasville and in the other sections of Georgia have increased the average length of life in this country by adding years to many a life that had been despaired of in the icy north. It is to be hoped that this consideration, in its double aspect of profit and healing, will aid in the work of preserving our pine forests from total destruction. The yellow or long-leaf pine, is more abundant than any other timber tree on the continent. This constitutes its third claim to primacy among our forests and timber trees — its value as lumber and its curative properties being the other two. It will long outlast the big redwoods of the northwest, the maple, ash and poplar of Tennessee and Kentucky, the cypress 'of the southern coasts, and the white pine of the north and east. If the forests of Georgia and the south are properly cared for the time will come NVhen the only profitable lumber tree of this aountry will be the yellow pine. Attention has already been called to the statistics of lumber cut and milled in this state, and to the growth of the lumber industry. The pines of Georgia now standing occupy about 15,000,000 acres, and are to be found in paying quantity in seventy-nine of the 137 counties. The pine belt may be said to begin as high north as Chattooga, and thence it sweeps in an ever-widening curve toward the Atlantic, until it embraces the entire middle and southern part of the state. Over this ¦ extensive area the quantity of pine forest varies greatly. In Lincoln county it is estimated that there are 2,000 acres of pine timber, while in Coffee county there are about 548,000 acres. At 3,000 feet to the acre, this would give to Coffee county 1,644,000000 feet. Three other counties — ^Charlton, Clinch and Tattnall — have each more than 500,000 acres in pine. Three others — Appling, Berrien and Mont gomery — have between 400,000 and 500,000 acres each. Four — Bullock, Decatur, Laurens and .Liberty — ^liave between 300,000 and 400,-000 acres each. Fifteen — Brooks, Burke, Camden, Colquitt, Dodge, Dooly, Eihngbam, Emanuel, Lowndes, Mcintosh, Mitchell, W^are, Washington, Wilcox and Worth— -have each from 200,- 000 to 300,000 acres. Twelve — Baker, Bryan, Crawford, Early, Echols, Glynn, Irwin, Johnson, Pulaski, Screven, Taylor, and Telfair — have between 100,000 and 200,000 each. These thirty-eight counties have about 10,500,000 acres of the entire forests of the state, or, say, 31,500,000,000 feet of lumber. Along the lines of railroad and navigable streams the timber has been very much thinned, and the saw-mills, accompanied by "spur" tracks, are now pene trating to the very heart of the forest. There is a great deal of waste in the milling and marketing of the pine lumber. The thrifty New Englander would utilize all pieces of timber that are not marketable as lumber; but nearly all this is wasted at the southern mills. This will probably continue until the lumber begins to grow scarce, and closer profits must be looked for in the use of everything. But small industries that could utilize this waste timber would increase the profits and the importance of the lumber industry. YELLO"W PINE. The yellow pine has borne the name and fame of Georgia farther than has the reputation of her greatest statesmen. This is a commercial age, and fame now sits 1 82 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. in the market-place. In Paris, in Berlin, in Africa, the Georgia yellow pine has estabhshed for itself "a tocal habitation and a name." And yet its merits have alone carried it into the markets of the world. The more energetic and commer cially minded lumbermen of the north and east have pushed an inferior wood ahead of our pine into the markets of this country. But the long-leaf pine has won its way alone. Its uses are manifold. It is durable, light, easily worked and easily cut and put upon the market, and is, withal, one of the most .ornamental woods of the world. For the general purposes of house-building, and, indeed, for the most common uses of lumber, the yellow pine has no peer. No other wood combines so many good qualities, and pine will always be the standard lumber of this country. The outside markets have not been systematically, or energetically, or properly looked after. The demand for pine could be increased in England, France, and in the countries to the south of us, and while this is being done we should learn to regard our pine forests as a lasting source of revenue, and guard them from ruth less spoliation, so that they may be left as a heritage to the future citizens of the commonwealth. SHIPMENT OF STORES. Connected intimately with the lumber interests, and, indeed, a part of it, is the naval stores industry. Before the pines are cut for lumber they are generally "boxed" for turpentine. Of the 15,000,000 acres: of pine in Georgia, about one- third or, say, 5,000,000 acres, have been boxed, and there is about one turpentine still for every saw-mill. It was long thought that boxing the trees injured them for lumber, but it has been found that it improves rather than injures the quality of lumber got from the tree. Flor almost all purposes to which our pine lumber is now applied, its value is enhanced by the turpentining of the trees. It is usual to abandon turpentining the land after three years. The cost of tur pentining an acre is about $7 to $7.50 for the three years. The estimated average yield per acre is $11.42; or a profit of $4 to the acre for three years, or $1.33 a year. It will be seen, therefore, that a Georgia pine forest has a double crop. It yields, in turpentine and rosin, $3.81 a year for three years, and then has 3,000 feet of lumber to the acre. The profit on "farming," that is extracting the spirits of turpentine from the trees, is $4 an acre, and the profit on marketing the lumber is $12 an acre. These figures have been established by data furnished by mill men of long experience. This part of the lumber industry, or the preparation and handling of naval stores, has been a very important factor in the prosperity of Savannah and Brunswick. Savannah has risen to the rank of the first naval stores market of the world, and the growth of Brunswick as a naval stores market and as a port has been remarkable. The movement of naval stores at Darien, Brunswick and Savannah shows both the bulk and importance of this industry, and the rapidity of its develop ment. At Darien the year 1880 marks the commencement of the shipment of naval stores in considerable bulk. In that year the value of the shipment of stores from this port amounted to $12,000. By 1885 the value of the annual shipment had run up to $66,000, lor upwards of 500 per cent, in five years. In 1886, the shipment was valued at $85,000. The first complete cargo was shipped in 1886, which was followed by two other cargoes the same year. The export has rapidly grown since 1886, and amounted to more than $125,000 in 1894. The securing of better railroad facilities is expected to result in the doubling of the receipts and shipment of naval stores from this port during the year 1895. The growth of Brunswick has been remarkable in every way, and her rather sudden development INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 183 hasbeen very largely due to her business in naval stores. Prior to 1880, the business amounted to very little. At that time it began to increase rapidly. The following table shows the receipts of stores at this port from 1880 to 1893, both inclusive : Bbls. Spirits Year. Bbls. Rosin. Turpentine. 1880 39,495 9,261 1881 70,297 13,730 1882 119,584 25,559 1883 99,769 18,305 1884 120,858 ¦ 24,342 1885 100,974 22,510 1886 82,874 23,647 1887 145,225 30.571 1888 127,421 32,408 1889 166,210 41,204 1890 205,000 50,000 1891 168,852 47,457 1892 189,683 56,243 1893 160,755 45.269 The increase in the receipts of rosin has been, for the fourteen years, a little over 400 per cent. The increase in the receipts of spirits of turpentine has been, for the same time, nearly 430 per cent. At Savannah, while the growth has not been marked by such great percentages as at Brunswick, the business has increased steadily and rapidly. The period for which figures are obtainable opens with Savannah having a very large business. The trade was organized here much earlier, as it was the most considerable port and the first commercial city of the state. The following table gives the movement of naval stores at Savannah from 1883 to 1893, both inclusive: Bbls. Rosin. Bbls. Spirits Turpentine. Year. Received. Shipped. Received. Shipped. 1883 564,026 559.628 133.139 129,835 1884 478,834 491,998 117.291 121,028 1885 450,106 424,490 107,369 106,925 1886 582,539 566,952 147,352 146,925 1887 643,532 654,286 169,961 168,834 1888 584,428 577,990 158,208 159,931 1889 683,077 716,658 183,558 181,542 1890 758,448 770,311 196,166 196,227 1891 873,678 862,292 234,986 235,496 1892 1,032,198 1,002,659 277,617 273,566 1893 957,027 915.623 261,080 256,889 It will be seen that the growth of this industry has been remarkable at these three ports. In 1892, the receipts at Savannah being 1,032,198 barrels of rosin and 277,617 casks of spirits of turpentine, making an aggregate of 1,309,815 packages, exceeded the combined receipts of all other primary ports by 100,000 casks of spirits and 600,000 barrels of rosin, or by 700,000 packages. The outlook for both the lumber and naval stores industries is very promising, and with 184 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. proper care, will remain for generations a source of profitable trade and of revenue to the state. THE MINERALS AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF GEORGIA. The difficulties attending any attempt to write up the mineral resources of a state, w'hen no adec[uate survey has been made, cannot be conceived until one attempts the work. The state of Georgia, everywhere known as one of the most progressive of the southern states, is behind in systematic investigation of its geo logical resources. This is not due to a lack of interest on the part of the people as to the importance of such work so much as to an unfortunate series of adventitious circumstances, explanation of which need not here be attempted. Prior to 1874 some work in general geology was undertaken in a private way, including a survey of Burke and Richmond counties, by John R. Cotting, in 1836, under the patronage of the two counties. The first .systematic survey undertaken by the state was organized in 1874, with Dr. George Little as state geologist. A short report of progress, thirty-six pages, was made in 1875 by Dr. Little, and another, sixteen pages in 1876. During the same year a hand-book on Georgia was published, in which a report of the geological survey was included. In 1878 Dr. Little issued a catalogue of ores, rocks, and woods, selected from the geological survey collection, for the Paris exposition. This pamphlet contained sixteen pages. In 1879 the survey was suspended because the legislature refused to make further -appropriations for maintenance. In 1885 a book entitled "The Commonwealth lof Georgia" was published under the direction of Judge Henderson, commissioner of agriculture. One hundred and fifty-six pages of this book, with geological and mineralogical maps, were devoted to the topography, geology, etc., of Georgia, the matter having been prepared by Mr. A. R. McCutchin, assistant geologist under Dr. Little, from data collected by the survey. Nothing more was done by the state in the way of advertising its mineral resources to the world, until the legislature, which met in the faU of 1889, passed a bill renorganizing the geological survey and making an appropriation for its maintenance for five years, to date from July i, 1890. Dr. J. W. Spencer, who was appointed state geologist, submitted a report of progress in 1 891, of 128 pages, which was 'devoted to the geology of the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of southwest Georgia. This was followed in 1893 by a report by Dr. Spencer on the Paleozoic Group of Georgia, of 406 pages. In March and April of 1893 a com plete dhange in the personnel of the survey was made by the geological board. Since then the policy of making systematic surveys of the economic mineral depos its and other geological resources, wherever they may be found in the state, has been followed, by which the public will be able to get monograph reports on each subject, without having to wait for an areal survey to be made of any partic ular section. This policy is by far the most practical for giving to the pubhc com plete information as to the economic mineral resources of 'tiie state at tlie earliest possible data. In pursuance of it, a bulletin on the marbles of Georgia was issued in November, 1894, and one on its Corundum deposits came from the press a few months later. Field work is in progress by the geologist and his assistants prepar atory to issuing a series of such bulletins on the gold, phosphate, marl and bauxite deposits and the water-power and artesian-well systems of tlie state. The plan of making an economic survey of the geological resources does not preclude a final report which would include both the general and economic geology of the state. The demand for information, as to the economic mineral resources, has been very strong, and the plan adopted for the survey has seemed to meet with universal approval. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 185 In compihng this article, free use has been made of "The Commonwealth of Georgia," "Mineral Resources of the United States," "Report on the Mineral Indus tries of the United States at the Eleventh Census," "The Paleozoic Group of Geor gia," "The Mineral Springs of Georgia," by J. R. Duggan, Bulletins i and 2 of the Geological .Survey of Georgia, and such other publications as were available. GEOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF THE STATE. The ten counties lying in the northwest corner of the state, namely, Dade, Catoosa, Walker, Whitfield, Chattooga, Murray, .Gordon, Floyd, Bartow, and Polk, constitute all the territory in the state known at .present to belong to the Paleozoic Group. On the south and east of this lies what is now called the Crystal line Belt, for its true position in geological history is a matter of doubt, the earlier classification as Archaean being at present questioned, at least in part, by many of our most eminent geologists. The southern boundary of this belt is an alm-ost straight line, from Augusta through Macon to Columbus, separating it from the Tertiary and Cretaceous formations. Along the line, separating the Paleozoic from the Crystalline, is a series of metam'orphic rocks, including the marble -deposits of the state, and the roofing slates of Rockmart and other places in that region. Adjacent to the Crystalline Belt on the south, extending from Columbus to a point about fifteen miles southwest of Macon lies a triangular area, constituting all the Cretaceous exposed in the state, except two small patches, one a fork, whose east limb extends from Macon southeast for about fifteen miles, and whose west limb extends about the same distance in a northwest direction, until it ceases at the line of contact with the Crystalline Belt. This prong is about two miles wide, and its fellow about twice that width. The other patch, about three miles wide and ten miles long, with a northwest and southeast direction, lies between the first and the main area. The western boundary of the Cretaceous is the Chattahoochee river for probably forty miles south of Columbus. A very jagged line from the extreme northeast p-oint of the main area to the southern end of its west boundary consti tutes the dividing line between the large area of this formation and the Tertiary which bounds it on the south and east. The Tertiary covers the largest area in the state. It lies south of the Crystalline Belt and the Cretaceous formation, and is bounded on the west and south by the state lines, and on the east by the state line and the Quaternary formation of Georgia. This latter occupies a narrow strip along the coast of Georgia, about 100 miles long a;nd 25 miles wide. Beginning a little north of Savannah, its western boundary extends to a point not far east of Trader's Hill on the Florida line, running parallel with its sea line, which is the eastern boundary of the formation. The Paleozoic Group contains deposits of coal, iron ores, lead ore, aluminum ore (bauxite), manganese ore, ochers, graphite, barite, soapstone, roofing-slates, limestones, sandstones and clays. The Crystal line Belt, which extends from Nova Scotia through Georgia into Alabama, is the gold-bearing formation in Georgia. These rocks are also rich in .other minerals, such as corundum, mica, marble, granite and kaolins ; and copper, lead, iron and manganese ores, asbestos, graphite, n'Ovaculite, pyrite, and soaps-tone occur in profitable quantities. The Cretaceous formation produces marl, sandstone and limestone, while the Tertiary produces millstone, limonite, marl, hyalite and fire- opal, and the Qt|aternarv, marls and sands. 1 86 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. MINERALS OCCURRING IN GEORGIA- Below is given a list of the minerals and rocks, indigenous to Georgia, those of economic value being marked by an (e): Diamond (e) Graphite (ej Pyrite (e) Pyrrhotite (e) Tetradymite (e) Arsenopyrite (e) Antimony (e) BismuthPlatinum (e) Molybdenite (e) Gold (e) Silver (e) Chalcocite (e) Harrisite Covellite CantoniteChalcopyrite (e) Galena (e) Pyromorphite (e) Clausthalite Plumbagumite .Hitchcockite Cassiterite (e) Hematitea. Specular (e) b. Red Ocher (e) Limonite a.. Bog Iron Ore (e) b. Compact (e) c. Fibrous (e) d. Yellow Ocher (e) Chromite (e) Bauxite (e) Pyrolusite (e) Millerite (e) Genthite (e) Quartz a. Rock Crystal (e) b. Amethyst (e) c. Quartzite (e) d. Chert (e) e. Massive (e) f. Tripoli (e) Opala. Hyalite b. Fire-opal (e) c. Milk-opal Corundum a. Sapphire and Ruby (e) b. Corundum (e) IlmeniteRutile (e) Diaspore CalciteDolomite (e) Lanthanite Andesite Spodumene (e) Amphibolea. Actinolite b. Tremolite c. Hornblende d. Asbestos (e) e. Smaragdite Beryl (e) Garnet (e) Chrysolite (e) Zircon (e) Kyanite Zoisite Epidote Allanite Tourmaline (e) Staurolite Muscovite (e) BiotitejNIargarite Prochlorite Talc a. Foliated b. Steatite or Soapstone (e) GlauconiteKaolin (e) Halloysite (e) Pyrophyllite (e) Xenotime (e) Apatite (e) Lazulite Wavellite Barite (e) INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. ROCKS. 187 Limestone Roofing-slates (e) a. Marble (e) Hornblende (e) b. Common Limestone (e) Diorite (e) Shales (e) Chrysolite Sandstone (e) Serpentine (e) Granite (e) Phosphates (e) Gneiss (e) Marls (e) Mica-Schist (e) Infusorial Earth (e) Mica-Slates (e) ECONOMIC MINERALS IN WORKABLE QUANTITIES. Of the above minerals and rocks, the following are found in good paying quan tities: Graphite Asbestos Pyrite Garnet, Gold Muscovite Chalcopyrite Steatite Hematite KaoHn Magnetite _ Barite Compact Limonite ' Marble Yellow Ocher Limestone Chromite Sandstone Bauxite * Granite Pyrolusite Gneiss Chert Roofing-slate Massive Quartz Shales Tripoli Phosphate Infusorial Earth Marl The number of minerals whcli produce gems and precious stones are compara tively few, so far as they have been reported, as occurring in this state. The following have been found: Diamond (g) Beryl Sapphire (g) Garnet Ruby (g) Zircon Rocic Crystal (g) Kyanite Amethyst (g) Chrysolite Fire-opal (g) Tourmaline Rutile Pyrite Spodumene Only those marked (g) have been found as gems and precious stones, but, so far as known, none of these are in workable quantities. RARE MINERALS. A number of comparatively rare minerals have been reported from the state and a few which are very rare. Diamond Hyalite Tetradymite Sapphire Automolite Ruby 1 88 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Molybdenite Ilmenite Chalcocite Rutile Harrisite Diaspore Covellite Lanthanite Cantonite Andesite Pyromorphite Spodumene Clausthalite Smaragdite Plumbagumite Zircon Hitchcockite Lazulite Cassiterite Allanite Bauxite Margarite Millerite Pyrochlorite Genthite Halloysite Amethyst Pyrophyllite Fire-opal VVavellite Milk-opal Xenotime Of the above, harrisite from the Canton mine in Cherokee county, is a pseudo- morph of chalcocite (a copper sulphide) after galena, and cantonite is said by Dana to be covellite, another sulphjde of copper from the Canton mine, occurring in cubes, with a cubical cleavage. It was regarded by Dr. F. A. Genth as a pseudomorph of covellite after harrisite. The following minerals and rocks are, or have been in recent years, mined in Georgia: Asbestos Limestone Barite a. Marble ' Bauxite b. Common Chalcopyrite Limonite Chert a. Brown Iron Ore Clay b. Yellow Ocher Coal Mari Corundum Muscovite (Mica) Galena Pyrite Gold Pyrolusite Granite Roofing Slate Graphite Shale Halloysite Steatite Hematite Serpentine Kaolin ECONOMIC MINERALS. Iron Ores. — Hematite. — Hematite, when crystallized or crystalline, has a hard ness of from 5 to 6.5, and its specific gravity is from 4.5 to 5.3. When in this form its luster is metallic and its color steel-gray. It also occurs in an earthy condition, the color then being brownish-red. In composition it is iron sesquioxide, con taining, when pure, 70 per cent, of metallic iron and 30 per cent, of oxygen. Fossiliferous hematite occurs in northwest Georgia in large quantities. Here it has resulted from the alteration of limestone, by infiltration of iron oxide derived from the alteration of other minerals. It retains the structure of the original limestone, essentially a mass of broken shells, intermingled with small flattened circular and lenticular concretions. Above the drainage level the calcareous mat ter of the Hmestone has been leached out, leaving the ore soft and porous. Below this level the ore still retains most of its calcareous matter, and is compact, being INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 189 known as "hard" ore. The more compact material, which may be called a fer ruginous limestone, contains from 10 to 40 per cent, of iron, while the soft ore contains as high as 60 per cent, of iron. The fossil ore beds in Georgia are mostly confined to the Red mountain series, a part of the Silurian formation. Localities. — On Dirt .Seller mountain, about one and a half miles from Lyerly, in Chattooga county, active operations are being carried on in mining and shipping this ore to Rome, Ga., where it is smelted. The deposit is near the top of the mountain and it is carried from the mine by an incline railroad to the valley below, where it is dumped into cars, which convey it to Lyerly, and thence to Rome. On Shinbone ridge, entering the state from Alabama, the first mines occur at Menlo, where the ore bed is divided into beds of nearly equal thickness, the thickness of the whole deposit varying from two to three feet. The strata dip at 20° north, 50° west, and the ore lies near the surface of the ridge, upon its western side, though the ore-beds are found dipping at an angle of 75°, a short distance from the exposures referred to. The ore continues north ward through Shinbone ridge, and dips under the mountain to the west. At Bronco the hard ore is worked by a shaft over 200 feet deep. As this mine goes below the drainage level, the soft ore gradually gives place to the compact variety. The soft ore averages 55 per cent, in metalHc iron, while the "hard" ore ranges from 40 per cent, downward. At certain depths in this mine several beds of limestone occur, containing no iron. The ore formation gives rise to ridges about the northern end of Pigeon mountain. It is found in workable quantity on the property of Mr. Dougherty and Mr. Clarkson, at the head of McLamore's cove, where the exposed beds have a thickness of from six to eighteen inches. These beds are more or less covered with shaly soil and the full extent of the deposits is not known, as there are few natural exposures. The ore belts continue northward, along the eastern side of Lookout mountain, almost to the Tennessee line. A short distance south of the Chickamauga & Round Mountain railway the Wessboro mines are in opera tion. Here the soft ore has a thickness of two feet. The superincumbent earth is removed from the ore until the limits of profitable working are reached; but deep mining is not continued far into the hillsides. East of High CHff postoffice a separate basin of the Fossil ore bounds an antichnal valley. The ore here occurs in the red shale and has a thickness of from six to ten inches. In Look out valley, the Red mountain series, in which the Fossil ore occurs, forms a series of serrated hills, along both sides of the valley. In these rocks the ore is generally met with, and in many places the soft ore near the surface has been extracted to as great a depth as would be permitted by removing the superin cumbent earth. Only at Rising Fawn has underground mining been resorted to. On the ridges here most of the soft ore has been exhausted, but the hard ore passes down at low angles beneath Lookout mountain. The total thickness of the hard ore beds is seven feet. In one locality only, on Pudding ridge, north of Rising Fawn, is the surface ore as thick as seven feet. The principal layer is only three feet, with the remaining four feet interbedded among shaly seams. In a boring at Rising Fawn the compact ore was found to be seven feet thick at a depth of eighty feet. Throughout the whole valley there are many workings in the foot ridges beneath the table-lands. The soft ore east of New England city has a thickness of seven feet, and is largely used for the manufacture of red ocher. A limited amount of ore is found near the Alabama line, on the eastern side of Kincade, or Simm's mountain, a part of Taylor's ridge. Some iron bearing sandstones occur at Kitchen's gap, east of Holland. At High Point the ridge 190 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. has been preserved from erosion by the presence of heavy bedded standstones. At various points to the northward the ore is also seen, where it is said to be nearly three feet thick. Northeast of Summerville there is a fossil ore bed of good quality from sixteen to twenty inches thick owned by Mr. Cleghorn. This bed dips 26° S. 40° E., and is somewhat steeper than the eastern face of the mountain, from the summit of which the ore descends thinly covered with shales, which have been removed by sheets in several localities, thus exposing the ore. On the Greenbush-Lafayette road the ore is seen on the eastern side of the moun tain and in ravines, attaining a thickness of twelve inches. In Dick's ridge, to the northward, on Mr. Hamilton's land, the ore beds are found from ten to twelve inches thick. Blocks of ore are also found on Dick's ridge at Gordon Spring, near Ringgold. The ore crops out on Mr. Simm's land, on the ridge above West Armuchee creek, near Subligna. The ore horizon of Taylor's ridge has suffered from erosion, which has removed much valuable ore from Horn's, Rocky Face and John's mountains, the strata of which reach to the horizon of the fossil ore series. Analyses of Fossil Hematite. — A partial analysis of the soft iron ore from Shin- bone ridge is here given : Iron, 60.72; siHca, 8.28; phosphorus, 0.13 1. In addition to these components small quantities of alumina and lime were present. This analysis is said to be above the average in quality, both as to the percentage of iron and the small amount of phosphorus, the latter being usually higher in quantity. The following partial analyses of hard ore, taken from the Bronco mines, on Shinbone ridge, were made by Dr. Gustave Bidtel : I. — Metallic iron, 40.65 ; silica, 6.30; alumina, 7.00; lime, 21.00; phosphorus, .42. II. — Metallic iron, 41.30; silica, 6.10; lime, 18.64; phosphorus, 3.51. III. — Metallic iron, 45.33; silica, 31.67; lime, 13.62; phosphorus, 9.58. In the case of analyses II. and III., which, with analysis I., are taken from the report of Dr. J. W. Spencer on the Paleozoic group of Georgia, it is probable that the high percentage of phosphorus is due to clerical or typographical error, and that the amounts should be, respectively, 0.351 and 0.958. The following analyses were made by Dr. Gustave Bidtel, for the Dade Coal & Iron company, from hard ores mined at Rising Fawn: Iron. Insoluble Residue. Caustic Lime. Phosphorus 30.38 8.21 26.79 ¦331 28.34 10.64 25-71 .289 24-13 8.91 30.48 .269 22.46 9-56 30-79 ¦337 27.81 11.36 25-56 .270 26.28 9-35 28.39 .268 30-39 9.76 23-56 .368 27.79 8.65 26.87 -285 32.19 9.22 23.04 ¦30+ 31.10 11.67 22.44 .308 28.91 8.46 28.62 .322 29.41 9.71 2743 -•338 31.08 15.16 24.64 .274 28.87 8.07 26.88 •304 Soft ore from Rising Fawn yielded the following partial analysis: iron, 59; sihca, 9.1 1; phosphorus, .092. Metallic INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. Iqi The following complete analysis of the fossiliferous hematite from Iron ridge near Burnt Mill in Walker county, is from the first report of progress of the geological survey of Georgia, by Dr. George Little: Water and organic matter at red heat. .- 1.91 Iron 54-69 Oxygen 23.44 Insoluble matter 12.57 Alumina 7.42 Phosphorus 19 Sulphur Trace Total 100.22 ^ Specular Hematite. — In some of the foot hills of the mountains in the eastern part of Bartow county, gray, compact, crystalline hematite occurs in stratified beds. A micaceous hematite is found associated with quartz in veins of the crystalline rocks in the Cherokee ridge. LIMONITE. Large deposits of compact limonite, commonly known as brown iron ore, are found principally in a broad belt of country between Lookout mountain and the Cohutta range. It occurs in detached beds resting on the concrete rocks of nearly all geological ages. It is probably derived from the alteration of silicates containing considerable iron, which has been washed down and deposited in low places. The beds are more numerous and extensive east of the Chattoogata range. Most of them are confined to a series of cherty ridges; but some of the most extensive beds are in the Chattoogata range, in Snake creek gap, where they occur in the Silurian sandstone. The most westerly occurrence of the brown ore beds is in the ridges, which pass through Lafayette, Walker Co. It is found in this range, a few miles northeast of Lafayette ; also near Graysville in Catoosa county, and again near the South Carolina camp ground in Chattooga county. In Bartow, Floyd and Polk counties the brown iron ores are found in large deposits, and have been extensively worked. Extensive beds occur also in the Cohutta range, and in a belt of country east of this, from Fannin to Cherokee. It also occurs in some localities, much farther southeast. THE BROWN IRON ORES OP POLK COUNTY. Six belts of brown iron ore in Polk county are well established, viz., first, that in the fault basin north of Indian mountain ; second, one running from Etna to Cave Spring; third, the Cedartown belt; fourth, that southeast of Cedartown; fifth, the Fish creek belt; sixth, the Long Station belt. It is true that there are outlying deposits of brown iron ore, especially along the chert ridges; but the deposits in the belts above named are the most valuable. West of Littie Cedar creek there is a basin two miles wide and eight miles long, extending from Indian mountain up into Floyd county. In this basin there are several deposits of brown iron ore. On the property of Mr. Linton Sparks, on lots 139 and 140, seventeenth district, there are pockets of good and indifferent ore, side by side. On the ridge near by there are several exposures of thick siliceous beds, some ot 192 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. which contain brown ore, rich in iron. These exposures occur on the Stott- Folger and other properties. In addition to these, there are other ferruginous beds, the ores of which are not so rich as those of the ore banks; but they have an advantage over the latter, in that they can be more economically worked. Some of this ore is manganiferous. "Hematite," a siding station on the western system of the Southern railway, is the outlet of these deposits. On the east side of the valley a chain of ore-bearing ridges, coming in from Alabama, enters Georgia at Etna, on the property of Col. Hamilton. On the western side of the valley, except near Oredell, the hills are slaty and barren. The bottom of the valley is generally underlaid by Cambrian shales or slates; but the ridges to the east are composed of overlying decomposed Knox dolomite. Along the west side of these ridges there are subordinate ore banks. Extensive workings have exposed the ore on the state line to a depth of sixty or seventy feet, without reaching its bottom. While it is throughout a heterogenous mass,, still it contains thick beds of solid ore. This ore is less concretionary and more massive in form than is generally seen farther east in other Knox deposits,. and contains more or less included quartz. Beyond Etna, similar ore occurs at Pryor's and Oredell. In an artesian well sunk at Oredell, the ofe was found to continue to a depth of 180 feet. The ridges on the eastern side of the valley are characterized, to some extent, by accumulations of hard brown iron ore; but there are also other deposits associated with the quartzose beds of the gray lands. These deposits are generally inferior to those on detached ridges farther from the cherty beds. All these ore beds are convenient to the Southern railway. Farther north, on the eastern side of the railway, other workable beds of the ore are found, before reaching the Floyd line. Thus it is seen that the whole chain of ridges bounding the valley east of the railway constitutes a belt of rich ore ridges. The great iron deposits of the Cedartown district enter Georgia at Esom hill, near which are the Brewster and lother banks. These ore banks- re-occur at various points, as for example, on Mr. Rice's property near Berry station. The largest group of ore banks is two or three miles south and west of Cedartown, chief among which are the Reed, the Ledbetter, the Peek, the 'Wood, and other ore deposits, many of which are now included in the proper ties of the Augusta and the Central mining companies. The ore also appears at Mr. Waddell's and Mr. Frank Sheflet's, two and a half miles north of Cedar town, and on other lands. These ore banks rise from a few feet to fifty or a hundred feet above the valley. The ores are usually small, concretionary masses; but there are some blocks or bowlders of large size. Southeast of Cedartown these ore banks are not continuous throughout the belt. Two of the ore-bearing ridges rise up through overlying Chickamauga shales two miles south of Cedar town. Another iron-bearing locality occurs east of the shale basin south of Cedartown, near Young's mills, and at the Cleveland, the Pittman, the Cox and. the Ray ore banks, between Young's and the Crystalline belt, to the south. A few miles east brown ore beds of the Knox series again come to the surface, near Fish creek. At Grady there is a group of extensive ore deposits, belonging to the Cherokee Iron company and the Central Mining company. Other iron- bearing ridges extend southward, as at Hickman's and Simpson's mines (lot 1015, twenty-first district), W. O. Morris's (lots 1088 and 1133), Mrs. Morgan's and Mr. Winn's (lot 1060, twenty-first district). This belt continues northward,. with interruptions, to within a mile or two of Seney, and thence into Floyd county. Ore occurs in this belt on the lands of T. H. Peek and others adjacent, lying north of Grady; also on several lots belonging to Messrs. T. Colbert, B. F. West and others, making a continuous belt across the county. Another belt INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. ^93 lies adjacent to the Southern railway, between Rockmart and Seney, and espe cially in the vicinity of Long Station is it abundant. From these beds large quantities of ore have been shipped, the principal mines being those of the Central Mining company, the Randall and the Cochrane. The Deaton mine, situated near Taylorsville, represents the principal working of the Deaton ore series. It is on lots 64 and 81, eighteenth district. The Central Mining company has similar deposits on and adjacent to lot 1076 of the same 'district, and they also occur on lots 714, 715, 868, 869, 870 and 932, all of the eighteenth district. These accumulations represent residual beds of the series, which rest upon the Chickamauga limestones, and at the edge of the hills of the Rockmart slates;. they belong to the sub-carboniferous formation. The back part of the Deaton mine is an almost solid mass of iron ore. The favorable con ditions of occurrence, and the situation directly upon the railroad permit the loading of the ore at a less cost than any other ore in the state. BROWN IRON ORES IN PLOTD COUNTY. As in the case of the Polk county limestone, so the deposits of Floyd county belong to the Knox series. Entering Floyd county from Polk, the belt from Etna continues northeast, and, with many breaks, does it extend across the country among the Knox ridges eastward of Van's valley. This region is more broken than in Polk county, exposing more ore beds; but they are of inferior size. The ore is also frequently seen among the cherty ridges. Of the property lying between Cave Spring and Rome, on which the ore beds occur, that of Dr. Montgomery, north of Cave Spring, on lot 620, where the ore is mined, may be mentioned as a type. The Little Cedar creek belt enters Floyd county, and extensive deposits in this belt crop out on the properties of Maj. James M. Couper, of Atlanta. Continuing onward, the features of the country are rounded adjacent to Cedar creek, and there is a considerable number of ore banks. Mr. J. W. Asbury's lot, about two miles northeast of Cave Spring, has an extensive bank situated in the valley. Near by, ore occurs on the land of Mr. Wiggins (lot 948), on that of Mr. Simmons (lots 923 and 924), and on other properties. Ore also occurs near the creek, on the farms of Messrs. Roberts and J. R. Scott; but it is here associated with much chert. In the district northeast of Cave Spring, near Six-Mile Station, there is an ore-bearing ridge, on the farm of Mr. Gibson. Again, ore is found in many places near the western Knox ridges; and, in some cases, the deposits are large. On lot 692 and adjacent properties there is a large development of brown ore. Further south, on the Cave Spring road, a large outcropping of siliceous brown ore occurs, just back of New Prospect church. It also outcrops at the top of the red ridge back of this church. This ore occurs on R. S. Brammon's land (lot 14, twenty-second district); and, near J. A. Howell's bauxite beds, large deposits occur on lot 610, twenty-second district. Near Seney are several brown ore deposits, of greater or less importance, and the same is the case in the vicinity of Silver Creek postoffice. Between Spring and Silver creeks, large deposits of ore are found on the lands of Dr. Boyd, Messrs. C. Ivens, T. Cochrane, L. Mathews, S. Hoffman and J. B. Alexander. The valley of Spring creek forms another belt of ores. This is a continuation of the Long Station belt in Polk county. Several deposits occur about Chulio, and large deposits east of Rounsaville, passing into Bartow county. On the Blastock and other properties, 1-13 IQ4 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. north of the Etowah river, and in the northeastern corner of the county, adjacent to Armstrong mountain, many deposits of the ore occur, forming a continuous belt. THE BROWN IRON ORES OF BARTOW COUNTY. In the western part of this county, the brown iron ores of the Knox Dolomite series occur, mostly near the Floyd county line. North of the river, the largest developments are adjacent to, and mostly west of, the Western & Atiantic R. R. ¦ The country is broken by ridges; but these are continuations from Polk and Floyd counties. A few miscellaneous ore deposits in the central part of this county cannot be correlated with the other belts, except that they are a part of the Knox Dolomite series. The Spring Creek belt enters Bartow southwest of Rounsaville. Extensive beds are found near Ligon, and the ore is in abundance, the conditions being similar to those at Cedartown. North of the Etowah river, in Tom's creek valley, the ore occurs in an excess of chert. West of Linwood and west of Adairsville, and in the Connesenna valley, ore crops out at many places, at some of these in considerable quantity. Small quantities of the ore occur in the upper part of Cedar creek in the northeast part of the county, and near Roger's station (W. & A. R. R.). In the Petty's creek valley, about five miles north of Cartersville, brown iron ore covers some of the Knox Dolomite ridges. The brown ores are extensive in the eastern part of the county; but they belong to the semi-crystalline rocks, on the border between the Crystalline Belt and the Paleozoic Group. As an instance of the importance of this group of bi-own ores, it may be stated, that, between Oct. i, 1890, and Nov. i, 1891, one company alone shipped 30,000 tons of the ore. BROWN IRON ORES OP GORDON, MURRAY, WHITFIELD, CATOOSA, CHAT TOOGA, WALKER AND DADE COUNTIES. In Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Chattooga, Walker and Dade counties, brown iron ores of the Knox Dolomite series are found in small quantities; but, as yet, no extensive deposits have been discovered. A peculiar brown ore, which is pseudo-specular, with smooth surface and sub-metallic luster, belonging to the Deaton ore series, occurs in the ferruginous rocks extending from a point east of Varnell to the Tennessee hne, and are to be seen at the Catoosa company's property, one and a half miles from Varnell, and near Red Clay, on the land of Mr. W. K. Sheddon. In the extreme southeastern part of Walker county, sub-carboniferous brown ores occur in large quantities, upon the east side of Horn's mountain, extending into Gordon county, west of Sugar valley. These ores also occur upon the western side of Big Texas valley; and similar ore is seen at many points, where the Fort Payne chert comes to the surface, as at Fox Ridge. The following analyses of some of the brown iron ores will be of interest: CEDARTOWN AND PISH CREEK ORES. I. II. Silica 8.01 1 5.95 Alumina 13-21 17.01 Iron Sesquioxide 70.57 57-00 Lime 1.27 1.13 Magnesia ^ 0.42 0.22 Manganese 0.12 0.93 INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 195 I. II. Phosphoric acid 0.58 2.17 Water 5.01 4.88 Iron, metalHc 49-40 39-90 Manganese 0.09 0.72 Phosphorus 0.253 0.949 I. Roasted ore from the Grady Bank. II. Roasted ore from Peek's Bank. ETNA ORES. Iron Sesquioxide ,. 81.26 Manganese Sesquioxide 0.43 Alumina 1.12 Lime ^ 6.12 Silica 5.79 Water 1 1-45 Phosphorus 0.05 Sulphur o.oi 100.23 Metallic iron 56.88 DEATON MINE. III. Metallic iron 49.800 Silica 12.030 Phosphorus 0.287 Lime , Trace Alumina 9.040 In 1890, of the brown ores from the Knox series, 200,000 tons were shipped outside the state. Besides this quantity, about 60,000 tons were consumed in furnaces in the districts. Many of the deposits are too far from the railway, as yef^ to be brought into market. Yellow Ocher. — Yellow Ocher of very good quality occurs at Rockmart and at Cartersville. Ocher works have recently been established at Rockmart for the manufacture of paint from these ferruginous clays, arid at Cartersville an estab lishment has been in operation for some years. It is to be regretted that the'le deposits have not, as yet; been surveyed, and for this reason fuller data cannot be given. MAGNETITE. Magnetite is iron p;roto-sesquioxide, and has a composition of: Metallic iron, 72.4; Oxygen, 27.6, equalHng loo.o. This mineral, which is commonly called magnetic iron ore, is iron-black in color, and has a metallic luster splendent to sub-metallic. Its hardness is from 5.5 to 6.5, and the specific gravity of the crystals is from 5.168 to 5.180. It crystallizes in the Isometric system, and is usually found, when in crystals, as octahedrons. There are six varieties known to mineralogists, only one of which is common. This is what is known as magnetic iron ore, or ordinary magnetite, occurring in massive crystals, and as loose sand. When 196 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. massive, it ranges from very coarse to fine granular, and the sand is what is known as black sand, usually found in the pannings from placer gold mines. It is also found in places where rocks have decomposed, leaving the fine magnetic crystals unchanged. Magnetic iron ore is in great demand for the making' of steel, and many occurrences of it, extensively worked, are to be found in the United States. In Georgia it is found in a number of places in the Crystalline Belt, but principally in two belts extending across the state, one along the west base of the Blue Ridge, from a point where it enters the state from North Carolina, passing through Gilmer, Cherokee and Cobb counties. The other follows the Chattahoochee ridge along its entire length. This ore also occurs, ih scattered fragments, over large areas. It is so abundant in some places, where little or no prospecting has been done, as to point to the probable existence of large deposits. There is said to be a large deposit of it near the city of Atlanta. LEAD. Lead occurs in Georgia, as galena, in a number of widely separated localities, both in the Crystalline Belt of middle and northeast Georgia, and in the Paleozoic formation of northwest Georgia. Galena, the most common ore of lead, contains : Lead, 86.6; sulphur, 13.4, equalling loo.o. It belongs to the Isometric system, and usually occurs as cubo-octahedrons. It has a highly perfect cubic cleavage, and readily breaks into cubes. Its color is lead-gray, and its luster metallic. Its hardness ranges from 2.5 to 2.75, and its specific gravity is from 7.4 to 7.6. It occurs at the Magruder gold mine, in Lincoln County, Ga., associated with gold, silver and chalcopyrite, and other gold mines in that section of the state. It is also associated with gold near Cartersville, and with silver and chalcopyrite it is found at the west of the Cohutta mountains, in Murray county. It is found in considerable quantity in Wilkes county, disseminated in quartz. In small quantities it occurs in a limestone bluff on the side of the road running from Toccoa to Clarkesville, in Habersham county; also in Union, Fannin, Floyd, Bartow and Catoosa counties- At Graysville, in Catoosa county, a small vein was exposed by a cut in the Western & Atlantic R. R. Again, in this county, five or six miles northeast of Ringgold, it occurs in a sandstone ridge. In Bartow, small quantities have been found associ ated with barite. COPPER. Several species of the compounds of this metal are found in Georgia, especially in the counties of Union, Towns, Fannin, Cherokee, Paulding, Harralson, Carroll, Murray, Fulton, Lincoln and Greene. It has been found native with its compounds at the Magruder mine, in Lincoln county. The principal copper mineral occurring in Georgia is chalcopyrite, a double sulphide of iron and copper. As such it occurs in veins in Fannin county, being an extension of the celebrated Ducktown. deposits, across the state line in North Carolina. It is said that these deposits in Fannin are equally as rich as those at Ducktown, and would pay well for working. The veins can be traced for several miles. They have also been worked to some extent near the North Carolina border. A copper vein has been opened up on the top of the Blue ridge, in Lumpkin county. This vein can be traced several miles northeast and southwest, following the trend of the mountains. At the Canton mine, in Cherokee county, cantonite and harrisite are found associated with chalcopyrite, which is mined for copper. Chalcopyrite is also mined by the Paulding Copper company, at Dallas, Paulding Co.; by the Tallapoosa Mining company, in Harralson county, and it is found at other localities in Lumpkin,. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 197 Fannin, Towns, Fulton, Carroll, Murray, Greene, Lincoln, Habersham and Rabun counties. In the latter good mineral specimens have been found. SILVER. This metal has been found associated with ores of lead, copper and gold in many localities; but not in sufficient quantity for profitable mining, except as a bi-product. It is said to have been found in the form of native silver; but it is usually contained, as a sulphide, in galena. It is exceedingly rare to find galena which does not contain at least a small percentage of silver. The prin cipal localities for silver are given under the subject, "lead." Many stories of rich deposits of silver in the northern portion of the state have had free circulation; but they have usually been traced to peripatetic self-styled experts, who have come into the state as adventurers, and who have been able to get a sufficient number of people to believe their stories, and thereby create some excitement, from time to time. GOLD. Gold has been found in paying quantities in certain belts in the great Crys talline area, running northeast and southwest. Two of these are continuous across the state, coming in from North and South Carolina, and continuing into Alabama. It is probable that when field surveys have been made, and sufficient judicious prospecting has been done, other belts will be found to be continuous, though at present they are arranged by irregular patches, usually lying parallel to the large belts referred to. Investigations- are now being carried on by the geological survey of the state, which, when finished, will give the proper areas in which gold is found in paying quantities. Of the two large belts referred to, one enters the state in Rabun county, and passes through Habersham, White, Lumpkin, Dawson, Forsyth, Cherokee, Cobb, Paulding and Carroll counties. The other enters Habersham from South Carolina, and passes through Hall, Forsyth, Gwinnett, Milton, DeKalb, Fulton, Campbell, Fayette, Coweta, Meri wether and Troup counties. In the first of these is located the noted locality lying in and around Dahlonega; also the well-known mines of White county and Cherokee. In the latter is the Franklin mine, which is so well known. Another important but short belt, coming into the state on the line between Columbia and Lincoln counties, runs into McDuffee and Warren. The mines of this belt have produced over $1,000,000. The gold fields north of the Chatta hoochee river were the first discovered in tiie state, and they have been the most extensively worked. As indicated above, the other gold belts in the state have been imperfectly prospected; and in extensive areas, where gold may be expected to occur, it has not been looked for at all. Prospecting with the pick, pan and shovel ceased to a great extent at the outset of the California excitement. The mining operations now conducted are on a more extensive scale than they were when the pioneers ceased work; and, when modern improvements in machinery and methods of working are introduced into the state, much better results may be expected. There are very few places in the crystalline area of the state where gold may not be found in more or less quantity. In 1882, according to the report of the director of the United States mint for that year, Georgia produced gold as follows: Rabun county $ 10,000 White county 25,000 Lumpkin county 225,000 198 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Dawson county 15,000 Cherokee, Cobb, Paulding, Carroll, Towns, Union, Fannin and Gil mer counties 30,000 Hall county 2,500 Miscellaneous 5,ooo The reports were not all official, and in some cases the amounts were thought by the director to be overstated, and after careful reviewing the total amount was placed at $254,500, which shows an increase over that of 1881 of $120,500. In 1883 the gold product fell off to $199,000, and the next year to $137,000. In 1885 it was $136,000, and in 1886 $152,500, an increase of over $16,000 over the year before. In 1887 the gold product was $110,000, and in 1888 $-104,000, while in 1889 there was a slight increase, the product being $107,000. In 1890 the gold product was $100,000. In 1891 it was $80,000. In 1892 it was $94,734, and in 1893 it was $97,200. Many causes have been assigned as reasons why the gold miners of this state did not receive more encouragement. It is stated that a great deal of disastrous mining was caused by bad management, and a lack of good judgment as to the methods used in mining. In some cases, extravagant plants were put up at a cost, sometimes, of several hundred thousand dollars; and not enough return being made to the stockholders, work would be discontinued, as the property would not prove a paying one for such extravagant investments. If better judgment had been used at the outset, the plants would have been started in an economical way, and, as the output would justify, the amount of money invested would be increased. This plan has paid in working the marbles of the state, and marble plants, which began in a small way, have now increased in size as the output justified. In 1889, according to the statistics of the eleventh census, 173 foremen or overseers, 250 mechanics, and 228 laborers, were employed in Georgia in gold and silver mining' above ground, while in underground work, seventeen foremen or overseers, forty-one miners and ninety- three laborers were employed. The average wages paid foremen was $1.60, miners, $1.05, and laborers eighty cents. The following are the names of some of the principal gold mines in the state: The Cherokee, the Franklin and tlie McDonald mines, in Cherokee county; the Hand, the Barlow, the Pigeon Roost, the Ivy, the Singleton, the Loclchart, the Chestatee, the Boly Field and the Findlay mines, in Lumpkin county; the Loud and the Calhoun mines, in White county; the Magruder mine, in Lincoln county; the Columbia and the Walker mines, in McDuffie county; and the Glade, the Currahee and the Mammoth mines, in Hall county. OCHERS. Ill composition, the ochers are impure earthy varieties of several mineral species, being soft and pulverulent, instead of forming compact masses. Red ocher is a mixture of earthy hematite and clay in varying proportions. Yellow ocher is a similar mixture of limonite and clay. Bog manganese and iron form an umber, and bog manganese and graphfte with clay form black pigments. The red fossil hematite found in northwest Georgia is frequently free from grit, and is easily ground, yielding a very fair red ocher. In many parts of northwest Georgia yellow ocher loccurs with the limonite ores. A very fine quality occurs in workable quantities at Stegall station near Cartersville, and was mined a few years ago by the Cherokee Ocher and Barites company. This material occurs with barite on the banks of the Etowah river, near the railroad bridge. A very good deposit of light yellow ocher occurs near Sandersville, in Washington INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. Iqq county. An earthy ocherous concretion is found in south Georgia in small, round pebbles that have covered the surface of the earth. When free from grit, as it is in some localities, it may be utilized as an umber. Graphite with clay, forming a black pigment, is found in a number of localities in the state, which are men tioned under the subject of graphite. BARITE. Barite is used alone and mixed with white lead, when ground, as a paint; and, owing to its high specific gravity and white color, it is well fitted for such purpose. There are several beds near Cartersville, and one east of Spring Place in Murray county. This mineral occurs both crystallized and massive in these localities, and is associated with yellow ocher. ASBESTOS. This is a variety of hornblende, very finely fibrous ; it is used for many purposes in the arts. It was used by the ancients, and is still used, for making fireproof cloth. It is used for making all kinds of fireproof material, such as steam-packing, ropes, board, paint, linings for iron safes, etc. Of late years, a very fine silky variety of serpentine, mineralogically known as chrysolite, has been used for asbestos ; and it has, to a very large extent, supplanted the true asbestos. This material occurs in large quantities in certain localities in Canada. It is more easily fusible than the true asbestos ; but it is better for practical purposes, in that it is much more easily woven into cloth. Asbestos is found in Towns, Rabun, White, Habersham, Hall, Cherokee, Douglas, Carroll, Fulton, DeKalb, Clayton, Walton, Heard and Troup counties, in this state. A very important industry has recently sprung up in Flabersham county, where asbestos of short fiber is mined at the top of Sal mountain, ground into pulp, and all the impurities thoroughly washed and leached out of it. It is then put into a compress; and a very fine grade of fire-brick, pipes and other articles are made from it. Near Clarksville, in this county, an asbestos of even better quality is said to have been recently found very convenient to the Blue Ridge & Atlantic railroad. Lately, fine specimens of asbestos have been taken from a locality in Flail county, the fiber being much longer than that iti Habersham county. COAL. All the coal measures of Georgia are found mostly in Dade, Walker and Chattooga counties, extending over an area of 200 square miles. Five distinct beds of bituminous coal of very good quality are found near the top of Lookout mountain. At Coal City, in Dade county, this coal has been extensively worked by the Coal City Mining company. A narrow-gauge railroad was constructed to the mines, which are 800 or 900 feet above the valley. The fine coal was coked, and the balance was shipped, to be used for steam and grate. Of the two principal beds worked here, the Castle Rock vein yielded the hardest coal, best suited for the gratfe. Of the five beds known to exist in Lookout mountain, one is below the surface beds of sandstone and conglomerate, constituting the brow of the mountain. This is the greatest in areal extent; but it is of inferior quality at most- of the points where it is exposed. Above this bed, there are found beds exposed in and around Round mountain, a horse-sh.oe shaped eminence, of a few hundred feet, on the top of Lookout mountain. The beds differ much in thickness, as does each bed of the different localities of its exposure, varying from one to five 200 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. feet. For nearly twenty miles south of Round mountain, the sandstones and shales, which form this eminence, are spread out in a nearly level plain, "and probably contain beds of coal, though not exposed. In Chattooga county, some of the beds are exposed near Little river. The coal mining in Georgia is carried on by the Georgia Mining Improvement & Investment company, of which Mr. Julius L. Brown is receiver, and the Chickamauga Coal & Iron company, P. J. Murphy, receiver. In 1893, the Dade Coal company, a division of the Georgia Mining Improvement & Investment company, mined at Coal City, Dade Co., 199,682 short tons of bituminous coal, and manufactured 90,726 short tons of coke. During the same year the Chickamauga Coal & Iron company mined at Chicka mauga, Ga., 172,509 short tons of coal, the cost of mining which was 64 cents per ton. Lignite is an inferior coal of brown color, constituting the transition stage between the original wood and bituminous coal. It has been found in small quantities, near the probable limits of the tertiary formations in Georgia. PYRITE. This mineral, which is an iron sulphide, has a composition of iron, 46.7; sulphur, 53.3. It is extensively employed in the manufacturing of sulphuric acid and copperas. It is found in large quantities in this state. A large number of veins were opened before the war in different parts of the state by people who were searching for copper. Most of the shafts sunk for this purpose exposed pyrite, with only a small percentage of copper, derived from chalcopyrite associated with the pyrite. Considerable dejjosits are found in Fannin, Cherokee, Paulding, Harral son, Carroll, Fulton and Lumpkin counties. It has been worked near Dallas, in Paulding county, and the ore was shipped to Atlanta, for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. It is said that the vein of this mine averages five or six feet, increasing in size and in the quality of the ore, with the increase of depth. It yields from 40 to 42 per cent, of sulphur and 5 per cent, of copper, with some silver and a little gold. A very fine deposit of pyrite in Lumpkin county is now being worked, with the view of bringing the ore to Atlanta for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. A deposit of pyrite in Fulton county, near Atlanta, has been worked ; but it is not there in sufficient quantities to be remunerative. MANGANESE. This material occurs in northwest Georgia, usually as the minerals pyrolusite and psilomelane, more or less mixed. Some of the most beautiful specimens of the former have been taken from these deposits. Pyrolusite is a maganese dioxide. It is blue-black in color, steel-gray when crystallized, and has a metallic luster. It belongs to the orthorhombic system, and has a hardness of from 2 to 2.5, and specific gravity of from 4.73 to 4.86. It occurs, sometimes, in needles ; but usually in Georgia, when crystallized, the crystals are small prisms with rounded pyramidal terminations. The theoretical composition of pyrolusite is manganese, 63.3; oxygen, 36.7. Psilomelane is a heavy mineral, with hardness ranging from 5 to 6, and specific gravity, from 3.7 to 4.10. It is black or steel-blue in color, and usually occurs in botrj'oidal, stalactitic or irregular shaped masses, the cavities of which are often lined with the crystals of pyrolusite. In composition, it is a hydrous manganese manganite, in which part of the manganese is often replaced by barium or potassium. According to Laspeyres, its composition is H 4 Mn O5. The barite INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 20I contained in it varies from a trace to 17 per cent, and the potash goes as high as 4 per cent. When free from clayey matter, the ore contains from 45 to 60 per cent. of the metal. Braunite is a mineral, whose hardness varies from 6 to 6.5, and its specific gravity from 4.75 to 4.82. It crystallizes in the tetragonal system, and occurs both massive and crystalline. Its color is black and brownish-black, and its luster is sub- metallic. In composition, it is a siliceous oxide of manganese, containing sihca, lo.o; manganese protoxide, 11.7; manganese sesquioxide, 78.3. Manganite has a hardness of 4, and its specific gravity ranges from 4.2 to 4.9. It crystallizes in orthorhombic prisms. It also occurs crystalline massive. Its color is black, and its luster is metallic. When pure it contains oxygen, 27.3; manganese, 62.4; water, 10.3. Wad or bog manganese is a light, earthy brown or black mineral, containing considerable impurities. In manganese, it varies from 15 to 45 per cent. While the two first named minerals, named here, occur most abundantly, yet mixtures of all these, with braunite and manganite, are often found in Georgia. The principal ore is psilomelane. These manganese ores occur in masses, from the smallest particles to a ton in weight, besides the larger pockets in beds. With all the manganese ores, more or less silica is included, even in the concretionary and stalactitic, and in the prepared ore more or less clay adheres to the grains and lumps. Besides this ore, there are in Georgia many mixtures of manganese and iron ores, which are of value. A valuable deposit of manganese ores occurs south of Cave Spring, where it was mined, until recently, by Maj. James M. Couper, of Atlanta. Some of the better quality of the ore yielded the following analysis, made by Mr. J. Blodgett Britton : Metallic manganese 53-440 Ferric oxide 2.830 Baryta 8.620 Water i-56o Silica 7-790 Alumina I-520 Lime 0.080 Phosphoric acid (Phosphorus .064) 0.147 Oxygen with manganese, undetermined, etc 24.013 100,000 In this case potash was not determined. Other samples contained a larger amount of water. For commercial purposes, the analysis of carload lots is of more value than those of picked samples. On Dec. i, 1889, a carload of 30,200 pounds, from Maj. Couper's mine, yielded the following results: Manganese 46.749 Iron I-746 SiHca 13050 Phosphorus 0.059 On Mr. Asbury's property, northeast of Cave Spring, surface ore sent to Car negie & Co. gave the following results: Manganese 45-189 Iron 7.840 Silica 7.620 Phosphorus 0.053 202 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Ore from the Barnsley estate gave the following partial analysis to the Pitts burg Testing company : Manganese 43-730 Iron i.oio Sihca 3.530 Phosphorus '. . 0.129 The presence of phosphorus has an important bearing on the value of ore, as its greatest use is in steel manufacture. Good ore should not contain over 0.2 per cent of phosphorus. However, the manganese ores of Georgia are usually as low in this objectionable element as those of Virginia, which yields the largest supply. A large number of shipments of ore from Georgia show only 0.05 to 0.167 per cent. of phosphorus, and the ores are consequently low in this element. Manganese ores occur in the Crystalline Belt, near Mount Airy, in the semi- crystaUine rocks east of Cartersville, and in the Knox dolomite series of the Paleozoic group. The Cartersville ores have been extensively worked for many years, their product in 1887 being 9,024 tons, and in 1888 5,568 tons. There are three principal districts of manganese in the Knox dolomites of northwest Georgia. These are on ridges extending from south of Cave Spring northward to near the Etowah river; a belt near the border of Bartow and Floyd counties; north of the Etowah river in the region of Woodlands, and the Tunnel hill district, on the border of Whitfield and Catoosa counties. These districts are of broad extent and include the distribution of the belts occupied by parallel ridges. Cave Spring District.-^In this district manganese ores, occur with the iron in many localities, but the most important deposits are on a belt commencing in Polk county and extending eight or ten miles northeastward, with occasional scattered deposits, to a point near the Etowah river. The largest deposits which have been worked are those of the Georgia Manganese and Mining company, commencing in Polk county, about two miles south of Cave Spring, and extending two and a half miles northeastward. The principal works are on a hill 195 feet above the valley of Cedar creek. The summit is covered with red or brown clay, varying from two to four feet in thickness, and containing manganese gravel. The ore of the surface clay is mostly in small grains and nodules, although masses of a ton in weight have been met with. Through thcclay there is also much coarse manganese powder, which is not of value at the present time. Beneath the clay covering is brecciated cherty clay, the remains of the decomposed manganiferous cherty limestones. Through this clay some layers appear to be entirely free from manganese. But other seams contain lenticular masses or pockets of manganese ores, and the general position is probably that of the original beds of dolomite, dipping at about 20 degrees southeastward. A shaft has been sunk to a depth of fifty feet, penetrating large masses of ore. Stringers of manganese ores extend irregularly through the ore-bearing lands. As far as the shaft has been sunk there is no appearance of the original solid rock. Near by, on the side of the hills, the partially solid strata appear with the beds, dipping in some cases as low as 10 degrees nearly eastward. Layers of manganese ore are seen especially in the clays of the decomposed limestone, above and below some of these beds. Much of the ore is concentrated by the removal of calcareous matter, although part of the manganese has also been lost Some of the manganese concretions in the clay may haye been segregated from the mineral dissolved out of the original rock, and thus a portion of the "shot-ore" pellets and gravel nodules may be accounted for, especially in the surface clays. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 203 Northeast of the Georgia Manganese and Mining company's (Maj. J. M. Couper, president) property the surface ore is shown on the lands of Mr. Asbury, on lot 922, on the lands of Mr. Simmons and others. On Mr. Asbury's the lower part of the hill is cherty, and the manganese accumulations are scattered over the red or chocolate-colored clay. Again, to the northeastward, manganese occurs on ridges of red land belonging to Mr. W. I. Taylor, on lot 840, third district, and on other adjacent banks. On a ridge to the eastward of the last deposit are the Rice or Hatchett manganese beds (lot 822, third district), near Prospect church. The localities given are only a few of the known deposits in the district. There are many places where explorations have been made, by sinking pits, and more or less ore has been taken out. The ores in this belt are not confined to one series of ridges, but they occur on several parallel hills, and extend on the county line between Polk and Floyd, from Maj. Couper's mine to near the Chattanooga, Rome & Columbus railway, the belt of country having a breadth of several miles. The geological conditions for the occurrence of the manganese ores continue from the northern part of Polk county to the Etowah river, although they narrow somewhat in breadth as they pass northward. Laterally the belt extends from Van's valley to near Spring creek. Manganese and manganiferous iron ores also occur in the narrow Knox basin, west of Cave Spring, on the property of Mr. Simmons and others. These deposits are about two miles west of Hematite station, on the Southern railway. Woodlands, or Barnsley District. — Manganese is also found in deep red or chocolate-colored loam on the low ridges adjacent to the valley of Tom's creek. The occurrence is similar to that near Cave Spring. One pit, twenty feet deep, was opened, and fifty tons of ore were taken out of it. In part, the deposit resembles breccia, with manganese oxides for the cement. In this locality there is a large number of unworked deposits exposed to the surface. Tunnelhill District. — From a point west of Tunnelhill, a narrow belt, mostly a chain of ridges, extends northeastward into Tennessee. The ore in the surface pits in these ridges is mostly in a residual clay, which is of variable depth. Upon this belt, about three miles from Tunnelhill, some extensive openings have been made by the Catoosa Mining company. One shaft is said to go down into the re sidual cherty clays to a depth of 210 feet. Manganese often closely resembling that in the deposits east of Cartersville, is seen on the surface about this mine. Man ganese ore has been seen, to a limited extent, upon the Knox dolomite ridges, southwest of Tunnelhill, and at other points, but the quantities are not large. The first serious attempt at working these manganese deposits was inaugu rated by Maj. James M. Couper, at the mines near Cave Spring. An improved plant was constructed at this place, with two Cornish rolls, double log- washer, screen, five giggers, etc. The water for washing was brought from Cedar creek, a mile away. It is only by means of the improved methods of washing that the separating of the siliceous matter from the ore can be satisfactorily accomplished. At Tunnelhill a still more extensive plant has been constructed. The deposit in Bartow county is probably the finest in the United States, outside of those of Arkansas. MAGNESIA. Large quantities of dolomite, in the form of crystalline marbles, and hard niagnesian limestones occur in northwest Georgia. Dolomite, which is a double carbonate of magnesia and lime, is used for the manufacture of magnesia and its salts. These are very extensively used in pharmaceutical preparations, and these 204 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. deposits may, in course of time, become a source of revenue. The mineral, magnesite, a carbonate of magnesia, has not yet been found in Georgia. PHOSPHATES. Besides the mineral, apatite, a calcium phosphate, large deposits ol the calcium phosphate are found, which are of fossil origin. They are largely used in the manufacture of fertilizers, and the large deposits of apatite in Canada and in Norway are used for the same purpose. The phosphates, which are of organic origin, are found in nodules and fossil bones in southern and southeastern Georgia. Some of these deposits have become very compact, and form a crypto- crystalline rock. Considerable work was done at Boston, near Thomasville, in southwest Georgia, a few years ago, but on account of the scarcity of .material, and the inferior quality of the phosphate, which contained considerable sand and clay, work was discontinued at this place. Some of the marls contain a small amount of calcium phosphate, and when these are used a good fertilizer should result. The mineral, apatite, has been found as.sociated with corundum and plilog- opile, at the Laurel creek corundum mine, in Rabun county, Ga. Six months' work was done during the first part of the years 1894 and 1895, by the geological survey of the state, in the southern part of Georgia, in making a survey of the phosphate and marl deposits. Material has been obtained for the first of a series of bulletins on this subject, and it is probable that it will be issued during the fall of 1895. GYPSUM. This mineral, when ground, is used under the name of land plaster. It is also calcined and becomes the plaster-of-paris of commerce. The finer varieties, such as alabaster, are used for statuary and for other ornamental purposes. The majority of the statues and other ornaments made of white and mottled stone, brought to this country from southern Europe, and sold as marble, are made of this material. In composition it is a hydrous calcium sulphate. It is found in the tertiary deposits of Georgia to a limited extent, also in Wilson's cave, in Walker county, as incrustations on some of the limestone, and in efflorescent crystals on the floor of the cave. It is not known to occur in the state in workable quantities. GRAPHITE. This mineral is carbon. The finer varieties of it are manufactured into pencils. The inferior grades are used for imparting luster to iron; and with this in view, much of it is made into stove polish. Tihe grades of graphite which are free from grit are used as a lubricant for machinery, and the more common grades are used for the manufacture of crucibles used in the liberal arts. In Elbert county there is a mine of very fair quality which has been worked to some extent. This is the largest deposit .of this mineral yet opened iw the state. Grapliite is said to be found in the same belt in Madison and Clarke counties. It occurs also in small pockets at the base of the itacolumite along the county line between Pickens and Gilmer. An impure variety is found in Hall, Douglas, Cobb, Paulding and Troup counties, as well as in many other localities in north Georgia. This variety will serve for stove polish, or when thoroughly waslhed it will make a fair lubricant MICA. Large masses of crystals of muscovite occur in the gneissoid rocks in the northern part of the state, along with quartz and feldspar. This mineral is .the mica which is used in stoves and for a variety of other economic purposes, even INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES, 205 the scraps and refuse having a market value. It is found in Rabun, Union, Fannin, Gilmer, Pickens, Cherokee, Paulding, Carroll, Jasper and Morgan coun ties, and lately it is said that a large deposit has been found in Hall county, which will produce very large sheets. The mineral has been mined to some extent in many of the counties mentioned, but no work of production is at present being done. CORUNDUM. This mineral, which plays so important a part in the manufacturing enterprises of present civilization, has been found in a greater number of localities and in greater abundance in Georgia than in any state in the Union, except North Caro lina. So far as is at present known no gems of this species have been found here except two or three quite small in size and of inferior quality. The massive variety occurs in large masses in the widely-known Laurel creek corundum mine in Rabun county. Other mines and unworked deposits occur in this county and in Towns, Union, Lumpkin, Habersham, Hall, Forsyth, Cherokee, Cobb, Paulding, Doug las, Carroll, Heard, Troup, Walton and Upson counties, many of which could be mined at a fair profit. The industry in this state is yet in its infancy. TALC. This mineral is a magnesium silicate, .having three varieties. The first is foliated talc, which is little used in commerce ; the second is steatite or soapstone, and is of massive compact form; the third is pseudomorphous. Steatite or soap- stone plays an important part in the arts as a material for lining furnaces and for making hearths, fire-places, stationary wash-tubs, etc. As a lubricator it is used for reducing friction in machinery and by shop-keepers in the form of a powder for fitting gloves and shoes. It is cut into little square thin blocks and is known as "French chalk," used by tailors. When finely ground and perfumed it consti tutes many of the cosmetic powders now on the market. ' A very coarse variety called pot-stone was many years -ago used by the Indians for making pots and other rude vessels for their domestic uses. A beautiful light green talc has been mined in Murray county, near Spring Place. White talc is said to occur in the marble belt running from Fannin to Cherokee county. SANDSTONE AND SAND. Sandstone is sand which has been compacted ; geologically they are the same. Loose sand is used for making up mortar and for other building purposes; also for making molds for foundries. Quartz sand is used for the making of glass, etc. Large quantities of excellent quartz sand are found in various parts of the state. Sandstones are found in great varieties in northwestern Georgia, but very little, so far as is known at present, is of commercial value. Within a few miles of Graysville, in Catoosa county, is found a deposit of brown sandstone, owned by the Southern Brownstone company. The Chattoo gata mountains contain sandstones of various shades and colors, many of which are white, gray and even brown and red. Some of these exist in massive compact bodies, while others have a jointed structure, which makes them easily quarried The thickness of the entire series of sandstone is about 800 feet. Building stone of this character may be had also on Lookout and Sand mountains and in the 2o6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Cohutta range. Large deposits of itacolumite, a thin bedded sandstone, often flexible, occur in the Chattahoochee ridge and in Pine mountain. FLAGSTONES. Many of the stratified beds in middle and north Georgia contain thin layers, well suited for sidewalks and street crossings. The banded gneiss, found so abundantiy along the southern slope of the Chattahoochee ridge and south of it, has been much used on the streets of Atlanta and is well-suited as a flagstone. In Dade, Walker and Chattooga counties excellent flagstones occur about the base of the coal measures. The rock is a compact sandstone of great strength, with a smooth cleavage corresponding to the bedding. The only uses yet made of this stone is as hearths for fire-places. Slabs can be obtained from the quarries in any desired size or thickness. The bed is found covered by debris from overlying rocks, but it is well exposed in the Lookout gulf, near Trenton, in Dade and -at Eagle cliff and Pigeon mountain in Walker county. Hard sandstones that cleave readily into thin slabs are found in the Cohutta range, in the eastern parts of Murray, Gordon and Bartow counties. SLATES. The important requisites for a good roofing slate are durability and the capacity for splitting readily and evenly into thin plates. The fine-grained varie ties are used for writing slates and softer kind for pencils. Cleavable slates are found in great quantities along or near the line of contact between the Silurian and Metamorphic groups, near the Cohutta, Sihcoa, Pine Log and Dug Down mountains. The most noted locality in which roofing slates are found in the state is on the eastern side of Polk county. The slates outcrop in steep hills, apparently in beds of great thickness and have been extensively worked at Rockmart. These slates are of a dark color, approaching closely to black, and are very fine-grained, cleaving readily into thin plates. Dark colored slates are also found in Bartow, Murray, Gordon and Fannin counties. Slates of buff and light green shades are found in large quantities near the northern portion of Bartow county. MARBLE. The marble belt enters Georgia from North Carolina, in Fannin county, and runs in a southwesterly direction through Gilmer, Pickens and Cherokee counties. The quarrying and working of marble constitutes one of the most important in dustries in economic geology in the state of Georgia. The first quarrying was done on a small scale in Longswamp valley, near Tate, Pickens Co., in 1840, by Fitz. T. Simmons. Previous to this time, however, the marble was worked in a small way for bowls and other utensils by the Cherokee Indians, the original inhabitants of this section of the country. About two years after Simmons began work he erected a mill with one gang of saws on the east branch of Longswamp creek, near Marble hill. This mill is said to have been rather primitive, but the same methods of cutting the marble are now employed in our best mills. In 1850 Tate, Adkinson & Company opened a quarry in the vicinity of what is now the Georgia marble works, and erected two mills on the creek, one above and the other below the quarry. In 1854, Summy & Flurlick, who ten years before had opened a quarry two miles east of Jasper, again renewed work at that place. Immediately after the INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 207 war this quarry was worked by Robinson, Richardson & Besinger for nearly two years, but it was afterward abandoned until 1885, when the property was opened up by the Perseverance Marble company, with James P. Harrison as president. This company erected a steam mill and opened up new quarries, using steam drills and all the machinery necessary to carry on a first-class quarry. These works, which employed a number of -hands, continued operations for only about three years, turning out a great deal of marble, which was used for various purposes. At the end of tliis period the greater part of the machinery was moved to what is now the !]?iedm.ont marble works, where railroad facilities were immediately at hand. The Georgia Marble company, which works the Creole, the Etowah and the Cherokee quarries near Tate and the Kennesaw quarry at the foot of Marble hill, was organized in the spring of 1884, with a capital of $1,500,000. Previous to this time Georgia, w'hich is now recognized as the second state in the Union in the production of marble, was practically unknown to the trade, but the energy and businesslike methods of this and other companies soon organized, with the good quality of the marbles produced, soon brought the state into the front ranks as a marble producer. The first work of the Georgia company, after securing the con trol of nearly 7,000 acres of marble property, was to construct and equip a branch railroad from the quarries to the main line of the Marietta & North Georgia rail road. This road was extended up to the Kennesaw marble quarry, and is the outlet for the produce of the Piedmont and Southern Marble companies. The Southern marble quarries were opened in 1885 by Miles & Home, contrac tors for the state capitol of Georgia, in which they used some of the best of the stone for the stair steps and the principal part of the tiling. Since the first quarry was opened three new quarries have been opened, and a good mill has been erected. Only one of these quarries is at present being worked. The Piedmont Marble company opened up its quarry a short distance from the Kennesaw quarry; but in the latter part of 1893 they opened up a new quarry, close by the first. Both these quarries produce an excellent grade of white marble, with much of it almost free from blemish. The value of the output in 1893 is estimated to have been $261,666. During the first six months of that year the marble industry in Georgia was said by leading producers to be in the most flourishing condition it has ever enjoyed. In the latter part of the year, however, the demand was light and business dull, owing to the terrible- financial depression existing all over the country. About the first of 1894 the Piedmont Marble company secured a large contract for marble for the building of the new St Luke's hospital in New York city, the contract amounting to about $240,000. In addition to the true marbles occurring in the counties above named, there are semi-crystalline limestones in Murray, Whitfield and Floyd counties, which take a high polish and afford a very good ornamental stone. Large enough pieces for practical use have not yet been found; and these deposits have not produced any marble of economic consequence. The marble belt, running from Fannin to Cherokee, is about sixty miles wide, and lies on the border hne between the well known Paleozoic group and the broad belt of crystalline rocks. Constant streams are everywhere abundant; the larger ones are rapid, and furnish fine water-power. The Marietta & North Georgia railroad runs parallel with the marble belt, throughout its entire length ; and at no point is the outcropping at a greater distance than three miles from this road. The marbles enter Fannin county from North Carolina in two almo.st parallel lines of outcroppings, about two miles apart. The eastern line makes its first appearance on the Iiead-watets of Hamestring creek, a small stream flowing to 2o8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. the northeast and emptying into the Notteley river. The marble here is com posed of small crystalline grains of dark or light gray color. One mile southwest of this exposure, on the same creek, marble is found on the Polk-Patterson property. It underlies for nearly a quarter of a mile the western base of High Top mountain, and is one of the most extensive surface exposures in Fannin county. The indications are that this deposit must be at least eighty feet thick. It is evidently a continuation of the outcropping mentioned above. A limited amount of work has been carried on here to ascertain the extent and .character of the stone and to secure specimens for exhibition. A large slab of this stone was sent to the Piedmont exposition at Atlanta in 1887 and attracted a good deal of attention. In color it is light or dark gray, more or less banded with black; but marble of a flesh color tinged with green, and quite similar to the Etowah marble, also occurs. The crystalline grains are small, of a uniform size, firmly cemented, and afford a high polish. Small crystals of chalcopyrite, and here and there a few scales of mica are found; but neither is in sufficient quantity to seriously injure the marble for architectural purposes. As far as examined, the deposit is comparatively free from seams and cutters; but its general sound ness can only be determined by further prospecting. On J. M. Garrison's property, one and a half miles southwest of the Patterson property, marble is found near Cutcane creek, a small stream flowing parallel with Hamestring creek, but in an opposite direction. The marble lies here in a narrow valley, about five feet beneath the alluvial soil. Only one excavation has been made, at which the marble can be examined. The color and general appear ance of the stone are quite similar to the marbles above described, being, how ever, of a somewhat coarser texture. This property has not been prospected sufficiently to reveal anything definite as to the extent or soundness of the stone. In the immediate vicinity of Cutcane postofflce, on the property of D. L. Gray, marble occurs in the creek bottoms, overlaid by four or five feet of alluvial soil. This marble has been used to a limited extent for making lime for local con sumption, but no regular quarrying has been attempted. Two miles farther down Cutcane creek, on the property of Mrs. Dean, marble outcrops in the creek bottom. This has been used for making lime. In places the marble is quite cleavable, owing to parallel layers of -mica; but the exposures are not sufficiently extensive to be able to tell whether this mineral extends throughout the deposit. Near the junction of Cutcane and Hemptown creeks, on what is- known as the Park property, considerable prospecting work has been done for marble. A quarry was opened here, and many cubic yards of stone were removed, the work being finally abandoned, before any of the marble was marketed. The texture of this stone is well suited for ornamental purposes; but on account of its unsound condition it is a question whether or not it can be quarried with profit. The prevailing colors are white and light gray, with an occasional band of black. Mica and tremoHte are the principal accessory minerals, forming long masses of crystals, which are quite conspicuous on the weathered surface. One mile east of Mineral Bluff marble is found in a somewhat hilly section, close to the road leading to Morganton. Two excavations, only a few yards apart, each about twenty feet square and ten feet deep, have been cut into the marble by channeling-machines, and large blocks have been taken out. The marble from one of these openings has a very fine texture and snow-white color, but mica occurs in some of the layers in such abundance as to cause them to split quite easily along certain lines. In the other opening the marble seems to be of pure quality, though of a dark color, but even this contains mica and tremolite. The white varieties of stone here resemble in texture and color some INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 209 of the Italian marbles, and, were it not for the impurities, it would command a high price as an ornamental stone. However, tiie extraneous minerals in marbles are frequently quite local, and sometimes disappear in a few feet, when a stratum is being penetrated. The soundness, also, may vary at different depths. On Weaver creek, about one mile east of Blue Ridge, marble occurs on the Cox property, outcropping at two or three places along the creek. The deposit covers quite an area in the creek bottom, lying only a few feet beneath the alluvium. The texture and color of the stone is similar to that found near Mineral Bluff, having the same impurities, with an addition of some crystals of chalco pyrite. In the neighborhood of Sweet Gum postoffice, the western line of out- .croppings enters Fannin county from North Carolina, occurring first near the state line, in a narrow valley along Rapier Mill creek, on lot seven, eighth district, first section. Just across the state line, near Culberson, N. C, a quarry is in operation, and a great amount of valuable stone has been shipped to eastern and western cities, where it always commands a high price, because of its superior quality. The marble at both these places is similar in texture and color, the crystalline grains being small and firmly united, forming a dense, compact marble, which admits of a brilliant polish. Ordinarily the color is dark gray, but black and light gray with black bands occur. Mica and other impur ities are less abundant here than at other places, described above in Fannin county. At Arps' Spring, one mile southwest of Sweet Gurti postoffice, on lot 42, eighth district, first section, marble again appears in the Rapier Mill creek valley, occurring in a depression about the spring, underlying an area of about' half an acre. Drill-holes put down here a short time ago to the depth of thirty feet do not pass through the stratum. The core was generally sound and free from impurities. The stone differs but little in texture and color from that of lot No. 7. A similar marble is said to have been recently found on Youngstone creek, near Cole's crossing. On the Dickey property, at Toccoa river, a large pit about thirty feet square and fifteen feet deep has been sunk near the railroad bridge, exposing the marble. It here appears to be in large bowlders, though on the opposite side of the river the marble is said to underlie a considerable area about the mouth of Youngstone creek. No attempt has been made to develop this. Specimens from this deposit contain numerous cutters and seams, being generally unsound. Further development, however, might bring to light a better quality of the stone. On the poorhouse farm, one mile southwest of Blue Ridge, near the Marietta & North Georgia railroad, marble occurs along a small stream, showing at two exposures a dark gray marble of coarse texture with less mica than is usually found in the marbles of Fannin county. GILMER COUNTY. Gilmer county, while containing extensive beds of marble, has not produced any either for building or ornamental purposes that would be of consequence from an economic standpoint The stone has been used to a limited extent for making lime, but no quarries of. any kind are at present in operation. Pros pecting has been carried on to a limited extent, and a few- pits and drill-holes have been sunk, but not to an extent sufficient to give very definite information as to the deposits. On Rock creek, near Cherry Log postoffice, on the property of J. L. Lacey, it is found in the bed of the creek and in the adjacent bottoms, covering an area of less than an acre. One or two pits have been sunk, but no attempt, by -J-14 2 JO ¦ MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. boring or otherwise has been made, to ascertain the thickness or general sound ness of the stone. Specimens from this deposit are usually of a light or dark gray color, and are of fine texture. Weathered surfaces show but littie mica or other impurities. The water-power of Rock creek and the closeness of the rail road would be special advantages in the development of this property. Near White Path marble is found on the property of P. B. Whitaker, out cropping along White Path creek below the railroad trestle and on both sides of the railroad, underlying an area probably of three acres. The cores taken from two or three' drill-holes ten to thirty feet in depth are said to have been generally sound throughout their entire length, though the stone taken from the creek was somewhat laminated, on account of the considerable amount of mica it contained. In color and texture the character of the stone is similar to that found on the Lacey property, though some of the layers on the east side are quite black, and likely to be taken for slate. On the Hoh property adjoining there are several out crops of marble about the junction of Big and Little Turniptown creeks, and it is said to underlie a number of acres in the immediate vicinity. The property is practically undeveloped. The general appearance of the stone is similar to the hghter varieties found on the Whitaker property, though a pale-blue variety also occurs. The texture is fine, and the grains are difficult to distingtiish with the unaided eye. The outcroppings at some places show somewhat laminated struc tures, while at other places the stone seems to be apparentiy free from impurities. The appearances indicate an extensive deposit at this place, and much valuable stone is likely to be found. Big Turniptown creek is a stream of considerable size, and would furnish fine water-power for operating quarries on this property. Near the headwaters of Tolona creek, five miles south of Ellijay, on John Ray's property, a series of outcroppings extend along the creek for about six miles, with only one or two interruptions. The stone is fine-grained, and light-gray or white in color; but no work has been done in testing the extent or the quality of the stone. On lot 260, tenth district, second section, a few hundred yards south of the last exposure, a somewhat extensive outcropping occurs near the creek, as a twelve-foot bluff. A small quarry for lime making was opened here some years ago ; but has since been abandoned. Much of this marble seems to be quite solid and free from mica, weathering evenly on the exposed surfaces. Its color and texture are similar to the texture and color of the stone found on the Ray property. On lots 142 and 143, eleventh district, second section, one and a half miles south of Tolona postoffice, marble forms a line of cliffs as far south as Price's creek, being mostly light colored and fine grained, though a dark or mottled variety, closely granular, occurs, both varieties containing more or less mica, especially the fine-grained variety. Quartz in the form of veins and nodules appears on the weathered surfaces, though the marble which has been exposed in the cliffs for a long period ordinarily shows even weathering. An eighty-foot drill-hole was put down into this marble near the railroad trestle on lot 142, two or three years ago, without passing through the marble. This propertv has not been sufficiently developed to reveal its character as to soundness or freedom from impurities. Marble bluff, the property of Henry Gartrell, joins lot 142, and lies along the cast side of Tolona valley, just below the mouth of Price's creek. An eighty-foot bluff, almost perpendicular, is exposed along the Marietta & North Georgia railroad. This is one of the most extensive natural exposures of marble in the state; but, so far, it is practically undeveloped. The thickness at this place is about 175 feet. The stone varies greatly in texture and color, pink, white and dark- gray prevailing. The white, however, is most abundant. The gray is rather coarse INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 211 in texture, but the grains are so firmly cemented as to form a very solid marble. The white and pink have a very fine texture, and when free from mica they admit of a fine polish. A small quantity of chalcopyrite and quartz occur as inclusions, but they are not present in sufficient quantities to be injurious. About a year and a half ago, a company began quarrying, but the work was afterward temporarily suspended. No previous work of development had been done on this property, except the digging of one or two pits in the creek bottoms to ascertain the extent of the stone. This property is more favorably located for the production and shipping of marble than any other in Gilmer county, having all the advantages of railroad facilities, suitable grounds for the location of mills and marble yards and a mountain stream of considerable volume to furnish the necessary water-power. This stream for the first two miles above where it enters Tolona valley, has a fall of nearly loo feet, and the narrow valley becomes so contracted that retaining dams could be constructed with little expense. PICKENS COUNTY. While there are possibilities in the marble deposits of Fannin, Gilmer and Cherokee counties, yet the real value of the Pickens county deposits has been proven by their successful working. Large plants have been established, and large quan tities of marble of good quality have been shipped to market. These marbles, which are in the same belt as those of the counties above mentioned, enter Pickens from Gilmer on lot 140, fifth district, second section, adjoining the Gartrell property. The bluffs here are almost as high and precipitous as those on the lot adjoining; the only apparent difference in the character of the stone being the absence of the flesh-colored layers. A few hundred yards farther down the creek, on lot 139, a considerable quantity of marble has been quarried for lime- making. The capacity of the mill, which is located on the east side of the railroad on a siding, is about 1,000 barrels per month. A drill-hole has been put down thirty feet in the marble on the opposite side of the railroad from the lime-kiln, and the core is said to have been quite solid, throughout its entire length. On the Godfrey property, near the mouth of Fisher's creek, is an extensive exposure of marble which seems to be the southern terminus of the deposit in Tolona valley. Between this property and the lime-kiln the marble continues throughout lot 138, forming high bluffs. A small quarry, long since abandoned, was opened on the Godfrey property more than forty years ago in order to secure marble for tombstones. These stones, which are to be found throughout the country in various graveyards, are little affected by atmospheric agencies after so long an exposure. The color of the marble is usually light or dark-gray, and its texture varies from coarse to fine-grained. The coarser, which predominates, is sounder than the fine-grained, and contains scarcely any mica. . About half a mile south of this exposure, running parallel with it, is another line of marble out- - croppings, belonging to an entirely different stratum. It is an impure, dark- colored stone with a somewhat slaty cleavage, forming a bluff thirty or forty feet in height near Fisher's creek. The same stratum seems to outcrop opposite Tolona school-house, ancl is found near the state line in Fannin county; but only in the vicinity of Ball Ground and Canton, in Cherokee county, is it likely to be of any economic value. On the headwaters of Fisher's creek, four miles northeast of Talking Rock station, several hundred dollars were spent a few years ago in prospecting for • marble, on the Eager property; but no quarry was opened. The prospecting- consisted mainly in stripping the earth from the marble, with the view of determining the extent and character of the deposit. The crystalline grains 2J2 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. making up the stone are somewhat irregular, though usually small. The coarse and fine-grained varieties, however, generally lie in different strata, the -light colors on top. Two miles east of Jasper, on Longswamp creek, is the property of the Perseverance Marble company. This is an almost continuous series of bluffs forty or fifty feet in height and nearly a mile in length. Four quarries have been opened, one of which was extensively worked a few years ago and produced much marble. For lack of suitable railroad facilities the greater part of the machinery of these quarries was moved to the Piedmont works. The stone of these quarries is of a snow-white color, and has a fine texture. However, seams are of frequent occurrence, making it difficult to quarry large blocks. Some of this stone weathers uniformly, and some, containing more mica, has rough and irregular weathered surfaces. The texture is fine and close, admitting of a brilliant polish, and making it valuable for ornamental purposes. Two diamond-drill holes, one 1 1 1 feet and the other 130 feet deep, respectivel}-, failed to pass through the stratum of marble, the cores showing the character of the stone to be similar to that exposed in the outcroppings. The thickness of the deposit is about 200 feet. Longswamp creek, which divides on this property, has a good fall, and could be easily utilized in furnishing water-power for an extensive quarrying plant, at a comparatively small outlay of money. The marble continues south from these quarries, along the east bank of the creek for about two miles, to a point near Tate's mill. Some prospecting has been done at two places along the bluff where the stone very closely resembles in color and texture that which is found farther up the creek. Marble occurs on both sides of the east branch of Longswamp creek, on the Disheroom property, one mile east of Marble Flill postoffice. The outcropping on the south side of the brancli runs west until it reaches the junction of the two branches of the creek, where it turns abruptly to the south, following the east side of the main stream for nearly two and a half miles, finally disappearing in the overlying gneiss. It is along the east and west line of this series of out croppings that the Southern marble quarries, the Kennesaw quarries and the Piedmont quarries lie, in the north side and at the base of Marble hill. There are only two natural exposures of marble on the Disheroom property, and these are so limited as to admit of only a very imperfect idea of the general character of the stone. However, the indications do not seem to be very good. On the lot owned by William Pool, adjoining this property, the marble seems to be much more ex tensive. The stone, which has been shghtly prospected, is very similar to that found at the Southern marble quarries. These quarries are located on the north side of Marble hill, four miles east of Tate, with which it is connected by a branch road from the main line of the Marietta & North Georgia railroad. Four large quarries have been opened here, each of which has been extensively worked. Quarry No. i, lying farthest to the east is situated on the hillside and is connected with the mill by an incline railway, about 100 yards long. An excavation, eighty feet square and thirty feet deep, in the upper part of the stratum has been made, and a great deal of stone has been taken out at this point. The stone taken from this quarry is very solid, rarely showing any seams or lines of stratification, and, as a consequence, blocks of almost any size can be secured. The natural out croppings show a remarkably uniform mode of weathering. The crystalline grains making up the stone are usually large and semi-transparent, giving the surface of the marble a somewhat mottied appearance, rather than a uniform white. In places a numljer of accessory minerals are found, the most common being mica, which seriously interferes \A-ith polishing. The marble attains at this place a INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 213 thickness of nearly 200 feet, dipping to the south at an angle of about 20 degrees. Quarries Nos. 2 and 3 are a short distance farther down the creek, on the same hillside, but nearer the valley, each about the same size as quarry No. i, and producing a similar marble, though not of such uniform white color. Quarry No. 4, which is the only one worked at present, is still farther down the creek, and well up on the hillside, in the upper portion of the stratum. The marble here appears to have less mica and other impurities than that from the other quarries,- but it retains about the same texture and color as that from quarry No. i. The mill, located in the valley near quarry No. i, is connected with the quarries by an inchne railway, so graded that the cars, when loaded, run by reason of their own weight, directly to the mill. The company has an excehent plant, with a capacity for turning out a large amount of marble at a comparatively small expense. The Kennesaw quarries, owned by the Georgia Marble company, are located three-quarters of a mile west of the Southern company's plant, at the base of the hill. Two excavations, near each other, have been made on this property, one 72x90 feet at the top, gradually increasing in size by channeling, to a depth of eighty feet. The other one, recently opened, is 110x90 feet at the surface. The stone is snow-white, with an occasional blotch of black or dark gray, resembling very closely the marble from the Southern quarries in texture, being generally sound and free from impurities. There is a large annual output of stone for monuments, furniture, interior decorations, etc, from these quarries. The Piedmont quarries are only about 200 feet west of the Kennesaw quarries, on the same portion of the stratum, the amount of marble found here being practically inexhaustible, its thickness, while difficult to determine with any degree of accuracy, being at least 200 feet. The color and texture of the stone are practically the same as the Kennesaw marble. Seams frequently occur in the stone, however, and cause considerable waste. Otherwise it is comparatively free from defects. One of the best equipped marble mills in the south is owned by the Piedmont Marble company, and is located at these quarries. The company is now turning out a large quantity of marble, under a $240,000 contract for the building of St. Luke's hospital, in New York city. This is probably the largest single contract which has been secured by any of the marble companies in Georgia'. The Herndon property, owned by James P. Harrison and others, is located in the valley south of Marble hill, opposite the Piedmont quarries. There are two or three places of natural exposure, but the deposit lies under alluvial soil, at a distance varying from two to six feet from the surface, and more than an acre in extent. At one point a quarry has been opened and large blocks have been taken out, of very superior quality, being white, almost free from blemish, and of texture much the same as the marble of the Southern Marble company's quarry No. i, except that the accessory minerals, especially mica, are not so abundant. The dip here is near 12 degrees southeast, indicating only a slight change from the original perpendicular position of the marble. For this reason, the stone will probably be found to be generally sound. Nearly half a mile below this opening, toward the northeast, where the valley becomes contracted, marble outcrops at several points on the south side of Marble hill. A few narrow bands of flesh-colored marble have been observed here, but otherwise it is similar to that found at the quarry just described. A branch road was begun in 1893, to connect this property with the Piedmont quarries. When finished, the company proposes to begin work on an extensive scale. The Griffin property, at present controlled by the Georgia Marble company, lies immediately west of the Piedmont quarries, on the same line of outcroppings. 214 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. A number of exposures occur on this property, extending along the east side of the creek, and on the hillside for about two and a half miles. The lower part of the stratum, near the creek, is, at places, of a flesh-color, while that on the hillside is white, with blotches of dark gray. At a number of places along this line of out croppings a limited amount of prospecting has been done, but no regular quarrying has been attempted. Two miles northwest of the Piedmont works, and on the opposite side of a high ridge, marble occurs on S. A. Darnell's property. This is an entirely different line of outcroppings from the one above described, though the structure of the marble and the character of the associated rock both show that it belongs to the same stratum. For nearly two miles these two lines of exposures run almost parallel with each other, but they seem finally to unite in the lower end of Tate's bottom. The marble found on the property above mentioned, near the juncture of the two branches of Longswamp creek, is of a somewhat finer texture than that found at the other exposures in the vicinity, yet in color and structure it is quite similar. Very little prospecting has been done here, though across the creek, on the adjoining lot, owned by Dr. Tate, a number of drill holes have been put down to a depth of eighty or ninety feet, the cores showing the marble, it is said, to be generally sound, with a texture and color much like the Creole from the Georgia works. Some prospecting has been done, by boring and sinking pits, on a third line of outcropping, a few hundred yards west of the Darnell property, separated from it by a narrow ridge. This marble does not seem to form so thick a stratum as the other exposures farther west, but the general appearance nf the stone remains the same The quarries of the Georgia Marble company are located in the valley of Longswamp creek, one and a half miles east of Tate station, on a fold in the stratum of marble, whose upper portion has been removed by erosion. The Creole and Cherokee quarries are located on the east side of this fold, while the Etowah is on the west side. Of the Creole quarries, there are two within a few feet of each other, designated. respectivelv, as Creole No. i and Creole No. 2, the former, which was the first opened, being 80x85 feet at the surface, and gradually increasing by channeling to a depth of 130 feet, where it is 110x115 feet; and the latter 80x90 feet at tlic surface and ninety feet deep. The marble from these quarries is a beautiful white, mottled with blue and black, and is quite free from impurities and seams. The texture is quite coarse, and the bluish-gray clouding and banding gives variety to the white, and affords striking contrast This stone, on account of the pleasing mottled effect and the brilliant polish it takes, is extensively used throughout the country for monuments and interior decoration. The Cherokee quarry, 80x90 feet at the surface and forty feet deep, is near the Creole quarries. The marble here, however, is of a more uniform color than the Creole. C)therwise it is quite similar. A few hundred yards east of the Cherokee quarry and near the creek, are the Etowah quarries, one of which has been extensively worked while the other has only recently been opened. In structure and texture the stone is much like the Creole, but it contains more impurities, finely distributed iron oxide in it giving it a pink or flesh color, while graphite, hornblende and a black mica produce a mCre or less banded appearance, with dark or light shades of gray. This marble is in great demand for interior decoration, and the company finds it difficult to meet the demand. Wainscoting, tiling, furniture and other ornamental subjects are worked up from this beautiful material. Fine examples of this marble are to be seen in the wainscoting of the first floor of the state capitol. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 215 A branch railroad, owned and operated by the Georgia j\Iarble co.mpany, con nects its quarries with the main line of the Marietta & North Georgia railroad. The company's plant, including its mills, is well supplied with the latest improved machinery, all of which is kept in an excellent state of repair by a well-equipped machine shop. The mills are among the largest, as well as the most completely furnished in the country, from 1 50 to 200 hands being regularly employed at the works. At Nelson, the first station south of Tate, .marble outcrops neai' a spring located 200 yards south of the depot. A few outcroppings whose weathered surfaces re semble in general appearance the light-colored and fine-grained marbles in Long swamp valley, constitute the exposure -of this property, on which some prospecting has been done. The quantity and quality .of the stone, however, -have mot been sufficiently promising to justify the opening of a quarry. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Cherokee county, while long known to contain m-ore or less marble, has never as yet become an active producer. The marbles in this county constitute the southern end of the belt entering the state in Fannin county, but the exposures are not so extensive nor so continuous as in the other counties. Here the dark and rather impure marble first noticed in Pickens and Gilmer counties is quite well developed, forming at places beds of considerable thickness. A limited amount of prospecting has been done at a number of localities- in the county, though no regular quarries have been opened. The so-called green marble wiiich has been worked near Holly Spring as an ornamental stone, is serpentine. Beautiful slabs of this have been gotten out. The stratum of dark-colored marbles makes its first appearance in Cherokee county, at the bridge on the road leading to Dawson- ville, four miles northeast of Ball Ground, forming a series of outcroppings about ten miles long and extending in a southwestem direction b}' way of Ball Ground to within a short distance of Canton, where it seems to gradually thin out. It is exposed on both sides of the road west of the creek and has been used in con structing the piers of the bridge mentioned above. Some of the layers are very impure, forming micaceous sandstones, cemented with calcium carbonate and weather into a porous, sandy mass. Other layers have few impurities, are of a light-gray color and weather more evenly. This stone is hardly suited to building and ornamental purposes on account lof the too great lamination and its many im purities. The dark-colored marble again makes its appearance on J. Holbert's property, southwest of the bridge, on the right bank of Longswamp creek, being ex posed at a number of places along the creek and in the field near Mr. Holbert's house. The stratum attains a thickness here of at least 100 feet No prospecting of any consec[uence has been done on this property, and the quantity and quality of the stone can only be surmised from its natural exposures. In these the stone varies considerably both in structure and co-mposition, in some -places being more or less slaty in structure on account of the quantity of mica contained, while at other points it is solid and comparatively free from mica and other impurities. While the color is usually dark-gray, yet a light-gray -and black are also found. The latter seems well suited for tiling, but on account of impurities it does not weather evenly. A coarse-grained, white marble has been recently discovered on lot 296, fourth district, isecond section, on the opposite side -of the creek from the Holbert property, 2l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. being exposed at only one place in a small stream near the point where it empties into the creek. The stone here resembles the marble in the vicinity of the Georgia marble quarries, and it is probable that it belongs to the same stratum. Nothing is known of the extent of the deposit, as little .prospecting has been done on the property. Along the road between the Holbert property -and Ball Ground, the dark-colored marble is exposed in a number of places, showing up especially well at Farmer's Spring, the gener;U character of the stone being about the same as that at other exposures. An exposure of marble occurs on Mrs. .Stern's property, near the road leading to Canton, three-quarters of a mile south of Ball Ground, and at a number of places along a small branch, being usually unevenly weathered, due to mica and other impurities, more or less abundant in the stone. It is dark- gray or black in color and is fine-grained and compact, admitting of a fair polish. It, however, has a more laminated structure. Other outcroppings belonging to the same stratum may be seen at a number of places along the road leading to Canton. Six miles northeast of Canton, near Mabel station, is quite an extensive deposit of marble, o-utcropping in two small streams on property owned by G. W. Grain. The marble is exposed for more than loo yards by one of these streams, running at almost right angles to the strike of the marble. The total thickness of the deposit at this point must be at least 120 feet In color it is dark-gray or black, the colors sometimes alternajting with eacli other, giving a banded appear ance to the marble. Mica -and magnetite vnth an occasional crystal of .pyrite, the general impurities of the stone, frequently become so abundant along certain lines as to cause a slate-like cleavage and irregular weathered surfaces. The portions of stone which are more solid admit of a fair polish and seem well suited for tiling, etc. About tw-o -miles west of Canton, -on the Chattahoochee Mining company's property, is another exposure on this line of outcropping, where the stone is used for making lirne. The deposit is here very greatly reduced in thickness and has no economic importance as a building-stone. Two miles west of Ball Ground, on Sharp Mountain creek, is a second line of marble outcroppings, which appears to be a part of the same stratum which has just been described. This extends in a southwesterly direction, parallel with the first line of outcropping, as far south as Hickory Log creek, where it has been prospected on the property of P. W. Stafford, the marble found being much like that found in the vicinity of Ball Ground, but of a much whiter color. On L. E. Cowart's property, three -miles southeast of Ball Ground, an ex posure occurs along a small branch, near Sharp Mountain creek, which in texture and color resembles very closely that o-ccurring in Longswasmp valley. It -prob ably belongs to the same stratum. It is rather coarsely graaiular and white or light-gray in color, banded with black, a flesh color much like the Etowah also occurring, but not appearing to be very abundant The outcropping is so limited that definite informatijon as to extent and general soundness of the deposit cannot be had. Surface indications, however, are favorable and would seem to justify a limited outiay -of m-oney in prospecting. Marble outcrops on the lot owned by T. J. Carpenter, on Ragsdale creek, six miles northwest of Canton. The stone is quite similar to the Cowart marble and evidently belo-iigs to the same stratum. The deposit is not thick and is usually unsound. About eight miles northwest of Canton quite an extensive outcropping of marble occurs on property owned by J. M. White, at the junction of Lost Town and Shoal creeks, exposed for fully a quarter -of a mile along the left bank of Lost Town creek, in places forming bluffs some ten or twelve feet high. The marble occurring here is generally sound, thoug^h it contains fine sand. It is of a ligiit- INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 217 gray .or pale-blue color. Judging from the exposure and the top of the depjsit the stratum must be nearly eighty feet thick'. THE SEMI-CRYSTALLINE MARBLES OB' NORTHWEST GEORGIA. In a number of counties within the Paleozoic area- in northwest Georgia limestones occur which are partly crystalline in character. They are found heavy bedded, and admit of a good polish. At a few places, in the counties of Murray, Whitfield and Floyd, this stone may become of importance for ornamental purposes. MURRAY COUNTY. At the base of Cedar ridge, five miles west of Spring Place, in this county, a great deal of work has been done in opening a quarry in the so-called black marble, but no marketable stone of any consequence has been shipped. The stone is a jet black carbonaceous limestone, belonging to the Oostanaula shales, and occurring in beds from six inches to two feet in thickness. There is little of it of crystalline structure, but the stone admits of a fair polish. Exposed to the atmosphere for any length of time it undergoes a change of color, due, evidently, to some change in the carbonaceous material. This, together with its- occurrence in thin beds, is a serious drawback to its ever becoming important as an ornamental stone. WHITFIELD COUNTY, In the northwestern corner of this county is a narrow belt of dark chocolate and grayish marbles, highly fossiliferous, entering the county from Tennessee, about one mile east of Red Clay, and extending nearly parallel with the Southern railway for about ten miles. A good exposure of it occurs one mile east of Varneh's station, on the Esli-nger farm. This marble belongs to the stratum which traverses the valley of east Tennessee, and which is so extensively worked in the vicinity of Knoxville. The quality of the stone is quite variable, and in color it is generally of a dark chocolate, variegated with white. There also occurs, in more or less abundance, a light gray and a beautiful pink. These various colors are frequently found at the same place, occupying different layers- in the same stratum, or they blend into each other, so that almost any shade or color, from a dark chocolate to a light gray, may be secured. The light gray, which is always the most completely crystallized, is generally traversed by dark irregular lines, which give variety to an otherwise monotonous light gray sur face. The exposures are mostly in the form of bowlders, or large disconnected masses, which appear to be due to the surface weathering of thick layers of marble, with a somewhat jointed structure. Since this peculiar mode of weather ing has been caused by surface waters, carrying carbon dioxide in solution^ we rriay reasonably suppose that the bowlders and disconnected masses unite and form continuous beds at no great depth. These beds, making up the stratum of marble, as shown by the outcroppings, are from two to eight feet in thickness. It is difficult to determine the exact thickness of the marble deposit at any point along the belt, on account of the overburden of earth and the limited outcrops. However, one would be safe in putting the minimum thickness at from thirty to forty feet. On the Haskin farm, one mile southeast of Red Clay, it probably attains more than twice this thickness, but it is not ah salable stone. The chemical and physical properties, together with the smooth surface of the stone, after being exposed for years in its natural bed, are conclusive proofs- 2l8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. that the marble is well suited for building and ornamental purposes. The dark chocolate variety contains less calcium carbonate than the other, and its coloring matter is due to iron sesquioxide, in a rather coarsely divided condition. This variety contains numerous fossils, and is only partly crystalline. Owing to its beautiful color and brilliancy when polished, it is well adapted for furniture and interior decoration. The marble was worked many years ago, to a limited extent, on the Eslinger farm for tombstones, some of which are stih to be seen in the church yards of the vicinity, in a fair state of preservation. At other places along the line of outcropping where the marble becomes thin bedded and easily quarried, it has been used locally for making chimneys, foundations for buildings, etc. The marble belt of this county is quite favorably located for the shipment of stone, as branch lines can be easily constructed from the main line of the Southern railway, along the numerous small streams which cut their way through the ridges, separating the marble belt from the railroad. Some of these streams will afford considerable water-power, which can be used in operating quarry machinery. FLOYD COUNTY. Near Six-Mile station, south of Rome, a considerable amount of money was invested a few years ago in an attempt to develop the black semi-crystalline limestone which belongs to the same formation as that at the base of Cedar ridge in Murray county. The stone found here, however, seems to have been much shattered and broken up by some great dynamic force, and to again have been united by white veins of calcite, which penetrated the stone in every direction, which give it a pleasing effect when polished. A branch road, nearly two miles in length, was graded from this quarry to the main line of the Southern railway, and quarrying machinery was purchased and put in operation; but the works were finally abandoned, before any stone was shipped, the principal trouble being due to its unsound condition and its variable physical structure. MARBLE DRESSING WORKS. Ill addition to the mills at the several cjuarries described, three companies are doing an extensive business in dressing marble for the market. They operate no quarries, but depend for material nearly altogether on the products of the Georgia quarries. One of these is the Kennesaw Marble company, which was organized in the latter part of 1891 with a capital of $72,000. Its plant was - erected at the junction of the Western & Atlantic and Marietta & North Georgia railroads, just outside the city of Marietta. Another is the Blue Ridge Marble company, which was orga,nized in 1886, with a capital of $100,000, and whose plant is located at Nelson, Pickens Co., on the Marietta & North Georgia railroad; while the third is the firm of George B, Sickles & Company, located within a few hundred yards of the Georgia Marble company's works near Tate. This- firm was organized in 1886, with a capital of $10,000, but since then its plant has been greatiy enlarged, in order to supply a rapidly increasing trade. All three of these companies are supplied with excellent mills, fitted up with all the best and latest improved machinery for dressing marble. They turn out all kinds of interior decorative work, such as tiles, wainscoting, pillars, etc., and columns, monuments, and otiier outside objects. Physical Tests. — The microscope has been recentiy used in studying the struc ture of the marbles of Georgia, with interesting results, showing the most minute impurities, which might give rise to uneven weathering or to rapid disintegration, INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 2ig and the crystalline structure, whether it be pheno-crystalline or crypto-crystaUine. In the recent investigation of the marbles of the state by the geological survey of Georgia, microscopic sections were made, some of which showed the grains of calcite to be very small and compact, besides showing whatever mica or magnetite or other impurities were in the stone. Other specimens showed the individual grains to be moderately fine-grained, with inclusions of mica, carbon, etc.; while some others showed the crystalline grains to be of considerable size. It isinteresting to note that the pink marble from the Etowah quarries entirely lost its color, so finely distributed was the iron sesquioxide which gave it color. Crushing Tests. — In the crushing tests one-inch tubes were used, or as near that size as were to be had. All the cubes showed very high resisting power, especially so in the cases of the Creole and Etowah marbles, from the Georgia company's quarries. A cube of the Kennesaw marble showed a compressive strength of 11,400 pounds per square inch; a cube of the Creole marbles, a compressive strength of 13,900 pounds per square inch; a cube of the Etowah marble, 13,200 pounds per square inch; and a cube of the Southern marble, 11,300 pounds per square inch. The cubes which burst formed a double cone, whose bases were the original comprfessed faces of the cube, thus showing the specimens to be sound, and that the weight was distributed equally over -the entire surface. Absorption Tests. — The absorption tests were made by diying the cubes for twenty-four hours, and afterward immersing them iu water for seventy-two hours. The approximate percentages of absorption are: Kennesaw 008 Creole 004 Etowah 005 Southern, No. i 006 Southern, No. 2 008 CLAYS. Materials suitable for brick are to be found in almost all parts of the state, and need not here be amplified. A fine pottery clay occurs in large beds in the counties immediately south of the great belt of crystalline rocks. This clay is worked at Stevens' pottery, in Baldwin county, for fire-brick and tile, sewer pipes, flower pots, jugs, and other earthenware, it being white, quite soft and free from grit and other impurities. It was said by the proprietors of the Stevens' pottery that their clay- bed covered many acres of land, varying in thickness from four to ten feet. They also have one bed of pure fire-clay and two of pipe-clay, one of latter having the consistency of putty, while the other is not so tenacious. A belt of clays runs from Augusta, southwest through Richmond, Columbia, McDuffie, Warren, Glas cock, Hancock, Baldwin, Wilkinson, Jones, Twiggs and Bibb counties; while another, still larger, beginning south of this in W^ashington county, and running in the same direction parallel with the first, passes through Wilkinson, Twiggs, Houston, Dooley, Macon, Schley, Sumter, '\\'^ebster, Terrell, Randolph, Quitman and Clay. A third belt, smaller than either of these, begins in Polk county, and, passing through Tatnall and Appling, ends in Coffee county. By far the largest proportion of clays are mixtures of the several mineral species; but deposits of halloysite, kaolin, newtonite, etc., are occasionally found, especially kaolin, which is at times found in large beds. Kaolin is generally associated with large mica crystals, and masses of quartz in decomposed granitoid rocks, the kaolin resulting 220 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. from the decomposition of feldspar. This mineral occurs in a number of localities in the central and northern parts of the state, at times snow-white and free from impurities. Halloysite, another clay species, has been .found in the Devonian formations of Dade, Chattooga and Whitfield counties. This clay has been tested for pottery purposes with excellent results, and has been shipped from Dade county and used in the manufacture of alum, for which it seems especially adapted. An analysis of halloysite from Dade county, gave the following: Silica ., 40.4 Alumina 37-8 Magnesia 0.5 Water 21.8 1005 In northwestern Georgia there are several types of clay: First, the kaolin like clays; second, the clays derived from the decomposition of limestones and calcareous shales; third, those formed from the disintegration of shales; fourth, alluvial deposits. The kaolin type, in the Paleozoic group, occurs as "horses," or in sheets or pockets in the residual earths, derived from the decomposition of the Knox dolomite and Fort Payne chert series. They are at time pure white, stained occasionally by iron oxides; or this material may color the mass in streaks. In the cherty remains of other portions of the Knox dolomite, white siliceous, chalky clay occurs near Cave Spring and in Lookout valley in the Fort Payne chert. From this siliceous matter, the white clay could be mechan ically separated, if the demand were great enough to warrant the expense. Halloysite occurs under similar conditions in the Fort Payne chert, and can be used for the manufacture of fine porcelain. GRANITE. Valuable deposits of granite and gneiss are to be found covering large areas in the state, and the quarrying industry in granite is probably one of the best-paying economic mineral industries in the state. Small areas are found in Rabun, Habersham, Troup, Meriwether, Harris, Muscogee, Talbot, Taylor and Crawford counties, while larger areas lie in Douglas, Campbell, Coweta, Heard, Elbert, Ogle thorpe, Lincoln, Wilkes, Taliaferro, Greene, Hancock, Putnam, Columbia, Rich mond, McDuffie, Warren, Glascock, Baldwin, Jones and Bibb counties. A very large area, the largest, in fact, in the state, lies. in Jackson, Walton, Gwinnett, DeKalb, Rockdale, Newton, Henry, Butts, Clayton, Campbell, Fayette, Spalding, Pike and Monroe counties. It is said that the deposits of granite in Baldwin county are very fine and very extensive. The stone is bluish-gray and compact. At present, however, no quarrying is being done in this deposit A grade of granite, of excellent character as a building material, is found near the Chatta hoochee river, along its course across the state. This appears at intervals in the northeastern part of the state, and separates it from the large area south of Atlanta, This is from fine to medium-grained feldspathic granite, specked with black mica. It is worked at Stone mountain, one of the best known deposits of Georgia granite, and at Lithonia, by Messrs. Venable Brothers, of Atlanta; and the stone is used, in large slabs, for side-walks in cities; as Belgian blocks for road- paving in city streets, and for buildings. There is a large demand for this stone, and Messrs. Venable Brothers are kept constantly busy, in order to supply the INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES. 221 demand. The granite at Lithonia is a continuation of the formation at Stone moun tain, though lying at a lower level, and, having, perhaps, a greater proportion of hornblende and feldspar, which add to its value for street-paving purposes. There are at this place 500 acres, nearly all granite, a supply sufficient to meet any demand that may arise for centuries to come. The extent of the deposit is practically inexhaustible. The Stone mountain deposit is said to be the largest deposit of merchantable granite in the world. There are some 2,200 acres, of which 563 acres are granite, a solid granite mountain, measuring seven miles in circumference at its base, and containing, as estimated by competent engineers, 7,543,750,950 cubic feet of exposed granite above the level of the plain. The remaining acreage, at this point, is in part a virgin forest, and partly farming lands, affording ample -Space for any additional facilities for carrying on the extensive business, which is being carried on there. The Stone mountain quarries can be worked to a total capacity of 25,000 paving blocks per day, while those at Lithonia will yield 30,000 per day. The yield at Stone mountain can be increased to any desired output; but the Lithonia quarries are limited to a maximum of 40,000 or 50,000 blocks per day. The granite found in these two properties is of a light-gray color, of uniform grain and free from lamination. It is well adapted to all structural and street work. To facilitate the transportation of the output of the quarries, the proprietors own and operate two locomotives and fourteen miles of railway, besides numerous plants, consisting of boilers, engines, steam-drills and other machinery and appli ances, the equal of any large quarrying outfit, in the world. This company has furnished 1,700,000 square yards, laid in different cities in the north and south. Besides the immense shipment of granite blocks from the quarries at Lithonia and Stone mountain, curbing and cross-walking have been shipped during the same time, making in the aggregate near 100 square miles of dressed stone. Of this amount, Atlanta has used 436,490 feet. A number of buildings in Atlanta have been erected, in part, or whole, of this stone. Much of it presents a unique appear ance, the layers of mica in it being so disturbed and distorted as to make very beautiful and pleasing effects, not in any way, however, interfering with the solidity of the stone. This variety comes from Lithonia. Crushing tests were made of four two-inch cubes of the Lithonia granite, for the board of public affairs of Cincinnati, Ohio, by the engineering department of that city. One cube crushed under a pressure of 76,800 pounds; the second, under a pressure of 83,400 pounds; a third failed to crush under a pressure of 85,000 pounds, as did also the fourth. This work was done under the personal supervision of Lieut. Morrill, of the United States navy. Compressive tests of four two-inch cubes of the Stone mountain granite are quoted from the official report on the compressive strength, specific gravity and ratio of absorption of the building stones of the United States by Gen. Q. A. Gilmer: No. i was not hurt under a pressure of 85,000 pounds; No. 2 was crushed by a pressure of 50,325 pounds; No. 3, by 48,760 pounds, and No. 4, by 65,610. At Lexington, in Oglethorpe county, extensive granite quarries are worked by the Lexington Blue Granite company, of which Mr. S. H. Venable is president This company was organized in 1892 with a capital of $80,000; but it has recently been reorganized, and active operations have been begun. The stone quarried by this company is fine-grained biotite-muscovite granite of light color, and sus ceptible of very high polish. It is used for building purposes and for monuments, pillars and other purposes requiring a fine grade of granite. The lower grades are used for curbing, flagging, crossings and Belgian blocks. The company owns seventy-five acres of land, of which about forty acres consist of a solid bed of 222 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. granite, said to be practically inexhaustible. The company also owns a well- equipped broad-gauge railroad, running from Crawford, on the Georgia railroad, to Lexington, and thence to the quarries. There is an abundance of water running all the year round on the company's property, which can be utiHzed for running machinery, etc. This is one of the finest monument granites to be found in the United States ; and, when it is better known, it will rank second to none. Its fine grain, fine color and freedom from blemish alike distinguish it. Four two-inch cubes of this granite were submitted for tests at the United States navy yard; and, according to the report of Capt. W. T. Sampson, inspector of ordnance, United States navy, the following results were obtained: No. I, at 45,000 pounds, small piece spawled off of the corner. At 80,000 pounds, one corner spawled off badly. Did not crush. Pressure, per square inch, 19,801 pounds. No. 2, at 80,000 pounds, small piece spawled off of one corner. Did not crush.. Pressure, per square inch, 20,000 pounds. No. 3, at 80,000 pounds, one side spawled off very badly. Did not crush. Pressure, per square inch, 19,900 pounds. No. 4, at 60,000 pounds, commenced to spawl off. At 80,000 pounds, crushed. Pressure, per square inch, 19,801 pounds. The greatest crushing power of this machine was 80,000 pounds. This com pany is furnishing the granite for building the new postoffice at Savannah. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. THE FOLLOWING MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES ARE GIVEN HERE BECAUSE IT WAS POUND DIFFICULT TO ASSIGN MANY OF THEM TO THE PROPER COUNTIES: QGLETHORPE, GEN. JAMES HOWARD, founder of the colony of Georgia, was born in London, Eng., Dec. 21, 1688, and was the son of Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe, of Godalming, Surrey. At the age of 16 he entered Oxford college, but soon left to take the position of ensign in the Guards. Under Prince Eugene, he was in the campaign against the Turks in 1716-17, and took an active part in the siege of Belgrade. When twenty-four years old he entered parliament, and continued a member for thirty-two years. In November, 1732, Oglethorpe, with 116 settlers, embarked for Georgia, and in January, 1733, he arrived at Yamacraw and marked out a town and called it Savannah. In April, 1734, he returned to England, taking with him several friendly Indian chiefs. During his visit he sent to the colony 150 Scottish Highlanders and a number of German Protestants from Salzburg. He returned to the colony in 1735. Under his rule the colony prospered, but much trouble was had with the Spaniards, then in possession of Florida. This culminated in war, and in 1741 Oglethorpe made an unsuccessful attack on St. Augustine. A year later the Spanish invaded Georgia, but were compelled to retire by spirited resistance on the part of the colonists. In 1743 he returned to England to answer charges preferred by Capt. Cook, one of his officers. The court martial resulted in a vindication of Oglethorpe. He did not return to Georgia, and in 1752 resigned his charter of the colony to the British government. When, in 1775, Gen. Gage returned to England, the command of the British forces in America was offered to Oglethorpe, but he refused to accept, unless given authority to make concessions, and to pursue a plan of conciliation he thought proper with the colonies. Oglethorpe was a man of natural refinement and of culture that commanded the admiration of such men as Alexander Pope, James Thomson and Samuel Johnson. Oglethorpe's life has been written bv thaddeus M. Harris (Boston, 1841), Robert Wright (London, 1867), by W. B. 6. Peabody, in Sparks' American Biographies. Gen. Oglethorpe died July i, 1785. CTEPHENS, WILLIAM, president of the colony of Georgia (1743-50), was the son of Sir William Stephens, Bart, and was born on the Isle of Wight, Jan. 28, 1671. His education was obtained at Winchester school and King's college, Cambridge. He came to South Carolina in 1712, and located at Charles ton. Upon the recommendation of Gen. Oglethorpe, Stephens became secretary to the trustees of Georgia in 1737. In 1741 he was made president of the county of Savannah, and in 1743 president of the whole colony. He died in .August, 1753, at the age of 82. DARKER, HENRY, president of Georgia (1750-54), was born near Savannah, Ga., about 1690. He was bailiff of Savannah in 1734, which office at that time was identical with that of magistrate, and shortly afterwards he colonized the 224 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Isle of Hope. When the province was divided into two counties, in 1741, he became an assistant to Sir William Stephens, president of the Savannah province, succeeding him in 1750. In that year he presided over the first assembly in Georgia in which the executive and the members addressed each other according to parliamentary formalities. When the province surrendered the charter in 1754 he resigned the governorship. He died at an advanced age on the Isle of Hope. p EYNOLDS, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1754-57), was born in England about 1700. He entered the British navy and became captain, and upon the surren der of the charter of Georgia by the Brit'is'h trustees, he was assigned by the king of England to the colony, with the title of "Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of His Majesty's Province of Georgia, and Vice- Admiral of the same." He reached Savannah Oct 29, 1754, and a new system of government was inaugurated. The first legislature was created, consisting of a council of twelve advisers to the governor, and a house of commons. Gov. Reynolds established friendly relations with the Indians, but soon became involved with the assembly in a dispute, and in 1756 was recalled to. England. Failing to satisfy the board of com missioners with his explanations of his conduct, he resumed his position in the navy. He died in England, January, 1776. pLLIS, HENRY, governor of Georgia (1757-60), was born in England in 1721, and was appointed to succeed Gov. Reynolds in the management of the colony of Georgia, in 1757. His administration was a wise and successful one, and the colony prospered in number and condition. He organized a defense and obtained arms and a ship. He made conciliations to the Indians and a treaty with the Spanish in Florida. During his term the province was divided into parishes. The differences between the crown and the assembly were settled. Gov. Elhs, at his own request, was succeeded in 1760. He died Jan. 21, 1806. He was a scientific scholar and geographical student and author, and conducted an expedition in 1746-47 in search of a northwest passage to the Pacific. He was the author of several works in connection \\'ith the subject of a northwest passage, which secured him a fellowship in the Royal society. WRIGHT, SIR JAMES, Bart, governor of Georgia (1761 to 1776, and 1779 to 1782), was born in Charleston, S. C, about 1714. His grandfather was chief justice under King James II., and his father was chief justice of South Caro lina. At twenty-one James Wright was attorney-general of South Carolina, and in 1760 lieutenant-governor of Georgia, and royal governor in 1761. His admin istration was wise and successful. With the passage of the stamp act came trouble. The colonists opposed it, and Gov. Wright loyally tried to enforce it. In 1768 he dissolved the assembly, on the ground that it was revolutionary in claiming the right to petition for redress of grievances. At the same time he was urging the British government to make concessions to the colony. The year 1772 he spent in England. Returning, he found the spirit of revolution steady. He was arrested by a party of rebels, but escaped Feb. 11, 1776, and went to England. He returned July 14, 1779, and resumed gubernatorial office, the city of Savannah being in control of the British. At the close of the war he returned to England, dying there Nov. 20, 1785. UABERSHAM, JAMES, governor of Georgia (1769-72), was born in England in 1712. He was a true democrat in principle, and though of distinguished descent, refused all titles and sought his fortune in the colonies, arriving in MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 225 Savannah May 7, 1738. With the celebrated evangelist, George Whitefield, he established the Bethesda Orphan Home, still in a flourishing condition. In 1744 he resigned the presidency of the school and establi'shed the mercantile house oi Harris & Habersham. He was made, with Pickering Robinson, a commissioner to promote silk culture in 1750; secretary of the province and a councilor in 1754- From 1769 to 1772 he acted as governor in place of Gov. Wright He raised the first cotton in the colony and exported the first bales to England. His death occurred Aug. 28, 1775. pWEN, WILLIAM, governor of Georgia (1775), was born in England about 1720. From an apprentice boy to the colony trustees, by his industry, honesty and fixedness of purpose, he rose to the position of head of the province. During the year 1775 he was chairman of the "council of safety," which ruled affairs so long during the war. He was active in supporting the patriots in the great struggle, and died after seeing independence achieved, amidst friends and relatives. pULLOCH, ARCHIBALD, governor of» Georgia (1776-77), was born in Charleston, S. C, about 1730. Possessing a thorough education, and after being admitted to the bar, he settled in Savannah about 1755. In 1772 he was elected member of the provincial assembly and speaker of the house, but the body was dissolved by Gov. Habersham, because of differences growing up between the colonies and Great Britain. Mr. Bulloch was elected a member of and president of the provincial assembly of 1775-76, and the same year was a delegate to the continental congress. He served as commander-in-chief and president of Georgia under the provisional assembly, up to the meeting of the first regular state con vention, Feb. 5, 1777, and was thus the first republican president of Georgia. On Aug. 6, 1776, Gov. Bulloch had the honor of receiving a copy of the Declaration of Independence, by special messenger from John Hancock, president of the continental congress. Gov. Bulloch died at Savannah, Feb. 22, 1777. He was a patriot and statesman, and one of the most important men of his time. His name is linked with the great events of that period. Mr. Bulloch was the son of Rev. James Bulloch, of Wilton, S. C, clergyman and planter, and of Jean Stobo. He married in 1760, in Savannh, Mary De Veaux, a daughter of James De Veaux. In his biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the continental congress Mr. C. C. Jones, Jr., says: "Of all the patriots who encountered peril and made strenuous exertions to deliver Georgia from kingly dominion and pave the way for her admission into the sisterhood of the confederated American colonies, no one was more earnest, self-sacrificing, valiant, or influential than the Hon. Archibald Bulloch. Of irreproachable character, firm in his convictions, brav-e of heart, bold in action, wise in council, jealous of individual and political rights, and thoroughly identified with the best interests of Savannah and of the province of which it was both the capital, and commercial metropolis, at an early age of the revolutionary proceedings he became am acknowledged leader of the rebels, and was by them rapidly advanced to the highest posts of danger and of honor." QWINNETT, BUTTON, governor of Georgia (1777), congressman and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born in England about 1732. He located in Savannah as a general trader in 1765 and in 1772 became a farmer on St. Catharine's island, Ga. He wavered at the opening of the revolution, but through Dr. Lyman Hall was converted to patriotism. He was elected delegate to the continental congress and afterward to the convention that framed the state 1-15 226 ' ¦ MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. constitution in 1777. He was elected by the council of safety president and com mander-in-chief of the colony — practically governor — in March, 1777, but was defeated for governor at the regular election in May of that year. Personal diffi culties growing out of political rivalries led to a duel between Gov. Gwinnett and Gen. Lachlan Mcintosh -on I\Iay 15, 1777- Both were wounded, Mcintosh dan gerously and Gwinnett fatally, and he died in his forty-fifth year, and in his greatest usefulness, a victim to the laws of false honor and of mortified pride. He left a widow and several young children, none of whom long survived him, and none of his direct descendants ever blessed the land -of his adoption. "TREUTLEN, JOHN ADAM, was governor of Georgia (1777), and one of the foremost revolutionists. He was a member from the parish of St Andrew of the first provincial congress of Georgia, which met in Savannah July 4, 1775. He was elected governor May 8, 1777, over Button Gwinnett, a signer of the Declar ation of Independence, by a large majority. He was described as a "rebel governor" by act of the royal governmenfof Georgia in 1780. It is claimed his death was caused by tories in 1780, and that he was murdered at Orangeburgh, S. C. UOUSTON, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1778 and 1784), was bom at Waynes boro, Ga., Aug. 31, 1744. In 1774 he called the first meeting of the "Sons of Liberty" and acted as its chairman. He soon became a popular leader. He was a member of the continental congress of 1775 and 1776. He was appointed a member of the executive council May 8, 1777, and elected governor Jan. 8, 1778. As governor he invaded east Florida with Maj.-Gen. Robert Howe, but the move ment failed. During his administration the British captured Savannah, and he was invested by council with almost dictatorial power, the exigencies of the oc casion requiring it Fle was again elected governor in 1784. He was one of the first lawyers of his time and was a remarkable figure in Georgia history of his period. He died at White Bluff July 20, 1796. ^IA/EREAT, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1779), was born about 1730, and was an early and ardent champion of liberty. He was a member of the first provincial congress of Georgia and speaker of the congress of 1776. After Savannah fell into the hands of the enemy the legislature dispersed without ap pointing a governor for the succeeding year. Mr. Wereat, as president of the executive council, continued the operation of the functions of the government In 1782 the people west of Augusta suffered from famine and Mr. Wereat found relief for them. He was remarkable for his financial talents, w'hich he exerted with much usefulness to his countiy. He died in Bryan county in 1798. j-TALL, LYMAN, governor of Georgia (1783), and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Connecticut in April, 1724, graduated from Yale in 1747 and located in Sunbury, Ga., in 1758. He achieved great distinction in the practice of his profession, and being active in promoting the revolution, was elected to the provincial congresses of 1774-75 in Savannah, Ga. He was sent as a delegate to the continental congress by St. John's parish, and being the only representative from Georgia, he was admitted to this body as the representative of his parish and not his colony. He declined to vote, but took part in the debates, and had a potent influence in carrying his province into the revolution. He served in the continental congress from 1776 to 1780 amd was -one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He was elected governor in 1782, and after seiwing one year retired to private life. He died in Burke county, Ga., Oct. 19, 1790. Gov. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 227 Hall was a great friend of Button Gwinnett and attended that statesman when he was fatally shot in a duel by Gen. Mcintosh. Although Gov. Hall never bore arms, or won the distinction of an orator, he hazarded everything in the cause of humanity and liberty, on every .occasion manifesting an exalted patriotism con scious of the blessings to be secured and jealous of the rights to be defended. jyi ARTIN, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1782-83), first appeared in the pubhc service as naval officer at the port of Sunbury, being appointed to that posi tion by Gov. Wright in 1761. Fie was a warm patriot and the people of Savannah chose him as a representative in the provincial congress of 1775, and on the- im portant council of safety. In 1781 he was a lieutenant-colonel in the continental army and the same year was elected to the legislature from Chatham county. As governor of Georgia in 1782 his administration saw the British evacuate Savannah July 11, 1782, and the commonwealth given her full power as a sov ereign state. While governor so great was the distress of affairs that he had to apply to the legislature for relief to keep his family from starving, not being able to get his salary. In 1783 he was appointed a commissioner to make treaty with the Cherokee Indians and the same year was elected treasurer of state. LIAWLEY, RICHARD, governor of Georgia and congressman, was born near Savannah about 1740. He obtained a good education and met with success in law. First representing Liberty county in the state assembly, he rose to distinction and in 1780 was elected governor. He also represented his state in the continental congress in 1780-81. During his executive term the state was overrun by the British and on advice of the legislature Gov. Hawley and his council fled the state for the time. When it looked as if Geogia would be delivered to Great Britain, he with others of the delegation in congress published a remon strance which was given to the press in 1781 lait Philadelphia. Fie died in Savannah December, 1784. UEARD, STEPHEN, was born in Ireland and was governor of Georgia in 1781. He fought with gallantry in the French war and in 1773, with other Virginians, settled in Wilkes county, Ga., being attracted by the fertility of the lands in the "Broad river county." He served in the revolution under Col. Elijah Clarke and distinguished himself at Kettle creek. Feb. 18, 1781, he was elected president of the council, in the absence of Gov. Hawley, and thus became governor de facto until Gov. Brownson was elected, Aug. 16, 1781. He retired to private life after the war and became one of Wilkes county's most influential citizens. He died Nov. 15, 1815. D ROWNSON, NATHAN, governor of Georgia and congressman, is supposed to have been bom about 1740. In 1761 he was graduated from Yale, and studied medicine. Introduced by Dr. Dunwoody, a revolutionary patriot, he be gan practice in Liberty county and was the first physician to practice south of the Ogeechee before the revolution. He was a surgeon in the Georgia brigade, a member of the provincial congress of Georgia in 1775, of the continental congress in 1776-78 and member of the legislature and speaker of the house in '1784. He was elected governor by this body. He was senator and president of the senate, 1789-91. Gov. Brownsion was a. man lof a retired disposition, dignified in demeanor and of a forceful character. He died in Liberty county, Ga., Nov. 6, 1796. He was a surgeon in the continental army and took much interest, when governor, in the establishment of the state university. 228 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. gLBERT, SAMUEL, governor of Georgia (1785), was born in South Carolina in 1743 and at an early age engaged in mercantile business in Savannah. He was made captain in June, 1774; a member of the council of safety June 22, 1775; lieutenant-colonel Feb. 4, 1776, and colonel of a battalion of continental troops the same year. He was the head of an expedition organized by Gov. Houston against Florida in 1777. In 1778 he captured three British vessels at Frederica. He was taken prisoner during the war and on being exchanged joined Washington, winning his chief's highest commendation for brave service at Yorktown. He was promoted to be brigadier-general in 1783, elected governor of Georgia in 1785 and appointed major-general of the militia. He died Nov. 2, 1788. U ANDLEY, GEORGE, governor of Georgia at the early age of thirty-six, was r..p born near Sheffield, England, in 1752. He came to the colonies in 1775, and at once joined the continental army, becoming captain and soon rising to lieu tenant-colonel. He was captured at Augusta and sent to Charleston, S. C, as a prisoner. After the war he became sheriff of Richmond county, state representa tive, inspector-general and then governor of the state in 1788. He was one of the commissioners to the state of Franklin in 1786. He died at Roe's Hall, Ga., Sept 17, 1793. Vy ALTON, GEORGE, governor of Georgia (1789-1790), and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Prince Edward county, Va., in 1749. He was left an orphan at an early age and served an apprenticeship at carpentering. He made rapid advancement in knowledge, by the judicious use of his evening hours, eagerly perusing all books he could borrow from friends or neighbors. When about twenty years of age he migrated to Savannah, when he began the study of law. He was soon admitted to practice, and his success was immediate. In 1777 he married Dorothy Camber. He was one of the leaders in the patriotic party in Georgia and was the secretary of the first provin cial congress of Georgia, which convened July 4, 1775. He was president of the Council of Safety in 1775, and with Archibald Bulloch, Lyman Hall and Button Gwinnett was elected a delegate to the continental congress from Georgia by the provincial congress Jan. 20, 1776. With the exception of an interval in' 1779, when he was governor, he was continued as a member of congress until October, 1781. In association with Gwinnett and Hall he signed the Declaration of Inde pendence. As a member of the treasury board of the committee on naval affairs and of other committees he rendered intelligent service. He was a colonel of the militia formed for the defense of Georgia and in the battle at Savannah was wounded and then captured. He was appointed chief justice of the state in 1783 and elected delegate to make a constitution for the United States. In 1795-6 he represented Georgia as senator in the congress of the United States. Fie was a member of the Union society of Savannah, and a trustee of the Rich mond academy. He was twice elected to the Georgia assembly and was a United States commissioner to make a treaty with the Cherokee Indians in Tennessee. Without adjunct of education or fortune, George Walton won and maintained his right to preferment by conscientious endeavor, consecutive study and unques tioned ability. His life and success well illustrate what in this country can be achieved by honesty of purpose, natural talent and earnest effort ] RWIN, JARED, fourth governor of Georgia, served his country faithfully many years during the latter part of the revolutionary war, and afterward in cam paigns on the Georgia frontiers against the Indians. He was born in Mecklen burg county, N. C, in 1750. In 1788 he moved to Washington county, MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 229 Ga.; was elected a member to revise the state constitution in 1789; a mem ber of the first legislature convened under the present form of government in 1790; a member of the state convention in 1795; governor of Georgia in 1796; member and president of the state convention of 1798 that formed the permanent constitution. After thirty years of distinguished and almost continuous service, during which he attained the military rank of brigadier-general of militia, he died at Union Hill March i, 1818. lyi ATHEWS, GEORGE, governor of Georgia in 1787 and 1794^.95, was born in Augusta county, Va., 1739. His father, John Mathews, was a native of Ireland. George won distinction in the incursions made against the Indians of the north west territory. In 1775 he became a colonel and fought under Washington at Brandywine and Germantown. He was under Gen. Greene as colonel at the close of the war. He located in Oglethorpe county in 1785, and was elected in 1786, in one year's residence, governor of the state and representative in congress. He was re-elected governor in 1794-95, and during the last term was called on to sign the celebrated "Yazoo act" He did so, and his political death followed. In 181 1 President Madison appointed him commissioner of the United States to negotiate 'for the annexation of Florida, but tlie president dis avowed the treaty. While on his way to Washington for the avowed purpose of chastising the president, whose action he deemed a reflection on his integrity, Mr. M.athews was taken sick, and died at Augtista Aug. 30, 1812. JACKSON, JAMES, governor of Georgia (1798-1801), was born in England Sept 21, 1757. An orphan at fifteen years he came to Savannah in 1772, where he found John Wereat, an old friend of his father. He was elected clerk of the court in 1776, by the provincial congress, when only nineteen years old. In 1788, when elected governor, he modestly refused the office on account of his age. He was elected to the state convention that adopted the first constitu tion of Georgia; was a representative to the first congress held under the Federal constitution, 1789-91; a United States senator, 1793 to 1795, when he resigned; state representative in 1796; governor of Georgia, 1798-1801; and United States senator from 1801 to March 16, 1806. He was defeated-in a close contest for congress by Gen. Anthony Wayne in 1791. Gov. Jackson won distinction as a soldier; entering the revolutionary army at the age of seventeen he became successively lieutenant, captain, major and colonel, and was made brigadier- general after the war. He shared gallantly in the defense of Savannah and then repaired to South Carolina. He was with Col. Elijah Clarke in 1780, was on Gen. Sumter's staff during the resistance to Tarleton's attack on Blackstock's house, signalized himself at Cowperis under Gen. Pickens, and risked his Hfe in 1781 in seizing the colors of the Seventy-first English regiment. Savannah was surrendered by the British to him July 12, 1782, and his gallant conduct was recognized by the people, who voted him the Tattnall house and lot for his "great and useful services." One of the most important of Mr. Jackson's public acts was defeating the big land steal scheme known as the "Yazoo fraud." The Georgia legislature sold 20,000,000 acres of land extending to the Missis sippi river for $207,000. Gov. Jackson then in the United States senate denounced the scheme, resigned, came home, was elected to the legislature and had passed a "rescinding act" declaring the "Yazoo fraud" null and void. This territory was afterward ceded to the United States for $1,250,000. In March, 1780, Gov. Jackson fought and killed in a duel Lieut-Gov. Wells. He was a prominent Mason and a member of the Society of Cincinnatus. He died March 16, 1806. 230 M.EMOIRS OF GEORGIA. P MANUEL, DAVID, came to Georgia about 1768 or 1770 and settied in Burke county. This part of the state was the scene of some severe skirmishing with the British and Mr. Emanuel participated in a number of them. He was a member of the legislature a number of terms and president of the senate. He was elected governor in 1801 and died in 1808. It is related that during the revolutionary war Emanuel was captured together with two companions by loyalists. All of them were sentenced to be shot. The execution took place and his companions were killed, but Emanuel escaped through the bad mark- manship of the soldier entrusted with the taking of his life. TATTNALL, JOSIAH, governor of Georgia and United States senator, was bom at Bonaventure, near Savannah, Ga., in 1762. He was educated near Nassau. His father and grandfather were Tories and fled to England during the war, their estates being confiscated. The son ran away from England and at the age of eighteen he landed without a shilling in his pocket, on the north side of the Savannah river, and traveling alone on foot through the country, arrived at Parysburg, when he crossed into- Georgia and then joined the army of General Wayne at Ebenezer. He was captain of the Chatham artillery in 1792, colonel of the First Georgia regiment in 1793, and brigadier-general of militia in 1800 . He was a member of the Georgia legislature 1795-96, United States senator 1796-99, and governor of Georgia 1802. He died at Nassau, New Prov idence, W. I., June 6, 1830. lyi ILLEDGE, JOHN, eighth governor of Georgia (1803-1806), was born in Savannah, Ga., in 1757. His ancestors came to Georgia with Oglethorpe. Flis early education was the best the colony afforded. Though at the outbreak of the revolution he was studying law in the king's attorney's office, he became active in the cause of liberty and was one of a paity of seven that rified the crown's powder magazine at Savannah and captured Gov. Wright in his own house. Mr. Milledge participated in the futile assaults upon Savannah and Augusta, and in other- engagements in Georgia and South Carolina. At the age of twenty-three he was appointed attorney for the colony. He served in the legislature and was elected to the continental congress, resigning to become governor. In 1S06 he was elected United States senator. In 1802 he was asso ciated with James Jackson and Abraham Baldwin as a commissioner for ceding to the United States government certain portions of the territory of Georgia. Air. Milledge was one of the first with whom the idea of establishing the state univer sity originated. He died on Feb. 9, 1818. IWl ITCHELL, DAVID BR.ADIE, ninth governor of Georgia, was born in Scot land, Oct. 22, 1766, and arrived in Georgia at the age of seventeen. Fie read law under Gov. William Stephens. He was elected solicitor-general in 1,795; repre sentative to the legislature in 1796; major-general of the militia in 1804, and governor in 1809 to 1815, resigning in 1817, to accept an appointment from the president of the 'United States as agent to the Creek Indians. He died at Milledge ville, Ga., April 22, 1837. pARLY, PETER, tenth governor of Georgia, was born in June, 1773, in Madison county Va., and migrated with his father, Joel Early, and family, about the year 1795 to the county of Greene. He was graduated from Princeton college in 1792. In 1802 he was elected to congress and supported the bill to prohibit the African slave trade, and voted for -the impeachment of supreme court judge. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 231 Samuel Chase. He was elected judge of the superior court in 1807 and served until 1813. In the fall of that year he was elected governor. His entire admin istration, civil and military, met the approbation of all classes up to the day on which he returned with his official veto to the house a bill continuing in force what was called "the alleviating law." He was defeated for re-election; returned to his estate in Greene county and, with the exception of two or three years as senator of that county, never took any part in the political affairs of the country. Gov. Early was married to Miss Smith of Wilkes county, sister of Colonel, afterward Gen. Thomas A. Smith of the United States army. DABUN, WILLIAM, eleventh governor of Georgia (1817-18), was born in Halifax county, N. C, April 8, 1771, and removed to Wilkes county, Ga., in 1785. He was given the usual backwoods education, but acquired great informa tion by reading and observation. For many years he represented Hancock county in both branches of the legislature. Being president of the senate in 1817, upon the resignation of Gov. Mitchell, he became governor. During his administration a tart correspondence took place between Gen. Jackson and himself relative to an attack on an Indian village called Cheha. Mr. Rabun died while governor, Oct. 24, 1819. Rabun county, Ga., was named after him. TALBOT, MATTHEW, twelfth governor of Georgia (1819), was a Virginian by birth and settled in 'Wilkes county in 1785. He was a member of the legisla ture from Wilkes county, and was a member of the convention which framed the constitution of Georgia. In 1808 he was elected to the senate and was president of that body from 1818 to 1823. By the death of Gov. Rabun he became governor, acting until the election of Gov. Clarke. He died in Wilkes county, Sept. 17, 1827. QLARKE, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1819-23), was born in North Carolina in 1776. At the age of sixteen he was appointed lieutenant of a company and afterward captain of the continental militia. Under the command of his father. Gen. Elijah Clarke, a revolutionary hero, he fought and distinguished himself at the siege of Augusta and the battle of Jack's creek in 1787. He rose to be major- general, and at the dangerous period of the second war with Great Britain had command of the forces to protect the sea coast. In 1819 and 1821 he was elected governor over George M. Troup. In 1827 Gov. Clarke retired from public life and moved to West Florida, where he died Oct. 15, 1832. He was a friend, patriot and statesman whose warmth of heart, fixedness of purpose and inflexible virtue lives in the memory of his countrymen. JROUP, GEORGE MICHAEL, governor of Georgia (1823-27), senator and congressman, was born at Mcintosh's Bluff, Tombigbee river, in the part of Georgia now Alabama, Sept 8, 1780. His father was born in and educated in England and was a successful merchant and planter. His -mother, Catharine Mc intosh, came of a family distinguished in colonial days and the revolution. He was graduated from Princeton in 1797, and admitted to the Savannah bar in 1800. He was a member of the legislature (1801-03) ; representative to congress (1806-12) ; U. S. senator (1816-18). He was defeated for governor in 1819 and 1821 and elected in 1823 and 1825. Mr. Troup retired from the government in November, 1827, with a popularity unsurpassed by that of any former chief magistrate. In 1828 he was recalled to the United States senate, an appointment he accepted with regret. Gov. Troup was a great champion of state rights and sovereignty. It was under the conviction that these were imperiled that he declared, in 1823, that 232 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. he would have been carried on his death bed to the capital rather than not have given his vote against the force bill. He retired from public life in 1833. He was the same year nominated for the presidency by a Georgia state rights convention. He died in Montgomery, Ga., April 26, 1856. pORSYTH, JOHN, governor of Georgia (1827-29) and United States secretary of state under Jackson and Van Buren, was born in Frederick county, Va., Oct. 22, 1870. Flis father was a revolutionary soldier, and with the son settled in Georgia in 1784. Mr. Forsyth graduated from Princeton college in 1799, and was admitted to the practice of law in 1802, and a short time afterward was appointed attorney-general for the state. He was elected to congress in 181 1, and to the United States senate in 1818. In 18 19 he resigned to accept an appointment as minister to Spain. In 1823, while in Spain, he was again elected to congress, and again in 1825; governor of Georgia in 1827, and United States senator in 1829. He resigned in 1834 to become secretary of state under President Jackson, and was reappointed by President Van Buren, serving until 1841. Mr. Forsyth was one of the most brilliant of Georgia's many bright statesmen. He was an orator, diplomat, and statesman. Fie championed President Jackson in the debate on the removal of deposits from the United States banks, and as the premier of two able presidents he carried on some of the most important transactions with foreign powers that the government had engaged in since the war of 1812. He died in Washington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1841. Mr. Forsyth married a daughter of Josiah Meigs, at one time president of Franklin college, and to them were born several children. Before his death the legislature of Georgia had named a county in honor of Mr. Forsyth, and the county seat of Monroe also bore his name thirty years. QILMER, GEORGE ROCKINGHAM, governor of Georgia (1829-31 and 1837-39), ^"d congressman, was born in that part of Wilkes, now Oglethorpe county in 1790. His parents were of Scotch descent, and they located in Georgia in 1784. George was educated at Wilson's school at Abbeville, S. C, and at Dr. Waddell's Georgia academy. On account of his health soon after being admitted to the bar in 181 3, he was appointed first lieutenant in the regular army. He served in the Creek war with distinction. He was elected state representative 1818-20; representative to congress, 1821-23, and governor in 1828, being defeated in 1830. He was a member of congress in 1833-34, presidential elector on the Hugh L. White ticket in 1836, a second time governor of Georgia in 1837-39, presidential elector for Harrison and president of the electoral college in 1840, trustee for thirty years of the state university of Georgia. He died at Lexington, Ga., Nov. 15, 1859. T UMPKIN, WIL.SON, governor (1831-34) and senator, was born in Pittsylvania county, Va., Jan. 14, 1783. When he was one year old his father removed to Georgia and settled in that part of the state then known as Wilkes county, now Oglethorpe. He received a common-school education, and picking up the ele mentary points of law by serving as clerk to his father, clerk of the court, he studied the profession. At the age of twenty-one years he was elected to the state legisla ture, serving a number of terms between 1805 and 1815. He was elected to congress in 1815, and again in 1827 and 1829, and governor in 1831 and 1833. He was appointed by President Jackson, in 1835, one of the first commissioners under the Cherokee treaty. He was elected LTnited States senator in 1837, in place of John P. King, resigned, serving until March 3, 1841. Mr. Lumpkin was one of the most active and useful men Georgia has had. He died in 1870. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 233 CCHLEY, WILLIAM, governor (1835-37), was born in the city of Frederick, Md., Dec. 10, 1786. His education was acquired in the academies at Louis ville and Augusta, Ga. He was admitted to the bar in 1812, and continued the practice of law until 1825, when he was elected judge of the superior court of the middle division of Georgia, the duties of which he ably discharged until 1828. In 1830 he wa.s elected a member of the legislature from Richmond county, and in 1832 was elected a member of congress. In 1835 he was elected governor of Georgia. During his administration the Creek war broke out, and in his first message to the legislature, in 1836, he strongly recommended the construction of the Western & Atlantic railroad. Mr. Schley was a public-spirited citizen in every relation and a man of advanced ideas. He was a prominent democrat, believing in the strictest construction of the United States constitution, and the withholding of all powers from congress which were not expressly delegated to it. He died at Augusta, Ga., Nov. 20, 1850. QRAWFORD, GEORGE WASHINGTON, was born in Columbia county, Ga., Dec. 22, 1798. He was graduated from Princeton college in 1820, and was admitted to the bar in 1824. From 1827 to 1831 he was attorney-general of Georgia, and then was elected to the legislature, serving from 1837 till 1841. In 1843 he was elected governor, on the whig ticket, and in 1845 ^^ 'was re-elected. His administration was an excellent one, distinguished for the adjustment of the state's finances and the restoration of its credit. In securing this end Gov. Crawford pledged his personal estate to the extent of $150,000. In 1849 he entered the cabinet of President Taylor, as secretary of war, but resigned in 1850, when the president died. In 1861 he presided over the Georgia secession convention. He spent several years in Europe, and on his return lived in retirement at his home in Richmond county, where he died after the war. ]y| 'DONALD, CHARLES JAMES, nineteenth governor of Georgia (1839-43), was born in Charleston, S. C, July 9, 1793- In his early infancy his parents moved to Hancock county, Ga. He received an academic education under the direction of Rev. Nathan S. Beman, and was graduated from Columbia college. South Carolina. He was admitted to the bar in 1817, and a few years later was in the enjoyment of an extensive practice. He was elected solicitor-general of Flint circuit in 1822, judge of the superior court in 1825, state representative in 1830, state senator in 1834 and 1837, and governor in 1839 and 1841. In 1850 he was defeated for governor by Howell Cobb. He was elected judge of the supreme court of Georgia in 1857. As governor, Mr. McDonald was fearless and guided by practical wisdom and integrity. He took an issue with the legislature which caused much excitement. In 1838 the state was suffering from the panic of 1837, and an obligation of $300,000 had been protested. The legislature refused rehef, but, on the contrary, reduced the state taxes 20 per cent. Gov. McDonald promptly outlined and carried out a policy that alleviated the financial distress. He vetoed the act reducing taxes, and when the legislature was about to adjourn, and ' leaving $110,000 of expense unprovided for, he boldly closed the treasury and suspended payments. He held his ground, and the measure of relief he recom mended was passed. He died Dec. 16, i860. TOWNS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, governor of Georgia (1847-51), was born in Wilkes county. May 4, 1801. The family was from Virginia, and the father was a soldier of the revolution. The boy educated himself by perusing books and studying at night, and when he attained his majority he had a good 234 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. foundation in science and in literature. He began life as a merchant, then turned his attention to law and began its practice in Talboton, Talbot county, Ga., in 1826. He was elected from that county to the state legislature and senate, and in 1834 was sent to congress and served until 1839. He was again elected to that body in 1845. He was elected as a democrat, governor, in 1847, over Gen. Duncan L. Clinch. Gov. Towns was a Chesterfield in address. Nothing could exceed the suavity of his disposition and the ease of his manner. He was truly a refined gentleman, courteous and unpretending with the plain, and diplomatic with the precise, just as the society he was in for the time being demanded such an exhibition of char acter. He had a friendly word, a kind recognition for each individual. The charm was complete; he satisfied all. At the bar his rank was decidedly high as an advocate. Fie possessed all the requisites of an orator to control the jury. Of him, Stephen F. Miller says: "His return to the bar was hailed by his professional brethren with universal cordiality. All within his attendance looked forward to much enjoyment in his society, to much improvement by his example. There had been a Forsyth, with his fluent simplicity and inimitable sneer; a Berrien, with his musical phrase and classic gesture ; a Wilde, polished in diction and lofty in thought : a Colquitt, with the arrows of nature barbed for the rhinoceros or softly edged for the hare; there had been such advocates in Georgia, honored, glorious; yet it was the prestige of Gov. Towns to differ from them all, perhaps to excel them all, in the spontaneous gushings of the heart, in the electric sympathy that, kindling with the orator, burst out and blazed in every bosom; court, jury, bar, audience, all melted, all subdued by the occasion." Gov. Towns was married to a daughter of the Hon. John W. Jones, of Virginia, speaker of the United States house of representatives. He died in 1854. r^ OBB, HOWELL, governor of Georgia from 1851 to 1853, was born at Cherry Hill, Jefferson county, Ga., Sept. 7, 181 5. His father was Col. John H. Cobb, of Greenville, N. C, who removed to Georgia when young, and his mother, Sarah Roates, of Fredericksburg, Va. Howell Cobb was graduated at Franklin college, Athens, in 1834, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1836, and chosen an elector on the Van Buren ticket the same year. He was elected solicitor-general in 1837, representative to congress in 1842, 1844, 1846 and 1848, and speaker of the house in 1849; governor of Georgia, as nominee of the Union party, in 1851, and representative in congress in 1854. In 1857 he was appointed United States secre tary of the treasury, by President Buchanan, a position which he resigned in i860. He was president of the confederate provisional congress, and brigadier and major general in the army of the Confederate states. Mr. Cobb's familiarity with the rules, skill as a debater, and his bold championship of slavery, made him the leader of the southern party in the house in 1847, ^^"d he was elected speaker in 1849 after a long contest. He demanded the extension of slavery into Cali fornia and New Mexico by federal authority, and advocated the compromise measures ol 1850. Upon the latter issue he boldly antagonized the extreme men of his own state, and accepting the nomination for governor from the Union party (1851) took the stump and was triumphantly elected. After his term of governor he resumed the practice of law, though continuing to take an active part in politics. Fie stumped the north in 1856 for Buchanan, and in 1857 became his secretary of the treasury. He found the treasury full and the bonds representing the national debt at a premium of 16 to 18 per cent. He used the surplus funds in the treasury in purchasing this indebtedness at this high premium, but the approach of the civil war so affected the national credit that he was compelled to attempt to borrow at an exorbitant discount the MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 235 money necessary to defray the ordinary expenses of the government On Dec. 10, i860, he resigned, giving as a reason that the state of Georgia (then about to recede) needed his services. His name was mentioned before the Charleston convention for president, but a division in the Georgia delegation caused him to withdraw it in a good-tempered but patriotic letter. He warmly advocated secession and was author of those much-quoted words, "The hour of Georgia's dishonor in the union should be the hour of her independence out of the union." He was elected permanent president of the convention of seceding states, which met in Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 4, 1861- He was not a favorite of President Davis of the Confederacy, and so withdrew to private life. On the demand of Georgia members of congress that body appointed him brigadier-general in the Confederate army and soon promoted him to a major-generalship. After the close of the war Gen. Cobb opposed reconstruction vigorously, maintaining its effect would retard the restoration of the south to the union, keep back its prosperity, and destroy the negro race. He died in New York city Oct 9, 1868. JOHNSON, HERSCHEL VESPASIAN, governor of Georgia and senator, was born in Burke county, Ga., Sept. 18, 1812. He was graduated from the state university at Athens in 1834 and a year later settled in Augusta and began the practice of law. He entered public life during the presidential campaign of 1840, taking the stump, after declining a congressional nomination. Fie was defeated for congress in 1843, canvassed the state as presidential elector in 1844 on the Polk ticket, withdrew his name when urged for governor in 1845, and in 1847 'was appointed to the United States senate to fill the unexpired term of Walter T. Colquitt, February, 1848, to March 3, 1849. He was delegate to the Baltimore national convention in 1848, and was elected judge of the superior court in 1849, delegate to the Pierce democratic national convention, and elector for the state at large in 1851. Resigning his judgeship upon his nomination for governor in 1853, he was elected to the latter office, and re-elected in 1855. He was nominated for vice-president on the Douglas ticket in i860; elected Confederate state senator in November, 1862; president of the state constitu tional convention that repealed secession, repudiated the war debt of $18,000,000, and abolished slavery in October, 1865 ; and in January, 1866, after the restoration of the state to the union, United States senator, though he was disfranchised by acts of congress and did not serve. He was appointed, in 1873, judge of the superior court, an office which he held until his death, Aug. 16, 1880. As an orator, a constitutional lawyer and jurist Judge Johnson took high rank. He was a master of classical diction, his state papers being the most finished in the state archives. Originally a strong "southern rights" man, he neveretheless acquiesced in the compromise measure of 1850, and later opposed secession. He married Mrs. Annie Polk Walker, a niece of President Polk, and a highly intellectual and beautiful woman. gROWN, JOSEPH EMERSON, was born in Pickens district, S. C, April 15, 1821. His paternal ancestors were Scotch-Irish. The grandfather, Joseph Brown, was a whig rebel, and took an active part in the war for Independence. The father, Mackey Brown, was a native of South Carolina, and served under Jackson, in the campaign of New Orleans, in the war of 1812. He married Sally Rice, of Virginia ancestry, in Tennessee, and then moved to South Carolina. During the boyhood of Joseph, the Browns removed to, and settled in, Union county, which is in northeastern Georgia. He labored in the field and attended stock to aid in the family support until nineteen years of age. He had mastered 236 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the elementary branches in the country schools, when he heard of the educational advantages offered at Calhoun academy, in Anderson district, S. C. It was 130 miles distant, and his sole possessions consisted of a yoke of steers. He borrowed a horse and drove them to the vicinity of the school, where he traded them for eight months' board, and entered the college, going in debt for the tuition. By teaching school he got through the second term, when, in January, 1844, he took hold of the town academy at Canton, Ga. While teaching this school he read law of nights and Saturdays without an instructor. In 1845 he pursued the study of law with a view to its practice, and, at the samie time, earned his board by teaching the children of Dr. John W. Lewis. The latter, appreciating the mind and energy of the young man, loaned him money to attend the law school at Yale college, where he entered in October, 1845. In addition, he took a literary course, and was graduated in 1846, when he returned to Canton, and entered into practice, which soon became extensive and lucrative. Joseph Brown's first election to public office was in 1849, when nominated by the democrats of the senatorial district of Cobb and Cherokee counties, he was elected by a big majority. This general assembly was a body of the first significance and importance on account of the state's rapid development, and embraced many men of mark and merit. In the debates and matters attending the alleged fraudulent organization of the territory of California, Mr. Brown, while "not a disunionist or secessionist, was firmly in favor of such a course as might lend to aggression and preserve the Union and constitution by providing safeguards, or enforcing those we had, f-or the rights of the states, and the honor and interest of the householding people of the south." He was chosen presidential elector on the Pierce ticket in 1852, and in 1855, was elected judge of the superior courts of the Blue Ridge circuit over Hon. David Irwin. He was nominated and elected governor over Ben. H. Hill in 1857, and re-elected in 1859, defeating Hon. Warren Akin of Bartow county. In 1861 he was the third time elected defeating Hon. Eugenius A. Nesbit, and in 1863, he was elected over Joshua Hill, a Union candidate, and an old whig, and T. M. Furlow, a strong secessionist, who was supported by the faction not approving of Gov ernor Brown's opposition to President Davis' policy. Governor Brown was an active secessionist and on Jan. 2, 1861, ordered Colonel Alexander R. Law- ton to take possession of Forts Pulaski and Jackson, near Savannah, which was done on the 3d. He put two regiments in the field before the Confederacy was organized, and personally seized the government arsenal at Augusta, and held it under the authority of Georgia. During the war he was a vigorous supporter of the Confederate government, but disputed with Mr. Davis the constitutionality of the conscript measures. During Sherman's invasion he put into the field an army of 10,000 men made up of state officers, youth, aged men and others u,sually exempt from military duty, but refused to send them out of the state when requisition was made for them by the Confederate government The collapse of the Confederacy abruptly closed his fourth term, and he was arrested, carried to Washington and confined in a military prison. In a few days he was released and returning home, went to work to upbuild his state. During the reconstruction era his course was criticised, but the final conclusion of affairs vindicated his patriotism and purity of motives. He strongly advised his state to accept the situation, and comply with the terms of reconstruction. This position made him unpopular, and for a time, to sustain his views, he voted with the republicans, openly supporting General Grant for president in 1872. Finder Governor Bulloch he was appointed chief justice of the supreme court for the term of twelve years, a position he resigned in 1870 to accept the presi dency of the company that had leased the Western & Atlantic Railroad for the MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 237 term of twenty years. The only political defeat of his life was in 1868 when Joshua Hill was elected United States senator by the legislature. After 1872, he acted with the Democrats, and in 1880, was chosen United States senator to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of General Gordon. In 1884 he was re-elected with but one vote against him. After his election in 1880, he made ¦ a speech before the assembly justifying his course in 1866, and declaring the results of the war must be accepted as final. Governor Brown as president of the Western & Atlantic railroad pursued a progressive and liberal policy, which built up and developed the interests of the road, and protected it against the intrigues and machinations of immense and pushing systems. Governor Brown was married in 1847, to Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Joseph Grisham, a Baptist clergyman of South Carolina. To them have been born the following children: Julius L,, prominent in the legal profession of Atlanta; Joseph M., engaged in the railroad business; Elijah A., engaged in agriculture; Mary, the wife of Dr. E. L. Connally of Atlanta; George M. and Sarah. Franklin Pierce Brown and Charles M. Brown, deceased. Governor Brown's career was one of success in every field. He was a statesman, jurist, lawyer, railroader, financier, manufacturer, miner, business man and farmer. No man has more impressed his brain and will upon the events with which he has been connected. He died in 1895. J ENKINS, CHARLES JONES, was born in Beaufort district, S. C, Jan. 6, 1805. He removed with his parents to Jefferson county, Ga., in 1816, and was educated at the state university and at Union college, where was graduated in 1824. He studied law in Savannah under Hon. J. M. Berrien and was admitted to the bar in 1822. He became a member of the Georgia assembly in 1830, was attorney-general of the state in 1831, and again a legislative member from 1836 to ' 1850. He was speaker of the house in 1840, 1843 and 1845. He was a firm advocate of the principles of state rights, but supported Harrison in 1840 and Clay in 1844, for president. He was a Union member of the Georgia convention of 1850 and voted for the famous "Georgia platform of 1850." President Fill more offered him the secretaryship of the interior in 1850, but he declined it. In i860 he was appointed to the supreme court bench, to fill the vacancy caused by Linton Stephens' resignation. He was elected member of the Georgia recon struction convention called by President Johnson and became governor in 1865, but was removed by Gen. Meade in January, 1865, for refusing to draw a voucher on the treasury to pay the state convention, without an appropriation. Gen. Meade detailed Gen. Thomas H. Ruger to fill the executive chair. Gov. Jenkins left the state carrying with him the seal of state and did not return until 1869. In 1872 when the democrats were in possession of the gubernatorial chair and general assembly Gov. Jenkins delivered over the seal, books and money to the state. For years he was president of the board of trustees of the state university and in 1877 he closed his public life as president of the constitutional convention. He died near Augusta, Ga., June 13, 1883. Q ONLEY, BENJAMIN, governor of Georgia from October, 1871, to January, 1872, was born in Newark, N. J., in 1815. At fifteen years of age he removed to Georgia and entered mercantile business in Augusta, of which city he was mayor in 1858. He was a republican and a champion of the congressional plan of recon struction, holding various public positions until January, 1869, when he was elected to, and president of, the senate. On Oct 30, 1871, Gov. Bullock having resigned, Mr! Conley by virtue of his office succeeded to the gubernatorial chair. The question arose whether he was entitled to hold the office as his term as senator 238 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. expired Nov. i. The democrats maintained that L. N. Trammell, president of the new senate, was the one to be elected governor. Mr. Trammell declined the office and his party permitted Mr. Conley to' serve until December, when a special election was held and Mr. Smith chosen to fill out the unexpired term of Mr. Bullock. President Grant appointed Mr. Conley postmaster of Atlanta, a position he held for several years. Mr. Conley was a strong partisan, but showed himself a person of integrity at times when his party associates were bad men. He was a prominent Odd Fellow and a member of the Episcopal church. He died in Atianta in 1885. CMITH, JAMES MILTON, governor of Georgia (1872-1874), was born in Twiggs county, Ga., Oct 24, 1823, and in his boyhood days was a helper in a blacksmith shop. Culloden academy in Monroe county furnished him with an education, and in 1846 he commenced the practice of law in Columbus, Ga. As ;in independent state's rights democrat he was defeated in 1855. He served in tliC Confederate army and became colonel of the Thirteenth Georgia infantry. Fie was engaged in all the battles of the Virginia army until 1863, when he took a seat in -the Confederate congress. He resumed law after the war, and aided in the defense of the Columbus prisoners charged with murdering Ashbum. Mr. Smith was elected a representative to the legislature and speaker of the house in 1870, governor in 1872 to fill out Mr. Bullock's unexpired term, and again in October, 1872, for four years. In 1877, he was defeated for United States senator. Gov. Colquitt appointed him chairman of the railroad commission of Georgia in 1879. In 1888 he was made judge of the superior court. He died Nov. 20, 1890. CTEPHENS, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, was born on a farm near Craw- fordsville, Ga., Feb. 11, 1812. His grandfather, a native of England, was a brave soldier in the French and Indian war, and in the war of independence, serving with distinction under Gen. Washington. He had eight children, of whom Andrew B., the father of Alexander, was the young-esi; son. Andrew B. was permitted to attend the school of Rev. Hope Hull, at Washington, a famous institution of learning in that day. When fourteen years old he was recommended by his instructor as competent to teach, and was placed at the head of a school on Little Creek. His first earnings were used in purchasing the lOO-acre tract of land upon which his parents lived, and this tract was the nucleus of that home stead, which, except for a few years after the death of Andrew B., has ever since been in the possession of the family. Andrew B. married Margaret Grier, whose parents were natives of Ireland, and took up the avocation of a farmer. To them were born four children: Mary, Aaron, Grier and Alexander. The mother was of a frail constitution, mild, industrious, charitable, intelligent and a great help to the husband. She died soon after Alexander's birth. Andrew B. Stephens again married, his wife being Matilda Lindsay, tiie daughter of Col. John Lindsay, distinguished in the revolutionary war. From the second marriage four sons sprang: John L., Andrew Baskins, Benjamin F. and Linton. Until he was fifteen years old Alexander Stephens had few opportunities for schooling. He was the general messenger boy and errand-goer, at ten he worked in the fields and at eleven he handled the plow. His childhood was passed in sickness and menial toil. Upon the death of his father and mother, he was taken to the home of his uncle. Gen. A. W. Grier, of Warren county. He placed him in a school at Wash ington, presided over by Rev. Alexander Hamilton Webster. This tutor, a most worthy Christian gentieman, took great interest in the pupil. His extremely frail physical organization, his delicate health, the loss of his parents, and his MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 239 poverty had produced a frame of mind of habitual melancholy, which, associated with his constant Bible reading, had induced Mr. Webster to see in Alexander the subject of religious convictions. This prompted him to send the youth to Franklin college, now the state university, and in so doing he gave to Alexander his middle name. His tuition and expenses were paid by the Presbyterian Edu cational society, but before he was graduated, Alexander reimbursed them from a small patrimony. He was graduated in 1832, and was employed two years in Liberty county teaching the children of Dr. Le Conte and those of Mr. Varnadoe. In 1834 he decided to adopt the profession of law, and three months of study enabled him to be admitted, upon examination by Joseph H. Lumpkin and Wilham H. Crawford. His first political speech was made July 4, 1834, and in this he distinctly took the grounds from which his convictions never afterward wavered. While denying the asserted right of nullification, the right of a state to remain in the Union and yet disobey the Federal laws, he insisted upon the sovereignty of the states, and the right of any to withdraw from the Union, if the compact should be violated by others. Though his health was delicate he was immediately successful in law. On a platform opposing nullification he was elected to the legislature from Taliaferro county, in 1836, and re-elected in 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840. In 1842, he was elected state senator and in 1843, at the age of thirty-one, to congress on the whig ticket He was re-elected continuously until 1849. When the whig party was disorganized and the know-nothing party framed in 1855, he made an independent canvass for congress in opposition to- the principles of the new party, which was one of the most remarkable political fights in his career; and was elected by 3,000 majority. He retired in 1859, and in a farewell address congratulated the country upon the peaceful settlement at that time of all the agitating questions which were disturbing the country when he entered congress in 1843. These were settled on the principles set forth in the Cincinnati platform, he said, and by adherence to those there was a bright prospect of peace for the country; but if they departed from them they might expect disaster. His name v/as mentioned in connection with the democratic nomination for the presidency, but he declined the use of his name in the Charles ton convention, supporting Mr. Douglas. In a speech before the legislature of Georgia, in November, i860, he advised against secession, and voted against it in the convention at Milledgeville, when the ordinance was adopted, though he signed the same. He was chosen a member of the Confederate convention to organize a provisional government, and was elected successively provisional and "permanent vice-president of the Confederacy. He was one of the commissioners from the Confederacy to the celebrated Hampton roads peace conference in 1865. After Lee's surrender, in May, 1865, he was arrested and incarcerated at Fort Warren, Boston. In 1866, after much persuasion, he accepted the election to the United States senate, but was not allowed to take his seat. He was a delegate to the National Union convention at Philadelphia, and was defeated by Joshua Hill for the United States senate in 1868. He was again defeated for the senate by Gen. J. B. Gordon, in 1873, but was elected to congress that year, and con tinuously up to and including the term beginning in 1882, when he resigned shortly after taking his seat, having been elected governor. He died March 4, 1883. For forty-five years Alexander H. Stephens held a foremost place in state and nation. His career was remarkable, and unequalled in the history of the nation. At any time during his life, his death would not have been a surprise, and yet his physical weakness never impaired his usefulness. Although a giant, intel lectually, he was a pigmy physically ; he never even in his prime attained a weight over ninety-four pounds, and on leaving college his weight was but seventy. Mr. 240 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Stephens was strong by his moral intrepidity. No public opinion could frighten him, nor public frenzy awe him. He fought know-nothingism when it threatened the state, battled against secession and spoke for Union when it was hopeless. In congress he opposed Polk on the Mexican war; favored California's admission as a free state, and was one of the authors of the "Georgia platform of 1850." In 1840, though a state's rights man he voted for Harrison. He desired Texas annexed, but was' for Clay, who said if annexed it would cause war. In 1848, he supported Taylor over Clay for the whig nomination for the presidency, and though generally acting with the whigs he refused to vote for Scott, casting his ballot for Webster, who was then dead. He voted to admit Texas. In 1854, he defended the Kansas-Nebraska act He was for Douglas — against Breckinridge. During the war he opposed President Davis' conscription pohcy. He was a great orator and during his life made many historical addresses. He once chal lenged Gov. Herschel V. Johnson to a duel, and at another time Senator Benj. H. Hill, but they declined to meet him. In his life he educated more than a hundred young men. He published in 1867-70 The War Between the States; and 1870-71, a School History of the United States. He died a few months after his inauguration as governor, having caught cold from exposure attending the trip to Savannah, when he made his greatest speech at Georgia sesqui-centennial celebration. /pOLQUITT, ALFRED HOLT, was born in Walton county, Ga., April 20, 1824. He was graduated at Princeton college. New Jersey, in 1844; was admitted to the bar in 1845, and served in the Mexican war as a staff major. In 1855 he was elected to congress, and in 1859 was sent to the state legislature. He was the same year on the Breckinridge and Lane electoral ticket, and was a member of the Georgia secession convention in 1861. He was prominent in the advocacy of secession, and entered the Confederate army at the outbreak of the war, serving with distinction until its close as captain, colonel, brigadier-general and major- general. In 1876 he was chosen governor of Georgia for four years, and in 1880 for two years. In 1883 he was elected to the United States senate, and again in 1888, serving until his death in 1893. For thirty-five years Senator Colquitt was a democratic leader, advocating with courage, eloquence, and energy democratic principles. His public career and private life have been alike stainless. As a lawyer he showed himself learned and profound, a skillful pleader and successful advocate. Mr. Colquitt was a temperance and Sunday school leader of signal power and national reputation, winning celebrity at the intellectual centers of the country. The debates which have transpired during Mr. Colquitt's membership of the senate show his ability, his comprehensive view of public questions, his zeal for the equal rights of citizens, for the moral conditions of society and his recogni tion of the elements of true progress sd unceasingly manifest in the history of his country. QRAWFORD, WILLIAM H., like many other distinguished Americans, owed nothing to the influence of family or wealth. He was bom in the state of Virginia Feb. 24, 1772, of poor but reputable parents. When about fourteen years old he emigrated with them to Georgia. His father was dependent on the labor of himself and sons for the support of a large family. William, after following the plow until about the age of twenty-one, was sent into the world without fortune or patronage. He had received, while at home, a good English education, but aspir ing beyond the sphere to which his humble attainments as a scholar would have confined him, he determined by his own efforts to repair the deficiencies of fortune MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 24! and to qualify himself for one of the learned professions. In 1794 he was able to place himself under the tuiton of Rev. Dr. Waddell, and by employment as teacher he was enabled to support himself and read law, being admitted to practice in 1799. In 1800 he was appointed, with two others, to revise and digest the laws of the state. While at the bar his reputation as a lawyer was unrivaled in that state, and his professional attainments were accompanied and adorned by an irreproachable moral character. He supported Jefferson for president in 1800, and in the canvass his commanding talents and political firmness led to quarrels, followed by two duels, in one of which he had the misfortune to kill his antagonist, and in the other to be himself severely wounded- In the first his opponent was Peter L. Van Alen, then solicitor-general of the western circuit of (jeorgia, and in the latter. Gov. Clarke. In 1804 he was elected as a republican in the legislature, and in 1807 to the senate of the United States, as sufficient proof of the estimation of his talents and industrious application to the public business. While Mr. Crawford continued in the senate he was one of the most useful and distinguished members of that body. From 1808 to 1813 he took a conspicuous part He voted in 181 1 in favor of the United States bank, and in consequence of the sickness of Vice-President Clinton was elected to the important station of president of the senate pro tempore, being the youngest man ever elected to the chair. On the resignation of Mr. Eustis as* secretary of war in 1812, the place was offered to Mr. Crawford, but he declined it. At the close of the session of congress, in March, 1813, Mr. Crawford was made minister to France, a station which had become vacant by the death cf Mr. Barlow. He returned in 181 3 and took charge of the war department, an appointment which had been conferred on him in anticipation of his return. Under his administration an extensive system of fortifying the sea-coast was planned and commenced. In March, 1816, a nomination of president and vice-president was made by the repub lican members of congress. So elevated, even at that early day, was the standing of Mr. Crawford, that he was the only person named as the competitor of Mr. Monroe. He declined to be considered a candidate, yet he received fifty-four votes out of 119. On the resignation of Mr. Dallas, in October, 1816, Mr. Crawford wab transferred to the treasury department. He was continued in this station on the accession of Mr. Monroe in March, 1817, and served until 1825. He was nomi nated for the presidency in 1824 over Mr. Calhoun by the democratic party, and in the election that followed he received the electoral votes of Virginia, Georgia, with scattering' votes from New York, Maryland and Delaware, in all forty-one. No choice having been made by the electoral college, the election reverted to the house of representatives, when John Quincy Adams was elected over Jackson and Crawford, a result said to have been brought about by Henry Clay, who as a candidate threw his support to Adams. Crawford's administration of the treasury was criticised and was made the subject of an investigation. The committee, headed by Webster and Randolph, reported sustaining Mr. Crawford. After receiving his wound his health was badly impaired and rendered it impossible for him to continue in public life, and, although he recovered his strength partially, he took no part after this date in politics. Returning to Georgia he became circuit judge, and occupied this office until 1831. He was opposed to the nullification. movement, and his last days were spent in retirement Though powerful as a debater, the merits of Mr. Crawford were more in the closet and on committees. Gifted with a vigorous, expansive and discriminating mind — a mind guided by discretion and governed by integrity — he forced his way by patient application and persevering industry from obscurity and indigence to the highest stations in the public service. In private life Mr. Crawford was unostentatious in his manners, mild and conciliatory in his deportment, plain and regular in his habits, correct in 1-16 242 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. i morals, frank and honest in his intercourse with society — a friend of religion and public virtue. UILL, BENJAMIN HARVEY, was born at Hillsborough, in Jasper county, Ga., Sept. 14, 1823. His father, John Hill, was a man of limited means and little education, but of a flawless reputation and possessed of any amount of good 'common sense. His mother was a Miss Parham, a Christian lady whose example and teachings had a potent influence in forming the honorable characters of her children. Both parents were consistent members of the Methodist church. When Benjamin was about ten years old his father moved to Long Lane, Troup Co., which was his home until the day of his death. Benjamin grew up on the farm, joining with his brothers in hard labor, and helping his father in the support of the large family, and his only educational advantages were those found in a few months of the country schoohng. When eighteen years old, through an arrangement by which his father contributed one-half of the expense, and his mother and an aunt furnished from their slender savings the other half, Benjamin was sent to the state university. He graduated there, taking first honor, also the honors of his literary society. So keen was his intellect that within a year he was admitted to the bar and began practice at La Grange. Here, soon after the commencement of his great career, he was wedded to Miss Caroline Holt, of Athens, a young lady belonging to one of Georgia's old families, of fortune, beauty and accomplishments. Mr. Hill grew rapidly at the bar and his profes sional fame soon extended all over the state. He began life as a whig and was elected to the legislature in 1851 on that ticket. When that party dissolved he became a know-nothing, or strictly American, and as such was defeated for congress by Judge Hiram Walker, the democratic candidate. In 1856 he was nominated on the Fillmore ticket as an elector-at-large and stumped the state with great ability. At this time he assumed the leadership of the American party, and became their candidate for governor in 1857, being defeated by Gov, Joseph E. Brown. In 1859 he was elected to the state senate as a unionist, and in i860 his name was on the Bell electoral ticket. He was an open Union man, and in the state secession convention at Milledgeville in 1861 strongly opposed the ordinance of withdrawal from the Union, but on account of the threatened division of his people he afterward voted for secession. He was a member of the Con federate provisional congress and Confederate senate, and was regarded the ablest supporter of Mr. Davis' policy in the senate. In May, 1865, after Lee's surrender, he was arrested by the United States government and confined in Fort Lafayette, . N. Y., but was soon released on parole. Returning home he resumed his activity in politics and was vigorous in his opposition to the reconstruction acts of congress, a speech he made at Atlanta attracting wide and marked attention. During this time he published his Notes on the Situation, being a severe arraignment of the constitutional government of the states. In 1870, after the congressional plan of reconstructing the states was completed, and the constitutional amendments were adopted and incorporated into that instrument, Mr. Hill, believing further resistance useless, advised the people to accept the result He resumed the prac tice of law with great success. He supported Horace Greeley for president in 1872 and in 1876 was elected to congress from the ninth district. He supported the electoral commission bill in an eloquent address. His celebrated discussion with Mr. Blaine from Maine was one of the most memorable that has ever occurred in the house of representatives, and gave him a national reputation. In 1877 he was elected to the United States senate, where he served till Aug. 16, 1882, the date of his death, which was caused by cancer. MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 243 'TOOMBS, ROBERT, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., about five miles from Washington, July 2, 1810. Wilham Toombs, the great-grandfather of Robert, was the first of the English family to come to America, about 1650, and he settled in Virginia. Gabriel, a son, fought with Braddock. His son, Robert Toombs, the father of the distinguished statesman, commanded a Virginia regi ment during the revolution and rendered great service against the British in Georgia. He came to Georgia in 1783 and received a rich tract of 3,000 acres of land in Wilkes county. He settled on Beaverdam creek, five miles from Washington. He first married Miss Sanders, of Columbia county. She died without issue and he then married a Miss Catlett of Virginia. His third wife was Catherine Huling, and of this marriage these children were born: Sarah, who finally became Mrs. Pope; James, who was killed by accident while hunting; Augustus, Robert and Gabriel. Catherine Huling was of Welsh ancestry, a devoted Methodist and a most excellent woman. Robert Toombs was, in his youth, of slender build, and of a rather stunted instead of fragile growth. His physical development was after he had reached the age of fifteen. His first train ing was at what was known as an "old field school," taught by Welcome Fanning. Afterward a private tutor. Rev. Alexander Webster, the preceptor of Alexander Stephens, gave instructions. About 1840 young Toombs entered Franklin col lege, now the state university, located in Athens, Ga. His college days are replete with stories of mischievousness, and he left the school without receiving his diplomas. Later in life, in his characteristic way, he refused an honorary degree, though a director of the college. In 1828 he finished his classical course and received his A. B. degree at Union college, Schenectady, N. Y. He studied law at the university of Virginia, and on March 18, 1830, was admitted to the bar of Elbert county, his license being signed by William H. Crawford, judge of the superior court. During the first five years of his practice he did not give a bright promise. His work was that of the average country lawyer. Then he developed forth, with an impetus that carried him to a height in his profession never attained by a lawyer in Georgia. As a lawyer Mr. Toombs had a thrilling delivery, which, coupled with a noble presence, carried his audience or jury from the start. A thorough knowledge of his cases, a hghtning-like perception of the weak and strong points of controversy, a capacity and willingness to perform intellectual labor, with charming conversational powers were his master points and contributed to an immense success in his profession. Robert Toombs cast his first vote for Andrew Jackson in 1832. He almost immediately thereafter joined the whigs. In 1837, just after his return from the Creek war, in which he was a captain, he was elected as a whig from the democratic county of Wilkes to the legislature. He was returned at the annual elections in 1839, 1840, 1842 and 1843. In the big campaign of 1844 he was the chief orator of the whigs in Georgia, and combated the great McDuffie in South Carolina. He took his seat in congress in December, 1845. His first speech was on the Oregon question, and placed him among the first debaters and orators of that body. He opposed the acquisition of Texas, and was active in the compromise measures in 1850, and greatly contributed to their passage. On Nov. 10, 1851, he was elected to the United States senate after serving eight years as congressman. As a senator he was unfaltering in his belief in state rights, and advised secession as soon as Lincoln was elected, and in a passionate speech informally left the senate, which action was followed by his expulsion in 1 861. He advocated disunion with all the force of his oratory, and when the state convention met in 1861 was chiefiy instrumental in carrying the resolution of secession. He was elected to the Confederate congress and would have been 244 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA elected president of the Confederacy but for old political enemies who opposed him in the last hour. He accepted the portfolio of state under President Davis, but resigned after a short service on account of differences with Davis, and receiving a commission as brigadier-general, on July 21, 1861, joined Gens. Beauregard and Johnston at Manassas. In January, 1862, he was elected to the Confederate States senate, but dechned it, preferring to remain in the field. He fought at the second battle of Bull Run and Antietam, but later resigned and returned home. In 1864 he was adjutant and inspector-general of Gen. George W. Smith's division of Georgia militia. He was present during the battles before Atlanta and the engagement at Peach Tree Creek. The four men whom the Wash ington government wanted to arrest and hold responsible for the war were Toombs, Davis, Shdell and Howell Cobb. Gen. Toombs' escape was accom- phshed only after thrihing adventures, and he passed two years in Cuba, France and England, but returned in 1867 and resumed the practice of law. As he refused to take the oath of allegiance he was debarred from citizenship. After the war he acted principally with the Democratic party, but Mr. Toombs' great power always made him independent. He criticised Pierce, Buchanan and quarreled with Jefferson Davis. The last years of his life were spent in a war on the railroads. The legislature of Georgia in 1874 taxed railroad property the same as other property, and those corporations resisted. Gen. Toombs, for the state, carried the case to the Supreme court and recovered $300,000 taxes. He was the originator of the state commission railroad law. Gen. Toombs married Julia A. Dubose, a South Carolinian. A man of great deeds and great temptations, great passions, and glaring faults, his domestic life was a model one. His life long home at Washington was the scene of proverbial hospitality. Three genera tions have accorded him the distinction of being one of America's greatest men. He was a strongly marked southerner of the old school. Mentally he was distinctively great, eloquent, and personally, upright, brave and obstinate. He died Dec. 15, 1885. QOBB, THOMAS W., was born in Columbia county, Ga., in 1784. He studied law under Willi-am H. Crawford, and practiced in Lexington, Ga. In i8i7he was elected to congress, serving until 1821, was again elected in 1823, but resigned in 1824 to succeed Nicliolas Ware, deceased, in the United States senate. In 1828 he resigned and became a judge of the superior court. He was a brilliant .orator, and during his public life w.as prominent in all debates on important questions. Fie died in Greensborough, Ga., Feb. i, 1830. piILL, JOSHUA, was born in AbbeviUe district, S. C, Jan. 10, 1812, and remov ing to Georgia when a lad, he studied law and beg&ii its practice at Madison. He was a member of congress, being elected as an American, from 1857 until Jan. 23, 1861, when he resigned on command of his people, he being opposed to seces sion. He took no part in pubhc affairs during the war, save accepting a nomina tion for governor and being defeated by Gov. Brown in 1863. He was a member of the constitutional convention called by President Johnson in 1866, and was defeated for United States senator. During the reconstiuction period he defeated Gov. Joseph E. Brown for United States senator, serving until 1873. QOLQUITT, WALTER T., wa;s born in Halifax county, Va., Dec. 27, 1799, and soon after his parents moved to Georgia and -settled .near Mount Zion, where Walter was sent to the school of Mr. Beman. He went to Princeton, but was called home by the sickness of his father before he graduated. He read law in the office MISCELLANEOUS BIOGRAPHIES. 245 of Col. Samuel RockweU of Milledgeville, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. He first located at Sparta, and then moved to a village called Cowpens in Walton county. In the meantime he ihad been elected brigadier-general by the legislature when twenty-one years old. In 1826 he was a candidate of the Troup party for congress, and in a district which contained a majority of 2,000 Clark y.oters he was only beaten by the Hon. Wilson Lumpkin, their candidate, by thirty-two votes. At the age of twenty-seven he was elected judge of the^ Chattahoochee superior court In 1836 and 1837 he represented Muscogee county in the state senate. He was elected to congress as a state's rights whig man in 1838. He resigned upon the nomination of Harrison for the presidency, and supported Van Buren. His course was indorsed by his constituency, and he resumed his seat in congress, serving till March, 1843, 'when he was sent to the United States senate. He supported the Polk administration and the Oregon question and the Mexican war issue, and opposed the Wilmot proviso. As an advocate Judge Colquitt stood alone in Georgia, perhaps in the whole south. No man could equal him in vigor and brilliancy where the passions of the juiy had to be led. He was a Christian and a member of the M. E. church. Of a magnificent constitution. Judge Colquitt was prodigal of his health, and died in the prime of life, aged 56 years. He was first married on Feb. 23, 1823, to Nancy H. Lane, daughter of Joseph Lane, of Newton county, by whom he had six children. The second marriage was in 1841 to Mrs. Alphia B. Fauntleroy, formerly Miss Todd. She lived but a few months, and in 1842 he married Harriet W. Ross, daughter of Luke Ross, of Macon. gERRIEN, JOHN M'PHERSON, was born in New Jersey, Aug. 23, 1781, and was the son of Maj. John Berrien, a distinguished officer under Washington, and his mother, Margaret Macpherso.n, whose brother, John Macpherson, was aid-de-camp to Gen. Montgomery, and fell with him at Quebec. In the house occupied by Gen. Washington as headquarters, whence he issued his farewell address to the army, John McPherson Berrien was born. He graduated at Princeton at the age of fifteen, and was admitted to the bar of Georgia in 1799, having read law under Hon. Joseph Clay. In 1809 he was elected solicitor-general, and the next year judge .of ETER J. CLINE. — Industry and economy, when accompanied by intelligently directed enterprise, will generally win under any surroundings; but there now and then occur cases of more than ordinary success and interest One of the most conspicuous of these, as well as one of the most instructive, is that of Peter J. Cline, merchant-farmer and stock raiser, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., son of Peter and Bridget Cline, who was born in Augusta, Ga., Sept 22, 1845. His parents were natives of County Roscommon, Ireland, and the subject of this sketch was the only one of the children born in this country. Mr. Cline's father, a teacher by profession, emigrated to this country in 1843 and settled in Augusta, Ga., where, by his unusual ability he soon attained prominence and influence and position in the city government. About three years afterward he sent for his family, and two years later, in 1848, he died, aged thirty-nine years. His widow was born in 1813 and died in 1853. Both were devout Catholics. On the death of his parents Mr. Chne was placed under the guardianship of his sister. Miss Mary E. Cline, who with himself were the only surviving members of the family. He was sent to Sharon, Taliaferro Co., Ga., to school. While he was at school his sister married Patrick Otis, of Augusta, Ga., and after his return from school he was "cash-boy" in a dry-goods store for some time in Augusta. In February, 1861, he was sent to St Vincent college in Pennsylvania, where he remained until July, 1864, when he left there and started home. By the time he had reached Louisville, Ky., his money gave out, and having no friends and knowing no one through whom to get a passport, he sought employment, which he finally obtained on the railway, and worked his way as a brakeman to Nashville. In that city, having some friends, he secured a situation in a crock ery store and retained it some considerable time. Himself and other "southern boys" there were very closely watched, but the national characteristics of impul siveness and impetuous courage caused him to be more closely watched than others, and involved him in several fights with the Federal authorities, and finally five weeks' incarceration in jail — and he was really threatened with more serious punishment Through the influence of kind friends he was finally released, and there being no railway transportation, he left Nashville as quickly as possible for Augusta by wagon, via Atlanta. On reaching Augusta he obtained a situa- 262 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. tion ill a dry-goods store, which he kept until December following, when he went to Crawfordville, Ga., where he clerked several months. In 1869 he went to Atlanta, where he entered the employ of John Gannon in his dry-goods store, and remained about a year. Returning to Augusta he clerked awhile and then formed a partnership with J. P. Quinn and sold silks and broadcloth in South Carohna with horse and wagon — a portable store. Starting with a joint capital of $150, he made $1,400 in between four and five months. He now "struck out" for bigger things. In September, 1870, he and his partner began business in Milledgeville under the firm name of Cline & Quinn, and in 1873 established a branch store, with Mr. Quinn as manager in Eatonton, Ga. In 1875 the firm, with $23,000 cash capital, dissolved. Their success had been phenomenal from the beginning; a very striking example, as well as affording the greatest encour agement to young men ambitious of success in any line of human endeavor. Turning his attention to husbandry, he has been no less successful and prosperous ; and here, also, sets an example which thousands of southern farmers would do well to emulate. He has a large grass farm, is the largest hay producer in that part of the state, and is making money at it. In addition to this he has one of the largest and best blooded herds of Jersey cattle in the south — no better pedigree in the country — in which he takes just pride, as well as reahzes large profits. When southern farmers "wake up" and work up to the great possibilities of their section there will be tens of thousands like the enterprising subject of this sketch. It was hardly possible that a man of Mr. Cline's practical business qualities should be entirely overlooked by his fellow-citizens — so he has been elected to the mayoralty of Milledgeville, been a member of the board of trustees of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural college, a director in the bank, and was appointed by Gov. Northen a member of the board of commissioners to the colored school at Savannah — all through the urgent solicitation of friends. He has always been an active temperance worker, and although not a prohibition ist has never taken a drink of whisky. How much of his success may be credited to that? Mr. Cline was married in 1874 to Miss Katie L., daughter of Hugh Treanor, of Milledgeville, by whom he had seven children, six of whom are living. The mother of these, a devout and exemplary member of the Catholic church, died in August 1884. Subsequently he married a sister of his first wife, who has borne him six children, of whom five survive. Mr. Cline and wife and family are devout and influential members of the Catholic church. "pHO:MAS JEFFERSON COOPER, farmer-merchant, Stevens Pottery, Ga., son of 'William M. and Milhe (McGinty) Cooper, was born in Muscogee county in 1837. His father and mother were both born in 181 1; the former died in 1866 and the latter in 1886, and both were devoted and devout members of the Primitive Baptist church. They were the parents of eight children : Mary, wife of James T. Robinson; Mehnda, wife of W. R. Fenn; Thomas J., the subject of this sketch; Emily, widow of Mr. Etheridge; Catharine, deceased; James, died at Goldsboro, N. C, while in the Confederate service; Ehzabeth, wife of W. C. Patterson ; Gatsey, wife of W. F. Partee. Mr. Cooper's parents moved to Baldwin county about 1845, so that he was raised and educated in the county of which he has been a citizen fifty years. On attaining to manhood he began farming, but in 1862 enlisted in a company commanded by Capt. Conn, went to Virginia and was discharged. He re-en listed under Col. (afterward Gen.) Doles, serving six months; next under Capt. Lofton, and later, for awhile under both Capts. Beman and Ruther.ford, and was COL. CHARLES DuBlGNON. BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 263 finally discharged in Augusta in 1865. He came home from the war to find his earnings all gone, and that he must begin life anew, so he set about the "reconstruc tion" of his own affairs with a wih. By hard work, and working early, late and long, practicing economy and investing his surplus judiciously he has forged ahead until he now owns 635 acres of excellent, well-improved farm-land, and since 1868 has had a well-stocked general merchandise store, where he does a good and profitable business. He is now one of the leading planters and one of the solidest and most reliable men of Baldwin county. For four years he served his fellow-citizens as a justice of the peace. Mr. Cooper was married in 1858 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Joseph S. and Fannie Etheridge, a union which has been blessed with twelve children: Catha rine, James, Charles, Sallie, Fannie, John, Effie, Mamie, Roy, Cleveland and two which died in infancy. The mother of these died in 1892 and subsequently Mr. Cooper married Miss M. E. Fenn. QOL. CHARLES DU BIGNON, deceased, was the son of Col. Henry and Amelia (Nicolson) Du Bignon, and was born on Jekyl island, Glynn county, Ga., Jan. 4, 1809. After receiving his pre-piaratory educati-o-n in his native -state he went north to finish it On his return he read law under the late R. R. Cuyler, one of the 'most e-minent lawyers of his time, and for ni.any years -the able president of the Central Railroad & Banking conipan)-, and located in Glynn county. In 1841 he was elected to represent the county at the general assembly at Milledgeville, then the capital. In 1844 he moved from Glynn to Baldwin county, where he made his permanent home, and abandoned politics and the practice of his profession to look after the very large plantation interests of his wife, whose father. Senator Grant- land, was then one of the wealthiest men in Georgia. He was a magnificent specimen of southern manhood and chivalry and was made captain of the governor's horse guards, which was composed of the flower of the citizenry of the state's capital and Baldwin county. As the captain of this company he went to the Confederate army in Virginia. Fie died at Woodville, near Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Sept 13, 1877, and is entombed in the cemetery at Milledgeville. His estimable widow, who survives him, is living at the old homestead. Col. Du Bignon was married Jan. 4, 1844, to Miss Anna V., daughter of Hon. Seaton and Ann (Tinsley) Grantland, a union blessed with the following-named children: Charles Fleming, who lost his life in the Confederate service; Seaton G-, deceased since the war; Katharine, who married Gen. Moxley Sorrell, now of the Ocean Steamship company, with office in New York; Fleming G., lawyer, Savannah, Ga., sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in these Memoirs, and Charles P., youngest child and son, who is living with his aged mother at the Grantland old homestead, Woodville, Ga. JOHN MARTIN EDWARDS, county treasurer, Milledgeville, son of Martin Edwards, was born in Milledgeville in 1840. His father was born in Rocking ham county, N. C, in 1800, ran away from home when a boy, and finally settled in Augusta, Ga., in 1836. He was married in 1838, very poor, ancl about the same time began life in earnest by engaging in peddling. After accumulating a small sum from his savings he settled in Milledgeville and engaged in merchandising; was prosperous and acquired considerable property, and died in 1879. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity. His widow, whose maiden name was Miller, is still living at the old homestead, her home since 1848, where she awaits the sum mons to a reunion with him who has gone before. She is a revered and exem plary member of the Methodist church. Eight children blessed this union: John 264 MEMOIRS OF GEORGL\. M., the subject of this sketch; Annie E., wife of M. Kidd; Susan E., widow of M. ]^. Bell; Perry J., who was a soldier in the Confederate army; George F.; Jeffer son, drowned when thirteen years old; Mary, deceased, and Warren. Mr. Edwards was reared in Milledgeville, where he was schooled until he was seventeen years old, when he v/as made overseer of his father's plantation. He remained there until the civil war began, when he joined the state troops and served six months under Col. Robert T. Harris. He then enlisted in the Confed erate service, and gallantly participated in some of the most important battles of the war, among them Vicksburg, seven days' fight around Richmond, Knoxville, Murfreesboro, Missionary ridge. Powder Springs, Kennesaw mountain, and the battles around Atlanta, remaining in the service until the surrender, losin.g no time in hospitals or by furlough. His father had 6,000 or 8,000 acres of land, and on this on his return home he commenced farming. Of the corn he raised he sold 100 bushels for $250, which was the foundation of his present estate. In 1873 he was made deputy sheriff and served four years, and in 1885 he was elected treasurer of Baldwin county, to which he has been continuously re-elected since, the highest testimony possible as to his business capability and integrity. He is now operating thirty hands on the farm, and is accounted one of the best farmers, as well as one of the solidest and most influential of Baldwin county's citizens. Mr. Edwards was married, in 1869, to Miss Bessie, dau.ghter of Robert Himes,* Franklin county, Tenn. Four children have been the fruit of this union: Himes M., William Stroud, Mattie T., deceased at six years of age, and Bessie. ^Ir. Edwards is a member of the I. O. O. F. and a Master Mason, and Airs. Edwards is an active working member of the Baptist church. QHARLES W. ENNIS, ex-sheriff, farmer, Milledgeville, Ga., son of P. :\I. and Evaline (Minor) Ennis, was born in Baldwin county in 1845. He grew to manhood on the farm, and enjoyed very good educational advantages at the country schools and in Milledgeville. His father was of Scotch-Irish descent, born in Baldwin county, and died in 1891. His mother died in 1882. Both were members of the Primitive Baptist church. On reaching manhood he engaged in farming, which he has made the principal pursuit of his life. In 1863 he entered the Confederate service as a member of the governor's horse guards, Capt. Nichols, and continued in it until the close of the war. He was a participant in the battles of the Wilderness and Cold Harbor, and many others — in all fourteen engagements in twelve months, besides numerous skirmishes. Early in 1865 he was captured and sent to Hart's island, N. Y., where he was detained until June 19, 1865. He reached home July 3, to find his father's farm nearly devastated — stock and pro visions all gone, the Federal army having passed over it In 1875 he embarked in the saw-mill business, which he successfully followed until 1879, when he was elected sheriff of the county. He was continuously re-elected until 1895, having served for sixteen consecutive years. While discharging the responsible duties of sheriff so efficiently as to be continued so long in it, he conducted his farming with success. His faithfulness and efficiency and the consequent merited popularity could not be better attested than by his j^rolonged retention in office. Mr. Ennis was married in 1866 to Miss Eliza F., daughter of George W. and Abia (Lewis) Barnes, natives respectively of Maryland and North Carolina. To them six children have been born: Sonora, Charles P., killed in 1891 by a boiler explosion; Cora; J. Floward, farmer; Ernest and ^\'illie. He is a Master Jilason and has filled several offices — senior warden and others — lielow that of worshipful master, and is a member of the Fraternal Mutual Insurance company. Himself and wife are members of the Baptist church, of which he has been a deacon for more BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 265 than twenty years, and a trustee for a long time, and Mrs. Ennis is a working member of the Ladies' Aid society. C AMUEL EVANS, cotton merchant, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., son of Jesse and Rebecca (Cash) Evans, was born in Person Co., N. C, May 5, 1841. His paternal great-grandfather was born in Wales, England, and came to this country and settled in Philadelphia before the revolutionary war, during which he served in the patriot army. Soon after the war he moved to North Carolina and settled in Orange county. Samuel Evans, his son, and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Philadelphia, and while yet young came with his parents to North Carohna, where he died in 1840. He married a daughter of Levi Sweeney, whose wife was a Miss Ledbetter.. They were natives of Ireland and emigrated to this country about 1775. She lived to be over one hundred years old. The wife of Samuel Evans died in 1852. These old matrons remem bered well and recounted vividly the privations and stirring events which occurred during and after the war for independence. A brother of Mrs. Evans — John Sweeney — served during the revolutionary war and was wounded near the Sa vannah river; for many years the family preserved the old flint-and-steel musket he carried, which is beheved to have seen some service during the late war. Mr. Evans' father was born in Orange Co., N. C, in 1808, where he married and ' had nine children born to him, of whom six were boys : Azariah, killed at the battle of Plymouth; Henry H., wounded in the battle of Murfreesboro, now in North Carolina; John S., killed in the battle of Sharpsburg; William, who came to Georgia and afterward went to Tennessee, where he died in 1872; Moses D., in North Carolina, and Samuel, the subject of this sketch. The parents of Mr. Evans were industrious farming people, accumulated quite a large property for the times — including but few slaves — and were devoted members of the Primitive Baptist church. When Mr. Evans' great-grandfather on his mother's side (Cash) settled in North Carolina he received five square miles of land for a rifle valued at $75. Mr. Evans' mother was a daughter of Moses Cash, and her mother was an Oakley, this family being related to the Ashleys. She was born in 1810 and was married in 1829. The father died in 1878 and the mother in 1881. Mr. Evans spent his boyhood on the farm in North Carohna and attending school. In 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate service, but on account of a broken ankle was assigned to detail duty, and remained in the service four years — two of which were at the presidential mansion. After the war he engaged in farming for about a year, then, in addition, began the manufacture of plug tobacco, and in 1871 estabhshed a business in Milledgeville which he continued three years. At the end of that time he embarked in the heavy grocery and farmers' supplies business and pursued that until 1887, when he entered the 'cotton commission business, which he has successfully pursued to the present time, at the same time profitably operating a thirty-plow plantation. As a good and progressive farmer an!i~successful business man and an able manager and financier he is not outranked by any citizen of the county. Mr. Evans was married in 1869 to Miss Zella, daughter of Isaiah and Elizabeth V. (Anderson) Bumpass, anghcized from the French — de Bumpre. Of thirteen children born to them five survive: Alice L., Addie V., Bessie, Samuel and George C. Pie is an ardent member of the Masonic fraternity and himself and wife and all the children are members of the Methodist church. g EATON GRANTLAND, deceased, formerly a citizen of Baldwin county, was during his active life one of the most conspicuous as well as one of the most influential personages of his day. Mr. Grantland was born in New Kent Co., A^a., 266 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. June 8, 1782. On reaching a suitable age he was apprenticed to learn the printing trade in the old "Enquirer" office, Richmond, \'a., when Thomas Ritchie was its editor. Soon afterward his brother, Fleming Grantland, was also apprenticed, and the two brothers there learned the printer's art. In 1808 Seaton Grantland came to Georgia and located at Milledgeville, and was followed the succeeding year by his brother Fleming". Milledgeville had a few years previously been made the capital of the state, ancl in 1807 the general assembly held its first session there. In 1809 the Grantland brothers commenced the publication of the "Georgia Journal," which soon established a character for uncommon editorial ability, and under the management and editorship of Seaton and Fleming Grant- land became a leading and controlling power in Georgia politics. In the struggle between William H. Crawford and Gen. John Clark for political supremacy the "Journal" espoused the cause of Crawford. Fleming Grantland was elected to the state senate without opposition. But his life was short; he died in 1819 when only twenty-nine years of age. Upon the death of his brother Fleming Mr. Grantland sold the "Georgia Journal." Later in the same year, however, with the late Richard McAllister Orme, he established the "Southern Recorder," and was its editor until 1833, when he sold out to Miller Grieve, who had married his niece, Miss Sarah Caroline, daughter of his brother Fleming. Mr. Grantland was a strong and fearless writer, and still opposing the Clark party with gloveless hands, under the battle-cry of "Troup and the Treaty," carried the first direct election of governor by the people — in 1825 — by electing George M. Troup over John Clark. It was a bitterly and hotly contested struggle — a veritable "battle of giants" — but was a grand triumph for Troup. Mr. Grantland was twice elected a representative to congress — 1835 and 1837 — when the election was by general ticket, and it is worthy of remark that his membership was contemporaneous with that of some of the grandest characters which adorn the nation's history — Clay, Calhoun, Webster, Jackson, Benton, Cass, John P. King, Fors3i;he, Bu chanan, John M. Clayton, and scores of others. He retired after this from active politics, his only subsequent service being as one of the electors for Georgia in the presidential election in 1848, when he cast Georgia's vote for Taylor and Fillmore at the capitol in Milledgeville. He was opposed to secession and lived until near the end of the war, his life closing October, 1864, at his long-time home at Woodville, near Milledgeville, aged eighty-two years. When he came to Georgia he brought his mother — then Mrs. Caroline Goodwyn — with him. She died in 1851 and was ninety-one years old. Mr. Grantland was twice married. He was first married to Aliss Ann Tinsley, of Virginia, by whom he had three children: Fleming, a physician, to whom was given the best possible education, partly in Paris; he died in 1834 in the prime of promising young manhood, aged thirty-six years; Susan, now Mrs. David J. Bailey, and Ann V., widow of Charles Du Bignon, now living at the Grantland "old homestead" near Milledgeville. His second marriage was to Miss Katharine Dabney, but there was no issue. M IDLER GRIEVE was born in Edinborough, Scotiand, Jan. 10, 1801. His father was named John Grieve and his mother's maiden name was Miller, Miss Marion Miller, a daughter of Dr. Daniel Miller. There were four children: Marion, who married Mr. James McHenry; John, Miller and Callender, who married the late Judge Joseph Henry Lumpkin, so long the chief justice of Georgia. In 1817, they landed in Savannah, John Grieve and James McHehry to go in the old house of Andrew Low & Co., to ship cotton and rice to England and Scotland. In 1820, Jolm Grieve and James AIcHenry died of yellow fever in BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 267 Savannah, and the balance of the family moved first to Liberty and then to Ogle thorpe county, Ga. Miller Grieve read law at Lexington and went into the prac tice, the law firm being Grieve & Lumpkin. George R. Gilmer was elected governor over Joel Crawford in 1829, and brought Miller Grieve with him to Milledgeville, Ga., then the capital, as secretary of the executive department and his private secretary; and he remained in that capacity for two years. In 1833 he married Miss Sarah Caroline Grantland, a daughter of Fleming Grantland, and niece of Seaton Grantland; and during the same year he bought out Seaton Grantland's interest in the "Southern Recorder," and with the late Richard Mc Alhster Orme, conducted that paper under the firm Grieve & Orme until 1853. As an editor he was a power, pure, chaste, genial, honest in conviction, frank in statement; and the "Southern Recorder" was then the leading and controlling paper of the whig party. It was regarded, as has been remarked about it, while he was editor of it, that "it was the supreme court of the whig party." Men in different counties would wait its coming to direct what to do, and how to act, and when it did come it was as a remittiteur from the supreme court to the court below. He conducted the paper through the Harrison campaign of 1840, "Tippecanoe and Tyler too," and Georgia cast her electoral vote for Harrison and Tyler. It was the campaign of log cabin, coon skin, green gourds, strings of red pepper, and hard cider, against the "sly fox from Kinderhook, New York, named Martin Van Buren ; the political magician ; agreeable to all men and all measures ; 'now I see you, now I clon't,' everything in general and nothing in particular. Write a paper meaning one thing at the start, in the middle something else; wind up with still another contrary to either of the first capable of three constructions and maybe more, and meaning neither, promise anything, and everything, and when the time came for him to stand, would dodge you sure. Yet smart, and a man not only of ability but of prominent ability." Mr. Grieve was a power with the' "Recorder" in the campaign of 1848. Taylor and Fillmore were the whig candidates, and Cass and Butler, the democratic, and Georgia voted for Taylor and Fillmore, George R. Gilmer was beat out by Wilson Lumpkin, in 1831, for governor, but Miller Grieve left the secretaryship of the governor, or executive department, with a determination to- re-elect him, and never did give up until he was re-elected in 1837, beating Schley. Miller Grieve was elected as a whig to represent Baldwin county in the Georgia legislature twice — 1841 and 1843. He was the chairman of the bank committee of the house, and a powerful aid to Gov. George W. Crawford in bringing up the central bank bills, which were at 50 cents on the dollar to 100 cents on the dollar. George W. Crawford was elected governor in 1843, and adopted his plan, (See report of bank committee, 1841.) Mr. Grieve made an able representative, but declined repeatedly to run again for the legislature, though often urged. He was chairman of the board of trustees of Oglethorpe university, at Midway, Ga., and gave some $20,000 of his private fortune to build and establish it. He was for a number of years a trustee of the Georgia Lunatic asylum and president of the board. Dr. Green, the old late and former superintendent, has remarked repeatedly that, but for Miller Grieve and the editorial columns of the "Southern Recorder" he would not have been able to have built the asylum or carried the measures for appropriations through the legislature. He was the captain of the old Metropolitan Greys, one of the finest military companies in the state. Mr. Grieve was present and met Henry Clay when he visited Milledgeville in 1844, ¦when Mr. Clay spoke from the corner in front of the old McComb's hotel. 268 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. He advocated the subscription by the citizens of Milledgeville of $100,000 to locate the Central railroad at Milledgeville when W. W. Gordon, its first president, was in Milledgeville urging it He advocated the building of the state road, Western & Atiantic, from Atlanta to Chattanooga, and, in general, was a public- spirited man. He was offered the minister's position by President Taylor to the Argentine Repubhc, South America, but declined it He was tendered by President Fillmore charge d'affaires to Denmark, and accepted it, and went to Copenhagen, taking with him his two oldest boys. Miller and Fleming G., and his nephew, James McHenry Lumpkin. His wife preceded him to the grave. There were nine children : Miller, Mar ion, Fleming G., Eliza, John, Joseph Henry Lumpkin, Marion, George Gilmer, and Sarah Collender. The two Marions died in infancy; Mr. John Grieve died at the age of 31 years, and six of the children are still living. He died in 1878 at the age of seventy-seven years, honored, respected, beloved by all who knew him, an honest man, a Christian gentleman. He is buried in the Milledgeville cemetery. QHARLES RHODES HARPER, farmer, Meriwether, Baldwin Co., was one of five children born to Robert H. and Eliza Ann (Carter) Harper. The father was born in Hancock county in 1817, and was a big farmer and large slave holder before the war. He served in the state militia during the war, and died in 1884. His wife was born in Putnam county, Ga., in 1819, and died in 1881. They were good, honest. Christian people, who enjoyed the esteem of every one. Mr. Charles Rhodes Harper was born in Putnam county in 1842, and his boyhood days were those of the farmer's lad, with a meager schooling, picked up here and there in the old log school houses. When the war broke out he enlisted in the state militia, where he did duty for six months, and then went out in Company H, Fifty-seventh Georgia regiment He was attached to Walker's brigade, in the battles of Peachtree creek and Decatur, and was also at the siege of Vicksburg, and his war record is as creditable as has been his private life. In 1866 he was married to Anna E. Tatum, a daughter of Dudley H. Tatum, a native of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Harper have had born to them seven children, as follows: John B., Fannie E., married; Robert D., deceased; Charier T., a student in the Technological school ; Annie E., a graduate of the MiUedgeville Normal school; Julia M., and Emma G., deceased. i\Ir. and Mrs. Harper are devout Christians, belonging to the Methodist church, of which Mr. Harper has long been a steward and trustee. Mr. Harper is one of the largest planters in Baldwin county, and owns about 2,100 acres of finely cultivated land. The estate is now managed by his son. TVERSON L. FI ARRIS, physician and surgeon, Milledgeville, Ga., son of Hon. Iverson L. Harris, once associate justice of the supreme court of Georgia, in his day one of the most eminent members of the legal profession in the state, was born in Milledgeville Nov. 21, 1835. He was raised in his native city, where he enjoyed excellent educational advantages. After preparatorj- study he attended lectures at the Pennsylvamia Medical collc.ge from 1857 to 1859, graduating the last-named year. Very soon afterward he located in Albany, Ga., where he was when the "war between the states" began. In May, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the Gov ernor's Horse Guard, Milledgeville, and served as such six months, when he was appointed assistant surgeon to Phillips' Legion — to which his company had been assigned. After acting in this capacity and command three months he went before BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 269 the medical examining board at Charleston, S. C. He "passed" the examination and was appointed surgeon of the Fifty-ninth Georgia regiment, in which position he continued until the surrender — serving a part of the time as brigade surgeon of Anderson's brigade. During the time he was in the army he was in several im portant skirmishes, and professionally saw much arduous service. Eafly in 1865 he was captured by Wilson's raiders between Macon and Columbus, Ga., but was soon after paroled and returned home. He then went to Macon, Ga., and tem porarily retiring from the practice, engaged in the drug business, in which he continued five years. In 1872 he returned to Milledgevihe and resumed the prac tice of. his profession, in which he has continued, growing in professional reputation, with constantly extending patronage and financial success. For six years of the existence of the old board of physicians he was its secretary and dean. He has also been a member of the State Medical association. He is at present local surgeon of the Central railway of Georgia, and ranks with the foremost of the members of his profession in the state in scientific attainments and practical skill. Dr. Harris was married in 1876 to Miss Ida Burnet of Sparta, Ga., and to them have been born two children: Mary F. and William B. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder. WILLIAM GARDNER HAWKINS, farmer, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., son of Peterson and Mary P. Hawkins, was born in Baldwin county Feb. I, 1844. His father was born near Petersburg, Va., in 1813, and when a mere boy came to Georgia and settled in Baldwin county, where he engaged in farming, and which he made his home until he died in 1893. His wife was born in 1826 and is still living — both parents having for many years made their home with the subject of this sketch. They had but two children: William Gardner and Jane Rebecca, who married W. S. Elam, and died in 1882. Mr. Hawkins was raised on the farm and educated in the common schools of the county. In 1861 he enlisted in the Baldwin Blues, Capt Caraker, and went immediately to the front He was in the battles at King's school-house and Mal vern Hill, where, being seriously wounded, he returned home. In a short time he rejoined his command, but receiving discharge on account of disability he returned home. He resumed his farm work, to which he has since devoted his entire time and attention. He has prospered and has large farming interests, and is regarded as one of the foremost farmers in Baldwin county. Mr. Plawkins was married in 1874 to Miss Fannie, daughter of D. H. and Frances Tatum, who bore him five children: Bernard H., just finishing his educa tion; Kirby P.; Dudley R.; Mary A. and Willie G. Mrs. Flawkins, an exemplary member of the Presbyterian church, is still living. Mr. Hawkins is a member of the Masonic fratemity and of the Presbyterian Church, of which he is an elder. "U/ ALTER PAINE, clerk of the superior court, Milledgeville, was born in Milledgeville in 1835. He was raised and received his primary education in the city and finished his education at Oglethorpe university, then located at Midway, Baldwin county. At the beginning of the civil war he was in the hotel business in Milledgeville and in June, 1861, enlisted and entered the service, but was discharged on account of physical disability and returned home. He remained at home until January, 1863, when he entered the Georgia reserves as lieutenant, but was at once made captain of Company D, Fifth regiment, continuing in the service until the surrender. He was at Savannah when that city was evacuated, and was afterward in the following engagements: River's bridge; Coosahatchie and Pocotaligo, and was then detailed to accompany wounded soldiers to Augusta 270 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and saw no more active service. After the close of the war he returned to Milledge ville, but soon afterward went to Macon and accepted a clerkship in the freight department of the Central railway, which he held three years. Fie then returned to Milledgeville, where he engaged as bookkeeper for G. W. Plaas, groceryman,' with whom he remained for several years. In 1873 he was elected clerk of the superior court, to which office he has been continuously re-elected since. Capt. Paine was married in 1857 to Miss Gertrude Dasher. She having died, he contracted a second marriage in 1872 with Miss Anna E. Turner. Mr. Paine has one son, Charles H. Paine, who. is in the drug business at Valdosta, Ga. nR. THEOPHILUS O. POWELL, superintendent of the state lunatic asylum, was born in Brunswick county, Va., in 1837, and when six or seven years of age came to Georgia with his parents, who settled in Sparta, Hancock county. There he was educated largely under the supervision 'of that very eminent educator, Richard Malcom Johnson, of national fame, and after studying medicine for a time attended lectures at the Georgia Medical college, Augusta, from which he graduated in 1859. Soon after his graduation he located in Sparta and was rapidly advancing in the pubhc estimation when the civil war broke out In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Forty-ninth Georgia regiment and served as such until about August, 1862, when he accepted an appointment as first assistant physician to the state insane asylum at Milledgeville. He served as such until February, 1879, when he was appointed superintendent, a position which he has creditably held ever since. While in the Confederate service Dr. Powell was in all the battles around Rich mond and many skirmishes. In 1886, in compliance with a resolution of the senate and house of representatives of the general assembly of Georgia, Dr. Powell submntted to that body a very full and exhaustive report of his "investiga tions as to the increase of insanity in this state, and the most important factors in its causation so far as it has been practicable to ascertain them." This report re flects the highest credit on Dr. Powell's professional erudition, profound study and patient research and placed him high "on the roll of honor" of the medical pro fession. His great scientific attainments, intelligent considerateness for the unfor tunate and conscientious discharge of every duty devolving upon him li&s commended him to the confidence of the people and of the "powers that be," who are satisfied that no more efficient officer could be found. Dr. Powell is a member of the State Medical association of Georgia and was president of the State Medical association in 1887 ; is a member of the American Medico-Psychological association and of the National Medico-Legal society, and few, if any members of the pro fession stand higher than he. Dr. Powell was married in i860 to Miss Frances, daughter of Edward Birdsong, of Hancock county, a union blessed with two children: Julia, wife of P. A. West of Baldwin county, and Harriet, wife of John Conn of Milledgeville, Ga. He is a chapter Mason, Scottish rite and a trustee of Milledgeville Lodge No. 3, F. and A. M. JUDGE LUCIUS Q. C. LAMAR was a son of John Lamar and was born July 15, 1797, and from boyhood was a lover of books, reading with good effect almost everything that came within his reach, but had a decided partiality to poetry and other works of imagination. In after life he was distinguished for his attainment hi belles-lettres, for the classic purity of his composition, and for forensic eloquence. In 181 6 he commenced the study of law in the office of Joel Crawford at Milledgeville, where he read with great assiduity, and, among other acquisitions, T. O. POWELL. BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 271 became an accurate pleader. Having spent twelve months or more in this office, and wishing to complete his professional education, he repaired to the celebrated law-school at Litchfield, in the state of Connecticut, in which Judges Reeve and Gould alternated in delivering a course of lectures. During a period of thirty years or more the Litchfield school was almost the only institution of the kind, and by far the most famed, in the United States. It was sought by students from almost every part of the union, and from no state, probably, in greater numbers than Georgia. About the year 1818 or 1819 young Lamar was licensed "to plead and practice in the several courts of law and equity in this state," opened an office at Milledge ville, and not many months thereafter married Miss Bird, the daughter of an eminent physician of that place. Though few lawyers have brought to the bar higher qualifications, he lacked some, and for a few years his prospects were anything but bright. While others with not a tithe' of his genius or learning were seen to be reaping rich harvests of fees and crowded with clients, he remained poor and almost briefiess. Flow and why did this happen? Courage, truth and honor were among the most conspicuous elements of his character, and he seemed to have the esteem and confidence of every one. But he could not court clients or solicit patronage; his characteristic independence and legitimate self-esteem would not tolerate even the semblance of unworthy condescension. He doubtless wanted what is commonly called address; he had no turn for frivolous chat, story telling, anecdotes, etc. In short, he lacked those qualifications on which humbler natures rely for conciliating popular favor. But there was another peculiarity attached to this gifted young man, which is very seldom seen in persons of his age and fervid temperament. It would seem that the tone of his nervous system was liable -to accidental spells of depression, which not only impaired his capacity for social companionship, but, at times, the highest energies of his mind. At the bar and elsewhere, when under the weight of this incubus, he has been known to betray a want of thought and of expertness in the transaction of business, which, to those who knew him best, was astonishing. On one occasion, an important case of his being on trial in the county of Twiggs — a case he had much at heart, and in which he had made- great preparation — when in the prescribed order of speaking it became his turn to address the special jury, he arose with perfect self-possession, and having proceeded through an exordium of great appropriateness and beauty, suddenly came to a dead pause. No one knew the cause until he, with humility and confusion of face that betrayed the deep morti fication under which he suffered, declared in an undertone to his associate counsel, that he could not proceed, and that the whole advocacy of the cause must fall into the hands of the associate. In the summer of 1821, his first preceptor in the law having retired from the practice some four or five years before, resumed it, and Lamar became his partner. This co-partnership, by its terms, was limited to three years, and before the expiration of that tirne Lamar had so many opportunities of exhibiting proofs of liis great professional ability that he never afterward wanted clients or fees. Mr. Lamar doubtless had ambition — a legitimate ambition — to acquire, by meritorious actions, that fame and fortune which may at all times be justly awarded to useful and brilhant achievements ; but he had an insuperable aversion to catching office as a mere fortuitous windfall, or getting it by surrendering himself to the arbitrary management of a political party. Under the influence of such generous self-denial, he more than once refused his name as a candidate, when success was little less than certain. This conduct when Thomas W. Cobb — about the fall of 272 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1828 — became a candidate for the bench of the Ocmulgee circuit, will serve to exemplify some of the lofty traits which belonged to the character of Lamar. Mr. Cobb was an experienced and confessedly an able lawyer — had been for many years a respectable member of congress, desired to continue in the public service, but in the decline of life preferred a station nearer home. That popularity, however, which carried him three terms to the house of representatives, and after ward to the senate of the United States, now forsook him. He was beaten on joint vote of the general assembly, by a large majority; but for some cause, best known to himself, his successful opponent (Judge Eli S. Shorter) within a few days resigned the commission of judge, and the vacancy had to be filled. Cobb's friends again presented his name, and Lamar was importuned to offer as the rival candidate. .Flad he consented, his election was morally certain ; but he had becoming respect for Mr. Cobb's seniority and past services, was no stranger to the unworthy motives of those who were most intent on a second defeat, nor to the plasticity of that illy-organized college of electors, the general assembly. His refusal was per emptory, and Mr. Cobb was permitted to take the office he so much coveted. Before the term for which Mr. Cobb had been elected expired, his death made a vacancy which Mr. Lamar could honorably consent to fih. He came, then, into office on such conditions as met his approbation, and continued until the day of his own lamented death to discharge its duties with signal ability, and with public applause which few in judicial stations have had the good fortune to receive. The melancholy event of Judge Lamar's death (occasioned, as it was, by his own hand) filled the wide circle of his friends and acquaintances with lamentation and astonishment He was yet a young man, with sufficient wealth for entire inde pendence, unequaled popularity, a wife and children on whom, he doted; no man, indeed, seemed to have more to attach him to life. To the inquiry everywhere made, "What could have caused the suicide?" no satisfactory answer was given. Some supposed it to be religious frenzy, originating in recent and deep impressions on that subject. One who knevf' him intimately has assigned that which was probably the true and only cause — insanity, resulting from accidental derangement of cerebral organism. The disease of which the judge died may, therefore, be assumed as a natural one, and as exphcable, on pathological principles, as apoplexy or any other malady of the brain. Whatever may have been predicted of the eventful career of Judge Lamar, had he lived longer and been placed in congress, or on some other theater favorable to the display of his splendid oratory and ardent patriotism, it is admitted that both at the bar and on the bench, he attained the first rank. He presided with great dignity, and v.'as most effective in the dispatch of business. No one who knew the man ever ventured on an act of rudeness or disrespect to his court ; yet every person whose deportment was worthy of it had unfailing assurances of his kindness. His lectures of instruction to the grand juries, at the opening of a term, were delivered in admirable style; and his charges to special and petit juries, engaged in the trial of difficult and much-litigated cases, might well serve as models to any bench. His manners in public and private life were wholly free from useless formality, but frank, bland and refined. He left a young family of sons and daughters (one of his sons, L. Q. C. Lamar, became United States senator from Mississippi, secretary of the interior under Mr. Cleveland's first term, and a justice of the supreme court of the United States. The above and foregoing is from the pen of his law partner, the late eminent Joel Crawford, and this testimony, from one so competent, estabhshing the high rank of Judge Lamar in the profession, and also as a citizen, the attempt to improve BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 273 the picture would be vain; no room is left for art or friendship to throw further light on a character so nobly molded. He was truly a man of great moral ele vation, and universally beloved. His sensibilities were very acute, and his emulation was entirely unselfish. Aiming to extend the conquests of his profound intellect to the verge of possibility, he overtasked his nervous system, resulting in that deplorable act which deprived his country and his friends of a pattern of excellence. His fame secure, his virtues without a blemish, his memory will ever remain dear to the people of Georgia, and to all who can appreciate an exalted nature. He is buried in the beautiful cemetery at Mihedgeville, Ga. A handsome monument, in the form of an obelisk, twelve or fifteen feet high, has been erected by the members of the bar over his remains, on which is the following inscription, which is said to have been from the pen of the late Judge Iverson L. Harris : "Sacred to the memory of Lucius Q. C. Lamar, late judge of the superior court of the Ocmulgee circuit, who, during a brief period of four years, discharged the duties of that high office with probity, firmness, efficiency and unquestionable reputation. The devoted love of his family, the ardent attachment of personal friends, the admiration of the bar, and the universal approbation of his enlightened admiration of justice, attest the goodness and greatness of one arrested by death too early in the bright career in which he had been placed by his native state. "Born, July 15, 1797. Died, July 4, 1834." "VJU R. ROBISON, physician and surgeon, Milledgeville, Ga., son of William ' H. and Ehzabeth Robison, was born in Washington county, Ga., in 1843. The family is of old Virginia stock, but his father was born in Washington county and followed farming all his life. His father's brother, Samuel Robison. was a brigadier-general in the Indian war, and was a member of the general assembly twenty-two years in succession. Dr. Robison was educated in part in Washington and Hancock counties. On July 15, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regi ment, and served as such two years, and was then elected second lieutenant and, six months later, first lieutenant. He served in this capacity until near the close of the war, at which time the Confederate ranks were so depleted from such long" marches and terrible battles, the companies were consolidated, when he was made captain of Companies G and K, holding that rank when he surrendered at Appomattox. Among the important batttles in which he bore an active and gallant part were: Yorktown, Seven Pines, seven days' fight around Richmond, second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Knoxville, Gettysburg, Chicka mauga, Wilderness, Sailor's creek, and Appomattox. While in the army he was wounded three or four times, but was never in a hospital, and had but two short furloughs. After the surrender he walked home from Appomattox, made a crop that year, and farmed the three following years. In 1868 he began the study of medicine under Dr. J. G. Shinholser, and subsequently attended lectures at the Georgia Medical college, Augusta, from which he graduated in 1872. He located immediately at Toombsboro, Wilkinson Co.. and continued there practicing his profession and selling drugs until 1881, when he moved to- Mil ledgeville, to practice with his brother-in-law. Dr. J. G. Shinholser, Dr. Shin holser died about a year later, leaving three children to rear, when Dr. Robison moved to the farm in Washington county, where he lived five years — practically abandoning his practice. Having discharged this self-imposed sacred duty to these dependent orphans, he returned to Milledgeville in 1886 and resumed the practice of his profession, which he has since continued, growing yearly in repu tation and extent of practice, and in the popular favor. 1-18 274 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Dr. Robison was married in October, 1867, in Wilkinson county to Miss Sallie, daughter of the late Mr. J. G. Shinholser, sister of his deceased partner. Six children were the fruit of this union, but none of them survive. He is a prominent and influential member of the Methodist church. Dr. Robison had three brothers in the war: W. F., a member of the north Georgia Methodist conference, who was a chaplain of the Fifteenth Georgia regiment, and is now president of the Young Harris college, McTyierre, Towns Co., Ga.; Samuel, who was in the Twenty-eighth Georgia regimicnt and died in 1862 while in the army; and Milton, who died in 1864 while in the service. LI ENRY STEVENS, founder of the great "pottery" establishment in Baldwin county (about ten miles from Mihedgeville), Ga., was a son of Walter and Ehzabeth Stevens, and was born in Cornwall, England, jXIay 21, 1813. Com mencing to work in a pottery when quite young, by the time he was eighteen 3'ears of age he had become quite proficient On reaching that age he engaged as a sailor on a merchant vessel sailing between Liverpool and New Y'ork, and followed a sailor's life five years. When twenty-three years of age he came to Augusta, Ga., and accepted a position as foreman of hands at work grading, laying ties, rails, etc., on the Georgia railway then being built between Augusta and Union Point When that work was completed he was appointed a conductor, and continued as such a number of years. He next engaged in the saw-mill business in Greene county, Ga., and selling and erecting the "Page mill," a double circular saw, which being the first introduced into that part of the state, excited no little curiosity and interest. He had very great success both in his saw-milling business and selling and erecting mills throughout middle Georgia, continuing until 1854., That year he bought a large tract of timber land — virgin forest — ten miles south of Milledgeville, in Baldwin county, established a saw-mill jjlant and launched out extensively in the lumber business. He continued in it with phenomenal success until 1871. On the land he had purchased was an extensive and very valuable deposit of fireclay, and Mr. Stevens utilized and profited by his early training by beginning the manufacture of sewer pipe, a great variety of pottery, and stone-ware. This enterprise, like his other ventures, proved to be an extraordinary success from the start Being the only works of the kind in the south, the output having been excellent at the beginning and improved as experience was gained and facilities added, and the management having been exceptionally able the business has grown to enormous proportions. During the war he supplied the Confederate government with many articles needed by the army, knives, shoe-pegs, and Joe Brown pipes, etc., and as a consecjuence, when Gen. Sherman was "marching through Georgia," his mills were burned and his works leveled to the ground. After the surrender he had nothing but his land, an indefinite amount of Confederate currency, and six or seven dollars in gold. He went bravely to work and rebuilt his mills, and as lumber brought good prices, he very rapidly recuperated and placed his vast and varied interests on the road to their present prosperity and magnitude. The products .of the mills and pottery have attained a wide-spread enviable reputation, and are shipped to all parts of the south. Mr. Stevens was more solid than brilliant. Caution and carefulness were happily combined with energy and enterprise, guided b^ almost unerring sagacity; and added to these were practical business qualifications which guaranteed the success accomplished. Another thing — he carried his religion with him into his business, and in his manifold and varied business transactions, with all classes of people, he never lost sight of his Chris- "v-ea" by ,rK Camphsll l'-^''- /tj? e-^pi^rja ^ ^^iP^^i^^yh^ BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 275 tian obligations and duties. There was always a hearty welcome, a bed in his house, a .place and a plate at his table, and money in his palm for the preacher of the gospel of peace. Though remarkably successful in all his worldly pursuits, Christian principle and Christian liberality were a dominant characteristic of his eveiy-day hfe. An interesting incident which occurred just after the war forcibly illustrates this: A Methodist preacher stopped over night at his house, yet midst the ruins left by Sherman's devastating march. During their conver sation the preacher's absolute destitution — want at his home — was made apparent to Mr. Stevens. As already stated, all, and the only, good money he had, was six or seven dollars in gold, and this, true to the generous impulses of his heart, and his profound sense of Christian obligation, he freely gave to the preacher. In 1876 he sold out to his sons, and retired to the quiet enjoyment of a home hallowed by Christian practice, faith and hope. Mr. Stevens was happily married in Greene county, in 1837, to Miss Matilda, daughter of John and Martha Stevens, formerly of North Carolina, and descend ants of early settlers of that state. Her parents started in life poor, 'but by hard work, close economy and good management, accumulated a small fortune. He died about 1850, and his widow died about i860. To Mr. and Mrs. Stevens eight children were born: Martha Jane, wife of F. M. Bone; Walter Crawford, partner Stevens Bros, company; Annie E., wife of David Brewer; John Henry, partner Stevens Bros, company; Fannie Matilda, died in 1887, wife of Rev. J. W. Glenn, Methodist preacher; Eliza, wife of F. C. Davis, Newton county, Ga.; William Park, treasurer and general manager H. Stevens Bros, company, Macon, Ga. ; and one who died in infancy. The mother of the above, a very pious and exemplary member of the Methodist church, born in 1823, died in 1862. Mr. Stevens contracted a second marriage with Miss Carrie, daughter of William Torrance, by whom he had no children. In both marriages Mr. Stevens was exceptionally fortunate and happy. He was an ardent and prominent master Mason, and a most devout and very influential member of the Methodist church, a real working Christian, a steward nearly all his life, and a trustee. He died Jan. 16, 1883; and his last wife died in 1883. T OHN HENRY STEVENS, manufacturer, Stevens' pottery, Baldwin county, Ga., son of Henry and Martha Matilda Stevens, was born in 1851. He grew to manhood on the plantation, and received his early education at the common schools of the county, after which he attended Emory college two years. He then engaged in business for himself for awhile; but in 1876 he joined his brothers in purchasing the pottery business established by his father. In addition to the extensive pottery business done by the firm, they cultivate about 1,000 acres of land. They are already doing the largest business in their line in the south, throughout which their goods are shipped; and their business is constantly increasing. Mr. Stevens was married in 1873 to Miss Julia, daughter of A. J. and Talitha (Wright) Webb, a union which has been blessed with six children: Lemma, wife of Lee Crittenden Manley; Henry A., deceased; John H., Jr., deceased; Maggie Mell, deceased; Pearl and Ruble. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward. \Al ALTER CRAWFORD STEVENS, manufacturer, Stevens Pottery, Baldwin ' Co., Ga., son of Henry and Matilda Stevens, was born in Greene county, Ga. He grew to manhood on the plantation, assisting generally on that and in the "pot tery"' his father was engaged in establishing. He obtained his primary education 276 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. at the common schools of Baldwin county, after which he attended Emory college, at Oxford, Ga., two years. In 1876 he and his brother, John Henry, and his uncle, William Stevens, of Sparta, Ga., formed a partnership under the firm name of Stevens Bros. & Co., which they continued with growing reputation and increas ing business until the uncle died. They then bought their uncle's interest in the business, and continued the same as Stevens Bros. Company. To meet the rapidly increasing demand for their products, they established an immense additional plant, equipped with the best latest improved machinery, making William P. the general manager and treasurer of the new company, known as The H. Stevens Sons company, Macon. The introduction of this industry by the father, and its subsequent permanent establishment and wonderfully rapid improvement and extension by the sons, demonstrate what persistency of effort and intelligent and well-directed enterprise can accomplish — especially with abundance of the best raw material at hand, and the skill to utilize it. Mr. Stevens was married in 1872 to Miss Emma Heard, daughter of Wilson and Mary (Wright) Davis, by whom he has had three children, Mittie Irene, wife of Dr. M. M. Stapler, Macon, Ga.; Maria, and one child which died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. .Stevens are prominent and active members of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward. r\ B. SANFORD, lawyer, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., was born in * Greensborough, Greene Co., Ga., April 11, 1839, his family being one of the most influential at one time in that county, and one of the best known in the .state. He was educated at the excellent schools in his native county, where he lived until he was nineteen years of age, when he went to Mihedgeville, and in 1859 was appointed deputy clerk of the supreme court. On the death, soon after, of the principal clerk, he was commissioned by the general assembly to bring up the unfinished worl-c. Suspending this work, he enlisted, in February, 1861, as a private in the Greene Rifles, at Greensborough. The company was assigned to Phillips' legion; later he was elected first lieutenant of Company A of that legion, and in 1864 he was commissioned- as captain, holding the rank until the close of the war. .¦\mong the important battles in which he was a gallant and efficient participant were: Second Manassas, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericks burg, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Wilderness, and Sailor's Creek. After being twice wounded at this last-named battle, he was captured and sent to Washington, D. C, where he was detained until August, 1865, when he was released. On his return home he studied law, and in 1867 he was admitted to the bar. He located at once at Milledgeville and resumed his work on the supreme court records. In 1873 he was elected ordinary of Baldwin county, an office which he held by re-election four terms — sixteen years — during all of which time he successfully practiced his pro fession. In 1889 he was appointed county commissioner, and in January, 1895, he was reappointed. Mr. Sanford is now, and for ten years has been president of the board of trustees of the Middle Georgia Military and Agricultural college, and also has for ten years been a director of the Milledgeville Banking company. His retention of these several important and responsible official positions is conclusive proof of his capacity and fidelity, and of the estimation in which he is held by his fellow-citizens. Mr. Sanford was married, in 1868, to Miss Elizabeth C, daughter of D. B. Stetson, deceased, a union which has been blessed with two children — Daniel S., in the land office in Oklahoma, and Elizabeth E. BALDWIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 277 ROBERT WHITFIELD, lawyer, Milledgeville, Baldwin Co., Ga., who was born there in 1852, is one of the rising, as well as one of the most gifted young men of Georgia. His boyhood and early youth were spent — during the "unpleasant ness" — on the old family plantation in Jasper county, Ga. In 1867 he entered Mercer university, then located at Penfield, Ga., where he remained two years. He next entered the university of Georgia, Athens, from which he graduated in 1870 with the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, some of his classmates being the following gentlemen, who have also left their impress on local or state legislation: Washington Dessau, Walter B. Hill, Nat. E. Harris, C. L. Bartlett (congressman). Judge C. C. Jones, Rev. J. D. Hammond, Dr. A. S. Campbell, et al. The ensuing year he graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, and immedi ately located at Conyers, Rockdale Co., Ga. Six months later he went to Jackson, Butts Co., Ga., so as to be conveniently near Indian Springs, on account of his health. He remained here three years, doing some practice, and then spent the year 1875 on the plantation in Jasper county. The ensuing year he located in Milledgeville and formed a law partnership with Hon. Fleming du Bignon, now of Savannah, which continued until 1884. A year or so later he entered into partnership with John T. Adams, which still exists. In 1878 Mr. Whitfield was elected solicitor-general of Ocmulgee circuit, which comprises the counties of Morgan, Greene, Putnam, Jasper, Jones, Wilkinson and Laurens. This election was for an unexpired term, the incumbent having resigned ; but two years later — 1880 — he was elected for a full term of four years. In 1883 he was again elected to the same office. The following November he resigned, as he had been elected at the October election to represent the twentieth senatorial district in the general assembly. In that body he was made chairman of the committee on the penitentiary, and placed on the committees of general judiciary and lunatic asylum. As a legislator he was chiefly interested in the railway questions before the senate — particularly the lease of the Western & Atlantic (State) railway. He was the author of resolutions for the settlement of the betterment issues with the lessees, defeated at the time, but afterward passed substantially as he introduced them; and he was made chairman of the joint special committee appointed to settle the question, and to whom the resolutions introduced by him were referred. It was while in the senate, in 1889, that Mr. Whitfield had the hard fight — which he won— to secure the location of the Girls' Normal school at Milledgeville; and it was during this senatorial term that Mr. Whitfield developed, by intellectual capacity, great legislative ability and statesmanlike qualities, which have marked him as one of the foremost of the rising young men of the state. In 1890 the people called again for his services, and he was elected to represent Baldwin county in the general assembly, and was placed on the committees on general judiciary, finance, lunatic asylum, and Western & Atlantic railway, and chairman of the special judiciary committee. Mr. Whitfield has always taken a very active part in pohtics, and has attained to great popularity, promine,nce and influence. He has served on the democratic state executive committee, and in 1892 and 1894, in compliance with a request of the state committee, stumped the state. In the race for the sixth district congressional nomination he was defeated by his old classmate, Charles L. Bartlett It may be safely assumed that he has before him a brilliant professional and political future. Mr. Whitfield was happily married, in December, 1877, to Miss Effie, daughter of the late Judge Charles E. Harris, of Macon. Four children — three boys and one girl — have blessed this union, Robert, Jr., Charles H., Anna and Marion. He is a Master Mason and a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. 278 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. BANKS COUNTY. W ILLIAM ASHE, farmer, Banksville, Banks Co., Ga., son of Alexander F, and Elizabeth (McCracken) Ashe, was born in Franklin county, Ga., in 1825. His paternal grandparents were Wilham and Jane (Fleming) Ashe. He was a native of Pennsylvania, whence he migrated to South Carolina, and afterward, in the latter part of the last century, moved to Georgia. He was a farmer, served as a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and died in Banks county. Mr. Ashe's father was born in South Carolina, and was two years old when his parents moved to Georgia. After reaching maturity he moved to Franklin county. He was a farmer all his life; was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, represented the county eight years in the general assembly, and for a long time was a major in the state militia, when it was a coveted local distinction. He was an active and prominent member of the Presbyterian church. His mother was a daughter of William and Elizabeth (McCord) McCracken. He was a native of North Carolina, a soldier in the revolutionary war, and participated in the battle of King's mountain, where he was seriously wounded. After independence was won he came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county, on land secured under a soldier's bounty warrant. Mr. Ashe was reared on the farm, and received only the limited education afforded by the country schools of the time. In 1861 he enlisted in the "Banks Guards," Capt. Paul J. Simms. After serving thirteen months he was exempted on account of age, but he soon afterward entered the service in the "Home Guard" organization. He has given attention exclusively to agriculture as his business pursuit, in which he has been very successful. The people, however, have called him into their service, and he served them a long time as justice of the peace, then as tax collector, and finally was elected county treasurer, whose responsible duties he discharged with the same conscientious fidelity he has those of the other offices he has held. He ranks among the most esteemed citizens of the county. Mr. Ashe was married, in 1846, to Miss Cynthia J. — born in Franklin county in 1827 — daughter of William and Jane (Mays) Turk, an old North Carolina family. Of the children born to them, one, Wilham C, is living. Mrs. Ashe, an exemplary member of the Presbyterian church, died in 1852. He contracted a second marriage in 1855, with Miss Eliza A. — born in Anderson district in 1833 — daughter of William and Tabitha (Brewer) Owen. He was a farmer, born in South Caro lina, ancl in 1848 moved to Georgia and settled in Franklin county, where for a number of years he served as a justice of the peace. By this union he has had seven children: Mary E., wife of Robert Holbrook; T. J., Cynthia J., Sarah A., Nancy E., Robert E., and John Edgar, deceased. Mr. Ashe is a Master Mason, and himself and wife are devout members of the Presbyterian church. JOHN FLOYD EVANS, farmer. Banks county, Ga. (postoffice, Gillsville, Hall county), son of David and Mary (Toiiey) Evans, was born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1833. Flis paternal grandparent, John Evans, was a native of North Carolina, migrated to Georgia in 1800, and settled in Franklin county. He was a farmer and served as a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Evans' father was born in North Carolina and was a small child only a year or two old when the family came to Georgia. He followed farming all BANKS COUNTY SKETCHES. 279 his life. His mother was a daughter of John and Nancy Toney, early settlers in FrankHn county. He served as a wagoner during the revolutionary war. Mr. Evans was raised on the farm and received a very limited education at the old-time log school-house. On reaching manhood he commenced farming and continued it until the war. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Capt. A. T. Bennett, Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment, and participated with it in all its campaigns and battles until the Vicksburg campaign. In that he was very severely wounded and had to use crutches eighteen months. When he came home from the war he was very poor and had to borrow meal for his family. But he bravely met the emergency, went to work earnestly, worked early and late and saved what money he could. In 1872 he bought his first "patch," to which he has gradually added until he owns 650 acres; is in comfortable circumstances and is regarded as one of the most reliable citizens in the county. He is a justice of the peace and has held the office very many years. Mr. Evans was married in i860 to Miss Mary A. (born in Mississippi in 1845), daughter of James and Saltania (Brooks) Bell. He was born in Hall county, was a well-to-do farmer and moved to Mississippi, where he died. Of the children which blessed this union three survive: Erastus P., James and Sandy F. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are devoted members of the Baptist church. T D. GUNNELL.S, farmer and preacher, Banksville, Banks Co., Ga., son of Nathan and Nancy (Hunt) Gunnells, was born in Franklin county, Ga., in 1827. His paternal grandfather, Daniel Gunnells, was a native of Virginia, a farmer and migrated to Georgia the latter part of the last centut)- and settled in Wilkes county. Mr. Gunnells' father was born in Wilkes county in 1800, was raised a farmer and made that his business until 1836, when he also engaged in merchandising and continued it for the remainder of his life. He was a volunteer soldier in the Indian war of 1836-37, served a number of years as a justice of the peace, was tax collector of the county one or more terms and- a member of the con stitutional convention. Mr. Gunnells' mother was born in 1797, and was a daughter of Joel and Sallie Hunt He was a native of A'irginia, a farmer, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Some years after the war he came to Georgia and settled in Wilkes county. Mr. Gunnells was raised on the farm and educated in the historic log school- house common to the locality and period. His life has been an active one, and useful in many fields, exercising a wide and beneficent influence. He has been honored with many public positions, elective and otherwise, and filled all of them acceptably to the people. At one period of his life he taught school for a number of years with excellent success. He has served the county as clerk of the superior court, receiver of tax returns four years, was a member of the board of education a number of years and represented the county in the general assembly one term, and in 1880 was United States enumerator. In all these varied and re sponsible positions his energy and general intelligence and superior ability and capabilities enabled him to discharge their multifarious duties promptly and efficiently, which is amply attested by the fact that he has never been defeated in any contest before the people. In 1865 he was ordained a local preacher of the Methodist church, where his labor has been .arduous and useful, having preached at one church thirtv years. He is the owner of an excellent 450-acre farm, on which he has demonstrated that as a farmer, as well as in other callings and as a public official, he ranks among the foremost. None stand higher than he socially or financially. He is one of Banks county's solidest and most substantial citizens. Mr. Gunnells was married in 1851 to Miss ]\Iartha E. (born in Franklin county 28o MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. March 15, itS33), daughter of Williami J. and Naomi (Prickett) Parks. He was a farmer by occupation, but -of strong religious convictions, and traveled much in northeast Georgia, preaching. His father, Henry Parks, was a native of Penn sylvania, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, after which he came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Gunnells seven are living: Sarah A., wife of T. B. Neese; Nancy N., wife of A. J. Flolbrook ; Georgia A., wife of John S. Varner; C. L., J. H., Daniel B. and George P. Mrs. Gunnells, a -devoted and exemplary member of the Metho dist church, died in the early part of 1885. The latter part -of the year he was united in marriage to Miss Permelia (born in Frankhn county in 1830), daughter of Leroy and Mary (Anderson) Parks. He was a prominent, prosperous farmer, and his family was among Franklin county's earliest settlers. Mr. Gunnells is a Good Templar, an aggressive temperance worker; a mem.ber of tiie I. O. O. F., and a Master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent and infiuential members of the Methodist church. ¦yiNCENT D. LOCKHART, physician and surgeon, Homer, Banks Co., Ga., son of Vincent and Louisa (Owens) Lockhart, was born in Hall county, Ga., in 1849. His paternal grandparent, Britton Lockhart, was a native of Virginia, whence he came to Georgia' toward the close of the last century and settled in what is now Lincoln county, when the settlements were scattering. He was quite prominent as a planter. Dr. Lockhart's father was bom in Lincoln county, where he grew to manhood. When only sixteen years old he enlisted as a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, in a company commanded by Capt. Lamar. He became very rich in land and negroes and a very prominent citizen, representing the county in the general assembly several terms. Believing he could employ his capital to better advantage in Augusta he went to that city and engaged in merchandising. But, instead, he met with reverses and returned to Lincoln county, whence in a few years he moved to Hall county, in that portion known as "The Glades." Flis mother was a daughter of George Owens, a promi nent farmer of Elbert county, Ga. Dr. Lockhart was raised on the farm, and after receiving a fairly good education at the county schools Vi?ent to Atlanta and engaged as a clerk in a drug store. While thus employed he studied medicine. He attended his first course of lectures in 1869 and in 1871 he graduated. He then accepted a clerkship in Atlanta, which he held two years, after which he located in Hall county, where he established a good reputation and secured a good practice. In 1878 he moved to Flomer, Banks county, where he has grown in reputation and the public favor, iiis practice covering an extensive territory. Dr. Lockhart was married in 1875 to Miss Nancy (born in Hall county in 1849), daughter of Joseph M. and Elizabeth (Cagle) Martin, then of Hall, now living in Habersham county. He is a well-to-do farmer and served in the Confederate army under Gen. Johnston during the late "unpleasantness." They have two children living: William and Walter. He is a Royal Arch Mason and past wor shipful master of the local (Homer) lodge, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. A J. M'WHIRTER, farmer. Banks county (post-office. Harmony Grove), Ga., son of James and Desina (Fowler) McWhirter, was boin in Union district, S. C, in 1835. His paternal grandfather, James McWhirter, of Irish descent, was a native of Virginia, was a farmer and a soldier in the last war with Great Britain; was with Gen. Jackson at New Orleans. Mr. McWhirter's father was born in BANKS COUNTY SKETCHES. 281 South Carolina and in 1857 moved to Georgia and settied in Franklin county. He was a prosperous farmer, a good citizen and a prominent member of the Methodist church. His maternal grandparents were Godfrey and Kissey Fowler. He was a native of South Carohna, a farmer and a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. McWhirter was raised on the farm and received his schooling in the old- time log-house. In 1861 he enlisted in Company D, Capt Montgomery, Six teenth Georgia regiment. In 1862 a company of sharp-shooters was selected from a brigade; Mr. McWhirter was assigned to duty in it, and participated in very many of the bloodiest and most important battles in that unhappy conflict, among them Seven Pines, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Yorktown, WiUiamsburg, Savage's Station, Whfte Oak, Malvern Hill, Boonesboro, Culpeper Court-House, Winchester, Hagerstown, Knoxville, Chickamauga, North Anna, Fisher's Hill, Middleton, Sailors Creek, etc. He started in life without a penny, but realizing that "a pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck," he went to work, made and saved what money he could until he purchased the old homestead of his wife's family. He now owns an excellently well-equipped farm of 325 acres, and is enjoying an ample competency. Besides his farm he owns stock in the Harmony Grove factory, thus setting a good example to his brother farmers in the matter of encouraging the establishment of home markets for their surplus farm products. Mr. McWhirter was married June 24, 1867, to Miss Oney (born in Franklin county in 1830), daughter of Hope and Hannie (Yeagan) Simms. He was born in Fredericksburg, Va., was a farmer and a soldier in the Seminole war. His wife was born in Newberry district, S. C, and lived most of her life in Georgia, in which state she died at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. ]\Ir. ancl Mrs. McWhirter are exemplary members of the Methodist church. 'pHOMAS A. NEAL, farmer, Banksville, Banks Co., Ga., son of Wihiam and Lavinia (Conley) Neal, was born in Franklin (now Banks) county in 1829. His paternal grandparents were Robert and Tabitha (Chandler) Neal. He was a native of North Carolina, migrated to Georgia early in life, and settled in Elbert county. He was a large and prosperous farmer. Mr. Neal's father was born in North Carolina and came to Georgia with his parents when a small boy. He lived and died a farmer. His mother was a daughter of Charles and Kesiah (Stokes) Conley, native North Carolinians, who settled in Franklin county. Mr. Neal was raised on the farm, and was educated at the near-by country schools, and when he reached manhood engaged in farming. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I — of which he was elected captain — Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment ; but being taken sick shortly afterward he returned home. After the war he had nothing — had to take a fresh start, and has devoted himself exclusively to farming with entirely satisfactory results. He is the owner of a 600-acre farm as good as any in the county, and ranks among the best as a farmer and citizen, and for business integrity. Mr. Neal was married in 1856 to Miss Margaret (born in Franklin county in 1835), daughter of Alexander F. and Elizabeth (McCracken) Ashe. (For sketch of the Ashe family' see skeftch of William Ashe, elsewhere in these Mem oirs.) To them the following children were born: Ella L., wife of W. S. Mise; William A.; Mary E., wife of R. L. Neal; Laura, and Albert. He is a Master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent members of the Presbyterian church. A^ C. OLIVER, farmer, Arp, Banks Co., Ga., son of Jackson and Mary (Ma,x;- well) Oliver, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1836. His paternal grand parents, Dionysius and Jane (Jackson) Oliver, were natives of Virginia, who 282 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. early in life settled in Elbert county. He was a captain in the patriot army and served through the revolutionary war. His brother built the first house in Petersburg, Elbert county, and his wife's family was related to that of "Stone wall" Jackson. Mr. Oliver's father was born in Elbert county, was a farmer and a Methodist preacher; and in 1840 moved to what is now Banks county and settled on the farm v^'here Mr. Oliver now lives. His maternal grandparents, William and Jane E. (Higginbotham) Maxwell, moved to what was then Franklin, now Banks, county, from Elbert county. Mr. Oliver was raised on the farm and received a limited education in the near-by country schools. In 1862 he enlisted in Company A, Capt. Chandler, Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment, but he was soon taken sick and returned home. After the war he taught school for some time, and then returned to farming, in which his success has met his most sanguine expectations. In addition to operating his farm of 225 acres he operates a ginnery and threshing machine, and runs a grist and colon seed mill. He is a progressive and excellent farmer and business man, and is highly esteemed by his neighbors. Mr. Oliver was married in 1868 to Miss Mary E. (born in Franklin, now Banks, county in 1844), daughter of John and Elizabeth (Scott) Mackey. He was a prosperous farmer of Franklin (now Banks) county. Of the children born to them eight are living: Dewitt, Lovick, Lenora, Denver, Atticus, Nettie, Leila, and John Jackson. He is a Master Mason, and himself and wife are active members of the Methodist church. pi P. QUILLIAN, physician and surgeon, Arp, Banks Co., Ga., son of O. ' P. and Jane (Meadows) Quillian, was born in what is now White county, Ga., in 1850. His paternal great-grandfather \vas a native of Ireland, who mar ried an English lady and settled in Virginia. His grandparents, James and Sarah (Pricket) Quillian, were natives of Virginia, whence they migrated to Georgia about 1804, and settled in Franklin county. He was a farmer, and a very promi nent and widely known Methodist preacher. His maternal grandparents were Barnabas and Jane (Garrison) Meadows. He was a native of Virginia, migrated to Georgia and settled in Franklin (now Banks) county. He was a farmer, and a volunteer soldier in the Seminole war. Dr. Quillian's father was born in Franklin county. While he was a boy his father moved to that part of the county now embraced in White county, where he supplemented his farming by engaging in general merchandising. Dr. Quillian was raised on the farm and received his education from the countr}' schools and the male high school .at Elberton, Ga. He taught school for a few years. In 1876 he began the study of medicine under Dr. Matthews, and then attended the university of Georgia, from which he was graduated in 1880, and at once entered upon the practice at Arp, and has remained there ever since. Shortly after his graduation he took a post-graduate course in New York. Beginning life with no means, and relying alone on his own resources and exertions, he has attained to an enviable reputation in his profession, and has demonstrated his skill and ability by hi^ success, and by establishing a large and remunerative practice. Dr. Quillian was married in 1874 to Miss Mary E. (born in what is now Banks county in 1856), daughter of D. C. and Amelia (Saunders) Oliver. He was born in what is now Banks county, raised a farmer, served in the civil war under Capt. Chandler, Sixteenth Georgia regiment, and afterward went tO' Athens, Ga., where he is now chief of police. Six children have blessed this BANKS COUNTY SKETCHES. 283 union : Tallulah, Edgar, Hattie, Basconi, Wilham, and Annette. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. JOHN E. STRANGE, farmer, Carnot Banks Co., Ga., son of William and Polly (White) Strange, was born in Franklin (now Banks) county, Ga., in January, 1832. His paternal grandparents, Seth and Mary (Dobbs) Strange, were natives of Virginia, migrated to Georgia in 1800, and settled in Franklin county. He was of Scotch-Irish descent and a farmer. Mr. Strange's father was born in Virginia, and was about two years old when his parents moved to Georgia, and followed farming all his life. His maternal grandparents, Isaac and Rebecca (Flooper) White, were natives of South Carolina. He tendered his services to the government during the Vi^ar of 1812, but peace was proclaimed before he was mustered in. Mr. Strange was raised on the farm, and was educated at the near-by country schools. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Capt. Chandler, Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment. With his command he participated in many of the important battles of the war — seven days' fight around Richmond, Gettysburg, Petersburg, etc. — in fact most of the battles fought by the army of northern Virginia. Fie was captured three days before the surrender, and was sent to Point Lookout, where he was held six weeks. Returning from the war he resumed farming. He commenced with very little, but by working hard, "making every edge cut," and exercising care and attention, he has become the possessor of a good 600-acre farm, which is well improved, and in addition operates a cotton gin and grist mill. He is one of the county's best citizens, popular and held in very high esteem. Mr. Strange was married in 1866 to -Miss Judah E. (born in what is now Banks county in 1843), daughter of George W. and Nancy (Crow) Poole, native Georgians. He was a well-to-do farmer, and for many years a justice of the peace. They have six children living: Josie L., wife of Tyrie Duncan; W. H., Robert E., George G., Jessie J., and John W. He is a Master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent members of the Baptist church. .T xM. TURK, clerk superior court. Homer, Banks Co., Ga., son of Wihiam H. and Isabella S. (Ash) Turk, was born in Franklin, now Banks, county, Ga., Dec. 30, 1850. The founder of the Turk family in America was James Turk, who with his family, consisting of his wife, Mary, and three children, Jane, Wilham and Ibby, came from the north of Ireland,- province of Ulster, county of Antrim, to this country in 1757. William, then thirteen years of age, landed in Charleston, S. C, and settied in Abbevihe district, Abbeville county, on Long Cane creek. He entered the service of his adopted country in the early part of the revolutionary war, and bravely continued throughout the struggle, a part of the time being on Gen. Pickens' staff as his express bearer or courier. After the close of the war he married Miss Margaret Archibald, daughter of John Archibald, who lived in Roan county, now Iredell county, N. C. In 1792 he moved with his small family and his mother to Elbert county, Ga., and settled on Cold Water creek. He afterward moved with his family and a servant girl, Nellie, to Franklin county, Ga., and located on Webb's creek, where he died April 10, 1795. A son, 'Wilham (grandfather of L. N. Turk), was bom June 20, 1794, in Franklin, now Banks, county, Ga., in a fort called Norris on Webb's creek, where the family had taken refuge from the Indians. This place was within one and one-half miles of Homer, and near there he lived and died. His occupation was farming. He was a soldier, serving as colonel during the 284 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Seminole war, and he served for many years as judge of the inferior court, and for six years was principal keeper of the Georgia penitentiary at Mihedgeville, receiving his first appointment under Gov. Herschel V. Johnson. He died in 1877. Mr. Turk's father, William H., was bom in Franklin county in November, 1818, and followed farming all his life. Early in the late civil war he enlisted in Company A, Twenty-fourth regiment, and served three years. He officiated a number of years as justice of the peace and died in 1885. Mr. Turk's great-grandparents on his mother's side were William and Jane TFleming) Ash. Fie was a native of South Carolina and served under Gen. Sumpter during the revolutionary war. His maternal grandparents were A. F. and Ehzabeth (Mc- Crackre) Ash. He was born in Union district, S. C, and came with his father when a boy to Franklin county, Ga. He served in the Indian war as major. He represented his county (Franklin) in the Georgia legislature for quite a number of years and he was a man of great force of character. Mr. L. N. Turk grew to manhood on the farm and owing to the unsettled condition of the country he received but little schooling. He is essentially a self-educated man and as his father lost all his property during the war he began life with nothing. He served his county as surveyor for eight years and in 1858 he was elected clerk of the superior court and has been continually re-elected since. He made his first purchase of land in 1878, a small farm which he has profitably cultivated and to which he has gradually added until now he has 450 acres and a comfortable home. Mr. Turk was married in 1878 to Miss Isabella Telford, born in South Carolina Nov. 27, 1857, daughter of G. B. and Ehzabeth .(Wilson) Telford, native South Carolinians, who moved to Georgia in 1872. Mr. Wilson was a cousin of ex-Gov. Brown, and during the late war served in the home guard. Of the children which blessed this union, four are living: Wihiam, Joseph, Minnie, and George. The mother, an esteemed member of the Presby terian church, died Oct 21, 1893, and Jan. 17, 1895, Mr. Turk married Miss Alice Burns, born in Banks county. May 13, 1859, and daughter of John M. and Harriet (Long) Burns. Her father, son of David M. and Sarah (Hay) Burns, was born in Jackson county, Ga., where he still lives and served with the Con federate army during the late war. Her grandfather Burns erected the first flour mill built in Jackson county, and was a general of militia when it was con sidered a great local distinction and much coveted. Mr. and ]Mrs. Turk are members of the Presbyterian church. T OHN T. WHITE, farmer, Banks (postoffice, Maysville, Jackson) county, Ga., son of Robert and .Sarah (Miller) White, was born in Clarke county, Ga., in 1847. His paternal grandparents, John and Lavinia (Gray) White, were born in what is now Clarke county. He was a school teacher and a quite large farmer, and was a soldier during the war of 181 2. Mr. White's father was born in Clarke county, served in the Confederate army for a considerable time, doing faithful service. His mother was a daughter of Joram and Lavinia (Ross) Miller. He was a native of South Carolina, but moved to Georgia when a young man, where he married and raised a family. He was a farmer, and finally moved to Forsyth county, Ga., where he died. Mr. White enlisted in Company D, Capt. Dorsey, Young's battalion, and par ticipated in many important arguments — in the defense of Atlanta, and generally in front of the Union army when "Marching Through Georgia." At the close of the war his only capital was industrious habits, energy ancl a determination to succeed. He has now a fine 300-acre farm under good cultivation, and operates a ginnery; is content with his gains and the good will of his friends and neighbors. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 285 Mr. White was married, in 1866, to Miss Elizabeth — born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1846 — daughter of 'Wilham and Mary A. (Baugh) Saville, native Georgians. Of the children born to them, eight are living: Robert, Tresne, Sallie, Morgan, Louisiana, Minnie, Pauline and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. White are members of the Baptist church. TAMES O. WOOD, farmer, Phidelta, Banks Co., Ga., son of Josh and Stacy (Wheeler) Wood, was born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1833. His paternal grandfather, John Wood, was a native South Carolinian, and a farmer, and a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. Mr. Wood's father was born in South Carolina, and was raised a farmer. He came to Georgia in 1826, and settled in Jackson county, but some years later moved to what is now Banks county. He was a member of the Baptist church. His maternal grandfather, James Wheeler, was a native of Virginia, and a farmer. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and after the war migrated to Georgia and settled in Jackson county, which at that time was very sparsely peopled. Mr. Wood was raised on the farm, received a very limited education, and when reaching maturity engaged in farming. In 1863 he enlisted in a company commanded by Capt. Whitehead, which was a part of Maj. S. J. Winn's cavalry battalion. He was in a number of battles, and in that at Limestone was severely wounded and sent to the hospital, and after remaining there four weeks was sent home. He started in life poor, but by hard work, economy and good management he has made money and secured a competency. He bought his first land during the war, and paid for it in Confederate money, and now has a good farm of 450 acres, with a good home on it. His farm is under splendid cultivation, and he is con sidered one of the best farmers in the county. He has wisely invested a portion of his farm profits in the Flarmony Grove mills, whereby he has consumers of his surplus farm product right at his door Himself and wife own twenty-six shares of stock in the Georgia railway, and he owns twelve shares in the North Eastern and four in the Gainesville Southern. Wise farmers will encourage the establish ment of manufactories near them. Mr. Wood was married, in 1859, to Miss Louise — born in Franklin county in 1827 — daughter of Joel and Elizabeth (Mays) Thomas. He was born in Elbert county, Ga., but when about two years old his father moved to Franklin (now Banks) county. He was a farmer and was a soldier in the war of 1 812. Of the children which blessed this union, four survive: James M., W. E., phj'sician, Dalton, Ga. ; Arthur W., and Belle. He is a Master Mason, and Mrs. Wood is a devout member of the Presbyterian church. BARTOW COUNTY. JAMES T. M'D. .A.DDINGTON, farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of John and Rachel (Miller) Addington, was born in Union district, S. C, Alarch 7, 1836. His grandfather, Flenry Addington, was a native of England, emi grated to this country before the revolutionary war', and settled in Virginia.- He served as a soldier in the patriot army during the war, under Gen. Kelsey. After .286 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. the war he moved to North Carolina, and thence to Union district. South Carohna, where he remained until he died. The children he raised were: Henry, died in Indianapolis, Ind.; James, went to Missouri; William, died near New Orleans, La., residence, Indiana; Rachel, married a Mr. McElreath; John, in Georgia; Carrie, married James Brown, Pickens district, S. C, deceased. Mr. Addington's father was born in South Carolina in 1791, but when eight years old went to live with his uncle, a Mr. Garrett, in Indiana — where he was raised. When he attained to man hood he returned to South Carolina and settled in Union district, yvhere he remained until the fall of 1836, when he migrated to Gilmer county, Ga., and engaged in farming. In 1851 he moved to Cass (now Bartow) county, purchased and settled on 320 acres of land on Pine Log creek. He remained on this place until 1883, when he bought the Dr. Layton property, near Adairsville, containing 150 acres, on which he lived until he died — in his 91st year. He was originally an ""old-line whig" in politics, and later in life a republican. For many years he was a justice of the inferior court of Gilmer county, a man of fixed principles and purposes, and quite influential. He was a life-long, devoted member of the Baptist church. To him the following children were born: Margaret widow of Jarrett Gordon; -Susan, widow of Addington Huckelberry; Frances, widow of James Armstrong; James T. McD., the subject of this sketch; Henry, in Texas; WiUiam C. D., killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va.; Rachel, wife of James Harbin, Texas. Mr. Addington was raised in Gilmer and Cass counties and was educated in private schools. Having finished his own education, he taught in the counties of Cass, Bartow and Cherokee. He made his first home in i860, near and east of Adairsville, where he lived until 1885, when he bought and settled on eighty acres of land half a mile southeast of Adairsville, where he now lives. He has served eight years as a justice of the peace; has served, also, as chairman of the board of education of Bartow county. He was a United States storekeeper and ganger for seven years. Mr. Addington was married,' Dec. 20, i860, to a Miss Margaret T. Houk, of Bartow (then Cass) county, who has borne him five children : Emma, wife of Wesley Cagle; Mary J., wife of Benjamin Schooler; Cora, wife of Thomas Landers, Atlanta; Lena £)., and Lulu P. Mr. Addington has been a republican all his life, but in 1894 he united himself with the populist party, with which he is now aligned. A MOS T. AKERMAN, deceased, ex-United States attorney-general, son of Benjamin and Olive (Meloon) Akerman, was born in Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 23, 1 82 1. The Akermans were of English origin, and his immediate progenitors and nearest relatives were natives of Portsmouth. His paternal grandfather was Joseph Akerman, and his grandfather on his mother's side was a soldier in the revolutionary army. Mr. Akerman's father was a surveyor by profession, and stood in high repute. Mr. Akerman's early life was spent in Portsmouth, where he attended the high school. He next attended Exeter academy, where he was prepared for college. He then entered Dartmouth college, from which, in due time, he was graduated. After his graduation, Mr. Akerman, in 1842, came to North Carolina and commenced teaching and reading law. From there he went to Peoria, 111., but did not remain there long. Returning to the south, he located at Bath, Richmond Co., Ga., where he taught school. Subsequently he entered the family of Hon. J. McPherson Berrien, as a private tutor, under whom he completed his law studies. Thus prepared, he went to Habersham , county, Ga., where he was admitted to the bar; located at the county seat, Clarkesville, and commenced practice. Later he removed to Elberton, Elbert Co., Ga., and forming a partnership with Robert Hester, an eminent lawyer of that place, BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 287 remained there until 1871, when he located at Cartersville. His practice was con fined to banking and railway suits, principally in the supreme court of Georgia and the United States courts in Atlanta and Savannah. In 1870 he was appointed United States district attorney for the northern district of Georgia, and later, the same year, was appointed attorney-general of the United States, and held that position until 1872. He served during the war in the quartermaster's department — with the rank of captain — on Gen. Toombs' staff, and filled the same position on Gov. Brown's staff at the siege of Atlanta. Politically, he was first an "old-line whig," but when the republican party was formed he joined that, became a promi nent and leading member of it in Georgia, and continued true to its principles until his death. He was an influential member of the constitutional convention of 1868, and revised the Bill of Rights and the portions of the constitution relating to the judiciary, and also the reconstruction acts. Mr. Akerman ranked with the foremost in the legal profession in Georgia, enjoyed a lucrative practice, and his opinions were much sought after, particularly in railway and United States court cases. In all the relations of private life he was held in the highest esteem — a life-long, exemplary member of the Presbyterian church. ' Mr. Akerman married Miss Martha Rebecca, daughter of Rev. Samuel Galloway, a native of Bethlehem, Pa., but a resident of Georgia. Mr. Akerman died Dec. 21, 1880. His wife is still living, together with the following children: Benjamin, Elwood, Fla.; Walter, ex-postmaster, Cartersville; Alexander, lawyer, state of Washington; Joseph, tutor ancient languages, university of Georgia; Charles, Alfred and Clement JOHN S. BEAZLEY, physician and surgeon, Stilesboro, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Charles and Catharine (Stewart) Beazley, was born in Spottsylvania county, Va., Aug. 12, 1832. Flis grandfather, Charles Beazley, was born in Eng land, and emigrating to this country settled in Spottsylvania county, Va. Dr. Beazley's father was born near Spottsylvania court-house, Aug. 12, 1790, and was raised a farmer. In 1854 he migrated to Georgia and settled near Crawfordville, Taliaferro county, where he died Jan. 13, 1863. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Catharine, daughter of John Stewart, near Spottsylvania court house, Va., and to them seven children were born: Frances, wife of W. A. Overton, now deceased; John S., the subject of this sketch; Frederick A., died in 1875: Arthur G. of Crawfordville; Julia C, widow of Marcus Googer of Craw fordville ; Isabella H., deceased, and Emma J., still living. Dr. Beazley was educated by his grandfather Stewart, and then read medicine under Dr. Godfrey Hinkle, an eminent physician of the valley of Virginia, and afterward entered the university of Virginia and attended lectures in the medical department of that school. After the family came to Georgia he attended lectures at the medical college of Georgia, Augusta, from which he graduated in 1856. Locating in Crawfordville he practiced his profession until the "war between the states" occurred, when he entered the Confederate service, but was discharged from two different military organizati-ons for disability. He was then appointed by Taliaferro county on the county board of physicians, on which he was continued during the war. In 1866 he located at Stilesboro; later moved to Floyd county, whence, in 1867, he returned and settled two miles west of Stilesboro. Here he estabhshed a large and remunerative practice and remained until 1883, when he purchased his present home. In connection with his large practice he operates his 620-acre plantation. He not only enjoys the reputation of being a skillful and successful physician, but also of being a successful farmer. Dr. Beazley was married in 1858 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Richard Asbury, 288 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Warren county, Ga., a union blessed with three children: Reuben R., who mar ried Lydia, daughter of D. V. Stockley, by whom he has had two children: John S., who married Lucy, daughter of Stephen S. Soggus, and Edgar G. Dr. Beazley is a stanch democrat, royal arch Mason and a prominent and exem plary member of the Baptist church. JOSHUA W. BOWDOIN, farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Joshua and Beersheba Bowdoin, was born in Monroe county, Ga., Nov. 2, 1832. Some years preceding the revolutionary war two brothers, James and John Bowdoin, emigrated from England to America. James settled in Massachusetts, where he acquired large wealth and founded the now celebrated seat of learning at Brunswick (then in Massachusetts, now in Maine), known as Bowdoin college. John Bowdoin, the other brother and the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a Presbyterian minister, and settled in Virginia. James, his son, was born in Virginia, and when only nine years old entered the patriot army and served under Gen. Washington and Greene until peace was proclaimed and independence acknowledged. After the war he went to North Carolina, and subsequently emi grated to Hamburg, S. C. In 1806 he moved into Georgia, purchased considerable land in what is now Monroe county, on which he settled and lived the remainder of his days. He married Miss Equilla Williams, and to them nine children — seven sons and two daughters — were born. Joshua, the father of the subject of this sketch, was the youngest child of James and Equilla Bowdoin, and was born in South Carolina in 1802, but was raised in what is now Monroe county. He was really a pioneer of Cass county, having settled on land now lying in Gordon- county in 1833. He purchased 160 acres situated near Adairsville, now the home of his son, Joshua W. To this original purchase he afterward added until he owned 1,040 acres in one body, and a number of smaller tracts. Of the main body he cleared about 500 acres and was one of the largest and most prominent planters in the county. He was an active partisan and an unswerving democrat, and served many years as a justice of the inferior court. He was an ordained preacher of the Baptist church and preached in middle Georgia and east Tennessee. He was in strumental in establishing many churches within the extensive boundaries of his work, among them Mt. Gilead, of which he was the faithful pastor forty years. He was married in Hancock county to Miss Beersheba Fails, by whom he had eight children: Frances M., deceased; Emily F., deceased, wife of Elisha Crisman; John W., physician, deceased; Elisha F., a member of the Sixty-fifth Georgia regiment, died of wounds received in the battle of Atlanta; Josephus D., deceased, was also a member of the Sixty-fifth Georgia regiment; Joshua W., the subject of this sketch, and two daughters who died in infancy. The mother of these children died in 1852, and he afterward married Mrs. Martha Lane. Joshua W. Bowdoin, though born in Monroe county, was raised in what is now Gordon county, on the homestead where he now lives. He was educated in the common schools of the county and learned the blacksmith's trade. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B, First Georgia regiment, and soon afterward was detailed to manufacture firearms, and was located at Adairsville and Dawsonville. After the surrender he returned to the homestead which he inherited and engaged in farming. He owns about 300 acres of excellent land, and is a progressive, suc cessful and prominent farmer, respected and highly esteemed. Mr. Bowdoin married Miss Annie, daughter of John J. Dodds of Gordon county, who has borne him three children: Annie, deceased wife of Henry Johnson; Emma, and Mon tague. Mr. Bowdoin is an enthusiastic democrat and takes an active interest in the success of his party. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES, 289 \\J ILLIA]^! BRANDON, deceased, progenitor of the now numerous and influential Bartow county family of that name, ,was bom in Virginia; came to Georgia about the beginning of this century and settled on a plantation in what is now Gwinnett county, where he died. He raised the following named children : Lawson, moved to Cass (now Bartow) county; Nicey; Reed, died in Alabama; Thomas W.; Parthenia, married Penty Glower; William, died in Mississippi; Moses, died in Floyd county, Ga. ; Jackson, died at Yorktown, Va., from exposure while in the army; Joseph P., died in Gwinnett county, Ga.; David (M. D.), died in Thomasville, Ga. Thomas W. Brandon, deceased, son -of William, was born in 1803, raised in what is now Gwinnett county and received there what little school ing he enjoyed. In the winter of 1834-35 he moved to Cass (now Bartow) county and settled in the wilderness among the Indians. He bought 600 acres of land, on portions of which his sons, Jefferson R. and David P. now live, between Stiles boro and Euharlee. To this property he afterward added several hundred acres by purchase. He also bought an 80-acre farm, which forms a part of the plantation on which his son William J. now lives. He was in reality one of the pioneer planters in this part of the state and a citizen of prominence, influence and useful ness. He was one of the early justices of the peace in the county and held the office for many years. In his early years he was an "old-line v/hig," but in the latter years of his life he was a democrat. He was a life-long, ardent and working Methodist, was one of the original members and organizers of the Brandon church which was established about 1836. He gave the land for the church and burial ground and helped to erect the first house of worship, which was built out of logs. This log-house has since been replaced by a nice and large frame build ing in Stilesboro. He was for many years the class leader of the church. He married Miss Louisa, daughter of William Green of North Carolina, by whom he had ten children: Mary A., wife of W. J. Byers; Ehzabeth, wife of j. S. Leak; William J.; Parthenia, wife of W. A. Templeton ; Jefferson R. ; David P. ; Virginia j Florence, wife of W. E. Puckett; Avarilla, wife of H. II. Milam; Susan, wife of J. H. Walker. Mr. Brandon died in 1874 and himself and wife are buried on the old homestead. William J. Brandon, eldest son of Thomas W. and Louisa (Green) Brandon, was born in what is now Bartow county, at the old family homestead, Jan. 4, 1835; was raised on the farm and received a fair common-school education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F., Eighteenth Georgia regiment, and as a member of that command participated >in the battles of Gaines' Mills, Fredericksburg, Chancellors ville, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg and Knoxville. At the battle of Knoxville he was taken prisoner and sent to Rock Island, -111., where he was held until June, 1865. At the close of the war he returned to the homestead, where he remained until December, 1867, when he settled upon the plantation where he now lives, and began the improvements which have made it the desirable home it is. He was one of the original members of Oak -Grove Methodist church, which is the out growth of the old "Brandon church" — a name it is yet known by among the old settiers. He contributed liberally toward the erection of the new edifice and is one of the trustees. He worthily represents the enterprise and public spirit of the family whose name he perpetuates, the citizenship of Bartow county and the Methodism he professes. Mr. Brandon married Miss Martha, daughter of James Kirkham of Bartow county, who has borne him seven children: Annie, wife of Lee Jolly; Blanche, wife of C. A. Dodd; Walter D. ; Jefferson A. ; Maude S. ; Frank and Eugene, deceased. Mr. . Brandon is a democrat and an enterprising and progressive citizen. Jefferson R. Brandon, son of Thomas W. and Louisa (Green) Brandon, was 1-19 290 , ^ MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. , I ' ' ' born on the family homestead in what is now Bartow county, May 9, 1839. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Eighteenth Georgia regiment, and was with his regiment in every engagement in which it bore a part. He was promoted to a first lieutenancy in 1863 and remained in the service until April 6, 1865, when he was captured and sent to Johnson's island, and held until June 19, 1865. After the war he clerked in a store at Euharlee and afterward in Nashville, Tenn. He subsequently engaged in merchandising with G. L. McDowell, Atlanta, and Ashe- ville, N. C, until 1884, when he settled where he now resides. Mr. Brandon married Miss Kate, daughter of Samuel J. Sumner, by whom he has had five chil dren: Paul H., William D., Moses T., Claude S. and Hugh P. Mr. Brandon is a strong democrat and served as county commissioner in 1877-8-9. David P. Brandon, son of Thomas W. and Louisa (Green) Brandon, was born on the old homestead in what is now Bartow county, Oct. 13, 1842, and received a common-school education. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Eighteenth Georgia regiment, and with his command participated in the Ijattles of Gaines' Mills, Seven Pines, second Bull Run (second Manassas) and Sharpsburg. He was captured in a fight three days before Lee's surrender and sent to Baltimore, where, after the surrender, he was paroled. He returned to the old homestead after the war, which has since been his home. He married Miss Betsy J. Hay, a union which has been blessed with six children: -Thomas W.; Mary A.; Joseph G. ; John R. ; Charles G., and David P. Mr. Brandon is a member of the Methodist church. '\A/^ILLIAM BROWNE, stock-breeder, Cassville, Bartow county, Ga., son of Isaac and Ruth (Nave) Browne, was born in Carter county, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1839. His grandfather, Jacob Browne, was of Scotch-Irish extraction — his parents having emigrated from Ireland and settled in Northampton county. Pa., where he was born. In the latter part of the last century he migrated to Tennessee, and settled in Washington county, where he was an extensive planter. He had three children : Jacob, who died at Bowling Green, Ky. ; Isaac, and Katie, who mar ried Nathan Shipley, of Washington county, Tenn. Mr. Browne's father was born on the old homestead in Tennessee, was educated in the common schools of the county, and until 30 years of age followed the occupation of carpenter and cabinet maker. After his marriage he settled, as a farmer, in Carter county, Tenn., where he now lives, in his eighty-fourth year. He has taken great interest in public affairs, filling many public offices of trust in the county, and is also a very prominent member of the Baptist church. His family consists of five sons and one daughter, by his first marriage : Christian ; William ; Isaac, Jr. ; Murray, lawyer in Cartersville from 1876 to 1884, now of Winchester, Ky.; Dr. Daniel, now practicing medicine, and Margaret, wife of Joe A. Worley. By his second marriage, in 1855, ]\Ir. Browne has two children, James C. a-nd Mrs. Emma C. Renfroe. Mr. Browne was raised on the farm and received a fair education at the country schools. In 1862 he enlisted in Company A, Fifty-Ninth Tennessee regi ment, with which he served until July 4, 1863, and participated in the battles at Baker's creek and Vicksburg, Miss., where he was paroled and returned home. Subsequently he received his commission as captain in the quartermaster's depart ment. Sixth North Carolina regiment, cavalry, and with this command was under Gen. Johnson on the coast, in the engagements at Tarboro-and New Berne and the capture of Fort Croatan, and others in North Carolina, until the close of the war, when he was discharged, in March, 1865. That year he went to Kansas City, Mo., and taught school and engaged in other occupations until the spring of 1866, when he crossed the plains — there were no railroads then — to Virginia city. There BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 291 he engaged in trading in mining stocks and cattle for about three years, when he returned east and settled at Mt. Olivet, Ky., where he engaged in the drug business about seven years — until 1876 — when he purchased and settled on a plantation in Bartow county, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1889. Early in that year he sold out and went back to Kentucky, but in the fall returned to Bartow county, bought his present farm of 150 acres, and embarked in the business of breeding Jersey cattle, high-grade horses and other stock. He is eminently progressive in all matters pertaining to every branch of agriculture, and takes great interest in them, and in regard to them is considered somewhat of an authority. Capt Browne was married, in 1873, to Miss Maude, daughter of H. H. Overby, of Nicholas county, Ky. Politically, he is a stanch, uncompromising- democrat He is an ardent, working and exemplary member of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward, and also superintendent of the Sunday school. He is a consistent Christian gentleman, a generous contributor to, and earnest worker in, all movements having for their object the intellectual and religious advancement of the community. gURGE. Among the earliest settlers of Cass (now Bartow) county were the Burges. Nathaniel Burge, deceased, son of Woody and Judy Burge, was born in Virginia, Jan. 8, 1790. Subsequently to his birth his father moved to North Carolina and settled on Broad river, in Rutherford county. There he remained and farmed until he died — and there he raised his children, Allen, Nancy, David, William, Priscilla, Elizabeth, Sarah, John, Judith, Nathaniel and Mary. Nathaniel grew to manhood on the North Carolina plantation, and, Nov. 18, 181 5, married Miss Nancy Green, daughter of Joseph Green. A few years later he came to Gwinnett county, Ga., where he remained a year, alone, when he returned to North Carolina, and in 1824 moved; with his family, to Gwinnett county and settled on Sweet Water creek. He remained there until 1837, when he removed to Cass (now Bartow) county, and purchased 200 acres of land — on which his son, J. R. M. Burge, now lives — which he afterward added to until his holding was 800 acres, situated in what is known as the "Horseshoe Bend" of Etowah river. Here he lived out his days, and on this original purchase himself and wife are buried — in the "Burge burial ground." Mr. Burge was a consistent, devoted member of the Baptist church, in which he was a deacon very many years. He gave the land on which Raccoon creek Baptist church was built and the burial ground located, and was one of the original members and organizers of the church. Practical, sagacious and public-spirited, he was prosperous. Politically he was an unswerv ing democrat, and always took an active part in promoting the success of his party. Plis death occurred Dec. 15, 1849. To these pioneer settlers there were born eight children: Joseph G., deceased; Wilham T.; Adolphus G., deceased; Marj^ E., deceased, married Daniel Conyers; Elizabeth, deceased, married Russell H. Cannon; Jane A., wife of John Sproulls; Joseph P., first lieutenant. Company K, Fourteenth Georgia regiment, died from exposure in the army in 1861; and James R. M., of Bartow county. William T. Burge, son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Green) Burge, was born in North Carolina, Jan. 20, 1820, and was raised mostly in Gwinnett and Cass (now Bartow) counties, Ga., and was educated in the common schools of the time and locality. When twenty-one years old he engaged in the sawmill business, and in 1845 purchased the farm now owned and operated by him. For some years he combined distilling with his farming. The year he became' of age he was the whig candidate for sheriff of the county. During the late war he was appointed by the 292 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. county to obtain food and supplies for the famihes of the soldiers, and in 1863 was quartermaster of the state troops. At this time, also — 1862-65 — he officiated as one of the justices of the inferior court At the close of the war he was the first man to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. In early life he was an old-time whig; afterward he united with the democratic party, and when the popuhst (or third) party was formed he took an active part in its organization, and was elected by that party to represent the county in the general assembly in 1891-92. Mr. Burge was married, Feb. 3, 1845, to Miss Mehssa, daughter of Samuel Smith, of what is now Bartow county, and to them ten children have been born: Nancy, wife of John Munford, Polk county, Ga.; Lexanna, wife of John T. Walker; Susan, wife of J. S. Davitt, Polk county; Dora, deceased, wife of A. S. Mc Gregor; Ida, wife of Samuel S. E. Smith, Polk county; Wilhe, deceased; James W., Bartow county, and Fannie, Nathaniel and John, all deceased. Mr. Burge is an exemplary and influential member of the Methodist church, of which he was an efficient steward for many years. TAMES J. CONNOR, lawyer and planter, Cartersville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Thomas B. and Sarah (Wall) Connor, was born in what is known as the "Dead river settlement," Montgomery county, Ga., Nov. 26, 1847. His paternal grandfather, Wilson Connor, was born in South Carolina, and came to Georgia and settled in what is now Montgomery county, in 1792. He was an extensive planter and prominent citizen. He was a devoted, influential member of the Baptist church, of which he was a pinoeer minister in that part of Georgia — a man of ability and great usefulness. He married Miss Mary Cook, a native of Pennsyl vania, and raised a family of four children : James G. ; Harriett, who married a Mr. Griffin; Lucy A., who married Joseph Ryals, and Thomas B. Mr. Connor's father, Thomas B., was born in Montgomery county, Oct 22, 1798, and died Jan. 6, 1886. He was a large and very prosperous planter, a prominent citizen and politician, and an active and ardent member of the Baptist church. He was twice elected sheriff of Montgomery county. He married Miss Sarah Wall, who was born Oct 7, 1809, and died Sept. 4, 1885. To them seven children were born: Mary A., deceased, wife of Joseph Ryals; William W., deceased; Thomas B., member of Company E, Sixty-first Georgia regiment, killed in second battle of Bull Run (second Manassas); Wilson W., deceased; Sarah, wife of Thomas B. Calhoun, Montgomery county; Eliza L., wife of James W. McArthur, Montgomery county, and James J., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Connor was reared on the family homestead and received as good a common school education as could be had during the troublous times of his boy hood and youth. When twenty years of age he went to Dublin, Laurens Co., Ga., and commenced reading law under Col. Jonathan Rivers, and in 1871 was admitted to the bar, and entered at once upon the practice in Dublin. He was mayor of Dublin two years, and solicitor-general of the circuit several years. In 1881 he located in Cartersville and formed a partnership with Judge J. M. Neal, which continued five years. He then settled on his splendid 900-acre plantation in the vicinity of Cartersville, which he is conducting on the most improved and approved principles of modern husbandry, with labor-saving implements and machinery. Mr. Connor was married, Nov. 9, 1879, to Miss Lucy C, daughter of Dr. James G. Ryals, and to them six children have been born: Thomas B., student at Mercer university, Macon, Ga.; James R.; Mary E.; Robert E.; Lucy C, and Anna B. Mr. Connor is a leading democrat, a member of the Stilesboro Agricultural- club, a Master Mason and a prominent and influential member of the Baptist BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 293 church, of twenty years' standing. Pushing, progressive, popular, a bright future lies before him. g ELTON O. CRAWFORD, planter and stock-raiser, Cassville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of John and Martha (Clore) Crawford, was born in Laurens district, S. C, Jan. II, 1827. When a boy (in 1836) he came with his father and family to Cass (now Bartow) county, Ga. He was raised on the old homestead (now his home), was educated at the Cassville academy, and, two years, attended the school of Rev. J. H. George, an educator of very high repute at Condsena. He then read law under Judge A. R. Wright, Rome, Ga., and was admitted to the bar in 1851. He located at Calhoun, Gordon Co., Ga., and practiced his profession there until 1858. His health failing at this time he retired from the practice, and bought a farm adjoining his father's and when his father died he bought the old homestead where he now lives, devoting his attention to farming and stock-raising. In 1861 he was elected a justice of the inferior court, and held the office four years. In 1863 he was commissioned captain of Company E, Price's battalion, Georgia state troops. He is one of the most prominent and substantial citizens of his county and section, a wide awake, progressive planter, and a liberal supporter of educational and Christian movements. He was a trustee of the Cherokee Baptist college, and is now a trustee of Ryal's high school, Gordon county, Ga. The son of a pioneer citizen and Baptist, it is his pride and ambition to emulate his father's public and Christian work. Mr. Crawford was married in 1852 to Miss Cordelia, daughter of S. J. and Frances FulHlove. She died in i860, leaving two children: Sally, wife of J. C. McLier; and James, planter, Bartow county. He afterward married Miss Sarah Fullilove, a sister of his first wife, by whom also he has two children, a daughter, Johnnie, and a son, Michael. Mr. Crawford is one of the stanchest of democrats, and a hard worker for his party; and a member of the Baptist church, in which he has been a deacon for twenty years. p^EV. JOHN CRAWFORD, deceased, was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Roy) Crawford, and was born near Greenville, S. C, in 1793. His parents, natives of Virginia, migrated to South Carolina soon after the revolutionary war, and settled on a plantation in Greenville district. Subsequently, when advanced in years, Mr. Crawford's father lived in Laurens district, S. C. Mr. Crawford was one of a family of four sons and three daughters; was raised on the plantation and received a fair education at the common country schools. When twenty-eight years of age he was married to Miss Martha, daughter of Aaron and Susan Clore, of Laurens district, where he settled and lived until 1836. Between the date of his marriage and 1836 he was ordained a preacher in the Baptist church. In 1836 he removed from South Carolina to Georgia with his family — himself, wife, six children and a number of slaves — and purchased and settled a plantation of 400 acres in Cass (now Bartow) county, where his son Belton now lives. He was a soldier under Gen. Jackson when that general was fighting the Indians in 1814, and was present when Wetherford surrendered to Jackson. After taking up his residence in Georgia Mr. Crawford was actively engaged in ministerial work in Cass, Cherokee, Floyd and Gordon counties, and was the founder of many of the Baptist churches within their borders, giving liberally of his means for that purpose. He inaugurated the movement for establishing the Cherokee Baptist college at Cassville, Ga., and gave $4,000 toward building it, and was made president of the board of trustees. He was emphatically a progressionist in all matters affecting the welfare' of the people, 294 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the friend of education, and an active, earnest advocate and worker in the vine yard of the Master. He was a strong advocate of the construction of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway. He was the owner of hundreds of acres of land, a large planter, and owned the first reaping machine brought to Georgia. Politically he was an ardent democrat. He lived to be eighty-two years of age, and his wife died in 1875 at the age of seventy-four years. To this worthy couple the foil owing children were born: Ehza, who married D. H. Hodges, both deceased; Harvey S., of Bartow county; John A., deceased, was a lawyer, a member of the general assembly before the war, was captain of Company K, Eighteenth Georgia regi ment, served from June, 1861, to December, 1864, and was wounded in the battles at Sharpsburg and Gettysburg; Belton O., Bartow county; Michael J., was a lawyer, first lieutenant Company E, Eighteenth Georgia regiment from 1861 until the battle of the Wilderness, where he was badly wounded. He was elected to the general assembly in 1868, but expelled because he had held public office before the war; Martha S., married to J. C. Farris, Bartow county. ]y|ATTHEW M. CUNNINGHAM, farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of James and Caroline (Watts) Cunningham, was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, Aug. 10, 1845. His paternal grandfather, Matthew Cunning ham, was a native of Laurens county, S. C, and his paternal grandmother was a native of Ireland. In Laurens county they were married and there Mr. Cun ningham's father was born Sept 6, 1806, was raised on a farm, and learned the wagon-maker's trade. In 1839 he came to Georgia and settled in Cassville, the county-seat of what was then Cass county, and established himself in the wagon- making business. In 1840 he entered into partnership with James Leak, and together conducted the business near Adairsville until 1846. At that time he bought a tract of 160 acres of land, to which he not long afterward added 140 acres more, and cleared and improved a farm which was his home until he died, in 1891, and where his son, the subject of this sketch, now lives. Originally he was an "old-line whig" in politics, but in his later years was a democrat In 1841 he connected himself with the Methodist church, was one of the organizers of the Oothcaloga church, and was its class leader until his death. He was broad-minded, liberal in his views, and yet more liberal with his means toward the building of a house of worship, and in support of the church. He married Miss Caroline, daughter of W. J. Watts, another pioneer, who owned part of the land on which Adairsville now stands. She died in 1878. Their children were: William C, who. was a member of the Twenty-second Georgia regiment, and died from exposure in the service; Matthew M., the subject of this sketch; Cornehus W.; James A.; Henry B. (deceased); Frances ^I. (deceased); Mary V., wife of M. C. Fields; Martha A. W. (deceased); and Layton P., Florida. jNIr. Cunningham grew to manhood on the farm, and was educated at the near-by country schools. In 1863 he joined the First regiment, state troops, and afterward enlisted in Capt Cowan's company of mounted troops, with which he seiwed until the surrender — his service including what is known as the Atlanta campaign. After the war he returned to the homestead, where in addition to farming, he operated a cotton gin. In 1889 he formed a partnership with W. T. Hall, and erected the buildings and put in the present machinery equipment. 'Mr. Cunningham married Miss Carrie, daughter of Edward Griffith, of Floyd Springs, Ga., a union which has been blessed with four children: Beulah E., Ernest C, Alice E. and James E. He is a strong democrat, and a member of the Methodist church at Oothcaloga, of which he is a trustee, a steward and class leader — a useful, prominent and influential citizen. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 295 A RTHUR DAVIS (deceased), planter, Stilesboro, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Benjamin and Nellie (Stokeley) Davis, was born in Cocke county. East Ten nessee, in April, 1829. His grandfather was one of the early settlers of East Tennessee, and his father was born and raised a farmer in Cocke county, where he lived all his life. Mr. Davis was reared a farmer, and received only such education as was afforded by the neighboring country schools; and was one of a family of seven children — five boys and two girls. At the age of twenty-one he obtained employment with John E. Patton, contractor, who was engaged in railway con struction in Tennessee, Florida and South Carolina, with whom he remained thirteen years. During this period he was continuously promoted until from a salary of $12 per month he was paid $1,000 a year and all expenses of himself and family. Such was his business and executive ability, that he was placed in charge of Mr. Patton's entire force, and made his agent for purchasing slaves and mules, and all supplies for them, and for carrying on his work. In 1863 he was appointed and commissioned by Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, as superintendent of the salt works operated by that state in Virginia. He continued in this position until the spring of 1865, when he rented land and farmed in Virginia until January, 1866. He then came to- Bartow county and rented the Conyers farm on the Etowah river, which he cultivated three years. He then rented the Young farm on the same river, on which he lived the ensuing three years. In the fall of 1871, Mr. Davis bought the John S. Rowland farm, containing 500 acres, to which he afterward added by purchase until lie owned 1,000 acres of as good land as any in Bartow county, all in one body, and many otiier tracts of undeveloped land He was a man of very practical trend of mind and methods, firm and determined in purpose, and possessed of unusual administrative ability; liberal in his views, and generous in his impulses. He was regarded as one of the most progressive, and certainly was one of the most prosperous of the farmers in the Stilesboro neighborhood. Mr. Davis was married Nov. 25, 1859, to Miss Martha A. F., daughter of Thomas Fowler, of Union district, S. C, by whom he has had three children: Ella, wife of Thomas Shockley, Marietta, Ga.; Susan A., wife of A. H. Small, Macon, Ga.; Anna E., wife of L. W. Reeves — a native of Tennessee — Bartow county, Ga. Mr. Davis was a democrat, and an active and influential member of the Baptist church, of which he was a deacon. He died Sept. 10, 1889. Mrs. Davis is yet living, and resides on the plantation. , pETER HA]\OI0NDS, farmer, Stilesboro, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Islam and Rebecca (Cheek) Hammonds, was born in Laurens district, S. C, Oct 3, 1821. His grandfather, Peter Hammonds, was a native of County Clare, Ire land, who, when he came to the United States settled in Laurens district, where he lived until -he died in 1821. Mr. Flammonds' father Vv^as born on the South Carolina homestead, where he was raised a farmer and spent most of his life, but died in Spartansburg, S. C. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Rebecca Cheek, who bore him four children: Cassandra, who married Andrew Massey; Bethany, who married John Lindsey; Lucinda, who married Murphy, and Peter, the subject of this sketch. His second wife was Miss Millie Barker, by whom he had five children: William, Nancy, Rebecca, Catharine and Amelia. Mr. Hammonds was raised a farmer, and was deprived of educational advantages as he was growing to manhood. In 1844 he came to Cass (now Bartow) county, and by a land grant took up forty acres -of land, the lot No. 905, one-half mile northeast of Stilesboro depot. To this he added 300 acres by the purchase of other 40-acre lots, making his tract 340 acres, and extending from the depot to his home place at the mouth of Raccoon creek. All is under improved cultivation. 296 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. by himself and children to whom, as they married, he gave a portion of his land. During the war he served as a member of the Home guard. Since the surrender he has given his attention exclusively to his farm, and as a farmer and citizen ranks among the foremost, and as high as any citizen in Bartow c'bunty. Mr. Ham monds married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Emsley Hilton, Laurens district, S. C. To this union nine children were born: Robert, deceased; Mary; William, TaylorsviHe, Ga.; Toliver, farmer, Stilesboro; John, merchant Stilesboro; Henry, deceased; James, farmer; Rebecca, wife of Joseph Forrester, Stilesboro, and Peter, merchant, Stilesboro. He is an ardent democrat and has always been an active party man, and is a working and exemplary member of the Methodist church. WILLIAM J. HILBURN, merchant, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Robert and EHza (Bailey) Hilburn, was bom at Old Castle, Cass (nov/ Bartow) county, April 5, 1843. His grandparents were natives of 'Virginia, and early in the present century migrated to iGeorgia and settled in what is now De Kalb county. There Mr. Hilburn's father was born, and after receiving such edu cation as the common country schools afforded learned the trade of a tailor. Subsequently he studied dentistry and settled at Old Castle and later at Adairsville, where he followed his profession until he died. His wife died in 1883. Mr. Hilburn was given a common-school education and then learned the carpenter's trade. In 1861 he enlisted in Co. K, Seventh Georgia regiment, which at once proceeded to join the forces in Virginia. With his command he was engaged in many important battles, among them Bull Run (first Manassas), Garnett's farm, seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, second Bull Run (second Manassas), Antietam, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania court-house. North Anna, Petersburg, Weldon R. R.; went through the East Tennessee campaign and surrendered under Gen. Lee at Appomattox. During all this four-years arduous and faithful service he received but three slight wounds — one in his right foot at Gettysburg. In 1866 he began clerking for A. P. Johnson, Adairsville, and continued witli him until 1868. He then moved to Cobb county, Ga., where he worked at his trade and farmed until 1871, when he returned to Adairsville and engaged in merchandising. At the end of a year he discontinued his business and went to Atlanta. After pursuing a mercantile life here awhile he returned to Adairsville and established himself permanently in a grocery and general merchan dise store. In this last enterprise he has been very successful. In 1892 he built the "New Midway house" and brick block, and is profitably conducting the new and popular hostelry in connection with his store. He is at present the mayor of Adairsville. Pushing in character and being an "up-to-date" man in business and politics, he will grow in popularity and influence. Mr. Hilburn has been twice married. In 1867 he was married to Miss Nancy C. Gholston, who died in 1876, leaving a daughter, Willie O., wife of T. M. Manning, Floyd county, Ga. He was again married Oct. 28, 1880, to Miss Annie Hunt, who has borne him four children : Pearl R. ; Ralph, deceased ; Rembert P., and Jennie B. Mr. Hilburn is an ardent, active democrt, a member of the I. O. O. .F., a Master Mason and a prominent and influential member of the Methodist church. DEV. CHARLES WALLACE FIOWARD, only son of diaries and Jane (Wallace) Howard, was born in Savannah, Ga., Oct 11, 1811. His father was a prosperous merchant of Savannah and his mother a member of an old and dis tinguished family of that city. Mr. Howard attended the best schools of his day and at the age of sixteen entered the university of Georgia. Graduating from this BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 297 university he went through the course at the theological seminary at the university of Princeton, N. J. At twenty-one he was ordained in the Presbyterian church at Athens, Ga., and accepted a pastorate at Milledgeville, Ga. Here his powerful eloquence was interested in behalf of the Oglethorpe university, and through it large sums of money were raised for its building. When completed he filled the chair of belles-lettres. April 25, 1835, he married Miss Susan Jett Thomas, the second daughter of Georgia's gallant soldier. Gen. Jett Thomas. In 1838 he was sent to England to collect the colonial documents of the state of Georgia, which arduous service he performed with conscientious fidelity and thoroughness and to the satisfaction of the legislature of Georgia. At this time, differing with the presbytery on questions vital to the interests of the south, he left that body, resigned his pastorate and went to his farm in Bartow county (then Cass). From. his farm he was soon called to Charleston, S. C, by the Huguenots, and with them he rebuilt, the Huguenot (French Protestant) church and gathered together its people, who for a hundred years had been scattered among other congregations, translating their liturgy from the French and revising it. In 1849 his health failing him, his attached congrega tion sent him to Europe for a year, and on his return, still feeble, for two years they refused to accept his resignation. Finally they were compelled to allow him to return to his farm, where he devoted himself to agriculture, literature and scientific research. One of the results of his research was the discovery of the Howard hydraulic cement in Bartow county, the only cement of its color now known to the world. He wrote and published his Manual of Grass and Forage Plants for the south, which is quoted as a standard work. He conttibuted innumerable agricul tural and scientific articles to magazines and other periodicals of unusual merit, and which were widely and profitably read. He was a life-long and active member of the Georgia 'State Agricultural association, and while not neglecting other branches, paid particular attention to the grasses and sheep husbandry. It is probable that after the organization of the association (of which he was one of the founders) he never missed attending an annual meeting. His very extensive general information, ripe scholarship and rare scientific attainments were recog nized by all, and respected accordingly. And his modesty was such, that mention of them in his presence was absolutely oppressive to him. Although opposed to secession, as an unwise means to settle our grievances, notwithstanding his feeble health, he took an active part in the Confederate struggle, serving as captain of company I of the Sixty-third Georgia regiment. Fie was severely wounded in the battle of July 22, 1864, between Decatur and Atlanta. His gallantry in the field was only equaled by the favor with which he successfully appealed to the public for funds for the wayside homes for the soldiers. After the war, confident that the south, with her manhood and honor unsubdued by the trying ordeal through which she had passed, he returned to his farm, devoting himself to it and the welfare of his state in her new circumstances. He was frequently employed by capitaHsts to make investigations on certain lines as to Georgia's resources. In 1869, under the auspices of the Western & Atlantic railway, he prospected that portion of Georgia, between Chattanooga, Tenn., and Rome, Ga., including Look out and Pigeon mountains, and made an exhaustive report of its amazing mineral wealth, particularly in the variety, abundance and superior quality of its coal and iron ore. In 1872 he bought his farm, Ellerslee, on the east brow of Lookout mountain, where he loved to rest and commune with nature. And here he died, Dec. 25, 1876, in the sixty-sixth year of his life. At his death Gen. Joseph E. Johnston said: "His loss is a great one to Georgia. For his capacity, patriotism and virtue made him more truly useful since the war than any other Georgian." 