jiS*5v '/jftw the/e JSmAs fpr the /fianSng if a. CoUegt, in tH:[ CobiLy" BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE PERKINS FUND 190i»- PUBLICATIONS OF THE Alabama Historical Society. miscellaneous collections. VOL. I. HEPOUT OF THE Alabama, History Commission TO THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA. DECEMBER 1, 1900. EDITED BT THOMAS McADORY O'WBN, GTiair'ma'n. Cornmissioii : THOMAS M. O'WEN, PETER .7. HA.MILTO.V, SAM'L WILL .JOHN, ¦WILLIAM S. WYMAN, CHARLES C. THACH. Vol. 1. MONTGOMERY, ALA. HKOWN PBISTINQ CO., PRINTERS AND BfNDEI^B, 190J COPYEIGHTED, 1901 By THE ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. e>v.\-i^ PREFACE. The work of the Alabama History Commission has been concluded, and is in part submitted in this volume. Its in vestigations have as far as possible been conducted in accord ance with the Act of appointment, an attempt being made to carry out both its letter and spirit. The failure to do so fully has been due to limitations which could not be overcome — neglect of officials, indifference of custodians of historical materials, want of time and means for personal research, be sides other causes detailed in the Administrative Report. In order that the true purport of the work and investiga tions may be properly understood, it may be stated that this Report is an attempt to show as far as possible what unpub lished or undeveloped "materials, manuscript, documentary and record" are in existence bearing upon the history and antiquities of the State, where they are to be found, with notes on their probable value, extent and accessibility, also the "condition of historical work in the State," and what public attention and support is given it in other States. While the publication of these investigations will undoubted ly prove a lasting and permanent contribution to the his torical literature of the State, its primary value lies in the substantial basis it affords and the urgent necessity it empha sizes for legislative action toward "fostering historic interest and the preservation of the records, archives and history of the State." If it fail in this latter particular, the arduous labor involved in its compilation, so far as tbe fundamental purpose is concerned, will have been in vain. Within the limits of the appropriation, it has been found impossible to embody the results of the examination of the County records, as well as the data secured as to the "location and present condition of battle fields, historic houses and buildings, and other places and things of historic interest and importance in the State." The material is in hand, and is really of great value for reference. It will be prepared for publication if sufficient interest is taken in the subject to provide the expense of printing and binding. In conclusion, an explanation of the origin of the Commis sion may not be without interest. During the summer of 1896, impressed with the importance of State aid for histori- (5) 6 Report Alabama History Commission. cal research and maintenance, but feeling that nothing would be done without a preliminary exploration of the field of in vestigation, the editor prepared a plan, with a tentative draft of a bill, providing for such exploration. It was submitted to members of the General Assembly which convened the follow ing winter, but its promotion was not encouraged. Two years later substantially the same plan was proposed and car ried to a successful issue in the passage of the Act under which the Commission has proceeded. So far as can be ascertained, no where has a similar effort, quite so ambitious and comprehensive, been put forth with out compensation, with the possible exception of the Report on the Custody and Condition of the Public Records of Parishes, Towns and Counties of Massachusetts, by Carroll D. Wright, as Commissioner (1889; Svo. pp. 379). In this Report, however, it will be noticed that it was limited to three classes of public records, and it is to be further borne in mind that |4,500.00 was appropriated to collect the data and to compile it, besides the cost of printing. On its publication, the importance of State supervision of public records became so apparent, that the office of "Commissioner of Public Rec ords" was promptly established, and its 12th Annual Report has now appeared. Brief reference may also be made to other work in this direction : Report upon the condition of the records, files, papers and documents of the Secretary's office of Massachusetts (1885, Svo. pp. 42); The Tovm Records of Rhode Island (1893; Svo. pp. 182); First Report of the PubUc Record Commission of Nem Jersey, (1899; Svo. pp. 116) ; and the Reports of the Historian of Confederate Records of South Carolina (1899 and 1900). The Historical Societies of the country have perhaps shown more zeal and interest in reference to the care and value of public records than States or officials. In December, 1895, the American Historical Association created the "Historical Manuscripts Commission," which has compiled four valuable Reports. At the meeting of the same Association in Decem ber, 1899, a "Public Archives Commission" was created "to examine into the condition and character of the public rec ords of the United States, of the several States, and of im portant local communities." The Massachusetts Historical Society has an "Historical Manuscripts Committee," as has also other Societies. And it may be noted as of special inter est that the Legislature of Mississippi in 1900 passed an Act, similar to that of Alabama, creating for like purposes a Mis sissippi History Commission. , , ,., ACT CREATING THE ALABAMA HISTORY COM MISSION. No. 86. An Act. H. 459. To provide for the appointment of an Alabama History Commission, to regulate the powers and duties thereof, and to provide for the publication of its report. Segxion 1. — Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ala bama, That the President of the Alabama Historical Society is hereby directed and empowered to appoint five persons from the membership of said Society, who shall constitute an Alabama History Commission, whose duty it shall be, under such rules, regulations and plan of procedure as it may adopt, and without compensation, to make a full, detailed and exhaustive examination of all of the sources and mate rials, manuscript, documentary and record of the history of Alabama from the earliest times, whether in domestic or foreign archives or repositories, or in private hands, includ ing the records of Alabama troops in all wars in which they have participated, and also of the location and present condi tion of battlefields, historic houses and buildings, and other places and things of historic interest and importance in the State; and the said commission shall embody the result of said examination in a detailed report to the Governor of Ala bama prior to the next ensuing session of the General Assem bly, with an account of the then condition of historical work in the State and with such recommendations as may be de sirable. Section 2. — Be it further enacted. That on the receipt of the said report, the Governor shall cause one thousand copies thereof to be printed and bound in cloth under the super vision and direction of the commission as one of the publica tions of the Society, the printing and binding to be paid for as other public printing and binding. And the Governor shall submit said report to the ensuing session of the General Assembly with a plan for permanently fostering historic interest and the preservation of the records, archives and history of the State ; provided, however, that in the printing (7) 8 Report Alabama History Commission. and binding of said volumes the Governor shall in his discre tion authorize the expenditure of not exceeding (|500) five hundred dollars. Section 3. — Be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of all State, county and municipal officials in Alabama to make prompt and full replies and answers, supplying all facts and data desired in relation to the records, books and papers of their resi>ective offices, upon application therefor by the said commission ; and the failure, neglect or refusal to do so shall be a misdemeanor. — ^Approved December 10th, 1898. I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy.' ROBERT P. McDAVID, Secretary of State. 'Acts of the General Assembly of Alabama, 1898-99, pp. 20-21. CONTENTS. Half Title 1 Title 3 Preface, 5 Act creating the Alabama History Commission 7 Contents 9 Administrative Report 11 PART I. An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents Pertaining to Alabama in Official Repositories Beyond the State. Chapter I. Foreign Offices, 47 Chapter II. Federal Offices, 53 Chapter III. Adjacent States 78 PART II. An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents IN Official Repositories Within the State OF Alabama. Chapter I. State Offices 87 Chapter II. Counties and County Records 115 Chapter III. Municipalities, 115 Chapter IV. Educational Institutions 121 Chapter 'V. Church Organizations 128 Chapter VI. Benevolent and Miscellaneous Institutions 139 Chapter VII. Federal Offices in Alabama, 148 PART III. An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents IN Private Hands. Chapter I. Literary remains of public characters, 157 Chapter IL Libraries and Societies, 202 Chapter III. Private collectors and students, 282 PART IV. War Records of Alabama. Chapter I. War Department 321 Chapter II. Adjutant-General's Office 328 Chapter III. War Records in private hands, 353 (Over.) (9) PART V. Aboriginal and Indian Remains In Alabama. Chapter I. Prehistoric Works 357 Chapter II. Cherokee Southern boundary 370 Chajpteb III. District Divisions of the Choctaw Nation, 375 Chapter IV. Towns and Villages of the Creek Confederacy, 386 Chapter V. Cherokee Towns and Villages in Alabama, 416 Chapter VI. Indian Trails and early Records 422 Chapter VII. Choctaw Crossing Places on the Tombigbee, 430 (10) Administrative Report. By the Commission. (H) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. To His Excellency, The Goveenor of Alabama, Montgomery, Alabama. Sir:- The undersigned, members of the Alabama History Com mission, in obedience to the statute providing for their ap pointment, have the honor to submit to your excellency a detailed report on "the sources and materials, manuscript, documentary and record .of the history of Alabama from the earliest times," on "the records of Alabama troops in all wars in which they have participated," and also on "the location and present condition of battle fields, historic houses and buildings, and other places and things of historic interest and importance in the State," together with an account of the present condition* of historical work in the State, and certain recommendations and suggestions which we deem of vital importance to permanently foster historic interest and the preservation of the records, archives and history of the State. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS. In conformity with the act of the General Assembly, Hon. Joseph Forney Johnston, President of the Alabama Histori cal Society, designated the members of the Commission by the following appointment :~ "Jan. 6, 1899. "Thos. M. Owen, Esq. CarroUton, Ala. "Dear Sib:- "I have your favor of 28th ultimo and have today, as President of the Alabama Historical Society, appointed Thos. M. Owen, W. S. Wyman, S. W. John, Peter J. Hamilton and Chas. C. Thach (of Auburn) 'The Ala. History Comn' under the act approved Dec. 10, 1898. I thought the A. & M. College should have at least one representative on the Board. "Yours truly, "JOS. F. JOHNSTON, "Prest. Ala. Historical Society." (13) 14 Report Alabama History Commission. ORGANIZATION. After their appointment there was an interchange of views by correspondence between the members. In this way much of the preliminary details of the proposed investigations was informally agreed upon. The Commission held its first for mal session at 9 :30 a. m. June 19, 1899, at the State Univer sity, in the Latin lecture room of Dr. Wyman, one of our associates. There were present Dr. Wm. S. Wyman, Prof. Charles C. Thach and Thomas M. Owen. S. W. John and Peter J. Hamilton, the remaining members, were detained at home on account of important business engagements. The Act of the General Assembly creating the Commission, and the letter of appointment by the President of the Society were read. Mr. Owen was formally agreed upon as Chair man. After a prolonged, but informal discussion of the work, its purposes, importance and far reaching scope, the chairman submitted a tentative outline of the matters pro posed to be covered by the researches, and to be embraced in the Report. After careful and critical examination, this was agreed upon as embodying the various subjects of in vestigation. An assignment of the different parts of the work was then made to the several members of the Commis sion. The chairman was authorized to secure the compila tion of special parts of the Report by competent students where deemed desirable. He was also authorized to super vise the preparation of the entire Report. OIROTJLAR TO THE PUBLIC The chairman on the same date issued a circular statement and appeal to the public, {Administrative Circular, No. 7, of the Alabama Historical Society), of which the following is a copy: Statement of Work Proposed by the Commission, Tentative Outline of Report, Act of the Generai, Assembly, Etc. To the Public: The General Assembly of Alabama, by Act approved Dec. 10, 1898, pro vided for the appointment of an Alahama History Commission of five members. Its creation grew out of an enlightened public sentiment, and also a conviction on the part of the law-makers that there should be some legislative action toward "fostering historic interest and the preservation of the records, archives and history of the State." Under the authority conferred by the Act, the undersigned have been appointed as members by his Excellency, Governor Joseph F. Johnston, the Presi dent of the Alabama Historical Society. Circular to the Public. 15 The members of the Commission, duly impressed with the importance as well as patriotic nature of the task imposed upon them, have organized and entered upon the performance of their labors. It is made their duty in a general way (for full Act see page 4 hereof), "to make a full, detailed and exhaustive examination of all of the sources and materials, manu script, documentary and record of the, history of Alabama from the earliest times," the result of the examination to be embodied in a report to the Govemor for the use of the next Gen eral Assembly, upon which intelligent legislative action can be predicated. This report will indicate fully and in detail what material is in existence, and w'here it is to be found, with notes on its probable value, accessibility, extent, etc. To Indicate more fully the character of the report and as a guide for work, a tentative outline of its contents has been agreed upon, and is submitted herewith. It is in tended to be exhaustive and to embrace every field of inquiry. In order to better accomplish the purposes of its creation, the Com mission now appeals with confidence to students and scholars everywhere, and especially to public spirited Alabamians, for aid and co-operation. It is obvious that it will be impossible, no matter how diligent and zealous its members may be, for them to do all that is designed without assistance. The outline given will indicate points on which information and data must be secured, and every person is urged to speedily commu nicate any and all pertinent facts, as well as the names and addresses of others who may render aid. The Commission respectfully invites the attention of foreign archivists, keepers of records in Federal and States offices, and librarians generally to the very great importance of its proposed investigations. The custodians of public records, and of the official records (registers, journals, etc.) of churches, educational and benevolent institutions in Alabama, are requested to supply full accounts of the condition and extent of materials in their keeping. Local and other collectors of Alabama manuscripts, etc., are invited to forward detailed descriptions of their collections, the material parts of which will be embraced in the report. The various items should be listed, showing subject-matter, date, where obtained, historical value, etc. In all parts of Alabama are individuals who have facts in their knowl edge on some, if not all of the topics embraced in the proposed investiga tion. Hid away in old trunks, drawers, book-cases, and chests, are num bers of manuscript treasures; private letters, letter books, diaries or journals, weather notes, manuscript maps, account books, surveyor's note or field books, etc. In the hands of participants, or their descendants, in the Indian wars, the Texan and Mexican wars, and the late war be tween the States, are doubtless to be found valuable letters, journals of campaigns, and rolls of various commands, as well as mementoes of these struggles. The location, extent and present ownership of all such material Is earnestly desired; and if possible a gift of the same to the Historical Society. At no time since the formation of Alabama has so much interest been taken by all classes of citizens in its history. Individuals are doing much, and the Histori-cal Society is exceedingly active in promoting and increasing this interest. But what is needed is State aid and en couragement. To bring this about is the ultimate purpose of the Com mission, and if proper assistance Is given in its work, the next General Assembly can be reasonably expected to do all that the most enthusiastic should demand. Very respectfully, [Signed by the Commission.] 16 Report Alabama History Commission. Appended to the circular was a copy of the Act of the General Assembly ; and in order to indicate the nature of the proposed work, there was also appended the following : "Tentative Out?line of Report. Formal Report to the Governor. (With recommendations.) Part I. An account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents pertaining to Alabama in Official Repositories beyond the State. 1. Foreign Offices: 1. — British Archives; 2. — French Archives; and 3. — Spanish Archives. 2. Federal Offices: 1. — ^War Dep't.; 2. — State Dep't; 3. — Navy Dep't; 4. — Interior Dep't (Patent Office, Land Office, Indian Affairs, Bureau of Education, etc.); 5. — Treasury Dep't; 6. — Post Office Dep't; 7. — Dep't of Justice; and 8. — The Offices of the Clerk of the H. of R. and of the Secretary of the Senate. 3. Adjacent States: 1. — Tennessee; 2. — Georgia; 3. — Louisiana; 4. — Florida; 5. — Mississippi. Part II. — An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents in Official Repositories within the State of Alabama. 1. Executive Offices: 1. — Governor; 2. — Sec'y of State; 3. — Auditor; 4. — Treasurer; 5. — Supt. of Ed.; 6. — Board of Health; 7. — Convict Inspec tors; 8. — Att'y General; 9. — Supt. of Agriculture; 10. — R. R. Commission; 11. — Clerk of the Sup. Ct.; 12. — Sup. Ct. Reporter; and 13. — Adjutant General. 2. County Offices. (To include descriptions of all Co. records.) 3. Municipalities. (To include an account of the municipal records of the principal Alabama towns, as Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, et al.) 4. Educational Institutions. (To include an account of the source material for a history of primary education, and of the records, etc., of the University, Ala. Polytechnic Institute, et al.) 5. Church Organizations. (To include an account of the records of the different denominations, and of individual churches.) 6. Benevolent Institutions. (To include general Masonic records, Temperance Societies, etc.) Part III. — An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Documents in Pri vate Hand^. 1. Literary Remains of Public Characters. (To include an account of the papers left by Hawkins, Crowel, McKee, et al.) 2. Libraries and Societies. 3. Private Collectors and Students. (To include an account of the collections made by Pickett, Brewer, Draper, et al.) Part IV. — War Records of Alabama. (To comprise accounts of Alabama war records in the offices of the U. S. Secretary of War and the Adj. Gen. of the State, and in Private Hands.) Part V. — Aboriginal and Indian Remains, etc. 1. — Prehistoric Works; 2. — Indian Tribal Boundaries; 3. — Tribal Territorial Subdivisions; 4. — Town and Village Sites; 5. — Trails and Roads. Part VI. — Points and Places of Historic Interest in Alabama. 1. Forts and Stockades. 2. Battle Fields. 3. Historic Houses. 4. Historic Places not Otherwise Classified (as the place of Burr's capture in Alabama). 5. Places of Birth and Interment of Persons Prominent In Alabama History. 6. Scenes in Alabama History, and Portraits or Likenesses of Eminent Alabamians." Conduct of the Work. 17 CONDUCT OF THE WORK. The formal organization perfected, and plan of operation agreed upon, the work has proceeded steadily to completion in its present form. The press has been generous in calling attention to the wishes of the Commission for data, and in urging co-operation. As can be readily seen the collection of information has necessarily been by correspondence, a method often tedious and slow, and in many cases without returns. The results are not commen,surate with the great importance of the subject, and yet so much has been brought together that one may well marvel at the great richness of the historical stores at hand. The records of municipalities, churches, benevolent and educational institutions have not been fully explored, as well as other parts of the field outlined. In this connection, however, it may be said that as this work is pioneer in Alabama, the very best results were not of course to have been expected. In every movement much pre liminary education on the part of the public is essential. Again, the work done by the Commission may in a sense be said to be only tentative. As interest widens and the number of students increases, new discoveries will be made and a correction of the report in many points necessitated. The results of the investigation as will appear fro^a its inspection cover in the fullest and broadest sense the design and purpose of the Act of creation. In this, the purely ad ministrative report, is given : (1) an account of the perform ance of the duties assigned, (2) the present condition of historical work in the State, (3) what has been done by other States for their history, and (4) the results, with recommen dations of the Commission. The exploration of the "sources and materials" which follows is presented as the separate and independent work of the individual members and con tributors, and for which the Commission as a body is not re sponsible. The indications of sources are printed in official and non-official groups, and are described according to their pre.^ent location. The entire bodv of manuscript source ma terial, whether official or non-official is therefore noted as (1) in foreign depositories, (2) in State depositories, and (3) in private hands. The only deviation from this order is in the case of the War Records, which, from their importance and distinctive character, are best grouped together as a whole. Then follow parts embracing accounts of all local evidences of the aboriginal and Indian remains of the State; and also lists of Points and Places of Historic Interest in the State, 2 18 Report Alabama History Commission. CONDITION OF HISTORICAL WORK IN THE STATE. In preparing an account of the present condition of histori cal work in the State, no more satisfactory way is suggested than in summarizing the work of the several agencies which are arousing interest and disseminating information concem ing the dignity and value of historical studies. These agen cies are Historical Societies and Patriotic organizations. Col lege and School history courses. Libraries and Museums, and Individual effort. While the present condition is far wide of what is needful to be done, it is still highly gratifying to note that substantial interest in historical work, investiga tion and study, is steadily increasing, and as its high moral and ethical value comes to be more understood, that interest will be marvelously quickened. Historical Societies and Patriotic Organizations. As historical societies and patriotic organizations have for their fundamental purposes the promotion of historical work and the stimulation of patriotism, it is natural that from them much should be expected. In a general way, it may be said that excellent work is being done by those organiza tions in the State, although limited at times by many dis couragements. The leading institution of the kind is the Alabama Histori cal Society, organized July 8, 1850, and chartered February 5, 1S52. Its early accomplishments are not in any degree what was to have been expected, but it is now thoroughly revived, and is meeting its full obligation. In order to better carry on its work, at the annual meeting, June 18, 1900, the headquarters were removed to Birmingham. Here it is accu mulating a library. Museum and Art Gallery, and a bright outlook is ahead, if interest continues, and the work is properly encouraged. During the last two years it has pub lished two volumes of Transactions, which have received the highest commendation from students and from the press. The Society has lent every encouragement to the compilation of this Report, and has defrayed all of the local expenses of the Commission. The Alabama Baptist Historical Society, organized in 1893, cannot be said to be doing active work, although it served the useful purpose of materiallv assisting Dr. B. F. Riley in the preparation of his History of the Baptists of Alabama (1895.) The Cumberland Presbyterian Historical Society, appears from a recent published report in the Minutes of the Birming- Libraries and Museums. 19 ham Presbytery, to be accumulating through its Secretary, Rev. J. H. B. Hall, of Birmingham, the necessary materials for a history of that Church in the State. The Conecuh Historical Society, organized in 1879, seems to have died after it had rendered necessary aid to Dr. B. F. Riley in the preparation of his History of Conecuh County, Alabama (1881). The Old St. Stephens Historical Society, organized Jan. 19, 1899, at New St. Stephens, in Washington County, co-op erated with the committee of the Alabama Historical Society in the celebration on May 6, 1899, of the 100th anniversary of the Spanish evacuation of St. Stephens, and on May 26, 1900, it held its second annual meting. It is organized for the purpose of studying the history of Washington and adjoin. ing counties. As yet it has issued no publications. The United Confederate Veterans, the United Daughters of the Confederacy, the United Sons of Confederate Veter ans, the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the American Rev olution, and the Sons of the Revolution, are all in their re spective spheres doing much for historical work. They are arousing interest in its study; encouraging the correction of errors in school history publications; stimulating the increase of historical literature in libraries throughout the State; collecting individual history; marking historic spots, and erecting monuments to our heroic dead. Libraries and Museums. With library extension comes the increase of opportunity for investigation in all departments of inquiry. Recent in terest in library work in the State may be said to be in some measure the results of the growth of historical investigations, but in turn the increase in the efficiency and working charac ter of libraries has in a large degree stimulated a wider inter est in historical pursuits. While there are few libraries of high class in the State, new ones are being established here and there, and the value of those already in existence is being strengthened. In no one line is a greater proportionate number of books added than in the department of history. In due time will develop the desire to make special and local collections, which as it increases will embrace manu scripts, etc. Cases in point are the Alabama Girls' Industrial School, which is making an effort to collect every book writ ten by an Alabamian, or printed in Alabama; and the Tus- kegee Normal and Industrial Institute, which is collecting a, 20 Report Alabama History Commission. special library of negro literature. As the educational value of libraries comes to be more appreciated, they will become more and more the objects of gifts and bequests. It will be recalled that recently the library of the University of Ala bama has received two valuable collections, the "John Leslie Hibbard Memorial Library" of 1,000 volumes, and the B. F. Meek Library of 654 volumes. The museums of the Geological Survey, at Tuscaloosa, and of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, at Auburn, are collec tions of great value. Cabinets are also being formed by the Insane Hospital, Tuscaloosa; the Young Men's Chris- tion Association, Mobile; the United Daughters of the Con federacy, Montgomery ; several of the Camps of Confederate Veterans; the Birmingham Public Library; several educa tional institutions; and the Alabama Historical Society. College and School History Courses. While far from having the proper recognition in the Courses of instruction in the schools and higher institutions of learning in the State, the study of history is every year given more favorable consideration. With the recognition of its importance, methods of study will improve so that it will no longer be the mere acquisition of a lot of dry facts, "but will be a critical and philosophical review of past events whereby lessons may be drawn for future guidance and in spiration. The result of true historical study and investi gation is not only acquirement, but is culture and training. The facts themselves while important, are valueless without the lessons back of them. These lessons of history must be sought out. The discoveries are to be communicated to other students, who in time advance to higher altitudes of thought and life. The hope of the State is in its youth in the schools and colleges, who with eager untrameled minds await newly discovered truths in nature and in history. In response to public sentiment the General Assembly has provided that all persons applying for license to teach must stand an examination, among other things, on the history of Alabama. In response to the same sentiment it was provided that the history of the State must be taught in the public schools. How far reaching these measures will prove cannot be estimated. The attention of hundreds of teachers has been turned anew not only to the value of his tory, but to its importance in a local aspect. Thousands of children will come from the schools with a more intelligent and buoyant patriotism, proud of their commonwealth and College and School History Courses. 21 its history, and from their knowledge of its career — in suc cess and disaster — they will be better equipped to take part in its administration whether as citizens or leaders. The work of twenty of the principal colleges in the State is summarized below. History, ancient and modern in some form or other, is taught in all. As will appear, the union of history with other branches of study, while in the direction of economy of administration, must necessarily subordinate it. However, a study of these summaries is encouraging when compared with the work of the same institutions in previous years, and it is believed that as the influence of the public schools is felt, and the influence of the Historical Society and individual effort widens, these institutions will respond to the full measure of their duty. Only the representative Colleges are noted. While excellent work is being done by many academies and preparatory schools, particular details concerning them do not appear necessary. University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. The School of His tory and Political Economy constitute a chair, under one professor. In the courses outlined will be found reference to such study as is devoted to Alabama history. What is done in the History branch of this School appears from the Catalogue, 1899-1900, as follows : "Course I. (a.). Advanced American History. This course is designed to give a fuller knowledge of the constitu tional, the political, and the industrial development of the United States than that offered in the usual High School course. It presupposes such a general knowledge of Ameri can History, on the part of the student, as can be gained from the study cf any good Grammar School History. Text-Book : Channing's Students' History of the United States, or Mont gomery's Students' American History. The course is supple mented by a short course in the History and Government of the State of Alabama, (b.) History of England. This course traces the outline of English History from the earliest times to the present, special emphasis being placed upon the prominent English institutions, social, legal and political, which, under various modifications, survive in our American institutions. The organization and practical workings of the British Government at the present day are studied, and points of contrast and resemblance between it and the government of the United States are carefully presented to the student. Text-Book: Montgomery's Leading Facts in English His tory. 22 Report Alabama History Commission. "Course II. During the last half of the Sophomore year a course is offered in Ancient History — from the beginning of civilization in the East to the Pall of the Roman Empire in the West A. D., 476. Text-Books: Myers's Eastern Na tions and Greece, and Allen's Short History of the Roman People. "Course III. (a.) An outline of the History of Mediaeval and Modern Europe. Text-Books : Emerton's Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages, and Myers's Mediaeval and Modern History. This course and the one in Ancient History (offered in the last half of the Sophomore year) taken in succession are designed to give the student a fuller knowl edge of general history than that outlined in the usual single volume text-books covering the subject, (b ) Political and Constitutional History of the United States. Johnston'^s American Politics is made the basis of this course; but the class work, including lectures and special topical studies, takes a wider range than that covered by the text. The Con stitution itself, and its fore-runner, the Articles of Confed eration, are studied in connection with the historical causes that gave them birth; and the growth of the Constitution, both by interpretation and by amendment, is pointed out in connection with the political struggles incident thereto." The University Library has about 25,000 volumes. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn. History and Latin are combined under one instructor. The work of the History branch is indicated by the Catalogue, 1900. Limited instruction in Alabama history appears to be given. "In this department the aim is not so much to memorize facts as to understand them. Strong emphasis is laid on the fact that history is not a succession of isolated facts but a progressive whole, each event being at once the cause and effect of other events. The students are taught to investi gate the growth of ideas and institutions, the rise and pro gress of great historical movements and the reciprocal influ ences of men and circumstances. Frequent use is made of diagrams, photographs, charts and maps, with which the de partment is well equipped. Constant practice in map draw ing is insisted on in order to give precision to the geographical knowledge acquired. Instruction is given by text-books, lec tures and class discussion, but a constant effort is made to stimulate to wider reading and research in the library. "In the freshman class, the subjects studied are the United States, Alabama and England. The first term (two hours College and School History Courses. 23 per week) is devoted to the history and government of the United States, the second term (two hours per week) to Ala bama, and the third term (three hours per week to the his tory of England. "In the Sophomore class (three hours per week until March), the subject studied is general European history. "In the junior and senior classes opportunity for special historical work is given to those students of the General Course who may elect it instead of labratory work. During the session of 1900-01 the work will be in American history, social, political and constitutional. "A series of lectures will be given on American statesmen, including amongst others such Southern men as Randolph, Davis, Stephens, Toombs and Yancey. Lectures will also be given on important points in our history, including: The Failure of the Confederation; The Ordinance of 1787; The Constitutional Convention; The War of 1812; The Missouri Compromise ; The Monroe Doctrine ; Texas and Mexico ; The Compromise of 1850; The Kansas-Nebraska Struggle; Seces sion. "The students will investigate under the direction of the professor topics connected with the lectures and will record the results of their research in note books. These records will be made the basis of general class discussion. "Graduate students are expected to take part iji the junior and senior discussions and in addition will meet with the professor for conference in regard to their work. Those who take history as their major subject are expected to devote a large part of their time to original research upon some topic on which they can consult the original sources of informa tion." Southern University^ Greensboro. History, Mental and Moral Philosophy are combined in one chair. Courses in general and American history, the latter comprehending (1) growth of the American Nation, and (2) civil institutions and constitutional history. The course requires from the Fresh man class, three hours per week; Sophomore, three; Junior, six elective ; and Senior, twelve elective, if not elected in the preceding year. In this connection it is highly pleasing to "state that a movement is near fruition which has for its object the endow ment of a Chair of History in this University. The Alumni of the institution, and friends of Christian education, have responded liberally to the appeal, and as a result not only will 24 Report Alabama History Commission. the success of the effort be assured, but the importance of historical work has been emphasized. Spring Hill College (St. Joseph's), near Mobile. Thor ough instruction in history is given in the preparatory, com mercial and classical courses. Biblical history is included. Howard College, East Lake. History is not provided for in any designated School, but instruction is given in general history in the A. B. Course, Sophomore year. North Alabama Conference College, Birmingham ( Owenton ) . History is combined under one instructor, who also has general direction of the Business Department. There is also an assistant in History and English, and lectures on Constitutional History, and Church History. Instruction in history during the entire four years of study. No reference to the study of Alabama history, but it is known that the lec tures embrace this subject. Alabama State Normal College, Florence. History is not provided for in any designated Department, but instruc tion in general history is given in the first and second years. In the Department of Pedagogy the school laws of Alabama are studied. State Normal College, Troy. History, Civil Government and Political Economy comprise the school of Civics, under one instructor. General instruction in history during the Sophomore, Junior and Senior years. "The subject of Alor bama History and Government is studied the last term of the Senior year. Much attention is given to the part the State has played in the history of the Union, and also to the pecu liar features of her internal institutions. In this connection, there will be given a thorough drill upon the Public School System of the State." ( Catalogue. ) St. Bernard College, Cullman. Church, Ancient and Modern, Bible, and United States History, each combined with other work, form parts of the instruction committed to four separate Professors. Instruction in History is given in the several courses. Judson Institute, Marion. History and Penmanship com bined under one instructor. The study of history is taken up in the preparatory Department and continued throughout the course. Alabama Central Female College, Tuscaloosa. His tory and Elocution combined under one instructor. Instruc- College and School History Courses. S!;5 tion in history by the "topical method" in the Collegiate Course, first, second and third years. Alabama Conference Female College, Tuskegee. French, History and Literature combined under one instructor. His tory studied through the entire course. Tuscaloosa Female College, Tuscaloosa. History and Eiiglish, and History and Geography comprise the work assigned to two instructors. Instruction in history during the Freshman, Sophomore and Sub- Senior years. Athens Female College, Athens. History, English and Literature combined under one instructor. History studied through the entire course. Alabama Girls-' Industrial School, Montevallo. De partment of English and History under four instructors. "The course in History is necessarily an adjunct to the de partment of English." (Catalogue.) Instruction in history each year of the four years' course. One of the text-books named for the Senior year is Pickett's Alabama. Alabama Normal College for Girls, Livingston. No separate department, but instruction in history each year of the four years' course. Alabama history studied by text books and lectures. Noble Institute, Anniston. History and Literature con stitute a department. Instruction in history each year of the four years' course. , ; . i ^ Fourth District Agricultural School and Experiment Station, Sylacauga. History, Science and Agriculture com bined under one instructor. In the Collegiate Department, Freshman class, is a course in American history. During the three remaining years, election between history and latin. Alabama history studied in the Sophomore year. Seventh District Agricultural School and Experiment Station, Albertville. Mathematics, History and Pedagogy combined under one instructor. Instruction in history in both preparatory and collegiate departments. Course of lec tures on Alabama history in the Junior year. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, Tuskegee. Separate Professor of History. Limited courses in history in the Junior and Middle years. Agricultural and Mechanical College op Alabama for Negroes, Normal. No separate instructor in history. In- 26 Report Alabama History Commission. struction in history in the Normal, Agricultural, Mechanical and Literary courses. In fourth year of normal course the History of Alabama is studied. iNDivmuAL Effort. To the independent efforts of individual students is due more perhaps than to any other influence in promoting inter est in history. The work of the student in any field is not limited in its effects to the mere accomplishment of a given task. The moral influence of successful achievement is a quickening and stimulating leaven that goes out from the efforts of every student. In another part of this Report will be found an account of the collections made by Alabama students ; here their special work may be summarized. jJr. Anson West has published a History of Methodism in Alabama (1893), Dr. B. F. Riley, a History of the Baptists of Alabama (1895), and Rev. W. C. Whitaker, a History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Alabama (1898). Each is continuing his investigation in his special field. Rev. J. H. B. Hall has in preparation a History of the Cumberland Pres byterian Church iu Alabama; and Rev. J. T. Howell, a His tory of the Methodist Protestant Church in Alabama. Separate school histories of the State are in press, or are in course of preparation by Joel C. DuBose, Wm. G. Brown, Miss Louise Manly, Mrs. Belle Blandin, and L. D. Miller. Dr. Geo. W. Hamner, of Washington, is making extensive researches with a view to the publication of a full philosoph ical history of the State. John W. DuBose is continuing his study of William L. Yancey and his times, with a view to a new and revised edition of his Life of Mr. Yancey. He is also engaged in a study of settlement and social life in the canebrake region of the State. Dr. E. A. Smith is pursuing the history of the industrial and economic life of the people. W. W. Screws has in preparation an exhaustive History of the State newspaper press. Peter J. Hamilton is engaged in the special study and ex ploitation of the antiquities and history of the Alabama- Tombigbee basin, the City of Mobile, and the Gulf region; O. D. Street, the Tennessee Valley; Dr. George Petrie, the town of Montgomery ; Thomas P. Clinton, Tuscaloosa, Town and County; W. L. Andrews, Dale County and Southeast Alabama; and G. W. Whitfield, Jr., Demopolis. Dr. W. S. Wyman is engaged in the critical study of early exploration and settlement, and the history of the aboriginal Historical Work in Other States. 27 and Indian inhabitants of the State. Prof. Henry Sale Hal bert has in preparation a History of the Choctaw Indians. While it is not known that Dr. J. L. M. Curry, Willis Brewer, S. W. John, W. D. Seed, T. C. McCorvey, 0. C. Thach and T. H. Clark are engaged in any particular subjects of investi gation, yet their interest and enthusiasm in the growth and enlargement of the work is demonstrated in many ways. Thomas M. Owen is also engaged on studies in the history of the State. what other states have done por their history. As illustrating general interest in the work, and at the same time by comparison emphasizing the duty of Alabama in reference to its history, the Commission has compiled data as to the historical publications and appropriations of the Federal Government and of twenty-three States, which is herewith presented. In regard to the statements, they are not in all cases complete, for the reason that exact figures have not been obtainable, but they are believed to be accurate as far as they go. Where they do not set forth all that has been done by the State, it is simply because fuller informa tion was not at hand. It will be seen from an examination of the statistics that all except Georgia, Florida and Mississippi have officially issued publications of an historical character, and that all except one, Florida, have been liberal in appropriations. Military records, in whole or in part, have been issued or are in process of publication by Maryland, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Vermont, Massa chusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Nebraska. Official Archives, Records, or State Papers, have been col lected and published by Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. These are gotten out under the direction of an editor, either directly employed, or ap pointed by an Historical Society, as in the case of Maryland. In Massachusetts the State confides its history interests to an Archives Division of the State Department; in New York, to a State Historian ; .in Iowa, to a Department of History; in Wisconsin, Kansas, Nebraska and Ohio, to the State His torical Society. In Rhode Island, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Maryland the State Historical Societies are voted liberal aid; while in Maryland, Ohio, New Hampshire, and Wiscon sin, State aid has been given individuals in their history work. 28 Report Alabama History Commission. As contrasted with the statements below, the contributions so far made by the State of Alabama in behalf of its history may be summarized as follows: (1) the purchase of fifty volumes of Pickett's History of Alabama at |150.00 ; (2) the purchase, after the close of the Civil War, of the military records and papers relating to Alabama troops collected by Wm. H. Fowler, for $3,000.00, (to this should be added a few hundred dollars paid him in depreciated currency on his sal ary as Superintendent of War Records) ; (3) the payment of 1172.00, for copies, from the War Department, of rolls of Ala bama troops in the Mexican War;' (4) the sum of $500.00 to aid the Alabama Historical Society in the publication of its Transactions; and (5) fSOO.OO to pay for the printing and binding of this Report. Arkansas. Has published a Manual (1884), containing lists of all State officials. No appropriations for historical purposes. Florida. The State of Florida has never made any appro priations in behalf of its history. Georgia. No State historical publications. The only thing done by the State for its history has been to procure copies of documents in the British record offices, for which between |3,500.00 to |4,000.00 was expended. These copies were burned before publication. Iowa. The State established an "Historical Department" in 1892, and appropriated for its support |15,000.00 for two years. Since then the annual appropriation for the main tenance of the Department has been $6,000.00. The Curator in charge is paid a salary as an official out of the State fund. 'The Department issues a biennial report, which is paid for out of the general printing fund. The Department publishes the Annals of Iowa, a quarterly journal devoted to the history of the State. Kansas. Has published through the Adjutant General's office rosters of Kansas troops in the Civil War, 3 vols. It has also published for the Historical Society of the State eleven Biennial Reports, and six volumes of 'Gollections, with sundry minor papers. Some expenditures have been made for copying documents, and large sums for binding periodi cals. For the last fifteen years the appropriations for the ^Acts, 1851-52, p. 529; and Comptroller's Report, 1852-3, p. 33. 'Acts, 1886-1887, p. 113; and Auditor's Report, 1887-1888, p. 35, Historical Work in Other States. 29 Historical Society have averaged $5,000.00 annually. His torical work for the State is done through the Society. Louisiana. No State historical publications.. Prior to the Civil War, about $3,000.00 was expended for procuring copies of documents from French and Spanish archives. In the report of the Secretary of State, 1886-1887, are published partial rosters of State troops in the Civil War. Maryland. Has published, or assisted in the publication, of Bozman's History of Maryland, and of McMahon's His tor if of Maryland. Aid was given J. T. Scharf in the publi cation of his History of Maryland by an advance subscription for 300 copies at $10.00 per set of 3 vols. Twenty quarto volumes of Archives have been published, under the direction of the Maryland Historical Society, for which $38,000.00 have been appropriated. For each volume $2,000.00 is given, which includes all cost of preparation, copying, editing, print ing, etc. In 1896 the sum of $15,000 was appropriated for the publication of rosters of Maryland troops in the Civil War. Massachusetts. No State has been more liberal in aid of historical effort and in attention to its records, archives, etc., than Massachusetts. James J. Tracy, chief of the Archives Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Com monwealth has prepared a very full and satisfactory account of the methods of work, and its extent, which is presented herewith : "There has always been a very considerable and influential element in Massachusetts, taking pride in her early records, who have been able to secure legislation directed toward their care and preservation, and the publication of them. In one respect, conditions have been exceedingly favorable for hav ing the work done above referred to, as the office of the Secre tary, under Colony, Province and Commonwealth, has always been the repository for all official records of the State, legis lative as well as executive; and all the successive officials entrusted with the custody of the records, have in a greater or less degree made them accessible to the public, indexed and arranged them, and favored publication whenever public sentiment demand it. The growth of the various patriotic societies, and the stimulation, among people of all classes, of an interest in early American history, has brought about within the last decade the creation of a department or division in the Secre- 30 Report Alabama History Commission. tary's office, where all records, apart from the current routine of the office, are filed and stored, and this division contains today a larger number of clerks than any other in the Sec retary's office. The force employed in the Archives division, numbers four teen persons in all, which requires an annual expenditure of $11,040.00 in salaries. Their work consists entirely in index ing, arranging and filing the records; proof reading the offi cial publication now going through the press, entitled "Mas sachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolu tion ;" assisting persons interested in historical and genealogi cal researches ; and issuing official certificates or certified ab stracts from the records and returns preserved here. You will understand the importance of the Archives de partment, and the work carried on there, when I state that all the early records from 1628 to the adoption of the State Constitution, officially connected with the State in any way Avhatsoever, rest on the shelves and in the files of the divis ion. From the adoption of the State Constitution down to the present date, all executive records, Council records and files, all legislative records, with their accompanying papers, that is, the original bills and resolves, committee report, et cetera, as well as the engrossed acts and resolves, together with all records of civil appointments, are all preserved here, and the whole collection is accessible, under reasonable and proper restrictions, to any and everybody. Inquiries of every sort and nature relating to the early his tory of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and the Plymouth Bay Colony, or from historical students, or from persons interest ed in the service of ancestors, are answered freely and without charge unless certified abstracts from the records are desired. An annual appropriation of $5,000.00 for the care and preservation of the Archives, is also at the disposal of the division, and more or less of it is expended every year in mounting, repairing, or re-binding, the manuscript records. An annual appropriation of $3,000.00 is also placed at the disposal of the Secretary, to pay for a volume of the "Massa chusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution," and one volume, at least, is finished every year. I would state that 7 volumes of the records referred to have been completed up to this time, and should be found in yonr State library. I have practically had charge of the work in the Archives Division since 1891, although it was not made a separate and independent division, under the nominal direction of the Sec retary, until several years later. Historical Work in Other States. 31 The first important work undertaken by me, after my plans for the classification and publication of the State records had been adopted by the Archives Commission, was the compila tion of a record index to the revolutionary rolls collection, Which gives the exact service record of every individual credited with service in the State's collection of muster and pay rolls, enlistment returns, et cetera. This record index numbers between six hundred and fifty and seven hundred thousand separate record slips, and assorted together, fur nishes all the information obtainable in the original records, for every separate individual. This record index also serves for the preparation of copy for the published records, and also renders unnecessary the use of the original volumes by the general public in searching for records of ancestors. The appropriation for the compilation of the record index and publication was made in 1891, and the sum of $15,500.00 was allowed for the work. The $3,000.00 annually appro priated, before referred to, is made to cover the successive volumes as they are gotten up. I have also completed a record index to the French and Indian War muster rolls, covering the period of 1710-1774, within the past two years, and I have no doubt that later on the publication of those records will be ordered, but at pres ent there is no opportunity to publish the records, owing to the complete occupation of the force at my disposal, in the necessary work of the office, and the publication of the revolu tionary records. So much for the work carried on in this office, year by year. As I have stated, it would hardly be possible to furnish you with the amounts appropriated by the State for the publica tion of records, and for rendering them more accessible to the public by indexing, et cetera, in the past. Among the publications that have been made under the di rection of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, are the records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in 5 volumes, covering the period of 1628-1686, these being copies of the flrst five volumes of the General Court records of the Colony; the Plymouth Colony records, covering 12 volumes of the original records at Plymouth ; the Acts and Resolves of the Province of Mas sachusetts Bay, covering the period from 1692 to the adop tion of the State Constitution in 17S0. Of these last, the volumes of acts for the entire period named have been pub lished, but the volumes of resolves only carry the work down to 1708. I would state that the work was suspended for a while, but is again in progress, although not under the direc- 32 Report Alabama History Commission. tion of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, being published under the direction of a commission. An edition of what are known as the "Early Acts," being the acts and resolves of the General Court from the adoption of the State Constitution in 1780 down to 1806, was also made in this office, and edited by me, and completed about 2 years ago. This work comprised some 13 volumes, for which a sep arate and distinct appropriation was allowed by the State, and the publication covered the period of about 10 years. The Adjutant General's office also has secured from time to time appropriations for the purpose of indexing and pub lishing the records of the Civil War, et cetera, and for the care of such records, apart from the regular routine work of the office. "As you will see by the foregoing statements, the depart ment for the care of records, and their publication, has grown to be a very important one here in Massachusetts, and is entirely separate from the Secretary's office, except that its chief, as I have said before, is nominally under his direc tion, although from the time of my taking charge of the work here, I have been allowed a free hand and autocratic authority in all matters connected with the records." Mississippi. No State historical publications. On March 2, 1900, an appropriation of $2,000.00 was made to aid the State Historical Society "in the printing of its publications, including the report" of the Misssissippi History Commission. Nebraska. Rosters of State troops, 1861-65, and 1898, issued by office of Adjutant General. Cost not ascertained. Total State appropriation in aid of State Historical Society, 1S83 to 1899, $23,000.00, of which $3,200.00 actually expended in printing State historical material, the remainder going to library maintenance, etc. New Hampshire. Has published 28 . volumes of State Papers. These include generally, miscellaneous docu mentary material covering the early history of the State, rosters of troops in the Revolutionary War, Journals of the Council, Senate and House, Town Charters, early Wills, Laws, etc. These are prepared under the direction of an edi tor ; and are of great value. Total appropriations not ascer tained, but the cost of Vol. 28, pp. 532, octavo, is given to illustrate the general cost, viz : editorial work and incidental expenses for editor and his assistants, $928.00; printing, $1,590.10; printing blanks for the collection of data, $5.20; Historical Work in Other States. 33 making a total of $2,523.30. Four volumes of Indexes have been published ; also rosters of its troops in the War of 1812, and in the Civil War. It also renders aid to the several Veterans' Associations, by an advance subscription for 400 copies of each regimental history. New Jersey. Has published 22 volumes of Archives; three volumes of papers relating to the War of the Revolu tion, one volume of Officers and Men of New Jersey in the Revolution; and three volumes of lists of officers and men from the State in the Civil War. The appropriations for these publications have been about $50,000.00. The State has also secured copies of papers relating to New Jersey from the Public Record Office in London. The appropriations for the next fiscal year (1900-1901) for the further publication of the Archives is $3,500.00. New York. The office of the Adjutant General has pub lished 17 volumes of the individual records of New York soldiers in the Civil War; the State Comptroller has pub lished "New York in the Revolution," 1 volume; and the Office of th,e "State Historian," 7 volumes of historical papers. The State has had extensive researches made in Foreign offices, and copies of all papers of pertinent value made. The historical work of the State is now conducted through a State Historian, the average annual appropriation for the maintainance of his office being, during the past two years, $13,350.00. The expense of securing data and of pub lishing the above volumes has been very great. The State Historian says "Since 1885, New York State has been very generous in her legislative appropriations for historical work and historical researches," and "has annually appropriated in the neighborhood of $50,000 a year for historical work." North Carolina. Has published its Colonial and State Records, 1662-1790, in 19 quarto volumes; and in 1874 a Legislative Manual. It has also published rosters of its troops in the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Civil War. About $6,000.00 has been expended for copying docu ments in the British Public Record Office ; besides large sums for printing the above works. Ohio. Rosters of the soldiers from the State in the Mexi can and Civil Wars have been published, 12 volumes. Cost not ascertained. The State purchased the plates of Howe's History of Ohio, for $20,000.00. Appropriations have been made for the publication ahd distribution of several thousand 3 34 Report Alabama History Commission. books printed from these plates. Total appropriations for history not ascertained, but at present a regular annual ap propriation of $7,000.00 is made to the State Historical Society. Pennsylvania. Has published its State Archives in three series, as follows, viz : 1st, its Colonial Records, 12 volumes ; 2nd, Revolutionary Period, etc., 19 volumes; and Srd, Miscel laneous, 30 volumes. A fourth series is now in progress, en titled the "Papers of the Governors." These volumes are prepared under the supervision of an editor who gets $500 a volume, each to contain 800 octavo pages. The State pays all expenses of procuring copies and printing. The work of the editor consists in locating and selecting material, editing and getting the volumes from the press. No detail as to other expenditures. Rhode Island. Has published its Colonial Records, 10 volumes, and is now arranging to publish the rolls of its soldiers in the Revolutionary War. Total appropriations not ascertained, but for last year (1899) the total expenditures for historical work was $4,478.00 which included $1,500.00 to the Rhode Island Historical Society, and $500 to the New port Historical Society. South Carolina. Has published tentative rosters on loose sheets of State troops in the Civil War, for which an ap propriation of $1,000.00 was made. A further appropriation of $1,000.00, used by the Historian of Confederate Records in collecting data as to South Carolina troops, etc. The sum of $6,500 has been expended in securing copies of all documents bearing on South Carolina history to be found in the British Public Record Office. Tennessee. No State historical publications. For some years a small appropriation has been made to assist in the publication of the American Historical Magazine, a quarterly periodical representing the Chair of American History in the Peabody Normal College. Texas. No State historical publications. In 1891 the office of Historical Clerk in the office of the Department of Agriculture was created, and during the years 1893-1897, an appropriation of $500.00 per annum was made to aid in col lecting data about the State. Since then the appropriation has been $150.00 per annum. One of the Departments of the State is now called the "Department of Agriculture, Insur ance, Statistics, and History," under a Commissioner. Historical Work in Other States. 35 Vermont. Revised roster of Vermont Volunteers in the Civil War issued by the office of the Adjutant and Inspector General. Cost not ascertained. No appropriation for his torical purposes. Virginia. Has published a Calendar of State Papers, of 10 volumes. Copies have been made at State expense of the early records of a number of the older counties. Twenty-two quarto volumes of manuscripts have been obtained from the British Public Record Office, and paid for by the State. De tails of the appropriations are not available. Wisconsin. Has published Smith's History of Wisconsin (2 volumes ; 1854) ; Strong's Territorial History of Wisconsin (1885) ; Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers in the Giml Wa/r (1886) ; and the Wisconsin Historical Collections (15 volumes) ; and other volumes and papers issued by the His torical Society. The appropriations have been large and ex tend over a period of half a century . A magnificent new library building has been recently erected at public expense. The Wisconsin Historical Society is the most enterprising in stitution of the kind in the United States. Federal Government. As presenting what the Federal Government has done, the following extract is taken from a paper by Dr. S. B. Weeks, in the Publications of the South ern History Association, Jan., 1897, pp. 13-14 : "The Federal Government has spent more than $2,000,000 in the acquisition and publication of records pertaining to the history of this country ; it has spent many millions more in the erection of memorials, in the preservation of historical places and the celebration of historical events, and is an nually spending more than $250,000 in the promotion of American history. In this field the South is well represent ed. The most important work of all is its great historical publication known as tbe 'Official Records of the War of the Rebellion,' which includes all the available documentarv or official materials toward a general history of the Civil War. The war series now extends to 102 volumes, [many more now, 19001, with maps and plans, while the naval series has only been begun. For the period of exploration and discovery the Federal Government has printed the Memoirs and Documents of Margry and Force's Tracts ; for later periods it has printed 38 volumes of American State Papers and 9 volumes of American Archives, the Pension Rolls of the Revolutionary army in three volumes, the Journals, public and private, of Co Continental Congress, the Diplomatic Correspondence S6 Report Alabama History Commission. of the American Revolution, the Documentary History of the Constitution, and the exceedingly valuable series of Blue Books, now being published by the Bureau of Rolls and Library, which contain catalogues of the manuscript papers of the Continental Congress, of the Correspondence of Jeffer son, Madison, Monroe, and other materials of great value. The 53d Congress provided that all military records, such as muster rolls and pay rolls, orders and reports relating to the personnel or operations of the armies of the Revolution and the War of 1812 then in any of the Executive Depart ments should be transferred to the Secretary of War, to be preserved, indexed and prepared for publication. A force of experts has since been employed for this purpose. It is esti mated that all of this material would make some 50 volumes and could be printed at a cost of $100,750.00. But as these records are now very incomplete it is hoped to make them more perfect by securing the loan of similar records now in the possession of the various States, historical associations, public libraries and private individuals, and having copies made of the same. Such loans have already been made by New Hampshire and Vermont. Until the records now in possession of the Federal Government are made more com plete. Congress will not be asked to print. In the meantime the work of preparing from the materials on hand index- record cards of the military history of the soldiers engaged in the various wars has been going on and will be finished, it is expected, by the end of the present fiscal year." recommendations. Having given so much attention to the examination of the sources and materials for the history of the State, and of their several places of deposit, as well as having ascertained the condition of historical work in the State, the Commission feels that it is in a position to make certain conservative recommendations, which, if followed, will place the State of Alabama in the front rank in respect to the permanent preser vation of its records, archives and history. These recommen dations involve a State supported Department, devoted ex clusively to historical utilities, the further support of the State Historical Society, the purchase and marking of historic places, the publication of a Biennial State Register, the better regulation of the publication of State documents, and the better preservation of official records. Recommendations. 37 State Department of History. And first, the Commission recommends the creation of a Department of Archives and History, charged with the cus tody of the State official archives, and the collection and creation of a State library, museum and art gallery, with particular reference to the history and antiquities of Ala bama, to be under the supervision of a Director. A liberal continuing appropriation should be made to conduct the Department, maintain its official staff, purchase necessary equipment, and otherwise enable it to accomplish the object of its creation. In addition to the accumulation of books, pictures , museum articles, etc., the Director should be charged with the duty of compiling a series of State archives as hereinafter recommended. To the Department could also be committed the matter of marking historic sites, etc. As there would be no necessity for two collections, the accu mulations of the Historical Society so far made, could properly form the nucleus of the collection of the Depart ment, and thereafter the functions of the former as a collect ing agency should cease. The existence of the Society should however, continue, ( 1 ) for the purpose of stimulating interest in the various parts of the State through its membership, (2) to provide a body of students for regular meetings for his torical discussion, (3) to facilitate the accumulation of his torical objects, and (4) to raise additional funds for publi cation. The members of the Commission feel that they cannot too strongly urge the importance of the proposed Department. Its establishment would mark a progressive advance on the part of the State, in line with its growth in other directions. It would also place Alabama in the front rank with those States which take an intelligent and patriotic interest in their history and archives. But apart from merely sentimental and patriotic considerations, this Department would prove of greatest practical benefit to the people of the whole State. Through its careful direction the entire body of the State archives would be given the attention befitting their priceless value, and they would be arranged and so indexed as to be available for almost immediate consultation by all interested parties. When the present condition of the archives is understood, these considerations alone would more than justify its establishment. It would build up for the whole State a great reference historicaL library, valuable alike to the general reader, the students of our institutions P8 Report Alabama History Commission. of learning, the members of patriotic Societies, and the gen eral historians of the United States. It would also gather together the surviving letters and papers of our public men, and the large number of interesting museum articles as well as pictures, which are now awaiting some safe place of de posit. Unless some place is provided for these things, in which Alabamians should take a personal interest, they will find permanent place for preservation beyond the State. It is confidently believed that donations of books, relics, etc., could be secured in value far beyond the amount appropriated for maintenance. It would also collect the records and details of service of Alabama troops in all wars in which they have par ticipated, "for the benefit and satisfaction of the living, as a grateful tribute to the memory of the dead, and as a wel come presentation to our posterity, who, in freedom hereafter, will proudly hail this glorious roll of the Patriot Sons of Alabama." The educational value of the collection would be very great. In a short while it would be a favorite resort for all classes of students ; and such a resort is sadly needed. Again, consider its practical value to State, County and Municipal officials, legislators, politicians, lawyers, and all classes of professional and business men, who are in constant need of information now nowhere easily in reach. The De partment would be prepared to supply data, statistical and otherwise on Alabama, whether pertaining to her past, her soldiers, or to her agricultural, or industrial resources. In deed, it is not making too great a claim to assert that this Department would mark an epoch in the history of the State. It would be a place to which the patriotic heart of all Ala bamians could turn with pride and delight. It would not only increase our sense of local importance and State pride, but would also engender a higher degree of respect on the part of sister commonwealths. Series of State Papers. Next in importance to the establishment and maintenance of the proposed Department of History, indeed, as a part of the activities to be committed to it is the compilation and pub lication of a series of State Papers, which is most earnestly recommended. These should embrace in full all of the docu mentary material bearing on all parts of its history and devel opment from the first discovery of its territory. Historical students want nothing less than full compilations of all orig inal material. Several States have responded to this demand Recommendations. 39 in respect to their records, and have made liberal- expendi tures as will be seen above. To do this is a debt due by the State of Alabama to its history and to its own and general students. If the Department should be created the work of compilation should be placed in charge of its Director ; other wise, a special Commissioner, or Historian, should be named to execute the work. In either event an appropriation must be made to cover the cost of collecting the material and of its publ' cation. In this connection reference is made to the cost of publishing similar volumes by other States. The following provisional list of volumes is suggested. Volume I. — Fundamental Charters, Proclamations, Acts of Congress and Constitutions, which affect the Territory now embraced in Alabama, from the earliest times to the present. Volume II. — Documents and Papers connected with Spanish Exploration and Occupation of what is now Alabama. 1507-1813. Volume III. — Documents and Papers connected with French Occupation. 1699-1763. Volume IV. — Documents and Papers connected with Eng lish Occupation. 1763-1783. Volume V. — Mississippi and Alabama Territorial Docu ments. 1798-1819. Volume VI. — Governor's Messages. 1818-1900. Volume VII. — Miscellaneous State Documents : Banks and Finance, University, Schools, Boundaries, Indians, Inter nal Improvements, Slavery, etc. 1818-1900. Volume VIII. — Census and Population Statistics. 1800-1900. Volume IX.— Official Register. 1800-1900. To include full rosters of all State and County Officials. Volume X. — Counties and County Boundaries. 1800-1900. To include in full all acts creating, or changing names of counties, establishing or changing county sites, or altering county boundaries. Volume XI.^— Abstracts of the Records of the Several Coun ties from 1800 to 1819. To include early deeds, wills, mar- . riage records, etc. 40 Report Alabama History Commission. Volume XII. — War Records. This should embrace (1) a re print of the Rolls of Revolutionary Pensioners who lived in Alabama; (2) Rosters of Commands from Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and South Carolina, who served in the Creek War, 1813-1814; (3) Rosters and Documents of the Indian Wars, 1832-1842; (4) Rosters of Alabamians in the Texas Wars; (5) Rosters of Alabamians in the Mexican War; (6) the Records of Alabama in the War between the States, the latter to embrace the corre spondence of the Executive and Adjutant General's offices, Regimental and Company Reports, and Rosters of all com mands; and (7) Rosters of Alabama commands in the Spanish- American War. Papers in Private Hands of an Unofficial Character. As will appear, a large number of original documents, let ters and papers of historical value have been discovered in the hands of descendants of actors in the history of the State in its several periods. There are doubtless others no.t unearthed by the Commission, which are of importance. Although some of these have been located, and their contents indicated in a general way, they have not been fully explored, and hence in every case their permanent and specific historical value has not been determined. It has not been considered advisable, therefore, to recommend the publication of these in the series of documents proposed to be published by the State. They are of an unofficial character, and can well be left for the future exploitation of enterprising members of the Historical Society. This is not to be taken as an expression adverse to their historical value or significance, for many of them throw a flood of light on miscellaneous matters connected with the State's history. That they should be ultimately published is evident, but the Historical Society, or private enterprise, properly directed, should do it. It is hoped that the very full account given of the historical papers in private hands will be of use to students, and will not only stimulate further in quiries, but will also serve to show the great importance of their safe and permanent preservation. Appropriations in Behalf of the Alabama Historical Society. As the Alabama Historical Society will continue its active existence irrespective of the creation of the State Department of History, and as it cannot possibly accomplish its very Recommendations. 41 worthy purposes and objects without financial aid, it is recom mended that an annual appropriation of at least one thousand dollars be made to enable it to publish its "Transactions," and its "Miscellaneous Collections." The Society should be re quired to make an Annual Report to the Governor in which should be given an account of current local historical work, State annals and necrology of the year, with such documents and papers as might be pertinent, the report to be printed at State expense in a large edition. In the event the State De partment of History is not established, the above amount should be greatly increased so as to enable the Society in some degree to enlarge its library, museum and art gallery. Points and Places of Historical Interest in Alabama In a general way the Report shows a large number of points and places of interest in the State, and indicates their his torical connection and importance. It accords with an enlightened and grateful sentiment to respect the evidences of the former aboriginal habitation of our State, and to venerate the scenes of the exploits of our people in arms, or of the place of occurrence of some historic incident or event, or of the place where those great ones among us first came into existence or where they sleep the last sleep. A generous public opinion has been maturing for some time in favor of the permanent marking of these places in some suitable way, either by a memorial stone, mural or other tablet, with suitable inscriptions. The cost would not be very large, and the patriotic sentiments aroused would more than justify the expenditures. It is particularly recommended that the State purchase the sites of Old Fort Louis, of Old St. Stephens, of Old Fort Jack son, and of Old Fort Tombecbee, and have them suitably en closed as public parks. Provisions should also be made for the erection therein of monuments and the placing of bronze or iron tablets to indicate local points of interest. No men tion is here made of the number of Indian villages, the forts and stockades, the battlefields and historical houses which should be appropriately marked. An appropriation to meet the expense incident to this work should by all means be made either to the Historical Society, to whom all details could be entrusted, or to the Department of History, if created. 42 Report Alabama History Commission. Biennial Official Register. It is highly important that the facts of current official his tory be properly and authoritatively preserved, and a Bien nial Official Register is therefore recommended. The Secre tary of State might be charged with its compilation, or this might properly devolve on the Department of History if one is created. It should be prepared immediately following the biennial State elections in August, and published just prior to the meeting of the General Assembly in a large edition at the State's expense. It should embrace (1) Brief sketches of the several State Officers, Members of Congress, Supreme Court Judges, and Senators and Members of the House of Representatives; (2) Rosters of all State and County Offi cials; (3) State Institutions and Officials; (4) State and County Population Statistics; (5) Miscellaneous State Sta tistics. Similar publications are issued by many of the States, and they are found to be of great usefulness. Official Documents. It is further recommended that provision be made for the regular progressive numbering by the public printer of all State officials reports and documents for each biennial legis lative period. The series could begin with the Governor's Message as No. 1, the Auditor's Report as No. 2, the Treas urer's Report as No. 3, and so on for all regular publications. After the fixed numbers, miscellaneous legislative or other documents, reports, papers, etc., should follow in regular or der, so as to embrace in one consecutive group all official is sues for the biennial period. In case of annual reports, or other papers, published in the second year of the period, tiiey should bear the regular fixed number, followed by the desig nation of "Part 2," In addition to the regular edition of all public documents now required by law to be printed, the pub lic printer should be required to collect and bind, after the adjournment of the General Assembly, fifty full sets, ar ranged in regular numerical order, of all of the public documents in one or more volumes to the set as might be necessary, the said bound sets to be turned over to the De partment of History for distribution. Executive Officers. It is further recommended that provision be made whereby all State officials should be charged with the duty of collect ing and binding full sets of all early issues of the reports and Recommendations. 43 other publications of their respective offices. And also that they be charged with the duty of collecting for their Depart ments as far as possible life size likenesses of all of their pre decessors in office. By a little effort donations of these could be secured. Further Recommendations. It is further recommended that appropriate legislation be enacted (1) Making compulsory the erection at once of fire proof vaults, or the purchase of fire proof safes, in all counties not at present provided with them, and that officials be held under severe penalty for failure to use them for all records. (2) Providing standard grades of paper for olflcial files and record books, and standard inks and typewriter ribbons for official use. (3) Enjoining more rigid care for official records and printed books, and providing that no official records shall leave official custody. (4) Directing the rebinding at once of all official records which appear at any time liable to become mutilated, or parts are liable to be lost or destroyed. (5) Providing a better system of official records for the of fice of County Superintendent of Education. (6) Providing specially that the Secretary of State be per mitted and authorized to complete and bring up to date the several land books of his office. CONCLUSION. The Commission does not feel the necessity of advancing any arguments whatever to emphasize the importance of his torical study and investigation, or of the preservation of his torical materials, or of the duty of the State in relation there to. The preliminary stage of such work has too long passed and too much has been done by the Nation and by many of the States, for Alabama to hesitate. To take rank with sister States of far less wealth and infinitely less of historic annals, the State must in a generous spirit appropriate funds suffi cient to publish its archives and to maintain a Department of History. Furthermore, from a comparative standpoint the State should do something of a substantial character iu this direction. It now maintains at great cost the Public Schools, 44 Report Alabama History Commission. the Insane Hospital, the Deaf and Dumb Institute, the Ala bama Girls' Industrial School, the Department of Agricul ture, the several Normal Schools, the State Militia, the Health Department, and the Geological Survey. Surely • something should be done to care for its archives, and to pre serve the records of the State, the memorials of its past, and the current events of its existence. The Commission respectfully urges attention to the fact that this Report has involved much laborious investigation on the part of its members. This has been done altogether with out compensation. The consideration which has moved the members has been the hope that the work done would so strik ingly reveal the exceeding richness of the State's historical wealth, that a prompt response would be made by the General Assembly looking to its preservation. It is believed that such response will be made, if your excellency will only, properly emphasize its necessity and urge action. The Commission feels that it has faithfully executed the trust imposed, and it confidently looks to appropriate legisla tion to meet the share of duty devolved on the representa tives of the people. All of which is respectfully submitted, Thomas McAdory Owen, Chairman. William Stokes Wyman, Sam^l Will John, Charles C. Thach, Peter Joseph Hamilton. Birmingham, Alabama, December 1, 1900. PAHT I. An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Docu ments Pertaining to Alabama in Official Repositories beyond the State. (45) CHAPTER I. FOREIGN OFFICES. By Peter J. Hamilton. Spain, France, England and Spain again were the succes sive owners of so much of the territory facing the Gulf and of the hinterland tributary as is now embraced in Alabama and Mississippi. Some records of these times survive at Mobile and are discussed elsewhere, but the bulk of the documents bearing on these periods is still in Europe. The most conveni ent consideration of their location will be according to classi fication by these countries. 1. SPAIN. When it is remembered that this coast was discovered by the followers of Columbus, explored by Cortez, De Soto and many other Spaniards, as well as settled in part in the 16th century, and that competent judges say that Spiritu Santo, the most famous Spanish harbor in the north side of the Gulf, was Mobile Bay, it will be seen that the first Spanish period, A. D. 1507-1682, is as important as it is romantic. In it geo graphical relations gradually developed and the natives, still in the Stone Age, were first met and studied. There are three classes of papers, throwing light on the period, some of which have been published : — Reports of ex plorers and other officers. Maps, and Accounts of Travelers . Much of what has been published is almost as rare as the originals and could be profitably copied so far as it relates to Alabama. This is the more easy as most of it is accessible in the larger libraries of this country. Spanish scholars have not been idle as is testified by the great collections of Munoz, Navarrete and the Madrid Academy of History. Ternaux Compans has translated some important papers into French, and B. F. French in his voluminous and rare Historical Col lections of Louisiana has rendered many into English. These collections should be made accessible to Alabamians, for they cover the interior so far as then known as well as that great Gulf of which, as a Senator has expressed it, Alabama will be the front gallery and Mobile the steps. The Gulf and its coasts were discovered, explored, and named by the Span iards, and will reach theirworld-importance under the Ameri cans. (47) 48 Report Alabama History Commission. The explorations were undertaken from Seville and there was long the Indian House (Casa de la Contratacion de las Indias) to which came all goods and documents from the American colonies. At Seville, therefore, ought to be the richest collections for this early period. Much has been moved to Simancas and Madrid to form more central national collections and much work can be done there. But in the re moval these papers have become known, indexed in part and to some extent published, and we judge that most of the American local material, because not specially affecting con tinental history, has been left at Seville. The writer of this sub-division through Hon. Hannis Taylor when Minister to Spain, had a preliminary examination made for Mobile ma terial, but without success. This search, however, was per functory. The proper way to do in the future is to employ a trained Spanish archivist, or to send from America one familiar with the history and with Spanish language and methods, who shall go to these archives, after proper authori zation, and search through them. By a union of the forces of the States and societies interested, much can be done. Can ada has undertaken the same work, but not in Spain. Archive searching is a recognized business and many good men in Eu rope give their lives to it at so much a day or hour. For the second Spanish period, 1780-1813, more remains at Mobile itself, but instructions and reports must exist in abun dance in Spain. The communication with other colonies was so intimate that investigations in Mexico and especially in Havana should also produce good results. 2. FRANCE. The French records are much more systematic and acces sible than the Spanish, but for that reason perhaps there is less to be found that is new. The time of LaSalle has been well worked, but of that of Iberville, Bienville and their suc cessors less has been made. Yet the latter, 1699-1763, is the more important. During this time Mobile was founded and flourished and half a continent was explored from our shores. The pioneers were the coureurs du hois or wood rangers from Canada, who left no records, and then follow the mis sionaries of the Seminary of Quebec, who came down the Mis sissippi River in the wake of LaSalle. No collected Relations of these fathers are known, altho' much should be at Quebec. Better knoAvn are the Jesuits, but their Relations, lately re published in extenso with a translation, at Cleveland, Ohio, France. 49 contain little or niothing as to this part of the country. There may be more at the general office in Paris, but it is to be remembered that this was a Capuchin rather than a Jesuit district. The original official authorities for the French settlements are or were in the State archives of France and particularly in that of the department of the Marine and Colonies. These originally constituted one bureau, but are now separate, that of the Marine being the richer in materials. A great deal has been published in the splendid collection of Margry called Ftablissemens, etc., in six volumes, but this is really a selec tion rather than a collection, and much more can still be found. The same is true of the monumental Collections in seven volumes, by B. F. French. In proof of this, reference may be had to the digests, or ab stracts, of Pierre Magne and Pierre Margry elsewhere dis cussed. Pickett worked on material obtained for him in the French archives,' and the same is true of the writer. For in stance, special endeavor was made to obtain all the French maps that are known. One by DeVin, however, certainly once existed, for it is in Forstall's list, but it cannot now be found. A careful archivist could unquestionably unearth a great deal. With the breaking up of the department of the Marine & Colonies, or at some other time, these papers were re-ar ranged and many could not be located despite the kind inter est of French officials in the work of the writer on "Colonial Mobile." However, during the last few months the impor tant discovery was made by Dr. Alc^e Fortier, while visiting France, that there exists in the French Colonial Office, at Paris, fifty-three volumes arranged chronologically, of what purports to be all the documents belonging to the French gov ernment relating to Louisiana. These are easily accessible, and if they are, as is believed, approximately complete, the work of transcription of pertinent material will be easy.' Records of Law's Company." As is stated elsewhere the "family papers" of John Law have been destroyed. The heirs of Law, in a Memorial to "See in other parts of the Report for account of work done in the French archives by Brancroft, Sparks, and Parkman, and also for the States of New York, Massachusetts, Louisiana, etc. ^At the meeting of the Louisiana Historical Society, Oct. 17, 1900, plans were formulated for securing the publication by the U. S. Government of all of the newly discovered documents. 'Prepared by Thomas M. Owen. 4 50 Report Alabama History Commission. Congress, March 26, 1838, for the confirmation of their claim to a tract of land in Arkansas, granted him as they alleged on July 5, 1719, by the India Company then in chartered con trol of Louisiana, state "that the records of said Company, for the period of the said grant, and for several years subse quent thereto, have been lost or destroyed." Notwithstanding this statement as to the loss and destruction of these papers it is very gratifying to state that recently it has been learned that there are in existence at least one hundred and forty bundles of papers relating to the "Compagnie des Indes Occi- dentales" (1717-1731) , mostly in reference to Louisiana. They are at L'Orient, in the custody of the keeper of the archives of the Department in which the town stands. So far, no de tailed statement of their contents has been secured. How ever, William Beer, of New Orleans, who first called atten tion to their location, is vigilant in his efforts to secure fur ther particulars.' Crozat Papers and Supreme Cottncil Records. Nothing is known of the existence of the papers of Antoine Crozat, the rich merchant, Avhose control of Louisiana im mediately antedated that of Law's Company. Neither is any thing known of the Supreme Council records of Louisiana. 3. GREAT BRITAIN. In his address on Alabama History in Romantic Passages in South Western History, p. 85, A. B. Meek advocated as early as 1855, the examination of the papers in Somerset House in London, for there, he said, were the records of the British province of West Florida, whose capital was Pensa cola, but whose chief city was Mobile. His indication has never been followed, but many of those records have been lo cated in what is now called the Public Record Office in Lon don. Much of this information is in volumes 252-267, inclusive, of the State Papers relative to America and West Indies, and 'Report of the American Historical Association for 1898, p. 590. It has been suggested by Mr. Beer that the three Societies of Mis sissippi, Louisiana and Alabama should engage some one to make chron ological lists of the papers, with the shortest possible definite notes as to contents and length. It could then be determined by joint committee, or otherwise, which should be copied in part, and which in extenso. The re spective Societies, or the States, could publish them iu full, or In part, as was deemed advisable. Great Britain. 51 some in vols. 331, 332, 333, 334, 438, and bundle 533 of the same series. As only the Council had the right to grant lands, these volumes are valuable for the record they contain of British land grants, which play such a great part in the early history of the Bigbee district. Their , contents are of a very miscellaneous character, in cluding reports of the governor, in^ructions from the royal government, minutes of governor's council, memorials of in dividuals, and almost everj^thing else that could come before the officials. The acts of the provincial assembly are not there, except indirectly in the governor's reports, but they can be fairly followed in vols. 102 and 103 of the Acts of the Board of Trade, — which until Edmund Burke's famous onslaught, had a veto on colonial legislation. The time covered by these respective volumes so far as they apply to the Mobile district, is as follows : Gov. George Johnstone. Gov. George Johnstone. Gov. George Johnstone. Lieut. Gov. Montfort Browne. Lieut. Gov. Montfort Browne. Lieut. Gov. Montfort Browne. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gov. Peter Chester. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. Gen. Campbell. This is substantially the same as William Beer's list in American Historical Review, vol. i, p. 380, with some correc tions by the archivist who digested them for this writer in 1897. William Beer, librarian of the Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, who has personally explored these records, fur nishes for this place a description of their location, etc. "The Record Office is situated in a narrow thoroughfare in London known as Fetter Lane, Though the entrance is nar- Vol. 252. 1763-5. 253. 1765-6. 254. 1766-7. 255. 1768. 256. 1769. 257. 1770. 258. 1771. 259. 1771-2. 260. 1772-3. 261. 1774. 262. 1775-6. 263. 1776-7. 264. 1777-8. 265. 1778-80. 266. 1781. 267. 1779-81. 331. 1766-7. 332. 1766-70. 333. 1771-7. 334. 1776-81. 438. 1768-80. 533. 1781-3. 102. 1766-1771. 103. 1781-3. 52 Report Alabama History Commission. row and unimpressive, the building itself is large. In it are stored all the records of England antedating this century. These are gradually being indexed and made ready for refer ence by the general public. On application for records of 1785 I was told that the indexing had only reached the time of Henry VIII, and what I sought could not be communi cated. An interview, ho-^ever, with Maxwell Lyte, the keeper of the records, brought about their production without loss of time. The volumes are small folio, each containing about 200 pages of manuscripts. These are of very varying value, at least two-thirds of some of the volumes being taken up with three or four preparatory drafts of letters of which the com pleted copies are also given. In many cases the documents and letters are in the handwritings of the officials whose sig natures make thQm valuable." These volumes cover only the civil side of public affairs, (except that 267 is mainly military, ) but curiously enough we have its. correlative and corrective for several years in the military records preserved in the Haldimand Papers in the British Museum. This is fortunate, for the generals and the governors were almost always at loggerheads. On account of their importance for Canadian history, — Haldimand having been afterwards governor of Canada, — that ideal archivist, Douglas Brymner, has had these copied, and so they are ac cessible at Ottawa. He has done even better in publishing a Calendar, or descriptive index of every item. The collection is that of Gen. Frederich Haldimand, the British commander in West Florida from 1767 to 1773. This methodical Swiss seems to have kept every paper written to him and copies of many by him, so that besides military matters proper we get light on almost every subject. There are deeds and court pro ceedings as well as all about the famous Maj. Robert Farmer and his trial, the Indians, roads, forts, the first chart of Mobile Bay, &c., &c. Except in a general way, as in illustrating the origin and family history of French pioneers, &c., Canadian archives proper so far as known do not aid in the development of Ala bama history. CHAPTER II. FEDERAL OFFICES. By Thomas M. Owen. The Federal Offices at Washington contain much valuable historical material. Under the direction of intelligent and capable officials this is accessible to students. Owing to its importance, more or less extended descriptions of the ma terial in these several offices are given. Stimulated by the in creasing demand of investigators and students. Congress, in order to define "the policy of the Government with reference to the use of its literary and scientific collections," passed a joint resolution in which it was declared that these collections were to be "accessible, under such rules and restrictions as the officers in charge of each collection may prescribe, or as are already, or hereafter may be, prescribed by act of Con gress, to the students of any institution of higher education incorporated under the laws of Congress or of the District of Columbia." The best key to the printed sources issued under govern ment supervision is Ben : Perley Poore's Descriptive Cata logue of the Government Publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774, March 4, 1881, ( 1885 ; 4to pp. 1392. ) One of the most valuable guides for ready use is Ames' and Crandall's Check List of Public Documents (1895.) In this publication will be found a full list of "Government Catalogues," pp. 179- 191, covering every Department, etc. 1. AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT. The available material of value in the United States De partment of Agriculture is made accessible thrpugh its sey- eral publications. By reference to the following indexes, particular data can be readily located: General Index of the Agricultural Reports of the Patent Office, 1837 to 1861 and of the Department of Agriculture, 1862 to 1876 {1879) ; Index to the Annual Reports of the U. 8. Department of Agriculture, 1837 to 1893 {1896) ; Thomson's Synoptical In dex of the Reports of the Statistician, 1863 to 1894 {1897) ; and Index to authors vnth Titles of their Publications in the Documents of the JJ. 8. Department of Agriculture 1841 to 1897 {1898). (53) 54 Report Alabama History Commission. 2. COURT OF CLAIMS. The Court of Claims was created by Act of Congress, Feb. 25, 1855. It was given jurisdiction to hear and determine "all claims founded upon any laws of Congress or upon any regu lation of an Executive Department, or upon any contract, express or implied, with the Government of the United States, and all claims which may be referred to it by either House of Congress." By subsequent acts this jurisdiction has been enlarged. Previous to its establishment private claims, and other demands against the Government, were presented to Congress for examination and relief. The old Congressional files, and the public documents of the several Congresses, contain a vast mass of data on a multitude of historical topics connected with the claims presented . Like wise the records, reports, etc., of the Court of Claims contain valuable material. In most of the large and important cases coming before the Court, the pleadings and evidence have been printed. As a great part of the litigation grows out of -matters connected with the Executive Departments, where the documentary evidence is found, the Court is authorized to call upon them for information and papers. The publica tion of these documents preserves and makes accessible many historical papers. A full and consecutive list of all cases adjudicated has never been published, but in the public docu ments will be found several lists of the most important classes of cases. The published Reports of decisions of the Court now number thirty-five volumes. As illustrating the character of claims coming up for adju dication, two examples only are given. In the printed rec ords of these two cases will be found more Choctaw and Cherokee Indian history in its relation to the government than in any other place. "On the 3d of March, 1881, Congress passed an act which authorized the Court of Claims to take jurisdiction of and try all questions of difference arising out of treaty stipula tions with the Choctaw Nation and to render judgment thereon, with power to review the entire question of differ ences de novo, without being estopped by any action had or award made by the Senate of the United States in pursuance of the treaty of 1855. These 'questions of difference' grew out of treaties made in 1820, 1825, 1830, 1855 and 1856. They had been in controversy in Congress and the Department for many years, and involved a claim of more than fifteen mil lions of dollars. Suit has been instituted, and the printed Bureau of Education. 55 record of the case covers more than three thousand printed pages. It has not yet been brought to a termination. ( Case No. 12742.) "By act of March 3, 1883, Congress authorized the Eastern band of Cherokee Indians to bring a suit in equity against the United States, as trustees, and the Cherokee Nation, to determine the claim of the former to a share of certain funds held in trust for the Cherokees. The case involved the con struction of numerous treaties and statutes, and made necessary a careful examination of the whole history of the Cherokee Indians since 1783. Aft6r a long trial the case was disposed of by a decree in favor of the Cherokee Nation.' 3. BoREAU of EDUCATION. The United States Bureau of Education has no local manuscripts. At its instance Hon. Willis G. Clark, late of Mobile, prepared a valuable monograph on the History of Education in Alabama, (1889; 8 vo. p. 281), which appeared as No. S, of Contributions to American educational history, issued under the editorial supervision of Dr. Herbert B. Ad ams. In its Reports, and publications on special topics wall be found references to facts bearing on education in Ala bama.' While it contains no original unpublished papers, there is, however, a large collection of sdurce material for the educa tional history of the State, consisting of Reports of the State Superintendent of Education, City School Documents, Ala bama School Journals, and Proceedings of Associations. A list, which has in part been supplied by the Commis sioner, is given herewith. School Documents. Report of the Superintendent of Education [W. F. Perry], 1855. 36 pp. Report of John Ryan, Superintendent of Education. Made April 1, 1866. 29 pp. Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1868- 69. 48 pp. 'See Wm. A. Richardson's History, Jurisdiction and Practice of the Court of Claims (1885) for further detail. 'A list of the publications of the Bureau will be found in the Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1895-96, vol. i, pp. xlvi-liv. So Report Alabama History Commission. Statement required by the House of Representatives from the Superintendent of Public Instruction pursuant to a resolution dated .January 29, 1870. 34 pp. Special Report of Joseph Hodgson, Superintendent of Public Instruction, January, 1871. 56 pp. Journal of the State Board of Education and Board of Regents, 1871. 144 pp. Report of Joseph Hodgson, Superintendent of Public In struction, January 1 — September 30, 1871. 90-xxviii pp. Report of same, 1871-72. 32 pp. Same, session beginning November 25, 1872. 88 pp. Address of Hon. Joseph H. Speed, Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, delivered before the Board of Education, November 23, 1872. 11 pp. Acts passed by the Board of Education at the session of 1872. 30-8 pp. Report of Joseph H. Speed, Superintendent of Public In struction, 1872-73. 158 pp. Report of same, 1873-74. 20 pp. Report of John M. McKleroy, Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1874-75. 132 pp. Reports of same, 1875-76.. 38 pp. Journal of the State Board of Education and Board of Regents. Session commencing November 17, 1873. 120 pp. Report of Leroy F. Box, Superintendent of Education, 1877-78, with statistics for 1876-77. Containing also laws relating to schools with an appendix of forms. LXIV-84 pp. Report of same, 1878-79. 128 pp. Report of same, 1879-80. 114 pp. Report of H. (3lay Armstrong, Superintendent of Educa tion, 1880-81. 52- (22) pp. Report of same, 1881-82. 115 pp. Report of same, 1882-83. 130 pp. Report of same, 1883-84. 142 pp. 31st Annual Report o'f the Superintendent of Education, 1884-85. By Solomon Palmer. 148 pp. 32nd Annual Report, 1885-86, by same. 186 pp. 33rd Annual Report, 1886-87, by same. With an appendix of school laws and forms. 239 pp. 34th Annual Report, 1887-88, by same. 120 pp. 35th Annual Report, 1888-89, by same. 128 pp. 36th Anhual Report, 1889-90, by same. 21-CXCIX pp. 37th Annual Report, 1890-91, by Jno. G. Harris. 199 pp. 38th Annual Report, 1891-92, by same. 109 -pp. School Documents. 57 Message of Grovernor Joseph F. Johnston to the General Assembly, December 1, 1896. 25 pp. Circular of Information from the Department of Educa tion as to Alabama's educational status from 1855 to 1898. By John O. Turner. 152 pp. City School Documents. AVONDALE. Register of Public School. No date. 7 pp. Bessemer. Second Annual Report Public Schools, 1890- 91. 47 pp. Birmingham. Fourth Annual Report Public Schools, with Manual of the Board of Education. 1886-87. 160 pp. Annual Report Public Schools 1890-91, with Manual of the Board of Education. 189 pp. Cullman. District School Catalogue, 1888-89 and 1889- 90 . 13 pp. Annual Announcement for 1892-93. 11 pp. Decatur. Rules and Regulations of Public Schools. 1887. 11 pp. Third Annual Report of Public Schools. 1889. 12 pp. EuFAULA. City School Monthly. June, 1897. Volume 1, No. 9. 26 pp. Rules and Course of Study. July, 1896. 9 pp. Gaylesville. Twenty-third Annual Catalogue of High School. 1893-94. 15 pp. HoLLYPOND. Announcement of High School. 1895-96. 4 pp. Lauderdale County. Course of Study for Public Schools. 1897. 12 pp. Mobile. Annual Report on the Condition of the Public Schools of 'the city and county of Mobile. 1855-56. 11 pp. Report of Special Committee on the State of the Schools. 1858. 16 p(p. Organization of the Board of School Commissioners and Regulation of the Public Schools. 1867. 34 pp. Annual Report of Superintendent of Public Schools. 1877. '^ PP- Daily Register (newspaper) June 19, 1891, containing account of closing exercises of schools. 58 Report Alabama History Commission. Organization, Rules and Regulations of Public Schools. 31pp. MoNTCiOMERY. Annual Message of Mayor and Reports of City Officers. 1885-86. 82 pp. Containing schools reports. pp. 73-82. Course of Study, Rules and Regulations. 1888. 9 pp. Report and Manual of Public Schools. 1S96. 59 pp. New Decatur. Course of Study, Rules and General In formation concerning the Public Schools. 1890-91. 35 pp. Third Annual Report Public Schools. 1891-92, and Man ual of Board of Trustees. 35 pp. Pratt City. Prospectus of City Schools, 1894. (Rules and Regulations and Course of Study. ) 22 pp. Tenth Annual Report Public Schools, 1898-99, and Manual of Board of Trustees. 29 pp. Prattville. Organization, Rules, etc. of Public Schools. 1885 86. 8 pp. Selma. First Annual Report City School Board. 1890- 91. 63 pp. Second Annual Report City School Board. 1891-92. 77 pp. Third Annual Report City School Board. 1892-93. 60 pp. Fifth Annual Report City School Board. 1894-95. 69 pp. Seventh Annual Report City School Board. 1896-97. 68 pp. Sheffield. Special Manual of the Public School and Prospectus for 1898-99. (Not paged.) Talladega. First Annual Report of Public Schools. 1886- 87. 47 pp. Third Annual Report Public Schools. 1888-89. 45 pp. Fourth Annual Report of Superintendent -of Public Schools. 1889-90. 13 pp. Fifth Annual Report of Superintendent of Public Schools. 1890-91. 16 pp. Tuscaloosa. First Annual Report of Board of Educa tion. 1886. 32 pp. White Plains. Third Annual Announcement of Talla dega District High School. 1896-97. 15 pp. Engineers, Geological Survey, Indian Affairs. 59 4. OFFICE OP CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. In the office of the Chief of Engineers are to be found official records and papei-s in reference to defensive works, and forti fications erected by the Federal Government in the State, such as forts, stockades, etc. This office also has charge of all work on river and harbor improvements, and other civil works erected in the State, and in the appendixes to the Annual Reports of the Chief of Engineers is to be found data as to these. Records as to defensive works being confiden tial, have not been published. See List of Records and Files, described under War Department, infra, for detailed schedule of the records of this Office. 5. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. The collected materials and data brought together under the direction of the United States Geological Survey is pub lished as rapidly as it can be prepared. The work done in this Bureau can be ascertained from a reference to the Bib liography and Index of the Publications of the TJ. 8. Geolog ical Survey { Bulletin No. 100 ; 1893 ) ; and a List of the Pub lications of the v. S. Geloyical Survey (1898). The topo graphic maps published by the Survey are of the first impor tance. 6. OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. To the Secretary of War was originally committed gover- mental direction and control of the Indian tribes. Under him was appointed first a Superintendent of Indian trade, who later was known as Superintendent of Indian Affairs. A Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to be an officer of the War Department, was provided by Act of Congress, July 9, 1832. In 1849, when the Interior Department was organized, it became one of the bureaus of this Department, with which it still is connected. The Commissioner furnishes the following information concerning the official records of his office : "(1) The records of this office are supposed to be com plete from 1838 to the present time; (2) they go back to July 9, 1832 but are not methodically arranged; (3) some of the records of this office date back as far as 1800; (4) it is not considered that the War Department turned over the records for this period in its possession at the time of the 6S Report Alabama History Commission. transfer of records when the Interior Department was es tablished in 1849; (5) there are no manuscript collections made by the Rev. Jedediah Morse as to the Indian tribes in the possession of this office, his report to the Secretary of War was published in 1822, and this office is in possession of a copy of said publication; (6) there are a number of manuscript maps in this office showing early Indian bound aries in the Southern States, and it would be difficult to enu merate and explain each one of these maps." The American State Papers : Indian Affairs, 2 vols., folio, contain the printed official documents and papers of the Gov ernment from the 1st to the 19th Congresses inclusive, May 25, 1789, to March 1, 1827. Annual Reports of the Su perintendent of Indian Affairs, and also of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, have been regularly issued annually, the latter dating from 1832. They form a part of the reports of the Secretary of War, or of the Secretary of the Interior, but are also issued separately as bureau publications. 7. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. All of the manuscript books, documents and papers per taining to the several censuses from the First to the Elev enth, are preserved in the Interior Department. The follow ing data in reference thereto has been furnishd by the Secre tary: "1. Mississippi was organizd as a territory April 7, 1798, and admitted as a state December 10, 1817. The original re turns of the population of Mississippi during the Census years of 1800, 1810 and 1820 are not found on the files of this Department." "2. Alabama was organized as a territory March 3, 1817, and admitted as a state December 14, 1819. The first federal Census of Alabama was taken in 1820, (Fourth Census) but the original schedules of the enumeration of the population of Alabama at that time, do not appear on the records and files of this Department." An abstract of the Censuses from 1790 to 1820 inclusive, published under the supervision of the Secretary of State, shows the political divisions as well as the population of Alabama during the periods above men tioned. •Notwithstanding these statements, the editor is able to note that a few years sln-^e he examined and made extracts from these particular records, here supposed to be lost. They have evidently been misplaced, or have been temporarily taken from their usual place of cus tody. Department of Justice. 61 "The original population schedules of the several Censuses of Alabama, with number of volumes composing same, here inafter indicated, are on file in this Department, and may be examined by persons showing a proper interest therein, to wit- : "Census of 1830— Alabama, 3 volumes; 1840, 7 volumes; 1850, 20 volumes; 1860, 18 volumes; 1870, 13 volumes; 1880, 19 volumes. The population schedules of the Census of 1890 are wrapped in the original portfolios of the 728 enumerators who took the Census of the State ; the attention of Congress has been called to the necessity for binding these schedules, but no appropriation has yet been made for the purpose. "3. The returns of population of the several Censuses, so far as same related to the names of the persons enumerated have never been published; the political divisions, however, of the several States and Territories and the aggregate popu lation of each during the Census years, together with statis tics of Manufacture, Agriculture, etc., have from time to time been published by authority of Congress." 8. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.* The Act of Congress, September 24, 1789, provided for the appointment of an Attorney General for the United States Whose duty it should be "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the President of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the Departments, touching any matters that may concern their Departments," etc., and his office was thereafter known as the office of the Attorney General. By the Act of June 22, 1870, it was pro vided that "there shall be at the seat of Government an Ex ecutive Department to be known as the Department of Jus tice, and an Attorney-General who shall be the head there of." And since the passage of this Act, what was the Attor ney-General's office has been officially designated the Depart ment of Justice. Prior to the organization of the Department in 1870, the records were not well kept and cannot be called complete. They consist, in a general way, of the (1) Correspondence of the Department, comprising that *The data ih reference to this Department has been supplied by John W, Griggs, Esq., Attorney-General. 62 Report Alabama History Commission. received and sent in relation to all the branches of the De partment work, (2) Opinions rendered by the Attorney-General, (3) Registers of official appointments,, and (4) Papers necessary to be preserved in cases in the Su preme Court and elsewhere, etc. Sections 346-387, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of the United States very clearly set forth the duties of the Attor ney-General, his subordinate officials, and the Department as a whole, but there have been some additions made by later legislation. An additional Assistant Attorney-General has been appointed, charged with the defense of suits in Indian Depredation cases. An Accounting Division has been provided for, for the ex amination of the accounts of attorneys, marshals, clerks of courts, and United States Commissioners. The rapid growth of the country in every way has neces sarily made a corresponding increase in the work of the De partment. New judicial districts have been created, busi ness has increased with the population in those already ex- i. sting, and Congress has from time to time, by legislation, placed a variety of things under the control and management of the Attorney-General and the Department of Justice. An examination of the last Annual Report of the Attorney-Gen eral will show quite clearly the extent and variety of the mat ters within the Department's jurisdiction. No history of the Department has ever been Avritten, nor has any description of its official records been printed. The "Department Register" contains the list of judges, at torneys, marshals, and other officials. 1 volume.' 9. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. The General Land Office was established by Act of Con gress, April 25, 1812.— U. S. Stat., vol. ii, p. 716. The public lands being under the entire control and direc tion of Congress, that body has from time to time enacted various laws creating agents to sell and otherwise dispose of the public domain, and from 1776 it has made grants. From May 20, 1775, and after, under order of Congress, the Board of Treasury (three commissioners), the then Treasury Department, made sales of the public lands and gave certifi cates. April 21, 1792, Congress authorized the President to "This book was compiled from the original records in the State De partment. Land Office Records. 63 give patent to "the Ohio Company of Associates" (Winthrop Sargent, Cutler, Rufus Putman, and others). May 5, 1792, the President was authorized to give patent for lands to John Cleves Sym^nies, and his associates. The money in these cases was paid direct to the Secretary of the Treasury. By act of May 18, 1796, for the sale of the lands in the Northwestern Territory, now in Ohio, the Secretary received a set of plats of survey, kept check books of sales, gave notice of sales, and performed other executive duties. He became the executive power or agent in the sale or disposition of the public do main, issuing patents for grants of land, etc., with the aid of registers and receivers of district land offices after ISIO, and remained so until the organization of the General Land Of fice in his Department, by act of Congress April 25, 1812, as above stated. Until March 3, 1S49, the Land Office was under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury, but on the date men tioned Congress created the Home (now Interior), Depart ment, and by section 3 of the law provided that the Secretary of the Interior "shall perform all the duties in relation to the General Land Office of supervision and appeal now dis charged by the Secretf.ry of the Treasury." Records. Practically all of the original papers, etc., pertaining to this office from its establishment are on file. The records of the Land Office are full of valuable and interesting data, as will appear from detail below. Correspondence. The correspondence of the Office begins with its establish ment, and is complete. Tbe principal letters to the Survey ors-General are filed in Division "E." Those to Land Com missioners are in Division "G." Field Notes. The Field Notes are complete, and are on file in Division "L." Tract Books. The Tract Books are complete, and are on file in Division "C." 64 Report Alabama History Commission. Maps and Plats. In Division "L" are on file all maps and plats of public land and private land claim surveys. These include a large number relating to Alabama lands, etc. Private Land Claims. All documents and papers relating to private land claims in Alabama are preserved in Division "G." They are dock eted and easily accessible. Some papers in re claims are on file in the Land Office at Montgomery. There are no printed indexes to these claims except as appear in the American State Papers : Public Lands, vols, i-viii. Records of Land Commissioners. The original journals, documents, papers, etc., kept by the Commissioners (Feb. 2, 1804-Dec. 21, 1805) for the old Land District East of Pearl River are generally complete, and on file. Copies of the reports have been published in the American State Papers : Public Lands, vol. i, pp. — . This was the first Land Office in what is now Alabama, and was organized under act of Congress, March 3, 1803. Boundary Surveys. The data in reference to boundary surveys is of record iu Division "L." The following are on file, among other papers, viz: (1) Boundary between Georgia and Florida: Maps, field notes, and correspondence relating to the surveys of Ellicott, Watson, McNeil, Orr, and Whitner ; and book of Maps of El- licott's survey of the 31st parallel from the Mississippi River to the Chattahoochee River. (2) Alabama and Florida: Ellicott's line, and resurveys by Wells, Whitner, and Coffee. (3) Alabama and Mississippi: Maps, field notes, and correspondence. As illustrating the abundance of material in relation to the survey and adjustment of boundaries, the following sum mary of special data furnished Hon. John H. Bankhead by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, is reprinted from the Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol. ii, pp. 92-93. Land Office Records. 65 "I have the honor to state that the matter relating tp the survey of the boundary line between Alabama an^ Missis sippi is not in printed form. Upon examining the records and files of this office consid erable data with reference to the subject is found. There are on file about 60 photolithographic copies of plats of townships and fractional townships in the western part of Alabama showing the boundary line and the connections or closings of section lines on said boundary line. Uncertified photolithographic copies of these plats will be furnished at the rate of 25 cents for each plat or $15 for all, If certified photolithographic copies are desired, the fee will be 50 cents per plat and 10 cents for a revenue stamp on each plat, or $36 for the 60 plats, duly certified including the revenue stamps. Other papers are found as follows : 1. A copy of plat, certified by John Coffee, surveyor gen eral, under date of June 26, 1822, of the survey of that part of the boundary line from the mouth of Bear Creek, on the Tennessee River to the northwest corner of Washington county, executed by James W. Exum. The fee for a certified tracing of this plat is |5.10. 2. Map of that part of said boundary line from the Choc taw boundary south to the Gulf of Mexico, made under the direction of Thomas Freeman, a certified tracing of which will be furnished for |9.10. * 3. Map showing a portion of the townships through which the line passes, (Ts. 11 to 20, Rs. 16 & 17 W., Alabama). The photo-lithographic copies of plats above described give more complete data than the map, but if a certified tracing of said map is desired, the fee therefor is $6.10. 4. Field notes of tbe survey of that part of the boundary line between Alabama and Mississippi, from the mouth of Bear Creek to the N. W. corner of Washington County, exe cuted by James W. Exum and examined and approved by John Coffee, surveyor general, October 12, 1820. The estimated cost of a certified copy of the above described field notes, is $17.10, including the revenue stamp. In addition to the above the following papers are found, viz: (1) Copies of Instructions to James W. Exum, dated April 28, 1820, from Thomas Freeman to the Commissioner of General Land Office relative to the survey of said boun dary line; (2) copy of Agreement, dated May 29, 1820, be tween John Coffee, surveyor general, of Alabama, and 66 Report Alabama History Commission. Thomas Freeman, surveyor of U. S. lands south of Tennes see, as to what portions of the line should be run under each one's direction; (3) letter dated September 30, 1820, from Thomas Freeman to the Commissioner of General Land Of fice, transmitting certain papers; (4) letter John Coffee, dated October 12, 1820, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office transmitting papers in regard to the matter ; ( 5 ) letter from Thomas Freeman dated September 30, 1820, to the Commissioner of the General Land Office transmitting a map of that portion of the boundary line extending from the Choctaw boundary line to the Gulf of Mexico ; ( 6 ) letter from John Coffee, dated October 12, 1820, to the Commis sioners of the General Land Office stating the cause of delay in making his report of the survey; (7) letter from John Coffee to James W. Exum appointing him a surveyor to run and mark the boundary line from the mouth of Bear Oreek on the Tennessee River to the N. W. corner of Washington County, Alabama; (8) letter from the Commissioner of the Generai Land Office dated November 2, 1820, addressed to the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a map and field notes of the boundary line, also other papers." 10. NAVY DEPARTMENT. It is not known what materials, if any, of value to Ala bama history exists in the several bureaus of the Navy De partment. It is proper, however, to present a general ac count of the department archives, in order to facilitate future special examination. James Russell Soley, in the Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. vii, p. 414, describes them as follows : "The MS. archives of the Navy Department fortunately es caped a later and similar peril. The burning of the depart ment by the British in 1814 involved no loss of records, as Secretary Jones reports {Am. St. Pap., Nav. Aff., i. 320) that all the papers and effects, except the furniture of the office, were preserved. The fire in the War Office in 1800 had, how ever, destroyed many papers connected w'th the administra tion of the navy during the period prior to the establishment of the Navy Department in 1798. Fragments of these pa pers, including letters of Secretary James McHenry on sub jects connected with the new frigates, may be seen, with their charred edges, in the library of the Navy Department. They have only the interest of relics. From 1798 to 1805 the archives are scanty, but after the latter date they have been carefully preserved, They are arranged in classes, according Navy Department. 67 to a simple and easily understood system, and, having been bound in volumes and fully indexed, are readily accessible. In fact, there are few series of early archives in Washington in so satisfactory a condition for the student «s those of the Navy Department. As in the War Department, the corre spondence is arranged in two groups, letters received and let ters sent. Of the letters received during the period of 1789- 1850, the most important series is that known as 'Captains' letters,' in 350 volumes, beginning in 1805. Of nearly equal interest are the 'Masters' Commandant letters,' 1804-1837, and the 'Commander's letters,' 1838-1850, making 92 vol umes in all. In addition to the above, a series of 390 volumes of 'Officers' letters,' begins in 1802. A comprehensive class is that of 'Miscellaneous letters,' 426 volumes, beginning in 1794. As the business of the department increased, and work was distributed more systematically among its offices, a new series were begun. Thus the reports of the African squad ron date from 1819, Marine Corps letters from 1828, and Executive letters from 1843. Communications from the Board of Navy Commissioners form a series from 1827 to 1842, when the board was abolished and its place taken by the bureaus, whose correspondence begins at this time. Classified reports from cruising stations, including the Bra zil, Mediterranean, Pacific, East and West Indian, and Home squadrons begin in the yearslS44-46, and Navy yard reports about 1848. "The 'Letters sent,' as might be expected, are much, less numerous, comprising for the period about 170 volumes of all classes. The most important of these as far as naval op erations are concerned, are the 60 volumes of Instructions to officers of ships of tear, and 30 volumes of 'General letters.' The instructions to commanders of gunboats, 1803-8, are con tained in a separate volume. A single volume, for 1803, is devoted to the Barbary powers. The volumes of instructions, together with those known as 'Captains' letters,' 'Masters' Commandant and Commanders' letters,' and 'Officers' let ters,' are indispensable to the student of the naval wars, and the naval history of the United States cannot be adequately written without a careful examination of them. The exami nation must be supplemented by the study of the records of the Office of Detail, and of the court-martial records con tained in the office of the judge-advocategeneral."° "A List of Log-booKS of U. S. Vessels, 1861-1865, on file in the Navy Department, has been published by the Library and Naval War Records Office (1891, Svo. pp. 49). «fee State Papers, No. 18, Nov. 17, 1814 (13th Cong. 3d sess.) 68 Report Alabama History Commission. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies. This Department, July 7, 1884, begun the preparation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies; and by Act of Congress, July 31, 1894, their publication was authorized. In the series is incorporated only "such ma terial as may be certified to be contemporaneous naval records of the war." Eleven volumes have appeared. In refer ence to the difficulties surrounding the enterprise, in the Pre face to vol. ix, the compilers say that — "Much difficulty has been found in collecting the records, for, while the official reports of commanders of fieets and of vessels acting singly are on file in the Navy Department, it is found that the correspondence between fiag officers and their subordinates is frequently missing. Without this squadron correspondence the historical value of the work would neces sarily be impaired, and the Department therefore has spared" no pains to secure the letter books and papers of the chief actors on both sides. These papers have for the most part been obtained, and they have been copiously used in the com pilation of the work. The reports of the Union commanders are full and fairly complete. It is to be regretted, however, that the Confederate records are not equally complete, due to the great difficulty found in collecting them, and also to the fact that a large part of the archives of the Confederate Navy Department was burned at the close of the war. Frequent careful searches throughout various parts of the country, conducted by a special agent of the Department, have brought to light many duplicates of these papers, found among the personal files of participants. It is hoped that the publication will revive the interest of participants in the events referred to, and lead them to bring to the notice of the Department the whereabouts of any papers bearing upon naval operations in the civil war of which they may have knowledge." 11. PATENT OFFICE. The official records, drawings, models, etc., of the United States Patent Office are practically complete in every detail. By means of the excellent series of indexes and guides, data as to patentees and inventions from Alabama can be easily located. No special indexes have, however, been published showing the names of patentees by States. All models form a part of the records of the applications to which they relate ; and in patented cases are open to inspection. They have not, however, been required since 1880. Bureau of Pensions. 69 12. BUREAU OF PENSIONS. The Bureau of Pensions has .all papers connected with the application for, and the grant of pensions. These embrace the claim and proof, which often include transcripts from family registers, as well as original papers as to service, pro motion, discharge, etc. Under the regulations of the Bureau information will be furnished on application therefor by in terested parties, as to the services of their ancestors in the Revolutionary and subsequent wars. Who Are Entitled to Pensions. The following summary of those who are entitled to pen sions is taken from the Report of the Commissioner of Pen; sions for the year ended June 30, 1900. Revolutionary War. "The act of March IS, 1818, thirty-five years after the ter mination of the Revolutionary war, was the first general act passed granting a pension for service only. Its beneficiaries were required to be in indigent circumstances and in need of assistance. "About 1820 Congress became alarmed at the large number of applicants for pensions under this act (there were about 8,000), and, on May 1, 1820, passed what has been known as the 'alarm act' which required all pensioners then on the roll to furnish a schedule of the amount of property then in their possession. Many of the pensioners whose schedules showed they possessed too much property were dropped from the rolls. Pensioners were dropped who owned as small an amount as $150 worth of property. "On May 15, 1828, or forty-five years after the war, service pension was granted to those who served to the end of the war of the Revolution. "On June 7, 1832, or forty-nine years after the close of the war, a general law was enacted pensioning all survivors who served not less than six months in said war. "On July 4, 1836, being fifty-three years after the termina tion of the war, an act was passed granting pension for five years to Revolutionary war widows, provided they were mar ried to the soldier or sailor before the close of his last ser vice and that his service was not less than six months. "On July 7, 1838, or fifty-five years after the close of the war, the above act was amended so as to provide where the .marriage took place before January 1, 1794. 70 Report Alabama History Commission. "On July 29, 1S48, or sixty-five years after the war, the above laws were amended to include those who were mar ried prior to January 1, 1800: "On February 3, 1853, or seventy years after the war, an act was passed striking out the limitation as to date of mar riage. War of 1812. "The first law granting pension for service in the war of 1812 was passed February 14, 1871, fifty-six years after the close of the war. This act required sixty days' service, and widows were not entitled unless they were married to soldier or sailor prior to the treaty of peace, February 17, 1815. "The act of March 9, 1878, sixty-three years after the close of the war, reduced the period of service to fourteen days, and made no limitation as to date of marriage in case of widows. War With Mexico. "On January 29, 1887, thirty-nine years after the close of the war, an act was passed providing for soldiers and sailors and their widows for service of sixty days, if 62 years of age, or disabled or dependent. Indian Wars. "On July 27, 1892, fifty years after period included in the act, pension was provided for those who served thirty days in the Black Hawk, Creek, Cherokee, and Florida war with Seminole Indians from 1832 to 1842 and to their widows. "There has never been any law pensioning widows of sol diers whose death was due to service in time of peace prior to March 4, 1861. "No provisions has ever been made for mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters if the death of soldier or sailor re sulted from service prior to March 4, 1861. "The laws relating to pension have been more liberal since 1861 than they were prior to that date. "To make it plainer, as an illustration of this fact, I will cite the case of a sailor who lost both arms in the service and line of duty prior to March 4, 1861. He would be en titled to a rating beginning at $3.50 per month and to the various rates provided from time to time to February 12, 1889, when he would receive $100 per month. Acts of July li, 1862, and March S, 1873. "Any officer, soldier, sailor, or marine, disabled by reason of wound received or disease contracted in the service of the Post Office Department. 71 United States, and in the line of duty, may be pensioned for such disability during its continuance. "In case of his death from causes originating as above set forth, his widow or his child or children under 16 years of age become entitled to pension. If he left no widow or child under 16, his dependent mother, father, or orphan sisters and brothers are entitled in the order named. Act of June 27, 1890, as Amended hy the Act of May 9, 1900. "Any officer, soldier, sailor, or marine who served ninety days or more in the military or naval service of the United States during the late war of the rebellion, who has been honorably discharged therefrom, and who is suffering from disability of a permanent character, not the result of his own vicious habits, which incapacitates him from the perform ance of manual labor in such a degree as to render him un able to earn a support, is entitled to pension under this act of not less than $6 per month nor more than $12 per month. "In case of the death of any person named above, his widow becomes entitled to pension, provided she married him prior to June 27, 1890, and that she is without means of support than her daily labor. If she remarries or dies, the child or children of such soldier or sailor under the age of 16 years become entitled. "The act of May 9, 1900, which is an amendment of the act of June 27, 1890, * provides that in determining inability to earn a support each and every infirmity shall be duly con sidered, and the aggregate of the disabilities shown be rated. "It is also provided that a widow may have title to pension if she is left without means of support other than her daily labor and an actual net income not exceeding $250 per year. Act of August 5, 1892. "All women employed by the Surgeon-General of the Army as nurses during the late war of the rebellion for a period of six months or more and who were honorably relieved from such service, are granted a pension, provided they are unable to earn a support. Service Pensions. "There is no law granting service pension to any person for service rendered since the war with Mexico." 13. POST OFFICE DEPARTitlENT. The records of this Department which are of local interest consist of the correspondence, or outgoing letters, in refer ence to the establishment of offices and of postal affairs in 72 Report Alkbama History Commission. Alabama, and also of the lists of offices with the names of postmasters, and the dates of their Commissions. The gen eral records of the several Bureaus and Divisions are ap proximately complete, but it is not necessary to notice them in detail here. Letter Books. There are in all 115 large folio volumes of the Postmaster General's correspondence, from the organization of the De partment. I'hey are designated as "Letter Books," "Post Of fice Department," and cover a period from Oct. 3, 1789, to 1900. The following shows the name of the Postmaster Gen eral, the designation of the volume and the period covered, viz: Sam. Osgood and T.Pickering, T. Pickering, .7. Haversham, G. Granger, R. J. Meigs. R. J. Meigs and J. McLean, J. McLean, J. McLean and W. T. Barry, W. T, Barry, A : Oct. 3, 1789— June 9, 1792. B: June 13, 1792— Oct. 27, 1793. 0 : Sept. 27, 1793— Oct. 27, 1794. D : Oct. 29, 1794— Jan. 25, 1796. E : Jan. 30, 1798— Nov. 25, 1896. F : Nov. 24, 1796— Oct 24, 1797. G: Oct. 14, 1797— Oct. 13, 1798. H : Got. 14, 1798— May 8, 1799. I: May 1789— March 4, 1800. K : March 3, 1800— Aug. 6, 1801. L : Aug. 7, 1801- Jan. 25, 1803. M : Jan 24, 1893— March 16, 1804. N: March 10, 1804-Aprill7, 1806. O : April 13. 1806~Oot. 30, 1807. P: Oct. 30, 1807— June 23, 1809. Q : June 24, 1 809— July 20, 1811. R : July 23, 1811— March 12, 1813. S : March 13, 1813— Dec. 15, 1814. T : Dec, 15, 1814— March 12, 1816. U : March 12, 1816— Dec. 13, 1817. X: Dec. 13, 1817— May 11, 1819. Y: May 11, 1819— Dec. 12, 1820. Z ; Dec. 12, 1820-Dec. 26, 1821. A: Dec. 27, 1821— Dec. 30, 1822. B : Jan. 3, 1823— Aug. 23, 1823. A : Aug. 29, 1823— April 9, 1824 B : Aug. 21, 1823— March 30, 1824. C : March 30, 1824— Jan. 25, 1825. D ; April 9, 1824— Sep. 9, 1825. F : Jan. 26, 1825— Aug. 23, 1825, G : March 14, 1825— Oct. 18, 1825. H: Aug. 23, 1825— March 28, 1826. I: Sep. 12, 1825— March 12,1827. J : Oct. 18, 1825— Aug 10, 1826. N : March 29, 1826— Dec. 20, 1826. O : May 9, 1827- Nov. 24, 1827. P : March 21, 1827— Dec. 20, 1827. Q : Dec. 21, 1826— May 8, 182r. T : Dec. 19, 1827— May 12, 1828. U: May 12, 1828— Oct. 15, 1828. V : Oct. 15, 1828- -May 12, 1829. W : May 21, 1829— Dec. 14, 1829. X: Deo. 14, 1828— Oct. 18, 1880. Post Office Department. 73 The remainder of the series are designated as follows, viz : Y; Z; A-1; B-2; C-2; D-2; E-2; F-2; G-2; H-2; 1-2; .1-2; K-2; L-2; M-2; N-2; 0-2; P-2;Q-2; R-2; S-2; T-2; U-2;V-2;W-2; ^ X-2 ; X-3 ; X-4 ; X-5 ; X-6 ; anl Nos 7 to 48 inclusive. Post Offices and Post Masters. From the beginning of the Department until 1832, the ap pointments of all Postmasters were recorded together, and are found in books numbered from one to eight inclusive. However, one, two and three were lost when the Depart ment was destroyed by fire, and their contents are now found condensed in one book, which bears date, 1789 to 1818, the data having been compiled from the Auditor's records. They consist of the following, viz : Nob. 1-3. 1789 to 1818; 4. 1818 to 1820; 5. 1820 to 1825; 6. 1825 to 1827; 7. 1827 to 1829; 8. 1829 to 1832; County Book, 1832 to 1844; " ' " 1844 to 1857; « t< 1857 to 1875; •' " 1875 to 1889; tt tt 1889 to 1900; 14. OFFICES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE AND OF THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. In the file rooms of the Secretary of the Senate and of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, are preserved original papers and documents connected with the various matters brought before Congress from its earliest sessions. In many of the files are to be found documents of historical interest, such as petitions and memorials, with original signatures, etc. 15. STATE DEPARTMENT.' The historical manuscript treasures of the Government are principally collected in the Department of State and in the Library of Congress. The collections of the former came to it in the course of official business, and as a proper place of ''See Winsor, vii. pp. 414-426; and also, papers by Mrs. Ellen Har din \v alworth on the "Value of National Archives" In the Report of the American Historical Association for 1893, p. 31; by A. Howard Clark on "What the United States Government has done for History" in Report of the same Association, pp. 549-561; and by Andrew Hussey Allen on "The iilstorical Archives of the Department of State," in Il>id, pp. 281-298. 74 Report Alabama History Commission. deposit for such manuscripts as have been purchased by Con gress. Except where in use as current official records, these papers are deposited in the Bureau of Rolls and Library. Fortunately for students the Department has given con siderable attention to their arrangement and classification. An arbitrary Chapter designation has been adopted, which now runs from "Chapter A" to "Chapter N," with others to follow. The Chapters represent kindred groups of docu ments, and will ultimately take in the entire body of its docu mentary material. In September, 1893, appeared the first number of a series of Department Bulletins. It was stated that "The most practicable plan of making known and utiliz ing the current miscellaneous index of the general collection — an index devoted to papers to the substance of which all clue is lacking — is found to be the publication of a series of Bulletins." Nine of these have so far been published, as fol lows, viz : Bulletin No. 1, September, 1893, contains (1) a catalogue exhibiting the existing arrangement of the papers of the Continental Congress; (2) a partial miscellaneous index of manuscripts of the Continental Congress examined to the date of going to press; (3) the Documentary History of the Constitution for the period preceding the Federal Convention — being the Annapolis Convention and credentials of delegates to the Federal Con vention. Bulletin No. 2, November, 1893, is a revised and indexed edition of the Calendar of the Correspondence of James Monroe. Bulletin No. 3, January, 1894, contains (1) a list indicating the ar rangement of the Washington papers; (2) the continuation of a partial miscellaneous index of the manuscripts of the Continental Congress; (3) the Documentary History of the Constitution — proceedings of the Federal Convention. Bulletin No. 4, March, 1894, is a Calendar of the Correspondence of James Madison. Bulletin No. 5, May, 1894, contains (1) an arrangement of the papers of Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton, Monroe, and Franklin; (2) the continua tion of the miscellaneous index; (3) the Documentary History of the Con stitution — the Constitution as signed in Convention; proceedings in Con gress; ratifications by the several States. Bulletin No. 6, July, 1894, is a Calendar of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson — Part I. Letters from Jefferson. Bulletin No. 7, September, 1894, contains (1) a list of the territorial and State records deposited in the Bureau of Rolls and Library and classi fied as Chapter I of the manuscript books and papers; (2) the continua tion of a partial miscellaneous index of the manuscripts of the Continental Congress; (3) the Documentary History of the Constitution — Articles in addition to and amendment of the Constitution. Bulletin No. 8, November, 1894, is a Calendar of the Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson — Part II. Letters to Jefferson. Bulletin I^o. 9, October, 1897, contains (1) the continuation of the miscellaneous index; (2) Documentary History of the Constitution — Madi son's Notes of the Proceedings of the Federal Convention. State Department. 75 The Miscellaneous Indexes indicate a number of papers bearing on affairs in the Southwest during and just follow ing the period of the Revolutionary war. in the Monroe, Madison and Jefferson Papers will be found a number of letters to and from public men of the old South west of very great interest. Chapter "I" embraces the "Records of the States and Ter ritories." It appears from the list published in Bulletin No. 7, that there are on file the following, among others, viz : Florida. — Papers and documents forming the "Florida Archives," so called, acquired by virtue of the treaty of amity, settlement, and limits be tween the United States and Spain, signed February 22, 1819. Governors. — Various letters and papers, covering the period 1790-1812, from the chief executives of different States, gathered together under the general title "Letters from Governors of States." Louisiana. — "Governor Claiborne's correspondence relative to Louisi ana," 1803-1812. In 6 volumes, folio. . "Papers relating to the Southern Boundary," 1806-1818. In 1 volume, folio. i ; — . Copies of acts of the legislature of the State for the year 1807, letters and accompanying documents. Filed under the title "Papers and Records of the Territories." Mississippi. — "Governor's correspondence in the Mississippi Territory 1804-1815." In 1 volume, folio. (See also papers filed under the title "Pa pers and Records of the Territories.") . "Proceedings of the Executive Council and Legislature in the Mississippi Territory 1809-1816." In 2 volumes, folio. Tennessee. — "Journal of the proceedings of William Blount, Esquire, governor in and over the Territory of the United States of America south , of the river Ohio," with letters and accompanying papers. Filed under the title "Papers and Records of the Territories." The Kohl Collection of Maps relating to America is also in the Bureau of Rolls and Library. It embraces several hun dred maps, beginning with "A Symbolic Representation of the Earth, Heaven, and Sun, from an Egyptian Papyrus." In 1886 a descriptive and classified Calendar of the Collec tion was prepared by Justin Winsor, and published as No. 19 of the Bibliographical Contributions of Harvard Univer sity.' Bureau of Appointments and Commissions. The records of Commissions issued to Federal officials by the State Department are complete. They are arranged in three classes, viz : Diplomatic, Consular and Miscellaneous. In the Miscellaneous class are included Governors and Sec retaries of Territories, and Judges, Attorneys and Marshals of Federal Courts in the States and Territories. Since 1875, 'See Winsor, viii, pp. ¦^24-425. 76 Report Alabama History Commission. the Interior Department has commissioned Territorial offi cials; and since 1888, the Department of Justice has com missioned Judges, Attorneys and Marshals. Index Bureau. In the Index Bureau are recorded all letters to the Ter ritorial and State Governors in chronological order, in a gen eral series called "Domestic Letters." In this Bureau are also fragmentary collections of letters and papers, arranged by Territories, including Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. The editor has copies of these documents so far as they relate to Alabama. 16. SUPREME COURT. The records of the Supreme Court of the United States are complete, with the exception of a very few which were de stroyed by fire in 1899. The files and other records are in ex cellent condition, and are open for consultation. There are a number of early cases, the files of which contain valuable documents, maps, papers, etc., in reference to land claims. Two members of the Supreme Court have been appointed from Alabama, Messrs. John McKinley and John A. Camp bell. Sketches of these justices, with portraits, will be found in H. L. Carson's History of the Supreme Court of the U. 8., (1892.) 17. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. In the Treasury Department, organized under Act of Con gress, Sept. 2, 1789, the records pertaining to subjects under its jurisdiction in Alabama are necessarily limited. In the office of the Supervising Architect will be- found the records as to the construction and history of the several pub lic buildings in the State. The offices of the Light House Board, the Marine Hospital Service, the Internal Revenue Service, and the United States Coast and Geodetic Surveys contain some valuable local records. In the office of the Auditor for the Interior Department, charged with the duty of auditing pensions, there is a record or roll of pensioners. The records of this office also show the dates of the death of pensioners. The records, papers, etc., relating to customs affairs in the State are not complete. The only customs fort in Alabama is that originally established at Fort Stoddert, by act of Con gress, Feb. 24, 1804, and later removed to Mobile. War Department. 77 The appointment records of the Department show the names of Alabama appointees in this branch of the public service. 18. WAR DEPARTMENT.' The War Department contains in its several offices a great mass of data in reference to military operations in the United States, and in reference to the troops from the several States. No detailed description is here attempted, because a List of the Records and Files of the Department (Washington : 1890 ; 8 VO., pp. 145) has already been published under the orders of , the Secretary of War. This is the most comprehensive effort ever yet made to present the character and condition of any collection of official records. The lists are arranged by offi cers and divisions, and embrace an account of the records in the following offices at that date, viz : Chief Clerk, War Department. Office of Inspector General. Record Division. Office of Judge Advocate-General. Requisition Division. Office of Quartermaster-General. Correspondence Division. Office of Com.> Gen. of Subsistence. Disbursing Clerk. Office of Surgeon-General. Advertising Division. Office of Paymaster-General. Supply Division. Office of Chief of Engineers. War Department Library. Office of Chief of Ordinance. War Records Office. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. Office of Adjutant-General. "See Part IV, War Records of Alabama, infra, for account of military records in the War Department. CHAPTER III. ADJACENT STATES. By Thomas M. Owen. The territory now in Alabama has in part at different times been connected in organic governmental relation with the adjacent States of South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Mississippi; and also in part with Florida under the Spanish, and with Louisiana under the French. Col. Charles C. Jones in his History of Georgia (1883), calls Alabama the daughter of Mississippi, and the grand-daughter of Georgia. The official archives of these States may, therefore, be prop erly considered as containing more or less material of value to the history of Alabama. While not connected territorially with other Southern States, yet because its population was largely drawn from all of them, the history of its settlement can only be profitably studied and emphasized through the history of these earlier commonwealths. And as the settlers came from these States, they brought their institutions and peculiar forms of thought with them. It may be said that Alabama was almost wholly peopled by "Virginians, North and South Carolinians, and Georgians. Emigrants to the State from Kentucky and Ten nessee were of the same stock. Institutional transplanting, modification and growth can be satisfactorily studied from the original documents now published, the constitutions, laws and State Papers, and the extant histories of these States. From original record sources, in the State and County ar chives, must be drawn the material for the study of the people, their migration, their property and culture status, while from meager church records in part must be obtained the evidences of spiritual growth and the expansion of re ligious thought. In the short description below will be found such general suggestions as will enable the inquirer with more ease to make researches in the records of these States. The territorial development of Alabama is conveniently presented by Theodore L. Cole, of Washington, D. C, in the Publications of the Southern History Association, 1897, vol. i, pT). 61-63, as follows : "1st. — A strip (about 12 miles wide) extending across the State at the extreme north. This was under the jurisdiction : (78) Adjacent States. 7^ Until 1787, of the State of South Carolina. (1787 to 1790, unattached.) 1790 to 1796, of the Territory of the U. S. South of the River Ohio. (1796 to 1804, unattached.) - 1804 to 1817, of Mississippi Territory. "2d. — All that part of the State south of the above men tioned strip and north of a line "drawn due east from the mouth of the Yasous." This was under the jurisdiction : Until 1802, of the State of Georgia. (1802 to 1804, unattached.) 1804 to 1817, of Mississippi Territory. "3d. — All that part of the State south of the above men tioned parcels and north of the 31st parallel. This was under the jurisdiction : Until 1898, of the State of Georgia. 1798 to 1817, of Mississippi Territory. "4th. — All that part of the State south of the 31st parallel. This was under the jurisdiction : Until 1763, of France (as part of Louisiana.) 1763 to 1783, of Great Britain (as part of the Floridas.) 1783 to 1800, of Spain (then owning both Louisiana and the Floridas.) 1800 to 1803, of France (as part of Louisiana). (1803 to 1812, unattached, but held by Spain.) 1812 to 1817, of Mississippi Territory. "Mississippi Territory. — Created by act of Congress, April 7, 1798, (U. S. Stat, at Large, vol. I, p. 549), with the Missis sippi and Chattahoochee rivers, "a line drawn due east from the mouth of the Yasous," and the 31st degree of north lati tude as boundaries (being the 3d parcel above). By act of March 27, 1804, {lb. vol. 2, p. 305)," "that tract of country north of the Mi.sf.Issippi Territory and south of the State of Tennessee," and between the Mississippi river and Georgia (the 1st and 2d parcels above), was annexed to Mississippi Territory. By act of May 14, 1812, {lb. p. 734) "all that por tion of territory lying east of Pearl river, west of the Perdido and south of the 31st degree of latitude" (the 4th parcel above) was annexed to Mississippi Territory, which then had exactly the same extent as the present States of Mississippi and Alabama and remained unchanged until Aug. 15, 1817. "Alabama Territory. — Created hj act of Congress, March 3, 1817, in force Aug. 15, 1817, when the Constitution of Mississippi was formed (U. S. Stat, at Large, vol. 3, p. 371) with the same boundaries as the State now has. "State of Alabama. — An enabling act was passed March 2, 1819 {lb., vol. 3, p. 489) ; the Constitution was adopted by the Convention on Aug. 2, 1819, (not submitted to the people) ; and the resolution of admission was passed by Con gress, Dec. 14, 1819, (76. vol. 3, p. 608.)" 80 Report Alabama History Commission. I. FLORIDA. The Executive offices of Florida have but little of value to the history of Alabama. The Spaniards as far as possible made a general removal of all official records. It appears from inquiry on the subject that there are in the Secretary of State's oflflce no maps or documents bearing on the Florida- Alabama boundary. No information has been secured respecting the early records of St. Augustine and Tampa. But few records of historical value remain at Pensacola. A fire on October 24, 1811, destroyed much that was there, and later pirates destroyed much more. The sub-delegate, Colonel Don Jose Masot, was instructed on closing the inten- dancy there to remove the archives to Havana, but he failed to do so. When Jackson captured Pensacola in May, 1818, it was agreed that the archives should be taken to Havana, and Masot duly embarked with them on the United States schooner Peggy. Corsairs overpowered the P^gy and threw the papers overboard, except one box which they kept. So it seems nothing ever reached Cuba from Pensacola, except some inventories brought the preceding year by Don Fran cisco Gutierrez de Arroyo, the only part of the removal order which Masot had permitted him to carry out. See Pintado, in White's New Recopilacion, vol. ii, pp. 340, 341, 370. The fate of the records of British times is mentioned under the head of records in Great Britain." The American State Papers, in the series of Indian Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Military Affairs, contain a large number of documents bearing on the related history of Florida and Alabama. White's New Recopilacion (2 vols.) is an invalu able repository, containing a collection of laws, charters, and local ordinances of the governments of Great Britain, France and Spain, relating to the concessions of land in their respec tive colonies. Many full documents will be found in two U. S. government publications entitled Private Land Claims — Florida (House Ex. Doc. 121, 20th Cong., 2d sess.), and Documents and Other Papers relating to the Boundary Line between the States of Georgia and Florida (Sen. Mis. Doc. 25, 33d Cong. 2d sess.) 2. GEOKGIA. The official archives of Georgia are doubtless approxi mately complete from the beginning of the State government, ^This paragraph on the Pensacola records vas prepared by Peter J. Haroilton, Louisiana. ;81 although nothing can be definitely stated as to either its Col onial or State archives. State officials have declined to sup ply information as to what records they have, their condition, period covered, etc., without compensation. However, Prof. C. C. Thach reports that on a visit to the State Department, Atlanta, he was shown a map, with accom panying field notes and correspondence, of the Boundary line between Alabama and Georgia, made in 1826, by Capt. John Bright, Fayetteville, Tenn. The Adjutant-General's Office has no rosters of Georgia troops in the Creek War, 1813-14. Where they are to be found is unknown. 3. LOUISIANA. The official archives of the State of Louisiana are believed to contain nothing bearing on the history of Alabama. The very valuable historical material in the Louisiana Historical Society, the Louisiana State Library, the New Orleans Cathedral, the Howard Memorial Library, and the archives of the city of New Orleans are described infra. 4. MISSISSIPPI. Mississippi Territory was created by act of Congress, April 7, 1798. By subsequent acts other territory was added to the original area until it embraced the present States of Alabama and Mississippi.. In 1817 the State of Mississippi was ad mitted into the Union with its present limits, and the eastern part was erected into Alabama Territory. From 1798 to 1817, therefore, all official records and pa pers of a general character relating to governmental affairs in what is now the State of Alabama, are to be found in the archives of Mississippi at Jackson. No detailed account has been secured and it can only be stated in a general way that these consist of the original books, papers and correspondence of the several Territorial officials. They are not arranged or indexed, and cannot be consulted with any satisfaction. Perhaps the most valuable of these records are the Execu tive Journals, numbering ten or more volumes, covering the official acts in detail of the several Governors of the Terri tory, 1798-1817. Partial transcripts of these are on file in the State Department, Washington, D. C. See Governors W. C. C. Claiborne, David Holmes, Winthrop Sargent, and Rob ert Williams, infra. See also State Department, p. 75, supra. 82 Report Alahama History Commission. 5. SOUTH CAROLINA. With the burning of Columbia, S. C, Feb. 17, 1865, by Fed eral troops under Gen. W. T. Sherman, the State archives were largely destroyed, but there are still in the office of the Secretary of State a number of early records, which may be consulted with profit, with reference to the extension of West ern settlements, and trade and intercourse with the Southern Indians. These consist of several volumes of what are known as Indian Books, Council Journals, Common House Jour nals, and some miscellaneous volumes.' There are also thirty- six folio volumes, indexed, of transcripts representing all that there is in the British Public Record Office concerning South Carolina. The Land Records are also preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, and comprise over two hundred vol umes of Grants and Plat Books, dating from 1678. The official records of South Carolina troops in the Revo lutionary War have been destroyed, and only scattering data exists here and there on the subject. In 1888 the State pub lished a pamphlet of names as far as could be obtained of offi cers who served in the South Carolina regiment on the Conti nental establishment, of the officers who served in the militia, and of troops on the Continental establishment and militia organizations, together with other information, prepared by the Society of the Cincinnati. In the Charleston Year Booh, 1893, these lists were republished. No rosters of South Carolina soldiers in the Creek War, 1813-14, are preserved in the office of the Adjutant-General. It is not known where they may be found. Inthe several counties, with the exception of some like Ali- beville and Lexington, whose official records have been de stroyed, are to be found conveyances, wills, administrations and guardianships, throwing light on the antecedents of many Alabama families. Unfortunately South Carolina has never had any law requiring marriage licenses so that there are no official marriage records. In some few churches these are kept. 6. TENNESSEE. The office of the Secretary of State, at Nashville, has the following archives of historical interest : Executive Corre spondence prior to 1861, Memoranda of Land Grants, Regis ter of State and County Officials, and sundry miscellaneous 'See Report of the Committee of the South Carolina Historical Society in the matter of procuring transcripts of the Colonial Records of [South Carolina] (1891), for detail Of the papers in the Secretary of State's Office. Tennessee. ' 83 records of early date. This office has no war records. Particular detail as to land grants will be found in the land offices at the following points: Jackson, Nashville, Sparta, Cleveland, Knoxville and Athens. The Adjutant-General's Office has no records of Tennessee troops in the Creek War, 1813-14. PART II. An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Docu ments in Official Repositories within the State of Alabama. By THOMAS M. OWEN. (85) CHAPTER I. STATE OFFICES. The official State archives have their beginning with the organization of the Alabama Territory, and its several execu tive departments. The Act of Congress creating the Territory was approved March 3, 1817, but its provisions were not to be in force until the date when Mississippi should adopt a con stitution, which event was consummated Aug. 15, 1817." On September 25, 1817, William Wyatt Bibb was commissioned Governor of Alabama Territory, and in December of the same year he reached St. . Stephens. He at once set in motion the machinery of the territorial government. Prior to this time, and from the establishment of the Mis sissippi Territory in 1798, the records of all official business in the Alabama portion of that Territory, not transacted as ordinary county business, form a part of the Mississippi ar chives, at Jackson. See Mississippi, supra, for description. The act creating the Territory made St. Stephens "the seat of government," and here the official records were kept until 1819, when they were removed to Huntsville. The Alabama Republican, published at the latter place, in its issue of June 26, 1819, thus modestly comments on the arrival of the Gov ernor and the records : "His Excellency Governor Bibb, ar rived in Huntsville on Monday last. The Secretary of the Territory is daily expected, and the public records, etc., have already arrived here, where they will remain while this place continues to be the seat of government." Cahaba being fixed by the Constitution as the State capital, the records were carried there in 1820.' Here they remained until 1826, when prior to June of that year they were carried to Tuscaloosa, the second State capital. In 1845 Montgomery was selected as the seat of government, and two years later, the capitol having been completed, the State archives were again removed. Mr. Garrett gives a brief account in his Pub lic Men in Alabama (1872) , p. 460 : "No time was to be lost in transferring the archives, to be ready for the assembling of the Legislature, the 6th of December, less than a month. This, however, was accomplished by industry. On or about the 20th of November, the archives, records and papers of the Executive and State '17. S. Statutes at Large, vol. iii, p. 371. 'Toulmin's Digest (1823), p. 679. (87) 88 Report Alabama History Commission. Departments, and Supreme Court, had been packed up in 113 boxes, and loaded in 13 wagons; and t-is train, under the control of James H. Owen, the door-keeper of the House of Representatives, moved off in the direc tion of Montgomery. The cargo in weight was 26,704 pounds. Without accident, the whole train, in due time, arrived at Montgomery, and the archives deposited in their appropriate rooms. The entire cost of the re moval of these archives from Tuscaloosa to Montgomery, was |1,325, which was paid by Colonel Pollard, Chairman of the Building Committee." Up to this time the records and archives in every respect appear to have been full and complete. The desire of the early legislators seems to have been to preserve everything whichr might have a future value. Minute regulations were imposed upon officials. On Dec. 16, 1820, an act was ap proved, providing "That in future it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, at or soon after the, close of each General Assembly, to deposit in his office all the records and papers necessarily Ibelonging to the Legislature ; which shall be deter mined by an examination made by the Secretary of State, Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Represen tatives, who are hereby appointed commissioners for that pur pose."' It was at this time that a general description of the ar chives was given by William Garrett, then Secretary of State, in a letter to Mr. Pickett, which appears to be appropriately presented in full in this connection. "Tuscaloosa 28th Aug., 1847." "Dear Sie: "Various causes have conspireu to prevent my answering before now, your letter and interrogatories under date the 28 ulto. Even now 1 have to regret that it is impossible for me to answer you definitely upon all the subjects of your enquiries — because such cannot be done without overhauling the papers in the Executive & State Departments, which, having to be done so soon for the purpose of removal, will postpone for a few weeks my answers in regard to many of the topics upon which you desire information. "There are no Journals and Documents of the Mississippi Territory in this office — (Secretary of State's). The Territorial records of Alabama, when the Legislature sat at St. Stephens — Tne Journal of the State Con vention — The Journals of the Senate & House of Representatives, from the birth of the State lo this time are all to be had in the office. "The correspondence between the Governors of Alabama and Mississippi, in relation to [illegible] &c., I have not seen but presume it is on record in the Executive office. "There are some bundles of papers in both offices (State & Executive) in relation to the University — but as the Board of Trustees of that Insti tution has had its Secretary and Treasurer, and kept its own records, ever since its organization — it is more likely that the bulk of its papers, and of information in regard to its history will be found with the Secretary of the Board, H. P. Douthett, Esq. "Very little information can be obtained from this x>r the Executive office going to make up a history of the Banks. The Journals of the Legis lature contain a good many reports made upon the subject of the Banks 'Toulmin's Digest (1823), p. 698'. ' state Offices. 89 froin time to time — both of a general and special character — and all the electlorife of Bank Presidents and Directors. The reports made to the Legislature by bank officers, were generally printed for the use of mem bers — and with a renegade form of pamphlets and slips, very few have been preserved. None have been filed in the State Department because no provision has been made for that purpose — ana members have gener ally been eager to obtain their full portion for distribution among their constituents. The original reports are generally to be found among the papers of the Senate and House of Representatives. There is in the office under my charge a book, containing the evidence taken by a committee of the Legislature in Novemuer & December, 1841, in relation to the celebrated 'Bank frauds' of that year. "I have never yet seen any documents in relation to the old Huntsville and St. Stephens Banks — nor of the Canoe fight — nor the fall of Fort Mims, &c., &c. Major Jeremiah Austin, of Mobile, related the Canoe fight to me during the winter of '44-5. It is a fight that he does not appear anxious to talk about — but still I have but little doubt he would upon application, for this purpose, give you a full account of it. He could too afford much correct information in relation to the fall o.. Fort Mims, and the war of that period generally. "I think you will find In the Executive Office, the correspondence be tween Governor Gayle and the General Government commonly called the 'Creek Controversy'— and also the papers made and reed, by Governor Clay, during the Creek War of 1836. "I have never seen any of the handbills, pamphlets &c., &c. issued by Gov. Gayle, on tue occasion alluded to. The Journals afford a good deal of inforthation In regard to the 'impeachment of the Judges' and I have seen among the papers of the Legislature some manuscript documents upon this fight. . , "You will observe that I am not prepared as I said in the outset to answer' foil fully until time anu occasion shall offer to handle and look into the various bundles in the offices — State or Executive. This occasion will offer soon, and in adaition the archives of the State will be placed convenient to you, where you can examine, and will doubtless be able to put your hands upon a good many items of interest. "I was fortunate enough to receive two copies of your 'eight days in New Orleans' one of which I handed to a less fortunate friend — the other was read with mUch pleasure — particularly that portion in Chap. 3d. where you pay a merited tribute to that great and good man. General Jackson. "I am, with great respect, "W. GARRETT." "Colo. A.J. Pickett, "Montgomery." On Dec. 14, 1849, just two years after it was completed, the State Capitol was destroyed by fire, "communicated," as as certained by a committee of the House of Representatives, "from the flue or chimney to a timber, the end of which had been inserted in, and rested on an eyelet hole, left for that purp6se in the wall of the Representative Hall." Resort is again had to Garrett's work, pp. 517-518, for a description of the burning, and of the rescue Of the records. "About fifteen minutes after one o'clock in the afternoon, when both Houses were In session, it was discovered that the Capitol was on fire over the .Representative Hall — the volume of smoke issuing with rapid increase. Gen. [Joseph P.] Frazier, of the Senate, upon the first intimation of such a thing, hurried to thfe upper story, and into the room leading, by a trap door, to the top, to see what discoveries could be made; but was met at' the door by a dense volume of smoke, which arrested his progress. 90 Report Alabama History Commission. "The Senate adjourned hastily; but the House broke up its sitting with out the formality of an adjournment — such was the panic and confusion that suddenly seized upon the members. The fire extended rapidly from the south end of the building against a pretty stiff northern breeze, and in three hours, that superb, elegant structure — a monument of the liberali ty of the citizens of Montgomery, and the pride of the State — was in ruins; nothing left but portions of the blackened walls. The combined efforts of the members and citizens, with the heads of de partments, saved the public property upon the basement and second floor. Tne State Library on the third floor could not be entered without peril. After the archives of his office [Secretary of State] were saved, the writer conducted a number of gentlemen to that apartment, to assist in throw ing the contents out of the windows; but the heat was so great and in creasing, that they could not remain, and the large collection of public documents, law-books, manuscript Journals of the General Assembly, his torical works, m,aps of the several States, and valuable papers, with a variety of publications presented to the State in exchange for similar cour tesies, and other volumes constituting a fine collection for public use — were all destroyed. The archives and papers of the Executive, of the Secretary of State, the Treasurer and Comptroller, of the Supreme Court, and of the Senate and House of Representatives, including all belonging to the public offices of the Capitol, that were saved, were secured in rooms procured for the purpose in the city, until the Houses should determine the location of the different offices." [Italics by the editor.] While it is generally supposed that the public records were thus saved, the facts must be limited to the official records proper of executive departments. From the last part of thfe foregoing statement by Mr. Garrett, it clearly appears that practically all of the archives gathered under the provisions Of the Act of Dec. 16, 1820, supra, were kept in the State library, or at least on the third floor, and they were thus lost. This appears to be also true from an examination of the records found in the Secretary of State's office. How much has thus been lost to the Alabama historian will never be known, but certainly very much that would now be highly prized ! The new capitol having been completed, it appears from a joint resolution of Feb. 10, 1852, that the Governor was au thorized and required "for the better protection of the public records," to cause suitable shelves to be constructed in the executive and State offices. In April, 1865, the State archives were again subject to great hazard and in some cases distinct loss. The approach about this time of Gen. James H. Wilson with Federal troops so alarmed the officials at Montgomery that they collected the archives and sent them in charge of John B. Taylor, as State agent, to Eufaula for safe preservation. A part may have been sent to Augusta, Ga., as appears from the following com munication from a Mobile correspondent to the New York Herald, June 8, 1865 : State Offices. 91 "The rebel State archives of Alabama, removed from the capital to Augusta, Ga., on the advance of General Wilson, have been discovered, and are expected to be returned to Montgomery in a day or two by the proper officers. At present they are in this City. Mr. John B. Taylor, State agent, arrived on Sunday evening from Augusta, Ga., having in his charge the archives of Alabama. It took no less than twelve six mule wagons to carry these papers and a portion of those of Mississippi. The latter were forwarded by the Red Chief No. 1 to Selma, and from thence will be sent to Jackson, the capitol of that State." A part of them was certainly returned to Montgomery from Eufaula. The following interesting papers give the corre spondence in reference to the shipment, charges, etc. Eufaula, Ala., November 18th, 1865. Geo. W. Parsons, Esq., Montgomery, Ala.: Prlv. Sec. to the Governor. SiB. I am in receipt of your telegram of the 17th inst. giving me instruction in reference to the State Records^ There were only two boxes put into my store by Major Dent, Commandant of this post. They contained acts of the Legislature. There were also otfier boxes containing Missouri State papers. As I have no controul (sic) of them, I beg to refer you to Captain Grabenhous, the successor of Major Dent. I remain. Yours respectfully, T. J. CANNON, per P. D. Woolhopter. "Str, Indian, June 2nd, '65. "U. S. Government, To Str. Indian. Dr. For freight from Eufaula to Columbus on 175 boxes papers belonging to State Ala. 1600.00. As per annexed order. "Copy Telegram. 3. B. Taylor, State Agent. Any Quartermaster of the U. S. Army will furnish transportation from Eufaula to Union Springs lor State Papers and send bill to me. Wagons will meet them at Union Springs May 29th. By order Major General A. J. Smith. (Signed) C. K. DREW, Cap't & Chf Q M. 16th Army Corps. '• I certify that the steamer Indian furnished transportation for the freight above named from Eufaula to Columbus, Ga.— -being one hundred and seventv-five boxes of freight, amounting to six hundred dollars JNO. B TAYLOR. Agent State Ala." "Received. | Approved. | F. G. Watson, | Lt. Comd'g. Post, | Columbus, Ga., I June 2, '65." It can never be determined how much loss the records sus tained. The bound books hardly suffered. Loose papers must in the majority of cases been left behind, and were thus liable to destruction. Col. W. H. Fowler, State Superintendent of Army Records, in his report to Gov. L. B. Parsons, Dec. 4, 1865, Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol. 9^ Report Alabama History Commission. ii, p. 187, says in reference to his work on the war records, "The events, however, of April and May, 1865, brought it to an abrupt termination in consequent confusion ; and much of the material that I had accumulated, having been deposited by me in the State Capitol at Montgomery, was lost or mis placed in the evacuation of this city, at the date named." The records and books required to be kept, and those actually found in the executive departments and other State offices, are given below. These are : Governor. Commissioner of Agriculture. Secretary of State. convict Bureau. Auditor. State Board of Health. Treasurer. Railroad Commissioners. Attorney General. Clerk of tne Supreme Court. Superintendent of Education. Adjutant General. The official books, papers, reports, etc., of certain tempor ary officials, or of offices discontinued by law, or of special boards or commissions, are deposited, or flled with the Secre tary of State, as general custodian of State archives. In some cases they will be found in other offices, as will more particu larly appear from the descriptions hereafter given. Some of these are the old Bank Commissioners, the Debt Commission, 1875, Commissioner of Swamp and Overflowed Lands, Com missioner of Immigration, Commissioner to Survey Coosa River, Commissioner of Industrial Resources, Commissioner to Encourage Fish Culture, and Superintendent of Army Records. The official records and reports in some of the above cases have been printed in full. The military archives collected by Col. W. H. Fowler, such as escaped destruction, are fortunately preserved in the office of the Adjutant Gen eral. The State Board of Assessment is composed of the Gover nor, Secretary of State, Auditor and Treasurer, and is charged with the duty of assessing "the items of property of railroad and other companies required to be returned to the auditor." "A record of its proceedings" is required, which is kept in the custody of the Auditor. — Code, 1896, vol. i, sec tions 3966, 397L The office of State Examiner of Public Accounts was cre ated by Act of Feb. 16, 1885. This act was amended Feb. 12,^ 1897, so as to provide for assistant examiners. It is made the duty of these officials "to audit and examine the books, ac counts and vouchers" of certain named officials. They are required "from time to time, [to] report to the governor un der oath, the results of their examination," etc. These re- state OfBees. &3 ports are public records. It is made the duty of the governor to cause these reports to be printed. — Code, 1896, vol. i, sec tions 1876-1879. What administrative books are kept in the operation of the office is not known. The "Superintendent of Salt Springs and Salt Lands" is re quired by statute to report every six months "to the governor all the property of every kind collected or received, and all settlements made by him, and, generally, all his actings and doings in regard to salt lands." — Code, 1896, vol. i, sec. 2696. These reports have never been printed, but are filed in the office of the governor. It is not known what office records, if any, are kept by the Superintendent. In the effort "to provide for the more efficient assessment and collection of taxes," by act of Feb. 3, 1897, amended Feb. 21, 1899, the office of State Tax Commissioner was created, and a number of duties imposed, looking to the more efficient administration of the revenue branch of the State govern ment. The office of the Commissioner is at the Capitol in Montgomery, and such records as are necessary to its admin istration are kept by him. They have not been specially ex amined. The office of Chief Mining-Inspector, with two associate mining-inspectors, was created by act of Feb. 16, 1897. The act, among other things, provided regulations on the impor tant subjects of the examination of mine bosses, standard scales, safety lamps, ventilation, maps of mines, and care for wounded in cases of accident. The Inspectors are required to make biennial reports to the govfernor "stating the con dition of the mining interests in this State, with suggestions and information as may be of interest to the mining indus- ty." These Reports are printed. The office of the Chief Mining-Inspector is in Birmingham, where are kept the offi cial correspondence, books, registers, etc. They have not been examined. The Department of Insurance was created by act of Febru ary 18, 1897, with its chief officer as the Secretary of State under the title of "Insurance Commissioner Ex-Officio." Prior to this time all State supervision of insurance was con ducted through the Auditor's Office, where the records are to be found. The records of the present office are described in connection with the records of the Secretary of State. There are also certain boards, which from their operation over the entire State on the subjects committed to them, may be properly mentioned here. These are the Board of Phar macy, created Feb. 28, 1887; the State Board of Dental Ex- 94 Report Alabama Mistory Commission. aminers, created Feb. 11, 1881 ; and the State Board of Em balming, created Dec. 12, 1894. These several boards keep records of their proceedings, registers of licenses, etc. No inquiry has been made, however, as to their extent or special contents. I. GOVERNOR. The office of the Chief Executive, known as Governor, dates from March 3, 1817, when the Territory of Alabama was" cre ated. The first incumbent was Wm. W. Bibb, commissioned Sept. 25, 1817, but who did not enter upon the official dis charge of his duties until his arrival at St. Stephens in Dec. 1817 . From this date the official records should begin, but unfortunately no executive journals, or record books, have been found for this period. In the Adjutant-General's office, in the "Military Returns," a few papers are to be found. In his message, Nov. 15, 1821, Gov. Israel Pickens recommended the appointment of Commissioners to examine the Executive records, as they had not been kept from the beginning for want of suitable books. It is not known what action was taken. It does not appear to have been the practice of the Secretaries of State, or if so the books are out of place, to keep the "fair register of all official acts and proceedings of the governor," clearly enjoined in the Constitution. Many of the early records and papers, originally preserved in the Governor's office, are uoav in the office of the Secretary of State. Indeed, in tlie present practical administration of the office large numbers of its current papers and files are finally lodged in the latter office. An examination of the cases and vault discloses the folloAving, among other, current files of papers: Lands, Quarantine Accounts, Insane Hospital, Board of Health, Mine Inspector. Alabama Girls' Industrial School. Mt. Vernon, University of Alabama. Current Pardon Papers, Current Appointment Papers, Examiners' Reports. Swamp and Overflowed Lands. Old Executive Cobbespondence. The executive letters received, appear regularly, with apparent fulness, from the beginning of Gov. C. C. Clay's term in 1835., They cover the Indian and Mexican Wars, the Provisional Government, the Reconstruction period, etc. The Confederate War Correspondence is in the Secretary of State's office. These old letters and papers are kept in file cases, and in five large boxes. Secretary of State. 