298 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. T EVI D. JOLLEY, farmer. Ford, Bartow county, Ga., son of Joseph and Ziha (Dickerson) Jolley, was born in Anderson district, S. C, July 5, 1827. His great grandfather, Marcus Jolley, was a native of Ireland, where he grew to man hood and married. He came to America, with his family, before the revolutionary war, settled in Virginia and was in the patriot army during that conflict He was a planter, and reared four children — one son and three daughters. The daughters mar ried and lived and died in Virginia. Henry L., the son, and the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Ireland, came with his parents to this country, and was reared in Virginia. When he grew to manhood he migrated to South Carolina and settled in Anderson district, and lived and died there. During one period of his life he officiated as a magistrate. He reared five children: Joseph, Henry, who lived and died in South Carolina; Milhe, who married Jesse Hardin; Sarah, who also lived and died in South Carolina, and Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Crenshaw, of Troup county, Ga. Mr. Jolley's father Joseph, was born in South Carolina, in 1785, where he was raised on his father's farm, and married Miss Zilla, daughter of Robert Dickerson, who came from England to Virginia. In 1837 he moved to Georgia and settled in Cass (now Bartow) county, purchasing 160 acres of land, the same on which Peter Hammonds now lives. This property he improved, reared his family (in part) on it, and lived and died there. He was a strong and ardent democrat and a devout and liberal member of the Baptist church. He was an original member and one of the organizers of the Raccoon creek Baptist church of which he was a deacon from the time of its organization until he died. He reared ten children : Annie, deceased, wife of Elias Felton; Elizabeth, deceased, with of Joseph Kennedy, Bartow county; William, deceased; Henry, died from exposure while in the army, in Virginia; Rachel, married Archie McDaniel, he dying, she married Elbert Shaw, of Troup count}", Ga. ; Levi, the subject of this sketch; James, Bartow county; Sarah, widow of Thomas Booker; Maria, deceased, wife of Elbert Shaw; Mary, the youngest, widow of Edmund Harling. The father died in November, 1861, and his wife in 1873. Mr. Jolley, the subject of this sketch, was reared a farmer, was educated in the common schools of the county, begun life for himself with no capital except "vim" and untiring energy. In 1870 he settled on the farm where he now lives, which contains 300 acres ; and in addition to cultivating his farm, he has for twenty-four years operated a cotton gin, and later has added a corn and saw mill. J\Ir. Jolley was married in 1851 to Miss Hannah, daughter of Thomas Carpenter, a South Carolinian, who settled upon the land now owned by Dr. Beazley. Nine children blessed this union, of whom eight reached maturity: Robert F., Bartow county; Joseph T., Bartow county; Elizabeth K., widow of Dr. I. N. Van Meter; James C, William A., Bartow county; Lee W., Taylorsville, Ga.; John H., teacher, and HilHard J. Mr. Jolley is a democrat and an exemplary and influential member of the Methodist church. He was one of the original members of Oak Grove church, contributed $400 toward the building of the "meeting house," and has been one of the stewards since the church was organized. Mr. Jolley had the misfortune to lose his wife by death, Dec. 18, 1887, and is now living a life of usefulness, calmly awaiting the summons to an unending reunion." He prides himself on inheriting from his ancestry a God-fearing spirit. None of them avoided the payment of a just debt, and that the name is the synonym of strict honesty. D OBERT H. JONES, carriage manufacturer, Cartersville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Samuel and Ann E. (Edwards) Jones, was born in Elbert county, Ga., Sept 21, 1828. His parents were natives of North Carolina, but the family moved soon after his birth to Alabama, where he was reared. There, until after his BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 299 marriage, he was engaged with his father in a tannery and a general merchandise store. In 185 1 he embarked in the carriage business at Oak Bower, Hart Co., Ga., where he remained until 1853, when he moved and located at Cartersville and established an extensive carriage manufacturing business, which he continued until 1861. That year, in response to the call for volunteers, he raised the "Fire side Defenders," which afterward became a company of the Twenty-second Geor gia regiment, of which he was elected colonel, and with which he remained until 1863. His command was engaged in the battle of Seven Pines, where he received a painful musket-shot wound in the hip, but did not leave the field. He was in the seven days' fight around Richmond, and in the battle of Malvern Hill, where he was shattered and badly burned by the bursting of a shell in his face. As soon as he recovered he resumed the command of his regiment. At Sharps burg, while leading his brigade, he was evidently made a target of by the Federal sharpshooters, having been shot through the hat, the ball grazing the top of his head ; then, immediately afterward, he was hit in the stomach, the ball penetrating through his belt; and in a few seconds he was shot through the right lung, the ball going completely through him. From this wound he never recovered, and was compelled to resign in 1863. After remaining several days without having his wounds dressed, he was carried by the men of his regiment to Winchester, where he received the needed medical treatment, and as soon as he could travel came home. In 1866 he returned to Cartersville and reorganized his carriage- building business, which he has since conducted with his usual energy and fore sight, and with phenomenal success. It is now conducted under the firm name of R. H. Jones & Son. Politically he is a democrat, but has never sought or filled a public office. Col. Jones was married in 1851 to Miss Cynthia E., daughter of W. G. Cotton, then a resident of Troup county, Ga. Six children have blessed this union : Emma C, wife of W. B. Soddle, Hart county, Ga.; Lulu B., wife of C. R. Bilbro; L. Glenn, Alabama; John W., Cartersville; Fannie B., wife of A. S. Quinlon, At lanta, and Howard E. F., Cartersville, Ga. Col. Jones is a member of Bartow County Veterans' association, of which he is chaplain, a Knight of Honor, a member of the I. O. O. F., and a Master Mason. He is a member of long standing of the Methodist church, has been a lay delegate to its conferences, and since 1859 has been a local preacher. No citizen in the county stands higher than he in any respect JOHN J. JOHNSON, farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of William C. and Cassandra (Lindsey) Johnson, was born in South Carolina Oct. 14, 1826. His paternal grandfather was Randolph Johnson, who was a native of England, and emigrated to the United States and settled in Virginia, whence he migrated to South Carolina and settled in Laurens district He afterward moved to Duck river, Maury Co., Tenn., where he died. Mr. Johnson's father was reared in South Carolina, and in 1845 rnigrated to Georgia and settied at Poplar Springs, near Adairsville, in Cass (now Bartow) county, where he lived until 1863, when he retired and made his home with the subject of this sketch until he died in 1866. Thirteen children were born to him, of whom six grew to maturity: Hosea, Gordon county; Perry, Bartow county; Wiley, Arkansas; Arena Murphy; Me- linda Bray and John J., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Johnson was reared in South Carolina, where he lived until he was nineteen years of age, when he came with his father to Georgia, and they jointly bought the Poplar Springs prop erty. In 1854 he bought and settled on the land he now lives on — a tract of 362 acres. This he cleared and has improved, and it has been his home since. In 300 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1862 he enlisted in Company I, First Regiment, Georgia State troops, and was with them in every engagement they participated in until the close of the war. Since then he has given his attention exclusively tp his farming interests, satis fied with being regarded as one of the best farmers and among the most sub stantial of the county's citizens. Mr. Johnson married Miss Mary E., daughter of William T. Barton, Bartow county, by whom he has had twelve children: Martha J., wife of V. Alexander; Henry Wiley, Atlanta; Luella; Estella, wife of John Hunt; Inez; Birdie; Lowell; Robert E., deceased; Homer, deceased, and three who died in infancy. Q M. JONES, planter, manufacturer and mineral developer, Emerson, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Wylie and Nancy (Lively) Jones, was born in what is now De Kalb county, Ga., July 29, 1829. His grandfather, William Jones, was a native of Wales, England, who, when he emigrated to America, settled in Maryland, where he died. Mr. Jones' father left Maryland when a young man, came to Georgia and settled in Morgan county, where he married. Later he moved to what is now De Kalb county, where he engaged in farming and stock-raising, and died in 1830. His children were: Frances, wife of Jacob House, Cobb county, Ga. ; William L., died in 1854 in Alabama; C. M., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Jones was reared on the plantation, receiving a common country-school education; his father having died when he was quite young, he was deprived of some advantages in this respect he might otherwise have enjoyed. Attaining to man's estate he engaged in farming as a life occupation. In 1861 he enlisted in company F, Thirty-sixth Georgia regiment, of which he was commissioned first lieutenant. He served with this command until the battle of Perryville, Ky., where he was seriously injured, forcing a temporary retirement from the service. Six months afterward Mr. Jones raised the Second regiment, Georgia reserves, of which he was commissioned colonel, and at the time of the surrender was in command of the brigade. While in the service he participated in the following engagements: Fazewell, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Richmond, Lexington, Covington, Ky., George town, Frankfort, Versailles, Perryville, Ky., near Charleston, S. C. At the close of the war he resumed his farming operations on the old homestead, where he remained until 1873. Perceiving the necessity of having land on which improved farming implements and machinery would be used to meet the changed conditions on the plantations resulting from the war, he prospected extensively through the south and west, and finally purchased 800 acres of his present property from Dr. H. J. Bates, paying $21,500 for it. By subsequent purchases he has increased his holding to 2,800 acres, 1,000 acres of which are bottom lands extending along the Pumpkinvine creek three miles, than which there is no- finer farming land in the state. The property is rich also in deposits of brown hematite, gray and other kinds of iron ore, manganese, black lead, lime, yellow ocher, flexible sandstone, red oxide iron, umber and gold — all of which have been mined and shipped. For many years he has had a woolen and grist mill, doing a large and profitable business, and putting in a saw-mill, engaged also in the manufacture of lumber. In 1874 he commenced mining and shipping ore, and, later, organized tiie Brown- Jones mining company, with which he is connected, which is opening and develop ing valuable iron deposits. He laid, at Emerson, the first malleable iron plant in the state, which is known as the Emerson Malleable Iron company, of which he is president A limestone quarry on the property, which had been partially worked before his purchase of it, he opened more extensively and has since operated. A deposft of black lead is the most extensive, and is regarded by Col. Jones as the most valuable on his property, to develop which he organized the Georgia Graphite SAM P, JONES. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. ^Ol company, and erected a large mill for preparing the product for market. This plant is now operated by J. F. Allerson & Co., under lease and royalty. The kaolin clay deposits are operated by Anderson & Armstrong, of Marietta, Ga. At Emerson are the extensive ocher mills of J. C. Orme, estabhshed through Col. Jones' efforts, and in which he is interested. The town of Emerson was founded by, and is really a creation of Col. Jones — was named in compliment of ex-Gov. Joseph Emerson Brown, and is situated on the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, forty-three miles from Atlanta. From this place Col. Jones has built a broad-gauge railway to the various mines, quarries and mills scattered over his valuable prop erty. He is a far-seeing and true and wise developer, and is demonstrating on a limited scale, yet in none the less convincing manner, the vast possibilities of the development of Georgia's varied and exhaustless natural resources ; and if one man, unaided, can accomplish what he has, what might be reasonably expected of organ ized companies, with millions of capital! In his farming operations Col. Jones, as elsewhere, leads the van. He uses the latest improved labor-saving implements and machinery, and the most advanced methods. As an evidence of it it may be stated that he owned and operated the first self-binder brought to Georgia. While not neglecting any of the staple southern products adapted to his locality — cotton, corn, oats, wheat, etc., he, to a limited extent, pays some attention to fruits, having now about nine acres of the very choicest fruit in great variety. Were he a younger man these acres might be expected to multiply to hundreds at no remote date. In early manhood he was sheriff of De Kalb county four years, and in 1882 was elected to represent Bartow county in the general assembly. Subsequently he identified himself with the populist party, and in 1892 was a delegate to the national convention, held in Omaha, Neb. In the recent state election he was the candidate of the party for state treasurer. Col. Jones was married in 1850 to Miss Sarah, daughter of Thomas Carroll, of Gwinnett county, Ga., a union which has been blessed with ten children: Louise J., wife of R. C. Tillie, Atlanta; Mary E., wife of J. E. Morris, Bartow county; Wihiam L., farmer, Floyd county; Charles W., farmer, Bartow county; Thomas H., farmer, Cherokee county, Ga.; John P., broker, Augusta, Ga.; Sarah F., wife of J. E. McElroy, Norcross, Ga.; Milton H. V., attorney, Atianta, Ga.; James _M. Jones, farmer; Robert E. Lee, Bartow county, deceased, and Lena. Entertaining a profound sense of the necessity and value of education, he liberally educated his children, and lends his great influence to all educational movements. Col. Jones is a member of the Bartow County Veterans' association, and has been a Master Mason forty-three years. He is an exemplary and influential member of the Methodist church, has been honored as a delegate to its general conference, and takes great interest in its affairs. Fie ranks with the foremost in all the walks of life, and his energy, enterprise and pubhc spirit are worthy of emulation. P EV. SAMUEL P. JONES, Cartersvihe, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Capt. John J. and Mrs. Queeny (Porter) Jones, was born in Chambers county, Ala., Oct 16, 1847. His paternal grandfather. Rev. Samuel G. Jones, was a Methodist preacher, who married a daughter of Rev. Robert L. Edwards, one of the pioneer Methodist preachers of Georgia. Four of the brothers of Mr. Jones' father are ministers of the Gospel; and for several generations the family on both sides have been prominent church members and preachers of the Word. When only nine years old Mr. Jones had the misfortune to lose his mother. Four years afterward his father married Miss Jennie Skinner, of Cartersville, to which place he moved his family in 1859. In 1861, his father entered the Con- 302 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. federate army, and by reason of his absence and the disordered state of society, he drifted into the company of the immoral and dissipated. Surrounded by and associating with this class, he found himself at the age of twenty-one, physically and morally wrecked and ruined. Until his mother died he had been a scholar under Prof. W. F. Slaton, now the superintendent of the public schools of Atlanta. Here the groundwork of an education had been faithfully laid. During his father's absence he had neglected his studies; but soon after his return he entered the school of Hon. W. H. Felton, and, later, attended the high school at Euharlee, of which Prof. Ronald Johnson was principal. Here his health broke down and prevented his taking the collegiate course his father intended for him. It was at this period he mistakenly sought rehef in drinking; he also at this time com menced reading law, and, after due preparation was admitted to the bar. He, however, continued his life of dissipation until August, 1872, when, on his death bed, his father extorted from him a solemn promise to reform and meet him in heaven. He kept his promise, and soon after his conversion, commenced to preach the Gospel. The first sermon he preached was the week after his conversion, at the old New Hope church two miles from Cartersville. He went there with his grandfather Jones, who was the pastor on the Bartow circuit; and the Rev. Sandford, who was to have preached, failing to keep his appointment, his grand father prevailed upon him to preach in his place. He now began to preach, and under the direction of Rev. George R. Kramer, began to prepare himself for the ministry. Three months afterward he applied for admission and was accepted and received into the North Georgia annual conference, and entered upon the arduous self-sacrificing work of the itinerant Methodist preacher. His first appointment was on the Van Wert circuit, where he preached acceptably three years. His next ap pointment was on the DeSoto circuit, Floyd county, Ga., with seven churches, where he was unusually successful. From here he was sent to Newborn circuit Newton county, Ga., where he remained two years, and where he was blessed with greater success than ever before. His next appointment was on the Monticello cir cuit, Jasper county, Ga., where he also served two years. During these and the three preceding years he had been instrumental, under God, in converting 2,000 people and adding them to the membership of his churches, besides doing a great deal of revival work in other circuits. In the first eight years of his ministry he was instru mental in converting not less than 5,000 people, and preached not less than 400 sernicns a year. His first revival work that gave him an}' notoriety was in 1879- 80. In January, 1881, he was appointed agent for the orphans' home of the North Georgia conference, at Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., and doing revival work in Atlanta, Griffin, Macon, Columbus and Savannah. This work engaged him during 1881-82. His first revival work in Atlanta was at the First Methodist church, when Gen. Evans was pastor; this was followed by work at St. Luke's, Columbus; St John's, Augusta; Trinity and Monumental. Savannah; Mulberry Street, Macon, and at all the leading Methodist chi:^ches in Georgia. The first revival services which gave him newspaper notoriety were in Memphis, Tenn., in January, 1883. Since that time he has worked in more than twenty states, includ ing the cities of Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, D. C; Indianapolis; St. Joseph, Mo.; Waco, Tex.; Mobile, Ala.: Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn., and in Toronto and other cities in Canada. In no place where he has preached have the buildings or tents been large enough to hold the people. He has preached to congregations numbering 10,000 people, and at Plattsburg, Mo., he had an audience of 20,000 people. At his revival in Chicago, the "Inter- Ocean" and "Tribune;" the "Commercial-Gazette," and "Inquirer," Cincinnati, and the "Globe-Democrat," St. Louis — having an aggregate circulation of 300,000 — BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 303 printed his daily sermons. Through the columns of those widely-circulated jour nals he enjoyed the great privilege of preaching to a million and a half persons every day. His first preaching, he says, was called "earnest exhortation" — which, he claims, cannot be feigned — and he contends that that which did so much for him, will do a? much for others. He has always had an inborn hatred for shams, and especially for religious shams; says that he would prefer to be an IngersoU, and a disbeliever in the Book, than to be a Methodist, professedly believing everything, and yet being just like IngersoU. In the fourth year of his ministry he began *o preach to his people just as he thought, convinced that the preacher who fits the most consciences will get the most hearers — ^just as the shoemaker who makes the best fit will get the most customers. In preaching at the consciences he says there are three essential requisites — ^cleamess, concentration and directness — and that when the conscience is aroused the alternative is left, of a better life or complete abandonment. When he first began to preach he was brought face to face with the fact, that to succeed as a preacher one must either be a great thinker or a great worker — and after prayerful consideration he chose the latter. During the first eight years of his ministry he preached not less than 400 sermons a year,_week after week, preaching oftentimes four sermons a day. He has never attempted to prove that there was a God — that Christ was divine — or that there was a heaven or hell. He made these things not an objective point — but a starting point; his idea being that Christ meant what he said in the command — Preach the Gcspel, not defend it; preach the Word, not try to prove that the Word is true. He is a believer in progressive theology, in aggressive effort, in agitation, in conflict, in conquest, and in the crowns which must follow this line of work. To the newspapers he concedes he owes much of his success, they having been very kind to him in their reportorial columns. The main object of all his preaching has been to make m^en fully realize that sin is hideous, and righteousness attractive; to drive men from the former, and to attract them to the heights and beauties of the latter. Mr. Jones was married in November, 1869, to Miss Laura, daughter of John H. McElrain, Henry county, Ky., and of the seven children which have blessed this union six survive: Mary M., Annie C, S. Paul, Robert W., Laura Henry, and Julia Baxter. QHARLES LOWRY, a native of the north of Ireland, and his wife emigrated to America and settled on James river, in Virginia, before the revolutionary war, in which he served as a soldier. From his son Charles have descended the Lowrys of Bartow county, Ga. Charles Lowry, second, was born in Virginia, and served as a soldier in the patriot army during the latter part of the revolutionary war. He married a Miss Reese of that state and afterward migrated to South Carohna, where he remained until about 1812, when he moved to Georgia and bought and settled on a tract of land in Franklin county. In 1825 he moved from Franklin to Gwinnett county, Ga., where he lived until 1833, when he came to Cass (now Bartow) county, and purchased and settled on land near Cassville. He died in 1847 °^ 1848 at the home of his son David. Of fifteen children born to this worthy couple five died young and ten were raised to maturity: David, married first a Miss Bennett, of Gwinnett county; she dying, he married Mrs. Sheppard (nee Stegall); he, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and died about 1879 in Smith county, Tex.; James, also a soldier in the war of 1812, married and died in De Kalb county, Ga.; Solomon Reese, whose sketch hereinafter appears; John, a soldier in the war of i8i2, married and died in Mississippi; Thomas, served in the Indian war, mar- 304 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ried and died in Rome, Ga. ; Samuel, married and died in Mississippi ; Elizabeth, married Joshua Gibson, a soldier in the war of 1812 — both died in Texas; Sarah, deceased wife of Jacob Reed ; Mary, deceased wife of Shadrach Lowry, Calhoun county, Ala. ; Martha, deceased wife of Theophilus Little, Arkansas. Solomon Reese Lowry, third son of Charles Lowry, second, was born in Spartanburg, S. C, Nov. 17, 1800. He received a good common school education, and when a young man taught school in Gwinnett county. Later he settled in Forsyth county and engaged in farming until 1838, when he moved to Cass (now Bartow) county, and settled near Cassville, where he lived until 1861, when he purchased four 167-acre lots five miles north of Cartersville, where his son Joseph now lives. He lived here until his death, in June, 1889. Mr. Lowry married Miss Priscilla, daughter of Isaac Gilbert, of Gwinnett county, who died in 1892. In early life Mr. Lowry was a whig, but during the latter part of his life he was an ardent democrat. He was a strong and consistent member of the Methodist church. Their children were: Russell J., Gwinnett county; Joseph G., Bartow county, and a daughter who married M. H. Leak and died in Texas in 1865. Joseph G. Lowry, second son of Solomon Reese Lowry, was born in Forsyth county, Dec. 7, 1836, but was raised in Cass (now Bartow) county, and educated at the Cherokee Baptist college in Cassvihe. In 1859-60 he engaged in merchan dising in Cassville, and in March, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Fortieth Geor gia regiment. After five months' service he was transferred to the purchasing department, under Maj. Cummings, and subsequently to the post quartermaster's department, under Capt. George S. Seaton, where he remained until the close of the war. After the war he returned to the old homestead and commenced farming, which he has followed ever since. He has a choice tract of 305 acres of land, and ranks as one of Bartow county's most progressive and successful farmers. At one time he was actively engaged in developing and mining iron ore. In politics he is an active and prominent member of the populist (or third) party. He is a leading and influential member of the Methodist church. vy ILLIAM H. LUCAS, deceased, son of John Lucas, was born in Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga., Jan. 8, 1814. His family was a branch of the promi nent Lucas family of Richmond county. His early education was obtained in the private school of Rev. Dr. Beman, Mount Zion, Hancock Co., one of the most eminent educators in Georgia at that time. Subsequently he was graduated from the University of Virginia. He was associated for many years with Col. Bates in publishing the "Alabama Journal," at Montgomery, Ala., when a young man, and was very active and prominent in politics and public life. About this time and for many years he was a whig, but before he died he became a dem ocrat In 1859 he came to Cass (now Bartow) county and bought a 500-acre plantation — on which his widow now lives — where he spent his declining years as a planter, and died. Toward the close of the war he was a member of the* "Silver Grays," a military body organized in Augusta, Ga., for home duty. He was a man of extensive reading and information, and of considerable force of character, prominent and popular in political and social circles. Mr. Lucas was twice married, first to Miss Champ Bradfute, granddaughter of the distinguished Col. William Bird, of Virginia. By this marriage he had two children: Alfred, Columbus, Ga., and Carrie L., wife of Laurent B. Hallaquint, Montgomery, Ala. Mr. Lucas' second marriage was to Frances L. Martin, daughter of the promi nent banker of Augusta. Mr. Lucas was a prominent member of the Masonic fra ternity. In early Hfe he was a member of the Methodist church, but before he died he united himself with the Protestant Episcopal church. WILLIAM H. LUCAS. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 305 UENRY J. M'CORMICK, civil engineer and farmer, Stilesboro, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Isaiah and Matilda (Sproulls)McCormick, was born in Abbeville district, S. C, Feb. 10, 1838. His paternal grandfather, Hugh McCormick, was of that sturdy stock known as Scotch-Irish, and was a native of County Clare, Ireland. He belonged to that numerous body of Presbyterians who, in the last century, seceded from the national church establishment of Scotland. About 1784, in consequence of religious troubles in Ireland, he emigrated to this country and settled on Long Cane creek, Laurens district, S. C. Like many of his country men he was a weaver by trade, and followed it — operating the old hand-loom — in connection with his large farming interests, when established in his new south ern home, until his death. After arriving in this country he married Miss Martha Johnson, also a native of County Clare, Ireland, whose parents emigrated to America before the revolutionary war and settled in South Carolina. There were born to them three sons: Hugh, who died in South Carolina; Daniel, who died in Richmond county, Ga., in 1875; Isaiah, and one daughter, Jane, who married James Wylie, and died in Tennessee. Isaiah, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Laurens district, S. C, in 1810. He was raised on the farm, and his educational advantages were quite limited. In 1853 he came to Georgia and settled in Cass (now Bartow) county on a plantation he bought, situated on Euharlee creek, near Stilesboro. In early life he was an "old-line whig," but afterward became a strong democrat. He was raised a member of the seceding organization mentioned above, but subsequently united with the Presbyterian church, of which he was a devout and devoted member. His wife was a daughter of Charles Sproulls, a South Carolina family of English origin. Nine children were born to him and grew to maturity: Henry J., the subject of this sketch; Frances, wife of S. T. McGinnis; Martha, wife of B. B. Mc- Ginnis; Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Turner; Susan, wife of T. S. Hawkins; Anna H., Charles S., John, and Thomas, all of Bartow county. He died in 1873 and his wife in 1890. Capt McCormick was raised a farmer in Abbeville district, S. C, until he was sixteen years old, when he came with his parents to what is now Bartow county, and finished his education at Stilesboro institute. March 12, 1861, he enlisted in Company E, First Georgia battalion, for twelve months. On the expiration of his term of enlistment he was commissioned second-lieutenant of a company in Phillips' Legion, was soon promoted to first lieutenancy, and then to the captaincy. On May 18, 1862, by the accidental discharge of a musket in the hands of one of his men, he was shot and lost his left leg. On his- recovery he was detailed for post duty, and stationed at Cartersville, Ga., and afterward at Augusta, where he remained until the war closed. Returning from- the war, he resumed farming, and in addition followed his profession of civil* engineering and taught school. In 1873 he was elected surveyor of the county and held the office until 1881. He was again elected in 1886, and held the office until 1892. In 1894 he was the democratic candidate to represent Bartow county in the general assembly. He is president of the Bartow County Veterans' asso ciation, secretary of Philhps' Legion Survivors and president of Stilesboro Farm ers' club, one of the leading organizations of the county. Capt. McCormick was married March 12, 1863, to Miss Josephine, daughter of L. Hawkins, deceased', of Bartow county, by whom he has had six children: Clara M., deceased wife of Irwin W. WilHams; Robert R., Atianta; Charles S., Atianta; Mary G. ; John H., and Jessie J. Capt McCormick is an active and influential member of the Baptist church, of which he has for many years been a deacon. He ranks among the foremost of Bartow county's progressive farmers and is a very popular citizen. ]-:o 3o6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. J OHN N. PEACE, farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Major and Biddy (Gilleland) Peace, was born in Hancock county, Ga., June 25, 1818. His great grandparents were natives of England, emigrated to America some years before the revolutionary war, and settled in Virginia. During the voyage Mr. Peace's grandfather, John Peace, was born, grew to manhood in Virginia, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. -After the war 'ne taught school many years, and married Miss Elizabeth Wade, a native of Wales, England. In the latter part of the last century he came to Georgia, and took up his re-yolutionary soldier's claim of 250 acres of land in Hancock county, where he lived until he died. To him the following children were born: Major; John, died in Columbus, Ga. ; Daniel, lost his life in a steamboat accident while on his way from IlUnois to Georgia; Elizabeth — ^Mrs. Johnson; Nancy, married Lemuel Lovett; Jane, married Peter Bray; Martha, married Robert McCook ; Temperance, married William Brewster. Major Peace, eldest son of the above, and father of the subject of this sketch, was born in North Carolina in 1791, but was raised on the farm in Hancock county, and died on it in 1854. He was a prominent democrat, and for many years was sheriff of Hancock county. He was a consistent and exemplary member of the Methodist church for a generation or more. He was twice married. His first wife was Miss Biddy Gilleland, who died in 1820, having borne him four children: Elizabeth, deceased; William, deceased; John N., the subject of this sketch; Susan, married Allen Dozier, who died, when she married Moses Pitman, who also died, and she is now living in Adairsville. His second wife was Miss Sarah Vincent, by whom he had'six children : West, deceased ; Daniel, deceased; Natlianiel, in Texas; Lovejoy, near Albany, Ga. ; Annie, deceased; Sarah J., married Henry Dickens, both deceased. John N. Peace was raised on the old homestead in Hancock county, where he received a common-school education. On reaching manhood he followed overseeing for twenty-seven years in Georgia and Alabama. While a resident of Hancock county he held the office of justice of the peace for many years. During the late "unpleasantness" he was detailed by the officials of Barbour county, Ala., to run a farm to raise stock and grain for the Confederate army. In 1866 he purchased his present place, which then consisted of eighty acres. To this he has added until he has a splendid tract containing 421 acres, excellently well improved. Mr. Peace has been married twice, the first time to Miss Ann May Miiiton, of Hancock county, who died in Alabama in 1865, having borne him five children : William, who was a member of the First Alabama battalion sharpshooters, and died while a prisoner at Rock Island, 111. : Elizabeth H., wife of George W. Byrd; Nancy, wife of M. V. Shaw, Texas; Susan, wife of Laughlin McLaiii, Arkansas; Martha E., at home. His second marriage was to Mrs. Adaline (nee Fry) Barnes, of Alabama, by whom he had five children : John ; Robert L., deceased; George A., Floyd county, Ga. ; Joseph B.; Louisa, wife of Henry Scott. Mr. Peace is a stanch democrat, has been a Methodist for fifty years, being now an exemplary member of Mt. Carmel church. J AMES G. RYALS, D. D., deceased, formeriy of Cartersville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Joseph and Lucy Ann (Connor) Ryals, was born in Montgomery county, Ga., April 24, 1824. His grandfather, William Ryals, was born in North Carohna in June, 1768, was raised a planter, came to Georgia the latter part of the last century and settied in Montgomery county, and died there, Nov. 29, 1827. He raised the following" family: Winnie, who married Burrill Calhoun; Penelope, who married J. G. Connor: Joseph, Matilda, who married a Mr. Partin; William, who married Eliza Connor, and John B., who married Maria Connor. Dr. Ryals' father was born Nov. 20, 1796, and died in Alontgomery county, BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 307 Sept. 8, 1859. He was a large planter, quite prominent in county politics, and represented the county in the general assembly. He was happily married to Miss Lucy Ann Connor — a union blessed with seven children : Harriet G., who man-ied Carson Culbreath; James G., the subject of this sketch; Elizabeth, who married John A. Morris; Annie E., who married Hirain Swain, who died, and she after ward married John Pierson ; Mary C, who married Dr. John Raubs ; Josephine, who married George T. McLeod; Lucy, who married Maj. W'. H. Mann, who was killed in the battle of Atlanta, July 22, 1864. She afterward married Joseph T. Lawson. Dr. Ryals received his preparatory education in the best schools of the county, and then entered Mercer university, from which he was graduated in 1852. He read law under Judge Francis H. Cone, Greensborough, Ga., and was admitted to the bar the year he graduated. After teaching school a year in Columbus, Ga., he came to Cass (now Bartow) county in 1854, purchased the plantation on which his son-in-law, J. J. Connor, now lives, and commenced the practice of his profes sion in Cartersville, which he assiduously pursued with eminent success for seven years. About this date he was converted and joined the Baptist church. He was ordained the same year as a minister, and was at once called to the pastorate of the Baptist church at Cartersville. After officiating at this church a year he accepted calls from the Acworth and Raccoon creek churches, serving them about fifteen years, when he was elected professor of theology at Mercer university, Macon, Ga. He usefully held this important professorship until his death — profoundly lamented — which occurred in 1892. Politically he was a democrat, and before his connection with the church took an active interest in political aft"airs. Dr. Ryals was married Jan. 13, 1852, to Miss Mary E., daughter of A. James, of Greene county, Ga., and this marriage was blessed with five children: Lucy C, who graduated with high honors from Wesleyan Female college, Macon, Ga., and afterward married James J. Connor, attorney, Cartersville, Ga. ; James G., Jr., deceased, who graduated with first honor from Mercer university in 1877, and later from the university of A^irginia, taking first honors in thirteen schools, and the degree of A. M. in post-graduate course. He was elected president of the state normal school of Alabama, which position he held at the time of his death ; Walter M., deceased, who graduated from Mercer university in 1880, and died in 1886; Thomas E., who graduated from Mercer university in 1884, also from university of Virginia, now a practicing lawyer in Macon, Ga., and Robert L., who graduated from Mercer university in 1886, was afterward professor of mathematics four years, and is now a rising member of the Macon, Ga., bar. WILLIAM W. TRIMBLE, farmer, Adairsvihe, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Augustus C. and Louisa (Brogdon) Trimble, was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, May 8, 1843. His grandfather, William Trimble, a well-to-do farmer of Scotch-Irish extraction, settled early in life in what is now Newton county, where he died in 1821. He married Miss Margaret Wellborn, by whom he had three children, of whom one, Augustus C, was the father of the subject of this sketch, who was born in what is now Newton county, in 1818. He was reared on the farm, a farmer, which was his life occupation. 'While yet a boy he went to G-winnett county, Ga., whence, about 1833, he came to Cass (now Bartow) county and settled between two and three miles from Adairsvihe — one of the sturdy pioneers who settied among the Indians. He inherited from his mother 300 acres of land, and to this he added 800, which made him one of the largest land owners in the county. Of this he opened and cultivated 600 acres. He ser\'ed as clerk of the superior and inferior courts in 1848-49, and was prominent in the public affairs of 308 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the county. He was a member of the state troops or home guard in 1864-65. He married Louisa, a daughter of Wiley Brogdon, a Cass county pioneer, who bore him three children: William W., the subject of this sketch; Josephine, wife of John Camp, Rome, Ga.; and Virginia, wife of W. L. Le Conte, Bartow county. The mother of these died in 1849, and for his second wife he married Miss Adeline- Fain, by whom he had two children: Hattie, deceased wife of Eli Smith; and. Flelen, present wife of Eli Smith. She dying, Mr. Trimble married Miss Mary Thompson, who survives him — he having died May 15, 1894. He was a strong,. active and influential member of the democratic party, and a Master Mason; he was also an ardent and working Methodist, and one of the founders of the church at Adairsvihe, of which he was a steward for fifty years. Mr. Trimble, the subject of this sketch, vyas raised a farmer on the homestead, where he now lives, and was educated in the common schools of the county. In 1861, he joined the First. Georgia regiment, in which he served six months, and then enlisted in Company I, First Georgia cavalry, with which he served to the close of the war. He was. in the Kentucky and Tennessee campaigns, at the defense of Atlanta, and with the force that foiled the Stoneman raid. After the war he settled down to business on his farm, the successful cultivation of 450 acres of which fully occupied his- time and attention. Mr. Trimble married a daughter of Col. J. W. Gray, Adairs ville, a union which was blessed with eight children: Clara, Minnie, Ella, Lulu, William, Gussie, Layton and Richard. Mr. Trimble is an active democrat, and a_ member and steward of the Methodist church. T M. VEACH, miller and farmer, Adairsville, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Thomas and Lydia (Snyder) Veach, was born in Frederick county, valley of Virginia, Aug. 14, 1823. His grandfather, Thomas Veach, settled originally in Delaware. Mr. Veach was reared and educated in Virginia; but when nineteen years of age went to Adams county. 111., where he engaged in the mercantile business until 1847, when he came to Marietta, Ga., where he was employed the same way. In 1848, he came to Adairsville, Cass (now Bartow) county, where he continued his mercantile business, and also engaged in purchasing grain. During the war he was a purchasing agent for army supplies for the Confederate government. In 1868, he erected a mill and engaged in the milling business, in which he was phenomenally successful — so niuch so, that in 1881 he erected his present mill, which is operated by the roller process, and has a capacity of 250 barrels of flour per day, the actual daily output being 200 barrels, for which he has a steady market. For many years Mr. Veach has also been engaged in farming, in addition to his other important business enterprises, at one time operating a farm of 500 acres, but now reduced to 275 acres. He was a promoter- of, and an original stockholder in the Merchants' bank, Atianta, also of the Underwriters, now Home insurance company, of Atlanta, and was one of the original stockholders of the Piedmont Park association. Besides, he is connected with a number of important private and public enterprises in Chattanooga, Tenn. In 1892, he was elected to represent Bartow county in the general assembly — and such are his general ability and sound judgment he could long before have been honored with public office, if he would have accepted it Far-seeing, enterprising,, public-spirited, he occupies a front position among the farmers and business men of the county, and ranks as its richest individual citizen. Mr. Veach married Miss Julia, daughter of Benjamin Echols, of Chattanooga, and to the union three children have been born: George, farmer and miller, Adairsville; Anna, wife of N. H. Grady, Chattanooga; and Henry M., cashier anct BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 309 bookkeeper of the mills, Adairsville. Mr. Veach is an unco.mpromising democrat, and a prominent master Mason, having been worshipful master of his lodge for fifteen years. No citizen of Cherokee, Ga., is more widely or favorably known than Mr. Veach, none more financially solid or more highly esteemed. ^ULSEY A. VINCENT, farmer. Pine Log, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Pleasant and Susan (Edwards) Vincent, was born in Madison county, Ga., in 1811. Plis grandfather, Isaac Vincent, was born in North Carolina, and, about the beginning of this century, moved with his family to Georgia, and settled. in Elbert county, where he died. Being left a widow Mr. Vincent's mother moved in 1835 to Cass (now Bartow) county, and bought and settled on 100 acres of land on Two Run creek, right amongst the Indians. Her family consisted of eight children: Ehzabeth, who married S. H. Bowland, and died in Louisiana; Aulsey A., the subject of this sketch; Mary, who married C. Bostick; Richard (deceased), who married Miss Ballew; Isaac (deceased), who also married Miss Ballew; John M. (deceased), who married Miss Edwards, of Alabama; James D., who married Miss Jenkins, and died on his way to California; and Margaret, now Mrs. Hicks, who resides on the old "home place." Mr. Vincent's mother died in 1877, aged eighty-four years. Mr. Vincent came to Cass county with his mother and peddled goods in the surrounding country until 1836, when he engaged in merchandising two years in what is now Pickens county, selHng principally to the Indians. In 1838, he pur chased 160 acres of land in Cass county on which he lived until 1846. That year he bought the land — 160 acres — on which he now lives, to which he has since added by purchase until his tract contains considerably more than 500 acres. This land he cleared and improved and has tilled for nearly half a century. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs, but has held no office except one — that of county commissioner, which he held six years. Mr. Vincent has been married three times. His first marriage was to Miss Martha Upshaw, by whom he had thirteen children: Mary, wife of W. F. Weems; Wilham E. (deceased); Georgia Ann Matilda (deceased); Lucinda H., wife of G. W. Hughes; Martha Della A., wife of Newton Campbell; James M., married Sallie Trippe, who died, and then he married Luella Styles; Chesley B., who married Ida Stephens; Malvina R., wife of WilHam T. Bradford; Aulsey E.,iwho married Agnes Adair; Lucius M., who married Sallie Mahan; Luawah G. ; Bevnia, wife of A. J. Reynolds; Lorena G., vdfe of Dr. W. J. Daniel. By his second wife, Jane E. Bell, a widow, he had three children: Hart E.; Stella D., wife of John P. Adair; and a babe unnamed. His third marriage was to Margaret McEver, by whom he had one child, unnamed. Mr. Vincent was a whig before the war, but since has been a democrat He is one of the oldest living citizens of Bartow county, and is revered by his neighbors and fellow-citizens. JOHN H. WALKER, deceased, son of John and Elizabeth L. (Holcomb) Walker, was born in Laurens district, S. C., in 1816. His father was English- born, and went to France, whence he emigrated to this country and settled in Yit- ginia, and afterward moved to South Carolina, where he lived until his death. Mr. Walker was raised in South Carolina, and when a young man — about 1835 — came to Georgia and settled near Kingston in Cass (now Bartow) county. Later he bought and farmed on land now a part of the Dr. W. H. Felton farm, until 1852. At that time he purchased a tract of 200 acres, to which he afterward added 100 more — on which he settled and farmed, and where his son, James P., now lives. He made important and valuable improvements on this place, where he died Ma}' 26, 3IO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1886. Early in life he was a whig, but later became an ardent democrat. For a number of years he filled the office of justice of the peace. Although not regularly enlisted he served in South Carolina during the war as a guard of military prisoners. He was a Master Mason, and an influential member of the Methodist church. Mr. Walker was married in South Carolina to Miss Catharine Cleardy, and to them ten children were born: Wihiam, deceased; Letitia, deceased wife of Thomas A. Owens; Sally, deceased wife of Z. T. Wright; Charlie, died from exposure during the war while serving as a member of Company F, First Georgia cavalrj'; Mary, deceased wife of Thomas Bridges; John H. Farmer,_ Bartow county; James P., Bartow county; Fanny, deceased; Randolph; and Lula, deceased. JOHN H. WALKER, JR. (son of John H. Walker, Sr.), was born on Pittard's creek, four miles north of -Cartersville, Ga., April 3, 1846. He was raised a farmer, educated at the common schools of the county, and was graduated from Emory college, Oxford, Ga. April 18, 1864, he enUsted in Company F, First regi ment, Georgia state troops, with which he served to the close of the war. At the battle of Kennesaw mountain. May 18, 1864, he received a gunshot wound in the right shoulder, -but he remained on the field. After the war he remained on and operated the old homestead place for fifteen years. He then farmed in different places until 1892, when he came to his present home, where he operates a farm of about 400 acres. In 1876 he was elected receiver of tax returns and served two years — one term — was United States census enumerator in 1880, and has several times been school enumerator in the county. In connection with his farming inter ests he deals in real estate. Mr. Walker was married Mardh 3, 1881, to Miss Sue, daughter of Thomas Brandon, Bartow county, by whom he has had eight children : John H., Ethel, Kate E., Rena, Blanche, Mary, deceased; Ruth, Thomas B. He is a Master Mason and a member of the Methodist church, of which he is a Sunday school teacher. JAMES P. WALKER, fourth son of John H. Walker, Sr., was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, April 27, 1849. He was raised on the farm, and educated at the common schools of the county. He began life as a clerk, and later bought a farm. Subsequently he purchased the family homestead, where he has since, and now lives, successfully conducting a farm on improved and progressive principles, and is a confided in and leading citizen of the county. Mr. Walker was married in 1889 to- Miss Emma, daughter of the Rev. John W. Stipe, of the North Georgia conference M. E. church south. He is an exemplar}' member of the Methodist church, a member of the board of stewards and a class leader. He is recognized as one of Bartow county's most substantial and influential citizens. D ANDOLPH WALKER, fifth son of John H. Walker, -Sr., was born on the family homestead, in Cass (now Bartow) county, April 13, 1835. After receiv ing the best education obtainable at the country schools when he was growing up, he went to Rome, Ga., as a clerk. In 1885 he purchased a farm of 150 acres and began farming — adopting improved implements and methods with success and profit He was married in 1884 to Miss Mollie, daughter of Rev. John W. Stipe, of the North Georgia conference M. E. church south. Four children are the fruit of this union : Charles M., John R., James P., and Wesley C. Mr. Walker is a democrat, a leading, influential member of the Methodist church, and a thorough going, prosperous farmer. BARTOW COUNTY SKETCHES. 3" QHARLES B. WALLACE, planter and ex-railway manager, Cartersville, Bar tow Co., Ga., son of Campbell and Susan (Lyon) Wallace, was born in Knox- viUe, Tenn., Sept 20, 1836. Fie received a liberal education, and after graduating at the East Tennessee university entered the office of his father, who at that time was president of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railway. He remained there until 1863, when the rolling stock of the road was transferred to Georgia, with headquarters at Augusta, and operated in carrying provisions to the Confed erate army, and cotton to Wilmington, N. C. Previous to- the evacuation of Knox ville, Mr. Wallace had filled the position of superintendent of the road, and he continued to fill it until the close of the war, when the headquarters were at Athens, Ga. In 1866 he was appointed by Gov. Charles J. Jenkins assistant to his father, Maj. Campbell Wallace, who was superintendent of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, in rebuilding the road. In 1867 he was appointed superintendent of the western division of the Memphis & Charleston railway, and served that year. In 1868 Col. Sam Tate was appointed receiver for the .Selma & Meridian railway, when Mr. Wallace was engaged to rebuild and operate that road. When Col. Tate was removed Mr. Wallace retired with him, and was at once placed in charge of the Montgomery & Eufaula railway, and built the last forty miles of that link. But before its completion he was solicited by the owners of the Selma & Aleridian rail way to return and take charge of that road as general superintendent, which he did, and remained until 1872. After this he was associated with Gen. Tate in the construction of the North & South railway — Montgomery to Decatur, Ala. This accomplished he located in Atlanta and engaged in the construction of the Geor gia Western (now Georgia Pacific) and other railway enterprises. In 1880 he took charge of the Southern Railway & Steamship association business, which position he resigned in 1881 to accept the superintendency of the Alabama Great Southern — 300 miles long — from Chattanooga, Tenn., to Meridian, Miss., a position which he held four years, operating the road with consummate ability. He retired about 1888 from railway business, and buying 300 acres of choice land near Cartersville, turned his attention to farming, making his home in his elegant residence in the city. He is a wide-awake, progressive farmer, and keeps fully abreast with the times, socially, commercially, and politically; and he is, as might be expected, a leading citizen of the city and county. Mr. Wallace has been tv/ice married. He was first married in 1869 to Miss Jennie, daughter of Dr. Richard Owen, of Mobile, Ala., who died in 1876, leaving four children: Susan L., wife of Nesbit Wingfield; Robert O., Atlanta; Charles B., Atlanta, and Jennie. His second marriage was to Miss Ida T., daughter of Dr. Thomas Jones, Washington, Ga., by whom he has had two children : Margaret and Campbell, the fourth. Mr. Wallace is an active democrat, and a prominent and exemplary member of the Presbyterian church. Of extensive and varied attainments, large wealth, and advanced ideas, he exercises a wide influence for good. Q EORGE HOUSTOUN WARING, hvdraidic cement manufacturer, Cement, Bartow Co., Ga., son of Dr. William R. and Annie JNI. (Johnstone) Waring, was born in Savannah, Ga., Dec. 22, 1833, and is a great grandson of Sir George Houstoun. Mr. Waring's father, William R. Waring, was a descendant of Ben jamin Waring, who settled in South Carolina in 1740, and married a daughter of Landgrave Smith. After receiving the necessary preparatory education in nis native state. South Carolina, Dr. Waring attended and graduated from South Caro lina Medical college in Charleston, from the university of Pennsylvania, afterward from the Dublin university, Dublin, Ireland, and lastiy from the celebrated medical 312 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. college in Paris, France. Later he was appointed a surgeon in the United States army, and while stationed in Savannah, Ga., married, resigned, and settled in that city, in which he became the most prominent physician of his time. He also became a leading citizen in public affairs, and was called to the mayoralty by his fehow-citizens. He died in Savannah in 1843. Mr. Waring was given the best education afforded by the schools of Savannah and at the north, and then entered Yale college. Afterward he entered the university of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, from which he graduated in 1855. Returning home he engaged in planting until 1861, when, in response to the call for volunteers, he enlisted in the Georgia hus sars, and afterward in the Chatham artillery of Savannah, Ga., Company F, Jefferson Davis legion; and stibsequentiy was commissioned major of a cavalry command, and served until the surrender. Mr. Waring also served on the staff of Gov. John B. Gordon and Gov. W. Northen. In 1867 he purchased the lime and cement works established by Rev. Charles Wallace Howard in 1845, on the line of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, at what is now known as Cement, in Bartow -county. He operated this plant until 1889, when the Howard Cement company was organized, of which he was made president, and its operations confined exclu sively to the manufacture of cement. The plant is provided throughout with the latest improved machinery — comprising Rand drills, air compressors, and 150- horse-power engine, keeps in operation six kilns, employs fifty men, and has a capacity of 300 barrels of cement per day. So extensive is the deposit that the plant could be increased to meet any demand. Mr. Waring is a stanch democrat, but has never held, and never would hold an office. Mr. Waring was married in 1858 to Miss Ella S., daughter of Rev. Charles WaHace Howard, a union which has been blessed with five children. BERRIEN COUNTY. p HILEMON W. ALEXANDER, D. D. S., who was born July 26, 1842, in Elbert county, Ga., is of Scottish lineage — his ancestor, George Alexander, having come to this country from Scotland and died in 1703. The father of Phile mon was a farmer, who, in 1849, thinking to better his condition, set out for the gold fields of California, only to die of cholera while on the way. The young man, having attended the common schools of Elbert county, Ga., and Greenfield, Mass., entered the dental college at Baltimore, but left in 1861 to join what was known as the Albany Guards, Company E, Fourth Georgia regiment. On account of sickness he was discharged the following November; but in 1862 was assigned to duty with Jackson's ordnance train. In 1863 he was placed in command of the sharpshooters of the Thirty-eighth Georgia regiment He was seriously wounded, and left on the field at Gettysburg, where he was captured by the Federal troops and imprisoned on David's island. He was paroled in September and returned to his command in October. He was elected adjutant of the Thirty-eighth Georgia regiment; but, being unfit for duty on account of his wounds, was transferred to the naval department and put on duty on the gunboat "Drewry." The gunboat ran aground, having been abandoned bv the troops, and a few moments later was blown to atoms by the explosion of a shell. The troops were then put on board the ironclad "Richmond." Soon after this Mr. Alexander entered the secret service department under Capt Reed, in which BERRIEN COUNTY SKETCHES. 3I3 service he remained until the close of the war. He was captured once, while in this service, but was rescued in a few hours. Altogether, Mr. Alexander's experience during the war included many stirring and romantic incidents- After the war he began the practice of his profession, dentistry, at Albany, Ga., where he remained ten years; then, in 1875, he removed to Allapaha, where he still resides. Dr. Alexander is a member of blue lodge, A. F. & A. M., at Albany, and of the chapter and council at Allapaha; holding the office of secretary of the chapter and thrice illustrious master of the council. He has been twice married; first in October, 1868, to Miss Cornelia E., daughter of Francis Biflingsly, of Taliaferro county, Ga., who died in 1878. His second marriage, in October, 1880, was to Miss Sallie L. Baker, daughter of John Baker, of Bryan county, Ga. Dr. Alexander's children are four: Annabelle, born in 1870, married in 1891 to N. J. Cruger, of Albany, Ga.; Stephen P., born Dec. 9, 1881 ; Inez, born July, 1883, and Gertrade, born May, 1886. WILLIAM CORNELIUS ASHLEY, M. D., was born Sept 7, 1863, in Coffee county, Ga. His father, a farmer. Matt Ashley, represented his county in the general assembly, and died in 1871. After some time in the common schools, WilHam attended the Spring Hill academy for two years. He then began reading medicine under the instruction of Dr. J. H. Latimer, at the same time clerking in Dr. Latimer's drug store. After these preparatory studies, he entered the Atlanta Medical college, from which he graduated in March, 1884. He soon afterward located in Irwinville, Irwin county, Ga., where he practiced until 1888, and then for six months in the town of Minnie, in the same county. After this he moved to Allapaha, Berrien Co., where he has already formed an extensive practice. Dr. Ashley is a member of Eureka lodge. No. 313, F. & A. M., of which he has been W. M., and is now deacon. He represented his lodge in the Grand Lodge at Macon in 1892. He is also a member of Allapaha chapter and Allapaha council, having taken nine degrees. The wife of Dr. Ashley was Miss Judie E. Paulk, whose father. Reason Paulk, is a farmer of Irwin county, and whom he married in 1888. Their daughter, Gladys, was born Sept. 26, 1890, and their son, Marshall, was born July 3, 1892. yf^LLEN C. CLEMENTS, M. D., was born in Spring Hill, Ga., March 17, 1864, and is the son of a well-to-do planter, who held various offices in his county, Montgomery, being state senator from his district when he died in 1879. Young AHen attended Spring Hill academy, and in 1877 he entered the sophomore class in Emiory college, Oxford, Ga.; here he spent two years, and in 1883 entered the Medical coHege in Atlanta, to graduate in 1885 the valedictorian of his class. He took the gold medal for general average, and several special prizes, and, although so young, scarcely of age, his rank in scholarship- was as high as any ever attained by a student of this institution, which has graduated many briHiant and able men. Young Clements located at Scotland, Telfair Co., but after four years he moved to Adel, Berrien Co., where he enjoys the exclusive practice, which is very lucrative. He is also medical examiner for tha New York Life and several other large insurance companies. In coHege Dr. Clements belonged to the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and is both a Mason and an Odd Fellow. In these lodges he has held various offices, being now secretary of the Masonic lodge. He has always taken an active part in political affairs. While residing in Scotland, Ga., he was mayor of that place, and now holds the same office in his present place of residence, Adel. Dr. Clements has some fame as a writer, and is regarded as one of the most fluent and eloquent speakers in South Georgia. He married Oct 7, 314 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1S91, Miss Ophelia, daughter of Dr. J. C. Ryals, of Lumber City, and has one son, Allen C, jr. P) D. DORMINY, a successful merchant of Berrien county, Ga., was born in Irwin ^' county, Ga., April 23, 1846. His father, John B. Dorminy, was a farmer, who represented his county in the general assembly a number of years, and who died in 1878. The son, D. D., availed himself, as far as possible, of the privileges of the common schools of his county, though denied those of the college. During the war, in 1864, he joined the Fourth Georgia cavaliy. When the war was over he located on a farm in Berrien county, which he has managed with judgment and skill. He has also conducted with success a mercantile estabhshment in Allapaha, first as one of the firm of Roberts & Dorminy, sehing out to Roberts at the end of a year; then, after two years, he entered again with M. B. Roberts, selHng out once more after a year. For two years after this he was with Mr. Daniel Turner, whom, at the end of this time, he bought out, and the business has since been carried on by himself, his son and Fish Griner, under the firm name of Dorminy & Co. Mr. Dorminy married Betty, the daughter of Bryant Roberts, of Lowndes county, and they have seven sons and one daughter. His eldest son, John V., born Feb. 10, 1871, is a merchant of the firm of Dorminy & Co., and in 1890 married Blanche, daughter of Dan Turner. The other children are: Hugh, born Feb. 14, 1876; Edgar, born November, 1877; Budger H., born Feb. 5, 1879; William, born Sept 21, 1880; Claude, June 20, 1882; Mary Ida, October, 1885; Emory Speer, Dec. 15, 1887. DEUBEN FUTCH, planter, Nashville, Berrien Co., Ga., son of Thomas Futch, a planter, was born in Bulloch county, Ga., Oct. 12, 1819. Reuben enjoyed only the limited opportunities for education that the country schools then afforded. When he was but six years of age his father removed to what is now Berrien county, where the son has made his home ever since. Mr. Futch, during a part of the war, belonged to the Fourth Georgia cavalry. Since the war he has devoted himself to the interests of his large farm in Berrien county, though for one term he served as justice of the inferior court, to which office he was elected in 1870. He is a member of Duncan lodge, No. 234, F. & A. M., in which for over thirty years he has held the responsible office of treasurer. His wife is Sarah, daughter of John McCranix, of Berrien county, and they have three sons and six daughters living, all but one of whom are married. His eldest son, John, born Dec. 11, 1845, has been tax receiver of Berrien county for one term. John Futch, a brother of the subject of this sketch, who had been a citizen of Berrien county many years, died in Nashville in 1894. JOHN C. GOODMAN, physician, Tifton, Berrien Co., Ga., was born in Gates county, N. C, May 17, 1834; his father, Barnes Goodman, a farmer, served awhile with the state troops and died in 1862. After finishing his preparatory studies in the high schools of his native county, he entered the state university of North Carolina in 1854, gi-aduating in 1858 with the degree of A. B. In 1857 he began the study of medicine under ths direction of Dr. Jones, and the next year entered the medical department of the university of Virginia. After a year spent there he completed his medical course in the university of New York, graduating about i860, and located at Somerton, Va. In 1861 he went into the army, joining a home company at first, but the next }'ear was transferred to Maj. Gaboon's battalion as second sergeant. This battalion disbanded in 1862, and Sergt. Good man went into the contract service in a hospital. In the fall, however, he was REUBEN FUTCH. BERRIEN COUNTY SKETCHES. 315 commissioned assistant surgeon and assigned to duty in Johnston's division and was with it when it surrendered in 1865. Returning to Somerton he practiced medicine there until 1882, when he removed to Jacksonville, Telfair Co., Ga., and engaged in the manufacture of turpentine. Two years later he moved to Allapaha, where he carried on the manufacture of naval stores in connection witii his office practice. In Tifton, to which place he came in 1891, he has carried on an extensive trade in dmgs, together with his successful medical practice. Dr. Goodman is an honored member of the Methodist church. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, belonging both to the blue lodge and the chapter, also to the Knights of Pythias. In each of these fraternities he has held various offices, and was W. M. of Allapaha lodge for three years. On Christmas day, i860, Dr. Goodman married Miss Henrietta A., daughter of Hutchings -Goodman of North Carolina. They have six children. The eldest daughter, Mary E., is the wife of E. L. Vickers, in the naval stores business in -Worth county, Ga. The eldest son, Charles H., is engaged in farming at Tifton. The second, John Hawkins, is with his father in the drug business. James H., Catharine and Harriet reside at home with their father. D UFFIN T. KENDRICK, M. D., was born in Twiggs county, Ga., Jan. 15, 1832, and is of Scottish ancestry. He attended the common schools of Hous ton county, and afterward, in 1857, his father, William Kendrick, having removed to Baker, nov/ Dougherty county, of which he was one of the pioneer settlers, the son went there also and read medicine under the instruction of Dr. W. L. Davis at Albany. In 1854 young Kendrick entered the medical department of the uni versity of New York, graduating in 1855. Locating in Dougherty county he practiced there six years, removing thence to Calhoun county, where he practiced seventeen years. In 1862 he entered the army as assistant surgeon of the Thirty- second Georgia regiment, but in 1863, a substitute taking his place, he returned home to Calhoun county, where he always gave his professional services to soldiers' families free of charge. After this he practiced for two years at Ty Ty, Worth Co., and then in 1879 he removed to Allapaha, Berrien Co., where he has since remained. Dr. Kendrick, by his skill and experience, has won a high rank in his profession. In 1869 he became a member of the State Medical sassociation, and has been chairman of the committee on surgery from his district for a number of years. In 1874, when the association met at Atlanta, Dr. Kendrick was orator of the society and responded to speeches of w-alcome by Gen. Garlington and Dr. Alexander. The doctor's worth has been recognized among his neighbors in various ways. For four years (1875-79) he held the office of treasurer of Calhoun county. In the masonic fraternity he has held the highest offices in his lodge and chapter, Eureka Lodge No. 313, and W. T. Gould chapter. Moreover, for a num ber of years he held the office of second and third grand steward, and for eleven years that of first grand steward in the grand lodge of the state. Dr. Kendrick is a leading member of the Baptist church. Politically he is an uncompromising democrat He has a brother, John P. Kendrick, a prominent merchant of Gaines ville, Tex. Dr. Kendrick has been twice married; the first time to Miss Ehza D. Helms, daughter of Chas. Helms, formerly of North Carolina, later of Baker county, Ga. She died in August, 1882, and he afterward married Mrs. Fannie A. Fryer, widowed daughter of Col. John Turner of Berrien county. The doctor's eldest son, Winburn A., born 1856, is a planter in Claiborne county, Tex., where he has lived since 1879. The second son, Charles W., born 1858, married Miss Mamie Ferguson of Savannah; is now chief clerk in the transportation office of the Brunswick & Western R. R. Dr. Kendrick's daughter. Electa B., born in 1867, 3l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. is the wife of James T. Maund of Tifton. The s^jond daughter, Mattie D., born 1872, is the wife of E. R. Matthews of South Carolina. UENRY H. KNIGHT is a man of mark in Berrien county, where he was born Nov. 17, 1840. His father, John Knight, 'jad held various county offices during his lifetime and died in 1876. Henry's education was limited to that of the common schools of the county. He enlisted in the Twenty-ninth regiment. Com pany G, Georgia volunteers, and was twice wounded : once slightly at Pine Moun tain, and very seriously by the explosion of a shell at the battle of Jonesboro, Ga. Since the war he has carried on the mercantile business at Ray's Mills with great success and has by no means neglected the interests of his plantation. Besides this Mr. Knight has been for three years county commissioner and is now repre sentative to the general assembly. Here, his prudence and sagacity being recog nized, he was placed on the following important committees: Academy for the blind, county and county matters and special agriculture. It was his function to introduce the bill to incorporate Nashville, and one to protect fish, both of which were passed. Mr. Knight is a member of the masonic fratemity. His wife is Mary, the daughter of Thomas M. Ray of Ray's Mills, and they have three sons and two daughters living. JOHN G. KNIGHT, planter, Ray's Mills, Berrien Co., Ga., son of Levy J. Knight a planter of Berrien county, was born June 23, 1832. His father held several county offices ; for a number of years he represented the county and for f-wo terms was senator from his district in the general assembly. Mr. Knight, after receiving a good common school education, devoted himself assiduously to agriculture, his extensive farm highly prospering under his management. He gave his service to his state during the war, enlisting in 1861 in the Twenty-ninth Georgia regiment. Afterward, in 1862, he was transferred to the Twenty-sixth. The first wife of Mr. Knight was Eliza B., daughter of George Carter of Lowndes county, who died in 1863. He afterward married Mrs. Mary Knight, the widowed daughter of James Davis of Lowndes county, and to them were bom five sons and two daughters. Rufus, the eldest son, born in 1854, married a daughter of Jonathan Knight in 1874 and resides in Florida. Louis, born in 1859, married a daughter of James Sloan, and now resides near his father on a farm. Mr. Knight's brother, Jonathan D., was also quite prominent in the affairs of his section, having been representative two terms and senator two terms in the general assembly and was also a member of the constitutional convention. He died in 1885. WILLIARD HERSCHEL LOVE, banker and wholesale grocer, Tifton, Berrien Co., Ga., was born in Eden, Ga., Oct 23, 1856, and is a son of Henry and Susan (Dorsey) Love. He was given the usual common school edu cation, and at an early age displayed that business instinct which has been asso ciated with his successful career. When a young lad he earned his first money as a newsboy on the B. & W. railroad, and finding that more money could be made out of the management if he owned it himself, he secured the exclusive right of selling on that road. He worked here until sixteen years old, when he learned telegraphy and worked for the old A. & G., now S. F. & W., at Black- shear, Ga., in 1875, until he was given the key at Pearson, Jan. i, 1876. His rise in the trust and confidence of this railroad has been a steady one, and he is now in the twentieth year of his connection with it in different positions of trust, now being claim agent. He yvas elected clerk of the superior court for Coffee county in BERRIEN COUNTY SKETCHES. 317 1878, and served for one term; afterward was county school commissioner for two terms, and in 1890 moved to Tifton. He was elected mayor of Tifton when first incorporated in 1891, served two years, and in 1895 embarked in the whole sale grocery business. A few months later with Messrs. Julian Love and Buck he entered into a banking business and has full charge of the same. Mr. Love was married Dec. 5, 1878, to Absley Kirkland, a daughter of M. Kirkland, of Coffee county. They have three children: Henry M., Claud E., and Mary W. Mr. and Mrs. Love are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a Mason, holding the position of district deputy in the grand lodge of Georgia, and in politics is a strong democrat, being one of the state executive committee from the second congressional district. Mr. Love's addition to the business circles of Tifton is justly appreciated by the people, who know that such qualifications of brains and push as he possesses are to be sought after by every community. IW ALCOLM J. M'MILLAN is the son of John McMillan, a farmer of Berrien county, who during the Seminole Indian war was a scout, and who died Nov. 15, 1888. Malcolm was born near Allapaha, Aug. 12, 1852. He had only hmited educational advantages, such as are afforded by the common schools. Having remained with his father until twenty-two years of age he secured a position with J. B. Dorminy & Co., who after four years sold out their business to Paulk, Henderson & Co. With this firm young McMiUan remained until they in turn sold out to Paulk, Gaston & Co., when he left them and. tried farming for a little over a year. But the commercial instinct was strong within him and he once more turned to trade, and after selling goods for W. S. Walker till 1885, went into business with W. K. Roberts under the firm name of Roberts & McMillan. At the end of three years, J. L. Paulk having bought out the interest of Roberts, the firm was McMillan & Paulk. In 1891 Mr. McMillan bought his partner's interest, and the entire business is now in his own hands. By prudence and industry and good management he has achieved well-deserved prosperity, having a very good trade and carrying a stock of about $8,000. That he stands well in the estimation of his fellow-citizens is evidenced by the fact that he has been mayor of Allapaha for a number of years. He was one of the first county commissioners, has been jury commissioner for about six years, was elected to represent his senatorial district in 1894, and is now chairman of the democratic executive committee. Dec. 7, 1877, Mr. McMillan married Miss Julia R. Griffin, daughter of J. H. Griffin, a farmer of Allapaha, and they have one son and four daughters: Sarah L., born Sept 28, 1878; Lelia, born Aug. 3, 1880; Fannie Belle, born Dec. 25, 1882; Clarence E., born Dec. 25, 1886; and Etta M., born Oct 3, 1890. J OHN MURROW, attorney, Tifton, Berrien Co., Ga., is a son of Dr. John A. Murrow, now a resident of Pembroke, Ga., and was born in Bryan county, Ga., Dec. 31, 1858. He was educated at Cone's academy, BuHoch county, and entered on the study of law at the state university, Athens, being a member of the last class graduated by the celebrated Prof. Wm. L. Mitcheh. He located at Ty Ty, Worth Co., where he practiced law for twelve years, moving to Tifton, Ga., in 1894. His practice extends over a territory comprising several adjoining counties. As a counselor Col. Murrow holds the confidence of his people and the respect of his brother attorneys. He has for twelve years been local attorney for the Brunswick & Western railroad, which fact attests the value of his services. In 1882 Col. Murrow was joined in wedlock to Miss Estelle, a daughter of Dr. J. H. Picket, to whom have been born four children: Willie L., a lad of eleven 3l8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. years; Roy H., nine years; Clyde, a daughter of six years; and Irma, three years of age. A blue lodge and royal arch Mason, and a Knight Templar at Americus, and also a Knight of Pythias, Col. Murrow combines with his excel lent reputation as a lawyer social qualities which make him a pleasant and com panionable gentleman. YyM. LEE PATTEN, M. D., is the son of a farmer, James Patten, and was born in Milltown, Berrien Co., Nov. 9, 1865. After receiving a good common school education, for one year he attended the agricultural college at Thomasville. During three years, 1883-1885, he taught school in Irwin, Berrien and Lowndes counties; for the two years following he was salesman in the general merchandise stores of J. W. Harroll & Son and H. C. Dukes of Valdosta. In the spring of 1887 he began to read medicine, entering the medical college of Atlanta the following fall, and graduating March i, 1889. The young physician located at Pensacola, Fla., where he practiced four years. When about to leave that city he was tendered a banquet by the physicians of the city, and in the speeches made many well-deserved compliments were paid their departing friend and associate. Dr. Patten then located in the town of his birth, Milltown, where he has already acquired an excellent practice in the town and vicinity, besides carrying on a large trade in drugs. He is a member of Damon lodge. No. 13, K. of P., and of Columbia lodge, K. of H., both located in Pensacola, Fla. His wife, whom he married Jan. 15, 1891, formerly Miss Lizzie Dennis, is the daughter of Rev. W. B. Dennis, a Methodist minister of Pensacola. They have two little daughters, Lucille, born July 13, 1892, and Lizzie Lee, born Sept. 17, 1893. pi ENRY B. PEEPLES, Nashville, Ga., was born at Athens, Ga., Feb. 2, 1849; is one of the leading lawyers of Berrien county, and is descended from a South Carolina family — his grandfather having come thence to settle in Jackson' county, Ga., about 1820. The family seems to have a decided predilection for the law, his father and two uncles being quite distinguished in the profession. One uncle, Cincinnatus, for about six years was judge of the superior court of Fulton county; the other, Judge R. A. Peeples, has held various county offices in Berrien and Lowndes counties. His father having devoted ten years in Athens and four in Atlanta to mercantile pursuits, removed to Berrien county and commenced the practice of law at Nashville; was a member of the legislature from Berrien county. was ordinary four years, and at the time of his death, in December, 1893, was iudge of the county court Henry B. Peeples, after a few months at a private school in Atlanta, was s.ent to the High school (academy) at Nashville. Having reached manhood's estate, he began farming in Berrien county, near Nashville. To this calling he devoted several years, and was very successful; but in 1876 the natural bent of his mind decided him to begin the study of law, and in 1877, at the March term of the superior court, he was admitted to practice. By assiduous atten tion to his profession in the city of Nashville, his home, he has taken a high rank among his fellows. He represented the county in the legislature in 1886-87. I" .April, 1892 — to fill the unexpired term of J. R. Slater, deceased — he was appointed by the governor solicitor-general of the southern circuit The following October he was elected by the legislature to fill the same office for the full term. Mr. Peeples is a member of Duncan lodge. No. 234, F. & A. M., of which he is worshipful master. He is also high priest of Daisy chapter. Royal Arch, at Adel, Ga. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Peeples married Miss Ellen Byrd, daughter of N. W. Byrd. He has two sons and two daughters: Mattie, aged seventeen; Nathan W., aged fifteen; Taylor M., aged twelve, and Fannie J., eight J, W, TALLEY. BERRIEN COUNTY SKETCHES. 319 QOLQUITT STRICKLAND, born May 22, 1857, is the son of a farmer of Clinch county, Ga., who was also justice of the inferior court of his county, and who died Nov. i, 1883. The son obtained his education in the common country schools, working on a farm and attending school until twenty-one years of age, when he went into the mercantile business at Milltown, Berrien Co., where he has since resided. He is carrying on ah extensive and profitable trade with a stock of some $10,000, and in addition, since 1892, has been running a large farm. Here he makes a specialty of corn and hogs, selling every year thousands of pounds of meat of his own raising. The political principles of Mr. Strickland are democratic. He is a Mason, a member of Butler lodge, No. 211, of which he is senior warden. His wife was Miss Mattie L. Roberts, of Valdosta, whose father, William Roberts, by diligence in the farming industry, has been able to retire from business with a competency. The family is highly esteemed in the community. Mr. Strickland has two sons and one daughter: Charley G., born July 16, 1884; Wilhe R., born March 10, 1888. The daughter, Luella, was born Feb. 11, 1894. JA.MES W. TALLEY, M. D., was born Feb. 22, 1826, in Henry county, Ga., not far from Atlanta, and is of English ancestry. His grandfather, with two brothers, came to this country, and the former, Caleb Talley, after serving during the revolutionary war, settled in Virginia. He was the father of seven sons, five of whom were Methodist ministers. One of these. Rev. Nathan Talley, of Greene county, Ga., was the father of James W. Talley. The latter received a good academic education, and in 1850 began the study of medicine under Dr. WilHam Blalock, of Fayetteville, Ga. In 185 1 he entered the Medical college of Georgia, at Augusta, but took his degree from Savannah Medical college. He located in Milltown, Berrien Co., where he has built up one of the most successful and extensive country practices in the state. During the war Dr. Talley was exempted from military duty on account of his profession. Politically he is a democrat. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, of lodge No. 211, has been grand master, and is now past master. One of Dr. Talley's brothers, H. M. Talley, is also a physician at Valdosta. Another, A. S. Talley, is a real estate agent in Atlanta. For his first wife, Dr. Talley married Miss Mary Little, daughter of Zabot Little, of Henry county. She died in 1867, and he afterward married Miss M. Holzendorf, daughter of Alexander Holzendorf, of Cumberland island, one of the best known planters in the state. Dr. Talley's family consists of two sons and four daughters. His eldest son, Junius V., born May 8, 1872, graduated from the Louisville Medical college in June, 1894; Wihiam T., born Aug. 30, 1875, at home, attending school. The eldest daughter, born in 1854, is the wife of Huffman HarroH, a merchant of Valdosta; Mary I., born in 1864, married J. H. Bostwick, a manufacturer of naval stores, in Berrien county; Effie C., born Nov. 5, 1870; Leha H., born Sept. 6, 1873, is the wife of J. J. Knight, a merchant of Milltown. J^ENRY H. TIFT, Tifton, Berrien Co., Ga., was born at Mystic, Conn., March 16, 1841, his father, Amos C. Tift, having been a merchant of that city, where he died in 1886. Henry enjoyed the educational advantages of the common and high schools of his native town, and also a year at East Greenwich seminary. He then served an apprenticeship of three years in the machine shops of Mystic and Hartford, after which he served as engineer for five years, between New York, Apalachicola and Key West, and on the C. H. Mallory steamship line, plying between New York and Texas. Mr. Tift came to Albany, Ga., in 1870, taking charge of some manufacturing enterprises, N. & H. T. Tift & Co., but in 1872 he moved to Tifton and went into the lumbering business, in which he has since 320 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. been chiefly engaged. For some time he carried on a mercantile establishment in connection with his lumbering enterprise, but last year sold his interest in that to his brother, W. O. Tift. He ships lumber to western and Cuban points, but mainly coastwise to New York and New England, his average cut being some 40,000 feet per day. Mr. Tift owns, individually, 65,000 acres of land, and is using every effort to bring a desirable class of settlers to his town. He is building a railroad from Tifton to Helena, Telfair Co., Ga., for which a charter has been secured, and a company will be organized. He is largely interested in the Tift & Snow company, which carries on a nursery and fruit farm of over 300 acres. H. H. and W. O. Tift also own a great fruit farm, 250 acres of pecans, p'ears and grapes — thirty-five acres being in grapes alone. Mr. Tift also owns a large interest in the Tifton Canning company, and in addition, has an extensive business in naval stores near Tifton. During the war he was engineer of a government transport, being in the fleet that transported Butler's troops up James river. Mr. Tift married Miss Bessie Willingham, daughter of Thomas Willingham, of Albany, Ga., and has three sons, Henry, Thomas and Amos. WILLIAM S. WALKER is the son of a farmer, Elisha S. Walker, who was at one time justice of the inferior court of Dougherty county, and who died May 25, 1865. The son, William, was born in Stewart county, Ga., June 18, 1849, and at tended the common schools, chiefly in Rome, Ga. In 1871 he entered commercial life, going into business first at Tifton, but in 1873 he transferred his business to Allapaha. In 1885 he exchanged trade for farming, which he carried on quite extensively, and in connection with it a large livery business. Mr. Walker, who is politically a democrat, was elected to the general assembly in 1880, where he served one term, being contemporary with Gov. Northen. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is worshipful master of Eureka lodge. No. 313. The family to which Mr. Walker belongs is well known and esteemed. His mother's father was a Baptist minister in Stewart county; his brother, Eugene C, is a broker in Atlanta; another brother is a farmer in Berrien; a cousin, James M. Griggs, is judge of Pataula circuit. Dec. 14, 1879, ^^- Walker married Mrs. L. W. Griffin, whose father, Robert Downs, of Camden county, Ga.. died of yellow fever in 1856. Their one son, Griggs, was born Oct. 20, 1883. BIBB COUNTY. QAPT. GEORGE D. ALLEN comes of "Old Dominion" stock. His father, Maj. W. A. Allen, was born in Amelia county, Va., in 1815, and reared on a plantation. He, with his father, Capt. Alexander Allen, removed to Bedford county, Tenn., in 1834, where he married Martha E. Davidson, daughter of George Davidson, who was a native North Carolinian. Maj. Allen, while a resi dent of Tennessee, was a man of distinction and influence, having served a term in the senate of that state. After the war he came south and located at Forsyth, Ga., where he now resides, enjoying, by choice, the life of a quiet citizen, much loved and respected by the people of his community. Capt George D. Allen was born in Shelbyville, Tenn., Dec. 30, 1843, and passed W. S. WALKER- BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 321 his boyhood days on the home plantation, and was being educated at the Shelby ville university when war became the cry. He at once enlisted in Company B, Forty-first Tennessee regiment of the C. S. A., and served through the entire four years. His service, for the most part, was in the Army of the West, where he was in all the important battles. At the fall of Fort Donelson, in 1862, he was captured and spent seven months in prison at Indianapolis. He was exchanged in time to take part in the siege of Vicksburg. From this time he served as aide-de camp to Gen. H. B. Davidson, and at the close of the war was on the right flank of Lee's immortal band at Appomattox. Capt Allen returned to his father's country home in June, 1865. The following October he married Miss M. Eufaula Scandrett, an accomplished lady of Griffin, Ga- They are the parents of eight children, four of whom are living: Lawson D., George D., jr.; Harry S., and Stewart W., all of whom are now having the best edu cational advantages. Capt. Allen came to Georgia in 1866, engaged in cotton planting two years, and in 1868 embarked in the mercantile business at Forsyth, Ga. He was chair man of board county commissioners and mayor of the city. It was during his administration and largely owing to his energy and influence that the Monroe Female college, the oldest female college in the south, was rebuilt. The year 1884 marks the date of Capt. Allen's coming to Macon, since which he has been one of her most energetic and successful business men. He engaged in the wholesale grocery trade, and in 1890 organized the firm of AHen & Dumas Co., of which he was president and general manager. In December, 1894, he beca.me sole owner of the business, which includes' the Juliette water mills, located at Juliette, Ga., twenty-two miles north of Macon, on the Southern railway, and one of the largest and best-equipped grist mills in the south. Capt. Allen is, in religion, a Methodist, is a Knight Templar Mason, and a citizen of whom Macon may well feel proud for his enterprise and ability. A UGUSTUS O. BACON, United States senator-elect of Georgia, is a native of Bryan county, and was born there Oct. 20, 1839. His parents were, however, residents of Liberty county-; and he was born when his mother was on a visit to Bryan county. His father was the Rev. Augustus O. Bacon, a Baptist minister, and on his mother's side he is a grand nephew of the late Judge William Law, of Savannah, one of Georgia's most distinguished men. By the death of his parents the boy was left an orishan at an early age, but under the care of a grandmother he spent his boyhood, and at the age of 16 he entered the University of Georgia, graduating in the collegiate course in 1859, and the law school in i860. In October of that year he began the practice of his profession in Atlanta, but in May, 1861, he joined the forces under the starry flag of the Confederacy, and enlisted as adjutant of the Ninth Georgia regiment. In 1864 he was wedded to Miss Virginia Lamar, of Macon, and when hostilities were ended Maj. Bacon returned to Macon, and has since practiced his profession there.. His success in his profession was immediate, and he quickl}? assumed a ranking place in the Bibb county bar. In the summer of 1868, he made his debut in politics, being nominated by the democratic state convention as presidential elector for the then fourth congressional district. The compliment can be better appreciated when it is known it was made on the same day the great Bush Arbor mass-meeting, at Atlanta, was held, and was for the purpose of invoking the highest oratorical ability. The masterly way in which he handled the questions agitating the public, to the satisfaction of the party, marked him then as one of the com.ing men of Georgia. Two years later — 1870 — he was elected to the legislature 1-21 022 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of 1871-72. He was re-elected to the next legislature, and in January, 1873, was chosen its speaker. In the faU of 1876, he was again elected, and this time was unanimously elected speaker. Under the new constitution he was re-elected in December, 1877, for two years, and on the organization of the house, was again unanimously elected speaker. In 1880, he was again elected to the house from Bibb, and chosen speaker. Maj. Bacon's record, under the circumstances, could hardly be other than a brilliant one. His knowledge of law, fine executive ability and parliamentary experience and learning, and fine personality, made him a model speaker. In 1883 he was a candidate for governor, and in that famous convention he had a large plurality. .After a three-days' deadlock a committee was named to suggest a candidate to the convention, and, by a majority of only one vote, they agreed upon Hon. ITenry McDaniel over Mr. Bacon. Two years later he was again a candidate for governor, being defeated by Hon. J. B. Gordon. The contest was a close one, and though Gen. Gordon won, there was only a difference of about 1,500 in the popular vote, several of the counties being carried by shoe string plurahties. He was chosen United States senator in 1894, after an exciting campaign and a canvass on the part of Mr. Bacon, remarkable for its organization and execution. P)R. ROBERT B. BARRON, a leading physician of Macon, Ga., is the son of Dr. James Finney and Joannah E. (Shropshire) Barron, and was born in Clin ton, Jones Co., Ga., Dec. 26, 1859. Dr. James F. Barron was born in Jones county in 1825 and has always lived there. He was educated at Powelton, Hancock Co., and was graduated in medicine at the University Medical college of the city of New York in 1849. He served in both branches of the general assembly before the war and was a member of the secession convention, being in favor of that movement In 1853-4-5 he was justice of the inferior court of Jones county. He was exempt from active military service on account of physical disability, but was one of four men in his native county who, during the war, looked after the widows and orphans at home, and in so doing spent all he had. He was married in 1853, his wife being a daugihter of Capt James H. Shropshire, an officer in the Seminole war, and a granddaughter of James Shropshire, a native of England. They had six children: James H. of Jasper county, Ga. ; William W. of Jones county, ex-sheriff and clerk of the superior court; Dr. R. B.; Jackson Clay, Jones county, lawyer and judge of the county court, now serving his second term, having been elected first at the age of twenty-three; he was for two years at West Point academy; Abington L., a teacher in Putnam county; Sallie E., unmarried. Dr. James F. Barron's father was William Barron, also a native of what is now Jones county, Ga., and was born in 1798. Fie was a farmer all his life, was at one' time sheriff of the county, and died in 1837. His father, Dr. Robert B. Baron's great-grand father, was Samuel Barron, who was born in Virginia in 1772, and came with his father to Hancock county, Ga., in 1783. Fie became an extensive planter, was one of the original settlers of Jones county, and owned several hundred slaves. He had eleven children and at his death left to each of them between thirty-five and forty slaves. His father. Dr. Barron's great-great-grandfather, James Barron, was a native of Scotland. The great Commodore Barron, who fought a duel with Commodore Decatur, was a first cousin of James Barron. The name, James, has been given to the eldest son of the Barron family for six generations. Dr. Robert B. Barron was brought up and primarily educated in Clinton. At the age of sev enteen he entered Mercer university at Macon, Ga., graduating with the degree of A. B. in 1881. Returning home he read medicine with his father one year, then went to Bellevue Hospftal Medical college in New York city and was graduated BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 323 from that institution in 1883. He came back to Clinton, Ga., after his graduation and practiced with his father until 1889. From that time until August, 1891, he was employed as physician and surgeon by the Southern Lumber company and the Wadley & Mount Vernon Railway company at Wadley, Ga. He came from Wad- ley to Macon and has since practiced there. Dr. Barron is a member and president of the Jones County Medical society, and also of the Macon Medical society; is a member of the Georgia Medical association and of the American Medical asso ciation, to whose meeting in 1887 he was a delegate. He is past high priest of Constantine chapter No. 4, R. A. M., and master of Mabel lodge No. 255, F. & A. M., and senior of St. Omar commandery No. 2, Knights Templar, and a member of the A. T. O. (Greek society). In 1885 he received the degree of A. M. from Mercer university. He was married in the year last mentioned to Miss Willa, daughter of William Etheridge. In 1887 he read before the Georgia Medical association a paper on "Uterine Disorders," which was pubhshed in the report of the society's transactions. He has read many other widely-noticed papers before the Jones county and Macon Medical societies and is orator of the Georgia Medical association for 1896. Dr. Barron is an honored member of the Baptist church, and his wife is a member of the Methodist church. QHARLES LA FAYETTE BARTLETT, late judge of the superior court of the Macon circuit, is the son of Judge George T. and Virginia L. (Saunders) Bartlett, the latter a native of Georgia, whose ancestors were Virginians, her father and mother coming to Georgia from Southampton county, Va. George T. Bart lett v/as born in Jasper county, Ga., in 1824, and in his early life gained political prominence. He served several terms in both branches of the state legislature, having been a member of the Georgia senate in 1861, when the ordinance of secession came up for consideration. He recorded his vote in favor of that measure. Previous to this date he had been solicitor-general of the Ocmulgee circuit, being first elected to that position in 1848. He entered the Confederate service in April, 1861, as captain of the Glover guards, a company he organized in Jasper county, and was sent to Norfolk, where his command was assigned to ¦the Fourth Georgia regiment He was captured in November, 1864, and was taken first to Hilton Head, then to Point Lookout and lastly to Fort Delaware, where he was held a prisoner until July, 1865. On his release he returned to Jasper county and resumed the practice of law. In 1873 he was made judge of the Ocmulgee circuit and sat on the bench seven years, when he again took up active practice and in 1884 came to Macon, where he died a year later. Hon. Charles La Fayette Bartlett was bom in Monticello, Jasper Co., Jan. 31, 1853, and received his rudimentary education in the academy in that city, the principal of which was Prof. W. R. Berner. At the age of fifteen he matriculated at the university of Georgia at Athens, and graduated from that institution in August, 1870. He then entered the university of Virginia and while there took up the study of law. Re turning home he entered his father's law office and was admitted to the bar in August, 1872, at the city of Monticello, in which he immediately thereafter began the practice of his profession in pai'tnership with his father. This firm was, how ever, dissolved after it had existed about a year, his father being, as above men tioned, appointed in 1873 j^^dge of the Ocmulgee circuit. Mr. Bartlett, therefore, practiced alone until 1875, when he associated himself with the late Samuel Hall (afterward judge of the state supreme court) and W. A. Loftin, the style of the firm being HaH, Loftin & Bartlett. This partnership continued until January, 1877, when Mr. Bartlett was appointed solicitor-general of the Macon circuit for the term of four years. In 1881 his father removed to Macon and they went into 324 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. partnership for the second time, continuing together until the father's death in 1885, In May of that year Mr. Bartlett joined Hon. Washington Dessau and they practiced as a firm until Jan. i, 1893, when he was appointed judge of the superior court of the Macon circuit Political as well as professional honors have been won by Mr. Bartlett In 1882 he was elected from Bibb county to the lower house of the state legislature and re-elected in 1884. Four years later he was sent to the state senate from the twenty-second senatorial district, composed of the counties of Bibb, Monroe and Pike. He has likewise .served , frequently as a delegate to con gressional, gubernatorial and senatorial conventions. He is a member of the Macon lodge No. 5, F. & A. M.; of Constantine chapter No. 4; St Omar commandery. Knights Templar; Franklin lodge, I. O. O. F.; M. R. Rogers lodge No. 59, Knights of Pythias and of Macon lodge No. 23, B. P. O. Elks. Dec. 3, 1873, Mr. Bartlett married Emma L., daughter of the late Dr. J. B. Carlton, Athens, Ga. In April, 1894, he resigned his seat on the bench and on the twenty-eighth day of that month the Macon bar met to take action on his resignation. A committee which bad been appointed at a previous meeting- reported the following resolution, the preamble to which was eulogistic in the extreme: "Resolved, first, that Judge Charles L. Bartlett so discharged the duties of the office of judge of the superior court of the Macon circuit as entitles him to the commendation of every citizen of the circuit Second, that we exceedingly regret the necessity which has caused his resignation of that important office. Third, that he will carry with him in retiring from the bench the respect and affectionate regard of the members of this bar." This report was signed by J. L. Anderson, W. H. Felton, A. L. Miller, B. M, D. and E. H. Winship- Many laudatory speeches were also made on the occasion — a fitting tribute to Mr. Bartlett's success on the bench. WILLIAM CAPERS BASS, president of the Wesleyan Female college, Macon, was born in Augusta, Ga., Jan. 13, 1831. His father. Rev. Henry Bass, was for many years a successful pioneer Methodist preacher, and the son grew up in Soutii CaroHna, owing to the division of the conference, which put the father, a few years after the son's birth, across the Savannah river. At Cokesbury young Bass pre pared for college, and there, Aug. 22, 1848, at the age of seventeen, he united with the Methodist Episcopal church south. In January, 1850, he entered the sopho more class — half advanced — at Emory college, and was graduated in 1852. He served as assistant to Rev. Crosby "W. Smith, president of the Greensborough academy, until the latter was called to take charge of the Wesleyan, when he succeeded him. When in his twenty-first year he applied for a license to preach, and entered the ministry as a preacher at the old Walker church, made famous as the place where Bishop Pierce delivered his first sermon. At the close of his labors in Greensborough he went to Madison Female college. Then he entered upon his special work as a teacher of girls. After a year's service he was called to Wesleyan, but declined, remaining there five years longer. Again called to the Wesleyan, he accepted the professorship of natural science, October, 1859. In this pioneer of female colleges he began what has proven his life work. In 1S74 he was chosen to be president of the college, to succeed Dr. Bonnell. Eminently wise was the selection, for there were few who could have shown more important requisites than Dr. Bass. Fie was possessed of business tact and executive ability, and under such a combination the college took new life and has assumed a ranking position among the colleges of the country. To few, if any, is the Methodist church of Georgia more indebted than to William C. Bass. Hundreds of women, whose character he was greatly instrumental in molding and developing, have been scat- BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 325 tered, not only over Georgia, but over the south, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande. Dr. Bass was married in July, 1854, to Octavia Nicholson, of Greensborough, and much must be set down to the credit of the helpmate who has aided him in life. In the management of the Wesleyan college Rev. Bass has been distinguished for his liberality, and in thirty-five years diplomas have been given free to more than 700 young women. One-half of these were daughters of itinerant Methodist min isters, and the same number have probably been educated totally at Rev. Bass' expense. As an educator, the daughters of Georgia have never had a more earnest advocate than Dr. Bass. In his baccalaureate for twenty years, in his sermons in churches and at camp meetings, and in his addresses before the annual district and quarterly conference, his eloquent appeals for female education have been heard. The Red Cross Knight, in the palmiest days of chivalry, was never a truer champion of the woman of his vows. All the daughters of Georgia have a bold defender in Capers Bass, and never was fealty to an espoused cause more faithfully kept. JOHN SPRINGS BAXTER, one of Macon's most distinguished citizens, was born in that city, Dec. 3, 1832, and was taken to Athens when but a child in arms, by his parents. In that city he grew to manhood, attending private in,struction in Dr. Beman's famous school, and graduating from the University of Georgia in 1853, 'with the degree of A. B. He then went to Jefferson Medical coHege, at Phila delphia, and was graduated in 1856. He returned, to Macon and there began prac tice. In August, 1 861, he enlisted in the Macon volunteers, an old military company, organized about 1825, which was assigned to the Second Georgia battalion, and known as Company B. He served as a private till April, 1862, when he was made surgeon of the battalion, and acted as such about two months. He then went to Richmond, where he was made assistant surgeon to the Third Georgia hospital. Two months afterward he was appointed surgeon of the Forty-sixth Georgia regiment, in the field, which regiment was then stationed at Charleston, S. C. He accompanied the regiment, in May, 1863, to the relief of Vicksburg, and remained with the army until the surrender of Gen. Johnston, at Greensborough, N. C. He officiated as surgeon in the battles of Jackson, Miss., and on the retreat from Chat tanooga to Atlanta. After the war he resumed his practice in Macon, for about a year, and then went into the general merchandise business with George S. Jones, under the firm name of Jones & Baxter. He retired from business the latter part of 1873, and in 1876 was made a director of the Southwestern railroad, running from Macon to Eufaula, Ala. and Columbus, Ga., the length of the road being 333 miles. In May, 1891, he was made president of the Southwestern, and served as such until February, 1894, and at the election of that year was- made vice-president, an office which he now holds. In 1876, in connection with the late W. B. Johnston, he organized the first artificial ice company established at Macon, and carried it on until 1884 ,and then sold out He was one of the original incorporators of the Macon Brewing company, and was one of its directors, and when the company went into the hands of a receiver, in 189 1, he and R. H. Plant reorganized the com pany as the Acme Brewing company, of which he is now a director. He was one of the men who agitated and secured the building of the Macon water works, and was a director up to 1893. He is a director of the Central Georgia bank, the Macon Fire Insurance company, the Macon Building and Loan association, and the Ocmulgee Land company, aU of Macon, and of the Southern Mutual Insurance company, of Athens, Ga. Dr. Baxter was married in November, 1858, to Caroline, daughter of the late Judge Edward D. Tracy, a resident of Macon, and has one •child, Tracy Baxter, who is an attorney in Macon. His wife died in 1861, and Dr. 326 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Baxter has never remarried. He belongs to no church, though he affiliates with the Presbyterians, and belongs to no secret society. The only office he ever held was that of city physician, one year, 1857. The father of Dr. Baxter was Thomas W. Baxter, born in Greene county in 1786. He was a merchant in Macon and Milledgeville, Ga., for many years, and later had charge of the Athens manufacturing company. He died in Athens in 1844. Thomas W. Baxter was a brave soldier in the Seminole war, and in the civil war furnished six sons, including the subject of this sketch, to the Confederate army, viz: Andrew, Thomas W., Eh L., who died in service; Edwin G. Baxter, killed in the service in Texas, and Richard B., who was all through the service until the attack on Knoxville in 1864, where he was captured and held until the war was over. He was in the Third Georgia regiment, first, and was a private in the Fifteenth Georgia regiment when he was captured. The grandfather and grand mother of Dr. Baxter were natives of North Carolina, and the family is of Scotch-Irish descent. A LECK BLOCK, president of the Acme Brewing company, of Macon, Ga., was born in New York city, Sept. 21, 1856, and two years later came with his parents to Americus, Ga., where they lived till 1865, then moving to Macon, Ga., where they have since resided. The greater part of Mr. Block's education was received in Macon, but at the age of 14 he left school and entered the real estate and insurance office of Turpin & Ogden. For two years he acted as clerk, then book-keeper, and later became a full partner, continuing in this business till 1890, when he devoted himself to other interests. In 1884, in partnership with his brother, N. M. Block, he embarked in the beer business, establishing a warehouse, doing general bottling and shipping beer all over the state. A few years later they added the wholesaling of whisky to their trade. Still in company with his brother, Mr. Block, in 1886, organized a stock company and purchased the Central City ice plant, which had been established about a year, with a capital of $17,000. The new conipany increased the stock to $40,000, enlarged the plant and elected Mr. Block president, in which capacity he served till 1891, when he was made manager, a position which he still holds. Mr. Block and his brother own the controlling interest in this enterprise. In 1890 the Macon Brewing company built a brewery costing $340,000; after running it two years, they were obliged to place it in the hands of a receiver. The receiver conducted it a year, when it was put up for sale, selHng for $1 12,000. The company was reorganized, with a capital stock of $150,000, of which $142,000 was paid in. Mr. BlocI< was made president March 10, 1893; H. Home, vice-president, and a dividend of 8 per cent declared the first year. The new brewing company is known as the Acme Brewing com pany, the officers are: President, A. Block; vice-president, H. Home; secretary, treasurer and superintendent, J. N. Hazlehurst. The last year this business was managed by the old company they sold 8,000 barrels of beer. The new conipany sold their first year 15,800 barrels. Mr. Block and his brother disposed of their other beer interests, but retain the wholesale whisky trade. Mr. Block is a director of the Academy of Music and stockholder in the following enterprises: American National bank. Progress Loan and Improvement company, and Bibb Loan association. lie is a democrat, but not an active politician, and is a member of Central City lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias. He was married in July, 1891, to Leonora Metzer, a native of Cincinnati. Mr. Block is one of the" keenest and most successful business men in Macon; good fortune has smiled upon ah his undertakings; he is an agreeable, whole-souled gentieman, making friends as readily as he does money. Mr. Block's father, Joseph Block, a native of Germany, BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 327 served in the Confederate interests during the late war, as home guard. He lives in Macon, and is seventy-four years old. A RTHUR E. BOARDMAN, president of the Macon Gas Light and Water company, was born in Macon, Ga., March 20, 1850. He received his primary education in his native city, and graduated, with the degree of civil engineer, at Rensselaer Polytechnic institute in Troy, N. Y., in 1870. Immediately after grad- uating he returned to Georgia and engaged in surveying the extension of the: Southwestern and other railroads. In 1872, Mr. Boardman was elected city engineer of Macon, and a year later entered the service of the Macon Gas Light company. Fie rebuilt the gas works, built the -water works, and also built the gas works at the state asylum at Milledgeville, Ga., and the water works at Americus, Ga. In company with W. A. Jeter, Mr. Boardman, in 1886, formed the Jeter & Boardman Gas and Water association. The history of this association will be found in the sketch of Mr. W. A. Jeter, published in this volume. Mr. Boardman, in 1893, was president of the American Gas Light association, and presided at their meeting in Chicago during the World's Fair. He is a director, and for several years was vice-president of the Macon Savings bank, of which his father, J. M. Boardman, was president almost to the time of his death in 1893. While not an active politician, Mr. Boardman is a stanch democrat. Pie is not a member of secret societies, and his affiliations are with the Episcopal church. Mr. Boardman was married in 187=; to Rebecca W., daughter of Clinton C. TaHman, of Brooklyn, N. Y. JOHN WILLIAM BURKE. No man in Macon is more widely or more favor ably known than the gentleman of whom this sketch is a brief mention. A Hfe full of service for the Master, as editor, preacher and business man, has carried him into all parts of the state, and has diffused most widely an influence which has always been exerted for the uplifting of society. John W. Burke was born in Watkinsville, Ga., Oct i, 1826, and there reared to the age of fifteen years. At that age he entered upon an apprenticeship to the printers' trade in the office of the "Athens Banner," and on which paper he continued to labor until February of 1849, ¦when he removed to Cassville, Ga., and established the "Cassville Stand ard." After six years of successful management of this periodical, he began the work of the ministry, joining the Georgia conference of the Methodist church, his first circuit being that of Cassville. In 1856 he was transferred to the Lawrenceville circuit, where he continued until 1858. In the latter year. Rev. Burke, on account of his knowledge of the publishing" business, was placed in charge of the Methodist Book repository, located at Macon, which he managed successfully until 1864. A private venture in the publishing business was then entered upon, J. W. Burke & Co., of which he has since been president, being established on the ruins left by Sherman. Under his careful management this soon became one of the institutions of Macon, and for many years was the leading printing establishment in Georgia. In connection with his duties for this concern, Rev. Burke continued to labor with untiring zeal in the cause of Methodism, filling various important and useful positions in the Georgia conference. In 1878, he was the presiding elder for the Macon district, and in 1880, filled that difficult office for the Americus district. He was for twenty-five years the publisher and assistant editor of the Southern and the Wesleyan Christian "Advocate," the length of his service evidencing the quality of his services. Rev. Burke's nuptials were solemnized with Caroline White in 1848, and to them have been born the following children: Fannie, Mrs. Col. Nat. E. Flarris, Macon; Mary, ISlrs. B. H. Sasnett, Atianta; Leila, Mrs. W. R. Holmes, 328 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Macon; E. W., manager of The J. W. Burke Conipany; Rev. W. B., a Methodist missionary in China for the past eight years, and J. W., Jr., who was killed by lightning at Cumberland Island, Ga., at the age of twenty-four. This family was reared in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and the parents now con template them useful and prominent members of societ}". "THOMAS C. BURKE, dealer in paints and oils, was born in New York city, February 27, 1856. Four years later he came with his parents to Macon, Ga., and was there brought up and received his early education. He finished his scholastic course with R. A. Slaughter. Upon leaving school he entered the •office of his father, who was a contractor, and continued with him for one year. In 1874 Mr. Burke and his father, with a capital of $600, estabhshed a paint and oil store in Macon, under the firm name of C. Burke & Son. This partner ship existed until August, 1886, when the father died, and since then the business has been carried on under the name of T. C. Burke. The first year of the co-partnership's existence it did a business of about $6,000, but it has steadily increased the volume of its transactions until 1893 they amounted to $150,000. Mr. Burke is one of the five owners of the Academy of Music in Macon and is vice-president of the Academy of Music company, president of the Progress Loan and Improvement company, director of the LTnion Savings bank and Trust company, was a member of the municipal bond commission, and is now fire com.missioner in Macon. He owns stock , in many commercial enterprises. He has never sought political preferment and has never held a political office. He is a firm democrat but not in any way an active politician. He is a member of the Roman Catholic church. He had one brother who was a priest and died in New Orleans at the age of twenty-nine. His sister I\Iaggie is now known as Sister Legouri, a sister of mercy in the Mount de Sales convent Mr. Burke attends to all the legal business for this convent. He was married in 1886 to Mary S., daughter of John W. Bessman, Augusta, Ga., and they have two children: Mary Flenrietta and Martin L. Mr. Burke's father Vv^as Christopher Burke, a native of Dublin, Ireland, who came to America in 1837, at the age of twenty years, settled in New York, and lemained there until i860, when he came to Macon, where he died in 1886, as above mentioned. Christopher Burke served as commissioner of Bibb county and alderman from the third ward of Macon. During the war he had charge of the paint shop of the Macon & Western railroad at Macon. Thomas C. Burke is widely esteemed in social and business circles, his shrewd yet affable nature and ready wit making him a univer sal favorite. ' THOMAS J. CARLING, capitalist of Macon, Ga., was born in New York city June 13, 1839. He was educated there and learned the plumbing trade, but in 1873 removed to Macon and has since resided in that city. In 1874 he re-engaged in the plumber's business, conducting it until 1885, when in partnership with H. R. Bryan he built the Macon & Suburban street railroad, four and one- half miles long, Mr. Carling owning ninety per cent of the stock. He sold the street railway the same year it was built and then in partnership with Mr. Bryan bought and remodeled the Lanier house, of which he is still the principal owner. In company with several others he built, in 1893, the Macon & Indiana Springs railroad, which is seven miles in length and chiefly owned by him. In March of the latter year he purchased the "Telegraph," one of jMacon's favorite news papers, and has sold a certain interest in it, his intention being to dispose of the remainder in a short time. Mr. Carling was elected to the city council in 1891; BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 329 though he was only in the field two weeks before election he defeated four other candidates who had made regular canvasses for the office. Two years later he was made chairman of the council for twelve months. Mr. Carling is a Mason, a Mystic Shriner, Royal Arch and Knight Templar. He is now master of Mabel lodge, No. 255, F. & A. M. He is also a member of Syracuse lodge, No. 36, Knights of Pythias. He has held every office in that lodge and in the grand lodge. He is now supreme representative of the state. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F., the Red Men, and is colonel of the uniformed Knights of Pythias. He was married in 1876 in Columbia, S. C, to Ella F., daughter of Rev. Robert Miller, now of Macon, Ga. Mr. Carling's father was John Carling, a native of New York. A^ ILLIAM R. COX, senior member of the large wholesale grocery firm of Cox & Chappell, Macon, Ga., is a native of the county in which he now resides. He is a son of D. M. Cox, who soon after his birth, April 4, 1843, removed to Houston county. Here William R. came to years of maturity, receiving such education as could be had in the ordinary schools of that period. The war between the states was the first great event of his life, and though but a youth, he did battle bravely for the undying principles of the Confederacy. Mr. Cox enlisted in the First Georgia, in April of 1861, and passed the twelve months of that enlistment in Pensacola, Fla., and in Virginia. Returning to Macon when his enlistment had expired, the company of which he was a member a month later was mustered into the artihery ' service and joined Gen. Bragg, w"ho was operating in the department of Tennessee. As a corporal of this com pany Mr. Cox followed it with varying fortune through a large number of important campaigns and it is but just to add that they were looked upon as one of the most efficient and skilled batteries in the western army. Mr. Cox received a slight wound at Perryville, Ky., but otherwise returned from the war unharmed. Perry, Flouston Co., was the point at which Mr. Cox made his first business venture, but disposing of his interests there in 1868 he came to Macon, where he began at the bottom round, clerking for several years He afterward became junior member of the firm of Jacques, Johnson & Cox, whole sale dealers in liquors and cigars. He subsequently established in company with Mr. C-orbin the firm of Cox & Corbin, and now handles groceries and provisions exclusively. The domestic Hfe of Mr. Cox has been most felicitous, his home having been presided over since November of 1873 by Lizzie, the accomplished daughter of Col. J. E. Jones, a former president of the Central Georgia bank, and for long years a leading spirit in the business circles of Macon. After his death Mr. Cox purchased the old Jones homestead, one of the most beautiful residence properties in the city, where he now resides. William R. Cox is a wide-awake business man, and is interested in various business enterprises. He is vice-president of the Central Georgia bank, and a director of the Southwestern railroad. In politics he votes the democratic ticket, is a Methodist in religion, and is an ex-alderman of the city of Macon, and president of the Alexander free school board of that city. AA/H-LIAM A. DAVIS, one of the most prominent business men in Bibb county, was born on a farm eight miles east of Macon, Ga., April 4, 1847, living there until he was thirty years of age. He studied at Jeffersonville, Twiggs Co., Ga., in the years 1861-2-3. In 1863, though but sixteen years old, he entered the Confederate service, enlisting in Company B, Second Georgia battalion 330 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of cavalry, as a private, and later was made orderly sergeant, serving as such until the surrender. He fought in the battles of Chickamauga and Griswoldville, participated in many skirmishes, and left the service with an enviable record. After the cessation of hostilities he resumed his studies at the academy of Allen- town, Twiggs Co., of which James E. Croslin, an educator >of reputation, was principal, and then returned to his home in Bibb county, being called there by the death of his father. He managed the homestead from 1866 to 1877, during which period he was elected to represent Twiggs county in the general assembly, and during the session served with distinction on the committees on agriculture, public institutions and other matters before the legislature. A majority of his fellow-members not favoring the permanent institution of the college at Dahl onega, a bill to that end was defeated, but Mr. Davis secured a reconsideration and succeeded in having the bill passed, to which fact the agricultural college at that point now owes its existence, and for which service he received unstinted praise. Entering municipal as well as state politics Mr. Davis has been elected alderman from three different wards of the city of Macon — serving six years in all in the city council — and for four years of that time he acted as mayor pro tem. He has also been road commissioner from his district for several years. In 1880 he came to Macon and five years later, in conipany with M. C. Balcomb, engaged in the business of handling cotton, the style of the firm being Davis & Balcomb. This firm existed until 1890, when it was re-arranged under the title of W. A. Davis & Co., and now continues as such. For years Mr. Davis was a director of the Merchants' National bank of Macon, which went into voluntary liquidation in 1893. He is now vice-president and director of the Guarantee company of Macon, and has interests in various other business enterprises. He is a thirty-second degree Mason and a Mystic Shriner. He has held all the principal offices in the subordinate lodges, to--wit past master of Macon lodge. No. 5, F. & A. M.; past high priest of Constantine chapter, Royal Arch Masons; past eminent commander of the St Omar commandery, Knights Templars, and he is at this time grand senior warden of the grand lodge of the state. He is also a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Encampment, having held all the chairs and being at present district deputy grand master. He is past noble grand of United Brother's lodge, I. O. O. F., and past chief patriarch of the Encamp ment He is, as well, a Knight of Pythias. He affiliates with the Baptist church, and, while living on his farm, was for many years a deacon of the local church. In 1868 Mr. Davis married Mary R., daughter of J. W. and Susan (Barlow) Summers; they have four children, Hattie B., Edwin, Mabel C, and Gussie M. Edwin is a graduate of Mercer university, Macon. Mr. Davis' father was Elisha Davis, a native of Burke county, Ga., who was several times elected to the general assembly. He was a jurist and served on the bench of the inferior court of Bibb county for many years. Fie died in 1866 at the age of sixty-one. Two of his sons, in addition to 'William A., served in the late war. John N. was in the Bibb county cavalry and with the western army almost all the time that army was in the field. Gilbert M. enlisted in Hampton's brigade as a private, saw service during the entire war period, and was mustered out when in command of his conipany. Elisha Davis' father was John Davis, a Virginian by birth and the son of John Davis, a Welshman, who emigrated from Wales to Virginia and was killed in the revolution at the battle of Brandywine. William A. Davis has won his way in life by force of individuality and honest determination to succeed, using his great natural abilities to the best advantage; and as a public-spirited citizen has won a host of friends in social, business and political circles. BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 331 JOSEPH T. DERRY, professor of languages in the Wesleyan Female coHege, Macon, Ga., was born in Milledgeville, on Dec. 13, 1841. His early boyhood was spent in Milledgeville and Eatonton. When he was nine years of age his parents moved to Charleston, S. C, where they resided for two years. They then moved to Augusta, Ga., which continued to be Mr. Derry's home for twenty-six years. Flis preparatory instruction for Emory coHege was obtained in the Augusta- schools. In 1859 he entered the junior class at Emory college, Oxford, Ga., from which he was graduated in i860, with distinction. In the spring of 1861, when the "war between the states" began, Mr. Derry enlisted in the Confederate service, and for four years followed the starry cross of the southern Confederacy. At the close of the war he returned to Augusta and took up the profession of teaching. He was^ first at the head of a select, classical and English school; next was principal of the Houghton institute, and then for nine years was head of the classical department of the academy of Richmond county. He was holding this last position when he accepted a call to the chair of ancient and modern languages in Wesleyan Female coHege, Macon, Ga. This position he holds now — 1895. Mr. Derry is the author of a school history of the United States, published in 1874; a Guide to Georgia, which appeared in 1878, and a history of the United States for schools, published in 1880, and the Story of the Confederate States, which appeared in May, 1895, and in less than three months reached a second edition. He has also, at different times, contributed valuable articles to Frank Leslie's, The Century and other leading magazines. Prof. Derry was married, Aug. 5, 1862, to Miss Elizabeth D. Osborne, of Augusta. Her great-grandfather, Hon. Henry Osborne, of Camden county, was a delegate to the state convention which ratified the constitution of the United States, Jan. 2, 1788. Prof, and Mrs. Derry have had several children born. tothem, of whom three are living: Henry P., a leading young physician, Macon;. ,Susie, wife of T. C. Parker, a promising business man, Macon, and George Seney, a bright and promising lad, born in 1881. WASHINGTON DESSAU, lawyer, Macon, was born in that city, July 24, 1852. His early education was obtained in the public schools, and in 1867 he entered the University of Georgia, at Athens. He was graduated in 1870, and from the law department in 1871. He then returned to Macon, and in October, 1871, entered- the law office of Nesbits & Jackson, and was admitted to practice a few months later. He continued to practice in Macon, and in 1885 formed a partnership with C. L. Bartlett, which continued until Mr. Bartlett went on the bench in 1893, when Mr. Dessau formed a partnership with Robert Hodges. In 1884 Mr. Dessau was presidential elector from the sixth congressional district, and in 1888 was a delegate from the state at large to the National democratic convention. In 1892 he was president of the Georgia Bar association, and has been a member of the state democratic executive committee for two terms. Mr. Dessau was married, in 1880, to Fanny E., daughter of Edward H. Gilmer, of Montgomery, Ala., a nephew of George R. Gilmer, who was governor of Georgia.Q AMUEL S. DUNLAP is a leading spirit in the industrial life of Macon, Ga., to which city he came, a penniless youth, forty-six years ago. With but an ordinary education, he began his career, in November, 1849, as a clerk in a retail grocery, at $96 per year, and board. For three years he remained in the same position, and even with that insignificant salary was able to save enough to start a very small business of his own. Success attended him from the very start; his business increased, and the war found him on the highway to wealth. Heeding 332 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. his country's calf, Mr. Dunlap joined a cavalry company and served six months as first lieutenant. He then resigned and returned home, where he organized and led to the field, as captain, the Bibb cavalry. This company he uniformed and -equipped at his own expense, selling a lot of cotton for the purpose. It is but fair to say that such disinterestedness was repaid by the individual members subse- •ciuently. He participated in many of the hard-fought battles of the war, notably: Second Manassas, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg" and Gettysburg. In the latter he was seriously wounded in a personal encounter with a Federal officer, and spent several months in the hospital at Richmond. He returned from the war, sick and v/ounded in body, but not daunted in spirit. Like many others, he found himself without means. Renting a farm, he began its cultivation, and mother nature smiled on his efforts, notwithstanding the fact that only one hand could be used on the plow, the other being carried in a sling. In 1867 Mr. Dunlap concluded to .again try a micrcantile life, and this time selected the hardware business. Again fortune smiled on him, and he continued to increase his humble beginning, until he is now at the head of one of the largest establishments of the kind in the south, the Dunlap Hardware company being favorably known all over the state. Mr. Dunlap has always been a man of great enterprise, and instead of allowing liis means to accumulate and remain idle, he invested in various industrial and hanking institutions. He is president and a leading stockholder in the Macon Agricultural works, president of the Macon Fire Insurance company, a director in each of the three leading financial institutions of Macon, the Exchange Union Savings and Central bank, and a large stockholder in the Southwestern railroad. He also cultivates a magnificently improved plantation of 400 acres, lying within 4wo miles of the city. Mr. Dunlap has been a member of the Methodist church since he was twelve years old, and has always taken part in the active work of that organization. He -was for many years superintendent of Mission Sunday school, and is now a member of the board of stewards. A word concerning his family: Samuel S. Dunlap was born in Jasper county, Ga., July 31, 1830. He was the son -of David and Hetty (Wingate) Dunlap, his father being a farmer of limited circum stances. He reared six sons to maturity; five of them did their duty bravely in the .army, and two of them are now living. Rev. WilHam C. Dunlap, of Covington, a Methodist preacher of note, being the other. In 1855, May 15, Mr. Dunlap cele- i)rated his nuptials with Mary A., daughter of J. L. Birgh, of Bibb county, to whom were born seven chddren. Six of these are now living, as follows: Nettie, Mrs. H. M. Wortham, Macon; Florence, Mrs. Ashton Stark, Richmond, Va.; Clara, .Mrs. Claude Badgely, Albany, N. Y.; LiHia, Mrs. Lewis A. Stevens, Atlanta, Ga. ; llah, Mrs. Col. Lee A- Jordan, Macon; Samuel S., Jr., at home. In 1873 Mr. Dunlap erected one of the most beautiful homes in the city of Macon, where he lives, surrounded by family and friends, enjoying the means his industry has brought him. "WILLIAM HAMILTON FELTON, JR., present solicitor-general of the Macon circuit, was born on a farm in Macon county, Ga., Sept 19, i860, and lived there fifteen years. He was educated at the schools of his native county and at Mercer university, at Macon, Ga., where he graduated with second honors and the degree of A. B. In October, 1878, he entered the law department of the University of Virginia, and took the degree of B. A. there, in July, 1880. He was admitted to the bar in Macon, Ga., Dec. i, 1880, and immediately opened an office there. A year later he formed a partnership with Tracy Baxter, which continued until 1888, when Mr. Felton was elected solicitor-general. He was re-elected in 1892, for a term ending Jan. i, 1897. Mr. Felton is one of Georgia's leading BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 333 democratic politicians, always ready and wHling to work for the good of his party and his country. He was elected to the legislature in 1886, and served two years, being a member of the following committees: Judiciary, railroads and banks. He is a Mystic Shriner Mason and a Knight of Pythias. He was married, Nov. 28, 1888, to Miss Mary E. Johnston, daughter of the late Wihiam B. Johnson. Mr. Fel- ton's father was LeRoy Monroe Felton, a native of Jones county, Ga., a very large planter in Macon county all his life, who died in May, 1894, at the age of sixty-eight years. Mr. Felton, Sr., served repeatedly in both branches of the state legislature. Mr. Felton's grandfather, William Felton, was a North Carolinian, who came to Georgia in his early manhood, about 181 5. The Felton family are of English descent. jy^ATTHEW R. FREEMAN, city recorder of Macon, Ga., was born there Oct. 10, 1837. Receiving his rudimentary and academic education in the schools of that place he entered the Georgia Military institute at Marietta and studied there during the years 1853-4-5, but left on the completion of his junior course. Among bis classmates were Gen. P. M. B. Young of north Georgia; Charles H. Olmstead and Charlton N. Way, both of Savannah; John Milledge, state librarian and others prominent in political, judicial and professional circles. On leaving the military institute in 1855 young Freeman returned to Macon and entered the foundry and machine shop of Robert Findley in order that he might learn the machinist's trade. He remained there three and one-half years and at the end of that time commenced to studj' medicine with the late Dr. M. S. Thompson, after which he graduated at the. Southern Medical and Botanical coHege, now extinct, at Macon. He began the practice of medicine in his native city and prosecuted it with success untO in April, 1861, when he followed his conipany, the Macon guards, an old estabhshed division of militia, of which he was first lieutenant, into the field in the Confederate service and was assigned to the Eighth Georgia regiment This company was afterward known as Company C. Mr. Freeman served as first lieutenant in that conipany and regiment until the autumn of 1863, when he was made assistant inspector-general on the staff of Col. John C. Fizer, and served in that capacity up to the date of Sherman's campaign through Georgia, when he was assigned to the reserve corps of that state with the rank of major. He joined Hardee's brigade and made the campaign of Georgia and the Carolinas, which was terminated by the surrender of Johnston at Greensborough, N. C. He fought in the following battles: First Manassas, dam No. i at Yorktown, Garnett's farm, Malvern Hill, Rappahannock Station, Thoroughfare Gap, Second Manassas, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg", Gettysburg, KnoxviHe, Tenn., the Wilder ness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Fort Harrison and Appomattox. After the surrender of Lee Mr. Freeman returned to Macon and for eighteen months engaged in handling cotton and merchandising, which he carried on until 1880. In November of that year he was badly injured in a railroad accident on the Georgia Central, which laid him up in bed for six months and made him an invalid for four years, during which time he was unable to attend to any business. At the suggestion of friends he commenced the study of law and was admitted lo the bar May 13, 1887, establishing himself in Macon and opening the practice he now enjoys. In December, 1890, Mr. Freeman was elected recorder of Macon for a term of three years and in 1893 was re-elected for another period of two years, the term of office having been made shorter by the new charter. A stanch demo crat, he has never taken any active part in politics, but his opinions have weight with the party managers. He is a Knight Templar Mason in the St. Omar com mandery of Macon and a member of the I. O. O. F., as weH as of the uniform 334 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. rank, Knigihts of Pythias. j\lr. Freeman was married Feb. 15, 1S59, to Fanny E., daughter of the late Dr. A. A. Cullen, SandersviUe, Ga., and they have six living children, three sons and three daughters: Azel R.; Harriet G., wife of H. G. Gris- wold, Macon, Ga.; Delia S., wife of W. K. Young, Macon, Ga.; E. Walker, Fanny (unm-arried) and Augustus C. His father was Azel Roe Freeman, born in New Jersey in 1791, who came to Georgia in 1825 and with his brother settled in Macon, where they built the first brick store-room and entered into business, which they carried on for a number- of years. Azel Roe Freeman Avas for fifteen years clerk and treasurer of the city of Macon and to all intents and purposes the mayor. He was the first stevyard of Wesleyan Female coHege in 1839. At the close of the war he organized the Mechanics' Building and Loan association and the Ocmulgee Building and Loan association in Macon, serving as secretary and treasurer of both these institutions from their inception until his death in 1872. Shortly after he had succeeded in establishing the organizations above mentioned he formed the Home Building and Loan association, occupying the same dual position in it as he held in the two others. Fie was a devout member of the Mul berry street Methodist Episcopal church. He was a sergeant in the war of 1812, serving in Capt. David Todd's company,. Kentucky mounted militia. Six of his sons fought in the late and other wars. Matthew R. Freeman's service on the field has already been detailed. Thomas S. Freeman was killed at Goliad, Tex., in the war of Texas independence in 1836. He was second corporal in Capt M. J. Bullock's company. Ward's battalion, Georgia volunteers. Henry C, who was a soldier in the Mexican war and lieutenant in a Georgia regiment in the civil war, was in 1864, while stationed at Fort Pulaski, captured near Savannah and sent to Fort Delaware; from there to Johnston's island and was held a prisoner until the war closed. He died in 1865. George C. was in the Confederate treasury de partment during the civil war, Benjamiin P. and IMilo S. held positions in the transportation department of the Confederacy during the same period. Matthew R. Freeman and his wife are members of the Mulberry street Methodist Episcopal -church and highly esteemed in a large circle of acquaintances. P)R. WILLIAM B. GILMER was born in Macon, Ga., in 1859; was there reared and educated, graduating at Mercer university in 1878, with the degree of A. B. For two years after graduating" he was engaged with his uncle, H. J. Lamar, in the wholesale drug business, and then entered the college of physicians imd surgeons in New York city, where he graduated in 1884. The same year he passed a competitive examination for interne of Roosevelt hospital and remained there eighteen months. Then he took a second examination and entered the women's hospital and seiwed as interne there for eight months. The following ten months he spent with Dr. Nathan Bozeman, the gynecologist, and with this extended preparation for the practice -of his profession returned south and sought a location. Finding none that suited him he returned to New York and practiced there for two and a half years. Dr. Gilmer then came to Macon, remaining eight months, after which he went to Vienna, where he studied in the general hospital for a time and in Prof. Crabach's clinic took a course in obstetrics and gynecol ogy. From Vienna Dr. Gilmer came to Macon, where he has since made a specialty of gynecology and obstetrics, with most remarkable success and ever- increasing fame. Dr. Gilmer is a member of the Greek society. Kappa Alpha, and affiliates with the Baptist church. Fie was married in August, 1888, to Mary, daughter of E. H. Ryder of Nova Scotia. Dr. Gilmer's father, Edwin H. Gilmer, a nephew of the late Ex-Gov. Gilmer of Georgia, was a merchant and planter, who was born in Alabama and died in 1864. The emigrant ancestor cf the family BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 335 was Dr. Gilmer, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, who came to America in 1740, and settled in Virginia. Branches of the family afterward located in North Caro lina and Alabama. Dr. Gilmer is one of the best read and progressive young physicians in his native state. QUSTAVUS RICHARD GLENN, state school commissioner, and resident of Macon, Ga., is a native of Jackson county, Ga., having been born away from the noise and bustling activity of a city, in a quiet country home, on Dec. 5, 1848. He removed with his parents to Terrell county, Ga., at the age of six years, and in a small schoolhouse located in the neighboring town of Chickasawhatchie, first marshaled his young and immature faculties in the training of the intellect and to the subsequent fullness of his education. He remained here during the four turbulent years of civil strife, and when this was concluded he was sent under the tutorship of Rev. WilHam Park, in Meriwether county, who conducted the Mt. Carmel school. This was a preparatory institution for entrance into the state uni versity, and young Glenn studied with this purpose in view. Having completed the course he became a student at Athens, graduating in 1871, with an A. B. degree, and after another year, devoting his time to post-graduate work, with an A M. degree — including the entire curriculum of the college. In the fall of 1872, with his diploma in his possession, he went to Columbus, Ga., and for the next three years taught school, estabhshing two years afterward the Columbus female college, which he managed with exceptional success until the buildings were destroyed by fire in 1884. Then he accepted the professorship of natural science in the Wesleyan female coHege, located at Macon, Ga., and filled this chair with eminent ability until he resigned in 1892. In the fall of 1893, Mr. Glenn assumed the business man agership of the "Macon Telegraph," remaining until Dec. 14, 1894. He was then appointed state school commissioner by Gov. W. Y. Atkinson. On July 22, 1875, he was united in marriage to Nellie, daughter of Henry W. Verstille, formerly of Columbus, but now residing in Atlanta. She was a beautiful, talented lady with the admirable characteristics that bless the home life, encourage the husband in his daily labors and comfort when anxieties and vexations fret the disposition. This union has been blessed with ten children, three boys and seven girls. Mr. Glenn affiliates with and is a steward in the Methodist church of Macon, having held this honorable position many years. Although the performance of his professional duties demands his presence in Atlanta, his home is in Macon, Bibb Co., Ga. UON. DUPONT GUERRY was born at Americus, Sumter Co., on March 26, 1848- His father, Wm. B. Guerry, is a descendant of the French Huguenots, who, many years ago, settled in the state of South Carolina. His mother, whose maiden name was Sarah A. Dixon,- is a descendant of a South Carolina family of English extraction. DuPont Guerry owes his entire education to two years' attendance at the com mon schools of his native town, and to his father, who aided him materially in his studies. He, therefore, entered upon the duties of life without the advantages afforded by a regular course at college or university. Before he had attained the age of fifteen years, he volunteered in the military service of the Confederate States, and presented himself ready for the privations of the camp and the perils of the field, as a private in the army of northern Virginia. Much to the regret of this boy-soldier and patriot, he was rejected by Gen. Pendle ton, on account of extreme youth and smallness of stature. Thus disappointed in his effort to serve his country in the ranks of the noble army mentioned, he turned with manly resolution and hope, to the army then under the command of Gen. 336 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA Joseph E. Johnston; but about this time the news reached him that the miHtia officers of Georgia were called to service, and he joined them, on their organization, at Atlanta. When the militia (proper) were called out, and their reorganization took place, he was elected a Heutenant, although at that period he was scarcely 16 years of age. This opportunity to serve his state was most gratifying to him, and he improved it to the utmost, being ready at all times to give his life for the cause he had espoused. He engaged in the battles, on the right, which were fought at the city of Atlanta, in July, 1864, and there was no soldier who evinced greater gallantry in that army of chivalric men. Those who were eye-witnesses of his valor are enthusiastic in its praise. He was also in the battle of Griswoldville, and more than sustained his reputation for bravery in that contest. When Macon was captured by Gen. Wilson he was in the city, and preferring to escape rather than to be paroled, he and his father and a few others retired from that place after night through the railroad bridge, and' succeeded in avoiding capture. Determining to pursue the profession of law, in which his father was engaged, he accordingly began the study of that science. Devoting himself closely and assiduously to his books, he was, in due time, after a most creditable examination, admitted to the bar, and commenced the practice of the law at Americus, in con junction with his father, in the year 1870. With the same earnestness, industry and resolution which distinguished him from childhood, and a mind, naturally judicial, well-stored with the eternal principles which constitute the legal science, he entered upon the duties of counsellor and attorney. Although he commenced the practice in the presence of a bar of great abdity, he sustained himself from the beginning, and very soon received the most complimentary recognition of his ability and promise from the chief justice and justices of the supreme court of Georgia. Flis efforts before that tribunal very early marked him out as the peer of the first legal minds of this state, and as the years have passed, he has steadily developed his powers and extended his reputation as a lawyer. In 1876, he was married to Miss Fannie Davenport, of Americus, a lady of rare beauty and accomplishments, who, having been his playmate in childhood and his friend in youth and early manhood, was a fit companion of his after life. This union has been blessed with four children, whose presence gives cumulative happiness to their home. His election to the senate in 1880 was a merited compliment from one of the most wealthy and intelligent constituencies in the state. A more able, indefatigable or faithful representative of that district, or of the interests, rights and honor of the commonwealth, could not have been selected. He was a member of the stand ing committees of the senate on the judiciary, finance, banks, public buildings, railroads and internal improvements, being the chainnan of the committee on finance during a great portion of the session of 1881, owing to the providential absence of its distinguished chairman, Hon. R. T. Fouche. He was, in addition, chairman of the joint standing committee on finance, and of the 'joint special committee, appointed to investigate and devise as to the acceptance of certain irregular United States bonds, which were tendered the state treasurer in payment of the balance due as purchase money for the Macon & Brunswick railroad'. Fle was likewise a member of the joint special committee, appointed to investio-ate the lease oj the Western & Atiantic railroad. Few, if any, senators were placed in so many important positions requiring industry and intelligence, yet he was equal to the task imposed, and discharged every duty cheerfully, promptl}", and with o-reat ability. During the session of 1881 he was present at every roll" call, and always ready to advocate such measures as he deemed beneficial to the state, or oppose those which he regarded bad in policy or wrong in principle. His opposition to the BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 337 acceptance of the irregular bonds of the United States, was decided. After a full investigation, as chairman of the committee, he presented the majority report, which was adverse to their acceptance, and sustained that report by a speech that has seldom been equaled in the senate of Georgia for clearness and force of argument. He handled the subject hke an intehectual giant making the line of duty so pla'm that scarcely a senator was left to oppose his views. But for this effort the bonds in question would, in all probability, have been accepted, and a large loss to the people might have resulted. On the bill introduced by himself to compel the railroads of Georgia to adopt and enforce joint rates, he made a masterly argument. Then, when the Cole charter was before the senate on its final passage, his powers as debater were brought into exercise by the opposition which that measure encountered from the Hon. Henry D. McDaniel, who soon afterward became governor of Georgia. That gentleman desired to subject the bill to a material amendment, and the effort he made to accomplish this purpose met successful resistance only in the argument of Mr. Guerry, which may be truly characterized as overwhelming. Mr. Guerry was a delegate from Sumter to the state convention of 1883, and was the author of the resolution to appoint the conference committee of eighteen, and which resulted in the nomination of his friend, Mr. McDaniel, for the office of governor. He has attended a number of other state conventions, and was a delegate, for the state at large, to the national democratic convention, which met at Chicago in 1892. He was appointed by President Cleveland United States attorney for the southern district of Georgia in 1886, and thereupon removed to Macon, where he now resides. He tendered his resignation to Mr. Cleveland, to take effect on March 4, 1889, but the same was not accepted until Mr. Harrison accepted it in April thereafter. Mr. Guerry has been quite active in politics, though an aspirant on two occasions only for political office. He has made speeches throughout Georgia during several campaigns, and, in 1892, made a number of speeches in Alabama at the request of the democratic national com mittee. He is a member of the Methodist church,^ and also of the board of trustees of the Wesleyan Female college. He is a member of the legal firms of Gustin, Guerry & Hall, at Macon, and Guerry & Son, at Americus. 'y^ILLIAM MILLER GORDON. This gentieman is one of :\Iacon's prominent business men, being general manager of the Progress Loan and Improve ment company, and also senior member of the insurance firm of Gordon & Budd. Mr. Gordon lays claim to nativity in Macon county, his parents residing there at the time of his birth. As a matter of fact, however, that old and famous hostelry at Oglethorpe, Ga., known for long years as "Old Travelers' Rest," was his real birth place, his parents being temporarily there when the event occurred. The parents, John and Catherine Gordon, removed to Perry, Houston Co., in 1858, where they stHl reside, at an advanced age. William M. Gordon was born April 19, 1851. His early education contemplated the law as a profession, but heavy reverses suffered by his father during and immediately following the war (his property being in slaves and in money loaned throughout the state) caused a change in their plans for the son. Instead of entering college, therefore, the youth, at seventeen, became acting deputy clerk of the court of Houston county. At nineteen he was enabled, by judicious economy, to enter in a small way the mercantile business at Perry". From time to time his success admitted an enlargement of the business, and it was not many years before he found himself at the head of a large and successful mercantile establishment. To his business he added that of farming, buying land in small lots as opportunity offered for profitable investment. In fact, it was the 1-22 338 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. old story, too rarely realized, however, of honesty, persistence and the judicious use of money saved, that made Mr. Gordon one of the wealthy men of his com munity before middle age. In 1887 he decided to take up outside work, and removing to Macon, went into the general insurance business, and also became general manager of the Progress Loan and Improvement company. He still retains his interest in Flouston county, where he owns some 7,000 acres of fine farming and fruit lands, and an interest in the mercantile establishment conducted by a brother at Perry. Mr. Gordon's success as a financier caused his selection in 1 88 1 as the proper person to represent Houston county in the general assembly. It will be remembered that the session of '81-2 was a most important one, because of the weighty financial legislation which came before it — notably the building of the present beautiful capitol. Mr. Gordon was promptly made a member of the finance committee, and took a leading part in all the discussions which came up, acquitting himself with much credit. In September, 1884, Mr. Gordon was united in marriage to Bessie, daughter of J. T. Budd, of Monticello, Fla., who became the mother of two children, Josiah Budd and Catherine. J OHN LUMSDEN HARDEMAN, judge of the superior court of the Macon circuit, was born in Macon, Ga., Nov. 12, 185 1. In that city he was reared, receiving a rudimentary education, and in 1867 he entered" the state university, graduating there in 1871, with the degree of A. B. He was a brilliant scholar, winning the debaters' medal and the anniversary oratorship from his college society — the Demosthenean — early giving promise of the great oratorical gifts which have made him famous at the bar, the forum and on the hustings. It falls to the lot of but few men to be so gifted A\'ith the peculiar power of eloquence possessed by this distinguished son of Georgia. Peculiarly original, without the monotony of oft-repeated and hackneyed familiar quotations, his ornate addresses abound in gems from the classics and apt sayings from the sacred writings, which latter have a singular potency whenever properly applied. On leaving college his first work was in the cause of education, teaching school one year in Jones county. Under Hon. James H. Blount he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1873. Immediately thereafter he accepted an offer of partnership, becoming a member of the law firm of Blount, Hardeman & Hardeman. He was twice elected to the office of solicitor-general of the Macon circuit, by the general assembly, holding that responsible trust from 1880 to 1888, and discharging its duties with that zeal and ability that has ever characterized him. No official ever gave more general satisfaction than has Judge Hardeman in the various positions of honor and trust to which the confidence of his people have called him. There lives no man more faithful and fearless in the discharge of duty. To those who enjoy the honor of an acquaintance with his life's work, this will not sound as anything but merited praise. His every act in public and private life seems born of a sacred regard for duty. Plis last law partnership was with W. D. Nottingham, extending from 1888 to September, 1892. Soon after this he was appointed judge of the superior court of the Macon circuit, by Gov. Northen, which office he now holds, enjoying the confidence and esteem of bar and people. In 1889 he was elected a member of the house of representatives, from Bibb, and did valuable work in that body, serving on committees on general judiciary, railroads, banking and academy for the blind. In 1878 he was made captain of the Floyd Rifles, one of the oldest and best military organizations in the state, being organized in 1841. For three years BIBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 339 he was a member of the state military advisory board, of which he was secretary. In 1894 he was elected major of the Second regiment, infantry. This honor, as well as a still higher one in military circles — that of Heutenant-colonel — was easily within the reach of this gifted gentleman at another time in the past; but by reason of loyalty to his company, whose devotion to him caused them to pass a resolution urging him not to accept, but to continue as their captain, this tempting honor was put aside. This act of self-denial but simply accords with the unselfish nature of the man. The final acceptance was due to the accumulation of judicial labor that made it necessary to resign the captaincy and become major, with its less exacting duties. Judge Hardeman was, prior to his present appointment, attorney for Bibb county. Many and varied are the positions of trust and responsibility he has filled. He is a member of the F. & A. M. and of the Knights of Pythias, having held in the latter the captaincy of the uniformed rank, resigning- it in 1893. Fle is past chancellor, commander of Empire lodge. No. ii, which, however, disbanded some time ago. He is also a member of the Baptist church, and in 1875 was united in marriage with Miss Fannie E., daughter of John B. Ross, who was at the time of his death a wealthy and leading merchant of Macon. In 1894 he was elected a trustee of the Georgia academy for the blind, an institution for which his honored and lamented father faithfully labored. On April 27, 1894, within five minutes after receiving official information of the resignation of Judge Charles L. Bartlett, Gov. Northen appointed Judge Hardeman to his present position. This prompt selection of the governor's from among so able a bar as that of the Macon circuit stands as a well deserved tribute to the personal and professional character of the gentleman chosen, while the uni form correctness of his rulings and the respect and confidence he commands and enjoys among the members of the bar will attest the wisdom displayed in his selection. Still in the prime of life, of great mental and physical vigor. Judge Hardeman has before him a brilliant career, and a devoted people only await his consent to bestow additional honors on him. Judge Hardeman resides in a palatial mansion on the heights in Vineville, a beautiful suburb of Macon. His home is graced by a lovely wife, a lady of most elegant and entertaining manners. One child has blessed their union — ^young Tom Hardeman, who is just budding into manhood, who bears the name of his distinguished grandfather, and is the pride of his parents. Many are the distinguished guests who have enjoyed the hospitality of this home. Verily the lines of this favored son of fortune seem to have fallen in pleasant places. But those who have watched his career know best that his eminent success in life is largely due to his untiring energy, his high sense of honor, as well as other noble traits of character. Generous, chivalrous, manly — a truly typical southern gentleman is he — possessing qualities of head and heart that bind his friends to him as with hooks of steel. No wonder that he is successful in the varied paths to which the versatility of his genius has borne him. Well versed in matters military, an able lawyer and jurist, learned in statesmanship, his life of success affords an example for the rising generation. "Colonel Hardeman was always a generous antagonist, just, courteous, fair and honorable, scoring no underhanded advantage, and dealing nothing but legitimate blows. Such a man as this candid and lofty gentleman made politics honorable and elevated public agitations. The truth is that Tom Hardeman, as he is familiarly called, is the type of truth, correctness and fidelity, and has been a true representa- 340 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. tive of our best Georgia manhood ; and he never made a poor or an uninteresting speech in his Hfe." (Avery's History of Georgia). ynOMAS HARDEMAN, JR.,,as he was popularly known (his real name being John Thomas), was born in Putnam county, (ja., Jan. 12, 1825, at what is kno-Wn as the Brooks place, a few miles from Eatonton. His Hardeman ancestors were Welsh and settled in Virginia. Three brothers spread from these. Thomas Hardeman followed Daniel Boone into Kentucky, Hardeman county, Tenn., being named for him. Isaac Hardeman went west, and was one of the defenders of the Alamo, Hardeman county, Tex., being named for him; the Confederate general, W. P. Hardeman, was a son of this one. The other brother, John, came to Georgia and settled in Jackson county, in the part which afterward became Oglethorpe. This John, the grandfather of the subject of our sketch, was one of the earliest clerks of the superior court of Oglethorpe county. He was the father of one daughter and five sons: Thomas; Jack, who moved to Mississippi; Robert V., a state senator in 1845 from Jones county and twice judge of the superior court of the Ocmulgee circuit; Benj. Franklin, state senator from Oglethorpe in 185 1, and twice solicitor-general of the northern circuit; and Isaac, who died in childhood. Thomas Hardeman, Sr., was born in April, 1797, in Oglethorpe county. He was married Oct. 16, 1821, to Sarah Blewett Sparks, they being the parents of Thomas Hardeman, Jr., and also of Robert UHa Hardeman, the present state treasurer, who has held his position since 1884, having opposition in his own party only once. Faithful and pure, Robt U. has more warm personal friends than any man in the state. They lived for many years in Putnam, Thos. Harde man, Sr., being several times sheriff of that county, a position he resigned rather than execute a negro that had been sentenced to be hanged, and afterward became clerk of the superior court In 1832 they moved to Macon, soon settling in Vineville. I'I Thos. Hardeman, Jr., was graduated at Emoi-y college in 1845. Beside lead ing in his literary society he stood high in the class of that year, which has long been considered the banner class of the institution. He studied law at Clinton under his uncle, Robert V. Hardeman, and was there admitted to the bar April 20, 1847, Judge James A. Meriwether presiding. He was defeated for solicitor- general of the Flint circuit in November, 1847, by R. W. McCune, who was then the incumbent. This so discouraged him that he soon abandoned the pro fession of law and turned his attention to the business of a commission merchant which he followed almost uninterruptedly up to his death. In 1846 he had an assistant's position in the clerical department of the house of representatives, to which he was re-appointed in 1849 and 1851. In 1853 he first entered political life "with the following announcement: "To the Citizens of Bibb County: — The time for selecting those who shall represent you in the state legislature is rapidly approaching, and at the solicitation of many friends of both political parties, I offer myself as a candidate for your support. Questions involving the future interest of our city, and thereby of our county, will command the attention of our next general assembly, and with a view of advancing that interest, independent of party obligations and caucus requirements, I have been induced to offer myself a candidate to represent you, pledging myself, if elected, to represent yx>ur interests independent of such obliga tions." He was a whig, and though the parties were evenly divided in Bibb county, in the election he led all competitors by seventy-five votes over the leading ' S., George, Lizzie, Ella, Harriet and Leila. Mrs. Parker is a member of the Protestant Methodist church, and Mr. Parker is worthily held in esteem by the community in which he lives. y^ ILLIAM H. MALONE, merchant, VHla Rica, CarroH Co., Ga., son of J. D. and Mary (Hale) Malone, was born in Atlanta, Ga., in 1858. His patemal grandparents 'were Jones and Lucy (Dumas) Malone, his grandmother Dumas being a Huguenot refugee. Mr. Malone's father was bom in Union district, S. C, in 181 1. He was educated at the Presbyterian coHege at MarysvHle, Tenn., and came to Georgia and settled in Atlanta in 1852. He engaged in merchandizing and continued in business until Gen. Sherman entered the city in 1864. He was then sent a prisoner to Cambridge City, Ind., where he remained until after the surrender, when he came back to a farm he had in Cobb, county, Ga. Soon after that he re-entered business in Atlanta, but in 1869 he had the misfortune to be bumed out, and returned to his farm. Subsequently he went to ViHa Rica, where he died in 1887. He was a local preacher in the Methodist church, an active worker and a Hberal contributor to all movements having in view the advancement of the church and the progress and upbuHding of the city. It was a genuine pleasure to him to be helpful to others, especially the poor, and many are the deeds, agree ments and wills on record in Fulton county written by him. A true man and a sincere Christian, he lived beloved and died regretted. On his mother's side Mr W. H. Malone traces his ancestry far back and through prominent family lines. The great-great-grandfather, George Hale, came from England to America with Lord Baltimore. George, a descendant of his, was a soldier during the revolutionary war, and married a Miss Nancy Grant, who was a Scotch refugee. Alexander Hale, their son and Mrs. Malone's grand father, was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1768, and some time not long afterward his parents migrated direct to territory since erected into the state of Tennessee, and settied in what is now Blount county. John B. Hale, Mrs. Malone's father, son of Alexander and Sarah (BilHngslea) Hale, was born in Washington county, 436 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Tenn., and married Miss Jane McClung, daughter of WilHam and Euphemia (Cunningham) McClung. The families of her parents were early settlers, and prominent in Savannah, Ga., in social and commercial circles. Early in the his tory of Tennessee her parents moved to that state, and the house they lived in is still standing. Hon. J. C. Hale, Mrs. Malone's brother, is an ex-state senator of Tennessee, and now holds a very important position under the government at Washington. Mr. Malone was reared in Atlanta, where he received a good education, and afterward took an eclectic course at the university of Georgia. At the age of eighteen he began teaching, and taught as many as six different schools in diff'erent places. A part of the time he taught in Forsyth county, where he read law and was admitted to the bar and practiced four years. He taught school in VHla Rica three years. When his father died, 1887, he abandoned all other pursuits and assumed control of his estate, in the management of which he has been pre-eminently successful, and has become the leading merchant and citi zen of that part of the county. He took great interest in the establishment of a high grade school in Villa Rica and was instrumental in the accomplishment of the object. He was elected president of thie board of directors, and occupies that position to-day. Every movement inaugurated for advancing the interests of Villa Rica has had his support and substantial aid, and he contributes liberally to all church and moral enterprises. In 1894 he reluctantly consented to become a can didate for the general assembly, and received 975 out of about 1,200 votes, although for competitors he had two of the best citizens of the county. As he lives in an extreme corner of the county the result is a very significant compliment Mr. Malone was married in 1884 to Miss Mary A. Knox, born and reared in Forsyth county, Ga., daughter of Dr. J. R. and Martha (McAfee) Knox. Her parents on both sides are among the best known and most influential families in Cherokee county, Ga. To this happy union three chHdren have been born: Robert K., William H., and Ralph G. Mr and Mrs. Malone are active and prominent members of the Methodist church, and Mr. Malone is a member of the masonic fraternity. In view of his age and what he has already attained to in general popularity, in his standing in the commercial world and in the political field, it is safe to predict for him wealth, influence and political honors — prosperity and usefulness. p F. PRITCHETT, merchant, Villa Rica, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Robert and Anna Eliza (Alexander) Pritchett, was born in Virginia in 1849. His grand father, Joshua Pritchett, was of French descent, born in Virginia, and of con siderable local influence. His father was a native of Virginia and a manufacturer of tobacco, a business which he followed with success and profit untH 1856, when he came to Georgia and settled on a farm, where he remained until he died. His maternal grandparents, Frank and Nancy (Bell) Alexander, were natives of New ton, S. C, whence they went to Mobile. There he engaged in business, and was also agent for the bay boats many years. Subsequently he was appointed to a position in the custom house vv'hich he held until he was seventy-five years old, when he retired and located on the bay, finishing his days there. He lived in Mobile and on the bay about fifty years, and bought his land from the French. Mr. Pritchett was reared mostly in Georgia, and received but a limited education.. He was too young to enter the army during the war, but he served in what was known as the home guard. He went into business in Villa Rica and soon, by assiduous attention and energy, established a large and profitable trade. In 1882 he buHt one of the largest and best business houses in the little city, and in 1888 formed a partnership with W. H. and G. B. Malone, and has established the best paying business of any person or firm ih that part of the state. Mr. Pritchett is a. CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHES. 437 thoroughbred, thorough-going business man of the strictest integrity, possessing the unusual confidence of the people; while Mr. Malone is a young man of irre proachable character and remarkable business and financial abHity. Mr. Pritchett was married in 1881 to Miss Lucy J. Malone, born and reared in CarroH county, daughter of Jerry D. and Mary (Hale) Malone, by whom he has had four children: Karl, Robert H., Florence, and Mary E. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchett are active mem bers of the Presbyterian church. JJENRY W. REID, farmer, Mandeville, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Robert and Lucinda (Chandler) Reid, was born in CarroH county in 1841. His paternal grandfather, Henry Reid, was a native of South Carolina, and migrated to Georgia about 1820. His father was born in South CaroHna in 1806, and came with his parents to Georgia. They settled in Gwinnett county, and he remained with them until he was eighteen years of age, when he went to Franklin county, Ga. Sub sequently he removed to Carroll county, settled in the woods and made his log cabin home where the subject of this sketch now lives. He was a soldier in the Florida Indian war. Mr. Reid's maternal grandparents, Wyatt and Mary B. (Liner) Chandler, were natives of North Carolina. Mr. Chandler was a soldier in -the war of 1812, removed to Georgia and settled in the woods in Carroll county early in its his tory, his nearest neighbors being seven miles away. Mr. Reid was reared on the farm where he now lives, and was educated at the common schools of the county. In 1862 he enlisted in Company H (Capt Parrish), Fifty-sixth Georgia regiment, but he remained only a short time — as his father was taken seriously sick, and he, being the only child, came home and remained with him until his recovery — send ing a substitute to take his place in the army. In 1863 he enlisted in a state battalion, in which he served six months, and then re-entered the regular service, enlisting in Company E, Capt Shuford, First Georgia cavalry, and served until the surrender. He joined the army at Resaca, under Gen. Johnston, and saw much very hard service between there and Atlanta. On one occasion a comrade near him was shot through the head and some of the blood and brains flew on him, leaving stains which remained until the clothing was worn out. A wife and two children and an old cavalry horse were the sum total of his possessions at the close of the war. But with a light heart and a strong will he went to work to regain lost ground, and now he has a well-improved farm of 500 acres and a comforable home. Mr Reid was married Dec. 20, i860, to Miss Nancy C. — born in Meriwether county, Ga. — daughter of James G. and Sisley (Hammock) Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. Reid have had thirteen chHdren born to them, of whom James R., Charles J., Henry M., Martha P., Sallie A., John T., Nancy I., George W., Amanda, Elijah, and Irene J. are living, and Lucinda and WHliam R. are dead. Husband and v/ife are members of the Primitive Baptist church, and no citizens of the county are more highly esteemed than they. A LBERT C. ROBINSON, merchant and farmer, Carrollton, CarroH Co., Ga., son of John W. and Mary M. (Burrow) Robinson, was born in 1856. His grandfather, John Robinson, was a native of Virginia, whence he removed to North Carolina, and subsequently to Georgia and settled in the woods in CarroH county, near where the subject of this sketch now fives. Mr Robinson's father was born in North Carolina in 1827 and came with his parents to Georgia when a small boy. His mother was a daughter of William and EHza (Bradbury) Bur row, who were among the earliest settlers in that part of the state. His father enHsted in 1861 and remained in the service until the surrender. Mr. Robinson was reared on the farm and in consequence of the war, which was at its fiercest 438 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. when he was of school age, his education was limited. But he was endowed with pluck arid perseverance, and enterprise and energy, and was also possessed of a thorough-going disposition, which h.ave told wonderfully on his prosperity. He first began business at Shiloh, but last year he removed his business to his farm near that place. When he was married he was not worth a dollar; now he has a fine, large farm, and is doing a large and increasing mercantile business. Mr. Robinson was married in 1879 to Miss Mary M. Arthur, daughter of Kabus and Ann (Barnes) Arthur, who were among the earliest settlers of Marion county, Ga. Mr. Arthur lost his life during the late war. Seven children have blessed this union: Emory C, WHHam M., Zella V., Luther L., Verdie E., Lizzie M. and Minnie Pearl. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are members of the M. E. church. He is one of the rising young men of Carroll county with a bright future. A/l ARTIN ROOP, deceased, one of the earHest settlers, and when living, a very prominent citizen of Carroll county, was the son of John and Phoebe (Pilcher) Roop, native South Carolinians, and was bom in South Carolina in 1810. He attended and received his education at the old field school. In 1845 he migrated from South Carolina to Georgia (nine days on the road by wagon) and settled in Jackson county. At the end of a year he bought a piece of cleared land, on which he lived four years, and then removed to Coweta county, and cleared a part of the tract for a farm. When he made this change his wife rode nearly all the way on horseback. After remaining here four years he removed to Carroll county and settled where the flourishing town of Roopville, named in honor of his son, John K. Roop, now stands. There was not a stick amiss. To many it will sound odd to relate that when Mr. Roop settled in Carroll county, his family made use of the now unknown (and almost forgotten) peyvter dishes, and that Mrs. Roop carded, spun and wove the cotton and wool into cloth, and then made the clothing for the family. During the war all the time that could be spared from household duties she employed in providing socks and clothing for the soldiers. Mr. Roop himself was exempt by law from going into the army. Mr. Roop was married in 1839 to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham and Lucy (Bradford) King, South Carolinians, by whom he had ten children: John K., "William W., Robert H., Benjamin J., Thomas M., Henry O., James G., Sarah Ehzabeth, Savannah and George W. Mr. Roop was made a master Mason dur ing the war and himself and wife were members of the Missionary Baptist church. The family have been, and is yet, one of prominence and influence, and enjoy the confidence and esteem of the people. JOHN K. ROOP, leading merchant, Roopville, CarroH Co., Ga., was born in Union district. South Carolina, Oct. 20, 1839. He was reared on a farm, and what schooling he had was obtained at the common country schools of that period. When grown he taught school some himself. In 1861, when the civil war reached the fighting point, he enlisted for six months in Company D (Capt. J. R. Thomason), First Georgia regiment, and at the end of that time he enlisted in a cavalry company in PhiHips' Legion, and remained in the service until the surrender. While in the service he did a great deal of scouting, not withstanding which he participated in many of the hardest-fought battles of the war, among them: Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Culpeper court house. Mine Run, etc. He was also a considerable time with Gen. "Wade Hamp ton. As was the case with many thousands he came out of the war without anything but its sad experience, and entered upon the work of reconstruction in CarroH county. In 1880 he opened a store, building the first house on the spot; CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHES. 439 established a niHl in 1874 and has succeeded in securing a large and profitable trade. Population increased, and a post-office being wanted one was estab lished in 1881 and named "Roopville," for the founder of the embryo town. He served as justice of the peace at RoopviHe for eight years, and when the board of county commissioners was organized in 1886 he was elected a member and continued in office six years, until 1892. He has been soHcited to become a candidate for the general assembly, but has always refused, as he craved no poHtical honors. Mr Roop was married in 1872 to Miss EHza Moore (born in Henry county), daughter of W. H. and Sarah (Barnes) Moore, natives of Georgia. Fler grandfather, Joshua Moore, was an early settier in Henry county. Mr. and Mrs. Roop have had born to them five chHdren: Nora L., wife of Dr. B. J. Veal; Henry A., Charles C, Bessie and Fannie. Mr. Roop was a prominent member of the Farmers' aHiance and president of the Carroll county organization. He is a master Mason, and has been worshipful master of his lodge many years. He and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist church. Beginning with nothing at the close of the war, he has become the leading merchant in his part of the county; has acquired some two thousand acres of fine land, and is recognized as one of the most influential citizens of Carroll county. .Q EORGE W. ROOP, merchant, RoopviHe, CarroH Co., Ga., son of Martin and Elizabeth Roop, was born on a farm where Roopville now stands. Sept 25, 1858. He was educated at the common country schools, and after completing his education, he in 1880 engaged in a general merchandise business in Carroll ton with profitable results. Two years later he went "down the river," where he remained two years, still prospering and then returned to his old home, Roop viHe, where he is in business to-day. He started on $200 given him by his father, which he has used with such superior judgment as to place him on the high road to fortune. He has now a large store-house and stock, a large and profitable trade and a fine home, his store and dwelling, the result of his own supervision and contributed labor. He stands high as a business man of capacity and in tegrity, and takes a great interest in all movements promotive of the advancement of his community, to which he gives liberal financial encouragement. Mr. Roop was married in 1880 to Miss EHza Almon (born in Heard county, Ga.), daughter of Zachariah and Antoinette (Babb) Almon, by whom he has four children: Major C, Quanah Parker, WHliam and Addie. Mr and Mrs. Roop are members of the Baptist church, and Mr. Roop is a master Mason. M OSES R. RUSSELL, superintendent of county schools, Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Harris and Leah (Steed) Russell, was born in Coweta county, Ga., in 1835. His grandparents, Gabriel and Patsey (Bell) Russell, planters, were born and lived and died in North Carolina. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died at the age of sixty-six years. His wife lived to be ninety-two years of age. Mr. Russell's parents were born in North CaroHna, migrated to Georgia in a wagon in 1833, and settled in the woods in Coweta county; occupied a dirt floor log cabin which a brother who had come to Georgia built for them a year or two before. Mr. Russell's mother was the daughter of Sarah (Harris) Steed, born in North CaroHna, whose ancestors were among the pioneers of that state. Mr. RusseH was reared on the plantation and was educated in a dirt floor log cabin school-house, with its big fire-place and dirt and stick chimney, and its square holes cut through the logs to let the Hght in. He rather gleefully relates the following incident of his boyhood days : When fourteen years old a brother was married. Until then he had worn only the "regulation" copperas-colored 440 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. clothes, but his mother, wishing him to make as impressive an appearance as possible on so important an occasion, bought some blue cottonade goods costing about seventy-five cents, and made him a suit which excited the admiration of the girls and the envy of his boy schoolmates. When eighteen years of age he left home and went to Alabama, where he remained for twelve years, then returned to Georgia and settled in Carroll county on the farm where he now lives. He taught school several years and then merchandised at Lineville, Ala., about two years, after which he engaged in farming. In 1862 he enlisted in Company D, Capt. Hester, Seventeenth Alabama regiment. Col. Johnson, and was stationed at Mobile about eighteen months. Becoming disabled by sickness he returned home and sent a substitute. But in 1864 he enlisted in Company B, De Armand's battalion, with which he remained and helped to fire the last cannon of the war 'at Silver run, Talladega county, Ala., eight days after Gen. Lee's surrender, which killed thirteen Yankees. The Yankees afterward captured the gun and brought it to Georgia, and within a quarter of a mile of where Mr. Russell now lives they loaded it, then piled rails on it, which they set #re to, and when the cannon ex ploded it shot over the house in which he lives. He has been superintendent of county schools ten years, a member of the board of education seventeen years, of which he was president five years, and has been county commissioner eleven years; he has been on the executive committee of the State Agricultural society thirteen years, and one of the managers of the state fairs six years. In 1857 Mr. Russell was married to Miss Fannie Bell (born in Coweta county), daughter of Sylvanus and Betsey (Stripe) Bell. Pier parents were descendants of some of the first Scotch emigrants to North Carolina. Six chHdren were the offspring of this union: Elizabeth, George B., Josephine, Robert L., Marvin E. and Katie. This wife, who was a devout member of the Methodist church, died April 23, 1873. ^''- Russell celebrated his second marriage, with Miss Elizabeth L. Brown, Oct. 7, 1873. Her parents, Franklin and Agnes (Stripe) Brown, were natives of North Carolina, but she was born in Coweta county. By this marriage he had seven children born to him: James H., Lula, Annie, Buena Vista, Frank, Hugh B. and Grover C. Mr. Russell is a member of the I. O. O. F. and in ' Masonry a royal and select master. Himself and wife are active and infiuential members of the Methodist church. The many important and responsible county and state agriculture offices Mr. Russell holds show in what estimation his fellow-citizens hold him, while in local social standing himself and family rank among the highest p FRANK SIKES, farmer. Villa Rica, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Dariing and Sarah (Cochran) Sikes, was born in Baker county, Ga., in 1853. His parents were born in North CaroHna, and migrated by wagon and on horseback to Georgia and settled in the woods in Baker county in 1851. There he had cleared a farm and had just got well settled when the "unpleasantness" was precipitated. In 1861 he enlisted in Capt. Kendricks' company. Fifty-first Georgia regiment, and was . in the service nearly four years, and most of the time was "one of Stonewall Jackson's men,'' and was in the battle and under the command of that distinguished officer when he was killed. Mr. Sikes was a sharpshooter, and was killed at the battle of the Wilderness. He was always a farmer, and was a con sistent member of the Baptist church. His mother was a daughter of Eli and Mary (Griffin) Cochran, also CaroHnians, who came to Georgia and settled in Baker county about the time Mr. Sikes' family came. They, also, were members of the Baptist church. Mr. Sikes was reared in Baker county, received but little education, came to Carroll county when only sixteen years of age, and settled CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHES. 44I where* he now lives. He had nothing but good health, pluck and self-reliance to start with, but was a live, wide-awake farmer, worked hard, and lived and managed closely, and now has a large enough farm, well improved, a two-story dwelHng, and a good substantial barn and out-buildings. Mr. Sikes was married in 1875 to Miss Virginia Green — born and reared in Carroll county — daughter of Alexander and Eliza (Chappel) Green, by whom he has had three children: Walter C, Anna B., and Lois G. Mr. and Mrs. Sikes are members of the Mis sionary Baptist church, and enjoy in the highest degree the respect and esteem of their friends and neighbors. ^BNER A. SIMONTON, miller and cotton gin operator, Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Albert and Mary (Reed) Simonton, was born in Alabama in 1849. His paternal grandparents, Abner and Nancy (Bailey) Simonton, were of Scotch-Irish ancestry and came to America before the revolutionary war. They first settled in Virginia, then moved to North Carolina, and finally, in 1805, came to Georgia in ox carts, and settled in the woods in Greene county — encountering and suffering all the dangers incident to pioneer life. His maternal grandparents, James and Rebecca (Duke) Reed, were also early settlers. Mr. Reed was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Simonton's father was born in Greene county in 1809, and died in 1859. Mr. Simonton was partly educated in the "old field" log school house, common in that day, with its dirt floor, slab seats, great fireplace in a chimney built of sticks and stiff mud, and square holes cut through the sides to let in the light. He began life after the war without a dollar, but full of energy and enterprise, and went to work to make a living and a com petency. In 1873 he had the courage to go heavily in debt for an outfit for a corn mill, cotton gin and saw mHl. To the corn mill machinery were added mills for making flour. His energy and determination were exemplified by his working in his mills, sawing lumber, grinding and ginning, oftentimes far into the night. His financially independent circumstances to-day amply attest his success. Besides his beautiful home in the outskirts of Carrollton, surrounded by a fine tract of land, he has a large plantation on the river, with fine water power, where his mills are located. More than sixty years ago this power was utilized. In Sep tember, 1830, corn miH machinery was put in operation here, and ground corn for the Indians; and in 1848 machinery for grinding wheat was added. With the ravages of war these went down, but the energy and progressive spirit of Mr. Simonton have replaced them — ^the machinery improved and increased. In 1887 he had the misfortune to have his dwelling, tenement houses and out-houses — all except his mills, miller's house and smithy — destroyed by a cyclone, but they have all been restored, and he now rejoices in being in better condition than ever before, and proudly contemplates and enjoys the reward of his enter prise and labor Mr Simonton was married in 1878 to Miss Margaret Johnston, born in Catoosa county, Ga., in 1850, daughter of "William H. and Susan (Adams) Johnston, who came to Georgia from North Carolina. Five children have blessed this union: Cora M., Susan R., Albert A., Margaret E., and WiHiam J. Mr. Johnston, Mrs. Simonton's father, came to Catoosa county in October, 1846, as a pioneer Presbyterian minister, having consecrated himself to the Master's cause. Mr. Simonton is a master Mason and himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. J3 A. SHARP, cotton broker and guano dealer Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Andrew and Martha (Elliott) Sharp, was born in Alabama in 1840. His father, son of John Sharp, was born in the emerald isle, and came to the 442 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. United States in 1818. He stopped in South Carolina a short time, and then, when about fifteen years of age, came to Georgia in an old-fashioned block-wheel cart, in which he afterward made many trips to South Carolina and back. He came as a teacher and followed that calling for many years. Mr. Sharp's mother, born in South Carolina, was a daughter of John Elliott, a soldier in the war of 1812, came from South Carolina to Georgia about 1835, lived in that state a few years, and then moved to Alabama, where her parents passed their lives. Mr. Sharp was reared on a farm in Alabama, and was educated in the historic log cabin school house. Thus equipped, he "opened school" himself, and was making a satisfactory record when the civil war broke out and he enlisted in 1861 in Company K (Capt. E. B. Smith), Thirteenth Alabama regiment (Maj. Marks, Col. B. D. Fry), which was assigned to the command of Gen. Raines. Among other engagements, he participated in the foHowing important battles: WilHams- burg. Seven Pines, and Richmond, and others in northern Virginia, was at Appomattox at the surrender, and -walked all the way from there to Washington, Ga. He now began life in earnest, without a dollar, farming on shares. He was industrious, saving, successful, and now has a choice 365-acre farm in the county, and an interest in forty acres close to — partly inside — the corporate limits of Carrollton. He is engaged also in buying cotton and selling guano. He served four years satisfactorily as county commissioner. Mr. Sharp was married in Alabama in 1866 to Aphra A., daughter of Asa W. and Eliza Roundtree. To them four children have been born: Emmett A., Belle, Leila, and Bertram. Mr Sharp is a member of the Farmers' alliance, a Knight of Honor, a member of the I. O. O. F., and a Royal Arch Mason. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. No citizen is more esteemed than he for business capacity and integrity, and no family enjoys a more enviable social position than his. pDWIN R. SHARPE, editor and proprietor of the "Free Press," Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son -of WHliam O. and Susannah (Harrell) Sharpe, was born in Chambers county, Ala., in 1841. His great-grandfather on his fatheris side. Rev. Thomas Reese, was a noted Presbyterian clergyman, and one of the signers of the Mecklenburg declaration. His paternal grandparents, Elam and Elizabeth (Miller) Sharpe, were natives of North Carolina, but moved to Pendleton, S. C, at an early age, where they lived and died. His father was born in South Carolina in 1819, and lived, in boyhood, in the same town with the great South Carolina statesman, Calhoun. When about seventeen years of age he left his South Car olina home and went to West Point, Ga., in Troup county, where he engaged as a clerk in a store, and later went into business with Dr. J. A. Cherry, in which he remained several years. After his marriage, his wife's father having given him a fine tract, 600 acres, of land in "MiHer's Bend," he engaged in farming. He was an enthusiastic and active politician, but would never accept an office. His great-grandfather on his mother's side. Miller, was born in Wales, was exiled on account of some publication in London, and came to South Carolina and published the first newspaper issued in the state, the "Pen dleton Messenger." Mr. Sharpe's maternal grandparents were Samuel and Susannah (Heath) Harrell, he being a native North CaroHnian. Mr. Sharpe was reared in Chambers county, Ala., and received his early education in the common schools of the day. He then went to a college in Tennessee, to prepare for entering the state university of Virginia, but in about a year the war began, and he quit college and joined the state troops. Soon after he enlisted in the Fourth Georgia regiment, Gen. Dole's brigade, and served through the war, CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHES. 443 a long time as sergeant. He was in many hotly contested, fiercely fought battles, and was severely wounded in the battle of the Wilderness on the skirmish line at Charlestown, W. Va., each tiriie in the leg, the last time receiving three separate wounds, and was temporarily disabled for active service. After the war he went to West Point, Ga., where he taught school three years, when he and Judge Longley began the pubHcation of the,West Point "Shield," and continued it untH 1871. Mr. Sharpe then came to Carrolfton, where he established the "Carroll County Times," and published it untH 1882, when he sold it He then went to Texas, but soon returned, and in 1883 established the "Free Press," which he has continued to publish with financial success. In addition to the paper he has profitably con ducted a farming interest. In 1888 he was elected to represent his senatorial district in the general assembly, and in 1890 he was elected to represent the county in the same body. That he served his constituency faithfully and well is evidenced by his election in 1894 to represent his senatorial district again. In 1868 Mr. Sharpe was married to Miss Annie E., daughter of H. H. and Eliza Greene, an old Georgia family of Greene county, said to be related to Gen. Nathaniel Greene. To them eight chHdren have been born : Edwin, Annie, Robert L., HamHton H., Lucy E., WilHam O., Elam H., and Marcus L. He is a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Presb}fterian church, in which he has been an elder since he was twenty-six years of age. He is progressive, "a man of affairs," and deservedly popular and influential. ¦^Y ILLIAM M. SPENCE, farmer, Carrollton, CarroH Co., Ga., son of Hiram and Angeline (Cheney) Spence, was born in Morgan county, Ga., in 1845. His paternal grandparents, George and Mary (Knight) Spence, were born in Maryland, came to Georgia in ox-carts in 1798 and settled in the woods in what is now Morgan county. He was a delegate to the secession convention, served many years as a justice of the peace and lived to be a very old man. Mr. Spence's parents were born in Morgan county, his father in 1821, and removed to Carroll county in 1847, settling in the woods and clearing for a farm the place where Mr. Spence now fives. He was a justice of the peace many years. Dur ing the war he served in the state militia and participated in the defense of Atlanta. Both parents were members of the Primitive Baptist church and were much esteemed by their neighbors. The parents of his mother, Thomas and Lucy Cheney, were born in Maryland and came to Georgia in 1798. They ranked among the best people in every respect. Mr. Spence was reared on the farm where he now lives, and taught by his mother, he learned his A B C's out of the old family bible. Then he attended school in a log cabin in the woods, with dirt floor, seats made of slabs and the chimney of sticks and mud, with square holes cut through the sides for windows. " In March, 1864, he enlisted in Company K, Second Georgia regiment, known as state line troops, and after the Confed erate army entered Georgia, served under Gens. Johnston and Hood. After the war he resumed farming, at which he has prospered and placed himself in com fortable circumstances. Mr. Spence was married in 1868 to Miss Delphia McPhearson (born in Carroll county), daughter of Elijah and Sarah McPhear- son, who migrated from Tennessee to Georgia and were among the early settlers of the county. To him nine children have been born: Leon, Ella, Ida, Cora, WiHiam, Newton, Albert, Mary and Ivey. Mr. Spence is regarded as one of the county's most substantial and reliable citizens, and is highly respected by all who know him. Mrs. Spence is a member of the Primitive Baptist church. 444 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. pjENRY H. STRICKLAND, farmer, Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of John M. and Sarah (Knight) Strickland, was born in Coweta county in 1842. His father was born in Butts county, Ga., in 181 1, and his mother was a daughter of John Knight Mr. Strickland was reared on the farm and received a good common-school education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B (Capt, after ward Col. Ector) Thirteenth Georgia regiment, and was first in Gen. Lawton's brigade, then in Gen. J. B. Gordon's and lastly in Gen. Clement A. Evans'. He was with Gen. Evans when the following incident occurred: Gen. Evans received an order from Gen. Lee to assault and capture a certain position, but afterward, believing it too hazardous, Gen. Lee countermanded the order. When (jen. Evans received the first order he made the assault and received the counter order in the captured position. Mr. Strickland was in the battles at Cotton hill, Martinsburg, "Winchester, Cedar run, the seven days' fight, Spottsylvania court house, Sharpsburg and second Manassas, and in innumerable skirmishes in the valley, at one thirty days of almost continuous fighting. He was wounded three times — at Sharpsburg, Cedar run and second Manassas — one wound disabling him for nearly three months, but he escaped capture. After the war he attended Bowdon college two years and a half, afterward taught school three years and then engaged in farming, at which he has prospered, owns a fine landed estate, including a farm and property in Bowdon. Mr. Strickland was married in 1871 to Miss Mary E. Camp, born in Coweta county, daughter of G. W. and Mary A. (Colbert) Camp, and to them ten children have been born : Maud, George, Henry, John, Sallie, Lillian, Colbert, Lee, Warner and Katie. Mr. and Mrs. Strickland and all of their children save Sallie, are members of the Methodist Episcopal church south, and Mr. Strickland is a Master Mason. He has honestly obtained the high estimation in which he is held. JAMES R. THOMASON, physician and surgeon, Mabry, CarroH Co., Ga., son of Bartlett and Mary (Thomason) Thomason, was born in Newton county, Ga., in 1826. His great-grandfather, William Thomason, was born in Ireland and came to America before the revolutionary war and was a soldier in the patriot army. His grandfather, William Thomason, was born in Virginia, whence he migrated to South Carolina. His grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812. His parents were born in AbbeviHe district. South Carolina, and came to Georgia and settled in the woods of what is now Walton county, in 1816. They came in a borrowed ox-cart, and when they reached their destination their "goods and chattels" were disposed under a large tree and their friend took his departure. Pie and his wife then cleared an "opening" and began to farm, their principal food being corn and wild game. After enjoying this luxurious Hfe a few years they moved into what is now Newton county, where his father bought his first land and cleared a farm. In addition to farming he practiced as a botanic doctor in the neighborhood for a number of years. He also "exercised" as a Methodist exhorter, and on many occasions in his early life he went to his "ap pointments" on foot and barefooted, and barefooted stood and delivered his message. When he was married it was in a home-spun and wove home-made suit of white cotton cloth; it knew no dye pot. Dr Thomason's grandfather on his mother's side, John Thomason, was a native of Soutli Carolina and settled in what is now Newton county, early in the century. Dr. Thomason was reared on his father's farm and received his education in the primitive, oft described dirt floor log school-house, with its puncheon seats and mud and stick chimney. In 1844 he deterriiined to be a doctor and began to study, he at the time being a clerk in a store wherQ^a doctor had an office, who gave him the privilege of using CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHE.S. 445 his books. In 1848 he went to his brother's in Coweta county, who became his preceptor. In 1849-50 he attended the medical college of Georgia at Augusta, and in 1850 located in CarroH -county, remaining there three years; then removed to where he now lives. In i860 he attended the Atlanta Medical college, and graduating just as the war begun, tendered his services to the Confederate army, which were rejected. He next made up a company and went to the army, but was sent home, not participating in a single battle. He managed, however, to serve awhile at one time during the war as captain of a militia company. After the war he resumed his practice, which he has continued since. In 1870 he was elected to represent his county in the general assembly and was re-elected in 1872, serving two terms. Dr. Thomason was married May 2, 1852, to Miss Maria L., born in Hancock county, Ga., in 1832, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Harris) Colbert, who moved to Coweta county in 1838. Her father was a Methodist preacher, born in Georgia in 1796, and was a son of John and Elizabeth Colbert. Mrs. Thomason's mother, born in .South Carohna in 1806, was a daughter of Thomas and Martha Harris. To Dr. and Mrs. Thomason six children have been born: James H., Francis G., Walter C, Ben jamin B., John M. and Joseph R. Dr. Thomason is a member of the I. O. O. F. and has been a Master Mason since 1850. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist church, and he has been an ordained preacher since 1854. He is a popular and useful citizen and is very much liked by the community in which he lives. r\ N. TILLMAN, farmer, Carrollton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Asa and Marinda (Sparks) Tillman, was born in Fayette county, Ga., in 1835. His father was born in South Carolina, and while yet a youth ran away from home. He went into the army during the war of 1812 as a substitute for a man named Felix Simonton and served through the war. In after life he drew a pension for this service. Mr. Tillman's maternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth (Small) Sparks, were natives of Ireland, who came to Georgia early in this century and were among the pioneer settlers of Newton county. Mr. Tillman was reared on a farm in Carroll county and went to school in all his Hfe only six days. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F (Capt Curtis), Nineteenth Georgia regiment, which was first as.signed to Gen. Hampton's command, afterward to that of Gen. J. J. Archer and finaHy to Gen. Colquitts brigade, in which he remained until the surrender. He participated in quite a number of battles, some of them the most important fought during the war. He was at Seven Pines, May 30 and June I, 1862, and in the seven days' fight around Richmond, commencing June 26, 1862, and was wounded in the right breast by a ball near Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862. He was at Antietam, Sept 17, 1862; at Mecklenburg, Dec. 13, 1862, where he was wounded in the left hand; Chancellorsville, May i, 1863; Kings ton, N. C; siege of Charleston, Morris Island; Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864, where he was wounded across right arm; Bentonville, N. C, and the siege of Petersburg, June 18, 1864, where he v/as wounded in the right leg by a piece of shell. He was in every battie in which his command was engaged except when temporarily disabled by wounds. He rendered good and faithful service in the ranks throughout the war. The war being over he returned to CarroH county and engaged in farming, and although he had to start on nothing but good health, a strong wHl and a determined spirit, he has a good, weH-improved farm and comfortable home. Except serving eight years as justice of the peace, he has devoted all his time and energies to his farm, which he manages on the progressive principles of the day. Mr. Tillman was married in 1865 to Miss 446 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Mary A. McPherson, born and reared in Carroll county, daughter of Elijah and Sarah McPherson, early settlers of Carroll county, coming in 1829. To them five children were born: Amanda, Charles N., Henry, Dora and Daniel. Mrs. TiH- man, who was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, died in 1885. Oct. 20, 1885, Mr. Tillman contracted a second marriage with Miss Nancy J. Adams, born in Carroll county, slaughter of Robert and Martha A. (Jones) Adams, early set tlers of Coweta county. This marriage has been blessed with three children: Samuel, Robert W. and John. Mr. and Mrs. THlman are members of the Primi tive Baptist church, and their unostentatious worth commands the general respect and esteem of all who know them. J^THOMAS TOLBERT, farmer and retired stock-tiader. Villa Rica, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Roland A. and Elizabeth (Tolbert) Tolbert, was born in Villa Rica in 1836. His paternal great-grandparents, Thomas and Judia (Reeves) Tolbert, were natives of Ireland, camel to America in the last half of the last century and settled in North Carolina. He cleared and cultivated a farm, and also engaged in gold-digging. He was a consistent member of the Methodist church. Mr Tolbert's father was born in North Carolina, July 3, 1799, and is now alive and in good health at the home of the subject of this sketch. His educational advantages were meager, as he had to work hard and long and late on the farm. He came to Georgia and settled in Madison county in 1827; but in 1832 came to Villa Rica to work the gold mines. He continued this until 1853, when he engaged in farming and followed it until 1872, when he went to live with his son. When he came to Carroll the country and the mines were rough, whisky was freely drank and free fights of the fists and skull, rough-and-tumble sort, were common. Mr. Tolbert was usually "at home" for all comers, though he sought no conflict. He was a member of the military force which escorted the Indians to their new homes, and draws a pension now for that service. He was the eldest of eight children, and is the only one now living. He is a devout and exemplary member of the Methodist church. Mr. Tolbert's maternal grandparents were Josiah and Bersheba (Cran- ford) Tolbert. He was born in North Carolina, and she was of English parentage; was born in 1795 and died in March 25, 1872. She was a strict member of the Methodist church from childhood, and was the mother of six children, who all grew to maturity, and two of whom are now living — a daughter and the subject of this sketch. J. Thomas Tolbert was reared on the farm, and work was such an imperative necessity that he attended school but little. In 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Ninth Georgia battalion artillery, Maj. Austin Leyden, with which he served until July, 1863, when he was transferred to Company E, First Georgia cavalry. On one occasion he and five others were out on a scout and suddenly came upon a company of guerrillas, who chased them five miles, shooting at them all the time; but they finally escaped. He was in many hard fights, but never wounded. At the siege of Knoxville — 1864 — he was captured by the same men, an interesting coincidence, who chased him when scouting. He was held until after the surrender — sometimes, he alleges, on starvation rations. After his release he went to Cincinnati, where he remained about seventeen months, and then returned to his old home in Carroll county. Mr. Tolbert was married Dec. 19, 1866, to Miss Elizabeth W., daughter of Valentine Mc. and Elizabeth (Rice) Hodgson, of English descent Six children have blessed their marriage — Thomas W., Elizabeth H., wife of Lyman Stutts; Minnie R., and Elba, living, and Abby Estelle and Montra May, deceased. After marriage Mr. Tolbert went to farming, supplementing it with trading in stock, prospering beyond his most sanguine CARROLL COUNTY SKETCHES. 447 expectations He is now one of the most substantial and ranks among the best ¦ citizens in Carroll county. Mr. Tolbert's success illustrates the great possibilities of life in Georgia when pluck and perseverance are coupled with energy and fair business judgment- FinanciaHy and socially himself and family occupy first-class positions. Himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. UENRY M. WILLIAMS, physician and surgeon, Bowdon, Carroll Co., Ga., son of John B. and Mary (Strother) Williams, was born in Meriwether county, Ga., Aug. 5, 1834. His great-grandfather was a native of Ireland and came to America about the middle of the last century and settled in Virginia. His grandparents, Samuel and Susan Williams, were born in Virginia, migrated thence to Soutli Carolina, and from there they removed, in 1805, to Georgia and settled in Jones county — moving, as was the fashion and the necessity in those days, in ox-carts. Dr. Williams' father was born in 1800 in Edgefield district, S. C, and came with the family to Georgia in 1805. When growing up he only received six months' schooling, but learned a great deal at home by studying by the light of a pine-knot firelight at night. His lifetime pursuit was that of a farmer, and from choice and necessity he was his own blacksmith, wood-worker, and shoemaker. He removed to and settled in Meri wether county in 1825, where he made himself a good farm and a comfortable home. He was a Primitive Baptist in religion, and in forty years' preaching gained an enviable local reputation. It was his custom on preaching day to carry his shoes with him to the field, where he would work until the last minute, then take his shoes in his hand and go bare-footed until he crossed the last branch, when he would wash his feet, put on his shoes, and go to the church and preach. Returning, he would remove his shoes and walk home bare-footed. Dr. Williams' maternal grandfather, John Strother, was a native Georgian. Dr. Williams was reared and attended school at Rocky Mount, in Meriwether county. The school was of the "regulation" order of architecture of the period — log house, dirt floor, split-log seats, stick and mud chimney, and square apertures cut through the sides for windows. In 1858 he began the study of medicine. Dr. M. H. Westbrook being his preceptor, and in 1859 he entered the medical college at Nashville, Tenn., attended one course, and commenced the practice. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F (Capt I. Curtis), Nineteenth Georgia regiment (Col. W. W. Boyd), Colquitt's brigade. He was in many battles, notably Seven Pines and the seven days' fight around Richmond. At the last-named fight he was wounded on the first day and was off duty for ninety days, but immediately on his recovery he returned to his command and participated in the battles at Bunker HHl and Chancellorsville and was afterward with Gen. Colquitt in Florida in the battle of Olustee, where he was again wounded, this time in the left leg, and disabled for active service. He, however, entered the state mHitia, with which he remained until the surrender. After that he went to Alabama, where he remained a year, and then came to Bowdon and located and established himself in his profession — under a license. In 1874 he attended a course of lectures at the Georgia Medical coHege, Augusta, and in 1875 he was graduated from Atlanta Medical college. He has continued in the practice at Bowdon, where he has established a fine reputation and secured a large and remunerative practice. He is the leading physician and the highest medical authority in that locality. Dr. WHliams was happily married in 1869 to Miss Cora Hight — born and reared in CarroH county — daughter of WiHiam B. and Mary (Tolbert) Hight Mr Hight was a pioneer, a farmer, and a leading merchant. This union has been blessed with eight children: Anna, Nora, Paul, Ernest, Ida, Jonnie, Willie and Manzie. Dr. 448 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Williams is a royal arch Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. Anna, Nora and Ernest are members of the Baptist church. JASPER J. WILLIAMSON, a wealthy and prominent citizen of CarroHton, Carroll Co., Ga., son of Robert and Matilda (Goggens) WiHiatnson, was born in South Carolina in 1838. His grandfather, John WHHamson, was born in South Carolina in 1791 and was a soldier in the war of 1812-14. His maternal grandfather, James Goggens, was also a South Carolinian. His father came from South Carolina to Georgia in 1850, bringing aH he had in a four-horse wagon and a one-horse cart, laid his claim and settled in Coweta county. In 1854 he removed to Carroll county and settied four- miles west of Carrollton. Mr. Williamson was twelve years old when his father came to Georgia, and received such an education as could be imparted by a plain teacher in a dirt- floor log cabin, with openings cut in the logs to let the light in and furnished with puncheon seats. He walked three miles to school and attended only in the intervals between working the crops. After his graduation he taught school himself a while. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K (Capt J. D. Calhoun), Eighteenth Alabama regiment (Col. Bullock), and was assigned to Gen. Gladden's command. He was in several hard-fought battles, among them Shiloh and Chicka mauga, where he was wounded. He was captured at Marietta, Ga., and sent to Camp Douglas, IH., and held a prisoner untH after the surrender. After the war he returned to Alabama, where he lived and farmed for three years, when he moved to Carroll county and conducted his plantation until 1886; then he removed to Carrollton to enjoy his ample income and the social advantages of town life. He has a fine plantation and two large brick business houses in Carrollton. In 1866 Mr. _ WiHiamson was married to Miss Julia A., daugihter of Louis and Nancy (Brown) Walker, by whom he has had one child — Nancy E. Mrs. Williamson is a member of the Methodist church. Mr. Williamson is a master Mason. JOHN H. WORD, merchant, Bowdon, Carroll Co., Ga., son of John Bryson and Amelia (Sparks) Word, was born in Carroll county in 1836. His great-grand father, Charles Word, was a revolutionary soldier and was killed in the battle of King's Mountain. His grandparents, William and Elizabeth (Bryson) Word were North Carolinians, and he was a soldier in the revolutionary army. His father was born in Surry county, N. C, Jan. i, 1796, and his mother in Franklin county, Ga., June 15, 1803. He came to Georgia when a young man and settled in Franklin as a school-teacher and taught there for many years, many of the scholars coming as many as seven miles to school. Himself and wife were mar ried July 22, 1819. In 1836 he removed to CarroH county, where he soon rose to considerable prominence and was elected a justice of the inferior court, and for many years was a justice of the peace. On one occasion he married a couple and a short time afterward they called on him to "un-marry" them. For many years he was a deacon of the Baptist church. Mr. Word's mother was a daughter of Elijah and AmeHa Sparks, early settlers in the country near Atlanta. Mr. Word was reared on the farm, which he made his home until he married. He received a good common-school education and taught school a short time. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B (Capt Charles A. McDaniel), Cobb's legion, and partici pated in many hard-fought battles — among them Dam No. i, Yorktown, seven days' fight around Richmond, concluding with Malvern HHl, etc. He went to Maryland, but was too late for the Second Manassas. He was at the battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862, where he lost his CATOOSA COUNTY SKETCHES. 449 left leg and was taken prisoner. Only four of his company escaped death or wounds. A month elapsed before his leg was amputated; after it was done he took the smallpox, was struck by lightning, and then he had to submit to a second amputation. In 1863 he was elected clerk of the superior court and served two years, and was made a notary public and filled the office six years at Bowdon, In the meantime he began a general merchandise business at Bowdon, and although he had but very small capital he has been eminently successful. He made his first start in business before the war closed, but some Federal troops passed that way, took everything he had and broke him up. In 1884 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly and served one term. In 1893 he was elected county commissioner of Carroll county and took an active and prominent part in building the new court house. In 1866 Mr. Word was married to Miss Virginia, daughter of WHHam and Ann (Stringer) Colquitt, South Carolinian born. Mr. Colquitt was a soldier in the Confederate army during the war, and" a part of the time was a guard at the Andersonville prison. When he was married he and his wife began housekeeping with only a frying-pan and two old chairs, but they are better, and more comfortably, if not luxuriously, "fixed" now. Himself and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist church. He is a liberal contributor to all worthy enterprises. CATOOSA COUNTY. J W. ANDERSON, physician, Ringgold, was born in Catoosa county, March 12, 1863. His father is John R. Anderson, a native of Virginia, born Dec. 13, 1823, who settled at CrawfordviHe, Ga., in his youth with his parents and became a citizen of Catoosa county in 1848. In 1857 he married Hattie Samas, of Cal houn, formerly of Monroe county, a lady highly connected. Her grand-uncle was Hon. WiHiam H. Crawford. Her uncle was Hon. N. C. Barnett, for many years secretary of state, and one of the leading citizens of Georgia. By their marriage they had two children, J. W. and Carmetia, the wife of Dr. Thomas Hackett, of Catoosa county. Dr. Anderson was reared in Catoosa county and was educated at the Masonic Literary institute in Ringgold. For several years he was in the service of the Western Atlantic Railway company as conductor. He resolved to prepare himself for the medical profession, and began the study of medicine at Ringgold with Dr. T. Hackett Later he entered the college of physicians and surgeons at Baltimore, Md., and prosecuted his studies at this institution during 1883-84, completing his course at the Southern Medical college in Atlanta, where he was graduated in March, 1885. In 1889 he commenced the practice of his profession at Ringgold, where he has attained excellent success and enjoys a large general practice in Catoosa county and in the state of Ten nessee. In his professional caHing he has acquired the confidence of his patients and the public generally by reason of his skiH as a physician, and his standing as a gentleman and a citizen. His standard of professional ethics is high, and he is popular among his professional brethren. On December 23, 1890, he was married to Miss Annie L. Jones, daughter of Capt R. J. Jones, of Catoosa county, and at present clerk of the superior court. The mother of Dr. Anderson died in Catoosa county in 1886. His father is still living in this county. Dr. Anderson is a member of the masonic fraternity, Quitman lodge No. 106, at Ringgold. 1-29 450 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Y\/ ILLIAM JEROjNIE BAZEMORE, M. D. Dr. Bazemore is an esteemed citizen of Ringgold and one of the leading physicians of Catoosa county. He is a native of Crawford county, Ga., where he was born June 30, 1844. His father was Washington Bazemore, a native of Alabama, who served in the Florida Indian war in 1836-37. Washington married Eliza Wright, born in Crawford count}', Ga., daughter of Robert Wright, a native of Ireland and an early settler in Crawford county. By this marriage they have six children: Dr. G. M. Baze more, now an eminent physician of Cleveland, Tenn., and surgeon for the South ern Railway company at that place; R. M., of Dalton, who served in the Sixth Georgia regiment during the late war, and lost a leg at Gettysburg; Missouri E., who married Dr. R. A. Wilson, of Aphison, Tenn.; WilHam J.; Susan, de ceased, and Nannie J. Turrentine, of Richland, Fla. The father of Dr. Bazemore died in 1855 and his mother in 1853. He was at an early age deprived of the care and council of his parents, and practically thrown upon his own resources. But he soon developed courage and energy in the battle of Hfe. He attended the schools of Crawford county until the commencement of the war, and in July, 1861, at the age of seventeen, he enlisted in the Twenty-second Georgia state troops, commanded by Col. Barklew, his brigadier-commander being Wil liam H. Harrison. For one year he saw service at Savannah and on the eastern coast, where he was engaged in erecting and perfecting coast defenses. His term of service having expired, he went to Virginia, where he visited Richmond during the seven days' fight his object being to re-enlist in the Sixth Georgia. However he changed his mind and returned to Georgia, bringing with him to Macon Col. T. J. Simmons, who is now one of the judges of the supreme court of the state, and who had been severely wounded in the campaign around Richmond. On his return to Georgia he joined the Ocmulgee rangers, under Col. Charles T. Goode, and was ordered to Chattanooga, where he participated in the Tennessee campaign under Gen. Peghrum. He fought at Chickamauga and at Missionary Ridge in 1863, and in the campaign of 1864 he saw active service and constant fighting under Johnston from Dalton to Atlanta, being engaged at Resaca, New Hope church, Kennesaw mountain, Peachtree creek and in the siege of Atlanta. He was special escort for W. H. T. Walker when killed at Decatur. He fought at Jonesboro and at Fairburn. He accompanied Wheeler's cavalry through east Tennessee to the Salt \\'orks in Virginia and was engaged in the battle of Aiken, S. C, and Bentonville, N. C. He was mustered out of service with the surrender of Johnston's army at SmithvHle, after under going four years of hard and perilous service in defense of the Confederacy. He proved himself a gallant soldier, was only absent thirty days from his command, and suffered the most painful hardships without a murmur. He returned to Crawford county without means or property, but with courage undaunted, and the experience of four years' trial in that kind of service, which is well adapted to test the patience and endurance of man. His education was still unfinished and his means inadequate to effect his advancement. For two years he superintended a cotton plantation for W. H. Ross, and in 1868 he moved to Fort "\'"alley, Ga., and then completed his literary education. He was anxious to enter one of the learned professions, and in 1869 entered the Jefferson medical coHege at Philadel phia, where he engaged in the study of medicine and surgery during 1869-70, and in 1871-72 he continued his studies in the medical department of the university of Louisville, Ky., where he graduated in the latter year with high honor and received a diploma for one of the best essays delivered. He settled in Catoosa county and entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he continued for five years. He moved to Chattanooga in search of a larger field for his profes- CATOOSA COUNTY SKETCHES. 451 sional labors, and forming an alliance with his brother. Dr. G. M. Bazemore, he acquired a very large and lucrative practice. Owing to ill health in his family he was compelled to return from Chattanooga to Ringgold, where he has resided since 1891, still engaged in the duties of his profession. He is recognized as an able, talented and experienced physician and surgeon. In 1873 Dr Bazemore married Miss Amelia Gray, of Grayville, Ga., daughter of R. T. Gray, and a niece of Hon. John T. Gray. They had six children, five of whom survive: Mal- conib G., Fannie E., Charles Washington, Jerome and Ruth E. Royden J. is the dece'ased child. "yi/" ILLIAM E. MANN. This well-known member of the Catoosa county bar is a resident of Ringgold. He was born in Gordon county in 1862. His father is Dr. Joel J. Mann, a prominent physician of Floyd county, and his paternal grandfather is Edmund S. Mann, a native of Georgia, now living at an advanced age in Gordon county. Dr. Mann married Miss Sally Hunter and had eight children: Anna, wife of Preston B. Smith; WHliam E.; Rev. A. J. Mann, a min ister of the Presbyterian church, now living at Everett Springs, in Floyd county; Joel J., Jr.; Lula, deceased wife of Monroe Parrot; Robert Lee, at present en gaged in teaching in Whitfield county; Alice and Delia. The mother of Mr. Mann is still living. His father. Dr. Mann, entered the Confederate service and served through the war. William E. was reared in Gordon and Floyd counties, his parents settling in the latter county in 1870. He attended the common schools and the high schoohat Subligna. In 1880 he entered the North Georgia agricul tural college at Dahlonega, where he pursued a classical course of study during two years, and was graduated in 1882 with the degree of bachelor of arts. He had already formed a strong inclination for the legal profession and began the study of law in the office of Dabney & Fouche at Rome, Ga. In 1883, at the fall term of the superior court of Floyd county, he was admitted to the bar by Hon. Joel Brannon, presiding judge. Immediately thereafter he settled in Ring gold and entered upon the active duties of his profession. He soon found him self riding on the wave of success and popularity. He received retainers in important railroad litigation pending in his county and rapidly acquired a repu tation for success in the management of corporate cases and a knowledge of the principles of this important branch of jurisprudence. Commensurate with his growing reputation as an advocate and counselor, his practice increased in the Cherokee circuit, and he now ranks among the leading lawyers of that circuit, so long distinguished for its legal talent. His practice, which has been of a general character, together with his studious habits, has famiharized his mind with the various branches of jurisprudence and he is alike at his ease as an advocate before a jury, or in discussing the technical niceties and distinctions of the rules of equity jurisprudence in a court of chancery. Mr. Mann has never taken an active interest in political affairs, but during his life he has ever clung to the teachings of Jefferson, and the cardinal doctrines of the democratic party. He served two terms as mayor of Ringgold to the satisfaction of its inhabitants and has always taken an active interest in the progress of his town. He is in every sense a man of affairs, active and energetic, in whom the public have implicit confidence, and for whom the future has much in store. On Sept 27, 1892, he married Miss Irene Gordon, of Ringgold, daughter of Judge Thomas M. Gordon. Mr. Mann is an active member of the Presbyterian church. He is also a member of the masonic fraternity at Ringgold — Quitman lodge No. 106. On June 24, 1895, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mann, whose name is William Gordon Mann. 452 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. CHARLTON COUNTY. J OHN J. UPCHURCH, lumberman. Race Pond, Charlton Co., Ga.^ was born in Nassau county, Fla., March i8, 1861. He was the son of N. S. and Sarah A. (Parker) Upchurch, and of a family that early settled in that state. He attend ed the common schools and completed his education by private instruction. Be fore reaching manhood he was embarked in business, at the same time displaying a Hking for the excitement of politics. After a warm contest he was elected one of the representatives of Nassau county in the Florida legislature in 1887 and 1888, enjoying the distinction of being the first democrat to represent that constituency in the lower branch of the state legislature. In 1889 Mr. Up- church moved to Race Pond, Ga., and engaged in business. He also entered into the councils of his party and took a prominent part in shaping its cam paigns. In 1894 he was elected to the Georgia senate from the fourth senatorial district, and served on several important committees of that body. Mr. Upchurch was married April 7, 1890, to Miss Susan Hawkins, a daughter of Dr. T. D. Hawkins, an eminent physician of King's Ferry, Fla. She was born March 28, 1867. Three boys — George, Frank and John — have blessed this union. Mr. Upchurch is a partner in the sawmill firm of Dyal & Upchurch and enjoys a high standing in a business as well as a social way. W^ CHATTAHOOCHEE COUNTY. 'ILLIAM H. BAGLEY, sheriff, Cusseta, Chattahoochee Co., Ga., son of Samuel M. and Mary A. (Goody) Bagley, was born in Chattahoochee coun ty, March 24, 1862. His father was a prominent planter and quite influential and popular politically, was a soldier in the Confederate army during the late "unpleasantness," and for some years was sheriff of the county. When J\Ir. Bag- ley was eight years old his father went to Louisiana, where he remained eighteen months, and then returned to Chattahoochee county, which has since been his home. When in Louisiana he attended school about six months, and had only limited schooling afterward. At the age of nineteen years he went on a farm by himself and commenced farming. He has been quite successful and is already one of the popular citizens of the county. After having acceptably served four years as bailiff he was in 1892 elected sheriff, an office he bids fair to be elected to for many succeeding terms. Mr Bagley was married Dec. 2, 1881, to Miss Princess E., daughter of George Willis, formerly a prosperous farmer, who was killed while serving in the army during the late war. To them five children have been born: Henry Amber, Bertie Lee, Mary Agnes, Flossie and Willis Frank. Mr Bagley's public service has but just begun. CHATTOOGA COUNTY SKETCHES. 453 CHATTOOGA COUNTY. p|ON. ANDREW PERRY ALLGOOD. That portion of Georgia commonly denominated the mountain region has, since its earHest settlement, been chiefly noted for its agricultural products. With every natural advantage for the main tenance of manufactures and the mechanical arts, with a water power unexcelled and fuel in abundance, rural customs, ideas and occupation predominate in the minds of its people. To this general rule, as applied to the industrial progress of this section, there are a few notable exceptions, as is evidenced occasionally by the sound of the hammer and the hum of business industry heard in the mountain fastnesses. The rich and blooming Chattooga valley, the Eden of north Georgia, is far in advance of other localities in the happy possession of this mark of industrial progress in the country. To the business thrift and enterprising spirit of the founder of the Trion Manufacturing company the public of Chattooga county are indebted for the benefits and the advantages accruing from the estab lishment in their midst of an institution destined in many ways to enhance the value of property and contribute to the wealth and material prosperity of the people. In the business circles of this state and beyond its boundaries the name of Andrew P. Allgood has long since been familiar. He was a native of South CaroHna, having been born in Laurens district Nov. 23, 1816. His father was De Forrest Allgood, also a native of Virginia, born in 1787, of French extraction, and a gentleman of the old school, who possessed a highly cultivated intellect and the poHshed manners of his time and associates — ^the planter class of South Caro lina in Calhoun's day. In 1837 he settled in Walker county, Ga., on a planta tion where he resided until 1842, when he moved to Mississippi, where he remained until the late war. Returning to Georgia, he spent his remaining years with his son, Andrew P., dying in Chattooga county, June 9, 1877. His wife survived him untH March 17, 1883. The issue of their marriage was five children: Elvira, who married WHliam T. Parks, of Pontotoc county, Miss.; Andrew P., Barnett Jefferson, WHliam FI. and Margaret B., who married Dr. Andrew Berry, of Walker county. All are now deceased. Andrew P. AHgood settled in Walker county in 1838 and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He was among the first merchants of that county and one of its early pioneers. Possessing that skiH, tact and judgment which, be they natural or acquired, are ever characteristic of the successful business man, he prospered, and in 1845 he settled on a large and valuable plantation in Chattooga county, which still remains in the possession of his family. His shrewd judgment and observing eye was quick to discern the facilities which the country afforded for the establishment of a plant adapted to the manufacture of the cotton product, and the value of such an institution to himself and others. Accordingly, in March, 1846, together with Spencer S. Marsh and William K. Briers the well-known establishment now bearing the corporate name of the Trion Manufacturing company, located in the heart of Chattooga valley, for the manufacture of cotton goods, commenced business. For upward of forty years he was the head and one of the chief pillars of this instftution, now ranking among the most successful and reliable of the kind in Georgia. From fts early infancy he nursed its growth, expanded fts powers and capacity, and by that energy and perseverance which ever accompanied him in hours of progress, and that courage which never deserted him in hours of trial and in financial panics, he lived to build his own monument by the permanent estab- 454 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. lishment of an industry which has been fruitful of blessings past and to come to the people of Chattooga county and the adjacent territory. About 300 hands are now employed at the Trion factory and upward of 700 looms and 25,000 spindles are in operation. During the war Mr. Allgood received notice from the Federal authorities to suspend the operation of his plant or incur the penalty of its destruction by the torch of the brigand invaders. And in consequence for a period the company were thus compelled to discontinue business. He con tinued at the head of the company and largely conducted its affairs until 1882, when, after half a century of usefulness and remarkable business success, he died in the bosom of his family at his home in Chattooga valley, universally lamented by an extensive list of social friends and a large circle of business acquaintances. Georgia has produced men of greater distinction, but it may well be doubted whether any citizen of this state deserves more highly the gratitude of the mass of the people, or with the opportunity at his disposal, contributed more generally by his acts and deeds to promote the pubHc welfare. He had no taste for politics and neither sought nor desired political preferment. But during his long life in Chattooga county he -was active in promoting the public interest, and was regarded as a leader and trusted counselor in the management of county affairs. For many years he served as justice of the inferior court His friendships were strong and lasting and his benevolence unbounded. Ever ready to acknowledge by act and example the spirit of righteousness and sound morality among men, he did not hesitate to condemn wrong, beheving it to betray pusillanimity of char acter whenever or wherever manifested. Mr. Allgood married in 1842 Miss Mary Marsh in W^alker county. Her father was Spencer S. Marsh, a native of Chatham county, N. C, born Nov. 24, 1800, and died at La Fayette, Ga., in 1875. His name has already been mentioned as the associate of i\Ir. Allgood in the founding of the Trion factory. He married Miss Ruth Brantly of North Carolina and reared six children, viz. : Edwin W., now a leading and prosperous business man of Atlanta; Mary, who married Mr. AHgood; Joseph, Emily, Addie and James. Of these Edwin, Addie and Mrs. Allgood survive. Joseph was for many years a practicing physician. He entered the Confederate service and served through the war in Longstreet corps as surgeon of the Eighteenth Georgia regiment He was with his regiment during all the battles and campaigns in which the army of Northern Virginia was engaged, and which made that army famous in military annals. He died in Walker county in 1888. By their mar riage Mr. and Mrs. AHgood had born to them six children: Addie, De Forrest, Alice, Mary, Margaret and Maude. Of these Mary is deceased. De Forrest succeeded his father as president of the Trion Manufacturing company and died in 1890. Margaret married Alfred S. Hamilton, at present president of that com pany. pRANK CORDLE, a practicing physician and surgeon residing at Trion, was born in Chattooga county in 1859. His father is Calvin Cordle, a planter residing in that county, and a native of Virginia, where he was born in 1832. He settled in Chattooga county in pioneer days and married Miss Martha Green, of Floyd county. They reared three sons and two daughters: Edwin C, a me chanic and farmer at Birmingham, Ala. ; James C, engaged in planting in Chat tooga county; Lizzie, wife of W. P. Wood; Fannie, wife of John Bennett, and Frank, all of Chattooga county. The mother of Dr. Cordle died in that county in 1872. Calvin Cordle entered the Confederate army and was attached to the hospital service. He served in that capacity through the war. Dr. Cordle was reared and educated under Capt. J. M. Jackson in Chattooga county. Before CHATTOOGA COUNTY SKETCHES. 455 attaining the age of twenty-one he was elected tax collector of his county, and discharged the duties of that office creditably during the term of two years. He resolved to enter the medical profession, and commenced the study of medicine and surgery in 1879 with Dr J. W. Clements, of Subhgna. In 1881 he entered the Atlanta medical college and pursued a course of study during 1881-82, and graduated in 1883. He comm.enced the practice of his profession with his former preceptor. Dr. Clements, at Subligna, where he continued with success until 1891, when he accepted an offer from the Trion Manufacturing company to act in the capacity of regular physician and surgeon for that institution. He located in Trion and has since that time continued to serve that company. His practice, which has been of a general character, has been very successful, and with the public and his professional brethren he ranks high as a physician and surgeon and as an active and energetic cftizen. In 1883 he married Miss Claudie Murphy, of Floyd county. They have three children : Lollie Hix, jMyrtis Cavender and Tom Howard. Dr. Cordle is a royal arch Mason, and with his wife is a mem ber of the Baptist church. His paternal grandfather was Absalom Cordle, a native of Virginia, born in 1794. He married in Virginia and reared a family. He was a soldier in the Mexican war and was a well-known and highly respected citizen of Chattooga county, where he died in 1886, at the advanced age of ninety- two years. The maternal grandfather of Dr. Cordle was James P. Green, a native of this state, who early settled in Floyd county, where he died in 1876. Y\/ ILLIAM M. RANSOM, educator, Menlo, Chattooga Co., Ga., was born in Walker county, Jan. 7, 1869. His father was Reuben Ransom, born in Mecklenburg county, N. C, in 1825. There he grew to manhood, and was edu cated first at Mecklenburg and later at Griffin college, Georgia, where he pur sued a classical course and was graduated with the degree of master of arts. He read law and was admitted to the bar, but owing to ill health was forced to abandon his profession and engage in farming, which pursuit he followed during the remainder of his life. Fle died in Walker county, April 22, 1872, where he had resided twenty-seven years. He had three brothers and one sister: Washington, John, Milton and Parmelia. The four brothers entered the Con federate service and Milton was kHled in battle. The father of Prof. Ransom was a lieutenant in the Confederate army. He fought with the army of Northern Virginia, and was present and actively engaged in the memorable battle which made that army famous in the history of the war — the Wilderness — Chancellors ville, Fredericksburg, and the second battle of Manassas. He followed Long- street to Chickamauga in September, 1863, and fought in that battle. He returned to his home at the close of the struggle and resided in Walker county until his death. He married Miss Caroline Owens, daughter of John and Har riet Owens. His wife was born in Spartanburg, S. C, in 1828, and moved with the family to Walker county in 1845. ^7 this union they reared four sons and three daughters: Parmelia, wife of John C. Wall; John M.; Ocea, wife "of C. C. McConnell; George W., James "B., William M., and Cora, wife of T. W. Hasleria. All are residents of Walker county. In 1889 Prof. Ransom entered the junior class of Emory coHege, Oxford, Ga., and continued his studies in that institution until June, 1891, when he graduated with the degree of bachelor of arts. Since graduating he has been engaged in teaching in Chattooga county; since 1891 he has been principal of the Menlo high school in that county, which institution he established. He has devoted his entire time to building up this school in the heart of Chattooga county, where, by untiring zeal and at great personal sacrifice, he has succeeded in providing for the youth of that county 456 MEMOIRS OP, GEORGIA. and adjacent territory the advantages of a higher system of education. The average attendance at the school is 250 students. There are three departments of study, the literary, musical and elocutionary. The higher mathematics and the learned languages, Greek and Latin, are also taught In the attendance both the states of Tennessee and Alabama are represented, and in Georgia the attend ance is made up from the counties of Chattooga, Dade, Walker, Whitfield and Murray. From the start the school has been successful, and Prof. Ransom has given universal satisfaction. On Dec. 26, 1894, Prof. Ransom married Miss Hat tie Belle Wyatt, daughter of R. Wyatt, of Chattooga county. Prof. Ransom is a member of the Methodist church, and Mrs. Ransom belongs to the Presby terian communion. t? OBERT YOUNG RUDICIL, a well-known physician and surgeon residing in Chattooga county, was born in Spartanburg district, S. C, on Aug. 8, 1832. His father was Philip Charles Rudicil, a native of Lincoln county, N. C, the son of George Rudicil, a native of Wurtemburg, Germany, who accompanied the celebrated Baron De Kalb to America during the revolutionary war and fought throughout that struggle for American independence. He joined the continental army at Trenton and was present and endured the sufferings at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777. Three of his brothers were in the continental service, and all four of the brothers were wounded. Dr; RudicH's grandfather served under Greene and De Kalb in the Carolinas and was present when Count De Kalb was kiHed at the battle of Camden, where he was wounded and sent to a German settlement in North Carohna. As soon as he recovered he rejoined the army and saw further service on the famous retreat of Greene, through the Carolinas. He was present at the siege of Yorktown, and witnessed the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. At the close of the war he settled near Lincoln Court House, N. C, on a fine plantation and resided there until his death about 1820. He married a Miss Johnston, of Virginia, and reared three daughters — Susan, who married George Hovis; Eva, wife of John MostHler ; Ann, wife of John Stroup — and four sons — John, Jacob, Michael and PhiUp Charles, who was born in 1804. PhHip Charles settled in Spartanburg district, S. C, about 1826, and in 1828 married Miss Mary Ann MacMHlan, whose mother was Jane McDowell, daughter of Robert McDowell. Pie was a planter and also engaged extensively in mechanical pursuits. They reared five children: Dr. R. Y., Elizabeth J., David Luther, Seleni C, wife of James A. Greene, and Mary A., who married Gabriel Greene. The father of Dr. R. died in 1861, and his mother died in Chattooga county in 1881. The family settled in Chattooga county in i860. Dr. Rudicil was educated in Spartanburg district, and after completing his literary course in the schools of Spartanburg he resolved to embrace the medical profession. He accordingly entered the medical college of South Carolina and pursued a course of study in that institution in medicine and surgery. Graduating therefrom in March, 1855, he settled in Summerville, Ga., and commenced the practice of his profession. where he has resided ever since and has enjoyed a large and most successful practice. At the opening of the war he entered the service of the Confederacy as a surgeon, and with his command was in the famous march under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston from Winchester to Manassas, and remained at Piedmont on Sunday, reaching the battlefield on Monday morning, where he was at once assigned to duty. He continued in active duty until September, 1861, when he returned to his home, remaining until May, 1862. He was appointed assistant surgeon to Smith's legion and rej^orted for duty at Nelson Springs, Gordon Co., Ga., and accompanied that army to Tennessee and participated in the Kentucky and Ten- CHATTOOGA COUNTY SKETCHES. 457 nessee campaign in 1862. He was present at the battle of Perryville, Richmond and at the last battle at Rock Castle river. In February, 1863, he was appointed by the secretary of war surgeon of the Sixth Georgia cavalry regiment. He con tinued in the service during the summer and accompanied his regiment to the battlefield of Chickamauga in September following. He was present during the four days' fight. Sept 18, 19, 20 and 21, under Gen. John Pegrani, and was with the general when he moved on Alexander bridge on the afternoon of Sept. 18, and when he crossed at Byrum ford, and was present at the opening of the fight at Jay's mill at sunrise on the morning of the 19th. Later, after the vic tory at Chickamauga, his brigade led the charge on Minty's brigade of Thomas' corps at Mission Ridge, where Lieut.-Col. Fain, commander of the regiment, was severely wounded. After Mission Ridge his regiment followed Longstreet to Knoxville, and was in the siege of Knoxville and the battle of Dandridge, and throughout the winter of 1863-64 was in active duty in the field, enduring the trying hardships of a severe campaign. On May 8, 1864, his regiment, then in Martin's division, joined Johnston at Resaca and was present at the battle fought there. He continued with his regiment during the celebrated campaign of that -year and was at New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek and in the siege of Atlanta. He was present when Walker was killed near Cobb's mill, and later accompanied Wheeler into Tennessee, and was present at the battle of Murfreesboro. His command penetrated Tennessee as far as Nash ville and Franklin. At Campbellville Dr. Rudicil sustained a severe injury by a fall of the horse on which he was mounted. His command crossed the Ten nessee at Colben Shoals, swimming their horses in the night, and after constant service and hard riding finally joined Johnston at Macon. Later he was present at the battle of Aiken, S. C, and the last fight in the war, the battle of Benton ville, N. C, and was discharged, as appears from the parole, on May 3, 1865, after having given the best years of his life to the Confederacy in defense of the institutions and cause of the south. Returning to his home, he endeavored to resume his practice and at the same time engage in the pursuit of agriculture. The severe financial losses which he, among hundreds, sustained as a result of the war and the new order of things were finally overcome and prosperity restored. His practice was very large and his experience in the service necessarily en hanced his value and service as a physician and surgeon. He took an active and prominent part in political affairs, designing thus to promote the public welfare of Georgia and its people. In 1873 he became the candidate of the democratic party for representative of Chattooga county in the general assembly and was elected. He served on several important committees and was chairman of the committee on the institute for deaf and dumb, and took an active part in the deliberations of that body both in committee work and on the floor of the house. Since his valuable legislative service he has continued his large prac tice in Chattooga county, among whose citizens he stands foremost as a gentleman of broad, liberal and conservative views, and in whose confidence and esteem he justly occupies a high place. He is a member of the Confederate Veterans' post at Summerville, a member of the Presbyterian church at that place, and a royal arch Mason. On April 19, 1857, Dr. Rudicil was married to EHza Agnes Knox, daughter of Capt. Samuel Knox. They have two surviving children— Madora A., wife of Judge W. M. Henry, of Rome, born July 25, i860; C. C. L. Rudicil, born March 11, 1866, now a practicing physician. Madora was edu cated at the Rome female college and was graduated from that institution. Dr. C. C. L. was educated and is a graduate of the university of Georgia, Athens. He entered the Atianta Medical coHege, of which institution he is a graduate, and 458 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. later was graduated at the New York Polyclinic institution, and is now engaged in the practice at Chickamauga. Pie married Miss Lydia Rowland, a grand daughter of j\laj. John S. Rowland, of Bartow county, a well-known Georgian; David Luther was born Nov. 26, 1867, and died Dec. 6, 1869; Leon D.was born June 11, 1869, and resides at home with his parents, engaged in farming. Dr. C. C. L.'s wife graduated at 'Oxford, Miss. J-JON. WESLEY SHROPSHIRE. The Shropshire famHy is of EngHsh origin and is among the oldest of the pioneer settlers of Chattooga county. Wesley Shropshire was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., April 3, 1801, and was one of a family of seven boys and two girls, chHdren of Spencer Shropshire and his wife, whose maiden name was PoHard. Spencer Shropshire was a successful planter in Oglethorpe county and was a soldier in the war of the revolution. The grand father of AVesley was a native of England, who was sent as a missionary to Virginia in the last century before the commencement of the revolution. He, too, was a soldier in that war, and fought in the continental army. Mr. Shrop shire, from his youth, displayed original traits of character, at all times self- reliant and confident of his powers and ability to discharge every duty and obligation he assumed. He was surrounded by few of the opportunities and advantages possessed by the youth of the present generation, but was quick to grasp at such as came in his way, and made the most of his early position in life. In his youth the school system of the present day was rather a Utopian vision than an accomplished fact. But despite these manifold disadvantages for intellectual improvement, he acquired in time a practical education. His mother taught him to read, but he had passed his majority before he had acquired a practical and serviceable knowledge of the art of reading and writing intelligently. At the age of twenty he purchased" his time from his father, and was employed as an overseer of a plantation, and for several years he continued to serve in that capacity, and by practical economy saved some money. At the age of twenty- six he married Miss Nancy Swanson, with whom he lived happily until her death, which occurred in April, 1852. The offspring of this marriage were five daugh ters, only two of whom — Mrs. J. A. Bale, Rome, Ga., and Mrs. Barksdale, of Chattooga county — are now living, and one son, Francis C. S.hropshire, the lather jDf the. present Wesley SJiropshire, representative in the-generaLa&sembly f£2S_QiSttooga county. Fle became a successful planter in Oglethorpe county, and~asearlyas 1826 '-was elected to the office of justice of the peace, the first of numerous public favors to be afterward conferred upon him. The opening of the Cherokee country in North Georgia afforded excellent opportunities for such aggressive and enterprising" spirits as Mr. Shropshire, and he resolved to embark for the new field then attracting the attention of all Georgians and settlers in adjoining states. He accordingly settled in Floyd county in 1835 with his family upon two lots of land, at present within the corporate limits of East Rome, where he resided for several years, became possessed of valuable property, and rose to prominence as a public character. After one year's residence he was, in 1836, appointed deputy sheriff of Floyd county under W. R. WiHiamson, and at the ensuing election was elected sheriff. He held the office by re-election, and continued in the discharge of its duties until the summer of 1839, when he was elected to the legislature of Georgia as the candidate of the deniqc.rittic party. He took a very active part in the legislation of that session among colleagues whose lives have since become a part of the history of our common country. His enterprising spirit led him to take a prominent part in the passage of the act providing for the building of the state road to Chattanooga. In 1840 he CHATTOOGA COUNTY SKETCHES. 459 was again a candidate for the legislature on an independent ticket, having eiicoun- tered violent opposition inthe democratic party Tn^ consequence oTlii"s"suppbrt of the railroad enterprise, but he was again elected and served through the session which followed. In 1841 he settled in Dirt Town valley, Chattooga county, on what is now known as the Chaney mill property, where he built and established these miHs and acquired a largeand valuable landed estate. His services \vere still sought after by the public, an3~irr~'i846 He~was agairi"elected sheriff of Chat tooga county. In 1855 he became the candidate of his party for the state senate, and after a hard-fought contest was elected over the know-nothing candidate, and_in_^857 was re-elected.ovej:.jjijDld-line yvhig. The very eve of the war found him iiitliB~ptfbIic serviceof his state at a time w-hen the eyes of the whole union were turned upon Georgia. At this momentous period of our history Mr. Shropshire was an arjlj&iit-i^iion^ man and pronounced advocate of the policy of Stephens and his school. He was opposed to secession and was elected in i860 to the secession convention at Milledgeville, and was present and participated in the deliberations of that famous body in the winter of 1860-61, first at MHledge vHle and later at Savannah. He took strong grounds against the policy of witli- dia.'^ving from the Federal union, but onThi'passage~of'the"'or3inaiice declaring that tiie stale of Georgia had withdrawn from the union of states, he gave his support to his state and his approval to the acts of his colleagues. Through- out.the war he was kno„wn as a union man, but his son, Francis C. Shropshire, died in. the Confederate ^eryice. He attended the first convention that nominated Hon. Joseph E. Brown for governor of Georgia. He was appointed on the select committee from the Cherokee country to determine on the choice of a candidate for governor, and the action of that committee resulted in the choice of Joseph E. Brown. Judge A. R. Wright was also a member of that convention, and in the course of the contest he was offered the nomination, but declined, having been chosen a member of the convention in the interest of another can didate. At the close of the war Mr. Shropshire recommended the wisdom of the policy providing for the return of Georgia to the union. In_i868 he was elected to the constitutional convention from the forty-second senatofiaTdistrict His~y"ears""of experience"tn public life made him an important factor in the deliberations and labors of the convention. This was his last public service, although he continued to live and enjoy comparative good health for twenty- six years thereafter, dying in Chattooga county, Dec. 31, 1894, at the great age of ninety-four years. In his long and remarkable career changes and counter- changes had occurred in the social and political condition of men and empires. "He had seen nations born and die." His Hfe extended through the administration of twenty-one presidents of the United States, having been born in the second month of -Mr. Jefferson's first administration. His first vote was cast for Jackson in 1824. Francis C. Shropshire, the son, was born in Oglethorpe county in 1829. He was educated at Mercer university, Penfield, and was married early in life to Miss Mary Wright, daughter of Judge A. R. Wright, of Rome, Ga. He prepared himself for the practice of law and was admitted to the bar He was elected clerk of the house of representatives in the Georgia legislature in 1859 and served through the session. At the commencement of the late war he entered the Confederate service and was rewarded with a commission. He con tinued in active service until 1862, when he died of disease at Cumberland Gap. By his marriage he had five children: Beulah, wife of A. B. S. Mosley, of Rome; Lizzie, deceased; Octavia, wife of N. E. Adamson; A. W., and Hon. Wesley Shropshire, the present representative of Chattooga county, and a well-known member of the Chattooga bar Mr. Shropshire was educated in the schools of 460 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Chattooga county and in 1883 commenced the study of law with Hon. F. A. Kirby, of Summerville. After pursuing a course of study he was admitted to the bar, and immediately thereafter commenced the practice of his profession in Chattooga county, where he has continued to reside and enjoy the emoluments of his profession. In 1892 and 1893 he was elected and served as mayor of Summerville, receiving in both elections every vote cast. In 1894 he became the candidate of the democratic party for representative in the general assembly, and after a vigorous contest was elected over F. G. Little, populist candidate, by a large majority. During his legislative service he served on the committees on judiciary, raHroads, deaf and dumb institute, and on enroHments. His legislative service was marked by considerate and conservative action in dealing with public questions and measures, and both in committee and on the floor of the house he became prominent among the young legislators who participated in the labors of the session. He represents an element rapidly gaining vantage ground and recognition in Georgia affairs, and in the social and political life of this state, and the future opens before him replete with opportunites of advancement and useful ness. He married in 1884 Miss Hattie Marshall of Shelbyville, Tenn., daughter of Moses MarshaH. They have one child, Beulah. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shropshire are members of the Methodist church. CHEROKEE COUNTY. nPHOMAS BELL is an old resident of Cherokee county and resides near Fort Buffington. He was born in that county in 1851 and has always resided there, and is engaged in farming. Plis father is Thomas Reuben Bell, born in Henry county, this state, in 1815, and still lives in Cherokee county, where he is engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which he has been remarkably successful. He was a soldier in the late war and saw active service in the state troops. In 1834 he was married to Miss Surena Messer, daughter of David Messer, of Henr}' county, where she was born in 1819. His wife is still living. On Aug. 22, 1872, Thomas Bell was married to 3,Iiss Kimness Chanlee, daughter of Judge Tilman Chanlee, of Cherokee county. Eleven children — eight boys and three girls — were born to them, all of whom survive: James L., bom Aug. 3, 1873; John K., born April 3, 1875; Suviler, born Nov. 26, 1876; Andrew B., born Nov. 18, 1878; Cherokee D., born Feb. 15, 1881; Samuel W., born Jan. 9, 1883; Oscar W., born ]March 23, 1885; Thomas THman, born April 17, 1887; Fred, born Jan. 22, 1890; Cleopatra, bom Dec. 28, 1891, and William P., born March 29, 1894. ]\Ir. Bell belongs to a family of fourteen children, nine of whom are still living. Plis sister Roda is the wife of G. W. Tippens; Martha is unmarried; Jefferson; ]\[ary is the wife of W. F. Chanlee, and Luvenia is married to W. H. Robertson ; Franklin ; Reuben G. ; Nancy Jane, wife of R. B. Clark. His brother John, \\-ho served in the Twenty-third Georgia regiment during the war, was killed in battle under Stone wall Jackson in Virginia. Alfred died in 1853; William, Bethane}" and two more chHdren died early in life. The survivors aH reside in Cherokee county. Mr. Bell takes an active interest in politics and was nominated by the populists for the legislature in 1892 and again in 1894, but was defeated both times — and unjustly, so many of his adherents think. CHEROKEE COUNTY SKETCHES. 461 QEORGE WASHINGTON BROOKE, farmer. Canton, was born May 8, 1829, in Hall county, Ga., and was the son of John Prescott and Esther (Bennett) Brooke. His father, a large planter, was an influential citizen of HaH county and was sheriff and several times member of the legislature. Mr. Brooke was the tenth of thirteen children. He was educated in the common schools, the facilities for higher learning that we now enjoy not then existing. When he was about twenty-one years old he accepted a situation as clerk in a mercantile estab hshment at Marietta, Ga., where he was employed for several years. His health failing, he left the store, to begin a farm life in Cherokee county, which he has since followed, only being interrupted by the civil v/ar. He married Mary E., daughter of Joseph L. and Aratenta Dial. Mr. Dial was a large planter living in Cherokee county and one of the earlier settlers of this region. There were but few families Hving in the county when he took up his abode there, the Indians having full possession of the country. Mrs. Brooke's ancestors came from Soutli Carolina. There have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Brooke seven chHdren, six of whom are living: Malissa T. married Mr. N. K. Scott and they have five chHdren. Jefferson Prescott Brooke married- Miss Maud Howell, and they are the parents of four children. Elizabeth Hastings married Joseph E. Johnston, and they have two chHdren. George Washington, Mary Myrtle, and Trelly John are the other children. Ida E. is the deceased child. Mr. Brooke enlisted in Company G, Third Georgia regiment, cavalry, and was in the western army. He was in the battles of Chickamauga and Lookout Mountain and was captured at Dalton, Ga., being held prisoner until after the surrender of Gen. Lee. Mr. Brooke is a member and deacon of the Missionary Baptist church, having united with this denomination when a young man. He has been successful as a farmer and has accumulated considerable property. He owns an elegant home in the beautiful city of Canton. J^EVI F. BURTZ, farmer, Modesto, Cherokee Co., was born April 15, 1832, in Pendleton district, S. C, and is the son of Levi and Sallie Burtz. His parents were of Germ.an descent and were Quakers in religious training and behef. The father was a farmer and school teacher, and when Levi was about four years old brought his family to Georgia. Levi Burtz was the youngest of eight children and was given the benefit of the educational facilities offered by the common schools -of Georgia. When he reached man-hood he started in business for himself as a tanner and pursued the same with success until the civil war broke out. He was among the first to respond to the call of the South for volunteers, and, leaving family and business, he enHsted in 1861 in the Confederate service and served until the war closed. He was in the v/estern army and in a number of notable batties. Chickamauga was probably the hardest fight for him. He was at Murfreesboro, Tenn., and Missionary Ridge, and was taken prisoner in Kentucky. After a few months' imprisonment he was exchanged and joined his regiment at Vicksburg. When the war closed Mr Burtz returned to Cherokee county, his home, and resumed his business. In a few years he became interested in farming, which he has since continued. In January, 1893, Mr. Burtz was elected county treasurer and fiHed that office for two years. He has been a member of the Methodist church for forty-five years— since he was eighteen years of age— and holds a license as a local minister, issued in 1867. Mr Burtz was married Aug. 28, 185 1, to Hester Ann Dobbs, of Cherokee county. There were born to them five children— four living and one dead— Joseph M., Cicero M., George Allen, Sallie Marguerite, Franklin Pierce (deceased). All the children are married and aH belong to the Methodist Episcopal church, as does Mrs. Burtz. 462 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. JiiSSE MILLER BURTZ, one of Cherokee county's prominent citizens, was born Jan. 22, 1825, in Pickens district, S. C. His ancestry on both sides were German-Dutch, and both of his grandfathers were in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, his mother's father serving under Gen. Greene in the batties of Guilford C. H., and Camden. Mr. Burtz' father moved to Georgia and located m Cherokee county in 1839, and died there March 13, 1875, aged eighty- two years. His mother died in 1840 in her forty-fifth year. Mr. Burtz was a boy only fourteen years old When he came with his parents to his new home in Georgia. He received a common-school education and learned the tanner's trade, and when of age entered into this business for himself. This he followed until the civil war broke out at which time Mr. Burtz had made about $24,000. His devotion to the cause of the Confederacy was shown in his equipment of 156 men, whom he enlisted in the ranks and sent to the v^ar. Of these there were not over twenty-five that returned from the conflict. Mr. Burtz was captain of Company F, Twenty-eighth Georgia regiment, and was first under Gen. Fetherston, later under Gen. Alfred H. Colquitt. He was in all the battles around Richmond, at the second battle of Manassas, Siiarpsburg, Fredricksburg and at Ocean Pond, Fla. His health failing, he went into the cavalry service, and also conducted a tannery for the Confederate government After the war Mr. Burtz spent fourteen years in Mitchell county, Ga. Pie was mayor of Camilla and representative of that county one term in the legislature. He was United States commissioner eight years and filled other offices of responsibility. He married Miss Eliza L. Mothershed, daughter of Isaac T. .and Emima Mothershed. i\Irs. Burtz came with her parents to Georgia in 1846 and was married Dec. 30, 1847. They have three living children: Charles, Franklin Pierce and Susan, wife of Mr. Stewart. Mr. Burtz is a Mason. After a long and busy life Mr. Burtz is pleasantly spend ing his declining clays with his family on his fine farm near Canton. A LFRED BURTON COGGINS, retired merchant. Canton, was born Oct 22, 1838, in Gilmer county, Ga., and is the son -of John Lilly and Elizabeth (King) Coggins. His father was born in Tennessee and his mother in North Carolina. They took up a home in Gilmer county before the Indians were re moved to their resei-vation, and were among the first settlers of the county. They were devout members of the Missionary Baptist Church and brought their 'chil dren up in the teachings of a Christian character. The mother died at the age of sixty-five years, but the father lived to be seventy-three, dying in May, 1891. Alfred Coggins was the third of nine children. He was sent to school in the neighborhood of his home, and at the age of twenty-one began life for himself as a farmer. A year later he was wedded to Miss Louisa Smith, daughter of Balus and Matilda Smith. This marriage has been blessed with nine children, all living, viz.: John Judson, Georgia, Kansas, Augustus Lee, Charles Cicero, Thomas Raleigh, Lillie, Maggie and Burton Franklin. Mr. Coggins was in the mercantile business twenty-six years, first in Gilmer county, afterward in Pickens count}", and sixteen years in Canton. In 1894 he retired from active business Hfe, though he has interests in the Coggins gold mines, which have been operated with a yield of $100 per ton. In May, 1862, Mr Coggins enlisted in the Sixth Georgia regim.ent, (cavalry). Company D, under Gen. Wheeler. He was in a fight at Philadelphia, Tenn., at the siege of KnoxvHle, arid in a number of other engagements, serving until the end of the war in 1865. Mr Coggins is a member of the Missionary Baptist church of Canton, and belongs to the fraternal order of Knights of Honor. Mrs. Coggins is a member of the Methodist church. Mr Coggins is a thorough business man, with an experience in life and knowledge of men that makes him CHEROKEE COUNTY SKETCHES. 463 invaluable in counsel. He has never taken an active part in politics, preferring to leave that to others. He is well acquainted in his section of the state and enjoys the esteem of all. JOHN W. FIELD, M. D., is a practicing physician of Cherokee Mills. He was born in Cherokee county on March 22, 1872, was educated in the common schools, and finished his studies at Reinhardt Normal college.' In 1890, having resolved to enter the medical profession, he commenced the study of that science under the guidance of his brother. Dr. Charles H. Field, of Kennesaw, Ga. Later, in 1891, he entered the Atlanta college of eclectic medicine and surgery, pursuing a full course of study in that well-known institution, and graduating therefrom on March 2, 1894, standing high in his class. Immediately thereafter he com menced the practice of medicine at Cherokee Mills, where he has already acquired a good and growing general practice, and is rapidly rising to merited prominence and acquiring an excellent reputation as a physician. The father of Dr. Field is Logan Field, of Cherokee MiHs. He was born in GreenvHle district S. C, on March 24, 1834. Nine years later he moved with his parents to Georgia, settling id Habersham county. At the age of eighteen he visited the west, traveling through the states of Texas, Arkansas and Kansas. Returning to Georgia, he settled permanently in Cherokee county. In 1862 he enlisted in Company B, Forty-third Georgia regiment, and participated in the battles of Bridgeport, Chat tanooga and Tazewell, Tenn., Cumberland Gap, Richmond and Lexington, Ky. He fought at Murfreesboro, Chickasaw Bayou, near Vicksburg, Big Black River and throughout the entire siege of Vicksburg. After the capture of that city he was paroled, and later, having been exchanged, he was engaged at Missionary Ridge, Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Peachtree Creek and throughout the siege of Atlanta. He then returned with Hood by way of Flor ence, Ala., and was engaged in the destructive battles of Franklin and Nashville. On the return from Nashville he was taken prisoner and confined at Camp Chase, Ohio, until June, 1865, when he was released. His mHitary record is a remarkable one. He was a soldier who never shirked duty nor wanted courage. His family was ruined by the war. Three of his brothers died in the service of the Confed eracy; one was killed in the battle of ChancellorsvHle, another wounded during the seven days' fight at Richmond, and died' in the hospital, while the third died in the service. In 1859 ^^- Field was married to Miss Jane C. Ripple, daughter of Rev. A. J. Rippie, of Cherokee county. Two children were born of this marriage: Mary Lewella, wife of Dr. J. W. Loringood, of Cherokee county; his other child, together with his wife, died during the war. In 1868 Mr. Field was again married to Miss Minerva Kennett, daughter of George Kennett, of Cherokee county, and by this marriage they have four children : Dr. Charles H. Field, of Kennesaw, Ga., the subject of this sketch; Mattie E. and Sally L. The father of Mr. Field was Gen. (J. R. Field, a native of Giffcrd county, N. C. He was a prominent citizen of Habersham county, where he died at the hands of an assassin, in ClarksviHe, in . 1846. The mother of Mr. Field was Polly Perkins, daughter of William Perkins, of Lincoln county, N. C. She died in Cherokee county in 1889. By their marriage J. R. and Polly Field had nine chHdren: Catherine, wife of Presley Payne; Mary Jane, wife of P. Iry; EHza, wife of W. H. Ferguson; Nancy, wife of R. M. Fortner; Susan, wife of A. B. Iry; WHliam, who died in the service of the Confederacy at the commencement of the war; Joseph W., wounded in the seven days' fight at Richmond, and died in the hospital ; John W., killed at the battle of Chancellorsville, and Logan Field. The family of Mr. Field on his mother's side is of Scotch-Irish descent, and on the side of his father is of EngHsh descent 464 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. JAMES GORDON KINCAID, of Cherokee county, is a native of Arkansas, where he was born in 1870. In 1876 he settled with his parents near Hickory Flat, in Cherokee county, where he was reared and educated, and where he now resides. He has acquired a practical knowledge of mechanics, and is engaged in manufacturing and agriculture, conducts an excellent farm and a saw-mill, of which he has made a success in the manufacture of lumber. In 1891 Mr. Kincaid was married to Miss Baiia Barrett, daughter of B. and Lerina Barrett, of Cherokee county. They have had two children: Mattie Ozella, born March 13, 1892, who died Sept. i, 1893, and Benjamin Jefferson, born April 18, 1894. The father of Mr. Kincaid is WHliam J. Kincaid, a native of Georgia. In 1868 he settled in Arkansas and removed to Georgia in 1876. He now resides in Cherokee county. Early in 1861 he enHsted in the Confederate service, in the Second Georgia regi ment. He served through the war and participated in the first and second battles of Manassas, in the seven days' fight in defense of Richmond, and in most of the engagements of the army of northern Virginia. The mother of Mr. Kincaid was Mary A. Ragsdall, who was born in Cherokee county, Ga., and is still living. Mr. Kincaid belongs to a family of five children: Mattie, Mrs. C. W. Miller, Tennessee; OdeHa, Oscar, Oda and James. Mr. Kincaid is a young man of engaging presence and agreeable manners, and bids fair to succeed in life. A DONIRAM SYLVESTER KING, farmer. Canton, was born March 22, 1837, in that part of Buncombe county, N. C, which is now Henderson county. He was the son of Benjamin Franklin and Mary Ann King. The father was a native of North Carolina, and his father and grandfather were Virginians. Mr. King is of Irish-English ancestry. His great-grandfather was of Scotch-Irish and English parentage, and his great-grandmother on his father's side was Irish. His paternal great-grandfather was a soldier in the revolutionary war. Benjamin King was a Baptist minister and large planter. With his wife he came to Georgia in 1845, and located in Whitfield county. He enlisted in the Confederate army and was made captain of Company F, Thirty-third Georgia regiment. Mr. Adoniram King was a member of Company F, Second Georgia regiment, and after twelve months' service he re-enlisted in Company B, Forty-third regiment The first year he was in the army of Virginia, and later in the western army. He was in the first and second battles of Manassas, Upson heights, Evansville, and a number of lesser engagements, when in the Virginia army. He was in the battles' of Chickamauga, Tenn. ; Bridgeport, and near Knoxville, and was through Kentucky, engaging in the fights at Crab Apple, Perryville, Henderson, and thence to Tennessee, partici pating in the battles of Franklin and Murfreesboro. He was at Vicksburg, Miss., and in a battle at BuH's Run, near Vicksburg, where he was struck by two balls, one fracturing his hip and lodging in his back-bone,- and one striking his leg below the left knee, fracturing the bone. He was left on the field for dead, and remained there for a day and night When found he was put in charge of the enemy and was sent to Enterprise, Miss., to the hospital. When his father retui"ned from the Virginia army he brought the son home, where he remained until the battle of Chickamauga. He entered this memorable fight on one crutch and a stick. When Mr. King was transferred from the army of "Virginia to the western army he was major of the drill. He was at Lookout mountain and Missionary ridge, and in the campaign from there to Atlanta. He was in all the engagements around Atianta, and was captured there, July 31, 1864, and sent to Johnson's island. Mr. King was married, May 19, 1859, to Miss Martha Matilda Evans, daughter of John and Elizabeth Evans, of Cherokee county, Ga. There were born to them one son and three daughters: Jackson Sylvester, born June 21, 1861; Martha Theo- CHEROKEE COUNTY SKETCHES. -105 dosia, born April 19, 1864; Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1867; Talulah Christina, April 20, 1869. After the war Mr King removed his family to Arkansas and resumed his farmer's life. While living there, in 1871, the wife, died, and ^Ir. King immedi ately returned to Georgia, locating on a farm near Atlanta, where he remained three years. From there he moved to Merivyether county, where, July 18, 1875, he wedded Miss Nancy Reader Folds. This union was favored by the birth of six children: Thomas Erwin, born April 28, 1876, died in infancy; Olin Carlton, born May 14, 1877, died in infancy; Benjamin Adoniram, July 9, 1878; William Theophi lus, July 9, 1881, died in childhood; Marion AV., Sept. 11, 1883, and Luther Franklin, born July 5, 1887. Mr. King returned to Cherokee county in the early part of 1886. He has been engaged in farming all his life. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church nearly a quarter of a century, and his wife is of the same religious faith. Mr. King has been a class-leader, superintendent of the Sunday school and steward of the church for years. He is a man of strict probity, and by his energy and industry and fair dealing with his fellow-man has prospered. PATTERSON HAMPTON LYON, mayor of Ball Ground, Cherokee Co., was born March 14, 1836, in Rutherford county, N. C, and is the son of Asher John and Nancy Lyon. Mr. Lyon's grandfather was John Lyon, and was a native of North Carolina, in which state his ancestors for the past century have lived. JMr. Lyon's father and grandfather on his father's side moved to Cherokee county in 1847, and took up a home at a place one and a half mHes from where Mr. Lyon now lives. His father was a school teacher, and taught in North Carolina and Georgia, and while following this vocation in Missouri died in 1875, in his sixty- third year. There were born to Asher and Nancy Lyon thirteen children : Patterson H., John Benjamin, Peter Calvin, Stephen, Elizabeth D., David Benedict, Merrit Rickman, Amanda, Virginia, Abram Asher, Millison, Emily, and Joseph Emerson Brown. Mrs. Nancy Lyon died in 1859 at the age of forty -two. Mr Lyon's grand father on his father's side died in 1873 in his eighty-first year, and his grandmother died in 1875 at the age of eighty -three. Mr. Lyon iwas eleven years old when his father came to Cherokee county, and in his boyhood attended the schools of the neighborhood and received private instruction at the hands of his father. When he reached his twenty-first year he began farming for himself. When the war broke out Mr. Lyon enlisted for six months in the state militia, and in May, 1862, he joined Company A, Forty-third Georgia regiment, under Col. Harris. He was in the battle of Chattanooga in 1862, at Tazewell, Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Cov ington, Ky., Lancaster, and Richmond, Ky. He participated in an engagement near Vicksburg, Miss., and at Baker's creek, where he had part of his ear shot off. He was in the forty-seven days' siege of Vicksburg, and was wounded in the leg on the Kennesaw line July i, 1864. In 1863, ]\Ir. Lyon was made lieutenant of his company, and in September, 1864, was promoted to captain. The entire company was captured at Jonesborough, Ga. Capt. Lyon was home on a fur lough at the time, but before his leave expired he made up another company and led it into service. He was at Kingston, Ga., when Gen. Lee surrendered. Follow ing the war Mr. Lyon engaged in the mercantile business at Marietta. He was deputy marshal and then marshal of that city for four years. In 1877 he moved to Ball Ground, to improve his property in that vicinity, and engaged in sawmHling. He owned several hundred acres of land where the town is now located when the railroad was built. He has since continued to look after his property and officiate as mayor, having been- elected to this office five times. Capt Lyon drew the charter for the town, and was the first mayor. He is an active member of the 1-30 466 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. I. O. O. F. Capt. Lyon was married to Miss Nancy A. Carpenter, daughter of Jacob D. and Sarah E. Carpenter, of Cherokee county. There were born to them twelve children : Alfred Cicero, Sarah Elizabeth, James Buchanan, Annie, Laura, Robert Lee, Lottie Belle, Cora Ophelia, LeHa (deceased), Winnie Davis (deceased), Merrit CHfton, and Mamie. Eight are married, the last two named being single. J40WARD WALKER NEWMAN, lawyer. Canton, Cherokee Co., was born in Knoxville, Tenn., July i6, 1840. His parents were Jacob and Caroline H. (Austin) Newman, natives of the valley of Virginia, the father being born in Shenandoah county and the mother in Albemarle county. Jacob Newman was a prosperous contractor. On both sides are found ancestors who served their country on the battlefields of the revolutionary war. Mr. Newman's grand father, on his mother's side, was a near neighbor and intimate friend of Thomas Jefferson, and of the same politics of the great leader. His mother was a Baptist, and her husband, Jacob, was a free thinker There were born to them seven chHdren, of whom Col. Howard Newman was the youngest. His early education was had in the schools of Knoxville, and he completed his studies at Emory and Henry colleges in 1857. He further pursued studies at the East Tennessee uni versity in 1858. He enlisted in the First Tennessee regiment (Peter Turney's regiment), Company C, and was made captain. He was in all the engagements that embraced the army of Virginia, and was with Gen. Lee at the surrender. He received several wounds while in service. After the war he read law under Gov. Peter Turney in Winchester, Tenn., and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He remained in Winchester, where he practiced his profession, until 1876, when he moved to Canton, Ga. Here he has since followed his profession with satisfactory results. In 1888, Col. Newman was a democratic presidential elector for the ninth Georgia congressional district. He was married Jan. 17, 1867, to Maggie, daughter of Judge Joseph Donaldson, of Cherokee county. Four children have blessed the union, only one of whom has been spared the parents — Howard Roy. Mr. Newman is an Odd Fellow, and has always taken much interest in the order. He has investments in farming lands, and devotes some attention to agricultural pursuits. Col. Newman is one of the leading lawyers of the Cherokee bar, and commands a large practice in county, district and the supreme court. DEV. JOHN WESLEY PAYNE, of Cherokee county, was born in Rutherford county, N. C, on June 5, 1820. In 1828 he moved with his parents to Haber sham county, this state. In 1835 he settled in Lumpkin county. His occupation has been that of a farmer. At the commencement of the civil war, Mr. Payne was a strong Union man, having been schooled in the democracy of Jackson's day. During the war he rendered efficient service to the Federal government. During 1864 he was engaged as a scout and guide, and in January, 1865, he formaHy enlisted in the service of the United States, engaging in military duty, and acting as chaplain of his regiment during the remainder of the war. On Aug. 21, 1840, he married Miss Nancy Potts, daughter of Samuel Potts, of Habersham county. By this marriage they had nineteen children, seven of whom survive: Charles C, of Arkansas; William J., of Cherokee county; John C, of Pickens county; David A., of Bartow county; Susan, wife of J. B. Lively; Melinda, wife of Marion Anderson, and Louisa, wife of Adolphus Smith. The father of Mr. Payne was Charles C. Payne, a native of Rockingham county, Va., who married Sally Crowder, of North Carolina. He died in 1867, in Habersham county. The mother of Mr Payne died in that county in 1841. His grandfather was Thomas Payne, also born in Rockingham county, Va. He commanded a company under Gen. Washington CHEROKEE COUNTY SKETCHES. 467 in the war of the revolution, and served throughout that struggle. He was a soldier of high character, and a citizen of worth and reputation. During his service as a scout in the late war, Mr. Payne was taken prisoner near Pine Log church, in Bar tow county, by Wheeler's cavalry. He was first taken to Augusta, where an attempt was made to execute him as a spy. His life having been spared, he was sent to Augusta for ttial, and on his way to that city he escaped from his guard by leaping through the car window. After enduring severe hardship, he finally made his way to his home in Cherokee county, traveling on foot, and experiencing the pangs of hunger and fatigue. His wife died on Feb. 19, 1891, and in May following he married Miss Sarah McCreary, of Pickens county, daughter of William and Catherine McCreary. Mrs. McCreary died in 1863. Mrs. Payne has two brothers and five sisters living: William, a resident of Indian Territory; John, of Kansas City, Mo.; Eliza, wife of Mr. Reagan; Martha, wife of Dr. David Wade, of Macon, Ga. ; Nancy, wife of Mr. Hales; Hulda, wife of James Ledford, of Clay county, N. C, and Emily, wife of G. W. Little, of Pickens county. She had two brothers in the late war, one in the Confederate and the other in the Federal service. Mrs. Payne is a native of Lumpkin county, Ga., where she was born in 1843. Mr. Payne is an elder of the Church of Christ in Pickens county, and for thirty-seven years has been a minister of that church. Mrs. Payne is also a member of the Church of Christ. gENJAMIN FRANKLIN PERRY, a well-known newspaper man and insur ance agent, and a prominent citizen of Canton, Cherokee Co., was born at Marietta, Ga., July 27, 1859, where he was raised and educated in the common schools of Cobb county, where he" received a limited education. In 1876 he grad uated at Moore's business college in Atlanta, where he attained an excellent record for efficiency in the course of study which he pursued at that well-known institu tion. After finishing his course he followed the occupation of clerk and book keeper, and in that capacity his services were engaged by different prominent business houses in Marietta. In 1877-78 he was in the service of the Marietta Paper Manufacturing company, where he acquired a practical knowledge of the art of making paper. In 1871-72-73 he was in the employ of the Marietta "Journal" and there acquired a knowledge of printing. In May, 1879, he located at Canton, and became business manager of the Georgia "Advocate," an organ of the Meth odist church south, until that paper was moved to Atianta. In January, 1880, he established the Cherokee "Advance" at Canton. The paper succeeded fairly -well, but as the rent paid for the material was exorbitant, he gave it up at the end of the year, and kept books for Capt. J. M. McAfee until January, 1884, when he bought, on credit, the materials, "good will" and books of the "Advance" and devoted himself to the building up of that newspaper. The paper had changed proprietors several times in the interval between 1881 and 1884, and had proved a business failure. By persistent work and close attention to business, Mr Perry succeeded in paying for the outfit and has since put in new type, presses and a steam engine. The "Advance" is now on a firm basis and has over 1,400 sub scribers. Mr. Perry's aim has properly been to make it a live, progressive, clean and pure newspaper, and he has made it the instrument for developing and adver tising his section. In times of election and other important happenings, couriers on horse and the telegraph are employed to gather the fullest and most authentic information for eariiest publication. Two instances deserve mention: The day after the cyclone of 1885, the "Advance" contained four columns of the most reliable account of it, the facts being obtained by Mr Perry in a night's visit and stay in the devastated portions of Cherokee county. The morning after the 468 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. meeting of the Georgia Press association at Canton in 1888 the "Advance" con tained a full report of the meeting, including a synopsis of all the speeches deHv- ered at the banquet only a few hours before. The Georgia Weekly Press associa tion has honored Mr. Perry with its presidency, and the Georgia Press association with its vice-presidency. He is now secretary of the Georgia Press association. Mr. Perry is in his thirty-seventh year — he is the type of physical manhood and mental austerity. He is a gentleman of affable and agreeable presence, of polished manners and diffident bearing. He has doubtless a bright and promising future, and bids fair to reach the front rank in journalism, to the pursuit of which he is devotedly attached, and toward which he successfully directs a well-preserved energy, supported by a sense of high honor and business integrity. Mr. Perry has never sought nor desired political preferment, although frequently solicited to become a candidate for such honors. He was, however, a member of the town coun cil of Canton- from the time of its organization until a very recent period. In 1891 he was elected mayor of Canton without solicitation or desire on his part. In 1892 he was strongly solicited to become the democratic candidate for the office of senator in the thirty-ninth senatorial district of Georgia, comprising -the counties of Cherokee, Milton and Forsyth, but a dislike for political advancement and a sense of duty to- his profession as a journalist induced him to decline the proffered honor, although the nomination was equivalent to an election. Mr. Perry is an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church south, and is superintendent of the Sunday school in that church at Canton. He has been president and secre tary of the County Sunday School association, of which association he is no-\v vice-president He is also superintendent of the Sunday school association of the twenty-first district of Georgia, comprising the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, jNIilton and Pickens, which position he also held in 1892. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, and is secretary of Royal Arch lodge, No. 71, and holds the 'same office in Masonic lodge, No. jy. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of which lodge he has also been secretary, vice grand, etc. He has always taken an active part in temperance work, and organized a lodge of Good Templars at Canton in 1880. Mr. Perry is ever ready to advance the temporal and industrial interests of his town and section, and was instrumental in establishing the bank of Canton. He is a member of the board of directors of this bank and is secretary of the board. On March 27, 1893, he was appointed postmaster at Canton, and was the first postmaster of the fourth class appointed in the state of Georgia under the Cleveland administration of 1893-97. -^t the death of James L. Jordan, clerk of the superior court of Cherokee county, in the fall of 1892, Mr. Perry was appointed to fill out the unexpired term, which appointment he accepted, but he declined to become a candidate at the general election in January, 1893, althougli urged to do so as the democratic nominee. In January, 1894, he was elected a member of the board of education of Canton public schools for the term of six years. On June 24, 1880, Mr. Perry was united in marriage to Miss Addie Blanche LTpshaw, daughter of John R. Upshaw of Alabama. Seven chHdren were born of this marriage: Mabel Blanche, born Feb. 17, 1882; Benjamin Franklin, born June 14, 1883; Clarence Atkins, born March 23, 1885; Charles Roe, born Dec. 13, 1886; Mattie Estill, born Nov. 26, 1888; EHa Grady, born Nov. 5, 1890;. and Julia 'Thene, bom May 5, 1893. The father of Mr. Perry was Anselum Roe Perry, a native of South Carolina, where he was born March 30, 1826. He settled in Georgia early in the fifties. His occupation was that of a paper maker and book binder. On Oct. 18, 1855, he married the mother of the subject of this sketch at: Marietta, Ga. Her maiden name was Parthenia AdeHne Gault She was the CHEROKEE COUNTY SKETCHES. 465 daughter of Joseph Gault, a prominent lawyer of ^Marietta. She is still living "with her son in Canton. Anselum Roe Perry died at Marietta March 4, 1872. "YY ILLIAM T. 'BATERFIELD, educator and farmer. Ball Ground, Cherokee county, was born April 15, 1836, in Pickens count}-, S. C, and was the son of Thornton D. and Mary Ann (Powell) Saterfield. His immediate ancestry were natives of South Carolina and his grandfather Saterfield was a brave soldier in the revolutionary war. Mr. Saterfield's father came to Georgia in 1841, and located in Habersham county, now embraced in White county, eleven miles west of ClarkesviHe. Mr. Saterfield was only six years old at this time. He was educated at Zion high school, under the principalship of Prof. W. N. Swift. He left school when seventeen years of age to engage in teaching in White county, and from that time has labored in this profession. He has been interested at times in mer cantHe pursuits and in farming, but he has never relinquished his hold on the ferule. Mr. Saterfield enlisted in the first company that left Lumpkin county, which was rejected, after which he volunteered in Young's battalion and was honorably discharged after an active service of two years. Mr. Saterfield was married to Miss Susan C. Huff, daughter of John and Susan Huff, on Nov. 17, 1868. They have two children, one son and one daughter. Martha, a daughter, married Marcus L. Thatcher of Cherokee county. They have three children, WiHiam, May, and Ernest Joseph M. Saterfield married Miss Josie RudicH, of Cherokee county. They have two children, Joseph and Azzie. Mr. Saterfield has been a member of the Missionary Baptist church for fifteen years, and has served as clerk of the congregation with which he is connected. He is an Odd Fellow and a royal arch Mason, having been a member for thirty years of the masonic lodge and sixteen of the I. O. O. F. He has filled all the chairs in both fraternities. Mr. Saterfield has been a citizen of Ball Ground for three years, and by his honorable character has won the esteem and high regard of the people of this thriving town. /~^0L. JOHN J. A. SHARP, a well-known citizen of Cherokee county, residing at "Walesca, was born in Pickens district, -S. C, in 1828, where he was raised and educated. In December, 1853, he settled in Cherokee county, where he now resides. He taught school for two years and then engaged in mercantile busi ness at Walesca until the commencement of the war. In 1857 he was com missioned colonel of militia. In August, 1861, he raised a company for the Confederate service, of which he was made captain. His company was attached to the Twenty-third Georgia regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas Hutchinson of Cherokee county. This regiment was ordered to Virginia and there was an nexed to Colquitt's brigade. He participated in the siege of YorktONxn and in the fight at Williamsburg and in May, 1862, his command was engaged in the battie of Seven Pines. His company suffered severely in this battle. His command was actively engaged in the seven days' fight in defense of Richmond and from there moved to Manassas by way of Orange court house, arriving on the field at Manassas too late to take part in the battie. He was next engaged at Sharpsburg, or Antietam, retreating to Winchester, destroying railroads and burning bridges on the route. At Winchester Col. Sharp, having previously received a major's commission, was placed in temporary command of his regiment and acted in that capacity until the battie of Chancellorsville. He was with his command in the battle of Fredericksburg, and in May, 1863, participated in the celebrated battie of Chancellorsville, where, after severe fighting, he was captured, together with 100 of his men. He was taken to the old capitol prison at V/ashington, -D. 470 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. C, where he remained about twenty days a pri.=-oner of war, yet kindly treated. Ha-ving been exchanged, he rejoined his regiment at Kingston, N. C. His com mand was next ordered to Richmond, Wilm'ington and James island, doing active duty at Morris island. After a stay of six months in the vicinity of Charleston he went with his command to Florida, where he met the enemy at Lake City and fought at the battie of Ocean pond, when the Federals fell back to Jacksonville. He encountered Butler at Drury's bluff and his regiment finally joined the army of northern Virginia at Second Cold Harbor. The fight at Cold Harbor was one of the severest battles of the war. After a siege lasting fifteen days the army returned to Petersburg and was engaged throughout the prolonged siege of that city, being constantly under fire for the ensuing three months. His division was next engaged at Fort Harrison and at Fort Fisher. After the fall of Fort Fisher, his command fell back to Wilmington, Kingston and Bentonville, where Col. Sharp was engaged for the last time in the defense of the Confederacy and the honor of the south. While leading his regiment in a charge on the enemy's breast work on Sunday evening, March i8, 1865, he was severely wounded, having been shot down in the assault. He had given his best efforts to uphold the Confederate cause and now, at the close of the long contest, his blood was finally shed in its defense. He was carried from the field and removed to a hospital, and later was conveyed in the presidents ambulance to Salsbury. His record throughout the war is the story of a career as active as it was chivalrous and patriotic, having been engaged in most of the historic battles fought by the army of northern Virginia. He was promoted first from a captaincy to be major of his regiment and later to be Heutenant-colonel, and frequently was its commanding officer. At the close of the war he relumed to his home penniless, was elected to the lower house of the legislature and served one term. He was again elected to the legislature in 1873. He engaged in mercantile and agricultural pursuits at Walesca, in which he was successful. He has taken an active interest in promoting the mental wel fare of his community and took a leading part in the establishment of Reinhardt Normal college at Walesca, of which he is an able supporter. Col. Shaip was first married in 1859 to Miss Martha -Moss, daughter of David Moss of Cherokee county. She died during the war. On Nov. 18, 1868, he was again mar ried to Miss Mary J. Reinhardt, daughter of Lewis W. and Jane Rein hardt. They have six children: Ramsey Colquitt, bom Nov. 9, 1870; Homer Frankhn, born Feb. 24, 1873; Hettie Marvin, bom April 5, 1875; May Hampton, born April 11, 1877; Ruble Augusta, born Feb. 14, 1880, and Garnett "VVhite, born May 15, 1883. The father of Col. Sharp was John Sharp, a native of North Carolina, where he was born in 1805. He died in Pickens district, S. C, in 1880. The mother of Col. Sharp was Catharine White, daughter of Alexander and Agnes White. She was born in South Carolina about 1805. His paternal grand father was John Sharp, a native of Germany, who migrated to North Carolina in his youth after the close of the revolutionary war. Alexander White, the maternal grandfather of Col. Sharp, was born and raised in Abbeville district, S. C, about the close of the revolution; he died in Pickens district, S. C, in 1852. CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 471 CLARKE COUNTY. [)ANIEL M. AARON, merchant, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of John R. and Melissa F. (Mathews) Aaron, was born in 1845. ^r. Aaron's grandfather was born in the old dominion, but when a youth ran away from home and came to Georgia, where he settled and married, and where Mr. Aaron's father was bom in 1815. The reason why his grandfather ran away from home was this: His father died when he was quite young and his mother married again. This last husband was cruel to his mother and one day when he was whipping" her Mr Aaron's grandfather seized an ax and threw it at his step-father, which hit and felled him to the ground. Without waiting to see the effect of his act he ran away from home and came to Georgia. Although Mr. Aaron's great-grandfather left a very good property when he died, his grandfather was afraid not only to return to his native state, but to make inquiry about any share he might have in the patrimony. Farming was the principal occupation of Mr. Aaron's father, but during the late civil war he worked in a cotton miH, making cloth and clothing for the soldiers. Mr. Aaron had the misfortune to lose his arm when he was nine years old while working in a cotton factory, but received a very good common-school education. He taught school awhile when a young man and then worked in a cotton mill ten or twelve years, at the same time conducting a farm. About six years ago he came to Athens and engaged in merchandising and is doing a very good business. Attentive and accommodating and prompt in meeting his obligations, monetary, religious and social, he enjoys the confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Aaron was married in 1871 to Miss Melinda, born in Franklin county, Ga., daughter of John and Sallie Bennett, who has borne him nine chHdren. Those living are Sarah M., Melissa J., Mary E., Nancy C, WilHam R., Walter J., Upson and Henry. He is a member of the I. O. F. F. and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. DEV. SAMUEL BENEDICT, deceased, doctor of divinity, was born of Congre gational ancestry in Litchfield, Conn., Sept 16, 1824. He first became inter- ' ested in the Episcopal church through the friendship of the Rev. Dr. Payne, rector of the parish at Litchfield, but he was not confirmed until his freshman year in coUege. He was graduated from Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., in 1847, at the head of his class. After leaving coHege he was for a time head master of the Episcopal academy at Cheshire, Conn. He then studied theology at the Berkley Divinity school, finishing his course there in 1850. On Nov. 20, of that year he was ordained deacon by Bishop Brownell. Shortiy afterward he was appointed tutor and then adjunct professor of ancient languages in Trinity college. He was ordained priest in 1853. His first charge in the ministry was St. James parish. West Hartford, for four years, from 1852 to 1856. He was afterward assistant minister to the famous Dr. Croswell, in Trinity parish. New Haven, for two years, from 1856 to 1858. He was next rector of St. James' church. Marietta, Ga., for nine years, from 1858 to 1867, with the exception of eighteen months during the war, when he was curate of St Andreyv's church, Gumsby, Canada ; then rector of St. John's church, Savannah, Ga., for ten years, 1867 to 1877, and finaHy rector of St Paul's church, Cincinnati, Ohio, for fourteen years, from Oct 23, 1877 to Oct. 6, 1891, when he died, aged sixty-seven years. His honors and services were many and marked. The honorary degree of doctor of divinity was conferred upon him 472 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. by William and Mary college, Virginia, in 1870. For several' years he was a member of the standing committee of the diocese of Georgia; was chairman of the standing committee in southern Ohio from 1880 to 1889, and for twenty-one con secutive years was deputy to the general convention. There he was long distin guished as one of the committee on amendments to the constitution; and more recently as a member, also, of the committee on the revision of the Hymnal. In 1888 he was nominated for assistant bishop of the diocese of southern Ohio; and in all the diocesan conventions bore a prominent and influential part. C AMUEL CALDWELL BENEDICT, physician and surgeon, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Samuel (D. D.) and Julia Bush (Hicks) Benedict, grandson of Andrew Benedict, was born at Hartford, Conn., Sept. 20, 1855. His early school days were passed in Savannah and Marietta, Ga., and he received the degree ot .bachelor of arts in 1876 from the university of Georgia. He taught school and raised the money necessary for his collegiate and medical education; he also spent three years at hard work on a farm, which gave him a fine physique and stamina. He attended one year's lectures at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, and two courses at the Miami Medical college, Cincinnati, Ohio, receiving from the latter the degree of M. D. in 1879. He was resident physician to Cincinnati hospital in 1879-80; and was acting assistant surgeon. United States army, 1880-81, chiefly in the field, and in charge of field hospital at Fort Cummings, New Mexico, in the war against the Apaches, under Victorio, and first settled in civil practice at Athens, Ga., in 1882, which has since been his home. He has been professor of medical jurisprudence in the university of Georgia law school since 1883; and was appointed by Gov. John B. Gordon delegate from Georgia to the quarantine con ference, Montgomery, Ala., in 1889. By appointment of Gov. Northen he was a delegate from Georgia to the Pan-American Medical congress in 1893, and was made honorary chairman of section on railway surgery. He is a member of the Medical Association of Georgia, American Medical association, National Asso ciation of Railway Surgeons, of which he was vice-president in 1892; of the com mittee on medical legislation for Georgia; surgeon for the Clarke Rifles, and for several railway companies, and medical examiner for several life insurance com panies. He is also a member of the association of Acting Assistant Surgeons, United States army. In 1894 he was orator of the Georgia Medical association — - his subject being: Suggestion and Its Therapeutic Value. Among Dr. Bene dict's more important papers are: Aseptic vs. Antiseptic Surgery, Transactions Medical Association of the State of Georgia, 1886; The Value of Blood Clot for Dead Spaces, Transactions National Association of Railway Surgeons, 1892; Pathology and Pathological Anatomy of Injuries to Spinal Cord Without Fracture of Vertebrae, idem, 1893. Dr. Benedict's most important surgical operation was reported in the "Medical Record," March 5, 1892 — An Enormous Congenital Umbilical Hernia Without Cutaneous Covering; Operation and Recovery; the first successful operation of the kind on record, and the child is now living. This opera tion excited much interest among the profession. Dr. Benedict is particularly inter ested in surgery and in diseases of children. He is a Knight of Pythias, of which he is past chancellor commander and past deputy grand chancellor of Georgia. Dr. Benedict was married July 27, 1882, to Miss Annie Rodgers Bloomfield, of xA-thens, Ga., and to them three children have been born: Ravaud, Nancy and Julia Benedict. WILLIAM ELLISON BOGGS, D. D., LL. D., chancellor of the university of Georgia, Athens, was bom in Ahmednuggur, presidency of Bombay, India, May 12, 1838. The family is of Scotch-Irish descent, and Dr. Boggs' ancestors CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 473 emigrated lo this country in 1704, and settled in Maryland, their descendants migrating southward to Virginia and the Carolinas. His grandfather, Joseph Boggs, was a native of South Carolina, served under Gen. Sumter during the revolutionary war, and was a famous scout and rifle shot. Dr. Boggs' father. Rev. George W. Boggs, was born in Pickens district. South Carolina, was a Presbyterian minister, and for seven years was a missionary in India, a work to which he was devoted, but was compelled to relinquish on account of the complete failure of his wife's health. It was during Dr. Boggs' early childhood that his parents returned by way of Liverpool, England, to Charleston, S. C. Fle received his preparatory education at Winnsborotigh, in that state, and then entered the South Carolina college, Columbia, from which he was graduated in 1859. ^^ his classmates but few survive the disastrous "war between the states." After his graduation he entered the Theological seminary, at Columbia, with a view to entering the Presbyterian ministry, where he remained until the spring of 1861, when he served as a private in the Sixth South Carolina regiment At the end of active operations for the year he resumed his studies, was ordained, and in the spring of 1863 returned to his regiment as its chaplain, serving as such until with his command he surrendered at Appomattox. After that event he returned to his home in South Carolina and preached a year in Winnsborough, when he ^\"as called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Columbia, S. C. In 1871 he accepted a call from the Second Presbyterian church in Memphis, Tenn., where he remained through the fearfully fatal yellow fever epidemics of 1873, 1878-79. In December, 1879, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Central Presbyterian church in Atlanta. After three years' acceptable service there he resigned — in the fall of 1882 — to fill the chair of church history and government in the Presbyterian Theological seminary at Columbia, S. C. He retained that chair until the case of Dr. James Woodrow came up, when Dr Boggs, finding it impossible to condemn his colleague because of his scientific opinions, resigned his professorship, and returned to Memphis to resume the charge of the church, of which he had been pastor formerly. At this post he remained until the spring of 1889, when he was elected to and accepted the chancellorship of the university of Georgia. Dr. Boggs has been the recipient of the following collegiate degrees: In 1859 he received the degree of A. B. from the South Carolina college; later, the degree of D. D. was conferred on him by the Southwestern Presbyterian university, at Clarkesville, Tenn., and the degree of LL. D. by the Central university of Ken tucky, at Richmond. As an educator, and as an educational administrative official Dr. Boggs ranks with the foremost in the Union, and is placing Georgia's uni versity on a high plane as a scholastic institution. Dr. Boggs was married in' 1870 to Miss Marion A., daughter of the late Adam L. Alexander, Esq., of Washington, Ga., and to them there have been born six children, of whom five survive — four sons and one daughter. g AMUEL DOWSE BRADWELL, the ex-state school commissioner of Georgia, was born in Liberty county, Ga., Jan. 5, 1840, on his father's farm near the Httie viHage of Hinesville, the county seat His fatiier was an educational ist and gave his son his prim.ary education up to the age of thirteen, when the father died. The son then attended the private schools in Liberty county for the next three years, and at the age of seventeen went to Oglethorpe university near Milledgeville. This was a Presbyterian institution, from which Mr. Bradwell, with the Rev. Dr Sam.uel Knox Talmage, uncle of the famous Brooklyn divine, graduated in July, 1859, with the degree of A. B. The late poet, Sidney Lanier, was also one of his classmates. On leaving Oglethorpe university, Mr Bradwell 474 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. came to Tattnall county and taught school there until 1861, when he returned to Liberty county and took charge, as principal, of the academy in which his father had taught for many years, and which was afterward known as Bradwell institute. He remained there from January to August, 1861, when he organized a company known as the Liberty Volunteers, of which at the age of twenty-one he was elected captain. The company was assigned to the Twenty-fifth Georgia infantry and known as Company H. Capt. Bradwell served as such officer until July 22, 1864, when he was incapacitated from further service by wounds received at the battle of Atlanta, which obliged him to go on crutches for four years thereafter Capt. Bradwell was in the following battles: SecessionvHle, S. C, Jackson, Miss., Chickamauga, Resaca, Rocky Face, Powder Springs (where he was shghtly wounded in the left hand), Atlanta (where he was wounded by the fragment of a shell which kept him in bed for seven months and on crutches for four years). For three months he lay in bed and taught school, slowly recovering from his terrible wound in his right leg. About a dozen of his old scholars came to his room. Neither they nor their parents had anything to pay him, but whenever they could get a chicken, duck, turkey, or anything that a man in his condition could relish they would bring it to him. While Capt. BradweH was thus lying on a sick-bed, the Federal general, KHpatrick, and his command camped near by, and, of course, swept the country clean of everything required by a man in Capt. Bradwell's state of convalescence. While he needed delicacies he was, in fact, deprived of everything except the very coarsest food, several times having nothing but dried peas. Some of the Federal soldiers, however, were good to him, bringing him occasionally a fowl or some delicacy they had secured by foraging. After his recovery he returned to Tattnall county, and there taught for one and a half years. Then he returned home, took charge of the old academy, and within a year, on a capital of $150, started the HinesvHle "Gazette," a weekly newspaper, conducting the dual enterprise for twenty years. He taught himself to set type, and though the paper at first -was not muc'n larger than a sheet of foolscap, he built it up until it had a circulation of 1,500 weekly and was of good size. For four or five years Capt Bradwell lived five mHes from a railroad and was compelled to carry his edition that distance to the depot. To his school came scholars from fifteen counties in Georgia. He was noted as a successful teacher, and Avas beloved by his scholars. Twenty-six children are named after him by his old-time pupils. Capt Bradwell retired from active educational life in 1890, having been appointed in December of that year, state school commissioner, the duties of which he assumed Jan. i, 1891. While compeHed to seek the aid of crutches Capt Bradwell studied law, and in 1867 was admitted to the bar in Liberty county under Judge W. B. Fleming of the superior court for the eastern circuit. Notwithstanding, Capt. Bradwell has never devoted himself to the legal profession, but has been somewhat prominent in politics. He was an elector for Hancock and English, and in 1886 was an unsuccessful candidate for a congressional nomination. In 1888-89 he represented the second senatorial district (Liberty, Tattnall and Mcintosh counties) in the state senate, and was made chairman of the committee on common schools. In 1893 he traveled ten thousand mHes in Georgia and made one hundred addresses on the educational question. He has some original ideas on this subject with relation to the negro as well as the white race, and will prob ably hereafter embody his views in book form, for which his newspaper experi ences eminently qualify him. Capt. Bradwell was married Jan. 2, 1868, to Eliza- Ijeth, daughter of Col. William CHfton, his wife being a pupil of his when she was fourteen and he nineteen years old. She feH in love with him after the war when he was on crutches, it being another case of Othello and Desdemona, she CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 475 loving him for the dangers he had passed. They had three chHdren, one son and two daughters. Capt Bradwell's father was James S. Bradwell, who was born in Liberty county, Ga., in 1796 and died in 1853. He was a lawyer, doctor and educator, but spent the best of his energies in teaching. Capt. Bradwell's grand father was Thomas Bradwell, who was born in North Carolina, but came to Georgia, settling in Liberty county when he was a young man, and there he was married. He was a major in the war of 1812. Capt Bradwell's great-grandfather was Nathaniel BradweH, a native of North Carolina, and a colonel in the revolu tionary war. He is supposed to have been the family's emigrant ancestor from England. Capt. BradweH's maternal grandfather was Simon Eraser, a native of Scotland. Capt. Bradwell never tasted a drop of intoxicating liquor in his life, and his whole experience has fiitted him well for the proud position he so creditably and honorably filled. WILEY BAXTER BURNETT, lawyer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Rev. Jackson S. and Mary E. (Alexander) Burnett, was born at French Broad, N. C, July 9, 1852. His father was a native of Tennessee and a Methodist preacher ; during the latter part of the war he was in the Confederate service, and died in 1894, aged seventy-three years. His m. other was a daughter of Mitchell Alexander, a very prominent citizen of Asheville, N. C. His parents raised three children to maturity: Alice P., deceased in 1868, wife of W. C. Kirkland; Wiley B., the subject of this sketch; and WHbur E., -cashier of the National bank of Spartanburg, Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. Burnett's parents refugeed soon after the beginning of the civil war to Spartanburg, S. C, where he was schooled at Wofford college and remained untH 1869, when he went to Boston and engaged as traveling sales man in the south for a wholesale shoe firm. He remained with the firm until 1879, when he came to Athens and in partnership with C. W. Baldwin established the shoe firm of Baldwin & Burnett. He continued in this business until 1884, when he sold out, commenced the study of law, and in 1885 was admitted to the bar, securing at once a good practice and an influential clientage. In 1888 the law firm of Lumpkin & Burnett was founded, special mention of which will be found in the sketch of Edwin K. Lumpkin in these Memoirs, indicating an influ ential clientage of large volume and value. During President Cleveland's first administration he was postmaster at Athens. Mr. Burnett was married in Decem ber, 1872, to Miss Annie R., daughter of the late Maj. Abram Jones, of Trenton, S. C, the fruit of which union are five chHdren : Mary L., wife of Howell Cobb, Jr., Athens; Jackson Wilbur, Annie R., Fannie L., and WHey B. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and is a royal arch Mason. JOHN R. CRAWFORD, merchant-farmer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Ebenezer S. and Mary E. (Richards) Crawford, was born in Madison county, Ga., in 1849. His paternal grandparents were John M. and Mary E. (Maddox) Crawford. His grandfather was a native of North Carolina, came to Georgia on horseback about 1800 when a young man, and settled in what is now Jackson county. He was a mHler, and later in Hfe bought land, cleared a farm' and engaged in farming. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Crawford's father was born in Jackson county in 1831, was educated in the old field school taught in the dirt floor log house, and later at an advanced school at Woodstock. He enlisted under Capt. Dabney Gholston in the Thirty-seventh Georgia regiment, and though sick a great part of the time was in many hard-fought battles. He followed farming and saw-miHing aH his life, and was twice married. He was first married in 1848, and by this marriage had three children, of whom the subject of this sketch is 476 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. the only survivor. He also had three children — Thomas B., Ebenezer S., and Mary E. — by his second wife. He died in 1866, and himself and wife were members of the Missionary Baptist church. Mr. Crawford's maternal grandparents. Royal and Rebecca (Towns) Richards, were raised in Madison county, and Mr. Richards conducted a farm and taught school. Mrs. Richards was a devout, working mem ber of the Methodist church. Mr. Crawford was reared on the farm and received a very limited education. He began life on a farm without a dollar, lived econom ically, and worked hard six years without making anything. He then came to Athens and went into the mercantile business and opened a wagon yard. He has established a good and profitable trade, and an excellent reputation for correct business methods and integrity, and is a progressive and rising man. Mr. Craw ford was married in 1866 to Miss Louisa J., -daughter of John Y. and Sarah A. (Strickland) Williams. His wife's great-grandfather was John Williams, and her grandparents were Elijah and Amelia Williams. He was born in North Carolina in 1785, and came to Georgia in 1792 with the family, who settled in the woods. Mr. Crawford's wife died in 1870, leaving three children: Thurston C, Viola A., and Thomas R. In 1875 Mr. Crawford married Mary E., sister of his first wife, who has borne him three chHdren: Elmer J., John A., and Mary J. Mr. Craw ford and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist church. ALEXANDER S. ERWIN, lawyer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Alexander and Catharine (Wales) Erwin, was born in ClarkesviHe, Habersham Co., Ga., July 19, 1843. His father was a native of North Carolina, came to Georgia in 1828, and engaged in merchandising in Clarkesville, where he died in 1876. His mother v/as a native of Connecticut. They were the parents of four children, three of whom were boys : WilHam S., now deceased, was a prominent lawyer, a captain in the Eleventh Georgia cavalry regiment, and who subsequently represented Habersham county and the senatorial district ih the general assembly; Joseph B., who was a quartermaster, and Alexander S., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Erwin was raised and educated in Clarkesville, where, in April, 1861, he enlisted as a second lieutenant of infantry in PhiHips' legion, and after a year was made first lieutenant. In 1863 he was promoted to a captaincy, which rank he held at the time of the surrender. He was a gallant participant in Gen. Floyd's campaign in West Virginia, where he was engaged in few battles, but many skirmishes ; second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga. Two days later, near Chattanooga, he was severely wounded in the right arm, which was crippled for Hfe, and also in the hip. While at home convalescing he served in the conscription department In January, 1865, he rejoined his com mand, near Richmond, and two weeks before that city was evacuated he came back to Georgia on post duty, which he was discharging when the war closed. On his return home he began the study of law, and in October, 1865, was admitted to the bar in Hiawassee, Towns county. He located in Clarkesville, where he prac ticed two years, and was solicitor of the county court of Habersham a year. In 1868 he resigned the office and came to Athens, where he made his permanent home. He has established an excellent professional reputation, ranks high as counselor and advocate, and is popular with all classes. He has been a member of the city council of Athens; in 1878 he was elected judge of the western circuit, and held the office four years — the circuit comprising eleven counties — and in 1885 was appointed a railroad commissioner by Gov. McDaniel, which he held six years. Judge Erwin was married, in 1872, to Miss Mary A., daughter of ex-Gov. Howell Cobb, a union which has been blessed with nine chHdren, seven of whom are boys. Judge Erwin is a member of the Presbyterian church, of which he is a deacon. CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 477 JOHN GERDINE, physician, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of William L. and Lucy (Lumpkin) Gerdine, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., Feb. 28, 1840, the eldest of sixteen children, of whom seven survive. His father was a prominent planter of Oglethorpe county, and his mother a daughter of ex-Chief Justice Joseph H. Lumpkin, the first chief justice of the supreme court of Georgia. When he was four years old his parents moved to Mississippi, \Yliere they lived ten years, and then came to Athens. Completing his preparatory education, he entered the university of Georgia, from which he graduated as Bachelor of Arts, in 1859. After studying medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Joseph B. Carlton, he attended a course of lectures at Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia, then went to the medical department of the university of Louisiana, from which he graduated in 1861. The war between the states having begun, he enlisted. May 12 of that year, as a private in Blythe's Mississippi regiment, and after serving a year as such was made assistant surgeon of the Ninth Confederate regiment. At the end of twelve months he was transferred to hospital duty at Durant, Miss., where he remained a year, and then was assigned to duty with Gen. Peter B. Starke. During his arduous and useful army service he was in the following, among other, battles: Belmont, Shiloh, near Grenada, and West Point, Miss.; Fort Pillow, Frank hn, Spring HiH, Columbia, JohnsonvHle, Tenn., and Selma, Ala. Three of his broth ers were also in the Confederate army. After the surrender he rode from Gainesville, Ala., to his old home, near West Point, Miss., where he followed farming a year, and then commenced the practice of his profession, which he successfully prose cuted there until 1876, when he came to Athens, which has since been his home, and where he has held important and honorable civic and professional positions. From 1880 to 1885 he was lecturer on medical jurisprudence in the university of Georgia. He is an honored member of the State Medical society, of which he was vice-president in 1888, and was censor from 1882 to 1887. In 1892-93 he served as alderman on the city council of Athens. A gentleman of the highest literary culture and professional attainments, none outranks him in the public esteem. Dr. Gerdine was married in Mississippi, in 1871, to Miss Susan, daughter of the late Thomas W. Golding — a union which has been blessed with nine children: Thomas G., Susan G., John, Lucy, WilHam, Mary E., Sarah H., Lynton and Marion C. The doctor is a member of the masonic fraternity and of the Presby terian church, of which he is an elder. J H. GOSS, physician and'surgeon, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., was bom in Banks ¦ county, Ga., AprH 28, 1853. When ten years of age he went with his family to Fayette county, Ala., and after living there five years returned to Georgia, and was in the merchandise business for two years — during which time he studied medicine. He then attended -the medical college at Louisville, Ky., from which he graduated in 1875. The ensuing year he took a post-graduate course at the same institution, after which he located in Madison county, Ga., where he successfully practiced his profession three years. He then went to New York, where he attended what is now the medical department of Columbia coHege. Returning home, he resumed his practice and continued it until 1889, when he took a course in the post-graduate school and hospftal in New York, also a course in the New York Polyclinic, and attended the Loomis laboratory, in New York, from which he was graduated in 1889. He then came to Athens, where he located, in January, 1890, and commenced the practice of his profession. But in tiie winter of 1894 he returned to New York and took a special post-graduate course at Columbia college, and may now be considered as exceptionally well equipped and perma nently located. He is a member of the State Medical association and of the 478 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. American Medical association. He was a member of the ninth international medical congress, which met in Washington, D. C, in 1887, and also of the Pan- American medical congress, which met in the same city in 1893. Comparatively a young man, unquestionably devoted to his profession, and ambitious of attaining the highest excellence, he certainly has before him a brilliant professional career. Ur. Goss was married, in 1878, to Miss Everleila, daughter of John M. Mont gomery, now deceased, of Madison county, Ga., by whom he has had three children: Ralph M., Agnes C. and Leila G. Dr. Goss is a Knight of Pythias, a member of the I. O. O. F. and a master Mason, and a prominent member of the Methodist church. vy" ILLIAM S. HOLMAN, president Athens Electric Railway company, son of Robert Holman, was born in Bowling Green, Ky., in 1844. The family is of English extraction, and when members of it emigrated to this country they settled in Virginia. Mr. Holman's father was born in tlie "old dominion," followed farming all his life, and died in i860, aged sixty years. Mr. Holman was reared and educated in Bowling Green, and in June, 1862, he enlisted in Company L, Second Kentucky regiment, which was assigned to the command of Gen. John H. Morgan. He was in the battle of Lebanon, Ky., besides some minor engagements and numberless skirmishes, and was with Gen. Morgan in his famous raid into Indiana and Ohio. He was captured during this daring incursion and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, and afterward to Camp Douglas, III., and held from July, 1863, to January, 1865, when he was exchanged and joined the army of northern Virginia. He afterward started to join Gen. Johnston's army at Greensborough, N. C, but learning that that general had surrendered his command, went to Charlotte, N. C, where President Davis was. From here Mr. Flolman, with nine others, went to SaHsbury, N. C, and escorted Gen. John C. Breckinridge to Charlotte to meet the president. From here President Davis and Gen. Breckin ridge started for the trans-Mississippi department, under the escort of 1,500 men, Mr. Holman bearing a very conspicuous part in the movement. The party was headed off at Woodstock, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., and the president and Gen. Breckin ridge having separated from the escort, the command surrendered. It will be ob served that Mr Holman bore a very hazardous and important part in the closing scenes of the war; that his relations were quite confidential with its illustrious chiefs, and that he was among thevery last to surrender. Duringhis service hewaswounded — but only slightly — ^by both shell and saber. In 1868 he went into the live stock business in Bowling Green, in which he was successful and prosperous. Two years later he established branch headquarters in Athens, and in 1873, so satisfactory was his business, he moved to Athens to live — continuing his business at Bowling Green until 1877. He does a very large business, his sales amounting to more than 1,300 horses and mules annually. Besides transacting this business, he owns a dairy and stock farm near Athens; is president of the Athens Park and Improve ment company, and of the Athens Electric Railway company. This is sufficient to show that he is a man of great energy and judicious enterprise, as well as unusual business capability. A brother of his — Leander — was in the Confederate service as a sergeant in the Ninth Kentucky regiment He was captured, was a prisoner in Fort Delaware, and died in Philadelphia soon after his release, while on his way home. Mr. Holman was married, in 1877, in Danville, Ky., to Agnes, daughter of the late James Spears, who died in 1892, leaving five children: Annie, Mary, Lena, Maggie and Robert. Mr. Holman is an Ancient Odd FeHow, and worships at the Baptist church. CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 479 (QEORGE H. HULME, wholesale grocer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of George W. Hulme, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in June, 1859. His father was a native of Elbert county, enlisted in the Confederate army when the civil war began and died at Richmond while in the service. When Mr. George H. Hulme was about nine years old he went with the family to Newton county. Miss., where he remained about eight years. Returning to Georgia he stopped in Frank lin county a few months and then went to Hartwell, Ga., where he went to school two years and finished his education. He taught school one term in Flart county and about 1880 came to Athens and engaged as a clerk in a family grocery store. After clerking three years he coiiimenced a retail grocery bu.siness on his own account, which he continued until September, 1894, when he changed his retail to an exclusively wholesale grocery business. Since he went into business for him self his trade increased rapidly and he has been exceptionally prosperous. He started on a capital of $2,000 and has done an annual business amounting to $200,- 000. He has already established a very large wholesale trade with a promise of its ultimately reaching immense proportions. Mr. Hulme was married in 1884 to Miss Willie, daughter of the late William Matthews of Athens, by whom he has had three children: (jeorge Harold, Jr., Kathleen and Marguerite. Mr. Hulme is a master Mason and a prominent member of the Baptist church. JOHN A. HUNNICUTT, capitalist and banker (retired physician), was born in Coweta county, Ga., Sept. 16, 1838. He was reared and schooled in his native county, among other schools attending Longstreet institute until 1858, when he went to Madison college, Madison county. Miss. In i860 he graduated from this institution and returned to Georgia, where in 1861 he enlisted as a private in the Seventh Georgia regiment and served through the war, surrendering at Appomattox. He participated in t'ne battles at Yorktown, Williamsburg, Wilderness (where he was slightly wounded), Petersburg and on the retreat to Appomattox. After the war he walked to Greensborough, N. C, and thence rode and walked via Salem, N. C, to Newnan, Ga. He taught school some months and read medicine, and then entered Atlanta Medical college, from which he grad uated in 1866. Locating in Newnan he practiced his profession with growing reputation and steadily increasing patronage until 1870, when he moved to Athens, and has since been chiefly engaged in banking and various important enterprises requiring superior financial management. From 1883 to 1893 he was president of the Bank of the University, of which he is now one of the directors. Since his retirement from the presidency of that bank he has been president of the Athens Savings bank, and is also president of the Athens Gas company and the Athens Fertilizer company, and is on the board of directors of the Southern Mutual In surance company, a position he has held for twenty years. He has served several terms as a member of the city council of Athens and also as mayor of tiie city. He was one of the best and truest and most progressive officials the city ever had, and has ever been foremost in any and every movement looking to the interest and welfare of the people and the' upbuilding of the city — gas, electric lights and its sanitary improvement. For the poor and distressed he has always had a soft heart and an open purse. Dr Hunnicutt was married Feb. 22, 1870, to Miss Mary L., daugihter of the late Louis J. Deupree (of Huguenot lineage), by whom he has had eight children: Martha A., Lucy E., Deupree, Mary H., Sarah E., Eleanor K., John A., Jr, and Nellie G. Dr Hunnicutt is a prominent member of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward and trustee. 480 MEMOIRS OP Georgia. CDWIN K. LUMPKIN, lawyer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Prof. W. W. Lumpkin (now of Atlanta), was born at the home of his ma ternal grandfather in Marion, Ala., Jan. 2, 1854. His paternal grand father was Ex-Chief Justice Joseph Henry Lumpkin of the supreme court of Georgia. While yet very young his father returned with his family to Athens, where Edwin K. was reared and educated, graduating at the university of Georgia in 1872. Among his classmiates were Judge John L. Hardeman of Macon, -Ga., and Joel Hurt of Atlanta. After graduating as a civH engineer he followed that profession three years, when he engaged in farming and land surveying for three years. He then began the study of law under the preceptorship of Ex- Senator Pope Barrow, and in 1 878 was admitted to the bar at Oconee superior court Fle immediately located in Alliens, his present home, where he rose rap idly in his' profession, in which he now occupies a high rank. In 1888 he formed a partnership with W". B. Burnett, which still exists. He makes a specialty of anti- corporation practice, in which his firm has been connected with a very large num ber of the most important cases yvhich have been litigated. Mr. Lumpkin was the active moving power which forced the Southern Mutual Insurance conipany to distribute its immense accumulated surplus (about $1,000,000) in 1888. Mr. Lumpkin was married in 1878 to Miss Mary B., daughter of John G. Thomas of Milledgeville, Ga., and to them seven children — four girls and three boys — have been born. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and affiliates with the Presbyterian church. PATRICK HUES MELL, D. D., LL. D., late chanceHor of the university of Georgia, Athens, was the second of the children and the eldest son of Maj. Benjamin and Cynthia (Sumner) Mell, and was born in Walthourville, Liberty Co., Ga., July 10, 1814. His father was a very wealthy planter, sympathetic and generous to a fault. Unfortunately he endorsed ruinously heavy for a friend, who, failing to meet his obligation Maj. Mell had to pay the debt, thereby wreck ing his fortune. Under this financial reversal his health gave wav and within two years he died, followed two or three years later by his widow. Thus Dr. ^Mell at the early age of seventeen found himself burdened with the care of a ruined estate and of his brothers and sisters. Generously rehnq-uishing his portion of the patrimony saved from the wreck he started to work out life's problem — obtain an education and regain if possible the property and social position lost by his father's misfortune. Fortunately previous thorough training and good schooling had laid a foundation deep and strong on which to build. This was largely due to his excellent mother, and a friend of the family writes that he Avas "a perfect reproduction of his mother in form, in features, in character and in mind," proving the old saying: "That men of mark are chiefly indebted to their mothers for their superiority." In the excellent English and classical school at Walthourville the opportunity was afforded of paying for his higher studies by teaching the pri mary classes, of which he availed himself. He was soon offered a good position at an academy near Darrien, Ga., which was under the direction of Col. BradweH, where, as a teacher he could pay his way as before. In a letter written to him by his mother just before she died and while he was at school, the longings of the mother's heart and her influence over her boy stood out glowingly and lovingly in the following passage: "Earnestly as I wish a son of mine to be a minister, yet I tremble at the idea of educating and devoting a son to the sacred profession without previously satisfactory evidence that his own soul was right with God. My heart burns to see you in every sense of the word a true Christian. Other studies are very commendable and right, but let those which tend directly to re- CLARKE COtJNTY SKETCHES. 481 ligious subjects have the first place in your thoughts and affections. Let these pages, my dear boy, be a testimony before God and keep them as a sign between you and me, that I am in earnest as to a subject where indifference would be sin." The devoted mother did not live to see the fruits of her work, but God answered her prayers by giving to the country a noble life, the influence of which . was felt for more than fifty years through the length and breadth of this southem land. In 1832, a few years after the date of the letter quoted from. Dr. Mell was baptized at North Newport Baptist church in Liberty county. His struggles to obtain an education attracted the attention of a wealthy gentleman — Hon. George W. Walthour — who off'ered to pay the expenses of a collegiate course. His offer was accepted and in 1833 he entered Amherst college, Amherst, Mass. To reduce expenses he taught during vacations and six weeks into the new term, keeping up with the studies and standing an examination on resuming studies in college. Being high-spirited, with a' keen sense of independence, he determined to call on his benefactor for as little money as possible. For reasons of a private nature he declined further assistance before his college term closed. Subsequent unjust treatment on the part of the faculty and individual professors determined him to leave the college. With only five dollars in his pocket he walked to Springfield, twenty miles, found a vacancy in West Springfield and was installed as a teacher. This was in 1835. There he spent a year; then yielding to earnest solicitations he became associate principal of the high school in East Hartford, Conn., where he remained twelve months. About this time Col. McAlhster of Savannah, a wealthy gentleman and formerly a friend of Maj. Mell, met him and offered to pay his way through Yale college, but he refused the proffered aid. Declining eligible offers he returned to Georgia in 1837 and engaged in teaching and preaching. In 1856 he was appointed to the presidency of Cherokee coHege, Ga.; principal of the Columbus, Ga., male high school; principal of the Baptist Female college, Talladega, Ala.; pastor of die Talladega Baptist church and professor of ancient languages in the university of Georgia. He declined all except the last; was elected and in January, 1857, entered upon the discharge of his duties. In accepting, however, he had stipulated that the duties of his chair should not disturb his relations with the churches at Antioch and Bairdstown, and that Sunday and Saturday of each week should be allowed him. This arrange ment was maintained until he was elected chancellor of the university in 1878. In 1856 Dr. Mell was elected president of the Georgia Baptist convention, and except when kept at home by sicknesss was continuously re-elected untH his death in 1888. In 1858 Freeman university of South Carolina conferred on him the degree of doctor of divinity. Dr. Church resigned the presidency of Franklin college (now university of Georgia) in 1859. This left vacant the chair of ethics and metaphysics, to which Dr. MeH was elected in i860, holding it untH it was abol ished in 1872. He was a strong sympathizer with the south ; so strong that when, in 1861, a company caHed the MeH riflemen was organized, he was tendered and accepted the captaincy and was duly commissioned by Gov. Brown. This com pany was assigned to Cobb's legion, and he was preparing to leave when, July 6, 1861, his wife died, leaving a large family of chHdren — some quite young. He reluctantly resigned, but had he gone his family would have been left helpless and destitute. He contracted a second marriage Dec. 24, 1861, with Miss Eliza E. Cooper of Screven county, Ga., by -wlhom he had six children, of whom five are living. In 1863 the people of Athens resolved to organize for the defense of north Georgia, and Dr. Mell was waited on by a committee of citizens and in vited to take command with rank of colonel. He accepted, and the chancellor and faculty and nearly all the students joined, and the command went into camp at 1-31 482 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Rome, afterward at Savannah, served through the war and at its close was mus tered out On Jan. i, 1866, the exercises of the university were resumed. In 1868 permission was asked of Dr. Mell to present his name for the presidency Of the university of Alabama. Having determined to devote his Hfe to Georgia he refused. July 2, 1869, Floward coHege of Alabama, conferred on him the degree of LL. D. As a presiding officer and parliamentarian he was regarded as having no superior, and in all the gatherings of his denomination he was quickly given a front position. This statement is verified hy the fact that he was clerk of the Georgia Baptist association six years, 1845-46-1851, and afterward its moderator thirty years; secretary of the Georgia Baptist convention ten years, 1845-46-1855, and then president -of it twenty-six years, and for seventeen years, to the date of his death, was president of the southern Baptist convention. In response to a request by resolution Dr. Mell prepared a manual of parliamentary practice, which was adopted and published by tiie southern Baptist convention in 1868. During the entire time he presided over the several conventions he encountered but one or two reversals. The Georgia Baptists had for a hundred years met on a certain day, but such .was their esteem for him as a brother, and appreciation of him as a presiding officer, that in 1885 the day was changed to meet his con venience. Notwithstanding his arduous and multiplying engagements he found time to write and publish much. Some of his most highly prized publications are: On Baptism, History of Georgia Baptists, Predestination, Calvinism, God's Providential Government, Philosophy of Prayer, Keep the Sabbath, The Lord's Supper, Coming to Christ, College Government — the Dormitory System, Uni versity of Georgia — Defended, University of Georgia — Reply to Criticisms, The Fathers of Our Association (Georgia). Dec. 12, 1887, he preached his last ser mon, and died Jan. 12, 1888, his last utterance being: "I commit my soul to God in Christ Jesus, glory, be to God." JHOMAS SUMNER MELL, lawyer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Patrick H. and Lurene (Howard) Mell, was born in Athens Feb.. i, 1859. His father was chanceHor of the university of Georgia (see sketch of Patrick Hues Mell in these memoirs). Mr. Mell was raised in Athens, where he enjoyed the very best educational advantages and graduated from the university of Georgia in 1878 with the degree of bachelor of arts, and in 1879 with the degree of master of arts and civil and mechanical engineer. He then engaged in the study of law and at the July term, 1880, of Oconee superior court was admitted to the bar. He stands high professionally, has a large practice and the confidence of the people and is very popu lar. In 1893 he was city attorney for Athens and in 1894 was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and was appointed chairman of the committee on enrollment and member of committees on finance, general judiciary and rules. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, of the I. O. O. F. and of the Baptist church. CYLVANUS MORRIS, professor of law, university of Georgia, Athens, son of Charles and Mary (Minor) Morris, was born in Goochland county, Va., Oct. 8, 1855. His father was a native of Virginia. In 1869 he came to Athens to accept the professorship of belles-lettres in the university of Georgia. Mr. Morris has Hved since infancy in Georgia and was raised and educated in Athens. He graduated from the university with the degree of master of arts in 1875, then taught school in Athens two years, in the meantime preparing for the legal pro fession under the preceptorship of Ex-United States Senator Pope Barrow, now of Savannah, Ga. In 1877 he was admitted to the bar, entered into partnership CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 483 with Hon. Emory Speer, now judge of the United States district court, southern district of Georgia, and located at Jefferson, Ga. This partnership was dissolved in 1878, when Judge Speer was elected to Congress and Mr. Morris moved to Athens, which has since been his home. He was appointed by Gov. Colquitt solicitor of the city court of Athens and held the office ten years, performing faithful and highly appreciated service, and for three years was connected with the law department of the Richmond & Danville railway. Prof. Morris was married in January, 1890, to Miss Annie L., daughter of Robert Walker Lewis of Rich mond, Va. Two chHdren were born to them, but both died. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. j:?UFUS LAFAYETTE MOSS, cotton commission merchant, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of John D. and Martha (Strong) Moss, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., Jan. 13, 1825. His father was a native of Mecklenburg county, Va.; came to Georgia and settled in Oglethorpe county in 1806, removed to Athens in 1854, where he died in 1863, aged seventy-one years. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, and, after retiring from military life, he devoted his time and enegies to farming, owning plantations in Georgia and Alabama. In 1824 he married Miss Martha Strong, daughter of Charles Strong, of Hanover county, Va. Mr. Strong enlisted in 1781 as soldier in the patriot army during the revo lutionary war, was in the battle of Yorktown and present at the surrender of Corn wallis. Mr. Moss spent his boyhood days on his father's plantation in Oglethorpe county, and was educated in the country schools of the time. He began business when seventeen years of age, engaging as clerk with a general merchandise firm in Athens, receiving for the first fifteen months a salary of $150 and boarding himself. The next year he received $200, and the succeeding year $250. In 1846 he formed a partnership with Maj. Blanton Hill, and embarked in a general merchandise business in Athens, with a stock of $7,500. Five years afterward the partnership was dissolved, Mr. Moss selling his interest, the firm having cleared in that time $22,500. In 1851-52 he had charge of the Athens Foundry and Machine works, of which he was one of the original stockholders. His next venture was in a general merchandise store in Athens, with a branch store in Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., Ga. This business he successfully conducted for four years. Later, in partnership with W. H. H. White, he went into the dry goods business in Athens, under the firm name of Moss & White. In i860 Mr. Moss bought his partner's interest and continued the business until the beginning of the civil war. In 1862 he enlisted under the command of Gen. Howell Cobb, and was assigned to duty in Florida as assistant clerk in the commissary department. In November, 1864, he was transferred to Atlanta and placed in charge of the commissary department there, retaining the position until the surrender. For eighteen months after the surrender, his health having been greatly impaired, he was disabled by sickness from engaging in business. On his recovery, he was placed in charge of Princeton (cotton) factory, which position he held for two years. Following this he went into the shoe business, and, later, took charge of the Pioneer Paper mill, located four miles from Athens. Resigning this position at the end of two years, he went into the cotton commission business, which he has conducted successfully to the present time, his first partner being Maj. John J. Thomas. His present partner is his son, John D. Moss. The uprightness, integrity and purity of the life Mr. Moss has lived before the people of Athens and the business world, have given to his financial standing the strength which has enabled hiin to stand firm in the midst of panics and hard times. As city councilman, by personally endorsing the notes of the town, he raised its credit from fifty cents on the dollar, to par value. 484 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. He was director of the State bank, at Athens, for ten years, and has been for twenty years director of the First National Bank of Athens. Mr. Moss was. married in Athens in 1848 to Miss Mary Anthony, daughter of Rev. Samuel Anthony, one of the most influential and revered Methodist preachers of his time. This lady died a month after her marriage, while on their bridal tour, at Rome, N. Y. In 1856 he contracted a second marriage, wedding Miss Elizabeth Luckie, daughter of the late Dickinson Luckie, of Covington, Ga., a union which has been blessed with eight children, of whom six survive. Of these, Rufus Lafayette, jr., is an energetic young business man, rendering efficient service in the interest of the Central Railroad of Georgia; John D. Moss is the junior member of the firm of R. L. Moss & Co., and Wm. L. is a student of the state university. His daughters are, Mrs. Emmet J. Bondurant, Eliza B. and Sarah H. Moss. To say that Mr. Moss is a member of the Methodist church, and has been a steward therein for forty years, fails to give an idea of the beauty and benevolence of the straightforward, simple. Christian life of this venerable southern gentleman, the motto of whose life seems, to one who knows him, to be, "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." J3 PHINIZY. No two names in Georgia, particularly in Clarke county, are more * widely and none anywhere more honorably known, than those of Billups and Phinizy — the first in legislative and political circles, the last as progressive business men and financiers, and both in the very best social circles. The best blood of both mingles in Billups Phinizy, banker, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., who was born in Augusta, Ga., Feb. 27, 1861. When only two years old he was brought to Athens by his parents, where he was educated and grew to manhood. He took an engineering course at the university of Georgia, completing it and graduating in 1881. His first business venture was in the grocery business, which he carried on with profitable results for seven or eight years. He is now president of the Bank of the University and of the Athenaeum company. He is also a director of the Southern Mutual Insurance company, and of the Athens Manufacturing company; and, also, senior partner of the cotton firm of Phinizy & Griffin, positions which bear ample testimony that his fellow-citizens recognize in him the very highest business sagacity and qualifica tions and financial ability. Mr. Phinizy was married in 1886 to Miss Nellie, daughter of Boiling A. Stovall, and to them four children have been born: Anna B., Boiling S., Mattie S., and Nellie. He is a prominent member of the Presby terian church. D EUBEN NICKERSON, president Athens Hardware company, Athens, Clarke Co., was born in Bucksport, Maine, in 1829. The family is of EngHsh-Scotch extraction, Mr. Nickerson being the youngest of eight chHdren, of whom two, beside himself, are now living: Sarissa B., widow of Capt Rufus Cole, and Isaac H., now of Athens. After receiving his primary education, he was ap prenticed to learn the machinist trade at Bangor, Maine. In 1851, on the com pletion of his term, he went to Renssalaer institute, Troy, N. Y., where he perfected himself in drafting. He went thence to Schenectady, N. Y., where he obtained employment for a year in the locomotive works. He came to Athens in 1853 and engaged with the Athens Foundry and Machine works, of which, at the end of three months, he was placed in charge, and retained the position for thirty years. His administration of its affairs proved to be in the highest successful and profitable. When he assumed the management the company was heavily in debt; he not only paid off the indebtedness, but largely increased the capacity of the works and improved them, and made it dividend-paying stock. In 1866 he embarked in the CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 485 hardware business in Athens, with A. K. Childs, under the firm name of Childs & Nickerson, which later was changed to Childs, Nickerson & Co. This firm was succeeded in 1889 by the Athens Hardware company, of which Mr. Nickerson was made president Its business has been large and profitable. He is also president of the Santee Mining Company of Georgia; a director of the Bank of the University, and in the Southern Mutual Insurance company. He has served two terms on the -city council of Athens, and has also been a member of the county board of school <:ommissioners. In 1859 he was largely instrumental in organizing the Athens fire department, and was the first captain of Athens Fire Company No. i. Mr. Nicker son was married in Augusta in 1855 to Miss Maria E., daughter of the late John Cook, who was a native of New York — but he has had no children. He is a royal arch Mason, and an ardent working member of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward, and for thirty years has been a Sunday-school superintendent. JOHN J. C. McMAHON, banker, Athens, Clarke Co., son of AHen and Rhoda (Stokely) McMahon, was born in Newport, Cocke Co., Tenn., Dec. 30, 1846. His paternal grandfather was a native of North Carolina; and his father was born in Tennessee. His father was clerk of the superior court of Cocke county fifteen years; and was then elected judge of the inferior court, and held the office until his death in 1856. He raised six children: Elizabeth, wife of Stephen Huff, Oglethorpe county, Ga. ; Eveline, deceased, wife of Jasper Hopkins, Crawford, Ga. ; Royal A. McMahon, Oglethorpe county; Mary Ann Louisa, wife of J. P. Wilson, Athens; John J. C, and Martha E., wife of Henry M. "Witcher, Athens. Mr. McMahon's maternal great-grandfather — Stokely — was an Englishman, and came to this country before the revolutionary war, during which he served in the Con tinental army. His mother, who died in 1882, was a daughter of Royal Stokely. Mr. McMahon was raised and educated in Cocke county, Tenn., where, in August, 1864, he enlisted as a private in the Fifth Tennessee cavalry, and served until the -end of the war. He was in the battles of Averasboro and Bentonville, N. C, and surrendered at Greensborough. After the war he came to Cobb county, Ga., hauled wood for the railroad about four months, and then returned to Tennessee. He made a crop there in 1866, then came back to Cobb county in February, 1867, and farmed a year. He went thence to Crawford, Oglethorpe Co., where, after clerking for his uncle five years, he opened a store and operated it six years. In 1878, under the firm name of Stokely & McMahon, his uncle and himself formed a partnership, and did business in Crawford. Retaining his interest in the store in Crawford, Mr. McMahon went to Augusta and engaged in the cotton busines ; and, after remaining there four years, returned to Crawford and continued in business there until 1886, when he came to Athens and went into the clothing trade, in which he continued untH 1895. In November, 1890, he was made president of the Exchange Bank of Athens, which responsible office he now holds. He is also a director in the Clarke County Budding and Loan association. While living in Cra-wford he was postmaster two years, and was also elected a captain of militia. He is a man of superior business qualifications, energetic and enterprising, and has been unusually successful. Mr McMahon was married in 1868 in Acworth, Cobb Co., to Miss Georgia, daughter of John M. Myers, and has five living children: Leila M., Robert I., Thomas C, James L., and Helen I. Mr McMahon is an active and prominent member of the Baptist church. J^E. POPE, physician and surgeon, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Cadesman and Susan E. (Atkinson) Pope, was born in Pike county, Ga., June 18, 1848. His fatiier was a native Georgian whose life-pursuit was planting. He was born 486 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. in 1789, was a soldier in the early Creek wars, and died in 1885 at the advanced age of ninety-six years. His mother Avas a native of the "Old Dominion." Dr. Pope lived in his native county until 1864, when he enHsted in the Georgia state troops, with which he sen'ed until the close of the war. During his short service he participated in the battle of Griswoldville, and in the battles around Savannah, where he was wounded in the neck. After the war he entered Emory college, Oxford, Ga., from which he was graduated in 1868, with the degree of arts bach elor. Three years later his alma mater conferred on him t'ne degree of arts master. After his graduation he studied medicine in the office of Dr. J. C. Pope, in Eufaula, Ala., and in 1869 entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons (now medical department of Colum.bia college). New York, from which he was graduated in 1871. Returning to Georgia he located in Athens in 1872, where he has since resided, practicing his profession with pecuniary success and professional distinc tion. Professionally and socially Dr. Pope enjoys an enviable position. Dr. Pope was married in 1873 in Washington, Ga., to Miss Mattie, daughter of the late Judge Nicholas L. W"ylie, and to them children as follows have been born: Clara B., deceased; Edwin N., deceased; Wilbur B., Henry L., Miriam, Cadesman, and Walter. Dr. Pope is a devoted member of the Methodist church. J H. RUCKER, cotton merchant, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of Tinsley W. Rucker, was bom in Elbert county, Ga., Nov. 2, 1846. When he was eight years old his parents moved to Athens, where he was educated and grew to man hood. He was graduated from the university of Georgia in 1868 with the degree of A. B., in the same class with Henry W. Grady, W. "W. Thomas, P. W. Meldrim, and others. After his graduation he went to Savannah and entered the employ of Garrard & Holcombe, large cotton merchants, with whom he remained until 1874. That year he returned to Athens, where he established himself as a cotton merchant, and has continued the business since. He is very public-spirited, and progressive or nothing, appreciating which his fellow-citizens of Athens have called him to their service for two terms in the city council and three terms as mayor. He was one of the members of the first school board of Athens, and a member and chairman of the committee which built the new water works. It is a misfortune that a citizen possessing such estimable and valuable social and public- spirited characteristics should have neglected to transmit them to commg gen erations — Mr. Rucker is unmarried. He is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Protestant Episcopal church. JOHN J. STRICKLAND, lawyer, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., only chHd of Samuel G. and Catharine (Stapler) Strickland, was born in Madison county, Ga., Jan. 30, 1856. His paternal grandfather, Jacob Strickland, of Scotch lineage, was born in Virginia, whence early in life he migrated to Georgia. Mr. Strickland's father was born in Madison county and was a prominent farmer. He volunteered and served as a private soldier in the "war between the states," from 1861 to 1864, in the western army. His mother was also Georgia born. Mr. Strickland remained on the farm and attended the nearby schools until he was seventeen years of age — 1873 — when he entered Martin institute, Jefferson, Jackson Co., Ga., and stayed there teaching and studying until 1877, when he entered the university of Georgia, at Athens. He was graduated from this institution in 1879, receiving the degree of A. B. and B. L. (law course), and the same year — August term, Jackson county superior court — was adm.itted to the bar. Locating at DanielsviHe, county seat of Madison county, he entered upon a fine practice, and remained there until 1888, when he came to Athens, where he has steadily gained in reputation and CLARKE COUNTY SKETCHES. 