95 Old Piles. The following files of papers are noted as of special inter est: Pardon Files. 1870-1900. Annexatjon of Florida. 1869. Georgianria Murdei", Butler County, 1891. Adjutant General Candee's Report on the Eufaula riot, 1874. State Salt Works. 1865. In re apprehension of Isaac H. Vincent; also papers relating to his pardon. CuBBENT Cobbespondence. The practice is to keep copies, in letter press books, of all letters sent oilt. Those received are preserved in file boxes. 2. SECRETARY OF STATE. The act of Congress, March 3, 1817, creating Alabama Ter ritory provided a Secretary thereof, with the same powers and duties as those exercised by the same officer under the Missis sippi Territory. By the Constitution of 1819, article iv, it was provided as follows : "Sec. 14. There shall be a Secre tary of State appointed by joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly, who shall continue in office during the term of two years. He shall keep a fair register of all official acts and proceedings of the governor, and shall, when re quired, lay the same, and all papers, minutes, and vouchers relative thereto, before the General Assembly," etc. It does not appear that the "fair register" contemplated by this sec tion has ever been kept, at least a search has failed to discover any such record. The framers of the provision doubtless had in mind the regulation under which such a register was kept for Mississippi Territory. These were called Executive Jour nals, and are fortunately preserved, covering its whole exist ence, 179S to 1817. See Mississippi, supra, for detailed ac count of these. The same provision exists in the present Constitution, 1875, but there is no statute regulating the matter. The Secretary is the custodian of the principal archives of the State, particu lar detail of which appears below. He is also the keeper of the State seal. Unfortunately the office facilities for proper care and attention to the vast mass of records committed to his care are altogether inadequate. In reference to the lists of books and papers described be low it may be observed that they doubtless fail in many par ticulars to include all of the existing material, and it is alto gether probable that an exhaustive exploration of the records, Report Alabama History Commission. in their various repositories would serve to fill up many apparent gaps. The examination has disclosed a much larger body of archives than has hitherto been supposed to exist. In the examination of his official records, every assist ance was rendered by the present Secretary of State, Robiert P. McDavid. Codes. Original manuscript of the Code of 1852. Folio. 2 vols. Original manuscript of the Code of 1867. Folio. 4 vols. Original manuscript of the Code of 1876. Folio. 6 vols. Original manuscript of the Code of 1886. Folio. 5 vols. Original manuscript of the Code of 1896. Folio. 6 vols. Conventions and Constitutions of Alabama. 1819. Enrolled copy of the Constitution, 1819, on parchment, to which are attached the signatures of members. In tin ease. 1861. Original manuscript of the Constitution, 1861. Folio. In tin case. Manuscript of the Constitution, 1861. Printer's copy. Folio, pp. 74. In tin case. Enrolled copy of the Constitution, 1861, on parchment. In tin case. Manuscript Journal of the Convention, 1861. Large Folio. 1vol. Manuscript Ordinances of the Convention, 1861. Large Folio. I vol. Enrolled copy, on parchment, of the "Ordinance to Dissolve the Union," to which are attached the signatures of members of the convention. Cir^ca : 24x36 inches. 1865. Manuscript Ordinances of the Convention, 1865, Nos. 1-54. Folio. 1 vol. Original Manuscript of the Constitution, 1865. In tin case. 1867. Election Returns District of Alabama. 4 to. 1 vol. Vote by Counties for and against the Constitution, 1867. Held under General Order, No. 101. Enrolled copy of the Constitution, 1867, on parchment. In tin case. 1875. Manuscript Journal of the Convention, 1875. Folio. 1 vol. Secretary of State. 97 Vote for and against Convention, Aug. 3, 1875. Folio. 1 vol. Vote for and "against Constitution, Nov. 16, 1875. Folio. 1 vol. Enrolled copy of the Constitution, 1875, on parchment. In tin case. Criminal Administration. Reprieves and Pardons. Folio. 10 vols. 1840-1852. 1881-1890. 1852-1860. 1890-1892. 1860-1866. 1893-1896. 1865-1872. 1896-1899. 1872-1881. 1899-1900. Earned Pardons. Folio. 5 vols. 1883-1887. 1888-1890. 1884-1887. 1889-1890. 1888. Demands for Fugitives, or Requisitions. Folio. 10 vols. 1vol. 1866-1877. 1888-1891. 1877-1881. 1891-1893. 1881-1883. 1893-1896. 1883-1886. 1896-1898. 1886-1888. 1899-1900. Abstracts of Writs of Arrest, 1881-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Contains record of writs issued in response to requisitions from executives of other States. Records of Warrants issued on Requisitions from other States, Nov. 1, 1881 ; Sept. 13, 1883. Folio. 1 vol. No longer used. Remitted Forfeitures. 1891-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Elections. Records of Proclamations and Writs of Elections. 1843- 1860. Folio. 1 vol. Election Returns District of Alabama. 1867. Folio. 1 vol. Certificate of vote in eacn County. Held under General Order, No. 59. Elections. 1868. Folio. 1vol. Registration Books. 1868. Several Folio pamphlets, by Counties. Election Returns. Aug. 3, 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872. Folio. I vol. Registrars of Counties. 1875-1890. Folio. 1 vol. Presidential Elections. Vote for electors by Counties. Folio. 6 vols.. 1868. 1876. 1884. 1872. 1880, 1888, 7 98 Report Alabama History Commission. Registration lists of Electors. 1875. 1 vol. Folio, for each County. Contains lists by precincts, or wards. Election Returns. Judges, Chancellors, Congressmen, Supt. Public Instruction, and Members Board of Education.. 1874-1890. Small folio. 1 vol. JOUENALS AND AcTS. Manuscript House Journals. Folio. Incomplete file. The following early sessions were found: 1822-3, 1824, 1825-6, 1832-3, 1833-4, 1838-9, 1840-41, 1842-3, 1845-6. Later ses sions comparatively full. Manuscript Senate Journals. Folio. Incomplete file. The following early sessions were found: 1829-30, 1834-5. Later sessions comparatively full. Manuscript Acts of the General Assembly. 1818-1898.., Folio. Except for very few sessions the original manuscript copies of the enrolled acts have been found. It is altogether probable that the missing volumes can be located in some unused parts of the Capitol building. A volume of unusual interest is the one containing the original acts of the first and second sessions of the first Territorial General Assembly, in 1818. Land Reoobds. Spanish Grants. Translation. Folio. 1 vol. Covers various grants, 1763-1803; and other land transactions. Translated Records. Office of the Secretary of State. Nov. 12, 1715-Jan. 18, 1812. Folio. 1 vol. Made by Joseph E. Caro, translator, under Act of January 9, 1833, said Caro being commissionea March 3, 1840. His certificate is dated Oct. 14, 1840. See Mobile County, infra. Surveyor's Office. Letter Books. Folio. 2 vols. Dec. 15, 1827 to July 3, 1833. 1833-1839. Not found. Aug. 3, 1839 to Aug. 1, 1848. The first book begins with a letter from Gen. John Coffee giving an account of the fire which destroyed the office of the Surveyor General at Florence. It ends with a letter saying that "General Coffee is at this time (July 3, 1833) so much indisposed, that he is unable to attend the duties of this office." The second book is by James H. Weakley, Surveyor General. Field Notes of Surveys of Alabama Lands. Folio. 75 vols. Descriptive Notes. Old Washington County Surveys. Folio. 2 vols. Vol 1 made up of large sheets, originally loose. Vol. li, consists of descriptions filled in blanks. "The first survey, which fills the first 14 pp. was of Tp. 1 R. 1., West of the Base Meridian (St. Stephens). At end of page 14 it is stated that the preceding was "Recorded in Book B. I From page 72 to 77. | Washington M. T. 16 of the 8 mo. 1806. I Seth Pease.l " It is stated that Gideon Fitz was the Deputy Surveyor in charge of the work, the chain bearers being Robert Caller, John Bettis, Wil liam Felps, William Baldwin. Secretary of State. 99 It appears that T. 4 R. 1. West was surveyed by John Dinsmore, Dep. Surveyor, Stephen Hogg, and Alexander McCuUough, Chain car riers. It is recorded in Book B., Aug. 4, 1807. All surveys in the book appear to be in 1806-1807. Field Notes, by Silas Dinsmore, Deputy Surveyor. 8vo. 1 vol. pp. 101. Begun March 19, 1821. The book begins with this entry: "From the Stake at the Beach of the Gulph of Mexico between sections 26 Sc 27, T. 9, R. 1, E.," etc. Miscellaneous Field Notes. Several vols., as below. Creek Lands. 1832-33. Small Folio and 8vo. 35 vols. Cherokee Lands. 1839-40. Small Folio and 8vo. 9 vols. Chickasaw Lands. 1833. Small Folio and 8vo. 3 vols. Choctaw Lands. 1832. Small Folio and 8vo. 7 vols. Retraced Survey. 1842-3-4. Small Folio, Svo. 13 vols. Tract Books of Alabama Lands. Folio. 66 vols. By counties, one vol. for each. Plat Books. Large Folio. Huntsville District. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Coosa District. Nos. 1-2. St. Stephens District. Nos. 1-3. Tallapoosa District. 1 vol. Demopolis District. 1 vol. Southern Survey. 1 vol. Northern Survey. 1 vol. Sparta District. Vols 1 and 2. Cahaba District. Vols. 1 and 2. Tuscaloosa District. Vols. 1 and 2. Township Plats, Retraced Surveys. 1 vol. Record of State Lands. 1819-1900. Folio. Autauga to Lamar. - vol. Limestone to Winston. 1 vol. Railroad Lands. Folio. 1 vol. Original lists of selections by railroads of lands granted under acts of Congress, 1858, et seq. There is also one volume of lists bundled together, not bound up. Lands Certified to Rail Roads. 1856-1899. Folio. 1 vol. Has also "Letters from the Commissioner of Public Lands, State Land Office." 1861-64. Record of Land Patents, General Land Office of Alabama. Vol. 1. 1862. Folio. Only 15 patents entered. Letters from the Commissioner of Public Lands, State Land Office, April 4, 1861— Aug. 24, 1864. In volume entitled "Lands Certified to Rail Roads," the title preceding the last. University Lands. 1822. Small Folio. 1 vol. Contains also "Militia Orders," 1823-1834. Ledger of the Montgomery Land Office. 1834. Folio. 1 vol. Contains also "Paroles," 1865. 100 Report Alabama History Commission. Register of Receipts issued by the Receiver of Public Moneys at Montgomery for Lands sold. Jan. 20, 1834 — Dec. 25, 1844. Folio. 1 vol. Courtland Land Office. 1841-42. Folio. 1vol. Patents from the United States to the State of Alabama. 1850-1894. Folio. 1 vol. School Indemnity Patents. 1899-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Alabama Land Patents. General. Folio. 1831-35. 1 vol. Contains Deeds to Lots in Cahaba, 1837-1840. 1834-36. 1 vol. 1836-39. 1 vol. 1839-40. 1 vol. 1840-72. 1 vol. Alabama Land Patents. Valueless 16th section locations. 1852. 1 vol. 1852-58. 1 vol. 1859-92. 1 vol. Record Book of Lots in the Town of Cahaba, 1822-1835. Folio. 1 vol. See atso title preceding the last, for record, 1837-1840. Sixteenth Section Patents. Folio. Book A. 1836-1845. I vol. Book B. 1845-1852. 1 voL Book C. 1852-1856. 1 vol. Book D. 1856-1886. 1 vol. Book E. 1886. 1 vol. Register of 16th Section Stock. Under Act of March 6, 1848. Folio. 1vol. Register of 16th Section Notes. Folio. Vol. A. Jan. 19, 1849 to 1852. 1 vol. Vol. B. 1852 (Current). I vol. Original papers and patents to Swamp and Overflowed Lands. Folio. 1 vol. A map of the S. and O. Lands of Alabama compiled by A . B. W. Kennedy and D. M. N. Ross, civil engineers. By order commissioners, appointed under act of Sept. 18, 1850. 1871. Swamp and Overflowed Land Registry. 1871-1872. Folio. 1vol. Book of Swamp and Overflowed Land entries made under Thomas H. Price, commissioner of S. and O. Lands. 1878. Small Folio. 1 vol. Very few entries. Contains also manuscript report, Nov. 1879, to Gov. R. ».. Cobb. No. 7. Pre-emption affidavits Swamp and Overflowed Lands. Folio. 1 vol. Swamp Land Pateiits, 1893-1900, Folio. 1 vol, |n extenso. Secretary of State. 101 1872-1894. FoKo. 1 List of Patents to S. and O .Lands. vol. Deeds to lands by the State of Alabama. 1888-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Land Files. In one of the file cases are the following files, or packages, pertaining to land matters : Comptrollers' Certificates to Treasurer of Land Sales. 1 package. 3 per cent. Fund. 1 package Lots in Cahaba. 1 package. Lands selected in lieu of valueless 16th Sections. 1 package. Miscellaneous Papers. 1 package. 6 per cent Stock Certificate. 1 package. Accounts and claims Land Office at Cahaba. Creek Indian Patents. 1 package. U. S. Land Patents. 1 package. Old Letters. Prior to 1861; 2 packages. Votes on 16 Section Funds. 1 package. 1821. 1836-7.1853.1824. 184o! 1843. 1 package. 1853. 1861-2-3. package. Abstract of Land Sold in Montgomery. State Bank Lands. 1 package. Land Papers. By Counties. 69 packages. Washington County. Swamp and Overflowed Lands. Officials. For one year. For one year. For one year. Civil Registers. 1819-1900. Notwithstanding they are variously designated, all books containing records of appointments, commissions, etc., are regarded as parts of one series. No. 1.— 1819-1832. County officials. I vol. No. 2.— 1833-1844. No. 3.— 1844-1865. 1866-1869.1868-1882.1878-1886.1880-1884. 1883. 1884.1885. 1888-1892.1892-1896. 1896-1897.1896-1900.1900- (Current.) " Executive and State officers. 1819-1861. Folio. 1 vol. Contains also Commissioners of Deeds to 1858. Executive and State officers. 1861-1865. Folio. 1 vol. Contains also Commissioners of Deeds, 1862-1900. Executive and State officers. 1868-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Record of Commissions of State and county officers. 1878- 1892. Small Folio. 1 vol. Record of Miscellaneous appointments and commissions. 1866-1885. Folio. 1 vol. Copies of Commissions in extenso. 102 Report Alabama History Commission. Appointments to office in Alabama, made by Maj. Gen. Pope, commanding Third Military Department. 1867. Folio. 20, 1868-Dec. 14, 1872. Folio. 1 vol. Contains also "Orders," 1867-1868. Official bonds of State Officers. Folio. 2 vols. Book A. 1868-1883. Book B. 1883-1900. Applications for Appointment. 1881-1887. Folio. 1 vol. Contains also "Applications for Pardon," same period. Portraits of Ex-Seoeetaeies of State. Joseph Day Barron (July 1, 1889-Dec. 1, 1894). Crayon. Rufus King Boyd ( 1874-1878 ) . Crayon. William Garrett (1840-1852). Original oil painting. J. Kirk Jackson (1894-1898). Original oil painting. Charles C. Langdon (Sept. 15, 1885- June 8, 1889.) Crayon. J. J. Parker (1870-1872.) Photograph. Ellis Phelan (1882-1885). Photograph. Neander H. Rice (1873). Crayon. Wm. W. Screws (Dec. 1, 1878-Dec. 1, 1882). Crayon. Miscellaneous Books. Record of Proclamations. Folio. 3 vols. Book A. 1860-1881. Contains War Proclamations. Book B. 1882-1898. Book C. 1898-1900. Register of Applications for Amnesty and Pardon. Folio. 2 vols. Nos. 1-1197. Vol. 1. Nos. 1198-1787. Vol. II. Record of Incorporations. Folio. 4 vols. Book A. 1868-1888. Book C. 1887-1899. Book B. 1882-1888. Book D. 1899-1900. Railroad Liens. 1882-1900. Folio. 1 vol. Journal of the Proceedings of the Board of Education, July 20, 1868-Dec. 14, 1872. Folio. 1 vol. Journal of the Board of Regents, Dec. 6, 1869-Dec. 8, 1871. Folio. 1 vol. List of Bonds Straight and Endorsed presented to the Board of Commissioners at Montgomery, Alabama, 1875. Folio. 1 vol. •^Census of 1885. Records by Counties. Each, thin Folio. Militia Orders. 1823-1834. Small Folio. 1 vol. In vol, with "University Lands." 1822. Paroles. 1865. In "Ledger of the Montgomery Land Office," 1834. Correspondence of the Military Secretary of the Governor. 1883-1887. 4 to. Letter press book. Secretary of State. 103 Governor's Letter Books. Folio. Dec. 5, 18bl-May 12, 1863. 1 vol. May 13, 1863-AprU 1, 1865. 1 vol. July 27, 1869-Feb. 13, 1870. 1 vol. Secretary of State's Letter Books. 4 to. Several vols. Letter press copy books. Circa, 1866, to date. Records Executive Office. Folio. 1 vol. Contains: Executive Orders, 1860-61; also Letters of Adj. & Ins. Gen. July-Aug. 1863. Records and Letters [and Receipts] on Financial Matters. 1873-77. Folio. 1 vol. Map I and | Profile | of part of the | Tuscumbia Court- land and Decatur | Railroad. | Explored and located | by order of the board | of Railroad Directors | David Deshler Engineer | Drawn by F. M. Petrie | Civil Engineer. | Third and Fourth | annual reports | of the officers of the I Tuscumbia, Courtland and Decatur | Railroad Company. | Tuscumbia. | North Alabamian Office. | 1836. | 8vo. pp. 27. Contains, pp. 25-7, brief history. Files. The loose files of papers and documents of the Department extend irregularly from the admission of the State to the present time. They comprise several hundred packages, but how complete they are cannot be stated. There are compara tively few files prior to the Confederate War. These files re late principally to the following subjects : Oaths and Bonds. Appointments and Commissions. Requisitions. Original Legislative Papers. Election Returns. Applications for exemptions from Book Receipts. taxation. Treasurer's Receipts. Incorporation Papers. Rejected Bids. Contracts ana Bonds. Commissioners of Deeds. Requisitions and Receipts. Attorney General's Opinions. Appointments not Commissioned. Mobile and Girard Lands. Color Blind Examiners' Papers. Current Letters, etc, etc. Land Papers. Without attempting to give any approximately full lists of the files, it is deemed proper to present detail as to some of early date, in order to illustrate what may be found here of possible value, for both practical and historical purposes, viz: Land Files. 1821 et seq. See above. Mobile Branch Bank. Letters and Papers. 1839 . 1 package. State Bank and Branches. Letters and Papers. 1847. 1 package. Alabama Insane Hospital. 1856. 1 package. Pardons. 1856-1859. 3 packages. Miscellaneous Papers. 1855-1860. 2 packages. Miscellaneous Papers. 1860-1865. 1 package. , Election Returns. 1855-1868. 16 packages. ' Army votes, 1861. 1 package. Muster rolls and election returns. Confederate Records. 1 package. Report of Judges. No of Justices of the Peace. 1861. 1 package. Confederate Records. Commissions and other Papers. 1861. 1 package. 104 Report Alabama History Commission. Confederate Records. Military appointments. 1861. 3 packages. Confederate Records. Commissions. 1862. 1 package. Reports of Hospital and Penitentiary Inspectors. 1 package. Papers relating to the University. 1862. 1863. 2 packages. Commissions. 1857-1866. 8 packages. Oaths and Bonds. 1855-1868. 15 packages. Registrars. 1865. 1 package. Miscellaneous Appointments. 1867-1868. 2 packages. Military appointments. 1 package. Letters to Gov. A. B. Moore. 1861. 3 box files. Letters to Gov. J. G. Shorter. 1862-1863. 3 box files. Letters to Gov. T. H. Watts. 1864. 1 box file. Copies of Letters from Governors of Alabama. 1861-1864, inclusive. 1 box file. Secretary of State's flies of letters received. 1870-1900. 59 box files. 3. AUDITOR. Under the Constitution of 1819 a Comptroller of Public Accounts was provided, to be elected by a joint vote of both Houses of the General Assembly for one year. Bi-ennial elections were provided by the constitutions of 1861 and 1865. The name was changed to Auditor by the Constitution of 1868, with a term of four years. In 1875, the present consti tution limited the term to two years. Pbinted Reports. Bound files of printed Reports of the Auditor are complete, with a few exceptions from 1841 to date. Record Books. It has been impossible to make up a complete statement of the books of record kept in this office, and therefore general designations only are given. The following are kept in cur rent use. Several of them extend back to varying periods prior to 1860. Receipt Journal. General Ledger. Tax Ledger. State Bonds Issued and Paid. Railroad Assessments. Solicitor's Fees. Insurance Records. Warrant Books. Disbursement Ledger. Docket of Suits against Defaulters. Official Bond Record. Convict Contractor's Record. Deeds to Tax Lands. Consolidated Journal, Receipts and Disbursements. Consolidated Journal, Receipts and Disbursements. state Treasurer. 105 Maimed Soldier's Records. Several volumes. Land Records. 1866-1900. "A'? to "N." 13 volumes. The following old volumes are noted as of interest : Register of Certificates of Alabama State Stock issued for the banks of Mobile, Huntsville and Montgomery, Ala. Also State bonds issued under Acts of Jan. 16, 1850 and Feb. 9, 1852. Folio. 1 vol. Alabama State Treasury Notes. Folio. 1 vol. All dated Jan. 1, 1863. In Denominations of ?1.00, 50 cents, 25 cents, 10 cents, and 5 cents. Bank Note Register. Farmer's Bank of Alabama. 1863 . Folio. 1 vol. Register of 8 per cent, bonds under Act of Jan. 29, 1861, authorizing loan of $2,000,000.00. Folio. 1 vol. Register of Bonds of Assessors and Collectors. Folio. 1 vol. Register of city bonds of Selma. Folio. 1 vol. Agricultural College. Folio. 1 vol. Lettke Files. Letters sent out. Copy Press Books, Dec. 24, 1868 to 1900. 4 to. 58 vols. General letters received are preserved in file boxes. Miscellaneous Files. The following files of original papers are preserved in the office. Generally speaking the files seem complete from 1850. Vouchers. Redemption of Lands Reports. Original Bonds. Clerk's Rep't, Solicitor's Fees. License Reports. Certificate of Land Redemptions. Tax Papers. Reports Hire of Convicts. Educational Papers. Monthly Reports Agricultural Dept. ' Files ol Annual Statements of Guaranty Companies. Files of Papers in re Soldier's Pensions. 4. STATE TREASURER. A State Treasurer was provided by the Constitution of 1819. He was charged with the same duties as had been performed by the Territorial Treasurer. He was elected by joint vote of the General Assembly, annually from 1819 to 1861, and biennially from 1861 to 1868. From 1868 the elec tion has been by the people for a term of two years. The Territorial records of the Treasurer's office were doubt less destroyed when the dwelling and store house of the Treasurer, Jack F . Ross was destroyed by fire, in December, 1818. The General Assembly, Dec. 18, 1820, indemnified him for the loss on this occasion of $606.35 of public moneys.* *Acts, 1820, p. 77. 106 Report Alabama History Commission. The records and files prior to 1882, are incomplete, and dif ficult of any detailed description. Later Recobds. The following is a list of all the records since 1882, with a few of earlier date. It was prepared by the present incum bent, George W. Ellis. Printed Reports. Files of the printed official Reports preserved in the office are incomplete, and date only from 1875. Official Letters. The office has complete files of official letters and corres pondence from March 1, 1883, to the present time. Also complete files of copies of letters sent out, copies kept in copying books, dating from March 1, 1883, to the present. Manuscript Books. Collection Register. Vol. 1. Feb. 2, 1893, to Jan. 26, 1895. Vol. 2. Jan. 27, 1895 to July 11, 1896. Vol. 3. July 12, 1896, to Dec. 31, 1897. Vol. 4. Jan. 1, 1898, to April 6, 1899. Vol. 5. April 7, 1899 to (current Vol.) Cash Book. Vol. 1. Feb. 8, 1883, to June 24, 1887. Vol. 2. June 25, 1887, to Aug. 9, 1890. Vol. 3. Aug. 10, 1890, to Dec. ,31, 1892. Vol. 4. Jan. 3, 1893, to Dec. 31, 1894. Vol. 5. Jan. 1, 1895, to Aug. 31, 1896. Vol. 6. Sept. 1, 1896, to July 31, 1898. Vol. 7. Aug. 1, 1898, to June 30, 1900. Vol. 8. July 1, 1900, to (current Vol.) Receipt Journal. Vol. 1. . Oct. 1, 1882, to Sept. 30, 1884. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1884, to Sept. 30, 1887. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1887, to Sept. 30, 1889. Vol. 4. Oct. 1, 1889, to Sept. 30, 1891. Vol. 5. Oct. 1, 1891, to Sept. 30, 1893. Vol. 6. Oct. 1, 1893, to March 31, 1898. Vol. 7. April 1, 1898, to (curent Vol.) Disbursement Journal. Vol. 1. Oct. 1, 1882, to September 30, 1884. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1884, to Sept. 30, 1886. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1886, to April 19, 1888. Vol. 4. April 20, 1888, to Sept. 30, 1890. Vol. 5. Oct. 1, 1890, to Sept. 30, 1892. Vol. 6. Oct. 1, 1892, to Sept. 30, 1893. Vol. 7. Oct. 1, 1893, to Sept. 30, 1895. Vol. 8. Oct. 1, 1895, to March 30, 1898. Vol. 9. April 1, 1898, to September 30, 1899. Vol. 10. Oct. 1, 1899, to (current Vol.) Receipt and Disbursement Ledger combined. Vol. 1. Oct. 1, 1882, to Sept. 30, 1884. Attorney-General. 107 Receipt Ledger. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1884, to Sept. 30, 1890. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1890, to Sept. 30, 1893. Vol. 4. Oct. 1, 1893, to Sept. 30, 1896. Vol. 5. Oct. 1, 1896, to Sept. 30, 1899. Vol. 6. Oct. 1, 1899, to (current Vol.) Disbursement Ledger. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1884, to Sept. 30, 1890. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1890, to Sept. 30, 1893. Vol. 4. Oct. 1, 1893, to Sept. 30, 1896. Vol. 5. Oct. 1, 1896, to Sept. 30, 1899. Vol. 6. Oct. 1, 1899, to (current Vol.) Tax Ledger. Vol. 1. Oct. 1, 1893, to Sept. 30, 1896. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1896, to Sept. 30, 1899. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1899, to (current Vol.) Tax Journal. Vol. 1. Oct. 1, 1893, to Sept. 30, 1900. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1900, to (current Vol.) Soldiers' Record. Vol. 1. Oct. 1, 1894, to Sept. 30, 1897. Vol. 2. Oct. 1, 1897, to Sept. 30, 1899. Vol. 3. Oct. 1, 1899, to (current Vol.) Registered Bond Record. Vol. 1. July 1, 1879, to June 15, 1898. Vol. 2. June 16, 1898, to (current Vol.) Record Cancelled Coupons. Vol. 1. Class A. Jan. 1, 1877 to (current Vol.) Vol. 2. Class B & C. Jan. 1, 1877 to (current Vol). Vol. 3. 6 per cent. July 1, 1880 to Jan. 1, 1890. Vol. 4. 4 per cent. July 1, 1890 to (current Vol.) Register of Securities. Vol. 1. June 10, 1897, to (current Vol.) 5. ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Although the office of the Attorney General has existed since 1819, its official records are exceedingly meager. Its printed Bi-ennial Reports have only been published since 1882. A file of these is in the office. The following represent all of the official manuscript rec ords found on file : Opinions and Official Letters. May 17, 1889-1900. Vols. A, B, C and D. Letters Received. 1889-1900. 11 File boxes. Record of Sixteenth Section Notes. Folio. 1 vol. Involves business from about 1851. Attorney-General's Docket of Suits and Claims for Collec tion. 1893-1900. Folio. 1 vol. 108 Report Alabama History Commission. 6. SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. The public school system, of which the Superintendent of Education is the official head, was created by the General Assembly Feb. 15, 1854, by "An Act to establish and main tain a system of free public schools in Alabama." Prior to this time matters connected with schools, school lands, etc., were committed to other branches of the State government. From time to time since its formation, the office of the Super intendent has come into possession of such school records as were kept antedating its creation, as will appear below. In reference to the care and preservation of the official records, Superintendent John Ryan says in his Report for 1865 : "The Records, Books, Papers, etc., of this office were carted about the country in boxes, to keep them from the hands of spoilers, during most of the time after 1863. Their preservation is chief ly, if not alone, due to the vigilance, zeal, and activity of my worthy predecessor, the Hon. John B. Taylor, to whom the friends of education in Alabama should ever feel grateful." John W. Abercrombie, the present State Superintendent of Education, has compiled the data as to the official records which follow herewith. Printed Reports. Files of the printed official Reports preserved in the office are incomplete, and date only from 1873. Official Lettebs. Letters Received. Impossible to be ascertained, as no sys tematic filing of correspondence has been attempted in this office so far as is known up to 1886. The files seem to be com plete from that year to the present. Letters sent out from the office. There are 26 volumes of copy books extending from April, 1857 to March, 1899, with only one short break ; but it is not known how complete they are ; whether all letters were copied, or only the more import ant ones. The method followed now is to make carbon copies of all letters, and if the letter is an answer to one received, the two are fastened together and filed in indexed box-files. Miscellaneous Books and Records. Day-Book. 1836-53. Collection Book of the Branch Bank at Decatur, 16th Sec tion Notes. 1833-48. County Educational Fund. 1871-72. Daily Journal. 1870, 1871. 2 vols. Superintendent of Education, 109 County Statistics. 1868-69. Dividend Books. 1854; 1855; 1856; 1857; 1858-59; 1860 1861; 1862; 1863; 1864; 1865; 1866-67; 1868; 1870; 1871-78 1879-83; 1884-87; 1888-91; 1892-93; 1894-96; 1897; 1898-99 1899-1900. 23 vols. Journal. 1854-56 ; 1867. 2 vols. Journal. Township Accounts, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1875-80. Journal. Receipts 16th Section Fund, "E." 1854-1900. Land Register ; Comptroller's office. 1850. Ledger, Countv, (Marked "Autauga County") 1870. Ledger, County. 1856-70. Ledger, County. 1869-72. Ledger, County. (Marked "Franklin County") 1873. Ledger, County. (Marked "School Fund Ledger") 1871. Ledger, County. (Poll Tax) 1881-87. Ledger, County. 1871-82. Ledger County. 1883-91. Ledger, County. "H." 1891-95. Ledger, County. "T." 1895-1900. Ledger, Township. 1833-47. Ledger, Township. No. 1 & 2. 1881-89. Ledger, Township. No. 3 & 4. 1890-91. Ledger, Township. No. 5 & 6. 1892-94. Ledger, Township. No. 7 & 8. 1895-1900. List of County Superintendents and list of newspapers pub lished in Alabama in 1875. Memorandum of County and City Accounts. 1888-89. Patent Register, 16th Section Land, (Labeled "F." Reg ister of Vouchers.) 1891-92. Poll Tax. 1871. Record, Amount Money Due each Township. 1871. Record, Board of Education and Register of Acts passed. 1870-74 ; 1873. 2 vols. Record of Proceedings of the Executive and Building Com mittee of the University of Alabama (Marked "Record"). 1866. Record of Receipts for 16th Section Notes. 1858-1900. Register of Certificates. 1871. Register of Requisitions. 1872. Register of Requisitions Report. 1872-73. Register of Teachers. 1899-1900. Register of Vouchers. 1869. Requisition Book. 1874 . Report of 16th Sec. Notes at Branch Bank, Montgomery, Nov. 1st. 1851, 110 Report Alabama History Commission. Sixteenth Section Account Book. 1849-54. Sixteenth Section Dividend. 1848-51. Sixteenth Section Docket. 1840-41. Sixteenth Section Fund (Marked Journal"). Sixteenth Section Fund ("Marked Huntsville"). 1836-50. Sixteenth Section Fund. 1854-59. Sixteenth Section Fund. 1856. Sixteenth Section Fund. 1860. Sixteenth Section Fund. 1861. Sixteenth Sections Interest Account, Comptroller's Office. Sixteenth Sec. Journal (Marked "Day Book"). 1833-47. Sixteenth Section Ledger. 1831-41. Sixteenth Section "A." 1833-41. Sixteenth Section. "C." 1854-57. Sixteenth Section. 1 & 2. 18.55-63. Sixteenth Section, Branch Bank, Montgomery. 1842-54. Sixteenth Section, Branch Bank, Mobile. 1836-57. Sixteenth Section Record Book. 1833-50. Sixteenth Section Record Book of notes in suit. 1855-58. Sixteenth Section Register. "A." 1849-54. Sixteenth Section Register. "B." 1857-1900. Sixteenth Section Register. "C." 1851-1900. Sixteenth Section Register Notes Branch Bank of Ala. 1828-37. Sixteenth Section Register Notes in hands of Attorneys for collection. 1845-53. Sixteenth Section Notes sent Attorneys for Collection. 1848-50. Statement 16th Section notes at Branch Bank of Mont gomery, Nov. 1, 1857. Bibliography. In order to present a short view of the printed sources for the State's educational history in connection with the above list of official manuscript records, the following biblio graphic note hj the editor is reproduced from the Transac tions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol. ii, p. 27, viz: "The school system of the State, although the subject of almost continuous discussion since its adoption, has received meager historical treatment. The most extensive general treatment is contained in Willis G. Clark's History of Educor tion in Alabama (1889), in the Chapters: "Educational Land Grants," pp. 217-219 ; "The Public Schools System of Mobile," pp. 220-239 ; and "Public Schools in Alabama, "pp. Commissioner of Agriculture. Ill 239-253. These chapters are in the main correct, although there are some blunders and glaring omissions. "The 'School Law of Alabama' is reviewed anonymously in Ala. Ed. Jour., Dec, 1858, and April, 1859; andAla. Jour, of Education, April, 1871, contains an article on "Alabama Pub lic Schools before the War.' In Barnard's American Jour nal of Education, and in the Reports of the U. S. Com. of Edu cation, there are numerous references passim. "Mr. Clark finds the origin of the present State system in the Mobile public school system which had its beginning in 1826. A full review of all the legislation in relation to the latter from Jan. 10, 1826, is presented by Peter Hamilton, Esq., in his Brief for appellees inthe cases of the State of Ala bama, e.r. rel G. L. Putman vs. Gustavus Horton, Judge of Probate; the same vs. E. B. Lott, Tax Collector; and W. G. Clark, et als. vs. E. P. Gaines, et. als. in Supreme Court of Alabama June term, 1870, (8vo. pp. 23.) "The source material is extensive, and is contained in Re ports of the Superintendent of Education, the Journals of the Board of Education, the School Laws (separately printed), and Miscellaneous Legislative and Official documents. Full and classified lists of these are presented, under the title of 'Schools,' in Owen's 'Bibliography of Alabama,' in Report of American Historical Association for 1897, pp. 1131-1136. "The Auditor's Reports contain financial statistics. "Statistics of the Sixteenth Section fund are found in the several Legislative reports, and in the Auditor's Reports. "For further bibliographical references see Owen's Bibliog raphy of Alabama under the titles— Agricultural and Me chanical College, Educational Association, et seq.. Schools, University of Alabama, and the names of particular educa tional institutions, schools, or colleges." 7. COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE. The Department of Agriculture was created Feb. 23, 1883. Its administrative head is a Commissioner, required, under the statute, to be "a practical and experienced agriculturist." The Department has published official Reports, Circulars, and Bulletins, copies of which are on file. Its manuscript records are generally complete from date of organization. Jesse C. Adams, chief clerk, has furnished the following particulars concerning the records kept. Crop Records. 1890-1900. Large folio. 4 vols. Guaranteed Analysis of Fertilizers. 1883-1900. Folio. 5 vols. 1 1 2 Report Alabama History Commission. Letters received. 1887-1900. Several file cases. Letters sent. 1887-1900. From 1887 to 1900, copies preserved in press copy books. At present carbon copies are preserved and filed with original communication. Business Administration. The following are kept: Cash book; Tag record; License register; Check book, etc. Museum. In the Department Museum will be found a full collection of soils, fruits, grains, grasses, domestic wines and liquors, and woods ; besides a number of pictures of farm and industrial life. 8. CONVICT BUREAU. On Jan. 26, 1839, a "penitentiary and State prison for the reformation of criminals" was established. Wetumpka was selected as the location. Its managing head has been a board of inspectors, which has irregularly published official Reports. In connection with the administration of the Bureau, Laws and Regulations, Warden's Reports, and sun dry Legislative Documents have been published. For full lists of these, so far as obtainable, see Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 1099-1103. Prior to 1868 the manuscript records are supposed to be wholly lost. From 1868 to 1883 they are irregular and in complete. The following comprise generally the official rec ords since the latter date. Record of Convicts. State. 1883-1900. Several volumes. Record of Convicts. County. 1883-1900. Several volumes. These contain the court history of each convict. Minutes of the meetings of the Inspectors. Order Book. Discharge Book. These two books are kept, the one for orders on officials to contrac tors for convicts, while the other contains the order of discharge. Clerks' Transcripts. Filed and Indexed. 1883-1900. Contractors' Monthly Reports. Made on blank forms. 1883-1900. Bound up every two years. Letters received. In flle cases. 1883-1900. Letters sent out. Letter press books. 1883-1900. Financial Records of the Bureau consist of Cash Books, Prison Ledgers, Contractor's Ledgers, Journals, etc. 9. BOARD OF HEALTH. The Medical Association of the State of Alabama is made by law the State Board of Health. The first appropriation made by the State, to enable it "to carry into effect the health Board of Health. 113 laws of the State," was by act of Feb. 12, 1879. The records and files of the office appear to be approximately complete from the dates when first adopted. Statistical Reports, and Circulars have been published from time to time. The following are the records kept, details of which have been furnished by W. R. Brassell, Chief Clerk, viz : Medical Directory. 1886-1900. 14 vols. Contains lists of physicians and midwives by counties and precincts; also statistics by counties and precincts of births and deaths. Quarantine Record Books. Folio. Contain proclamations and all other quarantine business. Examination Papers of Physicians. 1887-1900. Several volumes. Each set of papers is preserved and separately bound. Letters received. Filed in cases. Letters sent. Copies preserved in press books. 10. RAILROAD COMMISSIONERS. The Railroad Commission, consisting of a president and two associates, was created by Act of Feb. 26, 1881. It organized Feb. 28, following ; and its first annual Report was issued covering the partial year ending June 30, 1881. Its annual Reports, of which 20 octavo volumes are now pub lished, contain valuable historical, commercial and financial statistics in relation to railroads in Alabama. Full files of these are preserved. Its manuscript records are complete from date of organiza tion. Virgil Griffin, Chief Clerk, has supplied the following detail, viz : Minutes of the meetings of the Commissioners, 1881-1900- Folio. Vol. 1.— Feb. 28, 1881-March 16, 1883. Vol. 2.— March 17, 1883-March 31, 1886. Vol. 3.— April 5, 1886-July 10, 1892. Vol. 4.— July 10, 1892-Oct. 4, 1898. Vol. 5.— Oct. 19, 1898-Dec. 31, 1900. Rate Indexes. 1890-1900. 3 vols. Rate Files. 1890-1900. 11 File cases. Docket of Complaints. 1881-1900. Several vols. Annual reports of Railroads to the Commissioners, show ing business, statistics, etc. 1889-1900. Covers annual period, June 30 to June 30. These reports are made in blank volumes, supplied by the Commissioners; and appear in tabulated form in the printed annual Reports. Letters received. 1881-1900. Several file cases. Letters sent. 1881-1900. 8 114 Report Alabama History Commission. Prom 1881 to 1898, copies preserved in press copy books. From 1898 to date, carbon copies are preserved and attached to original lettei! for file. 11. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT. The current office records of the Clerk of the Supreme Court consist of appearance, trial, motion and execution dockets, and minutes of the terms of the Court. These are supposed to be approximately complete. No effort has been made to list them, because it would serve no particular pur pose. The official record of each case consists of the transcript of the record thereof in the trial court, a copy of all orders, and of the final judgment or decree and the manuscript opin ion of the Supreme Court. At the end of each term all rec ords of cases decided during said term are to be "bound in strong binding, and lettered so as to show the term at which the decisions were made." — Code, 1896; vol. i. Sections 3860-61. It is believed that these case records are complete from the first term of the Court, May, 1820. They are preserved in the office and file rooms of the Clerk, and can be conveniently consulted. Many of the old records contain interesting and valuable historical data. Kennedy's Executors vs. Kenne dy's Heirs, 2 Alabama Reports, p. 571, is a case in point. 12. OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL. For an account and detailed statement of the current office records, as well as the military archives of the office of the Adjutant General, see Part IV, War Records of Alabama, infra. CHAPTER IL COUNTIES AND COUNTY RECORDS. This chapter forms the principal part of volume ii, of the Report of the Commission. The extent of the data secured and its great value suggest ed the advisability of grouping it in one volume, complete in itself. CHAPTER IIL MUNICIPALITIES. The functions and operations of municipal corporations, as local governmental agencies, are of such vital importance to the people grouped in city communities, that to the history of their growth and development is attached the very highest interest. It was therefore hoped that the official recofrds of at least twenty of the principal cities and towns of the State could be described, v,'ith historical and comparative notes, thus placing before the student of municipal life, growth and reform, sufficient indications of source material for elaborate study. However, the absolute indifference of officials, to whom appeals for assistance were made, has prevented this, and it has only been possible to present a few of the larger cities. It will be seen that the records below are purely ad ministrative in character. The municipal corporation in Alabama has never been charged with the duty of keeping registers of vital statistics, or of attention to a number of matters required of towns in the Eastern States. Town records here, therefore, are concerned chiefly with municipal routine, etc., and are only incidentally valuable for personal history. With reference to the manuscript official records of the larger number of cities and towns not described below, it can doubtless be safely stated that they are incomplete and imperfectly kept. 1. BIRMINGHAM. On Dec. 19, 1871, the city of Birmingham was incorporated. The first meeting of the City Council was held Dec. 22, three (115) 116 Report Alabama History Commission. days later. The manuscript records and files are in excellent condition, their present orderly arrangement being due to the skillful attention of H. D. Wood, City Clerk. Minute Books. Vol. 1. Dec. 22, 1871-Nov. 5, 1873. Lost. Vol. 2. Nov. 19, 1873-Dec. 17, 1879. Vol. 3. Jan. 7, 1880-March 19, 1884. Vol. 4. April 2, 1884-Dec. 28, 1888. Vol. 5. Jan. 2, 1889-July 29, 1891. Vol. 6. Aug. 5, 1891-Dec. 30, 1895. Vol. 7. Jan. 15, 1896-May 3, 1899. Vol. 8. May 17, 1899-Aug. 17, 1900. Vol. 9. Sept. 5, 1900-(Current.) Minutes of the Town of Highlands. Jan. 18, 1887-Feb. 7, 1893. Folio. 1 vol. Miscellaneous. In the office of the City Clerk are also preserved the books of the City Auditor, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector and Treas urer. The records of these offices are practically complete from their institution. Among the miscellaneous books and papers kept by the Clerk are Improvement Ordinances, Records of Building Permits, Cemetery records. Election Records and papers. Dog tax records. Estimates, Fines and Fees, Inferior Court reports. Improvement ledger, Judicial reports. License rec ords. Market records. Meat and Milk Inspector's records, Oaths of Office, Official reports. Petitions, Police reports, Poll and Street tax books and papers. Prison reports, Pound keeper's papers, etc., etc. There is also the original manuscript of the City Code, adopted by ordinance of Feb. 19, 1890. 2. EUFAULA. Eufaula was settled about 1833, and incorporated in 1837 as "Irwinton." The name was changed to the present one six years later. No information has been obtained concern ing its early records. A. A. Couric, city clerk, has furnished the following list of Manuscript Minutes. Record A. — Period unknown. Lost. Record B. — March 2, 1870, closing April 29, 1873. pp. 400. Record C— May 8, 1873, closing Dec. 31, 1878. pp. 588. Record D. — Jan. 7, 1878, closing Jan. 31, 1884. pp. 588. Record E.— Feb. 19, 1884, closing Dec. 10, 1889. pp. 588. Record F. — Jan. 7, 1890, closing Dec. 5, 1900. pp. 598. Huntsville. 11? 3. HUNTSVILLE. The little village which grew up about the Big Spring, in Madison County, was called "Twickenham" by act of Dec. 23, 1809, but on Nov. 25, 1811, the name was changed to Hunts ville. On Dec. 9, 1811, the latter was incorporated, and since that time a municipal organization has been maintained. The location and condition of the early records, from 1811 to 1828 has not been ascertained. No manuscript ordinance books are kept, all ordinances being entered at length in the minutes. The following list, prepared by H. C. Pollard, of Hunts ville, represents the Manuscript Minutes. No. 1. Feb. 1, 1828, to Aug. 19, 1834, inclusive, pp. 348. No. 2. Aug. 19, 1834, to June 27, 1837. Missing. No. 3. June 27, 1837, to Dec. 26, 1843, inclusive, pp. 375. No. 4. Dec. 26, 1843, to Dec. 22, 1853. Missing. No. 5. Dec. 22, 1853, to Feb. 28, 1862, Inclusive, pp. 502. No. 6. March 4 1862, to April 13, 1870, inclusive, pp. 540. No. 7. April 13, 187.0, to Aug. 3, 1872, inclusive, pp. 438. No. 8 Sept. 17, 1872, to April 9, 1877, inclusive, pp. 597. No. 9. April 9, 1877, to April 10, 1882, inclusive, pp. 546. No. 10. April 10, 1882, to Dec. 28, 1891, inclusive, pp. 579. No. 11. Jan. 5, 1892, up to and including Nov. 13, 1900. pp. 430. 4. MOBILE. The city of Mobile has the longest continuous existence of any settlement on the Gulf coast. The source material of its annals is abundant. Its history has been excellently deline ated by Peter J. Hamilton in Colonial Mobile (1897; 8vo. pp. 446), in which appear passim, critical estimates of all authorities published and in manuscript. In its preparation the author had access to material hitherto unused, and his work renders necessary the readjustment in many particu lars of the narratives of the early history of the Gulf States For the later period, Owen's Bibliography of Alabama con tains full . references to practically all printed material, as Directories, Codes, Maps, Schools, Histories, Churches, etc. In his Charter and Code of Ordinances (1897), Mr. Hamil ton, among other things, presents full lists of "City Char ters," "Maps of Mobile," "Streets," and "President and Mayors," 1814-1897. The official records are given as fol lows, pp. 420-421, viz: "List of City Records. "Note — Guard house and other dockets, account books, etc., are of tem porary value and are not included. The numbers, etc., are those marked on the books, so far as marked at all. lis Report Alabama History Commission. "A.— Minutes. "Commissioners of Town of Mobile, 1, 1814-1819. 1. Mayor and Aldermen of City, 1820(?)-1824, (mutilated.) 2. Mayor and Aldermen of City, 1824-1829, (mutilated.) 3. Mayor and Aldermen of City, 1829-1832, (mutilated.) 4. Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, and each board, April 5, 1839 to September 23, 1842, (mutilated.) 5. Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, 1839 (?) -Nov. 30, 1844, (mutilated.) 6. Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, April 1, 1839-Sept. 5, 1843, (mutilated. 7. Board of Aldermen, Sept. 19, 1843-Sept. 2, 1847, (mutilated.) 8. Board of Common Council, Dec. 5, 1844-1849, (mutilated.) 9. Board of Aldermen, 1850-1855, (mutilated.) 10. Board of Common Council, May 6, 1853-1859. 11. Board of Aldermen, 1855-1857. 12. Board of Aldermen, 1857-1861. A 1. Aldermen, Oct. 17, 1861-1866. A 2. Aldermen, Feb. 1867-1869, (mutilated.) A 3. Aldermen, Aug. 1, 1871-1874, (mutilated.) A 4. Aldermen, 1875-March 14, 1879. C 1. Common Council, 1859-1866, (mutilated.) C 2. Common Council, 1866-1871. C3. Common Council, 1871-1878. C 4. Common Council, 1878-March 13, 1879. 1. Port Police Commissioners, March 15, 1879-1882. 2. Port Police Board, March 20, 1882-1885. 3. Port Police Board, 1885-1887. 4. General Council, March 21, 1887-1890. 5. General Council, 1890-1894. 6. General Council, 1894-1897. 7. General Council, 1897 — . 15. Board of Councilmen, April 1, 1887-Feb. 10, 1897. 16. Board of Aldermen, April 8, 1887-March 3, 1897. "B — MS. Ordinance Books. "Board of Commissioners, March 16, 1814- Aug. 14, 1821. Mayor and Aldermen, Dec. 19, 1821-March 3, 1825. Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, Jan. 9, 1854-Oct. 10, 1863. Same, Aug. 9, 18t)6-Dec. 24, 1867. Same, Resolutions, Jan. 3, 1871-Feb. 14, 1879. Mayor, Aldermen and Common Council, April 1, 1870-Feb. 10, 1897. 17. Mobile Police Board, March 15, 1879-Feb. 8, 1887. 18. Mayor and General Council, March 21, 1887- April 6, 1895. 19. Mayor and General Council, June 5, 1895 — ." "C. — Published Ordinance Books. 1835. A I collection of the ordinances | now in force J in the city of Mobile | and also, | the various Acts of the Legislature ] incorporat ing said City, | with a copious index thereto. | Compiled by authority of the Corporation. | Mobile: | printed at the office of the Mercantile Advertiser. | 1835. | 1843. Ordinances and Acts in force — By Jas. Y. Blocker, City Attor ney, (pp. 205.) i859. Code of Ordinances and Charter in force 1858, — Alex Mc- Kinstry, (pp. 447. ) 1866. Charter and Code of Ordinances — Reuben A. Lewis, (pp. 274.). 1869. Ordinances passed since July, 1866 — By order, (pamphlet, pp. 40.) 1873. Ordinances passed from Sept. 1, 1869, to Feb. 5, 1873 — By order, (pamphlet, pp. 70.) Montgomery. 119 1890. Charter and Code of Ordinances — C. J. Torrey, City Attor ney, (pp. 226.) 1897. Charter and Code of Ordinances 1897 — P. J. Hamilton, ex- City Attorney, (pp. 470.)" 5. MONTGOMERY. Montgomery was incorporated by an act of Dec. 3, 1819, which consolidated the two villages of "New Philadelphia" and "East Alabama." M. P. Blue in 1878 prepared a His tory of the City, "with a summary of events in that history, calendarically arranged." Recently Dr. George Petrie, of the Chair of History, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, has published a valuable sketch of the city in His toric Towns of the Southern States (1900) . Messages of the Mayor, with official Reports, have been published at least since 1876-7. For bibliography of directories and official publications, see Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, passim. Manuscbipt Records. Records of the Corporation of Montgomery from 1820 to 1834. "A." Folio. 1 vol First entry is the Act of Incorporation, Dec. 3, 1819, and the first meeting of Jan. 3, 1820. Records.Records . Records.Records.Records.Records.Records.Records.Records. Records.Records . Records. Records.Records.Records. Records . Records.Records . Records. 'B.'"C.""D.' "D2.' 1834-1838. 1838-1846. 1846-1850. 1850-1852. Folio. Folio. Folio. Folio. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1852-1856.1852-1856. "G.' "H." 1856-1860. 1860-1866. (Common Council.) Folio. 1 vol. (Mayor and Aldermen.) Folio. 1 vol. Folio. Folio. 1 vol. vol. 1866-1873. 1873-1877. 1877-1882.1882-1884. 1884-1888.1888-1891. 1891-1893.1893-1895.1896-1898.1898-1900. Folio. Folio. Folio.Folio.Folio. Folio.Folio.Folio.Folio. Folio. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1 vol. 1900- (current.) Folio. 1 vol. Scrap Book Minutes. The regular proceedings of the Council are required to be published in some newspaper of the city. These are pre served in bound form as follows : 1879-1884. Folio. 1 vol. 1893-1900. Folio. 1884-1893. Folio. 1 vol. 1900. -(Current.) Obdinance Books. 1 vol. Folio. 1 vol. Digest of Town Ordinances. 1820-1836. Folio. 1 vol. Book, If any, 1836-38. Not found. "C." Ordinances. 1838 to 1850. Folio. 1 vol. 1^0 iteport Alabama History Commission. Books, if any, 1850-1875. Not found. Ordinances, 1875-1900. Folio. 1 vol. First ordinance bears the No. 234. Miscellaneous Official Records. In the office of the City Clerk are preserved the official records of the City Treasurer, City Tax Assessor, and the City Tax Collector, but for what period, has not been ascertained. Newspapers. The Advertiser, Montgomery. 1870-1900. Portraits. On the walls of the Mayor's office are portraits of the fol lowing Mayors, viz : John H. Clisby, E. A. Graham, and Warren Reese. CHAPTER IV. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The true educational history of Alabama is yet to be writ ten. In view of this it was hoped that an account of the manuscript official records of practically all Colleges and Academies could be secured. Owing, however, to the indif ference of Presidents, principals and others only a very few have been reported. No manuscript, or other records have been found in the hands of school trustees as to local school management, or transactions. No manuscript, or other records, except in one or two in stances, have been located of the old academies, which played such an important part in the educational life of the State.' Reference is here made to the manuscript records in the office of the State Superintendent of Education. In this connection it is proper to say that the County Superinten dents of Education have been altogether indifferent to keep ing a system of record books as to school affairs in the coun ties, and in but few can any Superintendent's records be found.1. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE. (COLORED.) This school was organized at Huntsville in 1875, but in 1891 was removed to Normal, three miles from the city. The following are its official records : Minutes of the Board of Trustees, April, 1891-1900. 2 vols. Minutes of the Faculty, 1886-1900. 2 vols. Since 1890, copies of all official letters sent and received have been preserved. Catalogues, Reports, and Circulars have been issued from time to time. Partial files of these are to be found in the U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington. 2. ALABAMA GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. The Alabama Girls' Industrial School was established by Act of the General Assembly, 1892-93, located at Montevallo, 'See Sims' Female Academy, in the Thomas M. Owen Collection of Manuscripts, infra. (121) 122 Report Alabama History Commission. Shelby County, Jan. 1, 1896, and its first session opened Oct, 12, 1896. The Trustees' Records are as follows : Minutes, vol. 1. May 16, 1895-June 22, 1899. Minutes, \ol. 2. June, 1899-1900. (Current.) In the business administration of the institution, the usual Cash Book, Day Book, Ledger, etc., etc., are kept. A permanent Record is kept of grades and deportment of pupils. 3. ALABAMA INSTITUTE FOR THE DEAF. The several institutions of the Alabama Institute for the Deaf, the Alabama Academy for the Blind, and the Alabama School for Negro Deaf Mutes and Blind, are all under the Control of one and the same Board of Trustees, and one and the same Principal. They are all the enlargement and out growth of the Alabama Institute for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, originally incorporated by Act of the Gen eral Assembly, Jan. 27, 1860. The official publications, con sisting of Reports and Circulars, are listed in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 896-897. The manuscript records of the Board of Trustees consist of one Minute Book. 1860-1900. It is in the custody of the Secretary of the Board, who is the Principal of the Institution. The date of the first meeting- was Feb. 4, 1860. 4. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. The institution of which the Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute in a general sense may be called the successor, was the East Alabama Male College, founded at Auburn in 1856. From it classes were graduated in 1860, 1861, 1867, 1868, and 1869. It suspended exercises from 1861 to 1867. In 1872 its buildings and property became, by donation to the State, the property of the Agricultural and Mechanical College, which was then established. In 1898 the name was changed to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Catalogues, Reports, Circulars, Students' publications and Experiment Station Bulletins, have been regularly issued. The manuscript records from 1856 to date appear to be singularly complete. The following detailed descri{)tion has been prepared by Prof. Charles C. Thach, Professor of English at the Institute, Howard College. 123 Trustees, (a) Minutes of the Board of Trustees of the East Alabama Male College; Presidents of Boards, Jno. B. Glenn, M. S. Andrews; Secret taries, F. W. Dillard, Geo. C. Dillard, May 8, 1856-July 7, .1871. (b) Treasurer's Books of East Alabama Male College, 1857-1871. (c) Minnies of the Board of Trustees of the Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute (1) 1872-1895; (2) 1895 . (d) Books of Treasurer of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1872 . Faclt,ty. (a) Minutes of the Faculty of the Alabama Polytechnic Insti tute; President, Rev. I. F. Tichenor, D. D., 1872-1882; Col D. F. Boyd, 1883-84; Wm. LeRoy Broun, L. L. D., 1882-3, 1884 — (to date.) Secretaries, Wm. C. Stubbs, 1872-1885; C. C. Thach, 1885 (to date); Books (1) 1872- 1886; (2) 1886, (to date.) (b) A bound volume of catalogues showing officers, students, courses of study, etc. Stude>'ts. (a) Book of Registration showing student's name, address. date of birth, parent or guardian, etc; (1) 1872-3 — 1897 — (to date. ) (b) Record Book of Students' Grades (1) 1882-1889; (2) 1899. Experiment Station. Minutes of the Board of Control; Directors, Dr. Wm. C. Stubbs, 1872-1885; C. C. Thach, 1885 (to date); Books (1) 1872- T. Anderson (1) March 15, 1888— (to date.) A complete file of Bulletins issued by the Experiment Station of the College. An incomplete file of Reports from the President of the College to the Board of Trustees. 5. HOWARD COLLEGE. The Alabama State Convention, which convened in 1841 at Talladega, established Howard College at Marion. It was chartered Dec. 29, 1841, and opened for students in Janu ary following. The College building was destroyed by fire in May, 1844. In 1887 the College was removed to East Lake^ where it has remained. Owing to the hazards of removal some of the records have been mislaid or lost. It has so far been impossible to ascertain the completeness of the Catalogue issues. The U. S. Bureau of Education has a partial file from 1871 to date. In 1892 a Memorial Cata logue was published, which contained a sketch of the Col lege, and a roll of alumni, 1848-1892. Its existing records, so far as accessible are as follows : Trustees' Records, 1887-1900. 2 vols. Matriculation Record, vol. i. 1842-1886; vol. ii. 1887-1900. It has not been the practice in the past to keep copies of outgoing letters or to preserve letters received with care, but this is now strictly done. In the current business administration of the College, the books used consist of Blotter, Ledger, Cash, Check, Receipt books, etc. 6. MOBILE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The papers and books of the Mobile Public School Com missioners do not antedate the war, 1861. Those which exist 124 Report Alabama History Commission. for later dates are of a routine character. At present minutes of meetings are kept, and petitions, reports of committees, the Sujierintendent, and the teachers, and vouchers are kept on file. Rules and Regulations, and Reports are irregularly published. Peter Hamilton, Esq., in his Brief for appellee in the case of the State of Alabama, ex rel. G. L. Putnam vs. Gustavus Horton, Judge of Probate, et als. in the Supreme Court of Alabama, June Term, 1870, (8vo. pp. 23), gives a full review of all legislation in relation to the "system" from Jan. 10, 1826." 7. NORTH ALABAMA CONFERENCE COLLEGE. The several books of records of the North Alabama Confer ence College, at Owenton, near Birmingham, are complete from its establishment in 1897. 8. ST. JOSEPH'S, OR SPRING HILL COLLEGE. "In the year 1869 the College buildings were burnt, and together with them were destroyed the records of preceding years. The history of the College and its students was thus lost."' The only records saved were those kept by the Vice President of the Institution. These records contain minutes of the daily happenings of the College, and with continua tions, are as follows: Register, vol. 4. Oct. 3, 1888-1900. (Curreni.) Register, vol. 2. Dec. 1, 1849-May 15, 1859. Register, vol. 3. May 14, 1859-July, 1888. Register, vol. 4. Oct. 3, 1888— 1900. (Current.) This College, founded in 1830, and chartered in 1836, is under the control of the "Society of Jesus." It has published Catalogues since its establishment, excepting a few years. The College has a complete set from 1847 to 1900. The U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, has a partial file. The Spring Hill Review, which is now (1900) in its first volume, contains current data, and notes on College history. 9. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY. The Southern University, at Greensboro, was founded in 1856, through the efforts of the Methodists of Alabama. It was the joint property of the Alabama and the North Ala bama Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 'Prepared by Peter J. Hamilton. •Clark's Education in Alabama (1889), p. 190. A full sketch of the col lege is given, pp. 185-193. University of Alabama. 125 until 1897, when the latter transferred its rights to the former. A practically full file of its Catalogues is at the University. The Monthly, the student's periodical, was established in 1884, and it now numbers sixteen volumes. The manuscript records of the University are as follows : Trustees' Record o- Proceedings, March 17, 1856-1900. 2 vols. Faculty Recoras: Minutes of Faculty Meetings. (Incomplete.) Students' Grade Book. (Incomplete.) Matriculation Record. Contains names of all students who have matriculated, with date, address of parents, etc. 1 vol. 10. STATE NORMAL COLLEGE. The State Normal College, at Florence, was established by the State Board of Education, Dec. 15, 1872, and opened Sept. 1873. Catalogues have been published for each year, a par tial file of which is in the U. S. Bureau of Education, Wash ington. The college manuscript records consist of the fol lowing : Minutes of the Directors, 1873-1900. 1 vol. Minutes of the Faculty, Sept. 2, 1873-1900. 1 vol. 11. TUSKEGEE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE. (Colored.) This institute, perhaps the most successful negro school in the South, was established by the General Assembly in 1880, and its first session opened July 4, 1881. Its Principal from the beginning has been Booker Washington, to whom its great success is due. He reports that its official records are not full and complete from its establishment, but does not indi cate the deficiency. Copies of official letters only in import ant matters are preserved ; all letters received are preserved, dating from about 1884. Catalogues have been issued since 1881; and a number of Reports, and special Circulars con cerning its work have been published. The U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, has many of these. With reference to its library work the Catalogue of 1899- 1900 says: "An effort is being made now to collect in one division every pamphlet and book of value, whether of flc- tion, biography, autobiography, or history written by a negro author, the purpose being to make Tuskegee a centre of information regarding all matter bearing upon Negro literature." 12. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. The University of Alabama, as the "seminary of learning" contemplated by the Constitution of 1819, was established by 126 Report Alabkma History Commission. Act of the General Assembly, Dec. 18, 1820. The flrst meet ing of the trustees was held April 6, 1822. The General As sembly, Dec. 29, 1827, selected Tuscaloosa as the seat for the institution ; and on March 22, 1828, the trustees selected the present site for the erection of the buildings. Dr. Alva Woods, the flrst President, was inaugurated April 12, 1831, and on the 17th of the same month the University was opened for the admission of students. The printed material concerning it is voluminous. Its official publications consist of Catalogues, Laws, and Regula tions, Reports to the Board of Regents, Trustees' Reports and Alumni Registers. There are also the University Monthly, 1873-1887, 14 volumes; University Journal, 1891-1893, 4 volumes ; The Crimson-White, 1894-1900, 7 volumes ; and the Corolla, 1893-1900, 8 volumes; besides many miscellaneous documents. Approximately full sets of these are on file in the University ^library. For full lists see Owen's Bibliog- rapJiy of Alabama, pp. 1213-1221. Dr. James K. Powers, the President, has supplied the data in part from which the following statement as to the official manuscript records is compiled. Each entry below repre sents one volume. Trustees. Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board of Trustees. 1822 to Dec. 41. Ordinances and Resolutions from 1842 to July, '49 and 1853 to 1855. to 1855. Trustees' Record, 1877-88. Trustees' Record, 1888-95 Trustees' Record, 1895. Minutes of Executive Committee. President and Faculty. Faculty Minutes, 1878-86. Faculty Record, lbd6-93. Faculty Record, 1893-99. Faculty Record, 1899. Students' Record, 1871-95. Students' Record, 1896. President's Reports, 1883-88. President's Ledger, 1898-99. List of Permits, March, 1898 to Feb. 1899. List of Permits, April 1897, to March 1898. Lands. Tract Book. 1 vol. A copy of the Tract Descriptive Book of Lands of U. of A. (Act of Con. '84.) ^Lands of university of Alabama. (Act of Congress, 1884.) Account sales of Univ. Lands, containing separate acct. of each purchaser. Sales of Lots, Tuscumbia. Sales of Lots, Montevallo. University of Alabama. 127 Land Sales. (Original Grant) . Agent's Accounts. Special Register of Land Department, U. of A., June 1896-97. Students. Matriculates, 1831-37; and Resolutions of Faculty, 1831-35. List of Graduates, 1831-62; and Roll of Stuuents, 1859-65. Matriculation Book, 1887-97. Applications for Matriculation, 1897-98. Applications for Matriculation, 1898-99, and x839-00. Miscellaneous. Reports of B. F. Porter (Agent of tne Trustees), 1835. Docket of Bank Cases sued by B. F. Porter, 1842. Treasurer's Ledger, 1819-22. Miscellaneous Ledger, 1883-91. CHAPTER V. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS. Official representatives pf the Holy Roman Church were with the first colonists in 1699 on the Gulf coast of what is now Alabama. In 1704 the Catholic Church at Mobile was instituted, from which time to the present it has had a con tinuous existence. Contemporaneously with the advent of the Anglo-American pioneers into the borders of the State, Protestant Christian altars were reared, although not until about the beginning of the present century is there record of the appearance of ministers, and not until even later that congregations were gathered in churches. Thus early plant ed, the growth and spread of religious thought has been marked. The history of the larger and more zealous denomi nations, therefore, becomes of great significance in the con sideration of the history of the State in its larger aspects. Many of these have elaborate histories, which treat fully of the planting of churches, expansion and growth, educational effort, schismatic disturbances, the work of the clergy, etc. However, much remains to be done in this special field, and it is proper to indicate unpublished sources for the use of the future student. See Owen's Bibliography of Alabama (1897) passim, for printed works on church history. Only the records of the earliest established denominations have been explored and described. The following have organizations in the State, but no attempt has been made to determine the extent and condition of their records, etc., viz: the Christian Church, Lutherans, Universalists, Christian Scientists, Congregationalists, Theosophists, Seventh Day Adventists, the Peoples' Church, the Inter-denominational Holiness Association, the German Evangelical Church, and the Methodist Episcopal Church (North). 1. BAPTIST CHURCH. The Baptists "were among the earliest whites who re- noved from the older States and established their homes in tne primitive wilds of Alabama while it was yet the hunting ground of savages." Their first church in the State was Flint River Church, a few miles northeast of Huntsville, organized Oct. 2, 1808. Churches here and there sprang into (128) Catholic Church. 129 existence, and in Oct. 1823, the Baptist State Convention (ilissionary) was organized. Prior to this, several Asso ciations of Churches had been formed. There were in 1899 seventy-nine Associations in the State, with over seventeen hundred churches, and over one hundred and twenty-^ven thousand members. Convention and Association Records. The proceedings of the sessions of the State Convention, and of the several Associations are published as pamphlet Minutes. These usually contain statistics and reports in extenso. The Secretary of the Convention, W. A. Davis, of Anniston, has a practically full set of the Convention Minutes. The Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collec tion, Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y., has the best known general collection of these publications.' Chcbches. The work of individual churches is preserved in a church Record, kept by a local church clerk. This record embraces £ll business of the church, as the call of pastors, administra tion of the sacraments, church improvements, discipline, etc. Some of these Records have been examined and they appear to be exceptionally full and detailed. 2. CATHOLIC CHURCH.' The Vicarate Apostolic of Alabama and Florida was created Aug. 26, 1825. On May 15, 1829, the present Dio cese of Mobile was established. Prior to 1825, the territory embraced in Alabama had been in part under the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, and under the jurisdiction of the Arch-Bishop of Baltimore. The Diocesan records are com plete, and are in the custody of the Bishop at the Episcopal residence, near the Cathedral, at Mobile. These cover all of the business of the Diocese, such as parochial reports, etc. Chubches. The records of the individual churches in the Diocese are kept with strict care and formality. They consist of a Birth 'The library of the American Baptist Historical Society, rich in Baptist occasional and other literature, has recently been destroyed by fire. Much Baptist literature will be found in the library of Richmond College, Rich mond, Va., and of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. The libraries of the University of Notre Dame, Ind., and Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, have valuable collections of general and local Catholic Church history. 9 13 Oi Report Mabama History Commission. Register, Baptismal Register, Death Register, and Confirma tion Register, all of which are kept by the parish priest. He also preserves a detailed record of all financial affairs in the parish, and makes annual and special reports on its spiritual and business condition to the Bishop. He is also required to take and preserve a biennial census of the parish. No detailed descriptions of particular parish records have been sought, except as to those at Mobile. These are of the greatest historical value, and an account of them has been prepared by Mr. Hamilton, which is herewith given. Mobile Catholic Church Records.' By far the longest continuous series of records in the State are the ecclesiastical records at Mobile. Except as far as used as a basis of Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, and more slightly for Shea's Catholic Church in Colonial Days, they have never been published. In addition to official church rec ords proper, these consist of Baptismal Registers, and Death Registers. Taking up the French baptismal registers, we find there are several volumes extending from 1704 to 1764 inclusive. They are not large books several being bound together. They are on old and thin paper, in provincial French, bad hand writing, and poor ink, with the result that they are often very difficult to read. The flrst volume starts off with the famous induction of De la Vente by Father Davion, by whom ii is subscribed as well as by Bienville and Boisbriant on September 28, 1704. The oldest entry, however, is on the next page, being a statement or certificate by Davion Sep tember 6, 1704, that, "There has been baptised a little Apa- lache child by me the undersigned apostolic missionary, Da vion." On the 18th of the same month was baptized a little Indian slave by De la Vente. The child died and was buried the same day. On the 19th another Indian slave was baptized by Alexander Huvd. These three priests took a large part in the early settlement of Mobile. Thence on were baptisms mainly of slaves, the first white child mentioned being on October 4, 1704. The entries in each case give the father's and mother's name, as well as date, are all at Ft. Louis, that is, at what is now called 27 Mile Bluff, and the occupation of the father, and the maiden name of the mother is often given, as well as the name of the priest officiating. These few hundred pages afford a very 'Prepared by Peter J, Pamxlton. Catholic Church. 131 complete idea of the names and occupations, and family re lations of the colonists, and frequently of the officers and soldiers also. There is apparently something for every year except 1706. The record is practically complete, although of course fuller for some years than others. The tribal names of the Indian slaves give a kind of running commentary on the wars waged by the French. There are some few entries of laws on various subjects, practically all ecclesiastical. The signatures of parents, sponsors, and witnesses are numerous as well as interesting. Occasionally an apostolic vicar passes through from Quebec or elsewhere and the different orders of priests and mission aries from time to time throw light upon the ecclesiastical divisions of the country. After the first few years occur a great many marriage entries, and places of residence show the gradual growth of the colony. In fact, it would be diffi cult to mention anything upon which light is not thrown by these records. There is, for instance, not infrequent men tion of the practice of Ondoyer, that is, baptism administered in extremis by laymen. In 1741 there is recorded the dedi cation of the church, which had been built completely anew. As it was on the date of the nativity of the Holy Virgin, it was dedicated to her, and during the French times ever after wards called for her. Another ecclesiastical record, but much less elaborate is the death register, which begins regularly in 1726. This shows a good many of the same facts mentioned in connection with the baptismal register, and also sometimes the pall bearers, giving frequently the occupation of those concerned. Despite the jealousies of the other orders, once in a while we find in these records a Jesuit, for instance in 1733, Pierre Vitry supplying the place of Mathias, the regular Capuchin curd Sometimes it is mentioned that a person dying received the sacraments of the church. October 24, 1754, there is this mention in the death and burial of De Beauchamps, Cheva lier, a Lieutenant of the King and Commandant of the de partment of ]\Iobile, who died the afternoon before after hav ing received the sacraments of the church "with edification." At his funeral, Kerlerec, Governor of the Province, and all of the officers assisted, there being fourteen signatures of promi nent men. There were French soldiers, Swiss, and those from other countries. Most of the companies are called by the name of their commanders, but sometimes spoken of as detached. They are occasionally spoken of as the Reformed 132 Report Alabama History Commission. faith, that is, Protestants. Tn British times the registers kept on but are less voluini- nous. The bulk of the population remained French and Catholic, but many of the leading citizens and people of wealth were of course Protestant. There were Episcopal ministers, but their church records have not survived. Janu ary 6, 1765, George Johnstone stood godfather at a baptism of the son of a merchant and signs his name with a great flourish in the Catholic register. Johnstone was at that time Captain General and Governor of the British Province of West Florida. A good many witnesses are British. The Spanish Records are similar in character and are em braced in several volumes. They are harder to read and are kept with much less care. Mobile at that time had not the same relative position that it had under the French and Brit ish. The Spanish mortuary register begins March 12, 1780, its heading indicating that the name of the parish had been changed to that of the Purissima Conception, a name which translated into English it has ever since heid. From 1793 there is a separate Register for negroes. This had not been the case under the French, and would seem to be due to the fact that under the French all were slaves, while under the Spanish we have a great many free negroes. But many slaves are also mentioned in the registers. These Spanish records, like the French, give the names of people, with their occupations, and often their signatures, and the officers also appeared frequently. Of course the regular succession of priests can be readily made out. They are Spanish, with an occasional French in later times until the church was re organized in 1822. The constitution effecting this is found at the end of one of the books. From about that time the records are kept regularly in English. 3. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The advent of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama dates from 1808. The flrst Presbyterial Organiza tion in the State dates from an order of the General Synod, of Oct. 18, 1821, constituting the Alabama Presbytery. It organized, but soon became defunct. In 1824 it was recon stituted, and on April 1, 1825 its flrst session was held at the house of Alexander George in Perry County. This re mained the only Presbytery in the State until the formation of Elytpn in 1832, and Talladega in 1836, as it was also the chief local Presbyterial organization of the State until the Union Synod was constituted in 1836, Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 133 The 8th General Assembly on the 3rd Tuesday in May, 1836, constituted the Union Synod, with the Alabama, Ely- ton and Talladega Presbyteries. It held its flrst session at Elyton, Nov. 17, 1836. Prior to this the records of the Church of a synodical nature are found with the Columbia Synod. It remained the Union Synod until 1865, when the name was changed to Alabama. There are three classes of records required to be kept in this Church : ( 1 ) Minutes of the Synod covering the State ; ' (2) Minutes of each Presbytery ; and (3) Records or Minutes of the church Session, which is the record of all business of the individual churches. The two former have been irregu larly printed. No attempt has been made to ascertain the condition of the third class. Records of Union and Alabama Stnod. Minutes, Nov. 17, 1836-Nov. 2, 1854. 1 vol. Minutes, 1855-1887. 1 vol. Minutes, 1888-1897. 1 vol. Minutes, 1898-1900. 1 vol. The originals of the two flrst named are in the hands of Rev. J. H. B. Hall, Birmingham. Copies of these, with the originals of the two last are in the custody of Rev. W. B. Witherspoon, Stated Clerk, Gadsden, Ala. Peesbtterial Records. "1. Alabama (first) Presbytery, constituted Oct. 1821. Minutes presumably lost. Alabama (old) Presbytery, reconstituted in 1824, and flrst meeting held April 1, 1825 . Minutes, April 1, 1825-Oct. 3, 1867. 1 vol. Elyton Presbyterv, constituted in 1831, and flrst meeting held April 12, 1832 1 Minutes, April 12, 1832-Feb. 12, 1866, also a part of 1869. 1 vol. Alabama (new) Presbytery, reorganized in 1883, by con solidation of Alabama and Elyton Presbyteries. Minutes, April 2, 1868-Sept. 20, 1890. 1 vol. Minutes, April 23, 1891-1898. Same vol, also contains Minutes of Birmingham Presbytery, Oct. 10, 1898-Feb. 9, 1900. 1 vol. Birmingham (old) Presbytery, organized, 1896. Minutes, Nov. 5, 1896-June 1, 1897. 1 vol. Birmingham (new) Presbytery, reorganized in 1898, by consolidation of Birmingham and Alabama Presbyteries. Minutes, Oct. 10, 1898-Feb. 9, 1900. Included in second vol. of Minutes Alabama Presbytery, supra. All of the foregoing are in the custody of Rev. Luther B. Cross, Stated Clerk, Irondale, Ala., except the flrst above noted, which is in the hands of Rev. J. H. B. Hall, Birming ham. 134 Rejport Alabama fiistory Commission. II. Talladega Presbytery, organized, 1836. Minutes, 1836 to 1867 . 1vol. Minutes, 1867 to 1882. 1 vol. Minutes, 1»82 to 1897. 1 vol. Minutes, 1897 to 1900. 1 vol. These are in the hands of Rev. W. B. Witherspoon, Stated Clerk, Gadsden, Ala. III. Springville Presbytery, organized 1880. Minutes, March 5, 1880-July 15, 1886. pp. 253. Minutes, Dec. 9, 1886-March 6, 1896. pp. 252. Minutes, Sept. 18, 1896-1900. (Current.) These are in the hands of Rev. R . P . Taylor, Stated Clerk, Leeds, Ala. IV. Robert Donnell Presbytery, organized 1890. Until the above date the churches composing this body were parts of the Jackson presbytery and the Tennessee Pres bytery. The whereabouts of the early manuscript Minutes is unknown. Pamphlet minutes for 1891, 1892 and 1893 have been issued. Minutes, March 31, 1893 to Aug. 4, 1897. 1 vol. Minutes, Sept. 1897 to 1900 (current. 1 vol. These are in the hands of Rev. Samuel Davis, Stated Clerk, New Market, Ala. 4. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Episcopal Church had representatives among the very earliest British settlers in what is now Alabama. It was not, however, until 1825 that the flrst church in the State was organized at Mobile. On Jan. 25, 1830, the Primary Convention for the organization of the Diocese of Alabama was held, and in 1832 the Diocese was admitted into union with the General Convention. In the Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol. ii, pp. 83-89, appears a paper giving the statistics of the Church in Ala bama, with a bibliography of the Church, the Clergy, and the Parishes of the Diocese. Dr. R. H. Cobbs has supplied de tail with reference to the several records required to be kept. The Diocese. A record is kept by its secretary, of everything done in the Diocesan Council, which embraces in detail all reports, com munications, or business whatever, coming before that body. To the Council the Bishop is required to report his every official act, as, the number of conflrmations, number of ser mons preached, the number of ministers ordained, etc. Once a year at the meeting of the Council, each clergyman is re- The Jews. 135 quired to make a report to the Bishop, to include a record of the births, baptisms, marriages, confirmations and burials in 1 he parish for the preceding period, the number of times he has celebrated Holy Communion, how many services he has held, how many sermons he has preached, and also the amount of money raised and expended in the parish for that year. Journals of the proceedings of the Council have been published since 1830, and several bound sets are in the State. The General Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y., also has a set, besides much other valuable Episcopal literature. Parishes. Each Clergyman is required to keep with care for Kis parish a Register of all births, baptisms, confirmations, mar riages, and burials occurring therein. A record is kept of all the transactions of the Vestry of each parish. These Reg isters and Vestry Books contain many interesting and im portant historical facts. In some of the parishes Year Books are published which contain local statistics, reports, etc., with other details of parish administration. 5. THE JEWS. T\Tiile the Jews in limited numbers were among the earliest settlers of the State, they do not appear to have been for many years sufficiently strong to institute a Congregation. The first Congregation incorporated in the State was "Shaarai Shomayim," Jan. 25, 1844, at Mobile. Congrega tions now flourish in Montgomery, Birmingham, Selma, Huntsville, Demopolis and Anniston. One organized at Claiborne in the early fifties is now disbanded. Rabbi To bias Schanfarber, of Mobile, reports "that in the majority of instances the early records of the Congregations are either very imperfect or lost altogether." An excellent sketch of "Kahl Montgomery" is in Blue's Churches of the City of Montgomery (1878), pp. 60-63. On Nov. 17, 1846, at Mont gomery, "Chefra Mefacker Cholim," a society for relieving the sick, was formed. 6. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH." The Methodist Church in Alabama as an organization dates from the erection of the settlements on the Tombigbee River into a Mission, by the South Carolina Conference in session at Charleston, Dec. 28, 1807- Jan. 2, 1808. Mathew P. Sturdi- vant was placed in charge of the work, which was attached to 136 Report Alabama History Commission. the Oconee District. From this time until Dec. 12, 1832, the churches of the State were in part at various times under the South Carolina, the Tennessee, the Mississippi and Georgia Conferences. On this date the Alabama Conference was organized. At its session, Nov. 25-Dec. 2, 1863, the Alabama Conference was divided into the Mobile and Montgomery Conferences. In Dec. 1869, these Conferences held their last sessions, and in 1870 the territory embraced in Alabama was divided into the Alabama and the North Alabama Confer ences. In accordance with the Discipline of the Methodist Episco pal Church, South, the following official records are required lo be preserved, viz : (1) A record of the proceedings of the Annual Confer ences. A copy of this record must be sent to the next ensu ing (.Tcneral Conference. These records are usually pub lished in pamphlet form, and designated as Minutes or Jour nals. The Secretary is also required to keep a record and f or- ward to the Book Editor, of the Church, "for insertion in the General Minutes" "full and correct answers" to certain forty- six questions to be asked at the Annual Conference. — Discip line (1898), Sections 63, 64. (2) Proceedings of District Conferences. These are kept in manuscript volumes, and are not printed. — Ibid, Sections 61-70. (3) Proceedings of Quarterly Conferences. These are to be "recorded by the Recording Steward in a book kept by him for that purpose." This book should contain an account of all business transacted year by year at the several Quarterly Conferences at churches embraced in the Circuit. These are not printed. — Ibid. (4) The Board of Stewards, charged particularly with the management of "the temporal business of the Church," in the Station or Circuit, comprising a pastoral charge, are required to keep, by the recording steward, "a full account of the acts" done by them. — Ibid, Sec. 194. (5) Records of Individual Churches consist of the Proceed ings of Church Conferences, and a Church Register. The former is to contain a Record of all local church business transacted at congregational Conferences; and the fol lowing provisions regulate the contents of the latter : The Secretary of the Church Conference "shall enter in chrono logical order, in a permanent register, the full names of all who shall join the Church, with the time and manner of the Methodist Protestant Church. 137 reception, and disposal of each, distinguishing between local elders, deacons and preachers ; white persons, colored persons, and Indians; and snail make a permanent record of all the baptisms and marriages within the congregation; and shall furnish the pastor with an alphabetical roll of the church.'' Ibid, Sees. 86, 88. It is a much to be regretted condition that in Alabama the records above required have been very imperfectly kept. In the preparation of his valuable and encyclopaedic History of Methodism in Alabama (1893), Dr. Anson West experienced the greatest difficulty in locating the manuscript records. He notes only the following as used by him : Quarterly Conference Records of the Franklin, Greene, Tal ladega, LaFayette, Wills Valley, and Jasper Circuits, and Greensborough and Athens Stations; and the Church Regis ters of the Tuscaloosa and Greensborough Stations. No effort to locate others has been made.^ 7. METHODIST PROSTESTANT CHURCH. On May 1, 1829, at Rocky Mount, Autauga County, the annual Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church in Alabama was organized. The early annual Conference Journal, in one volume, has been lost. Journals for the several sessions have probably been printed, but who has full sets is not known. The exist ing manuscript Journal, 1 vol., the official correspondence such as exists, and all other official papers are in the hands of the Conference Secretary. The District Conferences, four in number, each have, or are supposed to keep a Manuscript Minute Book. The local Churches and Circuits have class books, church records. Quarterly Conference Journal, etc. Rev. J. T. Howell of Troy, has within the last few years, collected much interesting and valuable data and material for the purpose of preparing a history of this Church in Alabama. He is also the editor of the Methodist Protestant Telephone, devoted to the cause of the Church, published in Troy. In Anson West's History of Methodism in Alabama (1893), pp. 404-427, 740-755, will be found Chapters on the History of the above church. *As of possible use to future students, the following collections may here be noted: The New England Methodist Historical Society, Boston, has many valuable manuscript histories of local Methodist Churches, and memoirs of Methodist Ministers and laymen; the Boston Public Library has the Methodist collection of Rev. Chester Field; and the Drew Theo logical Seminary, Madison, N. J., has a fine coUectlon of Methodist litera- tore. 138 Report Alabama History Commission. 8. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH." This church was first planted in Alabama by the establish ment of a congregation at Huntsville June 15, 1818. On March 1, 1821, the Presbytery of Alabama was created, in ecclesiastical connection with the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia. On Nov. 11, 1829, the Synod was divided, and tie Synod of Alabama created, with the South Alabama, Tom- beckbee and Tuscaloosa Presbyteries. The Presbyteries now comprising the Synod of Alabama are the North Alabama, South Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and East Alabama. The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church re quires records to be kept of the proceedings of the Synod, the Presbyteries, and of the individual churches. Minutes of the Synod and the Presbyteries. The Minutes of the Synod and Presbyteries are printed in pamphlet form. They are also preserved in manuscript, the latter being in the possession of the Stated Clerk. How com plete these are is not known. Churches. Three classes of records are kept in and about the admin istration of the individual churches. These are the minutes of the Church Session, the minutes of the Board of Deacons, and the minutes of the Congregational Meetings. In the majority of cases these records are well kept. No attempt has been made to obtain detailed information respecting them. 'Reference is here made to the libraries of the Presbyterian Historical Society, x hiladelphia. Pa., and of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Princeton, N. J., as possibly containing in their very comprehensive col lections material pertinent to the history of Presbyterianism in Alabama. CHAPTER VI. BENEVOLENT AND MISCELLANEOUS INSTITUTIONS. The records and source material for a history of benevolent institutions and charitable effort in Alabama have not been fully explored. They are, however, none the less important, and must ultimately be examined. Institutions of this char acter have contributed in no small degree to the advancement and upbuilding of the State, and their influence must be taken into account in recounting its annals. The following have successful organizations, viz: the Young Men's Chris tian Association, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, the Woodmen of the World, the Knights and Ladies of Honor, the B'Nai B'Rith, and the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. The records of three other important institutions, viz : the Insane Hospital ; the Geological Survey, and the Mobile Cot ton Exchange, are given. 1. MASONS. The several Masonic bodies in Alabama have an honorable history. The first lodge instituted in the State was Madison Lodge No. 21. On Aug. 29, 1811, the dispensation was granted by the Grand Master of Kentucky, and on Aug. 28, 1812, a charter issued. Subsequently eleven others were organized under six different Grand Lodges. Three became extinct, and with the remaining nine, the Grand Lodge of Alabama "was duly established" at Cahaba, June 14, 1821.^ A Grand Chapter was organized at Mobile, May 21, 1823 ; The Grand Council was organized at Tuscaloosa, Dec. 13, 1838; and The Grand Commandry was organized at Montgomery, Nov. 29, 1860. All of the foregoing have regularly published the Proceed ings of their annual and other sessions, except the Grand Council which ceased publishing in 1893. ^In the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Alabama, 1897, pp. 213-245, Is an historical table of all lodges ever instituted in the State. (139) 140 Report Alabama History Commission. Manuscript Records. The account given herewith of the manuscript official and other records in the Grand Lodge was prepared by Wm. H . Dingley, Grand Treasurer, the best living authority on Ma sonic history in the State : (1) The minutes of the first communication of the Grand Lodge in June 1821, with the Constitution signed by all of the delegates, also the proceedings from 1846 to 1856 in clusive, are preserved, since which time the rough minutes only have been made. The original reports and papers are placed on file. The Treasurer's and Secretary's Account Books appear to be complete. All of the above are printed in full with the Proceedings. These Proceedings have been printed and' published since the organization of the Grand Lodge annually (except 1832 and 1835, when no communications were held. ) These are all in the office except for the years 1829 and 1839. A manus- script copy from the organization tp 1834 has been made from the printed copies. (2) Dispensations for new Lodges together with petitions for the same appear to be complete. (3) The annual reports of the Local Lodges to the Grand Lodges are all preserved from 1821 to the present time, to gether with all letters, petitions, &c., &c. complete. (4) The record books of many Lodges, that are now dor mant or extinct, are in the office. The records of local lodges are frequently destroyed by fire, how many and of what Lodges we have no means of ascertaining, as no record has been kept.' The following Lodges have placed their old records here for safety; viz: Rising Virtue, No. 4, Tuscaloosa; Montgomery, No. 11, Montgomery; and Dale, No, 25, Camden. ( 5 ) The Grand Lodge is now preparing a Register of all persons who have been connected with the Fraternity since its organization. Masonic History. In 1869, Samuel H. Dixon, Masonic historian, deposited with the Grand Lodge, where it is now on file, a large amount a valuable Masonic historical data. Concerning his work, in ¦Prior to 1857, the records of Mobile Lodge No. 10, had been destroyed.- Proceedings Grand Lodge of Alabama, 1857, p. 11. On Nov. 25, 1858, the hall of Union Lodge No. 50, Uniontown, "was destroyed by fire," "including a total loss of the jewels, furniture and Charter of said Lodge." — Ibid. 1858, p. 132. Masonic History. 141 his report, Dec. 8, 1868, he says : "My investigations have disclosed that the lapse of time, the ruthless hand of war, and devastation by fire have de stroyed most of our old records; but it is with pleasure I announce that, notwithstanding all these calamities, I have, in a great measure, been able to rescue from that oblivion to which all things earthly tend the early history of Masonry in Alabama. "When I entered upon my duties as Historian of Masonry in Alabama, I determined to compile a full and complete his torv of every Lodge in the State, (defunct or living), and the history of the Grand Lodge, with an abstract of its most im portant proceedings. This I find to be a Herculean task ; but by diligence and perseverance I hope to accomplish the de sired objects. "In addition to obtaining statistical information of the various Lodges, I have endeavored to collect interesting inci dents connected with their history, and particularly to pre serve the material necessary for biographical sketches of the fathers of Masonrv in Alabama, and other working, zealous Masons, who have illustrated and adorned the cardinal vir tues, the tenets of our profession, and the general principles of our Order." In the Dixon Collection will be found histories of the fol lowing Lodges, the list being taken from the Masonic Guide, Nov., 1893, pp. 362-363, viz : Friendship, (at Mobile,) No. 6 Eureka, (a'. Blakely,) No. ... Mobile No. 10 Mobile No. 40 Howard : No. 69 Magnolia No. 259 Halo No. 5 Montgomery No . 11 Montgomery No. ... Georglana No. 285 Greening No. 53 Eastaboga No. 155 Mount Hilliard No. 180 Ervin No. 257 Orion No. 177 High Log No. 193 Pleasant Hill No. 321 Sylacauga No. 200 Bethel No. 141 Fredonia No. 79 Zion No. 304 Lineville No. 219 Warren No. 47 Elba No. 170 Bellville No. 260 142 Report Alabama History Commission. Jonesboro No . 315 Gillespie No . 290 Benton No. 59 Selma Fraternal No. 27 Central City No. 305 Wetumpka No . 39 Clinton No. 38 Euphemia No . ... Fort Deposit No. 291 Eureka No. 64 Bowen No. 241 Sycamore No. 328 Norris No. 301 Flat Creek No. 279 Wiley No. 134 Forkland No. 330 Frankfort No. 275 DaleviUe No. 144 Liberty No. 65 Amand No. 250 Autauga No. 31 Good Samaritan No . 104 Harrison No . 246 Philodorian No . 94 Farrar No. 8 Alabama No. 51 New Lexington No. 317 Hartwell No. 101 Ramer No. 243 Western Star No. 222 Ebenezer No. 210 Moscow No. 206 Coffeeville No. 122 Meridian No. 265 Euclid No. 313 Widow's Son No. 72 Herndon No . 125 Boligee No. 336 Spring Hill No. 217 Andrew Jackson No . 173 Confederate No. 292 St. Albans No. 22 Pfister No. 90 Lebanon No. 229 Etam No. 150 Hendrix No. 162 Pine Level No. 202 Camp Creek t No. 251 New Market No . 52 Madison Station No. 329 Crozier No . 78 Marshall No. 209 Missouri No . 146 Albert Pike No. 339 Harmony No. 46 Solomon's No . 74 Vienna No . 48 Demopolis No . 49 Tombigbee No. 190 Builders No. 215 Twelfth Louisiana No. 313 Odd Fellows. 143 Shiloh No. 105 Union No. 50 Brush Creek No. 191 Perryville No. 117 Hampden Sidney No. 67 Clopton No. 171 Washington No. 23 Holly Grove No. 323 Sepulga No. 233 2. ODD FELLOWS. The first lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in Alabama was instituted April 22, 1837. The Grand Lodge of Alabama was organized Dec. 13, 1841. There are now in the State about one hundred and forty-five subordinate lodges, Avith a membership of about five thousand. The history of the order is to be found practically full and complete in the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, copies of which have appeared each year since its organization. A full set of these, in four bound volumes, is in the Custody of the Grand Secre tary, H. C. V^eaver, of Huntsville. This official is also the keeper of all of the records and papers of the Grand Lodge. The correspondence is only complete from the beginning of the term of the present incumbent. The condition of the books, records and papers of the Sub ordinate Lodges has not been ascertained. Camden Lodge, No. 23, located at Paint Rock, lost its "charter, books, regalia, and other property by fire" during the year (1900.)^ Doubtless a number of others also have been destroyed, no data of which, however, is at hand. In the State there is one Grand Encampment, with subor dinate encampments. There is also one Rehekah State Assemiily, with local Rehekah lodges. The condition of their records has not been ascertained. Each publishes Proceed ings. 3. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. The Knights of Pythias as a fraternal organization had its beginning in the State soon after the founding of the Order. The Grand Lodge of Alabama was instituted in 1872. Jour nals of the annual sessions of the Grand Lodge have been printed, 1873-1900. On Aug. 15, 1899 the office of John H. Donahoo, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, at Talladega, was destroyed by fire, with the entire official records, papers, letters, exchanges and other property of the Grand Lodge.* 'Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, 1900, p. 1173. ?See The Alabama Knight, Montgomery, Sept. 1899, p. 603 for an account Of the fire. 144 Report Alabama History Commission. 4. ALABAMA BRYCE INSANE HOSPITAL. The Alabama Insane Hospital was established by Act of the General Assembly, Feb. 6, 1852. It was located at Tusca loosa, and opened on July 6, 1861. On Feb. 9, 1893 the name was changed to Alabama Bryce Insane Hospital, to honor Dr. Peter Bryce, the Superintendent, 1861-1892. Official Reports have been published for 1862, 1867, 1869, 1870, and 1871-1900, also a number of miscellaneous pamphlets relating to the in stitution. For full list see Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 992-993. A description of its official manuscript records is furnished by the present able Superintendent, Dr. James Thomas Searcy, the successor to Dr. Bryce, viz : Trustees. The records of the Board of Trustees are com plete back to the first meeting, July 4, 1858. They have been kept in the Books of Proceedings. 1858-1900. 2 vols. The Resident Board has, also, its records since it was organized. May 12, 1893. Book of Proceedings. 1893-1900. 1 vol. Medical Department. The records relate altogether to the patients. They formerly were kept in large record books, and the commitment and other papers were filed separately in order, by the numbers belonging to each patient. Of late yeai'S each patient has a separate case-book, with the name and number on the end, filed in the cabinets. Each book con tains the original commitment papers, bond, etc., with any other papers in a pocket, and the record pages of the book give the original examination notes of the physician, taken when the patient first entered, and the current history as it has been written at regular intervals. Every thing connected with the patient is kept in this case-book — retained letters, prescriptions, clinical charts, etc., out-going and incoming coi-respondence when important, etc., etc. All incoming let ters of late have been kept on file, and some of the out-going. Full daily records are kept of the movements of the popula tion — patients received, furloughed, discharged, eloped, died, f tc. : of the patients from different counties ; of the classifica tions, according to age; married or not; occupations; na tivity; color; form of insanity, etc., etc. Reports from the different departments are handed in and recorded every day, and summarized. Business (Steward^s) Department. Complete records are kept of all receipts and expenditures ; with files of incom- Geological Survey of Alabama. 145 ing and out-going correspondence; also records of receipts and issues in the housekeeping and store-keeping depart ments. OuT-SiDE Department. Complete records are kept of cost and products of gardens, and farm ; of the piggery, dairy, hen nery, coal-mine, of the carpenter shops, black-smith shop, tin- shop, etc., etc. Museum. The pathological room has a large collection of specimens. Library. The library has about fifteen hundred volumes, literary, medical and scientific. The records of the Institution have increased in numbers and in variety graduallv since the first. There has been a gradual evolution in all the departments. Certain leading lines go back to the beginning; others have been added from time to time to the present. Except those relating to private history of patients, all rec ords are open to consultation. 5. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA. The headquarters of the Geological Survey of Alabama are located at the State University. Here its large and valuable collections are deposited, the museum forming one of the most valuable and attractive features of the institution. The first State Geologist was Prof. Michael Tuomey, who begun his first explorations .July 13, 1847, although he was not officially named until Jan. 4, 1848. The reorganization of the Survey after the War was effected under the Act of April 13, 1873, with Dr. Eugene Allen Smith as the second State Geologist. He still ably retains his position. Full lists of the publications of the Survey are noted in Owen's Bibliog raphy of Alabama, as also those on geological and other sub jects by Prof. Tuomey, Dr. Smith, T. H. Aldrich, Otto Meyer, Dr. Charles Mohr, Dr. Henry McCaUey, Daniel W. Langdon and others. Dr. Smith has prepared an account of the collections of the Survey, which is here given. It has no manuscripts of value. (1) Mineral Collection. 1600 specimens in 7 glass cases, and some 1000 or more specimens for class purposes arranged in drawers below the show cases. (2) General Geological Collection. 1. Educational series of rock specimens from the U. S. Geological Survey, 1 glass case, 156 specimens. 2. 1 glass wall case with 1000 speci mens of New Hampshire rocks and crystalline rocks from 10 & 146 Report Alabama History Commission. other localities. 3. 3 glass front wall cases containing about 8000 specimens of fossils, sedimentary rocks, etc., illustrating the various geological formations of the U. S. and Europe. 4. 1 glass front wall case with 800 specimens of concretions, and other illustrations of geological structures. (3) Collections Illustrating the Geology of Alabama. 1 glass front wall case containing 50 specimens of Alabama Coal Plants. 1 glass case with Alabama clays, 20 varieties. 350 drawers containing specimens of rocks, fossils, minerals, shells, etc., mainly from Alabama, though other localities are represented. 2000 cigar boxes, and pasteboard boxes filled with fossils, and other specimens, mainly from Alabama. It is impossible to estimate the number of species represented or the actual number of specimens, but they go into the thou sands. (4) Indian Relics. 2 glass cases containing some 300 specimens of pipes, bowls, arrow heads, stone axes, etc. (5) Zoological Collection. 1. 2 glass wall cases with specimens of fish, snakes, turtles, corals, marine shells, aggre gating perhaps 2000 specimens. 2. 2 glass cases containing the Schowalter collection of marine, and fresh water shells, 800 specimens. 3. Avery collection of the Birds of Ala bama, 900 specimens representing some 300 species, contained in zinc-lined drawer cases, made moth proof. (6) Botanical Collections. 1. Mohr Herbarium of Ala bama plants, 2500 species of flowering plants and ferns ; 900 species of fungi, lichens, and mosses, in a case of special con struction ; 150 specimens of the native woods of the State displayed in form of books, in glass show case ; 156 glass front deep frames with pressed specimens of the fruit, foliage and flowers of the timber trees of the State. 2. Peters Collec tion, a. Alabama fungi, 550 specimens ; Alabama lichens, 110 specimens ; species of the genus carex, 200 specimens ; b . General collection of fungi, 500 species ; mosses and algae, 133 species ; lichens, 150 species. These were the gift of Judge T. M. Peters. (7) Collection of Soils, Marls, Phospahates, etc. in glass jars, 500 jars. (8) Large Show Specimens. Various articles as trunks of lepidodendron, sigillaria, calamites ; large masses of lime stone, red and brown iron ores, petrifactions, etc., outside the museum, and arranged along the walls inside, including also large bones of dinosaurs, zeuglodon, etc. It might be safely estimated that the number of different species in the above eight lists are one-third of the num ber of specimens. Mobile Cotton Exchange. 147 6. MOBILE cotton EXCHANGE.' The Mobile Cotton Exchange, the outgrowth of a casual conference at a restaurant dinner, was organized Dec. 7, 1871. It is the third organized in the United States, those of New York and New Orleans antedating it. Its records and papers are in the custody of the Superin tendent, R. H. Boiling. They relate to cotton movement and fluctuation, financial, commercial and industrial informa tion. They number about 300 volumes and are of much value. They embrace 65 bound volumes of the New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 1871-1901. It has some data extending to 1819. A list of its Presidents, with other information, is given in the Mobile Register, Jan. 31, 1895. "Prepared by Peter J. Hamilton. CHAPTER VII. FEDERAL OFFICES IN ALABAMA. LAND OFFICES. At present there are only two United States Land Offices in Alabama, viz: at Huntsville and Montgomery. They have the records of defunct or discontinued offices, as indi cated below. As will be seen, supra, many of the old land rec ords are in the office of the Secretary of State, Montgomery. Others are in the General Land Office at Washington. The following is a list of all the land offices ever established in Alabama, with dates when formed, and when removed or discontinued. Location , Saint Stephens, Huntsville, (originally^! established at Nash- 1 ville, Tenn., and after- }¦ ward located at Hunts- | ville). J Cahaba, (originally loca ted at Milledgeville, Georgia.) Tuscaloosa, Conecuh Oourt-House, Sparta, Montgomery,Montevallo, Mardisville, Demopolis,Lebanon,Elba, Greenville,Mobile, When Established. March 3, 1803. March 3, 1807. March 3, 1815. May II, 1820. May 11, 1820. July 10, 1332. July 10, 1832 March 2, 1833. April 12, 1842. April 1, 1854 June 16, 1856. From St. Stephens. Huntsville. Removed or Discontinved, To Mobile, 1887. Now Active. To Greenville. To Montgomery, 1866. To Elba Sow Active, To Lebanon. March 30, 1866 To Huntsville. April 11, 1867. May 11,1866. To Montgomery, June 25, 1879. The condition of the records and business of the Land Office, at Huntsville, has been indicated in a general way by Frank Coleman, Clerk in the office of the Register, as fol lows: "This is the oldest land office in the United States in active operation. The date of the Executive order authorizing the establishment of this land office is March 3, 1807. The date of opening is July 27, 1810. Covering as they do such a long Land Office. 149 period, the records are by no means complete. The early methods were primitive and imperfect and in the course of ninety years many lapses have crept into the records. This is what is technically known as a 'consolidated' land office, that is to say, other land offices have been merged into this, viz : the one formerly at Lebanon, DeKalb County, and the one formerly at Centre, Cherokee County. Incomplete rec ords were sent in from each of these offices, when they were merged into the Huntsville office. The last valid entry (a pur chase) anterior to the war between the States, bears the date of Feb. 28, 1861. During the severe struggle of 1861-65, some records were mutilated, others were lost, but they are sufficiently sustained in connected form not to interfere, except at rare intervals, with current work. Formerly, up to 1861, the business of this office consisted of straight out cash sales, graduation cash entries, and location of military land warrants. Since 1865 the homesteader has been the chief beneficiary, although most of the then still vacant, or unap propriated public lands could still be bought also outright for cash, until this right was removed some eight or nine years ago. So now, vacant public lands in Alabama (as is the case in all the States with public lands, except Missouri) can only be acquired through the process of homesteading. The exceptions in this District are : first, lands classed val uable for coal and, therefore, withheld from the operations of the homestead act. The second exception is a residuum of about 4,000 acres of land in an original square of 12 miles, lying partly in Madison, partly in Jackson and, in small part, in Marshall county, belonging to the tribe of Cherokee In dians, held by the Government in trust for them, and on the market at $1.25 per acre, cash, the proceeds to form a per petual educational fund for this wealthy tribe. There is quite a large quantity of land in this District still open to the home steader. "Up to date 26,750 homestead entries have been registered at this office." MONTGOMERT. The Land Office at Montgomery has been in continuous operation since its establishment July 10, 1832. It is now a consolidated office, the business of the following discontinued offices being thrown to it, viz : St. Stephens, Cahaba, Tusca loosa, Conecuh, Demopolis, Mardisville, Greenville, Sparta, Elba, Mobile, and part of Lebanon. Through the courtesy of the Register, Robert Barber, and of his chief clerk, Henry Booth, the following lists of the records have been secured. 150 Report Alabama History Commission. Record Books. Tract Books. Folio. Vols. 1-47. Not by counties, but by township and ranges. Vols. 21 and 22 are kept in the Huntsville Land Ofifice. Plat Books. Vols. 1-21. Register of Entries. Folio. Vols. 1-12. Homestead entries, Nos. 1-34151, May 26, 1866-Dec. 31, 1900. Register of Final Entries. Folio. Vols. 1-6. Homestead entries. Nos 1-18293, Jan. 16, 1872-Dec. 31, 1900. Register of Cash Certificates. Folio. Vols. 1-4. Nos. 15368-26724, May 15, 1866-Dec. 31, 1900. Patent Record. Folio. 1 vol. Aug. 2, 1884-Dec. 31, 1900. Contest Dockets. Folio. 6 vols. Dec. 18, 1879-Dec. 31, 1900. Abstract of Land Warrants. Folio. 1 vol. For lands to oflScers and soldiers in the War of 1812, the Indian, and the Mexican Wars. Official Correspondence. Abstracts of Communications from the General Land Of fice. Folio. 7 vols. Contains briefs of 16,787 official letters from the General Land Office, Nov. 14. 1881-Dec. 31, 1900. Original Letters Received. Briefed and filed. These are complete from Nov. 14, 1881, and irregular back of that date. Letter Book. 4 to. 1 vol. Contains long hand copies of official letters sent out, viz: to General Land Office, Sept. 30, 1846- April 17, 1861; and to Commissioner of Pub lic Lands, Montgomery, June 30, 1861-Dec. 31, 1864. Miscellaneous Letter Copying Books. 4 to. Vols. 1-35. July 7, 1877-1894. Vols. 1-42. Feb. 5, 1894-Dec. 31, 1900. Department Letter Copying Books. 4 to. Vols. 1-22. Sept. 2, 1889-Dec. 31, 1900. Old Land Office Records. In addition to the foregoing records in current use, with the volumes preceding them in this particular office, the early records and files of the now discontinued offices named above are to be found here. These number probably more than one hundred volumes, dating from the establishment of these several offices, but they appear to be irregular and not com plete. There are also several thousand files of papers from these offices. Some of these old records, from their early date, and prob able historical value are here noted, viz : United States Courts. 151 Books of the Land Commissioners, appointed under Act of March 3, 1803, for receiving and adjusting claims, etc., in the District East of Pearl River. Folio. 4 vols. Includes papers, etc., connected with land transactions from 1710 to after 1800. Spanish Grants. Folio. 1 vol. Covers various grants, 1763-1803. Apparently similar to volume of same designation in the Secretary of State's office. The volume con tains a certificate, dated Nov. 1, 1834, signed by Edwin Jay Osbome, stating that it was "copied and translated from the originals, which are now deposited in the office of the County Court of Mobile County." Translated Records. Nov. 12, 1715-Jan. 18, 1812. Folio. 1vol. Similar to volume in Secretary of State's office. Made by Joseph E. Caro, under Act of Jan. 9, 1833. Journal of the Land Office East of Pearl River, at St. Stephens, Dec. 26, 1806-May 30, 1814. Folio. 1 vol. There are also later volumes of this series; besides many of other series. Journal of the Receiver's Office at Milledgeville, Ga., Aug., 1817-Nov., 1818. Folio. 1 vol. Sales of lands in the vicinity of Montgomery. Contains names and residences of purchasers. Removed to Cahaba, Dec. 1818. Register of Receipts, Cash Entries, at the Tuscaloosa Land Office. July 2, 1821-Feb. 25, 1835. Folio. 1 vol. Contains list of purchasers of lots in the city of Tuscaloosa, places of residence, with prices paid. 2. UNITED STATES COURTS HuirasviLiJE. The condition and extent of the records and files of the Northern Division, Northern District, United States Court, at Huntsville, are described by Ed. E. Greenleaf, Deputy Clerk, as follows : The first record now in the District Court, of the United States for the District of Alabama, commences, the second Monday in July, 1824, Hon. Chas. Tait presiding judge. The next term appears to have been held October 2nd, 1826, Hon. William Crawford presiding, from which date I find records until the November Term, 1846, all held by Judge Crawford. I do not find further records until Nov., 1865, at which time Hon. Richard Busteed was presiding judge; and from that date the records are quite complete. There are no records or files, before July, 1824, nor from Nov., 1846, to Nov., 1865, and no records showing the holding of the Court at any other place. Minute Books, District Court. 8 vols. Minute Books, Circuit Court. 13 vols. Final Records, -district Court. 8 vols. Final Records, Circuit Court. 35 vols. 152 Report Alabama History Commission. MONIQOMERT. United States District Courts were first required to be held at Montgomery by Act of Congress . Terms of the United States Circuit Court were provided by Act of March 3, 1873. The counties grouped about Montgomery are known as the Middle District. The records of this court are reported by the clerk, J. W. Dimmick, as incomplete. Those now in the office are as follows : Minute Books, District Court. 7 vols. Minute Books, Circuit Court. 13 vols. Final Records. 53 vols. BiBMINGHAK. By Act of Congress, May 2, 1884, the Southern Division of the Northern District was created, and terms of the United States Circuit and District Courts were required to be held for the Division at Birmingham.' The various books, records and files of both courts are complete, and carefully arranged. The clerk, Charles J. Allison, furnished the following detail as to the principal records : Minute Books, Circuit Court, "A" to "K." 11 vols. Minute Books, District Court, "A" to "G." 7 vols. Final Records, Circuit Court, "A" to "Z." 26 vols. Final Records, District Court, "A" to "B." 2 vols. Mobile.' The earliest record of the U. S. Court, at Mobile, now to be found is a docket, extending from March 1, 1821, to 1824, the first entry being of Hallett & Butler vs. Lewis Judson. There has been seen a volume of minutes of 1819, but the earliest now to be located begins with the May Term, 1827, extending to December, 1830, District Court, for civil and criminal cases. Wm. Crawford was judge. A mandate of affirmance by the Supreme Court on the minutes is signed by John Mar shall. No files antedate the war. Records of both courts since 1865 are nearly complete. The District Court of the Confederate States, at Mobile, convened April 18, 1861, Wm. G. Jones, Judge, and John A. Cuthbert, clerk, both reappointed from the old court. On that day took the oath Geo. N. Stewart, R. H. Smith, and Wm. Boyles. Next day Peter Hamilton, Thos. A. Hamilton and others similarly qualified. The flrst case was on April 20, which stood on appeal to the old U. S. Circuit Court, and ^23 U. S. Statutes at Large, p, -Prepared by Peter J. Hamilton. Mobile. 153 after argument docketed in the Confederate Court; and af- flrmed. This was Wm. A. Freeborn & Co. v. Ship Protector. The flrst original case was Jas. K. Phelps vs. Schr. Smith Townsend, which was condemned. The last entry was Apr. 6, 1865. PART IIL An Account of Manuscripts, Papers and Docu ments in Private Hands. By THOMAS M. OWEN. (155) CHAPTER I. LITERARY REMAINS OF PUBLIC CHARACTERS. Some of the most valuable manuscript historical material is of an unofficial character, and is not to be found in official repositories. These consist of the private and personal papers of distinguished or other public men, and of the historical col lections made by libraries or societies, and by private collec tors or students. It often happens, too, that official docu ments, or transcripts of them fall into the hands of libraries or collectors. The presentation here of an account of all known collec tions of this character completes the consideration of avail able manuscript material. Students liave long since recognized the very great impor tance and value of the papers, writings, etc., of prominent public men and actors in public afl'airs. Collections of this character form the most interesting and valuable items in the catalogues of many libraries. It is intended here to show as far as possible the location, ownership and present condition, with pertinent notes and comments, of all papers and docu ments — "literary remains" — of such public characters as in fluenced or took part in the history of the territory now em braced in Alabama. The data furnished is largely tentative, but it is as complete as it has been practicable to make it after wide research and extensive correspondence. The following groups of persons are represented in the list, viz : the four Governors of Mississippi Territory, four Delegates in Con gress from Mississippi Territory, Alabama Governors, Fed eral Senators, Territorial Judges, Generals in the Civil War, credited to Alabama, and Miscellaneous. In any given case, where no information, or reference ap pears, it may be understood that no data was at hand. Unfortunately no trace has been discovered of the "literary remains" of a large number of public men of prominence in State affairs. In many cases they have probably been destroyed, while in others inquiries have not been made in the proper direction. There are still other cases in which (157) 158 Report Alabama History Commission. the parties themselves failed to preserve their papers. Noth ing has been ascertained as to the following : Alpheus Baker, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Thomas Bibb, acting Governor; Michael J. Bulger, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Henry Chambers, U. S. Senator; William Crawford, Federal Judge; John Crowell, Alabama Territorial delegate ; Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Governor; John Floyd, General in Creek War ; William Henry Forney, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Birkett Davenport Fry, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Isham Warren Garrott, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A.; George Goldthwaite, U. S. Senator; Josiah Gorgas, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Archibald Gracie, Jr., Brig.-Gen. G. S. A. ; Thomas M. Greene, Territorial delegate; Henry Hitchcock, Alabama Territorial Secretary; James T. Holtzclaw, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; George S. Houston, Governor; Beverly Hughes, Superior Court Judge ; Dr. N. Hunter, Miss. Territorial delegate ; Obadiah Jones, Superior Court Judge ; Wm. Giles Jones, Federal Judge ; John Herbert Kelly, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; William Kelly, U. S. Senator; Joseph P. Kennedy, early public man ; David Ker, Miss. Superior Court Judge ; Wm. Lattimore, Miss. Territorial delegate; Daniel Leadbetter, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; David P. Lewis, Governor ; Dixon H. Lewis, U. S. Senator; Seth Lewis, Miss. Superior Court Judge; Francis Strother Lyon, financier and lawyer ; John McKinley, U. S. Senator, U. S. Supreme Court Judge. Cowles Mead, Miss. Territorial Secretary ; Yoimg Marshall Moody, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; Andrew B. Moore, Governor. Gabriel Moore, Governor; Edward Asbury O'Neal, (3^overnor ; Israel Pickens, Governor; Lewis Parsons, Governor; Robert Miller Patton, Governor; Philip Dale Roddy. Brig.-Gen. 0. S. A. ; Thomas Seay, Governor; Papers of Public Men. 159 John Gill Shorter, Governor; Wm. H. Smith, Governor; George E. Spencer, U. S. Senator; James Innes Thomton, Secretary of State; Edward Dorr Tracy, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A. ; LeRoy Pope Walker, Brig.-Gen. C. S. A., Conf. States Secretary of War; Thomas Hill Watts, Governor; James H. Weakley, Surveyor (General ; Henry Young Webb, Superior Court Judge ; John Anthony Winston, Governor. It is presumed that the public and private papers preserved by the following public men, who are still living, are in their possession. They are Gov. Rufus W. Cobb, Gen. John H. For ney, Gen. John B. Gordon, Hon. Hilary A. Herbert, Gov. Joseph F. Johnston, Gov. Thomas G. Jones, Gen. George D. Johnston, Gen. E. M. Law, Gov. Robert Lindsay" Gen. James Longstreet, Gen. John T. Morgan, Gov. W. C. Gates, Gen. W. F. Perry, Gen. E. W. Pettus, Gen. Charles M. Shelley, Col. M. L. Stansel, and Gen. Joseph Wheeler."' It is, however, under stood that the military and other papers of Gen. John H. Forney, Gen. W. F. Perry and Gen. James Longstreet have been destroyed. 1. WILLIAM WIRT ALLEN. The "War Papers" of Gen. W. W. Allen (1835-18 ) are in the Confederate Museum, at Richmond. Tliey are entered as No. 118 of the Catalogue (1898), p. 130. Gen. Allen received his rank as Brigadier, Feb. 26, 1864, and as Major-General, March, 1865. 2. JEREMIAH AUSTILL. Huriosco Au.still, of Mobile, succeeded to all of the papers of his father, Jeremiah Austill (1794-1879). Of what they consist is not known. A manuscript account, prepared by Mr. Austill, of the "Canoe Fight," in which he participated, is in the collections of the Alabama Historical Society. 3. ARTHUR PENDLETON BAGBY. In answer to an appeal from Mr. Pickett for data and ma terial for use in his projected History of Alabama, Gov. A. P. Bagby, Washington, April 14, 1847, responded that "The un fortunate destruction by fire, of my office and all my papers 160 Report Alabama History Commission. connected with my early knowledge of Alabama, in the fall of 1837, deprives me of the power of aiding you at all in that way. Nor is there any thing in the records at Claiborne as they were at an earlier period subjugated to the same fate." His daughter, Mrs, Joseph Beardslee, of Hattiesburg, Miss., has a few of his priva,te letters, and a copy of his inau gural address printed on satin, which was presented to Mrs. Bagby by the State Senate. Mr. Bagby was Governor of the State, 1837-1841, U. S. Senator from Alabama, 1841-1848, and later U. S. Minister to Russia, besides holding a number of other public positions. 4. FREDERICK A. P. BARNARD. From the "Prefatory Note" to the Memoirs (1896) of. Dr. Frederick A. P.Barnard by John Fulton, it appears that after the death of Mrs. Barnard "many interesting letters and other documents" left by him, were not to be found. This made necessary the presentation of the career and views of Dr. Barnard principally from his published writings. It is not known that any of his papers have subsequently been found. From Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 811-813. may be obtained titles of his printed works of local interest. 5. GEORGE BENAGH. Miss Elizabeth Benagh, daughter of George Benagh, A. M., Professor of Mathematics at the State University, 1852-1862, communicates the following facts with reference to the work of her father and of the loss of his papers : "Most of my father's papers, with several mathematical works which he had under way at the time of his death, and his entire library were destroyed by fire when our house was burned in 1873. We also lost the almanacs which he calcu lated for the Southern States during the war, and gave to the Confederacy. This calculation took place at the IJniversity of Alabama. It seems strange now to think that in those times that tbe South could procure no almanacs, as our ports were blockaded by our foes, when now we can get them at every turn. I wrote to the house in Georgia which published these almanacs, but all their old papers, etc., of the War had been destroyed by fire a few years ago." 6. WILLIAM WYATT BIBB. The correspondence, papers, etc., of Gov. William W. Bibb (1781-1820) have been lost, a circumstance greatly to bede- Papers of Public Men. 161 plored. Mr. Bibb, after a distinguished career in Georgia, came to Alabama as Territorial Governor, 1817-1819, after which he became the first chief executive of the State. He passed to an early grave in 1820, over twenty-five years before Mr. Pickett set about writing his History of Alabama. In searching for his papers, Mr. Pickett received the following account of their destruction from George B. Bibb, dated Aug. 5, 1847, Avhich is introduced in its entirety, owing to the inter esting nature of the subject : "I appreciate very highly your kind wishes, in the history you have commenced, to notice in a complimentary manner the character and services of my father. And I much regret that it is out of my power to afford you much light as regards my father's correspondence — his public acts are upon record and I suppose are accessable ( sic ) to you in the State records. There were many letters of great interest written by himself and replys (sic) from others in my possession some years ago — but in my frequent moving they have been lost. I had a large bag of copies of correspondence and replys when I left Mrs. Jackson's, which from your letter I presume are de stroyed. Among them were many that would have been in teresting for you to have seen and which if not lost I should be pleased for you to have. Among those letters were many from Messrs. Monroe, Crawford, Calhoun, Macon and other distinguished politicians and copies of his own to them. ' I cannot sufficiently express my regret to you that they are lost, and that it is out of my power to furnish you with them. And I know of no other mode to execute your complimentary notice of his history than to rely upon the records of the country. All of his correspondence and replys had been read by me and placed to themselves — and not calculating that they would be called for I have neglected too long as it ap pears to remove them from Mrs. Jackson's." However, a few letters have survived, copies of which are now in the possession of the editor. He has also obtained copies of his correspondence as Territorial Governor to and from the State Department. The correspondence of his con temporaries, if obtainable, would doubtless reveal a number of his letters. A practically exhaustive bibliography accom panies a sketch of Mr. Bibb in the Transactions of the Ala bama Historical Society, 1898-99, vol. iii, p. 132. 7. BIENVILLE. The fate of the private papers of Bienville (1680-1768), as well as the official papers coming into his hands has never 11 162 Report Alabama History Commission. been ascertained. There are but "two unofficial documents" left by him in existence, so far as is now known — a letter to his brother, ahd his will. These have been published in Messrs. Alex Jodoin and T. L. Vincent's Histoire de Longue uil et de la Famile de Longueuil (1889) ; and also in Miss Grace King's Sieur de Bienville (1893) . In the former work is given an account of the destruction of the accumulations of thfe Longueuil family papers in Montreal, "in order to clear out a garret needed for the quartering of troops during the affair of the 'Trent'." Miss King had resort in preparing her work to official documents preserved in French's Historical Collections, in Margry's Decouvertes, etc. (6 vols.), and in the MSS. collected by Margry and M. Magne, which are in the keeping of the Louisiana Historical Society. She had such sources in France, as seemed pertinent, searched for new data, but with very little result. Bienville's last residence in Paris is unknown; and his body rests in an unknown grave in Montmarte Cemetery. 8. WILLIAM BLOUNT. W. D. Stephens, Los Angeles, Cal., a great-grandson of William Blount ( 1747-1800 ) is the owner of the remnant of the latter's extensive manuscripts and papers. Mr. Blount was Governor of the Territory of the U. S. South of the Ohio River, 1790-1796, and later U. S. Senator from Tennessee. His papers throw much light on early affairs in the old South west. Copies of them are in the manuscript collections of the editor. 9. WILLIE BLOUNT. Willie Blount was Governor of Tennessee, 1809-1815. During his administration occurred the Creek War, in which the brave Tennesseeans played such a noble part. Gov. Blount did all in his power in behalf of the suffering settlers of South Alabama. Judge W. K. McAlister, of Nashville, whose wife is Gov. Blount's grand-daughter, states that the latter's papers were in the possession of Col. Wiley Johnson, of Clarksville, Tenn., until about the close of the war between the States, when they were all destroyed in the accidental burning of Col. Johnson's office. 10. JAMES CALLER. James Caller (17 — 1819) was one of the early settlers of South Alabama. He was locally prominent, A few of his Papers of Public Men. 163 letters and papers survive, and belong to a grand-daughter, Miss Mary A. Caller, of Tuskegee. Full copies of these are in the manuscript collections of the editor. 11. JOHN CAMPBELL. The Secretary of the first Constitutional (Convention, 1819, was John Campbell, Esq., a native of Virginia. Shortly after this date he returned to his native State, but what became of his accumulated private papers, as well as the separate papers of the Convention are not known. These would now be of extreme interest and value. From Abingdon, July 19, 1847, he wrote Mr. Pickett : "I kept no other journal [than] that of the proceedings of the Convention which you will find of course among the records of the State Department."' 12. JOHN ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. The books, briefs, documents, papers, etc., left by John A. Campbell ( 1811-1889 ) are the property of his daughter, Mrs. Henrietta Campbell Lay, of Baltimore, Md. The documents and papers affecting the part of Mr. Campbell in the War be tween the States have been presented to the Virginia Histori cal Society, Richmond. Mr. Campbell was at the head of the Alabama bar when he was elevated to the U. S. Supreme Court bench, March 22, 1855. 13. JAMES CANTBY. James Cantey ( 1818-187- ) was commissioned Brigadier- General, Jan. 8, 1863. His widow, Mrs. M. E. Bellamy, re ports that she has none of his military papers. She knows of no one who has any of them. His portrait hangs in the ro tunda of the Capitol, at Montgomery. 14. WILLIAM CARROLL. Gen. William Carroll (1788-1844) was in the Creek War, 1813-14, from Tennessee. Wm. H. Carroll, a grandson, of Memphis, Tenn., to whom application was made for his pa pers, reports that they are supposed to have been lost during the war between the States. He states that he has made every possible effort to locate and recover them, but unsuccessfully. A manuscript biography of Gen. Carroll has been prepared by his grand-daughter, Mrs. Emma Carroll Tucker, of Mem phis. 'The original appears to be lost. See lists of records in the Secretary of State's office.swpro. 164 Report Alabama History Commission, 15. REUBEN CHAPMAN. The larger part of the correspondence, etc., of Gov. Reuben Chapman (1802-1882) was burned with his residence during the war. Of this occurrence Brewer's Alabama, p. 362, says : "During the war the federal troops burned his residence, deso lated his possessions, imprisoned and harrassed him, and finally forced him out of their lines." The few papers that were saved are in the possession of his daughter, Mrs. Milton Humes, of Huntsville. Mr. Chapman was Governor, 1847 to 1849. 16. FERDINAND LEIGH CLAIBORNE. Dr. J. W. Monette, in a letter to Mr. Pickett from Wash ington, Miss., June 9, 1847, commenting on the papers of Gen. Ferdinand L. Claiborne said: "Of Gen. Claiborne's papers they were numerous, confused without any order or arrange ment, & it required immense time & labor to examine them; yet close research might disclose other particulars than those selected by me." Gen. Claiborne's papers were subsequently sent to Mr. Pickett by Mr. J. F. H. Claiborne, the son of the General. Mr. Pickett acknowledges his indebtedness in the preface to his History of Alabama, p. xiv : "I will name . etc., etc., and particularly, John H. F. Claiborne (sic), of Mississippi, who placed in my hands the manuscript papers of his father. Gen. F. L. Claiborne, who commanded the Southern wing of the army, during the Creek war of 1813 and 1814. The son has requested me to present the manuscript papers of his father, as a contrii)ution from him, to the His torical Society of Alabama. I shall comply with his request upon the first suitable occasion." These were evidently subsequently returned to Mr. Clai borne, as they are now in the Library of the University of Mississippi. See that title infra, for description. 17. NATHANIEL HERBERT CLAIBORNE. N. H. Claiborne (1777-1859), the author of Notes on the Wa/r in the South (1819), in a letter to Mr. Pickett from Rocky Mountain, Va., Oct. 2, 1847, says : "All the documents I had, that would be interesting to you, I have parted with long since," Papers of Public Men: 166 18. WILLIAM CHARLES COLE CLAIBORNE. The second governor of Mississippi Territory was Wm. C. C. Claiborne (1775-1817). Many of his papers are in the Claiborne Collection, in the State University, Oxford, Miss. In the Secretary of State's Office, Jackson, are several bulky "Executive Journals'' covering his administration, 1801 to 1803, as also some volumes covering his period of service as one of the U. S. Commissioners to receive the cession of Louisiana. His official communications to the State Depart ment, Washington, are found both in the Mississippi and Louisiana Territorial papers. It has been recently ascer tained that Armand Hawkins, an old book dealer, of New Orleans, has three folio volumes, containing copies of all offi cial letters sent by Mr. Claiborne, during his first term as Governor of the Territory of Orleans, 1805 et seq. His purely private and personal papers have not been discovered. In Claiborne's Mississippi, is a likeness and sketch, pp, 250-257. 19. JAMES CLANTON. In 1873 the Selma Argus stated editorially that Col. Joseph Hodgson had in preparation a "Life and Times" of Gen. James Clanton (1827-1871) . The work was afterwards aban doned, and the papers fumished by the family of Gen. Clau- ton returned to them. Whether they have been preserved is unknown. Gen. Clanton v\as a heroic figure in Alabama af fairs during the days of Reconstruction. He was commis sioned Brigadier-General, Nov. 16, 1863. An oil portrait of him hangs over the Speaker's chair in the House of Represen tatives, at Montgomery .' 20. CLEMENT CLAIBORNE CLAY. The papers of C. C. Clay, Jr., (1816-1882),.consisting of let ters, manuscripts, diaries, journals, etc., are all in the jyosses- aion of his surviving widow, Mrs. Virginia Clay-Clopton. She has also copies of all likenesses of Mr. Clay.' 21. CLEMENT COMER- CLAY. Such papers as were left by Clement C. Clay, Sr., (1798- 1866) are supposed to be in possession of his grand children, W. L. Clay, Esq., and Misses Virginia, and Susanna Clay, 'Garrett's Public Men in Alabama, p. 714. 'See Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol.- ii, pp. '<'4-82. 166 Report Alabama History Commission. children of J. Withers Clay. Mr. Clay was one of the purest and strongest of the early public men of Alabama. He filled many public stations, being Governor of the State, 1835-1837. He also served many years in Congress. No detail is known as to the papers mentioned. On April 12, 1847, he wrote Mr. Pickett: "In regard to the Creek War of 1836, however, I may as well apprize you of the fact, at once, that all the documents, and correspondence, relating to that subject, may be found in the Executive archives ; as they related to public affairs, I did not feel myself at liberty to retain possession of them, after I left that office. If you should not progress that far, in your history of Alabama, till the removal of the Seat of Govern ment in November and I should hardly think you would — you can search those archives at leisure, and thoroughly." 22. HENRY DELAMAR CLAYTON. The papers of Gen. H. D. Clayton (1827-1889) belong to his daughter. Miss Mary Clayton, of Eufaula. Their extent is unknown. (Copies of some of them are in the possession of the editor. He was appointed Brigadier-General, April 22, 1863 ; and promoted Major-General, July 7, 1864. 23. JEREMIAH CLEMENS. In the years which have passed since the death of Jeremiah Clemens (1815-1865), all of his papers have been destroyed except a few private letters. He left no unfinished literary manuscripts. His daughter, Mrs. W. W. Townsend, of the City of Mexico, has a manuscript volume containing copies of his correspondence with Gov. A. B. Moore and others at the beginning of the War, 1861, while he was in command of the State troops. Mr. Clemens was in three wars, was a U. S. Senator from Alabama, and the author of literary works of merit. 24. NICHOLAS HAMNER COBBS. The first Protestant Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama was Rev. Nicholas Hamner Cobbs, D. D. (1796- 1861). See Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, p. 868, and Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, p. 87, for published writings, personal bibliography, etc. The fate of his library and manuscripts is described below by his son. Dr. R. H. Cobbs, of Greensboro, Ala. Such as were in the hands of the latter were used by Rev. Greenough White, of Papers of Public Men. 167 Sewanee, Tenn., in his Saint of the Southern Church (1898) a valuable biography. "After my Father's death, his letters fell into the possession of my oldest Brother, Rev. R. A. Cobbs, who died in West Virginia some years ago. I do not think that any of them were preserved. From time to time I have given away my Father's letters to those who wished his autograph until I have only one or two left : & these would not help you at all. In moving from Cincinnati, Ohio, to Mobile, the boat on which we were traveling was sunk & my Father's entire Li brary was lost. He collected afterwards a small number of books — ^most of which are in my possession ; but they are only such works as are found in any ordinary Library. I have the Diary of his official Acts as Bishop ; but do not see how you could make any use of that. And besides every item of the Diary has been already published in the Journal of the Diocese." No collection of the letters from Bishop Cobbs to others has been made. The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., has none of his papers. 25. JOHN COCKE. Gen. John Cocke, of Tennessee, commanded a division of Tennesseeans in the Creek War, 1813-14, and a search has been made for such of his papers as might fall in this period. None have, however, been found. A great-grand-daughter is the wife of Overton Lea, of Nashville, but none of the Gen eral's papers have come into the possession of her branch of the family. , 26. JOHN COFFEE. The papers of Gen. John Coffee (1772-1833) are in exist ence, but have been scattered. The principal part are, how ever, in possession of Mrs. Mary Coffee Campbell, his grand daughter, who gives the following account : "His papers are scattered amongst the heirs; but I know where they are, and could probably reach them as few others could. The papers in relation to Indian campaigns, and the war of 1812-15, were sent to Gen. Jackson, at his request, for the purpose of getting Francis P. Blair, to write a history, as he had requested Uncle Jackson to allow him to do. We sup pose those papers are still in the hands of the Blair family, as young Andrew Jackson of the Hermitage tried to recover them, and they refused to give them up. 168 Report Alabama History Commission. "There are several journals, but nothing printed or bound. A number of very interesting letters from prominent persons to him, and also letters by him to others, in sheets. He left a well selected library, but small. I have his Encyclopedia of forty odd volumes, in good preservation." Gen. Coffee took part in the Creek War, and later became a citizen of the territory. He was appointed surveyor for the public lands in the Northern District of Mississippi Terri tory, March 6, 1817. On April 20, 1818 the limits of the Dis trict were restricted to Alabama. He was successively com missioned for Alabama, Feb. 17, 1823, Jan. 10, 1827, and July 9, 1831. He died in office July 7, 1833. "He was Gen. Jack son's right arm through. all his campaigns against the Creeks, and led the mounted Tennesseeans at the battle of New Orleans."* 27. HENRY WATKINS COLLIER. The wife of Henry W. Collier (1801-1855), some time be fore her death, destroyed practically all of his public and private papers. These included among other things, his cor respondence with Miss Dorothea L. Dix in reference to her efforts in behalf of the establishment of the Insane Asylum at Tuscaloosa. Mr. Collier was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State, 1837-1849, and Governor, 1849-1853. 28. LEE COMPERE. The following extract from a letter to Mr. Pickett, Nov. 1, 1847, discloses all the information at hand concerning the papers of Rev. Lee Compere, an early missionary to the Creek Indians: "At this time my books & papers are all packed up — owing to want of room — in a very short time I expect to be situated so that I can open them — ^then whatever I can find that I think will be of service I will copy & furnish — I once had a partial history of the Creeks in manuscript taken from the Big Warrior — but am under some impression I have parted with it — perhaps to Col. McKenny once in the Indian Department at Washington."' 29. THOMAS P. CRAWFORD. On learning of Mr. Pickett's researches in the history of the State, Thomas P. Crawford, a lawyer of CarroUton, Ala., "Brewer's Alabama, pp. 296. See also Smith and DeLand's Northern Ala bama (1888). pp. 298-306, for sketch and portrait. 'See Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama, (1900), p. 80, note. Papers of Public Men. 169 Aug. 28, 1847, ^Tote him that "With the view of aiding you (Though it be ever so little) in the formation of some inci dents in your contemplated history, I can furnish you with the Diary of my Father who was a captain in the Indian Wars and kept a sort of Log Book during the Time. There are several matters related though of small importance prob ably, that would be extremely interesting to persons residing in your part of the State; the papers of my father are how ever not in my possession, but if you think they would in any way forward you in your laudable undertaking I can procure them for you." It is not known whether Mr. Pickett ever received the Diary. An unavailing inquiry has recently been made to ascertain its whereabouts. 30. ANTOINE DE CROZAT. The papers of Antoine de Crozat, "the opulent merchant," to whom the King of France granted the colony of Louisana, and who held his grant from 1712 to 1717, have not been located.' 31. SAM DALE. If Gen. Sam Dale left any papers, their whereabouts is unknown. He was never married- He died in Lauderdale County, Miss., north of Meridian, at old Daleville. Clai borne's Life and Times of Dale ( 1860 ) is said in the preface to be "condensed from authentic MSS. never yet published." Notes of his personal adventures "were taken down from his own lips" by Claiborne and others. 32. ZACH C. DEAS. Zach C. Deas ( 1819-1882) was appointed a Brigadier-Gen eral, Dec. 13, 1862. His military papers, commissions, orders, and other papers have been entrusted to the editor for use in his historical work. 33. SILAS DINSMORE. The papers of Silas Dinsmore (1766-1847), one of the cul- trivated public men of the Southern country in pioneer days, were destroyed by fire. The following interesting extracts indicate how valuable the material kept by Mr. Dinsmore would have been to the historian. George S. Gaines, July 27, IS 47, wrote Mr. Pickett : •Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama (1900), pp. 182-208. 170 Report Alabama History Commission. "I have just heard of the death of my old friend Silas Dins more, Esq. He died recently at his late residence on the Ohio river (Kentucky side) a few miles below Cincinnati. He not only kept a journal of daily events interlarded with curious Indian traditions & historical sketches, during his Indian agency, but he had collected all the old books, treating of this quarter of the globe, within his reach, also statements of old white men, «& manuscripts on the same subject. A visit to his widow would pay the Alabama and Mississippi historian well for the time he would lose." Again on Sept. 28, 1847 he wrote : "But if you can obtain the late Col. Dinsmore's papers from the widow, you will, I think, require but little more material for that period of time. It would be well I think for you to write to Mrs. Dinsmore first & make inquiry whether her late husband ever wrote any history of this section of the country, if not what has become of the materials he collected while in the public ser vice, and whether she would dispose of them. I send inclosed a letter of introduction to her in your favor." . Later Mr. Pickett wrote Mrs. Mary G. Dinsmore, Bellview, Boone County, Ky., and to him she replied in part : "I regret I am not able to furnish you with the documents desired. I believe my late husband had the books and papers you men tioned, & also some notes of his own. When about to leave Mobile, to join him in the North I deposited his library & papers in the Bank for safe keeping, & they were all consumed in the great conflagration the following fall." 34. SIR WILLIAM DUNBAR.' The Claiborne .Collection, at the University of Mississippi until recently, included the existing manuscripts of Sir Wil liam Dunbar (1749-1810). By Act of the Legislature they were returned to the Dunbar descendants. Mr. Dunbar was one of the most cultured and influential settlers in the Southwest. His papers were used by Dr. J. W. Monette in his Valley of the Mississippi (1848). Respecting them he wrote Mr. Pickett, June 9, 1847: "Relative to the MS. papers of Sir William Dunbar, I infer you would be unable to derive any connected historical mat ter. Mr. Dunbar published several important papers in the Transactions of the American Philosopl. Society in Philada. many years ago. Several years since Mann Butler, Esq., spent several days at the residence of his son examining papers, etc., and took with him such as he deemed useful & Papers of Public Men. 171 fiince then nothing has been heard from them. On a visit, one year since no papers of importance were accessible." See Mississippi State University Library, infra. 35. THOMAS EASTIN. The books, papers, documents, etc., of Thomas Eastin (1788-1865), are reported by his grandson Dr. Dillon J. Spotswood, of Mobile, as destroyed when his residence, near Mt. Vernon, was burned about 1859. Mr. Eastin was the founder and editor of the Halcyon, at St. Stephens, one of the very first newspapers printed in Alabama. He was also the first territorial printer. 36. JOHN H. EATON. The papers of Gen. John H. Eaton are perhaps lost beyond recovery. They were in the possession of his widow, the famous Peggy O'Neal, at the time of her death. Gen. Eaton was associated with Gen. Jackson in the years when the latter was achieving fame in the Southern country. He later be came the biographer of the General . His papers would doubtless prove of much value. 37. ROBERT FARMER. After the change of flags, in 1764 Major Robert Farmer (1718-1778) was placed tn command of Mobile by the British. He was a man of rank and of fine attainments. A few of his private papers are in the hands of descendants, copies being in the possession of the editor. In the Haldimand Col lection, in the Canadian Archives, at Ottawa, will be found a number of papers in relation to his public career. 38. THOMAS FLOiniNOY. Prior to the death of Thomas Flournoy, J. H. F. Claiborne applied for the use of his military papers, but was informed by him that they had been destroyed by fire. Mr. Flournoy was a Brigadier-General in the Creek War, 1813-14. 39. EDMUND PENDLETON GAINES. A few letters of Gen. E. P. Gaines (1777-1864) to others, have been found in private hands. Numbers of his official re- "Dr. F. L. Riley has a valuable study on Mr. Dunbar, '"the pioneer scien tist of Mississippi," in the Publications of the Miss. Hist. Soc, vol. ii, pp. 85-111. 172 Report Alabama History Commission. ports and communications to the War Department are print ed in the Congressional Documents of the period. These can be located from the index to Poore's Descriptive Cata logue of Government Publications. His private and other papers, however, are lost. Their destruction he explained in a letter to Mr. Pickett, Aug. 17, 1847 : "I will with great pleasure avail myself of an early occasion to comply with your request, as far as my memory, and the very few papers saved from the wreck of a boat in Mobile, in the year 1813, while in upper Canada, or upon the northern frontier ( where I served during the principal part of the war of that & the following year) . I am at this moment however without any papers, such as you desire ; — save a sketch drawn up by a young friend who did me the favor to arrange the few papers which remained from another ship, or Boat wreck. (That of Flint river 24, Feb. 1818 in which I had valuable papers. ) This sketch, however, contains but little regarding my services prior, or during the war, or subsequent to the war connected with the History of Alabama." He wrote further, Sept. 21, 1847: "The various public duties which require my attention, and which keep me on my feet, at my desk, from 9 to twelve hours, every day, leave me but little time to look into the few broken files of my old papers, to which I think myself in duty bound to refer, in preparing any. thing for such a work as that which so laud ably occupies your attention." It is not known that he ever furnished Mr. Pickett any data. The "broken files" referred to by him have not been located. His son, who now resides in Washington, D. C, has none of them : 40. GEORGE STROTHER GAINES. The papers of George Strother Gaines (1784-1873) are the subject of a note, by the editor, in the Transactions of the Ala bama Historical Society, 1898-99, vol. iii, pp. 184-185. It is here introduced as containing all that is known of them. Mr. George S. Gaines came to Alabama in the Spring of 1805 and was in the government service as Indian factor at St. Stephens, and later in the present Sumter County, from this time until the admission of the State. . He was thrown intimately with all of the leading characters of the South west, and took an active part in all public affairs. Students have recognized the value of Mr. Gaines' recollections of events during this period of his life, and Mr. Pickett, Ala- Papers of Public Men. 173 bama's leading historian, took notes of interviews with him, which are now in possession of the editor. Mr. Gaines' official papers seem to have been destroyed, as will appear from his letters to Mr. Pickett. On July 27, 1847, he wrote : "I write you now merely to say that I will with pleasure furnish you with such materials, as may be in my recollection, for your history of Alabama. I kept no journal of events; and my correspondence whilst U. S. Factor, was turned over to my successor after my resigna tion." And again, Sept. 28, 1847, he wrote : "All the public Indian trading houses, then called U. S. Factories, were abolished by Act of Congress in 1821, and the books and papers of the Choctaw Factory fell into the hands of Col. W. Ward then Choctaw Agent and after the removal of the In dians and (the first sales of lands thereabouts) the agency house became public property and I am told the books and papers of the trading house, left in it, have supplied bonnet paper and wrapping paper to the neighborhood ever since. "It would be accidental to find anything of value in such a wreck. "The public offices in Washington, if the papers were not burned, could furnish you much valuable material for your history on the correspondence of the U. S. Agent and Factors from 1800 to 1825." In Mr. Dillard's paper on the "Dancing Rabbit Creek Treaty," acknowledgment is made for valuable facts fur nished by Mr. Gaines. Mr. Gaines died in 1873 at State Line, Miss. In the liummer of 1871, at the request of Percy Wal ker, Esq., he prepared his "Reminiscences of Early Times in the Mississippi Territory," which were by Mr. Walker pre sented to the Franklin Society, of Mobile. These were pub lished in the Mobile Register, June 19, 27, July 3, 10, and 17, 1872, and reprinted in part in the Alabama Historical Re porter, Tuscaloosa, May, 1884, vol. ii. See Mississippi State University Library, infra, for refer ence to other papers. 41. GEORGE GALPHIN.' The papers of George Galphin, the noted Indian trader, have doubtless been destroyed. The Rev. George Galphin Nowlan MacDowell, Dawson, Ga., who is a descendant, has •Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama (1900), p. 21, note; also White's Historical Collections of (Georgia, (1854). 174 Report Alabama History Commission. been unable to trace them. A small volume of "Accounts" is, however, in the Georgia Historical Society, for mention of which see, infra. There are also Galphin papers in the office of the Secretary of State of South Carolina, at Colum bia. 42. JOHN GAYLE. I'lie library of Gov. John Gayle (1792-1859) was lost in 31i>bi]e during the war, and Avith it probably a part at least of his papers. His widow stored a box containing many of his letters and papers at the home of Dr. Parish, at Mobile and just after the war these were consumed with the burning of his house. A daughter, Mrs. James W. Locke, of Greens boro, has his commission as Federal Judge, and also several letters to her mother (the second wife) from him while he was in Washington. Mrs. Amelia G. Gorgas, another daugh ter, of Tuscaloosa, has the private "Journal" of her mother ( the first wife ) , covering many interesting events. The edi tor has about fifty letters and documents to and from Gov. Gayle, connected with the controversy which arose between Alabama and the Federal Government in 1833. Mr. Gayle came to Alabama in 1813, and was in public and professional life in the State for over forty years. He was Governor, 1831 to 1835. 43. ISAAC GUION. The "Letters and Papers" of Maj. Isaac Guion (17-1825), prominent in early Mississippi Territorial affairs, are in the Claiborne Collection, at the Mississippi State IJniversity. See that title, infra. 44. BENJAMIN HAWKINS. The papers of Benjamin Hawkins (1754-1816) were the object of eager search on the part of Col. A. J. Pickett, for use in his History of Alabama. Mr. Hawkins, who had a distinguished public career, saw his first Indian service in- 1785. as one of the Commissioners who negotiated the Hopewell treaty with the Cherokees. In 1796 he was appointed agent f( 1' ail the Indians south of the Ohio, upon which he removed to the Creek country and established himself at what is now Hawkinsville, Ga. Here he remained until his death. Papers of Public Men. 175 Gen. Thomas S. Woodward presents a high estimate of him iQ a letter to Edward Hanrick, May 2, 1857, published in his Reminiscences, pp. 6-7 : "There is one thing I want, if it can be got hold of, and, if George Stiggins is living in your county he has it. It is a manuscript given me by the widow of Col. Hawkins. It is in the hand writing of Christian Limbo, who lived with Col. Hawkins many years. It was copied from Col. Hawkins' own manuscript, which was burned shortly after his death. I knew Col. Hawkins well. He knew more about Indians and Indian history and early set tlements and expeditions of the several European nations that undertook to settle colonies in the South and Southwest, than all the men that ever have or will make a scrape of a pen upon the subject. The loss of his papers was certainly a very great loss to those who would wish to know things as they really were, and not as they wished them." The following extracts from Mr. Pickett's correspondence give an interesting account of the character of a part of the papers and of their loss : Thos. M. Ellis, Macon, Georgia, August 26th, 1847:— "There was a man living in Lowndes County, Ala. in 1840 by the name of Henry B. Wigginton who acted as Steward for Col. Hawkins during the war [of 1813-14] and was fre quently with Col. Hawkins on public business he was with him when he died and if Wigginton is still living he can give the best evidence of his manuscripts and papers now living for he helped the Col. to pack them up in his trunk and locked it. The Col. observed at the time to Wigginton. This trunk contains all my Asritings and labor for 11 years and is now ready for the press. I was at Ck)l Hawkins' when the fire took place and every thing was consumed worth any note; his children and v.ife escaped with their lives and that was all, even their wearing clothes were burnt &c." Sterling Lanier, Macon, Georgia, April 29, 1847: — "Col. Hawkins when residing at the agency on Flint River, had wrote a history of the habits & customs of the Creek Indians, and packed the manuscripts in a large trunk, ready for publishing, but unfortunately with his dwelling was burnt, Mr. Ellis being present at the time — all other papers, books, &c. left at his death, is now in the hands of his son James." While the loss is greatly to be deplored, it is fortunate that several volumes of his manuscripts have survived. They are preserved in the Georgia Historical Society, . Savannah, and are filled with interesting historical material. For a full description of the collections of that Society, see infra. 176 Report Alabama History Commission. Sundry letters from and to Mr. Hawkins will be found in the American State Papers : Indian Affairs (2 vols.) ; in the Jefferson and Madison Papers, preserved in the State De partment, Washington ; in the Territorial Papers, in the same Department ; in the correspondence of the War Department ; and also in the Office of Indian Affairs. A few letters from him are in the "McKee Papers," in the possession of the editor. In response to an inquiry. Gov. G. M. Troup, Valdosta, Aug. 13, 1847, wrote Mr. Pickett: — "Much of the corres pondence of (3ol. Hawkins with the War Department may have been burnt. His private & confidential correspondence with Gen. Washington who appointed & esteemed him highly (whatever the value or extent of it) may have passed into the hands of Mr. Spark's for aught I know — it must have been more interesting than any thing emanating from him officially." No examination of the ¦ Washington Papers, or of the Sparks' Manuscripts, has been made in reference to this sug gestion. * 45. DAVID HOLMES. In the Claiborne Collection, at the State University, Ox ford, Miss., are some papers and documents of David Holmes (1769-1832), fourth (.Jovernor of Mississippi Territory. (ijopies of many others are in the State Department, Wash ington. During his administration occurred the Creek War, Indian Land cessions, expansion of population, etc. The "Executive Journals" for the period, 1809-1817, are in the office of the Secretary of State of Mississippi, Jackson. What became of his personal and private papers is unknown. His likeness is in Claiborne's Mississippi, which also contains a sketch, pp. 302-303. ""Here Colonel Hawkins died in 1816, and was buried on the wooded bluff overlooking ihe Flint river, a few hundred yards below the point of present crossing. No stone marks his grave. Among the scattered and almost obliterated mounds in this lonely and forsaken cemetery is one more prominent than the rest. It may designate the precise place of his sepulture." "Tall trees and a tangled undergrowth hide the graves of the dead, and there is little eise save silence and forgetfulness. Even the earth-mound which covers the' bones of the famous Colonel Benjamin Hawkins is In capable of positive recognition, and resi,s under the common oblivion which has overtaken all." Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., Dead Towns of Georgia (1878), pp. 243-244. Papers of Public Men. ,177 46. ANDREW JACKSON. In 1882, the manuscripts and correspondence of President Andrew Jackson (1767-1845) long supposed to be lost, were found in "several large trunks," stored in the garret of the old Globe building in Washington. "The General preserved with care his most voluminous correspondence. These papers were committed by him to Amos Kendall, for the preparation of his biography. Kendall made little progress in the work, and that little, it is understood, not at all to the satisfaction of the subject, who quite peremptorily directed the transfer of the material to the elder Francis P. Blair."" The legal rep resentatives of Gen. Jackson entered suit for their recovery. In response to an inquirv as to these papers, the result of the suit, etc., Woodbury Blair, Esq., Washington, D. C, gives the following information, from which it would appear that the papers are not so numerous. It will at least be necessary to examine them to determine how far they illustrate or add detail to the campaigns of Jackson. "My family liave some papers of a miscellaneous character which were given to mv grandfather, the late Francis P. Blair, Sr., by Gen. Jackson, during his lifetime. My father, the late Montgomery Blair, at one time allowed a gentlemen, who was highly recom.mended to him, to examine his papers relating to Gen. Jackson's life, and I believe that said gentle man availing himself of my father's courtesy appropriated . some of the most valuable of these papers, which to date have not been returned. Gen. Jackson authorized my grandfather to receive from Amos Kendall what was supposed to be a full and complete set of papers, which he. Gen. efackson, had lent Mr. Kendall for the purpose of writing his life. I have al- M'ays understood that the papers were never surrendered by Mr. Kendall, and though diligent search has been made by us, kindly assisted by Mr. Kendall's heirs, no one to this day has been able to find or account for the papers. The suit to which you refer could not exactly be called a friendly litigation. Manv unfriendlv averments and charges were made, not one of which was substantiated, and after considerable testimony had been taken, the suit was finally dismissed for want of prosecution, which was done on the motion of my counsel." The correspondence of Jackson and Maj. Wm. B. Lewis was sold in New York, June 3, 1884. It is now in the New York Public Library, having come to it in the Gordon L. Ford Col- "Senator George F. Hoar in Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 1882, p. 130. 12 178 Report Alabama History Commission. lection which was presented to the library by J. Pierpont Morgan. A calendar of the Collection, dating from 1806, and containing over two hundred and sixty letters, appears in the Bulletin of the N. Y. Public Library, Sept. 1900. The following abstracts, taken from the Bulletin, of three letters in this collection from Francis Preston Blair Sr., to Maj. Wm. B. Lewis, throw contemporary light on Mr. Blair's possession of the Jackson papers, and serve to confirm Mr. Woodbury Blair's statements : Washington, July 21, 1856. "Can not understand the ac tions of Andrew Jackson, [Jr.] ; for years Blair has been been laboring to save him from ruin and now he reads that Jackson charges him with abusing the private papers of his father, which the President himself entrusted to Blair." Silver Spring, [Md.,] Oct. 25, 1859. "Acknowledges re ceipt of his letter of 5 inst. ; he could not attend to Lewis's inquiries as to Gen. Jessup [Thomas Sidney Jesup] for the latter was sick; thinks his son, Montgomery Blair, may be able to make search in the war office, and Parton will receive the benefit of his search; Kendall retains all important X»apers of Jackson, having given Blair only the rubbish; the Dickerson, Sevier, and Benton controversies are probably among Kendall's papers; if Blair survives Kendall he will obtain the papers by purchase or otherwise and will make [George] Bancroft the biographer of Jackson; Parton will make an interesting work ; Blair has talked with him and has offered to read his manuscript, but Parton wants a chapter of reminiscences to be incorporated in the work under Blair's name ; this he is not inclined to do ; begs Lewis to turn over to Bancroft all his papers ; is astonished that Parton talks of Jackson as having been born in North Carolina." Washington, May 26, 1864. "Requests him to read atten tively Parton's life of Jackson and to put down any comments he may see fit to make, to enable Blair to do justice to Jackson and the great struggle that commenced between him and Cal houn ; he means to do this himself and to leave Parton and Blair's consolations (?) to the care of his two sons who, when they get hold of the Jackson papers retained by Kendall and the false memoir he will attach to them, may be enabled to give a true picture of the illustrious man of our country." Letters from Jackson are to be found in other collections, some of which have appeared in the Magazine of American History, in the Publications of the Southern History Associa tion, and in other publications." "/See Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. vll, pp. 349-351, for exhaustive consideration of printed material coverlnf Jw't' son's career. Papers of Public Men. 179 47. WILLIAM RUFUS KING. Notwithstanding the most eamest inquiries among Mb collateral relations none of the papers of William R. King (1786-1853) have been located. Mr. Bong was one of the first U. S. Senators from Alabama, serving in that capacity with a short interruption until his death. He was appointed Minis ter to France in 1844. In the presidential contest of 1852 he was elected Vice President of the United States. His long public career, and his intimate acquaintance with men and measures during the time, 1819-1853, indicate how valuable his papers and correspondence might be. It is believed by some of his relatives that everything of this character left by him has been destroyed. The editor has a few letters from him, which form a part of the coUection of Gayle papers men tioned, supra. 48. JOHN LAW. The "family papers" of John Law were, during the French Revolution, "for the most part lost or destroyed.'"' After Antoine de Crozat surrendered his concessions, the Western, or India Company, was chartered to take control of the colo nies of Louisiana. John Law, a Scotch financier, but at this time the Comptroller General of the Finances of the King dom of France, was the central figure of the compaaiy. It was in power from 1717 to 1731. But while his private papers appear to be lost, the gratifying discovery has been made that a large body of the records and papers of the com pany have been found in the Archives at L'Orient, France. See supra, for account of their discovery." 49. ALEXANDER McGILLIVRAY. In Pickett's Alabama, passim, are a number of original let ters of Gen. Alexander McGiUivray (1746-1793), said to have been found in the original papers of the case of the Heirs of McGiUivray vs. the Heirs of Panton in the District Court of Louisiana, at New Orleans. Others are printed in the American State Papers. There are a few papers of Daniel McGiUivray in the Mississippi State University, in the Clai borne Collection. If Alexander McGiUivray left any private papers they have not been located. "See Memorial of the Heirs of John Law, March 26, 1838 (Sen. Doc. No. 334, 25th Cong. 2d sess. 8vo. pp. 6). 'TVinsor, vol. v. pp. 75-77; and Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama, pp. 209-235. 180 Report Alabama History Commission. 50. JOHN McKEB. The "McKee Papers" form a part of the manuscript collec tions of the editor. The public services of Col. John McKee (1767-1832) cover the long period from 1792 to 1829, iJn the Southern country, or the Old South- West. He was a member of Congress from Alabama, 1823-1829. His papers comprise letters to and from all of the public men of the period, and cover almost every subject then engaging the public mind. 51. HUGH McVAY. The papers of Hugh McVay (1778-1852) who was long in public life, and was acting govemor of the State, froin July to Nov. 1837, have not been found. His descendants think it altogether probable that they were destroyed during the Con federate War. 52. JAMES MAGOFFIN. James Magoffin came to St. Stephens in 1809, and was for many years connected with public affairs. He explains the loss of his papers to Mr. Pickett, Aug. 2, 1847, in a letter from St. Stephens: "A most voluminous Journal from the day of my landing in the State, with a mass of notes memos, and some scientific correspondence was destroyed by the fire which consumed the Land Office in this place some years ago — among which I have to regret a Geological correspondence with the great and good Dr. S. Mitchell for whom I made collections of mineral petri factions, &c." 53. BASIL MANLY. A memoir of Rev. BasU Manly, D. D. (1798-1868) has for sometime been in contemplation by his son Rev. Charles Man ly, of Lexington, Mo., who has in his possession all of the known papers, etc., of the former. Dr. Manly was a distin guished educator and divine. His name is inseparably linked with the history of the State University of which he was Pres ident, 1837-1855. He was the founder of the Alabama His torical Society. Rev. Charles Manly has prepared a detailed account of the papers in his possession, which is herewith given. (1) The papers are nearly all in my possession. (2) Aside from family letters, there are very few from others to him, A large number, from various persons, were Papers of Public Men. 181 destroyed near the close of the Confederate War. Those that now remain possess no public interest. (3) A large number of copies of letters written by him to others are in my possession — some in sheets, some in letter books. They are mainly of private nature. ( 4 ) There are quite full diaries, of events mainly personal, from 1825-1865. Some of these, especially during his presi dency of Univ. of Ala. are marked "private & confidential." (5) His library of several thousand vols., is in large part now the property of the Southern Bap. Theol. Seminary at Louisville, Ky. The rest is mainly in my possession. ( 6 ) He left a few addresses, reports, etc., printed & in Mss. as follows : Inaugural Address, as Prest. Univ. Ala., Dec. 6, 1837. Commencement Address, as Prest. Univ. Ala., Dec. 16, 1838. Eulogy on Gen. Robert Savage Foster, July 4, 1839. Address: Indispensable Importance of the Univ. to the State of Ala., Dec. 10, 1843. Address : Prepared to be delivered at re-interment in Tus caloosa of remains of Lt. M. P. Inge, who fell at Resaca de la Palma May 9, 1846. The remains were on the Steamboat "Tuskaloosa" which was destroyed by explosion & fire, a few miles from Mobile, Jan. 28, 1847. The remains were never recovered ; and the address was not delivered. Report on Collegiate Education to Trustees of Univ. of Ala., 1852. 54. JOSHUA LANIER MARTIN. The correspondence and public papers of Joshua L. Martin ( 1799-1866 ) which survive, form a part of the manuscript col lections of the editor. Mr. Martin was Governor, 1845-1847, having previously served in Congress, and as Chancellor. 55. SAMUEL B. MOORE. After his service as acting governor, 1831, Samuel B. Moore, (1789-1846) located at CarroUton, in Pickens County. He was never married. Col. M. L. Stansel, of CarroUton, who knew him well until his death, is authority for the state ment that he left no books or papers. He lies in the CarroU ton cemetery in an unmarked grave. 182 Report Alabama History Commission. 56. JOHN MURPHY. Nothing is known concerning the papers, public or private, of John Murphy (1785-1840), who was governor, 1825-29. His grand-daughter, Mrs. Annie D. McMillan, of Stockton, Ala., expresses the belief that they were destroyed during the War at the same time of the destruction of the property of his widow. Gov. Murphy lies in an unmarked grave in Clarke County. 57. PANTON, LESLIE AND CO." Nothing has been discovered in relation to the papers, books, correspondence, etc., of this infiuential firm of mer chants and traders. Their value is thus indicated by J. F. H. Claiborne, the historian of Mississippi, in a letter to Mr. Pickett, Sept. 20, 1847 : "In Spanish times, as far back as 1790, perhaps still farther back, there was a great British House at Pensacola & Mobile, Panton, Laslie, ( sic. ) & Co., which had, by purchase from the King of Spain, the exclusive privilege of trading with the Choctaws, Creeks & Seminoles. At Mobile the firm was Pan- ton, Forbes & Co. They were closely connected with political affairs from that time to the breaking out of the last war. These papers are doubtless, of great historical value, and are probably in possession of their partner or successor Mr. Inerarity, now of Pensacola, a very intelligent man. Thr'o some friend in Mobile, you might open a communication with him. Mr. J. Magoffin (who I believe still survives at St. Stephens) had during the last war some correspondence with a confidential clerk of Inerarity's & can probably be of ser vice to you." 58. NICHOLAS PERKINS. Sometime after the incidents connected with the apprehen sion of Aaron Burr, Maj. Nicholas Perkins, who was a lawyer, removed from South Alabama to Tennessee. Maj. Perkins' papers giving the facts of the capture, etc., are now in the Tennessee Historical Society, presented by Mrs. Wm. O'Neil Perkins, whose husband was the son of Major Perkins. In April 1896, they were published in the American Historical Magazine, Nashville, pp. 140-153. 59. ANDREW PICKENS. Gen. Andrew Pickens had a manuscript copy of Hawkins' "Sketch of the Creek Country," which was used by Mr. "See Claiborne's Mississippi, pp. 132-133, note. Papers of Public Men. 183 Pickett in his History of Alabama.'' The following extracts from a letter of Frank Pickens to Mr. Pickett, Sept. 30, 1847, wouJd indicate that his grandfather, the General, had him self made and preserved notes concerning the Indians etc. What became of the three volumes referred to is unknown. "I find your letter amongst many others & hasten to say, that I have the Journal &c., to which you refer, & it contains the notes of Col. Hawkins & also many things of my grand father's — Gen. Andrew Pickens. They were joint Commis sioners appointed to hold treaties with almost all the Indians in the South & South West, & there is much in the notes re lating to those treaties. I will loan them to you with great pleasure, provided you will return them by the first safe opportunity. I had an idea myself of preparing something in the shape of a history of the upper part of South Carolina connected also with a history of the Southern tribes of In dians. I think the notes are too voluminous to be sent by mail, as they are in three vol." 60. SAMUEL PICKENS. The private and family papers of Samuel Pickens (1790- 1855), who was Comptroller of PubUc Accounts, 1819-1829, are in possession of his son, James Pickens, Sawyerville, Ala. 61. GEORGE POINDEXTER. The political and private papers of George Poindexter (17 - 1855) third delegate from Mississippi Territory, and so long in Mississippi public life, form a part of the Claiborne Col lection, now in the University of Mississippi. "Some time after the death of Mr. Poindexter, I applied by letter to his representative for his papers, with a view of writing his biography, but a gentleman living in Jackson, who had been for the last twelve months very much with him, and pro posed to write his memoirs, was prefered. During the war this gentleman came to my residence at Bay St. Louis, and informed me that he was going to Europe, and offered me the papers for |300 in gold. The terms were accepted. There are very many of these letters and other papers, referring to all his personal quarrels, and dealing very freely with the frail ties of his contemporaries, during the whole of his public career."" See Mississippi State University Library, infra. "Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama, (1900), p. 117. ' "Claiborne's Mississippi, p. 414, note. 184 Report Alabama History Commission. 62. ROBERT EMMET RODBS. Mrs. V. Hortense Rodes, the widow of Gen. R. E. Rodes ( 1827-1864 ) , has the military and other papers of the latter which are in existence. Concerning them she says : "I have Gen. Rodes' Commissions: Col., Brig.-Gen., & Major-General, not Lt.-General as he was only acting in that capacity. These papers I would not loan — his private cor respondence, save a (precious) few letters, I burned many years ago and also his correspondence with brother officers. I kept a few mementoes only. His reports of which I had copies, I loaned many, many years ago to Dr. Jones of Rich mond. He still has them I suppose as he never returned them to me." Gen. Rodes was made a Brigadier-General, Oct. 21, 1861, and a Major-General, May 2, 1863. He was killed at Win chester, Sept. 19, 1864. Brewer's Alabama, p. 568, says of him : "No man more assiduously devoted himself to the duties of a soldier than Gen. Rodes, and he was truly the trusted right arm of every corps commander under whom he served." Four of Gen. Rodes' papers were presented to the Ala bama Historical Society, at the annual, mee ting, July 2, 1878, by Mrs. Rodes. 63. JACK FERRILL ROSS. No papers of Jack F. Ross (1791-1837), first Territorial and State Treasurer, are believed to be preserved, as none are in the possession of descendants. In Dec. 1818, his dwelling house at St. Stephens with all his papers, as well as some of the Territorial funds, was destroyed by fire. 64. REUBEN SAFFOLD. The papers of Judge Reuben Saffold (1788-1847) are be lieved by the family to have been destroyed by the burning of his residence. Mr. Saffold, came to what is now Alabama in 1813, and was almost continuously in the public service until ten years before his death. 65. JOHN C. CALHOUN SANDERS. Dr. William H. Sanders, State Health officer, makes the following report on the papers of his brother : "Gen. Sanders left no papers of historical interest. At the breaking out of the War he was a College boy. [University Papers of Public Men. 186 of Alabama.] His official papers, as an officer, were largely destroyed just before the surrender of Lee's Army by the burning ol the brigade wagon train. Letters, written home from tlie Army, were nearly ail destroyed under the following circumstances : When Cioxton's raiding command was known to be approaching, the home folks, appreciating the passion I'ederal soldiers had for ransacking houses for army letters, hurriedly gathered up all such letters, and secured them unaer the blulf ot a small branch. That night rain fell in torrents, the branch rose unprecedentedly, ana washed the letters away. A few were recovered, but were so defaced as scarcely to be legible." Gen. Sanders was one of the very youngest general officers in the Confederate Army. He was born April 4, 1840, in Tuscaloosa Co., Ala.; was commissioned Brigadier-General May 31, 1864; and was kilied Aug. 21, 1864. "A neat marble tablet in Richmond marks his resting place."" 66. WINTHROP SARGENT. The whereabouts of the papers of Winthrop Sargent ( 1753- 1820), first chief executive of Mississippi Territory have not been ascertained. He was in office from May 7, 1798 to early in 1801. Claiborne's Mississippi is unusually severe on the career of Gov. Sargent, using m the preparation of the work the papers of his principal contemporary antagonists. It is altogether probable that an unimpassioned study of his administration in the light of all material at present acces sible, including his own papers, would modify the popular estimate. Fortunately, in 1801, soon after he went out of office, he published "by particular desire of his friends" cer tain Papers in relation to the official conduct of Governor Sar gent (8vo. pp. 64 j, which contains his side of the contro- «fl8 versy." In the State Department, Washington, will be found some official papers from him. The office of the Secretary of State of Mississippi, Jackson, has the "Executive Journals," con taining his official acts, correspondence, etc. 67. CHARLES TAIT. Charles Tait (1768-1835), who had a long public career in Georgia, became the first Federal Judge of Alabama, May 30, 1820. He resigned in 1826. His correspondence with public "Brewer's Alabama, pp. 268-269. "See Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Oct 1870, p. 16. l86 Report Alabama History Commission. men, and other papers, is preserved in bound form in the hands of descendants. He was a constant correspondent of John W. Walker, and his letters form a part of the papers of the latter, now the property of the editor. 68. HARRY TOULMIN. Probably the most influential and powerful figure in Ala bama during the Territorial period was Harry Toulmin ( 1766-1824) , who was the Judge of the Superior Court for the District of Washington from 1804 to 1819, compiler of the Mississippi Statutes, 1807, a member of the first Constitu tional Convention of Alabama, 1819, and the compiler of the Alabama Digest, 1823. The papers of Judge Toulmin, if they could be discovered, would prove of extreme interest and im portance to a knowledge of this period. James Magoffin says to Mr. Pickett, Aug. 2, 1847 : "The papers of Judge Toulmin would also be found inter esting he being in the habit of keeping statistical, geological, as also other notes and journals of interesting facts relating to the country and carrying on almost daily a laborious cor respondence with literary and scientific gentlemen of the States and in England & copies (rough) of which he has often exhibited to me and read to me." On application to the family for the use of the papers, Gen. Theophilus L. Toulmin, Aug. 24, 1847, wrote Mr. Pickett: "I have shown your last letter to my mother, after reading which, she informed me, that my Brother, Captain H. Toul min, (who is now at W. City, but will return in a few weeks) had selected many of my fathers old papers & put them safely away, & that among them, she was Inclined to think, I would find some, that you desire to have the use off. I now write, to inform you, that as soon as my brother arrives at home, I will comply with your wishes, as far as it may be in my power to do so." So far as is known the promised assistance was never ren dered; and vain search has been made among the numerous Toulmin descendants for the papers mentioned. The editor has collected from various sources copies of about fifty letters from Mr. Toulmin. 69. GEORGE MICHAEL TROUP. Governor George M. Troup (1780-1856), apart from the interest attaching to the fact that he was born at Mcintosh's Bluff, in what is now Alabama, was the chief executive of Papers of Public Men. 187 Georgia, 1823-1827, during an eventful period in the history of both that State and of Alabama. He it was also who in 1816 defeated for re-election to the U. S. Senate, W. W. Bibb, who soon afterward became Governor of Alabama Terri tory. The present location of his public and private papers has not been ascertained. His biographer, the late Judge Ed ward J. Harden, had access to a large body of material in the preparation of his Life of Troup (1859; Svo. pp. 536, xxii). In this work are set out in extenso a number of originals and extracts. The papers collected by Mr. Harden were returned to the owners after being used, except in the case of Dr. Wm. C. Daniell. About one hundred letters which he contributed consisting of letters from Gov. Troup to him from 1825 to 1856, are now in the possession of Judge Harden's son, WUUam Harden, Secretary of the Georgia Historical Society. One would suspect the entire loss of Gov. Troup's papers from the following extract of a letter to Col. A. J. Pickett, Nov. 5, 1852, in Harden's Life, viz : "I have uniformly said to those who have appealed to me for facts connected with the history of persons and things in past time, and particularly such as relate to myself and famUy, that I have not a scrap of paper in the form of a record, memorial or authentic manuscript, that has been pre served for the purpose, or, indeed, any whatever, to my knowledge, spared by time, or by those yet more active de stroyers, rats and mice."" 70. MICHAEL TUOMEY. The first State Geologist was Michael Tuomey ( 1805-1857. ) In 1850 he published his First Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama. In 1858 his second Report appeared, arranged and edited by J. W. Mallet. Concerning Mr. Tuomey's papers Dr. MaUet, now of the University of Virginia, says : "All the papers used in my editorial work on the 2nd Geo logical Report of the Alabama Survey by Prof. M. Tuomey were placed in a small building not far from that known as the 'Lyceum' of the University of Alabama, which building also contained the most important lithological and palaeon- tological collections of the Survey. It was, with its contents, destroyed by fire, set by the U. S. cavalry force under Gen. "Gov. Troup is buried at Rose Moimt, Montgomery County, Ga. A suit ably inscribed granite monument marks the spot. A life size portrait, painted by order of the Georgia legislature, hangs on one side of the President's chair in the Senate Chamber of the State. — Harden's Life, pp. 531, 536. 188 Report Alabama History Commission. Croxton, just before the close of the Civil War. I saw its ashes soon after my return from service in the Confederate army in 1865. I doubt much whether any other papers of public interest were left by Prof. Tuomey." 71. HENRY TUTWILER. Dr. Henry Tutwiler (1807-1884) was one of the most emi nent educators of Alabama. In 1878 a tornado swept over Greene Springs, in Hale County, the seat of his school, and destroyed practically ail of his books and papers. He is known to have kept journals during his long and busy life, but they seem to have disappeared. . Some few of his letters, which survive, are in the hands of his daughter, Miss Julia Tutwiler, and of Col. T. C. McCorvey, his son-in-law. 72. JOHN WILLIAMS WALKER. John W. Walker (1783-1823) was a lawyer, the President of the Constitutional Convention of Alabama, 1819, and one of the first U. S. Senators from Alabama. Practically all of his correspondence and papers are preserved in the hands of his descendants. FuU copies are in the manuscript collec tions of the editor. 