487 clientage. In 1894 he was a candidate for judge of the western circuit, but although he made a strong race v/as defeated. Possessing marked abHity, pluck and energy, and young, he may confidently look forward to professional and poHtical prefer ment. Mr Strickland was married in Oconee county, Ga., Oct. 15, 1879, to Miss Lucy, daughter of the late Rev. Dr J. G. McNorton, who has borne him four children: Norma L., Roy, Samuel Guy, and John J., Jr Mr Strickland is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the masonic fraternity, and is an influential member of the Baptist church. Yy ILLIAM W. THOMAS.— Clarke county has been the birth-place or the home of many of the brave and grand men who made her history, whose achievements on battle-fields, in the walks of science and Ifterature, in legislative halls and in the forum have lent luster to its pages. Of these, for true bravery and moral courage, morality and social purity, unsullied honor and unswerving integ- rit}^ none rank higher than that of Thomas, a name which one of the subdivisions of (Georgia worthily bears. Of this noted family is William Winstead Thomas, president of the Southern Mutual Insurance company, son of Stevens and IsabeHa Thomas, who was born in Athens in 1849. Mr. Thomas' father v/as born in Athens in 1814, and died there in 1891, aged seventy-seven years. He was a trustee of the university of Georgia for many years — 1867-1881 — and for twenty-six years — up to the time of his death — secretary of the Southern Mutual Insuraiice com pany. Receiving his preparatory education, Mr. Thomas entered the university of Georgia, from which he was graduated with the degree of arts bachelor in 1868, in the class with Henry W. Grady, Walter S. Gordon, Peter W. Meldrim and others who have since attained distinction. In 1869 he received the degree of C. E., and later that of A. M. After his graduation Mr. Thomas followed the profession of civil engineering in Georgia and South Carolina until 1875, when he entered the employ of the Southern Mutual Insurance conipany as adjuster. He held this position until 1891, when he was elected secretary, and in 1894 was elected president. He was a trustee of the university of Georgia from 1881 to 1891, when he resigned. From 1883 to 1889 he was an efficient and valuable member of the state capitol commission which built the state capitol. This com mission was one of the very few, if not the only one, of the kind which erected a public building within the appropriation and returned a balance to the treasury. He is also a director in the Georgia Railway and Banking company, and in the Augusta and Savannah Railway company. He worthily represents and sustains the fair fame of the honored na'me he bears. Mr. Thomas was married in 1878 to Miss Pamela J., daughter of the late William Spenser Brown, who was a son of Gen. Jacob Brown, commander-in-chief of the United States army from 1821 tiH 1828. Mrs. Thomas is also a niece of the wife of Hon. Charles J. Jenkins, who was the first elected governor of Georgia after the war, and ex-associate justice of the supreme court. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas two children have been born, Gertrude and Isabel. Mr. Thomas is a member of the Presbyterian church. pj C. WHITE, professor of chemistry, university of Georgia, Athens, was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1850. His family is of English origin, and his father, Levi S. White, bom in Maryland, was in the Confederate service during the late civH war. He was in the ordnance department in which he attained to the rank of Heutenant-colonel. After receiving an excellent preparatory education in the schools of Baltimore, Prof. White entered the university of Virginia, from which he graduated with the degree of B. S. in 1868, and received 'the -degree of C. E. in 1870. Soon after his graduation he was attached to the Peabody institute in 488 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Baltimore; subsequently he accepted the chair of chemistry- at St. John's college, Annapolis, Md., which he occupied untH 1872, when he came to Athens to fill the chair he now holds. In 1880 he was appointed state chemist and held the appointment ten years, when he was made vice-director of the state experiment station and president of the state college (science department of the university), which position he still retains. He is a fellow of the Chemical society of Great Britain, corresponding member of the British association, and a member of other learned societies at home and abroad. He has been a very useful member of the faculty, and in his specialties has been of very great service to the state as a whole, and to such ol its citizens as sought the benefit of his knowledge. He is the author of several scientific works, a contributor to scientific journals, and author of numerous published essays and addresses. He has served two terms in the city council of Athens. Prof. White was married in 1872 to Miss Ella F. Roberts, of Baltimore, Md. He is a member and a vestryman of the Protestant Episcopal church. J OHN R. WHITE, president of The Georgia Manufacturing company, manu facturer and planter of Whitehall, Clarke Co., Ga., son of John and Jeannett Richards White, was born in Clarke county in 1847. His parents were natives of Ireland, where they were married in 1836, and emigrating to the United States the same year, settled in Clarke county. His father, being a practical manufacturer with a knowledge of bookkeeping, secured the position of general manager of the Georgia factory situated on Oconee river, five miles below Athens, said fac tory being built by Augustus Clayton and Thos. Moore in 1828. Being master of his business, industrious and frugal, of superior executive and financial ability, he saved money and when the opportunity offered bought stock, until he owned the entire plant and was phenomenally successful and prosperous up to his death, yvihich occurred in 1881. He organized and started the national bank of Athens in 1866, of which he was president when he died. His management of the bank was very successful, paying large dividends to its stockholders besides laying aside a large surplus fund, there only being thirteen national banks in the United States having as large a surplus in proportion to its capital. He contributed largely to the building of the Northeastern railroad of Georgia and to the upbuilding of Athens. He was a man of extreme promptitude and punctuality, exact to a cent in all money matters and the soul of honor and integrity. He reared four chil dren: Rosena, wife of State Senator W. J. Morton; James, cashier of the National bank of Athens; Maggie, wife of W. P. Welch, and John R., the subject of this sketch, all of whom were born and reared in Clarke county. The parents in re ligious faith were Unitarians. Mr. J. R. White received a good common-school education and at the age of seventeen entered the Confederate army as private in Toomb's regiment Either directly or indirectly he has been connected with the miH all his life. In 1892 the factory was burned, rebuilt in 1893 with larger capacity and equipped with the latest improved machinery. In May, 1895, he added a factory for the manufacture of pants, shirts and drawers v/ith a capacity of thirty dozen per day, which will soon be increased to meet the growing demand. Mr. White inherits the sterling" business characteristics of his father and is one of Clarke county's most substantial and solid citizens. He is a justice of the peace and mayor of Whitehall. Mr White was married in 1882 to Miss LHlie Paine of Newton county, daughter of James G. and Rebecca (Graves) Paine and gi-and- daughter of the late Bishop Paine of Mississippi. They have four children: John R., Hugh W., Robert Paine and Sarah Frances. CLAY COUNTY SKETCHES. 489 JAMES WHITE, banker, Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., son of John White, manu facturer and capitalist, was born near Athens, in Clarke county in 1839, and received his early schooling at the near-by schools and in Athens. He attended the University of Georgia awhile, but did not graduate. During his youth he was practically trained to succeed his father in the -nanagemicnt of his large manufac turing interests, about four miles south of Athens, and later in the management of his augmented capital. Originally the cotton manufacturing plant belonged ex clusively to his father, but subsequently was incorporated as the Georgia Manufacturing company. In 1863 Mr. White enlisted in a company organized in Athens, of which he was commissioned captain and the company assigned to ' Adams' battalion. After six months' active service he engaged in manufacturing for the Confederate government, and continued in the business until after the close of the war. After being engaged in manufacturing about fifteen years he entered the national bank, in which his father -was a very large stockholder, as cashier — a position he still holds, and whose responsible duties he discharges with the utmost efficiency and exactitude. Mr. "White was married in 1884 to Miss Julia D., daughter of the late John D. Ashton of Waynesboro, Burke Co., Ga., by whom he has had one child, Rosena A. He is not a member of any secret order, but affiliates with the Presbyterian church. CLAY COUNTY. JAMES N. BIGBIE, a prominent citizen and leading farmer of Clay county, post-office, Coleman, Randolph Co., Ga., is a native of South Carolina, but was reared in Georgia. He was born Oct. 17, 1826, in AbbeviHe district, S. C, and was the son of Thomas Bigbie. The father was also born in the same district and during his lifetime was distinguished in the practice of medicine and in the pulpit. He married Rebecca Robinson, a native of Anderson district, S. C, who died in Abbeville in 1835, and was the mother of nine children. Dr. Bigbie was the second time married to Miss Bumett of South Carolina. In 1838 they moved to Georgia and settled in Coweta county, later removing to Talbot, thence to Harris and later to Randolph county. Dr. Bigbie finally located in Early county in 1850. In i860 he moved to Alabama, dying there in 1870, aged seventy-five years. He was an old-Hue whig untH after the war, when he became a democrat He was for years a justice of the peace in South Carolina and later in Georgia. His wife died during the war. Both belonged to the Methodist church. By his second marriage four children were bom (the first two were twins, both of whom were soldiers in the late war) : Thomas died in Douglas prison and Benjamin P., taken prisoner at Gettj'sburg, is supposed to have died at Point Lookout from wounds received in battle; the third child, LleweHen W., lives in New Mexico; Margaret A., the fourth child, married M. Burch and lives in Geneva county, Ala. Of the children born by his first marriage but two of the nine are living: James N., the subject of this sketch, and Nancy Colton, the latter living in Florida. John Y. died in South Carolina, aged about twenty-one ; A. E. died in Clay county in 1884; George died in South Carolina of yellow fever; Wm. S. married in Talbot county and moved to Mississippi, dying in Attala county; Annie married M. R. Ship and moved to Mississippi and later to Illinois; Rebecca married A. M. 490 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Brown and died in Illinois, and one died in infancy. Archibald Bigbie, grand father -of James N. Bigbie, was a native of Virginia, and left an orphan at an early age. Later he went to South Carolina and there married Miss Madison, a native of Virginia and first cousin of President Madison. John Robinson, the mater nal grandfather of James N. Bigbie, came from North to Soutli Carolina, where he married j\Iiss CaiT for his second wife. She was in- the fort on Brand river during the revolution and Hved to an extreme old age. The subject of this sketch lived in South Carolina until about twelve years of age, attending the schools a few months each year, and mastering his education by the aid of the pine-knot at night In 1843 he located in La Fayette county, Miss., and from there went to the Mexican war in 1846, joining Company F of the First Mississippi volun teers, known as the Mississippi rifles, under command of Jefferson Davis. At the battle of Buena Vista he was wounded and lost his left arm, but remained until his term of service expired. He then came to Georgia and in 1847 located in Harris county, and was elected messenger of the legislature. He then returned from its capital to Harris county and engaged in merchandising. He was elected tax collector and justice of the peace, serving in such positions till the breaking out of the war, when he was elected captain of the First Volunteer company of Harris county, but not receiving orders did not take the field. He was married to Miss Jane Grant, a native of South Carolina, but raised in Georgia, and during the war he moved to Clay county, where he has since resided. Mr. Bigbie has been a member of the county board and served as one of the jury- commissioners and for the past ten years has been one of the county commis sioners. Before the war he was a whig, now he is an ardent democrat, taking an active part in county, state and national politics. Mrs. Bigbie is a member of the Baptist church. To them have been born six children: Franconia, the wife of John W. Rhodes of Grenada, Miss.; John E., deceased; Mattie, who married J. A. Whaley of Randolph county; Mary J., yvife of W. H. Ingram, now deceased; WilHam Deley, who lives on the home place, and James P., deceased. Mr. Bi.gbie is guardian of the two children 'of John E, Mr. and Mrs. Bigbie live in a pleasant home eleven miles east of Fort Gaines. ¦\A/" D. R. CRAWFORD, a prominent planter of Clay county, Ga., was born in Newton county in 1839, and is the son of Joel H. and Sarah A. (King) Crawford, both of whom were natives of Greene county, Ga. They were the descendants of the old Crawford family first identified with the state's history in the earliest settiements of Columbia county, and for generations distinguished in agricultural pursuits. Joel Crawford was born in 1812, and was the son of David Crawford, who married Frances H. Crawford, the daughter of Joel Crawford and Frances Harris of Columbia county. In 1835 David Crawford and wife moved to Newton county, and in 1853 to Decatur county, where they died some years later full of years and respected and beloved by all who knew them. Joel H. Crawford, the father of the subject of this sketch, was one of five children, and spent his boyhood days in Newton county, receiving his education from the common schools and those valuable instructors, experience and observation. In 1838 he was married to Miss Sarah A. King, who was born in Greene county in 1818, and was the daughter of William J. King, an old Virginia family, which located in Newton Vouiity in 1826. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford remained in Newton county until 1859, yvhen they removed to Decatur county, where they lived for five years, and then migrated to Clay county, where they continued to reside. He farmed all his life, and never took an active part in politics. He was a whig until after the war, since which time he is a democrat. Although not a member of THOMAS R. DAVIS. CLAY COUNTY SKETCHES. 491 any church, he was a Christian gentleman, highly revered by all who knew him. Mrs. Crawford is stHl living, and resides with her son. She is a member of the Methodist church, to which she has belonged for over half a century, and enjoys excellent health for one of her age. One son was born to this union, Wm. D. R., -ihe subject of this sketch. He was married to Miss Martha R. Hayes, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy Hayes. She was born in Talbot county and reared in Muscogee county. To this union were born: Minnie Laura, wife of John S. Hastings of Clay county; and WilHam J. H., who lives on the home place with his parents. Mrs. Crawford is a consistent member of the Methodist church. They reside on a pleasant homestead three mHes from Bluffton. In politics Mr. Crawford is a democrat. During the war he served in the state militia in and around Atlanta, and was in front of Sherman on his march through the state, belonging to Company D, Tenth Georgia regiment, under the command of Col. Davis, of Calhoun county. "THOMAS R. DAVIS, planter and tax receiver of Clay county, Bluffton, Ga., was born in North (Carolina in 1831, and is the son of John and Sarah (Blue) Davis, natives of that state. In 1834 the parents moved overland to Georgia and settled in Early county, in what v/as then known as the fourth district, on what is now called the Tennell place. Here he purchased a tract of land, for which he gave a horse in payment, and settled down to work the soil. After the Indian war of 1835-36 he moved farther south, and on Lime Branch in Early county built a water mill, the first in that part of the state. A few years later he erected a mill at Bluffton. In 1848 he purchased land on Spring creek near which the son now lives. The father and a son, Duncan, served in the Indian war, and the former was bailiff of the county court. Agriculture and buHding occupied his attention almost exclusively. Although not a member of any church he was a respecter of religion, a liberal supporter of all the denominations, with a leaning toward the Presbyterians. He was twice married, the mother of the subject of this sketch dying while they lived at Bluffton. She was a member of the Meth odist church and the mother of eight children, all of whom lived to be grown men and women. Duncan, the eldest son, was a member of the general assembly from Early county in 1857. The others were Nancy Cowart, John Davis, Eliza beth, Margaret Fulton, William, Daniel B., and Thomas R. The father married for his second wife Mrs. Rowe, who after his death in 1857 moved to Arkansas, where she died at the home of her daughter Mr Davis was prominently and favorably known throughout Clay and surrounding counties. He was a true gentleman v/hose world-wide charity endeared him to all. Thomas R. Davis was but a baby when his parents moved to Georgia. He grew to manhood on the farm and received his intellectual training in the common schools. At twenty-one years of age he started for himself in farming, only to be interrupted by the war. Fle enHsted in Company F, Thirty-second Georgia regiment infantry, commanded by George P. Harrison, Jr., and did service along the coast from Ocean Pond, Fla., to WHmington, N. C. In the bombardment of Fort Sumter he lost his left arm by a piece of flying sheH. He was also injured in the hip by the same sheH and so disabled that he was compelled to retire from the service. He was in the engagements of his regiment at Ocean Pond, Ft Sumter, Battery Wagoner, and many minor skirmishes. Mr. Davis first married Miss Sophronia Todd, a native of Early county, Ga., and daughter of Wilson Todd, who was kHled near Macon, Ga., during the war. To them were born five children, T. Jefferson Davis, born January, 1862, alone living. Mrs. Davis died in 1865, and Mr Davis was married to Miss Ann Eliza Fain, daughter of Reuben Fain, and granddaughter of Matthew 492 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Fain, who settled in Georgia about 1836. His sons, Davis and Reuben, settled in Early county and reared large families. By this second marriage six children were born to Mr. Davis, three of whom are living: EHa Arkadelphia, wife of George T. Fair; Annie Elizabeth, and Amo Vincy. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are -members of the Baptist church. In politics he is a democrat and was re-elected tax receiver for the third time, and is the nominee for the fourth term. He is popular with all who know him, irrespective of party, and is an efficient and painstaking officer He lives in a pleasan home on the Dawson and Dover road, three miles from Bluffton.JOSEPH B. GRIMSLEY, planter. Ft. Gaines, Clay Co., Ga., was born in Stew art county, Ga., in 1841. Joseph Grimsley, the head of the Grimsley famHy in Georgia, was a native Carolinian, coming to Georgia when a young man, and settling in Baldwin county. Here he married and had a family of chHdren: Pris cilla, Richard, Mrs. Odom, and Walton. In the early part of the twenties he moved to Early county on what is now known as Herrod's creek. Here he built mHls which he conducted up to the time of his death, Oct. 24, i860, aged 80 years. In politics he was a whig, in religion he belonged to the Methodist church. He was a captain in the war of 1812, and served with distinction. He was possessed of a good education for the times, and was a lover of sport, taking much pleasure in the hunt and with the rod. A brother of Joseph, Richard Grimsley, located in Early county some years before him and settled the plantation now owned by Mr. Naramore, and the first court ever held in Early county was held at Richard Grimsley's house. He afterward moved to Kalomokee creek, in Clay county, and built one of the first mills in that section of the state. He lived there up to the time of his death in 1840, when the property was turned over to the heirs of Joseph Grimsley, Richard having died without issue. Richard Grimsley, the eldest son of Joseph Grimsley, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was bom Feb. 14, 1807, and died July 2, 1885. His early life was spent in Early county, with a few years in Stewart county. He was married to Miss Harriet Hawkins, and in 185 1 he returned to the mill property of his uncle on Kalomokee creek. He afterward moved to a farm near there, where he lived untH his death. During the Indian war he served as a soldier. In politics he was a whig untH after the war, when he became an active democrat. Though not a member of any church he was a man of high moral character, honest and upright in aH the walks of life, and respected by all who knew him. His wife, Harriet Hawkins, was a native of North Carolina, and an excellent Christian lady, belonging to the Missionary Baptist church. She died Jan. 16, 1889, aged eighty years. To this union were born nine children : Sarah C, Mary R., Harriet J., Richard S., Joseph B., WHliam C .,Versey P., Jeremiah W., and Benjamin F. Joseph B. Grimsley came to what is now Clay county with his parents when a lad. Here he grew to maturity, receiving his education in Early county, where he lived with his grandfather and attended Glen Sprihgs Academy. When the war broke out he entered the Con federate service in Capt Fowler's company from Ft. Gaines, state troops, for six months. Returning home the company was reorganized as the Cotton Planters' guard under command of Capt. Bass, of Ft Gaines, and became Conipany E, Fifty-ninth Georgia regiment, and was assigned to duty in the army of \arg"inia. He participated in the batties of Suffolk, Va., and Gettysburg, when at the latter jilace he was captured and imprisoned twenty-two months in Fort Delaware. He was also wounded in that engagement Since the war Mr. Grimsley has been engaged in farming. Flis home, five miles south of Ft. Gaines, is one of the finest in the county, and the estate comprises 5,000 acres, more than one-half of which W. R. HARRISON. CLAY COUNTY SKETCHES. 4^3 is under a fine state of cultivation. All this is the result, altogether, of the energy and push of Mr. Grimsley, who, for a few years after the war, was working for wages. He married Miss Sallie E., daughter of John P. Best, a planter of Clay county. She is a member of the Missionary Baptist church. J ERRY W. GRIMSLEY, merchant and planter. Fort Gaines, Clay Co., Ga., is a highly respected citizen of the county. He was the eighth child of Richard and Harriet (Hawkins) 'Grimsley, and was born in Stewart county in 1850. He remained at home with his parents in Clay county until twenty-four years of age, receiving his education in a little log school-house of the primitive order, a few miles from his home, and helping in the milling and farming. He then leased a farm in Clay county, which he worked for three years. With his profits he com menced a merchandise business in Fort Gaines. After five years in this enterprise he moved to his present location, about eight miles southeast of Fort Gaines on the Bluffton road, where he is engaged in planting and general mer chandising. He has 600 acres of choice land under a fine state of cultivation, besides many acres of woodland. Mr. Grimsley is one of the very progressive farmers of Clay county and operates grist and saw-mills in connection with his farming. He married Mrs. Parmelia West (nee Foster), daughter of Alexander Foster of Fort Gaines. She was the wife of Edgar West, by whom she had two children: John B. and Erline. To Mr. and Mrs. Grimsley two children were born : Harriet Louise and Nellie Pearl. Mrs. Grimsley is a member of the Baptist church and he is a prominent member of the masonic fraternity. They enjoy a pleas ant home with their interesting family near his place of business. WILLIAM ROBERT HARRISON, tax coHector and prominent planter of Clay county, post-office, Bluffton, Ga., is a native of Beaufort district, S. C, and was bom near the present county site of Hampton county. He was born in 1839 and was the son of Henry David, a native of the same district in South Carolina, who was born in 1805, and waj the son of Amos Harrison, a native of that state. The Harrison family, of Irish descent, came to America at an early day, locating in Soutli Carolina. Amos, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a boy during the revolutionary times and remembered those stirring times distinctly. He followed farming and his sons were big rice planters in lower Beaufort. He afterward moved to the upper part of the . district, where he died, aged eighty-six years. He was a democrat and a member of the Primitive Baptist church. He was married to Sarah Ann Hamilton Oct. 4, 1804; she lived to a good old age. To them six children were born: Henry, David, George, Hamilton, Mary, Elizabeth and Sarah, all deceased. Henry David, the father of William Robert, lived in South Carolina on a farm adjoining his father's until 1857, when he came to Georgia, settling in Clay county, having purchased the McElvy mills and farm, which place is now owned by J. W. Harrison. The first mill in this section of the state was erected here by Thomas King. For years the place was renowned throughout southwestern Georgia. When the county was formed the justice's court was held here and Mr. McElvy's mills was the scene of the adjustment of legal difficulties for the people from all over the county. Mr. Harrison was prominent in politics, but would accept no office. He was success ful in his business affairs and died in 1864, lamented by all who knew him. Flis wife was CaroHne Ulmer, a native of the old state of South Carolina. She was born in 1814 and died in 1890. They both belonged to tiie Primitive Baptist church. To this union were born twelve chHdren: Mary E. married John A. Cordray in South Carolina, where she died before her people came to Georgia; Amos J., 494 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. who came to Georgia with his family, but returned to South CaroHna; WiHiam R.; Sarah H., who first married James H. KilHngsworth and then James B. McCord, who now lives near Bluffton, Clay county; Amanda M., married Ebenezer Fain, lives in Spring Creek, Clay county; "Ursula married Moses Fain; Martha Ann married John KilHngsworth, now deceased; Henry Ulmer, who lives in Clay county; CaroHne, deceased; Irene, who married E. S. Jones, deceased; Emily died in childhood; John W., who lives in the old home place. WHHam Robert Harrison was partly reared in South Carolina, where he attended the common schools. With his family he came through to Georgia, and he remembers very well the trip, which took over three weeks. He remained on the home place until enlisting in the Cotton Hill company with Capt. J. E. Pruden, a merchant of Cot ton Hill. The company did service at Savannah, Ga., as state troops for six months, when it was reorganized in the regular service. Mr. Harrison then be came a member of Company F, Thirty-second Georgia regiment of volunteers, under command of Col. George P. Harrison, doing service along the coast of Georgia and Florida, and around Charlotte, S. C, and was in the Ocean pond fight. After leaving Charleston, S. C, they went to North- Carolina and there joined Johnston's army and participated in the battles of Averasboro and Benton ville, N. C, fighting Sherman. After the close of the war he returned to the home place and took hold of the plow again. In 1869 he married and settled where he now lives. The place had no improvements at that time, but Mr. Harrison had energy, and soon was the possessor of a grand farm well under cultivation. Pie opened a store on his place in 1878 and in 1880 moved his stock to Bluffton, where he continued the business until 1885, when he returned to his farm. He married Miss Victoria J. Tinsley, daughter of Judge Philip Tinsley. She was born and raised in Clay county. To this union five chHdren were born: Wesley H.; Eula, educated at the Bluffton high school and Andrew Female college; Henry, Claude and Wallace. Mr. Harrison is a democrat in politics and was elected tax col lector in 1889, is now holding the office for the third term, and is a candidate for the fourth term. The family enjoy a pleasant home about one mile north of Bluffton. JOHN W. HARRISON, a prominent planter and miHer of Bluffton, Clay county, was born in July, 1855. He came with his parents to Clay county when a young lad and received his education in the near-by country schools. When eighteen years of age he commenced doing business for his mother. In Novem ber, 1876, he married Miss Molly E. Jones, a native of Calhoun county, Ga., and daughter of B. J. Jones, a planter. Mrs. Harrison was reared and educated in Calhoun county. To this union were born seven chHdren: Henry B.; John Calvin; Nettie Estelle; WilHam Elijah; Luther Lloyd; Coy Winneford; Carrie Lizzie. Mr Harrison is justice of the peace of the Fifth district, Clay county, and in politics is a stanch democrat. His home is on the old family place, and is what is so familiarly known as the "Han-ison's Mills," two and one-half miles from Bluffton. Mr. Harrison is extensively engaged in farming and is one of the progressive planters of the state. He is a Mason in high standing. Possessing literary tastes, he takes an active part in the education of his children, who show a just appreciation of the opportunities given them by their studious habits. J OSHUA J. HAYES, a prominent planter of Bluffton, Clay Co., Ga., was born in Muscogee county, Ga., April 21, 1849, and was the son of Jonathan and Nancy (WHson) Hayes. Jonathan Hayes was a native of South Carolina and lived there until he reached manhood when, with his brother Joshua, he came CLAY COUNTY SKETCHES. 495 topeorgia, locating in Jasper county. There he met and wedded Nancy Wilson, the daughter of an esteemed citizen and old resident of the state. He soon after ward removed to Talbot county, later to Muscogee county, and in 1864 to Fort Gaines, Clay Co., where he died in 1871 at the advanced age of seventy-four years. He was a man honored and revered by the people of his county, who knew him as a model citizen, kind father, and conscientious Christian. He took an active .and prominent part in church affairs, and was an officer in the Baptist church. He served in the Indian war of 1835-36, and was a strong advocate of secession, furnishing six sons to the Confederate army, five of whom gave up their life during the conflict. Mrs. Hayes died in 1880, aged seventy-four years, and was an active member of the same church as the husband. To this happy union were born thirteen children, four of whom are living: John, the eldest son, was killed during the war near Atlanta; Mary, who married John Hughs, deceased; Emily, married to E. Grant, of Talbot county, deceased; Nancy, married to Neal Grant, of Talbot county, deceased ; George, died in the service during the war ; Frances, married to Felix Davis, living in Texas; Mildred died in childhood; Henry J., living in Early county; James, who died from exposure in the army; William, died in a Federal prison; Mattie R., married to W. D. Crawford, living in Clay county, and Joshua J., the subject of this sketch. He was the thirteenth child and was reared in Muscogee county, where he attended the common schools until fifteen years of age. He continued his studies in Clay county after his parents moved there in 1864, and commenced his vocation as tiller of the soil in 1869, which he has since continued without any interruption. He was interested in milling from 1880 to 1890, and that year he added ginning to his other interests, both of which pursuits he continued until 1894. He moved to Bluffton, where he now lives, in 1880, and has seen it grow into a thrifty and enterprising ,city. The energy and progressive ideas exhibited in the development of the place are to be found in all of Mr. Hayes' business ventures. Mr. Hayes was first married to Mrs. Blocker, the widow of Dr John E. Blocker, a practicing physician of Bluffton. Mrs. Blocker was a Miss Beckham of a prominent family of Calhoun county, Ga., just before the war. She died in 1885, and Mr. Hayes was married in 1890 to Miss Drucilla Reid, a native of Alabama, and to this union were born two children, one, Ella Ilene, alone surviving. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes belong to the Methodist church. In politics he is a democrat, taking an active part, but always refusing office. Their home is a beautiful place in Bluffton, where the hospitality characteristic of the true southern home is freely and cheerily dispensed. JAMES C. NEVES, miller and planter, Fort Gaines, Clay Co., Ga., was born July 8, 1852, on Kalomokee Creek, and is of an old Virginia family which settled in Georgia toward the close of the last century. In 1787 WiHiam Neves, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, came from Virginia and settled in what became Jones county — now known as Putnam county. He was one of the earliest settlers in that part of the state. With him came his wife, who with three children shared in the hardships of the long overland trip. He followed farming till in 1822, when he moved to what is now Clay county, settling on the Chatta hoochee river below where Fort Gaines is now located. Here he engaged in farm ing and built a gin, one of the first erected in that section of the state, and con tinued to reside there until he retired from active work. He died suddenly while on a visit in Alabama in 1852, at the age of ninety-four years, and is buried near Columbia. He was a member of the Primitive Baptist church, taking a prominent part in all church affairs. He served seven years in the revolutionary war under Gen. Washington and was in the last war with Great Britain in 181 2, and also 496 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. in the Indian wars in that section of the state. He was a brave and honored man. One of his chief delights was hunting. Socially he was popular. In politics always a consistent democrat, he was a leader in his community for years. Plis wife was a Miss Ballard, a native of Virginia. She was a devoted wife and loving mother. She died in 1850, aged eighty-four years. To this union were born three sons and four daughters: Mary, married William Hardin, hot\i de ceased; WilHam, died at Fort Gaines; Elizabeth, married Capt Jones, deceased; John Alsey, Charlotte and Daniel. John Neves, the second son, and father of the subject of this sketch, was born Oct 31, 1802, in what is now Putnam county, Ga., and came to what is now Clay county at the age of twenty, where he married his wife. Miss Garnett Smith, a native of Georgia, in 1827. She died in 1836, leaving three children: Amanda, Sarah and Simeon, all deceased but Amanda, who is now the wife of William Harris, of Florida. For his second wife Mr. Neves married Miss Julia Smith in 1837. She was born in 1820 in Georgia and was the daughter of David Smith, a distinguished Virginian, who settled at an early date in Jones county, and later removed to Early (now Clay) county, where he died at the age of seventy-two. She was educated in the common schools of Early county, and died in 1874, aged fifty-four years. She was an active member of the Primitive Baptist church. Her husband died in 1891 and is buried at the home place of Mr. Bryant, his son-in-law. During the Indian wars he served on guard duty at Fort Gaines. He was a member of the Baptist church and a democrat in politics. To his second union were born six children: John, who died in 1862 at Savannah, Ga., in the Confederate service; Frances, who died in early youth; Theodosia, married Cyrus Naramore, now living in Early county; J. C, the sub ject of this sketch; Alice, wife of T. J. Bryant; Emma, died at the age of sixteen. Mr. Neves was a man who had few enemies, and during the Indian wars the braves used to visit his plantation almost daily. Thrown in contact with them, he became friendly to them, and this friendship was of great benefit to the early settlers. He was active in religious affairs and a deacon in the church for over sixty years of his life. Mr. James C. Neves, the subject of this sketch, was edu cated in the common schools. The war interrupted his educational advancement, and in 1873 he began farming, continuing in this occupation ever since, at which he has been very successful. In 1890 he purchased the Freeman miH property, and is now engaged in milling and ginning in connection with his farming. Mr. Neves married Miss Versia P. Grimsley, Jan. 22, 1882, and to this union were born three sons and one daughter: Bennie May, John Richard, Joseph Groves and James Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Neves are located seven miles southeast of Fort Gaines, and one mile east of the Chattahoochee river, where their beautiful home is situated. 1 i lyiARK M. SHIVERS, physician and planter. Clay county, is a native of Han cock county, where he was born in 1821. He is the son of Barnaby and Rachel (Cowan) Shivers, natives respectively of Warren county and Sparta, Han cock Co. Barnaby Shivers was a planter and lived to be about seventy-five years old. He was a deacon and a prominent member of the Baptist church at Mt. Zion, Hancock Co., near where he lived. He was a whig,, and at one time was elected justice of the inferior court. His father and the paternal grandparent of Dr. Shivers was Jonas Shivers, a native of Virginia. He moved his family to Georgia, and settled at what is now known as Mayfield, on the Ogeechee river, in Warren county. He was one of the pioneer settlers of the county, and for years followed planting and miHing. He was quite a prominent citizen in his day and built the beautiful home of Mayfield. He took no active interest in politics, though voting CLAY COUNTY SKETCHES. • 4y7 the whig ticket, and giive his whole time to his extensive milling and farm interests. He died well up in years. He was the father of five sons, all of whom are dead. The father of Dr. M. M. Shivers was the oldest. The mother of Dr Shivers was born three mHes north of Sparta and was the daughter of Capt. George Cowan, who was an officer in the revolutionary war, and was of Scotch ancestry. Mary, his -wife, was a Miss Porter, and came to America with her family from Scotland, first locating near Salisbury, N. C. Later the family moved to Georgia, where she died Aug. 31, 1855, aged ninety-two years. She and her husband were faithful members of the Presbyterian church. The mother of Dr. Shivers was a Baptist reHnquishing her connection with the Presbyterians to gain the religious faith of her husband. She was a noble Christian woman, who was idolized by her chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Barnaby Shivers were blessed by the birth of twelve children, of whom Dr. Shivers was the youngest. He is now the lone survi-ving child. Dr. Mark M. Shivers was educated at Mt. Zion under the direction of the cele brated Dr. C. B. Beman, and his nephew, C. P. B. Martin, who was succeeded later by Ex-Gov. Northen. He commenced the study of medicine in Columbus, Ga., under Dr. R. T. Sankey, a leading physician of that city, and then took lectures at the university of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia. He began his professional career at Waverly Hall, Harris Co.; then, in January, 1862, he moved to Pumpkintown, Randolph Co., where he continued his practice until the fall of 1858. WhHe there his practice was very large, and he accumulated considerable property. He came to the present place of Cotton Hill for the main purpose of educating his children at a big school kept by Norman F. Coolidge, one of the leading educators in southern Georgia at that time. His school attained considerable fame, and was continued until some years after the war. The doctor resumed his practice here, and had a large territory to cover in responding to the demand for his service. His happy domestic life was begun when he wedded Harriet Rebecca Harwell, Dec. 31, 1843. She was the daughter of Samuel B. Harwell, of Alabama, and was born in Troup county, Ga., but reared in Chambers county, Ala., to which place her parents had removed. They afterward returned to Georgia and settled in Stewart county. This union has resulted in the birth of five sons and one daughter; the latter is Mary Oriska, wife of Dr. D. F. Gunn. The sons are : George Oscar, of Covington, Ky., and in business in Cincinnati; Olinthur Clay, and Locke Olin, near the home place; Grigsby Orville, living in Arizona; Lucius Omar, of Albany, Ga. Dr. Shivers and wife have adopted the children of his son, O. C. Shivers. They are Ethel, Clyde, and William Mark Shivers. The Baptist faith is that of the Shivers, and the doctor, wife and four children belong to the church. He was superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. Cotton Hill enjoys the dis tinction of being one of the healthiest places in southwestern Georgia, and here the doctor and family live in a pleasant home. While he has a farm and is engaged in merchandising, the doctor gives his whole time to his profession, which always has been uppermost in his business life. He is a broad-minded man, sympathetic and gentle in disposition — such traits of character as place a man of his profession in the front rank. An uncle of Dr. Shivers— William — and Ex-Gov. Schley are credited with building the first cotton factory in Georgia, near Mayfield, on the Hancock side of the river. While Dr. Shivers lives at Cotton Hill, he gets his mail at Morris station. p H. THOMPSON, physician and surgeon, Bluffton, Clay Co., Ga., was born at Ft. Gaines, in what is now Clay county, Ga., in 1851. He was the son of Robert Thompson, who was born in North Carolina, and came to Georgia with his parents, who settled near Ft. Gaines, where he married, followed the vocation of farming, 1-32 498 ¦ MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and reared a family. The father of Dr. Thompson served as a soldier in the Indian wars of 1835 and 1836, and after peace was secured, returned to Fort Gaines and engaged in the construction of buildings untH the time of his death in 1855. His wife died in 1863, aged forty years. Both were exemplary Christians and members of the Methodist church. To this union were born four children, two of whom are living: Dr. P. H., the subject of this sketch, and O. F. Dr Thompson was reared in southwestern Georgia, received his primary education in the common schools, and in 1872 commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Webb Willis, at Milford, Baker Co. He then attended lectures at Mobile, Ala., and subsequently was graduated from the medical department of the university of Louisiana. He commenced the practice of his profession in Taylor county, Ga., afterward moved to Neshoba county, Miss., and finally permanently located at Bluffton, where he has built up a large and lucrative practice. In addition to this he profitably manages a fine 500-acre plantation. Dr. Thompson is a member of the State Medical society and of the American Medical association, and was a delegate to the ninth medical congress. He is considered one of the best physicians and surgeons in southwestern Georgia. He is very prominent in masonic affairs, and belongs to the blue lodge, chapter and council of this fraternity. Dr. Thompson was married to Miss WiHie Tinsley, born Feb. 15, 1858, daughter of Mr. Philip Tinsley, by whom he has had four children: Regina M., Patti H., Hugh and Bessie Olivia. He is a democrat in politics, and in connection with his practice conducts a drug store in Bluffton. DHILIP TINSLEY, lawyer, and prominent citizen of Bluffton, Clay Co., as weU as one of its early settlers, was born in the third district of Lee county, Ga., in 1828, and was the son of Philip Tinsley, a native' of Columbia county, Ga., who was born in 1780. He was the son of James Tinsley, a native of Virginia. The great-grandfather of Philip Tinsley, the subject of this sketch, and the head of this family in America, came from England about the year 1700, when a young man. and settled in Virginia. While on his way to this country in a sailing vessel the crew were attacked by pirates and were about to be overpowered, when young Tinsley and others jumped overboard and swam ashore, landing on the shores bordering Virgiftia and North Carolina. For a day and a night they were in the water, experiencing narrow escapes from death, and much suffering. This brave man was married in Virginia and had a large famHy of sons and daughters. James Tinsley was the eldest of these children and was reared near the family home and served in the revolutionary war He moved to Richmond, Va., between 1765 and 1770, where he located on a farm, which he continued to occupy up to the time of his death. He was twice married. His second wife was a Miss Crawford, a cousin of William H. Crawford, governor of Georgia. By the first marriage he had five sons and two daughters, and by the second two daughters and a son, all of whom are now deceased. The father of the subject of this sketch was bv the first marriage and was born in Columbia county, where he was reared, receiving an excellent education for the advantages then offered. When a young man he went to Morgan county, Ga., where he married Miss M. A. Tarpley. They moved to Lee county in 1827, and located among the Indians; later he migrated to Randolph county, settling at Fort Gaines, now in Clay county, where he continued to reside until his death. He served in the war of 1812, was at Mobile while the famous battle of New Orleans was fought, and during the Indian wars was one of the officers in command of the fort at Fort Gaines, guarding the women and children while the Indians were passing through the country. Pie was a very successful farmer, and left a large estate. Pie died in 1850, a member of the Methodist church. He CLINCH COUNTY SKETCHES. 499 was a man of hearty and strong constitution, possessing great energy and an iron wHl. He was an uncompromising democrat. His wife died in 1875, in her eighty- fourth year. To this union were born six children. Two sons and one daughter are now living, as follows: Thomas, living at Blakely, Early county; Ameta, married James Jackson, now living in Alabama; and Philip, the subject of this sketch. Mr Tinsley was the youngest child, and when eight years old moved with his parents from Lee to Randolph county, where he was educated. When grown he commenced farming for himself and first settled on a farm near Ft. Gaines. In 1854 he moved to a farm near Cuthbert, Randolph Co., where he lived until 1866, when he moved back to Clay county. "VVhile living near Ft Gaines he was twice married. The first wife was Miss Emily Jackson, daughter of John Jackson, a prominent planter of Randolph county, by whom he had two daughters: E. V., married to F. Belcher, and living in Alabama, and V. J., married to W. R. Harrison. His second wife was Miss Mary A. Singleton, of Randolph (now Clay) county, daughter of William N. Singleton, a prosperous planter. To this union one daugh ter was bom, W. M., the wife of Dr. P. H. Thompson, of Bluffton. Mr. and Mrs. Tinsley are consistent members of the Methodist church. In politics he is a demo crat, having voted the ticket for forty-five years, and taking a prominent part in the councils of his party. During the latter part of the war he entered the Georgia militia, and was elected captain of Company C, Tenth Georgia regiment. He participated in all the campaigns and battles from Atlanta to Savannah, being wounded at the former place, and at Griswoldville he had ten of his men killed in a place not more than fifteen feet square. The company was in all the battles around Atlanta for about forty days, and in the fighting of July 22 and 28, 1864, when the troops lost 6,000 men. After the surrender Mr. Tinsley returned to his farming interests. He now lives in Bluffton, but has a plantation on Spring creek. Clay Co., a region noted for its fine farms. CLINCH COUNTY. ¦^ ILEY BOOTH, merchant, Dupont CHnch Co., Ga., son of William Booth, was born in Marion county, Ga., Nov. i, 1846. His father was a well-to-do, prosperous farmer, and bestowed upon him such education as the country schools afforded. Soon after the war between the states began he enlisted in Company B, Thirty-second Georgia regiment, and was slightly wounded in an engagement on Johnson's island, S. C. At the end of twelve months his mother had him dis charged on a writ of habeas corpus, on account of his being under age. He then worked in the government oil cloth works, at Columbus, Ga., and joined the provost guard in that city. As soon as he arrived at conscript age, in 1863, he enlisted in the Twenty-eighth Georgia battalion (Maj. Bonard), Olustee, Fla., and remained -with the command until the close of the war. After his return from the army he engaged for several years in farming and saw-milling in Washington county, Fla. He then came to Clinch county and accepted a position as section foreman for the Savannah, Florida & Western railway, in which he continued for eight years. He then embarked in a general merchandise business at Dupont, which he has conducted with unusual success, and continuously increasing patron age. He is among the most progressive and substantial of Clinch county's citizens. 500 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Mr Booth married Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver (widow), of Early county, Ga., by whom he has had six children — four sons and two daughters — all of whom are living. He is a member of the masonic fraternity. p^OWAN B. JOHNSON, planter, Dupont, Clinch Co., Ga., was born in Lowndes county, Nov. 29, 1830. Three years afterward his father moved to Ware, now Clinch county. He was raised on the plantation, and has devoted himself to agriculture all his life. His education was limited to such as could be obtained at the common schools of the county. When only sixteen years of age he was elected captain of the militia — District 1280 — at a time when it was regarded as a local distinction; and in 1850 was elected a justice of the peace. In 1862 he enlisted in Company B, Second Georgia battalion, and was made first lieutenant. In 1863 he joined the Sixth Georgia regiment. Western division, was commissioned captain of Company I, and served through the war. Returning from the war he resumed farming, and was soon afterward elected a justice of the inferior court, and served a term of four years. In 1892 he was again chosen to represent Clinch county in the general assembly and as a democrat defeated his populist opponent by an over whelming majority — more than doubled him. In 1884 he was nominated to repre sent Clinch county in the general assembly and defeated his opponent by a large majority. Two years later he was again a candidate, and was defeated by a small majority; but in 1869 he was elected to fill the unexpired term of Hon. James P. Mattox (deceased), showing that the people appreciate his ability and services, and have confidence in him as a faithful custodian of their interests. While in the general assembly he was a member of the committees on agriculture, counties and county matters, military affairs and penitentiary. These frequent political suc cesses testify to the strong hold he has on the confidence and esteem of his fellow- citizens. Mr Johnson has been married three times. His first wife was Miss Aleph, daughter of John Tomhnson, who died in 1862. For his second wife he married Miss Amanda, daughter of Jason Floyd, who died in February, 1870. He next married Mrs. Emeline (nee Dame), widow of WiHiam H. Clifton, and daugh ter of George Dame. He is a master Mason, and a prominent member of the Primitive Baptist church. J^UCIUS CORNELIUS MATTOX, physician and planter, HomerviHe, Clinch Co., Ga., son of Col. Elijah Mattox, was born in Tattnall county, Ga., May 5, 1829. His father was a native of Colleton district, S. C, came to Georgia and set tled in Tattnall county when young, and was aide-de-camp to Gov. Charles J. McDonald. His maternal grandfather held an office in the colony of Georgia under King George HI. Dr. Mattox received as good an education as the common schools of the time and locality afforded, and, part of the time, was under the private instruction of a tutor. After preliminary preparation he entered the Eclectic Medical college, at Macon, Ga., in 1849, from which he was graduated in 1851. He located in Madison county, Fla., and after practicing there two years he came back to Clinch county, where he has practiced since. In 1862, he enlisted in the Fifth Georgia cavalry, which was assigned to duty with the army of the west. During a part of the time he served as a surgeon. He was wounded, but not seriously, at SaltvHle, Va. After the war he returned to the practice of his pro fession, ranks the foremost practitioner of it in the county, and enjoys a very large and very remunerative practice. In addition he conducts very extensive planting interests, takes great pride in agricultural matters, cultivates scientifically, and by his neighbors is considered a model farmer. In 1890 he was elected a member of the general assembly from Clinch county, and served on the committee on CLINCH COUNTY SKETCHES. 501 agriculture, insane asylum, temperance, and deaf and dumb asylum. He was nominated for congress by the people's party, in opposition to Congressman Henry G. Turner, and was defeated. Dr. Mattox was married April 6, 1854, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of Thomas J. Shinholser, of Macon, Ga., by whom he has had six children. She died January 2, 1882; and he afterward married Miss Eliza L., daughter of Rev. Robert F. Lanier, Jasper, Fla. He is a member of the masonic fraternity; in religious belief is a Second Adventist, and is a regularly ordained minister of that faith. J~\AVID J. SIRMANS, farmer, Dupont, Clinch Co., Ga., son of Benjamin Sir mans, was born in Emanuel county, Ga., March i, 1819. After his birth his father moved first to Appling, and afterward to Lowndes (now Clinch) county. Mr Sirmans was raised on the farm, and educated at the common schools of the county; and when he reached manhood entered upon farming and stock-raising, which he has followed all his life, with satisfactory success. He served during the Seminole war as a volunteer soldier under Capt. John J. Johnson, Col. Brown's regiment In 1845, he was elected tax receiver and collector of the county, and served one term. In 1859, he was elected to represent his senatorial district in the general assembly, and has served as tax assessor in both Echols and Clinch counties. Mr. Sirmans has been married twice: First, in 1840, to Miss Eliza, daughter of John Wilkinson, of South Carolina, who died in 1886. His second marriage was to Miss Lucinda, daughter of William Roberts, of Echols county, Ga. He has two sons living: Ezekiel, farmer. Clinch county; and Benjamin, farmer, near Waycross, Ware Co., Ga, Mr. Sirmans is a quiet man, devoted to home and its associations, and is highly esteemed by his fellow citizens. pRANKLIN B. SIRMANS, farmer, Dupont, Clinch Co., Ga., son of Ezekiel J. Sirmans, was born in Clinch county, Sept. 22, 1853. His grandfather, Benja min Sirmans, came from Emanuel to Lowndes (now Clinch) county, and was among the first settlers of the county. Mr. Sirmans was raised on the homestead, and was educated at the common schools of the county. On attaining to manhood he engaged in farming and stock-raising, which he supplemented with a general merchandise business. Such has been his foresight, and so wisely and energetically has he managed that he has been extremely successful in all his enterprises. In 1 886 he was elected to represent the Fifth senatorial district in the general assembly, defeating by a large majority one of the most popular men in the district — a gen tleman who had served ten terms in the general assembly and had been a delegate to one constitutional convention. In 1892, he was again elected, defeating the people's party candidate by over 2,000 plurality. During his last term he was chairman ol the auditing committee, and a member of the foHowing standing com mittees: Banks, finance, agriculture, penitentiary, journalism and education. Young, enterprising, progressive and public-spirited, he has a bright prospect for the future, presenting to him a field for great usefulness. Mr. Simians was mar ried Feb. 28, 1878, to Miss Amanda, daughter of Charles Strickland, of CHnch county (sister of L. and B. Strickland, at Valdosta, Ga.). Two chHdren are the fruit of this union: A son, Chandler, bom Aug. 29, 1880, and a daughter, Edna, born Oct 16, 1892. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, and very prominent in the local lodge. jy^OSES TOMLINSON, farmer, Stockton, CHnch Co., Ga., son of John Tom linson, was born in Clinch county, Dec. 29, 1840. His father was a well-to-do farmer, and was reared on the farm and given such education as was obtain- 502 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. able at the common country schools. He enlisted in Company H, Twenty-ninth Georgia regiment, Aug. 31, 1861, which command was assigned to Gen. W. H. T. Walker's division. He was made second sergeant of the company, and served until disabled by the loss of his arm- — Aug. 31, 1864, the third anniversary of his enlistment — in an engagement near Jonesboro, Ga. In 1873 he was elected ordi nary and held the office two terms- — eight years — and afterward was elected tax collector, to which office he has been continuously re-elected since. He still fol lows farming, and is a good farmer, enjoying the respect and esteem of , his fel low-citizens. Mr. Tomlinson married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of H. P. Matthis, who has borne him nine children — ^five sons and four daughters — ^all of whom are living. They are as follows : Orin L., Lawton H., Horace C, John B. G., Wayne P., Laura E., Hattie P., Jessie E. and Alice M., all of whom reside in CHnch county. COBB COUNTY. (QEORGE H. CAMP, Marietta, Cobb Co., Ga., a retired cotton manufacturer and capitalist, son of George and Elizabeth Camp, was born in the city of Utica, N. Y., in 1818. His grandfather, Talcott Camp, was a native of Connecticut, but moved to Utica and was in its early history the first mayor of that city. Mr. Camp's father was born in Connecticut, and was related to the first and most conspicuous member of the Hale family, the descendants of whom have marked their way by deeds of patriotism and valor. He commenced business life as a pubHsher and editor in Utica. Upon removal to Sacket's Harbor, N. Y., he established the "Gazette" in 181 5, which he edited some years. Subsequently he became connected with the Sacket's Harbor bank, as president, which position he held until the removal of the bank to Buffalo, N. Y. Remaining in Sacket's Harbor, he engaged in the drug business, in which occupation he continued until his death. Mr. Camp's mother, who was a daughter of E. Hitchcock, was born in Connecticut, and was descended from prominent social and revolutionary families. Admiral Foote, Commodore Hitchcock and Commodore Howell of the United States navy being among her relatives. Mr. G. H. Camp was raised in Sacket's Harbor and was principally educated in the excellent high school of Jefferson county. In 1842 he came to Georgia and settled in Roswell, Cobb Co., where he identified himself with the Roswell Manufacturing company, just then started by Mr. Barrington King. In that business he continued until 1864, at which time he retired from the presidency of the factories — they having been burned by the Federal armies that year. Since that time he has not been actively engaged in any business. Mr. Camp was married in 1850 to Miss Jane M. Atwood, who was born in Mcintosh county, Ga., in the year 1830. She was the daughter of Henry and Ann (Mcintosh) Atwood. Mr. Atwood was a native of Connecticut and a lawyer by profession. He came to Georgia quite early in life and settled in Darien, where he practiced his profession several years. After his marriage he became a planter of Sea Island cotton, and owning a large number of negroes who were endangered on the coast during the war, he purchased the cotton mill at Curtright, Greene Co., Ga., to which place he removed his negroes for employment in the mill. Mr. and Mrs. Canip have five children living: COBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 503 George K., who was educated at the Virginia Military institute at Lexington, and after graduating he went to Albany, N. Y., where in the celebrated law school in that city he graduated, to engage in his chosen profession; Walter A., was edu cated at the Washington-Lee college in Virginia, then spent several years in France and Germany perfecting his knowledge of medicine and surgery, and after concluding his full course he adopted the eye, ear and throat specialty, in which he has had eminent success in Springfield, Mo.; Annie W., was educated at Miss Baldwin's Female institute in Staunton, Va., and is now the wife of Judge Richard H. Field, in Kansas City, Mo., and Misses SalHe A. and Hattie H. were educated at Miss Baldwin's Female institute in Virginia, and are at home, having lately returned from a European trip. Mr. and Mrs. Camp are members of the Pres byterian church, to which faith they are loyal. r^LAY. What magnetism there is in that name! How the blood bounds at its mention. No matter by whom borne, or whenever, wherever or under what ever circumstances it is vvritten or spoken, it involuntarily and invariably creates an exultant thrHl, as it brings to mind the chivalrous and patriotic "Harry of the West" Cobb county contributes to these Memoirs one bearing this talismanic name — one of the coming men of the "Empire State of the South." Alexander S. Clay, lawyer. Marietta, Cobb Co., Ga., son of W. J. and Ann (Peck) Clay, was born in Cobb county, in 1853. On his father's side he is of Scotch descent, his great-grandfather having emigrated fro-m Scotland to this country about the middle of the last century, and settled in Virginia, where he lived and died. His paternal grandparents were W. M. and Margaret (Rose) Clay. He was born in Virginia in 1764, migrated to Georgia and settled in Washington county toward the close of the last century. He accumulated quite a large estate — owning 3,000 acres of land in one body — became one of the largest planters, and was one of the wealthiest citizens of the county at the time of his death, which occurred in 1853, in the ninetieth year of his age. Mr. Clay's father was born in Washington county in 1828, was reared on the plantation and has continued farming as his life occupation. He moved to Cobb county in 1846, which has since been his home. He served three years during the war between the states, and is a member of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward. Mr. Clay's mother is a daughter of James and Mary (Turner) Peck. Her father was a native of what is now Taliaferro county, Ga., was an ordained minister of the Baptist church, and preached until his death in 1890, aged eighty years. He m-oved to Cobb county in 1859, and for many years- was county school commissioner. Mr. Clay was reared on the farm and during- boyhood schooled at the near-by country schools. Later he went to Palmetto, Ga., where he received his preparatory education and then entered Hiwassee col lege, Monroe county, Tenn., from which he was graduated in 1876. Returning- home he immediately began the study of law under the preceptorship of Hon. David Irwin, and in 1877 was admitted to the bar. He located in Marie.tta, where he at once was accorded an advanced professional position, and has steadily risen until now he is acknowledged to be one of the best lawyers in the state, as well, as a potential political factor. In 1881 he was elected a member of Marietta's city council, and was re-elected the succeeding year, but resigned and did not serve.. In 1884 he was elected to represent Cobb county in the general assembly and served on the committees on raHroads, finance and privileges and elections. In 1886 he was re-elected, was chosen speaker pro tem., appointed chairman of the committee on manufacturing, and made a member of the committees on finance,, corporation and railroads. He was again elected in 1888 and unanimously elected speaker of the house. His labors and services during this term were unusually 504 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. arduous, of inestimable value to the state, and placed him high on the roll of Georgia's coming statesmen. In 1890 he was elected to represent his senatorial district (Cobb, Fulton and Clayton counties) in the general assembly and was unanimously elected president of the body — presiding with his usual abHity, to his own credit and the advantage of the state. In 1894, he was made chairman of the state democratic executive committee and conducted the Akinson-Hines guberna torial election. His political career may be said to have just begun, as he is only on the threshold of matured man'nood, and the prospects and probabilities — aye, almost certainties — are, that he will attain successively to the highest positions within the gift of the people of Georgia. He is closer to the hearts of the people, and nearer to the front in the race for preferment than any man in the state. His name has already been mentioned in connection with -the governorship. Mr. Clay was married in 1880 to Miss Fannie — born in what is now Douglas county, in 1863 — daughter of A. J.' and Margaret (Butner) White. He is a native of Campbell county, Ga., and a large farmer. He volunteered in the Confederate service dur ing the civil war, was captured and confined in Camp Morton, where he died. Of the children born to Mr and Mrs. Clay four are Hving: Eugenia H., Alexander S., Jr., Frank B., and Ryburn G. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are valued members of the Methodist church. J R. HUMPHRIES, physician and surgeon, Acworth, Cobb Co., Ga., son of G. * W. and Zula (Mclntyre) Humphries, was born in Franklin county, (ja., in 1833. His paternal grandfather, Richard Humphries, of English extraction, was a native of Chester district, S. C, and followed farming. Leaving South Carolina he came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county, where he continued farming and stock- raising until he died. He served as a major in the war of 1812. Dr. Humphries' father was born in South Carolina, came to Georgia when a young man and lived awhile in Franklin county, moved from there to Morgan county, thence to De Kalb county, and finally -moved to Calhoun county, Ala., where he lived until he died in 1890. He was a very ardent and prominent member of the Methodist church. Dr. Humphries' mother was a daughter of John Guiiter Mclntyre, who was a native of Scotland. Emigrating to this country he came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. He was a farmer, a trader and miller, and became very rich. He lived all his life in Franklin county. Dr. Humphries was reared on a farm, receiv ing his primary education at the nearby country schools, and a higher education at the Decatur high school. In 1852, he began the study of medicine under Dr James F. Alexander, one of the most eminent physicians of Atlanta, and now (1895) president of the board of health of that city. He then attended lectures at the medical college of Georgia, Augusta — from which he was graduated in 1854. Sub sequently he took a post-graduate course at the New Orleans college. Locating in De Kalb county he was establishing a fine reputation when the war between the states began. He entered the army and served as assistant surgeon for some time, but in 1863 permanently settled in Acworth, where he has since practiced his pro fession, his patronage extending for miles around and into adjoining counties. Professionally his attainments are extensive and his ability superior; while his intel ligence and winning social qualities have gained him great popularity. Dr. Humphries was married in 1859 to Miss Sarah — born in De Kalb county, in 1842 — daughter of Robert Joyce. He was a native of North Carolina, came to Georgia when a young man and settled in De Kalb county. He was a good and successful farmer, and spent his days in that county. This lady died in 1861, and Dr. Humphries subsequently married Miss O. H. — born in Forsyth county, Ga. — daughter of Hardy Strickland. Mr Strickland was born in Jefferson county, Ga., COBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 505 but early in life moved to Forsyth county, where he successfully engaged in farming and mining, and became a large slave owner. He was a man of unusual natural ability and force of character, attained to great prominence and influence politically, and represented Forsyth county in the general assembly fifteen years. Later in life he moved to Cobb county where he died. Dr. Humphries has one chHd living — John R. Mrs. Humphries is an active member of the Baptist church, and the doctor is a master Mason. JAMES L. LEMON, banker, Acworth, Cobb Co., son of James and Mary B. (Telford) Lemon, was born in Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., in 1835. His paternal grandfather, Robert Lemon, of Irish lineage, was a native of South Carolina, was a prosperous farmer, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolu tionary war. He came to Georgia in 1822 and settled in De Kalb county, within six miles of where Atlanta now stands, where he died in 1848. Mr. Lemon's father was born in Anderson disttict, S. C, moved to Georgia, settled in what is now De Kalb county in 1821, built the first frame house on the ground now occupied by Decatur, and commenced merchandising in connection with farming. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, represented De Kalb county in the general assembly a number of terms, was a working member of the Presbyterian church — of which he was an elder — and assisted in organizing the first Sunday school in Decatur. In 1843 he moved to Marietta, then near Acworth, where he died in 1849. ^r- Lemon's maternal grandfather, William Telford, was a native of Scotland. When quite young he came to this country and settled in what is now Pickens district, S. C, and served as a soldier in the continental army. He afterward engaged in farming and died in Pickens district in 1841. Mr. Lemon was reared on the farm, and received only the Hmited education obtainable in the schools of the time and locality. In June, 1861, he enlisted in Company A (Capt O'Neil), Eighteenth Georgia regiment, and went to the front. He, with his command, participated in the battles at Epling's Landing, Seven Pines, seven days' fight around Richmond, Gaines' Mill — famous for the desperate and formida ble charge of the Black Horse cavalry on the position of the Eighteenth Georgia, by whose stubborn and deadly resistance they lost nearly every officer and heavily of the troopers — and Sharpsburg. About this time he was detailed for hospital duty and served three months. He then returned to the field and served as captain during the battles of Fredericksburg, Gettysburg and Knoxville. At this last battle he was shot and badly wounded and made prisoner, was in the hospital for the sick three months, and then left in prison until after the surrender. Before the war he started in life as a farmer, but in 1853 engaged with his brother. Smith Lemon, in merchandising at Acworth. The business was continued until 1885, when his brother went into the banking business, remaining in it until he died, in 1889. Mr. Lemon has been exceptionally prosperous and has acquired much property. He is now largely interested in farming, has extensive milHng interests and conducts a banking business. He possesses unusuaHy fine business capability and excellent judgment; hence his continuous success. Mr. Lemon was married in 1856 to Miss Eliza — born in Cobb county in 1837 — daughter of Thomas and Clara (Pierce) Davenport. He was born in South Carolina and early in life came to Georgia and settied in Cobb county, where he has prospered as a farmer and where he now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Lemon have ten children living and have three sons in business in Acworth. Mr. Lemon and wife are devout and active members of the Presbyterian church. 5o6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. [^EANDER NEWTON TRAMMELL, chairman of the railroad commission of Georgia, son of Jehu and Elizabeth (Fain) Trammell, was born in Habersham county, Ga., June 5, 1830. His paternal grandfather, WiHiam Trammell, who was of Scotch-Irish descent, was born in South Carolina, and married a Miss Lynch. He enlisted and served three years in the continental army during the revolutionary war under Capt Daniel Duff and Col. Brandon, and participated inthe siege of Savannah, December, 1778; battle of King's Mountain, S. C, Oct. 7, 1780, where he lost an arm, and battle of Cowpens, S. C, Jan. 17, 1781. He died in Macon county, N. C, December, 1843. Col. Trammell's father was born in Union district, S. C, and came to Georgia and settled in Habersham county in 1 81 8, where he soon attained to great popularity and influence, and was twice elected to represent the senatorial district in the general assembly. His maternal grandfather, Ebenezer Fain, was of French extraction, a nephew of Baron Fain, a gallant member of Bonaparte's staff. Members of the family emigrated from France to this country before the revolutionary war and settled in Pennsylvania. Mr. Fain was born in Chester county, in that state, Aug. 27, 1762. "While in Washington county, Va., in June, 1776, and not fourteen years of age, he enlisted for three months in the patriot army and was stationed at Black Fort and Mont gomery Station, during which he was engaged in two battles with Indians — in one of which sixteen were killed. While in Washington county, N. C. (now Ten nessee), he served three months, from June, 1780, as light horseman, under Capt. Trimble, Col. Robertson's command, joined with other troops at Gilberttown, and all marched to Pacolet river, S. C, where they had a fight, taking a number of prisoners. At Buffalo Creek, on Broad river, while on duty in the night as a sentinel, he shot John Fenlon, a spy, on whom was found an express note from Lord Cornwallis to a tory, Capt Moore, urging him to defend his fort until troops could reach him. The Americans captured the fort, with Capt Moore and 100 men, and the British reinforcements were intercepted at Musgrove's mills and dispersed. At Wofford iron works the patriots were suddenly attacked at night and after a desperate struggle were compelled to fall back, but rallying, renewed the fight and defeated the enemy. He was subsequently transferred to Capt Cunningham's company, which was attached to Col. Elijah Clarke's Georgia regiment. Col. Clarke started for Augusta, Ga., but finding the British occupy ing that place and Georgia and South Carolina, he returned to Rutledge's Ford, on the Saluda river, S. C, where the command was discharged. In September, 1780, he re-enlisted for two months as mounted horseman, and as a substitute under Capt. Taylor and Col. Sevier in pursuit of Col. Ferguson, who was over taken at King's Mountain, S. C, where, Oct 7, 1780, a battle was fought, Col. Ferguson killed and 900 prisoners taken. In this battle Mr. Fain was wounded in one of his legs. From November, 1780, he served with Capt. Gibson and Col. Sevier against the Indians, who were badly defeated and their towns destroyed. He continued in the service until April, 1781. In, 1783 he moved to South Caro lina and settled in territory known as "Ninety-six," which comprised what is now Pickens and Pendleton and Anderson counties. Thence, in 1792, he moved to Buncombe county, N. C, and finally, in 1818, to Georgia, and settled in Flabersham county. He was married in Jonesboro, Washington Co. (then North CaroHna), now Tennessee, in June, 1781, to Miss Mary Black. She died in Gilmer county, Ga., Feb. 11, 1846. Col. Trammell was reared and worked on the farm during his boyhood and youth, alternating between farm and school as the necessities of the crop demanded. At the age of nineteen he entered a boarding school at Bait's Creek (now Hjwassee coHege), Tenn., where he remained fifteen months. After leaving there he taught school a while, and then read law under Simpson L. N. TRAMMELL. COBB COUNTY SKETCHES. 507 Reid, at Blairsville, Ga., and in 1856 attended the law school at Lebanon, Tenn. Having been admitted to the bar, he located at Ringgold, Catoosa Co., Ga., and entered upon the practice of law as the junior member of the firm of McConnell & Trammell. In 1861 he was elected to represent Catoosa county in the general assembly, and in 1863 was re-elected without opposition. In March, 1862, he entered the Confederate service as quartermaster, with the rank of captain, the duties of which he performed in all its details with that promptness and exactitude which is characteristic of him in everything he does. His fidelity and patriotism elicited from the auditor in the quartermaster-general's department a letter com plimenting him upon the evidence shown in his reports for his vigilance and honesty in the discharge of his duties, saying that this was the only letter of the kind he had had the pleasure of writing. In 1866 he resumed the practice of law in Calhoun, Gordon Co. He was elected a member of the constitutional convention of 1867-68, in which he did his most valuable work for the state. He was the recognized leader of the little band of fourteen dauntless patriots in that con vention known as the "Hancock democracy," whose unflagging courage and un- relaxing labor saved and secured to Georgia the supremacy of the white race — a service which endeared him to the people, and will never be forgotten. At the election next succeeding he was unanimously tendered the nomination to the state senate, but dechned the honor. In 1870 he was elected to represent the senatorial district in the general assembly, and was elected president of the senate. Gov. Bullock having resigned, Mr. Trammell became, by right, governor pro-tem. of the state, but the former president of the senate, Mr. Benjamin Conley, claimed the right and assumed the duties of the office, which came near precipitat ing serious consequences. Fortunately the blended blood of Scotch-Irish con servatism and French chivalric magnanimity, as represented by Mr. Trammell, interposed and prevented it. He was strongly urged by leading democrats throughout the state, and by the general assembly, to assert his rights, but fore seeing the certain disorder and confusion, and the possible injury to the highest and best interests of the state that such a contention would provoke and prolong, , he wisely and patriotically dechned to do so. As president of the senate he was distinguished for his fairness, impartiality and parliamentary ability, and in 1873 was re-elected without opposition, and closed his four years' incumbency without having an appeal taken from a decision he had made. He was a Tilden elector in 1876, a member of the constitutional convention in 1877, in which he served on the committee on revision. He was president of the state democratic conven tion in 1 881, and chairman of the democratic executive committee in 1882 and 1883. Speaking of him as president of the memorable state convention of 1881 to nominate a governor. Col. Isaac W. Avery, in his history of Georgia, has this to say: "The Hon. L. N. Trammell was elected unanimously president of the convention. There has never been in the history of public conventions a finer piece of parliamentary presiding than Mr. TrammeH's government of this fiery convention. It must be held in mind that he was a warm Colquitt supporter, and he had to steer between the expectations of his friends, for that decided leaning to his own side that an experienced chairman can so helpfully give, and the proclivity of the opposition to suspect his fairness and censure his rulings. It was the highest possible tribute to Mr. Trammell that both sides were satisfied and deemed his action fair. Not only this, but the clash of pariiamentary strategy — and, in the turbulence of heated debate, there were repeatedly two dangerous contingencies constantly threatening, namely — inextricable confusion in the order of business, and an ungovernable turmoH. Mr. TrammeH met both these perils with a most masterly skiH and fairness. His solution of parliamentary puzzles was 5o8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. instantaneous and decisive. No man with a less available and thorough knowl edge of the law of deliberative bodies could have been equal to the trying occasion. His intuitions were like lightning, and as resolute as the edict of an autocrat. Both sides stood in eager, reckless antagonism and fought for every advantage. Both sides were determined and combative, and their spirits drove toward an explosion. Mr. Trammell held the unruly elements with a strong hand and car ried the stormy proceedings for eight long days to an orderly conclusion. It was a splendid triumph of a presiding genius. It was an extraordinary and unequaled piece of tact, intelHgence, firmness and leadership." Prior to his chairmanship of the executive committee in 1883 the two-thirds rule governed the gubernatorial nominating conventions. Through his wholesome influence this rule was changed, and since that time nominations have been made by a majority vote, and the change has proved his wisdom. In October, 1881, Mr. Trammell was appointed railroad commissioner by Gov. Colquitt, reappointed in 1887 by Gov. Gordon, and again in 1893 by Gov. Northen; in 1890 he was made chairman of the commis sion. Endowed with unusual mental capacity, keen and strong, a courage of con viction unappalled by the most powerful antagonisms, an integrity of character and sincerity of purpose absolutely unassailable, a deep insight into motives, and common sense and executive ability of a high order, he naturally became an almost unerring judge of public sentiment, and a wise and successful leader of men, and enabled to exercise a strong and salutary influence on the legislation of Georgia. -Well-informed, patient, diHgent and conscientiously just he has, in his present honorable and responsible position, been incalculably serviceable, because he has won and enjoys the entire unreserved confidence of the railway authorities on the one hand and of the people on the other. The interests of the people and the development and advancement of Georgia are near his heart, for them in the prime of his life he has worked in the past, and to them his energies and labors are devoted to-day. Affable, courteous, open-handed, big-hearted and public-spirited, it excites no wonder that his political preferment arouses no jealousy and that everybody is his friend. Mr. TrammeH was married in 1856 to Miss Zenobia J., daughter of Elihu S. Barclay, a union which has been blessed with an interesting family of eight children: Mary M., wife of Samuel B. Scott, Atlanta, Ga.; Paul B., Atlanta, Ga. ; Elizabeth V., wife of George L. Morris, Birmingham, Ala. ; William J., Marietta, Ga.; Alice N., wife of Walter L. Sessions, Marietta, Ga.; Fleta, wife of Frank E. Boston, Atlanta; Margaret Z., and Leander N., Jr. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and a prominent member of the Methodist church. COFFEE COUNTY. G EORGE R. BRIGGS, lawyer, Douglas, Coffee Co., Ga., was born in Stafford county, Va., Dec. 29, .1846. His father. Rev. W. S. Briggs, was a prominent Baptist minister who died in Richmond, March 5, 1892. George R. Briggs was educated in the excellent schools of Virginia, and then entered Richmond college where he remained three years. In 1861, he enlisted in the First Virginia cavalry, and served with the regiment until the close of the war After the surrender he returned to Virginia and taught school until 1870, when he came to Georgia, teach ing in Macon and Taylor counties. Elected president of Houston female coHege, he (^ ^ jd^cJt' ^ 9ln/ ^W /AxX^ COPFEE COUNTY SKETCHES. 509 remained there for four years, when he was elected president of Spalding seminary, near Montezuma, Macon Co., a position he held three years, and then removed to Hawkinsville, Pulaski Co., to take charge of the institute at that place. Dur ing this time he was reading law, and in 1884 was admitted to the bar before Judge A. C. Pate. Returning to Montezuma, he entered upon the practice of his pro fession, and a portion of the time conducted a farm until 1889. That year he was elected principal of the Carrollton high school in Alabama. He held this position but a year. Resigning he went .to Birmingham, Ala., where he opened a law office. In June, 1893, he went to Douglas, where he engaged in the practice of law. Mr. Briggs was married in Houston county, Ga., in January, 1873, to Augusta E., daughter of John S. Taylor, of that county. Six children have been born to him : Maude and Bessie, at school at Richmond, and the other four. May, Lucille, Hor- tense and Seals (a son), are at home. Mr. Briggs is a Baptist, a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. P DWARD A. BUCK, merchant and naval stores manufacturer, Douglas, Coffee Co., Ga., is of North Carolina stock, a son of Edward Buck, a farmer and naval stores manufacturer, and was born in Pitt county, N. C, Nov. 17, 1848. Like many thousands of others whose school age covered the same period of time, Mr. Buck was deprived of the advantage of an education. He has, however, managed to hold his own in his life struggle. In 1875 he came to Georgia and engaged in the manufacture of naval stores in Charlton county. He remained there only a year; then he removed to Wayne county, where he lived eight years. At the end of this time he went to Brunswick, where he engaged in the commission business, but retired after a year's experience. Leaving Brunswick he went to Clinch county where he resumed the manufacture of naval stores, continuing it eight years. From there he came to Douglas, where he is now operating -a farm and manufacturing naval stores; and in connection with these conducting a store in town. Mr. Buck married LiHie Lipsey in Clinch county, in 1887, by whom he has had one child, a daughter, Mary Ethel, born Sept. 28, 1889. Mr. Buck is a man of energy and enter prise, and fine business and executive ability, and is reputed to be one of the wealthiest men in the wire grass belt. P WILLIS DART, judge of the county court of Coffee county, Douglas, Ga., is a son of F. M. and Mary (Hall) Dart, and was bom in Brunswick, Ga., in 1869. He received his primary education in the public schools, and was graduated from the law department of Georgia university, class of '93. In 1893 he practiced law for a short time at Brunswick, Ga., and in 1894 located in Douglas. In March, 1895, he was appointed judge of the Coffee county court, to fill the unexpired term of Judge C. A Ward, who had resigned. Judge Dart is one of the youngest county judges in the state, and enjoys the distinction of reaching the bench in a littie less than two years from the time he was admitted to practice. He took the honors at school, and though young in years, possesses the legal acumen not often found in older heads. He is a close student and a fine orator, and had already secured a gratifying success in his profession when appointed county judge. Judge Dart is a member of the Delta Tau Delta college fraternity, and possessing a most amiable disposition and irreproachable character, is deservedly popular, and has a bright future before him. IV/l'INTOSH M. HALL, M. D. (deceased), Douglas, Coffee Co., Ga., brother of Dr J. F. HaH, StatenvHle, Echols Co., Ga., was born in Montgomery county, Ga., in January, 1853. Receiving a very good common school education during boy 5IO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and youthhood, he entered the medical department of Washington university, Baltimore, Md., in 1871, from which he graduated in February, 1874. Soon after ward he located in Coffee county, where he has since resided with the exception of one year, 1883, in Appling county. He located in Douglas, county seat for Coffee county, where he established "an enviable professional reputation, and an excellent practice, and kept a drug store until he died, Jan. 15, 1895. In 1875, he married Rebecca B., daughter of Hon. John M. Lott, an influential and popular citizen, who has represented Coffee county in the general assembly two terms. Dr. and Mrs. Hall had three children born to them: John M., born December, 1876, who attended the lectures at and graduated from the Southern Medical college, Atlanta, in 1895, and has succeeded to his father's practice and business; J. Frank, born in March, 1879; and Minnie May, born in April, 1886. Dr. Hall was a master Mason, and a member of Broxton lodge No. 247. ¦yy ILLIAM A. MOORE, M. D., WiHacoochee, Coffee Co., Ga., son of Arthur Moore, farmer, Coffee county, was born in Berrien county, Ga., July 8, 1869. Dr. Moore, having had the advantage of a good common school education, began studying medicine in 1890 under Dr Jeff WHson, entered the Southern Medical college at Atlanta the ensuing fall, and graduated from the same in May, 1892. He went to Broxton at first to locate, but after a stay of a few months, decided to move to Willacoochee, where he has already secured a good practice, with a very bright prospective future. Dr. Moore married Georgia, daughter of William Shaw, Ber rien county, June 15, 1893, who has borne him one child — a boy, Aubray — born May 10, 1894. The doctor is a master Mason, and a member of WiHacoochee lodge No. 197, F. and A. M. WILLIAM F. SIBBETT, M. D., Douglas, Coffee Co., Ga., was born in Colum bus county, N. C, June 12, 1853. His father, of English descent is stHl living. Dr. Sibbett, while a boy, received a fairly good common-school education. In 1877, while yet a youth, he came to Georgia and worked three years in Dodge and Appling counties in the turpentine business. Sober, industrious and eco nomical, he saved money and engaged in the drug business in Hazlehurst, Ga., with Dr. Latimer, under the firm name of J. H. Latimer & Co. During this period he read medicine under Dr. Latimer, and, in 1886, entered the Atlanta Medical college, whence he graduated in March, 1888. Returning to Hazlehurst, he remained only a few months, when he sold out and went to Broxton, Coffee Co. After remaining in that place two and one-half years he removed to Doug las, county seat of Coffee county, where he has estabhshed himself in an excellent paying practice as a physician, and in connection with this is doing a good drug business. He was elected coroner in January, 1895, being one of two democrats elected to county offices. Dr. Sibbett was married in December, 1884, to Amanda R., daughter of James Graham, of Appling county, by whom he has had two children: Willie, eight, and Annie, six years old. He is a member of the Georgia Medical association and of the Pharmaceutical association. He is a member and worshipful master of Douglas lodge No. 386, F. and A. M., and a royal arch Mason. He is also worthy patron of Douglas chapter of the Order of the East ern Star. (^ ALVIN A. WARD, JR., lawyer and county judge, Douglas, Coffee Co., Ga., was born in Coffee county, Dec. 20, 1857. He is of a North Carolina family, his father being a son of John Ward of that state. C. A. Ward, Sr, is a farmer and stock-raiser, and at one time was justice of the inferior court. Calvin A. Ward, Jr., was given the best education obtainable in that part of the state during COLUMBIA COUNTY SKETCHES. 5" the troublous time of his boyhood. He then attended the university law school at Athens, from which he graduated in 1886, and soon afterward established him self in Douglas, where he has built up a very handsome practice. On reaching his majority he was elected clerk of the superior court, and held the office six years. His faithfulness and efficiency in this office commended for higher honors, ' so his fellow-citizens elected him county judge, an office he has held for three years. He is also editor of the county paper, "The Douglas Breeze," and conducts a farm. Judge Ward was married Jan. 24, 1883, to Emma, daughter of J. T. and Elizabeth Smith, Coffee county. He is a member of the State Bar association. JEFFERSON WILCOX, M. D., WHlacoochee, Coffee Co., Ga., was bom in Coffee county, March 20, i860. His father, Mark Wilcox, who died in 1892, was a farmer and at one time was sheriff of the county. Dr. Wilcox, fortun ately, was favored with a good common-school education preparatory to his entrance into the Southern Medical college at Atlanta, in 1881, from, which institution he graduated in 1883. He located first at Broxton, Coffee county, but left there after a whHe and settled in Willacoochee, where he is now and where he has a choice remunerative practice not excelled in all that section. In addition to his practice he has a drug store, which is doing a profitable business. Dr. Wilcox has been mayor of Willacoochee, and now represents the county in the general assembly, and is a member of the following committees: Agriculture, hygiene and sanitation, pensions, lunatic asylum and penitentiary. Dr. Wilcox was married May 6, 1883,, to Mary A., daughter of James Hinson, Coffee county, who has borne him two children: Ira E., born May 20, 1884, and Mark, born May 21, 1890. He is a master Mason and a member and treasurer of Willa coochee lodge No. 197, F. and A. M. Dr. Wilcox stands high in his locality as an able and successful physician. COLUMBIA COUNTY. T\R. R. B. BAILEY, the most prominent physician in Columbia county (post- office, Appling) was born in that county in 1828. He was a son of Nathaniel and Ann E. (Wilborn) Bailey. Nathaniel Bailey was a native of Maryland and moved to Wilkes county, Ga., with his parents when he was a small boy. He was a successful man and accumulated large tracts of land and owned many negroes. He moved from Wilkes to Columbia county, was a leading citizen, and served as judge of the inferior court several years. Ann E. (Wilborn) BaHey, Dr. Bailey's mother, was a daughter of Elias and Mary (Marshall) "Wilborn. Elias Wilborn was a native of North Carolina, but tnoved to South Carolina and thence to Georgia. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war, was engaged in many battles and was one of the wealthiest citizens in Columbia county. He was a leader in church and slate. Dr. Bailey's maternal great-grandfather was Daniel Marshall, a noted Baptist minister, who sojourned in many places in Vir ginia and North Carolina, and in 1771 moved to Georgia and settled on the largest of the Kiokee creeks, and organized the church of Kiokee, which is the oldest church in Georgia. It is about eighteen mHes from Augusta, in Columbia county, in the neighborhood of the two Kiokee creeks, which empty into the Savannah 512 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. river. Dr. Bailey was reared on the farm. He received his collegiate education at Emory college and graduated there in 1849. He began the study of medicine under Dr. William S. Jones, afterward under Dr. H. R. Casey, and attended the sessions of the Augusta Medical coHege, where he graduated in 1851. He located in Appling, where he has practiced ever since. He has a large practice, is a highly cultivated, honorable gentleman, and is greatly respected and loved by the people of Columbia county. |\A J. BRANCH, farmer and legislator, Berzelia, Columbia Co., Ga., and one of the most prominent men in the state, was born in Petersburg, "Va., in 1847, the son of Thomas and Sarah P. (Reed) Branch. He received a liberal education and graduated at college. When the civil war began he was a cadet in the Virginia Military academy, and went into active service with the cadets. He moved to Augusta, Ga., in 1868, and engaged in merchandising until 1879. In 1880 Mr. Branch married Miss Sue Steiner, who was born in Tiffin, Ohio, in 1852, and was an adopted daughter of Dr. R. Steiner. They have three living children : Hal S., Melvin C. and Steiner. In 1876 he moved to Columbia county, where he has been engaged in farming ever since, and has taken an active part in public affairs. He was a delegate to the national convention of the people's party at Omaha in 1892 and was chairman of the committee on platform. The same year he was elected a member of the Georgia legislature, and was re-elected in 1894. He is a leading member of the house, is on several important committees, and was the nominee of his party for speaker of the house, but was defeated by W. H. Fleming, the democratic nominee. Mr. Branch's father was a native of Virginia, was prominent in business and public affairs, and a leading member of the Methodist church. He was a delegate to the state convention when Vir ginia seceded from the union, was a wealthy man, and in 1871 established the Merchants' National bank of Richmond, of which he became president. Dr. Steiner, Mrs. Branch's adopted father, was a very prominent man. He served in the Mexican war with Gen. Scott, was a surgeon in the Confederate army, and after the war settled in Augusta, where he was a leading physician until he died in 1892. ]y\ISS SARAH JANE CRAWFORD, a very prominent and wealthy lady of Appling, Columbia Co., was born in that county in 1813. She is a daughter of Dr. Nathan and Mary (Marshall) Crawford. Her father. Dr. Crawford, was born in Virginia and m.oved to Georgia in 1799. He read medicine under Dr. Smelt, a prominent physician of Augusta, and after completing his course went to the upper part of Columbia county and settled on the Kiokee creek and practiced his profession. The first tax he ever paid was $5, but he afterward accumulated a large fortune and was the wealthiest man in Columbia county. His practice was very large, extending over a wide territory, in all the adjoining counties, and over into South Carolina. He was the first physician to perform the difficult operation of placing a silver plate on a broken skull. He was prominent in public affairs and served as a member of the legislature, and as judge of the inferior court. His father, Charles Crawford, was a native of Virginia, and came to Georgia a boy at the beginning of the revolutionary war, in which he served in the patriot army as captain, participating at the siege of Savannah and Augusta, being taken prisoner at the latter place. He graduated at the medical coHege presided over by Dr. Rush, in Philadelphia, in 1799, and returning to Georgia settied on the Kiokee creek, at the residence of Rev. Abraham Marshall, where he practiced his, profession. He was a very prominent man,, and lived in Columbia county until his death. Mrs. COLUMBIA COUNTY SKETCHES. 513 Mary (Marshall) Crawford, the mother of Miss Sarah J. Crawford, was a daughter of Levi and Sarah (Wyme) MarshaH. Levi Marshall was the fourth son of Daniel Marshall; was a wealthy merchant and farmer, and lived in Columbia county all his life. His father, Daniel Marshall was born in Windsor, Conn., in 1706. At the early age of twenty he became a convert to religion and entered upon the work of the ministry with great energy and zeal. He sold his home, and as his biographer says: "Gave up his commodious buildings for a miserable hut; his beautiful fields 'and orchards for barren deserts, the luxuries «of a well-furnished table for coarse, scanty fare, and numerous civil friends for rude savages." He moved to Winchester, Va., thence to Hughwarry, N. C, and then to Abbott's Creek, N. C, where he organized a church and located as its pastor. Subsequently he traveled in Virginia, organized a number of churches, and afterward moved from North Carolina to South Carolina, thence to Georgia, where he established the first Baptist church in the state in 1772, on the Kiokee creek. This church is still standing, about two miles from Appling. Mr. Marshall was once seized while preaching and whipped, a man named Sam Cartledge using the lash, and Cartledge was afterward converted and became a preacher. Miss Sarah J. Crawford, the sub ject of this sketch, is one of the foremost ladies of the county. Her ancestors were distinguished, and her family connections are prominent and well known. She is first cousin of ex-Gov. George Crawford, second cousin of W. H. Crawford, and Gov. Culberson, of Texas, is her nephew. Liberal, pubhc spirited,' and having a strong intellect, she is highly respected and honored in the community where she lives. JAMES A. LAMKIN, a prosperous farmer, Kiokee, Columbia Co., was born in Columbia county, in 1850. His father, Augustus Lamkin, was also a native of Columbia county, was a farmer and race-horse man, and traveled over the state, taking part in all the leading races. He was successful in business, was highly respected and lived in his native county until he died in 1869. His parents were James and Katie (Smith) Lamkin. James Lamkin was a native of Virginia, but came to Georgia and settled in Columbia county, when a young man, and was one of the early settlers of that county. When he came to Georgia he was a very poor man, but was successful and accumulated a large fortune. Mr James A. Lamkin's mother was a daughter of James Alexander, who was a native of Columbia county, and lived there many years, but subsequently moved to Augusta, where he died. He fought in the battle of New Orleans as a major. Mr. James A. Lamkin, the subject of "this sketch, was reared on the farm and received a limited education. In 1882 he married Miss Ella Walton, daughter of Jesse and Palatil (Jones) Walton. Mr. Walton was born in Columbia county; was a successful farmer, and lived and died in .the county of his birth. Mr. and Mrs. Lamkin had six sons: Walton, James A., Clanton, Griffith, Jacob P. and Frank E. He started in life with very little, but .by hard work and diligent application to business was successful, and now owns 3,000 acres of choice land, a gin miH, saw rhiH, and other property. He was deputy sheriff of his county six years and is a highly respected member of the masonic fraternity. His wife was born in Columbia county, in 1852. She is an active and useful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. IWl ARION M'DANIEL, farmer, Cluese, Columbia Co., Ga., son of Zero and Cath erine (Thompson) McDaniel, was born in Henry county, Va., in 1829. His father was a native of Virginia, a farmer by occupation, and lived all his life in his native state. His mother was a daughter of Mitchell Thompson, a native of Amherst county, Va., who moved to Grayson county, Va., where he served as 1-33 I-J4 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. clerk of the county court several years. He was a man of extraordinary physical vigor, and lived to be ninety-five years of age. Mr McDaniel was reared on a farm untH sixteen years old. In his seventeenth year he discovered a principle by which in tempering steel the proper temper could be ascertained. He traveled ten years in Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia, giving practical instruction in the art of welding and tempering steel, ih horseshoeing, etc. In the early fifties he began training young men who had no experience, and soon found that a bright, sprightly man, white or black, could be taught in eight or ten days to do the simpler kinds of plantation work. He also found that while the negro was almost entirely destitute of the inventive faculty, his imitative power was so great that he was a quick learner. He regards the ten years he thus spent in training mechanics as the most important part of his life. After finishing his work in this line he settied down to quiet farm life in Columbia county, in which he is now contentedly and profitably engaged. Mr. McDaniel has been married three .times. Pie was first married in 1851 to Miss Sallie — born in 1831 — daughter of E. D. and Nancy Hamilton Alfriend. She died in 1858, and of the children she bore him but one, Ann H., is living. His second marriage was in 1863 to Miss Ida E. — born in Columbia county in 1847 — daughter of Uriah and Sarah (Cartiedge) Blanchard. This wife died in 1873; and of the children she bore him three survive: Owenton, Minnie, and Alexander H. For his third wife he married, in 1864, j\liss Rosa A., bom in Warren county, in 1858 — daughter of James A. and Sarah (Lane) Bradshaw. iNIn McDaniel is a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. vy H. JONES, one of the most successful farmers of Columbia county, postoffice, ' Evans, was born in Augusta, Ga., in 1840, but was reared on a farm and edu cated at Georgetown college. In 1862, he enlisted in the Confederate service. Twelfth Georgia battahon, under J. B. V. Allen, and was engaged in many batties in Virginia, and also in the battles of Resaca, Lost mountain, Kennesaw mountain, Atlanta, and Jonesboro. He was with the army until the close of .the war. In 1866, Mr. Jones was married to Mrs. Sophie Ball Mala, wido-^v of WHliam Mala, and daughter of Moses and Harriet (Bassey) Greene. Mr. Greene was a great-nephew of Gen. Nathaniel Greene, of revolutionary fame. Mrs. Jones is also a great-grand daughter of Col. Joseph Taylor of the revolutionary army, known in history as "Fighting" Joe Taylor. They have five children living: Arthur, Jessie, Walter, William H., and Mary E. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church, and are highly respected by all -\vlio know them. Mr Jones' father, William Jones, was a native of Wales, but came to this country in 1812, and settled first in Charles ton, afterward moving to Columbia, S. C, and when the Indian war began he enlisted and served through the same. After the same closed he lived in Fort Valley a short time, then moved back to Columbia, S. C, and afterward to Augusta, Ga., where he engaged in the manufacture of gin machinery. In 1841, he moved to Columbia county, Ga., and was engaged in farming until his death. He was a leading citizen, was highly respected and very wealthy. He lost eighty slaves and :$ioo,ooo in bank stock by the war. Mr Jones' mother was a daughter of Mar shall Keith, who was born in Virginia, was wealthy and owned land in that state, North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama. He read law under Henry Clay, but never engaged in the practice. His father was a native of Scotland, but was driven from there on account of his reHgious belief, during the reign of Charles I. He was a grandson of Lord Keith, and first settled in Virginia, subsequently removing to Georgia. Mr. Jones lives on a large plantation left him by his father. COLUMBIA COUNTY SKETCHES. 515 J-J A. MERRY, a merchant and farmer at Berzelia, Columbia Co., was born in ' Washington, Wilkes Co., Ga., in 1831, a son of Bradford and Ann (Bruckner) Merry. He received a fair education and began life as a clerk in the store of Beers & Roberts, and afterward with Cress & Hickman. In 1853 he began busi ness for himself at Berzelia. In 1861 he moved to Augusta and engaged in the dry-goods business untH 1862, when he sold out and enHsted in the Confederate army. He served on detail duty as a manufacturer of shoe lasts, bunks and boxes until the last year of the war, when he went into active service and was engaged in the battles around Savannah. After the close of the war he returned to Ber- zeHa and did business two years, then went to Dalton and lived two years, thence to Augusta and engaged in the produce and commission business, when he returned to Berzelia," where he has been doing business ever since. In 1857 Mr. Merry married Miss A. V. Holmes, daughter of James and Lucinda (Gibson) Holmes. They have nine living children. He and his wife are members of the Methodist church ; he is a Mason, and is a highly respected citizen, and holds the honorable position of president of the county board of education. His father, Bradford Merry, was born in New Bedford, Mass., in 1799, moved to Georgia in 1820, and settled in Wilkes county as a saddle and harness maker. He also engaged in farming and owned slaves. Mr. Merry's mother was a daughter of Daniel Bruckner, who was born in Switzerland, ran away from home when a boy, and went to England, where he served in the navy. lie afterward came to America and first settled in Charleston, S. C, but subsequently moved to Wilkes county, Ga., and went to farming. He served as clerk of the court several years. "\y ILLIAM T. WALTON, farmer, Kiokee, Columbia Co., Ga., son of Jesse S. and Palatiah (Jones) Walton, was born in Columbia county in 1836. His paternal great-grandfather was a native of England and emigrated to this country and settled in Virginia about the middle of the last century. His grandparents were William and Sallie (Grinnage) Walton, natives of Virginia. They migrated to Georgia in 1790 and settled in Columbia county, where he prosperously planted all his life. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and for his services drew some land in Kentucky. To pay the taxes on this he was accustomed to go there every year on horseback. He was surveyor of Co lumbia county and held the office many years. Mr. Walton's father was born in Columbia county, was raised a planter and made it a life pursuit with marked success.- His materflal great-grandfather, Jones, was a native of Wales, England, and emigrated to this country before the revolutionary war. His mother was a daughter of ElHs, son of the above, and Mary (Pinson) Jones. He was born in Columbia county, near where Harlem now stands, was a large planter, and grew to be what was considered wealthy in his day, and became a leading, influential citizen. Mr. Walton was raised on the plantation and received a collegiate educa tion, graduating in 1856. In 1864 he enlisted in Terrell's artillery company, but in a short time left the service on account of ill health and returned home. He has since devoted himself to planting, and has been content with its pleasures and profits. He is the proprietor of a large estate and is a leading citizen of the county, in which he is held in high esteem. Mr. Walton was married in i860 to Miss Mary — born in Columbia county in 1841 — daughter of Benjamin Berry, a native of Maryland. His father was a native of England, and emigrated to this countty and settled in that state. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Walton seven survive: Emma, wife of Thomas B. Dozier; Benjamin B., William T., PolHe E., Francis J., Eloise M. and Ruth. Himself and wife are active mem bers of the Methodist church. ^16 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. COLQUITT COUNTY. P DWARD H. BRYAN, Moultrie, Ga., is a son of Rev. J. H. Bryan, a Meth- _ odist minister, and a member of the South Georgia and Florida conference, and was born in Lowndes county, Ga., April 21, 1840. Mr. Bryan was educated mainly at the Masonic seminary, Madison, Fla. In 1861 he enHsted in the First Florida regiment, but was subsequently transferred to the First Florida battalion. Having been wounded at Shiloh, he was granted a six months' furlough, on the expiration of which he rejoined the army. He was again wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., in a charge made under Breckinridge. After his recov ery Mr. Bryan served in the quartermaster's department until the end of the- year, when he joined the Second Florida cavalry. Col. Smith commanding, and was in the battle of Ocean Pond, under Gen. Alfred H. Colquitt During his service he filled acceptably the offices of second sergeant and sergeant major. When, at last, the end came, Mr. Bryan engaged in farming in Mitchell county for three years ; then for several years taught school in the counties of Worth and Colquitt. In 1877 he entered the office of the ordinary of Colquitt county as deputy, and at the same time held the office of commissioner of education. After serving as county treasurer two years Mr. Bryan served as clerk of the superior court eight years. He now holds the office of freight and ticket agent of the Boston & Albany railway. In 1864 Mr. Bryan was married to Emily, daughter of Allen C. Sellers, of Mitchell county. He has four children living — two sons and two daughters. The oldest daughter married J. E. Hornsby, Moultrie; the other children, John, born in 1872; Mattie, born in 1876, and Edward R., born in 1890, are with their parents. In 1877 Mr Bryan was ordained at Hopewell church, Moultrie, Ga., a minister of the Baptist church, in which sacred relation he is rendering faithful service. For seventeen years or more he has been zealously identified with Sunday school work. ¦\^ ILLIAM B. DUKES, merchant, Moultrie, Colquitt Co., Ga., was born in what is now Brooks county, Ga., Jan. 13, 1856. His father, Edward C. Dukes, who was a farmer, died in the year he was born. He was reared and worked on the farm, and at intervals attended the near-by common schools of the county until 1874, when, at the age of eighteen years, he went to Thomas county, Ga., to engage in the saw-milling business. A few years later, having saved some money, he borrowed a small additional sum from a Thomasville firm and with limited capital embarked in a general merchandising business on a small scale at Chastain, in Thomas county, in a little 16x25 tenement. He at tended closely to his business, worked hard and "kept store" all alone. He suc ceeded beyond his most sanguine expectations and had to enlarge the store, and a little later he had to enlarge it still more. But his business kept on increasing, until to meet all its demands he determined to establish a business in Moultrie. Accordingly in 1894 he opened a general merchandise store, and well-stocked furniture store, and in connection with these a drug store, conducted under the firm name of Dukes & Smith. Receiving a partner at Chastain, the business was continued there under the name of W. M. Adams & Co. In addition to these he has a store in another part of the county. He has large and well-assorted stocks at all his places of business and gives employment to a large number COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. SI7 of clerks. Beginning with very limited capital — part borrowed at that — he has been remarkably successful and prosperous, and ranks among the most substan tial men in South Georgia. Comparatively young, energetic and enterprising, and of tried integrity, the success which has so far attended him gives promise of a most brilliant business future and great wealth. Mr. Dukes was married in 1880 to Miss Ella I., daughter of Ellison Dekle, of Thomas county, by whom he has had four children: Boyd, born in 1882; Effie Lee, born in 1884; Hallie, born in 1886, and a son, born in September, 1894. y^LVIN B. PETERS, M. D., was born in Lowndes county, Ga., July 27, 1866, and is the son of W. L. Peters, a prosperous farmer now living in Berrien county. The only educational advantages enjoyed by Dr. Peters were those of the common schools of the county. Thus meagerly equipped he entered the medical department of Vanderbilt university at Nashville, Tenn., in 1887, whence he graduated in 1889, and located at Cecil, Berrien Co. He remained in Cecil . about four years, building up a fine practice, and then removed to Moultrie, Ga., where he has gained a remunerative patronage, and in connection with his practice established a good drug business under the firm name of Peters & Belote. In February, 1891, Dr. Peters married Miss Sallie Mathis, Cecil, Ga. One son, Hoke Smith, is the result of this union. Dr. Peters is a man of energy and enterprise, a democrat in politics, has been mayor of Cecil, and is a master Mason, being a popular working member of Ahia lodge. No. 346, in which he has officiated as junior deacon. "WILLIAM R. SMITH, M. D., was born in Brooks county, Ga., Jan. 24, 1863. His father. Dr. Albert D. Smith, a retired physician, resides now in Thomas county. WHliam R. was educated at the academy at Quitman, Ga., and in 1882 began the study of medicine under his father. He attended a course of lectures at Atlanta Medical college in the winter of 1883-84, and afterward attended the Memphis Hospital Medical college, graduating in 1885. Dr. Smith located at Chastain, Thomas Co., whence after six years of successful practice he removed to Moultrie, Colquitt Co. Here, in addition to his extensive professional service, he has, in connection with his partner, W. B. Dukes, estabhshed a prosperous and growing drug business. In 1888 he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Hagan, orphan daughter of James Hagan, late of Thomas county. Two daugh ters, Winona, four, and Fannie, two years old, have blessed this union. Dr. Smith is closely related to State Senator W. S. Humphries, Quitman, Ga.; also to State Representative J. W. Hopson, Brooks county, who is one of its wealthiest and most popular citizens. Dr. Smith is a prominent and much esteemed member of the Baptist church, with a bright and useful future before him. COWETA COUNTY. VyESLEY W. ADDY, a well-known and esteemed citizen of Coweta county, is the grandson of Simeon Addy and son of Jacob and Mary (Rawl) Addy, both natives of South Carolina, in which state Wesley was born in the year 1827. In 1844 the family left South Carolina and moved to Georgia, when Wesley was 5i8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. seventeen years of age. He made as good use as possible of the limited educa tional opportunities of those early days and fitted himself to teach school, which calling he pursued for nearly two years. In 1851 he married Margaret Bernhard, daughter of Jacob and Esther (Lites) Bernhard, both natives of South Carolina, who were among the early settlers of Henry county, Ga., where their daughter, Mrs. Addy, was born and reared. In 1862 Mr. Addy enlisted in the Ninth Georgia regi ment, under Capt Brooks, Col. Neeley's command. He was in several very hard- fought battles, as in those of Atlanta and Griswoldville, and in numerous skirmishes. He served through the war and then returned to Georgia. His home stead consists of 225 acres of well-improved land, upon which he has made a competent living. He owned at one time 740 acres, but sold off the greater part. He started in the beginning with only about $700, but has been able to acquire considerable property, as well as the respect and good-will of his fellow-citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Addy are members of the Lutheran church. Their union has been blessed with twelve children: Thomas, Mary, Warren, Stockton, Henry, Jason, Oscar, Simeon, Rosa, Ella, Pearl and Robert. QAPT. JAMES W. ANDERSON, son of WHHam U. and Mary Ann (Potts) Anderson, was born in Coweta county, Ga., in March, 1835. His father was born in Coweta county in 1808. He was reared on a farm, and had but little education. During his life he kept a record of the noted historical events which affected Coweta county, and in 1880 had them published in book form, which is interesting and very reliable as to dates. He was an uncompromising democrat and a great worker for the party, but would never accept office except once, when he was assistant warden of the penitentiary under Gov. Johnson. He was one of the thirteen original members of the Baptist church at Newnan. His father, the grandfather of Capt. J. W. Anderson, was a soldier both in the revolutionary war andthewar of 1812. Mrs. Anderson, the mother of J. W. Anderson, was a daugh ter of James Potts, who was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and was one of the pioneer settlers of Coweta county, Ga. James W. Anderson, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Coweta county, and received but a very limited education. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, First Georgia regiment, and was present in the first battle in which his company was engaged, and was with it until the close of the war. He was with his company at the retreat of Laurel hill and Greenbrier river under Gen. Jackson. After the battle of Cheat mountain, their time being out, the entire company was discharged; but after being home one month Mr. Anderson enlisted in a company known as the Newnan guards. Twelfth Georgia battalion of artillery, with which he remained through the war. He was adjutant of the first company he was in, and in 1863 was elected captain. He went out in the Twelfth Georgia battalion, though, as first lieutenant His company, after its reorganization, was ordered to go to ¦ Gen. Bragg with the artillery, and went through Kentucky, after which it was transferred to the infanti-y, but still drew pay as artillery. They then went through the country as far as Charleston, S. C, and served there during the whole siege. In 1864 he was wounded at Winchester, Va., being shot through the thighs, which rendered him unfit for further service. After the war he returned to Coweta county, and began at first as a contractor and builder, working at this several years. He finally saved up a sufficient amount ot money to purchase a farm, where he remained untH he moved to Newnan. In 1875 he was elected sheriff of Coweta county, serving six years. In 1866 he was married to Miss Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (RoHen) Brown; this lady died in a very short time, and in 1879 he married Elizabeth Blaukenship, daughter of Francis and Sarah (Curtis) Blaukenship, the former of whom was a CO"WETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 5^9 native of Tennessee and came to Georgia in 1847. J^i's- Anderson was born and reared in Georgia, and is a member of the M. E. church, while her husband is a member of the Presbyterian. Mr Anderson is a member of the masonic fraternity and is one of the leading citizens of the town. "\A/ ILLIAM T. ARNALL, one of Senoia's prominent citizens, was born in Walton county, Ga., in 1839, hu parents, John and Nancy A. (Gibbs) ArnaH, being also natives of this state. The father, born in Butts county in 181 1, was the son of WilHam H. Arnall, a Virginian who came to Georgia, settling in Butts county before 1800, making the long journey thither on horseback. He was by trade a wheelwright and blacksmith, at which he worked for many years. His son John settled in Coweta county in 1843, and there the younger William grew to manhood, attending school in what was noted as a better schoolhouse than most of that time, in that the logs of which it was built were hewed, and the chimney, though of sticks and dirt, was the outlet of a fire-place extending almost across the entire end of the buHding. The writing-desk, too, was a great improvement for those days, being made like the roof of a house, with a slope on each side so that it would accommodate pupils on both sides. It was no unusual occurrence in those days for the pupils to turn the teacher out on Christmas and make him treat Soon after the outbreak of the war, in July, 1861, young ArnaH enlisted in Company A, Seventh Georgia regiment. In this company he remained until the second battle of Man assas, where he was wounded in the arm, on Aug. 30, and when he reached home on Sept. 20 he weighed only eighty-four pounds. As soon as he was sufficiently recovered he helped Capt. J. H. Graham recruit a cavalry company, and on Dec. 29, 1862, he returned to the front, at which time he weighed 172 pounds.- In May, 1863, his wound broke out afresh, and the physician told him he must lose his arm or his life ; he, however, refused to submit to amputation of the suffering member, and at last, to his great joy, it healed. He was in a number of verv hard-fought battles: Yorktown, Va., the seven days' fight at Richmond, Thoroughfare Gap, "Va., and that at Manassas. He was with Bragg in his retreat from Chattanooga; was wounded again, this time in the hand, at Chickamauga, by which he was laid up about two months. But as soon as he was able he returned once more to his com pany, to remain with it to the end of the war. He was with Gen. Wheeler when he captured Stoneman, and shared in the sufferings of those perilous times. In common with his comrades he returned home to Coweta county after the war was done, having nothing with which to begin life, but with courage and patience he engaged in farming, in which he has prospered. In 1878 he removed to Senoia and engaged in the cotton trade, dealing also in buggies, wagons, etc., and still giving attention and care to the interests of his farm. His standing in the com munity is high, and he is liked and respected by all who know him. In December, 1858, Mr. Arnall was married to Miss Frances J. North, born in Coweta county, January, 1840, the daughter of Abraham B. and Eliza (Holmes) North. To them were born two sons, Robert E. and Lucius T. F. Mrs. ArnaH, who was a faithful member of the M. E. church, died in November, 1862. In 1865 he married Martha C. Couch, daughter of Matthew and Jane (Eusley) Couch, and they had four children: Jane E., wife of J. T. Glover; Idelia, wife of Dr. Green; Sallie Gibbs, and John C. The mother, who was born in Coweta county in 1844, died in August, 1892. November 21, 1893, Mr. Arnall married Mrs. Elizabeth J. Tegne, daughter of John and Elvira (Charlton) Urquhart, who was born in Coweta county in 1855. Mr. and Mrs. Arnall are both members of the Baptist church. 520 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. J-J UGH M. ARNOLD, one of the leading citizens of Newnan, Coweta, Co., Ga., was born in November, 1842, his parents being James and Matilda ("Ware) Arnold. His father was born in "Wilkes county, in 1802, and was reared on a farm. The paternal grandfather of Hugh M. Arnold was a native of South Carolina, who came to Georgia before 1800, settling in the woods, in which there had never been a stick cut. Hugh M. Arnold was reared on a farm and attended school in an old log school-house with a stick chimney and a puncheon floor. For a short time he went to school in Newnan, but in 1861, when only eighteen years of age, enHsted in Company B, under Capt. R. L. Y. Long, remaining one year, at the expiration of which he re-enlisted, and after two years, returned home and engaged in farming, which occupation he still continues. Mr. Arnold was in the battles of Cotton Hills, Seven Pines and Loop Creek. In 1868 Mr Arnold was united in marriage to Miss Mary Townsen, daughter of James and Sarah (GrantHn) Townsen. To this union three children have been born : Brad, Mollie and Sallie. Airs. Arnold was born in Upson county, Ga., and died in 1872, a member of the M. E. church. Three years later, Mr. Arnold married Fannie Sims, daughter of John D. Sims, to whom six chHdren have been born: Fannie L., Eva, John, Alma H. AI. (de ceased), Jennie C, and an infant. Mrs. Arnold was born and reared in Coweta county, and is a member of the Baptist, while Mr. Arnold is a member of the M. E. church. Mr. Arnold was formerly a member of the masonic order. He began life with very little, but has succeeded well, and besides owning a large farm, has one of the nicest residences in Newnan, where he and his family are among the leading and most respected citizens. \AJ ILLIAA'I S. ASKEW, a prominent citizen of Newnan, was born in Coweta county, Ga., Jan. i, 1841. 'His father, James P. Askew, son of William S. and Mary Askew, both natives of North Carolina, came to Georgia with his parents when six years of age, settling in Hancock county, where he grew to manhood. He was a soldier in the war of 1836, and his father was a soldier in the revolu tionary war. William S. Askew, the subject of this sketch, attended school in an old log schoolhouse after fodder-pulHng time and his education was very limited. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Newnan guards, the first company to leave Coweta county. After one year, the company being reorganized, he was connected with the Fourth Georgia regiment. In July, 1861, he was cap tured at Laurel Hill, but made his escape; his health faded, however, and for about five weeks he was cut off from his men. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted in the company commanded by Capt. Pittman, serving until 1862, when his time expired, but at the same time he re-enlisted under Capt. J. D. Sims, and served until September, 1863, when he was again captured and taken to Camp Alorton at IndianapoHs, Ind., and then to Fort Delaware, where he vas held a prisoner until March 10, 1865, when he was paroled, this ending his war life. He was in some very hard-fought battles, among which were : Laurel HHl, HuntsvHle, Rich mond, Kentucky and Jonesboro, and was captured at Blountville, Tenn. After the war he returned to Newnan and began farming, and was also engaged in the mercantile business until 1875, when he was elected sheriff of Coweta county, serving two years. In 1891 he and W. L. Cruce built a large-sized corn-mill and also handled all kinds of building material. On Sept 19, 1893, Mr. Askew bought his partner's interest and since then has been sole proprietor. On March 3, 1867, Mr. Askew was married to Aliss Samantha Scroggans, daughter of Barton and Eliza (Bird) Scroggans, to whom children have been born, tliree of whom are living: Olive May, Eugene and Anna E. Mrs. Askew was born and reared in COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 521 Coweta county and. both she and her husband are members of the M. E. church. Mr. Askew is a member of the I. O. O. P., and is well liked by aH who know him. QOV. W. Y. ATKINSON. The career of Gov. William Yates Atkinson, the present chief executive, is one of the most remarkable in the annals of this state, and one that is full of practical encouragement to the young men of Georgia. Reared in the school of adversity, he grew up with a full knowledge of the hardships and privations that have served as the rigid, though not unkind disci pline of many of the foremost men of this country. From a plain country lad, and without the aid of such artificial means of advancement as wealth and influ ence, armed only with his native force of character and the laudable ambition to leave his impress upon the times, he has risen by -sheer force and determination, pluck and self-reliance, to the highest position of honor in the state, and taken his seat in the gubernatorial chair before reaching his fortieth year. The father of the young chief executive, John P. Atkinson, was a farmer and schoolteacher in Brunswick county, Va., and resided in that state during the greater part of his life. He was a man of irreproachable character and eminently* respected by his neighbors. He drew their contracts and their wills, served as arbitrator in the settlement of their disputes, and attended to their legal business when they had any, as the school teachers in the mountain districts of Virginia and other southern states usually did. His mother, who still lives to rejoice, in the honors of her son, is a native Georgian, born in Putnam county. She is also a woman of gopd education, famous for her piety, and has exercised a decided influence over her sons. The family moved to Oakland, Meriwether Co., Ga., just before the gover nor, the sixth of eight children, was born. His childhood was passed upon his father's plantation and the qualities of manhood which were to distinguish him in after life were there carefully nurtured. He received the rudiments of his educa tion from his father and mother, but the former died while he was still a boy, and all the money the governor has ever expended he has earned for himself. He was prepared for college by his brother. Prof. T. E. Atkinson, who was then principal of the Senoia high school, and entered the university of Georgia, Athens, graduating therefrom in 1877. The following year he was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law at Newnan, Ga., where he has since resided. No sooner had he begun the practice of law than he married Susie Cobb Milton, who had attended the Lucy Cobb institute for young ladies at Athens, while he was a student there at the university. She came from famous southern stock. Her great-grandfather was a member of the continental con gress and received two votes- for president at the time Washington was elected; her grandfather was governor of Florida and her father for years has been a man of prominence in that state. Mrs. Atkinson is a very remarkable woman. There is no doubt of her gifts and political acumen, and a large part of the governor's phenomenal success is due to her counsel and assistance, which have been actively and untiringly given him throughout his career. In 1879 Gov. Colquitt, recog nizing the ability of the young practitioner, appointed him solicitor-general of the county court of Coweta county, and in this capacity he served with honor for three years. In 1886 Mr. Atkinson was the overwhelming choice of the voters of Coweta county as their representative in the general assembly. He was for four consecutive terms a representative of Coweta county in the legislature, and during his last term, beginning in 1892, was speaker of the house, making one of the best presiding officers that body has had. Gov. Atkinson, though a strong advo cate and supporter of the common school system, has always been a loyal friend of the state university, his alma mater, and in 1890 he was made a trustee of that 522 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. institution. Hon. H. W. Hill, in speaking of the legislative career of Air. Atkin son, gives the foHowing summary of matters specially worthy of attention: I. He was, the author of the bill which took the appointment of the commissioner of agriculture from the governor and provided that he be elected by the people; thus enabling the farmers of the state — the class of our people most interested in it —to select the occupant for this important office. II. The bill which limits the pay of inspectors of oHs to $1,500 per annum each, and requires them to pay the excess of fees into the state treasury. This saves the state annually from $10,000 to $12,000. III. The biH to place telegraph and express companies under the control of the railroad commission. IV. The substitute for the senate bill under which the claim of the Western & Atlantic railroad lessees against the state for $750,000 betterments was finally settled by the state's reimbursing the lessees the $99,999 paid to the state of Tennessee for taxes and paying nothing for better ments. V. The bill creating the Georgia Normal and Industrial college for girls at MHledgevHle, whereby poor and dependent Georgia girls acquire such an education as will make them self-sustaining and independent. For all time to come this will stand as an imperishable monument to his name, and the men and women of Georgia will rise up and call him blessed. 'The training of teachers in the normal department of this school has already proven of inesti mable value in supplying competent teachers for the common schools. He is now president of the board of trustees of this institution. In 1890, Air Atkin son was made the president of the state democratic convention and also chairman of the democratic state executive committee for the ensuing two years. He was re-elected to this office in 1892, and the magnificent victory of the democratic party in the fall of that year — at which time, in its divided condition, it was in great peril from the combination of third-partyism and republicanism which assailed it — was due mainly to his personal and untiring effort. Notwithstanding Gov. Atkinson's brilliant success as a lawyer and advocate and his greater political honors, his heart continually turns to the peaceful joys of rural home life. He has always retained his agricultural interests, and whenever he has been able to find the time in his exceedingly busy life, he has turned to his farms for a few days of happiness. The campaign of 1894 was one of the warmest political fights that has ever occurred on the stump in Georgia. Air. Atkinson's opponent was Gen. Clement A. Evans, a gallant ex-Confederate soldier and one of the purest men in the state. It was due to the brilliant dash and eloquence of Air Atkin son and his rare gifts as a political leader that he carried the dav against the seemingly overwhelming odds that might have dismayed an ordinary man. Air. Atkinson announced his candidacy late, at a time when Gen. Evans seemed almost to be the unanimous choice of the people of the state. Before the end of the contest Gen. Evans retired from the race, leaving the field to his young antagonist, who was nominated by the democratic party for governor without opposition. The inauguration of Gov. Atkinson drew to the state capitol one of the largest crowds that has ever assembled in that building. The presence of the pupils of the Georgia Normal and Industrial college added to the pictur esque impressiveness of the occasion. ¦ Few men at the age of forty have mounted to such high official position, and with equal confidence it may be asserted that few men have worn their honors more deservingly. His popularity in the state, though very great before, has grown steadily and rapidly since his inauguration as governor. If the spirit of a bold and resolute ambition has dominated the energies of Gov. Atkinson he has never antagonized the interests of his state or his party, and he has always been ready to sacrifice his own personal ends to promote the good of the commonwealth. CO"W-ETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 5^3 '\A/^ILLIAAI S. BARNETT represents another of Georgia's pioneer families, and is the grandson of a revolutionary soldier whose name he bears. That William Barnett was a Virginian and gave five years of faithful service to his country in that heroic struggle. At the end of this strife as he and a friend were on their way home, being in need of food and without any means of obtaining it, having no money, when they could no longer endure their hunger they chanced to see a calf, which they seized and kHled, and almost before it had ceased kicking they had skinned a portion of it and were beginning to make a meal of it. Shortly after the revolution Mr. Barnett brought his wife, Mary Hewey, to Georgia, and here in Greene county in 1784 his son John was born and grew to manhood. He served in the war of 1812 and received a land warrant, and in 1827 he left his boyhood's home in Greene county and moved his family to Heard county to settle upon the land conveyed to him by this warrant. The journey was long and toHsome, being made in a two-wheel ox-cart, much of the way through an un broken forest where they were obliged to cut their own way through the woods. Arriving at their destination they stretched a tent, in which they lived until their little cabin home could be erected, a small and humble abode with its dirt floor, but none the less the abiding place of domestic tranquillity. John Barnett's wife, Ehzabeth Butrill, was the daughter of William and Alartha Butrill, natives of Virginia, who moved first to North Carolina and after a short time to Georgia and made for themselves a home in the wilderness. William S. Barnett, the son of John and Elizabeth Barnett was born in Heard county in 1832, and was reared in their humble home, bravely enduring the many privations and making the best of the few privileges that fell to his lot. In 1851 he married Aliss Penelope Alore- land, daughter of Isaac T. and Penelope (Ousley) Moreland; the father, a native of Virginia, born in 1784, came to Georgia at a very early day, where, in Jones county, in 1834, his daughter Penelope was born. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett are faith ful members of the MethocHst church. Their only child, Ida, is the wife of Lee W. Bohannan. Late in the war, in 1864, Mr. Barnett joined the regiment known as Joe Brown's state troops, often referred to as "Joe Brown's pets." After the war he returned to his home in Coweta county, and has since remained upon the old farm. He began life in moderate circumstances, but has been greatly prospered, has been able to surround himself with an ample supply of the good things of life and tp win the esteem of all who know him. He is a Alason, and one of the leading men of the county. \Al B. BERRY, a capitalist of Newnan, is a man of eminence in Coweta county, and a son of the distinguished Andrew J. Berry, one of the pioneers of this section, for many years a leader in its affairs, and a man who well deserves more than a passing mention in this connection. He was left an orphan at the early age of five years, and was placed in an orphan asylum at Charleston, S. C. Here he remained six years, when a good man, Alaj. CaiTuth, took him to rear. With him the boy remained untH he reached manhood, and then, at twenty years of age, took a position as clerk in a store at GreenvHle, S. C. Later he was for some time clerk in the Mansion hotel at GreenviHe; but in 1827 he determined to try a pioneer life in Georgia, and came to Coweta county. He selected a spot about two miles east of Newnan, the county seat, and there in 1828 he built the first house in Newnan, which house still stands to mark this noted fact. For many years Air. Berry was an honored and prosperous merchant in this place, acquiring consider able wealth and a widely-extended influence. Politically he was a whig, and in Clay's time was very active, representing his county in the legislature in 1843 and 1845. For eight years he was justice of the inferior courts and at three different 524 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. times was mayor of Newnan. He was a very ardent and devoted member of the masonic order, and organized the first lodge in Newnan. He was the father of four sons, of whom but one is now Hving, W. B. Berry, the subject of this sketch. The second son, Thomas J., a graduate of West Point, in 1857, entered the Confederate service in 1861, being commfissioned lieutenant by Gov. Brown. In 1862, he was made Heutenant-colonel, and was engaged in many hard battles, and received eight wounds, but survived untH 1865. W. B. Berry, who is a native of this county, passed his boyhood in Newnan, where he received an excellent education, and early engaged in the business of life. From 1850 to 1854 he had charge of the stage route between Che-haw and Atlanta, Peters, Beemaii and Ellsworth, proprietors, which was discontinued upon the advent of the raHroad, when Mr. Berry was made passenger conductor, which position he held for six years. Upon the death of his father. Judge Berry, the young man took his place as one of the leading business men of Newnan, showing himself a worthy son of such a father. In 1871, he founded the First National bank of Newnan, of which he was made president, with L. J. HiH as cashier, and was afterward president of the Gate City National bank. He carried the burdens of this onerous position from 1871 to 1893, when he with drew, feeling that he had fairly earned a rest. Although at leisure from the cares of business he has by no means laid aside his interest in the affairs of his native city. As in the past, so now all laudable enterprises find in him ready sympathy, and willing aid and encouragement. He has always been liberal in his contributions to churches and schools, and no man stands higher in the estimation of his fellows than W. B. Berry. Fle has been a member of the masonic order since 1865, and is also an Odd Fellow. His wife, to whom he was married in 1861, yvas Miss Hibernia Dougherty, a native of Newnan, and a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church. They have four children. "yi/" ILLIAM M. BLANTON, one of the pioneers of Coweta county, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., May 13, 1818. His father. Rev. Benjamin Blanton, was born and reared in North Carolina. He was a. minister of the AI. E. church, preaching in Charleston, S. C. in 1796, coming thence soon after to Georgia, where he located on a farm, combining farming and merchandising. His wife, Susannah, was bom in Dublin, Ireland, her father, John Davis, a Welshman by birth, and an officer in the British army. Airs. Blanton died February 19, 1844, and her husband Sep. 5 of the next year The son, WilHam, spent his early years on the farin, obtaining as much of an education as the opportunities of those days afforded. In May, 1836, he enlisted with Capt Hills for the Creek war, under the command of Col. Porter; two years later he joined the company of Capt. Cook and served through the Cherokee war. He draws a pension for his seiwice in these wars. After his return from the latter war he attended school for three years in Athens, Ga. Shortly after he served as justice of the peace for two years. During the late war he served in what is familiarly known as "Joe Brown's pets." In 1873 and 1874 he represented Spalding county in the state legislature. Although he started in life with but Httie pecuniary means, by persevering effort he has acquired a competency and, moreover, has given his children a good education, and a fair start in life. He has had eleven children, five of whom are now living: William P., L. P., Anna, Julia and Mary. His wife wa's Aliss Julia Thompson, whom he married Nov. 10, 1840. She was born in Greene county, Ga., April 9, 182 1, and is the daughter of Thomas and Lucy Hester Thompson, North Carolin ians, who were among the early settiers of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and they and their family have the respect and good wiH of all who know them. COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. -25 "^ILLIAM A. BRANNON, the foremost business man of Moreland is the grandson of John and Nancy (Parker) Brannon, North Carolinians, who were among the early settiers of Georgia and he is the son of Franklin M. T., and Hannah L. (Westwood) Brannon, the former was born in Newton county, Ga., in 1827, and served in the late war as an enrolling officer; in consequence of the active part he took during hostHities there was a strong feehng against him on the part of the Federalists; on account of this his property was burned after the sur render He was keeping hotel in Hamilton, Harris county, when some Yankees came in for dinner, after eating which they set fire to the house 'and destroyed it In 1875 he was admitted a member of the North Georgia conference, Al. E. church south, served the Master faithfully until 1887, 'when, while on the Fairburn circuit he was summoned to lay down the cross and ascend to receive his crown. Airs. Brannon was born in McMynn, Tenn., July 30, 1831, and was the daughter of John and Mary Ann (Elway) Westwood, natives of England, who came to America in 1817, and lived in Boston until 1833; they then came to Georgia, living for a time in Carroll county, later in Heard county, and finally settiing in Harris county. Mr Westwood was a minister of the North Georgia conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which church his wife was also a devoted member. Air. Westwood was also ardently attached to the masonic fraternity, of which he was long a member WiHiam A. Bannon was the fourth in a large famHy of children: John W., born Aug. 31, 1851 ; Mary Ann Elway, born Jan. i, 1854; Nancy E., born Alay 12, 1855; William A., born Nov. 24, 1857; Catharine Magee, born Jan. 30, i860; Louise ArviHa, born Dec. 7, 1861; Alvin N., born April 12, 1865; Robert F, bom Sept 7, 1866; James C, born Jan. 3, 1869; Paul E., born July 25, 1873. WiHiam A. Brannon was reared in Harris county, the place of his birth, and attended school in HogansviHe in 1872 and at GrantvHle in 1873-74-75. In 1876 he came to Moreland and engaged in business with J. R. Cotton, he to take the stock of goods and have half of the profits from their sale. Although he had nothing absolutely at the beginning of this venture, in two years he had more than doubled the amount invested by Cotton. He then removed to GrantvHle and engaged in general trade for about-three years, and then formed a new partnership with his friend Cotton. This lasted about two years, when he spent a few months traveling and prospecting in Texas, after which he once more went into business in More- land, this time with G. E. Camp. After three years they divided the stock. Air Brannon continuing the business on his own account, untH quite recently, his business now amounting to about $100,000. Early in 1895 he sold a half interest to J. R. Cotton, and the firm now is W. A. Brannon & Co. Thus has one who began life under many discouragements, by steady application to business gained a position of wealth and influence. His integrity and uprightness of character are well known throughout the county, as well as his generous public spirit, which brings him at once to the support of every laudable undertaking for the common- welfare. He has been a member of the city council as alderman, is a stockholder in the Moreland Manufacturing company, of which he is one of the board of direct ors; he has just finished a large two-story brick business block, which is a material improvement to Moreland. He is also one of the largest fruit growers in this part of Georgia. Mr. Brannon was married in January, 1885, his wife being Airs. Alary King, whose parents, William and Lizzie (Camp) Reynolds, were natives of this state. Mr. Reynolds, who served through the late war, was for many years in the hotel business, and built the Virginia house in Newnan. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and Mr. and Mrs. Brannon are also devoted members of the same church. Mrs. Brannon was bojn and reared in Coweta county; her birth occurred in 1864. Five children have blessed these ^26 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. parents of whom four are living: Gordon R., Ona May, F'rank W., and WHliam A., Jr . J^ H. BROWN, M. D., one of the prominent physicians of Sharpsburg, Ga., was * born in Coweta county in 1847. His father, James Brown, was born in Newberry district, S. C, in 1812, and in 1832 came to Georgia, settling in Coweta county, where he cleared up a farm, suffering all the hardships known to pioneer life. Mrs. Lavina (Haines) Brown, the wife of James Brown and mother of Dr. D. H., was a daughter of Daniel and Rachel (Haines) Hanes. Dr. D. H. Brown was reared on a farm and received a good common-school education. In 1869 he began the study of medicine, and in 1870 read medicine under Dr. Calhoun, of Newnan, Ga., entering the medical college at Nashville, Tenn., in 1870. In 1872 he practiced medicine at Sharpsburg, entering in the same year the Jefferson medical college at Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1873. He then returned to Sharpsburg and again practiced his chosen profession. In 1879 he was married to Miss EHa, daughter of Dr. Robert W. and Calista (Glass) North, to whom have been born five children, three of whom are living: Ralph, Rex, and D. H. Mrs. Brown was born and reared in Coweta county, and both she and her husband are members of the Baptist church. Dr. Brown is one of Coweta county's, best citizens, and is well respected by all who know him. A B. CALHOUN, M. D., son of Ezekiel and Frances (Hamilton) Calhoun, and * one of the oldest physicians in the state of Georgia, was born in the settlement known as Calhoun settlement, in AbbeviHe district, S. C, March 17, 1809. His mother was a relative of Gov. Hamilton, of South Carolina. Dr. Calhoun's father was born in South Carolina, but died when the doctor was about eight or nine years of age. From that time on the latter had a hard time to get along, and it is amusing to him now to talk over the times when he was a small boy, and how he had to go barefooted nearly all winter, pickihg his way to school around the icicles in the woods. At the age of fifteen his mother sent him to Charleston, where he attended school two years, when he accepted a position as clerk in a drug store, remaining there two years. His mother then had him return to Abbeville, where he again entered school. In about two years he began the study of medicine at Cambridge with his brother, who was a practicing physician at that place. In 1829 he entered the medical coHege at Charlestop , graduating in 1831, and came to Decatur, Ga., where he began the practice of his chosen profession, remaining there eighteen months. In the latter part of 1832 he located in Newnan, where he has since remained. When in Decatur his practice extended over a vast terri tory, and many is the time he has ridden through the woods when there was but -one smaH cabin within miles of the present site of Atlanta, and one small store at "White Hall," near the city limits. He spent the greater portion of 1837 in the hospitals of Paris, and the other portion in London hospitals. He was in London just before the coronation of Queen Victoria. The doctor attributes his great success in the practice of medicine to the knowledge that he gained while abroad. He returned to Newnan, remaining until the war, when he, in conipany with Dr. Pelzer and Dr. Howard, composed the surgeon conscript board. They occupied this position until the fall of 1864, when Dr. Calhoun refugeed his stock and negroes farther south, and was absent one year, but after the surrender in 1865 he returned. Dr. Calhoun never had any political aspirations, but in 1838 his friends persisted in sending him to the legislature, where he served one term. In 1861 he was made a delegate to the secession convention of Georgia, and he now has the pen with which he signed the ordinance of secession. In his earHer days he was a member Dr. A. B. CALHOUN. COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 527 of the masonic fraternity. Dr. Calhoun was married to Miss Susan S. WeHborn, a daughter of Abner and Martha (Ronder) WeHborn, both natives of North CaroHna, where the WeHborn family was very prominent. To this union six chHdren were born, of whom two sons and two daughters are living: Dr. Abner W., ocuhst in Atianta; Andrew E., recorder in Atianta; Anna E. (Airs. Dr W. R. Caldwell, formerly of Charleston, now deceased), and Susan C. (Mrs. John M. HHl). Mrs. Calhoun was born in Richmond county, Ga., and died in i860. She was a member of the Baptist church, whHe the doctor is a member of the Presbyterian. Dr. Calhoun stands very high as a citizen in Newnan, and is proud of the distinction of being a second cousin of Hon. John C. Calhoun. The doctor has a large amount of property, and since he gave up his practice, about twelve years ago, he has given his attention to cultivating his lands, being now one of the largest planters in this county. J^R. G. E. CAMP, one of the chief citizens of Moreland, is a member of a family well known among the early settlers of the state. Plis father, Rev. Hiram Camp, was a minister of the M. E. church, as were also all his brothers, and was a son of Abner and Ehzabeth (Ragsdale) Camp, the former a Virginian, the latter born in North CaroHna, who, about 1800, settled in Walton county, Ga., and cleared up a farm in the midst of the wilderness. Abner Camp's father, John Camp, also a native of Virginia, was a soldier in the war of the revolution. Rev. Hiram Camp was born in Walton county in 1806, and his wife, Penina Reynolds, was also a native of that county, to which her parents, John and Sallie (Cupp) Reynolds, came at an early day, and for many years kept a country inn. Dr. Camp was born in 1849, and spent his early years upon the farm, receiving such education as was obtainable in the country schools, and afterward completed his course at Newnan, Ga. At the age of twenty he began the study of medicine, and in 1884 he entered the medical college at Atlanta, Ga., from which he received the degree of M. D. in 1886. Dr. Camp began his practice in the town of Moreland, meeting with success, but after six years devoted himself wholly to mercantile affairs. He opened the first store in Moreland, where at that time was nothing but a little railroad station, and has continued in this business fourteen years, building up a large trade, the town also growing and developing very rapidly, so that at the present time there is scarcely a town in the state of its size which is its equal in the amount of business carried on. Dr. Camp is also an enthusiast on the subject of fruit growing, in which he himself has had great success, as well as having aroused an interest in the subject on the part of others. He has on his farm fifteen acres of fine grapes, forty acres in peaches, five in plums and two in strawberries. His industry in the development of the resources of these rich lands is appreciated by the community, where he has the hearty respect and good wHl of all. In 1870 Dr Camp married Miss Mattie Couch, daughter of James M. and Martha (Davis) Couch; she was born in Spalding county in 1852; she is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal church. The union of Dr and Mrs. Camp has been blessed with three children : George A., Edward H., and Myrtice. pDAlOND N. CAMP, a leading fruit grower of this region, is a grandson of Abner and Mary (Reynolds) Camp, the former a soldier in the war of 1812, who about 1825 brought his family from North Carolina to Coweta county, Ga., among them his three-year-old son, Abner, Jr. The latter was reared on the farm, and in time married Miss Nancy Holland, whose parents, Abraham and Nancy (Underwood) Holland were of South Carolinian birth, her father also having served in the war of 1812. Edmond N., the son of Abner and Nancy, was born in this 528 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. county ill 185 1, and received such education as was to be obtained in the country schools. In 1872 he married Miss Orlean Rollins, who was born in Heard county in 1851, and is the daughter of James and Ehzabeth (Houston) Rollins. They have ten children: James, Andrew, Fred, Wayman, Hugh, Pauline, Lee, Frank, Victoria and Ralph. The parents are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. When on reaching manhood Mr. Camp started in life for himself he worked for some years as a mechanic at the carpenter's trade, at wagon making, etc. But he seemed to have a natural fondness for horticulture, and in 1886 he devoted himself wholly to this, with an enthusiasm which could not fail of success. He is recognized throughout this region as the largest and most successful fruit grower in the state. He now has fifty acres of fine grapes and thirty of peaches, several devoted to pears and strawberries, has five acres of quinces and a number in apples. He may well regard with pride his achievements. A RTHUR P. CAMP, one of the prosperous men of this section, a brother of Dr. G. E. Camp, was born and reared in Coweta county. His birth occurred in 1 85 1, and his parents, Hiram and Penina (Reynolds) Camp, -were among the ear liest and most esteemed residents of this county. Mr. Camp, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, was at one time the proprietor of the greater part of the land in and about Moreland. He was foremost in every enterprise designe.d to benefit the community, whether of business, church or schools. He was gen erous-hearted and open-handed, an unfailing friend to the poor and needy. He was always ready to bestow of his bounty to the widow and the fatherless, and is said to have given away a smiall fortune. He was especially zealous in promoting" the cause of education, aiding in the establishment of schools and encouraging" their successful management. His son, Arthur P. Camp, spent his early years upon the farm, and in 1875 married Miss Martha J. Dunlap. This lady's grand parents, Joseph and Mary (Whitman) Dunlap, came to Georgia from Tennessee some time before 1800, and after a short residence in Elbert county came to Meri wether county to make their home. This family was one oithe first three families in this county, and at the time of their settlement in the forest wilds they were twelve miles from neighbors, except Indians and wild animals, which were very numerous, especially the latter; their home was a little cabin of boards, and the wolves frequently came about their door at night and kept them awake by their frightful howls. Mrs. Camp's parents were Robert L. and Jane (McGruder) Dun lap, and her father was born in Elbert county in 1817. She herself was born in Meriwether county in March, 185 1. Mr. Camp and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. They have had eight chHdren, seven of whom are living: A. Haygood, LiHian P., Ida J., Mary L., Mattie and Mittie, twins, and Ethel. Mr. Camp is also a member of the masonic order, which he joined in 1879. He and his family have the respect of the community, in which he is a leading citizen. pOL. GEORGE H. CARMICAL, of Newnan, Ga., was born in 1842. He is a son of William and Margaret (Hunter) Carmical, both natives of South Caro lina, and came to Georgia with them when he was ten years old. He received a common school education, and in May, 1861, enlisted in Company A, Seventh Georgia regiment He entered as a lieutenant, in which position he served about seven months, when, the company being reorganized, he was chosen captain. In this position he only served a short time, when their major was killed at the Malvern Hill battle. Capt Carmical was then promoted to the rank of major, and served in that capacity until the death of Col. W. T. Wilson, who was killed COWETA COUNTY SKETCHE.3. C2n in the battle of Second Manassas. He was then promoted to the rank of lieuten ant-colonel, which place he filled until the resignation of Col. White, who had been severely wounded at Garnet farm, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment. His regiment was engaged in some very hard conflicts, such as the battie of Malvern Hill, both batties of Manassas, Antietam, Gettysburg and the battie at Knoxville, Tenn. Col. Carmical was wounded in each of the battles of Manassas, and at Knoxville, Tenn., he received four shot wounds. At Fussell's mill he was hit by a ball which went through his nose and out under the left eye, leaving a very ugly scar, one of seven. After partial recovery from this wound he returned to his regiment, while camped near Richmond, Va., and sur rendered at Appomattox Court House. After the war he returned home and was the first man elected to the office of sheriff of Coweta county, which position he resigned and returned to farming until 1882, when he was again elected to the same office, which he has since held. In 1876 he was married to Miss Florence Robinson, daughter of John E. and Sarah (Ramey) Robinson, both natives of Georgia. Col. Carmical is a man of great courage and has but few equals. He won many laurels for a man of his age while in the war, as he was only nine teen when he entered the service. He is a member of the masonic order and is highly respected by all who know him. "\AA W. CARMICAL, one of Coweta county's worthiest citizens, a native of South Carolina, born in 1833, is the grandson of Arthur and Frances (Bell) Carmical, of South Carolina, and the son of Arthur and Elizabeth (Cox) Car mical, who came from their native state. South Carolina, and settled in Coweta county, Ga., in 1834. The toilsome journey was made in ox-carts, and on reaching their destination the family lived in tents while their cabins were being built, very small and without floors, for the first year or two. Mrs. Carmical was the daugh ter of Christopher and Sarah (Mosley) Cox, South Carolinians. The child, W. W. Carmical, who was but a year old when brought to Georgia, grew up on the farm, making the most of his educational privileges, even though obtained at the price of much hardship to himself. Much of the time, even through the winter, he was obliged to go barefooted, but the courageous endurance of his boy hood fitted him for a sturdier manhood. In 1862 he entered the army, enlisting under Capt. Henry North, in the First Georgia cavalry, being appointed corporal. But he was severely wounded at Cassville, Ga., and compelled to return horne, . nor did he recover his health until some time after the close of the war. In this part of the country, upon which war had laid its devastating hand, the out look at the time of the cessation of hostilities was very discouraging. But Mr. Carmical entered bravely into the unequal contest and has been very successful, and although his beginning was made on rented land, he now owns 460 acres of fine land in excehent condition, and is regarded as one of the most enterprising and successful men of his section, and is generally respected. He belongs to- the masonic fraternity, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist church. He was married in 1854 to Miss Ehzabeth Robinson, born in Alabama in 1835, and reared in that state, to which her parents. Feudal and Margaret (Stracener) Robinson, had come in the early days when Indians were numerous, wild game also plenty, and white inhabitants but few. Mrs. Carmical, who was a member of the Baptist church, died in 1890, leaving her husband with ten children: John, Arthur, Maggie, Sallie, Harper, William, Ida, Robert, Wafter Lee and James. In 1892 Mr. Carmical married Miss Henrietta Stephenson, a native of Pike county, Ga., and the daughter of James and Sylvia Stephenson. 1-34 530 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. pATRICK CARMICHAEL, an old cftizen of Coweta county, was born in Abbe- vHle district, N. C, in March, 1819. His father, Arthur Carmichael, born in South Carolina in 1774, was the son of Patrick and Elizabeth (Thompson) Car michael. Patrick Carmichael, the elder, was by birth an Irishman, who took an active part in the revolutionary struggle, in which he was wounded in the arm. lie was a well-known Presbyterian, of which church aH his family were worthy members. The wife of Arthur Carmichael was Frances Bell, whose parents, John and Sophia Bell, were of German ancestry. In 1831 Mr. Carmichael brought his family from South Carolina to Coweta county, Ga., moving by means of ox- teams. Here they settled in the midst of the woods, at that time full of game, which for many years helped to supply them with food. They cleared up a farm and reared a family of nine children : Elizabeth, Abraham, Sophia, Arthur, Mary Ann, Patrick, Robert, Nancy and W. W. Educational opportunities were of course but limited, but the young Patrick made the best of such as fell to his lot He married in 1839, Alarch 28, his wife, Mary A. W. Speer, being the daughter of Joseph and Ehzabeth (Riggan) Speer, who settled in Jasper county, Ga., in 1 81 8. Mr. Speer had been a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. and Mrs. Car michael have been the parents of fourteen children, nine of whom are now living : Smith, Thomas, Jane, John, Ella, Abraham, Alberta, James E. and Louisa V. Three of the sons served in the late war, two of whom, Joseph W. and Robert, were killed. Mr. Carmichael himself was in the service of the state during the war, and during the last year of the war served as first lieutenant of Company H, Georgia regiment Air. and Mrs. Carmichael are worthy and esteemed members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and are among the leading citizens of Coweta county.JUDGE BENJAMIN F. COCK is the descendant of Caleb Cock, who early in the last century came from England to North Carolina, where he accumulated a considerable fortune. Here, in 1734, his son Zebulon was born, and afterward married to Miss Sarah Perry. In 1764 they emigrated to Burke county, Ga., and -obtained by grant 200 acres of land, the title to which was received from King George the HI., who reserved all the gold and silver and one-tenth of the white pine. By one will and three deeds this land has descended to its present owner, Allen Jones. In the midst of this forest wilderness, on the Bark Camp creek, the youpgcouple bravely settled, and here, Sept. 4, 1774, was born a son, John, who was afterward the father of Judge Benjamin I". Cock. Zebulon Cock was a soldier of the revolution, serving throughout the war, and one of his sons, Caleb, also served in that war. In 1788 a Baptist church was formed in the locality of Mr. Cock's home, known as the Bark Camp church, which church is still standing. Of this church Zebulon Cock was a charter member and gave toward it four acres of land. John Cock, the son of this revolutionary hero, enlisted during the war of 181 2, but had only been mustered in a short time when the war closed and he was discharged. His wife was Aliss Lydia Davis, also a native of Burke county, born May 17, 1791, and a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Daniell) Davis. Her father was a Virginian by birth and a son of Rev. Elnathan Davis, who was a Baptist minister in the old colonial days, when to preach the doctrines of that sect rendered a -preacher liable to imprisonment Benjamin Davis was also a soldier of the revolution and he and his wife were both members of the Baptist church. John Cock served as justice of the peace for fourteen successive years. He and his wife were also both steadfast members of the Baptist church. Of this brave pioneer stock, with this noble revolutionary record — better than any patent of nobility — comes Benjamin F. Cock, the son of John and Lydia Cock, COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 53i born in Burke county, Aug. 20, 181 2. He spent his youth upon the farm, attending school in the old log schoolhouse, with its dirt floor, dirt and stick chimney and puncheon seats. When he reached manhood he started out for himself with nothing, but has gradually acquired a sufficiency of this world's goods, and the esteem of all who know him. This is shown by the various offices to which he has been called in various parts of the state. In Burke county he served as justice of the peace for about six months. For about six years he was justice of the inferior court of Lee and Terrell counties, and was collector of the taxes in Lee county during the years 1840, 1846 and 1847. In 1840 he took the United States census for Lee county, also in 1850 was assistant in taking the census for Lee county, and in i860 took the census for Terrell county. For six years -he acted as jury reviser in Coweta county. During the war Mr. Cock was judge of the inferior court of Terrell county, and when the war came on it was made the duty of the five inferior judges to care for the women and chHdren left at home by the soldiers in the field. After a year's experience in keeping bachelor hall, in 1841 Judge Cock married Miss Margaret Cameron, whose parents, Alex ander and Nancy (McCarty) Cameron, were among the early settlers of Cumber land county, N. C. They were both natives of Scotland, and in faith stanch Presbyterians. Mr. Cameron was a soldier in the war of the revolution. In 1828. he brought his family to Georgia settling in Early county. The daughter, Mrs. Cock, was born in North Carolina, Aug. 16, 1819, and died on June 3, 1889. To Judge and Mrs. Cock seven children were born, of whom six are now living. Of these Henrietta is the wife of M. H. Couch; La Vonia is the wife of J. H. Mc- Knight; William J. resides in Atlanta, and married SalHe Heard; AHce married J. A. McKnight; B. F. Cock, Jr., married Veta Hunter. J3 OBERT DUKE COLE, SR., president and founder of one of the largest man ufacturing companies in Western Georgia, was born in Newton county, Ga., Dec. 21, 1820. He is a son of Robert Cole, who was born in Surrey county, N. C, July 29, 1775, and was married to Elizabeth FamboroUgh Oct. 6, 1796. ,,Mrs. Cole, who was bom ,Oct. 7, 1778, was weH known as a good and pious lady. Mr. Cole was a man of a very limited education, but was a hard worker. During the revolutionary war, while but a small boy, he suffered much from the hands of the British soldiers. He started in life without anything, settled in Newton county, Ga., and in 1830 came to Coweta county, Ga. He, accumulated consid erable property in Newton county, Ga., but unfortunately lost all and was left largely in debt, but he found a ready helper in his son, R. D. Cole. Mr. Cole died March 20, 1852, and Mrs. Cole died Aug. 12, 1863. WiHiam Cole, grand father of Robert D., was a soldier in the revolutionary war, but was captured and thrown into prison at Georgetown, S. C, where he died. Robert D. Cole was reared mostly on the farm, and his education was Hmited, but at an early age he began teaching school in Campbell county, Ga., where he had to study hard at night to keep ahead of his pupils. He continued to teach for three years, but as he could not collect the tuition fees, he did not have money enough to pay his board and expenses, and he consequently ran in debt, for which he was sued. He was then under age and some of his friends advised him to take advantage of his minority, but he would not do so, and little by little he liqui dated the whole amount, even plowing barefooted to pay a small balance. After this he began work at the carpenter's trade, saved some money and Sept 9, 1849, he married Martha Burrel Overby. They had one child, a boy, who died at the age of nineteen, in 1885. Dec. 27, 1849, Robert D. Cole settled on the lot where he now lives and continues to work at his trade. In 1854 he founded the firm 532 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of Cole & Barnes, with Thomas Barnes as partner; and began business on a very small scale. In the same year they purchased a smaH engine, and about this time their friends came to them and advised them to give up the business or they would lose all they had. Mr. Barnes remained with the company only two years, but Mr. Cole continued as sole proprietor until 1858, when Dr. W. T. Cole and his brother, Matthew Cole, became partners, the firm being then R. D. Cole & Co., which it remained until 1866, when W. T. Cole withdrew and it became R. D. Cole & Bro. Jan. i, 1854, they started up the steam in their little shop, and their business progressed so rapidly that in i860 they enlarged their engine to a 30-horse power. During the war they did work for the confederacy, but re ceived nothing for what was furnished. But since the war their business has continued regularly to increase, until now the R. D. Cole Manufacturing company, which was organized under this name in 1872, manufactures engines, boilers, saw and grist mills, cotton presses and mill machinery, and also sash, doors and blinds, and all kinds of dressed lumber. Immediately after the war they began to manufacture railroad cars for the Atlanta & West Point railroad, which they continued seventeen years, and it is a noted fact that the railroad company said that the R. D. Cole company did the best work they ever had received. Mr- Cole has accorriplished more for Newnan, perhaps, than any man living. Beside being president of the R. D. Cole Manufacturing company he was also instru mental in organizing the cotton mill in 1888, and is the largest shareholder in that corporation, of which he is also president. For this large mill of 6,300 spindles the R. D. Cole Manufacturing company built the boilers, made the shafting, etc., and put in all the machinery. The capital stock paid in is $70,000. Mr. Cole was also one of the prominent men in the organization of the Coweta Fertilizer company of Newnan, and is one of the directors. He is also largely interested in a gin-mill at GrantvHle. Mr. and Mrs. Cole are earnest workers in and members of the Baptist church. In 1884 the society built a very fine church in Newnan, to which enterprise Mr. Cole donated $2,500. Mr. Cole has always taken a great interest in those in his employ, and for them he built a chapel known as the Mills chapel, at a cost of $1,500, where all those who desire can go and worship. He is an open-hearted man, arid although well along in years, he still enjoys a good joke, . and likes to tell good yarns, with which he is well supplied. But to appreciate him one must meet him at his own beautiful home. He became a Mason in 1847, hut has not attended his lodge since the war closed. lyi ATTHEW COLE, vice-president of the R. D. Cole Alanufacturing company of Newnan, Ga., and a son of Robert and Ehzabeth (Famborough) Cole, was born in 1823 in Jasper county, Ga. His father was an early settler of Georgia, and. at that time Georgia was in a wild state, and near where he settled, in the woods, there was a large amount of fox grapes, enough to make wine for the whole state if manufactured, and there was also an abundance of chestnuts. Matthew Cole was reared on the farm and received but a limited amount of schooling, learning more out of school than in. He began to work at the wagon-making trade when quite young, and many a time he has had to drive to Augusta, a distance of 200 miles, for provisions. He was in partnership with his brother when they started their business in 1854, since which time their business has largely increased. He was married in 1847 to Emily Woods, by whom he had one child, which died in infancy, the mother following in 1849. Mrs. Cole was a daughter of John Woods, who was the first settler in Newnan, and who sold 200 acres where Newnan now stands for $200. In 1851 Mr. Cole married H. T. Nail, by whom were born six chHdren: Amanda, R. D., Jr., AI.. COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 533 F., E. AL, F. B. and R. N. R. D., Jr., is now general manager of the R. D. Cole Manufacturing company. He attended school at the state university three terms, when he was taken sick and had to give up school. M. F. graduated at the commercial college at Atlanta. He is now the secretary and treasurer of the R. D. Cole Manufacturing company. E. M. went to Cornell college, N. Y., but after being there one year his health failed and he had to give up his schooHng. He is now superintendent of the machine shop. F. B. also attended CorneH college one year. He is now the draftsman for the R. D. Cole Manu facturing company. R. N. attended the same school in New York. He is now bookkeeper for the same firm. R. D., Jr., and F. B. have both held official city positions. Mrs. Cole, the mother of these children, was born and reared in Georgia and died a member of the Baptist church, of which Mr. Cole and all the children except one, F. B., are members. Matthew Cole was a member of the "Joe Brown's pets" of Georgia during the late war. In this company, of which he was first sergeant, were seven attorneys and five physicians. He served through a short part of the war, but there was a petition gotten up at home for someone to be detailed to return to look afer the women and children, and almost everyone signed the petition for Matthevr Cole to be the man. He was a member of the masonic order for several years. J R. COLE, one of the prominent men of Coweta county, and among the leading men of business of Turin, is a native of this county, born in 1856, his parents, John N. and Mary M. (Britton) Cole, being South Carolinians by birth. John N., who was the son of Richard and Susan O. (Vance) Cole, both of South CaroHna, came to Georgia about 1834, and settled in Coweta county, where he cleared up for himself a farm in the woods. When the war broke out he early enlisted, joining a company of the Fifty-third regiment, under command of Capt. Hance, but after serving nearly two years was taken sick with typhoid fever and died in 1862 at Rich mond, Va. As a soldier he was loyal and devoted, and as a man was universally liked and respected. He was a faithful and conscientious member of the Baptist church, in which he was an earnest worker. His wife was a daughter of John and Lucinda (Aikens) Britton, who came to Georgia from South Carolina, and after some years' residence in Oglethorpe county, about 1837, settled in Coweta county. After the death of her husband Mrs. Cole had a very hard time, and with very great difficulty provided for the needs of herself and her children. Her son, J. R., was but six years old at the time of his father's death, and the many privations the family must need undergo made a deep impression upon his mind. He saw his mother obliged to burn com cobs in order to obtain the soda ash with which to lighten her bread. After the marriage of her daughter, the latter, with her husband, made her home with her mother, her husband taking the control of the family and its affairs. For this brother-in-law the young lad, J. R., worked for several years, and thus early in life manifested his promptitude and energy of character, for he was the first to rise in the morning to call the hands, and the first to start his mule in the field. The privation he felt most keenly was his loss of schooling, and when at last, at eighteen years of age, he was able to attend one ycir, he appreciated the privilege at its true value, and used it accorditigiy. Upon reaching the age ot twenty years he left his brother-in-law and hired out to his grandfather, receiving for his own labor and that of a mule which his brother-in-law had given him, the sum of $10 per month. He remained here for thirteen months, during which time he only spent $20. In August, 1878, he and his brother-in-law bought out a smaH business, but as they were not familiar with it, for some time they had considerable difficulty in getting along. After two years Mr. Cole bought out his partner, giving 534 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. his note for the amount. His natural aptitude for business was now developed, and by strict attention to every detail, by care and prudence in its management, and by the most perfect integrity in his dealings, he has built up a large and lucrative business. He occupies a handsome brick block, the foundations of drilled rock, and carries a $io,ooo-stock of goods. His wife, to whom he was married in 1884, was Miss Lula Sasser, daughter of W. W. Sasser, and they have been blessed with three children, Thomas M., Frank S., and Marie. Mrs. Cole was born and reared in Coweta county, and she and her husband are true and devoted members of the M. E. church. Mr. Cole served as postmaster for Turin from 1882 to 1890. His business ability is recognized throughout his section, where he and his family are well known and highly esteemed. M N. COLLEY, a well-known farmer of Coweta county, is one of the old pioneer * stock of Georgia, to whose courage and hardihood the present generation is so largely indebted. His grandfather, James Colley, a Virginian, having served during the war of the revolution, came to Georgia and settled in Oglethorpe county some years prior to 1798, when his son James was born. The latter, though but a youth, served with Gen. Jackson in the war of 1812. He married Aliss Martha King, whose parents, Bennett and Mary (McCaun) King, were also among the early settlers of the state, and suffered all the hardships attendant upon a pioneer life. After their marriage they moved to Columbia county, where they began to clear up a farm, but Mr. Colley died very shortly afterward, leaving this work uncompleted. His little son, M. N. Colley, born in WHkes county, Ga., Feb. 13, 1825, was little more than four years old at the death of his father. He necessarily was deprived of many educational opportunities, spending his boyhood upon this farm. He married in i860 Miss Jane Garrett, daughter of James Garrett. To them one son was born, James W. Airs. Colley was born in Newton county, Ga., in 1838, and died in 1885. She was a faithful and honored member of the Baptist church. In 1863 Mr. Colley enlisted under Capt. Burris, of Columbus, in Com pany I, Fifth Georgia regiment, and served to the close of the war. He was in several severe battles, Tannis ferry, Lookout mountain. Missionary ridge. In 1864 he was captured at Pocotalago, near Charleston. After the war was ended he returned to Georgia and began farming in Coweta county. He bought a part of the old farm, and by his diligence and prudence was able gradually to add to it, and now owns a fine farm of over a thousand acres of good land, and is thor oughly liked and esteemed by all who know him, being one of Coweta's best and oldest citizens. )Wl H. COUCH, one of the leading business men of Senoia, was born in Coweta * county in 1837. His parents were Matthew and Jane (Ensley) Couch, both natives of South Carolina, making the long journey in a one-horse wagon. They brought with them their two children and settled in the dense woods that then covered this section, their nearest neighbor being ten miles away. Air. Couch pur chased fifty acres of land on two years' time, and the man of whom he bought it, a Mr. Shoats, is said to have remarked that "he never expected to get his pay for the land." He was agreeably surprised, therefore, at the expiration of the time to re ceive from his debtor the full amount of $300. It must be evident to the reader that this payment could only have been made by the most heroic effort and self- sacrifice on the part of Mr. Couch. He worked hard through the day clearing up the wood-land for his farm, then worked a part of the night splitting rails in the woods of a neighbor by which he could earn something toward the payment of his debt, and to furnish bread for his family. Wild game was plenty, which helped to COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 535 supply them with food. A man of this stamp could not fail to succeed, and so by the same pluck and industry with which he had paid for his farm Mr. Couch con quered fortune and is now one of the men of wealth and standing in Coweta county, where he has reared a family of eleven children. Three of these, Berry, Andrew and John, were killed in the late war, and another son, Madison, lost his life from illness caused by exposure while serving in the war. Mr. Couch was an uncom promising democrat, but would never apply for any position. He was the son of Enoch Couch, of German origin. Mrs. Couch is the daughter of James and Eliza beth Ensley, of Irish descent, and her father was a soldier of the Mexican war, serving through the entire war. The son, M. H. Couch, spent his early years upon the farm, with few opportunities of school attendance, and these only amid the unfavorable surroundings of the little log school-house, with its shabby and com fortless interior. But the lad was studiously inclined, and by his own persevering effort learned more out of school than in. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the Second Georgia battalion under Maj. Tom Hardeman, his captain being L. T. Doyle. In 1862 he was elected sergeant and in this position served to the end of the war. He was in the battle of Norfolk, both battles of Manassas, and through the Maryland campaigns, and accompanied his battalion through all the stirring scenes in which it was engaged. After the war he returned to Senoia and entered into the mercantile business, in which he was very successful, having at the present time the largest store in Senoia. On March 2, 1872, he married Miss Henrietta Cock, daughter of Judge Benj. F. and Margaret Cock, a sketch of whom has been •given. She was born in Lee county in 1845 and like himself is a member of the Baptist church. They have four children: Pearl, Madge, Mabelle, and Frank D. Mr. Couch is a Mason of the royal arch degree, and thrice illustrious of the council and king in the chapter. He is one of the leading democrats of the county, but would never consent to be a candidate for any office. As a citizen Mr Couch holds a prominent place in the community, where he is warmly liked and sincerely re spected by all who know him. J J. FARMER, one of the early settlers of this region, was born in Oglethorpe county May 19, 1825, his parents, John and Ehzabeth (Hubbard) Farmer, being Virginians. His grandfather, John Farmer of Virginia, was a soldier in the war of the revolution. About 1805 he moved to Greenville district, S. C, and in 1817 he removed thence to Oglethorpe county, Ga., then a wilderness. Here he cleared up a farm and spent the remainder of his life, his son John succeeding him in charge of the homestead, where he also finished out his life. He was a deacon in the Baptist church, and his wife was the daughter of Thomas Hubbard, a soldier of the revolution, and also a Baptist. In this home in Oglethorpe county young Mr. Farmer spent his boyhood, with restricted privileges of obtaining an education, the old log school house being defective not only in comforts but in many respects more essential, the teachers often receiving quite rude treatment at the hands of the pupils. Mr. Farmer being desirous of further opportunities, when he reached the age of twenty-one, raised cotton with which he paid for his tuition and clothing. lie himself wielded the rod of the pedagogue for three years. In 1855 he moved to Coweta county, and in 1861 enlisted in Company H, Fourth regiment of Georgia cavalry, the company commanded by Capt J. H. Graham. Mr. Farmer served through the entire war, but was captured in August, 1862, and held until the fol lowing February. He was in many hard battles and skirmishes: Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Newhope church, Resaca, and the siege of Atlanta. His last fight was at Raleigh, N. C, and at the close of the war he was at Danville, S. C. He was orderly sergeant throughout the war. Mr. Farmer now 536 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. began life anew, and amid the hardships consequent to the devastations of war, but with the determination of his character, has been able to win in the struggle. He is now the owner of a fine farm of over 200 acres, about forty acres being de voted to the culture of grapes, of which he makes a specialty. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and of the Baptist church, of which he has been deacon for ten years. He is thoroughly respected wherever he is known. Mr. Farmer was married in 1861 to Aliss Elizabeth Arnall, whose parents, John G. and Nancy (Gibbs) Arnall, -.vere natives of Putnam county, Ga. Mrs. Farmer was born in Morgan county, Ga., in 1835. She was a member of the Baptist church. To this union seven children were given: Thomas G., Luther M., Millard C, J. J., R. A., AHce, and Lizzie D. In 1878, Oct. 29, Mrs. Farmer died, and in 1880 Mr. Farmer married Mrs. Alary L. Farmer, daughter of William Brown, of Clarke county, Ga. Mrs. Farmer was born in Coweta county in 1843. She is also a Baptist. To tiiem three children have been born: Beatrice M., Grace Lee, and Harvey Hill. ¦J-J L. FREEMAN, a well known citizen of Senoia, was born in Coweta county ' in 1851. His father, Henry Freeman, was born in South Carolina in 1795, and came with his parents to Georgia about 1820. They settled in the woods of Oglethorpe county and began the clearing and cultivation of a farm, to which occupation Mr. Freeman through life devoted himself. He was a stanch democrat, but would never consent to run for any office. His wife was Miss Nancy Mood}', daughter of John Aloody, one of the early settlers of the state. Their son, H. L. Freeman, spent his boyhood on the farm, but owing to the early loss of his father, who died in 1858, and the breaking out of the war, he was denied many educational advantages, as he was early thrown upon his own resources. He had a common school education, being able to attend school for a short time after the war. In spite of his lack of many opportunities he has won the regard of {he people among whom he dweHs, who have honored him by selecting him to fill various important positions. In 1887 he was elected to fill the ¦vacancy on the board of county commissioners, caused by the resignation of W. W. Sasser. The following year he was elected for the full term of four years, received a re-election in 1892, being the present member from the first dis trict, where he is very popular. In January, 1874, Air. Freeman married Aliss E. J. Hardy, daughter of R. W. and Lucy (BaHey) Hardy, who was born and reared in Coweta county, the family being among the early settlers of the state. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, of whom five are now living: Emmett, Nancy L., Rebecca G., Henry, and Robert W. The mother is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. JONES C. .FULLER, a retired merchant and one of the prominent citizens of this part of Georgia, was born in 1838, his parents being South Carolinians. His father, Alsey Fuller, a soldier in the Indian war, was the son of Ishani and Sarah Fuller, of Laurens district, S. C, and his mother, Emily R. Fuller, was the daughter of Joseph Quinn. His parents settled in Meriwether county, Ga., in 1836, and here, upon this backwoods farm amid many privations, the young man grew up. In July, 1861, he joined the army, enlisting in Company B of the Sec ond Georgia regiment known as the Jackson Blues, his captain being William R. Harris, who was slain at Gettysburg. Mr. Fuller passed through some very severe experiences during the war, engaging in many of the most important bat tles, and being wounded several times. He fought at Garnett's farm, and at Mal vern hill, where he ^vas shot in the left ankle, from which wound he was laid aside for about a year ; he rejoined his company at the Potomac river near Staunton, Va., COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 537 and later, in the battle of Gettysburg, was shot through the right cheek ; at Chicka mauga he was shot through the hips, and was sent to the hospital at Atlanta; after seven months he was once more able to rejoin his company, then at Rich mond, Va., and in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864, was captured and held prisoner ten months at Point Lookout, Md., being released but a short time before the war closed. He was postmaster for his regiment from the time of his enlistment until he received his first wound, but during his long absence there after another was appointed to the place. Mr. Fuller returned home to Meriwether county at the close of the war, walking about 150 miles. He had but little with which to establish himself in the business, but by persistent application has been very successful. He married in December, 1865, and immediately after settled in Atlanta, where for twenty-five years he was one of the leading merchants, having built up a thriving business, which was very lucrative. About four years ago he returned to Coweta county and founded the town of St. Charles, where he now resides. Mrs. Fuller was Miss Margaret R. Evans, daughter of Pieman P. and Eleanor (Douglass) Evans, the father of Welsh and the mother of Irish origin. On the voyage to America from Wales one of the children died and was buried at sea. The union of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller has been blessed with five children, only two of whom are living: Nettie, wife of I. B. Eubanks, and Clara E. Mr. Fuller and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he is also a member of the masonic fraternity, which he joined in 1865. Mr. Fuller is one of the live men of his section, active and progressive, and he and his family are deservedly valued as members of the community. J OEL W. T. GIBSON, a son of Jacobus and Sarah (Freeman) Gibson, is a leading cotton merchant at Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga., and was here born Feb. 20, 1843. His father was a son of James H. Gibson, a pioneer settler of Georgia, was born in 1805 and endured all the privations attendant upon a pioneer life. He first settled about six miles from Newnan, to which place he removed in an old-fashioned ox cart. He lived to be sixty-nine years of age and was a devoted and earnest worker and member of the Baptist church. Joel Gibson was reared on the farm and at tended the country school. The first school-house in their neighborhood that had glass windows and a brick chimney was built in 1855. In 1859 he attended school at Newnan and afterward attended school at Cave Spring and came back to New nan, where he remained until May 7, 1861, when he enHsted in Company A, under Capt John B. Wilcoxon. He remained with the company until after the battle of Seven Pines, when he was transferred to the Macon light artillery, with which he remained until the close of the war He was at the Appomattox surrender and was in all the battles in which his company was engaged. After the war he re turned to Newnan, farmed the first year, taught school the next and has been connected with business in a general way since. In 1867 he married Louisa Paver, daughter of Chas. Sanders and Carolina (Davis) Faver, who were of French descent, ¦to which union eight children have been born : Joel G., John S., Ada, Mary, Brenda, Sarah, Hattie and Carry. Mrs. Gibson was born and reared in Wilkes county, Ga., and both she and her husband are members of the Baptist church. Mr. Gib son began life after the war without anything, but is now a man well able to enjoy the remainder of his life. He has always been a democrat, but would never alloyv his name to be used for office. He and his family are universally respected by all who know them. r^APT. J. GRAHAM, one of the leading business men of Senoia, is the grandson of WilHam Graham, of Irish nativity, who was brought to America when a child of two years of age, and reared in North Carolina. He served in the war of 1812, 538 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and in 1825 settled in Harris county, Ga. His son David was born in North Caro Hna and married Miss Pheriba L. Collins, whose parents, James and PriscHla (Baker) Collins, came to Georgia early in the century and cleared up a farm among the forest wilds. J. Graham was the son of David and Pheriba L. Graham and was born in Harris county, Ga., in 1842. His early years were passed on the quiet farm with only the school privileges found in the backwoods; moreover, the outbreak of the war interrupted even these few opportunities for gaining an education. He enlisted in 1861, entering Company G, of the Thirty-first Georgia regiment, com manded by Capt. Gus Reading and under Gen. Evans. On June 27, 1862, he fought in the battle of Seven Pines, having had nothing to eat except a little hard tack for five days. He took part in the battles of Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Winchester and Millroy, and all through the Wilderness, and at Win chester, on Sept. 19, he was wounded in the nose by a minie ball. On the twenty-second of the same month he was captured, but held only twelve days. He then went home for a short time, but soon organized a cavalry company, with which he went back to the seat of war as captain and remained until peace was declared. In 1864 he was color-bearer and was noted through all these years of conflict for his ardor and daring; always in the front, always inciting his men to follow where he so gallantly led. After the war he returned to Georgia and en gaged in farming in Marion county, afterward removing to Coweta county. His sturdy devotion to principle has everywhere won for him the respect of all who knew him. He has been a constant and stanch advocate of prohibition, and was elected mayor of Senoia on this ticket, winning the close contest by fourteen votes, and during the two years he held the office entirely excluding whisky from the town. The grand success of prohibition in Coweta county is due more, perhaps, to Capt. Graham than to any other. He is one of Senoia's best citizens, and liked by all who know him. He is a member of the masonic order. He is a faithful member of the Baptist church, as is also his wife, who was Aliss Martha Simms, a native of Sumter county, and daughter of Hartwell Simms. Capt. and Mrs. Graham are the parents of seven children: Ada, Lee, Berta, Delia, Rubv, Windsor and Marion. J-JOSEA GRAY is the grandson of William and Sarah Gray, the grandfather an Englishman by birth, having served as captain during the war of the revolution. The parents of Hosea, Abraham and Jane (Wilson) Gray, were natives of South Carolina, in which state he too was born Aug. 31, 1817. His mother was of Irish parentage. In 1832, when Hosea was but a lad, his father moved his family from South Carolina to Fayette county, Ga., making the journey with a four-horse team. At Barnesville they struck an Indian trail which led them to their place of settle ment After a year in Fayette county they moved to Coweta county, which has since been their home. Here they cleared up a farm, experiencing the many hardships incident to pioneer life. For some time their main dependence for food was wild game, and they ground their own corn in a hand-mill. Later a mill was started on Lime creek, to which they carried their corn to be ground. In those days it was customary for each man to assist his neighbor in rolHng his logs in the early spring, previous to putting in his crops, and one season Hosea Gray assisted in this work for eighteen days. His school advantages were only such as the lim ited accommodations of those days afforded. In 1843 he married Frances, the daughter of Henry Freeman, a native of Georgia, and a member of the M. E. church. To them were born four children, none of whom are living, and in October, 185 1, the mother died. In 1856 Air Gray married Miss Susan E. Kempson, whose parents, Peter and Mary (Long) Kempson, in 1840 came from COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 539 their native state. South Carolina, to Georgia, and settled in Meriwether county. Mrs. Gray was born in 1830, in Newberry, S. C, and she and her husband are members of the Lutheran church. They have nine children now living: Rosina, Oscar, Leonidas, Mollie, Latimer, Hattie, Rebecca, Ida and Kate. Mr. Gray is a Mason of the royal arch degree. While he did not enlist in the late war he ne-vertheless rendered considerable service to the Confederacy during that struggle. . He is a man widely known and everywhere respected for his uprightness of char acter. r"^ALEB J. HARRIS is the son of Tyre Harris, who was born in Virginia in 1800, and was brought by his parents, natives of Virginia, to Georgia the same year. His father, WilHam Harris, cleared up four acres of wood land the first year, and when he was doing his first plowing, which was done with raw-hide traces, his horse died, and he had to tend his little patch of ground as well as he could with no tools but a'mallet. He was a member of the Hickory Baptist church. His son Tyre, who was reared in this wilderness home, had but few educational privileges, but made the best of every opportunity. By his own inxiustry and thrift he acquired his wealth, and although he began life with nothing he owned at one time 1,200 acres of land and about forty negroes. At his death his property was valued at some $40,000. He and his wife were members of the Missionary Baptist church, in which he was a leader and a liberal supporter. He also did all in his power to advance educational institutions, appreciating as he did their need. His wife, Miss Lucy Johnson, was born in Virginia. Their son, Caleb J. Harris, was born in Clarke county, Ga., in 1830. He passed his boyhood on the farm, with such limited privileges of schooling as those days afforded. Mr. Harris married in 1885, his wife being Miss Almeta Talbert, born in Coweta county, Ga., July 31, 1836. Her parents, John and Mary (Russell) Talbert, came from South Carolina to Georgia in 1835, her father's parents being of Irish nativity, who by chance came as children to America in the same vessel and were afterward married. Mrs. Harris died in March, 1877, leaving her husband with six children: William, Mary L., Julia, Myrtie, Jimmie and Robert Lee. Both Mr. and Airs. Harris were members of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Harris has also been a member of the masonic fraternity; he is one of Coweta county's best citizens and is universally respected. JOEL J. HERNDON, one of the early settlers of this section, is the grandson of a. Virginian who came more than a century ago to Elbert county, Ga. Here he founded a home, and here in 1793 his son Edward was born. The latter was a soldier in the war of 1812, in lieu of payment for which he drew a piece of land in Meriwether county, Ga. He married Miss Nancy Brown, like himself born and reared in Elbert county, where, Oct. 19, 1829, their son, Joel J., was also born. In 1834 Mr Herndon went out to his newly-acquired property in Meriwether and built a log cabin, preparatory to removing his family thither, which move was aCcompHshed the next year, and upon the farm which he there cleared and culti vated he reared his family of ten chHdren. Here Joel grew up, attending school in the old log school-house. On May 11, 1862, he enHsted in Company G, Fifty- third Georgia regiment, under Capt. Robert Taylor, Col. Doyle being in com mand of the regiment which was a part of the force commanded by Gen. Hall J. Simms. Mr. Herndon was in many of the hardest fought and most important battles of the war, among themi Malvern Hill, Gettysburg, the battles of the "Wilder ness and thence to Petersburg, an almost continuous conflict. He was slightly wounded at Gettysburg, but was in every battle in which his regiment was engaged in 1864, and was at the general surrender at Appomattox. At the close of the war I.-.. 540 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. he made his way home on foot and returned to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, to which he has since devoted himself. The war left him — as it did many others — almost destitute, and with the necessity of making a new start in life. He had his land, an old wagon and two small mules, but also a debt of $i,ooo, for which he offered his land in payment. But he had the courage and resolution which over came all difficulties, and so he went to work with a will, paid his debts and con tinued to add to his substance until to-day he is reckoned one of the most successful men and best esteemed citizens of his county. His wife, Elizabeth Kempson, to whom he was married Dec. 9, 1852, is the daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Long) Kempson, both natives of South Carolina, who came to Georgia about 1840 and settled in Meriwether county. Mrs. Herndon was born in Edgefield, S. C. ; she is a member of the Lutheran church, her husband being a Baptist Of the nine children which have blessed their marriage four are now living: Amanda F., wife of James Moody; Laura, EHa and WiHiam. (QEORGE P. HODNETT, a leading citizen of this county, where he is particularly prominent in business circles, is a member of an old pioneer family of Georgia, his grandfather, who died in 1863, and who had served in both the revolutionary and Indian wars, having settled in Troup county early in the century. His wife was Carlisle (Findley) Hodnett, and their son was George Hodnett, born in Troup county in 1826, and who died in the late war, in which he served in Company K of the Thirteenth Georgia regiment. He had married Alary Moore, a daughter of William and Catherine (Chambers) Moore, the former a soldier in the war of 1812. The younger George, the son of George and Mary (M-oore) Hodnett was born in Troup county in 1851, and here, on the farm, spent his first score of years, enjoy ing such restricted facilities for education as could then and there be obtained. In 1871 he removed to Coweta county, and began life for himself. For some time he worked for WHHam Taylor at $12 per month, after which he began farming" on his own account. That he was successful in this work is evident from the fact that he now owns a fine farm of some 600 acres; moreover, he did not let his excellent busi ness talent go to waste, but set up in the mercantile business in Haralson, in which enterprise he has also been very successful, owning a large general store and carrying on a thriving business. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and a man held in high esteem by aH who know him. In 1874 Mr. Hodnett married Miss Ophelia Rawls, a native of Coweta county, born in 1853. She is the daughter of Jesse and Martha (Bellas) Rawls, tiie former a native of South Carolina, who came to Georgia in 1839, and was a soldier in the late war. Air. and Airs. Hodnett are both members of the Lutheran church. Their marriage has been blessed -with seven chHdren: Alonzo, Jessie, Clifford, Fay, Clarence, Albert and Robbie. gENJAMIN HUTCHINSON, one of the pioneers of this section of Georgia, comes of revolutionary stock, both of his grandfathers having been soldiers in that long contest His paternal grandfather came to Georgia at a very early date, and here, in 1787, in Jones county, his son John was born. This son married Ferriba Hollon, also a Georgian by birth, whose father, John Hollon, had fought in the revolution. Benjamin Hutchinson, the son of John and Ferriba Hutchinson, was born in Pike county, Ga., Dec. 12, 1832. In his home on the farm in the midst of the wilderness the boy had no opportunities of obtaining an education, never attended school a day in his life, nor had even the privilege of learning to read or write. On reaching manhood he began farming, which has always been his vocation. He had littie money to start with, but by dHigence and economy COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 541 has been successful in accumulating a large property. Early in 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Fifty-fifth Georgia regiment. The company was commanded at that time by Capt. Dr. Baker, whose death occurring shortly afterward the place was filled by Capt. O'Rea. Col. Persons commanded the regirnent, which was among the forces under Gen. Frazier. After Mr. Hutchinson had been out sixteen months he was captured at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., and for twenty-two months kept in prison at Chicago, 111. After his release and return to Georgia Mr. Hutchinson had to make a new beginning, but patience and perseverance enabled him to succeed. He now owns 455 acres, one of the best improved fjirms in Coweta county, and is deservedly respected by aH who know him. In 1859 he married Miss CamiHa Ann Kelly, who was raised in Coweta county, her parents, John Wilbon and Mary (Fields) Kelly, being among the early settlers of the state. Air. and Mrs.- Hutchin son are worthy and devoted members of the Alethodist Episcopal church. They are the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are living: J. "Wilbon, Mrs. R. L. Hardy, Leroy, Arthur, Airs. H. J. Hodnett, Andrew, Otto, James and Ector. piELDEN F. HUNTER belongs to a family noteworthy as having five of its members to serve bravely in the war of the revolution. These were Joseph, James, George, William and Nathan Hunter, who had accompanied their father, William Hunter, when he emigrated from Ireland previous to the revolution. The younger William Hunter married Mary Abernathy, and their son John, born in South Carolina, married Abigail, daughter of John and Rebecca (Pitts) Johnson, Virginians who had long before settled in South Carolina. To John and Abigail Hunter Fielden F. was born in South Carolina in 1825. Eleven years later John Johnson and his son-in-law, John Hunter, brought their families to Georgia to found a home. They made their journey in wagons, bringing with them their cows and dogs, and settled first near Turin, in Coweta county, hitching their horses to the trees and making a bush hut while they could build their log cabins. Their settle ment was made in the midst of the dense forest where, save for a small clearing of about ten acres, not a tree had ever been touched by the hand of a white man. On this new farm was young Fielden reared, and enjoyed only the very limited school privileges obtainable in this sparsely settled country. He married in 1844, Oct 22, his wife being Miss Frances Bailey, born in Oglethorpe county in 1821. Her father, James Bailey, was born in Oglethorpe county in 1795. Mr. BaHey's wife, Aliss Nancy Dicks, was a native of Danville, Va. Air. and Mrs. Hunter are members of the Baptist church, to which they have belonged forty-two years, hav ing united with it at the same time and also having been baptised on the same day. They have five chHdren living: Robert F., J. B., "W. S., Frederick and Mary. Mr. Hunter is a member of the masonic fraternity. Although Air Hunter started out in life with nothing, in fact, being somewhat in debt, he worked with such vigor that he rapidly accumulated a fine property, owning 100 acres of land and a num ber of negroes when the war laid waste his estate. He also lost his health, but with his natural determination of character he went to work at the shoemaker's trade, which he carried on for thirteen years. His honest integrity and self- respectful independence have placed him high in the estimation of all who know him. JOSEPH HUTCHESON, farm.er, Roscoe, Coweta Co., Ga., son of James and Sarah P. (Henry) Hutcheson, was born in CampbeH county, Ga., in 1839. His father was born in Ireland in 1793, and came to America in 1818. He went to Orange county, N. Y., first, but was there only a short time when he decided to come to Georgia. After reaching here he taught school a while, and then engaged 542 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA as clerk in Augusta. From Augusta he went to McDonough, Henry county, where he went into business for himself. He then went to Newnan, Coweta Co., where he condticted a general merchandise business a few years, when, finally, he perma nently settled in Campbell county, and in connection with a store he conducted a farm. When he came from Ireland he was nearly two months on the voyage, was poor and without relatives on this side ; yet he was industrious and a good man ager, and accumulated quite a valuable estate. He was married in Newnan to a daughter of William and Sarah (Pickens) Henry, Coweta county pioneers. Mr. Hutcheson received a good common-school education, but before he could utHize it the war began and he enlisted in 1861 in Company C (Capt. Kendrick) Third Georgia battalion. Capt. Kendrick was killed at Pine Mountain when he was retir ing before Sherman between Dalton and Atlanta. Col. M. A. Stovall was his first commander, and he was in all the battles in which his company was engaged — ^the principal of which were Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga and Alurfreesboro — and was wounded in each of the two battles last named. His command was in the front of Sherman from Dalton to Atlanta. At the last-named place he was captured Aug. 7, 1864, and was held a prisoner ten months at Johnson's Island. Mr. Hutcheson entered the service as a private, was made orderly sergeant, and was promoted to a Heutenancy, which he held when captured. His brother, William Hutcheson, who was at first a lieutenant, rose to be a captain, and was killed in the battle of Jonesboro, Ga. Air Hutcheson came out of the war with very little property. But having good business quaHties in connection with progressive ideas of farm ing, he has been exceptionally prosperous — having a farm of 1,000 acres not sur passed in beauty of arrangement in the state. He raises all he needs; has exten sive fields of red clover, and fields of wheat and oats as well as corn and cotton, and has one of the most beautiful dwellings in his part of the country. Air. Hutch eson was -married in 1891 to Miss Alertis Harris — bom and reared in Coweta county — daughter of C. J. Harris, whose family was among the first settlers, and now rank among the most prominent in the county. Two children have blessed this union, but only one, Louise, is living. Air Hutcheson ranks as a leading farmer in his county whether diversity of products, yield per acre, or progressive and improved methods be considered; and stands very high as a citizen. Mrs. Hutcheson is an exemplary and esteemed member of the Presbyterian church. J P. JONES belongs to one of Georgia's oldest families, his grandfather, John ' Jones, born in Wilkes county in 1809, being the son of a Virginian who set tled in the wilderness in that county about 1800 and cleared up a farm. John Jones married Elizabeth Strozier and settled in Meriwether county where, in 1831, their son, Willis A., was born, who in after years was a central figure in the stirring events of the time. During the early years of the war he had charge of the com missary department of AndersonvHle prison, and afterward, until the war was over, he was in charge at the hospital at Marietta. He had represented his county, Lee, in the legislature of i860 and 1861, and had also been justice of the inferior court of Lee county ; but after the war, although again and again solicited, would not consent to be a candidate for any political position. He was a man of the most estimable character, of a high sense of honor, one whose justice and integrity won universal regard. He was a member of the Baptist church, and also a Mason of the royal arch degree. His wife was Lucy A. Callaway, whose parents, Parker and Susie (Peteeh) Callaway, natives of South CaroHna, were among the early settlers of "WHkes county, Ga. J. P. Jones, the son of WiHis A. and Lucy A. Jones, was born in Wilkes county in 1851, where he passed his boyhood among rural scenes, and with a good education in the common schools, and had entered upon COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 543 a course at Mercer college, when the school was broken up by the war, and the young man was for a while deprived of the extended education he sought. He, however, graduated in the first class at Macon after Mercer was moved from Pen- field. He was representative for Coweta county in 1888 and 1889, and is a useful and honored citizen. He married in 1873, his wife being Miss Alary H. Wilcoxon, who was born and reared in the old Wilcoxon homestead near Newnan, her father being the well known John B. WHcoxon of that place. Mr. and Airs. Jones are both members of the Baptist church. Six children have blessed their marriage: Willis, Otis, Alary, Thomas, J. P., Jr., and Wilkes. JC")HN D. JOHNSON, a prosperous farmer of Coweta county, belongs to one of the brave pioneer families of this region, his grandparents, John and Eliza beth (Pitts) Johnson, natives of Virginia, having emigrated thence, first to South Carolina, and finally, in 1827, to Georgia. During his residence in Virginia and South Carolina Mr. Johnson devoted himself chiefly to the culture of tobacco, and it was his custom to pack his crops into a hogshead and roll it to the Charles ton market, a distance of many miles. When the family removed to Georgia the son, John, -vvas a lad of eleven years, having been born in South CaroHna March 3. 1816. While helping to clear up the farm for the new home in the Georgia wilderness he was deprived of much education. He married Miss Selah Haines, a daughter of Daniel and Rachel (Weaver) Haines, the father a native of Alary- land, the mother of North Carolina. About 1800 they settled in Greene county, Ga., where the daughter was born Oct. i, 1807. Mr. Haines served during the war • of 1812, and after his death his wife, having received a warrant for land in Coweta county, set out to make a home there. After a long and toilsome journey at one of their camping places, knowing herself to be near her destination, Mrs. Haines made inquiry, and found she was upon her own land. "Then," said she, "we will go no farther," and as soon as possible the cabin was erected on that spot. After ward when proper surveys were made it was discovered that the cabin had been located just within the corner of her claim. Amid these surroundings the daughter grew to womanhood, and at length became the wife of John Johnson and the mother of John D. Johnson (Sept 17, 1843). The husband enHsted in 1862 in the company of Capt. Powell, but at the end of a year's service he was taken ill and returned home, only to die. The son had enlisted in 1861 under Capt. J. D; Hunter in Company D, Nineteenth Georgia regiment He served through the entire war, always at his post, never shirking duty or drawing back on account of danger, but received only one wound, and that a slight one on the collar bone. Yet he went through many of the fiercest and most closely contested conflicts of the war, Williamsburg, Yorktown, Seven Pines, the seven days before Richmond, and others. He was a non-commissioned officer, at first in Gen. StonewaH Jack son's command, but at WeHington, N. C, was transferred to the forces under Gen. Johnston, with which he remained until the close of the war, when he returned to Georgia. In 1870 he married Miss Margaret Carmichael, -^ho was born in South Carolina in 1850, and was of Irish lineage, her great-grandparents, Patrick and Mary Ann Carmichael, having come to America from Ireland at an early day, when the voyage took nine weeks. Mrs. Johnson's parents were South Caro linians, WHliam and Alargaret R. (Hunter) Carmichael, her father being a son of Abraham and Nancy (Hall) Carmichael. Her maternal grandparents were George and Mary (Weatherton) Hunter, the former of Irish birth, who came to America with his parents, Nathan and Mary (Young) Hunter, both natives of Ireland, making the journey in company with the Carmichaels, and settling first in Newberry district, S. C. The union of Air. and Mrs. Johnson has been blessed 544 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. with nine children: Egbert D., Ada E., WilHam P., Anna Alay, Francis H. L., Lena E., J. E. D., R. H. and Robert Lee. The parents are faithful and devoted members of the Baptist church. Like most of the courageous pioneers of the state, Mr. Johnson had but a limited education, and, as was the case with his comrades, he, too, had to begin life empty-handed after the war, but in spite of these disadvantages he has climbed the ladder of success. The first fifteen months after the war he only received ten dollars per month wages. After his marriage he settled on a farm; by hard work and by steady appHcation to business be has reached his present prosperity. He now owns a large farm, well improved, a beautiful home, and is one of the leading men of the county. \^ A. LEACH, one of Coweta county's leading farmers, comes of brave and hardy pioneer stock. His grandfather, John Leach, brought his wife, Dor cas (Wyng) Leach, from their native state, South Carolina, to the Georgian forests very early in the century. They cleared up a farm and erected a house, and here, in Gwinnett county, in 1816, their son, E. W. Leach, was born. This man was a soldier in the Indian war, represented the county in the Georgia legislature in 1874-5, and married Miss Mary A. Jones, whose parents were among the early settlers of the state. Their son, W. A. Leach, was born in Fayette county in 1844, and spent his boyhood upon the farm, attending school in the old log school house, with slab seats and without windoyvs, the cracks between the logs serving to admit light. The chimney was of rock, and the great fireplace occupied nearly the whole of one side of the house. In 1861 Mr. Leach enlisted in Company F of the Second Georgia regiment. Crew's old brigade. His company was in command of Capt. Hardy Chapman. Mr. Leach went through the entire war without being either captured or wounded, passing unscathed through the following battles: Perry ville, Ky., both conflicts at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Chickamauga, KnoxvHle, and was with Gen. Johnston in his famous retreat. After the war Mr. Leach returned to Fayette county and pursued the occupation of agriculture. In 1866 he mar ried Sarah E. Denham, daughter of Daniel D. and Nancy E. (Easton) Denham. Air. Denham was a North Carolinian by birth, having come with his parents from his native state to settle in Fayette county when but a small boy. He was electetl to represent his county in the Georgia legislature four different times before the war, and twice to the senate. His daughter, now Mrs. Leach, was born in Fayette county, and there the home of the family had always been until 1891, when they moved to Coweta county for the sake of the educational privileges afforded to the children. These are five in number, Luella, Daniel R., WilHam E., Nancy A., and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Leach are devoted members of the Baptist church. Air. Leach is a member of the council of Senoia, and is deservedly held in high esteem wherever he is known. pAPT. THOS. LEIGH is the son of Anselm B. and Eleanor (Drane) Leigh, and was born in Wilkes county, Ga., on May 15, 1832. His father was a son of Anselm Leigh, who came from Alaryland to Georgia some time in 1700. Airs. I..eigh, a daughter of Col. Wm. and Cassandra (Magruder) Drane, was born in Columbia county, Ga. Mr. Leigh, the father of Thomas Leigh, was born in Georgia in 1794, and served in the war of 181 2, sHpping off with his brother Thomas, who was kiHed by the Indians and his head placed upon a pole, which the Indians placed in the ground as a warning to others. On Feb. 14, 1861, he married Mary Brewster, daughter of James and Jeannett (Ferguson) Brewster, both natives of South Carolina. To them six children were born, only three of whom are living: Walter, James, and Bessie. Mrs. Leigh was bom and reared COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 545 in Campbell county, Ga. Alarch ii, 1862, Mr. Leigh enHsted in Company D, Forty-first Georgia regiment, under Capt. J. W. PoweH, who upon resigning in June was succeeded by Mr. Leigh. He was with Gen. Joe Johnston at Benton ville and Kingston, in North CaroHna, and on March 19 was shot through the right shoulder, fracturing the collar bone. He was engaged in some of the hard est conflicts of the war: Perryville, Atlanta, Baker's creek, siege of Vicksburg, Alissionary ridge, Resaca, Jonesboro, Palmetto, and Nashville. He was with and in command of his company in all its engagements, and is known by aH the old soldiers as being the captain who never said "Go, boys," but it was always "Come, boys." During the war he lost all he had except one horse and some land, with which he commenced again and is now quite well-to-do. He has been engaged several years in the saw-mill, shingle-making and cotton-gin business. Both Mr. and Mrs. Leigh are members of the M. E. church. His occupation now is farming. r^A.PT. WILLIAM D. LINCH, one of the prominent men of Senoia, was born in Coweta county, Feb. 19, 1840. He is the grandson of Rev. Elijah Linch, a noted Universalist preacher, well-known through South Carolina, and who had four brothers in the revolutionary war, and was of the same family as that Thomas Lynch, Jr., who signed the Declaration of Independence. Rev. Linch was a native of South Carolina and his wife was a Miss Chapman. Their son David was born in Newberry on Feb. 14, 1805, and in December, 1832, married Miss Mary Beam, a native of Fairfield, S. C, and the date of whose birth was the same as his own. After their marriage they set out to establish a home for themselves in Coweta county, Ga., making the long journey thither by team, much of the way through the unbroken forest, with no path to guide them to their destined abode. They brought with them a negro girl and two negro boys, who helped them in the estab lishment of their home and the clearing up of their farm. The little log cabin still stands to mark the place where these brave pioneers made their first dwelling place. There were seven chHdren bom to them, four of whom are living: Elijah O. Linch, Mrs. M. E. Green, Airs. Martha Perry of Carrollton and WiHiam D. They were both members of the Universalist church, and closed their devoted and useful lives — the father in 1862, the mother in 1891, having attained the great age of eighty-six years. Their son, William D. Linch, spent his early years upon -the farm, with only such educational privileges as the old log school-house afforded. He had little more than attained his majority at the outbreak of the war, and in Alay, 1861, he en listed in Company A of the Seventh Georgia regiment, under Capt. S. W. Lee, serving out the first enlistment of twelve months. He at once re-enlisted in the same company, in which he was elected second lieutenant, and after serving about a year was promoted to the command of the company, serving as captain for the remainder of the war. He took part in both battles of Alanassas, the seven days' fight at Richmond, the batties of Alalvern Hill, Cold Harbor, Knoxville, WHder ness, Fair Oaks, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, and many smaller engagements, and was present at the surrender at Appomattox. He was thrice wounded: in the arm at Loudon, east Tennessee; in the shoulder at the Wilderness, and at Fort Harri son was shot through the neck. For three years after his return to Coweta county at the close of the war he engaged in farming, and then spent four years in Newnan in the mercantile business, after which he came back to the farm, which he has carried on ever since. His father left him some money and land, but he has added greatly thereto, and at one time owned 3,500 acres. He moved into Senoia in 1891, and there carried on several branches of business, although his farm is not neg lected. He is a man of wealth and influence in the county, where he is widely known and respected. In 1870 Capt. Linch married Miss M. E. Tench, daughter 1-35 546 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of John H. and Martha E. (Gray) Tench, who came to Georgia from Abbeville, S. C, in 1836, and cleared up a farm in the midst of the forest Mrs. Linch was born in Coweta county. Five children were born to Capt. and Mrs. Linch, of whom four are still living: Tench, Martha G., Mary F. and J. Andrew. The family holds an enviable and well-deserved position in the regard of the community. l> L. Y. LONG, M. D., one of the old and leading citizens of Newnan, Ga., and a son of John and Charlotte (May) Long, both natives of Tennessee, was born in east Tennessee Aug. 20, 1822. His father, son of Robert Long, a native of Virginia, was a soldier in the revolutionary war with Gen. Sevier and Gen. Shelby, and in the Creek Indian war. John Long was the second clerk of Carroll county superior court, and served thirty-two years. The mother of Dr. Long was the daughter of John May, who was a native of Virginia, but a pioneer settler of east Tennessee. Dr. Long was reared at Carrollton, Ga., where he received his educa tion by the fireside after his day's work. On Jan. 13, 1839, he began the study of medicine with Dr. A. B. Calhoun, and read with him one year In 1839 he, in company with three other students, started to Charleston, S. C, to, attend college, graduated from the Transylvania university in 1841, and located the same year at Greenville, Ga., where he remained one year. Then he came to Newnan, where he remained until 1844, when he went into the country and formed a partnership with Dr. Ira E. Smith; after four years he went to Louisiana and practiced until 1848, when he returned to Newnan, where he has since remained and has had a large and lucrative practice. June i, 1836, he enlisted in Capt. W. S. Parr's com pany in the Creek Indian war, and on Nov. 2, 1837, he went into the Seminole war in Florida as captain of the Carroll Rangers cavalry, and with one exception was the youngest of the company and was mustered out May 13, 1838, by Maj. ChurchHl of the United States army. In 1861 he enlisted in Company' D, Phillips' legion cavalry, as first lieutenant, but was chosen captain a short time after. Capt Long was engaged in many very hard conflicts, some of which were: Spottsylvania court house, Gettysburg, "Williamsburg, battle of the Wilderness and many others. At WHHamsburg he, with 250 men, captured 1,100 men under Col. Campbell, the captain riding the same horse 125 miles in twenty-five hours. He served through out the entire war without receiving a wound or being captured. His company was noted for bravery and was called upon for all particular and dangerous work. After the war he returned to Newnan, began the practice of medicine, and Oct 23, 1849, Dr Long was united in marriage with Martha Ann Powell, a daughter of James and Sarah A. (Summerlin) PoweH. To this union five children have been born: Edgar H., James J., Charles D., Helen A. and R. Y. Mrs. Long was born and reared in this county, but her parents both died while she was yet a child and she had no way of gathering their history. Dr. Long has always been a stanch democrat, but would never consent to have his name used for pubhc office. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, having become a member at Newnan in 1845, and is one of the leading citizens of the county. "UI/ ILLIAM S. M'DONALD, a prosperous young farmer of this county, is of Scotch ancestry, his grandfather, Neil McDonald, having been born in Edin burgh, Scotiand, in 1777. His father, Roderick McDonald, was concerned in the great religious dissensions which in those days disturbed Scotiand. In 1803 Neil McDonald emigrated to Virginia, and after two years' residence there he moved to South Carolina, where he married Miss Sarah Curry. In 1827 he moved to Newton county, Ga., which he made his permanent home, clearing up for himself a farm' in the midst of the woods. Flere his son was born and reared with the few CQ-VVETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 547 educational advantages incident to the period and that sparsely settled region. He enlisted under Capt. J. M. White in (Company B, Thirty-fifth Georgia regiment, and after about eighteen months' service in this company was transferred to the Fifty-third regiment, in which he served to the end of the war. He was wounded five times, the little finger being shot from his left hand at Spottsylvania. He was in the great batties at Seven Pines, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill and a number of less importance, and was at Appomattox at the general surrender. After the war Mr. McDonald returned to Georgia and in 1865 moved to Coweta county. His wife, whom he married in 1854, was Miss Melissa Curry, who was born in 1833 in Franklin county, Ga., where she was also reared. Mr. and Mrs. AIcDonald were the parents of seven children, of whom William S. is the eldest He was born in Newton county, Dec. 8, 1854, and in 1881 married Miss Dora M. Arnold, daughter of James D. and Nancy (Owens) Arnold, and who was born in Coweta county in 1861. Mr. McDonald is a member of the M. E. church; his wife is a Baptist. Five children have been born to them : Alvin, Florence, Harley, Jesse and Watson. The second child of Young McDonald is Margaret Jane, wife of T. J. Young; they have five children: William A., Victoria, Joseph H., Ernest AlcD. and Paul. The third child is Thomas W., who in 1884 married Miss Sallie L., daughter of Leonard H. and Melissa (Bowers) Walthall; she is a Presbyterian and he a Methodist, and they have two children living: Roy A. and William C. The fourth child is Bartow. The fifth John Y., who married Roxy, the daughter of David C. and Amanda (Carpenter) Neeley; both are members of the M. E. church. The two remaining chHdren are Sallie E. and Robert E. Lee. WiHiam S. McDonald, although deprived of early advantages and compelled to begin life empty-handed, has shown himself the possessor of those qualities which win; he is now the owner of an excellent farm and is widely respected. He is a member of the masonic order. ^JJ E. E. MARTIN, a prominent young farmer of Coweta county, belongs to one of those hardy pioneer famihes from whom are descended many of Georgia's most valued citizens. He is the grandson of Elijah and Amanda F. (Amos) Martin, Virginians by birth, but among the early settlers of Oglethorpe county, Ga., and who in 1830 moved to Coweta county, where they brought into being a home in the forest wilderness. Mr. Martin was a soldier in the Florida war, and his son, William M. Martin, born in 1837, enlisted in 1861 in Conipany A, Seventh Georgia regiment He served through the war until about two months before the surrender, when he was killed in a skirmish at Maynesboro, Ga. At the time of his enlistment his little son, W. E. E., the subject of this sketch, was but about two years old, having been born in 1859. The mother, Carrie (Smith) Martin, was a daughter of George E. and Martha N. (Pinkard) Smith, Virginians, her grandfather, George Smith, who served as captain in the war of 1812, having brought his family and settled in Georgia about 1830. After Mr. Martin's death in 1865, Mrs. Martin continued to reside upon the farm where she and her husband had settled just after their marriage, and here the lad, W. E. E., grew to manhood. Although circumstances deprived him of more than a Hmited education, he made the best of such opportunities as he had, and has done well. He owns a good farm, well-improved, and stands weH in the community. He is a member of the Metho dist Episcopal church. "\^M. A. MITCHELL, clerk of the superior court of Coweta county, Ga., and son of B. H. and Susan W. (Barnes) Mitchell, was born in November, 1839, His father, who was born in Virginia in 1800, went to North Carolina with his 548 . MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. parents when eight years of age, and at the age of twenty-one started out for him self. He walked from North Carolina to Georgia, and in 1832 settled in Newnan, and, being a saddler by trade, opened a shop. In 1838 he was elected clerk of the superior court and served ten years; and in 1852 was elected ordinary, serving sixteen years, when he retired on account of old age. He was a devout member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a council degree Alason. He was the father of eleven children, only two of whom are living, William and a sister, Mary. William A. Alitchell was reared in Newnan and received a common school educa tion. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Twelfth bataHion, Georgia vol unteers, in Gen. Evans' brigade, entering before the first gun was fired and remain ing until after the surrender. In 1862 he was made sergeant He was present at the battle of Cold Harbor, Laurel City, and retreated at Monocacy; was in the smaller conflicts in the Shenadoah valley in Virginia, and was present when Sheridan made his famous ride. He was with E. Kirby Smith in his raid in Ken tucky, serving in the artiHery and living on roasted ears of corn and pumpkins. After the war he returned to Newnan and engaged in the hardware business until 1891, when he was elected clerk of the superior court of Coweta county. In 186& he was united in marriage to Neali W. Brown, daughter of Joseph Brown, who served one term as representative of Coweta county, sometime in the fifties. To this union three children were born. Brown, ' Bessie, and Lillie. Mrs. Alitchell was born in Heard county, Ga., but came to Coweta county when a child, and here died in 1875. She was a member of the Methodist church. In 1876 Mr. Mitchell married Mrs. Susan M. Coleman, daughter of Henry K. Allen, a native of South Carolina, who came to Georgia in an early day, and engaged in mer chandising and cotton buying. He was a member of the M. E. church and also a member of the masonic order of the council degree. He was one of the leading- citizens of the county, and his death was deeply mourned by the community. To the second marriage of Mr. Mitchell three children have been born, John, Mary E., and May Bell. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mftchell are members of the M. E. church south. He is a member of the masonic order, council degree, and is also a mem ber of the L O. O. F. J OHN P. MORGAN, a thriving farmer and son of John and Alary (McCullough> Morgan, was born in Coweta county, where he now lives, in May, 1851. His father was born in South Carolina in 1812, and came when a young boy with his father to Coweta county, Ga., which at that time was a wilderness. Air Alorgan's grandparents, Daniel and Mary (Lankford) Morgan, were both natives of South Carolina, but removed to Coweta county, Ga., in the early part of the nineteenth century, and cleared up a farm about ninety miles from Macon, to which place their cotton had to be carried for sale. The mother of Mr. Alorgan was a daugh ter of Lewis and Ruth (Elmore) AlcCullough, both natives of Soutli Carolina who had removed to Georgia, and cleared for themselves a farm. John P. Alorgan was reared on the farm where he now lives and received a common school educa tion. In 1871 he married Elizabeth Elmore, daughter of Thomas A. and Matilda (Brooks) Elmore. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore were both natives of South Carolina,. who in an early day came to Georgia. Mr. Elmore was a soldier in the late war and served in Company D, Nineteenth regiment, under Capt. James Hunter, and was killed in the battle of Manassas July 10, 1863. Five chHdren, four of whom are living, have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Morgan : John T., Wilber E., Walter S., and Nellie F. Mr. and Mrs. Morgao are members of the M. E. church. Mr. Morgan is also a member of the masonic order, and was an alliance man during the lifetime of that order. He is a man that is well respected by all who know him. COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 549 PJ ON. CHARLES L. MOSES, congressman from the fourth district of Georgia, is of noble ancestry, for his great-grandsires on both sides took part in the revolutionary conflict. His grandfather, Neal Moses, the son of John Moses, the revolutionary hero, was born in North Carolina, took part in the war of 1812, and in 1820 nioved to Fayette county, Ga. His wife was Nancy Alanning, and in 1829 his son Ansley was born. The latter was reared on the farm in Fayette county and married Aliss Mary LeaveH, whose parents Charles and Elizabeth {Hunter) Leavell, were natives of South Carolina, and were married in Newberry district in 1831, removing to Georgia in 1833. Charles Leavell was born in 1802, his father being John Leavell, a Virginian, whose father, also John Leavell by name, emigrated from England before the revolution, and was with Francis Alar- ion through all that struggle. Charles L. Moses was born in 1856 and reared •on the old farm in Coweta county, Ga., and received a good common school edu cation. In 1873 he entered Mercer university and graduated in 1876. He began teaching in Newnan, having charge, for seven years, of the boy's department; the last year in this department there were 150 boys. Among Air. Moses' college classmates were Thomas Watson, John Boifeuillet, Seaborn Wright of Rome, W. D. Jelks, and T. E. Murphy, who took first honors. Mr. Moses himself carried off the second honors. He is a young man of great promise and recognized abil ity, his election to congress m 1890 from the fourth district being in evidence of this. Throughout his district he is held in high esteem, and justly regarded as a most worthy citizen. His wife, to whom he was married in 1881, was Aliss Blanche HaH, daughter of Rev. J. H. Hall of Newnan. They have seven children living: Coral, James H., Charles L., Jr., Ansley, Hugh A., Blanche, Amaziah. Mr. and Airs. Aloses are honored members of the Baptist church. Mr. Moses is a mem- her of the I. O. O. F. T LTTHER T. MOSES is one of the best known men of this section of the state, being chief deputy of internal revenue of Georgia. He is a grandson of a soldier of the war of 1812, Neal Moses, who with his wife, Nancy (Manning) Moses, came from their native state, North Carolina, to Georgia in 1821, and after a short residence here 'went to Alabama, where Mr. Moses died. Their son, Ansley Moses, was born in Fayette county; Ga., in 1829. He was a man of great ability and very useful to his state. In i860 he helped organize Company D, Fifty-third -Georgia regiment, Longstreet's corps. With this he went out as captain, being sent on an expedition to the coast. The next year he went out as first lieutenant but after a few months was made captain of Company D, which rank he held until 1863. Longstreet was then transferred to the western army, and in April Capt Moses was taken prisoner at KnoxvHle, Tenn., and imprisoned for eight months at Camp Chase, Ohio ; it was while here that he contracted the chronic lung disease which eventually caused his death ; from Camp Chase he was trans ferred to Fort Delaware, where he remained until the close of the war. Mr. Aloses represented his county in the legislature in 1873 and 1874. He was deacon in. the Baptist church, in which he had been a conscientious member and earnest worker from the age of twenty-one. His death occurred in 1886, and was greatly deplored. The wife of Capt. Moses was Miss Mary E. Leavell, daughter of Charles and Ehzabeth W. (Hunter) Leavell, both natives of Virginia, but who passed their youth in South CaroHna, coming to Georgia about 1832 and making their home in Coweta county. It was in this county that Luther T. Aloses was reared, having been born in 1853. He received a good common school education and devoted some ten years to teaching. His interest in schools has always been very deep, and he has manifested this interest constantiy and by every possible 550 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. means, doing everything in his power to advance the educational interests of his native county, often at considerable sacrifice to himself. He was a member of the school board from 1880 to 1887, and again from 1889 to 1893, each time resigning to take an important government position. This was the office of deputy internal revenue collector, to which he was appointed by President Cleveland in January, 1887, holding it until .the inauguration of the new president, being ap pointed chief deputy in August, 1893, the position he still holds. Mr. Moses was married in 1884, his wife being Miss Etta North, born in i860 and reared in Coweta county, the daughter of Thomas G. and Jane (Jones) North. They have four children: Tallmadge, Alice, L. T., and Mary. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moses are steadfast members of the Baptist church, and everywhere beloved and respected. Mr. Moses is a man of wide and growing influence and is sure to make his mark in his country and age. J N. ORR, a prominent business man of Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga., who was born in November, 1840, is the son of Robert and Almira (Simms) Orr. His father, who was born in 1813, was a native of Wilkes county, Ga., and came to Coweta county in 1829 with his parents, who, on their arrival, cut a road ten miles long from Newnan to the place in the woods wnere they cleared up for a plantation. The mother of I. N. Orr was a daughter of John Simms, who was born in Hancock county, Ga., and whose family was one of the pioneer families of that county. I. N. Orr was reared in Coweta county, where he received a good common school education. In April, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, First Georgia regiment, under Capt. Hunley, and, strange to say, he had one finger only on his right hand; he served two years, when he "was made enrolling officer for Coweta county. He had four brothers in the war, only one of whom was killed. After the war he returned to Newnan, and in 1875 went into business in a small way, but, by close appHcation and honest dealing, he has built up a large and lucrative business. He served as a member of the school board for five years, but on being elected to the city council in 1878, was obliged to give up his position on the school board. He was then elected mayor of Newnan and was re-elected in 1893, the duties of which office he still fulfills. In 1868 he married Miss Dora Johnson, a daughter of Berry D. and Cynthia (Gibson) Johnson, whose father was a pioneer of Heard county, and who represented Heard county in the legislature two terms. He was a member of the first convention after the war. To Air. and Mrs. Orr were born eight children, all boys, seven of whom are living: S. G., I. N., Ben jamin, Robert, Cleveland, Frank and Paul. Mrs. Orr was born and reared in Heard county, Ga., and both she and her husband are members of the Baptist church, and Mr Orr is an Odd Fellow. Mr. Orr and family are among the leading families of Newnan and are held in high esteem. J? OBERT PERKINS, one of Coweta county's best citizens and the son of John C. and Ann (Parks) Perkins, was born in this county in 1841. His father was born in Virginia in 1807 and while yet quite a small boy came to Georgia, his father having died. He first settled in Coweta county in 1835, coming thence from Oglethorpe county, Ga. Plis mother was a daughter of Bird and Martha (Smith) Parks, who were among the first settlers of this county. Robert Perkins was reared in Coweta county and attended school in one of the first old log school- houses ever built there. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Seventh Georgia regiment, under Capt. S. W. Lee and served two years, then being transferred to Phil Logan cavalry. He was in every battle in which his company was engaged, and was wounded but once, and that was at Sharpsburg, Md. After the war he COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 55I came to his old home and since that time has been engaged in farming. In 1866 he was married to Miss Martha Elder, daughter of WiHiam and Elizabeth (Smith) Elder, to which union three children were born : Anna L., Fannie L. and Eula Bird. Mrs. Perkins was born and reared in Coweta county and is a member of the M. E. church. Mr. Perkins is a member of the masonic order and is respected by every one who knows him. He is an uncompromising democrat, but would never allow his name to be used for office. He now owns 1,800 acres where he lives, besides large landed interests in other localities. A C. RUSSELL is the grandson of Andrew Russell, who entered the revolu- * tionary army at the age of eighteen, and whose father had come from Scotland some years before. Jane Caldwell, a sister, who came over at the same time, paid the sum of nine guineas for her passage. Andrew RusseH married Miss Alary Caldwell and settled in South Carolina, where his son Robert was born. Here the latter grew to manhood and was for some time captain in the state militia. He married Miss Alary Brown, "whose parents, Robert and Nancy Brown, were natives of Scotland, both members of the Presbyterian church, who had come to this country previous to the revolution, in which war the father took part. Air. Rus sell's father was a member and an elder of the Presbyterian church. In 1825, in Newberry district, S. C, Robert Russell's son, A. C, was born, and in 1832 the father took his family and such of his property as he could transport and set out for Georgia, making the long journey in mule wagons. With the train were a dog and a colt which belonged to the little lad, A. C, and in crossing the Savannah river both fell into the stream. To the great joy of their young owner, after con siderable effort, they were both rescued, but it is not surprising that the circum stance made a deep impression upon his childish mind. The settlement was made in Coweta county in the woods, where, while their cabins were building", they stretched a tent for shelter. Here the wolves were so numerous that they frightened the stock and even the dogs were driven under the tent for safety. During the first year, while clearing up his farm, Mr. RusseH was obliged to go thirty miles for com to feed his stock. Amid the varied scenes of this pioneer life, with only such opportunities of learning as were commonly found in the little log school- houses of that period, young Russell grew to manhood. In 1862 he enlisted with Capt. Gabbett, under Col. Stovall, but his company was chiefly engaged in the manufacture of saltpetre, and Mr. Russell, desiring to be engaged in more active service, proposed exchanging into a cavalry company; his captain, however, calling him a fool for wishing to go into the danger at the front, persuaded him to remain with his company, which he did until the close of the war. At one time when a raid of the Federal soldiers was expected, there being considerable of a panic among the troops, Mr. Russell was brevetted captain, but the Federals did not make their appearance. After the war he returned to his home in Coweta county, where his thoughtful wife had been busy during his absence and with the little she had been able to save from her own earnings, had made a new beginning; year by year he added to his wealth and has become one of the most influential and well-to-do citizens of the county. He at one time owned 500 acres of well-improved land, but in 1892 he retired from the farm and moved to Turin. In 1856 he married Miss Rebecca C. Parks, daughter of Joseph Parks, whose parents were natives of South Carolina, where she also was born in 1828, but they removed thence to Meriwether county, Ga., in 1832. They were members of the Presby terian church, as also their daughter,^ Mrs. RusseH, and her husband. Airs. Russell died in AprH, 1891, leaving four children: Ella C, wife of Loson Carmichael; Alary, wife of Payson Watley; Sarah A. and Walter C. Mr. Russell was for some time a member of the Sons of Temperance. In spite of early disadvantages he 55^ MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. has carved out for himself a name and a place in the world. He and his family de servedly stand high in the community. \A/ W. SASSER, one of the leading men of Coweta county, is of the hardy * pioneer stock, to which many of the state's most valuable citizens belong. His grandfather, John Sasser, a native of England, came to America prior to the revolution and took part in that heroic struggle for liberty. His son WHliam was a soldier in the war of 1812. During this war, on one occasion he and a com rade quarreled and to punish them their officers compeHed them to undress, smear themselves all over with grease and fight it out They then made friends and the episode was a lesson to them both. WiHiam Sasser married Elizabeth Beverly, like himself a native of Laurens district, S. C, and in 1818, with her and their two chil dren, set out for Georgia. Their vehicle was a dump-cart, and in this comfortless -conveyance they made their toilsome way over rough roads and by-paths, and -often through an almost trackless wilderness to their destination. For a short time they rented a smaH cabin while Mr. Sasser was building one for himself. He completed this and began to clear up his land that fall. With his brother-in-law, who had come wtli him, he engaged in sawing lumber, using the old-fashioned whip-saw for a year. After that he was employed as an overseer. In 1825 he removed to Monroe county and with his savings bought a piece of land. On reaching his newly-purchased property he immediately began to saw the boards with which to make a shelter for his wife and five children, the land being covered with the heavy forest which at that time constituted the wealth of central Georgia. After six years on this site, during which time (Feb. 7, 1829) his son, W. W. Sasser, was born, Mr. Sasser moved to Meriwether county, Ga., where he again settled in the woods and in this place he dwelt until his death. He and his wife were consistent members of the Baptist church. In this home, amid such surroundings, W. W. Sasser was reared, attending school in the old log school-house which alone could be found in country districts at that time. The seats were of split slabs, the chimney of sticks and dirt, the fireplace six or seven feet wide, the roof tied on. William Sasser at his death turned all his property over into the hands of his son, W. W. Sasser, with the request that he rear and keep the family, and properly school them and otherwise care for them, and this he has faithfully done. During three years of the war he was running a mail route and did not do much flghting; during the last of the war he was one of Joe Brown's favorites. Air. Sasser is a royal arch Mason. For seven years he was county commissioner for Coweta county, and then on account of iH health was compelled to resign. He is greatly liked and thoroughly respected by all who know him. On Alav 14, 1857, he married Keziah Boyd, daughter of Alilton and Jane (Douglass) Boyd, both natives of South Carolina, who settled in Aleriwether county, near GreeneviHe, about the year 1836. Mr. Boyd was a soldier in the war of 1812. The daughter, now Mrs. Sasser, was bom in South CaroHna and was but two }'ears old at the time of the removal of her parents to Georgia. Mr. and Airs. Sasser have been blessed with a family of eight children, of whom seven are now living: Charles P.. Alilton, J. A., Hugh, B. Edward, Lula and Eunice. John was the name of the son who died. Mr. and Mrs. Sasser are faithful and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal church and so, likewise, are all their children. J-J ENRY T. SPIORES, a prosperous farmer and native of Coweta county, was born in 1842, his parents, Daniel and Ehzabeth (Kilgore) Shores, being also natives of the state of which his grandparents on both sides were among the pioneer settiers. Iiis paternal granclparents, Planner and Nancy (Dorman) Shores, COWETA COUNTY SKETCH i:?]S. 553 were natives of Maryland and settlers of Putnam county, Ga., while his mother's parents, John and Priscilla (Wood) Kilgore, were born in Pennsylvania. Daniel Shores settled in Coweta county after the death of his father, and here his son Henry was reared with but limited educational advantages, having attended school only four weeks in all. In July, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Eighth Georgia regiment, under Capt. Howard, upon whose death Capt. Malone was put in com mand. Mr. Shores took an active part in many of the fiercest engagements ol the war. He was in the second battle of Manassas; in that seven days of almost continuous conflict that culminated in the furious struggle of Malvern HHl, scenes the like of which "had never before been enacted on the American continent;" he fought along the Rappahannock, and at Spottsylvania court-house; he was all through the Wilderness campaign, and in the fiercest and most bloody battles, or series of battles, of the war, the fierce strife at Gettysburg, when more than 50,000 brave men were numbered among the killed, wounded or missing. Mr. Shores was wounded by a shell in the abdomen, from the results of which injury he has been a sufferer all his life, and obliged to wear a truss. He was at Charleston for about four months, but as soon as sufficiently recovered returned to his regiment, then at Chattanooga, with which he remained until the close of the war. He was present at the surrender of Appomattox, and then set out for home, walking more 'than half the way. On reaching home he began work, receiving $8 per month for the first five months; his second employer was I)r. Reese. In 1867 he had saved enough to purchase a mule, by the aid of which he began farming for himself. Thus he continued by industry and close economy to gather wealth, and is now the owner of a fine farm of 800 acres in a good state of cultivation, and is one of Coweta county's most valued and beloved citizens. His wife, whom he married in February, 1868, was Miss Della Latimore, born in Oglethorpe county in 1846, and the daughter of Thomas and Ehzabeth (Jordan) Latimore. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Air. and Mrs. Shores have two daughters, Leila and Lillie T. The former is the wife of Jack Croley, and they have two children. Forest G., and an infant ^APT. JOHN D. SIMMS, one of the pioneers of Coweta county, was born in December, 1830. His parents, John and Comfort M. (Grace) Simms, were natives of North CaroHna. His father was born in 1780, coming in 1788 to Han cock county with his parents, Robert and Sarah (Dickinson) Simms, both natives of North Carolina. The mother of John D. Simms was a daughter of Joshua Grace. The family came to Coweta county in 1828, settling in the midst of the forest and clearing up a farm, suffering meanwhile the many trials and hardships common to the -lot of pioneers. His education was obtained under many disad vantages in the old log schoolhouse. On reaching manhood he showed himself worthy of the esteem in which he has constantly been held. He had been elected justice of the peace and his commission had just been received at the outbreak of the war, and at the same time he received a commission from Gov. Brown as captain of the militia, which would have kept him out of the service. But this did not suit his ardent temperament, and in 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Six teenth Georgia battahon of cavalry. He himself organized this company and went out as its captain, serving in this positon throughout the war. His first service was thirty days under Gen. John A. Morgan in Kentucky, and after this under Gen. Early, through Virginia to Washington City, in which service he per formed a great deal of detached duty. After the war Capt. Simms returned to Coweta county and engaged in farming, which he has carried on ever since. In 1877 he was elected to the legislature, it being the first legislature convened 554 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA after the constitutional convention, and served three years. He has served also as county commissioner four years. His wife, a native of Heard county, Ga., was Miss Louisa Hanson, daughter of Thomas K. and Gracie (Mosely) Hanson. Her father was the son of Thomas and Sarah (Boswell) Hanson, and was born in Morgan county, Ga., in 1799. The marriage of Captain and Airs. Simms was solemnized in 1848, and the union has been blessed with three children: Ellen A., wife of Asbury H. Arnold; Fannie L., wife of H. M. Arnold, and John H. Capt. Simms and wife are honored members of the Baptist church, and the family is among the best and most respected in the county of Coweta, where they have the regard of all who know them. D EV. DR. JAAIES STACY, LL. D., one of the prominent Presbyterian ministers of the state of Georgia, was born June 2, 1830. His father, John W. Stacy, was a son of John Stacy, who was a native of Wales, and joined the Puritan colony which came to Georgia from South CaroHna, and was united in marriage to a Puritan girl. Rev. Dr. James Stacy was reared in Liberty county and received his first religious instructions at the old Midway church, which is supposed to be one of the oldest churches in Georgia. In this church John Stacy, Rev. Stacy's grandfather, was a deacon in 1809, and Ezra Stacy, an uncle, was deacon in 1838. This church has a great history. The first church was organized in 1754, but the building was destroyed by fire in 1778 by a body of men under Col. Prevost At the close of the revolution it was rebuilt on the same site, and in 1785 was enlarged and so stood until 1792, when the present church was erected. Rev. Stacy had the preHminary advantage of a good common-school education, and at the age of seventeen entered Oglethorpe university, near Milledgeville, where he was graduated two years later. He then entered the Theological sem inary at Columbia, S. C, and graduated in three years, having had conferred upon him the degree of LL. D. He immediately entered upon his work, devoting his entire time and energy to it, until now he is one of the leading ministers of the state, and, strange to say, he is the only one of the Stacy name to enter the ministry, although the whole family were devoted Christians. He has been stated clerk of the presbytery since 1866, and stated clerk of the synod of Georgia since 1876, succeeding the venerable John W. Wilson, D. D. In 1877 a $200 prize, which was offered by William A. Moore, of Atlanta, for the best essay on the holy Sabbath, was gained by Rev. Stacy, although there were over 200 contestants. He has been married twice. His first wife lived only a few years, and in 1867 he married Mrs. Kendrick, widow of Maj. Kendrick. She is a daughter of Thomas M. Jones of Newnan. Rev. Stacy is reputed to be the best educated man in this part of Georgia, and is held in the highest regard by all who know him. He has now been in charge of the Newnan church for thirty-seven years. JOHN D. STAFFORD, a prosperous farmer of Coweta county, is also of the pioneer stock of the state. His grandparents, Anderson and Henrietta (Weath- erly) Stafford, were natives of Virginia, who after some years' residence in South Carolina, settled in Pike county, Ga., in 1826, and cleared up a farm in the midst of the forest wilderness, which was their home for the remainder of their lives. Mr. Stafford had been a soldier in the war of 1812.. He and his wife were among the early Methodists of this section. It is difficult to realize the many privations endured by these early settlers, or the numerous economies they were forced to practice. Shoes in those days were so costly and difficult to procure that it was customary to go barefooted the greater part of the time, and even on the Sabbath the shoes were carried in the hands until the church was nearly reached, when COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 555 they were put on and worn through service, and until at a little distance from the church, when they were taken off and carried home again. Ellis Stafford, the son of Anderson, was born in North Carolina in 1809, and accompanied his parents through the vicissitudes of their pioneer life, and at length married Miss Anna Lovejoy, who was the daughter of Eleazar and Mary (Pennington) Love joy, natives of Virginia. Mr. Lovejoy was the son of Edward and Jemima (Alobley) Lovejoy, the former a native of Maryland. Eleazar was born in 1779, and about 1794 accompanied his parents to Georgia, where, after a few years' residence among the woods of Jackson county, they moved to Jasper county. In 1803 he married in what is now Jackson county, and served his country in the war of 1812. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. John D. Stafford, the son of Ellis, was born in 1842, and, having received a good common school education, in 1861 entered the state troops under Capt. Milton Tucker. After six months in this service he enlisted under Capt. Tucker, in Company K, Fifty-fifth Georgia regiment He was not engaged in any of the regular battles of the war, but was in many skirmishes; he served to the end of the war, for fifteen months as guard at Andersonville. The war being ended, he returned to Coweta county, and in November, 1865, married Miss Lizzie Head. This lady was born in Morgan county, Ga., and is the daughter of James and Nancy (Jackson) Head, both natives of Georgia. Mr. Head was born in 1796, and spent his boyhood on the farm, and fought in the war of 1812. Flis parents, James and Elizabeth J. (Powell) Head, Virginians, had settled in Elbert county, Ga., about 1793, the former having fought in the revolutionary war. Mr. and Airs. Stafford are both faithful and consistent members of the Methodist Epis copal church. Their union has been blessed with eight children: Emma, Edwin 'j., Paul, Lamar, Fannie May, Louise, Anna L. and Claude. Mr. Stafford began life for himself empty-handed, but has made a success of his work, his farm being very valuable. He devotes some thirty acres to the culture of grapes, which he has made profitable. He is one of the best farmers and leading men of Coweta county.'U/ ILLIAM T. STALLINGS, a prominent citizen of Coweta county, is the grandson of Pelasiah and Mary (Edwards) Stallings, natives of Virginia, who settled in the Georgia wilderness at an early day, and reduced a part of it to cultivation. They had brought with them a little son, Alalachi, born in 1805, who afterward married Miss Martha Crawley, and became the father of William T. The latter was born in Morgan county, Ga., in 1833, and grew up on the farm, making the best of such educational opportunities as were afforded him, albeit for some years only those to be found in a log school house, with dirt floor, mud and stick chimney and puncheon seats. After coming of age by hard work and close economy he saved enough money to pay his way at school four years. One year he attended school at Madison, Ga., one year in Fayetteville, Ga., and then at Bowdon college, CarroH county. After this he taught three years and a half, until the outbreak of the war, when, in 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Nine teenth Georgia regiment, under Capt J. D. Hunter. He went as orderly-sergeant, but was soon promoted to a lieutenancy, and before long was made first lieuten ant, from which time he really commanded the regiment most of the time, as the captain was sick at home. Lieut StalHngs was engaged in several very hard- fought battles, among them Occoquon, fourteen miles from the city of Washing ton, the second battle of Manassas, and all the principal battles of the Virginia campaign. He was once wounded, being shot through the thigh on the Dec. 113, 1862, by which wound he was laid up some time. At the close of the war 556 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Mr Stallings came to Coweta county, and having but fifty cents with which to start life, began the labor of accumulation which has made him at the present time one of the largest land-holders and wealthiest citizens of his section. His first occupation was teaching, which he pursued for two years in Coweta county and one year in Fayetteville. After this he turned to farming", to which calhng he has ever since devoted himself, and by prudence and industry has become the pro prietor of a fine farm of 2,200 acres of good land, well improved, and with a pleasant home, a frame dwelling of two stories. Mr. Stallings was elected to the legislature in 1882, serving two years. In 1866 he married Miss Nancy S. Free man, whose parents, Henry and Nancy (Moody) Freeman, were among the early settlers of Coweta county, where the daughter was born and reared. Mrs. Stall ings is a member of the Baptist church. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stallings, one of whom is dead: W. L. is a graduate of the university of Georgia, Athens, and is now a practicing attorney in Newnan. The next son is T. O. The daughters, LiHian and Mattie, the latter of whom is dead, were graduates of Wesleyan Female college at Alacon. Another daughter, Inez, is now attending college at La Grange. The remaining children are Earnest L., Wade H., Pink, Charles R., Elgin and a babe unnamed. Mr. StalHngs is one of the leading citizens of Coweta county, where he and his family are deservedly widely known and esteemed. J~)R. J. P. TAYLOR, a prominent physician of Coweta county, is a South Caro linian by birth, born in Lexington county, July 26, 1826. His father, WHliam Taylor, also a South Carolinian, was a son of AVilliam and Catherine (Price) Tay lor, the former a soldier cf the revolution who served under Col. Washington and was badly wounded in the battle of Eutaw Springs ; he was a Virginian who moved to South CaroHna and afterward went to Tennessee. Dr. Taylor's mother, Rebecca (Corley) Taylor, was the daughter of Lawrence and Barbara (Derrick) Corley, natives of South Carolina, in which state she too was born. In 1839, W^illiam Taylor with his wife and family moved to Georgia and settled upon a farm. His son, now Dr. Taylor, passed here his later boyhood, receiving a part of his education in the old log cabin school house of the district, but afterward attended more advanced schools; having received a good general education, he applied himself to the study of medicine under Dr. Enlow, of Aleriwether county: later he pursued his study of medicine in the Southern medical college, of Augusta, Ga., from which he received his degree in 1850. He at once located for the practice of his profession at Haralson, and has devoted himself to it with that assiduity that always brings success. His practice is very extensive and lucrative, as his fine education, long experience and his faithfulness and skill would naturally bring to pass ; and he holds a high position in the regard of all who know him. He is a well-known member of the masonic fraternity. He married in 1853, his wife being Aliss Rebecca Hodnett, born in Newton county in 1831, and reared at \Miite Sulphur Springs. Her parents, John and Elizabeth (Tignor) Hednett, were among the pioneers of Newton county, and Air. Hodnett was a soldier in the war of 1812. The union of Dr. Taylor and his wife was blessed with four children, the eldest, R. H., is following- his father's honored example, and practicing the pro fession of medicine. The other members of this well-known and esteemed family are "William H., Mary R., and Sarah P. Airs. Taylor died in Alarch 17, 1890. "VyiLLIAM TAYLOR, one of Georgia's pioneers, was of German ancestry, his two grandfathers, William Taylor and Jacob Price, -being both natives of that country; the latter came to America in his boyhood, and settled in South COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. ccj Carolina, where he died in 1804; he was in many ways a remarkable man — especially given to reading, and delighted in the study of the Scripture ; his death was extremely sudden, and his last earthly action was the perusal of the sacred page — while reading which he suddenly fell forward upon the fire, and was so badly burned that death ensued. Flis grandson, WilHam Taylor, had in his possession the Bible which the aged man had been reading at the moment of his sudden demise. Air Taylor's parents were William and Catherine (Price) Taylor; the father, who served in the war of the revolution in which he was severely wounded in the thigh, was born in Virginia but settied in South Carolina, after ward removing to Tennessee. The youngest son, William, was born in South CaroHna in 1801, and here spent the years of his youth and early manhood, with such privHeges of education as the country schools of his day could afford. He was thirty-eight years of age when he removed to Georgia, where he remained during life, and lived to be one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Coweta county. He was a member of the masonic fraternity. In 1819, Air. Taylor mar ried Rebecca Corley, a daughter of Lawrence and Barbara (Derrick) Corley, of South Carolina, where Mrs. Taylor was born in 1800. Ten children were the off spring of this union: Eliza (deceased); Louisa, Mrs. Sibley; Mary, Mrs. Hardi- son ; Dr. J. P. ; Julia, Mrs. Peary (deceased) ; Jane, Mrs. Hodnett (deceased) ; Dr. J . W. ; Col. R. P., killed in the late war ; Rebecca, Airs. Franck ; and W. L. Airs. Taylor also died in 1863, and in 1864 Mr Taylor married Miss Alary Hodnett, who was born in Troupe county, Ga., in 1832, and was a daughter of William and Caroline (Findley) Hodnett, Virginians, who came to Georgia in the early days; Mr. Hodnett was a soldier in the war of 1812. This union was .blessed with seven children: Thomas, George (deceased), Carrie, Benjamin, Henry, John and Louis. Mr and Mrs. Taylor are members of the Lutheran church, and the family is one widely known and esteemed. Wm. Taylor died March 31, 18^5, wanting one week of being ninety-four years of age. Y H. THOMPSON, a leading citizen and prominent merchant of Newnan, Coweta county, is a native of Georgia, and was born September 13, 1833. He is the son of Thomas and Rebecca (Smith) Thompson, who were also natives of the state, and is grandson of Charles Thompson, a South Carolinian, who, during the revolutionary war was with Gen. Francis Alarion, the intrepid hero known as the "Swamp Fox." At an early period, with the courage born of that heroic age, Charles Thompson came to the wilds of Georgia, and settled in the woods among the Indians and cleared up a farm. Here, in 1809, his son Thomas was born, who also endured aH the hardships and privations attendant upon a pioneer life, from which he was removed by death at the eaily age of twenty-seven, at which time his son, Y. H. Thompson, was but three years old. When the boy was but thirteen his mother also died, and he was left to carve out for himself a name and a fortune. He had attended school but very little, and now entered the shop of a cabinet maker to learn the trade, working there about six years, attending school about six months of that time; but the fact is that by assiduous effort he learned more out of school than ever in school. In 1854 he came to Newnan and worked at his trade until the opening of the war, when he enHsted, in 1861, in Company A, First regiment Georgia volunteers, his comipany being mustered into service March 18, 1861. This was the only regiment ever mustered out of the service of the southern Confederacy, being mustered out but a few days before the Conscript Act took effect. It however, at once formed the Twelfth battalion, Georgia artiHery, and in this arm of the service Mr. Thompson served with signal bravery until the sur render at Appomattox, being engaged in many hard-fought batties. In the battle 558 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of Monocacy, when Gen. Evans wa^ shot, Y. H. Thompson, with his brother James and two others carried the wounded general across the Monocacy river. On enter ing the army. Air. Thompson was chosen band-leader, but although he performed this duty with enthusiasm all through the war he was always ready to fight when the time came. Air. Thompson returned to Newnan at the close of the war, and began to work at his trade, but the country here as elsewhere was in such an unset tled condition that he and his brother James went twelve miles away to help build a mill, and were obliged to take their wages in something to eat. They received plenty of meat and cornmeal and so were more fortunate than many in those hard times. In 1866, the brothers engaged in a small way in the furniture business until now they have an extensive and profitable trade in furniture and undertakers' goods, of which they carry a large stock. They are regarded as among the best citizens, and are universally esteemed. Mr. Y. H. Thompson is a Alason of the council degree, now high priest, an Odd Fellow, having passed through the chairs, and also a member of the Red Alen. He has served as an alderman of Newnan, where he is highly respected as a man of earnest purpose and strict integrity. He and his wife are faithful and beloved members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Airs. Thompson was Aliss Martha Edwards, daughter of Lemuel and Susan (Cole) Edwards, and is a native and life-long resident of Coweta county. They were married in 1859, and have one child, Thomas M. Thompson. James Thompson is a brother of Y. H. Thompson and his partner in the furniture business. He was bom in Clarke county, Ga., in 183 1, and owing to early orphanage was denied the privilege of more than a very limited education. His history to a great extent is identical with that of his brother. His apprentice ship in Decatur, Ga., began in 1845, a year before that of his brother, and lasted seven years. He also enlisted in Company A of the First Georgia regiment, and served with his brother throughout the war. Since then their business interests have been united. Mr. Thompson is a royal arch Alason. For two years he served on the city board of aldermen, and for four years on the board of education, and is highly regarded as one of the most influential citizens of the county. His marriage occurred in 1852, his wife. Miss Lucinda Shumate, being the daughter of Barryman and Thirza (Farrer) Shumate. They have six children: Barryman, Emma, Young, Effie, Jimmie L., and Birdie. Mr. Thompson and his family are all devoted and worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal church. QHESTER THOMPSON, JR., an honest and industrious young farmer of Coweta county, was born in Henry county, Ga., in 185 1. His father, Chester Thompson, was the son of a revolutionary soldier, and was born in Jasper county, Ga., and himself volunteered in the late war, but was rejected. This man married Miss Mary Ann Hudgens, daughter of WHliam and Mai'tha Hudgens, Virginians by birth, the father being a soldier of the revolution. The young Chester Thomp son was reared in Heard county, and had no school privileges, his parents need ing his care and support, and his life has been full of arduous toH. In 1880 he married Melissa Story, who was born and reared in Pike county, and whose parents, James and Martha Story, are also Georgians by birth. Mrs. Thompson is a faithful member of the Baptist church. To her and her husband three children have been given, of whom but two are living: Mattie Pearl and Jessie. JAMES B. WALKER is the grandson of Solomon Walker, a North Carolinian, and the son of Samuel Walker, who was born in South Carolina, as was also his wife, Mary Carmichael, whom he married in that state. In 1832 he, Samuel Walker, came on horseback to Coweta county to select a site for a home, and COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 559 in 1835 he brought his family and settled in district No. 2. Here he opened up a farm and devoted himself to its cultivation. He had in the beginning but little substance save pluck and indomitable courage and persistence, but these were quite sufficient to conquer the difficulties of his lot and to render him a man of standing and considerable property. He was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and attained the age of seventy-five years. His wife was the daughter of Arthur and Fannie (Bell) Carmichael, both natives of Sout'n Carolina, and the granddaughter of WilHam Carmichael, who came to this country from Ireland and served during the revolutionary war, in which he was wounded. James B. Walker was born in Coweta county in 1845 and reared upon the wood land farm, with the limited educational facilities of that time and place. In 1861 he enHsted under Capt. Sanders Lee, in Conipany A, Seventh Georgia regiment. He had enlisted for a year, but when the time expired and his discharge was received he immediately re-enhsted, this time in Company K, of the First Georgia cavalry. He was in the battles of Yorktown, the seven days' fight at Richmond, Va., and he was wounded at the battle of Sunshine church, Ga., at the time his brigade captured Gen. Stoneman. This necessitated a stay of three months in the hospital. After having recovered he returned to his company and remained to the end - of the war, holding the office of first sergeant, and at times com manding the company, which was among the forces under Gen. Johnston. Upon his return home he found his father so affected in mind by the loss of all his slaves as the result of the war, and the great depreciation of his property, that the young man was compelled to take charge of his estate. In his management of this, as of all affairs which came into his hands, his diligence in the discharge of duty, his faithfulness .to every trust were constantly manifested. He has won for himself valuable property and an assured position in society. In 1866 he married Miss Almeta P. Shell, who was born and reared in Coweta county, and whose parents, William B. and Nancy (Nance) Shell, were natives of South Car oHna, and about" 1836 came to s.ettle in Coweta county. Mr. SheH was a delegate to the secession convention, and has retained the pen with which he signed those declarations. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have been blessed with seven children : Agnes May, John R., Wilbur M., Kate M., Lizzie S., Roland B., and WilHam C. The parents are faithful members of the Alethodist Episcopal church, and hold an honorable position in the community. r^ALOWAY M. WEBB, one of the prosperous farmers of this county, belongs to one of the pioneer famihes of the state, to which his grandparents, BurreH J. and Lou J. (Spear) Webb, natives of Virginia, came before the opening of the century. Mr "Webb was a soldier in the war of 1812. His son and namesake, Burrell J. Webb, Jr., was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1804. On reaching man hood he married his cousin. Miss Mary E. Webb, and set out with his possessions in a little ox-cart to found a home for himself. He settled near Newnan, Coweta Co., and cleared up a farm, living in a tent while he built his littie log cabin home. Here, Nov. 12, 1835, the son Caloway M., was born, and here he passed his early years with such opportunities for education as he could obtain. His first teacher, in the little log hut with its bare interior which served as a school- house, was WiHiam Porch, the second Mamie Barnes, and the third WilHam Allen. In 1861 Mr. Webb enlisted, serving through the war, being engaged in various hard batties and many skirmishes, among the former being the battles of Chickamauga and the siege of Atlanta. On returning from the war he found himself penniless and with a family of young children dependent on him. Mr Webb was not dismayed, however, but with courage and vigor has pushed his 56o MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. way, gaining year by year, adding not to his riches alone, but to his influence- He has a fine farm of 550 acres, and his children have all been well educated. He has six of these: Fannie, Mary, Nancy, Sophronia I., Leander B. and Reuben. His son Leander has taken the degree of M. D. and is now in successful practice at Corinth. Mr. Webb's wife, whom he married in 1854, was Miss Sophia Evans, the daughter of William and Rachel (Cotton) Evans. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Webb is a member of the Masotiic fraternity, and is one of the best and most worthy citizens of Coweta county. JOHN B. WILCOXON, son of Levi and Lena (Griggs) WHcoxon, was born in Hancock county, Ga., in 1823. His father was a native of South Carolina and came to Georgia in 1819, settling in Hancock county. Here he remained until 1830, when he came to Newnan, where he followed farming in connection with milling. He was elected judge of the inferior court of Coweta county eight or ten years. He and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal church. John B. Wilcoxon came with his grandparents to Coweta county one year before his parents' arrival. He attended school in a pine log schoolhouse with a dirt floor and a log cut out for a window and a large, old-fashioned fireplace, a stick chimney and puncheon seats. After he became a man he rode five miles every day from his father's home to Newnan and attended school. Then for two years he assisted his father, at the end of which time he came to Newnan and began the study of law with Charles McKinley, and in 1848 was admitted to the bar. He kept his office open at Newnan and did a good practice until the war came on, when, in 1861, he made up a company known as the Coweta rangers, furnished horses for some of the men, and went to Camp McDonald. He was made captain Of the company, which went from McDonald to Lynchburg, and from there to western Virginia. In 1861, before going into regular service, when the Phillips legion was formed, he was made a major of cavalry. He was taken sick after a short time in Soutli CaroHna, and was discharged in 1862 and came home, but after he regained his health he raised another regiment of ten com panies, which was called "Joe Brown's pets," and served one year, the term of enlistment. He was a great help to the Confederacy during the war, after which 'his father-in-law helped him to start at farming; he was very prosperous from the start and now owns 2,900 acres of good land in Coweta co'unty, which are well improved, with a brick dwelling within the corporate limits of Newnan. In 1852 he was elected as state senator of Coweta county and served one session. At the time when Tom Hardeman was speaker of the house he served one session of two years as representative of Coweta county and since that time has given his entire attention to farming. In 1850 he was married to Mary West, daughter of Rev. John Q. West, of Wilkes county, Ga., to which union four children were liorn, two of whom are living: John W. and Hattie (Mrs. J. P. Jones). Mrs. Wil coxon died in 1857, and in 1861 Mr. Wilcoxon married Alary H. Cleveland, daugh ter of Aaron Cleveland. To them two children have been bom, one of whom is still living: Cleveland Wilcoxon, a prominent lawyer of Atlanta. Airs. Wil coxon is a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Wilcoxon is now one of Coweta county's best and wealthiest citizens. A LBERT R. WOOD, the leading coal and wood merchant of Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga.; was born in 1843, his parents being William and Elizabeth (Brown) Wood. His father, son of John and Elizabeth (Nail) Wood, was born in Laurens district, S. C, removing to Georgia in the year 1833. He was a farmer and a harness-maker by trade. His father, the grandfather of A. R. Wood (son of Samuel COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 561 Wood, a native of Ireland, who came to America at a very early date), was born in North Carolina. He lost his life while constructing a miH. He was carrying up one of the corners of it, when he lost his balance and fell. A. R. Wood was reared in Newnan from chHdhood, receiving a common school education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, First Georgia regiment, under Gen. Clement A. Evans, and was with this conipany, which has the honor of being the company which fired the first shot at Laurel Hill, in aH its engagements. He was wounded in the thigh at Ream's station, which caused him to be at the hospital for about two months, during which time Gen. KHpatrick very nearly captured Richmond; and before he was well he went out on the breastworks, and, being sergeant, and no commissioned officer being present, he took charge of the men and repulsed the attack. After serving out his first enlistment, he immediately re-enlisted in the Twelfth Georgia battalion, serving until the close of the war. He was at the surrender, but he and a friend, Sam Echols, succeeded in making their escape by taking possession of two horses, which were attached to an ambulance wagon and riding them down through South Carolina, avoiding the Yankees and finally reach ing home in safety. After the war he began farming, which he continued a few years. In 1867 he was elected marshal of Newnan, serving one year. In 1869 he married Georgia Snelling, daughter of Robert J. and Mary (Canaday) Snelling, to whom were born nine children : Thomas, Willie R., Jennie L., Jessie, Andrew H., NelHe, Anna, Ehzabeth, and Georgia C. Mrs. Wood was born and reared in Georgia, and both she and her husband are -members of the M. E. church. After his marriage, Mr. Wood removed to Richmond, Ga., where he was engaged in mercantile business for three years, then he removed to Coweta county, where he continued in the same occupation one year. He then went back to his farm, where he remained until 1890, when he opened a large coal and wood yard. Mr. Wood is a member of the masonic fratemity. t> OBERT H. WOODS, one of Coweta county's leading citizens, is the grandson of Robert Woods, a native of Ireland, who came to America and became one of the first settlers of Aladison county, Ga., about the year 1800. His son, Francis A., married Phoebe Wood, like himself a native of Madison county, and to them on Christmas day, 1827, was bom Robert H. The father was a soldier in the Indian war of 1836. Robert was born and reared in Pike county, and owing to the limited opportunities of those days and the early death of his father, when he was but nine years of age, received only such an education as could be obtained in the old log school house of that time, prior to his father's death. After this event the brave lad worked not only to obtain his own living, but to aid in the support of the family. The courage displayed in boyhood continued to develop, and ere he reached manhood's estate, upon the declaration of war with Mexico, he was one of those who, with patriotic ardor, rushed to arms, enlisting on June 10, 1846, in the regiment commanded by Col. Henry R. Jackson, of Savannah, Ga. He was inthe company of Capt H. J. Sargent, who with himself are the only members of the company now living in Coweta county. These troops were among the forces landed by Gen. Scott on March 9, 1847, at Vera Cruz, and among the exploits of that famous investm.ent this company not only bravely bore its own part but has the credit of doing more' hard marching than any other. In recognition of his service to his country in those momentous days, Mr. Woods draws a pension from the United States government. In 1849, oi"^ Dec. 22, Mr. Woods was married to Miss Alary E. Brooks, a native of Pike county, the daughter of Flillary and Nancy (Anderson) Brooks, and they have two chHdren: Hillary A. and John C. Upon the outbreak of the war, Mr. R. H. Woods enlisted as a private in 1-36 5U2 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Company I, of Col. Neeley's regiment but was soon elected lieutenant. Having served in this position for six months he formed another conipany, of which he was made captain, and later a second conipany was organized through his efforts. He was engaged in several very hard battles as that before Richmond, and was in command of the company at the battle of Alalvern Hill, during the terrible four days and nights of the Wilderness, at Sharpsburg, Gettysburg and KnoxviHe, and also in many skirmishes. He was with Gen. Lee when this great chieftain sur rendered at Appomattox, being then in command of the Fifty-third Georgia regi ment. Mr. Woods was also in command of the last line ever formed by Gen. Lee, being the Celand line, ordered to charge a Yankee battery on the morning of the surrender. On Alay 6, Capt. Woods paroled his men, seventy-five being left of his regiment, the others having been killed, wounded or captured. After the war he returned to Coweta county and began farming; although his means in the begin ning were but small, his prudence and diligence in the management of his affairs increased his business and now he is very well to do, one of the best and most respected of the citizens of Coweta county. "\A/ ILLIAM J. WOOD is a son of Jordan Wood, whose father, a Baptist min ister, was by birth a Sout'n Carolinian. Early left an orphan he came to Georgia in 1811, and cleared up a small farm in the woods. After a time he sold this and nioved to Flat Rock, Ala., where he spent the remainder of his life. His son Jordan was born in Georgia, Alonroe county, Nov. 7, 1821; he was reared upon the farm and received a good common school education, after which he taught three or four years. By his own energy and perseverance he made his way in the world and acquired quite a fortune. During the war he was in the state militia, and carried on a blacksmith shop, doing all work without charge. His wife. Miss Emily Clegg, was born in Coweta county, and is of an old pioneer family. Their son, WHliam J. Wood, was born in Alabama, in 1854, and reared upon the farm with very limited educational privileges. When he reached man hood his father gave him $125, and with this he engaged in an evaporator; little bv little he has accumulated until he is now worth a considerable property. He has one of the best farms in the county, is also engaged in mercantile business in Sharpsburg, and is a stockholder in the Sharpsburg ginnery. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and one of Coweta's most respected citizens. His wife bore the maiden name of Lovida F. Neeley, is a daughter of D. C. and Amanda (Car penter) Neeley, and was bom in Carroll county, Ga., July 4, 1859. ^^i"- and Mrs. Wood are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Their union has been blessed with nine chHdren: Ola B., born Aug. 13, 1877; Thomas H., born Jan. 21, 1879; Leonard E., born Sept. 27, 1881; Erma Alay, born Alarch 26, 1883; Robert A., born Dec. 23, 1884; Ina R., born Dec. 30, 1886; William J., Jr, born April 15, 1889; Hubert G., born Feb. 17, 1892; Love, .born March i, 1894. "\A/ ILLIAM S. WOODS belongs to a family of the early settlers of the state, and is the grandson of a revolutionary soldier, Samuel Woods, who came to Georgia in the latter part of the last century, and settled in what is now Morgan county, where he engaged in trade, and where, in 1817, his son "William was born. In 1836, he came to Coweta county and after marriage, settled on the farm stHl owned by his son, who occupies the same log house. The wife of William Woods was a daughter of Stephen and Jane (Davis) Woods, who were pioneers of the county of Coweta, the father also having served in the war of 181 2. William S. Woods was born on this farm in May, 1845, and here grew to manhood, with the scanty school privHeges of that period. In 1862, he enlisted in Conipany C, COWETA COUNTY SKETCHES. 563 Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment, under Capt. Rollings, and served throughout the war; the young man was in many important battles: Missionary Ridge, Tunnel Hill, Chickamauga, New Hope, Resaca, and all the way with Gen. Johnston to Atlanta, in which fight he also took part. He returned to his farm in Coweta county at the close of the war, where he has ever since remained. He at first began farming on shares, having no means of his own, but he devoted himself to his work with a zeal that must needs win success, and he is now quite prosperous, owning some 600 acres of good land in excellent condition, and stands well in the estimation of all who know him. In 1871, Mr. Woods was married to Miss Eliza Pittman, daughter of Isaac H. and Alary (Waites) Pittman. By this union he had three children: Ola, -William and Laudon. Their mother was born in Heard county, in December, 1844, and died in 1883. She was a faithful and conscientious member of the Baptist church. In 1884, Air Woods married Aliss Martha J. Cleveland, who was born in Troup county, Ga., in 1847. Of their three children two are living: Samuel and Nancy E. Mrs. Woods is a member of the M. E. church. Mr. Woods is a Baptist, he and his first wife being charter members of the first church in Corinth, Heard Co., Ga. /~)BADIAH WYNN, a prominent citizen of Coweta county, was born June 29, 1842, and is a brother of Joseph H. Wynn, his grandfather being Alaj. John Wynn of revolutionary fame, and his father Judge Glen O. Wynn, for many years a central figure in the affairs of this region. Although his school privileges had been few. Judge Wynn was a great reader and kept fully abreast of the times on all of the leading questions of the day. He was a man who had the full confidence of the people for his unswerving integrity, it being said that his word was as good as his note. In 1858, when he was elected to the state senate, a large portion of the better element of the whig party supported him, although he was a stanch and uncompromising democrat, feeling that a man of his stabiliy of character might be safely trusted, and loving him for his generous friendship for the poor and, needy. During the dark days of the war many soldiers' wives and others of the needy were supported by his generous hand and it is well known that no one ever applied in vain to Judge Wynn. Plis patriotism displayed itself in the gift of two of his sons to serve in the war. His wife's father, Samuel Lumpkin, was also a revolutionary soldier, and the family is widely known as one of the worthiest in the state. Obadiah Wynn received his education in Fayetteville seminary and Newnan college, and had prepared himself to enter the state university, but the war coming on put an end to his hopes. He enlisted May, 1861, in Company A, Seventh Georgia regiment being appointed lieutenant, but after the first battle of Alanassas was promoted to the captaincy. After serving two years he was forced to resign, owing to a wound received at the battle of Malvern Hill. Besides this he was engaged in several very fierce battles: Alanassas, Yorktown, Seven Pines, Garnett's farm, and others of less note. After the war Mr. Wynn married Aliss- A. E. Ware, whose parents, George and Mildred (Sorrel) Ware, both natives of Virginia, were among the early settiers of Georgia. Mrs. Wynn's grandfather was in the revolutionary war and was present at the surrender of CornwalHs. Mrs. Wynn was born in Fayette county, Ga., and she and her husband are both mem bers of the Baptist church. Mr "Wynn is also a member of the masonic fraternity. At the close of the war Mr. Wynn, like most of the old soldiers, returned home to begin life anew, without a doHar to start with. He began farming, but also engaged in mercantile trade, and by his own efforts, with care and dHigence, has accumu lated considerable wealth, and has given his chHdren the best educational advan tages. He has one son. Glen B. Wynn, of whom any father might be proud. He 564 ' MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. is a young man of great promise and marked abihty as an amateur geologist, has one of the finest collections of minerals in all that region, and is thoroughly famHiar with the subject It is a delight to examine his beautiful specimens, and to listen to his lucid and interesting description; and it seems to afford him equal pleasure to display his collection and to explain concerning them. Mr. Wynn has three daughters: Annie, Louise and Ruby, who are typical representatives of true southern ladies, in beauty, goodness and refinement. The two elder are highly educated; the younger has not yet completed her studies. Mr. Wynn's beautiful home is elegantly fitted up and furnished, his farm is one of the best improved in the county, and he and his family deservedly stand high in the esteem of all who know them, and are leaders in the society of the county. J OSEPH H. WYNN, a prominent citizen of Coweta county, residing in Ked- ron, was born in 1844. He is a son of Glen O. Wynn, born in Oglethorpe county in 1817, whose father, John Wynn, was a revolutionary soldier, a native of Virginia. About the year 1800 the latter with his wife, Susannah (Owen) Wynn, also of Virginia, came from that state to make a home in Georgia. Their son. Glen O., had comparatively few school privileges, but by a diHgent use of such as he had he acquired a quite extensive general knowledge and was a man of broad and thoughtful mind. His wife, Miss Sarah P. Lumpkin, was a daughter of Samuel and Mary (Arnold) Lumpkin, a niece of Joseph Henry Lumpkin, and an aunt of Samuel Lumpkin, now judge. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wynn were faithful and devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1841 they came to settle in Coweta county, cleared up a farm from the dense woods, patiently "enduring the hardships of such a life. Mr. Wynn's value as a citizen was duly recognized by his neighbors and in 1856 he was elected state representative, serving two years; in 1858 he was elected to the state senate by the largest majority ever given a candidate in Coweta county. He was for some time justice of the inferior court, and was a well-known Mason. Throughout his life he was one of the most popular men in the county, universally beloved and respected. Joseph H. Wynn, having passed his boyhood on the farm, had received a common school education, and was prepared to enter coHege when the outbreak of the war disappointed his expectations. Having been a student in a military institute, in 1863 he joined a troop of recruits at Rome, Ga., and with them was ordered back to Kennesaw mountain, where they were put into regular service with proper drill and training. P"'rom this time he remained in active service until the close of the war, being with Gen. Johnston through all the famous and hardly-contested battles fought during the retreat to Atlanta before Sherman, and also in the siege of Atlanta. After the war young Wynn spent a year upon the farm, and then went to Newnan to try the mercantile business, but after a year at this he returned to the farm, where he hqs since remained. In 1870 he married Miss Sallie Arm Glass, who was born in Coweta county in 1844, and is the daughter of Glove and Lydia (May) Glass, both natives of Georgia. Both Mr. Wynn and his wife are members of the Baptist church. Of their seven children all save one are living: R. L., Ernest G., Joe H., Gordon, George and Robert E. Air. Wynn is a member of the masonic fraternity and is widely known and esteemed. 'THOMAS E. ZELLARS, a prominent business man of GrantvHle, belongs to one of the valued pioneer families of the state, to which his grandfather came more than a century ago. He, Jacob Zellars, the son of a German, served through the revolutionary war, and for many years the old gun and powder-horn he had carried through that struggle were carefully preserved in his family. In 1790 CRAWFORD COUNTY SKETCHES. 565 "he brought his wife, Barbara (Fudge) Zellars, like himself a native of Virginia^ and settled in what is now Lincoln county, Ga., a pioneer in the midst of the dense woods. Though poor in the beginning, he was able, by his own industry and prudent management, to amass a considerable fortune, and became one of the richest men of that section of the state. In 1798 his son Solomon was born and was reared on his father's farm in Lincoln county, but after his marriage he went to Newton county for a few years, removing thence, in 1849, ^° Campbell county, where he died in 1862. Though starting in life with but very little, he was able lo accumulate a considerable property; he was a successful farmer, and at one itime owned about 700 acres of good land. He and his wife were members of the Baptist church. Mrs. Zellars was Miss Emily Tatum, whose parents, John and Rebecca (Stovall) Tatum, natives of North Carolina, came at an early day to Georgia, making what is now Lincoln county their permanent home. Thomas E. Zellars, the son of Solomon and Emily Zellars, was born in Newton county in 1834. He passed his early years upon the farm with such advantages as the poorly-equipped schools of that day could give him. To read, to write and to cipher, "the three R's," were the extent of the curriculum of those backwoods schools in general, but these, being at the foundation of all knowledge, were sufficient to enable the studious young man to acquaint himself with all subjects of general interest, so that he is reckoned a man of broad mind and great intelli gence. In April, 1862, he enlisted in Company C, Nineteenth Georgia regiment, in command of Thomas C. Johnson, and was with his company in many of its engagements. He was in many battles, among them Ocean Pond (where he was wounded), Round House, Petersburg, Richmond, Fort Fisher and many others. The war left him penniless and he returned to his home to make a new start in life. Having a natural aptitude for business, he entered into part nership with William J. Garrett, on a borrowed capital of $2,000, and has been greatly prospered. Their business has steadily increased and they are now among the largest merchants in Coweta county, carrying a stock of some $10,000, doing a business of about $50,000 per annum, with an estimated working capital of $30,000, and owning land as a firm valued at $7,000 or $8,000. Mr. Zellars' individual property in GrantvHle is estimated at about $7,000. In 1869 Mr. Zellars married Miss Ella Moreland, daughter of Thomas C. and Emma (Barnett) More- land. She was born in Heard county, Ga., in 185 1, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, while Air. Zellars belongs to the Baptist church, of which he is a very useful and influential member. Mrs. ZeHars died in 1891, having been the mother of five chHdren : Jessie A., Thomas M., EHen G., Emma, and Ella E. Mr. Zellars is one of the wealthiest citizens of the county, where he is universally Hked and esteemed. He and his family deservedly hold a position of influence in the community. CRAWFORD COUNTY. JOHN I. CHAMPION, farmer, Roberta, Crawford Co., Ga., son of Thomas G. and Mary (Sandford) Champion, was born in Crawford county in 1845. His paternal grandfather was Joseph I. Champion, who was born and raised in Au gusta, Ga., whence he moved to Alabama. A few years afterward he moved thence lo Crawford county and subsequently returned to Alabama. He was a very 566 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. devoted, ardent Baptist, and a leading member of the denomination in the state. He lost all his sons in different wars — Henry and James' in the Indian war of 1836; Jefferson in the Mexican war, and Thomas G. in the late war. Mr. Champion's father was born in Alabama, whence he came to Georgia with his father when a boy. He, like his father, was a farmer by occupation. He enlisted in Company A, Benaud's battalion, and died near Savannah while in the service. Mr. Cham pion's mother was a daughter of John S. and Silvia (Spivey) Sandeford. He was born in Soutli CaroHna, and coming to Georgia, was one of the early settlers of Jefferson county. He was a farmer and fruit distiller. Mr. Champion was raised on a farm and received a very limited education. In 1863 he enlisted in Company A (Capt Joseph A. Cotton). His battahon was subsequently consoHdated with the First Georgia regulars, in which he saw some pretty hard service. He was in the battles of Olustee, Cusahassee, James Island, Silver HHls and Bentonville. He was severely wounded at Olustee and disabled from service four months. His father died during the war, and the son came out of it poor, and, being the oldest child, had his mother and her family of children to provide for. For a number of years he rented land, but in 1873 he made his first purchase, to which he has added, until now he has a 400-acre farm of good land, well improved, and a nice home. He cultivates well and is quite as prosperous and as much respected as any citizen of the county. Mr. Champion was married in 1866 to Miss Agnes L. Roberts — born in Crawford county in 1844 — daughter of James and Margaret (Stiles) Roberts. He was born in Jones county, but early in life moved to Crawford county, which continued to be his home until he died. He was a soldier during the Indian war of 1837. Of the fruits of this marriage five children are now living: Robert E., John H., Mary A., Beulah and Walter E. Mrs. Champion is a member of the Primitive Baptist church. In January, 1895, Mr Champion was unanimously elected by the citizens of his county tax collector. "W ILLIAM J. DENT, farmer, KnoxvHle, Crawford Co., Ga., son of John W. and Elizabeth (Hoy) Dent, was born in Bibb county, Ga., in 1841. His paternal grandfather was William Dent He was of Scotch-Irish descent, was born in South Carolina, and was a prosperous farmer. Mr. Dent's father was born in South Carolina, migrated thence to Tennessee, whence he came to Georgia in 1838 and settled in Bibb county. Subsequently he removed to Crawford county, where he lived the remainder of his life. His life pursuit was farming, but he served the county as a justice of the inferior court and as a justice of the peace, and was a captain of the militia when it was a coveted local distinction. Air. Dent's maternal great-grandfather, Quinton Hoy, was born in England, and came thence to Georgia in the first quarter of this century and settled in what is now Bibb county, where he made his permanent home. His maternal grand father, James Hoy, was a Bibb county pioneer, and owned land where the city of Macon now stands. Pie was a farmer and large land-owner and was a soldier in the Indian war of 1836. Mr. Dent was raised on the farm and received a country common school education. About the time he reached manhood the civil war was commenced. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K (Capt. Gibson, later Capt. WilHam Rutherford), Forty-fifth Georgia regiment, and went to the front. He participated in many battles, notably the seven days' fight around Richmond and second Manassas. After this last-named battle he was taken sick, and on his recovery was transferred to the cavalry service and fought all through the Atlanta campaign. On the close of the war he returned to his farm. Start ing in life with little or nothing he has so judiciously managed and so invested as to acquire quite a large estate and attain to honorable prominence and wide CRAWPORD COUNTY SKETCHES. 567 influence. He was county commissioner eight years, and was on the board of education nine }^ears. Air Dent was married in i860 to Aliss Jane Davis — born in 1839 — daughter of G. L. and Mary (Chambliss) Davis. He was born in Bibb county, was a farmer all his life, served in the Indian war of 1836, and lived in the county of his birth until he died. To this marriage eight children were born: Wafter B., Ida, John W., Gardner L,, Alary P., Safronia E., Sarah J., and Hoy. Airs. Dent, who was an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died in 1887. Air. Dent in 1887 contracted a second marriage with Miss Anna Dixon — born in Crawford county in 1855 — daughter of Thomas and Alary J. (Hicks) Dixon. Mr. Dixon was born in Bibb county, Ga., and moved to Crawford county, where he married and raised his family. He was a mill-wright by trade, and after he enHsted during the war he was detailed to service in the machine shops. Mrs. Dent is a member of the Alethodist church and he is a member of the masonic fraternity. ¦y^ILLIAAl G. HARTLEY, farmer, Crawford county, Ga., (P. O., Fort Valley, Ga.), son of James D. and Parmelia (Jackson) Hartley, was born in Houston county in 1833. His great-grandfather, Daniel Hartley, was a native of South Carolina, was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and accompanied his son to Georgia in 1827. Mr. Hartley's grandparents, Alichael and Polly (Harris) Hartley, were bom in South Carolina, came to Georgia and settled in Crawford county in 1827. He was a farmer, raised his family in the county, in which he spent his days. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Air Hartley's father was born in South Carolina in 1810, and came to Georgia with his father when seventeen years old, and settled with the family in Crawford county. He was married in Crawford county, and farmed until he died. He was a justice of the peace for many years. Mr. Hartley's mother was a daughter of Nimrod and Elizabeth (Busby) Jackson, who was born in South Carolina, and migrated thence to Georgia. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, Mr. Hartley was reared a farmer's boy, and received only the meager education which fell to the lot of such at the time. He was a soldier in the Confederate army, and returned from the war very poor, but by hard work he has placed himself in comfortable circttmstances. He was a justice of the peace many years. Mr. Hartley was married in 1852 to Miss Sarah Avery, born in Crawford county in 1831, daughter of David and Eliza beth (Hood) Avery. He was born in Washington county, Ga., moved thence to Crawford, and a few years afterward moved to and permanently settled in Houston county. He followed farming all his life. Of the children born to this union seven are living: Roxie, James C, Randolph, Trefinia, George D., Warren O., and Willie. Having no aspirations beyond being a good farmer and neighbor, and securing their good wHl, Mr. Hartley has been content with the success he has . achieved. He is a member of the Primitive Baptist church and a master Alason. 'YY W. JOHNSON, farmer, CuHoden P. O., Monroe Co., Ga., son of Ephraim and Rebecca (Jackson) Johnson, was born in Crawford county in 1830. His paternal grandparents were Simon and Allie (Cotton) Johnson. He was born in North Carolina, was a farmer, migrated to Georgia and settled in Crawford county, where he spent his life. Mr. Johnson's father was a native North Carolinian, was reared a farmer and removed to Georgia in 1822, and settled in Crawford county, where he reared his family. Fle lived in the county until he died. He was a mem ber of the Primitive Baptist church. His maternal grandfather was a native of Virginia, and related to Gen. Andrew Jackson. He was a farmer, and nioved from Virginia to Georgia in this century, and permanently settled in Wilkes county.. Mr. Johnson was raised on a farm and received a good common-school education. 568 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. He began life for himself as an overseer, which calling he followed and was doing well until the war between the states was precipitated. In 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Capt. Charles Dennis, Twenty-seventh Georgia regiment. In all he was in twenty-seven regular battles while in the army; some of them the most hotly contested and sanguinary of any during the conflict, among them Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Ocean Pond, Fort Sumter, the Wilderness, Fort Fisher, Sharpsburg, Petersburg, and Bentonville. He was wounded at Sharpsburg and sent home, where he remained thirty days and then returned to his command. He continued in the service until the surrender, was in the last battle at Bentonville, entered the service as a lieutenant and came out as a captain, having been promoted at Peters burg. After the war he directed his energies to farming, bought his first land in 1874, and entered upon a term of gratifying prosperity. His success has satisfied his most ambitious desires. In 1876 he was elected sheriff of the county, and held the office one term. In 1888 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and was placed on the following committees: Agriculture, asylum for the blind, asylum for the insane, emigration and coal mines. Mr. Johnson was married in 1851 to Miss Frances Stripland, born in Crawford county in 1835, daughter of Abner and Nancy (Nichols) Stripland. He was born in Mississippi and was a millwright by trade. Of the children which have blessed this union five are living : Roxie, Lizzie, A. ]., Robert L., and Ula. Mr. Johnson is a recognized democratic leader and an influential partisan. He is also a master Mason. JAMES H. JOYNER, farmer and merchant. Pine Level, Crawford Co., Ga., son of James and Jane (Renfroe) Joyner, was born in Crawford county in 1839. His paternal grandparents were Ebenezer and Rachel Joyner. He was born in South Carolina and settled in Crawford county in 1818. He was a shoemaker, and worked at his trade many years after he came to Crawford, where he ended his days. Mrs. Joyner was the daughter of Enoch and Mary Renfroe. He was born in South Carolina, came to Georgia and settled in Washington county, whence he afterward moved to Crawford county and reared liis family. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Joyner was reared on the farm, and the meager schooling he received was obtained at the old-time log school house. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Capt. Fowler, Fifty-seventh Georgia regiment. He participated in the battle of Baker's creek, and was captured at Vicksburg and paroled. He afterward returned to the army and remained in the service until the surrender — ^was in the last battle at Bentonville, N. C. Coming home from the war he started anew in life without a dollar in his pocket. In 1866 he bought 100 acres of land, to which he has added as he made money, untH now he has a large farm and a comfortable home in which to spend the decline of life. He has been a justice of the peace ten years — a tribute to his impartiality and local popularity. Air. Joyner's prosperity has been such that he has supplemented his farming interests' with a general mer chandise store. In i860 Mr. Joyner was married to Aliss Elizabeth Aultman, bom in Bibb county, Ga., in 1839, daughter of William and Mary (Rowland) Aultman. He was born in South Carolina, moved to Georgia early in life, and settled in Bibb county, where he reared his family. Of the children which blessed this union seven are living: Randolph, Anna, WHHam, Charles, Oscar, Lulu, and John. Himself and wife are members of the Congregational church. JOHN LINDSEY, farmer, Crawford Co.(P.O.,Culloden, Monroe Co.), Ga., son of William and Sallie (Brown) Lindsey, was born in Hancock county, Ga., in 1824. His paternal grandparents were natives of Virginia, where they spent their lives. Mr. Linds'ey's father was born in Virginia, came to Georgia in 1814, and settled in Hancock county, afterward removing to Monroe county, where he reared his family. CRAWPORD COUNTY SKETCHES. 569 His principal occupation was that of a mechanic, and he served as a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Lindsey's maternal grandparents, Lewis and SaHie Brown, were natives of Virginia, and migrated to Georgia and settled in Baldwin county early in this century. He was a farmer, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Lindsey was reared on the farm and received a very limited education. In early life he worked considerably as a mechanic, but after ward followed farming as a life pursuit. He made his first land purchase in 1840, to which he has gradually added by purchase, until now he owns about 600 acres, mostly cleared and under good cultivation. Being exempt by age from regular service during the war, he was detailed as one of the home guard, and although he did faithful service, he made no exciting record. Mr. Lindsey was married in 185 1 to Miss Mary J. Harbuck, born in Warren county, daughter of James and Sarah (Thurman) Harbuck. He was a farmer, and moved early in life to Crawford county, and lived there all his life. Of the children which blessed this union these five are living: Robert L. ; Ella, wife of Louis Lindsey; Mack; Mattie, and Mamie. Mr. Lindsey is a member of the Methodist church, and himself and family enjoy the respect of all who know them. J W. MARSHALL, farmer, Burketts, Crawford Co., Ga., son of Joe and Nancy ' (Layfield) Marshall, was born in Bibb county in 1837. His paternal grand father was John Marshall. He was a native of Virginia, moved from there to Georgia early in this century, and settled in Hancock county, where he died. He was a Primitive Baptist preacher, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Marshall's father was born in Hancock county ; when a young man moved to Bibb county, where he reared his family, and then moved to Crawford, where he died. His occupation was that of a farmer, but the latter part of his life he became a great fox-hunter and hunted the county over. Mr. Marshall's mother was the daughter of Jack Layfield, who was born in Hancock county and was a farmer all his life, which was spent entirely in Hancock county. Mr. Marshall began life as a farmer's boy, and poor, received very little schooling, and has followed farming all his life. Although not rich, he has prospered, and now has a large farm of good land. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Capt. Cleveland, Sixth Georgia regiment, and was engaged in many hard-fought, bloody battles, among them: Seven Pines, Cold Harbor, Chancellorsville, James island, Ocean Pond, Weldon, Kurston, and Ben tonville. He was severely wounded in the battle of Cold Harbor, was in the hospital two months, and then came home, where he remained three months. When he recovered he returned to the army, and was again wounded at Bentonville. When the war ended he resumed farming, and bought his first landy a small farm, in 1867, to which he has since added. In i860 Mr. Marshall was married to Miss Sarah Walker, born in Crawford county, daughter of Joe and Sarah (Woods) Walker. He was an old settler in the county. To this union were born three chHdren: Addie, Octa'via, and SalHe. His wife died in 1873. Later in the same year he was married to Miss Nattie Thorp, born in Crawford county, daughter of Robert and Louisa (Colbert) Thorp. He was born in Bibb county and was a farmer all his life. Of the children born to this union six are Hving: LHa, Thomas, Bettie, Chariie, Lizzie, and William L. Respected by his neighbors, Mr. Marshall is quietly enjoying the fruits of his labor. JOHN S. SANDEFORD, farmer, Roberta, Crawford Co., Ga., son of William R. and Sarah J. (Rowe) Sandeford, was born in Crawford county in 1851. His paternal grandparents were John S. and Silvia (Spivey) Sandeford. He was a native of South Carolina, came to Georgia v/hen a young man and settled in Jefferson county, where he married. In 1819 he removed to Crawford county. 570 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. where he raised his family. He was a farmer and was a soldier in the Indian war of 1836. Air. Sandeford's father was born in Jefferson county in 1813. He followed farming aH his life and did some service in the late war. Mr. Sandeford's mother was a daughter of William and Polly Rowe. He was born in South Carolina, migrated to Georgia, and going to Crawford, was one of the first set tlers in the county. He was a Alissionary Baptist preacher and was a soldier in the Indian war of 1836. Mr. Sandeford was reared on the farm, and as his school and boyhood days were passed during the war period, he received but a limited education. He began life with nothing, and besides being the eldest child, had to work hard and oversee the farm. But he has prospered and he now owns a good 750-acre farm, which he has under improved and productive cultivation. Mr. Sandeford was married in 1876 to Aliss Willie E. Stripland — born in Craw ford county in 1858 — daughter of WiHiam R. and Amanda (Sandeford) Stripland. Mr. Stripland was. born in Crawford county and was a prosperous farmer. Mr. Sandeford ranks with the richest and most substantial of the citizens of the county and commands universal respect. Y> B. SCHOFIELD, farmer, Taylor, Crawford Co., Ga., son of Philip and Charity (Busby) Schofield, was born in Crawford county in 1833. His paternal grandfather was William Schofield, who was a native of Soutli Carolina, a farmer, and lived aH his life in that state. Mr. Schofield's father was born in South Caro lina, migrated to Georgia when a young man, and settled in Crawford county, where he married, reared a family, and died. He was a farmer all his life,' and in reHgious faith a Primitive Baptist Mr. Schofield's mother was a daughter of Reese and Mary (Winn) Busby. He was a native of South Carolina and a farmer, came to Georgia soon after reaching manhood and settled in Crawford county. Mr. Schofield's boyhood was spent on the farm, and the little schooling he had was obtained at the old-time log school house. He farmed until 1861, when he enlisted in Company F (Capt. Fowler), Fifty-seventh Georgia regiment. Among the battles in which he was engaged were Baker's Creek, Alissionary Ridge, At lanta and Bentonville. He was made a prisoner at Vicksburg, and when ex changed rejoined the army; was wounded at Atlanta, and sent to the hospital, where he remained three weeks. After the surrender he came home on foot, and on reaching horhe he had $1. Starting with this capital, and supplementing it with hard work, he has gotten himself comfortably fixed for the balance of his life. Mr. Schofield was married in 1853 to Miss Jane, daughter of Solomon and Lethia (Barnes) Davis, early settlers of Crawford county, by whom he had four children: Wm. P., John S., Lethia E. and Reese A. In 1868 he was married to Ellen Bryant — born in Houston county in 1836 — daughter of Robert and Temperance (Rowell) Bryant. He was a native of Georgia ancl came to Crawford county early in life. Of the children born to this marriage there are living, Ella, James and Anna. Airs. Schofield is a member of the Primitive Baptist church. QHARLES H. WALKER, farmer, Roberta, Crawford Co., Ga., son of William and Ehzabeth (Bostic) Walker, was born in Jefferson county, Ga., in 1812. Mr Walker's grandparents, Joel and Judith Walker, were born in Buckingham county, Va., and migrated to Georgia and settled in Jefferson county about the beginning of the present century. Mr. Walker's father was born in "Virginia in 1763 and came to Georgia in early life and settled in Jefferson county. He was a soldier in the patriot army and served through the revolutionary war. He was under the command of Gen. John Twiggs, ancl letters written to him by that officer, now in possession of the subject of this sketch, testify to his courage, faith- DADE COUNTY SKETCHES. 571 fulness and fidelity. He was a farmer and lived in Jefferson county until he died in 181 8. Mr. Walker's mother was a daughter of Nathan and Martha Bostic. He was a native of what is now Jefferson county and was a farmer. His mother was born in 1770 and died in 1835. Mr. Walker was reared on the farm and received a common school education, and when gfrown to manhood he taught school one term. Although a plain farmer, Mr. Walker was popular and influen tial, and that he was and is held in high esteem is evidenced by his election to office. In 1840 he was elected a state senator and was re-elected for seven terms, and was elected again in 1880 when sixty-eight years of age. In 1864 he was a member of the Georgia militia, and served in defense of Atlanta. Mr. Walker was married in 1834 to Miss Caroline E. Jones — born in Putnam county in 1815 — daughter of William and Retensia Jones. He was born in Putnam county and lived in the county all his life. To Mr. and Mrs. Walker ten children have been born, of whom five are living : T. H. was killed at the battle of Sharps burg; Caroline E., wife of W. H. Ficklin; George E.; Joel A., William J., and Robert W. Mrs. Walker, who was an exemplary member of the Alethodist church, died in 1880. Mr. Walker is an honored member of the Methodist church, and no better or stronger proof of the confidence of the people in his integrity and of the estimation in which they hold him could be given than the fact that when last elected to the general assembly — 1880 — he received every vote cast Was enlisted in the Georgia militia in 1864 and served around Atlanta with that command. DADE COUNTY. J3ENJAMIN T. BROCK is a prominent member of the Dade county bar, and editor and proprietor of the "State of Dade News," and belongs to one of the pioneer families of North Georgia. He was born in Dade county, March 21, 1866, and is the son of Dr. William Brock, an old and respected citizen of that county, and a weH-known person in northwest Georgia. Dr. Brock is born in what is now Whitfield county in 1832, and was the son of Benjamin Brock, a native of Virginia, who settled in North Carolina early in this century, and migrated to North Georgia when that territory was yet in possession of the Cherokees. The family settled in Dade county early in the fifties, and there Benjamin Brock sur vived to a great age, dying in 1886. Dr. Brock studied medicine, and for several years previous to the war engaged in the practice of that profession in Dade county. At the commencement of hostilities between the states he was a man of note and influence in North Georgia, and took an active part in the support of the Confederate movement. On the first call to arms he raised a company for the Confederate service. He was commissioned captain, but later was made surgeon of the Thirty-fourth Georgia, and in that capacity he served through the war. He accompanied his regiment in the Tennessee and Kentucky campaign in 1862, and was present at the siege of Vicksburg. On the capture of that city, in July, 1863, he was made prisoner of war, but was paroled and returned to his home. Having been exchanged after the battle of Chickamauga, he rejoined his regiment and was present at the battle of Missionary Ridge, in November, 1863. In May, 1864, Johnston withdrew from Dalton, to commence the cele brated Atlanta campaign. Dr. Brock accompanied his regiment and was present on the fields of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Peachtree 57-2 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Creek, and in various battles around Atlanta. On the removal of Johnston from the command he followed the fortunes of that general and his army during the autumn and winter of 1864-65, and was present at his surrender in North Carolina in April of the latter year. Dr. Brock returned to his home and resumed the practice of his profession at Trenton, where he resided until his death in 1881. He was a citizen of high and unblemished character and of sterling integrity. Dr. Brock married Miss Nancy Taylor, daughter of R. L. Taylor, of Dade county, a descendant of a New England family. They had issue eight children: James R., at present a practicing physician at Rising Fawn; Benjamin T.; Ernest D., a planter in Dade county; Mollie, who married Elbert McMahon; Allie, wife of W. G. Morrison, of New England city; Nannie, who died in infancy, and WilHam H. Benjamin T. Brock received his preliminary education in the schools of Dade county, at William and Emma Austin college, Stevenson, Ala., and at the Kirk- wood Military academy. He resolved to adopt the legal profession, and entered the law department of Washington and Lee college at Lexington, Va., in 1883, where he pursued a course of study in the various branches of jurisprudence during one year. Returning to Trenton in 1884, he continued his studies, and in 1885 was admitted to the bar in the superior court of Dade county. He at once engaged actively in the practice of the law with T. J. Lumpkin, under the firm name of Lumpkin & Brock. Three years later the firm was mutually dissolved, and Mr. Brock has continued to practice his profession at Trenton. He is a lawyer of very considerable learning and is extensively read in the general principles and technical learning of the law, and has taken meritorious and worthy rank in the walks of his profession — a good advocate, and an able and conservative counselor. He possesses the confidence of the public and the friendship of his professional brethren. His early training and education gave him a taste for literature and literary occupation. In 1891 he became editor and proprietor of the "State of Dade News," a weekly paper published at Trenton, and the official organ of Dade county. This newspaper has a good circulation in North Georgia, in North Ala bama and in Tennessee. Mr. Brock is a member of the Georgia Weekly Press association. He is a prominent leader of the democratic party in his district, and has been chairman of the democratic state central committee of Dade county. In 1886 he married Miss Sally F. Cureton, daughter of Hon. J. W. Cureton, a leading citizen of Dade county, at one time its representative in the legislature, and formerly senator from the Forty-fourth senatorial district. Hon. G. "W". Cure- ton, the present representative of Dade county, is a brother of Mrs. Brock. J. W. Cureton entered the Confederate service and was commissioned Heutenant-colonel of the Thirty-ninth Georgia, which regiment he commanded during the latter part of the war. By this marriage Mr. and Mrs. Brock had four chHdren, three of whom survive: Bernice, Cureton M., and Guy Raymond; Walter, deceased. JAMES DONNELLY, physician, Trenton, is one of the rising members of the profession of Dade county. He was born in Louisville, Ky., the son of James Donnelly, a native of Queenstown, Ireland, who immigrated to the United States in 1846 and settled in New York city, where he married Teresa Fitzsimmons, a daughter of Patrick Fitzsimmons. By this union were born ten children, five of whom survived to attain maturity : Mary, deceased, who married Thomas E. Win- nard, of Tennessee; James, Stephen, now of Florida; Teresa J., and Annie B. The father of Dr. Donnelly was a mechanic, and during many years resided in the metropolitan towns of the North and East. Previous to the war he settled with his family in Louisville, Ky., where he lived four years, moving to Nash ville, Tenn., and later to WHson county, in that state. Fle died in De Kalb county, DADE COUNTY SKETCHES. 573 Tenn., Feb. i8, 1880. His widow stHl survives at SmithvHle. Dr. Donnelly was chiefly reared in Tennessee and received a good education in the schools of that i-tate and at Purse Fountain college at SmithvHle. He learned the trade of a painter, which he followed for several years, but a laudable ambition led him to aspire to a place in the ranks of the medical profession, and he commenced the study of medicine and surgery under Dr. J. P. Wannock, and later under Dr. J. J. Broyles of Chattanooga. In 1889 he entered the Chattanooga Medical college and pursued the regular course of study in that institution and graduated therefrom in 1894. On Jan. 9, 1895, he settled in Trenton, in Dade county, and has become fully identified with the progress and prosperity of Georgia. He engaged in the practice of his profession, and from the outset has been remarkably successful. He has acquired a good practice in Dade and surrounding counties. He is justly popular and is trusted and respected as a citizen. He leads in the circle of young men now beginning to shape the social conduct and business progress of the present generation of Georgians, among whom he finds himself at home. On July 3, 1892, Dr. Donnelly was married to Miss Nannie Parker, daughter of the late Joseph Parker of Walker county, this state. They have two children, Lillian Beatrice and Stephen Milton. J OHN P. JACOWAY. This able lawyer is a resident of Trenton, and was born in Dade county, in 1856. He was the son of John G. Jacoway, a native of Ken tucky, born in 1818, who settled in Dade county about 1845, and for many years previous to the war engaged in the practice of the law. After the war he became a minister of the Gospel and continued in the service untH his death in Dade county in 1892. He married in Tennessee Miss Nancy Middleton of that state, and they had four sons and two daughters: William U., at present a practicing lawyer, at Trenton; Thomas R., a trader at Fort Payne, Ala., and at present postmaster at that place; Henry J., a very successful planter and stock dealer in northern Alabama; Susan G., wife of R. A. D. Dunlap, a member of the Alabama bar and master in chancery in that state; Lucy J., wife of T. H. B. Cole, at present clerk of the superior court of Dade county; and John P. The subject of this sketch was educated in the schools of Dade county. P^rly in life he manifested a desire to enter the ranks of the legal profession, and with that object in view, he began a course of study at Gadsden, Ala:, and in 1880 he was admitted to the bar in the courts of that state. He commenced the practice of his profession at Trenton, and his legal career has been very successful. On locating at Trenton he became attorney for the Alabama & Great Southern railroad company, and for six years had charge of the claim department of that road. He was thus early in the practice of his profession intrusted with responsibilities usually devolving upon older heads — responsibHities that called forth the fullest resources of his mind, and doubt less were active causes in developing his mental faculties and power, and ripening his judgment. The character of his duties made him familiar with the rules of practice in corporation cases, and equipped him with a knowledge of legal prece dents, not only a desideratum, but a necessity. He purchased a valuable library, and devoted every spare moment to the pleasing task of acquiring an intimate knowledge of legal principles and practice, exploring the misty labyrinths of the law and the rich mines of equity jurisprudence, and storing his mind with the wisdom and thought of the great masters of his profession. He thus fortified his mind with a knowledge of the art of acute reasoning, and with the method of clear, concise and lucid statement. Accordingly his success was assured. He rose rapidly to an honored place in the ranks of his profession; and it is no exaggera tion of his legal powers to say that he justly and meritoriously stands at the head 574 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of his profession in his circuit. His practice extends beyond his circuit, in the United States court and before the bar of the supreme court of this state. Whether as an advocate,' discussing questions of fact before a jury; or as a solicitor in chancery, unravelling the hidden mysteries and complex cjuestions of equity practice, he is alike successful as he is self-confident, and commands the respect and assurance of -both court and jury, as well as the esteem of his legal brethren and the public. Mr. Jacoway is not only an ardent and persevering student of these branches which strictly appertain to the duties of his profession, but also a close and exhaustive student of miscellaneous subjects, including history and political literatux"e. His conversation is learned, rich and racy, and bears ample evidence of omnivorous reading in the broad field of general literature and science. His associations and relations with the public in his county, and elsewhere through . the state, are most cordial and friendly. He has never sought political preferment, and has given only such thoughts to politics and public questions as became his character as a citizen and a lawyer. He is at present chairman of the democratic executive committee of Dade county. Fle is the regular attorney for the Dade coal company; the Walker iron and coal company, the Phoenix iron and coal company, and the Alabama & Great Southern railroad company. Air. Jacoway was married in 1879 to Miss Carrie Pace, daughter of B. F. Pace, of Dade county. They have fiye chHdren: Eula, Sidney, Price, Henry Grady and Albert Briggs. He is a member of the Alethodist Episcopal church south, and belongs to the masonic fraternity. THOMAS JEFFERSON LUMPKIN, physician. New England city, is one of the distinguished family of that name in this state. He was born at Rome, Ga., Jan. 17, 1839. His father was WilHam D. Lumpkin, a native of Spottsylvania county, Virginia, where he was bom in 1810, the son of George Lumpkin, also a native of Virginia, and an extensive tobacco planter. George married Alary Ann Smith, and reared a family of four sons and two daughters: George W., who migrated to Chattooga county, Ga., while that county was Cherokee territory; WilHam D., who settled with his father near Gainesville, and later in Floyd county, and died a resident of Walker county; Payton S., who settled in Alississippi; Bushrod, who moved to Chattooga county in 1856, and later to Texas; Martha, wife of Akion Ross, a Methodist minister, and afterward a bishop in Texas; and Keron H., wife of William Fain, and mother of J. C. Fain, judge of the superior court Wm. D. Lumpkin married Esther Htidgins, of Hall county, daughter of Beverly Hudgins, and they had seven children: Wilson D.; Martha J., wife of B. D. McWorter; John H., Thomas J., Payton S., Charles F. and Hugh P. Hugh P. Lumpkin is at present a member of the Walker county bar, and is county judge of that county. Both Judge Lumpkin and his brother Charles saw active service in the late war. Charles died in the service at Knoxville. All are now deceased save Judge and Dr. Lumpkin. Dr. Lumpkin was reared in Walker county, and educated at La Fayette. About 1858 he commenced the study of medi cine in Texas, to which state he migrated late in the fifties. Returning to Georgia he attended the Nashville medical college, and in i860, the Atlanta medical college. Early in 1861, he enlisted in the Alabama state service, and soon afterward enlisted in the Confederate service in Conipany C, Seventh Alabama, and was ordered to Pensacola, where he saw sendee in the medical department of the army. He returned to Chattanooga and there, in connection with Dr. P. D. Ames, established the first hospital in that city. FIc was present at the battles of Fort Donelson and Shiloh, but was not engaged. His regiment having been dis banded he returned home, and enlisted in (Company H, FortyTeighth Alabama, DADE COUNTY SKETCHES. 575 and was ordered to the valley of Virginia, where his regimeiit was attached to Stonewall Jackson's brigade. He fought in all the principal battles of the war in Virginia, including Cedar mountain. Second Alanassas, Georgetown, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Suft'olk, Gettysburg, Port Royal, Chicka mauga, Darby Town, Lookout mountain, CampbeH station, KnoxvHle, Wilder ness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Har-bor, Fort Harrison, WHHamsburg. He was also engaged in the seven days' fight around Richmond, in defense of the Confederate capital, at ChancellorsviHe, Malvern HiH, Drury's Bluff and Peters burg, and was present at Appomattox when Lee surrendered his army on April 9, 1865. It is believed that the above record is unsurpassed by any soldier in the late war. He was made second Heutenant on enlisting in the Forty-eighth Ala bama, and in November, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of captain, and during the greater part of his service commanded his regiment. He ranked high as a useful and courteous officer. At Sharpsburg he was severely wounded in the shoulder, and was shot in the arm and thigh at Chickamauga, and again at Freder icksburg he was shot in the shoulder and side. He fought in every engagement in which his regiment participated from the time of its organization until AprH 9, 1865. Returning to his home he completed his medical studies at the university of Georgia, and graduated at that institution. He commenced the practice of his profession in Dade county, and so continued until 1871, when he became agent for the state of Georgia, in its relation with the Alabama & Great Southern rail road. He studied law, was admitted to the bar^ and since 1873 has practiced law in Dade county. He owns a valuable homestead in Lookout valley, near New Eng land city, on which he resides. He has long been one of the active citizens of Dade county, and has filled various positions of trust in that county. In 1884 he became the candidate of his party for the office of representative in the legislature, and was elected, serving creditably during the sessions of 1884-85. He served on the special judiciary committee, on mine and mining, on enrollment, printing and banks and banking. He rendered efficient service both on the floor and in com mittee and -became known as a useful and industrious member. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, and since 1885 has been high priest of the Trenton chap ter. In 1867 he married Miss W. AI. McKinney, daughter of WHHam McKinney, of Wilkes county, Ga. They have three children: Carra, Thomas H. and Vir ginia E. r\ SPENCER MIDDLETON, a rising and successful physician, residing at ' Rising Fawn, was born in Sumner county. Miss. He is a son of Z. L. Mid dleton, a planter in that state, who was born in Tuscaloosa county, Ala., in 1828. Z. L. Middleton has always resided in Mississippi and engaged in the pursuit of agriculture. At the commencement of the late war he entered the Confederate service, enlisting in the Fifteenth Mississippi regiment, and served through the long contest which followed. He participated in some of the leading battles and campaigns, including the siege of "Vicksburg. At the close of hostilities between the states he returned to his home, having performed wfthout a murmur the thank less duties of a Confederate soldier. He married Miss Alary Savage of Mississippi, daughter of Benjamin Savage, and to them have been born ten children: Mary Jane, wife of Maranda Shumake; John C, Albert B., Annie E., wife of T. F. Gordon; WHliam J., Georgia E., wife of Joseph Parker; Dr D. Spencer, Robert Luther, Minnie A. and Lucy S., aH residing in Mississippi save Dr Middleton. Dr. Middleton was educated in Webster county, Miss., and completed his Ifterary study at Bellefontaine high school. He began the study of medicine first under Dr. W. A. D. James, of Alva, Miss., and later desiring to complete his medical 576 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. education, he entered, in 1892, the Chattanooga Medical college, and there, under the care of Dr. G. Manning Ellis, a professor of that institution, pursued a course of study in medicine and surgical science until 1894, when he graduated. He commenced the practice of his profession at Rising Fawn and rapidly acquired a good practice. He has given particular study to diseases of the eye, ear and throat. He is a well educated and reliable physician and has already won the confidence of the public in Dade county. In his practice he is governed by the ethics of his profession. On Dec. 19, 1894, Dr. Middleton married Aliss Dolly Virginia Chad- wick, daughter of John Chadwick, of De Kalb county, Ala. The paternal grand father of Dr. Middleton was Parks Middleton, of Alabama. The Middleton family came from South Carolina and are of English extraction. One of the name was Hon. Arthur Middleton of South Carolina, and formerly a member of congress from that state. Dr. Middleton is an active mem.ber of the Missionary Baptist church. QOL. JAMES COOPER NISBET belongs to one of the distinguished and well- known families of Georgia. He was born in Macon, Sept 26, 1839, and was the son of Hon. James A. Nisbet, also a native of this state, born in Greene county. James A. Nisbet was educated at the university of Georgia, and was a graduate of that institution. He read law at the Litchfield law school in Con necticut, and was admitted to the bar about 1833. He commenced the practice of his profession at Macon, first under the firm name of Poe & Nisbet, and later Nisbet & Nisbet After the war the firm was composed of Howell Cobb, Judge Jackson and Messrs. James A. and E. A. Nisbet, under the firm name of Nisbets, Cobb & Jackson, and lorig'*continued among the ablest law firms in the state. Mr. Nisbet early rose to prominence in Bibb county, and was elected mayor of Macon. For several terms he represented Bibb county in the legislature with distinguished ability, and when that body was composed of some of the greatest men whom Georgia has produced. In i860 he supported the Douglas and John son presidential ticket. With Stephens and others he was a strong Union man, and when Georgia seceded he gave his support to the Confederate rnovement with all the vigor he possessed until the close of the war He died in Macon in 1 87 1, full of years and honors, after a long, brilliant and successful career as a lawyer and citizen. His father was Dr. James Nisbet, born in Iredell county, •N. C, who settled in Georgia in 1791. He married a Miss Cooper, an aunt of Hon. Mark A. Cooper, the distinguished pioneer iron manufacturer of Georgia. To them were born eight children. Of these was Eugenius A., an eminent lawyer, statesman and a man of excellent literary attainments, who graduated at Franklin college in 1821 with the highest honors of his class. He read law at the Litchfield law school. New Haven, Conn, and was admitted to the bar. He served several terms in both upper and lower branches of the general assembly. In 1838 he was elected to congress, and in 1840 was re-elected, but resigned before the close of his term. In 1845 he was elected associate justice of the supreme court at its formation, and was several times re-elected to that position, in which he served continuously until the commencement of the war, his decisions being still quoted as good authority in all the states. In 1861 he was elected to the Confederate congress and served in that body with distinction during four years. Another was Milas Nisbet, a wealthy planter in Alorgan county, who died, leaving one son, who married Miss Trabue, of Kentucky, sister of a congressman from that state. Others were John T. Nisbet, a member of the Bibb county bar; Sarah, wife of Dr. WiHiam Le Conte, of Liberty county, a large rice planter, and Mary, who died without issue. The father of James C. Nisbet married Frances Rebecca, DADE -COUNTY SKETCHES. 577 daughter of Dr John Wingfield, of Morgan County. Dr. Wingfield was the son of John Wingfield and Rebecca Nelson, of New Kent county, Va. The common ancestor of the Wingfields was Edmund M. Wingfield, first deputy governor of Virginia under Sir John Smith. By this marriage James A. Nisbet reared five children: Irene, wife of Col. George H. Hazelhurst, a distinguished civil engineer; John W., a graduate of Oglethorpe university, and the major of the Twenty-sixth Georgia" infantry — he served in the army of Northern Virginia until 1863, and in the western army during the reinainder of the war and died in Dade county in 1885; James Cooper, Anna, who married MarshaH De Graffenread, a member of the Atlanta bar ; Mary Amanda, deceased, and Frank, who died in infancy. Col. James Cooper Nisbet grew to manhood in Macon, and received a classical education at Oglethorpe university, where he graduated in 1858. He removed to Lookout Valley, in Dade county, in 1859, and settled on the Clover Dale stock farm. At the commencement of the war he raised a company in Dade county, and at his own expense uniformed and equipped it. This company he transported to Richmond, Va., and there it was attached to the Twenty-first Georgia, Trimbel's brigade, Ewell's division of Jackson's corps. He was commissioned captain of his company. He fought in all the battles in which Jackson's corps participated until after the fight at Fredericksburg, including the valley campaign, in which were fought the battles of Front Royal, Winchester, Strausburg, Cross Keys and Port Republic. He was also engaged in several of the seven days' fights around Richmond, including Cold Harbor, where he was wounded by a shell, but continued to command his regiment (Twenty-first Georgia), and fought at Savage Station, White Oak Swamp and Malvern Hill. During the seven days' fight he commanded his regiment as senior captain with signal ability and courage. He fought Pope at Cedar Run and was engaged in the second battle of Manassas, Chantilly, Harper's Ferry, Sharpsburg, where he was slightly wounded, and Fred ericksburg, where he also commanded his regiment, and for gallantry displayed on the field under the eyes of Stonewall Jackson and Gen. D. H. Hill he was promoted to the rank of colonel. He next went to Richmond and held a personal interview }vith President Davis and the secretary of war, by whom he was ordered to Macon with instructions to recruit a regiment. He mustered into service four teen companies, which were organized into the Sixty-sixth Georgia regiment and the Twenty-sixth Georgia battalion ; of the latter his brother, John W. Nisbet, was made major, and the command of the regiment and battalion was given to Col. Nisbet. He proceeded with his command to Fort Cobb, in Florida, and later was ordered to Chickamauga, but did not reach the field until after the battle. He was placed in command of Walker's Georgia brigade and fought at the battle of Missionary Ridge, supporting the right wing under Cleburne. The army fell back to Dalton, and in May, 1864, began the celebrated Atlanta campaign. He fought at the battles of Resaca, New Hope Church, Kennesaw Mountain, Peach- tree Creek, and on July 22, where he was made prisoner of war, near Atlanta. He was confined at Johnson's island. Lake Erie, until September, 1865. After undergoing four years of hard and self-sacrificing service in support of the Con federacy he returned to his home and again engaged in agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Mary E., daughter of Gen. John A. Young, of Charlotte, N. C. Miss Young was a relative of the historical famihes of Grahams, Davidsons, Bre- rards and Ewings, and of Mrs. StonewaH Jackson. To them were born three daughters and one son, two of whom survive : Irene and Malvine. His wife died and he was again married to Miss Louise Wingfield Bailey, daughter of Gen. Armstrong Bailey, of Columbus, Ga. They have two children, James Cooper and Frances Lloyd. His service was again called for by the public in 1868, when 1-37 578 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. he was elected to the house of representatives in the legislature, and served in that body during the sessions of 1869-70 and 1871. In 1877 he was elected secretary of the constitutional convention. He has since filled various positions of trust in his county and is a fitting representative of the progress and push of his age in North Georgia. Mrs. Nisbet is a lineal descendant of a revolutionary officer, being a granddaughter of Maj. Edward Lloyd, of Savannah. Maj. Lloyd entered the patriot army early in his youth, at the age of sixteen years. He was a lieutenant of artillery and lost an arm while in command of his company at the siege of Savannah in 1779, on the same day that the Count Pulaski was killed. He was afterward promoted to the rank of major. At the close of the war he organized an artillery company known as the Chatham artillery. This famous organization is still in existence, and was the first volunteer company organized in the United States after the war of the revolution. He married late in life, in 1810, at Athens, Ga., Mrs. Sarah Anderson Hatchett, a young, beautiful and bril Hant widow who was on a visit to Georgia from her native state of Virginia. They had one child, the late Mrs. Gen. Armstrong Bailey, of Columbus, Ga., the mother of Mrs. Nisbet. Maj. Lloyd died at his summer home in Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., this state, in 1814. "The Nisbet family, with their connections, justly rank among the most distinguished and illustrious in Georgia and the south, and for upward of three-quarters of a century have taken an active and prominent part in shaping the conduct of public affairs in this state. The family is particu larly noted for high intellectual attainments, honorable motives, and has at all times possessed a high character for patriotism toward American institutions. Maj. Lloyd was an officer in the order of the Society of Cincinnatus,' which society was organized by Washington, membership being confined to officers of the revolution and to the oldest male descendants, an honor which now descends by right of inheritance to Cooper Nisbet, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cooper Nisbet. DAWSON COUNTY. DEUBEN S. ANDERSON, farmer, McKee, Dawson Co., Ga., son of Jordan and Lusena (Stone) Anderson, was born in what is now Dawson county, in 1843. His parents were of English descent and born in South Carolina. After their marriage they came to Georgia and "entered" the land now owned and occupied by the subject of this sketch, under government authority, and the prop erty has remained in the family ever since. Mr. Anderson's mother died on the place in 1880 and his father Aug. 5, 1882. To them eight chHdren were born: WilHam, deceased; Robert, killed during the war in the army; Frances, wife of John Kelley; James P., in Alabama; Reuben S., the subject of this sketch; Emeline, wife of Andrew J. liide; Jordan L., and Jackson R. Mr. Anderson was reared on the farm and received only the limited education obtainable in the common schools of the county. In 1863 he enHsted in the Union army, in Company A, Capt. Rogers, of Alichigan, which was part of the First Georgia regi ment, union troops, organized in Tennessee. He remained with this command until the surrender at Appomattox, when he returned to the old homestead and engaged in farming and stock raising, in which he has more than realized his most sanguine expectations. On his farm is a very fine water power, which he DAWSON COUNTY SKETCHES. 579 has made use of by building on it a fine corn and wheat miH. Besides he operates a cotton gin and a threshing machine. Upright and scrupulously honorable in all his dealings, he enjoys the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Anderson was married Aug. 31, 1865, to Miss Melinda, daughter of John and Mary (Hill) Green, who were born and married in South Carolina, and early in life moved to Georgia and settled in Lumpkin county (now Dawson). To them nine children were born: Sarah; Carolina; Bishop, who died in the army; Jane; Monroe, who died in the army; Farlena; Melinda, wife of the subject of this sketch, and two who died in infancy. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. An derson eight are Hving: John B., born June 5, 1866; Mary E., born Sept 21, 1867, wife of Levi Pinyon; Sarah C, born Nov 21, 1871, wife of Doyle Burt; Samuel A., born Nov. 28, 1873; Lydia C, born Aug. 15, 1875, wife of Jasper Henry; Laura E., born July 13, 1878; Walter M., born Oct 27, 1882, and Bishop N., born Feb. 21, 1885. Mr. Anderson is a stanch repubhcan, and himself and wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church. WILLIAM B. BURDINE, farmer, YeHow .Creek, Dawson Co., Ga., son of James and Nancy (Bowen) Burdine, was born in Pickens district, S. C, March 31, 1836. His parents were natives of South CaroHna, and his father, of Irish descent, was a blacksmith by trade, and also conducted a farm. They both died in South Carolina, having raised a family of six children: William B., the subject of this sketch; Jane, Martin, James, John, kiHed while in the army during the war, and Thomas, also killed while serving in the army. Mr. Burdine was reared on the farm and learned the trade of a blacksmith under his father. So necessary were his services on the farm and in the shop that he received but little educational advantages. When he became of age he worked at his trade, to which he added wagon-making. In 1870 he moved to Dawson county and located on his present farm, containing 800 acres, lying on the Etowah river, 150 acres of which are bottom land. This he has paid for and improved out of his surplus earnings. He has confined his energies and entire attention to the home stead and his private affairs and is perfectly content with the results. Sur rounded by an affectionate family and possessing the confidence and esteem of all who know him, he is spending the closing years of his life in quiet and comfort. Air. Burdine was married in 1863 to Miss Lucinda Putnam, daughter of Abner and Hannah Putnam. To them the following chHdren — all living — have been born: James A.; Hannah, wife of Lody Redd; Jane; William L.; Martin; Nancy, wife of John Roper; Isabella, wife of Wheeler HiH, sheriff of Dawson county; Martha, wife of Thomas Hubbard; WilHam R., Thomas, Mary and Rebecca. He is a stanch democrat and a member of the I. O. O. P., and himself and wife are consistent and much appreciated members of the Baptist church. Eleven of the chHdren are also members of the Baptist church. RALAAM HARBAN, county ordinary, Dawsonville, Dawson Co., Ga., son of Nathaniel and Barbara (Maldan) Harban, was born in South Carolina Feb. 25, 1828. His great-great-grandfather on his father's side emigrated from England to this country, and his grandfather, Samuel Harban, was a native of South Carolina. Mr. Harban's father was also born in that state, came to Georgia in 1828 and settied among the Indians. While he made farming his chief reliance for a livelihood, he was an expert blacksmith, which trade he worked at and repaired guns for the Indians. His mother was born in South Carolina, and was descended from early Scotch settlers. They raised ten children to become heads of farnilies. The chil dren born to them were: Samuel; James; Susan, wife of A. J. Spriggs; John, died 58o MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. with fever during the war; Tyra; Balaam, the subject of this sketch; Nathaniel W.;. Benjamin; Jesse, and Lucinda E., wife of James P. Howard. His father died in Febraary, 1865, and his mother in 1874. Air Harban was reared on the farm and. educated at the near-by country schools. Ambitious of adventure, and to secure wealth, he left his home, January, 1852, for California. Going by way of Cuba — he- spent eight days on the island — he landed in San Francisco forty days after leaving home. Leaving that city he went to Sacramento, and thence via Colona and Georgetown to Nevada, and stopped at Alpha, Nevada Co., where he remained about five years. During the greater part of this time he worked a mine of his- own, and the remainer of the time he worked' at the carpenter's trade. In December, i860, he returned home and commenced farming, which he pursued until 1862,. when he enlisted in Capt. Pierce's company, Sixty-fifth Georgia regiment The regiment first went to Cartersville, then to Chattanooga and Loudon, Tenn., whence it went into Kentucky, and back to Cumberland gap; skirmishing and fighting more or less throughout the campaign. He was taken sick at the "Gap" and was sent home. At the end of thirty days, however, he returned to his command, which was at Loudon, Tenn. He continued with the army, faithfully discharging his duties as a soldier until the army went under Gen. Hood into Tennessee ; was taken prisoner at Franklin and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was held untH the surrender. Coming home he engaged in farming, and in addition has worked at blacksmithing and carpentering. His fellow-citizens expressed their appreciation of his integrity and capabilities by electing him ordinary of the county in 1892, the responsible duties of which he discharged acceptably and with conscientious fidelity .. Mr. Harban was married Alarch 10, 1861, to Miss Mary Anne, daughter of Joseph and MatHda Grogan, by whom he had the foHowing children : Mary W., wife of WilHam H. Bird; Samuel J.; Martha, deceased; Susan, wife of W. J. Turner, and Joseph N. The mother of these died in 1873, and the following year he married Alohala M., a sister of his first wife, who has borne him five children: Jesse B., Andrew C, Minnie M., Barbara M., and George W. In politics Mr. Harban is- a democrat. Himself and wife are devout members of the Baptist church. J-J ENRY HOUSER, hotel man, DawsonviHe, Dawson Co., Ga., son of David and Jane (Dickson) Houser, was born in Yorkville district, S. C, in 1820. His- patemal grandfather, Henry Houser, was a native of Germany, and emigrated to America before the revolutionary war. He lived a short time in Boston, Alass., and then went to Pittsburg, Pa. He was a furnace builder by .trade, and built the first sixteen furnaces in that state. Subsequently, he moved to Yorkville, S. C, where he continued to work at his trade, and finally settled on King creek, where he died. Mr. Houser's father was born in Pennsylvania, and followed farm ing and gold-mining through life. His maternal grandfather, Dickson, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and came to this country when quite young with his parents, who settled in New Jersey. Here the mother of the subject of this sketch was born. Seven children were born to- Mr. Houser's parents: Henry, the subject of this sketch; Sarah, deceased; David; Elizabeth; Robert, killed during the late- war; Johnson, killed at Seven Pines, and Thomas. Mr. Houser remained at home until he was seventeen years old, when he engaged to work with a millwright to learn the trade. After that he entered upon a general trading life, in which he was phenomenally successful, and soon became the largest slave dealer in North Georgia. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, Capt N. D. Tabor, Eleventh Georgia cavalry. He participated in every battle in which his regiment was engaged, per forming arduous and efficient service, and remained in the army untH the sur render. In 1887 he built a fine, large hotel in Dawsonville, and to the management of that he has devoted his time and attention since that time. Mr. Houser was- DAWSON COUNTY SKETCHES. 581 married March 4, 1864, to Sarah, daughter of Elijah and Jane (Fields) Castleberry. He is an uncompromising democrat, a master Alason and a consistent and influ ential member of the Baptist church. yiRGIL D. MONROE, farmer, Dixon, Dawson Co., Ga., son of Daniel P. and Carey A. (Dodson) Monroe, was born in Haywood county, N. C, June 9, 1841. His father, of Irish descent, was born in South Carolina, and his mother, of Scotch descent, was born in North Carolina. In 1844 his lather came to Georgia and settled in Habersham county, thence to Cherokee, and finally to Lumpkin county, settling on land now included in Dawson county. By profession he was a school teacher — but in connection with teaching, he managed a small farm, and engaged in wagon-making — and was conceded to be the best mechanic in that line in the county. He was recognized as a man ot more than ordinary ability, and attained to considerable prominence. He was elected clerk of the superior court five terms successively, county judge one term, and in 1866 was elected to the state convention. The following children were born to him: Mary M., deceased; Van Buren H., deceased; Samuel L., de ceased; Martha C; Daniel G. ; Virgil D., the subject of this sketch; John W., de ceased; Louisa A., and Marion R. His wife died in 1879 and he in 1881. Mr. VirgH D. Monroe was reared a farmer, and making farming his life occupation, is regarded as one of the best, as he has certainly been one of the most successful in the county. In 1864 he enlisted in Company H, Capt W. A. Twiggs, Fifth Tennessee Mounted infantry, Col. S. B. Boyd, Union army. He is one of the oldest settlers of Dawson county, and has been foremost and active in promoting every move ment to improve the town and develop the resources of the county. For several years he was a notary public, and ex-officio justice of the peace, and ordinary of the county four years. He is one of the county's sohdest and most substantial citizens. In 1894 he moved from Dawsonville to the southeastern part of the county, where he owns a large and magnificent tract of land. Mr. Monroe was married in 1866 to Miss Susan — born Jan. 20, 1846 — daughter of William and Rachel (Darnell) Kelly, who has borne him four children: Amanda L., wife of James H. Owens; Mary M.; Emma L., and an infant child, deceased. He is an uncompromising republican, a member of the I. O. O. F., and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. JOHN PALMOUR, farmer-capitalist, Dougherty, Dawson Co., Ga., son of John and Nancy (Boon) Palmour, was born in Hall county, Ga., June 10, 1829. His parents were born in South Carolina, and while yet young, came to Georgia and settled in Hall county. Subsequently he moved to Lumpkin (now Dawson) county, and engaged in farming. When he settled on the place the Indians were nearly as numerous in northeast Georgia as the whites are now, and the country nearly an unbroken forest The Indians, however, Air. Palmour says, were very peaceable, and spent their time hunting — but would steal corn and other farm products. His father died in 1836. To him seven children were born: Ratcliffe; Silas, deceased; John, the subject of this sketch; Lucinda; Narcissus; Elizabeth and Sally. Mr. Palmour — a genuine pioneer — was raised on the farm. Soon after the late war began he enlisted in a company commanded by Capt Russell, which was a part of Col. Findlay's regiment. He was made first lieutenant of the company, and with it did efficient service. Near the close of the war he was elected a justice of the inferior court, and c^me home. He has represented his county in the general assembly six* sessions, and ranks very high in political circles. He has a very large, excellently well-located farm, which is one of the best- equipped and best-arranged of any in that part of the state, on which he has built 582 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and Operated a large, first-class grist mill. While profitably managing these interests he has also been profitably interested in other important enterprises. He owns a large brick hotel in Gainesville, Hall Co., Ga., and scattered through out northeast Georgia, he owns various large bodies of valuable mineral lands. Of extensive information and great will power, he exercises a potent influence politically and otherwise. Mr. Palmour was married March i6, 1849, to Miss Caroline Couch — born March 16, 1834 — daughter of Terrj' and Agnes Couch; a union which has been blessed with fifteen children, of whom the following survive: Benjamin, Hfe insurance agent; SHas, farmer; WiHiam A., a leading phy sician of Gainesville, Ga.; Edgar, farmer, and Homer, dentist, Dougherty, Ga.; Oscar, student. North Georgia Agricultural college, Dahlonega, Ga.; John L., traveling in the west; Raymond, remaining at home; Sallie, wife of Richard Block; Amanda, wHe of J. D. Whelchel, and MaHnda, wife of R. A. Gober. Messrs. Block and Gober are merchants, and Mr. J. D. Whelchel is a farmer Mr. Palmour is an unyielding democrat and a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. A MOS ROPER, farmer, YeHow Creek, Dawson Co., Ga., son of Tyre and Melinda (Ednes) Roper, was born in Pickens district, S. C, Dec. 23, 1845. His parents were natives of South Carolina, and his father was a prosperous farmer and Baptist minister of considerable prominence. They were the parents of nine children: Rachel, Jesse, Rebecca, Samuel, Eliza, Annie; Amos, the subject of this sketch; Mary, and Vashti. Mr. Roper was reared on the farm and educated at the common schools of the district. He enlisted in 1862 in Company H (Capt Philpot), Second South CaroHna regiment, and with his regiment participated in many important battles — among them, the WHderness and Darbytown. At the last-named battle he was wounded, Oct. 7, 1864, and was taken to Jackson. After receiving his discharge he returned to South Carolina, and to farming. In 1875 he came to Georgia and bought "the farm in Dawson county on which he now lives, which contains 2,140 acres. He came out of the war with only $16, and this large farm with its capacious and substantial improvements are the fruits of his hard work and extraordinary good management. In 1891 he was elected tax collector and served one term. He is energetic and enterprising, and always on the alert — always ready — to lend a helping hand to measures calculated to benefit the county. Mr Roper was married Dec. 31, 1868, to Mary E., daughter of Cor nelius and Harriet (Lynch) Keith, of old South Carolina families. Six children have blessed this union: John A., married Nancy Burdine; Annie, wife of WHliam M.- Gentry; Harriet, wife of Andrew Turner; Sarah, CorneHa, and Foster. He is a very strong and enthusiastic populist, and himself and wife are working and very prominent members of the Baptist church. J OHN B. THOMAS, journaHst, DawsonviHe, Dawson Co., Ga., son of WHHam H. and Mary (Stegall) Thomas, was born in Lumpkin county, Ga., March 28, 1847. He is of Scotch-"Welsh descent, and his parents were natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Georgia. His father was a farmer and a pioneer settler of North Georgia, and died in 1868; and his mother died ia 1884. To them eight children were born: Elizabeth (deceased); Sarah (deceased); WilHam C; John B., the subject of this sketch; CaHfornia (deceased); Alartha J., wife of Joseph W. Woodward; and Henry H. Mr Thomas learned the printer's art when a mere boy, and yvorked at the trade until just after the beginning of the war between the states. In 1862, when not quite sixteen years of age he enlisted in Company C (Capt R. R. Asbury), Fifty-second Georgia regiment, and went to the front. DECATUR COUNTY SKETCHES. 583 The regiment was ordered to Knoxville, accompanied Gen. Bragg in the Kentucky campaign, and participated in the battles of Tazewell, Tenn., and Frankfort, Ky. He was at the siege of Vicksburg, and in the battles of Lookout mountain and Alissionary ridge. Flis regiment was with the army from Dalton toward Atlanta, and took an active part in the campaign. At Kennesaw mountain he was cap tured and sent to Camp Chase, Cincinnati, and was confined there untH the close of the war. After his release he went to Kentucky where he stopped awhile, and then went to Mississippi, where he was foreman of a bridge gang about a year. Returning to his Lumpkin county home he engaged in the newspaper business in Dahlonega. In 1872 he went to Utah, and after engaging in mining four years returned to Dahlonega and resumed the newspaper business. In i888 he sold out and embarked in mining in Lumpkin county, and foHowed it two years, when he came to DawsonviHe and bought a printing office and material, and has devoted his time and attention since to the perm.anent estabhshment of the "Dawson County Advertiser." He is also agent for Dawson county for the Georgia immigration bureau. Air Thomas is energetic and progressive, well posted and public spirited, and all the time on the alert to advance the best interests of Dawson county. Mr. Thomas was married Oct 8, 1871, to Miss Julia, daughter of Thomas H. Kilgore, by whom he had one child which died in infancy — and July 27, 1872, the mother died. In 1879 he contracted a second marriage, with Miss Martha J., daughter of Benjamin T. White, a union which has been -blessed with five chHdren: Mary T., born Jan. 9, 1880; WiHiam T., born Dec. 5, 1883; Anna J., born March 21, 1885; Maude, born in 1889; and Ruth, born Sept 30, 1893. He is a member of the I. O. O. P., and a master Alason, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. DECATUR COUNTY. R B. BOWER. For fourteen years, by successive re-election, Byron B. Bower, ' Bainbridge, Decatur Co., Ga., has been the popular and honored presiding judge of the superior courts of Albany circuit, comprising Baker, Calhoun, , Decatur, Dougherty, Mitchell and Worth counties. Judge Bower descends from the sturdy stock which settied New England, and his great-grandfather, John B. Bower, was a resident of Providence, R. I., during the revolutionary war, where Isaac Bower, the judge's grandfather was born. When he was eighteen years of age, he came on a visit to relatives in Georgia, and was so favorably impressed that he determined to make his home here. He married a lady of Baldwin county and made his home in MilledgeviHe, where he lived aH his life, except an interval of five years in Arkansas, raised a famHy, and died in 1863. The judge's father, Isaac B. Bower, studied law and was admitted to the bar in Talbotton, Talbot Co., Ga. He was married in Talbot county July 8, 1838, to Miss Adeline D. Breedlove, and the next year moved to Early county, where he purchased and conducted a plantation in connection with his law practice. After a short resi dence there near Fort Gaines he located in Cuthbert, Randolph Co., in 1854, where he remained until 1864, continuing the practice of his profession and the supervision of his farm. From 1864 to 1866 he lived in the adjoining county of MHler and became interested and very prominent in pohtics, and represented the county in the constitutional convention of 1865 and in the state senate. In 584 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1866 he moved to Bainbridge, which has since been his home, where his father died Oct. 3, 1873,, during a yelfow fever epidemic. He was a man of sterling character and was specially honored in the Georgia reports by a biographical sketch from the pen of Hon. Richard H. Clark, judge of Stone Mountain circuit — his life-long friend. He raised a family of seven children: Byron B., Marcene, killed at the Black and "White station fight during the war; John, deceased; lamthus, merchant, Decatur county; Euzema, who moved to Los Angeles, Cal., after having been prominently identified with state pohtics many years, during which he served a term in the state senate; Richmond M., merchant, Decatur county; Ceneilla, wife of Rev. W. iM. McAlexander, a Presbyterian divine, Mem phis, Tenn. Judge Bower's mother is stiH living and is a member of his family. Judge Bower was born in Talbotton Sept 26, 1839, began the study of law at the age of seventeen and a year later was admitted to the bar. After a few months' practice with his father he located in Newton, Baker Co., and although quite young took an active interest in politics. The year foHowing he was elected justice of the peace; and six days before he attained his majority he' was elected ordinal"}^ of the county, defeating a gentleman who was backed by the influence pi the late Senator Colquitt This was in Septem.ber, i860, and when, the follov/ing winter, the war spirit developed he enlisted as a private in the Cuthbert Rifles, one of the first com.panies at Tuscaloosa. The next year he suffered a severe attack of pneumonia while on duty at Cumberland gap, and when convalescent returned home. But the need of his country was too pressing for him to remain contented at home, and a few months later found him again in the field, this time a member of Company B, Eighth Georgia cavalry. At the taking of Plym outh, N. C, he led the company as captain, having previously served as its orderly sergeant, and the regiment as adjutant. Soon after the conipany was ordered to join Gen. Lee's army, and he was thenceforth in conflict almost daily about Petersburg. He participated in the famous Hampton beef raid when that daring and valorous general stampeded 3,000 beeves from a point immediately in the rear and within one mile of Grant's headquarters. After the surrender Air Bower settled in Miller county, was elected county judge 'and served untH 1868, when he rem^oved to Bainbridge, which has since been his home. In 1882 he was one of the five candidates before the general assembly for judge of the Albany circuit, and after a spirited contest he was elected on the eighth ballot to fill an unexpired term of two years. So satisfactorily and efficiently has he discharged the responsible duties of his office that he has been re-elected three times since without opposition. Judge Bower was married in Bainbridge in June, 1871, to Aliss Ellen L. Dickenson, formerly of Virginia, a union which has been blessed with nine children, of whom six are Hving: Byron B., Jr., in senior class univer sity of Georgia, reputed to be one of the brightest members of the class; Ever- giline A^estalgar, also a student at the university of Georgia; Gordon, Don Roland, Jack, and Lucien Conway. The very estimable mother of these died in March, 1885, and the following year her sister Annie was called upon to assume the duties of the head of the judge's household, to be called away b}" death a few months later. It is almost superfluous to add that the judge is an unswerving democrat; he is also a member of the masonic fraternity, and of the Alethodist church. JOHN II. BOYETT, JR., son of John H. and Elizabeth (Trawick) Boyett was born June 7, 1864, in the western part of Decatur county, Ga. John's parents had four children: Isaac L., a planter; Elizabeth, single, with brother; Julia Ann (Mrs. Samuel Brunson, Decatur county) and John. The Boyetts are of Irish DECATUR COUNTY SKETCHES. 585 origin and members of the family came to this country among its earliest settlers. Isaac Boyett, John's grandfather, was a soldier in the Indian wars. He came to Georgia and settled in the western part of Decatur county, being one of the three families there in 1836. He lived and died on a plantation then settled. The Trawicks are of Welsh descent, the branch in Georgia coming from North Caro Hna. Mr. Boyett's grandfather Trawick served under Gen. Jackson, and while in this service helped to blaze the first road from the Carolinas into Georgia, after ward known as the "Three Notch Road," or Jackson's trail. John H. Boyett, his father, was born in North CaroHna, and came to Georgia with the family. In 1853 he and Ehzabeth Trawick were married, and to them were born four chil dren. Mr. Boyett's father enlisted as a member of Company A, Fifty-first Georgia regiment in May, 1861, and served in Virginia. He was in many hard-fought battles, was wounded once and once captured and passed ninety days in prison. While doing picket duty in Shenandoah valley, just before day, Oct. 19, 1864, he was shot dead by a Federal picket and was buried where he fell. His devoted widow still cherishes his memory, making her home among her children awaiting her summons to join him. Mr. Boyett grew to manhood in his native country, • enjoying but limited educational advantages, in fact the most of his education has been picked up, as it were, since he attained to man's estate. His first business venture was with a brother in 1889 at the home place, and known as BoyettvHle. As Boyett Brothers they conducted a general merchandise business until Aug. I, 1891, when he purchased a half interest in the general merchandise business of S. D. Cherry at DonalsonviHe, the firm being Cherry -& Boyett, with flattering promise of splendid success. He is a democrat and for four years was a member of the county democratic executive committee and a notary public. Mr. Boyett is held in high estimation as a citizen and business man. Q J. CHESNUT, M. D., son of R. G. and Mary (King) Chesnut, was born in * Bainbridge, Ga., Nov. 16, 1862. The Chesnuts were of Irish and the Kings of Scotch descent. The lineage of the latter can be traced to the famous McDonald clan in Scotland. Of the Chesnut family three brothers came from Ireland — one settling in North Carolina, one in South Carolina and the other in the west The brother which settled in Soutli Carolina was the great-grandfather of Dr. Chesnut. David, his grandfather, moved to and settled in Newton county, Ga., where he reared his family. The doctor's father late in the forties went from Newton county to Attapulgus, Decatur Co., to take charge of the school there as principal — that then being a somewhat famous school center. There he married his first wife, a Miss Donalson (of a pioneer family), by whom he had three children: C. E., planter, Decatur county; W. A., farmer, De Kalb county, Ga., and Mrs. E. G. "Wilson, Decatur county. This wife died in 1855, and. Air. Chesnut married his second wife (Mary King) in Americus, Ga., in i860, who also bore him three children: R. G., railroader, Ocala, Fla.; S. J., physician, and David K., who died in infancy. Air. Chesnut was a graduate of Erskine college, a thoroughly educated man and a thorough educator himself. His life-work was that of a teacher, and he was considered one of the very best in the south. He was a democrat in principle. Dr Chesnut had the benefit of the scholarly instruc tion his father could impart and was trained under his wise guidance and disci pline at Attapulgus. In 1886 he attended a session of the Peabody Normal school at Atlanta. In 1884 he taught school at Whigham and subsequentiy at other places — two years at Attapulgus — until 1889. In the faH of that year he entered the medical department of the university of Maryland, where he remained three years, graduating in 1892. Returning home he was accepted as a partner by Dr. 586 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. L. H. Peacock, with whom he had passed his vacation, taking a high rank and establishing an enviable reputation in his profession. Nov. 13, 1893, Dr. Chesnut married EHa, daughter of C. L. Harrell. He is a democrat in politics and in religious faith a Methodist, although his family are Presbyterians. He is also a Knight of Pythias. r^URRY. This is also one of the pioneer famHies of Decatur county, one whose numerous representatives have for many years imparted strength and solidity to the framework of its political and social life. Of Scotch Presbyterian stock, their austere religiosity and unyielding opposition to immorality in all its forms have always been most marked. The progenitor of this branch of the family in this country was Duncan Curry, who came from Argyleshire, Scotland, before the revolutionary war and settled in North Carolina. During that memorable con flict, while at home for a brief period, he was murdered by a band of guerrillas, led by one Cunningham. This sad event occurred a few months before the head of this family, Duncan Curry, was born. When only seven years of age his mother died and he was bound out to a family named McPherson, and by them apprenticed to a gunsmith. When eighteen years old, having served his appren ticeship, he came to Telfair county, Ga., where he married a Miss Sarah Smith, and where he lived until 1823, when with a family of six children he removed to Decatur county, Ga., and settled near the site of the present town of Climax. He resided here until his death, February, 1849. Mrs. Curry died in 1834. Mr. Curry was a man of excellent sense, an active, ardent whig and was frequently the chosen standard-bearer of the party and served both Telfair and Decatur counties in the general assembly. Nine children were born to this pioneer couple, all of whom are dead excepting Dr. Joshua Curry of Bainbridge. They were: Mary, who married David HoHoman; Cassandra, Archibald, Duncan, Calvin, Martin L., Joshua C, Sarah J. (Mrs. Dr. Martin R. Martin) and Margaret, who married Edward Love. Of these we further mention Duncan and Calvin. Duncan Curry was born in Telfair county, Ga., Alarch 6, 1818. Near Quincy, Fla., Oct 23, 1845, he married Mary Jane Love, of a North Carolina family which settled in Florida in 1824. His wife is stHl living. They were the happy parents of eleven children: Duncan, Sallie (deceased), Julia P., Marion H., Mary Ann (Mrs. Alex. Maxwell, Hico, Tex.), Joseph, Margaret (deceased), Janey (Mrs. Eugene B. Townsend, Climax), Mary L. (Mrs. Alanton Alford, Alar ion county, S. C.) and Daniel L. The head of this family died April 26, 1886. He was a quiet man, true to his convictions and highly esteemed, and with the ex ception of the time of the war, devoted the years of his life to agricultural pur suits. He was an excellent farmer and wise manager. During the late war he was importuned to accept the captaincy of a company, and yielding to the general desire, he led to the field Company F, Fiftieth (jeorgia regiment, and participated in the Second Manassas and Fredericksburg" battles. Retiring on a certificate of disability, he returned home and was made captain of commissary work and did efficient service until the war ended. Calvin A. Curry was born in Telfair county, Ga., May 8, 1820, and Feb. 9, 1843, at Quincy, Fla., married Jane E. Gregory, by whom he had ten children, seven of whom are Hving: D. B., J. G., H. C, A. B., C. H., A. D. and Amittie S. (Mrs. J. H. Martin, Hawkinsville, Ga.). Mr. Curry died of brain fever April 21, 1867, but his wife is still Hving. Mr. Curry was always greatly inter ested in public affairs and was an ardent whig partisan, but could not be induced to accept an office. The Currys, however, were best known in their religious Hfe; they were the pioneers of Presbyterianism in Decatur county, and were DECATUR COUNTY SKETCHES. 587 noted for their devotion to its teachings. Calvin was especially active and con cerned for the welfare of the church, and always insisted on having a good min ister in the community. Indeed, to enumerate the many virtues of this member among a family so noted for piety, would require more space than can be devoted to this sketch. His was indeed a golden character, unbending in its integrity, re- lentiess in its justice, spotless in its purity. The Bible was the absolute law of its household, and family prayers always preceded the day's duties. Even his slaves were held responsible for their "shorter catechism," he himself hearing them recite every Sunday morning. His children were raised in the most careful manner and are known as persons of the highest character. Henry C. Curry, son of Calvin A. and Jane E. (Gregory) Curry, was born Nov. 20, 1850, and received his education under the tutorship of Rev. H. F. Hoyl. He was married in CamiHa, Ga., April 30, 1878, to Miss S. E. McElveen, by whom he has two sons : H. H. and C. A. Mr. Curry taught school success fully for several years and then conducted a general merchandise store in Bainbridge. In 1886 he was appointed agent for the Alabama. Alidland and the Savannah, Florida & Western railways at Bainbridge, a position he still holds to the entire satisfaction of the corporations and the public. He is an active member of the Presbyterian church, of which he is an elder, and is secretary of Orion lodge, F. & A. M. Q H. DICKENSON. It affords the biographer much pleasure to note in this sketch the essential points in the history of a man who, for nearly sixty years, was one of Decatur county's most respected citizens. Coming to the county in 1835, he was a potent factor in its development, and by untiring industry and good business judgment he succeeded in making himself comfortable in the world's goods, and in the declining year^ of his life enjoyed the hard, well-earned fruit of his toH. Mr. Dickenson was a scion of an old Virginia family, whose home for many generations has been in Caroline county, in that 'state. Thomas, the father of S. H., was married, in that county, to Annie Parker, by whom he had nine children: MatHda, S. H., John P., William, Thomas, Lucy, George, Alary and Annie, of whom S. H. was the last to depart this life. Mr Dickenson was born in Caroline county Sept. 15, 181 5. At the age of twenty, in company with a younger brother, he came to Decatur county, having been induced to do so by an uncle, John I. Dickenson, who was greatly interested in the then new and all- absorbing sHk craze. The idea was to introduce the Morns multicaulis — or many- leaved mulberry — extensively used for feeding silk-worms. The death of the uncle the next year caused the collapse of the scheme. Mr. Dickenson, however, con cluded to remain in the south, and, so, after spending a year in Florida, he built a miH on the Flint river, now just across from Bainbridge. In consequence of the hard times which foHowed the panic of 1837, a failure of this venture was caused. Nothing daunted, Mr. D. moved his mill to Tallahassee, Fla., where he continued milling for ten years. In 1850 he bought a small tract of land on the Chattahoochee river, directly west of Bainbridge, erected his mill on it, and in connection with it established a general merchandise store. His success exceeded his most san guine anticipation. From time to time he added to his property, until he had some S,ooo acres of valuable land and a fine milling property. Since 1880 the cares of his business have been largely assumed by one of his sons — Mr. Dickenson gradually retiring from active control. In 1886 he purchased a beautiful site, and built an elegant house in the quaint old county-seat of Decatur, where he resided untH his death, Dec. 27, 1894. The energy and independence of Mr. Dickenson are finely illustrated by the followine mcident- In the early seventies he became 588 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. greatly annoyed because of unjust discrimination and the negligence of the steam boat company controlling the river navigation. He determined to teach the company a lesson — and he did. Investing $10,000 in a boat, he started a com peting line, cut prices, and so reduced the company's profit that they were glad to buy him out at a high figure, and such was the impressiveness of the lesson that the freight-rates and service have been satisfactory from that day to this. Feb. 23, 1873, whHe living near TaHahassee, Mr. Dickenson was married to Julia A. Hail, who survives him. To them ten chHdren have been born, four of whom only survive — E. T. C, merchant Greenwood, Fla.; G. H., in charge of the old plantation; Lulu L., widow of Julian Fleming, deceased, formerly a lawyer of Augusta, Ga., who with her daughter, resides at the old home; and J. L., a merchant at Iron City, Decatur Co. Mr. Dickenson was a democrat, and a thoroughgoing Methodist of forty years' .standing. J SAIAH GRIFFIN, a thrifty planter, and a much-respected citizen, is the son of Len and Louisa (George) Griffin, and was born in Decatur county, Ga., Nov. 7, 1837. His grandfather, James Griffin, and his family, lived, early in the cen tury, in Twiggs county, Ga. One morning, as he opened his door at daybreak, he was shot dead by some Indians, leaving a widow and five children, four boys — • James, Len, William, and Mitchell, and a girl, Linnie — all of whom are dead. In 1825, Mr. Griffin's father, Len, visited Decatur county and bought some land, and in 1826 the entire family removed to Decatur county. Mr. Len Griffin grew to manhood in the county, and married Louisa George, by whom he had three children: Isaac; Alartha J., Mrs. B. F. Hines, widow, near Bainbridge, and I. Al., Jr., a planter in Decatur county. Losing his first wife. Air Griffin married a Aliss Catharine Hines, by whom he had six children. Isaiah Griffin has been married four times. In 1861 he was marrried to Rachael Lasseter, by whom he had one child — L. E. — now in Florida. His second wife was Lucy Hunnewell, who bore him no children. For his third wife he married Airs. Dr. Skinner, by whom he had two children: Hunnewell and Mattaner, both at home. After the death of this wife, Mr Griffin married Mrs. L. S. Wright, who has had no children. After the war, Mr. Griffin was elected tax collector and served two terms. He is a democrat a member of the Methodist church, and a master Mason. "\A^ W. HARRELL enjoys the unique distinction of being the oldest native-born ' citizen of Decatur county — having been born Oct. 17, 1822, at a point eleven miles southeast of Bainbridge, then a mere trading post known as Fort Hughes, so named in commemoration of the killing there, by the Indians, of a fifer named Hughes. The name of Flarrell is indelibly written on every page of the annals of Decatur county. Energetic, enterprising, aggressive, the members of the family have so impressed their personality on the county that no history would be complete without honorable mention of the name. Business abilitv being the prominent characteristic of the family, solid facts, concisely and pointedly presented, will form the staple of this sketch. Jacob Harrell, grandfather of W\ W. Harrell, came from North Carolina in the latter part of the last centurv and settled in Pulaski county, Ga., but in 1821, with his wife, nioved to Decatur county and settled eleven miles southeast of Bainbridge. The original plantation is now in the possession of W. W. Flarrell. The parents of W. W. Harrell, John and Sarah (Brock) Flarrell, had been married just before the removal to Decatur county. Five children were bom to them: W. W., the eldest; Alary, widow of James Bird; John; Alartha, widow of James Thomas, and Jacob, all now living" in Decatur county. The father of this family was a shrewd and industrious planter, who, though poor in his youth, accumulated before middle age one of the finest DECATUR COUNTY SKETCHES. 589 properties in the county. At the close of the late war he released 250 negroes. He died in 1876, when seventy-five years and some months old; his wife died some years before. Mr. Harrell grew to manhood in a pioneer country, subject to all the disadvantages and hardships of the time and locality. Education was obtained almost on the "catch-as-catch-can" principle — ^tliat is, by attending school only two or three months in the year. He managed, however^ to attain to such proficiency in knowledge of the "three R's," as, supplemented by his inborn shrewd ness and business tact, has enabled him to successfully compete, in the struggle of life, with others whose early advantages were superior to his. Beginning as a planter near the old homestead, he, after an experience of eight years, bought the hotel property at Bainbridge, and served as "mine host' of the Decatur house for a number of years, operating in connection with it a livery business. Retiring from the hotel in 1859, he engaged in a number of enterprises — merchandising, running a stage line, keeping a livery stable, etc. In 1857 Mr. HarreH was elected sheriff of the county, serving in that capacity and as deputy until the war began, when he volunteered as a private in the First Georgia infantry, and served at Pensacola, Fla., and in West Virginia, until compelled to retire on a certificate of disability. His service, though brief, was none the less arduous and honorable. While absent he had been elected sheriff, in which office he served continuously until 1877, with the exception of a few months in 1872. A republican had been elected that year, but resigned, when Mr. Harrell was again elected. In 1877 he was elected to the house of representatives — rendering efficient and valuable service, and after ward retiring to private life. Since the war he has bestowed much attention to planting and milling; and, although past three score and ten, is active and vigorous, and operates two mills and several plantations, aggregating 2,300 acres. Col. Harrell was married June 29, 1843, to Ann B. Bird. To them six chHdren have been born: John D., merchant, Bainbridge; Martha Isabella; W. J., doctor; a little boy, not named (deceased); Charles L., merchant, in company with John D., and Clifford, Mrs. Dr. W. D. Wilson, Bainbridge. Mrs. Harrell died July 28, 1882. Col. Harrell ranks as one of the stanchest of democrats, is a thorough going Methodist, and as a Mason has been exalted to the royal arch degree. JOHN D. HARRELL, United States marshal, southern district of Georgia, eldest chHd of W. W. Harrel, was born AprH 9, 1844. The common school education he was receiving was cut short by the civil war. In February, 1862, he enlisted as a private in Troop A, Fifth Georgia cavalry; soon after was made a corporal, and later was appointed second senior lieutenant, Company A, Twenty- ninth battalion, Georgia cavalry — his service being mostly guard duty on the Atlantic coast. He was on his way to Virginia at the time of the surrender, and was paroled at Augusta. Returning home he engaged as salesman until 1873, when, in company with his brother Charles, he embarked in a general mer chandise business, in which he has continued. He is best known, however, by his civil service, to which his capabilities and superior qualifications were adapted. He has been sheriff of Decatur county; he then served a two years' term as clerk of the superior court, and after that a term of treasurer. For twenty-five years he has been a much valued and serviceable member of the city council — ^two years of the time as mayor. In 1884 he was elected to represent Decatur county in the general assembly, and served by re-election until 1889. While in that body he was chairman of the committee on railways and finances. He was appointed ' on the governor's staff, with the rank of Heutenant-colonel, by Gov. H. D. McDaniel, and was reappointed by Govs. J. B. Gordon and W. J. Northen. He has been an active member of the democratic executive committee, second con gressional district, and was appointed chief of special land service at Washington 590 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA, by Secretary of the Interior Department Hoke Smith; an honor which the demands of his business compeHed him to decHiie. In 1894 he was appointed United States marshal for the southern district of Georgia by President Cleveland, and office whose duties he is discharging with his characteristic fidelity and efficiency. No commendatory remarks could add anything to such a well-rounded public career. Alarshal Harrell was married in Burke county, Ga., Feb. 23, 1863, to Miss Annie E. Owens. Of their chHdren, Annie R. is the widow of J. M. Terrell, who was a confidential traveling agent of the Western Union Telegraph company; Evelyn H. is the wife of R. A. McTyer, Bainbridge, and an infant, which died unnamed. He is a Knight of Pythias, a royal arch Mason, is grand senior deacon of the Grand lodge of master Masons, and is an active member ot the Methodist church. r^ J. MUNNERLYN. If one should go to Decatur county on a mission of inquiry pertaining to its public affairs — past, present or future — he would at once be referred to Col. Munnerlyn, one of the best known characters of southwest Georgia, who for ten years has .been the popular and exceptionally efficient ordi nary of the county, his tenure of which will probably only terminate by death or total disability. The Munnerlyns are of "Welsh-Irish origin, and are of the old colonial stock which gave the Carolinas their strongly marked character for self-reliance and independent spirit During the war for independence. Col. Munnerlyn's grandfather and six of his brothers were in some one or other of the patriot armies. His immediate branch of the family settled in Marion county, S. C. His parents, Chas. Munnerlyn and Hannah Shackleford, were married in Georgetown, S. C, and in 1833 removed to Gadsden county, Fla. In 1837 they came to Decatur county, Ga., where Col. Munnerlyn's father had been a successful planter, and had accumulated a large property at the time of his death in 1856. His mother died in 1865. Col. Munnerlyn was an only child, and was born in Georgetown, S. C, Feb. 14, 1822. He was educated at Emory college, Oxford, Ga., and studied law under Judge A. B. Longstreet, its president, and was admitted to the bar. His taste, however, ran in another direction, and he never regularly entered the practice. Col. Munnerlyn's entrance upon public life was as a delegate to the secession convention, in which he cast an affirmative vote. While the convention was still in session the war-cloud burst, and he left and volunteered as a private in the First Georgia Volunteers, and served at Pensacola and in West Virginia. FaHing health compelled him to return. Soon after his return he was elected to represent the second congressional district, and in Feb ruary, 1862, took his seat in the first permanent congress of the Confederate States. Seeking re-election he was defeated, as was the entire Georgia delegation, the prime cause of which was their votes in favor of the conscript act, a very unpopular measure. It is a matter of interest to state that every man then defeated entered the army. Col. Munnerlyn entered Scott's battalion of cavalry as a private, but was soon detailed by Gen. Anderson on special service. Reporting to Presi dent Davis, whom he had known while in congress, he was given a major's commission and ordered to Florida, where he was to organize a regiment of reserves south of the then military line. It was the duty of these reserves to keep open the lines, and in every possible way to facilitate the collection and forwarding of supplies to the army in "Virginia. This duty, faithfully performed, secured his promotion to a lieutenant-colonelcy, which he held at the surrender. In view of the uncertain status of affairs, Gen. Jones advised him to remain quiet and hold himself in readiness to facHitate the escape of any of the officers of the late Confederacy who might desire to leave the country. It thus became his privHege, DECATUR COUNTY SKETCHES. 591 in connection with Capt. J. G. Leslie, to aid in the escape of Judah P. Benjamin, the brilliant secretary of war The war over. Col. Munnelyn devoted himself to farming until 1884, when he was elected ordinary of the county, to which he has since been continuously re-elected. Col. Alunnerlyn was married in Charles ton, S. C, Feb. 20, 1845, to Eugenia, daughter of James and Harriet Shackleford, a union which has been blessed with nine children: Mary (Mrs. I. B. EngHsh, Alacon, Ga.); Harriet (widow of R. J. Binford), now living with her father; Eugenia, Mr Dr J. E. Ethridge, Macon, Ga.; Elma, Mrs, F. C. Ethridge, Macon, Ga.; Florrie, Mrs. J. B. Bethea, Bainbridge, Ga.; Charles, DonaldsonviHe, Ga.; and Pane, Birmingham, Ala. (both raHway officials); and Calhoun, Decatur county. James, of Savannah, is deceased. Col. Munnerlyn is of course an old war horse of democracy. He is a member of the Methodist church and a royal arch Mason. "yi/^ ILLIAM E. POWELL, a highly esteemed citizen and prosperous farmer living ten miles east of Bainbridge, Decatur Co., is a descendant of one of the very earliest of the pioneer families of southwest Georgia. His grandparents, WilHam and Sarah (Turner) Powell, settled in Decatur county as early, possibly, as 1857, near where W. E. Powell now lives. The old frame cabin which made their rude but happy hoirie is stHl standing in a well-preserved condition, almost reverenced by the family, and an object of interest and curiosity to all. The chHdren of these worthy pioneers were: Kedar, Jane (who married a Trulock), Sarah (Mrs. Albert Cunningham), Margaret (Mrs. James McElven), Benj. F.. WHliam, and Louisa (Mrs. Dr. Bruce), all of whom are dead. William Powell, son of William and Sarah (Turner) Powell, was bom in Decatur county Jan. i, 1830, and was married Nov. 22, 1853, to a daughter of WiHiam and Mary (Comp- ton) Donalson. To them the following children were born: William E. ; G. D., Tampa, Fla.; Eugene (deceased); and Frederick M., Roseland, Fla. Mrs. Powell died July 20, 1884, and Mr. Powell married Mrs. Emma Knighton, by whom he had four children: Wight, LueHen, Jeff. Davis, and Ruth. Mr. Powell died Alay 29, 1892. He was a man of excellent traits of character, and a successful planter. He was a democrat and a consistent member of the Methodist church. William E. Powell, son of William Powell by his first wife, was born in Decatur county, Ga., Aug. 3, 1854, and grew to man's estate on the plantation he now cultivates. Dec. 30, 1879, he was married to Georgia E. Gainey, who also was a native of the county. She has borne him five chHdren : Maude E., Mattie Lou, Ethel, Eola, and Marvin Eugene. Mr. PoweH belongs to the democratic party, and is a member of the AlethodLst church. r^ H. THOMAS, one of Decatur county's leading citizens, is a prosperous * merchant at Woodland, on the Chattahoochee branch of the Savannah, Florida & Western railway. He also operates, nearby, a saw-mill on an i, 800- acre tract of fine timber land. His grandfather, Hezekiah Thomas, came from Maryland and settled in South Carolina, where lie married Mary Brooker In 1829, with a small family he moved to Decatur county and settled in the Fowlton neighborhood, where he died after a long and useful life, in 1861, at the age of eighty-three. His wife died in 1873, at the age of eighty-six. Mr. Thomas' father was born in South Carolina, but grew to manhood in (Georgia. He married in Baker county and settled in Fowlton, where at the age of sixty he died in 1871. His wife died when thirty-five years old, in 1864. They had six children: Melinda (deceased), C. H., J. M., J. C. (deceased), B. B., and E. M., all of whom reside in Decatur county. C. H. Thomas, the subject of this sketch, was born 592 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. in Decatur county Aug. i6, 1847. When twenty-one he engaged in the mercantHe business at Fowlton, which he continued with marked success there until 1892, when he removed to Woodland. Confiding his mercantile interests largely to the management of his brother, Mr. Thomas gives his attention to his milling business. Prior to the presidential campaign of 1892 Air Thomas had been an active and earnest democrat, but at that time with a large number of his fellow- citizens he became dissatisfied with the financial policy of the party, and became an equally ardent worker in the people's party ranks. In company with several others he became interested in "The Globe," published at Bainbi-idge, which voices the sentiments of the new party. He still owns a third interest in the enterprise. Jan. 18, 1882," Mr. Thomas married Beulah H., the accomplished daughter of Lucian Folsom, CentervHle, Fla. The family of this lady is a branch ol the noted New England Folsoms who came to this country from England in the seventeenth century and settled at Hingham, Mass. Mrs. Thomas has in her possession a genealogical tree showing the numerous branches of the family which she justly prizes very highly. The interesting fact may be stated here, with no breach of propriety, that the popular wife of our president, Airs. Grover Cleveland, is a member of the same family. Mr. Thomas is a member of the Methodist church and a master Alason. A NDREW J. TRULOCK, planter, is a member of one of the substantial early families of Decatur county. The family is of English origin, and first settled in Maryland. The grandfather of Air Trulock, Sutton Hines Trulock, came from Maryland to Darlington district, S. C, where he afterward married. With a small family he moved to Pulaski county, Ga., where he died. Sutton Hines Trulock, son of the above, was born in Darlington district, S. C, Oct 23, 1800; and, with his brother, J. H., both single, came to Decatur county in 1826, and settled about twelve miles east of Bainbridge. Sept. 22, 1829, he married Jane Powell, born June 7, 1812, who was a member of a pioneer family. The offspring of this union were: Delia (Mrs. Dr. Elbert Peacock, Cairo, Ga.); Alissouri B. (Mrs. John T. Harrell, deceased); Gordon B., merchant, Whigham, Ga. ; Zim merman, Whigham, Ga. ; Mary L. (Mrs. J. W. Maxwell, Cairo, Ga.); Sallie D., single; and Andrew J. With the exception of twelve years' residence in Early county,the family have been continuously citizens of Decatur county. Mr. Trulock was a thrifty planter, a strong democratic partisan before and after the war, but never aspired to office. He died Nov. 3, 1878, and his widow died in 1882. Andrew J. Trulock, son of Sutton Hines and jane (PoweH) Trulock, was born in Early county, Ga., Oct 13, 1846. When during the war a call was made for }'ouths of sev enteen and eighteen years of age, he enlisted in Company I, Third Georgia reserves, and saw service at Coosawhatchie, S. C, and Columbus, Ga., and in the ditches at Macon. He was also engaged in guarding Federal prisoners at Andersonville for about six months. Since the war Mr. Trulock has given his attention exclus ively to planting, and is one of the most advanced and successful planters in the county. Nov. 9, 1882, he was married to Sallie J., a daughter of Dr Henry Martin, a native of the county, by whom he has had four children: Paul Hines, AHce Martin, James Andrew, and Charlie Alartin. Air Trulock is a democrat, and a member of the Presbyterian church. "^ W. WRIGHT is a prominent and prosperous warehouseman, Bainbridge, Ga., a citizen who has ever taken a lively interest and exerted an active influence in behalf of every movement promotive of the advancement of the ¦'city of oaks." He is now, and has been since 1870, with a possible interval of DE KALB COUNTY SKETCHES. 593 a year or so, a member of the board of aldermen, and in 1885-6 was mayor. Mr. Wright is a son of John and Susan (Hoffman) Wright, of Henrico county, Va., for generations past the home of his ancestors. His parents had five chil dren: Gustavus, farmer, Old Church, Va.; John Henry; Charles (deceased); W, W., Bainbridge; and George, Old Church, Va. His father was a merchant in early life and later a planter, and died March 17, 1878. His mother died June 30, 1882. W. W. Wright was born Jan. 29, 1844, in Hanover county, Va., and was reared on a farm. In 1863 he enlisted as a private in Company A, Twenty- fifth Virginia battalion. His service was mainly about the capital. At the battle of Sailor's creek, in April, 1865, he had the misfortune to be captured, and for three months was in the Federal prison at Newport News. Aug. 6, 1873, Mr. Wright was married to Miss Florence M. Maxwell, and to them have been born four children: Stella V., Florence (deceased), an infant (deceased), and William Wallace. Mr. Wright is a democrat, a Alethodist, a Knight of Honor and a member of the Legion of Honor. DE KALB COUNTY. JOSEPH H. GREEN, physician and surgeon, Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., son of Dr. William and Rebecca F. (Sassnett) Green, was born in Sparta, Han cock county, Jan. 9, 1859. Both parents were natives of Hancock county; his mother was a niece of Rev. W. J. Sassnett, D. D., at one time professor at Emory college and later president of Lagrange Female college. Dr. Green received a good common-school education and when eighteen years of age began the study of medicine under his father and later with Dr. R. C. Word. He then at tended lectures at the Southern Medical college, Atlanta, from which he graduated in March, 1881. He immediately located in Decatur, and in connection with his practice clerked in a drug store, but the following fall he went to Louisiana and settled in Morehouse parish, where he remained until 1883; his father having died in April, 1882, he returned to Decatur, which has been his home ever since. His recognized ability and skill and consequent success have enabled him to secure a liberal share of the patronage of De Kalb county and vicinity. Few practitioners of his age stand better with the profession or have attained to higher local reputation. Dr. Green married Miss Mollie, daughter of Alexander Little of Richmond, Va., who has borne him three children: Mar garet O., Rebecca F. and S. Ulrich. He is a member of the National Union and a Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Presbyterian church. He is a stanch democrat. WASHINGTON J. HOUSTON, retired railway official and farmer, Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., son of Oswald and Anna Louise (Shaw) Houston, was born in AbbeviHe district, Oct 10, 1831. His parents were of Scotch-Irish and Welsh descent and both were native South Carolinians. Early in life his father migrated from South Carolina to Tennessee, moved thence in 1845 to Savannah, whence in 1846 he moved to Atlanta and engaged in merchandising on Decatur street, on or near the site of Mr. John Silvey's eight-story building. He built-up a large and profitable trade and was prominent in all movements looking to 'the growth and prosperity of Atlanta, and active in all church and Sunday-school 1-38 594 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. work. Soon after Atlanta was chartered as a city he was elected treasurer and was continued in the office a number of years. Mr. Houston began life as dray man and clerk for Mr. Jonathan Norcross soon after coming to Atlanta. His unusual business aptitude — his proficiency and efficiency — were flatteringly evidenced by his having been elected while yet a youth the cashier of the first bank started, and he enjoys the honor of receiving the first deposit ever made in a bank in Atlanta. He left the bank in 1851 and entered the employ of the Georgia railway as assistant agent, since which his active business life has been with railways. He next went to the Western & Atlantic (state) railway under Supt Wadley and James F. Cooper and remained with it until the second year of Gov. Brown's administration, when he accepted the position of general passenger and freight agent of the Atlanta & West Point railway. In 1876 he resigned and retired to private life on his farm in De Kalb county — finally, as he then thought. But when Supt. G. J. Foreacre assumed the management of the (then) Atlanta & Charlotte Air Line railway he called for Mr* Houston's services as assistant, with the official title of general passenger and ticket agent. While acting in this capacity he was the first to reduce passenger fare from five to three cents per mile, which created no inconsiderable stir in railway circles. When the line became part of the Richmond & Danville system he declined the offer of general passenger agent because it would necessitate his removal to Richmond, but by special request he remained with the system as assistant general passenger agent at this end of the line for a year, and then permanently retired to his farm. Air. Houston enjoys the distinguished honor of having suggested the organiza tion of the railroad commission of Georgia, the bill for which was drafted at his request and pressed forward to adoption by Representative W. R. Rankin of Gordon county. Though urgently pressed by admiring friends and the press of the state to serve on the commission, he peremptorily declined. His action throughout was cordially endorsed by President Sibley of the Atlanta & Charlotte air line, his sanction being practically demonstrated by a large increase of salary. Appointed one of the commissioners to appraise the property of the Western & Atlantic railway before it was transferred to the present lessees, he rendered in valuable assistance to the state's attorneys in defeat of the betterment claim made by the old lessees, as it was his especial duty to prepare the rebuttal accounts, which were sustained by the commission. In November, 1893, he re ceived, unsolicited, the appointment of chairman of a commission to negotiate a treaty with the Yuma Indians of southern California and Arizona. A treaty was submitted which was pronounced to be the most satisfactory of any made under the present administration, was approved by the senate and became a law without alteration. More than one-half of the money appropriated for that special service was returned to the treasury. In 1894 he was elected by a hand some majority to represent De Kalb county in the general assembly. Here, as in everv other position to which he has been called, he proved to be one of the most faithful and hard-working of all members. Thoroughly posted, broad- minded, public-spirited and progressive, fully abreast with t!ie advanced thought and methods of the times and always at the post of assigned duty, it is not possible to exaggerate the value and efliciency of his services to his immediate constituents and the state. He was placed on the most important standing and special committees, where he measured fully up to the highest standard of legislative thought, action and duty. He was a charter member of Atlanta Fire company No. I, the first volunteer fire company organized in the city, and was secretary of it many years. As might be expected, Mr. Houston entertains the most liberal and advanced views in regard to public schools and advocates the most DE KALB COUNTY SKETCHES. 595 generous legislation and expenditure for their betterment and extension. He is also an ardent and unflaggingly active worker in the Sunday-school cause. It was he, in connection with Hon. Milton A. Candler and William G. Wliidby, who issued the call for a state Sunday-school association, the present grandly beneficent and useful organization being the outcome of that call. He has devoted a quarter of a century of service to the County Sunday-school associa tion as chairman of its executive committee, and has been mainly instrumental in gaining for it the honor of being the banner association in the state. So long- continued and unaffectedly self-sacrificing has been his devotion to this work that he is known to every man, woman and child who annually attend these great gatherings. "I would not exchange the smiles and greetings of these good people," he exclaims, "for all the honors the political field can bestow." In 1868 he bought the old homestead of Dr. Chapman Powell (his wife's father), where, since his retirement from railway business, he has devoted himself to farming and stock-raising. While his neighbors with more experience have criticised his methods, they have been compelled to give him credit for having very greatlv improved the live stock in his locality. He prides himself on having a herd of the finest Ayrshire cattle in the United States. Mr. Houston was happily mar ried in 1854 to the second daughter of Dr. Chapman Powell, an old settler and widely-known physician of De Kalb county, who half a century ago represented the county in the general assembly and was a pioneer settler of Atlanta, then Marthasville. He is a member of the Scotch-Irish society of the United States, a member of the Pioneer Citizens society of Atlanta, a member of Atlanta lodge No. 59, F. & A. M., and was the first person exalted to the royal arch degree in Atlanta after the chapter was removed from Decatur to Atlanta, and is a promi nent and influential member of the Presbyterian church, of which he was recently elected an elder, after having served forty years as a deacon. ^SBURY SMITH MAYSON, physician and surgeon, Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., son of James L. and Lucinda (Douglas) Mayson, was born in De Kalb (now Fulton) county, May 21, 1836. His parents were natives of South CaroHna and his father was a farmer and railway contractor. He died in 1881. Dr. Mayson received his primary education in the common schools of the county and was graduated from Emory college, Oxford, Ga. He began the study of medi cine under the preceptorship of Dr. James F. Alexander, one of the most eminent physicians of Atlanta, then entered the Atlanta Medical college, from which he was graduated in 1857. Subsequently he took a course at Bellevue hospital at New York. He located at Powder Springs, Cobb Co., Ga. ; afterward' moved to Acworth, same county, whence, a year later, he moved to Decatur, where he located permanently, estabhshing an excellent reputation as a practitioner and a large and remunerative practice. He entered the Confederate service in May, 1861 ; was at the burning of Harper's Ferry, participated in the first battle of Manassas and was afterward made hospital steward. He was soon promoted and made assistant surgeon, and in May, 1862, was commissioned as hospital surgeon. He was present at the battle of Chickamauga, and those between there and Kennesaw Mountain. He was afterward at Andersonville, and was at Atlanta at the time of the surrender. He is a member of the Georgia Medical association, of which he was one of the organizers. Dr. Mayson was married March 9, 1858, to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Dr L. K. Catlen of Powder Springs, who has borne him four chHdren, one of whom only is now living: Lena R, wife of Dr. W. P. Smith, druggist, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Mayson and his wife are exem plary members of the Methodist church of long standing. 596 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. "WILLIAM MASON RAGSDALE, county ordinary, Decatur, De Kalb Co., son of Elijah N. and Caroline (Born) Ragsdale, was born in De Kalb county, Nov. 30, 1855. His parents were born in what is now De Kalb county, and are aged, respectively, seventy-nine and seventy-seven years. He received a good pre paratory education, and, after leaving college, attended lectures in the law depart ment of the university of Georgia, at Athens, from which he graduated in 1879. Among the members of his class were John J. Strickland, S. Morris, and Hooper Alexander. After he graduated, he settled- in Atlanta, but remained there only two years. He then located at Stone Mountain, where he practiced with encour aging success until January, 1889, when he was elected ordinary of the county, and has been continuously re-elected since. He was the editor and publisher of the first newspaper published in Decatur, "The -De Kalb News," which he sold after running it a year. He is well posted, genial, affable, and popular with his fellow-citizens. Mr. Ragsdale was married Jan. 27, 1882, to Miss Bartie C, daughter of Benjamin F. Veal, a popular and prosperous merchant of Stone Alountain, by whom he has had three children : Louise, Benjamin E., and William M., Jr. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. QEORGE A. RAMSPECK, fertilizer manufacturer, Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga., son of George P. and Charlotte R. (Lewis) Ramspeck, was born near Peters burg, Va., March i, 1841. His father was a native of Frankfort-on-the-Main, and emigrated to the United States and settled in Virginia when a young man. He owned and conducted a farm near Petersburg, in which city he was engaged in. merchandising. He was highly educated, and could write and speak three othet languages besides his own. In 1853 he left Virginia and came to South Carolina with the intention of settling in Charleston, but took the yellow fever, and died in Savannah that year. Mr. Ramspeck's mother was born in Prince George county, Va., and was a daughter of Joseph Lewis of revolutionary fame. Mr. Ramspeck's education was limited — he received none after he was eleven years old. When twelve years of age he was apprenticed to A. J. Burke, a book and job printer in Charleston, until he reached maturity. But in December, i860, he entered the state service as a member of the Chichester Zouaves, which became a part of First regiment. South Carolina Rifles. He later was a member of the battery of Capt. Stevens, who fired the first gun of the war, Jan. 9, 1861, on the occasion of firing on the "Star of the West," in its attempt to land supplies at Fort Sumter. He was engaged in the coast-defense service on Sullivan's and Alorris' islands, etc., for some time. Falling from the ramparts of Castle Pinckney, Charleston harbor, while mounting a gun, he was permanently disabled and discharged from the service. In response to a telegram from J. J. Toon, of the Franklin Publishing company, he came to Atlanta July i, 1862, and accepted a place at $15 a week. At the close of the war he found himself the possessor of $50,000 in Confederate money. Immediately after hearing of Gen. Lee's surrender he went to Griffin, where he exchanged it for goods which he brought in a one-horse wagon to Atlanta, realizing about $200 on them. In company with J. C. Rogers and M. T. Castleberry he constructed the first building erected — near the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, and nearly opposite what is known as "Dodd's Corner," where they sold the first goods brought over the Georgia railway, and sold in Atlanta after the war. This enterprise proved very successful and profitable. Later he withdrew from the firm and settled permanently in Decatur, where he believed he could handle his capital to better advantage, but principally on account of his wife's health. He engaged at once in general merchandising, which he con- DODGE COUNTY SKETCHES. 597 tinned until 1890 with exceptional success and prosperity. Since retiring from mercantile life he has devoted himself to farming and the manufacture of fertilizers. He has established for himself an enviable reputation for business sagacity and enterprise, and financial ability, and accumulated a large property. He has been elected and served two terms as mayor of Decatur; is a stockholder in the Donald Frazier school for boys; one of the trustees of the Decatur Male and Female academy, and a member of the board of county commissioners. Mr. Ramspeck was married Aug. 25, 1863, to Miss Eliza Florida, daughter of Capt Robert Ander son, of Charleston, S. C., who died Dec. 28, 1865, leaving one chHd — Eliza Florida. He contracted a second marriage Dec. 31, 1868, with Miss Margaret, daughter of Joseph and Jane Morgan, Decatur, a descendant of the Kirkpatricks — - De Kalb county pioneers. Five children have blessed this union : George, Mary, Joseph Lewis, Helen, and Jean. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum. Himself and family are devoted members of the Presbyterian church. DODGE COUNTY. W W. ASHBURN, a native of North CaroHna, was born Nov. 26, 1838, and reared on the old family plantation in Surry county, that state. His educa tion was limited, though he obtained a fair business training and was sufficiently equipped for life's battle to discharge creditably a clerical position he was holding in a mercantile firm, when the war broke out. He then enlisted in the Twenty- first North Carolina regiment, in which he served for about two years, when he was promoted to Gen. Early's staff as courier and scout, and in this capacity he served until the close of the war. He participated in the following battles: Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Winchester, Cedartown, Gettysburg, Plymouth, N. C, and was in a number of skirmishes during Jackson's and Early's raids in the valley of Virginia. He was wounded in the battle of Plymouth, N. C, and was near the immortal Lee on the day of his surrender at Appomattox. He returned to his old home about the middle of April, 1865, and on May 16, was married to Miss Anna P. Atkinson, the daughter of Johnson Atkinson, of Caswell county, N. C, Mr. Ashburn and Miss Atkinson having been engaged for the last two or three years of the war. Mr. Ashburn was then without resources, save a small tract of unimproved land in Surry county, N. C. He at once set to work im proving this land, and there laid the foundation of a very successful business life. In 1868 he engaged in buying and selling tobacco and stock in South Carolina and Georgia, and in this way he found the "piney woods" or, as he maintains, the "garden spot" of Georgia. His family remained in North Carolina untH the year 1871, and he- then brought them to Eastman, Ga., where he located and commenced a mercantile business. In this and purchasing timber lands, he continued for ten or twelve years. About the year 1882, he commenced the manufacture of naval stores and lumber, and this business he conducted for five or six years with great success. During this time Air. Ashburn had become the owner of large tracts of lands, which he determined to hold for farming pur poses, selling the timber, as well as his manufacturing interests. He then turned his attention to a general real estate business, buying and selling timber and farm lands, and city and town lots, and- this has been handled with marked success. 598 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. He has been the trusted and efficient treasurer of his county, and has ably represented it in the legislature, serving with distinction on important committees, where his business abilities and sound judgment were appreciated. He is president of the Citizens' Banking company, of Eastman, Ga. Mr Ashburn is a powerful factor in the development of southern Georgia. He is a consistent member of the Baptist church, and a Mason of the royal arch degree. Mr. Ashburn's children have been reared in Eastman. He has four daughters and one son: Ella Alay, Mrs. Lee B. Jones; Ida Belle, Mrs. Park Harper; Lizzie, Mrs. Z. H. Clark; WiHie Warren, and Howard Ingram. His sons-in-law are respected and weH-known citizens, and his son is a bright lad of twelve years. JUDGE JAMES BISHOP, the present county school commissioner of Dodge county, is a native of Pulaski county, Ga. His father, Simeon Bishop, was a native of New Jersey, and was born in 1799, and died in 1836. He was engaged in the mercantile business, and, being a man of exceptional business qualifications, he rapidly accumulated a competency. His wife, who survived him some years, was a Miss Nancy J. Daniels. Her death occurred in 1873. There were bom to them but two children, one of whom died in youth, the other, James Bishop, -^yas born December, 1829. He received the benefit of a good education, and studied for the profession of the law. Being left with an abundance of this world's goods, he never felt the necessity for applying for admission to the bar He married Aliss Mary E. Guyton, a daughter of Maj. Guyton, one of Laurens county's old and most prominent citizens. To this union eight chHdren have been bom, as follows : Mrs. E. W. Bullock, of Wilcox county, Ga.; Mrs. G. F. Harrison, Atlanta; Mrs. R. L. Bush, Wilcox county; Helen and Emma, at home, and James, Jr, attorney, at Eastman, Ga. The oldest son, Saxon, died in his nineteenth year, and the youngest, Guyton, at two years of age. The wife and mother died in 1890. For a number of years, Judge Bishop has been identified with the interests of Eastman. For a term he was engaged in the mercantile business. In 1875 he was appointed by Gov. Smith judge of the county court. In 1889 he was appointed to the office of county school commissioner, which he has held since, to the credit of himself, and the satisfaction of his numerous friends. He is a Methodist in faith, and a democrat in politics. lyi ATTHEW CLARK. — The prominence of this family in the early history of Georgia and the sterling character of its representatives in Dodge county at the present time, makes a full sketch of it unnecessary in these Alemoirs. The gentleman who introduced this branch of the family into Georgia was John Clark, a native of Virginia who emigrated to Burke county in early manhood. He there married Emily Sacks, and reared Amerinthia, who married a Wm. Clark, and is now a widow residing in Alontgomery county; Mary, Airs. Samuel Miller, Laurens county; Elizabeth, widow of John Gay, Montgomery county; and the following deceased sons, John G., Matthew, Harlow, Flournoy, Francis,- and Colfrey. Of these Colfrey is the father of the gentiemen now residing in Dodge county. He was born in 1806, was given a good education, and studying medi cine, became a physician of note and an extensive planter in Montgomery county, where he died in 1869. He was largely self-educated and a man of wonderful energy. He served for twenty-seven years as justice of the peace when that office was of much more importance than at present. He man'ied Cynthia Burch, who was a daughter of Benj. Burch, of Laurens county. He was a patriot and veteran of the Florida Indian wars. He left a large property to his children, which was the result of his own labors. This marriage produced eight children, DODGE COUNTY SKETCHES. 599 four of whom are now living: John J., Appling county; and Matthew, Hamilton, and Harlow. Benjamin died of small-pox while a prisoner of war at Point Lookout The mother of these children lived to be quite aged, dying in Janu ary of 1894. She was a devout member of- the Baptist church and a woman of beautiful traits of character. Matthew Clark was born May 8, 1835, in that part of Montgomery county which is now Dodge. He was reared on his father's plantation and received an academic education, as did all the family. In i860 he was united in marriage to Mary Henley, whose children are: (jolumbia J., widow of John Knowles, Dodge county; Alattie Maud, single; Alary T., Airs. Calhoun, Eastman; Marsa, Mrs. WHcox, Dodge county; Virginia, Emma, En- dora, Colfrey, Callie, and Flatten. The last named is deceased; the others live with their parents. In 1862 Air Clark enlisted in the Confederate service. Company G, Tenth Georgia. He participated in many battles of the war, and was one of the daring company which captured the Yankee pickets the next night after the bloody battle of Chickamauga, notice of which was made officially at the time. Mr. Clark served during the entire four years, surrendering at Raleigh, N. C. Returning to the old home in Alontgomery county he took up the broken threads, and began life anew. By close economy and hard work, he accumulated property slowly but surely, and has long been considered among the most substantial men of his county. In 1885 the wife of his youth who had stood by him bravely and had reared his children departed this life. His present wife is Dollie C. Pickens. She is the mother of Allie B., Eva, and Leslie AI. In 1882, perceiving the need of better educational advantages for his chHdren, Mr. Clark moved into Eastman, the county seat, where he has since resided, though he continues the cultivation -of his extensive plantation. He is a Baptist and votes with the party of strong government — the democratic. JJAMILTON CLARK, fourth son of Colfrey Clark, was born May 14, 1839. In 1862 he responded to the call for troops and went out to do battle for right and against oppression. He was a member of Company H, Forty-seventh Georgia, Capt J. Al. Aiken commanding, and followed it through the four years' course of battle and camp life. He was in fourteen engagements, the -most promi nent of which were the battle of Jackson, Miss., and that of James island. He remained at home the first year after the war. In 1866 he married Margaret Aliller of Montgomery county, a daughter of Joseph Miller, and settling in the county remained there engaged in planting some eight years when he removed to Dodge. In 1882 he removed to his present home at Chauncey, from which point he superintends his four plantations. He is also largely interested in the raising of stock. Like his brother he is a Baptist in faith and a democrat, though he takes possibly more interest in the latter than any member of the family. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, and sustains the reputation of the family for sobriety, honesty, and integrity of character. His children are: Sarah P., Mrs. L. S. Evans; John Al.; Leonora E., Mrs. R. L. Edwards; Hattie E., Wrn. H., and Ilda Alay. The latter three are at home; the others in homes of their own in the county near. J4ARLOW CLARK, one of the sons of Colfrey, was bom in 1845, Feb. 26. Al though but a youth, he became a soldier, enlisting in the "Wiregrass" Fourth Georgia cavalry under Capt Cnim. His service was mostly on the coast of Florida and Georgia, and his most serious engagement was at Ocean Pond, Fla., where the carnage was terrible, 8,000 being killed, and where Mr. Clark received slight wounds. On his return from the war he married Cassie A., 6oO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. daughter of Joseph MHler, Montgomeiy county, and a sister of Hamilton's wife, and settled down to buHd a home. He has succeeded admirably, and entirely by his own exertions. Beginning with but little capital he has reared his family in the best society and with good educational advantages, and has accumulated one of the handsomest properties in Dodge county. His plantation consists of 400 acres of rich land, on which he has all the modern improvements, and he operates a gin and grist mill in their season. Harlow Clark is also a democrat, though he cares nothing for political preferment, and the masonic order also numbers him among its best members, he being a past worshipful master His children are: John B., at home; Cynthia, Airs. Donaldson; Mary F., Mrs. Nash; Bartiett H., and Cassie G., all of Dedge county — the first and last two being at home. J T. COLCORD, the present manager of the Amoskeag Lumber company, is ' a native of Brentwood, N. H., and was born Oct. 27, 1839. When but a youth of twenty he came south and located in Screven county, where he secured employment as a -millwright His position was one of great hardship, but by being most faithful in the performance of his duties, and practicing the most rigid economy, he soon became a mHl manager and owner. He successfully conducted mills in the following counties: Emanuel, Burke, Pierce and Ware. In 1881 he nioved to Dodge county, his present location. Here he established the large industry of Amoskeag. Air Colcord is not an aspirant for political distinction, though he is a most zealous democrat. He is very proud of the fact that his first ballot was cast for the distinguished Stephen A. Douglas, of whom he is a great admirer. In 1869 he became a member of the masonic lodge, and is a Knight Templar. He has been high priest of his chapter for eight years and grand captain of H of the state grand chapter. The present Amoskeag is due entirely to the intelligent management of Air Colcord, who views with just ifiable pride one of the largest and most prosperous lumber plants in the south. The Amoskeag Lumber company was incorporated in 1881, its site lying on the E. T., Va. & Ga. raHroad, one and a half mHes from the thriving county seat town of Eastman. From a force of sixty employes the pay roll has grown to 400; two immense mills are operated with the latest improved machinery; and thirty mHes of railroad have been built, on which are run four locomotives. pLIAS HERMAN, judge of the county court of Dodge county, is of Jewish extraction. His father was Henry Herman, a native of Germany, where he v/as reared and where he married Henrietta Goodman. They emigrated to the United States in 1849 and settled in Laurens county, Ga., where he engaged in merchandising with great success at Dublin. In 1873 the family removed to Eastman, where he was one of the leading business men until his death, which occurred in 1875. Mr. Herman was a man who very fully identified himself with his adopted people. He was for years the efficient postmaster of Dublin, and took great interest and was an active worker in the democratic party. Like most men of his race he was endowed with great financial ability, which carried him through a successful career. During the war between the states he did his duty as a member of the state troops, serving through the Atlanta campaign with credit. He was a master Mason and a member of the Macon Jewish parish, where he and his wife lie buried, the latter dying in December of 1893. His chHdren were well-educated and honor their parents by useful and successful lives. Their names are: Isaac, born in New York, came to Eastman in 1869, and vyas one of her first merchants. He served a period as clerk of the superior DODGE COUNTY SKETCHES. 6oi court He is now dead; EHas was the second child; Solomon, a merchant; Jefferson Davis, physician; Albert and Carrie, aH of Eastman. Elias Herman was born in Dublin, Ga., and was giveti an excellent education, doing some advanced work in New York city. He began the study of law under T. J. Simmons, now chief justice of the supreme court of Georgia, and in 1874 was admitted to the bar of Laurens county. He practiced in "Macon until 1877, when he located at Cochran, Pulaski Co., where for ten years he enjoyed a lucrative practice, being most of that time city attorney for that progressive town. Judge Herman has been a resident of Eastman since 1888 and so won his way into the hearts of Dodge county people as to cause his appointment to his present im portant position by Gov. Northen in 1893. He makes a model judge and administers the office in a manner satisfactory to his constituents. Judge Herman also served the city of Eastman as mayor during 1891, and the unusually able conduct of that office had much to do with his appointment to the judgeship. Fraternally he affiHates with the Masons and with the Knights of Pythias, and is of course a good democrat. Judge Herman found a lady to suit him for a life companion in Josephine Heimer of Montezuma, Ga., a union which has been blessed with three attractive children, Jule, Isaac and Hennie. g AMUEL HOWARD LOWTHER, one of the sub.stantial planters and a citizen of merit in Dodge county, is a son of Absalom Lowther, a South Carolinian. He was born July 30, 1838, in Screven county, Ga., where he was reared to manhood's estate with a limited education. Just as he was ready to leave the home nest to build one of his own, his government asked his aid in a similar enterprise, and he unselfishly reHnquished his own aspirations and en Hsted in the army of the new Confederacy. He was mustered into the service in the spring of 1861 at Whitesville, Ga., a private in Company D, Forty-seventh Georgia regiment, Capt. J. D. Ashton. Chickamauga was his most notable engagement, though he was in many others almost equaling it in interest Dur ing his service he was twice captured by the Yankees, but luckily made his escape. He settled in Screven county after the war, and though he had nothing to begin with, managed to provide for his wife and- child untH he could secure a foothold. In 1868 he" removed to Pierce county, Ga., where he engaged in the lumber business until 1882. While living in that county he also served a term as sheriff, from '72 to '74. He made some considerable money at the lumber business, but was greatly crippled in the panic of '73. In October of 1882 he bought his present home, and has since resided there. He owns 600 acres of good land, 200 of which are under excellent cultivation. He also operates a gin and grist-mHl. Mr. Lowther is a believer in the principles of Jefferson, but cannot vote with the so-called democratic party, the new people's party being more to his notion. He is a Free and Accepted Mason, and since his fourteenth year has been a member of the Baptist church. He married a Miss Kelly, and to them one child — Verbena — has been born, now Mrs. Howard, of Screven county. The mother of this child died, and Mr. Lowther subsequently married his present estimable consort Susan A. Gail, daughter of Bird Call of Screven county, who has borne him a daughter, WiHie, who married Mr. Wood, but was early be reaved and is now at home with her parents. Mr. Lowther's father was, as stated, a native of South Carolina, where he was born March 2, 1806. He married, Feb. 10, 1828, in Screven county, Ga., Elizabeth J. Thompson, daughter of James Thompson. She v/as born Oct. 30, 1806, and died in February of 1874, the mother of the following children: Mary C, widow of H. B. Howard; Caro line E., widow of Rev. J. S. Thompson; Sarah, Mrs. W. W. Lesch, Effingham 6o2 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. county, and Samuel H. The father of these children died in middle age in 1840.J2)AVID M. ROBERTS. The authentic history of this branch of the Roberts family begins with the grandfather of the gentleman named above, whose name was Frederick, and who came to Georgia after participating in the revolu tionary war under the leadership of Gen. Lincoln, and in which he lost a limb. He settled in middle Georgia, became a wealthy planter and reared a family of which Daniel, the father of Judge Roberts of Eastman, was one. Daniel Roberts was born in Burke county and at the age of twelve moved to Laurens county — in 1792, and in early life was captain of a steamboat on the Oconee river. Later he became a planter and was one of the wealthy and influential men of his sec tion. In 1857 he removed to Thomas county, where he died in 1859. He married Ehzabeth Carey and was the father of ten children, of whom Judge Roberts and Mrs. Elizabeth Cox of Eastman, are the only ones living. The mother was a woman of deep piety, and an active member of the Baptist church. She survived her husband some eleven years. David Montgomery Roberts was born June 15, 1837, in Laurens county, Ga; With a common-school education he read law in the office of Ex-Senator Hugh Moore of Dublin, and was ad mitted to the bar in 1859 by Judge Peter E. Love, at Dubhn. Telfair county, Ga., attracted the young attorney for a year, but he had scarcely begun to get a foot hold when the guns of Ft Sumter announced the advent of v/ar. Returning to Dublin Judge Roberts enlisted in Company G of the Tenth Georgia at Hawkins ville, Col. O. C. Horne commanding, and was mustered in at Richmond. Immediately after this event, however, he was prostrated by sickness and dis charged for disability. On recovering he again enlisted, this time in Company G, Tenth regiment of Tennessee cavalry. In this company he saw continuous service to the very end of the war, laying down his arms after participating in the last battle, Bentonville, S. C. He was under some of the most noted cavalry generals, such as Scott, Morgan, Forrest and Joe Wheeler. His severest engage ments were Chickamauga and the New Hope church, and on the Atlanta cam paign, where he was under- fire twenty-six days in succession. Judge Roberts took up the practice of his profession again in Appling county, where he resided eight years, a short period in Jesup, Ga., preceding his location in Eastman in 1877, where he has since resided. The matrimonial life of Judge Roberts began Dec. 22, 1875. He wedded Ursula, daughter of W. H. and Eliza Edwards of Tattnall county, and has three living children: James H., Fred A. and Paul. The legal career of Judge Roberts has been uniformly successful, ancl of such solid merit as to bring him the judgeship of the Oconee circuit in 1889. He filled this place in a manner highly satisfactory to all concerned with his court, but resigned in 1893 on account of ill health. Politically the judge has served his party in various important conventions, but has never been an aspirant for political honors. He was in the convention which nominated Hancock in 1888. He is a Knight Templar of Alacon commandery. A man of solid legal attainments, socially of great geniality, and a citizen of strength of character. Judge Roberts is a man of whom Dodge county and soutli Georgia may well be proud. C MANUEL CURTIS SMITH, of Eastman, is a son of Emanuel Smith, a North Carolinian, who was born May 24, 1821. The famHy have for generations been people of education and wealth, and by marriage are connected with some of the most prominent famHies in the south. Emanuel Smith grew to manhood under most favorable environments, and became a man of influence and wealth. He DOOLY COUNTY SKETCHES. 603 married in 1844, Mary, daughter of Daniel G. Curtis, of Virginia, who was a man of political prominence in the "old dominion" in the several decades preceding the war. To the marriage were bom Daniel, Emanuel C, Mary and James. Daniel and Mary are living on the old homestead in North Carolina, while' James is a lawyer of fine reputation and promise in Richmond, Va. The parents passed a long and useful life, the mother passing away in 1869, while the father survived until 1890, dying in his seventy-first year. Emanuel Curtis Smith was born Sept. 28, i860, amid the mutterings and lowering clouds of the storm which was so soon to break with such relentless fury. But infancy recks not of scenes of blood and carnage, and ere he had grown to years of accountability the political elements had resumed their wonted calmness, and he was left undisturbed to pursue his educational training. He early became a matriculate at the university of Virginia, from which he graduated at the remarkably tender age of 13 years. He afterward came to Georgia, and in Savannah met and married Miss Eloise, daughter of Oscar Dun ham, a wealthy citizen of that city. From there Mr. Smith came to Dodge county, where he is interested in agricultural pursuits. He favors democracy, and is a Baptist in religious beHef. DOOLY COUNTY. JHOMAS N. BAKER, M. D., of Cordele, Dooly Co., Ga., was born in WHkinson county, Ga., Aug. 20, 1866, and is the son of Rev. Wm. S. Baker, a prominent citizen and county school commissioner of Wilkinson county. The family is of Scotch-Irish ancestry, but came to Georgia from Virginia. Thomas N. Baker was educated at Talmadge institute, Irwinton, taking a collegiate course to the close of the junior year. After this he taught school at Tennille and Sandersville, and for some time was principal at Snow Springs, Dooly Co. In 1888 he entered the Physicians' and Surgeons' college, Baltimore, graduating in 1890. He had pre viously read medicine for three years under different preceptors. Dr. Baker, after receiving his diploma, located in Cordele, where he enjoys the best practice in the city. As a change of labor — ^the ttuest recreation — he carries on a farm in the adjacent county. He is an efficient member of the county board of education, and a member of the Southwest Georgia Medical association. He belongs also to Cordele lodge, Knights of Pythias, being a past chancellor and grand represen tative. The wife of Dr. Baker is Georgia, the daughter of Rev. John W. Brock, a M. E. preacher, of Lexington, Ky. They have two children, Elizabeth, born AprH 27, 1893; and Thomas Newton, Jr., born May 7, 1895. One of the doctor's brothers, Wm. A. Baker, is a dry goods merchant of "Vienna^ Dooly Co., Ga. J? ICHMOND A. BEDGOOD, an enterprising business man of Arabi, was born Aug. 3, 1847, in Washington county, Ga. He was the son of a farmer, Henry Bedgood, from whom he was separated by death in 1856. The boy re ceived but a very limited education, enlisting in the Seventh Georgia militia in 1864, when he had scarcely completed his seventeenth year. Since the war closed Mr. Bedgood has been engaged in farming, and has also carried on a large sawmill and a successful mercantile business in Arabi. He is a respected member of the masonic fraternity. The first wife of Mr. Bedgood was Elizabeth Brown, whose father was the weH-known Maj. Brown, of Cordele. Mr. Bedgood's second wife 6o4 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. was Susan demons, daughter of J. J. demons, of Dooly county. He is the father of four sons and five daughters, one of his sons, John H., being his father's partner in business. JAMES H. DOROUGH. The father of J. H. Dorough was Nathan 3. Dorough, a farmer of Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., Ga., who was for twenty years justice of the peace; he was also a member of the militia, and was killed in the fight around Atlanta. In Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., James H. first saw the Hght on Oct. 5, 1842. He had received a good common school education, and when the war broke out, he hastened to join the First regiment of Georgia Volunteers, serving as second sergeant of Company E. The youthful soldier was noted for his bravery, taking part in every battle of the war in which his company was engaged. In the battle of Ocean Pond he brought the colors of his regiment safely out of a charge, in which the color sergeant had been slain. The war being over, he located in Dooly county, near the site of the present town of Cordele, where he successfully conducts the affairs of a large plantation. Mr. Dorough is a member of the Baptist church, a thorough Democrat, and just now a prominent member of the legislature. His wife, whom he married Oct. 22, 1866, was Miss Sarah E. Powell, the daughter of Isaiah Powell, a well-known planter of Dooly county. They have five children: William D., born November, 1867, married Miss Alice Murray, of Vienna, and carries on a farm near his father; John C, born Nov. 17, 1868, married Anna, a sister of his brother's wife; Nannie, born 1869, married Joseph E. Brown, a farmer of Dooly county; Leanna, born October, 1871; and Mattie, born March, 1873, is married to Hiram Wheeler, of Cordele. J~^ AVID T. DOUGHTRY is the son of Thomas Doughtty, a planter of Screven county, Ga., who, after the war, went into the lumber trade, and who died in 1884. David was born May 4, 1849, and was educated in thd common schools, and at the university of Georgia, at Athens. From the time of leaving college, 1871, until 1878, he engaged in the pursuit of agriculture, then for nearly two years in that of lumbering in Burke county, Ga., after which for a short time he worked for R. B. Rippard & Co., of Pierce county. In 1880 he engaged with the Amoskeag Lumber company, of Eastman, Ga., and remained with it six years. He then went into business for himself in the manufacture of naval stores, in which he has be come one of the largest operators in the state. Having some years before bought an interest in the turpentine business, in 1889 he established a manufactory at Cor dele, which he still operates, being now interested in four stills. He carries on, besides, a good farm in Dooly county. Mr. Doughtry is a member of the masonic fraternity (a chapter mason), also of the A. O. U. W., and of the Wood men of the World. He has been for two years a member of the board of educa tion, is president board of trustees of Cordele college, and president of Cordele Naval Stores association. He married Laura J., daughter of Thomas S. Barbour, a planter, of Screven county, and has four children: WiHiam T., born May 20, 1872, who in early childhood, as a result of a severe fever, lost both speech and hearing. After ten years at a deaf and dumb school, the young man, who is very bright, took a business course at Sullivan & Crichton college, at Atlanta, and is the only deaf mute in the south holding a business diploma. He is now cashier and bookkeeper for the Naval Store and Lumberman's bank at Cordele. August, 1893, he married Miss Nealie Bene, of Atlanta, who is as the result of accident, semi- mute. Mr. Doughtry's second son, Lowell Mason, born July 9, 1873, is a graduate of Alabama and Georgia Business college, at Macon, and is now senior member of the firm of L. M. Doughtry & Co., naval stores and general merchan- DOOLY COUNTY SKETCHES. 605 disc. David A., Mr. Doughtry's third son, born Dec. 5, 1875, has just graduated from the Cordele High school. The only daughter, Annie Laurie Etta, born Aug. 21, 1877, is attending the Georgia Female seminary at Gainesville. DEARSON ELLIS, attorney at law, was born Nov. 17, 1859, near Old Brown Marsh church, in Bladen county, N. C, but from his early infancy his family lived in Whiteville, Columbus Co., N. C. His father was a lawyer — John W. Ellis, who was captain of Company H, Eighteenth North Carolina regimerit, and was in Longstreet's corps during a part of the late war. Capt. Ellis was elected state senator from the fifteenth senatorial district of North Carolina, and served several terms. He died May 17, 1883, leaving five children, of whom Pearson is the eldest. The latter was educated at the university of North Carolina, and read law at the Dick & Dillard law school at Greensborough, N. C. Having been ad mitted to the bar in October, 1886, he located at Whiteville, where he remained until 1890. He then removed to Georgia, practicing a year and a half in Bruns wick, and was afterward bookkeeper for one year for A. Peacock, manufacturer ot naval stores, in Wilcox county. He finally located in Dooly county, where he has built up a good practice, and, while in North Carolina, he was deputy sheriff for two years under V. V. Richardson, sheriff of Columbus county, and for three years was superintendent of public instruction for Columbus county. In Novem ber, 1888, he .married Miss Annie Toon, of WHmington, N. C, a relative of Mr. J. J. Toon, of Atlanta. They have one chHd, Sarah Elizabeth, born Aug. i, 1890. pROF. JAMES M. KELLEY is the son of a farmer of Coweta county, Ga., Andrew W. Kelley, who died in 1880. The son was born Feb. 2, 1855, and well educated in the common schools, after which he taught for some time, then for two years engaged in mercantile business at Corinth, Ga. In 1882 he entered Mercer university, from which he was graduated in 1885, taking the degree of A. B. Mr. Kelley was now called to the presidency of Cochran college (New Ebenezer), which position he held for two years. In 1880, however, he had been ordained to the ministry of the Baptist church at Macon. Here he remained for six months, when he 'resigned to accept the charge of the Auburn institute at Jeffersonville, Twiggs Co. After two years of successful service here, in 1893 he removed to Cordele to take his present position as president of Frederick Shipp female college. In 1892 his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of A. M. Prof. Kelley in 1890 married Miss L. J. Fagin, daughter of Maj. J. M. Fagin of Midway, Ala. The young lady was educated in Virginia and in addition took a course at the conservatory of music, Cincinnati, O. WILLIAM MADSON HASLAM, M. D., is the son of a farmer, George S. Haslam of Houston county, Ga., who died in 1884. The subject of this sketch was born March 15, 1841, and having received a common school education, at the early age of nineteen began the study of medicine under the tutelage of Dr N. A. Rice. In 1861 he entered the Charleston Medical coHege, but remained five months only, leaving the pursuit of knowledge to join the Sixth regiment of Georgia volunteers. Here he first acted as brigade apothecary, then was appointed acting assistant surgeon. For ten years after the war he practiced medicine in Worth county, and then removed to Dooly county. Having buift up a large practice, and being desirous of fitting himself more thoroughly for his work, Dr Haslam took a finishing course at Atianta Aledical college, graduating in March, 1883. His home is in Pinehurst where he has a very fine practice and is also engaged in the drug business. Dr Haslam was married in 1866 to 6o6 MEMOIRS OP, GEORGIA. Aliss Ellen M., daughter of Stephen Woodward, of Bibb county, Ga., and to them eight children have been born: Carrie, born in 1867, is married to George Lewis, Dooly county; George S., born in 1870, is a farmer, Dooly county; Alinnie, born in 1872, is married to Augustus E. Johnson, Vienna, Dooly Co., Leila, born in 1874, is the wife of Walter T. Clements, naval stores manufacturer, near Pinehurst; Eva, Annie, Willie, and Johnnie. Dr. Haslam is a member of the masonic fratemity, and a member of Millwood lodge. p> EDDING H. PATE, M. D., physician and surgeon at Unadilla, was born on a farm in Washington county, Ga., on June 6, 1834. When but four years old he was deprived by death of his father. Redding Pate, Sr. The young lad acquired his education in the common schools and the high school of Sanders- viHe, later reading medicine under the guidance of Dr. J. M. O'Brien. The year 1856-57 he spent at Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia, and the following year entered the medical department of the state university at Nashville, from which he graduated in 1859. The young physician located first in Dooly county, but after two years removed to HawkinsviHe, where he remained until the war broke out; in 1862 he entered the army of Virginia as assistant surgeon. The war being at an end he practiced medicine, also carrying on a farm in Houston county for six years, then removing to Unadilla, Dooly Co., his present home, where he not only attends to an extensive practice, but successfully carries on a fine farm. Dr. Pate has also been prominent in the political affairs of his section, having been chairman of the democratic executive committee for four years, and at present representing his county in the legislature. Here he has been fitly appointed on the committee of hygiene and sanitation, also on the committees on railroads, libraries, and on lunatic asylums. The doctor is also a Mason, being a member of the A'ienna lodge and chapter. In 1862, about the time of his entering the army, Dr". Pate was married to Miss Z. E. Laidler, the daughter of Dr. John Laidler, of Hawkinsville, Ga. He is the father of three sons and three daughters. His oldest daughter, Elizabeth, born in 1868, is the wife of J. H. Wimberly of Henderson, Ga. His oldest son, and namesake, was born in 1872. Besides these there are: Z. Eugenia, born 1876; Anthony C, 1878; MHler F. B., 1880; Laura K., 1883. JOSEPH B. SCOTT is the son of a planter who died in 1868, and is a native of Social Circle, Walton Co., Ga., born March 16, 1838. He had received an excellent academic education, and was prepared to enter college in the junior class when the war broke out, and he instead entered the army, joining the Allen S. Cutts battalion of Georgia artiHery, which formed a part of the army in northern Virginia. Though three times slightly wounded the young man per sisted to the end of the war, when he returned to Georgia. He married Miss Alaggie J. Bagley, the daughter of Dr. David Bagley of Sumter county, where Air Scott located, remaining until 1889, when he removed to Cordele, stHl, however, retaining his farming interest in his former home, whHe engaged in the same work in his new place of abode. Moreover he erected an ice factory and a guano factory as well as a coix, or Job's-tears plant at Cordele, and thus he aided much in the commercial advancement of the city of his adoption. His integrity and enterprise were duly recognized by his fellow-townsmen, by whom he was elected mayor, which office he has held during almost the whole time of his residence in Cordele, in addition to that of justice of the peace. Mr. Scott was also a member of the constitutional convention of 1877, is a strict democrat, and at present democratic nominee for tax coHector. He is a prominent member DOOLY COUNTY SKETCHES. 607 of the Knights of Pythias, having held various offices in Cordele lodge. No. 44, in which he is now chancellor commander. Of the thirteen chHdren who have been born to him nine are now living: Zuleika J., aged 26, wife of F. E. Vansadvi, a planter of Vienna; W. D. Scott, aged 24, in Florida; Ivy M., wife of Joel A. Perry, of Cordele, in the warehouse and insurance business; Jennie R., Alaggie E., Joseph B., Jr., Thurber T., Cordeha, and Lucile. PUGENE F. STROZIER, a well known lawyer of Cordele, was born June 8, 1866, at Greeneville, Meriwether Co., Ga., where his father, J. L. Strozier, is a planter. After receiving a good common school education Mr. Strozier studied law in Greenville under the supervision of Col. Warner Hill. In the year 1887 he was admitted to the bar, and the following spring located at Cordele. Here by his energy and faithfulness he has built up for himself a large practice, and is attomey for several corporations. In 1893 he was one of the rival candidates for mayor, and after a very close and exciting contest was elected, but ousted by contest, unjustly, it is thought by many of his warm adherents. He is now a leading candidate for legislative honors. Mr. Strozier, too, is a Knight of Pythias and a member of Cordele lodge, of which he is past chancellor. "W M. S. THOMSON, an attorney-at-law, Cordele, is the son of W. H. Thom son, a prominent farmer of Sampson county, N. C, who is well known and esteemed, and who during the late war was captain of a company of infantry. Mr. Thomson was born Jan. 19, 1866, and when he had completed his education at Wake Forest college began the study of law, graduating from the law depart ment of the state university in 1887. He practiced his profession in Clinton, N. C, until January, 1891, when he removed to Cordele, Ga., where he formed a partnership with Z. A. Littlejohn. The firm has the leading practice of the city, and they are the local attorneys for the S. A. & M. railroad, and for several local corporations. Mr Thomson is also the solicitor for the Dooly county court. He is a member of several of the fraternal orders — ^the masonic, the Odd FeHows, and the Knights of Pythias. In September, 1891, Miss Apphia WiHiams became his wife; she is the daughter of C. J. Williams, a planter of Sampson county, N. C. They have two daughters, Louise, born June 20, 1892, and Elizabeth, born Jan. 8, 1894. A LEXANDER F. WARE, son of Rev. Nicholas C. Ware, a weH known Aleth- odist Episcopal minister who died in 1889, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., Aug. 16, 1855. His educational advantages consisted in several years' attendance at the common schools, and a year at Aliddle Georgia coHege, under Prof. Geo. C. Looney. Ever since he was eighteen Air Ware has devoted himself to the education of youth. During the years 1880-81 he had charge of the Raytown high school, at the same time being county surveyor For six years, 1882-88, he was principal of Warrenton academy, and for the four succeeding years had charge of the Augusta orphan asylum. In 1892 he removed to Arabi, where he founded the Arabi institute, the best school in the county, and one of the best and most successful in the wire grass country. His wife, Rosa, is the. daughter of Judge W. H. Edwards, of Warrenton, to whom he was married in 1877. They have four children: Clive Looney, born Nov. 10, 1878; Eva, Aug. 23, 1882; Mabel, Feb. 16, 1886; Alexander Ford, July 29, 1889. Prof. Ware is a member of Arabi lodge, F & A. M., and also belongs to the Royal Arcanum at Warrenton. The Ware family to which Mr. Ware belongs is of Welsh origin, and has been prominent in the state for several generations. Ware county was 6o8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. SO named in honor of one of Mr. Ware's ancestors, United States senator Nicholas Ware. His immediate family are remarkable for their devotedness to work of a religious and educational character. Eight of his uncles as well as his father have been engaged in the ministry of the M. E. church, while three of his brothers, like himself, are faithful teachers. One brother, :N. E. Ware, is in charge of the public schools at Hawkinsville. Air Ware organized the Cordele high school in 1895 and is its present principal. JAHIEL J. WEST, born April 3, 1856, at Chemung, Chemung Co. N. Y., is one of a family of eleven children, all living and having famihes of their own. His father, a farmer, Geo. P. West, now lives at Waverly, N. Y. Jahiel received a fair common-school education, and at the age of eighteen took a thorough busi ness course at Wyoming Seminary and Commercial college, graduating under Prof. L. L. Sprague. He then went into the milHng business at Chemung, re maining there two years, and next engaged in the cider, vinegar and lumber trade at Waverly, where he also established what was afterward called the Herdic Coach line. In 1886 he accepted a position in Gresston, Ga., with the Gress Lumber company, but after eight months, during which he was promoted to the superintendency, he went to Atlanta and established the Georgia Pine and Lumber company, with which he remained two years. He had formed a part nership with Mr. I. X. Cheevcs in lumbering, and they now sold out the (Atlanta) business to A. A. Fletcher and G. V. Gress, while Messrs. Cheeves & West assumed entire control of the Gress Lumber company, the former as secretary and treasurer, the latter as general manager. From its very beginning the enter prise so prospered that at the end of nine months its managers inaugurated a new undertaking, founding the Parrot Lumber company at Richmond, Ga., with G. W. Parrot as president, the other two members of the firm holding the same offices as in the Gress company. The capacity of the mills is 100,000 feet per day, and in connection with ft they carry on a general store and operate a raHroad. The latter is fourteen miles in length and requires a force of 250 men, ninety mules, fourteen stationary engines and three locomotives. Mr. West has been in charge of the post-office at Richwood ever since it was established. His wife, whom he married in 1884, was Miss Annie Voris of Waverly, N. Y. He is the proud father of three sons : Herbert, aged nine ; Stephen, seven, and George, tw(j years of age. In June, 1895, he sold his interest in the Parrot Lumber company, moved to Atlanta, where he can better educate his boys, and established the West Lumber company at 244 West Fetters street. At the same time he bought a nice house at 55 East Georgia avenue, which place he exptects to make his perma nent residence. DOUGHERTY COUNTY. C B. BROWN, banker and merchant, Albany, Dougherty Co., Ga., is the son of B. Brown, native of Prussia, and was born in Atianta in 1855. His father was a leading clothing dealer of Atlanta for many years. The subject of this memoir attended school in Atlanta, but struck out for himself at an early age. In 1866 he located in Albany, and three years later began work as a clerk for thirty dollars a month. In 1871 he was a clerk in the post-office for a year. DOUGHERTY COUNTY SKETCHES. 609 He then worked for D. Greenfield, general merchandise, and from 1877 to 1887 was his partner. He then bought out the business and increased the stock and has otherwise developed the trade untH it is not excelled for the line in Albany. Mr. Brown was married in 1877 to Miss Ernestina Plonsky, and they have had'. born to them five children: Paul J., Ed. D., Lee Roy, Marie E. and Etta R. Mr- Brown is a Mason and a member of the A. O. U. W., Knights of Pythias, Knights- of Honor, Legion of Honor and I. O. B. B. His sons Paul and Edward are students at Yale college. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are members of the Hebrev/ church. In politics he is a democrat, though liberal in his views. Mr. Brown is an excellent example of what push and grit can do in this country. He com menced life as a mere clerk, but by perseverance he finds himself now at the head of one of the best general merchandise business establishments in his sec tion of the state. He is president of the Exchange bank and of the Albany Sav ings and Trust bank, and owns a large tract of farm land, much of which he is cultivating. He is one of the best business men in the state, and his keen mind is ever looking for opportunities for investment and improvement as will promote: the prosperity of Albany. The Exchange bank commenced business about April 17, 1895, has a cash paid-up capital of $50,000, and is doing a large deposit business. Mr. Brown has frequently been solicited to accept office, but has always declined, finding his business affairs too pressing. 1\I J. CRUGER, manufacturer, Albany, is the son of Nicholas and Elizabeth ' (Robert) Cruger, and was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug 18, 1855. He attended Suwanee university of the south, and in his younger days followed clerking". In 1886 he engaged in the brick business. Not having any ready cash, he borrowed $1,000 from a bank and gave his paper. In two years' time he had made $5,000, and demonstrated the possibilities of the business. In 1889 iie formed a partnership with W. W. Pace, and the firm manufacture five mHHon bricks annually, and together with their lumber business, their annual sales amount to $75,000. Air. Cruger was united in matrimony to Anna Bell Alex- .".ndra, daughter of Dr. P. W. Alexandra of Albany. To this union has been born one child, Nicholas ^^'igllt, named after Col. Wight of Albany. P G. EDWARDS, sheriff, Albany, Dougherty Co., Ga., is a son of F. G. and ' Eliza A. (Cade) Edwards, natives of Georgia, and was born March 17, 1849. His father died in 1856 and his mother survived until 1876. He was sent to the university of Tennessee for his education, and at twenty years of age opened a store in Albariy and commenced business for himself. In 1875 he was .made deputy sheriff, a position which. he filled until 1878, when he was elected sheriff, and he has since been continued in the office. He is a straightforward, honest official, accommodating and painstaking, and his administration of the office is eminently satisfactory. Mr. Edwards is a stockholder and manager in the Al bany Brick Manufacturing company, with a capacity of ten million bricks per annum, and a cash business of $45,000 yearly. They employ 125 men and have a large plant. Mr. Edwards, besides other interests, owns a fine farm of 1,250 acres, situated about a mile from Albany. As a public official and cftizen Mr. Edwards has no peer. "WILLIAAI AI. GODWIN, deputy sheriff, Albany, is a son of F. G. and Alelvina M. (Hill) Godwin, both natives of Georgia. The father died in 1857. when the lad was only fourteen years old. He went to school until the war broke out, when he enlisted with the Georgia state militia. In a short time 1-39 6lO MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. — at eighteen — he was made captain of the company, and was with it all through the war. When hostilities were ended he returned to Albany and began plant ing on his farm of some 700 acres, which is located near Albany. In 1889, he with his son, opened a fine livery and feed-stable, with some twenty head of horses and a number of vehicles for hire. In 1888 Mr. Godwin was made deputy sheriff under Mr. Edwards and has held the position ever since. He was mar ried to Miss Mayo, of Albany, daughter of J. J. Mayo, and the}i have had born to them six children : William C, Frank W., Jennie H., Salix and Felix G. Mrs. Godwin takes an active interest in the doings of the Baptist church. Mr. Godwin is a democrat and a pubHc-spirited citizen. QAPT. JOHN TEMPLE HESTER has been prominently identified with the history of Dougherty county for the last thirty years. He was one of six children born to Simeon and Sarah D. (Graves) Hester, and first saw the light of day Dec. 14, 1839, in Washington, Wilkes Co., Ga. He was educated at the Washington academy under R. M. Wright as principal, and at the age of seven teen was made assistant principal; He continued in that capacity until twenty 3'ears of age, when he went to South Carolina to teach school. Returning to Georgia he came to Albany, v/liere he was when the storm of war arose. He enlisted in the Fourth Georgia regiment and served two years in that command, when on order of Gen. Lee, he was placed in command of a conipany from Wilkes county. He remained with the Sixty-first Georgia regiment, colonel (afterward general) Clement A. Evans, until the surrender. Immediately after the war he opened a general merchandise store in Albany and has built up an extensive busi ness. He retired from merchandising on being elected tax collector, a position to which he has been re-elected for a number of terms. He was a member of the general assembly one term in 1880-1881, and served his county with credit Capt. Hester was first united in marriage to Miss Tate Collins of Albany, who died in 1876. Three years afterward he married Miss Lillie Hutcherson of Louis ville, Ky., by whom he has had five chHdren : Daisy, Eugene G., John H., Mar guerite and Cora D. Mr. and Mrs. Hester are members of the Protestant Epis copal church. He is a democrat, eminent in county and state councils and his popularity is demonstrated by his repeated election as tax collector of his county. JJENRY ANDREW KARVER, retired planter, Albany, was born in 1826, and comes from one of the oldest families of Brunswick, Ga. His father was H. H. Karver and his mother, Anna Rutherford Wienberry, both of Scotch parentage, the mother coming from Virginia. Henry Karver was born in Baker county, Ga., but at the age of fifteen years located in Albany, and was employed on a plantation eighteen miles from the city. Here he started for himself and soon owned a fine plantation of 7,500 acres in a high state of cultivation, and a large number of slaves. After the war he gave up active management and leads .a quiet life with his family at Albany. He was married on Alarch 6, 1850, to Elizabeth G. Solomon, and this union has been blessed with eight children, four boys and four girls. Mr. and Mrs. Karver are members of the Methodist Epis copal church and he is a strong democrat. T W. KEMP, real estate owner, Albau}-, is a son of W. W. and Phoebe (Rodgers) Kemp, and was bom in Warren county in 1836. He attended the common schools when he could, but the fact that he worked on a plantation when only nine years old shows that his opportunities were abridged. For five years he pegged away on a small salary and plenty of work; but when fourteen }'ears old he started DOUGHERTY COUNTY SKETCHES. 6ll in business for himself and established a livery stable. He was conducting this business when the war broke out, and he was elected marshal of Albany. He resigned, however, and enlisted with the Albany guards. He served four years, and was captured May 12, 1864, at the battle of Horseshoe. He returned to Albany, and in 1866 was elected sheriff of Dougherty county, and subsequently re-elected three times. During President Cleveland's first administration Mr. Kemp was appointed a deputy United States marshal, and at the same time was made special policeman. He was united in marriage on Nov. 26, 1868, to Nellie, a daughter of Dr. J. Tomlinson, of Lee county. They have had born to them three children — ¦ Jared H., twenty years of age and a graduate of Emory college; William L., twenty years of age; and Burdine, a young lady of eighteen. Mrs. Kemp and daughter are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In politics Mr. Kemp is a strong democrat. He has a fine farm of 400 acres near Albany, and owns considerable property in that city. JACOB LORCH, one of Albany's most prominent merchants, is a self-made man. He is a son of Leopold Lorch and Katharine (Lampert) Lorch, and was born in Germany. He came to America when he was nineteen years old, and for a while was employed in a store in Philadelphia, but later located in Albany, and first worked for D. Mayer & Bros, as clerk for about six months. When the war broke out he was among the first to enlist, and joining the Fifty-first Georgia regiment, served through the late war, seeing plenty of hard fighting and active service. After the war he settled in Alabama, but soon returned to his first love — ¦ Albany, Ga. Here he was the full and only partner of the firm, "Morris Mayer," composed of Jacob Lorch and Morris Mayer, for a period of over twenty years, and after their dissolution on Feb. i, 1894, interested himself with his nephews, Mayer and Crine. He was always found faithful and honest in his capacity as a merchant and cotton buyer — everybody wishing him the success he deserved. As a statistician on cotton he is said to have no equal in the south. Mr. Lorch, in connection with his nephews, Mayer and Crine, has one of the largest stores and finest stocks of merchandise in Albany. The store occupies three stories and a basement; they carry a stock of an average value of $30,000, and their annual sales amount to $65,000. Mr. Lorch is a member of the masonic fraternity, council degree, Knights of Pythias, I. O. of Heptosoph, and B'nai Brith. He is unmarried and is one of the most popular citizens, enjoying the esteem and friend ship of everybody. '\^^ W. PACE, of Albany, Dougherty Co., Ga., is a son of Davis and Julia Wil- * kinson Pace of Georgia, and was born April 26, i860. His father was a very large planter, and at one time owned some 300 slaves. His father died some years ago, but his mother is still living. Mr. Pace attended the common schools in his early days, and at the age of nineteen years took a business course and was gradu ated from the Atlanta commercial college. Accepting a position with H. H. Tift, of Tifton, as clerk and bookkeeper, he remained with him in that capacity for seven years. He then engaged in the mercantile business for himself for a few years. Later on he sold his entire stock, and removed to Albany, and formed a partnership with N. J. Cruger as the Flint River Brick & Lumber company, and has continued with it ever since. It is one of the largest building material furnishers in Georgia. Mr. Pace has charge of the office business of the company. Mr. Pace was married to Mary Davis, the sister of Buford Davis, member of the well-known firm of Hardeman, Davis & Turner, of Macon, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Pace have two children, W. W. Pace, Jr., and Jesse McDonald Pace, Mrs. Pace is a member 6l2 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of the Episcopal church. Air. Pace is a man with all the qualifications promising a most successful business career. t> N. WESTBROOK, chief of the police and planter, Albany, is a son of Richard ¦ N. and Josephine "Westbrook, natives of Pulaski county, N. C, and was born in Houston county, near Andersonville, June 3, 1846. His boyhood days were spent on the farm, and his education obtained in the common schools. On June 12, 1861, when only fifteen years old, he joined a Confederate company under command of John C. McMillan. It was Company C, Twelfth Georgia, and was made up at Marshallville, Macon Co., and after organization left immediately foi Richmond, Va. After two years' fighting he was discharged, and at once organized a company in Dooly county, and was made second lieutenant. With this company he served untH August, 1866, when he returned to Albany and went into the mer chandise business with A. C. "Westbrook. In 1879 he was elecetd marshal and chief of police of Albany ; the latter position he is stHl holding, being his sixteenth year. This is the longest that any officer has held the office, which is a tribute to Air. Westbrook's efficient administration and popularity. Mr. Westbrook has two large farms, and a great deal of real estate in Albany, and by long and faithful service has secured a competence of the world's goods. He was married to Miss Lizzie Cruger, a daughter of Col. N. Cruger, of South Carolina, and later of Savannah, April 6, 1875. To this union have been born three children: Allatia C, Cruger and William P. Airs. Westbrook is a member of the Episcopal church. Air. Westbrook is a leader in local politics and a faithful adherent to the cause of democracy. QOL. EDWIN LEIGH WIGHT, wholesale grocer, Albany, Dougherty Co., Ga., is a gentleman extensively and favorably known throughout Georgia, espe cially in military circles, where he has labored faithfully and successfully for a creditable and efficient state militia. Samuel B. Wight, the colonel's father, was a merchant and leading citizen- of Atlanta for years prior to and succeeding the late war. He was the first mayor of the west end, then a suburb of Atlanta, and during the war served as quartermaster of Howell Cobb's regiment, with the rank of cap tain. He died in 1888. Col. Wight was born in Decatur county, Ga., Oct 4, 1846, and was educated at the state university, and while a student enlisted in the Sixteenth Georgia battalion of cavalry. Col. Samuel J. Winn, now of LawrencevHle, Gwinnett Co., Ga., commanding. After the war he, in company with his father, went into the wholesale dry goods business in Atlanta. After two years' experience he concluded to try the general merchandise business in a smaller town, and located at Newton, Baker Co., where he continued successfully until 1873. From 1873 to 1881 he was with the cotton firm of Welch & Bacon, Albany. For the six years following he conducted a cotton warehouse of his own. In 1887 he asso ciated himself with Mr. Morris Weslasky under the firm name of Wight & Wes- lasky. This firm is one of the most prominent wholesale grocery houses in Southern Georgia, and does a yearly business of some half a million dollars. Col. Wight is a popular citizen of Albany, in the progress of which thriving city he has always displayed an active interest, having frequently served the city as a councHman, served a term as mayor in 1881, and is at this time (1895) occupying that honorable position. He was for fifteen years foreman of a volunteer fire company, in which position he did valuable service for the city. Col. Wight is an honored member of a number of the best fraternal organizations — a Knight Templar in Masonry, an Odd FeHow, and a Knight of Pythias, in which latter organization he was for years captain of the uniformed rank. As indicated in the opening sentence of this DOUGLAS COUNTY SKETCHES. 613 sketch. Col. Wight has given much attention to the state militia. His record in this line is as follows: He was elected second lieutenant of the Albany guards Jan. 31, 1876, and captain of the same, March 27, 1877. Feb. i, 1883, he was appointed aide-de-camp to Gov. Stephens, was made captain of Jackson light artillery April 12, 1884, and again became captain of the Albany guards Feb. i, 1888. Two years later, March 19, 1890, he was elected Heutenant-colonel of the Seventh Georgia battahon, and on Sept. 15, 1891, was elected colonel of the Fourth Georgia regiment, which he held until 1893, when he was placed on the retired list at his own request. Col. Wight has held a commission under every govemor since the war except Gov. Bulloch. The marriage of Col. Wight and Miss Mary M. BiHingsly was solemnized Nov. 24, 1874, at Albany — she being a daughter of Col. Francis A. BiHingsly, a leading citizen of the place. His only son, Edwin L., Jr., is a student at the Atlanta Technological school, and Ruby, his only daughter, is at the Lucy Cobb institute, Athens, Ga. DOUGLAS COUNTY. R OBERT N. ANDERSON, farmer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Thomas and Annie (White) Anderson, was born in South CaroHna in 1831, His paternal grandfather, David A. Anderson, was a native of Scotland, emigrated to this country before the revolutionary war, and settled in Louisa county, Va. He was -a soldier in the patriot army during the war, and was captured by the British. He migrated to South Carolina in 1790, where he died about 1820. Mr. Ander son's father was born in South Carolina in 1790, served in the army during the last war with Great Britain, served many years as sheriff of Marion district, and was a volunteer soldier in the Seminole war. He nioved to Georgia and settled in Newton county, in 1836; making the trip in ox-carts and camping by the roadside at night He lived in tents until he could buHd a cabin, and then cleared a farm on which he lived until 1849. That year he moved to Cobb county, Ga., and lived there until his death, which occurred in 1872. Mr. Anderson was reared on the farm and educated at the historic dirt floor log schoolhouse with holes sawed through the logs on the sides to let in the light In June, 1863, he enlisted in Com pany F — of which he was made orderly sergeant — First Georgia regiment, and participated in the battles at Resaca, Calhoun, New Hope, Kennesaw mountain, Peachtree creek, Franklin and Murfreesboro. He was wounded July 26, 1863, and was captured at Salisbury, N. C, but made his escape at Statesville, rejoined his command and remained with it untH the surrender. One hundred and forty buHet holes through a blanket he carried through the war evidence the danger to y"hich he was exposed, and his many narrow escapes jrom death. At the close of the war he returned to his home to find it despoiled amid a scene of desolation, and his family refugeed to Newton county. Resuming his farm work he con tinued it in Cobb county untH 1890, when he moved to DouglasviHe so that his children might have the benefit of the college there. He is a good and thrifty farmer, and by good management has placed himself in comfortable circumstances, and has the respect and esteem of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Anderson was mar ried in 1855 to Miss Pellonia, daughter of Thomas and Marina (Chandler) Butner — an old "Virginia famHy of Scotch descent. Seven children have blessed this 6l4 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. union: Charles C, Mrs. Eugenia Morse, Mrs. Susan Dorsett, Eunice W., Marina E., Annie, Addie L., and Frank B. — all living. He is a master Mason, and an influential member of the Primitive Baptist church. QALEB P. BOWEN, farmer, and postmaster, DouglasvHle, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Thomas J. and Nancy (Yarbrough) Bowen, was born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1827. His paternal grandfather, of Welsh descent, was born in Penn sylvania in 1762, and migrated to South Carolina, where he died in 1848. Mr. Bowen's father was born in South Carolina in 1788, was raised on the farm and educated at the country schools. His family moved to Georgia and settled in Jackson county when he was a small boy. About the time he grew to manhood he taught school for some time. During the war with Great Britain he commanded a battalion of American troops, holding the rank of major. He afterward was drillmaster of the state militia, and twice represented his county in the general assembly. As a farmer he was eminently successful and died about i860. Air. Bowen was reared on the farm and attended the common country schools. When nearing manhood he joined a company of volunteers for the Alexican war, but peace was proclaimed before the company was caHed into service. In 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Thirtieth Georgia regiment, of which he was made first lieutenant, and soon afterward promoted to the captaincy. Among the battles in which with his command he participated, were: "Vicksburg, Jackson, Missionary ridge, Chickamauga, Resaca, etc. He was captured Dec. 16, 1864, and sent to Johnson's island, where he was detained as a prisoner until after the surrender. He was twice wounded during the war; and while himself suffering from wounds, spent five days on the Chickamauga battlefield burying the dead. Capt. Bowen moved to what is now Douglas county before its organization; and in 1870, when it was organized, he was elected the first treasurer of the county. In 1876 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly. In 1893, he was appointed postmaster at DouglasviHe, and is still holding that office. Mr. Bowen has been a successful farmer and general business man, and is very popular and very much respected by his fellow-citizens. Capt. Bowen was married April 8, 1848, to Miss Thirze A., daughter of Hiram and Charity (Blackwell) Boen, by whom he had two chHdren: Helen, Mrs. Magourik (deceased), and Margaret, Mrs. Bomar His wife died May 9, 1862, and in September, 1867, he contracted a second marriage with Miss Melissa, daughter of James S. and Adaline (Ferryman) Morse, and to them have been born three children: Cora, Mrs. Hunter; Annie, Mrs. Wright, now deceased; and Hugh B. J-J ENRY T. COOPER, farmer, banker and county ordinary, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Benjamin and Katharine (AlHson) Cooper, was born in what is now Douglas county, in 1850. His paternal grandfather, Henry Cooper, was an old settler in Georgia and a gallant soldier in the pattiot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Cooper's father was born in what is now Putnam county, Ga., in 1799. He was reared on the farm, and was given a fairly good country school education. When forty years of age he bought a tract of land in then Campbell county, a part of which he cleared and farmed most suc cessfully until his death in 1876. His mother, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Allison, was born in 1820, educated in the country schools, was married when eighteen, was the happy mother of three children and died in 1885. Mr. Cooper was reared on the farm, and received his early schooling at the country schools near his home, and later attended the high school at Palmetto, Ga. Although the family had been what was considered wealthy before the war, the property was DOUGLAS COUNTY SKETCHES. 6iS nearly all lost during the war, and the subject of this sketch became the main sup port of the family. In 1879 he was elected tax receiver, and held the office, by re-election, six years continuously. On account of his faithful discharge of the duties of this office his appreciative fellow-citizens elected him ordinary of the county, and, like a true patriot, he accepted the situation, and the people have continued him in it since. When the DouglasviHe bank was organized in 1892 he was elected, and still holds the position of cashier. He is recognized as a prompt, careful and conscientious business man, and being of the highest integrity, and perfectly reliable in every respect, he has the entire confidence of the community. Air Cooper was married in January, 1881, to Miss Emily, daughter of Solomon and Sarah (Glass) Dorsey, by whom he has had five children: Jewel, Sallie K., Gordon, Lamar, and Mary E. He is a charter member of the I. O. O. F., and an influential member of the Baptist church. JOHN B. DUNCAN, farmer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of William W. and Mary (Barnwell) Duncan, was born in Henry county, Ga., Nov. 5, 1826. His paternal grandfather was John Duncan, who was born in South Carolina, of Scotch parentage. Mr. Duncan's father was born in Greenville district. South Carolina, in July, 1800. W^hen only ten years of age he was left an orphan, and although a mere boy, the duty and responsibility of caring for the family — the work of matured manhood — devolved upon him; but he met and discharged them with much self-reliance. Under the circumstances his education was neces sarily very limited, and natural ability and force of character had to be relied on. In January, 1823, he was married to Aliss Mary Barnwell, of Jackson county, Ga., and settled in Henry county, where he lived about eleven years, and then moved to Cobb county, Ga., and settled in the woods filled with wild beasts and roamed over by Indians. Here he cleared a small farm, and buHt a comfortable log cabin home. Later he buHt a mill, and conducted both with profit He attained to considerable prominence and was elected a justice of the inferior court, to which he was re-elected for a number of terms, and died Jan. 23, 1847. His mother was born in Jackson county in 1806, and was the daughter of John and Mary Barnv/ell. Her father was bom in Ireland of Irish parentage, settled in Orange district. North Carolina, and was a soldier in the revolutionary army during the war. She died March 8, 1850. Mr. Duncan was reared on the farm and received his education at the old-time dirt floor log schoolhouse. When his father died in 1847 he assumed control, managed the affairs of the farm, and provided for the family, and the education of his younger brothers and sisters. In 1862 he enlisted in Company D, Seventh Georgia regiment, and gallantly met all the hardships and dangers of soldier life — participating in most of the important battles of the war. In the battle of the WHderness he was severely wounded in the temple, and was present at the memorable siege of Petersburg. When the war ended he returned to his home in Cobb county to find it almost a desolate waste. But with characteristic pluck and energy he set about the work of restoration, and recuperation. In a few years he not only placed it in good condition but so pros pered as to add a valuable miHing interest, increasing his worldly possessions and prosperity. In 1891 he moved to DouglasviHe where he is living in the enjoyment of the competency which his well-directed energy, enterprise, and labor have brought him, and the respect and esteem which his integrity of character and Christian life have won for him. Air Duncan was married Feb. 15, 1849, to Miss Louisa, daughter of William and PrisciHa (Bankston) Matthews, who died six months afterward. Oct. 17, 1850, he contracted a second marriage with Miss Martha E., daughter of Samuel G. and Elizabeth (Bankston) Mosley. Seven 6l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. children which blessed this union are still living: WHliam S., Napoleon B., Airs. Alary E. Burton, John T., Priscilla, Robert Lee, and Frank. He is a master Alason and an exemplary member of the Methodist church. JOHN T. DUNCAN, farmer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of William and Alartha E. (Mosley) Duncan, was born in Cobb (now Douglas) county in 1858. In consequence of the unsettled condition of the country during his boy hood and youth, his education was limited. When twenty years old he engaged as a clerk in his brother's store at Powder Springs, Cobb Co., his wages being $4 and board per month. Here he learned the lesson of rigid economy, which l"ias contributed so largely to the success he has achieved. During his first year's service his personal expenses amounted to only $32. In 1883 he came to Doug lasviHe with a few hundred dollars of hard-earned money, and in company witli his brother, Napoleon B., embarked in a general merchandising business. He has been eminently successful, established a large, permanent and profitable busi ness, and a reputation for integrity and financial reliability in the commercial ¦world. He ranks among the foremost of the merchants of DouglasviHe, and numbers his friends by his acquaintances. He is a member of the city council and a trustee of DouglasviHe college. His interesting family occupy one of the most delightful homes in the city. Mr. Duncan was married in March, 1888, to Aliss Lucerioh, daughter of John G. and Lucerioh (Varner) Clonts, by whom he has had four chHdren: Thomas J., deceased; John H., deceased; WiHie C. and Edith. He is a member of the I. O. O. P., a master Alason, and an active, working and influential member of the Alethodist church. JOHN M. EDGE, lawyer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Jolm and Sarah (MiHer) Edge, was born in Baldwin Co., Ga., in August, 1819. His paternal grandfather, Nehemiah Edge, of English lineage, was a native of Alary- land and a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Subsequently he migrated to Georgia and settled in W^ilkes county. Air. Edge's father was born in Wilkes county in 1784, was raised on the farm, and received such education as was common to the period and locality. He served in the Creek Indian war during and immediately following the last war with Great Britain. About 1820 he moved to what is now Newton county, where he served as a justice of the jjeace for a number of years. In 1836 he moved to Benton county, -\la., but in a short time moved back to Georgia and settled at Cave Spring, Flovd Co. He was killed one Sunday morning in 1844 while on his way to church by the sudden falling upon him of the limb of a tree. His mother was born in what is now Baldwin county, Ga., in 1780, and was the daughter of a North Carolina revolu tionary soldier. She was married in 1810 and died in 1840. Air. Edge was reared on the farm, attended the common near-by schools when growing up, and finished his education at Cave Spring, then a branch of Alercer university. He then studied law under the preceptorship of Judge A. R. Wright, Rome, Ga., where he was admitted to the bar in April, 1845. The ensuing August he located in Alarietta, Cobb Co., Ga., where he established a good professional reputation and secured a good and influential clientage. In 1855 he nioved to Campbell county, where he engaged in farming. He had prospered at his profession and was prospering as a farmer when the desolating "war between the states" was inaugurated, and at its close he found his life-time accumulations swept away. His age and ill health prevented him from taking an active part in the field, but he did efficient provost duty. In 1865 he was elected to represent Campbell county in the general assem bly. In 1870 he moved to the then new county of Douglas and re-entered upon DOUGLAS COUNTY SKETCHES. 617 the practice of his profession. Notwithstanding his advanced age he retains his old-time fire, vigor and energy; has re-established a remunerative law practice and has the patronage and support of a large and influential clientage. In ante- beHum times he was an ardent "old-line whig" and an active stump speaker. So vigorous and well-equipped was he that Hon. L. J. Gartrell, who long represented the district in congress, was reported to have remarked that "Edge was one of the toughest customers he ever encountered on the stump." He is one of the oldest and best-known citizens of Douglas county and one of the oldest lawyers in that part of the state, and no person commands greater respect. Mr. Edge was married Nov. 19, 1846, to Clara, daughter of Martin and (Butt) Kolb, of Campbell county, a union blessed with six children: Airs. Mary Adderhold, John V., J. K., J. B., Airs. Octavia Bennett and Mrs. L. AI. Dixon. Airs. Edge died in 1886. He is a long-time master Alason and a promin'ent and useful member of the Baptist church. "\^ A. JAAIES, lawyer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Stephen and Alartha (Shipleigh) James, was born in Campbell (new Douglas) county, Alay 7, 1847. His paternal grandparents, Stephen and Mary (MHls) James, were natives of North Carolina, whence they moved in 1825 to Walton county, Ga. They made the journey in ox-carts, in which they lived until cabins could be built. Clearing a piece of land, he engaged in farming. A few years later he moved to Cobb, and subsequently to Campbell county. Air. James' father was born in Newbern, N. C, in 1821, and when a child came to Georgia with his parents. He became a large farmer and also a very prominent citizen of Campbell county. He was a justice of the peace for thirty years consecutively, and is credited with having married not less than 200 couples. He-died in 1871. His mother was born about 1820 and was married in 1840'. She is still living. Mr. James received his primary education in the common schools of liis native county and finished it in the city schools of St. Louis. In 1864, at the age of seventeen, he enlisted in the Confederate service and served as aide de camp and courier to Gen. Wheeler. He was afterward transferred to the Third Alabama cavalry, in which he served until the surrender near Salem, N. C, by Gen. J. E. Johnston. He made his escape, however, and made his way home. Air. James enjoys the distinction of having been one of the youngest soldiers in the regular Confederate service. He began life for himself as a clerk in a drug store in St. Louis, Mo. Afterward he studied law under the late Judge Dennis F. Hammond, of Atlanta, and was admitted to the bar in 1871. In 1873 he settled where DouglasviHe now stands, and the following year, in company with his brother James and others began the erection of the first house built in the town. In 1876 he moved -to his mother's plantation near Lithia Springs, where he remained until 1881, when he returned to DouglasviHe and resumed the practice of law, in which he has been very successful, representing a large and valuable clientage. In 1885-86 he was mayor of the city, and again during the years 1892-93-94, and is chairman of the board of trustees of DouglasviHe college, which demonstrates his efficiency and public spirit, and the estimation in which he is held by his fellow citizens. Mr James was married Jan. 15, 1879, to Miss Alary M., daughter of WilHam P. and Mary (McLarty) Strickland. To. them five children have been born: Clifford M., Ruby L., Nettie P., WiHiam P. and James. He is a member of the I. O. O. P., and an active, influential member of the Alethodist church. JOSEPH S. JAAIES, Unfted States district attorney of the northern district of Georgia, was born in Campbell (now Douglas) county, Ga., Alarch 20, 1849. He received a common school education, attending the log-cabin school located 6l8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. near his home. At an early age his mind possessed of much firmness, breadth and power for solving difficult problems, he decided to become a lawyer, and studied with this end in view. In 1869 he married Margaret Elizabeth E., daugh ter of the late Dr. E. W. Maxwell, a native of Douglas county. At this time, being very poor and without a thorough education, he was disquaHfied for the battle of life, but gathering all his strength and ability, he applied himself to the study of law, reading and being admitted to the bar without instructions from a lawyer or attending any law school, at times poring over his books the entire night. When admitted to the bar he stood a most creditable examination and immediately forged his way to the front of the profession in his section and has maintained that positon ever since. He was admitted in DouglasviHe in 1875, and to the supreme court two years later. When twenty-one years of age he was elected justice of the peace in Douglas county, but resigned after two years' service. He was chosen the first mayor of DouglasviHe in 1876, holding the office for one term, and by his executive ability obtained the regard and congratu lations of the community. In 1880 he was elected to represent Douglas county in Georgia's general assembly and re-elected after the expiration of the first term. In 1886 he was elected to the state senate from the thirty-sixth senatorial district, and served two years. In 1892 he was chosen a presidential elector-at- large from the state of Georgia, and in ninety days made 102 speeches in the state, covering almost every nook and corner, his consecutive appointments some times being from 100 to 300 miles apart, and frequently meeting in joint debate the opponents of his party. He was appointed United States district attorney by President Cleveland on April 3, 1893. As the legal representative of the government, the sole responsibility devolved upon him of grappling with and suppressing the gigantic organization in North Georgia known as "White Caps." In his herculean task he was ably assisted by Messrs. Rucker, Bell and Camp of his office and by the internal revenue collector and marshals. Lawyers who rank among the best in the state were employed for the defendants and the nature of the cases being wholly new to the practice, it required the greatest skill and in genuity to draft bills of indictment that would stand the test of the law's tech nicalities. To this effort Mr. James devoted himself, spending one whole night in his office to perfect the bill upon which the worst of the organization were put on trial. They were convicted and his bill was sustained by the supreme court of the United States, to which the case was carried. Col. James has three daughters: Alargaret Odessa, Eunice Lettitia and Lois Cleveland. He is a mem ber of the Odd Fellows and affiliates with the Methodist church south. Air James is the son of Stephen James, who, with his three sons, fought valiantly in the late civil war. Those in the ranks were: George W., who gave up his life at Front Royal, Va.; John M., a member of the Twenty-first Georgia regi ment, first lieutenant of Company A. who lost his right leg at Chancellorsville, and William A. James. Their bravery is denied by none. \\J H. POOLE, physician and surgeon, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co.. Ga., son ' of T. J. and Sarah (Brown) Poole, was born in South Carolina in 1833. His grandfather, Benjamin Poole, of EngHsh- lineage, was born in South Carolina in 1780, served as a soldier in the last v/ar with Great Britain in 1812, in the Seminole war of 1836, and died in 1850. Dr. Poole's father was born in South Carolina in 1810, was raised a farmer in that state, whence he migrated to Geor gia, making the trip in ox-carts, and settled in Carroll county. He farmed in that county until 1850, when he nioved to Cass (now Bartow) county, where he engaged in mining. From there he went to Iron Alountain, Ala., and thence DOUGLAS COUNTY SKETCHES. 619 to the famous Shelby mines, in the same state. He pursued his mining operations there until about 1870, when he returned to his old home in Georgia. There he conducted a farm until 1874, when he was killed by his horse running away. Dr. Poole's mother, daughter of William Brown, who distinguished himself in the war of 1812, and in the Indian war of 1836, was born in South Carolina in 1812. She was married in 1832 and is still living. Dr. Poole was raised on the farm and received his primary education at the near-by country schools, and when eighteen years old was sent to Hiwassee college. After being there three and a half years he had to leave on account of failing health, and did not graduate. A short time after that he began the study of medicine in the office of Dr. AI. F. La Dell, an eminent physician of Cedartown, Ga., under whose instruction he remained two years. He then entered the Savannah Medical col lege — well known at the time as the "Old Arnold School" — where he remained two years, serving one year as interne in the Alarine hospital. He graduated in i860 with the first honors of his class. His graduating thesis — subject, "Modus Operandi of Medicines" — was published in the medical journals of the day and attracted the attention of the profession. During the war he was an examining surgeon for the Confederate army. Soon after the surrender he located near the present site of DouglasviHe. His natural ability and acquired attainments, his large experience, though yet young in the profession, and an already recog nized superior physician, secured for him an extensive and profitable practice. He has been exceptionally successful in his practice, and has a well-earned, wide reputation, few, if any, physicians outranking him. He is an extensive planter and owns and operates several of the best farms in the county and two grist mills. Dr. Poole was married Oct 3, 1861, to Miss Annie Alarcella, daughter of Reuben and Flora (Price) Vansant, of an old Soutli Carolina famHy. Eight children have blessed this union: Italia D., Airs. Baxley, Carrie A., William T., Reuben H., Thomas J., Sallie, Alay and De Witt. Dr. Poole is a prominent member of the masonic fraternity and of the Lutheran church. WILLIAAI T. ROBERTS, lawyer, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of MellvHle C. and Susan E. (Skeen) "Roberts, was born in Campbell county, Ga., Dec. 26, 1858. His paternal great-grandfather, Josephus Roberts, was North CaroHna born, of English parentage. His grandparents were Grant and Frances (Pass) Roberts — the grandfather born in Buncombe county, N. C, Nov. 14, 1804. He was a large farmer, a prominent and influential citizen, and accumulated a very large fortune. In 181 5 he migrated to Georgia and settled in Clarke county, subsequently moving to Campbell county, where he died Alarch 16, 1888. Air. Roberts' fa,ther was born in CampbeH county, Sept. 28, 1834, was reared a farmer, and received such education as the best county schools could give. Soon after the war between the states began he enlisted in Conipany C, Thirty-sixth Georgia regiment, and served in all Gen. Lee's campaigns in defense of Rich mond until July 3, 1863, when he was kiHed at Gettysburg. His mother, daughter of Purnell H. and Adaline (Steed) Skeen, an old North Carolina family, was born in Coweta county, Ga., Feb. 12, 1836, and was educated at the La Grange Female college, at La Grange, Ga., from which she was graduated in 1854. She was married Feb. 25, 1858, and became the mother of three children: William T, the subject of this sketch; Mrs. Sarah E. Terrell, deceased, and John AI. Air. Roberts was raised on the farm and received his education at the near-by country schools. He began life for himself as a clerk in the store of his uncle in Whitesburg, Ga. After clerking a few years he studied law and in 1881 was admitted to the bar in Carrollton, at the October term of Carroll county 620 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. iuperior court, and in April, 1882, he located in DouglasviHe. He at once secured a good practice, which has increased in volume and value as the years rolled by. In 1884 he was elected mayor of DouglasviHe, and the following year was elected solicitor of the county court In 1890 he was elected to represent Doug las county in the general assembly. In October, 1894, he was elected solicitor- general of the Tallapoosa circuit. Possessing fine talents and great energy, and being a close student, he has bright prospects before him. J L. SELAIAN, physician and surgeon, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of James K. and Elizabeth (Hert) Selman, was born in CampbeH (now Douglas) county in 1855. His paternal grandfather was a South Carolinian, a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and was scalped by the Indians — living many years afterward. Dr. Selman's father was born in South Carolina in 1812. He was raised on the farm and received a common school education ; was raised a farmer, and continued to be one all his life. In 1848 he migrated to Georgia — com ing in wagons — purchased land, continued farming and accumulated property. He died in 1866 from the eff'ects of exposure and harassing reverses occasioned by the war. His mother, daughter of WHey Hert, was born in South Carolina in 1812, and died in 1880. Dr. Selman was raised on the farm and educated at the country schools — his vacations being spent at the plow handles. In 1875 he began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. W. H. Poole, two years later entering Atlanta medical college, from which he was graduated in 1879 with marked distinction. He located in DouglasvHle, and soon established a good reputation and built up a large practice. He then established a drug store, the liusiiiess of which has grown to large proportions. Dr. Selman was married in 1879 to Aliss Nannie, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Selman) Abercrombie, and to them five chHdren have been born: Bessie, Paul, Dewitt G., James and Joe Al. He is an ardent member of the I. O. O. P., a master Alason, and an earnest working member of the Baptist church. y^ LEXANDER G. WEDDINGTON, farmer and county treasurer, Douglas viHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son of Alexander Green and Hannah (Polk) Wedding- ton, was born in Campbell (now Douglas) county, in 1839. His paternal grand parents, WilHam and Polly (GilHani) Weddington, of Scotch-Irish parentage, were natives of North Carolina. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolu tionary war, serving with distinction, and died in 1836. Air. Weddington's father was born in the "Old North state" in 1806, where he was raised on the farm and given a good country school education. In 1825, after having' married, he migrated to Georgia and settled in the woods in what is now Campbell county. He made the trip in the old-time wooden-wheel ox-cart, held together by wooden pins, and hickory withes. The greater part of the journey a roadway had to be cut through the forests; at night they kept a fire burning to frighten off wHd ani mals, and slept in tents, and under and in the carts. When they reached their new home in the woods filled with Indians and wHd beasts, the famHy slept as they had on the road, and lived in tents until log cabins could be built, after which a farm was cleared inthe virgin forest. He engaged in farming and gold-mining, amassed quite a fortune, and died Oct. 7, 1890. His mother was a daughter of Charles and Nellie Polk — her father being a cousin of President James K. Polk — was born Sept. I, 1812, and died Aug. 27, 1874. She was well educated for the times, and shared with her husband all the privations and hardships incident to frontier life. Of the children born to them these survive: Mrs. Pollie A. Hawkins, Airs. Jane E. White, Mrs. Hannah A. Stewart, Airs. Campie V. Alclirayer, Airs. Catharine L. DOUGLAS COUNTY SKETCHES. 62 1 Roach, Charles W., Atlanta, and Alexander G.; the subject of this sketch. Air. Weddington was raised on the farm, received as good an education as could be obtained at the time and locality, and on reaching maturity engaged in farming. In 1861, he enlisted in Company C — of which he was commissioned third lieuten ant — Thirtieth Georgia regiment. In a very short time he was promoted to first lieutenant. The first ser\ice of his command was on the river and harbor defenses near Savannah; he was then sent to Vicksburg and participated in the battle of Jackson, after which his command was with the army defending Atlanta. He was in nearly every battie of importance between NashvHle and Jonesboro. Just before the battie of Chickamauga he was stricken with fever which necessitated a furlough. At the end of three months he returned to the army and continued in the field untH the surrender. He returned to his home to find it a scene of desola tion — slaves freed and gone, stock killed or stolen, fences gone and houses rifled and almost ruined. Finding an old blind horse roaming at large near his home he "coiiscripted" it, and with it worked his flrst crop. Later he moved to Paulding" county, where he successfully farmed six years and then came back and purchased the old homestead from his father. Adopting the progressive methods of farming, and using improved implements he thoroughly cultivated his land with the best of results, added to his possessions and improved and enlarged his buildings. In addition to his farming he established a ginnery and engaged in milling. In 1884, in order to give his children better educational advantages, he moved to Douglas viHe. For three years after this he was associated with A. W. McClarty in a gen eral merchandise business, in which he cleared money. In 1892 he was elected county treasurer, and now holds the office by re-election. Among his old com rades he is known by the familiar name of "Sandy," and those who once stood side by side with him on the battlefield stand firmly by him now, as they all love him like a brother — and stand ready to bestow upon him any office he may ask for. Of untiring energy and excellent business judgment, he has made a success of everything he has undertaken, and is well fixed for life, happy in his domestic relations, and has a warm place in the affections of his fellow-citizens. Devotion to duty has been his motto, and his devotion has ben rewarded. Obtaining ten days' leave of absence after the battle of Jackson, he hastened home, and Aug. 11, 1863, was married to Miss Luvinia, daughter of Thomas J. and Mary A. (Taylor) Blanchard — formerly of Columbia county, Ga. — a union blessed with the follow ing children: Airs. Rhoda E. Tanner; Mrs. Ella V. Burson, Airs. Frances E. Griffith, and James L. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and a master Mason; anda life-long exemplary member of the Methodist church. T' R. WHITLEY, physician and surgeon, DouglasviHe, Douglas Co., Ga., son * of E. R. and AI. M. (Rice) Whitley, was born in what is now Douglas county in 1855. His father, son of Jackson Whitley, was born in North Carolina in 1820. In 1840 he visited Greene county, Ga., as a traveHng clock trader, and being favorably impressed with the country, established himself as a slave dealer. in which business he made much money. When the war between the states began he made up the second company which went from Campbell (now Doug las) county, of which he was elected captain. In 1863 he was discharged on account of bad health, but immediately re-enlisted in the state service. He was captured at Campbellton, Ga., and was sent to Johnson's Island, where he was detained eighteen months, during which time he employed his time and amused himself by making gutta percha rings for sale. After the surrender he returned to his home and engaged in farming and trading in land. He was soon afterward elected sheriff of the county, and held the office almost continuously until his 622 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. death in 1878. His wife, daughter of Thomas and Leah (Bromer) Rice, was born in South Carolina in 1832, and when a mere chHd came to Georgia with her parents. She was married in 1847 and is stiH living. Dr. Whitley was raised on the farm and educated mostly at Chapel Hill. After leaving school he read medicine and when nineteen years of age he entered the medical college at Louisville, Ky., and attended lectures one term, and subsequently attended the Atlanta Medical college three terms, from which he graduated in 1876. He im mediately located at DouglasviHe, and while he has engaged in the general practice of his profession, he has paid particular attention to surgery. He has been very successful, established an excellent reputation, and a richly paying medical patronage. He has always interested himself in educational matters and was the moving spirit in the establishment of the DouglasvHle college, an institu tion second to none in the smaller cities of the state, and has been a member of the board of trustees since its inception. Dr. Whitley has been since his majority one of the leaders of political thought and action of his section and has been honored many times by the community in which he lives with positions of honor and trust, and is at present state senator from the thirty-sixth sena torial district, which is composed of the counties of Coweta, Meriwether, Camp bell and Douglas. He is a member of some of the most important committees of the senate and recognized as a strong and influential factor in that body. Dr. Whitley was married in 1876 to Miss Mary P., daughter of Henry C. and Ray- mouth (Rice) Holcombe, who has borne him the following children : Helen Edna, Hattie R., Mary P., Grady and Raymouth. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and himself and wife are prominent members of the Baptist church. ECHOLS COUNTY. J FRANK HALL, physician and surgeon, StatenvHle, Echols Co., Ga., was ' born in Montgomery county, Ga., May 4, 1838. He was educated at Ran dolph high school, and then studied medicine under Dr. Paul F. Eve, Nashville, Tenn., and graduated from the college there in i860. Soon afterward he entered the Confederate service and was appointed assistant surgeon of Bartow hospital. Savannah, Ga. After a year's service there he enlisted in the Fourth Georgia cavalry and was elected a first lieutenant. He saw much active service and was wounded in an engagement in Burke count}-, Ga., ^vhile with his command he was operating on the flank of the Union forces ^^¦hen marching through Georgia. At the close of the war he located in Tattnall county and engaged in the practice of his profession, did a very large practice, and was remarkably successful. In 1872 he removed to StatenvHle, Echols Co., Ga., where his acknowledged skill, sympathetic attention, and conscientious discharge of his professional duties have secured for him an extensive and lucrative practice. No medical practitioner in what is known as the wire grass country of Georgia stands higher with the people and the profession than Dr. Plall, and no one is more justly entitied to tiie confidence and good will accorded him. He has acquired a comfortable fortune, and his land holdings in Echols county amount to 8,000 acres. In 1876- yy he was president of the board of county commissioners, and in 1880 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly. In that body he was EARLY COUNTY SKETCHES. 623 placed on the committees on penitentiary, sanitary and hygiene, and the state of the republic, on all of which he rendered effective and valuable service. Dr. Hall was married in i860 to Miss Lurana, daughter of Solomon Mobley of Appling county, who died in 1886, leaving ten children, of whom seven are living, and five of whom are located as follows: John F., born in November, 1863, educated at Bradwell institute, Liberty county, Ga., read medicine under his father, graduated at the Atlanta Medical college, and is located at Lake Park, Ga., where he enjoys a good practice; Alary R., married D. S. Parton, mill-man, farmer and merchant, Seward, Montgoniery Co., Ga.; Flora C, married H. J. Gibbs, sawmill man and farmer, Montgomery county; Eliza B., married Robert J. Parton, planter, Tattnall county; Georgia, married Dr. George T. Gray, Tatt nall county. Dr. Hall married for his second wife Miss Mary C, daughter of W. W. Connor, by whom he has had one child. He is a member of the masonic fraternity. EARLY COUNTY. B RINKLEY CHANCEY, retired merchant, Blakely, Early Co., Ga., son of Solomon Chancey, was born in Jones county, Ga., Alay 29, 1820. His father was a farmer and died in 1861. Mr. Chancey was educated in the common schools of the county and was reared on the farm, but later in life engaged in merchan dising. During the war he was a member and sergeant of Company C, Twen ty-ninth battalion, Georgia artillery. He moved to Blakely in 1861, where he conducted a general merchandise store until 1886, when he retired. He was tax collector of Early county in 1862-63-64, and assessor two years. He was elected to represent the county in the general assembly in 1872 and has served in this capacity four terms, the last ending in 1886. He was also a member of the constitutional convention in 1877. Being honored by election to such responsible positions shows an appreciation of his capacity and integrity. Mr. Chancey was married Jan. 12, 1851, to Miss Narcissus," daughter of R. "W". Shef field, who once represented Early county in the general assembly. They have had five chHdren: B. E., born in 1853; Quitman, born in 1855; James B., born in 1857, county ordinary; John C, born in 1859, marshal of Blakeley, and Hattie D., widow of John AV". Deal. Mr. Chancey is an uncompromising democrat and a master Mason. JAMES BUCHANAN CHANCEY, ordinary of Early county, Blakely, Ga., son of Brinkley and Narcissus (Sheffield) Chancey, was born in Early county, July 24, 1857. Mr Chancey's -father was not only a successful merchant in "Blakely, but filled many important offices in the county, and represented it a number of years in the general assembly. Mr. Chancey received a fair common- school education, and when he reached manhood engaged in farming, which he still continues. He has held the office of justice of the peace six years. In 1893 he was elected ordinary of the county, an office which he stiH holds. Air. Chan cey was married in 1877 to Miss Elizabeth Minter, of Early county, by whom he has had three children: Alpheus Baker, born in February, 1878; Lawton Eu gene, born in 1886, and Hattie May. 624 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. THOAIAS F. JONES, merchant, Blakely, Early Co., Ga., son of Thomas F. and Ehzabeth (Scott) Jones, was born in Covington, Newton Co., Ga., Aug. 26, 1845. His father was a prominent lawyer, and at one time represented his senatorial district in the general assembly. He died in 1874, leaving nine children, one ot whom, Maj. John F. Jones, was a distinguished officer in the Confederate army, and for a number of years was in the office of the secretary of state of Georgia. Thomas F. Jones was educated at the Georgia military academy, then at Marietta, Cobb Co., Ga. Toward the close of the war the cadets went into the state service for home defense. After the surrender he went into the mercantHe business in Conyers, Rockdale Co., continuing it four years, and then removed to Blakely, where he has lived as a merchant ever since. In 1874 he was elected colonel of the Pataula battalion of state troops, and held the office four years. That same year he was elected county school commissioner, and has been continued in it until now — twenty years. Alaj. Jones is not only an efficient officer, but he takes great interest in all movements and legislation promotive of educational advancement. Alaj. Jones was united in marriage in Early county, in 1874, with Aliss Fannie C, daughter of Dr. WHliam AI. Standifer. Four children have been born to them. Frank Standifer, born January, 1876, now a student at the university of Georgia, at Athens; Ethel, born in 1878; Emory Scott, born in 1883; and Alurray Thomas, born in 1889. jMaj. Jones does a large business, has been successful and is pros perous; unambitious as to politics. J OSEPH P. LANE, planter. Early Co., Ga., son of Joseph W. Lane, was born in Early county, Sept. 21, 1849. His father was a prosperous farmer, and died in 1864. As was the case with most boys and girls during Air. Lane's youthful period, his education, even common school, was limited. His life labor has been confined to farming, on a good-sized plantation, eight miles from Blakely. His fellow-citizens, recognizing his fitness and capability, have frequently called him into their service. In 1878 he was elected receiver of tax returns, and was con tinued in the office six years. He has also served as county commissioner one term. He is at present county representative in the general assembly — having been elected in 1890, and re-elected in 1892 — and was assigned to the following com mittees: General agriculture, enrollment penitentiary, wild lands and asylum. Air Lane was happily married in 1873 to Aliss Georgia, daughter of Roland and Isabella Rtissom, of North Georgia, who has borne him four children: Robert \^'., born Oct. i, 1874; Alary Ida, born February, 1876; Susie B., born Nov. 6, 1880, and Joseph R., born Jan. 15, 1882. Air Lane is a stanch and leading democrat and one of the most influential in Early county. p>ICHARD HOLMES POWELL, lawyer, Blakely, Eariy Co., Ga., son of Rev. Hiram Powell, one of the pioneer Baptist ministers in the middle portion of Georgia, was born Oct. 21, 1841, in Talbot county, Ga. The latter part of 1843 his father moved to Crawford county, and in 1859 to Early county, where he died in 1 861. Mr. Powell's education was limited to the common county schools, as the impending "war," and his consequent subsequent experience interfered with his laudable ambition in this direction. In 1861 he enlisted in Company C, Si-xth Georgia regiment, and enjoyed the honor of being the first man in the county to volunteer Fle was made sergeant of his company. He was wounded a num ber of times during his service, and, finally, at Petersburg, lost his right leg. Until then, 1864, he never missed a day. After the war he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1866, before Judge John T. Clark. He located in Blakely, which has continued to be his residence, and wliere he has built a large and EARLY COUNTY SKETCHES. 625 profitable business. The next week after his admission to the bar he was unanimously elected solicitor of the county court. Mr. Powell was married Dec, 3, 1872, to Miss Kittie, daughter of Col. Joel Perry, one of the most prominent citizens in the county. To them have been born five children: Arthur G., born Sept. 2, 1873, educated at Mercer university, Macon, Ga., with a law course at the university of Virginia, and now associated with his father in the practice of his profession; Richard H., Jr., born March 3, 1875, graduated at Mercer university with first honor, and is now principal of Tennille, Ga., high school ; Wade Hamp ton, born Dec. 19, 1877; Hiram Perry, born March i, 1880, and Katie Lee, born Sept. II, 1884. Col. Powell has an excellent standing with his profession, and with the people as a lawyer, and is held in the highest .esteem by his fellow-citizens. A brilliant future seems to be in store for the son, associated with him. WILLIAM M. STANDIFER, physician and surgeon, Blakely, Eariy Co., Ga., was born in Jasper county, Ga., June 12, 1816. After receiving a country school education, he studied medicine under Dr. Ridley, at La Grange, Ga. He then attended the lectures at Charleston (S. C.) Medical college, graduating in 1838. He located in Blakely, Ga., in 1840, where he has spent his professional life. He afterward attended lectures at the medical college of Georgia, at Augusta, where he graduated in 1844. In 1870 he was stricken with paralysis, from which he recovered sufficiently to resume his practice. In 1882 he experi enced a second attack, and decided to retire. He still, however, enjoys fine health and a clear and active mind. Dr. Standifer was married in 1846 to Miss Mary Grist Bryan, of Early county, by whom he has had three children: Florence, born in 1848, widow of Ashley A. Hightower ; Frances, born in 1850, wife of Maj. Thomas F. Jones, and WilHam Bryan, born Nov. 22, 1855. Dr. Standifer attained to and has sustained an excellent reputation in his profession, and estabhshed a large practice. He is a master Mason and a member of Magnolia lodge No. 86. ¦yy ILLIAM BRYAN STANDIFER, physician and surgeon, Blakely, Early Co., Ga., son of Dr. Wm. M. and Mary Grist (Bryan) Standifer, was born in Blakely Nov. 22, 1855. He received as good an education as the troublous times and the locality could afford, and then attended the medical college of Georgia, Augusta, whence he graduated in 1876. He immediately located at Blakely, where he has continued, excepting one year, when he was quarantine officer at Apalachicola, Fla. He succeeded to his father's fine practice, whose excellent reputation he sustains. He enjoys an increasing and handsomely remunerative patronage. He is resident surgeon of the Central railway of Georgia. In November, 1885, Dr. Standifer was married to Miss Jennie Rebecca, sister of Maj. Thomas F. Jones. This union has been blessed with three children: Jack Guy, born April 14, 1888; Rebecca, born July 26, 1890, and Bessie, born Aug. 24, 1893. Dr. Standifer is a master IVlason, and a member of Magnolia lodge, No. 86, of which he has. been worshipful master three times. JOHN M'GRUDER WADE, merchant, Blakely, Early Co., Ga., son of Wm. H. Wade, was born in Screven county, Ga., Nov. 4, 1823. His father was a farmer, and for a number of years was a justice of the peace. In 1841 he removed with his family to Early county, where he died in 1856. Mr. Wade received only the meager educational advantages afforded by the county common schools of the day. When grown to manhood he began life for himself on the farm. Before the war, himself and his brother, Reuben, embarked in a general merchandise 1-40 ti26 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Store in Blakely, and after the war, resumed the business, which has been attended with remarkable success. During the war Mr Wade was a member and sergeant of Company G, Thirteenth Georgia regiment When his brother died he con tinued the business and assumed control of the estate, and became guardian of his children. Mr. Wade was tax receiver of the county in 1864. He is a master Alason, and was never married. DEUBEN WILKINSON WADE, brother of John M., was born in Screven county, Ga., Sept. 23, 1828. During the late war he was captain of a cavalry company. After the war his fellow-citizens called him into public service, and he served the county as jury commissioner, as school commissioner, and as county treasurer, faithfully discharging the duties of each and all. He was married Nov. 19, 1869, to Miss Petrona Fidelia Robinson, who was born in Blakely Nov. 9, 1848 — by whom he had three children: John WiHiam, born in Blakely Jan. 7, 1872. He graduated from Mercer university, Alacon, Ga., and is now cashier of the bank at Blakely. Thomas Wilkinson, born in Blakely Aug. 5, 1873, 'was educated at Mercer university, also, and is studying law at the university ot Virginia; Adelaide Pearl was born in Blakely Aug. 7, 1875. Reuben W. "Wade died in Blakely May 8, 1887, after an active, enterprising and useful life, leaving a large estate. The firm is stiH continued as J. M. & R. W. Wade, under the sagacious management of the surviving senior brother. The Wades own large farming interests in Early county. The deceased brother, Reuben, was a royal arch Mason. ELBERT COUNTY. QEORGE L. ALMOND. The Almond family were among the early settlers of Elbert county, and have for nearly a century been prominently identified \'>-ith its history and business interests. John Almond, the head of the Georgia branch of the family by this name, was a native of Virginia, and of English- French descent. He settled in Elbert county when a young man, and taking up farming as a vocation, married Ann Settle, the daughter of another old settler of the county. During the war of 1812 he left the farm in the hands of his wife and served his country throughout the struggle. His son, James Almond, the father of the subject of this sketch, followed the pursuit of his father, on the farm, and was an honest, upright citizen, popular with ever}' one. He was an ardent and strict member of the Baptist church, and lived to the ripe old age of seventy-eight years, dying at his home at the old homestead. He married Amanda M. Fortsom, a daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Gaines) Fortsom. Air. Fortsom was a wealthy planter of Elbert county, who had come from Virginia in the early part • of th'e century. He too served in the war of 1812, thus giving Air George L. Almond, the subject of this sketch, two immediate ancestors, who served in the second war of this country against England. George L. Almond, the ordinary of Elbert county, was born in the county he so efficiently serves, in 185 1. He was brought up as a farmer boy usually found it in those days, wth plenty of work and meager opportunities for learning. Yet George improved every chance, and by the time he reached manhood possessed a weH-stored mind. In 1876 he married Alattie Chandler, daughter of Asa and Laura H. (Sullivan) Chandler Air. Asa Chandler was a native of Franklin county, Ga., and was a very prominent minister ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 627 of the Baptist church. He died in Elberton, Ga., in 1874, respected and honored by the entire community. Mrs. Almond was born in 1855. To Mr. Almond and his wife one child, Vaunie, has been born, to whom they are giving the best oppor tunities for a finished education. The family are members of the Baptist church, of which he is a deacon and Sunday school superintendent He was made a deacon when only eighteen years of age, and when twenty-five was made superintendent of the Sunday school. He is a master Mason, and takes great interest in the fratemity. That the people of Elbert county regard Mr. Almond most favorably and are well satisfied with his official life, is shown by the continuous election to the office of ordinary since 1881. He is an open-hearted, honest, Christian gentleman, whose career in life, witnessed by hundreds of people who knew him from birth, has been very successful. Mr. Almond has a pleasant home in Elberton, which is always open to his friends. lyi'ALPIN ARNOLD. Like many of the early residents of Elbert county, Ga., the Arnold family, from which Mr. McAlpin Arnold, -a leading merchant and banker of Elberton descends, came from North Carolina. About 1815, Davis Arnold, a native of North Carolina, with his wife (Elizabeth Wilhite) and famHy left the "Old North" and located in Elbert county, Ga. He was a farmer and one of the leading eariy settlers of the county. Joseph, one of his sons, brought up on the farm, and learning the cai"penter's trade, early prepared himself for a busy Hfe. He added to the original acreage of the Arnold homestead and became a large slave owner. He served in the late war and died in February, 1895, at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. Joseph Arnold married Sarah K. Thornton, a daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Payne) Thornton, natives of Virginia. Benja min Thornton was a preacher who filled pulpits of the Baptist church in Hart, Elbert and Oglethorpe counties, for over forty years, dying in Hart county, in 1876*" Mr. McAlpin Arnold, son of Joseph and Sarah K. (Thornton) Arnold, was born on a farm in Elbert county, in 1847. His education was obtained from the country schools, and at the age of seventeen he enlisted in the war, serving in the militia and state troops, and was in the fight at Coosahatchie, S. C. In 1875, he ma?ried Annie Carter, daughter of James M. Carter, who was born in Hart county. His father was born in Virginia, and belonged to the family of Carters in that state. Mr. Carter is -a well-to-do fanner, now living in Hart county. Was in the general assembly in i860, and was a brave soldier in the war between the states. Mrs. Arnold's mother, Mary Louise Clark, was a direct descendant of the Alston family, originally from Virginia, but whose descendants are now scattered over most of the southern states. They are a family of revolutionary -distinction and many incidents of startling interest are connected with this family, both in the remote as well as in the recent history of our country. By this union were born the foHowing living children: Sarah Louise, JuHus Y., Edna, and Carter. Mrs. Arnold was born in 1849. The early part of Air Arnold's life was spent on the farm, but in 1874 he engaged in the mercantHe business with Thomas M. Swift. In 1876 this partnership was dissolved and he joined H. K. Gairdner in the business which has since been continued. Air Arnold is president of the bank of Elberton, and is a representative business man of Elbert county. He is noted for his sound, practical judgment, prudence, sagacity and diHgence. Connected with these qualities are traits of justice, integrity and absolute fidelity to every obli gation. 628 , MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. J B. BELL, physician, Elberton, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1829. His- — . paternal grandfather was James Bell, a North Carolinian, who served in the revolutionary war, m^arried Miss Olivia Moseley, moved to (jeorgia about 1790,. and settled in Elbert county. He was a thrifty and well-to-do farmer, and died in 1809. David, a son, born in Elbert county, married Elizabeth Suelings. He was a, successful farmer and slave-holder, and was justice of the peace for many years. Plis wife was the daughter of John and Nancy (Butler) Suelings. Mr. Suelings- was a native of Virginia, moved to Georgia about 1801 and settled in Elbert county,. where he lived until his death in 1856. He was of English descent, a prosperous- farmer, an honest, upright man, and a brave soldier in the war of 1812, being in the great battle of New Orleans. Dr. J. B. Bell spent his early days on the farm and- attended' school in the log houses, where he obtained the foundation of his educa tion and learning. In 1849 he began the study of medicine under Dr. David C. Keller. In 1850 he entered the Philadelphia medical college and was graduated in 1851. In 1852 he attended a course at the medical college of Georgia, Augusta.. In 1855 he married Mary F. — born in 1840 — daughter of William G. and Millie T, (Wyche) Bullaid. Mr. Bullaid was born in Elbert county, was a farmer and served in the war. He was a son of Tapley and Annie (Bell) Bullaid, natives of Elbert county. To Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Bell have been born the following living children:- Oscar P., George D., Bessie M., Fannie L., and Sontag. In 1861, Dr. Bell enlisted in the war, joining Company C (Capt. L. H. O. Martin), Fifteenth Georgia regiment. He was assigned to hospital duty and served as a physician through the war. He returned home and resumed the practice of his profession, which is- now a very large one. Dr. Bell owns a fine farm^ near Elberton, is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and an honored citizen. A J- CLEVELAND. The Cleveland family has been associated with the history ' of Elbert county for over a century. John and Alartha (Kidd) Clevdand,. natives of this state, first settled in Elbert county and were interested in farming. Their son Jacob married Permelia Rucker, a daughter of Willis Rucker, an early settler of Wilkes county, but who had moved to Elbert county, where he died. Jacob Cleveland was a well-to-do farmer and slaveholder. Mr. A. J. Cleve land, his son, and the subject of this sketch, was born on the old homestead in 1834. He received the usual education afforded by the local schools, and in 1863 enlisted in the late war, joining Company C, First Georgia regulars, under Capt R. H. Atkinson. He served in the battles of Ocean Pond, John's Island,. Savannah, Averasboro and Smithfield. In i860 he married Millie E. Bailey, daughter of Hezekiah and Sarah (Gaines) Bailey. Mr. Bailey was born and lived all his life in Elbert county and was a prosperous mechanic. The mother was- born in 1839. Mr. and Airs. Cleveland have two living children: Paul A. and JuHan M. iThey are both members of the Methodist church, and Mr. Cleveland is a royal arch Mason. Mr. Cleveland, who is now retired from business with a competency, began life after the war without a doHar He borrowed $1,600- and went into the mercantile business, which he continued with the best pecuniary results until 1878. He is the owner of 2,400 acres of land and has a pretty home near Elberton. All was made by industry, perseverance and a steriing integrity which always made his word as good as his bond. rjR. M. P. DEADWYLER. One of the oldest practicing physicians in the state of Georgia and the senior member of the medical profession in Elbert county, Ga., is Dr. M. D. Deadwyler, who was born in the county in 1824 and was the son of Martin and Sarah Rebecca (Wilhite) Deadwyler. His paternaE ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 629 grandfather, Martin Deadwyler, was a native of Germany, who emigrated to this country about the middle of the last century and settled in North Carolina. His son Joseph, Dr. Deadwyler's grandfather, migrated to Georgia and settled on a farm which he took vip on Dover's Creek, Elbert county. He married Miss Alice Duncan, a native of Georgia, and raised his family on that farm. Dr. Dead wyler's father was born and reared on this homestead. He became a large slave owner and planter and attained to great prominence financially and politically, .and was a leading spirit in public affairs, especially those of the county. He was sheriff of the county many years and a member of the state senate, -wielding a wide and sturdy influence. Later in life he moved to Madison county, >Ga., where he died. Dr. Deadwyler's mother was a daughter of Philip Wilhite, who was of French lineage, and born in North Carolina. He came to Georgia and settled on a farm in Elbert county, on which he died. Dr. Deadwyler re ceived a good education, attending first the near-by country schools, and then the academy at Elberton. He then began the study of medicine under Drs. G. W. and H. R. J. Long, and was graduated from the Medical college, Augusta, Ga., in 1851. He located at DanielsviHe, Madison Co., where he practiced eight years, and then moved to Elberton, where he has since lived, and successfully foHowed his profession. He has a large practice and extensive and profitable farming interests, owns much valuable town property in Elberton, and is one of the solidest and most substantial of Elbert county's citizens. Dr. Deadwyler was married in 1852 to Miss A. E. — born in Madison county in 1834 — a daughter of Jacob Eberhart He is a royal arch Mason, and is very prominent in the masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church, and he is prominent in the order of Masons and has taken the chapter degrees. He has a large practice, in addition to which he has large farming interests and valuable town property, and is therefore possessed of abundance of means. •C H. FORTSON. One of the families conspicuous in the history of Elbert county is that of the Fortsons. For three-quarters of a century they have been distingfuished figures in business, political and social affairs, not only in Elbert county, but throughout the state. The Georgia branch of the family de scend from Thomas Fortson, an Englishman who came to America about 1779 and settled in Virginia. He was a man of education, culture and refinement, and a fortunate farmer. His son John married Miss Easton, a daughter of a Virginia planter, and about 1800 they moved to Georgia and settled in Elbert county. Here was born Easton P'ortson, who became one of the foremost men in this section of the state. He was a learned man, took an interest in the advancement of his county and was a moving spirit in all laudable enterprises. He served as sheriff of Elbert county and in other official positions. Brave and fearless, he- was of great service to the early residents in the Indian war. Starting in life as a poor boy, he was worth about $50,000 at the time of his death. He married Susan, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gaiterd) Ham. Mr. Ham was a Vir ginian and a settler of Elbert county. Stephen H. Fortson, a prosperous farmer Hving in the southern part of Elbert county, is a son of Easton Fortson, and was born in Elbert county in 1836. He spent his boyhood days on the farm and obtained his education in the pubHc schools. In 1858 he married Mary, daughter of William B. and Mildred (Rucker) White. Mr. White was an eminent lawyer and farmer of Elbert county, representing that county in the state senate, and ^yas a very wealthy man. Mrs. White was born in 1840 and died in 1882. She was an excellent woman and sincere Christian. By this union were born Buena v., Richard H., May E. and Zollicoffer Fortson. In 1882 Air. Fortson married 630 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. for his second wHe Ellen, daughter of Whitman and Ann (Badell) HiH. She was born in 1847 in South Carolina, of which state her parents were natives. Mr. and Mrs. Fortson have one child, Stephen T. In 1862 Mr. Fortson enlisted in the war in the Thirty-eighth Georgia regiment, under Capt Thornton. He was in the battles of Fredericksburg, Slaughter Mountain and around Richmond. He was there placed in the cavalry and fought at Travilion station, McDowell's farm, Nancy's shop. Stone station, Blackwater swamp and in the Richmond campaign. Mr. and Mrs. Fortson are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. ,Mr. Fortson has served his county as a member of the board of commissioners and education. At the close of the war he found himself with about $1,000. Upon this small capital he has succeeded in building a substantial competence. He owns 1,500 acres of good land about eight miles from Fishdam, Oglethorpe Co. He is a citizen enjoying the confidence of his neighbors and all whom his business and social relations bring him in contact with. JJENRY KOLLOCK GAIRDNER, merchant, cotton buyer and guano manu facturer, Elberton, Elbert Co., was born in Augusta, (ja., in 1842. He was the son of James Penman and Mary (McKinney) Gairdner. He is of EngHsh ancestry on his father's side and of Scotch-Irish descent from his mother's an cestors. His father, James Penman Gairdner, was an eminent man and won distinction as a lieutenant in the English army during the peninsula war. His grandfather, James Gairdner, was a native of England, moved to America after the revolutionary war and settled in Charleston, S. C. He was a merchant and was a member of the firm of James & Edwin Gairdner. Later he moved to Co lumbia county, Ga., where he spent the balance of his life on the farm. He was a man of brilliant mind and captivating disposition, successful in his business career, and accumulated much wealth. His son, James Penman, was born in Charleston, S. C, in 1805. He was sent to England to stay yvith an aunt when a boy and received his education at Eaton and Harrow, where he attended school with the famous Lord Byron. After he was graduated the spirit of adventure and love of a soldier-Hfe caused him to enter the English army. He served as a lieutenant in the English army through all the war between England and France under Napoleon, and was also under Wellington at Waterloo, and for his gallant services in various engagements, in which he received seven wounds, was given a dozen medals from Queen Victoria. After peace was declared he retired from the English army, returned to his home and father in America. A few years later he married and then located in Jefferson county, Ga., where he lived for twenty years, following farming with much success. He then moved to Augusta, where he lived the balance of his life, dying in 1862, respected and honored by all. The mother of Henry Kollock Gairdner was Mary, daughter of Thomas and Ann (McKinney) Gairdner, and at a ripe old age is living with a part of her children in Augusta. Thomas Gairdner was a native of Savannah, where he was a merchant for a number of years, and retiring from business with much wealth, he moved to Augusta, where he passed his remaining days. Henry KoHock Gairdner was born on the farm and there and in Augusta he spent his boyhood days, and was educated at the Richmond county academy. He came from fighting blood, and so when the war broke out between the states, in May, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, Fifth Georgia regiment volunteers, under Capt Platt. He was in several important engagements, and being taken ' very sick at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., he returned home, but served in the fighting against Sherman until the close of the war. On March 6, 1879, he was married to Miss Lavonia Jones, daughter of John H. Jones, Elbert county, Ga., and ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 63 1 they have one child, James Penman. Airs. Gairdner was born in Elberton in 1855. The family are members of the Methodist church, and Mr. Gairdner be longs to the masonic fraternity. In 1865 he started in business at Elberton and continued in the same until 1876, when a partnership was formed with Mr. Mc Alpin Arnold. This firm has been remarkably successful and transacts an enor mous business, their trade even extending" into adjoining towns. J?E\'. J. H. GROGAN. The Grogan family, conspicuous in the history of Elbert county, descend from Henry Grogan, a native of Ireland, who settled in Vir ginia, migrated thence to Soutli Carolina, and then to Georgia. He had a son, Henry, who married Elsie, daughter of a North Carolina planter. Their son William (father of J. H. Grogan) was born in South Carolina, and when young moved to Georgia, settHng in Forsyth county, but later moved to Pickens county, where he died. He was a large farmer, a strict member of the Baptist church and a leading politician of his day. He was justice of the peace for years and a man ^\•ho was a valuable citizen to his community. He was married to Hettie Rydings. a daughter of John and Sarah (Blackwell) Rydings. Air Rydings was a native of North Carolina, where he lived ancl died. He was a farmer and served with dis tinction in the revolutionary war. Rev. J. H. Grogan, son of William AI. and Hettie Grogan, was born in Spartanburg district, Soutli Carolina, in 1828. His early Hfe was spent on the farm and his education picked up from the old log cabin schoolhouse, and by free use of the pine knot and tallow candle. When eighteen years old he left his state, and traveling on foot to Lumpkin county, Ga., accepted a position in a store where he remained for several years. In 1856 he was wedded to Fannie E. AIcLaughlin, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Hall) McLaughlin. Air AIcLaughlin was a native of Oglethorpe county, Ga., and was an extensive planter, dying at the old age of eighty-seven years on the same place on which he was born. Mr. Grogan and wife have eight living children : George C, Sarah P., WHliam M., Lela J., Bessie H., J. O. A., John H., and Emma B. The mother was born in Oglethorpe county in 1835. The family are honored members of the Alethodist Episcopal church and Mr. Grogan is a faithful member of the Masonic order Rev. Grogan was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 1851, and traveled for over twenty-two years, preaching from the pulpit of nearly every church of his denomination in the state. In 1873, after nearly a third of a century of itineracy, he settled down in Elbert county and began farming and miHing. He has been remarkably successful, and owns about 1,500 acres of choice lands, besides valuable niHling property. He is a fine gentleman, respected and loved by aH who have the favor of his acquaintance. He is president of the Elberton academy, and takes much interest in the yvork of this educational institution. Air. Grogan resides near Middleton, Elbert Co. J B. JONES, SR., farmer, Flatwoods, Elbert Co., was born in 1836, and is the * son of James and Sarah (Dye) Jones. James Jones was a successful farmer and served in the state troops in the late war when he was quite aged. He was married to Sarah, daughter of Brow and Jane (Wyley) Dye, an early settier of Elbert county, and an extensive planter and large slave holder. Airs. James Jones' grandfather was a soldier in the revolutionary ami}-, and attained the rank of colonel. The grandfather of the subject of this memoir was Solomon Jones. a native of North Carolina who moved to Georgia in 1805 and settied in Elbert county. He vyas a farmer, and a brave soldier in the second war with Great Brftain, and died in Elbert county. J. B. Jones, Sr, was raised on the farm am.: educated in the public schools. In 1862 he enlisted in the late war and served 032 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. in various companies, going into the regular service in 1863 in Company H, Capt Clark Mattox commanding. He was at the battle of Macon and was discharged from the service at Graniteville, -S. C. He was married in 1859 to Elizabeth T., daughter of Nicholas and Eliza (Munelee) Burton. Air. Burton was an old resident of Elbert county and died in 1851. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been blessed by the birth of the following children : James N., Thompson S., Jeptha B., Ehzabeth, Annie, Sarah, Tallulah, A. B., and W. H. Mrs. Jones was born in Elbert county in 1843, and she and her husband are devout members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is a Mason in high standing, and in politics is an unflinching democrat. He was sheriff of Elbert county for two years, and in 1882 was elected to the general assembly, where he served with distinction on the committees on manufacture, agriculture, and deaf and dumb asylums. Soon after the war Mr. Jones started in business with J. H. Grogan, on a joint capital of $1,500. In about five years' time he bought Grogan out and conducted the business alone till 1883. He is now engaged in farming, being the owner of 1,500 acres of good land near Flatwoods. /W\ AJ. J. H. JONES. The latter part of the eighteenth century saw many old Virginian families migrate to the lands beyond the Blue Ridge and Georgia was largely benefited, not only by the number, but the character of the new set tlers. Among these families was that of John Jones, a robust Virginian, who had served in the ranks of the patriot army with distinction during the revolu tionary war. He was of Welsh descent and a native of Virginia. The original family settled where the city of Baltimore now stands and the creek running through the city called Jorus Falls was named for this family. He had married Ann Shakleford, the daughter of an old Virginia family, and in 1791 brought his wife and family to Elbert county, Ga., where he began the life of a farmer. There were but few inhabitants of the county at that time, but nothing daunted the pioneer, who cleared away the forests and tilled the soil with the energy characteristic of his people. He was one of the founders of Elberton and helped lay the place off. Thomas Jones was a son of this man and was bom before the family left Virginia, in Albemarle county. He helped his father in the first years of their life in Georgia and worked as a clerk in the firm of Weston & Chipman of Edinburg. In 1810 he entered business as a merchant on his own account and continued the same until he died in 1840. At one time he was sheriff of Elbert county. He married Eliza M. Darracotte, a daughter of John and Rebecca (Wingfield) Darracotte. Mr. Darracotte was a native of Virginia and an early settler of Wilkes county, Ga. He was a merchant and died in AbbeviHe county, S. C. Maj. John H. Jones is a son of this union of old A%ginia stock, and is a leading citizen and merchant of Elbert county. He was born in Elberton in 1816, on the lot where he now lives, and is now in his eightieth year. His edu cation was better than that which fell to the lot of the average young man of that period and young Jones was graduated from the university of Georgia at Athens in 1838. He returned to his home and entered into a mercantile business which he has since continued. He served in the late war as a member of the state militia. In 1843 he married Lavonia Hammond, daughter of Alfred and Louisa (Hudson) Hammond. Mr. Hammond was born in South CaroHna and first settled in Franklin county, Ga., afterward moving to Elbert county, where he died. He was a merchant and a very successful business man. Airs. Jones was born in 1827. By the marriage of Alaj. Jones to Miss Hammond, seven children are now living: Thomas; Louisa, who married Robert Heard; Ida, married to Capt J. J. Burch; Lavonia, married to H. K. Gairdner; Alary C, wife of T. J, .ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 633 Blackwell; Willie O., married Mollie Gairdner, Columbus, Ga., and Norah. The families all belong to the Methodist church. Maj. Jones is an honored officer in the masonic fraternity and was made a member in 1841. He has served his county as judge of the inferior court, but never sought political honors, preferring to devote himself to his business. Notwithstanding he lost 114 slaves by the war, he has managed his large plantation as his business interests dictated, with gratifying success. Maj. Jones is beloved and honored by all who know him, especially so with the women and children. A long business career has shown him to be a man of probity, a sincere friend and a practical citizen with broad views. Far-sighted, quick in discernment and sound in business judgment, Maj. Jones has for years been often consulted on every conceivable enterprise by friends and acquaintances. J^R. N. G. LONG, state senator and prominent physician of Elberton, Elbert Co., was born in Madison county, Ga., in 1854. The Georgia branch of the family of this name descend from Samuel Long, who was a native of Penn sylvania and of Scotch-Irish parentage. He left Pennsylvania when young and settled in Virginia, where he married and reared a family. One of his sons, Thomas, married Sarah McCurty, a daughter of an old Georgia planter. In 1830 the father and son, with their families, moved to Georgia and settled in Elbert county, but soon afterward moved to Madison county, where the aged father died in the fall of that year. Thomas Long, who had served his country in the war of 1812, was a man of much force of character, and being well-educated for the times, he exerted much influence in the county within a few years after locating there. James, his son, and father of Dr. N. G. Long, was born on the old estate in Aladison county in 1826, and there Hved all his life, dying in 1889. He served in the late war with credit to himself and country. He married Frances, a daughter of Nathaniel and Lucinda (Jerrel) Gholston. Mr. Gholston was a native of Madison county, a leading farmer and was of English descent. He served in the war of 1812 and died in Madison county. Dr. N. G. Long was raised on the farm, receiving his schooHng in the local institutions, and in 1875 began to read medicine under Dr. J. D. Long. He then attended the Augusta Medical college and completed his course at the Louisville, Ky., Medical college. He commenced the practice of medicine in Elbert county in 1876 and has been eminently successful from the start. In 1880 he married Emma Heard, the beautiful daughter of George E. and Mattie (Har per) Heard. His wife was born in 1863, and her father, a native of Elbert county, and a farmer by vocation, served with distinction in the late war between the states. He is now dead. Dr. Long and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and he belongs to the masonic fraternity, having taken both chapter and blue lodge degrees. In 1891 Dr. Long was chosen mayor of El berton, serving one term. He has been a member of the town council for years. In 1894 he was elected to the state senate. Through his flrst experience as a legislator he made a state reputation, serving on the most important committees: Banks, finance, railroad, corporations, lunatic asylum, deaf and dumb and others. Dr. Long enjoys a fine practice in Elberton, and so high is his reputation in his profession that his services are in demand from surrounding towns. He has ever enjoyed the full confidence of his patients, whHe his standing as an exem plary, citizen has always been of the highest. His practice has been general in character and attended with a high degree of pecuniary success. 634 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. JOHN W. Al'CALLA,' -farmer, Heardmont, Elbert Co., Ga., descends from revolutionary stock, his great-grandfather, a native of Ireland, having been a brave soldier in the ranks of the patriots. His grandfather was John McCalla, bom in South Carolina, and a farmer and slave-holder of that state. Fle was married to Susan Tenant and to them was born one cliHd, George R. AIcCaHa, the father of Air. J. W. AlcCalla. George R. AIcCaHa was born and lived all his life in Soutli Carolina, and, like his father, was a large planter and slave holder. He was a man of great intellectual accomplishments, a thorough student and a classical scholar. He enjoyed the advantage of instruction under the direc tion of eminent private tutors, and was graduated from the university of Georgia, Athens, taking the second honor. He was a classmate of Hon. T. R. Cobb. He was married to Mary Allen, the beautiful daughter of a neighbor planter. Singleton W. Allen. The latter descended from the old Virginia family of that name, and was bom in Elbert county, Ga. He was an active politician and one of Elbert county's foremost citizens. He represented the county in the legislature ill both the house and the state senate, and refused further honors in Order to give attention to his farm. He died in 1852. Air George R. McCalla died in 1885, at an advanced age. He was opposed to the late war, and did all in his power to prevent it, but when the die was cast, and nothing but the clash of arms could follow, he accepted the inevitable and supported the south. Air. J. W. McCalla was born in the AbbeviHe district S. C, in 1850, and was graduated from the university of Georgia. In 1870 he married Francesca Du Free, daughter of Lewis and Mary (Adams) Du Free. The latter was a leading business man of Athens, and was a man prominently identified with the political and commercial affairs of the state. Mrs. McCalla was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., in 1850. She died about a year after her marriage, and in 1873 Air McCalla was wedded to Alary AHen, daughter of Banaster and Anna (Averby) Allen. Air. AHen was a native of Virginia and afterward moved to Georgia, thence to South Carolina, where he died. Mr. and Airs. AlcCalla have had born to them three children who are now living: Earl, Annie, and Olivia. The mother was born in South Carolina in 1850. The family belong to the Alethodist Episcopal church, and Mr. McCalla is a member of the masonic fraternity. He has always been a farmer, and now owns a magnificent estate of about 6,000 acres. Upon this are extensive improvements and much live stock, all constituting one of the finest farms in Georgia. Mr. McCalla is one of the wealthiest planters in southwest Georgia, and his entire possessions are the result of his own individual efforts. QLARK AIATTOX, farmer, Elberton, was born in Oglethorpe count}-, Ga., in 1838. He is the grandson of David and Sarah (Hale) Mattox, natives of Virginia, who nioved to Georgia about 1800, and settled in Elbert county, where he lived and died. David Alattox was one of the hardy pioneers whose industry and bravery broke down all barriers and rescued, Elbert county from the wilderness and peopled her confines with the blood of old Virginia. Pie was a poor man when he began life in Georgia, and for years his life was a struggle. His indomitable will, however, overcame all hardships and won suc cess, and he died a well-to-do man. Pie was a brave soldier in the war of 1812. A son, Henry P., was born in Elbert county. He married Sophia Alunnelee of Elbert county, and moved to Oglethorpe county, where he lived for several years, returning to Elbert county, where he died. He was a farmer and served ill the war between the states. He was a member of the state legislature in 1874-5, and was a successful business man. His wife was a daughter of James F. and Jane (Nash) Alunnelee, and was born in Elbert county in 1840. Mr. Munnelec ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 635 was a native of Virginia, and moved to Georgia at an early day, where he died. Mr. Clark Mattox, son of David, was reared on a farm, and was given the best education afforded by the local educational institutions. In 1861 he enHsted in the war. Company I, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, under Capt. Mcintosh. His company was afterward reorganized and he served under Capt Joseph Smith. He was an active participant in many important battles. Fle was at Malvern hHl, Garnet farm, Alanassas, Atlanta, and then with the army to Savannah, as captain of Company C, state troops. He was slightly wounded in the first battle of Garnet farm. In 1858 Mr. Mattox married Frances J. Brawner, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Upshaw) Brawner. Mr. Brawner was born in Elbert county and was a leading farmer and large slave owner. To this union we^e born children, five of whom are living: Joseph H., William C, Mrs. Lizzie Hull- guis, Annie, and Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Mattox are members of the Baptist church and he is a Mason. He was justice of the peace for twenty-five years and is now a member of the county school board. After the war Mr. Mattox returned to iiis farm, which he has since managed prosperously. He owns about 1,600 acres of land and a mill and gin, and is regarded as one of the leading farmers of Elbert county J~^ P. OGLESBY, farmer, Elberton, was born in Elbert county in 1838, and is the son of William and Peliiia (Wiley) Oglesby. His grandfather, Thomas Oglesby, was born in Virginia and came to Elbert county, where he located on a farm and passed his life. His son William was born in Virginia and preceded his father to Elbert county one year, he having attained his majority and set out for himself. He married first Mary (Christian) Oglesby, and after her death married Pelina, daughter of George and AlHdred (David) WHey. Air George Wiley was a native of Georgia, a successful farmer, and died in Gwinnett county. Air D. P. Oglesby has spent a large part of his life on the farm. He received a good education for his day, and in 1862 enlisted in the late war, joining Company G, Ninth Georgia battalion, as a private under Capt. Eberhart This battalion was subsequently consolidated with the Third Georgia battalion, and made tfie Thirty-seventh Georgia regiment. He served gallantly and was in. several important battles. At Murfreesboro he received a severe wound in the shoulder and was sent home. In three months he was back on duty. By this time his comrades had elevated him to the rank of first Heutenant of his comi pany. After this he was engaged in the battles of Chickamauga, Decatur and Franklin, Tenn. At the latter place he received a severe wound in the leg, and at Chickamauga was injured in the face. His Franklin wound disabled him for months after the surrender. Mr. Oglesby was married in i860 to Margaret Deadwyler, daughter of Asa and Margaret (Eberhart) Deadwyler. Mr. Dead wyler was a native of Elbert county and afterward moved to Madison county, where he died. Mr. Oglesby and wife have had born to them seven chHdren, six of whom are living, viz: Mary T., who married Dr B. A. Henry; CorneHa A., married to H. J. Brewer; Gussie F., married to Col. W. P. Jones; Addie, Lena, and John J. Mrs. Oglesby was born in Aladison county in 1840. They are both members of the Baptist church, and Mr Oglesby is a Mason. Like so many others in Elbert county, Mr. Oglesby had little left after the war and had to start anew. The trials of the farmers for the first few years after the conflict were many, but he overcame aH and again accumulated a good competency. He owns a fine farm of 1,200 acres and considerable property in Elberton, and beside, he owns a store in Oglesby, a town on the G. C. & N. R. R. named after his family. He is a citizen honored and respected by all. 636 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. C C. STARKE, farmer, Flatwoods, Elbert Co., Ga., was born in Fairfield county, S. C, in 1818, and is the son of S. C. and Anne Alickle Starke. His grandfather, William Starke, was a native of and lived all his life in South Caro lina. He and five brothers served in the army of the patriots in the revolutionary war. He was of Welsh descent and a public-spirited and high-minded gentle man. His son, S. C. Starke, was born in South Carolina and moved with his family to Elbert county, Ga., in 1827. He was a big farmer and a respected citizen. He died in Alabama, where he had moved a few years previous. He was married to a daughter of John and Jane Mickle. The latter was of Irish ancestry, and was a native and life-long resident of South Carolina. He was learned and deeply religious, and was one of the best-informed men on the scrip tures and scriptural writings in the state. Mr. S. C. Starke was brought up on the farm and received the benefit of an academic education. He taught school for a short time and in 1843 "^"^as married to Mary A. Brewer, daughter of Edmund H. and Lucy (Carter) Brewer. Mr. Brewer was born and reared in Elbert county. By this union the following children were born: Mary, the wife of Thomas W. Plill; Sarah, wife of Ex-Gov. B. R. TiHman of South Carolina; E. B., who mar ried a daughter of Dr. Baker; Addie, wife of George C. Grogan. The mother was born in 1824. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1863 Mr. Starke was elected to the state legislature and served four years. He was a very able member of the committee on agriculture, and to his earnest efforts are due many laws which were enacted of interest and benefit to the farmer He is a self-made man, starting in life as a poor boy; he had accumu lated a splendid competence at the breaking out of the war. There was little left of it when the, strife ended, but he went to work again and now owns about 1,100 acres of choice land. A C. STOVALL, farmer, Oglesby, Elbert Co., was born in Franklin county, Ga., in 1819, and is the son of (jeorge H. and Nancy (Christian) Stovall. He descends from old revolutionary stock, his grandfather having served in the war for independence, while his father battled against the EngHsh in the war of 1812. James S. Stovall, a revolutionary soldier, of French descent, inarried a Miss Bradley, daughter of an old Virginia patriot. With his wife and family he left his native state in 1787, and coming to Georgia, settled in what is now Elbert county, where he died from the effects of a wound received in the revolutionary conflict. A son, George, born in Virginia in 1781, married Nancy Christian of Elbert county, a daughter of John Christian, a well-to-do farmer, who had come to Georgia with Mr. Stovall's father in 1787. Mr. Christian was a prosperous farmer and a fine gentleman. Soon after his marriage George Stovall moved to Franklin county, where he bought a farm and passed his life. lie served his country in the second war with Great Britain and attained the rank of captain, and was a brave and honest man. His son, A. C. StovaH, was raised on the farm and received his education at the "old field" school. In 1838 he married Alary L. Christian, daughter of Dr. Edward L. Christian, a physician of prominence in Madison county, Ga. By this marriage the following chHdren, now living, were born: Cornelia, wife of John L. Alize; Mary, who married C. A. Brock; Sarah R., who married Ira T. Harbor. Mrs. Stovall was born in Madison county, Ga., in 1822, and died in 1848. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a most estimable woman. In 1859 Air StovaH married Sarah F. Almond, daughter of James and Amanda M. (Fortson) Almond. She was born in Elbert county in 1833. They have four living children: James T., Albert S. J., Alinnie L. and Benjamin. Mrs. Stovall is a member of the Baptist ELBERT COUNTY SKETCHES. 637 church and a woman much loved by her friends. Mr. Stovall began life as a poor boy, and after acquiring considerable property by his industry and energy, he suffered a big loss by the war, but he again set to work and now is again "on top." He owns a nice farm of 560 acres near Oglesby on Dove creek post office. JUDGE EDMUND BREWER TATE, Elberton, Elbert Co., Ga., was born in the same county April 2, 1841, on his father's farm, four miles south of the city of Elberton, and was the sixth son of Edmund B. and Mahala (Fortson) Tate. His father, Edmund B. Tate, was born in Madison county, Ga., and was a farmer and slave-owner He died in Elbert county (where he had lived the most of his life) at the age of seventy-seven. Judge Tate's paternal grandfather was Robert L. Tate, who 'came to Georgia from North Carolina about 1800. Judge Tate was reared on the farm and received the schooling furnished by the public and private schools of his section. Just entering manhood when the war broke out, he hastened to join the army, enlisting in Company C, Fifteenth Georgia volunteers, under Capt L. H. O. Martin, leaving home for the front July 15, 1861. His record during the great conflict was one of active cam paigning and fighting, embracing various bloody engagements and battles; was in the seven days' battle around Richmond, second battle of Manassas, Sharps burg, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, besides other minor engagements. He was severely wounded in the battle of Chickamauga, on Sept. 19, 1863, by a minie ball, which entered his left nipple, went through his left lung and came out on left side of spinal column, and near the same; the ball not only pierced his body through, but made sixteen holes through an army blanket, which at the time was rolled up and carried over his shoulders. While the wound was severe and thought at the time to be fatal, yet, by the good nursing of his father, who hastened to his bedside, which was in a large barn on the field of battle which had been converted into a hospital, he so far recovered that his father in the short space of one month carried him home. Judge Tate, not having recovered sufficiently to return to the army, and seeing he would not again be able for active service, in January, 1865, opened what was known in those days as an "old field" school at Asbury Chapel, in Elbert county, which was a success. This, his first venture to set up for himself, gave him two hundred dollars in gold, which was the foundation for his present fortune, which is not very large, but comfortable. Judge Tate has been a lifelong democrat and has been active in the political affairs in Elbert county, having held some office in the gift of his people nearly continuously since 1866. In January, 1866, he was elected clerk of Elbert superior court, which office he held for one term. In 1868 he was elected ordinary of Elbert county, holding that office one term of nearly five years. In 1878 Judge Tate was elected county commissioner of roads and revenue of Elbert county, holding four terms (sixteen years); the last twelve years was honored with the chairmanship of that body, which expired in January, 1895. He was one of the three commissioners who recognized the crying need and necessity of Elbert county for better public buildings to take the place of the old dilapidated ones which she had. They accomplished their object, though not without great opposition by a large percentage of the people. Through these efforts Elbert county now has a splendid $8,000 modern jail and a magnificent $40,000 court house, all ,of this work being accomplished during the last two years in office — 1893 and 1894. In November, 1866, Judge Tate was married to Miss Ella G. Mathews, second daughter of Dr. Albert C. Mathews, one of Elbert's most promi nent physicians. Four sons and one daughter blessed this marriage; two sons, Robert Enos and Eddie B., died in their second year. The living sons are Ora 638 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Eugene and Albert Mathews. His daughter, Mrs. Sophia Tate Bigham, wife of E. W. Bigham, died in 1894, leaving one child, a boy, E. B. Bigham. The mother, a most exemplary Christian and loving and dutiful wife, was born in ¦ 1849 and died Jan. 10, 1881. Judge Tate was wedded a second time, the latter part of 1 881, to Miss Mattie A. (daughter of James C. Wright of Wilkes county, Ga., who was a prominent farmer), born in Wilkes county in 1850. The fruits of this union are two children, a son and daughter: James Wright Tate and Em-AIai Tate. The family are members of the Methodist church, and Judge Tate is also a member of the masonic fraternity. Judge Tate, in the fall of 1870, engaged in the mercantile business and continued therein for twenty years in the city of Elberton. Having, by strict economy and perseverance, accumulated a nice little property, he is now (1895) building one Of the nicest and finest resi dences in the city of Elberton. Judge Tate possesses a remarkably clear and weH-poised judgment and is seldom in error upon any business project he has carefully investigated; as a business man there are few men better posted and equipped than he is. He was one of eight brothers who entered the Confederate army, three of whom were killed in the service. J N. WALL, farmer, Elberton, was born in Elbert county in 1850. His grand father was Willis Wall, born in Virginia, and a settler in Elbert county before it was carved out of Wilkes county. He married Martha Page, and was a soldier in the patriot ranks in the war for independence. He was a farmer and a slave holder. His son, B. C. Wall, married Mattie W. Nunelee, and was a merchant for many years at Longstreet, then a prosperous town in Elbert county. He was a large slave-holder and owned a large plantation, upon which he died in 1878 at an advanced age. His son, Mr. J. N. Wall, the subject of this memoir, was given a good education and attended the Elberton high school, then a leading institution of the state. In 1868 he married Ella Fortson, daughter of Haley and Jennie (Hanson) Fortson. Mr. Fortson was born in Elbert county, but now lives in Florida, where he is a large fruit-grower. To Mr. and Mrs. Wall have been born thirteen children : Elizabeth, Willie, Walter, George, Cassie, James, Sarah, Clarence, Talullah, Janie, Longstteet, Henry and Lee. The mother was born in Elbert county in 1849. The family belong to the Methodist • Episcopal church, south. Air. Wall was a member of the county board of roads and revenue for four years and has been county school commissioner since 1890. His early life was spent on the farm, but in 1876 he was ordained a minister of the Gospel, since which time he has preached regularly. He is a bright and clever gentleman, and one beloved by his flock and respected by the community at large. QEORGE WOOSTER is of EngHsh nativity, and was born in Buckinghamshire in 1853, his parents being James and Sarah (Eggleton) Wooster, the former born in Buckinghamshire in 1802 and died in 1863. When but a youth, not out of his teens, young Wooster, who had been reared on a farm, left his English home to seek his fortune in the western world. He sailed from England for the United States Oct. 17, 1871, came first to Pike county, Ga., and a few weeks afterward finding his way to Meriwether county, where he arrived with but five cents in his pocket But yvith true English courage and persevering energy he sought work, willing to do anything honorable for a living rather than be an idler. He worked a year for Daniel Keith, and then rented land from him for five years. After this he rented Mrs. T. P. Atkinson's farm in Oakland for a year, and then the place belonging to Thor Atkinson. He made his first investment in land in the county in 1881, and five years later bought a stock of goods, and set up in the EMANUEL COUNTY SKETCHES. 639 mercantile business. He is a man of marked ability and versatHe talent, as is evident from the fact that he has been very successful in several distinct lines of work. His fine farm of 350 acres is well cultivated and well stocked. He also did a thriving business in general merchandise, of which he had an extensive and well selected stock. Moreover, he ran a public gin, a planing mill and sawmill. In spite of the adverse circumstances of his earlier years and the fact that his education was somewhat limited, Mr. AA'ooster has made a success of his life work and is honored among his fellow-men. He is a notable instance of what pluck and perseverance wHl accomplish. In 1874 Air. Wooster married Miss Cynthia "WilHams, a daughter of Stephen and Nancy A. (Simpson) WiHiams, who died in 1880. His present wife, who was Miss Pennie Esters, the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Caldwell) Esters, was born in 1859, and reared in Meriwether county. They were married in 1881, and have had three chHdren, none of whom is living. Both Mr and Mrs. "Wooster are members of the Primitive Baptist church. Mr "Wooster has recently removed to Flatwoods, Elbert Co., which is now his home. EMANUEL COUNTY, JAMES AMASCUS COLEMAN, merchant and manufacturer, Rountree, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of EHsha and Winnie Coleman, was born in Emanuel county in March, 1848. His father was born in Burke county, came to Emanuel county when a young man, married, settled down to farming and made agriculture the pursuit of his life. They are both living, and are respectively eighty-two and eighty-one years of age, and revered members of the Methodist church. Four children were born to them — three living to perpetuate their name and virtues: Matthew, killed at Sharpsburg while serving in the Confederate army; John C, an ex-Confederate soldier, who has been clerk of the superior court of Emanuel county, elected ordinary for several terms, now retired and accounted the wealthiest citizen of the county; EHsha J., Emanuel county, ex- lieutenant Georgia militia during the war, now a successful farmer, and James A., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Coleman was educated at the common schools of the county, and when only sixteen years of age enlisted in the Confederate service and was a participant in battle at Honey Hill, S. C. On his return from the army he engaged for several years in farming, and later engaged in rafting timber. He next engaged with his brother, John C, in a general merchandise business in Swainsborough, which continued four years. In 1888 he formed a partnership Avith James H. Ellison, and with him embarked in the saw-mill business, and in connection with it carried on a farm, running ten plows and a store, which last commanded a good trade. In 1894 the firm added to their enterprise the manu facture of naval stores. The firm owns the Coleman & Ellison railway, which connects with the Midville &"Ellison railway at Midville. The sawmill cuts from 20,000 to 30,000 feet of lumber per day, and their turpentine farm produces 600 barrels of spirits and 2,500 barrels of resin annually, and their pay-roll amounts to more than $30,000 per annum. Confining himself to his business interests he neither desired nor sought office, but in 1894 he was noininated as the only citizen likely to defeat the populists. After one of the hottest campaigns ever conducted in the county he was elected over the strongest man his opponents 640 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. could present to represent Emanuel county in the general assembly. He started in life without capital, but relying on his own resources, his energy, perseverance and strict business principles and practice, he has made a good business reputation and accumulated considerable property, with prospects of a large fortune in the near future. Mr. Coleman was married in 1884 to Miss Fannie, daughter of Enoch M. and Susan Lake, who has borne him five children: Ruby Pearl, deceased; the second child, not named; John Randolph, Winnie and Cleveland. CLISHA JORDAN COLEMAN, farmer, Swainsborough, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Elisha and Winnie Coleman, was born in Emanuel county May 6, 1846. (For further particulars of parents and other members of the family, see sketch of James A. Coleman in these Memoirs.) Mr. Coleman was reared on the farm and attended the common schools of the county. At the early age of sixteen he enlisted in the Georgia militia and served in the army, and when twenty years old commenced farming on his own account. As a "starter" his father gave him a horse and enough to feed it a year. Excepting that during the later years he has run a grist mill and operated a ginnery, he has confined himself to farming, at which he has been satisfactorily successful. He is not wealthy, but he has a fine farm under good cultivation, with a pleasant home and a competency, and enjoys to the fullest extent the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Coleman was married July 15, 1874, to Miss Harriett, daughter of Enoch Lake, of Laurens county, by whom he has had twelve children, of whom eight are living: Beulah, Matthew, Otis, Fannie, Elisha, Lester, Sudie, and one not named. Those deceased are : Ada, Charles, Douglas, and one that died in infancy. JJENRY CLAY EDENFIELD, merchant, Swainsborough, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of David J. and Jane (Kennedy) Edenfield, was bom in Emanuel county Dec. 29, 1859. His father was a mechanic, was also engaged in farming, and served as an officer in the Confederate army during the war between the states. There were bom to Mr. Edenfield's parents the following children: Milton C, deceased; Henry Clay, Julian, Hattie, Jessie, Ida, Eva, Wright, Rufus, Mollie, Bessie and Gilbert. Mr. Edenfield was reared on the farm, and received as good an education as was obtainable at the near-by country schools. When eighteen years of age he entered the employ of Davis & Marks, at Midville, Ga., as a clerk and remained there three years. He then engaged as a clerk with John Coleman, Swainsborough, the largest merchant in the place. Four years later he went to Stillmore, Emanuel Co., and clerked for George M. Brinson until 1889, when he returned, to Swainsborough and embarked in a general merchandise business on his own account. He has given his entire attention to his business, keeping abreast with the times, and studying and supplying the wants of the people, so that he has become a leading merchant and is doing a large, if not the largest, business of any merchant in the town. His enterprise and prudence, industtious habits and judicious investments have resulted in the accumulation of a large property — and the promise of a very bright future. Mr. Edenfield was married Feb. 7, 1886, to Miss Fannie, daughter of Thomas and Emma E. Lewis, of Emanuel county, by whom he has had two children: Bertha, born in August, 1888, and Vera, born in September, 1892. He is a member of the town council, a member of the Royal Arcanum and a master Mason. gPHRAIM A. EDENFIELD, merchant, StiHmore, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of John H. and Jane (Polk) Edenfield, was born in Emanuel county Jan. 23, 1865. His paternal grandparents were natives of North Carolina, and his great- EMANUEL COUNTY SKETCHES. 64I grandfather served in the continental army through the revolutionary war. Some years afterward his grandparents migrated to Georgia and were among the early settlers of what is now Emanuel county. Mr. Edenfield's father was a farmer, and served in the Confederate army during the war between the states. He reared the following children: Elizabeth, deceased -wife of W. T. Mooring, Em.anuel county; Martha, wife of George M. Morris, same county; Marguerite, wife of Jackson Collins; Viannah, deceased wife of Iverson Lanier, also deceased; John H., merchant and farmer, Bulloch county; George P., bookkeeper, Emanuel county; Thomas Jackson, merchant and farmer. Mr. Edenfield received such education as was obtainable at the common schools of the county, and then buying a farm on credit engaged in farming. He went to Stillmore in 1889, and was the first person to locate there after the mill was started. In 1885, with a cash capital of $35, he went to Savannah to buy a stock of goods and open a general merchandise store. He bought his merchandise, hauled it seventy mHes by wagon, and commenced business near where he is at this time. He has been wonr derfully successful, and has made money very fast. In 1892-93, in addition to his other businesses, he engaged in the manufacture of naval stores. He now carries a well-assorted stock of general merchandise worth $12,000, the best and largest in that part of the county, and does the largest trade of any store in the place. While he has been thus engaged in merchandising and building up this large and profit able business, he has been conducting his farm. Although he started with so little — of experience and capital — ^and is now only thirty years of age, he is worth more than $50,000 — ^which it must be admitted is a very remarkable record, and demonstrates the possession of more than ordinary ability. In view of what he has already accomplished it is difficult to set a limit to what he may accomplish. Air. Edenfield married Miss Wealthy, daughter of Jackson and Roxa Bird, of Tattnall county, who has borne him one son, Samuel, born in September, 1883. ^LFRED HERRINGTON, lawyer, Swainsboro, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Manning and Lucretia (Phillips) Herrington, was born in Emanuel county Nov. 21, 1858. On both sides he is of Irish lineage. His paternal great-grand father, Ephraim Herrington, was a North Carolinian, a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and was present at the surrender of Corn walHs at Yorktown. He migrated to Robeson county, N. C, and came to Georgia early in the present century and was among the pioneer settlers of Emanuel county. Mr. Herrington's grandfather, James Herrington, was bom in North Carolina and came with the family to Emanuel county, in which his father was born. Mr. Herrington's father was a mechanic and enHsted early in the late civil war in Capt. Miller's rangers, which became a part of the Seventh Georgia cavalry. After participating in a number of engagements he was detailed to take charge of the mechanical corps. He died Sept. 11, 1864, from the effects of extreme exposure and hardships suft'ered while in the Confederate service. Mr. Herrington's mother was a daughter of Anthony Phillips, whose family also came from North Carolina to Emanuel county. They were the parents of six children, all living: Alfred, Anthony M., John C, Melissa, Florence Elizabeth, and Dicey. Mr. Herrington was the eldest son, and his father dying while he was yet young, and devolving upon him the care of the family in straitened circurrt- stances, his educational advantages were of the most meager kind. The first pair of shoes he had after the death of his father he made himself, and then to get money to pay for an education he cut and rafted timber to market. He entered the university of Georgia at Athens in 1872, but he had so littie money and the demands on him at his home were such that he was deprived of graduation 1-41 642 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. by leaving the university. Knowing no such word as "fail" he persevered, read law under the preceptorship of Hon. C. C. Kibbee of HawkinsvHle (now of Macon), Ga., and was admitted to the bar at Pulaski superior court in December, 1877. He located at Mount Vernon, Montgomery Co., Ga., and practiced law there one year. In 1884 he moved his office to Swainsboro. Although without money he determined to succeed. Possessing a strong mind, an inflexible pur pose and superior ability, and withal being a hard student, he soon became the -leading attorney and had the largest practice of anyone at the bar. In 1888 he was elected to represent Emanuel county in the general assembly, and after serving the term retired from politics; however, such was the pressure brought upon him, and so urgent were the solicitations of appreciative friends, that he consented to accept the nomination of elector on the democratic electoral ticket in 1892, and of course was elected. He was appointed as one of the U. S. commissioners in the matter of the Cherokee strip, but at the end of three months resigned and returned to the practice of his profession, to which he is an enthus- .iastic devotee. He is pre-eminently popular in his native county, whose citizens manifest the greatest anxiety to advance him politically. In 1894 a recommenda tion of him by the democratic executive committee of his county as a candidate for congress received the unanimous endorsement of the county in a primary election, but he peremptorily declined to allow his name to be presented to the congressional nominating convention of the first district. Being young, an enthusiastic democrat, of unquestionable ability and determined will, and alrea.ly towering professionally above men older than he in years and practice, he undoubt edly has before him a brilliant professional and poHtical career and great pecu niary prosperity. Mr. Herrington was married March 13, 1890, to Miss Annie Lee, daughter of L. H. Wilkins of Richmond county, a union which has been blessed with three children: Thomas Norwood, Pat Calhoun, and Morris Daw son. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and a Royal Arch Mason. JOHN JAY MOORE, farmer, Swainsboro, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Thomas L. and Emma Cynthia (Trapnell) Moore, was born in Emanuel county Feb. 2, 1856. Flis patemal great-grandfather, Arthur Moore, was a Burke county farmer who moved with his family to what is now Emanuel county among its earliest settlers. His grandfather, James Moore, son of the above, was quite small when he came to the county, and followed farming all his life. Mr. Aloore's father was born in Emanuel county in 1818 and has been a farmer aH his life. He served a short time during the late civil war, but was discharged on account of disability. His wife died in 1879, hut he is still living where he has lived for more than forty years, one of the oldest citizens in the county. They were the parents of ten children, eight of whom grew to maturity: Millie, wife of A. T. Durden; James L., farmer; Elijah, deceased; Jennie, wife of L. E. Brinson, Emanuel county; John Jay; Archibald Algernon, farmer; Elizabeth; Mary C, wife of George Dinkle. Mr. Moore was reared on the farm and educated at the near-by country schools. On attaining to manhood he engaged in farming, and also made some money cutting timber and rafting it to market He had only his own labor and resources to depend on; his father, however, gave him a mule a short time after he started iu life for himself. He has worked hard early and late, cultivated frugal habits as well as his land, and judiciously invested his moderate yearly surplus until he has secured a competency and a quite large property — including 2,000 acres of good land. He owns a rice and grist miH and operates a ginnery. He is a good, thrifty farmer, makes good crops, and as to home and farm improvements he is as "vveH conditioned as any farmer in EMANUEL COUNTY SKETCHES. 643 Emanuel county. Mr. Moore was married June i, 1884, to Miss Cassie Ann, daughter of Richard and Lucretia Edenfield, a union which has been blessed with five children: Thomas Grover, Richard Hilton, John Elijah, and Mattie Cynthia; one died unnamed in infancy. Politically he is an uncompromising democrat. P DWARD P. RENTZ, naval stores manufacturer, Covena, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Rev. E. J. and Martha (McGehee) Rentz, was born in Henry county, Ala., Jan. 2, 1862. His father was a preacher, a member of the South Georgia Methodist conference and entirely devoted to his ministerial duties for twenty- five years. He was also a member of the Alasonic fraternity, and died in 1885, aged fifty-five years. His widow is yet living, her home being in Perry, Houston Co., Ga. This eminently pious and Christian couple were the parents of six chHdren — five of whom survive: Lula, wife of John W. White, Hawkinsville, Ga. ; Lilla, wife of J. C. Tanner, Washington county, Ga. ; Edward Pierce ; George, who married Miss Bessie Rentz, of Houston county, interested in naval stores manu facture in Montgomery county, Ga., and Charles E., dentist. Perry, Houston Co. Mr. Rentz received an academic education, and when sixteen years of age engaged as a clerk in a store at Bartow, Jefferson Co., Ga., and after remaining there awhile, secured a situation with a firm engaged in the manufacture of naval stores, with whom he remained seven years. Leaving the firm, he embarked in the business on his individual account. His success has been phenomenal, giving evidence of sagacity, courage, business qualities of a very high order, and a financial ability rarely equaled. He is actively connected with three firms : Rentz & Roberts and Roberts & Rentz, both in Emanuel county, and Rentz Brothers & Roberts, in Montgomery county. At the two Emanuel county plants they employ 180 hands, and their annual output averages 2,000 barrels of spirits and 7,500 barrels of resin. At the Montgomery county plant they employ seventy- four hands, and average an annual output of 1,000 barrels of spirits and 3,500 barrels of resin. They work forty-three crops in Emanuel county and twenty in Montgomery county, and the amount they pay yearly for labor and other working expenses is about $65,000. They carry on a general merchandise business at each turpentine farm, selling a large amount of goods. Starting in life with no capital but push and pluck, well-directed energy and a determination to succeed, and having accomplished so much while young and in so short a time, a limit can hardly be fixed to Mr. Rentz's future business achievements. He has already acquired a splendid property, with good promise of large wealth. Mr. Rentz was happily married to Miss Kate, daughter of Alfred and Mary Garton, of Eufaula, Ala., Feb. 4, 1886, a union which has been blessed with three children: Joseph Alfred, James Tanner and Mary Gibbs. He is a master Alason and an ardent member of the Methodist church. JOSHUA R. ROUNDTREE, farmer, Swainsborough, Emauel Co., Ga., son of Manning and Lucinda (Durden) Roundtree, was born in Emanuel county Sept. II, 1847. His paternal great-grandfather was Joshua Roundtree, who was a native of North Carolina, whose home was on Tar river, in that state, where he lived and died. Two of his sons, George and Joshua, migrated to Georgia and settled in Emanuel county. From these two brothers are descended the very large number of those bearing the name, scattered across and through southern Georgia. They were generally recognized as among the most progressive and successful of the community in which they live in whatever calling they adopt, occupying high social positions, and prominent politically. Mr. Rouildtree's father was a farmer, and devoted his life to that vocation, accumulating a large estate — politically unam- 644 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. bitious. Himself and wife were very devout and devoted members of the Primitive Baptist church — an almost life-long membership. They were the parents of ten children: Sarah, married Leander Sutton; Mary, married Elder Hudson Temple; Jane, married George I. Burwick; Manning R., Primitive Baptist preacher; Ebe nezer D., farmer; Andrew J., farmer; Isaac U., farmer; Washington G., farmer; Joseph B., farmer, and Joshua R., farmer. Mr. Roundtree received his primary education at the country common schools, and afterward attended the academy at Swainsborough, after leaving which he taught school for five years. He then entered in earnest on a farmer's life, and has devoted himself to it almost exclusively, the exception being the response to his fellow-citizens' demand for his valuable services as a county official. His first service was by election to the office of receiver of tax returns in 1871; after which he was a member of the county board of education, until 1880, when he was elected county school com missioner, and held the office continuously by re-election twelve years. Besides being exceptionally prosperous in his farming operations, he has traded some in timber lands, and has acquired quite a large property. Enterprising without bustle, and persevering in whatever is undertaken, he quietly accomplishes his object. He is public-spirited, liberal in spirit and purse, and is a popular and highly-esteemed citizen. Mr. Roundtree was married April 4, 1871, to Mis* Dora AL, daughter of William and Nancy Sumner, Emanuel county. To them eight children were born: Mary A., Amy E., William M., Julian R., Emma B., George L., Lena E. and Joshua C. Mrs. Roundtree, who, for many years was a working and exemplary member of the Methodist church, died May 14, 1894. J^ OBERT J. WILLIAMS, lawyer, Swainsborough. Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Stephen M. and Carrie E. (Pughlesy) WiHiams, was bom Sept 11, 1855. His father was a planter, and died Nov. i, 1891, aged sixty-five years; his mother is still living at the age of fifty-nine years. They were the parents of ten children, all living: Emma E., wife of J. "W. Wright, Bulloch county; Robert James; Sidney S., manufacturer naval stores, Bulloch county; William P., architect and mechanic, Florida; Sallie Gertrude, married Paul Purvis, Bulloch county; Stephen G., manufacturer of naval stores, Bulloch county; Belle, wife of J. Q. Stephens, Emanuel county; George Herschell, lawyer. Mount Vernon, Montgomery Co., Ga.; Nellie, at industrial school for girls, at Milledgeville; J. Carlton, clerk, Swains borough. Air. Williams vas raised on the farm, and received his primary education in the common schools of the county, and finished at Swainsborough high school in 1874. He read law under the preceptorship of Col. Josephus Camp - — during which time he was clerk in the ordinary's office and assistant clerk of the superior court of Emanuel county — and was admitted to the bar at the October term of the court, 1880. That year he was appointed United States census enumerator. Immediately after his admission to the bar he established himself in Swainsborough, and soon secured a large practice. He has been recorder and treasurer of Swainsborough, solicitor of the county court, and is now a member and president of the board of education. A stanch democrat, he was elected alternate delegate from his district to the national democratic con vention, held in St. Louis in 1888. He is now the senior of the law firm of Williams & Smith, the leading member of the profession in this county, with a large and growing clientage. The firm is recognized as one of ability, and ranks high with the profession. Mr. Williams conducts a farming interest in connection with his other business. Mr. Williams married Mrs. Mollie E. (nee Camp) Moring, daughter of Col. Josephus and Sarah Camp, who has borne him four children: Lida Bell, Robert Jewel, Roscoe Camp, and John H., deceased. Mrs. WiHiams has, by her first husband, two children : Nettie and Josie Moring. PANNIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 645 Mrs. Williams is a member of the Baptist church; and Mr. Williams is a member of the I. O. O. F., a master Mason, and a member of the Methodist church, of which he is a trustee. ARCHIBALD A. MOORE, farmer and lumberman, Swainsboro, Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Thomas L. and Cynthia (Trapwell) Moore, was born in Emanuel county Alarch lo, 1858. (For previous history of family see sketch of John J. Moore in these Memoirs.) Mr. Moore grew to manhood on the farm and received a limited education at the common schools of the county. When nineteen years of age (1887) he started in life for himself, beginning with farming on a small piece of land his father gave him, and then taught school some time. In 1892 he embarked in the manufacture of lumber and in the business of cutting and rafting timber to tide-water. He has established a quite large business with Darien, stands well in the commercial world as a man of excellent business qualifications, .of strict integrity and may be regarded as on the high road to fortune. He has a very fine 600-acre farm, with 150 acres in cultivation, and raises sea-island cotton, cattle and hogs. He is a democrat in politics, and is one of Emanuel county's best citizens. FANNIN COUNTY. THOMAS AVEY BROWN, a member of the Fannin county bar, was born at Morganton, in Fannin county, on June 2, 1861. He was reared and educated in Fannin county, where for three terms he taught school. In January, 1882, he went to Texas, where he taught school one year, and returned to his home. Having resolved to prepare himself for admission to the bar, in January, 1883, he commenced the study of law in the office of J. R. Chastain, at Morgan- ton, and on May 28, 1884, he was admitted to practice in the superior court of Fannin county. He began to practice his profession at Morganton, where he has continued to reside. His practice extends throughout the Blue ridge circuit, where he is rapidly rising to merited prominence in his chosen profession. On Feb. 7, 1886, Mr. Brown was married to AHce D., daughter of John A. and Martha Stuart of Fannin county. One child has been born to Mr and Mrs. Brown, Thomas Thurman Brown, born on Nov. 19, 1890. The father of Mr. Brown was Charles E. Brown, a native of North Carolina. He moved to Fannin county with his parents in 1848. At the opening of the war he entered the Con federate service, enlisting as a private in Company H, Fifty-second Georgia regiment, which company was comm^anded by his brother, Capt. W. W. Brown. He died in a hospftal at KnoxviHe on May 20, 1862. The mother of Air Brown, Alary Ann Brown, is still living in Fannin county. The paternal grandfather of Mr Brown was James Brown, born in Wilkes county, N. C, on Feb. 14, 1809. He is StHl living in Fannin county. His paternal grandmother was Nancy Ger man, born in Wilkes county, N. C, on Feb. 15, 1805. She died in October, 1892, in Fannin county. Mr Brown has two sisters living: Samantha, Mrs. Jacob Addington, Morganton, and Nancy, Mrs. Perry L. Akins, Morganton. In 1886 Mr. Brown was the candidate of the democratic party for the office of representa tive in the legislature of this state, and was defeated by WilHam Franklin. He is at present an active populist. 646 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. JUDSON RUCKER CHASTAIN, farmer and lawyer, was born at the old homestead in Fannin county, Ga., near Morganton, March 16, 1856, and here he was reared and educated in the public schools, his father dying when he was sixteen years old. Most of his education was obtained and paid for by himself. In 1879 young Chastain entered the law office of H. P. Bell at Cumming, Ga., and in August of that year he was admitted to the bar. He then returned to his home, where he has practiced law and farmed since. In 1891 our subject formed a partnership with Hon. A. S. Clay, who is located at Marietta, and the partner ship still continues. In 1884 he ran for representative from Fannin county and tied his repubhcan opponent, B. C. Duggan, but the second race resulted in his defeat by only eighty-four votes in a county usually 300 republican. This same year he was appointed deputy internal revenue collector of the northern district of Georgia (second division), and served as such fourteen months, when he resigned. On March 22, 1893, Mr. Chastain was appointed commissioner of the United States circuit court for the northern district of Georgia. He is a royal arch Mason and was reared in the Baptist church. He was married Feb. 15, 1883, to Emma Greenwood, daughter of Martin Greenwood of North Carolina, and they have seven children: Carleon C, Garnett McMillan, Ophie, Linton S., Judson T., Virgie and Clarissa. Mr. Chastain's father was Elijah W. Chastain, a native of South Carolina, born in 1813 and died in 1874. He came to Georgia at the age of twenty-three. He was a captain in the Seminole war and was made colonel in the same v/ar. He was also made colonel in the Eighth regi ment, Georgia state troops, by Gov. Joseph E. Brown, and was presented with a beautiful sword by his officers and men for gallantry and kind ness. He was in the Georgia house of representatives from Gilmer county soon after the Seminole war, serving two terms, and later he served in the Georgia senate. In 1856 he went to congress and served two terms. He was attorney for the state railroad for some time before the war, under Gov. Brown. He was a member of the secession convention. J^EVI BURTON CRAWFORD is one of Fannin county's oldest and most respected citizens, and is at present a merchant at Blue Ridge. He was born Jan. 31, 1838, in Jackson county, N. C, at the foot of Caler's hill, on Scot's creek. In February, 1844, he moved with his parents to Union, now Fannin county, in this state, settling upon a farm one mile from the present site of Morganton, where he was reared and where he resided until his marriage. He received a common- school education. From 1858 until 1863 he was engaged in mercantile business at Morganton. Mr. Crawford was a prominent Union man at the opening of the war and strongly opposed secession. In February, 1863, he was pressed into the Confederate service and was enrolled as a private in Company A, Fifth Georgia regiment of infantry. At the date of his enlistment he was colonel of the militia and not subject to the conscript act But having been arrested for disloyalty to the Confederacy, together with his father, who was imprisoned in the Atlanta barracks, he volunteered for his own safety and for the purpose of liberating his father. Mr. Crawford continued in the service until January, 1864. Shortly previous to the battle of Chickamauga he sustained an injury which disabled him for duty and was sent to Gilmer hospital at Atlanta, and later to Forsyth, Ga., where he obtained a furlough and returned to his home. In October, 1863, he was elected clerk of the inferior court of Fannin county and retired from the mili tary service. In 1867 he engaged in his old business as merchant at Morganton, continuing in business there until October, 1893, v/hen he moved to Blue Ridge, where he now resides, and is engaged in mercantile business. Mr. Crawford PANNIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 647 became a Alason Feb. 4, 1861. He is a member of Ocoll lodge No. 201 of V. & A. M., at Morganton. He owns several large farms in Fannin county and is the largest taxpayer in that county. On Sept. 19, 1858, Mr. Crawford was mar ried to Sarah Ann, daughter of Jesse R. and Mary Beaver, of Fannin county. Ten children have been born of this marriage, nine of whom survive: Alice, born July 17, 1859, niarried J. A. Leg, Dec. 12, 1875, on the decease of her husband she married N. B. Cutcher, by whom she had five children, and died at Blue Ridge April 16, 1891. She was buried in the family lot with her infant child at Blue Ridge. Four of her children survive: Ada B., wife of H. D. Gurley of Dahlonga, born Nov. 14, 1861; she has four chHdren: H. Bruce, born July 19, 1864; he is at present a merchant at Blue Ridge, and has never been married. Boone, born Feb. 8, 1867; he resides at Morganton; married Bessie Chastain, daughter of O. F. Chastain, and is engaged in the mercantHe business. Mark, born Nov. 14, 1869, who married on Jan. 27, 1889, Miss Laura McKinney; he is engaged in farming in Fannin county, near Morganton. Florence, wife of W. C. Boling of Blue Ridge, born Jan. 12, 1872; they have one child, a datighter, Claud, born Sept 25, 1873, and resides with her parents; Laura, born (Jet 9, 1877, married B. P. West; Maud, born March 6, 1880, and Carl, born Aug. 31, 1882. The father of Mr. Crawford was Samuel Hunter Crawford, born in Rutherford county, N. C, in 1805, and cHed at his home near Alorganton, Aug- 18, 1892. The mother of Mr. Crawford is Celia, daughter of Gelico Jones. She was born in Rutherford county, Jan. 9, 1810, and is stiH living with her son at Blue Ridge. Mr. Crawford is a man of high and benevolent character, and throughout his life has been strictly abstemious, never having used spirituous liquors nor tobacco in any form. Mr. Crawford is now mayor of Blue Ridge. He is one of the men that donated the site of the school building in Blue Ridge and he is now engaged in building a Baptist church and masonic hall in the town. It is mainly by his efforts and liberal contribution that the structure is being erected. Mrs. Crawford, a most estimable lady and pious Christian, has seconded her husband in this work. She is a devoted member of the Blue Ridge Baptist church and has been struggling for years to have an edifice built J_^EONIDAS GLENN CUTCHER, of Morganton, Fannin Co., was born in Union county, Ga., on Nov. 8, 1848. In February, 1869, he moved with his parents to Alorganton, where he has since resided. During the period from 1871 to 1876 he taught school in Fannin county, and was repeatedly re-elected to that office, serving in all six years as clerk. Retiring from office he next engaged in agriculture until January, 1893, when he was elected ordinary of Fannin county, the duties of which position he stHl continues to discharge. On Aug. 4, 1878, Mr. Cutcher was united in marriage to Nancy Ehzabeth, daughter of Henry and AdeHne Smith, of Fannin county. Three children were born to them: AIolHe, on Alay 6, 1879, "who died Nov. 21, 1882; Julia A., born Feb. 4, 1881, and died Sept. 24, 1882; and Nellie, born May 6, 1883. The early death of their two children, both of whom were tmusually bright, clever and attractive, left a load of sorrow to be borne by the afflicted parents, which has weighed heavHy upon them, and of which time alone can relieve them. The father of Air. Cutcher, James C. Cutcher, was born July 8, 1822, in North CaroHna. He moved to Georgia in his youth, settHng in Union county with his parents. He is still living and resides at Morganton. The patemal grandfather of Mr. Cutcher was John Cutcher, a native of Baltimore, Md. He died in Union county about 1866, at the advanced age of one hundred years. The mother of Air. Cutclier was Alartha E. Jones, daughter of John Jones of North Carolina, where she was 648 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. born Alarch 3, 1820. She was married to James C. Cutcher in Union county, Ga., on April 25, 1847. Six children were born to them, all of whom are living: Alary Ellen, Mrs. J. F. Adams, Blue Ridge; Newel B., who resides at Blue Ridge; Martha E., -Mrs. Robert P. Smith, now postm.aster at Morganton; John, of Ducktown, Tenn.; and James M., of Blue Ridge; and the subject of this sketch. P^ DAM DAVENPORT, of Morganton, Fannin Co., was born in that county on Feb. 3, 1845. His early education was obtained in the common schools, and later he finished his literary studies at Fort Hembree, N. C. In February, 1863, he enlisted in Company H, First Georgia state line troops, under Col. Gault, and continued in active service during two years. He participated in the battles of New Hope church, Kennesaw mountain and Sand Town, and in the siege of Atlanta. After the war he taught school and engaged in farming. In 1879 he was elected school commissioner of Fannin county, and has been in continuous service as school commissioner since that time. His work as an educator has met with public approval, as is best evidenced by his numerous re-elections to the office of school commissioner. On Jan. 9, 1868, he married Mary Ann, daughter of Jasper and Margaret Ashworth, of Fannin county. They have ten children: Kara E., wife of E. A. Rivers of Blue Ridge, born April 14, 1869; Sebas tian, born Aug. 16, 1871, and married to Estella Gorman of Grand View, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1894; Walter Oscar, born Oct 30, 1873; Claude Duval, born Feb. 27, 1876; Prescott born Sept 19, 1878; Herman, borri Alarch 10, 1881; Luther, born May 22, 1884; Tybee, born Sept. 3, 1886; Zetler, born Aug. 15, 1887; Arthur Beals, l)orn Feb. 15, 1889; and Clara Davenport, born July 20, 1894. The father of Mr. Davenport was William Davenport, born in Washington county, Va., March 13, 1800. He was the son of Clayborne Davenport, a native of Virginia. William Dav enport was reared in Virginia and migrated to Tennessee, where he lived about eleven years, and settled in Fannin county, Ga., about 1843. He died at his home in this county on April 17, 1875. The mother of Air Davenport was Margaret Speare Rhea, of Rhea county, Tenn., where she married William Davenport July 17, 1832. She died in Fannin county in 1880. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Davenport was a revolutionary soldier who served throughout that strug gle. He fought at the battles of Brandywine, Trenton, Monmouth and Princeton, and served under Gen. Lincoln at the siege of Charleston. After the surrender of that city he effected his escape from his guards with five of his companions, making his way through the British lines to friendly territory, ttaveling only at night. The paternal great-grandfather of Mr. Davenport was born in England and settled in Jamestown, Va., in the early part of the last century. Q LIVER REED DUPREE, of Blue Ridge, and a member of the Fannin county bar, was born Oct. 5, 1854, near Woodstock, in Cherokee county, and was educated at a private school. In 1876 he commenced the study of law in the office of B. F. Payne of the Cherokee county bar, at Canton. In 1877 he was admitted to the bar in the superior court of Cherokee county, and commenced the practice of law at Ellijay, in Gilmer county, where he resided six months. He next located at Morganton, where he practiced his profession with success until 1891, when he moved to Blue Ridge, where he now resides. Mr. Dupree's practice extends throughout the Blue Ridge circuit. He gives especial attention to cases involving the title to real estate. He is a safe counselor and a very capable lawyer. In December, 1882, Mr. Dupree married Henrietta Beaver, of Morganton. They have three chHdren, two girls and one boy: WiHie, born PANNIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 649 Dec. 4, 1886; Alarion Grady, born July 2, 1888; and O. R., born Sept. 11, 1890. The father of Mr Dupree was WilHam Dupree, born about 1810 near Spartan burg, S. C, who moved to Georgia and settied in Gordon xounty, about 1852. In 1854 he moved to Woodstock, where he resided until his death in 1892. He served as justice of the peace for a period of thirty years. The mother of Mr. Dupree is Miriam, daughter of Timothy Haney. She was born about 1812, near Spartanburg, S. C. She is still living near Woodstock. Mr. Dupree is the eighth of a family of thirteen children, eleven of whom are still living: Joshua, who died while in the service of the Confederacy, just before the first battie of Alanassas: Syninimous, who married Thomas Freeman, and resides in Texas; Selena, who married W. P. Dobbs, and resides near Woodstock; Perry Pinkney, a lawyer living in Canton; SaHie, married to Cicero Dobbs. and lives near Wood stock; Caroline, married to a Mr. PetrH, and lives in Cobb county; Vesta, who married Reason Dobbs, of Cobb county; Alice, Simanthi, and Robert Lee reside at home in Cherokee county, and Samuel is a lawyer Hving at Canton. T HOMAS MARTIN GREENWOOD, M. D., of Mineral Bluff, Fannin Co., was born at Morganton June 17, 1863. From 1864 to 1866 his family resided at CamesviHe, in Franklin county. His father, who was a tanner by trade and who was employed in that capacity by the Confederate government, died in Union county November, 1866. The family returned to Morganton in the fall of 1866 and settled on a farm. There the doctor lived and attended school until he had attained his nineteenth year. The patrimony of the family, which was large previous to the war, depreciated and diminished with the retiring fortunes of the Confederacy, and Dr. Greenwood was raised and educated by the efforts of his mother and himself. The first labor he performed for hire was binding rye at twenty-five cents per day, receiving pay in rye, at seventy-five cents per bushel, which was used by the family. At the age of sixteen he contracted his services for two summers, for a mule colt of the value of $40. The profits of this bargain having been enhanced by the custom so prevalent among the inhabitants of the mountains of "swapping," he soon accumulated enough money to pay for his schooling ten months. He next taught school during two terms; and after four months more of study, he passed a rigid examination in the English branches. At the end of this term, having since his thirteenth year determined upon pre paring himself for the practice of medicine, and being unable for want of adequate means to pursue his literary studies further, he delivered a farewell address to his class and commenced the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. T. T. Fain, of Fannin county, in the spring of 1886. On November 2 of that year he entered the Atlanta Medical college wfth $35 in his pocket and attired in a suit of homespun clothes. He pursued his studies for four months, when he returned to his home, without having paid for his tuition. He was the first person to engage in the culture of tobacco in Fannin county. He deposited a sample of the plant raised in the agricultural department, which was pronounced to be the finest Of its kind ever raised in Georgia. At the request of Hon. Henry W. Grady, of the "Southern Cultivator," he wrote a paper on the cultivation of tobacco which was published in that journal. He was made the beneficiary of a scholarship for the years 1887-88 in the Atianta Medical college, and in the fall of 1887 he returned to that institution. " At the close of the fall term he passed an examination and stood at the head of his class. At the request of the dean. Dr. H. V. Miller, he selected for his thesis the subject of "MHk-sickness," a dis ease peculiar to the mountain regions of north Georgia, which he wrote, and the substance of this thesis is embodied in the last edition of FHnt's Practice. He 650 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. graduated on Alarch 4, 1888, and returned to his home without a dollar and immediately commenced the practice of his profession, having obtained the nec essary supply of medicine as a premium on competition. In AprH, 1888, he located permanently at Mineral Bluff, where he has since resided and continued his practice with marked success. Dr. Greenwood gives especial attention to the diseases of women and children. He is a man of literary tastes and of very considerable information on subjects of medical literature. With Prof. J. M. Clement, Jr., he is joint author of a work entitled Quintessence of Physiology and Hygiene, a text-book for schools and academies. He is a member of the Georgia Aledical association, and at its meeting in 1894 contributed a paper on "Pneu monia," which was extensively read and commented on by the members and the profession generally. At the meeting of the association in Savannah in 1895 Dr. Greenwood read a paper on "Obstetrics" as practiced in the mountains of Georgia. This paper attracted attention all over the country and was copied in the leading medical journals of the United States and Canada. On April 24, 1887, Dr. Greenwood was married to Miss Hattie A. Cook, daughter of Barnard and Caroline Cook, of Fannin county. Dr. and Mrs. Greenwood have four chHdren: Onah Blanche, born Jan. 30, 1888, at Atlanta; Hoke Smith, born April 25, 1890; Glenn McKenla, born Jan. 10, 1892; and Earle Clement born Nov. 27, 1894, The wife of Dr. Greenwood was born March 20, 1863. His father, Martin A. Greenwood, a native of North Carolina, was born in 1816. The mother of Dr. Greenwood was Sarah Caroline Parks, born Aug. 15, 1830. She is living with him at Mineral Bluff. A LBERT SIDNEY JOHNSON HALL, a rising member of the Fannin county bar, residing at Blue Ridge, is a native of Ducktown, Tenn., where he was born, March 11, 1867. He was reared on a farm. He commenced the study of law in the office of James G. Parks, of Ducktown, and after two years of diligent study, he was admitted to the bar of Polk county, Tenn., in the year 1887. He commenced the practice of his profession at D-ucktown, and in 1890, he moved to Blue Ridge, in this state, where he is fast rising to prominence among the lawyers of the Blue Ridge circuit, and where he is exceedingly popular. In January, 1894, Mr. Hall was elected mayor of Blue Ridge, and he has continued to discharge the duties of his office to the entire satisfaction of the people. On May 3, 1888, he was married to Miss Naomi Jane Swaim, daughter of A. W. and Margaret Swaim, of Ducktown, Tenn. They have two children: Ethel, born Jan. 3, 1889, and De May, born Feb. 21, 1893. The father of Mr Hall is Jonathan Hampton Hall, bom in Alacon county, N. C, Alarch 25, 1823. In his youth he settled in Fannin county and engaged in farming. About 1846 he married Miss Zilplia M. McCord. She was the daughter of "William and Mehssa McCord, both of whom were natives of Scotland, who emigrated to Alacon county, N. C, and later settled in Fannin county, Ga. The parents of Mr HaH settled on a farm near Ducktown, Tenn., soon after the late war, where they still reside. The father of Air Hall was a pronounced Union man at the commence ment of the war. He entered the Federal service as captain of Conipany PI, Tenth Tennessee cavalry, and served four years, when he was honorably discharged. The subject of this sketch is the representative of a class rapidly pushing to the front in Georgia affairs, and it is well that the future welfare of the state should be cared for by such hands. JHOMAS SILVEY Al'KINNEY, of Blue Ridge, a rising young newspaper man of Fannin county, was born at Chestnut Gap, in that county, on Aug. 29, 1873. He was educated at Ellijay seminary, where he completed his studies in PANNIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 65 1 1891. He entered the office of the "Blue Ridge Post" as an apprentice, and assisted in issuing the first edition of that paper. He was afterward engaged in newspaper work on the "Atianta Press," and for a time was associate editor of the "Cherokee Scout," at Murphy, N. C. On Jan. i, 1893, Mr. McKinney became the editor and proprietor of the "Blue Ridge Post," the official organ of Fannin county, since which time he has continued to edit and publish that newspaper. The "Post" is a bright and newsy paper, and has a very extensive circulation in North Georgia. Mr. McKinney conducts a job department in connection with the publication of the "Post," and turns out a large variety of work in this line annually. On Jan. 10, 1894, Mr. McKinney was married to Aliss Ida Belle Davis, the accom plished daughter of W. H. and Alargaret Davis, of Eve Mills, Tenn. Airs. McKin ney is an accomplished musician and a teacher of vocal and instrumental music. Mr. McKinney is an active member of the Alethodist church, south, and his wife is a member of the Lutheran church. Mr. McKinney is a young man of fine talents, agreeable manners, and pleasing address. His aim is to furnish the people of North Georgia a good newspaper, the object of which will be to advance the material interests of that portion of the state, already too. long neglected. The father of Mr. McKinney is Michael McKinney, born in Monroe county, Tenn., on Oct 18, 1840. He served one year in the Confederate army during the late war. For fourteen years he was connected with the Marietta & North Georgia railroad, a portion of which he built. He is at present engaged in the real estate and lumber business at Blue Ridge. The mother of Mr. 'McKinney is Harriet Adaline, daughter of R. J. McClure, of Fannin county, where she was born. Mr. McKinney has five brothers and five sisters living: James Robert, born April 11, 1862; MolHe, Mrs. W. M. WHson, Blue Ridge, born June 26, 1863; Joseph B., born Dec. 9, 1864; John M., born April 10, 1867; Solomon L., born Oct. 7, 1869; Laura Adeline, Mrs. Mark (Crawford, born June 29, 1871; SalHe, Mrs. Edgar "W. Butt; Florence N., Michael K., and LiHy Gustava. JI> OBERT LEE SMITH, a prominent young newspaper man, oi Morganton, Fannin Co., was born in that county Nov. 23, 1870. He was educated in the common schools and acquired a practical knowledgp of printing. In September, 1893, Mr. Smith became editor and proprietor of the "Morganton News," a bright and progressive weekly published at Morganton. This paper has a general circu lation throughout North Georgia. Its editor is aggressive in advancing the interests of his county, in developing its resources, and in promoting in a general and fitting manner the public welfare. Mr. Smith has four brothers and three sisters living in Fannin county: Benton Latain, Gustavus Braselton, Cora May, CHfford Anderson, Carter Tate, Siddie May, and Minnie Eveline. The father of Mr. Smith is WilHam Dallas Smith. He is a well-known character in Fannin county, where he has filled several official positions creditably and to the advantage of the public. In 1892 he was elected senator from the forty-first senatorial district of Georgia as a democrat. The mother of Mr Smith, the subject of this sketch, is Emily, daughter of the late Hon. Elijah W. Chastain, who was a well-known mem ber of congress from Georgia in antebellum days. She is still Hving. QABRIEL LEONIDAS THOMAS, farmer. Blue Ridge, Fannin Co., was born near Blue Ridge on Oct. 3, 1846. He was raised on a farm and received a common school education. In 1861, he entered the service of the state of Georgia, enlisting in Col. E. W. Chastain's regiment, and saw active service at Savannah, and on the eastern coast. Later, he entered the Sixth Georgia cavalry, commanded by Col. John R. Hart, and continued in the service until captured at 652 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Charleston, Tenn., in August, 1864. About six months later he was released on condition that he remain within the Federal lines, and he continued to live in Tennessee during the remainder of the war. At its close he returned to his home and gave his attention to agricultural pursuits, in which occupation he has been engaged ever since. In January, 1893, he was elected sheriff of Fannin county, as a democrat, although that county was strongly republican, and was re-elected in January, 1895. M""- Thomas brought to his aid in the discharge of his official duties as sheriff, a sound judgment, and a mind stored with practical common sense. In the discharge of his office duties he has given universal satisfaction to the people of his county, and as a citizen and official, he is highly respected. On Aug. 21, 1864, Mr. Thomas was married to Miss Nancy Caroline "Brindle, daughter of Rev. Henry Brindle, of Fannin county. They have nine children, five boys and four girls: Rachel Ehzabeth, wife of John N. Fife, of Alabama; John Clayton, Ga briel Leonidas, Martha Jane, wife of G. H. Bramblet, of Alabama; Alary Melindi, William Henry, Sarah Lucree, Joseph, George Lester and Napoleon Roscoe. The father of Mr. Thomas, William Thomas, was a native of South Carolina. He was one of the first settlers of what is now Fannin county, where he died in 1875. The mother of Mr. Thomas was Elizabeth Fain, daughter of David and Rebecca Fain, of Tennessee. She died in Fannin county in 1879. ^^'- Thomas is the seventh child of a large family of children : William Marrian, who died in Murray county, Ga., in 1863; Charles Newton, who died in Fannin county about 1858; Sarah E., now living at Blue Ridge; Rebecca, who married Bartly Kirbow, and died Feb. 8, 1892, in Fannin county; Ebenezer Holland, Fannin county; Rachel C, married John W. Godfrey, of Fannin county, and died April 8, 1892, and John M., Fannin county. FAYETTE COUNTY. QHARLES POWELL DANIEL, merchant. Brooks Station, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Gen. Egbert Powell and Catharine Roland (Howe) Daniel, was born in Zebulon, Pike Co., Ga., Aug. 26, 1839. His father was born in what is now Jasper county, Ga., in August, 1800, and when a young man settled in Pike county, where he served as clerk of the superior court for seventeen years, and became one of the richest and most influential citizens of the county. He was major-general of militia, his division extending from Pike to Houston counties, inclusive. He was a member of the masonic fraternity, in which he held respon sible positions. His mother was born in Crawford county in 1812. Col. Daniel lived in Zebulon until he was ten years old, when he went to Griffin, Spalding Co., where he was principally educated — being a pupH of Marshall college. When the war between the states began he enlisted as a private in the Griffin Light Guards, Capt Samuel W. Manghum, which became Company B, Fifth Georgia regiment. Col. John K. Jackson. Ten months afterward, at Knoxville, Tenn., he was elected captain of the company; at Tupelo, Miss., in 1862, he was elected major, and subsequently was promoted colonel of the regiment, and gallantly served as such until the surrender. He was in the battles at Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge — ^where he was wounded three times, and thereby disabled from service for three months — and Kennesaw Mountain, where he was field officer of the day. In 1863 he was at Coosahatchie Station and Pocotaligo, S. C, for FAYETTE COUNTY SKETCHES. 653 about three months. For a number of years after the war he held the office ot notary public and ex-officio justice of the peace. In December, 1887, he located at Brooks Station and engaged in general merchandising, in which he has been eminently prosperous, secured a large trade, made money and friends, and interested himself so much in the county's development and made himself so useful, as to have become one of the most prominent and influential citizens of Fayette county. He has been a member of the board of county commissioners since November, 1892, and is chairman of the district board of education. He is wide awake, progressive and energetic, and exercises an influence for good however and wherever situated. Col. Daniel was married Feb. 7, 1866, to Miss Annie Eliza — ^born Aug. i, 1843 — daughter of Hon. William McKenzie and Julia (Thompson) Blanton^ who were born in Georgia and descended from the earliest Scotch-Irish settlers of the state. He at one time represented Spalding county in the general assembly. This union has been blessed with children, as foHows: Minnie, born May 31, 1868, deceased; Bertie Pope, born June 29, 1870, in business at Brooks Station; Willie Mills, born March 5, 1873, associated with his brother in business; Henry (Tarlton, born Dec. 24, 1875, teacher; Charles Roswell, born Dec. 24, 1877, attending school; Frederic Collins, born May 19, 1880, deceased, and Emory Jones, born Feb. 24, 1883. Col. Daniel is a member of the masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are active, working members of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward and trustee, and has been a Sunday-school superintendent for fifteen years. JAMES LUTHER GABLE, physician and surgeon. Brooks Station, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Noah Wesley and SaHy Arena (Wilson) Gable, was born in Fayette county Aug. i, i860. His father was born in Lexington district, S. C, Jan. 20, 1 831; came to Georgia and located as a physician in La Fayette in 1859. He was a surgeon in the army from 1861 to 1865, and after the war returned and resumed his practice in Fayette county, and died July 12, 1893, having practiced in the county, excepting the time he was in the army, thirty-four years. His mother was born in Coweta county, Ga., May 20, 1842, and is still living at the old homestead. Dr. Gable enjoyed very good educational advantages so far as common schools could supply them, and after studying medicine under his father attended lectures at Atlanta Medical college, from which he was graduated in March, 1883. He returned home and was associated in the practice with his father until July, 1893, when his brother became associated with him. He has attained to a wide and well-earned eminence in his profession, has a large and very valuable practice and being on the threshold of professional life may be regarded as having an exceptionally brilliant future before him. He has been an influential member of the county board of education for m^ny years. Dr. Gable was married at Cresswell, Spalding Co., Ga., to Miss Viola Vivtila Vaughn, born April 30, 1862, daughter of James "William and Narcissa E. (Puckett) Vaughn. Her father was born in Jasper county, Ga., Sept. 21, 1818, and her mother was born in Virginia in 1823, and came to Jasper county with her parents vvhen quite young. This union has been blessed with five children: Jane Odessa, born June 4, 1882; Fabian, born July 19, 1884; Vivian, born Aug. 31, 1886; Irma, born April 2, 1889, and SaHie Narcissa, born Jan. 26, 1891. Dr. Gable is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Knights of Damon, the Im proved Order of Red Men and of the masonic fraternity — being now worshipful master of the lodge and high priest of the chapter. He is a prominent member of the Lutheran church, and his wife a devoted member of the Baptist church. 654 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Y^AILLIAM THORNTON GLOWER, farmer, FayetteviHe, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Abel and Zada (Mercer) Glower, was born in Fayette county, June 20, 1831. His father was born in 1792 and died May 7, 1848, and his mother (of old North Carolina families) was born in North Carolina Aug. 10, 1809, and died April 24, 1894. Mr. Glower was raised on the farm, and his schooHng was very meager. His father died when he was only seventeen years old and the care of the family devolving on him, his life-battle began early. But he was of the stuff men are made of, and nothing daunted he set about fulfilling his filial obligations and has made a record to be proud of. He worked hard, early and late, kept abreast of the times, saved money and judiciously invested it, main tained his integrity and provided amply for his mother and sisters, and is now comparatively rich, enjoying the sweets of a quiet conscience, the consciousness of duty done, and the respect of his appreciative fellow-citizens. In May, 1862, he enlisted in Company C, of which he was made senior second lieutenant, Capt. Marshburn, Fifty-third Georgia regiment. With his command he was suc cessively engaged in the following important, among other minor, battles during the civil war: Seven days' fight around Richmond, Fort Sanders, Tenn., Wilderness, Spottsylvania court house, second Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Fish er's hill (or Strausburg) and Sailor's creek, where the entire command was captured and taken to Washington, where they were detained until June 17, 1865, when he was released. Lieut. Glower was elected captain of his company in March, 1865, which title he held at the time of the surrender. In 1856 he was elected justice of the peace, was re-elected when his term expired and was in office when he enlisted. In 1872 he was elected a member of the county school board and was continued on it until 1888. In 1876 he was elected county school com missioner and held the office until 1892. "When he assumed its duties there were twenty-one public schools in the county; when he retired there were forty-three in a flourishing condition, consequent upon his intelhgent administration. At the close of the v/ar he found himself about as poor as when a mere youth he started in life, and what he has has been accumulated since without recourse to trading or speculation. Capt. Glower was married Dec. 30, 1852, to Aliss Nancy Simmons, daughter of James Edward and Margaret (Cartwright) Haisten, who were natives of Greene county, Ga. This union was blessed with the following children: Millo CecilHa, born Nov. 10, 1853, wife of John O. Stinchcomb, Fayette county; Riller Callister, deceased, born April 19, 1856; Ludas Luron, born Aug. 30, 1858, deceased wife of EHas B. Adams, Fayette county; Gayson Guthrie, born Feb. 27, 1861, proprietor of steam bakery, Atlanta; Baynard Burling, deceased, born May i, 1866; Esclodean, born Aug. 28, 1870, wife of AHen H. Jones, Fayette county. The mother of these died March 15, 1878, and Capt. Glower contracted a second marriage May 20, 1879, with Miss Mary Ann Lucretia, daughter of John W. and Alvira (Posten) Parrott, natives, respectively, of Greene county, Ga., and South Carolina. No children have blessed this mar riage. "WILLIAM N. T. HARP, farmer, Inman, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Mozee and Sarah (Hill) Harp, was born in Fayette county, Dec. 25, 1849. His paternal grandparents were natives of Virginia; came to Georgia early in life and settled on land included in Henry county when laid off, and now in Spalding county. Here Mr. Harp's father was born in 18 19 and raised a farmer. He was a local Methodist preacher and was widely-kno-wn as a good and useful man throughout the counties of Henry, Fayette, Spalding and Clayton. He died in 1875. His mother was descended from early settiers of South CaroHna, where she was born PAYETTE COUNTY SKETCHES. 655 in 1820. When she was five years old her parents came to Georgia, lived a year in Jasper county and then moved in 1826 to and settled in Henry (now Clayton) county. She is still living. Mr. Harp remained with his parents, attending the common schools while growing up, until he attained to manhood, when he com menced to farm for himself. By close attention, industry and good management he has accumulated a large and valuable property, is a leading farmer and one of the really substantial citizens of the county. He was a member of the board of county commissioners from 1886 to 1890. In 1890 he moved to Seville, Wilcox Co., Ga., where he owned and operated a saw-mill. While there he served as mayor for a period. After about four years' experience he sold out and returned December, 1893, to Fayette county, and is now a member of the board of county registers. Mr. Harp was niarried Dec. 16, 1876, to Miss Mary Ida, daughter of Edward O. and Sophronia (Glass) North, natives of what is now Clayton county, Ga. To them the following children were born: WHliam E. M., born Oct. 3, 1877; James, deceased, born Aug. 3, 1879; John Pearl, deceased, born Oct 15, 1881; Harry, born Nov. 7, 1884; Andrew Russell, born Nov. 11, 1886; May Ida, born Jan. 25, 1889; Roy, born May 9, 1891 ; Hugh, born Nov. 16, 1893. p> OBERT HILLARY HENDERSON, merchant. Brooks Station, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Thomas and Martha (Brooks) Henderson, was born in Fayette county Dec. i, 1857. Both parents were born in Henry county, Ga., and early in life settled in Fayette county. They had four children: Frank, a farmer in Fayette county; Nannie, wife of B. Mitchell, farmer, Fayette county; Tommy, deceased, and Robert HiHary, the subject of this sketch. His maternal grand parents were Hillary and Nancy (Anderson) Brooks, early settlers. He became a large land-holder and very prominent, and founded and gave the name to Brooks Station. Mr. Henderson remained on the family farm and accepted such education as the common schools of the time and locality afforded until he was twenty-five years old. He then engaged with a merchant as a clerk, and worked as such for seven years. Later, for a number of years, he clerked for others and then embarked in business for himself. Such was his popularity as a business man and the confidence in his probity of character and general business ability, that he was successful from the start and is regarded as one of the most reliable young business men in the county. He is now on the high way to commercial prominence, .and starting as he did, a poor boy, and working patiently and as hard as he has, is entitied to aH the credft due to well-directed, honest labor. Mr Henderson was married Dec. 24, 1889, to Miss Nannie Lee, born in Fayette county in 1867, daughter of Dr Noah W. and Sallie A. (Wilson) Gable, and to them children have been born as follows: Mabel, born Oct 2, 1890; Tommy Lee, born July 17, 1892, and SaHie Mattie, born March 17, 1894. He is a master Mason and secretary of the local lodge, and is a member of the Baptist church. His wife belongs to the Lutheran church. JAMES THOMAS LEWIS, merchant Woolsey, Fayette Co., Ga., son of George Reed and Euzebe Neville (Rosser) Lewis, was bom in Henry county, Ga., Jan. 8, 1852. His grandparents were descendants of early settiers in South Carolina, and came to Georgia in the first quarter of the present century. His father was born in Butts county, Ga., in 1822, served as a soldier during the late civil war, and is a prosperous farmer. His mother was also born in Butts county Jan. 26, 1826. Both parents are living in Fayette county. Mr. Lewis remained on the farm and attended the near-by country schools until sixteen years old, when he engaged as a clerk two years. Then, in 1871, he went 656 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. into a general merchandise business for himself and continued it untH 1878.. The two years following he combined farming and clerking; and the next four years he engaged as a clerk exclusively. He then (1884) re-embarked in mer chandising at Woolsey, and has succeeded beyond his most sanguine expectations. His business has steadily increased in volume and value, until he is now the leading merchant of his locality and has accumulated a quite valuable property. His great success is another practical illustration of what industry, fair dealing, and unswerving integrity of charact^ will accomplish. He is one of the mostly promising business men in the county. He is a member and secretary of the county board of education, and has been postmaster at Woolsey since 1885, when the office was established. An excellent record for a ten yeairs' citizenship. Mr. Lewis was married Dec. 24, 1872, to Miss Clemenza Isabella, daughter of Dr Isaac Gray and Emeline Clemenza (Reagan) Woolsey, who has borne him eight children: Edgar Marcellus, deceased, born Nov. 26, 1873; Lola Adelia, born Dec. 16, 1875, at home; Isaac Woolsey, born March 21, 1878, superintending home farm; Mamie Almanza, deceased, born Aug. 7, 1880; Clemenza Pearl, born Nov. 28, 1882; James Carl, born July 4, 1885; LHlian Jewell, born Nov. 26, 1888; and Luther Forrest, bom Nov. i, 1891. Mr. Lewis and his wife are active and prominent members of the Missionary Baptist church. J~)ANIEL M'D. LUCAS, merchant, Inman, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Archibald and Mary (MacDougald) Lucas, was born in Fayette county Jan. 6, 1832. His paternal grandparents were natives of Scotland, and emigrated to the United States in 1796, and settled in North Carolina, where Mr. Lucas' father was born in 1799. He migrated from North Carolina to Georgia in 1827 and settied in Fayette county, where he died in 1842. His mother was born in Scotland, Dec. 22, 1800, and came to this country with her parents who settled in South Carolina, in 1804. Mr. Lucas received a common school education, and remained on the farm until he was twenty-two years old, when he began farming on his own account and continued it untH 1884, when he entered upon mercantile Hfe at Inman, which he has pursued since with results entirely satisfactory to himself. He has done a good and increasing and profitable business, stands well as a reHable merchant in commercial circles, and has the implicit confidence of the people. On May I, 1862, he enlisted in Company C — of which he was elected first lieutenant — Fifty-third Georgia regiment (Col. L. T. Doyal) which reached Richmond in June. While in the service he, with his command, participated in many of the bloodiest and most important battles of the war with marked intrepidity and courage. Among them: Seven days' fight around Richmond, Antietam, Funkston, Get tysburg, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Mechanicsville, Cold Harbor, Cedar Run, Petersburg, Berryville, etc., some of which lasted from two to seven days. After the last-named battle he was promoted and commissioned as captain, and discharged its duties with fidelity and distinction until the surrender. In 1856 he was elected justice of the peace, but held the office only one year. After the war he resumed farming, and after many years of success supplemented it by a general merchandise store at Inman. Mr. Lucas was married Feb. 2, 1854, to Miss Rebecca Ann — born in Henry county, Ga., May 22, 1838 — daughter of Joseph Sanders and Frances Asbury (Sinchcomb) Chambers. Their parents were bom in Ireland, and came when young to this country. Mr. Chambers was born in South Carolina in 1804, and died in 1859; and his wife was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1802, and died in 1893. To Mr. and Mrs. Lucas six children have been born: Mary Frances, born in November, 1854, wife of James W. Dixon, Fayette county; Archibald PAYETTE COUNTY SKETCHES. 657 Joseph, born in July, 1856, farmer, Fayette county; James Andrew, born in October, 1858, farmer — homestead; Martha Jane, bom May, i860; Margaret Ann, born June, 1862; and John Lee, born July, 1866, associated with his father in busi ness at Inman. Air Lucas is a royal arch Mason, and himself and wife are work ing and prominent members of the Methodist church, of which he was a steward many years, and has been a local preacher for nearly two-score years. gLIJAH BURRELL WELDEN, physician and surgeon, Iiiman, Fayette Co.,, Ga., son of Burrell and Martha Anne (McCutcheon) Welden, was born in Henry (now Spalding) county, May 18, 1844. His paternal grandparents came from North CaroHna to Georgia, and were among the early settlers of what is now Henry county. His father was born in what is now Jasper county, Nov. 9, 1806, was a farmer, and died in November, 1869. His mother, a descendant of Scottish emigrants who settled in Virginia in colonial times, was born in HaH county, Ga., July 4, 1812, and died in September, 1874. Dr. Welden was raised on the farm and attended the country schools until he was eighteen years of age. Then, in 1862, he enHsted in Company C (Capt John L. Moore), Thirteenth Georgia regiment, with which he participated in the following battles : Second Manassas, Fairfax Court House, Second Fredericksburg, Wilderness, Frederick. City, Winchester, Strausburg, Harper's Ferry, Spottsylvania Court House, Fish er's hill and Petersburg, where the command was under fire and in the ditches two months. In the engagement at BurkevHle station he was wounded in the hip about April 4, and sent to the hospital, but recovered in time to be with his com mand when surrendered at Appomattox. Returning home to Spalding county, he- attended the academy until 1867, when he began the study of medicine under Dr. Edward Knott, and pursued it until 1869, and then attended a course of lectures at the university of New Orleans, remaining a year. Subsequently he attended a course of lectures at the medical college of Georgia, at Augusta, from which he was graduated in March, 1871. He soon afterward located where he now lives, . and has established an excellent professional reputation, accumulated property, and acquired a wide influence which he has exerted in the interest of the materi.al and moral advancement of the people. He was a member ol the board of county commissioners from 1884 to 1890, and one of the committee which superintended the building of the new courthouse at FayettevHle. His influence has been strongly and beneficially exercised in behalf of every enterprise calculated to develop the resources and build up the county. In connection with his practice he has conducted a profitable drug business at Inman, of which and the county he is a leading citizen. Dr. Welden was married Nov. 20, 1873, to Aliss Mary Frances — born Dec. 9, 1856 — daughter of Rev. Mozee and Sarah (HHl) Harp. (For sketch of these see that of W. N. T. Harp in this work.) Nine children blessed this union: Minnie RusseH, born Dec. 27, 1874; Annie EHen, born Dec. 20, 1876; WHliam Paul, born Alarch 24, 1879; Alary Emma, born Sept 15, 1881; John Bur rell, born Feb. i, 1884; Andrew Carl, bom July 21, 1886: Sallie Slaughter, born Aug. I, 1889; Martha Nettie, born March 14, 1892, and Walter WHlard, born July 9, 1894. Dr. Welden is a prominent member of the masonic fraternity; has been worshipful master of the lodge, and exalted to the royal arch degree ; and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church, of which he has been a steward for fifteen years. [SAAC GRAY WOOLSEY, physician and surgeon, Woolsey, Fayette Co., Ga., son of Zephaniah and Anna (Crouch) Woolsey, was born in Cumberland (now Clinton) county, Ky., Oct. 14, 1828. His paternal grandparents were of 1-12 658 . MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. English-Scotch lineage, direct descendants of Cardinal Woolsey. His father was born in Greene county, Tenn., Nov.. 11, 1783, was a private soldier in Capt Cross' company and served under Gen. William Henry Harrison in the last war with Great Britain. He died Dec. 16, 1854. His mother was born in Washington county, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1793, and died Dec. 31, 1845. Dr Woolsey remained at home and attended the common schools of the locality until he was eighteen years old, when he entered Franklin academy, remaining a year. For about four years after this he was in the mercantile business, and then went to Fentress county, Tenn., as principal of Mount Cumberland academy, serving three years. Having studied medicine during this period under Dr. "W. H. Owens, he next attended lectures at the Cincinnati, Ohio, College of Medicine and Surgery. Returning to Fentress county he entered upon the practice of medicine under a certificate from the coHege until 1861: That year he enlisted under Capt W. S. Bledsoe, as quartermaster, and served in that capacity until Aug". 10, 1862. He then organized Company C, Eighth Tennessee Confederate cavalry. Col. G. G. Dibrell, at Cookville, Putnam Co., Tenn. The regiment was assigned to Gen. N. B. Forrest's division, then at Murfreesboro, Tenn. With his command he par ticipated in all the battles in which this brilliant commander was engaged down to the battle of Chickamauga, when. Sept 19, 1863, he was wounded in his right arm while repelling an advance of the Union army in an attempt to make a right flank on Gen. Cheatham's division. During all this time he promptly and gal lantly discharged every duty assigned him, acting by detail as surgeon and assist ant surgeon of the regiment a part of the time during his connection with it. Resigning his commission as captain on account of his wound, he refugeed to Locust Grove, Henry Co. After the surrender he located at Locust Grove, where he practiced until the faH of 1872, when (1872-73) he took a second course of lectures in the Cincinnati college of medicine and surgery, from which he was graduated in March, 1873. After his graduation he resumed his practice at Locust Grove, but remained there only until 1875, when he moved to Fayette county, where, in addition to attending to an extensive practice, he has conducted large farming and mercantile interests. In 1864 he was ordained a minister of the Baptist denomination at Liberty church, Gordon county, Ga. From about that time until 1891 he served three or four churches, but his health fading him then, he resigned all except his home church at Woolsey. During many years of this period he has officiated as clerk of Flint River association, and for five years past has been, and is now, its moderator. He is fully alive to the inteHectual and reHgious advancement of the society and is extensively and influentially useful along these lines. Dr. Woolsey was happily married Feb. 29, 1852, to Miss Eme line Clemanza, daughter of Col. Charles Reagan, of Fentress county, Tenn., who, together with his wife, was a native of Tennessee. He was a colonel of militia, and for many years was clerk of the superior court of the county. The following named children blessed this union: Charles Reagan, born Dec. 6, 1852, farmer, Fayette county; Adela Ann, born Jan. 4, 1854, wife of J. J. Wilson, Butts county, Ga.; Clemanza Isabella, born Dec. 10, 1855, wife of J. T. Lewis, Woolsey; James 2ephaniah, deceased, born July 31, 1857, and Isaac Gray, Jr., born Aug. 3, 1861, farmer, Fayette county. The mother of these children died Feb. i, 1862, from physical exhaustion consequent upon ministering to the rehef of Gen. Zollicoffer's troops while encamped near her father's farm after their retreat from the battle of Somerset, Ky. For his second wife he married Airs. Arvazenia Frances (nee Hutcheson) Wood, daughter of Alfred and Matilda (Siegler) Hutcheson, de scendants of earl}" settlers of Virginia. He was a wealthy planter before the war and was nearly ruined by ft. Dr. Woolsey has had no children by his last FLOYD COUNTY S.KETCHES. 659 marriage, but he feels thankful to the Giver of all Good that his wife has been to him an affectionate and devoted companion, and a tender and loving stepmother to his orphaned children. He realizes that in his marital relation he has been doubly blessed. FLOYD COUNTY. ¦y^ ILLIAM FANKLIN AYER, agent Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis railway, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in BarnweH district, S. C, Jan. ^3, 1830. There he received his primary schooling; then, at the age of sixteen, he was sent to Abbeville, and later entered the South Carolina college at Columbia, then under the presidency of Hon. William C. Preston, from which he graduated in 1850. In 1847 his father moved to Floyd county, so when he left college he came to his father's new home and assisted in the management of his plantation interests, in which he continued until the war between the states began. In May, 1 861, he enlisted in the Eighth Georgia regiment. Col. Francis Bartow (in whose honor Bartow county was named), of Savannah, who immediately appointed him quartermaster of the regiment. "Within thirty days the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth and the Eleventh Georgia and the First Kentucky regiments were organized as a brigade and Col. Bartow was made brigadier-general and placed in command, when he appointed Mr. Ayer brigade quartermaster. Gen. Bartow was killed at the First Alanassas battle and was succeeded by Gen. G. ,R. Anderson, and the brigade assigned to the division commanded by Gen. D. R. Jones, who made Mr. Ayer division quartermaster. He retained this position until August, 1862, when he was transferred to the army of Tennessee, and assigned to duty as post quar termaster at Dalton, Ga., while the army occupied that place as a base. After the evacuation of Dalton, and Gen. Hood succeeded to the command, Mr. Ayer was appointed chief quartermaster of the army of Tennessee, and held the position until the surrender of Gen. Johnston at Greensboro, N. C, in April, 1865. He was in the following campaigns: The Peninsular, in Virginia; the seven days' fight around Richmond, Dalton to Atlanta, the subsequent Tennessee campaign, and finally in the Carolinas. His arduous service during his connection with the army required untiring industry, sound judgment, endurance that could bear any strain, sleepless vigilance, and prompt and strict business methods, combined with superior administrative ability. That he possessed this needed happy combina tion of qualifications is proved by his continuous promotion and retention, and that he met every emergency incident to his responsible position goes without saying. During the war his family had moved to South Carolina, to a point opposite and not far from Augusta, Ga., where he joined them after the surrender, and remained through the summer of 1865. The latter part of that year he came to Rome, formed a partnership with J. C. McDonald, engaged in the hardware business, which was continued until 1887, when they sold out and retired. Mr. Ayer then accepted the office of agent of the Chattanooga, Rome & Carrollton railway at Rome, and for the Rome railway. When these roads were separated, in 1889, he was appointed superintendent of the Rome railway and held the office until 1894, when the Rome railway was bought by the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis railway, and he was appointed agent and still holds the position. He has served the city of Rome as alderman for two terms and three terms as mayor. 66o MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Mr Ayer was married in 1852 to Miss Sarah Virginia, daughter of the late Rev. J. L. Brookes, of Edgefield district (now Aiken county, S. C.) and they have nine children: Sarah V., wife of Prof. Bothwell Graham; Laura, wife of Royal R. Smith; Julia, unmarried; WHliam F., Jr.; Anna, unmarried; Eliza, Cornelius K.,- Iverson B. and Alary Celesta. He is an influential member of the Baptist church. JI) OBERT BATTEY, physician and surgeon, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Cephas and Mary Agnews (Alagruder) Battey, was born in Richmond county (near Augusta), Ga., Nov. 26, 1828. The Batteys are of English origin, and emigrated to Providence, R. I., as Quakers. His father was bom and brought up near Keysville, on Lake Champlain, and afterward was a hotel and omnibus pro prietor. His mother was of the same family as the distinguished Gen. John B. Magruder, of Union and Confederate fame, and the eminent Dr. Magmder of Washington city, and was a native of Richmond county. Dr. Battey's boyhood schooling was received at the Richmond academy, Augusta, and his later education at Phillips' school, Andover, Mass. When about seventeen he accepted a situation as salesman in a store in Augusta, and subsequentiy went to Michigan and obtained like employment in Detroit. During his residence in that state he clerked awhile for Zach Chandler, afterward United States senator. Later he went into the drug trade in Marshall, Mich., and studied pharmacy. In 1847 he returned to Rome and engaged a while as clerk in a drug store, and then went into business on his own account, and while conducting his business studied medicine. He then attended lectures at Jefferson Medical college, from which he was graduated in 1857. He soon afterward located in Rome and commenced the practice, was successful from the start, and very soon had an extensive general practice. In August, 1872, he performed what is known to the profession as "Battey's opera tion," involving a principle elucidative of the change of life in women. In view of his success Jefferson college conferred on him the honorary degree of LL. D. in 1889. In 1882 he established an infirmary in Rome, whose capacity is about 100, where he has successfully treated thousands of patients from both north and south. In 1891 he established the Martha Battey hospital, a benevolent institution, pro viding for country, town and railway patients, which has been a success from the beginning, and is patronized by the United States marine service. He is an active member of the State Medical society of (jeorgia, of the American Medical associa tion, and of the British Gynecological society, and is an honorary member of the Obstetrical society of Edinburgh, Scotland, and the PhHadelphia college of pharmacy. He has also contributed essays and articles and reports of interesting cases to the various medical periodicals throughout the country. Dr. Battey is universally admitted to be one of the most skillful members of the profession in the south. Dr. Battey was married in Rome, Dec. 20, 1849, to Miss Martha B. Smith, and they have eight children living: Mrs. Gracie C. Bayard; William C. ; George Magruder; Mary; Dr. Henry H.; Anderson R.; Airs. Bessie B. Troutman, and Mrs. E. C. Crichton, of the Atlanta business college. ¦\A^ ILLIAM E. BEYSIEGEL, clerk superior court, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Charles and Catharine (Hummell) Beysiegel, was born in Demopolis, Ala., Nov. 15 ,1858. His father was a native of Germany, and by ttade a skiHed gun and locksmith. When about twenty years old he emigrated to this country, and after stopping awhile in Chicago, came to' Alabama, where he prospered in his call ing and died in 1877. His mother was a bom and bred Alabaman. Mr. Beysiegel received a good common school education, and, though but a boy, started when only twelve years old to work out life's problem. At that age he came to Rome, FLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 66l and when fifteen years old entered the office of A. E. Ross, clerk of the superior court of Floyd county, as assistant. After eighteen years' continuous service with Mr. Ross he was elected in 1891 Mr. Ross' successor, and he has been re-elected at each succeeding election. The office has been bestowed by his fellow-citizens of Floyd county in recognition of exceptional competency and faithfulness in office. Mr. Beysiegel was married Sept 15, 1893, to Miss Louise Beysiegel, born in Ger many, but who came to this country in 1890. He has always been a democrat, but no aspirant for office. JOHN J. BLACK, county tax collector, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of George S. and Mary (Ralls) Black, was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, June 7, 1844. His father was of Scotch-Irish descent, was born in South Carolina, and came to Georgia when a young man. He moved to Rome about 1856, where he engaged in merchandising. His -mother, of English ancestry, was born, reared and edu cated in Greenesboro, Greene Co., Ga. Mr. Black was about twelve years old when his father came to Rome, where he attended a private school taught by Prof. P. M. Sheibley, an educator of ripe scholarship and excellent reputation. He remained at this school until he was seventeen years of age, when, on the occur rence of the war, he enlisted in the Rome light guards, Capt. Magruder, which became Company A of Col. Francis Bartow's regiment. (Col. Bartow was a son- in-law of Hon. John McPherson Berrien, was one of the most popular men in the state, was killed in the battle of first Manassas, and in commemoration of his valor the name of Cass county was changed to Bartow.) With his regiment he partici pated in the first battle of Manassas, where he was captured, but was so fortunate as to escape. He afterward saw much and arduous service — ^was in many hotly contested engagements, notably the Yorktown campaign and the seven days' fight around Richmond. During the latter part of the war he was in the ordnance department. After the war he returned to Rome and engaged awhile in soliciting insurance, and in bookkeeping, and afterward traveled two years for a Louisville, Ky., house. In 1876 he was elected tax collector, and has been continuously re elected since. He is a democrat, and has been chairman of the county executive committee. He was a delegate to the late gubernatorial convention, and sup ported Gen. Evans. The best and most substantial attestation of his faithfulness as a public officer, and of the appreciation in which he is held, is his continuous re-election to an office of such importance and responsibility. Mr. Black married Aliss Belle Findley, of Alabama, who died in 1884 after having borne him four children: Paul S., Duke, Gertrude, and May Belle. In 1886 he married Miss Ella Bailey, of Rome, of the art department of the Presbyterian college, by whom he has had three children : Marion, John J., and Ella. He is a prominent member of the Methodist church. p^ EUBEN G. CLARK, banker, Rome, Floyd Co., son of Joseph and Martha (Grove) Clark, was born in Grainger county, Tenn., Nov. 10, 1833, and was the first-born of seven children. His father was of English extraction, and was also born in Grainger county. The original members of the family who came to this country were farmers, but their descendants have gradually drifted into mercantile and other pursuits. On his mother's side he is of German descent. Mr. Clark was educated in the common schools of his native county, and at the age of sixteen began life for himself as a clerk in Rutledge, Tenn. In i860 he went to Knox vHle, Tenn., and embarked in a wholesale general merchandise business under the firm name of Clark & Mills. In July, 1861, he enlisted in and was made captain of Company I, Fifty-ninth Tennessee regiment, and entered the Confederate -service, in which he remained until the surrender. He was present at the siege of 662 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Vicksburg, where he was captured, but was exchanged the following September. He re-entered the service at once, bore his part in all the engagements in which his command participated, and shared all the vicissitudes, privations and hardships incident to soldier-life. In 1866 he came to Rome, and under the firm name of Clark & Harbin embarked in the retail dry goods trade. At the end of five years he formed a partnership with W. F. McWilliams, the firm being W. F. McWH- liams & Co., and engaged in the wholesale dry goods business, and continued it twelve years. He then bought the interest of his partner and organized the firm of R. G. Clark & Co., which he conducted six years, doing a business that amounted to $500,000 annually. Selling out at this time he entered upon a private banking business, which he has since carried on most successfully. In addition to his banking interests he owns a great deal of real etate, is one of the safest and solidest citizens of Floyd county, and is considered one of its ablest financiers. Capt. Clark was married in 1868 to Miss Alice Smith, youngest sister of Col. W. H. Smith ("Bill Arp"), who was born and brought up in Rome, by whom he had four children, two of whom, Rosa Lee and Carrie, are living. The mother of these died in May, 1891. In January, 1894, Mr. Clark contracted a second marriage with Aliss Mary Joseph King, daughter of J. Burroughs King, of Savannah, Ga., and related to the distinguished Habersham family. In politics Mr. Clark is a stanch democrat, and is an influential member of the Presbyterian church. pELIX CORPUT, farmer, horticulturist and merchant, Cave Spring, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Brussels, Belgium, April 10, 1840. Ten years afterward his parents emigrated to Georgia and settled near Rome, where they lived four years, moving thence to Cherokee county, Ala., where the son remained untH 1858, returning then to Rome. Accepting a situation as clerk in a dry-goods store, he was so employed until May, 1861, when he entered the Confederate service with the Cherokee artillery, of Rome, Ga., of which he had been a member two years. He served with this battery of artillery first as a private, next as corporal, and lastly as quartermaster sergeant. In January, 1865, he was appointed to the quartermaster's department, with the rank of captain, which position and rank he retained until the end of the war. After the war he entered the freight office of the Macon & Western railway at Macon, Ga., where he remained about two years, when he resigned and embarked in the coal trade, following it two years, and then engaged in the produce business, in which he continued about sixteen years. While in Macon he served two years as a mem ber of the city council, during which he was chosen mayor pro tem., and also served the city four years as mayor. In 1886 he moved to his summer home at Cave Spring, where he has since been profitably engaged in agricultural, horti cultural and mercantile pursuits, and usefully employed in promoting and pro tecting the interests of the cultivation of the soil. From 1887 to 1892 he was president of the Floyd County Agricultural society, and during the same period was president of the Floyd County Farmers' alHance (being one of its organizers and its first president), and for five years was chairman of the executive committee of the state aHiance. In 1890 he organized the AlHance State exchange and raised the necessary capital for its operation. He was elected president, but re signed after placing the exchange on a working basis. In 1891 the Farmers' Alliance Co-operative conipany, of Cave Spring, was organized, of which he was then elected and has since continued president. He is a member of the board of directors of the state experiment station near Griffin, and is chair man of the executive committee. He is also president of the board of trustees of the Georgia school for the deaf. In 1892 he was elected to represent his sena- ¦PLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 663 torial district (comprising Bartow, Chattooga and Floyd counties) in the general assembly. It will be observed that he has been kept very busy by his appre ciative fellow-citizens in filHng very honorable and responsible positions — all of them promotive of the general good, and it may be truthfully remarked that he has proven equal to every emergency, faithful to every trust. Capt. Corput was married in Macon, Ga., in April, 1865, to Miss Alattie, daughter of the late John S. Hoge, of that city. To them three children — one son and two daughters — have been born: Joseph, died in 1867; Stella, wife of H. A. Dean, Rome, and Jessie, unmarried. He is a Knight of Pythias, of which he was grand chancellor in 1876; is a member of the I. O. O. F., and was noble grand of the United Brothers lodge No. 5, Macon, from 1869 to 1872. He is also a Knight Templar Alason, and in 1878 was eminent commander of the St. Omar commandery, Macon. P^ LFRED CUMMING, brigadier-general Confederate States army, Rome, Floyd Co., was born in Augusta, Ga., in 1829. There he spent his boyhood days and early youth, and received his education preparatory to going to "West Point. In 1845 he was appointed to a cadetship and graduated in 1849 — two of his classmates being C^en. Quincy Gilmore, U. S. A., and Maj.-Gen. Charles Fields. After his graduation he entered the United States service, in 1855, was made a junior officer of the Tenth United States infantry, and in a few years rose to a captaincy. He was at his home in Augusta on furlough on Jan. 19, 1861, when Georgia seceded, and at once forwarded his resignation as an officer in the United States army, and on the same day he was elected Heutenant-colonel of the Augusta Volunteer battalion — five companies^and took charge of the arsenal at that city. Shortly afterward Georgia raised two regiments, and he was made major of the second regiment and assigned to the command at the arsenal, where he remained two months. At the end of that time he went to Richmond and asked for active service, when he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Tenth regiment, regular army, and served as such until October, 1861, when he was promoted to a colonelcy, and served as such until September, 1862, when he was assigned to the command of an Alabama brigade, and led it in the battle of -A.ntietam, where he was wounded and laid up for two months. In October, 1862, he was commissioned brigadier-general, and held the rank until the battle of Jonesboro, Aug. 31, 1864, where he was so severely wounded that he had to retire from the service. Gen. Cumming rendered effective and valuable service during the great struggle, participating among others of less importance in the following battles and sieges: Seven days' fight around Richmond, and was wounded at the final battle at Malvern Hill; Antietam, where he was again wounded; Edward's Station and siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Alissionary Ridge, where his command captured four colors ; followed by the engagements in the Atlanta campaign under Gens. Johnston and Hood — his military career closing with the battle of Jonesboro, already mentioned. After the surrender he settled in Floyd county, where he engaged in farming, and in 1880 retired from active Hfe on the farm and came to Rome, where he has since made his home. Gen. Cumming is a devout member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and is a vestryman of the local church. 'WILLIAM HARRIS DABNEY, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., was born near Shady Dale, Jasper Co., Ga., in 1817. His father, Anderson Dabney, was born in Virginia about 1774, came to Georgia when a young man, and after living awhile in Greensboro, went to Jasper county, where he died about 1821. In 1829 his mother died also, and then he went to live with his uncle. Garland Dabney, 664 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. in De Kalb county, Ga. He received his primary education at the "old-field" school, and in 1833 "went to Decatur and entered the academy, where he remained three years preparing for college. Four years later he entered Franklin coHege (now the university of Georgia), at Athens, from which he graduated in 1839. i)"ariiig this period (in 1836) he served in the Creek Indian war three months. Returning to Decatur after his graduation he studied law under the direction of his brother-in-law, Hon. James M. Calhoun — afterward the war mayor of At lanta — and in the spring of 1840 was admitted to the bar at Greene county superior court. Entering" into partnership with Col. Calhoun, he practiced in De Kalb county until 1850, when he moved to Calhoun, Gordon Co., Ga. He remained and practiced law there with the exception of the last two or three years of the civil war until 1873, when he moved to Rome, where he has since made his home and practiced his profession. He was prevented by ill health from entering the Confederate service. In 1854 he was elected senator from Gordon county to the general assembly, and in i860 was elected to represent the county in the convention which passed the ordinance of secession the January following — for which he voted. Mr. Dabney was admitted to practice in the federal courts both before and after the war. He confined himself to the practice of law and never cared for or sought office, though no citizen, by intellectual endowments, legal training and public spirit, was better qualified for it. At the bar he has been the peer of any, and in private life the embodiment of the true old-time southern gentleman. Air. Dabney was married in Decatur, Ga., in December, 1842, to Miss Martha B., daughter of Ami WiHiams, one of the oldest settlers of De Kalb county. Of the children born to them four survive: William A., a Presbyterian minister; Tyree J., at Decatur, Ga; Frank B., civH engineer, and a member of the international commissioners appointed by the United States and Alexico to settle boundary lines, and Mary V., unmarried. His wife died in 1885. Air Dabney is a master Mason, and although not a member, affiliates with the Presbyterian church. DICHARD ALDEN DENNY, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co.. Ga., son of J. A. and Rebekah (Bonham) Denny, was born in Talbot county, Md., Jan. 15, 1856. His father was of Scotch lineage, and was a civH engineer in the employ of the United States government His mother was of EngHsh ancestry, whose family emigrated to this country in the early days of its settlement. Mr. Denny was principally educated at York, Pa., where, when seventeen years of age, he began the study of law under Levi Maish, a prominent lawyer of that city. When eighteen years old he came to Rome, Ga., and finished his legal studies under Hons. Alexander and Wright; and in 1875 was admitted to the bar in Floyd county superior court. He has since devoted himself exclusively to his practice, establishing an excellent reputation, and a practice which is constantly increasing. He has been a member of the city council, and in 1886 was elected to represent Floyd county in the general assembly, where he rendered efficient and valuable service for his constituents. In 1884 he formed a partnership with John H. Reece, an eminent lawyer, under the firm name of Reece & Denny, which stHl con tinues. Mr Denny was married in 1880 to Miss Theo Scott, daughter of Capt Dunlap Scott, one of the most distinguished citizens of Georgia in his day. She was born and broug'nt up in Athens, Clarke Co., Ga. To them one child, Mary A., has been born. In politics, Mr Denny is uncompromisingly democratic. QHARLES N. FEATHERSTON, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Lucius H. and Maria (Tompkins) Featherston, was born in Heard county, Ga., Oct 25, 1839. The Featherstons emigrated from England and settied in Virginia. His FLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 665 father was a lawyer of distinction, and at one time was a judge of the superior court His mother's family was also of English origin, and settled in Georgia at an early date in the state's history. Air. Featherston was the second born of eight children, was raised in Heard county, and was given the best education the schools of the county afforded. He then entered Emory college, Oxford, Ga., from which he graduated with the degree of A. B., and soon afterward enlisted as a private in the Seventh Georgia regiment; but after the first twelve months was on staff duty. He served until the close of the war, and was in every engagement in which his command bore a part after his enlistment; the first two years in the western depart ment, and was paroled in Alississippi. He came to Rome in 1866 and entered into partnership with Judge A. R. Wright (now deceased), which continued twelve years. Since that time he has practiced by himself with satisfactory results as to increase and value of his clientage and his success with causes represented. Although no politician, in the common acceptance of the term, he was elected in 1886 to represent Floyd county in the general assembly, faithfully and efficiently representing his constituents. For the past two years he has given considerable attention to farming, and has a fine and well-equipped farm about six miles from Rome. Air. Featherston was married in June, 1886, to Aliss SaHie Jones, born in Alabama and reared and educated in Selma, that state, by whom he has had one child — Lucius H. He is a prominent member of the Alethodist church — with vvhich he has been connected a long time. J D. GAILLARD, planter, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Fairfield district, S. C, Alay 4, 1843. He received his primary education at the old Alt Zion institute, which he attended until he was fourteen years old, when he went to the military institute at Hillsboro, N. C. In December, i860, he returned home and studied under private tutor until April, 1861, when he enlisted in the Sixth Soutli CaroHna regiment as a private. After eighteen months' service he was promoted to junior second lieutenant; and at the close of the war was holding the rank of first lieutenant of Company G, Sixth South Carolina regiment. He was in numer ous engagements — many of tliem^ bloody and important battles, of which some ¦were: Drainesville, Seven Pines, Second Manassas, Crampton's Gap, Sharpsburg — where he was slightly wounded by a piece of shell ; Shepherdstown, Fredericks burg, Yorktown, "WHHamsburg, Suffolk, Thoroughfare Gap, Warrenton, Spott sylvania Court House, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, KnoxvHle, Wilderness — where he was wounded by a piece of shell. Cold Harbor, Hanover junction. Deep Bot tom, Petersburg, Fort Harrison, Feury's Mill, fight on nine-mile road, on Wil liamsburg road, Gordonsville, -then on the retreat from Richmond to the surrender at Appomattox. Returning from this arduous and faithful service to his home in Abbeville district, he engaged in planting; and after pursuing it there five years he came to Floyd county and bought an excellent 300-acre plantation where he has since been content with the quiet Hfe of a successful planter. Mr Gaillard was married in 1865 to Aliss Kate Watson, of South Carolina — but they have no children. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. THOAIAS RICHARD GARLINGTON, physician and surgeon, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of W. H. and Eliza J. (Speight) Garlington, was born in Blakely, Early Co., Ga., Nov. .23, 1859. The Garlingtons were of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and settled, some in V^irginia, where by marriage, they became related to Wash ington, and some in South Carolina. For generations the name has been promi nent in the professions of law and medicine. The doctor's grandfather Garlington ¦was a wealthy slave owner in Laurens district, S. C and there his father was born 666 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and educated, and prepared for the practice of medicine. His mother's family was of Scotch descent, and were among the early settlers of Georgia. His maternal grandfather was a very active and influential politician, and represented his county a number of terms in the general assembly. Two of his uncles served through the late civil v-ar as colonels in the Confederate army. Dr. Garlington was raised at Blakely, where he worked on the farm and attended the district school, and, a part of the time, the high school at Columbia, Ala. He then engaged as clerk in a drug store at Gadsden, Ala., where he remained about eight years. Leaving there he took a course at Roanoke college, Salem, Va., where he remained one year. Following this he traveled for several large drug houses a number of years, acquainting himself with business methods and with remedial agents and the details of the drug trade. Retiring from this pursuit, he entered the office of his half-brother, at Rome, Dr. J. B. S. Holmes (now of Atlanta), and began the study of medicine. He entered Vanderbilt university, Nashville, Tenn., in 1887-88, where he took his first course of lectures; and in 1889-90 he attended lectures at Jefferson medical college, Philadelphia, from which he graduated in the spring of 1890. Returning to Rome he practiced two years by himself, and then became associated with Dr. Holmes. Although doing a general practice he gave especial study and attention to diseases peculiar to women. In furtherance of his desire to attain the highest excellence, he attended the famed New York polyclinic during the winter of 1892-93, taking a degree. Dr. Holmes moved to Atlanta in 1894, when Dr. Garlington formed a partnership, for general practice, with Dr. Harbin, which partnership expired one year later by limitation. He is local surgeon for the Southern railway, also for the Chattanooga, Rome & Colum bus railway. He is a member of Rome medical society, of the State medical asso ciation, and of the American medical and National association of railroad sur geons. While giving prompt and conscientious attention to a general practice, he has of late given special attention to general surgery. Dr. Garlington has worked his way steadily, quietly, persistently to his present position in the pro fession, and is emphatically a self-made man. Being now only at the prime of a vigorous and ambitious young manhood, the promise of a life of exceptional use fulness and an enviable reputation is before him. Dr. Garlington was married on Alay 15, 1895, to Aliss Flora, daughter of Capt. J. A. Peek, of Cedartown, Ga. J2)AVID BLOUNT HAAIILTON was born in the town of Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., July 30, 1834. His parents moved, when he was an infant to Cass (now Bartow) county. His father owned the land where the city of Cartersville is now built and a plantation on the Etowah river. His father was born in Wilkes county, Ga., and his mother, before her marriage, was Aliss Sarah Twiggs Blount, the daughter of the distinguished Thomas Blount, of Jones county, orig inally of Virginia. His grandfather, George Hamilton, niarried Miss Agnes Coop er. His father, Joseph J. Hamilton, Hon. Alark A. Cooper, Pleasant Stovall of Augusta, and Judge Eugenius A. Nesbit of the supreme court were first cousins. The Hamilton family • came from Scotland (originally English) and settled in Maryland. The crest in the family is a tree, \\ith a saw upon it, and the word "through" for a motto, rising from a golden crown. His paternal and maternal ancestors were distinguished in the revolutionary war. Col. Hamilton graduated at the state university with distinction, was admitted to the bar and practiced law in Rome. In 1856 he married the lovely Aliss Alartha Harper, the niece and adopted daughter of Col. Alfred Shorter, of Rome. To them six sons were added to the cheerfulness and delights of a happy home. The oldest son, Alfred Shorter Ham ilton, married Aliss Alargaret AHgood. He is the senior member of the large PLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 667 grocery and cotton factor's business of Hamilton & Co. He is also president of the Trion Cotton Manufacturing company. D. B. Hamilton, Jr., the second son, niarried Miss Annie Sparks. He is the junior member of the firm of HamHton & Co., and now manages the business. Harper Hamilton, the third son, married Aliss Lena Hiles. He attended the state university, graduated at the law school of Georgetown university of Washington city with distinction. He is now practicing law in Rome, Ga. Alexander Hamilton, the fourth son, is not married. He went to Erskine college. South Carolina. He is the general man ager of the Etna Furnace company. The fifth son, Joseph J. Hamilton, went to Bingham Military school, North Carolina, then graduated at Mercer university, and then graduated at the Columbia school of mines of the universit}' of New York. He is the cashier of the Etna Furnace company; has charge of the lab oratory, is recognized as authority as a chemist. He married Miss Leila Guerry, daughter of Judge Guerry of the supreme court of Colorado, now of Washington City. George Hamilton, the sixth and .youngest son, died when fourteen months old. Col. D. B. Hamilton was a member of the whig party, was opposed to secession, but after his state went out of the union his opposition ceased. Although exempted from military duty, he entered the service in Yeiser's legion. On account of exposure he coiitracted severe tonsilitis and was discharged from the service. Two terms he served in the general assembly of Georgia, 1875 and 1876. Was a member of the constitutional convention of 1877, ^^ which he took a promi nent part. He does not speak often, but when he does he speaks to the point, clear, forcible and logical and always commands attention. He takes great in terest in all educational interests of the state. He has been a trustee of the state university for ten years, and is again reappointed, and his term does not expire until 1 901. He is president of the board of trustees of the flourishing and well- endowed Shorter college, of Rome. He has been engaged in many successful business enterprises, was a director of the Rome and C. R. & C. railroads. When the Rome Land company sold out all its interests he was elected presi dent of the company to wind up its business. He has been president of the Etna Furnace company for a long time and the attorney of the company. Personally he is tall and graceful, a gentleman of fine address, his conversation evidencing a well-cultivated mind. J EVI PIERCE HAAIAIOND, physician and surgeon, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Hiram and Emily (Thomas) Hammond, was born in Floyd county, July 28, 1856. The Flammonds are of Irish ancestry, and members of the family who emigrated to this country settled in South Carolina and Georgia. The great grandfather of Dr. Hammond settled in Eastern Georgia, whence his descendants scattered westwardly. They were principally agriculturists, staid and solid, free from intemperance in its most comprehensive sense, self-respectful, avoiding everything disreputable. Dr. Hammond's father was born in Hall county, where he was raised a farmer, which he made a life-pursuft. His mother was born in Forsyth county, Ga., and was from a family whose name is suggestive of the highest type of American manhood. They reared two children, the subject of this sketch and a brother, both of whom are living. Dr. Hammond received his primary education at the common schools of the county, attended them until he was eighteen }'ears of age, when he entered the North Georgia Agricuftural coHege, at Dahlonega, Ga., a branch of the university of Georgia, where he remained between two and three years, finished his literary course, and studied in the higher mathematics and Latin. Coming to Rome, he engaged with R. V. Mitchell, druggist, as clerk and began the study of medicine under the pre- 668 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. ceptorship of Dr. J. AI. Gregory, of Rome. At the end of a year he went to New York and attended the medical lectures at the university of New York, from which he graduated in February, 1880. The following May he located in Rome, where he at once secured a very good practice, and remained four years. He then moved to the country and practiced five years, after which he returned to Rome, which has since been his home. Of late years he has made some thing of a specialty of surgery. He is very active, zealous, really enthusiastic as a practitioner, and is wedded to his profession. He is a member and presi dent of the Rome Medical society. Dr. Hammond was married Aug. 28, 1883, to Miss WiHie Underwood, of De Kalb county, a granddaughter of Judge Under wood, one of the best and most favorably known, as well as one of the most distinguished jurists that ever served as a judge of the superior court in Georgia. Miss Underwood was born and reared in Meriwether county. To this union six children have been born: Wallace Howard, Helen Nevin, LucHle Marie, Henry Battey, Willie Bertie and Rosa Underwood. The doctor is yet young, has already acquired an enviable reputation for skill, and undoubtedly has before him a career of usefulness and distinction. JUDGE WILLIAAI MADISON HENRY, of Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., the second son of WiHiam Warren Henry and Mary (Hemphill) Henry, was born in Walker county, Ga., Feb. 10, 1853. His father's great-grandfather, William Henry, a Scotch-Irishman, immigrated from County Down, Ireland, in the early part of the eighteenth century, settling first on the eastern shore of Maryland, and afterward removing, before the revolutionary period, to the northern part of Soutii Carolina. Judge Henry's father was reared in York district in that state, and when about twenty-five years of age, came to north Georgia, where he became a farmer and schoolmaster. After 1862 he never taught school. Judge Henry's mother, whose maiden name was Cleghorn, was likewise of Scotch-Irish descent Judge Henr}' was brought up on his father's farm. His boyhood was passed dur ing the war period, and in a locality much disturbed by war-like movements, so that his early educational advantages were very limited, he having gone to school very little until 1867. In 1870 he attended the academy at La Fayette, the county seat of Walker county, under the instruction of Capt John Y. "V\'ood. In 1871 and 1872 he taught school, and in 1873 attended school and taught school. In 1874 he attended the high school at Dalton, Ga., and, under the instruction of Dr. W. C. Wilkes, finished his preparation for coHege. In October of that year he entered the university of Georgia, at Athens, where he bcame a member of the Demosthenian literary society, and of the S. A. E. fraternity. He graduated with distinction in 1876, being at the commencement both a senior speaker on account of scholarship, and a representative of his society in the champion debate between the Demosthenian and Phi Kappa societies. He then studied law under Hon. Judson C. Clements, at La Fayette, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. In 1878 he located at Summerville, Chattooga Co., Ga. He grew rapidly in the public estimation, and his clientage steadily increased in volume and value. In 1879 he served as mayor of Summerville, and afterward served several years as county school commissioner. In 1886 and 1887 he represented his county in the general assembly. As a legislator he ranked with tlie leading men of the assembly. Studious, well instructed in the history of the government and poHtical science, logical and oftentimes eloquent in speech, he always commanded the attention and respect of the body. In August, 1892, upon the resignation of Judge John W. Maddox, who had become the democratic nominee for congress for the Seventh district, he was appointed by Gov. Northen to succeed Judge Aladdox as judge of "^ -' T.F.I low EI.. FLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 669 the Rome judicial circuit Fearless in the discharge of the duties of his oflice, guided alone by his construction of the law, courteous and affable in his treatment of the bar, yet maintaining at aH times the dignity of the court, his character as a fearless, just and wise judge, was established. In August, 1894, he removed to Rome, Ga., and, upon retiring from the bench on Jan. i, 1895, he resumed the practice of la-w at that point, in partnership with Hon. Seaborn Wright. In poli tics Judge Henry has always been an earnest democrat, having frequently taken part in the party's counsels — county, district and state. In 1881, Judge Henrv was married to Aliss Dora RudicH, the only daughter of Dr. Robert Y. Rudicil, of Chattooga county, one of the most eminent physicians of his section, who is descended from a Prussian family which came to South Carolina during, or just before, the American revolution. They have five children: William RudicH, Charles Robert, Clara, Roy Oscar, and Evelyn. Their eldest child, Alary Eliza, a bright and beautiful girl, died at four years of age. This sad bereavement brought the one great sorrow of their singularly happy niarried Hfe. J AMES H. HOSKINSON, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Floyd county, Nov. 19, 1852. He was reared and educated in the county, excepting some considerable time during the civH yyar, when he attended school at White Sulphur Springs, Meriwether Co., Ga. In 1866-68 he went to school at Cave Spring, Floyd Co., and then he was with the engineering corps under CoL C. M. Penington surveying the (then) Memphis branch railway about five months. After that he came to Rome and obtained a situation in the postoffice, which he held eighteen months. Then in 1872, having determined to study law, he entered the sophomore class at the university of Georgia, Athens, and pursued the regular course until half way through the senior year, when he dropped Greek and took the law course instead, and graduated in 1875. He soon afterward located in Rome, and after practicing alone for eighteen months formed a partner ship with the late C. D. Forsyth, one of the foremost members of the bar in north west Georgia. This partnership, which secured a fine practice and .a large and influential clientage, lasted twelve years. Air. Hoskiiison then practiced alone until 1892, when he formed a partnership with Nathan Harris — the style being Hoskinson & Harris — which still continues. The only public office he ever held was that of mayor of South Rome, two terms in the 8o's. In 1880, however, he was a candidate for solicitor-general of the Rome circuit, but was defeated. In 1885 he was appointed attorney for the Georgia loan and trust company for north Georgia and still retains the appointment The late D. S. Printup and himself were attor neys for the Selma, Rome & Dalton, and the Georgia Southern railways for sev eral years; and his present firm, Hoskinson & Harris, is local counsel for the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railway, now a part of the newly-organized Southern railway. He is not outranked at the local bar as to reputation or suc cess and stands high with the profession and the people in his circuit Mr. Hos kinson has been twice married. His first wife was Aliss Georgia Davis, of Cave Spring, whom he niarried in November, 1880, and who died in September, 1886, leaving three children: Alaude; Henry Warner, who died in December, 1888: and Georgia D. His second wife was Miss Lizzie Dean, of Gadsden, Ala., by whom he has had two children: Dean and Louis D. He is a Knight Templar Alason, and a member of the Presbyterian church. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN HOWEL, born Alarch 18, 1845, in Chero- kee county, .A.la., educated himself, served for three years in the Confederate armv — Loring's command, Stuart's division — entered business as a clerk in Rome, 670 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Ga., in 1868, became a cotton factor in 1873; in 1876 a cotton shipper; in 1880 married Mary Park, of Knoxville, and on March 18, 1895 — his fiftieth birthday — died in the full esteem of his contemporaries — a model citizen and a recognized founder and controller of one of the largest cotton houses in the world. To many lives — yea, to most of them — the brief epitome is a chant, covering manifold -errors, and pointing scant achievement, with the saving grace of brevity. But it would be an injustice to dismiss the brave, sweet years of this loyal Hfe with such terse acknowledgment The world is better for his living, and should be better for the story of his life. Born in the country, and reaching his majority among its associations, this nature, naturally strong and self-reliant, increased these qualities in its environment, and gathered simpHcity and honesty and purity from a pious parentage of the Presbyterian faith. Of a devout temperament, his boyhood and youth were spent in prayer and study far into the nights that fol lowed on busy days at the cross-roads store. This was his education, and these ¦were his surroundings. It is not strange that such a youth should have merged into the loyal and dutiful soldier, making up in steadiness and solemn courage what he lacked in dash and bravado. Although he followed the cavalier Stuart in the three years of his service, he ought, by temper and affiliation, to have marched in the columns of the devout and puritan Jackson. From the day that he entered as a drug clerk in Rome in 1868, the career of this strong, sturdy young puritan was one steady progress to the highest success. The foundations were well laid, the principles were deep-planted as his veins. The convictions of right and honesty were a part of his life. And with industry and determined intelligence added to the equipment the upward march was as logically sure as cause and effect. Five years later he linked himself in a life union with the south's great staple. From this time untH the day of his death King Cotton had no abler friend and champion. He was first a cotton factor in 1873; then in 1876, after the progressive fashion of his life, he broadened the sphere of his operations and became a shipper. Every year added to the magnitude of his operations. His courage dared, his industry prospered, and his integrity never wavered. He was a born organizer. His genius of combination was superb. His executive abHity was of the highest order. His judgment seemed infallible, and his stock of common sense without limit. Few business men in Georgia have more clearly vindicated the title to extraordinary ability. Every year added to the scope and the repute of his business. The name of his house grew great The earnest country lad had become the princely merchant, and out of the small scope of its beginning the Howel Cotton company had expanded until its mighty branches had compassed Texas and Tennessee and Arkansas and Alabama, and with head quarters in Georgia, held its eastern station in stately offices in Boston. It will readily be seen that the founder and head of this great estabhshment was a distin guished and important factor in the commercial life of the times in which he lived. If Mr. Howel had not been a cotton king he would have been an iron master. The development of southern iron had a fascination and an inspiration for him. He watched every step in its triumphal march with keen and thrilling interest, and gave it more than one material impetus from the vantage ground of his own powerful position. He had a reverential and almost tender admiration for Samuel Noble, of Anniston, the great iron man of the south, and this regardful admiration was duly and deeply reciprocated. These two were kindred spirits in the great recuperative battles of the south, and the result of their labors are conspicuous in the aggregate of the marvelous status of today. Chief among the personal influences which pointed this valuable life must be reckoned the wife who sur vived him. Perhaps no one ever knew Howel as did the brilliant mother of his PLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 07 1 children. And to her who knew him best, nothing in his character so emphasized ft and distinguished it from others as a certain sweet independence shown in every phase of his life. "Emerson," she wrote a friend, "must have had my husband in mind when he said, Tt is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion, ft is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.' " Again, of his mental gifts, she wrote: "He solves the problem of life with a serene and keen intellect, which is competent to get at the heart of things without be coming entangled, and is capable of taking a comprehensive survey of a situa tion without getting confused — one of those rare men with whom conscience in everything is a prime necessity, and whose greatest pleasure and recompense He in the laborious pursuft of good and in the absolute discharge of duty." For the rest Theodore Frelinghuysen Howel was the champion of every right cause and the friend of humanity. "To him right was right and wrong was wrong- forever The devil could not invent excuses or make mitigating circumstances to serve him in the least" Once fixed in an opinion he was as immovable as the rock of Gibraltar. He was the intimate friend of many of the greatest de velopers and reformers of his day. His fraternal relations with Sam Noble have been mentioned. Perhaps no living man was closer to the great evangelist Sam Jones, who loved him and trusted him as he did few men. Warren Candler, the great preacher of the Methodist church, was also his devoted friend. There were great souls in all these men which recognized and honored the nobler part of each and claimed kinship. In the moral issues of his time the puritan Howel held no uncertain position. He was the dauntless and consistent advocate of tem perance, and gave to it freely of his time and munificently of his purse. He was a friend of the old-fashioned religion, and helped without stint or limit all things that ministered to it He was the stern foe of political and social cor ruption, and heroic in his opposition. No man of his generation was ever more instant and constant in his firm alignment with the moral side of all great ques tions. No man of purer and of more single heart ever loved his friends, hated shame and scorned hypocrisy. He enriched his generation with a liberal purse, a stead fast influence and a high example. No man who knew him would deny him the crown of these strong attributes. This judgment is the meed of praise, made unanimous among his contemporaries. Surely this may be his epitaph: "He served his time, developed his country, feared God, upheld the church, kept open heart to charity, and was from first to last the unshaken advocate of Righteousness, Temperance, "Virtue and Truth." WILLIAM D. HOYT, physician and surgeon, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son oi Rev. Dr. Nathan and Alargaret (Bliss) Hoyt, was born in Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., Nov. II, 1831. His parents wer^ of English and Welsh descent; and his father, who was an eminent Presbyterian clergyman, was born, reared and educated in New Hampshire. His mother was born and reared in Springfield, Mass., where she was married. After this felicitous event Rev. Dr. Hoyt came by private conveyance with his famdly to South Carolina — shortly afterward to Washington, "Wilkes Co., Ga. — and finally to Athens, where he was the revered pastor of the Presbyterian church for many years. Dr Hoyt received his primary education at the very excellent schools in Athens, and then entered the University of Georgia, whence' he graduated in 185 1. After teaching school two years he went to Philadelphia and attended lectures at Jefferson Medical colle.ge, from which he graduated in 1855. After his graduation he located in PhHadelphia where he practiced medicine" until the war began, when he went to Europe. He 672 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. traveled in England, France, Switzerland and Germany, and returned late in 1861 to Athens. Later he went to Richmond, where he was examined, and made assistant surgeon on hospital service. He was afterward on duty in Richmond, Va., and subsequently was passed as surgeon. In April, 1863, he was assigned to duty as surgeon of the Seventeenth Georgia regiment, was with it at Gettysburg, and when it went into winter quarters at Orange Court House, Va. He was with the regiment also at Chickamauga; after which he was ordered to Richmond where he served as hospital surgeon until the surrender. In April, 1886, he located in Rome, where he has made his home since, engaged in the practice of his profession. He enjoys an extensive and remunerative practice, his superior attainments and skill securing the entire confidence of the public. He was county physician for many years; .has contributed many articles on important medical subjects to various medical pubHcations; and has made some valuable discoveries which have attracted the attention of the profession. Dr. Hoyt was inarried in March, 1863, to Miss Florence Stevens, of Athens, Ga. Of the chHdren born to them four are living: Alary, in charge of the literary department of Mary's Institute, St. Louis, Mo., who completed her education at Bryn Mawr, near Philadelphia; Florence, now attending the same school preparing for the work of an educator; Margaret, a graduate from Shorter college, Rome, class of 1894; and WiHiam D., attending school in Rome. Dr. Hoyt is an exemplary and influential member of the Presbyterian church, Avhich he represented at the general assembly at Nashville, Tenn. J INDSAY JOHNSON, physician and surgeon, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Lindsay and Mary (Word) Johnson, was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, Aug. 3, 1 85 1. His paternal grandfather was a wealthy "Virginia planter, who migrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county in the early part of the present century, where he planted on a very extensive scale. Dr. Johnson's father was born in Virginia, and was about fourteen years old when the family came to Georgia. "When a young man he nioved to Cass (now Bartow) county, where he conducted large planting interests. He was a man of strong will-power, exercised a wide and strong influence, and, withal, was a man of very benevolent disposition. His mother was born, reared and educated in Soutii Carolina, but came to Cass county about the time she attained womanhood, and married. Of the children born to them three survive: Lindsay, the subject of this sketch; Airs. Meyer, in Texas; and Mrs. McDaniel, on the old homestead. His father died in 1862, and his mother in 1882. Dr. Johnson received a good primary, supple mented by an academic education. At Euharlee he was the room-mate and almost inseparable companion of Rev. Sam. P. Jones, the great evangelist He finished his literary education at the Alemphis, Tenn., high school at the age of nineteen, and then returned to Cartersville and began the study of medicine. He then went to Louisville, Ky., and attended lectures at the University of LouisviHe, from which he graduated in 1875. From there he went to New York, where, for six months, he received private lectures, and then returned to Cartersville. It was not until 1879 he entered upon the practice of his profession; but almost immediately afterward he was elected professor of cHnical surgery and demonstrator of anatomy in the Southern Aledical college then just estab lished in Atianta. After holding this chair two vears he resigned on account of impaired health and returned home, where he resumed active practice. He established a very large practice, and remained in Cartersville until 1891, when he came to Rome — now his home. Although engaged in general practice, he is giving particular attention to surgery, especially abdominal surgery, and has PLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 673 a very satisfactory patronage. During his professional Hfe he has had the manage ment of some of the most dangerous and difficult of operations in surgery, in all of which he has been phenomenally successful. He has also made many valuable contributions to medical periodicals, particularly the "Southern Medical Record," and to professional knowledge. He is a prominent and progressive member of the County and State Medical societies. Of recognized unquestioned scientific knowledge and practical skiU, his professional eminence is a matter of choice with him. Dr. Johnson was married in 1876 to Aliss Mary Curry, sister of D. W. Curry, Rome, Ga.j who, dying in 1885, he afterward married Miss Valentine Goulon, born and educated in New Orleans, La. Pie has two sons — WiHiam Henry, and Yandell — -and one daughter. Marguerite, at Boscobel college, Nashville, Tenn. J LINDSAY JOHNSON, lawyer and planter, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born * in Floyd county in September, 1855. His grandfather, Col. Lindsay JohnsOn, of Scotch lineage, was a native of Virginia, who. early in life migrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county, afterward — about i833-=-moving to Cass (now Bar tow) county, and was an officer in the Creek Indian war of 1836. Mr. Johnson's father was born in Elbert county in 1818, and was fifteen years old when his father moved to what is now Bartow county. In 1842 he moved to Floyd coUnty and engaged in planting, and so successful and prosperous was he that he -was reputed to be the largest planter in North Georgia, cotton being the prfedbmifaElnt production. Although he never sought or held office, he was a very warm Elrid active partisan, was an old-line whig and anti-secessionist before the v^ar, but after Georgia seceded he sustained her action, and although incapacitated by physical debiHty from active miKtary service, was untiring in contributing, gath ering and forwarding provisions, etc., for the soldiers. He yvas a vci'y charitable man and universally popular. He was married about 1846 to Miss Mary, daugh ter of Col. Smiley Seabrook, of Jones county, Ga., the fruit of which union v^as four children, three of whom survive: Smiley S., large planter, Floyd county; J. Lindsay, and MHlard F., planter, Floyd county. He died in 1887. Mr.' John son was raised in Floyd county, in whose schools he received his primary arid preparatory education, and when seventeen years of age he attended Washihgtbii and Lee university, Lexington, Va., where he took a special course, atld after ward a special course in the law department of the university of Georgia, Athfehis- In 1875 he located at Rome and entered upon the practice of law, doing rnofe or less as he could not neglect his large planting interests in Flbyd, Bartow and Chattooga counties. In 1884 he was elected to represent Floyd cbunty in the general assembly, and served on the following committees : Special judiciary, cbf- pbratibns, military and special local legislation. He was also ofae bf the priine movers 'for the estabhshment of the Technological school, and did aH he cbuld in every way in his power to secure favorable legislative action, and has ddne all he could to sustain it since. He has always been the ardent friehd and sup porter of all measures, local and general, calculated to promote the industrial interests and the development of the state's resources. In 1888 he was again elected to represent the county, and during this term worked and used his st^ng influence against the "betterment" Claims of first lessees of the Western & Atlantic (State) railway. He also took a prominent part in favor of what is knojwn as the "Btettier bin," which was intended to prevent the consoHdation of certain rail roads, and also in what is known as the "Glenn biH," the purpose bf Vhich was to enable each county traversed by a railway to collect a tax on the miles iSi^ithih fts limfts — a law which is of great benefit to th6 counties. This bill's cotistittition- 1-43 y 674 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. ality was attacked, but was affirmed by the supreme court. Mr. Johnson is an active member of the Floyd County Agricultural and Horticultural society, and is chairman of the executive committee of the American Cotton Growers' Protec tive association. He is a gentleman of scholarly tastes and attainments and speaks fluently the French and Spanish languages, and it is gratifying to know that one so extensively read and well informed,, possessed of large wealth, takes the active interest he does in the material and moral development of his immediate locality and the state. Mr. Johnson was happily married in 1876 to Aliss Annie E., daughter of the late J. D. C. Gillespie, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and to them three children have been born : John Gillespie, Letitia Patterson and J. Lindsay, Jr. He is not a member of any social or fraternal organization, nor any church, but is proud of being known as a "working democrat," and thoroughly American in sentiment and action. JOHN W. MADDOX, member of congress, Rome, Fleyd Co., was born in Chattooga county, Ga., June 3, 1848. He was raised and educated in the county, and in 1863, when a little more than fifteen years old, he enlisted in the Sixth Georgia cavalry (Col. Jack Hart), and from that time was in con tinuous, active, arduous and oftentimes hazardous duty until February, 1865, when he was so severely wounded at Aiken, S. C, as to be invalided from service. His first experience was at Chickamauga, whence his command went to Knox ville, where there was fighting almost every day for three months. He next participated in the battle of Resaca, and in the obstinately fought campaign thence to Atlanta and in the battles of July 19 and 22, 1864, at Atlanta. He was next with his command on the famous raid of the army through Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, a regular three months' series of fights. The command was next employed in covering Hood's retreat from Dalton, Ga., to Gadsden, Ala., and after that was in the engagement at Griffin, Ga., and thence in front or on the flanks of the Federal army in Georgia and South Carolina until he received his disabling wound at Aiken, S. C. In November, 1864, he was wounded in the face while on the skirmish line at Ttirkeytown. From Aiken he was sent to the hospital at Augusta, and later to Madison, Ga. On his restoration to health he returned to his Chattooga county home, where he farmed three years and then went to school a year at Summerville, the county seat, and then at Bethel. Following this he engaged as a clerk in a grocery store in Rome, and then took charge of a branch store in Summerville, where he remained about eight months. The next twelve months he spent in traveling, and traveled in Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, etc. On his return home he joined a corps of engineers who were surveying the line of the North and South railway from Rome to Columbus, Ga., now known as the Chattanooga, Rome '& Columbus railway. About six months afterward he took some contracts for grading on the line, which he con tinued until the panic of 1873, when he went to his home in Chattooga county. He remained at home twelve months and then entered the employ of the Round Mountain Iron company. Round Mountain, Ala., which suspended in about a year, and he went home again. A few months later he was engaged by the Stone Hill Copper Mining company to take charge of their mining plant. After a year's service — a part of 1874-75 — he returned to Summerville and commenced the study of law, and on completing his studies in 1877 was admitted to the bar at Chattooga superior court. He located in Summerville and was extremely successful from the start. That year he was elected mayor of Summerville, and the next year was elected county commissioner. In 1880 he resigned that office and was elected to represent Chattooga county in the general assembly, and was FLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 675 re-elected in 1882. In 1884 he was elected to represent the forty-second senatorial district (composed of Bartow, Floyd and Chattooga counties) in the general assembly. In November, 1886, he was elected judge of the Rome circuit, for a term of four years, and in November, 1890, was re-elected for another term. In 1892 he was elected to represent the seventh congressional district of Georgia in the fifty-third congress, and in 1894 was elected to succeed himself in the fifty-fourth congress over a strong opponent and after a heated canvass. Judge Maddox removed to Rome in 1890, which has been his home since that time. His steady and uninterrupted advancement since he first entered public life, now nearly a score of years, affords the very strongest and highest evidence of sound practical judgment, great ability, personal exceHence and official integrity that could be presented. He is a member of the national democratic committee. Judge Maddox was married Aug. 15, 1872, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of H. B. C. Edmondson, of Summerville, and to them have been born six sons and one daughter. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and a Knight Templar Mason; although not a member, his predilection is for the Presbyterian church. jy^AX MEYERHARDT, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of D. J. and Esther Meyerhardt, was bom in Germany, Oct. 24, 1855. "When he was about a year old his father emigrated to Georgia and settled in Rome, where he continued his life-time business of dry goods and clothing merchant. They raised four children, two sons and two daughters, the father dying in May, 1890, and the mother in February, 1891. Mr. Meyerhardt was educated principally in the public schools of Nashville, Tenn., and when sixteen years of age went into the office of the clerk of the superior court of Floyd county as his deputy. During the years he filled this position he began the study of law, continued it afterward under Col. C. Rowell, of Rome, and at the October term, 1876, of Floyd superior court was admitted to the bar and entered at once upon the practice. In i88i he became a partner of Judge A. R. Wright, and his son Seaborn, under the firm name of Wright, Meyer hardt & Wright, which continued until the death of Judge Wright in 1891. In 1881 he was elected city attorney, and was continuously re-elected until he resigned in 1886, when he was appointed judge of the city court by Gov. John B. Gordon. He held this office until 1891, and the next year he was elected attorney for the county, and is now serving his second term. In 1882-83 he filled the appointment of United States commissioner, and for eleven years has been a member of the Rome school board. He has filled every office with acknowledged ability and unswerving fidelity, and enjoys the sincere esteem of the profession and his fellow- citizens. Mr. Meyerhardt was married in the spring of 1890 to Miss Nettie Watson, formerly of Alabama, then a teacher in the public schools of Rome, who has borne him three children: Rebecca, David, and Hester. He is a very enthusiastic and prominent member of the masonic fraternity, being now worshipful master of Cherokee lodge, No. 66, high priest of Rome chapter. No. 26, and deputy grand master for the seventh district of Georgia. In religious faith he is a Hebrew of the Hebrews. J P. M'CONNELL, sheriff, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Floyd county in 1845. When he was twelve years of age his parents moved to Cherokee county, Ga., where he was educated. In September, 1862, he enlisted as a private in the Sixth Georgia cavalry. Col. Hart commanding, and as such served through the war, and was almost all the time in continuous arduous service. With his coih- mand hd participated in the engagements at Dandridge and Philadelphia, Tenn., at Chickamauga, Dalton, Resaca, New Hope church. Noonday church, where he was 676 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. shot in the leg. In fact, he was engaged all through the busy Atlanta campaign — a fight almost every day^ — the battles around Atlanta and Macon, at Aiken, S. C, and finally at Bentonville, N. C. After the surrender he went to school a year at Acworth, Cobb Co., Ga., and afterward farmed and merchandised in Cherokee county until 1880. That year he returned to Cobb county and carried on a general merchandise business until 1886, when he moved to Floyd county and engaged in farming until 1891, when he was made deputy sheriff of the county, and served in that capacity two terms, four years. In January, 1895, he was elected sheriff. Sheriff McConnell is a man of determined character, excehent business habits and qualifications, and superior executive ability, besides being very popular. Mr. McConnell was married in 1870 to Miss Julia, daughter of Raymond Sandford, deceased, by whom he has three children; 'Lena, wife of John A. Foster, Floyd county; James Raymond, and John E. He is a member of the I. 0.0. P., a master Mason, and a member of the Missionary Baptist church. "\A/^ILLIAM J. NEEL, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Joseph L. and Mary A. (Swain) Neel, was born in Cass (now Bartow) county, Ga., Feb. 15, 1861. His paternal ancestors were natives of Ireland, and when they emigrated to America settled in Maryland and Pennsylvania, some of them afterward locating in Virginia and Georgia. His maternal ancestors were Scotch, and settled in South Carolina. His father was born in St. Clair county, Ala., and married his wife in Gordon county, Ga. His principal occupation was farming, but in connection with it he carried on a general merchandise business, and was prosperous and popular, and attained to some political prominence prior to the war. In 1857 he represented Cass county in the general assembly of Georgia, and has represented it in the same body since the war. He is still living, and is chairman of the democratic executive committee of Bartow county. He raised and commanded a company in the Fortieth Georgia regiment during the civil war, and rendered efficient and valuable service during that conflict. They reared four children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the youngest. James M., the oldest, is a prominent lawyer at Carters-ville, Ga., and has also been judge of the city court. Another brother, Joseph N., is a member of the Eads-Neel company, Atlanta and Macon, the largest retail clothing house in Georgia. Mr. Neel's educational advantages were at first very limited. He attended the common county schools at Adairsville until he was eighteen years old, when he entered the North Georgia agricultural college at Dahlonega, at which he was a student two years. He then read law some months under the direction of his brother at Cartersville, and edited "The American," the local paper. Later he went to Was'hington, D. C, and in 1885 entered the Georgetown university law school, where he took a three years' course, and was graduated in 1888 with first honors, besides winning a $100 gold prize for the best scholarship record. In 1887 he was appointed chief of division in the treasury department at Washington, which he filled until the change in adminis- ttation in 1889, when he voluntarily resigned. He then came to Rome and became a member of the law firm of McHenry, Nunnally & Neel, which continued until September, 1894^ since which time he has practiced by himself, confining his practice principally to commercial causes. His clientage, already large, increases steadily in volume and value, as well as influence. No member of the profession as youhg as he has brighter prospects for professional distinction or political prefer ment. In 1892 he was elected to represent Floyd county in the general assembly, and served his constituents with credit to himself and acceptably to his fellow- citizens. While a melhber of that body he secured the passage of a bill estab lishing an industrial department for the deaf and dumb at Cave Spring, Floyd PLOYD COUNTY S.KETCHBS. 677 Co., and secured an appropriation for a buHding for that purpose. He declined to serve another term. In 1893 he was elected a member of the city council, of which body he was chosen mayor pro tem. He is still a member of that body and chairman of the finance committee. Mr. Neel was married in June, 1892, to Miss Isa Williams, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. His wife was born in Georgia, educated in part at the Mary Sharpe college in Winchester, Tenn., and then went to Europe and completed her education in Paris and Dresden. She is one of the most accomplished linguists in Georgia. Mr. Neel comes of a line of democrats and is himself an active and zealous member of that party. He is an earnest member of the First Baptist church of Rome. jy^ITCHEL ALBERT NEVIN, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Augusta, Ga., April 10, 1842. His father, James Nevin, was a native of South Carolina, and came to Georgia and established himself in his early manhood, where he died about 1846. Mr. Nevin received a good education and grew to manhood in Augusta; and when twenty years old went to Columbia county, Ga., where he taught school two and a half years. He then left there and came to Floyd county, which he made his permanent home. After teaching school between two and three years he bought an interest in the "Rome Commercial" newspaper, and latei bought the entire plant and conducted the paper until 1869, when he sold out. Four years afterward he repurchased it and ran it until 1876, when he sold out to the "Rome Courier," and shortly afterward established a book and job printing establishment He successfully conducted this for a number of years, and then disposed of it and commenced improving some valuable real estate he owned in Rome, the building of the fine opera house which bears his name being due to his enterprising spirit. Public spirited and intelligently progressive he has been quite influential in promoting the growth of the city and its industrial interests, and is one of the most popular of its citizens. In 1884 he was elected school com missioner of the county, and held the office twelve years, and in 1878 he was elected mayor of Rome, and twice successively re-elected. In 1882 he was elected clerk of the city councH and held the office continuously until 1894. Mr. Nevin was married Dec. 20, 1866, to Miss Helen A., daughter of the late distinguished Judge John W. H. Underwood. Of the children bom to them three survive: Ida, wife of W. A. Patton, Rome; James B., and Mary M. Mr. Nevin is a member of the I. O. O. F., Royal Arcanum, Knights of Honor, and of the Methodist Episcopal church south. J^UGH BARRY PARKS, retfted merchant Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of WiUiam and Elvira (Allgood) Parks, was born in Pontotoc county. Miss., March 8, 185 1. Both his parents were natives of South Carolina, and early in life migrated to Mississippi. Mr. Parks grew to manhood on his father's planta tion and was educated at the schools in his native county. When he was twenty- one years old he came to Tryon, Chattooga Co., Ga., and engaged as clerk in the store of the Tryon manufacturing company, in which his uncle, A. P. Allgood, was a large stockholder. He remained in the employ of the conipany until 1874, when he came to Rome and entered the employ of the dry goods firm of W. T. McWil- Hams & Co., with whom he remained two years. He then organized the dry goods house of H. B. Parks & Co., which soon commanded a large and profitable busi ness, and continued until 1894 when they sold out and Mr. Parks retired from business. He came to Chattooga county a poor young man — his only capital industrious habits, a resolute will and moral rectitude — -qualities which have won his way to wealth, honorable social distinction and tiie confidence of the com munity; eminently elevated intellectually, and noted for deep-seated moral senti- 678 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. ment When he retired his firm had been doing an annual trade of $85,000. Mr. Parks was an important factor in the organization of the municipal government of East Rome, about 1880, and with the exception of a year or two has served on the council ever since. He is a public-spirited, progressive and useful citizen, wide awake to everything calculated to promote material prosperity and advanced morality. Mr. Parks was married in Chattooga county, December 25, 1877, to Miss Mary E., daughter of the late John W. Penn, a union which has been blessed with two children : Mary Alice, and Hugh Barnett. Mr. Parks takes no especial inter est in the partisan politics of the day, but he is an uncompromising prohibitionist and a wide-awake, working and influential member of the Alethodist church. JY^ULEORD MARSH PEPPER, postmaster, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Savannah, Ga., July 14, 1850. About two years after he was born his parents moved to Cass (now Bartow) county, where they Hved until i860, when they removed to Rome. Here he was reared and received what education he has. When fifteen years old he went to Waynesboro, Burke Co., Ga., to clerk for a grocery firm, and remained with them eighteen months, when he came back to Rome and entered the hardware store of Ayer & McDonald. After clerking for this firm six years he went with J. & S. Bones, in the same business, and remained with this firm six years also, and afterward one year with their successor in the business — S. G. Hardy. Then, about 1880, he entered the employ of the Towers & Sullivan manufacturing company, as secretary and treasurer, and remained' with them three years. The Rome hardware company being organized, he was elected a director, and was manager of it two years. After this he formed a part nership with Park Harper — the firm being Harper & Pepper — and went into the crockery business and carried it on two years. He now entered the Merchants' National bank as bookkeeper and filled the position two years when, in April, 1893, he was appointed to his present position of postmaster. Mr. Pepper was married in 1875 to Airs. Judith M. (nee Christian) Terrell. He is a Knight of Pythias and a Knight Templar Mason, and affiliates with the Presbyterian church. JOHN H. REECE, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Dr. Alfred Burton and Sarah W. (Varner) Reece, was born in Floyd county, Ga., Aug. 29, 1840. His paternal grandfather. Pope Reece, came from Wales, England, in the colonial times, settled in North Carolina, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Recce's father was born in North Carolina, migrated to Georgia in 1834, and settled among the Cherokee Indians in the territory north of the Chattahoochee river. He officiated as surgeon under Col. Nelson, in com mand of the troops which accompanied the Cherokees to their reservation west of the Mississippi. His maternal grandfather. Matt Varner, was a wealthy and influ ential planter in Oglethorpe county, Ga. Mr. Reece was the eldest of four children, received his primary education at the common schools, and then entered the old Cherokee Baptist college at Cassville, where he was when the civil war was precipitated. He enlisted in the Eighth Georgia regiment, and was elected Heutenant of his company; and yvhen Col. Cook was kiHed at the battle of First Manassas, he was promoted to a captaincy. He was afterward captain of a company in a regiment commanded by Col. George A. Smith, of Macon, Ga., was captured in April, 1864, and was kept a prisoner at Johnson's island untH June, 1865. After the war he spent about two years on his farm in Floyd county and then came to Rome and entered upon the practice of his profession. In 1876 he was elected to represent Floyd county in the general assembly and took an active interest in calling the convention of 1877, which framed the present constitution PLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. 679 of Georgia; and was elected to the first general assembly under it Since then he has neither desired nor sought political position. For many years he was asso ciated in his law practice with Col. Forsyth; but in 1886 he formed a partnership with Richard A. Denny, under the firm name of Reece & Denny, which still exists. The firm does a general practice in Rome circuit and others contiguous, in the state supreme court, and in the United States courts. Mr. Reece ranks high -with the members of his profession and the public, has a large and influential clien tage, and is so popular he could have almost any office in the gift of the people if he would accept it. Mr. Reece was married in 1871 to Miss Corry A. Armstrong, of Macon county, Ala., daughter of Maj. Henry Armstrong. She was educated at Mrs. Colwell's college, better known as Rome female college, presided over by Mrs. Colwell. Four children — two sons and two daughters — blessed this union. The eldest son, Henry, was killed by the Mexicans at Monte Vista, Col. ; the other son. Burton A., and the daughters, Bessie and Mamie, are at home; the daughters are students at Shorter college, Rome. He is a working and influential member of the Baptist church, and in October, 1894, was one of the three delegates from Floyd county elected to the Baptist state convention. JOHN J. SEAY, capitaHst, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Rufus M. and Laura (Wadsworth) Seay, was born in De Kalb county, Ga., Nov. 10, 1843. His father was born in Appomattox, Va., but grew to manhood in Knoxville, Tenn., where, in after Hfe, he became a prominent merchant, and died in 1851. Besides himself, the fannly consisted of another brother, and a sister. His mother was born in' Decatur, De Kalb Co., where she grew to womanhood and was married. She is still living, something over seventy years of age. Capt. Seay enjoyed very limited educational advantages in his boyhood and youth. In 1861, when only seventeen years old, he enlisted in a company under command of Luther J. Glenn, which formed a part of the famous Cobb legion, and served until the surrender. Among other hotly contested battles he participated in were those at Alalvern hill, seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Harper's Ferry, and Chancellors ville, and he was with Gen. Longstreet at Knoxville, where he was wounded. Pie was not in active field service the last year of the war. After the war he went into- the stove and hardware business in Atlanta, but in a short time sold out and started for Honduras, Central America. Yellow fever breaking out he abandoned the trip and went into business in West Point, Ga. At the end of three years he sold out (1872), and went to Rome, where he engaged in the manufacture of stoves — a pioneer in Georgia in this very important industry. He continued this business until 1883, "when he sold out and embarked in steamboating on the Coosa river. He built one steamboat and bought four more, and established lines between Rome, Ga., and Greensport, St. Clair Co., Ala., which transported scores of thousands of bales of cotton and thousands of tons of miscellaneous freight. In 1890 he engaged in railroading as soliciting agent. In 1891 he built a dummy, three-mile-line street railway, which later he sold, and was elected president of the Consolidated street railway company. He was also elected president of the Rome land company, and secretary of the New Rome land company. In 1891-92, by way of recreation and to employ his leisure time, he edited the city daily paper. In 1892, when the alliance captured the state, he was elected on the straight demo cratic ticket to represent Floyd county in the general assembly. The appreciated compliment of a tender of re-election was declined. Overflowing with pubUc spirit, of irrepressible energy, and aggressively progressive, Capt. Seay is a most useful citizen, and is of the sort that projects and pushes to successful termination great enterprises and builds up cities. Capt. Seay was married July 17, 1867, to Miss 680 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Frances S. Wood, Canton, Ga., by whom he had four children: Charles AL; Laura L., Mabel B., and Susan L. The motiier of these children died, and he contracted a second marriage with Miss Florida Bayard, of Sewanee, Franklin Co., Tenn., who has borne him two children: Clifford B. and Flory R. Capt Seay is a life-long, uncompromising democrat, always loyal, and a prominent member of the Presbyterian church. l-IALSTED SAIITH, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., was born in Savannah in No vember, 1849, and moved to Rome in November, 1873, and practiced law until 18,79. In '^'^77 he was elected a member of the city councH after a sharp contest The mayor and entire council were re-elected without opposition for a second term. On account of impaired health he removed to the country, being at the time a law partner of Hon. D. B. Hamilton. He returned to the city in 1890, having previously entered into partnership wfth Mr L. A. Dean in 1887, which continued untH 1894, when he was elected city attorney and clerk of the councH. He has filled these- two responsible positions most admirably and still continues the practice of law, having made a splendid reputation as a real estate lawyer. He is general counsel for the Rome Mutual Loan association and represents the legal department of other loan associations in the city, and is familiar with cor poration law, of which he has made an exhaustive study. He has always taken an active interest in politics, and has been for several terms chairman of the democratic county committee. Few citizens are more popular, and none stand better for integrity of character, professionally and socially. Mr. Smith was married May 8, 1871, to Miss CaroHne Timanus, of Fernandina, Fla., by whom he has had seven children. His first presidential vote was cast for Horace Greeley. He is a meniber of the Presbyterian church. Y^ALLER T. TURNBULL, judge of the Rome circuit Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Richard and Margaret (Bellamy) Tumbull, was born in Monticello, Fla., Sept. 9, i860. His paternal grandfather. Dr. Theodore Turnbull, of Eng lish extraction, was a native of South Carolina. Judge Turnbull's father was born in Florida. He was a lieutenant in the Confederate service during the civil war, first in the western army and later on detached duty on the Florida coast He was afterward a member of the Florida legislature, and was one of the Florida commissioners to the world's fair. His mother is a lineal descendant of Arthur Butler, who was a colonel in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and led the charge at the battle of King's Mountain, and also of Pierce Butler, a member of the convention that framed the constitution for the young repubHc. judge Turnbull passed his boyhood and early youth in the city of his birth and received his primary and preparatory education there. In 1877 he entered Emory college at Oxford, Ga., from which he graduated in 1880 with the fourth honor and the degree of A. B. He was also awarded the Boynton prize medal for the best essay of the year. After his graduation he returned home, and the ensuing year was principal of the Monticello high school. He then attended a law course at the university of Virginia, and in 1883 was admitted to the bar in that state. He then located in Atlanta, in which city he practiced his pro fession with pronounced success until 1889, when he moved to Rome, where his personal merit, professional attainments and superior abHity being recognized and appreciated, he has been very successful. On Oct 6, 1891, Gov. Northen appointed him judge of the city court of Rome, which position he creditably held until January, 1895, when he was elected judge of Rome circuit Judge Turn- bull was married April 26, 1889, to Miss Cornelia, daughter of W. I. and Martha SEABORN WRIGHT. FLOYD COUNTY SKETCHES. ggl Brookes. He is a member of the order of Red Men, a Knight of Pythias, and a member of the Methodist church. J^D. TURNER, deputy sheriff, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., was born in Floyd county in September, 1854. He was a son of John W. Turner, who was born in Lincoln county, Ga., in 1830, and came to Floyd county in 1847, where he acquired considerable property and became very prominent and influential. He was a captain in the Twenty-ninth Georgia regiment and served through the war, and who had the distinguished honor of representing Floyd county in the general assembly twenty years. He died in 1893. Mr. Turner was educated in the near by country schools, and after receiving his preparatory education entered the university of Georgia at Athens. After finishing his junior year he returned home and engaged in farming until January, 1887, when he was appointed assistant postmaster of Rome, moved to the city and served two years and a half. After this he went on the road for D. W. Curry, druggist, Rome, for eighteen months — until January, 1891 — when he was elected deputy sheriff, J. C. Moore being elected sheriff. He was re-elected in January, 1893, and 1895, the terms being two years, and has made an excellent record. Sheriff Turner was married in 1879 to Miss Susie, daughter of the late H. Bunn, of Cedartown, Ga., and to them four children have been born : Eugene D., Alfred Colquitt, Hugh Bunn and Cath erine. He is a Knight of Pythias, a Knight Templar Mason, and a member of the Baptist church. gEABORN WRIGHT, lawyer, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of Hon. Augustus R. and Adeline (Allman) Wright, was born near Rome, Nov. 29, 1856. His father was of English extraction, born in Screven county, Ga., and came to Floyd county about 1850, haying previously graduated from the Augusta school. He was a briHiant and impressive orator, and served with distinction in both the Federal and Confederate congresses and as a judge of the Superior court. His mother was of Scotch descent, having been a Miss Adeline Allman, and was born and raised in Chattooga county. They had ten children, of which the subject of this sketch was intermediate, and seven of whom are living. Mr. Wright received his primary and preparatory education in the schools of his county and then entered Mercer university, Macon, Ga., from which he graduated with dis tinction in 1878. He took great interest and an active part in the college society debates, and was commencement orator of his class. He read law under his father and was admitted to the bar at the January term (1879) of Floyd superior court. As soon as he was eligible, in his twenty-first year, he was elected as an independent candidate over the strongest candidate the democrats could nomi nate to represent Floyd county in the general assembly, and was re-elected to serve a second term. He made a fine record in the legislature and introduced many biHs of importance. Since then he has been a candidate for no office. When Dr. William H. Felton announced himself as an independent candidate for congress in 1874 he allied himself with the movement and stumped the district for Dr. Felton. He did this for three successive campaigns, his boyish appearance and brilliant oratory drawing large audiences everywhere and imparting extra ordinary effectiveness to his work. Mr. Wright has always been independent in politics. Believing the great evils of American politics to be the result of extreme partisanship, he has contended for greater independence and a higher degree of political responsibility. He believes that the overwhelming ascendancy of the democratic party in the south since the war, coupled with the blind obedience of the masses to the dictates of party action, made it possible for politicians to 682 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. manipulate party conventions, thereby frequently nominating for office candidates without character or ability. This he fearlessly and eloquently denounced, hold ing with Robert Toombs that the action of political conventions are simply advisory. That the rights of the people are higher than the dictates of party. These have been his political principles from boyhood, and from them he has never swerved for an instant. He has been repeatedly urged by the people of the seventh district to run as an independent candidate for congress, but declined to do so, although his election seemed assured, assigning as a reason that men in office become political cowards and soon lose the fearless freedom of thought and speech which alone render them useful to their people and their country. He has been prominent in all reform movements, especially the efforts to regulate and suppress the liquor traffic. Recognizing that the safety and integrity of the government rest largely upon free and fair elections, he has bravely denounced election frauds of every character. Believing in white supremacy in the south, because of the superior intelligence and virtue of the white race, he has never theless always demanded absolute justice for the negro, arraigning in the press, and on the hustings, the wholesale corruption of the negro by local politicians. This has drawn down upon him the wrath of the small politicians, but has corre spondingly endeared him to the common people, who regard him as their cham pion and the defender of their rights. Since his service in the general assembly Air. Wright has devoted himself to his profession, giving special attention to anti- corporation and criminal law. He has taken an active part, principally as an advocate, in most of the important criminal cases in northwestern Georgia. In the case of the State vs. Dr. J. B. S. Holmes, charged with the murder of De- Forrest Allgood, he made the concluding argument, which was a masterpiece of eloquence and was one of the finest addresses ever delivered in the court house of Floyd county. He also made the leading arguments in the cases of the state vs. Ora McKee and Frank Wilkerson, cases famous in Georgia juris prudence, and in all these there were verdicts of acquittal. Of magnetic person ality, a strong and brilliant mind and oratorical ability of the highest order, should he so desire, Mr. Wright will no doubt attain the highest honors within the gift of his state. Mr. Wright was happily niarried in Atlanta, Feb. 28, 1882, to Miss Annie E., daughter of William A. Aloore, of that city, a union which has been blessed with four children : Barry, Lewis, Max and Graham. He is a prominent and influential member of the Presbyterian church. CRANK A. WYNN, physician, Rome, Floyd Co., Ga., son of J. A. and Olivia (Borders) Wynn, was born in Cedartown, Polk Co., Ga., Oct 19, 1870. The members of the Wynn family, related to the Howes, emigrated from England to Virginia, whence some of the descendants came to Georgia. His father was born in Chattooga county, was at one time in the wholesale trade in Cedartown, Polk Co., and afteryvard moved to Rome, where he did a large dry-goods business until 1891. Dr. Wynn's grandmother, Anna Bird, was well known in Georgia. On his mother's side he is of Scotch-English extraction. His parents raised four children — two sons and two daughters — of which he is the eldest. Dr. Wynn was educated in the schools at Rome, where he completed his education in 1888. He at once began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Drs. Holmes and Garlington, and then attended lectures at the Atlanta Medical college, entering in 1891 and graduating in 1893. Immediately afterward he located in Rome and entered upon the practice under encouraging auspices and with unusually flat tering success. While engaged in a general practice, he is giving special attention to the eyes, ears and throat. Studious, sympathetic and bestowing attentive nurs- PORSYTH COUNTY SKETCHES. 683 ing on patients, he is sure of building up a large practice. He is a member of the County and State Medical associations, genial and of popular manners. He is a genuine lover of fine stock, especially horses. IJ AMILTON YANCEY, insurance, Rome, Ployd Co., Ga., son of iion. Benjamin C. Yancey and Sarah P. (Hamilton) Yancey, was born in Edgefield district, S. C, Sept. 27, 1848. His father removed from South Carolina to Alabama in 1850, resigning from the South Carolina legislature and practically declining a nomina tion and election to congress. In 1855-56 he was president of the Alabama state senate, was appointed in 1857 United States minister to the Argentine confedera tion, and in 1859 declined the proffer from President Buchanan of the appointment of minister to the court of St. James. In later years he was an active and influential member of the Georgia State Agricultural society, and for a number of years was its president. He was a brother to the Hon. 'William L. Yancey, who bore so conspicuous a part in the politics of Alabama before the war between the states began, and until his death in 1863, while serving the state in the Confederate states senate. Hamilton Yancey's maternal grandfather was Thomas Hamilton, a large planter, and one of the wealthiest citizens of Clarke county, Ga. Mr. Yancey was principally reared and educated in Athens, Ga., and was graduated from the state university in 1868 with the degree of A. B., his alma mater subsequently conferring upon him the degree of A. M. He next took a literary course at the university of Virginia, after which he spent a year in attendance on the law department of the university of Georgia. In 187 1 he located in Rome and commenced the practice of law, and continued it with great success until 1887, when he retired from active practice to accept the management of the Rome Fire Insurance company, and later of the Commercial Union Assurance company, of England, for the southern states. During his professional career he was a solicitor for the city court, also attorney for the city of Rome, and alternate democratic elector on the Tilden and Hendricks ticket. His professional record brought to him substantial results and emoluments, he having been successfully engaged in many very important cases, not only in Georgia, but in the chancery courts of Alabama, having contested successfully with such leading and able attorneys as Senator John T. Morgan, and Chancellor Foster of Alabama, in the noted Round mountain and Cornwall iron works cases. Probably his most satisfactoiy work was done in the leading case of Mitchell vs. the city of Rome, in which case he elicited the unusual compliment from the court of having his brief adopted in part as the decision of the court, with especial credit and recognition therefor. Mr. Yancey for a number of years has been an active member of the Methodist church, of whose Sunday school he was superintendent for twelve or fourteen years, and has served his town. East Rome, as an aldermai; ten or more years without salary. FORSYTH COUNTY. J-JIRAM P. BELL, lawyer, Cumming, Forsyth Co., Ga., son of Joseph S. and Rachel (Phinazee) Bell, was born in Jackson county, (^a., Jan. 19, 1827. His patemal grandfather, of EngHsh descent, was a native North Carolinian, and a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. About the beginning of this century he migrated to Georgia, and settied in what is now Jackson county. 684 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Mr. Bell's father was born in North Carolina, when a boy came with his parents to Georgia, and grew to manhood in Jackson county. Subsequently he moved to Forsyth county, where he became prominent as a farmer and citizen. His mother was of a well-known old Georgia family, of Scotch extraction. Mr. Bell received a good primary education at the near-by common schools of the county and then attended the academy at Cumming. After leaving the academy he taught school and commenced reading law; and Nov. 28, 1849, was admitted to the bar. He advanced very rapidly in his profession, and was soon at the head of the local bar. In 1862 he formed and organized a company, of which he was made captain, and which became Company I of the Forty-third Georgia regiment. When the regi ment was organized he was commissioned as its Heutenant-colonel. He was with his command as such and participated in the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, Miss. He was so seriously wounded in this battle as to be disabled from further service and came home. Recognizing his services and his superior ability his fellow-citizens elected him to the second Confederate congress, whose arduous and onerous duties Col. Bell discharged with characteristic devotion and fidelity. He was the first senator elected for the thirty-ninth senatorial district of Georgia, and represented the ninth congressional district in the forty-third and forty-fifth congresses of the United States; was a member of the electoral college in 1868 that cast the vote of the state for Seymour and Blair, and was a delegate to the St. Louis convention that nominated Tilden and Hendricks in 1876. Since the war he has given his attention almost exclusively to the practice of his profession, enjoys a large practice and influential clientage. He is reputed to have been engaged in more murder cases than any member of the bar in the circuit. Col. Bell is very public- spirited, and takes great interest in every enterprise or movement promising to develop and add to the material prosperity of his county and section. He is excep tionally active and exercises an almost potential influence in education and religious advancement and in the temperance movement. In all these matters his light is not hid under a bushel. Col. Bell was happily married Jan. 22, 1850, to Miss Virginia, a sister of the late George N. Lester, who died while holding the office of attorney- general of Georgia. This union was blessed with four children: Mary R., widow of Rev. George E. Gardner, deceased, preacher of the Methodist church south; Julia L., wife of Hon. Farris Carter Tate, member of congress, ninth congressional district of Georgia; George L., principal clerk. United States district attorney, northern district of Georgia; and Virginia. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Methodist church, died April 30, 1888. Col. BeH conttacted a second marriage, June 11, 1890, with Miss Anna A. Juhan. Col. BeH is a pro nounced and very influential democrat, a worker and leader; he is also a master Mason and a very prominent and active member of the Methodist church. J OHN HOCKENHULL, physician and surgeon, Cumming, Forsyth Co., Ga., was born in Stockport, Eng., Jan. 22, 1832. He was the son of John and Mary (Kemp) HockenhuU, both of whom were natives of England. His father emigrated to the United States and settled -at White Plains, now Dalton, Whitfield Co., Ga., where he remained some time. Subsequently he moved to Lumpkin county, Ga., where he engaged in mining, and was remarkably successful. He died in i88b. The subject of this sketch was nine years old when his parents came to this country, and the ship was ten weeks and two days making the passage ; they ran short of provisions, and suffered almost intolerable hardships and privations. His parents reared a family of nine children: John, the subject of this sketch; Charles H.; James F.; Emma, wife of Robert McClure; Ellen, wife of Sidney Hays; Anna, wife of William J. Barrett; Sarah J., wife of William Looper; Elizabeth, wife of George Roker; Louise, wife of John Edwards. Dr. HockenhuH spent the years of FORSYTH COUNTY SKETCHES. 685 his boyhood in Lumpkin county, where he received such primary education as the period and the locality could afford. He then began the study of medicine in Cleveland, Tenn., under G. P. Thompson. After thus preparing himself, he attended lectures during the winter of 1852-53 at the university of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. He next attended lectures at the medical college of Georgia, Augus ta, from which he was graduated in 1855, and entered at once upon the practice of his profession with uninterrupted success. In 1871 he located in Cumming, where he has steadily added to his reputation and built up a large and very profitable practice. No physician in Forsyth or adjoining counties stands higher with the profession or the people, and his friends far outnumber his acquaintances. During the war he served as assistant surgeon of the Fifty-second Georgia regirnent in the Kentucky campaign under Gen. Bragg. Dr. HockenhuU was married July 5, 1859, to Miss Mary A., born Nov. 2, 1841, daughter of Allman and Margaret A. Hutch ins, a union which has been blessed with eight children : Mary J., born June 23, i860; John H., born Feb. 8th, 1863, successful physician; Sarah A., born Jan. 19, 1866; James T., born June 18, 1868; Victoria E., bom Sept. 18, 1870; Walter L., born April 9, 1875; Willie F., born Dec. 10, 1877, and Allman G., born April 29, 1880. The doctor is a stanch democrat and an ardent master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. J5UFUS E. GUTHRIE, farmer, Cumming, Forsyth Co., Ga., son of Nehemiah ^ and Nancy (Turner) Guthrie, was born in Walton county, Ga., Sept. 14, 1841. His paternal grandfather, Beverly Guthrie, was a native of Virginia, and when quite young came to Georgia with his parents, and was one among the early settlers of that part of the state. Mr. Guthrie's father moved to Walton county in 1830, where he bought a farm and engaged in farming. He acquired consider able property, and. attained to some prominence. His father died Dec. 22, 1859, and his mother died June 10, 1890. They were the parents of eight children, of whom four are living: Sarah E., wife of Richard S. Easley; Robert C; Catharine, wife of Richard Stansell, and Rufus E., the subject of this sketch. Those deceased are: James B., Thomas W., killed in the battle July 22, 1863; Martha A. and Francis D. Mr. Guthrie was raised on his father's farm and received but little education. He has profitably continued farming as his principal pursuit, but has dealt quite largely in live stock. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, Capt Nun nally, Eleventh Georgia regiment, with which he participated in the battles of Yotktown, Malvern Hill atid second Manassas. In this battle, Aug. 30, 1862, he received six shots in the body and was left on the field for dead. After remain ing there several hours he was discovered and taken to a hospital, where one of his legs was amputated. After remaining in the hospital four weeks he returned home, and as soon as he was able resumed his farming operations and general trading in live stock. By his industry, shrewdness and good judgment he has made money and secured for himself a comfortable competency. Mr. Guthrie was a popular county official for a long time, having been elected tax receiver in 1876, and re-elected for five consecutive terms, never having been defeated for the office. He was one of the best, if not the best, tax receivers the county ever had, and could be elected to that office again if he desired it. Mr. Guthrie was married Dec. 6, i860, to Miss Lucy, daughter of Frederick and Emily (Cook) Vaughn. Mr. Vaughn was of an old Georgia family and a prosperous farmer. Twelve children blessed their union: Mary V.; Nancy, wife of James E. Vaughn; JbhnW.; Sarah C, wife of John H. Adams ; Frederick N., deceased; Beverly A.; Glenn, MilHe, Velvie, Rufus S.; Una, deceased, and Augustus, deceased. Politi- 686 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. cally Mr. Guthrie is a populist and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. A NSEL STRICKLAND, physician and surgeon, Cumming, Forsyth Co., Ga., son of Henry and Elizabeth (Smith) Strickland, was born in Cherokee county, Ga., May 19, 1858. His paternal grandfather. Hardy Strickland, was a native of Virginia, whence he emigrated to Georgia and settled in Jackson county. Dr Strickland's father was one of the most successful miners in north Georgia and died in 1863. His mother was a native of Massachusetts. She died in 1859. His parents raised five children. Dr. Strickland was left an orphan when only five years old, and was reared in Cherokee county, Ga., where he received his primary education. After further pursuing his studies he read medicine and then attended lectures at Atlanta medical college from which he graduated in 1880. He engaged in the practice for a while, and then attended lectures in New York medical col lege, from which he graduated in 1885. He immediately located in Cumming, where he has remained ever since and has established an enviable reputation for skill, based on unusual success. Besides attending strictly to his increasing prac tice he operates a tannery at Cumming, and is a stockholder in the shoe manu facturing company at Gainesville. He is very popular, and the promise of his future is of the most encouraging character. Dr. Strickland was married in 1879 to Miss Julia, daughter of Dr. John HockenhuU, by whom he had four children, only one of whom — Charlotte — born in 1888, is living. The mother died in 1889, and for his second wife Dr. Strickland married Miss Mamie L. Rogers, daughter of Capt. R. N. Rogers, of Milton county, Ga., in 1891, who has borne him one child — ^Roy — born Jan. 27, 1894. He is a strong democrat, and a royal arch Mason, and himself and wife are prominent members of the Methodist church. FRANKLIN COUNTY. "\A^ ILLIAM F. BOWERS. There are many families in Franklin county, Ga., who may justly claim to be sprung from the "oldest settlers," and many persons have been born there who have become distinguished. But few, if any, families can prove earlier settlement or a clearer, more reputable record — ^though not as conspicuous or distinguished as some— than that of the family of which Hon. William F. (familiarly known as "Uncle Billy") Bowers is now the li-ving head. Simple as a child in friendly intercourse, altogether devoid of ostentation, and conscious of entire rectitude, he is always self-poised. For stern and steady, and inflexible adherence to what he deems correct principles, and conscientious conviction, he is almost without a peer. Mr. Bowers was the son of Job and Elizabeth (Ballinger) Bowers, and was born in what is now Hart county, in 1825. His paternal great-grandfather. Job Bowers, was of Welsh extraction, was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war; and who, while at home "on furlough," was killed by the tories. He was actually one of the earliest settlers on or near the Savannah river in that part of Georgia. His grandparents were William and Mary Bowers, and his grandfather was bom in what is now Elbert county, and lived there a farmer until he died. Mr. Bowers' father was bom in Elbert (now Hart) county, taught school and farmed, and later became a PRANKLIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 687 merchant. For many years he was surveyor of the county, and also served his fellow-citizens as justice of the peace for more than a score of years. "Uncle Billy's" mother was a daughter of William Ballinger, a farmer, and another of the oldest settlers of the territory now known as Elbert county, and was a prosperous farmer. "Uncle Billy" was brought up on the farm, and as he expresses it, "in the store room," his only education being obtained at the dirt floor, puncheon- seated log school house, with not a naH in it, and stick-and-mud chimney. He began life as a farmer, and afterward engaged very much to his pecuniary advan tage, in merchandising. None of his family would ever own a slave; and from earliest Hfe he was an uncompromising Union man. He claims to be, and probably is, the only man then a resident of Georgia now living, who voted for Abraham Lincoln in i860. He did not swerve from his Union principles during the war; was a member of the constitutional convention of 1868, and served on the committee on the bill of rights and other committees. Subsequently he repre sented his senatorial district in the general assembly. In 1884 he estabhshed the "American Union" newspaper, stHl published, which reflects his political opinions, and sometimes his reHgious convictions. In 1890 he was a district supervisor for taking the United States census. Fle is remarkably intelligent, his intellect bright and clear, very robust physically, and possessing the progressive spirit and vigor of a man of half his age. He enjoys the unquestioning confidence of the people of the large extent of territory in which he is known. Mr. Bowers was married in 1851 to Miss Christiana — ^born in Franklin county in 1825 — daughter of EHis and Dorcas (Attaway) Cheek. Mr. Cheek was a native of South CaroHna, a farmer, and came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county about 1820. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bowers six survive: Bunyan, Naomi, Pink, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Lois. He is particularly proud of his family, all of whom are strictly pious and none ever having taken a drink of intoxicating liquor. Himself and wife are de voted and working members of the Church of Christ He is an ordained minister and goes about doing good and carrying the glad tidings of great joy, having worked in the ministry more than fifty years, and is one of the most entertaining talkers of that part of Georgia. WILLIAM M. BOWERS, merchant-farmer, Royston, Frankhn Co., Ga., son of T. W. and Alphia A. (Glover) Bowers, was born in what is now Hart county in 1850. (For some particulars in lives of his great-great-grandfathers. Job and "WHHam Bowers, see sketch of WilHam F. Bowers in these memoirs.) His grandparents, William and Polly (Holbrook) Bowers, were descendants of the early settiers of the same name in Elbert (now Hart) county. He was a large planter and land-holder, and very influential. His wife, "Aunt PoHy," was the only "female doctor" in all that region, and on supreme occasions was the sole reliance of families for miles around. Mr Bowers' father was born in what is now Hart county, was a successful and influential farmer, and was a major of the militia when it was an envied local distinction. His mother was a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Pullum) Glover. Her father was a native of Virginia and enli.sted in the patriot army during the revolutionary war when only sixteen years of age. He came to Georgia when about twenty-five years old and settied in what was then Franklin county, where he became a large land-owner and died in 1836. Mr Bowers was reared on the farm, and his educational advantages were very meager. When twenty years old he began life fpr himself by working on a farm. In 1877 he bought his first piece of land, and since then has added to ft until now he has 500 acres of as good land as the county contains. In addition he owns and operates a ginnery, a grist mill, a smithery, and has an interest in the general merchandise 688 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. store of Nelms, Bowers & Co., Royston, Ga. He conducts his farm on progressive lines, and is not only a believer in diversified crops, but takes great interest in improved stock-raising. He is a man of fine practical business capabilities, and very enterprising, and is one of Franklin county's most solid and substantial, as well as most highly-esteemed citizens. For a time he served the people of Royston as mayor. Mr. Bowers was married in 1874 to Miss Mary J. — bom in Madison county, Ga., in 1856 — daughter of Robert and Sarah C. (Bowers) Berreman. Mr. Berreman was a native of Virginia, came to Georgia when a young man; was a farmer and trader and owned a large amount of land. When the war between the states began he enlisted and went to the front, and died when in the service. Eight of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bowers are living: Robert S., Jennie E., Shadrack S., Harley B., Gifford E., Maura J., Joe, and Tabor B. Himself and wife are prominent and working members of the Baptist church, of which he has been a deacon for many years. JAMES L. BROWN, farmer, Cadiz, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Isham and Eliza beth (Burrus) Brown, was born in Anderson, S. C, in 1816. His paternal grand parents were James and Susan (Kane) Brown, who moved first to North Caro lina and thence to South Carolina, where he died in 1837. He was a large farmer and a preacher of some note. His grandparents were George and Rachel (Felton) Brown. They were natives of North Carolina, where he followed farming. Mr. Brown's father was born in Pendleton district, S. C, where he grew to manhood, and later moved to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. Mr. Brown was reared on the farm and received only the limited education obtainable in that locality at the time of his boyhood. He started in life as an overseer, then for some years rented land, and finally, in 1839, he bought a farm, on which he has since lived a happy, contented life, and raised a family. He has an excellent farm in fine condition, with a comfortable dwelling and substantial outbuildings. He has served as bailiff and as a justice of the peace. Mr. Brown was married in 1839 to Miss Jane M. — ^born in South Carolina in 1822 — daughter of WiHiam and Annie (Love) Bailey. He was a native of South Carolina and a farmer. Eleven children blessed this union: Martha C, Eliza, WiHiam P., Asa M., Elizabeth N., John T., Anavastine, Isham, Newton, Susan L. and Lawrence S., of whom seven survive. The mother of these, a devoted member of the Baptist church, died in 1882. Subsequently he married Miss Eleanor— born in Elbert county in 1837 — daughter of Thomas Black, who was born in Union, S. C, and followed farming and carpentering. Mr. Brown and his wife are consistent members of the Bap tist church. r^ARTLIDGE. Unostentatious, useful members of society and communities seldom receive the meed of praise or the consideration their merits and quietly-rendered services justly entitle them to. Disdaining to seek, they often shrink from notoriety, avoiding the appearance of seeking it. Of this class is the Rev. G. FI. Cartlidge, a Presbyterian clergyman of Franklin county, Ga. He was the son of Samuel and Agnes W. (Groves) CartHdge, and was born in Columbia county, Ga., in 1820. His paternal grandfather was a native bf Wales, whence he emigrated to America and settled in Virginia before the revolutionary war, but subsequently moved to North Carolina. His grandparents, Joseph and Dillie Linders (nee Page) Cartlidge, were natives of North CaroHna, and migrated to Georgia and settled in what is now Columbia county in 1788. He was a farmer and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Cartlidge's father was born in Columbia county, was raised a farmer, and adopted PRANKLIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 689 farming as his life pursuit. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, and was an earnest member of and worker in the Baptist church. His mother was a daughter of Stephen and Isabella (Weekly) Groves. He was a native of England, emigrated -to this country before the revolutionary war, and settled in Pennsylvania, where he married an Irish lady. He was a farmer and tanner, and before the revolutionary war owned large tracts of land around Vicksburgh, Union Co., Pa. He served in the revolutionary army during the war, after which. he migrated to Georgia and located in what is now Madison county, where he died in 1839, in the one hundredth year of his age. Mr. Cartlidge received his primary and preparatory education at the near-by schools and then entered Oglethorpe university, Alidway, Baldwin Co., Ga., in 1841, from which he grad uated in 1845. Having taken a course of study at a theological school, he was called to the pastorate of the church at Woodstock, Oglethorpe Co., Ga. A short time afterward he moved to Lexington, Oglethorpe Co., where he was pastor of the church, and taught school in the academy two years. From there he went to Madison county, where he remained four years, whence, in 1852, he was called to the pastorate of Hebron church, Franklin county, where his home has been ever since. For six months during the war he was captain of Company A, Toombs' brigade. In addition to his pastoral work he looks after his farm, and while working earnestly and zealously in the vineyard of the Master, is calmly and expectantly awaiting the summons to lay aside the "armor," lay down the "cross," and ascend to receive his "crown" — his only regret being to leave a flock which so loves and reveres him. Air. Cartlidge was married in 1847 to Miss Annie M. — born in Portland, Me., in 1824 — daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Whitemarsh) Lane. Mr. Lane was a native of New Hampshire, and was a contractor and builder. He invented the original nail cutting machine, on which those now in use are improvements. He came to Georgia and settled near Milledgeville, where he died in 1842. Of the children which were the fruit of this union nine are living: George R. G., farmer; Charles W., farmer; Joseph M., mechanic; John H., farmer; Annie Dora, wife of James M. King; Sarah A., wife of Isaac M. Johnson; Luther H., physician, graduate of the Southern Medical college, At lanta; Thomas D., Presbyterian clergyman; Samuel J., Presbyterian clergyman. CLIJAH CRUMP, farmer, Henry, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Richard L. and Elizabeth (Kesler) Crump, was born in Frankhn county in 1837. (For par ticulars respecting families of parents on both sides see sketch of Russell J. Crump in these Memoirs.) Mr. Crump was reared on the farm and received only a lim ited education at the near-by country schools. In 1862 he enlisted in Company I (Capt. Chitwood), Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment, and gallantly participated in many of the most important battles of the war, continuing in the service until the surrender. He bore a part in the battle of Baker's Creek and the siege of Vicks burg, where he was captured, paroled and sent home. Rejoining the army he was with the forces in front of Gen. Sherman, south of Dalton, and in the defense of Atlanta. Although young, he discharged his duties as a soldier with con spicuous faithfulness and gallantry. On his return from the battiefield he rented land and engaged in farming — making and saving money. He made his first purchase of land in 1868, to which he has since added untH now he has an excehent tract of 350 acres, on which he is successfully farming. Progressive, yet cautious, and a judicious manager, he stands among the foremost of Franklin county's farmers, and is one of her most substantial citizens. Mr Crump was married in 1859 to Miss Harriett — born in what is now Banks county in 1839— daughter of William and Judy (Nason) Crow. Her parents v/ere natives of Vir- 1-44 690 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. ginia, whence they migrated to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. He was a well-to-do farmer and was a soldier in the Seminole war. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Crump four are living: Martha J., wife of Matt WHly; Mary C, wife of WiHiam Kesler; Ida L., wife of James Looney, and Richard L. Mr Crump is a member of the masonic fraternity and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. A R. JONES, physician and surgeon, Lavonia, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Charles A. and Sarah N. (Aderhold) Jones, was born in Gordon county, Ga., in 1859. Flis paternal grandfather was a native of Floyd county. His father was born in what is now Gordon county, and yvas a well-to-do farmer. In 1862 he enlisted in the Confederate service, and was taken sick at Calhoun, where he died. Dr. Jones' mother was the daughter of Isaac Aderhold. Dr. Jones was reared on the farm and received a very limited education. He began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Drs. Osborn and Tucker, and afterward attended lec tures at the Southern Medical college, Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1882. He earned the money with which to defray the expenses of his professional educa tion. He at once located near Lavonia, and after practicing there with excellent success five years moved to Lavonia, where he has practiced for the last eight years, had aH the patronage he could reasonably serve, and has enjoyed pro fessional and financial prosperity. He owns and operates a quite large farm and conducts a general merchandise store and canning establishment He is not only skilled as a physician, but is generally enterprising and possesses fine business quahfications. Dr. Jones was niarried in 1884 to Miss Mary M., born in Gwinnett county, Ga., in 1866, daughter of Jesse and Mary M. (Caldwell) McGee. He was a native of Soutii Carolina, was a farmer, moved to Georgia and settled in Gwinnett county, where he died. He was a Confederate soldier during the war. Two of the children born to them — William O. and Charles D. — are still living. The mother of these, a devout member of the Presbyterian church, died in 1891. The following year he married Miss Gertrude, born in Hart county in 1874, daughter of Pruett and Eliza (Holbrook) Gulley. He was born in what is now Hart county, and served in the Confederate army during the late civH war. He has been a merchant, but is now a farmer in his native county. Dr. Jones is a member of the masonic fraternity and of the Presbyterian church. I^ITTLE. Of the many excehent families who may justly beclassedas"firstsettiers" of Northeast Georgia, few, if any, can claim precedence as to time of coming or probity of character over that of the Littles. A worthy representative of the family is W. R. Little, lawyer, CarnesviHe, Frankhn Co. Ga., son of Crawford and Lucinda (Neal) Little, who was born in Franklin county in 1850. His great grand-father on his father's side was a native of Virginia who came to Georgia in the latter part of the last century and was among the first settlers of Elbert county. Flis paternal grandfather, James H. Little, was born in Elbert county, was a farmer all his life, and was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. Early in life he moved to Franklin county where he ended his' days. Air. Lfttle's father was born in Franklin county, and made farming his life-occupation. He was a volunteer soldier during the late civil war, and after serving for some time was discharged. He served the county faithfuHy and efficiently as tax receiver, and also as slierifi', and after a useful life died in 1889. A brother of his, Robert G., was a very prominent man, and was a member of the state senate a number of years. His grandparents on his mother's side were natives of North Carolina, who came to" Georgia and settied first in Elbert county and moved PRANKLIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 69 1 thence to Franklin county, where they died. Mr. Little was raised on the farm and received his primary education at the near-by country schools, and afterward attended the high school at Jefferson, Jackson Co. He then in 1870, read law under the preceptorship 01 Col. John B. Estes, GainesviHe, Ga., one of the most eminent lawyers in that part of the slate; and in October of that year was admitted to the bar. He at once located in CarnesviHe, where he has lived ever since, and stands at the head of the local bar, with an increasing reputation and practice in the circuit. In 1880 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, where as a member of the committees on corporations and enrollment, and the special judiciary committee he performed valuable service. In 1884 he was again elected and served on the committees on general judiciary, railways, etc. In 1888, and again in 1894, he was elected to represent the senatorial disttict in the general assembly, and was appointed on the committees on general judiciary, privileges and elections, and pubhc roads, of one or more of which he was chairman. Mr. Little has devoted himself almost exclusively to his profession, and has achieved the fine success and secured the influential clientage such devotion deserves. He has few equals in success at the local and circuit bar. Air Little married Aliss Dudley, born in Clarke (now Oconee) county, Ga, in 1854, daughter of demillis and Susan O. (Swinney) Few. Mr. Few was born in Jackson county, moved to Oconee county, and is now living in Madison county, Ga. He served some considerable time during the late civil war. Of the children ' born to Air. and Mrs. Little nine are living : Omar, Lamus, Leland, JuHan, Ovie, Crawford, India, Iline and Neal. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are prominent and valued members of the Presbyterian church. He has five brothers: Thomas A., who lives in Jackson county, Ga.; James M., Crawford E., Payton B. and Neal, all of whom are successful farmers living in Franklin county, and one sister, Anna, who also lives in Franklin county. T~\ANIEL M'KENZIE, county ordinary, CarnesviHe, Franklin Co., Ga., son of William and Lucretia (Gardner) McKenzie, was born in Clarke county, Ga., in 1842. His father was a native of Scotland, came to America in 1819, and settled in Canada. After teaching school there a number of years he emdgrated to the United States and settied in New Jersey. There he engaged as a machinist, and in the course of business was sent to Georgia to put up the shafting and set up the machinery in the old Georgia factory, four miles below Athens, Clarke Co., one of the first factories built in the state. He followed his trade as a machinist untH 1881, when he died. His mother was born in Clarke county, the daughter of a well-to-do farmer, whose family was among the earliest settlers in the county. Mr. McKenzie was reared in Athens, where he received a very good education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company K, (Tapt H. C. Billups, Third Georgia regiment, and went to the front. With his command he was in the second battle of Manassas, in which his arm was so badly shattered by a shot that it had to be amputated. As soon as he was able to do so he reported for duty and was detailed for service in the quartermaster's department in which he faithfully discharged his duty until the surrender. Returning to Athens he was elected clerk of the city councH for some years, and then went to Banks county, where he taught school. Subsequently he moved to Franklin county, where he taught eighteen years. In 1889 he was elected ordinary of Franklin county, has since been re-elected, and is discharging the duties of the office with^the same efficiency and conscientious fidelity that has characterized him all hiS life. He is public spirited and pro gressive, alive to the interests and development of the county, and is held in very 692 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA high esteem. Mr. AIcKenzie was married in 1871 to Miss Martha E., born in PVanklin county in 1846, daughter of John and Susan (Tabor) PulHam. Mr, Pulliam was born in Franklin county and was a farmer. -Eight children have blessed this union: John S., Mary E., Susan A., Martha D., Robert E., Ida A.,, Lucy Ellen and Nora Lee. Air. McKenzie is a member of the I. O. O. P., and himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. QOLUMBUS L. AIIZE, farmer, Henry, Franklin Co., -Ga., son of Henry J. and Mary E. (Mize) Mize, was born in Franklin (now Banks) county in 1850. His- paternal grandparents, Thomas and Lovinia (Cape) Mize, were natives of Franklin county, whose families were among the early settlers. He was a large land holder, and a farmer and merchant, prominent and influential. Mr. Alize's father was also born in Franklin county, in 1829, was raised on the farm, and when grown engaged in farming and merchandising. In 1861 the father enlisted and went to the front, doing good service until wounded at Jonesboro in July, 1864, He died the following month and was buried at Jonesboro. His remains were afterward moved to the Soldiers' cemetery through the care and direction of Miss Sallie Candler, sister of Hon. Allen D. Candler, of Atlanta. Henry J. Mize owned and operated the first cotton gin put up in the county. The maternal grand parents of C. L. Mize, Warren and Elizabeth (Clarkston) Mize, were also natives of Franklin county, and he was a farmer, and volunteer soldier in the Indian war. Mr. Mize was reared on the farm and schooled himself. He started in life with nothing, but has worked hard and saved up until he has bought and now owns 400 acres of good land, and is a good and prosperous farmer. He was tax collector of the county many years, and is now postmaster at Henry. He stands well in the community, and has the friendship and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Air. Mize was inarried in 1873 to Aliss Alary S., born in Soutii Carolina in 1851,. daughter of Himer and Millie (Pickrell) Aderhold, native South CaroHnians, yvho early in life came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. His wife's grandfather, John Pickrell, came to South Carolina from Nantucket Mass. Of the children which blessed this union six survive: Eugene J., Arrilla, Henry S., Thomas L., Ida B. and Oscar C. Mr. and Mrs. Alize are active members of the Baptist church. ]M H. NELMS, farmer, CarnesvHle, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Jesse and Alice ' (Duncan) Nelms, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1834. His patemal grandparents, David and Unity (Holbrook) Nelms, were natives of North Caro lina, who emigrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county in the beginning of this century. He was of Irish descent, and a prominent farmer Mr. Nelms' father was born in Elbert county, followed farming as his chief pursuit, but taught school in connection with it, and also served the people as a justice of the peace many years. In 1845 he died in the county of his birth. Mr. Nelms' mother's parents were Aloses and Betsy Duncan. He was born in Elbert (now Hart) county, was a good farmer, and died in Elbert county. Mr. Nelms was reared on the farm and received only a limited education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B, Capt P. E. Davaiit, Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment, and participated in the following among other battles: Yorktown, seven days' fight around Richmond, South Mountain and Sharpsburg. He was wounded in this battle whHe serving as sergeant and sent to the hospital, where he remained about ten weeks, when he was granted a furlough and came home, being too feeble for field duty. Subse quently he served on the home guard or state mHitia. After the war he resumed farming, has worked early and late and managed judiciously, so that now he has a FRANKLIN COUNTY SKETCHES. 693 :good, well-equipped 400-acre farm, and is prepared to spend the closing years of his Hfe in peace and plenty. Besides farming, he operates a ginnery. Air. Nelms was married in 1868 to Miss Sarah, born in Madison county, Ga., in 1847, daughter of James and Louisa (Moore) Powers. He was born in Madison county, was a well-to-do farmer, preached in the neighboring" "meeting houses," and finally died in Madison county. Six of the children, who were the fruit of this marriage, are living: Margaret, Louisa, JuHa Ann, John H., Ida and Gordon. He is a Ma.ster Mason, and himself and wife are consistent members of the Baptist church. |RA W. RANDALL, merchant and capitalist, Martin, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Onie and Susan (Wilkerson) Randall, was born in Frankhn county, in 1839. His paternal grandfatiier was a native of England, ran away from home, and came to the United States, and settled in Virginia. His name was John Btdl, but he applied to the courts and had it changed to John Randall. Subsequently he migrated to South Carolina, whence, after a few years he moved to Georgia and settled in Frankhn county, where he liyed until he died. Mr. Randall's father was born in South Carolina, and came to Georgia early in life. He was quite a large and prosperous farmer, and a member of and an earnest worker in the Baptist -church. He died in 1854. His mother's parents were natives of North Carolina, who early in life came to Georgia. Mr. Randall grew to manhood on the farm, receiving but little education. In 1861 he enHsted in Company H (Capt. Mosely), Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment. He was in some of the hottest engagements early in the conflict and in the seven days' fight around Richmond had his arm shot off. He was sent to the hospital, where he remained about a month and then came home. He had nothing when the war closed, but in a few years by farming and trading he saved $300 with which, with Richard Yow, he embarked in a general merchandise business. A few years later he went into partnership in the same business with O. G. Childs, and was soon afterward burned out, by which he lost heavily. By farming and trading he has accumulated quite a large amount of property, including much fine farming land, and is also a money-lender In addition to what he owns in Franklin county, he owns a good block of stock in one of the strongest of the Atlanta banks. He was elected tax collector of the •county and served one term. He keeps well posted on political and financial mat ters, and has excellent business capacity, which he has put tQ remarkably good x\se. He is progressive and enterprising, and exercises a strong influence. Air Randall was married in 1866 to iVIiss Jane — born in Franklin county in 1846 — - daughter of Jerry and Clara (Isbell) Cleveland. Air. Cleveland was born in South Carolina, came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county early in life, and fol lowed farming and milling. He served the county one term as sheriff — was very much respected — and died at the age of eighty-three years. Of the chHdren born to them five survive: Louana, Lizzie, Fannie, W. R., and O. R. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died in the early months of 1878. Late in the same year he married Miss Sarah Cleveland — born in Frank lin county in 1842. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and Knights of Honor, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. T N. TRIBBLE, farmer, CarnesvHle, Franklin Co., Ga., son of John and Essie ¦ (CHnkscales) Tribble, was born in South Carolina in 1832. His paternal grandparents were L. W. and Elizabeth (Crowder) Tribble. He was born in Virginia of English extraction, was a large land and slave owner and a wealthy planter. Pie was an arde-it working member of the Baptist church. Mr. Trib- ble's father was born in Abbeville district, S. C, was a planter and quite rich, 694 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and died in 1839. His mother was a daughter of John and Polly (Pales) Clink- scales. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, a native of South Carolina, and a large land and slave owner. Nearly all of the above parties and their numerous descendants were and are firm adherents of the Baptist church. Mr. Tribble was reared on the plantation and received but a limited education. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Capt Jones, Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment He participated in many hard-fought battles, among them Baker's creek, Vicksburg, where he was captured and held two months. As soon as he was exchanged he returned to his command, with which he remained until the surrender. He was under Gen. Bragg in the battles at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge; under Gen. Johnston in those noted and hard-fought battles from Dalton to Atlanta; and was with Gen. Hood in his Tennessee campaign. On his return home he found his farm and buildings in very bad condition, but he commenced the work of restoration with energy and now has a large 900-acre farm of as good land as is in northeast Georgia, with substantial improvements. He was elected ordinary in 1877 and held the office three terms, doing excellent service for the county at a time when sound discretion and good judgment combined with forethought and energy were needed. That he proved equal to the emergency is sufficiently attested by his repeated re-elections. He is tolerably rich, owning, besides his large plantation, a number of houses in CarnesvHle, and exercises a wide and strong influence. Mr. Tribble was married in 1852 to Miss Jane — born in South CaroHna in 1831 — daughter of Richardson and Elizabeth (Ellis) Tribble. He was a South CaroHna farmer and spent his life in the state. To Mr. and Mrs. Tribble the following children have been born: William O., Essie E., James A., Elmina J., Jasper N., George W., Samuel J., Alice A., and Ella R. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died early in 1877, and late in that year Mr. Tribble contracted a second marriage with Miss Jane, daughter of Abraham and Christina (Owens) Riley. He was a native South CaroHnian, who moved to Georgia in 1872. Mr. Tribble and his wife are prom inent and influential members of the Baptist church. J^ICHARD D. YOW, merchant-farmer and capitaHst Avalon, Franklin Co., Ga., son of Thomas A. and Melissa (Dean) Yow, was born in South CaroHna in 1844. His paternal great-grandfather was a native of Germany and emigrated to this country in 1750. His grandparents, Dempsey and Jennie (Davis) Yow, were natives of North and South Carolina respectively. He was a farmer in Pickens county, in which he died. Mr. Yow's father was born in South Carolina and moved to Georgia and settled in Franklin county in 185 1. He engaged in farming, and also conducted a general merchandise store, in both of which he was financially successful. He was elected surveyor of the county and served one or two terms. When the late war began he enlisted and went to the front, where he was taken sick and sent to the hospital at Richmond, where he died. Mr. R. D. Yow's maternal grandparents were Richard and Cynthia (Jenkins) Dean. He was a native of Anderson district, S. C, and was a rich planter and large land-owner. Mr. Yow was reared on the farm and received a limited education at the time-honored log school house where so many other of Georgia's prominent and distinguished citizens "graduated." In 1863 he enlisted in Com pany B, Capt. Patrick (later Capt. Alosely), First Georgia regiment, state line. He was a participant in most of the engagements from New Hope church to Atlanta, where during the siege he was captured and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was detained untH April, 1865. On his return home he went to work on the farm, and farmed three years. He then embarked in the general mer- PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 695 chandise business at GoodwiH, Franklin Co., whence he went to CarnesvHle, where he did business two years. From there he went back to Goodwill, then to Toccoa, Habersham Co., whence, after doing business two years, he moved to Avalon and established a large general merchandise business and became postmaster. Here he carried a very large and heavy stock of general merchandise, and does a very large and profitable trade with the surrounding country. He has been exceptionally successful; owns in addition to his merchandise between six and seven thousand acres of good farming land, three grist mills, and a large interest in the Toccoa bank, and is the wealthiest man in Franklin county. Mr. Yow has served his fellow citizens as justice of the peace many years, as county school commissioner, and as a member of the boards of education and jury commissioners. In 1872 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and was appointed on the committees on finance and corporations. In 1882 he was elected to represent the senatorial district in the general assembly, and was appointed on the committees on finance and banking. He has discharged all the duties of the various public positions he has held faithfully and to the best interest of the people, whose confidence he fully enjoys. He is a man of large business capacity and qualifications and unusual financial ability. He is fully abreast of the time and progressive in everything. Mr. Yow was married in 1870 to Miss Mary — born in Franklin county in 1852 — daughter of Dr. Henry D. and Amanda (Patrick) Aderhold. Dr. Aderhold was reared in Franklin county, in which he has practiced medicine successfully, professionally and financially, for fifty years. Of the children with which this union has been blessed four survive: S. B., Myrtle, Morris, and Jones D. Air Yow is a meniber of the masonic fraternity and Mrs. Yow is a working member of the Baptist church. FULTON COUNTY. J-JON. BENJAAIIN F. ABBOTT, of Atianta, who has long been recognized as one of the leading members of the bar of the state, is a native Georgian. He was born in Cherokee county on July 3, 1839. His early Hfe was spent on the farm, and having received a good academic education he removed to Atlanta in i860 and began the study of the law under the direction of the late Green B. Haygood, Esq. He was admitted to the bar in October, i860. He immediately opened an office and practiced law until June, 1861, when he enHsted as a volun teer in Company F, Twentieth regiment, Georgia volunteers, army of northern Virginia. That company was commanded by Capt. E M. Seage, and ft was per haps the only company in the Confederate service which marched on foot more than 125 miles to take the cars for the seat of war in Virginia. The company was not whoHy made up in Atlanta and in order to recruit and fill the ranks they marched from Atianta to Roswell, thence to Hickory Flat and Orange, in Cherokee county; Frog Town in Forsyth county, Jasper in Pickens, Ellijay in Gilmer county. Spring Place in Murray county and on to Dalton, Ga. The company had a wagon for the transportation of the baggage, etc. At the various points named a halt was made and recrufts procured, and when the command reached fts destination ft was nearly one hundred strong. Mr. Abbott remained with his regiment until 1863, when HI heafth forced his retirement. In the meantime he saw much hard service. 696 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ' « He was with his regiment in the battles of Malvern Hill, Sharpsburg, Fredricks burg, Thoroughfare Gap and a number of smaHer engagements. After leaving active service he was assigned duty in the quartermaster's department. At the close of the war Mr. Abbott was engaged for a short time in successful mercantile pursuits, and then resumed the practice of the law. In this, his chosen pro fession, his success was almost phenomenal. In a very few years his clientage embraced many of the leading business firms and corporations of the country, and his practice was quite as remunerative as that of many of the oldest and ablest practitioners, notwithstanding the Atlanta bar was then the equal of any in the state. On the retirement of the Hon. H. K. McCay from the supreme bench Mr. Abbott formed a partnership with him, which continued until dissolved by the ap pointment of Judge McCay to the Federal bench for the northern district of Georgia. At successive periods he practiced law in partnership with Mr. J. R. Gray and Mr. Alexander W. Smith, respectively. At present he is practicing with his son, Mr. Charles A. Abbott. Though strictly wedded to his profession and having but little desire to mingle with politics, he consented to make th^ race for the general assembly and was accordingly elected as one of the representatives of the county of Fulton in that body in the session of 1884-5. He was one of the leading members of the house, serving on many of its most important com mittees. As a member of the finance committee he gave special attention to the bill for raising funds to build the new capitol and was chairman of the committee on part of the house to arrange for and to conduct the ceremonies at the laying of the corner-stone. It is not invidious to say that Mr. Abbott did more than any one man in procuring the appropriation for the erection of the capitol. In 1874 Mr. Abbott was one of the committee of seventy to prepare a new charter for the city of Atlanta, and was one of the sub-committee of seven to draft and submit the bill to the general assembly for that purpose. On behalf of the sub-committee he prepared the bill which became a law and was the author of many of its best provisions. He was a member of the executive committee of the international cotton exposition held in Atlanta, Ga., in 1881, and was its legal adviser. As a lawyer he does a general practice and represents various corporations and mone tary institutions, besides individuals. He has been for many years the attomey of the Atlanta National bank. In 1893 Air. Abbott was urged by the leading mem bers of the bar to accept the appointment as judge of the superior court of the Atlanta circuit, which he declined, and in 1893 he was similarly presented to the governor for appointment, which he likewise declined. He is a man of liberal culture, a forceful, eloquent and humorous speaker. He has been a frequent con tributor to the public press on political and other subjects, all of which have been widely read and copied. He is a loyal and consistent member and deacon of the Baptist church. For many years he has been a delegate to the State Baptist convention and the Southern Baptist convention, and is a member of the Home Mission board of the latter body. Mr. Abbott has been twice married, first to Aliss Isabella Kendrick, the accomplished daughter of the late Mr. S. S. Kendrick, of Atlanta, Ga., with whom he lived in perfect domestic happiness for more than a quarter of a century and until her death; and second to Mrs. Josephine A. Richards, of Atlanta, liis present wife, and who presides with grace and elegance over his home. iT^ EORGE W. ADAIR, the foremost real estate dealer of Atianta, is the son of John P. Adair and Mary Slavin, and was born in Morgan countv, Ga., March i, 1823. His father followed the trade of a wheelwright, and settled in De Kalb countv, five miles south of Decatur. He resided here until the death PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 697 of his mother in 1835, and was then sent to Decatur, Ga., to enter the employ of G. B. Butler. His bright, winning ways soon attracted the attention of those about him and in 1840 Col. J. M. Calhoun, William H. Dabney, Hon. Charies Murphy and Dr. Ephraim M. Poole, desiring to forward his interests, advanced the necessary amount for a two years' course in the Decatur academy. After com pleting this, yoting Adair studied law in the office of Judge John J. Floyd and Gen. J. N. Williamson, of Covington, Ga., and after two years' appHcation was admitted to the bar. Being young and inexperienced he found progress slow, and having a debt of several hundred dollars to cancel, he withdrew from his profession and accepted a position tendered him by J. Edgar Thomson, chief engineer, as conductor on the Georgia railroad, running between Social Circle and Augusta, and was in charge of the first train that entered Atlanta. After leaving the employ of the railroad he moved to Covington, Ga., thence to Charles ton, S. C, and located permanently in Atlanta in 1854. Under the firm name of Adair & Ezzard he conducted a mercantile store for two years, and then entered the general trading and real estate business, which he stHl continues. Col. Adair, originally a whig in political belief, vehemently opposed the idea of secession, and was defeated in the race for the secession convention. When, however, war was declared, he placed himself beside his southern comrades, ready to assert the claims of his people. He estabhshed in i860 the "Southern Confederacy," being assisted by J. Henley Smith. This daily journal, issued until the battie of Chicka mauga, was bold and decisive in its advocacy of the southern cause. In the last year of the war he volunteered as an aid on the staff of Gen. N. B. Forrest. This association developed a strong and lasting friendship that was broken only by the death of that gaHant leader. When the war was over he returned to find his home destroyed and his accumulated fortune well-nigh vanished. In partner ship with Messrs. Clayton, Adair & Purse he opened a general commission house, and at the same time resumed his interest in the real estate business. In 1865 he retired from the firm and has since confined himself to real estate and auctioneer ing. In the latter avocation he has conducted large sales with marked success in Atlanta, Birmingham, Sheffield and Chattanooga, and in all his transactions has never lost a dollar through irregularity of procedure or defective title. Col. Adair has ever manifested his loyalty and love for Atlanta and Georgia. He has been prominently connected with numerous important enterprises, especially the building of railroads. His zeal and energy gave a decided impetus to the rapid growth and prosperity of this city. He was an earnest promoter and vice-presi dent of the Atlanta Street railway in 1870, being associated with Richard Peters. In the financial panic of 1873, followed by the resumption of specie payment. Col. Adair was compelled to make an assignment of all his property. With indomitable determination, possessing the respect, confidence and sympathy of the com munity, he again began at the foundation, and by honesty, tenacity and ability, has erected a large and handsome fortune over the wreck of his former accumu lation. Col. Adair has been connected with the Atlanta Cotton factory, the -A.tlanta Cotton exposition, director of the Kimball House company, president of the Georgia Western railway, director of the Piedmont exposition and director of Mrs. Ballard's Female seminary. He is a member of the constitutional conven tion in 1865, of the city council, the board of water commissioners and the board of county commissioners of roads and revenues. He has never sought political honors, but naturally takes a devoted interest in both state and national affairs. Col. Adair as a writer is terse, convincing" and logical ; as a speaker eloquent and witty, with a gift for repartee seldom equaled; as a business man active, energetic and far-seeing, and a gentleman of kind and attractive disposition, and a character 698 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Stainless and honorable. He married Mary Jane Perry, a daughter of Josiah Perry, and has a happy family of four sons and three daughters: Robin, Jack, Forrest and George, and SalHe, Annie and Mary, the oldest, the wfte of G. A. Howell of Atlanta. Col Adair is of Irish and French origin. His ancestors came to America in 171 1, landed in Charleston and then separated to different sections of the country. y^^D. ADAIR is one of Atlanta's most progressive and enterprising citizens. For a number of years he has been identified wfth the commercial interests cf that city, and no man in Atlanta exercises a more potential influence for good. Mr. Adair was born in Talladega county, Ala., on July 17, 1835. Like many other successful men in Atlanta whose talents have commanded the respect of the business world, Mr. Adair was reared on a farm and spent the period of his boyhood in the furrows. It proved a splendid discipline, however, and gave him a robust constitution. By reason of the vigorous out-door work to which he was accustomed when a boy he has enjoyed life to the fullest extent as only those can enjoy it whose health has never been impaired by ifidiscreet habits. Mr. Adair remained on the farm until he reached his twentieth year. He then taught school in the county for one year, after which he began to clerk in a dry goods store. He came to Atlanta in 1858, entering the dry goods emporium of Sal- monds, Mathews & Co., the leading merchants of the city at that time. Though his salary was only $20 a month, he managed by strict economy to live within his means and to lay by a few dollars from his monthly earnings. He remained in the employ of this firm for three years, after which he formed a partnership with his cousin, Col. George W. Adair, and Mr. A. T. Anderson, of Nev/ York, the style of the firm being that of Anderson, Adair & Co., the subject of this sketch being the company. The war, however, prevented the prospects begotten of this enterprising partnership from being reahzed. Two years after going in business for himself Mr. Adair enHsted as a private in the Confederate army, and was assigned to Gen. Forrest's body guard. He served in this capacity until the surrender of Gen. Forrest at Gainesville, Ala. Air. Adair was in the following engagements: Franklin, Tenn., Alurfreesboro, Fort Pillow, Selma, Ala., and forty or fifty skirmishes. During his mihtary experience Mr. Adair was in quite a number of perilous situations, and his life was more than once saved, as it seemed, by miraculous intervention. He was captured at Memphis, Tenn., and held for twenty-four hours. After the war he returned to Atlanta on horseback, and, though he found the city reduced to ashes, he lost no time in devoting him self to the rebuilding of his shattered fortunes. Engaging in the commission business with his two brothers, G. B. and Walter Adair, under the firm name of Adair & Bros., he soon established himself securely in the confidence of the mercantile world as well as in the patronage of Atlanta's returning population. The firm of Adair & Bros, continued to operate successfully until 1885, a period of twenty years, and was then changed to that of Adair Bros. & Co. Mr. G. B. Adair left the firm in 1891 and the business has since been carried on under the name of A. D. Adair & AlcCarty Bros. In 1885 Air Adair purchased an interest in the Furman Farm Improvement company of East Point, Ga., of which he has been for several years the president The products of this enterprising fac tory are sold by the firm of which Air. Adair is the leading member, and the satisfaction they have given is demonstrated by the yearly increasing business of the firm. Air Adair has also been in the fertilizer business since 1866. Air. Adair has few superiors as a skillful financier and his talents in this direction have brought him before the public in various positions of trust and responsi- PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 699 bihty. He is the president of the Merchants' and Mechanics' bank of Atlanta, a director in the Merchants' bank, and also a director of the Cotton States and International exposition. Mr Adair has never sought or held poHtical office, preferring the simpler avocations of private life, to the glare and turmoil of the public service. He is always ready, however, to discharge his full duty as a citizen, and is well informed on all the topics of the day, financial and poHtical. A close observer, nothing escapes his attention, and his views on all pubhc questions are carefully formed before he ventures to express them. Mr. Adair is a man of deep religious convictions, and for a number of years has been one of the most influential members of the Baptist denomination in- the state. As the treasurer of the home mission board of the southern Baptist convention for nine years he made one of the most efficient and devoted officers of that body. He is now the chairman of the committee on appropriations, and is the senior deacon of the Second Baptist church of Atlanta. He is also president of the Baptist state mission board. Mr Adair was married in 1868 to Miss Octavia Hammond, the daughter of the late Judge Dennis F. Hammond of Atlanta. Four children have sprung from this union, as follows: Adeline, the wife of Mr JuHan P'ield, of Atianta; Laura, Barbary, and A. D., Jr The home life of Mr Adair is picturesque and beautiful. No man is more devoted to his family or takes a deeper interest in the affairs of his household. The name of Mr. Adair's father was Capt. James Adair. He was a native of Georgia and was born in Morgan county. He was a son of Capt. John Adair, who was a soldier in the revolution. The Adair family in all of its generations has been noted for its sterling char acteristics and for the strength and value of its contributions to the state and to the community. Y) R. JAMES FRANKLIN ALEXANDER, was born in Greenville district, S. C, May 28, 1824, on a farm belonging to his father. Dr. Thomas W. Alexander. He came with his parents to the state of Georgia when a little child, the family settling in Lawrenceville, where he received the principal part of his education at a school taught by Rev. James Patterson. Dr. Alexander also attended Oglethorpe university two years and completed his education at Law rencevHle. In 1846 he began the study of medicine with Dr. James Gordon and was graduated at the Medical college of Georgia, Augusta, in 1849. He attended his first course of lectures in 1847 at Augusta, but his father dying that year. he was compelled to devote the remainder of that twelve months to the adminis tration of the estate, studying at home. He resumed his college course in 1848 and graduated the year following. In April, 1849, a man was attacked with small-pox, and Dr. Alexander, though he had just graduated, thought he saw an opportunity to estabHsh himself at Atlanta. He immediately went there, thinking, as he says, "that it was no worse to run the risk of catching small-pox than to have no practice." Arriving in Atlanta he met Dr. E. C. Calhoun, ot Decatur, Ga., a former classmate, who had come on the same errand and who had secured the refusal of the only room then to be had that would serve as an office. P)r. Calhoun, however, finally decided that the rent asked for the Httle office (it was only $6 per month) was too great, and Dr. Alexander at once secured it The small-pox patient was lying ill at the old Thompson house, which stood where the Kimball house now stands and was conducted by Dr. Thompson, who soon after erected a little board structure outside of the city Hmits, to which the patients, two men and one woman, were removed. There Dr. Alexander took charge of them and under his efficient care and treatment they all recovered. This made Dr. Alexander's reputation at once and he imme- 700 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. diately entered upon a large practice, which has increased until for years he has had more than he could attend to. For forty-five years he has practiced in Atlanta, his practice growing with the growth of the city. In May, 1861, Dr. Alexander entered the Confederate service as surgeon of the Seventh Georgia infantry, of which regiment L. J. Gartrell was the first colonel. He served six months in the field but returned to Atlanta and was there detailed on hospital d'uty, in which he was actively engaged until the war closed. He was a member of the secession convention which carried Georgia out of the union in January, 1861, favoring and voting for the ordinance of secession. In fact he was the second man who recorded his vote for that historic measure. He has been a member of the Atlanta city board of health about ten years, being elected its president in 1893 and re-elected in 1894-95. He is also a member of the Amer ican medical and Georgia state medical associations and has served as president, vice-president, treasurer and censor of the latter. Dr. Alexander is the only living member of the state medical association who helped to organize that society. In addition to his professional honors he has enjoyed political preferment, having served on the Atlanta city council. He is also a prominent member and steward of the Alethodist Episcopal church. Dr. Alexander was married in 1855 to Miss Cxeorgia, daughter of Richard Orme, editor and proprietor of the "Southem Recorder" at MHledgevHle. She died in 1876, and in June, two years later. Dr. Alexander married Miss Ada Reynolds, daughter of Permedas Reynolds, Cov ington, Ga., who was also a member of the secession convention above mentioned. Dr. Alexander's oldest child, Jeannie, the daughter of his first wife, is now the wife of J. P. Stevens. To his second marriage were born a son and a daughter — J. F. Alexander and Ada. Dr. Alexander's father was Dr. Thomas WiHiamson Alexander, who was born in Greenville district, S. C, in 1791, and was married in Pendleton district of that state to Martha, daughter of WiHiam Walker, and some seven or eight years later moved to Lawrenceville, Ga., where he lived until 1847. He was killed in an accident caused by his horse running away. Dr. T. W. Alexander had seven children who lived to maturity, of whom six were sons: John R., now living at Thomasville, Ga. ; William W., deceased; Elizabeth, widow of W. W. Lowrey; D. J. F Alexander; Thomas W., now a lawyer in Rome, Ga.; Wilson R., deceased; and Cicero N. The oldest son, John R., was a soldier in the Seminole war of 1836. Thomas W. was adjutant of a Georgia regiment during the war of the rebellion. Cicero N. entered the Confederate service in a Texas regiment, being a resident of the lone star state when the war broke out. He "was mustered in with the rank of captain and was wounded at Fort Donelson. He was then placed on provost marshal duty and served in that capacity until the close of hostilities. Dr. Alexander's grandfather was John R. Alexander, the emigrant ancestor who was of Scotch-Irish parentage. He settled in Soutii CaroHna, married a Aliss Williamson, and in the service of his country during" the revolution attained the rank of major. At a subsequent date he, with his son. Dr. Thomas Williamson, located in Georgia, the grandfather dying in Lawrence ville, about 1830. Dr. James F. Alexander is one of the most famous physicians of Atlanta, holding the respect of the entire business and social circle of the city in which he practices. A/IARTIN F. AMOROUS, the prominent lumber dealer of Atlanta, Ga., was born in Savannah, Ga., Oct. 23, 1858. Here his childhood days were passed and here he attended school until about fifteen years of age, when he went to Eastman, Dodge Co., situated in the pine belt of Georgia, and accepted a position in a saw-mill. In 1877 he came to Atlanta and entered the employ of FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 7OI Anthony Murphy, then transacting the largest lumber trade in the city. After five years' service with Mr. Murphy, having gained much experience by his con stant contact with the traffic, Mr. Amorous received the agency for several large lumber firms, for whom he acted untH 1885, when, in connection with Mr. D. C. Bacon of Savannah, another conspicuous dealer in Georgia's great natural product, he organized the Atlanta Lumber company,with a capital stock of $25,000, since increased to $50,000. When the company was permanently established Air Bacon was elected president and Mr. Amorous general manager. Prosperity has followed in the wake of this enterprise since the day of its organization, and it is now mentioned among the foremost substantial and reHable commercial institutions of the city. In the private walks of life, as weH as in the throbbing, thrifty circles of business activity. Air. Amorous enjoys an enviable reputation for integrity and marked ability. He is a director of the Amoskeag Lumber com pany of Dodge county, and has other interests that require time and attention. Possessing as he does a nature yearning for progress and advancement, and an enthusiastic advocacy and substantial support of everything promising the forward growth and welfare of the city, it is not surprising that he is one of Atlanta's most popular citizens. This fact is fully attested by his being chosen a director and a member of the executive committee of the Cotton States and International ex position. As another instance of the esteem in which Mr. Amorous is held, he was elected and served one term — two years — as member of the general council of the city. Though a young man, his talent and executive ability were ap preciated and he faithfully performed the duties of a city father. During this time he introduced the ordinance, now in force, regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors within the incorporated limits. Under its operation the traffic has been as unobjectionable as it could well be if tolerated and legalized. Mr. Amorous was the original promoter of the electric light company organized in Atlanta; was one of the organizers of the Home bank, now known as the Southern Banking and Trust company, and served some time as its president, was also one of the original members of the Capitol City club of Atlanta. Mr. Amorous was mar ried in 1887 to Miss Emma Kate WiHiams, daughter of W. H. WiHiams of Colum- br.s, Ga. Their lives have been blessed with two children: Clinton B. and Emma Kate. Intellectual vigor, energy and generosity have characterized Mr. Amorous' Hfe, and to complete his personality, a genial disposition and an open-hearted nature commend him as an invaluable friend. J^R. LUDWIG AMSTER was born in Iglo, Austria, Nov. ii, 1863, and re- ceived his education in the public schools and gymnasium of that city, taking the degree of A. M. at the latter institute in 1880. After graduating he went to Vienna and there took up the study of medicine at the university, attending five and a half years and graduating in 1886. That same year he came to New York and at once took a course of lectures at the university of that city, receiving the degree of M. D. in 1888. Dr. Amster remained in New York over two years, and in January, 1890, went to Macon, Ga., removing from that cfty to Atlanta in October, 1892, having practiced his profession continuously since taking his degree. He is a member of the Atianta society of medicine, of which he is a censor and is medical examiner for the following insurance companies: The Northwestern Mutual Life of Milwaukee, Wis.; the Travelers and Mutual Life of Hartford, Conn. He also holds the position of physician to the Hebrew Orphans' home of Atianta. He is a Knight of Pythias and is affiliated with the B'nai Brith. He was married Feb. 7, 1893, to Fannie, daughter of M. Dinkem- 702 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. spiel, Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Amster is a general favorite and occupies a high social position. jMEDOM L. ANGIER, ex-state treasurer and ex-mayor of Atlanta, de ceased, who was born in Acworth, N. H., Nov. lo, 1814, was of Huguenot extraction, his father being an early settler and distinguished citizen of Acworth. Mr. Angler came south about the time Hons. W. H. Seward, Lyman Trumbull and other renowned New Englanders reached Georgia, and like them, taught school, studying medicine at leisure intervals. In Coweta county he prosecuted the profession of schoolmaster for four years. In 1843 he attended lectures in the New York Medical university and began practice in Randolph county, removing to Atlanta, then a smaH village, in 1847, and acted as both druggist and physician. In 1850 the "gold fever" induced him to seek a fortune in California. Here he remained one year and was made a member of the vigilance committee in a rough mining-camp that resorted to summary matters in dealing with the desper ate, lawless characters of the Pacific slope, but this wild life was unsuited to him, so he returned to Atlanta and by i860 had amassed a competency by trading in real estate. . In 1843 Dr. Angler married Miss E. A. Angler, a cultivated lady of an influential southern family. He was a Douglas democrat and strenuously opposed secession. He left the Confederacy in 1863 and ran the blockade on a steamer to Havana, Cuba, and from there took ship to New York, continuing to the state of Iowa, but returned to Georgia in 1865. While north, having a nephew who was assistant attorney general, he had frequent interviews with President Abraham Lincoln, entreating him that when hostilities ceased, there be no crusade of prosecutions, confiscations, etc., against his old southern neighbors, but that a policy of conciliation and rehabilitation be pursued; being a New Englander it was believed his pacificatory views had great weight with the president and that he would have adopted them had not Booth's murderous bullet aggravated the trouble and incensed northern leaders. Because of his pronounced stand for the Union, Dr. Angler was appointed collector of internal revenue for Georgia by Andrew Johnson, but resigned after nine months because the "test oath" pre cluded so many worthy men from holding Federal office. He was directly in strumental in having this act repealed. He was elected a member of the constftutional convention of 1868, and many of the beneficent provisions were due to his clear forethought. He was elected republican state treasurer of Georgia in 1868 and as such saved the state millions of dollars. Ex-Congressman W. P. Price, when speaking of his efficient service, said: "Many men have claimed the honor of saving Georgia, but if I were to single out any special man who did signal service to the state when she so sorely needed help, I would select Dr. N. L. Angler, who won the proud title of 'watch dog of the treasury' when hordes of plunderers sought to pillage an already impoverished people." An ardent republican from conviction and principle, Dr. Angler, in a time of general moral laxity and the disorder consequent upon the close of a great civil war, held his personal integrity and official honesty pure and unsullied, and bitterly fought to a successful issue all the misdeeds of his party colleagues and stood unflinchingly by the honor of the state and the interests of its people. When the contest was adjourned to congress on the "prolongation bill," Dr. Angler was in the front battling for popular, representative government, and so favorably impressed the house that the bill was defeated. His letter to Senator Beck of Kentucky was considered the ablest exposition of self-government and often called for by both houses. Soon after the expiration of his term as state treasurer of Georgia, having gained so much praise and confidence, he was elected mayor of Atlanta, and fiyj , /Ij^uj^ /t^yi^ FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 703 although sectional prejudices were rife, and a democrat with a war record his opponent, yet the city was financially depleted and desired a tried, true and capable financier to assume control, and Dr. Angler, with a brilliant career behind him, was chosen by a democratic constituency. But wise administration fully justified the confidence and met the expectations of the people. While mayor he contracted a disease that resulted in his death. Dr. Angler possessed a big heart as weH as a mighty brain, and instances of his benevolence and charity were of daily occurrence. JPDGAR A. ANGIER, ex-assistant United States attorney, was born in Atlanta, Ga., in a house adjoining John Ryan's old shoe store, on Nov. 26, 1861. His father being a physician he frequently accompanied him to administer medicine and to alleviate the suffering of the Federal and Confederate soldiers, who were brought wounded and sick to his native city. As Dr. Angler was a prominent Union believer and his wife a daughter of an old Georgia family, the son would not fight against the south, and in consequence was compelled to refugee to Iowa during the last year of the war. He ran the blockade with his family, but was under severe cannonading on several occasions from Federal gunboats. After returning to the soutii in 1865 Edgar entered the common schools of Atlanta, and on leaving them went to the state university at Athens, Ga., graduating a few years later. Then, determining upon law as his professional choice, he went to Craw fordville, Ga., and studied at "Liberty hall" under that eminent jurist and states man, Alexander H. Stephens. Besides being taught by the great commoner he was schooled at home in the whig doctrines of Henry Clay. Returning to his home he entered upon the active practice of his profession. Mr. Angler's first publicity as a speaker was when Mr. Stephens was a nominee of the democratic party against Gen. L. J. Gartiell, representative of the independent ticket. There he displayed decided oratorical ability, and his voice played no inconspicuous part in his candidate's election. Mr. Angler was elected city attorney of Atlanta in 1883, and chosen a member of the city councH three years later. WhHe a member of this body he was also one of the "Big Four," the others being C. A. Collier, J. T. Cooper and A. L. Greene. This designation referred to the opinions held by these gentlemen on the Hquor question. They were aH strong advocates of anti-prohibition, and resisted the municipal enactments to extend the local- option law. During his service in the city council he made three speeches that attracted wide attention and gave their autiior a favorable reputation both north and south ; they were : "A Treatise on Mr. Blaine's Paris Interview," "A Plea for the Salary System, as Against Fees and Perquisites," and "An Objection Against Convict-Made Material in Public Works." Until 1888 he affiliated with the democratic party, and was a zealous supporter of Samuel J. Randall for president, but when the Carlisle-Morrison faction, with the platform of free trade, came into power, he transferred his allegiance to the republicans. He married Annie P. Isham in 1877, and has eight children. He is a member and earnest worker in the St. Phillip's church. In 1889 he was appointed assistant United States attomey by President Harrison, but resigned that office when Grover Cleveland ascended to power In 1894 Mr. Angler was appointed special master in chancery by Judges E)on A. Pardee and W. T. Newman of the United States court, and still holds this position. DR WILLIAM SIMPSON ARMSTRONG, physician and surgeon, Atianta, Ga was born on his father's plantation in Wilkes county, Ga., Oct. 9, 1838. He was brought up on the old homestead until he was seventeen, receiving his 704 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. education in the private school taught by R. M. Wright, in Washington, Ga. When at a later date Prof. Wright took charge of the academy in Washington, Ga., young Armstrong continued his studies under him. Having completed his studies under Prof. Wright, he commenced to study medicine at AVashington, Ga., under Dr. J. FI. Lane. He left his preceptor in 1857 and took a course of lectures in the medical college of Georgia, Augusta, and then went to the university of the city of New York, where he graduated in the medical department in 1859. Then he returned to W^ashington, Ga., and began the practice of medicine, remaining there until the spring of 1861, when, the war breaking out, he enHsted in the Irwin guards, organized in Wilkes county, Ga., at that time. He was mustered into service as a private, and as the Irwin guards and other companies met in Atlanta June 9, 1861, and were merged into the Ninth Georgia infantry, he served subsequently as a member of that regiment and went with it to the valley of Virginia, where he remained until ordered to join Beauregard, whose command he reached at Manassas, July 21, 1861, the day of the great battle fought at that point He was at Manassas until Alarch of the following" year, when his conipany, which was still composed of members of the old Irwin guard, was made an artillery company and transferred to Gen. Pendleton's artillery corps. That same month they were sent to Richmond and there drilled in artillery maneuvers. Soon after reaching Richmond, and at the earnest solicitation of his friends, he went before the board of medical examiners, passed his examination, and was appointed surgeon, and assigned to the Second Georgia hospital in Richmond. There he served till the battle of Sharpsburg was fought, when he was ordered to report to Winchester, Va., at which place he was appointed to take charge of the Taylor hospital. Later he was appointed to supervise all the hospitals at that point — some five or six in number. He remained at Winchester until December, 1862, when he reported again to Richmond, and was assigned to duty examining conscripts at Alontgomery, Ala., where he remained about two months, and was then transferred to Mobile in the same state. At the latter city he was assigned to hospital duty, and served until the evacuation in March, 1865, when he placed his patients on board a vessel and carried them to Columbus, Miss., surrendering there somewhat later. Returning to Wilkes county, Ga., he remained there until Nov. 28, 1865, and then removed to Atlanta, where he commenced the practice of medicine, which he has carried on ever since. In 1866 he was elected demon strator of anatom.y in the Atlanta Medical college. A year later he went to Europe, studying in London and Paris, widening his field of observation and coming in contact with the greatest physicians of those countries. Upon his return he was elected professor of anatomy in the Atlanta Medical college, and has held that chair ever since, except an interval bf several years, when he resigned his chair. In 1890 clinical surgery was added to the chair of anatomy, and Dr. Armstrong since then has been professor of anatomy and clinical surgery. Dr. Armstrong is a member of the Medical Society of the State of Georgia, and of the Atlanta Society of Medicine, the American Aledical, and surgeon to the Grady hospital. He is well known in the medical world, having contributed numerous articles to the "Atlanta Medical and Surgical" and other leading medical maga zines. While a resident of Mobile, Ala., he affiliated with the F. & A. M., but has not since been in active membership. He is also a member of the Second Baptist church. In 1869 Dr. Armstrong was niarried to Miss Myra Grant daughter of Col. L. P. Grant, who died in Atlanta in 1893. Mr. Grant was the owner of what is now known as Grant park, in Atlanta, but with princely munifi cence donated it to the municipality. Dr. Armstrong has two children : Laura L. and William B. Dr. Armstrong served as president of the Atlanta city health FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 705 board fourteen }ears in succession, resigning in January, 1893. His father was Francis Cavoisieur Armstrong, born in Savannah, Ga., in 1800, who went with his parents to Wilkes county, Ga., in 1812, leaving Savannah at the time of_ the British invasion. The father was a planter and died in 1876. His wife was Frances Amanda Simpson, a native of Georgia, and in their family were four children: WiHiam S., the .subject of tliis sketch; Victoria, wife of Frank Slaton, Wilkes county, Ga., who lives on the farm occupied by her mother's ancestors when they emigrated to Georgia from Alaryland before the revolution; Alice, unmarried; James, who lives on the old homestead in WHkes county. The grandfather was James Armstrong, who was born in Hempstead, N. Y., married there, and was the father of two children. His wife dying he removed to Savan nah, Ga., with his family, and there married the widow Butler, and through her Dr. Armstrong is descended. James Armstrong located subsequently in Wilkes county, Ga., and died there in 1836. Pie was a planter and a Baptist minister. His father with twenty others was killed by Indians in New York state while they were attending divine service in a small church. James Armstrong was born after this sad accident, and was brought up in Hempstead, N. Y., by a Presbyterian minister. Rev. Joseph Barbour. Dr. Armstrong is highly esteemed in social as well as professional circles, having gained and retained the respect of the entire community. p OL. REUBEN ARNOLD, one of the most talented lawyers of Atianta, is a native of Greeneville, Tenn. Born on Aug. 7, 1833, he was reared in this town until fifteen years old. In the fall of 1848 he entered the university of Tennessee, whence he graduated in 185 1. He then began the study of law with his father. Gen. Thomas D. Arnold, a member of congress from the first district. His father fought throughout the war of 1812 and was appointed brigadier-gen eral of the East Tennessee militia. Mr. Reuben Arnold was admitted to the bar in 1854, and located at Greeneville, Tenn., where he prosecuted his profession until the opening of the war In 1861 he organized the Twent}'-nintii Tennessee infantry, and was elected Heutenant-colonel, and acted in this capacity while doing active service, except during the interval between the battle of Fishing Creek in January, 1862, and the battle of Shiloh in April, 1862. For these fotir months he commanded the regiment. From Alay, 1862, to May, 1863, he was unable to accompany his command on account of illness and was compelled to leave it When health and vigor were fully regained he took his seat in the Ten nessee legislature, to which he had been overwhelmingly elected, and conse quently never rejoined his regiment. In May of 1863 he enlisted in the partisan rangers, an independent company commanded by his brother, John Q. Arnold. He entered and continued a private until the close of the conflict Col. Arnold participated in the following battles: Rock Castle, Ky., Eastport Tenn., Shiloh, Farmington, Tenn., Fishing" Creek, and innumerable skirmishes and minor engagements. After leaving his comrades he tramped to North Carolina and made a crop on a farm in Rutherford county, remaining there until November, 1865, and then removed to Atlanta, Ga. Having received a full pardon from President Johnson, who was an intimate friend of his father, he began the prac tice of law. He formed a co-partnership with Col. E. N. Broyles, and later was associated with his brother, Frank. At present the firm consists of himself and his two sons. During the year 1867 he held the office of city attorney of Atlanta. He is a Knight Templar, Mason, Red Alan, and affiliates with the Episcopal church. Col. Arnold was married in 1863, while the war was in progress, to Virginia, a daughter of the late Col. Wm. Al. Lowry. She died in 1879, leaving 1-45 706 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. six children, as foHows: Vernon, Reuben R., Lowry P., Virginia, Thomas B., and Daisy. Col. Arnold is a practitioner of the old, fast-fading type. He pos sesses a just conception of the lofty principles and aims of his high caHing and never stoops to a low or contemptible action. He believes in construing the law in its true, common-sense light, and raising it to the loftiest plane, above reproach and ignoble slander. He is minutely acquainted with all departments of the law — a well-developed, symmetrical disciple of Blackstone and Chitt}'. His suc cess in managing difficult and sometimes desperate murder cases has been phe- notnenal. At cross-questioning he is adroit and cunning, and before the jury almost irresistible. Humor and pathos are alike at his command. As a popular man, an eloquent speaker, and a logical, convincing lawyer Col. Arnold is without a superior. JJENRY MURRELL ATKINSON. One of the most successful of Atianta's younger financiers is Mr. Henry Mtirrell Atkinson. Mr. Atkinson is a native of New England, and was born in Brookline, Alass., on Nov. 13, 1862. His father, George Atkinson, was a man of distinguished talent, and belonged to one of the oldest and best families of New England. Theodore Atkinson, his progenitor, seven generations removed, was a native of Bury, Lancastershire, England. He came to this country in 1634, among the earlier pioneers of the New England coast, settling in Boston, Alass. Mr. Atkinson's great-grandfather, Amos Atkin son, was a minute man in the historic battles of Concord and Lexington, taking a gallant part in the opening struggle of the American revolution. He afterward served in the patriot army as an officer in the Seventeenth Alassachusetts regiment one of the first raised. The maiden name of Air Atkinson's mother was Elizabeth Staigg. She was born in Yorkshire, England, and belonged to one of the best families of that cultured section. Her brother was a celebrated portrait painter and many fine portraits were painted by him. In addition to these works of art he executed quite a large number of fine miniatures. The union between George Atkinson, the father of the subject of this sketch, and Elizabeth Staigg occurred at Newport, R. I. Mr. Atkinson received his primary education from the private schools of Boston. These have always ranked among the best in the United States. After leaving the Boston schools Air. Atkinson became a student of Harvard university, leaving that institution in 1882. For three years he was engaged in the cattle business in the west, after which he came to Atlanta, believing that here he could find a better opening than at any other point in the south. He had not been a resident of Atlanta long before he acquired the spirit of enthusi astic devotion to his adopted city. For three years after coming to Atianta he was connected with Messrs. S. M. Inman & Co. in the cotton business. In 1889 Mr. Atkinson organized and established the Southern Banking and Trust com pany, with a capital stock of $300,000, of which he became the vice-president At this time he was only twenty-seven years of age. Subsequently, in 1890, he assumed the duties of president, and managed the entire business of the bank. Under his superior financial management this institution became one of the strongest and most prosperous banking" enterprises in the city. Recently this bank consolidated its deposit business with the Atlanta Trust and Banking com pany, and the combination has produced one of the strongest monetary institu tions in the south, the Southern Banking and Trust company continuing as a trust company with $300,000 capital. Two years after organizing the bank of which he became president. Air Atkinson, in 1891, organized the Georgia Electric Light company, of which he was made the president. In this way Mr. Atkinson has rendered valuable service to Atlanta by placing her in the front rank of those PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 707 cities using electricity for illuminating purposes, as well as for transportation and manufacturing motive power. As a progressive and enterprising business man, promoting the material growth and welfare of the city, Mr Atkinson has been a valuable addition to Atlanta's citizenship. It is entirely safe to say that no young man has ever come to Atianta, like Mr Atkinson, a comparative stranger, and, within the brief space of only ten years, produced such an indelible impress upon the community. He has not only demonstrated the brilHant enter prise of a promoter, but the sober judgment of a wise manager and safe coun sellor. Mr. Atkinson, by reason of his influential business connections in New England, has been the means of bringing large sums of money to Atianta. His influence has been constantly exerted in an effort to bring northern and eastern enterprises to this city, and he has succeeded in this endeavor to such an extent as to make Atlanta deeply indebted to him. Though Mr Atkinson has never sought political preferment or self-aggrandizement of any kind, he has always been a careful student of politics, especially in their bearing upon the business and financial situation. He is a close and watchful observer, and nothing escapes his attention. In view of the success already achieved in Atlanta by this brilliant young scion of New England it is safe to predict that his future wiH be one of splendid revelation. Mr. Atkinson is a member of the leading clubs of the city, notably of the Capital City and the Commercial, and is also a member of the Reform aiid the Harvard clubs of New York city. Mr. Atkinson was married in April, 1888, to Miss May Peters, a daughter of Air. Richard Peters, who was a member of the engineering corps that located and superintended the construc tion of the Georgia railway. He was a pioneer resident of this city; the origin ator and buHder of the first street railway, and among the foremost in every enterprise calculated to advance Atlanta's prosperity. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson have two children. Mr. Atkinson, as agent for eastern money lenders, represents $2,500,000 capital invested in the south. In addition to his management of the Southern Banking and Trust company, he is president of the Georgia Electric Light company, vice-president of the Atlanta Trust and Banking company, pres ident of the Tripod Paint company, and director in several other associations. 'JJENRY L. ATWATER, formeriy president of the Southern Mutual Building and Loan association, and an energetic, reliable and respected citizen, was born in New Haven, Conn., in the year 1833, and lived there until twenty-five years of age. In this city he received his education, passed the days when manhood is molding into symmetry, and undertook the fundamental labors of his self- delegated vocation. At the age of seventeen he commenced to learn the craft of carriage-making in the factory of his father, John S. Atwater, and three years later was placed in entire charge of an important and responsible department. In 1859 the family migrated from their home on the eastern coast of America to Columbus, Miss., and there established a carriage factory and repository under the firm name of John S. Atwater & Sons, which they continued in active opera tion until 1876. During the war Henry managed the business exclusively, manufacturing ambulances, equipments and vehicles of every description for the Confederate army. His brother enlisted in Gen. Joe Wheeler's cavalry, a company of which was organized in that locality. In 1876 Henry left the fac tory in Columbus and went to Memphis, Tenn., to accept the agency of the Milburn Wagon company. He remained for two years, and in 1878 came to Atlanta to establish a branch house for the same wagon company, and acted as their agent in this city until 1886. He then transferred his connection to the Standard Wagon company, and served their interests for three years. About 7o8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. 1889 he and other influential gentlemen formulated and. organized the Southern Mutual BuHding and Loan association. In 1890 Mr. Atwater was elected presi dent, occupied this office untH July, 1894, and since then has held the vice- presidency, having the co-operation and good-wHl of all associated with him. He was also one of the directors of the State Savings bank. Mr. Atwater was united in marriage on Oct. 5, 1857, to Delia V, daughter of JuHus Tyler, of New Haven, Conn. He takes a laudable and unswerving interest in aiding religious endeavor. He is a member of the Methodist church and treasurer of the St. John's Methodist church of Atlanta. He united with the Masons, the Odd Fellows and the Red Men. Air. Atwater is indefatigable and earnest in all he undertakes. He is possessed of a genial disposition and singularly pleasing manners. He heartily endorses public spirit, thrift and industry and has been a cogent factor in Atlanta's rapid development JAAIES BOZEAIAN BAIRD, a prominent medical practitioner of Atlanta, Ga., was born Jan. 5, 1849, hi Columbus, Ga. He was reared and received his early education in that city on the banks of the Chattahoochee river. He exhibited remarkable precocity in his primary studies and advanced from grade to grade in the common schools ^vith wonderful rapidity. At the age of fifteen years, though hardly able to carry a musket, he enlisted in the Confederate army in 1864, and served irregularly until the surrender. During the first four years of reconstruction he was engaged in various mercantile employments, devoting his leisure hours at night to the study of medicine. In 1869 he was. enrolled in the Bellevue Hospital Aledical college of New York city, and was graduated after a two years' course of diligent application. Having moved to Atlanta in 1868 lie returned after obtaining his diploma, in the spring of 1871, to pursue the active practice of his profession. In acquiring the knowledge of his chosen science Dr. Baird's advancement has been phenomenal, covering a wide scope and em bracing many branches. He is a member of the State Medical association, the Atlanta Society of Aledicine, the American Medical association, the Atlanta Ob stetrical society, member of the regular medical examining board of the state of Georgia and other medical organizations, has served as secretary and orator of the State Aledical association and secretary of the health board of Atlanta. The last position he occupied for seventeen years — a splendid testimonial of the confidence reposed in his superior ability. Dr. Baird for several years was lec turer on physiology and nervous diseases and performed many operations ni surgery in the Atlanta Aledical college. Subsequently he filled the chair of prin ciples and practice of medicine in the Southern Medical college of Atlanta. His talents have not been confined to practice alone, but he has written numerous articles that commanded widespread interest in different medical journals of the country. Dr Baird was married in 1879 to Elizabeth, daughter of Gen. L. J. Gartrell, who was a member of both the Confederate and national congress, as representative from Georgia. Dr. Baird's father was Dr John B. Baird, a native of Charleston, "S. C, born in 1806. He graduated when twenty-four years old at the Charleston Medical college, moved to Columbus, Ga., a few years later, practiced there for fully forty years and came to Atlanta in 1868, where he con tinued practice a year or two, and died in 1871. His wfte was Mary L. Bozeman, a native of Scottsboro, Ga. Dr Baird's grandfather was Capt James R. Baird, who fought in the war of 1812, and is buried in Charleston, S. C. Dr. Baird is highly esteemed for his long experience and extensive learning, and has fre quently been requested by the state to pass judgment on the sanity of criminals. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 709 His testimony is clear, concise and convincing, spoken with a candor and precision that leave no doubt as to the logical deduction of its conclusions. JAMES JETHRO BARNES, present sheriff of Fulton count}-, Ga., was born in Fayette county (now known as Clayton) on April 10, 1840. He resided in this locality until nineteen years old, attending school in the adjoining town of Jonesboro. In 1859 he accompanied his parents to Bowdon, Ga., and there entered Bowdon college. In June, 1861, he left the recitation room for the camp and bivouac. At the first approach of war he enlisted as a private in Cobb's legion and served as such in that command throughout the conflict. At Soutii Mountain, Md., Mr. Barnes received a painful gun-shot wound, being shot through the left knee and was captured and held prisoner for three months. On recovering he immediately rejoined the army, but after an examination the lead ing surgeons pronounced him totally unfit for field service and he was given light duties in a hospital at Richmond, Va. This indolent, inactive, routine life proved of great annoyance to his restless, patriotic spirit. He refused to stay, and eluding the vigilant watch of those in charge availed himself of a favorable opportunity and made his escape, and by much exertion reached his command about one week before the battle of Gettysburg, in which he participated. He then destroyed the discharge he had received before this battle, which granted a furlough on the grounds of physical disabHity, because of his reluctance to leave the army, and remained with his company until the same was captured at the close of the last campaign. At Cold Harbor, Drewry's Bluff', Petersburg and in many other minor engagements Mr. Barnes conducted himself in a fearless, dar ing manner that elicited the praise of his comrades. When the surrender betokened peace and union, he was furnished transportation from Newport News to Savannah, and walked from there to Waynesboro, Ga., and there received additional transportation to Augusta, Ga., and on to Atlanta. From this city he returned to Carroll county and found his father bankrupt, having lost everything. Thinking a more encouraging business outlook could be found in Atlanta he came back and worked three months for his board alone, and afterwards secured a position with Peter Lynch, who kept then, as now, a general store at 95 White hall street, at seventy-five dollars per month. He worked in this establishment for nine months, and on leaving ^^r. Lynch entered into partnership with W. M. Middlebrook, the style of the firm being Middlebrook & Barnes, which continued through the year 1872. Early in 1873 he went into the wholesale produce and commission business. This is still operating in his name. In 1879 Mr. Barnes was elected to the city council and served two years as representative of the First ward. In 1891 he was made deputy sheriff under J. W. Morrow, and during 1893 was placed in the office of sheriff, and re-elected in the faH of 1894. Mr Barnes was married in 1868 to Miss CorneHa V., daughter of John T. HaH of Atlanta. They have a pleasant family, consisting of three sons and one daughter, as foHows : William H., Mary H., James J., Jr, and John S. Mr Barnes is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the encampment. He belongs to the camp of United Confed erate Veterans of Fulton county and rejoices in a reunion where, with friends and old messmates, he recounts the glories and hardships and humor of camp- life. Mr. Barnes is a sturdy supporter of right and honor, and believes that only useful, capable and honest men should hold public office. J^AVID A. BEATTIE, president of the board of education of Atianta, Ga., is a native of Argyle, Washington Co., N. Y., having been bom May 19, 1833. UntH twenty years of age he resided in the place of his nativity, studying in the 7 ID MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. common schools and academy of Argyle, Hebron, and showing an aptitude for educational training that promised a future of rich returns. During 1853 he came south, located in Henry county, Ga., and for the succeeding five years taught school in Henry, Fayette and ISJewton counties. With a hope of increased financial prosperity he went to La Grange, Tenn., entered the mercantile business, and conducted the same with profit for several years. He was compelled to suspend when the hostHities of war became imminent, and thereupon engaged in general trading, which continued untH the close of the civH conflict. Then Mr. Beattie returned to Georgia, settled in Atlanta, interested himself in the live stock business, and now follows that occupation. He was one of the initial promoters of the Union Stockyards Dairy and Manufacturing company, and held the presi dency for one year. He was one of the original stockholders in the Capital City Land and Improvement <;ompany, and when this combine was succeeded by the Capital City bank, Mr. Beattie was chosen a director. He has been a dis tinguished factor in Atlanta's growth and improvement since the war. In the city council his efforts met with a hearty co-operation, and numerous improvements were, completed. He served as a member of this body in 1873, again in 1875-76, 1881-82, 1885-86, and 1893-94, and is now the honored presiding officer of the board of education, having been elected to this board four separate times. His work for the developing of the public school system has been effectual and continued, and gathering for him friends and admirers by the score. Mr. Beattie belongs to the Presbyterian church, was superintendent of the Sunday school for a number of years, and after holding the office of deacon for many years, was elected elder, and fills that responsible position with a devout religious enthusiasm. Mr. Beattie was married, on August 30, i860, in Newton county, Ga., to Alary Letitia, daughter of Alfred Livingston. Her father is still living at the age of ninety-two years. To this man-iage were born seven children: John L., WHliam D., Etta L., Edward B., James T., David L. and Nellie M. Mr Beattie's father was John Beattie, born in the state of New York, and an officer in the war of 181 2. His mother's maiden name was Hannah Lytle. His grandfather was a native of north Ireland, who emigrated to New York in his early manhood, and by thrift and perseverance made a record that posterity will envy. MR. L. H. BECK. One of Atlanta's most successful and enterprising business men is Mr. L. H. Beck, the president of the Beck & Gregg Hardware company. Mr. Beck is a native of this state, and was born at Griffin, Ga., in Spalding county, on Aug. 5, 1848. He resided in Spalding county until he reached his eighth year, and then moved to Newton county, locating about four miles from Covington, Here he received his rudimentary education, dividing his time between the school room and the plantation. At the age of sixteen the subject of this sketch became a member of the state troops, and served under the command of Col. Joel A. Billups. After the war he came to Atlanta, without friends or prospects, to begin the sttuggle of life. This was in 1866. The city presented a cheerless picture of desolation, on account of the destructive march of Gen. Sherman; but trade was beginning to revive, and the outlook for the future was one of encouragement. He secured a clerkship in the hardware establishment of Tommey & Stewart, and having gained a start, he experienced no difficulty in holding his own. By reason of his push and energy he was several times promoted, and finaHy, in 1870, succeeded to a partnership in the business, the firm becoming that of Tommey, Stewart & Beck. Mr. Stewart retired in 1878, and Mr W. A. Gregg became a partner, changing the name of the firm to Tommey, Gregg & Beck. Mr. Tommey withdrew in 1880, and the firm of Beck, Gregg & Co., W. M. Crumley FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 7II making the Co., continued the business. Three years later the enterprising firm applied for a charter, which was promptly granted. The establishment was incorporated under the name of Beck & Gregg Hardware conipany, the first mercantile company ever incorporated in the south. The trade of this house extends all over the country, and every year a banquet is held at which all the clerks and salesmen meet together in social intercourse with the owners of the business. Mr. Beck is the president of the Atlanta Machine works, having successfully organized that enterprise several years ago, and is also connected with several other important operations. Air. Beck is socially a most delightful gentleman, and belongs to the Capital City and Piedmont driving clubs. He was united in marriage, on Jan. 1,1874, to Miss SalHe E. Speer, sister of the late Maj. D. N. Speer, for many years the treasurer of the state of Georgia, and his home life is one of ideal felicity. Mr. Beck has always taken a deep interest in public affairs, but has never sought political honors, being satisfied with the quiet life of an unobtrusive citizen. He is a member of the First Methodist church, and takes a deep interest in all that concerns the welfare of his denomination. From every point of view his life has been a successful one, and no citizen of Atlanta is more deserving of popular esteem,. r^HARLES BEERMAN, who is perhaps as well known as any citizen of Atlanta, not only for his long residence, but enterprising spirit, was born in Hanover, Germany, April 17, 1833. During the first twenty years of his life he remained in his native country, attending the educational institutions of that highly civilized nation, and prepared his mind for the graver duties of the future. He emigrated in 1853 to America, landing at Charleston, S. C, with a large number of rare singing birds that commanded a good price and ready sales. He traveled over Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama, disposing ol this stock. In January, 1855, having sold his last songster, he removed to Atlanta and engaged in the cigar business for five years. Then he undertook the manufacture of cigars in connection with a retail store. When the war was over he resumed the wholesale and retail cigar trade and prosecuted this with signal success until August, 1882, when he disposed of his interest at a good price and took a lease of the old Kimball house, and began its control under the most favorable circumstances, but on the eleventh day after assuming this responsible management the house was destroyed by fire. He immediately organized a stock company to rebuild, but the enterprise failed, and, together with Gen. Robert Toombs, Joseph Thompson, L. W. Scoville and H. I. Kimball formed a syndicate and erected the present Kimball house, at a cost of $643,000. When completed, Messrs. Scoville, Beerman & Co. took charge, and a year later Mr. Scoville retired, and Charles Beerman & Co. have conducted it since January, 1885. In 1889 Mr. Beerman leased the Markham house, another Atlanta hotel, and Beerman & Co. (the "Co." being Joseph Thompson) manage this in connection with their other interests. For a long while these were the only prominent hostelries in the city. The Kimball house, especiaHy, has gained a favorable reputation throughout the southem states. Mr. Beerman is president of the Atlanta Brewing and Ice conipany, having begun as treasurer; a director of the American Trust and Banking company, and largely connected with several buHding and loan associations, now paid out He served in the city council as alderman for three years, and acquired great popularity and respect. Mr. Beerman has been married three times, and has four children : Alargaret wife of John Elvers, of Atlanta; Henry C, Mamie, wife of H. Hatipt, of Hamburg, Germany, and Walter B., child of his last wife. Mr. Beerman unfted with the Lutherans in religious faith, and belongs to the Capital City and Concordia clubs of Atlanta. Mr. Beerman has few equals as a strong-minded business man, possessed of a disposition that 712 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. invites companionship, and the courage, energy and boldness of adventure that attain success. A LBERT BELLINGRATH, Atlanta, Fulton Co., Ga., son of Leonard BeHing- rath, was born in Prussia, April 26, 1838. His father emigrated to the United States in 1848, and settled in FayettevHle, N. C. He died in 1874. In 1852, when fourteen years of age. Air. Bellingrath came to this country and joined his father in North Carolina. Fle engaged in the building of steamboats and other seagoing craft, remaining there until 1856, when he came to Atlanta. In October of that year he commenced work in the shops of the Georgia railway, in Atlanta, remaining there until 1863, having been detailed to that work by the Confederate government. In 1865 he was ordered to Cuthbert, Ga., to make spirits of nitre for the government, and continued there until the surrender. Immediately after that event — May, 1865 — he returned to Atlanta and entered into the firm which has since expanded into the great plumbing and heating and house-furnishing firm now known as the Hunnicutt & Bellingrath company, of which he is manager of the mechanical department. Retiring and unassuming, and of irreproachable private life, and occupying a front position in his specialty as an artisan, he is justly esteemed as a mechanic and in the commercial world. Mr. Bellingrath was married, Oct 17, 1861, to Miss Mary G., daughter of WiHiam H. McMHlan, Quincy, Fla. Of eight children born to them, seven survive: Carrie M., wife of Dr. W. D. AI. Alason, Fort Worth, Tex.; Katie S., Albert P., Helen M., Herman W, Julia M., Henry L. Mr Bellingrath is an exemplary and highly esteemed member of the Presbyterian church. J2)R. CHAS. F. BENSON. While the shock of internecine warfare thrHled with awe and dread suspense the heart of the nation, and hurrying armies rushed to bloody conflict, the subject of this sketch entered upon the battlefield of life. On July 28, 1861, Dr. Charles Francis Benson was born near Aiken, S. C. His father, Chas. F. Benson, was at the time a gallant officer of the southern Con federacy, whose fortunes he shared throughout the four years' war; while his mother, nee Elizabeth Fitzsimmons Trotti, with the Spartan courage character istic of the southern women of that day, managed her husband's large estate for the maintenance of his family, and the benefit of the soldiers in the field. Dr. Benson's ])aternal grandparents were Lawrence S. Benson and his wife, Elizabeth P'ast- bender Shafner, of Charleston, S. C. ; while he traces his lineage on his motlier's side to Dr. Lawrence J. Trotti, an eminent M. D. of Barnwell, S. C, and his wife, whose maiden name was Ehzabeth ColHns, of Richmond county, Ga. When the embryo doctor was six years old, his parents nioved from Soutii CaroHna to Atlanta, Ga., where the family lived until he was thirteen years of age, when they became residents of Lake Weir, Alarion Co., Fla. During tiie family's residence in Atlanta, Charles F. Benson, Jr., passed meritoriously through the grammar schools and, after remaining- in Florida three years, he returned to Atlanta and entered Prof. T. De Aleans' high school for young gentlemen, where after three years of studious appHcation to his books, he completed his academic education. With characteristic energy he immediately began his medical instruction undei- Dr. W. S. Armstrong, professor of anatomy in the Atlanta Medical coHege, which institution he entered later, and where, after two years, he graduated with dis tinction in 1882. After this the young doctor returned to Florida, where he expected to locate permanently, and was at once appointed United States surgeon to examine applicants for pensions. His appointment as demonstrator of anatomy in his alma mater the same year (1882) caused a reversal of his decision, and he returned to Atianta to accept the responsible position offered him. After filling PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 713 this appointment for three years Dr. Benson entered actively and aggressively upon the practice of his profession, with constantly increasing success. On Oct. II, 1893, Dr. Chas. F. Benson was united in marriage to Aliss Stella Clare Carr of Atlanta, daughter of Elias R. Carr, of Logan county, Ky., and Jane P. Carr, nee Redding, of Macon, Ga. Genius is irrepressible, and the implanted germ of greatness, patiently and persistentl}" cultivated, ultimately attains to perfect growth. Dr. Benson, although a young man, is far on the road to deserved success in its highest sense, and his native trend, supplemented and assisted by indomitable will, untiring energy and earnest integrity of heart and mind, which, looking above and beyond mere selfish considerations, seek the good of mankind, prophesies for him deserved greatness in his chosen profession. JOHN S. BIGBY, lawyer, Atlanta, Ga., president of the Eagle and Phoenix Manufacturing company, of Columbus, Ga., was born in Coweta county, Ga., Feb. 13, 1833, and is a son of John and Susan L. (Powell) Bigby. John Bigby, his father, was a native of Abbeville district, S. C, and cHed in 1865. He was for many years a minister in the service of the Alethodist Episcopal church, south, and afterward became a farmer and planter in Coweta county. He was a devout follower of the "meek and lowly Nazarene," and a man of much native talent and mental strength. His wife was a native of Glynn county, Ga., the accomplished daughter of James M. Powell, a prominent citizen of that section of the state. John S. Bigby was reared and received his earlier education in Coweta county, and later became a student of Emoi'}" college, Oxford, Ga., graduating from that institution with the degree bachelor of arts in the class of 1853. Soon after his graduation he was admitted to the bar at Newnan, Ga., and practiced his pro fession there for more than thirty years. The rising young attorney was not long in having his talents recognized, and was appointed solicitor-general of the then Tallapoosa (now Coweta) circuit in 1867. He was also a delegate to the constitu tional convention held in Atlanta, Ga., in 1868. Mr. Bigby was also chosen as a delegate to the national convention, held in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1876. Judge Bigby was appointed United States district attorney for the northern district of Georgia in 1881, and served until that administration laid down the reigns of power, four years later. He served as judge of the Tallapoosa (now Cov/eta) circuit for two and a half years, having been appointed in 1869 for eight years, but resigned in 1871. In 1870 Judge Bigby was elected a member of congress, and after serving one term resumed the practice of law, in which he has continued with remarkable success, having some years ago established himself in Atlanta. In 1891 Judge Bigby was chosen president of the Eagle and Phoenix Manufacturing company of Columbus, one of the largest manufacturers of cotton and woolen goods in the southern states. During the civil war his term of service as a member of the Georgia state troops was limited to a period of about six months. Aside from his profound legal knowledge Judge Bigby is one of the most success ful business men in Georgia, occupying numerous positions of trust and impor tance, among which it may be mentioned that he is a member of the board of directors of the Atlanta & West Point Railroad compan}% a director and vice- president of the Newnan National bank and of the First National bank of Newnan ; he is also a member of the board of cfirectors of the Fidelity Banking and Trust company, a director in the West View" Cemetery company and vice-president of the West View Floral company, all of Atlanta. Air. Bigby is a meniber of the Methodist Episcopal church, south. Fle has been twice married," his first wife being Miss Alary C. Dougherty, of Newnan, Ga., to whom he was united in 1853. She was a daughter of John Dougherty, deceased, who was one of Newnan's 714 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. prominent citizens. She departed this life in 1870, leaving as issue of her wifehood two sons and one daughter. In 1872 Judge Bigby was married to Miss Elizabeth K., daughter of John J. McClendon, of Newnan, Ga. The fruits of this union consist of one son and five daughters, all of whom are now living. THOMAS L. BISHOP, a promising and popular young attorney of Atlanta, Ga., was born in Newton county, Ga., in 1861, and, with his parents, came to Atlanta in 1867. He was educated in the public schools, and after graduating, having determined when a mere boy to become a lawyer, entered the office of Mr. Julius L. Brown, with whom he studied law for several years. He was admitted to the bar in 1885, to the supreme court of Georgia during April, 1890, and to the United States district and circuit courts in December of the same year. In 1889 Mr. Bishop was elected a member of the board of education of Atlanta, being the youngest meniber who ever served in this responsible position. Feeling and understanding the need and influence of the schools, he was useful in laboring for their interests, and worked hard to increase the efficiency of the system. In 1880 Mr. Bishop was employed by Senator Brown to take charge of the renting of his real estate in Atlanta, and the executors of Senator Brown still continue him in charge of it This is a splendid indication of the trust and confidence placed in his ability and integrity by one whose judgment of men is proverbial. Mr Bishop was married in 1886 to Stella, daughter of W. M. Thomas, of Fayette county, Ga. He belongs to the order of Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fellows, and Red Men, but affiliates with no church. In the capacity of a business man his interests are manifold and guarded with a sagacity that assures success. He is president of the Snow Church Collecting agency, the Excelsior Steam laundry, the Atlanta Real Estate and Investment company, director and attomey for the State Building and Loan association, and acts as attorney for several other corporations. Air. Bishop is a logical, aggressive lawyer, full of enterprise and energy. He is genial and generous, hating shams and shallow pretenses, and appreciates genuine merit His practice is constantly increasing, and it is doubt ful if any lawyer of his age in Atlanta has better clientage. His youth, quickness of perception and affability guarantee a bright future. He is a member of the law firm of Bishop, Andrews & Hill. Mr. Bishop has declined public office and sought no prominence in politics, yet his reputation is spreading, and if he had done nothing better than improve the public school system of the city he would be endeared to its thinking population. r)R. BENJAMIN WILLIAAIS BIZZELL, a very successful physician of Atlanta, was born on Feb. 27, 1866, on his father's cotton plantation in Greene county, Ala., and received his primary education in the schools of that vicinity. In 1883 he matriculated at the university of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, but was obliged to leave college two years later on acount of ill health, although he had reached his senior year. He graduated from the Southern Medical college at Atlanta in 1887 and went immediately to the college of physicians and sur geons in New York city, graduating therefrom in 1888. He passed the foHowing six months in the New York polyclinic and then, haying landed interests in Areola, Miss., went to that city and there practiced his profession until February, 1892, at which time he located in Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Bizzell is a member of the Georgia state medical association, the Atlanta society of medicine, the southern surgical and gynecological association, the national association of railroad sur geons, and is a member of the Atlanta board of United States examining sur geons. While in Areola, Aliss., he was medical examiner for the New York . THOMAS L. BISHOP FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 715 Life and the Alutual Life insurance companies of New York. Dr. Bizzell has contributed numerous articles to the leading medical journals, among them one on super-vaginal hysterotomy, which was published in the Atlanta "Medical and Surgical Journal." Dr. Bizzell is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. His father, James C. Bizzell, was born in South Carolina, and came to Green county, Ala., when a child. James C. Bizzell was a planter and married Mary, daughter of Benjamin WilHams, a native of Virginia. They had three sons and three daughters, all three of the sons choosing medicine as their profession and graduating with first honors from the colleges which they attended. The first, Dr. WilHam D. Bizzell, attended the Mobile medical coHege and practiced a few years in Mobile, during which time he was elected to the chair of chemistry in his alma mater. Coming to Atlanta in 1881 he was elected by the faculty of the Southern medical college professor of the principles and practice of medicine. which honorable position he held until his death in June, 1890. The second son was a graduate of the Mobile medical college, also of the Southern university of Greensboro, Ala., and is now a practicing physician in Areola, Miss. The third son is Dr. Benjamin WilHams BizzeH. The father died in February, 1891. Dr. Bizzell's grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812 and his maternal great grandfather Williams was killed serving his country in the war of the revolution. JUDGE LOGAN E. BLECKLEY. No state in the union surpasses Georgia in the quality of her judicial talent as illustrated in the records of the supreme court of this state ; and of all the public men who have adorned the bench by the splendor of their legal gifts and the purity of their exalted lives, no one is more conspicuous than ex-Chief Justice Logan E. Bleckley, whose recent retirement from the bench is more than ordinary loss, if, indeed, it falls short of a calamity. In forming the legal mind of Judge Bleckley it is not improper to assume that generations had been at work. Endowed by nature with peculiar gifts, the early development of these unusual qualities admit of no other explanation. His legal turn of mind began to assert itself in early childhood, and on one occasion, much to the amusement of his grandfather, it declared itself in a manner both precocious and amusing. His grandfather, who had taken him in charge, as he was too young to be sent away from home, being only five years old, decided to apply the rod to his young pupil one day, and accordingly made known to him his intention. The quick mind of the boy, in order to escape the rod, seized upon an idea and he resolved to make a plea of insanity. He told his grandfather that his mind was not sound and for this reason he did not think he ought to be whipped. This circumstance in the Hfe of Judge Bleckley is significant It shows that his success at the bar and on the bench is not merely the result of discipHne, but chiefly the fulfiHiiient of nature's own prediction based upon the rare gifts committed to him at his birth. In his firm grasp of a legal proposftion and the clearness of his judgment in arriving at the principles of right and justice involved in any issue brought before him. Judge Bleckley has never had a superior, and perhaps few equals, on the supreme bench. Judge Logan E. Bleckley was born in Rabun county, Ga., among the picturesque mountain views of the extreme northeast corner of the state, on July 3, 1827. At this time the cataracts and waterfalls that plunged through the chasm at Tallulah were in the possession of the Cherokee Indians, together with all that unbroken wilderness. The county of Rabun had been organized but a few years at the time of Judge Bleckley's advent, and the dangers incident to pio neer life in that section of the state were neither trifling nor far apart. The courage of a brave man was needed to battle with the solitudes of that remote 7l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. wilderness and the heart of a less heroic man than Judge Bleckley's father might have given up in helpless alarm. Judge Bleckley has written a charming sketch for one of the law magazines in which he gives a lengthy account of himself in a letter addressed to posterity. In this letter he says: "At eleven years of age I commenced writing in the office of my father, who at that time was a farmer without any lands and tenements and with only a few goods and chattels. He lived on a rented homestead, just one mile from Clayton, the county town, and was clerk of three courts — the superior, inferior and ordinary. He was a man of strong intellect, fair information and some business experience. He had been sheriff of the county. A more sterling character was not in the world — certainly not in that large group called the middle class to which he belonged. Loyal to the truth, he scorned sham, pretense and mendacit}-. He was a native of North Carolina, as was my mother also. His blood was Irish and English combined; hers German." In his father's office the young clerk soon acquired a marked familiarity with legal forms and as he grew in usefulness larger shares of work were given him to do. He soon acquired a fondness for law and, strange to say, for an immature boy, found great stores of pleasure, if not romance, in the tedious volumes of the law. He made himself familiar with the constitution of the state and of the United States, and at the age of seventeen borrowed a copy of Black stone, and a few other legal text-books. There being no resident lawyer in the county, the young applicant for admission to the bar toiled away by himself and explored unaided the deep mysteries of legal science. Now and then he made excursions for the purpose of being catechised, into the adjoining counties, and received encouragement from a number of prominent lawyers in this way. Among these the late Judge Underwood took a deep interest in the young student and the kindness of the great jurist was never forgotten by Judge Bleck ley, yvho paid a beautiful tribute to his memory, a few years ago, from the bench. In April, 1846, at the age of nineteen, the young applicant stood his examination and was formally admitted to the bar. The business of the county, however, failed to support him, and after struggling two years he accepted employment as a bookkeeper for the Western & Atlantic railroad. This brought him to Atlanta in 1848. In this connection it is interesting to observe that, in after years, when the honors of the highest judicial office in the state rested upon him, Judge Bleckley prepared his decisions within a few rods of the spot in which he toiled away, an obscure youth, at the books of the Western & Atlantic railroad. In this position he remained for three years, his salary ranging from $40 to $66 a month. He then gave up the position to become the governor's secretary at MHledgevHle with a salary of $1,200. He retired from this position in 1851, having saved enough money to provide himself with a small library, and to keep him above water for several months. He opened a law office in Atlanta and found to his satisfaction, by reason of his late connection with the railroad, that he was larsrely in demand. His practice grew and his fees with it. In 1853 he was elected solicitor-general of the Coweta circuit, then embracing eight counties. His term of service lasted four years and at the expiration of this time he was niarried. Fle continued the practice of law in Atlanta until 1861. Touching upon his military experience during the late war. Judge Bleckley gives this amusing account of himself: "The first battie of Manassas, alias Btdl Run, occurred while I was in a camp of instruction, endeavoring to acquire some skHl in the noble art of homicide. By nature I am pacific. The military spirit has but a feeble development in my constitution. Nevertheless I tried the fortunes of a private soldier for a short time in behalf of the southern confederacy. I was dis charged on account of ill-health, after a few months' service in western A'"irginia, L. E. BLECKLEY. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 717 without having shed any one's blood or lost any of my own. When I consider how destructive I might have been, had my health supported my prowess, I am dis posed to congratulate 'gentlemen on the other side' upon my forced retirement from the ranks at an early period of the contest. After my discharge from the army, I served the Confederacy in much of the legal business in and around Atlanta. In 1864, about the time Gen. Sherman left Atlanta on his march to the sea, I was appointed to the office of supreme court reporter. After reporting" two volumes, the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth Georgia, I resigned the office. This was in the spring of 1867. From that time until I was appointed to the supreme bench in 1875, I practiced law continuously in Atlanta." Judge Bleckley remained on the bench until 1880, and then resigned on account of impaired health; He closed his term of service with a brief judicial poem, found in the Sixty-fourth Georgia, entitled "In the Alatter of Rest." In this connection Judge Bleckley observes in his letter to posterity: "Perhaps I ought to confess that divers other poems, happily none of them judicial, may be laid to my charge. During most of m}^ life I have had a strong and to me unaccountable tendency to metrical transgression. Over and over again I have suffered the pains and penalties of poetic guilt. Besides a score or two of convictions I have had many trials and narrow escapes. But even now I am not a hardened offender for a bashful hesitation always tempers my gallantry with the muses." Remaining in private life until 1887, Judge Bleckley was recalled to the supreme bench to succeed the late Chief Justice Jackson. His term of office expired in 1892, but, in spite of the hardships of his office, becoming daily more burdensome with the weight of advancing years and increasing litigation, he consented to a re-election with the hope that by a constitutional amendment an addition might be made to the judicial group on the supreme bench. This would be a great relief to him and would enable him, without personal sacrifice, to remain in the service of the commonwealth. The amendment, however, failed, and he was forced to send in his resignation to Gov. Northen to take effect on Oct. 29, 1894. The resigna tion was accepted by Gov. Northen with great reluctance, and he took occasion, in behalf of the state, to commend his able and patriotic services and to express his estimate of the state's loss in his retirement from the bench. From a lengthy editorial which appeared in the Atlanta "Constitution," the following is taken: "The resignation of Chief Justice Bleckley will excite sincere regret throughout the state. Full of years and honors, this eminent and learned judge retires from the bench because he believes that it is an impossibility for three men to deal with the rapidly increasing volume of business in the supreme court The resig nation of this great jurist is a public calamity. He has been so wise, so clear in his great office, so just and so lovable that all classes of our people regard him with veneration and affection. He has been not only a great lawyer and a just judge, but he has proved himself a philosopher whose practical wisdom and benevolence have left their impress upon our legislation, our literature and our morals. Chief Justice Bleckley hardly seems to belong to our day and genera tion. When we measure his scholarship, his purity and noble simpHcity of char acter, he reminds us of such judges as Matthew Hale — wise and good men who devoted their lives to justice and the interests of mankind. Such a m.an is not seen more than once in a century. If he had been at all ambitious he would have been one of the most famous of Americans, and notwithstanding his modesty and bis quiet mode of life, he is to-day one of the most notable figures that ever adorned the bench, and in every state in the union his decisions are quoted and held in the highest esteem." The reputation of Judge Bleckley as a jurist is co-extensive with tliis entire country. His opinions are models of precision and perspicuity, 71 8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and are characterized by their sound judgment and correct apprehension of the law. Explaining the preparation of his decisions Judge Bleckley says: "I recon sider, revise and scrutinize; then I revise the scrutiny and then I scrutinize the revision." Judge Bleckley has never sought the accumulation of riches, and the lesson of his life may be summed up in his own noble declaration: "Service is better than salary and duty more inspiring than reward." Judge Bleckley has been twice married. He was first married in May, 1857, to Miss Clara Caroline Haralson, who died in March, 1892, leaving five children, three boys and two girls, one of the latter dying in infancy. His second marriage was to Miss Chloe Herring, in August, 1893, who has borne him two sons. ^APT. W. W. BOYD, formerly of the firm of E. Van Winkle & Company of Atlanta, is a native of Spartanburg, S. C, and is of Scotch-Irish ancestry. When a child he removed with his father to Marietta, Ga., and attended the pri mary schools of that prospering little north Georgia city. When he reached a suitable age and when he was sufficiently advanced he was enrolled among the members of the Georgia Alilitary institute, then in its flourishing condition, with an attendance of nearly two hundred cadets. He obtained a splendid education, but his studies were interrupted by the outbreak of the civil war. When only eighteen years of age he enlisted in the Sixty-fourth Georgia regiment, com manded by Col. John W. Evans. His courageous conduct is known to all his comrades and friends. He was captured immediately before the surrender, but suffered little inconvenience, as he remained in captivity only two days. Return ing home, with a determination as strong as his heart was brave, he began to reconstruct his fallen fortunes. During 1880 he bought a half interest in the E. Van Winkle Manufacturing company, which, without the aid of municipal or national backing, has acquired a magnitude and prominence that is not felt by a similar industry in the state. It is a prodigious industry, employing about 150 hands, and supplying the states west of the Mississippi with their cotton-presses, cotton-gins and like machinery used in the preparation of market cottort, So rapid has been the growth of the business that a branch house was lately estab lished in Dallas, Tex., to facilitate and supply the increasing demand. Mr. Boyd is an officer in the First Presbyterian church, and lends his aid and wealth to the furthering of religious labors, and especially the mission work. His heart goes out in sympathy to those in poverty and distress, and his open charity is a specific characteristic. During his life from earliest youth he has prominently in terested himself in stock raising and now owns one of the largest Jersey farms in the south, on which may be found the finest stock, both native and unported. His wife was a beautiful, talented lady from the old north state, and the seven children who survive her are justly the pride of their father. Mr. Boyd's father was a gallant colonel of the Nineteenth Georgia regiment, attached to Phillips' legion, a stalwart command that left traces of their heroism on the hiHs of northern Virginia. Mr. Boyd has lately served on the board of aldermen of the city gov ernment, and his popularity may be inferred when it is known that he polled the heaviest vote on the citizen's ticket, composed of many popular candidates. He is public-spirited and generous and bears for the community a genial affection. J-J A. BOYNTON, one of Atlanta's best known wholesale grocers, is a native * of Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Ga. He was born Oct. 12, 1842, and resided in that city until thirty-three years of age, when he came to Atlanta, where he has since lived. He received his early education in the schools of Stewart county, and attended these until 1858, and then accepted a position as clerk in a retaH MORRIS BRANDON. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 719 store. During Alay, 1862, he entered the Confederate service, enlisting in Com pany K of the Third Georgia cavalry as a private, but in 1863 was appointed sergeant-major of the regiment and occupied this office throughout the war, fre quently acting in the capacity of adjutant. Mr. Boynton fought bravely in the foHowing battles: Alunfordville, Ky.; the skirmishes around Murfreesboro and Chattanooga, Chickamauga, the campaign of East Tennessee with Gen. Long- street, KnoxviHe and Dandridge; the engagements in Virginia; then back into Georgia, at Dalton; Resaca, Rocky Fall, Calhoun, Kennesaw Mountain, Atlanta, numerous raids in the rear of the Federals, extending soutii to Florence, Ala., and then followed Sherman in his memorable march to the sea, fighting at Griswoldville and Waynesboro, Ga. After his first battle Mr. Boynton was taken prisoner and held in confinement for thirty days. This was the greatest mishap that befell him during the four years' conflict With the surrender of the Confederates and the cessation of hostHities, he returned to his home in Lumpkin and entered the general merchandise business, which he conducted until 1875, and then moved to Atlanta, where he established a large wholesale grocery house, of which he is still owner and manager. Shortly after his locating in Atlanta he married Aliss Louise, daughter of the late Lucius Mansfield of Lump kin, Ga. In 1888 Mr Boynton was elected to the city council of Atlanta from the second ward and held this office with credit for two years. In the same year he was honored with the appointment by the county commissioners of tax collector of Fulton county, to fill an unexpired term of six or eight months. Mr. Boynton's father and mother were natives, respectively, of New Hampshire and Virginia. The former was HolHs Boynton, a gallant soldier in the war of 1836, and died in 1847. The latter was Clara M. Rawson. To this tie were given four children: "WHHam W., lieutenant of Company K, Second Georgia infantry, who was kiHed at Sharpsburg; Charles E., a Heutenant in Company E of the Third Georgia cavalry, who survived the war and died in 1890; George H., of Atlanta, and Hollis A., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Boynton is a member of Trinity Methodist church of Atlanta. He is a broad-minded, experienced busi ness man, and stands at the head of one of the oldest and most reHable grocery houses in the city. 1 lyi R. MORRIS BRANDON is one of the leading lawyers of Atianta's bar, though one of its younger members. He was born in 1863, in Stewart county, Tenn., where his people before him have lived for a hundred years or more. He spent the entire period of his boyhood on his father's plantation, and by a judicious admixture of out-of-door work and recreation he succeeded in laying the foundation of a strong- constitution, which was essential to the studious life that was to foHow. The Brandon family is of English extraction. The grandfather of the subject of this sketch, Christopher Brandon, was a native of North Carolina, to which state his father emigrated early in the history of the colonies, and several of his sons, of whom there were a number, brothers and half-brothers of Christopher Brandon, distinguished themselves in the war of the American revolution. The name is a familiar one among old revolutionary annals. Early in his life, and in the pioneer days of that state, Christopher Brandon removed to Tennessee, where his son. Col. Nathan Brandon, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born. Col. Nathan Brandon was a prominent lawyer and successful business man. During the late war he served as Heutenant-colonel of the Fourteenth Tennessee regiment of infantry volunteers, remaining in the field until the battle of Fort Donelson. In this engagement he was so severely wounded as to be disqualified for further active duty. His gallantry as a soldier was recognized no less by his superior officers than -20 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. by the men who fought under him, and his disabilities were regarded in the light of a calamity. Col. Brandon was a prominent figure for many years in the political life of Tennessee, and before the war was elected to the general assembly of that state as a Union man, and afterward served in both branches of the assembly a number of times. In 1870 he was a member of the constitutional convention held at NashviHe. Col. Brandon died in AprH, 1891. The subject of this sketch, after receiving his preliminary education from the schools of Stewart county, entered a private institution at Elkton, Ky., for the purpose of preparing himself to enter college. He also carried on his studies for a while at ClarksvHle, Tenn., and in the fall of 1880 entered Vanderbilt universit}^ After completing his academic course in that institution, he entered the law school at Yale, and graduated in 1884, with the degree of LL.B. Returning to his home in Stewart county, Tenn., he remained there until the winter of 1886, when he came to Atlanta and opened a law office, believing that he could make no better selection for the practice of his profession. He subsequently formed a partnership with Judge Henry B. Tompkins, the firm being that of Tompkins & Brandon. This firm enjoyed a fine practice, but the partnership was dissolved in 1889, and in 1893 the present firm of Brandon & Arkwright was formed, Mr. P. S. Arkwright, one of the most brilliant young lawyers of Georgia, being the junior member of the firm. Air Brandon, since locating in Atlanta, has made a splendid success of the practice of his profession. He is known as a hard worker, and the method, skill and patience with which he conducts his business won for him early in his professional career an enviable repu tation with the courts and in the business world. Socially, he has always occupied a leading position, due to his elegant manners and his ripe intellectual and scholarly attainments. Genial and obliging, yet always dignified and reserved, Mr. Brandon inspires respect and makes permanent friends of those who come in contact with him. He is a member of quite a number of secret organizations, among them being the F. and A. M., the Independent Order of Odd P'ellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Red Men. In each of these organizations he holds an influential position, and is universally esteemed for his sterling character and pre-eminent ability. In June, 1892, Air. Brandon was united in marriage to Aliss Harriet Inman, daughter of Mr. Walker P. Inman, of Atlanta. In his home life his disposition is portrayed in the genial light of those domestic qualities that indicate a thoroughly noble and splendid character "WELLBORN MITCHELL BRAY, a practftioner of zest, earnestness and superior worth at the Atlanta bar, was born in Henry county, Ga., Aug. 29, 1835, and in 1847 moved with his parents to Atlanta. Here his mind was drilled in the primary branches and prepared for a higher education. He spent two years in the state university at Athens, Ga., and in 1855 graduated from Emory college, Oxford, Ga., with the degree of A. B. He read and studied law with Col. James Milner, of Cartersville, Ga., and was admitted to the active practice of his profession in 1858, at CassvHle, Ga., and afterward located in Calhoun, Ga. During April, 1862, he enlisted in the Fortieth Georgia regiment, as a private. Eariier in the war he was elected captain of the Toombs volunteers, organized at Calhoun, but by reason of severe illness was unable to accept the command. After serving six months in the Fortieth regiment, he was authorized by the secretary of war to raise a siege artHlery conipany. This he accomplished near Savannah, Ga., was chosen first lieutenant, and served in this capacity until early in 1865, when by reorganization this was changed into an infantry conipany, and Mr. Bray made captain of it. The close of the conflict found him in that position. He fought with laudable valor in the foHowing battles: Dalton, Resaca, Rocky Ford, Kennesaw FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 72 1 mountain, Atianta, Franklin, NashviHe and Pulaski, Tenn., and at Ne-yv Hope church. In this last-named engagement he was wounded by the explosion of a sheH. After the surrender Capt. Bray returned to Atlanta and established the first school in the city's limits. This he continued with unusual success and popularity, being associated with Prof. W. A. Bass and other noted instructors, until the public school system was founded. He was then elected principal of the Ivy street grammar school, taught there through the year 1873, and then resumed the practice of law. In 1886-87 he represented Fulton county in the state general assembly. While a member of this body he was appointed on the finance, educa tional and the committee on corporations, and bitterly opposed the convict lease system. His argument was termed "able, eloquent and masterly," and elicited the approval of the entire commonwealth. The peroration of his speech contained these memorable words: "No man is utterly irredeemable. But if you extinguish within him the light of hope, you educate him in crime. The lease system is an educator in crime, denying all the principles of humanity. Treat the convict as a human being and you may reform him." Capt. Bray was elected a member of the board oi education in 1889, and was lately re-elected for a second term. He is a master Mason, a Red Man and a member of the Atlanta Pioneer society, and warmly co-operates with each. He is a city father who has guarded Atlanta's weHare faithfully. QOL. P. H. BREWSTER. It has been observed of the subject of this sketch that no lawyer in North Georgia is better equipped for the practice of his profession. A profound student, he has mastered by patient application, the great principles of the law, and is able to hold his own in controversy with the most distinguished talent of the land. Col. Brewster has practiced law in Atlanta for only a few years, but the extent of his qualifications for the practice was discov ered as soon as he appeared in court for the first time, and his reputation as a lawyer has steadily grown until now he commands a large and lucrative practice, and in addition to this is a general favorite with the members of the Atlanta bar. Col. Patrick H. Brewster is a native Georgian, and was born in Campbell county, on his father's plantation, on Sept. 9, 1846. During his early childhood he moved with his parents to Coweta county and continued to reside in that county until his removal to Atlanta a few years ago. The father of Col. Brewster, whose name was James Brewster, was born in the state of South Carolina. He came to Georgia, however, during his early manhood, and died in this state in 1893. The family is noted for its longevity. The father of Col. Brewster died at the patriarchal age of ninety-four years. His grandfather, William Brewster, lived to be a hundred years old. If heredity furnishes any indication the subject of this sketch, though now in the prime of Hfe, faces a vital prospect of fully half a century. The boyhood days of Col. Brewster were spent after the usual fashion of country boys in Coweta county. He received his primary instruction from the schools in Newnan, and acquired, by diligent application to his books, a fairly good education, as the basis of his subsequent career in the practice of his chosen pro fession. The subject of this sketch was too young to enter -the Confederate army at the breaking out of hostilities. In the fall of 1863, however, being then onjy seventeen years old, he shouldered his musket and went to the front, enlisting as a private in Company A of the Fifty-sixth Georgia regiment. He served as a private soldier until the close of the war, surrendering with Gen. Joseph E. John ston in North Carolina. Col. Brewster was in the fight at Dalton, Ga., and the battles of Resaca and Kennesaw Mountain, receiving a severe wound in his arm at the latter place. He was also in the battles around Atlanta, Lovejoy Station 1-46 722 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and Jonesboro, and in all the fights that occurred on the way back to NashviHe, Tenn., Gen. Hood having decided upon that route after the evacuation of Atlanta. He saw quite a lot of fighting after this at Columbia, Franklin, a two days' engage ment at Nashville and a stubborn fight along the road to Pulaski. After reaching Jonesboro, N. C, the army surrendered. Returning to Newnan after -the war the young soldier prosecuted his studies for a short while and then began to teach school. He continued in this latter occupation for about two years and then entered the university of Virginia, graduating from the law department of that institution in 1870 with the degree of bachelor of law. Returning to Newnan, Ga., he entered immediately upon the practice of his profession, remaining in that prosperous little Georgia town until 1891, when he came to Atlanta, be coming a member of the firm of Dorsey, Brewster & HoweH. In 1877 Col. Brewster was elected to the state senate as a member from the Thirty-sixth senatorial district, for a term of four years. He was prevented, however, from serving for the full term on account of the action of the constitutional convention reducing its length. His career in that body was characterized by patriotism and ability. He was jealous of the welfare of his constituents and yet at the same time he allowed no selfish or local interests to interfere with the discharge of his public duty as a servant of the commonwealth. Col. Brewster was subsequently elected mayor of Newnan and filled that office acceptably for one term. Though not having any fondness for politics his regard for his party has impelled the subject of this sketch into many political campaigns. He has always been loyal to the principles of the democratic party, and has labored with sleepless devotion to rout, in every election, the organized forces of the opposition. His eloquence on the hustings has often revived the drooping hope of his party and urged its despairing members to an overwhelming victory. He has never been in any sense a political office-seeker, and all the honors that have come to him have been bestowed in the grateful appreciation of his fellow-countrymen. Col. Brewster belongs to no secret organization, but is a loyal and consistent member of the Methodist church, having been reared from boyhood in the faith of that denomination. Col. Brewster was united in marriage to Miss Laura Lejgh, daughter of Anselm Leigh, of Newnan, Ga., in 1874. They have nine children, six boys and three girls, and the family group constitutes a delightful and interesting household. Five brothers of Col. Brewster, in addition to himself, served in the Confederate army, making a splendid contribution for one family. These brothers were William, who served in several regiments throughout the entire war; Daniel P., who served until the surrender; James P., who was major of the Fifty-sixth Georgia regiment, losing a leg at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain; Blake D., who served aH through the war in several regiments, and Angus P., who served during the latter part of the war. They all made gallant soldiers, and displayed those characteristics that indicated a common brotherhood. No man in Atlanta is more highly esteemed than Col. Brewster, and it requires no prophetic ken to predict that abundant honors are in reserve for him in the practice of his profession. Tlie opinion of a legal associate is con sidered of paramount value in forming a correct estimate of a lawyer's professional ability. The value of this opinion increases with the extent of this association and the opportunities afforded for reliable observation. One who has been closely associated with Col. Brewster for several years recently observed in conversation: "Col. Brewster is a lawyer pure and simple. In my judgment he is one of the ablest lawyers in the state. Plis knowledge of the law and his ready grasp of legal principles command my unbounded respect and admiration." PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 723 QARY SHERIFF BREWSTER is another of Atianta's bright young business men. He is a Georgia boy, having first seen the light of day at Tallapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., Nov. 5, 1858. His father's home was in Esom Hill, Polk Co., Ga., and there he spent his boyhood days, receiving his education at Hearn school, a branch of Mercer university, located at Cave Spring, Ga. He paid for his own schooling and is thus a self-made man. In 1880 he entered the employ of Barr & Leake, dry-goods merchants at Cedar Town, Ga. He remained there about two years, when he came to Atlanta and entered the employ of D. FI. Dougherty & Co., with whom he was associated for about one year. He then accepted a position with A. M. Robinson & Co., wholesale notions and importers, and after two years as an employe, owing to his diligence and knowledge of the business, and without any solicitation on his part, he was made a member of the firm. In 1891, after six years of successful connection in this relation, Mr. Brewster retired and went into the real estate business with Col. W. A. Osborn, under the firm name of Osborn & Brewster. This partnership was continued very profitably two years, when Air. Brewster joined Mr. John T. Moody in a private banking and fertihzer business under the name of Moody & Brewster. In May, 1895, the name was changed to the Moody Loan and Banking company. Mr. Brewster was for some time president of the Fulton Land Improvement company, and is now vice-president of and director of the concern. Mr. Brewster was mar ried in Atlanta, Sept. 2, 1886, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of the late William C. Redwine, of Heard county, Ga., and they have three chHdren, all daughters: Jennie Beatrice, Elizabeth and Mary. He is a member and past grand of the fraternal order of Odd FeHows and I. O. R. M. and belongs to the Baptist church. Mr. Brewster is one of the progressive spirits whose energies wisely extended the past few years have pushed Atlanta to the front as a city possessing every facility for the manufacturer and merchant. Particularly useful has he been when in the real estate business in bringing to the city manufacturing enter prises and concerns. In- a nut-shell, in a business way everything he touches turns to gold. He has been frequently solicited to accept political office, but has invariably declined, and has attended strictly to his business. Mr. Brewster has traveled extensively all over the United States and is thoroughly posted, and yet he still keeps up his studies, acquiring fresh knowledge every day, and is destined to be one of the financiers of the south. "WILLIAM H. BROTHERTON, dry goods merchant, Atianta, Fulton Co., Ga., son of Rev. Levi and Winnie (Epperson) Brotherton, was born near Benton, Polk Co., Tenn., in 1839. His father was born in Greene county, Tenn., in 1810, and died Nov. 22, 1893. He was a devout and devoted member of the Methodist church, and as an ordained minister preached sixty or more years in Tennessee and Georgia. His mother, also, was a native of Tennessee. Capt. Brotherton came with his father in 1848 to Dalton county, where he was educated and grew to manhood. When fifteen years of age he engaged as a clerk with John F. Senter at Varnell's Station, Ga., on the E. T., Va. & Ga. railway, ten; miles north of Dalton, Ga. At the end of a year he entered Brown & Crawley's drug store, Dalton, and remained a year or so, and then went into the dry goods store of C. B. Wellborn, Dalton. Soon afterward he was appointed to a position on the W. & A. road, which he retained until the election of Gov. Brown, who appointed John W. Lewis superintendent of the road, when he returned to the employ of Mr. Wellborn. At the age of nineteen (1858) he embarked in the dry goods business on his own account at Tilton, Ga., and continued until 1862. That year he enlisted in Company C — of which he was made second lieutenant — 724 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Thirty-ninth Georgia regiment, at Big Shanty. With his regiment he served with Gen. E. Kirby Smitii through the Kentucky campaign, after which he was made commissary, with the rank of captain, serving as such until the evacuation of Vicksburg. While in that city the Confederate congress aboHshed the office of regimental commissary. Capt. Brotherton, however, was re-appointed to the same service and rank by the secretary of war, and ordered to report to Alaj. J. F. Cummings, general commissary, at Atlanta. He was first assigned to duty in Atianta; afterward was ttansferred to Albany, Ga., where he built two packing houses and an abattoir, received all cattle from southwestern Georgia and Florida, and slaughtered and pickled them for the use of the army. From here he was sent to West Point, Ga., where he acted as post commissary for both West Point and La Grange, and issued provisions to troops in transit, and to those in hospitals at West Point and La Grange. Here, also, he received all "tax in kind" from north Alabama and Georgia, and disposed of it under orders, until the surrender. In April, 1865, immediately after the surrender, he came to Atlanta with $260, with which he bought goods of a Federal sutler, and under the firm name of W. H. Brotherton, began business on the spot where it is to-day. His excellent judgment and business sagacity are demonstrated by his owning the property now — one of the most valuable business corners in Atlanta, with a spacious and substantial brick business house upon it equal to any in the city for the business conducted. in it, wholesale and retail dry goods and notions. Such a man as Mr. Brotherton could not well be ignored or overlooked in cfty affairs — so in 1868, he was elected a member of the city councH, serving one term. In 1873 he was again elected, and, again in 1882-3. Afterward he was elected a police commissioner, and served seven or eight years. Being comparatively young, ambitious and energetic, wide awake and progressive, it may safely be assumed that, in some capacity, . he wiH again be called into the public service, and that the service will be valuable to the city and county. Capt Brotherton was married in his nineteenth year to Miss Paralee, who was only fifteen, daughter of the late W. M. Williams, of Dalton, Ga. ; of the children which blessed this union the eldest, Emma, who died at the age of .twenty, was born before our subject was twenty-one. The following survive: Jimm.ie, wife of Frank A. SmaH, New York city; WilHam M,; Frank M.; Charles H.; Paralee, wife of George I. Walker, Atlanta; Robert L.; Edgar; Libbie; Harold. Capt Brotherton is a prominent and influential member of the Methodist church; a steward and trustee of Trinity church, Atlanta, the strongest Alethodist church in Georgia, whatever point viewed from. On March 4, 1895, Capt. Brotherton was re-elected to the Atlanta poHce commission. A beloved and promising brother of Capt. Brother- ton's — James M. — who was a lieutenant in Company C, Thirty-ninth Georgia regiment, was kHled at Baker's Creek, near Jackson, Miss., April 19, 1863. J5ROWN. In the opinion of the late Chief Justice Hiram Warner, the ablest argu ment ever made before the supreme court of Georgia was made by Julius L. Brown, of the Atlanta bar. The value of this high compliment, proceeding from the most distinguished jurist in the state, is still further increased by the fact that Mr. Brown at this time was one of the youngest members of the profession. Mr. Julius L. Brown was born at Canton, Cherokee Co., Ga., on May 31. 1848. His early boyhood was spent at the country home of his illustrious father, Hon. Joseph E. Brown, subsequently chief justice of the state, governor of Georgia and United States senator. Fired with patriotic love for the south, which had been overran and devastated by the Federal army, young Brown, though only a lad of sixteen years, entered the Confederate service, in the ranks of the Georgia cadets, in 1864, JULIUS L. BROWN. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 725 and suffered the hardships and reverses of a soldier until peace was eventually declared between the north and south. Prior to the war, Mr. Brown resided in MiHedgevHle, Ga., his father having been called to the gubernatorial chair in 1857. Returning to Milledgeville after the war, the question of completing his education was the first one to present itself to the young soldier. He had been a student at the university high school, in Athens, a military institution of high grade, before entering the Georgia military institute. He was afterward in the Confederate service; and his first resolution on returning home was to enter the state university and complete his studies in that institution. Before doing so, however, he took a preparatory course under that eminent scholar and author, Richard Malcom Johnson, of Sparta, Ga. Entering the junior class of the state university in 1866, young Brown took an excellent stand from the very beginning, and was graduated with high distinction in 1868, having been honored with a speaker's place in both his junior and senior years. He began the study of law in his father's office im mediately after leaving college, and in September, 1869, was admitted to the bar in De Kalb county. Before entering upon, the practice of his profession, however, he decided to round his legal studies by taking a course of lectures at the Harvard law school. Here he acquitted himself with credit, bearing away one of the honors of the institution, in June, 1870. A pleasure trip of two months followed the arduous labors of the young law student, after which he located in Atlanta, becom ing assistant United States attorney to Hon. John D. Pope, and remaining in that position until 1872. His partnership with Judge Pope was dissolved on account of the latter's removal to the state of Texas. Mr. Brown was subsequently made the sole general counsel for the Western & Atlantic railroad, retaining that important advisory position, and doing all the road's legal work, until 1891. Being a thorough student, Mr. Brown was diligent and painstaking in the preparation of his cases, and his abilities soon forced their way into general recognition. At his suggestion, the line of the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railway was extended through Georgia, and as general counsel of the road for Georgia he drew up the bill which subsequently, in spite of overwhelming odds against him, secured a liberal charter from the general assembly. Though richly endowed with the social and personal characteristics that contribute to popularity, Mr. Brown devoted himself to the practice of his profession without seeking, or giving thought to, political preferment. Though frequently urged by his friends to represent the sena torial district and to allow the use of his name in the race for mayor of the city, he modestly but persistently declined. He also refused to become an applicant for the judgeship of the United States court for the northern district of Georgia in spite of urgent and general solicitation. Applying himself with zeal to the practice of his profession, which was steadily growing each year, Mr. Brown distin guished himself in quite a number of legal controversies, and came out with victorious laurels in nearly all of them. A promoter ©f the Metropolitan Street Railway company, Mr. Brown procured the charter for that corporation. As presi dent of the mystic organization that gave street pageants each year and closed with a magnificent carnival, Mr. Brown became one of Atlanta's social leaders. But his versatility of enterprise and the spirit of promotion that made him one of the chief factors in Atlanta's development, did not end here. He became one of the leading spirits of the North Georgia Fair association, and as president of the Young Men's Library association of Atlanta he contributed largely to the growth and success of that institution. An elegant building on Decatur street was erected for the library during his administration. He organized the large coal and iron plants which have prospered under his control, and which are as follows : The Castle Rock Coal company of Georgia, the Georgia Mining, Manufacturing & Investment company, 726 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the Dade Coal company, the Georgia Iron & Coal company, the Chattanooga Iron company, the Bartow Iron & Manganese company. As a lawyer Mr. Brown has successfully contended for these propositions : that the Western & Atlantic railroad is not taxable; that any railway may build telegraph lines in Georgia, and that common carriers may separate passengers by color Each of these legal conten tions has brought the abilities of Mr. Brown before the highest tribunal of the state and of the United States, and before the Interstate Commerce commission, and has added materially to his professional reputation. Notwithstanding these im portant and far-reaching legal questions, and the great business enterprises that have occupied his thought and time, Mr. Brown, has found time to travel exten sively, and to cultivate and gratify a taste for literature and art, and the gathering of relics of the past His travels cover the United States, Canada, Mexico, the islands, Brazil and Europe, while the number, variety and rareness of his accumula tion of works of art, antique and modern, and of valuable curiosities are indeed remarkable, and display an industry and tasteful discrimination truly wonderful. He has already 5,000 coins and 4,000 autographs; the original of Moore's Lalla Rookh,-and photographs of persons of distinction and scenes of interest without number. No field has been left unexplored or ungleaned that promised to add to the value or interest of his vast and varied collection. As a host he stands unexcelled, has entertained the most eminent in the nation, including President Cleveland and Vice-President Hendricks, and entertains royally. His elegant and delightful home is charmingly presided over by one of the most accomplished of Georgia's daughters. Mr. Brown was married Nov. 3, 187 1, to Miss Fannie G., daughter of Hon. Tomlinson Fort, eminent as a physician and medical author, and a member of congress — the only representative, it is said, to whom John C. Calhoun ever asked for an introduction. In 1880 Air. Brown was admitted to the United States supreme court, being introduced by the late lamented senator, Benjaman H. Hill. Several years prior to this he was appointed standing master in chancery by Judge W. B. "Woods and Judge John Erskine. Mr. Brown is now counsel for the Lowry Banking company. He was at one time counsel for the Citizens' bank and the Dollar Savings bank, both of which are now extinct. Air Brown was also attomey for the lessees of the Western & Atlantic railroad in the winding up of its affairs. Mr. Brown is one of the most distinguished Masons in the state. He has risen to the thirty-second degree in the rank of that ancient fraternity. He is a past high priest of Atlanta Zion chapter, royal arch Alasons of Atlanta; eminent commander of the Coeur de Lion commandery. Knights Templar, of Atlanta; worshipful master of Georgia lodge, No. 96, of Atlanta ; thrice illustrious master of Jason Burr council, No. 13, and grand principal conductor of the Grand council of Georgia; grand senior warden of the grand commandery of Georgia, and grand conductor of the high priesthood. Air. Brown is a member of the Second Baptist church of Atlanta. He is still in the prime of life, and his career promises much in the way of continued honors to this useful and distin guished Georgian. QOL. EDWIN NASH BROYLES. In the judgment of his coHeagties at the bar no lawyer in the state possesses a stronger legal faculty or is more familiar with the great underlying principles of the profession than Col. Edwin Na-sh Broyles. For more than forty years Col. Broyles has been successfully identified with the practice of the law, and though he has never held judicial office, his posi tion at the bar has nevertheless been one of honor and respectability. The sub ject of this sketch was born in the famous county of Buncombe, N. C, on Nov. 14, 1829. His father, Maj. Cain Broyles, was a man of exceptional worth and PULTON COUNTY SKETCH.ES. 727 character, who believed in rearing his children according to pious admonition and who especially enjoined upon them by way of example as well as parental pre cept the importance of acquiring industrious and economic habits. Though admitted to the bar of Soutii Carolina, his native state, he gave up the practice of the law to engage in other pursuits. At the time of his son's birth he was engaged in constructing a turnpike road across the Tennessee line into Bun combe county, N. C, having moved with his family into that section of the state. Maj. Broyles was a militia officer in the war of 1812 and was stationed for quite a while at-Fort Hawkins, Ga. He married Miss Lucinda Nash, a descendant of Col John Nash, who was killed at the battle of Germantown during the American revo lution, and from whom the city of Nashville, Tenn., was subsequently named. She was a lady of great worth in every sense. Nine children resulted from this union, the subject of this sketch being the seventh in the order of birth. His two youngest brothers died during the late war. One of them was killed at the battle of the Wilderness and the other one died in the hospital at Lynchburg. The birthplace of Col. Broyles was notable for its scenery and traditions. It was known as Painted Rock and was located on the French Broad river, one of the most picturesque and romantic streams in the state of North Carolina. This por tion of the state is still a favorite resort of travelers, being diversified by the peaks of the Great Smoky mountains and situated only four miles soutii of the famous Hot Springs. The boyhood of Col. Broyles was spent along the border line of the two states. After leaving North Carolina his father took up his residence in Greene county, Tenn., living for a while at Greeneville, and afterward in the country on the turnpike road. From the schools in the neighborhood and from his parents, especially his mother, the subject of this sketch derived his early training. As soon as he was old enough to enter college he became a student at Washing ton college, Tennessee, then under the control of that able instructor, Prof. A. A. Doke. Prof. Doke was a graduate of Princeton college. New Jersey, and a gifted Presbyterian clergyman. The influence of his life and example upon the young students of Washington college was wholesome and inspiring. Under the instruc tion of this earnest man Col. Broyles increased his fondness for logic and philosophic reasoning, which led him at once into the practice of the law and has since characterized his career at the bar. Beginning the study of his chosen profession at Greeneville, he applied himself to his books with great dHigence, though he lacked the aid of special instruction. For several months he filled the position of assistant clerk of the court and this brought him into gifted and dis tinguished company. Among the lawyers who practiced before the court of Greeneville were: Gen. Thomas D. Arnold, Judge Samuel MilHgan, Wm. H. Sneed of Knoxville, and Thomas R. R. Nelson of Jonesboro. In Hstening to .the eloquence of these strong advocates and watching their movements in the court room, the zeal of the young student was aroused to emulation and he resolved to devote himself with greater diligence than ever to the mastery of his profession. One of his favorite books was Nicholson's Encyclopoedia, a volume which had formerly belonged to his grandfather, Aaron Broyles. This book contained two articles on logic and philosophy, which deeply impressed his young mind and from the impetus thus given he was induced to read other volumes bearing upon the same subjects. Anthon's Classical Dictionary was another favorite companion of the young student. For more than a year after his admission to the bar Col. Broyles remained at his father's home in Tennessee and continued to prosecute his studies without interruption. He made no effort to secure clients, preferring to equip himself thoroughly for his life's work before entering the actual practice of his profession. Leaving Tennessee Col. Broyles came to Cedartown, Ga., in 1853. 728 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. He left Greeneville with the intention of locating in Dallas, Ga., but on his way to that place he spent the night with a man in Polk county who induced him to locate at Cedartown. He soon made friends at this place and met with no sHght encouragement in his practice. In the spring of 1855 he was induced by some residents of the county to teach school for ten months in the year, which he con sented to do, thereby adding several hundred dollars to his purse. Two years later he was appointed by Gov. Brown to compile the legislative statutes for 1857, vvhich work he performed to the satisfaction of the chief executive and members of the bar. During his leisure intervals Col. Broyles devoted himself to legal and miscellaneous reading and began to build up a library, legal and literary, which has since grown to be among the largest in the state. At the outbreak of the war. Col. Broyles returned to Tennessee and wedded Miss Elizabeth N. Arnold, the daughter of Gen. Thomas D. Arnold. This gifted lady, who died several years ago, was one of the most cultivated and brilliant women of this generation. Her literary productions were eagerly read all over the south and her talents were recognized by many of the leading publications of the country. She was richly endowed with all the .true womanly virtues. During the war Col. Broyles served on the governor's staff and rendered much valuable aid to the Confederacy. In 1865 he located in Rome, Ga., being associated with Hon. Augustus R. Wright. During his residence in Rome his firm brought suit against the railroad in behalf of Mr. James D. Waddell for $20,000. After filing the suit, plaintiff's counsel asked for the privilege of increasing these figures to $50,000, which was granted them. The case was tried before the jury and a verdict awarding the plaintiff $35,000 V as returned, the largest award ever known at the time. A compron^ise, however, was subsequently effected between the defendant and the railroad. Col. Broyles came to Atlanta in 1868. For several years he was associated in the practice with his brother-in-law. Col. Reuben Arnold. Since his removal to Atlanta his career at the bar has been a successful one, and many important cases have been entrusted to his management. No lawyer at the bar possesses the facufty of discrimination to a more conspicuous degree than Col. Broyles. His grasp of legal principles is quick and accurate and his judgment is seldom at fault in matters of law and equity. His reputation at the bar is that of a profound legal scholar and a man of absolute and unimpeachable integrity. Col. Broyles was married the second time in 1883 to Miss Sallie Trippe Hardy, the daughter of Dr. Weston Hardy, of Bartow county, and granddaughter of the late Judge Turner Trippe of that circuit. Though frail in health Mrs. Broyles is a lady of culture and refinement and possessed of many amiable and charming qualities. By his first wife Col. Broyles has four children : Hon. Arnold Broyles, alderman from the south side and mayor pro tem. of the city of Atlanta; Judge Nash R. Broyles, United States commis sioner; Mrs. Loyd Parks and Bernard C. Broyles, deputy city tax receiver By his second wife he has only one chHd, Harold Hardy Broyles. The home Hfe of Col. Broyles is a pleasant and happy one. In addition to this he commands the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens and the universal regard of the bench and the bar. QOL. ALFRED E. BUCK, Atianta, Fulton Co. Among the cftizens of Georgia who have taken a leading and influential part in the upbuilding of the common wealth since the late destructive war between the states quite a large number have come from the north. It is a striking iHustration of the fact that sectional sttife is at an end to see the cordial manifestation of friendship on the part of the people of this state in extending the right hand of fellowship to those progressive and enterprising recruits from the north. Col. Alfred E. Buck may not im- PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 729 properly be classed among these adopted citizens of Georgia. He has now been a resident of this state for more than twenty years, and, in spite of his stanch republican leadership, which served for a number of years as a wall of isolation between his democratic neighbors and himself, no man is to-day more universally respected on account of his personal qualities and his exalted character as a man. Col. Buck is a native of far-off Maine, and was born at Foxcroft, in that state, on Feb. 7, 1832. His father, Benjamin T. Buck, was a Baptist deacon, and a man of deep piety. His great-grandfather, in whose veins the blood of old England coursed, settled in Buckfield, Me., to which locality his own name was subsequently given. The family of Col. Buck's mother, whose maiden name was Elniira Todd, came from Connecticut and settled in New Brunswick. Possessed of a sttong ambition that asserted itself early in boyhood, the subject of this sketch, without visible means at his command, made up his mind to secure a collegiate education. As the result of this determination he managed to raise the money and to pay his own way through college, graduating in 1859 from Waterville college, now Colby university, as Latin salutatorian, one of the highest honors of the institution. He taught school at Hallowel, Me., in 1859-60, and was princi pal of the Lewiston high school at the breaking out of the late war. He was not accepted on his first enlistment in the Federal army, but having made up his mind to serve, he raised a company at his own expense and went into camp in No vember, 1861. Being chosen as the captain of this company, he was assigned to duty in the Thirteenth regiment of Alaine volunteers. He served on the Mississippi coast, at Ship Island, Fort Pike and Fort AlcComb. After this he organized the Ninety-first Colored infantry, and was chosen as the Heutenant- colonel of that regiment in 1863. In the following year he was appointed Heuten ant-colonel in command of the Fifty-first Colored infantry. He was ordered to Vicksburg in November, 1864, and assigned to duty as the second officer on the board of examination to select white officers for colored regiments. Col. Buck led his regiment in the capture of Fort Bleckley, at Mobile, when the Federals captured 2,500 men. He was breveted colonel for this assault and made division inspector-general in April, 1865. Two months later he was made inspector-gen eral for Western Louisiana, and in this capacity he inspected troops and located depots for supplies furnished by the government to the people made destitute by the floods of that year. He was a member of the military commission at New Orleans for the department of the gulf during the winter of 1865-66, and was released from military service in 1866. He engaged for a short while in the man ufacture of turpentine on Montgomery Island, in Mobile Bay, but he sustained the loss of his outfit by fire in 1867. Col. Buck was a delegate to the recon struction convention of Alabama, and was made chairman of the committee on preamble and bill of rights. In December, 1867, he was appointed by Gen. Pope clerk of the Mobile county state court, and was subsequently elected a member of the city council of Mobile in 1868. Higher political honors awaited the indus trious suitor for distinction. In 1869 he took his seat as a member of the forty- first congress and secured the first $50,000 appropriation from the government for the Mobile harbor. He declined to be a candidate for re-election. Again in 1873 Col. Buck became a member of the city council of Mobile, and was chosen to serve as president of that body. He resigned this position, however, and moved to Atlanta, becoming the clerk of the United States circuit and district courts of Georgia. He resigned the district clerkship in 1887, and two years later was appointed marshal for the northern district of Georgia under President Harrison. He remained in this office, filHng the position acceptably to the citizens of the district, untH his successor under President Cleveland was duly qualified. 730 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Col. Buck was a Grant presidential elector from Alabama in 1868, and a mem ber from Georgia in the national republican conventions of 1880, 1884, 1888 and 1892. He has been the chairman of the state delegation in the last three con ventions. Since 1882 Col. Buck has been the chairman of the Georgia state central republican committee. He has been a director, secretary and treasurer of the Tecumseh Iron company, Cherokee county, Ala.; president of the Wilson Ridge Ore company, Calhoun county, Ala., and president of the South Atlanta Land company. Though Col. Buck has frequently been a target for his political enemies and many unkind things have been said of him by reason of his in fluential connection with the dominant party in the gloomy years that followed the war, no aspersion has ever been cast upon his personal honor and no one has ever questioned his loyalty either to principle or to party. Atlanta is jealous of his citizenship and Georgia is proud to own him as her adopted son. Col. Buck was united in marriage to Aliss Ellen B. Baker, daughter of Judge H. K. Baker, of Maine, in 1864. He is an attendant of the Presbyterian church, of which his wife is a member, and his home-life is that of a man who believes in doing all he can to make it a paradise on earth. p?UFUS BROWN BULLOCK, ex-governor of Georgia, Atlanta, was born in Bethlehem, Albany Co., New York, March 28, 1834. When he was six years old his parents moved to Albion, Orleans Co., New York, where his education was completed by graduation from Albion academy in 1850 — of whose Alumni associa tion he is now a member. Just at that time the electric telegraph was being constructed and operated through New York state. He became deeply interested in the House printing telegraph system, rapidly gained the mastery of the process, and although only seventeen years of age, took a leading position as an expert. Prescott's History of the Telegraph, and Reid's The Telegraph in America, give extensive flattering notices of him as an expert operator and organizer. It is said that he was the first operator able to read by sound. He was the inventor of the combination printing telegraph instrument, and was the electrician, operator and manager inaugurating the printing telegraph system in New York city, Buffalo, Rochester, Utica and Albany, New York; Springfield, Alass., and Phila delphia, Penn. His special ability as an executive officer forced him to the front, and he was soon found in Philadelphia in charge of a rival line which broke down the monopoly and brought abo'ut a more general use of the telegraph in busi ness and social intercourse. His persistency and untiring industry and energy and his wonderful ability as an organizer attracted the attention of the managers of the express service. His services were secured by Mr. Dinsmore, president of the Adams Express company, and in 1857 he was appointed assistant superin tendent of the Adams Express company, to extend that service in the south, with headquarters at Augusta, Ga. Just prior to the late civil war the Southern Express company was organized with H. B. Plant as president and Mr. Bullock as secretary, and the new company purchased all of the Adams Express company's interests in the southern states. By reason of heavy domestic affliction and impaired health Air. Plant was compelled to seek rest and relaxation in Europe; and Mr. Bullock, who was made trustee, secretary and superintendent on the organization of the company in i860, was in the active control of its affairs. Linder his direction telegraph lines were constructed on interior routes — primarily to promote the efficient management of that service; but when the regular telegraph lines along the coast were captured by the Federal forces, the interior lines estab lished by his foresight, proved of inestimable value. It was over these wires that communication was maintained between President Davis and Generals Lee, %-&fti'.:?f^v,,TOijj-«M PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 731 Beauregard and Johnston and, also, it was over these same wires that the restraining order was telegraphed by Gen. Sherman from Greensborough, N. C, to the Federal forces which were marching to destroy Alacon and Augusta. Under Superintendent BuHock's orders the Southern Express company's agents all over the south took charge of contributions of food and clothing for Gen. Lee's army, which were forwarded free and distributed to the persons to whom directed. Under an order of the war department he was appointed acting assistant quarter master-general of the Confederate states army in charge of railroad transportation, with the rank of colonel — and as such was paroled at Appomattox in AprH, 1865. Gov. Bullock's war experience in the telegraph and express business seemed to have imbued him with the spirit of internal improvement — the main spring of his subsequent career His first service after the war was looking to the welfare of Augusta and Georgia. The war left the south without currency. The land was left, and crops were in the ground, but there was no money with which to move the products. 'Commercial stagnation prevailed. Gov. Bullock went to- New York, where he secured capital, and went thence to Washington city, where he obtained a charter, for a national bank which was soon organized in Augusta, of which he was made a director. Thus Augusta by having $500,000 in bank notes in circulation a few months after the surrender, gained a vantage ground which gave the boom that placed her in the front rank of southern industrial centers^^ Not long afterward he became president of the Alacon & Augusta railway, and found its affairs were in such a state of prostration he could do nothing without money; so he again applied for aid to his moneyed friends in the north. But the antagonism between President Johnson and Congress as to the methods of reconstruction was so strong and bitter, that the prevailing sentiment was one of opposition to investments in the south. Said New York capitalists: "We prefer not to put our money into a country where there is no civil government. In fact, from one standpoint Georgia is not back into the Union. If you will go home and bring Georgia into the list of well ordered states within the Union, you can have all the money you want." This was the occasion of Gov. Bullock's embarking on the sea of politics. He allied himself with a number of progressive men — a constitutional convention was called and he took an active part in its proceedings. The controlling idea in his mind was to provide state aid to raHways with a view to the speedy development of Georgia's resources. The new constitution (1868), embodying and vitalizing his idea by authorizing state aid; a broad, comprehen sive and liberal policy in behalf of public schools; and other progressive lines of poHcy, was framed and afterward adopted by the people. Atlanta was made the capital of the state, and he was elected governor, and a general assembly returned favorable to liberal, progressive legislation. The long and permanent strides Georgia has made are directly traceable to the enactments of that general assembly and Gov. Bullock's administration — an impetus was imparted which subsequent inertia, and attempted obstructive measures have been powerless to impede. Hundreds of miles of raHway were very soon built, which, later, stimulated such enterprise in this direction as to advance Georgia to the front in the south. To the legislation of this period is largely due the buHding of the Georgia Air Line, Brunswick, Albany & Georgia Pacific and the rehabilitation of the Macon & Brunswick. Under his direction as governor and ex-officio president of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, a scheme was inaugurated by which thirty- three railways in the soutii made a two-cents-a-mile prospecting rate over their lines which brought thousands south to "spy out the land," with a view to settle ment and investment; and under it the famous press excursion in the summer of 1869 was projected. These two excursions did more than had ever been done 732 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. before to attract attention to the vast and varied wonderful resources of the south --particularly of Georgia — the empire state of the south. In accordance with his recommendation the general assembly authorized the lease of the Western & Atlantic railway for twenty years — which being consummated brought into the state treasury $6,000,000 — the road on the termination of the lease being in better condition and more valuable than when leased. Following out his wise and statesmanlike policy the road has again been leased — ^this time for $35,000 monthly rental, which in twenty years will give an income of $8,400,000. When at the ensuing election — 1870 — it was found that the general assembly would be over whelmingly against him, he resigned. At this time, without just cause, he was probably the most hated of men. Two indictments were found against him — one for aHeged conspiracy to defraud the state; the other for failure to account for certain bonds alleged to have been delivered by the city to the executive depart ment For seven years he announeed himself ready and vainly endeavored to have the cases tried. Meanwhile he was living in Atlanta, working for her interests, his general bearing and uniform courtesy and true manliness of char acter breaking down the hate and animosity borne toward him and when at last the cases were tried Gov. Bullock was completely and triumphantiy vindicated by a formal verdict of the jury ; and to-day no citizen more fully enjoys the respect and confidence of the people who see and associate with him daily, and to whom he is best known. A scrutinizing investigation conducted by those inimical to him, proved that instead of conspiring to defraud the state by the payment of money under his order to a "bogus corporation for imaginary cars," the corporation was a bona-fide enterprise, one of whose managers was the late Major Campbell Wallace, which actually delivered the most substantial cars and in excess of the money paid them. On trial of the other indictment for failure to account for certain bonds it was proven that they never reached the executive department, much less Gov. Bullock — but were passed directly from the mayor to Mr. H. I. Kimball, whose property they were, in payment for the old capitol building. For more than a score of years Gov. Bullock has been a very valuable and important actor in, and the promoter of every movement intended to advance the interests of Atlanta and of Georgia and the south. He was among the foremost and most prominent of those who conducted the exposition of 1871 ; stHl more active and influential for good in the International Cotton Exposition of 1881 ; and was one of the most efficient members of the committee conducting the arrangements for the great Cotton States and International Exposition, held this year (1895). He opposed the expulsion of the colored members from the general assembly, maintaining their right to hold office, and was sustained by the United States congress, under whose decision they were reseated and received their per diem. He was largely instrumental in building the Atlanta Cotton mill (the first) in the city, of which he was president and treasurer ten years, 1881-1891 ¦ — an enterprise which has been followed by two others of much larger capacity. He was for years a director in the chamber of commerce, and for two years recently its popular president; has been president of the Commercial club and vice-president of the Capital City club; and for four years was government director of the Union Pacific railway. Gov. Bullock was married in i860, and has two sons and a daughter who were born in Augusta. He is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, of which he has been junior and senior warden, and is now a delegate-elect to the national convention of the church to )3e held in Minneapolis this fall. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 733 iy\ R. W. H. BURDEN. One of the most successful business men of Georgia, who has recently become identified with the Gate City of the south, is WilHam H. Burden of the wholesale estabhshment of Coleman, Burden & Warthen com pany. Air. Burden is of Scotch descent and many of his sturdy characteristics have been derived from his Caledonian ancestry. His great-grandfather, Thomas Burden, emigrated to this country from Scotland in 1730 and settled in Caroline county, Va. He continued to reside at this place until 1770, when he moved to Newberry district, S. C. He subsequently figured in the war of the revolution. His son, William Burden, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Newberry district in 1771 and died in Twiggs county, Ga., in 1836, leaving four children, of whom Thomas L. Burden was the oldest. He was born in New berry district on Jan. 25, 1809, the anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, the peasant poet of Scotland. On Feb. 6, 1834, he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Barfield, the daughter of Richard and Sarah Barfield, of Jones county. Seven children resulted from this union. They were as follows: Nancy, the widow of Rev. John Jarrell, of Jones county; Sarah J., the wife of Richard Barfield, deceased; Wm. Henderson; Chapman, who was in Company F, Forty-fifth Geor gia regiment, and killed at the battle of Manassas ; Thomas J., living in Houston county, Ga. ; Rhoda C, died at the age of eighteen years ; Richard F., a merchant of Macon, (jfa. William Henderson was the eldest son and third among the chil dren in order of birth. He first saw the light of day in Jones county on May 26, 1839. The father of this large and promising household was a man of exceptional character. He exercised a strong influence over the community in which he lived, occupying many important positions, and died on Jan. 28, 1867, greatly beloved by all who knew him. His marriage with Sarah Barfield was a very fortunate alliance. This charming and cultivated lady was attractive not only in her manifold personal charms, but for the additional reason that she belonged to one of the oldest and most respectable families of the state. Young William's boyhood was passed amid the rural scenes of Jones county. As soon as he was old enough to attend school he began to apply himself with great diligence to his books, and divided his time between the school-room and the plantation. His opportunities for learning were not the best in the world, but he made the best use of them. His father was a great sufferer from rheumatism and this frequently compelled the lad to take the lead and give directions as to the man agement of the farm. Though reared among the furrows, so to speak, the lad's ambition was not satisfied with his narrow lot. His restless spirit yearned for a broader field of activity and his ardent young fancy pictured to him as he toiled away at the plow the busy life of a city merchant He read the newspapers and kept himself thoroughly posted on all the current happenings of the day. In the midst of these day dreams and preparation a messenger came to the farm bearing him a letter from a man whom he had never met. As the result of this correspondence he became a clerk in the house of Samuel Griswold, a wealthy manufacturer, who had come to Georgia from Connecticut, settling about four miles from the Burden farm. The duty of the young clerk was to manage the postoffice and look after various important matters connected with the factory. He remained in the service of Mr. Griswold for four years, and during that time enjoyed his absolute confidence in all matters pertaining to the business. Realiz ing his need of a better education, he decided, after the expiration of this time, much to the regret of his employer, who offered to increase his salary, to give up his position. Accordingly in 1859 he matriculated as a student in Prof. Scud- der's academy at Midway. His progress in his studies was rapid and he soon ranked among the leading members of his class. Just at this time, however, a 734 ' MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. second surprise in the shape of a letter came to him from a business firm in New Orleans offering him a responsible clerkship at a splendid salary. The offer was such a handsome one that he felt constrained, under the advice of his teacher and his own good judgment, to alter his original plans and accept this flattering proposition. He was only twenty-one years of age at the time of set ting out for New Orleans. He remained with the house untH the spring of 1862 and then left for the front to encounter the hardships of a soldier's life. The martial spirit of New Orleans -w/as very deeply stirred on account of the fact that Gen. Beauregard, who commanded in the battle of Fort Sumter, was a resi dent of that city. The men for whom Mr. Burden worked, however, were of northern birth, though friendly in their attitude toward the south. Regarding it his duty, and having the welfare of his state and country at heart, in 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Forty-fifth regiment, Georgia volunteers. Leaving the local troops at New Orleans, he set out for Virginia and joined the above regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas Hardeman. He remained at the front until the fall of Petersburg in 1865. Among the battles he participated in were: AlechanicsviHe, Cedar Run, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, ChancellorsvHle, Gettysburg, the Wilderness and Petersburg. For quite a while he served on the staff of Gen. Thomas as a special aide to that officer. On his way home after the war the young soldier passed through Atlanta, then a heap of smoke and ashes, little dreaming that he would ever become one of the citizens and participate in the prosperity of its resurrection. After reaching home he applied for a position on the Central railroad and was made assistant treasurer of the road. This position he filled until 1869. He was then tendered a position in the house of Ross & Coleman, at Macon, Ga., becoming the bookkeeper and credit man of that estab lishment. After two years in that position he was admitted into a part nership, the firm's name being changed to Ross, Coleman & Co. In 1876 Mr. Ross withdrew, after which the business was continued by S. T. Coleman & Co. Two years later it was changed to Coleman, Burden & Co., and again in 1889 it was incorporated under the name of the Coleman & Burden company. In 1893 a new charter was obtained and the establishment has since been known by the mercantHe name of the Coleman, Burden & Warthen company, the principal headquarters being in Atlanta. The house is one of the largest in the southem states, and the business is restricted entirely to the sale of boots and shoes. Mr. Burden is in charge of the financial affairs of the estabhshment, and under his able management the business has steadily grown each year. Mr. Burden was united in marriage Sept. 27, 1867, to Miss Sarah D. Barnes, of Clinton, Ga., a daughter of James G. and Susan Barnes. This union has been blessed with seven children, three sons and four daughters, viz.: Ida S., now Mrs. G. W. Coates; Annie Al., died at the age of seventeen ; William Chapman, now connected with the firm of his father; PauHne, wife of Mr. P. B. Murphey, cashier of the Newnan Banking company; Emmie May, Dudley H., Albert J. Their home life is a very happy one. Mr. Burden has never sought political honors nor cared for' public office of any kind. He takes a deep interest, however, in aH that concerns the welfare of ihe state and nation. Though rigid in the enforcement of aH the rules pertaining to his large estabhshment, Mr. Burden is a kind-hearted and considerate man and is greatly beloved by all the clerks in his employ. He is a member of the First Methodist church of this city and beHeves strongly in the doctrines of that denomination. Atianta is proud of the influence and prestige of this upright citizen. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 735 QOL. J. F. BURKE is perhaps the most distinguished military figure in the state. For many years the captain of the Gate city guard, one of the oldest military organizations in Atlanta, he extended the fame of that company into one of national reputation and earned for himself the distinction of commanding the crack com pany of the south. Col. Burke is a native of the state of South Carolina. His exttaction is Norman-Irish, and the martial spirit that dominates his life and char acter is derived from his Norman ancestry. It was the Normans who introduced the tournament into England and the various exercises of the sword and lance belonging to the lists of chivalry. The original name of the family was Du Burgh. This, in course of time, was Anglicized into Burke. The American pioneer of this distinguished family emigrated from England to Pennsylvania in 1658. The family subsequently divided into branches, one settling in the state of Maryland and the other locating in South Carolina. Hon. Adams Burke, the chancellor of Soutii Carolina during the revolution, was a rnember of this branch of the family. The subject of this sketch was a resident of South Carolina at the beginning of the late war. He had barely completed his studies and was still a mere youth at the time. He promptly enlisted, however, in the ranks of the First Soutii Carolina regiment, and just eleven days after the withdrawal of that state from the union he went on duty on Morris island, in Charleston harbor. This place was subsequently the scene of one of the most terrific battles of the war. It was from this island that the first gun, in the hands of Maj. Stevens, who was then in command of the company, fired the opening salutatory of the struggle. On Jan. 9, 1861, the "Star of the "West," a LTnited States vessel, bearing troops, provisions and ammunition for Fort Sumter, made an effort to enter Charleston harbor. It was fired on, however, by the battery erected on Vinegar hill, and several lives were lost on board. The behavior of Col. Burke throughout the entire war was gallant and meritorious. In 1867 the United States government, by an act of congress, appor tioned a large part of the public lands to the different states for educational pur poses. Georgia, under this apportionment received 243,000 acres. The manage ment of the sale of this land was intrusted by the governor of the state to Col. Burke, who realized from its sale the sum of $250,000, which was paid into the state treasury. Col. Burke was united in marriage to Aliss Cotting, the daughter of Judge David G. Cotting, at that time the secretary of state, in 1868. Since then he has resided in Atlanta without interruption. The command of the Gate city guard was offered to Col. Burke in 1877. His first impulse was to decline this high compliment, but, after mature deliberation, he decided to accept it Shortly after assuming the active command he conceived the idea of making an extensive tour of the United States in the interest of peace and reconcHiation. The company was composed of Atlanta's flower, and every profession and pursuit was represented. The members of the company took eagerly to the suggestion of Col. Burke, and the trip was decided upon with great enthusiasm. The trip is known in the annals of the company as "The Tour of the Guard." It was made in the fall of 1879, and embraced the northern and eastern states of the union. From the hour of departure until the moment of arrival the trip was one continuous ovation. In every city the company was greeted by the populace, and public receptions were given to its members. Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, Hart ford, Boston, Lawrence and Poughkeepsie were among the places visited. In New York city the enthusiasm was so great that hundreds of people, including prominent business men, joined the procession and marched in rear of the guards. From housetops and windows handkerchiefs were waved in joyful salutation as the company passed along the streets under the banners of the Seventh regiment of New York. The patriotic mission of the company in undertaking this tour of the 736 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. country is distinctly set forth in one of the eloquent speeches of Col. Burke, deliv ered in the city of Boston. Said he: "It may be asked, why do we come here clothed in the trappings of war? I will tell you. Our garb is not unknown to you. You have seen it before. You have seen it in war; it is brought to you in peace. It recalls memories that are sacred to both of us. You do not ask us to bury these memories ; we do not ask you to obliterate yours. There is not a vacant chair in our southern homes that has not its counterpart in northern households. We come to test the temper of our countrymen ; to sound their patriotism and sacrifice their animosities on the altar of fraternal peace. Good will in our hearts and the national emblem in our hands is all we have to offer; will you accept them? (Cries of yes, yes, and cheers.) We come to shake your hands in fraternal greeting; we come to break bread with you, and to say to you in the words of Ruth to Naomi, 'Henceforth thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.' " The delivery of this speech was greeted with loud acclaim, and for several minutes the wildest enthusiasm prevailed. The tour of the guard occupied three weeks. Returning to Atlanta a warm reception awaited them at home. It was realized from the reports that came back to the city that a long step had been taken in the direction of reconstruction, and the credit for this better feeling of brotherhood was due to Col. Burke and to the members of his company. But Col. Burke was not satisfied with this accomplishment. He decided to put forth his efforts to secure the erection of a handsome building to be known as the Memorial armory, and to be commemorative of the trip. A large fair was projected, and the military organiza tions of the state were invited to be guests of the city. Two hundred ladies agreed to contribute their influence and efforts to promote the success of the undertaking. The fair was a brHliant success. Military organizations came to the city, repre senting the states of Alabama, Connecticut, South Carolina, Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Georgia and Illinois. After a successful continuance of the fair for two weeks enough money was realize to purchase a lot and insure the success of the undertaking. Col. Burke resigned the command of the Gate city guard in 1883 to become the chief officer of the staff of Gov. Alex. H. Stephens. He occupied that position until the death of Gov. Stephens a few months later. Subsequently induced to accept the command of the guard for a second time, Col. Burke conceived the idea of making a tour of Europe, and to this end received flattering invitations and assurances of courtesy from France, Germany, Belgium and other European countries. A vessel was chartered and every preparation was made for the ttip, when finally the consummation was defeated by official objection. England refused to allow the troops to land on her soil and the enterprise was abandoned. A graceful and ready speaker, Col. Burke has had abundant opportunities for entering public life, but he has never cared for such honors. In a quiet way, however, and in military circles, he has accom plished a great deal in behalf of the city. He was one of the projectors of the first benevolent home ever organized in Atlanta, and fostered the enterprise from which the first $5,000 was realized for the building up of the Young Men's Library asso ciation. His associates on the board of directors were Henry W. Grady, Julius L: Brown, Benjamin H. Hill, Jr, Marshall J. Clarke, and Henry Hillyer and others. Col. Burke is a practical church member. His example is that of a dignified, useful, conscientious citizen, successful in his undertakings, and in this light he is admired and respected by all classes in the community. QEORGE AUGUSTUS CABANISS. In the western limits of Forsyth, the county seat of Monroe county, Ga., stands an old ante-beHum house of the better class, erected in 1842 by Judge Elbridge Guerry Cabaniss. This old build- PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 737' ing, considered a very fine one fifty years ago, is stHl a comfortable dwelling, and^ as it properly should be, is yet in the Cabaniss family, being owned and occupied by the Hon. Thomas B. Cabaniss, ex-representative of the Sixth district in con gress. It is surrounded by a magnificent grove of ancient oaks, ten acres in extent, which may well be considered historic ground, for many of the most memorable debates ever heard in Georgia occurted in the shade of these old trees- Here, in 1848, Walter T. Colquitt and Herschell V. Johnson, champions of democ racy, and Robert Toombs and Alexander Stephens, upholding the standard of the whigs, moved the assembled hosts by their eloquence; and here, in later days, the matchless tongues of B. H. HHl, John B. Gordon and others thrilled the Hs tening crowds. Within one hundred yards of where the old Cabaniss homestead now stands was born on Dec. 12, 1832, Air George Augustus Cabaniss, the sub ject of this short sketch. He was brought up and educated in Monroe county, studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1855, and practiced in Monroe county until April, 1861, when as first lieutenant Ouitman guards, Company K, First Georgia regiment, he enlisted and served twelve months. He was in the famous retreat from Laurel Hill, in which Gen. Garnett was killed. On the expiration of his twelve months' term he was assigned to post duty with the rank of first lieu tenant in, the enroHing service. On Dec. 16, 1856, five years before the civil war began. Air G. A. Cabaniss married Miss Juliet McKay, of Monroe county, a lady who must have been very beautiful in her younger days, judging from her appearance now; and certainly her refined manner and kindly disposition have- endeared her to all so fortunate as to be numbered among her friends. This happy union has been blessed with three children: Edward H., a prominent and rising lawyer of Birmingham, Ala.; Daniel M., cashier of a large national buHding and loan association ; and Miss Juliet, a very bright and attractive young lady, now at the Lucy Cobb institute, Athens, Ga. After the war, 'Mr. Cabaniss returned to- Forsyth, and engaged first in mercantHe, then in the cotton warehouse business. He remained in Forsyth until 1885, when he was appointed to the revenue service, with headquarters in Macon, Ga., where he remained until 1889. In the fall of 1889, Mr. Cabaniss removed with his family to Atlanta, Ga., and was immediatel}^ thereafter appointed acting secretary of a national building and loan association,. "The Southern Home," just then organized. Not long after the organization of the foregoing institution, Mr. Cabaniss was elected a director in the same; and subsequently its general manager, which highly responsible position he still occu pies. By his close attention to business, and conscientious discharge of the weighty duties devolving upon him, Mr. Cabaniss has contributed very much to- the wonderful growth and extraordinary success of this association, which now has assets amounting to over $1,250,000, and local branches throughout the southern states. In 1882, Mr. Cabaniss was appointed trustee of the state lunatic asylum by Gov. Colquitt, and has been one of the trustees ever since, except two years, when pressing engagements prevented him serving. He is now president o£ the board and has been since 1889. Mr. Cabaniss is a Knight Templar Mason, and a prominent member of the Baptist church. Mr. Cabaniss is a large man, not only in body, but also in the possession of the greater and nobler qualities of heart and soul, which go to make up the full stature of a man. Of hasty temper, quick" to resent an injury, he is equally ready to forgive and forget a wrong, or to make the "amende honorable" when convinced that he has done injustice to another. Generous to a fault, no one in distress ever appealed to him for sympathy or aicf in vain. Mr. Cabaniss loves his family, his friends, and good living, which he has always had. Genuine, unstinted southern hospitality is always found at his home, a handsome new house at Copenhill, one of the prettiest suburbs of 1-47 738 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Atianta; and here may a kind Providence bless him with health, happiness and many years. JUDGE WILLIAM LOWNDES CALHOUN was born in Decatur, Ga., Nov. 21, 1837, where he lived until fifteen years of age, attending school and then came to Atlanta in company with his parents. Here he continued his studies and completed his primary education. At the age of sixteen years he entered the law office of his father, and after three years' application was admitted to the bar He immediately formed a partnership with his father, which lasted untH the death of the latter in 1875. Judge Calhoun practiced alone from 1875 to January, 1881. In Alarch, 1862, he took up arms in defense of the south, enlisting in Company K, Forty-second Georgia volunteers, and received the appointment of first Heuten ant, but was soon after advanced to the captaincy when the regiment was perma- nentiy organized. He held this rank throughout the four years' conflict His bravery in battle was unquestioned and rewarded by substantial recognition since the "days of '65." He was at Cumberland Gap; in the struggles around Vicks burg, lasting for six months, and forty-seven days in the trenches there; at Baker's creek and the bridge across Big Black river; in the skirmishes on the memorable retreat from Dalton 'to Resaca, including heavy onsets, in which Judge Calhoun commanded four companies, and the battle of Rocky Face, and at Resaca, where he fought two days continuously and was severely wounded. When the surrender occurred he was en route to Greensboro, N. C, having partially recovered, and with the intention of rejoining his command. As soon as his injuries permitted a long journey, he returned to Atlanta, and resumed the prac tice of law. In 1872 he was elected to represent Fulton county in the state legisla ture, and served during the sessions of 1873-74, and 1875-76, being re-elected after the expiration of the first term. In the first session he was appointed on the following committees: General judiciary, corporations and finance; in the second I;e retained the former appointments. In 1878 he was elected mayor of Atlanta, serving" two years. When he went into office there existed a floating debt of $600,000, on which a high rate of interest was being paid. He funded this at 6 per cent, during his administration, and also improved the sanitary and street paving systems. From 1889 until 1894 he was president of the Confederate Veter ans' association of Fulton county. When elected the membership numbered only twelve or fifteen, but when he retired it has increased to 700, and greater interest was manifested in the organization. Judge Calhoun is a master Mason, an Odd FeHow, and was made Heutenant-colonel of the Fourth Georgia battalion in 1890, resigning after a service of three years. In September, 1857, he was united in marriage to Mary J. Oliver, a native of South Carolina. To this union have been given six chHdren: James M., of Ennis, Tex.; Emma C, wife of S. N. Connally, of Atlanta; Mamie Lowndes; William Dabney; Lowndes, an attorney of Atlanta; and Nettie A. One of his brothers, James T., served throughout the war as a private in his command. His father was James AI. Calhoun, a native of Calhoun settiement, Abbeville district, S. C, who nioved to Georgia about 1835, locating in Decatur, where he read law and was admitted to the bar. In 1852 he came to Atlanta, resumed practice, and died in 1875. Iu the Creek war of 1836 he com manded a cavalry company, and subsequentl}- served in both branches of the legis lature, and was mayor of Atianta in 1862-3-4 and 5. Judge Calhoun's mother yvas Emma Eliza Dabney, daughter of Anderson W. Dabney, a native of Virginia, and a resident of Georgia. They were blessed with six children. Judge Calhoun was elected ordinary of Fulton county in 1881, and has been re-elected, without oppo sition, ever since. We might say his career is without a flaw. He is highly respected as a citizen, a lawyer and an honorable gentieman. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 739 IWIILTON A. CANDLER. One of the leading members of the Georgia bar, and a man who has frequently been honored by the people of the state is Hon. Milton A. Candler. Mr. Candler is a native of Campbell county, where he was born Jan. ii, 1837, but his boyhood days were spent in the neighboring county of Carroll. Here the subject of this sketch received his primary educa tion, and remained until reaching the years of mature manhood. In 1852 he became a student at Franklin coHege, now the state university, graduating with the degree of A. B., in 1854. Being an excellent debater and fond of intellectual employment, having received a great stimulus from his literary course at the university, and especially his debating society, the young student resolved to enter the legal profession. Accordingly, soon after graduation, he began the study of law in the office of Warren Aikin, at Cassville, Ga. He was subsequently admitted to the bar in Pickens county in 1856, launching out into the practice of law at Cassville. In 1857 he located at Decatur, Ga., a small town about six miles from Atlanta, on the Georgia railroad. Here he remained in the peaceable en joyment of a large and lucrative practice until the spring of 1863, when the martial spirit prevailed over the demands of his profession and he entered the Confederate army as captain of Company A, Tenth Georgia state guard. He remained in the service until the spring of 1864. Mr. Candler, by reason of his strong inherent love of politics, has frequently been forced into the political forum, and numerous honors, in the gift of the democratic party, have rewarded his aspira tions. During the years of 1861-62-63 he occupied a seat in the state legislature at Milledgeville. He was also a member of the convention that met at the state capital in the fall of 1865. From 1868 to 1872 he occupied a seat in the state senate. Two years later he was elected to the forty-fourth congress as a repre sentative from the fifth congressional district. He served on several important committees, notably the committee on private land claims and elections. Mr Cand ler was recognized as one of the ablest speakers on the floor of congress. In 1876 he was re-elected to the forty-fifth congress, and his record in that body was equally as brilliant and patriotic. Returning home from Washington at the close of his second term, Mr. Candler devoted himself exclusively to the practice of his profession. He had located his office in Atlanta in 1867, though he still continued to reside in Decatur. Many important cases were voluntarily brought to Mr. Candler on his resumption of the active practice, and his reputation as an advocate daily increased with the repeated announcements of his victories in the courts. Mr. Candler has few equals at the Georgia bar to-day, and his eloquence is still as fervid and impassioned as when his boyish face first appeared on the stump in Georgia. In 1893, though not a candidate, Mr. Candler was chosen to represent his home county (De Kalb) in the state legislature. Mr. Candler has never connected himself with any secret organization, but is an in fluential member, and for several years has been a leading elder in the Decatur Presbyterian church. In 1857 Mr. Candler was married to Miss EHza C. Mur phy, the daughter of the late Hon. Charles Murphy, of Decatur, an ante-bellum congressman, and a delegate to the secession convention, who died on the day that body convened. Mr Candler has five living children: Charles M., who has been a meniber of the state legislature, and is now connected with the George W. Scott Manufacturing company in Georgia; Samuel C, who now resides in Cali fornia as special agent of the United States land service; Florence, wife of C. A. Cowles, of Decatur; Claude and Ruth, unmarried. The father of Mr. Candler, who was a native Georgian, served for several terms in the state legislature before and after the war. His name was Samuel C. Candler, and during the greater part of his life he devoted himself to mercantile pursuits and farming. He was 740 ' MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. a man of superior intelHgence, who carefully observed the times, and beheved ins giving his children a good education as far as his means could afford. He was- a man of commanding influence in his community and his death — which occurred in 1873 at the age of sixty-four years — was deeply deplored. QOL. JOHN SLAUGHTER CANDLER, of Atlanta, Ga., ranking colonel of the Georgia state troops, and the solicitor-general of the Stone mountain circuit,. was born in Carroll county, Ga., Oct. 22, 1861, being the youngest child of Samuel Charles and Martha B. (Beall) Candler. Hon. Samuel Charles Candler was born in Columbia county, Ga., on Dec. 6, 1809. His father was Daniel Candler, who- married Sarah Slaughter, by whom he was the father of seven children, viz. : William Love, Elizabeth Anthony, John Kingston, Frances Mary, Samuel Charles, Daniel Gill, and Ezekiel Slaughter. Daniel (handler, paternal grandfather of John Slaughter Candler, was the youngest of William Candler's children. He was only ten years old when his father, William Candler, died. Of the early history of William Candler, family tradition gives but little information. There are, however,. scraps of recorded history, scattered here and there, which taken together and interpreted, the one in the light of the others, enable us to arrive with reasonable accuracy at a correct conclusion as to his origin and ancestry. There is now in the possession of the Candler family a manuscript, written sixty years ago in his family Bible by Rev. Ignatius A. Few, D. D., LL. D. (the first president of Emory college,. at Oxford, Ga.), which manuscript may be relied on for correctness as far as it goes, for its author. Dr. Few, was born a hundred years ago; lived, in point of time, near to his grandfather; was a man of profound learning and piety; and came fully up to Cicero's definition of a good historian, "a man too brave to tell a lie and brave enough to tell the truth." The manuscript says : "WHliam Candler was- probably born in Ireland ; his parents certainly were. He held the rank of colonel in the American army during the war of the revolution, and died and was buried in Columbia county, Ga., in 1879, four miles east of Mount Carmel." Lyman C Draper, LL. D., secretary of the State Historical society of Wisconsin, says: "Maj.. William Candler, who, with Capts. Carr and Johnson, commanded the small party of Georgians at the battle of Kings mountain, was born of English parents in Dublin, Ireland, in 1738, and was brought to North Carolina when a mere child.. Pie married, in 1761, Elizabeth Anthony, and the next year migrated to Georgia. In 1771 he was a deputy surveyor. During the war he served under Col. Clarke,. was in the attack on Augusta, at Kings mountain and Blackstocks, and rose to the rank of colonel He was a member of the legislature in 1784-5; was appointed a judge, and died at his seat in Columbia county, in 1789, at the age of fifty-one years, leaving several children, his oldest son, Henry, having served in the army with him." These two accounts from sources so far apart in point of time and distance agree substantially as to the main facts. Col. William Candler was, as- Draper says, in the siege of Augusta, and in all the other affairs in upper Georgia,. and those in which Sumter was engaged in his campaign in South Carolina, in 1780. With the return of peace and the establishment of the independence of the- colonies, the Candlers returned to their devastated homes in Columbia county, on Little river. William Candler and WiHiam and Benjamin Few were named in the- act of the royal legislature of Georgia, in 1780, proscribing certain prominent rebels in that colony who were especially obnoxious to the crown, and disqualifying them- from holding office, from sitting on juries, and even from testifying as witnesses in the courts ; but this octracism continued for only a short time. The patriots soon recovered possession of the state, and these ostracised rebels, in their turn, passed laws confiscating the property of those who had mustered under the flag of the PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 74I enemies of their country, and making the name of tory so odious that to-day, after the lapse of more than a hundred years, is a stench in the nostrils of the great grandchildren of the heroes of Savannah, Augusta, Kings mountain, Cowpens, and the numerous other less noted fields on which they shed their blood in defense of their homes and firesides. WHliam Candler was a member of the first general assembly of Georgia that met in that state under the constitution after the close of the war of the revolution. Subsequently he became a judge of the highest court then known to the judiciary of that state, and died at his seat in Columbia county, Ga., in 1789. He married, in 1760, Elizabeth Anthony, whose grandfather was a Genoese Italian and her mother a Clark. She was the eldest of a numerous family, and one of her nephews was governor of Kentucky. WHliam Candler and Tiis wife, Elizabeth Anthony, had chHdren : Mary, Henry, Falby, William, Charles, Elizabeth, John Kingston, Amelia, Joseph, Mark Anthony and Daniel. We will now proceed to speak more at length of Daniel, the youngest of the children of William Candler, as he was the progenitor of most of the Candlers who still live in Georgia, Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas. He was born in Columbia county, Ga., in 1779. Samuel Slaughter came with his brother, Reuben, from Virginia to Georgia, prior to the war of the revolution, and Daniel Candler was married to his daughter, Sarah Slaughter. Samuel Slaughter was a very successful planter of Baldwin county, Ga., and both he and his brother were ardent patriots and both served in the armies of the colonies during the war of the revolution. Both reared large families, and their descendants are to be found scattered all over the south, especially in Georgia. Daniel Candler died in Columbia county, Ga., in Septem ber, 1816. Cut off at that period of life before which few men ever accomplish much, his life was devoid of special incident. He and his wife, Sarah Slaughter, had seven children, viz. : William Love Candler, born in Alilledgeville, Ga., Sept. 1, 1801. He married Martha Moore in Upson county, Ga., about 1824. He died and was buried in Bienville parish, Louisiana, in 1868. He had eight chHdren. Elizabeth Anthony Candler, bom on March 30, 1803. She was twice married, first to Owen H. Myrick, by whom she bore a son, and after his death to Corley, by whom she had five children. She died in BienviHe parish, Louisiana, Dec. 20, 1872. All of her chHdren in life reside in Louisiana except the Rev. Daniel G. Myrick, who has been for many years a leading Methodist minister. John King ston Candler was born in Columbia county, Ga., in 1804. He married Caroline Smith in Baldwin county, Ga., in his twenty-second year. He reared a numerous family, and all, if alive, are thought to be in Louisiana. He is a substantial farmer, unostentatious and unambitious. He still lives in Bienville parish. La., and is ninety-one years old. Frances Emily Candler was born in Columbia county, Ga., in 1806. She was married in her eighteenth year to Wilson Simpson, a native of Tennessee, by whom she was the mother of ten children, some of whom reside in western Texas and others in Louisiana. She died near the Brazos river, in western Texas, about 1856. Hon. Samuel Charles Candler, father of the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this sketch, was born in Columbia county, Ga., on Dec. 6, 1809. At the age of twenty-four he married Martha B. Beall, a daughter of Noble B. Beall, of Cherokee county, Ga., a niece of Gen. William Beall, for a long time prominent in the history of "Western Georgia. Samuel Charles Candler represented at different times two different counties in the Georgia legislature; first, Cherokee, in 1835, and afterward, for several terms, Carroll, in which he spent most of his life. He was also, for two terms, a member of the state senate. In his earHer life he was a merchant, and, later, devoted much of his time to politics. He was a member of the convention which met at Charleston, S. C, was an ardent supporter of Douglas, and, together with Absalom H. ChappeH, of Muscogee; 742 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Hiram Warner, of Meriwether, and James L. Seward, of Thomas, was burned in effigy at Macon, Ga., by the supporters of Breckinridge and the other presidential candidates for having refused to withdraw from that convention. He was also very prominent in Masonic circles, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church south. He served as a soldier in the war with the Seminole Indians in Florida in 1836. He died on Nov. 13, 1873, but his widow is stiH living and resides in Atlanta. He left eleven children, of whom we shall speak more particularly hereafter. Daniel Gill Candler was born in Columbia county, Ga., Feb. 22, 1812, and married Oct 8, 1833, to Nancy Caroline Matthews, of western Georgia. He was a lawyer and at one time a judge, served in two Indian wars, in the army of the United States, and was the captain commanding the famous Banks county guards, one of the companies of the Second regiment that left Georgia in the army of the Confederate states. He was thrice elected mayor of Gainesville, Ga., and died in that city Oct. 17, 1887. He left twelve chHdren, the eldest being Hon. Allen Daniel Candler, who was a, colonel in the army of the Confederate state, for five years a representative in the Georgia legislature, for two years a senator in the same state, for eight years a member of the United States congress, and is now serving his second term as secretary of state for the state of Georgia. Ezekiel Slaughter Candler, youngest of the children of Col. William Candler and his wife, Sarah Slaughter, was born in Columbia county, Ga., Aug. 5, 1815, married Miss Jane Williams, a native of Tennessee, in Coweta county, Ga., Aug. 19, 1839, and died in Atlanta, Ga., January 12, 1869. " He was sheriff of Carroll county, Ga., when a very young man, subsequently represented that county in the Georgia legis lature, and, in 185 1, was elected comptroller-general of Georgia, holding that important office twelve years. He left seven children, who, if in life, reside in Georgia. The foregoing are the lineal descendants of Daniel, the youngest son of Col. William Candler, of the American revolution of 1776. The de scendants of his brothers are not so numerous. They live in the counties of Columbia, Talbot and Muscogee, in Georgia, and in the state of Alabama; some of them probably live in other states. Having thus traced the history of William Candler, of Richmond county, Ga., and his descendants from his first appearance, in 1 77 1) as a land surveyor under the royal government, we will now proceed to speak more particularly of the descendants of Samuel Charles and Martha B. (Beall) Candler, of whom there were eleven, viz: The Hon. Milton A. Candler, born Jan. 11, 1837. He is a lawyer and lives in Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga. ; has represented his county several times in the state house of representatives, his district in two constitutional conventions and once in the state senate, and his district in the forty-fifth and forty-sixth congresses of the United States. He married EHza, daughter of the Hon. Charles Murphy, at one time a member of congress from Georgia. They have several children, most of whom are living, and the eldest of whom, the Hon. Charles Murphy Candler, was a member of the legislature of Georgia during the session of 1889-90; Ezekiel S. Candler, a lawyer and Baptist minister, of Mississippi; he niarried Miss Julia Bevel, of Hamilton <:ounty, Fla. They have several children, of whom the eldest, E. S. Candler, Jr., is a prominent lawyer of luka, Miss.; Julia Florence, wife of J. Watt Harris, of Cartersville, Bartow Co., Ga.; Noble Daniel, who was much afflicted from youth and died since the death of his father; Sarah Justana, married J. J. Willard, deceased, of De Kalb county, Ga. ; she has several children, the eldest of whom, Samuel, is in business in Atlanta, Ga. ; WilHam Beall Candler, of Carrollton, Car roll Co., Ga.; he is a merchant, and married a daughter of Dr. Slaughter, of that county, by whom he has several children; Elizabeth Frances, who married H. H. Dobbs; she has several children; Asa Griggs Candler, a very prominent druggist' FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 743 of Atianta, Ga.; he married Miss Howard, daughter of his former partner in business, by whom he has several children; he is now president of the Georgia Sunday-school association, and is exceedingly prominent in the lay service of the Methodist Episcopal church, south; Samuel Charles Candler, a merchant of Car rollton, Carroll Co., Ga.; he niarried a Miss Bevel of the state of Florida; the Rev. "Wan-en Akin Candler, D. D., of Oxford, Ga., of whom a sketch appears elsewhere in these Memoirs; he is president of Emory college, of which his second cousin. Rev. Ignatius A. Few, LL. D., was the first president more than half a century ago; he was a doctor of divinity at less than thirty years of age, and is probably the youngest man in the service of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, who has ever been prominently mentioned in connection with the highest ' office in the gift of that denomination, that of a bishop; Col. John Slaughter Candler, whose name heads this article, is the ranking colonel of the Georgia state troops ; he resided in Carroll county until thirteen years of age, receiving his earlier education in the rural schools of that county and at Cartersville, Ga., under the tutorage of his sister, Mrs. Florence Harris. November, 1876, he entered the boys' high school, at Atlanta, Ga., and was graduated therefrom in June of the following year; attended Emory college, at Oxford, Ga., for three years and was graduated from that institution, with the degree of bachelor of arts, in 1880. For two years next after his graduation, he taught school in the county of De Kalb, studied law while not engaged in his school duties and was admitted to the practice at Decatur, Ga., but removed soon thereafter to Atlanta, Ga., and has since pursued his profession at that city. In 1883 he was admitted to practice in the state supreme court, and in 1892 he was admitted to the United States supreme court. On Nov. 26, 1887, Air Candler was appointed by Gov. John B. Gordon solicitor-general of the Stone Mountain circuit, to fill an unexpired term, and in November, 1888, he was elected by the state legislature to the same position for the full term of four years, and in November, 1892, re-elected, without opposition, by the same body. His recognition by the state's executive dates back, however, to 1882, when he was appointed lieutenant-colonel and aide-de-camp on the staff of Gov. Alexander H. Stephens, holding that rank under Govs. Boynton and McDaniel until the office of judge-advocate general was created by act of the legislature. He was then appointed to. that important post by Gov. Henry D. McDaniel, re-appointed to that place by Gov. John B. Gordon, and again held it four years under the administration of Gov. William J. Northen, resigning in 1893 to accept the command of the Fifth regiment of infantry, Georgia Volunteers, of which regiment he is colonel at the present time. In December, 1894, Col. Candler was appointed on the commission organized for the purpose of codifying the military laws of Georgia, and is chairman of that commission. Probably no officer of the state's militia has devoted as much valuable time to the thorough organization and equipment of the militia as has Col. Candler. He has ever been a champion of the establishment of an annual encampment of the state forces, for the two-fold purpose of perfecting those forces in the battalion and regimental drills and for the mutual companionship in arms arising from such annual association. He has frequently appeared before the finance committee of the state legislature in advocacy of an appropriation to defray the expenses of such encampments, and it is to his efforts, probably, that several measures looking to those annual appro priations have been carried through the legislature. Col. Candler is prominent in politics, being elected a member of the state democratic executive committee from the fifth congressional district in 1884, and upon the assembling of that body. was made secretary of the committee; and is now a member of that committee from the fifth congressional district He has acted at various times as chairman ot 744 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. the congressional executive committee, as chairman of the thirty-fourth district senatorial committee, and of the democratic executive committee for De Kalb county. He has also been prominently mentioned in connection with the con- g;ressional seat of the fifth district, and his friends say that his services to the democratic party have been of such character as to deserve reward at the hands of his fellow-citizens. Col. Candler is an able lawyer, quick of perception, pro found in his knowledge of the law, a thorough master of the science of pleading and practice and precedent, and always courteous to opposing counsel. He was .married Jan. i6, 1884, to Miss Lula Gamier, a daughter of the late Col. Isadore V. Garnier, a native of Charleston, S. C, and a grandson of Gen. Joseph Gamier, who was one of Napoleon's generals. This union has been blessed by the birth ol two interesting children, viz.: Asa Warren Candler and Allie Garnier Candler. 'Col. Candler is a steward of the Edgewood Methodist Episcopal church, south, of Atlanta, and was a member and chairman of the lay delegation to the general conference which met in St. Louis, Mo., in May, 1890. P P. CHAMBERLIN. Among the enterprising and successful business men of Atlanta who shared the vicissitudes of her early misfortunes directly after the war to enjoy, in a well-bestowed measure, her subsequent prosperity, is Mr. E. P. Chamberlin. Mr. Edward Payson Chamberlin was born in St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in the little village of Parishville, on Sept. 16, 1832. His parents, -on both sides, were of English descent, and coming to America during the colonial -era, his ancestors distinguished themselves by their gallant behavior in the revo lutionary struggle. His mother was a near relative of the famous patriot, Ethen Allen, who made perhaps the most romantic record of any soldier in the American revolution. The death of Mr. Chamberlin's father occurring in 1836, at which time the subject of this sketch was only four years of age, he was left dependent upon a widowed mother who had five fatherless children to support. At the age -of seven the young lad was bound out to a farmer in the neighborhood, and remained with him, doing the rough work of the plantation, and living on intimate terms with adversity until reaching his seventeenth year. During the period of his service he was p'ermitted to attend school for a few months in each year, and this was the full extent of his educational advantages. Possessed of a bright mind, however, and one that was quick to receive impressions, he acquired many valuable lessons by observation, and these increased as his opportunities extended. Having relatives in this state, young Chamberlin turned his face toward Georgia "in 1849, and came to Stewart county, locating in the little town of Lumpkin. He commenced to clerk for his cousin, Mr E. E. Rawson, receiving the meager sum of $150 for his services the first year. Five years later, by reason of his diHgent appHcation and faithful devotion to his business, he had not only mastered the ¦details of the establishment, but was offered a partnership in the firm, which he accepted. Though only a mere youth, he had shown a shrewd business sagacity that was far beyond his years, and Mr. Rawson realized that he had made a good investment by taking the young financier into his employ. A year after this combination was formed, however, the partnership was dissolved, young Chani- iDerlin going into business with Mr. W. W. Boynton, in the general merchandise line. The interference of the war prevented the realization of the hopes begotten of this partnership, and Mr. Boynton, who entered the Confederate service, was subsequently killed at the battie of Antietam. Being of a delicate constitution, Mr. Chamberlin remained in Lumpkin, taking care of the widows and children, •and rendering valuable aid to tiie Confederacy. During the last six months of -the war he acted as agent for the govemment in purchasing supplies for the PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 745 southern army. At the end of the war Mr. Chamberlin, in winding up the affairs of his old business, found that his firm was indebted to New York merchants to the sum of $18,500. He determined to pay this debt in spite of the fact that he had lost nearly all his merchandise by the war. Having saved a hundred and thirty bales of cotton, he started to New York for the purpose of disposing of it, and there found to his intense satisfaction that cotton had risen from twenty cents a pound in Georgia to sixty cents a pound in New York. He was enabled therefore to cancel the debt with only half the cotton, and returned home with the proceeds of the other half in his pocket He subsequently embarked in the cotton business and became one of the largest shippers in the state. Mr. Cham berlin began his career as a merchant in Atlanta in July, 1866. The city was just beginning to emerge from the smoke and ashes wrought by the annihilating torch of Gen. Sherman. He purchased a home on Washington street and rented a store on the corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets, organized the firm of Chamberlin, Cole & Boynton, the latter member of the firm being a younger brother of his former partner. The dimensions of the store were only 25x100 feet, and they commenced business on a small scale. The establishment grew, however, and after the expiration of two years Mr. Cole withdrew. Subsequently, in 1870, Mr. H. S. Johnson was taken into the business under the firm name of Chamberlin, Boynton & Co. The firm remained unchanged until 1884, when Air. Boynton retired, and Mr. E. R. Du Bose was admitted, changing the style of the firm to that of Chamberlin, Johnson & Co. In 1878, in order to meet the demands of a rapidly advancing trade, the building was enlarged to double its former capacity, and again in 1885 the present commodious building was erected, and stands to-day as one of the finest mercantile emporiums in the south. It is only due to Mr. Chamberlin to say that the growth of the establishment is largely due to his strict business integrity and to his shrewd financial sagacity. For two years Mr. Chamberlin represented his ward in the city council, serving as chairman of the committee on sewerage. It was during his administration that the present excellent system was inaugurated. Mr. Chamberlin was a director in the first cotton factory ever started in Atlanta, and was also a director and promoter of the first cotton exposition in 1881. When elected a director of this exposition he was lying upon a bed of sickness in the state of Wisconsin. He hurried home, and at the second meeting of the board asked if it was the inten tion of the directors to limit the exposition to cotton, cotton fabrics and cotton machinery. On being informed that it was he very promptly refused to serve on the board unless it was made more general in its character, prophesying failure to the enterprise if this was not done. Such was the strength and fervor of his argument that his views were adopted by the board and the result has become a matter of history. Mr. Chamberlin, by reason of his progressive ideas, was made a director in the Piedmont exposition of 1887, and is now a member of the board of the Cotton States and International exposition, the most stupendous enterprise ever started on southern soil. On the reorganization of the (Chamber of Commerce in 1883 Mr. Chamberlin became one of the most active members of that body. The site of the present building was secured mainly through his efforts as chairman of the committee on location. As an evidence of Mr. Cham berlin's patriotic sense of duty, he had purchased the lot on Marietta street on which the custom house now stands for his own private use, but very promptly surrendered it to the city as a suitable location for a government building. For a number of years Mr. Chamberlin has been a steward of Trinity Methodist church, and has actively identified himself with the religious affairs of that denomi nation. His influence has always been on the side of morality and good order 746 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and he has always been a loyal and helpful friend to the young men of the city. As a director on the board of the Young Alen's Christian association he has demon strated a profound interest in their behalf. To the young men in his employ his manner is that of a chivalrous Christian gentleman. His ear is always opened to their petitions, and his hands are always ready to serve them. Perseverance and faithful attention to business never fail to receive due recognition from him, and by all the men in his employ he is held in grateful and affectionate esteem. Mr. Chamberlin has one brother, Augustus Y., yvho lives in San Jose, Cal., and one sister, Clara, who is the widow of Lewis E. Hudson, of Whitewater, Wis. For several years Air. Chamberlin has been a trustee of Emory college. Mr. Cham berlin is a member of the masonic fraternity and belongs to the Capitol City club, and also to the Commercial club. He was married in 1857 to Miss Levisa Catchings, daughter of Dr. Seymour Catchings, of Lumpkin, Ga. Five children were born to them, only two of whom are now living, a son and daughter, E. P., Jr., and Eva G. In his home life Mr. Chamberlin is kind and affectionate. He is fond of the domestic pleasures of his own fireside and prefers them to the more popular amusements of the world. His career in all its phases is full of encouragement and inspiration to young men, crowning the successful enter prises of the merchant with the more ennobling spirit of the ideal citizen. Y)R. JULIUS ARTHUR CHILDS, one of Atlanta's most famous physicians, was born on a farm belonging to his father in Alitchell county, N. C, Aug. 13, 1858, and resided there until he was seventeen, attending the schools of the county. Ill 1875 l^e went to Lincolnton, N. C, and accepted a mercantile position with a relative, in which capacity he was occupied until 1881, when he went to Chester court house, S. C, and engaged in the marble business for four years. In October, 1885, he entered the medical college of Soutii Carolina at Charleston, graduating therefrom in March, 1888. Immediately after graduating- he entered the Charleston city hospital and remained there one year. He then located in Greenville, S. C, for a short time; but in October removed to Atlanta, where he has since practiced his profession. Dr. Childs is a member of the medical society of Atlanta and has served as its vice-president and secretary. He has contributed articles to the leading medical journals of the country and holds the chair of venereal and skin diseases in the Atlanta polycHiiic. Dr. Childs was niarried January, 1892, to Susan, daughter of the late Daniel Pittman, for many years ordinary of Fulton county. He is a respected member of the Alethodist church and highly esteemed in social circles as well as in the business world. He is of northern extraction, his father having been born in Alassachusetts, where he died at the age of seventy-seven. Dr. Childs' mother, Delia Osborn, was born in New- York, the daughter of Obadiah Osborn, who was a soldier in the revolutionary war, and who, when he died, was one hundred and three years of age. JUDGE MARSHALL J. CLARKE. If the character of the legal profession is determined by the qualifications of its leading members, it may be safely asserted that the culture of the Atlanta bar is well illustrated in the professional attainments of the subject of this sketch Judge Alarshall Johnson Clarke, who has occupied for a number of years a leading rank among the lawyers of the state, is a native of Georgia, and was born in the littie village of Lumpkin, in Stewart county, on June 28, 1839. Plis father, James Clarke, was a man of commanding influence in that section of the state, and was a successful planter as well as a lawyer of prominence and ability. Pie was a member of the Georgia platform convention of 1850, and one of the most influential and active members of that PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 747 body. The Clarke family is of EngHsh extraction, the ancestors of Judge Marshall J. Clarke coming to this country in the early days of its colonial life. The boyhood of Judge Clarke was spent in Stewart county. In this connection it may be observed that many of the best families of the state-were identified with that section of Georgia. Here the subject of this sketch remained until 1855, when he became a student at Alercer university, one of the finest educational institutions of the south, under the patronage of the Baptist denomination, and then located at Pen- field, Ga. He applied himself with diligence to his collegiate studies and mani fested that eagerness for truth that has since characterized his legal investigations and made him one of the foremost members of the Georgia bar. Graduating with distinction from Alercer university in 1858 he returned to Lumpkin, Ga., and imme diately began the study of law in his father's home, he having then retired from the practice. After some months of preparation, tinder the advice and direction of his father, he was admitted to the bar. His father removed to Atlanta in April, 1859, and Mr. Clarke being then yet under age went with him. Some time after he settled in that city, being somewhat scholarly in his tastes and having no natural fondness for the contests of the courtroom he decided to establish there a select school for boys. That he might be the better qualified for this undertaking he determined to teach a year and then spend a year in Europe in the study 01 the modern languages. Fle accordingly took charge in January, 1861, of a school in Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga. Having taught there ten months he returned to Atlanta. The country being then involved in war he abandoned the purpose of going abroad. In the early spring of 1863 he entered the Confederate army as a private in Company H of the Fifty-sixth Georgia regiment He was subsequently attached to Gen. Tom Taylor's staff as private secretary, and served in that capac ity for several months. In December, 1863, Mr. Clarke's health being entirely broken down by the hardships and exposures incident to the Kentucky campaign through which he had just passed, he came to Atlanta under the direction of the surgeon of his regiment and there he remained confined to his bed by extreme illness for three months. On recovering he was offered and accepted an appoint ment in the office of Gen. Ira R. Foster, then the quartermaster-general of the state of Georgia, and continued to discharge the duties of such appointment till the war closed. After the departure of Gen. Sherman from Atlanta only a few build ings remained standing, but the people lost no time in rebuilding their wasted homes. Mr. Clarke was among the first to cast their fortunes with the struggling young city, then slowly emerging from the ruins. He now resolved to devote his life to the practice of his profession and opened an office for the purpose in Alarch, 1866. DiHgence and perseverance soon brought his talents into recogni tion, and influential clients began to avil themselves of his professional services. He remained in the active practice until January, 1885, when he was appointed to the judgeship of the city court of Atlanta. The honor was all the more appreciated because it came unsought and unsolicited. He held this position for eleven months and, after the expiration of this time, he was appointed to the bench of the Atianta circuit. This position he held from Dec. i, 1885, to Sept. 15, 1893. At the time of his resignation he had still three years and a half before him, having just entered upon a new term. The resignation of Judge Clarke was very reluc tantly accepted by Gov. Northen, and many sincere expressions of regret pro ceeded from the members of the Atlanta bar. Judge Clarke's administration of justice was characterized by a fearless discharge of duty and a blind disregard of person. His legal decisions were rendered in a clear and comprehensive style, and never without careful research and deliberation. His legal intuitions served him as splendid aids in the determination of all issues, and his grasp of the real merits 748 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of the various cases that came before him was both rapid and tenacious. His own views, however, were always supported by sound authority, illustrating his mar velous capacity for work and his fidelity as a judicial officer. No judge of the superior court in Georgia ever donned the sacred ermine with less fear or more pronounced fidelity. Few of Judge Clarke's decisions were ever reversed by the supreme court. As an evidence of the exalted opinion in which his attainments as a judicial officer were held by the members of the bar, he had no sooner resigned his seat on the bench than he was urged to make the race for associate justice of the supreme court, in anticipation of an increase in the number of judges on the supreme bench. The amendment to the constitution failed to pass, however, but on the resignation of Chief Justice Bleckley, a few weeks later, his claims were stoutly renewed by his countless admirers aH over the state. Judge Clarke has never aspired to political office. His ambition has been purely legal and judicial. In 1868, however, he held for one day the position of secretary of the electoral coHege. Judge Clarke was one of the early promoters of the Young Men's library association, and, for a number of years, a director in that institution. He has always been the friend of culture and intellectual development, and no enter prise of this character has ever failed to meet his indorsement or receive his active support The late Judge John T. Clarke, of the Patula circuit, whose sad death in 1889 was the result of a railroad accident, was a brother of the subject of this sketch. As one of the ablest and purest officers on the circuit bench he illustrated, in a marked degree, the same high and conspicuous order of talent that character ized this remarkable family. Judge Clarke, on retiring from the bench, immedi ately returned to the practice of his profession, and has since established himself in a large and growing civil practice. The duties of his position as judge of the Atlanta circuit were too onerous and exacting and, under the pressure put upon him by increasing litigation and his conception of the duties of a judicial office, he was forced to send in his resignation. Judge Clarke has never married. He is an active and influential member of the Second Baptist church of Atlanta, and to the lofty attainments of the scholar he had added the graceful simpHcity of the Christian rehgion. j:>EV. DR. THOMAS PARMELEE CLEVELAND, pastor of the Fourth Presbyterian church of Atlanta, was born in Washington, Ga., Nov. 19, 1837. He received his early instruction and training at the place of his nativity. He afterward entered the college at Columbia, S. C, remaining there, however, only a few months, and in 1856 went to the famous educational institution at Princeton, N. J., applied himself sedulously to the appointed tasks, and gradu ated in 1858. Immediately afterward he returned to Georgia, established a small school which he conducted a short time, and then was elected principal of the academy in Washington, Ga., holding this place for one year. Dr Cleve land now feeling caHed on to become a minister of the gospel, gave up teaching and decided to enter at once upon preparation for the gospel ministry. He studied at the theological school in (Columbia, S. C, for eighteen months, but his mental labors were interrupted by the clamors of secession and disunion. In 1862 his heart, then aflame with the same loyalty that now characterizes his personality, he entered the Confederate service, enHs'ting in the Tenth Georgia regiment, Semmes' brigade, as a private soldier, and remained in this humble station until he secured his parole at Appomattox court- house, Va. He was on detailed duty with the commissary of the brigade, and later with the quarter master of the brigade. During the last year of the war the clerk of the adjutant liaving deserted, he was appointed his successor, and remained in this position FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 749 until the surrender. In the battle of Savage station he acted as courier for Gen. Paul J. Semmes. When the clouds of disruption disappeared Dr. Cleveland re turned home and then went to Madison county, Ga., and preached in that section for the seven succeeding years, and then went to Gainesville, Ga., where he resided twelve years. In 1885 he came to Atlanta and has since lived in that city. Dr. Cleveland served as school commissioner for both Madison and Hall counties, the first one, the latter four years. On moving to Atlanta he resigned this, as well as his pastorate and the state clerkship of the Athens presbytery. He served as a member of the examining committee of the state university for two years under Gov. McDaniel. Dr. Cleveland was married in 1866 to Helen A., daughter of the late Andrew Howard, of Atlanta, and a niece of John H. Newton, of Athens, Ga. Their lot has often been one of sadness and bereavement for of the twelve children born to them only four survive. They are: Lillian H., wife of H. P. Ashley, of Atlanta; Mary P., Thomas C, and Fannie H. Dr Cleve land is a devoted Confederate veteran, and was elected chaplain of the Fulton county camp in 1890, and has been re-elected five times. He had three oppor tunities of becoming chaplain, but owing to the fact that he had not been licensed and could not get a furlough to go home for that purpose, he failed in the first two appointments. During his visit home on a thirty days' furlough he was licensed by the presbytery of Hopewell at Sparta, Ga., April 3, 1864, and then on his return received an appointment from two regiments combined, and would have received his commission but for the closing of the war. He is a deep, scholarly thinker, an old soldier "to the marrow," a minister, earnest, conscien tious and consecrated, a gentleman of the old southern type, and a friend, genial in disposition, lovable in commanding sympathy and generosity, whose hearty hand-grasp assures you that its cordial touch is but a slight response to the soul of love and honor that actuates and prompts it ^NDREW J. COBB, son of HoweH Cobb, was born in Athens, Ga., April 12, 1857. He was brought up and educated in that city, receiving the degree of A. B. at the university there in 1876, and graduating from the law department a year later with the degree of B. L. Aug. 12, 1877, he was admitted to the bar in Athens by Judge George D. Rice, and at once opened an office there, forming a partnership with Capt. A. S. Erwin, which continued until 1879, when Capt. Erwin was elected judge of the superior court of the western circuit. Mr. Cobb then practiced his profession alone until 1891, when he re-entered partner ship with Judge Erwin. In 1893 he moved to Atlanta and a year later Vasser Woolley was added to the firm, which is now Erwin, Cobb & "Woolley. Judge Erwin resides in Athens and represents the firm there. Mr. Cobb was city attor ney of Athens, Ga., 1887 to 1891, president of the Athens board of education in 1888, and trustee for the city of Athens of the state university during the years 1891, 1892 and 1893. He was professor of law in the state university from March, 1884, to June, 1893, and is now lecturer on constitutional law, pleadings and con tracts in that institution. He is also dean of the Atlanta law school and lecturer on constitutional law, equity and wills. Mr. Cobb is a member and deacon of the Baptist church. He was married March 3, 1880, to Miss Starkie Campbell, daughter of Col. Jesse M. Campbell, a prominent lawyer of Griffin, Ga., and they have five children, three boys and two girls. Mr. Cobb is a democrat, but has never taken a very active part in politics. In 1894 he was prominently men tioned for associate justice of the supreme court in the event that the constitu tional amendment increasing the number of judges should be adopted. 750 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. QHARLES A. COLLIER is the son of John ColHer, descended from the sturdy pioneers of North Georgia, who fought his way to fame through the many obstacles that cluster about an inexperienced country lawyer, but dauntless per severance has never yet met defeat. In the spirit of this adage he labored and was rewarded by a career of honor and a superior judgeship. He moved to Atlanta when a young man, and there Charles A. was born July 19, 1848. His father was Hberal in his education and placed before his aspiring ambition the use of the best schools and tutors in the state. These were readHy grasped and employed in mental development. Graduating from the state university, and being admitted to the bar, he gave promise of a brilliant future, and seemed fit to grace any profession or occupation, for his talents were varied and devel oped. Mr. Collier was married Jan. 7, 1875, to the daughter of the late William A. Rawson. This formed an epoch in his life, for this queenly woman, of charm ing personality and refinement, shed an inspiration on his work, and from that happy moment his real success began. Mr. Collier is of retiring disposition and shrinks from notoriety. He has never sought political office, and yet on more than one occasion the people have demanded his services. He was elected alder man by a large majority, served as mayor pro tem., and chairman of the finance committee of the council. He was also chairman of the democratic executive committee of Fulton county. As a servant of the people his legal knowledge, firmness of character and general executive ability were thoroughly tested. He is president of the Gate City Gas Light company, of the Refrigerating Construct ing company and director in the Capital City bank and the Bank of the State of Georgia. Among the many enterprises in Atlanta's history that have given a valuable impetus to her growth and prosperity, was the Piedmont exposition. This was suggested only 100 days before the gates were opened and the feasibility of its plan considered. Mr. Collier was elected president, and by untiring energy, devoted unselfishness and a heart for Atlanta's welfare alone, with the assistance of the directors completed this weighty undertaking in the appointed time and made of it the greatest attraction the soutii has ever offered to her neighbors. Mr. Collier's very superior executive and administrative ability caused him to be chosen president of the Cotton States and International exposition, when a weightier task confronted him. But with the present glowing status of affairs and the absolute confidence and lofty admiration of his fellow-citizens the success of this worthy attempt in displaying southern products and genius is assured. His administration so far has been magnificent. Mr. Collier is a power in the community. He loves money only for the good it does. He devotes much time to the pursuit of literature, science and art, with a cultured intellect, a chari table heart and a gift, for extensive enterprise. He is a cogent factor in the pro motion of Atlanta's interests. IWIR. JAMES R. COLLINS is a member of one of tiie oldest and most dis tinguished families of Atlanta. The pioneer of the family, James A. Collins, was a man of sturdy character and independent ideas. He came to Atlanta in .'844, among the first immigrants who turned their faces in the direction of the uprightly young village that was destined, in a few years, to become the acknowl edged metropolis of the south. Mr. Collins had great faith in Atlanta's future and he devoted himself with patriotic zeal to the furtherance of all her public enter prises. He was not only the pioneer merchant of the city, engaged in the gen eral merchandise business, but occupied a seat in the first legislative councils of Alarthasville, as the village was then known. Mr. CoHins was a native of the state of North Carolina, but emigrated to Georgia during his early manhood. The FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 751 subject of this sketch. Air James R. ColHns, was born on a plantation in Cobb county in 1866. His father, William J. CoHins, had served the Confederacy for four years, proving himself a gallant officer by his courage and daring as a lieutenant in the Ninth Georgia regiment of infantry. He was the son of Mr. James A. Collins, and was born in Atlanta shortly after his father's removal from Cobb county. After the war Lieut CoHins returned to his plantation in Cobb county, where his son was born. Here he spent his boyhood days. His education was chiefly derived from the schools of Cobb county, and those of the adjoining county of Fulton. He developed a strong and vigorous constitution and was proficient in all athletic exercises, performing great feats of strength and displaying marked physical endurance even as a boy. Air. ColHns completed his education in Atlanta. At the age of eighteen, Mr. Collins, who was possessed of strong busi ness ideas, reinforced by a resolute ambition that was ready to grapple with any difficulty that might thrust itself in his way, decided to go into business for him self It was a bold venture for one of his years and inexperience, but he resolved to make it He became the proprietor of a large and flourishing business, supplying the wants of the public with coal and wood, and demonstrating the fact that he was equal to the responsibility of managing a large establishment successfully. Mr. Collins remained in the wood and coal business until 1885, when he was elected to the office of deputy city marshal. He served in this capacity until 1892, when he was elected to the office of city tax collector for two years, serving the pubhc, for that length of time, with marked zeal and fidelity. In 1891 Mr. Collins organized the Home bank, a successful enterprise planned by the young financier. He became the president of this institution and displayed great financial skill and foresight in the administration of its affairs. Air. Collins is also vice-president and director of the Fidelity banking and trust company, organized in 1892. Mr. Collins was united in marriage to Miss Catharine Carey, the daughter of Mr. John Carey, of Atlanta, in 1890. Two years later his wife died, leaving an only daughter, Louise. In 1894, Mr. Collins was married, a second time, to Miss Eleanor A. Sullivan, the daughter of Mr. Daniel Sullivan, of San Antonio, Texas. The martial spirit is strongly emphasized in the taste of Mr. ColHns for military life. He holds mem bership in both the Gate City guards and the Hibernian rifles, two of the leading mihtary organizations of the city. In addition to these Mr. Collins is identified with nearly all the social organizations of Atlanta, being a prominent member of the Brotherhood of Elks, the Capital City club, the Commercial club, the Concordia club, and the Driving club. Air. CoHins is richly endowed with that peculiar gift known as personal magnetism. Perhaps no young man in Atlanta enjoys a more extensive popularity, and this has been fully demonstrated by the successful aspi rations of Mr Collins for public office. The combination of rare qualifications for business and the social graces that render a man pleasing is one that is seldom witnessed in such a marked degree as that possessed by Mr Collins, and the -'udicious exercise of his endowments wiH no doubt result in continued honors to himseH and to the community. Mr CoHins is a member of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, and is loyal in his adherence to the tenets of the CathoHc faith. DENNETT JONES CONYERS, lawyer, Atianta, Ga., son of Christopher B. and Fanny (Bullock) Conyers, was born in Atianta, Feb'. 2t,, 1864. The family is of English extraction, and is related to Sir Gerald Conyers, one of the promoters of the colony of Georgia. His great-grandfather, Ross Conyers, was a citizen of X'orth Carolina, a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and sheriff of Granville county in that state. He was a planter, and came to Georgia 752 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. in 1801. His grandfather, Bennett H. Conyers, was born in GranvHle county, N. C, in 1800, and when an infant was brought to Georgia with the family. Mr. Conyers' father was born in Coweta county, Ga., in 1832, and raised a farmer. Dur ing the war he was in the Confederate service as a member of PhiHips' legion. After the war he went to CartersviHe, Bartow Co., Ga., where he successfully engaged in merchandising, dying in 1885. Mr. Conyers' mother was a daughter of Nathaniel Bullock of Bartow county. To this worthy couple ten children were born, of whom seven are still living: Bennett J., the subject of this sketch; James T., Christopher B., Abner J., James H., Elizabeth, and Arthur C. Mr. (Conyers was raised in Cartersville, where he was educated and prepared for college; and in 1882 entered the junior class of the state university, Athens, Ga. Graduating in 1884 with the first honor and the degree of A. M., he taught school six years: One year as professor of Greek and mathematics in the Martin institute, Jefferson, Jackson Co., Ga. ; one year as principal in the Perry (Houston county) male and female college; and four years as principal of the high school, Scale, Ala. In 1890 he came to Atlanta, was admitted to the bar, and connected with the law department of the R. & D. (now Southern) railway for about sixteen months — to Nov. I, 1891. He then entered into partnership with Judge E. C. Kontz — firm name Kontz & Conyers — which partnership still exists, having already won an extensive and remunerative clientage, which is constantly increasing in extent and value. Professionally and socially, Mr. Conyers ranks high. He is a master Mason, and a member of the Baptist church — being clerk of the Jackson Hill Baptist church, Atlanta. QEN. PHILIP COOK, deceased secretary of the state of Georgia, was born July 30, 1817, on the farm belonging to his father, Philip Cook, in Twiggs county, Ga., where he resided until he gained his majority, his father dying there three years later. Gen. Cook attended the "old field" schools of Twiggs county until he was fifteen years old, when he went to a noted school at Jeffersonville taught by Milton Wilder, a Massachusetts man. -He then went to Forsyth, Alonroe Co., Ga., to school for a year or so, and in 1836, at the age of nineteen ran away from this school and enlisted at Forsyth in Capt. W. A. Black's company — one of five companies raised for the Seminole war. He was mustered into service at Pecolata, Fla., and served three months as a private, in which capacity he enlisted, and was one of Gen. W. A. Scott's command which rescued Gen. Gaines, who was surrounded by the Seminoles. He was mustered out in 1836 and returned home, going from there to Oglethorpe university at Midway, Baldwin Co., Ga., where he remained three years and then went to Charlottesville, Va., going from Macon, Ga., by stage — the journey taking a week's time, and costing about $75. He attended the university of Virginia until 1841, when he returned to his home on account of his father's death. Leaving his brother, John R. Cook, on the old homestead he soon after began the practice of law in Forsyth, Ga., in partnership with Zachariah Harman, then solicitor general of Flint circuit. This partnership continued about three years, when Gen. Cook sold out and moved to Sumter county, Ga., where his health being poor, he bought a farm, living thereon from 1846 to 1850. The Southwestern railroad being then completed from Macon to Oglethorpe, and the prospects for a good town at the latter point being promising, he removed to Oglethorpe and commenced the practice of his profession, forming a year later a partnership with Col. T. W. Montfort, which continued about six or seven years, when it was dissolved. Gen. Cook remained in Oglethorpe until the war broke out, and in May, 1861, responded to the call of Gen. Joseph E. Brown for troops. Being an honorary member of the Macon county volunteers FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 753 he went with them, which with nineteen other companies was mustered into service by Gen. Brown at Augusta, Ga., May, 1861. These twenty companies were ordered to the navy yard at Portsmouth, Va., and soon after, this conipany was assigned to the fourth Georgia infantry. Private Cook being appointed adjutant of the regiment and serving- as such until after the seven days' fight around Richmond; when upon the unanimous recommendation of the regiments officers he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Fourth Georgia. He was shortly afterward commissioned colonel, serving in that capacity until the death of Gen. George Doles at Cold Harbor, and then on the recommendation of Gen. R. E. Rhodes and Gen. Jtibal A. Early he was promoted to be brigadier-general in June, 1864, and served as such until the war closed. Gen. Cook was in the battles of Malvern HiH, where he was badly hurt by the fragments of a shell ; at Fredericks burg; at ChancellorsviHe, where he was wounded in the leg by a minie ball and was laid up three months, part of the time at the hospital in Richmond, Va., and then at his home. Upon his recovery he rejoined his command at Orange Court House, Va., and next saw service at Winchester in two battles under Early, and at Harper's Ferry, skirmishing- from Sta"unton to Wiiliamsport, Va., almost every day. After being in battle with Early at Cedar Creek he went down to Petersburg where he was wounded in his right elbow and captured, lying in the P'etersburg hospital July 30, 1865. Upon his recovery. Gen. Cook returned to Ogle thorpe, Ga., and resumed the practice of law. From there he removed to Americus, Ga., in 1870 and practiced his profession at that point for ten years. In the latter part of 1870 he formed a partnership with Hon. Charles F. Crisp, now speaker of the Unfted States house of representatives, which partnership continued until Mr. Crisp was elected to the bench, when his place was filled by Col. B. P. HolHs, this partnership continuing untH 1880, 'in which year Gen. Cook sold his library, gave up the practice of law and retired to his farm. Gen. Cook's first political office was that of state senator, to which position he was elected from Macon county, Ga., in 1859, serving for two years. In 1863, while at home recovering from v."ouiids received at ChanceHorsvHle he was elected to the state senate from the thirteenth district, which comprised the counties of Macon, Sumter, and Schley. He served in the senate of 1863 for forty days and then re joined his com.mand as its colonel, returning and serving in the session of 1864, again rejoining" his command after adjournment. In 1882, while on his farm in Lee county, Ga., he was appointed by Gov. AIcDaniel one of five commissioners to erect the present state capitol which was completed in 1889. The appropriation for the construction of the state house was $1,000,000. Out of this $20,000- was paid for a portion of the. site and when the building was completed the commissioners covered back into the treasury $118.50. Gen. Cook then returned to his farm, where he remained until February, 1890, when he was appointed secre tary of state by Gov. John B. Gordon to fill the unexpired term of Maj. M. C. Barnett, whose death vacated the office. October, 1890, Gen. Cook was elected to the same office and re-elected October, 1892. He w-as elected to the thirty-seventh congress, but was refused his seat In 1872 he was elected to the forty-second congress from the third district and was returned three times, his last term expiring in 1882, when he was succeeded by Plon. Charles F. Crisp. Gen. Cook was married in 1842 to Sarah G., daughter of Henry H. Lumpkin (brother of Gov. Lumpkin), of Monroe county. She died in i860, leaving three children, of whom two survive, Lucy, wife of "W. L. Peel, of Atlanta, and Philip Cook, Jr., now on the old home farm in Lee county. Gen. Cook's father was PhHip Cook, son of John Cook, who was born in Brunswick county, Va., and was a farmer all his life. PhHip Cook, Sr, was born in 1775 and in his early youth came to Georgia 1-48 754 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ~-' "^ ^ with his parents from South Carolina. He was also a farmer and was one of the first sheriffs of Baldwin county, Ga. He was one of the commissioners appointed by the governor to explore the Ocmulgee river. He served in the war of 1812, first as captain and afterward as major of the Eighteenth United States infantry, which rank he held at the close of that war. Soon afterward he resigned and settled on his plantation in Twiggs county, Ga., where he died in 1841. He married Martha, daughter of John Wooteii, a native of South Carolina, and to this'marriage were born five children, of whom Gen. Cook was one. His only brother, John R. Cook, entered the Confederate service in 1862 as assistant surgeon and served through the war. He died in 1886. Gen. Cook's grandfather, John Cook, who was born in Brunswick county, Va., afterward migrated to South Carolina, where he was married and after the revolutionary war came to Georgia, where he died in Hancock county. He was a soldier in that war, participating in the battles of Cowpens and King's Alountain. Gen. Cook's great-grandfather was Henry Cook, who was probably the family's ancestor, who emigrated from Scotland. Gen. Cook, in spite of the hardship and perils he had endured, remained mentally and physically active to the day of his death; his judgment was mature and sound, and his kindliness of heart well known to those who had the privilege of his acquaintance. J2)R. HUNTER POPE COOPER, one of Atianta's most competent physicians, was born Alay 16, i860, in Atlanta. A year later he was taken by his parents to Washington, Ga., and there he lived until fourteen years of age. He attended the schools at Washington until 1873, "W'hen he was sent to Kirkwood, four miles from Atlanta, and placed under the instruction of C. Al. Neel, now principal of the Georgia Alilitary institute at Edgewood, near Atlanta, and W. J. Northen, ex-governor of Georgia. He remained two years with these able instructors and then entered the -university of Georgia at Athens; there he attained his senior year in 1877, but left that institution to take a special course at the university of Virginia preparatory to studying medicine. He continued his studies at the latter institution for three years, going from there in 1880 to the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons in New York, and earning the high honor of graduating among the first ten in 1883. The following year he served as interne at the Forty-second street hospital in New York, and the succeeding year in the same capacity in the Presbyterian hospital. In 1885 he went to Vienna and devoted himself for five months to hospital work there. After thus thoroughly and con scientiously preparing himself for his life work, Dr. Cooper in January, 1886, returned to Atlanta, where he has since practiced. He is a member of the Atlanta Society of Medicine, of which he was president in 1890, of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association and the National Association of Railway Surgeons. Dr. Cooper has contributed numerous articles to the various medi cal journals; among those which have appeared in the Atlanta Aledical and Surgi cal Journal were those on "The Treatment of Hemorrhoids." "The Atodem Treat ment of Fractures," "Diagnosis and Treatment of Potts' Disease of the Spine," .and "The Treatment of Coccygodynia." Pie is medical examiner for the Provi dent Savings Life Assurance society of New York, chief surgeon of the Atlanta .S: West Point railroad, the Western railroad of Alabama, local surgeon to the 'Georgia railroad, to the Central railroad of Georgia, and visiting surgeon to the Henry W. Grady hospital. For four years he was professor of chemistry in the Atlanta Medical college. His father, Thomas L. Cooper, was a Georgian and a lawyer, who, before the war, was solicitor-general of the Atlanta circuit. He entered the Confederate service in 1861 as captain of the Atlanta Grays, and FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 755 at the time of his death was colonel of the Eighth Georgia regiment. He mar ried Miss Mary, daughter of Alexander Pope, a native of Virginia, who came to Georgia with his parents when a child. Dr. Cooper's grandfather was Mark Anthony Cooper, who was born in Georgia, and for many years was prominent in public life. He was a member of congress in 1839-41-42-43, served in the state legislature, and was a major in the Seminole war in 1836. Dr. Cooper's great-grandfather was a Virginian, who came to Georgia in his early manhood and died there. His maternal ancestors were Scotch-Irish. MR. JOHN TYLER COOPER is one of Atlanta's most useful and honored citizens. An aristocrat in blood, having been reared in the purple, so to speak, Mr. Cooper is intensely democratic in his feelings and believes in giving to all men that show of deference and respect to which they are properly entitled. No citizen of Atlanta, in this regard, has ever surpassed the subject of this sketch in presenting to the rising generation the pattern of a dignified and gentle chivalry. The antecedents of Mr. Cooper deserve mention. His grandfather, Thomas A. Cooper, was born in Ireland, though of English stock. He came to America in early manhood and espoused the heart of Alary Fairlie, a noted New York belle, who was the original Sophia Sparkle in Washington Irving's Salmagundi. He was one of the leading tragedians of that day and served as second to Ecker in the latter's duel with Alexander Hamilton's son. This was prior to the famous Burr-Hamilton duel. Mr. Cooper died in 1850, being at that time in the Philadelphia custom house. He was a man of singular talents and as an actor enjoyed a wide popularity. Mr. James Fairlie Cooper, the tragedian's son, and the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in New York city. He grad uated from the military school at West Point, and coming to Georgia a short while afterward, was employed in the construction of the Western & Atlantic railroad as civil engineer. At Cassville, Ga., on that road, he was married to Miss Sarah F. Spier, daughter of John Pittman Spier, a native of Virginia. He was lieutenant-colonel of the Seventh Georgia regiment during the late war, serving in , that capacity for six months. He was then appointed tax-ih-kind quartermaster, locating first at Marietta, Ga., and then at Columbus. After the war he returned to his profession as civil engineer and located in Atlanta. For two years he was the city engineer of Atlanta. Mr. Cooper died in 1869. His death was fol lowed by that of his wife in 1875. His sister, PriscHla (Tooper, married Robert Tyler, son of President Tyler She was the lady of the White House until the mar riage of President Tyler, which occurred during his term of office. A daughter was born to her while a resident of the White House as a result of this union. The subject of this sketch, Mr. John Tyler Cooper, was born in Marietta, Ga., on March 26, 1844. After a preliminary course of study in the primary schools of that place he entered the Georgia Mihtary institute and in June, 1862, having recently attained his eighteenth year, he enlisted as a private in Company E, of the Ninth Georgia battalion of artillery, commanded by Maj. A. Leydeii. He served in this capacity for a year, after which he was successively promoted to corporal, sergeant, ordnance sergeant and battalion quartermaster- sergeant At the close of the war he was on Maj. Leyden's staff. Mr Cooper was in the two batties at Knoxville and the one fought at Star Fort, near that city ; also in the hard fighting at Campbell's Station, Ringgold, and the two days' fight on the road to Chickamauga, and the terrific engagement which subsequently took place at Chickamauga. After the war Mr. Cooper rode from Lynchburg, Va., to Athens, Ga., on horseback, disposing of his animal for $3,500 in Confed erate money. Coming to Atlanta, he purchased at auction, with two or three 756 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. other gentlemen, a bale of cotton yarn for $10,000 in Confederate money. The yarn was afterward sold for $150 in greenbacks, netting Mr. Cooper $50 as his share of the proceeds. In a few months after his arrival Mr. Cooper entered the office of Judge Daniel Pittman as clerk to the ordinary of Fulton county, remaining in that office until 1881. The board of county commissioners was organized at this time and Mr. Cooper was made the clerk of that body, a position which he has since continued to occupy. In 1884 the subject of this sketch was elected to a seat in the city council as a representative from the sixth ward. His career in that body was able and conservative, and accordingly in 1885 he was promoted to the dignity of an alderman. In the following year he was nominated as a candidate for mayor of the city of Atlanta and triumph^ antly elected. During his term of office he kept a close watch upon the in terests of the public and gave to the city a wise, conservative and patriotic admin istration. On the night of his retirement from office he was elected to a seat on the city board of heafth and served until September, 1894, when he resigned. Mr. Cooper is a member of the Ancient Order of Odd Fellows, the Masonic fraternity, the Knights of Pythias, and the Red Men. Recently, however, he has not affiliated with the brethren in any of these mystic organizations. Mr. Cooper is a consistent member of St. Luke's Episcopal church of this city, and is thor oughly familiar with the government, principles and traditions of the Episcopal faith. Mr. Cooper was married in Alontgomery, Ala., in 1875 to Miss Mary Grain Marks, a beautiful and cultured lady of that city. Two children were born to them who are still living: Samuel Al., a student in the Bellevue high school at Lynchburg, Va., and Sarah F., in school ali Montgomery, Ala. Mrs. Cooper died on Dec. 4, 1894. Mr. Cooper's brother, Charles F. Cooper, who enlisted in the Seventh Georgia cavalry, was a courier for Gen. P. M. B. Young. He was a brave and gaHant officer and commanded the unbounded confidence of Gen. Young. He died in Houston, Tex., in 1893. By inheritance Mr. Cooper is a member of the Order of Cincinnatus. His maternal grandfather, James Fairlie, was a second lieutenant in the Second New York regiment and was afterward on the staff of Baron Steuben, with the rank of major. He subsequently married a daughter of Chief Justice Yates of the supreme court of New York. As the clerk of the board of county commissioners, Mr. Cooper has served the county for many years, and the duties of his office have been discharged with unre mitting zeal, patriotism and fidelity. QHARLES W. CRANKSHAW controls one of the largest jewelry establish ments in Atlanta. Mr. Crankshaw was born in that city Dec. 23, 1856. In his young boyhood he entered the public schools of Atlanta; at the age of seven teen years he discontinued attendance and accepted a position with a jewelry firm as salesman, holding this place for several years; and then formed a partnership with J. C. Freeman, the firm being Freeman & Crankshaw, jewelers. This joiiit interest continued until 1892 when it was dissolved. Since that year Mr. Crank shaw has conducted business alone, with no small degree of success. Holding the confidence of the people he has easily secured their patronage and built up a large, increasing trade. In 1894, Mr. Crankshaw was united in marriage to Aliss Mary Marsh, daughter of E. "W. Marsh, Esq., but on Alay 14, 1895, sustained an irreparable loss in her death. Mr. Crankshaw is popular, entertaining and pos sesses a personality that engenders friendships. He is one of the prominent club men of the city — a member of the Capital City club, and chairman of the house committee, which office he has filled for six or seven years; a member of the Piedmont Driving club, and for seven years president of the Cotillion club, which J. C. COURTNEY PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 757 club has given the most elegant entertainments in the history of social Atlanta. Mr. Crankshaw has long been a participant in Atlanta's social gaieties and wears with befitting grace the wreath of popularity. ]y^AJ. JOHN CALHOUN COURTNEY, the subject of this sketch, is a typical Virginia gentleman. Fle was born in the city of Norfolk, in that state, on Aug. i6, 1834, and resided in Norfolk until reaching his majority. His father, Richard Courtney, was also a Virginian and a native of King and Queen county. He served for a while in the United States navy, after which he entered the journahstic field and assumed an editorial pen on the staff of the "American Beacon," a whig paper pubhshed in Norfolk, Va. He was associated, in this capacity, with the late William C. Shields, one of the most distinguished exponents of Virginia's newspaperdom. Young Courtney, at the age of fifteen, decided to master the science of telegraphy, and entered the service of the Virginia telegraph company, and before the close of the year 1849 "^^as reading the Morse system by sound. He is perhaps the first person that ever accomplished the feat of receiving telegraphic messages by sound. In 1855 he went to Petersburg, Va., and accepted a position as telegraph operator with the Washington & New Orleans telegraph company. In 1857 he was appointed agent for the Norfolk & Petersburg raHroad -company. He left Petersburg in 1862 for Burlington, N. C, to assume charge of the telegraph lines belonging to the Southern express company, and after remain ing a year in Burlington he next removed to Charlotte, and became the superin tendent of the telegraph department, holding the position until 1866. During the first year of the war Alaj. Courtney was in frequent consultation with Gen. Robert E. Lee in regard to the telegraph service. Later on he corresponded with Gens. Beauregard and Johnston and deHvered to Gen. Beauregard, in advance of all other dispatches, the news of Gen. Lee's surrender at Appomattox. Maj. Court- -ney also delivered to President Jefferson Davis the dispatch from Gen. John C. Breckinridge, announcing the assassination of President Lincoln. He was sub sequently taken to Washington to corroborate this dispatch before the court mar tial engaged in the great assassination trial. From May, 1862, until the close of the war, Maj. Courtney was in charge of the telegraph lines from Danville, Va., and Weldon, N. C, to Columbia, S. C. This position was not given to him directly by the Confederate government, but it brought him into frequent communication with the leaders of the Confederacy, and in this way he rendered valuable service to the country. Maj. Courtney remained in Columbia, S. C, from 1866 until 1870 as the assistant superintendent of the Southern express company for North and South Carolina. In October, 1870, he came to Atlanta as the superintendent of the telegraph lines between Atlanta and Chattanooga, Tenn., and from Dec. 27, 1870, was in the employ of the Western & Atlantic railroad company. He served in this capacity until 1873, 'when he was elected by the executive committee of the Western & Atlantic company 1;o the office of auditor of the road, vacated by the death of Owen Lynch. He continued to occupy this position until the expiration of the lease, and stHl holds this office under the receivers of that company to the close of 1895. For a long period Maj. Courtney acted as secretary and treasurer for the Monteagle assembly, of Monteagle, Tenn., though still residing in Atlanta, and did much to buHd up that institution. In 1880 he was commissioned as a delegate to the Robert Raikes memorial convention in London, England, held in honor of Robert Raikes, the founder of the system of Sunday schools. Maj. Courtney had been an active Sunday school worker for many years, and going to London as the representative of the state of Georgia, he took an active part in the delibera tions of "the convention. For nearly fifteen years Maj. Courtney was the super- 758 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. intendent of the Sunday school of the First Methodist church. He is stiU a member of that church. For a long time prior to 1890 he was secretary and treasurer of the state Sunday school association. Since 1890 he has acted as special examiner in quite a number of railroad matters and has been chairman of the auditing committee of the Southern railway and steamship association. Maj. Courtney was united in marriage on May 10, 1859, to Miss Mary E. Williamson, the daughter of the late George Williamson, of Petersburg, Va. Their marriage life has been a signally happy one and three children were born to them: John R., agent for the N. C. & St. L. R. R. at Macon, Ga.; Richard B., agent for the AI. K. T. railroad at Houston, Texas; and Mary Stuart Courtney. Since February, 1891, Maj. Courtney has been the secretary and treasurer of the Capital City club, of Atlanta, Ga., having been elected each year without opposition. Honest, con scientious and straightforward, Maj. Courtney has made a useful citizen and a model member of the community. Full of energy and resources he has never allowed himself to be idle and has always taken a leading part in all movements which he has had anything to do with. In this respect he has been a conspicuous example of progressive enterprise and persevering industry. J2)R. LOGAN M'LEAN CRICHTON, professor of diseases of the nose and throat in the Southern medical college, Atlanta, and of diseases of the eye, ear and nose in the Atlanta polyclinic, was born near Tampa, Fla., Dec. 29, 1864, and two years later moved with his parents to Jacksonville, Fla., where they resided until 1872, when they came to Atlanta. Dr. Crichton attended a private school at Jacksonville, the pulDlic schools at Atlanta, and the military school at Kirkwood, Ga., for several years. He read medicine with Dr. J. B. Baird for a year, and then took the graded course of study at the Bellevue hospital medical college in New York city, graduating in 1888. He returned to Atlanta and practiced his profes sion for twelve months; going again to New York city in 1889, where he attended the polyclinic, and for six months acted as assistant, receiving special instruction in the diseases of the eye, ear and nose at the New York eye and ear hospital. He also attended Mt. Sinai hospital, and the New Amsterdam eye and ear hospital in New York city. Since his return to Atlanta he has made eye, ear and nose work a specialty. Dr. Crichton is a member of the State medical association, the Atlanta society of medicine, and of St. Luke's Episcopal church. He was married in October, 1893, to May, daughter of Charles Irvin. Dr. John P. Crichton, tiie father of Dr. L. M. Crichton, was born in St Marys, Ga., in 1821. He was a gradu ate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, and practiced in Florida, retiring from practice when he moved to Atlanta in 1872. He married Adelaide, widow of Kennedy. They had four children: Addie, wife of I. T. Calloway, Atlanta; Eugene C, Atlanta; Dr. L. M. Crichton; and Maud D., wife of Dr. C. G. Giddings, Atlanta. Dr. Crichton's grandfather Crichton emigrated from Scotland. J2)R. WALTER ANDREW CROWE, one of Atianta's leading physicians, was born on a farm in Washington county, Va., May 7, 1857, and was there brought up, receiving his primary education in the schools of that district. In 1875 he matriculated at Emory-Henry college and was graduated in 1879. He then went to Bellevue Hospital Medical coHege, New York city, and for three years remained there, graduating in 1881. Returning to his native county, he located at Glade Springs, where he practiced four years and then spent the winter of 1884-85 at the university of Pennsylvania, acting at the same time as assistant to H. F. Forniad in the pathological department of that institution. During the FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 759 winter he took a course in the hospitals at Philadelphia and the following sum mer (1885) came back to Atlanta and established the practice which he now enjoys. Dr. Crowe was in 1885 appointed lecturer to the Southern Medical col lege on physical diagnosis and diseases of children, which chair he held until 1 891, when he was elected lecturer on abdominal surgery, vvhich position he now holds. Prominent amongst his fellow practitioners, he is a member of the State Aledical association, the Atlanta Society of Medicine, the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association and is president of the Atlanta Obstetrical society. He is also a member of the Virginia State Aledical association and the Academy of Medicine at Abingdon, Va. Equally a favorite in social circles, Dr. Crowe has affiliated with W. D. Luckie lodge No. 89, F. and A. AL, and is past master of Liberty Hall lodge, of Liberty HaH, Va. He is likewise a member and attend ant of the Methodist Episcopal church south, and his name is enrolled in the lists of the National Scotch-Irish society. He was twice married; first to Miss Flora Theresa Thompson, in 1882, and they had one son, Samuel. His second wife was Mary Lyons, with whom he was united in 1886, and to this second marriage have been born three children: Flora Alarie, Walter A. and Arthur L. Dr. Crowe's father is James Crowe, who was born in Washington county, Va., in 1821. He is a farmer and stock-raiser, priding himself on the individual excellence and breeding of his animals. He served during the war in defense of his state. He has been elected to many offices in the gift of the people, representing his district in the state legislature and his county as supervisor. He married Eliza A. Edmanson and they had three children, of whom Dr. W. A. Crowe is the youngest The others are: Elizabeth, wife of W. W. Prunee, Friendship, Va., and Mattie J., wife of Rev. W. H. Price, Glade Springs, Va. James Crowe's father was also James Crowe, and was born either in Scotland or soon after his parents landed on American shores. They settled in Pennsylvania and James Crowe came in early manhood to Virginia, where he lived a prosperous Hfe and died at a ripe age. Dr. Walter Andrew Crowe is well known in the journalistic branch of his profession, having contributed many widely read articles to the medical magazines and read many papers before the societies of which he is a member. Among his best works are the following: "The Treatment of Abortion and Some of the Complications Incident Thereto," which was read before the State Medical association in Columbus, Ga., Alay, 1892; "Some Important Con siderations in the Management of Cases After Coelitomy," which was read No vember, 1893, before the meeting of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association at New Orleans; "Cancer of the Uterus, the Remote Results of Operative Interference," which was read before the State Aledical association, April, 1894, and a paper on "Treatment of Some of the Most Common Forms of Pelvic Congestion in the Female," read before the meeting of the Georgia State Medical association, at Americus, 1893. IVAR. LAURENT DE GIVE, consul for Belgium, and owner of the Grand and Marietta street theaters, of Atianta, Ga., was born in Belgium in 1828, and there resided until thirty-two years of age. He applied himself studiously in the schools of his native country and graduated from the university of Liege in 1853 with the degree of LL. D., having passed with highest honors through the law department He began the practice of law in Namur, Belgium, and continued for seven years, meeting with steady and growing success. During this period he was for four years a member of the provincial council, an elective body cor responding to the state legislature in the United States. In 1859 J'^f- De Give was appointed by his government consul at the residence of Atlanta and com- 760 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. missioner to assist in estabhshing direct trade with the south. He soon discov ered the great future of this country and resolved to make Georgia his permanent home. Since i860 he has resided in Atlanta, and he has held to this day his position of consul. On arriving in Atlanta he had in his possession a smaH fortune, and believing in Atlanta's future growth to a metropolis, invested largely m real estate. After the war he sold to the Masons the site of the opera house on Marietta street, their intention being to erect a magnificent Masonic temple. But their plans faded when only half realized, and Mr. De Give was compelled to purchase the half finished building, and out of it built Atlanta's first com plete theater. Though popular with all classes of people, amongst whom he has lived over thirty-five years, he has never held office because he is not a natural ized citizen. In 1857, while yet a resident of Belgium, Mr. De Give was united in marriage and has had seven children, three of whom died in infancy, and one, Paul, passed away in February, 1894, at the age of twenty-seven years, on the very verge of manhood. He was loved and admired by all, with an inteHect to grasp and solve the weighty problems that beset mankind. His death was deeply deplored. The three other chHdren are as foHows: Louise, wife of Ed ward Horine, of Atlanta; Henry, a graduate of the Troy, N. Y., Polytechnic school, who is at present a civil engineer, and Julius, a graduate of the Georgia Technological school of Atlanta, and a mechanical engineer. Mr. De Give has frequently been interested in large business enterprises and has demonstrated a capacity for financering that has placed him among the moneyed men of the city. He is a Roman Catholic by faith and a member of the Elks. Air De Give has been continually honored by his sovereign, the king of Belgium. In 1880 the cross of the order of Leopold was bestowed on him, and lately the cross of the order of Alerit-Civil was added to the first in recognition of his long and splendid service. The GrancJ theater, which ranks among the first in America for beauty and exquisite finish, is proudly spoken of by Atlantians and stands a monument to Mr. De Give's pluck and energy and his exalted opinion of Atlanta's culture. He has the development of his city at heart. £)R. KINSAIAN CLINTON DIVINE, one of the foremost medical speciaHsts of Atlanta, was born on his father's plantation in Jefferson county, Mississippi, Sept 27, 1833, and there resided until he was four years old, when his parents took him to Madison county, same state, and brought him up there. He gained his education in Aladison college, of Sharon, in the latter county, and began the study of medicine with the late Dr. O'Leary when he had finished his academic course. From tlie outset he determined that his instruction in medicine should be m.ost thorough, and the history of his collegiate and hospital course shows that he carried out his determination to the very letter. First he attended lectures at the LouisviHe medical coHege in the winter of 1854-5, and then entered the university of New York, from which he graduated in Alarch, 1856. Fulfilling his original desire to gain as thorough a knowledge as possible of his subject, he sought a vast amount of private instruction during his attendance at this institution. His private instructors were Drs. P. A. Aylette, T. G. Thomas and Donega. He was on the private clinical staffs of Prof. G. Gunning, S. Bedford, Dr. W. H. Van Buren, and of Dr. C. E. Isaacs — the last named being then considered one of the best anatom ists living. After his graduation, and in connection with his other work, he acted as house surgeon in King's county hospital, Flatbush, N. Y., for one year. In May, 1857, he was elected by the King's county hospital board to represent it at the meeting of the LTnited States medical association, which convened at Nash ville, Tenn. Dr. Divine subsequently began the practice of general medicine at his R. T. DORSEY FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 761 old home, Sharon, Miss., and continued there until the opening of the war He entered the Confederate service as surgeon in May, 1861, and afterward displayed in his military Hfe the same indomitable energy he exhibited in his coHegiate days. First, he was assigned to the Eighteenth Alississippi regiment and was with ft at the first battie of Manassas, and at Leesburg, Va. ; after which fight he was transferred to Pensacola, Fla., where he served until 1862, when that city was evacuated. Sent then to Mobile, Ala., he was very soon afterward at his own request dispatched to the front, going to Corinth, Miss., with the army of the Tennessee with which he remained until the autumn of 1863. At that time he was ordered to relieve Sur geon Cowan, at Pulaski, Tenn., where the latter was post surgeon. Dr Divine stayed at this point about six weeks only. After the battie of Perryville, Ky., he was left in charge of all the army surgeons in the Confederate service then in that state, being located two miles northeast of Perryville at McDowell's Place for two weeks. He was ordered to Louisville, from there to Memphis, and finally to Tullahoma, Tenn., where he rejoined Gen. Walthall's staff on which he served untH the spring of 1863. Then he was transferred to Pulaski as above noted and from there to Newnan, Ga., where he had charge of the hospital. The scene of his next duty was Macon, Ga., where he was again placed in charge of the hospital. Fair Ground No. 2, and subsequently he was kept going from' place to place until the war closed, at which time he was serving at Cuthbert, Ga., having just made arrangements to treat all wounds requiring particular care that had been received by soldiers under his charge. After the surrender he journeyd without a dollar in his pocket to Canton, Miss., where he began the practice of his profession afresh, and remained until 1872, in which year he removed to Newnan, Ga., and entered into partnership with Dr. A. B. Calhoun, with whom he was associated for two years. On account of ill-health, however, he was compelled to relinquish his pro fession, so he retired to a plantation near Newnan, living in the country eight years. In 1882 he determined to resume active work, and locating in Atlanta began again the general practice of medicine, which he carried on until 1892, when he contracted the field of his labor and now makes a specialty of general surgery and treatment of rectal diseases. Dr. Divine is a meniber of the Georgia State Medical association, and the Atlanta Society of Medicine. He is a Knight Tem plar, a Knight of Honor (being an examiner of that order), and is an honored member of St. Phillips' Cathedral Episcopal church. He married in Alay, 1863, Martha Frances Calhoun, a daughter of Dr. A. B. Calhoun, and they have two chil dren. Kinsman C, and Frances D., wife of Arnold Broyles, a prominent attorney of Atlanta. Dr. Divine's father was Kinsman Divine, a native of Connecticut, who was a soldier in the Seminole war and afterward married Elizabeth Saunders. The grandfather was William Divine, a revolutionary soldier, who was born in New York, and after the revolution settled in Connecticut and was married there, moving at a later date to Mississippi. Dr. Divine is now surgeon of Fulton county post, Confederate Veterans, and shortly after his graduation from the uni versity of New York was appointed surgeon in the Russian army to serve in Russia, but declined the appointment JUDGE RUFUS T. DORSEY. No lawyer in Georgia is more splendidly equipped for the practice of his profession than Judge Rufus T. Dorsey, of Atlanta. Not only as an advocate before the jury, displaying the rich and varied qualifications of the orator, but as a pleader, in the legal sense of that expression. Judge Dorsey has no superior in the state and perhaps few, if any, in the south. The combination of these rare gifts, in such an eminent degree, has frequently been the subject of admiring comment among his brethren and associates at 762 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the bar. By reason of these versatile accompHshments, Judge Dorsey feels equally at home in the trial of both criminal and civil issues and is alike convincing in his arguments, both to the court and to the jury. Judge Dorsey has always been a deep student and is loyal to the principles and ethics of his profession. The subject of this sketch was born in Fayetteville, Ga., on Oct. 2, 1848, and is there fore a native Georgian. His father, Solomon D. Dorsey, was also a native of this state and for many years a resident of Fayette county. He was a farmer by prefer ence of occupation, choosing to devote bis energies to the cultivation of the soil rather than to court the various disappointments and vexations incident to busi ness life and to the learned professions. For a number of years before the war he was a colonel of militia, and for quite a while during the war he continued to hold this military rank. Enlisting in the active service of the Confederacy he became a lieutenant in the Second Georgia regiment, and served with conspicuous gallantry throughout the war Col. Dorsey was a man of superior force of mind and strength of character. He exerted a marked influence over his fellow-men and was held in the highest esteem and respect by all classes in the community. The boyhood, youth and early manhood of Judge Dorsey were passed in Fayette county. He received his primary instruction from the schools at Fayetteville, and subsequently attended a select school at Campbellton, taught by Prof W. H. Andrews. The discipline of this school and the various branches of learn ing taught by its able instructor made the enjoyment of its curriculum equivalent to an average course of study in college. The subject of this sketch was too young to enter the army or to share any of the bitter experiences of a soldier dur ing the late war, being only thirteen years old at the time hostilities commenced. He completed his schooHng in 1868 and then, having certain predilections for the practice of the law, he began to apply himself with diligence to his legal preparations. He entered a law office in Fayetteville, Ga., and for several months devoted himself to the acquisition and mastery of all the fundamental principles of the profession. He made a careful study of all the legal text books that were recommended to him, and having acquired a large and accurate fund of informa tion, he formally applied for admission to the bar. He encountered no difficulty in being admitted and after passing a splendid examination he located for the practice of his profession in Fayetteville, believing that he could do as well in the home of his boyhood as anywhere else at that time. He found it rather up-hill work at the start, but his spirit never flagged and he continued to persevere in hope and study until prosperous days began to dawn on his professional horizon. In 1870 he formed a partnership with Col. Hughey of FayetteviHe, which con tinued until that gentleman moved to Texas two years afterward. The young advocate then continued to practice on his own account in the courts of that circuit until 1880. He then came to Atlanta and opened an office, believing that a broader field of usefulness and higher professional honors awaited him in the capital city. In 1889 he formed a partnership with Mr. Albert Howell, Jr., the youngest son of Capt. Evan P. Howell of Atlanta, and two years later Col. P. H. Brewster was admitted, making the firm of Dorsey, Brewster & Howell, one of the strongest legal combinations in the city. Going back a few years : the subject of this sketch in 1873 was elected to a seat in the Georgia legislature as representa tive from Fayette county. He enjoyed the gratifying cHstinction of being the first democratic representative from that county since the war. Republican influence dominated that portion of the state for several years after the war and controlled the ballot-box. As an evidence of the high prestige attained by Judge Dorsey as a member of the legislature it is sufficient to observe that he was appointed on the general judiciary committee and also on the committee on FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 763 appropriations. He took an active and eloquent part in all the important debates on the floor of the house and made a useful and patriotic member of that body. Shortly after coming to Atlanta the subject of this sketch, in 1883, was appointed judge of the city court of Atlanta. He filled the position for only one year, but discharged the duties of this high office with such ability as to win the encomiums of the bar, as well as expressions of high praise from the public generally. His resignation was received with regret by the bar and citizens of Atlanta. Judge Dorsey was married in 1870 to Miss Sarah M. Bennett, daughter of Mr. C. E. Bennett of Fayetteville, Ga. They have six children, four boys and two girls, and together they form a bright and attractive household. Judge Dorsey is a member of the Methodist church, and for several years has been a leading steward of Trinity church. He is loyal to his denomination and takes a deep and frequently a very active interest in all religious work. His chief aim in life is not to accumulate money, but to accomplish good and in the furtherance of this en deavor he has made his life a blessing to the church and to the community. Judge Dorsey's grandfather, John Dorsey, came to Georgia from Maryland, and died in this state in 1872 at a ripe old age. He followed the time-honored pro fession of the plow, and by diligence and economy accumulated considerable wealth. The family is of English descent, and the sturdy characteristics of that blood have been exemplified in all of its generations. Judge Dorsey's brother, John M. Dorsey, served throughout the entire war as a private in the Tenth Georgia regiment He was several times wounded, receiving his severest ones at Gettysburg and Cold Harbor. The success of Judge Dorsey at the bar has not only been due to his fine legal equipment, but to the high sense of honor that has always characterized his professional conduct, and to his uncompromising in tegrity. J^R. JOHN WESLEY DUNCAN was born on a plantation in Union county, Ga., Sept. 29, 1842, and resided there until he reached his majority, attending- the schools of the county and the academy in Clay county, N. C, where he was pursuing his studies when the war began. In 1865 Dr. Duncan, having finished his academic course, came to Forsyth county, Ga., and commenced the study of medicine with Dr. E. M. Bacon. He attended the Atlanta Medical coHege two years, graduating in 1868. After practicing for a time in western North Carolina he went to Philadelphia, east Tennessee, where he quickly established an enviable professional reputation and resided for thirteen years. In 1883 he located in Atlanta and has since then practiced there. He is a member of the State Medical association and ex-president of the Atlanta Society of Medicine. He is well known in the journalistic world, having contributed many able and comprehensive articles to the magazines devoted to the medical profession. Two of the papers he has delivered have been highly complimented, one on the subject "Of Dysentery," which he read before the State Medical association, convened at Athens in 1883, and the other on "Typho-Malarial Fever," which was also read before that body at its meeting in Columbus nine years later. Dr. Duncan is a member of Gate City lodge N. 3, F. & A, M., and when a resident of Philadelphia, east Tennessee, served as W. M. of Philadelphia lodge No. 426. He is also enroHed as a Knight of Pythias in Adolph Brant lodge of Atlanta, and has been medical examiner to that fraternity since 1888. He is also associate medical examiner to the Knights of Honor. He is a member and steward of Grace Methodist Episcopal church in Atlanta. Dr. Duncan was first married in western North CaroHna, Oct. i, 1868, to Mary M., daughter of Watson Curtis, and they had six children. He was married again Sept. 16, 1885, to Minnie E., daughter 764 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of Dr. A. EHis, Milton county, Ga., and to his last marriage have been born six chHdren — three boys and three girls. Dr. Duncan's father was David Newton Duncan, a native of Burke county, N. C, who was born in 1806 and came to Georgia thirty years later, locating in Union county, where he engaged in farming untH his death in 1879. He married Nancy Gillespie and they had five chHdren, of whom four grew up and three now survive: William Rufus of Union county, Ga.; Dr. John Wesley; Dr Moses C, Madisonville, Tenn., who graduated at the Atlanta Medical college in 1873, was afterward at Bellevue Hospital Medical college, and now enjoys a large and lucrative practice. Dr. Duncan's grand father, Charles Duncan, was a Virginian by birth, who migrated to North Caro Hna in his early manhood and there married. In later years he came to Union county, Ga., where he lived until his death, which occurrred during the war, in his ninety-first year. The emigrant ancestor was a Scotchman, the sturdy integrity and fixity of purpose of that race being still notable traits of the family character. Dr. John Wesley Duncan is a great favorite socially and professionalh". Y)R. JOHN G. EARNEST, one of Atianta's leading practitioners, is a native of Tennessee, who was born in Greene county in that state on Alay 16, 1842. His father was a merchant in the little viHage of Rheatown. Here he spent his early boyhood, remaining on the plantation until he was eleven years old. Leav ing the parental homestead he entered the military school at Newport, Tenn., taught by Maj. W. F. Bouldin. He remained at this school, however, for only ten months, leaving it for Clear Spring academy. After one year's tuition at the academy he entered Rotherwood seminary at Kingsport, Tenn. In the fall of 1857 he entered Emory and Henry coHege, in Washington county, Va. At this institution he made rapid progress and acquired a broad and liberal culture in the arts and sciences. During his senior year and just a few months prior to the time of graduation the war broke out. Leaving college he' returned to his home in Tennessee and shortly afterward enlisted in the Confederate service. He became a private in Company K, Sixtieth Tennessee regiment, and served in the ranks until Jan. i, 1863. By reason of his courage on the field, and his skill in mili tary tactics, he was made second lieutenant of his company and afterward first lieutenant He held this rank until the close of the war. Lieut. Earnest was characterized throughout his career as a soldier by a true military bearing, and a courage that never faltered. Among the engagements in which he participate-.l were the following: Coffeeville, Grenada, Baker's creek and A^cksbtirg. At the latter siege he was captured July 4, 1863, and sent home on parole for almost a year. In June, 1864, he rejoined the army and served in east Tennessee and southwest Virginia until the close of hostilities, taking part in the battles of Alorristown, RusselviHe and numerous smaller skirmishes. He was fortunate enough to survive the war without being wounded; but two horses were shot from under him. He never missed a battle in which his regiment was engaged. After the war the young lieutenant came to Georgia, residing for a short while with an intimate friend in Baker county. In July, 1865, he returned to his native state and entered vigorously upon the study of medicine at Mad isonville, Tenn. Having selected the practice of medicine as the means of earn ing a livelihood, he determined to give himself up exclusively to the labors of that profession. He first conceived the idea of being a physician during the war, and managed, in a rather broken and disconnected way, to carry on his studies in camp. In the fall of 1865 he entered Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia, one of the leading institutions of the country, graduating in the foHowing year For six months he served as interne in the Lying-in hospital of Philadelphia, PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 765 after which he returned to Tennessee, locating at Morristown. Six months later he moved to Mossy Creek, in the same state, remaining there until the spring of 1874. From the beginning of his professional career Dr. Earnest enjoyed a good practice. Possessed of a genial disposition and a strong personal magnet ism, he found little difficulty in winning the confidence of his patrons. After leaving Mossy Creek he came to Georgia, locating at Newnan, in Coweta county. Here he remained for seven years in tiie enjoyment of a large practice as the leading physician of that section. Coming to Atlanta in 1881, Dr. Earnest has since been a resident of that city. He is recognized as a skillful practitioner and stands among the leading members of his profession, in a city that enjoys the reputation of being one of the chief medical centers of the south. Dr Earnest is a member of the State Medical association, and also of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association. Pie belongs to the Atlanta Society of Medicine, and holds the position of gynecologist to the Grady hospital. He is the physician for the Jennie D. Inman orphanage, the Hebrew Orphans' home, and is medical examiner for the Union Central Life Insurance company of Cincinnati. He has been a frequent contributor to current medical literature and the discussions of the medical societies. Dr. Earnest belongs to several fraternal organizations, and is a Knight Templar. He is an elder in the First Presbyterian church, and is a man of conspicuous and exalted piety. Dr. Earnest was married in 1868 to Miss Martha A. Hoffett, the daughter of Mr. W. H. Hoffett, of Tennessee, and several children have been the result of this union. Nicholas W. Earnest, the father of Dr. Earnest, was born in Tennessee. His wife's maiden name was Alartha Cannon. They had three children, one son and two daughters. Peter Earnest, the grandfather of Dr. Earnest, was a man of strong character and commanding influence in his day and generation. QAPT. W. D. ELLIS, lawyer, Atlanta, Fulton Co., Ga., has attained his dis tinction at the bar by reason of the high character and commanding qualifi cations which he has brought to the practice of his chosen profession. He is not a native of this state, but was born in the neighboring commonwealth of South Carolina, in Beaufort district, on Aug. 17, 1844. Until his thirteenth year he lived on the plantation owned by his father, Dr. "William D. Ellis, near Allen dale, S. C, and enjoyed the sunny, invigorating life of the open fields. His education on the farm was conducted by private tutors, and his acquisition of knowledge was both tenacious and rapid. Leaving the plantation he entered the military school at Aiken, S. C, remaining there for three years. The commence ment of the war between the states found him a beardless boy in years, but possessing all the qualifications of the soldier in mHitary discipline and patriotic impulse. In 1861 he joined the Pickens rangers, organized in Aiken, S. C, and with his comrades was shortly afterward assigned to Col. William E. Martin's cavalry regiment. In this regiment the subject of our sketch served as a private until February, 1862, when the regiment disbanded. He then joined the Eleventh South CaroHna regiment of infantry, commanded by his uncle, Col. D. H. EHis. He was assigned to a position on his uncle's staff as a non-commissioned officer, but was soon elected second Heutenant of Company B of that regiment and served in this capacity for about a year. The regiment was- subsequently attached to Gen. Johnson Haygood's .brigade, and took part in the defense of Charleston, Fort Sumter, and the general defenses of the city. The next experience of the young soldier was in Virginia, and here for quite awhile he was in full command of the company. Among the battles in which he participated were: Pocotaligo, S. C, a number of skirmishes on James island, the siege of Charleston, Olustee, 766 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Fla., Cedar Run, Swift creek, Va., Drewry's bluff, second Cold Harbor, Fort Harrison, siege of Petersburg, battie of Weldon railroad, and Fort Fisher. Capt. EHis was made a prisoner of war at the last-named place and was sent to the old capitol prison, in Washington city. He was subsequently removed to Fort Dela ware, and was released in June, 1865. A sHght wound received at Petersburg disabled him for a few days but failed to impair his courage. On his release from prison he returned to Aiken, S. C, and began to teach school. At the same time he devoted himself assiduously to the study of law and was admitted to the prac tice by the supreme court of South Carolina in 1868. He continued to teach, however, until 1870, doing such little professional work as chanced to fall his way. He came to Atlanta after giving up his school and, in order to acquire a start, he gave up his profession for a while and entered the journalistic field as a means for raising money. For two years he divided his time between the "Intelligencer," the "Constitution" and the "Herald," after which he returned to the practice of his profession. In a short time he formed a legal partnership with Judge WiHiam T. Newman, which continued for three years and was then dissolved. In 1878 he entered into a partnership with Col. John Alilledge, but this, in a like manner, was dissolved in 1880, Capt. Ellis receiving the appoint ment as solicitor of the city court of Atlanta. He filled the position with marked ability, but declined a reappointment in order to resume the general practice. In 1886 he renewed his partnership with Judge Newman, but the appointment of the latter in 1887 as judge of the Federal court for the northern district of Georgia necessitated a dissolution of the firm. In 1888 the present partnership was formed, Mr. James R. Gray, a distinguished member of the bar, being the legal associate of Capt. Ellis. AV. D. Ellis, Jr., was admitted into the firm in 1894. In 1884-85 Capt. EHis represented Fulton county in the state legislature. He was a member of various committees, among them the general judiciary, cor porations, military, manufactures and education. He was chairman of the com mittee on internal improvements, and vice-chairman of the committee on cor porations. Capt Ellis was the author of the bill creating" the Stone Alountain circuit, and was very active in devising plans by which to erect the new capitol building. Capt Ellis was a member of the city council in 1878, and was placed at the head of the legal department Judge Newman, his law partner, at the same time occupied the position of city attorney, and together they formulated much of the legislation that has brought about the prosperous condition of the city to-day. Capt Ellis is a loyal member of the order of Knights of Pythias, and is past chancellor of Capital City lodge, No. 33. He is also a consistent mem ber of the Baptist church of Atlanta. In 1868 Capt EHis was united in marriage to Miss Prioleau, daughter of Samuel Prioleau, and great-great-granddaughter of EHas Prioleau, the leader of the Huguenot colony in South Carolina. Six children have blessed this happy union, four sons and two daughters. The names of the chHdren are as follows: William D., Jr., Phoebe, Prioleau, Harry PL, Frampton E., and HalHe. The home life of Capt. Ellis is an ideal one. He is fond of his family, and is in turn beloved by his fond household. The maternal great-grandfather of Capt. Ellis was Col. A. Hawks Hay, a native of New York state, and a soldier in the revolution. His paternal great-grandfather was also a revolutionary soldier, and was born in the state of A^irginia. The father of Capt. Ellis died in 1855, at the early age of thirty-four years, in the midst of a successful professional career. The law firm of which Capt Ellis is a member does a large business, and probably represents as many corporations and as much capital as any other firm in the state. A high sense of honor has always ^ ';-^^W^f ^^.