73. JAMES WHITE. Gen. James White was in the Creek War 1813-14, com manding Tennessee troops. It has been ascertained from John M. Lea, of Nashville, whose wife was the grand-daughter of Mr. White, that all of the General's papers went into the hands of his son Hugh Lawson White, and with the papers of the latter are now supposed to be lost. 74. ROBERT WILLIAMS. It is supposed by his descendants that the books and papers of Robert WUUams (1768-1836), third Governor of Missis sippi Territory, have been lost or destroyed, as practically none are in their possession. His official term covered the period from March 1, 1805 to 1809, during which time occurred the Burr excitement, arrest, etc. Claiborne's Mississippi deals with Gov. Williams with considerable as perity, far more harshly indeed than was justifiable. The "Executive Journals" covering his term are in the Secretary of State's office, Jackson. A few official papers are in the State Department, Washington. Papers of Public Men. 189 75. JONES MITCHELL WITHERS. The military papers, reports, orders, and private papers of Gen. J. M. Withers (1814-188) were stolen, and their recov ery has never been effected. Gen. Withers became success- ivelv Brigadier-General, July 10, 1861, and Major-General, April 6, 1862. 76. STERLING ALEXANDER MARTIN WOOD, Such military pax)ers and others as were left by Gen. S. A. M. Wood (1823-1891) are in the possession of his son, S. A. Wood, of Birmingham. Gen. Wood became a Brigadier-Gen eral Jan. 7, 1862. 77. WILLIAM LOWNDES YANCEY. The striking figure of William L. Yancey, more than any other, brings Alabama into the current of broad history. As a member of the Secession Convention of Alabama, 1861, it is said of him that he "was the master spirit, towering above all others, in the boldness of his conceptions, in the energy of his measures, and in the splendid gifts of argumentative eloquence." His successor in the Confederate Senate, Hon. Robert Jemison, in his parting address to his colleagues in the Senate of Alabama, refers to him "as the lamented Yan cey, whose eloquence and perseverance in the cause of South ern rights, contributed more largely than the efforts of any other man to bring about our separation from the Federal Union." Mr. Yancey (son of Benjamin Cudworth Yancey and Caroline Bird) was born Aug. 10, 1814, near the Falls of Ogeechee, Warren County, Georgia. His collegiate training was received at WiUiams College in Massachusetts. In 1836 he came to Alabama, and was successively planter, editor, lawyer, member of the General Assembly and Senate of Alabama, member of Congress and political leader. His was an exceedingly active life, as the results hereinafter noted will show. In 1861 he went to England and France as Confederate States Commissioner, and in 1862, returned to -Alabama and took his seat in the Confederate States Senate. His death occurred July 28, 1863. Fortunately for Mr. Yancey and for the cause which he so earnestly advocated, a fitting biographer and historian has been found in John Witherspoon DuBose. His Life and Times of Yancey (1892), is not only a biography, but a vivid and thrilling picture of the times in which he lived and 190 Report Alabama History (Commission. labored. In its preparation he has displayed remarkable philosophic insight, power of analysis, and a rare apprecia tion of historical grouping and perspective. In the work Mr. DuBose had the use of Mr. Yancey's pri vate papers, and many appear in his volume, which adds ma terially to its interest and value. AU of these papers have recently come into the possession of the editor for use in his historical studies. They consist of several large Scrap Books, filled with personal and political data for the whole period of his life; several bound files of newspapers, as hereinafter described; bound volumes of his pamphlet Addresses and Speeches; and a number of manuscript letters and political documents. The coUection is remarkable in fullness of de tail respecting Mr. Yancey's career as a political leader, and the estimation in which both he and his views were held by the press and people. In order to present the essential features of the collection, which consists principally of printed material, a bibliog raphy has been prepared and is introduced herewith. It will doubtless be gratifying to students. As stated, many of the important manuscripts appear in Mr. DuBose's work. The remainder are not at present so arranged as to be easily calen dared. The bibliography is arranged under the topics of (1) Personal history, (2) Newspapers, and (3) Published writ ings. Personal History. The I life and times | of | William Lowndes Yancey. | A history of Political Parties in the United States, | |from 1834 to 1864 ; especially as to the origin | of the Confederate States. I By I John Witherspoon Dubose. | [Quotation 5 lines.] | Roberts & Son, Birmingham. | MDCCCXCII [1892.] | 8vo. pp. xiv, 11, 752. Illustrations (steel plates) : — W. L. Yancey, Frontispiece Benja min Cudworth Yancey (father); Nathan B. Whitfield; Joshua Lanier Martin; Henry Tutwiler; John T. Milner; "Gaineswood" (Demopolis, Ala.), the home of Nathan B. Whitfield; Thomas H. Watts, Sr.; and B. C. Yancey (brother). "Mr. DuBose has made a most important contribution to the politi cal and biographical literature of the country by his admirable work delineating the life and character of Yancey. It will be widely read by intelligent students of the political history of the last generation both North and South." — A. K. McClure, Philadelphia Times. "A very valuable book, which I shall study with great interest." — Lord Wolseley. "I am filled with enthusiasm when I read it." — Henry W. Hilliard. "I had mourned Yancey as a lost star; lost, because there were no observers to reach the height where he was last seen. Y6ur work is a prose epic of rare and charming power. No chapter in our history will ever excel it." — Senator John T. Morgan. Papers of Public Men. 191 "The volume is a biography, and as such will no doubt stand forever as an authority to which students may confidently refer for infor mation on matter not elsewhere to be found in such convenient shape." — Magazine of American History, Oct. 1892, p. 239. "In John W. DuBose's Life and Times of Yancey, just published, the best contribution of the Soutn to Southern history is made." — Boston Globe. An account of the trial, on Oct. 24, 1838, of William L. Yancev for shooting Dr. Robinson M. Earle at Greenville. S. C, Sept. 7, 1838. In the Greenvxue Mountaineer, Nov. 9, 1838. Message, Jan. 26, 1846, of Gov. Joshua L. Martin, vetoeing "An act for the relief of Wm. L. Yancey and Daniel Sayre," from the penalty of the dueling law. In the House Journal, 1845-46. Also in the papers of the period. See DuBose's Life and Times of Yancey, pp. 139-147 for an account of the duel between Clingman and Yancey. Sketches of. In Brewer's Alabama, pp. 461-464. Also in Garrett's Public Men in Alabama, pp. 681-706. Sketch, by William Garrott Brown. In the Atlantic Monthly, Boston, 1900. Account of portraits of Yancey. In the Montgomery Mail, March 1, 1871. Sketch of Benjamin Cudworth Yancey. In O'Neall's Bench and Bar of South Carolina, vol. ii, pp. 32J-324. Charleston, S. C, 1859. 8vo. See also DuBose's Life and Times of Yancey, for sketch and por trait. Father of Wm. L. Yancey. Bibliography of. In Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, (1897), pp. 1239-1242. Newspapers. The Adelphi. | (Latin quotation, 2 lines.) | Vol. I. WU liam College, [Mass.] August 18, 1831. No. 1. | [R. Bannis ter, printer.] 8vo. Vol. I, Nos. 1-24, pp. 192. Double columns. Edited in part by Mr. Yancey. Greenville 3Iountaineer. | It is of infinite moment that you .should properly estimate the immense value of your National Union. | Vol. 6, No. 6. Greenville, S. C. Saturday, June 21, 1834. ^\Tiole No. 266. I Folio. June 21, 1834-Dec. 19, 1835. Vol. 6, No. 6,-Vol 7, No. 32. Mr. Yancey was editor from Nov. 22, 1834 to May 16, 1835. The Southern Democrat, Cahawba, Ala. Folio. July 13, 1838 to July 6, 1839. Willis Brewer, Esq., of HaynevUIe, has a flle of this paper. He also edited the Cahaba Democrat, circa, same date. The Southern Crisis. I To be issued weekly until after the 192 Report Alabama History Commission. election of electors of President. | Prince one Dollar. We tumpka, May 16, 1840. Invariably in advance. [Published at office of the Wetumpka Argus, by W. L. & B. C. Yancey.] 4to. Vol. i, Nos. 1-26. pp. 208. 3 columns. "The 'Crisis' will advocate the re-election of Martin Van Buren. We believe him to represent the great mass of the Democratic Party. and to embody, in his political character, the JefEersonian principles upon whioh that Party came into power, and by a strict adherence to which, it has been and ever will be sustained." — No. 1. oeased publication aicer the issue of Nov. 7, 1840, No. 26. Wetumpka Argus & Commercial Advertiser. | Knowledge is power. | Vol. iv. Wetumpka, Alabama, Wednesday, May 15, 1839. No. 8. I [Edited and published by W. L. & B. 0. Yancey.] Folio. May 15, 1839-March 18, 1840. Vol. iv. Nos, 8-52. March 25, 1840-March 24, 1841. Vol v, Nos. 1-52. March 31, 1841-March 23, 1842. Vol. vi, Nos. 1-52. March 30, 1842-March 22, 1843. Vol. vii, Nos. 1-52. March 29 1843-March 20, 1844. Vol. viii, Nos. 1-52. Name changed to "The Wetumpka Argus," Feb. 12, 1840. Mr. Yancey's connection with the paper commenced May 15, 1839, and ceased March 23, 1842. However, he did not actively assist in the editorial work until after Feb. 5, 1840, about which time he per manently located at Harrowgate Springs, one mile and a half from Wetumpka. Miscellaneous newspapers. 1840-1863. Folio. 1 volume. These represent a large number of papers, published both in Alabama and in other States. They usually contain one of his speeches, or an account of some meeting of a political character. Published Writings. Extracts from Address delivered at Lodi, Abbeville Dis trict, S. C, July 4, 1834, at an Anti-Calhoun meeting. In the Greenville Mountaineer, July 12, 1834. Speech at Greenville, S. C, to meeting of Union men, against NuUifiers "test oath," Sept. 27, 1834. In the Greenville Mountaineer. Oct, 4, 1834. Letter, Oct. 27, 1834, in reply to Gen. Waddy Thompson, nuUifier. In the Greenville Mountaineer, Nov. 1, 1834. Account of Visit to Charleston, S. C. In the Greenville Mountaineer, March 28, 1835. Letter announcing his candidacy for the General Assembly from Coosa County, Ala. In the Wetumpka Argus, April 7, 1841. He was elected. On Nov. 1, 1841, he entered actively upon the practice of the law. Remarks of ilr. Yancey, in the House of Representatives, Nov. 16, 1841, on the motion to print 1,000 copies of the Let- Papers of Public Men. 193 ter of resignation of the Hon. C. C. Clay from the U. S. Senate. Ibid, Dec. 1, 1841. Mr. Yancey's Speech on the Chancery Bill. Ibid. Dec. 22, 1841. Favors enlargement and perfection of separate Chancery Courts. Speech of Mr. Yancey, of Coosa. Delivered in the House of Representatives, on Dec. 10, 1841, on the Bill "to enable the joint examining committee more efficiently to investigate Bank frauds." Ibid. Dec. 29, 1841. Candidacy for the State Senate. Ibid. April 26, May 3, July 12, 1843. Letters on the "White Basis." Ibid. May 31 and June 14, 1843. Speech on constitutionality of office of Bank Marshall. Ibid. Dec. 27, 1843. Speech on Texas annexation. Ibid. Jan. 17, 1844. Speech of William L. Yancey, | of Autauga, | in the Senate of the State of Alabama, | on the 4th of January, 1844; | upon a joint memorial to Congress in relation to the impris onment of Amos Kendall, | Post Master General, on account of the claim of Stockton & Stokes; and in reply to | Mr. Dougherty of Macon county. | n. p. n. d. 8vo. pp. 10. Favors relief by Congress. Also in the Wetumpka Argus, Feb. 14, 1844. Letter, June 6, 1844, accepting nomination to Congress in the Third Congressional District. In the Wetumpka Argus, June, 1844. Speech | of | Hon. Wm. Lowndes Yancey, | of Alabama, | on the I annexation of Texas to the United States. | Deliver ed in the House of Representatives, Jan. 7, 1845. | Printed by Harris & Heart, "Constitution" office. | n. d. 8vo. pp. 14. Advocates annexation; contains also scathing attack on Mr. T. L. Clingman's (of N. C.) position. This speech led to the duel between Messrs. Yancey and Clingman, an account of which is given In DuBose's Life, pp. 139-147. Letter, Jan. 25, 1845, to John D. KeUog and others, in reply to an invitation to attend a mass meeting of Democrats in New York City. In the New York News, Jan., 1845. Communication from Mr. Yancey, Feb. 10, 1845 to the Ala bama Baptist in reference to his duel with Thomas L. Cling man. In the Alabama Baptist, Marion, Ala., Feb. 22, 1845, 13 194 Report Alabama History Commission. Oration on life and character of Andrew Jackson. We tumpka : Printed by B. B. Moore. 1845. 8vo. pp. 16. Also in the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 27, 1845. Delivered by request of citizens at Wetumpka, Ala., July 11, 1845. Speech of | Mr. Yancey, of Alabama | on the | Oregon question. Delivered | in the House of Representatives, 1 January 7, 1846. | Washington: [ Printed at the Union office I 1846. I 8vo. pp. 8. Also in the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., Feb. 4, 1846. Speech | of | Hon. W. L. Yancey, of Alabama, | on | the bill making appropriations for | harbors and rivers. | Deliverec I in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, March 10, 1846 Washington : I Printed at the office of Blair & Rives. | 1846, 8vo. pp. 13. Also in the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 23, 1846. Remarks | of | Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, | on | Mr. C. J. IngersoU's resolutions of inquiry into | the conduct of Daniel Webster, in | expending the contingent fund | while Secre tary of State. I Delivered in the House of Representatives, April 9 and 10, 1846. | Washington: | printed by John T. Towers. | 1846. | 8vo. pp. 16. An address on the dignity and rights of women, delivered before the young ladies of Rev. Mr. Hamner's High School, at Baltimore, circa, April 3-29, 1846. Manuscript. See the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., April 29, 1846, for account of. An oration | on the | life and character | of | Andrew Jack son: j delivered before the | Jackson Monumental Conven tion, I of the city of Baltimore, | by | Hon. William Lowndes Yancey, | of Alabama, | May 23, 1846, | Baltimore : | Printed by James Lucas. | 1846. 8vo. pp. 24. This address is remarkable in its variation from the Wetumpka address above. Remarks of Mr. Yancey of Alabama in the House of Repre sentatives, June 16, 1846, on the Mexican War, and in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia. In the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., July 15, 1846. Also in Cong. Globe, Appendix. 1845-6. Speech on reduction of Postage, Feb. 25, 1845. Speech on Naturalization Laws, Dec. 17, 1845. Second speech on Oregon question, Jan. 30, 1846. Speech on Cumberland Bond bill, April 3, 1846. Speech on Mex:ican War, June 16, 1846. Speech on Tari^ BUI, Jti,ne 30, 1846. In tua (7dj^rfessib«i« IfftdVe, Ai(petoafx.ll845-6, Papers of Public Men. 195 Letter, July 6, 1846, to the Voters of the Third Congres sional District, explaining his resignation from Congress. In the Marion News, July, 1846. Speech delivered July 14, 1847, at a barbecue given to Hon. H. W. Hilliard and the County Candidates, at Mt. Meigs, Montgomery County, Ala. In the Flag d Advertiser, Montgomery, July 22, 18^.7. Address of Welcome to Gen. Shields, Dec. 10, 1847, on his return from the Mexican War. In the State Gazette, Montgomery, Dec. 11, 1847. Speech at the reception of Gen. John A. Quitman, Dec. 17, 1847, on his return from the Mexican War. In the State Gazette, Montgomery, Dec. 18, 1847. Alabama Resolutions. In the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., March 8, 1848. Prepared for and adopted by the Alabama Democratic Convention, Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 14 and 15, 1848. See DuBose's Life, p. 212. Also in pamphlet form, but no copies seen. Letter, April 14, 1848, on the Democratic Convention of 1848 and "The Alabama Platform." In the State Gazette. Montgomery, April, 1848. [Political speeches of 1848.] Not seen. Before Baltimore Convention . At Charleston, S. C, on his return from the Baltimore Convention. At Wetumpka in defense of his course in the BaUimore Convention. An I address | to | the people of Alabama, | by W. L. Yan cey, I late a delegate, at large, for the State of Alabama, | to the I National Democratic Convention, | held at Baltimore, on 22d May, A. D. 1848. | Montgomery : | Printed at the Flag and Advertiser job office. | 1848. | 8vo. pp. 78, 1 1. The 1 1. contains a statement, concurring with Mr. Yancey, from P. A. Wray, also a delegate. A later edition was issued with the following title: An I address | to the | people of Alabama, | by W. L. Yan cey, I late a delegate, at large, from the State of Alabama, | to the I National Democratic Convention, | held at Baltimore, May 22d, 1848. | With a supplement, | containing | two letters from Mr. Buchanan, | and the late | letter of Martin Van Buren. | Montgomery: | Barrett & Wimbish, book and job printers. | 1856. | 8vo. pp. 63. Contains Yancey's address, pp. 53; Letters from Mr. Buchanan, pp. 54-57, and Mr. Van Buren's letter, pp. 57-63. Letter, July 24, 1848, to W. H. Lucas, declining to speak at Mt. Meiffs in the campaign of 1848. In the Flag & Advertiser, Montgomery, Jaly, 1848, 196 Report Alabama History Commission. Speech at reception of ex-President, James K. Polk, March 16, 1849 at Montgomery. In the Flag & Advertiser, Montgomery, March 17, 1849. Letter, May 20, 1849, declining' to become a candidate for Congress in the Montgomery District. In the Flag & Advertiser, Montgomery, May, 1849. An address | on | the life and character | of | John Cald well Calhoun. | Delivered | before the citizens of Montgom ery, Alabama, | on the | Fourth July, 1850 . | By William L. Yancey. | Montgomery : | Job office Advertiser and Gazette print. I 1850. J 8vo. pp. 67. Referred to in Southern Quarterly Review, Charleston, S. C, Sept. 1850, vol. ii, n. s., p. 269. Letter, May 18, 1851, to George Williams, President of the Southern Rights Convention, declining nomination for Con gress in the Second District. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, May, 1851. He was also importuned at this time to run for Governor, but he persistently refused political office. Letter, Oct. 15, 1852, to George W. Gayle, giving reason for refusal to advise Alabama to vote against Pierce and King, candidates for President and Vice-President. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, Oct., 1852. Letter, June 23, 1855, to Wm. H. Northington defining his position against Know-Nothingism. In DuBose's Life, pp. 294-297. Mr. DuBose says, p. 267 : "Mr. Yancey retired from general political discussion with the result of the compaign of 1851, consecrating him self to his profession and to the study of science and literature;" and again, p. 294, thac the Northington letter indicates the "date and occasion of his return to political life, from which he never, for any considerable time thereafter, retired." Speech at Columbus, Ga., 1855, "on the great and inter esting questions which the rise and progress of Know-Noth ingism present for consideration." In DuBose's Life, pp. 297-309. An appeal for the unity of Alabama, delivered before the Democratic and Anti-Know-Nothing Convention, Montgom ery, Ala., Jan. 8, 1856. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, Jan. 1856. See the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., Jan. 17, 1856, for full report of proceedings of convention, platform, etc. Letter dated Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 21, 1856, from W. F. Samford addressed to William L. Yancey asking him "for an expression of your views on the questions involved in the coming Presidential contest." Reply of Yancey, dated Mont gomery, Feb. 6, 1856. Jn the Democrat, Hwtsville, Ala., March 14, 1856. Papers of Public Men. 197 Abstract of speech delivered at the ratification meeting, Montgomery, 1856. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, June 28, 1856. Extracts from a speech of the Hon. Wm. L. Yancey. De livered at a barbecue in Chambers County, Ala., Aug. 1, 1857. In the Weekly Union, Washington, D. C, Oct. 10, 1857. Speech at the unveiling of the Washington monument, at Richmond, Va., Feb. 22, 1858. Reference from DuBose's Life, p. 325. Speech of Mr. Y'ancey on receiving the spy glass of Gen. George Washington, presented him by the Mt. Vernon Memo rial Association, at Richmond, Va., Feb. 23, 1858. In the Richmond Enquirer, Feb. 26, 1858. Also in the Cahaba Gazette, March 12, 1858. Speech on Congressional prohibition of the Slave Trade, delivered in the Southern Commercial Convention held in Montgomery, May, 1858. In the States and Union, Washington, D. C, Oct. 18, 20, 23, 1858. Debate with Roger A. Pryor, Henry W. Hilliard, and Wm. B. Preston. Letter, May 24, 1858, to Thomas J. Orme, on the Slave Trade. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, May 29, 1858. Also in DuBose's Life, pp. 366-375. The Slaughter Letter. Communication, June 15, 1858, to James S. Slaughter. In DuBose's Life, p. 376. This letter was copied everywhere, and became famous. In it oc curred the expression "We can precipitate the cotton States into a revolution." Position of the South as affected by National Party neces sities. Abstract of speech at a barbecue at Bethel Church, July 10, 1858. In the Cahaba Gazette, July 23, 1858. The causes of the present position of the South in the Union. Substance of the argument of Mr. Y'ancey, at the Great Meeting, held at Benton, on July 17, 1858. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, July 21 and 28, 1858. Formation of the Montgomery League of United Southern ers, with speech of Mr. Yancey, July 20, 1858. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, July 23, 1858. Constitution of the Montgomery League of United South erners, prepared by Mr. Yancey, 1858. In DuBose's Life, pp. 377.-378. See also the Montgomery Confederation, Aug. 24, 1860, and the Weekly Advertiser, Aug. 29, 1860. Open letter, Aug. 9, 1858, to Roger A. Pryor, editor of the Richmond South, in defense and explanation of purposes of 198 Report Alabama History Commission. the League of United Southerners. In the Charleston Mercury, Sept. 6, 1858. Also in the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Sept. 9, 1858. Letter, Sept. 25, 1858, to the Richmond Enquirer, in reply to communication of Roger A. Pryor. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Oct. 7, 1858, reprinted from the Enquirer. Letter of J. D. Meadows; of Dadeville, Ala., dated June 16, 1859, on the fatal political course of Stephen A. Douglas. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, June, 1859. Also in DuBose's Life, pp. 382-392. Speech at Columbia, July 18, 1859, on political issues. In the Daily South Carolinian, Columbia, S. C, July 23, 1859. Also in the Daily Richmond Enquirer, July 23, 1859. Speech | of | Hon. W. L. Yancey, | delivered in the Demo cratic State Convention, | of the State of Alabama, | held at Montgomery, on the 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th of January, 1860. I Montgomery: | Advertiser book and job steam press print. I 1860. | 8vo. pp. 31. Speech before a Democratic Meeting, Jan. 26, 1860, at Montgomery, on the admission of Kansas, personal vindica tion of his public opinions, etc. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, Feb. 3, 1860. Speech of the Hon. William L. Yancey, of Alabama, deliv ered in the National Democratic Convention, Charleston, April 28th, 1860. With the protest of the Alabama delega tion. From the report of the "Charleston Mercury." {^Colophon: Walker, Evans & Co., print, Charleston.] 8vo. pp. 20. No title page. Substance of the speech made by Hon. Wm. L. Yancey, in the Democratic meeting at Marion, Perry County, [Ala.], May 19, 1860. n. p. n. d. 8vo. pp. 24. No title page. Also in the Dany Advertiser, Montgomery, May 25, 1860; and the Marion Weekly Commonwealth, May 25, 1860. Speech at Cahaba, May 21, 1860, on the political issues of the day. In The Slave-Holder, Cahaba, Ala., May 24, 1860. Letter, dated May 26, 1860, to J. Hamilton, M. C. Gallaway and others, of Memphis, Tenn. On the Charleston Conven tion, his Slaughter Letter and other political questions. In the Daily Locomotive, Atlanta, Ga., June 9, 1860. Speech in Baltimore National Convention, June 23, 1860, congratulating the Party on the nomination of Breckenridge as President. In the Constitution, Washington, D. C, June 27, 1860. Also in DuBose's Life, pp. 480-484. Papers of PubUc Men. 199 Speech at Kingston, Autauga County, Ala., July 10, 1860, on the principles of the State Rights, Constitutional Democ racy. In the Southern Statesman, Prattville, Ala., July 14, 1860. "An address to the Democracy of Tennessee." Letter of Wm. L. Yancey, dated Montgomery, Ala., July 16, 1860. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, July 22, 1860. Also in the West Alabamian, Aug. 8, 1860. Wm. H. Carroll and H. M. Watterson had issued an address, under above title to the Democracy of Tennessee, in which they misrepre sented Mr. Yancey. This letter is a reply and vindication. Abstract of Mr. Yancey's argument at a Democratic Mass Meeting, Huntsville, July 25, 1860. In the Democrat, Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 8, 1860. Speech at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 14, 1860, on the issues in volved in the Presidential contest. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, Aug., 1860. This was the opening of a canvass which included the North. Speech at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 18, 1860, on the Presidential Campaign. In the National American, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 21, 1860. Commented upon unfavorably in the Daily Southern Confederacy, Atlanta, Aug. 24, 1860. Speech at Knoxville, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1860. In the Knoxville Register, Sept. 20, 1860. Speech at the serenade given him in Washington, D. C, Sept. 21, 1860. In tlie Daily Richmond Enquirer, Sept. 25, 1860, reprinted from the Washington Constitution. Also in the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Oct. 2, 1860. Speech at Easton, Md., Sept., 1860. In ...le Baltimore Daily Exchange, Sept., 1860. The Presidency. Speech of Hon. Wm. L. Yancey, at the Cooper Institute, Oct. 10, 1860. In the New York Times, Oct. 11, 1860. Also in the New York Herald, and the New York World, on the same date. Speech in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Oct. 12, 1860, on the politi cal issues of the day. In the Boston Press and Post, Oct. 15, 1860. Thjs paper says: "No words can give an Idea of the tones, the ges ture, and the quick appreciation of the excited audience. It was a succession of triumphs, and at the conclusion the HaU rang with the wildest applause." Also in the Campaign Post, Boston, Oct. 19, 1860. Speech at Albanv, N. Y., in the Hall of the State Capitol, Oct., 1860. In the Albany Evening Journal, Oct. 16, 1860. Constitutional Rights. | Speech | of the | Hon. William L. Yancey, | of Alabama, at Wieting Hall, Syracuse, N. Y., 200 Report Alabama History Commission. I Oct. 15th, 1860. I Published by direction of the National Democratic State Committee. I 8vo. pp. 16. No title page. Double column. Also in Central City Daily Courier, Syracuse, Oct. 19, 1860. Speech at Corinthian Hall, Rochester, Oct. 17, 1860. In the Democrat and American, Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1860. Speech delivered at Florence, Ky., Oct. 19, 1860. In the Cincinnati Daily Courier, Oct. 19 and 20, 1860. Speech at Pike's Opera House, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 20, 1860. InCincinnati Daily Courier, Oct. 23, 1860. Also in the Daily Commercial, Cincinnati, Oct. 22, 1860. Speech at Lexington, Ky., Oct. 22, 1860. In the Kentucky Statesman, Lexington, Oct. 23, 1860. Speech in the Court House, at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 23, 1860. In the Daily Courier, Louisville, Oct. 25, 1860. Speech at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1860. In the Nashville Union and American, Oct. 29, 1860. Also in the Constitution, Tuscumbia, Ala., Nov. 7, 1860. Speech before the New Orleans Democracy, Oct. 29, 1860. In the Daily Delta, New Orleans, La., Oct. 30, 1860. Speech at Mobile, Nov., 1860. In the Mobile Daily Mercury, Nov. 2, 1860. Speech before citizens of Montgomery, at Estelle Hall, Nov. 10, 1860, on the news of the election of Abraham Lincoln. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Nov. 13, 1860. Speeches in the Alabama "Secession" Convention, Jan 7-26, March 4-20, 1861. In Wm. R. Smith's History and Debates of the Convention of the People of Alabama (1861), passim. Address to President Davis on his arrival in Montgom ery, 1861. In the Advertiser, Montgomery, Feb., 1861. Communications from Confederate States Commissioners, W. L. Yancey, P. A. Rost, and A. Dudley Mann, dated Aug. 14, 1861, addressed to Right Honorable Earl Russell, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in explana tion of the right of the Confederate government to recogni tion by Her Majesty's government. In DuBose's Life, pp. 609-621. Letters, April 6 and 17, 1862, to President Jefferson Davis, on failure of the Confederate States War Department to buy arms in Europe, and on other subjects. In DuBose's Life, pp. 650-653. Joint letter, April 21, 1862, of Mr. Yancey and Senator 0. C. Clay, on the appointment of Confederate Brigadier-Gen erals. In DuBose's Life, p. 667. Papers of Public Men. 201 Letter, June 20, 1862, to Wm. F. Samford, on the evils of public assaults on President Davis. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, July 11, 1862. The conscription and exemption laws. An address before the Legi^ature of Alabama, Dec. 2, 1862. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Dec. 21, 1862; also in an "Extra" Jan. 1, 1863. In the Alabama Beacon, Greensboro, Feb. 6, 1863. Also in The Southern Recorder, Milledgeville, Ga., Feb. 3, 1863. Speeches | of | WiUiam L. I'ancey, Esq., | Senator from | the State of Alabama, | made in the Senate of the Confeder ate States, I during the session commencing on the 18th day of August, A. D. 1862. | Montgomery, Ala: | Montgomery Advertiser book and job office. | 1862. | 8vo. pp. Retaliation, Aug. 21, 1862; Secret sessions, Aug. 22, 1862; Conscrip tion, Sept. 4, 1.862; Exemptions of State Officers, Sept. 10, 1862; Appointment of Brigadier-Generals, Sept. 22, 1862; th.e pay of soldiers, Oct., 1862. Speech on the proposition to repeal the 45th and 46th Sec tions of the Judiciary Act of March, 1861, made in the Con federate States Senate, Jan. 30, 1863. In the Daily Advertiser, Montgomery, Feb. 27, 28, 29, 1863. Also in part in DuBose's Life, pp. 702-704. Speech in the Confederate States Senate, March 14, 1863, in reply to Senator B. H. HUl, on the "Judiciary Bill." In the Weekly Advertiser, Montgomery, May 6, 1863. It appears in part in the Daily Intelligencer, Atlanta, Ga., May 3, 1863. This was probably the very last speech ever delivered by Mr. Yancey. Of it the Intelligencer, supra, says: "For its eloquence, clearness and force, it has rarely, if ever, been excelled in any delib erative assembly in America." See Juaose's Life, p, 706, et. seq. Protest of Senator Wm. L. Yancey against the action of the Senate in reprimanding him for his part in a controversy with Senator B. H. Hill, of Georgia, in which the latter struck Mr. Yancey with a glass ink stand, Feb. 4, 1863. In DuBose's Life, pp. 739-743. Letters, May 6, and July 11, 1863, to President Jefferson Davis, on the differences, personal and political, which had arisen between the latter and Mr. Yancey. In DuBose's Life, pp. 744, 747. CHAPTER II. LIBRARIES AND SOCIETIES. No better service has been rendered the cause of historical work and research than the efforts of libraries and societies to collect manuscript material. Its acquisition by them insures its permanent preservation, and makes it available to students, either by publication in full, or in abstract, or by a system of card indexes. In the greater libraries are to be found hundreds of manuscript treasures. Stimulated by their example the smaller libraries are directing their efforts toward the preservation of similar material. Ultimately the "literary remains" of all public characters, and the collec tions of special students, will drift into general libraries, or into the libraries of Societies. A liberal scope has been observed in presenting descrip tions of available local material in libraries explored. It has been deemed best to include too much rather than too lit tle. In many cases general indications when followed up will yield excellent results. It has not always been possible to give full detail. When possible, data has been obtained from official sources, in every case from what is believed to be an authoritative source. The following libraries have been explored, and are found to contain no Alabama manuscripts, papers, or unpublished documents : the Chicago Historical Society, the Chicago Uni versity libraries, the Newberry Library, Chicago, the Massa chusetts State Library, Boston, the library of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the library of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, the Tennessee State Library, Nashville, the library of the University of the South, Sewanee, and the Valentine Muiseum library, at Richmond, Va. It is not known that there are any manuscripts or documents in the Mobile Li brary, the Montgomery Public Library, the Birmingham High School Library, or in the libraries of the Alabama Poly technic Institute, Southern University, Howard College, Florence Normal College, the Alabama Girls' Industrial School, or the North Alabama Conference College. 1. ALABAMA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The principal historical organization in the State is the Alabama Historical Society, founded July 8, 1850, in the city (202) Alabama Historical Society 20^ of Tuscaloosa. Its constitution was prepared by Dr. Basil Manly, the chief promoter in the formation of the Society. Its first officials were: President, Alexander Bowie; First Vice President, A. J. Pickett ; Second Vice President, E. D . King; Treasurer, Washington Moody; Secretary, Dr. Joshua HUl Foster; and Executive Committee, J. J. Ormond, Dr. Basil Manly, Michael Tuomey, L. C. Garland, and Bishop N. H. Cobbs. As declared in the Constitution, "The object of the Society is to discover, procure, preserve, and diffuse whatever may relate to the natural, civil, literary and ecclesiastical history of the State of Alabama, and of the States in connection with her." "The plan of our operations is one of vast magnitude, and the materials to be coUected of almost endless variety. No one department ol human research confines our system. It covers every subject of the natural history of the State in the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. It spreads its wide embrace to receive the record of every important event, either past, or now transpiring, in our civil, religious, social and individual history," etc., etc. (Executive Committee's Re port, 1851.) The first annual meeting was held July 14, 1851, at the University of Alabama, and for about ten years, with more or less regularity, these meetings were held chiefly during the commencements. On February 5, 1852, it was incorporated by Act of the General Assembly. During the four years of the Confederate War aU work was suspended, and many of the papers taken away, and lost or destroyed. It was not untu 1874, under the inspiration of Dr. Joshua H. Foster, who had been the first Secretary, that a revival was effected. Por some time there was considerable interest, and in this period the Alabama Historical Reporter, 1879-1885, had a brief existence. Enthusiasm, however, did not long con tinue, and for several years only a nominal existence was maintained. At the annual meeting, June 21, 1898, there was a substantial revival of interest. On December 10, 1898, the General Assembly of the State made a small appropria tion of $250.00 annually for two years, to assist in publishing the Transactions of the Society. With the assistance, sup plemented by the Society, volumes U and ui have been printed. Prom a nominal membership in 1897, the rolls now number over 375 names. At the annual meeting, June 18, 1890, the Semi-Centennial of the formation of the Society was celebrated in connection with the usual annual exercises. At ^64 Report Alabama History Commission. this meeting there was a full discussion of work and pros pects of the organization, and the best means of accomplish ing more gratifying work for the future. The result was that, by unanimous vote, the headquarters were removed to Birmingham, where they are now located and where the collections are stored. The Society is now exchanging publi cations with kindred bodies, and is regularly receiving for permanent preservation the larger number of newspapers published in the State. Publications. Its old publications, issued prior to 1898, are out of print. They comprise the following : Constitution, (1850). 8vo. pp. 12. Transactions, July 14, 1851 (1852). 8vo. pp. 54. Transactions, July Oth and 10th, 1855 (1855) . Svo. pp. 65. Annual Address, July 13th, 1858, by N. L. Whitfield, (1858). 8vo.pp.l9. Tuskaloosa; Origin of its Name, its History, etc., (1876). 8vo. pp. 86. Session of the Alabama Legislature, 1847-1848, by J. L. M. Curry, (1892). 8vo. pp. 15. Importance and Growth of Genealogical Work in the South (1895). '8^0. pp. 29. Alabama Historical Reporter. Tuscaloosa. 8 vo. Vol i, Nos. 1-10, Oct., 1879-July, 1880. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-12, Dec, 1883-Nov., 1884. Vol. iii, Nos. 1-7, Jan-July, 1885. The new publications consist of two volumes bound in durable blue cloth, as follows : Transactions, 1897-98, vol. ii, (1899). 8vo. pp. 204. Transactions, 1898-99, vol. iii (1899). 8vo. pp. 251. Vol i of the Transactions will embrace all of the previous issues, as well as unpublished manuscript matter from the date of organization in 1850 to 1897 ; and Vol. iv, the Proceed ings of the year, 1899-1900. These will be printed when funds are available. The Report of the Alabama History Commission (this publication) is required to be issued as one of the publica tions of the Society. It will form the initial number of a series of "Miscellaneous Collections." LiBBABT. The library is small and fragmentary. During its exist ence there have drifted into the collection occasional volumes of value, but sets are not complete. Since reorganization in Alabama Polytechnic Institute. 205 1898, effort has been directed with partial success, to the accumulation of all current Alabama newspapers, all books relating to Alabama in any way, or by Alabama authors. Among general works of value, recently secured, are Mar gry's Decouvertes, 6 vols.; Canadian Archives, 16 vols.; and the American Antiquarian, 25 vols. Current exchanges are received from all the principal Historical Societies of the United States. Its manuscripts are Umited. They are not listed, because they have all been copied, and wiU appear in Vol. i of the Transactions. 2. ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC INSriTUTE.' The Library of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn, now includes 14,906 bound volumes, besides a large number of pamphlets and bulletins, which, though not cata logued and enumerated, are systematically flled for reference. This collection of books has been made almost entirely since the destruction of the main college building by fire in 1887, and is in many essential respects most excellent. The selec tion has been made with care by the heads of the different departments of the college; and the books, as a rule, repre sent most recent and authoritative opinions. Especially in the physical sciences is everything up to date; there is but little lumber ; and in many lines of science exceptional oppor tunities are afforded for comprehensive reading. The following broad classifications will give an idea of the scope of the library : Technical and Scientific sections, 4,179 volumes; General (History, Biography, Philosophy, Travel, Classics, Linguistics), 7, 677; Government Publications, 2, 750. Quite noteworthy are the sections of Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture, Botany, Pharmacy, Civil, Electrical and Me chanical Engineering, and Veterinary Science. In these particular departments, doubtless there is no better collec tion of reading matter in the South. In the General Section, History is worthy of special men tion. There are about one thousand historical volumes. The material is very complete in American History — particu larly so on the period immediately preceding the Civil War. The departments of Biography, Poetry, Essays, Travel are also full and good. There are complete sets of many of the chief literary and prepared by Charles C. Thach. 206 Report Alabama History Commission. scientific periodicals; as. Chemical News, Century, Atlantic, Harper's, Forum, etc. In the Government section the publications of the De partment of Agriculture are entire, and a complete card catalogue for them is issued by the Agricultural Department at Washington. A nearly complete set of Annals of Con gress and The Globe affords valuable reference. The Books of this section are classified on the shelves according to subjects and are of easy access. The marked improvement in the Government Catalogues, renders much more avail able the rich stores heretofore buried in these publications. Sixty-two magazines of general literature, and ninety-five on scientific and technical subjects are received by the Library annually. There is a good Reference Library of Dictionaries, and of Encyclopaedias of Biography, Geography, Arts, Science, Literature. Every facility is offered readers for access to the books. There is a full card-catalogue, both of subjects and authors. A printed catalogue is also issued for the private use of students. Poole's Index and The Monthly Cumulative Index render the Periodicals of ready use. The Library is, indeed, a busy, working laboratory. The number of volumes circu lated during the year 1900 per student averaged twenty-one ; the total being 7,012. The Library is housed in three large well-lighted rooms; the central one, the Reading Room, being furnished and orna mented in an appropriate manner. Among others, there is a well executed bust in plaster of Senator Justin Morrill of Vermont, the father of the Land Grant Colleges of which Auburn is a type. There is also an oil portrait of Gen. H. D. Clayton, who was for y^ears a prominent member of the Board of Trustees of the CoUege. The control of the Library is administered by "The Super intendent of the Library" (the Professor of English), and "The Assistant Librarian" who is directly in charge. The hours for opening are daily (Sunday excepted), from 9 a. m. until 5 p. m.3. AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. The American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Mass., es tablished in 1812, is rich in Americana, particularly early publications, nevi'spaper files, manuscripts, and archaeologi cal specimens. American Antiquarian Society. 207 (1) Alabama Stone. Among other things of local interest it has the "Alabama Stone," found in Tuscaloosa County in 1816, with the correspondence of SUas Dinsmore in reference thereto. See paper, by Henry W. Haynes, on this Stone in the Proceedings of the Society, vol. v, new series, 1887-1888; and also report of E. M. Barton, librarian, in vol. viii, 1892, pp. 220-221. (2) Trumbull Papers. The valuable collection of Indian linguistics made by Dr. J. Hammond Trumbull, late of Hart ford, Conn., have passed to this Society. While largely used already in the prolific writings of Dr. Trumbull, the collection is of great value. It contains many vocabularies, etc. Field says of his Best Method of Studying the American Languages (1871), "Mr. Trumbull writes upon a subject which he more fully comprehends, and can better illustrate, than any other scholar — perhaps in the world." No detailed account of these manuscripts has been obtained. Newspapers. The Society had in 1880, according to North's Newspaper and Periodical Press (Report, 10th Census), p. 429, "the most complete collection in existence of American news papers and periodicals." From the list of its bound files, pp. 429-436, is taken the following data as to Alabama and other Southern papers : Alabama. Mobile. Miscellaneous newspapers, 1832-1868. 1 vol. The" State. Miscellaneous newspapers, 1806-1868. vol . Georgia. Milledgeville. Miscellaneous, 1808-1865. 1 vol. New Echota. Cherokee Phoenix and Indian Advocate, 1828-1831. 2 vols. Savannah. Miscellaneous, 1766-1872. 1 vol. Advertiser, 1796-1802. 1 vol. The State. Miscellaneous, 1792-1868. 1 vol. Kentucky. Feankfoet. Miscellaneous, 1795-1842. 1 vol. Lexington. Miscellaneous, 1803-1868. 1 vol. Kentucky Gazette, 1794-1826. 1 vol. Reporter, 1808-1830. 2 vols. Western Monitor, 1820-1824. 2 vols. Louisville. Miscellaneous, 1801-1871. 1 vol. Courier-Journal, 1835-1870. 1 vol. The State. MisceUanedus, 18(13-1859. 1 vol. 208 Report Alabama History Commission. Washington. Miscellaneous, 1803-1817. 1 vol. Winchestee. Advertiser, 1814-1817. 1 vol. Louisiana. The State. Miscellaneous, 1803-1872. 1 vol. The State. Miscellaneous, 1803-1872. 1 vol. Tennessee. Caethage. Carthage Ga^zette, 1808-1817. 1 vol. The State. Miscellaneous, 1793-1867. 7 vols. 4. AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS. In the library of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Boston, are all the original letters, reports, etc., addressed to its Secretaries by its missionaries in all its Missions from the beginning in 1810. These are bound in volumes each containing the letters, etc., from each mission and missionary by itself in periods of ten years or there abouts. The missions in the South, with period covered, are as follows, viz: the Cherokee Mission, established at Brai- nard, now in Georgia, 1817-1839; the Choctaw Mission, in Mississippi, 1818-1832 ; and the Chickasaw Mission, in Missis sippi, established by the Presbyterian Synod of South Caro lina and Georgia, 1821 , and transferred to the American Board, 1827, and discontinued 1835.° 5. AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. The American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, found ed in 1743, has a miscellaneous collection of books, a large number of 18th Century pamphlets, a collection of coins, various interesting relics, and a number of valuable busts. Its manuscript collection is large. F. W. Hodge, of the Bureau of Ethnology, is authority for the statement that some of the Benjamin Hawkins' manuscripts are in the library of this society. The following volumes taken from the list in Lane and Bolton's Notes on Special Collections in American Libraries (1892), p. 52, appear to contain valuable local material. They are : (1) Indian MUitary Affairs, 1737. 'Facts supplied by the librarian, C. A. Chapin, who also prepared for the eciicor a statement showing the names of all the missionaries of the Board east of the Mississippi River, with period of service, among the Cherokees, Choctaws, and.C.liickasaws, There was no Creek mission east of the Mississippi, Charleston Library Society. 2C9 (2) Louisiana Papers (Jefferson, etc.), and a Spanish Account of the Province. (3) A manuscript of La Harpe's .Journal. (4) French War papers, like Army accounts, 1754-56; MiUtary Journal, 1760-63; Regimental Book, 1754. 6. CHARLESTOlN LIBRARY SOCIETY. The Charleston Library Society, Charleston, S. C, has an extensive collection of South Carolina Newspaper files. These include "The South Carolina Gazette," from the date of its establishment, 1732, to 1802, when it suspended; and also its successor the "Charleston Courier," which is still in existence as the "'News and Courier." It has also many other South Carolina papers published in the latter part of the last and during the first part of this century. 7. CONFEDERATE MUSEUM." A Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va., for the collection and preservation of relics and records of the Confederacy, 1861-1865, was inaugurated by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, and on Feb. 22, 1896, it was formally opened. This date was the anniversary of the inauguration of President Jefferson Davis. The house in which the museum is located was occupied by Mr. Davis and family during the war. Departments of the Museum are represent ed by the several original Confederate States, each being pre sided over by a Regent, Vice Regent and Custodian, and Al ternate. The Alabama Department, as shown by the Catalogue (1898; Svo. pp. 123-130), and manuscript additions, is unusu ally well filled, and contains one hundred and forty-nine items, which represent more than double the number of sep arate articles. These embrace a multitude of subjects, as, books, flags, rolls, war papers, photographs. Confederate money, orders, personal ornaments, wearing apparel, cavalry equipment of all kinds, shot and shell, swords, guns, paint ings, etc. It is greatly to be deplored that these things should have been permitted to drift away from the State for the want of a suitable place of deposit, or for lack of interest to direct them to the museum of the Alabama Historical Society. "For descriptions of the museum, see Publications Southern History Association, Oct., 1897, vol. i, pp. 326-328; and theConfederate Veieram, 1896, 14 210 Report Alabama History Commission. 8. CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY.* It will readily occur to all students that the Library of Congress affords the best general collection for every char acter of investigation. It is now installed in its magnificent new building, and the most approved library methods are in operation. On its removal from its old quarters, a "Manu script Department" was organized for the care of the thou sands of manuscripts and documents which have been for years accumulating in the library. Dr. Herbert Frieden- wald was appointed Superintendent, a position he now fills to the great satisfaction of all students. In the Report of the American Historical Association for 1898, pp. 37-45 he gave a brief summary" of the historical manuscripts in the Library, what was being done to preserve them, as well as to make them readily accessible to the public, etc. Mr. Friedenwald says: "Access to the manuscripts is denied to no one who comes properly accredited, or who is known to the Superintendent of the department. Every facility that can be thought of will be placed at the investi gator's disposal." The library contains the following documents and manu script material, which may be of possible value to the Ala bama Student. Flobida (East and West.) Smith, Buckingham. Annals of Florida. 24-7 pp. 1 vol. Fo. (Copy.) . Official Spanish Documents relating to Florida. (Photo-litho. copies.) 1 vol. Fo. Index to volumes relating to the history of Florida. 36 pp. Quarto. Drayton^ W. An inquiry into the present state and ad ministration of affairs in the Province of East Florida. 65- XLIII pp. 1 vol. Qo. Faemee, . Journal of the Siege of Pensacola. 1781, March-June 23 pp. Fo. GOUEGES, Capt. Dominique de . The recapture of Flori da. 78 pp. Qo. (Copy.) Grant, James. Governor of East Florida. Proclama- *The Librarian of Congress, Mr. Herbert Putman, the Assistant Libra rian, Mr. A. R. SpofCord, and Mr. Friedenwald have all promptly responded to the call of the Commission for co-operation, for which thanks are hereby extended. 'See also Winsor,, viii, p. 413; and Proceedings American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 21, 1882, pp. 124-128, Congressional Library. 211 tion describing conditions on which lands are granted in East Florida. 1760. ( Hazard Copy. ) Laudonnieee, Capt. The notable History of Florida situ ated in the Eastern Indies. 1586. 77 pp. Qo. (Copy.) TOYN, Patrick. Governor of East Florida. Proclama tion of Aug. 21, 1775. (Copy.) Chesteb, Petee. Governor of West Florida. The answer of the respondent in the case of Adam Cryst ie et al. vs. Peter Chester, Gov. of the Province. 11 pp. 1 vol. Fo. Miscellaneous. Letter from a private soldier in — to Rouen describing the French experiences in the new world. 1565. 14 pp. Qo. (Translation.) — . Papeles Relatives a la Florida. 1565-1714. vol. 2. 1 vol. Fo. A Collection of Ixsteuctioxs, Oedees and other Miscel laneous Papers relating to the several Governments belong ing to the Crown of Great Britain in North America. Contains the following: Letter from James Oglethrope. Georgia, Feb. 16, 1735. p. 159. Extract of a letter from the Govemor of St. Augustine to Gov. Robert Johnson of South Carolina, April 27, 1755. p. 161. Letter from St. Augustine in Florida, May 13, 1735. p. 162. Letter from the Commander of Mobile, June 20, 1735. p. 162. Extract of Col. Moore's letter to the Lords Proprietors. Jan. 26, 1730. (Appalachee Expedition.) p. 228. Copy of Col. Moore's letter to Sir Nathaniel Johnson. Jan 26, 1730. p. 230. "A Genuine Account of the present state [of] the River Mississippi and of the land on its banks from the sea to the River Yasors." [1773?] 18 pp. Fo. Geobgia. Bosomwoeth Land Controversy. 1743. (Copy.) Peoclamations by the Governor. 1754, Oct. 31 ; 1778, Jan. 29. 1 vol. Fo. 169 pp. (Copies.) LoxnsiAirA. Peoceedings in regard to the treaty with France for the settlement of Louisiana. 1719-20. 1 p. Fo. Mississippi Tebeitobt. W. C. C. Claiboexb, near Natchez, Aug. 22, 1802, to John Pitchlyn, Choctaw Nation. Letter. 3 pp. Fo. Gov. Charles de Grand-Pr6, Bayou Sarah, AprU 22, 1805 to Gov. Williams of Mississippi Territory. Letter. 2 pp. Fo. Copy in English. Gov. de Grand-Pr^, Baton Rouge, Nov. 13, 1805 to Gov. Williams of Mississippi Territory. Letter. 9 pp. Fo. Spanish. 212 Refport Alabama History Commission. Gen. James Wilkinson, Rapids of Red River, Sept. 19, 1806 to Cowles Meade, Secretary of Mississippi Territory. Let ter. 2 pp. Fo. Gen. James Wilkinson, New Orleans, Aug. 11, 1812, to Gov. Holmes of Mississippi Territory. Letter. 3 pp. Fo. Lt.-Col. Thomas H. Benton, Mt. Vernon, Mobile River, July 8, 1814, to Gov. Holmes of Mississippi Territory. Let ter. 3 pp. Qo. W. C. C. Claiborne, New Orleans, Sept. 12, 1814 to Gov. Holmes of Mississippi Territory. Letter. 1 p. Fo. Alabama. Gov. Thomas Bibb, Cahawba, Nov. 3, 1820 to Gov. Poindex ter of Mississippi. Letter. 6 pp. Qo. Gov. G. M. Troup, Milledgeville, Georgia, March 10, 1826 to Gov. Johh Murphy. Letter. 8 pp. Qo. Proclamation of Gov. C. C. Clay, Tuskaloosa, May 13, 1837. 2 pp. Qo. Hawkins' Manusceipts. In addition to the above there is a manuscript entitled : "A sketch of the Creek County in 1798-1799 by Colo. Haw kins." 144 pp. Sm. Qo. Concerning this Manuscript, the Librarian says: "The quotations in Pickett's 'Alabama' from Col. Haw kins' 'Sketch of the Creek Country' do' not tally with exact ness to the manuscript here. The variations are consider able and numerous, there being hardly a sentence that is iden tical in wording. The lists of towns and their situations are widely divergent. The manuscript list is full and explanatory, the derivation of the names and description of each settlement being given. The spelling of the Indian names differs quite frequently. Of course the pagination given by Pickett does not fit in any case. Our manuscript with but slight variations is identical with the 'Sketch of the Creek Country' by Col. Hawkins, printed by the Georgia Historical Society, Hodgson, Editor, N. Y. 1848, the last three pages of which contain, however, a 'State of the War Party in September 1813' which is not found in the manuscript." There is also in the Library 'A Veatory or Journal of distances and observations' [Through the Creek Country] 1797. by Col. Benjamin Haw kins. 1 vol. 8vo. These two volumes were acquired by the Library, a^ was Newspapers of Alabama. 213 ninety per cent, of the manuscript material here, from the collections of Peter Force, purchased by the Government in 1867. Where and how Force obtained the single pieces of the vast coUection it is impossible in most instances to say." In the library is a fine coUection of Spanish Manusceipts. In reference to these Senator George F. Hoar in the Pro ceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Oct. 21, 1882, p. 127, says: "Among Spanish manuscripts there are beautiful copies of several unpublished works concerning America; as. Las Casas Historia de Indies, four volumes folio, also of his Historia Apoligetica de los Indies Occidentales, four volumes. Duran's Historia Antiqua de Nueva Espana, three volumes folio, 1579. Teniente's Memorias d^ Nueva Espana. Eche- varria's Historia del Origen de los Gent^s Americanas, two volumes folio; and several others." Newspapees of Alabama. Birmingham. Birmingham Age-Herald. Dem. 1889. D. July 1, 1894-Dec. 31, 1899. 11 vols. The Birmingham News. Dem. 1888. D. Jan. 3 -Dec. 31, 1899. 4 vols. Cahawba. Cahawba Press and Alabama State Intelligencer. W. Dec. 30, 1820 - July 22, 1826. 6 vols. Florence. The Gazette. W. May 19, 1849 - May 24, 1851. 1 vol. Greensborough. The Halcyon. W. April 24 - Dec. 20, 1823. 1 vol. See St. Stephens. Huntsville. The HuntsviUe Advocate. W. & S. W. May 6, 1825 - Dec. 24, 1828. 4 vols. Feb. 25, 1834 -March 7, 1837. 1 vol. inc. AprU 6, 1849 - Nov. 5, 1851. 2 vols. Jan. 7, 1852 - Dec. 29, 1852. 1 vol. July 12, 1865 -Dec. 21, 1865. 1vol. May 2, 1866 -Aug. 8, 1866. Jan. 3, 1868 - Dec. 29, 1868. 1 voL The Democrat. Dem. 1823. W. July 31, 1829 - Dec. 4, 1829. 1 vol. Aug. 17, 1839-March 29, 1848. s. n. 1 voL March 10, 1853 - Dec. 29, 1853. 1 vol. 214 Report Alabama History Commission. Huntsville Gazette. Rep. 1879. W. June 18, 1881-Dec. 29, 1894. 4 vols. Alabama Republican. W . Jan. 9, 1819 -Dec. 25, 1819. 1 vol. Jan. 22, 1820 - Dec. 22, 1820. 1 vol. Jan. 5, 1819 - Dec. 20, 1822. 2 vols. Jan. 10, 1823 - Dec. 24, 1824. 2 vols. Jan. 21, 1825 - April 22, 1825. 1 vol. See Huntsville Advocate. Mobile. Mobile Mercantile Advertiser. S. W. Jan. 1, -jjec. 15, 1824. Mobile Daily Advertiser. D. March 27, 1849 - Dec. 30, 1860. 13 vols. See Daily Register. Mobile Advertiser. (For Country.) S. W. Feb. 28, - Dec. 22, 1850. 1 vol. See Daily. The Mobile Argus. S. W. Dec. 5, 1822 -Dec. 30, 1822. s. n. 1 vol. Jan. 30, 1823 -Dec. 24, 1823. The Nationalist. W. Jan. 23, - Dec. 28, 1868. 1 vol. The Daily Register. Feb. 18, 1825 - Dec. 21, 1826. 2 vols. Jan. 2, 1829 -Dec. 28, 1830. 2 vols. Jan. 1, 1833 - Dec. 31, 1837. 5 vols. March 2, 1838 -Dec. 31, 1840. 2 vols. Jan. 8, 1841 - Nov. 15, 1841. 1 vol. Dec. 2, 1841 - Dec. 31, 1848. 9 vols. May 5, 1857 - Dec. 31, 1857. 1 vol. Jan. 1, 1859 -Dec. 1, 1859. 1 vol. Jan. 1, 1869 - Dec. 31, 1899. 47 vols. The Mobile Weekly Register. W. Jan. 6, 1855 - Dec. 29, 1855. 1 voL April 4, 1857 -May 2, 1857. 1 vol. See Daily. Alabama Tribune. D. March 18, - Oct. 7, 1849. 1 vol. Montgomery. Daily Confederation. D. May 1, 1858 - June 30, ±860. 3 vols. Tri-Weekly Flag and Advertiser. Dem. 1829. W. & T. W. Jan. 12, 1847 -Dec. 25, 1847. 1 vol. June 24, 1848 - Dec. 12, 1848. 1 vol. Jan. 6, 1849-May 18, 1849. 1 vol. Alabama Journal. W. Dec. 9, 1825 -June 7, 1826. s. n. 1 vol. Daily Alabama Journal. D. & T. W. Feb. 19, 1850 -Dec. 31, 1853. 4 vols. See Weekly. Newspapers of Alabama. 215 Alabama State Journal. D. Jan. 5, 1869-Dec. 31, 1869. 1 voL Feb. 18, 1870 - Dec. 31, 1876. 8 vols. St. Stephens. The Halcyon and Tombeckbe Public Advertiser. W. Jan. 9, 1819 - Dec. 20, ±819. 1 vol. Jan. 10, 182,J-Nov. 27, 1820. 1vol. Feb. 12, 1821 - Dec. 22, 1821. 1 vol. Jan. 5, 1822 -Nov. 2, 1822. 1 vol. See Greensborough, supra. Selma. Alabama State Sentinel. T. W. Jan. 6, - Dec. 26, 1855. 1 vol. Tuscaloosa. Alabama State IntelUgencer. W. Jan. 1 - Dec. 24. 1831. 1 vol. State Journal and Flag. W. March 20 - Dec. 25, 1846. 1 vol. Consolidation of Flag of the Union and State Journal. American Mirror. W. Jan. 3, 1824 - Dec. 11, 1824. 1 vol. Jan. 8, 1825 -Feb. 26, 1825. Independent Monitor. W. • Feb. 11, 1858 - May 10 1861. 1 vol. Alabama Sentinel. W. Dec. 30, 1825. Tuscumbia. Tuscumbia Enquirer. W. Jan. 10 -Oct. 17, 1855. 1 vol. Wetumpka. The State Guard. W. May 11, 1847 -Oct. 24, 1848. 1 vol. Newspapees of Othee States Pbioe to 1820. Augusta, Ga. Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser. S. W. Jan. 2, 1819 -March 27, 1819. Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser. T. W. March 29, 1819 - Nov. 11, 1820. Milledgeville. Georgia Journal. W. Jan. 12, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. Savannah. Georgia Republican and State Intelligencer. S. W. Jan. 12, 1803 - March 28, 1805. Republican and Savannah Evening Ledger. T. W. March 10, 1807 -Dec. oO, 1812. Jan. 4, 1814- -Dec. 28. 1816. 2l6 Iteport Alabama History Commission. Savannah Republican. T. W. June 18, 1816 - Dec. 31, 1816. July 18, 1817 -Lee. 31, 1817. June 25, 1818 - Dec. 31, 1819. Savannah Daily Republican. D. June 2, 1817 - June 28, 1817. Jan. 2, 1818 -June 24, 1818. Jan. 2, 1819 -July 3, 1819. Oct. 19, 1818 - Dec. 31, 1819. Frankfort, Ky. The Frankfort Argus. . W . Jan. 1, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. The Commentator. W. Jan. 11, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. Lexington. The Kentucky Gazette. W. Jan. 1, 1819 - Dec. 31, 1819. The Western Monitor. W. Jan. 9, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. The Kentucky Reporter. W. Jan. 3, 1819 -Oct. 29, 1819. New Orleans, La. Louisiana Courier. T. W. & D. Feb. 1, 1819 -Dec. 1, 1819. Courrier de la Louisiane. T. W. & D. Feb. 1, 1819 -Dec. 1, 1819. Orleans Gazette and Commercial Advertiser. D. Feb. 23, 1819 -Dec. 14, 1819. Natchez, Miss. The Mississippi Gazette. W. June 6, 1818 -July 18, 1818. The Natchez Gazette. S. W. Jan. 2, 1819 -Dec. 25, 1819. Mississippi Republic and Literary Register. W. Feb. 9, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. Port Gibson. The Port Gibson Correspondent. W. March 27, 1819 - May 15, 1819. July 24, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. Clarksville, Tenn. The Tennessee Weekly Chronicle. W. Feb. 18, 1818 -Sept. 16, 1818. Jan. 27, 1819 - June 28, 1819. Clarksville Gazette. W . July 5, 1819- Nov. 8, 1819. Newspapers of Other States. 217 Knox'Alle. KnoxvUle Gazette. W. June 15 & June 1, 1793. March 10 - July 28, 1818. Knoxville Register. W. Feb. 3, 1818 -Dec. 31, 1819. Murfreesboro. The Hornet's Nest. W. Oct. 8, 1812 -July 22, 1813. Nashville. The Clarion and Tennessee Gazette. W. Jan. 12, 1810 -Dec. 20, 1814. June 10, 1817 - Dec. 31, 1819. Tennessee Gazette. W. Feb. 25, 1800 -July 27, 1803. Tennessee Gazette and Mero-District Advertiser. W. Aug. 3, 1803 - March 27, 180&. NashviUe Whig. W. Sept. 2, 1812 -July 25, 1815. Jan. 2, 1819 -Dec. 31, 1819. Shelbyville. Tennessee Herald. W. Jan. 4, 1817 - Dec. 11, 1819. Washington, District of Columbia. The National IntelUgencer. T. W. & D. Oct. 31, 1800 - 1869. 9. CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. The library of the Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn., is said to contain much material bearing on the history of this denomination, including its annals in Alabama. This comprises printed matter princi pally. Its extent and condition, however, have not been ascertained. It has no manuscripts as to the Church, or its ministers in Alabama. See Cumberland University, infra, for account of Mss. left by Rev. W. B. McDonnold. 10. CUMBERLAND UNIVTIRSITY LIBRARY. In the Preface to his History of the Cumberland Presby terian Church (1888), Dr. B. W. McDonnold gives a brief description of the manuscript material placed in his hands in the preparation of that work. Among other things, he states that he had access to sixty manuscript autobiographies, 218 Report Alabama History Commission. eight thousand letters, and a considerable number of diaries. His collections, after use, were filed in the library of Cum berland University, Lebanon, Tenn. An examination of them has been made by Rev. W. P. Bone, the librarian, who reports three manuscripts, which contain data in reference to individuals and to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Alabama. These are : (1) A life of Rev. Hugh Bone Hill, by Rev. Mathew Houston Bone, D. D., of Maysvile, Ala. Circa, 300 pp. Folio. (2) Autobiography of Robt. D. King, with Supplementary notes by his daughter and son. Circa, 60 pp. 4to. Mr. King labored many years in Alabama as a minister of the above Church. (3) Incidents, by Robt. D. King. Made up principally from his work in Alabama. See Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, supra. 11. BUREAU OF ETHNOLOGY. The Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, has a splendid library of works, both general and special, bearing on its field of investigation and exploration. It is also the depository for the collections of the Anthropological Society of Washington, and of the Woman's Anthropological Society. It has also numerous photographs of Creek, Choctaw, Chero kee Indians, etc. Linguistic Material. It is, however, in original linguistic material that the Bureau is incomparably rich. The follow ing extract from the Fifteenth Annual Report, 1893-94, p. lxxxii, will serve to show the emphasis placed on this part of the work : "The languages of the American Indians have received a large share of the attention of the Bureau ever since its exist ence. It has been the policy to collect texts and vocabularies and material for grammars as rapidly and extensively as pos sible before the disappearance of the primitive languages. Only a small part of the material so collected has been pub lished ; but the vaults of the Bureau are rich in data pertain ing to the languages of many tribes representing most of the linguistic stocks of the American Indians. Perhaps on no other Continent is the linguistic diversity of the primitive people wider than in Northern America, and the dialectic variability is eminently striking. The aboriginal languages of this continent accordingly give an admirable opportunity for the study of the facts and causes of linguistic develop- Bureau of Ethnology. 219 ment; and from the beginning it was deemed important to collect the largest possible body of material for examination and discussion in its bearing on the general subject. Carry ing out the general policy, only subordinate attention has been given to publication, and publication has been made only in cases in which the material seemed especially typical or exceptionally complete. Thus, while the amount of lin guistic material published is not voluminous, the manu scripts constantly accessible for study are abundant — richer, it is believed, than any other body of linguistic records of a primitive people." A Catalogue of the Linguistic manuscripts then on hand and which had largely been collected under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution prior to the creation of the Bu reau, was prepared by James Pilling, and printed in the First Annual Report, 1879-80, pp. 553-577. Such material as is on file in relation to the Indians former ly residing in the limits of what is now Alabama is noted in Mr. PiUing's Bibliographies of the Muskhogean, and of the Iroquoian languages, published as "Bulletins" of the Bureau. Since the publication of these Bulletins, however, much new material bearing on this field has been added. Cherokee Manuscripts. As indicating the strength of the collection, as well as to illustrate the importance of local ex ploration an account of a part of James Mooney's Cherokee investigations is introduced from the Tenth Annual Report, 1888-89, p. xvi : "The most important results of Mr. Mooney's investigations were the discovery of a large number of manu scripts containing the varied formulas of the tribe, written in Cherokee characters by the shamans for their own secret use, and zealously guarded from the knowledge of all but the initiated. The existence of such manuscripts had been ascer tained during a visit in 1887, and several of them had been procured. This discovery of genuine aboriginal material, written in an Indian language by shamans for their own use, is believed to be unique in the history of aboriginal investi gation, and was only made possible through the invention of the Cherokee syllabary by Sequoia in 1821. Every effort was made by Mr. Mooney to obtain all the existing manuscripts, with the result of securing all of the material which was in the possession of the tribe. The whole number of formulas obtained is about six hundred. They consist of prayers and sacred songs, explanations of ceremonies, directions for medi cal treatment, and underlying theories. They relate to medicine, love, war, hunting, fishing, self-protection, witch- 220 Report Alabama History Commission. craft, agriculture, the ball play, and other similar subjects, thus forming a complete exposition of an aboriginal religion as set forth by its priests in their own language." See Scottish Rite Library, and also Smithsonian Institu tion, infra. 12. THE FILSON CLUB. The collections of The Filson Club, Louisville, Ky., the leading Historical organization of Kentucky, are understood to be in the possession of Col. Reuben T. Durrett, its Presi dent. No specific description is at hand, but the summary of Theodore Roosevelt, Esq., in his Winning of the West, vol. i, will be found under the sketch of Col. Durrett's library, infra." 13. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSiTY. The library of Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, is in possession of the books, papers, etc., left by John Daw son Gilmary Shea (1824-1892). These are known as the "Shea Collection." The printed books of the collection con sist of works on (1) Indians, (2) Catholic Diocesan Records, (3) Catholic Reviews and Periodicals, and (4) United States Local Histories. The manuscripts are not numerous, and comprise gener ally, transcripts from the Spanish Archives at Alcala de Henares, and from the Ecclesiastical Archives at Rome. There are also a number of Indian (West and South West) Vocabularies. There are also several maps of interest. No catalogue of the collection has been published. These ma terials were all drawn upon by Dr. Shea in his valuable his torical works. Dr. Shea was an eminent student. Of him Dr. George E. Ellis said : "He devoted his life and pen to researches and historical compositions largely relating to French explora tions and the labors of Roman Catholic missionaries on this Continent. His published works are numerous; and his fidelity and painstaking in securing accuracy and thorough ness in the wide field of his investigations placed him at the head of those esteemed by the church for zeal in her honor and service."' 'See Winsor, viii, p. 458. ''Proceedings Mass. Hist. Society, March, 1892, p. 331. Georgia Historical Society. 221 14. THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, organized in 1837, and incorporated 1839, has enjoyed a greater degree of continuous activity, than any other Southern Historical So ciety, excepting those of Virginia and Maryland. It has amassed a library of over 23,000 volumes; and has a great number of rare old documents and manuscripts. These were used by Bishop W. B. Stevens in the preparation of his His tory of Georgia (2 vols.; 1847 and 1859), in the preface to which work he gives a brief description.' Hawkins' Manusceipts. Of these, the ones of value to Alabama history are the Hawkins' Manuscripts, consisting of ten volumes, which sur vived the destruction of his house by fire. A list of these is taken from the manuscript Minutes of the Society, prepared by W. B. Hodgson, and submitted Feb. 12, 1848 : "These MSS. now in the possession of the Society are ten in number. In a brief synopsis the contents of these volumes may be presented. No. 1. A Topographical sketch of the Creek Country in the years 1798 and 1799. Nos. 2 and 3 are copies of the foregoing. No. 4. Journal of occurrences at Fort Wilkinson in 1802, and official correspondence with the Secretary of War. Re lations of the Spanish authorities at St. Marks and Pensa cola with the Indian tribes and the United States. No. 5. Journal of proceedings at the Council of Took-au- batchee. Commissioners on the part of the United States, Col. Hawkins, General Meriwether, and others, from the State of Georgia. On the part of the Creek Indians Hopoie Micco and other Chiefs. The designs of Forbes and Wilkin son in obtaining grants of land alluded to. No. 6. , Official correspondence with the Hon. J. McHenry, Secretary of War. Talks to the Creeks, Chickasaws and Cherokees on the subject of running lines according to trea ties between them and the United States. Boundary line of Ellicott from the St. Mary's to the Flint River, establishing the Northern Spanish line. No. 7. Continuation of the preceeding. No. 8. Journal of the Commissioners, Benjamin Haw kins, General Wilkinson, and Andrew Pickens, appointed to "For partial list, see Publications of the Southern History Association, vol. iii, pp. 174-176. 222 Report Alabama History Commission. hold conferences with several of the Indian tribes South of the Ohio. N. 9. Agency accounts. List of Indian stipends. Papers to individuals through the Indian nations. Registry of claims against them. No. 10. Journal of the Commissioners, B. Hawkins, A. Pickens, and James Wilkinson, appointed in 1797 to ascer tain and mark the boundary lines between the Indian nations and the United States, in accordance with treaties. Con tains field notes. Meeting at Fort Fidius on Oconee." These books during the present year ( 1900 ) have been care fully examined hj James Mooney, of the U. S. Bureau of Eth nology, and extracts have been made by him of all matter pertinent to the history of the Cherokees. For use here, he has prepared a brief account of the more important items of the collection : "They are numbered consecutively on the outside, but are generally without title, paging or index and only partially filled, so that no close estimate can be made of their contents. The handwriting is generally good and in good preservation, and all but two appear to have been written by Hawkins him self. "The first of these two is a duplicate of the 'Sketch of the Creek Country' of Hawkins, indorsed 'Copied by General John Floyd from the Journal of Colonel Hawkins, during the Creek war in 1813 and 14,' and the same volume is indors ed inside the cover, 'To the Georgia Historical Society from Charles R. Floyd of Camden County, Georgia, Sept. 30th, 1839.' This is probably the date of the presentation of the MSS. to the society, which was organized in 1837. In this duplicate the names are badly copied and changed, so as sometimes to distort the meaning. It contains also an appen dix list of friendly Creek and Seminole towns in the Creek war, 'written by Charles Rinaldo Floyd in the Creek nation, at Fort Mitchell, Chatahouchee River, during the war of 1813 and 14." Being only an incorrect copy, this volume, except ing the appendix town list, has ,no value of its own. "The other volume not written by Hawkins is indorsed in side the cover, 'R. Thomas his book, begun Nov. 28th, 1796,' and consists of letters and diary written at Cussitas (sic) in the Creek nation, by Richard Thomas, apparently a trader's clerk. It has a piquant flavor, and is of interest as showing the different lights in which the scholarly Senator and the uneducated trader regarded the same people. "Of those written by Hawkins himself the volume of first Georgia Historical Society. 223 importance is probably his 'Journal,' begun in 1796 on start ing for his appointed field of duty and continued for some time after his arrival among the Creeks. It is the largest of all the volumes in matter, and relates almost entirely to Ala bama things. The first entry is : 'South Carolina, 19th Nov., 179§ — This day arrived at Hopewell on the Keowee, the seat of Major-General Andrew Pickens, on my way to the Creeks, as principal temporary agent for Indian affairs south of the Ohio.' It contains nearly all the matter embodied in his 'Sketch of the Creek Country,' together with several speeches in the Creek language, and he says much of his purpose to study the language in order to communicate directly with his Indians. "Next in importance, is the 'Sketch of the Creek Country in the years 1798 and 1799,' which has already been pub lished by the Society, being, according to the statement of the librarian, the only one of the MSS. yet published. "The other Hawkins volumes contain records of various treaty conferences, a botanic list, personal memoranda, etc., nearly to the time of his death.' Galphin Manttscbifts. A small volume of "Accounts" kept by George Galphin, the Indian trader, at his store near Silver Bluff, at the period just prior to the Revolution, is in the possession of the Socie ty, presented by Col. George R. Black, late of Sylvania, Ga. The volume named above doubtless contains interesting refer ences to the Creek Indians. Yazoo Fraud Papebs. In the collection is also a number of original papers in re lation to the Yazoo land speculations. Newspapees. It has also the following invaluable files of early news papers : The Georgia Gazette, Savannah, 1774-1802. 7 volumes. "An account of the loss of the Hawkins papers will be found, supra. Those in the possession of the Society are such as escaped destruc tion. The Library of Congress, supra, has a copy of the "Sketch of the Creek Country," and also of "A Veatory or Journal of distances and Obser vations," 1797, both being acquired with the Force Papers. Gen. Andrew Pickens also had a copy of the "Sketch" etc., his copy being used by Mr. Pickett in his History of Alabama. See Owen's edition of Pickett, p. 117, note. A copy of the "Journal," Nov. 19, 1796-May 21, 1797 (Folio, pp. 250) has been made from the original for Dr. George W. Hamner, Washing ton, D. C. 224 Report Alabama History Commission. The Augusta Chronicle and Gazette of the State, 1790-1798. 3 volumes. Southern Centinel and Gazette of the State, Augusta, 1793- 1799. 2 volumes. Columbian Museum and Savannah Advertiser, 1796-1807. 10 volumes. The Georgian, 1818-1854. 15. GEORGIA STATE LIBRARY. The chief value of the Georgia State Library, Atlanta, to historical students lies in the excellent and comparatively full collection of early State histories, pamphlets, laws, etc., known as "The Mary DeRenne Historical Collection." These came by bequest from Everard DeRenne in 1894. It embraces among other things, the transcript procured by the father of Mr. DeRenne from the original record in England of the Colonial Acts of Georgia, 1755 to 1774, and ten printed copies of this manuscript. There are also eleven copies of the Journal of the Board of Trustees for establish ing the colony of Georgia, etc., etc. A catalogue of the col lection is given in the Communication from John Milledge, librarian, to the Governor ( 1894, pp. 20 ) . On the receipt of the donation, an historical room was set aside in the library for its reception, and in which were placed also all other his torical books in the library. 16. HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY." The wonderful collection of manuscripts — originals and copies — made by Jared Sparks during a long and honorable career, are the property of the library of Harvard University, Cambridge. In 1889, Justin Winsor published a Calendar of the Manuscripts, as No. 22 of the Bibliographical Contri butions of Harvard University. This work forms an excel lent key to the general contents of the collection. It contains a large number of papers of first importance to the student of Alabama history. No list has been obtained, and reference is made to the Bulletin, supra, for detail. The library has also an unusually fine collection of maps, numbering over 12,000 sheets, and over 700 bound volumes. To those have been added the collection of maps made by Francis Parkman." "See Bibliographical contributions. Harvard University, No. 25, "Notes on Special Collections in American Libraries," by W. C. Lane and C. K. Bolton (-192), p. 19. "Winsor, vol. iv, p. 201, and vol. viii, p. 434. Howard Memorial Library. 225 17. HOWARD MEMORIAL LIBRARY." An institution of value to the whole South, and particu larly to Alabama and Louisiana, is the Howard Memorial Library at New Orleans. It is exclusively for reference, and its domed reading room, with alcoves, containing almost 40,- 000 volumes, in full view, is a delightful resort for students. It is on Howard Avenue at Lee Circle and communicates by several car lines with Canal Street and the hotels. The building is French Renaissance designed by Richardson, and while from without appearing rather low for its length, with in it is spacious and impressive. Silence reigns and one can study without interruptions, with encyclopedias, card cata logues and other necessaries at hand, and obUging assistants awaiting a chance to get any book that is wanted. A sketch would be incomplete, however, that did not mention by name the librarian of this and the Fisk Free and Public Library, Mr. WUUam Beer. Frequent trips to the East, to England and the Continent keep him in touch with the world of books and authors here and abroad. He knows the value of old book stores, and if the Howard by chance has no copy of Callot's maps, or some thing else, the chances are that he knows who has, and a note to Mr. Cusachs, or some other collector, will show you the treasure and make you a charming acquaintance besides. It is not often the Howard has not the book, however, but if so he is sure to take the name and try and buy it if at all of gen eral value. For Miss Annie T. Howard, the founder, not only established the library in 1889, but provided an endowment fund by which it is supported and steadily improved as time goes on. What the librarian knows he is glad to tell and what he does not, he is equally glad to put you in the way of finding out. For South Alabama the Howard is peculiarlv valuable. It makes a specialty of Old Louisiana, of which Mobile was the capital and practically the foundation — and probably no where else in one place can be seen so much that concerns us. Many of the French pioneers came from Canada, and much of the work of the French librarians and societies of that do minion can be found here. To one unused to the subject, by the way, the amount of this Canadian literature, mainlv in French, is marvelous. All the standard books are on the shelves, from Gayarr^. Martin and Parkman down to Winsor "Prepared by Peter J. Hamilton. 15 226 Report Alabama History Commission. and King, and all that numerous list of Louisiana local works, so unique and delightful — and often so naive in the idea that the history of Louisiana begins and ends in New Orleans or thereabouts ! Rare B. F. French is here complete in his famous Historical Collection, Margry of course. Shea, Bossu, Adair, Monette, besides Charlevoix and the fathers in the original Spanish times also receive attention, both for the epoch of exploration before and after DeSoto, and for that of Spanish rule after the Peace of Paris, and the transfer to the U. S. is marked by the volumes of Wilkinson, Clark and others. The valuable papers of historical societies are here collected and government publications, including State Papers and the inevitable "Rebellion" Records. Among the books of special value for Alabama history may be mentioned : Baecia, Don A. G. Ensayo Cronologico Para La Historia General De La Florida. Madrid. 1723. (This copy be longed to Don Antonio de UUoa, first Spanish Governor of Louisiana and has his book plates.) Beequin-Duvallon. Travels in Louisiana and Floridas in 1802. New York : 1806. Coxe, D. A Description of the English Province of Caro- lana. London : 1741. ( The original edition. ) Haeeisse, H. Discovery of North America. Paris: 1891. Thomassy, M. j. R. Geologic Pratique de la Louisiane. N.0.& Paris: 1860. Jepfeeys. Natural and Civil History of the French Do minions in North and South America. London : 1761. Het Geoote Tafeeebl Der Dwaasheid, Vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der Actie, Bubbel en Wind- negotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland, en de Nederlanden, geplecgt in den Jaare MDCCXX. Amsterdam, 1720. (This remark able work, which originally consisted of only 64 plates and received occasional additions until some copies contained as many as 80, consisting of contemporary documents relating to Law's Mississippi Bubble, is illustrated by finely executed copper plates. A map of Louisiana is particularly interest ing. ) The bibliography of Louisiana, which is in preparation by the librarian, will be of especial usefulness in bringing out the value of the historical collections in the library. Unique in interest and value is the collection of maps of America, and particularly of those showing the gradual in crease of knov/ledge of the Gulf of Mexico and delta of the Mississippi. Thfese were obtained all over Europe, auiij Dutch, Kansas State Historical Sociely. 227 German, French and English imprints abound. The equal of this can hardly be found south of the government collections at Washington. A visit to the Howard Memorial Library will be a pleasure to any lover of literature, while for historical students of our section of the country it is almost a necessity. 18. KANSAS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. There is in the Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, a file of The Nationalist, Mobile, 1865-1868. 3 vols. 19. LOUISIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans, revived in the last decade, has been aroused to enviable activity in the work of collecting the materials for the history of the State from the earliest explorations. It is fortunately made the custodian of all historical material now the property of the State, excepting the usual published works retained in the State Library. The collections of the Society are kept at Tulane Universitv, owing to an absence of suitable quarters elsewhere. It numbers on its rolls the principal students and antiquarians of the State, all of whom appear to have joined forces to make the Society an institution of great usefulness and influence. To Miss Grace King and William Beer thanks are due for assistance in preparing this and the succeeding title. Manusceipts." Its strength in manuscripts may be indicated by the fol lowing statement : (1) French MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1679-1769. (2) LaHarpe, MS., Journal Mississippi Valley, 1698- 1724. (3) Spanish MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1765-1804. (4) Spanish MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1789-1802. (5) Spanish MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1788-1807. (6) Spanish MSS., Mississippi Valley, 1793 - 1808. (7) MS. Catalogue Miss. Valley. (8) Official French Orders, Laws, etc., Mississippi Val ley, 1690-1719. "See Publication La. Hist. Society, vol i, part 1, 1895, p. 4 for account of MSS. 228 Report Alabama History Commission. (9) Official French Orders, Laws, etc., Mississippi Val ley, 1720-1729. (10) Le Pere Leclercq. Establisement de la Foy dans la Nouvelle-France. (MS. from printed book.) (11) Miscellaneous papers and documents. 1 package. (12) Margry's Manuscripts. Documents sur la Louisi ane, 1697 - 1737. 3 vols. Folio. This is one of the most prized treasures of the Society. It is in the handwriting of Pierre Margry, and was made by him in 1849. "It is made up of detailed abstracts of reports, letters, and papers passing between Bienville and other offi cials and the French government."" The matter is greatly abridged, in some cases a mere title, in others a short abstract, and in some cases complete copies. These are documents not contained in his published volumes." (13) Notes et Documents sur I'Histoire de la Louisiane. 1673-1720. Vol. 1. FoUo. This is the volume collected in 1845 by Mr. Magne from the archives de la Marine, and which is described in the account of the Louisiana State Library, infra. It was carried away by Federal troops, but subsequently recovered. It is largely filled with documents copied in extenso, and is regarded as of great value. Vol II seems irrevocably lost; it covered a period from 1673 to 1826. Official Aechives. The Society is also the custodian of 109 boxes of miscel laneous official papers, ranging over the period, 1756-1806, and consisting of notarial acts and deeds, judicial papers, wills, marriage contracts, etc. They are as yet uncatalogued, and only partial indications of their contents have been pub lished." Histobical Society Exhibit. In order to stimulate interest and to bring together material, etc. for comparison, the Society arranged a Histori cal Exhibit, which was opened Feb. 20, 1900, at the Fisk Free and Public Library. It embraced 5,000 items, many of them "Peter J. Hamilton in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1898-99, vol. ili, p. 96, where he says also that "this collection is invaluable and deserves the closest study." '"See French's Historical Collections for account of procuring these papers, vol. — p. — ; also Miss Grace King's Life of Bienville, where they were used. Sketches of Margry, (b. Dec. 8, 1818, d. March 27, 1894), will be found in Publications La. Hist. Society, vol i, 1896, pp. 10-16, and in the Tracts of the Western Reserve Historical Society, vol. , pp. "See Mr. Alcge Fortier's "Old Papers of Colonial Times," in Publications La. Hist, society, vol 1, part 3, 1895; prp. 6-25; see also vol. i„ part 1, p. 4. Louisiana State Library. 229 of exceeding rarity, and of absorbing interest. It included portraits, manuscripts and published material, the discovery of which will be useful in the annals of Alabama. The ex tent of the exhibit precludes particular notice, and reference is made to the Catalogue (1900; Svo. pp. 18) for detaUs. Mr. P. J. Hamilton, who has examined the collections at New Orleans, says: "One would suppose, that, as New Orleans goes almost as far back as Mobile and was the seat of Government longer, there would be much manuscript historical material there that would be of value for the MobUe district. But this is not so . It is true there are four manu script volumes made by Margry himself and by Pierre Magne for the State of Louisiana, at the insti gation it is said of Charles Gayarr6, the eminent historian of Louisiana, who was at one time its Secretary of State. These books, and many, if not all, of the old French records disap peared during General Butler's occupation of New Orleans, like a great many other things. In some way these four volumes, but not the official records found their way back and are now [deposited] at the Tulane University Library in the custody of the Louisiana Historical Society. These books are only abstracts of the papers existing at that time in Paris, but seem to contain the gist of the documents. They are invaluable and should by all means be published. Many of the papers digested have now been lost and in case of their destruction by fire much injury would be done the cause of history. Some of the documents are given in Margry's pub lication above mentioned, but many of them are not. The volume by M. Magne is especially valuable as giving letters from Bienville and other French officers, priests and inhabit ants, throwing much light upon the Ufe of the settlers." 20. LOUISIANA STATE LIBRARY. The state Library of Louisiana, which is located in the old buUding of Tulane University, New Orleans, has a limited number of manuscripts." Among these, which may contain a few items of interest in regard to early Alabama affairs generally, are the "Execu tive Correspondence, 1805-06," of Governor W. C. C. Clai borne ; some French "Manuscripts ;" and a volume of the Land Surveys of West Feliciana, dating from 1797. "Catalogue of the State Library of Louisiana (1886), pp. 182, 184, 219. 230 Report Alabama History Commission. Lost Manuscripts. In the past, the State of Louisiana has been the possessor of some valuable collections of manuscripts. These were obtained from various sources, but were of primary value as original material. Charles Gayarr^, in a letter to Hon. Ran dall L. Gibson, Jan. 13, 1880, gives an interesting account of three such collections, which came into the custody of the State. "Governor Mouton, when in office, bought, upon my recom mendation, for the sum of |1,000, from Mr. Magne, one of the proprietors and editors of the New Orleans Bee, a valuable manuscript volume of documents which that gentleman had obtained permission to copy from the French archives at Paris. "Mr. Edmund Forstall, now dead, one of our public-spirited citizens, having sojourned some time in France, examined or caused to be examined the archives of that country in rela tion to her former colony of Louisiana, and on his return pre sented to the State an important collection of materials for the use of her future historians. "Hon. John Perkins, who was for several years one of the representatives of the State in Congress, also enriched the archives of Louisiana with two large manuscript volumes handsomely bound and treating of our former colonial rela tions with France." It was through Mr. Gayarr^'s infiuence that the Legisla ture of Louisiana appropriated $2,000, with which a mass of copies of documents was made from the Archives of Spain." Unfortunately these and other documents and papers "were destroyed at Baton Rouge, or carried away, when that capital of the State was taken by the Federal troops in our late civil war."'° Only a few have been recovered. Newspapers. The following newspaper files are noted also as in the library."" Advertiser, 1840-1844. 1 vol. Bulletin, 1840. 1vol. Jeff ersonian (Daily), 1846. 1vol. Jeffersonian Republican, 1845. 1 vol. "See a document entitled "The Early History of Louisiana," (House Mis. Doc. No. 22, 46th Cong. 2d sess.; Svo. pp. 24), comprising the letter to Mr. Gibson, and a number of other interesting papers. Mr. Gayarre here gives a full account of these losses. "Ibid. "Catalogue of the State Library of Louisiana, p. 18». Massachusetts Historical Society. 231 Louisiana Courier, 1842. 1 vol. National InteUigenceer, 1810, 1813 -1821, 1823-1824. 12 vols. New Orleans Bee, 1843. 1 vol. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, 1841-1843. 3 vols. The Daily Telegraph, London, 1872-1873. 1 vol. Republican, New Orleans, 1873, 1874, 1875. 22 vols. 21. MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. It is stated in Lane and Bolton's Notes on Special Collec tions in American Libraries, p. 9, that the library of the Mass achusetts Historical Society, Boston, "contains probably the largest mass of historical MSS. possessed by any similar American society, going back to the earliest periods of Ameri can history." The library was begun in 1791, and covers American history in general. It contains two valuable col lections of local interest, viz : six volumes of Spanish Manu scripts, and the Papers of Francis Parkman. Dr. Samuel A. Green has assisted in presenting a catalogue of these col lections. Spanish Manuscripts. The following list of six volumes comprises all of the Spanish manuscripts given the Society by Mr. Whitmore, and noted in the Proceedings, 1858-60, p. 10 : Coronica del Rey de Castilla Dn. Enrique qo. 1 vol. Tratado de Pazes en el Reynado de Carlos 2d. 1 vol. Historia en el Reynado de Carlos 2d. 1 vol. Nuevo Sistena de Gobierno para la Ruerica obra Del Senor Dn. Joseph del Compillo y Cossio, Secunda parte. 1 vol. La Obra de el Duende mas Criticode Palazio, 1735 y 1736. IvoL Relacion de la Rebelion de el Reynode Granada. 1 vol. Parkman Collection. The collection of original papers and copies formed by Francis Parkman in the pursuit of his historical researches were, from time to time, after use, presented to the Massa chusetts Historical Society. In the Proceedings, 2nd series, vol. i, pp. 360-361, vol. iv, pp. 44-46, vol. vi, pp. 391-392, vol. vii, pp. 348-349, vol. viii, p. 171, will be found lists of the sev eral donations. The titles of the volumes are as follows : Canada, 1674-1712. 8 vols. New France, 1741-1761 (unbound). 2 vols. ^3^ Report Alabajna History Commission. Copies from the Bouquet and Haldimand Papers, 1756- 1761. 1 vol. Copies from the Public Record Office, 1753-1760. 4 vols. Letters of Lieutenant-Governor Dinwiddle, 1751-1755. 5 vols. Letters of Montcalm to his Family, 1756-1759. 1 vol. Letters of Montcalm to Bourlamaque, 1756-1759. 1 vol. Letters of Vaudreuil and others to Bourlamaque. 1 vol. Copies from the Archives Nationales, 1666-1759. 1 vol. Historic de Montreal, par DoUier de Casson, 1640-1672. 1 \ol. Letters of Washington to Colonel Bouquet, 1758 (un bound. ) Supplement to Papers from Public Record Office, (un bound. ) Nine volumes relating to the conspiracy of Pontiac, viz : Documents from the State Paper Office, London, 1762- 1763. 1 vol. Documents from the Archives of the Marine and Colo nies, Paris, 1 vol . Copies of the Bouquet papers in the British Museum, 1759-1763, 1764-1765. 2 vols. Copies from Journals and Personal Narrative in various sources. 1 vol . Copies of papers from public and private collections ia various parts of England and America, 1750-1762, 1763, 1764, 1765-1778. 4 vols. Canada, Church and State, 1647 - 1704. 1 vol. Documents sur le Canada, consisting ^f papers from the archives Nationales, the Bibliotheque Nationale, and other French sources, 1627:1702. 1 vol. Voyage, au Canada, 1751-1761. Copy of a manuseript bock in the Bibliotheque Nationale. 1 vol. Seven Letters of Pedro Menendez. Lettre d'un Habitant de Louisbonrg, 1745. Copies from Archives du Minist^re des Affaires Estran- g6res, 1629-1686. 1 vol. Copies from Archives du Minist^re des Affaires Estraa- g^res, 1714-1755. 1 vol. Copies from Public Record Office, 1693-1711. 1 vol. Copies from Public Record Office, 1711-1725. 1 yoi. Copies from Public Record Office, 1744-1746. 1 vol. Copies from Public Record Office, 1746-1749. 1 vol. Copies from Correspondence Offieielle, 2me. Serie, wis. IX.-XI. Massachusetts Historical Society. 233 Copies from Correspondence Offieielle, 3me Serie, vols. II. Copies from Correspondence OfficieUe, 3me. Serie, vols. V.-VIL Copies from Correspondence OfficieUe, 3me. Serie, vols. VIII.-XIL Copies from Archives de la Marine, 1660-1671. Copies from Archives de la Marine, 1704-1709. Copies from Archives de la Marine, 1704-1709. Copies from Archives de la Marine, 1737-1759. Copies from Archives Nationales, 1598-1759. 1 vol. Copies from Archives Nationales, Compagnie du Castor. Dupuis, "Troubles du Canada, 1728." 1 vol. Documents relating to Acadia, the Abenaquis, etc. 3 vols. Journal de Jean Cavelier, brother of La Salle. MS. 1 vol. Journal of Rev. Stephen WUUams, beginning at Louis bonrg, 18 JtUy, 1745, and ending at , Jan. 1749. MS. 1 vol. The Relation of Penicaut, 1698-1721. Contemporary manuscript of one of the most important documents on the b^inning of Louisiana. Charlevoix used it ; and French, in his Louisiana Historical Collections, printed a translation of parts of it, from a very imperfect copy. 1 vol. Canada, Correspondence OfficieUe, 1621-1679. 1 vol. folio. Papers on the Canadian Jesuits. 1 vol. quarto. Jesuit Letters, 1683 to 1708. 1 vol. thin 4to. Documents and notes on the Jestuts, Fronteaac, etc. 1 portfoUo 4to. Calendar of documents from the French Archives, relat ing to the time of Frontenac, 1672-1698. 1 packet. Notes from original documents used in preparation of "Tiie Old Regime in Caaada." 2 vols. 4to. Marq . P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 20, 1855. Carvajal, J. J. to C. R. Wheat, Jan. 9, 1853. Chalmers, J. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 29, 1846. Chandler, G .C. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 28, 1854. Chandler, G. C. to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 23, 1872. Chase, W. H. to — — — July 18, 1846. Chase, W. H. to , July 6, 1858. Chinn, A. H. to Geo. Poindexter, May 3, 1826. Chinn, A. H. to Geo. Poindexter, Aug. 23, 1826. Claiuorne, J. P. H. to Geo. Poindexter, March i, 1832. Claiborne, J. F. H. to Brander, McKenna & Wright, Oct. 21, 1836, Claiborne, J. P. H. to President of U. S., Aug. 23, 1842. Claiborne, J. F. H. to C. M. Price, Feb. 9, 1843. Claiborne, J. P. H. to A. S. Robinson, Aug. 6, 1846. Claiborne, J. F. H. to A. J. Pickett, April 19. 1849. Claiborne, J. F. H. to Gov. Walker, Nov. 21, 1850. Claiborne, J. F. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, -. Claiborne, F. L. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 11, 1843. Claiborne, R. to Geo. Poindexter, June 23, 1816. Clarke, J. C. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 15, 1820. Clay, Henry to Geo. Poindexter, Oct. 7, 1826. Clinton, J. G. to ¦ Claiborne, March 12, 1845. Coalter, J. to David Holmes, March 14, 1808. Coalter, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 8, 1831. Cocke, S. to jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 24, 1834. Cocke, S. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 15, 1841. Cocke, S. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 26, 1841. CocKe, b. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 8, 1843. Cocke, S. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 11, 1843. Coffey, J. R. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 4, . Coit, M. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 22, 1834. Coleman, S. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 28, 1860. Comfort, D. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 9, 1831. Compton, W. M. to , Dec. 13, 1877. (.^onrad, R. to D. H. Conrad, Feb. 16, 1859. Conrad, D. H. to J. F. H. Claiborne, March 2, 1859. Cooper, D. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 23, 1847. Cooper, F. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 13, 1859. Cdrcbran, D. tb J. F. H. Clalbdrnfe, April 25; 1853. Mississippi University Library. 239 Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Coxe, D. W. to Geo. Poindexter, March 7, 1834. Cralle, R. K. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 3, 1852. Crane, Wm. R. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 14, 1843. Crozman, G. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 8, 1846. Curtis, E. to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 14, 1842. Curtis, E. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 16, 1842. D. T. A. S. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Oct. 28, 1841. D. T. A. S. to J. F. H. Claibome, March 30, 1842. Dabney, P. to Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 20, 1830. Danley, C. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 26, 1851. Danley, C. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 21, 1852. Davis, J. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 12, 1833. Davis, Jefferson, to J. F. H. Claibome, Oct. 24, 1852. Davis, Jefferson to J. F. H. Claibome, April 24,' 1878. Davis, M. to James Smylie, Sept. 4, 1817. Davis, E. M. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Dec. 18, 1878. Davidson, J. B. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 29, 1857. Deas, Fitzallen .o Jno. A. Quitman, April 16, 1847. Deason, J. B. to , March 19, 1879. DeBow, J. D. B. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 12, 1845. Dedrick, W . W. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 1, 1876. Desamping, J. M. to J. P. Dickinson, Aug. 15, 1847. Dickinson, J. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 17, 1847. Dickinson, J. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 7, 1847. Dickinson, J. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, June — , 1847. Dickson, L. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 12, 1845. Dickson, D. to Geo. Poindexter, Oct. 18, 1831. Dickson, D. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 3, 1832. Dietz, Louis to Geo. Poindexter, May 17, 1834. Dill, B. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 10, 1842. Dill, B. F. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 18, 1845. Dill, B. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 9, 1845. Dili, B. F. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 19, 1845. Dill, B. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 7, 1847. Dill, B. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 24, 1853. Dill, B. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 14, 1853. Dorsey, Sarah. A. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 13, 1877. Downs, S. V,'. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Aug. 10, 1845. Downs, S. W. to J. F. H. Claibome, Sept. 24, 1851. Downs, S. W. to J. P. H. Ciaibome, Oct. 8, 1851. Downs, S. W. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 3, 1852 Downs, b. W. 10 J. F. H. Claiborne, April 14, 1852. Downs, o. ... to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 2, 1852. Downs, S. V/. to J. H. P. Claiborne, Jan. 11, 1853. Dunbar, Jos. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 22, 1826. Duncan, Jas to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 27, 1847. Duncan, Jas. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 26, 1847. Durant. T. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 17, 1846. Durant, T. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 5, 1852. Eastland, T. B. to J. F. H. Claibome, . Edward, Jas. to J. F. H. Claibome, March 11, 1848. Edward, Jas. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 30, 1849. Edwards, B. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 22, 1830. Elder, W. H. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 1, 1860. Ellett, H. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 20, 1843. Elliott. J. D. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 12, 1847. Ellis, P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 9, 1831. Edward, R. to J. P. H. Claibome, Nov. 14, 1852. Edward, R. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 3, 1855. 240 Report Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Ely, A. W. to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 16, 1857. Estes, M. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 31, 1847. Everett, A. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 14, 1842. Everett, A. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 30, 1842. Everett, A. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 10, 1842. Everett, A. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 30, 1842. Falconer, T. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 2, 1828. Falconer, T. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. — , 1836. Fall, G. R. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Dec. 2, 1828. Pall. G. R. to J. F. H. Claibome, Oct. 30, 1841. Farrar, P. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 26, 1837. Farrar, P W. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 11, 1839. Farrar, P. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 22, 1840. Ficklin, J. "H. to Geo. Poindexter, June 17, 1816. Fisher, B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 17, 1852. Fitz, G. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 8, 1828. Flournoy, Thos. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Aug. 3, 1846. Foote, J. F. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 7, 1847. Foote, H. S. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Dec. 19, 1844. loote, H. S. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 29, 1846. Forsyth, J. to J. F. H. Claiborne, July 26, 1857. Fowler, Jos. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 28, 1840. Fox, Arthur, to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 11, 1845. Freeman, J. D. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 1, 1843. Freeman, J. u. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 14, 1869. Freeman, J. D. to J. P. H. Claiborne, . — , . Pyler, J. D. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 25, 1842. Gage, J. A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 28, 1877. Gaines, J. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 27, 1847. Gallup, A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 8, 1845. Garnett, R. S. to S. Thomas, May 8, 1856. Garrett, R. S. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 12, 1856. Garrett, H. A. and others to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 15, 1858. Geary, J. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 25, 1847. Geuvis, J. W. to , July 25, 1856. Gerdes, F. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 26, 1855. Gholson, S. j. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 7, 1843. Gholson, S. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 14, 1845. Gibson, R. L. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 20, 1878. Gildart, J. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 12, 1830. Gillet, R. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 21, 1847. Glenn, D. C. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Sept. 13, 1861. Glenn, D. C. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Oct. 8, 1861. Glenn, D. C- to J. F. H. Claiborne, Jan. 24, 1862. Golightly, T. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 8, 1836 Grayson, W. P. to Jno. A. Quitihan, Feb. 9, 1841. Green, C. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 18, 1823. Green, Thos. I. to Jesse Benton, April 4, 1836. Gregg, Maxey to Jno. A. Quitman, May 9, 1851. Gregg, Maxey, to Jho. 9. Quitman, May 15, 1851. Gregg, Maxey, to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 15, 1851. Gregg, Maxey, to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept! 19, 1857. Griffith, Jno. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 25, 1834. Grimball, Jno. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 8, 1828. Guion, Jno. I to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 10, 1827. Guion, Jno. I to Jno. A. Quitman, :^eb. 16, 1829. Guion, Jno. I to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 5, 1830. Guion, Jno. I. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 13, 1833. Guionj Jno. I. t» Jno. A. Quitmatii Feb; 7, 1840. Mississippi University Library. 241 Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Guion. W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 17, 1834. Guion, W. B. to W. M. Grayson, Oct. 12, 1835. Gwin, Sam'I to Geo. Poindexter, Oct. 14, 1831. Gwin, Sam'I to Geo. Poindexter, April 27, 1835. Gwin, W. M. to Daniel Low, Aug. 29, 1842. Hadley, T. B. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 19, 1834. Hadley, T. B. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 27, 1834. Hadley, T. B. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 13, 1837. Hadley, T. B. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 28, 1838. Hagan, James to Jno. A. Quitman, May 29, 1838. Hagan James to Jno. A. Quitman, July 3, 1838. Haile, Wm. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 30, 1837. Haile, Wm. to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 6, 1828. Haile, Wm. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 26, 1828. Haile, Wm. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 25, 1834. Haile, Wm. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 9, 1835. Harmanson, J. A. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 24, 1848. Hamner, GenT, to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct 16, 1846. Hamilton, P. to Geo. Poindexter, April 13, 1810. Hancock, W. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 14, 1867. Hamey, Thos. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 23, 1837. Hamey, Thos. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 10, 1833. Hamey, Thos. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 6, 1840. Harper, Bros, to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 20, 1860. Harper, Bros, to J. F. H. Claibome, March 21, 1860. Harris, W. P. to , Aug. 27, 1853. Harris, W. P. to , June 3, 1854. Harris, W. P. to J. I. H. Claibome, Dec. 8, 1854. Harris, W. P. to , Feb. 6, 1855. Harris, W. P. to ^ , March 4, 1855. Harris, W. P. to , March 29, 1855. Harris, W. P. to J. F. H. Claibome, Aug. 30, 1855. Harris, W. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 8, 1855. Harris, W. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 10, 1881. Harris, W. C. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 2, 182S. Harris, W. C. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 8, 1830. Hayden, D. to J. F. H. Claibome, Dec. 7, 1844. Hayden, D. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 16, 1845. Hayden, D. to J. F. H. Claibome, May 7, 1845. Hayden, D. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 15, 1845. Hayden, D. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 21, 1846. Hayden, D. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 21, 1846. Hayne, R. Y. to Jno. A. Quitman, . Hebert, R. O. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 7, 1852. Henderson, J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 30, 1830. Henderson, J. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 20, 1841. Hemdon, G. P. to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 16, 1877. Hewes, W. G. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 29, 1833. Hewes, W. G. to Geo. Poindexter, March 21, 1834. Hickey, W. to J. F. H. Claibome, May 5, 1845. Higginbotham, D. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 1, 1831. Hillyer, T. M. to Craft Nevitt, . Hinds, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Mar. 26, 1817. Hinds, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 18, 1819. historical Society, Wis. to J. P. H. Claibome, Mar. 11, 1854. Holliman, G. H. to Jno. A Quitman, Aug. 12, 1830. Holliman, G. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 6, 1853 Holliman, Cr. H. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 9, 1855. 16 242 Report Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc.^Continued. Holliman, G. H. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Aug. 6, 1855. Holliman, G. H. to J. P. H. Cliabome, Aug. 27, 1855. Holmes, D. to Geo. Poindexter, Aug. 12, 1820. Hooker, C. E. to , Mar. — , 1857. Hooker, C. E. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 22, 1881. Hone, E. P. to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 13, 1840. Hoskins, B. to M. Lovell, Feb. 28, 1847. Howard, B. D. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 27, 1843. Howard, B. D. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 18, 1843. Howard, V. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 14, 1839. Howard, V. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 1, 1843. Howard V. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 26, 1845. Howry, J. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 26, 1846. Howry, J. M. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 19, 1860. Hughes, H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Nov. 16, 1858. Hugnes, H. to u . P. H. Claiborne, March 23, 1860. Humphreys, B. G. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Nov. 25, 1878. Humphreys, T. J. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Sept. 12, 1855. Hunt, M. to J. F. H. Claiborne, June 23, 1845. Hunt, M. to J. F. H. Claibome, March 14, 1846. Hurst, D. W. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 18, 1859. Hurt, D. A. B. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Dec. IS, 1876. Hurt, D. A. B. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 27, 1877. Huston, P. to Geo. Poindexter, March 4, 1829. Huston, F. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 19, 1832. Huston, F. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 21, 1836. Huston, P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 5, 1838. Huston, F. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 4, 1839. Huston, P. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 26, 1839. Huston, F. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 14, 1847. Huston, P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 19, 1850. Irish, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 17, 1830. Ives, T. B. to J. F. H. Claiborne, June 9, 1845. Jackson, A. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 20, 1830. JacKson, H. R. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 6, 1867. Jandon, S. to Jas. M. Reynolds, Aug. 25, 1830. Jenkins, D. C. to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 19, 1856. Johnson, W. P. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 13, 1832. Johnson, W. P. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 6, 1833. Johnson, H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 1, 1849. Johnson, J. to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 18, 1845. Jordan, A. W. and others to J. P. H. Claiborne, Sept. 26, 1849. Kaufman, D. S. to J. F. H. Claiborne, June 23, 1845. Kemper, J. to Geo. Poindexter, March 19, 1817. Kendall, W. G. to . May 19, 1848. Kendall, W. G. to , Aug. 18, 1854. Kennedy, J. M. to J. F. H. Claiborne, March 31, 1845. Kiegan, A. N. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 8, 1831. Kilpatrick, A. R. to J. F. Claiborne, March 21, 1859. Kilpatrick, A. R. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 2, 1877. Kincannon, A. A. to J. F. H. Claiborne, March 2, 1843. Kincannon, A. A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 7, 1843. Kirby, E. to Mrs. M. S. Smith, Sept. 12, 1847. Knight, A. M. & others to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 25, 1840. Land, Thos. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 19, 1828. Langdon, J. J. to J. P.H. Claiborne, April 7, 1845. Lattimore W. to Geo. Poindexter, May 10, 1806. Lay, G. W. to — ¦ , Oct. 27, 1847. Mississippi University Library. 243 Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Leake, W. to Geo. Poindexter, April 23, 1822. Leake, W. to Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 14, 1822. Le Due, H. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 11, 1865. Lee, S. D. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 13, 1879. Leech, P. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 12, 1845. Leech, F. to J. F. H. Claibome, July 24, 1853. Leech, P. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 22, 1857. Lem, Gustav, to J. P. H. Claibome, March 13, 1850. Lewis, W. B. to Geo. Poindexter, Oct. 10, 1822. Locke, S. to John Slidell, Dec. 4, 1844. Locke, S. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 15, 1856. Lossing, B. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, March — , 1860. Lossing, B. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 10, 1860. Lossing, B. J. to J. F. H. Claibome, April 23, 1860. Loucks, R. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 1, 1845. Lowry, J. to Geo. Poindexter, July 4, 1815. Lyles, W. S. & others to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 27, 1851. Lynch, C. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 25, 1828. Lynch & others to Jno. A. Quitman, July 2, 1833. Magee, Eugene to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 10, 1830. Marmion, A. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 22, 1854. Marmion, A. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 23, 1855. Marmion, A. to J. P. H. Claibome, April 28, 1855. Marschalk, A. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 30, 1836. Marschalk, A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 3, 1838. Marsh, S. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 20, 1836. Marshall, Jno. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 11, 1848. Mason, J. S. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 1, 1878. Mason, J. S. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 9, 1878. Maury, J. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 24, 1826. Mayer, P. F. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 24, 1833. Mayerhoff, C. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 9, 1877. Mayson, C. C. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 13, 1833. Mayson, C. C. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 17, 1837. McAfee, M. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 15, 1853. McAfee, M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 31, 1855. McCaleb, J. P. to Mr. Pickett & Mr. Minton, Jan. 6, 1842. McCall, G. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 24, 1847. McCaughan, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 6, 1843. McClung, A. R. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 27, 1846. McCord, Jas. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 2, 1851. McDonald, J. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 9, 1851. McDonald, J. to Jno. A. Quitman April 3, 1851. DcDonald, J. W. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 27, 1855. McDonald, J. W. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 16, 1856. McDonald, H. to J. F. H. Claibome, Feb. 22, 1878. McFarlane, J. S. to J. F. H. Claibome, April 20, 1845. McMurran, J. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 24, 1823. McMurran, J. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 24, 1823. McMurran, J. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 29, 1837. McMurran, J. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 7, 1846. McNutt, A. G. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 31, 1838. McRae, J. I. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 7, 1843. McRae, J. T. to J. P. H. Claibome., Dec. 1, 1851. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 23, 1853. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 14, 1854. MCRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 23, 1854. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 27, 1854. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, Nov. 10, 1854. McRae, J. to J. H. McRae, J. to J. P. McRae, J. to J. F. McRae, J. to J. F. McRae, J. to J. F. McRae, J. to J. F 244 Report Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. p. Claiborne, Feb. 15, 1855. H. Claibome, April 9, 1855. H. Claiborne, June 17, 1855. H. Claiborne, Sept. 30, 1855. H. Claiborne, Nov. 18, 1855. . H. Claiborne, Nov. 25, 1855. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 9, 1856. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 29, 1858. McRae, J. I. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 31, 1859. McRae, J. I. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 19, 1845. McRae, Kate to J. F. H. Claiborne, Sept. 23, 1855. McRae, j. B. to J. P. H. Claiborne, April 17, 1855. McRae, J. B. to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 5, 1855. McRae, J. B. to J. F. H. Claibome, Aug. 30, 1855. McTyeire, H. U. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 1, 1854. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 23, 1806. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 26, 1806. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 14, 1808. Mead, Cowles, to Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 1, 1809. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 23, 1810. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 3, 1812. Mead, Cowles to Geo. Poindexter, Nov. 30, 1812. Means, J. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 12, 1851. Medary, Jacob to W. Medill, Jan. 15, 1843. Media, W. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Dec. 22, 1842. Mellen, W. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 15, 1847. Merchants Exchange to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 25, 1847. Merrill, A. P. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Dec. 6, 1858. Metcalfe, B. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 26, 1822. Metcalfe, T. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 12, 1829. Michel, (Widow Sue) to J. P. H. Claiborne, Oct. 20, 1862. iviiller, W. P. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 9, 1859. Mitchell, J. C. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 7, 1837. Montgomery, C. P. to Geo. Poindexter, Aug. 1, 1833. Montgomery, E. to John A. Quitman, Jan. 24, 1842. Montgomery, J. P. & others to J. F. H. Claizorne, Dec. 25, 1839. Moore, S. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 15, 1846. Morris, J. J. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 19, 1832. Morris, J. J. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 19, 1834. Morris, J. J. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 27, 1834. Morris, J. J. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 30, 1835. Morse, J. o. to , April 8, 1859. Muller, A. A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Oct. 11, 1855. Muchison, S. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 24, 1838. Murry, J. to Jno. A. Mallory, Jan. 27, 1826. North, R. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 29, 1878. Nutt, R. to , Jan. 14, 1859. Parker, C. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 26, 1830. Parker, C. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, July — , 1832. Patterson, R. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 5, 1847. Patterson, R. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 10, 1847. Patton, W. S. & others to Jno. A. Quitman, June 5, 1855. Patton, J. W. to J. F. H. Claibome, Oct. 16, 1855. Penn, A. G. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 27, 1832. Penn, A. G. to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 25, 1832. Penn, A. G. to J. F. H. Claiborne, March 19, 1845. Penn, A. G. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 4, 1852. Perkins, Jno. to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 14, 1853, Perkins, Jno. to ™ , Oct. 20, 1853, Mississippi University Library. 245 Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Perkins, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 14, 1854. Phillips, J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 23, 1828. Pickett, A. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 28, 1847. Pickett, A. J. to J. F. H. Claibome, July 24, 1847. Pickett, A. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 6, 1847. Pickett, A. J. to J. F. H. Claiborne, July 20, 1849. Pierce, Jas. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 28, 1857. Pilcher, C. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 21, 1855. Pillow, G. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 28, 1847. Pitts, B. D. to J. F. H. Claibome, May 29, 1854. Plummer, P. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 19, 1828. Plummer, F. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 6, 1831. Plummer, P. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 5, 1832. Plummer, P. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 4, 1833. Plummer, P. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 25, 1836. Plummer, P. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 30, 1836. Plummer, P. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 17, 1845. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Dec. 26, 1808. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, April 20, 1810. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Feb. 25, 1811. jroindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Nov. 11, 1811. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Dec. 12, 1811. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Jan. 25, 1812. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, April 10, 1812. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, May 24, 1812. Poindexter, Geo. to , Nov. 15, 1812. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Dec. 14, 1812. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Jan. 4, 1813. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Feb. 3, 1813. Poindexter, Geo. to Cowles Mead, Feb. 22, 1813. Poindexter, Geo. to D. Holmes, Oct. 6, 1814. Poindexter, Geo. to D. Holmes, March 17, 1815. Poindexter, Geo. to Andrew Jackson, Oct. 25, 1820. Poindexter, Geo. toT. B. Read, May 16, 1821. Poindexter, Geo. to , May 21, 1821. Poindexter, Geo. to J. P. Hampton, June 17, 1821. Poindexter Geo. to Com'r. Gen. Land Office, Sept. 26, 1821. Poindexter, Geo. to G. C. Brandon, Aug. 25, 1828. Poindexter, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 4, 1839. Poindexter, Geo. to J. T. McMurran, March 21, 1829. Poindexter, Geo. to Liddell, Sept. 26, 1829. Poindexter, Geo. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 25, 1829. Poindexter, Geo. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 10, 1832. Poindexter, Geo. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 26, 1832. Poindexter, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 7, 1837. Porter, D. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 9, 1837. Porter, A. to P. P. Smith, Feb. 4, 1856. Posey, S to Jno. A. Quitman, July 22, 1846. Powers, R. C. to P. Heiderhof, May 16, 1873. Pray, P. R. R. to Jno. A. Quitman, . Pray, P. R. R. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 7, 1831. Pray, P. R. R. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 9, 1832. Preston, Jno. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 9, 1832. Price, C. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 7, 1843. Price, C. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 12, 1843. Price, Wm. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, April 3, 1845. Prieur, D. to J. F. H. Claibome, Feb. 28, 1846. Puckett, S. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 1, 1836. 246 Report Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Quackenboss, F. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 1, 1833. Quackenboss, P. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 13, 1837. Quackenboss, F. .W. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 5, 1838. Quackenboss, F. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 30, 1840. Quackenboss, P. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 22, 1841. Quackenboss, F. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 23, 1851. Quarles, G. M. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 9, 1834. Quitman, Jno. A. to J. T. McMurran, Feb. 9, 1828. Quitman, Jno. A. to Henry Clay, April 3, 1830. Quitman, Jno. A. to S. Gustine, April 28, 1835. Quitman, Jno. A. to Planter's Bank , 1840. Quitman, Jno. A. to B. D. Howard, Aug. 23, 1843. Quitman, Jno. A. to G. H. Grosman, Sept. 8, 1846. Quitman, Jno. A. to Major Gaines, Oct. 26, 1847. Quitman, Jno. A. to W. W. W. Wood, June 30, 1850. Quitman, Jno. A. to R. B. Rhett, Jan. 24, 1851. Quitman, Jno. A to Jas. D. Waddel, May 17, 1851. Quitman, Jno. A. to J. H. Means, May 25, 1851. Quitman, Jno. A. to C. R. Clifton, Nov. 18, 1853. Quitman, Jno. A. to C. J. Faulkner, July 31, 1856. Quitman, Jno. A. to W. W. Wood, April 3, 1858. Quitman, Jno. A. to W. Cannon & Col. Wood, May 30, 1858. Quitman, Jno. A. to W. W. W. Wood, June 22, 1858. Quitman, Jno. A. to Pharsalian Encampment, June 26, 1858. Quitman, Jno. A. to Jno. Marshall, Feb. 2, 1858. Randolph, P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 27, 1829. Rathbone & Bro, to Jno. A. Quitman, March 11, 1840. Rayburn, Jno. to J. P.H. Claiborne, Dec. 8, 1852. Reed, T. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 21, 1826. Reeder, Geo. W. to J. F. H. Claiborne, May 3, 1845. Reyburn, W. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, April 18, 1846. Rhett, R. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 22, 1851. Ricker, Sam'I to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 7, 1854. Rives, W. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 18, 1844. Roberts, W. J. A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Jan. 1, 1852. Roberts, B. S. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 20, 1860. Rodney, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Oct, 10, 1807. Rodney, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Nov. 20, 180V. Rodney, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 18, 1808. Rodney, Thos, to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 25, 1808. Rodney, Thos. to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 3, 1808. Ross, Jno. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 18, 182'±. Royal Historical Society to J. P. H. Claiborne, July 17, 1880. Royal Historical Society to J. F. H. Claiborne, Jan. 21, 1881. Royal Historical Society to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 28, 1881. Runnels, H. G. & others to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 21, 1828. Runnels, H. G. & others to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 31, 1829. Ross, Asa to J. P. H. Claiborne, Sept. 5, 1855. Sanders, L. to J. P. H. Claiborne, July 28, 1825. Sanders, L. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 4, 1847. Sanders, L. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 13, 1851. Saul, Jas. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 7, 1831. Scott, Winfield, to Jno. A. Quitman, July 13, 1847. Scott, Jas. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 24, 1835. Scott, A. M. to Geo. Poindexter, July 25, 1828. Scott, A. M., to Jno. A. Quitman, April 30, 1832. Scott, A. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 12, 1833. Seabrook, W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 20, 1850. Seabrook, W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 23. 1850, Mississippi University Library. 24 "i Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Seabrook, W. B. (Telegram) to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 3, 1850. Seabrook, W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 17, 1850. Seabrook, W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 9, 1851. Seabrook, W. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 15, 1851. Seal, R. to R. Egar, July 9, 1867. Sevier, A. H. to , April 14, 1846. Sharkey, W. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 9, 1830. Sharkey, W. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 12, 1830. Sharkey, W. T. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 4, 1830. Sharp, J. M. to J. A. Quitman, Oct. 29, 1846. Shaw, J. to Geo. Poindexter, Nov. 26, 1830. Shelton, W. H. to J. F. H. Claibome, Jan. 15, 1843. Shepard, G. D. to J. F. H. Claibome, Nov. 1, 1859. Shaver, W. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 22, 1846. Simonson, J. S. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 10, 1856. Singleton, O. R. to J. F. H. Claibome, July 19, 1854. Slaughter, G. C. to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 1, 1826. Slidell, Thos. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 3, 1853. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, [4 letters not dated.] Slidell, John to J. F. H. Claibome, Dec. 13, 1844. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 3, 1845. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 17, 1852. Slidell, Jno. to J. F. H. Claibome, April 9, 1853. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 29, 1854. SUdell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 26, 1854. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, July 8, 1854. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 11, 1854. SlideU, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 5, 1854. SUdell, Jno. to J. F. H. Claibome, Oct. 31, 1854. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 16, 1854. Slidell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claioome, June 7, 1855. SlideU, Joim to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 26, 1855. Slidell, Jno. to J. F. H. Claibome, March 15, 1856. SUdell, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 22, 1856. SlideU, Jno. to J. P. H. Claibome, Nov. 21, 1857. Smith, C. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 27, 1837. Smith, C. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, — — , 1841. Smith, C. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 16, 1854. Smith, Dan'I to David Holmes, Jan. 13, 1808. Smith, Rich'd to Geo. Poindexter, March 21, 1834. Smith P. to , Sept. 9, 1851. Smith, P. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, . Smyth, W. M. to J. F. H. Claibome, Sept. 12, 1839. Smyth, W. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Nov. 27, 1841. Smyth, W. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 3, 1842. Smyth, W. M. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 29, 1846. Smyth, M. P. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 1, 1845. Smyth, M. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 10, 1845. Smyth, H. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 3, 1857. Smyth, H. H. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 25, 1853. Snethen, W. to J. P. H. Claibome, Nov. 8, 1842. Snethen, W. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 5, 1842. Snow, S. W. to Lieut. Lovell, Feb. 28, 1847. Somerby, R. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 8, 1827. Soule, Pierre to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 24, 1850. Soule, Pierre to , Aug. 15, 1852. SouI6, Pierre to J. P. H. Claibome, Sept. 13, 1852. Soule, Pierre to J. P. H. Claibome, March 29, 1853. Sparks, W. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 9, 1831. Sparks, W. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 6, 1831. 248 Iteport Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc.^-^Ooniinued. Speight, J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 5, 1844. Speight, J. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 10, 1846. Stanton, R. to -, March 13, . Stanton, R. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Feb. 10, 1853. Stanton, R. to J. P. H. Claiborne, May 9, 1853. Starke, T. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 11, 1846. Starke, T. J. to B. Van, Dom, July 15, 1862. Starke, T. J. to J. P. H. Claiborne, July 22, 1857. Sterling, T. S. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 18, 1830. Sterling, T. S. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 22, 1834. Stuart, T. H. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 11, 1845. Stuart, Arcn, to David Holmes, Nov. 11, 1808. Stockton, R. to Robt. F. Stockton, May 17, 1825. Stone, P. D. to May 2. 1878. Stone, W. A. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Dec. 15, 1842. Swan, G. T. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 18, 1851. Swain, D. L. to J. P. H. Claiborne, June 13, 1860. Tallmadge, N. P. to J. F. H. Claiborne, Nov. 26, 1840. Tarpley, C. S. to , Aug. 3, 1855. Terrell, Lucretia, to Jno. A. Quitman, April 7, 183,0. Thacher, J. S. B. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 16, 1839. Thacher, J. S. B. to J. P. H. Claiborne, July 31, 1845. Tharp, W. to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 6, 1834. Thayer, C. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 5, 1836. Thomas, P. to Geo. Poindexter, April 23, 1821. Thompson, Jacob, to J. P. H. Claiborne, Aug. 16„ 1832. Thompson, Jacob, to , Sept. 2, 1850. Thompson, Jacob, to J. P., H. Claiborne, Aug. 23, 1855. Thompson, Jacob to J. P. H. Claiborne, Nov. 17, 1855. Thompson, Jacob, to J. P. H. Claiborne, Oct. 23, 1859. Thompson, G. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept, 15, 1&45. Thompson, Waddy to Jno. A. Quitman, June 22, 1856. Totten, J. G. to Jas. Shields, Jan. 31, 1854. Totten, J. G. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 23, 1856. Totten, J. G. to Chas. A. Henderson, Mareh 10, 1856,. Toulmin, T. S. to J. P. H. Claiborne, March 3, 1845. Townsend, B. to Jno. A. Quitman, March 21, 1856. Trask, J. E. to Geo. Poindexter, April 3, 1826. Trist, H. B. to. Geo. Poindexter, Sept. 28, 1804. Trist, N. P. to Geo. Poindexter, March 21, 1822. Trotter, Jas. P. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 17, 1829. Tucker, T. M. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Sept. 14, 1822. Turner, G. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, AprU 16, 1838,. Turner, E. to Geo. Poindexter, July 13, 1820. Turner, B. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 6^ 1828. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 9, 1828. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 4, 1830. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 15, 1830. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 10, 1830. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 14, 1831. Turner, E. to T. Henderson, Aug. 12, 1834. Turner, B. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 5,. 1834. Tumer, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 13, 1837. Turner, E. to- Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 31, 1837. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 18, 1838. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 12, 1840. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 27, 1840. Turner, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 14, 1841. Twiggs, D. E. to Jno.. A. Quitman, Aug. 6, 1847. Mississippi University Library. 249 Miscellaneous Letters, etc. — Continued. Twiggs, D. E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 8, 1847. Van Dom, P. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 23, 1827. Van Dom, Earl to Mrs. Emma Miller, May 2, 1847. Van Evrie, J. H. to , Nov. 6, 1853. Vannerson, W. to Jno. A. Quitman, May — , 1830. Vannerson, W. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 13, 1842. Waddel, Jas. D. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 3, 1851. Waldo, P. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept 26, 1847. Walker, Alex to , May 4, 1843 . Walker, Alex to J. F. H. Claibome, Dec. 26, 1845. Walker, S. R. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 20, 1853. Walker, J. W. to Geo. Poindexter, Dec. 23, 1812. Walker, Jas. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 22, 1844. Walker, Jas. to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 8, 1845. Walker, Jas. to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. 23, 1845. Walker D. S. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jai^. 16, 1829. Walker, D. S. and R. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 12, 1829. Walker, R. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 5, 1831. Walker, R. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Jan. 6, 1841. Walker, R. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 21, 1841. Walker, R. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 23, 1842. Walker, R. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 15, 1842. Walker, R. J. to J. P. H. Claibome, Dec. 12, 1844. Walker, R. J. to T. J. Johnston, Feb. 3, 1843. Walker, W. W. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 28, 1827. Walker, D. to J. P. H. Claibome, March 18, 1857. Warren, H. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 18, 1845. Warren, H. to J. P. H. Claibome, June 21, 1845. Washington, L. to Geo. Poindexter, Feb. 9, 1810. Waskerhagen, A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 18, 1833. Webb, J. W. to J. F. H. Claibome, March 12, 1860. Welsh, C. H. to A. G. Brown, April 7, 1855. WTiarton, T. J. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 9, 1851. Wilcox, J. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 25, 1846. WUcox, C. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, Feb. 18, 1848. Wilcox, C. ill. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 5, 1849. Wilcox, C. M. to Jno. A. Poindexter, Jan. 10, 1854. Wilcox, C. M. cO Jno. A. Poindexter, May 8, 1854. Wilkins, J. C. to Geo. Poindexter, March 14, 1834. Wilkins, C. E. to Geo. Poindexter, March 5, 1834. Wilkinson, E. to Jno. A. Quitman, Nov. 7, 1839. Williams, D. O. to Jno. A. Quitman, July 13, 1846. Williams, T. H. to Geo. Poindexter, March 12, 1822. Williams, T. H. to V. E. Howard, March 17, 1843. Williams, T. H. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 14, 1825. Williams, T. H. to Jno. A. Quitman, April 25, 1846. Williams, G. W to J. P. H. Claibome, Aug. 30, 1845. Williams, A. J. & others to J. P. H. Claibome, Oct. — , 1849. Willis, T. A. to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 2, 1847. Winchester, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Aug. 16, 1821. Winchester, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Sept. 24, 1832. Winchester, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Oct. 6, 1832. Winchester, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 24, 1836. Winchester, Geo. to Jno. A. Quitman, Dec. 17, 183$. Winn, R. to J. P. H. Claibome, Feb. 5, 1840. Winston, F. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 30, 1827. Witherspoon, T. D. to J. P. H. Claibome, May 8, 1877. Woods, M. L. to J. P. H Claibome, March 15, 1860. Woodward, T. S. to J. F. H. Claibome, Marcb 13, 1853, 250 Report Alabama History Commission. Miscellaneous Letters, etc.— Continued. Worth, W. I. to Jno. A. Quitman, May 23, 1847. Worth, W. I. to J. F. Claiborne, Dec. 30, 1848. Wright, D. W. m Jno. A. Quitman, Mar. 9, 1828. Wright, D. W. to Geo. Poindexter, July 28, 1829. Wynkoop, P. M. to Jno. A. Quitman, June 8, 1847. Watson, C. C. and Son to Jno. A. Quitman, Jan. 1, 1839. Yell, A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, July 25, 1846. Yell, A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Nov. 9, 1846. Yell, A. to J. P. H. Claiborne, Nov. 17, 1846. Poindexter Letters and Papers. Book "C." (Continued.) Two Letters to Geo. Poindexter from his Son. Fourteen Letters & Papers relating to his son. Letter from Geo. Poindexter to Thos. G. Percy. Four Letters from Geo. Poindexter to Mrs. A. B. C. Poindexter. Letter to Geo. Poindexter from Mrs. A. B. C. Poindexter. Eight Letters to Geo* Poindexter from his brother. Letter to Geo. Poindexter from his sister. Four Letters to Geo. Poindexter from his nieces. Letter to Geo. Poindexter from his nephew. Five Letters to Geo. Poindexter from a cousin. Four Letters to Geo. Poindexter from his other relatives. Thirty-seven miscellaneous Letters & Papers. Schedule of the Poindexter Estate in Wilkinson Co. Ten Papers relating to Duel with Abijah Hunt. Twelve Papers relating to difficulty with Col. Hamilton. Six Papers relating to difficulty with Capt. Joor. Seven Papers Bonds. Newspaper Articles. Guion Letters and Papers. Book "D." Correspondence between Capt. Isaac Guion and Gen. James Wilkin son, 1797-1801. 27 Letters & Papers. Correspondence between Capt. Isaac Guion and Hon. Jas. McHenry, 1797-1798. 33 Letters & Papers. Correspondence between Capt. Isaac Guion and Genls. C. & T. Free man, X797-1799. 14 Letters. Receipt Rolls, Returns, Affidavits, &c. 21 Papers. Miscellaneous Letters & Papers relating to the Military Career of Capt. Isaac Guion. 49 Letters and Papers. Commission, Journal, Application for Judgeship, and Account of Capt. Guion for 18% years in the public service. 4 Papers. Sevier Letters and Papers. Book "D." (Continued.) Journal of Hon. Jno. Sevier, June, 1790 - Sept., 1815. Power of Attorney, Hon. Jno. Sevier, 1795. Letter from Stokeley Donelson to Hon. John Sevier, July, 1795. Three Letters from Gen. James Wilkinson to Gen. George W. Sevier, 1806 - 1808. Paper from Hon. Jno. Sevier to Geo. Rutledge, 1803. Twenty eight MiUtary j^etters and Papers, 1804 - 1813. Three Letters from Gen. G. W. Sevier to C. Mead, 1806. Six Letters and one Report from Gen. G. W. Sevier to Gen. Jas. Wilkinson, 1808. Correspondence between Gen. G. W. Sevier and Maj. A. W. NicoU, 1809-1812. 10 Letters & 1 Paper. Three Letters from Gen. G. W. Sevier to Gen. W. Hampton, 1812. Printed Cirgular of Jno. Rhea, Feb, 13, 1809. Mississippi University Library. 251 Four Letters from Hon. Jno. Sevier to his son. Gen. G. W. Sevier, Jan. 13 - June 15, 181z. Printed Circular of Hon. Jno. Sevier, March 3, 1815. Address of King, Head-men and Warriors of Chickasaw Nation to Secretary of War conceming Saltpeter caves. No date. Earlv Times in Natchez District and Mississippi Territory. Book "E." Laws of early Mississippi Territory. 10 Papers. Spanish Papers, - Early Mississippi Territory. 17 Papers. Memorandum Books and Papers of Daniel McGiUivray, 1779 - 1806. 14 Papers. Papers and Letters connected with the history of Col. A. Hutehins and "Committee of Safety," Peter Walker, D. Clark, Andrew Elli cott, Winthrop Sargent, Lieut. Pope, and other prominent characters. 67 Papers. Muster Rolls, Receipt Rolls, General Orders and Letters pertaining to Military Affairs, 1797 - 1805. Hamtranck Papers, and the letters of Gov. Gayoso included. 43 Papers. Thirteen miscellaneous Letters and Papers. Four French Letters. Newspaper Articles. Kemper Expedition. Biographical sketches of "Pushmataha," and "Weatherford." 2 Papers. Conspiracy of Aaron Burr. 14 Papers and several Newspaper ar ticles. Papers of J. B. Gaines. 20 sheets. Letters and Papers Relating to the Indian Wars. 1S12- 1816. Book "F." Anonymous to Gen. Jas. Wilkinson, Oct. 6, 1813. Bowyer, J. W. to P. L. Claibome, Sept. 20, 1813. Bowyer, J. W. to F. L. Claibome, Sept. 23, 1813. Bowyer, J. W. to P. L. Claibome, Nov. 26, 1813. Butler, T. L. to G. H. Nixon, Sept. 16, 1814. Caller, Jas. to P. L. Claibome, Aug. 25, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Mr. Bates, . Claibome, P. L. to Geo. Poindexter, Nov. 26, 1812. Claibome, P. L. to D. Beasley (sic), Feb. 15, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to S. Knight, Mar. 14, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Jas. Wilkinson, Mar. 18, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Thos. Flournoy, July 8, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Bailey, Tait & Moniac, July 31, 1813. Claibome, F. L. to J. W. Bowyer, Aug. 9, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to D. Holmes, Aug. 12, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Officer at Liberty, Aug. 13, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Govemor of Georgia, Aug. 14, 1813. Claibome, F. L. to Ben Hawkins, Aug. 14, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to H. Toulmin, Sept. 12, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Thos. Floumoy, Oct. 22, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Peter Isler, Oct. 29, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Thos. Ploumoy, Nov. 8, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to A. Jackson, Nov. 12, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to , Aug. 12, 1813. Claibome, P. L. to Thos. Ploumoy, Nov. 12, 1813. 252 Report Alabama History Commission. Claiborne, P. L. to D. Holmes, Nov. 21, 1813. Claiborne, E. L. to Peter Isler, Nov. 25, 1813. Claiborne, P. L. to Andrew Jackson, Nov. 29, 1813. Claiborne, P. L. to Secretary of War, Jan. 1, 1814. Claiborne, F. L. to Gen'l , Jan. 1, 1814. Claiborne, P. L. to Secretary of War, Jan. 24, 1814. Claiborne, W. C. C. to Geo. Poindexter, Jan. 6, 1812. Claibome, Gen. ( ?) Unfinished Letter . Calvit, A. to P. L. Claiborne, Sept. 18, 1813. Dent, B. M. to F. L. Claiborne, 5, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to F. L. Claiborne, June — , 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to F. L. Claiborne, July 22, 181a. Flournoy, Thos. to F. L. Claiborne, Oct. 28, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to P. L. Claibome, Nov. 5, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to F. L. Claiborne, Nov. 6, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to P. L. Claiborne, Nov. 7, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to Gen. A. Jackson, Nov. 9, 1813. Flournoy, Thos. to F. L. Claiborne, Nov. 9, 1813. Floumoy, Thos. to P. L. Claiborne, Nov. 10, 1813. Gaines, Geo. S. to Wm. McGrew, July 20, 1813. Gaines, Geo. S. to F. L. Claiborne, Jan. 21, 1814. Gayle, J. to G. H. Nixon, Feb. 13, 1815. Gibson, Geo. to F. L. Claiborne, Sept. 18, 1813. Hinds, Thos. to P. L. Claiborne, Oct. 26, 1813. Holmes, David to G. H. Nixon, Oct. 18, 1816. Jones, R. to P. L. Claiborne, Nov. 13, 1813. Kennedy, J. P. to F. L. Claiborne, July 24, 1813. Magoffin. Jas. to P. L. Claiborne, Dec. 3, 1813. Malone, Smoot & others to , Sept. — , 1813. Mounger, M. G. to J. B. Wilkinson, July 29, 1813. Mead, W. C. to P. L. Claiborne, Sept. 20, 1813. Moore, R. B. to P. L. Claiborne, Jan. 1, 1814. Pipkins, P. to G. H. Nixon, Sept. 22, 1814. Russell, G. C. to P. L. Claiborne, Jan. 5, 1814. , Scott, A. M. to P. L. Claibome, Aug. 9, 1813. Sewall, Lewis to F. L. Claiborne, Jan. 13, 1814. Toulmin, H. to P. L. Claiborne, July 2, 1813. Toulmin, H. to P. L. Claiborne, July 9, 1813. Toulmin, H. to F. L. Claiborne, July 31, 1813. Toulmin, H. to P. L. Claiborne, Aug. 12, 1813. Wilkinson, Jas. to F. L. Claiborne, Sept. 8, 1812. Wood, Jno. & others to P. L. Claiborne, Nov. 19, 1812. Wright, Jno. to G. H. Nixon, Jan. 20, 1815. Addresses, Orders, Depositions. 19 Papers^ Letters and Papers relating to the Fort Mims' Massacre September 13, 1813, and to the condition of that region of country, both before and after that event, June 12 - Nov. 18, 1813. 36 Letters & Papers. Callava Papers. Book "F." (Continued.) Operations of Gen'l A. Jackson, as Governor of the Provinces of Florida, 1821 and 1822. 4 Papers. Mississippi University Library. 253 Mexican War Papers. Book "F." (Continued.) Reports of Officers. 22 Papers. Spanish Paper. Reminiscences of the Campaign imder Gen'l Winfield Scott, by Maj. G. T. Beauregard. Original Drafts of Military Report of the Action of Chapultepec, and before the City of Mexico on September 12 and 13, 1847. 2 Papers by Gen'l J. A. Quitman. Statement about the first Flag raised in the City of Mexico. 2 Pa pers. Route to Mexico. Reports of Lieuts. Tower and Beauregard, Ehigi- neers, and Maj. Smith's Memorandum. 2 Papers. General Orders, Circulars, Letters, Maps, and other Miscellaneous Papers. 26 Papers. The Natchez Fencibles. Book "F." (Continued.) Address to the Natchez Fencibles, by Gen. J. A. Quitman, Jan. 31, 1831. Constitution of the Organization. Annual Circular of the Montezuma Society, also Circular of the Aztec Club. Mississippi call upon the Nation for the privilege of fighting her battles. Petition to Congress by Gen. J. A. Quitman, 1846. 6 Papers. Correspondence of Rev. J. Smylie, D. D. 1814-1837. Book "F." { Continued. ) Nineteen Letters of Historical value. Two of these relate to the establishment of Oakland College. Rev. C. K. MarshaU, D. D. Book "F." (Continued.) Papers showing the untiring efforts of Dr. C. K. Marshall to relieve sick and wounded soldiers, during the late Civil War. Eulogy by the Rev. C. B. Galloway, Vicksburg, Miss. Report of Capt. Jno. J. Hood. "Orphans of Our Soldiers and How to educate Them." Pamphlet by Dr. Marshall. "Help for the Wounded." Paper by Dr. Marshall. Brief Review of Plan and Operations of Association for telief of maimed Soldiers. Pamphlet. Several printed articles. William Henry Elder. Book "F." (Continued.) Papers and correspondence of W. H. Elder, Bishop of Natchez, re lating to the Laws of Mississippi, with regard to Charitable and Re ligious Bequests, 1859. 4 Letters and 2 Papers. Manuscripts of Sir William Dunbar." Book "F." (Con tinued. ) Sketch of Life and Character. Papers upon Slavery. Geological character of our Country. Origin of Prairies. Mounds raised by Aborigines, &c. 18 Papers & Journal. Miscellaneous Documents. Book "G." In addition to the foregoing MS. Collection, there is a large number of rare, early pamphlets. The collection contains also the following. "Retumed to the family of tbe writer, Sir Wra. Dunbar by special act of legisli^tgre, 1887, or 1888, 254 Report Alabama History Commission. Newspapers. The Constitutionalist. Feb. 22, 1844 - Feb. 19, 1845. Louisiana Statesman. May 18, 1849 - May 15, 1850. Mississippi Free Trader. July 1-Dec. 30, 184L Jan. 1 - June 30, 1842. Southern Galaxy. May 22, 1828 - May 20, 1830. Washington RepubUcan. May 14, 1813 - Feb. 16, 1814. June 8, 1814 -April 12, 1815. 24. NEW ENGLAND HISTORIC GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. The New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, possesses the most comprehensive collection in existence of genealogical material relating to American families. It is also owner of the valuable collection of "Knox Manu scripts," comprising the papers of Gen. Henry Knox, which were received by donation in 1873. "They relate to a great number of subjects, treated in a familiar correspondence by a large number of distinguished persons, covering the most interesting and important period in the history of the United States." The collection has been superbly arranged in fifty-five massive folio volumes, green turkey morocco binding. The number of letters and documents in the collection is eleven thousand four hundred and sixty-four, of which a careful index has been made. Gen. Knox was Secretary of War and of the Navy, 1789-1794. In the collection has been found two items of much interest, viz: "Minutes taken from Gen. McGiUivray respecting the Creeks;" and "Alexander McGillivray's Oath of Allegiance to the United States," dated at New York, Aug. 14, 1790, Tbe presence of these papers would seem to indicate that an exhaustive search of the whole collection would reveal others of much value. For a good description of these Manuscripts see Proceedings of the N. E. Historic Genealogical Society, Jan. 5, 1881, pp. 27-36. 25. NEW ORLEANS CATHEDRAL ARCHIVES. The records of the Catholic Church, at New Orleans, dat ing from 1721, are probably of much value for the history of the French period. James S. Zacharie has an excellent ac- New Orleans Cathedral Archives. 255 count of them in the Publications of the Louisiana Historical Society, vol. ii, part 3, Feb. 1900, which is here reproduced. "In a gloomy little room, with an old-fashioned iron-barred window on St. Anthony's alley, in New Orleans, and adjoin ing the Roman Catholic Cathedral, is located the 'Bureau des Archives' of the old parish church of St. Louis, now the cathedral of the archdiocese of New Orleans. "The first church building erected in Louisiana was on the site of the present cathedral, and for many years it was the only regular constituted parish in the colony, hence all the ecclesiastic acts were entered on its records, and thus form a part of the early history of Louisiana. Around the cathe dral, or the old parochial church of St. Louis, cluster many historical events, and in its records are the births, marriages and burials of most of the important personages of our State, whose names are not only historical, but familiar in our own homes. "These cathedral archives consist of about 100 books, and are under the care of the obliging 'archivist,' Mr. Philip Meunier. Some are bound in the old-fashioned vellum, oth ers in well-worn leather or in faded pasteboard, while the handwriting is clear, and nearly all these old books are in a good state of preservation. These records are kept first in French, and then in Spanish, then again in French, and finally English appears at intervals, thus showing the transi tion of the sovereignty of the country and forming an almost complete record from 1721 to the present day. They com prise books recording the marriages, baptisms, burials, ex penses of the church. "The burials always state if the deceased died fortified with the sacraments of the holy church, and if not, the reason is given. In some books abjurations of heresy are minutely re corded, and the special heresy is noted with preciseness. The baptisms declare always the legitimacy of the baptized, with the full names, hour of birth and residence of the parents and full sponsors, and often the names of the grandparents. About thirty books record the baptisms of persons of color and slaves, giving the names of their owners and showing how well the priests looked after the salvation of these indi viduals, but the books of marriages are not so numerous, and one record book of colored marriages commences about 1767 and was used down to 1834 . "Tbe Church of St. Louis was twice destroyed, once by a hurricane and once by fire, so that many record books are missing." - - 256 Report Alabama History Commission. 26. NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The New York Historical Society, New York City, has about 100,000 volumes on subjects connected with American history. One of its most important special collections is the Phoenix collection of Genealogical works. Its manuscripts are numerous and important, including the Gates, Steuben and Stirling Papers. Its most valuable collection for South ern students is seven volumes of copies in the original, of Spanish documents from the Archives in Madrid, bequeathed to the Society in 1871 by Buckingham Smith. Through the courtesy of Robert H. Kelby, the librarian, a calendar of these volumes is presented below : BUOKINGHAM SmITH MsS. (1) "Letters of Justis & Montiano." "Florida from 1737 to 1741." Folio, pp. 358. Copied from Public Archives of East Florida, 1850. (2) "Vida de Menendez." MSS. Folio. Circa pp. 175. (3) "t Compendio Historico Delos Descrubrimentos cott- questas y estableci mentos del Nuebo Mundo Escrivialo Dh. Bernardo de Estrada Comisario Ordenador delos Rs. Ine- reitos Intendente dela Provincia de Valladolid y Corregidor deni Capital. Ylo — Dedica Al Rey Nro. Sor. D. Carlos IIL" 4to. pp. 497. (4) "Florida MSS." 1526-1743. 4to. pp. 777. Contains the following, viz: Discoveries of Ayllon & Martienzo. Petitions of Narvaez & grants to him 1526. Instructions to Factor 1526. Ayllon, with summary. Dote to Soto from wives mother. Will of Soto. Letter of Gayton, Afiasco & Biedma, 1539. Petitions of Cabeza de Vaca (1546-1547 and 1552.) Petition of Narvaez for place in M. 1526. Tristan de Luna letter to K from Florida 1549. Petition of Grace Osorio 1560. Melendez Valdez as one of the men of Po. Melendez 1585. Jn. de Posada; position of the Port of St. Helena 1586. Po. M. Marquez petitions to go to Spain 1583. Alonso Vasquez his evidence as a soldier of Soto 1560. Letter of B. de las Alas from St. Augustine, Fla. 1588. Letter of Po. M. Marquez at Sn. Matio to the Soldiers at St. Augus tine in mutiny 1570. Letter of the yicar Mendozo to Po. M. de Aviles 1567. Letter of Prs. Sejura & Quiros with Don Louis 1570. Diego Lopex soldier of Po. Melendez & his testimony Ays. &c. 1571. Two cedulas issued to Bustinzury of Florida 1571. Diez & others on the condition of Florida 1573. Letter of Po. M. Marquez Sn. Matio, Elena & certain French. 1580. Same, 1580. New York Historical Society. 257 Same, 1580. Same, 1580. Letter of Po. M. Marquez 1583. Letter of Po. M. Marquez, discovery of Coquina 1583. Casualties Spaniards & Englishmen 1740. Two Letters Po. M. Marquez 1586. Letter Po. M. Marquez 1588. Po. M. Marquez, distances of the country 1602. Gov. Canco on the condition & ability of Florida 1601. Araelles coast distances & of the country 1602. Jno. M. Marquez, distances of the country 1602. Alonso de les Alas distances & of the country 1602. Gov. Canco letter to King from Florida 1602. Gov. Ybarra letter to King from Florida 1604. Extract from a letter ol Gov. Ybarra 1609. Ecija on the ports of the eastem coast 1605. Ruttier of Mexia from Augustine to Ays. 1605. Letter of Pareja & Penaranda 1607. Letter of fr. Peo Alo de Jesus 1634. Letter of Ao. Sanchez 1635. Letter of Gov. Vega Castro y Pardo 1639. Letter of Gov. ReboIIedo 1657. Letter of Gov. Vega 1644. Letter of fr. Gomez de Engraba 1657. Letter of Nicholas Ponce de Leon 1650. Letter of Gov. ReboUedo, 1657. Letter of Gov. Cendoya — fort at St. Augustine, 1670-2. Letter of Gabriel, Bishop of Cuba, 1675. Three letters from Gov. Hita y Salazar, 1675. Distances of missions & points of coast, B. & W. Letter of Hita Salazar, 1680. Letter of Salar with expedition of Apalaches Chicas, 1678 . Letter of Gov. Quiroga y Losada to Colton, 1682. Letter of Gov. Cabrera, 1686. Corsarlos en La Chua, 1682. Letter of Losada to Colton, 1687. Letter of Cabrera with account of Port at St. Mark, 1682. Letter of Cabrera Corsairs at St. Marks & Lachua, 1682. Letter of Gov. Rocha attack of French & Engh. on Augustine, 1683. Letter of Gov. Losada, Indians from Mexico for Colton, 1689. Meml. of Apalaches to the King — sprinted 1688. Letter of Matheas at Sn. Luis, 1686. Letter of Gov. Cabrera enclosing foregoing, 1686. Letter of Gov. Quiroga y Losado taking possession, 1687, with cer tificate of Solana respecting fort. Letter of Quiroga advising settlement of Apalache, 1688. Letter of Bishop, conceming Indians and Missions, 1690. Letter of Gov. Mendez Causo condition of Augustine & Indians, 1598. Letter of Po. Contreras touching Calos & Mayaca, 1697. Letter of Po. Contreras touching Calos & Mayaca, 1691. Letter of Fray Feliciano from Bay of Calos, 1698. Letter of Po. Contreras with missionaries from Calos 1698. Note written on the foregoing, respecting the retum of the mis sionaries from Calos. Gov. Zuniga's account of Augustine and burning of Sta. Pe. by the Apalachicolis 1701. Gov. Zuniga asKs a fort for Ays. 1702. Pe. Sotolongo destruction of St. Aug. by English 1703. Limits of the Government 1726. Destruction of Ayabala 170'5. Perro-Bravo, slaves & bar of silver 1718. 17 258 Report Alabama History Commission. Destruction of Catholic Indians by English 1724. Reduction of Missions 1755. Letters from the Bishop of Tricali 1736. Horcasitas, Gov. of Cuba on the Calos Indians 1743. (5) "North America MSS." 1500 - 1560. Folio, pp. 529. Contains the following, viz; Chronology of Portuguese enterprises: extract from the work of D. Peo del Luis, bishop of Coimbra; published 1841. Letter of Pascualigo, 19 Oct. 1501: translation. Another Translation, by Dn. Angel Calderon de la Barca. Royal License to the Pilots Yanez & Soils to sail northwest in search of the South Sea 1508. Royal License to Ponce de Leon to search for Bernini 1512. Second License granted to Ponce for the Islands of B. &. Florida. 154—. Royal License to Diego Valasquez: Yucatan 1518. Royal License to Estevan Gomez: 1523. Report of the Cosmographer Yelasco on the Discoveries of Florida from 1514 to 1565. Two letters of J. Ponce de Leon: 1521. Islario of Cosmographer Zgspedes (extract) ; Nn. discoveries. Royal License to Narvaez to conquer Florida 1526. Ordinance placed in the License to Peo Montijo for the conquest of Yucatan 1526; afterward issued in all Licenses. Notification to the Indians of Florida to be read by Narvaez. Royal Instructions to C. de Vaca, treasurer 1527. Commission to Valasquez Salazar of rigidor in Florida 1527 (Nar- vaz. ) Commission to Catano Sandoval of rIgidor in Florida 1538 (De Soto.) Opinion of Zumaraga on the right to enslave Indians 1538. Report of Ayllon on a fleet he had in readiness for Florida 1528. Certificates of the taking possession of Nuna de Guzman of three Islands of his discovery in the South Sea 1532. Division of Spoil among followers of Pizarro (extract). Letter of Anayoya from Guatamala 1534. Two letters from Nuna de Guzman 1536. Letter of Hernando de Soto, without date. Letter ol Hernando de Soto, without date. (Duplicate). Letter of the Regidores to Ch. V. from Santiago de Cuba, 1538. Roll of the returned of Soto's army to Florida. Niza's report on his discovery of the Seven Cities. Letter of Soto to the Regidores of Santiago 1539. Letter of Mendoza 17 Ap. 1840 . Relation of Vergara on La. Plata 1540. Of Pedro Dorantes & others in La Plata. Nuna de Guzman memorial to Col. of Ind. 1540. Mendoza's Instructions to Zuniga 1541. Letter from Coronado to Ch. V. at Tiguex 1541. Mendoza's instructions to Dovalle in Guatemala 1541. Memorial of Zurita for conquest of Florida 1540. Requirement addressed to Indians of N. Galieca, 1541. Ruttier of the Northern Atlantic Coast 1544. Relation of LaPlata & C. de Vaca. 1545. Matters of the Father Cancer, coast of Florida 1548-9. Frutas de Indias, 1551. Letter of Bernal Diaz to the King 1552. Relation of Margariegos of the taking of Havana by Soria 1555. Injuries to Havana by French corsairs ,1555. Letter from Duarte, coast of Zahara, on wreclt of fle?t of Farfan 1555, New York Historical Society. 259 Bazares report respecting Florida coasts to Viceroy of N. 8. 1558. Accompanying the foregoing is the report of Aguirar 1561. Oath of Tristan de Luna Gov. of PTorida on receiving standards. Letter from Viceroy respecting defenses against PYench & men sent lo Florida 1558. Armada of French, preparing for the west 1571. Devastation of shipping by French corsairs 1559-1571. Pray Peria touching the colonization of St Helena & Coza 1559. What occurred to Rasquin Gov. of La Plata 1559. Commission to Arellano to go to be the Gov. of Florida 1559. Account given by Lavezaris & Pilots of their reconnoisance of Florida 1559. Letter of the Viceroy Velasco to Arellano 1559. Field Marshall Ceron touching subsistance to AreUano 1560. Viceroy velasco to Arellano — ^Letter, 1560. Viceroy Velasco to Arellano — Letter, 20 Aug. 1560. (6) "North America MSS." 1561 1593. Folio, pp. 579. Contains the following, viz: Ships taken by Frenchmen between 1559-1561. Reconnoisance of the Coast by ViUafane 1561. Opinion of the Council of N. Spain as to the coast of Florida and that it is not worth while to increase the population. Description of Coast of Florida with French map of 15 — . Report of Villaiane & others to Velasco, touching Coast of PTorida 1562. Circumstances of the Taking of PTorida, as given by soldiers 1562. AyUon Papers respecting his charter to discover PTorida 1563. Alonso Co. Maldonado, cedula 1563. Pedro Melendez complaint of the House of Contratacion and a state ment ol his services 1548-1564. Rojomontes account of French Settlement in PTorida 1565. Gonzalo Pefialosas report of assistance to Melendez 1565. Report of Feo. Pardo of two excursions from St. Elena (sic.) 1565. Observations on Florida by Posada (Distances) 1565. Stipulations with Melendez for the occupation of PTorida 1565. Arcinega sent in command of fleet for relief of Mendez. Rt. cedula to Melendez with relief of 1500 infantry 1565. Hinis of Menendez respecting what should be instructions. Memorial of Menendez for the expulsion of PVench and defence. Declaration of a captive taken to Florida by the PYench 1565. Opinion of Royal Council touching the P'rench & Spanish occupa tion 1565. Declaration of Juan Sanchez taken by PYench to PTorida 1565. Letter of Noriega to the King touching Laudonier's Colony 1565. Relation of Meleneche deserter from Laudonier 1565. Letter from Dupont respecting "Matanzas." Mendoza-Grajales' Relation of killing the P^rench 1565. Seven Letters of Melendez 1565-6. Letter of Menendez respecting his armada & defences of W. Ind, 1566. Incidents in St. Domingo 1567-8. Opinion of the audience of New Spain in answer to the proposal of Melendez to colonize River Panuco 1569. Letter of Father Rogel from Crista 1569. Report on the places & state of things in PTorida 1570 to 1580. P.eport on the fleet in preparation at Rochela 1571. Letter of P. Melendez from Jn. Felipe of Florida 1571. Vessels & Tonage in Spain 1572. Osorio resnecting the success of Melendez In Florida 1572. Itinerary of Western navigation by Escalante de Mendoza 1575, 260 Report Alabama History Commission Rodrigo de Junco 1580. Rodrigo de Junco asks support & colonists for Florida ports 1580. Rodrigo asks to be dispatched 1579. Po. Melendez Marquez, Govn. asks salary 1580. R. de Junco asks for receivers of Provision in the Ports. Instruction of Mz. Marques to his agent 1579. Ro. de Junco asks that Florida be provisioned 1579. Cedula 1578. Cedula; payment of 150 soldiers in Florida 1570. Salaries of officers, soldiers, &c. in Florida. Various petitions of Miranda. Asiento made with Po. Melendez Aviles 1578. Junco: provisions necessary for Florida troops 1580. Barros respecting the fisheries 1574. Will of Pedro Melendez 1574. Memorial of Escalante Pontanedas (with fac-similes). English piracies from 1572 to 1575. English & French piraicies from 1571 to 1575. Palacios account of the languages & people of Central America 1576. Petition of Po. Melendez Marquez to restore Sta. Helena; vessels, force, &c., French & Portuguese vessels trading among the Lucayo I's. by Torres 1577. Junta called by Erase respecting the loss of the Sta. Helena by Indians 1577. Gesio recommending Luis Jorge Portuguese pilot to the King 1599. Gesio respecting a parchment map Cabot 1575. Gonzalez account of having coasted Florida (probably false). Po. Mz. Marquez account of taking Frenchman in Sn. Mateo 1580. Report on the same capture of the Catalan commander Gil 1580. Vessels captured by English corsairs & their values In 1585. Quinones, Govr. of Cuba, respecting the pirates & piracy 1585. Account given by Bourgouinon of Florida, from III Hakluyt 1586. Viceroy of Mexico respecting navigation on Pacific coast & to China 1585. The Pilot Arpide on the Whaling at Terranova & for Florida 1587. Po. Mz. Marquez, report on state & wants of Florida 1593. Mem. of Garcia's Manual for Texas & memo, from Morphi. (7) "North America MSS." 1607-1786." Folio, circa. pp. 600. Contains Lue following, viz: Official Report concerning discoveries in New Mexico by Onate 1601. Pe. Ascension report on California, as far as Mendocino 1603. Duplicate. Rutier of Mexia from St. Augustine to Ays. 1605. Reconnoisance of Ecija Northward from St. Augustine to Axacan, 1609. Rutier of Gonzalez, the pilot in the foregoing Reconnoisance 1609. Plat of Havana & one of Cape Florida by Capt. Cardona (Extract) 1614. Letters from el. Pedro de Valasco in Sinaloa 1615. Letcer from Same in Sinaloa 1614. i^etter from the D. of Medinasidonia with the statement of Dewees 1617. Discovery of Quivira by Penalosa, written by Pe. Freytas 1618. Discovery of Saldivar 1618. Relacion of New Mexico 1629. La Cruz Relacion No Onate. Death of Pie de Palo ( Letter from the D. of Mediansidonea) 1638. Letter of Agraz Qonceming the confessor of Colonel Pe Arenas 1648. New York PubUc Library, 261 Military ana spiritual condition of Florida, posts & doctrineros by La CoUe 1657. Bishop Ol Cuba's visit to Florida 1675. Leon's reconnoisance of the Bay of Esp. Santo Texas 1690. Extract from Pulgar's History of liorida (& Report of Siguenza Gongora 1693 . ) Diary of Kino 1694. Another Itinerary of Kino 1697. Another Diary of Kino 1699. Letter of Nanhulu chuba, Dn. Patricio Chief of the Apalaches 1701. Letter of Gov. of Florida conceming Apalache 1704. Report of the Gov. of Florida touching his visit to Guale 1701. Letter of the Gov. giving account of the attack of Gov. Moore on St. Aug. 1703. Letter of Gov. of P^orida giving account of the destruction of Apa lache 1704. Letter of Pe. Picola respecting his journey into Californias 1716. Stations of Missionaries in Florida 1727. Letter of three caciques of Florida 1735. Condition of the Port at St. Augustine F. del Valle 1729. Condition of the Religious establishments Del Valle 1729. Plan for the re-establishment of Apalache 1732. Report of Jesuits sent to Calos 1743. Of the Opata & Languages of Sonora 1744. Mission of Onapa 1744. Keller on the Mission of Pimeria Alta 1744. Pe Arze on the Mission of Onabas 1744. Pe. Segessen on the missions of Tecoripa 1744. Guerrero on the mission of Matape 1744. Pe. Stigar on the missions of Alta Pimeria 1799. Plxpeditions to California from the earliest to 1769. Shawne vocabulary 1854. Extracts from De Brahm 1784. Extract: Spaniards issue a medallion of Chas. IV. 1789. Distances & altitudes from Labrador to Str. Magellanes. 27. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. In 1895 a consolidation of the Astor, the Lenox and the TUden libraries was effected under the name of The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and TUden Foundations. The new building for the library, which is now in process of construction, is located on the former site of the reservoir on Fifth Avenue, between Fortieth and Forty-second Streets. On June 30, 1900, the total number of volumes on the shelves and avaUable for use was 498,377, and of pamphlets about 144,800. The collection is remarkably full in almost every particular. Particulars of its manuscript collections generally are presented passim in the Bulletins of the Library, Jan. 1897- Oct. 1900, vols. i-iv. The Spanish manuscripts, the Chalmers Papers, and the Bancroft Manuscripts in the Lenox branch of the library are of special interest to Southern students. The following description of the two former is taken from Lane and Bolton's Notes on Special Collections in Am,€rica/n Libraries (1892) : 262 tteport Alabama History Commission. Spanish Manuscripts. "Spanish manuscripts relating to America : about 200 vols. Among these are original autograph letters of Diego Colum bus, the son of the discoverer, Francisco Roldan, Bobadilla, Juan de Trasierra, Nicolas de Ovando, and others, mostly written in America between the years 1500 and 1512; the original manuscripts of Castaneda's 'Relacion de la Jornada de Cibola,' of Munoz's 'Historia del Nuevo Mundo,' and of other important documents, transcripts of historical works, partly unpublished, by Las Casas, Oviedo, Duran, Sahagun, Tezozomoc, Zurita, Yxtlylxochitl, Columbus, Cortez, and others; papers relating to California, Texas, New Mexico, Mexico, and Yucatan, Central and South America, the Pa cific, etc. The greater part of this collection was formed by Don Antonio de Uguina, of Madrid. It comprises almost everything of any interest that was collected by his friend Munoz for the 'Historia del Nuevo Mundo,' of which only the first volume was published. Uguina was also the intimate friend of Navarrete, and furnished him with many of the ma terials for his 'Coleccion de Viages de los Espanoles.' After his death the manuscripts were purchased by M. Ternaux Compans, of Paris, who translated and published some of them, and made some important additions to the collection. They passed next into the hands of Mr. O. Rich, who added several manuscripts, from the Kingsborough collection, and sold the entire lot to Mr. Lenox. Chalmers Papers. "Chalmers papers : comprising nearly 2000 documents, ori ginal letters, extracts from State records, etc., bound in 21 vols, folio. This collection was formed by Mr. George Chal mers, the author of 'Political Annals of the United Colonies.' It is classified as follows : Canada, 1692-1792, 1 vol. Connecticut, 1639-1757, 3 vols; West Florida, 1763-1782, 1 vol.; Indians, 1750-1775, 1 vol. Maryland, 1619-1812, 2 vols.; New York, 1608-1792, 4 vols.; Nova Scotia, 1745-1817, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania, 1620-1779, 2 vols.; Philadelphia, 1760-1 1 89, 2 vols.; Virginia, 1606-1775, 4 vols." There are also in the library five other volumes of the Chalmers papers which were received with the Brancroft library, purchased in 1893." "The Library of Congress has still other Chalmers P&^eiB.— Report American Historical Association, 1898, p. 38, Kew York State Library. 263 Bancroft Maxuscbipts. The Director, Dr. J. S. BUlings suppUes the following notes with reference to the Manuscript collections left by George Brancroft, the historian : "TMth regard to the present condition, extent, and acces sibility of the Brancroft MSS, I have to say that they consist of several hundred volumes at the Lenox Building, the greater part of which are bound. They consist of original papers relating to the history of America, especially in the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, and of a large number of transcripts made for Mr. Bancroft from European archives, State archives, and various collections of private individuals relating in the main to the same period as the original papers, but covering a greater extent in time. There is no special collection among them relating to the early history of the 'old Southwest,' or the present Gulf region. Incidentally, however, there must be material of value for this purpose among the transcripts relating to the Carolinas, Georgia, and the Floridas in the Brancroft collection and in the Chalmers papers. A chronological index will enable one to refer to the material relating to any given period. The MSS. are acces sible for reference to any serious student. Permission to make transcripts to any extent, however, must be obtained from the Board of Trustees. I regret to say that there is no printed description of the Bancroft Collection as a whole." The following particular Bancroft volumes are noted by him as of special interest : "Archives Fbancaises-Espagxe, 1768-1783, in 10 volumes, containing transcripts of about 500 letters between Ver- gennes, Florida Blanca and others, relating to American and European public affairs, including those of Louisiana. "Archives Feancaises-Louisiaxxe, 1754 - 1765, containing about 50 letters and documents, being the correspondence of d'Abbadie and Aubry with the French ministry, speeches to the Indians, etc. "Transcript of a Desceipcion De La Bahia De Santa Maeia De Galve (antes Paxzacola) de la MoviLLA,etc.,by Siguenza y Gongora. The Descripcion was published in Mexico, 1694. "JOUBNAL des d^penses de la colonic de la Nouvelle Or leans, 1766. 174 leaves. Fo." 28. NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. The State of New York, through an appropriation of |800 by act of May 9, 1888, secured about 2000 folio pages of ^64 iteport Alabama fiistory Coihmission. manuscripts from the "Bibliotheque Nationale" and the "Archives Nationales," at Paris. Each document is certified, and the source is mentioned, but no inforniation appears as to whether the transcript is made from an original or a copy. Most if not all of them seem to have been made from copies. Mr. Arnold J. F. van Lear, the sub-librarian of the New York State Library, Albany, in charge of "Manuscripts," has generously prepared a brief calendar of these papers for the Report. While the documents are not all pertinent to the Southern field, the importance of the collection necessitates the preservation of the full list. They are as follows : French Papers. (Between 1610-21). Anonymous Memorial, without date, indicating measures to be taken to protect French trade against Spain & secure part of the trade in America. 20 pp. (Before 1689). Anon. Mem. without date, urging con quest of Quivira & the Quaye by France (written by Fena- losa). 18 pp. 1691. Anon. Mem. relative to the defense of 5 French isl ands of the Lesser Antilles. 6 pp. 7 Dec. 1698-1 Aug. 1701. De Beauchesne's Journal of his voyage through the Strait of Magellan to Valdivia, his re turn around the Horn & discovery of Beauchesne island. 20 pp. . 2 Anon. Journals of same voyage. 36 pp. & 2 pp. 1697. 2 Abstracts of Memoirs relating to filibustering ex- petion, under de Pointis to Cartagena. 4 & 2 pp. 1699. Anon. Mem. setting forth right of Spain to province of Darien. 12 pp. Quebec 13 Oct. 1700. Abstract of a letter from Mr. de Conty (Alphonse de Tonti) & de Villermont. 3 pp. (New Rochelle, 28 Oct. 1700.) Abstract of Anon, letter. Writer has seen d'Iberville, who showed him some curios brought home from his voyage. 2 pp. Rochefort, 15 Nov. 1700. Anon, letter. (Partly pr. in Margry, 6 :177) . 2 pp. La Rochelle, 26 Dec. 1700. Anon, letter. News received from St. Domingo d'Iberville improves landing at Missis sippi. 3 pp. Rouen, 2 June 1701. Anon, letter. Received letter from a friend who accompanied Bishop of Quebec on his voyage and met a missionary returning from the Miss. 2 pp. Mobile, 5 March, 1702. Abstracts of a letter from Mr. dc Flie. 3 pp. New York State Library. 265 Rochefort, 10 July 1702. Abstract of a letter containing answers to questions put to d'Iberville. 2 pp. 6 Aug. 1702. Letter from Mr. Remonville (partly pr. in Margry, 6 : 89-90 & 6 : 179 ) . 4 pp. 1701. Description of country around Detroit by one of Cadillac's party. 3 pp. 1699-1722. Penicaut's journal (printed entire in Margry, 5:375-580.) 176 pp. 1698-99. Journal de la Badine et du Marin (printed in Margry, 4 : 213-89. ) 60 pp. 26 June-29 July, 1699. 3 unsigned letters relating to the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi. 3 pp. 15 Oct. 1698-23 June 1699. Brief account of d'Iberville's first voyage to Miss, by somebody on board de Chateauma- rand's ship. 3 pp. 26 June 1699. d'Iberville letter to the Minister de la Ma rine (printed in Margry, 4: 116-28.) 8 pp. 27 Mar. 1700. Anon, letter written at 45 leagues from the mouth of Mississippi. 6 pp. 23 Aug. 1700. Anon, letter written on board the Renom- n^e (not de Ricouart's letter of same date, Margry, 4:386- 91). 3 pp. Sept. 1700. De Ricouyart acc't. of voyage on the Renom- m6e (not in Margry). 4 pp. 10 Sept. 1704. Anon, letter relating to the Mississippi. 4 pp. 1718-22. La Harpe, Bernard de. Journal, (the greater part of it printed in a scattered way in Margry, vol., 6) . 202 pp. 1678. Memories de Mr. de la Salle sur le Canada (printed in Margry, 1 : 345-401 as Recit d'un ami de I'abbe de GalU- n^e.) 65 pp. (1718). Relation of Rev. M. A. Gaulin of his mission among tlie Mikmaks ( substantially the same as Deliberations de Conseil in Le Canada Francais 1881, v. 1. Doc. inedits, pp. 190-93). 11 pp. 1720. Memorial by Rev. Rob^ regarding boundaries of Acadia. 48 pp. (1722). Letter without date fr. Francois Le Maire to the Royal Council complaining about the Jesuits in Louisiana. 3 pp. 7-8 June 1755. Account by an ofl&cer of the Alcide of the encounter between the Alcide, the Lys and the Dauphin Royal with English fleet under Boscamer (not the same as those given in Gentleman's Magazine, 25 : 330-31. 4 pp. ^66 Report Alabama History Comijiission. 21 Oct. 1755. Anon, letter sent to France from England regarding naval affairs. 2 pp. 1758. Account of ceremonies at the Deum in honor of Montcalm's victory. 18 pp. 17-? Anon, paper containing brief geographical descrip tion of principal colonies in N. & S. America. 4 pp. No date. 2 papers, without name or date giving general summary of early voyages and discoveries in America. 3 pp. & 4 pp. No date. Anon, account, without date, of the voyage of Slave ship Sirene from Albreda (coast of Senagambia) to Tortuga and back to Amsterdam (Holland). 4 (?) pp. (1778?) Anon, document giving a resume of the knowl edge of the N. W. of U. S. as found in early voyages. Appar ently written by careful cartographer to serve as a preface to a new map published after Cook's journal.) 10 pp. Dec. 1775-16 Oct. 1787. Journal of Paul Jones (printed entire as "Memories de Paul Jones," Paris 1798. 18mo.) 167(?)pp. 13 April 1778-2 July '79. Journal of the operations the squadron under the Comte d'Estaign. 95 pp. 11 Sept. 1777. Translation of Washington's report to Congress drafted by J. Pickering (Sparks' writings of G. W., 5:57-59.) 4 (?) pp. 8 Oct. 1775. Washington, George. Letter to Hancock (not printed in the various collections of writings & biog raphies of Washington.) 3 pp. 25 Sept. 1780. Washington George. Transl' of letter. (Sparks', 8: 163-67). 5 pp. 17 Sept. 1787. Transl. of Washington's letter Transmit ting the constitution of the Continental Congress, with transl. of text. ( original in Journal of Am. Congress, 4 : 776- 82 ; other Fr. transl. in Cornells de Witt. Hist, de Washing ton.) 18 (?) pp. 23 Oct. 1777. Letter from Lafayette (to the Comte de Broglie?) (not printed it seems). 4 pp. 1777-78. 4 letters from deKalb to de Broglie, one to Gerard and one to Henry Lawrence (all in B. F. Stevens' f ac-sim. ) . 5 letters fr. de Kalb to de Broglie and one to du Bois Martin (not printed). . One to the Vicomte de Mauray. 28 pp. 1777-78. Memoir of Vicomte de Mauray, setting forth his services in America ; 2 letters to de Broglie with copy of let ter to de Kalb, one to Pres. John Hancock and 1 letter from Penn^lvania Historical Society. 26? James LoveU to de Mauray (not printed apparently). 60 pp. 1777-81. 5 letters to deBrogUe from Chev. deRafelis Brove; Mr. de BevUle, Chev. de Lameth & 2 from Mr. Fleurv. 28 pp. 11 May '76. Brief statement of strength & composition of English army in America; total, 28, 268 men. 1 p. No date. 2 memoirs, without date, addressed to B. Frank lin & J. Adams on the part of PhiUppe Wallez of Ghent, pro posing direct trade between Flanders & U. S. 50 pp. 1777. Account of voyage of a French citizen to America (a copy of this Journal is referred to in Harvard Bibl. con tributions No. 22: Calendar of Sparks' MSS. p. 81 No. 94). 118 pp. 6 Feb. 1778. Treaty of amity and commerce between France and U. S. (printed in various works, see Justin Win- . sor Nar. d Grit. Hist., 7 : 45) . 12 (?) pp. Dec. 1776-Aug. 1777. Ricard, de. Observations on the poUtical and military situation of France and England at the outbreak of revolutionary war. 136 pp. 1 Jan. 1778. Ricard, de. Memorial on the commercial relations between France and U. S. 152 pp. 12 Apr. 1782-3 Apr. '83. Broglie, Prince Victor Claude de. Account of his voyage to U. S. 20 pp. 25 Nov. 1781. Letter from Lotus 16 to Marqtus d'Osson, Lt. Gen. of Comte de Foit, announcing surrender of Corn- walUs & ordering Te Deum. 2 pp. 26 Nov. 1781. Account of Te Deum at Notre Dame, by Etienne Jean G. de la SaUe ConseUer-Maitre. 4 pp. 3 Jan. 1803. Letters credential to Robert R. Livingston & James Monroe. 2 pp. 29. PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, has, among a large number of original papers, the foUowing : (1) The Bartram MSS., 1739-1818. 4 vols. These embrace botanical and misceUaneous matters. See Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 813-815. (2) The Papers of Thomas Hutehins, Geographer General U. S., 1774-1784. 1 vol. They include various maps. Mr. Hutehins was the brother of Col. Anthony Hutehins, a prominent pioneer of Mississippi Territory. He was also the author of accounts of Louisiana and West Florida, incorporated in Imlay's Report Alabama History Commission. Topographical Description of the Western Country (3d edi tion; London, 1797).'° 30. PENNSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. The work of Dr. Daniel Garrison Brinton (1837-1899) in Southern archaeology and early history is not only extensive, but of exceptional value. No detailed description of his col lection has been secured. It is in charge of the Department of Archaeology and Palaeontology, University of Pennsyl vania, Philadelphia. "He died on July 31st, 1899, at Atlantic City, only a few weeks after he had presented to the Univer sity of Pennslyvania his magnificent library, a collection un equaled, perhaps unapproached, of rare and valuable books and papers relating to the work of his life. In making this splendid gift he also promised his own personal service in completing the catalogue and supervising the arrangement of the Collection. This pledge was never to be fulfilled, but the University has determined to commemorate his work by the establishment of a special chair of American Archaeology which shall bear his name."'' 31. ST. AUGUSTINE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The St. Augustine Institute of Science and Historical So ciety is a newly formed organization, which promises to do substantial work in early Florida history. Its president, Dr. DeWitt Webb makes the following statements in refer ence to its plans : "We have a valuable collection of, old maps and are doing what we can in the way of further investigation. The So ciety has not many unpublished Manuscripts. One of the members of the Society [Miss A. M. Brooks] who spent some time in Seville, Spain in the collection of MSS., has had a translation made of her work and is now negotiating for its publication. It will be of great value." 