&-s ^n^^ ^n^'liyECmimms iSro Wi FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 767 inspired the conduct of Capt. Ellis at the bar, and his professional career has always been above reproach. Q APT. JAS. W. ENGLISH stands among the conspicuous figures of the in- ^. comparable pluck and courage of Atlanta citizenship. He was one of the originators of the Cotton States and International exposition; he is chairman of the executive committee, a member of the board of poHce commissioners, president of the American Trust and Banking company, one of the largest financial institutions of the city; president of the Chattahoochee Brick company, one of the largest industrial enterprises of the south; a member of the board of education of Atlanta's public school system, and is largely interested in many other industrial institutions which play no small part in the general development of Atlanta and its section. Capt English was born October 28, 1837, in the parish of Orleans, state of Louisiana, and was left a penniless orphan at the age of thirteen ; he came to Georgia in 1852, and located at Griffin, where he remained until the breaking out of the civil war in 1861, when he enHsted as a private in the Confederate service. His company was ordered to A'irginia on the i8th of April, 1861, where it was consoHdated with one from, Columbus and two from Macon, Ga., forming what was known throughout the war as the Second Georgia battalion. Capt English remained with the army of northern Virginia, serving with the Second Georgia battalion. Gen. A. R. Wrights brigade. It is said of him by his old comrades that he was only absent thirty days from active service in the field during the entire war. Gen. Lee surrendered him at Appomattox, on the 9th of AprH, 1865, with the rest of those faithful followers who had borne the brunt of the entire struggle from beginning to end, and on that ever-memorable day, when he began his weary march toward home, the same conditions environed him as confronted every other Confederate soldier that was present at the surrender— poverty in abundance, and poor prospects. It was then he came to Atlanta, making it his home May 14, 1865. He was united in marriage with Miss Emily Alexander, of Griffin, Ga., on July 26, 1866. Their family consists of five children: James W., Jr.; Harry L., Edward, Emily and Jennie. Theirs, indeed, is a happy home. Capt. English entered the service of the city as a member of the general council in 1887, and for the two succeeding years was the chairman of the finance committee of that body, his work in that capacity for the good of the city being marvelous. He found the city's finances in woeful shape, weighted down with a ruinous financial system, with a floating debt of over $500,000, bearing interest at from 12 to 24 per cent per annum. He went to work to remedy the situation, and by a bold and honest effort placed the debt upon a basis of payment that was easy, satisfactory and safe, and reduced the rate of interest on said debt to 7 per cent His work along that line is still remembered to-day in graceful acknowledgment by the older citizens. It was also while a member of that body that the present state constitution was adopted. Among other questions submitted to the people of the state, was the permanent location of the state capital, Milledgeville and Atlanta being competitors for that honor. The preponderance of sentiment and the press of the state seemed to be very largely in favor of Milledgeville. When this fact was fully realized by the mayor and council of Atlanta, they requested Capt. English to take charge of Atlanta's interests, which he reluctantly consented to do, realizing that it was leading a forlorn hope, and the great responsibility that would rest upon such a committee. He called together a number of Atlanta's pubHc- spirited citizens; they organized a committee and elected him their chairman; they soon perfected a thorough organization of their friends throughout the entire state, and without a single penny of the city's money appropriated for the 768 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. purpose of the work, they succeeded in carrying the election favoring Atlanta for the permanent capital by a majority of over 46,000 votes. The only cam paign fund, for postage and various incidental expenses of such a campaign, was raised by his appeals to the people of Atlanta for individual subscriptions . This was perhaps the most important work he has ever done for Atlanta, the result being the permanent location and erection of the present magnificent state capitol building in that city. Capt. English retired from pubhc service in 1879, ^^^ two years, when he was again called to renew his services to the city as mayor, in 1881-82. This was at a time when Atlanta was about to take her first long step to greatness, it being the year when the first cotton exposition was held, an era that stands pre-eminently replete with renewed energy, life and industry in the history of the town that Sherman burned. While mayor he inaugurated the splendid system of street and sewer improvements that has been carried on to the present degree of excellency. He estabhshed the present fire department, changing from the old volunteer service to the paid service; he purchased for the city the real estate and fire apparatus of the volunteer department, consisting of the three department houses, two on Broad and one on Washington street, which proved to be a splendid investment for the city; he established the present fire, signal and telegraph system. It was during his administration that the Georgia Pacific railroad was built, and to his personal efforts is due much of the credit for the successful culmination of the scheme to open up the great coal fields of Alabama advantageously to Atlanta. The city had subscribed and lost $300,000 in their efforts to secure the building of that road. It had been graded only a few miles from the city when the movement failed, and the roadbed and charter were sold to pay debts, and purchased by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad com pany, no doubt for the purpose of destroying competition, and without any intention of building the road. Capt English and Mr. Anthony Murphey went to New York, by appointment, to confer with the board of directors of that company, and after twenty days of hard and persistent work succeeded in getting an option from them on that property, and placing it in the hands of others who were able, willing and did build it from Atlanta to Birmingham, Ala., and eventually to Greenville, Miss., passing through the great Alabama coal fields. The com pletion of that road has added very largely to the wealth and population of Atlanta, in one item alone, viz., the reduction on the price of coal, which was formerly from $4 to $6 per ton for steam purposes, whereas now it can be purchased in any quantity at from $1.65 to $2.00 per ton. It was also during his administration that the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railroad was built, leading southwardly to Macoii and northwardly to Rome. These two raHroad properties have added many mHHons of doHars to Atlanta, and thousands of good citizens to her present population. The Cotton exposition of 1881 was a great boom to the city, infusing new life and prosperity to all the arteries of trade and commerce. As mayor of the city, he contributed his full share to the success of that enterprise and the entertainment of the many visitors, and when the exposition ended, with the help of a few friends, he converted the old exposition buildings and grounds into an immense cotton manufactory, which is now one of the strongest manufacturing enterprises in that region of the south. He has always been enthusiastic in encouraging manufactories of every kind, believing it was the surest and safest foundation on which to build a city, thus furnishing abundant and remunerative employment for all the city's" population that are willing to- work. Plis work for the promotion of morality was striking and most noteworthy, and he is perhaps better known to-day for his achievements in breaking up gambling, which was rampant in Atlanta, than for any other specific work while PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 769 mayor. With his usual determination, he gave orders to the police department to invade every gambling house in the city, seize their implements, by force, if need be, take it to the public square and burn it He prosecuted the lawless ones. They carried their cases to the supreme court, without avaH, Mayor English's warfare on them being thoroughly approved of by all the tribunals. Speaking of his career as mayor, the Atianta "Constitution," at the close of his term, Jan. i, 1883, editorially remarked: "It is seldom that any officer retires from a trust so universally honored and esteemed as does Mayor English, this morning. The two year^ of his rule have been the most prosperous the city aver knew — much of which is due to the fact that he has been the best mayor within her memory. In every sense his regime has been successful. He has put under control, at last, a lawless element that has heretofore defied city officials. He has restticted gambling to a few secret corners, if he has not driven it out altogetiier. In a financial sense, the result has been quite as happy. The English administration closes its year without having one dollar of debt or a single bill payable. It leaves a sinking fund of $95,000, where it found only $40,000 two years ago. It has reduced the bonded debt $9,000. It has spent $101,200 on permanent invest ments, such as $53,000 on pumps, $28,000 on fire department, and $10,000 for a new school house. It has spent ^0,000 on streets, besides a levy of $60,000 on citizens, against $40,000 a year ago. It has maintained every department well. It may be claimed that Mayor English has had the two best years to work. We grant that, and claim for him that the man and the occasion met He leaves office without a blot on his name or a stain on his record, and will have the confidence and affection of his people." In March, 1893, Capt. English was once more called to the public service by being elected a member of the board of police commis sioners, without his solicitation or knowledge. Here he continued his good work, building up the morality of the city, and has continued to serve on that board up to the present time. The benefits of his work for the police department have been marked and considerable. He secured the present telegraph system, and was largely instrumental in securing the appropriation and building the present station house and police barracks. In October, 1893, he offered to resign from that board, but the mayor and general council petitioned him to remain in the work he had so long and faithfully pursued, and he consented. The good people of Atlanta will always appreciate his efforts to keep the police force out of local poHtics. If there is one thing that characterizes Capt. English as a useful citizen more than any other, it is his public-spiritedness. He has been identified with all charitable work that is started or maintained for the good of Atlanta. He was one of the promoters of the Young Men's Christian association, which was established as the result of the first meeting held at his residence; an original promoter and subscriber to the Georgia School of Technology; a promoter of the Grady hospital, of which he was a trustee until his son succeeded him, upon his resignation; a pioneer promoter of the Confederate soldiers' home, and an early advocate and supporter of the Young Alen's library. Capt. English is an untiring worker for the upbuHding of Atlanta's best interests and the protection of her people from the vices of the day. But few men in few cities can be rightfully credited with having accomplished more good results than he has for Atlanta, and the people, rich and poor alike, hold him in high esteem. JOHN ERSKINE was born on Sept. 13, 1813, in Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland. In the spring of 1820, before he was seven years of age, his family migrated to British America, locating at St. John's, where the husband and father shortly afterward died. The survivors then came to the United States and resided for a time in the city of New York. John returned to Ireland in 1827 and remained 1-49 770 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. there with his relatives, attending school until 1830 or later. He had a strong predilection for a seafaring life and for seeing many countries. He spent some years in gratifying this disposition, and while so doing acquired a practical knowledge of sailing and handling ships, which he afterward found of considerable use to him as a judge in the trial of cases in admiralty. In 1838, being strongly threatened with disease of the lungs, he took up his abode in the state of Florida. There and in the lower part of Georgia he taught school for four years. Then, studying law, he became a member of the Florida bar in 1846, at the age of thirty- three. In 1 85 1 he was married to Miss Rebecca Smith, a daughter of Gen. Gabriel Smith, of Alabama. It may interest romantic young lawyers to learn that Judge Erskine entered matrimony by "stealing his wife," in which he was assisted by a sympathetic accomplice, who afterward became governor of Florida. After practicing law successfully in Florida for about nine years, Judge Erskine removed to Georgia in 1855, settling first in Newnan, but finally removing to Atlanta, where he resided for the most part during the rest of his Hfe. He practiced his profession actively up to the civil war, and occasionally in select cases during the war. Among these cases were some in the courts of the Confederate states in which he antagonized that government in proceedings to confiscate debts owing to citizens of the United States. By temper, conviction and conscience he was highly conservative in politics and government. During the progress of the war he frequemtly quoted to his intimate friends a passage by old Judge Jenkins in the preface to Eight Centuries of Reports, which runs thus: "Amidst the sound of drums and trumpets, surrounded by an odious multitude of barbarians, broken with old age and confinement in prisons, where my fellow-subjects, grown wild with rage, detained me for fifteen years together, I bestowed many watchful hours upon this performance." He quoted the passage for its pathetic and devoted spirit of loyalty and not for its vituperative epithets or censorious implications; for he was as little disposed as any man to denounce or harshly criticize his fellow- citizens of the Confederate states. He differed with the great mass of them in political sentiment, but being one of their number, he conducted bimself through out the war, as he did before and after, with moderation, discretion and kindness. Being a pronounced Union man did not make him the less a personal friend, a good neighbor, or a good citizen for all purposes except active warfare. He felt no hostility to the Federal government, and perhaps nothing" could have induced him to take up arms against it. He was spared any extreme trial in this respect, for by holding under his warm friend, Gov. Joseph E. Brown, an honorary ap pointment with light or mere nominal duties attached to it, he was protected against conscription. He remained quietly in Atlanta until after the city was cap tured by the Federal army, then he went with his family temporarily to New York and did not return to Georgia until after his appointment and quaHfication as judge. President Johnson appointed him judge of the United States courts for both districts of Georgia in July, 1865, and the appointment was confirmed by the senate in January, 1866. He presided both in Savannah and Atlanta until after the appointment of Judge McCay in 1882, under the act of congress which pro vided for a judge in each of the two Georgia districts; then, selecting for himself the southern district, he continued to serve in that district down to the date of his retirement. In 1869-1870 he was strongly recommended to President Grant for appointment to a seat on the bench of the supreme court of the United States. It is known that for awhile the recommendation was favorably considered by the president, but one of the vacant places ultimately fell to Mr. Justice Strong and the other to Mr. Justice Bradley, both nominations being made on the same day. Availing himself of the privilege allowed him by law of retiring for life without PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 77^ loss of salary, he relinquished the bench in December, 1883, and from thenceforth lived as a private citizen. After his retirement the bar of both districts testifi^ed their regard for him and their appreciation of his judicial services by causing to be painted by an eminent artist two portraits of him, one of which was placed in the United States court room in Savannah and the other in the room of the United States district court in Atlanta. These portraits were severally presented with becoming ceremony, and on each occasion a report was submitted and adopted, addresses were delivered by members of the bar, and a response was made from the bench. By his daughter's affectionate diligence these proceedings have been preserved in the form of a printed collection prepared at her instance for private circulation. The evening of his life was tranquil and happy, save in so far as it was disturbed or shaded by physical infirmity. His mind remained vigorous and clear until within a few hours before his death. His interest in the world and his relish for reading and conversation underwent no abatement by reason of age. He was a most beautiful specimen of the weH-read, cultivated, amiable, genial and cheerful old gentleman. After a brief illness he died early in the morning of Sunday, Jan. 27, 1895, and on the following Tuesday was buried in Oakland cemetery, Atlanta, by the side of his beloved wife, whose death oc curred in September, 1879. Their daughter, an only child, Mrs. Ruby (Erskine) Ward, wife of Willard P. Ward, Esq., of New York city, is the sole survivor of this happy family. By instinct and by allegiance to principle he was an honest man. Honesty was incorporated in his constitution as well as in his creed. In thought, feeling and conduct his adherence to it was rigid, continuous, invariable. With out this great virtue, of course, there can be no worthy life or genuine character, consequently its mere possession confers no distinction, but in some it is better attested and more pronounced than in others, and in him it was manifest in all its purity and beauty. His sterling manhood was the outgrowth of inflexible integrity. Internally and externally, in mind and person, in fact, and appearance, he was a gentleman. The tastes, habits, impulses and principles, the presence and bearing of a gentleman, distinctly marked and characterized him. He was .cul tivated, gracious, refined, accomplished. He "understood the dignity of manners and the language of deportment." He was discriminating and delicate in the observance of aH social amenities. His sense of propriety was exact, and though he never neglected form, he rarelv appeared formal or ceremonious. In the practice of well-bred self-denial he was pre-eminent, for in matters of comfort or convenience he yielded precedence to others on all occasions. This he did with such urbanity and polite authority as almost to compel acceptance of the prof fered courtesy. His politeness was not the disguise or concealment of selfishness, but its elimination. His uniform consistency was such as to preclude any possible doubt of his sincerity. He had a sunny humor and a shrewd and poHshed wit, but so gentle and genial was his temper and so kind was his heart, that while he delighted to amuse, he was careful never to wound. He was more wilHng to receive pain than to give it; on the other hand, the communication of pleasure ranked with him as one of the duties of life. He was absolutely without animos ity or malevolence. He had few enemies, but if their number had been legion he would have forgiven them all. His attachment to friends was sincere, ardent and constant It may be truly said of him that "he never forsook a friend or forgot a favor." He had a solemn realization and a most vivid appreciation of the blessings with which his lot in life was attended, and his gratitude for them was profound. Heaven he considered their primary source, and their chief sec ondary source, friendship. Accordingly his gratitude was first to God and next to friends ; not only to those who aided in his advancement, but to those also who 772 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. encouraged and sustained him by their good wishes and favorable opinion. So modest was his estimate of himself that he often, in the freedom of private inter course, expressed astonishment at his own success. But beneath his humility, and lying too deep perhaps for self-consciousness, was a wholesome vanity which prevented undue depression or any lapse of effort or energy. His education was not classical; it was not collegiate. He made no pretension to scholarship be yond a familiar acquaintance with the common elementary studies. His mind, however, was fairly well disciplined, and his critical faculty was highly developed and constantly exercised. He liked definite thought and accurate expression, and strove diligently for the attainment of both. Though his style was direct, unadorned and unambitious, composition was a great labor to him, and after much toil in writing, correcting and amending, he usually failed to satisfy him self with the result. He had a clear conception of an excellence which he was rarefy able to reach. As a student of literature his taste was fine and his sym pathy broad and comprehensive. He extracted their choice flavors from a multitude of books. He read for character more than for incident, valuing the latter chiefly for its instrumentality in reflecting or illustrating the former. Char acter of every rank, from royalty down to the tramp, interested him, and he had a keen perception of types and variations. Memoirs and other forms of biog raphy had a strong attraction for him. His fund of anecdote touching historic personages was large, but he had certain favorite stories which he was fond of repeating, and which he frequently told more than once to the same auditor. His reproductions were always faithful to the original, thus affording evidence both of his conscientiousness and the accuracy of his memory. He had a fancy for heraldry, a wide knowledge of the great famihes of England and Ireland, and a remarkable aptitude not only for retaining such knowledge, but for using it agreeably on proper occasions. He knew Ireland and the Irish very thoroughly, and though he retained to the last his affection for his native land, he felt no iH- will against England or the English. On the contrary, an Englishman, Oliver Cromwell, was the historic ^ero whom he most admired. Next to him he reck oned Henry the Great, of France. The form of literature which was most con genial to him was the dramatic. He liked to read plays, to study them closely and to see them performed on the stage. He was a studious reader of Shakespeare and was so familiar with the text of that great master that he could quote with facility very many, perhaps most of the best passages. Falstaff was a perpetual delight to him, and he knew the whole composition of the character as thoroughly as if the fat knight had been one of his intimate personal acquaintances. He was a member of the Players' club of New York, and had pleasant social relations. with several eminent actors, among them Booth and Mansfield. His knowledge of the stage and of great performers was quite extensive. He cared, however,. in later life for no acting but the best. The severity of his taste made him hard to please. By long study and much observation he knew what good acting really is. While he preferred the dramatic, other forms of poetry received a fair share of his attention. He could wade through an epic, even a translation of the Lusiad or the Jerusalem Delivered, and the finest lyrics gave him great pleasure and lingered in his memory. It is known that he himself made a few attempts at brief compositions in verse, and in more than one instance was successful in pro ducing lines pleasing both for their grace and fancy. Of these, the best-known are the following, said to have aHusion to his own and his daughter's friend, Mrs., Cleveland, wife of the president: PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. yj-i^ "Hadst thou appeared -with tliose entrancing eyes On Ida's mount, beside the sacred three "Whose charms contended for the golden prize, Paris had "Venus passed and fled to thee. To crown thee queen of beauty, love and purity." For the society of ladies he had great fondness, and his bearing and demeanor toward them, while cordial, was courtly, deferential, delicate and dignified, sug gesting a reminiscence of the days of chivalry and of knightly reverence. Many of his most attached friends were ladies, and in his later life he was an acknowledged favorite with young ladies even more than with those who approximated his own age. In practical life and the conduct of affairs he was thoughtful, considerate, cautious. Through a happy combination of shrewdness and prudence he generally hit upon the right thing for the service of his own or any other interest for which he was responsible. He was more sensitive to the hazard of loss than to the hope of gain, but, judged by its results, his timidity was a sort of ingenious courage. His tact, whether in business or in social inter course, was of the highest order. Even in old age he never made long visits. He was a man of sound discretion to the last, and in nothing was he more discreet than in being silent when there was no occasion for him to speak. To measure him accurately as a lawyer, that is, to gauge the extent of his legal learning with precision, is something not quite easy. He made the impression on some mem bers of the profession of being more profound than he was, and on others of being less so. The truth probably is, that having a genuine relish for the old law, he occupied himself over much, not with its principles, for that could hardly be, but with its details, their application and consequences. He loved to- linger near the sources of the law, and found it so pleasant to do so that he often disliked to move down the stream, except for the exigencies of actual business. It was hard for him to realize that the substance of the law as he first learned it was not the true law for all time. Of course he was aware that changes did in fact take place, but if they seemed to conflict with established principles, unless they were embodied in statutes or attested by the supreme court of the United States, or by the house of lords, or at the very least, by Baron Parke, he was much disposed to regard them as mere novelties of opinion. When they appeared to him to accord with principle or to improve upon the past, he was ready and quite willing to accept them. In real work he was up with the times, and he cited modern authorities freely. He was more fond of reports than of text books. The reports of Plowden, Dyer, Hobart, Coke, Jenkins and others down to and including Meeson and Welsby, afforded him congenial entertainment. He had a sort of passion for knowing things overlooked or not much regarded by the ordinary professional reader. This led to a taste for rare and curious cases, and for unique morsels of early law. Not that he took odd or curious matters seriously, but they amused him. He truly venerated the law, but could smile at its freaks with open enjoyment, or with that bubbling zest that makes merry in solitude. He was not dependent for his merriment on company; least of all in his legal recreations. There is no telling how many good but rather useless things, found in the old books, were stored away in his mind. Much of his law reading in general (as distinguished from study for actual business or particular cases) was influenced more by what afforded pleasure than by what promised profit; yet it is certain that both at the bar and on the bench, very often, as the result of such reading, he recalled instantly not only the true law applicable to the pending controversy, but the legal work or volume in which it was laid down. He frequently did this, while others concerned in the question were groping in 774 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. thick darkness. To cite or produce the needful learning when it was unexpected was a sort of by-play which he much enjoyed, but always in a quiet way and without the least ostentation. He liked to surprise by turning on light which others were not ready to furnish. He was well-versed in the law of special plead ing, and had a keen relish for it, both its theory and its practice. His expertness as a special pleader was an accomplishment of which he was somewhat proud. While a practitioner at the bar it gave him real pleasure to ensnare an adversary by the adroit use of a replication or a rejoinder, to say nothing of the rebutter. He knew the subtle mystery of "giving color," and in handling the traverse "de injuria" he was supposed to be especially able and effective. He was fond also of a special demurrer, and of all the nice and refined distinctions which that searching instrument of pleading flushes for discussion where special pleading prevails. The whole system of special pleading having been abolished in this state at the close of the last century, only in the Federal courts did he have, after he removed to Georgia, any outlet for his skill in this kind of forensic combat, and he lived to see the system disappear from these courts also. He deplored its destruction. He deplored its destruction, both as a partial disarming of the legal profession and as a calamity to public justice, for with Lord Coke he devoutly believed "the law speaketh by good pleading." He was aware, however, of the abuses of which special pleading in its full vigor and extreme application was susceptible, and was not averse to the improvements which it underwent in England by the new rules. Indeed, he considered it still further improvable. What he really desired to stand and remain permanent was the essence of the system, in its substantial elements. In the moral attributes of a judge he was truly great — none could be greater. He loved justice and administered it in mercy. By diligent and conscientious labor he endeavored to ascertain the very right of every case and to give every litigant his due. His judgments were ren dered without favor, except favor to justice, and without fear, except the fear that they might be erroneous. It was incumbent upon him as matter of official duty to prepare written opinions; nevertheless, he did prepare quite a number. Several of these may be seen in the thirty-fifth volume of the Georgia Reports, and some of the same cases, together with others, appear in Abbott's United States Reports. On certain questions of grave importance, as, for instance, taking the test oath by attorneys at law, he made the pioneer decisions, and was afterward followed (though perhaps without acknowledgment) by the supreme court of the United States. The great debt of Georgia and her people to Judge Erskine is not so much for the details of his judicial administration as for its spirit; its spirit of gentle justice; its spirit of law civil as distinguished from law military ; the spirit of law in its benignity as distinguished from law in its fury or the fuiy of its minister. This spirit manifested itself and became conspicuous at the very outset of his judicial career, though it was not fully appreciated by the public at large until many years afterward. He was a true civil magistrate, a true ambassador of peace at a time when war, though it had relinquished arms, was still raging in the emotions of many, and in the greedy craving of some who, eager for the spoils of conquest, hoped that much of what sword and fire had left might be taken by a sort of judicial pillage through summary sentences of condemnation under the confiscation laws. This hope was doomed to utter disappointment and defeat, in so far as it rested upon the Federal courts in Georgia. Judge Erskine, refusing to adopt the short and sharp practice which was said to prevail in one or more of the neighboring states, maintained that there could not, should not, be any summary condemnation in his courts, but that every case had to await investigation and determination by a jury. This gave I FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 775 cooling time, and enabled many persons to avail themselves of the more ex tended amnesty which was subsequently granted. The consequence was that none of the people subject to his jurisdiction underwent the misei-y and distress of losing by peace the little they had not lost by war. There was no confiscation of property in Georgia. Honor to the wise, moderate, upright and incorruptible judge. Honor to his name and memory, now and for all time ! QEN. CLEMENT A. EVANS, who is author of the chapter in this work on the military history of Georgia, cites with some pride his nativity as a Georgian and the occurrence of his infancy amidst the terrors of the Creek IndianI war in southwestern Georgia, in 1836. Coming from an ancestry that participated in the revolutionary struggle and in the various wars of the Union, he entered life in Stewart county, at a time and place, where his people were in battle with the Indians and where no family was entirely safe from savage hostility. His father was a farmer and his first years were spent upon the farm. Early, however, a move was made to Lumpkin, the county town, for the purpose of educating the children of the household, and in that delightful place, whose inhabitants were noted for refinement, hospitality and wealth, he received his early education. After his graduation from the law school of Judge William Tracy Gould, in Augusta, which was at that time the resort of young students, ambitious to obtain education for the bar, he was admitted to the practice of law just before he had attained the age of nineteen years. Returning to his native county, he opened his office among those who had known him from his boyhood, and with very little delay obtained an excellent business. The bar at that time in southwestern Georgia, was composed, as; it is now, of some of the finest lawyers in the state. Many of them were, in fact, noted jurists. Among the nestors of the profession were Seaborn Jones, Alfred Iverson, Hines Holt, and Judge Wellborn ; and, some what younger, although not less noted, were Benning, Blanford, WorriH, Tucker, Perkins, Wimberly and many others. Among the yet younger were Sloan, Clarke, Douglas, Harrell and the like. After entering this field, when the conflict was sharp, and meeting cordial treatment and achieving success. Air Evans was invited to a co-partnership with his former preceptor. Col. "Worrill, which he accepted. After that his life as a lawyer was spent in the firm of Worrill & Evans until, obtaining the ready and generous consent of his partner to conduct the business alone, he entered the Confederate army in the first yeari of the war, having been engaged in active practice eight years. The confidence shown in his general abihty by his county people is shown by his election soon after he was twenty- one years of age to the office of judge of their county court, which was a court ol extensive jurisdiction in civil suits, and involved the care of the county business in general. The service of his county being well rendered in this position, he was again soon honored by election, at the age of twenty-six, to' the senate of Georgia, at the gravely important period when the questions which resulted in the Confederate war, agitated the whole country. In those questions he took what was called the "southern rights" side, and was placed upon the electoral Breckinridge ticket as an alternate during the warm political canvass of i860. Although young, he had been trained in political debate, and went ardently into the canvass •spousing the fortunes of the Breckinridge democratic party, although he had deplored the division of his party at Charleston, and its breach into the two factions of Breckinridge and Douglas. After the election of President Lincoln, he first favored what was termed the co-operative movement, which was designed to effect a UHion of all the southern states in a concerted separation from the United States, and introduced in the legislature resolutions to that end. But ¦776 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. becoming quickly satisfied that this movement could not be made practicable, he advocated separate state action. Immediately after it became evident that war would ensue, Evans offered his services as a soldier. His tastes were military, and had been gratified in peace by active connection with the volunteer companies of his town, and through these he had acquired knowledge of military tactics and discipline, which prepared him, as well as inspired him to enter upon the duties of a Confederate soldier. In all that was required of such a soldier he devoted himself from the beginning to the close of the long bloody struggle. His first promotion was to the rank of major, and next to colonel of the Thirty-first Georgia regiment. Then he was commissioned brigadier-general, succeeding Gen. Gordon to the command of his brigade, and after Gordon was assigned to the command of a corps, he was assigned to the command of the division composed of the Virginia brigade of Gen. Terry, containing the old Stonewall brigade, and the brigades from Louisiana of Stafford and Hayes, commanded by Col. Waggoman; and, also, his own Georgia brigade. In these several positions he served in the commands of Stonewall Jackson until his death, and then with Ewell, Early and Gordon, all in the army of Lee, sharing with his men the dangers of the great battles, the many skirmishes and the increasing privations of the famous war, receiving several severe wounds, and surrendering under Lee at Appomattox, with guns still hot from firing at the latest hour. Fully recognizing that the issue made had been settled, Gen. Evans returned home and advocated the restoration of his state at once to all its former position in the Union, and urged such progressive measures as would make the Union valuable to the state. His addresses were all in advocacy of lioriorable assent to the arbitrament of the sword without any servile concessions ; of cordial invitation to capital and immigration; of general improvement in all material development and of full confidence in the recuperation of the south. Gen. Evans has been a member of the Methodist church from his youth, and accustomed to take public part in the work of religious bodies, but after the close of the war he joined the Georgia conference, in which as a minister, he was placed in charge of several important positions, and has now the management of two valuable financial interests of his conference. In his business life, before and since the war, he has had the management of several large enterprises, which have been successfully conducted, and has uniformly taken a conspicuous part in all public affairs. He organized, and as president, guided to success the Augusta Real Estate and Improvement company, and also the Augusta and Summerville Land company, and was an active director in the Augusta Exposition company, and the Cotton States and International Exposition conipany of 1895. His political life consisted of an open and active espousal of the democratic party and advocacy of its candidates, without seeking office himself, until, in 1894, he was then, for a time, a candidate for nomination by the democratic convention for the office of govemor, and discussed throughout the state the leading issues of the day, but perceiving that his party was threatened with disruption into factions, he withdrew by a notable public letter, and afterward canvassed the state in behalf of party principles and harmony, contributing very greatly to the success which followed, (jen. Evans has been widely known for his patriotic acceptance of the true results of the late war. His address as early as 1875, at the laying of the corner-stone of the splendid Confederate monument in Augusta, Ga., was copied extensively by the press of the United States. He is also thoroughly devoted to the comradeship and cause of the Confederate states. He was the first president of the Confederate Survivors' Association of Augusta, and afterward president of the Confederate camp in Atlanta. He is now major-general, commanding Georgia division. United Confederate Veterans, and actively interested in collecting Con- FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. yyy federate history and assisting soldiers and soldiers' widows in need. As he was one of the youngest generals in the war, he has still before him many years which he will employ usefully for his state. QAPT. W. S. EVERETT is the senior partner of the large dry goods firm of Everett, Ridley, Reagan & Co., of Atlanta, Ga. He is a true scion of sturdy Puritan stock, and came of a family connected with the Everetts, Claflins and Spragues of New England. His father was a Baptist minister who served several churches in various places in obedience to the calls made for him, and he himself was born in Alleghany county, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1839. Capt. Everett received his early education in the schools of his native state, and completed two terms in the academy at Ithaca. During these school years he employed his vacations industriously by work on the farm, and afterward learned to become a merchant by clerking in stores. In 1857, when about eighteen years of age, he came with his parents to Georgia, but they after a short time moved to the west. He then began business as a traveling salesman of books and music, and after a few months secured a position with J. L. Cutting & Co., a dry goods firm in Atlanta, with whom and their successors he continued until Jan. i, 1862. At that time this northern-born boy, who had cast in his lot with the state of his adoption, enlisted in Company A, Ninth battalion Georgia artillery, in which he was appointed second sergeant. The company was rapidly recruited to such numbers as to require a division into the two commands. Company A and Com pany E, in which latter company Air. Everett was elected junior first lieutenant, a position which he filled until prom^oted to the rank of captain in 1864. This gallant company, known in orders as Battery E and also as Everett's battery, did arduous and splendid service, having the distinction of never losing a gun during the war. During a great part of this service it was used on detach duty, and in all its battles except one, Everett as first lieutenant and afterward as its captain was in command. Capt. Everett was a skillful as well as a brave artillery officer, and gained merited distinction especially at the bloody battle of Chicka mauga, where his battery played a most conspicuous part in the victories of the Confederates. Previous to that battle his command was in east Tennessee, but was detached from the battalion at La Fayette and reported to Gen. Bushrod Johnson at Dalton, and from that point first met the enemy at Ringgold. Fight ing with Forrest in the advance, the battery crossed the Chickamauga creek on Friday night, and was in the engagement Saturday. But on Sunday it was in the scenes of brilliant charges made by the Confederates, being advanced as the battle progressed from ridge to ridge. Late in the afternoon it occupied a hill from which it poured steady shot upon the retreating foe, succeeding in blocking the road of retreat with guns and caissons disabled by its well-aimed fire, and pressing from this point to another position of advantage joined in some of the hardest fighting of the war. It was at this time that the battery, getting out of ammunition, served its guns directly from captured Federal boxes. After this great battle he went through the campaign of east Tennessee with Gen. Longstreet, after which he returned to Virginia and was detached and sent with McCauslan's cavalry to meet Hunter, who was advancing upon Lynchburg, and hold him in check until Lynchburg could be reinforced. He was next employed actively with Gen. Early in the valley campaign. The last service of the gallant company was in the defense of Richmond and in the retreat of Lee's army to the final day at Appomattox. At Richmond, Capt Everett was assigned to the command of Fort Gregg, which he held until the evacuation of that city. Thus terminated an honorable military career Guns which had never been f 78 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. captured in equal battle were now surrendered to become the property of patriot ism, and Capt. Everett and his paroled command returned to their homes to resume the occupation of peaceful citizens. It was a feature of the civil war that brothers fought on opposite sides. Two of Capt. Everett's brothers were brave soldiers on the Federal side and he equally gallant on the side of the south. Their valor and patriotism belong to mutual American history. After laying aside his sword with the strife it symbolized, Capt. Everett rode his horse to Atlanta, and bringing his family from LaGrange, commenced business life anew without capital, but with the will and ability to succeed. It shows the state of things at the time that he secured three hospital tents and pitched them on a lot belonging to his mother-in-law in Atlanta for the purpose of a dwelling, where he lived several months. Beginning business he traveled for a few months for the firm of Claghorn & Herring, of Philadelphia, and then returned to selling dry goods. In the fall of 1868 he became an employe in the house of Al. C. & J. F. Kiser, and in 1872 was admitted into partnership under the firm name of M. C. Kiser & J. F. Kiser & Co., where he remained until the dissolution of that firm, when the Everett, Ridley, Reagan company was organized, of which he is the senior member and president. Capt. Everett was married in i860 to Frances G. Haynes, daughter of Mrs. Judith A. Haynes, widow of Reuben Haynes, and has four children, two sons and two daughters: Fannie O., wife of "W. O. Jones; Clarence, captain on staff of the Fifth regiment; Edward Q., and Alyrtle M., graduate of Notre Dame, Md., with first honors. Capt Everett is a self-made man. The wealth he now enjoys is the fruit of skillful management and constant attention to business. He is a substantial representative of the commercial world. JOHN NEWTON FAIN, school commissioner, Fulton county, Ga., was born in Dandridge, Jefferson Co., Tenri., July 17, 1830. He was reared in the town and educated in Man academy located there. After leaving school he entered the store of his father, who was a merchant, and whose business was amongst the heaviest of any in that section. He remained with his father until his death, in 1854, and afterward with his brother, who succeeded his father, until 1856. That year he with his two brothers bought a cotton factory at Mossy Creek, Jefferson Co., Tenn., which they operated until 1858, when they went to Osceola, Ark., where they engaged in cotton planting until 1865. From there they m.oved to Memphis, Tenn., and engaged in the cotton business; but the cholera coming there in 1866 they came to Atlanta and embarked in the whole sale grocery and commission business. They continued this business until 1869, when Air. Fain withdrew and became a contractor, in which he was unfortunate, and at the end of a year abandoned it. After this he engaged in various businesses for some considerable time. His next venture was a partnership with A. P. Stewart, under the firm name of Stewart & Fain, in the stove and tinware business ; he continued it for several years, and then sold out. After this Mr. Fain took Hfe easily and leisurely until 1884, when he was appointed county school commis sioner, an office whose important duties he has discharged with scrupulous fidelity. Able, attentive and conscientious, and devoted to his work, he has made a model officer. Mr. Fain has been married three times. His first wife was Miss Maria L. E. Moore, whom he married in i860, who bore him one child, Maria E., and died in Arkansas. His second wife was Mattie C. Moore, a sister of his first wife, by whom he had five children, one only of whom, Mattie F., is living, the wife of Dr. Max M. Z. Crist, Atlanta. His last wife was Mrs. Virginia A. "Watts, who has had no children. Air. Fain is a Knight Templar Mason, an elder in the Central Presbyterian church, Atlanta, and clerk of the session. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 779 JHOMAS B. FELDER, JR., the weH known attorney of Atianta, Ga., was born Oct. 6, 1863, in Burke county, Ga., and in this and Emanuel county passed his boyhood days. He received his early education at the Waynesboro high school, from which institution he was graduated in June, 1879, taking the highest available honors, and receiving the first prize for declamation. From here he went to the North Georgia Agricultural and Military academy, Dahlonega, Ga., remaining a member Of the same for a year, deriving much benefit from both the classic and military branches of the school. Leaving after the expiration of tiie first term, he entered the law department of the university of (Georgia, received his diploma in 1883, and after locating in Dublin, Ga., was admitted to the bar during the same year. Six months later, having given great attention to his practice and gained a broad popularity in his section, he was made solicitor of the county court of Laurens county, Ga., and served as such for six years. He uesigned in 1889 to accept the higher office of mayor of Dublin, holding this place creditably for one year, and was re-elected for a second term, but declined in order to serve as presidential elector on the Cleveland ticket. Mr. Felder moved to Atlanta early in 1890, and continued in this city the practice of his profession. Mr. Felder is a business man of much ability and it did not require long for his associates and acquaintances to recognize this fact. In June of 1892 he was elected president of the Atlanta Traction company, and filled this position until May, 1893, when he resigned. Mr. Felder was married on Aug. 12, 1886, to Charlotte, daughter of Grafton Johnson. They have no children. He is a Royal Arch Mason and chairman of the committee of laws and appeals of the Elks, and is also a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, the Knights of Pythias and the Methodist church. Besides these secret societies and reHgious organization he is a director in the State Savings bank, president of the Union Loan and Trust company, and a director of the Southern Exchange bank. He has manifested a versatility that is seldom surpassed ; and his efforts in the many different enterprises in which he has been engaged have never met with dis appointment or failure. His father is Thomas B. Felder, a native of Sumter, S. C, who served as colonel in the late war and conducted himself chivalrously in a great number of campaigns. When the war was over he returned to his home in the palmetto state and followed the profession of law until a few years ago, when he retired permanently from active work. He now resides at Dublin, Ga. Mr. Felder is the worthy scion of an old, illustrious southern family, and by dint of perseverance is advancing rapidly to the front JOHN A. FITTEN, hardware merchant, Atlanta, was born in Augusta, Ga., in 1846. He lived and attended the schools there until he was fifteen years of age, when his father moved to Bartow county, Ga. In 1863 he entered the Georgia Military institute. Marietta, Ga., and in the spring of 1864 went with the cadets into the Confederate service as assistant quartermaster of battalion, and continued as such until the surrender. After the war he returned to his home in Bartow county and engaged in farming, until 1867, when he came to Atlanta and entered the employ of the hardware firm of T. M. & R. C. Clarke. About three years afterward he was admitted to membership in the firm, whose name was changed to T. M. Clarke & Co. In 1892 he retired from the firm, and subsequently spent about nine months in Europe. In April, 1894, he formed a partnership with A. P. Thompson and re-engaged in business under the firm name of the Fitten - Thompson Hardware company. Maj. Fitten has superior business capacity and sagacity, and has been successful in all his undertakings. Ample capital, com bined with these pre-requisites, has made his last venture a success from the 78o MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. start. Cultured, traveled and affable, Maj. Fitten occupies an enviable position in society, as well as in the commercial world. Maj. Fitten was married, in 1871, to Miss Alarianna, daughter of the late James A. Turner, a native of North Caro lina, and to them there have been born two sons and two daughters. He is an active and prominent member of the Protestant Episcopal church. "\A/ ILLIAM J. GARRETT, capitalist, Atlanta, Ga., was born in Laurens district, S. C, in 1825. He was about six years old when his father came to Georgia and settled in Campbell county. He was reared on the farm, and received sugh education as the county schools of the time afforded. When he reached maturity, with $300 capital, he opened a small "cross-roads" general merchandise store, did a good business, and by strict attention to it, with economy, he made money. Three years later he moved to Campbellton, the county seat, where, with Gen. Alfred Anstett (afterward founder of the Atlanta National bank), he engaged in a general merchandise store, building up a large trade and accumulating capital. In 1857, after the completion of the Atlanta & West Point railway, he moved to Palmetto, a growing town on the line of the road. There he conducted a business on his personal account untH 1865, when himself and a younger brother — Young — established a grocery and produce house in Atlanta, under the firm name of Garrett & Bro., which was continued until 1883, when he retired from active business. During his partnership Capt. Garrett established stores at several points on the line of the A. & W. P. railway, in one of which — at GrantviHe, Ga. — he still retains an interest. During the war, when Gov. Brown called out the reserves, he was commissioned captain of a company, served six months in camp, and afterward about eighteen months in the commissary department, with the rank of major. He was stationed at Augusta, Ga., when hostilities ceased, and surrendered a large amount of stores. When the Atlanta National bank was organized he was made a member of the board of directors, and continued to be one for years. He served one term — voluntarily retiring — on the board of county commissioners of Fulton county; also one term — 1885-86 — on the general council of the city; is a director of the West View Cemetery company, of which he was president for some years; and is a director of the Exposition cotton mills, in which he is the largest stockholder. Capt Garrett was married, in 1855, when in business in Campbellton, to Miss Ellen, daughter of the late Col. Thomas A. Latham. She died in 1874, leaving no children. For his second wife he married Mrs. Mary A. (nee WaHace) Buttrell, daughter of William Wallace, of Dougherty county, Ga. Of the children born to them, three are living: Emma L., Mattie E. and "Viola A. Capt. Garrett is a master Mason, and, although not a member, worships at the Baptist church. J2)R. J. M'FADDEN GASTON, of Atianta, Ga., was born in Chester district S. C, Dec. 2^, 1824. His early education was that of a country boy, and he attributes a great deal of his strength of body and endurance of fatigue to the hunting and fishing that he did in Chester district The South Carolina coHege at that time was in a very flourishing condition, and no less a man than Rev. James Harper Thornwell, D. D., presided over this institution. Dr. -Gaston's high moral character and ability as a v\'riter are doubtless to be attributed largely to the years he spent at the South CaroHna college, where he was graduated in 1843, ^t the age of nineteen. He entered immediately upon the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his father, Dr. John Brown Gaston, then practicing and farming in Chester district After a year of dHigent study and experience in compounding medicines, he entered the university of Pennsylvania, medical department, and PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 781 attended there his first course of medical lectures, from 1844 to 1845. His second course of lectures was taken in Charleston, where he was graduated in 1846, from the medical college of South Carolina, at the age of twenty-one. If we count the three years of his medical education, we may say he has been studying and practicing medicine over fifty years. He has been a student and practitioner all his life, never entering politics or business to any extent, so as to divert his attention. The first six years of his practice were spent in partnership with his father. He then nioved to Columbia, S. C, where he practiced alone and in part nership with Dr. A. N. Talley for about eight years. He had niarried Miss Sue G. Brumby, daughter of Prof. R. A. Brumby, Nov. 4, 1852. Their marriage has been blessed by a family of seven daughters and three sons. Five daughters and one son are still living, and are as follows: Mrs. A. W. Greshani, Greensborough, Ga.; Mrs. J. B. Kolb, Bahia, BrazH; Mrs. Nannie G. Blackford, Atianta, Ga.; Mrs. E. N. Shaw, Cameron, Texas, and Mrs. T. B. Gay, Atlanta, and Dr. James McF. Gaston, Jr., Atlanta. Dr. Gaston has been permitted to see nearly a score of grandchildren, before he has reached the age of three score years and ten. When the civil war broke out he was doing probably the largest practice in Columbia, was living in his own house, and with his carriages and horses was considered to be on the high road to prosperity. Neither family nor home caused him any hesitation, however, as to the course he should pursue. He enlisted in a company of volunteers called the Columbia Sreys, which he had organized himself, and would have served during the war as a private had he not been made chief surgeon of the Carolina forces under Gen. M. L. Bonham, and made medical director on his staff. His service during the war was a long and varied one, being in all the important battles from Manassas to Gettysburg, under such leaders as Beauregard, D. R. Jones, R. H. Anderson, as medical director at Manassas under Beauregard, and chief surgeon of Anderson's division. He did a great deal of surgery during the course of these battles, and afterward in hospital service at Marietta and Fort Valley and Fort Gaines. Many of the Confederate veterans now testify to his kind ness and his timely surgical skill in cases of wounds of all kinds. After the war he was penniless and disappointed — but never discouraged. So he moved to Brazil, South America, having to borrow money for the purpose. He first went to Brazil alone, and then returned and published Hunting a Home in Brazil. He then removed with his family and many friends. He had an audience before Dom Pedro IL, of Brazil, and that noble monarch received him kindly and offered him a place as consulting surgeon in the Brazilian army, with the rank and pay of the highest medical officer. He had just been so actively engaged in a war in which his heart centered that he declined to take part in the war with Paraguay in this capacity. His idea was to investigate the advantages of the country and report on the same in the form of a diary for the benefit of his friends whose homes were devastated, and who wished to ayoid the inconveniences of recon struction — at least for a few years. Speaking of this stage of Dr. Gaston's life, so able a writer as James Wood Davidson, in his standard work, Living Wrfters of the South, says: "James McFadden Gaston, M. D., is a native of South Carolina, a graduate of the state college at Columbia, and of the medical college at Charleston. He practiced medicine before the war for several years in Columbia, and stood in the front rank of his profession. He contributed occasion ally to the medical and scientific journals of the day, and paid some attention to belles letttes, writing verse sometimes. During the war he was a division surgeon in the army of northern Virginia. At the close of the war he went to BrazH in quest of a future home for himself and family. The only volume that Dr. Gaston has thus far published is an account of that tropical region. It was pubhshed for 782 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. the author, in 1867, and is entitied Hunting a Home in Brazil, and gives a lively but practical account of that country, with special reference to its being the home of the southern emigrant. It lays no claim to merely literary excellence, though it is written in a very healthy and eamest style, that reflects credit upon the learned author. Dr. Gaston is now in BrazH, with his family, and. the probability is that he will make it his permanent home." The Brazilian government offered a large sum for 500 copies of the work on Brazil. His life in Brazil was one of trial and often of privation, until he had surmounted all obstacles, passed satisfactorily the examination for license to practice, before the faculty of the National Medical college at Rio Janeiro, and removed to Campinas, where he finally did the largest practice in the city; also having a surgical infirmary, where patients from all the surrounding country were treated. In 1880 Dr. Gaston paid a visit to the United States, after a residence in Brazil of thirteen years. He and Mrs. Gaston came over, leaving the other members of the family in Brazil. In New York he was paid some special attention by the medical profession, and attended the meeting of the American Medical association there. Among his friends were Drs. T. R. Agnew, J. Marion Sims, Ramsey, Nathan Bozeman, T. Addis Emmett and T. Gaillard Thomas. He attended the clinics of the colleges and the operations at the hospitals. His experience in the army was now reinforced by years of private practice in these lines — surgery and gynecology — and he profited by the ample opportunity for seeing the operations of so many distinguished surgeons. He returned to Brazil by way of Europe, so that he might have the oppportunity of seeing the skillful surgical work of such men as Spencer Wells, William Meredith and others. He went to London, Antwerp, Brussels and other points. He heard the famous preacher, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, in London. His impressions of him ' are very vivid, and his admiration for the man is so great that he reads everything he has written, when he sees it in print. The Crystal palace, in London, and the museum, were also of special interest. In this way he became acquainted with the most prominent men in the profession, and has kept up a correspondence with them. He settled up his affairs in Brazil as soon as possible after his return. Moving to Atlanta in December, 1883, he opened an office and began to write upon surgical topics. To say in a few words what Dr. Gaston has accomplished in Atlanta would be impossible. Coming to the city a complete stranger, at an age when most men are unable to compete actively in a large city with the rush of the day and times, he has made a success of life. At the time he was made editor of the "Southern Aledical Record," this medical journal made the following editorial remarks about him, in January, 1892: "To the profession. Dr. Gaston needs no introduction. As professor of the principles and practice of surgery in the Southem Medical college, as a contributor to "Wood's Reference Hand Book, as one of the editorial staff of the 'Annual Universal Medical Science,' and as a contributor to the Tnternational Clinic,' he has made for himself a national fame. He comes to us bringing with him a rich store of knowledge, which he has acquired through long years of the practice of his branch, both in this and other countries. He is also chairman of the section of surgery of the American Medical association, and president of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological associ ation." He is a member of the Medical association of Georgia, of the American Medical association, of the American Surgical association, the Southem Surgical and Gynecological association, and of the American Academy of Medicine. He is also a member of the Confederate Veterans' association, of the Scotch-Irish association of Georgia, and other local organizations. He is a Free Mason, having joined the order in Brazil. He is a Presbyterian, having been elder of the Presbyterian church in Columbia, S. C, being elected to succeed his father-in-law. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 783 Prof. Richard T. Brumby, professor of chemistry and ge.ilogy in the university of South Carolina, as it is now called. He has always shown himself to be a consistent Christian gentleman. Dr. Gaston is recognized as a writer and a teacher of medicine, and it is interesting to describe his methods. He says: "I have never prepared any medical paper until the necessity for it was urgent, and then no time is lost until the work is done. I am a creature of circumstances, and cannot work unless under the pressure of the occasion." He does not write in his office in the day, but sits up at night and prepares the compact, lucid and learned papers that are so widely read and so thoroughly appreciated by the general practitioner and the student. His brother, Dr J. B. Gaston, of Montgomery, has told him that he is not careful enough, and that he should take longer to write his articles ; but if he should do this he would write as rarely as his brother does. The strong mark in most great men's minds seems to have been observation. They have seen things where others have seen nothing. They have put some of the-ir individuality into things that had none of their own. So it has happened that Dr. Gaston has impressed the students that from year to year hear him lecture at the Southern Medical college. In dealing with practical subjects he draws upon the field of observation that he has had, and in a few pointed words pins the main facts in the memory of the most Hstless student Never leaving out a detail where it is neces sary, but at the same time never wearying with useless harangues, he points the young doctor to the great landmarks of surgery, and illustrates them by his own cases. A list of Dr. Gaston's contributions and reports of cases shows that he has performed all the important operations and is entitled to the rank that Dr. Richard Douglas, professor of gynecology in Vanderbilt university, medical de partment, accorded to him when, addressing the Medical association of Georgia, he said: "I feel a hesitancy in presenting my views when we have present the Nestor of surgery in the south, a man whose surgical skill is recognized all over the country. I refer, gentlemen, to Dr. Gaston. (Applause). But it is as a man, battling with the cares and vexations of life, never baffled, but always cheerful, that he wins the hearts of men, who do anything in the world for him." To illustrate this point, we need only quote a few casual remarks, never intended for publication, coming from men who have known him best. The late Dr. W. D. Bizzell once said: "He is a grand old man. He is Hke a piece of bronze, any way you strike it it gives out a good sound — like a perfectly ripe apple, mellow to the core." Old Mr. Heinz, who lived in Columbia for forty years and then moved to Atlanta, and in this way, knowing the difficulties of getting a foothold here, and at the same time appreciating Dr. Gaston, as he knew him in Columbia before the war, said: "The way he has struggled through the many vicissitudes he has seen, and still retains the gentlemanly bearing and control of his temper throughout, is some thing heroic — is something heroic." WILLIAM T. GENTRY, manager of the Atianta Telephone exchange— a branch of the Southern BeH Telephone and Telegraph company, and assistant superintendent of the second division, including aH exchange in Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Alabama, was born at (iordonsville, Va., April 14, 1854. When his father, John R. Gentry, an illustrious and beloved Virginia gentieman, who held the office of mayor in the city of Gordonsville for twenty-five years, left home tb enter the Confederate army, William went to the residence of his maternal grandfather, Thomas M. Mansfield, residing in Franklin county, Va., where he remained until the war closed, attending school. While here a most unfortunate accident befell him. One day he was playing in a sorghum mill, and, uncon sciously going too near the machinery, received so severe a cut on the arm that 784 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. it was necessary to amputate it. In 1865 he returned to his old home and entered the Neoptrophian academy at Gordonsville, preparatory to taking a college course. His scholastic career was not without its honors. He was so fortunate as to win a warmly-contested medal and to be selected the valedictorian of his class. Having become, in the meantime, interested in electricity and its application, Mr. Gentry decided to devote his life to this science, and incidentally aided as operator at Gordonsville, learning the intricate points very rapidly. At the age of twenty years he was in charge of the Southern and Atlantic Telegraph company, em bracing all the wires running from Charlotte, N. C, to Norfolk, Va., and Washing ton, D. C. He fiHed this important office for three years. When this company was absorbed and purchased by the Western Union, Mr. Gentry again resumed the key — this time at Lynchburg, Va., remaining a few months, and being then transferred to Wilmington, N. C. In three months afterward he was appointed chief operator and assistant to the general manager, which position he held for three years, and then began the erection of telephone exchanges for the Western Union system. He built the one in Wilmington, N. C, the first in the state. A year later the Western Union sold out its interests to the Bell company, and Mr. Gentry became an employe of the succeeding company, and superintended the building of an exchange at Alexandria, Va., remaining there three years. He was then, in 1884, selected as manager of the Atlanta exchange, and has held this posi tion ever since. Mr. Gentry was married at Gordonsville, Va., to Nina, the daughter of William H. Mann, of the same city. They have six children: Alary Belle, Willie M., James H., Thomas R., Nina, and AHene. He is a member of the Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, and Red Men, besides being a devout worshiper of the Methodist church of Atlanta. To show the great, magnanimous heart that throbs in his breast, Mr. Gentry has always taken a marked interest in young men, in promoting their desires and encouraging their initial efforts. There are many young men, occupying to-day high and lucrative positions, who owe their success in life to the kindly interest and help extended by him. Several of those who have attained prosperity were newsboys and bootblacks when Mr. Gentry first extended a sympathizing hand. Some of them are now receiving handsome salaries of $5,000 a year. Such generosity is not common, and commends him, who wields it, to the hearts of all people. -Mr. Gentry doubtless receives his reward in the gratification that he has given substantial support to the plodding labors of worthy, appreciative fellow-men. J^R. CHARLES GLENVILLE GIDDINGS, Atlanta, was born on a farm in Loudoun county, Va., June 8, 1861. His father, Charles G. Giddings, was born in Frederick county, Md., in 1834, and came across the Potomac to his present residence, about twenty miles away, when twenty years old. He married Dorcas A. Hempstone, a daughter of Cephas Hempstone, a well-known citizen of Loudoun county, Va. Charles G. Giddings was a lieutenant in the Confederate service and was a prisoner in Federal prisons for eighteen months. He was the father of eight children, of whom five were sons. The grandfather of Dr. Giddings was James Giddings, who was born in Devonshire, England, and came with his wife to America, locating in Frederick county, Md., where he died in 1872, aged sixty-six years. He was a civil engineer by profession and was one of the engineers of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and Chesapeake & Ohio canal. His wife was Louisa Johnson and they had four sons and three daughters, of whom two sons are deceased. One of the latter, Luther Giddings, was a soldier in the Mexican war, of which he afterward wrote a history. Eugene Giddings, another uncle of Dr. Giddings, was in the Confederate service in the army of northern Virginia. Dr. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 785 Charles Giddings was reared on the farm, a homestead which has been in posses sion of the family for a century. His early educational training was received at the hands of a private tutor. He later attended Glenwood institute near Baltimore, Md., and then St. John's academy at Alexandria, Va., where he was graduated in 1881. He then entered the medical department of the university of Virginia and graduated therefrom in 1884. After a year in New York city he tentered Mt. Sinai hospital as an interne, where he remained two years, locating in Atlanta in 1882, where he has since followed his profession. Dr. Giddings is a member of the Atianta Society of Medicine, and is now professor of principles and practice ol medicine of the Atlanta Polytechnic and attending physician at the Henry W. Grady hospital. Dr. Giddings ranks among the leaders of his profession in the state, and his frequent contributions to the medical journals are read with much interest in the north as well as the south. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and of the Episcopal, church. Dr. Giddings was married in 1890 to Miss Maud, daughter of the late John P. Crichton of Atlanta. \M ILLIAM C. GLENN, senior member of the firm of Glenn & Rountree, was bom in Chattooga county, Ga., Dec. 31, 1856. His father. Col. Jesse A. Glenn, was born in Gwinnett county, Ga. He entered the Confederate army as a captain, was made colonel of the Thirty-sixth Georgia regiment, and seiwed throughout the war with distinction. He was nominated brigadier-general by President Davis, and his confirmation was pending when the surrender took place. Prior to the war Col. Glenn had practiced law with success, and at the age of nineteen was elected justice of the inferior court of Chattooga county. Shortly before the break ing out of the war he moved to Dalton. He served in the first legislature after the war. Mr Glenn passed his youth in Dalton, and there laid the foundations of his education. Early in life he devoted himself sedulously to the acquisition of knowledge, and the studious habits thus formed have been strengthened as the years passed. His acquirements were sure and rapid, and he became proficient in the classics, a competent knowledge of German, French and Italian. He evinced a fondness for philosophic studies, and absorbed the works of Bacon, Kant, Hegel, Herbert Spencer, Tyndall and others. Fascinated by German literature, he studied its classic works, and is recognized as an accomplished scholar of Faust. Whilst pursuing these studies Mr. Glenn was grounding himself in the principles of the law, reading under his father's guidance. In addition to the usual studies he devoted large attention to the Roman and civil law. Soon after passing his seventeenth year he was admitted to practice. He began, perhaps, at an earlier age than any lawyer in the south. His practice was varied and extensive through all the courts of the northern part of the state, and in the supreme court of the state. While never a candidate for office until his election to the legislature, he had an interest in politics, and before his majority, took an active part in the political contests of the state. He participated in many notable campaigns, such as the contest between Gov. Colquitt and Hon. Thomas M. Norwood in 1880, and between Gen. Gordon and Maj. Bacon in 1886. In these campaigns he met in discussion on the hustings such redoubtable campaigners as Mr. Norwood, Dr. Felton, Maj. J. F. Hanson and numbers of others. In response to the popular demand Mr. Glenn was elected to the house of representatives in 1886 from "Whit field county by a very large majority. Two years later he was re-elected by a still larger vote. During his service in the legislature Mr. Glenn devoted himself mainly to the legal side of the questions pending before that body. He was a member of the judiciary committee, committee on corporations, "Western & At lantic railroad, and others of like importance. In 1886 he was chairman of the 1-50 786 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. special committee to report on the legal status of the acts chartering railroads, and on behalf of that committee he prepared an exhaustive report, which has since been regarded as closing the question. He warmly advocated the extension and development of the educational interests of the state, both along the line of common schools and the higher branches. The most notable work of Mr. Glenn is the act conceived, drawn and introduced by himself, which has since been known as the "Glenn tax act." Anterior to the enactment of this law railroad property, with an aggregate valuation of $60,000,000, was exempt from taxation. Several efforts had been made to frame such a bill as would remedy this condition, and, at the same time, prove practicable and constitutional. The measure conceived by Mr. Glenn fully met all of the requirements. After its passage through the house of representatives it went to the senate, and a protracted hearing took place before the senate finance committee during the summer of 1889. Numbers of the most distinguished lawyers in the state appeared on behalf of the railroads and fought the measure — Mr. Glenn alone appearing in support of it. The committee, how ever, reported it favorably, and it was returned to the senate with only one amend ment, known as the fourth section. This amendment, while not favored by Mr. Glenn, was not fought by him, because a contest upon it might have defeated the measure. From the legislature the contest was transferred to the courts. In the arguments before the supreme court of the state, Mr. Glenn attacked this fourth section, and his objections to it prevaHed, and the measure, as first introduced by him, was sustained. The litigation did not, however, end until the railways carried it to the supreme court of the United States, by which tribunal it was upheld without hearing from the representatives of the state. This act has been since applied to the municipal taxation of railroad property. The act adds about $400,- 000 to the revenues of the counties and cities of the state. Mr. Glenn removed from Dalton to Atlanta and began the practice of law in January, 1890, in that city. Since coming to Atlanta, he has eschewed politics and devoted himself entirely to his profession. Since that time he has been entrusted with cases of every character and of the highest importance. He has appeared with distinction in the state and Federal courts. Several times he has made arguments before the supreme court of the United States; some of them in cases of national importance. Mr. Glenn appears in many cases before the supreme court of the state, representing that class of business from every section of it. He has given much study to the Roman and civil law, deeming an acquaintance with them a necessity to the study and practice of our American law. Notwithstanding the fact that he is one of the most industrious of lawyers, and that the demands of an exacting practice require the greatest attention, he stHl finds time to devote to literature. By common con sent, he is the best-read lawyer in Atlanta, if not in Georgia. His versatility has excited the surprise and admiration of his friends. In matters of art his taste is irreproachable, and he is esteemed as a keen musical critic. Not infrequentiy he is invited to lecture before learned bodies. In December, 1889, Mr. Glenn and Aliss Miriam Armstrong were married. She is the only daughter of the lamented Dr. J. G. Armstrong, formerly rector, Monumental church, Richmond, Va., and St. Philip's church, Atlanta. She had been a great social favorite since her debut a few years before. Pier beauty, talents and notable qualities made her beloved by all. She is an accomplished woman, and is one of the musical leaders of the city of Atlanta. They have one child — a little girl — Alma Glenn. JOHN T. GLENN. The subject of this sketch, who is a member of one of the oldest and most iHustrious families of Georgia, is a lawyer by inheritance as well as by virtue of special training and preparation for the bar. His father, Hon. Luther PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 787 J. Glenn, was for many years a distinguished member of the Atlanta bar and a law yer of profound legal abHity. His mother, whose maiden name was Mildred Cobb, is a sister of Gen. Thos. R. R. Cobb, one of the leading lawyers of Georgia, who was killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, in Virginia, and of Gen. Howell Cobb, who filled the high office of governor of this state and also that of speaker of the national house of representatives. Possessing a bright legal mind and reared in an atmos phere that was fragrant, so to speak, with legal traditions and surroundings, it is no marvel that tiie subject of this sketch, Hon. John T. Glenn, should have risen to such a high and commanding prestige in the practice of his profession. Mr. Glenn was born near the town of Monroe, Ga., in Walton county, about forty-six years ago. His early boyhood, however, was spent at McDonough, Ga., where his father enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. At the age of twelve he came to Atlanta, and has since resided in this city. After completing his primary studies the subject of this sketch entered the state university at Athens, Ga. Here he made the best of his opportunities and gave promise of the talents that have since distinguished him in the practice of his profession. Graduating from the univer sity in the summer of 1863 the young student immediately entered the Confederate army and remained in the active service until Gen. Lee's surrender. Returning to Atlanta after the war, Mr. Glenn entered his father's law office in that city, and after diligent application to his law books, gaining a thorough mastery of the fundamental principles of the law, he was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1866. His talents brought him at once into prominence as a practitioner and acord- ingly, in the following year, he was made the city attorney of Atlanta. This position he held for two years, performing valuable service to the city and still further extending his reputation. In 1872 he was appointed solicitor-general of the Atlanta circuit, and held that office five years. He then resigned for the purpose of forming a legal partnership with Judge John L. Hopkins, under the firm name of Hopkins & Glenn. He was subsequently elected a member of the board of education and has since continued to serve that body with marked devo tion to the interests of the public schools of this city. In 1888 the name of Mr. Glenn was suggested in connection with the high office of mayor of Atlanta. It touched a popular chord and he was subsequently nominated at a citizens' mass meeting. He was elected to that office by a handsome vote and served the city during the years 1888 and 1889. His administration was characterized by a patriotic and progressive policy, and the welfare of Atlanta was substantially promoted during the period of his incumbency, and the credit of the city so firmly estabhshed that her four per cent bonds sold at par, which had never been done in a southern city. During Mr. Glenn's term as mayor other public improvements were made as follows: Over twelve and a half miles of sewers were buift; ten and a fourth miles of Belgian- (granite) block pavement was laid, and twenty-two and one-half miles of sidewalk put down. The large sums paid for these improve ments and for other necessary expenses, great as they were, did not consume the city's income, a large amount being left available to pay interest on the public debt, and the increase in the value of real and personal property during the last year of Mr. Glenn's incumbency was over five and a half million dollars. In his inaugural address Mayor Glenn suggested the building of the new water works, and this suggestion, after mature consideration by the city council, was adopted during his official term. It was also at the suggestion of Mayor Glenn that the charter of the city of Atlanta was so amended as to prohibit the mayor from presiding over the deliberations of the council, but giving him the power to approve or veto all the acts of that body. The office of city comptroller-general was established during Mayor Glenn's term of office, at his suggestion, and tiie 788 ' MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. wisdom of the mayor has since been demonstrated by the success of this pro vision. It provides for a thorough system of bookkeeping, and served as a check against the promiscuous handling of the city's money. Mr. Glenn is now the senior member of the firm of Glenn, Slaton & PhiHips, one of the strongest legal combinations in the city. As a lawyer Mr. Glenn is profoundly read in the principles of the profession and is diligent and painstaking in the service of his clients. He has been identified, as leading counsel on one side or the other, with many of the most important legal proceedings in the courts of north Georgia. He is equally at home in his efforts before the court and jury, and is employed in nearly aH the important criminal business as well as in much of the civil litigation of the Atlanta circuit. Mr. Glenn has always been a loyal and patriotic citizen of Atlanta and is devoted to all her public enterprises. As one of the promoters of the Cotton States and International exposition he has aided materi ally in the advancement of that great industrial undertaking. Mr. Glenn was married in 1873 to Aliss Helen Garrard, of Columbus, Ga., a sister of Col. L. F. Garrard, of Columbus, Ga., and of Hon. William Garrard, of Savannah, Ga, Four children, all of whom are Hving, have sprung from this union, two boys and two girls: Iza, Garrard, Helen, and William Louis. Mr. Glenn is still in his prime, and his future at the bar is one of continued usefulness and honor £)R. NEWTON N. GOBER is a native of Tennessee. He was born in Shelby county Dec. i, 1836, on a large plantation, and there resided until twenty years of age, gaining his primary education from the private schools of the vicinity and having as a tutor the noted Prof. Beman. During childhood his father- died, and in 1855 h^ moved with his mother to Georgia, locating on Peachtree creek, Fulton county, five miles north of Atlanta. The next four years were passed here. In 1859, his mother having married Edward Mayse, they went over into Cobb county, Ga. Mr. Gober attended the high schools in Decatur and Smyrna, Ga., acquiring in these institutions the principal training of his intellect. Deciding upon the medical profession he began the study of this science under Dr. N. H. Campbell in Marietta, Ga., and in 1858 entered the medical college of Macon, Ga., graduating in Alarch, i860. He returned to Alarietta and undertook active practice. His early professional labors were interrupted by the outbreak of the civil war. In the latter part of 1861 he enlisted as first lieutenant in Phillips' legion, served in this rank almost twelve months, and was then appointed captain of Company F, Third battahon, Wofford's brigade. Long- street's corps and McClain's division. His appointment was made directiy by President Jefferson Davis himself. In this office he remained until the surren der. He fought with memorable courage at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Zoah's church, Gettysburg", Chickamauga, KnoxvHle, Cedar creek. Bean Station,. Tenn., Wilderness, siege of Richmond, and commanded the last skirmish line when the city was being evacuated and on -fire. Three days before Lee's sword was tendered as a symbol of defeat. Dr. Gober was captured, sent to Johnson's island and detained in that prison three months. On being released he came- back to Marietta, purchased a small farm and followed this agricultural pursuit in connection with his practice for eight years. In February, 1894, his residence v/as changed to Atianta, Ga. His practice has been lucrative and increasing daily since making Atlanta his home. Dr Gober was married first in 1868, to Sarah P., daughter of Robert White, of Campbell county, Ga. Two girls survive their mother, Eva and May. He was again niarried on Dec. 21, 1893, to Mrs. Eva Al. Ripley, nee Metcalf, of New Orleans, widow of Peter Ripley, of Boston, Mass. His home life has been blessed with the charms of happiness and love. Dr. Gober PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 789 is a member of Kennesaw^ lodge. No. 33, F. & .A. M., of the' Royal Arch chapter, of the Encampment (I. O. O. P.), and the Cherokee lodge. No. 8 (I. O. O. F.). During 1868-69-70 he served the state as" representative of Cobb county in the legislature, and was chairman of the auditing committee. He is a Presbyterian hy faith and held the place of deacon for several years while living in Marietta, 'Ga. Dr Gober's father was John A. Gober, born in De Kalb county, Ga., in 1817, and died of yellow fever at the age of forty. He married Elizabeth, daughter -of Benjamin Plaster, Fenton county, Ga. This tie was hallowed by five children: Arminda, wife of J. M.-Lidell, of Fulton county,' Ga.; Sarah, wife of James Brockman, also of Fulton county; Julius J., a Heutenant in "Stonewall" Jackson's corps, who breathed his last at Staunton, Va. ; Edwin P., first lieutenant in Howell Cobb's regiment, the Sixteenth Georgia, who died at Yorktown, Va., in 1861, and Dr N. N., the subject of this sketch. Dr. Gober's mother died at the ripe -old age of seventy-four, her death occurring in 1891. His grandfather was Daniel Gober, a native Georgian. He died during the late war at an advanced age after living the peaceful, pure and contented life of a farmer in Tennessee. Dr. Gober's ancestors were from Scotland. 3 AMUEL WATKINS GOODE was born in Stewart county, Ga., June 3, 1847. In early childhood he was first sent to a meager school in the locality -of his home. His father aided and encouraged him in his studies, and his death at the beginning of the war was a severe blow to the young son. He was under the tutorship of Mr. Ira Foster twelve months later in Waverly hall, and attended the Georgia Military institute for a half term. He removed to Lumpkin, Stewart Co., in January, 1866, and taught the classes in Latin, Greek and higher mathematics in a large school in Brunbridge, Ala. While here he com pleted his own education in the classics and besides amassed about $10,000, with which he contributed to the support of his younger brothers and sisters. From the school-room he went to New York, entering the Albany law school, and was graduated in May, 1871, with a B. L. degree. Being admitted to the bar he practiced in the state courts of New York, and the United States courts. During January, 1872, he moved to Savannah, Ga., and later in the same year to Eufaula, Ala. Mr. Goode was associated with Sterling B. Toney, who later located in Louisville, Ky. After his removal Mr. Goode practiced alone until September, 1881, and then sought Atlanta, with the intention of prosecuting real estate law entirely. He formed a partnership with Samuel T. Barnett to purchase the business of Joel Hurt. Soon his professional labors were interrupted by the 'demands made upon him by his private property; although he has presented many cases admirably before the supreme court of the state, with a spirit that never tires, a tact for successful advertising, and a memory that defies forgetful- ness, he has prospered bountifully. In October, 1882, he was united in marriage to Miss Jennie W. Kendall, who died in July, 1875, leaving two children: Vadie and Mattie. He was married again in 1882, to Miss L. E. Stone, of Lexington, Ky., by whom he has two daughters : Ellen and Julia. Mr. Goode has held the presidency of the Atlanta Real Estate board and the vice-presidency of the Na tional Real Estate association. He belongs to the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia Bar association, the Young Men's Library association, the Capital City club and the First Alethodist church. He is also president of the Southern Exchange bank. Mr. Goode was made president of the Guarantee Loan and Investment company when organized in 1881. He is also director in the Pasco Phosphate company and the Pasco Land company. They control 86,000 acres of Florida land and were capitalized as follows: Phosphate company, $2,000,000; 790 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Land company, $1,000,000, with headquarters in Chicago. Mr. Goode is the .scion of a noble house. His father was S. W. Goode, of Washington, Ga., possessing every trait that characterized the old southern gentleman. His mother was Martha E. Kirkpattick. He is descended from the royalists of England, and his ancestors are traced back to the fourteenth century. We know not what motto was engraved on their "arms." It might have been honor and integrity. Mr. Goode is an extensive traveler, a lawyer of decided talent, a cultured, genial gentleman, and is considered, from his long residence and retentive memory, one of Georgia's historians. UON. JOHN B. GOODWIN, the subject of this sketch, occupies a bright position in the esteem and respect of his fellow-citizens, who have twice hon ored him with the high and responsible office of mayor of the city of Atlanta. In every position of trust occupied by this useful Georgian since his entrance into politics, he has fully met the public expectation and discharged his duties with signal patriotism and ability. Mr. Goodwin was born in Cobb county, Ga., on Sept. 22, 1850. His early days were spent on his father's farm in Cobb county, and by virtue of the rigid discipline of the furrows he developed into a strong, athletic youth. He received his primary education from the neighboring schools and as soon as he was far enough advanced he entered the Powder Springs acad emy. Leaving this excellent institution he clerked in a store at Powder Springs for two years and by strictly adhering to his business he acquired the principles of a good commercial schooling. Thus equipped for the active duties of life and ready for the wider arena of public service that awaited him in the metropolis of the state, he came to Atlanta in 1870. He began at once the study of his chosen profession, the law, and by vigorous strides he succeeded in acquiring a sufficient understanding of its elementary principles to be admitted to the bar in September, 1871. Having attained his legal majority and his commission to practice law in the same month, he entered upon the practice of his profession with the ardor of a prophetic zeal. Clients, however, in those days were scarce, by reason of the hardships entailed upon this section by the devastations of the civil war. Very few people had any ready cash to pay an attorney, and the young practitioner could not subsist on the mere hope of reward. For this reason in the following year he applied for a temporary position on the staff of the Atlanta "Herald," then under the management of the late lamented Henry W. Grady, associated with R. A. Alston and St. Clair Abrams. He remained on the staff of the "Herald," serving as reporter, for two years, and then resumed the practice of law in the early part of 1874. During this year, and also for two years immediately succeeding, Mr. Goodwin was elected to a seat in the city council, having scarcely attained the age of twenty-four at the time of his emergence into politics. He was elected as a councilman from the first ward. In 1879-80-81 he served the cfty as an alderman. Such was the splendid record made by Mr. Goodwin during his term of service in the legislative councils that two years after his voluntary retirement he was called upon to discharge the duties of mayor of the city. In this office he strengthened his hold upon the confidence and esteem of the community by sacrificing his personal interests in order to promote the public weal. From July, 1885, to January, 1893, Mr. Goodwin served as city attorney and by his safe judgment and discriminating sense of the legal effect of all legislative measures proposed by the city council he was enabled not only to save the city large sums of money, but the unforeseen embarrassment that might arise from future litigation. In 1891, during his term of office as city attorney, Mayor Goodwin was elected to a seat in the state legislature as one of PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 7gi the representatives from Fulton county. As a member of that body he frequentiy made speeches on the floor of the house, besides serving on the foHowing com mittees: General judiciary, corporations, pubhc buildings and grounds, and raHroads. He also served on the special committee appointed to adjust the dif ferences between the state of Georgia and the Western & Atlantic railroad, and the special committee on congressional re-appointment. In 1893 Mayor Goodwin was recalled to the executive chair of the city and served in this high office for an additional two years. Mayor Goodwin is deeply imbued with the spirit of fraternity and belongs to quite a large number of mystic brotherhoods. He is a member of Georgia lodge, F. & A. M., a member of the Capital City lodge of Knights of Pythias, and belongs to the Independent Order of Red Men, and to the Capital lodge. No. 60, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In this latter organization he has held all the posts of honor and has been grand master of the grand lodge of Georgia. For fifteen years he has been a representative from the grand lodge of Georgia to the sovereign grand lodge of the world. He is now the chairman of the committee on appeals of the sovereign grand lodge. But the list of honors is not yet exhausted. Mayor Goodwin is the past chief patriarch of Empire encampment of No. 12, I. O. O. F., a member of the Knights of Honor and of the Royal Arcanum. Mayor Goodwin was married in 1877 to Miss Emma A. McAfee, of this state. Several children have blessed this happy union and the home life of the household is happy and inviting. The father of Mayor Goodwin, whose name was WiHiamson H. Good win, was a native of Cobb county and throughout his life followed the occupation of a planter. He was also a commissioner and for several years held the office of justice of the peace in Cobb county. He was a gallant survivor of the Mexican war and a private in the First Confederate Georgia regiment, serving throughout the entire war. His death occurred in December, 1884, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. Mr. Goodwin has been faithful to every trust imposed upon him by his fellow-citizens, and being still in the prime of life, it is safe to predict that his career of usefulness has only commenced. JOHN BROWN GORDON was born in Upson county, Ga., July 6, 1832. He came from good old Scotch stock, his grandfather being one of seven brothers who emigrated from Scotland to the colonies, and all of whom were brave soldiers in the revolutionary war. His grandfather was an influential citizen of Wilkes county, N. C, and his father was the Rev. Zachariah H. 'Gordon. Like many other of Georgia's great men, he secured his education in the state university, graduating at the head of his class in 1852. He was admitted to practice law a few months afterward, and entered the office of his brother-in-law, L. E. Bleckley. He re signed his profession to help his father in the mining business, but when the war began he left everything and enlisted at once, serving to the close of the conflict His part in the war was that of a brave and heroic man, and his record for hard fighting is unsurpassed in the history of the rebelhon. He won inter national distinction by his iHustrious service, and was ¦^.econd to the great Lee in the Confederate army. From captain he rose in the service to command one wing of the army. He was five times seriously wounded, and when pierced by bullets at Sharpsburg, his life was only saved by the nursing of his faithful wife, who accompanied him in the service. At Appomattox he led the last charge, taking the Federal breastworks in the final scene of the war. When hostilities had ended, he called his ragged and broken-down men around him and made an eloquent and feeling speech to them, advising them to bear the trial, go home in peace, obey the laws, rebuild the country and work for the future of their country. After 792 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the war he settled in Atlanta, and was a member of the national union convention at Philadelphia, in 1866, and delegate to the national democratic convention in 1868. He was defeated for governor, in 1868, by R. B. Bullock, and dechned the use of his narrie for United States senator in 1871, when Mr. Norwood was elected. Pie opposed the nomination of Greeley in the Baltimore democratic convention of 1872, and in 1873 was elected United States senator, and re-elected in 1879. He resigned in 1880 and organized the Georgia Pacific railroad. In 1886 and 1888 he was elected governor, and in 1890 was returned to the United States senate. Gen. Gordon's presence in the senate in the seventies was of inestimable value to the southern states. In the Louisiana trouble he was chosen by the democratic congressmen to draft an address to the people of the south, urging patience. He aided Lamar in rescuing Alississippi from political misrule, and was empowered by Gov. Hampton to look after Soutii Carolina's interest, and after the adjourn ment of congress secured the removal of troops from Carolina. pjENRY WOODFIN GRADY was born in Athens, Ga., in 1851. He received in his youth excellent educational advantages, but iiis studies were disturbed by the civil war. The close of the war found him fatherless, Col. Grady having fallen on the battlefield. Young Grady graduated at the state university, and then took a post-graduate course in the university of Virginia. History, belles lettres, Anglo-Saxon and Greek attracted him, and he stood very high in these branches. From an early age his command of language was remarkable. His magnetic and ringing style of speaking won for him the title of the "silver-tongued orator," and in the literary societies of the two universities he carried off the highest honors as a speaker. "While a student he wrote a letter to the Atlanta "Constitution," which was the beginning of his journahstic career A year or two later he became the editor and part owner of the Rome "Daily Commercial." The field was too limited for him, and in 1872 he went to Atlanta and purchased an interest in the Atlanta "Herald." This paper was one of the most brilliant newspapers ever printed in the south. Later he became the southern correspondent of the New York "Herald," and on this great journal did some of the best work of his life. In 1880 he purchased a fourth interest in the Atlanta "Constitution," and became managing editor. As the guest of the New England society, at its annual banquet in New York, in 1886, he delivered a speech which attracted widespread attention. As a newspaper man, Mr. Grady's capacity for rapid work was amazing, and his fertility in conceiving newspaper enterprises audacious and prolific. His best gift was his eloquence, and one who has heard every famous orator since 1850, including Everett Choate, Webster, Clay and Prentiss, says Henry Grady was unsurpassed. Of his brilliant orations, the following stand forth as the most striking illustrations of the great eloquence of Mr. Grady: Speech on prohibition, in Atlanta in 1887; at DaHas, Tex., 1888, opening of the state fair; to the societies of the Virginia universities, at Charlottesville, 1889, and his last public address, after the banquet of the Alerchants' association in Boston, in December, i88g. On this occasion Air Grady contracted a cold which resulted in his death, Dec. 23, 1889. At his death Mr. Grady was the largest young national figure of this great government Putting the war behind him, in his position as editor and orator, he directed thought to the united future, and thus did the mission of a national peacemaker. Air. Grady married JuHa King, in October, 1872. His sudden de mise was a shock to the whole country, and his funeral was attended by a large concourse of people from aH sections of the country. A monument in Atlanta was erected to his memory, by a popular public subscription, in which the thou sands of friends of the great man among the poorer people contributed. .>a .fMti\>L. ^,riifi,_ ¦^^ifb'^E.GMmiams .v Bv FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 70, Y)R. LUTHER BELL GRANDY was born in Oxford, N. C, April 3, 1865; was there reared and received his rudimentary education. In 1882 he entered the university of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, and graduated therefrom in 1886. Then he went to Charlottesville, Va., spending one year in the medical department of the university of Virginia. From this institutiori he removed to the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of New York city, graduating there in 1890. In the autumn of the same year he came to Atlanta and began the practice for which his subsequent success has proved him so well qualified, and which he has enjoyed ever since. When he first came to the Gate city he associated himself with Dr W. P. Nicolson, which "partnership" continued for two and a haft years. Dr Grandy is at this time demonstrator of anatomy in the Southern Medical college, and owner of a half interest in the Atianta "Medical and Surgical Journal," of which he is also managing editor. He is secretary of the anatomical board of Georgia, and member of the Atlanta Society of Medicine, the Georgia State Medical association, and the Tri-State (Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee) Aledical society. He married, Dec. 14, 1893, Hattie, daughter of A. G. and Hattie T. Smart. Dr. Grandy's father was Titus T. Grandy, who was born in Camden county, and married in the historic city of Camden, N. C, to Elizabeth Bell. They removed to Oxford, N. C, in 1850, and there Titus Grandy engaged in mercantile business up to the year 1883, when he retired and died some five years later. He was in the quartermaster's department in the late war. His wife died in 1893. They had eleven children, of whom but three are now living: Leonora, wife of Thomas D. Crawford, Ocala, Fla.; Albert S., lawyer, NashviHe, Tenn.; Dr. L. B., Atlanta. The last named has contributed many noted articles to the medical journals of the country, amongst which are the foHowing: "The Present Demand for Better Medical Education in the South," read at the meeting of the Tri-Sta-te Aledical society, Chattanooga, Tenn., October, 1892, and published in the Atlanta "Medical and Surgical Journal" in November of that year; "A State Board of Medical Examiners — the State's Medical Duty," read at the meeting of the Georgia Medical association, April, 1893, and published in the journal above named, Alay, 1893; "A Contribution to the History of the Discovery of Surgical Anesthesia, with Some New Data Relative to the Work of Dr. Crawford W. Long," published in the "Virginia Medical Monthly," October, 1893; "The History of Medicine and Sur gery in Georgia" (four articles in the Atlanta "Medical and Surgical Journal," 1894- 1895); "The Discovery of Anesthesia and the Alleged Relations Between Dr. Crawford W. Long and Dr. P. A. Wilhite," published in the New York "Medical Journal," July 20, 1895. J^EMUEL P. GRANT, who was born in Frankfort, Maine, Aug. 11, 1817, died in Atlanta, Ga., on the morning of Jan. 11, 1893, aged seventy-five years and five months. Col. Grant's boyhood and youth were .spent on his father's farm, the labors on which served to strengthen and toughen a nattiraHy good constitution. Educational facilities were so limited that he enjoyed school advantages for only short terms at irregular intervals. When about nineteen years of age, in 1836, he obtained a position as rodman on the engineering corps of the Philadelphia & Reading railway. Here his industry and fidelity, the quickness and capacity of his mind, and his aptitude for mathematics received ready recognition, followed by rapid promotion. On the completion of the Philadelphia & Reading railway he accepted an offer from J. Edgar Thomson, engineer-in-chief of the Georgia railway, and came to Georgia in January, 1840, serving on the extension from Madison, to the proposed terminus — the present site of Atlanta. Financial embarrassment having necessitated temporary suspension of work on this line, he 794 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. engaged as assistant engineer on the Central railway; but, in 1843, he was re called to the Georgia railway, with which he remained until it was finished. It is worthy of remark here, and of record, that, although Col. Grant subsequently acquired extensive landed propertyship in and near Atlanta, his first purchase was not made for mere ownership, or on speculation; but he was moved to make it from higher and holier motives — which serve as a key to his inner thought, his broad mindedness and public spirit The circumstances were these : To reach the point designated as the terminus, the right-of-way was needed through land, lot No. 52, between one and two miles east. This the owner positively and persistently refused to give. Col. Grant bought the lot, gave the needed right-of-way, and this assured an easy and free passway to the center of the now prospective metropolis of the south. As the years glided by. Col. Grant sagaciously invested largely his earnings in real estate, in and near the rapidly growing embryo city ; the increased value of which contributed much to the value of the handsome estate which' he left. Col. Grant's conspicuous ability as a railway engineer, together with the sterling attributes of his character attracted, as well might be expected, the attention of rail way builders, and caused his services to be desired, and sought Consequently, he was offered and accepted the superintendency of the Alontgomery & West Point railway in 1845, of which he remained in charge until April, 1848, when he re signed to accept the position of president engineer of the Georgia railway. He held the position until 1853, when he resigned and was appointed engineer-in-chief of the Atlanta & West Point railway. In addition to this, Col. Grant was, during all the years intervening between the time and his death, more or less engaged in several important railway enterprises, notably, the Georgia Air-line, and the Georgia Western (now Georgia Pacific), and an influential adviser in many others. During the war between the states Col. Grant rendered valuable services to the Con federate government, in his capacity of engineer, particularly in his superintendency of the defenses round Atlanta. In October, 1866, he was appointed superintendent of the Atlanta & West Point railway, continuing until July, 1881, when he was elected president of the company. In 1843 Col. Grant married Aliss Laura A. WHHams, daughter of Mr Ami "WHliams, of Decatur, Ga. This lady died in 1875, leaving two sons and two daughters, viz.: John A. Grant; Myra B., wife of Dr. W. A. Armstrong; Lemuel Pratt Grant, Jr., and Letitia H., wife of George W. Logan. In 1881 Col. Grant married Mrs. Jane L. Crew, widow of Mr. James R. Crew, one of Atlanta's first and oldest and -most esteemed citizens, who was assassinated in the latter part of 1865, and robbed while on his way home from the office of the Georgia railway, of which he was ticket agent. In i860. Col. Grant united with the Central Presbyterian church, of which he remained a consistent, and devout, and liberal member until his death — his generous church contributions, and his unnumbered free-will and other benefactions demonstrating that he recog nized himself only a steward of the Most High. In 1883 Col. Grant donated to; the city a tract of 100 acres of land, partly within and partly without the southeastern limits of the city, to be -maintained in perpetuity as a public park. To this the city afterward added forty-five acres by purchase, the entire tract being known as the L. P. Grant park. Col. Grant was always one of the warmest and most steadfast friends and advocates of the public school system of Atlanta; and was an ardent supporter, and one of the early directors of the Young Alen's Christian association. Unostentatious, unassuming, and politically unambitious, yet always ready to advance all laudable public enterprises, with mind, means, and seiwice. Col. Grant was a model citizen; discharging fully, faithfully, and promptly, every Christain duty, and contributing liberally to every .movement for the advancement of home and foreign Christian work, he was a model Christian gentleman; wliHe in his FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 795 domestic relations his open-handed hospitality, and firm and conscientious dis charge of every marital and parental obligation presents him as a shining exemplar, worthy of all honor, and of the emulation of all. J OFTN T. GRANT, Georgia's pioneer railroad builder, was born in the vicinity of GrantviHe, Greene Co., Ga., Dec. 13, 1813. He was of Scotch descent, and the blood that ran in his veins was like that which inspired WaHace to heroism. His ancestors were devout, intelligent and patriotic sons of the land of "banks and braes," severe in truth and honesty. His great-grandfather was Daniel Grant, of Virginia, a man of culture and refinement, who removed to Wilkes county, Ga., after the revolutionary war had closed, and erected the Grant meeting-house, the first Methodist church in the state, and the initial school-house of the county. Believing that slavery was a relic of barbarism he personally emancipated his slaves and granted them the freedom of his own existence. Col. Grant's father was the husband of Lucy Crutchfield, daughter of a prominent Methodist. This couple, with their young son, moved first to Greene county, and later to Athens, Clarke Co., Ga. John T. entered the state university and was graduated in 1833. With the spirit of enterprise and genius he determined to open commercial inter course with the north, and also between the southern states, and consequently became a railroad constructor and established lines in Georgia, Alabama, Tennes see, Mississippi, - Louisiana and Texas. The calamity of war destroyed his pros pects and confiscated his land. When the bomb of secession had spent its force he reorganized his aids, and by stupendous contracts rapidly replenished his depleted finances. On Dec. 13, 1834, he married Martha Cobb Jackson, daughter of William H. and MHdred Cobb Jackson, at the home of her uncle, John A. Cobb, the father of Howell Cobb, governor and secretary of the United States treasury. This charming lady, a child of southern chivalry, was a gentle help meet to his worthy efforts and ambitions. They had one son, Capt W. D. Grant, of Atianta, Ga. Col. Grant was state senator from Walton county in 1856; was appointed colonel, as an aide on the staff of Gen. Howell Cobb, and has built an elegant home, placing it in a beautiful grove of oaks. Col. Grant was a bosom friend and companion of his brother-in-law. Chief Justice James Jackson, of Georgia's supreme bench. Their attitude toward one another was that of David and Jonathan. Col. Grant enjoyed a day passed in the field with dog and gun. Being an unerring shot and a devotee of athletic sports, he could find no happier diversion than hunting. He loved literature, and in his books found a pleasure that only intellects of power can appreciate. He was a connoisseur of art and music, and possessed great talent in each accomplishment. He was a man of mighty undertakings, with indomitable }vill power and force of character that can be expressed only by the adjective grand. Practical, religious and persevering, he gained the love and devotion of his people. Such was his Hfe; his death came as softly as the morning, a fit close for years of usefulness and toil. He died Jan. 18, 1887. The immortal Grady, with the pathos of a sublime nature, wrote of his death :' "He lived a long life, in which good deeds were sown with unstinting hand and far-reaching arm. He died as the tired and weary man falls asleep. The end came to him in no storm or convulsion, but gently as a leaf parted from the bough in an autumnal breeze floats adown the waiting silences of the forest, his life, parting from the world, passed into the vast unknown which men call death. 'Earth is better for his having been — heaven will be brighter because of his coming.' " 796 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. QOL. W. D. GRANT, one of the wealthiest of Atlanta's citizens, is the only surviving child of John Thomas Grant and Alartha Cobb Jackson. He was born in Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., on Aug. 16, 1837, in the house of his paternal grandfather, Daniel Grant. When in his seventh year his father removed with his family to the neighborhood of Monroe, Ga., on the road to Social Circle. Mr Grant attended school at Monroe until fifteen years of age and in the fall of 1853 entered the freshman class of the university of the state at Athens. After leaving college he undertook the study of law under his uncle, the late Chief Justice James Jackson, and was admitted to the bar, but decided not to practice this profession. Before arriving at his twentieth birthday he assumed entire charge of his father's plantation in Walton county, which he managed with marked success for four years. He was a theoretical as well as practical farmer and was the first person to use commercial fertiHzers in Walton county and raise a bale of cotton to the acre on fields of very thin soil. When the war between the states summoned southern defenders to assert their conceived rights and loyalty, Mr. Grant was unanimously elected captain of the first cavalry company sent from that section of the state, and served in the Confederate army until discharged by reason of ill health. Later during the war he was superintendent of the construction of the fortifications around Atlanta, under the direction of Col. L. P. Grant of the engineer corps. Soon after the war closed Mr. Grant settled in Atlanta, in the place where he now lives, and became associated with his father in building railroads and other public works, and was actively engaged in that business until 1885. By the construction of railroads and introducing means of transportation and traffic, Mr. Grant aided materially in the substantial growth and rapid development of Georgia and the south. The enterprise and love of civilization here displayed has redounded largely to his latter years, by bringing as a fitting recompense wealth, luxury and happiness. At the same time he was thus engaged he was a large and successful planter, raising his own needed supplies, and an average of 1,500 bales of cotton per annum. He has dealt extensively in real estate since making Atlanta his home, and is at this time the largest taxpayer in the city. Mr. Grant was married June 13, 1866, to Miss SaHie Fannie Reid, the daughter of William Reid, and Martha Wingfield, of Troup county, Ga. They have two surviving children: Sallie Fannie Jackson, the widow of the late Tom Cobb Jackson, and John W. Grant, a dealer in real estate. Col. Grant retired from active business years ago, and since then has devoted his time exclusively to the improvement and management of his valuable property and the pleasures of his family. Col. Grant occupies much of his time in his library, which is large and contains the choicest literature. He is familiar with the best authors and revels in their company. He is fortunate in possessing not only affluence but the appreciation of genius. JAMES R. GRAY. Among the younger members of the legal profession in Georgia no advocate enjoys a higher degree of prominence or a more suc cessful practice than Air. James R. Gray. Devotion to the interests of his clients, associated with exceptional talents for serving them, and a stainless integrity that no one has ever dared to assail, has made this briHiant young attorney one of the most reliable in the brotherhood of the Atlanta bar. James Richard Gray is a native Georgian and was born at Adairsville, in the upper part of the state, on Sept 30, 1859. He received his primary instruction from the schools of that vicinity, graduating from the North Georgia Agricultural coHege at Dahlonega, a branch of the state university, in 1878. The legal predilections of the young stu dent began to assert themselves at a very early age, and long before he received his diploma he conceived the idea of becoming a lawyer and of reaching, in the PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 797 course of time, the highest rounds of the profession. Equipped by nature and education for the legal combats of the forum, the young student, immediately after graduation, began his preparations for the bar. He studied with zealous application in the law office of Col. Abda Johnson, at Cartersville, Ga., and after reading law for several months under that able counselor, he passed a rigid examination, and, with the compliments of the court pronounced upon his excep tional qualifications for the practice, he was admitted to the bar in 1879. The small town of CartersviHe was too restricted in the field of opportunities presented to the outlook of a bright, ambitious young lawyer, and accordingly, in the summer of the same year, Mr. Gray located in Atlanta. He at once entered upon a good practice and never for a moment has regretted the impulse that prompted him to come to Atlanta. He continued in the practice alone until 1883, building up a splendid cHentage and earning a high reputation among his associates and brother members of the bar. He then formed a legal part nership with Col. B. F. Abbott, one of the ablest civil lawyers of the state, and a man of varied and successful experiences in the profession. At the expiration of the first year this partnership was dissolved and Mr. Gray continued to practice by himself until 1887, when he formed a partnership with Col. W. D. ElHs. This combination continued for several years until the admission of Capt. W. D. Ellis, Jr., into the firm, and with that addition to its legal talent the firm has remained unchanged. Mr. Gray has been associated in the management of quite a large number of civil proceedings and his skill and research as a lawyer are manifested with renewed emphasis at each successive appearance in court He is not only a shrewd and successful practitioner at tiie bar, but his financial and business qualifications place him in the front rank of those who, in recent years, have promoted the growth and material upbuilding of the city. Mr. Gray is the vice-president of the American Trust and Banking company, and is also a member of the board of directors of that institution. He is also a director of the Atlanta Savings bank, and of the Southern Glass company. His business tact and versatility are demonstrated by his active participation in the manage ment of all these business enterprises. Mr. Gray was married in 1881 to Miss Alay Inman, daughter of Mr. Walker P. Inman, of Atlanta. Five children have resulted from this happy union, two sons and three daughters. The domestic life of Mr. Gray reveals the true tenderness and refinement of his character. He is always happy in the companionship of his wife and children, and believes in making his home attractive by bringing into it all that tends to make it beautiful. A consistent member of the First Presbyterian church, Mr. Gray is regular in his attendance upon the exercises of divine worship, and is always in his pew, when not prevented by sufficient or providential reasons. He has never sought political preferment, though he takes a lively interest in all public questions, and is able to converse thoughtfully on all the current topics of the day. Col. John W. Gray, the father of the subject of this sketch, commanded the Forty-second Georgia battahon during the late war, and served with distinguished valor throughout that bloody conflict. He is a native of Georgia, and was born and reared near Augusta, Ga. As a member of the state legislature he has been instrumental in securing wise laws for the government of the state, and has been a faithful, upright and conscientious citizen, devoted to the welfare of the commonwealth. Col. Gray is still living at Adairsville, Ga. The maiden name of Mr. Gray's mother was Miss Sarah Venable, a lady of gentle blood and rare mental gifts. Under the refining influence of her life and discipHne five children were reared, the youngest of them being the subject of this sketch. Air. Gray is stiH in the prime and vigor of his young manhood and if the achievements heretofore recorded, during his brief 798 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. career at the bar form any indication of his future honors, he will no doubt mount to a much higher pinnacle of success and usefulness. J OHN M. GREEN. No citizen of Atlanta is more universally admired for his business talents and for his character as a Christian gentleman than. Mr. John M. Green. For a number of years Mr. Green has occupied an influential place among the promoters of Atlanta's growth and no pubhc enterprises that have sought to advance the material welfare of that city have appealed to him in vain. Since coming to Atlanta in 1875 Mr. Green has been connected with the fertilizing industry and, under his wise and successful management, the business has grown into mammoth proportions. The subject of this sketch was born in Macon, Ga., in Bibb county, on Jan. 5, 1847. H's father, Franklin Green, was a native of this state and a man of brilliant promise, who died on the threshold of his business career. Though only twenty-six years old at the time of his death, he had succeeded by dint of pluck, energy and perseverance, in establishing a splendid credit and would no doubt have become a wealthy merchant had he lived. Mr. Green's mother, whose maiden name was Mary Ansley, was the daughter of Rev. M. Ansley, a Baptist clergyman of Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga. A woman of deep piety, she reared her children in the nurture and ad monition of the Lord and the influence of her life and Christian example had much to do with the growth and development of their characters. Two children sprang from her union with Franklin Green. These were John M. Green, the subject of this sketch, and Mary F., the wife of J. H. McKenzie, of Americus, Ga. Shortly after the birth of the subject of this sketch his parents moved from Macon to Griffin, Ga. Here his father carried on for a short while a general merchandise business, dying in 1850. At this time his son was only three years old, and his mother a helpless widow with two little children. Leaving Griffin with her children, Mrs. Green went to her father's home in Crawford county. Here the subject of this sketch developed into a strong lad and gave promise of the useful manhood to which the principles by which he was actuated, even as a boy, all pointed. As soon as he was old enough to go to school he was given the benefit of the best instruction to be obtained in that county, and being a boy of studious disposition he made the best of his opportunities and advanced rapidly in his books. At the age of fifteen he entered the Georgia Military institute at Marietta, Ga., and in 1864, with the other cadets, he entered the Confederate service, re maining in the service actively until the close of the war. He and his school mates were in quite a number of battles, among them being the engagement at Turner's Ferry on the Chattahoochee river, and the battles fought in the neigh borhood of Atlanta. After the war, having nothing else to do, as the business of this section was completely paralyzed and no avenue of success appeared to open a way for him, he decided to follow the plow as a safe and honest means of earning a livelihood. Accordingly, he farmed for two years in Macon county and after ward for seven years in Cobb county. In 1875 he came to Atlanta and entered the fertilizing business, engaging in the manufacture of fertilizers on a small scale. His experience on the farm opened to him this line of business, which proved to him a doorway to success. From a small beginning he has steadily risen by slow degrees and is now at the head of one of the largest fertilizing in dustries of the south. He is the president of the Atlanta Guano company, located in Atlanta, Ga. ; the Americus Guano company, at Americus, Ga., and the Walton Guano company, at Social Circle, Ga. He was also one of the organizers of the Trust company of Georgia. Mr. Green has no taste for political life and has never allowed himself to be influenced by the greed for office. Though qualified, G. V. GRESS. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 799 by reason of his talents, for the discharge of public duties, he has always preferred to serve the community in the role of a humble citizen, giving his cordial support to all enterprises that have tended to promote the welfare of the city. As one of the deacons of the First Baptist church of Atlanta, Mr. Green devotes much of his time to religious work and is one of the most enthusiastic and loyal members of his denomination. Mr. Green has been identified with the church ever since his removal to Atlanta. He has always contributed with a liberal hand to the support of its enterprises, both at home and abroad, and has been a delegate to nearly all the Baptist conventions that have met in the state since his connection with the church. He is chairman of the finance committee, and also of the board of deacons, and is the treasurer of the church. He has also been frequently a delegate to the Southern Baptist convention. Mr. Green has always been an ardent worker in the cause of young people, and for several years was president of the Fulton County Sunday-school association. He has also been at the head of the state organization. Mr. Green was one of the organizers of the Travelers' Protective association and, as the head and front of that movement has made it one of the most flourishing organizations of the state. As a member of the com mittee of arrangements to prepare for the coming of the Georgia manufacturers to Atlanta, Air. Green is entitled to much of the credit bestowed upon that committee for the success of the convention. He devoted himself with tireless zeal to the special work assigned to him and won the gratitude and praise of all who labored with him in the cause. His election to the high office of treasurer of the association was an honor worthily bestowed. Air. Green was married in 1869 to Miss Eunice Clifton, of Marietta, Ga. They have three children, two sons and one daughter. Devoted to his family, Mr. Green has made an ideal husband and father, and his home life, no less than his success in the business world, furnishes a splendid example for encouragement and emulation. Q V. GRESS. At the head of the largest lumber business of the south, and the ' owner of thousands of acres of the finest timber lands in the wire grass section of Georgia, G. V. Gress, of Atlanta, can well be termed the lumber king. And he is a very young king, too, for it was about 1870, when a boy just entering his twenties, he came from his native state of New York and entered the employ of D. R. "Wadley, the leading lumber manufacturer of this part of the state at the time. Young Gress has managed saw-mills and cut timber up in the Empire state and his industrious habits, experience and thrift soon attracted the eye of Mr. Wadley and he was given charge of important trusts in connection with the business. In a few years Mr. Wadley died and Mr. Steele was his successor, from whom Mr. Gress purchased a one-third interest. He worked no harder for himself than he did for his employers, but his rare judgment exercised in the business brought big profits to the company and his interest continued to increase until he owned the entire interest, amounting to something like $100,000. More money was then put in the concern and its business quadrupled, and so successful has it been in this Hne of prosperity and enterprise, that now the Gress Lumber company handles a big part of the lumber traffic of the south. The chief mills of the company are located in Wilcox county, but they have others in surrounding counties, all of which do a thriving business. The company has fifteen or twenty miles of steel railway track, standard gauge, well equipped with locomotives and cars, and is provided with every facility for supplying the lumber products, in any form, at the market prices. Mr. Gress, in adopting Atlanta as his home, wisely appreciated its advantage as a business center and a desirable residence place, and has for years made large investments in real estate, and still has big holdings. He 8oO MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. also owns one tract of land in southern Georgia, of over forty thousand acres of timber, which is estimated to be worth nearly $300,000. Mr. Gress was one of the organizers of the Georgia Loan and Savings bank, which was' established in 1891, and he has been ever since president of the company. In 1893 the Hart Lumber company was organized in Finn, Ga., and Air. Gress is president of this concern. Mr. Gress, like most self-made men, is of a liberal mind and generous nature. He has started many a young man on a high road to competence, and several have amassed fortunes through help extended them by him. Messrs. J. A. Hart and D. N. Hughes, wealthy bankers of Chattanooga, owe their success in life through the efforts of Mr. (jress. He also has distinguished himself as a public benefactor, by purchasing the menagerie of the Hall & Binley circus, which he gave to the city, providing a nucleus for a zoological garden, located in Grant park. In recognition of this kind act Mr. Gress was unanimously elected president of the park commission, a board which is doing grand work in the care and improvement of the pubhc grounds of Atlanta. Mr. Gress is a gentleman of whom any city might feel proud, as is evidenced by this tribute paid him by the "Atlanta Constitution" : "It is a pleasure to see a man who can handle his business with as mucfh ease as Mr. Gress does. There is not as much friction in his large business, in all its details, as there is on many two-horse farms in this state. The men who work for him Hke him, and respect him ; he pays good wages, requiring hard work" and the men get their pay without fail on pay day. He is not pompous or puffed up, but is a fair, square man in all his dealings, and has that reputation among all the men who have dealt with him. Mark our prediction: the wire grass region of Georgia will some day be the most populous part of the state, and George V. Gress, if he lives, will be one of the richest men of the south. He is now one of our most liberal and progressive citizens, and men of his makeup are always lucky and happy. If they are not they ought to be." Mr. Gress was married to Abbie J. Morgan of Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1873. She was a devoted wife and noble Christian lady of the Methodist Episcopal (South) faith. Mr. Gress attributes much of his success in life to the wise counsel of this helpmate. To them were born Morgan V., Jan. 7, 1875, and John Hast Gress, September, 1877, both members of the church of which their mother belonged. Mrs. Gress died from heart disease in AprH, 1881. In May, 1883, Mr. Gress married Ida May Nelson of IndianapoHs, Ind., whose father was also a Tennes- seean. To them was born in November, 1885, Marie Gress. J^R. HUGH HAGAN is one of Atlanta's prominent physicians, who is held in high esteem by his coHeagues. He was born in Richmond, Va., June 22, 1863, and there passed his early youth and learned the rudimentary branches of study. When eighteen years of age he became a dealer in tobacco in that city, but finding his tastes did not favor the pursuit of merchandising, he abandoned that business a year later, and with the intention of completing his education and taking an academic course, went to Europe. He chose the university of Berlin as his "alma mater," and attended there for twelve months, returning to America when the term was concluded. In 1885 he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York city, applied himself diligently for three years, and graduated with dis tinction in 1888. Shortly after Dr. Hagan became imbued with the desire to be come a physician, so he again crossed the Atlantic ocean with this object in view, and studied medicine for one and a half years in the cities of "London, Vienna and Paris. He gained valuable experience in the hospitals of the old world, and having the most learned practitioners of the day as his tutors, advanced rapidly in the acquisition of the science. On returning to his native PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 8oi country. Dr. Hagan located in Atlanta, where he has since pursued his profession. His reputation has extended far beyond the limits of his practice, and besides being a member of the Atlanta Society of Aledicine, he is also identified with the State Medical society, and holds the chair of diseases of the mind and nervous system in the Atianta Polyclinic. He also occupies the responsible position of medical examiner for the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance company, of Philadel phia. These various offices testify strongly to the confidence placed in his ability. Dr. Hagan was married, Oct 26, 1887, to Miss Sarah Cobb Johnson, daughter of the late Dr. John Alilton Johnson, whose biography appears elsewhere in this work. Dr. Hagan's father was Hugh Hagan, who was a native of South Carolina, but removed to Virginia between the years 1830 and 1840, and there resided for half a century, dying in Richmond, Va., in 1881. When the civil war called volun teers to the front. Air. Hagan was too feeble to enter the active service, and became a member of the Virginia reserves. His loyalty and fidelity were not dimmed by age. His wife, Sarah Copeland AlcAIinn, was of Scotch-Dutch descent and born in the state of Pennsylvania. To this marriage were given two sons and two daughters, of whom the survivors are Stella, wife of Charles E. Smith, of Rich mond, Va., and Dr. Hugh Hagan, of Atlanta. The paternal grandfather was Alexander Hagan, a jeweler and lapidary, whose native place was northern Ireland. This ancestor emigrated to America and settled in Soutii Carolina soon after the war of 1812. Dr. Hagan is not so entirely engrossed in professional duties but that, after office hours, he can devote much of his time to the pleasures of society. Being a popular club man, he heartily believes in the promotion of friendship and good feeling among his fellow men. As a member of the school of medicine and a gentleman of individuality, with the magnetism that attracts companion ship. Dr. Hagan is a strong factor in the state. JOHN I. HALL was born Feb. 20, 1841, in Jackson, Butts Co., Ga. He was partly educated at Erskine college. South Carolina, but only went through the sophomore class at that institution, his education having been interrupted by the . coming on of -the war between the states. He enlisted as a volunteer in the Fourteenth Georgia regiment, in July, 1861, and served as a lieutenant in that regiment until December of that year, when he resigned his commission, on account of ill-health, and returned home. In February, 1862, he returned to the Confederate army as first Heutenant of a company in the Forty-fifth Georgia regiment, and was in the battles around Richmond in June of that year, and on the 30tli day of that month he received severe gunshot wounds, from which he has never fully recovered. He was promoted to the rank of captain, and in the winter of 1862-63 was detailed to post duty in Georgia, where he remained until the fall of 1863, when he was elected to the legislature of Georgia, as a member from his native county of Butts. On his election to the legislature he resigned his commission in the army. Judge Hall was admitted to practice law by the superior court of Henry count}^ in the spring of,i86i, after having taken a course of reading under Judge James S. Boynton, then a practicing lawyer in Butts county, and practiced law in the counties of Butts, Upson and Spalding. He was married, in 1864, to Miss McMichael, of Butts county, and has now living four chHdren: Mrs. R. A. Drake, of Griffin, Ga.; Robert M., M. P., and J. E. Judge Hall served the term in the legislature to which he was elected, and resided in Butts county until 1869, when he removed to Upson county, and was sent from there to the legislature in 1870, serving one term. Soon after the expiration of his legislative term he was appointed judge of the superior courts of the FHnt circuit. and served six years on the bench. This office gave him an opportunity for the 1-51 802 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. display of those high and broad powers of his mind in the administration of justice, and that perfect fairness and impartiality which soon marked him as one of the ablest lawyers and jurists of the state. He manifested, while on the bench, pro found knowledge of legal principles, unusual energy, and that rare combination of great breadth and subtle acumen which gave him what appeared to be an intuitive poyver of applying the law to the particular case before him, and almost unerring accuracy in reaching legal conclusions. In 1875, while on the bench. Judge Hall removed to Griffin, Ga., and was again elected to the legislature from the county of Spalding, in 1878, and in November of that year resigned the office of judge, to take his seat in the general assembly, where he served a term. After this he resumed the practice of the law at Griffin, in connection with John D. Stewart, who was afterward judge of the superior court and member of congress. This partnership lasted for two years, until Judge Stewart went upon the bench. In 1884 he practiced law with Hon. John J. Hunt, of Griffin, who afterward became judge of the superior court. In November, 1885, Judge Hall entered into a law partnership with Hon. W. R. Hammond of Atlanta, 'Ga., who had just resigned from the superior court bench of that circuit. This partnership has existed since it was formed and still continues, under the firm name of HaH & Hammond. At the bar Judge Hall has displayed his greatest powers, and won his most enduring fame. As an advocate, both before courts and juries, he has no superior, and his equal is rarely found. Of large stature and commanding appearance, his very presence inspires respect and confidence. Add to this his thorough knowledge of his case, as evidenced in every phase of the trial, and his complete mastery of law as applied to all parts of it, and his great success at the bar is easily accounted for. Ever and thoroughly vigilant and watchful, he is a tower of strength to his clients in the court house and a terror to his adversaries. Judge Hall's great activity and energy, which qualities have always been con spicuous in liiin, and the unusual interest he has always taken in current events, have not allowed him to keep entirely aloof from politics, though the law has always been his first love, and he has never permitted himself to yield to any desire for personal promotion which would divorce him from that. Thus he has been elected to the legislature of his state five separate times, having besides those already mentioned, been returned to the state senate in 1888, and again to the general assembly in 1892, and he was a presidential elector on the Hancock ticket in 1880. In April, 1893, the high office of assistant attorney-general of the United States was tendered to Judge HaH by President Cleveland. The office was entirely unsought by him, and was accepted with hesitation. But it was in the line of his profession, and he entered upon the discharge of its responsible duties with his accustomed energy and ability, and has secured for himself an enviable fame, which is not bounded by state lines, but is national in its character. Judge Hall's character can best be summed up by saying that he is one of the great lawyers ¦of his time. As said in the outset, he is equaled by few and surpassed by none. Q R. HANLEITER. Among the earliest of the devout Salzburg immigrants * who founded the famous colony of Ebenezer, in what is now Effingham county, Ga., was John Jacob Handleiter. An only son who bore the same name changed the spelling of the surname to Hanleiter. A descendant still bearing the name of John Jacob iwas married in 181 2 to Miss Elizabeth AlcParland, daughter ¦of William McFarland, of distinguished Scottish lineage of Cowpens, S. C. They had four chHdren, of whom Cornehus R. Hanleiter, born in Savannah, Ga., June 14, 1815, was the youngest. Fle was left an orphan quite young", his father dying the year after he was bom, and his mother when he was about eight years old, but FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 803 he was given a home with a maternal aunt. When eleven years of age he was bound to William Robertson, editor and proprietor of the Savannah Georgian, to learn the printers' trade, served more than his full term of years, and is possibly not only the oldest printer in the state, but the only one who served a regular seven years' apprenticeship. In 1834, soon after the expiration of his time, he went to Augusta, Ga., and assisted P. C. Guieu in getting out the first number of the "Con stitution," which, after thirty years of lusty life, was merged into the "Augusta Chronicle." After going thence to Alabama and assisting in making a railway survey, he accepted the position of foreman of the "Alontgomery Advertiser," James E. Belden, editor and proprietor. While visiting relatives in Macon, he assisted in running an experimental railway line from Macon to Dublin, under L. O. Reynolds. Proposing to make a permanent home in Macon, he accepted a posi tion on the "Macon Messenger," of which Simri Rose and Isaac G. Seymour were editors and proprietors. He employed his leisure hours in publishing the "News Courier," a small weekly, which evolved first into the more pretentious "Southern Post," and then into the "Southem Lady's Book," monthly, pubhshed in the inter ests of the Georgia (now Wesleyan) female coHege, edited by Rev. George F. Pierce, afterward the distinguished Methodist bishop. In 1840 he went to Forsyth, Ga., and published the "Southern Botanico Medical Jourtial," and the next year he pubhshed "Worthy's Botanic Practice," a volume of 500 pages. In 1842 he pur chased the office and moved it to Madison, Ga., and established the "Southern Miscellany," of which ihe was sole editor and proprietor, and in which first appeared "Maj. Jones' Courtship," contributed by W. T. Thompson, afterward editor of the "Savannah Mining News." In 1847 he nioved his office and business to Atlanta, "to grow up with! the city." In 1852 he published the "ReveHle," a whig campaign weekly, and the same year sold his office to a party of gentlemen who established the "Atlanta Intelligencer," which after a life of a quarter of a century was merged into the "Atlanta Constitution." Early in 1857 Ije established the "National American," tri-weekly, which was conducted with conspicuous ability on lines of progressiveness and development — advocating with spirit and vigor cotton and other manufacturing industries, the construction of the Georgia air-line, now R. & D., and Georgia Western, now Georgia Pacific, railways, and direct foreign trade, and when disunion began to be talked his opposition was fierce and strong. The "National American" was not only powerful and popular politically, but it was a model family paper — not a line was given space that would cause the slightest flush to mantle the cheek of any around the family circle. It was subsequently merged into the "Southern Confederacy" newspaper. In i860 Col. Hanleiter organized a strong company and established the Franklin Publishing company, which was disposed of while he was doing duty in the Confederate service on the Georgia coast, and for which he never received a cent. The present great Franklin Publishing company is the outcome of this organization. Early in the seventies, in connection with Col. B. C. Yancey, he pubhshed the "Plantation," which is his last important connection with the printing business. He helped to organize the Gate City Guards in 1855, was elected a lieutenant, and his eldest daughter, Josephine, presented the company with a costly silk flag. In 1856 he was a member of the city council (when it served for nothing) ; was a justice of the inferior court, and was principally instrumential in establishing a house of refuge for the poor. After the war, about 1870, he was superintendent of the celebrated Orphans' home at Bethesda, near Savannah; and while holding the position raised $8,000, mostly from distinguished citizens of the north, and thereby saved from forced sale and being sacrificed, property worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. When in Alacon, in 1837-40, he was foreman of fire company No. 1, 804 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and ex-officio chief of the fire department, and vice-president of the Macon Benevo lent association, composed of the leading citizens of Macon. In i8zt4, in Madison, he was marshal of the day when the great Clay mass meeting was held. Col. Hanleiter is spending his closing years with his children at Atlanta, prepared for and calmly awaiting the time when he shall be summoned to a re-union of those of his family who have preceded him to the great unknown. Col. Hanleiter was twice married ; first to Miss Mary Ann Ford, born in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 22, 1837,- and who died in 1848, leaving five children; and second he was married to Miss Ann Elizabeth Shaw, Atlanta, September, 1850, who died in December, 1893, bearing eight children. Ten of his children attained to maturity: Josephine, deceased wife of Henry GuHatt; William R., merchant. Griffin, Ga.; Ida, unmar ried; Katharine Anna, wife of J. S. Peterson; Bertha E., unmarried; Victorine, Mrs. Stowers; Cora, Mrs. Catchings; George S., Methodist preacher; James McP., in business, Savannah; Elizabeth, clerk superintendent of public schools, Atlanta. "YY ILLIAM CORY HALE, banker, Atianta, Ga., was born in Columbus, Miss., in 1858. He received his education in the schools of his native city. At the age of seventeen he entered his father's office. In 1880 he accepted a position as general bookkeeper for a cotton commission house, and remained with them untH he removed to Atlanta, Ga., in 1887. His first work in Atlanta was in the insurance- business, but realizing the importance' and future of the city as a financial center, he soon organized the Southern Mutual Building and Loan association and the State Savings bank, both of which companies he is president of. He is also presi dent of the Hale Investment company, and a director in several other organiza tions. Enterprising, yet cautious, prompt in all business obligations and engage ments, and thoroughly systematic in his business methods, he has established a fine reputation and been eminently successful in his undertakings. J UD'GE WILLIAM R. HAMMOND. Few men have reached a higher dis- tinction at the bar or enjoyed, in fuller measure, the respect and confidence of their fellow-citizens than Judge 'William Robinson Hammond. Though just in the prime of life, at an age when the greatest legal successes are usually attained. Judge Hammond has been recognized, for a number of years, as one of the foremost members of his profession. A native of this state, Judge Hammond was born in Franklin^ Heard Co., Ga., on Oct 25, 1848. His father. Judge Dennis F. Hammond, was a. man of distinguished ability and of great usefulness. His attainments at the bar and in private life were such as to merit incidental mention in this connection. He was born at Newberry, S. C, in 1819, but came to Georgia in his youth, settHng first in Lincoln county. He was subsequently united in marriage to Miss Adeline Robinson, of Carroll county, and nine children sprang from this union, four of whom survive: - Octavia, wife of A. D. Adair, of Atlanta; WiHiam R., the subject of this sketch; Dr. John D., president of Central coHege, Missouri, and Edward M., a practicing lawyer of Orlando, Fla., and formerly a member of the state senate. Judge Hammond, the elder, was admitted to the bar in 1840. He moved to Newnan, Ga., in 1850, and five years later was elected to the superior court bench as judge of the TaHapoosa circuit Leaving the bench in 1862, after an able and fearless administration of the law, Judge Hammond came to Atlanta and entered upon the active practice of his profession. In 1870, during a period of great disturbance and of frequent violations of the law, Judge Hammond was elected mayor of Atlanta. His administration was one of the most conservative the city has ever enjoyed and its influence was felt in the superior moral tone imparted to the cfty's daHy life. Judge liammond remained in the W. R. HAMMOND. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 805 practice of law with his son until 1881. Leaving Atlanta, he then removed to Orlando, Fla., to engage in the orange industry, and devoted himself to that pursuit, though not giving up his professional practice entirely, until his death in 1 89 1. The passing away of this great and good man was sincerely mourned. Among the tributes of sympathy received by the afflicted family were letters from Senators Alfred H. Colquitt, John B. Gordon and one from Judge B. H. Bigham. The press of tiie state teemed with eulogies upon his noble and useful life and the memory of his stainless record is still fresh in the minds of his fellow citizens. Returning to Judge William R. Hammond, the son of the foregoing: he lived only two years in Heard county, removing with his parents to Newnan, Ga., where he received his primary education. In 1862 the family came to Atlanta and William attended the private schools of that city for three years. He then entered the state university at Athens, Ga., in 1867, graduating from that institu tion in 1869, with the highest honors of his class. Dr. A. A. Lipscomb was the chancellor of the university at that time, and the class was one of the brightest and largest that ever graduated, several of its members having since attained both state and national distinction. After graduating the young student entered the law office of his father. Judge Dennis F. Hammond, and after preparing himself for the practice was admitted to the bar in 1870. Forming a partnership with his father they continued to practice, as a law firm, until 1881. In the following year William R. was elevated to the bench of the Atlanta circuit, having been elected by the general assembly to fill the unexpired term of Judge Hillyer, who resigned. He was subsequently re-elected for a term of four years but after serv ing for only a few months he resigned in November 1885, to resume the active practice. As a judge his decisions were sound and logical and he enjoyed the confidence of both the bar and the public. During the period of his practice from 1870 to his election as Judge in 1882 Air Hammond had charge of, and success fully conducted, some of the most important and difficult litigation in the state. One of these was the case of the state against the Scofield Rolling Mill company, brought under a special act of the legislature, in which Air. Hammond was for the defense. He obtained a new trial in the supreme court, after a heavy verdict for the state, and got a verdict for the defendant, on the second trial. Another case was the state vs. Cox, charged with the murder of Alston. He was convicted, and Mr. Hammond was selected, by five or six prominent lawyers who represented Cox, to argue his case in the supreme court. He obtained a strong dissenting opinion from Chief Justice Warner, on which Cox was pardoned. Mr. Hammond was highly complimented by the supreme court in both these cases. Judge Warner having said that his argument in the Cox case was the finest he had ever heard. These cases attracted a great deal of attention, and his management of them made him a great reputation and character as a lawyer throughout the state. After leaving the bench he formed a partnership with Judge John I. Hall, the present assistant attorney-general of the United States. Judge Hammond was elected a member of the board of education of the city of Atlanta in 1887, for a term of six years, and was subsequently re-elected in 1893, serving with pay. His work on the board has demonstrated his abiding lo-ve for the public school system of Atlanta, and his desire to elevate the masses by giving to aH the wholesome advantages of a good education. Judge Hammond is a man of deep religious convictions, and has always been active in the affairs of his church. He is chairman of the board of trustees of Trinity church, and is also chairman of the board of stewards. In addition to these religious offices Judge Hammond is a life trustee of Wesleyan Female college, the oldest institution of its kind in the world. He is also president of the board of trustees of the Atlanta Dental coUege, and a member 8o6 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of the board of trustees of the colored branch of the state university, located in Savannah, Ga. Judge Hammond has always taken a profound interest in this work,_ and has made it a matter of careful study. He has also been engaged, as a prorninent factor, in some of the leading enterprises of the city. In the early period of his professional life Judge Hammond was united in narriage to Miss Laura Rawson, the daughter of Hon. E. E. Rawson, one of the most prominent and enterprising citizens of Atlanta. In his private, as well as in his professional life the career of Judge Hammond has been above reproach, and his integrity has never been assaHed. The firm of HaH & Hammond is one of the ablest in the state, and controls an extensive general practice, not only in Atianta but throughout the state. His success as a practitioner, with his natural business capacity, has brought Judge Hammond a handsome competence, and in the financial world he enjoys a high rating. He exercises the same prudence, consideration and sagacity in his business interests that he brings to bear in hi.= profession, and with a corresponding result Judge Hammond is held in the highest esteem by all classes and his career of pubhc service has not only been one of honor to himself but of usefulness to the community. Y)R. VIRGIL O. HARDON, the son of Betsy (Packard) and Charles W, Hardon, both of Massachusetts, was born in Mansfield, Alass., • March 13, 1851, and removed, when four years of age, to Providence, R. I., where he attended the public schools and received his early training. From here he went to Brown university, taking a two years' course in the academical department, and after its completjon, taught school for two years in East Providence. Here he conceived the idea of becoming a physician, and having excellent opportunities when not engaged in school duties, applied himself constantly to the study of medicine ; but finding that self-instruction made slow progress, he became a student in the Har vard medical school, spent one and a half years as interne in the Rhode Island hos pital at Providence, and finally went to New York, where he attended the Bellevue Hospital Medical college and graduated in 1874. Selecting Providence as his field of labor he practiced his profession there until 188 1, and then came south, settling in Savannah. There he did not continue practice, but entered the mercantile firm of Solomon & Co. After remaining here for some months, he decided that Atlanta afforded more encouragement to young men and removed to that city, accepting a position with Messrs. Pemberton, Iverson & Co. Shortly after he became chief bookkeeper for John B. Daniel, the wholesale druggist. Finding this constant confinement injurious to his health. Dr. Hardon became traveling salesman for Messrs. Hail & Ruckel, of New York. Since resigning that position he has been in the active practice of medicine in the city of Atlanta. Dr. Hardon is widely known throughout the state among the members of his profession, and takes great interest in all organizations controlled by them. He is a member of the Atlanta Society of Medicine, the State Medical association, the Southern Sur gical and Gynecological, and the American Gynecological societies, and for five consecutive years has acted as censor in the former association. For two years he filled the presidency of the Atlanta Society of Medicine. Dr. Hardon does not confine his enthusiasm and knowledge of medicine to practical experience alone, but in the broader scope of its literature has displayed a keen interest and con tributed numerous articles to the various medical journals of the country, chief among them the "American Journal of Obstetrics" and the "Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal." In addition to the honors bestowed upon him in recognition of professional skill and learning, he is a zealous Christian worker and a vestry man of St Philip's Episcopal church. Dr. Hardon now holds the chair of FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 807 obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the Atlanta Aledical college. His career has been successful from its beginning, and is the result of untiring energy, close, assiduous study and a persevering devotion to duty. One of the best methods of ascertaining a professional man's true worth is to learn the opinion held of him by his colleagues. One of Atlanta's most prominent physicians is quoted as saying: "Dr. Hardon has made an enviable reputation in his especial line of work, obstetrics and gynecology, and is widely known throughout the state and beyond its boundaries. He is a bold and successful surgeon, a very accurate diagnostician and a conscientious man ; one who shrinks not from the many unpleasant obliga tions of the profession. Fle is a quiet, reserved and generous gentleman, making and holding friends. He is a fluent talker, and in the medical societies of which he is a member, is one of the best impromptu speakers who discuss the essays pre sented for consideration. His argument is clear and concise, and his thoughts arranged as promptly as though carefully prepared in advance." Dr. Hardon was married Jan. i, 1885, to Miss Julia A. Robinson, who died in 1891. He was married again Dec. 27, 1892, to Aliss Bertha Wardell, of Bainbridge, Ga. They have no children. fV| ATHAN OVERTON HARRIS, M. D., was born in Culpeper county, Va., Dec. 4, 185 1. During the late war he removed with his parents to Atlanta, Ga., where he was raised and educated. In 1868, he went to Covington, Ky., where he attended school one year and then returned to Atlanta, where during the following year he pursued a course of study at the Houston street high school. He next entered the office of his father, who at that time was sheriff of Fulton county, Avhere he remained four years. After clerking a year in Atlanta he com menced the study of medicine under Dr. T. S. Powell, and was graduated from the Southern Aledical college, in Atlanta, in 1881. After graduating he practiced medicine in Atlanta eighteen months, and during three months of that time had charge of the small pox hospital in that city, where he treated two hundred small pox patients. His duties at the hospital were so exacting that he found it neces sary to deny himself the ordinary physical comforts of life; and for two months he was compelled to seek such brief moments of rest as nature demanded, without removing his clothing. In 1882 he went to New York, where one year later he was graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Aledical college, and returned to Atlanta, where he has since been engaged in the practice of medicine. In 1888, he was assistant professor to the chair of obstetrics and diseases of women and children in the x\tlanta Medical college. Dr. Harris is a member of the Georgia Aledical association and of the National Association of Railway Surgeons and of the American Aledical association. He is medical examiner for the Aetna Life Insurance company of Hartford, Conn.; the Equitable of Ne-w York; the Union Mutual of Portland, Ale.; American Union Life Insurance company; Michi gan Mutual Life Insurance company; the Providence Savings of New York; the Phoenix Alutual of Hartford, Conn., and for the endowment rank, section 611, Knights of Pythias. He is also chief surgeon for the Georgia, Carolina & Northern division of the Seaboard Air Line (260 miles). He is police surgeon, and is city physician for the sixth ward of Atlanta, and surgeon Fourth battalion, Georgia volunteers. In 1886, Dr. Harris was chosen president of the Atlanta Society of Medicine for one year; and since that time he has been corresponding secretary of that society. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias and has held the chairs in Atlanta lodge No. 20, K. P. He was a delegate to the grand lodge, which met at Brunswick, Ga., in 1891. He is also a member of St Phillip's church (Episcopal). The father of Dr. Harris was James O. Harris, who was born in 8o8 I MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Albemarle county, \'a., in 1820, and married in Culpeper county, in that state, to Miss Ehzabeth A., daughter of Daniel and Lucy (Powell) Brown. He moved to Culpeper county, where he was elected sheriff in 1856; the first man elected to that office who was not a native of the county. In 1863, James O. Harris moved to Atlanta and engaged iu mercantile pursuits until 1866, when he was appointed deputy internal revenue collector, which office he held until 1868, when, while absent from home, he was elected sheriff of Fulton county. He served as sheriff for two terms, and one year. In 1874 he was elected city marshal of Atlanta, and at the expiration of his terra he served one year as deputy city marshal. He was next elected state and county tax receiver, which office he held continuously until his death in 1891. James O. Harris had four children: Dr. Nathan O., Atlanta; Lucy Powell, who died unmarried in 1881, aged twenty- seven years; Clement Rush, who, in 1884, niarried Miss SalHe, daughter of Jackson Dick of Tennessee, real estate broker, Atlanta, and Daniel Brown Harris, who married Miss Bessie Sargeant, daughter of Hon. N. J. Hammond, Atlanta, adjuster and special agent for the North America Fire Insurance company of Phila delphia, Pa. The father of Dr. Plarris served in the Thirteenth Virginia regiment during the first six months of the late war between the states. His grandfather was Nathan Harris, who was born in Albemarle county, Va., in 1772; he was a man of large wealth and a gentleman farmer during his life, and owned many slaves. He never held office. He married Ann Allen Anderson, and six children were born of this marriage: Dr. Clement Rush Harris, deceased in 1869; Elizabeth, wife of a Mr. Hutchins ; Fanny, deceased wife of William- Davis, of Rockbridge county, Va.; James O. Harris, deceased 1891; Judge John T. Harris, who has served seven terms in congress, and now living in Harrisonburg, Va., and Rev. Dr. WiHiam A. Harris, now president of Virginia college at Roanoke, Va., and for twenty-six years president of the Western Female college at Staunton, Va. Nathan Harris died in 1853, aged eighty-one. Dr. Nathan O. Harris was married April 8,1885, to Lula S., daughter of Maj. Rufus S. Tucker, of Raleigh, N. C; this lady died without issue April 23, 1886. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS, the author of Uncle Remus and numerous other stories of southern life and character, is a native of Putnam county, Ga. He was born in the town of Eatonton in 1848, and spent most of his boyhood there. Circumstances forced him to leave school at an early age, and while still a mere child he learned the printer's trade in the office of "TThe Countryman," a popular weekly which was then published on a plantation several miles from any town. The proprietor of the paper had a fine library, and the boy was given free access to it From these books he picked up the elements of an education which has carried him through a successful literary and journalistic career. After leaving "The Countryman," while still in his teens, young Harris worked in a country newspaper office at Forsyth, Ga., and then accepted an editorial posi tion on a monthly in New Orleans for a short time. In 1868 he accepted a position on the editorial staff of the "Savannah Alorning News," and remained there until the yellow fever epidemic of 1876, which caused him to remove to Atlanta. He joined the editorial staff of the "Atlanta Constitution," and for the past nineteen years has been the leading editorial writer on that paper. Before moving to Atlanta he married Aliss Essie La Rose of Canada. Mr. Harris resides at West End in a picturesque cottage, brightened by the presence of his wife and five children, one of whom, Julian Harris, is the book reviewer of the "Constitu tion," and the author of many charming short stories. Mr. Harris was so successful with his first book, Uncle Remus, that the Z. D. HARRISON. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 809 public demanded something more from his pen, and his leisure hours are now devoted to literary work for various publishers. His books have had a large , sale in England as well as in this country, and he is one of the most popular of American story writers. He rarely ever travels, and is noted for his love of home and family and his loyalty to his friends. He takes an active interest in politics and the leading issues of the day, and his writings upon these topics would fill many volumes. The ease with which he turns from his routine editorial work to literature is a mystery to his contemporaries. In the main his life has been peaceful and uneventful. He has succeeded in his modest ambitions, and is now in his prime, with the promise of many more years of useful and brHliant work. /yi R. Z. D. HARRISON, attorney-at-law and clerk of the supreme court, Atlanta, Fulton Co. The plantation has been the foster-mother of hundreds of Geor gia's most successful and enterprising citizens. Amid the honors which have come to them, in reward of the tireless energy and fervent zeal put forth by them in quest of life's ambitious enterprises, they never forget the arcadian days of their boyhood and happy times they enjoyed down on the old farm. It was on a farm in Randolph county, Ga., that Zadoc D. Harrison, the clerk of the supreme court of Georgia, first saw the light of day on November 26, 1842. His father, Hon. George W. Flarrison, was one of the leading men of the state, and filled the high office of secretary of state for two terms prior to his death. He came to Georgia from North Carolina, having been reared among the pine trees of the tar-heel commonwealth. He died in this state in 1854. The mother of Col. Harrison is a woman of superior mind and character. Her maiden name was Frances West, and she was born and reared in this state. She is stHl alive at the age of eighty-seven years in full possession of all her faculties. .Mr Harrison remained on the plantation until 1850, when his father moved to MHledgevHle, after his election as secretary of state. MiHedgevHle was then the capital of the state, and the duties of secretary of state called Air Harrison's father to that city. Here the subject of this sketch received his primary education under the direction of Prof. A. L. Carrington, a noted instructor of that time. In 1859 he matriculated as a student in Oglethorpe university, and remained a student in this institution until its suspension at the breaking out of the war. Mr. Harrison yolunteered as a soldier in tlie Confederate army, but his elder brother having sub.stituted in his stead, he entered the office of his father's successor as secretary of state at MHledgevHle, and remained in that employment for one year He taught school at Clinton, Ga., for several years, after which he came to Atlanta, a busy, enterprising city that was rapidly advancing to the front Soon after coming to Atlanta, in 1868, he was appointed deputy clerk of the supreme court, and after holding this position two years he Avas elected clerk, which office he still continues to hold. Mr Harrison began the study of law in the office of the late William McKinley at MiHedgevHle. He was admitted to the bar in 1866, and two years later formed a legal partnership with Judge W^ilHam T. Newman, now on the bench of the United States district court. This partnership continued until Judge Newman's appointment as city attorney. Air. Harrison then practiced alone for several years, after which the present firm of Harrison & Peeples was organized, the junior member of the firm being Air Henry C. Peeples, a talented young lawyer and the son of the late Judge Cincinnatus Peeples. Mr Harrison is a director and also the secretary and treasurer of the Southern Marble company. For twenty years he has been a director and vice-president or president of the Frankhn Printing and Publishing company, one of the leading 8lO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. publishing houses of the south. In 1872 he was unfted in marriage to Miss Laura Hendree, the beautiful daughter of Dr. George Hendree of Tuskegee, Ala. Seven children have been the resuft of this happy union, two boys and five girls. Mr. Harrison is a consistent and loyal churchman; being a member of St Luke's Episcopal church. He has been the senior warden of St Luke's cathedral, Atlanta, since 1883; a delegate to every annual diocesan convention since 1873; also a deputy to every general convention since 1881; secretary of the standing committee of the diocese since 1888; and is now the chancellor of the diocese. No man enjoys more fully the esteem of his fellow-citizens than Mr. Harrison, and he has always deported himself in such manner as to merit the respect and confidence of the people of his native state. QOL. GEORGE W. HARRISON is a member of a distinguished Georgia family whose individual members have been prominent in political and social fields, and is himself an example of what energy,, self-reliance and broad-minded business policy will accomphsh. Few men have been enabled to accomphsh in a few years what Col. George W. Harrison has done by business acumen and fimancial ability. Starting with a printing and publishing business in its infancy, he has steered it through financial depressions affecting the entire country, until it is now one of the largest and best equipped pubHshing houses in the south. While his duties as general manager are manifold and exacting, demanding a clear head, decision of character and versatility of talent, every detail passes under his super vision, and the character of the work turned out reflects the inspiration of his genius, the excellence of his taste, and the thoroughness of his grasp on business. Included in his duties as general manager of the Franklin Printing and Publishing company is that of state printer, an office of honor and great responsibility, which he has held for several successive terms, and manager of the "Southern Culti vator," the "Southern Architect," and the "Southern Educational Journal," each one involving labor, tact and skill. The wise, prudent and successful adminis tration of the affairs of the company has elicited from its members, who embrace some of the strongest and most influential business men in the city in their ranks, the highest encomiums. While Col. Harrison is emphatically a business man, he is at the same time one of Atlanta's most progressive and pubHc-spirited citizens. For a number of years he has been chairman of the statistical committee of the chamber of commerce, chairman of the postal committee of the Commercial club, and by recent appointment is a member of the state commission on irrigation. He has contributed largely to the success of meetings in the interest of agriculture, direct trade, good roads, irrigation and benevolence. While pre-eminently a man of peace, for years he has been one of Gov. Northen's staff officers, with the rank of Heutenant-colonel of cavalry. He has also been complimented by a similar appointment from Gov. W. Y. Atkinson, the compliment being the more marked by the fact that it is unusual for a governor to confer such an honor on the appointee of his predecessor. Col. Harrison is a prominent meniber of the First Presbyterian church and chairman of its board of deacons. He is considered one of the first citizens of Atlanta, held in high regard by all classes, and loved by his employes, who recognize in him a friend and counselor at all times. He married Aliss Lucy Hayden of Atlanta, a member of a family whose connections ramify every section of the Union, embracing the wealtliiest and most influential persons in their respective states — a woman whose amiability and excellence illumine and ennoble aH around her. There never was a more congenial union, and "None kno-vv them but to love. None name them but to praise." COL. G. W. HARRISON. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 8ll UON. WILLIAAI A. HEMPHILL, a capitalist and one of Atlanta's energetic, progressive citizens, whose life has been crowned with the rewards that intel lectual power and devotion to duty command, is a native of Georgia's "Classic City.'' He was born in Athens, May 5, 1842, and reared in the limits of that town, being tutored by excellent teachers and prepared for entrance into the state universit}", located at his home. Having arrived at the proper age, he entered this institution and graduated in the spring of 1861. He was then a boy, only nine teen years of age, but with the inherent qualities of patriotism and loyalty to section, enHsted as a volunteer in a Confederate regiment, and immediately marched to combine with Lee's army in Virginia. His war record is well and favorably known. In the battle of Gettysburg he was dangerously wounded in the head, but after weeks of suffering and intense pain, finally recovered his former good health. Being a quiet man, of few sentences, he rarely mentions his thrHling experiences, but his friends and comrades appreciate his sacrifice for the Confed erate cause. Air. Hemphill came to Atlanta in 1867, and shortly after established the "Daily Constitution," of which he "was business manager. The position was responsible, and required quickness of perception, far-seeing enterprise, and shrewd financial ability to forward the interests of this great daily. Mr. Hemphill has been engaged in enterprises of vast scope and magnitude. His financial sagacity and rigid discipline have been recognized and employed. He was presi dent of the Capital City bank and the Y. M. C. A., a member of the board of aldermen, superintendent of Trinity Sunday-school, promoter of various mercan tile interests and charitable societies, and president of the board of education. He generously encouraged Atlanta's school system, and added materially to its excel lence. Air. Hemphill married Mrs. Emma Luckie in 1871, and has a happy, inter esting family, with whom he delights in passing much of his valuable time. In the social as in the commercial world he is known and admired. His unstinted aid to benevolent causes and worthy charity has signally enlarged the circle of his friends and supporters. He is not a seeker after office, though his vote and work are heartily given for democracy. Air Hemphill loves out-of-door life, and as a Nimrod spends many days in the field with dog and gun to gain recreation and sport His aim is unerring and his dogs of the best breed. He prides himself on his Jersey cows and the best stock of all species. Mr. Hemphill is an invaluable citizen, with a generous heart, and a strong advocate of education and culture. JOHN CHAPPELL HENDRIX, real estate, Atianta, Ga., son of Luke Hendrix, was born in Lumpkin county, Ga., in December, 1834. The family is of Scotch origin; the progenitors of the American branch having emigrated from Scotland to this country, and settled in Maryland in 1665. Capt. Hendrix's grandfather, Hillary Hendrix, was a native of North Carolina, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the Revolutionary war Capt Hendrix was raised' in Lumpkin county, where he received .such education as the schools of the time and locality afforded. In 1859 he came to Atlanta, and after clerking a year went into a general merchandising business. In May, 1861, he entered the quarter master's department, where he remained three months. He then organized an artillery company — of which he was elected a Heutenant — which was assigned to Wright's Legion. After serving eighteen months with this command he raised a battalion of cavalry — of which he was made ranking captain — practically commanded the battalion as major, though not commissioned. He resigned in Alay, 1864, on account of impaired health, and was placed on Gov. Brown's staff with the rank of colonel, and served as such until the war closed, surrendering at Macon, where he had been stationed for some time. From September, 1864, to 8l2 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the time of the surrender he owned and ran a newspaper caHed the "Southern Confederacy." When with his first command he was present at the capture of Fort Pulaski ; and with his cavalry command he actively raided on the flanks of the Federal army in North Carolina, East Tennessee and Georgia. He also partici pated in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Dalton, Resaca, Kingston, Altoona, Kennesaw Mountain, and the opening engagements around Atlanta. He was then transferred to Gov. Brown's staff, on which he remained until the surrender. Capt. Hendrix, though always in active and frequently in perilous service, escaped capture and wounds, but had several horses shot. After the war he returned to Atlanta and commenced the manufacture of machinery, and in 1868, was elected secretary of the senate, which office he held in 1868-69-70. After that he went into the flour miHing business, which he foHowed five years, then engaged in miscellaneous trading. In 1880 he embarked in the real estate business, in which he has since prosperously continued. In 1882 he organized the Mutual BuHding and Loan association, of which he was elected secretary and treasurer, and served until 1889, when he wound it up. He was a member of the city general council 1889-90; was chairman of the committee on sewers, and during his time had built two main sewers at a cost of $180,000. He was also chairman of the committee on ordinances, and a member of the committees on finance, streets, electric lights, etc. In 1891 Capt. Hendrix was elected a member of the city board of education for six years, and is chairman of the building committee. He is also a director of the Capital City bank. Capt Hendrix is a man of deep and strong convictions, and though unobtrusive is none the less fearless and inflexible in maintaining them. He is an industrious worker in whatever he undertakes, and persistent in his efforts; and whenever and wherever called on to aid in matters promotive of improvement or development, renders valuable service. Capt Hendrix was married in Forsyth county, Ga., in 1854, to Miss Alary, daughter of Judge Robert Mooney. Of the children born to them six are living: Samantha, wife of W. H. Smith; Austin L.; Nettie, wife of J. W. Davidson; Georgia, wife of Saxon Douglas; Mamie, wife of A. L. Anderson; Johnnie — a daughter. He is a member of the I. O. O. P., and a Royal Arch Mason. He is also an active, exemplary member of the Methodist church, prominent and untiring in all church work, and a generous contributor. He was superintendent of Payne's Chapel Sunday school fourteen years, and has been superintendent of the Sunday school at Grace church twelve years, a position he still holds with unflagging religious zeal and no sign of physical fatigue. THOMAS J. HIGHTOWER. As a progressive business man and a thoroughly conscientious and upright citizen, this gentleman has always enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the community. Thomas Jefferson Hightower was born in Parrottsville, East Tennessee, on Oct 29, 1829. His grandfather, Thomas Hightower, was a native of South Carolina, and a gallant soldier in the American Revolution. His father, Allan Hightower, was also a native of South Carolina and a very successful planter and stock-raiser of that state. The maiden name of Mr. Hightower's mother was Louisa Jefferson. She was a native of Virginia and a member of that distinguished family to which the illustrious Thomas Jefferson belonged. The boyhood and early youth of Mr. Hightower were spent in his native village in Tennessee, and from the institutions of that neighborhood he derived a common school education. At the age of eighteen he began to shift for himself and settled in Dahlonega for the purpose of digging gold. He failed, however, to gratify his ambition in this direction and decided to abandon the enterprise, since ill-luck had CHARLES D. HILL. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES, gl^ deprived it of all its former fascination. He clerked for a year in a grocery store at Dahlonega, and then located in Forsyth county, a few miles distant, where he found employment as a clerk, retaining his position for four years. After this he clerked in a grocery store in Rome, Ga., for two years. He was then overtaken for the second time by the gold fever, and set out for the mountains of CaHfornia, going by the way of the Isthmus of Panama and taking a two month's trip. After a rugged experience of two years in the west, dividing his time between the gold fields and a general merchandise business, he returned to Georgia, in 1854, locating in Forsyth county. He was then and there united in marriage to Miss EHza E. Henderson, a lovable and gentle lady, who died in 1886, leaving seven children, as foHows: Milton H., Allan R., Harry H., Thomas J., Jr, John B., Albert S., Ida R., wife of WiHiam J. Alontgomery, and Mark. In 1854, the year of his marriage, Mr. Hightower opened a general store in Cherokee county, which he operated untH the spring of 1862. He then sold out his business for the purpose of accepting an appointment under the Confederate government in the quartermaster's department, with headquarters located in Atlanta. Here he remained until the close of the war. After the war he engaged in the grocery business in Atlanta, the firm being that of Ford, Hightower & Co. Their place of business was on Mitchell street. Two years after this Mr. Ford sold out his interest and the business was conducted under the firm name of Hightower & Co. From 1872 to 1876 Mr. Hightower carried on the business alone, forming a partnership with Mr J. C. Hallman after the expiration of that time. Honest methods and a steadfast devotion to the principles of fair dealings have made the firm of Hightower & Hallman one of the leading wholesale grocery establishments of the south. Mr Hightower served as a member of the state senate during the sessions of 1859 and i860. He has always manifested a deep interest in public affairs but has never allowed his political aspirations to interfere with his business engage ments. He prefers the uneventful life of a busy merchant to the more conspicuous role of a pubhc servant. Mr. Hightower is a blue lodge Mason and a consistent member of the Firgt Baptist church. He was married for the second time in De cember, 1887, to Miss Georgia A. Nichols, a cultured and accomplished young lady of Griffin, Ga., and his home Hfe has been a very happy one. StiH vigorous and strong in the enjoyment of a robust constitution, Mr. Hightower has the promise of many additional years in which to illustrate the qualifications of a successful business man. JYJ^R. CHARLES D. HILL. Judged by his official record, as well as by the opinion of the bar and general public, the ablest prosecuting officer in the state is Mr. Charles D. Hill, the brilliant solicitor-general of the Atlanta circuit. FeHcitous of speech, quick at repartee, ready at all times with bright and sparkling quotations from his favorite authors, and rich in all the varied resources and accomplishments of the orator, the subject of this sketch stands without a peer among the able and distinguished prosecuting officers of 'Georgia. Mr. HiH possesses a pecuHar mind. It is not only quick in its perceptions, but remarkably firm in its retentiveness. He never makes a note in the trial of any case, however important it may be, and never mistakes the evidence in the argument of his cause to the jury. His preparations are purely mental and in none of his great speeches has he employed the use of a pencil. Perhaps no lawyer at the bar possesses a more prodigious memory. Judge Richard H. Clarke, who has presided over nearly aH the criminal proceedings in which Air HiH has been engaged during his official tenure, and whose opinion of his talents is based upon the severe and oft 8l4 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. recurring tests of the court-room, says of Solicitor HHl: "He is very much like his distinguished father. I consider him one of the brightest men I have ever known. Judges frequently complain of the tedium of the court-room and the tiresome monotony of worn-out jokes and flights of eloquence on the part of their prosecut ing officers, but I have never had reason to make this complaint against Air HHl." The varied experience of Judge Clarke, extending over a period of more than fifty years at the bar and on the bench, increases the value of this comphment and makes it one of which Air. Hill has every reason to be proud. Air. Charles D. HiH, the subject of this sketch, was born near La Grange, in Troup Co., Ga., on Nov. 3, 1852. His father, the late lamented senator, Benjamin H. Hill, one of the most gifted and patriotic men that Georgia ever produced, had just entered public life as a member of the Georgia legislature and was beginning to electrify the country with that surpassing eloquence that was destined a few years later to hurl its bitter denunciations in the teeth of the plumed military of the government, and to plead for a restored union- in the spirit of that often quoted sentiment: "We are in the house of our fathers and we are here to stay, thank -God." After spending his boyhood days in Troup county, Charles D., in 1867, nioved to Athens, (ja., witii his father's family, and shortly afterward entered the law school of the state university. He graduated from this institution in 1871. Among his class'mates were Washington Dessau and Walter B. Hill, of Alacon; his brother, Benjamin FI. HiH; Charles W. Seidell, of Atlanta; W. -A. Broughton, of Aladison, and Robert AVhitfield, of Alilledgeville, a group of brainy and successful young Georgians. Air. Hill was admitted to the bar in Twiggs county, and after practic ing for two years, with discouraging results, he decided to abandon the profession. Having a penchant for farming, he decided to devote himself to agricultural pursuits, and accordingly p'urchased a farm and continued to follow the plow until the death of his father in 1882. This afflictive dispensation called him to Atlanta and, after his father's death, he decided to resume the profession which had now become to him a solemn legacy. He assisted his brother in the prosecution of- quite a large number of criminal cases, making a briHiant reputation by his eloquence and adroit legal manipulations. In 1885 he was called to the solicitor- ship of the Atlanta circuit, and has since been several times successively elected to the high and responsible position. Since entering upon the discharge of his duty as the state's prosecuting attorney, Air. Hill has been a terror to evil doers and while he claims that he has never convicted an innocent man it is equally true that a guilty one has rarely ever escaped. Air. Hill has been identified with a number of celebrated murder trials and his speeches delivered on those occasions have been masterpieces of forensic eloquence. The court-room is always crowded to overflowing as soon as the report spreads that Solicitor Hill is about to make his closing speech to the jury. No man is more truly the idol of his friends or more conspicuously the Hfe and center of every group in which he ha-ppens to be found than Mr. Hill. Flis humor is always captivating, and his wit lively, good-natured and sparkling. He has very little artificial reserve and speaks with frankness and candor, never hesitating to give his opinion freely on any subject. Generous, open-hearted, indulgent and kind, he is one of the best of husbands as well as one of the cleverest and truest of men. Mr. Hill has frequently been urged to allow the use of his name in connection with the race for congress in the fifth district, but he has steadily declined to yield to the earnest solicitations of his friends. He is now in partnership with his brother, under the firm name of Messrs. B. H. & C. D. Hill, and prefers to devote his time and talents exclusively to the practice of his profession. GEORGE HILLYER. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 815 "\YILLIAM PINCKNEY HILL, of the law firm of Hill & Mayson, Atianta, was .born on a farm in Troup county, Ga., Alay 14, 1862, remaining there until the age of fourteen years, receiving" his primary education in the near-by schools and at West Point, in his native county. In 1877 he entered Emory college, Oxford, Ga., but his attendance was for only a short time. His elder brother died two months after his matriculation, and his father having died in 1875, and William P., the subject of this sketch, being the oldest male representative of the family, he returned home to assume the management of the plantation. It was not until 1879 that he could return to Emory college, when entering the fresh man class he continued for four years, graduating in 1883 with the degree of A. B. Soon after he accepted the chair of Latin and English literature in Milan college, Tennessee, which was tendered him in acknowledgment of his distinction in these departments. Here he remained one year, when he resigned to accept a better position, as the principal of the Fredonia academy at Fredonia, Ala., which he retained for a year and a half. He had begun the study of law after graduating, and on leaving Fredonia he came to Atlanta and was admitted to the bar in June, 1885. For eighteen months he practiced alone; but on Jan. i, 1887, he formed a partnership with James Alayson, which still continues. Mr. Flill is a democrat in his political convictions, and in 1890 was elected president of the Young Alen's Democratic league, ser\Mng one year. In 1892, without his knowledge or consent, he was elected a meniber of the city council of Atlanta, and perceiving the honor was sincere, accepted the commission and served two years. Air. HiH was married during September, 1891, to Aliss Grace D., daughter of Judge William R. Cocke, of Albemarle county, Va. He is a Mystic Shriner and a Knight Templar Alason. In both he has displayed a conspicuous, concern. Mr. Hill's father was Dr. John Stith HiH, born in Jasper county, Ga., in 1822. He was the next oldest brother of the late eminent Benjamin H. HiH, one of the south's greatest sons, whose sketch appears elsewhere in these Memoirs. He came to Troup county in his infancy with his parents, who located where the son was born. He was a physician of ability, having graduated in medicine from schools both in New Orleans and in New York. He practiced in Troup county until forty-five years old, when he retired to farming, which he followed to the time of his death in 1875. He was a brave, fearless soldier in the last war and held many positions of responsibility as surgeon, in the hospitals and elsewhere. He also took an active part in state politics; was a member of the state senate before the war, and of the lower house after peace was restored. Air. Hill's mother, Sarah Battie Cameron, was a child of Thomas Cameron, a native of North Carolina, of Scotch descent, belonging to the clan Cameron. She gave birth to four chHdren: Edward C; JuHa, widow of Dr Charles HiH of La Grange, Ga.; Minnie, wife of Todd Reed of Troup county and William P., the subject of this sketch. The mother died in 1890. Mr. HHl's grandfather was John HiH, born in North Carolina and married there to Sarah Parham. Some time thereafter they removed to Jasper county, Ga. Mr. Hill's great-grandfather was a Welshman. The firm of Hill & Mayson is well and favorably known to the people of Atlanta. They pay particular attention to commercial law and litigated estates, especially to the former JUDGE GEORGE HILLYER, one of the soutii's most prominent lawyers, is a native of Athens, Ga., where he lived until he was twelve years old. He attended tiie primary schools of that city, amongst them one presided over by Dr. WHHam H. Felton, so long a member of congress from the Seventh district of Georgia. At the age of thirteen young Hillyer was taken by his father to Walton county, where they lived on a farm near the county seat, Alonroe, and the boy was prepared for 8l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. college at the grammar school taught by Hon. W. W. Thomas, who for many years represented Coweta county in the state legislature. In 1850 Judge HHlyer entered Alercer university, then located at Penfield, Ga., but afterward moved to Alacon; and graduated in July, 1854, ranking high in all his classes, especially in mathe matics. Having brought his course of education to this successful issue he began the study of law with his father, Hon. Junius Hillyer, at Alonroe, and in 1855 was admitted to the bar before Hon. James Jackson, then presiding over the "Walton county superior court Locating then in Alonroe, Judge Hillyer practiced until the beginning of the war, for the first two years with his father, and afterward in partnership with Plon. Hope Hull. Answering the call he left his practice and organized the first company raised in Walton county, and was made its captain. His company was assigned to the Ninth Georgia regiment, and was known as Company C, or the Hillyer rifles. Capt Hillyer served as captain of his company until October, 1863, and between that date and the surrender he served the state as auditor of the old Western & Atlantic railroad, and as major commanding a battalion of state troops. He participated in the battles of Dam No. i, in Virginia in 1862; Garnett's farm; Suffolk, "Va.; Fredericksburg, Va., and at Gettysburg, where he lost killed, wounded or captured every man of his company but ten. He was also in the siege at Charleston, S. C. At the close of the war Judge HHlyer settled at Atlanta and resumed the practice of law, operating alone until 1867, when he associated with him his brother Henry, which partnership existed tiH 1892, when it was dissolved by agreement, and Mr. Hillyer allied himself with Blewetl Lee, a son of general Stephen D. Lee. They practiced together for eighteen months, their contract being then abrogated by reason of Mr. Lee's being tendered a professorship in the Northwestern university of Chicago. Judge Hillyer then formed a partnership with Alessrs. Hooper Alexander and W. W. Lambdin, the firm style -now being Hillyer, Alexander & Lambdin. Born in 1835 Judge Hillyer entered the political arena at an early age, being in 1857 elected to the legislature from Walton county, and at that session served on the committees on general judiciary, finance and lunatic asylums. Receiving- still further political preferment he was in 1859 ^'^"i ^^^o chief clerk of the house of representatives, and, as related, in 1864-5 served his state as auditor of the Western & Atlantic railroad. Four years later he was one of three commissioners chosen by the legis lature on a non-partisan basis — Judge Hillyer being the democratic member — ^to audit all claims against this railway company. This commission found that it had over 1,200 suits and claims to audit — the aggregate amount involved being nearly $2,000,000. The commissioners, however, managed to settle them all for about one-fifth of the sums claimed, and after the work was finished their conduct was indorsed in a special message to the legislature by Gov. James AI. Smith, and later approved by that body. From 1870 to 1874 Judge Hillyer was a member of the state senate from the Thirty-fifth district, which embraced Fulton, Clayton and Cobb counties. It was during the sessions held at this time that the state was rehabihtated from the errors and oppression of reconstruction, and no man took a more active or more vigilant part than Senator Hillyer in the legislative good work of restoring the state to democratic supremjtcy and good government, and to the recovering of that which had been lost by error and bad management of the state's finances, railways and other public works. In 1877 he was appointed judge of the superior court of Fulton county by Gov. A. H. Colquitt and was thereafter twice re-elected by the legislature to the same judicial position, on each occasion every vote being cast on his behalf. At the beginning of his third term as judge of the superior court he resigned, having determined to resume his practice, and two years later — in 1885 — he was elected mayor of Atlanta by an overwhelming major- FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 817 ity, the term of office extending over two years. In this connection it will be well to explain Judge Hillyer's former connection with the city's business and the prominent part he had formerly played in its municipal management When the new charter of Atlanta was formulated by the citizens' committee of forty-nine, in 1874, during the administration of C. C. Hammond, then mayor. Judge Hillyer was one of the sub-committee on finance which originated and drafted the section " of the new charter relating to the municipality's financial system, public credit and annual budget and exacting personal liability of the members of the city council. Under the old charter the council of Atlanta had been spending money for various purposes as the occasion arose, with little regard to the municipal income. The result was a yearly deficiency which went over from year to year and accumulated until it threatened the city with bankruptcy. Under the new charter, in the secur ing of which Judge Hillyer took such an active, prominent part the members of the council are compelled to make up an annual budget, estimating the necessary outlay for all purposes for the coming year and then arrange to meet the expense. The new charter further provided that members of the city council should be per sonally liable for all moneys expended by them over and above the amount pro vided for in their annual budget. The effect of this clause in the charter was at once to renew and revive the sinking credit of the city and to increase the value of her bonds. This explains fully the significance of the words "personal liability" used above. Being a meniber of the state senate at the time of the new charter's formulation. Judge Hillyer was intrusted with the duty of introducing into that body a bill to secure its adoption. He had charge of this measure and through his efforts its passage by both houses was accomplished. The financial clauses of this biH are in Judge Hillyer's own handwriting; and the charters of many other places have been modeled after it. Since leaving the mayor's office in 1887 Judge Hillyer has been a member of the water commission of Atlanta and most of the time its president He was at its head during almost the entire period in which Atlanta's magnificent system of waterworks was being built. In this great work he takes unbounded pride, having devoted much time and attention to secur ing the full fruition of all the plans for supplying the city with water which were indorsed by the people. He has never undertaken the accomplishment of any project in which he did not succeed, and the universal verdict is that Atlanta got in her waterworks, costing $850,000, a plant which in other cities has usually cost t\\'ice as much or more. Judge Hillyer's Hfe has been an unusually busy one. In addition to his successful transaction of the work noted, it is conceded that no public servant ever performed his duty with more fidelity and pubhc appreciation than he did whHe a member of the commission which righted the Western & Atiantic railway. He was appointed in 1873 by Gov. Smith centennial commis sioner from Georgia, and fulfilled the duties of that office for three years. For two decades he was a director of the Georgia raHroad and banking compan}--, retiring from the directorate and selHng his stock in 1891. Going back to 1884 we find him serving in the national democratic convention, which nominated Grover Cleveland, as a delegate from the Fifth congressional district of Georgia. In that historic meeting he introduced the first and only "simon-pure" tariff-for-revenue- only resolution that was offered in open convention. He was again a delegate from the same district to the national convention of 1892. Looking back still farther he represented the old Sixth district of his state at the convention which met in Charleston in i860. There he earnestiy advocated the nomination of Howell Cobb for president In social Hfe he is very highly esteemed. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and of the Second Baptist church, with which he has been associated for the past forty years. Judge Hillyer was married June, 1-52 8l8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. 1867, to Miss Ellen, daughter of HolHs Cooley, Rome, Ga., and they have five children: Elizabeth, wife of Francis M. Coker, Jr., Atlanta; Minnie, wife of H. A. Cassin, cashier of the Georgia loan, savings and banking company; Marian, wife of Dr Bernard Wolff of Atlanta; George, a g'raduate of the university of Georgia, Athens, at this writing a student of electrical engineering at CorneH; Ellen, unmarried. Judge George Hillyer's father was Junius Hillyer, a native of A"\^ilkes county, Ga., who in turn was the son of Shaler HHlyer. The latter came to Georgia from Connecticut in 1796. Shaler PIHlyer's father was Asa Hillyer, a sur geon in the continental army, who served through the whole war of the revolu tion. The emigrant ancestor was John Hillyer, who came to New England about ten years after the landing of the Mayflower and settled at Granby, Conn., where lie lived until his death, which occurred some twenty years later. Judge Hillyer's mother was Jane Watkins, daughter of Thomas "Watkins. She was a lineal descendant of the early colonist of that name who came with Capt John Smith and landed near Jamestown, Va., in 1620. One of George HHlyer's maternal u.ncles, after whom he is named, was George Walton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; and another maternal uncle, of the generation younger, was Peter Early, who was governor of Georgia during the war period of 1812-1814. Junius Hillyer died in 1886 at the age of seventy-nine, and left three sons besides the subject of this sketch, Dr. E. Hillyer of Rome, Mr. Henry Hillyer named above, and Mr. Carlton Hillyer, auditor of tiie Georgia railroad at Augusta. Rev. John P. Hillyer, brother of Junius Hillyer, was a Baptist minister, active and faithful for nearly seventy years, who died in Texas when eighty-nine years old. Another brother of Rev. Dr. Shaler G. Hillyer, now residing in Atlanta. He also chose the ministry as his profession and has served therein steadily for sixty-four years. Judge George Hillyer, subject of this sketch, the second son of Junius Hillyer, is one of the best known lawyers of the south. The points noted above indicate that he has enjoyed a remarkable career, of which the full fruition has been achieved through an indomitable will and the sturdiest of determinations to succeed. JUDGE JAMES KOLLOCK HINES, of the law firm of Hines & Hale, was born on a farm in Burke county, Ga., Nov. 18, 1852. He remained here the first nine years of his life and spent his youth in Washington county, Ga. He attended the country schools located there, and by manual labor in connection with his studies acquired the robust constitution that adds vigor to manhood. He entered Emory college, at Oxford, Ga., during August, 1869, and after a record of close application graduated in 1872, with first honors and the degree of Arts Bachelor. From there he went to the law department of Harvard university in 1873, ^ud when the course was completed returned to Georgia, locating in Savan nah. In the "Forest City" he first undertook the study of law, continuing for four months of 1873, and then put out his "shingle" and prosecuted his profession until August, 1875, removing at that date to SandersviHe, Ga. In this town he resided sixteen years and came thereafter to Atlanta. On January 23, 1877, Judge Hines was appointed solicitor-general of the middle judicial circuit of Georgia by Gov. Alfred H. Colquitt, retaining this office four years. In October, 1884, he was elected to the legislature from Washington county, and served one term. By the general assembly he was chosen judge of the middle judicial circuit in November, 1886, and presided on that bench for four years. Judge Hines is a steward in the First Alethodist church of Atlanta, and a tireless worker for reHgious causes. He was married, first in January, 1879, to BeHe, daughter of the late Col. Thomas Evans of South Carolina. She died in 1884, leaving" two daughters. He was again married Dec. 28, 1885, to Cora L., daughter of the late Dr. William G. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 819 McBride of Washington county, Ga. By this last wife he has been blessed also with two daughters. Judge Hines had not taken a great interest in politics until the spring of 1894, when he was nominated by the populists to oppose the demo cratic nominee for Georgia's gubernatorial chair. Although defeated, he ran an excellent race, that was lauded for the high plan on which his campaign was con ducted. He did not appeal to the prejudices of the people, but considered only public questions and national issues. His speeches resulted in making a large number of new and stanch friends. He is a gifted orator, and on the "stump" is invincible. The arguments as presented by him are comprehensible and plain and convincing. His father was Joseph H. Hines, a native of Georgia. He was a farmer, a lumberman, a brave soldier in the latter half of the civil war and at one time occupied a seat in the legislature as representative from Burke county. He died in October, 1871. His grandfather was Howell Hines, a native of North CaroHna, and an extensive planter, who was, for a number of years, justice of the peace in Effingham county, Ga. His great-grandfather was David Hines, a Virginia gentleman who figured prominently in the revolutionary war. The Hines family is of Scotch-Presbyterian origin. The descendants emigrated to America from the north of Ireland. Judge Hines controls a large, extended practice. As a successful lawyer and courteous gentleman he is highly esteemed. J-JON. JOSEPH HIRSCH is one of the most distinguished exponents of Geor gia's Hebrew citizenship. Mr. Hirsch has accomplished more in behalf of true charity than any man in the state. He has not only given with a liberal hand to the enterprises of his own people, but in the illustration of the broadest public spirit, he has labored for the welfare of the whole community, including both Jew and Gentile. His magnificent contribution to the Grady hospital and his unremitting efforts in behalf of that institution have made it a lasting monument to his memory, and his services will be gratefully remembered as long as the Grady hospital con tinues to perform its mission of charity. Though Mr. Hirsch has been identified with this country to such a marked extent as to suggest an American nativity, he is nevertheless of foreign birth. He was born in the German empire in 1845, and the entire period of his boyhood was spent under the flag of that country. His father was a very successful merchant, and the influence of parental example, as well as the instinct of heredity, had much to do with the character of Mr. Hirsch and with his subsequent career as a business man. Even at school his ideas were suggestive of the business aptitude that was destined to distinguish him in later life, and it was only by exercising the greatest amount of effort that he succeeded in fixing his mind upon his text books. Germany, at this time, though one of the foremost countries of Europe, was not by any means as attractive to the ambitious young man as the republic beyond the waters, and, after reaching the age of mature decision, Mr. Hirsch resolved to cast his lot in the new world. He believed that fortunes could be achieved with greater ease in America than in Germany, and "accordingly in i860, being still a mere lad, he purchased a ticket and embarked for the shores of this country. In due course of time he arrived in New. York, only to find the country agitated and disturbed by the imminence of civil war. It was out of the question for him to return home, and he had no alternative but to face the perils of the situation. He remained in the north for only a short while. Coming directly to Georgia, he settled in the little town of Marietta, Ga., a cultured and enterprising center of business activity, and remained there for a while in the capacity of a clerk. Leaving Marietta he went to Acworth, a few miles to the north, where one of his older brothers was engaged in business. Here he remained for several months, but realizing that his business education was deficient, in respect g20 1 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. to the peculiar methods of this country, he set out for PhHadelphia, Penn., in order to perfect himself in bookkeeping. He entered one of the principal business colleges of that city, and after several months of diligent application, he left the college an accomplished bookkeeper. He first stopped at "Wheeling, W. Va., but he was not satisfied with that place and he came on to Atlanta. He arrived in that city in 1867. It was then suffering from the ravages of Gen. Sherman and was lying prostrate in the dust and ashes. He recognized the fact, however, that Atlanta was destined to become the business center of the south, and for that reason he decided to cast his fortunes in that city. Under the firm name of M. & J. Hirsch he and his brother organized a clothing establishment, and continued to operate in that line of business until the firm was recognized as the leading wholesale and retail clothing establishment in the city. In 1878 the retail feature of the business was dropped and they entered the wholesale trade exclusively. The success of these sterling business men was achieved by the adoption and rigid enforcement of simple rules of faithful attention to b.usiness, and square, honest and open-handed methods in dealing with the large trade that came to them in the course of years, Mr. Hirsch first came into public notice as a friend of charity, at the beginning of the movement to erect a Hebrew orphans' home. In addition to a handsome sum of money, he gave to that enterprise the unstinted labor of a whole year. The success of this movement was no sooner assured than a similar enterprise was inaugurated for the erection of the Grady hospital. Mr. Hirsch had been a warm, personal friend of Mr. Grady, and no man in Atlanta was more anxious to per petuate the fame and memory of that lamented Georgian than Mr. Hirsch. The proposition to erect a city hospital pleased Mr. Hirsch, and he decided to do all in his power to insure the success of this movement. Notwithstanding his contribu tion to the Hebrew Orphans' home he donated a magnificent sum to the Grady hospital and gave the movement a splendid start. But his interest in the hospital did not cease with this monetary assistance. He became the life and center of the movement; he engineered the work, and devoted himself night and day to the success of this great enterprise. He was frequently dismayed by the outlook, but in spite of discouraging circumstances, the building was finally completed and dedicated to the cause of charity. The hospital has grown into one of the leading institutions of the south, and the fame of Mr. Hirsch has spread throughout the length and breadth of the country. A large crayon portrait of Air. Hirsch is one of the ornaments of the public reception room of the Grady hospital. Among the distinguished men who. have sounded the praises of Mr. Hirsch is Thomas Nelson Page, the brilliant autjior In every part of the land the name of this good and useful citizen and friend of charity is mentioned with honor. Air Hirsch has always evinced a deep interest in the public schools of Atlanta, and for years has been an influential and active member of the board of education. He frequently visits the schools and is a great favorite with the teachers and children. Two or three years ago Mr. Hirsch was elected to a seat in the city council. He made a - watchful servant of the people and espoused every movement that sought to pro mote the welfare of the city. He served on various important committees, and such was the excellent record made by him in thatlDody that recently, as a compli ment to his ability, he was elected to a seat on the aldermanic board. In this. capacity Mr. Hirsch has continued to serve the city with marked zeal and fidelity. He is chairman of the committee on sewers, and is also a meniber of the commit tees on printing and schools. He is now interested in the erection of the Alabama street bridge, and proposes to agitate and urge the matter until the bridge is eventu ally erected. Mr. Hirsch is fond of his home fireside and has an interesting family, composed of a wife and three children, as foHows : Lala, wife of A. L. Weil of PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. §21 Savannah; Jacob H., and Milton. Surrounded by these he forgets the cares and vexations of the business world, and is conscious only of the happiness that belongs to an ideal and loving household. J^R. ARTHUR G. HOBBS, a leading oculist and aurist of Atlanta, was born in the Blue Grass state of Kentucky, about forty years ago. His father, an ardent student of medicine, and a long experienced practitioner, desired that his son should assume the responsibilities of the same profession. From his earHest years he manifested an inclination for this science and that he should select it as his life mission seemed only natural. After completing his academic studies he entered Center coHege, and then went to the medical department of the LouisviHe iiniversity and after a three years' course, graduated with honors. His ambition was to finally confine himself to eye, ear and throat work when he had gained sufficient experience as a general practitioner, so he moved to Petersburg, Ind., about fifty miles from his old home, where he prosecuted a general practice for three or four years, when he went to New York to perfect his knowledge of the eye, throat and ear. WhHe there he had valuable experience in the hospitals of the city, for being a close observer his information rapidly increased. He studied under the eminent physicians, Drs. Noyes, Agnew, Bosworth, Heitzman and Mittendorf. Dr. Hobbs came to Atlanta in 1881, a total stranger, unacquainted with any citizen of the state. His genial disposition and warm-hearted courtesy soon attracted friends, and a character that association appreciates retained them. He built up, in an incredibly short time, a large, lucrative practice, and ranks to-day with the leading physicians of the city. He was elected to the chair of the "eye, ear and throat' in the Southern Medical coHege of Atlanta. For ten years he served in this capacity- and resigned only because his practice occupied his full time. He was respected and esteemed by the faculty and students. Dr. Hobbs was elected president of the American Rhinological association that met in Chicago during 1891, being the youngest of its presidents, and the only one from the south. He is a member of many organizations and societies composed of the ablest physicians of the country, and all will testify to his thorough capability and superior skHl. Dr Hobbs possesses literary talent in connection with his many mental inclinations. He frequently contributes articles to the foremost scientific publications of the day, and reads assiduously both current and classic Hterature. Leisure hours invariably find him in his spacious library. In 1882 he was married to Lillie Hendricks, niece of Hon. Thomas A. Hen dricks of IndianapoHs, a sweet and charming lady who guides his home affairs with queenly grace and devotion. Dr. Hobbs rarely leaves his office to visit patients except in cases of consultation or to perform operations. Scores crowd his reception room daily and an idle moment during his office hours is a rare thing. He has amassed a competency from his energetic endeavors. Dr. Hobbs is one of the shining lights of the medical fraternity. His record in the past twelve years has hardly a duplicate. JOSES BILLINGTON SANDERS HOLMES. At irregular intervals of time there appears in one or more of the fields of human thought and endeavor, individuals of conspicuously distinguishing characteristics — natural gifts of a high order; and, Hke most precious and highly prized gems, they come from localities and surroundings whence they were least looked for or expected. A moment's thought on the part of the inteHigent reader wiH bring to mind scores of such instances. Joses B. S. Holmes, Atianta, one of the most eminent physicians in Geor gia, if not in the Union, is the son of Dr J. B. S. and E. J. Holmes, of Early county. 822 1 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Ga., where he was born May i, 1852. His father was a physician of skiH and success, and was held in the highest esteem in his profession and as a citizen. Dr. Holmes received his elementary education during his boyhood days at the Blakely academy, and when about fifteen years of age engaged as a clerk in a dry goods store. A year or so later — early in 1868 — ^he went to Morgan county, Ga., and remained there eighteen months as the private pupil of Col. Thomas A. Moody, paying for his tuition by superintending his instructor's farm. In 1869 he went to Rome, Ga., where he began the study of medicine under the direction of his uncle. Dr. G. W. Holmes, and Dr. J. B. Underwood, who were practicing together. In 1870-71 he attended lectures at the Jefferson Medical college, Philadelphia, but although he attained to extraordinary proficiency he was refused a diploma on account of his extreme youth (nineteen years), his age being under Jefferson's graduation limit Nothing daunted he proceeded to Atlanta and entered the Atlanta Medical college, from which he was graduated that same year at the head of his class — receiving the first honor. If his age was suspected it was not hinted, as the faculty were only too glad to graduate one so brilliant, and who then gave promise of that pre-eminence in the profession which he has already achieved, with the further promise of yet grander achievements in the future. Returning to Rome $2,500 in debt, he was accepted by his uncle as a partner, and they practiced together until 1873, when the distinguished Dr. Robert Battey was received into the firm, the style of which was Holmes, Battey & Holmes. This was unquestionably one of the strongest medical firms in the state, if not in the country; whose fame spread far and wide, but was dissolved by the temporary removal of Dr. Battey to Atlanta. Since then these three distinguished physicians have practiced alone. Not satisfied with what he had accomplished, and ambitious of attaining the highest excellence in knowledge, and in the practice of his pro fession, and also craving a diploma from Jefferson Medical college, he attended another course of lectures at that great institution in the session of 1876-77, and secured the diploma denied him six years before. After eight years of continuously successful practice in Rome, still hungry for more knowledge of the theory and practice of his profession, he went to New York, where, during the winter of 1884-85 he attended the New York Polyclinic, leaving there with the added distinction of an honorable diploma from that far-famed institution. He was now as completely equipped as he could possibly be with the profoundest theories and experienced practical application of them, and settled down, as he thought and purposed, permanently in Rome. His patients and his marvelous successes multi plied, his fame spread, and prosperity crowned his intense devotion to his profession and assiduous attention to his patients. His success marks the triumph of superior inteHectuality centered upon one object or pursuit, and well-directed persistent energy. His whole heart and soul were in his work. His one-time partner, Dr. Battey, himself one of the greatest of physicians, said of Dr. Holmes : "He would be a physician if there had never been a text book on medicine. Nature made him a doctor." Recognizing the endowment and the consequent responsibility, he has used his utmost exertions to perfect himself in his profession. The increase of his patients, scattered far and near, demanding a more central position with greater facilities of intercommunication by mail, determined him to locate in Atlanta, which he did about two years ago, where he has established an infirmary, whose unprecedented success has demonstrated his sound business judgment, no less than his extraordinary skill. His recent connection (1895) with the very critical case of Gov. W. Y. Atkinson of Georgia, in which he was a welcome co-labbrer with some of the most distin guished physicians and surgeons in the south, corroborated the high estimate FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 823 placed upon his scientific knowledge and practical abihty. In Rome Dr. Holmes was not only highly esteemed as a physician, but as a sagacious, far-seeing, public- spirited citizen. He was prominently connected with the various enterprises calculated to build up the city — the land improvement and street railway com panies — and especially the Chattanooga, Rome & Columbus railway, to which President Williamson said he furnished the original inspiration. In the prime of mature manhood, possessed of robust health and the affection of the thousands he has restored to health, always learning", and ambitious to an extreme, he has before him a future of usefulness and the attainment of honorable fame seldom equaHed. Dr. Holmes was married June 26, 1873, to Miss Addie M., daughter of Judge A. P. and Mary A. Allgood, of Trion, Chattoo.sra Co., Ga., a union which has been blessed with one child, who bears the name of Andrew Allgood. J-JON. JAAIES S. HOOK has had a distinguished career in law, literature and public life. Endowed with natural vigor of both body and mind and possess ing a genial spirit, it was only necessary for him to cultivate these gifts and to have suitable opportunities in order to attain distinction. With considerable industry, he exercised himself through life in securing a large fund of knowledge, and has filled with ability all positions to which he has been called. His family on the paternal side, so far as can be traced into early English times, were called Hoces, then Hocks, then Hooke, the final letter of the last name being left off in the modern spelHng On the maternal side, the Schley family, which has been con spicuous in Georgia history, came originally from a German house of distinction. Judge Hook's father was Dr. Daniel Hook, an eminent physician, minister, and one of the former mayors of the city of Augusta; and his mother was Catherine Schley, sister of Gov. WiHiam Schley. His birthplace was Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ga., and his early education was obtained in Richmond academy, at Augusta, Ga., a school of high grade, which still preserves its reputation. He then read law with George Schley, and after graduation from the law school of William Tracy Gould, was examined before Judge John Schley, presiding in the superior court of Richmond county; but as he was not yet eighteen years of age, his admission to the bar was secured by a special act of the legislature. Thus almost before the close of his boyhood he began to practice his profession in Sandersville, Ga. There were great men at the bar in those days. Crawford, Holt, Schley, Gould, Henr}' Cumming, Longstreet and immediately after them Starnes, Johnson, Stephens, Toombs, Andrew AIiHer"and the Hke. These great men were the immediate pre decessors of that distinguished bar which nioved in column with Hook. The young attorney's first case was a suit in chancery, in which he drew a bill to force a settiement of an estate. This bill yvas filed in the Richmond supreme court before his removal to Sandersville. The case was somewhat noted by the compHmentary remark of Judge Gould, his preceptor, that it was the shortest bill on record, and also for the protracted litigation for many years after it was gained. The State vs. Clark was another famous case in which the judge displayed in a marked degree his ability to move court, jury and court house audience. Clark was an Irish lad far away from home, friendless and poor, now charged in the indictment with larceny of $600. The evidence, his own confession, showed the money in the boy's possession, but he said he found the pocketbook in the road, and in defense it was urged that it was not stolen, but found and appropriated. The prosecutor was a man of wealth, the lad was friendless, the indications were that he would be con victed, but Hook believed the young Irishman to be innocent, and espoused his cause in a speech of such argument and appeal as to carry with him court, jury and crowd. The jury retired just long enough to write the verdict "Not guilty." 824 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and when it was read the crowd applauded the decision. In the political divisions of i860 Judge Hook followed the fortunes of Douglas, and was chosen one of the electors on the Douglas democratic ticket, canvassing a considerable part of the state for his favorite. Upon the secession of Georgia he was elected to the first legislature of 1861, under the new government, and served at the time when great wisdom was required in preparing the state for the existing war. One of the meas ures which he introduced and warmly advocated, and which passed the house, but was lost in the senate, was the biH providing for the purchase of aH cotton by the state by an issue of state currency for that purpose. While a member, of this legislature in the faH of 1862, he was unexpectedly nominated by Gov. Brown to the judgeship of the Middle Georgia circuit, and the senate confirmed the nomina tion, which office he filled with ability for something over four years, part of the time in the Confederacy and part in the United States. From the bench in 1867 he returned to the bar and resumed the practice of his profession. One other very noted case of this period in which he more than sustained his reputation for for ensic oratory was the State vs. Pounds; murder; Hook for the State and Alex. Stephens for the defendant The case was tried in Hancock superior court, and is well remembered on account of the public interest in it, the court room being crowded with people, many distinguished persons being present, and also a large number of ladies. The speech of Mr Stephens was as usual characterized by the -unequaled abilities of that eminent juris-consult He was followed by Judge Hook in a concluding argument of three hours for the prosecution, which Linton Stephens, Bishop Pierce and other good judges pronounced to be one of the ablest and most effective speeches they had ever heard delivered before a jury. Col. Richard M. Johnston in a speech said of Judge Hook: "As a lawyer he early exhibited the genius he inherited from a distinguished family. A laborious stu dent and practitioner, a judicious counselor, an eloquent orator, the people ¦elevated him to the bench when still in youth, and the career he made while there may be compared with that of the best of this or any former period of the judiciary of his native state. In the midst of purely professional work, he was ever fond of literary studies. In the interstices of a large practice he studied the literature of his own and foreign countries, and though one of the most distinguished lawyers of the state, he was never content with only the name of lawyer." The literary work referred -to was chiefly in contributions on current questions for the pubhc press, addresses and orations, with occasionally a poem. Among these may be mentioned his "Law and order letters,'' iu which he took issue with Mr. Stephens on the policy of the democratic party as to the support of Greeley for president 'Other important letters were a series on the financial situation, in which he showed why the agricultural classes were becoming poorer, notwithstanding their indus try. In these writings he vigorously opposed the national banking system, and as a democrat advised the issuance of currency commonly caHed greenbacks, but more properly redeemable treasury notes. About the date of these letters he was offered the "Greenback" nomination for congress, but declined on the ground that he purposed to discuss existing issues inside the democratic party. Two of his orations attracted special attention; one on "Woman and Truth," at the Wesleya:i Female college; the other on the "Bible and Republicanism," at Oglethorpe university. A few years ago Judge Hook was appointed state school commis sioner, and filled the office for a term, during which his speeches increased the public interest of the people in public school education. "Without retiring from the bar Judge Flook has given valuable attention lately to business entrusted to him by the general government. His home and office are now in Atlanta. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. ?25 JUDGE JOHN L. HOPKINS. One of the most distinguished members of the Georgia bar, noted alike for his extensive legal acquirements and for the purity of his exalted character, is Judge John L. Hopkins, of Atlanta. A profound and accurate knowledge of the law, derived from years of patient study and appHcation, have given to Judge Hopkins a commanding influence and prestige at the bar that few members of the- profession have ever attained. Endowed by nature with a mind peculiar in its fitness both for the m-editations of the law and for the main tenance, in controversial issues, of its great underlying" principles, the success of Judge Hopkins at the bar was distinctly foreshadowed in the beginning of his practice, and his career of public and professional service has only fulfilled the prophecy of his talents. For several years Judge Hopkins occupied the bench of the Atlanta circuit, and the peace and good order prevailing in that community to-day is largely the result of his fearless and rigorous administration of the law. He had no sooner donned the judicial ermine and entered upon the discharge of his duties as the guardian of the rights and liberties of his fellow citizens, than he gave the violators of law to understand that all vice and immorality must cease — at least in their external and flagrant manifestations — and that he would not leave a stone unturned until every criminal was brought to justice and punished. The courage, decision of character and tireless energy that marked the judicial conduct of Judge Hopkins during this critical period of Atlanta's history, have made him one of the greatest factors in the promotion of her peace and tranquillity. The memory of his service on the bench will be gratefully perpetuated by all the succeeding generations of that city. Judge Hopkins was born in the little village of Madisonville, in the state of Tennessee, on Sept 24, 1828. His boyhood days were spent in that imiuiediate neighborhood and his education was obtained in the common schools of that vicinity, including a term of three years at the Hiwassee college, located in Alonroe county. After completing his literary studies he decided, in the gratification of a long-cherished desire, to enter the practice of law. Accordingly he began to read under the careful advice and direction of his uncle, H. H. Stephens, who superintended his preparations for the bar. Having access to a good Hbrary and to the sound legal information of his uncle, who was a learned and able practitioner, he soon acquired the elementary principles of the profession, and was admitted to tiie bar in 1847, at the early age of nineteen. Forming a partnership with Hon. D. M. Key, who was subsequently appointed postmaster- general of the United States, under the administration of President Hayes, he entered upon the active, and, from the start, successful practice of his profession. In 1857 this partnership was dissolved; young Hopkins removing to Chattanooga, Tenn., and locating, for the practice of law, in that city. He remained in Chatta nooga, practicing alone, until 1863. The vicissitudes of the civil war interfered ¦ for a while with the prosecution of his practice, but after its ravages had ceased and good order was again restored the young practitioner located in Atlanta in 1865. 'The poverty of the people at that time made clients scarce and remuneration uncertain, but patiently adhering to his profession he steadily forced his way to the front and soon controlled the largest general practice in the city. In 1870, on the resignation of Judge John D. Pope, he was elevated to the bench of the Atianta circuit. At this time the city was disturbed and harassed by quite a number of lawless characters who made no secret of their evil doings, but openly defied the courts and sneered at the entreaties of law-abiding cftizens. It required a courage of no ordinary man to brave the perils of the situation, but the iron firmness of Judge Hopkins was equal to the responsibility of his position. He met the ordeal with unflinching nerve and in cool defiance of the mob who threatened to visit him with personal violence and possibly assassination, he 826 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. administered the law without regard for persons. By his fearless conduct he earned the gratitude of all classes in the community and during his official tenure, the voice of criticism was never raised against him and no one could charge him with a single motive that dimmed the splendor of his reputation. Judge Hopkins remained on the bench for six years in spite of the meager salary that was paid him for his judicial services. He then resumed the active practice of his profession. In giving up his large clientage to serve the public on rhe bench Judge Hopkins made a great sacrifice of his personal and private interests, but no selfish motive ever swayed him when the welfare of the pubhc needed his assistance and a sense of duty urged him to obey. If there is one characteristic that is more conspicuous than another in the public career of Judge Hopkins, as emphasized by his long and faithful service, it is a cheerful willingness at aH times to subordinate his own selfish interests to the higher good and happiness of the community. In this respect his career should be an example and an inspiration. In 1893, as a compliment to his ability and learning. Judge Hopkins was appointed by Gov. Northen, under the advice and approval of the supreme court, chairman of the commission to codify the laws of Georgia. His associates in this important undertaking were Hon. Clifford Anderson, of Macon, Ga., ex-attorney-general of the state, and Mr. Joseph R. Lamar, of Augusta, Ga., one of the brightest of the younger members of the profession. The importance of the work assigned to this brilliant trio of lawyers is self-apparent It required extensive information and the qualifications of the best legal talent in the state in addition to great physical strength and perseverance to meet the requirements of this important legal duty. In spite of his rare qualifications for public service Judge Flopkins has never entered the political arena nor sought preferment of any kind. He has been content to serve in the ranks and to perform the duty of a private citizen without display or ostentation. During the war, as a volunteer in the Confederate service, Judge Hopkins served under Col. R. J. Morgan for several months but his career as a soldier was not extensive. Judge Hopkins belongs to the member ship of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is also a Mason. In 1853 Judge Hopkins married Miss Mary E. Cooke, the daughter of Dr. Robert F. Cooke, a native of Tennessee. They have four children living, two of them, Charles T. and Linton C. Flopkins, being in partnership with their father, under the firm name of John L. Hopkins & Sons. This firm is employed in much of the important Htiga- tion in Atlanta. The father of Judge Hopkins, for whom he was named, was a man of liberal education and of great wealth. He was a native Georgian and a man of commanding- influence in his day and generation. QAPT. EVAN P. HOWELL, who has for so long been identified with the "Atlanta Constitution," is a native of Forsyth (now Alilton) county, Ga. At the age of twelve years he moved with his father's family to Atlanta, and learned telegraphy under the direction of D. U. Sloan, and was the first student of this science in Atlanta. He entered and passed with distinction through the common schools of Warsaw and Atlanta, entering the Georgia Alilitai-y institute at Marietta in 1855. After completing a two-years' course he went to SandersviHe, Ga., read law until the end of 1858, and was then enrolled among the Lumpkin law school matriculates at Athens, Ga. A year later his active practice was commenced, but continued only a few weeks before the bomb of disunion exploded. He enlisted in the First Georgia regiment as orderly-sergeant, and was appointed a lieutenant before the expiration of a month. Later he accepted the rank of first lieutenant, and before a second year had remodeled the company and was honored by election to its captaincy. From service under Jackson in A^irgiiiia he was transferred to PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 827 the western army in time to engage in the struggle of Chickamauga. In the retreat from Laurel hill Mr. Howell and his men realized that they were lost. Their sufferings and anxieties were intense; hunger, thirst, and privations of every kind menaced them. It was only the voice and courage and energy of Capt. Howell that led them at last back to civilization and home. He served mainly in Clai borne's division of the western army until the war closed. When the conflict finally ceased he began farming and pursued this vocation two years. In 1868 he became city editor of the "Atlanta Intelhgencer," remained a year and resumed with renewed ambition the practice of his profession. He was selected chairman of the democratic committee of Fulton county and gave vigorous efforts for the reorganization of the party and the maintenance of principles. For two years he supported the municipal government as a member of the city councH. During two years Capt. Howell acted as solicitor-general in the Atlanta circuit, and with the aid of the eminent and noble Judge John L. Hopkins succeeded in suppressing much of the lawlessness — murder, theft, and every form of guilt that could threaten and permeate a young and growing city. Capt. Howell was elected to the state senate in 1873, 3-ud re-elected for a second term. He was a delegate at large to the St Louis, Cincinnati and Chicago national democratic conventions, and in each served on the committee on resolutions. President Cleveland in recogni tion of his invaluable services tendered him the consulship to Manchester, England, which he declined. By Gov. McDaniel, in 1888, he was appointed capitol com missioner, serving on the commission which built Georgia's new capitol, complet ing the building and turning back into the state treasury a part of the appropriation of $1,000,000. Capt. Howell's indomitable spirit in demanding that the state capitol be located in Atlanta and his tireless efforts to effect this end will never be forgotten by the people. His editorials were able, his arguments clear and con vincing, and his good humor irresistible. In 1876 Capt. Howell, after purchasing a controlling share, became editor-in-chief of the "Atlanta Constitution." How this paper has prospered, and bears to-day the current topics of the world through out the south, materially develops Atlanta and incidentally all these states and cities beyond our borders, is known to every child. He was elected to the legis lature in 1894 'while absent from home and not a candidate for office, and is also director of the Cotton States and International exposition. Capt. Howell is not only a journalist of rare ability, but an orator whose eloquence is often heard encouraging the youth of Georgia, and a patriot whose heart is filled with the love and devotion of his countrymen. J-JON. CLARK HOWELL, editor-in-chief of the "Atianta Constitution," was born in Barnwell district, S. C, Sept. 21, 1863. During 1820 his great-grand father came to Georgia and located in Milton county. His father is Capt. E. P. Howell, one of the most prominent figures in Georgia politics, and one of Atlanta's pioneer citizens, who has been identified with her development and the growth of her many enterprises. His mother's maiden name was Julia Erwin, a woman possessing the attributes that form an ideal character. Young Howell came to Atlanta while a boy and entered the public schools, passing with credit through the successive grades. After completing his course here he became a student at the state university at Athens, Ga., applied himself diligently to the tasks assigned in the learning of literature and science, and graduated with distinction in the spring of 1883. Manifesting a decided talent for journalism, and wielding a pen of force and power even at that immature age, he went to New York and accepted the position of reporter on the "Times," and later served another newspaper apprenticeship on the "Philadelphia Press." A year or two later he returned south 828 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. to his home in Atlanta and became in 1884 night editor of the "Constitution'' under Henry W. Grady, whose assistant as managing editor he became in 1887, at a time when Mr. Grady was so occupied as an orator as to be away from home much of the time. When this patriot and peerless gentleman passed away Mr. Howell was made managing editor, and has held the position as a worthy successor of "the foremost Atlantian." Before reaching his majority Mr. Howell was nominated to the state legislature -and elected a few days later. He was re-elected in 1888 and 1890, and chosen speaker of the house for the term of 1890-91, being the youngest legislative presiding officer in the United States. In 1892 he was elected as Georgia's member of the national democratic executive committee for four years, and in 1894, at the annual convention of the International League of Press clubs, he was unanimously elected as the president of that repre sentative press organization, succeeding Col. John A. Cockerell, of New York. Having achieved these remarkable successes at so early an age is highly indicative of his intellectual stamina and indomitable energy. As a parliamentarian he is ready, concise and skillful, as a speaker, fluent and eloquent, and as a writer, bril liant and convincing. Mr. Howell was married in 1887 to Hattie Barrett, a charm ing young lady of Augusta, Ga. This union has been blessed with two daughters and one son. The HoweHs came over from Wales in 1650, settled in North Caro lina and their descendants fought gallantly in the revolutionary war. QOL. W. H. HULSEY. One of the most distinguished citizens of Atlanta and a lawyer of marked professional attainments is Col. WHHam H. Hulsey. Col. Flulsey was born on a farm in De Kalb county on Oct i, 1839. His grandfather, Jennings Hulsey, was a native of Virginia, "but immigrated with his parents to South Carolina when still a mere child. He afterward came to Georgia and mar ried Miss Rebecca Pate. He died in De Kalb county in 1852. The pioneers of the Hulsey family in America came from England. EH J. Hulsey, the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Jasper county, Ga., in 1812. He spent the greater portion of his life in agricultural pursuits, though, for several years before the war, he was engaged in the mercantile business in Atlanta. He married Aliss Charlotte ColHer, the daughter of Alerrill CoHier, of North Carolina, and ten children resulted from this union: Mary J., widow of Marcus A. BeH; William II., the subject of this sketch; Rebecca, wife of WiHiam C. Sanders; Laura, wife of Thomas J. Flake; Charlotte E., wife of Henry H. Loften; Augustus J.; Alice, wife of Eugene Flake; Lulu, wife of Thomas J. Hooks; John, and Hayden. Augustus J. Hulsey died in 1884. He was a gallant soldier during the late war, leaving the Georgia military institute at Marietta, Ga., in 1861 to enter the Confed erate army. He served under Gen. Johnston until the war closed, participating in all the engagements of that command. The mother of Col. Hulsey died in 1886. This sore bereavement was closely followed by his father's death in 1888. After spending his early boyhood days in De Kalb county, obtaining his primary educa tion at the old-field schools of that district, the subject of this sketch came to Atlanta with his parents in 1850. The remainder of his education was derived from the schools of that city. He was preparing to enter coHege when financial dis asters overtook his father in business and prevented him from realizing his cher ished ambition. At the age of fifteen he began to clerk in a shoe store in Atianta, occupied the position for about a year and then gave it up for a place in a clothing store. Leaving this position he clerked in a dry goods store for about a year, after which he commenced the study of law in the office of Ezzard & 'Collier, two of the most distinguished members of the legal profession, both of whom are now dead. The subject of this sketch was admitted to the bar in 1859, and moved directiy to PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 829 Alitchell county to engage in the practice of his profession. He was allowed to practice for only a few months, however, as the declaration of war between the states put a stop to business of every kind. In April, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company F of the Sixth Georgia infantry, commanded by Col. Alfred H. Col quitt, subsequently United States senator. Soon after enlistment the young soldier was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, and served in that capacity for about a year. In the spring of 1862, while at home on a furlough, he was elected major of the Forty-second Georgia infantry, and a year later he was still further promoted to the rank of Heutenant-colonel A short time before the close of the war Col. R. J. Henderson, who commanded the regiment, was made a brigadier- general, and Col. Hulsey was placed in command of the Forty-second Georgia, one of the bravest regiments in the field. The war ended, however, before he received his formal commission. At Perryville, Ky., Col. Hulsey commanded the rear guard, in the retreat through that state, and mounted his command by cap turing a regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry. He was in the battles fought at Big Bethel, Va.; Tazewell, Tenn.; Big HiH, Ky.; Chickasaw Bayou, Miss.; Baker's Creek; Siege of Vicksburg; Lookout Mountain; Resaca, in which engagement he was severely wounded; and the battle of July 22, near Atlanta. The capture of the famous De Grest Battery has caused the Forty-second regiment to be repre sented in the cyclorama of the battle of Atlanta, on exhibition at Grant park, near the site of the old battle grounds. At the battle of Jonesboro, on July 28, 1864, Col. Hulsey commanded a brigade on the left of Atlanta during the battle. In the fol lowing December he commanded the advance guard of Gen. Hood's infantry, driving the Federal pickets at Nashville to the shelter of the guns at Fort Negley. Col. Hulsey also participated in the bloody engagements at Franklin and Nash ville. He was severely wounded in the latter fight, but notwithstanding his disa bility he commanded the rear guard on Hood's retreat for a day and a night until reHeved. He was also in the fight at Binniker's bridge, S. C, a few weeks before the surrender. Though only a beardless youth during all these bloody encoun ters, the comrades of Col. Hulsey describe him as a man who was absolutely without fear. While on the retreat from Baker's creek. Col. Hulsey and several of his command rode in the twilight into a party of Federals at Black's station. They called upon the little band to stop ; but Col. Hulsey, fully realizing that refusal to obey meant almost certain death, defiantly refused, and riding off, under the fire of the enemy, escaped. While riding away from the Federal force at full speed. Col. Hulsey came suddenly upon his own command, which had been augmented by about 400 stragglers — making altogether about 1,000 men, who, seeing him riding down upon them, thinking that he was a Federal officer lead ing a cavalry charge, opened fire on him, and he ran the gauntlet of hundreds of buHets, not one of which touched him. His horse having by this time become perfectly frantic, had the bit in his teeth, and as he went careering down the road a Confederate soldier, belonging to an Arkansas regiment, seeing him and think ing he was a Federal, fired at him from a distance of not more than thirty feet, cut ting a lock of hair from his head. Just then Col. Hulsey's identity was discovered. and a cheer went up from his men that testified their joy at his escape. Many narrow escapes, similar to the foregoing, might be recorded. After the war Col. Hulsey was united in marriage to Miss Marion Bateman, daughter of Claiborn Bateman of Georgia. For several months he resided in Houston county, but sub sequently returning to Atlanta he formed a law partnership with his old pre ceptor, Hon. William Ezzard. He was soon after elected solicitor-general of the Coweta circuit, and filled that office for eighteen months. He was then removed by the republican governor, Rufus B. Bullock, for partisan reasons, after which 830 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. he resumed the active practice of his profession with his law partner. In 1869 Col. Hulsey was elected mayor of Atlanta and held that office for one term, declin ing re-election. He was the youngest mayor and one of the best that ever pre sided over the affairs of that city. In 1878 Col. Hulsey was elected to a seat in the lower branch of the general assembly. During his term of service he was a member of the general judiciary committee, and the committee on railroads, which framed the famous Georgia railroad commission biH ; Col. Hulsey being chairman of the sub-committee that reported it. In 1883 the subject of this sketch was again honored by his fellow-citizens by a seat in the legislature. During this session he was chairman of the special judiciary committee of the house. In November, 1893, Col. Hulsey was prevailed upon to enter the race for congress in the Fifth dis trict. Though in the race for only ten days prior to the nomination he made a brilliant fight and was defeated by Col. L. F. Livingston by only 116 votes in the county which would determine the contest. Col. Hulsey is a member of the board of education and one of the most active, influential workers in that body. He is the president of the National Railway Building and Loan association, and is interested in various other enterprises. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, is a master Mason, and a consistent member of the Methodist church. During his term of office as mayor of the city the present public school system was established, the first estabhshed in Georgia, if not in the south. Col. Hulsey has six children living as follows: Eli B., WilHam E., Marion, Fred, Eula, and Luther. He lost his eldest daughter, Hallie, the wife of Clyde L. Brooks, only a short while ago. In public and private life Col. Hulsey has always been a model citizen, and he has ever been ready, both in peace and war, to discharge the full measure of his patriotic duty. QALVIN W. HUNNICUTT, hardware and stoves, Atianta, Ga., was born in Mecklenburg county, N. C, in 1827. When he was six years old his father moved to Montgomery county, N. C, and two years afterward migrated to Georgia and settled in Cobb county. Here he received a limited education — such as was obtainable at country schools at that period. At the age of twenty-one he came to Atlanta and engaged with the dry goods and clothing house of Haas & Levi as a clerk and continued with them five years. He then, with his fellow- clerk, John Silvey, formed the partnership of Hunnicutt & Silvey, with $500 capital embarked in the same line of business. They purchased as much as $15,000 worth of goods at a time on credit, and at once estabhshed a successful and profitable trade. At the end of six years the firm was dissolved, and Mr Hunnicutt went into the drug trade with James A. Taylor, under the firm name of Hunnicutt & Taylor, and continued in the business five years. Retiring from this firm, he was detailed by the Confederate government to duty in the ordnance and medical departments at Cuthbert and Atlanta. In 1862, the firm which then consisted of Mr. Hunnicutt, Leonard, Bellingrath and James A. Taylor, com menced the manufacture of alcohol for their trade, and soon after the Confederate government took charge of their manufactory, or rather permitted them to operate it, but the alcohol they manufactured was taken by the government. In 1863, Mr. Hunnicutt and Mr. Bellingrath bought out Mr. Taylor's interest and continued the business until 1865. Returning to Atlanta early in 1866 he engaged in brick making. Shortly afterward he formed a partnership with Leonard Bellingrath, an elder brother of his present partner, Albert Bellingrath, and went into the plumbing and gas-fitting business. Their combined capital was $350; and with this sum as a basis, one of the largest businesses in its line in the south has been estabhshed — to accommodate which a spacious, three-story store-house, besides C. W. HUNNICUTT. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 83 1 basement, has been built, and a stock averaging $70,000 carried. The firm does a very large business, is wealthy, and financially impregnable. Air. Hunnicutt is president of the Georgia stove works, established, and now in operation in Atlanta; and vice-president of the Atlanta Banking company. He has been elected a member of the general council of the city twice; and in 1881 was elected one of the county commissioners, and has been continued thirteen years, for eight of which he has been chairman of the board. In these positions his sound judgment and public spirit have been recognized, and practically manifested in his advocacy of measures adapted to promote the material and moral upbuilding of the city. Mr. Hunnicutt was married Dec. 3, 1857, to Miss Letitia A., daughter of Edwin Payne, who was a native of Virginia. Six children blessed this union: Luther L.; Mary, wife of A. H. Green, Atlanta; Joseph Edgar; Eddie P., wife of Dr C. O. Tyner, Atlanta; Letitia A., wfte of W. W. Drake, Atlanta; SaHie F., unmarried. Mrs. Hunnicutt died Sept 24, 1886. Mr Hunnicutt is a member of the Pioneer Citizen's society of Atlanta, a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the First Methodist church, of which he is a steward. J~)R. MILLER B. HUTCHINS, joint-owner, business manager and associate editor of the "Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal" was born in Greensboro, Ga., March 18, 1864, and very soon afterward was taken by his mother to Columbus, where she went to join his father, who was a Confederate officer. He spent the first six years of his life in Gwinnett and Forsyth counties, Ga., and then moved with his parents to luka, Miss., his parents both dying there within two years of that time. Young Hutchins was subsequently taken by his guardian. Col. N. L. Hutchins to Lawrenceville, Ga., and lived with him until 1879, when he went to the military school at Dahlonega, Ga., remaining there two years. He was then at Emory college at Oxford for a year, but on account of ill-health was obliged to leave before graduating. In 1883 he entered the Atlanta Medical coHege and graduated therefrom in March, 1886, with first honors, being also elected valedictorian of his class. From this time until the fall of 1887 he practiced his profession in his old home, LawrencevHle, Ga., coming at that time from that point to Atlanta and being appointed a demonstrator of anatomy pro tem in the Atlanta Medical college. Feb. 23, 1888, Dr. Hutchins was married to Miss Addie Davis, daughter of L. B. Davis, Savannah, Ga. Immediately after his marriage he went to New York and studied dermatology for three months in the schools of that city. He then served one year as assistant house physician in the New York Skin and Cancer hospital and as house physician for the following six months. Dec. I, 1889, he returned to Atianta and engaged in the practice of dermatology; and assisted in the business management of the "Atianta Medical and Surgical Journal" for two years. He then became active business manager. In 1889 he was appointed lecturer on dermatology in the Atlanta Medical college and three years later he was appointed demonstrator of anatomy and histology in the same institution, which position he still holds, together wfth the lectureship on der matology and syphHis. Dr. Huchins is a member of the State Medical association of Georgia, the Atianta Society of Medicine, the Tri-State (Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama) Aledical society and also of the Presbyterian church. His father was Andrew Jackson Hutchins, a lawyer and Confederate officer, who was born in Gwinnett county, Ga., and died in 1872, aged thirty-three years. He was married to Jennie, who died September, 1870, daughter of James Word, a native of Georgia, and a soldier in the war of 1812, who died in 1890, at the phenomenal age of ninety-four. Andrew Jackson Hutchins had four children, of whom three survive: Dr M. B. Hutchins, J. Nathan Hutchins, Hartford, Conn., archftect, 832 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and Amelia Hutchins Alexander, Atlanta. Dr. Hutchins' grandfather was Nathan L. Hutchins, who was born in South Carolina and moved to Georgia in 1820, at the age of twenty-one years. He died in 1870, having served in the Georgia legislature; and as judge of the western circuit of Georgia for eleven years, which latter office is now filled by his son, Nathan L. Hutchins. J~^R. CHARLES DAVIS HURT, one of the most successful physicians in Atlanta, is the son of Joel Hurt and was born in Russell county, Ala., July 26, 1843. His father was born in Putnam county, Ga., in 1813. He was a planter and owned large milling interests in Russell county, where he located in 1825. He served as sheriff of that county in 1830, was in the Seminole war in 1836. In 1838 married Miss Lucy Long, daughter of Nimrod Washington Long, a native Georgian. They had eleven children, of whom six grew up and three now survive: Dr. C. D. Hurt, EHsha F. Hurt of New York city, Joel Hurt president of the Atlanta Street Railroad company, president of the East Atlanta Land company, secretary of the Atlanta Home Insurance company, which he organized, and engaged in many other business enterprises. Henry N. Hurt, one of the brothers, served in the Forty-fifth Alabama regiment, and died at Tupelo, Miss., in 1862. E. P. Hurt was also in the Forty-fifth Alabama regiment, serving until July 22, 1864, when he was severely wounded at Atlanta. Dr. Hurts grandfather was Henry Hurt, who resided in Putnam county, Ga. Dr. Charles Davis Hurt N resided in Russell county from the time of his birth until 1861, receiving his education in the schools of that district In the latter year he entered the Con federate service, enlisting in an artillery company, principally com.posed of Russell county men, commanded by Robert A. Hardaway, who was afterward promoted to the rank of colonel in the artillery. Young Hurt served as a corporal for nine months, when he was discharged on account of illness. In April, 1862, he re- enlisted in the Forty-fifth Alabama regiment, Company B. After serving as a private for a few months he was transferred to a cavalry regiment commanded by Col. Haniion, with whom he served until the close of the war. During most of his service with the cavalry he was quartermaster-sergeant, and took part in the battle of Manassas and many minor engagements. At the close of the war Dr. Hurt came to Macon county, Ala., and there engaged in farming until 1869, when he began the study of medicine with Dr. B. F. Johnson at Notasulga, Macon Co., Ala. A year later he went to the Atlanta Aledical college, and in 1 87 1 to the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, graduating there the same year. He located at Notasulga for one year, and then practiced at Hurtsboro until 1884, when he removed to Columbus, Ga., and lived there eight years. During his residence there he served as president of the board of health, for seven years was a member of the school board, and for the same number of years was chairman of the board of stewards of St Luke's Methodist church. In October, 1892, Dr. Hurt came to Atlanta and is now vice-president of the Atlanta Society of Medicine, having been elected to that position for the term of one year, at the annual meeting of 1894. He is also a member of the Medical Society of Georgia, of which he is now a censor, chairman of the committee on programs, and very prominent in aH its councils. He affiHated long ago with the F. & A. Al., and was worthy master of Hurtsboro lodge, Hurtsboro, for several years during his residence at that point. He was also mayor of that city for one term. Dr. Hurt was married in July, 1863, to Mary Louisa Grant, daughter of John F. and Frances (Pollard) Cone. They have had eight children, of whom six are now living — three sons and three daughters : Charles D., cashier of Plant's bank, Macon, Ga., and partner in the insurance broking firm of Plant & Hurt, who married Anna PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. , 833 Roe Gray, daughter of James AI. Gray, Fort Valley, Ga.; George Nimrod, no-w residing in Macon, Ga. ; .Lulu, Lucy, John AV., and Mamie Alaud. Dr. Hurt was a member of the ninth international congress which met in Washington, D. C, in 1887, and is very prominent in professional as well as social circles, in which he is a universal favorite. J2)R. THOAIAS HENRY HUZZA was born in St Louis, AIo., Sept 12, 1863, and came to Atlanta with his parents, at the age of nine years. He was educated at the public schools of Atlanta, and -^fas graduated from the high school with the first honor. In 1879 '^^ entered Emory college at Oxford, Ga., from which he was graduated in 1883, having achieved the record of 100 in the standing of his class — the highest record for proficiency in study e^ver made in that institu tion. After finishing his course there he taught school for one year in Tennessee, and then came to Rome, Ga., where he commenced the study ol medicine under Dr. Robert Battey. In 1885 he entered the Jefferson Aledical coHege in Philadelphia, and was graduated in 1887. He returned to Rome, where he practiced one year, and assisted on the staff of Dr. Battey's private hospital. In the fall of 1888 he returned to Atlanta and entered upon the practice of his profession and has con tinued to the present time. Dr. Huzza is a member of the State Aledical associa tion, the Atlanta Society of Aledicine and the American Aledical association. In 1889 he served as "quiz master" in the Atlanta Aledical college. In 1890 he was chosen secretary of the Atlanta Society of Aledicine, and in 1890-1 he was lecturer on abdominal surgery in the Southern Aledical college. In 1890 he commenced the publication of, and edited, a medical journal in Atlanta, known as "The Dixie Doctor," which he conducted for three years. Dr. Huzza is a meniber of the F. & A. AI., and is a noble of Mystic Shrine (Yaavab Temple). He is past chancellor of Empire lodge. No. 47, Knights of Pythias, of Atlanta, and he is ex- treasurer of the LTniform Rank of Knights of Pythias, Gate Cfty division, No. 5. He is a member of Capital lodge. No. 60, I. O. O. F., and of Empire Encampment, I. O. O. P., and he is a communicant of Trinity Al. E. church (south). Dr. Huzza's father is Robert H. Huzza, who was born in Baltimore, Aid. He came to Atlanta in 1872, where he established the first trunk factory in the south. He retired from business in 1891. At the commencement of the late war he entered the Confederate service, enlisting at St. Louis in Col. Kelly's regiment. He served during two years and left the army in 1863. Joseph Huzza, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch (whose father came from Wales), was born in Baltimore, Md., and was a soldier in the Seminole war. M R. SAMUEL Al. INMAN, perhaps the best known and most highly esteemed citizen of Atlanta, was born at Dandridge, Jefferson Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1843, the son of S. W. and Jane Alartin Inman. His parents were members of a strong, earnest Presbyterian family, and after attending the primary schools located in and near his home he entered Princeton universfty and graduated with distinction after a commendable course of study. Just after emerging from this academical institution the clouds of civil war gathered over the country and he immediately enlisted in Company K of the First Tennessee cavalry, a part of Gen. Johnston's army. He served as a lieutenant of his company until the latter half of the war and was then detailed to special duty on the division staff. His conduct throughout these numerous campaigns was resolute, fearless and daring — that which finds the warmest co-operation in noble hearts. He gained the affection of his comrades and left behind a memory fragrant with deeds of gallantry and unselfish friend ship. With an honorable parole he went to Augusta, Ga., engaged in business for 1-53 834 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. a year and in the spring of 1867 moved to Atianta and has since resided there. In the same year he formed a partnership with his father under the firm name of S. W. Inman & Son, but during 1869 the firm was changed to S. M. Inman & Co., which stillexists. This is one of the largest cotton houses in the world, controlling the_ majority of the southern states and the entire commonwealth of Texas, in which a branch office is located. Mr. Inman, with a rare discernment, has fiHed every department of his enormous business with capable, competent men, and with a satisfaction of their integrity and faithful devotion to the interests of the enter prise, he finds much spare time for outside occupations. He has been connected with numerous important enterprises, and his encouragement is soHcited in almost every new venture of importance. He is a large stockholder in the Constitution Publishing company, owns a great amount of real estate, and has nearly a half million doHars invested in other interests of the city. He is a promi nent promoter of pubhc projects, and to each of Atlanta's expositions has given valuable support, both by wise counsel and broad liberality. He is a director in the Inman system of railroads, stretching from Richmond to Alontgomery, and Bristol to Savannah. He was largely instrumental in securing the appropriation by which the Technological school was erected and equipped; gave $5,000 fromi his own private resources, and secured from Atlanta $75,000 and an annuity of $2,500. He was appointed a member of the board of commissioners, and by his sagacious management the school has improved rapidly and acquired a powerful influence in this section of the Union. In an unassuming manner he gave $5,000 for the support of the Y. M. C. A., offered $10,000 to a hospital for both white and colored, and accepts every opportunity for doing good and spreading the spirit of charity among the people. Mr. Inman belongs to a family of financiers, embracing the qualities and virtues of greatness. His brothers, John H. Inman, of the firm of Inman, Swann & Co., New York, and Hugh T. Inman, capitalist Atlanta, are millionaires, admired and beloved by all who know them. Air Inman was married, in 1868, to Miss Jennie Dick, of Rome, Ga. She died in 1890, leaving two sons and a daughter He was married again, in 1893, to Aliss AlcPheters, a lovable lady of Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Inman is not an office-seeker, but any honor is in his power. The people would unanimously place him in any public position. His record as a pillar of Atlanta's prosperity and a gentleman of stainless honor is without reproach. Pligh-toned, magnanimous, and with a heart that appreciates the trials and sufferings of the poorer classes, he is loved by every station of society. He is an elder in the First Presbyterian church, and devotes much energy to i-eligious labors. Air. Inman is a wealthy man, but not sordid nor penurious, and occupies the handsomest residence in the city. A noble. Christian nature has guided and controlled his life. l-J UGH THEODORE INMAN, of the firm of Inman, Smith & Co., wholesale shoes and notions, and capitalist, of Atlanta, was born in Jefferson county, Tenn., and there he resided until eighteen years of age, receiving" his early educa tion in the town academy. In 1867 he removed to New A'ork city, entered the cotton exchange, and was associated with Messrs. Inman, Swann & Co., cotton dealers, for six or seven years. By cautious yet numerous speculations in the cotton traffic, he amassed a small fortune, and then came south again, locating in Savannah, Ga. He remained in the "Forest city" about three years, prosecuting the same business, gradually increasing his finances, and moved to Atlanta in 1876. Mr. Inman has been engaged in many enterprises. He built the Exposition cotton mills, and conducted their successful operation, and at the same time was engaged in the fertilizer and the cotton compress business. In 1892 he formed the FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 835- partnership that is now recognized as one of the strongest in the state. For several years he was director in the Central railroad, of Georgia, the Atlanta National bank, and is now director in the Home Insurance company, the Con stitution Publishing company, the Atlanta Trust and Banking company, president of the Franklin Publishing company, and controHer of the Kimball House com pany, of Atlanta. He has never coveted pubHc office, nor sought positions of notoriety. However, the people, knowing his ability as a financier and his power as a thinking man, insisted on his becoming a city councilman, and thereafter he was appointed chairman of the finance committee, and now wields the sceptre of economy and guarded policy over the municipal government. Mr. Inman is a deacon in the First Presbyterian church and superintendent of the Sunday school. He has always devoted much time to reHgious work, and has effected unlimited good by his generous endeavors. He was married, on May 23, 1871, to Miss Vandyke, of Athens, Tenn., daughter of Chancellor Vandyke. This union has been blessed with five children; those surviving are Josephine, Edward and Annie, wife of Mr. John W. Grant. Air. Inman is generally considered the wealthiest citizen of Atlanta, owning immense tracts of real estate and maintaining vast interests in numerous industries and corporations. From a poor, humble country boy, he has, by thrift, tenacity and perseverance, combated the hindrances that confront the American youth, and acquired affluence and social prestige. His character, manly in every fibre, embraces the attributes that command respect and accumulate friends. Virtue, strength of mind and body, vigilance, piety and a will power that surmounts all difficulties, have made his fortune and his name. r)R. WILLIAM CALVIN JARNAGIN was born in Macon, Miss., Aug. 28, 1850, was there brought up and attended an "old-field" school taught by a noted Connecticut teacher named Hubbard, celebrated in that day and generation for his educational ability. Young Jarnagin left this school when he was seventeen years old and entered the university of Mississippi at Oxford, where he reached the senior year in 1870, going from there to the university of Virginia at Charlottes- vHle, taking a medical course there and graduating in 1872. Then he took a summer and winter course at Bellevue Hospital Medical college, and returning to Macon, Miss., practiced his profession until 1875. Returning to New York he took a post-graduate course at Bellevue and the College of Physicians and Sur geons. Going back to Macon, Miss., he remained there till in the spring of 1882, when he removed to Atlanta, Ga., where he has since practiced. Dr. Jarnagin belongs to the State Medical association and to the Atlanta Medical society. He has contributed articles to medical journals — one on typho-malarial fever, which was widely copied. He is surgeon for the R. & D. railway (Atlanta & Charlotte division) and the E. T., V. & Ga. railway (Atlanta division)^. He is also medical examiner for the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York and medical referee for the state for the same great insurance company. He is examiner for the Washington Life Insurance company of New York, and holds the same position with the Maryland Life of Baltimore, the Connecticut Mutual, the Phoenix Mutual of Hartford, Conn., the Travelers' Insurance of Hartford, the Hartford Life and Annuity Insurance company of Hartford, and the Home Life Insurance company of Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. Jarnagin is ' a member of the I. O. O. F. and encampment, the Knights of Pythias and of the Cherokee lodge. No. i, A. O. R. M. He is also a member of the First Baptist church. He was married, first in 1873 to Sallie M., daughter of Col. L. J. Dupre, Memphis, Tenn., and in 1894 to Miss Erskine, daugh ter of J. L. Richmond, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Jamagin's father was Hampton L. Jarna gin, a native of east Tennessee, where he was brought up. When a }'oung man 836 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. he removed to Alacon, Aliss., where he practiced law for forty years and died in 1887. Hampton L. Jarnagin went to school in GreeneviHe, Tenn., and Andrew Johnson, afterward vice-president, made his clothes for him. He was for twenty years a member of the upper and lower houses of the Mississippi legislature, and his brother, Spencer Jarnagin, was United States senator from Tennessee. The Jarnagin family is of Huguenot ancestry. JAMES CALDWELL JENKINS, a brainy Atianta attorney, is a native of North Carolina, having been born in Gaston county, in that state, on May 22, 1853. Here he resided for eighteen years, and in the fall of 1871 left home to attend college. He first entered Wake Forest college, and remained in this institute for three years. When the course was completed he matriculated in Princeton university, and was graduated in the Centennial class of 1876 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, but by a continued application as post-graduate he received the Alaster of Arts degree after tlie lapse of three sessions. On leaving Princeton, where he went through three classes in one year, he traveled through Europe for six months, visiting the famous resorts and places of interest to Americans. Re turning to his native country he took a course of study in the Columbian university of Washington, D. C, in the law department for two years, and there won the first prize for the best essay. Finishing here he went to the Columbia law school in New York ,and received a diploma in 1881 with degree of LL. B. Soon after he came south, locating in Atlanta, Ga., where he was admitted to the bar in 1881, to the supreme court and United States district courts, and in 1889 to the United States supreme court. From March, 1883, to June, 1884, Air. Jenkins acted as assistant United States attorney for the northern district of Georgia, appointed by Benjamin Brewster, and made an efficient officer. Indeed the marked ability he displayed gave him a high reputation. Mr. Jenkins was married Alay 24, 1882, to Miss Susie Al. Scruggs of Atlanta. They have six children, a happy household, as follows: James C, Jr.; WeHing Field, Eleanor Marjorie, Lydia Louise, Theodore Dwiglit, and a daughter not yet named. He is a tender, affectionate husband and father, and enjoys no evenings like those with his little ones about him. He is a devout member of the Second Baptist church of the city. Air Jenkins' father was David A. Jenkins, of North Carolina. He was state treasurer of his common wealth between 1868 and 1876, serving two terms. He was also two terms in the legislature from Gaston county, N. C. The Jenkins family is of Welsh descent Mr. Jenkins is a thorough, conscientious and painstaking lawver, who is never discouraged by obstructions in his path. He has managed with success a number of large cases, and his practice is constantly growing. JJON. GEORGE E. JOHNSON, the chairman of tiie board of police commis sioners, and one of Atlanta's most progressive and enterprising" merchants, was born in the city of Richmond, Va., on Feb. 14, 1855. His father, Joseph A. John son, who is still living, is also a native Virginian, and was born in Richmond in 1827. He resided in that historic city until the breaking out of the late war, engaged in the sash and blind manufacturing business. Prior to the war he was the captain of the National Grays. In 1862 he entered the Confederate service, and after a year's experience in the field he was detailed to take charge of the arsenal at Tallassee, Ala., and remained there until the close of the war. He then came to Atlanta, Ga., where he has since resided. For the first eleven years of his life the subject of this sketch lived in Richmond and enjoyed for two or three years the best primary instruction of that city. A loving with his parents to Tallassee, Ala., where his father was stationed in charge of the arsenal, he remained there for two FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 837 years and carried on his studies. In 1868, being still a mere I30}', he came to Atlanta with his parents and went to school for three years. Leaving school he accepted a position with Air G. W. Jack, the candy manufacturer, at $10 a month, and later as head clerk at $85 a month ; holding the latter position for two years. He then decided to go into the manufacturing business for the purpose of making himself familiar with its details. He accordingly threw up his $85 a month job and entered Jack's candy factory, working for nineteen months at the low rate of 40 cents a day. In 1874 Mr Jack sold out to his brother, W. P. Jack, and the business was carried on for several years under the firm name of Jack & Holland. Air Johnson was at once made general superintendent with a salary of $175 a month. He held this position for five years, after which he bought out the firm and has since carried on the business by himself. Air. Johnson is now at the head of one of the largest candy manufacturing enterprises in the south. He employs thirty people for nine months in the year and fifty for three months. The capacity of the estabhshment is 25,000 pounds of candy a week. Mr. Johnson has never had a man to voluntarily quit his employ on account of dissatisfaction. This speaks well for the kindness of heart as well as for the splendid administrative ability of Mr. Johnson. He has men in his employ who have been with him ever since he started up in business. For a number of years it has been the custom of Air Johnson, just before Christmas, to give a package of candy to every poor child in Atlanta, thus making the season one of thankfulness and joy. Last year he gave away, in this manner, 3,500 pounds of candy. His trade extends into North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida and Georgia. He has two men on the road and two in the city and runs four delivery wagons. In March, 1894, Mr. Johnson was elected a member of the board of police commissioners and just one year later on the five hundred and ninety-first ballot he was elected chairman of the board, defeating Capt James W. English. Mr. Johnson belongs to the Order of Red Men, and also to the Odd Fellows. In 1885 he was united in marriage to Aliss Eleanor Morgan, daughter of Mr. D. Morgan of Atlanta. They have three children, as follows: Alabel G., LHlian, and Edgar M. The household is a happy one and Air Johnson is fond of spending his leisure hours with his wife and children. Though not by any means a politician, Mr. Johnson has always been a wide-awake and pubHc-spirited citizen, devoted to the welfare of the community. Pie has been the friend and, to a large extent the patron of all enterprises that have prom.ised to eventuate in good to the city. His career as a business man has- not only been one of phenomenal success, but one of marked honor and usefulness. JOSEPH H. JOHNSON, president of the Atlanta Loan and Investment com pany, Atianta, Ga., son of Rev. Marcus D. C. and Harriet R. (Long) Johnson, was born in Culloden, Monroe Co., Ga., Feb. 20, 1840. His grandfather, Aaron Johnson, of the same stock as Hon. Reverdy Johnson, of national distinction, was a farmer, a native of Alaryland, whence in early manhood he migrated to Georgia and settied in Elbert county, where he farmed until he died. Air. Johnson's father was born in Elbert county in 1807, where he was raised on the farm. Fle was a Alethodist minister, and died in Griffin, Ga., in 1849, aged forty-two_ years, after a ministerial service of more than twenty years. His mother was born in Savannah in 1810, and is still living (1894) at the advanced age of eighty-four years. Mr. Johnson's early boyhood was spent in Culloden; but when he was eight years old his father moved to Griffin, Spalding Co., Ga., where he was educated and grew to manhood. At his death in 1849, his father left nine children, the oldest of whom was only thirteen years old — Our subject being the fourth child and only nine years old. When fourteen years of age Mr. Johnson entered the general merchandise 838 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. store of Cherry & Bro., Griffin, as a clerk, and remained with them six years; commencing on a salary of $50 a year, and board, and, later, receiving $600, and privileges which brought him that much more. In August, i860, he associated himself with E. P. Hill — their combined capital being about $5,000 — -to engage in the grocery business in Griffin. Purchasing a stock of groceries they run the busi ness prosperously until Alay, 1861, when Mr. Johnson, who was a member of the Griffin light guards, entered the Confederate service. The guards became Company B, Fifth Georgia regiment, and he served in it as a private for six months, when he was discharged on account of bad health. Not long after this he was detailed to service in the quartermaster's department, in which he served at Pensacola and Mobile, Ala., and at Alacon, Ga., until the close of the war, acting as chief clerk of the post After the war Mr. Johnson, who (having made some fortunate investments) was about as well, if not better off, than when he entered the service, estabhshed himself in the banking and cotton business, whichhe conducted from 1866 to 1874. After farming two years he came to Atlanta— in 1877 — and became connected with his brother, Mark W. Johnson, under the firm name of Mark W. Johnson & Co., in selHng seeds and manufacturing and selling agricultural implements. In 1889 he sold his interest in this business and assisted in organizing the Atlanta National Building and Loan association, of which he was made general manager of agencies. He held this office two years and then resigned. He is also a director in the National Railway Building and Loan association which he assisted in organizing in 1891. In 1890 Mr. Johnson was made vice-president and general manager of the Interstate Abstract company, Atlanta. He is also prominently connected with the National Mutual Relief asso ciation, of which he is a trustee and its treasurer. Mr. Johnson was married in November, 1865, to Miss Sarah E., daughter of James A. Beeks, Griffin, Ga., by whom he had six children, of whom five survive; Ella H., wife of J. A. Droege, Savannah, Ga.; Mary B., wife of A. S. Hook, Atlanta; Joseph H., Jr., on the Atlanta "Journal" staff; Sarah E., and Fanny. Their mother was an exemplary member of the Methodist church, and died in 1884. Mr. Johnson is a member of the I. O. O. P., a royal arch Mason, and a prominent and zealous member of the Methodist church. Mr. Johnson had four brothers in the Confederate service during the war between the states : Marcus, now a seedsman merchant, Atlanta, quartermaster; Russell P., deceased, who was in the war but a short time, on account of ill health; Wilbur F., who at the age of seventeen was appointed a lieutenant on the United States coast survey, resigned when Georgia passed the ordinance of secession, and enHsted and went to Virginia with the Macon, Ga., volunteers. Soon after he was commissioned as a Heutenant in the Confederate navy, and assigned to duty at Pensacola, on the staff of Gen. Bragg, with the rank of captain of artillery. He was with Gen. Bragg at the battle of Corinth, accompanied him through the Kentucky campaign, and, returning, was wounded at Knoxville. He was next made assistant chief of ordnance under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, and served with him until the latter part of 1864. At this time he was promoted to the rank of major and associated with Gen. Pillow (whose daughter he married) in Alabama in reorganizing stragglers, deserters, etc. After serving in this capacity several months he was assigned to the command of a battalion of troops in west Florida, where he was at the close of hostilities. He died in 1879. Michael A., who was a cadet in the Georgia military institute, went into the service with his young comrades in 1864, and remained untH the surrender. He died in 1876. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 839 Y)R. JOHN AIILTON JOHNSON, now deceased, was a native of Kentucky, having been born in the "Blue Grass" state Jan. 15, 1812. His father was a courteous Virginia gentleman, who fought with the spirit and fire that enthused American patriots in the revolutionary war, practiced medicine for a number of years and afterward, until death, devoted his labors to the cause of religion as a be loved Presbyterian divine. His mother was Jane Keeper, niece of Mr. Polk, author of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. His brother. Gen. R. W. Johnson, belongs to the United States regular army. Dr. Johnson was taught by his father until prepared to enter college, then received a diploma from the Kentucky School of Medicine. He first located in Ramsey, Mecklenburg Co., during 1833 and there began active practice. In 1844 he removed to Fredonia, Ky. Remaining four yeai-s, he went to Marion, Ky., and in 1853 became a resi dent of southern Kentucky. From here, after three years' stay, he moved to Paducah, a small town in the same state, and came to Atlanta in 1862. His career as a practitioner and a learned student in the profession is far above the average and has been justly applauded. He was a member of the Georgia Medical asso ciation and the Atlanta Academy of Medicine, acting as president of the latter in 1875. From 1868 to 1872 he held the chair of physiology and pathological anatomy in the Atlanta Medical college. During the civil war he served three years in the Confederate army, having charge of the hospital at Nashville, Tenn., and filled the position of surgeon to Gen. A. S. Johnson. After the fall of Fort Donelson he was field surgeon with Gen. Buckner's division and accompanied Patrick Cleburne in the campaign of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Later as medical director of Hardee's command he achieved new honors and commendation. Dr. Johnson did not confine his labors to the medical profession alone, but gave val uable service to the state of Kentucky as a pure-minded, conscientious and capable legislator. He represented his county in both houses of the state's general assembly, filling a seat in the senate chamber for four years consecutively. Dr. Johnson was twice niarried, first in 1830, to Elizabeth Eaver of South Carolina, a lady of charming personality, who died in 1862. Subsequently, in 1864, he married Mrs. Mary "WHHs (nee Cobb) Erwin, sister of Howell Cobb, of Georgia, who possesses the same mental qualities as her honored brother. Dr. Johnson died in 1887. He was a pioneer in Atlanta's medical circles. His Christian char acter was much admired, and his history is preserved as a precious legacy for future generations. QOL. GEORGE HOYLE JONES, ex-principal keeper of the Georgia peni- tentiary, was born on a farm in Gv/innett county, Ga., Oct. 23, 1833, and remained there untH twenty-one years of age, attending the "old field" schools. He adopted farming as a profession and is still engaged in that occupation, though the farm has not his personal supervision. In March, 1862, he enlisted in Com pany A, Forty-second Georgia regiment, but was soon transferred to the scouts, and in this capacity served under Gen. Braxton Bragg, Gen. Joe Johnston and Gen. Hood. "Under Gen. Johnston he was made captain, and held that rank until the surrender Capt Jones figured conspicuously in the following battles: Walden's Ridge, Tenn.; Baton Rouge, La.; second battie of Alurfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Bethel church, Kennesaw mountain, Atianta, Frankfort and Nashville, Tenn., and Bentonville, N. C. He was cap tured on several occasions, but each time effected an escape. On July 19, 1864, he suffered a severe, painful accident that caused the loss of an eye. It was the resuft of the explosion of a bomb-shell and occurred near Atlanta. He returned to his farm in April, 1865, and there resided until 1870, when he was nominated 840 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and elected to the state legislature, serving two years. After the expiration of this term he again took up the labors of a planter, and was sent to the state senate during- 1888, and v.liile a member of the upper house served on several com- mitte-;s, among them the penitentiary and agricultural. In 1891 he was appointed principal keeper of the penitentiary. Col. Jones was married in 1857 to Anna £. Alartin. By this wife he had four children : Willie Graham, R. H., F. T. and Clara, wife of Frank S. Howell, of Nebraska. Airs. Jones died and for his second wife he niarried, in 1868, Aliss Lollie L., sister of his first wife. To this marriage two children survive: G. L. and Mamie, wife of R. E. Skinner, of MiHedgevHle, Ga. Having the misfortune to lose his second wife he was married a third time, in 1877, to Miss Lula Trammell. Col. Jones is a member of the Norcross lodge of Gwinnett county, Ga., P. & A. M. and the I. O. O. F. He has always taken an active part in temperance work and organization, as did his father before him. Since 1869 he has been a steward in the Mt. Carmel Methodist church in Gwinnett county. Col. Jones' father was Thomas H. Jones, a native of Virginia, who came to Georgia during early manhood and died in 1876 at the advanced age of seventy- seven years. He had five sons in the late war: George H.; Thomas Allen, a pri vate in the Forty-second Georgia regiment, who died from exposure in 1866; Benjamin F., major in the last war and a member of the Third Georgia battalion, who served as division quartermaster in Bragg's division and now resides in Kansas City, president of the water works company located there; R. AL, also of the Third Georgia battalion and sergeant of artillery, and Peter P., a member of the old Gate City guards, in which company he enlisted for one year of the war. Col. Jones' grandfather was Wylie Jones, born in Wales, who emigrated to America with his father, Allen Jones, in 1790, and settled in Virginia. QAPT. W. R. JOYNER, chief of the Atianta fire department was born in Cobb county, Ga., June 30, 1854, the son of R. W. and L. C. Joyner, his mother's maiden name being Robertson. At the age of seven years he came to Atlanta in company with his parents and has since resided in that city. During the succeed ing five years he was a pupil in the public schools, but discontinued his studies in 1868 to take a position with W. F. Peck -& Conipany, as retail clerk, and remained in their employ for eight years. Leaving this firm he traveled for W. H. Patterson & Company, a wholesale miHinery establishment, for eighteen months, and on resigning this position entered the tailor shop of Jerry L}"nch as salesman, and remained there two years. For a few months of 1878-79 he worked with C. W. Brunner & Company, a gents' furnishing goods house of Atlanta. In July, 1879, Capt. Joyner withdrew permanently from commercial life, and has held office in the city government continuously since. He was elected city marshal, and re elected for two terms, serving in all six years. In 1885 he was chosen chief of the fire department by the municipal council, and holds that position to-day. Two years before he had been honored with this office, together with that of city marshal, but declined the former. In November, 1878, Capt Joyner was mar ried to Clio B,, daughter of Dr. E. T- Seize, of Alarietta, Ga. They have four children, as follows: Richard W., "Wafthall R., Jr., Harry S. and RalphT Capt Jovner is a member of the Mystic Shrine, a Knight Templar Alason and is past sachem of the Tallulah Tribe No. 29, I. O. R. AL He also belongs to the Com mercial and Atlanta Driving clubs, and in both takes a zealous interest. Capt Joyner has cordially co-operated with the military since physicall}- able to carry a gun, and from 1875 to 1878 acted as sergeant of the Atlanta cadets. Capt Joyner has made the Atlanta fire department what it is to-day: from a small vol unteer company he has graduall}- added mechanical apparatus, increased the W. R. JOYNER. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 84 1 number of stations and multiplied the first nucleus of members until it now ranks first among the similar organizations of the south. It is handsomely equipped Vvith all the latest modern improvements, attached to harness, horses and engines. Capt. Joyner is regarded second to none in his efficient management and superior tactics of subduing- and contending with the flames. His bravery is almost daily demonstrated. He is the idol of every member of the department, for his deeds of kindness and liberality toward them warrant their devotion. Under his regime the number of large and destructive fires has diminished and the insurance com panies, as well as the general public, feel a satisfaction and security that proclaim the truest attestation to his competency as a public official. With his little red wagon, drawn by a blooded steed, he is known to every man, woman and child of Atianta. QAPT. JOHN AI'INTOSPI KELL was born at Laurel Grove, Mcintosh Co., Ga., on the banks of the Altamaha river, in 1823, almost within sound of the sea upon whose waves many years of his long, useful, and eventful life were to be passed. His great-great-grandfather, John Mohr Mcintosh — or, as the Scotch \v-.rite it, Alclntosh Alolir, the word "Mohr" meaning chief of a clan — came over from Scotland to join Gen. Oglethorpe in 1735, bringing with him one hundred Highlanders and settling in that part of the coast country which still commemo rates his name. These Highlanders served with great distinction in all the struggles with the Spaniards in those early days. At the attack of St Augustine, John Alclntosh was wounded, captured by the Spaniards, and carried in captivity lo Spain, v.'here he remained a number of years. Gen. Oglethorpe took his family under his immediate protection, appointed his eldest sons, William and Lachlan, cadets in the regiment under his own command. The blood of heroic sires could scarcely fail to produce men of military genius, and among the family names are to be found some that will adorn American history so long as we continue to honor brave deeds and hold patriotism as a sacred virtue. The father of Capt. John Alclntosh Kell was a lawyer of distinction, and was the junior partner of Gen. Anthony Wayne. He died at the comparatively early age of forty, leaving a widow and five young children. Taught at his noble mother's knee that life is earnest and duty holy, the subject of this sketch soon took up his part in life, and became the stay and pride of his mother, thus foreshadowing the part he was to take in later years. Through the assistance of influential friends, he was appointed a midshipman in the navy. At the age of sixteen he left the home of his childhood, and, as years went on, took his share in all the important events that illustrated his country at home and abroad. He served with distinction in the Mexican war. He was an officer in Commodore Perry's famous expedition to Japan, which opened to modern civilization that unknown and wonderful country. He volunteered for duty in the threatened trouble with Paraguay, but the intervention of Urquiza, president of the Argentine repubHc, prevented war. Later, when in the zenith of his manhood, he served his own state and the Con federacy with all the devotion of his heart through the perils and disasters of the war between the states. In October, 1856, he married Miss Julia Blanche Alunroe, of Alacon, Ga. A brief service at Norfolk and eighteen months at the Pensacola navy yard constituted his only duties on shore. When the civil war began he was junior lieutenant at Pensacola. Upon the secession of Georgia from the union he tendered his services to his native state, and was placed in command of the steamer "Savannah," for coast defense, where he remained till- May i, 1861 , when, acting under confidential orders, he proceeded to New Orleans and reported for duty to Capt. Raphael Semmes. The Confederate government 842 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. had purchased a passenger steamer that had run between New Orleans and Havana, and Capt Semmes, having been tendered the command, had just begun the rather difficult task — at that time — of remodeling her and fitting her out as a war vessel. While the huH of the "Habana" was weH built and she was quite fast, her upper works were too light, having been built for passenger accommodation only. After some weeks of work, however, she was put into shape for war purposes, and armed with one pivot 8-inch smooth-bore gun, and four thirty-two pounders (medium), in broadside. With this armament, and with a crew ready to brave any danger, the "Sumter,'' as she was re-christened in honor of the fort of that name, succeeded in running the blockade on June 30, 1861, in the face of the steam sloop-of-war, "Brooklyn," which chased her forty miles and nearly captured her. The winds and waves favored the daring little craft, however, and with skillful management she made her way to the high seas, where she began her career to "prey upon the commerce of the enemy." The second day out she captured her first prize, the "Golden Rocket" This was the beginning of her brilliant record, for which history has not given her full honor, as she has been overshadowed by the marvelous career of the "Alabama," her famous successor. Capt. Semmes' able and delightful book. Service Afloat, gives in detail the cruise of the "Alabama." Capt. Kell was executive officer of both vessels, for which position Admiral Semmes says he applied for him, because, having known him as a youth, he discovered that he "had in him the making of a man," and knew that he would discharge this trust with fidelity and ability. His daring career is recorded in the history of his country. After the loss of the "Alabama" he returned to the Confederacy, and was appointed to the command of the iron-clad, "Richmond." At the close of the war, worn with service and saddened by defeat, he quietly withdrew to a lonely country home, with no legacy but the consciousness of duty well performed, and with no light save the star of love shining at his fireside, to begin life anew amid the desolation of his native state. The coast, almost deserted by his kindred, had little charm for him; so amid the red clay hiHs of middle Georgia he found a refuge and a home, and reared manly sons and winsome daughters — "the world forgetting, by the world forgot"; until he was called by Gov. Gordon to be his chief of staff and adjutant-general of the state. He has since found congenial work, and a reward for past service and disappointments in the love and respect of his fellow-countrymen. J^R. WILLIAM S. KENDRICK, the subject of this sketch, has been for several years the proctor of the Atlanta Medical college. By reason of his conspicuous talents he is recognized as one of the leading exponents of the medical profession in the south. Dr. Kendrick was born on a plantation in Chattooga county, Ga., near the Alabama state line. He grew up among the furrows, so to speak, and his early life was that of the ordinary country youth, diversified only by such pastimes as fishing, hunting, and other innocent amusements of the plantation. He attended an old-field school, taught by Rev. P. C. Crawford, and later, by Prof Dunlap Scott. In 1858, under the principalship of Prof Scott the school was transformed into a viHage academy, and became a local institution. of rare merit In 1862, young Kendrick enlisted as private in Company B, Ninth Georgia infantry. Although an immature stripling, he was full of the mai'tial spirit and bent on shouldering his musket Pie was at once made orderly of the regiment, and assisted in keeping the books and records. Pie did other valuable work and served in this capacity with marked devotion throughout the entire war. He was in the battles of Gettysburg, Spottsylvania, the Wildemess, Petersburg, and quite a PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 843 number of minor engagements. He was stationed at Petersburg for nearly six months. Though never wounded, the young soldier had many narrow escapes. He was at home on a furlough at the time of (5^en. Lee's surrender. For two years subsequent to the war young Kendrick managed his father's plantation and taught school. He became the principal of the institute he had previously attended, and for more than five years taught the young of that immediate section of the country. He commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Robert Battey, of Rome, Ga., and subsequently attended the Jefferson Medical college, at Philadelphia, for one year. Dr. Battey, having accepted a professorship in the Atlanta Medical college, the young student left the Philadelphia institution and came to Atlanta, graduating from the medical college, in which his patron was an honored preceptor, in 1874. Dr. Kendrick commenced the practice of his profession in Atlanta, and, after a successful experience of three years, he decided to prosecute his medical and scientific studies still further by attending the best institutions of London, Paris and Edinburg. He sailed for Europe accordingly, and entered upon the laborious study of his profession, under the leading scientists of the old world. On account of the diligence and fervor of his application he impaired his eyesight, and was forced to return to America. He remained for two or three years at his old home in Chattooga county, after yvhich he spent three months in Bellevue hospital, New York city, thus further perfecting himself for the practice of his profession. In the fall of 1877 he came to Atlanta, and has since continued to practice medicine in that city. Dr. Kendrick is a member of the State Aledical association, and is recognized as one of the ablest men in that body. He is also a member of the Atlanta Medical society, having served as the executive head of this organization. Dr. Kendrick has several times been a delegate from Georgia to the American Medical association, and has always taken a prominent part in the deliberations of the convention. As the proctor of the Atlanta Medical college. Dr. Kendrick has entire charge of the finances of that institution. He is a con sistent member of the Central Presbyterian church, and is a man of deep religious convictions, believing that no life is complete or well rounded that is not modeled after the pattern of the Great Physician. Dr. Kendrick was united in marriage in 1877 to Miss Lula, daughter of Maj. W. L. Groves, who served as the gallant major of the Thirty-ninth Georgia regiment during the war. The father of Dr. Kendrick was a plain, but successful farmer, possessing a strong mind and character. He believed in the simple maxims of truth and honesty, and these he constantly held up before the minds of his children. He was a native of York district, in South Carolina, and died in 1876, at the age of sixty-nine years. The maiden name of Dr. Kendrick's mother was Martha Scott. She had nine children — four sons and five daughters. The only death in her family for nearly fifty years was that of her husband. Dr. Kendrick has been the proctor of the Atlanta Aledical college since 1887. During his administration the record of attendance has steadHy increased, and the institution has enjoyed great prosperity. No physician in Atlanta has a stronger personal following than Dr. Kendrick. His talents, his dignified bearing and his genial affability have made him not only a leading and successful practitioner, but one of the chief ornaments of his profession. J-J I. KIMBALL was a potent factor in Atianta's prosperity. Much of his life was devoted to her upbuilding and welfare. He was the son of a poor carriage maker, and was reared to follow the same trade. He was born in Oxford county. Me., in 1832, and died AprH 28, 1895. Becoming dissatisfied with the narrow scope of opportunity in his native town, he left home at the age of nine teen years and went to New Haven, Conn., where a better position was offered in a 844 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. large carriage manufactory. He labored unceasingly, and soon was made manager of one of the most extensive factories in New England. But, although per forming his allotted tasks perfectly, nature had prepared him for higher things, and determined that he should rise to positions that would allow executive ability and open for the world's betterment the gates of his great, noble heart. He lived in Boston for a short while, and then was called to Chicago, in 1866, to accept a responsible position with George Pullman. Being assigned the duty of building street car lines in the southern cities, he made an extended tour through the south, visiting Atlanta among other places. He was fascinated with the thrift and enterprise here visible, and predicted a brilliant future for this section and city. Fle assumed the management of the southern branch of the Pullman Car company, located in Atlanta, and for the next twenty years we see evidences of his labor in behalf of progress. It was largely through his instrumentality that the state capitol was removed to Atlanta; that the opera house was erected, and the union depot became a reality. He decided the wholesale section of the city by having the railroad tracks laid in their present positions at the rear of Alabama street, and encouraged the building of many additional railroads. At one time he was president of nine distinct companies. His activity secured the state bonds that enabled the Brunswick & Macoii railroad to be built In the Chicago fire of 1 87 1 he suffered severe loss that "threw a damper" over his spirit for almost two years. Adversity greatly affects an ambitious man. Air Kimball always believed that the south was the best locality for the manufacture of cotton, and stren uously urged the erection and operation of the Atlanta cotton mills. He also organized the Peters Park Investment conipany, and capitalized it at $200,000, and raised the Kimball house twice to completion. Mr. Kimball was a popular man, and having- once formed a purpose, its consummation was inevitable. He was persevering, industrious, with personal judgment, coolness of decision and the courage of his convictions. He was a Alethodist by faith, and a republican by political principle. He married the daughter of Air. George Cook, of Boston, and left as his successors his wife and three children: Laura, the wife of Air. Covall, of Boston; Alae, a charming young woman, and Hannibal I. KinibaU, a rising young business man of Chicago. yi^LEXANDER CAAIPBELL KING, one of the leading members of the Georgia bar, and one of the most successful practitioners in the state, is a native of Charleston, S. C, and was born in that aristocratic old southern city on Dec. 7, 1856. From Charleston the subject of this sketch moved with his jiarents to Greenville, S. C, in 1862. Here he remained for six years, attending the primary schools and gaining the rudiments of an education on which he has since built the superstructure of his life's work. In 1868 he left the palmetto state in conipany with his parents and sought a home in Georgia, settling at Savannah, a city that resembled in many of its characteristics the city of his birth. In 1872 he went to Alarietta, and two years later he came to Atlanta. Here his migrations ended. Since coming to Atlanta Air King has identified himself to such an extent with her busy life that he is looked upon as a typical Atlanta cftizen. Leaving school at the age of fifteen the subject of tiiis sketch though possessed of an ardent thirst for learning, was denied the privilege of a coHege education. He made the best of his opportunities, however, and after beginning the skirmish of life h"e devoted himself to his books, at such intervals as he could spare, with remarkable zeal and assiduit}". He was determined, if pos sible, ti.j supply by self-culture the deficiencies of a collegiate education; and the success to which he has carried this resolution is emphasized by the fact that PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 845 no member of the Atlanta bar is more widely read or possesses a broader range of general information. In February, 1874, Air. King began the study of law y/ith Col. George T. Fry (now of Chattanooga, Tenn.), one of the leading mem bers of the Atlanta bar at that time. The young law student was admitted to the bar on April 9, 1875, entering at once into a legal partnership wfth Col. Fry. This, however, was dissolved in December, 1877, Air. King continuing the practice alone until 1882, when he became a member of the firm of Van Epps, Calhoun & King. This partnership lasted untH 1885, when the legal combination of King & Spald ing was formed, the younger member of the firm being Air. Jack J. Spalding. In January, 1887, the name of Patrick Calhoun was placed at the head of the firm, and for several years it was known as Calhoun, King & Spalding. The recent retirement of Mr. Calhoun from the firm gives it the original style of King & Spalding. Air King was chosen a delegate to the gubernatorial convention that nominated Gen. John B. Gordon for chief executive of the state in 1886. With this exception he has never occupied nor sought political position, and has merely discharged the duties of a quiet citizen, maintaining a deep interest in political affairs, but entirely without selfish or personal ambition. Though a loyal democrat and pronounced in his views on all party questions, he has never taken the stump, preferring to discuss issues quietly and to use his influ ence in behalf of his principles or his friends without parade or ostentation. From 1888 to 1892 the firm of Calhoun, King & Spalding represented the terminal combination of railroads in the southern territory, embracing, at that time, the entire Richmond and DanviHe and Central systems. At the same time they were employed as general counsel for the Atlanta & West Point railroad and the Queen & Crescent system in Georgia, besides doing a large general practice. The firm of King & Spalding is one of the best in Atlanta, and nearly all the important cases tried before the courts of that city are represented, on one side or the other, by these enterprising attorneys. Air. King argued alone in the supreme court of Georgia the case of Aiigier vs. the East Tennessee, A'irginia & Georgia railroad, securing a reversal of the decision of the court below, and in the report of the case (Seventy-fourth Georgia, page 642) Justice Jackson, in concluding his opinion paid Air King the following high compliment: "I desire to express my obligations to Mr. King of counsel for the plaintiff in error, for the able and exhaustive argument and very complete brief he made in this cause." Air. King was married on July 13, 1881, to Aliss Alice AL, a daughter of Mr N. R. Fowler, of Atlanta. The success of Mr. King has not been restricted to his professional aspirations. He has demonstrated his ability in yarious directions. From 1881 to 1888 he served as a director of the Young Alen's Library association, and took an active part in the promotion and upbuild ing of that institution. For a number of years Mr. King was the chairman of the library committee, and in this office had charge of the library and its extension. He is one of the charter members of the Georgia Bar association, and was during the preceding year chairman of the executive committee. Before ti-iis body Air. King has read a number of papers, among which may be mentioned: "A Sketch of the Flistory of Land Titles in Georgia," read in Atlanta in August, 1885, and "Reform of Pleadings in Georgia," read in July, 1894, at Rome, Ga. Both of these essays, by distinctly pointing out the defects in the law, have resulted in yarious important modifications by the state legislature. No two papers ever read before the association produced a greater impression or resulted in such per manent good. Air. King is a man of social inclinations, and is fond of the compan ionship and association of his friends. Though fond of reading and research, possessing a broad range of the best literature, as well as the current topics of the 846 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. day, he takes a special delight in conversation, and is always ready for a social chat He is one of the original members of the Capital City club and the Atlanta Driving club. As a lawyer, a man and a citizen, Mr. King has always commanded the respect and confidence of the community. Mr King's father, Mr. J. Gadsden King, is still living. He is a native of Soutii Carolina, but for a number of years has been a resident of Atlanta. -Mr. King's grandfather, Mitchell King, was a native of Scotland, and emigrated to South Carolina in early manhood just after the war of 1812. He settled in Charleston, S. C, and immediately began the practice of law. It will be observed that the legal profession in its successful practice, as well as in a theoretical knowledge of the law, has come to the subject of this sketch by inheritance. Mr. King is still a comparatively young man. In the enjoyment of vigorous health, he has many years of activity before him, and will no doubt continue to iHustrate for years to come both the genius and culture of the Georgia bar. T~)R. JAAIES JERROLD KNOTT was born in Henry county, Ga., June 16, 1839. In 1844 he moved with his parents to Griffin, Ga., where he received his pri mary education, and resided until 1858. In 185 1 he entered his father's drug store in Griffin, and later commenced the study of medicine under his father. Dr. Edward F. Knott In 1858 he came to Atlanta and entered the Atlanta Medical college, from which he was graduated in the spring of 1859. He then returned to Griffin and practiced his profession for one year, after which he went to Paris, France, where he rem.ained until the fall of i860, visiting the hospitals of that citj. Returning to Griffin, he again resumed the practice of medicine. In the winter of 1860-61 he delivered a course of lectures on anatomy and clinical surgery at the Georgia Aledical coHege, at Griffin. In the spring of 1861 he applied for a position in the medical department of the Confederate army. Having failed in this, he enlisted as a private in an independent company which had been organized at Atlanta, and was sent to Pensacola. At the latter place the company was assigned to the First Georgia and Mississippi regiment, in which he served until October, 1861. After his discharge from the Confederate service he reported for duty to Gov. Joseph E. Brown, near Savannah, Ga., who assigned him to the Fourth Georgia regiment (state troops), as assistant surgeon, in which rank he served six months, at the expiration of which he received a commission from the secretary of war, as assistant surgeon in the Confederate army. He was immediately as signed to the camp of instruction at Griffin, Ga., where he remained a month, and then went to Virginia, as assistant surgeon in the Fifty-third Georgia regiment, and served until the seven days' fight around Richmond, when he was made sur geon in charge, although still remaining assistant surgeon in rank. He was in the Sharpsburg campaign, and was left in charge of the wounded after that memorable battie, where he remained until November, 1862, and then rejoined his command at Culpeper Court House, Va. He continued with his command untH just previous to the battie of Fredericksburg, when he was placed in charge of the smallpox hospital of Gen. Lee's army, at Fredericksburg. He. remained there until the battle of ChancellorsviHe commenced, when he rejoined his command as assistant surgeon in charge, and remained wfth it until the battle of Petersburg, Va., when he was commissioned as surgeon, and continued with the regiment until January, 1865, at which time he returned to his home on sick leave. After a "month's rest he started to return to his regiment, but was taken sick at Augusta and placed in a hospital. On his recovery, he went on duty there in charge ofthe officers' ward, and was there when Gen. Lee surrendered. He returned to Griffin and again entered upon the practice of his profession, pursuing it until the fall of PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 847 1866, when he settled in Atlanta, where he has continued to engage actively in the practice of medicine and surgery. During the yellow fever epidemic in Chatta- nbbga, Tenn., he volunteered his services, did magnificent work, and contracted the disease himself Dr Knott was first niarried, in 1868, to Fannie E. Howe, by whom he had four children, living: Edward L., Alary Eudora, wife of H. C. McCool, Atlanta; Frances A. and James P. In 1883 Dr. Knott was married a second time, to Nellie J. AIcCool. They have one girl, Eugenia. In 1893 he made a trip of observation of two weeks' duration to Brunswick and Jesup, Ga., during the yellow fever epidemic at those places. Dr Knott's father was Edward F. Knott who was born in Caswell county, N. C, and came to Georgia in his early manhood. He attended a course of lectures at Lexington, Ky., and in 1859 he was graduated from the Augusta Aledical college. He practiced medicine chiefly at Griffin, and died in 1878. At the age of eighteen he lost a leg, and was thereby incapacitated from active service in the army; but he was engaged in the hospital service during the war Back in the 40's he was -a candidate for the legislature from Henry county, Ga., and was beaten by one vote. He married Mary A. F. Crenshaw, and by her had nine children, of whom five survive and reside in this - state: Dr. James Jerrold Knott, John S. Knott, of Spalding county, Ga.; Dr David P. Knott of Carrollton; Louisa, widow of H. Johnson, of Brooks Station, and Edmund P. Knott, of Pike county, Ga. The mother of Dr. James Jerrold Knott died in 1888. His grandfather was James W. Knott, who was born in England, and came to America in his early manhood, with his brother; located first in Granville county, N. C, and came to Salem, Clarke Co., Ga., about 1830, and later to AIcDonough, Henry Co., Ga., where he spent most of his life. He died within ten mHes of that place, in 1865. J\/[R. CLARENCE KNOWLES. Perhaps no man in Georgia is more thor oughly identified with the insurance business in this state than Mr. Clarence Knowles. Air. Knowles was born in Pensacola, Fla., in December, 1853. He resided in that state until the beginning of the late war, at which time he moved with his parents to Columbus, Ga., being then about eight years old. He received his early training from the schools of that city, but as soon as the war closed he returned to Pensacola, where his education was completed. .In 1870, though still a mere youth, he decided to try his luck in New York, and accordingly embarked in the metropolitan life of that city. He secured a good position with one of the best insurance companies of New York, and soon developed in usefulness to such a marked extent that his employers could very easily foreshadow his success in the insurance field. Having acquired a thorough knowledge of the business, and made the acquaintance of all the leading insurance men of the country, Mr. Knowles decided that a wider field of success awaited him in the south, and, returning to this section, he located in Columbia, S. C. He shortly afterward came to Atlanta, acting at that time in the capacity of a general adjuster. His first impressions of Atlanta were so favorable that he decided to cast his lot in that city. He found it the home of industrious and enterprising business men, whose pro gressive spirit prophesied for it a commanding place among the cities of the south. His friendships rapidly increased, and he soon realized that he was building up a large and remunerative business in that city. At the present time Mr. Knowles is the southern agent for quite a number of fire insurance companies, and he has the reputation of conducting one' of the largest and most successful agencies in Georgia. Mr. Knowles is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church, and is also a Knight Templar and a Shriner Mr. Knowles was united in marriage, in 1882, to Aliss Fannie Judah, daughter of Air. William H. Judah, of Pensacola, MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Fla., now deceased. They have onh- two children, Constance and Clarence, Jr. Devoted to his littie household, Air. Knowles spends much of his time in the eiijo}'ment of his home fireside. He delights in entertaining his friends, and never appears to be so happy as when they avail themselves of his generous hospitality. Belonghig to one of the best families of the south, the social and personal char acteristics of Air. Knowles are peculiar to this section. No man in Atianta possesses a larger or more loyal retinue of friends, and no one is more willing to .serve them than Air Knowles. Few readers of southern literature are more familiar with the best publications of southern authors, or include a greater number of them among their warm personal friends. He has frequently enter tained at his home that gifted southern writer, Air. Thomas Nelson Page, and is a very enthusiastic admirer of his books. Air. Knowles has never courted political influence, and has always been careful to avoid the scramble for office. He is a close observer, however, and is always ready to discuss public questions in a conversational way. His views are maturely formed and always fearlessly ex pressed. Recently Air. Knowles was drawn as a member of the Unfted States grand jury. Judge Newman, recognizing his ability, designated him as the foreman of that body, and a careful review of the record wHl show that a more thorough or faithful officer never discharged the duties of that responsible position. In both his public and private life Mr. Knowles has ahva}'s exemplified the qualities of a true man and a good citizen. y^NTON L. KONTZ, Atlanta, Ga., was born in the city just after the city itself ¦yvas born, his parents having come here in 1848, a short time previous to his birth. They settled on Alarietta street, nearly opposite where the United States custom house now stands, and the spot where he first saw the light of day ever since has been his home. His father owned a small farm near the city on which young Anton was an enthusiastic helper; the then "plow-bov'' has since developed into one of the ablest financiers, and one of the most popular, influential and progressive of Atlanta's progressive citizens. His early education was obtainel in Atlanta, which, even then, could claim to have as good schools as any in the state. After the war he made the acquaintance of Alexander H. Stephens, who at once became deeply interested in him, and in 1871 induced him to go to Baltimore and enter Richard Alalcolm Johnston's school for boys. He attended that school three years, then returned to Atlanta and engaged as a clerk in a leading tobacco store. In less than a year afterward he secured a position as conductor with the Pullman Sleeping Car company. After serving as such four years he was made assistant agent in the Atlanta office, then agent, and in 1879 he was promoted to the superintendency of the Atlanta district, which comprised at that time almost the entire south, and was the highest position in their gift in this section. Pie held this position twelve years, and then, in 1891, resigned to accept the administratorship of several large estates and give closer attention to his own increasing- capitalistic interests. He was regarded by Air. Pullman as one of the very best of his able staff of officers; and had he not loved Atlanta so ^vell, he might have gone higher, and held more responsible positions elsewhere. As evidence of his superior financial ability, as well as his conscientious fidelity to trusts confided, one instance may be cited: One estate he took charge of con servative business men valued at v$65,ooo. In less than two }-ears he wound it up and paid over to the three legatees $55,000 each, total $165,000. earning almost interest enough to pay the entire expense of administration. Although he had always been regarded as a man of sound business judgment ancl financial ability, his wonderful success in the manaoement of this and other lar""e estates, and -"— I A. L. KONTZ. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 849 of his own affairs, brought him into greater prominence, so that to-day Mr. Kont;? is considered one of the soundest and safest of Atlanta's business men. Owing to his extreme modesty he has persistently refused pubHc office, for which his peculiar abiHties have often caused him to be suggested. When the Commercial Travelers' Savings bank was organized Mr. Kontz, believing that the city needed such an institution, accepted the cashiership and active management, which he held for eighteen months, until it had been firmly established. Mr. Kontz is and has for some years been a director of the Southern Banking and Trust company. At present he is the treasurer of the Cotton States and International exposition, which is at present being held in Atlanta. In 1888 he was elected a member of the city general council, defeating his opponent, himself a prominent and popular citizen, by 1,900 majority, which was the largest majority given any candidate for city office at that election. He was made chairman of the committee on parks, and took great interest in the improvement of Grant park; was a member of the finance committee ; and was one of the board of water commissioners, and chairman of the water works committee, when the preparations were begun for the city's splendid new water supply. The same year he was elected a member of the council he was elected a member of the city board of education, and is still a member, and chairman of the committee on teachers and examinations. He takes great interest in the public schools ; and of all the positions Mr. Kontz has held, he prizes that of being member of Atlanta's board of education most highly. Although not a politician he takes great interest in politics ; and when Alexander H. Stephens was nominated for governor in 1881, he and a few other friends organized the Stephens club, and so enthusiastic and efficient was its campaign that Fulton county gave Mr. Stephens a larger majority than any other county in the state. This club is still in existence as the Young Men's Democratic league, and is the strongest political organization in the county. Mr. Stephens' admira tion and friendship were such — for it increased from the time he first knew him as a boy — that when he was elected he wanted to give him a public office — an honor which Mr. Kontz declined. Poverty and distress arouse his profoundest sympathy. All organized charities find in him a cheerful and generous supporter and co-laborer He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and Encampment, has held all the chairs, and is now grand warden of the grand lodge of Georgia. He affiliates with the Presbyterian church. ERNEST C. KONTZ, lawyer, Atlanta, Ga., was raised in Atlanta and received his primary education in the public schools. He was afterward employed for two years in the large wholesale house of John Silvey & Co., where he received valuable business training. In 1880 he began a four years' course at Neel's Kirk wood Military academy, where under the strict discipline of a graduate of the United States Military academy he was prepared for coHege, entering the univer sity of Georgia in the fall of 1884; here he was anniversarian of the Phi Kappa Literary society, by election of its membership, 1887; was president of his class 1887; and was pubHc speaker in both his junior and senior years, as the reward of his scholarship. He graduated from the literary department 1887. In 1888 he took a course of law lectures under Prof. John B. Minor at the university of Virginia. In 1889 he graduated from the law department of the university of Georgia. Within a few months after his admission to the bar, which occurred in 1889, he was appointed sole counsel for PuHman's Palace Car company for Georgia and South CaroHna. In 1890 he was, without more than the expression of a wiHingness to serve, elected over a strong opponent recorder of the city of Atlanta. As recorder he tried about 12,000 cases; of these only eleven were 1-54 850 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. appealed; none was ever reversed, and in one particularly hard fought case involv ing large property rights, which was twice carried to the supreme court, he was both times sustained. He has a large law clientage, and takes an active interest in all m.ovements for the moral and inteHectual advancement of the community; is a member of the board of directors for the Young Men's Library association, one of tiie foremost Hbraries of the south; a director of the Young Men's Chris tian association, and is the superintendent of one of the largest and most flourish ing mission Sunday schools about the city, as an adjunct to which is run a large free day school. His parents were both Germans and Judge Kontz highly honors the sturdy people of his ancestry, but himself born in this country and having a large acquaintance throughout the state and having traveled quite extensively throughout the various sections, has broad views of our country. In a literary address delivered by him on the subject "Georgia" he said: "Oh, proud Georgia! Alother of soldiers, scholars, statesmen, grand men and noble women, seated on your everlasting hills clothed in the rich drapery of forest and of plain; decked in your rich rude jewels, and with lap well filled with amaranth of immortality, sheaves and choicest gifts for your children; in one hand cities, the other out stretched in benevolent deeds and ever ready for the protection of your people; your feet resting at the sea, 'mid orange blossoms, emblems of your worth; your tresses bound with mountain laurel, fit emblem of your virtue and your glorious achievements; palms strew your pathway; with your sisters go on in your majesty while the nations wondering watch your sure and steady march to new victories and to greater glory." These sentiments illustrate his love both of state and of the indissoluble union. He is careful, thorough, scholarly, is himself his severest critic, and has the promise of a successful career. pR LAWSHE, retired jeweler and optician, Atlanta, Ga., son of John and Mary Lawshe, was born in Union county, Pa., March 27, 1824. His grandfather, John Lawshe, was a citizen of New Jersey, and was a commissary in the army during the war of 1812. His father, also named John, was born in New Jersey, and died in Pennsylvania in 1845, aged 61 years. Mr. Lawshe was raised on the farm, and the. only education he received was four terms of schooling of three months each. In 1828, when he was four years old, his parents moved to Louis- burg, Union Co., Pa., where he lived until 1848, when he left home to build up his fortune in the south. Pie traveled by wagon from his home to Pittsburg, thence by boat down the river to New Orleans, coming from there to Bibb county, Ga., A\'here his brother, William C. Lavyshe, had been- living some years. He remained there six months, and then came to Atlanta, where he located Aug. 16, 1848. Atlanta has been his home ever since. The first thing he did was to make some window sash, he having learned the cabinet-makers' trade in Pennsylvania. . The following December he went to work for a jeweler, and made himself master of that trade. A year later, the latter part of 1850, himself and Riley Baker formed a partnership — Baker having $31.75 in stock, and himself $7.25 in cash. A year later Air. Lawshe bought out his partner and continued in the business untH 1884, being compelled to retire from active business life, on account of three years of sickness, from which he has fuHy recovered, and is now in the enjoyment of robust health, full of the vim and vigor which characterized his early manhood. AVith erect form, elastic step, and a bright e}e twinkling with humor, he walks Atlanta's streets now as aforetime. During the early stages of the civH war he was in the state's service, and, later, in that of the Confederate States; on account of disability he was assigned to gathering supplies for the hospitals. He remained in Atlanta until the first shell was thrown into the city, when he was ordered to JOHN R. LEWIS. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 85 1 Augusta, Ga., to attend to the above duties. Mr. Lawshe organized the first lodge of Odd Fellows in Atlanta, in 1849; was noble grand four terms, and represented his lodge in the grand lodge three times, of which he has been grand senior warden. He is now an Ancient Odd FeHow. He is also a member of the Im proved Order of Red Men. In 1851 Mr. Lawshe was made a Mason, and he has been exalted to the royal arch degree. In 1852 he united with the Methodist church, of which he has been a liberal, consistent and working member ever since. The church was then known as Wesley chapel, but is now known as the First M. E. church, south. He was chairman of the building committee which had in charge the erection of the present spacious and imposing edifice; is chairman of the board of trustees, and a member of the board of stewards. Mr. Lawshe was married Aug. 8, 1854, to Miss Sallie W., daughter of Willis Peck, who, with his wife, was a native of North Carolina. This union was blessed with five children: John Z., prominent physician, Atlanta, rapidly rising to professional distinction; William P., died in 1892; Anne E., wife of Eugene Hardeman, Atlanta; Mar garet M., and Er, Jr. The estimable wife and mother — a lifetime consecrated and zealous member of the Methodist church, died Nov. 9, 1894. J^HOMAS JAMES LEFTWICH, lawyer, Atianta, Ga., son of Rev. James Turner Leftwich, was born in Alexandria, Va., in 1861. His father was a native of Virginia, and is a retired Presbyterian clergyman. He was a chaplain in the Confederate service; and, in response to a call, came to Atlanta in 1868, assuming the pastorate of the Central Presbyterian church. Later, he accepted a call to the First Presbyterian church in Baltimore, and removed to that city. He is not now doing any stated work. Mr Leftwich was seven years old when his father came to Atlanta, where he received his boyhood schooling, including a course at Neal's Military school at Edgewood, a delightful suburb of the city. Later, he attended the Bingham academy, at Mebaneville, N. C, where he was prepared for college. He then entered Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, where he took a special course, including law, graduating in 1880; immediately after which he was admitted to the bar, at Annapolis, Md. Locating in Minne apolis, Minn., he entered vigorously upon the practice of his profession, in which he was very successful, achieving many notable triumphs, established a fine repu tation, and secured a good clientage. Believing that Atlanta would become the great city of the south, with a great future before her, he determined to remove to the city; so, in 1890, he came to Atlanta. He has been singularly successful from the start, both in management of his cases and securing an influential clientage. In May, 1893, he became associated with Capt. Harry Jackson in the practice, a partnership which still continues. Mr. Leftwich has an exalted conception of his profession, conforms to its time-honored customs, and is scrupulously exact in his transactions with his clients and the profession. Enthusiastically devoted to the law, and of unquestioned ability, he has a brilliant future before him. He possesses a delightful, magnetic personality, is a fluent and instructive conver sationalist, a fine writer and impressive speaker — in all things a perfect gentleman. Mr. Leftwich was happily married in Bedford county, Va., in 1883, to Miss Camilla S. Price, a member of a distinguished old family of Virginia. He is a member of the Presbyterian church. Q EN. JOHN RANDOLPH LEWIS, secretary Cotton States and International exposition, was born in Erie county. Pa., Sept. 22, 1834, where he received his education and lived until he was sixteen years old. Leaving there in 1851, he went to Buffalo, N. Y., where he studied and practiced dentistry until 1856. That 852 ' MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. year he went to PhHadelphia, Pa., and graduated at the PhHadelphia College of Dental Surgery, and then went to Burlington, Vt, where he practiced his pro fession, entered the university of Vermont, located there, and in i860, graduated from the medical department. He, however, did not engage in the practice. In AprH, 1861, he volunteered in the Union service, and May 2 was mustered in as- sergeant of Company H, First Vermont regiment. After three months' service he was discharged, but immediately re-enlisted, and on Sept. 16, 1861, was- mustered into the service as captain of Company I, Fifth Vermont regiment. On July 16, 1862, he was made major of the Fifth Vermont regiment, and on October 6, following, was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy of the regiment. On May 5, 1864, he lost his left arm in the battle of the Wilderness; June 5, following, was- made colonel of the regiment, and mustered out as such Sept. 11, 1864. On Sept, 8, he was made colonel of the First regiment. Veteran Reserve Corps. On March 13, 1865, he was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers for gallant services in the battle of the Wilderness, and on March 31, 1867, was honorably mustered out of the volunteer ranks. He was made a major of the Forty-fourth United States infantry Jan. 22, 1867, and was retired April 28, 1870, with the rank of coloneL On March 2, 1867, he was brevetted Heutenant-colonel and colonel in the regular army — the first for "gallant and meritorious conduct at the battle of White Oak Swamp, Va.," and the secondrank (colonel) "for gallant conduct at the Wilder ness." Gen. Lewis participated in the following battles : Golding's Farm, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Va. (where he wag wounded in the leg). Second Bull Run (Manassas), Fredericksburg (first and second battles), Salem Church, Burkitts- ville, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, and Wildemess, where he lost his arm. After the war Gen. Lewis was placed in command of the post at Elmira, N. Y., where he paroled about 5,000 prisoners of war; and in the fall of 1866, he -yvas ordered south and assigned to duty as inspector-general on the staff of Gen. CHnton B. Fisk, at Nashville, Tenn. Six months afterward Gen. Fisk was mustered out of service, and Gen. Lewis was assigned to his position as assistant commander "Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands." He served here until January, 1867, when he was ordered to Georgia, and assigned to duty as inspector- general on the staff of Gen. C. C. Sibley, at Savannah, Macon and Atlanta. In 1868 Gen. Sibley was retired, and Gen. Lewis was appointed to his position as assistant commander of same bureau, as at Nashville, in which he remained until April 28, 1870, when he was retired. The succeeding fall he was appointed by Gov. R. B. Bullock, and confirmed by the senate, as state school commissioner, and organized the present admirable school system of Georgia. After serving. eighteen months, he resigned and went to Des Moines, Iowa, where he engaged in business with Gen. L. A. Grant, late assistant secretary of war. He remained in Des Moines until 1876, when he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and lived there until 1880, when he returned to Atlanta, and rendered valuable service in behalf of the. International Cotton exposition in 1881. In 1883 he established a wholesale and retail rubber goods business in Atlanta, which soon assumed great proportions and became very profitable. Having been appointed postmaster of Atianta by President Harrison, Aug. i, 1889, he disposed of his interest in the rubber goods business, and devoted his time and superior abilities to the duties of the office. During his incumbency important and valuable improvements were made, cal culated to facHitate the transaction of business inside and outside; and during his administration the aggregate business of the office increased from $136,000 to> $207,000 per annum. Dec. i, 1893, Gen. Lewis was succeeded by Dr Amos Fox, democrat. In April, 1894, he was made secretary of the Cotton States and Inter national exposition, to be held in Atlanta in the fall of 1895. Gen. Lewis is a PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 853 member of the G. A. R., of which he has been junior vice grand commander-in- chief, and commander of the department of Georgia. He also belongs to the ^Loyal Legion — his membership being in the Ohio commandery. He is also president of the Summit Land company, Atlanta, which owns a very desirable tract of 600 acres of land about ten miles northeast of Atlanta, of sufficient elevation to command a view of the city. Gen. Lewis was married Aug. 17, 1856, to Miss Frances H., daughter of F. M. Mattice, of Buffalo, N. Y., and to them two children liave been born: Fred W., now in the United States MiHtary academy at West Point, and Harold B., at home. He is a member of the First Church of Christ, ¦Scientists. £)ANIEL HOWARD LIVERMORE, vice-president of the State Savings bank of Atlanta, Ga., and president of the Bank of Calhoun, Ga., was born in Sanger- field, N. Y., in 1868. In this little town he was reared, received a primary in struction and a liberal education, and graduated in Waterville, N. "Y., in 1889. From here he went to the Rochester (N. Y.) Business university, and was grad uated from this thorough institution in 1891, and soon after, with a desire 4o test his efforts away from home and assume a personal responsibility over his growing ambition, he migrated to Georgia, locating in Calhoun, a small town in the northern portion of the state. Here he organized the Bank of Calhoun and was at once elected president. While stHl holding a controlling interest and the highest title in the bank, he removed to Atlanta in October, 1894, and was chosen vice-president of the State Savings bank, iii which he had bought a large bilock of shares. In 1891 Mr. Livermore was united in marriage to "Helen, daughter of A. J. Hale, of Waterville, N. Y. They have one child, Howard Jerome Livermore, a bright, happy-hearted little fellow. Mr. Livermore is a member of the Presbyterian church, and aids religious endeavor with an unstinted liberality. His father was Daniel Livermore, born in the state of New York, and a veteran captain of the late war. His mother was Ella Brigham, also a native of New York. Mr. Livermore is a very provident and practical man, who believes in anticipating the future by prudent forethought. He has handsomely fortified the pecuniary condition of his family by carrying a $100,000 policy on his life in the Alutual Life Insurance company of New York. This is a substantial attestation of sincere devotion. Mr. Livermore, when first elected, was perhaps the youngest bank president in the United States. The phenomenal success that has attended his financial operations has fully justified the wisdom of his selection to positions of such importance and responsibility. He has large moneyed connections in the east which, coupled with his present affluence, indicate a flattering future. T\R. WILLIAM ABRAM LOVE, one of the oldest and best-known physicians in the state of Georgia, has lived in Atlanta nearly a quarter of a century. With the spirit and the blood of the old English cavaliers coursing through his veins, he has ever been a man of action and decided character, keeping the same even to his old age. Dr. Love, the only child of William and Sarah (Childers) Love, was born May 16, 1824, in that historic place, Camden, Kershaw district, S. C. His grandparents and his father were residents of that vicinity in colonial days and suffered much at the hands of the British and the tories during the revolutionary war. Indeed, though a mere boy at that time Dr. Love's father, for the sake of freedom and his loyalty to the colonial cause for which his father fought, carried a withered arm all his after life. It was through the cruefty of the tories that he suffered most The facts are: He was captured one day while riding a very fine horse, when, after being deprived of his mount, he was bound hand and foot to the back of an old, worn-out army mule. The mule was then 854 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. turned loose to graze in a desolate wood, and here after three days of intense pain, the exhausted, but patriotic boy was found by his friends. Little wonder that to this day Dr. Love despises and scorns the name and memory of tory. Notwithstanding the suffering thus endured by the elder William Love, he grew to a noble manhood and because of his affliction was most carefully edu cated, after which, for the greater part of a long life he held high positions of public trust in his native state. By the death of his father, Feb. 17, 1825, and the second marriage of his mother, William Abram Love became the special care of his grandmother Childers. This grandmother, previous to her marriage was Miss Sarah King, a daughter of that sturdy revolutionary soldier on whose property was fought and for whose honor was named that fateful and famous encounter known in history as the battle of King's mountain. The daughter of this soldier inherited the stern and sturdy characteristics of her revolutionary father, with all his vigilance and high sense of honor and justice. So the life of her young charge was closely guarded, but the thrilHng accounts of his adventures in childhood, which he often relates to his children and grandchildren stamp him as a character of strong individuality, even in early youth. In his boyhood Dr. Love attended the schools of Camden and afterward Russell Place academy, but at a very early age he chose his life's work and when twelve years old, with a view to the study of medicine, he entered the drug store of Dr. George Reynolds, continuing his other studies under private tutors. Later, as a regular medical student, he was for four years under the preceptorship of Drs. E. H. Anderson, senior and junior, then of Camden, S. C, the latter now in Kirkwood, Miss. In 1844 Dr. Love entered the medical department of the university of Pennsylvania, and as a private pupil in the office of Dr. Samuel George Morton of PhHadelphia. With a view -to ultimate special work he entered at the same time the Obstetrical institute, under the supervision of Dr. Joseph Warrington. He served his full time also under the direction of the lady managers of lying-in and charity and nurse societies and was graduated by this institution in 1845. Through the summer of that year he remained in Philadelphia, devoting his time to ward and clinical services in Blockley and Pennsylvania hospitals and attending lectures at the Locust street schools. April 3, 1846, he received his degree of doctor of medicine from the university of Pennsylvania. July, 1846, he came to Georgia and located at Locust Grove, Taliaferro Co., and there began his lifelong friendship with Alexander H. Stephens. Jan. 11, 1849, ^^ "^¦'^s married to Marion Louisa, daughter of Hon.. Abner Darden, who then and for many years represented his people in the legis lative halls of his state. During the following winter Dr. Love, with a colony of friends, passed through Atlanta, then a young city, and made a home in Cave Spring, Floyd Co., where in 1850, he was elected superintendent and physician of the Georgia asylum for the deaf and dumb. He accomplished much in the up building of this institution ; but preferring to give his entire time to his profession he remained with the school only a few years. In 1858, the winters of north Georgia having made a change of climate necessary for hirnself and his family, he removed to southwest Georgia and located at Albany. There he soon estab lished himself as a physician, surgeon and gynecologist and was regarded as the leading practitioner of that section. From Albany Dr. Love went as a volunteer with the first troops enlisted for the defense of the Confederate states. Very early in the war he was discharged from the regular army on the score of ill health, but nothing deterred him from duty and he served till the latest hour of that eventful struggle on the medical staff of the Confederate states army on the field and in the hospitals. Doubtless many southern soldiers remember him most kindly, especially in connection with Ocmulgee hospital at Macon, Ga. The W. B. LOWE. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 855 result of the civil war having changed very largely the environment of his ante bellum field of practice. Dr. Love, in 1870, removed from Albany to Atlanta for the purpose of devoting himself more exclusively to the practice of gynecological medicine. In this he has been so eminently successful that he, by result of work, has established a reputation which extends his field of usefulness over Georgia and through all the adjoining states. In 1871 he was elected to the chair of physiology in the Atlanta Medical college and with scarcely a day's notice he entered upon his work in this school, which is one of the best in the south. .He is now (1894) senior professor and president of the faculty. He has always taken much interest in his State Medical association; he devoted much time and labor to its revival and up-building immediately after the close of the war and has occupied the position of vice-president in that body. He is a member, too, of the American Aledical association, and in the International Medical congress held at Washington, D. C, he was vice-president of the physiological section. In con nection with his professional work he has made some valuable contributions to the medical literature of his age, and as a practitioner, writer, speaker and teacher he has ever been an earnest and strong advocate for principles in medicine and conservatism in practice. With all his labor for the benefit of humanity. Dr. Love has lived a quiet, retired life, devoted and indulgent to his family, caring little for wealth and avoiding at all times political preferment, desiring the rather to live for the good of mankind and bending his energies to the study and ad vancement of his profession. This he has done indeed, directly through his own efforts, and indirectly through the result of work by hundreds of his students. For his students his interest never wanes. Even at the age of three score and ten, with pencil and brush, he has illustrated his lectures on physiology, making for his classes almost hundreds of illuminated life-size and magnified microscopic draw ings. In the order of Free Masonry Dr. Love has evinced a lifelong interest From his earHest manhood he has been a past deputy grand master of his grand lodge and for more than a quarter of a century he has held in supervision the masonic jurisprudence of that body. In national and international masonic meetings he has been highly honored with official positions. In the world's masonic congress at Chicago, 1893, he was elected vice-president and there he carefully guarded "the old landmarks," casting Georgia's entire vote on all de cisive questions. In fact, in his own state he has taken high rank in symbolic, capitular, cryptic and templar masonry and in the Scottish rite of the southern jurisdiction he has risen to the prince of the'royal secret or thirty-second degree. By Georgia's sister jurisdictions he has been highly honored, being the grand rep resentative in Georgia of the grand lodge of Alabama, the grand lodge of New York, the grand chapter of Alabama, the grand council of Ohio, the grana councH of South CaroHna and the grand council of Vermont He has also con tributed to the literature of the masonic order. Many of his masonic addresses have been published and as chairman of the committee on foreign correspond ence for the grand chapter of Georgia he was most cordiaHy and courteously wel comed by the reportorial corps of the grand chapters of the world. QAPT. WILLIAM B. LOWE, manufacturer, Atianta, Fulton Co., was born at GreenvHle, Ga., in Meriwether county, on the lotii of July, 1839. His father, a gaHant soldier of the war of 1812, having entered the struggle a beardless boy, came to Georgia when quite a young man. Pie was a native of Edgefield district. S. C. His parents were of English descent, and iHustrated aH those sturdy qualities which belong to the English character. He died in Georgia in 1882, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. The first twelve years of Capt. Lowe's boyhood 856 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ' ' were passed in Meriwether county. Like other boys, he was fond of outdoor Hfe, and dehghted in all the sports and pastimes which make up such a large part of a boy's happiness. From Meriwether county he moved to Baker county and remained there for two or three years. He then went to Coweta county, where he clerked for about four years, after which he went to New York. He became a clerk in the great metropolis in 1856, securing a position in a large clothing store. At the expiration of three years he bought an interest in the firm and continued in business until the breaking out of the war. He then came to Atlanta, and in July, 1861, entered Cobb's legion as first lieutenant He was subsequently promoted to the rank of captain in Company F, and received a severe wound at South moun tain, Md., in 1862. Here he was captured and held as a prisoner for two or three months. On being paroled at Baltimore he rejoined the Confederate army at Fredericksburg, Md. His health began to fail at this juncture, and on the recommendation of medical advisers he was transferred to the Georgia state service. He was stationed in Atlanta, where he supervised the transportation department of the Atlanta & West Point railroad, and served in this capacity until the war closed. Capt. Lowe demonstrated the qualities of a superb soldier during his campaign in Virginia, and his military record is one of the best to be found on the muster rolls of the Confederacy. He was in several of the hardest-fought battles of the war, and acquitted himself in each engagement with soldierly courage and behavior. After the war Capt. Lowe settled in Atlanta, and entered the clothing and dry goods business. He continued in this line for about ten years, and then, in connection with Gen. John B. Gordon and others, became the lessees of the state convicts for a term of twenty years. He commenced a general con tracting business and devoted himself exclusively to the building of railroads and bridges. Capt Lowe has since 'been occupied in this line, and his marvelous energies have chiefly been expended in the material upbuHding of the state. He has been a strong and influential factor in the development of Georgia's railroads. Capt. Lowe is the vice-president of the Enterprise Lumber company, president of the Columbus Southern Railroad company, vice-president of the Parrott Lumber company, director in the Chattahoochee Brick conipany, and president of Peniten tiary company No. 2. The political arena has never had any charms for Capt. Lowe, and his friends have never prevailed upon him to accept political office from their hands. He has always preferred the quiet Hfe of a private citizen, believing it to be conducive to his best interests, as well as to his own happiness and that of his household. Capt Lowe was married, in 1868, to Aliss Douglass, daughter of the late John Douglass, of La Grange, Ga. They have two children, a son and a daughter: W. B., Jr., and Rebecca. Capt Lowe has an elegant home on Peach- tree street, in -Atlanta, and his domestic life is sweetened by all those social ties that make home bright and beautiful. While not a member of any church, he beHeves in the spiritual as well as the practical and business side of life. His reputation for integrity and honor has long been established among his friends and neighbors, and no one envies him the success in Hfe which he has patiently achieved. JUDGE J. H. LI.JMPKIN, a scion of one of the most illustrious families in the state, the subject of this sketch, has added new laurels to a name already richly blended with the associations of the bench and bar of Georgia. A grandson of the great and gifted Chief Justice Joseph Henry Lumpkin, and bearing the name of his lamented forefather, ft is not improper to observe that in the brilliancy of his judicial talents, as well as in the probity of his unsuHied private life, the subject of this sketch is worthy of the honored name he bears. Judge Lumpkin was born at Athens, Ga., the seat of the state university, and a center of learning and culture. ^*" n^ || HKtoi^' 'fr-*' j^4ii^^^ '^ «^^^ *# J. H. LUMPKIN. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 857 receiving both his primary and collegiate education in that city. Athens has always been distinguished as the home of honored and illustrious families, among the number being the Cobbs, the Lumpkins, the Hills, the Lipscombs, the Hulls and the Gradys. As a student at the state university, young Lumpkin acquired the distinction of being the finest Greek and Latin scholar in the institution. Gradu ating from the university with the highest honors of his class, he moved directly to Atlanta, in 1875, and applied himself with diligence to the study of the law, for which profession he was fitted by discipline, preference and heredity. After passing a rigid examination on all the fundamental principles of the law, he was admitted to the bar in 1876, and immediately formed a partnership with Capt. Harry Jackson, a kinsman, and one of the leading practitioners at the Georgia bar. He was subsequently appointed assistant supreme court reporter, in 1877, and after filling this important position to the satisfaction of the bench and bar he was promoted to the office of supreme court reporter, in 1882. He held this office until 1888, when he tendered his resignation and returned to the active practice of his profession. Chief Justice Logan E. Bleckley, who then presided over that tribunal, in accepting the resignation of Air. Lumpkin, said: "In directing that this resignation be accepted and recorded- on the minutes, I will observe, for the court, that it is with great regret that we part with an officer whose services have been so faithful and efficient. Every public servant who discharges his duty is worthy of high commendation, and this Air. Lumpkin has done with remarkable fidelity and with great skill and ability. In some respects his faculty for reporting is remarkable. He can, with more facility and expedition than almost any other man I have ever known, arrive at the true contents of a record or opinion, and present them in a condensed form, making a sort of miniature of any case, however large its proportions, and yet a miniature that reflects its features accurately. I repeat, that we part with him with very great regret, and — as numerous as the bar of Georgia is — ^with scarcely a hope that we will find a successor equal in all respects to himself for the functions of this important office." This is high praise, coming from a man of such pronounced conservatism and established probity as the then chief justice, Logan E. Bleckley. Returning to the practice of his chosen profession. Judge Lumpkin found a large cHentage awaiting him, and he stepped into a lucrative and growing practice in both the state and federal courts. 'The familiarity with the judicial rulings of the supreme court made him a favorite oracle with the members of the bar throughout the state, and he was frequently called into consultation where important and far-reaching issues were involved. Among the noted cases in which he figured after returning to the general practice was that of the Southern Mutual Insurance company, involving hundreds of thousands oi dollars, and bringing in question the determination of important legal issues affecting the rights of poHcy holders and the distribution of accrued profits. He was also employed as counsel in the Cotton States life insurance case, one of the most intricate issues ever tried in Georgia. In numbers of criminal pro ceedings he has represented the attorney-general of the state, and given aid to the soHcitors in the prosecution of criminals. In one volume of the supreme court decisions alone twenty cases are reported in which he figured. On the resignation of Hon. Marshall J. Clarke, as judge of the superior court of the Atianta circuft, Judge Lumpkin -was appointed by Gov. Northen to succeed him. His term of office began on Sept. 16, 1893. He was subsequently elected to that office by the general assembly. In addition to his legal qualifications, Judge Lumpkin is a student of general literature, and is one of the best informed men in the state on aH subjects pertaining to his favorite study. He has written several compositions of superior merit, and his talents, had he chosen literature as his 858 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. profession, would no doubt have advanced him to the front rank in that field. Judge Lumpkin has traveled extensively, both in Europe 'and this country, and his powers of observation, brought to bear upon the opportunities for study afforded by his travels, have made his mind a treasury of information, all of which enrich his conversation and serve to increase his usefulness at the bar and on the bench. JUDGE SAAIUEL LUMPKIN, associate justice of the supreme court of Georgia, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., Dec. 12, 1848. His boyhood was spent in this locality, training his intellect in the schools close by for the great mental labors that awaited his coming manhood. His mother was Sarah E. Johnson. His father died at the early age of twenty-six, and yet before that time had established an enviable reputation as a lawyer of remarkable powers. Judge Lumpkin attended both Mercer university and the university of Georgia, graduating from the latter institution in July, 1866, with the highest honors of his class. In the following fall he taught school in one of the middle counties of Georgia, and through 1867 conducted a small school in Alississippi. Soon after graduation he undertook the study of law in connection with his other duties, and after a splendid examination was admitted to the bar' at Lexington, Ga., in 1868. Fle began his first practice in Elberton, Ga., with Col. Robert Hester, and later removed to Americus, Ga., resuming practice during 1870-71 with Col. C. T. Goode After the expiration of that time he returned to his home in Lexington. In 1871 Air. Lurnpkin was appointed journalizing clerk of the house of representatives, and a year subsequently was appointed solicitor-general of the northern circuit of Georgia by Gov. Smith, being reappointed in 1873 for a term of four years. In 1877 he was made postmaster of Lexington and in the same year was elected state senator. As chairman of the committee on railroads he greatly aided in framing the excellent railroad commission law, which has been enforced since that day. In 1884 he was elected judge of the superior court of the northern circuit by the state legislature, and was unanimously re-elected for a second term. In 1890 he was chosen an associate judge on the supreme bench. In this tribunal he is distinguished as accurate, amiable and wise, and has given the highest satisfaction by his methods of honorable justice. It has been said of him: "Judge Lumpkin's manner on the bench will always afford that mitigation to counsel disappointed by a decision." Judge Lumpkin was honored in 1891 by having the degree of LL. D. conferred upon him by the South-western Baptist university at Jackson, Aliss. He was married in 1888 to Kate, daughter of Walker Richardson, and granddaughter of Col. A. M. Stanford of Alabama. She is a lady of beauty and accompHshment and has blessed his life and shared with him the true reward of greatness. Justice Lumpkin is of noble lineage. His ancestors without exception have been the pride and flower of the state. He is a grand nephew of Chief Justice Lumpkin of the Georgia supreme bench, and of Wilson Lumpkin, one of Georgia's brainiest governors. He is respected and loved by every practitioner in the state. PDGAR P. M'BURNEY, banker, Atlanta, Ga., son of J. C. McBurney, was born in Tompkins county, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1862. His father is of Scotch-Irish lineage, whose home is in Jersey City, N. J., but who has large financial interests in the south. Mr. McBurney was raised in Jersey City, spending his winters in Alacon, Ga., attending school in both cities. After graduating from the Jersey City high school in. 1878 he came south, and engaged as bookkeeper at the cotton factory of Flollingsworth & McBurney (his father), at PlawkinsviHe, Ga. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 859 A year later he went to Alacon as clerk for W. A. Duty, dry goods merchant, with whom he remained a" year. The year following, 1880, he came to Atlanta as bookkeeper for Hendrix & McBurney, real estate men, and was with them two years. He then went into the real estate business with his father under the firm name of AIcBtirney & Co., and continued the business until 1887, when he com menced organizing a series of development and investment enterprises, all of which have proven to be phenomenally successful. In 1886 he organized the People's Mutual Loan and Building association, of which he is now secretary and treasurer. This is the most successful local building and loan association in the United States, having paid as high as 19 per cent, per annum. In 1887 he organized the West View Cemetery association, of which he was made secre tary, and two years later general manager, a position he still retains. That same year he organized the Mechanics' Loan and Building association, of which he is secretary and treasurer. The next year, 1888, he organized the Mutual Loan and Banking company, of Atlanta, with a paid-up' capital stock of $72,000, of which Air McBurney was made cashier. The bank is now operating on a capital of $200,000. In 1890 Mr. AIcBurney organized the West View Floral company, of which he is secretary and treasurer and general manager, and in which he owns a controlling interest The conipany ships flowers to all parts of the southern states, from Richmond to Jacksonville, Mobile and New Orleans, and has built up a business of almost incredible extent and value. The organization of these various enterprises, and so successfully managiiig them, evidences remarkable versatility of business qualifications, untiring well-directed industry, and financial ability of a remarkably high order — especially in one so young, just on the threshold of life. Mr. McBurney was married in Atlanta Jan. 25, 1888, to Miss Alaggie Berry, daughter of AI. R. Berry, one of Atlanta's most highly esteemed, as well as one of her most solid, citizens — moraHy and financially. Mr. McBurney is a meniber of the Capital City club, of the masonic fraternity, and of the First Presbyterian church, Atlanta. JOSEPH A. M'CORD, cashier, Atlanta, Ga., son of Stewart McCord, was born in Newton county, Ga., Oct. 6, 1857. His father, who was of Scotch descent, the family having come to this country before the revolutionary war, was born in Abbeville district, S. C, in 1794, and died Aug. 31, 1868. He was a farmer, was a soldier in the war of 1812, was sheriff of Abbeville district, S. C, and came to Georgia in 1824. Mr. McCord was reared on the farm, and was educated in the country schools in Newton and Rockdale counties. When twelve years old he commenced clerking in a store at Conyers, Ga., and clerked a number of years. In 1874 he was appointed deputy clerk under T. J. Tread weH, clerk of the superior court of Rockdale county, retaining the position about four years. He then went to Carrollton, Ga., and engaged in a general merchandise business, conducting it with success and profit untH 1890. In 1887 he was elected a member of the city council of Carrollton, was re-elected, and served three years. At the same time he was elected a school commissioner of Carrollton by the general assembly and served two years. In 1890 he came to Atlanta and entered the employ of the Western & Atlantic railway in the general freight office, having charge of the adjustment of all city claims for damages, etc. He remained in this office untH November. 1892, when he was elected assistant cashier of the Atlanta Trust and Banking company, and on May 11, 1893, was elected cashier, a position he now holds, discharging its responsible duties with conspicuous ability. Mr. McCord was married in Carrollton April 24, 1889, to Miss Lillie, daughter of Capt David Croft His wife died, leaving no issue, June 21, 1890. He is a member of the 860 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Capital City club, of the I. O. O. P., and of the Methodist church, sOuth. Mr McCord has the entire confidence of the commercial element of Atlanta, ranks well in financial circles, and, being a young man, may be regarded as having a bright future before him. pLOYD WILLCOX M'RAE, physician, Atlanta, was born on a farm in Telfaft county, Ga., Dec. 6, 1861. He is of Scotch descent on his father's side, while his maternal grandfather was of English extraction. His grandfather was Alexander AIcRae, who was a native of Scotland and was there married to Abigail Bain. They came to America and settied in Telfair county, Ga. Dr McRae's father was Murdoch H. McRae, a weH known farmer of Telfair county, where he was born in 1826. He was married to Ehzabeth Willcox in 1852. She was the daughter of Thomas S. Willcox, who was a native of Georgia, and weH known in its political circles, having been a member of both upper and lower branches of the state legislature from Irwin county. Dr. AIcRae lived at home until eighteen years old, passing the usual life of a farmer boy, and receiving his early intel lectual training at the hands of private tutors. He then attended Robert E. Lee institute at Thomaston, Ga. He was obHged to leave here on account of his health, just before he was to be graduated, and after he had gone through the course and occupying an advanced position in his classes. In 1881 he located in Jesup, Ga., and engaged in the drug business until the summer of 1884. He had in the mean time taken one course of lectures at the Atlanta Medical college, and after selling his business he returned to Atlanta, and pursuing his studies was graduated from this college with second honors in March, 1885. He began to practice his profes sion in Talbotton, Ga., at once, but three months later was elected to the chair of demonstrator of anatomy in the Atlanta Medical college, which position he held until the spring of 1892, when h"e resigned, and was elected in the fall professor of physiology and clinical medicine in the Southern Medical college of Atlanta, which chair he now holds. Dr. McRae belongs to the American Medical association, the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association, and the Atlanta Society of Medicine. He has been honored with the offices of president and secretary of the latter society, and is at present secretary of the surgical section of the American Medical association. Since he was called back to the city to take a place in the faculty of the Atlanta Medical coHege Dr. McRae has made this city his home and has practiced his profession in connection with his college work. He is a frequent contributor to medical journals and some of his papers have evoked wide discussion. Dr. McRae is a thirty-second degree Scottish rite Mason. He belongs to the Methodist church, south, and is a member of the board of stewards of Trinity Alethodist church of Atlanta. Y)R. MANNING WILLIS MANAHAN, who has his elegant offices in the "Grand," is one of the most popular and successful of Atlanta's splendid corps of physicians. He was born in Hartland, Ohio, from which place he removed to Norwalk, where he resided many years. He received a thorough education, graduating with honor; after which he was for several years, deputy clerk in the office of the probate judge of that district Being strongly incHned to the study of medicine, he then entered the Homeopathic Hospital college, at Cleveland, Ohio, from which he graduated in due course with high honors; among them being the first clinical and obstetrical prizes. He married, the daughter of George R. "Walker, a prominent lawyer of Norwalk, and in 1882, located in Atlanta, forming a partnership with Dr. F. H. Orme, an experienced and prominent physician. This partnership continued until the close of 1887, when it expired by V '¦ ^ E. W. MARTIN. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 86l limitation, since which time he has conducted personally his large and increasing practice. Dr. Manahan comes of a distinguished Hneage which has contributed in no small degree to the making of the history of this country. His father, George W. Manahan, was a successful business man of broad views and systematic habits, who amassed quite a competency with which he gave his children the best educa tional advantages, and on which he and his family lived comfortably during his declining years. His mother, Mrs. Lucy Sophia Manahan, was a daughter of Isaac Morse, of New Haven county. Conn., and a near relative of Jedediah Alorse, the geographer; Prof Samuel F. B. Morse, the inventor of the American telegraph; Sidney E. Morse, the author of Modem geography, and of Lieut-Gen. Scott, while Mr. Isaac Morse was himself a man of fine talent and education, and much respected. She was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and a Christian woman in the best sense of that term, as evidenced by an even temper and an example of the virtues of charity, forbearance and love, and died in 1894. Dr Manahan stands high in the medical world, is zealous in all things pertaining to the ethics and practice of his profession, and has held many offices of prominence and consideration. He was president of the board of United States pension examiners of Atlanta from 1891 to 1893, is a member of the American Institute of Home opathy, a charter member of the Southern Homeopathic Medical association, a member of the Atlanta Aledical club, and has served both as secretary and president of this organization. Dr. Manahan is a successful physician, a skillful surgeon, and a genial gentleman, possessing a large share of personal magnetism and commanding confidence in his professional ability, as is evidenced by a host of devoted friends, and a large practice in the very best families of the city. gDMUND WELLBORN MARTIN, lawyer, Atianta, Ga., son of Col. John M. Martin, was born on the plantation of his maternal grandfather, Alfred Well born, near Warm Springs, Meriwether Co., Ga., July 23, 1854. His paternal great grandfather. Gen. John Martin, was born Oct. 6, 1749, and was a general in the revolutionary army. His grandfather, Edmund Martin, was a native of Edgefield district, S. C., which he represented many years in the legislature of that state. Mr. Martin's father was bo'rn in St. Peter's parish, Beaufort district, S. C. He entered the Confederate service from Marion county, Fla., as captain of the Alarion Light artillery. At the battle of Richmond, Ky., during the effort of Gens. Bragg and E. Kirby Smith to unite their forces, he was seriously wounded and taken to a hospital. When recovered he rejoined his command; but, in the meantime, the people of his congressional district, in consideration of his gal lantry in the battle of Richmond, elected him to congress. Being in robust health, he felt it to be his duty to, return to active service in the field, and declined a re-election. He was elected colonel of the Ninth Florida regiment, Finegan's brigade, and continued in active service until the surrender. After that event he returned to Florida, and is now a citizen of Ocala, in that state. Mr. Martin was born while his mother, whose home was in Marion county, Fla., was on a visit to her father; as soon as she was able, she returned to her home in Florida. In 1858 his mother died of yellow fever, and Mr, Martin was taken to the home of his uncle, Dr. E. H. Martin, Savannah, Ga., where he remained untH 1865; and he then, when eleven years old, returned -to Florida, where he lived until 1871. In February, of that year, he entered the preparatory department of Wofford college, Spartanburg, S. C., and in the summer of 1875 graduated from that institution with first honors and valedictorian of his class. Late in that year he was elected principal of Greenville Masonic institute, and held it during 1876-77. During this time he commenced reading law; and in the fall of 1877 he came to Atlanta, and 862 , MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. continued his reading with McConnel & Heyward. In 1878 he was admitted to the bar in Fulton county superior court Judge George Hillyer presiding. Since then he has done a successful and constantly growing general practice. On March i, 1886, Air Martin was elected police commissioner, and served acceptably three years. In 1890, and, again in 1892, he was elected to represent Fulton county in the general assembly. During his two terms in that body he was one of the most active and laborious of its members; being chairman the first term of the committee on privileges and elections, and a member of the committees on edu cation, finance, general judiciary and penitentiary. His first term was one of almost incessant, arduous labor — in the committee-room on details, and on the floor of the house in discussions, himself the leader in very many of the most important of them. His colleagues were Clarke Howell, Jr., editor of the "Con stitution," and ex-Mayor John B. Goodwin. The first-named having been elected speaker, devolved unusual labor on Messrs. Goodwin and Martin. The latter, during his first term, introduced fifty-five bills of a general and local character, three-fourths of which passed. Among them was a bill to improve the capitol grounds ; also, a bill making an original appropriation to the Technological school, and another making a supplementary appropriation, necessitated by a former deficiency. Both bills were vigorously, not to say viciously, attacked, and as vigorously and ably and successfully defended by Mr. Martin. The supplementary bill was introduced by him, and he had the leadership and bore the brunt of the assault; but after a hard-fought contest, he won, and both appropriations were made. They saved the school — but for them it would have been kHled. He was also the author of the bills making uniform and clear the mode by which the superior courts of Georgia were authorized to grant charters to corporations according to the terms of the constitution of the state. These bills passed, and have proved of great benefit. He supported with all his earnestness, ability and energy the proposition to accept the Soldiers' home, but the proposition faded. Mr. Martin performed an immense amount of hard work on the various com mittees, and made many speeches, this first term. During his second term — - 1892-93 — he served on the committees on corporations, finance, general judiciary and enrollment. The amount of work to be done this term by the Fulton county delegation was as large as that of the preceding term, and Mr. Martin was quite as conspicuous, doing his full share. He introduced a bill to establish a state reformatory for juveniles; and, also, a bill to allow counties and municipalities in Georgia to establish reformatories by a vote of the people of each locaHty interested. After a hot and exciting debate, lasting two days, the deep-seated prejudice and want of information, generally, on the part of members, caused the first bill to be defeated. It, however, received a majority of the votes cast, and lacked only nine votes of receiving the needed constitutional majority. This action was afterward reconsidered, but on account of. the constitutional limit of the session, did not reach a vote. The other bill, to allow counties and municipalities to establish reformatories for juvenile criminals, passed both houses and is now a law — recognized everywhere as a wise and beneficent one. In the matter of the passage of this, as well as that of the other bill, Mr. Martin was the leader of the debate on the floor, and the head and front of the work in the committee. During the session the bill for the acceptance or non-acceptance of the Confederate Soldiers' home came up, and Mr. Alartin again strongly favored the passage of the bill accepting the same. The bill passed the house, but was defeated in the senate. During the session of 1893, Mr. Martin introduced a measure amending the constitution, so as to allow counties to raise revenue for sanitaiy pui-poses, to protect the public health; but it was defeated. He ably championed a bHl intro- JOHN MILLEDGE. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 863 duced at this session giving the. election of the municipal officers of Atlanta (with certain exceptions), to the people, instead of their being elected by the council. This bill became a law. Of a large number of other important general and local bills, of some of which he was the author, he was the ardent, hard-working champion. Mr. Martin is a man of untiring industry, persistency of effort and unswerving integrity, and will unquestionably be again called into the public service. ]\lr. Martin was married in April, 1879, to Miss SaHie, daughter of Alexander F. Hill, of Aleriwether county, and granddaughter of the late Chief Justice Hiram Warner, who was elected associate justice when the court was first organized. Mr. and Airs. Martin have three children: Willie Wellborn (daugh ter), Hiram Warner, and Frank Hill. Mr. Martin is a member of the I. O. O. P., and a member of the Methodist church, and is on the board of stewards of Trinity church. South Atlanta. pDWIN W. MARSH, of the firm of Moore & Marsh (now dissolved), is a native of Chatham county, N. C, having been born in the "tar-heel" state, Dec. 27, 1824. When eight years of age he came to Georgia with his father's family, and located in Covington, where he lived two or three years, and in 1836 moved to La Fayette, Walker Co., Ga., and there resided until 1853, studying the elementary branches and completing the course at the high school, in Chattooga county, taught by Rev. James Gamble. This was the extent of his education. When ten years old he entered his father's store, worked hard and conscientiously, and was admitted to the firm after the expiration of ten years. In 1853 Mr. Marsh went to Chattanooga, Tenn., formed a partnership with W. A. -Moore (whose sketch appears on another page of these Memoirs), conducted a general business, and there remained until 1863, when Federal troops and the disasters of war forced them further south. Air. Marsh came to Atlanta, where he purchased an interest in the "Southern Confederacy," a newspaper edited by the brilliant Henry Watter- soii, now of Kentucky, and J. F. Hanson. He maintained an interest in this pubHcation until the close of the war. During 1864 the paper was transferred to Macon, Ga. A few months later he again entered a partnership with Mr. Moore. They established the first and largest wholesale dry goods house in Atlanta, and conducted this with" unparalleled success untH !he death of Mr. Moore, in 1891. Mr. Marsh continued the business three years longer and then sold out He was married, in 1853, to Louisa Adelaide, daughter of McAHen Belts, a native of Georgia. This tie was blessed with four children, one of whom, Edwin W., died in 1889. Those surviving are: Spencer S., Adelaide, wife of G. B. Adair, and McAHen B., who lately married the beautiful and accompHshed Miss Louise Bigby. Mrs. Alarsh having died, he was again married, in 1868, to Achsach, daughter of James Turner, of La Grange, Ga. They had one daughter, Mary> who was married to Charles Crankshaw, of Atlanta, and died in May, 1895.. -Mr Marsh is a demitted Mason. His ancestors were Baptists, and he is inclined-to this faith. He is president of the Trion Manufacturing compan}^, a large cotton- miH of Chat tooga county, and owns immense iron properties in north Georgia,- which are rapidly developing and yielding valuable products, and has a controlling interest in the Sweetwater Park hotel at Salt Springs, Ga. Mr. Marsh is one of Atianta's weafthiest citizens, who has been closely identified with her growth since he made the city his home. JV/IILLEDGE. There is not among the many patriotic and historic famihes of Georgia any one more tr^ly deserving of being held in grateful remembrance than the MiHedge famHy. The first John Milledge, of Georgia was born in_ Eng land, and came to America with Oglethorpe. He became a man of affairs in the 864 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. new colony, and held several important trusts, civic and mHitary. His commission as commander of a troop of rangers, dated Alarch 29, 1742, was signed by James Oglethorpe. In 1768, while a member of the colonial assembly, he was one of a committee to correspond with Benjamin Franklin, agent "to arrange the affairs of Georgia with Great Britain." The captain and his family had a pew in Christ church. Savannah, "in consideration of six pounds and ten shillings," receipted July 5, 1763. Flis son. Gov. John MiHedge, was born in Savannah in 1757. He commenced the study of law with the king's attorney. He was so engaged at the breaking out of the revolutionary war. When but sixteen years of age he was one of the six who broke open the magazine at Savannah and took away a large quantity of powder. Some of it was stored in Savannah, some sent to Beaufort and a part of it to Boston, where hostilities had commenced, and with it the battle of Bunker HiH was fought The royal governor, Wright offered a reward of £100 for the capture of each of the raiders ; but they, instead of inviting arrest, waited a month and then captured the governor in his own house, wherein they confined him. In this he was a leading spirit. He was in Savannah when it was taken by the British, but escaped. In January, 1780, when only twenty-three years of age, he was appointed attorney-general — this was the beginning of his civil career. Subsequently he served in the general assembly, and then was elected a repre sentative in congress, serving as such in 1792-93, from 1795 to 1799, and again in 1801-02. He resigned in 1802 to accept the governorship; was inaugurated Nov. 24 of that year, and held the office until Sept 23, 1806. He was immediately elected to the United States senatorship, where he served three years — the last year as president pro tem. That year, 1809, although only fifty-two years old, he resigned his seat and retired to private life. Milledgeville, the former capital of Georgia, was named in honor of Gov. John Alilledge. In April, 1802, he was one of three commissioners on the part of Georgia who negotiated with three appointed by the president, a treaty by which Georgia ceded the most of her western territory to the United States for $1,250,000, and other considerations. Although confronted by three statesmen of the highest national reputation, the Georgians made so satisfactory a settlement of a bitterly contested question that they received, by a unanimous vote, the thanks of the legislature. Gov. Milledge retired to his plantation on the Sand hills, near Augusta, where he died in 1818. While Mr. Jefferson's epitaph on his tomb is inscribed the "Father of the University of Vir ginia," Gov. Milledge was the "Benefactor of the University of Georgia." Gov. Milledge bought and conveyed to the university at Athens nearly 700 acres of land. Upon this land the college buildings and a great part of Athens now stand. Its first commencement was held in 1804. There hangs in the state library, Atlanta, a handsome painting of this eminent Georgian. It is the work of the late Miss Kate Elliott Milledge, the only granddaughter of Gov. Alilledge. She was the daughter of the late (3ol. John MHledge, and a sister to the present state librarian, Capt John MiHedge, who was a Confederate soldier, serving as first lieutenant and captain in the First Georgia regiment, and afterward captain of artillery under Gen. Lee. Col. John Milledge, the genial gentleman and present popular and efficient state librarian of Georgia, was born in Richmond county, and, as will be observed, is of distinguished historic lineage. In 1857 he graduated from the Georgia Military institute, with the rank of captain. He was commissioned first lieutenant, Feb. I, 1 861, in the First Georgia regulars. From 1862 until the close of the war he was captain and commanded a battery of artillery in Nelson's battalion. The battery was known as the Milledge artillery, and formed a part of the army of northern Virginia. At the second battie of Cold Harbor he was severely wounded. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 865 Col. Alilledge, by his courageous deeds and soldierly bearing, gained a strong hold in the hearts of his comrades and superior officers. In 1866 he came to Atlanta, just after the desolation of fire and plunder had laid waste all budding enterprises, and operied a law office. He took a high stand in his profession, and was city auditor and recorder from July, 1877, to July, 1881. He won the hearty favor of all in performing the duties of this office. For many years he served as president of the Benevolent home, and he was mainly instrumental in haying the home property, over $20,000, transferred to the Grady hospital. He called together and presided over the fi.rst meeting of the Confederate Veterans' association. He was appointed commissioner from Georgia at the Yorktown centennial; com manded the Governor's Guards infantry, of Atlanta; organized the Governor's Horse Guards in 1883, and was its captain seven years; was Heutenant-colonel of the First Georgia battalion of cavalry, and retired in 1891 with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He was appointed state librarian in 1888, and has held that position with great credit to himself and to the universal satisfaction of the bench and bar of the state. The state library of Georgia is now one of the best in the country. Col. Milledge is chivalrous, kind and cultured, and brings into this younger generation the virtues of the ante-bellum southerner. Everybody loves John Milledge because of his bravery and magnetic charms. Soon after the war he married Miss Fanny C. Robinson, a charming, cultivated lady of 'V'irginia. She was president of the Ladies' Memorial association of Fulton county, and it was during her administration, and due to her efforts, that the beautiful monu ment to the unknown dead was erected. The funeral of -Mrs. MHledge was perhaps the most noted occasion in the record of the state to her many honored women. The governor, the judges of the supreme court and state house officers were honorary pall-bearers. The military of the city attended as a special escort. J^R. H. V. M. MILLER. It rarely happens that a man eminently distinguishes himself in more than one profession. An exception to this rule is furnished by the versatile and commanding genius of Dr. H. V. M. MiHer. Dr. Miller is one of the most remarkable men that Georgia has ever produced. His memory is simply prodigious, and no impression once made upon his mind has ever been forgotten. He recalls with the greatest ease events that happened more than three-quarters of a century ago, and names, faces, public issues and personal reminiscences are still retained by him as vividly as when they were first stored away in his brain. Profoundly read in all departments of thought especially that pertaining to the science of medicine, Dr. Miller has possibly no equal in Georgia, and perhaps no superior anywhere. Early in life he acquired the sobriquet of "the Demosthenes of the mountains," and this distinction has followed him through life. He is looked upon with esteem and reverence by all Georgians as one of the lingering landmarks of a past generation, a generation made illustrious by the statesmanship of Toombs, HoweH, Cobb, Stephens, HiH and Walter T. Colquitt. Homer VirgH Milton Aliller was born in Pendleton district, S. C, on April 29, 1814. Of "Welsh extraction on his father's side of the house, and of Huguenot ancestry on his mother's side, he combined the qualities of noble blood, and, in the light of such lineage, his success in life is not surprising. His father, Maj.-Gen. Andrew Miller, moved to Rabun county, Ga., in 1825, at which time his son was only eleven years old. The maiden name of Dr. Miller's mother was Rebecca F. Cheri. She was a lady of rare culture and profound piety, and the influence of her parental discipline was a very potential factor in giving shape to her son's character. His early training was derived from private tutors, supplemented by his mother's instruction and his father's chivalrous example. Though living in the heart of the North Georgia mountains, remote from the refining influences of 1-55 866 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. social Hfe, the young student acquired a knowledge of the classics and a general culture that was strikingly at variance with the rugged character of his surround ings. One of his preceptors' was a graduate of the university of Dublin. Begin ning the study of medicine, for which department of science his predilections were quite decided, he graduated in 1835 from the Medical college of South Carolina, located in Charleston. Though the youngest meniber of his class, he received the silver goblet awarded for the best English dissertation. Two years were subsequently spent in the city of Paris, after which he located at Cassville, Ga., for the practice of his profession. In [846 he was made professor of obstetrics in the Medical college of Memphis, Tenn. He returned to Georgia, however, in 1849, accepting the chair of physiology in the Aledical college of Georgia, Augusta. His lectures at this institution became famous throughout the state, and steadHy advanced its popularity. In 1861 Dr. MiHer was assigned to duty at Harper's Ferr}- as surgeon of the Eighth Georgia infantry. He was afterward promoted to brigade surgeon and then to division surgeon. For quite a while he served under Gen. Beauregard's command at Charleston, S. C. He was appointed medical director for the state of Georgia, and was further desig nated as surgeon of posts and inspector of hospitals. After the war Dr. MiHer located in Rome, Ga., but did not remain long in the hill city. In 1867 he was elected to a professorship in the Atlanta Aledical college, one of the foremost institutions of the south, and during the year following he was elected to the senate of the United States. This high office had been vacant ever since the war. Dr. AlHler at once entered upon the discharge of his senatorial duties, and acquired a national reputation .for eloquence, patriotism and ability. During the war Dr. Aliller was made a trustee of the state university, and since that time he has rarely failed to attend the annual meetings of the board. He has always been a loyal friend of that institution, believing that every Georgian ought to support and uphold the university of the state. In 1890 Dr. MHler was appointed by Gov. Gordon as principal physician, to succeed Dr. Willis F. Westmoreland. He has rendered valuable service to the state in this capacity. The degree of LL. D. was conferred upon Dr. Aliller by Emory college several years ago. Dr. Aliller's first appearance in public life was during the heated contest of 1844. He met in joint debate with such men as Walter T. Colquitt, John H. Lumpkin and others, and proved himself a foeman worthy of their steel. His fame as an orator was not confined to Georgia, but spread to the frontiers of the nation. He took an active part in all the political campaigns preceding the war, and was recognized as one of the ablest of Georgia's public men. He refused the nomination of the American party for congressman in 1857. Dr. AlHler was a meniber of the famous reconstruction convention of 1867, and was an influential delegate on the floor of the convention. In 1881 he traveled over Europe as the agent of the International Cotton exposition, and contributed greatly to the success of that enterprise. Dr. Aliller was united in marriage to Aliss Harriet Perry Clark in 1835, and, after a wedded life of nearly fifty years, that noble lady has recently been called to her reward. Since leaving the senate of the United States, Dr. Miller, untH overtaken bv the growing infirmities of old age, has been actively engaged in the practice of his profession. His interest in public matters has never left him, and his familiarity with the principles of the government and the rise and fall of political parties is still fresh and vivid. Dr. AliHer is richly endowed with conversational resources, and is able to discuss any subject with ease and accuracy. No man, in his old age, has preserved his intellectual faculties so unimpaired, or better Hlus trated during his long life the state of his adoption, than the briHiant subject of this sketch. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 867 JOHN T. AIOODY. Ranking among the leading business men of Atlanta, and strictly a self-made man, is John T. Aloody. Though three decades have not yet passed over his head, he has lived long enough to make a place for himself in the business world that even in this country, renowned for energy and enter prise, is one to excite the ambition of the rising generation. Mr. Moody was born in Etowah county, Ala., May 25, 1868. There he lived until sixteen years of age, attending the public schools of Gadsden and preparing himself for the line of work he has so successfully followed. At the age of sixteen, with a brave heart and firm determination, he left his native state and came to Rome, Ga., taking a position with Batty & Hamilton, wholesale grocers. He began at the bottom of the ladder, but soon found himself promoted to a responsible position, with a thorough knowledge of the business. In 1888, when twenty years old, he deter mined to come to Atlanta, where his keen business perception told him was a wider field for a young man. He associated himself with Maddox, Rucker & Co., and was employed in the fertilizer and cotton department Having mastered the de taHs of this branch of the trade, he entered into business for himself in 1890, forming a partnership with Mr. G. S. Brewster, in the manufacture of fertilizing products, and also in the private banking business, which business is now conducted under the firm name of the Moody Loan and Banking company. The career of this enterprise has been distinguished by success from the first, and holds a prominent part in the commercial interests of the city. Mr. Moody was married in Atlanta, Oct. 30, 1888, to Miss Alabel, daughter of Air. G. H. Holliday, president of the Holliday Lumber company, of Atlanta. They have one child, Mary Helen Moody. Mr. Moody is a member of the I. O. O. P., and with his wife belongs to the First Methodist church. Mr. Moody has, by his care, industry and perseverance, succeeded in accumulating a comfortable supply of this world's goods. Candid and straightforward, systematic and punctual in his business, and upright and clean in his dealings, he has established a career honorable to himself and to the community in which he lives. WILLIAM ADOLPHUS MOORE, who passed away on July 31, 1891, has won the enviable distinction of being the foremost wholesale merchant in the southern states. He was born at Kingston, Tenn., Nov. 19, 1819, the grand son of Samuel Moore, of Scotch origin, who was a native of Pennsylvania, residing in Lancaster as inn-keeper for some years, and then moved to Tennessee, married Ann White, of German descent, and taught a small school. His father and mother were John Moore and Susan Moore, respectively. Her father was a son of Scotiand, who came to America and settled in South Carolina, going subse quentiy to Tennessee. Her mother was Barbara McCullough. While yet a boy Mr. Moore was left an orphan and he, with the aid of his brother, was compelled to support the younger children. This was the severe school in which he was taught frugality, patience and perseverance, and developed the noble traits of manhood that breathed a calm and gentle satisfaction in his latter days. When sixteen years of age he accepted a humble position that paid the meager salary of thirty-six dollars per annum and his board. In 1845 he went to La Fayette, Walker Co., Ga., but removed to Tennessee again shortly after, locating in Chattanooga. His employer opened a branch house in La Fayette, Ga., and placed him in charge of it, the firm being Moore & McLendon, but he soon sold his interest for a smaH cash consideration and the balance on time. In 1853 he entered into partnership wfth Edwin W. Marsh, the firm being Moore & Marsh, and was familiar to every southern merchant. In the same year they returned to Chattanooga and conducted a mixed dry goods and grocery business with 868 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. success until the Union army put them to flight. Mr. Moore, with his family,. refugeed first to Cassville and then to Decatur, Ga., he being in such feeble health that his services were refused by the Confederate government. His sympath}- was with the south from first to last, but his better judgment caused him to advise- against secession. He remained at Decatur through the dark and destructive period, suffering the direst hardships and privations. Immediately after the war Messrs. Moore & Marsh located in Atlanta, established the first wholesale dry goods and notion house in the state and in time the largest below Mason and Dixon's Hne, shipping their goods into Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Mis sissippi, Florida and the Carolinas, and made Atlanta the recognized agent for all northern products. In 1867 they erected a large building, and in 1880 a magnifi cent structure to facilitate their growing industry. This firm, by its perfect integrity, energy and judgment, easily won decided supremacy. Mr. Moore was a model man, with the great and imitable attributes, exceptional business ability, simple, engaging manners and a heart that beat in unison with all that is true and noble and just. In the commercial sphere he is Georgia's pioneer and pattern. He made religion the staff for his support and comfort, and carried it into his- everyday life. He was a Presbyterian deacon in Chattanooga and an elder in Atlanta. He gave generously to the Christian cause, and erected the Moore Memorial church of his own denomination and left bequests for various charities, among them a liberal donation to the Henry W. Grady hospital ; the founding of a scholarship at the Agnes Scott institute, located at Decatur, Ga., and a fund for the assistance of weak churches of the Presbyterian church, south. He was a complete man, wise, honorable and just. In 1850 he married Miss Euphemia Barry, who survives him. |W| URPHY. This name, though seemingly so inconsequential because so well known, has an origin and an ancestry quite as remote and royal as any in this country. Irish history and heraldry give it high rank and eminently noble and chivalric characteristics. According to the most reliable historical authorities the Murphy's are direct descendants of Cathoire (Cahire-More), king of Leinster, Ire land, in the second century, who finally became king of Ireland. Two out of a large family of sons — Rossa Failge and Fiacha Baikeada — became most dis tinguished. From the last-named descend the MacMorroghs — -Murchada, or O'Murphy — anglicised as Murphy, and the Cavanaghs. From this distinguished ancestry are descended those so widely scattered who bear the name of Murphy. Through diverging lines the parents of the subject of this sketch were lineal de scendants of Fiacha Baikeada, son of Cathoire, king of Ireland in the second century. But Mr. Murphy needs not this or other distinguished ancestry to com mend him; his own estimable character and unostentatious life-work do that. The family coat of arms is ancient and denotes authority and royalty, and the motto: "Fortis et Hospitalis," the highest type of chivalry and hospitality. And the ancestral home of the family is in the valley, where meet the water of the Avon and Avoca, which inspired Moore's beautiful poem, "The Meeting of the Waters : "There Is not in the wide world a 'Valley so sweet As that 'Valley in whose bosom the bright waters meet." HI iii * * * 11; "Sweet 'Vale of Avoca! how calm could I rest In thy bosom of shadows with the friends I love best." ANTHONY MURPHY. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 869 Anthony Murphy, capitalist, Atlanta, Ga., son of Thomas and Elizabeth '(Keyes) Murphy, was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, Nov. 6, 1829. His father was born in County Wexford, Ireland, in 1804, and his mother in County Wicklow, adjoining. They emigrated to the United States in 1838, and settled first in Schuylkill county. Pa. Subsequently he went with his family to Iowa, where he lived many years, came south in 1878, and died June 18, 1879. His widow is still living. Anthony was nine years of age when his parents emigrated to this country; he lived with them until he was eighteen years of age, and was educated at the public schools. At the age mentioned he went to Trenton, N. J., where he was apprenticed to the machinist's trade. After serving three years he went to Piermont, N. Y., worked there a year in the Erie railway shops, and then ¦went to the Pittsburgh (Pa.) shops, where he worked at his trade another year. In 1854 he came to Atlanta, and after working four years as a machinist, he ran on the road as a locomotive engineer eighteen months. After this he was made foreman of motive power and machine shops of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, which position he held until 1861. That year he went into the employ of the Confederate states, but at the end of six months he went to Columbia, S. C, .as master machinist of the Columbia & Charlotte railway. After a short stop in Columbia he returned to Atlanta, and soon afterward went to Montgomery, Ala., and took charge of the motive power of what is now the Louisville & Nashville railway, and remained there until driven out by Gen. Wilson's raiders. After the war he came back to Atlanta and engaged in the saw-milling and lumber business. In 1869 he built a saw-mill in Dodge county, Ga., with headquarters -in Atlanta, which he continued until 1882. In this venture he was phenomenally prosperous, and at the date last named retired from active business and has since ¦operated as a capitalist. It was during Mr. Murphy's connection with the "\Vestern & Atlantic railway (April 12, 1862) that the famous "engine chase" and capture of the locomotive "General" occurred. He was foreman of the machine .and motive power, which was absolutely under his control. That morning he v.'as called to examine an engine which supplied the power to cut wood and pump water for the locomotives at Alatoona. "WhHe at breakfast at Big Shanty (now Kennesaw) he heard a noise as of escaping steam, and at the same time noticed that the engine was moving, and remarked to the engineer and fireman, "Some one is moving your train." On reaching the door he saw the engine with three cars moving out of sight. Sending a man on horseback to Marietta to wire the superintendent, he started with the conductor and engineer on foot, knowing there was a squad of section, hands with a hand, or pole-car, just ahead. Taking this the pursuit was continued until farther on they obtained an engine, with which, after overcoming aH obstructions they overtook the engine just north of Ringgold, where the raiders; had deserted and taken to the woods. But for his knowledge of the road and his control of the motive power which he utilized, the result might have been very different. Mr. William Pittinger, one of the Federal raiding party who escaped, in a book published by hiin, says:' "The presence of Anthony Alurphy that morning was purely accidental. As an officer of high authority on the road, commanding all engineers and firemen, knowing all the engines and everything about the road perfectly, his presence at that time was most unfortunate for us. He was a man of great coolness and good judgment. His first act was far-sighted. He sent a man on horseback to Marietta to notify the superintendent at Atlanta by wire." To Mr. Murphy, more than to any other man, is due the successful termination of that exciting "engine chase." In 1866 he was elected a member of the city council of Atlanta, and served by re-election nearly three years, and was again elected in 1870. This service was rendered 870 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. during the most trying period of Atlanta's history and rendered efficiently. He originated the water works movement in 1866, was president of the water works board for some years, floated the bonds issued for their construction — the work being completed in 1874. During this period he originated and superintended the construction of immense cisterns for saving water for fire extinguishment, was the principal mover in the matter adopting steam fire-engines and purchased the first steam fire-engine, and actively co-operated with Dr. O'Keefe in establishing the present magnificent public school system. Mr. Murphy's early training, together with his practical common sense and strictly business methods, made his services at this time of inestimable value to the city. Mr. Murphy was a jury commissioner a number of years, and served two terms on the county board of roads and rev enues, of which he was chairman of the committee on buildings, and built the present model alms-house. He advocated the building of the Georgia Air Line (now R. & D.) and represented the city's stock, was an important factor in saving what is now the Georgia Pacific railway, was one of the promoters of the building- of the Atlanta Cotton factory and as one of its board of directors was an earnest and watchful worker during its construction, was one of t'ne committee of forty- nine who formulated the present city charter which saved the city from threat ened bankruptcy, and was appointed by Gov. Gordon one of the commissioners to appraise for the state the value of the road, rolHng stock and betterments of the Western & Atlantic railway. Quiet, reticent, undemonstrative, he is yet an almost invincible power when brought into action — it is only then that his true value is developed. A more evenly balanced mind is rarely found. While his head is cool, a warmer heart throbs not in the breast of man. Blessed with a sound judg ment, of unbending" integrity and governed by the most scrupulous exactitude in all business transactions, it excites no wonder that he has been deservedly financially successful and is held in the very highest esteem by all who know him, Mr. Murphy was married in 1858 to Miss Adelia McConneH, who, and her parents before her, are natives of Georgia. Her mother was a Bell on the paternal side and Hampton on the maternal side — connected with the distinguished South Caro lina family of that name. This union has been blessed with eight children, seven of whom are living: Annie E., wife of G. H. Tanner, clerk of Fulton county superior court; Kate P., wife of Charles E. Sciples, of Sciple Sons, Atlanta, Ga.r Robert E., John K., Adelia, Anthony, Jr, and Charles C. Mr Murphy is not a meniber of any church (though he was raised a Roman Catholic), but is CathoHc "in spirit and in truth," liberally contributing to the dissemination of Christianity irrespective' of the agency. He keeps fully abreast with the progressiveness of the age, is fully alive to the highest interests of Atlanta and is an earnest and energetic worker in promoting those interests. QOL. PRYOR L. MYNATT, a talented lawyer of the Atianta bar, was born in Knox county, Tenn., in 1829. Here he was reared and received his early education, preparing himself for the seminary at MaryviHe, Tenn., in which insti tution he took a full course, graduating in 1849, before arriving at his twentieth birthday. He then returned to his home, worked on the farm for one year and went to Clinton, Addison county, to assume charge of the academy located there. In 1850 he removed to De Kalb county, Ala., stiH following the calling of a school master; but after a year, on account of his father's declining health, he thought best to be near him, and returned to his home. With the late Horace Maynard, at one time minister to Turkey, he studied law for four years, and was admitted to the bar in 1855, after having also completed a law course in Cumberland university at Lebanon, Tenn. After being recognized as a practitioner he went to FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 87 1 Jacksboro, Tenn., near the Kentucky line, and began active practice. Two years later, by reason of his father's death, he found himself in his old home, settling his father's affairs and winding up the estate. When this was satisfactorily done he went to Knoxville, Tenn., resumed the practice of law, and in 1858 entered into partnership with C. P. Trigg, who was afterward appointed a judge of the United States district court by President Lincoln. Mr. Trigg was an out spoken supporter of the Federal cause, and when about to be arrested, escaped, through a stratagem devised by Col. Alynatt In 1861 Mr. Mynatt enlisted in Company I of the Third Tennessee cavalry as a private, and fought in the ranks for two years. During 1863 Col. Carter, an old friend and neighbor of the Mynatt family, offered him the post of commissary of his regiment with the rank of captain, and later was appointed commissary of the brigade. A splendid service in this posftion soon elevated him to division commissary, which he held untH the surrender. Col. Mynatt was often and desperately exposed in the almost daily raids and forages, but escaped safely through them all. When the war closed he came to Atianta, Ga., took up again his legal duties and has since resided and practiced there. He Avas married in i860 to Alice L., daughter of the late honored and beloved Campbell Wallace, of Atlanta. Col. Mynatt was a meniber of the constitutional convention of 1877, appointed chairman on the homestead committee. To the next legislature he was elected and placed on the general judiciary committee and made chairman of the committee on corpora tions. His career as a citizen, a soldier, a lawyer and a legislator is exemplary and worthy of imitation. JOSEPH VAN HOLT NASH, JR., is a native of Petersburg, Va., having been born in the year 1868. He resided in that city until eight years old, and from there nioved to Baltimore, Md. On arriving at the age of matriculation he en tered Randolph-Macon coHege, located at Ashland, Va., and after graduating came with his parents to Atlanta, Ga. In 1880 he went to Savannah to become a student at the Georgia Military academy, and after a course in that school, returned to Atlanta. To perfect himself in commercial transactions he studied a short time in a -business college and later took a position vnth an insurance agency of Atlanta. In September, 1894, he was tendered the office of assistant general manager of the American Book company of New York, which he accepted and now occupies with much credit. He was married Nov. 9, 1894, to Josephine, daughter of the late Samuel Hoyle, of Atlanta. Mr. Nash is a member of the order of Knights of Pythias and affiliates with the Roman Catholic church. In 1886 he joined the Atlanta rifles, one of Atlanta's military companies, has experienced a celebrated past record as a private and has filled every rank by successive promotions until he was honored by the captaincy in July, 1893. Air. Nash is an agile athlete and before the cares of business accumulated on his shoulders he took great interest in the Atlanta gymnasium, and is now a warm supporter of lusty sports and robust, healthful exercise. He is exceedingly popular among the young men of the city, being admired for his sterling qualities, for his cordial, cheering characteristics, and the manly attractions that fasten friends as magnetism induces bits of steel. He is achieving deserved success. "THOMAS B. NEAL. Perhaps no city in the south can boast of a stronger or more thorough banking system than Atlanta, and prominent among the bankers to whom this credit is due is Capt Thomas B. Neal. Capt Neal is a native of Pike county, Ga., and was born in that county on Oct 21, 1838. His grandfather, David Neal, came from Soutii Carolina, and was a gallant revolu- 872 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. tionary officer in the struggle for independence. The father of Capt. Neal was born in what is now Pike county. He came to Atlanta after the war and became one of the leading financiers of that city. He died in Atlanta a few years ago at the advanced age of ninety years. The Scotch-Irish ancestry from which Capt. Neal sprang explains, in a measure, the secret of his commanding influence, as weH as the sturdy characteristics of his family. Until his nineteenth year the subject of this sketch Hved in the little! town of Zebulon. He received only a common school education, but made the best of his advantages. Leaving Zebulon, he went to Minden, La., where he clerked for two years in a general store. In i860 he went into business for himself, and was just beginning to realize his first profits when the war commenced. Although opposed to secession as a remedy for the existing evils, of which the south complained, he entered the Confederate service, enlisting as a private under Gen. N. B. Forrest. He served under this gallant officer throughout the entire war, surrendering at Gainesville, Ala., in 1865. While in the service the subject of this sketch participated in the following battles: Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Corinth, Holly Spring, the siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Aliss., the first and second battles of Franklin, Tenn. He was also in the heavy flghting between Dalton and Atlanta, and in front of Wilson on the retreat from NashviHe, Tenn. His career of service ended at Gainesville, Ala. On the retreat from Corinth, Miss., the subject of this sketch was captured by the Federals and taken to Alton, 111., where he was kept in prison for four months. After the war he returned to Alinden, remaining there until 1885. The progress of his native state since the war had been so marked in commercial and industrial lines that he turned his face in this direction and came to Atlanta. In 1886 he organized the Neal Loan and Banking company, with a capital stock of $100,000, becoming the president of that institution. Under his able financial -management the bank has steadily grown in popularity and strength, and is to-day recognized as one of the strongest banking institutions of the city. Since Capt. Neal has been a resident of At lanta he has been a strong advocate of all enterprises that have sought to advance her true interests, and has been, since the inception of the movement, an ardent promoter of the Cotton States and International exposition, being at the present time a member of the board of directors. Capt. Neal was married in 1866 to Miss MoHie Cash, the daughter of Mr. P. B. Cash, of Louisiana. Though seven children have blessed the union thus happily formed, only one of them survives, PImma, the wife of Mr. Lee Douglas, a successful young dry-goods merchant of Atlanta, and a member of the firm of Douglas, Thomas & Davison. Capt Neal is a member of several mystic brotherhoods, being a Knight of Pythias, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and a master Mason. A consistent member of the Second Baptist church of Atlanta, Capt. Neal has not been careless of his spiritual interests, and he has faithfully performed all the duties enjoined upon him by his church. His life is that of a man whose purpose seems to be the attainment of a lofty ideal and whose business integrity has always been above reproach. J EVI B. NELSON, one among the many able financiers in Georgia, was born in Chemung county, in the lower part of the state of New York, on Alay 4, 1838. At a very early age, however, he nioved with his father into Tioga county, settling in one of the most delightful portions, the village of Newark Valley. This region of the state is famous for its picturesque scenery, and the quiet subtle influence of this charming locaHty may have been a potential factor in shaping his life. At the age of thirteen he sustained the severe misfortune of losing his father, who was quite an eminent physician, and who, prior to his long illness, enjoyed FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 873 a monopoly of the best practice in that im:nediate section of the state. The bereavement occasioned by his sad death was aggravated by the helpless condi tion in which, he was forced to leave his family, consisting of a wife and two small children. This was due to the fact that, for nearly three years preceding his death. Dr. Nelson was a confirmed invalid, unable to carry on the practice of his profession. During his long illness the little money that had accumulated from his practice had been completely exhausted, and at the time of his death he had no patrimony to leave his children save the good example that he had always set before them, and a father's parting benediction. The educational advantages enjoyed by Mr. Nelson were extremely meager. He was forced to begin the skirmish of life at a time when most boys are in the schoolroom, and the knowledge of books which he subsequently acquired was gathered entirely from his own self-instruction. Soon after the death of his father he entered a store at Cortland, N. Y., and received his first lessons in the art of making money. In order to get a start in business he agreed to board himself and after the expira tion of the first year to receive, as compensation for his services, the sum of $ioo. This was not a large sum of money, but to a young boy who was just starting out in life it looked Hke a great deal. The labor expended by the young- clerk in earning his year's salary impressed upon him the need of saving every dollar that he could possibly keep back after paying his honest debts. This became the fixed maxim of his life and he made it his inflexible rule never to allow his expenses to exceed his income. In a large measure this simple maxim explains the success attained by Mr. Nelson in the financial world. After one year's service in Cortland a better position was offered him in Oswego, N. Y., which he accepted and retained until the spring of 1856, and then decided to adopt the advice of Mr. Greeley, and turned his face in the direction of the undeveloped west Suc cess awaited him at the destination of his journey. He selected the little village of Toledo, in Iowa, as his starting point, and became one of its citizens on the last of March, 1856. His financial affairs were not by any means in good shape, as his cash assets at the time amounted to only $2.50, and he was indebted to a generous friend in the sum of $75 for the expenses of his trip. In a short time, however, by reason of his push and energy, he obtained a position as deputy recorder and treasurer of the county. He retained this position untH June, 1861, when he left the office to enhst as a private in the Union army. He entered the service as third sergeant in Company C of the Tenth Iowa regiment volunteer infantry, but was subsequentiy detailed as lieutenant and acting assistant adjutant- general, performing gallant service, until June, 1862, when, before the receipt of a promised commission as Heutenant, he was compeHed to retire on account of injuries received. The operations of the regiment were confined to the_ west, and the scenes of the campaign in which the young officer figured were pitched in Mississippi, Arkansas aiid Missouri. After the war Mr Nelson returned to Toledo and resumed his old position. He soon resigned it, however, to engage in the real estate business and subsequently in the business of general merchandise, in which vocations he remained until 1869, when he organized the Toledo Savings bank, with a capital stock of $50,000, and became the cashier of that institution. During the same year he was elected a member of the town council of Toledo, and was subsequently in 1873 elected to fiH tiie office of mayor. From 1870 to 1874 Mr. Nelson was a member of the board of education. During the latter year and for five subsequent years he was elected school treasurer. Leaving his western home in 1881 Mr. Nelson decided to cast his lot in Atianta. Accordingly he moved to that enterprising city in September of that year, engaging in the farm-loan business, with Mr. C. P. N. Barker, as a partner Mr. Barker had been 874 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. associated with him for several years m the west. This firm was the pioneer in this Hne of business in Georgia, and several million dollars were brought into the state by them 'for the benefit of the farming classes. Air. Nelson had not been a citizen of Atlanta long before he was elected by the city council as street com missioner. His zeal in behalf of the city's interests made itself apparent to such a degree that in 1886 he was elected, by a handsome vote, to a seat in the city council, as a representative from the fourth ward. During his term of service he was appointed by Mayor Tyler Cooper as chairman of the relief, water works, and member of the finance, sanitary and sewer committees, positions of grave responsibility. His fellow members give him the credit of having carefully and faithfully performed every duty delegated to him and of being one among the best members of that body. He was largely helpful in the preparation of the report recommending the erection of a city hospital, presented to the council in 1888. The efforts of this relief committee in connection with those of a com mittee of physicians and citizens, Dr Hunter P. Cooper, chairman, whose report was embodied in that of the relief committee, was greatly helpful in creating the sentiment that resulted in the erection of the Grady hospital. Mr. Nelson has always been a true friend to charity. He is at present a trustee for the Home for the Friendless, the institution of which Mrs. Nelson has been, since its organ ization, the president He belongs to the masonic fraternity, is a member of the Central Congregational church of Atlanta, and was recently elected commander of the department of Georgia of the Grand Army of the RepubHc. Mr. Nelson was united in marriage on Oct. 20, 1866, to Miss Eliza M. Hendry. They have five children living, as follows: Levi D.; Frances, the wife of Charles G. Beck; Edith M., George and Adelaide, and their oldest and youngest sons, Herbert and Charles, are buried in Iowa. Air Nelson has one of the most elegant homes in Atlanta. It is situated on the boulevard and is surrounded by extensive grounds, delightfully shaded. The success achieved by the subject of this sketch has been earned by diligent and persevering work, and his influence in the com munity is that of a loyal, upright and conscientious citizen. JIJOBERT TAYLOR NESBITT, present state commissioner of agriculture of Georgia, was bom in Savannah, Ga., April 2, 1840. His father. Dr. H. O'K. Nesbitt, of Augusta, was a thoroughly educated physician, having spent several years abroad, principally in Paris, preparing for his life-work. Returning to this country in 1838 he met and afterward niarried Alartha Deloney Berrien, which event changed the whole tenor of his Hfe. Aliss Berrien was the daughter of Dr. Richard M. Berrien of Savannah, youngest brother of John AlcPhersoii Berrien. Dr. Berrien, already distinguished in his profession, died at the early age of twenty-five, a victim to the yellow fever scourge of 1820. He remained at his post in Savannah and after ministering to many sufferers of that fearful epidemic, himself fell, a sacrifice to duty. At the time of Miss Berrien's marriage to Dr. Nesbitt the bulk of her property was in lands and negroes and, as was so often the case, the responsibility of their charge caused an entire change in Dr. Nesbitt's plans. He gave up his cherished project of becoming a distinguished physician and devoted himself to the care and development of his own and his wife's estate. It will thus be seen that R. T. Nesbitt, the subject of the present sketch, was from his earliest infancy associated with agricultural pursuits, and the tastes which he developed for a planter's life were thus fostered by both education and environment. The earHer years of his education were conducted in Athens, Ga. Afterward his parents nioved to Marietta, where his studies were prosecuted under the most competent teachers. His father died while he was E'ULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 875 StiH a youth, leaving him the protector of his widowed mother and his two sisters. Under the care of a tutor he was prepared for college. Entering college at Davidson, N. C, then under the presidency of Dr Morrison and during the pro- fessorhip of Maj. (afterward Gen.) D. H. Hill, he spent two years. He then took charge of the planting interests of his mother, his sisters and himself, in Early count}-, Ga. At the beginning of the war between the states he had just attained his majority. Leaving his business in the hands of agents, he enHsted in the army, and in July, 1861, went as a private with Cobb's legion to Virginia. The terrible experiences of the campaigns during the four years of bloodshed and suffering almost shattered his health, which had been gradually undermined by hardship and exposure, and he has always suffered from its effects. On May 4, 1865, he was married to Rebecca Lanier Saffold, daughter of William O. and Mary L. Saffold, and granddaughter of Judge A. G. Saffold and Gen. Jeptha V. Harris. From the time of his marriage until 1882 he planted in Early county, Ga., and a part of that time also in Henry county, Ala. In 1882 he moved with his family to Cobb county, Ga., where he has farmed ever since. He was elected in 1868 to and served a term in the state senate from the ninth district. In 1890 he was elected to the office of state commissioner of agriculture, which he now holds and to which he has been twice re-elected, having performed its responsible and intri cate duties with credit to himself and satisfaction to the people. JUDGE WILLIAM T. NEWAIAN. The grave responsibilities of high judicial office impose a burden upon the wearers of the ermine that few can measure or appreciate ; but these responsibilities only increase the dignity and honor of the bench when associated with a fearless administration of the law and a rigid personal integrity. It is not invidious to say that an abler, purer, or more con scientious judicial officer never adorned the Federal bench in Georgia than Judge William T. Newman. Judge William Truslow Newman was born in Knoxville, Tenn., on June 23, 1843. His early youth was spent in the neighborhood of this cultured and progressive center, and from the private schools of that city he chiefly derived his education. He was still a mere youth at the time hostilities were declared between the north and the south, but being an ardent young southerner he enlisted in the Confederate service before he attained his eighteenth year. He joined the Lookout Rangers, a cavalry company, organized at Chattanooga, Tenn., under the command of Capt. W. F. Ragsdale. This company was subsequently assigned to duty, and known as Company H, in the Second Tennessee regiment of cavalry. Though mustered in as a private, the martial spirit of the young soldier was not long in making itself apparent, and he was soon promoted to the rank of lieutenant His career of active military service ended in July, 1864. It was not the wish of the young soldier to abandon the service of his country, but a serious wound received at Jonesborough, Ga., causing the loss of his right arm, forced him to retire involuntarily from the field. As soon as he was able to mount his horse he started for the front, regardless of his disabilities, and was on his way to rejoin his command, when Gen. Lee surrendered. Lieut. Newman, during the period of his active service, made a gallant record as a fighter, and participated in quite a number of engagements. Among these may be named the battle of Fishing Creek, in Kentucky, where Gen. Zollicoffer was killed; the engagements attendant upon the occupation of Cumberland gap by the Federal troops under Gen. Alorgan, of Ohio; and the fighting at Perryville, and the other engagements, resulting from Gen. Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. After his campaign in the blue grass state the young lieutenant served in the army of Tennessee, taking part in the battle of Murfreesboro. He then served for several months in Tennessee 876 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and Kentucky, in the cavalry brigade, commanded by Gen. John Pegram. This brigade figured in quite a number of lively skirmishes during the course of its raid, and Lieut. Newman, who kept at the front of the column, received a severe wound in the leg and was captured at Somerset, Ky. He was first sent to Lexington, Ky., and afterward to Camp Chase, at Columbus, Ohio. His prison experiences terminated on Johnson's Island, in Lake Erie. Here he remained a prisoner of war until August, 1863, when he was exchanged at City Point, arriving in Rich mond, Va., a short while afterward. From Richmond he returned to KnoxviHe to rejoin his command. It was just retreating from Knoxville with the troops evacuating that city at the approach of Gen. Burnside. He participated with his regiment in all the engagements leading up to the battle of Chickamauga, one of the bloodiest encounters of the war. Lieut. Newman's command opened the engagement, and during the subsequent encounter with the enemy suffered the severest loss, both of officers and men. Lieut Newman then accompanied Gen. Wheeler on his famous raid through Tennessee, fighting with him almost daily. Soon after this he went into winter quarters at Dalton, Ga., though his command was often engaged in active service in that immediate vicinity. Gen. Johnston's celebrated retreat from Dalton began in the spring of 1864, and daily engagements followed each other in quick and fatal succession. Lieut. Newman was in the fights at Dalton, Resaca, Adairsville, New Hope Church, and the battles around Atlanta. On July 29 Lieut. Newman was sent with Gen. W. H. Jackson's brigade to intercept the raid of Gens. Stoneman and McCook. It was on the following day, in the execution of this order, that he lost his right arm. His command came upon the Federal cavalry between Jonesboro and Lovejoy's Station, -and found them engaged in tearing- up the track of the Macon & Western, now the Central, railroad. It was in this engagement that Lieut. Newman received the wound that disabled him and caused the loss of his arm. At the close of the war, having recovered from his wounds, he was on his way to rejoin his command when he heard of Gen. Lee's surrender. He remained with relatives in Virginia until the surrender of Gen. Johnston's command at Greensborough, N. C. In June, 1865, having received his parole at Liberty, Va., he started for his home in Knoxville, Tenn., walking the greater part of the way. He remained in KnoxviHe for two or three months, and during this time he carefully considered the future, and reasoned with himself as to the best means of earning a livelihood. He had lost his right arm, and this only increased the embarrassment of the situation, and made the outlook more uncertain. Atlanta, at that time, was just beginning to emerge from the smoke and ashes to which she had been reduced by the invading army of Gen. Sherman, and he decided' to cast his lot in that city. Soon after his arrival in Atlanta he began the study of law in the office of Judge John L. Hopkins, a native Tennessean who had preceded him to that city by only a few months. In November, 1867, the young law student was admitted to the bar in La Grange, Ga. He began the practice in Atlanta, and has since enjoyed the emoluments of his profession in that city, advancing rapidly until his final promotion to the Federal bench. In 1871 he was elected by the cfty council attorney for the city of Atlanta, and filled that position with distinguished ability untH 1883, a period of twelve years. In 1886, on the death of Judge AlcCay, he was appointed by President Cleveland as judge of the United States court for the northern district of Georgia. Judge Newman has since continued to occupy this position in the display of talents that have demonstrated his fitness for the bench, and in the spirit of a blind impartiality that no one has ever been able to impeach. Judge Newman is connected with the First Presbyterian church, of Atlanta. In September, 1871, he was united in marriage to Aliss Fanny Percy Alexander, daughter of Hon. PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 877 Ebenezer Alexander, for many years the judge of the KnoxviHe circuit 'court, of Tennessee, and one of the most honored and distinguished citizens of that state. Judge Newman has six children — two sons and four daughters — and his home life is one of ideal charm and felicity. Judge Newman's father, Henry B. Newman, was a native of Tennessee. At the time of his death, which occurred in 1849, he was the register of deeds for Knox county. He was a gallant captain in the Mex ican war, and was a man of unswerving fidelity and patriotism. Judge Newman was only a small boy at the time of his father's death. Y)R. WILLIAM PERRIN NICOLSON was born in Middlesex county, Va., Feb. 4, 1857, there received his early education and lived until he was seven teen years old. Being the son of a physician, young Nicolson naturally desired to devote himself to that profession, and in 1875 entered the medical department of the university of Virginia, graduating there a year later. He then attended the Medical coHege of Virginia, at Richmond, from which he received a diploma in 1877, and was subsequently interne at the hospital at Richmond for two years. In 1879 the Southern Medical college, of Atlanta, was organized and Dr. Nicol son elected to the chair of anatomy, to which clinical surgery was added in 1882. In the latter year he was elected dean of the faculty, and still holds both offices. Dr. Nicolson is a member of the Georgia State Medical association, the Atlanta Medical society, the Southern Surgical and Gynecological association, he Ameri can Medical society, and the Medical society of Virginia. He is chief medical examiner for Georgia for the Equitable Life Assurance society of the United States, and chief medical examiner for the same company in Atlanta. He is also medical examiner for the Connecticut Mutual and the Travelers' Insurance com panies, of Hartford; the United States Life, the Alanhattan Life, the Germania Life, the Home and the Washington Life Insurance companies, of New York, and the Union Central, of Portland, Ale. He takes an active part in the orders of I. O. O. F. and the Knights of Pythias. Dr. Nicolson is a prominent member of St. PhiHp's Episcopal church. He was married twice, first to Kate, daughter of Col. H. D. Whitcomb, and had no children by this marriage. In 1891 he was married to Miss Caroline, daughter of Maj. Benj. E. Crane, who served as a major in the Confederate army and was later a prominent merchant in Atlanta and president of the chamber of commerce when he died, in 1887. Dr. Nicolson's father. Dr. George L. Nicolson, a direct descendant of the "Wormleys, of Rose Gale, Va., was born in Middlesex county, Va., and received his medical education at Jefferson Medical college, in Philadelphia, of which he was a graduate, and in Paris, where he studied three years. Dr. George L. Nicolson practiced all his life in his native county in Virginia, dying there in 1883, at the age of sixty-four years. He was for many years a member of the state legislature from his county. He married Betty, daughter of Charies C. and Mary (Stiff) Wellford. They had eight chHdren, of whom seven are living. Dr Nicolson's grandfather, George Nicolson, was a native of Scotland. From his excellent ancestry, Dr. Nicolson inherits many commendable traits, and has won for himself an enviable position in professional and social circles. J^R. G. H. NOBLE. Atlanta is second to no city in the United States of its size in the rank of its physicians. The number of its doctors and surgeons who enjoy a national reputation through professional skill and contributions to the journals of science are many. Among this brilliant array is Dr. George H. Noble, who was born in the city of Atlanta Feb. 25, i860. He is the son of James Noble, a native of England, who was for years a well-known resident of Atlanta, 878 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. a leader in business and social circles. He is now a large iron manufacturer at Anniston, Ala., and was one of the founders of that thrifty city. Dr Noble attended the public schools of Rome, Ga., in his youth and finished his education in Atlanta. He commenced the study of medicine in 1879, under the late Dr. V^ H. Tahaferro, whose fame as a physician extended throughout the entire country. In 1881 Dr Noble was graduated from the Atianta Medical coHege. He began the practice of his profession at once, being associated with Dr. Talia ferro, but in a few months left Atlanta to take a special course at BeHevue Hospital Medical college, and at the Women's hospital, in the state of New York. He then received clinical instructions at Mt Sinai college and at Manhattan Eye and Ear hospital, and personal instructions by many of the leading men in the city of New York, such as Sims, Emmet, Fordyce, Barker and others. Thor oughly equipped for resuming his place in the Atlanta field, Dr. Noble returned and has continued to practice here. A close student and indefatigable worker, possessing a calm and placid temperament and fine mental attainments, he has achieved a great success. He makes a specialty of diseases of women. He is a member of the Medical Association of Georgia, the Southern Gynecological association, Atlanta Aledical society, Atlanta Obstetrical society and the Tri- State Medical association. Notwithstanding his busy life Dr. Noble finds time to write some interesting papers, which have been read before the associations to which he belongs and published in leading medical journals of the country. These articles, showing a remarkable research and advancing important ideas, have attracted the attention of leading members of the profession in various states. Among these papers were : "Abortive Treatment of Mammary Abscess by a New and Effectual Compress." This paper received very high compliments from the leading members of the profession, both in this country and in Europe, and from the late Dr. J. Marion Sims especially. The "New England Medical Monthly," and the "Birmingham Medical Journal" of Birmingham, England, gave it very high endorsements. "Suspension or Inanition of Blood to the Brain in Asphyxia Pelidum of the New-born" was favorably commented on, one of the French medi cal journals saying that the doctor was an "original thinker." Then followed other papers, all of which attracted much favorable attention, viz.: "A Alore Rational Method of Treating Flexions of the Uterus ;" "The Use of the Tampon in Pregnancy," and much aid and contribution to a paper by the late Dr. Taliaferro on the "Uterine Tampon," which was the means of much improvement in the tteat- nient of diseases of the womb. The doctor presented to the Southern Surgical and Gynecological convention a paper on "A New Operation for the ReHef of Prolapsus and Procidentia of the Womb," which was pronounced by the leading members as a very ingenious operation and the best they had seen for the purpose intended. He then gave to the Medical Association of Georgia a paper entitled, "The Removal of Septic or Infectious Materials with a View of Relieving Phleg masia Alba Dolens," and later a report of the first and only successful case of removal of cancerous womb in confinement, the title being, "A Case of Carcimonia of the Parturient Uterus Removed Three Days After Confinement — Recover ing." This new departure was received with praise by many of the leading members of the association. The doctor was also the first man to deliberately remove with success the pregnant uterus for cancer. Other papers and reports of heroic operations with success attained, have been presented from time to time, all possessing some degree of originality. The marriage of Dr. Noble to Alary L., daughter of Dr. Taliaferro, Jan. 25, 1884, was an important event'in Atlanta society. It was the union of two old families of that city, well known throughout FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 879 the state. Dr. Noble belongs to the St PhilHp's Episcopal church, and isa vestryman of that organization. JONATHAN NORCROSS, known as Atianta's most historic citizen, has been identified with her interests and gradual development since the city was but the humble terminus of a railroad. He was not only one of the earHest residents, but mayor when the settlement was assuming the proportions of a large town. He has been a potent factor in almost every enterprise. He came to Atlanta in 1844, when no streets had been built, only four roads converged, known as Peach- tree, Decatur, Marietta and McDonough, and opened a general store, but soon after started a saw-mill and had his time whoHy occupied in sawing cross-ties and "string-timbers" for the state road. In a few months he buHt a home on the site of the present air-line depot In the latter part of 1850 he was nominated by the citizens for mayor. His opponent was L. C. Simpson, a lawyer. These factions were known respectively as the "moral" and "rowdy" parties. The campaign was heated. Mr. Norcross gathered votes by the distribution of fruit and candy, while his opponent offered whiskey and like stimulants. The "moral" clan bore off the prize. Mr. Norcross was not only mayor, but chief of police and superintendent of the streets as well, and considering that the population was but a conglomeration of railroad hands out of employment, and gambling and murder of daily occurrence, had his hands full enforcing order and maintaining peace. In the same year he estabhshed a general merchandise store. Groceries and dry goods formed the bulk of his stock, but a sign over the front door an nounced that "shingles and feathers" were his specialty. His labors in this undertaking were productive of merited success. While in the saw-mill business Mr. Norcross invented a vertical saw, consisting of a circular wheel forty feet in diameter, and adjusted in an almost horizontal position, with which he was able to saw about 1,000 feet of lumber per day. The timber thus prepared was utilized in buHding the Georgia railroad, the first locomotive of which came into the city Sept. 15, 1845. The Norcross building on Marietta street was destroyed recently because of an insecure foundation. This is now supplanted by a magnificent structure that is a fitting monument to its owner's enterprise. Mr. Norcross has not been so deeply engrossed in his daily labors but that he could spare much time for literary pursuits, and spends many hours in his library. He has displayed remarkable authorship in The History of Democracy, The Conflict of Labor and Capital, Common Sense Views of State Sovereignty vs. United States Supremacy, and Democracy Examined. He is one of the pioneer citizens of Atlanta, possessing a vigorous intellect, a true, untarnished patriotism, and the spirit that knows not defeat. Air. Norcross was married in April, 1845, to Mrs. Montgomery (nee Harriet N. Bogle), of Blount county, Tenn., who died in August, 1876. (jne son blessed this union — Rev. Virgil C, an eminent Baptist minister of Atianta. Mr. Norcross contracted a second marriage Sept. 4, 1877, with Miss Mary Ann Hill. "\A/'ILLIAM J. NORTHEN, the thirty-sixth governor of Georgia, was born in Jones county of this state, on July 9, 1835. The sturdiness of character and the high sense of honor that have distinguished him in private and in pubHc Hfe are largely due, perhaps, to his Scotch ancestry. His grandfather, William Northen, settied in Nortii Carolina. From this first American home, his father, Peter Northen, moved into Georgia, then a frontier state. He settled at Powelton, about the year 1800, and the family lived in that part of Georgia up to 1890, when his son, William J. Northen, was elected governor of his native state and removed 88o MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. to Atlanta. Peter Northen married Louisa M. Davis. The result of this marriage was several children besides the subject of this sketch. With true Scotch appre ciation of the value of a thorough education, Peter Northen kept his son at school or college from his early childhood until he graduated from Mercer university in 1853, in his eighteenth year. His health had been somewhat injured by his long and continuous application to study, but he had become so fond of his books that the scholar almost immediately became the teacher. In 1854 he began teaching, and in 1856 he was assistant to the famous instructor, Dr. CarHsle P. Beman, in the Mt. Zion high school. In this capacity he served from 1856 to 1858,. when, upon the retirement of Dr. Beman, he assumed the management of this noted school, and raised it to still higher efficiency and reputation. When war was declared between the northern and southern states Peter Northen, then nearly seventy years old, took command of a company, and WiHiam J. Northen enHsted under him as a private. At the close of the war he returned to Hancock county and reassumed control of the Mt. Zion school. Here he labored faithfully and with the greatest success. The school, under his management, became famous as an institution for the preparation of boys for colleges and universities. Young men were sent to him from every part of the state and from other states. His thorough method and the fine results of his teaching made his school as famous in Georgia and neighboring states as Eton and Rugby are in England. One inter esting result of his long and successful career as a "teacher was brought out in his candidacy for the governorship in 1890, and may be most appropriately mentioned here. As soon as his name was authoritatively published as a candidate for nomination, the boys who had gone to school to him immediately flocked to his standard, and it was found that in every part of the state he had strong sup porters in the former scholars of Mt. Zion. These boys had now become voters and men of intelligence and influence in their respective communities. Their weight was irresistible, and the people of Georgia witnessed the rare spectacle of a teacher so honored and beloved by his pupHs that they were ready to give to him their time and their labor to elevate him to the highest office in the state. It was remarked during the campaign that every man in Georgia had either gone to school to Mr. Northen or with him. In 1874 his health, which had not been strong since his school days, gave way under the severe strain to which he sub jected himself as a teacher. To rebuild his constitution, he began farming, turn ing his attention largely to improving the methods of butter making and to the raising of a fine breed of cattle. Plis thoroughness in this pursuit, as in aH others, made him successful. He became one of the most prosperous and advanced farmers in the south. He made a study of all the conditions of farming, the nature of the soil and the best methods of agriculture, and he was soon recognized as the very highest authority in the state on all branches of his vocation. He has always taken the highest interest in the condition of the agricultural class, and has always been ready to serve for its improvement and progress. From the oi'igin of the Hancock County Farmers' club he was its president and most efficient member. He was chosen as vice-president of the State Agricultural society, and shortly afterward became fts president, serving in this office in 1886, 1887 and 1888. His labors in these positions have had a wide and beneficial effect upon agricultural methods throughout the state. He also served as president of the "Young Farmers' Club of the Southern States, thus broadening the field of his work and influence. The first part taken in politics by the future governor was in 1867, when he was elected a member of the state democratic convention, which was the first political body to organize in Georgia after the war. He was again called upon to serve his county and state, and elected as a member of the legislature of 1877-78. In 1880, FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 881 during the gubernatorial convention, he was chosen as a member of the committee to investigate the bonds of the Northeastern railroad. He was elected to the house- of representatives the second time for 1880-81. In 1884-85 he was senator in the legislature of the state, and was appointed chairman of the educational committee. Throughout his legislative career he devoted himself with great ardor and thor oughness to the cause of education. Indeed, this may be called his life work, and he has given to ft his best labor and his best thought As scholar, teacher, legislator, governor, and as private citizen, he has been enthusiastic in his devotion to this cause. Pie has striven to make the public school system of the state more efficient, and has perhaps accomplished more than any other public man toward forming a strong sentiment on the part of the people in favor of longer terms in the free schools and a higher degree of ability in the teachers. He has been the most ardent advocate of normal schools, and as governor did not cease in his efforts with the legislature and before the people until partial success crowned his labors in the securing" of an appropriation for the establishment of a state normal school. He has served his alma mater, Alercer, as trustee for twenty years. In 1892 this university recognized his great services to the cause of education, as well as his mature scholarship, by conferring upon him the degree of LL. D. This degree was also conferred upon him in 1894 by Richmond college, of Virginia. Up to 1890 Air Northen had found his farm and home near Sparta, in Hancock county, a happy retreat after public life and cares. He had gone from his farm to the halls of legislation and had returned, after the full and fervent discharge of his duty, to his peaceful life and the quietude of his country home. He was happy to serve his state, and he was happy to find rest awaiting him in his fields and amid his stock and in his library. In 1890, however, he was summoned by his people to his" longest period of public service. There was a general call for him to enter the race for the governorship, but he would not consent to have his name presented to the people as a candidate until he felt assured that the people, and not the politicians only, wished him to take this position. As soon as this was clear to him he announced himself as ready to go before the voters for their decision. It was plain to every observer, from the very commencement of the campaign, that the people were overwhelmingly in favor of Air Northen. County after county instructed for him, and all opposition soon ceased. He received the nomi nation, and was elected governor in October, 1890. On Nov. 8 he was installed in office. The most striking characteristic shown by the new governor was plainly brought before the knowledge of all in his straightforward inaugural address. This was his open sincerity of purpose. At no time and under no pressure of circumstances was it ever doubtful as to where the governor stood upon all questions that involved the welfare of his people. There was no equivocation, no evasion, no temporizing. Anyone whose mind was clear enough to see the proper and just course could tell exactly what would be his conduct in any emergency. .His first address was warmly praised by the people and by the press for its plain and practical utterances, directly to the point, and touching the needs of the state with the sure hand of the careful student of pubhc affairs. He warned the people against the miserable economy which, to save a few dollars, had enrolled Georgia among the illiterate states, and had deprived thousands of her children of the benefits and great moral influence of education. He called attention to the great excess of legislation, and the filHng of volumes with unnecessary laws. He took occasion, also, to direct the attention of the legislature to the heavy burdens already borne by the people, and urged wise laws that would relieve and not add to their distress. The practical wisdomi of the governor was shown in the following- sentiment: "Whatever encourages general industry in the state marks the state's 1-56 882 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. progress in power and wealth. Whatever makes fertile its fields, prosperous its manufacturers, thrifty its business and secure its capital, advances the enlighten ment of its people and makes the stability of their institutions." Among the many important questions that came before Gov. Northen during his two terms as chief executive, only a few can be mentioned in this brief notice. The famous "better ment claim" of the lessees of the state railroad known as the Western & Atlantic railroad, came up for settlement through the action of a commission to be appointed by the governor. The high character of the men he selected for this important work placed the result of their deliberations and findings beyond censure. The claim was for $711,890, and was adjusted for $99,644. Plis firm stand in the dispute with the secretary of the interior. Air. Noble, over the proper division of funds appropriated by congress to purposes of education of the two races in Georgia had the good effect of securing a just distribution of the funds. The secretary demanded that it be equally divided; the governor insisted that justice could be done both races only by a division according to the relative num ber of each race. He carried his point, and the fund was divided between the two races according to their numbers. The geological survey of the state, as promis ing to aid very greatly in bringing to the knowledge of the world the wonderful natural weafth of Georgia, always received his ardent support. Had it not been for his strong advocacy and constant work, the survey would long since have been abandoned. The attempt had been made several times to push a survey to com pletion, but disagreements, lack of appropriations and some sectional jealousies had invariably wrecked all work of this kind. The gratifying success of recent work by the survey testifies to the wisdom of his efforts to carry out the original purpose of establishing the geological bureau. His earnest appeals to successive legislatures for the establishment of a state board of health, for the making of good roads, for the estabhshment of a reform school, and for the better care and protection of convicts of the counties, were of no avail, so far as legislation is concerned, although it is believed that they have served to bring to the con sideration of these important matters the best and most public-spirited citizens of the state. In reference to a reformatory, he took the high stand in his message to the legislature that "It is is far more in harmony with good government to prevent crime than to punish the criminal." A number of reforms in the man agement of the penitentiary were enforced by Gov. Northen. The sexes were separated, the women being placed in a special camp, which materially improved the discipHne and morality of the penitentiary. He also secured for the convicts more nourishing food and more humane treatment Escapes from the camps had been frequent and the law imposing a fine upon the lessees had not been carried out. Gov. Northen enforced the law and made the diHgence of the lessees much more wakeful. A sum of nearly $10,000 was collected in fines, which were imposed, according to law, at the rate of $200 for each escape, where due dHigence had not been exercised. In connection with these reforms in the care of the state's criminals may be mentioned the unceasing efforts of the governor to suppress mob violence. He urged upon the legislature the passing of suitable laws, and part of his suggestions were acted upon and a statute passed looking to the better protection of accused persons. Whenever there was danger of mob violence he at once summoned the civil and mihtary power to protect the prisoner, so that he could have a fair trial by due process of law. His words and his conduct tended ver^' greatly to strengthen the best sentiment of the people against this relic of savagery. The encouragement of the volunteer miHtia, of the state and their efficient organization was one of the governor's special cares. Through his influence an officer was detailed b}- the United States war department to drill and PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 883 organize the state troops. The forces have been well equipped and drilled, and are a fine body of citizen soldiery. Perhaps the work in which he took most interest, because it has been his life work, was in the cause of education. He strove successfully to extend the scope and power of the common schools. To secure better teachers, he urged the establishment of normal schools, and during his administration had the happiness of seeing two such institutions opened in the state — ^the Georgia Normal and Industrial college, at Milledgeville, which had been decided upon prior to his term -of office, and the. Normal school, at Athens, which is largely the result of his untiring and zealous work. He saw, while governor, and mainly because he was governor, the school year almost doubled, the estabhshment of the two institutions already mentioned, the opening of an industrial college at Savannah for negro students. The teachers have been better and more promptly paid, and have been more efficient, and a school has been opened nearer to almost every home in the state. He was elected governor for the second time in 1892, when his splendid services in the cause of education and in the protection of persons accused of crime received recognition, on the part of the negroes, by 40,000 of them casting their baHots for him, regardless of their usual political faith. Among prominent offices conferred upon Mr. Northen should be mentioned the presidency of the trustees of Washington institute, which he held for six years; he was moderator of the Washington Baptist association for eight years; he was elected vice-president of the Southern "Baptist convention in 1894, and president of the American Educational society. His two terms as governor embraced the period between Nov. 8, 1890 and Oct 27, 1894. Immedi ately upon his retiring from office, he organized an immigration and investment bureau. In this work he has utilized the vast knowledge of the conditions, resources and advantages of this state and has already, 1895, succeeded in bringing to Georgia thousands of thrifty people to aid in the upbuilding of the common wealth. It is quite possible that his labors as a private citizen will excel in real value to the state his services while governor. He has proved himself a wise and efficient leader, and has achieved success equally as legislator, educator, farmer and governor. His sterling qualities have shone conspicuously in public and in private life and he has steadily advanced in the esteem and confidence of his fellow- citizens. Perhaps he showed himself greatest when he deliberately sacrificed his personal interests in the appointment of a successor to Senator Colquitt, who died in the last year of his second term as governor. Mr. Northen was regarded as the only probable successor at the expiration of Senator Colquitt's term and a less honorable man and even a "practical" politician, would have appointed a nonentity to hold the seat until the regular election of a senator by the legislature. Gov. Northen, however, did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and place himself in his just attitude before the people. He appointed a thoroughly competent man, Mr. Patrick Walsh, and announced that he would support Senator Walsh for the succession to the long term. Friends and enemies alike applauded this generous action and declared that he had risen above the ideals of politicians and statesmen. Mr Northen was married to Miss Mattie M. Neel, of Alt Zion, Ga., Dec. 19, i860. He has two children, a son and a daughter. His present home is Atlanta. J2)R. JOHN COOKE OLMSTED, one of the most erudite physicians of the south, was born in Pittsburg, Chatham Co., N. C, Aug. 25, 1851. Five years later he was taken by his parents to South Carolina, they settling near Society hill, where they stayed two years, and then moved to Yorkville, remaining there about a year and then going on to Chester, S. C. At the last-named point Dr. Olmsted began his education, but his studies were cut short, for his parents again removed, 884 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. this time to St John's parish, Berkeley district, where he lived until the war closed^ During the time he lived in St. John's parish he had a private tutor. In 1865 he accompanied his parents to Rondout (now Kingston), on the Hudson river, in New York, and a year later to Rhinebeck, at which point the father is now rector of the church of the Messiah. Dr. Olmsted remained in Rhinebeck until 1869,. when he went to New York city, and there accepted a mercantile position, which he held untH 1872, at which time he returned to Rhinebeck and began the study of medicine with Dr. I. F. Van Vliet, with whom he stayed one year. He then matriculated at the University of Virginia and graduated in medicine there in 1876, when he returned to New York and attended lectures at the university there one- year In the fall of 1877 he moved to Atlanta, and has there practiced his profession ever since. Dr. Olmsted is a member of the American Medical association, the Atlanta Society of Medicine and the Georgia State Medical association. He was- made a permanent member of the American Medical association in 1879 in honor of his volunteer service in the yellow fever epidemic at Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1878. For two years he held the chair of genito-urinary and venereal diseases in the Southern Medical college at Atlanta, and was professor of physiology in the same institution from 1889 to 1891. He was also surgeon for the Georgia railway for four years, but resigned that post. Dr. Olmsted is well known in the medical journalistic world, having contributed many valuable articles to the magazines. Notable among these was one entitled "A Plea for the Meatus Urinarius," which appeared in the "Universal Annual of the Medical Sciences," published in New York, and attracted great attention at the time of its appearance. He is vestryman in St Philip's Episcopal church. In 1879 -Dr. Olmsted was presented by the city of Chattanooga with a gold medal as a recognition of his valuable services in the yellow fever epidemic, for which he had refused compensation, notwithstanding that he nearly lost his life while on duty, the physicians attending him having given up all hope of his ever recovering. He was married in 1881 to Sally, daughter of F ederick G. Edwards, Louisville, and a grand-niece of Zachary Taylor. Dr. Olm sted's father is Aaron F. Olmsted, who was born in Hartford, Conn., and married in 1844 CaroHne E. Cooke, a native of CatskiH, N. Y. They had nine children, four of whom were sons. Dr. Olmsted being the eldest. The father served in South Carolina as a member of the reserves, doing patrol duty. Dr. Olmsted was ap pointed president of the pension board of Atlanta by President Cleveland. £)R. FRANCIS HODGSON ORME, physician, Atlanta, was born in Dauphin county, Penn., Jan. 6, 1834. For five generations his paternal ancestors lived in Maryland, the first of the name, Robert (father of Rev. John Orme, 1691-92), having emigrated from England to the then colony of that name in the seventeenth century. His maternal great-grandfather, Dr. Joseph Priestly, the discoverer of oxygen, also emigrated from England, so that he is of English stock. His great grandfather, Col. Archibald Orme, was a colonel in the revolutionary war, and on account of this connection, as well as his descent through his grandmother from Col. Richard McAllister, of Hanover, Penn., also of revolutionary fame. Dr. Orme is one of the Sons of the Revolution. His father, Archibald Orme, having died when he was six years old, his mother with her family moved to Alilledgeville, Ga., where he was under the care of his uncle, R. M. Orme, well known as the editor of the "Southern Recorder." Having received a preparatory education through various academical institutions and at the hands of private tutors, he entered the office of Dr. James B. Gilbert, of Savannah, in 1850, as a student of medicine. After a four years' course of assiduous study, embracing courses of lectures in the medical department of the university of New York, he received his diploma as a doctor of FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 885 medicine from that college in 1854. He returned to Savannah and formed a part nership with his preceptor's successor. Dr. W. H. Banks. The very first year tested the metal of the young physician and found it of a satisfactory temper. It was the year of the most violent epidemic of yellow fever ever known in the city. But two physicians escaped the fever, both men of advanced years, while eight physicans and two medical students lost their lives, a fearful mortality in a city of about 20,000 souls — one-half absent Dr. Orme was prostrated ten days with the fever. During two weeks of the worst of the plague he was the only one of five homeopathic physicians of the city who was able to attend to patients. The responsibility was fearful for one of his years. His successful application of homeo pathic remedies, and his faithful adherence to his professional duties, fully estab lished his practice, and he had no protracted novitiate period to pass. Family considerations and health caused him to move to Atlanta in 1861, where he has continued in his profession. Although a graduate in old-school medicine, he early became a disciple of homeopathy, and in his practice has done as much for the spread of this branch of the profession as any physician in the south. He is liberal in his views, however, and while being aligned with this school has never professed to exclude from his practice any measures which he might consider conducive to the welfare of his patients, so that a charge of inconsistency cannot be made in his case. At the time he accepted the system there were a mere handful of homeo pathic physicians, so Dr. Orme has lived to see an increase of over 12,000 practi tioners. He became a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1859, and for more than forty years has been active in its doings, contributing papers, joining in discussions, and holding important positions in connection with the organization. This is the oldest national medical organization in the country, and numbers among its members some of the first physicians in the country. That this association has a just appreciation of Dr. Orme's efforts in behalf of homeo pathy is shown by the unusual compliment which was paid him in 1887, when his colleagues elected him to the presidency of the body while he was prostrated on a bed of sickness at home. The election of a man to the presidency of the highest body known to his profession is admittedly placing him at the head of the profession, there being no higher distinction in the way of conferred honor for him to achieve. His address upon the opening of the annual session was a masterful defense of homeopathy, abounded in practical and valuable suggestions, and characterized by fairness, good taste and scholarly finish. In 1878 the president of the American Institute of Homeopathy appointed a committee of eleven prominent physicians of this school, chiefly yellow fever experts, to meet in New Orleans and investigate the subject of the fever, and the effect of its treatment by homeopathy. Dr. Orme was one of the commission, five of whom are now ex-presidents of the institute. In 1867 Dr. Orme was married to Miss EHen V. Woodward, of Beaufort district, S. C. His family consists of a daughter, Miss Ehzabeth Woodward, and a son, Frank. He has one living brother, A. J. Orme, and a sister, Mrs. J. W. Culpep per, both of Atlanta. Dr. Orme has been earnest in devotion to his profession and has never allowed politics, speculation or other pursuits to interfere with his duties. He enjoys the respect and friendship of physicians of different schools from his own, having been always liberal and fair in his dealings with them. An unsullied record has firmly established him as a man of probity, and as a friend his reliabil ity is unconquerable. Dignified, and yet always courteous in private life, he is one of the most genial and interesting of companions. He is a man broad in his views, of liberal opinions, a man of taste and culture, without pedantry. Besides his professional accomplishments he is a thinker and writer, who in public addresses and contributions to medical journals has shown himself possessed of 886 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. literary qualifications of a high order. A distinguished colleague has referred to him as "a very able, influential man, who, by exemplary character, exceptionally clear and forcible writings and devotion to his work, to his family and friends, is a worthy representative of a noble profession." Dr. Orme's personal character, his marked professional success and his general usefulness, have placed him among the representative men of Atlanta. A physician cannot be measured like a" soldier or a statesman by special brilliant achievements. He must be judged by his gen eral success and integrity, and there are few titles more honorable than the family physician or the good doctor. JOSEPH THOMPSON ORME, city treasurer of Atlanta, Ga., was born in Atlanta, July 28, i860, and has since resided in this city. He passed with distinction through the public schools and also received instruction from a private tutor. Leaving school at the age of fifteen years he became collector in the private bank of W. M. & R. J. Lowry, now known as the Lowry Banking company. From this lowest position he has risen by successive appointments to his present office of cashier — having assumed this duty in 1888. He has also been honored by election to the place of director in the same institution. In 1890 Mr. Orme was united in marriage to Mary A., daughter of Charles PI. Dickerson of Detroit, Mich. They have two children: Annie Ashley and Joseph Priestly, who was named after his great-great-grandfather. Dr. Joseph Priestly, fellow of the Royal Society of England. Mr. Orme is treasurer of Atlanta, of the West End Cemetery association, the Young Alen's Democratic league of Fulton county, the Fulton Loan and Building association, and director in the Bankers' Guarantee Fund Life Assurance conipany. In 1889 he was first elected city treasurer for the term of two years. For the succeeding term he was defeated, but re-elected in 1893 and 1894. Mr. Orme is a member of the Georgia chapter of the Sons of the Revolution. He has been for twenty years identified with Atlanta's banking system, and the highest confidence is reposed in his integrity. Mr. Orme's father was William Priestly Orme, a native bf Dauphin, Penn., the son of Archibald Orme, supervisor of the Pennsylvania canal, and the grandson of John Orme, a rice planter in Mcintosh county, Ga, He came on a visit to Georgia in 1840, and soon after was connected with the Georgia railroad, and acted as agent in Atlanta. He" was subsequently engaged in manufacturing enterprises with Richard Peters, J. P. Alexander and W. P. Harden. He was treasurer of both the A. & W. P. R. R. and the old Western railway of Georgia. After the war he was a member of the cotton commission firm of Wilson, Calloway & Co., New York, which was afterward succeeded by R. T- Wilson & Co. He was a director in the Atlanta Savings bank, the rolling mill and other enterprises. He retired from active business in 1886, and settled on his farm near East Point, Ga., where he died in April, 1893. His farming operations have been highly approved — especially the system of terracing and grading, which has been extensively copied. His wife was Miss Julia Thompson, a daughter of Joseph Thompson, also one of the earliest of Atlanta's citizens. His life was one of unquestioned probity, free from the slightest scandal. In disposition he was modest and retiring. Judge Bleckley once paid him this glowing tribute: "He possessed in a marked degree the instincts, sentiments and principles of a gentleman, and his bearing and deportment were always in harmony with these characteristics. Both internally and externally, both in fact and in appearance he was a true gentleman of the purest and most elevated type. None could know him at all without respecting him, and those who knew him well added to their respect the double tribute of admiration and affection." His mother was a Aliss H. E. W. PALMER. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 887 Priestly, a grand.daughter of Dr. Joseph Priestly, the eminent scientist and dis coverer of oxygen. Mr J. T. Orme's mother was a native of South Carolina, who moved to Atlanta with her parents when that city was but a village, and for many years her father was president of the Atlanta Medical college. She died in 1885. Mr. Orme is one of six children, the others surviving are : Richard W., Joseph T., Julia C, and Jane, wife of W. H. Harrington of Rome, Ga. JJON. HOWARD E. W. PALMER of Atlanta, Ga., has lead an active Hfe, which is now at the beginning of its prime, with the promise of increasing usefulness. His ancestors on both sides caine to Georgia from Virginia and the Carolinas. His paternal grandfather was Edmund Palmer, a planter of Burke county, Ga., and his grandmother was Jane Allen of Richmond county, in the same state. Prof. James E. Palmer, his father, was educated at Emory coHege, Oxford, Ga., and graduated with distinction. After his graduation he established a boarding school at his home in Burke county known as Grove Mount, and which some called "Rugby." After conducting this school awhile Prof. Palmer was elected to fill the chair of Latin in Emory college, in which he displayed the abilities of a true educator until December, 1861, when his highly useful life was cut short by death, when he was only about thirty-three years of age. The mother of Judge Palmer was Mary M. 'Weaver of Greensboro, a descendant, in the paternal line from the AVeavers and Daniels of North Carolina. Her connections, by blood and marriage, extended among the Alounger, Wingfield, Eve and Grimes families of Georgia, forming a very wide and influential relationship. His mother is still in life and graces the home of her son as a member of his family. Judge Palmer was born in Burke county, Ga., Oct 19, 1854, but on the election of his father to the professorship of Latin in Emory college, the young family moved to Oxford, where the father died; and after this bereavement. Judge Palmer's boyhood was spent in Greensboro and Burke county, Ga. At Greensboro, when but a lad he learned the printer's trade in the office of the Greensboro "Herald." His education was secured in Emory college where he was graduated in the class of 1872, and afterward he taught school for two years. This was followed by his entering the law office of Judge P. B. Robinson as a law student, and his admission to the bar in the superior court at Greensboro during the September term, 1874, Judge George T. Bartlett being then the presiding judge. His flrst office and prac tice as a lawyer was in Greensboro, where he was admitted, but in 1876 he moved to Waynesboro, Ga., and in 1877 was appointed when only about twenty-two years of age to the office of judge of the county court of Burke county by Gov. Colquitt. After discharging the duties of this honorable position nearly a year, he resigned in order to form a law partnership with his uncle, by marriage, Judge S. A. Corker, under the firm name of Corker & Palmer. His course of life was changed a few years later when, in 1883, he accepted the voluntary tender to him, by Gov. McDaniel, of the position of secretary of the executive department, and nioved to Atlanta, where he has remained to this date. This important position was held for nearly five years, and terminated by his resignation and appointment as assistant Unfted States district attorney for the northern district of Georgia, during the first administration of President Cleveland. This office, however, he resigned after holding it about a year, to accept a responsible and new posftion as the southern manager of the Thomson-Houston Electric company, which he held for several years. The electric business was then somewhat of a novelty, but Judge Palmer entered with his natural, enterprising spirit into the work, and to him is due the credit of a pioneer in establishing the electric system, which is now in such successful operation in Atlanta. The Edison company and the 888 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Thomson-Houston Electric company afterward combined and formed the General Electric company, which Judge Palmer represents in Atlanta as attorney. Having resigned the place of general manager to resume his profession, the firm of Palmer & Read was formed, and does a successful general practice. Judge Palmer, since his removal to Atlanta has been influentially interested in many business enterprises besides those above mentioned. He was among the earliest and most earnest advocates of the Cotton States and International Exposition. Without any sohcitation on his part, he was unanimously elected to the position of director-general, when this important work was organized, but unfortunately, and unexpectedly, he was stricken with a serious and protracted illness — ^typhoid fever — which caused him to resign. He has, however, done very efficient work on several committees. Judge Palmer has been an active friend of general education and, in appreciation of that interest, he was elected the alumni trustee of his alma mater, Emory college. The present successful movement to endow a chair of history and political economy in that college, through the voluntary donations of alumni, was inspired by him, and he is practically at the head of the enterprise. Recently he was elected president of the Atlanta branch of the Alumni association, and may be relied on for inteHigent activity in promoting the general interests of education as well as the particular welfare of his college. In his church relations he has confided to him the positions of superintendent of the Sunday school of the First Methodist church south, in Atlanta, and is also chairman of the board of stewards. He has a delightful home in the suburbs of Atlanta. Early in life he married Miss Emma Stone, daughter of Prof G. W. W. Stone, who for nearly twenty-five years, and to the date of his death, was professor of mathematics in Emory college. Mrs. Palmer is the granddaughter of the distinguished and lovable Bishop WiHiam Capers, Avho, as is well known, devoted his great life with singular consecration and eminent ability to the Christian ministry. She is as earnest in church work as her husband, and is constantly found in association with others in active benevolence. Judge Palmer, now just past forty years of age, enjoys a fine physique and has strong vital force, which he employs in a great deal of hard work. H'e speaks forcibly, often eloquently. Cordial in manners, earnest in whatever he undertakes, with his equipment of natural abilities and educational attainments, he is destined to large success in life. In politics he is a democrat and alwa}'s active in support of his party, but has never aspired to office. J~)R. WILLIS B. PARKS was born on a farm in Forsyth county, Ga., in 1853, there grew up and received his early education. -A.t the age of nineteen he entered the academy at Gainesville, Ga., remaining there two years, during one of which he studied medicine with Dr. Henry Long. In 1874 he went to the Georgia Alilitary school, at Marietta, and a year later located at Neosho, Mo., where he took up educational work, pursued his studies and read medicine with Dr. J. W. Weens until 1878, when he returned to the state of his nativity and entered the Southern Aledical college at Atlanta, graduating" therefrom in 1881. He immediately began the practice of his profession which now so fully attests his skill and aptitude in and for it. "Dr. Parks is a member of the Georgia State Medical association, the Atlanta Society of Medicine — having served as treasurer of the latter institution for two years — and holds the chair of diseases of chHdren in the Atlanta polyclinic. He is medical examiner to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and surgeon to the Atlanta Gas company in addition to being retained by several large factory companies. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church (south). He was married in 1886 to Annie, daughter of Dr. S. E. White, CarroHton, Ga. They FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 889 have one daughter, Sarah A. Dr. Parks' father was Rev. J. W. Parks, who was born in Franklin county, Ga., and died in 1889, aged sixty-seven years. His wife was Sarah F. Newton and they had eight children, six of whom are now living. Rev. J. W. Parks was a Methodist Episcopal clergyman and served as a captain in the war of 1812. His eldest son, W. A. Parks, also a clergyman, was chaplain to the Forty-third Georgia regulars, and his second son, Isaac G., was a soldier in Capt Rufus Kolb's legion during the late war. Sarah F. Parks died in 1883. Dr Willis B. Parks and his wife are great social favorites, an enviably successful future stretching out before them. QEORGE W. PARROTT, president of the Capital City bank of Atlanta, Ga., was born on a farm in Jefferson county, Tenn., Jan 4, 1843. He lived on this farm untH he was about fifteen years of age, going to school there one year. In 1858 he went to Knoxville, Tenn., and entered the East Tennessee & Virginia railway office as an office boy, remaining there until 1862, when at the age of nineteen he was made agent of the company at Knoxville, which position he held untH 1863, when he came to Georgia and took service with Maj. Campbell Wallace as general agent of the East Tennessee & Georgia railway, with headquarters at Augusta, Ga., where he remained until the war closed. In July, 1865, Air. Parrott began a small grocery business in Decatur street, Atlanta, in connection with C. I. Brown. This partnership was dissolved in 1866, Air. Parrott continuing the business alone until a year later, when, with W. D. Fain, he organized a wholesale grocery business under the firm name of Fain & Parrott, which \vas continued until the fall of 1870. Then, Air. Parrotts eyesight faHing, he gave up business for three years and removed to his farm in Jefferson county, Tenn. In the autumn of 1873 he returned to Atlanta and engaged in the cotton trade with his two brothers, Theodore F. and Samuel P., until 1879, when they gave up the cotton-buying business, and Mr. Parrott associated himself with Dr. J. D. Turner and H. T. Inman in organizing the Atlanta Compress and Warehousing company, of which he .was then made and is still the president. After this mercantile enterprise had been thoroughly organized he retired from its active management, and with J. W. English, A. B. Steele and W. B. Lowe, in 1885, organized the Chatta hoochee Brick company, of which Mr. Parrott was also made, and still remains, the vice-president. In December, 1889, in company with J. J. West, AV". B. Lowe, J. W. English and I. Cheeves, Mr. Parrott established the Parrott Lumber company at Richwood, Ga., of which he was made president. He still holds that position and is the principal stockholder. This lumber company was organized with but $50,000 capital and has continued to grow until now it has $200,000 of capital and employs 250 men. Its annual product is about 24,000,000 feet. In October the Capital (Tity Land and Improvement company was converted into a bank, and Mr. Parrott was asked to take a directorship, which he did, and a year later was made vice-president. He is now president. In 1887 the Chat tahoochee Brick company built the Columbus Southern raHroad, from Columbus to Albany, Ga., the brick company being the principal owners. Mr. Parrott was made secretary and treasurer and still holds these offices. In 1881 after the exposition was held in Atlanta, Air. Parrott, with twenty-four other associates, bought the exposition buildings, and afterward agreed to build on the land which was owned by the city, provided the municipal officers would grant them title to the realty, a cotton mill of 10,000 spindles. The city fathers agreed to do so and sold them the land. They erected the mill of 17,000 spindles, which is now in operation, employing 500 hands. Air. Parrott has never taken any part in politics, 890 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. belongs to no secret orders, but is a meniber of the Presbyterian church. He was married first in 1867 to Aliss Fain, who died in 1876, leaving one son — George W. Parrott, now living. He was married again in 1881 to Aliss Alartin, daughter of the late Rev. J. H. Alartin, for many years pastor of the first Presbyterian church of Atlanta. "SJU P. PATILLO was born on Jan. 27, 1837, in Harris county, Ga., the son of ¦ John and Mary Patillo. He passed the first sixteen years of his life on a farm, entered Emory college when his age permitted, and was graduated from that institution in 1857. One year later he taught school in Alabama, removing there after to Texas, was admitted to the Eastern Texas Conference of the Alethodist church, and three years followed the calling of an itinerant preacher. In i860 he was made assistant principal of the Fowler institute of Plenderson, Texas. He resigned this position seeing that its requirements were incompatible with his other duties. Soon after he moved to Hickory Hill, Cass Co., assumed charge of a private school and remained there until the civil war began. When the call was made for volunteers, he enlisted in the Third Texas cavalry in June 1861, and in Mississippi, Missouri, Arkansas and Indian Territory did valiant service for the cause. He was appointed chaplain of the regiment, but resigned just after the fall of Vicksburg and left the regiment at Jackson Aliss, July 6, 1863. He returned to his home in Georgia, and was made pastor of a colored church in Athens, Ga. Just after the war the Alethodist church was financially reduced to an enormous extent, and it was decided to withdraw a number of the regular pastoral charges. Mr. Patillo's was among those selected. With a dislike for idleness bred of energy, and with determined will he moved to Atlanta in January, 1866, and accepted the agency for the Southern Mutual Insurance company of Athens, of which his father-in-law was then secretary. Coming to a city that was just recovering from the ravages of war, and having to combat and oppose the large companies and corporations of the north, he found it difficult to overcome instantly the obstacles that confronted him. But with a never-failing heart and a persistency that not only anticipates but wins success he has pressed on and by a yearly increase in the. volume of his business has widened its dimensions until to-day none is comparable to it The Aetna and other fire insurance companies were added in 1868, and it has been estimated that Mr. Patillo controls one-fifth of the fire insurance of the city. W. F. Patillo, a nephew, was admitted as a partner in 1878. They represent the Southern Mutual, of Athens, Ga.; Georgia Home, of Columbus, Ga.; Home, of New York; Phoenix, of Hartford, Conn., and the Hamburg-Bremen, of Germany. For the last-named conipany they are general agents for the south. Mr. Patillo has achieved a remarkable success; one due wlioHy to dealing impartiaHy with competitors, to perseverance and exceptional business ability. He is a gentleman of affable manners, engaging presence, and a friend to be cultivated. His reHgious inclinations have prompted him to a broad mission work in Atlanta, and large, hberal contributions to the cause of religion. The com munity respects and feels toward him a gracious confidence. "VA/ ILLIAM H. PATTERSON, a successful broker of Atlanta, was born in Paulding county, Ga., in 1850, and has lived in various sections of both Ala bama and his native state. In i860 his father came to Atlanta, and here WiHiam re ceived his education at the public schools of the city. That same year he began work in a brick yard owned by a Air. Whaley, remaining there one year, and then in a grocery store owned by Air. J. Pitts, and clerked for the same length of time. After leaving this position he was employed in a factory, located in Atlanta, and PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 89I managed by the Confederate government, employed in the manufacture of gun caps. From the latter part of 1863 until July, 1864, he acted as salesman in a cigar store. In this month he was captured by General Sherman and taken to Nashville, Tenn., where he was held several months. After being released he remained in NashviHe until July, 1865, and then returned to Atlanta to follow the occupation of newsboy and clerk for a year, after which he entered the office of John H. James, broker, banker, and continued in his employ for seven years. Resign ing this position he became teller and general bookkeeper of the Citizen's Bank of Georgia (now defunct). In February, 1880, he was made cashier, and acted as such for fifteen months. In April, 1881, the bank faHed. After this misfortune Air. Patterson, having held since 1875 the office of treasurer of the Dade Coal company, proffered his resignation and was appointed superintendent of the iron mines and railroad controlled by this firm in Bartow county. A year later he returned, after severing connection with the coal company, and engaged in his present business. For several years Mr. Patterson was manager and treasurer of the Aletropolitan Street Railroad company of Atlanta, which was purchased finally by the Consolidated company. In the latter company he was a director until 1894. From April,, 1893, to September, 1894, he was manager for the Venable Bros. Stone company of Lithonia, Ga. Mr. Patterson is an ex-member of the city council of Atlanta, having served in that body as representative of the fourth ward during the term of 1879- 1880. Throughout the term he was chairman of the finance commit tee. When he became a member of the council the city was struggling under a floating debt of $400,000, paying 10 and 12 per cent, interest thereon. In the first year Mr. Patterson funded the loan at 6 per cent. He was in the legislature of the state during the years 1880 and 1881. Also a member of the finance committee of the house, being third on the list. Mr. Patterson was married in 1872 to Flora, daughter of Perino Brown, of Atlanta. They have five children, as foHows: Eva, W. H., Jr., Dumont C, Ernest B. and Baxter H. Besides being a member of the Alethodist church, he has received election to the stewardship, and is secretary of the board of stewards. Mr. Patterson gives much of his attention to real estate, and its relative worth. He is director and treasurer of the Atlanta Suburban Land company. He does an excellent business in his chosen line. He has the city's welfare at heart, and as his record in the municipal council attests, needs but the opportunity to display true loyalty. QEORGE P. PAYNE, Al. D., Ph. G., P. C. S., state chemist of Georgia, was born in the city of Alacon, Ga., April 7, 1853, residing there and receiving a common school education and training in his father's drug store, until 1873, when he entered the School of Mines, Columbia College, of New York city, and took extensive special courses in aH its branches of study during the years 1873 and 1874. At this institution he passed all the examinations with much success, rnaking a specially high record in analytical chemistry and mathematics. In 1876 he was graduated from the New York College of Pharmacy after taking a two years' course. During 1876 he returned to his native city and immediately entered his father's well-known pharmacy which had then been in active operation for thirty-six years. He also opened a fine analytical chemical laboratory at the same time, which he operated with great success. In 1882 he assumed entire control of his father's business, becoming a partner, and in 1884, after the death of his father, became complete owner In 1890 Dr. Payne was appointed state chemist of Georgia, which high scientific position he still liolds. In 1891 he was appointed a member of the Georgia state board of pharmacy, a board of five members who examine all applicants who wish to obtain licenses to operate drug stores in the 892 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. State. During his residence in New York, covering the period from 1873 to 1876, Dr. Payne attended medical lectures at the University of the City of New York, and also at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of that city On his return to Macon he continued the study of medicine, and in 1891 was graduated at the Atlanta Medical coHege. Since 1891 he has held the chair of materia medica and toxicology in the Atlanta College of Pharmacy, and since 1894 the chair of phar macy in the Atianta Aledical college. At both these institutions he only lectures in the evenings after office hours at the capitol, being very conscientious in regard to letting anything- interfere with his state work. Dr. Payne is a prom inent member of the Georgia Pharmaceutical association, being elected first vice- president in 1894; is a member of the American Pharmaceutical association, an influential body of about 2,000 prominent pharmacists. He represented his state at the last decennial revision of the United States Pharmacoepia, which was accom plished at AA'ashington, D. C, in 1890. He is a life member of the Georgia State A-gricultural society; a member of the Medical Association of Georgia; a mem ber of the American Chemical society; a member of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, and a fellow of the London Chemical society. He is a member of the-Episcopal church. In 1884 he married Anna Ruby Nichols, daugh ter of Colonel J. H. Nichols, of Nacoochee, White Co., Ga. They have one child, a daughter, Gladys Nichols Payne. Dr. Payne's father was by birth a South Carolinian, who came to Georgia in 1840 and located in Macon, where he estab lished the drug store mentioned above, where his son had his first chemical train ing. He continued in this business until his death, in 1884, at the age of sixty-seven years. He was the first pharmacist licensed by the state of Georgia. During the late civil war he served as lieutenant in the Silver Greys, a company of men past military age, which was organized in Macon at that time, and in this position took an active part in the battles fought around that place. He married Emily H. Sims, a daughter of Frederick Sims, a prominent citizen of Georgia, who resided at the Indian agency on the Flint river, and at one time represented Crawford county in the legislature. He eventually removed to Macon, becoming one of the influential men of the place, serving in many honorable positions, that of postmaster and of mayor being among them. To the marriage of George Payne and Miss Sims were born five children, two of them boys, of whom Dr. Payne was the elder. Dr. Payne's paternal grandfather was William Rex Payne, one of the younger sons of a wealthy English family. These younger sons came to the United States to make a career for themselves, as all the property was entaHed upon the eldest son. From these brothers sprang many of the Paynes of Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Caro Hna and Georgia. WilHam Rex Payne settled in Charleston, S. C, and there married the widow of a German officer named Sharden-Weaver, the widow having fled from Germany to this country upon the death of her former husband, who was killed during the reHgious persecutions in Germany and France. She was one of the ladies who aided in the first establishment of the orphan asylum in Charleston. Dr. Payne's maternal grandparents were Frederick Sims and Kath- erine Wellborn, his great-grandparents were Copley Wellborn and Martha Cleve land, his great-great-grandparents were Cleveland and Katherine Stone ; his great- great-great-grandfather was Gen. Ben Cleveland of revolutionary fame, who commanded the continental forces at the battle of King's Mountain, N. C. On the Sims side of the family his great-grandparents were John Sims and Mildred Wing field ; his great-great-grandparents were Thomas Wingfield and Elizabeth Terrell, and his great-great-great-grandparents were John Wingfield and Sarah Garland. The coat of arms of the family is an interesting one, with the niotto "Fidelite est de Dicie." PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 893 lyiR. J. CARROLL PAYNE. It has been observed of the Atlanta bar that ft contains more of the younger element of the profession than any bar in the state. That may be due to the fact that Atlanta is comparatively a young city, being only a little more than a half century old, but the talents and legal acquire ments of her professional men place her in the front rank of American cities. Among the younger members of the profession in Atlanta, whose success at the bar has suggested the foregoing reflection, is Mr. J. Carroll Payne. Though Mr. Payne has resided in Atlanta for only ten years, he has thoroughly identified himself with tfie social and professional life of this city. The subject of this sketch is a native Virginian. He was born at Warrenton, in that state, on Sept 24, 1856. His father. Rice W. Payne, was a lawyer of legal scholarship and of eminence in the profession. He was a native of Fauquier county, Va., and was a loyal citizen of that state until the time of his death. During the late war he was a captain in the Black Horse cavalry, and made a gallant Confederate officer. He afterward served under Gen. Longstreet with the rank of major, and remained in the field until peace was finally declared. Maj. Payne died in 1884. He was engaged in the practice of his profession before and after the war. Between the ages of fourteen and twenty the subject of this sketch, having received a good preliminary training, entered the Georgetown university, graduating from that institution in 1876, the year of the American centennial. Environment, and possibly inheritance, has contributed to form an ambitious desire in the heart of the young student to enter the practice of law. He took an interest in all the debates of the college, and manifested a decided preference for those studies that tended to develop his mind in that direction. Having reached a conclusion on this point he entered the university- of Virginia, immediately after graduation and commenced the study of law at that institution. After a course of lectures at the law school of the university he decided to further equip himself for the practice of his profession by a course of legal studies, supplementary to those already prosecuted, at the university of Louisiana, at New Orleans, (jraduating- from this law school in 1878 he entered the law office of his uncle, Hon. Thomas J. Semmes, in the Crescent city, and remained with him in the general practice until 1885. Believing that a better field awaited him in the capital city of (j-eorgia, he came to Atlanta in the fall of that year. The wisdom of his choice has been happily demonstrated by his marked success in the profession. Shortly after coming to Atlanta Mr. Payne formed a legal partnership with .Mr Alexander Hull, a bright and promising young member of the profession. This combination lasted for about two years and was then dissolved. In 1890 the present partner ship was formed, the junior member of the firm being Mr. John L. Tye, whose sketch also appears in these memoirs. This firm has been interested in much ofthe litigation of Fulton and adjacent counties since the time of its organization. For two years they represented the Atlanta & Florida railroad and since 1890 the firm has been counsel for the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis railroad. Messrs. Payne & Tye also represent the Equitable Mortgage company of Nev York, the Atlanta Banking company, and the Atlanta Trust and Banking com pany, in addition to various other local institutions and a large miscellaneous clientage. Mr. Payne has never courted political office and has never taken an active part in any local campaign, except in behalf of his immediate friends. He has been satisfied to merely discharge the duties of a good citizen and has steadily adhered to the practice of his profession, believing that the interests of his clients could be best served by devoting himself strictly to business. For the last two or three years the demands of his practice have been quite heavy and the time that might have been devoted by him to pleasure and recreation has been occupied 894 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. by his professional engagements. Air. Payne was united in marriage in 1885 tb Aliss Helen P. Hill, the daughter of Air W. Rhode HHl, one of the most successful business men of Atlanta. They have three bright and promising children, two girls and one boy: Helen H., Laura H., and John CarroH. The family group is an interesting one and Air. Payne has much in his home life to make him contented and happ}^ Air Payne is fond of good reading and possesses a con siderable amount of literary culture, in addition to a wide range of general informa tion. He keeps himself thoroughly posted on current topics and is a close observer both of men and events. He is a member of several social organizations and has a host of warm personal friends. The inherent manliness and culture of the Virginia gentleman are distinctly portrayed in the character of Mr. Payne. Polite, chivalrous, dignified and obliging, he embodies in his charming manners the knightly traditions of the old dominion. Mr. Payne is a member of the Church of the Imm.aculate Conception, and is loyal in his adherence to the Catholic faith. MR. JOHN CALVIN PECK was born at Sharon, Litchfield Co., Conn., Aug 25, 1830. He passed his early years on a New England farm, attending a common country school two terms (of four months each) during the year. When nine years old his manual services became indispensable, and consequently he could spend only one term in school, but even with these slight advantages developed into an excellent speller and mathematician. Later he entered the W^atertown academy to pursue the higher branches of science and literature, and won the first prize in each class of this college. In the spring of 1850, receiving an offer to go to CatskiH, N- Y., as a carpenter, having acquired great proficiency in this occupation, he removed his residence and remained there three years, witli remarkable success. May 4, 1853, while stHl in New York, he married Prances Josephine Hoyt, daughter of Starr Hoyt, of Huron county, Ohio, and imme diately thereafter removed to Stamford, Conn. He was there employed as foreman and contractor, but having developed an asthmatic trouble, determined to move south. The first town to which he came was Atlanta, then small and almost unknown. But obtaining no work, continued on to Knoxville, Tenn., where no better opportunity offered, so he returned in the spring of 1857 to Connecticut. The asthmatic affliction again became a source of deep annoyance, and in January, 1858, he migrated south a second time, locating in Atlanta. Air Peck readily found employment with a Air. Boutell, rose rapidly in this gentleman's esteem, and was soon placed in a responsible, lucrative position. He directed the con struction of some of the most important buildings in Atlanta, and displayed a skill that recommended him as the leader of his trade. This has been his home since that year. His wife and two children joined him on April i, 1858. In 1859 he associated himself with A. H. Brown and Edwin Priest, under the firm name of Brown, Priest & Peck, and erected on Decatur street the second of Atlanta's planing mills. At the end of the year the interest of Brown was purchased by the other partners, and in the summer of i860 Mr. Priest sold out his share to John T. Bowman. The political condition of the countiy was unsettled and boisterous. Mr. Bowman volunteered in the Confederate army, and Air Peck, at Gov. Brown's request, began the manufacture of pikes to aid the secessionists. Soon after a reward was offered for twent}'-five rifles made after a certain mould, of given length and calibre. Having never had any experience of this kind, yet believing that he could accomplish the task satisfactorily, he set to work and in a short time had completed the desired number But money had depreciated, and the sum offered by the Confederate government would not defray the expense. There fore he sold them to the Roswell factoi y. They were afterward captured by Gen. JOHN C. PECK. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 895 Sherman, and two are now in the museum at AVashington, and were on exhibi tion at the Atlanta exposition m 1895. Air Peck was employed as superintendent of wood work in the Atlanta arsenal a few months, but finally his health, fail ing, went to Thomasville, Ga., and from here worked his way through the lines to Alinnesota. Recovering strength and vitality he returned to Atlanta in August, 1865. In connection vith Air. Schofield, Air. Peck rebuilt his planing mHl and conducted this until 1873, when it was substituted by a finer and more complete plant the firm being J. C. Peck & Co. It was sold in 1875 to Wm. Markham. Air. Peck converted the milUnto the present Alarkham house Nov. 16, 1875. In 1866 he erected the old capitol building, and four years later the old Kimball house, at a cost of $643,000. He was superintendent of construction of the Inter national Cotton Exposition, and a member of the executive committee. He was an original promoter and stockholder in the Atlanta cotton factory. At the Pied mont exposition Air. Peck held the same office, creditably and well, and had the contract for the wood work of the custom house. He was an organizer of the Fulton county spinning mills. In religious belief Mr. Peck is a Unitarian, and belongs to the royal arch Alasons. He has had six children, those who survive are: Frank H., of Atlanta, who married Reba G. Pierce; Cora B., the wife of E. Al. WilHams, and Lily L., wife of A. P. Davis, of Atlanta. Those who died were George S., Charles C, and Arthur J. The latter died in 1886, leaving two children, John C. and Arthur J. pjENRY CABANISS PEEPLES, junior meniber of the prominent law firm of Harrison & Peeples, was born in Athens, Clarke Co., Ga., the seat of Georgia's university, Oct. i, 1856, and a few months afterward was taken by his parents to Forsyth, Ga., and at the age of nine years to Griffin, Ga., where he resided until he was fifteen years of age, attending school and imbibing the elementary branches of learning that make the foundation of a successful professional career. Pie came with his parents to Atlanta in 1871, and in 1873 entered Mercer university at Macon, Ga., and was graduated in two years with the degree of A. B., sharing ¦\vith Rev. E. A. Keese the first honor in his class. He returned to Atlanta and began reading law with his father, the late illustrious Cincinnatus Peeples, judge of the Atlanta circuit, who died suddenly while at work in his office, in 1877. This sad termination, when in the midst of his labors, was characteristic of his life. His devotion to duty in everything was untiring and earnest to the end. Henry Peeples was admitted to the bar in October, 1876, and went to Forsyth, Ga., and formed a partnership with his uncle, Thomas B. Cabaniss, late member of con gress from that district This partnership continued until his father died. He then returned to Atlanta, practiced alone for four years, and later became associated with his present partner. Col. Z. D. Harrison, clerk of the supreme court of Georgia. Air. Peeples was assistant clerk of the state supreme court from 1881 to 1887, and was at that time appointed to the reportership to fill the unexpired term of J. H. Lumpkin, now judge of the superior court of the Atlanta circuit. He was re-elected by the supreme court in January, 1893, for a succeeding term of six years. Air Peeples was married in December, 1885, to Lillie D., daughter of Gen. W. S. Walker, of Atlanta, Ga. They have a happy household of four children, two sons and two daughters. He attends and leans toward the Baptist church, though he is neither a member of the church nor of any secret order, except his college fraternity, the S. A. E. Mr. Peeples' father was born in Edge field district, Soutii Carolina, in 1816, and when a child came to Georgia with his parents and located in the upper part of HaH county. In 1856 he was elected to the state senate from Clarke county, Ga., and served one term as mayor of 896 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Athens, Ga. His record as a soldier is stainless, and in the batties around Atianta in July, 1S64, he was on the staff of Gen. Gustavus W. Smith. Mr. Peeples' mother was Eliza Cabaniss, daughter of Elbridge Gerry Cabaniss, a native of Virginia, and of French descent. He was an ardent whig before the war, and a strong advocate of Henry Clay. Mr. Peeples' grandfather was a lawyer by profession, and at one time judge of the Flint circuit. Mr. Peeples inherits the principles that led his ancestors into eminence and renown. They were eloquent, kind, and generous. He inherits the virtues that not only promote his business relations, but recommend him as an invaluable friend. J OHN T. PENDLETON, a practftioner of the Atlanta bar, was born in Hopkins- ville. Christian Co., Ky., March 24, 1845. After his earlier years were past and his mind instructed in the simpler branches of literature and science, he became a student in Bethel college, Russellville, Ky., and there remained until the outbreak of the civil war interrupted his senior year, and the Confederacy summoned him to service. In May, 1861, he enlisted in Company A of the First Kentucky cavalry as a private, and until captured in the battle of Missionary ridge, continued in this station. In the enumerated engagements Mr. Pendleton took active part and established a reputation for valor and prowess : Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; PerryviHe, Ky. ; Shiloh, Chickamauga and Missionary ridge. He was with Forrest in the memorable raids, after the battle of Chickamauga, and in West Virginia, including the fight at Trenton. He supported Bragg in 1862, and was with Wheeler bringing up Bragg's retreat in eastern Kentucky after the battle of Perryville. In this campaign he was captured by bushwhackers, but escaped, and by forced marches night and day, reached Knoxville, Tenn. He received but one injury during the war. In the battle of Perryville a canister ball inflicted a painful wound, from which he suffered severely. After his release from prison Air. Pendleton returned to his home in Hopkinsville, Ky., where he was occupied about two years in wind ing up the estate of his father, who died in the army. Having accomplished this task he entered Washington and Lee university in 1868, studied law for nine months and was graduated in the spring of 1869, delivering the valedictory to his class, and received a diploma signed by Gen. R. E. Lee. The latter has been sacredly pre served. In April, 1870, he moved to Atlanta and was admitted to the bar during the same month. Mr. Pendleton was elected auditor and recorder of the city of Atlanta in 1874, for the term of four years. He also served five years as assistant city attomey from. 1883 to 1888. In 1889 Mr. Pendleton represented the Central Railroad & Banking company of Georgia, and the Atlanta & West Point railroad in Fulton county, under Calhoun, King & Spalding, general counsel. In 1891-92 he represented as division counsel the Richmond & Danville railroad. Air Pendle ton was associated with Hon. Hoke Smith until the latter's appointment as secretary of the interior. Mr. Pendleton affiliates with the Second Baptist church; for ten years has held the office of deacon, and lately was superintendent of the Sunday school and Bible class teacher. He is a member of the Barnes lodge I. O. O. F., No. 55, and the Empire encampment, I. O. O. P. He inarried Ella J., daughter of Walter Bowie, of "Westmoreland, Va., in 1870. They have two children: Kate, and Alary B., wife of E. C. Stewart, of the firm of Stewart, Cole & Callaway, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Pendleton possesses a pure, moral character, and is deeply learned in the varied divisions of his profession. His father was William Henry Pendleton, a native of Christian county, Ky., born in 1825. He was a merchant in Hopkins ville, Ky., and when the war first began was made commissary of the First Ken tucky cavalry, and died in harness during 1862. Plis wife was Isabel Alajor, ot Christian county. They had three children, the surviving ones being John T. and PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 897 AlcCallum Dawson, of Atlanta. The mother passed away on Alay 21, 1891. Air Pendleton's grandfather was Rev. John Pendleton, a Baptist minister of Spottsyl vania county, Va., niarried there, and about 1812 emigrated to Christian county, Ky. His great grandfather was a native of Virginia, the son of Henry Pendleton, who served in the revolutionary war (Vol. I, 4th series of American Archives, pub lished by order of congress.) CDWARD CONYNGHAAI PETERS, capitalist, Atianta, Ga., son of Richard and Alary J. (Thompson) Peters, was born in Atlanta, Oct. 23, 1856. Mr. Pe ters received his primary education in the city of his birth and then went to Penn Lucy institute, near Baltimore, Md. When nineteen years of age he was appointed on the United States coast survey, and was assigned to duty in Texas. Returning to Atlanta in 1876 he was appointed cashier's clerk of the Atlanta Street Railroad company, of which a short time afterward he was made superintendent In 1889 he was elected president of the company, which office he retained until the system was sold to the Thomson-Houston syndicate. In 1890 Air Peters was made president of the Peters Land conipany, which was organized in 1890. He is also president of the Atlanta Savings bank, a director in the American Trust & Bank ing company, the Southern Loan & Banking company, the Exposition Cotton Alills company, the Cotton States and International Exposition company, and a member of the general council of the city of Atlanta. Mr Peters early practical training and his subsequent extensive and varied business and financial experience makes him a much sought and valuable accession to any undertaking requiring enterprise and superior financial and executive ability, especially if the best and highest interests of Atlanta and her advancement are involved. JOSIAPI SEAMANS PETERSON, journaHst, Atlanta, Ga., only child of John P. and Rebecca B. (Seamans) Peterson, was born in Providence, R. I., Alay 15, 1820. His father was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 1790, and left there a sailor boy at the age of fourteen, and followed the sea all his life. He was in the employ pf Brown & Ives, New England ship, owners, and died of cholera, about 1832, leaving the son with not a relative of the paternal family on this side of the ocean. On his mother's side, Mr. Peterson is of Welsh Puritanic lineage, and her father and grand-uncles were soldiers in the patriot army during the revolution. At the age of thirteen Mr. Peterson began to earn his living, entering a grocery store as clerk and bookkeeper. Plis schooling was consequently meagre, though about this time his grandfather proposed to send him to Brown university, but knowing his grandfather was dependent on his earnings at his trade he declined, an action showing a trait of character that is found in his whole life. In the fall of 1836 young Peterson went to Savannah, Ga., and thence to Augusta, where he arrived on Christmas eve. He obtained a temporary position with George H. Metcalf, and later obtained a situation with a wholesale grocery house, which failed during the panic of the summer of 1837. One of the partners went to Athens, Ga., taking Mr. Peterson with him and opened a fancy grocery store, which also closed the next August, leaving the seventeen-year-old youth a thou sand miles from home, unknown and a stranger among strangers. For the next three years he was employed by Mays & Clayton, a leading dry goods firm. Mr. Mays' wife was a sister of the wife of Hon. Charles Dougherty, and while here he was a member of Mr. Mays' family and was treated as a son. In 1841 he was associated with the "Chronicle and Sentinel" as traveling agent, and the following year found him a clerk at Lexington, Ga., during which time J. H. Lumpkin and WiHiam McKinley urged him to read law and Drs. Sims and Hanson urged him T-57 898 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. to read medicine. Having conscientious scruples as to law, he began the study of medicine under Dr. R. D. Moore; but later relinquished his purpose to accept a position as bookkeeper of the Scull Shoals factory, where he remained untH the same was burned down in 1845. Under his direction the factory was conducted during these years with a handsome profit, a marked contrast with its operation of a few previous years. In 1846, by special request of the editor of the "Chronicle and Sentinel," he wrote a series of articles on cotton manufacturing which attracted the attention of Col. H. H. Cummings and largely influenced the establishment of the great manufacturing" interests whose benefits to Augusta are incalcuable. Mr. Peterson embarked in business for himself in Athens in 1850 as a partner in a book store under the firm name of Chase & Peterson. During this time he was instrumental in organizing the first loan and building association formed in the state and was its treasurer. He was a member and secretary of an association, of which Dr. Alonzo Church of Franklin college was president, organized to support a free school. He was also a leader in the Sons of Temperance; an organizer of the lodge of Knights of Jericho and held the office of grand chief of the state lodge for ten years. Again Mr. Peterson was strenuously urged to study law, Hon. Cincinnatus Peeples, afterward judge of Fulton circuit, present ing him with an excellent opportunity; but the offer was declined. The book business having been a failure Mr. Peterson was employed as an agent of the Lawrenceville Alanufacturing company of Gwinnett county, until August, 1857, when he came to Atlanta as associate editor of the "National American," a newspaper owned by Col. C. R. Hanleiter. AVhile here he, unexpectedly to himself, developed great strength and versatility as a political writer. His earh- training as a business man and bookkeeper fitted him particularly for the commercial department of the paper and as statistical writer, and along these lines he made a very enviable reputation, which he still holds. As associate editor he advocated the public school system for Atlanta, the Georgia Air Line railroad, and Georgia Western railroad, cotton manufacturing in Atlanta and direct trade for the south. In 1861 he organized the Commonwealth Publishing" company, which pubhshed a twenty-four column paper, of which he was editor, reporter, business 'manager and sometimes carrier. The paper achieved considerable success, considering the conditions existing at that time and grew into influence and standing. He sold the paper in 1863. In 1866 he accepted service on the "Daily. New Era," in which paper he pressed the organization of the chamber of commerce and was its first secretary. He was secretary of the executive committee of the representatives bf the thirty-three southern railways, who gave a two-cent a mile prospecting rate over their lines in 1869. Mr. Peterson prepared an elaborate pamphlet demon strating the necessity and prospective and financial value of the Brunswick & Albany railway and the Cartersville & Van AVert railway. In 1871 he was the .author of a review exhaustively presenting statistics and arguments in support of the construction of the Bainbridge, Cuthbert & Columbus and the Columbus •&- Atlanta Air Line railway, with extensions almost due north to Cincinnati. From 1875 to 1889 he was engaged in various publications, preparing sundry pamphlets and doing correspondence, nearly all of Vvhich Georgia and Atlanta were the paramount themes. In 1889, as assistant secretary of the Alanufacturers' associa tion, he prepared a pamphlet of nearly 100 pages, entitied, Atlanta, the Coming- Metropolis of the South, which represented incontrovertible facts on which an unanswerable argument is based in support of the proposition. Although this is his last work of importance he has not been idle and is now well equipped and stands ready for more effective work in Atianta, in the advocacy of advanced and improved traveling facilities; of the multiplication of manufacturing industries and T. S. POWELL PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 899 the development of Georgia's resources. Charged years ago with being "wild and visionary" when advocating railway construction over what seemed to others to be impossible routes, and particularly for his forecast for Atlanta, whose growth her envious rivals quoted as "mush-room," he has lived to see every railroad he advocated to be a prosperous reality and to see Atlanta a queen of growth and prosperity far beyond everything he ever claimed. Unselfish and generous to a fault, as the world goes, it has ever been a greater pleaisure to him to aid and promote the interests of friends and the community in which he lives than his own. Busy in helping the interests of others he neglected his own. His charac teristics are those which make him invaluable to others, while perhaps almost valueless to himself. He is probably one of the few men who might be bought for his own price and sold at profit. It is safe to say that few citizens of Georgia, even those in public life, are more extensively or accurately informed as to the general history of the state, its prominent citizens, past and present, than Mr. Peterson ; and it is even safer to say that none has a greater conception than he of the extent, variety and value of these resources, and the possibilities of the state under favorable legislation as a great manufacturing commonwealth; as a conductor and controller of commerce, within and without her borders; as to intellectual and religious advancement in "every field and along all lines of human endeavor. Mr. Peterson was niarried June 6, 1844, to Aliss Matilda Truly Manley, who died Oct -16, 1882. Nine chHdren were the fruit of this union, of whom five survive: Seamans Manley, locomotive engineer; Rebecca Matilda, widow of Robert S. Jackson; Mary Ann, unmarried, living iif Spalding county; Albon Chase, mechanic; Virginia Lee, wife of CHnton Gunby, Tampa, Fla. He was married to his second wife, Catherine Anna, daughter of Col. C. R. Hanleiter, April 25, 1889. Before the war Mr. Peterson was an old Hne Henry Clay whig, an uncom promising anti-secessionist, consequently a stanch republican on all'lines of national policy, a dyed-in-the-wool protectionist. He is a royal arch Mason, and working Methodist He has been three score and two years in active business life and cannot recall as many as thirty days that he has been kept from labor by sickness. THOMAS S. POWELL, a public benefactor, whose life has been devoted to his fellow-men, and one whose faithful services are destined to survive him in the grateful appreciation of the people of this state, is Dr. Thomas S. Powell, the president of the Southern medical college. As the executive head of this famous institution Dr PoweH has equipped hundreds of young physicians for the practice of their profession, besides devoting a large part of his own time to aHeviating the iHs of suffering humanity. His name has become a household word in every part of the country, and no man is more highly" honored for his professional attainments, or more sincerely beloved for his true nobHity of character. Dr. PoweU has always occupied a high seat in the confidence and esteem of his medical brethren, and this is due to the fact that he has not only been a skillful practftioner, but that in spite of the seductions of a large and growing patronage, he has never bartered his principles for gain or overlooked for a single instant the moral ethics of the profession. Dr. Thomas S. Powell is a native of Virginia, and was born in Brunswick county in that state. His parents were both of Welsh descent, and illustrated the hardy characteristics of that splendid stock. After completing his primary studies he commenced his collegiate education at Oakland academy, in Brunswick countv, under the able direction of Prof J. P. Adkinson. He subse quentiy attended the LawrenceviHe Male institute, then in charge of the celebrated Prof Brown, of WilHam and Mary coHege, graduating, in due course of time, wfth the highest honors of that institution. Coming to Georgia at an early age. 900 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and shortly after beginning the practice of the medical profession. Dr. Powell has- been identified with the practice in this state for more than forty years. He has been a member of the State Aledical association since 1856, and has also, for a number of years, been a member of the National association. Making Atlanta his home. Dr. Powell has always been a loyal and pubHc-spirited citizen of that community. The genius of enterprise has been one of his distinguishing charac teristics, and his mind has been constantly active in devising new plans and micthods for promoting the welfare of his profession. In 1870 he founded the "Southern Medical Journal," one of the best edited and most influential magazines of this section of the country. The scientific productions that have come from the pen of Dr. Powell have been widely copied and extensively read by the mem bers of the profession, beyond the immediate circulation of the journal. For sev eral years Dr. Powell occupied a professorship in the Atlanta Medical college, and was recognized as one of the ablest preceptors in the faculty of that institution. His connection with the college terminated in 1866. Immediately his friends- suggested to him the advisability of starting a new college, urging upon him as a reason that Atlanta was sufficiently well known as a medical center to warrant the establishment of such an institution, and that every state in the south would contribute to its support. The idea grew upon Dr. Powell as he revolved it in his mind, but he preferred to move slowly in the matter, rather than suffer the con sequences of any hasty action that he might take. Finally in connection with Dr. Robert C. Word and Dr. W. T. Goldsmith, he decided to establish the coHege, and after a brave effort in subduing unexpected and almost overwhelming difficul ties, the following" board of trustees were selected: T. S. Powell, M. D., R. C. Word, M. D., W. T. Goldsmfth, M. D., Hon. A. H. Stephens, Judge S. B. Hoyt, G. T. Dodd, C. M. Irwin, D. W. Lewis, A. P. Hurt, Rev. A. J. Battle, Rev. H. C. Hornady, Geo. M. AlcDowell, D. D., W. W. McAfee, and J. J. Toon. A charter was subsequently obtained and the first meeting of the board of trustees was held 1 jb. 21, 1879. At this meeting Dr. Powell was elected president. Col. J. J. Toon vice-president, and Dr. R. C. Word secretary. A building" committee was appoint ed, consisting of Dr. T. S. Powell, Judge S. B. Hoyt, G. T. Dodd, W. W. McAfee, and Dr. W. T. Goldsmith, whose duty it was to select a lot and secure bids for the erection of a college building. A lot was purchased on Porter street, in the rear of the present Equitable building, and the erection of the building commenced as soon as the funds could be raised by Dr. Powell. Por this purpose a stock •company was organized. On June 25, 1879, the following faculty was elected: A. S. Payne, M. D., professor of theory and practice of medicine; William Raw- lings, Al. D., professor of the principles and practice of surgery; T. S. Powell, M. D., professor of obstetrics and diseases of women, and lecturer on medical ethics; R. C. Word, M. D., professor of physiology, and lecturer on medical litera ture; G. Al. McDowell, M. D., professor bf materia medica and therapeutics: professor of chemistry (to be fiHed) ; WiHiam Perrin Nicolson, M. D., professor of general and pathological anatomy; W. T. Goldsmith, Al. D., professor of dis eases of children, and lecturer on clinical gynecology; H. F. Scott, AI. D., profes sor of medical and surgical diseases of the eye and throat; G. G. Crawford, Al. D., professor of operative and cHnical surgery; Lindsay Johnson, M. D., demonstrator of anatomy. Auxiliary professors: J. F. Alexander, M. D., auxHiary professor of practice of medicine, and lecturer on clinical medicine; W. G. Owen, Al. D., auxiliary professor of physiology, and lecturer on diseases of the nervous system : G. G. Roy, M. D., auxihary professor of materia medica, and lecturer on toxi cology and medical jurisprudence; H. B. Lee, Al. D., auxihary professor of obstetrics and diseases of women; J. C. Olmsted, M. D., lecturer on the genito- FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. gOI nrinary organs and venereal diseases; Lindsay Johnson, AI. D., auxiliary professor of surgery, lecturer on minor surgery, and instructor on splints and bandages; A. J. Pinson, AI. D., assistant to the lecturer on minor surgery. The college build ing was completed in November, 1879, ^ud the school opened with sixty-four matriculates. The growth of the institution, commencing under such favorable auspices, has never relaxed, and the college, under the administration of Dr. Powell, has become one of the greatest medical institutions of the south. In October, 1882, Dr. PoweH decided to erect a hospital to be operated in connection •with the college. The ladies of Atlanta organized an association, and funds were raised by them for this purpose. The Central Hotel on Ivy street was subse quently purchased, and after being improved to the extent of $2,000, was opened for the reception of patients. For several years the hospital took care of all the city patients, and managed to be self-sustaining. In 1879 a dental department was added to the college. This department for several years was under the direction of Dr. L. D. Carpenter, one of the ablest exponents of dental surgery in the south. He resigned in 1895, and was succeeded by Dr. C. V. Rosser. On account of the rapid growth of the institution it was found necessary to erect a new building for the accommodation of the students, and accordingly a magnificent brick edifice was erected a few years ago, directly in front of the Grady hospital. A separate building for the dental department was subsequently erected. The college is one of the best^organized and most thoroughly equipped in the south ; and its faculty, composed of the leading practitioners of Atlanta, is one of the ablest in the coun try. The services that Dr. Powell has rendered the community and the medical profession in the estabhshment of this institution cannot be estimated. In life it has been to him a source of pride and dehght, and in death it will prove a lasting monument to his memory. In 1847 he niarried Aliss Julia L. Bass, daughter of Rev. Dr. Larkin Bass, and granddaughter of Gov. Rabun. She was a highly educated and accompHshed lady, beloved by all who knew her for her beautiful traits of character. In December of 1882 Dr. Powell was united in marriage the second time to Mrs. Jennie Aliller, of Virginia, a lady of rare beauty and mental attainments. She was a lineal descendant of a renowned Scotch family, "Rox- boro," from whom the town of Roxburough was named. In the archives of the Plistorical Library of Philadelphia may be found the family history from 1724 to 1880. The work is entitled "Rosebrugh," the name at present Mrs. Powell's grandfather was a most eminent Presbyterian minister, born and educated in Scot land, but spent the greater portion of his life in and around Philadelphia. His sons have all attained positions of honor and distinction wherever they have become citizens. His eldest son, Robert Rosebrugh, who went to Virginia in early boy hood, was the father of Mrs. Powell. Dr. PoweH is a royal arch Mason, and a member of the AI. E. church. QHARLES A. READ, the son of a prominent Virginia physician, was born in Rappahannock county, Va. He resided in the neighborhood of his birth place until he completed his primary and high school studies, and then went to the university of his state to continue his education and pursue the higher and classic branches of literature and science. He took the degree of bachelor of law and bore triumphantly the honors of his class. In 1881 he came to Atlanta and opened a law office, and since then he has foHowed the practice of his chosen profession with exceptional success. Air. Read possesses a philosophical and analytical mind, delights in research and investigation, and devotes much time to solving intricate and vexing problems that occur in all the fundamental branches of science. In 1888 he formed a partnership with H. E. W. Palmer, a 902 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. progressive and popular lawyer of the Atlanta bar, which still continues. Mr^ Read is an officer of the Young Men's Library association, a member of the Philosophical society, and secretary of the vestry and junior warden of St. Luke's Episcopal church. He has shown a conscientious devotion in laboring for church organization, and encouraging the performance of religious and moral obligations. Mr. Read was married in 1882 to Mary Brent, daughter of the late George W, Brent of Alexandria, Va. Her mother was Miss Goode, of the same city. They have one son, Herbert Read. Mr. Read is a,n untiring worker. He has an eager ness for knowledge and a perseverance in obtaining it that brooks no failure, and is without Hmit. The demands of his profession and its duties have not prevented him from devoting a good deal of attention to literature. He contributes poetic and prose originals to the press frequently and these articles always command the respect of the best scholars. In the pursuit of his profession he is earnest and practical. He excels in orthography and in numerous competitive "spelling bees'^ has outclassed all opponents. Mr. Read is yet a young man and a highly esteemed member of the Atlanta bar. His profound knowledge of the fundamental princi ples of law and his ripe scholarship entitle him to a conspicuous position among his contemporaries. This position is accorded him heartily by the entire bench and bar. JOHN CALVIN REED, one of the lawyers of Atlanta, prominent in civH business, was born at Appling, Columbia Co., Ga., Feb. 24, 1836. He was thoroughly prepared for college by his father, a famous teacher, and, having spent three years at Princeton, N. J., he graduated, in 1854. The next three years he taught Greek and Latin in his father's school at Woodstock, in Oglethorpe county, Ga., and, in the meanwhile, under the direction of Mr. T. R. R. Cobb, he read all the books in the course of the law school of Virginia university. Having spent a few months in Mr. Cobb's law office he was called to the bar in 1857, and commenced practice at Lexington, Ga. In 1859 he removed to Greensboro, Ga., where he stayed until he entered the service of the Confederate states as second lieutenant in Company I, of the Eighth Georgia volunteers, the famous regirnent of Bartow. He rose to the captaincy of his company at the Wilderness. Omitting innumerable minor engagements, he was in the first and second Manassas, Gettysburg, where he was wounded severely, the assault on Fort Loudon, the Wilderness, the fighting immediately afterward until Spottsylvania court house, the operations around Petersburg, Puzzle's Mill, and in -the last fight of his regiment, at Farmville, Va., two days before Gen. Lee's surrender. Paroled at Appomattox court house he walked home, and resumed practice as soon as the courts were opened, settling at Lexington, Ga., where he remained tHl Jan. 7, 1875, and, from then till the spring of 1882, when he settled in Atlanta, he was engaged as counsel in many celebrated cases in Oglethorpe, Wilkes and Taliaferro counties, of the northern circuit, and also in Clarke and Greene. His detection in December, 1868, of the thieves who had stolen some $10,000 from Dalton, and recovery of $7,000 of the money; the prosecution and conviction, in 187 1, of Reese, the leader of a band of dangerous outlaws in Taliaferro ; the Deupree will case, in which he was original counsel for the executors, and earned a fee of almost $5,000; his success in eight or nine homicide cases, always winning, whether he was for the prosecution or defense, are some of the experiences of his large and varied practice before he became a member of the Atlanta bar. He had a memorable political career in Oglethorpe county. Noininated by the democrats, in 1868, as candidate for the legislature, the bayonet supporting the other side, he failed of election. In the presidential election in the following November, the military being withdrawn, under his lead defaulting taxpayers were excluded from the FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 903 polls, which resulted in a democratic victory, unexpected by all except his few chosen assistants, pledged to stand by the execution of law. For this day's good work he was reported to the reconstruction committee. In 1870 the republicans had planned to perpetuate their plunder and riot in the public property of the state. Under their new law the managers were to be of their own appointment; there were to be different polHng places, and a three-days election, to give large opportunity for repeating; and the military was to be used in aid of the statute. Shortly before the election, the democratic club, bearing in mind the victory of 1868, made (to use the yvords of their unanimous resolution) Air. Reed dictator, to conduct the party in the election. He provided picked men with alphabetical lists of the disqualified voters, who kept watch at every voting place, and whoever voted Hlegally was at once arrested on an affidavit sworn out by Mr. Reed, per sonally. After two or three arrests the disqualified voters staid away from the poles, and the democratic victory was more decided than it was at the former election. Some two years later Mr. Reed seemed to be sure of a nomination to congress by the democrats of his district, but he succeeded in securing it for Air. A. H. Stephens, who was not then expecting or seeking it. After this Air. Reed turned his back on politics and devoted himself to the law more assiduously than ever. When he removed to Atlanta, in the spring of 1882, Gen. Toombs being practically out of the local practice, Mr. Reed was really the leader of the northern circuit, a circuit illustrated by W_. H. Crawford, J. H. Lumpkin, Toombs and Stephens, T. R. R. Cobb, Thomas W. Thomas and other distinguished lawyers. He does a general practice in Atlanta. He is virtually out of the criminal practice, but he is engaged as counsel on some of the cases involving the largest interests in the courts. In 1873 appeared his first book, Georgia Criminal Law; in 1875 the first edition of his Conduct of Lawsuits; and in 1882 his American Law Studies. In 1876 he published, in the "International Review," his article, entitled, "The Old and New South," which was the origin of the now much-used phrase. He has by him The Life of Gen. Toombs, in manuscript, but has not yet decided to publish it. His father was Rev. John W. Reed, a Presbyterian minister, a native of North Carolina, closely related through his mother to some of the prominent signers of the Mecklenburg declaration of independence, while his paternal grandfather, a native of northern Ireland, was wounded in the leg at the battle of Brandywine while serving in the American army. Rev. John W. Reed \yas very famous as a school teacher, especially while he lived at Woodstock. Before this he had prepared Lyon and Benning for college, each one of whom afterward became a judge of the supreme court of Georgia. While he kept school at Woodstock, Air A. H. Stephens assisted many poor boys to get an education by sending them to this school, and this great man was in the habit of attending public examinations. In July, 1862, Mr. John C. Reed came home with the body of his brother, who had been mortally wounded at Seven Pines, and before his return married Gennie James, who died in 1865 without issue. He married Sarah Platt in 1880, and by her has a son, Prentiss B. WALLACE PUTNAM REED, an editorial writer on the staff of the "Atianta Constitution," a position which he has held since 1883, is a native of WHcox cbunty, Ala., where he was born in 1849. His early boyhood was passed in Alont gomery, but in 1859 his parents moved to Atlanta, Ga., where he has since resided. His education was interrupted by the war, but two years' hard reading in a book store, where he held a clerkship, fitted him for his chosen profession of journalism, which he entered before he was twenty. At the age of fifteen his first story appeared in the "Southern Field and Fireside," and during the past twenty-five years hun- 904 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. dreds of his sketches and short stories have had a wide circulation. He was admitted to the bar before he was twenty-one, and during a brief period of prac tice he held the office of solicitor of the Rockdale county court. The law proving unremunerative, young Reed gave it up and devoted himself to journaHsm. He edited two country papers, the "Rockdale Register" and the "Conyers Weekly," and at various times has held reportorial and editorial positions on the "Intelli gencer," "New Era," "Post Appeal," "Journal" and "Constitution" in Atlanta, besides contributing to the "New York Independent" "Detroit Free Press," and several other periodicals and magazines. He is also the author of a History of Atlanta, a large volume of 700 pages. Mr. Reed is of northern parentage, and is a great-grand-nephew of Gen. Israel Putnam, and a lineal descendant of John Rogers, the martyr. He married Miss Kate Shaver, of A'^irginia, the daughter ol Rev. David Shaver, D. D., a famous Baptist divine who was for many years the editor of the "Richmond Religious Herald," and the "Atlanta Christian Index."' Air. Reed gives most of his time to his editorial work, and rarely ever takes a vacation. He is a lover of art and literature, and his books and a few congenial friends make his ideal world. pjARRY MAURRELLE REID, lawyer, Atianta, Ga., was born in Blairsville, Union Co., Ga., Feb. 15, 1853, and lived there until he was seventeen years old, receiving his primary education at the schools at that place. In 1870 he entered Aleson academy at Lexington, Ga., for the years 1870-71, and from there he went to Atlanta, studying one term at old Oglethorpe university, now extinct, and leav ing in his junior year. ImmecHately afterward he commenced the study of law with a relation, Marshall L. Smith, at Dawsonville, Dawson Co., Ga., and was admitted to the bar in 1873. He located in Campbell county, Ga., and began to practice his profession in 1875, being six years later elected by the state legislature solicitor-general of Coweta circuit for the term of four years. His term of office expiring he was re-elected for four years more, ancl soon afterward removed to Carrollton, Ga., a city in the same circuit. In January, 1889, he came to Atlanta and very soon entered into partnership with J. B. Stewart, with whom he was asso ciated under the firm name of Reid & Stewart until April i, 1894. Since that date he has practiced alone. In 1887 Air Reid was chairman of the board of commis sioners of Palmetto, Ga., ancl whHe a resident of Carrollton he was a member of the board of school commissioners. Up to a late date he has always taken a very active interest in democratic politics. He is a master Alason and a member of the Presbyterian churcli. In 1877 he niarried Gertrude, daughter of John Carlton, of Campbell county, and they have two sons and two daughters: Willie Katherine and Jessie Cicely (twins), Arthur AL, and Carlton. Mr. Reid's father was Simpson Reid, and was a native of North Carolina, and was serving as a member of the Georgia state senate from the Fortieth senatorial district at the time of his death in 1864. Simpson Reid was a lawyer by profession, the principal field of his practice being the old Blue Ridge circuit. PVERARD HAMILTON RICHARDSON was. born in Cedar A^aHey, in what is now Polk county, Ga., upon the plantation of his father, Dr. E. H. Richardson, Sr., a few miles from the viHage of Cedartown, Jan. 16, 1850. He is the product of widely dissimilar strains of blood. His paternal ancestors were cavaliers and his maternal stock were Puritans. It has often been remarked that this blended blood of the sturdy, uncompromising Puritan, and of the gallant, aggressive, warm hearted cavalier, has produced a stock of men in America in whom all the elements of manhood are well mixed. The Puritan and the cavalier were both English, with FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 905 all of English purpose in each type ; but they were representatives of views that for centuries had disturbed the pubhc peace. In the settiement of America the north half, with Alassachusetts as the center, was peopled mainly by Purftans, and the soutii half, with A^irginia as its center, was occupied by cavaliers. But in the long run of the years these have so co-mingled throughout the Union as to produce the energetic, determined and gallant class of American citizens to which the Richardsons belong. His paternal great-grandfather, Daniel Richardson, came from England, settled in Virginia, served as a lieutenant in the revolutionary war three years under Washington, and received a large tract of land from the United States government for services in the war. He married Fanny Long, who had seven brothers in the revolutionary war, most of whom were officers of distinction. Plis grandfather, Armistead Richardson, was born near Raccoon ford on the Rapi dan river, Culpeper county, Va., in the year 1788. In the early portion of the nineteenth century he moved from Virginia to Georgia, settling at Eatonton, Put- man Co., where he owned a farm, living in Eatonton, and marrying Elizabeth Griggs. Being more than six feet in height, a born commander of men, and ol - strong mentality, he was a conspicuous figure in any presence. He was a major in the Indian war of 1813, under Gens. Floyd and Andrew Jackson. In 1834 he removed to Cave Springs, Ga. During his entire life he was a prominent and ' conspicuous member of the Baptist church. Notwithstanding he was more than seventy-five years old, he held a commission of colonel of state troops under Gov. Brown during the four years of war between the states. He was a knightly char acter, and possessed in a very eminent degree the martial and independent spirit of cavalier ancestry. From his loins sprang many eminent families in Georgia. Among-them are the Hamiltons, Harpers, and Wrights, of Rome, Ga. Dr. E. H. Richardson, Sr., the second son of Armistead and Elizabeth Richardson and father of Everard PI. 'Richardson, Jr., was born in Eatonton, Ga., 1814. In 1834 he was a private student of medicine in the office of the distinguished Dr. N. Chapman ot Philadelphia, professor in the university of Pennsylvania. Graduating there he returned to Georgia, beginning the practice of medicine in Crawfordville, Ga., in 1835, thus starting his professional life at the same time and at the same place with his warm personal. friend, Alexander H. Stephens. On April 6, 1837, E. H. Richardson, Sr., was married at Penfield, Ga., to Mary A. Frances Janes, daughter of William and Silah Janes. The product of this union was nine children: Jane Thomas, Lavinia, Rosaline, Absalom Janes, Susan, Everard H., WHliam Janes, Alary Silah, and Armistead Richardson. The last mentioned, Armistead Richard son, is a prominent lawyer of north Georgia. For four years he was solicitor- general of Tallapoosa circuit, and his ability and zeal in the fearless discharge of the functions of his office made him a terror to malefactors against the law. He has been mayor of and attorney for the town of Cedartown. He is a man of affairs. He is a democrat, but politics are thoroughly distasteful to him. His lofty integrity of character, his loyal devotion to truth and the right, his uncompro mising hostHity to shams and frauds and dishonesty in high places, have made him a tower of strength in his community. Brave, true and chivalric by nature, the crowning glory of his character known by all men is that he is unimpeachable. Maiw Frances Janes was the daughter of WiHiam and Silah Janes, of Greene county, Ga., and the mother of E. H. Richardson, Jr., was bom and reared in luxury's lap. The youngest child of wealthy parents, she was the indulged and idolized pet of the home circle. Endowed with a brilliant mind, beautiful in person, sweet and gentle in spirit and sold, she was the impersonation of those virtues and charms that made the ante-bellum southern woman tlie grandest t}"pe of woman that any civilization in the world's history has ever produced. Her beautiful life was the inspiration 906 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of her children. Pier lofty conception of the Christian rehgion and her Spartan like devotion to the Christ she adored, led her gently and sweetly through the sun set of life, and triumphantly her faith bore her through the valley and shadow of death to heaven's portal, into a blissful immortality beyond the stars. WiHiam Janes, her father, was born in Virginia. His ancestors, however, settled in 1637 in Connecticut, coming originally from Normandy with William the Conqueror. In the beginning of the present century William Janes moved from Virginia and settled in Wilkes county, Ga. He was a shrewd financier, and in his day was one of the wealthiest men in Georgia and a pillar in the Baptist church. He reared twelve children, educating his boys at the state university (then Franklin college), and his girls at Augusta, Ga. He left a large fortune to each of his children. In 1839 E. H. Richardson, Sr, and his young wife purchased a large tract of land in the fertile Cedar valley, in what is now Polk county, Ga. For some years after Dr. E. H. Richardson, Sr, practiced his profession there, at the same time conduct ing his large planting interests. Owning a large number of slaves, he gradually ceased the practice of medicine, and lived a life of elegant ease, educating his children and exercising general supervision of his estate. He was always fearless and outspoken in his convictions, priding himself in being void of policy and freedom from hypocrisy. The subject of this sketch, Everard H. Richardson, received a common school education from the schools of Cedartown and Cave Springs, Ga. In 1869 he began the study of medicine, attending his first course of lectures at the medical department of the University of Louisiana, at New Orleans, 1870-71. In March, 1872, he was graduated at the medical department. University of (jeorgia, at Augusta, Ga. He entered upon the practice of medicine at Cedartown, Ga., practicing there five years. Young, ardent and ambitious, by this time he had paid, being necessitated by the vicissitudes of war and the conse quent wrecking of his father's fortune, from his earnings for his medical education, and he accumulated a sufficiency to spend five months in New York city, taking a post-graduate course in the further preparation for his life's work. There he took private courses under Darby, Bi-yant, Loomis, and Austin Flint, Sr. Return ing to Cedartown, he resumed his practice, accumulating property and constantly enlarging his field for usefulness. During the succeeding years, till 1889, he worked assiduously and constantly in his profession, without a break for recreation, except occasional trips to New York and Philadelphia, to go to medical fountains to acquire fresh knowledge in his profession. In 1878, Dr. E. H. Richardson married the daughter of Dr. E. C. Jones, of Madison, Ga., who is a lady of rare loveliness of character, cultivation and attainments. Three children have come from this union — Everard Dugas, Marion Sims, and Florine E. Richardson. In 1889, Dr. Richardson had accumulated, by long toil, a comfortable competency, and had arrived at the top of his profession in his section. His clientele extended as far as Broken Arrow, in Alabama, and Chattanooga, in Tennessee, and to Rome, Ga. At this time Dr. Richardson decided to enlarge his stock of medical lore by an extended sojourn in Europe. Beginning his studies in Vienna, he remained there several months, attending the great clinics of Billroth, Albert Dittol and Kapoosa, after leaving Vienna, going to Paris and studying under such teachers and distinguished savants as Guion, Charcot, Pdean, Apostolli, Rene Appert and Tarmier His longest stay was in London, where he was a member of Guy's hos pital club for the year 1890, and was an interne of Guy's hospital, enjoying the matchless advantages from the greatest English teachers of this century. There he enjoyed the friendship and kindly interest of Mr. Jacobson, Air House, Davies Colley, Mr. Lane-Golding Bird and Clement Lucas. During the }car 1890 he at tended the British Aledical association at Birmingham, England, and visited that /TV / FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 907 great seat of "learning, Edinburgh. Before returning to America, he traveled extensively in Europe, going to Lyons, Alarseilles, Cannes and Nice, in France; Monte Carlo, in Monaco; Alentone, San Reno, Genoa, and Rome, in Italy — going as far south on the Alediterranean coast as Naples and Pompeu, and A'^enice, on the Adriatic. Returning to America, and, determining to still further enlarge his field of work, and to give his children superior advantages, he purchased a home in the capital city of his native state and settled at Atlanta, Ga. Here, devoting himself to the general practice of medicine, he has built up an extensive clientele, being caHed frequently to the adjoining states of Tennessee and Alabama. An indefatigable student, he has kept fully abreast with all the real advances in the science and art of medicine; but, possessing a level head and sound judgment, he has never been one to ardently embrace every new fancy and fad that would-be promoters in the ranks of the medical profession are constantly seeking to foist upon the credulous and unwary. Dr. Richardson expresses himself as having no other ambition than to have the privilege of working in his chosen profession and equipping his children for the battie of life. He is a member of the American Medical association, the Medical Association of Georgia, where he has serv^ed as> vice-president, orator and censor; the Atlanta Society of Medicine, and the Capital City club, of Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Richardson has always voted wfth the democratic party, but being independent in spirit and thought, he has never endorsed unqualifiedly the dogmas of any political party. Dr. Richardson is widely known in the journalistic branch of his profession, the following being a partial list of some of his conttibutions to current medical literature: "Congenital Pheniosis, Producing Paralysis of Motion and Dementia, Operation and Per manent Relief." "Radical Surgery, the Best Surgery in the Treatment of Ex tensive, Lacerated and Contused "Wounds of the Extremities." "Treatment of Hydrocele by Injection of Carbolic Acid." "Removal of Portion of Cranium Resulting from Traumatism of Long Standing." "When Should We Interfere in Threatened Puerperal Convulsions?" "Treatment of Compound Communated Fracture with Plaster of Paris." "Continued Fever Occurring in This CHmate." "Cholera Infantum." "The Aledical Side of Appendicitis." "Report of a Case of Atresia of Cervix Uteri, Produced by Nitric Acid, Relieved by Bilateral Division of Cervix." Dr. Richardson ranks high in the medical profession, and as a physician and a man of affairs, his views and opinions have always chaHenged respect He has never sought office. He was director in the C. R. & C. R. R., surgeon for the same, and of the E. & W. R. R. of Alabama ; also, one of the directors of the Cherokee Land company, which has done so much for north Gorgia. He is now in the prime of mental and physical manhood. Ambitious, capable, learned, and skillful in his profession, inspired by hope and faith in the power of work, the 'future is bright with promise for him. pRANK P. RICE, was born in Claremont, N. H., Oct 28, 1838. His parents who were of English and Welsh extraction and descendants from revolutionary ancestors, were natives of A^ermont They came to Georgia when their son, Frank P. Rice, was only nine years of age, and located in Atlanta, which was then in its infancy, having a population of about 1,200 or 1,500. Impressed by his father with the necessity and the duty of industry, he began, when a mere boy, to grapple with the stern realities of life as a vender of newspapers and such other articles as were readily sold about the passenger depot and on the streets of Atlanta. Many of the old people who knew him in his boyhood bear testimony to his energy and industry. The quality of a business man, exemplified in his childhood, has proved a distinguishing characteristic of his subseciuent life. When eighteen years of age 9o8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. he conceived the purpose of learning a trade, and soon, with the Consent of his father, bound himself for three years and a half to Mr. William Kay of Atlanta, to acquire a knowledge of the art of book binding. The contract of apprenticeship was signed in due form, placed properly on record, and faithfully obeyed until the term of his service ended and he was an acknowledged master of his trade. His faithful observance of every obligation as an apprentice was illustrative of his future life, in which he has been true to all of his contracts, never having suffered a debt to remain unpaid a day beyond its maturity, or violated any agreement into which he has entered at any time. The skill he had attained, and his habits of industry and temperance, soon secured him a good situation at fair wages. Atlanta was then making her first strides in the path of her "manifest ¦destiny," and Air. Rice, with keen perception, saw opportunities to accumulate money more rapidly by abandoning his trade. He, therefore, decided to hold it in reserve for possible emergencies, and engaged in the business of contracting for stone masonry and other work of material improvement, then greatly in demand in the growing young city. In this business he exercised a faultless judgment and reahzed good profits on all of his contracts. When scarcely arrived at manhood he undertook, by contract, to construct aH of the stone work required on the line of the Savannah, Griffin & North Alabama raHroad, and carried out his agreement with fidelity and to the satisfaction of the railroad company. On Aug. 2, 1861, he was most happily married to a daughter of the Rev. I. G. Alitchell of Atlanta, who has ever proved a noble and devoted helpmate. Their first child, a son, died in early infancy. Their second son, Mr. Charles P. Rice, a young man of true promise, and their only surviving child, occupies the position of deputy clerk of the city of Atlanta. Every dollar that Mr. Rice realized, in excess of his family expenses, was invested in Atlanta city property. With his habitual foresight he discovered her future prospects and felt safe in putting his surplus earnings in her real estate. When the war of the states came on he joined the Third regiment of state troops, and was chosen lieutenant of Company B of that regiment. At the conclusion of his military services he was appointed special agent of the Atlanta & West Point railroad, in which position he was vigilant, faithful and successful. As a consequence of war, Atlanta was laid in ruins. Thousands returned to find their once fair city a literal mass of bricks and ashes. Among" the number who resolved to rebuild and advance the city far beyond her previous attainments was Frank P. Rice. Still confident of her great future he went to work with energy, and from that day to the present has labored to promote her varied interests, material or otherwise. No citizen has accomplished more in this respect than Mr. Rice. Considering the contemplated Air Line railroad (now the Rich mond & Danville) an important auxiliary to the growth and general prosperity of Atlanta, he gave his influence freely to the success of this enterprise, and before its completion purchased large bodies of land along the surveyed line of this road, giving the right of way through his purchases. When this road was finished he embarked extensively in the milling and lumber business on its route, and for eighteen years prosecuted this enterprise with great profit, furnishing a large portion of the lumber used in building up the city. The Georgia Western railroad, designed to connect Atlanta with the coal fields of Alabama, and to constitute an artery of general travel and transportation, had been chartered and was a hopeful project for the Gate city. After years of delay and doubt as to its completion, the charter became the property of a syndicate interested in its defeat Mr. Rice comprehended their plan and determined, if possible, to checkmate it. To accomplish this purpose he, with some others, prepared and procured a charter for a railroad passing from Atlanta to Alabama in the same general direction, and FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 909 having corresponding" privileges to those granted the Georgia Western railroad. When the syndicate owning the old charter saw that a road would be built under the new charter, they sold their franchise and the Georgia Pacific was completed under the latter grant, accomplishing for Atlanta all that was anticipated from the Georgia Wesern. Air. Rice contributed largely to this splendid result. The entry of Mr. Rice into the political arena was mainly due to the fact of having devoted his influence for years to political advancement of friends. Anxious for their success, he applied himself to the study of "men and measures," and soon became one of the best informed citizens in regard to the material, financial and poHtical questions of the day. Naturally modest, he regarded the knowledge he had acquired and the influence. he possessed as the property of others who sought political preferment, and was always ready to aid in the election of those whom he considered most devoted to, and most able to promote the interests of the city, county, state or republic. He was, therefore, frequently appointed as a delegate to political conventions to nominate candidates for city, county, state and federal offices. It is a known fact that his friends were always successful. But the time came when observant men, impressed with his popularity and capacity for use fulness as a representative citizen, urged him to become a candidate, in 1871, for councHman of the city of Atlanta. He consented and was elected triumphantly. In 1873, 1875 and 1887 he was re-elected to the same office. His majority over his opponents was in each instance large, for he received the support of the people without regard to color, condition or party, although he had always been an avowed democrat. This demonstrated the high esteem in which he was held, an esteem resulting from his just, charitable life. Mr. Rice^assisted in estabhshing the splendid system of public schools which has proved so great a blessing to the children of Atlanta, and so important a factor in the increase of her population and wealth. The first appropriation of $100,000 to this grand educa tional conception received his favor and his vote. No one has been more in sympathy with the pohcy of general education, nor has any one proved a more earnest advocate of the most liberal system of free schools that could be supported by the. people. He has uniformly given his influence to Atlanta's educational system, so adjusted as to distribute its benefits equitably to the children of the several wards without respect to race or color. As councilman he has always been placed on the most important committees, such as finance, tax, pubhc prop erty and others, involving the greatest amount of practical work in behalf of the material interests of the city. He has invariably favored the judicious appHcation of available funds to the soHd improvements, embracing streets, water works, sewerage, etc., and has also given his aid to the organization of an efficient fire department and an effective police force. Mr. Rice was one of the organizers of Atianta's board of health, and was a meniber of that board continuously for nine years. During this long period of service no one was more vigilant in looking after the healthfulness of the city, and no one evinced greater wisdom in sug gesting and enforcing hvgienic rules to preserve the public health. When the question of locating the state capital was submitted to the people of Georgia," Mr. Rice, as a member of the citizens' committee, labored most zealously in behah of Atianta, and deserves, with others of that committee, credft for the resuft that followed, viz. : the selection of Atianta as the capital of the state. In the year 1880 he was elected to the house of representatives from Fulton county, defeating his opponent by a very large majority, and leading all other candidates in the race by several hundred votes. He was regarded as one of the most industrious and practical members of the house and pursued a course that gave him the highest standing with the members of that body, affording by all his actions and votes 9IO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. great satisfaction to his constituents. As a consequence he was elected to suc ceed himself in 1882, the term of service being two years. During his member ship of the house of representatives, he was placed upon many important standing committees, among which may be mentioned the committees on finance, corporations, railroads, public property and military affairs. He was also ap pointed as a member of several special committess of importance, such as the committees to draft and report a general railroad law and to redistrict the state. During the session of 1880 a bill was introduced by a member of the house to provide for the building of a new capitol of the state in Atlanta. This measure was defeated, notwithstanding the abHity with which it was advocated. Its defeat had the effect to place the location of the capital again in a condition of uncertainty, many regarding the action of the house as an expression of public sentiment, indicating danger to Atlanta. In 1882 Mr. Rice, impressed with the very great importance of finally settling the capital c[uestioii in favor of the Gate city, resolved to devote all of his influence to the passage of a bill providing for the building of a state capitol which would satisfy the people and prove equal to the demands of the commonwealth. Actuated by this purpose, he went into councir with his own mind, studying the question earnestly and critically. He then, unaided by any one, prepared a bill which commanded the approval of his judgment and introduced it in the house of representatives on Nov. 3, 1882. For this measure he labored day and night until it received the executive sanction on Sept. 8, 1883. To say that he was untiring in the advocacy of this bHl and that he watched every step of its progress with sleepless vigilance is but to state an un deniable truth. Although unaided in the preparation of the biH, in the work of passing it to a law, it became necessary to command the support of a majority of each branch of the general assembly, and it was for this object that he gave his influence. He followed the measure to the finance committee of the house, to which it was referrred, urging a favorable report with all the zeal and ability possible, and having gained his point there, followed it back to the house, where its passage was secured by his able advocacy. Still inspired by his resolve to make this bill a law, he pursued it into the senate, and having no voice or vote in that body, he used every influence in his power with the finance committee and with individual senators to insure its success. It was the offspring of his own brain which he was determined to foster and conduct to final triumph. In the interims of legislative sessions he called upon members of the house and senate, in detail, urging the importance of settHng the capital question and passing his bHl. If any legislator ever deserved credit for a legislative enactment Mr. Rice deserves the gratitude of the people of Atlanta and the state at large for his achievement in this case. It gave to Georgia a splendid capitol which is the pride of every citizen and the subject for the admiration of all visitors. It was built at smaller cost than any similar buHding on this continent and without any extra appropria tion. The history of this bill from its preparation to its introduction into the house, and its passage by both branches of the general assembly, shows the capacity of its author to conceive its many details- and his power to conduct it over strong opposition to ultimate success. To accomphsh this result it was necessary to combat a multitude of arguments based on sectional prejudices or timid fears. It was known that the passage of the measure would fix the capital in Atlanta, thus defeating the hopes of all rival localities, and many v;ere fearful that the taxpayers would disapprove the imposition of an additional tax to meet the expenses of construction. Mr. Rice, convinced that the interests of Atlanta and of the entire state would be advanced greatly by deciding the question as to the location of the capital at the Gate city, worked as if inspired to accora- FULTON COUNTY S.KETCHES. fjH plisli the result He was resolved that the decision of the people in favor of Atlanta should not be revoked. It is now known and appreciated how ably and triumphantly he served Atlanta and Georgia in this emergency. Mr. Rice also introduced and conducted to a successful issue, the bill by which that great corporation, the East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia railroad, was chartered. The importance of this road and its vast benefits to Atlanta and the state cannot be overrated. He was a member of the special committee that framed and reported to the house the present railroad law of Georgia, and gave him his influence to its enactment. During both of his terms of service in the house of representa tives he answered to every roll-call and was present at every meeting of the com mittees of which he was a member. All who were associated with him then will bear testimony to his constant industry, his keen perception of every measure of legislation and his watchfulness of everything which directly or indirectly affected the interests of his constituents or the people of the state at large. On questions of finance, taxation, education and internal improvements his opinions were always sought, for his judgment was considered an unerring guide. As a con sequence his views were generaHy impressed on the reports of the committees of which he vas a member. In 1882 he was one of a committee of the general assembly appointed to visit and report upon the technological schools of the north. For some time he had considered the establishment of such a school for Georgia. When the committee returned his zeal in behalf of this measure was greatly increased. The visit referred to was the beginning of a movement by the legislature which resulted in the establishment of a technological school in Atlanta for the state. This institution has proved of great practical benefit to Georgia. The young men who graduate from this school go out as thoroughly educated and scientific mechanics and engineers, capable of supervising mining, manufacturing and other enterprises of their state and the development of her varied resources. The history of Mr. Rice is intimately joined with that of this great educational institution and he feels a just pride in the fact that he so earn estly and successfully labored for its establishment. On Oct. 3, 1888, Mr. Rice was elected to the state senate from the thirty-fifth senatorial district, composed of the counties of Cobb, Clayton and Fulton, ancl served in the capacity of senator during the years 1888 and 1889. In this campaign he had a severe contest He defeated his opponent in the primary election by a majority of more than 500 votes. Although placed before the people as the democratic standard-bearer of the dis trict, he was opposed by an independent candidate who used every effort in his power to secure his own success. The election of Mr. Rice by a majority of about 1,500 votes was the result. Entering upon his senatorial duties he was appointed as chairman of the committees on corporations and pubhc property and as a mem ber of the committees of finance, railroads and auditing. The committee on corporations did more work during the sessions of 1888 and 1889 than any other. and much of the business that came before it was of great ifnportance, involving in many cases intricate questions of law. He evinced his customary industry and sound discretion, acquitting himself with distinction. Many of the bills which were referred to that committee were in conflict with the constitution of the state. None of these escaped the critical observation of the chairman, but were reported back to the senate, with a clear expression of his views, which in every instance were approved and conflrmed by that body. Always present at the m.eetings of the committees of which he was chairman or a member, the impress of his opin ions was generally stamped on every report. He was a member of the special committee that framed the bill providing for the present lease of the Western & Atlantic railroad, and aided in its passage through the senate. This was a meas- gi: MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. ure of importance to the people of Georgia, resulting in a lease of the AA'estern & Atlantic, or state road, for a term of twenty years at an annual rental of $420,000. In 1891 Mr. Rice was elected an alderman of the city of Atlanta and served as such for three years. During this period he rendered most efficient and beneficial service to the city. As chairman of the finance and tax committees he was un tiring in his efforts to advance the financial interests of Atlanta. Plis reports as chairman of the committees mentioned, submitted in 1892, show a perfect famiharity with the city's resources. A fund of information is contained in each of these reports, which could have been obtained only after a degree of investi gation which no other person but Air Rice was likely to have performed. These reports are tabulated and comparative, showing the property, resources, etc., of the city, not only for the year of the reports, but of previous years, so that at a glance the true financial status of Atlanta could be known. The report of the tax committee presents a comprehensive view of the material improvements ot the city, such as street paving, sewerage, the amount of taxes levied and collected, amount of taxes in default and contains many wise suggestions in regard to the policy which should be pursued by the municipal authorities. It is a most cred itable fact that under his adniinistration as chairman of the finance committee all of the current expenses of the city in 1891 were paid from her income, leaving a clear surplus of $16,300. The current expenses of the year 1892 were also paid from the city's income, leaving at the end of the year a surplus of $6,300. During his aldermanic term, as chairman of the tax committee, large sums were added to the annual receipts of the city treasury. The splendid bridge which spans the railroad excavation on Forsyth street is mainly due to the influence of Air Rice. It was his conception and he gave his advocacy to the measure. As one of the committee to whom the execution of the plan was confided, he worked with his usual zeal and energy until its completion and formal delivery to the authorities of Atlanta. Mr. Rice is a member of the board of directors of the International and Cotton States exposition, and also a member of the executive committee. No one connected officially with this grand enterprise is more thoroughly determined to make it an eminent success, and no one is doing more to insure this result. He is devoting his entire time during the year 1895 to the advancement of the various details of the exposition and all who know him will be more hopeful because of this fact. The parents of Mr. Rice were educated, intelligent and moral. They took special care to impress him with correct rules of life. Yielding cheerfully to their advice and instruction, he has pursued a moral, honorable, conscientious and charitable career. About ten years ago he became a member of the First Alethodist church of Atlanta, and very soon thereafter was chosen as one of the stewards of that church. He often expresses regret that he deferred this step so long, but since his membership has been a zealous worker in the cause of Chris tianity. By frequent judicious investments and close attention to business. Air. Rice has become one of the most wealthy men of Atlanta. He owns a large amount of central and weH-improved city property, from which he derives a handsome income, and has invested much money in lands near, but beyond the corporate limits. A. strong faith in the future growth of Atlanta, which he stHl entertains, caused him to invest in suburban lands. It is a remarkable fact that although he has made a great number of sales of real estate in and around At lanta, there has never followed therefrom a single legal controversy. This indi cates his customary care in the examination of titles and an integrity that avoids everything that savors of unfairness. Pie has certainly demonstrated that a man may become rich while scrupulously preserving his honor. For many years he has been a close student. He has one of the best selected Hbraries in Atlanta. FULTON COUNT!'" SKETCHES. gij. Every volume is a treasure, while the whole comprises all that a gentleman may- need to fit him for usefulness in social, business or political life, or to gratify his taste for history, poetry and romance. All of his books are printed and bound in elegant and substantial style, so that they will last for generations with careful use. He is devoted to his library and has already gained therefrom a fund of varied and useful information, constituting him one of the best posted men in Georgia. Naturally modest, he makes no display of knowledge which is not necessary for practical purposes, though versed in all matters pertaining to the past or the present. Mr. Rice has been quite an extensive traveler, and has learned much by this means. A close observer and strong thinker, he has gath ered information in passing from place to place and country to country. As a financier and politician, as well as a legislator, he deserves to be ranked with the most distinguished citizens of Georgia. By his life work he has demonstrated intrinsic virtues and powers that challenge the respect, approval and admiration of all worthy and appreciative people. Already he has accomplished as much real good for Atlanta and the state as any man who can be mentioned, and he is still in the meridian of life with the prospect of many years of usefulness. His familiarity with the financial and political history and interests of state and na tional governments fits him for great achievements and higher honors. It is no exaggeration to say in a quaint and popular phrase, that he is the "best all around man" in Georgia. From the beggar on the streets to the president in his mansion, he is the same — always genial and cordial, and ready to speak or act as becomes an inteHigent and noble man. Promotion makes no change in his demeanor, and whether he meets the rich or the poor, he wears the same kindly expression, willing to listen to the wants of all without discrimination. As councilman, alder man, representative or senator, he could be approached by all of his constituents with perfect freedom, and with full confidence that he would hear and consider their wishes carefully and practically. To the reader is left the work of collating his excellencies as they may appear in this imperfect sketch. An impartial review of his record will reveal him as an honorable, good and eminently useful man, who has done his utmost to serve his city, county and state, and advance the welfare of each. Those who know him best have unlimited confidence in his integrity and judgment, and many consult him on all questions affecting their interests. Such a man cannot hide himself from an intelligent and appreciative public, nor should he resist their call to higher political positions. "U/^ILLIAM GILKES RICHARDS was born in London, England, Feb. ii, 1837 (the year of Victoria's coronation). In 1843 the family emigrated to Penfield, Ga. There were four boys and one girl — WiHiam being next the young est; the eldest being the late Robert H. Richards, one of the founders, and at the time of his death vice-president of the Atlanta National bank. In his younger days William was a clerk in a book store, then being kept by his elder brother in La Grange, Ga. In 1856 he entered the Georgia railroad shops in Atlanta as an apprentice to the machinist trade. In 1859 he went on the road, and excepting short intervals in the shops, his life was on the foot-board of a locomotive until 1875, when he was elected engineer of the water works then being erected at South River. In 1878 he was elected superintendent, a position which he has held ever since. He has devoted the best twenty years of his Hfe in earnest labor for the wel fare of this department. In i860 Mr. Richards married Miss Al. J. Haynes, whose parents were among the very first to settle in Atlanta, having located here in Feb ruary, 1843. His family consists of Robert H. Richards, residing in New York city; Mrs. Charles B. Wallace, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. ; Mrs. Wm. Lyon WaHace, Jack- 1-58 914 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. son ville, Fla.; Charies H. Richards, Atlanta, Ga.;'Mrs. George A. Clarke, Atianta, Ga.^ One daughter, Mrs. Charies T. Wurm, died in 1885. Air Richards' work in the construction of the new water works plant is weH known to the public. It may be said that its successful completion with the scant means provided for the work is almost a miracle and redounds much to the credit of himself and his intimate associate, Mr. Robert M. Clayton, the able city engineer P^ R. FRANCIS MARION RICHARDSON, who died Nov. 13, 1894, was a pioneer citizen of Atlanta, and gave his efforts to her expanding prosperity when only a "handful" of houses were grouped about the railroad station, where now the Union depot stands. He was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., June 17, 1827; passed his youth in L^pson county, and at one time was a prominent mer chant in Thomaston, Ga. Moving to. Atlanta in 1858, he entered the employ of Rawson, Gilbert & Burr. About 1861 he formed a partnership with Robert Faulkner, and this firm gave valuable aid to the Confederate army, in furnishing and forwarding supplies. Mr. Richardson received frequent letters from Gens. Hood and Joseph E. Johnston, commending his loyalty in the efficiency with which he promoted the cause- of the south. After the desolation of war had interrupted Atlanta's development, he was among the first to become identified with the re building of the city. During the destructive smallpox epidemic of 1866 Mr. Rich ardson displayed a devotion and sacrifice that the people of his city wHl never forget. He was chairman of the relief committee of the municipal council, and worlced with untiring energy for the thousands of suffering souls. The cit}- treas ury was depleted, and could render no assistance, but this fact did not discourage him, for after gaining the consent of the council he applied to other cities for aid and succeeded in raising a large sum of money and many suppHes for the dis tressed, stricken victims. Mr. James E. Williams, mayor at that perilous time, says of his conduct: "During the whole of Mr. Richardson's term of office no man could, in my opinion, have discharged his official duties more efficiently. \ shall. never forget his noble work during the smallpox epidemic of 1866. I have known him nearly forty years, and I do not know of anyone who has done more both for the moral and physical welfare of Atlanta than he." Mr. Richardson from his early youth was a member of the Methodist church, and labored in the field of Christianity with a true appreciation of the Gospel's teaching, and a love of morality and honor that bestowed on his endeavors the respect, confidence and admiration of the people. For many years he served as superintendent of Trinity Sunday school. He founded a Sunday school on Fair street which grew into St Paul's church, and gave years of ardent labor in that field. He also, with Dr. T. A. Ken dall and Aliss Laura A. Haygood, established Trinity Alission Sunday school, for which he labored as superintendent twelve years and up to his last Hlness. His especial delight was to help the poor and friendless, and no man in Atlanta was ever more beloved among that class of its population. A beautiful evidence of their devotion to him was given at his funeral, when hundreds of poor children marched past his coffin, each laying thereon a simple flower as token of their love for their dead superintendent Aliss Laura A. Haygood, who was associated with him in much of his Sunday school work, has said that she does not know of any man in Atlanta's history who has done so much good among the poor as did Mr. Richardson. He was one of the most active factors in building up Methodism to its great strength in Atlanta. Mr. Richardson for many years was engaged in the stove and house furnishing business in Atlanta. In 1882 he accepted a position as general southern agent for Jones & Abbott, stove manufacturers of ZanesviHe, Ohio, and held it with marked success untH his death. He left a widow and four FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. qi; children. The eldest of these is F. H. Richardson, editor of the Atlanta "Journal." The others are: Mrs. R. W. Rood, Atlanta; Edward Richardson, of the United States pension office; and W. W. Richardson, an Atlanta journaHst Mr Rich ardson was of Scotch-Irish stock. His father. Rev. Allen Richardson, served in the war of 1812 and nioved from Virginia to Georgia in 1825. J2)R. ROBERT BEMAN RIDLEY, one of the most successful and distinguished medical practitioners of Atlanta, belongs to a family of physicians— aH eminent in the profession, he having two brothers, Dr Charies B., and Dr Frank M. Ridley, both located in La Grange, Troup Co., Ga., the last named having been in 1895 elected president of the Georgia State Medical association. Dr Ridley was born in LaGrange in October, 1842. His father, Dr R. A. T. Ridley, was a man of unusual prominence, and was equally distinguished in his profession and in public affairs. He was born in the historic village of Mecklenburg, N. C, and was graduated with distinction from the Charleston Aledical coHege. For a number of years he practiced his profession, with lucrative results, in Troup coiinty; and taking an active part in politics he represented his county in the legislature and also served the district for several terms as state senator. He was a man of blameless character and of wide personal influence. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary E. Alorris, was a daughter of John Morris, of North CaroHna, and was born in that state in 1812. Dr Ridley, the elder, died at LaGrange in 1872. The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood days in Troup county and derived his academic education from the LaGrange high school. He was just preparing to enter the junior class at the state university when the declaration of war, calling the south to arms, prevented him from carrying out this cherished intention. In May, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the LaGrange light guards, which was subsequently attached to the Fourth Georgia Confederate regiment, commanded by Col. George Doles. This regiment performed its first service at Norfolk, A^a., going to Richmond after the evacuation of that city, and participating in nearly all the important battles of the Virginia campaign, among them the following: Seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness (May 5 and 6), Spottsylvania court house, where he received two wounds, one in the leg and one in the shoulder; Winchester, Cedar creek. Sailors' creek, and Appomattox. The regiment during this campaign formed a part of Gen. Rodes' division in the celebrated corps of Stonewall Jackson. On the death of this lamented leader Gen. Ewell succeeded to the command. The young soldier for his gallant behavior was promoted to the rank of lieutenant After a furlough of sixty days he rejoined his regiment and remained in the active service until Gen. Lee's surrender. After the war the subject of this sketch returned to his home at LaGrange and was soon after unanimously elected captain of the La Grange light guards. He subsequently engaged in mercantile pursuits at Augusta, but finding this sort of life distasteful to him he decided to adopt his father's profession, and thereupon commenced the study of medicine. Under his father's supervision he commenced his studies and was soon prepared to enter the Jefferson Medical college at Philadelphia. Grad uating from this institution in 1869, with such men as Dr. A. W. Calhoun and Dr. J. S. Todd, he returned to LaGrange and entered upon the practice of his pro fession. Leaving LaGrange in 1874 he decided to spend a winter in the hospital practice in New York, after which he located in Atlanta. Since coming to this city he has enjoyed a large and constantly growing practice. For two years he was associated with Dr. J. S. Todd, the style of the firm being Ridley & Todd; but since that time he has practiced alone. Dr. Ridley has devoted himself in 9l6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. recent years chiefly to obstetrics, in which department of the practice he occupies- the leading rank. He is held in the highest esteem by his professional brethren and is regarded in the community as a man of talent, uprightness and integrity. Dr. Ridley is a member of the State Medical association of Georgia, and also of the Atlanta Medical society. In 1892 he was appointed one of the visiting physi cians of the Grady hospital. Dr. Ridley was united in marriage on Nov. 23, 1875, to Miss Emma Leila Hill, a daughter of the late Senator Benjamin H. Hill, a lady of rare beauty and culture, who died on May 19, 1883. Five children were born to them, of whom three are living. In February, 1886, Dr. Ridley was married a second time, to the widow of Capt John F. Kiser, of Atlanta, and five children have been born of this union, two sons and three daughters. Possessed of a genial and attractive disposition, the personality of Dr. Ridley is magnetic and engaging. He is extensively read not only in his profession, but in general litera ture, and his conversation is rich, fascinating and instructive. He is a man of pro gressive ideas and believes in keeping abreast of the times. In -his private life his reputation has always been that of a just, conscientious and upright man. T^R. ULOF O. ROBERTSON, an eminent and learned physician of Atlanta, is a native of north Europe, having been born in the kingdom of Sweden July 12, 1846. In that country he passed his first two decades attending the schools that afforded a liberal education and later entered the university, graduating a few years afterward. In 1865, when peaceful relations were resumed between the contending sections of the Union, he decided to try his fortune in the new world, and embarked for America, landing in New York city, and remained in this, his first destination, for a few months, and subsequently moved southward, locating in middle Georgia. Having received a scientific and technical education, and being thoroughly acquainted with the practical working of machiner}"-, he easily found a desirable position in a locomotive shop, and a few years later in a large saw mill, and began his labors immediately; but being unaccustomed to the warm climate, and as yet not acclimated, contracted a contagious malarial fever. There were nb physicians in the neighborhood to whom he could apply for rehef, and in fighting the disease himself, and in aiding and restoring his associates, who were alike attacked with the malady, he became interested in the science of hydrotherapeutics, and began investigations in this system. He was fascinated with the study, and resolving to prosecute medicine as a life-work went to New York, enrolled as a member of the Hygeio-Therapeutic college of that state, and was graduated in 1875. He then returned to Bartow county, Ga., practiced his profession for four years, and in 1879 removed to Atlanta, where he has since resided. Dr. Robertson was married in Chicago May 21, 1879, to May B., daugh ter of C. H. Horine, a native of Kentucky. They have no children. He affiHates with the Episcopal church of Atlanta. IDr. Robertson controls the only Hydro pathic institute in the city. As manager and professional director he has encoun tered and effected cures in some of the most difficult cases on record. The method of water treatment frequently proves the agent to combat disease when allopathy, homeopathy, the eclectic, and the various additional schools of medicine, have fruitlessly exerted their curative properties. To have established this boon to the sufferer in a city where no similar treatment is available is an act laudable and commendable. Dr. Robertson has a large, steady and growing practice, such as his skiH and knowledge warrant ; and his future prosperity, as indicated by his present increasing success, is undeniably assured. PQLTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 917 J^EV. JOHN B. ROBINS, D. D., is the son of T. S. Robins, and was born in Putman county, Ga., Sept 21, 1851. His parents were of Scotch descent, and have transmitted to their son the peculiar traits of this vigorous and pros perous race of people. His father was a prosperous planter and slave owner 'before the war between the states. At its close his property was all gone, and in common with the survivors of "the lost cause" he had to struggle to maintain his family. As a result John B. was brought up on the farm, where he learned those habits of industry and self-reliance that have marked his career in subse- Kjuent life. In 1872 he graduated from Emory college, and in 1873 he was admitted to the bar in Greensboro, Ga., with a bright future before him. On Jan. II, 1874, he married the sweetheart of his boyhood. Miss Mason A. Alford, and in September of that year he removed to Putman county, Ga., and entered his chosen profession in the town of Eatonton, with great energy and bright hope of brilliant success. But God had better things in store for him. He was converted and caHed to preach in 1871, whHe in school, but was disobedient to the heavenly calling, and for six years he played the roll of Jonah, and came near being swallowed by worldliness. To use his own language, in 1877 he "abandoned forever a life of sin, and gave himself to his church." He was licensed to preach Oct 27, 1877, and was admitted on trial in the north Georgia conference, Al. E. -church, south, in December of the same year. He entered the work of the ministry with great energy and enthusiasm, and in three years' time he was trans ferred from the country to the city charge. After ten years' successful labor as a stationed preacher he was made presiding elder of the Dalton district, and such w^as his popularity in the district, and such his devotion to the work, that he regarded it as a great trial to leave Dalton, and to go to First church, Atlanta; biut on his arrival in Atlanta his reception was so cordial and the co-operation of his people so hearty, that he at once entered on the labors of the year with his -characteristic energy and devotion, and was soon recognized as one of the most popular preachers and pastors in this great city. His brethren in the pastorate gave expression to their confidence and esteem by electing him president of the Pastors' conference. As pastor of the First church he occupies one of the most honorable and responsible positions in the M. E. church, south. He is a terse and forcible writer, and a frequent contributor to the periodicals of his church. In 1895 he received the honorary degree of doctor of divinity from his alma m.ater, Emory coHege, and the week following the same degree was conferred on him by the university of Georgia. His pastorate of First Methodist church wiH end Nov. 20, 1895, at which time he wHl, under the law of his church, be appointed to another field of labor. For four years this church has been crowded Sunday after Sunday, and several hundred persons have been added to its membership. It is one of the largest, most influential and most intellectual churches in southern Methodism. Such a son is an honor to his parents and a blessing to his church. In addition to newspaper and periodical work he has written several books. His -famous book, Christ and Our Country; or, A Hopeful View of Christianity in the Nineteenth Century, has given him rank among the best thinkers and writers of to-day. He is a ripe scholar and profound thinker, a finished writer and forcible speaker, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of aH who know him. pAUL ROMARE, vice-president of the Atlanta National bank, is a Swede by birth, having been born on the shores of the Cattegat, in the town of Torekov, province of Skane, Sweden, Nov. 20, 1828. His history is a most interesting one. His father was a sea captain and when a small boy he delighted in accompanying liis father on long and difficult voyages. He came to America several times both 9i8 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. with his father and brother, who followed the same occupation. Once when in the harbor of New York and an opportunity given to view the surrounding city and compare its attractive features to the towns of the old world, he became enamored of its charms, felt that liberty was the inspiring sentiment that governed its people, and beheving that this was the place for the display of ambition and the field for individual accomplishment, he escaped from the ship in which he had crossed- the sea, having had a difficulty with the captain the previous day, and eluding the search that was made, led by his brother, he remained securely concealed until all danger was past, and then emerged from his place of hiding to find a new world before him. Without a word of EngHsh at his command he was at first baffled by his condition, but seeing a brig bound for MobHe he boarded it and during the journey acquired a small vocabulary with the aid of Two Years Before the Alast He made several trips after this, going to Cuba, Mexico and the West Indies. He soon after obtained a position with a fellow- countryman in the iron works of Cooperville, S. C, as interpreter, and later as clerk and bookkeeper, rem.aining here from 1850 to 1854. It was a prosperous industry, manufacturing pig iron, bar iron and hollow ware. In the summer of 1854 he revisited his old home, being warmly received after a long absence, and returned to his adopted land after a short visit. Through the personal friendship of George S. Cameron he secured a situation in the bank of Chester, S. C, and here the opening of the war found him. He enlisted in the Confederate service and contended with the same patriotism as a native-born southerner The war over he returned to Camden, S. C, but in the fall removed to Atlanta to accept a position in the Atlanta National bank. This was also through the instrumentality of his old friend, Mr. Cameron. He received the first deposit ever placed in this bank. Here he has labored ever since. These are his noble words: "I have- made my home in Atlanta; here I expect to spend the rest of my life, and depart ing bequeath to this city and her people my fondest wishes and blessings." Mr. Romare was married in Grace church, Camden, in 1863, to Miss Lucy Fisher They have an accomplished, interesting family. CIDNEY ROOT, retired capitaHst, Atlanta, Ga., son of Salmon and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Root (of- Puritan ancestry), was born in Montague, Alass., Alarch II, 1824. The family genealogy shoves that it went from, Normandy, France — whence it fled to England on account of the persecutions of the Huguenots. The original name was Racine, was afterward anglicized to Rootes — a spelling still preserved in A''irginia. Pie was educated in the public schools, but never -went to school more than three months in any one year, having to work the other nine. His father was a farmer, and about 1836 moved to Vermont, and bought a farm in Craftsbury of an ex-governor in whose honor the town was named. He early manifested a strong taste for architecture (inherited from his mother), and begged to study it; but his practical father decided he had better make a hvin.g, so apprenticed him to a jewelry concern at $2.50 and board per month, where he became an expert in the watch-making industry. In 1843 he borrowed $60 from his brother-in-law, W. A. Rawson, late of -Atlanta, and came to Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Ga., where he entered his general merch.andise store as a clerk at $250 a year. Two years later, at the age of twenty, he was admitted to a partnership, and three years afterward bought his partner's interest and assumed control of the business. Superior business capacity and methods, and the high standard of commercial honor he fixed for his guidance and observance, secured for him a large and lucrative business and phenomenal financial success. His great capa- bHities and largely augmented capital demanded a broader field for profitable and '-""/^ Ijy EBFall'!. Sons. Js>r0^ FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 919 useful employment, he set about seeking it He visited several large cities, and after careful investigation and profound thought he decided that Atlanta presented the most advantageous field for his ambitious commercial aspirations; so, in 1858, he came to Atlanta, and was largely instrumental in inducing his cousin and brother-in-law, the late E. E. Rawson, to come to Atlanta also. Entering into partnership with Air. John N. Beach, a gentleman of capital, and engaged in the dry goods business under the firm name of Beach & Root Their business soon exceeded in amount that of any other house in Atlanta, and was the first to engage in direct importation ancl the wholesale trade. Before the war they whole saled goods to merchants in the southern part of Alabama and Mississippi, and filled orders for goods at retail to middle western Georgia and eastern Alabama. When the "unpleasantness" was "precipitated" Air. Beach went to England, and with the confident expectation of southern independence three houses were established: Beach & Root in Atlanta and Charleston, and Beach, Root & Co., in Liverpool. A prodigious business resulted, chiefly in exporting cotton and importing supplies through the blockade for the Confederate states. During the four years of "the war between the states" this firm did, perhaps, the largest business ever done by one firm in the south. In the autumn of 1864, charged with an important and delicate mission of the Confederate government to the govern ments of Europe, he went abroad and remained about eight months, visiting Eng land, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, and many of the West India islands. His business, especially his confidential relation with the Confederate government, brought him into direct contact with all its prominent officials, and enabled him to become pleasantly acquainted with many of the most distinguished men of Europe and other foreign realms, giving him advantages in this respect probably not surpassed by any other American citizen. On his return in July, 1865, Air. Root found his property in ruins, his servants gone, his children uneducated, and himseH under arrest. He was held for three weeks on the charge of holding Confederate property, while the fact was that the government ov/ed his firm a vast sum. The value and magnitude of his business transactions, and his losses, may be inferred, when ft is stated that the firm had thirteen or fourteen stores con sumed by the destruction of Atianta, immense stores of merchandise and war supplies and two thousand bales of cotton in various places in the south, besides several ocean craf^. In 1866 he sold most of his Atianta property, (his dwelling house to ex-Gov. Joseph E. Brown), and went to New York. There his business connection was maintained with Charleston and Liverpool for two years, when the firm was dissolved. Although his office was in sight of the stock exchange and the gold board, Mr Root never speculated to the extent of a doHar, although in the thick of the "black Friday" he saved himself and aH his friends from loss. A curious, but exceedingly interesting episode occurred in 1875. One day several negroes came to him at his office, 42 Broadway, and said they had been turned out of church for starting a mission on Twenty-sixth street, and asked him to preach for them. He demurred, telling them he was no preacher, that he had been a slave holder, a rebel, etc. Thev said they knew all that, but he came from their country (the south), thev had but few friends and wanted his .aid. He consented to tiy the experiment. The fir.st meeting there were sixin the congre gation- but he persevered in the "experiment" until the haH was crowded, and, after great difficufties, he finaHv organized Mt. Olive (colored) church, whicli now has I 000 members, who worship in a marble church on Thirty-third street, toward the building of which Air. Root's friend. J. D. Rockefeller, gave $12,500. Air. Root remained in New York until he returned to Atianta m 1878, since when his time and valuable services have been devoted to general pubhc and special educa- 920 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. tion and religious development When it was determined to hold the Interna tional Cotton exposition in Atianta in 1881 Mr. Root was commissioned to travel in furtherance of its objects and visit the principal cities of the United States and Canada, and during the exposition he had charge of the public comfort and foreign departments. In his final report Director-General H. I. KimbaH makes the following voluntary complimentary mention of the services rendered by him: "Probably none of the officials will be better remembered by visitors to the exposition than Air. Root, whose painstaking and earnest efforts to accommodate and oblige aH who fell within range of his official duties, made him deservedly popular." When in 1883 Col. Lemuel P. Grant made his munificent donation of 100 acres of land to the city for a public park, Mr Root was made president of the park commissioners, which he continued to be for many years, and is now serving as secretary. It is due to his tasteful suggestiveness and intelligently enthusi astic co-operation with the landscape engineer that the drives and walks are so artistically laid out and appropriately christened, that the park to-day is so well equipped and so delightfully attractive as a recreative resort, of which the city is justly proud. For many years Mr. Root has taken a lively interest in the efforts to preserve and extend American forests, has attended many meetings held by the International American Forestry congress, and is an enthusiastic member of the Southern Forestry congress, of whose meeting" in 1887 he was president pro tem. His literary tastes are critical and very refined; his reading extensive, yvliHe select, and his scholarly attainments far beyond those of most persons engaged in commercial affairs, while he is a writer of unusual brilHancy and ability. In 1865 he wrote a much-admired book of travels, which was published in London, and he also wrote a short story founded on incidents of the war, entitled History of a Union Spy, which was reprinted in London, and has con tributed numerous interesting articles to various publications on different subjects. In religious and educational matters Mr. Root has been equaHy industrious, earnest and useful as in other fields where his services have been so efficient and valuable. In this work, particularly as connected with Sunday schools, his labors have been long continued and self sacrificing. For ten years he was superintend ent of the Second Baptist Sunday school, Atlanta, and during his twelve years' residence in New York he was superintendent of the Fifth Avenue Baptist church Sunday school, was secretary of the board of trustees, a trustee of Rutger's Female college, and a member of several benevolent societies. He prepared a work, A General Bible Question Book, which had a very extended sale. For about fourteen years 'he has had largely under his care the Atlanta Baptist seminary for the theological and normal education of colored young men. Por some twelve years he has been resident trustee and general supervisor of the famous undenominational Spelman seminary, which has grown from eleven pupils, two teachers, no property and few friends, to nearly nine hundred pupils, thirty-eight teachers and property worth $150,000. This institution for the indus trial and Christian education of colored girls is favorably known all over the country, and is the largest institution of the kind in the Union. He has acted in Atlanta as the fiduciary agent of Mr. J. D. Rockefeller in the disbursement of more than $100,000 in building Rockefeller hall and other extensive improvements connected with and a part of Spelman seminary. It is safe to affirm that no man more fully enjoys the unreserved confidence of this distinguished philanthropist than Mr. Root. Of education Air. Root has been an ardent, persistently working friend all his life. Plis life-long useful career is nearing its end. Its vicissitudes he has met as it became a true man. He has experienced its greatest extremes — a poor boy starting alone and moneyless to solve life's problem ; then a niiHion- PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. i 02 1 aire in the flush of a sturdy young manhood; now comparatively stripped of wealth, bereft of wife and his beloved oldest boy, advanced in years and infirm in body, though strong in will and faith, he calmly awaits the final summons. But he does so with a mind unimpaired and a spirit joyously buoyed with the unshaken belief in an endless reunion in the great hereafter Mr Root's dis tinguishing characteristics are unswerving honesty, lofty conceptions of and self- sacrificing devotion to duty, ungrudging contribution of time, talents and money in furtherance of aH movements calculated to promote local interests and advance intellectual and religious progress, regardless of locality and boundaries. The world is better for his having lived in it — will miss him when he leaves it. He would not swerve from a firm conviction as to what he felt to be his duty to gain the most cherished object of life; and it is, therefore, no wonder that he has the unstinted esteem, the implicit confidence of all who ever came in contact with him. Air. Root was happily married in 1849 to Miss Mary H., daughter of Judge James Clarke, of Stewart county, Ga., sister of the late Judge John T. Clarke, and of ex- Judge Alarshall J. Clarke (of Fulton superior court), and a niece of the late Judge Alarshall J. "VV'eHborn. It was an exceptionally happy union, from whicli sprang three children : John Wellborn, who became the world-famed architect of Chicago, and chief architect of the World's (or Columbian) exposition, who died just as he had planned the stupendous exposition, and to whose memory a tablet has been erected at the university of New York; Walter, a leading architect of Kansas City, Mo., and a daughter, wife of James E. Ormond, Atlanta, who graduated from Rutger's college. New York, taking the first and second honors, the first instance of the kind in the history of the institution. JOHN WELLBORN ROOT, architect deceased, son of Sidney and Mary Harvey (Clarke) Root, Atlanta, Ga., was born in Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Ga., Jan. 10, 1850, and died in Chicago, IH., Jan. 15, 1891. His grandfather, Salmon Root, was a farmer, first of Massachusetts, and afterward of Vermont. Mr. Root's father was born in Alassachusetts, where he lived until the family moved to Ver mont. When fourteen years old he was apprenticed for four years to a jeweler, at the end of which time, when eighteen, he came south and clerked for W. A. Rawson, Lumkpin, Ga. ; and at the end of two years was admitted as a partner. In 1858 he came to Atlanta and engaged wfth J. N. Beach — firm name. Beach & Root — in the dry-goods trade. They soon buift up the largest trade then known to Atlanta, and theirs was the first house to do a wholesale business, and to import direct from Europe. Mrs. Root, a most excellent and exemplary Christian lady, died some years ago; but Mr. Root, honored and loved by all who know him, yet lives, delighting in offices of kindness, charity and usefulness — calmly awaiting the summons that shaH caH him to join the loved ones who have gone before. John Wellborn Root received his primary schooHng in Atlanta; but in 1863 he was sent through the blockade to England to complete his education. He attended school at Birkenhead — opposite Liverpool, England — three years, and passed an examination for Oxford ; then returned to the United States and entered the uni versity of New York in 1868, whence he was graduated as a civil engineer and architect In 1872 he entered the office of Drake, Carter & Wright, Chicago. About the same time, D. H. Burnham, another young architect, entered the office, and the following spring the two young men formed a partnership. They com menced business immediately after the disastrous conflagration left such a large portion of Chicago in ruins; and business and reputation increased apace and together. The ambitious and progressive city called for greater and grander structures — structures that should surpass others elsewhere in magnitude and 922 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. eclipse them in beauty. This demanded originality and genius of the highest order, and these young men so developed as to prove equal to the emergency. Mr. Root was soon recognized as the foremost architect of Chicago; his fame spread, and his services were in demand in all he principal cities, from Chicago to San Francisco, inclusive. Some of the largest and most beautiful and imposing buildings — private residences and public buildings of every kind — in Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, San Francisco and Atlanta, and residences innumerable in hundreds of places, were designed by him and buift under his direction. If not at the time of his death at the head of his profession in the Union, that honorable distinction, by general consent, would soon have been his. The high estimation in which he was held, professionally and socially, is best shown by the following extracts from editorials, resolutions, and the discourse delivered on the occasion of his funeral. He was consulting architect of the great World's Columbian expo sition, and had called a meeting of architects from other cities for consultation. His death occurred just before the meeting, at which, after stating that they had been "met by calamity in the death of John Wellborn Root," they resolved that, "We formally put on record our sense, of professional loss, because his professional genius, his well-trained intellect, and his large artistic resources were doing unusual service in advancing the architecture of the country. That to the public, in a national sense, is due our testimony that in this event a loss has occurred which can hardly be remedied." The buildings and grounds committee of the exposition, by resolution, said: "Possessing high genius, exquisite taste, and a genuine love of all that is true and beautiful in art, we had looked up to him confidently to select with masterly skill the best designs. But the quick inteHect, the skiHful, unerring judgment of this architect and designer are lost to us forever. It will be difficult if indeed, possible, to fill his place." Mr. Van Brunt, the eminent Kansas City architect, said: "I doubt if there is a man in our profession who can do the work he had in hand as acceptably as he would have performed it" Eugene Field, of Chicago, wrote: "Genius is rare! Yet a man of genius, we, in our brief day, have had with us. Has he been too close to us for us to perceive what he was? John Wellborn Root is dead, and this city of triumphs and mis fortunes which had high triumph in his work, has suffered in his death pro foundest misfortune. The city will still be great, powerful, prodigious ; the hands — the two hands which could mold its ambition into beauty, its greatness into grandeur — are done with work. One may look over the earth and say that no architect of immortal name in any age did more for his own fame or for the world of beauty than he, who twenty years ago was a boy, and who 'now is dead. 'Till wasteful war shall statues overturn, And broils throw down the work of masonry,' he will be remembered. As long as one stone remains above another, those stones will have a tongue to proclaim his genius! The ruins will furnish examples for newer days." Mr. Root was not a member of the masonic fraternity — yet so closely did he symbolically and practically work to the "Square," the "Level," and the "Plumb," in his planning and supervision of the Masonic Temple, that Chicago Oriental Consistory yolunteered the foHowing tribute: "We join with our citizens generally in the deep sorrow felt at the loss of this prominent citizen, whose personal worth and professional skHl brought him in close contact with this ancient fraternity as a designer of the great Masonic Temple, the erection of which had so auspi ciously begun under the direction of his master mind." In his charming discourse on the occasion ofthe funeral. Bishop Cheney said: "Only here and there is to PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 923 be found a man who can successfully organize the work of others. And when, as in the case of him who sleeps yonder, the two — industry and executive ability — are cojoined in the same individual they constitute a consummate flower of intellectual supremacy. He who thus unites them is a king of men! This was a man who only can be compared in his intellectual development to a crystal of many facets, all reflecting the light. He possessed a varied, yet not a superficial scholarship. His professional attainments were those which place a man in the forefront of his contemporaries. His business aptitude was recognized by all. Social grace added to his influence. Plis acquaintance with every branch of art broadened his devotion to that department of artistic work to which his talents were given. Even in the realm of music his singularly refined taste added to the charm which he carried into the social circle." Mr Root possessed an exception ally active and powerful intellect — his mental grasp was wonderfully broad, far- reaching, retentive. These great gifts were fostered by years of study, sup plemented by travel, reading and observation. His capacity for work was pro digious — his work was done well — done quickly. Thorough intelligence char acterized every performance. Splendid monuments to his professional skill stand in every prominent western city; and in every part of the country where architecture is appreciated, his name is known. In every-day life he was essentially a social and winsonie man. He was secretary of the National Institute of Architects, corresponding member of the Royal Institute of Architecture of Bel gium, one of the only two honorary members of the Art institute, was a member of the Union league, and of quite a number of other unions and clubs. He con tributed many valuable papers to these various bodies, and published many articles on architecture and kindred topics in various magazines, the article in "The Century" on "Architecture in the West" attracting wide attention. He married a daughter of Henry S. Monroe, a lawyer and old citizen of Chicago, and left three children — two daughters and a son. J^UTHER ZIEGLER ROSSER, one of the leading attorneys of the Atianta bar, was born in Gordon county, Ga., Dec. 30, 1858, and here remained until four years of age, removing after this interval to Randolph county. His boyhood and early youth were spent on a farm. He attended school in the neighborhood, learning the elementary branches of an education. The rugged Hfe of the farm strengthened his nerves and muscles and gave him the sturdy constitution tlrnt has proven a valuable aid to his professional labors. In 1873 he left home to pursue a course of study at Emory coHege, located at Oxford, Ga. He applied himself dHigently to the mental tasks imposed by his professors and graduated in 1879. ^^- Rosser, after receiving his degree, thought the experience of a peda gogue would prove of vast merit in discipHning his mind and faculties for future use, and went to Mitchell county, Ga., where he obtained a small school and taught successfuHy for eighteen months. In the faH of 1879 he begaii the study of law wfth Air. L. S. Roan, in Fairburn, Ga., and was admitted to the bar in 1880. He followed his legal practice in connection wfth Mr. Roan until 1884, and then came to Atlanta, still continuing the partnership. Mr. Roan, however, remained in Fairburn. During 1886 this joint interest was dissolved and Mr. Rosser formed a partnership with Mr E. V. Carter; of Atlanta, which still exists. Air. Rosser was married in 1887 to Aliss Julia, the daughter of Thomas W. Con- ally. To them have been born one son and two daughters. Mr. Rosser is prom inently connected with the local secret organizations, and is a loyal member of the I. O. O. F. and the Red Men. His father is Rev. James A. Rosser, a minister of the Methodist church, who was born in Flenry county, Ga., in 1834. He 924 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. married Temperance Ziegler, a native of Screven county, Ga. They were blessed with five children, one of whom died. The surviving ones are L. Z., the subject of this sketch; Dr. Warren A., of DeKalb county, Ga.; Dr. C. V. Rosser, of Atianta; and Nora P. Mr Rosser's mother died in 1892. His grandfather, Aaron Rosser, a native of Georgia, died a short time before the civil war. Mr. Rosser has practiced his chosen profession profitably and prosperously in the city of Atlanta. He is looked upon by his associates and the people at large as possessing a thorough knowledge of the law, and in his construction of it exercises nice discriminations. He has figured as counsel in a number of important cases. His speeches and the manner of conducting the testimony indicate deep applica tion and research. He is exceptionally shrewd in the examination of witnesses, and frequently defeats an opponent and receives a verdict by virtue of his skill. As a fluent, convincing speaker Mr. Rosser has few equals. pGBERT B. ROSSER, president of the Exchange bank of Atlanta, Ga., was born on a farm in Walton county, Ga., Nov. 7, 1838. He was instructed in the country schools in the neighborhood of his home, and there, surrounded only by the charms of nature and its valuable lessons, cultivated the sturdy precepts that have guided his life in a prosperous and honorable channel. He resided here until the age of eighteen and then went to Decatur, Ga., remaining a year as clerk for his uncle, Elijah Rosser. Leaving Decatur he removed to Covington, Ga., and having saved a few hundred dollars, he invested this as capital in a general store and conducted this business with success until March, 1862, when the cause of secession summoned supporters from every state in' the south. He left his mercantile interests and enlisted in the first available company. This was Company F of the Forty-second Georgia regiment. He was contented to remain a private throughout the four years, for it was principle and not personal notoriety that he was fighting for. This spirit has characterized his after life. For fourteen years after the restoration of peace he prosecuted the occupation of merchandising in Conyers, Ga., having re-established his old business. He came to Atlanta in 1879 ^^'^ engaged in the cotton warehouse and storage industry for the succeeding ten years. For a year or two following he conducted a general trading business, until 1892, when the Exchange bank was organized and he was chosen its president, which position he now occupies with notable credit During Gov. A. H. Colquitt's administration Mr. Rosser was appointed, judge of Rockdale county court, but resigned after two years' excellent service. In 1877 he was elected a delegate to the constitutional convention from the twenty-seventh senatorial district of Georgia, but with this exception he has never taken active interest in politics, having no inclination in this direction. It was through the distinguished efforts of Mr. Rosser that the clause protecting the present school system in Georgia was inserted in the Georgia constitution. He has always been a strong advocate of education. Mr. Rosser was married in 1862 to Sarah, daughter of William Greer, of Chambers county, Ala. To this union three chHdren were given: R. AI. R., W. G. R., and Belle Rosser Mr. Rosser affiliates with the Christian church and has accompHshed untold good by his Christian charity and unselfish labor. His fatiier is John W. Rosser, a native of Georgia, now living at the ripe old age of eighty-one years. He has farmed all his Hfe and for many years held the office of justice of the peace in various counties in Georgia. J^R. GUSTAVUS GARNETT ROY, one of the most successful practitioners of medicine in Atlanta, is a native of Virginia, and was born in Essex county in that state on June' 8, 1836. The talents of the family for generations have been DR, G. G. ROY. FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. ^25 identified with the medical profession. Dr. A. G. D. Roy, the father of the subject of this sketch, was a very eminent physician, and enjoyed, for more than forty years, the lucrative practice of his profession. He was born in King and Queen county, Va., on Nov. 12, 1804. His marriage with Miss Lucy Carter Garnett on March 6, 1834, inaugurated a most happy alHance and one that suppHed him with all the encouragement that lies within the range of a noble woman's influence. Miss Garnett was a member of one of the oldest and best families of Virginia, being a daughter of Col. John I. Garnett, of that state. She was bom on July 8, ,1816. After sixteen years of wedlock this gentle lady died on Feb. 16, 1850, mourned by everyone who knew her. Dr. A. G. D. Roy died on Nov. 23, 1873. Dr. G. G. Roy, the subject oi this sketch, passed his boyhood in his native county. He was prepared for college by private tutors, completing his literary education at Richmond coHege, one of the most thorough institutions of learning in the south. After reading medicine under his father, who took a paternal pride in giving direction to the studies of his young son, he attended, for a short while, the medical department of the university of Virginia. He then took a special course of study at the Jefferson Medical college of Philadelphia, graduating from that institution in the spring of 1857 with high honors. By virtue of his excep tional qualifications he was chosen, in the absence of the regular appointee, to serve as resident physician of St Joseph's hospital, Philadelphia. Returning to his native county in Virginia he practiced medicine with his father until the breaking out of the late war. In the spring of 1861 he raised a company of volun teers, subsequently known as Company D of the Fifty-fifth Virginia regiment, in Field's brigade of Gen. A. P. Plill's division. He served as the captain of this company, and afterward as major of the regiment until the second battle of Manassas, after which he resigned the command and came to Atlanta, accepting the position of assistant surgeon. He was acting as post surgeon, in charge of the hospitals of the city, at the time of its destruction by Gen. Sherman. He was subsequently ordered to Andersonville for the purpose of organizing hospitals at that point. Having been promoted to the full rank of a surgeon he remained in charge of the hospitals until the close of the war. Dr. Roy was in quite a number of bloody engagements during his military experience. At Urbana, Va., he participated in the hostile encounter by which the Federals, in making an effort to land troops from their gun boats on the Rappahannock river, were dis astrously repulsed. He was also in the seven days' fight around Richmond, taking part in the battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' mill, Frazer's farm, and Alalvern hill. It was during the siege of Atlanta that Dr. Roy was promoted from the rank of assistant surgeon to that of surgeon. As a soldier Dr. Roy was noted for his gallantry on the field of battle, and as a surgeon for his skill and tenderness in binding up the wounds of his comrades who had suffered from the bullets of the enemy. After the war Dr. Roy moved to Bartow county, Ga. He remained in the county for three years, spending the last year in the town of Cartersville. He enjoyed a very successful practice in that county, and might have remained longer had not peculiar circumstances interfered. In 1869 he paid a visit to his old home in Virginia, and finding his father broken in health and wholly unable to give any attention to his practice, he decided to remain in Virginia as long as his father lived. His father died in 1873, ^-"d after winding up the estate he came to Atlanta in 1875, where he has since resided in the successful practice of his profession. Dr. Roy was united in marriage on Nov. 21, i860, to Mrs. Flora Fauntleroy, a native of Greenesboro, Ala., and a daughter of John W. and Priscilla (Carlton) DiHard. Miss Ella Fauntleroy, the daughter of Mrs. Roy by her first husband, is now the wife of Dr. C. S. \¥ebb, of Atlanta. Three children 926 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. sprang from her subsequent union with Dr Roy: Charies Dunbar Roy, Rosa G., and Jennie T., the latter two, who were twins, dying at the age of sixteen. Dr Charles Dunbar Roy is one of the brightest young practitioners in Atlanta. In 1879 Dr Roy assisted in the organization of the Southern Medical coHege. He was made a member of the faculty, and now occupies the chair of materia medica and therapeutics. He also lectures on clinical gynecology. Though Dr. Roy has never taken a very active part in politics he was elected to a seat in the city council in 1886, and served as the chairman of the sanitary and reHef committees of that body. Dr. Roy is a master Mason, a member of the Legion of Honor and the Royal Arcanum, and also a member of the First Baptist church. In courtesy Dr. Roy has always illustrated the manners of the typical Virginia gentleman. The sterner quaHties of his nature have come to him from his Scotch ancestry and these have never failed to command for him the loyal respect and confidence of his fellow citizens. £) R. CHARLES DUNBAR ROY, the only son of the foregoing, is considered one of the most intellectual and promising members of the medical profession in Atlanta. He was. born in that city in 1866. During his early infancy, however, he accompanied his parents to Essex county, Va., the boyhood home and birth place of his father, and remained at the old family homestead in Virginia until attaining his eighth year. He then returned to Atlanta, where he completed his primary education in the public schools of that city. He subsequently graduated from Richmond college, Richmond, Va., in 1887, with the degree of bachelor of arts. In the following year he graduated from the medical department of the university of Virginia, completing his course of lectures in that institution in a wonderfuHy short length of time. After this he went to New York and stood a competitive examination, securing the fourth place among a large and brilliant number of professional applicants. He entered the Charity hospital of New York city and was also at the same time assistant in the New York Polyclinic institute. He remained in the Charity hospital for eighteen months and in the Polyclinic for the same length of time. Returning to Atlanta he entered upon the practice of his profession as a specialist In order to perfect himself thoroughly for the practice, and to gain the advantage of the best instruction, he decided to spend a year in Europe and devote himself to the study of his profession under the cele brated instructors of the old world. He became the assistant in the Eye and Ear hospital at Leipzig and also studied in Vienna, becoming assistant in the Royal Ophthalmic hospital. Returning to America he immediately resumed the success ful practice of his profession in Atlanta. In 1893, while a student in Europe, young Dr. Roy was elected professor of ophthalmology and otology in the South ern Medical college of Atlanta, which chair he accepted and now fills with credit. Dr. Roy belongs to the Georgia State Medical association and also to the Amer ican association and to the Atlanta Aledical society. Recently before the state and national associations he read two interesting and remarkably weH written papers, which elicited the warmest commendations of the fraternity. No young physician in Atlanta enjoys a higher degree of prominence or has a more inviting future awaiting him in the practice of hi§ profession. Socially Dr. Roy is a man of universal popularity, due to his personal and intellectual graces and to his genial and sunny disposition. He is a member of the First Baptist church of Atlanta. "TINSLEY W. RUCKER, assistant United States district attorne}-, was born in Elbert county, Ga., on March 24, 1848. In this county he was reared and instructed in the primary branches of an education. When nine years of age he FULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 927 moved to Athens, Ga., with his parents, and there prosecuted his studies still further, and in a short time entered the state university located there. After attend ing here two years he went to Princeton, N. J., and continued through the junior year. When this term was completed he returned to Athens, Ga., and began reading law with Col. W. L. Mitchell, a distinguished practitioner, now deceased. He was admitted to the bar in Atlanta, Ga., during 1 871, by Judge John L. Hopkins, and first undertook the practice of his chosen profession in Athens, remaining there twenty-two years. In 1893, he was appointed assistant United States district attorney, and then moved to Atlanta. Ivlr. Rucker was city attorney of Athens, Ga., for eight or ten years. He was married on Sept. 27, 1876, to Miss Sarah M. Cobb, daughter of Gen. Howell Cobb. This union has been blessed with five children: Tinsley W., Jr., Lamar Cobb, Mary Ann, Kate Baxter, Sarah MHdred. Col. "Tinney" Rucker, as he is popularly known, is a favorite with the other members of his profession and every one who is so fortunte as to be numbered among" his friends and acquaintances, for a joHy nature surrounds a big, noble heart He is noted for his gift of sparkling repartee, and is considered a brHliant repre sentative of the Atlanta bar. In the cross-examination of witnesses, his keen, penetrating and sagacious interrogations rarely fail to reveal to him a vantage point; and before a jury, with a ready command of wit, sarcasm, eloquence and forceful argument, he is virtually invincible. During the trial of the Georgia Ku Klux, in March, 1895, as assistant United States district attorney, he conducted the cases with such marked abHity that all of the accused were convicted. Mr. Rucker, as a vigilant legal officer for Uncle Sam, is convincing in debate, vigorous in ferreting out crime, and powerful in asserting the principles embraced in the statutes. pRANK THEODORE RYAN, ex-city clerk, Atlanta, Ga., son of Lewis and Huldah Ann (Whitney) Ryan, was born in Talbotton, Talbot Co., Ga., July, 1838. His father was a native of Philadelphia, Pa., who came to Georgia in early manhood, was a merchant and sold goods all his life, and died in 1847. He was a soldier in the Creek war, 1836. Mr. Ryan's mother was a native of Connecticut, daughter of Stephen Whitney. They had two children: Frank T., the subject of this sketch, and Charles Roscoe. Mrs. Ryan is still living and makes her home with her son. Mr. Ryan was raised in Monticello, Ga., to which place his father moved from Talbotton when he was an infant During his boy hood he attended school in Monticello — which, when the famly first went there, was a relay station for the United States stage line between New York and New Orleans. At the age of twelve years he was sent to Reading, Conn., where he attended a high grade preparatory school three years, returning home in the fall of 1852. In 1853 he came to Atlanta, where he continued his studies until 1855, when he entered the machine shops of the Georgia railway. He worked there until 1859, when he went to Arkansas as a journeyman machinist. There he ran a steamboat untH March, 1861, when he enlisted in Des Arc, Ark., as a private in an independent company, which, with other companies, captured the United States arsenal at Little Rock, and the fort at Fort Smith, Ark. In May, following, these independent companies rendezvoused at Mound City, Ark., and formed what was afterward known as the Twenty-fifth Arkansas regiment, commanded by Col. (afterward Gen.) Pat Cleburne. He served with his regiment until August, 1861, when he joined the First Arkansas Mounted Rifles, as a private, sharing in all the battles in which it was engaged until Sept 20, 1863, when, at Chicka mauga, he lost his left leg. In consequence of this he was out of active service about a year. In October, 1864, he was assigned to duty at Quitman to coHect the 928 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. tax-in-kind and to purchase supplies for the army, and in December following was transferred to Thomasville, in the same service. Here he surrendered, yvith all his supplies, when the war ended. During his service he was in the following among other battles : Elkhorn, where he was captured, and a week later escaped by crawHng between the pickets ; Farmington, Miss. ; six weeks' fighting around Cor inth; the Kentucky campaign under Gen. E. Kirby Smith, participating in the fight at Richmond, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; Jackson, Miss, (a week of fighting), and Chickamauga. After the surrender he returned to Atlanta to render what aid he could in rebuilding it — and his appreciative fellow-citizens kept him pretty busy for many years. In 1867 he was elected clerk of the market, and held the office until 1870, when he was elected city tax receiver and collector, and served one year. In 1871-2 he was assistant city clerk, and in 1873 was elected city clerk, and was continuously re-elected — serving seven years — until 1880, when he went into the plumbing and gas-fitting business, continuing it three years. In 1882 he was elected a member of the city councH and served one term, and in 1883' was elected assistant clerk of the superior court, filling the position two years. Retiring from the public service, he has since given his attention to his private interests and private financial and improvement organizations. Mr Ryan was married, in Memphis, Tenn., in 1872, to Miss Elizabeth C, daughter ofthe late Frederick Fisher, Ironton, Alo., by whom he has had three children: Frank T., Jr.; Anne Louise, and Paul. He is a member, and in 1889 was elected vice-president of the Fulton County United Veterans' association; a member of Tullulah tribe. No. 29, I. O. R. M.; a member and vice-chanceHor of Empire lodge, No. 47, K. of P. ; a member of the lodge and encampment, I. O. O. F., and has served as state grand representative; is a member «f the Scotch-Irish society, and a liberal, zealous and exemplary mem ber of the Presbyterian church. Charles Roscoe Ryan, his brother, enlisted as a private in an Arkansas regiment and did gallant service through the war. After the war he was prosperously en gaged in merchandising in Memphis, Tenn., for many years, but died in Colorado, where he had gone for his health, leaving a widow and four sons: Charles R., Lewis W., WiHiam H., and Baxter. QEORGE W. SCIPLE, of the firm of Sciple Sons, dealers in buHding materials and coal, of Atlanta, was born in Mobile, Ala., Jan. 14, 1855, where he lived for only two or three years, and then, with his father's family re-moved to Columbus, Miss., living there until the civil war opened. They then settled in the neighbor hood of Columbia, Tenn., on a large plantation, and remained for eighteen months. Then, returning to Mississippi, located in Macon, and came to Atlanta, Ga., in November, 1865. In this city George W. attended school irregularly until the age of eleven years, when he began work in his father's grist mill (now the old Atlanta water works), located near Atlanta. In 1866 the father opened two general stores in Atlanta, and our subject assisted in these enterprises. Throughout his boyhood and early youth he had a decided inclination to barter, and even when eleven years old purchased old junk, comprising iron, brass, and lead, obtained from the local battle-fields, with $1.50 capital, and sold the same at 300 per cent, profit. This encouraged and whetted his eagerness to buy and sell. He secured a second lot, which he disposed of at $12.50. Suddenly occurred to him the feasibility and financial gain in cornering the chestnut market. He carried out the idea, bought all that were offered by all sellers, and held them, at the same time watching the eastern quotations until the price advanced sufficiently, and then sold them at $5.00 per bushel, clearing several hundred dollars. He continued trading until his father bought the grist mill, which stood on the site that the water works now PULTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 929 occupy. Mr. Sciple aided his father in this industry two years. About this time he received an intimation that luck and good fortune would attend his days, for, investing $30 in the Georgia state lottery, he drew out $500, and magnanimously gave it to his father. In 1869 the family bought a farm, embracing 600 acres, in Bartow county, Ga., but after Hving here two years the father and son returned to Atianta, with the intention of establishing a dray line, but finding the conditions unfavorable, abandoned their determination. It was in February, 1872, that George, his father, and brother, Charles E., founded the firm of Sciple & Sons. Having no capital, they purchased a train-load of wood on credit, borrowing $50 to pay the freight, and upon this base, industry, energy and integrity have built a considerable fortune. Later they added coal and different kinds of building ma terial to the stock. In 1880 the firm began the manufacture of lime at Rogers' Station, Ga., and Rockmart The former was discontinued in 1883; the latter is stHl in operation. Mr. Sciple's father, a pioneer of Atlanta's history, who aided her in establishing commercial intercourse with other cities, and strove earnestly for her advancement and progress, died in 1885, the stricken mother surviving her husband only one week. This sudden passing away of both parents was a severe shock to the sons. The firm has since continued as Sciple Sons. Mr. Sciple was united in marriage on October 22, 1884, to Lidie, the accomplished daughter of the late Col. Samuel Elam, of Americus, Ga. They have had five children, three of whom are living: Marie Alma, George W., Jr., and Carl EHsworth. Mr. Sciple co-operates largely with religious organizations and is steward in Trinity Methodist church, of Atlanta. In 1892 he organized the Young Men's Real Estate Investment company, and was elected and is now president of the same. The company paid in its first year a dividend of 65 per cent Mr. Sciple is now and has been for a number of years a director of the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. He is not a politician, nor does he care for notoriety. He is a business man, pure and simple, and has the pluck and genius that achieve laudable ends. He is a useful and honored citizen, modest and retiring, and is esteemed by the entire community. J~\R. HENRY FORT SCOTT, a very prominent physician of Atlanta, was born in Fredonia, Chambers Co., Ala., June 26, 1853, ^" OBERT L. KITCHENS, farmer, Gibson, Glascock Co., Ga., son of Seaborn and Martha (Deadwyler) Kitchens, was born in Glascock county Dec. 11, 1861. He worked on the farm and attended the common schools of the county untH he reached manhood. He then bought a farm and commenced life for him self Except three years' merchandising at Mitchell, Glascock Co., farming has been the occupation of his Hfe. He is a good and progressive farmer, and has been successful and prosperous. Public-spirited, of genial disposition and popular manners, and having influential family connections, he may be regarded as having a bright future before him. Mr Kitchens was married Dec. 22, 1883, to Miss Gracie \^., daughter of WiHiam R. Hunter, of Glascock county, by whom he has had four children, all daughters, the eldest of whom is dead. The children are: Lillian F., deceased, William, Sallie Kate, Martha M. 974 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. GLYNN COUNTY. pRANK D. AIKEN, ship broker, Brunswick, Glynn Co., Ga., son of Isaac and Fannie M. (Beyan) Aiken, was born on Hurd's island, Alclntosh Co., Ga., July 14, 1861. Mr. Aiken's father, of Irish lineage, was born in Winnsboro, S. C, came to Georgia in 1854, and after the war between the states went to Pensacola, Fla., where he now resides. He enlisted in 1861, and was captain of Company B, Forty-seventh Georgia regiment, in which capacity he served until 1864, when he was assigned to the special duty of collecting the taxes from five counties in Georgia. His mother was of English descent, and was the daughter of P. AI. and Mary (EHisoii) Bryan, of New Berne, N. C. Air. Aiken, when only thirteen years old ancl a poor boy, began life for himself. What education he had was mainly obtained at Darien, Ga. In 1887 he embarked in the ship brokerage business in Brunswick, and in 1889 established planing mills. In both these enterprises he has been eminently successful — prospered from the start — and has attained enviable honorable prominence locally and abroad, in the commercial world. He is (and has been since 1888) a director of the board of trade, and has been a director of the Merchants' and Traders' bank since its organization. He was a member of the city board of aldermen two years; in January, 1894, he was elected county commissioner, and in January, 1895, was elected treasurer of the county. In addition to the above he has held several other positions of pubhc trust He is also second vice-president of the Brunswick club, the only social club in the city. He was first lieutenant of the Brunswick light horse guards until the troop was discharged for the purpose of re-organizing into a naval reserve artillery, which company of fifty-six men — the first and only conipany of Georgia's navy — he is now commander of Mr. Aiken's present important and highly honorable relations to the commercial interests of this prospectively great south ern seaport, gives promise of an exceedingly brilliant future. Air. Aiken was married in January, 1894, to Miss Frances B., daughter of Mallory P. King, and granddaughter of the distinguished Thomas Butler King, of ante-bellum fame, half a century ago one of the foremost of Georgia's statesmen. \A/ ARNOLD, proprietor of "Ocean View House," St Simon's island, Glynn * Co., Ga., is a son ol Frederick Arnold, and was born in Prussia Alarch 4, 1846. His father was a native of Bromberg, Germany, where he spent his days, and where he died in 1849. ^^- Arnold's father gave him a good education preparatory to his studying for the profession of an architect At the age of seventeen he commenced Hfe for himself, without financial means. In 1869 he came to the United States, and after a short stop in New York came to Tattnall county, Ga., in 1870. Later he determined to settle permanently on St. Simon's island. Selecting the most eligible site, commanding an expansive "ocean view," he purchased thirty acres on the ocean beach, and has buHt and conducts in luxurious style and on the most liberal scale "Ocean A'lew House," which is fast gaining the distinction of being one of the most attractive, delightful and popular of the summer resorts on the south Atlantic coast. Air. Arnold was married in J 88 1 to Aliss Anna P., daughter of Charles and Sarah (Hay) Stevens, natives respectively of Denmark and England. Mr. Stevens came to this country when about twenty-two years old, and died in Fort Delaware during the war, when about fifty years old. Mrs. Stevens (nee Hay) came to the United States when about GLYNN COUNTY SKETCHES. 975 eighteen years of age, is stiH living, and is about seventy-seven years old. Air and Mrs. Arnold were blessed with two children, Leopold and Winniebauld. Mr. Arnold is a member of the Lutheran, and Mrs. Arnold is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. J^_ C. BAUMGARTNER, meat merchant, Brunswick, Glynn Co., Ga., fourth of ten children, is a son of John and Anna (Naven Schwander) Baumgartner, and was born in Bene, Switzerland, May 13, 1858. His father was a farmer and dairyman, who came to this country in 1867, and settled first in Pittsburg, Pa., but in 1873 removed to South Pittsburg, Tenn. Here his father died in 1884, aged fifty-nine years; and his mother died in 1891, aged sixty-three years. R. C. Baumgartner, when about twenty years of age, left the parental roof — his only capital a hopeful spirit, an honest purpose and a brave heart — to fight the battle of life. His success demonstrates how wisely and how well he has used his capital. In 1882 he came to Brunswick, which has since been his home. By close attention to business, acting justly, and being scrupulously careful about his meats, he has estabhshed a good reputation and secured a permanent paying patronage. Mr. Baumgartner was married Feb. 17, 1883, to Aliss Amelia, daughter of Van Hauten — himself a native of the United States, but whose father was a native of Hol land and whose mother was a native of France. The following children are the offspring of this union : Carl Jackson, Lottie Amelia, Hugh Edward, and Ellen. Airs. Baumgartner is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. Mr. Baum gartner has been exalted to the royal arch degree in Masonry and is treasurer of the local chapter. P D. BIGGS, liveryman, Brunswick, Glynn Co., Ga., is a son of Daniel and Olive * (Collins) Biggs, natives of Nortli Carolina, and was born at Antioch, N. C, July 31, 1858. Daniel was a son of WiHiam Biggs, who came from England to the United States when a boy. Mr. Biggs was educated at Trinity College, N. C. When he reached manhood he began life for himself, relying on his own re sources and pluck for success. He has lived in three states, and filled several public offices, having been a justice of the peace in Baldwin county, Ala., and Escambia county, Fla., and is now successfuHy running a livery stable in Bruns wick. Mr. Biggs married Miss CinderiHa, daughter of Malcolm and Frances (Tur ner) Baggett — both Floridians — in 1881. He is a member of the A. O. U. W.; the I. O. O. P.; the Knights of Pythias; the Knights of Honor; and of the Kappa Sigma fraternity. Popular, obliging and enterprising, he is sure to swell to hand some property his already large surplus. "\A/ G. BRANTLEY, soHcitor-general of Brunswick circuit court, is the son of B. D. and Jeanette (McCrae) Brantiey, natives respectively of Laurens and Montgomery counties, Ga., and was born in Blackshear, Pierce Co., Ga., Sept. 18, i860. His father was a merchant, and died leaving a very prosperous business which has been continued as "The A. P. Brantiey Co." His mother is stHl living at Blackshear. Her parents emigrated to this country from Scotiand, locating in Alontgomery county. Mr. Brantley was liberally educated in the public schools and at the university of Georgia. He read law under Hon. John C. Nichols, Black- shear, was admitted to the bar in 1882, and was at once accepted as a partner by his Blackstonian preceptor, under the firm name of Nichols & Brantley. Two years later he retired from the firm and practiced by himself In 1884 he repre sented Pierce county, and afterward the Third senatorial district in the general as sembly. In 1888 he was elected solicitor-general of Brunswick circuit and re elected in 1892. When a member of the senate he took a very prominent part in 976 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. the passage of the telegraph bill of 1887, and in opposition to the sale of the West ern & Atlantic railroad. As solicitor-general he has been exceptionally successful, and is considered one of the ablest of the state's officials. Mr. Brantley also stands high as a practical business man. The best evidence of the estimation in which his professional ability and statesmanlike qualities are held, lies in the fact that he was tendered the judgeship of Brunswick circuit, and other equally honorable official positions. His name was also mentioned in connection with the seat in the United States senate made vacant by the death of Senator A. H. Colquitt. These very flattering manifestations of appreciation, however, faH to inflate or unbalance him. He is as unassuming as his t'nousands of admiring friends regard him pre eminently able. JI> E. L. BURFORD, AI. D., physician and surgeon and United States sanitary inspector, marine hospital service, Brunswick, Ga., is a son of John and Almeda (Thompson) Burford, and was born in Anderson county, Ky., March 2, 1861. His father, who is a breeder of and dealer in blooded horses and cattle in the famous "blue grass region of Kentucky," is of English and his mother of Scotch descent. Dr. Burford graduated from Georgetown college, Georgetown, Ky., and also from the medical university of Louisville, Ky., and passed t'ne best examinations in all the branches taught, receiving the class honors. He also made an excellent record in his literary studies. One month after his graduation Dr. Burford located and opened an oflice in Brunswick, Ga., and at once gained the confidence and esteem of the people. In September, 1893, unexpectedly and wholly unsolicited by him, he was appointed United States sanitary inspector, marine hospital service at Brunswick, Ga., and placed in charge of the government station at that port. He has rapidly risen in public estimation and attained to an enviable and well-deserved reputation in his profession. He has already won by his demonstrated superior ability, a large and lucrative patronage. In the highest and most honorable sense of the term, he is a gentleman, and is sure to win his way to professional eminence. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. J-J UGH BURFORD, physician and surgeon, Brunswick, Glynn Co., Ga., son of Dr. WHHam B. and Laura (Bryant) Burford, natives, respectively, of South Carolina and Georgia, was born in Hall county, Ga., June 2, 1852. During his chHdhood his parents removed to Ringgold, Catoosa Co., Ga., where his father enjoyed a large and lucrative practice. Here, in the schools of Ringgold, was laid the foundation of his education; the higher or collegiate education contem plated was cut off by reverses consequent upon the war between the states. After the battle of Chickamauga the family refugeed to Orange county, Fla., where young Burford's education was completed under the private tutorage of Rev. Dr. Bell, distinguished for his superior abihty as an educator and for his strict religious discipline. After a brief experience in mercantile pursuits, he, with J. Ira Gore as a partner, established and published the Florida "State Journal," a weekly paper, at Cedar Keys, Fla. Later he sold his interest in the enterprise to his partner and began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his father, and in 1875 took his first course of medical lectures at the Savannah Aledical college. During the yellow fever epidemic in Savannah in 1876 several of the professors fell victims to its ravages and the college exercises were suspended, so that he did not graduate until 1879, when he graduated at the head of his class. He took an active part and rendered efficient service during the epidemic until prostrated by yellow fever, and then for four years — 1877-80 — was assistant to the surgeon in the marine hos pital, enjoying a good private practice in the city, beside discharging the duties of demonstrator of anatomy in Savannah Aledical college, to which he was elected v^^ ' GLYNN COUNTY SKETCHES. 989 .ciation of his services; while his splendid success since he entered upon his present business, and the important and responsible positions he has held and now holds in commercial and fraternal organizations and banking institutions bear gratifying and unmistakable testimony to his business sagacity and sterling integrity of character. JOHN T. PALMER, boot and shoe merchant, Bmnswick, Glynn Co., Ga., son of Dr John T. and Amanda (Barbour) Palmer, was born in Lumpkin, Stewart Co., Ga., Dec. 27, 185 1. His grandparents were John and Nancy (Flood) Palmer, of "Waterford, Ireland. Mr. Palmer's father and two brothers and an uncle came from Ireland to the United States in 1832, and located in Pittsburg, Pa. His grandfather, although a man of some means, believed it best for each of his sons to be master of some trade, so he remained in Pittsburg three years that he might accomplish his object. Mr. Palmer's father learned the trade of tailor, and after "graduating," migrated to Athens, Ga., went thence to Washington, Ga., and finally in 1849, went to Lumpkin, Ga. Here he studied medicine under Dr. Thomas Battle, and entering the field of practice, achieved quite a success. He volunteered at the beginning of the war and was appointed assistant surgeon of the Seventeenth Georgia regiment, and remained in the army until after the battle of Chickamauga. Having contracted pneumonia by exposure during the battle, his health failed and he resigned in 1864. He died the next year. Dr. Palmer was a very enthusiastic Mason, and had taken all the degrees except the thirty-third; and he held many positions of honor and trust in the fraternity. He numbered among his particular friends, Alex. H. Stephens, "Bob" Toombs, and many other prominent men of the state and nation. He was a member of the Methodist church, took great interest in all its work, was a class leader and an enthusiastic Sunday school worker. Mr. Palmer, the subject of this sketch, started in business life as a clerk at the age of nineteen, with R. C. Black, Americus, Ga., and steadily advanced in his line until now he has become the leading dealer in Brunswick in every style and grade of foot-wear, with a good start and a bright promise of a competency in the near future. 1878 Mr. Palmer married Laura, daughter of Capt. J. "W. Sealy, a native of Marion county, Ga., but now a prominent citizen of Cuthbert, Ga. To them four children have been born: John Sealy; Helen Amanda; Alarion Dunwoody and Lucien Key. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are members of the Methodist church. A T. PUTNAM, livery stableman and real estate dealer, Brunswick, Glynn Co., Ga., related by blood to the revolutionary hero, Gen. Israel Putnam, is the son of Willis and Amanda (Thompson) Putnam, and was born about ten miles from Gainesville, Hall Co., Ga., Dec. 27, 1836. Mr. Putnam's father was born in Virginia, and was a descendant of one of the three brothers who emi grated to this country before the eighteenth century, two of whom were named John and Israel, the last named probably the father of Gen. Putnam, who was born in Salem, Mass., Jan. 7, 1718, whose hazardous and courageous exploits of attacking a wolf in its den and escaping from the British by riding down a pre cipitous rock stairway numbering several hundred steps, and extraordinary bravery during the war, are familiar to all readers of American history. His mother was a daughter of Andrew Thompson. She was born Nov. 13, 1820, and died Oct. 4, 1841. Mr Putnam received but ten months' schooling at his father's expense; all besides he paid for himself When fifteen years old he began the battie of life — left to his own resources — and for the first twelve months he was paid $40. He was a messenger for Gov. J. E. Brown in MHledgevHle, and in 1861 accompanied Gov. Brown to Atianta. He served some time with the state troops; but in January, 990 memoirs op Georgia. 1863, he enlisted in Company E, Twenty-second Georgia battalion, served through the war and was paroled at Augusta, he being home at the time on a furlough. After the war he settled in Brunswick, where, by enterprise and unusual sagacity in making investments, he has accumulated quite a fortune, including among other valuable property, an entire block of brick buildings. Pie lost $55,000 by the war. He has served the city as alderman about ten years. Mr. Putnam was married to Miss Mary Harton, of Putnam county, Ga., Feb. i, 1861, who bore him three children, one of whom only is living. His wife died in 1880. Mr. Put nam contracted a second marriage in 1881, with Miss Viola Johnson, of Houston county, by whom he has had two children, of whom only one is living, Etta. Both the wives of Mr. Putnam were nieces of the late W. B. Johnson, a wealthy capitalist of Macon Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Putnam are active and liberal and conse quently influential members of the Missionary Baptist church. The congregation has recently erected a beautiful house of worship which cost about $40,000. Mr. Putnam was chairman of the building committee and contributed largely to ward its construction, in addition to which he has become personally responsible for an unpaid balance due on it. Mr. Putnam is a master Mason and a member of the I. O. O. P. He has passed through all the chairs of the last named fraternity, and represented his lodge at the grand encampment. He is also a member of the Legion of Honor. The practical foresight of Mr. Putnam is demonstrated by his carrying a heavy life insurance policy. J B. WRIGHT, merchant, St Simon's Island, Glynn Co., Ga., a son of M. C. B. * and Ehzabeth (Anderson) Wright, was born in Glynn county, Aug. 5, 1853. His parents were respectively of English and Scotch descent; both were born in Glynn county. Major Samuel Wright, the ancestor of this family, came to Georgia with Gen. Oglethorpe, and first settled in Frederica, on St. Simon's Island. Mr. "Wright's father was at one time sheriff of Glynn county ; his mother died about 1884 aged fifty-five years, his father at an earlier date. J. B. Wright began life for himself at the early age of fourteen, with no means and no aid from his father; but he managed to wrest from his hard conditions of life a very handsome prop erty. He owns three-fourths of the steamer "Hessix," and manages its business. He was married to Lizzie M. Earle, of Brooklyn, N Y., in 1879, by whom he has had three children; but one only, Mary Elizabeth, is now living. Mrs. Wright is a Catholic. Mr. Wright is a Mason and enjoys the esteem of all who know him. Q W. WRIGHT, deceased, merchant and farmer. Sterling Station, Glynn Co., * Ga., a son of James B. and Ann (Bumett) Wright, natives of Glynn county, was born in Glynn county Oct 25, 1829. His father was a son of Alaj. Samuel Wright, a British officer during the war of 1812, who then made the acquaintance of a lady whom he, after peace was proclaimed, returned to the United States and married. James B. Wright died in 1865, and his widow, aged eighty-four years, died in 1879. ^^- Wright was thrown on his own resources when fifteen years of age, followed farming and farm-managing before the war; and his services in the last named capacity commanding good salaries, enabled him to acquire a fairly handsome estate. In the spring of 1861 he enlisted in the Fourth Georgia cavalry and was made orderly sergeant of his conipany, an office, however, which he did not long retain. Being regarded as a very cool and brave man, and an unusually good woodsman, he was principally employed in scout work, serving as such in Tennessee and Georgia. He was in the battles of Atlanta and Jones boro, and when the end came he was guarding a railway bridge at Doctortown, Wayne Co., Ga., where he surrendered and was paroled in 1865. His most thrilling and impressive experiences during the war were two narrow escapes from death GORDON COUNTY SKETCHES. 991 — one when a bullet grazed him in front, and another when a bullet grazed him in the back, each passing above the saddle; and on one occasion when aH he had to eat for four days was one smaH "nubbin of corn" about four inches long. When the war ended he had lost everything except his land and a yoke of oxen. Going bravely to work, good farm management and judicious investments accumulated a fair fortune, but he could not be considered wealthy. Mr. Wright had a general merchandise store, carried a large and well assorted stock, owned 5,000 acres of land, and was a stockholder in the Southern bank of the state of Georgia, in Savannah. Unambitious as to political honors he declined offers to place him in office. Mr Wright was married to Miss Clifford Burnett in 1 851, by whom he had one child; and his wife died soon afterward. The child, a daughter, died also at sixteen years of age. In 1857 Mr. Wright was married to Miss Annie E. Taylor, daughter of Silas W. and Alarguerite (Lowery) Taylor, natives of Glynn county, and this second union was blessed with nine children: G. W., Jr., J. S., Charlton, Mary Letitia (Mrs. P. W. Fleming), Ada, Daisy, Bessie, Alaggie, and one which died in infancy. Mr. Wright was a devoted member of the Protestant Episcopal church, of which his bereaved widow is also an exemplary member. GORDON COUNTY. pRANCIS A. FULLER, farmer. Reeves Station, Gordon Co., Ga., son of W. J. and Melinda (Lay)' Fuller, was born in Gordon county Aug. 15, 1865. His father was born and raised in Warren county, Ga., but left there in 1844, and settied in what is now Gordon county. His mother was a native of South Caro Hna. Their union was blessed with nine children: Spivey, deceased; Boon J.; W. G.; Polly; Benjamin H.; Freeman L.; Susie; Ada, deceased; and Francis A., the subject of this sketch. Mr. Fuller was raised on the farm, his educational advantages were very limited, and he started out in Hfe with no capital except good health, an honest purpose and a resolute wiH. His principal pursuft has been farming; but he has used his surplus earnings in successful trading untH he has accumulated considerable real estate, and is regarded as being now one of the solidest men in the county, and, prospectively, one of its wealthiest. He is a progressive farmer, public spirited, alive to the interests and development of the county, a good manager, and a "wide-awake" trader. He is a prominent and active member of the Missionary "Baptist church. M A. GUNN, farmer, Plainville, Gordon Co., Ga., son of Alexander and Mar- • guerite (Blackwood) Gunn, was born in Lincoln county, N. C, in 1828. His father was born, raised and educated in Glasgow, Scotland. About the beginning of the revolutionary war he, in company with five hundred college boys came to this country. He settled on a farm and married in North Carohna, where he lived until 1849, when he came to Georgia and settied in Cass (now Bartow) county. Nine chHdren were born to his parents: M. A., the subject of this sketch, Mary A., John M., James T., Jane G., Marguerite C, Henry M., William, and Belda A. Mr. Gunn was raised on the farm in North Carolina where his educational advantages were very meager. On attaining to manhood he moved to South Carolina, where he lived ten years, and then came to Georgia. 992 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Farming has been his principal occupation, though he has had considerable to do with machinery. He settled where he now lives in 1858, where he has a large, well stocked and well improved farm; and, although he began with very little, is now "full-handed," and is one of Gordon county's most prosperous and sub stantial citizens. In addition to conducting a large farm he is an extensive fruit grower — one of the largest in that part of the state. He entered the Confederate service during the late war, enhsting in 1861 and serving until the surrender in 1865. Mr. Gunn was married in 1858 to Miss Lucinda, daughter of William and Polly McDonald, of Floyd county, Ga., by whom he has had nine chHdren: William A., John H., Mary A., James P., Robert, M. E., Georgia Lucinda, Rosie, and Thomas P. He is a prominent member of the Methodist church. J OHN MARTIN GUNN, farmer, Plainville, Gordon Co., Ga., son of Alexander M. and Marguerite (Blackwood) Gunn, was born in Lincoln county, N. C, in 1832. (For sketch of his father see sketch of his brother, M. A. Gunn, preceding this.) Mr. Gunn migrated from North CaroHna to Georgia in 1863 and settled in Gordon county. He was exempted from military service during the late civil war on account of physical disability. In addition to farming he owned and operated a grist mill during the war and supplied the Confederate gun factory at Adairsville, Ga., with meal and flour. He is a progressive and good farmer, entirely reliable in every respect, and no citizen of the county is more highly esteemed. Mr. Gunn was married in 1863 to Aliss CorneHa L., daughter of John and Katharine Wood, of Clarke county, Ga., by whom he has had eight children: John T. A., Calvin G., Alevia, Minnie, Katharine, Nettie S., Henry, and Benjamin Franklin. He is a prominent and influential member of the Methodist church. XAl R. HARBIN, physician and surgeon, Calhoun, Gordon Co., Ga., son of * Thomas W. and Matilda (Reda) Harbin, was born in Oconee disttict, S. C, April 25, 1832. His paternal grandparents were Thomas and Mary (Wether- spoon) Harbin; and his maternal grandparents were Jonathan and Sarah (Ward) Reda. To his parents the following children were born: Sarah C, Samuel Y-, Mary E., Jonathan M., Andrew P., Nathaniel W., Harriet Rebecca, and W. R., the subject of this sketch. Dr. Harbin enjoyed excellent educational advantages while growing up, and after receiving his primary and preliminary education, read medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. Robert B. MaxweH, a very success ful and eminent practitioner of Oconee district. He then attended lectures at Charleston, S. C, Medical college, from which he was graduated in March, 1858. He immediately located in his native county, where he successfully practiced for thirteen years. In 1871 he came to Georgia and bought a farm and settled in Gordon county, continuing and building up a large and valuable practice. During the war he enHsted in a squadron which was soon converted into the Seventh regiment South Carolina cavalry. Col. J. B. Sloane; saw much active and arduous service, and was in aH the skirmishes along the north side of James river, and in all the fights from Richmond to the Appomattox. He was captured at Farmville the Saturday night before the surrender, and remained a prisoner until the news of that event reached him. When released he walked home, a distance of four hundred miles. Dr. Hardin enjoys an enviable reputation in his profession, and has the unlimited confidence of the community. Dr. Harbin was married March 28, 1861, to Miss Alary S., daughter of Thomas R. and Susan A. Shelor, of South CaroHna, who has borne him four children: Thomas W., Robert M., "WiHiam P., and Nina V. He is a member of the masonic fraternity, and a prominent member of the Missionary Baptist church. GORDON COUNTY SKETCHES. 993 Y)R. I.-N. HUFFAKER, Plainville, Gordon Co., Ga., son of James L. and Isabel (Kincamon) Huffaker, was born in Bradley count}', Tenn., Sept. 2, 1852. In 1853 his father moved from Tennessee to Georgia and settled on a farm in Whitfield county, and in 1889 he moved to Gordon Co., Ga., which has since been his home. Dr. Huffaker enjoyed only moderate educational advantages, having attended the best schools in the country in his boyhood and youth. He attended lectures in Southern AlediccJ college, Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1882. He immediately located in Plainville, Ga., and entered upon the practice of his profession. Success has crowned his labors. He enjoys a remunerative busi ness, both as a physician and merchant. He married Miss Mollie Williamson, oldest daughter of R. M. and Elizabeth Williamson, and two sons have blessed their union, WiHiam I. and James R. Huffaker. lyi ADISON D. PATE, farmer. Sugar VaHey, Gordon Co., Ga., son of Madison and Nancy (Ti dwell) Pate, was born in Talbot county, Ga., July 31, 1859. His parents were natives of Warren county, Ga., where they were married, and afterward moved to Talbot county, where they died in 1874. Of their children the following survive: Joe E.; George W. ; John D.; Annie, and Madison D., the subject of this sketch. When quite young Mr. Pate was taken to Tennessee, where he remained about a year on a farm, and then was brought back to Georgia, to Murray county, where he lived seven years on a farm. In 1881 he entered the ma chine shops of the Richmond & Danville (old Georgia Air Line), and worked there faithfully eleven years. In 1892 he had the good fortune to draw $15,000 in the Louisiana State lottery, and after remaining in the shops three months he decided on investing a liberal portion of his money in Gordon county. His home is on the land he then bought, and he has one of the finest farms in that section of the state. His educational advantages were very limited, but he managed to obtain between the hours of labor on the farm and in the shops a fairly good English rudimental education. Progressive and deservedly prosperous, he com- inands the respect of all. He is an ardent member of the Order of Red Men. J OHN- TALIAFERRO, farmer and real estate dealer, PlainviHe, Gordon Co., Ga., son of Dickerson and Mary (Harris) Taliaferro, was born March 7, 1828. His paternal grandfather, Charles Taliaferro, was a native of Virginia, who early in life moved to Surry county, N. C, where he settled and raised his family. Mr. Taliaferro's father migrated from Surry county, N. C, to Georgia, in 1846, and set tled in the woods, wliere he cleared a farm in what is now Whitfield county. -In 1850 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly. His wife died in 1889 and he in 1893. Mr. Taliaferro enjoyed fairly good educational advantages in Surry county, N. C, where he lived on the farm untH he was eighteen years old, when his father moved to Georgia. On reaching maturity he engaged in farming, which has been the principal pursuit of his life. When the war between the states began he enlisted in a company — of which he was made first lieutenant — in a regiment commanded by Col. Wright. After sixteen months' service he was released from further duty on account of his broken-down health. On his return home he resumed farming, anl in connection with it dealt in real estate largely to his pecuniary interest In 1862 he moved from Whitfield to Gordon county, and fourteen years later went to Rome, in Floyd county. In 1880 he moved back to Gordon county, to theplace which is now his home. He started in life with no means, but invested so judiciously and financiered so ably that he has accumulated a large property, is one of the most solid citizens of the county, and regarded as one of its ablest financiers — influential and highly esteemed.. Mr Taliaferro has been married twice. Oct. i, 1859, he was married to Miss Frances, daughter of i-63 994 MEMOIRS OE' GEORGIA. Samuel and Emeline (Lynch) King, of Gordon county, who died leaving six chH dren : Mary Ellen, Lula, Samuel Dickerson, Charles Harden, George William, and John Henry. July 24, 1887, he contracted a second marriage with Sarah E., daughter of M. J. and Priscilla Velvin, of Carroll county, Ga. He is a master Mason and a prominent member of the Methodist church. GREENE COUNTY. Q OPELAND. Greene county, Ga., has been prolific of men noted for great in tellectual endowments, advanced thought and action, broad-mindedness and public spirit, and inflexible integrity of character. Though not politically con spicuous, a worthy representative of the patriotic and self-reliant characteristics of its citizens is the family of Copeland, one of the earliest of its settlers. One of the living representatives of this family is Edward A. Copeland, banker, Greensboro, son of Obadiah and Sarah (Credille) Copeland, who was born in Greene county in 1849. His father was born in Greene county in 1806; was raised a farmer, and followed farming all his life. He was a soldier in the Creek war in 1836, and was a justice of the peace many years. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the Methodist church. His mother was a daughter of Dray Credille, who was also of the early settlers. She was born in Greene county and was a very enthusias tic, old-time shouting Wesleyan Alethodist. After her marriage she helped clear the larid for the farm, and in burning the brush after night Air Copeland was raised on his father's farm, and received a fairly good education, a collegiate one having been prevented by the war between the states, which nearly ruined his father. When about fifteen years of age he engaged as a clerk in the store of C. A. Davis, Greensboro, at $25 a month. He remained there until he was twenty-one years of age, when Mr. Davis loaned him $10,000 with which to buy an interest in his business. During his clerkship he had saved $250, but loaned it to a friend who never returned it. A few years later he became a member of the firm of McCall, Copeland & Co., remaining five years, and then embarked in the grocery business. He continued this for five years with unusually profitable results, when he formed the co-partnership of Copeland, Seals & Armior in 1883, and bought the business of the successors of McCall, Copeland & Co. This firm continued business five years, and although their sales averaged $80,000 annually, they lost only $2,000 in that time. In 1888 he withdrew from mercantile life, and in 1889 built a house and established a private bank. The capital stock of the bank is $60,000, and he has managed it with such consummate financial skill as to have had on Jan. i, 1895, a surplus of more than $20,000. As a business man and as a financier he has developed extraordinary ability, and takes rank with the foremost, not only in his immediate locaHty, but in the state. Industrious, prompt, just and of unim peachable integrity, he has the unlimited confidence of the large and valuable capitaHstic constituency he has won and retains. He has served as a director of the Georgia Railroad and Banking company and is now a member of the board of county commissioners. Being comparatively young, with a record such as his already made, it may be safely assumed that not many years hence few men in the state will outrank him as a manager of money or as a man of wealth. Mr. Copeland was happily married in 1879 to Miss Leila J.— born and raised in Greensboro — daughter of William A. and Anna A. (Kimbrough) Davis, by whom GREENE COUNTY SKETCHES. gni- he has had two children: Anna and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Copeland are very prom inent members of the Methodist church, of which he is a steward and trustee and superintendent of the Sunday school. J OHN T. DOLVIN, farmer, Siloam, Greene Co., Ga., son of James and Mar garet (McHargue) Dolvin, was born in Greene county in 1826. His paternal grandparents, John and Nancy (Hogue) Dolvin, were natives of Maryland, came to Georgia in 1783 and settled in that part of "Washington county which was or ganized as Greene county in 1786, on land which has ever since remained in the family. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war seven years; and the lands in this state were acquired under a United States warrant for those services. The subject of this sketch has in his possession the hone and razor used by his grandfather during the war. In 1780-82 he was a justice of the peace in Maryland. Farming was his occupation, but in early life he taught school several years. His wife was a strict and exemplary member of the Presbyterian church, and was a charter member of the first church instituted in Greene county. Mr. Dolvin's father was born in 1792 on the family homestead, and his mother was born on an adjoining homestead, both of which are now the property of Mr. Dolvin. He was educated at the old-time dirt-floor log schoolhouse, with split log seats and stick-and-mud chimney, and was raised a farmer. He was a soldier under Gen. Jackson in the Indian war of 181 3-14, acting as orderly sergeant, his commanding officer being Capt. (afterward Gen.) Thomas Dawson. He was a hard worker, temperate in all things, and a forty-years member of the Methodist church, of which he was a steward. He died in 1880. Mr. Dolvin's maternal great-grandparents, Joshua and Lucina McHargue, were natives of Ireland, emigrated to this country early in life and settled in Georgia; and his mother's parents, John and Martha (Thomas) McHargue, were born in Greene county. Mr. Dolvin attained to man hood on the farm and received a good education at the log school house of the period. He was frequently solicited to teach school, but declined. In 1852 he was elected justice of the peace, has been continuously re-elected since, and has never had a single decision reversed. In i86i he enlisted in Company C, Capt. Robert L. McWhorter, Third Georgia regiment, Col. Ambrose R. Wright. Among other important battles he participated in the seven days' fight around Richmond, Mal vern Hill, second Manassas, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Petersburg, etc. He served through the war without receiving a wound or being captured; he served as brigade commissary, as well as in minor official positions, and sur rendered at Appomattox, after which he walked home. His and his wife's family were really pioneers; and, as already stated, he owns and lives on the land settled by their grandparents on which both were bom. He owns a thousand acres of as good land as there is in Greene county, is a solid and model citizen, than whom none is more genuinely esteemed. Mr. Dolvin was married in 185 1 to Miss Ann, daughter of Johnson and Eliza (Cheney) Boswell, natives of Wilkes county, Ga., who had seven sons and two sons-in-law in the Confederate service during the late "unpleasantness." Seven children blessed this union: James B.; John Gill- more ; Martha A. ; Sarah E. ; Fannie I. ; Hattie, and Floyd. Mr. Dolvin was once a member of the J. O. O. P"., and is now a master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent members of the Presbyterian church. J-IART. Very prominent among the leading and most influential families of Greene county is that of Hart, so historically prominent that a territorial sub division of the state bears its name. A representative and distinguished member of this family is John C. Hart, judge of Ocmulgee circuit. Union Point, Greene Co., son of James and Maria (Collier) Hart, who was born in Greene county in 1854. 996 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. His paternal grandparents, Thomas and Anna (Barnett) Hart, were natives of Virginia, whence they migrated on horseback and in wagons to Georgia, and settled in the woods in Greene county. He was an offi.cer in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and the family had in its possession the epaulettes he wore until about three years ago, when, by the burning of a house in which they were, they were destroyed. He was a farmer and also a brick mason, and built the court house in which his grandson, the subject of this sketch, now holds court as judge. He also built the chapel of the university of Georgia at Athens. Judge Hart's father was born in Greene county in 1825, and after "graduating" from the "old-field" school improved upon and finished his education by his own unaided efforts. When a youth he went to Augflsta and engaged as a clerk, and later was in partnership with Alfred Baker.-under the firm name of Baker & Hart, and ranked with the le'ading merchants in that go-ahead, progressive city. As a member of the city council of August^Jie superintended the planting of the trees in Greene street, which has madg^tiiSWSioroughfare one of the most attract ive and delightful of streets, the equalj^t^J'^y in any city of the Union. During the (now rapidly receding) "unple^^^S^^" he served in the state militia. On a certain occasion during this tim^B|^^prown visited Union Point, and the "boys" (students) at Alercer uniy^H^HreBffeld, planned to "mob" the governor, but Mr. Hart took the matter i^^^RKPd prevented the consummation of the outrage. Judge Hart has in hWp!|^^ion the letter written to his father by Gov. Brown conveying- his thamcs ^p^he service. He died in 1875. Judge Harts mother was a daughter of EeJ^ferd ,and Sarah (Germany) CoHier, native South Carolinians. Dr. Collier was a^ery eminent and popular physician, and was a cousin of James Pettigrew, the gfeat South Carolina lawyer. Judge Hart was raised on the farm, and after receiving a good primary and preparatory edu cation at the schools in the county, entered the university of Georgia, Athens, from which he graduated as bachelor of law in 1875, and located at Union Point and commenced the practice of law in connection with farming. The year he graduated his father died leaving a debt of $10,000 -with 12 per cent, interest on the old homestead. This debt the judge paid, principal and interest He rose very rapidly as a profound lawyer in the estimation of the people and the bar, soon became a leading member of both the local and circuit bar, and now has a state wide reputation. Since his elevation to the bench his rulings have been generally sustained, and he probably has before him as bright a professional and political future as any member of the legal profession in Georgia. Judge Hart was married in 1877 to Miss Irene, born and raised in Augusta, Ga., daughter of James W. and Georgia Horton, natives of Jackson county, Ga. Three chHdren are the fruit of this union: Henry H., John C, and an infant unnamed. The home of Judge Hart at Union Point is one of the most delightful in the county, and can hardly be surpassed in Georgia. He is a member of the Chi Phi fraternity and a master Mason, and himself and wife are very prominent members of the Presbyterian church. Virginia Hart, sister of Judge John C. Hart, was born and raised in Greene county, Ga., and was married in 1865 to Samuel H. Sibley, a leading merchant of Augusta, Ga. He was a son of Josiah Sibley, who three score years ago was a very prominent merchant and warehouseman in Hamburg, S. C. A brother of his, Amory Sibley, was a large cotton buyer in Augusta and president of the Mechanics' bank. These brothers were direct lineal descendants of John Sibley. who came to America in 1629. Samuel H. Sibley enlisted in Company A, Cobb's legion, and gaHantly served through the war, at the close of which he engaged in business in Augusta, with GREENE COUNTY SKETCHES. 997 increasing success until his death, leaving a widow and four children: Jennie, Katie, Samuel H., Jr. and Hart. Samuel H. Sibley, Jr., after receiving his pre paratory education attended the universit-^- of Georgia, Athens, from which he was graduated with the first honor in 1892. Subsequentiy he studied law and was admitted to the bar Although young he has attained Id a front position in the legal profession, his great ability and early success giving promise of a brilliant professional and political career. g^J. JERNIGAN, farmer. White Plains, Greene Co., Ga., son of Hardy and Frances (Colvert) Jernigan, was born in Hancock county, Ga., in 181 1. His paternal grandparents, Needom (Sandey) Jernigan, were natives of North Caro lina, who moved to South Carolina, where he enlisted in the patriot army during the revolutionary war and served as a lieutenant till the close of the war, enduring all the hardships and privations incident to that conflict, but escaped capture and was wounded but once. After the war he moved to Georgia and settied in Burke county, coming with pack horses and ox carts held together with wooden pins arid hickory withes on oldtime block wheels. At first they lived almost entirely on wild game; the carcass of a deer jerked and dried would last several days. Mr. Jernigan's father was born in South Carolina in 1766, and came to Georgia with his parents after the revolutionary war. On one occasion, when living in Burke county, having killed a beef and salt was needed, he went a long distance for it and it cost one dollar a quart Returning, riding leisurely along, he spied a coon, and couldn't resist the temptation to attempt its capture. He failed in his attempt and to add to the mortification of his failure his salt fell off into some water and was ruined. He was married in 1790, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. His mother was a daughter of John Colvert, whose family was among the early settlers of Wilkes county. He was a very prominent and leading citizen of the county. Mr. Jernigan grew to manhood in Hancock county, Ga., where he was educated at the oft-described historic dirt-floor log school house, what education he has having been obtained between "laying-by" and "fodder-pulling time." He was a volunteer soldier in the Seminole or Florida war of 1836. On March 31 that year the Federal forces had a fight with the Seminole chief, Osceola, and would have captured him but for Gen. Scott's trustfulness and Osceola's treachery. The Indians had their women and children with them, and displayed a white flag, which Gen. Scott respected, and ordered his troops to fall back.. This was Osceola's ruse to gain time, and taking advantage of the time gained, the wily chief transported the live stock and women and children across the river, and then violating their promise to meet in council they stealthily returned and killed many of the Federal troops. Returning from the war he engaged in farming, which has been his occupation since. In 1850 he moved to Greene county and made it his permanent home. He was a major of the militia when it was a local distinction. Mr. Jernigan was married in 1838 to Miss Evaline B., born in Greene county, daughter of Duke and Susan (Weathers) Williams, and to them the follow ing children have been born: Tohn R., Emma, Henry, Charles, James, deceased, WHHam, Mary WiHie, Nuna ].', Melville and Robert Lee. He was made a master Mason in 1836, is one of the oldest Masons in the state, and has held most of the offices in the blue lodge; and himseH and wife are devout and prominent members of the Baptist church. 998 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. GWINNETT COUNTY, D OBERT H. ALLEN, merchant and manufacturer, Buford, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of Washington and Biddy (Mackin) Allen, was born in Gwinnett county in 1841. His father was a native of Virginia, and when a young man came to Georgia and settled in Gwinnett county. He began life as a farmer, but after his marriage he joined his father-in-law in the tanneiy business. This proved to be very profitable and he accumulated a quite large estate. Mr. Allen was reared on the farm and received a very good education at the near-by country schools. Early in the civil war he enlisted in a company in the Sixteenth Georgia battalion, but not long afterward joined the Thirteenth Georgia cavalry, and during the time he was in the service was engaged in very many bloody skirmishes and hotly contested battles. After the war he engaged in general merchandising in Buford, and in 1868 embarked in the tannery business also. Beginning with an old mule he worked hard and struggled on and made some money which he judiciously invested. Now he has a large general merchandising store and is a leading merchant of the town, has a fine, well-stocked farm, a large tannery, and a factory equipped with a thirty-five horse power engine and its complement of suitable improved machinery, where he makes saddles, bridles, harness and other leather goods. He has an extensive and ready market for his products — good evidence of honest work. Mr. Allen's physical mHsfortune speaks well for his courage and perseverance and adds vastly to his credit. Some years ago a stroke of paralysis deprived him of the use of his lower limbs and made him a cripple for life. His only mode of perambulation is by a light wagon drawn by a well-trained pair of goats, and in this way he travels the streets on business. He has worthily won the business prosperity and the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens which he enjoys. Mr. Allen was married Dec. 15, 1864, to Miss Emily, daughter of Thomas L. and Emily (Atkinson) Hadaway, by whom he has had one child, Cora, wife of E. W. Vance, who is general manager of his business. Mr. Allen is a member of the I. O. O. P., and has been a master Mason for more than thirty years. J3RAND is the name of a family which within a comparatively few years has forged itself to the front in Gwinnett county, in the person of Charles H. Brand, a leading lawyer and politician at Lawrenceville. He was a son of Egbert M. and Julia (Cooper) Brand, and was born in Loganville, Walton county, April 20, 1861. Isaiah C. Brand, his grandfather, was a native of Virginia, migrated to Georgia about 1818, and settled in the woods in what is now "Walton county, near the present line between Walton and Gwinnett counties. He was a justice of the peace in the early years of the county, and attained to considerable promi nence. Mr. Brand's father was born in Walton county in 1833. The necessity of working on the farm precluded his receiving even the limited education obtainable at that time at the country common schools. When about eighteen years of age he began life for himself as a clerk at four dollars per month. Managing to save a little money he engaged in peddling chickens, eggs, etc., with a cart and steer, going eighteen miles to market. He made money and finally commenced mer chandising, and this increasing, he addded farming and accumulated a fortune. When the war began he had 100 bales of cotton, which were set fire to and burned by the Federal soldiers. He was an uncompromising, unflinching Union man, and came near being hung during the war because he would not renounce his G-WINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. 999 principles. He never sought or held an, office, but was always ready to aid his friends. After the war he again engaged in general merchandising and farming, and has acquired considerable wealth. Mr: Brand was reared on the farm, and educated at the university of Georgia, and was graduated in the class of 1881 — many of whose members have held and are now holding the highest positions oi trust in the state. In 1882 he began the study of law with Cok (now Judge) N. L. Hutchins, and the ensuing fall was admitted to the bar. He immediately afterward commenced the practice and forged rapidly forward to a front position at the local and circuit bar. His professional and political advancement has been phenomenal. He has been very successful and has a large practice, which in creases as the years roll by, and his fellow-citizens have the most implicit confi dence in his judgment and integrity. It has been aptly remarked that his is "an old head on young shoulders." He has served Lawrenceville as mayor three years; has been chairman of the county democratic committee twelve years, was chairman of the ninth district congressional conventions of 1892 and 1894; has been a delegate to the last six congressional and the last four gubernatorial con ventions, and is now a member of the democratic state executive committee. In 1894 he was elected to represent the thirty-fourth senatorial district in the general assembly, where his ability and influence were at once recognized, and he was elected president pro tem. of the senate. Mr. Brand was married in 1885 to Miss Estelle, daughter of Col. S. J. and Sallie (Simmons) Winn, who died, an exemplary member of the Methodist church, in 1893, leaving two children: Luelle and Julia. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., of which fraternity he is a grand officer, and in line of promotion to fts highest honors. J M. BRAND, real estate and insurance, son of Egbert M. and JuHa (Cooper) * Brand, was born in LoganvHle, Walton Co., Ga., Feb. '7, 1867. (For sketch of his father see sketch of C. H. Brand in these Memoirs). His mother was a daughter of Levi M. and Martha Cooper, descended from early settlers of Georgia. Mr. Cooper was a prosperous farmer and a prominent citizen. Four of his sons were in the Confederate service during the war between the states, one of whom was kiHed. Mr. Brand was educated in the public schools of the county, and afterward taught school for a short time, and subsequently graduated from the university of Georgia in 1888. JOHN F. ESPY, farmer, Buford, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of Robert and EHza (King) Espy, was born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1839. His paternal grand- oarents, John and Elizabeth Espy, were natives of North Carolina, and came to Georgia soon after the revolutionary war, during which he was a soldier in the patriot army. He was much esteemed and popular, and held many public offices. Mr Espy's father was a native Georgian, born in 1795, and grew to manhood on the farm with very "meager educational advantages. He began life very poor as a farmer and blacksmith, and became quite rich. He served many years as a justice of the inferior court. His mother was a daughter of John and Eleanor E. (McCutchings) King, who were natives of Virginia, and early in life migrated to Georgia. He was a soldier in the revolutionary army. Air. Espy was reared on the farm, and after receiving a fairly good country school education, entered the Martin institute at Jefferson, Jackson county. Soon afterward the "war between the states" began; in 1861 he enHsted in Company C, Capt D. L. Jarrett, Eighteenth Georgia regiment. Col. W. T. Wofford. Among the many hard- fought batties in which he participated were those in the peninsula, Malvern HiH, Seven Oaks, aH through the campaign against AlcClellan, the seven days' fight I lOOO MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. .around Richmond, etc. He served as county commissioner four years, and on the .county board of education about ten years. In 1892 he was elected to represent Gwinnett county in the general assembly. He fiHed all these offices with credit to himself and acceptably to his fellow-citizens. He meets every obligation, private and public with scrupulous fidelity, and no citizen is more respected. He began life after the war without a dollar, but by hard work and close economy he has, with steady progress, gradually come to the front and acquired a competency. Mr. Espy was married in 1869 to Aliss Mary, born and reared in Gwinnett county, daughter of Washington and Biddy (Ballew) Allen, and to them five children have been born: Leila, Cotta, Washington, Ferdinand and Ruth. Himself and wife are exemplary and influential members of the Methodist church. NI ATHAN LOUIS HUTCHINS, deceased, a very prominent lawyer in his day, and an ex-judge of the western circuit of Georgia, was born near the head- .waters of the Savannah river in old Pendleton (afterward Anderson) district, S. C, April II, 1799. His father was without means, and the greater part of his .education was acquired by studying at night by the flickering light of a pine knot. ,.He began life for himself as a clerk in a store. Later he came to Elberton, Ga., where he acted as deputy, for the clerk of the superior court, Mr Bowen. While thus employed Gen. John A. Heard advised him to read law, which he did, and at which he made rapid progress. Having been admitted to the bar — Judge Dooly .presiding — he located in Lawrenceville, Gwinnett Co., Ga. In 1825 and 1827 he .was elected to represent the county, in the general assembly, after which he devoted his entire time and attention to the practice of his profession, ranking with the foremost among the very able men — the Cobbs, Dougherty, Hillyer and others — vv'ho made the bar of the western circuit so distinguished. In 1857 he was ap pointed judge of the circuit by -Gov. Herschell V. Johnson, and held the office <:ontinuously by re-appointment, or election by the people, until 1868, when he was removed by those who "in form of law exercised authority." Retiring to private life he died Feb. 11, 1870. He was a man of extraordinary nerve and of -un flinching courage, and one of the most affable and kindly disposed. He was loved most by those who knew him best, and was held in high estimation as judge, law yer and citizen. ]M ATHAN L. HUTCHINS, judge superior court, western circuit, Lawrence viHe, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of Nathan Louis and Mary Dixon (Holt) Hutchins, was born in Lawrenceville, Oct 4, 1835. His father (see sketch) was an able lawyer and a former judge of the western circuit. His mother was a daughter of Hines Holt, Sr., at one time treasurer of the state. Judge Hutchins received his primary and preparatory education at the schools in his native town, and then attended Emory college, Oxford, Ga. After his graduation he read law, and was admitted to the bar just before the civil war began. He enlisted in a company which was a part of the Sixteenth Georgia regiment, and was made first Heutenant. He was soon promoted to a captaincy, in which capacity he served with conspicuous gallantry until June, 1863, when he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Third Georgia battalion sharpshooters. With his com mand he participated in the fiercely-contested batties of Malvern Hill, Crampton Gap, Sharpsburg, Fredricksburg, Gettysburg, Knoxville, Wilderness, Cold Har bor and in all the battles of the memorable campaigns of 1864 and 1865, in de fense of Richmond. He was three times wounded: first at Sharpsburg, then at ,the Wilderness and lastly at James river, when Grant- sprung his mines near -Petersburg. He was taken prisoner at Sailor's creek April 6, 1865, and after G"\VINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. lOOI having been confined in Washington some time he was sent to Johnson's island, where he was detained until July, when he was paroled. During his army service he was conspicuous for the faithful discharge of his duties in their minutest de tails, and for his cheerful endurance of the dangers, privations and hardships incident to army life. His genial disposition and unostentatious bravery tested on many a sanguinary field, won for him the regard of officers and men, including brigade and division commanders, such as Gens. Howell Cobb, Thomas R. R. Cobb, Wofford, Du Bose, McLaws, Kershaw and others. Col. Hutchins took an active part in the famous charge of Longstreets corps at the battle of the WHderness, by which the left wing of Grant's army was checked, and in the noted flank movement of Wofford's brigade, which contributed so much toward Con federate victory. For skill and gallantry in the operations around Knoxville in 1863 he was especially compHmented in the report of the commanding general. Returning to his home after the surrender he entered actively upon the practice of his profession, in which he at once took a front position and quickly secured a clientage both valuable and influential. In 1872, as an applicant for the judgeship of the western circuit, he was generally and strongly endorsed by the bar and the people; but Judge Rice, an older and more experienced applicant, was given the appointment In 1876 he was elected to represent Gwinnett county in the general assembly, having five opponents, and in 1878 was re-elected without op position. As cljiairman of the finance committee, and on the floor of the house in general legislative work, his faithful, eminent services won for him an enviable reputation. In 1880 he was again elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and was again made chairman of the finance committee. In 1882 he was elected judge of the western circuit by the general assembly, and the January following assumed its duties. In 1886, and again in 1890 and 1894, he was re elected. Judge Hutchins is justly respected and held in high esteem by the bar for his profound legal attainments and his dignity and impartiality on the bench. With the people no citizen enjoys greater or more deserved popularity. Judge Hutchins was happily married March 27, 1866, to Miss Carrie Orr, of Lawrence viHe. Politically he is and always has been an ardent and uncompromising democrat. JONES. The name of Jones is one not unfamiliar to readers of American history; and the record of one of the family's representatives in Gwinnett county, Ga., is not altogether devoid of interest. George H. Jones, farmer, late keeper of the penitentiary, Norcross, Ga., son of Thomas H. and Margaret (Hoyle) Jones, was born in Gwinnett county in 1833. His paternal grandparents, Wyley and Margaret (Pegrarn) Jones, were natives of Wales, who at length emigrated to this country and settled in Virginia, where they were rated among the best and worthiest of citizens. Mr. Jones' father was born in Virginia in 1799, and in 1821 migrated to North CaroHna, where he entered the employ of a merchant named Hoyle as a clerk. The second year of his residence there he was made deputy sheriff of the county, and after serving in that capacity some time was elected sheriff. Resigning the office he came to Georgia and settied in Gwinnett county and engaged in merchandising at Hoyle & Jones' old stand, near the present sfte of Norcross. He accumulated a large property, but was about ruined as a resuft of the war. About the first money he received after the surrender was for some black walnut trees grown from seed planted by him in the corners of the fence when he settied on the place. The trees were sold to a lumber firm in Atlanta, and a part of the product was used in the construction of what is now the governor's mansion. He was one of the promoters, a firm friend and strong advo- I002 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. cate, and a member of the first board of directors, of the Georgia Air Hne, recently the Richmond & Danville railway. He was the soul of honor, and one of the most highly esteemed citizens of Gwinnett county. His mother was a daughter of Adam and Sarah (Fite) Hoyle. He was of (German descent, and the family was among the early settlers of North Carolina. He came to Georgia in 1827 and engaged in merchandising with success and profit. In rehgion he was a Quaker and later a Presbyterian. Mr. G. H. Jones was raised on the farm, and his educational advantages were far from good. He was the fourth of seven children, and his mother died before he was four years old. His brothers mostly engaged in business or professional life, while he preferred that of a farmer. In 1862 he enlisted in Conipany A, Capt. Thomas, Forty-second Georgia regiment Taking the measles, he was left at Knoxville, but as soon as he recovered he rejoined his company at Tazewell, Tenn. After the battle there, in- which he was a participant, he was detailed by special order to duty in the quartermaster's department, Chattanooga, and was sent to southwest Georgia to purchase provi sions for the army. But in August of 1863 he voluntarily went back to his company,wheii he was detailed as a scout, a branch of the service in which he continued until .the surrender, and at the same time held a commission as captain in the quartermaster's department. He saw much hard service, passed through many thrilling experiences and dangers, and had many narrow escapes from death by being individually shot at while scouting. He went right and left and was nearly all the time scouring the' country around Sherman's army, generally returning with valuable information, and was with Johnston's army on its retteat. After the fight at Jonesboro he was sent from Lovejoy's command to Gen. Wheeler, when in east Tennessee, with important dispatches, which he delivered successfully at Decatur, Ala. He was captured several times during the war, but always managed to escape; the last time just before the close of the struggle. On this occasion he was left under guard of one man while others of the squad which captured him went in pursuit of his comrades. Watching his opportunity he knocked the guard down and made his escape. During the war he had the misfortune to lose his right eye by the concussion of a shell. In 1872 he was elected to represent Gwinnett county in the general assembly and was one out of forty-five who steadfastly fought a law passed by the legislature during Gov. Bullock's official term leasing the state road, which they regarded as a fraud. In 1888 he was elected to represent the thirty-fourth senatorial district, performing his duties here with the same fidehty as in the lower house. In 1S91 he was appointed principal keeper of the penitentiary by Gov. Northen, and made one of the most efficient officers the state ever had in that position — retiring in 1895. He has been a meniber of the Agricultural society since about 1866, of which he was elected vice-president two years ago, and still holds that position. He has been an active member of the executive committee fifteen years, and of the fair committee ten years — always maintaining an intense interest in the affairs of the society. Mr. Jones is an active and an enthusiastic, untiring worker in any cause or movement promising the public good and progress, and is one of the best of the county's citizens. Mr. Jones was married Dec. 23, 1857, to Airs. Ann E. Harrison (nee Martin), daughter of A. W. and Exer (Smith) Martin, a union blessed with four children: W. G., R. H., Thomas F., and Clara. The mother of these, an estimable and exemplary member of the Methodist church, died in Alay, 1867. In October following he married Miss Sarah L. Martin, a sister of his deceased wife, by whom he had two children: George L., and Mamie H. She, also a devoted member of the Alethodist church, died in November, 1872. In October, 1876, he contracted a third iiiarriage with Aliss Lulu, daughter of G-WINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. IOO3 John G. and Lucinda L. (Walker) Trammell, members of noted old Georgia families. Mr Jones has been a member of the I. O. O. F., is an active and ardent master Alason, and himself and wife are prominent and influential members of the Alethodist church. He and others organized a Sunday school at the old church near his country home, known as Mt. Carmel, in 1867, of which he has been its beloved superintendent nearly all the time since. "J T. KEY, retired physician, farmer, Norcross, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of George and Madeline (Stephens) Key, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., Jan. 2, 1835. His great-great-grandfather, Martin Key, was a native of Wales, England, came to this country and settled on Manhattan island. He was the Key who leased thirty-six acres of land for ninety-nine years, now a part of Broadway and Central park. New York city. The lease expired in 1878, and the subject 01 this sketch, with other heirs, have been trying to effect a settlement, but as yet without success. His great-grandfather — son of the above — was born in Vir ginia, and was the father of Chiles Terry Key, Dr. Key's grandfather, who married Miss Clark. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, immediately after which he came to Georgia and settied in the woods in what is now Elbert county, and cleared a farm. Dr. Key's father was born in Elbert county in 1808, and, as, might be expected, had very Hmited educational advan tages. He was raised a farmer, was a successful one, and made it his life-occupa tion. In 1837 he moved to Henry county, Ga., and in 185 1 moved to De Kalb county, Ga. His mother was a daughter of Thomas Harden Stephens. When they were married he had $80 — one year's salary as an overseer — and his wife had a piece of heavy cloth she had woven. This is what they began Hfe with. They settled in the woods and lived awhile in a tent made of that piece of cloth; yet he lived to become a quite wealthy man. Nine children were born to them, and when they married he gave to each of them four negroes, and later gave each two more. "When he died, in 1859, he had thirty slaves that were sold for division, showing that he was a thrifty, practical farmer, and a very superior manager of surplus income. Dr. Key was raised on the farm, and received but a limited education. When nineteen years old he began the study of medicine under the direction of Dr. T. M. Donald, and was a member of the first class that attended the Atlanta Medical college in 1855. He afterward went to Philadelphia and attended lectures at the Jefferson Medical college, from which he was graduated in March, 1856. He immediately located in Gwinnett county and had very promis ing success; but in i860 he decided to go to Louisiana. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Twenty-seventh Louisiana regiment. He was made a lieutenant of his company, and in a quiet, private way was their physician, his comrades paying him for the same through friendly, neighborly consideration. In the fall of 1863 he was taken sick, given up to die, and requested to resign, which he did. After the war he returned to Gwinnett county to find himself a ruined man — nearly everything gone except his land. He commenced farming and chopping wood to haul to Atianta, and not long afterward resumed the practice of his profession, which he continued with satisfactory success until 1883, when his impaired health compelled him to relinquish it He then engaged in the real estate business in Atianta and followed it in that city until 1894, when he came to Norcross, where, in connection with farming, he stHl engages in the real estate business. Dr. Key stands high with the profession as a skillful practitioner, has achieved success as such, has the impHcft confidence of the people among whom he has lived and now lives, and is held in the highest estimation as a Christian gentieman. Dr. Key was married in January, 1857, to Miss Rhoda — born and raised in Gwinnett I004 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. county — daughter of John and Elizabeth (Alalona) Carroll. Six children are the fruft of this union: George O., WiHiam D. Q., James L., Lola L., Maude M., and Anna I. He is a member of the Pioneer Citizens' society of Atlanta, a master Mason of long standing, and himself and wife are very devoted working members of the Methodist church; the doctor, often, by request of the local preacher, occupying the pulpit. JOHN J. M'DANIEL, farmer, Lawrenceville, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of James and Elvina (Johnson) McDaniel, was born in Gwinnett county in 1831. His great-grandfather, James McDaniel, was a native of Ireland, who emigrated to this country and settled in Virginia. His grandfather, William McDaniel, was born in the state of Virginia, and migrated to the state of South Carolina, where Mr. McDaniel's father was born in 1812, and was nine years old when his father moved in ox-carts, most of the way through virgin forests, to Georgia and settled in Gwinnett county. Too old for service during the war, he was de tailed to stay at home and look after the families of the soldiers in the field. Mr. J. J. McDaniel was raised on the farm, and the meagre education he received was obtained at the primitive dirt-floor log school house, with slab seats, stick-and-mud chimney, with light graciously admitted through square holes sawed through the logs in the sides. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F — of which he was made orderly sergeant — Thirty-fifth Georgia regiment. He saw no little hard service, and par ticipated in some of the most important battles of the war, among them: Seven Pines, seven days' fight around Richmond, Fair Oaks, the raid into New Jersey, second Manassas, where his commanding officer, Col. Thomas, standing by and a witness, he shot two horses to death at one time, that were drawing a cannon, the object being its capture. He was also at Harper's Ferry and Fredericksburg. He was one of the three detailed to set fire to Alanassas — which was effectually de stroyed. At Fredericksburg he was seriously wounded and lost his left leg; but he remained with the army a long time afterward. After he came home he taught school awhile, and begaii life anew on one hundred and twenty-five acres of land, which he has added to by subsequent purchases until now he is one of the large land owners of the county, and is recognized as one of its leading citizens. He was elected tax receiver since the war and served six years. Mr. AIcDaniel was married in 1855 to Miss Martha Wills, who died soon afterward. In 1872 he con tracted a second marriage with Miss "Vina, daughter of T. D. and Adaline (Barrett) Matthews. Of six chHdren born to them four survive: Zella; Paul E. ; Eva, and Mary. Himself and wife are active members of the Baptist church. C T. M'ELROY. But few of the citizens of Georgia, who were such before the late calamitous conflict, are without war records; fewer stHl have one of as thrilling details as the subject of this sketch. S. T. McElroy, merchant-manufac turer, Norcross, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of William and Alargaret (Tilley) Alc- Elroy, was born in 1844. His paternal grandfather, Samuel McElroy, was a farmer, and a South CaroHnian. In 1826 he came to Georgia in an ox-cart and settled in the woods in De Kalb county, where he cleared a farm, on which he lived till he died. Mr. McElroy's father was born in Anderson district, S. C, in 1813, came to Georgia with his father in 1826, and made farming the pursuit of his life. His mother was the daughter of Stephen (.Still) Tilley. They, also, were South Carolinians and among the early settlers of DeKalb county. Mr. McElroy, in common with the majority of boys and youths born and raised in upper Georgia about the time he was, received a very limited education. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Capt Morton, Thirty-sixth Georgia regiment, Col. Jesse Glenn, and, with his command was in niam- fiercely fought batties. At the battie of Baker's Creek, GWINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. 1005 May 16, 1863, he was twice wounded; first by a shot in the left side, and then in about two minutes afterward in the left leg just above the ankle. This occurred about noon, in the hottest part of the fight, and he was left on the field, where he remained until late in the afternoon of the next day. After he was wounded the Confederates were forced back, but rallying later in the day, they regained their lost ground, and the new lines of battle were so formed that he lay between them perfectly conscious of what was going on, and of the extreme peril he was in. During the long-continued cannonading which followed language is inadequate to express the excruciating agony he experienced physically from his wounds, and mentally from impending further bodily mangling or sudden shocking death. Late in the next day — the I7tli — he, with many other wounded soldiers, was carried to a farm house, but it being already full he was placed on the ground in the yard. When the surgeon reached and examined him he very unceremoniously am putated his leg. He was afterward taken to Clinton, where he was placed in a ward in charge of Dr. James Camak. The people were very kind to the wounded men, but Mr. McElroy gratefully remembers and mentions two ladies who were especially so ; one was Mrs. Hill, a school teacher who, during the intervals between school hours, would bring food and delicacies and suitable beverages, and feed and minister to the sufferers with her own hands. Another kind lady was a Mrs. Jungherr, who carried Air McElroy to her own home and there cared for him until he was able to come home, when she went with him in her carriage to the station to take the train. When the train reached Jackson it was found that the track was torn up. He and some of his companions hired a cart and oxen and were hauled ten miles to a railway, and a train was taken to DemopoHs, Ala., where a Confederate parole camp was maintained, and he was furloughed and came home. He reached Atlanta on the Fourth of July without a cent. He caHed on a sup posed friend for help, who put him off till the next morning, and then sent a negro with a dray to carry him home. When about a mile and a half from Atlanta he discharged the negro and got another friend to help him homeward. After the surrender he found himself penniless, at "the foot of the ladder," so to speak, and but one leg to help him climb. Being the oldest of four chHdren he had the family to provide for, and the outlook was far from encouraging; but he bravely assumed the duty. Sustained by conscious integrity, a quiet courage and an inflexible will and purpose, he went courageously to work, and the result shows what these characteristics can accomplish. He began on the farm and made and sa-ved some money. In 1870 he engaged in merchandising in Norcross and has achieved re markable success; his enterprise has proved profitable and his business has in creased until his firm has become one of the leading ones of the county, with a finan cial standing not surpassed. In 1887 the firm of S. T. & J. E. McElroy was formed and the manufacture of chairs was entered upon; and two years later the manufacture of a general Hne of furniture, beds, etc., was added. The estabhsh ment now employs fifty hands, and has a daily capacity of 250 chairs and fifty beds, besides an indefinite quantity of furnfture. To these, which have proven so remu nerative to him, and which are so valuable to the community and county by develop ing its resources and affording employment to the industrious needy, he has added a corn and wheat mill. For his sagacious enterprise Mr McElroy richly merits his success and the gratitude of his fellow-cftizens ; and he has set an example which should be emulated in every community throughout Georgia and the south; "hard times" would then disappear. Mr McElroy was married in 1866 to Miss Laura Lively; a union which was blessed with six chHdren: Leonora; William; Beatrice; Minnie; LOvick, and Ruby. The mother of these, an exemplary mem ber of the Methodist church, died in 1883. In 1885 he was mamed to Mrs. Kate Folley, who died chHdless in 1887, and the following year he contracted a third I006 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. marriage with Miss Jane Dobbs, who has borne him two children — Newton T. and Mary L. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and since boyhood has been a de voted member of the Methodist church. Airs. AlcElroy is a consistent member of the Baptist church. "TANDY K. MITCHELL, physician and surgeon, LawrenceviHe, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of Madison R. and Mary A. (Key) Mitchell, was born in Jackson county, Ga., Sept. 17, 1832. His grandfather, Thomas MitcheH, was a native of Virginia, who early in life and early in the present century, migrated to Georgia and settled in Clarke county. He became quite wealthy, and one of the most prominent and influential citizens, evidenced by the fact that for seventeen terms consecutively he was elected to represent the county of Clarke in the general assembly. He was a broad-minded man of liberal, progressive, statesmanlike views. He was an active and influential member of the committee which reported favorably on the building of the Western & Atlantic (state) railway, and was its friend and advocate from its inception, and a stanch supporter of the railway pol icy inaugurated by the state during his legislative service. Dr. Mitchell's father was born in Virginia in 1799, came to Georgia with the family when young, be came a prosperous and wealthy planter, and died in 1858. He was a model citizen and was highly respected and esteemed. His mother was a daughter of Col. Tandy Key, a relative of Francis S. Key, the distinguished author of The Star-Spangled Banner. Dr. Mitchell was reared on the plantation in Gwinnett county, in whose country schools he received his primary education, finishing at Athens, Ga., and Summerville, Ala. He then read medicine under Dr. Jesse Lowe, a leading physician in Lawrencevillle, and afterward attended lectures at the Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, from which he was graduated March 3, 1857. He immediately located in Lawrenceville, purchasing his old precep tor's (Dr. Lowe's) office, fixtures and interest, and succeeded to his practice. He was succeeding admirably, but responding to the call for volunteers, he enlisted in 1861 in Company F, Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment — his company being the second one from Gwinnett county. Shortly after his enlistment he was appointed assistant surgeon, in which capacity he served until the close of the war. Of the 100 young men who formed his company and went into the service with him, he was the only one who was present at the surrender at Appomattox. He was present on twenty-one battlefields, including many of the most sanguinary of the unhappy conflict. It is safe to say that few, if any, of the medical staff of the army performed more arduous service or displayed more skill — certainly none were more faithful and attentive to the sick and wounded. After the war he returned to his home and resumed his practice, which at once assumed large proportions and severely taxed his time and strength. With a large and exacting local prac tice, demanding care, he has urgent calls from adjoining counties, and oftentimes is away from home several days attending groups of patients remote from his office. Skillful, anxiously attentive and unusually sympathetic, he has been re markably successful and gained great popularity. Although somewhat advanced in years he continues vigorous, and bids fair to live many years yet to dispense comfort and consolation and give relief to the sick and afflicted. Dr. Mitchell was married Nov. 15, 1866, to Miss A. W., daughter of Col. James P. Simmons, now deceased, then an eminent member of the Lawrenceville and western circuit bar. Seven children have blessed this union: James M., LiHian Mary, Thomas W., Annie E., Tandy K., Jr, Ida S.,. and Peari. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Alethodist church, his membership covering forty years. G"V\aNNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. 1007 JYI^OSES RICHARDSON. Of the citizens of Gwinnett county who have at tained to honorable distinction through their own exertions, none are more deserving of mention than Dr Moses Richardson, Norcross, Ga. He was born in Newtbn county in 1830, and was the son of Levi Richardson, a native of South Carolina. His father came to Georgia in 1817, bringing his "goods and chattels" in an ox-cart on wooden wheels, held together with wooden pins and hickory withes, the family walking most of the way, and settled in the woods in what is now Rockdale county. His father was a blacksmith and wood-worker, and fol lowed it many years. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, became quite prominent in his new home, and served as a justice of the peace twenty years. Dr. Richardson was raised on the farm, and his educational advantages were very limited, his schooling being such only as could be obtained at the primitive log school house of the locality and period. In 1852 he entered upon the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. A. G. Hulsey, and overcoming the many disadvantages consequent upon his defective education, prepared himself for col lege. In 1854-55 he attended lectures at NashviHe, Tenn., and in 1856 graduated from the Philadelphia Jefferson Medical college. Locating at or near his present home he has remained there, growing in professional reputation all the time, and winning the love of the people. When he located the population was sparse, pub lic roads few, poorly worked and hard to travel. He would sometimes have to respond to calls twenty-five miles distant, and be away from home several days at a time. In 1862 he organized Company H, Sixteenth Georgia regiment, of which he was made captain, and went to Richmond, Va. He was soon taken sick and had to resign and come home. Subsequently he received a medical appoint ment, returned to the army and remained till the close of the war. Beginning with little education and without means, he has worked up until now, besides an ample fortune, he enjoys a professional reputation of rare excellence for ability and skiH and the unlimited confidence of the people among whom he has spent his useful life. Dr. Richardson was married in 1856 to Miss Mary A. Carroll, by whom he has had two children: Clodissa, wife of P. F. Connley, and Virgil, who died at the age of seven years. He has been a member of the I. O. O. P., and is a master Mason, and served as master of his lodge for twelve or fifteen years. The doctor is an active and prominent member of the Baptist church and his wife is a devoted meniber of the Presbyterian church. "VA/^ T. SMITH. The unfortunate war between the states developed thousands * of cases of remarkable courage and endurance on both sides, in aH arms, and in every grade of the army, but few if any surpass what is detailed in the follow ing sketch. W. 'P. Smith, farmer, retired merchant, Buford, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of G. I. and Alartha L. (Palmer) Smith, was born in Butts county, Ga., in 1842. His father was a farmer, born in Georgia in 182 1, and served a short time in the late civil war His mother was born in Anderson district, S. C, and both of them have been members of the Methodist church fifty-four years. Mr. Smith was raised on the farm, and what little education he received was obtained at the old- time, oft-described, dirt-floor, log school house, at which so many others of Georgia's prominent men "graduated." In 1861 he enlisted in Company H— of which he was made first lieutenant — Sixteenth Georgia regiment, which was a part of Gen. Howell Cobb's command. Pie was soon afterward taken sick, reHeved, and came home. On the recovery of his health, in 1862, he joined Capt. B. P. Weaver's company, Forty- second (Georgia regiment, and for a time was orderly sergeant He held tiiis'position until the battie of Tazewell, Tenn., after which he was promoted to a first lieutenancy. From this time forward he was in I008 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. almost continuous active service, and was in some of the most obstinately con tested batties of the war The captain of his company being sick he was in command of it at Richmond and Perryville, Ky., Chickasaw Bayou, Baker's Creek, Big Black, and forty-eight days' siege at Vicksburg, where he surrendered July 4, 1863. After being exchanged, his command became a part of Stephens' division and went to east Tennessee, and was in the movement on the extreme left of the division which held Gen. Hooker's forces in check aH day at Alissionary Ridge, finally inflicting on that famous Federal general his first defeat. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston assumed command of the army about this time, and went into quarters at a place known as Buzzard's Roost Gap. Right here Lieut Smith claims one of the greatest and grandest fights of the war occurred, for here his regiment whipped out a whole brigade and captured many prisoners. Flanked by Gen. Sherman, the Confederates were forced back to Resaca, during which movement his regiment lost 188 men. On one occasion at this time a friend of his. Dr. Hollingsworth, on entering a charge, told him he would be killed in that charge, and, sure enough, he was. Later, at the battle of New Hope Church, a Capt. McTear, of an artillery company, was wounded in the side, but he after that took charge of a cannon and heroically fought the remainder of the day without giving an inch. The next noted engagements were Pumpkin Vine -Creek and Kennesaw Mountain. Lieut. Smith was with Gen. Johnston from Chattanooga nearly to the Chattahoo chee, and lost not a wagon or the wheel of one, nor anything else. The next battle, he thinks, vv"as one of the grandest of any he was in. It was the battle of Atianta, July 22, 1864, and during the fight the command he was with captured a large number of Federals. When they discovered how few they had surrendered to they opened fire on their captors, but without effect, as, they were overcome and whipped again. His next engagement was on the Sandtown road, afterward at Jonesboro, where two corps of the Confederates charged six corps of Union troops. He was named as commander of detail to convey women and children within Confederate lines when Gen. Sherman issued his order for all citizens of Atlanta to go north. This was the saddest scene of his life. He then went with the army to Tennessee, and was in the hard-fought, bloody battle at Franldin, after which he was commissioned a captain, and served as such during the war — being the youngest captain in the service. In this desperate battle only two men in his company besides himself were unhurt. Going to Nashville Capt. Smith for the first time met "colored" troops. There were five charges made before 12 o'clock, on his command, with ihe result that the colored color-bearer was kiHed, and the colors presented to the regiment by the colored women of Murfreesboro were captured. This was one of the hardest fought battles his conipany had had. Near sundown on the second day one-third of it had surrendered. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, the corps commander, took a position on the pike about one mile in the rear of the last line, and displayed a heroism that covered him with glory. Eloquentiy and passionately he appealed to his men to rally to him when the thrillingly suggestive scene was presented of twenty-five regimental colors, supported by about 200 battle-scarred veterans rallying around their brave commander. Capt. Smith reported with two men, saying they were ready to die with him. It is not claiming too much to say that Stovall's brigade, with Clayton's division, saved the Confederate army at this time from irretrievable ruin. The morning after the battle of Nashville, Stovall's brigade formed at Devil's Gap, where they began to prepare for breakfast While thus engaged a Federal cavalry force of 5,000 dashed down the pike, and passing on either side of the cut gained tiie Confederate rear. The excitement occasioned by this movement had hardly subsided when a large column of cavalry, six abreast, came down the pike at a slow gait. It was GWINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. 1009 thought to be Forrests command, for, as they wore rubber coats they could not be identified. When they were near enough the commander was asked what troops they were, and they proved to be Federals. They were at once fired upon. Those not wounded quickly dropped from their horses and climbed up the moun tain sides, leaving about 500 fine horses, which the Confederates "confis cated." They then went to Franklin, where they were soon surrounded by 15,000 or 20,000 Federal troops. Clayton's division formed a square and received their onset. The Federals charged through the lines, but the Confederates refused to surrender. The fight continued through two days and three nights — half the Confederates being barefooted and snow on the ground. Before they extricated themselves a division of Federal cavalry charged down the pike upon them at 10 o'clock at night, but they were repulsed with the loss of two stands of colors. Ascertaining that they were preparing for -another assault. Gen. Lee ordered fires to be made at various distant points to deceive the enemy. As no attack was made it is presumed it had the intended effect. There were a spring and well near the pike where, when the fighting" had ceased, the troops on both sides got water, and exchanged friendly greetings. Marching barefooted through snow the Con federates went to Kingston, and thence to Bentonville, where they fought their last battle in North Carolina. The last battle himself and command were in was at BentonviHe, N. C, and there they surrendered during the negotiations at Greenes boro, N. C. They then called on Gov. Vance and Gen. Beauregard, who made stirring speeches. After this they proceeded to High Point, where arms were stacked, and mules and horses were distributed among the Confederates; also money — one Alexican dollar to each soldier, and two to each commissioned officer. Capt Smith was wounded at Atlanta in the leg just above the knee, and was captured at Frankhn, but in a short time made his escape. He surrendered eleven men, and donated his $2 and his interest in the mules and wagons to them, and then all started on their way to Georgia. He taught school four months, and although in a good neighborhood, no one had money to pay for the schooling. The ladies proposed to pay him in jeans they had woven; but he being a single man accepted only enough to miake a suit of clothes, and gave the remainder to his pupils. He then borrowed some money, and bidding farewell to all, left for Mexico. After a short stop there he went to Texas and tried for a clerkship. There were then but few railways and no large towns or cities. After spending all his money in a vain search for some honorable employment he came back to Georgia and told his wife he could find nothing to do. Responding to her question as to what he intended to do, he said he was going to be a "raH-splitter," as that was an industry not likely to be overcrowded. He settled in Titus county, Tex., and during the first three years split 50,000 rails, and fenced a large farm. In 1870 he was elected a justice of the peace and served four years, and in 1875 was elected tax receiver, serving two years. In 1876 he was elected to represent Titus county in the Texas legislature; and at the end of five years resigned and returned to Georgia on account of the bad health of his wife, and settled in Buford. He at once took an active part in every movement calculated to advance the prosperity and growth of the town. He has been either mayor or a member of the council nearly aH the time. He has also been a member of the democratic executive committee ten years; and in 1888 was elected to represent Gwinnett county in the general assembly and served two terms — four years. He was one of the building committee who planned and buift the Confederate Veterans' home, in which he has taken great interest Capt. Smith is a man of extensive and varied information, generous and pubHc-spirited, and possesses great independence and force of character; as a consequence he exercises a wide and strong influence, and 1-64 lOIO MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. always for good. For thirteen years he has been one of the leading business men of Buford. In 1865 Capt. Smith was married to Miss Mary — born in Decatur, De Kalb Co., Ga. — daughter of Robert and Mary (McGinness) Jones. Of the children born to them five are living: Lula, wife of J. D. Wallace; George E.; Anna, wife of W. C. Sweeney; James T., and, Mary. He is a member of the I. O. O. P., and himself and wife are active and influential members of the Mis sionary Baptist church. JAMES W. WILSON, merchant-farmer, Ducula, Gwinnett Co., Ga., son of Thomas and Mary (Teague) Wilson, was born in South Carolina, Oct 8, 1833. His patemal grandfather, Benjamin Wilson, was a native of Ireland, emigrated to this country when young, served as a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and was a surveyor in Soutii Carolina many years afterward. His father was born in that state in 1796, was reared a farmer, and followed farming all his life. In 1849 he came to Georgia and settled in Franklin county. His mother was a daughter of Robin and Elizabeth (Level) Teague. whose famHies were of the early settlers of Newberry district, S. C, of Scotch-Irish descent, and strict members of the Presbyterian church. Air. Wilson was reared on the farm, and was educated at the historic dirt-floor log school house, with puncheon seats, stick-and-mud chimney, and holes in the side for windows, he going barefooted and his only garment a long cotton shirt. Having the misfortune to lose an eye, he had to leave school. He came to Georgia with the family in 1849, ^^'^ soon afterward went to Alabama, where he remained four years. Returning from Alabama he came to Lawrenceville in 1854, and worked three years at the carriage- making business, afterward engaging in it on his own account. In 1861 he bought an interest in a mill which he operated during the war, under Gov. Brown's commis sion detailing him to the service for the benefit of the soldiers' families. After the war he resumed his carriage building business, which he continued with success and profit until 1874, when he bought the farm on which he now lives. Having advanced ideas, and being practically progressive, he has been as successful in farming aS in his other ventures, and has engaged in merchandising also. Begin ning life without a dollar, and under serious disadvantages, Mr. Wilson has made a success of every undertaking, has accumulated a fine property, and attained to prominence and influence in the county. Socially, financially and as a citizen he ranks with the best and soundest. He takes great interest in education and in religious work, and has been a member of the board of trustees of Auburn college since its establishment. Mr. Wilson was married Dec. 8, 1859, to Aliss Mattie, born in Gwinnett county, daughter of Levi and Temperance (Jones) Loveless, both natives of South Carolina, Air Loveless being a son of George and Liney (Timmons) Loveless. Seven chHdren have blessed this union: (jippie, wife of George Craig; James, married Miss Calia B. Freeman; Adden, partner in business; Mattie T., wife of John G. Hood; Benjamin Julius, student at Auburn; Estelle, and Ada, deceased. Mr. Wilson is a master Alason, and himself and wife are active and influential members of the Presbyterian church. AA^INN. There is not a name among those of the pioneer settlers of Gwinnett county more closely and creditably connected with its earh- history than that of Winn, one of whose worthiest scions and representatives is Samuel J. Winn, lawyer, Lawrenceville, Ga. He was the son of Richard Dickinson and Charlotte '(Mitchell) Winn, and was born near Athens in 1837. His paternal grandfather, Elisha Winn, was born in Lunenburg county, Va., in June, 1777; came to Georgia and settled in what is now Gwinnett county in 1800. Land was then of little value, and he secured a large tract on \A"hich he cleared a farm and made a home. G'WINNETT COUNTY SKETCHES. .101 1 When the county was organized he gave a large tract, more than two hundred acres, on which to build the county seat — Lawrenceville — -and ten acres for church and school purposes. To secure facilities for educating his increasing family he buHt a school house. He was elected one of the first justices of the inferior court, and held the office many years, and he represented the county in the general assem bly continuously for seventeen years. The first session of the superior court for Gwinnett county was held in a barn of his — the largest and best in the county — ^the boards of which were fastened on with wooden pins made by hand. So far as one man can be said to have done so, he ntade the county. Col. Winn's father was born in what is now Gwinnett county in 1816. He grew to manhood on the farm, with educational advantages very limited — with none until his father built a house in which he was schooled, and in which, years afterward, the subject of this sketch finished his primary education. Later — while a young man — he acquired a literary taste, became a gifted writer, and wrote biographical sketches of many of the old settlers which are now in possession of the family. He was a remarkably handsome man, of impressive presence and superior intellectuality; an "old-line whig," very magnetic and popular, and exercised a strong influence in the county. In 1850-51 he represented the county in the general assembly, and for many years was a justice of the inferior court. In i860 he was elected as an anti-secessionist of the convention which passed the ordinance of secession, which he reluctantly signed after persistent persuasion. In 1877 he was elected a mem ber of the constitvitional convention held that year. He was enterprising and progressive, and was actively instrumental in the establishment of the Cotton Manufacturing company, whose plant was burned down during the war. He was an enthusiastic Mason, and for very many years was worshipful master of the local lodge, and for the greater part of his life an influential member of the Methodist church. His estimable wife was a daughter of Thomas Mitchell, one of the most prominent citizens of Clarke county, Ga., and was an exemplary member of the Methodist church. (See sketch of Dr. Tandy K. Mitchell.) Col. Winn was reared on the farm, and educated at the schools in Lawrenceville. Later he attended Centenary institute in Summerfield, Ala. Subsequently he attended Emory college eighteen months, then the university of Georgia, after which he entered the office of Col. James P. Simmons — the same he now occupies — and began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar at the September term of Gwinnett superior court, 1858, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he was making excellerit progress"when the civil war began. He joined a body of troops organized as partisan rangers, with A. H. Hunt as colonel and P. M. Nix as Heuten ant-colonel, and himself as major, which was assigned to the command of the famous raider. Gen. John H. Morgan, and participated in the great raid into Ken tucky. In 1862 Col. Hunt was killed, and the rangers were reorganized as the Sixteenth battalion Georgia cavalry, under Lieut.-Col. Nix, with the subject of this sketch as major. The battalion was subsequentiy engaged in nearly all the cele brated raids of that period of the war. Maj. Winn having been transferred to Gen. Kirby Smith's department, was authorized to organize another command, which he did, and it became the Thirteenth regiment Georgia cavalry, of which he was made colonel. After this he was a participant in many hard-fought batties. He was taken sick at Sharpsburg while engaged in the valley campaign under Gen. Eariy, and was returned to Staunton. After remaining there sick some time he was granted sixty days' furlough, and came home. On the expiration of his time he was ordered to Atianta, where he organized a new force composed of cavalry soldiers cut off from their commands, and went to West Point and Columbus, Ga. With this force he was in command when the battie was fought there after Gen. Lee's surrender. On reaching Macon he heard of that event, but he refused to IOr2 MEMOIRS OF GE-ORGIA. surrender and brought his men to Atlanta, thereby saving the men their horses and arms. He thus perfected a war record of activity, zeal, valor and faithful service which, to say the least of it, could hardly be surpassed for gallantry. On his return home he resumed the practice of his profession, in which he has continued, and secured a clientage of large value and volume, which is constantly increasing. In 1872 he was elected to represent the thirty-fourth senatorial district (the term then being four years) in the general assembly, discharging his duties with charac teristic fidelity and great ability. He has since devoted himself exclusively to his profession. Col. Winn was married in 1859 to Miss Sallie, daughter of Col. James P. Simmons, and to them three children have been born : Estelle, deceased wife of C. H. Brand, lawyer, Lawrenceville ; Eula, wife of E. H. Jordan, and Courtland S., lawyer, Atlanta. Col. Winn is an enthusiastic and active master Alason, and a prominent member of the Methodist church. THOMAS E. WINN, second son of Richard D. and Chariotte (Mftchell) Winn, and a progressive, prosperous farmer, was born near Athens, (ja., in 1839. He was brought up on the farm and received a good education. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Capt Mattox, Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment. Col. Robert McMillan. He was elected first lieutenant of his company, and served as such one year, when he was promoted to the captaincy. One year afterward he was made major, and after serving six months he was commissioned Heutenant-colonel, in which capacity he efficiently served to the close of the war. Of the many important battles in which he participated with conspicuous gallantry may be mentioned: Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg_, Wilderness, Spottsyl vania court-house. Cold Harbor, Petersburg, etc. His valuable services and prompt and faithful discharge of every duty were duly acknowledged by his superior officers, while his solicitous care for the men under his command secured for him their respect and affection. Col. Winn had studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1861. After the war he resumed the practice, and in 1866 was elected county solicitor, serving two years. In 1868 he retired from the practice and engaged in farming, making a specialty of grape culture. Col. Winn served fourteen years as county school commissioner and then resigned. In 1890 he was elected to congress from the Ninth congressional district, and served one term. Col. Winn is a progressive farmer and has been a successful one, and is also fully alive to the advancement and development of the varied natural resources of his native county. He is very popular, and is classed among the best and most sub stantial of the county's citizens. Col. Winn was married Dec. 13, 1865, to Miss Irene, daughter of Dr. C. M. Park, of Greene county, and to them four children have been born: Alary, Evie, .Richard L., and Alice. He is a very prominent master Mason. HABERSHAM COUNTY. QHARLES LARKIN BASS, lawyer, ClarkesvHle, Habersham Co., Ga., son of Dr. Charles H. and Mattie (Greene) Bass, was born near MHledgevHle, Baldwin Co., Ga., April 30, 1869. His great-grandfather on his father's side was Wm. Rabun, once govemor of Georgia, and for whom Rabun county was named. William Rabun was born in Halifax county, N. C, April 8, 1771, and came to Geor gia in 1785 with his father, Alatthew Rabun, who settled in Wilkes county, and a HABERSHAlVf COUNTY SKETCHES. IOI3 year later nioved thence to Hancock county. Though but indifferently educated, he possessed mental endowments and a personality that brought him into popular favor, and he was elected repeatedly to both the lower and upfber house of the general assembly. He was president of the senate when Gov. Mitchell resigned in March, 1817, and was acting governor from that time untH, November, when he was elected governor, and afterward, by the people, for a full term, during which he had a spicy correspondence with Gen. Jackson. He died on his plantation in Hancock county while governor, Oct. 24, 1819, and his message was delivered to the general assembly by the president of the senate, Matthew Talbot, who suc ceeded him. Dr Larkin Bass, an eminent physician, who married Miss Mary, a daughter of Gov. Rabun, was the grandfather of Charles Larkin Bass. His fatiier, Dr. Charles H. Bass, was a son of Dr. Larkin and Mary (Rabun) Bass, and was born in Hancock county. In 1858 he married Miss Mattie, daughter of Thomas F. Greene, of Milledgeville. Dr. Bass ranked very high as a member of the medical profession, as a gentleman of scholarly attainments and varied informa tion. He was assistant physician of the state lunatic asylum soon after his gradua tion from the Medical college of Georgia, until his death, which occurred in 1872. His widow is still living, and makes her home with her son in Clarks-ville. Of nine children born to this union five survive: Addie, Mary Rabun, Mattie, JuHa and Charles L. Air. Bass' maternal great-grandfather was William Montgomery Greene, an Irish patriot, who, on account of his participation in the rebelliori of 1798, was compelled to seek refuge in the United States. He was a friend of Thomas Addis and Robert Emmett, and assisted in the capture of the latter's remains from the keeper of the Killmainham jail, and their subsequent interment. He was a cousin of the celebrated' Lord Edward Fitzgerald, for whom he named his son, Dr. Thomas Fitzgerald Greene, Mr. Bass' grandfather Dr. Greene was superintendent of the state lunatic asylum for a period of thirty-six years, a state ment of which fact is evidence enough as to his capability and fidelity. Dr. Greene married Miss Adeline, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hawkins) Crowder, a granddaughter of Col. John Hawkins, who served with distinction in the revolution ary war under the immediate command of Washington. Mr. Bass received his early education in MHledgevHle, but finished it in the Atlanta high school in 1884. The following year the family removed to Clarksville, where they made their permanent home. Deciding to embrace the legal profession he commenced reading law, and in 1890 was admitted to the bar at Habersham superior court, Hon. C. J. Well born, judge presiding. Entering at once upon the practice, and giving his enthu siastic and undivided attention to his profession, he has already secured an extensi-ve practice and a wealthy and influential clientage in the northeastem circuft._ His practice is general and covers every branch of the profession, and his record is that of a well-read lawyer, a prudent counselor and polished advocate. His style before a jury is that of easy and affable character, which invariably marks the suc cessful nisi prius lawyer and wins verdicts. He has a large clientage in whose confidence his professional and private character is safe and permanentiy secure. Politically, Mr. Bass is a strong and active and consistent democrat. In 1890 he was chairman of the county committee, and later president of the democratic club of Habersham county, rendering invaluable service in the campaign of 1892. That year he was elected a member of the state gubernatorial convention, and gave his enthusiastic support to the state ticket. Mr. Bass is a young man of marked abHity, accomplished and poHshed manners, for whom the future would seem to have much in store. Reasonably and honorably ambitious to attain to distinction, his many friends in his section of the state will doubtless see to it that his abihties are recognized and his services rewarded. IOI4 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. QEORGE PHILLIPS ERWIN, lawyer, ClarkesvHle, Habersham Co., Ga.,son of William S. and Ruth (Clark) Erwin, was born in Clarkesville, Nov. 9, 1870. His paternal grandfather, Alexander Erwin, was bom in North Carolina and reared a farmer, which he made a life pursuit. In 1834 he migrated to Georgia, and settied in Habersham county, where he died in 1877. He married Miss Catharine Wales, a native of Connecticut, but who at the time was a resident of WHkes county, Ga. She died in 1883. Mr Erwin's father .was born in ClarkesviHe, Jan. 27, 1839. At the age of twenty-one he was elected ordinary of Habersham county, but resigned at the end of two years and enlisted in the state troops. During the last two years of the war he was in active and arduous service — was in command of an infantry com pany, and participated in the numerous battles and skirmishes incident to the defense of Atlanta. After the war he was again elected ordinary, and served a full term. He also engaged in merchandising, and did a very large and profitable business. In 1868 he was elected to represent Habersham county in the general assembly, was re-elected in 1870, and in 1872 was elected senator) from the Thirty- first senatorial district. In the meantime he studied law, and in 1877 was admitted to the bar, and thenceforward practiced his profession in Cicirkesville until he died in 1893. During this period he served five years as solicitor-general of the north eastern circuit. Mr. Erwin was a man of great versatility of talent and of marked general ability — eminently successful in everything he undertook. Hon. A. S. Erwin, Athens, Ga., ex-judge of the western circuit, is a brother of the above. Mr Erwin's mother was a daughter of Sevier and Elizabeth Clark, of Hall county, Ga., was married to Mr. Erwin Nov., 27, 1867, and is the mother of six chHdren: Joseph A., George P., the subject of this sketch, William S., Frank S., Henry C, and Pope B. Mr. Erwin was reared and educated in Clarkesville, and when eighteen years of age entered the employ of the Plant system of railways, and remained with them until 1893 — five years — as cashier in the local freight department. Having decided to enter the legal profession he commenced the study of law in July, 1893, under J. J. Bowden, an eminent member of the Clarkesville bar, and was admitted Jan. 17, 1894, in Gainsville, Judge C. J. Wellborn presiding. Locating in Clarkesville, his old home, he secured at once a good practice, and has attracted to himself al ready a large and influential and remunerative clientage. Genial and affable, pos sessing intellectual endowments of a high order, and winning social characteristics, he is sure of professional success, and, should he seek it, political advancement. Mr. Erwin was happily married Sept. 24, 1891, to Miss Eva G., daughter of Capt. T. J. Fuller, of Pierce county, Ga. Mr. Erwin's mother is still living at her home in Clarkesville. The immediate ancestors of Mr. Erwin are found in the following genealogical sketch: Alexander Gavin Erwin wedded Nancy Magahee, and bom to them was Alexander; Alexander married Catherine Wales, and to them WHliam S. was born; William S. married Ruth Clark, parents of George P. Erwin. Ruth Clark was a daughter of Sevier and Elizabeth (Ingram) Clark; Sevier was a son of William and Ruth Clark; Elizabeth Ingram was a daughter of William and Elizabeth Ingram; Catherine Wales was a daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Miles) Wales. '\A/'ILLIAM W. KOLLOCK, civil engineer and farmer, Clarkesville, Habersham Co., Ga., son of George J. and Susan M. (Johnston) Kollock, was bom in Savannah, Ga., in 1845. O*^ his father's side he is of Huguenot ancestry. His grandfather. Dr. Lemuel Kollock, a gentleman of sterling character and superior ability, came to Savannah when a young man, and very soon became the leading physician of the city. He was the originator of the dry culture system of agricul ture around the city, which was subsequently pressed to completion by Dr. War ing. Dr. Kollock married Miss Maria Campbell, daughter of Macartan Campbell, HABERSHAM COUNTY SKETCHES. IOI5 of Augusta, Ga., and Miss Sarah Fenwick, of the family of Fenwicks of Staunton, Northumberland, England, who were descendants of the Fenwicks of Fenwick town, a family of wide and powerful influence in the days of the ancient Saxon kings. Three children were the fruit of this marriage: P. AI.„ a physician of emin ence in Savannah; Mrs. Neufville, wife of Rev. E. NeufvHle, Savannah, and George J., father of the subject of this sketch. George J. Kollock was born in Savannah about 1809, where he received his primary- education. He then read law under the distinguished Joseph R. IngersoU, completing his studies about 1832. Returning to Savannah, and being admitted to the bar, he became associated with Air John Millen, attained to eminence in his profession, and secured a wealthy clientage and lucrative practice. He purchased a fine and extensive estate near Clarkesville, where with his family he spent the summer months. Air. Kollock's mother was a daughter of James Johnston, and was born in Savannah about 1816. Her father was a descendant of the Earl of Annandale and of Annie Houstoun, granddaughter of Sir Patrick Houstoun, one of the first settlers of Georgia, from Linlithgow, Scot land, of a family prominent in that shire since the year 11 60, when their ancestor, Hugo de Pegainin, of Normandy, obtained grants of land from Malcolm IV. of Scotland. Of the chHdren which blessed this union five survive: William W., the subject of this sketch; J. F., Savannah ; Mrs. W. E. Epps; Miss A. H. KoHock, and Mrs. M. C. Kollock, Savannah. Mr. Kollock died on the estate near Clarkes ville in February, 1894, aged eighty-four years. His widow is still alive and is living on the estate. Dr. P. M. Kollock for his first wife married a sister of his brother's (G. J.) wife. She having died, he married for his second wife his first cousin, a daughter of E. F. Campbell, Augusta, Ga., and the descendants of the two brothers and sister live in Savannah and in Habersham county. Mr. Kollock, our subject, was reared and received his early education in Savannah. He enlisted and actually served more than.two years in the Confederate service as a member of the Seventh Georgia cavalry. After the war he entered the university of Georgia, Athens, grad uating from the school of civil engineering in 1867. Fori many years he occupied the Habersham county property as a summer home, but in 1876 he determined to make it his permanent home, and devote his attention exclusively to agricultural interests. A gentleman of culture and refinement, and possessed of - a magnificent estate, he enjoys life to the full and dispenses old-time Georgia hospitality to friends and guests. • lyiULLER DUKE LAMAR, journaHst, Clarkesville, Habersham Co., Ga., son of P. F. and JuHa (Duke) Lamar, was born in Jackson county, Ga., June 18, 1871. His great-grandfather on his father's side was born in England, emigrated to America before the revolutionary war, settled in Virginia, and was a soldier in the patriot army. His grandfather, Philip Lamar, was born in Virginia. Air. Lamar's father was a cousin of the lately deceased distinguished statesman and jurist, L. Q. C. Lamar, ex-United States senator and associate justice of the United States supreme court, and was born in Gwinnett county, Ga., Sept. 5, 1818. For many years of his life he officiated as a minister of the Church of Christ, and died in Gainesville, Ga., in 1878. He married Miss JuHa, daughter of William Duke, Jackson county, by whom he had two children: Louie, who died in infancy; and Muller Duke, the subject of this sketch. Mr. Duke was a native Georgian, and was one of the wealthiest and most substantial and influential citizens in Jackson county. He represented the county several terms in the general assembly, and served as a private in the late war in the Eighteenth Georgia regiment. He married Miss Lizzie Venable — and himself and wife died in Jackson county in 1886. Mr. Lamar was raised in Jacksgn county, where he received his early schooling, but finished his education at the excellent high school at Norcross, Gwinnett Co., IOl6 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Ga. Having determined to make journaHsm his Hfe-pursuit, as a preliminary step he entered the office of the "Jackson Herald," so as to gain a practical knowledge of the art of printing, and the general conduct of a paper. After remaining there during 1888-89 he went to Athens, Ga., and in 1890 was connected with the "Athens Banner." Then he went to Eastman, Dodge Co., Ga., and in 1892-93 was engaged on the "Times-Journal" there. From Eastman he went to Florida, and from September, 1893, to February, 1894, he conducted a paper at Lakeland, in that state. In July, 1894, Mr. Lamar becamie the proprietor and editor of the "Advertiser," published at Clarkesville. The "Advertiser" was ably edited and carefuHy conducted, and under Mr. Lamar's management became a bright and newsy family paper, and influential party organ. It is the official organ of Haber sham county, and a faithful exponent of democratic principles, and is widely cir culated in northeast Georgia. It is rapidly gaining in popularity and circulation, and as a consequence, in influence. Mr. Lamar has developed marked ability and aptitude for his profession. J OHN MARTIN MULLENIX, farmer, ClarkesviHe, Habersham Co., Ga., son of Abraham M. and Lenny (Butler) MuHenix, was born in Pendleton dis trict S. C, Sept 12, 1828. His father was a native of South Carolina, and a mechanic, came to Georgia about 1829 and settled in Franklin county, where he engaged in the boot and shoe business, and died Sept 8, 1849. ^''- Mullenix's mother was born in Newberry district, S. C, was the mother of ten children — five boys and five girls — and died in Habersham county in 1882. Mr. MuHenix was raised and educated in Franklin count}-, to which his father nioved from South Carolina soon after his birth. He was raised a farmer, and farming has been his Hfe-pursuit About March, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, Fifty-second Georgia regiment, Col. Phillips, and with his command served under Gen. Bragg in the Kentucky campaign, doing some hard fighting at Louisville and Lexington, and at Franklin, Tenn. The command was engaged in many skirmishes, and cap tured a large number of prisoners. The command entered Cumberland Gap, but was later ordered to Vicksburg, took a conspicuous part in the battle of Baker's Creek, and at Horse Shoe Bend, where blood flowed like water. The command remained through the protracted siege of Vicksburg, rendering efficient service; and after its capture, July, 1863, he was paroled and returned home. He was exchanged in time to rejoin his command and take part in the bloody battle near New Hope church. 'With his command he "vvas an active participant in the battle at Resaca, and the bloody and obstinately contested battles between there and Atlanta, as well as those attending the defense of that city — including the memorable battle of July 21 and 22, 1864. After Atlanta fell, his command went with Gen. Hood via Florence, Ala., which was captured, flghting all the way through Tennessee to Nashville. He bore a part in the disastrous battle of Franklin; after which the command returned through Alabama, Georgia and Carolina, and joined Gen. Johnston at Salisbury, N. C. He participated in the battle at Kingston, where 1,200 Union soldiers were captured, and enjoyed the honor — as he esteems it — of bearing a part in the last battle of the unfortunate conflict, at Bentonville, N. C. After the war he returned to Habersham county, where he had settled in 1852, and where, since, he has prosperously engaged in farming. Mr. MuHenix was married Feb. 8, 1849, to Miss Catharine, daughter of Horace Bell of Franklin county — a union blessed with thirteen children, of whom twelve are living: Clarissa, Alary Jane, William Al., John M., Andrew Jackson, James, Wesley, Pinckney, Thomas, Airs. Lizzie Odell, Louisa, and Josephine. HABERSHAM COUNTY SKETCHES. IOI7 JOHN W. OWENS, lawyer, Toccoa, Habersham Co., Ga., son of Joshua and Drucilla (Watson) Owens, was born in Anderson district, S. C, Feb. 3, 1843. Capt Owen's father was born in South Carolina in 1818, where he lived untH 1848, when he moved to Georgia, and settled in Franklin (now Banks) county. He was public-spirited, substantial and popular, and served many years as a jus tice of the inferior court He died in Banks county in 1888, aged seventy years; his widow is stiH living, and makes her home at Harmony Grove, Jackson Co., Ga. Of the children born to them eight are living: John W., the subject of this sketch; Mrs. Amanda Gober; Mrs. Nannie AlcCoy; Mrs. Marie Ritchie; Mrs. Almira Staples; Mrs. Laura Watson; and brothers E. D., and C. H. Capt Owens came with his family to what is now Banks county when five years old, where he was reared, and during his boyhood educated. He finished his literary studies at Jonesboro, Ga., and then taught at HilHard Male instftute, at Forsyth, -Ga. In 1861, at the age of eighteen years he enHsted as a private in the famous Banks county guards, which became Company A, Second Georgia regiment. Gen. Robert Toombs' brigade, Longstreet's corps. Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment was organized at Brunsyvick, and ordered to Richmond. The regiment was reorganized soon afterward when he was commissioned first lieutenant, and not long after as captain. With his command he participated in the following hard-fought and bloody, as well as many less important, battles : First, at York- town — Dam No. i — after which the command moved to Richmond, thence to Gordonsville, Va., and went into winter quarters. His command participated in the battles of Second Manassas, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Brandy Station, seven days' fight around Richmond, Orange Court House, two days' fight at Gettysburg — ^where he was wounded, Spottsylvania Court House, Wilderness, Fredericksburg, Drury's Bluff and Fort Harrison. He also fought throughout- the siege of Petersburg, and foHowed Gen. Longstreet to Chickamauga, where he was seriously wounded and sent to the hospital; later he was furloughed and came home. He afterward rejoined his command, Longstreet's corps, at Alorris town, east Tennessee, and after four years of active, arduous service was present at the surrender at Appomattox Court House. Capt. Owens' record shows that of the many battles and skirmishes in which his regiment was engaged he missed but two. Returning from the war he engaged about eighteen months in merchan dising, and then in farming. Three years later he was elected clerk of the superior court and served two years. Having in the meantime studied law, he was admitted to the bar in White county, in 1874, and shortly afterward located in Toccoa, where he has gained honorable distinction in his profession, and built up a good practice in the eastern and western circuits. He has filled the office of soHcitor of Habersham county court two years, and has also served several years as mayor of Toccoa. He is regarded as an able lawyer, a sound and safe counselor, and being enterprising, progressive and public-spirited, has the confidence of the people, and enjoys a popularity accorded to but few. It is altogether probable his fellow-citizens will demand his services in a higher and broader field. Capt Owens was married in 1869 to Miss Lucy Al., daughter of Dr. Benjamin Smith of Lumpkin county, Ga.; a union blessed with three children: Alice, Charles and Nannie, of whom the first named is the only survivor. In April, 1876, Mrs. Owens died, and in March, 1880, Capt. Owens married Miss Mary EHza, daughter of Flavins Ward of Habersham county, who has borne him five children: Alamie, Willard, De Witt, Annie and Laurens. lyilCAJAH TILMAN PERKINS, lawyer, ClarkesviHe, Habersham Co., Ga., son of John and Rachel (Martin) Perkins, was born in Banks county, Ga., Alay 22, 1866. His grandfather, Logan Perkins, was a native of Buncombe county, N. C, I0l8 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. was one of the earliest settlers of Habersham county, and died in Banks county in 1872. Air. Perkins' father was born in Habersham county, as a farmer, and himself and wife are still living near Mount Airy. Ten children are the fruit of their marriage: John L., Alicajah Tilman, the subject of this sketch; Harvey S., Airs. Emma F. Braselton, Texas; Bynum, Serena, Vance, Bleckley, Lulu and Absalom. Air Perkins was reared on the farm, attended in early boyhood the near-by schools, and finished his literary education at Sibley institute at Mount Airy, near to which his parents moved in 1874. Soon after leaving this institution, in the fall of 1887, when only twenty-one years old, he was elected sheriff of Habersham county, and is believed to have been the youngest person ever elected to that important and responsible office in this state. From that time onward his career and success have been remarkable, and offered an inspiring example and illustration of what our repubhcan institutions can do for those of laudable ambition, possessing push and energy, combined with strict integrity. He served his term of two years with credit to himself and the entire satisfaction of his appreciative constituency. Having determined in the meantime to adopt the legal profession, he had been studying, and in 1890 was admitted to the bar. He at once entered upon the practice at Clarkesville, and has been successful beyond his most sanguine expectations — his clientage extending over the northeastern circuit, and increasing in extent and value every year. In 1890 his admiring constituency elected him to the mayoralty of Clarkesville, where he performed valuable service to the city, and in 1892 he was comimissioned notary public, and ex-officio justice of the peace — an appointment he still holds. That same year the populist party invaded Flabersham county, and the democratic friends of the youthful subject of this sketch presented him as their candidate to check the rising • tide, and bear their banner to victory. He was triumphantly elected to represent Habersham county in the general assembly, and was placed and served on the following committees: Judiciary, privileges and elections and pensions, and had the honor of being appointed on the special committee sent to the world's fair. So faithfuHy and zealously did he represent and serve his constituency that in 1894 he was renominated by his party, and was re-elected. His career so far has been as brilliant as it has been brief — he seems already to have become a favorite with the people — and the promise of his future seems indeed to be of the brightest. Affable and attractive, of agreeable manners, of plain but dignified bearing, and possessing social qualities which are winning and lead to success, professional and political distinction assuredly await him. After leaving the session of the legislature of 1894, he went immediately to the Lumpkin law school of Athens, Ga., and graduated from that institution in 1895. HALL COUNTY. QOL. ALLEN D. CANDLER, secretary of state. Few men have enjoyed in a higher degree the confidence of the people of this state than Col. Allen D. Candler. This confidence is inspired not only by his unsullied record in pubhc life, but equally by the zeal, fidelity and wisdom which he has brought to the discharge of every duty imposed upon him by his fellow-citizens. Col. Candler is a native Georgian and was born in Lumpkin county, in this state, on Nov. 4, HALL COUNTY SKETCHES. IOI9 1834. This was four years prior to the rehioval of the Cherokee Indians from north Georgia. In 1838 the family moved from Lumpkin county and located in Franklin county. Here the subject of this sketch passed his boyhood in the vigorous life of the open fields, making the best of his time and opportunfties, and laying the foundation of a strong and robust constitution. He remained here until his twenty-second year, having acquired the rudiments of a primary educa tion from the common schools of the county. This, however, was not enough for a young man who thirsted for a higher knowledge than he could gain from elementary text books, and whose ambition had pictured to him broader and better fields than those which lay around him. Leaving his home in Franklin county he matriculated as a student in Mercer university, then located at Penfield, Ga. From this institution he was graduated in 1859 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Directly after the war he was honored by his alma mater with the degree of Master of Arts, one of the highest in the gift of the university. Immediately after graduation the young applicant for life's substantial honors, flushed with the high expectations bom of his college career, located in Jonesboro, Ga., and for two years engaged in the occupation of teaching school. In 1861, Georgia having seceded from the Union, the young preceptor exchanged his ferule for the musket and entered the Confederate army. He left Jonesboro in October, 1861, as a private in Company H, Thirty-fourth Georgia regiment. He served as a private, however, for only one month, becoming, at the expiration of this time, the first lieutenant of the company. In October, 1862, just one year from the time of his enlistment, he was promoted to the rank of captain. His courage as a soldier and his love for military life that were plainly evinced by his conduct on the field, clearly foreshadowed still higher honors for the young soldier. In May, 1864, he was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the "Fourth Georgia reserves, and in January, 1865, near the close of the war, he was made colonel of that regiment In addition to a number of smaller engagements the subject of this sketch figured in the following battles : Bridgeport, Tenn., Richmond, Ky., Baker's Creek, Aliss., siege of Vicksburg, Miss., Missionary Ridge, Resaca, CassvHle, Kennesaw Alountain, siege and battles around Atlanta and Jonesboro. At several of these points occurred the severest engagements of the war. Col. Candler was shghtly wounded at Kennesaw Mountain and lost his left eye at Jonesboro, Ga. After the war he returned to Jonesboro, having, as he expressed ft, "one wife, one baby, one dollar, and one eye." He resumed his occupation as a school teacher and taught until 1870. Immediately after his return home he was honored by his fellow-citizens, in recognition of his gallant services in defense of Jonesboro, by receiving from them in 1866 the office of mayor for one year. In 1870 he moved to Gainesville, Ga., and entered the lumber business. This he carried on until 1882, being at the same time a general contractor. In 1879-80 he buift the Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern railroad, sixty-five miles in length, running from Gainesville to Social Circle and passing through the town of Jefferson. Col. Candler is still the president of this road, having fiHed that office since the time of fts completion. In addition to this road he also built as contractor in 1882 a portion of the Gaines viHe & Dahlonega railroad, twenty-six miles in length, and a street railroad for GainesviHe in 1874. It thus appears that Col. Candler has been an important factor in the material development and upbuilding of northeast Georgia. In addition to this valuable service rendered the state as a builder of railroads, he held quite a number of political stations. In 1872 he was elected mayor of GainesvHle, Ga., for one year, and was succeeded by liis father, Daniel G. Candler, a veteran of tiiree wars, 'several years deceased. In the fall of the same year he was elected as the representative of Hall county in the state legislature, and was I020 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. twice re-elected. In 1877 he became a member of the state senate, and served for two years in that body. In 1882 he was nominated as the democratic candidate for congress in the Ninth district, and was triumphantly elected, defeating Hon. Emory Speer, in one of the most exciting political campaigns of the state. Air Speer had carried the district in two successive elections, in the last one receiving a majority of 4,000 votes as an independent candidate. The majority of Col. Candler over his brilliant opponent was 2,600. His career in congress was a fearless one and the district was faithfully represented. He was made chairman of the committee on education in the Fiftieth congress, and a member of the committees on banking and currency and mines and mining during his four terms. Col. Candler is a loyal member of the masonic fraternity, his name appearing on the roll of the Gainesville lodge, and also on that chapter. Before the close of the war, in January, 1864, Col. Candler married the daughter of the late Thomas J. Williams, a prominent planter of Jones county, Miss Eugenia T. Williams. Eleven children.. were the result of this union, ten of whom are still living, six boys and four girls. The children are as follows : Eugenia, the wife of D. L. Wardroper of Lexington, Ky. ; Florence, the wife of Wm. K. Ashford of Gainesville, Ga.; Alarcus A.; Thomas C; Hortense, the wife of F. K. Bunkley of Montgomery, Ala.; WiHiam D., John C, Victor Eugene, Annie and Benjamin Lee. In 1891, Col. Candler, after having served the district for several years in congress, retired to private life and entered again tlie lumber and contracting business at Gainesville, Ga. He continued successfully in this line of work until his appoint ment as secretary of state by Gov. Northen, in Alay, 1894, to fill the unexpired term of Gen. Philip Cook. Last fall he was elected to the same office for the regular term of two years. Col. Candler during his connection with this office has shown a marked familiarity with public affairs, and is one of the best officials that has ever occupied that responsible position. He is a Georgian of whom the state is justly proud, having served faithfuHy in both the field and forum and always with an eye single to her glory. M ELVIN J. CHARLES, tax collector of Hall county, was born in Gilmore, Ga., in 1849, ^^'^ ^s ^ son of William and Ehzabeth Charles, both natives of Georgia. He was one of a family of seven children — four boys and three girls. John P., his eldest brother, died as a member of a Louisiana regiment at the siege of Vicks burg. Harvey M. served in the army of Virginia, and was discharged for a disa bility caused by a wound. The other brother, James, is deceased, and the sisters, Jane, Mary Ann and Adeline, are living. The mother of Mr. Charles died when he was six years old, and at an early age he was left to shift for himself. He helped the farmers for his board and clothes and managed to pick up a fair education from the common schools. At the age of twenty-three he was mar ried to Sarah Pierce, a daughter of James and Permelia (Deal) Pierce. To this union have been born six children: Eva Lela, John, deceased, Emma, Lou Fletcher, Gertrude and Melrose. Mr. and Mrs. Charles and their oldest daugh ter are members of the Baptist church. Mr. Charles is a member of the Flowery Branch lodge No. 212, F. and A. M., and of the I. O. O. F., Flowery Branch lodge Nb. 99. In 1892 he was elected to the office of tax collector and re-elected in 1894. He is a popular officer, and his administration has been eminentiy satisfactory to the people. He takes an active interest in politics, state and county, and is a stanch democrat. p RANK TAYLOR DAVIE, merchant, Floweiy Branch, was born Nov. 4, 1849, in Randolph county, Ala., and is the son of James Allen and Lucinda (Ham ilton) Davie. The father was born in South Carolina in 1817, and after his mar- HALL COUNTY SKETCHES. I02I riage he went to Alabama and taught school in Randolph county. In 1872 he was a member of the state legislature of Arkansas and was either a county officer or in state positions the greater part of his life. He was the father of five children: Elizabeth, Frank, Jane, Juliet Eugenia and one infant, deceased. Mr. Davie died in 1881, and his wife died in February, 1893, aged seventy-eight years. Air. Frank T. Davie spent his boyhood days in Gwinnett county, Ga., and is one of the self-made men of the state. At the age of eighteen years he had picked up a good education and then started in farming for himself. In 1874 he engaged in merchandising in Flowery Branch and has since conducted the business with such success that he is one of the leading business men of the county. In 1874 Mr. Davie married Augusta, daughter of Elisha Chamblee, a prominent citizen of Hall county. By this marriage three children have been born, one of whom, Adie, survives. The mother of these children died June 9, 1878, and Mr. Davis married for his second wife in October, 1883, Sarah E., daughter of John R. Medlock, of Norcross, Ga. To this marriage have been born three children: Frank, deceased, Carl Newman, and James Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Davie are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and Mr. Davie is district steward and one of the trustees. He is worthy master of Flowery Branch lodge No. 212, P. and" A. M., and belongs to Flowery Branch lodge No. 99, I. O. O. F., of which he has filled all the chairs. He served as justice of the peace for twelve years and in 1888-89 "v^^s a member of the state legislature, serving on the committees on mines, banking and prisons. He is now a member of the board of county commissioners. JOHN L. GAINES. One of Hall county's best farmers and a leading citizen is John Lilburn Gaines, of Flowery Branch. He was born Sept. 16, 1842, in Hall county, and here he has spent all his life. His father was Ira Gaines and his mother Nancy Hawkins, and they were the parents of eight children, four boys and four girls. Francis H., the oldest boy, was in. Company D, Twenty- seventh Georgia infantry, and was killed at the second battle of Cold Harbor. WHliam D. was in Company D, Twenty-seventh Georgia regiment, and was wounded at Sharpsburg and died at home from its effects. Henry W. T. was the third soldier of the family and is now a farmer in Hall county and runs a big set of miHs. The father of these chHdren died AprH 4, 1891, at the age of sev enty-eight His wife was born in 1815, and is stiH living, and is remarkably strong in health, as she is in mind. She is a member of the Baptist church, as was her husband during his lifetime. The subject of this memoir after the war and on reaching manhood began farming. He was elected justice of the peace for a number of years and in 1877 was elected sheriff of Hall county, and continuously elected for five terms. Pie then declined to be a candidate again, telHng his friends that he had had more than his share. He was elected to the legislature for the terms 1892-93 and 1894-95, and served on the committees of prisons, agriculture, temperance and blind asylum of Macon. On Oct. 18, 1866, Mr Gaines was married to Mary C, daughter of Pinckney D. Major, of Hall county. She was born in Georgia. Their marriage has been blessed with thir teen children, viz: Nancy E., Marietta, Eugenia, Ira P., Robert L., Maggie M., John L., Joseph W., Grover C, Homer W., Ernest N. and Hubert H. Mr and Mrs. Gaines are members of the Baptist church and Mr Gaines is a member of the F. and A. M. Mr. Gaines owns a magnificent farm of 400 acres in a high state of cultivation, and is a man enjoying the esteem of all who are for tunate enough to have his acquaintance. Mr Gaines had the same blood in his veins that led his three brothers to volunteer for the country's cause, and he I022 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. too served through the war with distinguished bravery. He was in all the battles with ex-Senator Colquitt, his superior officer. He was wounded four times at Seven Pines and was in the battles of Fort Fisher, when he was again wounded, and around Richmond and the siege of Petersburg. He was in the first engage ment of the war, outside of Fort Sumter, and was in the last battle, fought after Lee had surrendered. p?OBERT E. GREEN, M. D. At the head of one of Georgia's prosperous manufacturing establishments is Dr. Robert E. Green, of Gainesville. He was born in Campbell (now Douglas) county, Ga., Sept. 29, 1846, and is the son of William E. and Mary (Stiles) Green. The parents of Dr. Green were natives of New Jersey, emigrating to Georgia in 1831, and settled on the line of Walton and Clarke counties. William E. Green and a Mr. Hopping built the High Shoals cotton mills, still running, and was engaged in the cotton manufacturing business all his life. He died in 1867 at the age of seventy-one. He was a man most highly respected for his integrity and high moral character. Dr. Rob ert E. Green was educated in the common schools of Campbell county and schools of Atlanta. In 1864 he enlisted in a battery of artillery and entered the Confed erate service, served to the end of the war and was paroled at the surrender. He then attended the university of Georgia at Athens. Upon his father's demise he took charge of his father's business, at the same time studying medicine. He then attended the Southern Medical coHege at Atlanta, from which he was grad uated in 1869. He practiced his profession in Atlanta until 1870, when he moved to Gainesville. He continued to practice there for two years, when his health failing, he entered the lumber business with Col. A. D. Candler. After a part nership of four years he withdrew and bought and operated the street railroad in GainesvHle for eight years. He is now general manager, secretary and treas urer of the Georgia Manufacturing company of Gainesville. He was mayor of Gainesville in 1879-80 and judge of the criminal court He belongs to the Pres byterian church, is a Mason and was at one time worshipful master of Lodge 219, at Gainesville. He was married in 1869 to Eveline E. "Wilson, daughter of James H. Wilson, of Campbell county, by whom he has seven children living: R. E., Carrie A., Al. Louise, Elizabeth, Emmett H., Evelyn and Albert Lamar I QEN. JAMES LONGSTREET, of GainesviHe, Ga., was born in Edgefield dis trict S. C, Jan. 8, 1821. His family removed to Alabama in 1831, and he was appointed from that state to the "West Point Military academy, where he ^yas graduated in 1842, and was assigned to the Fourth infantry. He was at Jefferson barracks, Mo., in 1842-44; on frontier duty at Natchitoches, La., in 1844- 45; in Texas, 1845-46, and in Alexico at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, Vera Cruz, Cerro Gordo, San Antonio, Churubusco and Moline del Rey. For gallant conduct in the two latter engagements he was brevetted captain and major, and had already been made first Heutenant Feb. 23, 1847; at the storming of Chapultepec, Sept 8, 1847, he was severly wounded. He was chief commissary of the department of Texas, 1849-51, was commissioned cap tain in December, 1852, and major and paymaster in July, 1858. In 1861 he resigned to join the Confederate army, of which he was immediately appointed 1)rigadier-general, and won distinction in the first battle of Bull Run, where he prevented a large force of Federal troops from supporting AlcDowell's flank attack. On May 5, 1862, he made a brave stand at "Williamsburg, where he was attacked by Heintzelman, Hooker and Karney, and held his ground sturdily until Hancock arrived to reinforce his opponents, when he was driven back. At HALL COUNTY SKETCHES. 1023 the second battie of Bull Run he commanded the first corps of the army of north ern Virginia, which came so promptly to the relief of Jackson when he was hard pressed by Pope's army, and by a determined flank charge decided the fortunes of the day. _ He led the right wing of the army of Northern Virginia at Gettys burg, and tried to dissuade Lee from ordering the disastrous charge on the third day. When Lee retreated to Virginia Gen. Longstreet, with five brigades, was transferred to Tennessee under Bragg, and at Chickamauga held the left wing. of the Confederate forces. He rejoined Lee early in 1864, and was so prominent in the battle of the Wilderness that he was wounded by the fire of his own troops. He was in the surrender at Appomattox, April 9, 1865. Throughout the army he was familiarly known as "Old Pete," and was considered the hardest fighter in the Confederate service. He also had the unbounded confidence of his troops, who were devoted to him, and the whole army felt thrilled with renewed vigor in the presence of the foe when it became known down the Hne that "Old Pete" was up. Gen. Longstreet took up his residence in New Orleans after the war and established the commercial house of Longstreet, Owens & Co. He was appointed surveyor of the port of New Orleans by President Grant, and was afterward supervisor of internal revenue in Louisiana, and postmaster at New Orleans. In 1880 he was sent as United States minister to Turkey by President Hayes and under Garfield he was United States marshal for the district of Georgia. JOHN E. REDWINE, a prominent citizen of GainesviHe, was born in Ran dolph county, N. C, June 3, 1823. When an infant his parents moved to WHson county, Tenn. He is a son of WiHiam and Lucy (Cocker) Redwine. WilHam Redwine was of German extraction and settled in Hall county in 1827. He was a devoted member of the Methodist church and a prosperous farmer and manufacturer of tobacco. He died in 1857 at the age of sixty-five. The early educational training of J. E. Redwine was obtained in the common schools of Hall county and a select school in the neighborhood, after which he attended the high school at Gainesville, graduating in 1842. He was then engaged in teaching school for two years, and in 1854 was elected clerk of the superior court of Hall county. This office he held for twelve years. During his time in the clerk's office he read law under Judge Hutchins, Sr. He practiced his profession for a few years, then, in October, 1866, began the publication of the Gainesville "Eagle," and continued in this work until May, 1884. He was elected to the first legislature under the present constitution of Georgia in 1878-79 and was again elected in 1882 and 1883. In both general assembHes he was a member of the committee on finance, and in the session of 1882-83 he was chairman of the committee on enrollment. In 1884 Mr. Redwine sold his paper, and during all this interven ing time he has been interested in farming. In 1890 he was elected commissioner of roads and revenue and was elected chairman of the board and is still serving in that capacity. He is a member of the Methodist church, is a Mason, belonging to Gainesville lodge No. 219, F. and A. M., and was worshipful master of this lodge for twenty-five years. He is also P. D. G. M. and at present is district deputy of the state of Georgia. He was married in December, 1845, to Emeline Kerbow, daughter of Solomon Kerbow, of Jackson countj, by whom he has seven children: Liman A., Elgivia E., Flavins W., ServHia R., WiHiam M., Sarah A. and John E., Jr. Q C. SANDERS, merchant and banker, GainesviHe, was born in Jackson county, Ga., in 1840, and is a son of Harris and Elizabeth (Smfth) Sanders. Harris Sanders was a life-long member of the Baptist church, a prosperous farmer. 1024 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. and died in 1867 at the age of seventy -five. Air C. C. Sanders was educated in the schools of Jackson county and received mihtary training at the Georgia military institute, from which place he was graduated in June, 1861. At the first call for volunteers, young Sanders, in August, 1861, enlisted as a private, and on reaching Atlanta he was elected Heutenant-colonel of the Twenty-fourth Georgia regiment. He was sent to the army of Virginia, under Gen. Lee, and was in the battle of Williamsburg and in the seven days' fight around Richmond, ending with the battle of Malvern HiH. In the battle of Fredericksburg Col. Sander's lost neariy one-third of his regiment and at Chancellorsville one-half of it. At the battle of South Mountain, Col. Sanders was placed in command of the brigade of 3,750 men. At the close of this hard-fought battle he had lost all but 1,725 of his brigade. At Sharpsburg the losses of his brigade were 58 per cent according to the official reports. He was in the battles of Chickamauga and KnoxviHe, the WHderness and Spottsylvania court house. Col. Sanders was captured three days before the surrender of Lee at Sailor's creek, and with Gen. Custin Lee and Gen. EweH was sent to prison at Washington city. He was there during the exciting period of President Lincoln's assassination, when the lives of all prisoners were in deadly peril. He was transferred to Johnson's island in May, and reached home in September. Since the war Col. Sanders has been engaged in the mercantile and banking business. He was one of the Georgia commissioners to the world's fair at Chicago. He is a member of the Baptist church, and was married in 1871 to Miss Fannie Scarborough, daughter of Americus Scarborough, a leading citizen of Lee county. They have two children: Robert J. and Alontine. A R- SAIITH, clerk of the superior court, GainesviHe, was born in Hall county, * July 13, 1855. He is a son of Robert and Elmira (Roberts) Smith, of Scotch- Irish descent and natives of Georgia. Robert Smith v/as a brave soldier in the civil war, enlisting in the Confederate army. Company K, Sixty-fourth Georgia regiment volunteers, and serving two years, dying in 1864. A. R. Smitii was educated in the common schools of Hall county, then entered Emory college at Oxford in 1883. After completing his education he was elected clerk of the superior court of HaH county in 1885. Pie has been re-elected for six successive terms and had the honor of obtaining the wonderful majority of 800 when he was elected in 1895. Air. Smitii has been chairman of the democratic congres sional committee of Hall county, also that of the senatorial committee, and is now chairman of the county democracy. He is a member of the Methodist church and a master Mason. He was married in 1885 to Aliss Sarah Palmour, daughter of Judge John D. Palmour of Dawson county. There have been three children: Alabel, Robert E. and Winifred. DROP. A. W. VAN HOOSE, associate president of the Georgia Female sem inary and conservatory of music, located at Gainesville, Ga., was born in Griffin, Spalding Co., Ga., Oct 31, i860. At an early age he removed with his parents to middle Tennessee, and his earlier education was acquired at the high school of Winchester, that state. Returning to Georgia in 1878, he taught a small country school near the city of Gainesville. Beginning with a total enroll ment of five pupils. Prof. Van Hoose, during the three years of his principalship, so devoted himself to the work in hand that the large number of 150 pupHs were in regular attendance when the school closed at the end of the last term of his administration. Subsequently he became a student at the university of Georgia at Athens, from which institution he was graduated with honor in 1882. After graduation he taught in the South Georgia Agricultural college, ThomasvHle, Ga., HALL COUNTY SKETCHES. 1025 the Howard college, Marion, Ala., and at the university of Georgia, Athens. In 1885 he was chosen president of the Gainesville college, Gainesville, Ga., retained that position one year and graduated one of the most promising classes which has ever gone out from that institution. During the summer of 1886 the prop erty of the old Georgia Baptist Female seminary was about to be sold to satisfy various claims against it. Prof. Van Hoose saw, almost intuitively, the oppor tunity of a lifetime to buHd a really great female college. He bought the property at private sale and at once set about to make it a magnificent school. His first opening was not auspicious, as only about twenty pupils were present; but noth ing daunted, he continued the work, employing only the best teachers and the most modern methods, untH to-day the institution he founded ranks among the most successful of the female colleges of the south. Much of the success of the school, he insists, is due to his parents. Rev. A. and Mrs. M. F. Van Hoose, and his estimable wife ( nee Miss Lucy E. Rucker, to whom he was united in marriage in August, 1887), "who at all times and under all circumstances have given him their heartiest support Feehng the need of assistance and capital, in 1893 Prof. Van Hoose sold a half interest in the school to Prof. Haywood J. Pearce. pROF. HAYWOOD J. PEARCE was born in Columbus, Muscogee Co., Ga., Aug. 26, 1871, and is the only chHd and son of Mr. Thomas J. and Mrs. Vir ginia (Biggers) Pearce, of that place. His earlier education was acquired in the private schools of the city of Columbus, but at the age of fifteen he entered the preparatory department of Emory college, Oxford, Ga., from which institution he received his diploma in- June, 1891. Immediately after graduation he was elected to the chair of Latin in the Columbus Female college, afterward assuming the presidency of the same institution, and remaining there until his present con nection was formed. Prof. Pearce was married in August, 1892, to Miss Mary Matthews, of Columbus, and three children have blessed their union. The asso ciation of Profs. Van Hoose and Pearce in the management of the great institu tion under their charge has been and is a most pleasant one ; but no biography of these gentlemen would be complete without a description of the great enter prise to which they have consecrated their lives, their talents and their money. Nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge mountains, in that section of the state known as northeast Georgia, is the beautiful, prosperous city of Gainesville. Fourteen hundred feet above the level of the sea, its atmosphere is as pure as that of the mountains, and this, coupled with the fact that its water is so cool as never, even in the hottest weather, to require ice, makes it the Mecca to which thousands from the lower portions of Georgia flock during the summer months, seeking health and rest. Fever, chills, malarial diseases and mosquitoes are abso lutely unknown to its people, and it is the testimony of physicians of national reputation that a year's residence in this favored section is of incalculable benefit to anyone. It is to such a place as this that the Georgia Female seminary invites its pupils. The college campus embtaces some seven acres, beautifully shaded by primeval oaks, and affords splendid opportunities for exercise and amuse ment An elegant gymnasium, ten-pin aHey, tennis, quofts and croquet are pro vided in order that the young ladies may have ample facilities for exercise. The college buildings are of brick and marble, wfth elegantly finished interiors. An $18,000 addition was made qufte recently to the home department, thus making this one of the best arranged and most commodious home schools for young ladies in the southern states. The college library is a magnificent room, 40x60 feet, tiled with Georgia marble and finished in (Georgia pine. It is exceedingly well lighted and affords excellent opportunities for reading and recreation. Bath 1-65 I026 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. rooms and steam heat add to the comfort of the pupils. Religious services are held at the college both morning and evening, and pupils attend such churches on the Sabbath as parents may designate. One of the chief attractions of this school is the young ladies' reading room, which is fitted up with handsome book-cases, filled with carefully selected books, comfortable chairs, tables, pictures and other accessories, which combine to make it a favorite resort for all who love reading. In literature, music, art, elocution, and physical culture this institution stands in the very front rank of the colleges for women in the southern states. It is doubtful if there are a dozen institutions of its kind with as high a curriculum south. The advantages afforded in the music depart ment are very fine, possessing as it does the only real conservatory irB the southern states, in which the pupil is taught the mastery of every musical instrument, including the pipe organ recently purchased by its enterprising principals. Dur ing the early months of the coming year (1896) it is proposed that a new audi torium building, with a seating capacity of 1,000, shall be added to the already extensive buildings of the institution. The department of art offers exceptional advantages also, and its facilities are constantly being increased in order to keep pace with the growth of this particular part of the school. It is gratifying to note that the efforts of the proprietors of the school are meeting with signal success. During the collegiate year just closed eleven states were represented among the student body of the institution, and it is but a question of time when this institution will be reckoned among the leading female colleges of the union. JJ ON. GEORGE W. WALKER, mayor of Gainesville, Ga., was born in Bartow county, Ga., on Oct 13, 1845, and is a son of Felix and Mary B. (Ford) Walker. He is the youngest in a family of five living children, viz.: Emaline, Margaret, Cassie, Mary and George W. He learned the blacksmith's trade when young, established a carriage manufactory in Gainesville, Ga., in 1876, and has since devoted his attention to that business, and now has a thriving trade through out the state. In 1885 he was elected mayor of Gainesville and served one term. For the two years previous to that time he had served as a member of the city council. In December, 1893, he was again chosen mayor of Gainesville, and retains that office at this time. In 1869 he was happily joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to Miss Ella I. Smith, daughter of William P. Smith, a distinguished citizen of Gainesville, Ga. This union has been blessed by the birth of five children, now in Hfe, viz. : WiHiam Clyde, Harry, Raiford, Ella and Ileta. HANCOCK COUNTY. JAMES M. ARCHER, planter, Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga. The gentleman herein named is one of the old-school planters of Hancock county, and is living on the same plantation which his father cultivated before him. He is one of that class of planters who believe in raising their own "hog and hominy," who make their farms self-sustaining, and who are to-day the only prosperous people in the state. Would that Georgia had more of them. They are the bone and sinew of the country. Grandfather William Archer came to Hancock county early in the present century. He lived to a good old age, and reared a large and prosperous HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO27 family. William was the father of James M. and was born in the county in 1812. He married in 1833 Miss Elizabeth Jackson, who was of German descent, and was also a native of the county. But two children were born to the union : William J., who married and reared a family in the county, and died in 1889, ^^'^ James M., whose name heads this sketch. The mother of these boys was a woman of fine quaHties, and taught them to "fear God and regard man" in all the walks of Hfe. She died at a ripe old age in 1878. William Archer was a man of iron constittition and a capacity and will for hard work equaled by but few in his day. He began Hfe in very moderate circumstances and by middle age had placed himself in the ranks of the wealthy planters of the county. This was not accom plished by trading and short practices, but by actually "digging it out of the soil." During his life-time he was a liberal supporter of the Baptist church, and is remembered as a man of large hospitality and generous impulses. He died in 1887. James M. Archer has foHowed in his father's footsteps, and is looked upon as a man equally as valuable to the community. His public spirit is proverbial, and he occupies a high place in church and society, holding the respect of all who know him. He was born Jan. 12, 1837, and was given such education as the comnion schools of the county afforded. He married his present estimable wife, Clarissa Ann Peeler, March 21, 1861. She was a daughter of Rev. Berry Peeler, who came from South Carolina, and was for many years prior to his death a prominent and gifted minister of the Baptist church. Twelve chHdren resulted from this union, as foHows: Ida J., deceased; Addie L., widow of Dr. L. S. Garner, living now with her parents; William B., deceased; Flavins J., planter, Hancock county; Sarah B., deceased; Green P.; J. Harvey; an infant, unnamed; Anna May, Jesse Mercer, Lillian E. and Isaac Holmes. Mr. Archer is one of the heaviest land-owners in the county, paying tax on some 3,000 acres of land. He lives on the old Archer plantation, eight miles south of Sparta, in a commodious new house, surrounded by such comforts as make life pleasant in the county. During the late war he did his whole duty as a private soldier in Company E, Thirty-second Georgia regiment, Col. George P. Harrison, commanding. He enlisted in 1862 and served on the coast defenses in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, participated in the battle of Ocean Pond, in the latter state, and the bombardment of Battery Wagoner, near Savannah. Mr. Archer is a democrat in political behef, and a deacon in the Baptist church. SociaHy he is regarded highly, being a gentleman of entertaining conversational powers and of most hospitable disposition. A S. BASS, postmaster, depot agent and storekeeper, Devereaux, Hancock Co., Ga., a station on the Macon & Augusta railway, in the western part of the county. ' Mr. Bass comes from good old Virginia stock, from which state his grandfather, Edmund Bass, emigrated when in his teens. Mr. Bass' father mar ried a Miss Ingram, and settied in the western part of the county, where he reared a family of four sons and five daughters : Milton, married Ann Culver, a sister of Hardy C, whose family is mentioned elsewhere, and became the father of the following chHdren: Ann E., Mrs. Wm. Coleman, Devereaux; W. H., Macon; A. S., the subject of this sketch; Carrie G., widow of J. W. Mote, Devereaux; George E., private Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, wounded and cap tured at Gettysburg, died in a Federal prison; Wesley A., planter near Devereaux; Hardy W., Baldwin county; Mary J., deceased; S'alHe E.; Mrs. Wm. Brown, Devereaux; Mattie L., Mrs. F. A. HaH, MiHedgeviHe. Mrs. Bass died in 1869. She was a woman of superior qualities and is remembered by her children as a mother faithful and true to their best interests. The father lived till 1883. He I028 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. early mastered the art of successfully tilling his native heath, and was regarded as an authority on all questions pertaining to agriculture. He accumulated a good estate, and in his public and private benefactions was liberal and just. He was a member and active worker in the Methodist church, and as such is remembered as being of peculiar and wonderful power in prayer. Although not an educated man, when "talking to the Lord" he had a command of language seldom sur passed. "Syd" Bass, as he is famHiarly known, came to manhood on the wave that ushered in the civil war, having been born June 22, 1841. He enlisted as a private in Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, in 1861. He participated in some of the hardest fought battles of the war, notably the seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, Chancellorsville and Sec ond Manassas, and wears the marks of two Yankee bullets, having been wounded in the shoulder at Sharpsburg, and in the thigh at Second Manassas. Witnessing the surrender of his beloved chieftain at Appomattox, he returned home, gladly laying down the implements of war to engage in the industries of peace. The business of Mr. Bass since the war has been such as to give him a large acquaint ance in the county, among whom he is regarded as a faithful and conscientious official. He is a democrat, is a Mason and belongs to the Methodist church. The marriage of Mr. Bass was consummated with Miss Ella C. Simmons in 1872, who is the mother of three children: George E., died in infancy; Anna le Gay and Ora E., young ladies at home. QAPT. RICHARD B. BAXTER, Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga., is the only rep resentative left in Hancock county of a very prominent and influential family whose members have won eminence in professional and business circles wherever they may have located, notably Judge Eli Baxter, an uncle of the above gen tleman, who for several decades was one of the leaders of the bar of middle Geor gia, and a judge of the superior court, and Thomas W., the same gentleman's father, who died a successful and prosperous merchant and manufacturer in Athens. Richard B. Baxter was born in Athens, Ga., Nov. 27, 1840, the son of Thomas W. and Mary (Wiley) Baxter. His people were North CaroHnians and came to the state in its early history. His father died when Richard was but four years old. He spent his life as a business man, successively in Milledgeville, Macon and Athens, and was a man of fine business capacity, his early death cutting off a career that would have been brilliant in its success. At the time of his death he was engaged in various enterprises and was president of the Athens Manufac turing company. Mrs. Baxter was a member of the Wiley family, which has also been prominent in the state. She died in 1869, the mother of the following children : Andrew, Atlanta, Ga. ; Mary, deceased, who married Judge J. J. Gresh am, Macon, Ga.; Thomas W., Baltimore; Sarah, widow of "W. E. Bird, Balti more; Dr. J. S., Macon, president of the Southwestern railway; Eli L., died of disease in the late war; Edwin G., killed in Texas, and Richard B. This last- named gentleman was graduated from Franklin college (now the university of Georgia) in i860. The year which followed was one of great interest to the young graduate, who was just at that age when the blood mantles and oppres sion seems most galHng. "When the stirring events of that year culminated in the convention which met at MilledgeviHe he heartily acquiesced in its decision and soon became a member of the Athens guard. This company went to the front among the very first troops, and in the organization became Company K, Third Georgia regiment. The regiment was first stationed at Portsmouth, then fortified Roanoke Island. It was subsequently detailed to patrol the Dismal Swamp canal, where it had its first engagement at South Mills. After the evacua- HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO29 tion of Norfolk it was ordered to Petersburg, and beginning with the Seven; Pines fight about Richmond, participated successively in all the important engage ments throughout Virginia, was in the Maryland campaign (wounded at Sharps burg), and participated in the great battle at Gettysburg, in all of which Mr. Baxter followed the varying fortunes of the army. After the battle he was transferred to Company E, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, and went with Longstreet to reinforce the army of the west At Chickamauga and Knoxville he did his duty gallantly, but while on a foraging tour near the latter place was unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the enemy. This was in January, 1864. He was taken to the Rock Island military prison, from which he marched out in the very last squad which left it in 1865, the gates swinging open never again to bar the coming and going of the southern soldier. The memory of those long dreary months still lingers with the soldier and makes him appreciate to the fullest extent the liberty of thought and action. Returning home to Athens, Capt. Baxter was there happily married Aug. 9 to Miss Kate, daughter of Tinsley W. Rucker. This perfect union was broken in 1882 when death claimed the mother of his children, whom they worshiped with a love akin to the divine. These children are honoring themselves and their parents in taking useful positions in life as they come to maturity. John S., Jr., who is prominently identified with one of the Macon railroads, is a graduate of Emory college; Edgeworth B. was educated at Princeton, where he was graduated and is now a successful practitioner of the law at Augusta; Elizabeth H. was educated at the Misses Bonds' school at Balti more, and is now the wife of J. Lane MuHaly, Sparta, Ga. The three remaining children are young people at home: Georgia P., Richard B., Jr., and Thomas W. Capt Baxter moved to Sparta in 1867, where he has since engaged in planting and in the management of the large property which he possesses. His home reflects the character of the man in its quiet elegance. He is a keen business man, a courteous and elegant gentleman, and a cftizen whom his friends delight to honor. He votes the democratic ticket, and is a consistent and prominent mem ber of the Presbyterian church. P> A. BEALL, Culverton, Hancock Co., Ga., is the son of Jesse R. BeaH and ^' Mary Culpepper. The family is of English extraction and came toVirginia in the colonial period, whence many members moved to and settled in North CaroHna. Mr. Beall's grandfather, Samuel BeaH, came from North Carolina to Georgia and settled in Warren county, Ga., about the beginning of this century. His family consisted of three sons, Erasmus, Robert and Jesse R., and one daughter, Mary, all deceased but Jesse R., father of the gentieman above named. He was born in 1812, and" married in Warren county. His children were as follows: Mary, widow of Samuel Hall; America, deceased; Jane, Mrs. William A. Suther land, Pulaski county; Annie, Mrs. J. C. Key, MilledgeviHe; Viola, deceased; Samuel, Jefferson county; R. A., Columbus, deceased, kiHed at Sharpsburg, private in Company A, Twentieth Georgia regiment; WilHam H., Jefferson county. The mother of these chHdren died in 1869. Mr. BeaH has since re married and now lives in Jefferson county. R. A. BeaH was born January 31, 1836. He grew to man's estate on a Warren county plantation, and at the age of twenty-two married Fitzena C. Cheely. Eight children have grown up about him: James T., Hancock county; Jesse K., merchant; J. Frank, Macon; R. C, Hancock county; Anna May, single; Lucillus, Sparta; Albert C, Han cock county, and Louise. Mr Beall has passed his life in agricultural pursuits for the most part, and is a man of well-known probfty of character and un doubted integrity. As a veteran of the late war, he delights in recalling the 1030 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. scenes of those sanguinary days, and grows eloquent in his defense of the lost cause. Enhsting as a private in Company B, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, in 1861, he arrived on the field just after the first battle of Alanassas. In the spring of 1862 he took part in the seven days' fight around Richmond, and later was at Seven Pines, Sharpsburg, Second Alanassas, Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. In this bloody fight Mr. Beall was severely wounded in the right leg during the second day. He was placed in a temporary hospital, which was afterward captured by the enemy, and he thus became a prisoner of war. As he was a commissioned officer at the time, he was carried to Johnson's Island, in which summer resort he remained till February of 1864, when he was removed to Point Lookout. After a short stay there he was transferred to the prison at Fort Delaware, from whence he was paroled late in 1864. After his exchange he again entered the army, and being given a detail to look after government stores and the wounded at Lynch burg, served at that point till the surrender Mr. Beall is a democrat in politics and a member of the Baptist church. His sons and daughters have all grown up about him, honorable men and noble women, and he lives among them secure in their respect and love. QOL. W. L. L. BOWEN. Nestling among the pine-clad lulls of the upper Ogee chee river is the quiet little village of Jewells — a busy little world in itself, with its humming cotton factory, the center of interest and the thrift of its citizens attested by many pretty homes. The large company store bears the firm name of Bowen, Jewell & Co., the subject of this sketch being the senior member. Col. Bowen is a Tennesseean by birth, the son of Reece and Mary (Moody) Bowen, and was born in Granger county Oct. 22, 1S38. He grew to manhood in that county, and was just completing his education in what is now known as Carson and Newman college when the war broke out. Four full years he followed the fortunes of the Confederacy, after which he wentto Florida, where he engaged successfully in vari ous business enterprises until 1881. In that year he moved to Jewells, and subse quently he bought a controlling interest in the plant of his father-in-law, D. A. Jewell, and has-since devoted his energies to its operation. The company has one of the finest cotton factory plants in the - state, operating some 3,800 spindles and 120 looms, together with a ginnery and grist-miH, and is doing a large and paying business. Col. Bowen was one of the very first to respond to the call to arms in the late civil war. A senior at college, within a few months of graduation, he insisted on leaving for the front The president, finding it useless to argue further, handed him his diploma as he took the train for Charleston. Arriving at that point he joined a company of minute men, but soon went to Florida, where. he entered the regular army as quartermaster. This service, however, smacked too Httle of war for a young man of spirit, and he therefore enlisted in the Fourth Florida, a regiment of infantry which was being organized for the army in the west, and of which he was elected major. Just previous to going to Tennessee he was elected Heutenant-colonel, and on the death of the colonel commanding in 1862, was promoted to that position. WhHe leading his regiment at the battle of Murfreesboro, his conduct under fire was such as to call forth the warmest praise of his ranking officers, and he was promoted to brigadier-general of the Confed erate army. Col. Bowen, however, has modestly refrained from prefixing that title to his name, as his commission, though issued, never reached him on account of the unsettied and chaotic condition of things near the close of the war During the war Col. Bowen enjoyed the fullest confidence of his commanding officers, and was frequently entrusted with most important business. He was personally ac quainted with a large number of the leading men, both in and out of the army, and relates many interesting occurrences. The following incident he relates illus- W. L. L. BOWEN. HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO3I trates Gen. Hardee's keen sense of humor. It was on the day of the noted Peach- tree creek engagement during the battle of Atlanta. The battle had been raging for some time with heavy losses to each army. The brave Gen. William H. T. Walker had just fallen, and Gen. Hardee, feeling that Hood should be apprised of his death, dispatched Col. Bowen to him with the sad intelligence. "Go back," said Hood, "and tell Hardee to press up Peachtree creek. It's the grandest route of the war." On hearing these orders Hardee drily remarked, "Yes, but its the wrong kind of a route." Col. Bowen retired with the army before Sherman, and, joining Johnston in Soutii Carolina, was shortly after sent with important dispatches to Gen. Lee. He delivered the dispatches to that general the day before the evacuation of Richmond, and returned to Johnston's army, to be soon surrendered at Greensboro, N. C. Instead of returning to his native state Col. Bowen came south, and, on arriving at Milledgeville, was taken with a severe attack of fever. During his convalescence he one day drove over to the little town of Jewells. It was there he first met the lady who now as his wife graces his beautiful home, though at that time she was but a little girl. Locating in Florida, the visits which the colonel now and then made to his people in Tennessee were supplemented by calls at Jewells. It was thus the "old, old story" was again rehearsed, and on June 28, 1877, Aliss Alary E. Jewell became Mrs. Bowen. This lady, who graduated with distinguished honors at Lucy Cobb institute in 1875, is a daughter of D. A. Jewell and Mary A. (Shea) Jewell, her father having in a great measure built the factory and founded the town which bears his name. To them have been born seven children : Alarie, Lucile, deceased, Mabel, Orlando, Reece, deceased, Marian, and Robert E. Lee. Col. Bowen is the leading figure in his community. In poli tics he is a stanch democrat, in faith a Missionary Baptist and a deacon in the church to which he belongs, and is also a royal arch Mason. JOSIAH CARR, planter, Culverton, Hancock Co., Ga., is a North Carolinian, where he was born in Franklin county, May 9, 1828. Bereft of his parents at a tender age. Col. Carr came to Hancock county, Ga., where he found a protector in the person of an elder brother, James Carr. He was one of a family of seven chHdren: James; WHHs; John and Robert E., deceased; Green B., planter, Han cock county; Samuel, lives in Hopkins county, Tex., and Josiah. When Col. Carr came to manhoo'd he found a wife in Miss Susan B. Barksdale, who lived but a year, dying without issue. In 1868 he again married, Sarah' E. ColHns becoming his wife. This lady died Aug. 26, 1880, the mother of two sons: Robert Lee, who grew to manhood, a bright, promising youth, but was stricken with typhoid fever, and died Oct. 26, 1892, and John Henry, a manly youth, now living with his father. Col. Carr served his state to the best of his abilit;^ during the civil war, but was too feeble in health to stand service in the field. His plantation consists of 3,000 acres of choice land, lying eight mHes northeast of Sparta. He stHl holds to democracy, and is a member of the Baptist church. YfJ N. COLEMAN, planter, merchant, stockman and fruft grower, Northen, ' Hancock Co., Ga., is a type of the vigorous and successful young man of the day. Mr Coleman is the son of Richard and Rebecca (Thomas) Coleman, and was born in Nottaway county, Va., April 3, 1849. His father was a prosperous planter of that county, but dying early, left Mr Coleman at fifteen years of age to fight life's batties for himself and a younger sister The property was left in such shape as to give him littie assistance. Securing a clerkship at the country store of Col. J. W. Harper at the insignificant salary of $50 per year aind board, he soon made himself a necessity by dHigent and faithful service. He remained wfth Col. Harper three years, receiving an increase in compensation each year. In January, I0-?2 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. 1870, the lad concluded to try his fortunes in the south, and arriving at Augusta secured a position in the wholesale grocery house of Z. McCord. The following year he came to Hancock county, where he engaged with an uncle, H. W. Cole man, who was a merchant and plaiiter on the Ogeechee river. A year was spent with him, a few months with A. S. Bass, a merchant at Devereaux, and three years with D. A. Jewell & Co., at Jewells, and then Mr. Coleman felt equipped for busi ness of his own. In company with a brother-in-law, J. E. Medlock, and Mr. G. W. Bass, the firm of Aledlock, Bass & Co. began business at Jewells, and continued successfully for some three years. Mr. Bass then sold his interest to Mr. Coleman, who, after two years' successful continuance of the business, sold to his partner, and began farming at the point where he now resides, seven mHes east of Sparta. He began on a Hmited scale, but has each year added to his possessions, untH he has a little community of his own. A comfortable and commodious dwelHng stands on one side of the road, among shrubbery and flowers of every variety. On the opposite side is a large gin house, with the latest improved machinery, and a barn in which may be found thorough-bred Jersey cattle, thoroughbred horses, and a large store building, filled with a choice stock of goods, a carriage and black smith shop, and, best of all, a neat little school-house and church. These build ings are all comparatively new and present a fine appearance to the traveler's eye. Mr. Coleman has a fine plantation of 900 acres, and a magnificent bearing peach orchard of 10,000 trees. He is too busy to engage in politics, but is a stanch democrat. He and his family are members of the Methodist church, to which he is most liberal in donations. On Jan. 28, 1878, Air Coleman and Willie, daugh ter of James PI. Middlebrooks, began their niarried life. They are the parents of four children: Rebecca, died in infancy; Hawley, a bright lad of eleven years; Virginia, nine, and Herbert, four. Air and Mrs. Coleman deserve and receive the respect of a large circle of friends, whom they delight to entertain and honor. JOHN L. CULA'ER, planter, Culverton, Plancock Co., Ga., is a worthy scion of one of the oldest and most prominent famihes in middle Georgia. His grandfather, George Culver, together with two brothers, came to the state from the Chesapeake bay country in Maryland soon after the revolutionary war, and settled in Hancock county. Here he married Ehzabeth ElHs, who bore him a large family of sons and daughters. Hardy C, one of these sons, the father of John L., was born in 1800, and about 1824 niarried Ann L. Latimer, to whom were born eleven children, as follows: WiHiam H., merchant, Culverton; Henry H., deceased; John L., Ann Elizabeth, deceased wife of Daniel Connell, Culverton; Alary J., wife of Capt. J. W. Aloore, Culverton; Thomas H., a lieutenant of Company K, Fifteenth (jeorgia regiment, killed at the battle of the WHderness; German P. and Benjamin C, planters, Culverton; Robert M., deceased in child hood; Everard H., private in Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, killed at Gettysburg, and Amazon B., who died in girlhood. Both parents of this family died in 1865. Hardy C. Cidver was a man of wonderful energy, fine business judgment, and was held in high esteem by his fellow-citizens. He founded the town of Culverton, and was always foremost in every work that promised well for the public good. He gave liberally to all educational enterprises, and as a Methodist was untiring in his efforts for the advancement of that denomination, being an intimate friend of and co-worker with the late Bishop George F. Pierce. In politics he was a whig, and, though not at all fond of political Hfe, he, by reason of his peculiar fitness, was forced to yield to the solicitations of friends, and represented his count}' in the legislature a number of terms, frequently drawing the support of democrats because of his just and conservative views. John L. Culver was born Dec. 26, 1829. He was raised on a plantation and given a good HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. 1033 common school education. In July, 1861, he entered the Confederate service as captain of Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, and saw service in Virginia untH 1863. On the advice of his physician he resigned his commission and returned home to recuperate his faHing health. When Sherman invaded Georgia he again became a soldier, this time as special escort to Gen. Gustavus Smith of the state troops, in whose service he remained to the end of the war. Air Culver's life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits. As a planter he has no superior in the county, and combines with a scientific knowledge of that honorable pursuft, an aptitude for business and public Hfe which has won for him a state-wide reputa tion. In politics he is a stanch democrat and did fine service just after the war in wresting his county from the rule of incompetent negroes and rascally carpet baggers. He represented his party in the lower house in the sessions of 1872-73-74 and 1875, and in 1890 was elected to represent the Twentieth senatorial district in the general assembly. He is at present chairman of the democratic executive committee, and president of the democratic party organization of Hancock county. The village of Culverton was incorporated in 1890, and he has since served as mayor. As a steward in the Methodist church and a member of the masonic fraternity Air Culver is a useful and popular adjunct of the community in which he resides. His marriage occurred in Glascock county, Ga., Nov. 12, 1850, his' wife having been Aliss Alary L., daughter of Louis Cheely. Four children were raised to maturity: Alary Al., deceased wife of R. H. Moore, Culverton; Anna M., at home; Louis E., wholesale hardware merchant, Macon, Ga., and B. Louvill, wife of J. E. Kidd, Alilledgeville, Ga. "\A/^ILLIAA1 .S. DICKSON, planter, Sparta, Hancock county, Ga., is a pros perous planter living five miles southeast of Sparta. He was born in the county Sept. 25, 1839, and is the son of James Al. and Alargaret A. (Crawford) Dickson. The Dickson family history avaHable at this time dates back to WilHam's grand father, Curry Dickson, who grew to manhood and passed his life in Hancock county. No data as to his birth and antecedents could be obtained. He married Elizabeth Shy, a name familiar to all Georgians as of the highest respectability, and from their union sprang three boys and one girl: James Al., W. S., D. W. and Emily Francis, now Mrs. Thomas Jordan, Craig county, Tex. James Al. is the father of William S., and is stiH living near him at the advanced age of eighty years. He is exceedingly well-preserved and still looks after his little farm as in his younger days. He married in 1838, and has seen eight chHdren grow to maturity, as follows: WiHiam S., the subject of this sketch; James C, David W. and Green L., successful planters of the county; Eliza J., single; Sarah, wfte of B. J. Clark; Georgia B., single; Emily P., wife of J"ames Al. Dickson, also planters of Hancock county. WiHiam S. has always resided in the county of his nativity. When the war broke out he enlisted early as a private in Company K, Fifteenth Georgia regiment, and did his duty manfuHy till the surrender. The regiment arrived too late to be of service in 1861, but from the opening of the campaign in 1862 to the surrender, saw plenty of hard fighting. While Mr. Dickson was in the ranks he participated in the seven days' battie around Rich mond, Fairfax court house. Second Alanassas and at Gettysburg. In the latter battle he was severely wounded in the left shoulder, disabling him to such an extent as to preclude his carrying a musket in the ranks, and on his return to the army he was therefore detailed for service on the wagon train. He was married in Hancock courfty, Dec. 24, 1865, to Rebecca, daughter of John A. Kelly. Air. Dickson is a deacon in the Baptist church, and a most uncompromising democrat in politics. His democracy is of that type that finds no sacrifice too great for the advancement of the interests of the party, and much credft is due him for the solid I034 MEMOIRS OB' GEORGIA. front which it has been enabled to present in the county to the advancing hosts of populists. J2)AyiD DICKSON, deceased. Nothing so touches the heart of the true Georgian with sadness as does the contemplation of the rapidly decaying old plantation house of ante-bellum days, and fts hoary-headed and tottering inmate, both soon to be numbered among "the things that were, and are not." They speak of proud days, days when the "planting element' dominated in the realms of politics and society, and read the law to all other occupations. This element was especiaHy strong in Hancock county, where just before the war were some of the largest and finest plantations in the state. Possibly the largest and finest of these was that of the gentieman above named, he at one time having cultivated a body of some 30,000 acres. A drive of twelye miles southeast of Sparta wHl bring' the traveler to the old Dickson plantation, where he wiH find the spacious house and outbuildings stiH standing though the "hand which held the plow" Hes nerveless and still, under the sod it once cultivated. David Dickson was born in Hancock county, Ga., July 4, 1809, the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dickson, an humble but honest parentage. Like most of the early settlers, they were dependent on the efforts of their own hands for their daily bread, and thus brought their children up in the best agricultural training school ever yet discovered. As David approached manhood, the period in which slave labor was most profitable dawned upon the south, and for the next two decades held sway. Beginning with moderate means he amassed property rapidly, and during the entire latter half of his life was probably the wealthiest man in his county. Some of his methods were peculiarly his own. It is said that he was phenomenally kind in the treatment of his slaves, and such was his influence over them that he had no use for an overseer. He was not an educated man so far as book knowledge is concerned, but was endowed with mope than ordinary gifts of mind in the sphere in which he labored. He knew the productive qualities of every foot of his land, and could tell to a bushel or a bale just what each plat ought to yield. Thus, when free labor took the place of slave, he allotted each his portion in the spring-time, and told him just how much it would yield if properly cultivated. His rents were collected on those figures, of course allowing for the season, and it is said he had very few failures as a consequence. Mr. Dickson was liberal with his means toward all worthy public enterprises and in matters pertaining to education and religion; and though he favored no particular denomination, his moral character was such as to command the respect of his associates. He never used tobacco or liquor in any form, and was very chaste and careful in his language. He retained his powers, both physical and mental, to the last, dying suddenly within an hour, on Feb. 13, 1885, leaving his entire property to a former favorite female slave, who at her death, willed the same to her two sons, Julian H. and Charles G., the present owners of the large property. QHARLES WILDS DU BOSE (deceased), lawyer and jurist, was born in Darlington district, S. C, on Sept. 24, 1825. Plis family were French Hugue nots, their ancestors having emigrated from France to the then province of South CaroHna upon the revocation of the edict of Nantes in the seventeenth century. Plis grandfather, Elias Du Bose, held a commission and bore a conspicuous part in the revolutionary war. His father, John Wilds Du Bose — named in honor of his maternal uncle. Judge Samuel Wilds, a highly-distinguished jurist of South Caro lina — married his cousin, Elizabeth Roberts, the datighter of Dr. John Roberts, a Baptist clergyman living in Cherac's district; and Charles was their only sur-- HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO35 viving son. While still in infancy his mother died, and with the boy Mr Du Bose left the state of his nativity and sought a new home on the St Mary's river, Florida, where he purchased a large tract of land and spent the remainder of his hfe as a planter When Charles was about five years of age his father brought to his home a second wife, the daughter of a relative who lived on the "High point of the Cumberland," Miss Mary K. Aliller, first cousin to his "vvife Ehzabeth. This gentle lady proved to be a faithful stepmother to the lonely, sensitive child, whose heart was, however, bound up in the father, to whom he was passionately attached, but who died when the boy was just verging on manhood. This second marriage was blessed with sons and daughters, and among them the thoughtful, quiet lad grew up tenderly cared for by the mother, to whom to the end of her hfe he was a true, unselfish elder son. His education was directed by the Rev. Dr Baird, a Presbyterian clergyman, and noted instructor of boys at the academy in "Old St. Alarys;" his uncertain health, deterring his father from sending him away from home. At sixteen the studious boy grew weary of the monotony of plantation life and longed for other scenes. With high hope in his young heart he left his father's sheltering arm and went to Augusta to begin the study of law, 'im the office of his relative, the Hon. Andrew J. Aliller. Into the family of his step mother's brother he was admitted as a son, remaining there until he was made a member of the bar of Georgia, by special act of the legislature, at nineteen years of age. Advised by Mr. Miller, he immediately went to Sparta in Hancock county, where he went into practice with Hon. Eli H. Baxter. Upon the election of his co-partner to the judgeship of the northern circuit he formed a second connection with the Hon. Linton Stephens, which was dissolved in i860 by the latter's appoint ment to a seat on the supreme bench. Between these two men, totally dissimilar in temperament, there grew a lasting and tender friendship. Perhaps, more than all else, to gratify his friends, Mr. Du Bose accepted the clerkship of the supreme court, holding that position through many difficulties until removed, under recon struction influences, in 1868. Very early in the war he and Linton Stephens formed a company of infantry called the "Confederate Guards." Upon the pro motion of Capt Stephens to the rank of major the command devolved upon him, but his friends, particularly Hon. Alex. PI. Stephens, objected so strongly to his going to the front on account of his delicate health, and the imperative need for his presence at home, that he reluctantly consented to remain behind. This was a grief to him while the war lasted, so much so that when the governor made his last call for volunteers he presented himself at once, as a private soldier in the camp at Atlanta, only to be prostrated wfth camp fever. Learning this the gov ernor sent his carriage, brought him to the city, and upon his positive refusal to return home, gave him a position on his personal staff. From 1848 to i860 he held the office of ordinary of Hancock county by continuous elections; and during the war he was twice elected to the lower branch of the general assembly, serving in all six years. It was during the latter part of his service as legislator that he succeeded in getting through the house the bill introduced by Hon. Andrew J. AliHer, but which he could never get further than the senate. This was the bill caHed "The Woman's Bill," now a law, giving to every married woman her own property. For that service the women of Georgia have cause to be forever grate ful to Col. Du Bose's energy and perseverance. He was a member of the secession convention in i860, and in 1866 was sent as delegate to the constitutional con vention at MilledgeviHe. In 1877 he was again elected to a similar convention which framed our present constitution. From that time he declined all offices, even modestly refusing to Hsten to tempting offers of judicial preferment, devoting his energies solely to his profession. At last, however, he yielded to the soHcita- 1036 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. lion of friends, and consented to represent the Twentieth senatorial district Dur ing this term occurred the famous impeachment trials of the comptroller and state treasurer, he being one of the small minority whose votes acquitted Mr. Renfroe. At this term also his son, Andrew Miller Du Bose, represented his county in the lower house, his colleagues being the Hon. WiHiam J. Northen, who afterward served two terms as governor of the state. It was at the earnest solicita tion of his friend. Col. Du Bose, that Mr. Northen then, for the first time, made his appearance in official life. In each of these varied public trusts Col. Du Bose proved himself able, conscientious and faithful. In 1848 he married Miss Cath erine Anne, eldest daughter of Rev. Wm. Richards, a faithful and devoted clergy man of the Baptist denomination, who came with his family from England while she was very young. Her education began in the northern states, was continued under the care of the beloved Airs. Edgerton (afterward Mrs. Orme of Alilledge ville), at her famous school at Midv/ay, Ga. This union was particularly fortu nate, congeniality of tastes and perfect understanding giving to their home life an unusual degree of wedded happiness. Airs. Du Bose early won distinction in the literary world as a writer of prose and verse. She has enduring mention in many works, referring to "Female Writers of the South." Her little book. The Pastor's Household, and many poems and periodical contributions attracted widespread attention. Her entire family seem to have been gifted with the literary faculty, notably her oldest brother. Dr. Wm. C. Richards, of Chicago, who won eminence as poet, scientist, lecturer and divine. Mr. T. Addison Richards of New York city, a distinguished landscape artist and writer, who held the responsible position of corresponding secretary of the .National Academy of Design for forty years. Also her sister, Mrs. Amelia S. Williams of Tennessee, who wields a ready and facile pen in prose and verse. The children of this happily married pair have all grown to man's estate, in honor The eldest was Charles S. Du Bose of Warrenton, Ga., whose death at the untimely age of thirty-two cut short a Hfe of great usefulness and rare promise, and inflicted a blow to his father's heart from which he never fully recovered. This youth quickly rose to eminence at the bar, and served the state twice as legislator, and afterward in the state senate, from which his failing health compelled him to resign. Hon. Andrew Aliller Du Bose, his second son, has represented his county in the lower house, and still practices law in his father's old office in Sparta, Ga. His two younger sons are Dr. Wm. Richards Du Bose, an eminent and valued surgeon in the United States navy, and Dr. George Pierce Du Bose, who holds a responsible and honorable position in the medical department at Washington, D. C. To each of these sons it was his pride and happiness to give every advantage of education, building firmly upon the solid foundation laid by their devoted mother. Their success in life amply repaid his self-sacrificing eflorts. His work thus nobly done. Col. Du Bose departed this life on Oct. 22, 1890, having just completed his sixty-fifth year. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, and counted one of the most useful citizens of his county and state. His sturdy integrity and unwavering hon esty, his steadfast friendship and useful devotion to his wife and children, his gentle, courteous demeanor, and the graces that ever adorned his practical Christian life secured for him the admiration, esteem, reverence and love of every one who knew him. His wife still survives him, in the beautiful home he made for her, blest by the lo-Ving care of her sons, and their accomplished wives, and enjoying the competence won for her by his professional energy and zeal. JAMES A. HARLEY. Conspicuous among the old and reliable families of Hancock county the name of Plarley stands worthy of honorable mention. Different members have won distinction in professional and literary circles, and HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO37 have intermarried yvith other families equally as eminent, notably the Battles, of lasting prominence throughout the state. The progenitor of this branch of the family, "V\'^illiaiii J. Harley, was a native of Barnwell district, S. C. He was educated at a Baptist theological seminary, graduating in 1828 in the class made famous by Drs. Alclntosh, De Votie and others of scarcely less prominence in religious circles. Serving the Master in the pulpits of Soutii Carolina until middle age, he came to Hancock county, where several years before he had met, while attend ing a Baptist association, Miss Alary L. Battle. They were married in 1843, s^^id thus began a life of connubial bliss unmarred by a single unkind act or word during its continuance. They made Hancock county their place of residence during all their married life, and were the parents of a most interesting and cul tured family: James A.; Ella A. (deceased), at fourteen years of age; Alamie B., and Anna S., teachers; W. I., a prominent and successful planter and stockman of Hanccjck county; and Reuben B. Rev. Harley continued in the Baptist min istry until 1870, the date of his death. He was a man whose labors were wonder fully blessed in building up his denomination throughout the state. Mrs. Harley was a woman of tender and loving sympathies, a most devout Christian, and instilled into the hearts of her children a lasting reverence for that noble mother hood which she so worthily typified. She died at the age of seventy-two' years, in 1890. James A. Harley, the eldest son, is a member of the bar at present in Hancock county. He was born April i, 1846, and was educated at Mercer uni versity, where he graduated in 1868. After leaving school he taught for a year in Alabama, then entered upon the study of the law under the preceptorship of Geo. F. Pierce, now deceased. Being admitted at Sparta in 1869, he at once entered upon the duties of his profession and has built for himself a large and remunerative practice. Mr. Harley has never held public office but once, and then by appointment by Gov. McDaniel, to the solicitorship of the northern circuit in 1884, to fill an unexpired term. Pie acquitted himself creditably to the end of the term, and then declined being a candidate for election. Although a mere boy when the war broke out he at once enlisted in Col. R. H. Anderson's regiment of cavalry, known as the Fifth Georgia, and did gallant service in the western division of the army. Being captured by Sherman's cavalry near Atlanta he was carried to Savannah and from thence to Point Lookout, where he was held prisoner until his exchange in February of 1865. He did not again enter the army. Mr. Harley was united in wedlock March i, 1870, to Anna F. Pierce, youngest daughter of the late Bishop George F. Pierce of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Harley have had born to them four bright children : Pauline, George P., Ella A., and James A., Jr. 'Mr. Harley is of course a democrat and of the same faith as his father. He is an active worker in the church, and is superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school at Sparta. p> EUBEN BATTLE HARLEY, lawyer, Sparta, Hancock county, Ga., youngest chHd of the above parentage-, was born Nov. 2, 1859. He was educated in the exceUent academy at Sparta and studied law at Mercer university. His examina tion occurred before Judge E. H. Pottle at Sparta in 1884, since which time he has been actively engaged in the practice, and is looked upon as a rising member of the profession. Mr. Harley has not yet married, being wedded to his work and to his books. His distinguished characteristic is his fondness for literature, in which he is quite fond of history, and in that branch of literature has delved deep and retained the results of his research. An hour's conversation with him reveals this fact most pleasantiy. He takes great interest in his profession, and as a member of the Georgia Bar association has done valuable service in its delibera- 1038 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. tions. He loves politics (what man of his tastes does not?), and is proud to give his valuable aid in keeping Hancock county in the ranks of democracy. .As a consistent and earnest member of the Baptist church, and a man of fine social qualities, he is much respected in the community where he has passed his life. JAAIES M. HARRIS, planter, Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga., is a representative of an old and aristocratic famHy, which has for long years wielded a powerful influence for good in Hancock county. Planters by occupation, and large land owners, they united with an unsurpassed technical knowledge of farming, a clever business judgment which kept them at the head of the wealthy famihes of the county. Few people are better or more familiarly known than "Jim" Harris. He is a son of Peterson and Rebecca (Hurt) Plarris, and v/as born near where he now resides, Nov. i, 1819. His parents had come some years prior to this event from Maryland and settled on Shoulder Bone creek, eight miles northwest of Sparta. Here a family of six sons were born to them. The father died at a rather early age, and the mother married and moved with all the children except James, to Alabama, "vvhere she passed the reinainder of her days. After his father's death James went to reside with an uncle. Miles G. Harris, who acted as his guardian and by whom he was reared. He was happily married Feb. 4, 1845, in Hancock county, to .Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Edwin Wiley, another of the old families of the county. Mr. Harris has no children of his own, but adopted at an early age, Moses W., a son of his wife's brother, Samuel H. Wiley, to whom they have given all the attention which could have been bestowed on one of their own flesh and blood. Moses W. was educated at the famous Mt Zion academy, then presided over by William J. Northen, who has since filled the gubernatorial chair with such honor; and at the university of Georgia, which institution he was compelled to leave before graduation because of the serious illness of his father. From this time he gave his entire attention to the management of the plantation, knowing that, as the only representative of the family, the task would devolve upon him each year with greater weight as his father's health continued to fail. In 1876 Moses W. Harris was joined in marriage to Miss Lizzie H., a daughter of James T. Gardiner of Augusta, and to the union there have been bom the following: James M., Jr, Mattie E., Sarah W.,, Flenry B., Carrie H., Birdie, Ehzabeth B. and Alary S. As intimated before, the Plarris estate is one of the largest in the county, containing 5,000 acres more or less of choice plantation lands on Shoulder Bone creek. For long years Mr. Harris has given his personal attention to the cultiva tion of these lands, and is only yielding to the force of circumstances in relinquish ing the work to his son as age creeps upon him. The tastes of the family never ran in the line of politics or public life in any form, and, though Mr. Harris has frequently been importuned to accept honored positions in county and state, he has always refused. He has simple done his duty as a private in the ranks of democracy. The Harris famHy have always been of the Presbyterian faith, and James M. follows in the same pathway. THOMAS J. JONES, M. D., a physician with a large and remunerative practice in the western part of Hancock county, postoffice Devereaux, is a man who, morally, religiously and socially commands the highest respect of a numerous cHentage of friends. He comes of old Virginia stock, his father, Henly Jones, having come to Warren county, Ga., from that state early in the present century. He had married in Virginia Miss Mary Baker, who bore him fourteen children, aH of whom are now deceased but the doctor. Three of them were physicians, one a school teacher, and the rest farmers. Dr. Jones was born June 3, 1829. He HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. 1039 received an ordinary academic education and began the study of his profession under the preceptorship of Dr B. H. Jones of Sparta. He subsequently went to Alacon, where he continued his studies with Dr W. S. Lightfoot He then went to Augusta, where he attended a course of lectures at the medical college. The following year he spent at NashviHe Aledical college, where he was graduated in the spring of 1852. He first located in the neighborhood where he now resides, but two years later removed to southwest Georgia, where he continued the practice till the war, in Weston, Webster Co. From this point he entered the service, but the rigors of an army life proved too great a strain upon him, and after a few months he was discharged. Returning to Hancock county he has since devoted himseH assiduously to the amehoration of the His of mankind; and wfth such a measure of success as has brought him a fair recompense, and a reputation second to none in the county. Dec. 23, 1853, Dr. Jones was joined in wedlock to Miss Ehzabeth A. Butts. She is a daughter of James I. Butts, deceased, and of a family which for many years has occupied an honorable position among the worthy yeomanry of the county. Four children came to bless their home; two died in infancy; Thomas C. lived to young manhood. James A., the only living child, is a planter near his parents, and a young man of fine promise. In 1894 he was the candidate of the people's party for the legislature, and received a flattering vote, though not sufficient to elect Dr. Jones is a Alason of royal arch degree, and a member of the Baptist church. J T. MIDDLEBROOKS. The name here mentioned will be recognized immediately by every Georgian as belonging to a family which left its imprint on every page of the state's history, and whose numerous members have impressed their individuality upon the local community of which they were a part. This sketch will be devoted particularly to that branch of the family which settled early in Hancock county, and which has for many decades exercised a leading and elevating influence on the public and private life of the county. Micajah Aliddlebrooks was a member of a colony which settled in the eastern part of Hancock county about the closing years of the last century. They were familiarly known as "Chesapeakers," having come from the bay of that name in Maryland. Soon after arriving he was inarried to Rachel Ellis, and they became the parents of four children — a son and three daughters. The original representatives of the family were puritanic in their moral and religious life and raised their children to the strictest observance of the tenets of the Methodist faith. The son, James Hall, grew to manhood under these influences and illustrated by his exemplary life the virtue of correct home training. He was a man of limited education, but with a simple child-like faith in the God of his early teaching, which caused him to be remembered by all who knew him as a man of remarkable and deep piety. In illustrating the degree in which he carried the teachings of the Bible into his daily life the following" will be of service : He was a great sportsman, and loved his dog and gun. When double-barreled shotguns first appeared he bought the first one that came in his neighborhood. A neighbor admiring it very much and offering to trade his old gun and considerable boot-money for it, Mr Middle brooks agreed and the trade was consummated. On trying his neighbor's gun he found it shot better than the double-barreled gun, and therefore insisted on returning the boot-money, much to the astonishment of the other party. Mr. Middlebrooks was a member and life-long worker in the Methodist church, and a man whose memory is still fragrant in the county. He passed to his reward suddenly, dropping dead one June day in 1867, being sixty-two years of age. Having been a hard worker and a man of excellent business judgment he had accumulated a large property, which he left to his widow and children. Mrs. 1040 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Middlebrooks was formerly Cassandra PIoweH, and was also reared in Hancock county. She died in 1885, at the age of seventy-five years, a true and devoted mother, of earnest and devoted piety. She was the mother of nine children: V\^ilHam, Eliza, George C. and Ehzabeth and John are deceased; Henry L. is a prominent citizen near Sparta; Caroline is Mrs. Thomas Worthen, Washington county; WHHe is Mrs. W. N. Coleman, Hancock county, and James T. is a prosperous planter, living nine miles east of Sparta. This last-named gentieman was born March 16, 1843. Reaching manhood just as the war was at its height he enlisted as a private in Conipany K, Fourteenth Georgia regiment. Going to Virginia he participated in the batties of Second Alanassas and Thoroughfare Gap; for a number of months after which he was prostrated by severe spells of typhoid fever. He recovered in time to join the army in its Pennsylvania cam paign, and in the disastrous battle of Gettysburg did gallant service in the famous charge on Littie Round Top. llie division he was with captured this point and held it till the following day, but not being properly supported were surrounded and fell into the hands of the victorious Federals. Mr. Middlebrooks was carried to prison at Ft. Delaware and subsequently to Point Lookout, and was exchanged shortly before Lee's surrender. Since the war he has been a successful planter; and as a Christian gentleman and upright citizen is highly esteemed in the community where he resides. In April, 1876, Mr. Middlebrooks and Miss Julia, daughter of John L. Birdsong, were united in wedlock. They are the parents of an interesting family of chHdren, whom they are rearing most circumspectly. Their names are: Howell, Edwin, Alildrim, Foster, May, deceased; Ralph, Leon and Ethel. UENRY L. MIDDLEBROOKS, planter, near Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga., is a son of Micajah and Cassandra (Howell) Middlebrooks, and was born in Hancock county. He is a man of the most exalted Christian character, and one of the most patriotic men in the country. He enlisted as a soldier in the Con federate army at the beginning of the "war. between the states," and remained in the service to the end — suffering all the dangers and privations and gallantly performing all the duties incident to soldier life. Mr. Middlebrooks was happily married in i860 to Miss Claude, daughter of Bishop' George F. Pierce. iTen happy, bright children have blessed this union : George L., Claude, P., Waldron H., Pierce, Alarvin, Blanche, Harry, Flournoy, Lillian, Estelle. J W. MOORE, a prominent and successful agriculturist of Culverton, Hancock ' Op., is the son of James and Sarah C. Moore, and was bom in Tahaferro co.unty, Ga., Feb. 2, 1827. His grandfather, Usury Moore, was a resident of Din widdle county, Va., and emigrated to Wilkes county, Ga., in the early part of the present century, where he spent the subsequent years of his life. Capt Moore's father was born in Virginia in 1790 and was twice married. The first wife was a Miss Irwin, who bore him five children, all now deceased. The second mar riage was solemnized -in Jones county, from which there resulted twelve children. Those living are: W. M., Sharon; J. W., the subject of this sketch; T. R., Sparta; O. D., Raytown; S. A., Plillman, and R. H., Culverton. The father was a mer chant and planter and accumulated quite a large property. He was a man of fine qualities, and his wife was a lady of great energy and spirit. They lived to a good age, the father dying at eighty and the mother at seventy-eight years. Four of the sons entered the army and did good service for the Confederacy, one, George W., being killed in one of the fights about Richmond. Capt. Moore was reared in Taliaferro county, and was niarried in 1845 to Miss Frances Chand- HANCOCK COUNTY SKETCHES. IO4I ler, who died eight months later. After four years, October, 1850, he married Miss Alary J. Culver. Nine children were born to them: W. R., deceased; -Ama zon E., Mrs. Robert Lewis, Sparta; Anna T., wife of H. F. Waller, Culverton; Lewis A., hardware merchant, Macon; James G. and R. W., at home; SalHe C, wife of Robert Chapman, Sparta; Mary J., wife of D. S. Brown, Macon. Air. Moore has lived in Culverton since 1850. The neighborhood is one of the finest in the county, having been the home for decades of some of the best families in the state. Early in life Capt. Moore was engaged in staging, operating several im portant lines. He was tax collector of the county ten years prior to the war. During the war he was commissary of the Forty-ninth Georgia regiment, and later was made brigade commissary, with the rank of captain. Since the war his occupation has been that of a planter, and at different times he has taken an-. active part in politics. He was elected sheriff of the county and served with credit six years; he served three terms in succession in the general assembly, a fact showing his prominence as a citizen and his popularity in political circles. The Moore plantation, part of which lies within the corporate limits of Culverton, comprises 1,500 acres of fine lands, which the captain, by his energetic and inteHi gent system of planting, makes yield abundant crops. Capt. Moore is a demo crat, always ready to put on the harness for his party, and the Methodist church embodies his religious creed. LocaHy he and his family are highly esteemed in the community where they have resided so long. pLEASANT W. RACHEL, planter, Culverton, Hancock Co., Ga. Uncle "Pies" Rachel is a familiar figure in Hancock county, where he has for sixty-six years commanded the respect and esteem of his friends and neighbors. He was born in the county Aug. 11, 1829. His great-grandfather. Miles Rachel, moved to Georgia from North Carolina in the closing years of the last century, and set tled in Hancock county, where his grandfather, Burrell Rachel, and his father, WHliam Rachel, in turn, came on and off the scene of action. The early Rachels were planters by occupation, democrats in politics, and Methodists and Baptists in reHgious beHef. WilHam Rachel married Betsy Ann Wilson in 1823. But two chHdren are living, Pleasant W., and an older brother, Milton H., La Grange, Ga. Those deceased were Frances, Susan W., J. L. and Ann. Of the father it can be said that he was a leading cftizen of the county, upright and honorable in his dealings, and a man who made and kept considerable property in his Hfe- time. He served the state forty years as justice of the peace, and was regarded by aU as a most just and honorable officer Pleasant W. Rachel has foHowed agriculture during his entire life. He married in the county in 1858 to his present worthy wife, Aliss Martha E., daughter of James B. Gonder. This was a family now almost extinct in the county, but of very great respectability and some promi nence in ante-bellum days. Five chHdren came to cheer their home, but two of whom grew to maturity: Norwood F., now a prosperous and leading merchant in Houston, Tex., and Ida E., who married B. G. Howard, a cotton broker of the same thriving Texas city. Mr. Rachel is a democrat of the old-school variety, and serves his party faithfully as a member of the county executive committee. J W. TREADWELL, planter, Sparta, Hancock Co., Ga., was born in Walton county, Ga., Aug. 17, 1838, the son of Hardy and Susan (Gunter) TreadweH. He started in life as a bookkeeper, but soon drifted into railroad circles.^ For fourteen years he was general agent of the Georgia, Alacon & Augusta railroad. In 1861, just at the beginning of the war between the states he was made a mem ber of the major-general's staff of the eleventh division of Georgia, with the rank 1-66 1042 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. and commission of major. Notwithstanding he saw no active service, being engaged all the time in transporting soldiers and provisions for the army, he still holds his commission as a relic of war times. In 1868 he moved to and came into possession of the plantation where he now resides, which he has since con tinued to cultivate. It consists of 1,940 acres, five miles due west from Sparta, and it is due Mr. Treadwell to say that it is one of the model plantations of the country. The large mansion of three stories stands surrounded by twenty-three other buildings, all used for plantation purposes ; only two of the twenty-three are negro houses. In the house lot adjoining the yard are ten other buildings, mak ing thirty-three in all near the dwelling. The negro houses are scattered over the plantation for two miles or more and the total number of buildings on the place is sixty-eight These give ample storage room for big crops and protection for man and beast. With all things considered it is said to be the most desirable place in middle Georgia. Mr, Treadwell has made cotton raising a specialty for twenty-five years, raising from 100 to over 200 bales annually, with ample pro vision crops. At the same time he has raised stock and operated the dairy busi ness. Having fine pasture lands, he drifted into the breeding of Jersey cattle, ahead of all others in his county. With his extensive stock it was necessary to raise food for the same, and twenty years ago he began raising turnips, making the crop a specialty, and he has gathered from 400 to 1,000 bushels per acre, having ample to feed stock and many thousands for market In 1880, on account of failing health. Air Treadwell went to Florida, and while there filled the position of general freight and passenger agent of the St. John's & Lake Eustis railroad. The cHmate having had the desired effect, he returned home after two years, declining the proffered superintendency of the same road. The Treadwells came from Virginia to Georgia. Mr. Treadwell's grandfather, Isaac Treadwell, settled in Clarke county in 1780. He there reared a family of nine sons, whose descend ants are scattered throughout Georgia and in the western states. Hardy Tread well was the third son. He married and Hved until 1857 in Alonroe, Ga., where he conducted a large carriage manufactory. He removed in that year to Atlanta, continuing the business tiH 1865, the date of his death. His children were as fol lows: James AI., deceased; EHza, resides with J. W.; Fannie and Susie, deceased; J. W., the subject of this sketch; W. H., cashier First National bank, Jacksonville, Fla., and Jennie, wife of George S. Vardeman, Sparta. The mar riage of Mr. Treadwell occurred at Sparta, Ga., March 25, 1868, to Ehzabeth A., only daughter of J. P. Sykes, who for long years was a leading planter of Han cock county. Two daughters were born to them : Susie T., who married Osmar D. Griffies, but was early widowed and now lives with her father, and Alary L., an accompHshed young lady in her teens. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Treadwell died Dec. 12, 1893, and Mr. TreadweH was married Nov. 28, 1894, to Sai-ah H., the eldest daughter of Judge W. B. Hunt, who was also a noted planter of Hancock county for many years. He is a democrat in politics and he and his family are members of the Alethodist church. JAMES T. WHALEY, planter, Mayfield, Plancock Co., Ga. This gentieman is an intelligent and progressive planter of the county, living ten miles east of Sparta. His ancestry were of English descent his paternal great-grandfather removing to Maryland about the time of the revolutionary war. His grandfather, Eli Whaley, was reared there, and when a mere boy came to Walton county, Ga. There he niarried and passed his days and reared a family of eight boys and three girls, who, growing to maturity, have scattered over the southern' states. Thomas, the father of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch, grew to man- HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. 1043 hood in Walton county. He came to Hancock county in 1818, where he began life as an overseer. His thrift and strict attention to business soon put him in possession of land of his own, which he cultivated with great success. He accu mulated property rapidly, and, though badly crippled by the results of the war, died in 1872, one of the wealthiest men in the county. During his lifetime he was influential, of great force of character, and keen business foresight Whatever he touched seemed to spring into animated and productive life. He was a deacon in the Baptist church, and gave liberally to every worthy cause. He married four times and was the father of twelve chHdren. He first married a Miss Vezie, who bore him two children, one now living, Sanders Whaley, of Jones county, Tex. The second wife was a Miss Smith; two of her sons are noyv living — ^Frank, at Longino, Tex., and Thomas, at MarshaH, Tex. The third wife was Mary Morris — James T.'s mother. His only sister, Cora, is Mrs. J. W. Conyers, Bartow county, (ja. The fourth marriage was to a Miss I-yy, who has one child living, Ella, the wife of Henry Y. McCord, Conyers, Ga. James T. Whaley was born May 3, 1849. He is gifted in a large degree with the substantial qualities most marked in his father's character, and is regarded as a citizen of more than ordi nary merit by friends and neighbors. He married in Hancock county, Dec. 18, 1870, Mary, daughter of William M. Allen, and to the marriage have been born twelve children, eight of whom are living: William T., agent for the Central rail road at Mayfield ; Lillian, wife of Alonzo W. Allen, Warren county, Ga. ; Walter, Ina, Homer, Guy, Emory and Pauline, children at home. Mr. Whaley has a fine plantation of 800 acres ten and one-half miles east of Sparta and has surrounded himself with the comforts of a well-improved and substantial home. He is much interested in education, being at present a member of the board of education of his county. He is a member of the Baptist church, in which he is both deacon and clerk. In politics he is a democrat. HARALSON COUNTY. AUSTIN AYRES, farmer, Felton, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Martin and Sarah Ayres, was bom in Greenville, S. C, May 18, 1822. His father was a farmer, and came by wagon from South Carolina to Georgia, and settied in Gwinnett county in 1825. In 1836 he moved from Gwinnett to Paulding county, Ga., and settied on a lot of land he drew from the government, and on which the subject of this sketch now lives. At that time the country was filled with Indians and wild game, and for many months his father's family lived in a log cabin with a dirt floor. Mr Ayres' advantages for schooling were exceedingly meager. In 1838 he was a member of the mihtary force which removed the Indians from Georgia. He began farm life for himself in 1846, by clearing land; then he made his purchase— a forty- , acre tract. To this he has added till he now owns 1,437 acres of land. For twenty-five years he has been a justice of the peace, and is still holding the office. He has been extremely successful, and being one of the weafthiest, as well as one of the oldest citizens of the county, is highly esteemed, and commands the utmost respect of everybody. To have held the office of justice of the peace so long, common sense and a sense of justice must be paramount characteristics. Mr. Ayres was married Sept. 28, 1843, to ^'ss Susan', daughter of Nathan and Priscilla Gaun, who came 1044 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. from Tennessee to Georgia in 1830. To them eleven chHdren have been born: Harriet, Mary Adaline, Jane, Nancy Letitia, Lou Genia, Alfred, Berry Reuben, Hiram, Sarah Frances, and "William Solomon and Isaac, deceased. Mr. Ayres is a member of the Alissionary Baptist church, having been baptized July 21, 1843. "U/ILLIAM J. BROWN, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of William J. and Susan Brown, was born in Henry county, Ga., in 1852. His paternal grandfather, Roland Brown, was a farmer, a poor man, and came from South Carolina to Georgia early in the present century. His wife was a Miss Dicy Waldrop, also a native of South Carolina. The parents of our subject were born in Georgia, and the father was reared on a farm, but he started in life for himself as a brakeman on the Georgia railway. He was promoted to a conductorship on a freight train, and, saving some money, came to and settled on a farm in Haral son county in i860. During the war he served as captain in the army until the surrender. He also was elected and served as a justice of the inferior court, and died in 1886. Mr Brown received a very limfted education, and has followed farming exclusively. He was married Dec. 23, 1873, to Miss Nancy CaroHna, daughter of Seaborn and Melinda Caroline McGarity, of Paulding county, Ga. To them nine children have been born : Carrie Leota, WiHie S., Eva May, Cora EHa, Robert Joseph, Sarah Udara, Bertie, Agnes Peari, James Benjamin. Mrs. Brown is an exemplary member of the Methodist church. Air. Brown is a master Mason, one of the most prosperous farmers in the county, and as a citizen com mands the respect and esteem of all who know him. Q C. EAVES, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of L. B. and Lavinia (Camp) Eaves, was born in Paulding county, Ga., in 1834. His father came from Rutherford county, N. C, where he married his wife, a daughter of Cleburne Camp, who came to Georgia in 1832. When his parents settled in Haralson county they were in moderately good circumstances. His father died at the age of sixty- five, and the mother at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. Eaves was reared on the farm, but like thousands of others, children of frontiersmen and pioneers, received very meager schooling, owing to inconveniences and disadvantages, both of accom modations and teachers. He, however, by studying at home at night by fire-light, improved himself very much in that respect. In 1862 he enlisted in Montgomery's artiHery, with which he remained about six months, when, being taken sick, he returned home and sent a substitute to the army. His attention has been given principally to his farm, although at one time he engaged in merchandising, and now, in addition to his farm, runs a grist mill. A plain, common-sense, unostenta tious farmer, he is eniretly content with his vocation, with its sufficient income, and with being regarded by his neighbors as an honorable man and good citizen. Mr. Eaves married in 1865, for his first wife. Miss Amanda, daughter of John and Betsy Kuhrt, of Pike county, Ga., by whom he had nine children: Johnnie Cle burne, William Taylor, Benjamin Franklin, Davy Alonzo, Davis, Lovie, Bailey, Sedford and Jackson. He married for his second wife Miss Jennie, daughter of Absolom WHson. Himself and wife are consistent and zealous members of the Primitive Baptist church. About the close of the war he was elected a justice of the peace. JAMES F. GARNER, contractor, Draketown, Haralson Co., Ga., son of William and Betsy Garner, was bom in Paulding county, Aug. 30, 1845. His parents came in an ox-cart from South Carolina to Georgia, and settled in (Gwinnett county. In 1843 his parents moved to Paulding county, where they lived until they died. Mr (]larner was reared mainly in Paulding county, and received no education but HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. IO45 what could be obtained at the common country schools, and started in life very poor. His service during the war was confined to making fusion caps at Atlanta for the Confederate government. While farming has been his principal pursuit — his life reliance — he has been engaged in contracting, and is now the leading and most extensive contractor in that part of the state. He has made money and is now financially strong. Faithful work, honest compliance with the terms of his con tracts, and uprightness of character have had their reward. Mr. Garner was mar ried July 13, 1865, to Miss Caroline Waldrop, born in November, 1845, daughter of T. G. and SalHe Waldrop, of Haralson county. To them have been born ten chHdren: WiHiam Joseph, James Mansel, Sarah Elizabeth, George Washington, John Frankhn, MolHe, deceased, Amanda, Adelia Alary, AHce, and AzHphia Caro line. "\A^ ILLIAM GAULDING, physician, Waco, Haralson Co., Ga., son of John and Jane Gaulding, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., April 15, 1833. His parents subsequently removed to Troup county, where he was reared and received the very indifferent education he started in life with. Having more fully educated himself and studied medicine, he attended Georgia Medical college, Augusta, from which he graduated in 1856, and immediately afterward located at Haralsonville, Troup county. After remaining there twenty years, and establish ing a very large and remunerative practice, he removed, in 1876, to Carroll county, where he remained until December, 1893, adding to his reputation as one of the most skillful and successful physicians in that part of the state. At the last-named date he moved to Waco, where he is still actively practicing his profession, enjoying the unreserved confidence of a large and stHl increasing constituency. He was postmaster a number of years at Haralsonville, conducted a drug store at Carroll ton and Waco, and engaged extensively in farming during his professional life, and has accumulated a quite large estate. Dr. Gaulding was married May 6, 1856, to Miss Amanda R., daughter of R. W. and Elizabeth Brown, a union which has been blessed with eleven children: Aldora, Lizzie Love, Henry Valentine, Benjamin Holmes, deceased, Lizzie Thomas, J. W., Odessa, Seaborn May, Exar, deceased, Clyde Speer, and Luella, deceased. Dr Gaulding was originally an "old-line" whig, and voted against secession, but is now affiliated with the populists. He is a master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent and influential members of the Methodist church. \AJ F. GOLDIN, physician and surgeon, -Draketown, Haralson Co., Ga., son 'of Seaborn and Sarah Goldin, was born in what is now Haralson county, near where he now lives, Feb. 6, 185 1. His father was born in what is now Walton county, Ga., in 1817, and his mother was born in the same locality. His parents moved from Walton to Paulding county in 1844, and settied on a tract of land, which he subsequentiy converted into a fruit and nursery farm. Dr. Goldin's educational advantages during his boyhood and youth were of the most Hmited and indifferent sort; but after he attained manhood he attended the Tallapoosa, Ga., high school, where he acquired a very good education. He then read medi cine, and under a temporary license practiced awhile. In 1875 he entered Atianta Medical college, from which he was graduated in 1877, and located in Draketown. In 1888 Dr. Goldin went to London, England, and took a special course in surgery in the London medical colleges, and has since built up a large and very remunera tive practice. He stands at the head of his profession in that part of the state, is very popular, and is steadily growing in reputation. In addftion to his practice Dr Goldin conducts a general merchandise store and is engaged in saw-milhng. He not only excels in his profession, but is regarded as possessing superior 1046 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. business and financiering abHity. In 1890 he was elected to represent the Thirty- eighth senatorial district in the general assembly, and estabhshed a reputation as a wise and able legislator. Dr. Goldin was married in 1878 to Miss Sarah Louisiana, daughter of Dr. R. B. and Sarah Hutcheson, and to them six children have been born: Grover Cleveland, Sarah Effie, Robert Battey, John Maddox and Arlina and Cora Glenn, the two last deceased. Dr. Goldin is a master Mason, and himself and family are very prominent members of the Missionary Baptist church. QEORGE R. HAAIILTON, merchant-farmer, Breman, Haralson Co., Ga., son of John L. and Marguerite (Reid) Hamilton, was born in Carroll county, Ga., Sept. 6, 1830. His father was a son of Archibald Hamilton, and was bom in Abbeville district, S. C, March 10, 1800, was a poor man, and came to Georgia on a wagon in 1812, and settled in what is now Gwinnett county, and in 1829 moved to Carroll county. He was a volunteer in the company of Capt. Waguons, which accompanied the Indians as a guard on their removal from Georgia. Mr. Hamilton's maternal grandfather was George Reid. Mr. Hamilton received only the very limited and indifferent education obtainable at that time and locality, and began life for himself as a farmer on rented land. In 1856 he was elected ordinary of the county, serving efficiently and acceptably, and just before the war was appointed postmaster at Buchanan. His only experience during the war was in capturing deserters near Bowdon in Carroll county. He is still conducting his farm, and in addition is keeping a general merchandise store at Breman. He is one of the oldest settlers in Haralson county, popular, and has been very success ful. He has never married. J50BERT B. HITCHCOCK, farmer and saw-mill man, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of J. C. and Martha (Jenkins) Hitchcock, was born in Polk county, Ga., in 1862. His father was the son of J. C. Hitchcock, a farmer, and was born near Rockmart, Polk Co., Ga., and raised and educated there. He enlisted as a soldier in the late "unpleasantness," but as he belonged to the home guards, was in no battle. His mother was also born in Polk county. Air. Hitchcock's boyhood was passed during the most trying period of our history, and he was deprived almost entirely of educational advantages — teachers scarce and not the best, and school houses inconvenient and uncomfortable. He came to Haralson county when seventeen years old, in 1879, and began the battle of life moneyless, among strangers. He farmed successfully for some years, saved money, and then engaged in saw-milling with the best of success. He is prosperous and has become financially strong; and is justiy regarded as one of the rising young men of the county. Mr. Plitchcock was married July 6, 1888, to Miss Mellie, daughter of William and Mary Summerville, Polk county, to whom three children have been born: Israel Columbia, Robert Simpson and Selina Christine. Mr. Hitchcock is a master Mason. JAMES R. HEAD, farmer, TaHapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., son of D. B. and Harriet Head, was born in Baldwin county, Ga., Sept. 12, 1823. His grand father and grandmother on his father's side were born in A^irginia, his grand father, James Plead, coming to Georgia just before the revolutionary war. Air Head's father was reared a farmer, but in 1837 he engaged in merchandising, which he continued untH 1842, when he returned to the farm. In the meantime he studied medicine and in 1845 entered upon the practice, which he successfully followed until his death, which occurred in 1887, and was occasioned by a fall from a wagon near Gadsden, Ala. Mr. Plead was reared in Fayette county, Ga., HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. iq,-, untH he was thirteen years of age (1836), when his parents nioved to Carroll county. His education was limited to what was obtainable at the common country schools within the brief time then allowed farmers' boys. Mr. Head enlisted in a company commanded by Capt. WHliam Potts of Newnan, Ga., which became a part of the Second regiment, Georgia state troops. With his command he participated in the battie at New Plope church, went thence to Marietta, then to Atianta and Jonesboro. From there the command went with Gen. Hood when he made his flank movement to Nashville, Tenn. Beginning life with nothing, he has by industry, upright dealing and good management, acquired a quite large property and is accounted one of the most substantial and responsible citizens of the county. Farming has been his life-pursuit; but he was a justice of the peace five years, and is now a member of the board of education. Mr. Head was married Feb. 24, 1842, to Miss Amanda A., daughter of Solomon and Mary Stisher of Carroll county, who has borne him three children: Mary Ann Harriet, Marguerite Roberts and Elizabeth Alissouri. Mr. Head is a master Mason and an exemplary member of the Alissionary Baptist church. JOHN K. HOLCOMBE, JR., farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of John K. and Rachel Holcombe, was born in Carroll county, Ga., July 4, 1848. His father was born in Laurens district, S. C, in 1810, and came to Georgia with the family in a one-horse wagon, and settled in what is now De Kalb county, in, 1820. His education \vas very limited, and he followed farming all his life. 'Mr Holcombe's mother was born in what is now De Kalb county in 1815, and was married to her husband in 1830. Air Holcombe received a very limited education, as he was merely a boy and lad whHe the war was being waged, and the schools suspended; but being ambitious he studied at home and acquired a fairly good education. He was reared a farmer, but ran machinery at one period of his life, and has also done a general merchandise business. The estimation in which he is held by the people of Haralson county is evidenced by the fact that for ten years he held the office of sheriff. He has been successful in all his under takings, has accumulated a competency, and while one of the mo.st popular, he is accounted one of the solidest men in the county. Air Holcombe married Aliss Mary, daughter of Levi and Lucretia (Reeves) Stidman of Bartow county. Her grandfather, Alartin Stidman, was one of the first settlers of Bartow (then Cass) county. Six chHdren have blessed this union: William P., Reuben Cornelius, Estelle, Sarah Elizabeth, Emma and John KeHette. As Air. Holcombe is yet young, so popular and so well capacitated for pubhc position, it is quite certain he win again be called into the pubhc service. A J. HUNT, ex-postmaster, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of S. AI. and Luvina (Wilson) Hunt was born in Cherokee county, Ga., Feb. 24, 1843. 'His father was born in Pickens district, S. C, in 1812, and his mother was born in Viriginia in 181 5. Mr. Hunt was raised on the farm, and had but a few months' education, and that under indift'erent teachers and under uncomfortable conditions. But when he grew up, and during his leisure time, and the friendly aid of a pine-knot light, he added largely to his stock of knowledge, and has now a pretty good education. He enlisted Feb. 26, 1861, in Company E, First Georgia regiment, under Capt. J. D. Walker of Augusta, and was chosen sergeant. The company was assigned to "Tige" Anderson's brigade and among other important battles in which his command participated were Yorktown, seven days' fight around Richmond, Fredericksburg and CenterviHe, Va. He remained in the service until the surrender. At the close of the war his only capital was two suits 1048 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of clothes; but he went to farming, and has been successful in that and other undertakings beyond his most sanguine expectations, and honored with office by his appreciative fellow-citizens. In 1875 he was elected a justice of the peace and in 1888 elected sheriff of the county, in each case doing faithful and efficient service. All that he has, he has made himself, and under great disadvantages; but his success illustrates what industry and persistent effort can accomplish. Mr. Hunt was married, February, 1865, to Miss, Laura, daughter of Champion and Elvira (Stewart) Westbrook of Lumpkin county, Ga. Her father was a native of Tennessee, and her mother of North Carolina. The following children have been born to them : Eva Lee, Emma Loretta, Cora Analey, Robert Champion, Joseph Blanse, Samuel Mason, Vila Gertrude. Mr. Hunt is a master Mason, and his family are consistent members of the Baptist church. p> B. HUTCHESON, physician, Draketown, Haralson Co., Ga., son of John and Susannah Hutcheson, was born in McDonough, Henry Co., Ga., in 1825. His parents were born and raised in South Carolina. His father was a carpenter, and the family came to Georgia in 1822. Dr. Hutcheson was reared and educated in Henry county, the education being such as could be obtained at the "old-field" schools common to the rural districts in his boyhood days. In 1852 he moved to that part of Paulding which is now included in Haralson county, and bought land and settled where he now lives. He grew up with the country, is widely and favorably known, and is one of the wealthiest citizens in the county. In 1853-54 he engaged in the manufacture of buggies at Cedartown, Ga., and in 1854 secured a license to practice medicine, and practiced many years with great success. He was and is now extensively engaged in farming. He was elected a delegate to represent the Thirty-eighth senatorial district in the constitutional convention of 1867-68 and was elected to represent Haralson county in 1873-74 in the general assembly. Fle was again elected in 1886 to the general assembly. The doctor is a man of strong convictions, firm in his faith and outspoken in advocacy. Dr. Hutcheson has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Mary J., daughter of John Stateham, whom he married Oct 29, 1848, and by whom he had three children: John R., James P. and William D., deceased. His second wife was Aliss EHen, daughter of Jacob Hogue, who has borne him eight children : Frances M., Edward B., Alary S., Sallie S., Alattie E., Amanda, Robert H. and Jacob, deceased. Dr. Hutcheson is a master Mason and a member of the Alis sionary Baptist church. Q R. HUTCHINS, lawyer, Tallapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Nathan L. • and Matilda Hutchins, was born in Randolph county, Ala., Jan. 22, 1867. His father was born in Coweta county, Ga., in 1831. In 1850 he went to Alabama, and from there to Alississippi. Subsequently he returned to Alabama, and being there when the war began, enlisted in the "Thirteenth Alabama regiment, which was assigned to A. P. Hills' corps. He remained in the service until the sur render, receiving two wounds (one in the hip and one in the hand), from which he is disabled. After the war he married and returned to Troup county, Ga., and became a contractor. Not long afterward he removed to Heard county, Ga., where he remained until 1893, when he came to Haralson county. While in the army he was the first soldier in his company who was given a furlough on account of good service. Mr. Hutchins' mother was a daughter of James B. Greer, and was born in 1834. Air. Hutchins received but little schooling during his boyhood, only ten days after he was thirteen years of age. Later, however, he acquired a very excellent education, and for several years was engaged in farm- HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. lO^g ing and saw-niHHng. In 1885 he taught school in Haralson county, and read law, and Jan. 22, 1886, was admitted to the bar and located in Tallapoosa, where he StiH lives. In 1888 he was elected mayor of Tallapoosa, and in 1891 was a member of the city council. In 1892 he was elected mayor again to fill an unexpired term, and in 1893 was re-elected for a full term. Mr. Hutchins had nothing — not even a good education— to start life with, excepting pluck, energy, a resolute purpose, and integrity of character. Yet, at the age of nineteen he was admitted to the bar, and has bounded to the front as the most promising young lawyer in his circuit, rapidly gaining a large and influential cHentage, and already, young as heis, has been caHed by his feHow-citizens to honorable and responsible official positions. It is safe to predict for him a professional reputation surpassed by few, and distinction in the political and other fields. Mr Hutchins has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Maggie, daughter of Calvin and Mary Fults, oi Cobb county, Ga., to whom he was married in February, 1887, and who died without issue. In November, 1891, he was married to Miss Marie, daughter of W. H. and Leora Kimball, formerly of Michigan, by whom he has had two chHdren, Harold Charles and Marie Louise. Mr. Hutchins is a promi nent member of the Christian church. "XA/" ILEY JAMES, farmer, Tallapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., son of John P. and Nancy James, was born in Henry county, Ga., Aug. 10, 1834. His father was born in Rockingham county, N. C., in 1809, and when a young man came to Georgia in a wagon and settled on a farm in Henry county. His mother was born in Washington county, Ga., in 181 5. Mr. James' parents were poor, and he was raised comparatively uneducated. When only thirteen years of age his father died, leaving his widow without property and a family of children to raise and educate. But she was a woman of great strength of mind, uncommonly good judgment, and great energy of character. By her good management the little that was left was made extraordinarily productive and accumulative, so that she was enabled to give the daughters a college education. And Mr. James, after he became grown, was enabled to attend the excellent school at Worthville, in Butts county, Ga., and acquire a good education. He was married Dec. 7, 1858, to Miss Patience Foster — born March 14, 1842 — daughter of Andrew J. and > Edna Foster, natives of South Carolina. Seven children were the offspring of this marriage: Anna B., Nola B., Hooten A., Frankie E., Wyly C. and John A. and Mary C, deceased. Mr. James moved from CampbeH county, Ga., to Plaralson in 1886, and enjoys the unaffected esteem of aH who know him. He is a Knight of Honor, and himself and family are members of the Missionary Baptist church. WILLIAM JOHNSON, JR., farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of WilHam and Polly (Ayres) Johnson, was born in Haralson county in 1853. His father was born and raised in what is now Haralson county, reached man hood poor and pennHess and uneducated. He made his first money splitting rails at fifty cents per hundred, and worked at that and saved money until he had enough to buy a small tract of land on Tallapoosa river. He was a Baptist preacher and a very useful cftizen. His mother was a native of North Carolina. Mr Johnson was raised a farmer, and as there were no schools then inhis neigh borhood, received no education, but after he was married received instruction from his wife by a pine-knot fire light. He has always lived in Haralson county, and is so highly esteemed as to have been elected sheriff of the county in 1891. When he married he did not have a dollar, but he has worked hard and saved 1050 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. money, and now has a nice farm and is comfortably situated. He is rated among the best citizens of Haralson county and none command higher respect or are more highly esteemed. Mr. Johnson married Miss Mary Munroe — born in 1843 — daughter of Duncan Munroe, and to them five children have been born : Oscar, Martha Jane, WiHie, AlolHe and Charlie. Mr. Johnson is a master Mason and himself and wife are exemplary members of the Baptist church. JUDGE JOE W. KELLEY, residing at Buchanan, Haralson Co:, Ga., is the son of William L. and Frances C. Kelley. He was born in Polk county, at WH son Springs, Ga., July 16, 1856. His father was born in Tennessee, Oct. 15, 1833, and was brought to Forsyth county, Ga., in his infancy, where he was reared until he was eighteen years old, and then moved to Polk county, Ga. His grand father, William Kelley, was a native of South Carohna, but migrated to Forsyth county, Ga., where he lived several years. While on his way to the west he died in Tennessee. The progenitor of the American branch of this family was William Kelley, born in Ireland. The grandmother of Judge Kelley was a Miss Millie Heath, of Scotch descent, and his mother was Frances C, daughter of Joseph H. Hobbs and Peggie (Summerlin) Hobbs. She was born April 3, 1830, in Cherokee (now Haralson) county, Ga., and was of Scotch-Irish ancestry. Judge Kelley's father was a gallant soldier of the Ninth Georgia battalion of artiHery and was in the battles of the western army to the burning of Atlanta. After the war he returned to Haralson county, to his wife and children, renting land to cultivate the first year. It is worth while telling as part of the history of the times that when this soldier-father returned to his home, he and his eldest son, commonly called Buck, whose full name is Joseph WilHam Andrew Jackson Kel ley, made the crop, with only the food which the grass fields furnished, the young lad holding the horse to graze, and also taking his part at the hoe. The second year the family moved to forty-acre lot in the woods, which the thrifty mother had bought from her father during the war, and building a house and making a clear ing, cultivated it for a living. Thus it appears that Judge Kelley was a worker from his youth. Sometimes he hired out as- a farm hand to help his father to keep out of debt and to pay for more land which the family now owns, and he labored for his father until reaching manhood. He only had the advantage of about nine months' schooling at the common country summer schools until he was twenty-one years of age. At the age of twenty-two he began teaching school himself, which he continued for several years. In the meantime (Dec. 16, 1879) he married Miss Lydia J. Hitt, daughter of Allen R. Hitt and Elizabeth (Le Grand) Hitt His wife's mother was a daughter of Thomas Harrison, of South Carolina, and was related to Gen. WiHiam Harrison. For the first few years Judge KeHey improved a farm and taught school from three to eight months each year. After two years in school at Buchanan he again taught school, making himself com petent to discharge the duties of the position to which he was caHed in 1889. As a proof of esteem he was elected tax collector of Haralson county in 1889, and having given faithful services for two years, was re-elected in 1891, and on the expiration of his second term in 1893 the people of his county, who saw his \yorth, elected him to the highly important office of ordinary, in which position he is now serving acceptably to the people. As may be seen. Judge Kelley is popular and held in high esteem by his community. It is grat ifying to know that a gentleman says of him that as ordinary of Haralson county he has done more good work than all of his predecessors for forty years. He has interested himself very greatly in the improvement of his county without ma terial increase of its taxes. The public roads have been very much improved HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. , 1051 through his orders; the first iron bridge was built — two completed and another under construction, all spanning the TaHapoosa river, furnishing accommodation in travel to large numbers of citizens. His administration has been a great benefit to his county. Judge and Mrs. Kelley have a family of six children: Winifred C, Louella P., Howell Tilden, Flora Lee, Murdock Cleveland, Bertie Americus. Judge KeHey is a master Mason and Mrs. Kelley is a member of the Primitive Baptist church. JPLIJAH KIRK, farmer-merchant, Felton, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Jack and Elizabeth Kirk, was born in Pike county, Ga., March 16, 1857. His parents were very poor — so poor they could not spare him from the crop, so the only schooling he received was a few weeks each year after the crop was "laid by." On reaching manhood he came to Haralson county, where he worked on farms until he accumulated enough money to buy a small farm. He worked diligently and intelligently on his farm, made good crops for his force, and saved money. He managed his small annual surplus with unusual discretion, until in 1890, he found himself possessed of enough capital to embark in a general merchan dise store. He has been phenom.enally successful in this enterprise, and has now the largest store in Felton, and is doing a large and profitable business. In addi tion he owns several nice desirable farms which he rents. He is popular in the community, highly esteemed by his fellow-citizens, and considered one of the best financiers in his section. All he lacks to round off' and complete his character and fiH the measure of his happiness is a good wife. IVJ J. LANGSTON, physician, Waco,- Haralson Co., Ga., son of Reuben J. and • Sarah Langston, was born in Franklin county, Ga., Dec. 10, 1848. His father was a farmer in ordinary circumstances, and both father and mother were born and lived and died in Franklin county. Dr. Langston received the benefit only of the very limited educational advantages afforded by the common country schools of the period and locaHty. These he supplemented by study at home, at night by pine-knot light. Aug. 27, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Capt. J. J. Owens, Twenty-ninth Georgia regiment, and with his command participated in the following important battles: Jackson, Miss., Missionary Ridge, Chicka mauga, New Hope Church, and Resaca. During his service he was wounded three times, and a ball received when one was inflicted, stiH remains in his hip. After the war he returned to his farm in Franklin county where he farmed until 1887, when he engaged in business as a traveHng photographer, which, however, he continued but a few months, when he became a traveling passenger agent for the Richmond & Danville Railway company, a position he held until 1891. He then studied medicine, and entering the Southern Medical coHege, at Atlanta, graduated from ft March 23, 1893. He located at once at Waco, and rapidly advanced to a front position. Dr. Langston has been twice married. His first wife, niarried in 1869, was Miss Mary, daughter of John and Mary Duncan, of Elbert county, by whom he had two children: WiHiam H. and Maude. His second wife, whom he married in 1891, was Miss Maggie, daughter of C. P. Vandergriff of Temple, Carroll Co., Ga. Dr Langston has already achieved unusual success in his profession, and the promise of eminence in the future is very bright. His family are members of the Alissionary Baptist church. JAAIES R. LATIMER, merchant, Waco, Haralson Co., Ga., son of R. T. and Lovy J. (Tweedell) Latimer, was born Aug. 7, 1858. His father was born in South Carolina, and when a young man came to Georgia and settied on a small farm in Cobb county. His mother was a daughter of Rev. W. S. and Betsey 1052 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA Tweedell of the same county. Mr. Latimer was in his boyhood during the civil war, and received no schooling, but subsequently acquired a very good educa tion. He worked on the farm until 1879, when, with $200 capital, he entered upon a mercantile life at Bowdon, Carroll Co., Ga. After doing a successful business there until 1886, he moved to Waco, where he continued business, and enjoyed a prosperity beyond his most sanguine expectations. He is popular with the people, a steady-going business man, enjoys the confidence of the public, and is considered one of the most prosperous young business men in the county. Mr. Latimer was married in Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 7, 1,884, to Miss Emmie, daugh ter of Dr. Joseph R. and Hattie E. Hood. Dr. Hood went to Philadelphia in 1 88 1 for the purpose of advertising a patent cultivator, and returned to Randolph county, Ala., in 1887. This union has been blessed with two children: Ottie Bell and Robert Earl. Mr. Latimer is a master Mason, and himself and family are members of the Missionary Baptist church. IWl ILES W. LINER, farmer, Tallapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Christopher D. and Sarah Liner, was born in Carroll county, Ga., May 26, 1836. His parents went from Walton county, Ga., to Mississippi, in 1835, but returned to Georgia and settled in Carroll county early in 1836. Mr. Liner was raised in Carroll county, and was educated at the "old-field" common schools, taught in the dirt floor log cabins. He was exempt from military service during the war on account of physical disability. Mr. Liner was married Sept. 23, 1858, to Mi^ Alarguerite E., daughter of Robert A. and Jane Katharine Read of CarroH county, by whom he has had sixteen children: George Alexander, Henry Wise, Sarah Katharine, John Franklin, Robert Christopher, Mary Elizabeth, Susan Indiana, James Quitman, Plarvey Washington, Rhoda Alalighty, Madison, Van Buren, Jefferson, Malachi, Emma Rosella, and Simeon Jackson (deceased). Air Liner is a well-to-do farmer, respected by everybody, unambitious, and content with the generous yield of his well-cultivated lands. "T J. LOVELESS, merchant-farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Thos. 'and Rebecca Loveless, was born in Newton county, Ga., in 1832. His parents were born in Greenville district in South Carolina in 1800, where they were mar ried and lived until 1830. That year they came to Georgia in a wagon, settled in the woods in Newton county, where they cleared a farm, meantime living in a dirt-floor log cabin. Here they followed farming and raised their children. Mr. Loveless was raised on the farm, and attended school at the dirt-floor log house, lighted through the spaces between the logs, with slabs for seats and writing desks, and chimney made of mud and sticks. After his graduation Mr. Loveless himself taught school in these historical structures, and afterward farmed. In 1861 he enlisted in Company A, Capt. W. Bass, Fourth Georgia regiment, and after serving six months went into the regular army, Company C, Capt John A. Grice, Fifty-sixth Georgia regiment. Col. E. P. Watkins. With his command he was in very active ser-vice, and participated in many important battles: Baker's Creek, where he was slightly wounded; siege of Vicksburg, where he was cap tured; Mission Ridge, and from there with Gens. Johnston and Hood in front of Gen. Sherman; shared in the defense of Atlanta, and was in the battle of Jones boro. He was first lieutenant of his company, and as the captain was nearly always absent he was in command. He remained in the service until the sur render, and after that resumed the cultivation of his farm, which he did with suc cess until 1882, when he opened a general merchandise store in Buchanan, and is profitably conducting both. He is now the leading merchant of Buchanan, and, in connection with his store, is keeping a hotel. He has been very successful as a HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. IO53 farmer, merchant, and hotelkeeper, has made money, and is a much-liked and highly esteemed citizen. Mr. Loveless was married in 1857 to Miss Louisa J., daughter of Thomas and Letitia (Lindley) Camp, who were native South Caro linians, but who, early in life came to (ifeorgia, where they raised their family. One child only, Robert E., has blessed this union. Mr. Loveless is a master Alason, and himself and wife are exemplary members of the Baptist church. P M. LYLE, saw and grist-mill man, Draketown, Haralson Co., Ga., son of J. H. * and Mary Ann Lyle, was born in Polk county, Ga., May 4, 1855. His father was born in Campbell county, Ga., and went from there to Polk county when he was thirteen years old. Mr. Lyle's parents, when he was six months old, moved from Polk to Paulding county, in which he was raised and educated — the educa tion being rudimental and the school taught in churches. This education and a good store of pluck and energy was his capital; and that he has employed it wisely and well is evidenced by his sucess. When he began life for himself it was as a farmer; but as his capital increased his enterprise increased also, so that now he is operating a saw-mHl, a grist-mill and a cotton-gin, doing well with all, and prospering. From no cash capital at the start, he has by industry and good man agement accumulated paying property, so that now he is enjoying a good, com fortable income. Mr. Lyle was happily married in 1878 to Miss Fannie, daughter of W. C. White, of Haralson county, a union which has been blessed with seven children: Minnie Lee, Ola, William Fletcher, Effie, Sarah Ellen, Henry Lee, Johnnie. Mr. Lyle is a master Mason, and a zealous member of the Protestant Methodist church. J M. M'BRIDE, lawyer, Tallapoosa, Haralson Co., Ga., was born in CampbeH * county, Ga., about forty-four years ago. The year of his birth his parents moved to what is now Haralson county (which was organized soon afterward), in which he has lived ever since, and received his education. In 1874 he begaii the study of law under the preceptorship of Maj. Blance, of Cedartown, Ga., and soon afterward he was admitted to the bar. He located in Brehanan, the county seat, where he practiced twelve years, growing in reputation and winning a constantly increasing clientage. In 1887 he moved to Tallapoosa, which has since been his home. In 1880 he was elected to represent Haralson county in the general assem bly, and was re-elected in 1882. In 1884 he was elected to represent the Thirty- eighth senatorial district in the general assembly, and in 1892 was again elected to represent his county in that body. These almost continuous elections attest his popularity with his fellow-citizens — a popularity it is quite sure he could not have so long enjoyed if he had not proven to be an able and faithful representative, devoted to and guarding the interests of his constituents. Mr. McBride was married in 1874 to Miss Mattie, daughter of the late S. T. Johnson, of Alabama, a union blessed with five children, four of whom are living: Eula, Maude, Hebert and Murdoch. Mr. McBride is a member of the Masonic fraternity. . Q L. M'PHERSON, farmer, Bremen, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Elijah and Sarah * (Small) McPherson, was born in Carroll county, Ga., April 4, 1844. His father was born in Pennsylvania, July 13, 1789, migrated from there to Tennessee, where he married, and in 1830 nioved in an ox-cart from Tennessee to Georgia and settled in Carroll county. He was a farmer and saw-miH man, but had no property. His mother was born in Tennessee in 1809. Mr. McPherson was reared on the farm and received very little schooling. He began life on 100 acres of land, with one ox and a wagon. He enlisted in 1864 in a company belonging to the Seventh Georgia regiment, state troops, and subsequently entered the Confederate I054 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. service, and was sent to Virginia. He was captured Aug. 19, 1864, and sent to Point Lookout, Md., where he remained until Sept. 29, 1864, when he was released, and Oct. 6 following rejoined his command in Virginia, with which he remained untH the surrender. Mr. McPherson is considered one of the best and most suc cessful farmers in the county, perfectly reliable, and in the highest degree respon sible. Mr. McPherson was married in 1867 to Miss Lucinda, daughter of John L. and Marguerite Hamilton, of Haralson county, who has borne him five children: A. P., N. C, L. D., H. R, and J. H. gENJAAIIN F. MORGAN, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of WHliam AI. and Eady M. (Austin) Morgan, was born in Polk county, Ga., Nov. 23, 1859. ^^^- Morgan's father was born in Gwinnett county in' 1815, and was married in "Walton county, Ga., in 1842 to Miss Eady M., daughter of J. AI. Austin. He went to Polk county, Ga., in 1840, and thence to middle Tennessee in 1859. He was a soldier during the Florida war, and enlisted in the late war between the states. He was taken sick with the dysentery about the time of the battle of Shiloh, and came home on furlough, but was never able to return to the army. He was a farmer and mechanic, started in life with about $2,000, and did well until the war ; when it closed he found himself ruined. Mr. Morgan began life without a doHar, and uneducated, as his father was too poor to give him any schooling. But he has been exceptionally successful in all his undertakings, fle is a man of great enterprise, sagacious in planning, energetic in execution and decidedly progressive in everything. From a most inauspicious, unpromising beginning, without means, he has become one of the most promising and one of the wealthiest citizens in Haralson county. Pie is a young man yet, and in view of what he has already accomplished, one cannot forecast — possessing the pluck, push and progressiveness he does — what he may accomplish or attain to in the future. During the years 1888-89-90 he was engaged in merchandising at Temple, Ga., but since then has been engaged in farming and extensive sawmHling. Mr. Morgan was married Alarch 19, 1885, to Miss Sallie L., daughter of WiHiam L. Moseley, of Douglas county, Ga. Five children have blessed this union: Effie Odessa, deceased; William Emory; John Robert; Benjamin Franklin; Pearlie Estorie. Air Alorgan is a master Mason, and his family are members of the Alissionary Baptist church. J O. REDWINE, farmer, Bremen, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Jacob and Nancy * (Tremble) Redwine, was born in De Kalb county (now Fulton) May 5, 1829. His father was born in North Carolina, came to Georgia early in this century, when a young man, poor, and settled on a rented farm in Elbert county, and subsequently moved to De Kalb county. His mother was a daughter of John and Charity Tremble, formerly of Franklin county, but who finally settled in what is now De Kalb county. Mr. Redwine was raised in De Kalb county on the farm, and attended the common "old-field" school — the last one being taught under a tent at Mount Gilead camp-ground, in what is now Fulton county. He was a justice of the peace three years, previous to 1861. In October of that year he enlisted in Campbell county in Company H, Thirtieth Georgia regiment, as a private, and rose gradually to a captaincy. He was slightly wounded, near Resaca, in May, 1863; was again wounded in a skirmish at Decatur, Ga., July 22, 1863, and was badly wounded at Decatur, Ala., September, 1863. Mr Redwine moved to Haralson county in 1883, and bought and settled on the farm where he now lives. He began Hfe very poor — split rails to earn the money with which to pay for his marriage license, and, afterward, to buy his provisions. He now has a good farm and comfortable home, and is a well-to-do, prosperous farmer, contented with the products of his farm, and the solid comforts and enjoyments of the home circle. HARALSON COUNTY SKETCHES. 1055 Air. Redwine was niarried in October, 1849, to Aliss Eliza, daughter of WiHiam and Arminda Hitchcock, of De Kalb county. To them seven children have been born: J. A., W. L., T. W., Sallie, J. E., Annie, and Vassie. Air. Redwine and his family are exemplary members of the Alethodist church. y^ NDREW J. STEWART, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Walter and Nancy (Calloway) Stewart, was born in Monroe county, Ga., in 1816. His paternal grandfather, Jarret Stewart, was a native of Scotland, and one of the early settlers of Georgia. Air. Stewart's father was born and grew to manhood in what is now Henry county, in Georgia. He was a very good English scholar for the times, and his surroundings, and was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. In 1837 he moved from Henry to Carroll county, Ga., settling and clearing a farm in the woods, undergoing all the privations and hardships incident to frontier life. He lived on this farm untH 1863, when he came to the home of his son, Andrew, where he lived until he died. He was a very pious man, and strictly observed all the ordinances of his church. Mr. Stewart's mother was a daughter of Obadiah and Elizabeth Calloway, who were natives of Maryland, and came to Georgia in an ox-cart and settled and cleared a farm in Hancock county about the beginning of this century. Mr. Stewart grew to manhood on the farm, and was entirely deprived of educational advantages. But he was a hard worker, economical and a good manager, as may be inferred when it is stated that when he settled where he now lives, his only worldly possessions were a wife and child and fifteen cents in money; but now he owns 900 acres of good land, and very considerable property in Buchanan. Mr. Stewart has been married four times. His first wife was Aliss Nancy, daughter of Elijah and Rachel Brooks, whom he married in 1837, and by whom he had six children — four living: John, Alary J., Nancy A., and Calloway B. The mother was Georgia-born, a member of the Baptist church, and died in February, 1856. In November of that year he niarried Aliss Jane, daughter of Jerman Burton, who died early in 1858. October foHowing he mar ried Miss Emily, daughter of Alartin and Sarah Ayers, who died AprH i, 1882. In September, 1888, he married Alelinda, daughter of John K. Holcombe. Himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. "VA/" ILLIAM M. WILLIAMS, farmer, Buchanan, Haralson Co., Ga., son of Wyatt and Nancy (Wood) Williams, was born in Paulding county, Ga., in 1836. His father was the son of Hezekiah WHHams, and was born in Tennessee, came to Georgia after reaching manhood, and was a meniber of the guard which accompanied the Indians from Georgia. He came to the state a poor man, but before he died — Jan. 15, 1885 — he had acquired an excehent tract of land and a competency. His mother was born in Buncombe county, N. C, and when a child came with her father, Lawrence Wood, to Carroll county, Ga., where she was raised. Husband and wife were members of the Missionary Baptist church. Mr WiHiams was raised on the farm, and wfth no educational advantages. After he was mar ried he attended school for a time and obtained a pretty fair education, on whose foundation he has since buift. March 13, 1862, he enlisted under Capt. Alexander Merchanson, Fortieth Georgia regiment, Col. Ab. Johnson, and went to the front With his command, he participated in the battie at Fairsville, Tenn., after which he was taken sick, and never sufficiently recovered to return to the army. During the war all his personal property was destroyed, and his farm left a devastated waste. By untiring application and good management he has improved and added to the value of his property, is regarded as one of the solidest of the county's citizens, and stands as high as any in the estimation of the people. Not being ambitious to hold office, he ha's never aspired to, or held, any political TO56 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. position. Mr. Williams was married in 1858 to Aliss Annie E., daughter of Walton and Sarah (EHender) Berry. Her parents were from Massachusetts, but came to Georgia and settled in Putnam county, Ga., where she was reared. Three chHdren have blessed this union: Nancy EHen, Mary Frances, and James B. Air. WHliams' family are members of the Missionary Baptist church. HARRIS COUNTY. JUDGE ALEXANDER A. ALLEN was born in AbbeviHe district, S. C, in 1 82 1. After receiving his preparatory education he entered the university of Georgia, from which he graduated in 1842, and then read law in Lexington, Ga., under the preceptorship of Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin, the first chief justice of the supreme court of Georgia. After his admission to the bar he located in Bain bridge, where he achieved a splendid professional success, gaining an extensive and influential clientage, and, in 1856, was appointed judge of the superior court for his circuit. After the war he moved to Florida, but in a short time returned to Bainbridge. C M. BRANNON, farmer, EHerslie, Harris Co., Ga., son of Calvin J. and Catharine (Brannan) Brannon, was born in Ne-wton county, Ga., in 1830. His paternal grandparents were John and Nancy (Parker) Brannon. He was of Irish descent, a native of Soutii Carolina, migrated to Georgia in the twenties, and settled in Newton county, where he lived until 1835, when he moved to Harris county. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. Mr. Brannon's father was born in Soutii Carolina, and while a youth came to Georgia with the family. In 1835 he moved to Harris county in ox-carts and settled in the woods, camping there three weeks while feHing timber and building log huts to live in. The "settlements" at that time were few and far between. He was a volunteer soldier in the Seminole war. He was a native of Nortli Carolina, whence he moved to Monroe county, Ga. Air. Brannon was raised on the farm, and received only such education as \vas obtainable in a pioneer period of settlement. During the late civil war he served with the militia or state troops, participating in the defense of Atlanta and the battle of Griswoldville, and was with the forces in front of the Union army when "Alarching Through Georgia." Before the war Air. Brannon had large investments in slaves and live stock; as a result of the "unpleasantness" the slaves were set free and the mules all stolen. On his return from the war in 1865 he bought some land on time and engaged in farming. Going to work with his accustomed energy and superior business methods he soon relieved himself of all incumbrances, has been successful, and is now one. of the most prosperous farmers in the county. Progressive and pubHc-spirited, and conscientious in the discharge of every obligation, he enjoys the entire con fidence of the people and great popularity. He served the county as tax coHector one term, and has been a justice of the peace for thirty or more years. Air. Brannon was niarried in 1849 ^ Miss Alary A. Bowles, born in Monroe county, Ga., in 1829, daughter of Henry H. and Alatilda (Alorgan) Bowles. He was a native of South C^arolina, and nioved to Georgia and settled in Alonroe county HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. iQcy early in life. Five of the children born to them are still living: Alinta, wfte of W. E. Edge, Anniston, Ala.; Mattie, wife of M. AI. Hudson, Columbus, Ga.; Katie, wife of Geo. G. Neal, Harris county, Ga.; Anna, wife of J. T. Perry, Russell county, Ala.; Wade H., married to Miss Simpson of Chattanooga, Tenn., and now in Bes semer, Ala., holding a responsible position with the Tennessee Coal & Iron company. Mr Brannon is a master Alason and a prominent and influential mem ber of the Methodist church, of which he has been a delegate to the general conference. y^ J. BURT, farmer, Fortson, Harris Co., Ga., son of Joel H. and AlHdred A. (Owen) Burt, was born in Talbot county, Ga., in 1834. His paternal grand parents, Jackson and Elizabeth (Burt) Burt, were born in what is now Putnam county, Ga., whence they nioved to Talbot county, and thence, later, to Marion county. Mr Burt's father was born in Putnam county in 1807 — the year the county was organized — went with the famHy to Talbot county, among its earliest settlers. He was a soldier in the Florida war. His maternal great-grandparents were John and Mildred (Grant) Owen. He was of Welsh descent, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. His maternal grand parents, Daniel G. and Sarah (WilHs) Owen, were natives of North CaroHna, migrated to -Georgia early in life, and settled in Wilkes county, Ga., and after ward moved to Talbot county. He was born May 18, 1779, and she was born in 1788 and died in 1830. Air. Burt was reared on the farm, and had the benefit of. only such limited education as a newly settled country could afford, and then commenced life as a farmer. In 1862 he enHsted in Company B, Capt Pride, Thirty-first Georgia regiment. Col. Evans. His service was short and uneventful, as he was taken sick at Savannah and had to be sent home. He had nothing at the end of the war, and labored hard for a living; but thanks to a good constitution, continued good health, patient perseverance and frugality, he is now comfortably circumstanced as to property, and enjoys the esteem of the community in which he lives. Mr. Burt was married in 1858 to Miss Amanda Kimbrough, born in Harris county in 1839, daughter of Henry and Alary (Rosser) Kimbrough. Her grandparents, Thomas and Sarah (Sasser) Kimbrough, were born in Georgia, and he was a soldier in the last war wfth Great Britain. Her parents were natives of Putnam county. Her grandparents on her mother's side, David and Sallie (Adams) Rosser, were among the earliest settlers of what is now Putnam county, and he was a soldier in the revolutionary army. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Burt but two are living: Alary and Eufalia. He is a master Alason, and himself and wife are consistent and useful members of the Alethodist church. JOHN CARLISLE, farmer, Cleola, Harris Co., Ga., son of Matthew and Lucinda (Stovall) Carlisle, was born in Talbot county, Ga., in 1847. His grandparents on his father's side were Micajah and Susanna (Hale) Carlisle, who were natives of North Carolina. They migrated to Georgia in early life and settled in Putnam county. Mr. CarHsle's father was born in 'Bibb county in 181 1, was raised a farmer, and followed that calling all his life. His grandparents on his mother's side were Bartholemew and Martha (White) Stovall, who were among the earHest settlers of Crawford county. Mr. Carlisle was raised on the farm, and received such education as the county schools of the time and locality afforded. He began life a poor man, and cultivated rented land until 1878, when he bought the farm he lives on now. He is a good and prosperous farmer, and is highly esteemed as a citizen. He was married in 1875 to Miss Jennie Grimes, born in Talbot county in 1850, daughter of Stephen and Ehzabeth (Reedy) Grimes. Her paternal grandfather, Charles Grimes, was a native of Rhode Island, migrated 1-67 1058 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. when a young man to Georgia, and settled in Talbot county, where her father, who was a soldier in the late war was born and reared. "WilHam Reedy, her maternal grandfather, who was a soldier in the war of 1812 and in the Seminole war in 1836, was a native of South Carolina, where she was born. Of the chHdren born to Air. and Mrs. Carlisle seven are living: Benjamin R., Mattie, Raleigh R., Lucy E., Matthew S., J. Lew and John R. He is a member of the masonic fraternity and the Baptist church. D OBERT F. CARTER, merchant-farmer, EHerslie, Plarris Co., Ga., son of Neal and Mary (Fleming) Carter, was born in Talbot county, Ga., in 1852. His paternal grandparents, Jessie and Sarah (Neal) Carter, were natives of Virginia, whence they migrated to Georgia and settled in Warren county. He served as a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, and, later, moved to Talbot county. He represented his county one term in the general assembly. He was strongly opposed to secession, and when Gen. Wilson's raiders passed through Harris county burning houses and destroying property they left his unmolested. Mr. Carter's father was born in, Warren county in 1817, but early in Hfe moved to Talbot county, where he made his permanent home. His maternal grandfather, Robert Fleming, was a native of Virginia, came to Georgia in the first quarter of this century, and finally went to Texas, where he died. He was a preacher of some note, and lived a self-sacrificing and useful life. Mr. Carter was raised on the farm, and was given as good an education as could be had in view of the unsettled condition of the country when he was growing up. In 1872 he embarked with small capital in a general merchandising business in EHerslie, and has conducted it with the most gratifying success. His trade has steadily increased, so that now he is doing as large a business as any merchant in the county, and is prosperous. He has bought a lot of land every year for the last ten years, and in addition to his merchandising conducts a large farm, a ginnery and a mill. He ranks high socially, and as a farmer, merchant and financier. Mr Carter was married in 1876 to Miss Camella Walton, born in Talbot county in 1854, daughter of John H. and Mary (Worthen) Walton. He was an early settler in Talbot county, a soldier in the Seminole war, and became very prominent in the county, which he represented in the general assembly. Of the children born to them five survive: Jessie, Robert P., Susie, Walton C. and Camella. He is a master Alason, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. JESSE COX, farmer, Mulberry Grove, Harris Co., Ga., son of Asa and Maria (Roundtree) Cox, was born in Jones county, Ga., in 1815. His paternal grand father, Cary Cox, was a native of South Carolina, was a farmer and a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Cox's father was born in Edgefield district, S. C, whence he moved early in life to Jones county.. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, flis maternal grandfather. Round- tree, was a native of North Carolina, but moved to South Carolina, where he died. He also was a soldier in the revolutionary war. Air. Cox was reared on the farm and received only a limited education, fle has been a farmer all his life, and has been successful and prosperous, fle had accumulated a quite large property before the war — largely in negroes, which of course he lost, besides sustaining very serious loss and damage otherwise. Beginning almost anew after the close of the war he has by energy and industry and good management accumulated a ciuite large estate and enjoys a competency. In 1878 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and has been a justice of the peace for thirty or more years — an index of the high estimation in which he is held by his fellow- ROBERT F. CARTER. HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. 1059 citizens. Mr. Cox yvas married in 1839 to Miss Lucinda J. Webb, born in 1817, daughter of Elias and Nancy (Mama) Webb, early settiers of flarris county. Seven of the children born to them are yet living: Ann M., Narcissa, John J., William Virgil, Carrie, Martin and Exie. The mother of these children, a worthy and useful member of the Baptist church, died early in 1864. Late in the same year he married Miss Elizabeth Moultrie, born in flarris county in 1834, daughter of John D. Moultrie, who was born in South Carolina, and moving to Georgia, was one of the earliest settiers of flarris county, and is stiH enjoying life there. Mr Cox has been particularly careful to give his children a good education, fle is a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. QOLUAIBUS DAVIDSON, farmer, Harris county, P. O., West Point, Troup Co., Ga., son of Albert and Cornelia (Goodman) Davidson, was born in Harris county in 1848. flis paternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth (Nichols) Da vidson, were born in what is now Warren county, Ga. fle was of Irish descent, and was a volunteer soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Davidson's father was born in Warren county in 1812, where he was schooled and grew to manhood on the farm, fle served in the Florida war, after which he settled in Harris county, where he has successfully followed farming since, flis maternal grandparents were Aaron and Elizabeth (Smith) Goodman, fle was a native of North Caro lina, raised a farmer, and came to Georgia when eighteen years of age, where he married and raised a family. Mr. Davidson grew to manhood on the farm, and received only a limited education. In 1864 he enlisted in Company I, Capt. Moss, Ninth Georgia Militia regiment, with which he gallantly participated in the defense of Atlanta, the battle of Griswoldville (where he was wounded), and obstruct ing the Union forces when "marching through Georgia." On his return from the war he engaged in farm work, and in 1879 "^^^e his first purchase of a small tract of land, to which he has since gradually made additions until now he has a fine 650-acre plantation under excellent cultivation with a good comfortable home on it. Industrious and frugal, a good farmer and citizen, and entirely relia ble, he deservedly stands high with his fellow-citizens. Mr. Davidson was married in 1876 to Miss Mattie O. Hutchinson, born in flarris county in 1854, daughter of Nicholas and Mary (Pratt) flutchinson. fle was born and raised in "Warren county, Ga., and did faithful and efficient service as a soldier in the late war between the states. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, two are living: Claude and Eunice. J LEM DAVIS, farmer, Farley, flarris Co., Ga., son of Samuel and Delilah ' (Guice) Davis, was born in Lincoln county, Ga., in 1831. His paternal grand parents. Ransom and Susan Davis, were among the early settlers of Lincoln county. Mr. Davis' father was born in Lincoln county in 1810, was raised a farmer, and made it his Hfe occupation. His maternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth Guice, were native Georgians. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and settled early in life in what is now Meriwether county. Mr. Davis was reared on the farm, was educated at country schools, and when grown engaged in farming. In 1862 he enlisted in Company D, Capt. Kennon, Third Georgia regiment, but remained in the service only a short time; being discharged on account of disability. When the war closed he had nothing but good health, good character, a seH-reliant spirit, and independent impulses. He now has a good farm, a good home, and the esteem and confidence of his feHow-citizens. Mr. Davis was married in 1849 to Miss Caroline Hadley, born in Harris county in 1830, datUghter of Thomas and Delancy (MulHn) Hadley. Six I060 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. children of those born to them survive: CorneHa, Elizabeth, Martha, Thomas, John and Leila. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died in 1872. In 1873 he contracted a second marriage with Miss Mary Spivey, born in Harris county in 1843, daughter of Thomas and Emily (Robin son) Spivey, early settlers in flarris county. Four children born to them are now living: Emily, Lanie Lou, Lucy and Susie Kate. Mr. Davis is a master Mason, and both are members of the Baptist church. A DGER S. ELLISON, farmer, EllersHe, flarris Co., Ga., son of John and Eliza beth (Patterson) Ellison, was born in Chester district, S. C, in 1827. His grandfather on his father's side was WilHam ElHson, a native of South Carolina. He was a captain in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and was captured and confined in a prison-ship off the South Carolina coast a long time, fle made his native state his home until he died. Mr. ElHson's father was born in South Carolina in 1777, where he was reared and married. He was a farmer and merchant, and migrated to Georgia and settled in Talbot county early in its history, and died there in 1863. His maternal grand father was John Patterson, who was a native of Ireland, came to this country in 1779, settled in Maryland, served as a soldier in the revolutionary war, and finally settled in South Carolina, where he died. Mr. Ellison was reared on the farm, partly in South Carolina and partly in Talbot county, Ga., to which the family moved when he was young. In 1863 he enlisted in Company C, Capt. Crawford, Third Georgia regiment, fle was subsequently transferred to a company com manded by Capt. Willis, and participated in the battles at Chattanooga, Chicka mauga, Dalton, Resaca, Rocky Face, the defense of Atlanta and engagements in front of the Union army while "marching through Georgia," and Benton-ville, N. C. fle was off duty for some considerable time during the war. After it was over he came home to find his horses, mules and other live stock "confiscated," and commenced farming with an exceedingly meager outfit Nothing daunted he went to work to re-habilitate his farm and recuperate his fortune, in which- he has been eminently successful. A good farmer with a splendid farm, and one of the best of managers, he stands now among the foremost of flarris county's pri vate citizens socially and financially. Mr. Ellison was married in 1850 to Aliss Margaret Terry, born in Talbot county in 1831, daughter of Stephen and Sarah (Patterson) Terry, native South Carolinians, who came to Georgia and settled in Talbot county in 1831. Of the children which blessed this union six survive: Stephen, John, Maggie, Lula, wife of Wm. Pitts of Harris county, Ga., Bessie and Jimmie. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Alethodist church, died Jan. 4, 1893. fle is a master Mason, and a prominent member of the Methodist church. Q C. GOODMAN, farmer, Chipley, flarris Co., Ga., son of Aaron and Elizabeth * (Smith) Goodman, was born in Aleriwether county, Ga., in 1831. flis pa ternal grandparents, John and Elizabeth Goodman, were natives of North CaroHna. fle was of German descent and served as a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Goodman's father was born in Nortli Caro lina and migrated to Georgia and settled in Meriwether county in 1829. He was a general trader or speculator, and accumulated considerable property, fle was a volunteer soldier in the Florida war. flis maternal grandparents, James and Sarah Smith, were among the early settlers of Jones county, fle was of Irish descent and was a soldier in the revolutionary war. Mr. Goodman was reared on the farm and was educated at the common country schools. During the civil K. C. HOOD. HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. I061 war he served with the militia, or state troops. Before the war he owned a great many slaves, which were freed, and after the war he had to begin life anew. Farm ing has been his life occupation, with which, its pleasures and satisfactory success, he has been content. "With a good farm, a comfortable home, an interesting family, a competency, and the respect of the community, he is satisfied, fle is a member of the county board of commissioners. Mr. Goodman was married in 1855 to Miss Susan Bowles, born in Harris county in 1836, daughter of Thomas and Asenith (Bennett) Bowles, of old Georgia families. He was a soldier in the Seminole, or Florida war. Mr. Goodman's wife, an exemplary member of the Methodist church, died, and of her children the following five are living: Ida, Ella, Ada, Laura and Lula. In 1883 Mr Goodman was married to Miss Eliza beth Evans, born in Meriwether county in 1840, daughter of John J. and Martha (Walker) Evans. He was a native of Harris county, and served in the Confederate army during the late civil war. Air. Goodman and his wife are consistent members -of the Baptist church. CRASTUS C. HOOD, retired physician. Mulberry Grove, flarris Co., Ga., son of Joel and Martha T. (Dowdy) flood, was born in "Wilkes county, Ga., in 1816. flis great-grandfather was born in England, and came to this country in colonial times, flis grandparents were John and Rebecca (Reeves) flood. He was born in Amelia county, Va., enlisted and served in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and at its close was discharged at Savannah. He walked from there to Wilkes county, where he soon afterward married and settled, and lived till he died. Dr. Hood's father was born in Wilkes county Sept 28, 1789, where he was raised a farmer; served in the war of 1812 as captain in the army, and afterward moved from Wilkes county to what is now Coweta, and thence to what is now Aleriwether county, where he ended his days Oct. 11, 1861. flis maternal grandparents were Martin and Mary (Temple) Dowdy. He was a native of "Virginia, and was a soldier in the revolutionary army. He afterward migrated to Georgia, and was one of the earliest settlers in Oglethorpe county, where he married and lived until he died. Dr. flood received his primary educa tion at WhitesvHle, flarris county, and then studied medicine under Drs. J. W. Cato and J. W. Stinson, and afterward attended the lectures at the medical coHege of Georgia, at Augusta, one session. Subsequently he went to the medical college at Lexington, Ky., from which he was graduated in 1840. On his return home he was associated with his old preceptor. Dr. Stinson — well known all over Meri wether county as one of the most skillful physicians in the county, and practiced ten years, when he moved to Whitesville. After practicing there some years he nioved to his present home, fle represented flarris county in the general assem bly two terms and the senatorial district one term. Being an extensive producer he was exempted from army service during the war. fle was a member of the constitutional convention in 1865, and was Freedmen's bureau agent for Harris county three years. Dr Hood has sustained the reputation of being one of the best physicians in that part of the state, has proved his ability and skill, is highly esteemed professionally and socially, has enjoyed an extensive practice and accum ulated a fortune, fle is one of the largest land-holders in flarris county. Dr. flood was married in 1845 to Miss Mary Cochran — born in Jasper county, Ga., in 1826 — daughter of Martin and Myron (Armstrong) Cochran. Mr Cochran was born in Jasper county in 1793, and attained to considerable prominence and influence. He was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, and served as sheriff of the county fourteen years. Later he removed to Harris county, where he died. Of the children born to Dr. and Airs. Hood three survive: JuHa, wife -1062 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. of C. I. Hudson, Hamilton; Milton F., and Erastus C, Jr. Dr. flood is a member of the masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are revered and influential members of the Baptist church. Q I. HUDSON, farmer and warehouse man, Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., son • of W. I. and F. R. (McHone) fludson, was born in Harris county in 1845. His paternal grandfather, Charles fludson, was a native of Virginia, came to Georgia early in the present century and settled in the woods in Putnam county, where he lived until he died. Plis maternal grandparents, Thomas and Nancy (MarshaH) McHone, were also natives of Virginia, whence they nioved to Georgia, and settled in Harris county. Subsequentiy he moved to Butler county, Ala., where he died, fle was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. Air. fludson's father was born in Putnam county in 1822, and was raised a farmer, a pursuit which he foHowed through Hfe. When grown he moved to flarris county, where he married and became very prominent. He was ordinary of the county for many years; represented the senatorial district in the general assembly; was a member of the secession convention in 1861, and also of the constitutional con vention of 1877; was a justice of the inferior court many years; and when he died, in 1893, was a county commissioner. Air. Hudson received his primary education in the schools at flamilton, and afterward attended the Georgia MHitary institute near Alarietta, where he was when the civil war was precipitated. He enlisted in Company E, Second Georgia regiment state line, and participated in the battles of New Hope church, Kennesaw mountain, those around Atianta, Jonesboro and GriswoldviHe, where he was wounded and captured. After he was captured he was taken to Port Royal, thence to Fortress Monroe, and from there to the old Capitol prison at Washington city, whence he was finally sent to Fort Delaware, where he was detained as a prisoner until after the surrender, when he was paroled. Returning to his home he engaged in farming, which he has followed ever since, with more than ordinary success. In addition to farming he has established an extensive warehouse business in Hamilton, which has proved to be a very great financial success. He is progressive in all his ideas, enterprising and energetic, financially soHd, and one of the most sub stantial citizens in the county. Air. fludson was married in 1866 to Aliss Julia flood — born in Harris county in 1844 — daughter of Dr. Erastus C. and Mary (Cochran) Hood. (A sketch of Dr. Hood will be found elsewhere in these Alem oirs.) Of the children which blessed this union these are living: May R., Hood, Charles I., and William I. He is a member of the board of education; of the Ancient Order of Woodmen; and himself and wife are prominent members of the Baptist church. JOHN F. JENKINS, farmer, Chipley, Harris Co., Ga., son of David and Elizabeth (Cooper) Jenkins, was born in Harris county in 1838. His patemal grandfather, Lewis Jenkins, was a native of Nortli Carolina, and migrated to Georgia early in the present century. He was a volunteer soldier in the war of 181 2. Mr. Jenkins' father was born in Nortli Carolina in 1804, came to Georgia with his father, and settled in flarris county in 1827 — the year it was laid off — and was one of the first men to make a crop in the then new county, fle served in the Florida and Seminole war, and died in 1870. flis maternal grandfather. Cooper, was a native of South CaroHna. Mr. Jenkins was raised on the farm, and was educated at the schools taught in the log houses of that period. In 1861 he enlisted in Company fl, Capt. Kennon, Seventeenth Georgia regiment, and with it bore an honorable part in many important battles, among them : Seven HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. I063 days' fight around Richmond, second Alanassas, Wilderness, Gettysburg, Knox ville, Petersburg, Chickamauga, etc. At the battle of the Wilderness he was severely wounded and came home, but in a short time returned to the army. He was promoted to the captaincy of Company H, and remained in the service until the surrender He came home from the war penniless and went to work as a farm hand, which he did for five years. At the end of that time he bought a farm, and to it he has added as he saved money, until now he has i ,000 acres of farming land equal to any in the county. His success is only another demonstration of what pluck, industry, economy and perseverance can accomplish. As a farmer and a man of practical business sense he ranks with the foremost. In 1888 he was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and was placed on the committees on ways and means, temperance, journals, and public Hbrary. He has been a member of the county board of education for fourteen years. Mr. Jenkins was married in 1869 to Miss Alary Evans — born in Harris county in 1841 — daughter of Jackson and Martha (Walker) Evans, fle was a native Georgian, and did good service during the late civil war. Of the children which blessed this union five are living: George W., Ora L., Minnie M., John F., and Charles C. The mother of these having died, he contracted a second marriage in 1885 with Aliss Alargaret J. Murray — born in flarris county in 1840 — daughter of Thomas Alurray, formerly of South Carolina, and among the early settlers of the county. Pie is a master Alason, and himself and wife are worthy members of the Baptist church. 'Ui/ILLIS JONES, farmer, Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., son of WHHs and Frances (Florence) Jones, was born in Oglethorpe county, Ga., in 1826. His father was born in Virginia — where his parents were born and lived and died, in 1782 — came to Georgia when a boy and made his home in Oglethorpe county; became a prosperous farmer and married. During his life he served as a justice of the inferior court and represented the county in the general assembly. He departed this life in 1840. Mr. Jones' maternal grandparents were natives of Virginia, and the grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Jones worked on the farm ancl received a limited education at that never-to-be-forgotten institution of learn ing — the dirt-floor log school-house which has graduated so many men of distinc tion. Like thousands of other farmer boys, he started in life poor, but by industry and economy has acquired a comfortable competency, won the esteem of his fellow-citizens, and been honored by them, having served them many years as a justice of the inferior court Mr. Jones was married in 1847 to Miss Mary J. Florence, born in Meriwether county in 1831, daughter of WilHam and MiHie A. (Arnett) Florence. Mr. Florence was bom in Wilkes county, Ga., whence he moved to Meriwether county, where he lived tiH he died. Of the children bom to Mr Jones by his marriage, eight are living: WHliam M., Celestia C, Monroe M., Benjamin Fillmore, Lula F., Ida B., Mary W. and Lamar. HimseH and wife are devoted and consistent members of the Baptist church. CHRISTOPHER C. JONES, farmer, Harris Co. (P. O., West Point, Troup county), Ga., son of James and Celia (Edge) Jones, was born in Troup county in 1 83 1 His paternal grandparents, Henry and Patsey Jones, were natives of North Carolina, where they spent their lives. Mr. Jones' father was born in North Carolina in 1779, migrated to Georgia and settled m Troup county, where he married and settied and reared his family, and beneath whose soH he rests. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His mother was a daughter of Patsy Edge, fle was a native of Alabama. Mr. Jones was reared on the farm and received but 1064 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. limited and indifferent schooling. He however educated himself by hard study, sufficiently to undertake teaching, and taught school ten years. In 1858 he bought his first tract of land, to which he has added from time to time by pur chase until now he owns 3,000 acres of good land. He, began his farm life by liard work all day in the field, and by making shingles at night, an article in great , demand at the time. As a result he is in possession of a large body of excellent land, a large farm in a fine state of cultivation, enjoys all the prosperity he de sires, and in the highest degree the respect and confidence of his fellow-citizens. fle has now at his home a bale of cotton he made twenty-five years ago. Mr. Jones was married in 1858 to Miss Lucy Anderson, born in Greene county, Ga., in 1835, daughter of Elijah and Phoebe (Clark) Anderson. He was born in 1803 in Greene county, where he died in' 1858. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have seven children living: Richard T., James E., Samuel N., John H., Christopher C, Balsora A. and Robert M. He is a master Mason, and himself and wife are members of the Alethodist church. J-J ENRY L. LOWE, farmer, EHerslie, flarris Co., Ga., son of Henry fl. and Bethena (Littleton) Lowe, was born in Jones county, Ga., in 1818. His paternal grandparents, flenry and Elizabeth (Tarver) Lowe, were natives of North Carolina, and migrated to Georgia and settled in what is now Jones county about 1800. fle was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Lowe's father was born in what is now Jones county, where he grew to man hood and married, and afterward moved to flarris county, among its earliest settlers about the time the county was laid out. fle was a large and prominent farmer, served as a general during the Creek war, and represented the county in the general assembly. His maternal grandfather, Benjamin Tarver, was one of the very earliest settlers of what is now Jones county. Mr. Lowe was raised in Alacon, Ga., where he received his schooHng. fle began life by clerking in Macon, and continued it until 1843, when he went to Griffin, Ga., and was one of the first settlers there. Subsequently he moved to Harris county and engaged in farming. During the war he was exempted by Gov. Brown from military service, but was commissioned to gather provisions for the army. Toward the close of the war Federal raiders under Gen. Wilson passed through Harris county and burned down all his buildings but his residence, and "confiscated" thirty-two head of mules. But devoting all his energies and his time and attention to the im- - provement of his farm, he has it now in good condition, with a comfortable dwelling and substantial outbuildings, and is regarded as one of the financially solid men of flarris county. Mr. Lowe was married in 1850 to Miss Edith P. KHgore, born in Pike county, Ga., daughter of John V. and Eliza (Woods) Kilgore. fle was an early settler of Pike county, was a soldier in the Seminole war, and subsequently died in Harris county. Three of the children born to this union there are living: Jackson, Benjamin P. and John H. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died in 1878, and in 1879 he contracted a second marriage with Miss Sallie Lynch, born in Pike county, daughter of George J. and Eliza beth (Plolly) Lynch. He was a native Georgian, an early settler of Putnam county, and afterward moved to Harris county. Mrs. Lowe is a consistent member of the Baptist church, and he is a member of the masonic fraternity. W fl. M'DONNELL, farmer, EHerslie, Harris Co., Ga., son of Andrew and * Sarah (Thornton) McDonnell, was born in Meriwether county in 1843. flis paternal grandfather was a native of Scotland, who emigrated to this country when a young man and settled in Columbia county, Ga., where he married and J. M. MOBLEY. HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. I065 made his home until he died. Mr. McDonnell's father was born in Columbia county, Ga., where he was reared on the farm, and whence he moved to Meri wether county, flis maternal grandfather, James Thornton, was a native Georgian, was a farmer and served in the war of 1812. Mr. McDonnell was 'reared on the farm, and was given only a limited education. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Capt. G. W. Knight, later Capt. N. B. Roberts, Fifty-fourth Georgia regiment. Among the battles in which the command participated were: Alissionary Ridge, Dalton, Resaca, Cass Station, New Hope church, the defense of Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville — ^where he received a slight, not disabling wound ¦ — and Bentonville, N. C. After the war he worked on a farm, first for wages, later for himself on rented land until 1879, when he made his first purchase of land, fle now owns a good farm and comfortable home, and makes plenty and to spare. A good and industrious citizen, he is content with the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. McDonnell was married in 1861 to Miss Catharine Tarvin, born in flarris county in 1842, daughter of Churchwell and Sarah (Phillips) Tarvin. fle was born in Columbia county, and moved to flarris county, and settled about the time it was organized, fle served as a soldier in the Seminole war. Three of the chHdren which were the fruit of this marriage, are living: Mamie, Minnie and Sallie. fle is a master Mason, and himself and wife are consistent members of the Baptist church. J A. MIDDLEBROOKS, farmer, Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., son of Isaac and ' Ehzabeth (Thompson) Middlebrooks, was born in Clarke county, Ga., in 181 1, flis paternal grandparents, Isaac and Jennie Middlebrooks, were natives of South Carolina, and migrated to Georgia and settled in Clarke county about the beginning of this century. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Middle brooks' father was born in South Carolina and came to Georgia with his father, was reared a farmer, and in 1829 moved to flarris county, flis mother was a daughter of John and Sallie Thompson, members of old Georgia famihes. Mr Middlebrooks was reared on the farm and educated at the common schools of the country, fle volunteered as a soldier in the Florida war, and served under Capt Sloan, fle also served in the late "unpleasantness" as a member of the state miHtia. fle began life by working on the farms of John flolland, Joel Lockhart, James Kelley and Aaron Goodman. In 1839 he bought a farm, and to this he has constantly added gradually until now his land-holdings are quite large, and are the result of good farming, economy and judicious investment, fle is highly esteemed in his community and is remarkably active for a man of his age Mr Middlebrooks was married in 1837 to Miss Nancy flail, born in flarris county in 1822, daughter of Thomas and Martha (Manning) flail. Of the chil dren born to them four are living: Thomas, WilHam, George A. and Laura. In 1852 the mother of these, who was an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died, and in 1854 he contracted a second marriage with Miss -Martha C. Jenkins, born in Harris county in 1834, daughter of William and Jane Jenkins, who came to Georgia from North CaroHna. Of their chHdren three survive: Sallie, Hiram and Robert Lee. Theft mother ha'ving died, he, in 1880, married Miss Mary Huff, born in Harris county in 1855, daughter of Andrew and Louisa (Davis) fluff, fle is a master Mason and himself and. wife are members of the Baptist church. J M. MOBLEY, lawyer, Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., son of Reuben R. and • Gricilla C. (Burford) Mobley, was born in Jones county, Ga., in 1823. His paternal grandparents, Levi and Sarah (Rabb) Alobley, were natives of South 1066 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. (Carolina, where they were niarried, and some years afterwards migrated to Georgia and settled in Jones county. He afterwards moved to Alabama, where he lived untH he died. He was of Scotch descent, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. His maternal grandparents, Leonard and Nancy (Smith) Burford, were natives of Virginia, who came to Georgia early in this century, and were among the pioneer settlers of Jones county, fle also was a soldier in the revolutionary army. Mr. Mobley's father was born in Soutii Carolina in 1794, came to Georgia with his parents, and grew to manhood on the farm in Jones county. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, was one of the first settlers in Harris county, was a member of the first grand jury, and operated the first cotton gin in the county. He was an enthusiastic and exemplary member of the Meth odist church, and the first church organized in the county was organized at his home. Mr. Alobley was raised on the farm, and received a very good education for the locality and period, completing it under the preceptorship of A. H. Scott a prominent teacher of his day. He began the study of law' at the age of eighteen, and was admitted to the bar when twenty years of age, by a special act of the general assembly. He established himself in Hamilton, where he has lived ever since, done an extensive practice, won professional distinction, and honorable political positions, and been a prominent and influential promoter of every project or measure promising material or moral improvement and advancement He earned the money by his practice wherewith to pay for his legal education; and whatever he has attained to professionally, financially, or otherwise, has, under providence, been due to his industry and fidelity to every duty and trust. Before the war he was a member of the general assembly of Georgia four years, and served on the following committees: Judiciary, finance, and banks; and had the honor of serving with Ben H. Hill, Linton Stephens and Francis Bartow, and, professionally, at the bar, with flill, William Dougherty, Walter T. Colquitt, and other legal luminaries of ante-bellum times. In 1861 he was elected secretary of the senate of Georgia; and, after the war commenced, he served with the state, or home guards, serving on Gov. Brown's staff, with rank of colonel, his principal duty being to secure clothing for the Georgia soldiers in the Confederate army. He, however, saw some active service in the field, participating in the defense of Macon, and in the capture of Gen. Stoneman. He was a meniber of the con stitutional convention of 1877, and actively co-operated with Gen. Robert Toombs in inserting the article authorizing the establishment of the board of railroad com missioners. He also served on the standing committee on counties, and on the general revision committee, of which Gen. Toombs was chairman. In 1888 he was presidential elector for the fourth congressional district, and cast his vote for Grover Cleveland. Thus, it will be seen that his life has been one of great activity and of local and state-wide usefulness, crowned with public approval and appre ciation, and honorably won distinction. Air Alobley was happily married in 1846 to Aliss Alatilda K., daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Becl<) Heni-y. Her father was a native of Virginia, closely related to the great revolutionary patriot, Patrick Henry, and served with distinction as captain inthe war of 1812. Of the children which blessed this union, six are living: Reuben B.; Sarah A. B., wife of J. Al. Kimbrough; Jimmie AL, widow of John W. Gamble; James fl.; John B., and Lula. His wife was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1829, was an exemplary member of the Alethodist church, and died in 1879. Air. Alobley is a prominent and distinguished member of the masonic fraternitv, having been grand master of the Grand lodge of Georgia four years, fle is also a life-long member of the Methodist church, in the service of which, in his sphere, he has lived a life of usefulness. Although the war left him poor, he now enjoys a comfortable competency. HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. I067 • J C. AIOON, farmer, Cleola, flarris Co., Ga., son of Jesse and Alary (PhiHips) Aloon, was born in Troup county, Ga., in 1844. flis paternal grandfather. Moon, was one of the earliest settlers of Plarris county, and his father was a well- known devoted Methodist preacher Late in Hfe he migrated to Arkansas, where he died. Air Aloon's mother was a daughter of a Air. Phillips, whose family were among the early settlers of Elbert county. Air Aloon was quite young when the family went to Arkansas, where he grew to manhood on the farm, and with exceedingly limited educational advantages. In 1861 he enlisted in a company commanded by Capt. Lewis, which formed a part of an Indian regiment; but was never in a regular engagement. After the war he returned to flarris county and cultivated rented land for many years, making his first purchase in 1874. Since that time he has bought and paid for the excellent farm he now lives on, and is comfortably situated, fle is a man of untiring industry, a good farmer, and a well-thought-of citizen. Air Moon was married in 1866 to Aliss Elizabeth Alilner - — born in Harris county in 1849 — daughter of L. B. and Sarah J. (Lossen) Milner. He was born in Jasper county, and was a faithful soldier during the late civil war. Of the children which blessed this union, nine survive: Sarah, Jesse H., flixie, Pearlie, Joseph, Georgia, Sidney, Robert T., and Ben Hill. His wife is a consistent member of the Baptist church. J T. PEARSON, farmer, Harris county, postoffice. West Point, Troup Co., Ga., * son of James and Caroline (Barron) Pearson, was born in Upson county, Ga., in 1839. His father was of French descent, was born in Georgia, was raised a farmer and continued to be one all hisi life ; served as a soldier in the Florida war, and died in 1866. His maternal grandparents were a Air. and Airs. Barron, he being of Irish extraction. Mr. Pearson worked on the farm, and was given the best education obtainable at the historical dirt-floor log school-house, and then engaged in farming. In 1862 he enHsted in Company K, Capt J. C. Wright, Forty-sixth Alabama regiment, and with his command was in twenty-seven battles — some of them as important and bloody as any fought during the war; among them — Blair's Cross-roads, Baker's Creek, Big Black Creek, Vicksburg, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Dalton, Rasaca, and Nashville. He was captured at Vicksburg, and, after being held five days, was released. He was again captured, at NashviHe, and this time was sent to Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, where he was held a prisoner eight months. Returning from the war with nothing, he went to work on the farm, and for a short time was engaged in merchandising. In 1869 he bought his first land, on which he made his permanent home, and to which he has since gradually added, until now he has between 900 and 1,000 acres of land. On his "home-place" he has a large steam ginnery, and on Flat Shoals creek, a large miH and another ginnery. He is enterprisinsf and energetic, keeps abreast of the times in agricultural and kindred improvements, and is fuHy alive to aH measures calculated to develop our resources. Air Pearson was married in 1868 to Miss Amanda M. Johnson— born in Harris county in 1843— daughter ot Benjamin and Jane (Doddwell) Johnson. Mr. Johnson was born in North Caro lina, came to Georgia early in life, was one of the eariiest settiers in Harris county, and' was a soldier in the Florida or Seminole war. Of the children born to them, nine are living: James W., John A., Mary J., Milton fl'., Annie P., Thomas C, Arthur A., BilHe B., and Daniel M. fle is a master Alason, and himself and wife are active members of the Baptist church. j\/\ 'ALVIN fl. SPENCE, farmer, Hamilton, Harris Co., Ga., son of Nathan and Adaline (Reeves) Spence, was bom in Rockingham county, N. C, in 1810. His grandparents on his father's side, Nathan and Elizabeth (Quindley). Spence, were Io68 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. natives of Maryland ; he was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war — migrated to Nortli Carolina after the war, thence to Georgia, where he lived some years in what is now Jasper county, and ultimately went to Walker county, Ga., where he lived till he died. Mr. Spence's father was born in Maryland, and moved with the family to North Carolina, and thence to Jasper county, Ga. He afterwards moved to Gwinnett county, Ga., where he died, fle was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, flis grandparents, on his mother's side, Malachi and Rhoda (flowell) Reeves, were natives of Virginia, in which state they lived all their lives. Mr. Spence worked and grew to manhood on the farm, and was given as good an education as the country schools could afford at the time. He was a volunteer soldier in the Florida war. When he came to Harris county he had only thirty-seven and one-half cents, yet, such was his industry, frugality and extraordinarily good management that in i860 he had fifty-six negroes, besides his plantation, made up of land he commenced buying in 1834. At the close of the war fifty cents was the sum of his cash capital; but to-day he is regarded' as one of the wealthiest and one of the financially strongest of flarris county's citizens. fle has made his fortune by attending strictly to his agricultural interests in all their detaHs, and in a way to retain the respect and sincere esteem of his fellow- citizens, fle has served the county as a justice of the inferior court. Mr. Spence was married in 1830 to Miss Elizabeth Spence, born in North Carolina in 1812, daughter of James Spence, a native of the same state. Of the children born to them, four survive: James, Adaline, Eliza, Frances. Martha and Mary are deceased. The mother of these having died, he, in 1845, married Miss Alartha MilHgan. By this marriage three children were born: William, George and Sallie, the last-named the only one living. For his third wife he married Mrs. Elizabeth Ellis in 1892. Mr. Spence is a master Mason, and belongs to the Baptist church, while Mrs. Spence is a member of the Methodist church south. J^YCURGUS L. STANFORD, lawyer and farmer, flamilton, flarris Co., Ga., ' son of Nehemiah and Elizabeth CWyatt) Stanford, was born in Putnam county, Ga., in 1831. flis paternal great-grandparents, Joshua and Elizabeth (McGhee) Stanford, were natives of England and Scotland i-espectively, whence, with a brother of his, they emigrated to this country with Lord Cecil to Maryland, and settled on the eastern shore of Chesapeake bay. fle was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, was captured and imprisoned on a man-of-war for six months. His brother emigrated south to one of the Carolinas. Mr. Stanford's paternal grandparents, Levin and Eleanor (McGhee) Stanford, were born on the eastern shore of Chesapeake bay, Maryland, migrated to Georgia in 1800, and settled in Warren county, whence, in 1808, they moved to Putnam county, where they lived until they died. Mr. Stanford's father was born in Warren county in 1805, and v/as raised a farmer, which was his life-pursuit fle was a boy when his father moved to Putnam county, where he lived until 1859, when he moved to Murray county, Ga., where he lived until he died in 1879. His maternal grandparents were Sylvester and Sarah (Mills) Wyatt He was a native of England, emigrated to this country before the revolutionary war, and settled in Nortli Carolina, was on the committee which drafted the ordinance of separation from Great Britain, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the war for independence. Some years afterward he moved to Paducah, Ky., where he died in 1854. Mr. Stanford was laised on the farm and received his primary education at Jefferson academy in Putnam county. He afterward attended Mary viHe college, MaryviHe, Tenn., from which he graduated in 1854. In 1857 he was chosen president of the Hamilton Female coHege, and later went to Cum berland university, Lebanon, Tenn., from the law department of which he grad- LYCURGUS L. STANFORD. HARRIS COUNTY SKETCHES. IO69 uated in 1859. I" 1862 he enlisted in Conipany B, Capt. B. A. Thornton, Third Georgia cavalry, and after serving two months was commissioned as captain of Company K, same regiment. With his command he participated in many engage ments, many; of them bloody and important; among them: Bridgeport, Vinegar flill, Munfordville, Perryville, Crab Orchard, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, and Resaca. At the last-named battle. May 14, 1864, he was captured and sent to Johnson's island, where he was detained as a prisoner for about thirteen months, reaching home, after his release, in July, 1865. He at once entered upon the prac tice of the law, and has unintermittedly pursued it since, growing in reputation, with a clientage all the time gradually increasing in volume, value and influence. In 1868 he was elected a member of the constitutional convention; and in 1877 was elected to represent the county in the general assembly, and again in 1881. Mr. Stanford was married in 1854 to Miss Maggie, daughter of John and Sarah (Smith) Henry, of east Tennessee. She died in 1858, leaving two sons, Jno. C, who died in 1879, aged twenty-four, and Wm. fl., who died in 1893, aged twenty-six. fler father was a native Virginian and a near relative of Patrick flenry, the eloquent Virginia patriot. Later in life he moved to Tennessee, where he became very prominent. In 1859 Mr. Stanford married Miss Maggie A. Passmore — born in flarris county in 1836 — daughter of James and Nancy (Lester) Passmore. She died in 1862, leaving one living child, Maggie, wife of J. fl. Brawner. In 1865, for his third wife, he married Miss Marietta Walker — ^born in Muscogee county, Ga., in 1836 — daughter of James and Lucinda (Ferguson) Walker. She died early in 1882, leaving one child, Lycurgus W. Late in the same year he was married to Miss Eliza C. Walker — born in Muscogee county — sister of his last wife, by whom he has had one child, James L. He is an enthusiastic meniber of the masonic fraternity, and worshipful master of the local lodge. Himself and wife are members of the Methodist church. In 1894 Mr Stanford was a prom inent candidate for congress from the fourth district, and in the convention held at Warm Springs, Ga., Aug. 13-16, 1894, was only defeated after the 365th ballot by the present incumbent, Hon. C. L. Moses, of Coweta county. Mr. Stanford is one of the active politicians of the state, and is now and has been since its organization, president commander of flarris county, Ga., camp of Con federate Veterans. "\A/ ILLIAM fl'. TflOMPSON, farmer, Cataula, Harris Co., Ga., son of John W. and Melinda (Thorp) Thompson, was born in Muscogee county, Ga., in 1837. flis grandparents, James M. and Susan (Meadows) Thompson, were born on board ship on the ocean, while their parents were on the voyage to America. Their parents settied in Virginia; but after they reached maturity they migrated early in this century to Georgia, and settied in Jones county, fle was a captain in the war of 1812, and was kiHed in battie during the war Mr Thompson's father was born in Jones county in 1809. fle was a farmer, and worked also at mill-wrighting. In 1836 he moved to Muscogee county, which he made his home until he died, fle was a soldier in the Florida or Seminole war. flis maternal grandparents were WiHiam and Martha (Davis) Thorp. He was born in Vir ginia, but early in life came to Georgia and settied in Twiggs county and made ft his permanent home. He also served in the Indian war Mr. Thompson was raised on the farm and educated at Marshall college. In 1862 he enlisted in Company B, Capt. Pride, Thirty-first Georgia regiment, and with his command participated in many batties, among them Chancellorsville, seven days' fight around Richmond, and second Manassas. At this last-named battie he was severely wounded and had to come home, fle has since devoted himself to his 1070 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. farming interest, is progressive and prosperous, and ranks among the best farmers in Harris county. He was elected justice of the peace many years ago, and still holds the office. Air Thompson was married in 1859 to Miss Georgia McKay — born in Harris county in 1840 — daughter of John and Mary (Watt) AIcKay. He was born (of Scotch descent) in North Carolina, was a farmer, and came to Georgia and settled in Harris county, where he attained to considerable prom inence. Of the children which were the fruit of this union six survive: Willie, Mattie, Fannie B., John W., Eugene, and Alarshall J. He is a master Mason and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church. HART COUNTY. "\YILLIAAI A. HILLIARD, farmer, Bowersville, Hart Co., Ga., son of Bart lett and Mildred (Duncan) HiHiard, was born in South Carolina in 1825. His paternal grandparents, Armisted and Dorcas (Williams) HilHard, were natives of Virginia, whence they migrated early in life to South Carolina. He was of EngHsh lineage, and was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary v;ar. Mr. Hilliard's father was born in Lancaster disttict, S. C, was raised a farmer and continued to be one all his life. In 1852 he moved to Georgia, of which he became a life-long citizen. His maternal grandparents were Jesse and Rebecca (Farrell) Duncan, natives of North Carolina, where they spent their lives. Mr. HilHard was raised on the farm and was educated to a limited extent in the near-by country schools. In 1862 he enlisted as a member of Beauregard battery, Martin's battalion. Smith's brigade. Among the important battles in which his command participated were: Charleston, Jackson, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Kennesaw mountain, around Atlanta, Jonesboro, Franklin, and Nashville — remaining in the service until the surrender. Mr. HilHard is an indus trious and excellent farmer, owns a good 400-acre farm under good cultivation and supplied with substantial out-buildings; and owns, besides, considerable valuable town property, fle devotes all his time to his farm and to home life, beloved by his family and much respected by his neighbors. Mr. flilliard was married in 1847 to Miss Mary — born in South Carolina in 1824 — daughter of David and Mary (Smith) Lee. fle was a native of Virginia, was highly educated, . and for many years a practicing lawyer. He migrated to South Carolina, and subsequently relinquished the law and engaged in farming. Mr. and Mrs. HilHard have seven children living: Rebecca Brown, David L., WilHam B., John B., Mary Cole, Perry G., and Jersey S. Pie is a member of the masonic fraternity, and himself and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist church. P M. GAINES, farmer, Coldwater, Hart Co., Ga., son of Francis and Diodema (flailey) Gaines, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1837. flis paternal grand parents were R. T. and Sallie (Alexander) Gaines. He was born in Virginia, left his family and came to Georgia when a youth and settled in the woods in Elbert county. Pie used to tell his family afterward that when he came to the county the country was so densely overgrown with pea-vines that it was difficult to travel. Mr. Gaines' father was born in Elbert county and was raised a farmer. After farming some }'ears he added general merchandising to his farming and HART COUNTY SKETCHES. 107 1 accumulated much property, flis maternal grandparents were John and Mary (Underwood) Hailey. fle was a farmer, and a son of William Hailey, who died in Elbert county in 1817. Mr. Gaines grew to manhood on the farm, with very meager educational advantages. In 1862 he enHsted in Company I, Capt. Eber hart — later Capt. James Sanders — Ninth Georgia battalibn, afterward the Thirty- seventh Gebrgia regiment. With his command he was engaged in some of the most important battles of the war — Tazewell, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Dal ton, Resaca (where he was wounded), the siege of Atlanta, Nashville, etc., and remained with the army until the surrender. Mr. Gaines started in life with nothing, fle, however, bought a plantation for $3,500, and paid for it in two years, fle has continued to prosper, and now owns a splendid tract of land of about 1,100 acres, two fine mills — one in Hart and one in Elbert county; has a guano factory, and owns stock in the Hartwell bank. His very remarkable success gives evidence of great nerve at the beginning, and industry and energy sustained by unusually good judgment in the investment of his profits. Mr. Gaines was married in 1867 to Aliss Emily, daughter of Lawrence and Lucy (Teasley) Adams. fle was a native and well-to-do farmer of Elbert county, where he died. Early in 1868 Mrs. Gaines died, leaving one child, Lawrence. Late in that year he married Miss Ducilla Adams — born in Elbert county in 1844 — hy whom he had seven children: Frank, Lucy, John, Diodema, Francis J., Ducilla, and Mollie. The mother of these died in 1887; and in 1888 he contracted a third marriage with Miss Kate — born in LaGrange, Ga., in 1862 — daughter of Dr. Sydney and Eliza beth (Tatum) Little. Dr. Little was born in Putnam county and located and practiced medicine in Troup county, Ga., many years, and died in LaGrange. By this last marriage Mr. Gaines has had four chHdren born to him: Marion L., Christine, Sydney D., and Seth M. Mr. Gaines is a member of the masonic fraternity. 1 T J. LINDER, merchant, flartwell, flart count}^, son of John and Louisa * (Bonner) Linder, was born in Spartanburg district, S. C, in 1844. flis paternal grandparents were Lee and Mary (Templeton) Linder. Pie was of German extraction and born in A''irginia; was a farmer, and early in life came to South Carolina, where he profitably followed his vocation. Mr. Linder's father was born in South Carolina, was a merchant, came to Georgia in 185 1 and con tinued his mercantile business, conducting in addition extensive farming interests and acquiring a large estate. He served as a Heutenant in the Confederate army during the late "unpleasantness," and died in 1889. flis mother was a daughter of Bryant Bonner, a native of Virginia, who came to South Carolina and settled in Spartanburg, where he prosperously followed farming untH he died. Mr. Linder was seven years old when his father came to Georgia, and had the good fortune to receive a very good education. In 1863 he enlisted in Company B, Capt. Tren- holm (a son of the secretary of the treasury of the Confederate states). Seventh South Carolina cavalry. His command participated very actively and serviceably in the campaigns generally, and among other important batties was in those of Cold Harbor, Malvern HiH, Darbytown, etc. fle remained in the service until surrendered at Appomattox. For two years immediately succeeeding the war he engaged in farming; after that, in ,1867, he embarked in the mercantHe business, and has continued in ft since, part of the time with his brother. flestiH, however, gives careful attention to extensive farming interests, besides looking after valu able town property. Wide-awake, financially strong and perfectly reliable, he is popular, and occupies an enviable high social position, and exercises a -wide and . salutary influence. Mr., Linder was married in 1872 to Aliss Susan, born in North 1072 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. Carolina in 1854, daughter of John and Mary (Woodson) Peck, natives of North Carolina, who caine to Georgia in 1864. Eight of the children born to them are now living: Arthur, Emmett, Emma, Clarence, Ethel, Lee, Thomas J. and Louise. Mrs. Linder is an active and valued member of the Alethodist church. J fl. M'MULLAN, minister of the go.spel, flartweH, Hart Co., Ga., son of St Clair and Clarissa (Richardson) McMullan, was born in Elbert county, Ga., November, 1824. His paternal grandparents were John and Ehzabeth (Beasley) McMullan. He was born in Ireland, emigrated to this country and settied in A'irginia before the revolutionary war, during which he served in the patriot army. Subsequently he removed to Georgia and settled in Elbert county, where he died at a ripe old age. Mr. McMullan's father was bom in Elbert county, Ga., on the plantation and became a successful planter. He died in Hart county at the advanced age of eighty-five years, flis mother was a daughter of Amos and Susan (Smith) Richardson, for whose sketch see that of M. M. Richardson in these Memoirs. Mr. McMullan was raised on the farm, and his educational advantages were exceedingly limited, fle studied grammar and other branches whilst at work, and finally when he was twenty-one years old received four months' school ing, fle began preaching at his home church in 1858 and has been engaged in the ministry ever since, preaching as pastor in flart, Elbert and Franklin counties and Anderson county, S. C. flis labors have covered quite an area of territory, and have been very arduous and long-continued, and during the period he has been an earnest worker and instrumental in establishing and building up many churches. It is said he has planned and built more churches than any man in Georgia. Mr. McMullan is a good business man. Commencing after the war with but little, he has prospered and has accumulated quite a nice property; in this he is largely indebted to the untiring industry and executive ability of his devoted wife, who has ever been his constant support and inspiration in his ministerial labors. Mr. McMullan is still actively engaged in preaching the gospel, and is doing the best work of his life, fle yvas married in 1852 to Miss Martha V. Loflin, of Lincoln county, Ga., daughter of George and Ehzabeth (Hawes) Loflin. Their only two children, Peyton S. and Emma fl., now Mrs. R. S. fliU, are both living. Tlie father, wife and children are all faithful workers in the Baptist church. J flOMAS L. M'MULLAN, farmer, flartweH, Hart Co., Ga., son of John and Joyce (McMullan) AlcMuHan, was born in Elbert county in 1842. His grand parents on his father's side were Thomas and Sallie (Gaines) AlcMuHan, who were of Irish descent, born in A'irginia, and migrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county about the beginning of this century. He was a farmer and followed that calling until he died, which event occurred in Hart county, formerly a part of Elbert Air AIcMullan's father was born in Elbert county, where he was raised a farmer, and followed farming all his life. Later he moved to Hart county, where he died. On his mother's side his grandparents were Louis and Frances (Stowers) AIcAltillan, native Virginians. His paternal and maternal grandfathers were brothers. Air. AIcAlullan grew to manhood on the faiiiHy homestead, with meager educational advantages. In 1862 he enlisted in Company A, Ninth Georgia battalion, which subsequently became a part of the Thirty-seventh Georgia regi ment, and his company was commanded by Capt. J. G. McAlullan. fle was wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro and was sent to the hospital, and after remaining there ten days returned home. Resuming his farming he has devoted his entire time and attention to it with satisfactory success, and now owns about 1,100 acres of land, including one of the best farms in the county. He is one of HART COUNTY SKETCHES. 1073 Hart county's sohdest and most highly respected citizens. Air AlcMuHan was married in 1864 to Aliss Catharine, born in "Wilkes county, Ga., in 1844, daughter of P. and Ann (Rumsey) Crow, of families who were early settlers in northeast Georgia. He was a soldier during the late civil war Of the chHdren born to them three are living: Etta, Lula and WilHam B. He is a master Mason, and himself and wife are prominent members of the Baptist church. P^J. M'MULLAN, farmer, Hartwell, Hart Co., Ga., son of St. Clair and Clarissa (Richardson) McMullan, was born in Elbert (now Hart) county in 1848. His paternal grandparents were John and Ehzabeth (Beasley) McMullan. (For sketch of his grandfather see that of J. fl. McMullan in these Alemoirs.) Mr AIcMullan's father was born in Elbert county, was a prosperous farmer and died in 1886. flis maternal grandparents were Amos and Susan (Smith) Richardson. (For sketch of Amos Richardson see that of M. M. Richardson in these Memoirs.) Mr. McAluHan's boyhood and youth were passed during the memorable "unpleas antness." fle was in the service about six months, most of the time in the ditches around Atlanta. In 1870 he entered the university of Georgia, from which he graduated in 1873. He has since devoted all his time and attention to agricul tural pursuits with a successwhich has demonstrated his superior business manage ment and financial ability. Besides about 1,000 acres of land of his own he manages about 2,400 acres for Dr. Turner, his father-in-law. In addition he owns and operates a mill and ginnery on Cedar creek. Besides the above he owns a stock farm on Savannah river and is recognized as one of the best farmers in the county, fle is one of the directors of the flartwell cotton mills, and is interested in the flartwell bank. In almost every respect he is in the front rank in social life, as a progressive farmer and as a safe, shrewd business manager and financier. Mr. McMullan was happily married in 1878 to Miss SaHie, born in Hart county in 1853, daughter of Dr. J. L. and Mary (Jones) Turner. Dr. Turner was born in Lincoln county, Ga., and is a retired physician, fle was graduated from the university of Georgia in the same class with T. R. R. Cobb, Benjamin Hill, Linton Stephens, and other subsequently distinguished Georgians. Of the children born to Mr. and Airs. McMullan these survive : Lucius, Susie, Joel and Louise. Himself and wife are active and valued members of the Baptist church. JEPHTHA W. NORMAN, farmer, Cold Water, flart Co., Ga., son of Wm. and Mary (Waller) Norman, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., in 1822. flis grand parents on his father's side were John and Nancy (Austin) Norman, fle was a native of Virginia, migrated to Georgia in 1797 and settled in Wilkes county, where he farmed until his death. Mr. Norman's father was born in Virginia, and when his father came to Georgia was about three years old. fle grew to man hood on the farm, and followed farming all his life, fle was a soldier in the last war with Great Britain, and died in 1839. flis grandparents on his mother's side were Nimrod and Martha (Beard) "Waller, fle was born in A^irginia, was a farmer, and when he came to Georgia settled in Wilkes county. Mr Norman was reared a farmer and received very little schooling, fle followed farming as a main pursuit, but in connection with it conducted a general merchandise store. At the close of the war he had 333 acres of land, to which he has gradually added until he now has 2,200 acres of as good land as is in the county, besides much other valuable property, after giving each of his children $2,000. fle has neither desired nor held any pubhc office, and has given his entire time and labor to his farm and his store, and is perfectly satisfied with the results. Pie has seen his children well provided for, has performed his duties to church and state, and possesses the esteem and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Air. Norman was married in 1842 to 1-68 I074 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Miss Sarah, born in Elbert county in 1824, daughter of Elijah B. and Jane (Hill) Norman. He was born in Wilkes county, and was a well-to-do farmer. Of the children which blessed this union six survive: W. B., flenrietta Bond, A. B., George P., Laura A. and Fannie Thornton. Mrs. Norman, who was a devoted member of the Alethodist church, died in 1888. Air. Norman is also a member of the Alethodist church, and is calmly awaiting the sum:nons which shall call him to a reunion with his departed companion. A H. PARKS, farmer, Montevideo, Hart Co., Ga., son of Marshall and Mary * (Mewborn) Parks, was born in Elbert county, Ga., in 1835. The family is of English extraction, his paternal grandfather having emigrated from England and settled in Virginia long enough before the revolutionary war to serve in the patriot army, flis grandparents were Abraham and Nancy (Self) Parks, born in Virginia, whence about the beginning of this century they migrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county, where he became a prominent planter. Mr. Parks' father was born in Elbert county, was reared on the plantation, followed farming and also worked as a mechanic, fle was sheriff of Elbert county many years, and late in life moved to Floyd county, and died in 1846. flis mother was a daughter of Archie and Fathia (Shepard) Mewborn. fler father, born in England, emigrated to Georgia and settled in Elbert county, and engaged in farming as long as he lived. Air. Parks was reared on the farm; the limited education he received was obtained at the neighboring country schools, and when grown he engaged in farming. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Capt. Thornton, Thirty-eighth Georgia regiment, fle participated in the following among other important battles: florseshoe Bend, Brandy Station, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg (where he was wounded). Wilderness, etc. fle remained in the army until the surrender, after which, with twenty-five cents, good health and a resolute spirit as his capital, he started to make a competency, if not acquire wealth, fle has so far succeeded as to be the owner now of 1,300 acres of good land and a saw-mill and ginnery, and as his plantation is on the Savannah river he is also proprietor of Parks ferry. As might be presumed in regard to one who accomplished such results, he rates high as a progressive and substantial citizen. Mr. Parks was married in 1867 to Miss Sarah C, born in Elbert county in 1831, daughter of John and Nancy (Gore) McCurry. He was a native of Georgia and a farmer, was a justice of the peace several years, and also for a time sheriff of the county. He died in flart county. Mrs. Parks, who was a devoted member of the Baptist church, died in 1889. Mr. Parks himself is a very prominent member of the Baptist church. "yy ILLIAM VICKERY, farmer, flartwell. Hart Co., Ga., son of James and Mary (Sanders) Vickery, was born in Elbert (now Hart) county in 1822. His paternal grandparents were Aaron and Millie (Dodson) Vickery. He was a native of Virginia and came to Georgia when a young man and settled in Elbert county. Mr. Vickery's father was born in Elbert county, where he Hved all his life. Farming was his life pursuit and he gave all his time and attention to make a success of it He took time, however, to serve as a volunteer soldier in the last war with Great Britain, flis mother was a daughter of EHas and Mary (Carter) Sanders, native Georgians. Mr. Vickery was reared on the farm, and was educated at the near-by dirt-floor log school houses, fle started in life a poor boy, but by dint of hard work, economy and good management he has be come rich and owns about 2,000 acres of good land, including a well-tilled pro ductive form. He was a justice of the peace twenty years, the only pubHc office he ever held. He stands very high and is much esteemed by his neighbors. Mr. HEARD COUNTY SKETCHES. IO75 Vickery was married in 1845 to Miss Susan, born in South Carolina in 1828, daughter of James and Iva (Rush) Stapler. He was born in Edgefield district, S. C, was a large and successful farmer, served as a volunteer in the Seminole war and came to Georgia about 1840 and settled in Elbert county, where he died. Eight of the children born to them are living: James, Philip, Mary A., John, Thomas, Andy, Laura and Martha. The mother of these, an exemplary member of the Baptist church, died in 1895. Mr. Vickery himself is an influential and revered member of the Baptist church. HEARD COUNTY. ^NDREW B. BROWN, farmer, Corinth, Heard Co., Ga., son of Christopher and Nancy (Fannin) Brown, was born on the farm near where he now lives, in 1837. flis father was a native of South CaroHna and came to Georgia with his parents in 1806, who stopped a while in the lower part of the state and then moved to Walton county. Later they settled in Morgan county, Ga. In 1826 Mr. Brown's father moved to Troup, county and settled on land afterward included in Heard county, fle was the first permanent white settler in what is now Heard county, and settled in the virgin forest, in which Indians roamed and hunted the game wfth which the forest abounded. Having been elected a justice of the in ferior court of Troup county, his father was transferred in his official capacity to the new county of Heard when organized in 1830, and was thus the first justice of the inferior court of the county, and the first official in it who administered an oath. He acquired quite a fortune, and after a life of usefulness died in 1880. His mother was born in 1807, and was a daughter of WiHiam and Nancy Fanin, an old Soutii Carolina family. Mr. Brown was born and reared, and now owns and lives on, the first farm cleared in Heard county, and what education he has was obtained in the never-to-be-forgotten dirt-floor log school house with its split-log seats, stick-and-mud chimney and holes sawed through the logs to let Hght in. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Seventh Georgia regiment, but un usual exposure superinduced rheumatism, which rendered him unfit for service, and he was sent home. Resuming planting he has devoted himself to it all his life, and has now one of the largest and best-appointed and best-improved planta tions in the county. Plantation life and the domestic enjoyments of a delightful home, where he dispenses a generous hospitality, have so fully satisfied his am bition that he has cared nothing for public office. Mr. Brown was married Sept. 9, 1869, to Miss Katharine, daughter of George and Nancy (Maddox) Snow, of old and highly respected "Virginia famihes. This union has been blessed with two children : Christopher Frederick and Nannie K. JAMES B. DAVIS, farmer, Enon Grove, Heard Co., Ga., son of George B. and Mary (Davis) Davis, was born in Coweta county, Ga., in 1830. flis father was born in Virginia about 1796, and was left an orphan at a very early age. fle was adopted and reared by AVilliam Beetles, who gave him a fairly good common school education. While he was in young boyhood Mr Beetles migrated to Georgia, making the trip in ox-carts and on foot, fle studied and improved upon his primary education so far as to become a teacher. He served gallantly as a 1076 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. soldier in the war of 1812. Later in life he was ordained a minister in the Baptist church and officiated as such until his death, which occurred in 1878. His mother, daughter of James and Judy (Grissum) Davis, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., in 1798, received a good common school education, married in 1818, and lived to a good old age. Mr. Davis was reared on the farm, received a good educa tion for the locality and period and when twenty years of age moved with his parents to Heard county, where he has made his home since. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, which was part of a regiment commanded by Col. Wilcoxon, of the reserve or home guard service, fle was soon afterward commissioned first lieutenant and continued as such until mustered out after the surrender. After the war he resumed his farming, to which he has devoted his entire time and attention in an energetic effort to rebuild a fortune shattered as a result of the war. Being fully abreast of the times, and a thoroughly practical farmer, he believes in diversified and self-sustaining agriculture, and has successfully carried out his theories, fle stands high with his neighbors as a farmer and citizen, and has been content with their esteem and the success which has attended his well-directed energies. In 1856 he was elected a justice of the peace and held the office twenty-four years consecutively — the only public office he ever held. Mr. Davis was married in 1854 to Miss Corintha, daughter of Thomas B. and Lucy (Cosby) Wilkinson, who has borne him two children: Thomas B. and Mary L. Q flARLES W. flEARN, farmer, Frankhn, fleard Co., Ga., son of John and Nancy (Lynch) flearn, was born in flancock county, Ga., in 1808. flis father was born in Richmond county, Va., in 1767, raised a farmer and educated at the common schools, fle was a home guard the latter part of the revolu tionary war. In 1807 he migrated to Georgia with his family and settled in Hancock county, making the journey in ox-carts. Air. Hearn was reared on the farm and educated at the common schools of the county. While in his boyhood his father moved to Putnam county. In 1832 Mr. Hearn moved to Troup county. In 1853 he was elected justice of the peace, was re-elected and held the office for many years. He enHsted as a member of the reserve or home guard in 1862, was elected first lieutenant, assigned to Col. William Carter's regiment and remained with his command until the fall of Richmond. He returned to his farm after that event, where he farmed until 1867, when he removed to his present place in fleard county. He has a fine body of land, and a large farm under excellent cultivation. Although eighty-six years of age he is in robust health, well-pre served and very active for his age. Mr. Hearn was married in 1829 to Aliss Nancy Wheeler, who was an orphan and who died in 1851. Two years afterward he contracted a second marriage with Mrs. Mary (nee McKinney) Sattiewhite, who has borne him one child, a son, Romaldus. She was a daughter of Eli and Sarah McKinney, born in Jones county, Ga., in 1819, and in 1835 "was married to Smith Sattiewhite. He volunteered as a soldier in the Florida war and died in 1842. Mr. and Mrs. flearn are active and much beloved, venerated members of the Baptist church, and are held in the highest esteem by the entire community. Romaldus flearn, only child of Charles W. and Mary Hearn, was born in Troup county in 1854, where he was reared on the farm and received only such education as could be obtained during the vacations of hard farm work — winter — and after "laying-by" time, fle was married in 1874 to Miss Ada, daughter of Joseph and Prudie (Thomas) Carter. To them five children have been born: E. "Watsbn, Prudence M., Lola, deceased, Pauline and Annie. Mr. Hearn has a fine farm and a comfortable home, surrounded by an intelligent and interesting family, with HEARD COUNTY SKETCHES. 1077 no harassing cares, and with an abundance of this world's goods, enjoying peace, plenty and prosperity. y^LFORD G. HENDRICK, farmer, Franklin, Heard Co., Ga., son of James A. and Martha (Crosby) Hendrick, was born in fleard county July 24, 1855. fle grew to manhood on the farm and was educated at the near-by country schools, and the academy in Franklin. At the age of nineteen he engaged in mercantile business and continued in ft four years. At that time he was married to Miss Josie L., daughter of Jephtiia fl. and Emily B. (fleflin) Daniel. Since his mar riage he has been engaged in farming and stock-raising, in which his success has been equal to his most sanguine expectations, fle is fully abreast of the move ments of the times, and to the development of the county's resources, fle also takes a very active interest in politics. Air. and Mrs. Hendrick have had six children born to them: Mary fl., Hugh fl., Emma S., Josie L., Ruth, and Grace. JY^RS. MARTflA S. (CROSBY) flENDRICK, Franklin, fleard Co., Ga., daughter of John and Martha S. (Killebro) Crosby, and widow of James A. flendrick, was born in Wilkes county, Ga., in -1833. fler father was of Virginia -parentage and born in 1798. In 1840 — ^liis conveyance being an ox-cart — he moved to fleard county, settled in the woods and lived under tents untH log cabins could be built. She was left motherless at the age of five years ; and when a child of eleven years did all the housework of her father's family, and besides, spun and wove, and made all her father's clothing. Under such circumstances it may be readily realized that her educational advantages and opportunities were of the most limited character ; irregular intervals during two years at the common schools. However, by judicious reading and careful home study she managed to improve her education and acquire a large fund of general information, which, in after life, proved of inestimable value to her. In 1852 she was united in mar riage to James A. flendrick. fle was born in flenry county, Ga., in 1823, son of Tlugh and Allie (fluey) Hendrick, who were born in Virginia of old Virginia families. He, too, was left an orphan when small — only seven years of age — and his education was limited to only nine months in the common country schools. He began work for himself at a very early age, developing remarkable trading and money-making qualities, flis companion proved to be a helpmeet indeed, so that by their united efforts quite a fortune was accumulated, fle died in 18 — , leaving his widow and four children: Mary F., widow of Frank C. Lumpkin, John C, William ^., and Alford G. JOflN DICKERSON flIGflTOWER, farm.er, Rockdale, Heard Co., Ga., son of Henry R. and Tempie (Ray) Hightower, was born in what is now Campbell county, Ga., in 1825. flis father was born in Pennsylvania, and about the year 1800 migrated thence to Georgia and settled in Oglethorpe county, flis convey ance was an old-time ox-cart with wooden wheels, the frame being put together with wooden pins and hickory wfthes. He cleared a farm and commenced farm ing, but after some years moved to what is now Campbell county and engaged in farming until his death, which occurred in 1857. Mr Hightower was raised on the farm, on which he worked, and attended school at a littie log school house until nearing maturity, since when many years of his life have been interestingly event ful. At the age of nineteen he ran away from home to join an expedition against Mexico, and enHsted in Conipany C, (Tapt W". T. Wofford, in Calhoun's cavalry battalion. He did scout duty during the entire war, and went as far south as the peninsula of Yucatan, where he was wounded in the thigh by a lance in the hands 1078 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. of a Alexican. In 1848 he returned to his home in CampbeH county, but did not stay long. The next year he joined a company of gold hunters, started for Cali fornia and shipped from Mobile to go via Cape Horn. After a long and rough and tedious voyage he reached the alleged land of promise, only to meet with sad disappointment After spending montiis hi a fruitless search for the precious metal he found himself impoverished, and decided to return home. A sympa thizing friend loaned him the money for the purpose, and the early fifties found him at the plow handles on the old homestead. In 1852 he moved to fleard county, where he continued farming with satisfactory success. When the civil war was precipitated in 1861 he enlisted in Conipany K, Forty-first Georgia regiment, participating in its engagements. At Perryville, Ky., he received a wound which disabled him temporarily, and he was sent home. At the end of six months he returned to his command, and at the battle of Baker's creek was again wounded, but continued in the field. After the surrender he returned, penniless and homeless, to fleard county, fle went to work as a farm hand, worked and lived hard until he got a start, when he bought a piece of land and went to farming on his own account Working hard, and early and late, and living frugaHy, he has placed himself in easy circumstances, fle owns a good farm, has all that he craves in the matter of a good home with plenty, and a com fortable bank account. No citizen of the county stands higher. Mr. Hightower was married soon after his return from California to Miss Roanisa, daughter of Joshua and Polly (Wallace) Teal, who has borne him six children, only two of whom — Isom J. and Benjamin F. — are living. t? HOUSAN JACKSON, planter and preacher, Franklin, Heard Co., Ga., son ' of Isaac and Elizabeth (Perkins) Jackson, was born at White Plains, Greene Co., Ga., in 1834. His paternal great-grandfather, Isaac Jackson, was a native of Ireland, came to Georgia soon after Gen. Oglethorpe planted the colony, served with distinction as a major in the patriot army during the rfevolutionary war under the immediate command of Washington. For meritorious service congress voted him a grant of 1,200 acres of land in Hancock county, Ga., on which he was buried when he died in 1790. Two children survived him, Henry, and Pollie (Jackson) Mapp. flenry — who was the grandfather of the subject of this sketch — ^was born in 1760, was a large and successful planter, and distinguished himself as a soldier in the last war with Great Britain. About 1780 he married Miss Sallie Mapp, and to them thirteen children were born. Mr. Jackson's father, Isaac, was one of these, and was born in 1785. He was raised on the plantation, educated at the schools at White Plains, and when he arrived at majority began life as a planter. About 1817 he married his wife — daughter of Jesse and Polly (Ingram) Perkins, old Nortli Carolina families, of English and Welsh descent They soon afterward moved to White Plains, where his wife died in 1840 and he five years later. Mr. Jackson was educated at Dawson institute. White Plains, where the brilliancy and versatility of his intellectual endowments gained for him honorable distinction. After finishing his education he began life as a planter, and planting has been the principal pursuit of his life, fle read law about this time, but did not seek admittance to the bar as other important duties called him to other fields. In 1856 he moved to fleard county, which has since been his home, and where he has become and is generally recognized as a leading and one of the most pro gressive and influential planters in the county. Two years later he was elected a justice of the inferior court and fllled the office for ten consecutive years. In 1861 he was elected, without opposition, tp represent fleard county in the general assembly, and was continued, by re-election, until 1865. In 1886 he was elected HEARD COUNTY SKETCHES. 1079 to represent his senatorial district in the same body, and in 1890 was called upon to again represent Heard county. During his several terms in the senate and house he was conspicuous for his great and earnest working capacity, and his able and influential support of various wise and economic biHs which he was largely instrumental in having enacted into laws. His activity and tirelessness in behalf of the interests of his immediate constituents made him a marked character of each legislative body. In 1887 he organized the farmers' aHiance in Georgia, and was made its first president In this great and important work he demon strated his extraordinary capacity as a leader ancl organizer. In six months, as the 1-esult of his activity and energy, the order had a membership of 80,000 in the state and began to wield a potent influence. In 1889 he was associated with the Atlanta "Journal" as a special correspondent. In 1852 Mr. Jackson united himself with the Baptist church at White Plains, under the preaching of that eminent divine. Rev. Prof. S. G. Hillyer. Ten years later — at the age of twenty-six ¦ — he was ordained a minister of the Baptist church, since which time he has been an active and ardent laborer in the vineyard of the Master. Few preachers have done more arduous and continuous work, notwithstanding the hard and valuable work he has done in other fields. At one time he suppHed four pulpits while superintending the cultivation of four farms; and for fifteen years has been mod erator of the Western Baptist association. Mr. Jackson was married in 1857 to Aliss Marie, daughter of flugh and Elizabeth (Brown) Hall, a union which has been blessed with eight children: Phemonia, Elizabeth, Isaac, P. H. Mell, Anna Z., flenrietta, Sabe, and R.uby. fle is an enthusiastic and highly esteemed member of the masonic fraternit}'. In his ministerial and other public work he has been extraordinarily active and influential for good ; in private he is courteous and affable, representing the open-handed hospitality of the old-time southern gentleman; added to which are the charms of the literary attainments of great natural intellectuality. JOHN fl. LANE, farmer, Franklin, Heard Co., Ga., son of ColHngsworth and Ehzabeth (Dunlap) Lane, was born in Heard county in 1844. His paternal grandfather, flenry Lane, was a prominent Methodist preacher, who came to Georgia the latter part of the last century, and settled in what is now Coweta, and from there to what is now fleard county, and finally went to Alabama. Mr Lane's father was born in what is now Coweta county in 1819, was reared a farmer, and was given such education as could be obtained at the country schools of the locality and time, fle served as a volunteer soldier in the Seminole war, after which he returned to the farm, where he spent the remainder of his Hfe, which ended in 1874. His mother was born in 1822, and was the daughter of David Dunlap, a native of South Carolina who came to Georgia in the first quarter of the present century. Mr Lane was reared on the farm, and was educated at the common schools of the county In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, Capt. Spearman, Fiftieth Georgia regiment fle was in many important batties: Baker's Creek, siege of Vicksburg —¦where he was captured, but soon exchanged and sent to the front— at Mission ary Ridge the defense of Atianta, Nashville, etc. WhHe defending Atianta he was wounded by a spent baH. but not seriously, and remained on duty until the surren der Resuming his farming as soon as the war was over, he has industriously pursued ft since, with resufts meeting his most sanguine expectations. Upright and honorable, thrifty and prosperous, he has the confidence and esteem of aH who know him Mr. Lane was married in 1874 to AIiss Piety, daughter of John and Dovie (Plaster) Daniel, by whom he has had seven chHdren, of whom four are living- Mrs. Lizzie fltibbard, Dovie, Alary E. and Brewer. For more than a quarter of a century he has been an active member of the Alethodist church. w^ 1080 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. JY^RS. MARY p. LUMPKIN, farmer and hotel-keeper, Franklin, fleard Co., Ga., widow of the late Frank C. Lumpkin, and daughter of James A. and Martha (Crosby) flendrick, was born in fleard county, Jan. 5, 1852. She had good educa tional advantages, having attended the schools at Franklin and the college at Newnan, Coweta Co., Ga. She was married Jan. 29, 1868, to Frank C. Lumpkin, son of Richard and Frances (Crosby) Lumpkin, who was born in Chambers county, Ala, in 1843. H^ ^^^ reared on the farm and educated at the common schools of the county. In 1861, aged eighteen, he enlisted in Company G, Thirty-seventh Alabama regiment, and remained with the army throughout the war without a furlough. During his service he participated in some of the most hotly contested and bloodiest battles of the war, and passed through some of the most trying campaigns. At the siege of Vicksburg he was captured but soon exchanged. After the surrender he came to Fleard county and engaged in farm ing, and followed it many years with remarkable success. In 1891 he moved to Franklin and embarked in the hotel business, in which he prospered. On Feb. 23, 1894, he was murdered in cold blood without any known cause. To this union four children were born, three living: Alinnie, wife of a Mr. Shackelford; John C, and Lillian Renoe. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Lumpkin, with the assistance of her son, has successfully conducted the hotel and the large farm. Her excellent management has made her hostelry one of the most popular in that part of the state. r ILLIAM H. AlELSON, farmer, Franklin, Heard Co., Ga., son of Abelton and Penelope (Sims) Melson, was born in Coweta county, Ga., in 1829. flis paternal grandparents, Daniel and Mary (Grace) Melson, migrated from Alary land to Georgia, coming all the way in ox-carts, the latter part of the last century, and settled in flancock county, fle served with some distinction as a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war. Mr. Alelson's father was born in Plancock county in 1801, reared a farmer and given the education obtainable- in the rural districts at that time. In 1828 he moved to what is now Heard county, and when the new county was organized in 1830 assisted in the work of organization. He was a volunteer soldier in the Seminole war, after which he devoted all his time and attention to his farming interests. He died in 1872. Air. Melson grew to manhood on the farm, and obtained his education at the historic old log school house, where so many of Georgia's distinguished men acquired the rudiments of an English education. Reaching manhood he began the life of a farmer, which has been his Hfe pursuit, in which he has abundantly prospered. In 1862 he enlisted in Company E, Capt J. D. Sims, which was assigned to the command of Gen. John H. Alorgan. After his discharge in 1863 he enlisted in the s ate service and served two terms of six months each. At the close of the war he returned to his farm a few miles east of Franklin, and has since been satisfied with the quiet enjoyments of farm life and a comfortable home. In 1870 he was elected justice of the peace, and held the office by successive re-elections for more than twenty years. Mr. Alelson was married in 1853 to Miss Martha, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Maine) Holland, and to them four children have been born: Louisa, Mrs. Pendergress; Nancy, Mrs. Ware; Carrie, and John Plolland. JOHN I. MILLER, merchant-capitalist, Corinth, Heard Co., Ga., son of Joseph T. and Mary T. (Moreland) MiHer, was born in fleard county, Ga., in 1852. His paternal grandfatiier, John Miller, was a native of Ireland, emigrated to this country just before the beginning of this century, and settled in Jones county, Ga. Mr. Miller's father was born in Jones county in 1814, where he was reared on the farm and educated at the conmion schools of the country. In 1837 he moved to HEARD COUNTY SKETCHES. I081 fleard county, transporting all his household goods on a wagon, behind which his farm stock was driven, fle bought land in the virgin forest, cleared a farm and cultivated it with exceptional success until i860, when he died. Mr MHler's mother was a daughter of Isaac and Penelope ((Ousley) Moreland, a prominent family of Jones county, and died in 1864. Mr. Miller, it will be observed, had the misfortune to lose his father when only eight years old and his mother when twelve years old. After the death of his mother he went to live with his aunt, Mrs. Annie Johnson, in Jasper county, where he remained two years. While on the home farm he attended school at Corinth, and while with his aunt he attended school at HoHy Springs, Jasper county, walking four miles. Since reaching man hood planting has been his chief business, and he owns and manages a very large plantation which includes some of the most productive land in fleard county, cultivated by improved implements and by improved methods. In addition to his extensive planting interests he has engaged in merchandising, mHHng, general trading and cotton brokerage, all of which he conducted with unflagging energy and consummate skill. In all his transactions he has displayed remarkable business sagacity and financial ability, and made a complete success of the many and varied enterprises he has undertaken, fle is one of the soHd, substantial citizens of the county and of unquestioned integrity, flis interesting family occupy one of the most delightful homes in Corinth. Socially and financiaHy he ranks among the foremost of fleard county's citizens. Mr. Miller was married in 187010 Miss Ambrosia, daughter of flenry and Alary Pitman, who bore him two children, and died May 2, 1872. One of the children died, but the other, Norman C, is living. The ensuing year he contracted a second marriage with Miss Sallie F., daughter of Christopher and Nancy (Fleming) Brown, by whom he has had nine children: Nancy P., Mary E., Fannie R., Annie P., John I., Jr., Ida E., flarvey A., Mattie M. and Thomas I. Pie has been an ardent and active member of the Methodist church since he was seventeen years old. \A/ESLEY SPEARMAN, farmer, Corinth, Heard Co., Ga., son of Edmond and Martha (Cook) Spearman, was born in Heard county in 1833, and died at his home near the place of his birth July 4, 1895. His paternal grandfather, John Spearman, was a native of Alaryland, whence he migrated in the latter part of the last century to South CaroHna. Not many years afterward he moved to Georgia and settied in Wilkes county, and thence to Jasper county, where he died. Air. Spearman's father was born in AVHkes county in 1806, worked on the farm, and was educated at the country schools in WHkes and Jasper counties. In 1830, with his three brothers, he came to Heard county, bought land and cleared a farm in the woods. The next year he married his wife, who was a daughter of John and Alary (Heard) Cook. Air. Spearman grew to manhood on the farm, and was educated at the schools common to the locality and period. In 1861 he enlisted in Company D, Fourth Georgia regiment, and served until the surrender of Atianta. When th'e war closed he found himseH impoverished by the destruction of his property; btft he set to work to retrieve his losses and rehabilitate himself, in \\'hich he was eminentiy successful. At his death he left a large and well improved farm in the best portion of Heard county, and an excellent home in Corinth, where in his last years he enjoyed aH the comforts of life that could be desired, and the good wiH and esteem of' his feHow-citizens. In 1861 he was elected justice of the peace and held the office uninterruptedly for twenty-nine years. In 1880 he was elected to represent fleard county in the general assembly, and he was a member of the countv board of education for many years. In all the public positions he held, the discharge of their duties was characterized by promptness, fidehty and con- Io82 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. scientious regard for the public good. Air Spearman married Aliss Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher and Frances (Fannin) Brown, by whom he had two children: Edmond C, and Ruth, wife of Dr. J. B. Sanders. Mr. Spearman was a devoted and exem.plary meniber of the Methodist church for half a century. JJUMPflREY A. TOMPKINS, farmer, Franklin, fleard Co., son of Nicholas and Lucinda T. (Springer) Tompkins, was born in fleard county March 9, 185 1. His paternal grandfather, Giles Tompkins, was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, and migrated from Virginia to Georgia, and. settled in Oglethorpe county the latter part of the last century. Mr. Tompkins' father was born in Oglethorpe county in 1798, received such education as could be obtained at the country schools of the locality at the time, and when grown, entered upon farming as a life pursuit Later, he moved to Putnam county, Ga., and thence to Troup county about 1830, and settled on land now within the bounds of Heard county. He served during the Seminole war, holding a commission as major He also served as a soldier in the war with Mexico. At the close of that war he returned to his farm. Such were his skill as a planter and his business sagacity and management that he became the owner of 175 slaves and the largest land-owner in Heard county. Pie died Aug. 12, i860, fle was married twice; his second wife being the mother of the subject of this sketch. She was a daughter of WilHam G. and Mary (Baxter) Springer. Mr. Springer was for many years an Indian agent. By this marriage he had five children: William G., John T., Humphrey A., Benjamin Hill, and Eliza Baxter. Air. Tompkins was raised on the family plantation, and received as good an education as was obtainable, con sidering the locality, and the fact that his boyhood was passed during "war times." When only fourteen years old he assumed control of his father's extensive plantation, which had suffered immensely from the ravages of war, and entered upon the management of the property. With wonderfully good judgment, a perseverance and a spirit of determination, that quailed not at any obstacle, he succeeded in preserving intact and rehabilitating the large and valuable estate, which to-day stands as a monument to his unwearying' industry and tireless energy. Notwithstanding the apparently stern and inflexible will needed to accomphsh such results, he is one of the most genial and whole-souled gentlemen to be found in any community. In 1890 he was elected treasurer over an opponent, who had held the office fourteen years, and was regarded as invincible, which speaks volumes for the estimation in which he is held, and the good will entertained toward him by his fellow-citizens. Mr. Tompkins was happily married in 1882 to Aliss \lola L., daughter of Matthew and Lousiana (Yates) Monk — a union which has been blessed with four chHdren: John S., Effie Lou, Eliza Baxter, and Florence C. He is an ardent member of the masonic fraternity, and a prominent and influential member of the Methodist church. gENJAMIN fllLL TOMPKINS, planter, Franklin, fleard Co., Ga., son of Nicholas and Lucinda T. (Springer) Tompkins, was born on the plantation on which he now lives, in i860. (For sketch of his parents, see that of his brother, Humphrey A. Tompkins, elsewhere in this work.) Air Tompkins was left father less when an infant, was raised on the famHy homestead, and educated at the common schools of the county. His surroundings compeHed him, while very young, to assume the duties and responsibilities of mature manhood. But follow ing the example, and inspired by the spirit and courage of his brother Humphrey, he set manfully to work to solve the great problem of life and success. He, like his brother, determined to know no such word as fail — and like him, he has worked out a splendid success. He owns several thousand acres of fine land, including the original family homestead, improved by his father more than sixty years ago — of HEARD COUNTY SKETCHES. I083 which he is justly proud — and is otherwise supplied with an abundance of the good things of this life — and is, therefore, liappHy situated. Air Tompkins was married Sept. i, 1880, to Miss Montie, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Pendergrass) Holliday. To them the following children have been born: Nicholas, Joseph B., John, Berd Berry, Alary Baxter, and Levi Ridley. JAMES B. WARE, farmer, Corinth, fleard Co., Ga., son of John AI. and Lucy (Sturdivant) Ware, was born on the plantation on which he now lives in fleard county (then just organized) in 1830. flis paternal grandfather, Henry Ware, was born in Maryland in 1756 — his parents having been among the early English settlers of that state. He was a soldier in the patriot army during the revolutionary war, at the close of which, Dec. 14, 1783, he married Aliss Winnie Alims, and soon afterward migrated to South CaroHna, where he died Nov. 21, 1807. His widow died Sept 14, 1812. Mr. Ware's father was bom in Edgefield district, S. C, in 1788, grew to manhood on the farm, and was educated at the near-by country schools. While yet a young man he migrated to Georgia, and began farming in Lincoln county. In 1827 he moved to Pike, and the next year to Troup, and later to Coweta county, Ga., where he died Aug. 18, 1838. May II, 181 1, he married his wife, who was an orphan girl living with her uncle, Lockhart, of Lincoln county. She died Oct 22, 1869. Mr. Ware was raised a farmer on the plantation, and received his primary education at a little log school- house, still standing, a few miles from the old homestead. Pie began life on the plantation of his father, and has prospered in his labors. His natural capacity and superior abilities as a man of affairs being quickly recognized by his fellow-citizens, he was elected a justice of the peace in 1852, and held the office seven years. In 1859 he was elected to represent Heard county in the general assembly. In 1874 he was again elected, and on each occasion represented his constituency with fidelity, and usefully. He was also elected a justice of the inferior court and rendered efficient service to, the county in that capacity for eleven years. In 1887 he organized the Corinth Agricultural Club and Fair association, of which he was then elected, and has continued to be, president, in which capacity he has done quite as much, if not more, than any other citizen to improve and advance the agricultural interests of the county. In 1863 he raised a company of seventy men — of which he was elected captain — ^which became Company G, of Col. Wilcoxon's regiment of state troops. In 1864 he enHsted in the Confederate service, in which he continued, rendering valuable service untH the surrender. During the "unpleasantness" he gave up his business and devoted money, time and labor to caring for the families of the soldiers, a noble service on his part which they have never forgotten, and for which they have ever been ready to express their grati tude. It was the soldiers in the field, who, though in Virginia, were allowed to vote, first elected him justice of the inferior court. He has been much before the public and much in public life, and has always been found working for the best interests of the people. As a planter, he has been eminently successful, and a sort of leader by general consent. His well-arranged and well-cultivated fields bear ample testimony to his intelligent supervision and skill. He is progressive or nothing, and exercises a wholesome influence among his farmer-friends. Mr Ware was married Oct 1 1, 1849, to Miss Sarah M., daughter of John and Comfort (Grace) Sims. Of the children, which blessed this union, the following are living: Mrs. Alberta V. Orr, A. E., Mrs. Addie G. Snow, John F., Alonzo C, Alfted Z., Henry fl., Robert H., and Minnie, fle is an ardent and active member of the masonic fratemity, of forty years' standing, and has been a member of the Baptist church since 185 1, of which he has been a deacon since i860, and treasurer of the Western Baptist association for the past seventeen years. jo84 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. HENRY COUNTY. J-J ENRY J. COPELAND. This is the name of one of the oldest and most respected of southern families. The family is of EngHsh origin, the great grandfather of the younger generation having come from England and settled in South Carolina. "W. M. Copeland, now residing in McDonough, flenry Co., Ga., was born Feb. i8, 1823, in Laurens district, S. C, and is the son of WiHiam and Nancy (Bryan) Copeland. The Bryans were of Irish descent, and were also from South Carolina, where the grandparents lived during the revolutionary war. WHliam and Nancy Copeland, with a small family, came to flenry county, Ga., in 1826, where they settled about seven miles east of McDonough, one of his sons now residing on the plantation. They passed their days in flenry county, both living to a good old age, the father being eighty-nine and the mother eighty years of age at the time of their death. Although not possessed of great wealth, they made a very comfortable living, and had plenty of the good things of life. In politics Mr. Copeland was a whig, and a Baptist in religious belief. W. M. Copeland has passed his life in flenry county as a farmer. During the war he was one of Joe Brown's "pets," and served faithfuHy at the siege of Atlanta, and also at Savannah. Jan. 20, 1848, Mr. Copeland was married to Miss Mary A., daughter of William and Alary Green, the Green family also being one of the early ones of flenry county. To this marriage were born three children: Henry J., merchant, McDonough; Mary J., Mrs. J. T. Fields, Henry county; and W. G., at home, flenry J. was born March 18, 1849. flis first business venture was made at Conyers in 1870. This lasted about a year. From that time untH 1880, he clerked and farmed alternately. In that year he went into the mercantile business for himself at Hampton. On the building of the E. T., Va. & Ga. railroad through McDonough, he removed his stock to the latter place, where he has since con tinued to do a successful and thriving business. He carries an average stock of $6,000, and does a safe and constantly increasing business, which, together yvith his ginnery and farm, gives him little time for leisure, fle married in Rockdale county, Jan. 16, 1873, to Miss Emma V., daughter of John E. and Mary Reagan, and is the father of seven interesting children : Edward M., Arthur G., flenry W., Zachary W., LHa M., Annie Lou and Frank M. Like other former Copelands, he is a Baptist in faith, and a democrat in politics. vy ILLIAM N. NELSON, ordinary of flenry county, McDonough, Ga., is the son of Perry and Martha (McGough) Nelson, and was born in Greene county, Ga., Aug. 17, 1822. His grandfather, Taylor Nelson, who was of Welsh descent, lived in Maryland, and was a private in the revolutionary war. Soon after the close of the war he moved to Hancock county, Ga., where he lived for a period of years, and from thence to Morgan county, where he died at an advanced age. The father, Perry Nelson, was born in Hancock county in 1792, and was married in Greene county in 1821, to Miss Martha McGough, whose family were South Carolinians. Of Irish descent, her father, John McGough, immigrated tb- gether with his father, mother, brothers and sisters, from Ireland to America and settled in South Carolina, AbbeviHe district, when he (John) was only ten years old. A large family of (jarsons came over to America in the same ship. John McGough married Miss Elizabeth Carson, the grandmother of Mr. William N. Nelson. To their marriage were born three sons and three daughters: WHHam HENRY COUNTY SKETCHES. IO85 N., the subject of this sketch; Joseph F., planter, Taliaferro county; James A. C, planter, Putnam county; Mary and Martha, who were twins, the latter de ceased and the former Mrs. John Andrews, of Butts county; Alargaret E., (Mrs. Fred S. Stewart, of Atlanta, deceased). The mother died in 1878 at the age of eighty years, and the father in the same year, aged seventy-eight, fle was a farmer by occupation, a Baptist in faith and an old-time democrat, fle was an old veteran, having been a soldier in the war of 1812. William N. Nelson was reared to manhood in Greene county. Acquiring a common school education, he began teaching school in 1845, and taught without interruption until 1875 in the counties of Greene, flancock, Butts, Spalding and Henry. After being a teacher for thirty years he decided to change his occupation to that of farming, which he carried on successfully until 1886, when he was elected county ordinary. Being exempted from the regular service during the late war on account of his occupation, he yet found time and inclination to do something for the cause, and in 1864 became one of Joe Brown's "pets." He marriied in Butts county, Oct 31, 1847, Miss Martha, daughter of Thomas and Nancy McGough, and became the father of the following children: Laura A., Mrs. G. D. Brown, Henry county; Emma C, Mrs. McN. Moore, deceased; Cora, unmarried; Mattie Lenora, Mrs. O. S. Moore, Morton, Miss.; Ida, Mrs. J. F. M. Fields, Greenwood, Ga.; Geneva, Mrs. McN. Moore, Morton, Miss.; WiUiam D., McDonough, clerk in his father's office, and Mary Clyde, unmarried. For many years a member of the Baptist church, and a most successful teacher in the schools of the county where he lives, he has well-earned the high regard in which he is held by former pupils and friends. Twice he has been elected to public office, first as school commissioner and then to the office of ordinary, which he now holds, and for which important position a better or more competent man could not have been chosen. In poHtics a democrat of the old school, he has lived to see many changes in his state and national government. QR. NOLAN. Twenty-eight miles southeast of Atlanta stands the town of ' McDonough, in Henry county, a name around which cluster memories of "ye olden time," when Atlanta was a waste place, and the pioneer and Indian roamed the woods together. It is the county seat of Henry county, one of the originals, and which has given birth to Fulton and several other lusty children which have long since distanced their progenitor in population and importance. With .the advance of civilization old flenry county has lost many of her first fam ilies and yet there still remains much of the sturdy stock which made the county famous. Among the leading families of the present town of McDonough is the one whose name heads this sketch, and which has occupied an enviable position in the county for the past fifty years. Quinces R. Nolan, the deceased head of the family, was born in Morgan county, Ga., on Nov. 18, 1824, and died at Mc Donough Jan. I, 1876. fle was the son of Thomas Nolan and Miss Martha (Browder) Thrasher, and was reared on a plantation in the county of his birth. .flis literary education was obtained at Emory and Henry college, Va. Subse quentiy attending Yale college, he graduated in the law department in the same class with the late lamented Joseph E. Brown, between whom and Col. Nolan there existed a lifelong and intimate friendship. Soon after his return to Georgia Mr Nolan located for the practice of his chosen profession in Mc Donough, then the most flourishing town in that part of the state, and where he continued an active member of the bar until his death, fle soon established a fine reputation as a lawyer, being especially strong in administrative law, of which he was a thorough master. Mr. Nolan was an efficient public officer of Henry I086 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. county for some fifteen years, having been elected ordinary in 1853, and retiring on account of ill health in 1868. In disposition he was quiet and unassuming, of fine personal habits, fond of his books and fireside, and never was happier than when in the bosom of his family. In politics he was an ardent whig, in faith a consistent Methodist, and was a Mason of royal arch degree, and a member of the fraternity of Odd FeHows. Mr. Nolan married the lady who stiU survives him, Aliss Antoinette C. Campbell, at McDonough, on Jan. 28, 1849. She was the daughter of Col. James fl. CampbeH and PermeHa D. Lane. Col. Campbell was an ardent whig, a zealous Christian in the Methodist church, a royal arch Mason and was made brigadier-general just previous to his last illness. He was reared in Morgan county, but resided in Butts county, where he died in June, 1844. Mrs. Nolan's grandfather, George Campbell, was one of the revolutionary heroes, having served five years and nine months in that immortal struggle for independ ence. He was from Mecklenburg, N. C, and had settled in Morgan county in the colonial period, fle was a Presbyterian of the old blue stocking variety, unbending in his integrity, and unswerving in his devotion to his church, which he served faithfully for sixty-five years as an elder, flis abstemious habits, never having used liquor or tobacco in any form, contributed to -the prolongation of his useful life, the advanced age of eighty-eight years having been reached before he laid down the cross. To this marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Nolan were born four sons: Thomas C, WiHiam M., Edgar Q., and John Q. Of these WilHam M. and Edgar Q. died before maturity. Thomas C, the eldest, died at the age of forty- three. He was educated at Emory and Henry college, "Virginia, and was a lawyer, having been a number of years before his demise in the employ of the E. T., Va. & Ga. R. R. In this branch of the law he had few equals and was rapidly rising to the very top of the profession. He left a wife (nee Annie M. Lemmon) and three children : Elizabeth, Annie and Quinces R. J. Q., the only living child, was educated at Emory college, Oxford, Ga., where he graduated in 1874. For years he was the worthy representative of the E. T. Va. & Ga. R. R. at McDonough, but is now giving his attention to the cultivation of the Nolan estate. He married Miss Fannie Cochran, a talented and accomplished lady of Barnes-yille, Ga. Frank M., a bright lad of ten years, is their only son, and bids fair to realize the high standard of excellence attained by former members of the family, which has ever been noted for its oratorical gifts, its poetical genius and literary culture, having furnished from its ranks ministers, editors, orators, scholars and military heroes. J~)ANIEL W. SCOTT, the leading physician and surgeon of McDonough, Henry Co., Ga., is the eldest of a family of nine children of James and Mary (Thrasher) Scott, and was born in Newton county, Ga., Dec. 15, 1849. The family is of Scotch-Irish descent, dating their first connection with American in stitutions back to the days when old Virginia was a state unborn. The great grandfather of Dr. Scott was named William, and in South Carolina married Jane Thomas, moved to Jasper county, Ga., in the early part of the century, is men tioned by White as one of the earHest and most prominent settlers of the county. After remaining here a number of years he removed to Monroe county, where he reared his family and died. He lies buried at Rogers' church. His wife died at a son's home near Talbotton, Ga., and was buried three miles west of that place. William and Jane Scott were the parents of twelve children, the doctor's grand father being the second child. This gentleman married Jemima Walker, and passed his married existence in Newton county. He reared five sons and two daughters, all now deceased. Dr. Scott's father was the third son, and became a thrifty and prosperous planter of Newton county, where he HENRY COUNTY SKETCHES. I087 passed his life, fle was a man of retired disposition and habits, of fine moral character, a Baptist in faith and a democrat in politics, fle died in 1883. The widow still lives on the old homestead and is the mother of the following children : Dr. Daniel W.; D. Barton, suffered death by a faUing tree in 1880; Ophelia J., died unmarried, Aug. 20, 1894; Emma J., Mrs. Green Hull, Conyers, Ga.; James A., planter, Newton county; Lula, Mrs. D. C. Camp, Atianta; WUliam A., planter, Rockdale county; Mamie H., and Walter Lee, young people at home. Dr. Scott was educated at that superior school — ^the Conyers academy, and at the Atlanta Medical college, where he was graduated in March, 1875. Entered on the practice of his profession near Shady Dale, Jasper Co;, whence, after two years, he removed to Peachstone Shoals, Henry Co. In 1882 he came to McDonough, where he now enjoys a large and constantly growing practice. Dr. Scott has few equals in the sick chamber. As a Christian gentleman of broad views and liberal spirit, he merits the patronage and respect of his numerous constituency, fle is a Baptist in religious belief, and a democrat in politics, though he eschews the latter as much as possible. On Dec. 11, 1878, Dr. Scott was joined in wedlock to Miss Laura E. Sharp. This lady has the proud dis tinction of being able to trace her ancestry from the Mayflower, her paternal grandmother having been a Morton, well-known as one of the original Puritan families. She is a daughter of flenry T. and Caroline (Dulin) Sharp, and was born and reared in Newton county. To Dr. and Mrs. Scott have been born two bright and interesting children : Adiel Roscoe and Leila Bay. QHARLES THORNTON ZACHRY. This is the name of a family whose members, though not numerous, have always been men and women of the highest character and noble impulses. Its introduction into America from Scot land was attended with circumstances of extreme hardship. The Zacliry who landed in Maryland with a Rucker and a Smith, being the only three persons saved from- their wrecked vessel. From this gentleman has sprung the American con tingent of the family. Little is known of the early movements of the family, save that they were prominent agriculturists and intermarried with some of the best famihes of the colonies. It is recorded that a John Zachry, of South Carolina, married Mary flay, a daughter of the famous Daniel flay, who was killed whHe in Washington's service. From Maryland to the Carolinas, the name appeared from thence in Georgia after the revolutionary war, where Daniel Zachry, after a residence of uncertain period in Warren county, settled in Putnam county, where he reared a large and prosperous family. James B., one of the sons, after marry ing Miss Olive Morton, removed to Newton county, where he spent the remainder of his life as a planter, dying at the age of seventy-two years, flis wife outlived him four years, dying in 1876. They were the parents of twelve children: Thomas fl., died while in the Mexican war; WilHam, deceased; Daniel H., Jefferson, Texas; Col C. T.; Mary L., deceased; John M., Atianta; Alfred fl., Bartow, Fla.; H. D., El Paso, Texas; L. fl., also in Texas; Lucy, Mrs. W. G. Turner, flenry county; Carrie, deceased, and James B., Jr, deceased. Col. C. T. Zachry is the fourth son, and is the most prominent member of the family in his (lay. He was born in Newton county, Feb. 4, 1828, and in 18=; 3 settied in flenry county, where he has-since been a prominent and leading planter. Col. Zachry has been twice married. In 1852 he married Miss Frances A. Turner, who bore him two chHdren, and died in the faH of 1861. James Greer, the son, is a prominent lawyer and capitalist of New York city, and the daughter, Nancy A., married C. W! McCaHy, of Atlanta, and died in 1892. The second marriage occurred in 1865, to Miss Elizabeth J. RusseH, who still survives, the mother of four I088 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. children : Glancey, who married T. P. Thompson, and is now a widow, living with her father; Clifford and Elizabeth T., accompHshed unmarried daughters, and Mary V., Mrs. R. L. flowell, Sanford, Pla. Col. Zachry is a man of earnest con victions on all subjects, and has taken a leading part in politics during his lifetime. His democracy is unquestioned, yet having been reared a whig, it is of that conservative type which stands rather on principle than party, fle has aided his party in the deliberations of many conventions, and has been called upon to bear its standard in several hard-fought contests, flis first public service was as a dele gate in the convention of 1865, where he voted cheerfully to return to the old Union, having deprecated leaving it in 1861. fle served his county in the lower house during the sessions of 1880-81-82-83, where he did excellent service for the bill establishing the technological school and for educational questions in general. In 1890 he was honored with the senatorship of the thirty-fourth senatorial district, and served in the sessions of that and the following year. As chairman of the agricultural committee he introduced a bill, which passed with but few tmini- portant changes, settling what is known as the betterment question. Col. Zachry's title is not of the variety too common in states since the war, but was won by actual service on the battlefield. Although opposed to war in principle, he yielded to the inevitable and aided in raising a company for the maintenance of the position taken by his native state, of which he was elected captain. In the organization it was known as Company fl, Twenty-seventh Georgia regiment, and did valiant service at Yorktown, "Williamsburg, the seven days' fight around Richmond, second Manassas, Sharpsburg, and in many other of the most sanguinary battles of the war, some forty-five engagements in all. On the first organization of the regiment Col. Zachry was elected major, in which position he served till after the battle of Manassas, when he was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy. For gallant conduct on the bloody field of Sharpsburg he won his present title, which he held with honor till the close of the war. fle was wounded four different times : at first. Cold flarbor ; the Wilderness and Chancellorsville, slightly, and seriously at Sharpsburg, while leading his regiment in a bayonet charge on the Yankee left. It was at the battle of Olustee, in Florida, however, that Col. Zachry won his chief distinction, for when history is correctly written it will chronicle the fact that he was the real hero of that important and successful rout of the Federals, flis scouts were the first to learn the close proximity of the enemy. Immediately informing Gen. Finnegan, troops were hurried to the front and a line of battle formed. These troops were for the most part raw recruits, who gave way at the first charge. Col. Zachry had been ordered to the extreme left, and had moved promptly to position, only to find that he was too far from the scene of action. Moving to the right he arrived just in time to witness the retirement. of the provincials, who it is due to remark, might have behaved more creditably had they been furnished sufficiently with ammunition. Rallying them behind his battle-scarred veterans, he faced the advancing enemy and soon turned defeat into victory, driving the enemy ingloriously from the field. Col. Zachry accomplished this without the assistance or the orders of his superiors, all of which can be substantiated by undoubted testimony. The colonel has always modestly decHned publication of these facts, but history is history only when correctly written, and they are given the prominence merited from having been so long buried. Col. Zachry is a Methodist in faith and a Mason. He is spending the closing years of his life in the cultivation of his large plantation, which lies ten miles northeast of Mc Donough, in Henry county. Col. Zachry was one among the first men in Georgia whose influence was used to establish the law known as the stock law, which has proven to be of such incalculable value to the farmers of the state of Georgia. HOUSTON COUNTY SKETCHES. I089 Its origin existed at the Livingston Agricultural club, in Newton county, of which Col. Zachry was a member, and was one of a committee of .five appointed to investigate and report upon its practicability. By that committee he (Col. Zachry) was appointed a committee of one to visit a local section in Alabama, where the stock law had been in operation for a number of years, and report upon its utility. Henry was one of the first three counties in the state to adopt it. HOUSTON COUNTY. JOHN GREEN BROWN is the son of Dempsey Brown, who was a native of North Carolina, flis grandfather, Samuel Brown, was of Scotch-Irish descent. He reared a family of four sons and two daughters, all of whom are deceased. Dempsey Brown, the third of these sons was born in 1801. When a young man he removed to Georgia and settled in Twiggs county. He began with small capital, but by energy and perseverance he soon attained success. His education was rather limited, though he was a natural mathematician, and con sidered one of the best of his day. In moral rectitude he was upright to sternness, and lived a life singularly free from guile of any kind, fle married Miss Nancy Green and reared the following children: Mrs. Joseph Wimberly, Mrs. Dr. Bryant, Mrs. Felder, Mrs. Dr. Frank Walker, Mrs. B. M. Wyble of Americus, Ga., Mrs. J. R. Wimberly of Arkansas, flon. Clay Brown of Griffin, Ga., and John Green Brown, the subject of this sketch, who was born in Twiggs county, Ga., Sept. 14, 1 83 1, fle was reared in flouston county, his parents moving to that county when he was only one year old. He received an excellent education, having been a student at La Grange, Ga., for several years. In 1854, Miss Smitha Tooke of flouston county became his wife. She became mother of two children : Glenmore Brown and Mrs. R. O. Pate of Hawkinsville, Ga. The mother died when quite a young woman. In February, 1871, Mr. Brown married Miss Cora Rutherford, and to them -were born seven chHdren, six of whom are living: Mrs. Luciny PolhiH, John Green, Jr., Rutherford, Eugene, Dempsey and Alary, aH of whom reside at home. In 1862 he enHsted in the Fifth Georgia regiment, Thomas' brigade. Hill's division, W. R. Davis being captain. After the first year he was transferred to the western army and remained there during the entire war. From the ranks he was promoted to lieutenant and finally to captain, in which position he gallantly led his company through many engagements. Air. Brown is at present engaged in farming and merchandising — has a fine store and a farming interest which requires his entire attention. As a citizen of Houston, no man stands higher in the estimation of her people than John G. Brown. J F. CATER, a merchant of Perry, Ga., is the son of Thomas Johnson Cater, who was a native of South Carolina, and was born at Bamwell about the year 1825. While he was yet a boy the family moved to Georgia and located near Augusta on a plantation. When but fourteen years of age, he was employed as a clerk by Fort, Hamilton & Co., cotton merchants of Macon, flere he remained four years, when he formed a partnership with Edward Bowdrey, and they became engaged in the mercantile business in Macon, fle continued in business ten years, meeting with the greatest success, financially. At this time, on account of impaired health, he removed to 'flouston county, and, after a residence there of 1-69 1090 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. three years, returned to Macon. During the war he again removed to flouston county, where he passed the remainder of his life. In 1867 he established the business now conducted by his son, L. F. Cater. His wife was Amelia Wimberly, of Jones count}', and she became the mother of thirteen children, of whom there are living Catherine (Oliver), Alabama; P. S., merchant, of Alacon; J. ]., Forsyth; Ida A. (Rogers); Florence N. (Howard); Robert L., AI. D., and L. P., merchant, all of Perry. The mother died in 1883, and the father survived her but a few years. A kind Christian gentleman, an active member of the M. E. church, and the leader in the county of the prohibition movement,, he deserved the respect accorded him. Although a most thoroug-h democrat, he was not an aspirant for political honors. Lewis Franklin Cater was born in Houston county Jan. 24, 1863. He has had the best of educational advantages, having attended the A. & M. college, of Auburn, Ala., and Emory coHege, of Oxford, Ga., and the business college of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. After his graduation he entered the store of his father, which he has since conducted, and of which he is now the proprietor. In August of 1889 he was united in marriage to Aliss Helen Parks, a daughter of Wiley S. Parks, of Dawson, Ga. To this marriage have been born two chHdren — Frank and Helen, the former deceased. Air Cater, like his father, is a stanch democrat. Following the custom of many merchants in country towns, Mr. Cater cultivates a plantation of some 1,200 acres. He is an active worker in the M. E. church, of which he is a steward, and as a business man and citizen, is most highly respected. JOHN A. COFFEE, planter. Early in the history of America two brothers, surnamed Coffee, emigrated to this country from Ireland, and from them are descended the large family of that name. Tradition has it that each of these brothers had one son, who became famous during the Indian wars, and rose to the military rank of general. One of these. Gen. John Coffee, was a native of Hancock county, Ga., but later of Telfair county, fle was a man of prominence, and was a member of the national house of representatives at the time of his death. As an instance of the extreme slowness of the distribution of news which prevailed in that early date of Georgia's history, is the fact that John Coffee -^^-as dead and buried when his election for a second term as congressman was announced ; indeed, he was dead before the ballots electing him \yere cast. He married Aliss Connelepy Bryan, who was a native of North Carolina. They reared John, Peter, Williams, Columbus, Jackson, Bryan, Sarah, and Susan. Of these there are living Jackson, in Florida, and Sarah, who married Gen. Mark Wilcox, and now resides in Dodge county, Ga. Peter Coffee, the father of John A., was born in 1813, in Hancock county, Ga. He was, however, reared on a plantation in Telfair county, and was the recipient of a common school education. At the death of his father he was in possession of some property, though the greater portion of his wealth was in slaves. He married Miss Susan Ann Rogers, a daughter of James A., of Telfair county, who was an early settler, very prominent, and was a member of the legislature. To this union there were born John A., Joshua, Susan, Peter, Colum bus, Sarah, Penolape, Jackson and Baily; all save BaHy are living. The mother of these children died in '62, and Peter niarried a Miss Shelton, who, with three children resulting from this union, resides in Florida. The father was a man of fine influence in Telfair, having acted as one of the justices of the inferior court for years. He was a Alethodist by profession of faith, a master Alason, and in politics was a democrat Pie died in 18 — . Maj. John A. Coffee was born April 26, 1838, in Telfair county, and was there reared. When a young man he was possessed of small means, which he invested in a mercantile venture, which he con tinued untH 1861, when he enlisted in a conipany known as the Telfair Volunteers, and was elected second lieutenant. This company became Company H, of the HOUSTON COUNTY SKETCHES. IO9I T-wentieth Georgia regiment. In July, 1861, he was mustered into service at Richmond, Va., and fought in the Virginia army. He took part in numerous ^'ig's^gements, such as seven-days' fight at Richmond, second Manassas, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettysburg and Chickamauga. At Fredericksburg, he was on Lee's right flank. On the night before the battle, December 13, he was the field officer of the day, and when alarm of battle was given, was complimented by Gen. Bannings for his promptness. After the battle he was promoted to captain, and at Gettysburg was made major of the Twentieth Georgia regiment He was wounded in this battle by a rifle ball in the right leg, and was conveyed to the hospital, from which he was paroled and sent home. After his partial recovery he served with Alaj. O. A. Bacon in the capacity of supervisor of the subsistence department In 1864 the major niarried Aliss Rebecca S. Daniell, a daughter of James Daniell, of Hawkinsville, Ga., and to that union there yi'ere born three children — Mrs. Dr. Slippy, of Twiggs county, sketch of whom appears elsewhere ; and George and Airs. "VV. W. Lemon, of HawkinsviHe. The mother of these died May 4, 1873. The major's second union was to Aliss Nannie C. Brown, of Houston county, a daughter of Stephen and Mary C. To this union have been born Cornelia R. and Eugenie, educated at Shorter college, Rome, Ga.; John A., Jr.; Helen, and Ethel. For some years Alaj. Coffee was a merchant of Flawkins ville, but in 1876 he removed to his plantation, where he has since resided. He cultivates 1,500 acres of land, and devotes much attention to stock-raising. He is a member of the Alethodist church and of the masonic fraternity. JOE L. ELLIS, a native of Houston county and one of its leading citizens, was born Dec. 16, 1837. His parents were poor and he had little opportunity for acquiring an education. His youth was spent in hard labor, but by honesty and perseverance he has risen to comfortable circumstances. He owns 1,800 acres of the finest land in Houston county. He has had many misfortune? to contend with, one of which was the destruction of all his buHdings by fire in 1888. But, as he had overcome other difficulties, so he arose above this misfortune, and thus justly merits his well-earned reputation as a progressive citizen and untiring worker. In 1862 Mr. Ellis enlisted in the Forty-fifth Georgia infantry and served until the close of the war. fle participated in the battles of the Wilderness, where he was seriously wounded, fle was also at Chancellorsville, second Alanassas, and in many minor engagements. Mr. Ellis married Miss Catherine Daniel, of Houston county, who was well known and highly respected. To this marriage have been born five children, four of whom are living — Dora, Mrs. Brown Pitts, of Florida; Stonewall; Mattie, and Mary. Together with these chHdren, Mr. and Airs. Ellis are enjoying the competency he has acquired, and live happily in the esteem of a large circle of neighbors and acquaintances. J AI. GRAA'. — The Hon. J. M. Gray was bom in Crawford county, Ga., Feb. 11, ' 1842. When but a boy he enlisted in the Confederate service as a member of Company C, Sixth Georgia volunteers, under Capt. Anderson. He participated in all the more important engagements of tiie war in Virginia, Maryland and Florida. On May 31, 1862, he was wounded by a rifle ball in the lower left Hmb, and the flesh retains to-day the "leaden messenger" Near the close of the war he was captured at BentonvHle, N. C, and confined at Johnson's island, Ohio, where he remained a prisoner until the surrender In June of 1865 he returned to Fort Valley, having for four years and one month battled bravely for the undying principles of the Confederacy. Upon his return he at once directed his attention to agriculture, beginning with no capital and on a very smaH scale. In 1872 he became engaged in the mercantile business, having previously been identified with railroad interests. The foHowing year the present house of Gray 1092 MEMOIRS OP GEORGIA. Bros, was formed, and their success has been phenomenal. They now conduct the largest establishment between Macon and Americus. A member of the state legislature in 1882, he served on several committees, chief of which was the railroad commission, of which he was chairman. Since the expiration of his term he has devoted his time and attention to farmdng and mercantile pursuits. Mr. Gray married a Miss Love, of Effingham county, Ga. To them was born but one child, Charles, who is a resident of Fort Valley. In 1867 the mother died. After a period a second marriage was solemnized, the lady. Airs. Kelly, being a native of Talbot county, Ga. But two children have been born to this union, Annie, Mrs. Charles D. Hurt, Atlanta, and Belle, who resides with her parents. Air. Gray is a thorough democrat, and for six years has done good service as chairman of the board of county school commissioners. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church. The Grays are of Scotch descent, the family being among the earliest settlers of what is now Wilkinson county, then the abode of the red man. Peter Gray, the father of J. M. Gray, was born in the above named county and when he was but a boy the family moved to Crawford county, locating on the Flint river. Here on his father's plantation Peter grew to manhood. The usual inheritance from Scotch ancestry, thrift and industry, gave him precedence, and many a rich planter in the early days of the present century entrusted to him their entire farming interests. He married Miss Win- nifred, a daughter of one of Putnam county's earliest and foremost citizens. To this union three boys were born: William C, who was a member of Company C, Sixth Georgia regiment, who was wounded and died at Richmond ; C. G., a sketch of whom appears elsewhere; and Jefferson Al., subject of this sketch. The father of these boys was a man of strong convictions, and did not hesitate to condemn wrong under any circumstances. He was a devout Methodist and always jealous of his reHgious principles. He died in 1883, his wife having preceded him in 1879, and they lie buried in Fort Valley's beautiful cemetery. QAPT. JOHN A. HOUSER was born in South Carolina on Aug. i, 1827, and was there reared. He acquired a collegiate education, having been graduated from the South Carolina Military academy in 1850. During the foHowing year (1851) he located himself in Houston county, Ga., where he became a teacher in the sc'nools of that county. In 1852 he engaged in farming and continued plying that vocation for some five years, when he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Perry, Ga. He immediately became identified with the interests of the com munity in which he dwelt, and the opening of the late war found him captain of a volunteer company which was of the Southern Rights guard. The individual wealth of Capt. Houser's company represented more than a million of dollars, and the equipment of the company was the finest obtainable. At the first call for volunteers this company was first to tender their services, a distinction of which they may well be proud. The company was detailed to Pensacola, Fla., and served there four months, then was transferred to northwest Virginia, under Gen. Stonewall Jackson. They were in many dangerous and perilous engagements and exploits, and acquitted themselves under Capt. Houser's leadership in a most creditable manner Capt. Houser happily received no wounds, though shot through the clothing upon one occasion. At the close of the war the captain returned to Fort Valley and begaii anew, and by enterprise, energy and judicious investments he has become not only wealthy in point of finance, but enjoys the esteem and respect of a wide circle of friends. He married in 185 1 Miss Elizabeth A. Jones, a native of Charleston, S. C, and to them have been born the following children: Edward J., deceased; Franklin C. : Julia J. Reese, of Thomasville, Ga.; Nettie L. (Mrs. A. B. Green), of Fort N'allev; Lizzie Kate, deceased. Capt Houser has been a lifelong democrat and while not aspiring to political prom- HOUSTON COUNTY SKETCHES. 1093 mence he has been the mayor of Fort Valley for a number of years, and has done a vast amount of good for the littie city. At present he is one of its largest property holders, and has a large amount of capital invested in other interests. Both the captain and his wife are members of the Methodist church. The Houser family history may be briefly stated as follows: Andrew flouser, a native of Germany, moved to America in 1739 and located in South Carolina, where he made for himself a most successful career, and this without capital or other advantages in commencement. During the revolution he was a brave and gallant patriot under Gen. Marion. He reared a famdly of seven children, of whom at the- date of this writing (1894) there is but one living, and he, Peter M., is a venerable and esteemed resident of South Carolina. Andrew Houser lived to the advanced age of eighty-two. His success was due entirely to his own industry and thrift David Houser, the son of Andrew, was born in 1798 in South Caro lina, in which state his entire career was passed, fle was a man of good education and superior mental poise and for a number of years represented his district in the state legislature, and for more than forty years was secretary and treasurer of the local board of county commissioners. Both he and his wife were devoted Christians and members of the Methodist church. His vocation was that of a planter, fle married Aliss Ann Louisa Felder a member of an old and prom inent Soutii Carolina family, and to them were born thirteen children, the names of whom are: David H., Ann L., John A., CaroHne, Madison, Felder, Andrew, William, Mary, Martha, Ellen, Lewis, and one not named. Of the above there is but one living, Capt. John A. The father of these died in 1876, and the mother in 1863. r^R. JOSEPH PALAIER, ordinary of flouston county, Ga. The family of which this gentleman is a member was promulgated in America by one Thomas Palmer, who emigrated to the colonies in 1685. He married Sarah Saunders and reared three sons, Thomas, John, and Peter. Of these John married Marianne Gendron, who was the daughter of John Gendron and Elizabeth Mazych, and granddaughter of Philip Gendron, a native of England. A son of this marriage, John Palmer, married Alary Alayham, daughter of Col. Hezekiah Mayham, who was colonel of the second regiment of South Carolina cavalry during the war for independence. John Gendron Palmer, their son, was senior captain in the First regiment of South Carolina cavalry — McDonald's — ^during the same war. He married Ann Cahnsac. This lady bore a son,Joseph, who upon arriving at maturity became connected by marriage with the famous Marion family of South Carolina, his wife being Ehzabeth Porcher, a daughter of Benjamin, eldest brother of Gen. Francis Marion, of immortal revolutionary memory. This couple were the grandparents of Dr Joseph Palmer of Perry, whose father, John Gendron Palmer, married Catherine Couturier Alarion, daughter of Francis Alarion Dwight, the adopted son and grandnephew of Gen. Francis Alarion, whose mother was Christiana Broughton, daughter of Gov. Broughton and grand daughter of Sir Nathaniel Johnson. Dr. Joseph Palmer was born July 10, 1835, in PineviHe, S. C. He was reared in and about Charleston, and was graduated from the military academy of that city. Selecting medicine as his profession he took two courses of lectures in the South Carolina coHege and one course in the Jefferson Medical college in Philadelphia, and a hospital course in the BeHevue liospital of New York. He completed his medical studies in 1858 and immediately located in Perry, Houston Co., where he has since resided, actively and success fully engaging in practice until his election to his present position in 1892. Dr Palmer, as a South Carolinian, early became impatient of northern interference with the south, and having had mihtary training was one of the first to begin active preparations for the conflict. In January, 1861, the Southern Rights I094 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. guards, one of the volunteer companies of the state oJ which he was first lieutenant, offered their services to Gov. Brown under his call for twelve months troops and were mustered into service on March i8, 1861, at Macon, Ga. They were ordered to Pensacola, Fla., April i, 1861, when after six weeks' service they were ordered to Richmond, \^a., and were assigned to Gen. Garnet's command and then sta tioned at Laurel Hill in northwest Virginia. After the defeat of CoL Pegrani at Rich Alountain, Gen. Garnet was forced to retreat from his position at Laurel Hill, Liuet Palmer was placed in command of his army, which position he held on the whole retreat He was promoted adjutant of the regiment in December, 1861, holding his position until April, 1862, when the regiment was mustered out of service — its time having expired. Upon returning home the majority of the company organized the Southern Rights battery, of which he was elected captain. "With this battery he joined Bragg in his Kentucky campaign. At the battle of Perryville he was made major for gallant conduct. After Bragg's retreat from Kentucky he was assigned to Gen. Alorgan's command in December, 1862, and went on the famous 1,000-niile raid through Kentucky, in which they fought nine fights, paroled 4,000 prisoners, destroyed the railroad from Munfordsville, Ky., to within seventeen miles of Louisville, and reaching McMinnvHle, Tenn., in safety, after having traveled 1,000 miles in fifteen days. For gallantry at the battle of Elizabethtown, Gen. Morgan presented Dr. Palmer with a sword cap tured from Col. Smith, a Federal commanding officer. On the return of Morgan, Maj. Palmer was ordered by Gen. Bragg to organize the battalion of reserve artil lery, which position he held until the return of the army of Tennessee to North Carolina. He was the senior artillery officer of the army of Tennessee. After the battle of BentonvHle he was ordered with his regiment to Danville, A'''a., to guard Gen. Lee's rear and suppHes. After Lee's surrender he held DanviHe till Gen. Johnston got his army out of Raleigh; then rejoined Gen. Johnston at Greens boro, N. C, having had the honor of commanding the first and last rear guard of the Confederate army east of the Alississippi. Dr. Palmer first niarried in 1864, Miss Alary Lewis, daughter of Curtis Lewis of Griffin, Ga. Seven children blessed that marriage; Curtis L. ; John G. ; Kate Alarion, now Airs. John F. Logan; Joseph; Frances Dwight; Alary L.; and Nat fl. Only three children, Mrs. Logan, Joseph and Frank, survive their mother, who died in April, 1880. In 1887 Dr. Palmer married Miss Florence Hill, daughter of Judge J. A. Hill and Maria Holt The children born to this union are Alaria Holt, James Hill, LHa Legare, Ellison Capers and Florence Hill. Dr. Palmer is a Alethodist, a Mason and a stanch, useful and faithful citizen of Houston for so long a period that he is revered as is, possibly, no other. His popularity is boundless and his friends numberless. A C. RILEY. A family of widely-scattered connections by inter-marriages, and of no inconsiderable note throughout Georgia and the soutli, is that of Riley, of Welsh-Dutch extraction, a branch of which was among the early settlers of Houston county, Ga. Alonzo Church Riley, judge of the county court. Perry, Houston Co., Ga., son of George Samuel and Caroline Catharine (Wade) Riley, was born in Perry, May 17, 1856. His great-great-grandparents were Wm. and Mary (Whetstone) Guisentine — she being of Welsh lineage. To them one child, Mary, was born, who married lohn Goolsen.a \A'elshman. Thev had one child, also named Mary, who niarried Jacob Riley, the grandfather of Judge A. C. Riley, who had the following brothers and sisters: John, George, Christian, Daniel, David, Nancy, and Alary. To Jacob and Alary (Goolsen) Riley nine children were born: John, Mary, Caroline Rebecca, Sarah, Frances, CorneHa, Jacob, Annie and George Samuel. John married a Miss Tison, who are not known to HOUSTON COUNTY SKETCHES. IO95 have had any chHdren; Mary married Absalom AlarshaH, by whom she had four chHdren: Cornelius, Charles, Carrie and WiHiam; CaroHne Rebecca married John C. Staley, and to them eight children were born: George, WiHie, Irene, Edmund, John, Robert Emma and Mary ; Sarah niarried first Ezekiel Coney, by whom she had four children: Cornelia, Emma, Eva and Frank, and for her second husband she married Cornelius Boozman, by whom she had one son, John; Frances married Dr. W. W. Hovis, of Perry, but they had no chHdren; Jacob married Aliss Elizabeth Brown, by whom he had three chHdren: George, Brown and Winnie ; Annie niarried Murdock Wilcox, and to them three chHdren were born: Lewis, Mary and Thomas; George Samuel, the youngest child of Jacob and Mary (Goolsen) Riley, and Judge Riley's father, was born in Orange burg district, S. C, March 7, 1829, where he received his preparatory education and then entered the university of Georgia, whence he was graduated with the first in the class of 1849. After his graduation he studied law, was admitted to the bar, located and entered upon the practice of law in Perry in 1852. In Jan uary, 1856, he was elected ordinary of Houston county, but his tenure of the office was brief, as he died on May 17 following. Judge Riley's father was married Dec. 10, 1850, to Aliss Caroline Catharine, daughter of Rev. D. F. and Catharine E. (Treuitlen) Wade. To Mr. and Mrs. Wade three children were born: Caroline Catharine, born Jan. i6, 1828; Margaret Amanda, born Jan. 15, 1830, and John Daniel, born May 13, 1834. Rev. Daniel F. Wade died Feb. 8, 1858, aged about fifty-seven years. His widow died May 24, 1864, in the fifty-seventh year of her age. Judge Riley's grandfather on his mother's side was J. A. Treuitlen, the first gover nor of Georgia elected under the first constitution that was adopted in 1777. Gov. Treuitlen had been conspicuously active and daringly aggressive before and dur ing the revolutionary war. After the British regained Savannah he fell into the hands of the tories, who, it is related, murdered him and in the presence of his family chopped his body to pieces and then sent the pieces to their sympathizers. Judge Riley's parents had two children: Georgia Caroline, born Feb. 7, 1852, who was married to Edward Patterson, then of Eufalia, Ala., now of Gainesville, Ga., and who is the mother of two girls: Marion, born Alarch 19, 1877, and Carrie Elizabeth, born Sept. 12, 1882, and Alonzo Church RHey, the subject of this sketch. His mother and sister were graduated by Wesleyan Female coHege, Macon, and it is a coincidence that he mentions with justifiable pride that they graduated with the first honors of their classes. After the death of his father, which occurred when he was only eight months old, Judge Riley's mother went to her father's home in Macon county, Ga., and after remaining there two years removed to Fort Valley, where his boyhood days were passed until 1865, where he attended school and the academy of which Rev. T. B. Russell was principal, and his mother taught a private school, and assisted in the female seminary. In 1871 his mother went with her chHdren to his uncle, John D. Wade, a physician at Winchester, Macon Co., who soon afterward was burned out and both families, lost nearly aH they possessed. Having prepared himself, Judge Riley entered the university of Georgia, from which he was graduated in 1877; during his college course he received the senior medal for the best debater in the Demosthenian society, and graduated with the degree of A. B. After his graduation he taught school first in Hayneville, Houston Co., then in Alabama. Returning to Hayneville he taught about six months, then went to his Uncle John Wade's and boarded, while he read law under Judge Samuel Hale while he was spending his summer at Fort Valley, walking to Fort VaHey twice a week. He was afterward admitted to the bar at Crawford superior court, Judge Charles F. Crisp, now speaker of the United States house of representatives, and at once, without a dollar, com menced the practice at Fort Valley. In 1882 he was elected mayor of the city, 1096 MEMOIRS OF GEORGIA. served one term, then went to Macon, but after an experience of eighteen months moved back to Fort Valley. He was again elected mayor, but resigned to accept the appointment of county judge, tendered him by Gov. Gordon, for the unexpired term of Judge A. L. Aliller, who had been appointed judge of the superior court On the expiration of his term he was reappointed by Gov. Northen, and is now acceptably discharging the duties of the office. Since his appointment he has made his home in Perry. Judge Riley was niarried Jan. 19, 1881, to Miss Lula A. Frederick, of Marshallville, an old schoolmate, and to them these children have been born: Alice Tomlinson, born Nov. 16, 1881, died Jan. 31, 1882; Carrie Elise, born AprH 28, 1883; Alonzo Church, Jr., born June 28, 1885; Eugenia, born Dec. 20, 1887; Frederick Treuitlen, born Feb. 28, 1889; Gladys, born Jan. II, 1891, and Howard Wade, born June 10, 1893. gZEKIEL H. WIMBERLY. John Wimberly, the grandfather of the gentle man whose name heads this sketch, was a native of Virginia, and in manhood emigrated to North Carolina, where he died at the age of seventy-five. His chil dren, all of whom became prominent men, were: Abner, Ezekiel, Perry, Lewis, John, William, Fred, James and Hemy, and one daughter, Clorie, who married Air. Watson, of South Carolina, flenry, the ninth son, father of Ezekiel H., was born in North Carolina in 1800. When a youth he moved to Bibb county, Ga., and became a planter of moderate means, and married Nancy O. Childers, of Washington county, Ga., formerly of North CaroHna. He became the father of eight children, of whom there are now Hving: Ezekiel H., Sarah, widow of Ben jamin A. fludson, and Alartha, wife of Richard R. WHliams. fle became a resi dent of flouston county in 1828, was a whig in politics, and was ready at all times to defend, his principles in a solidly democratic community. His death occurred in 1840 and that of his wife in 1866. fle was among the most substantial citizens of his county and a man of wide popularity. Ezekiel H. was bom in Bibb county, Ga., Aug. 20, 1824. Soon after his birth the family moved to Houston county, where he was reared and received. such education as was obtainable in the old-fashioned log school houses of that day, with their uncomfortable benches and high platforms and cast-iron rules. Feb. 12, 1845, he married Mary E., daughter of James Pope, and to them were born five children : Henry, James, John, Mattie and Mary. The mother of these "ChHdren died June 9, 1858. During the war he was assigned the most difficult and dangerous task of conveying supplies to the army. His son flenry enHsted in the Confederate service when but sixteen years of age, and was a member of the Southern Rights guards, fle died at the hospital in Madison, Ga., in 1864. The present wife of Mr. Wimberly was Miss Lucy E., daughter of Rev. Y. F. Tignen, of south Georgia conference, to whom 1-"- was married April 26, i860. She is the mother of five children: Fletcher, Lee, WiHiam, OHver and Ezekiel H., Jr. Only two are living — Lee, wife of J. F. Coney, HawkinsviHe, Ga., and Ezekiel fl., Jr., a promising young man at home, farming and merchandising at flayneviHe, Ga. fle promises a bright future. The above presents a brief history of one of Houston's very best famihes. Ezekiel fl., the present worthy representative, and familiarly known as "Uncle Zeke," lives in a country home, typical of ante-bellum days, where the latch string is always out, and where good cheer prevails to an extent truly grateful in these modern times, flis plantation consists of 800 acres of land^ which, under the supervision of himself, are made to yield the most abundant harvest. Mr Wim berly possesses in a flattering degree the respect of a large circle of friends whom he delights to entertain with the hospitality of a southern gentleman of the old school. I