32. ST. LOUIS MERCANTILE LIBRARY. The St. Louis Mercantile Library possesses a large num ber of Missouri and Illinois newspaper files, published during 1808, 1812, 1816, 1817, 1818, 1819, 1820, and later years. It has also several rare manuscripts. An examination will be "Claiborne's Mississippi (1880), p. 203, note. "Proceedings American Antiquarian bociety, 1900, vol. xiii, N. S., p. 304. Scottish Rite Library. 269 necessary to determine how far these may be of local value and importance. They are described in Reference List, No. 1, issued by the Library in 1898. (8vo. pp. 22.) 33. SCOTTISH RlTE LIBRARY. The papers of Gen. Albert Pike, late of Arkansas, are in the library of the Supreme Council of the 33d Degree of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, Wash ington. These embrace among other things, a number of manuscript vocabularies of the Muscoki and other Indians. No detail has been obtained except in reference to the three following manuscripts, which are in the collection. Copies of them are also in the library of the Bureau of Ethnology, and in the Trumbull collection in the library of the Ameri can Antiquarian Society. An examination would probably disclose others of importance. These are : (1) Verbal forms in the Muscoki language. 20 leaves. Folio. Seven verbs run through various tenses and modes. (2) Verbal forms of the Muscoki and Hichitathli. 27 leaves. Folio. (3) Vocabularies of the Creek or Muscogee, Uchee, Hitch- ita, Natchez, Co-os-au-da or Co-as-sat-te, Alabama, and Shawnee. 56 leaves. FoUo. These vocabularies are ar ranged in parallel columns for comparative purposes, and contain from 1,500 to 1,700 words each." 34. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. In the library of the Smithsonian Institution, Washing ton, incorporated Aug. 10, 1846, are several special collec tions of printed works of great importance, as, of archaeol ogy, zoology, geology, and anthropology. The relics, etc., of the National Museum are numerous and varied, and are of wide general interest. In response to an inquiry as to the local value of the col lection. Dr. Otis T. Mason, curator of the Division of Ethno- iT. made an interesting communication of which the fol lowing is an extract : "The Smithsonian Institution has no original manuscripts, or papers, or documents, or original material relating to the 'Old Southwest.' It is more than probable, however, that material of this kind may be found in the files of the War De partment and at the Congressional Library. "In replv to the second question, regarding original por traits, or likenesses, or relics of the great Indian tribes occu- "Bee First Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 1879-80, p. 573. 270 Report Alabama History Commission. pying the Gulf region, we have printed, in the Smithsonian Report, for 1885, part 2, a full account of the Catlin collec tion; the original portraits are for the Muskhogean and Cherokee people of the South. "With regard to the archaeology of that region, Mr. Owen should have a copy of No. 421 'Index to Papers on Anthro pology.' In this will be found references to Mr. Cunning ham, on the 'Shell Heaps on Mobile River ;' Dr. Joseph Jones. 'Antiquities of Tennessee ;' Col. Charles C. Jones, 'Aboriginal Structures in Georgia;' Gaines, 'Shell Heaps on the Mobile River;' and other papers of great interest. "Mr. Owen should also be informed of the explorations in Florida by Mr. Clarence B. Moore of Philadelphia, and by Frank Hamilton Cushing, of the Bureau of American Eth nology. Do not fail to call Mr. Owen's attention to Mr. W. H. Holmes' paper on 'Carib Influence in the Southern States.' Reference to this same subject will be found in my paper on 'The Antiquities of Porto Rico and the Guesde Collection from Guadeloupe.' This will form a starting point for some very interesting studies. The families of Col. Jones in Augusta and Dr. Jones in New Orleans are still in possession of enormous collections made by these two gentlemen." 35. SOUTHERN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. All official reports, documents, etc., in the collections of the Southern Historical Society, Richmond, have been copied, and have appeared, or will appear, in the Official War Rec ords, issued by the general Government. All other matter which has come into possession of the Society pertaining to Alabama troops, etc., during the War, 1861-1865, have cur rently appeared in its publications. The Papers of the So ciety which have now reached 26 volumes form a superb library of valuable historical material. The Society was organized , 1873, and its headquarters located in New Orleans. In 187 — the headquarters were removed to Richmond. 36. SUPREME COURT LIBRARY. The library of the State, and the Supreme Court library form one collection, which is in charge of the marshal of the Court, as librarian. — Code, 1896, vol. i. Sections 3845 - 3855. It is located in the capitol at Montgomery. It may be of interest to note that the present excellent library owes its origin to the consolidation of the small coUeiction of miscel- Supreme Court Library. 271 laneous books of the old State library, with the collection of law books made by the old Library Society. One of the in teresting treasures in the keeping of the librarian is a small folio volume, entitled : "Minutes of the Library Society of the Bench and Bar of the Supreme Court of Alabama." It contains the Minutes from the meeting of the organiza tion, Jan. 19, 1828 to Jan. 20, 1838, also the roll, constitution, by-laws, and accounts to 1846. On the roll is found the names of many of the most distinguished men of those times. Acts asd Joubnals. While the collection of legal works is large and constantly increasing, to the student the most important sets of books in the library are the Acts or Session laws of the General Assembly, and the .Journals of the House of Representatives and of the Senate of Alabama. The latter comprises the only approximately complete set known to be in existence. FiC'I'UUES. Through the indefatigable efforts of the present efficient librarian, Junius M. Riggs, an almost complete collection of likenesses of the Governors, and of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, has been gathered together. They constitute one of the most attractive features of the Capitol. The former hang on the walls of the library, while the latter are in the Sunreme Court room. His correspond ence in forming the collection has been preserved by Mr. Riggs. They consist of the following : Governors. Thomas BiBB. (1820-21.) Original oil painting. Pre sented by Thomas Hopkins. John Mubphy. (1825-29.) Crayon. Executed by order of the Court. Gabeiel Moobe. {1829-Sl.) Crayon. Executed by order of the Court. John Gayle. (1831-35.) Oil painting, copied from the original in the hands of Hugh L. Bayne, presented by Col . Thomas L. Bayne, late of New Orleans. Clement C. Clay, Se. (1835-37.) Original oil painting. Presented by Mrs. Virginia Clay-Clopton. A. P. Bagby. (1837-1841.) Photograph, from a minatuTe. Executed by order of the Court. Benjamin Fitzpatbick. (1841-45). Crayon. Presented by Benjamin Fitzpatrick, late of Wetumpka. 272 Report Alabama Histdry Commission. Joshua L. Maetin. (1845-47). Crayon. Executed and presented by Miss Sarah Martin, a granddaughter. Reuben Chapman. (1847-49). Original oil painting. Presented by Mrs. Milton Humes. Henry W. Collieb. (1849-53). Oil painting. Presented by his daughters, Mrs. Mary Benagh and Mrs. E. H. King. John A. Winston. (1853-57). Crayon. Executed by order of the Court. Andrew B. Moobe. (1857-61). Oil painting, by Miss Fannie Lockett. Executed by order of the Court. John Gill Shoetee. (1861-63). Crayon. Presented hy the late Maj. H. R. Shorter. Thomas H. Watts. (1863-65). Crayon. Presented by himself. ROBEET B. Lindsay. (1870-72). Photograph. Presented by himself. Geobgb S. Houston. (1874-78). (1) Crayon. Presented by his family. (2) Oil painting, by Massalon. Procured by volunteer subscriptions. E. A. O'Neal. (1882-86). Photograph. Presented by S. R. Tresslar, artist. Thomas Seay. (1886-90). Photograph. Presented by g. R. Tresslar, artist. Thomas G. Jones. (1890-94). Photograph. Wm. C. Gates. (1894-96). Original oil painting, by Samuel Hoffman. Presented by himself. Joseph F. Johnston. (1896-1900). Pastel. Presented by himself. Supreme Court Judges. Clement C. Clay, Sb. See Governors, supra. Abneb S. Lipscomb. Oil painting. Copy. Presented by Judge George Goldthwaite, of Texas. Reuben Saffold. Pastel. Executed by order of the Court. Heney Hitchcock. Crayon, copied from an original painting in the hands of H. Hitchcock, of St. Louis. Executed by order of the Court. A. F. Hopkins. Pastel, copied from a minature. Exe cuted' by order ^ of the Court. H. W. Collieb. See Governors, supra. E. S. Dabgan. Crayon, copied from photograph. Exe cuted by order of the Court. Wm. p. Chilton. Original oil painting. Presented by John M. Chilton. Supreme Court Library. 273 Geoege Goldthwaite. Crayon. Presented by Robert Goldthwaite. Samuel F. Rice. Crayon. Presented by Col. A. A. Wiley. A. J. Walker. Crayon. Executed by order of the Court. Thomas M. Petebs. Crayon. Executed by order of the Court. Robeet C. Beickell. Crayon. Presented by his family. Geoege W. Stone. Crayon. Presented by himself. Wm. M. Byed. Original oil painting. Presented by his famUy. Silas Paesons. Original oil painting. Presented by his widow. John D. Phelan. Crayon. Presented by his family. Geoup of Photogbaphs in large frame. Comprise : Judges G. W. Stone, H. M. Somerville, David Clopton, Thomas N. McClellan, Sup. Ct. Clerk, John W. A. Sanford, Librarian, Junius M. Riggs, and Reporter, Phares Coleman. Miscellaneous. The following misceUaneous pictures are in the library : William Lowndes Yancey. Oil painting. Copied from original. Procured by volunteer subscriptions. M. A. Baldwin. Crayon. Presented by his daughters. John A. Elmoee. Photograph. Jeffebson Davis. Photograph. Executed by order of the Court. . Bronze Bust. By Alexander Gait. "Copyright June 23, 1860." Purchased from Miss Mary Gait, of Va. . Inauguration of Jefferson Davis, 1861. Lithograph. Shows him taking oath on steps of present State Capitol building ,at Montgomery. Gov. A. B. MooEE. 1860. Plaster Bust. By Henry Dex ter, and presented by his daughter, Mrs. A. E. Douglass, of Cambridge, Mass. Senatoe James L. Pugh. Original oil painting. Ordinance of Secession, 1861. Lithograph. Newspapers. The library has the following small collection of bound newspapers : New Orleans. New Orleans Weekly Delta. W. Oct. 19, 1846 -Sept. ^l, 1847. (Vol. II, No. 1.) 1 vol. Oct. 19, 1846 - Oct. 9, 1848. 1 vol. Oct. 16, 1848 -June 18, 1849. 1 vol. Oct. 29, 1849 -Oct. 7, 1850. 1 vo'.. 18 274 Report Alabama History Commission. Oct. 14, 1850 -Oct. 6, 1851. 1 vol. Oct. 13, 1851 - Oct. 3, 1852. 1 vol. Oct. 10, 1852 -Oct. 9, 1853. 1 vol. Oct. 16, 1853 -Oct. 8, 1854. 1 vol. Oct. 15, loo4-Aug. 3, 1856. (Vols, x-xi.) 1 vol. Weekly Picayune. W. Aug. 7, 1854 -Aug. 4, 1856. 1 vol. Montgomery. Montgomery Weekly Advertiser. W. May 31, 1854 - April 9, 1856. 1 vol. Dec. 12, 1855 -March 5, 1856. Sundry Nos. 1 vol. May 8, 1866 - Feb. 26, 1867. Sundry Nos. 1 vol. April 14, 1868 - March 8, 1870. 1 vol. Montgomery Daily Mail. D. Nov. 24, 1859 -Oct. 25, 1860. (Daily.) 1 vol. Jan. 2, 1860 -Dec. 31, 1860. C Daily.) 1 voL March 21, 1867 -April 29, 1868. (Weekly.) 1 vol. May 6, 1868 - May 3, 1869. (Weekly.) 1 vol. Nov. 24, 1869 -.Nov. 16, 1870. (Weekly.) 1vol. Washington, D. G. Semi- Weekly Constitution. AprU 23, 1859 - Aug. 1, I860. (Vol. I, No. 3.) 1 voL Daily American Organ. D. AprU 6, 1855 -Nov. 12, 1855. (Vol. I. No. 121.) 1 vol. Nov. 13, 1855 -Aug. 1, 1856. 1 vol. Boston. The Campaign Post. W. 3 Nos.: May 11, 26, June 30, 1860. (Vol. 4, Nos. 1, 2, 3.) Bound at end of Semi-WeeJcly Constitution, supra. New York, N. Y. The Weekly Herald. W. June 20, 1846 - March 27, 1847. 1 vol. Aug. 19, 1854 -July 26, 1856. 1 vol. New York Weekly Times. W. Aug. 12, 1854 -Nov. 4, 1854. Scientific American. W. Sept. 20, 1851 -Aug. 28, 1852. 37. TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Historical Society of Tennessee was organized in 1849, suspended energies in 1861, and was reorganized in 1874. In 1875 it was chartered as the "Tennessee Historical Society," and it has since maintained an active existence. In the Society rooms in the Watkins Building, on Church Street, Nashville, are gathered many articles of historic value, rare historical books long since out of print, bearing on American and Tennessee History, from the earliest set- Tennessee Historical Society, 275 tlement of Kentucky and Tennessee, also many works of great value relating to other States and Territories. Of pamphlets and bound newspapers there are many of local and national interest. The collection of manuscripts is of great historical import ance, covering from 1776 to the present time, much of which has never been published. The American Historical Maga^ zine, pubUshed at NashvUle, is now printing, for the first time, some of these interesting papers. Dr. J. G. M. Ramsey had ready for publication a second volume of his Annals of Ten nessee, but his manuscripts along with much other historical matter, was burned during the war between the States. Much of his data was obtained from the archives of the So ciety. Fortunately many of the original manuscripts re main in the collection. Rare and valuable collections of the Mound-Builders' art are to be found here ; two of the largest stone images yet dis covered; rare specimens of pottery in many forms; flints ranging from the ceremonials to the lance head; discoidal stones, stone axes, celts, and the largest lance head yet lo cated. Many beautiful pipes are in the collection. All of these are from the stone graves of the Cumberland Valley. The relics of the early settlers are numerous, ranging from the old flint lock rifles, which did such good service in the early Indian wars and at King's Mountain, to those which were used in the Mexican war. Swords worn by great sol diers from this State, from John Sevier to the late war, in fact a history of these cases would be the military history of the State for over a hundred years. The walls of the Society rooms are adorned with oil paintings of the great men of the State, Jackson, Polk, Johnson, and the Governors of the State, eminent Jurists, scholars, Divines, artists, doctors, pioneers and soldiers, making one of the finest collections of distinguished men and women to be found in any society col lection. There are very many rare things in the pioneer collection of curios ; iron cups used before china found its way to this settlement, stone bullet moulds, and moulds used for making pewter spoons, continental money, state and confederate money, "silver cut money," and copper coin. Maps of the State at a very early date, maps showing sites of towns long since abandoned, or which have been re-christened. Early surveys of lands in the state showing how the titles were ob tained from the Indians, and the lands given to the soldiers of the Revolutionary War for military service, are also 276 Report Alabama History Commission. among the articles of interest. Among the rare curios may be mentioned an Egyptian mummy. The archives of the So ciety are made easy of access to the members of the Society by a card catalogue recently compiled by the Corresponding Secretary, R. T. Quarles, who has supplied the foregoing facts. This Society is maintained by its members, and is in no way connected with the State. Newspapers.™ The Societv has the following valuable files of early news- , papers. Knoxville. Knoxville Register. W. Nov. 5, 1791- July 31, 1795. Nashville. Impartial Review and Cumberland Repository. Feb. 1805 -Dec, 1808. The Nashville Whig. W. Nov. 1, 1814 -Nov. 20, 1815. Nov. 21, 1815 -Aug. 15, 1818. Jan. 1, 1823 - Dec. 29, 1824. The NashviUe Gazette. May 26, 1819 -July 2, 1821. The Clarion and Tennessee Gazette. Sept. 19, 1820 -Aug. 29, 1821. 38. TEXAS STATE LIBRARY. The state Library of Texas, Austin, contains a number of manuscripts, which are described by Judge C. W. Raines in his Bibliography of Texas (1896), p. 247. These are not yet classified, but it is believed they contain some material of interest in elucidating the history of the old Southwest. They are as follows : "More than 5000 MSS., turned over by the Department of State in 1878. Consisting of the Archives of Nacogdoches, and those of Bexar and La Bahia in part. Begin about 1740, and continue in Spanish up to 1835. In the eighteenth cen tury mostly instructions from viceroys, reports of the Visi- tadors on the state of the country, and papers relating spe cially to the missions and presidios. Also many papers on the events of the Mexican Revolution, and later on, the col onization of Texas under Mexican authority, together with many interesting letters from Stephen F. Austin. "For practically full list of newspapers in the library Qf tUe Society, see Phelan's History of Tennessee (1889), pp. 460-461, Texas State Library. 277 In EngUsh, the W. D. MUler papers, a fine historical col lection, 1833-60." Newspapers. The library also has the foUowing old newspapers. These doubtless contain much data in reference to the part played by Alabama companies, as well as by the bold and adventur ous spirits who rushed to the frontier in the exciting years of our early history. At least it is worth noting their exist ence and place of custody. They are listed by Mr. Raines in the foUowing maimer : The Brazoria Advertiser. 1832. Telegraph and Texas Register. 1835-42. Matagorda Bulletin. 1837-39. Austin City Gazette. 1839-42. Richmond Telescope. 1839-40. Journal and Advertiser. 1840-41. Texas Sentinel (Centinel). 1840-41. Daily Texan and Daily BuUetin. 1842. The "True Blue," a MS. periodical issued by two of the Santa Fe prisoners in City of Mexico. 1842. The Red-Lander. 1841-45. Colorado Gazette. 1839-42. The Morning Star. 1843-45. La Grange IntelUgencer. 1844-46. Laraca Journal. 1847-48. The Far West. 1847. Nacogdoches Times. 1848-49. The Texas Union and Rusk Pioneer. 1849. Texas State Gazette. 1849-51. The Texas Democrat. 1846-48. Colorado Tribune. 1849-52. Galveston News. 1850-54. The Texas Monument. 1850-54. Texas Republican. 1849-69. Texas State Times. 1855-56. Texas State Gazette 1856-58. La Grange Paper. 1855 . New Braunfels Zeitung. 1859-60. The True Issue 1858-59. El Bejareno. 1855. Tri-Weekly Telegraph. 1861-64. 278 Report Alabama History Commission. 39. TEXAS UNIVERSITY. While nothing can be stated as to their direct connection, or bearing, on the Alabama field, except in a general way on the Colonial period of the Gulf States' history, it is still proper to note that "The Archives of Bexar" in 1899 came permanently into the possession of the University of Texas at Austin. Until that time they were in the office of the County Clerk, at San Antonio, Bexar County. These com prise the official papers of the Department of Bexar, which covered during its existence nearly all of the present State of Texas. The collection is estimated to embrace between three and four hundred thousand pages, and covers generally the period from 1734 to 1835." 40. UNITED DAUGHTERS OP THE CONFEDERACY. Cradle oe the Confederacy Chapter. In a tall book case in the Governor's office are deposited the relics coUected by the Cradle of the Confederacy Chap ter, U. D. C, of Montgomery. It is not extensive, but con tains a number of unique and interesting items. The book case is one which belonged to Gov. Thomas- H. Watts during the War. Sophie Bibb Chapter. The collections formed by the Sophie Bibb Chapter, Mont gomery, are on exhibition in the rotunda of the capitol. These consist of four large wall cases, in which are preserved valuable and cherished memorials, comprising flags, swords, guns, pistols, canes, bullets, belts, canteens, flowers, books, pieces of money, pictures, uniforms, etc. Over the top of each case on a silver plate are the words: "Sophie Bibb Chapter U. D. C. May 11, 1896." Near by, on the floor, are some large cannon balls. On the walls, over the cases, are the following likenesses: Mes. Sophie Bibb. Pastel. Brig.-Gen. James Cantey. Crayon. Bbig.-Gen. Geoege P. Haeeison. Photograph. Beig.-Gen. j. T. Holtzclaw. Crayon. Beig.-Gen. Tennent Lomax. Crayon. Beig.-Gen. P. D. Roddy. Crayon. ™Mr. Lester G. Bugbee, who is doing so much valuable work in Texas history, has a full description of these archives in the University Record, Austin, Oct. 1899 (Svo. pp. 6.) United States MUitary Academy. 279 41. united STATES MILITARY ACADEMY. The "General Orders" of General James Wilkinson, Dec. 15, 1795- Aug. 25, 1797, vols, ix to x, 2 vols., are preserved in the U. S. MUitary Academy, West Point, N. Y. Informa tion, however, as to the special character of these papers is not at hand. 42. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. The strength and value of the library of the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, can be best understood from the de scription in the Catalogue for 1899-1900. "The Library contains 15,000 bound volumes, and a large number of useful and valuable pamphlets. The books, by means of a card catalogue, are easUy accessible to the stu dents. Several hundred carefully selected volumes are pur chased each year. In this way, the Library is kept, as far as possible, abreast of the Uterature of the day. "The University has been designated as a depository of the publications of the Federal Government. Such publications have been withdrawn from the general Library and placed in a separate room provided for the purpose. They are arranged and numbered according to the government check list, and are therefore accessible for consultation or reference. The Document Room now contains about 10,000 volumes, in cluding nearly a complete list of the pubUcations issued since the close of the War between the States. It is hoped that this valuable collection will be increased through pri vate contributions. The Document Room is suppUed with the leading Scientific Journals and serves as a Scientiflc Reading Room. "In addition to the general collections above referred to, each school is supplied with reference books, periodicals, and charts relating to its work. Some of these Departmental Li braries are extensive and valuable, and it is the purpose of the Trustees to add to them as rapidly as the means at their disposal will admit." Details respecting a number of important and rare items known to be in the library, have not been obtained. How ever, it should be mentioned that it has several valuable printed volumes from the Historical CoUection of Col. Albert J. Pickett, acquired by purchase from his family. Newspapers. The library contains the following newspaper files. De tails were supplied by Prof. T. W. Palmer, of the University. f, 280 ftepori Alafefinf^ Hisfory Coi&misMbii. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Flag of the Union. W. Vol. iv, Nos. 55-57, June 14 -June 28, 1837. Vol. V. Nos. 1-52, July 5, 1837 -June 27, 1838. 1 vol. Vol. vi. Nos. 1-52, July 4, 1838 -June 26, 1839. 1 vol. Vol. vii, Nos. 1-52, July 3, 1839 -June 24, 1840. 1 vol. Vol. viii, Nos. 1-52, July 1, 1840 -June 23, 1841. 1 vol. Vol. ix, Nos. 1-52, June 30, 1841 -June 22, 1842. 1 vol. Vol. x, Nos. 1-52, June 29, 1842 -June 21, 1843. 1 vol. Vol. xi, Nos. 1-23, June 28, Nov. 29, 1843. 1 vol. Democratic Gazette. W. Vol, i, Nos. 2-52, Dec. 21, 1843 - Dec. 12, 1844. vol. ii. No. 1, Dec. 19, 1844. Bound with vol. xi. Flag of the Union, supra. The Clarion. W. Vol. i, No. 1 - Vol. ii. No. 36, Oct. 14, 1879 - June 2t, 1882. 1 vol. The Crindson White. University, Ala. S. M. Vol. iv. Oct. 27, 1896-June 21, 1897. (Complete.) I vol. Philadelphia, Pa. National Gazette and Literary Register. T. W. Aug. 5, 1823 -July 29, 1824. 1 vol. 'Washington, D. C. National Intelligencer. D. & T. W. Dec. 1, 1825 - Feb. 19, 1827. (Daily.) June 1, 1826 -Dec. 14, 1826. (Tri-Weekly.) 1 vol. Dec. 1, 1827 -June 2, 1828. (Daily.) 1 vol. National Journal. Nov. Iz, 1823 -Sept. 2, 1824. (Tri-Weekly.) bept. 3, 1824 -May 2, 1825. (Daily.) 1 vol. The United States Telegraph. D. July 1, 1830 -Nov. 30, 1830. 1 vol. Jan. 1, 1831 -June 30, 1831. 1 vol. July 1, 1831 - March 19, 1832. 1 vol. The Globe. S. W. Jan. 4, 1840 - Dec. 5, 1842. 1 vol. Dec. 8, 1842 - Dec. 28, 1843. 1 vol. 43. WAR DEPARTMENT LiBRARt, The War Department Library, Wasliington, contains prob ably the largest collection of military literature available for students in the United States, and through wise direction its value is being increased. With a view to ready reference and for the benefit of historical students, the Department has issued a series of subject Catalogues. The titles of these given below, indicate the strength of the library, vib: No. 1. Additions to War Department Library from May, 1894, to October, 1894. pp. 30. No. 2. Index of Periodicals, Annuals, and Serials in the War Department Library. (1895). pp.37. Wisconsin Historical Society. 281 No. 3. Index of Literature relating to Mexico in the War Department Library. (1896). pp.21. No. 4. Finding List of MUitary Biographies and other Personal Literature in the War Department Library. (1897). pp. 93. No. 5. List of the Photographs and Photographic Nega tives relating to the War for the Union, now in the War De partment Library. (1897). pp.219. No. 6. MUitary Literature in the War Department Li brary relating chiefly to the Participation of the Individual States in the War for the Union. ( 1899 ) . pp. 266. No. 7. MUitary Literature in the War Department Li brary relating to the Campaign against Chattanooga, (etc.), Aug. 1863, to Dec, 1863. (1898). pp. 75. 44. WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY. In the several hundred volumes of bound manuscripts in the Ubrary of the Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wis., wUl be found a number containing Alabama material. One volume in the coUection is designated as "Alabama," whUe there are several for other of the Southern States. A perfunctory examination only has been made with refer ence to detaUs, but it is known that it contains the "Stiggins Manuscript," a History of the Creek Indians, by George Stig gins, hitherto supposed to be lost. A careful examination of fhe coUection must be made in order to determine just what special and pertinent material is to be found there. Later it is hiopei to secure a complete calendar. Newspapers. The foUowing memoranda as to the Alabama newspapers in the Society is taken from its Annotated Catalogue of News paper Files (1898), pp. 1, 209, viz: Blakely. Blakely Sun (S-W). May 17, 1819. With Southern Local Newspapers, 1811-20. Cahawba. Alabama Watchman (W.) Aug. 3, 1820. With Southern Local Newspapers, 1811-20. Montgomery. DaUy Post. Feb. 11, 12, 18, 1861. »»ith Middle and Southern Newspapers, 1861-66. Tuscaloosa. Alabama State IntelUgencer ( W. ) March 2, 1833. With Middle and Western Newspapers, 1831-40. Birmingham. Labor Advocate (W.) May, 1897-Jime, 1898, CHAPTER III. PRIVATE COLLECTORS AND STUDENTS. The number of special students of the general history of the State has been comparatively small. The pioneers were A. B . Meek and A. J. Pickett. These were followed by William Garrett, William R. Smith, and a number of others who have devoted themselves to the restricted fields of church, local Indian, or political history. In the majority of cases stu dents and writers have been concerned only with the execu tion of a given historical task, and have not been in any sense "collectors." Hence they have made no considerable collections of books, manuscripts, relics, or manuscript notes, and the few things they have brought together have usually been scattered or destroyed as rubbish after use. The result is deplorable. The State has now no conspicuous collection made at a time when, with proper attention, it could have been done with facility. The accounts presented below are not as complete as desir able, although an effort was made to secure greater fullness. Notwithstanding extensive inquiry was instituted, nothing has been ascertained concerning the collections and papers, if any, of A. H. Chappell, Esq., of Georgia, John Hardy, of Selma, Rev. Hosea Holcombe, of Jefferson County, Hugh Mc Call of Georgia, Dr. John W. Monette, of Natchez, George Powell, of Blount County, Samuel Townes, of Marion, and Rev. George F. White, of Georgia. A few collections are described which embrace the local field, although not made by Alabama students. 1. W. L. ANDREWS. Mr. W. L. Andrews is a local student of Southeast Ala bama, residing at Ozark. His labors in this field are de scribed by him in a communication to the editor. It is hoped his work will soon be completed. He writes : "In 1885 I set out to write a history of this county [Dale], and since then have gathered complete information of its his tory from De Soto's landing at Tampa Bay, 1539. Of course nothing much of importance attaches to this section prior to (282) CoUectors and Students. 283 the territorial period of the State, except the settlement be tween foreign powers of the questions of jurisdiction, and finally the settlement of disputes which placed this section under the jurisdiction of Georgia. Up to this time, however, the facts are all of public record. Since that time none of its history has been published in book form. WhUe my work has been directed more especially towards getting out a his tory of Dale County, that could not be done without involving the history of Henry, Geneva, Coffee, Pike and Barbour, be cause the first three, together with Dale were organized in 1824 as "Henry County." Last summer [1899] I traveled all over these counties by private conveyance to gather such authentic information as 1 might find in the hands of the people. Of this I found much in the form of letters, documents, various records, and statements of persons who either took part in the events, or whose parents had. In this way I secured a complete list of all the county officers from 1824, the organization of the militia and its history, the flrst settlements, customs of the people, material development. Church and temperance his tory, Indian war, Indian Massacres, with names of persons and particulars of their barbarities, capture of Indians, their disposal, Jackson's march through the county, where he crossed the streams, first settler, and settlers, first house and houses, first mill, who raised firt cotton: War period, — Invasion by the enemy, battles with them, people murdered by deserters, killing of Lieut. Spears, and the whole detail — Days of reconstruction and their horrors. Rise of the Popu- lites, especially with reference to the fight of 1892 — subse quent history to date. Burning of court houses, fights over county seats, questions affecting the early settlers on the subject. And much more." 2. MATTHEW POWERS BLUB. The antiquarian and historian of Montgomery was M. P. Blue, who has left a valuable History of the city, as well as a sketch of its Churches. In the Montgomery Advertiser, July 12, 1854, he has an advertisement in which it is stated that he has in preparation "Historical Sketches and Statis tics of Alabama," and asks for the co-operation of the public. In his History of Pickens County, Nelson F. Smith refers to circulars received from Mr. Blue on the subject, and sets out his inquiries in full. He supplied him with data as to Pick ens County. How far Mr. Blue advanced with his work is not known. 284 Report Ala bamia flistdry Commission. 3. WILLIS BREWER. The collection made by Willis Brewer in the preparation of his Alabama; her history, resources, war record, and pub lic men (1872) is still in his possession. This is doubtless large, although no particulars are at hand. Mr. Brewer has the very valuable file of the Democrat, Cahaba, 1838-40, edited by William L. Yancey. A full list of his published writings will be found in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 841- 847. 4. MISS A. M. BROOKS. Miss A. M. Brooks, of St. Augustine, Fla., has made ex tensive researches in the Spanish side of the history of Flori da, 1520 to 1808. She has copied and translated many ancient Spanish documents, which it is hoped will be pub lished soon. 5. WILLIAM GARROTT BROWN. William Garrott Brown, an Alabamian, who is now resi dent at Cambridge, Mass., is the archivist of Harvard Uni versity. He is the author of a School History of Alabama { 1900 ) . He has undertaken no special collection of Ala bama books or manuscripts. 6. ANDREW EUGENE CAFFBE. Probably the largest and most valuable private library of general and miscellaneous literature in Alabama is the prop erty of A. E. Caffee, now of Birmingham. In the ancient classics, philosophy, science, fiction, poetry, religious works, and European history it is remarkably complete. It con tains scores of works not elsewhere found in the State. It has also a large number of encyclopedias and other reference books. In American and Alabama history it embraces many rare and unusual items. Its very fullness precludes the pos sibility of presenting its character in other than the most general terms. 7. FRANCIS G. CAFFEY. In addition to a general library of Alabamana, Francis G. Caffey, of Montgomery, has made a special collection of works bearing on the reconstruction period of the State. This collection is made up of manuscripts, notes of interviews, etc., as well as of printed books. Mr. Caffey is an intelligent Collectors and Students. 285 and enthusiastic student, and has collected notes on other subjects with a view to elaboration into monographs. 8. JOHN M. CALDWELL. John M. Caldwell, Esq., of Anniston, Ala., has formed a collection of autographs, the basis of which is the accumu lation of private papers, correspondence, etc., of his father, John H. Caldwell, Esq., of Jacksonville. These comprise letters from distinguished men in all parts of the United States prior and subsequent to the War between the States. 9. RICHARD L. CAMPBELL. The historical work of Richard L. Campbell, late a prac ticing lawver at the Pensacola bar, did not extend beyond the preparation of his valuable work. Historical Sketches of Colonial Florida (1892). A short while after its publica tion, he wrote the editor of this Report that he had made no local Florida collection, and that he had gathered only the material for this particular study. He has since died, and in response to an inquiry, his daughter, Mrs. E. C. Smith of Pensacola, says that he left no papers or collections which are of historical interest. 10. THOMAS HARVEY CLARK. Thomas H. Clark is a student of Alabama history, who has evinced a lively interest in its promotion. His published work appears in Northern Alabama Illustrated (1888), and in the Memorial Record of Alabama (1893). It is not known that he has made any manuscript collections. He is now in the Library of Congress, as Superintendent of the Law Library, Washington, D. C. 11. JAMBS M. CLEVELAND. In the fifties, James M. Cleveland, of Huntsville, appears from contemporary references and extracts in the news papers of the period, to have been engaged in the prepara tion of an Alabama Register, and also a work on the Gover nors of the States of the Union. Why they were never pub lished, or what became of his manuscripts, has not been as certained. 12. THOMAS P. CLINTON. The antiquities and history of Tuscaloosa County is being explored by Thomas P. Clinton, a student of the city of Tus- 286 Report Alabama History Commission. caloosa. He has notes of interviews with a number of old inhabitants, also extracts from records, letters, etc., besides a large number of printed works of local interest. He has in preparation a map of the county, to accompany his work when published. He Las a number of specimens of Indian pottery, hatchets, arrowheads, and bones washed up by the Warrior river. He has also some relics from old "Black Warrior Town" burned during the Creek War. 13. JABEZ LAMAR MONROE CURRY. One of the most prolific writers of the State, and one who has had a distinguished career, is Dr. J. L. M. Curry, (1825-) now resident in Washington, D. C, as the Agent of the Pea- body and Slater Funds. His literary activity covers a wide range of thought and study, including valuable papers on philanthropy, education, diplomacy, the race problem, agri culture, constitutional, revolutionary and local history, finance, etc. Its chief and special value, however, consists in the more than one hundred large bound volumes of pam phlets. This collection represents the accumulation of an ac tive public life, beginning prior to 1850, with many extremely rare items dating from the early years of the century. There is probably no other collection of as much variety in selec tion, or of as much value, in the hands of a Southern student. Reference is made to Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, where specific mention is made of the very large number of titles examined by the compiler in the library of Dr. Curry. 14. GASPARD CUSACHS.' At New Orleans Gaspard Cusachs has an invaluable col lection of ancient material in the quaint basement of his residence in the French quarter. It is largely confined to Louisiana, but much side light is thrown on our part of the country. Amongst other things is a Journal Historique dated April 5th, 1722, by Sieur Bouqu^s. It relates to the time when Biloxi had just succeeded Mobile as the French capital, but looks backward to Mobile and also forward to New Orleans, which soon in its turn succeeded Biloxi. Mr. Cusachs is an indefatigable antiquarian and has many books, letters, seals, and souvenirs of French and Spanish officials and citizens of Mobile and New Orleans. His collection should be explored and catalogued. 'Prepared by P. J. Hamilton, who personally examined the collection. CoUectors and Students. 287 15. JOEL CAMPBELL DuBOSE. ' Among the students whose work promises much for the State is Prof. Joel C. DuBose, of Birmingham. He is re cently the author of a series of "Sketches of Alabama His tory." Its plan is unique, and presents the principal facts of the State's annals in a graphic way, which must do much to ward popularizing the work. Prof. DuBose has in view other important historical publications. He has collected a num ber of interesting documents; and has several manuscript note books representing his studies in Alabama history. 16. JOHN WITHERSPOON DuBOSE. The collections, notes, and letters made by John W. Du Bose in the preparation of his masterly Life and Times of William Lowndes Yancey (1892), are in his possession. Among these are lengthy communications from Gov. Thomas H. Watts, Gen. H. D. Clayton, R. Barnwell Rhett and others. Mr. DuBose has been an active student of Southern history for a number of years, and his manuscript gleanings in this field are extensive. He has also a large accumulation of data, notes, letters, Inters'iews, and family papers, etc., in reference to the Canebrake region of Alabama, a History of which he has in preparation for the Transactions of the Alabama His torical Society. 17. REUBEN T. DURRETT. The leading spirit in historical work in Kentucky is Col. Reuben T. Durrett, the founder of the "FUson Club," of Louisville, Ky. This organization is the principal historical Society of that State. Mr. Durrett's library is unusually rich in materials pertaining to the West, both published and unpublished, but what special local material, if any, it con tains cannot be stated. No catalogue of the collection has ever been made, but Theodore Roosevelt, who used the li brary in his Winning of the West (4 vols.) has given in the preface to that work a brief description of his manuscripts : "Among other matter, he possesses the Shelby MSS., con taining a number of letters to and from, and a dictated auto- biographv of, Isaac Shelby; MS. journals of Rev. James Smith, during two tours in the western country in 1785 and '95 ; early files of the 'Kentucke Garjette' ; books owned by the eariv settlers ; papers of Boon, and George Rogers Clark ; MS. notes on Kentucky by George Bradford, who settled there in 1779- MS. copy of the record book of Col. John Todd, the 288 Report Alabama :^isjtory Pompission. first governor of the Illinois country after Clark's conquest; the McAfee MSS., consisting of an account of the First Set tlement of Salt River, the Autobiography of Robert McAfee, and a Brief Memorandum of the Civil and Natural History of Kentucky; MS. autobiography of Rev. WilUam Hickman, who visited Kentucky in 1776, etc., etc." 18. WILLIAM GARRETT. The entire correspondence and papers of William Garrett, accumulated through a long and active public and official life, also the original manuscript copy of his Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama (1872), with notes for a subsequent edition, were all burned soon after his death. 19. J. H. B. HALL. While his library is large and assorted, the strength of the collection of Rev. J. H. B. HaU, of Birmingham, lies in its Cumberland Presbyterian publications. He has practically full sets of the Sabbath School Gem, Nashville; the Zelos- ophian Casket; the Ladies Pearl, Nashville; the Theological Medium, Louisville, Lebanon and Nashville; the St. Louis Observer; the Cumberland Presbyterian, Nashville; the Ala bama Cumberland Presbyterian; and the Educational Worker. He has also files almost complete of the Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumber land Presbyterian Church, the Alabama Synod, and the Alabama, Talladega, Elyton, Springville, and Bir mingham Presbyteries. He has also a file of the Iron Age, 1886-1887, containing Miss Mary Gordon Duffee's "Sketches of Jones' Valley." Mr. Hall has for twenty years been collecting data for the history of the Cumberland Pres byterian Church in Alabama, and his collection is incompar ably rich in all that bears upon the subject. The following' is a partial and incomplete list of his Manuscripts. (1) Manuscript Minutes of the Union and Alabama Synods. 1836-1854. Folio. 1 vol. 1855-1887. Folio. 1 vol. See Cumberland Presbyterian church, supra. (2) Manuscript Minutes of the Alabama Presbytery. 18i5-la67. Polio. 1 vol. (3) Manuscript Minutes of the Session of Pleasant Vale Church (now Shady Grove), in Cherokee County. 1 vol. (4) "Robert Oldham's book. Containing Skeletons of Collectors and Students. 289 Sermons, Thoughts, and ideas on Divinity. Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. January the Sth, 1836." 4to. 1 vol. (5) Wm. H. Meredith (1813-1885). Book of Sermons, Letters and Obituary Notes. FoUo. 1 vol. (6) Rev. Thomas McCluney. Sermons, Correspondence, Notes and Newspaper Clippings. Circa, 250 items. (7) WUUam McKee Wallace, C. E. {a.) Level Notes of the following RaUroad lines : Stickney to Akron, the depot line at Greensboro, and Marion Junction to Marion. 1 vol. 12mo. (b.) Diaries. 1860-1884. 16 mo. 12 vols. (8) Constitution and Roll Book of Helena Lodge No. 15, Independent Order Good Templars. 1874. 4to. 1 vol. (9) Cumberland Presbyterian Church Notes. Historical and Biographical. 4to. 5 vols. 16 mo. 10 vols. Also a mass of unassorted notes, and newspaper clippings. (10) Miscellaneous Books (Personal) : Sermons, Corre spondence, and writings. Folio. 20 vols. 20. PETER JOSEPH HAMILTON. The labors of Peter J. Hamilton, Esq., Mobile, in the field of history have been conspicuous. He has also done other literary work of value. His Colonial Mobile (1897) is a book of great research, and easily first among the historical writings pertaining to the State. A catalogue of his writings is in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 962-964. His library has many rare books relating to the Southern coun try, and is particularly rich in local matter pertaining to South Alabama. His papers and manuscripts may be classi fied as: 1. Extracts; 2. Copies; 3. Photographs; 4. Miscel laneous; and, 5. Papers of Peter HamUton. Each item named constitutes one volume or package. The more impor tant papers are as follows :Extracts. (1) Extracts from Mobile Catholic Baptismal Register, 1704 - 1764. (2) Extracts from Mobile Catholic Death Register, 1726 - 1770. (3) Extracts from Mobile Catholic Baptismal Register, 1763 - 8. (4) Digest of all records in British Colonial Offices rela tive to Mobile, and Alabama and Tombigbee Rivers during time of the British province of W. Florida, 1763 - 1779. (5) Digest of all items as to Mobile in Magne's collection at Tulane University, New Orleans. (In process of forma tion.) 19 290 Report Alabama History Commission. (6) Digest of early cases in Washington County. (In process of formation. ) (7) Extracts from Bartram's Travels. (8) Extracts Latour's War in West Florida and Louisi ana. (9) Extracts Gatschet's Creek Migration Legend. (10) Extracts French's Historical Collections of Louisi ana. (11) Extracts Margry's Decouvertes, etc. Extracts Adair's American Indians (1775). Extracts Shea's Early French Voyages (1861). Extracts Shea's Catholic Missions (1857.) Extracts Charlevoix' Travels (1720). (12) Extracts Mobile Translated Records. Contains also First Draft "Colonial Mobile," and sundry interviews and notes. (13) Extracts, Minutes of Mobile, 1814 - 19, etc. (14) Extracts as to Street Railway franchises in Mobile. Copies. (15) Uomans' West Florida. { 16 ) Bossu's Travels { 1781 ) . (17) Parts of Mobile Translated Records, Vol. 1. (18) Haldimand Index, arranged chronologically. ( 19 ) Sundry Haldimand papers of importance. (20) Journal Historique, par Sr. Bouques (1722). (21) Extracts of Penicaut's Relation, chronologically ar ranged. (22) Mobile Minutes, 1813 - 1818. 2 bound volumes. (23) Ordinance Book of MobUe, 1814-1821. Photographs. (24) Photographs of six early Spanish maps of the Gulf of Mexico. Miscellaneous. (25) Photographs of historic places in Mobile, Old Maps, etc. (26) List of Mobile City officials. (27) Manuscripts of his books, essays, etc., (all since pub lished). (28) List of Mobile local acts. Papers of Peter Hamilton. (29) Journal, private. From Mobile to Virginia, 1839. (30) Journal of public and private matters, almost con tinuous, 1866 until his death, 1888, in a series of volumes. CoUectors and Students. 291 The part relating to the legislature of 1874-5 is of special in terest. (31) A large collection of miscellaneous law, political and private papers. 21. GEORGE W. HAMNER. Dr. George W. Hamner, a collector of Alabamana, and an historical student (temporarUy resident in Washington, D. C.) has an unusually full library of books on the Southern Indians, Spanish and French Occupation of Louisiana and the Floridas, Travels, and Southern local history. He has also many special Alabama titles, some newspaper files, with a large coUection of pamphlets. Specific mention of many is made in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, as having been ex amined by the compiler of that work. He has a copy of a Journal of a Tour through the Creek Country, November 19, 1796, to May 21, 1797, by Benjamin Hawkins. FoUo. pp. 200. The original of this manuscript is in the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah. Dr. Hamner in 1896, for his degree of Ph.D., submitted to the Columbian University, Washington, a thesis on "Re searches upon the Government of the Creek Indians," accom panied by a bibliography. This is a valuable monograph. It is deposited in the archives of the University; and no plans have been arranged for its publication. 22. SAM'L. WILL JOHN. The library of Col. Sam'I Will John, of Birmingham, con tains more than four thousand books, pamphlets, and manu scripts. While in its general features it forms almost a com plete working collection, it is particularly full in works on Constitutional law, history and government, poUti cal economy, theology, Jeffersoniana, Confederate history, the local history of Alabama and adjacent States. Among other rare and important items, the following are worthy of special note, viz : (1) Elliott's Debates on the Constitution and Secret Pro ceedings, etc. ; the Federalist; Calhoun on the Constitution; Bledsoe's 7s Davis a Traitor; Curry's Southern States; Centz's Republic of Republics; the Madison Papers; Bryce's American Commonwealth; Stephens' War between the States. (2) Memoirs of Jefferson, 4 vols. ; Jefferson's Complete Works, 9 vols. ; Jefferson's Notes on Virginia; Jefferson's 292 Report Alabama History Commission. Original Report on Weights, Measures and Coins;;, Jefferson's Manual; Randall's Jefferson ; Rayner's Jefferson; Jefferson's Public Education; Lee's Observations on Writings of Jeffer son; Thompkins' Bibliotheca Jeffersoniana, besides a number of others.(3) Official Records Union and Confederate Armies (complete) ; Official Records Union and Confederate Navies (complete) ; Southern Historical Society Papers; Pollard's Works; Scharf 's Confederate Navy; Confederate . Military History, 12 vols. ; Davis's Works on the Confederate States ; the several narratives and historical works of Generals John ston, Hood, Taylor, Beauregard ; several Lives of Davis, Lee, Jackson, and others ; Semmes' Service Afloat; the Crimes of the Civil War; the American Bastile; Swinton's Decisive Battles of the War, etc., etc. (4) The works of Meek, Pickett, Brewer, Garrett, Saun ders, Woodward, Hamilton, DuBose, Hilliard, Baldwin, Clemens, Hooper, and others. Also a complete set of the novels of Augusta Evans Wilson, including the Confederate edition of "Macaria." (5) The following general histories: Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America; Bancroft's, Ellis', Steph ens' and Gregg's Histories of the United States. The collection of pamphlets embraces almost every topic, and is in several volumes. The manuscripts embrace letters from public men for many years, rosters of troops, war notes, etc. The following manuscript volume is of unusual interest : "Records of the Selma Town Company." March 19, 1819 - 1831. Folio. It contains minutes, •^records of sales of lots, persons to whom sold, prices paid, the accounts of the Company, and an account of its dissolution. Accompanying the volume, but separate, is a "Map of the Town of Selma." Circa, 14x16 inches. It has the following endorsement: "Copied by Reddick Sims in 1828." 23. CHARLES EDGEWORTH JONES.» To no one does Southern archaeology and history owe more than to the late Col. Charles C. Jones, Jr., whose works in these departments of research, gave him a European reputa- ^For a sketch of Mr. Jones see Transaction^ Alal>ama Historical ^QCiety, 1898-99, vol, Ul, p. 128, Collectors and Students. 293 tion. His history writing was, however, directed primarily to Georgia. A valuable bibliography of his published work will be found in the Report of the American Historical Associa tion for 1889, pp. 287-293. His library and collection was unusually full and complete. It passed on his death to his family, and is now in the custody of his son, Charles Edge- worth Jones, of Augusta, (Ja., who is himself a collector, and an historical student of ahility. Mr. Jones has furnished the following notes showing the character of the collection. Al though apparently confined to Georgia, it doubtless has items, not noted by him, bearing on Alabama, a part of whose history is so intimately interwoven with that of the former State. He writes : "We have in our library no papers, letters or documents pertaining to the pioneers of Western Georgia, or of the ter ritory now embraced within the States of Alabama and Mis sissippi. Above all, we have no original letters or papers whatever of Alex. McGiUivray, Benj. Hawkins, George Gal phin or James Seagrove. You must remember that my hon ored father's archaeological interest was connected exclu sively with the Aboriginal Indians who were in possession of the soil at the time or anterior to the arrival of General Ogle thorpe in the Colony of Georgia. He made no effort to make collections along [the] line you suggest, [pioneer and later Indian period] and his interest so far as history and archae ological matters are concerned took a different direction. The chief strength of our Library is found in the documents and books relating to Georgia's development as a Colony, and in the Revolution and in books relative to the antiquities of the Southern Indians, and to a history of their customs pre vious to and soon after the advent of Europeans." 24. JOHN BUCKNER LITTLE. It is understood that John B. Little, of Forest Home, has in manuscript a History of Marengo County, Alabama. In 1895, his Map of that County was published. His History of Butler County, Alabama, appeared in 1885. 25. ALEXANDER BEAUFORT MEEK. The distinction of being the pioneer historical writer in Alabama belongs to Alexander Beaufort Meek ( 1814-1865 . ) He was one of the earliest students of the State University ; and before his majority , developed that love for literature which was so much to engage him in after years. He was at 294 Report Alabama History Commission. the same time eminent as a lawyer, as a journalist, and a literateur. To the Southron, a literary venture established in the State, he contributed in 1839 a number of sketches on the history of Alabama. These were subsequently collected and revised, and with additions, issued as Romantic Passages in Southwestern History (1857). They had previously re ceived the commendation of Bancroft, Irving, Simms, and Pickett." Having been the first to explore the subject, it was but natural that he should contemplate the preparation of a gen eral work on the history of the State. To this task he set himself, and with access to material almost without limit he completed the work from a consideration of the "Aboriginal Inhabitants" to the year 1800. The Manuscript of this work, as well as the remainder of Mr. Meek's unpublished material, etc., is now in the custody of Samuel M. Meek, Esq., of Co lumbus, Miss. The latter has prepared a summary as fol lows of the several chapters of the "HISTORY OF ALABAMA." Chapter 1. "Aboriginal Inhabitants." Chapter 2. "Spanish discoveries & Explorations." A. D. 1528-1586. Chapter 3. Not found. Chapter 4. "The Path of fire and conquest." A. D. 1536-1543. Chapter 5. "Dawn of European Occupancy." A. D. 1565-1701. Chapter 6. "First Settlement of Alabama." A. D. 1702-1711. Chapter 7. "The French at Mobile, under Crozat's Charter." A. D. 1712-1717. Chapter 8. "Dominion of John Law and the Mississippi Com pany." A. D. 1718-1732. Chapter 9. "Homes in the wilderness." A. D. 1714-1745. Chapter 10. "Close of Bienville's Career." A. D. 1743-1763. Chapter 11. "Last years of French Rule." A. D. 1743-1763. Chapter 12. "British Possession of Alabama." A. D. 1763-1783. Chapter 13. "Spanish Dominion at Mobile." A. D. 1783-1800. "These chapters are beautifully written (I mean the hand writing) evidently for the printers as they are written on half sheets of 'Fools-cap' paper. These are all the chapters, that I could find, prepared — yet there is a large pile of the origi nal manuscripts, written on both sides of the paper, and from what I could gather, it brings the history up to the close of the civil war — war between the States. Judge Meek died Nov. 1, 1865 - and his widow, now [1900] near 82 years old, says, that the day before he died, she thinks he was writing the closing chapters of the Civil War." Unpublished Poems. "Besides the historical manuscript, Judge Meek left a large 'Pretace to Romantie Passages, etc CoUectors and Students. 295 number of poems, in blank books, which if published, would make, I think, a volume as large as his "Songs and Poems of the South," published before his death. Pardon me for saying, that many of them equal any of those in the book mentioned." Journals, Diaries and Letters. Mr . Meek left some journals, diaries and letters, which are in the possession of his brother. One of these, a Journal, the editor has examined. It is a small quarto, of probably 100 to 200 pp., and covers the period from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1834. It is neatly written, and chronicles many interesting events in the early history of Tuscaloosa, then his home. The others have not been examined. A bibliography of the published writings of Mr. Meek is in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 1050-1053. 26. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MEEK. At his death in 1899, Dr. B. F. Meek ranked among the leading English scholars of the South. He was not a writer of history, but he took an intelUgent interest in the encour agement of historical studies, and served as President of the Alabama Historical Society. His special English collection of 654 volumes was left by wiU to the State University, with which he was so long connected. Dr. Meek left a number of unpubUshed manuscripts, which are in the hands of his wife Mrs. Nettie H. Meek, Tuscaloosa. They are as follows : (1) Conversation as a Fine Art. Lecture. 45 pp. (2) The Bible: Its attractions apart from its Inspiration. Lecture delivered before the Y. M. C. A. of the University of Alabama, 1882. (3) The Five Greatest EngUsh Poets? Why so ranked. (4) Baccalaureate Address, HuntsviUe Female College. (5) The Sunday School Cause. Address Delivered to the Methodist Church at Florence, Alabama, January 30, 1890. (6) The True Woman and The New Woman. Address to the Graduates of the Alabama Central Female CoUege, May 28, 1895. (7) Oration before the East Mississippi Female College, Meridian, Miss., June 2, 1897 . (8) Oration, DeUvered to the Graduates of the Medical College of Alabama, MobUe, Ala., March 28, 1890. (9) Books and Reading. Lecture. 34 pp. (10) The Two Alfreds. Lecture. (11) Address delivered at the Laying of the Comer Stone 296 Report Alabama History Commission. of the East Lake Atheneum, Solomon Palmer President. September 1,1892. (12) Baccalaureate Address Delivered to the Graduating Class of the Tuscaloosa Female College, June 8, 1885. (13) Alumni Address. Forty-first Anniversary. (14) Address. To the Graduates of the High School, Bir mingham, Ala. May 29, 1890 . (15) Address. Delivered at the Laying of the Memorial Stone of the New University Buildings, May 5, 1884. 27. STEPHEN FRANKS MILLER. It is greatly to be regretted that the papers and docu ments collected by Major S. F. Miller appear to be lost. It is said that they were destroyed while stored at Oglethorpe, Ga. His descendants report that none are in their posses sion. Mr. Miller edited the Monitor, at Tuscaloosa, from March, 1840 to Oct. 1847. About 1849 he removed to Geor gia. He assisted William Garrett in the compilation of his Reminiscences of Public Men in Alabama (1872), and the ac knowledgment in the preface refers to the "large collection of documents and pamphlets which have been preserved by Major Miller in bound volumes, now forming a part of his library." These constituted in part the "Library of Pamph lets," in fifty volumes, described in his Bench and Bar of Georgia, vol. ii, pp. 441-446. 28. THOMAS McADORY OWEN. Since 1890, Thomas M. Owen^ of Birmingham, has been interested in the formation of a collection of Southern Americana, and also of books, papers and documents, relat ing to Alabama, its history, and antiquities. His library has increased until it now contains most of the principal his torical and biographical works of all the Southern States, with their early compilations of laws. In general historical works it contains the American State Papers, 38 vols.; American Archives, 9 vols. ; American State Papers, 12 vols. ; Annals of Congress, 42 vols.; Register of Debates, 29 vols.; Congressional Globe, 98 vols. ; and the Congressional Record ; all Reconstruction, Freedman's Bureau, and Secession Docu: ments, published by the U. S. Government; Alabama Con tested Election Cases, 24 vols.; Public Lands, 8 vols.; Pen sion Records, 4 vols. ; Bulletins of the Bureau of Rolls and Library, State Department, 9 vols. ; Government Indexes, 9 vols. ; all Government Documents relating to affairs in Ala- CoUectors and Students. 297 bama, several volumes; all Government Documents relating to the Southern Indians, several volumes; Canadian Ar chives, 16 vols.; Margry's Decouvertes, etc., 6 vols.; North Carolina Colonial Records, 10 vols.; the Charleston Year Books, 14 vols. ; Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America, 8 vols. ; sets of the Reports of the U. S. Bureau of of Ethnology, the U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Bureau of Education, and the Smithsonian Institution; sets of the Magazine of American History, PubUcations of the Southern History Association, the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, and the William and Mary College Quarterly, etc., etc., etc. The particular strength of his library, however, lies in its practically complete collection of Alabama books and pam phlets. The former comprise history, biography, poetry, ficr tion and all miscellaneous writings. The pamphlets embrace almost full sets of the Reports and papers of the Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendent of Education, Adjutant General, Railroad Commissioners, Penitentiary, Attorney-General, Board of Health, State Examiner, Agricultural Department, and Governor's Messages. Also the catalogues and other publications of the University of Alabama, the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Howard College, Southern University, St. Joseph's College, and numbers of other schools. Also the pubUcations of the Geological Survey, the Insane Asylum, the Deaf and Dumb schools, the city of Mobile, the city of Montgomery, the Bar Association, the Medical Association, the Educational Association, the Bankers' Association, the Pharmaceutical Association, the Industrial and Scientific Society, and of various improvement and industrial conven tions. Also the Proceedings of the Baptist State Convention and the Presbyterian Synods and Presbyteries, Diocesan Convention Journals, etc. Also documents relating to the Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, State Pairs, Swamp and Overflowed Lands, and Pardons. Also full sets Of the Acts of the General Assembly, the House and Senate Journals, 1841 to 1900, with sets of all Alabama legislative and official documents ever authorized to be collected and bound. In addition to the foregoing there are several hun dred of a miscellaneous character. The manuscripts and historical gleanings, newspapers and periodicals are of sufficient importance to be described in de tail. They have been brought together from various sources, and the copies mentioned have been made at considerable ex pense and trouble. 298 Report Alabama History Commission. Manuscripts. Adair, John. History of the American Indians. 1775. 4to. 4 vols. This is a typewritten copy, made for use in annotating a proposed new edition, by Mr. Owen, of this interesting and valuable work. Alabama History. Monographs and Papers. Folio. 2 vols. Papers contributed by others on various topics in the history of the State. Alabama History. Miscellaneous Notes and Papers. 4to. 2 vols. Individual gleanings. Alabama History. Studies. Folio. 1 vol. Embraces papers in preparation. Alabama History. Analyses, Outlines, Bibliographical, and Chronological Notes. 1512-1900. Folio. 2 vol?. Alabama History. Index Rerum. Folio. 1 vol. Alphabetical Index for notes and references. Albums. Alabama Albums. 4to. 2 vols. Vol. i. — Likenesses of Alabamians. Vol. il. — Alabama Scenes. Anonymous. Book of Religious Reflections, June 12, 1860, to Oct. 25, 1860. Folio. 1 vol. pp. 112. Contains some references to political matters of the period, but principally devoted to questions of the inner life. Bibb, Gov. William Wyatt. Memoir, Letters and Papers of Governor William Wyatt Bibb. Folio. 1 vol. Collected materials for the projected Memoir, etc. Consists of such of his personal and official correspondence as has survived, copies of his public papers, a genealogy of his family, etc., etc. Blount MSS. Manuscripts of Governor William Blount (1747 1800), of Tennessee. Folio. 1 vol. Compared copies of the entire collection of originals, which are re ferred to in Roosevelt's Winning of the West, vol. i. These embrace the remnant on an extensive accumulation. In the McKee Papers are over fifty Blount letters to Col. John McKee. Broadsides. Miscellaneous Alabama Broadsides. Sundry dates. Folio. 2 vols. Caller Papers. Papers of Col. James Caller. 1800 - 1813. 4to. 1 vol. Compared copies of the originals. ilelate to affairs in South Alahama for the period. Collectors and Students. 299 Capitol Commissioners. Journal and Papers of the Com missioners for Superintending the Erection of the State Capitol. Folio. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Journal, Jan. 20, 1827 to Nov. 8, 1833; and Vouchers, AprU 13, 1827 to Nov. 18, 1835. Vol. ii. Papers. These comprise the loose papers, etc., collected and bound up. Commissioners appointed under act of the General Assembly of Jan. 3, 1827. Confederate War. MisceUaneous Notes, Reports, Ros ters, etc. Alabama Troops in the Confederate War. Folio. 1 VOL Bee also Scrap Books and Thirty-Sixth Alabama Regiment. Correspondence. Miscellaneous Alabama Historical Cor respondence of Thomas M. Owen, 1890 - 1900. Polio. 5 vols. General correspondence, not susceptible of classification, arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Dead Towns of Alabama. Historical Notes on the Dead Towns of Alabama. Folio. 1 vol. History in preparation. Fayette County. Notes on the History and Genealogies of Fayette County, Alabama. Polio. 1 VOL History in preparation. Florida. A Bibliography of Florida. 1 Portfolio. In Preparation. Consists oX title entries on cards, with notes, of Florida books and literature. Similar to bibliographies of Alabama and Mississippi already prepared. Genealogy. Alabama Genealogies. Folio. 2 vols. Includes manuscript material for genealogies of the Gayle, Toulmin, Walker, Pope, Pickens, Tait, Bibb, Dexter, and many other families of Alabama. Grant, Thomas. "The Experience of Thomas Grant, set ting forth the dealings of the Lord with him from his infancy until the age of seventy, and with several passages that hap pened during that period." Folio. 1 vol. Covers the period, 1757-1828. He was bom in Hanover County, Va., removed to Granville County, N. C, and served In the Revolutionary War, and later removed to Georgia, where he died. Contains much of historical value. Granville County, North Carolina. Notes on the His tory and Genealogies of Old Granville County, North Caro lina. 300 Report Alabama History Commission. 4to. 4 vols. Comprises abstracts or wins, administrations, guardianships, and miscellaneous papers from the county records, 1746-1800; also his tories of the prominent early families of this section of N. C. Collection increasing. Greenville County, South Carolina. Notes on the His tory, and Genealogies of Greenville County, South Carolina. 4to. 1 vol. Comprises, among other things, abstracts of wills, administrations and guardianships, 1785-1820. Collection increasing. Hearn, Rev. Ebenezer. Autobiography of Rev. Ebenezer Hearn. 1794-1862. 4to. 1 vol. Compared copy of the original. Mr. Hearn was a Methodist preacher whose ministerial life was spent in Alabama. , Jefferson County. Notes on the History and Genealogies of Jefferson County, Alabama. Polio. 8 vols. History in preparation. Represents ten years of painstaking collection of data for a full and exhaustive history. Contains many documents, and full abstracts from many of the old county records. It contains also interviews with a number of old settlers who have since passed away; and gene alogies of all the old families of the county. Jonesboro Temperance Society. Constitution, Roll of Members, and proceedings of the Jonesboro Temperance So ciety. 1845. jj'ound in Thomas McAdory's "Account Book," infra. Contains Constitution, Pledge with signers, and the proceedings of the meetings, June 7, July 4, and Aug. 3, 1845. Law (The) and Lawyers in Alabama. Historical and Biographical Notes on the Law and Lawyers in Alabama. 1800-1900. Folio. 1 vol. History in preparation. Local History. Alabama Counties and Towns, 4to. Several vols. This collection represents and embraces copies and clippings of his torical articles and reminiscences, from newspapers, etc. They are among others: Madison County, by Thomas J. Taylor. Limestone County, by Robert A. McClellan. Mississippi Territory, by George S. Gaines. Athens, by John T. Tanner. Chambers County, by B. G. Richards. Tuscaloosa, oy Dr. W. S. Wyman. . Mobile, by Peter J. Hamilton. Demopolis, by J. W. Beeson. Talladega County, by Abner Williams. West Alaoama, by E. A. Powell. Jefferson County, by B. E. Grace, Sr. Wilcox County, by Zo. Cook. Jones Valley, by Miss Mary Gordon Duftee. Sumter County, by A. W. Dillard. St. Clair County, by Wm. H, Gather. CoUectors and Students. 301 McAdory, Thomas. (1817-1879., Account Book, 1849- 1861. Folio. 1 vol. Miscellaneous personal accounts, ages of negroes, etc. McAdory, Thomas, Jr.^ (1837-1862). Journal, 1858-1860. 4to. 1 vol. He was in the University during 1858. Contains his accounts as teacher in 1860. Son of Thomas McAdory, Sr. supra. . McKee Manuscripts. The manuscripts of Col. John Mc Kee. 1792-1830. FoUo. 10 vols. These embrace the entire pubUc and private papers of Col. John McKee (1767-1832), who was in public life in the old Southwest and Alabama for forty years. They consist of letters to him, drafts of his letters to others, his Indian accounts and vouchers, his diaries and journals, etc., and are of much historical value. They number over 120O items, and are in good condition. Madison County. Documents and Notes on the History of Madison County, Alabama. rollo. 1 vol. Contains the following: Miscellaneous historical and genealog^ical notes. Abstract of the Marriage Register, 1809-1819. Abstract of Minutes Orphans Court, 1810-1817. Abstract of Minutes Superior Court, 1810-1819. Abstract of Final Record Superior Court, 1810-1819. Manuscripts. Manuscripts of Alabama Public Charac ters. 4to. 1 vol. Includes a number of copies, or original manuscripts, of Dr. Neal Smith, Dr. Basil Manly, Sir Robert Farmer, Judge Charles Tait, Gov. John Gayle, and others, of various dates. Manuscripts. Miscellaneous Alabama Manuscripts un classified. Various dates. Polio. 1 vol. Marion County. Notes on the History and Genealogies of Marion County, Alabama. Folio. 1 vol. History in preparation. Maps. Miscellaneous Alabama Maps. Elephant Polio. 1 vol. Maps. Bibliography of Alabama Maps. 1 Portfolio. In preparation. Consists of title entries on cards, with notes. Montgomery County. Documents and Notes on the His tory of Montgomery County, Alabama. Folio. 1 vol. Contains the following: Miscellaneous historical and genealogical notes. Compared copy of "Minutes of Court of Revenue and Roads," 1818- 1826, with notes, 1826-1837. Compared copy of Minutes Orphan's Court, June 1817, to Oct 10, 1822. 302 Report Alabama History Commission. Newspaper Press. Bibliography of the Newspaper Press of Alabama. 1 Portfolio. In preparation. Consists of title entries on cards, with notes. Owen, Hopson. Hopson Owen's Almanac. 1834 - 1852. 4to. 1 vol. Compared copy of the original, which is a small quarto. Pull of interesting notes about Tuscaloosa persons and events. Mr. Owen lived and died there. Owen, Rev. John (1786-1848). Journal. Sept. 9, 1813, to Feb. 7, 1848. 4to. 1 vol. Compared copy of original in 2 vols. Folio. At the head of the first page is the endorsement: "A desultory his tory of Events of any importance." After a page of short entries, it gives the account of his removal from Virginia to Tuscaloosa in 1818, which has been printed in the Publications of the Southern History Association, April, 1897. The Journal contains many references to the local history of Tuscaloosa. Owen, Thomas (1789-1849). "Thomas Owen's Docket Book for the Year A. D. 1824. 16th February, 1824." Folio. 1 vol. He was one of the earliest settlers in Jefferson County, and was a Justice of the Peace in 1824. The book also contains his personal and store accounts, ages of negroes, etc., 1825-1835. Om^en, Thomas (1892-1859), Laivyer. "Memorandum of Weather, &c." Feb. 26 ,1850, to Jan. 18, 1859. 4to. 1 vol. Compared copy of original, a long Polio. This is an almost daily record of the weather for nine years. It also contains many personal references, notices of deaths, etc. He came to Tuscaloosa in 1818, and spent the remainder of his life there. Account of State Bank collections, 1839-1842. 4to. 1 vol. pp. 250. Contains names of debtors, amount of notes. Interest, partial pay ments, etc. Pickens County. Notes on the History and Genealogies of Pickens County, Alabama. Folio. 4 vols. History in preparation. Contains genealogies of almost all of the old families of the county. Pickens (The) Republican. Account Book, 1850. 8vo. 1 vol. Pickett Manuscripts. Manuscripts of Col. A. J. Pickett. Folio. 3 vols. Compared copies of the originals. Contains the following: Notes for memoir; bibliography; and copies of his miscellaneous uncollected writings. From Mr. Pickett's "Scrap Book." 1 vol. "Interesting Notes upon the History of Alabama from various relia ble and intelligent p3rsons who were participators in the scenes, de scribed." Folio. 1 vol. Collectors and Students. .303 "Letters from various distinguished and well informed persons answering enquiries made of them by Albert J. Pickett of Montgom ery, Ala., in relation to the History of Alabama, Books, MS. &c. 4c." Polio. 1 vol. It is the intention of the editor to issue a memoir of Col. Pickett, after the manuscripts have been fully and satisfactorily edited. No higher tribute could be paia the memory of this distinguished historian than the publication of these volumes. Scrap Books. Alabama History. Miscellaneous. Folio. — Alabama Biographies. Polio. Arranged alphabetically. — ^Alabama in the Confederate War. Folio. 2 vols. — Alabama Politics. Folio. 2 vols. — The General Assembly of Alabama, 1892 - 1893. 4to. 1 vol. — General Literature 410. 5 vols. Sims' Female Academy. "Treasurer's Book. Sims' Fe male Academy commenced 23d March, 1829. Miss Eliza Bell first teacher. B. B. Fontaine, Treasurer." Folio. 1 vol. Covers 1st, 2nd and 3rd sessions, March 23, 1829 to July 31, 1830; and contains rosters of pupils and patrons, amount of tuition, etc. Sons of Veterans. Correspondence and Papers of Thomas M. Owen, Commander Alabama Division, United Sons of Con federate Veterans, 1898 - 1900. 4to. 1 vol. Souvenirs and Badges. Miscellaneous Alabama Souv enirs, Badges, etc. Folio. 1 vol. Stone, Lewis M. Miscellaneous Books. 9 vols. Political Scrap Books, 1868-1880. 8vo. 4 vols. Law Scrap Books. Folio. 2 vols. Pickens County Land Notes. 4to. 1 vol. Brief Book. 4to. 1 vol. Brief in the Petty Will case. Folio. 1 voL Thirty-Sixth Alabama Regiment. Historical Notes on the Thirty-sixth Alabama Regiment, C. S. A. Polio. 1 vol. History In preparation. Toulmin, Judge Harey. Life and Letters of Judge Harry Toulmin. 4to. 1 vol. Collected materials for the projected Life, etc. Judge Toulmins public life in Alabama covers the period from 1804 to 1819. He was a prominent character, perhaps the leading figure in Alaoama during these eventful years. His correspondence, which was voluminous, throws much light on men and events. 304 Report Alabama History Commission. Tuscaloosa Water Company. Minutes. 1848. li'ollo. 2 vols. Contains lists of subscribers. : Virginia. Historical Notes. 4to. 1 vol. Sundry notes and data extracted from Virginia records and other sources . Walker, John Williams. The John W. Walker Papers. 1810-1823. 4to. 2 vols. Compared copy of the originals. Embraces letters to and from Mr. Walker (1783-1823), who was one of the first U. S. Senators from Alabama, 1819-1822. In the collec tion are other Walker family and business papers, 1798-1833. Washington County. Documents and Notes on the His tory of Washington County, Alabama. 4to. 1 vol. Copies of documents, and copious notes from and abstracts of the following manuscript records of the county, viz: Minutes of the Superior Court, vol. A. 1802-i807. Minutes of the Superior Court, vol. B. 1807-1811. . Minutes of the Superior Court, vol. C. 1812-1818. Minutes Of the Superior Court, vol. D. 1818-1819. Minutes of the Circuit Court, 1819-1821. Book of Old Bonds, 1801-1806. Minutes of Superior and Circuit Court, sitting in Chancery, 1805- 1827. Abstracts of Washington County Wills, 1800-1889. West (The) Alabamian. Account Books. 1867 1874. Folio. 2 vols.. This paper was published in CarroUton, by Andrew Henry. West Florida. Documentary History of West Florida. 1810 - 1813. 4to. 1 vol. A collection, as far as possible, of copies of all documents and papers bearing on the effort of the people of what is now Eastern Louisiana to throw off the Spanish yoke, and form an independent State. Windham Springs, Ala. Account Book, 1846-1874. Folio. 1 vol. Proprietor's account book, with names of guests and customers. Woodward's Reminiscences of the Creek, or Muscogee In dians. 1859. 4tO. 1 vol. A typewritten copy of this rare book, annotated by Mr. Owen, with a view to its republication in a new edition. Newspapers and Periodicals. Alabama. (General.) Miscellaneous Newspapers. 1811 1829. 1 vol. Miscellaneous Newspapers. 1830 - 1834. 1 vol. Tuscaloosa Inquirer. 1830-1833. The Mobile Patriot. 1831-1832. CoUectors and Students 305 Alabama State Intelligencer, Tuscaloosa. 1831-1832. Alabama Republican, Cahawba. 1833. Alabama Republican, Cahawba (diflerent). 1831-1833. Flag of the Union, Tuscaloosa. 1833-1834. Green County Sentinel, Greensborough. 1834. State Rights Expositor, Tuscaloosa. 1834. Miscellaneous Newspapers. 1835-1865. 1 vol. Miscellaneous Newspapers. 1866 - 1900. 5 vols. Athens. The Alabama Courier, w. March 3, 1892 -April 13, 1893. 1 voL Bessemer. The Bessemer Weekly, w. June 18, 1887 - Nov. 9, 1889. (vol. i, et. seq.) 1 vol. Nov. 16, 1889 -June 27, 1891. 1 voL July 4, 1891 - Dec. 31, 1892. 1vol. Jan. 1893 -Aug. 1894. 1 vol. 1898-1899. 1vol. The Bessemer Journal, w. Dec. 20, 1888 -April 7, 1892, (vol. i. No. 7-VoI iv. No. 23.) 1 vol. April 14, 1892 -May, 1894. 1 voL 1898. 1 vol. The Daily Bessemer, d. June 1 - Oct. 13, 189L (Vol. i, Nos. 1-lOL) 1 voL The DaUy Pig. d. June 2, 1891 -May 31, 1892. (Vol. i, Nos. 1-263.) 1 voL The Alabama Cumberland Presbyterian, w. 1893-1894. 1 vol. Birminghami. Birmingham Age-Herald, d. Nov. 1887 -Dec. 1890. 1vol. Sept. -Dec. 1890. 1 vol. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1891. 1 vol. Jan. 1. -Dec. 31, 1892. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1893. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1894. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1895. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1896. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1897. 3 vols. Jan 1-Dec. 31, 1898. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1899. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1900. 3 vols. The DaUy News. d. March 4, 1891 - March 14, 1892. 1 vol. March 14 -July 14, 1892. 1 vol. July 15 - Nov. 14, 1892. 1 vol. Nov. 15, 1892 - March 30, 1893. 1 vol. 1899-1900. 4 vols. The Birmingham Ledger, w. Aug. 20, 1892 -Dec. 23, 1893. 1 vol. 20 306 Report Alabama- History Commission. Pythian Council, m. ' May -Nov., 1892. 1 vol. , ' ' Birmingham State Herald, d. 1897. Irregular. 1 vol. Birmingham Iron Age. Feb. 12, 1874 -Feb. 4, 1875. (Vol. i, Nos. 1-52). Feb. 18 -Aug. 17, 1875. (Vol. ii, Nos. 2-28). 1 vol. The Daily Ledger, d. March 30 - June 21, 1898. ('Vol. ii. No. 110, et seg.) 1 voL Alabama Christian Advocate, w. 1898 - 1900. 1 vol. The New Era. April 16, lb99 - Oct. 1, 1899. (VoL 1, No. 35-VoI. ii. No. 7). 1vol. Oct. 7, 1899 - Dec. 31, 1899. (Vol. 11, Nos. 8-20). 1vol. The Southern Musician. June -Oct., 1899. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-5. Cahaba. The Dallas Gazette, w. Jan. 5 -Dec. 26, -854. 1 voL Jan. 12 - Dec. 21, 1855. 1 vol. Jan. 4 -Dec. 23, 1856. 1vol. Jan. 2 -Dec. 22, 1857. 1 vol. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1858 . 1 vol. Jan. 7 - Dec. 30, 1859 . 1 vol.CarroUton. The West Alabamian. w. July 4, 1855 - Dec. 23, 1861. 2 books. May 23, 1866-1891. (Except 1888). 25 books. May 5, 1897 - Dec. 1900. 2 books. The Pickens Republican, w, Oct. 1, 1857 - Oct. 3, 1861. 1 vol. The Alliance News. w. July 13, 1897 -AprU 3, 1900. 1 vol. See also "Pickensville." Columbiana. Shelby County Guide, w. April 30, 1868 -May 13, 1869. (Vol. i, Nos. 1-52.) May 27, 1869 -May 24, 1870. (Vol. ii, Nos. 2-51.) June 14, 1870 -June 8, 1871. (Vol. iil, Nos. 2-52.) June 22, 1871 -June 11, 1872. (Vol. iv, Nos. 2-52.) June 25, 1872 -June 5, 1873. (Vol. v. Nos. 2-51.) July 3, 1873 -June 11, 1874. (Vol. vl, Nos. 4-52.) June 25, 1874 -May 27, 1875. (Vol vii, Nos. 2-48.) June 24, 1875 -Sept. 2, 1875. (Vol. vill, Nos. 1-11.) Ceased publication with Sept. 2, 1875. Fayette. The Fayette Tribune, w. 1899-1900. 1 vol. Gainesville. The Independent, w. Nov. 18, 1854 - July 31, 1858. (Vol. i. No. 16-Vol iv., No, 52). 1 vol. Oct. 9, 1858 - Sept, 23, 1865. 1 vol. Collectors and Students 307 Oordo. The Gordo Enterprise, w. Aug. 12, 1899 -March 20, 1900. 1 vol. Greensborough. Alabama Beacon, w. May 23, 1840 - Dec. 30, 1843. (VoL 1, No. 1-VoL iv. No. 34). 1 vr Grove Hill. Clarke County Democrat, w. Dec. 2, 1897 -Oct. 19, 1899. 1 vol. Huntsville. The Democrat, w. Oct 7, 1823 - Oct. 9, 1856. Vol. 1, No. 1-VoI. xxxiii. 33 vols. Practically complete; a file of great value. Huntsville Daily Independent, d. Jan. 16 -June 30, 1866. (VoL I, Nos. 1-142.) 1 voL Livingston. Our Southern Home. w. 1899-1900. 1 VOL Marion. The Marion Commonwealth, w. 1854-1855. 2 vols. Mobile. Mobile Commercial Register, w. Nov. 17, 1827 - Dec. 5, 1828. 1 vol. Dec. 26, 1828 - June 5, 1830. 1 vol. iNov. 25, 1831 -May 24, 1834. 1 voL The Floral and Familv Magazine, m. Feb. -Dec. 1899. (Yol'i, Nos. 1-11.) 1 vol.' MontgoTnery. The Masonic Signet. (Also at St. Louis.) m. March, 1850 - April, 1854. Vols. ii-x. 9 vols. The American Cotton Planter, m. Jan, 1853 - June, 1861. Vols, i-ix. The Advertiser, d. s-w. w. 1865-1885. 3 vols. Nov. 1885 -June, 1886. 1 vol. July -Dec, 1886. 1 vol. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1891. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec 31, 1892. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1893. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1894. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1895. 3 vols. Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 1896. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1897. 3 vols. Jan. 1 - Dec 31, 1898. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1899. 3 vols. Jan. 1-Jime 30, 1900. 2 vols. 308 Report Alabama History Commission. Southern Law Journal and Reporter, d. Dec, 1879 - Nov., 1881. Vols, i. No. 1 - Vol. ii. No. 12. 2 vols. The Alabama Law Journal, m. April, 1882 -April, 1885. Vol. i-iv. 3 vols. The Masonic Guide, m. 1890-1897. VoL 1-viiL 8 vols. Woman's Work;, m. Sept., 1898 -Aug. 1899. (Vol. i, Nos. 1-12.) 1 voL Sept. 1899 - June, 1900. (Vol. ii, Nos. 1-10.) 1 vol. Pickensville. Pickensville Register, w. March 6, 1841 -Feb. 26, 1842. (Vol. U, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. March 5, 1842 -Feb. 25, 1843. (Vol. iil, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. March 4, 1843 -Nov. 5, 1843. CVoI. iv, Nos. 1-26.) 1 vol. The Riverside Press, w. Dec, 1881 -Aug. 14, 1883. 1 vol. Reform. The Reform Progress, w. Oct. 5 -Dec 22, 1898. (Vol. 1, Nos. 1-16; all.) 1 VoL Selma. The Morning Times, d. Dec 2, 1865 - July 3, 1866. (VoL 1, Nos. 131-297.) 1vol. Feb. 10 -July 3, 1866. (Vol. 1, Nos. 178-297.) 1 vol. Sept. 6, 1868 - March 4, 1869. 1 vol. The Selma Weekly Messenger, w. Nov. 10, 1866 -Nov. 23, 1867. (Vol. i, Nos. 1-49.) 1 voL The Selma Daily Messenger, d. Nov. 1, 1866 -June 5, 1867. (VoL ii, Nos. 132-311). 1 vol. June 6, 1867 -Jan. 29, 1868. (Vol. iii, Nos. 2-205).. 1 vol. The Selma Times and Messenger, d. Jan. 30 -May 9, 1868. (Vol. iii, Nos. 206-29L) 1 vol. May 10 - Sept. 5, 1868. (Vol. iii. No. 292-VoI. iv, No. 78.) 1 voL The Southern Argus, w. June 16, 1869 - Dec. 29 1871. (Vol. 1, No. 1-Vol. iii, No. 52.) 1 vol. Jan. 5 -Dec 27, 1872. /VoL iv. Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Jan. 3 -Dec 26, 1873.. (Vol. v. Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Jan. 2 -Dec. 25, 1874. (Vol. vi, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 1875. (Vol. vii, Nos. 1-53.) 1 voL Jan. 7 -Dec 29, 1876. (Vol. viii, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Jan. 5 -Dec. 28, 1877. (Vol. ix, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Jan. 4 -Dec. 27, 1878. (VoL x, Nos. 1-52.) 1 voL Jan. 3 -Dec 26, 1879. (Vol. xi, Nos. 1-52.) 1 vol. Tuscaloosa. Tuscaloosa Newspapers. University Commencement Edi tions. Includes the following: The Commencement Daily, June, 1878. Commencement Daily, June, 1886. The Daily Gazette, June, 1887. The University Dally, June, 1887. The Evening Times, June, 1892. Collectors and students 309 The Daily Gazette, June, 1892. The Evening Times, June. 1895. The Daily Gazette, June, 1896. The Evening Times, June, 1896. The Dally Gazette, June. 1897. The Evening Times, June, 1897. The Daily Gazette, June 1898. The Evening Times, June, 1898. The Daily Gazette, June, 1899. The Tuscaloosa Times, June, 1899. The Meteor. Insane Hospital. Irregular. July 4, 1872-Dec 24, 1881. (Vol. i. No. 1-Vol. Iii). 1 vol. The Alabama University Monthly. University, Ala. m. Dec 1873 -June, 1887. Vols, i-xiv. 8vo. The Southern Law Journal, m. Jan. 1878 -Nov., 1879. Vols, i. No. 1-Vol. ii. No. 11. 2 vols. The Journal. University, Ala. m. Jan. 1891 -Nov. ±893. Vols. i-iv. Svo. 3 vols. The Tuskaloosa (sic.) Gazette, w. June 30, 1892 - Dec 1900. 9 vols. Alabama Historical Reporter, m. Oct., 1879 -July, 1880. Vol. i, Nos. 1-10. Dec, 1883-Nov., 1884'. Vol. ii, Nos. 1-12. Jan.- July, 1885. Vol. iii, Nos. 1-7. The Crimson- White. University, Ala. bi-m. Jan. 11 -May 4, 1894. Vol. i. Nov. 23, 1894 -June 18, 1895. \oi. U. Oct. 25, 1895 - June 15, 1896. Vol. ilL Oct. 27, 1896-June 21, 1897. Vol. Iv. Nov. 5, 1897- June — , 1898. Vol. v. Oct. 18, 1898 -June 21, 1899. /oL vi. Oct. 17, 1899 - June 1, 1900. Vol. vii. Oct. 5, 1900. Current. Vol. viii. Flag of the Union, w. Jan. 5 -Dec. 29, 1841. 1 voL State Journal and Flag. w. Jan. 9 -Nov. 27, 1846. 1 voL Wetumpka. The Elmore Standard, w. r'ay 8 - Dec 20, 1867. (VoL il, Nos. 4-25.) 1 voL Atlanta, Ga. The Atlanta Constitution, d. Sept. - Dec, 1895. 2 vols. Charleston, S. C. The Sunday News. w. July, 1897 -April, 1898. 1 voL Milton, Pa. The Miltonian. w. March 17, 1832 -Aug. 2, 1834. 310 Report Alabama History Commission. Nashville, Tenn. Democracy, w. Oct. 22, 189a - Dec. 23, 1899. 1 vol. Philadelphia, Pa. Aurora, d. Feb. 27 -Dec 23, 1807. 1 vol. Jan. z-Dec 27, 1809. 1 vol. Jan. 1-Dec 11, 1811. 1 vol. Jan. 2, 1812 -March 5, 1813. 1 vrl. Pulaski, Tenn. The Pulaski Citizen, w. May 13, 1897 -Dec 29, 1898. 1 voL Washington, D. C. National Intelligencer, t. w. Jan. 1, 1810 -Dec. 29, 1810. 1 voL Jan. 2, 1813 -Jan. 22, 1814. 1 vol. Nov. 24, 1818 - Dec 30, 1819. 1 vol. United States' Telegraph, t. w. Feb. 28, 1828 - Sept. 1, 1829. 1 voL Sept. 8, l&iS - Oct. 18, 1831. 1 vol. The Washington Post. d. 1898 - 1899. 10 vols. Miscellaneous Newspapers. (Not Alabama.) 1890 - 1900. 1 VOL 29. GEORGE PETRIE. Dr. George Petrie, who has the Chair of History at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, has inaugurated a movement, which promises to be of great value in his College work, and of far-reaching benefit to the institution with which he is connected. Through the co-operation of the four hundred students of the Institute, who hail from all parts of the State, and whose enthusiastic sympathy he has enlisted, he is collecting for the use of his Department, all Alabama books, pamphlets, newspapers and documents, that can be located. Although in operation only a short time, the re sults have exceeded expectations. A number of rare and val uable items have been brought in, and many others will follow as the collecting spirit in the student is developed. In another very significant way. Dr. Petrie is stimulat ing interest in historical work. In his class exercises the value of original investigation is emphasized, and in all grad uate work it is required. In this way he has not only devel oped in many of his students the faculty of independent re search, but has also caused the preparation of many chapters in the history of the State, the results of which in finish^ CoUectors and Students 311 studies wiU appear in the PubUcations of the Alabama His torical Society and other places. MTiUe engaged in the preparation of the very excellent sketch of Montgomery for "Historic Towns in the Southern States," he made a special collection of books, papers, docu ments, and notes on the history of the city. These he has pre served. He has a coUection of photographs of historic houses, as weU as various pictures of scenery in the State. 30. ALBERT JAMES PICKETT. T\Tiile investigation in the history of Alabama had its be ginning with the studies of A. B. Meek in 1839, it was not until 1851 that it attained its fuU expression in the work of Col. A. J. Pickett. His History of Alabama, in two vol umes, which appeared in that year, subject to a few correc tions and additions, must ever be regarded as the leading au thority on the early history of the territory now included in Alabama. Preparatory to its compUation, Mr. Pickett spent years in collecting the printed works bearing upon the several subjects treated, and in securing data from eye witnesses of and actors in the scenes described. It also involved a Uberal financial outlay. The value and importance of his researches have been acknowledged by leading critics and historians. After Mr. Pickett's death, the books comprising his collec tion were disposed of to various purchasers. Some of them were secured for the library of the State University by Dr. W. S. Wyman, but the larger part went into hands not now known. The manuscript collections were divided among the differ ent members of his family, and their full extent cannot be satisfactorily stated. A large "Scrap Book," strongly bound and neatly kept, containing various communications from Mr. Pickett to the newspapers and periodicals of the day, as well as sundry clip pings of a personal nature, from about 1835 to 1850, has been preserved. The rough draft of a part of his History of Alaba/mu, in several thin quarto volumes, has also been preserved. But the manuscripts of most value which have survived, are the two volumes described below. They have been placed in the hands of the editor for publication, with notes, in con nection with a Memoir of Mr. Pickett which he has in prepa ration. The flrst of these volumes possesses the very highest 312 tteport Alabama History dommission. historical value, as it consists almost solely of original ma terial, only a small part of which Mr. Pickett was able, within the limits of his work, to use. In this Report various extracts are introduced from communications to Mr. Pickett, to be found in full in these volumes. Their designations, •taken from the books themselves, are as follows, viz : "Interesting Notes upon the History of Alabama from various reliable and intelligent persons who were participa tors in the scenes described." Folio. "Letters from various distinguished and well informed per sons answering inquiries made of them by Albert J. Pickett, of Montgomery, Ala., in relation to the History of Alabama, Books, M^., &c., &c." Folio. 31. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN RILEY. Dr. B. F. Riley, Houston, Texas, has for a long time been an active student of Alabama history. His work appears in the substantial form of a History of Conecuh County (1881), Alabama as it is (1887), and a History of the Baptists of Alabama (1895). During recent years, however, his work as a teacher, and minister of the Baptist Church have largely absorbed his energies. He has no Alabama manuscripts, or rare printed books. 32, EUGENE ALLEN SMITH. Dr. Eugene AUen Smith, University, has been at the head of the State Geological Survey since its revival by act of April 18, 1873. His collections have been made principally for the cabinets of the survey. His private library, however, is one of the richest in the State, not only in technical, but in general works. It numbers approximately 4,000 bound books, and 4,000 pamphlets. The books include complete sets of the OerkturA/ Magd^ine, Scribner's Magazine, Nature, the Ameri can Naturalist, Science, the University Monthly, the Univer sity Journal, Crimson-White, etc. He has also a large col lection of maps. His private cabinet contains many relics and antiquities. A list of his numerous writings is embraced in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 1154 - 1157. S3. WILLIAM RUSSELL SMITH. Judge WiUiam RusseU Smith (1815-1896) was a writer of great versatility, and a lawyer of ability. In 1833 he pub lished College Musings, or Tvngs from Parnassus, probably the first literary production, as such, issued in the State. CoUectors and Students 313 From that time untU his death, his pen was never idle. His Mterary work ranges over the fields of poetry, fiction, the drama, oratory, journaUsm, and the law. Practically a fuU Ust of his publications is in Owen's Bibliography of Alabama, pp. 1160 - 1166. Mr. Smith's library, with the accumulations of three quarters of a century, is in the hands of his famUy. It has many Alabama titles. From a number of volumes of notes, scrap books, etc., the following list of unpubUshed manuscripts is compiled. Manuscripts. (1) Reminiscences of a Long Life. Notes for the second volume of this work, the first of which appeared in 1889. (2) The Legacy. A coUection of Sonnets and Poems. Dedicated to his wife. (3) Poems. Based on mythological subjects. (4) A Serial Novel. Extracts have been published. (5) Essays; PoUtical, Historical and Poetical. (6) Historical ParalleUsms. (7) Notes on IngersoU. In 1889 he deUvered the Alumni address at the University of Alabama, his theme being Inger- sollism and Better Brains. 34. WILLIAM BACON STEPHENS. After Bishop W. B. Stephens' death, the historical papers and manuscripts collected and used by him in the prepara tion of his History of Georgia, were turned over to the Geor gia Historical Society, where they may now be found. 35. OLIVER DAY STREET. Few students of local history have amassed so large and interesting a collection of valuable works as O. D. Street, of GuntersvUle. In Southern Americana, and aboriginal litera ture his coUection is especiaUy strong, as well as in local pamphlets. His coUection of manuscripts possesses much local interest, a description of which is given herewith. Each number represents a volume, package, or item. Manuscbipts. (1) Information Relating to Homicides committed in Marshall County since its Organization, Jan. 9, 1836. (2) Tabulated statement by Precincts, of elections held in Marshall County from 1853 to 1866. Containing also list of 314 Report Alabama History Commission. persons voting at GuntersvUle at Election held Nov. 5, 1865. (3) Tabulated statement of elections by Precincts held in Marshall County since 1885, including primary elections held since 1890. (4) Some Reminiscences of Dr. John B. McFerrin, con cerning the early Days in Marshall County. Contains account of his ministerial work among the Cherokee In dians upon the "Creek Path Mission," (which included Marshall County) in the years 1827-1829. ( 5 ) Judge Louis Wyeth's unfinished "History of Marshall County," published in GuntersvUle Democrat, 1883. Contains many interesting facts relating to the early history of the county. (6) Common Place and Account Book of Maj. Arthur C. Beard, one of the pioneer settlers of Marshall County. Contains many items of local and personal interest. (7) Information Relating to Indian Reservations in Mar shall County. (8) Local Laws affecting Marshall County; Sketch of Col. Arthur Campbell, of Virginia ; Information concerning John Gunter and family, the first white settler in Marshall county. ( 9 ) Information relating to the Tennessee and Coosa Rail Road Company. (10) Gen. S. K. Rayburn's Incomplete History of the Ten nessee and Coosa RaUroad Company. This project which grew out of the early idea of connecting the waters of the Tennessee with those of the Gulf has greatly affected the material interests of Marshall County. (11) Names of persons first entering or purchasing lands in Marshall County. An approximate list of the first settlers of the county. (12) The Old Register of Rayburn's Hotel, GuntersvUle, Ala. Kept during the Civil War. (13) Lot of miscellaneous Documents relating to sundry matters of Local Interest in MarshaU County. (14) A collection of the Political, Masonic, and Confeder ate Memorial addresses of the late Col. James L. Sheffield, of Marshall County. (15) An account of the 48th Alabama Regiment in the Civil War, by John D. Taylor, of GuntersvUle, Ala. (16) Information relating to the old Town at Gunter's Landing on the south bank of Tennessee River. Now entirely abandoned. (17) Invoice of a bill of merchandise bought by a mer chant of Marshall county, June 27, 1836. Shows the prevailing prices and character of goods carried by coun try merchants at tbat day. Collectors and Students 315 (18) Some Papers Relating to the Old Tennessee Com pany purchase in North Alabama. They have the autograph signatures of Valentine Sevier, Samuel May and of Zachariah Cox, the chief promoter of that ill favored enterprise. (19) Infor-mation relating to the Proposed Ferry of Man chester, on the site of Jackson's old "Fort Deposit,'" on the Tennessee River. (20) Information concerning Localities of interest in Marshall County. ' (21) Copy of Minutes of Commissioners' Court of Mar shall County from Feb., 1837, to May, 1841. (22) A Ust of volunteers in Confederate armies from Marshall county whose famiUes were assisted under the act of Nov. 11, 1861, providing a fund for the relief of indigent families of volunteers. (23) Statistics relating to Marshall County. (24) A small Scrap-Book kept by Col. James L. Sheffield during the Presidential Campaign of 1860. . Shows the Douglass, Breckenridge and Bell votes in Marshall Coun ty by beats. Douglass, 763; Breckenridge, 440; Bell, 164. (25) Large Scrap-Book kept by Col. James L. Sheffield during the Civil War and Reconstruction periods. Contains among other things the original draft of the minutes of a mass meeting of the citizens of Marshall county instructing her dele gates James L. SheflSeld and Arthur C Beard to sign the ordinance of secession. (26) Information Relating to the Virginia Branch of the Street famUy. (27) Information Relating to the Genealogy of the Family of Thomas Beard, of Rockbridge Co., Va., a soldier of the Revolution. (28) Information containing the Genealogy of the Camp bell family of Virginia. (29) Sketch of Col. John B. Campbell, a soldier of the War of 1812. (30) Conversations- with old citizens and other data relat ing to the history of Marshall county. Consists of correspondence, extracts from the county records, etc. (31) Information concerning Benjamin Atkins of Laurens District, S. C, (a soldier of the Revolution), and his descend ants. (32) Sundry documents, papers, scrap books, etc., in rela tion to Alabama politics. These comprise a large number of interesting items. 316 Report Alabama History Commission. Maps. ( 1 ) Map of Marshall county showing public land divisions, drainage, public roads, earliest settlements, and points of interest. Drawn by O. D. Street. (2) Map of Tennessee Valley. Prepared with special ref erence to its aboriginal history. Drawn by O. D. Street. (3) Two maps of the Proposed Town of "Manchester," on Tennessee River on the site of Jackson's "Old Fort Deposit." Drawn by William Daly. (4) Map of Warren ton, Ala., former county site of Mar shall County. Drawn by O. D. Street. (5) Map of the Western Continent. From the Universal Traveller, London, 1759. Curious. 36. ISRAEL K. TBFPT. Mr. Israel K. Tef f t, who resided at Savannah, Ga., was one of the most distinguished and successful autograph and man uscript collectors in thi^j country. His collections must have been of great value, as acknowledgments for valuable aid are made to him, by many historical students. His entire manu script collection was dispersed by auction sale at New York, March 4, and the following days, 1867. The sale Catalogue numbers 264 pages, octavo, and describes many Southern items. 37. HENRI ViGNAUD. Henri Vignaud, a local collector of Paris, France, "has many valuable documents in his library connected with the history of Louisiana."* This means in the wider sense of Louisiana in the 18th century. William Beer, Liltrarian of the Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, who has visited his library says that its value however, is mainly for printed books and maps. 38. ANSON WEST. The principal materials, both printed and manuscript, col lected by Rev. Anson West, D. D., of Decatur, in the prepara tion of his History of Methodism in Alabama (1893) are still in his hands. These are summarized in the "Preface," pp. 4-5, of that work. They consist of general church historical and biographical works, official Journals and Minutes of Con ferences, Church newspapers and periodicals, manuscript lo- 'Proceedings Louisiana Historical Society, vol. 1, part 3, p. 8, CoUectors and Students 317 cal church records, and manuscript journals, diaries and let ters of ministers. The latter embrace the following : (1) Manuscript Journal of the Rev. A. C. Ramsey. (2) Manuscript Journal of the Rev. Ebenezer Hearn. (3) Manuscript Journal of the Rev. William Wier. (4) Manuscript Journal of the Rev. Joseph T. Curry. (5) Manuscript "History of Methodism in Florence," by W. B. Wood, Esq. He has also his own note books of gleanings, which com prise personal interviews, inscriptions from tombstones, etc. He had access also to a number of personal papers, loaned by families of deceased ministers and laymen, which have been restored to their owners. It is hoped that this collec tion will ultimately be placed in the library of the Alabama Historical Society, as the basis of a special collection on Methodist Church history. 39. E. T. WOOD. E . T . Wood was a resident of Mobile, and evidently an en thusiastic local collector. He wrote "A Historical Sketch from the First Settlement of Mobile, and the adjoining coun try to the present time," which appeared in his Mobile Direc tory and Register, 1844. He was of much assistance to Mr. Pickett in his work, for which formal acknowledgment was made. See Owen's edition of Pickett's Alabama, pp. 486, 507 and 509, notes, for reference to MSS. in Mr. Wood's hands. Nothing has been ascertained respecting the life of Mr. Wood, or as to the whereabouts of his papers, if in existence. 40. WILLIAM STOKES WYMAN. Dr. W. S. Wyman, of the University of Alabama, is the veteran historical student, collector, and antiquarian of Ala bama. His personal familiarity with everything bearing upon the history of the State is perhaps more intimate and extensive than that of any other person. He has made a specialty of early exploration and settlement, and the his tory of the aboriginal and Indian inhabitants of the State. He has always been prodigal of his knowledge, and to him all other Alabama students are indebted for inspiration and assistance. For years a finished work by him on State his tory has been expected, and it is hoped that he may yet em body the results of his wide research and ripe scholarship. His collection embraces practically all early French, Span ish, and other works, either in originals or translations, bear- 318 Report Alabama History Conimission. ing on the Southern country and the Indians, and includes a number now out of print and exceedingly rare. He has also a large number of early printed Alabama books and pam phlets. His numerous note books represent years of careful gleaning, locally and in Foreign libraries. PART IV. War Records of Alabama. By SAM'L WILL JOHN. (319) CHAPTER I. WAR DEPARTMENT: RECORD AND PENSION OFFICE. GENERAL INTRODUCTION.^ The two official repositories, as is well known, for data in reference to "the records of Alabama troops in all wars in which they have participated," are the War Department, in Washington, D. C, and the office of the Adjutant-General, at Montgomery. Other official records, as well as private papers of a valuable character, are in the hands of survivors or of their descendants. Before a compilation of the records of Alabama soldiers can be published a detailed exploration and examination of these two repositories must be made, and a systematic search must be instituted for the recovery of all pertinent material that may exist in private hands. The plan of the Commission, as originally projected, was to give detailed lists of existing material in the War Department, but owing to the peculiar regulations of the office this has been impossible, and before it can ever be done, even for an official publication of its records by the State, an Act of Con gress will doubtless be required to open them up, or provide for their transcription. In the absence of detail, therefore, a general statement only as to the records is given. The records and papers in the office of the Adjutant-General of Alabama, such as survive, are in fair condition. They are so arranged as to be easily consulted. They are being constantly hand led, and it is feared that this use will soon destroy them unless some effort is made to preserve them. As their use appears a necessity, it is all the more urgent that the War Records of the State should be published, as recommended by the Commission, supra. Owing to the lack of means and for want of time, only a limited inquiry has been possible as to what exists in private hands. The Record and Pension Office of the War Department, is the custodian of a vast body of data in relation to the ser- 'In the preparation of this Part acknowledgment for valuable assist ance is made to Thomas M. Owen, Chairman of the Commission and editor of this Report. Due acknowledgment is also made to the work of W. S. Ford in listing the records in the Adjutant-General's office, as found in the Report of the. latter for 1892-94. 21 (321) 322 Report Alabama History Commission. ,^ vices of troops from Alabama in all wars. This office was originally a "Division" of the Surgeon-General's Office. The following brief description has been supplied by Col. F. C. Ainsworth, Chief of the Office : EARLY WARS. "This office has the custody of such military records as are in the possession of the War Department relating to the per sonnel of the volunteer forces in the various wars in which the United States has been engaged. The records of this class relating to volunteers from Alabama in the Indian wars and the war with Mexico consist principally, for the Indian wars, of muster rolls of the organizations employed, and, for the Mexican war, of muster rolls and returns. The muster rolls in this office of Alabama volunteers in the Indian wars are confined to those of the Seminole or Florida war ( 1835 to 1842), the. Creek War (1836 to 1837), and the Cherokee war (1836 to 1839). "It is understood, however, that there are in the office of the Auditor for the War Department (an official of the Treasury Department) some muster rolls of volunteers from Alabama in the Seminole war of 1817 and 1818. "There is also on file a considerable collection of orders, correspondence and reports relating to the operations of the volunteer forces in the various wars, but this collection is by no means complete." CONFEDERATE WAR RECORDS. Col. Ainsworth gives also the following facts concerning the Confederate Archives, all of which, that from any rea son, have been 'brought together in the War Department, ap pear to be now in the Record and Pension Office. "All of the Confederate archives in the possession of the War Department are in the custody of this office. They oc cupy six rooms in the State, War and Navy Building, some of them being packed in boxes and other are arranged in file cages. Owing to the limited space available for filing these records, and because of the necessity for handling them with great care, they are only accessible to specially trained em ployees of this Department who are thoroughly informed with regard to them and who are held responsible for their safe preservation. All of the Confederate records that per tain to military affairs and that are of general historical interest have been published in the War Records. It is understood that comparatively mk^U QoUections of Record and Pension Office. 323 Confederate records are to be found in the Post Office and Treasury Departments, but the War Department has no definite information with regard to them." HOW TO OBTAiN DATA FROM THB WAR DEPARTMENT. The conditions under which information from the records of this office will be furnished are set forth in the following orders of the War Department, dated February 23, 1897 : "The muster rolls and other records of individual officers, enlisted men and organization.?, which are on file in the Rec ord Office of this Department and which pertain to the War of the Rebellion, the Mexican War, the various Indian wars, the War of 1812 and the War of the Revolution, have become so dilapidated through years of constant handling, or other causes, that it has been found necessary to adopt stringent measures for their preservation, and to restrict reference to them to cases in which such reference is absolutely necessary. Many of the most important of those records have been repro duced by the index record card system, but the handling of these cards, as weU as the original records which they repre sent, by persons not thoroughly instructed in their use and not under the control of this Department, involves a great danger of the loss, through misfiling or otherwise, of cards or other records which cannot be replaced. For these rea sons, as well as for others equally cogent, the Department is compelled to restrict access both to the original records and the index-record cards exclusively to persons who are in the employ of the Department and are lawfully subject to its control. The Department will furnish at any time such information relative to any indiridual officer or enlisted man as its rec ords afford, and as may be actually necessary to enable the proper officials of any State, or any relief association, patriotic society or other kindred organization, to pass upon any application that may have been made in good faith for •aid, relief or membership, and that may properly come with in the jurisdiction of such officials or organization. But re quests for information relative to individual officers or en Usted men, or for the compilation of statistics or other data relative to particular organizations, to be used for historical or memorial purposes or for publication cannot be entertain ed, because the limited clerical force allowed by law is insuffi cient to enable the Department to comply with such requests without serious interference with more important current work. ,324 Report Alabama History Commission. The records of general historical value pertaining to the late war have either been published, or soon will be published, in the "Official Records of the Union and Confederate Ar mies," so as to render them accessible to all who may be in terested in them. Should Congress provide in future for a similar publication of the records relating especially to indi vidual officers, enlisted men and organizations of that war and prior wars, the historical data which these records con tain will also become available for general use, but until such publication shall have been authorized, or other legis lation enacted, it will be impracticable for the Department to furnish compilations or statements from those records for historical, memorial purposes, or for publication. For the reasons set forth above, the following rules have been adopted relative to the subject of furnishing statements OP extracts from the records of the personnel of the volun teer armies and other similar records on file in the Record and Pension Office of this Department, and are hereby an nounced for the information and guidance of all concerned : 1. All requests, made by persons other than officials of the United States, for information from the official records must, to receive favorable consideration, set forth the specific pur pose for which they are made, and must be sufficiently in de tail to enable this Department to determine for itself how much, if any, of the information asked for is necessary for the purpose indicated and can properly be furnished. 2. Any such request that may be made with a view to de termining merits of an application for State or other aid or relief must be made, over his own signature, by the State or other official who may be authorized by law to decide whether such aid or relief shall be furnished ; or, in case the decision rests with a board, commission or association, the request must be made, over his or her own signature, by the chief of ficer of the board or other organization which is empowered to decide the case. All such requests must, to receive favor able consideration, meet the following requirements : (a) The character of the relief or aid for which application has been made must be fully and specifically set forth. (b) If the application is to be decided under a law of any State, that law must be definitely cited. (c) If the application is pending before any board or asso ciation, not created by or acting under any law, the source from which such board or association derives its authority to act must be stated. Record and Pension Office. 325' (d) If the pending application is that of some person other than the one whose record is desired, the relationship of the applicant to the person whose record is desired must be set forth. (e) The full name of the person whose record is requested, the rank held by him, and the designation of the organization in which it is claimed that he served, must invariably be stated. 3. Any request that may be made for the purpose of en abling a society or association to decide as to the eligibility or non-eligibility of an applicant for admission thereto must be made by the chief officer, over his or her ovm signature, of that branch of the society or association in which the applica- fon is to be voted upon or otherwise decided, and must meet the following requirements : (a) The title or designation, and the location, of the branch to which the application for membership has been made must be given. ¦ (b) The full name and residence of the applicant, and the date on which the application was made, must be stated. (c) The relationship of the applicant to the person whose record is desired if the application for membership was not made by such person himself, must be set forth. (d) If the record of any other person has been requested of, or furnished by, the War Department in connection with the pending application, a statement to that effect, including the name of the person whose record has been requested or fumished, must be made. (e) The full name and rank of the person whose record is desired, and the designation of the company and regiment, if any, in which he served, must be invariably stated in all cases in which service during the War of the Rebellion is claimed. (f) The full name of the person whose record is desired, and the State from which he entered service or of which he was resident at the time of his entry into service, must be in variably stated in all cases in which service during the Revo lution or the War of 1812 is claimed. His rank and the desig nation of the organization in which he served, if known, should also be stated. (g) Requests for the record of a man whose surname only is known, or for information relative to all the men bearing a certain name, will not be entertained. 4. Requests emanating from a post or other subsidiary or ganization of the Grand Army of the Republic must be for- 32G Report Alabama History Commission. warded through, and must be authenticated by the signature of, the Department Commander. Requests emanating from the subdivisions of other associations founded on military service during the War of the Rebellion must be forwarded and authenticated as follows: Union Veterans' Union, through department commanders; Union Veteran Legion, through the National Commander; Sons of Veterans, through division commanders. 5. The information that will be furnished for use in connec tion with any application for membership in any society or association, or fqr State or other aid or relief, will be strictly limited to that which is actually necessary to enable a de cision upon the pending application to be made, and will in no case comprise items that may be desired for any other purpose, such as to complete the records of a society, to make some other and different application, or to be used in the prosecution of a claim against the United States. 6. Concise statements of the military histories, so far as shown by the records on file, of men who served in the Revo lution or in the War of 1812, will be furnished upon the ap plication of descendants of those men, under the following conditions : (a) The relationship of the applicant to each person whose record is desired must be stated. (b) The full Christian name as well as the surname of such person must invariably be given, and the rank which he held and the designation of the organization in which he served, if those are known, must be stated. ( c ) The place, or at least the State, from which he entered service, or of which he was resident at the time of his entry into service, must be designated. (d) If the name of the person whose record is desired is a common one, the designation of the organization in which he served, or the names of some of the regimental officers under whom he served, must be stated. (e) Requests for information relative to all the men bear ing a certain name will not be entertained, nor will any other request involving an unreasonable expenditure of time and labor be considered. (f) There will not be furnished to or for any one descend ant the record of service of more than two ancestors in the Revolution, or of more than two in the War of 1812. 7. Each request for the record of an officer or enlisted man of any war should be made on a separate sheet of paper, should be complete in itself, and should fully meet all the re- Record and Pension Office. 327 quirements of this order. In no case should requests for the records of two or more men be combined in one communica tion. 8. Compilations or statements relative to individual offi cers, enlisted men or organizations will not be furnished, from the records on file in the Record and Pension Office, for historical, memorial or statistical purposes, or for publica tion, or to complete the records of States, societies or associa tions. 9. Because of the great danger of the destruction, loss or misfiling, through handling by inexperienced persons or those not under the control of this Department, of the muster rolls and other regimental or company records, index-record cards, and all other similar records, which are on file in the Record and Pension Office, and which pertain wholly or chieflly to the personnel of the armies of the various wars, the handling of those records will be restricted exclusively to the specially trained employes of that office, and no informa tion will be furnished from them except as hereinbefore pro vided, or as may be otherwise required by law. CHAPTER II. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE. The Adjutant-General is Chief of Staff to the Govemor, who is the commander-in-chief of "the active volunteer or ganized military forces of the State." The former is charged with a number of duties in the administration of the mili tary department. Among other things he is required to "keep a roster of all the officers of the Alabama National Guard and keep on file in his office all reports made to him." In the administration of the office the books kept are the following : CURRENT RECORDS. Letters Received Book. Contains briefs or abstracts of all letters received. Letter Press Copy Book. Contains impressions of all let ters mailed. General Order Book. Special Order Book. Consists of impression copies. Endorsement Book. Contains entry of all endorsements made on correspondence, reports, etc. Roster of Officers, Alabama National Guard. Official letters, reports, rosters, etc., are all briefed and filed by years. The current official records and papers of the office are ap parently in existence from 1871. The importance of this office, however, lies in the fact that it is made the depository of the old records of the State in its Indian Wars, the Mexican War, the Confederate War, and the Spanish American War, which will now be described. OLD MILITIA RECORDS. The old militia records of the State are apparently quite full and complete, consisting of books and papers, as follows, viz: Military Register. 1820-1832. Folio. 1vol. Contains names of Division, Brigade, Regimental and Company officers. Military Register. 1832 - 1844. FoUo. 1 vol. Military Register. 1844-1861. Folio. 1vol. (828) Indian War Records. 329 MiUtary Returns. 1818-1861. 42 packages. Reports of Strength and Equipment of Militia. 1822 to 1832. 1 package. Military Reports of Officers. 1839 to 1844. 1 package. INDIAN WAR RECORDS. Military Correspondence in relation to the Creek Indian War. 1836 - 1839. 8 packages. These papers comprise letters, orders, &c., from the War Depart ment at Washington, correspondence of Governors Clay and Bagby with the several commandants, organization of troops, consultations with friendly Indians, letters from citizens claiming protection and detailing accounts of citizens killed by hostile Indians, and the de struction of property. There are also Muster Rolls of the following companies: Capt. W. R. Smith's company of mounted volunteers, from Greene County. Capt. J. McAdory's company of mounted volunteers, from Jefferson county. Capt. George W. Patrick's company of mounted volunteers, from St. Clair County. Capt. O. B. Harris' company of mounted volunteers, from Shelby county. Capt. Cornelius Carmack's company of mounted volunteers, from Lauderdale County. Capt. Samuel Pinch's company of mounted volunteers, from Lime stone county. Capt. John Abbott's company of mounted volunteers, from Perry county.No special cotnpany name given for any of the above. Selma Guards, Capt. J. P. Conoley. Tallassee Guards, Capt. John H. Brodnax. True Blues of Montgomery, Capt. W. Chisholm. Wilcox Guard of Cavalry, Capt. W. H. Pledger. J^ontgomery Invincibles, Capt. John W. Bonham. The letter notifying Gov. Clay of the organization of this com pany gives only the officers' names. iiS to the above named Muster Rolls, they only give the names of the members, as at first organized and filed with the Govemor, there were many who afterwards joined these commands whose names do not appear. MEXICAN WAR RECORDS. Papers relating to the Mexican War. Correspondence. 1846 to 1848. 3 packages. Papers relating to the Mexican War. Muster Rolls. 1 package. From 1846, to 1848, the correspondence of Governors J. L. Martin and R. H. Chapman in relation to the Mexican war, comprises letters and papers as to raising, organizing and equipment of companies tendered to the Governor for twelve months' service, in response to his proclamation calling for volunteers. Many more companies were offered than needed, as the United States only called on the State of Alabama for fifteen companies. 330 Report Alabama History Commission. that is to say, one regiment and one battalion. General Gaines had already organized two regiments of Alabama State troops. These records qo not show which companies were received and mus tered into service, but mention is made of the following as belonging to the regiment: Sumter Guards Captain J. A. Winston Pintlala Guards Captain J. M. Curtis Macon Guards Captain R. P. Ligon. Wilcox Guards Captain Thomas K. Beck. Marshall Blues Captain James M. Gee. Hayneville Volunteers Captain E. W. Martin. Eutaw Rangers Captain Sydenham Moore. Tallapoosa Volunteers Captain Mathew Lyle. Martin Guards Captain Alexander Morton. Talladega Rangers Captain H. M. Cunningham. Benton Guards Captain R. G. Earle. Jackson Guards Captain B. P. Chisholm. True Blues Captain Rush Elmore. And the following would seem to comprise the Battalion which was commanded by Major J. J. Seibles. Only the Captains' names are given : Tennent Lomax Captain. Daniel Gibbs Captain. B. M. McAlpine Captain. John G. Barr Captain. Thomas Irby Captain. There is a large correspondence as to this Battalion, as to the rank of the officer commanding, and also as to a stand of colors presented to the Battalion. Letters from the officers of the United States army, who mustered in the troops, show that all muster rolls were at once forwarded by them to the Secretary of War at Washington. The following is a list of the original muster rolls of companies organized and tendered to the Governor for service, which are among the letters: Autauga County Company Captain John H. Sutherlins. Eutaw Rangers Captain Sydenham Moore. Greensboro Volunteers Captain A. L. Pickens. Morgan Martins Captain C. P. M. Dancy. Patriots Capcain L. G. Garrett. Jefferson Voluni,eers Captain Moses Kelly. Sumter Rangers Captain Daniel Gibbs. Sumter Guards Captain John A. Winston. True Blues Captain Rush Elmore. 'i alladega Guards Captain Jacob D. Shelly. This last namea company only gives commissioned and non-com missioned officers. No privates. 'ihe corresponuence also shows that the following named companies were organized and tendered to the Governor for service, but only giving the names of the commissioned or elected officers. A King, Captain Perry County. John M. Langford, Captain DeKalb County. Charles S. Jones, Captain Jackson County. B. King, Captain no data. R. W. Jones, Captain Jackson County. George W. Lawrence, Captain no data. S. A. McMeans, Captain Lowndes County. James Lamar, Captain DeKalb County. B. S. Griffin, Captain Coosa County. O. B. Harris, Captain Shelby County. H. H. Higgins, Captain " Limestone County. J, B. Harrison, Captain Selma Rangers, Mexican War' Records. 331 Llach Thomason, Captain DeKalb County. A. B. Moore, Captain Perry County. W. C. McBroome, Captain Independent Volunteers. Wm. Kerr, Captain Greensboro Cavalry. B. P. Hammond, Captain Madison County. Oliver Miller, Captain Cherokee County. Andrew Ingle, Captain .' Walker County. J. D. Parks, Captain Pike County. Porter King, Captain Perry County. Thos. M. Peters, Captain Lawrence County. John i^angham. Captain Lawrence County. Thos. A. Walker, Capi.ain Lowndes County. Wm. Wilson, Captain Alabama Volunteers. W. G. Coleman, Captain Perry County. Jno. C. Hanna, Captain Randolph County. Stephen W. j.j.arris. Captain Lawrence County. Jno. W. Fletcher, Captain Jefferson County. Enoch Aldridge, ^..aptain Blount County. Danl. Coggin, Captain Fayette County. Jas; M. Edwards, Captain St. Clair County. Sam'I. Davis, Captam Tallapoosa County. James Bishop, Captain Jackson County. Wm. Baker, Captain Lauderdale County. From a paper among the correspondence, it would appear that a Regiment was organized, as follows: Jones M. Withers Colonel. Phillip M. Raiford Lieutenant Colonel. John A. Winston Major. with the companies commanded as follows: Daniel Gibbs Captain. R. P. Ligon Captain. Jno. J. Seibles Captain. Wm. B. Preston, vice John A. Winston Captain. B. W. Martin Captain. R. L. Downman Captain. John B. Todd Captain. John M. Curtis Captain. Jno. L. Mumford Captain. Jas. Crawford CapUin. A letter dated June 6, 1846, states that C. A. Ogden, Major Engineer Corps, mustered into service, companies commanded by Capts. Drury B. Baldwin, Samuel Dennis, Jacob D. Shelly and Henry W. Cox, and that Maj .-General E. P. Gaines mustered into the service, under orders from the War Department, before the Governor's proclamation calling for volunteers, the following companies commanded by Jno. B. Todd Captain. Jno. G. Barr Captain. Thos. E. Irby Captain. Robt. L. Downman Captain. Wm. H. Piatt -.Captain. Robert Desha Captain. Jno. L. Mumford Captain. H. W. Cox Captain. James Crawford Captain. J. P. Youngblood Captain. In addition to the foregoing data, there is also on file, a large folio volume, entitled Muster Rolls Alabama Volunteers Mexican War. 1846 - 47. It was transmitted by the U. S. War Department, office of 332 Report Alabama History Commission. the Adjutant General, with a communication dated April 27, 1887. It &hows all who actually served. Contains the following: Roll of 1st Regt., six months service. Go's. A, B, C, D, E, P, G, H, I, K, L, M, Roll of 1st. Regt., twelve months service. Go's. A, B, C, D. E, F, G, H, I, K. Roll of Inf. Batallion,, six months service. Go's. A, B, C, D. Roll of Inf. Batallion, six months service, Cos. A, B, C, D. Roll of four Companies, six month service. CONFEDERATE WAR RECORDS. While there are a number of papers for the war period in the offices of the Governor, Secretary of State, and Auditor, {see supra), the Confederate military records preserved by the State are in the office of the Adjutant General.- These were principally gathered through the efforts of William H. Fowler, Superintendent of Army Records for Alabama. He was commissioned to the work Dec. 9, 1863, and until the close of the war labored steadily to gather data as to Alabama troops in the Confederate service. In a report to Gov. Lewis E. Parsons, Dec. 4, 1865, Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1897 - 98, vol. ii, p. 187, he thus describes his work, and at the same time gives an explanation of the gaps in the records which appear below, viz : "In the discharge of the duties of that office, I collected a large and interesting mass of records, comprising returns from the greater portion of the troops in the field from this State ; being carefully prepared rolls of company, regimental and brigade organizations, showing the names and service of men and officers; deaths and other casualties; names, dates and reports of battles; personal incidents worthy to be pre served ; and very complete histories in full of many regiments and special companies. And, upon a plan adopted in accord ance, with the directions of the law, I was in a fair way to speedily complete the work contemplated. The events, how ever, of April and May, 1865, brought it to an abrupt termina tion in consequent confusion ; and much of the matei'ial that I had accumulated, having been deposited by me in the State Capitol at Montgomery, was lost or raisplaced in the evacua tion of this city, at the date named. These missing records pertain principally to the Army of Tennessee and the troops serving South of Virginia, and I have some hope that they may yet be reclaimed. I was at Richmond at the time named, eniieavoring to get the records of the Alabamians in the army ot Northern Virginia; in which effort I succeeded most hap- Confederate War Records. 333 pUy, and have preserved them almost entire — only wanting the addition of some smaU organizations which I was estopped from obtaining, by the casualties and events of the memorable closing scenes immediately preceding and at the time of the surrender of General Lee."' It appars that the following Confederate papers are se curely packed tn boxes in the vault, and marked "Confederate Records," viz : Statements, accounts and vouchers of Duff C. Green, Quar termaster General, and of W. R. Pickett, B. M. Woolsey and W. P. Vandiver, Asst. Quartermasters, arranged year by year from 1861 to 1865, together with expense accounts of soldiers homes, at Montgomery, Mobile, Florence and Richmond ; or ders for arms and equipments for companies in 1861; pay rolls for negroes hired to work on public defenses, at Choctaw and Oven's Bluff ; expenses incurred for indigent families ; papers relating to the constitutional convention of 1861 ; final statements of accounts of deceased soldiers; accounts for clothing; applications for exemptions from service in the army; oaths of allegiance to the Confederate States; and resignation of officers. As nearly as complete and detailed a description of the Confederate records in the Adjutant-General's Office as it has been possible to secure will now be given. The data herein given is simply intended to indicate what is on file in the office of the Adjutant-General. It makes no pretension to fullness. It is not a history in any sense. It is a de-^criptive list. The errors, if any. are the errors of the records as they appear. In case nothing appears as to a par ticular comnmnd. it may be understood that no data was found on file, a fact which only serves to emphasize the im portance of the creation of an a-ctivc agen<;y for the purpose of completing and publishing them. Register of Officers. 1861. Folio. 1vol. Shows the organization of the State by counties, into Divisions, Brigades and Regiments, with names of Division, Brigade, Regimen tal and Company officers. Register of Volunteer Corps. 1862 - 1865. FoUo. 1 vol. Contains: "General Officers in Confederate Service from Ala bama." "Lists by Counties, Autauga to Winston, of Commissioned Officers. "90 Days Volunteers for Mobile Service." 1862. By Counties. Lists by counties, of "30 day Volunteers." 1862. Served at Pen sacola. Lists by Counties, of 30 day Volunteers who served at Gainesville. 334 Report Alabama History Commission. List of "Volunteers" under Executive Proclamation, Dec. 22, 1862. County Military (Commissioned) Officers, 1863, 1864, 1865. Register of the Sick and Wounded of the 17th Regt. Ala. Vols. Dec. 1863 - 1864. Folio. 1 vol. A list of General Officers and Aids appointed during the War. 1 package. Papers of Col. W. H. Fowler, relating to his collection of Army Records. 1 package. Original copies of the ordinances of the Secession Conven tion. 1 package. Enlistments in 1861, by Captain Wm. Walker and others. 1 package. Papers relating to military operations at Pensacola in 1861. 1 package. Appointments of Brigade, F. and S. officers in 1861 and 1862. 1 package. Regimental and Company officers appointed in 1861 and 1862. 2 packages. Papers relating to the cost of construction of the gun boat Baltic, at Mobile in 1862. 1 package. Papers relating to the protection of the University of Ala bama. 1 package. Muster rolls of State Guards, organized under the "Gover nor's Proclamation," by counties, in 1862 and 1863. 1 pack age. Muster rolls of companies for 30 and 90 days service in 1862. 1 package. Reports by counties of companies enlisted for the war, in 1862. 1 package. Returns of the strength and equipment of the 2d, 4th and 11th Divisions in 1862. 1 package. Reports of the strength and equipments of the 9th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 22d, 23rd, 41st, 46th, 47th, 48th, 52d, 53rd, 55th, 58th, 61st, 63rd, 65th, 68th, 69th, 73rd, 78th, 79th, 8Gth, 83rd, 84th, 86th, 89th, 90th, 91st, 96th, 101st, 105th and 108th regiments, in 1862. 1 package. Recommendations of Special Aids for the enrollment of militia, in 1863. 1 package. Muster rolls of the employes of the Montgomery and West Point, the Alabama and Florida, and the South and North railroads, in 1864. 1 package. Muster Rolls of Militia for local defense, in 1864 and 1865. 4 packages. Confederate War Records. 335 Muster rolls of Companies organized in 1860. 1 package. Alabama Rifles Captain Joseph H. Johnson. Andalusia Volunteers Captain James T. Cumbie. Auburn Guards Captain George W. Dixon. Asheville Guards Captain John H. Caldwell. Barbour Greys Captain Eugene Blackford. Brundidge Guards Captain Ben H. JL«wis. Cahaba Rifles Captain Thos. H. Lewis. Calhoun Guards Captain Daniel P. Forney. Calhoun Guards Captain Samuel H. Vanzant. Canebrake Legion Captain J. W. Tayloe. Cantey Rifles Captain A. A. Lowther. CarroUton Guards Captain P. McDowell. Central Institute Cavalry Captain Michael Peevy. Clayton Guards Captain M. B. Penn. Clopton Reserves Captain John W. Simmons. Coffee County Cavalry Captain John C. Brown. Columbia Blues Captain T. T. Smith. Dallas Light Dragoons Captain L. M. Hunter. Eutaw Rifles Captain S. F. Hale. Fayette Guards Captain N. R. Dannelley. Fort Browder Roughs Captain Moses Worthington. Fort William Cavalry Captain William Wallis. Hayneville Guards Captain Thos. S. Herbert. Highland Dragoons Captain J. B. Gordon. Independent Blues Captain Ira H. Lewis. Independent Blues Captain N. H. R. Dawson. Jackson Rifles Captain H. C. Bradford. Jonesboro Volunteers Captain B. W. Smithson. LaFayette Guards Captain J. W. Jackson. Limestone Troopers Captain Thos. H. Hobbs. Line Creek Guards Captain D. T. Blakey. Macon County Commissioners Captain P. V. Guerry. Madison Rifles Captain J. G. Coltart. Marion Rifles Captain R. T. Royston. Midway Guards Captain J. B. Feagan. Midway Southern Guards Captain J. W. L. Daniel. Minnie Musketry Captain A. J. Pou. Mountain Rangers Captain Andrew W. Bowie. Opelika True \ olunteers Captain R. J. Thornton. Pea River Volunteers Captain Jas. K. Tumep. Pleasant Hill Cavalry Captain S. W. Catts. Pioneer Guards Captain Wm. H. Chambers. Quitman Guards Captain Benjamin Gardner. Pickensville Blues Captain L. D. Henley. Rough and Ready Volunteers Captain T. A. Tatham. Russell Volunteers Captain B. H. Baker. Shelby Guards Captain B. B. McClellen. Silver Run Guards Captain J. C. Lewis. Sumter Rifle Guards Captain Robt. T. Blount. Sumter Mounted Guards Captain B. T. Sturdivant. Talladega Artillery Captain P. Morgan. Uchee Hussars Captain J. R. Leonard. Warrior Guards Captain R. B. Rodes. Wedowee Volunteers Captain James Aikin. Wetumpka Light Dragoons Captain L. Bryan. Wetumpka Light Guards Captain John Q. Loomis. Wesobulga Pioneers Captain Jas. F. Moorfield. Yancey Rangers Captain Rufus H. Jones. Muster Rolls of Companies organized in 1861. 1 package. Andrew Jackson Guards Captain B. B. McCraw. 336 Report Alabama History Commission. Ashville Artillery Captain A. W. Nickson. Andy Moore Guards . . .• Captain Joshua Morse. Alabama Morgan Cavalry Captain Jas. J. Dinsmore. Billy. Gilmore Greys Captain M. P. Perrill. Baldwin Star Rangers Captain not stated. Bullock Guards Captain not stated. Cherokees Captain J. L. Cunningham. Calhoun Guards Daniel P. Forney. Coosa Volunteers Captain Hy. W .Cox. Cherokee Mountaineers Captain Jackson Millsap. Cahaba Valley Rangers Captain not stated. Covington Hunters Captain J. P. Brady. Coosa Farmers Captain Gay Smith. Cusseta Greys Captain W. D. Harrington. Chambers Rifles Captain J. A. Jones. Cherokee Davis Guards Captain J. M. Clifton. Coffee County Guards Captain Ethel Tucker. Cherokee Beauregards Captain S. R. Hood. Cherokee Guards Captain W. E. Kirkpatrick. Dale County Volunteers Captain D. B. Creech. Duck Springs Sharpshooters Captain A. B. Smith. Dowdell Rangers Captain Wiley B. White. Eufaula City Guard Captain Henry C. Hart. Eutaw Rifles Captain a. P. Nunnelee. Florence Guards Captain S. A. M. Wood. Fire Guards Captain Samuel J. Pickett. Glennville Guards .' Captain W. N. Richardson. Governor's Guard Captain Thomas J. Goldsby. Gilmore Guards Captain W. C. Allen. Griffin Rifles Captain Jonas Griffin. Henry Pioneers Captain Wm. C. Gates. Hillabee True Blues Captain Henry Brooks. Independent Rangers Captain P. M. Musgrove. Jefferson Warriors Captain W. P. Hanby. Jeff Davis Guards Captain Isaac Henry. Jackson Avengers Captain Wm. W. Tllman. Jabe Curry Guards Captain W. P. Hollingsworth. Jackson Hornets Captain John Snodgrass. Louina Guards Captain A. C. Wood. Magnolia Cadets Captain N. H. R. Dawson. Moore Guards Captain Jas. S. Williamson. North Sumter Minute Men Captain A. D. Hall. Pickens Roughs anu Readys Captain Geo. R. Kimbrough. Princeton Guards Captain Francisco Rice. Prattville Dragoons Captain S. D. Oliver. Randolph Beauregards Captain Willis Bobo. Richmond Greys Captain John P. Womack. Sam Rice Guards Captain Wm. S. Rowe. Sumter Rifle Guards Captain Robert P. Blount. Southern Guards Captain P. S. Ferguson. Southern Guards Captain D. Nail. Southern Rifles Captain H. B. Powell. Tallapoosa Light Infantry Captain not stated. Tom Watts Grays Captain D. H. McCoy. Talladega Hillabee Rifles Captain John T. Bell. White Plains Rangers Captain E. T. Smyth. Yancey Rangers Captain James Haughey. Yancey Guards Captain Abner A. Hughes. Yancey Greys Captain James Braame. Morgan County , Captain F. M. Windes. Confederate War Records. 337 Muster and Pay RoUs of Companies in 1861. 2 packages. Calhoun Greys Captain Robert W. Draper. Calhoun Guards Captain D. P. Forney. Camden Rifles *.^aptain Robert Tait. Cherokee Greys Captain W. Clare. City Troop Captain William Cottrell. Clarke County Rangers Captain S. B. Cleveland. Coosa Volunteers Captain H. W. Cox. Dickinson Guards Captain Daniel McLeod. Independent Rifles Captain A. Stikes. LaFayette Guards Captain A. Belloe. German Pusileers Captain H. Steinberg. Grove Hill Guards Captain J. M. Hall. Governor's Guard Captain T. J. Goldsby. Greensboro ijight Artillery Captain A. C. Jones. Greenville Guards Captain T. G. Pou. Gulf City Guards Captain Wm. A. Buck. Independent Blues Captain James Kent. Independent Rifles ^ Captam Robert C. Farias. Marion Rifles Captain R. T. Royston. Metropolitan Guards Captain J. S. Winter- Mobile Cadets Captain R. M. Sands. Mobile French Guards - Captain Aug. Poltevin. Mobile Rifles Captain L. T. Woodruff. Monroe Guards Captain Giles Goode. Montgomery Rifles Captain J. B. Bibb. Montgomery True Blues Captain W. G. Andrews. Mountain Rangers Captain A. W. Bowie. Rough and Ready Pioneers Captain A. H. Owen. SuggsvUle Greys , Captain S. B. Cleveland. South Alabama Rangers Captain Fitz Henry Ripley. South Alabama Rangers Captain William S. Taylor. Talladega Artillery Captain C. M. SheUey. Tuskegee Zouaves Captain B. M. Law. Tuskegee Light Infantry Captain W. G. Swanson. Warrior Guards : Captain R. E. Rodes. Washington Light Infantry Captain A. Gracie. Wetumpka Light Guards Captain John Q. Loomis. Infahtet. The following lists and references show the muster rolls on file, arranged by Regiments and Companies, according to the regularly numbered organizations, with a statement as to the organization, whether data is complete or incomplete, and whether there is historical memoranda. First Regiment, Infantry. Organized under an act of the Legislature, January, 1861, for twelve months service and ordered to. Pensacola, where the organization was completed in March, 1861. The subsequent history of the services rendered by this regiment is on file with the Muster Rolls, which show the following officers and coinpanies, viz: Henry D. Clayton Colonel. I. G. W. Steadman Lieutenant Colonel. Jerry N. Williams '• .Major. S. H. Dent Adjutant. 22 338 Report Alabama History Commission. Leroy F. Johnson A. Q. M. J. D. Caldwell , Surgeon. Walker Curry Assistant Surgeon. John W. Purifoy Sergeant Major. Co. A. John W. Clark -. Captain. Co. B. Alpheus Baker Captain. Co. C. George W. Dawson Captain. Co. D. . . Ben Lane Posey Captain. Co. E. Augustus H. Owens Captain. Co. F, James D. Meadows Captain. Co. G. Robert H. Isbeil Captain. Co. H. James W. Mabrey Captain. Co. 1 . D. Wardlaw Ramsey Captain. Co. K. John T. Stubbs Captain. Second Regiment, Infantry. There seems to be a conflict as to the organization of this regiment, as shown by the papers on file. One muster roll of field and staff is dated January 9th, 1861, as follows : Tennent Lomax Colonel. C. A. Battle Lieutenant Colonel. S. B. Marks Major. George Sayre A. Q. M. C. R. tiansford A. C. S. J. P. Johnson Surgeon. E. B. Johnson Assistant Surgeon. A. Burrows Adjutant. W. B. Hughes Sergeant Major. Another muster roll, known from extraneous facts to be the correct one, states that the regiment was organized at Fort Morgan in March, 1861, with the following field ana staff: Harry Maury Colonel. John T. Coltart Lieutenant Colonel. H. C. Bradford Lieutenant Colonel, resigned. P. Morgan Major, resigned. .Daniel P. Forney Major. J. B. McClung Adjutant. John Ryan A. Q. M. George H. Forney .' A. C. S. William S. Taylor Surgeon. J. M. Lewis Assistant Surgeon. David M. Anderson Sergeant Major. The following are the original companies forming the regiment: Co. A. Daniel P. Forney Captain. Co. B. Thomas C. Lanier Captain. Co. C. G. W. Poster Captain. Co. D. A. R. Lankford Captain. Co. E. John Goodwin Captain. Co. F. John B. V. Laf ever Captain. Co. G. W. C' Fergus Captain. Co. H. E. H. McDonald Captain. Co. I . G. G. Watson Captain. Co. K. A. M. Saxon Captain. There is also on file a muster roll of Company F, with a history of the company from its organization to the surrender. Confederate War Records. 339 Third Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Montgomery, April, 1861. Colonels, Jones M. Withers and Tennent Lomax. The only muster rolls of this regiment on file are as fol lows: Co. A. Robert M. Sands Captain. Co. B. William Hartwell Captain. Co. B. A. Gracie Captain. Co. F. P. W. Hunter Captain. Co. G. M. P. Bonham Captain. Fourth Regiment Infantry. Organized at Dalton, Ga., May 2, 1861. The muster rolls are complete, with a history from organi zation to surrender, but by reason of age are fast becoming illegible, viz: Egbert J. Jones Colonel. Evander Mclvor Law Lieutenant Colonel. Charles L. Scott Major. Joseph Hardie Adjutant. Robert T. Coles Sergeant Major. George W. Jones A. Q. M. Arthur C. Beard A. C. S. Oo. A. Thomas J. Goldsby Captain. Co. -i. E. Mclvor Law Captain. Co. C. N. H. R. Dawson Captain. Co. D. Richard Clarke Captain. Co. E. P. D. Bowles Captain. Co. P. E. J. Jones Captain. Co. G. Porter King Captain. Co. H. R. McFarland Captain. Co. I . Edward D. Tracey Captain. Co. K. Lewis E. Lindsey Captain. Fifth Alabama Battalion, Infantry. This battalion was composed of three companies, the mus ter rolls of which are on file with historical memoranda. The battalion was organized in June, 1862, and Captain A. S. Van deGraff promoted Major and placed in command. Co. A. A. S. Van deGraff ;Captain. Co. B. Thomas Bush Captain. Co. C. Elijah T. Smith Captain. Sixth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Montgomery, May 6, 1861. The only muster roll on file has been donated by J. M. Thompson, of Autaugaville, Ala. It is the original of Company G, formerly Company M., Capt. Thomas A. Davis. Seventh Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Camp Walker, near Pensacola, May 18, 1861. All of the muster rolls of this regiment are the originals, with no history. 340 Report Alabama History Commission. sterling A. M. Wood Colonel. J. G. Coltart ... Lieutenant Colonel. A. A. Russell Major. Simon Dean Adjutant. T. A. Jones A. Q. M. J. H. Coleman A. C. S. W. Taylor Surgeon. B. R. Scruggs Sgt. Major. D. A. Bucker Qr. Mr. Sgt. Co. A. J. M. Jackson Captain. Co. A. J. W. Jackson Captain. . Co. B. R. W. Draper Captain. Co. C. William Clare Captain. Co. D. O. B. Gaston Captain. Co. B. Patrick Bloodworth Captain. , Co. F. W. T. McCall Captain. Co. G. P. J. Graham Captain. Co. H. T. P. Jenkins Captain. Co. I . J. J. Cox Captain. Co. K. Wm. H. Price Captain. Eighth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Mobile, June, 1861. The papers on file consist of a recapitulation of the strength and casualties of the regiment during the war, and the following muster rolls uyith historical memoranda. Field and Staff, and companies A, B, C, E, H and I, the others be ing missing. All of these muster rolls, by reason of bad usage and age, are almost illegible. They are as follows : John A. Winston Colonel. J. W. Frazer Lieutenant Colonel. Thomas Irby Major. R. T. Royston Surgeon. Daniel Parker ^ Asst. Surgeon. J. A. Robbins A. Q. M. George T. Shorter A. C. S. Thomas Phelan .Adjutant. Wm. M. Byrd, Jr Sgt. Major. M. S. Cleveland Qr. M. Sgt. Co. A. Young L. Royston Captain. Co. B. T. W. W. Davies Captain. Co. C. Chas. T. Ketchum Captain. Co. B. W. T. Smith Captain. Co. H. W. F. Cleveland, Jr Captain. Co. I . Patrick Loughry Captain. Ninth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Richmond, Va., June, 1861. The muster rolls on file are complete unth historical mem oranda, as first organized, as follows : Cadmus M. Wilcox Colonel. Samuel Henry Lieutenant Colonel. B. A. O'Neal Major. J. R. B. Burtwell Adjutant. L. H. Anderson Surgeon. John M. Hays , , ..,,,.,. .Asst. Surgeon. Confederate War Records. 341 A. B. Burleson A. Q. M. Solomon Stephens A^ C. S. Thomas J. Bubanks Sgt. Major. A. B. Newson Qr. Mr. Sgt. Co. A. Fitz H. Ripley Captain. Co. B. J. H. J. Williams , Captain. Co. C. James M. Warren Captain. Co. D. J. Butler Houston Captain. Co. E. J. Horace King Captain. Co. P. Thomas H. Hobbs Captain. Co. G. E. Y. Hill Captain. Co. H. David Houston Captain. Co. I. B. A. O'Neal Captain. Co. K. Samuel Henry Captain. Tenth Regim&nt, Infantry. Organized at Montgomery, Ala., June 4, 1861. The muster rolls of the regiment are complete, with histori cal memoranda from organization to surrender. John H. Forney Colonel. James B. Martin Lieutenant Colonel. Taul Bradford Major. George P. Brown Adjutant. C. J. Clark Surgeon. Levi Lioyd Asst. Surgeon. W^ill McMinn A. Q. M. Thos. W. Francis A. C. S. Co. A. John H. Caldwell Captain. Co. B. Alberto i>iartin Captain. Co. C. Rufus W. Cobb Captain. Co. D. Franklin Woodruff Captain. Co. E. J. J. Woodward Captain. Co. P. Jas. D. Truss Captain. Co. G. Wm. H. Forney Captain. Co. H. Woodford R. Hanna Captain. Co. I . Abner A. Hughes Captain. Co. K. John C. McKenzie Captain. Eleventh Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1861. The muster rolls are complete, with historical memoranda, from organization to surrender. Sydenham Moore ^ . . Colonel. Stephen P. Hale Lieutenant Colonel. Archibald Gracie Major. Wm. C. Ashe Surgeon. John G. Pierce A. Q. M. R. M. Robertson A. C. S. Thos. S. Holcombe Adjutant. J. P. Clarke Sergt. Major. Jason Wilson .Qr. Master Sergeant. Thos. Donelly , . . .Ord. Sergeant. Co. A. Y. M. Moody Captain. . Co. B. George Fields Captain. Co. C. John C. C. banders Captain. Co. D. Geo. B. Tayloe Captain. Co. B. Richard J. Fletcher Captain. Co. F. Jas. L. Davidson Captain, 342 Report Alabama History Commission, Co. G. Jas. H. McMath Captain. Co. H. Reuben Chapman , . . , Captain. Co. I . Geo. Trawick Captain. Co. K. Henry Talbird Captain. Twelfth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Richmond, Va., July, 1861. Colonel, Robert T. Jones. The only record of this regiment on file is the muster roll of Co. I. W. T. Walthall Captain. Thirteenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Montgomery, Ala., June, 1861. The muster rolls of the regiment on file are com.^\e\&,with historical memoranda, from organization to surrender. B. D. Fry Colonel. J. B. Mitchell Lieutenant Colonel. Samuel B. Marks Major. Jas. M. Williams Surgeon. John W. Rentz Adjutant. J.A.Moore A. Q. M. Mike L. Woods A. C. S. Geo. C. Storrs , Sergeant Major. Co. A. Reginald H. Dawson Captain. Co. B. Wm. H. Betts Captain. Co. C. Osceola Kyle Captain. Co. D. James. Aiken Captain. Co. B. Manoah D. Robinson Captain. Co. F. Solomon T. Strickland Captain. Co. G. John Glasgow Captain. Co. H. Ellis Logan Captain. Co. I . John T. Smith Captain. Co. K. Elijah B. Smith Captain. Fourteenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Auburn, Ala., Aug. 1, 1861. The muster roll of the field and staff is complete, with his torical memoranda, from organization to surrender. The muster rolls of the companies are complete, but are the originals only, without historical memoranda. Thomas J. Judge Colonel. D. W. Baine Lieutenant Colonel. O. K. McLemore Major. Jas. S. Williamson, Jr Adjutant. David W. Hinkle A. Q. M. H. P. Dunson A. C. S. J. B. Gaston '. Surgeon. Geo. F. Taylor Assistant Surgeon. Co. A. Wm. D. Harrington Captain. Co. B. Jas. S .Williamson Captain. Co. C. D. H. McCoy Captain. Co. D. J. A. Broome Captain. Co. B. Wm. C. Allen Captain. Co. F. M. P. Ferrell Captain. Confederate War Records. 343 Co. G. Henry Brooks Captain. Co. H. W. W. Selman Captain. Co. I. Jno. T. Bell Captain. Co. K. A. C. Wood Captain. Sixteenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Courtland, Aug. 6, 1861. Colonel, Wm. B. Wood. The muster rolls on file of seven companies said to belong to this regiment, are copies of the names taken from the ori ginal. There is a recapitulation of the strength and casual ties of the regiment from organization to surrender, on file. Alex D. Coffee Captain; J. W. Harris, Jr Captain. Wm. M. Weatherford Captain. Wm. Hodges Captain. John B. Powers Captain. Wm. S. Bankhead Captain. A. H. Helvenston Captain. Seventeenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Montgomery, Sept., 1861. Colonel, Thomas H. Watts. The only muster rolls of this regiment on file are copies. The following are the companies: Co. A. E. P. Holcombe Captain. Co. B. Jeptha J. Dean - Captain. Co. C. Walter D. Ferryman Captain. Co. D. Thomas E. Bragg Captain.- Co. E. Wiley E. White Captain. Co. K. Thomas J. Burnett Captain. Eighteenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Auburn, Sept. 4, 1861. Colonel, E. C. Bul lock. It would seem that a regimental roll wag made, alphabeti cally arranged. The papers on file only give the names from AtoF. Nineteenth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Huntsville, Ala., Aug. 14, 1861. Colonel, Joseph Wheeler. The muster rolls of companies on file are copies of the original, without history. Co. A. George R. Kimbrough Captain. Co. B. Wm. R. D. McKenzie. Captain. Co. C. Wm. P. Hanby Captain. Co. D. Wm. P. Hollingsworth Captain. Co. E. Rufus B. Rhea Captain. Co. P. No roll on file. Co. G. Jackson Millsaps .Captain. Co. H. J. L. Cunningham Captain. Co. I. James H. Savage Captain. Co. K. James H. Skinner .Captain. 344r Report Alabama History Commission. Twentieth. Regiment, Infantry. Orgp,nized at Montgomery, Sept. 16, 1861. The only muster rolls of this regiment on file are copies without data or history. James, M. Dedman Captain.. Mi T.. Porter; Captain; R. E. Watkins Captain. Lucius J. Lockett Captain. John W. Davis Captain. Jiohn P. Peterson. Captain. Twenty-fourth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Mobile, Aug., 1861. Colonel,, Wm. A, Buck. The only record on file is the muster roll of the Jabe Curry Rifles, Benj. F.- Sawyer Captain. Twenty'fifth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Mobile,. August,. 1862. Colonel, J. Q. Loomis. These rolls are copies of the originals, without history, as follows : Co. A. Charles Corege Captain. Co. B. N. B. Rouse Captain. Co. C. Wiiie H, Pope Captain. Co. D. H. L. Morris Captain. Co. B. D. M. Richards Captain. Co. P. W. A. Handley Captain. Co. G. A. A. Patterson- Captain. Co. H. Edwin C. Turner Captain. Co. I. W. B. HoweU Captain. Go. K. Pierre D. Costello Captain. Twenty-ninth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Pensacola, Fla., Feb., 1862. Colonel J. R. P. tatnall. Of this company there is only one company muster roll on file,, viz: Co. D. Alfred V. Gardner Captain. Thirtieth Regiment, Infantry. . Organized at Talladega, April 16, 1862. Col. Charles M. Shelley. The muster rolls on file are copies of the originals without data or history, as follows : W. C. Patterson Captain. J. B. Smith Captain. Thomas H; Patterson Captain. B., P. Woodward Captain. W. T. Wood Captain. John Sawyer Captain. Henry McBee Captain. Q. G. Samuel Captain. D; M. Anderson Captain. John C. Francis Captain. Confederate War Records. 345 Thirty-first Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Camp Goldthwaite, March, 1862. Colonel D. R. Hundley. The muster rolls are copies of the originals, without his tory, as follows : Co. A. Isaac P. Moragne Captain. Co. B. M. J. Alexander Captain. Co. C. N. P. Reeves Captain. Co. D. E. T. Thompson Captain. Co. E. James Cobbs Captain. Co. P. A. Carter Captain. Co. G. A. A. West Captain. Co. H. Robert McKibben Captain. Co. I. W. S. Chapman Captain. Co. K. John M. Shields Captain. Thirty-third Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Greenville, March, 1862. Col. Samuel Adams. The muster roUs on file are of companies, without history or letter, as foUows : M. C. Kinney Captain. R. E. Ward Captain. David McKee — Captain. A. H. Justice Captain. R. J. Cooper Captain. T. G. Pou Captain. Needham Hughes Captain. H. H. Norman Captain. James H. Dunklin Captain. William J. Lee Captain. Thirty-fourth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Loachapoka, Ala., May, 1862; Colonel J . C . B. Mitchell. The muster rolls of companies on file are without history, as follows : Co. A. Thomas J. Mitchell Captain. Co. B. J. N. Slaughter Captain. Co. C. J. M. Willis Captain. Co. D. H. R. McCoy. Captain. Co. E. M. L. Fielder Captain. Co. P. J. F- Ashurst Captain. Go. G. None on file. Co. H. John C. Carter Captain. Co. I. W. J. Bickerstaff Captain. Co. K. H. M. Crowder Captain. Thirty-sixth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Mt. Vernon Arsenal, May 12, 1862. Colonel, R. H. Smith. The company muster rolls on file are copies of the originals, without history. There are also on file the muster rolls of Companies C, G and H, ivith historical memoranda. The companies are as follows : 346 Report Alabama History Commission. Co. A. Charles S. Henegan Captain. Co. B. N. M. Carpenter Captain. Co. C. James A. Wemyss Captain. Co. D. John C. Adams Captain. Co. B. John G. Cleveland Captain. Oo. P. John DeLoach . . . .' Captain. Co. G. M. Patterson Captain. Co. H. J. W. A. Wright Captain. Co. I. Matt Calvert Captain. Co. K. A. J. Derby Captain. Thirty-seventh Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Auburn, Ala., April, 1862. Colonel, James F. Dowdell. The muster rolls of the companies on file are originals, without history, as follows : L. P. Hamner Captain. • J. C. Kendrick Captain. William P. Slaton Captain. J. L. Skipper Captain. Uriah Dunn. Captain. W. H. Meadows Captain. Marion Searcy Captain. James F. Talbot Captain. J. P. W. Amerine Captain. M. B. Green Captain. Thirty-eighth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Camp Holt, near Mobile, June, 1862. Col. Charles T. Ketchum. The company muster rolls on file are original, without his tory, as follows : Co. A. W. J. Hearin Captain. Co. B. William R. Welch Captain. Co. C. James L. Lenoir Captain. Co. D. George W. Files Captain. Co. B. E. W. Martin Captain. Co. P. John P. Winston Captain. Co. G. J. B. Perkins Captain. Co. H. John A. Jackson Captain. Co. I. Charles B. Bussey Captain. Co. K. Ben Lane Posey Captain. Thirty-ninth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Opelika, May, 1862. Col. H. D. Clayton. The company muster rolls on file are original, without his tory, as follows: Co. A. John W. W. Jackson Captain. Co. B. Lemuel Hargrove Captain. Co. C. Colin McSwean Captain. Co. D. Lee A. Jennings Captain. Co. B. W. C. Clifton .Captain. Co. P. Abner H. Plewellen Captain. Co. G. T. Q. Stanford Captain. Co. H. Joseph C. Clayton Captain. Co. I. Drewry H. Smith Captain. Co, K. Julius C. Mitchell Captain, Confederate War Records. 347 Fortieth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Mobile, May, 1862. Col. A. A. Coleman. Tkere are six company muster rolls on file, without history, as follows: E. S. GuUey Captain. W. A. C. Jones Captain. A. G. Campbell Captain. Hugh Summerville Captain. A. M. Moore Captain. B. D. Willett Captain. Forty-first Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Tuscaloosa, May, 1862. Colonel, Henry Talbird. The muster rolls on file are the originals of the companies, without history as follows : Co. A. T. G. Tremmier Captain. Co. B. J. C. Kirkland Captain. Co. C. J. G. Nash Captain. Co. D. Robert H. McCord Captain. Co. E. William G. England Captain. Co. P. B. P. Eddins Captain. Co. G. L. T. Hudgins Captain. Co. H. Prank Ogden Captain. Co. I. Thomas S. Abernethy Captain. Co. K. J. N. Craddock Captain. Forty-second Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Columbus, Miss., May, 1862. Colonel, John W. Portis. The muster rolls on file are the originals, without history, as follows : : Co. A. G. W. Foster Captain. Co. B. R. T. Best Captain. Co. C. William D. McNeil Captain. Co. D. T. C. MitcheU Captain. Co. E. J. H. Fields Captain. Co. P. J. B. Perkins Captain. Co. G. A. B. Knox Captain. Co. H. W. B. Kemp Captain. Co. I. Charles Briggs Captain. Co. K. C. P. Condrey Captain. Forty-third Regiment, Infantry. Organized at MobUe, Ala., June, 1862. The muster rolls on file are complete with histoi-ical memo randa from organization to surrender, for the following, viz: A. Oracle, Jr • .Colonel. Y M. Moody Lieutenant Colonel. John' J. jolly. Major. M. A. Jolly Surgeon. J J. A. Smith ¦ .Assistant Surgeon. A. Q. Houston A. Q. M. Charles A. Latrobe. . . , A. C. S. 348 Report Alabama History Cominlssion. R.H.Henley Adjutant. Co. A. James R. Jones Captain. Co. B. R.D.Hart Captain. Co. C. John J. Jolly Captain. Co. B. Joel S. Jones Captain; Co. F. Ernest H. Buck Captain. Co. H. William H. Lawrence Captain. Co. K. James W. Shepherd . Captain. Forty-fourth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Selma, Ala., March, 1862. The muster rolls of this regiment are all on file, complete with historical memoranda from organization to surrender, as follows : James Kent Colonel. Charles A. Derby Lieutenant Colonel; William P. Perry Major. Ben P. Watkins Surgeon. John P. Blevins Assistant Surgeaon. G. M. McCornico A. Q. M. R,obert Lapsley A. C. S. Thomas A. NicoU .Adjutant. Co. A. R. J. Dudley .Captain. Co. B. John A. Jones Captain. Co. C. John W. Purifoy Captain. Co. D. W. T. King Captain. Co. E. G. W. Cary Captain. Co. P. H. G. Snead Captain, Co. G. T. C. Daniel Captain. Co. H. F. M. Goode Captain. C6; I. A. W. Denman Captain. Co. K. P. P. Riddle Captain. Forty-fifth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Auburn, May, 1862. Colonel, W. A. Goodwin. Muster rolls of three companies, the originals without his tory or anything to show where or when the regiment was organized or by whom commanded, aS follows : N; Tucker Captain. W. J. Lee Captain. G. W; Carter Captain. Forty-sixth Regirhent, Infantry. Organized at Loachapoka, Ala., May, 1862. The muster rolls on file of this regiment are complete with historical memoranda from organization to surrender, The rolls of companies B, E, F and I, are missing. Mike L. Woods Colonel. Osceola Kyl0 ; Lieutenant Colonel. James M. Handley Major. Charles A. Redd A. Q. M. John W. Durr A. C. S. James Woods Surgeon. Z. Murphy .Assistant Surgeon. ¦ W. S. Turnef .; .¦.¦..¦.¦.' ;.'.;.. .....; .•..;... .. ..Adjntan't. Confederate War Records. 349 Co. A. George E. Brewer Captam. Co. C. N. G. Oattis Captain. Co. D. C. L. Croft Captain. Co. G. James M. Handley Captain. Co. H. J. W. McGuire Captain. Co. K. L. Stephens Captain. Forty-seventh Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Loachapoka, Ala., May, 1862. The muster rolls on file of this regiment, with historical mernoi-anda, are the Field and Staff and companies E, F, G, H, I, and K. There are also on file a complete set of the original company muster rolls. James M. Oliver Colonel. James W. Jackson Lieutenant Colonel. John Y. Johnston Major. J. B. Burton Surgeon. M. A. Ridgeway Assistant Surgeon. L. Dawson A. Q. M. W. A. Herrin A. C. S. H. A. Garrett .' Adjutant. Co. A. Michael J. Bulger Captain. Co. B. Joseph Johnston, Jr Captain. Co. C^ Joseph T. Russell Captain. Co. D. Albert Menefee Captain. Go. E. James M. Campbell Captain. Co. P. Eli D. Glowers Captain. Co. G. John V. McKee Captain. Co. H. John T. Pargason Captain. Co. I. James W. Kellam Captain. Co. K. James W. Herrin Captain. Forty-eighth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Auburn, Ala., June, 1862. The muster rolls of the regiment on file are complete (with the exception ( f Company K missing) , with historical mem oranda from organization until the surrender. James L. Sheffield. . '. ColoneL A. A. Hughes Lieutenant Colonel. Enoch Aldridge Major. J. B. Harris Adjtautn. James Penn Surgeon. D. C. Turrentine A. Q. M. W. P. Robbins A. C. S. Co. A. A. J. Aldridge Captain. Co. B. T. J. Burgess Captain. Co. C. W. S. Walker Captain. Co. D. Samuel A. Cox Captain. Co. E. Samuel K. Rayburn Captain. Co. P. Reuben Ellis Captain. Co. G. John S. Moragne Captain. Co. H. R. C. Golightly Captain. Co. I. J. W. Wiggington Captain. Fifty-fourth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Jackson, Miss., Oct., 1862. Col. Alpheus Baker. 350 Report Alabama History Commission. Only one paper on file, the muster roll of Co. C. C. C. McCall Captain. Sixtieth Regiment, Infantry. Organized at Charleston, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1863. Col. John W. A. Sanford. Of this regiment there is but one muster roll, that of Com pany F., Daniel S. Troy, Captain. There is a list of casualties of this regiment while serving in the trenches in front of Petersburg from July 12, to De cember 31, 1864. Sixty-first Regiment, Infantry. The only paper on file relating to this regiment, is a re capitulation of the strength and casualties of the regiment from organiziation to surrender. Hilliard's Legion. The following named records and muster rolls are on file : Henry W. Hilliard Colonel. Wm. P. Hilliard Adjutant. Wm. Fowler ...A, Q. M. R. H. Sommerville . . . A. C. S. FIRST BATALLION. Jack Thorington Lieutenant Colonel. John H. Holt Major. And companies: Co. A. Daniel S. Troy Captain. Co. B. M. A. Ridgeway Captain. Co. C. G. W. Huguley Captain. Co. D. R. N. Moon Captain. Co. B. J. W. L. Daniel Captain. bo. F. Nick Stallworth Captain. Co. G. W. A. Middleton Captain. SECOND BATTALION. Boiling Hall, Jr Lieutenant Colonel. W. T. Stubblefleld Major. And companies: Co. A. John M. Hendricks Captain. Co. B. W. D. Walden Captain. Co. C. John H. Dillard Captain. Co. D. Edward L. Mclntyre Captain. Co. B. Boiling Hall, Jr Captain. Co. P. Lewis H. Grumpier Captain. THIRD BATTALION. Jno. W. A. Sanford Lieutenant Colonel. Hatch Cook Major. And companies: Co. A. J. W. Perry : Captain. Co. B. Geo. P. Boatwrlght Captain. Co. C. T. H. Smith Captain. Co. D. Hatch Cook Captain. Co. E. W. R. Head Captain. Confederate War Records. 351 CAVALBT. John M. McKleroy Adjutant, And companies: Peter M. Rowland .• Captain. M. G. Slaughter Captain. W. T. Smith Captain. N. S. Barnes Captain. ABTHXEBT. P. Manley Adjutant. And batteries: J. D. McLennan Captain. R. P. Kolb Captain. Cavalry. First Regiment, Cavalry. The only record on file of this regiment is an official roll at the surrender. David T. Blakey Colonel. A. H. Johnson Lieutenant Colonel. Vincent M. Elmore Major. John C. Nicholson Surgeon. Geo. A. Abercrombie Assistant Surgeon. B. L. Wyman Adjutant. Second Regiment, Cavalry. Organized at Montgomery, Ala., in March, 1862. p. W. Hunter Colonel. And the following companies: R. G. Earle Captain. J. N. Carpenter Captain. Jno. P. West Captain. J. J. Pegues Captain. R. W. Carter Captain. Wm. Alien Captain. T. P. Ashley Captain. P. Glackmeyer Captain. H. B. Thompson Captain. T. R. Stacy Captain. Jas. T. Dye Captain. Jas. H. McCreary Captain. Seventh Regiment, Cavalry. The only muster roll of this regiment is that of Co. K. H. J. Livingston Captain. Fifty-Sixth Regiment, Cavalry. The only muster roll on file of this regiment is that of Co. E. P. D. N. Riley Captain. 352 Rei)or!t Alabama History Commission. Abtilleby. First Regiment Artillery. Organized at Mount Vernon, Ala., in April, 1861. The following muster and pay rolls are on file : S. p. Winston Captain. J. A. Law Captain. Carey Captain. Bd Wallace Captain. James T. Gee Captain. J. Q. Loomis Captain. Wm. Walker Captain. Miscellaneous. The foUowing muster rolls are on file without any data to show to what regiment or command they belonged. John A. Averett Captain. W. C. Baoot Captain. A. W. tsowie Captain. M. J. Pagg Captain. T. L. Falkner ; Captain. A. J. Guttery Captain. J. P. Jackson Captain. Freeman Johnson Captain. John A. Minter Captain. Benjamin Morris Captain. Elijah J. Rice Captain. Miles M. Slaughter Captain. J. W. Tayloe Captain. John w . Thompson Captain. G. G. Wetmore Captain. SPANISH- AMERICAN WAR OF 1898. The records of volunteers from the State in the Spanish- American War of 1898 have been preserved with much care, as well as the correspondence for the period. The former consists of bound books as follows : First Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry. Folio. 1 vol. Second Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry. Pollo; 1 vol. Third Regiment, Alabama Volunteer Infantry. Folio. 1 vol. In addition, the Adjutant-General, in General Orders, No. 14, dated Montgomery, July 15, 1899, has published the com plete Muster Rolls of the three Regiments. CHAPTER III. WAR RECORDS IN PRIVATE HANDS. In addition to the records and documents preserved in the official repositories named, it is evident that there must be a large number of papers of importance, and of miscella neous character, in the hands of survivors, and of their de scendants, or of museums, libraries and other collectors. That such is the case will become apparent from a slight examina tion. These papers are necessarily of value, and the annalist of Alabama's part in the war must gather them together be fore he can safely make up the history of the great struggle. They are scattered, however, in a thousand different hands, and with the limited means and time allowed it has been im possible to attempt even in a tentative way to compile a Ust of the holders of such papers and documents. In order, however, to show their character and what may be unearthed in case a proper search is prosecuted, the follow ing notes are appended, showing the possession of a few such papers. Dr. J. P. Cannon, McKensie Tenn., has a Holl of the Lauderdale Rifles, Co. D, 9th Regt. Ala. Inf., also RoU of Co. "C," 27th Regiment. Ala. Inf. Col. J. Robins, Lower Peachtree, Ala. : Roll of Co. "C," Srd Regiment Alabama Cavalry. Sam'I. Will John, Birmingham, Ala. : Roll of Co. "P," 3rd Regiment Alabama Cavalry. Rev. C. M. Hutton, Pilot Point, Texas : Rolls of the companies of the 36th Regiment Alabama Infantry. Thomas McAdory Owen, Esq., Birmingham, Ala. : Copies of a large number of rolls, reports and papers, found in pri vate hands, relating to Alabama troops. Randle D. Berry, Esq., Selma, Ala. : Rolls of the companies of the 28th Regiment Alabama Infantry. The Confederate Museum, Richmond, Va. : Roll of the Field, Staff and Band of the 38th Regiment Alabama In fantry. Original Roll of the Clayton Guards. War papers of Lieutenant Wm. A. Dexter, of Selma. War papers of Gen. W. W. Allen. Commission of Lt.-Col. John Pelham. Capt. Dudlev C. Williamson, Montgomery, Ala. : Roll of the old Montgomery Greys. 23 (353) PART V. Aboriginal and Indian Remains in Alabama. (355) CHAPTER I. PREHISTORIC WORKS. By Thomas M. Owen. GENERAL INTRODUCTION.' The life, history and evidences of the former occupation of the prehistoric inhabitants and of the modern red Indians of Alabama, are subjects of ever increasing interest and im portance to students of comparative philology, the ethnolo gist, and the archaeologist. The old chronicles are gleaned for references, and mounds are explored for subjects of study and comparison. The modern representatives of the Indians, now in the West, have been studied and their traditions noted and examined. In the South, and particularly in Alabama, these investigations are largely pioneer, and it is with a view to facilitate the labors of future students that an effort has been made to group here such references to these subjects as will be of material assistance to them. And yet it must in a sense be largely tentative, because field work, or an extensive knowl edge of local topography, is necessary to fulness and perfect accuracy. First is given a bibliography of Prehistoric Works, or printed references to such objects. This is fol lowed by a discussion of the divisional lines, so far as they affect Alabama, of the territory of the four great Nations of Cherokees, Creeks, Chickasaws and Choctaws. Their local territorial sub-divisions receive incidental treatment in the Chapters on Towns, etc. Lists of Town and Village sites, with their location, as nearly complete as possible, are given ; with lists also of their TraUs and Roads, with locations. In the preparation of the various Chapters the Commission has been very fortunate in securing the helpful and invaluable co-operation of Messrs. A. S. Gatschet, Henry S. Halbert, and O. D. Street. Mr. Hamiltoji says, Colonial Mobile, p. 101: "Beyond mounds, which mark the Choctaw rather than the Creek 'Chapters involving a discussion of the general subject of Indian tribal boundaries, and also on Choctaw Towns and Chickasaw Towns in the State have been in preparation, and were expected to be in readiness for use. They have not, however, been completed. It is in contemplation to use them in the second volume of this Report. (357) 358 Report Alabama History Commission races, Indians leave few permanent memorials. As with their tracks through the forest, which the last warrior con ceals, the next coming civilization obliterates the traces of the red men. Where they fished and hunted are still the same vt^aters, trees, and landscape, but the natives have gone, and only an occasional name survives to recall the first occu pants." MOUNDS.^ Mound investigation in Alabama has heretofore been prac tically "limited to ignorant search for treasure or to the spas modic digging of the seeker after relics." While the repre sentatives of the Smithsonian Institution have reported an examination here and there, and its printed Reports contain a number of references, the only systematic archaeological explorations yet made have been the work of Clarence B. Moore. The result of his researches has been embodied in a paper on "Certain Aboriginal Remains of the Alabama River," published in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. xi, pp. 287-384. WhUe further exploration is desirable, that it should be done by Alabama students and the objects and specimens found retained in Alabama repositories .is still more to be desired. To facili tate such effort the following tentative bibliography or cata logue of prehistoric objects is prepared, showing as nearly as possible the location by counties of all known works, etc., in the State, with references to all printed sources of informa tion. The catalogue is simply an enlargement of the lists given in Cyrus Thomas's Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky ^fountains (1891), published by the Bureau of Ethnology. James Mooney, of this Bureau, P.J. Hamilton, Mobile, and O. D. Street, GuntersvUle, have rendered valuable aid to ward the completeness of the lists. Baldwin County. Mound on Perdido Bay, near Josephine post-office, contain ing a large amount of pottery in fragments. iveported by Francis H. Parsons, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Shell heaps on the Mobile River at its mouth, especially on Simpson Island, from which human remains, bone imple ments, and pottery have been obtained. Described by A. S. Gaines and K. M. Cunningham, in Smithsonian Report, 1877, pp. 290-291 and Peter J. Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, (1897), p. 71. These are different from most others in being largely of clam shells. They have been much drawn on for paving purposes in Mobile, and many of them are thus much reduced. 'See Mr. Gatachgt' s paper, infra, tav other references to mouada, Prehistoric Works. 359 Shell banks on the eastem shore of Mobile Bay, one mile from Point Clear. Reported by Comelius Cadle, in Smithosian Report, 1879, p. 442. Mound on the extremity of Bear Point, Peninsula, in Per dido Bay, in which human bones and a number of earthen pots — some containing portions of skulls were found. Examined and described by G. M. Sternberg, in Proceedings Ameri can Association Advancement of Science, 1875, vol. 24, pp. 287-290. Mounds and other works on the Tensaw River near where Battle River leaves it, in one of which broken pottery was found. Described and figured by A. Bigelow, in American Journal Science and Art, 2nd series, 1853, vol. 15, pp. 186-192. Shell bank near old Blakeley, east bank of Tensaw River, in T. 3, S., R. 1 E. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv; and Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 5. Mounds and shell banks. Noted by Mrs. W. E. Sorsby, in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1898-99, vol. iii, pp. 50-51. Mound on creek about 8 miles inland from Stockton, per haps 40ft. high, 40 wide and 100 long, on McMillan lands. Shell Banks high and extensive on Bon Secour Bay, near Gasque P. O. These are used for market gardens and pro duce watermelons and vegetables famous for their early date and fine quality. Mound half mile inland, about one mile from mouth of Per dido Bay, not so high as last but larger. Scrub oaks and other trees are growing on it. It has been dug into more than once. A handsome clay head, pitcher handle and other articles from it are in the Y. M. C. A. Museum at Mobile. Reported by Peter J. Hamilton, Mobile, Ala. Mounds on Tensaw at and above Stockton, the former resi dence of Maj. Robert Farmer. Described by Bartram, 1777. See also Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 238. Canal connecting Bay John with lagoon east of Fort Mor gan. Now almost obliterated. Mound on island at Battle Creek, described as 50ft. high and perhaps the largest of this section. In Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 42. Baebotte. Mounds near Eufaula. Noticed by J. M. McElroy, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, p. 444. %^^ Report Alabama History Commission. Rjeipaina of an old Creek town, 3 miles northeast of Eu faula, on the St. Francis bend of the Chattahoochee River. Ill Twelfth Antkuqil, Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 289. Blount. Cache of seventeen chipped implements, spear heads, etc., in a fieldi near BlountsviUe. Reported by Frank Burns, in Smithsonian Report, 1882, p. 826. Burial cave, known as "Camp's Cave," 15 miles south of BlountsviUe, in which skeletons, wooden trough, bark mat ting, copper articles, etc., have been found. Ibid. p. 826. See also Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 286; Brewer's Alabarna, p. 139; and 'Tuomey's Second Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama, p.- Mounds in Mqrphree's valley, also in the trough of the Locust Fork of the Warrior, in BlountsviUe valley, in Brown's valley, and northwest of the Mulberry Fork. In G^prge Powell's "History qf Biount County," in Transg,ctions Ala bama Historical bociety, 1855, pp. 58-59. Old fortification near the junction of the Little Warrior and Locust Fork. ¦ ibidi Bullock. Mound on pla^itation of J. H. Fielder, ten miles from Union Springs. In Transactipris Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Butleb. Ancient mounds in this county. In John.B. Little's History of Butler County. (1885), pp. 143-145.. Calsoun. Large isolated mound about 3 miles southwest of Oxford on. the Carver place, near Choccolocco Creek. Noticed by Elston Luttrell, in Swtithspwan Report, 1882, p. 827, Also reported by J. P. Rogan. Cherokee. Ancient parallel ditches at the falls of Little River, in the northwest corner of the county, near the DeKalb County line.. Also rock houses, or caves in the vicinity. ' In , Pickett's AZo&oij!ia /Ist edO. vol. 1, pp. 175-176.; Owen's edition (1900), pp. 156-157. See also Brewer's Alabama, pp. 166, 236. Chiltok. Mounds at Varna, on the South and North Alabama Rail road, (L. ^.N.), near the old Repito "Gold Mine," on Sec. 16, T. 2i N., R. 16 E. Reported by Dr. Eugene A. Smith, Prehistoric Works. 361 Stone heaps in T. 23 N., R. 14 E., of St. Stephens' Meri dian, 3 1-2 miles northeast of Jemison Station, South and North Alabama RaUroad (L. & N.) Described t»y William Gesner, In Smitlisonian Report, 1881, pp. 616-617. Clabke. Burying ground and mound on the site of old Fort Mau- vUa (the latter now obUt erated), 4 1-2 mUes east of Gaines- town on the bank of Alabama River, in Sec. 2, T. 5 N., R, 4. E. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 289. Morrisette mound, near MarshaU's Bluff landing, Alabama River. Described by O.arence B. Moore, in Journal Academ.y of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xl, p. 296. Group of mounds, with Indian baU ground, and burial ground, five miles north of Wood's bluff, and one-half mile from Alabama River. In T. H. BaU's Clarke County, and its Surroundings (18S2), pp. 672-673. Clat. Stone mound in Sec. 26, T. 19 S., R. 7. E. Briefly described by William Gesner, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, p. 382. Ancient mica quarrv in Sec. 26, T. 19 S., R. 7 E. Ibid. Coffee. Mound in T. 6, R. 19 W. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. COHECUH. Turk's cave, near Brooklyn. In Brewer's Alabama, p. 194. Covington. Three mounds on Conecuh River. In Brewer's Alabama, p. 202. Cave on YeUow River, of vast extent. Ibid. Dallas. Ancient ditches at Cahaba. Incidental mention in Pickett's AZaSomo (1st. ed.), vol. i, p. 172. Owen's edition (1900), p. 155. See also Brewer's Alabama, p. 209. Mound on the Joel Mathew's place, Alabama River^ about one mile below Cahaba on the right bank. Mound on the Hunter place, Alabama River, about four mUes below Selma on the right bank. 362 Report Alabama History Commission. Aboriginal Cemetery, Durand's Bend, Alabama River, about 13 miles above Selma by water. Described by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xi, pp. 302-319; figures. Elmoee. "Old Fort Jackson Works," mounds and house-sites, and remains of old French Fort Toulouse and United States Fort Jackson, near the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 180-91, pp. 288-289. See also Brewer's Alabama, p. 239. Mound at Wetumpka. Reported by James D. Middleton. Mounds and house remains on the west bank of the Coosa River, about a mile above where it is joined by the Talla poosa. Mound on an island in Jackson's lake, 6 miles north of Montgomery. The "Parker Mound" on the Coosa River, near its junction with the Tallapoosa. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, pp. 286-288. Mound near Horse-Shoe bend about 5 miles below Mont gomery, on the right bank of Alabama River. Mound at Jackson's Bend, on the Coosa River. Described by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xii. pp. 333, 346. Gbeene. A group of mounds on the Black Warrior River, near Knox ville, in the Northeast corner of the County. Reported by E. A. Smith. Mound on Warrior River, about a half mile below Steph ens' Bluff. Lamberth's mound, on the roadside, about three miles southeast of Forkland. Old Fortification on the Tombigbee River, three miles southwest of Forkland. In V. Gayle Sneaicor's Directory of Green County (1856), pp. 71-73. Indian burial ground near Sardis Church. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Hale. A group of flat-topped, square and conical mounds known as the "Prince Mounds," about half a mile from Carthage, in the north-western part of the County. Noticed In Pickett's Alabama (1st ed.), vol. i, p. 168; Owen's edition (1900), p. 151. Prehistoric Works. 363 See also Thruston's Antiquities of Tennessee (1897), pp. 186-187. 333-334, and Brewer's Alabama, p. 271. ^ioiind,7 miles below Carthage. Reported by James D. Middleton. Jackson. Mound on west bank of Tennessee River, one mile above Bridgeport. Three small mounds on west bank of Tennessee River, 3 miles below Bridgeport. Two mounds on west bank of Tennessee River just above Widow's Creek. Mound on west bank of Tennessee River due east of Steven son. Mound on east bank of Tennessee River nearly opposite last, below the mouth of Morgan's Creek. Three small mounds on west bank of Tennessee River, at Sublette ferry, near Bellefonte. All reported by James Mooney, Bureau of Ethnology. Jeffebson. Group of mounds in T. 17 S., R. 1 W., about 4 miles north of Birmingham and vvest of the South and North Alabama Railroad (L. & N.) Described by William Gesner, in Smithsonian Report, 1881, p. 616. Large quadrangular mound a few miles from Elyton. Mentioned in Pickett's Alabama {1st. ed), vol. i, p. 178; Owen's edition (1900), p. 159. Mounds and "furnaces" on Village Creek. General mention by C. McKinley. The Talley mounds near old Jonesborough (south-west from Bessemer), on Sec. 8, T. 19, S., R. 4 W. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, pp. 290- 292; figures. An Indian grave beside an old trail on a small ridge near BuUard's shoals on VaUey Creek. It is covered with stones, and around it in a crescent or half moon shape is a rude stone rampart. Several graves on Red mountain near Red Gap, in Sec. 21, T. 19 S. R. 4, W., East and opposite the Thomas McAdory place. Reported by Thomas M. Owen. Lauderdale. The "Douglass Mounds'' near lock No. 10 of the Muscle Shoals Canal, 12 miles east of Florence. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91 pp. 284-285. 364 Report Alabama History Commission. Hexagonal mound surrounded by a wall, on the bank of the Tennessee near Florence. Figured and described in Squier and Davis's Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi 'Valley (1848), pp. 109-110. See also Pickett's Alabama (1st. ed.), vol. i, pp. 168; Owen's edition (1900), p. 151; and Thruston's Antiquities of Tennessee (1897), p. 274. "Stafford Mound" (or shell heap), a mile south of Flor ence on the bank of the Tennessee River. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, pp. 283-284. See also Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Lee. Workshop, east of Youngsborough, on the Western Rail road, at the foot of Storey's Mountain, T. 19, N., R. 27, E. Brief notice by William Gesner, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, p- 443. Lowndes. Village site, or burial ground, in the Northeastern corner of the county, on the South bank of the Alabama River, at the junction of Pintlala Creek with the river, in which human bones inclosed in double pots, and ashes, have been found. Mound in the southern part of the county, on Mussel Creek, on land of Fisher Merritt, in T. 12 N., R. 14 E. Mound on Big Swamp Creek, in the centre of the county, in T. 14 N., R. 14 E. Mound in the northern part, on the Alabama River, be tween Whitehall and Benton. Brief mention of the three mounds by W. M. Garrett, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, p. 443. "Workshops," near Mount Willing, one on Mr. Hartley's plantation. Sec. 36, T. 13 N., R. 13 E.. and one on Mr. Lee's plantation. Sec. 32, T. 13 N.,R. 14 E. Ibid. Maoon. Group of three mounds, 10 miles below Little Tallassee, on the Alabama River. In Schoolcraft's History Indian Tribes, (1856), vol. 5, p. 282. Madison. Mounds on Jones's plantation, near Newmarket. Mounds at Hazel Green, on the old Jeffries place. Reported by Gilbert Thompson, U. S. Geological Survey. Shell heaps at Huntsville. Reported by Dr. B. Palmer, Smithsonian Institution. Large shell heap on the North bank of the Tennessee River, near Whitesburg. Jn Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 285. Prehistoric Works. 365 HuntsviUe Cave, a short distance from the Spring, "a great natural curiosity, and affords the mineralogical student a rich ha,rvest in limestone formations and fossil remains." Iri William's Huntsville Directory, 1859, p. 19. Mabengo. Choctaw cemetery in the north central part of the county. Described by H. S. Halbert, in American Antiquarian, 1896, vol. xviil, p. 3SZ. Indian burial ground near Prairieville. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Mabshau,. Burial cave, known as "Hampton Cave," about one mile west of GuntersvUle. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 285. See also Brewer's Alabama, p. 333; and O. D. Street, in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Camping ground of the Cherokee Indians at Gunter's Landing, one mile east of GuntersvUle. Dr. B. Palmer's field notes, 1883. Mounds on the Tennessee River. Mentioned in Brewer's Alabama, p. 383. See also O. D. Street in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Burial cave on the north bank of Tennessee River, just above the mouth of Paint Rock River on the farm of John H. West. Referred to by O. D. Street, in Transactions Alabama Historical So ciety, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Shell Deposits occurring frequently along the Tennessee River and its larger tributaries, in which are sometime found human skeletons. Ibid. Small Mound on farm of M. M. Downey on Paint Rock River, about 10ft. in diameter and two feet high ; said to cover Indian graves. Three graves at the "Old Missionary" inclosed with stones; said to be the graves of Indians buried there in the early part of this century. Group of three mounds on the farm of Thomas M. Patter son, two miles south of GuntersvUle in South-East portion Sec'. 15, T. 8 R. 3 E. The largest is about 40 feet in diameter and at present 6 or 8 feet high ; the two smaller stand close together about 50 yards north of the flrst, and have been par tially explored, lumps of galena, beads and bones being found. The largest has never been opened. All have been plowed over 366 Report Alabama History Commission. for years which has considerably reduced their height. They stand on the first bend above the Brown's Creek bottom. Group of four or five mounds in the south bend of Tennes see River on the farm of R. M. Reives about three miles above GuntersvUle. All have been plowed over for years and occa- ?!ionally human bones are turned up. Reported by O. D. Street, GuntersvUle, Ala. Mobile. Large shell heap at the south end of the county on the north side of Bayou Coq d'Inde, near its mouth, a few miles from Bayou la Batre. Described by Maj. W. T. Walthall, in Mobile Tribune, Aug. 11, 1859. Reprinted in 16th Report Peabody Museum, pp. 186-189. Also report ed by Charles Mohr, in Smithsonian Report, 1881, p. 619. This, the next and other mounds on the Portersville coa.'St have been much reduced by being used to make local shell roads. In them have been found mucn pottery, clay heads, ducks and other ornaments, and sometimes human bones. Shell heaps along the coast, one of them at the mouth of Bayou Como. Ibid. An earth mound surrounded by a shell mound near Mobile. Mentioned by W. S. McNeil. A burial ground, near Mount Vernon, about"30 miles from Mobile and 3 miles from the Alabama River. Reported by Cnarles Mohr, in Smithsonian Report, 1881, p. 619. Shell banks on the north side of Dauphine Island at the landing, over grown with cedars. From here was obtained, by burning, much of the lime for building Forts Morgan and Gaines. Nannahubba Bluff was an Indian burying ground, and there and in what is now a cotton field, near the county line have been found many arrow heads and other Indian re mains. Shell mounds at Shell Beach on Fowl River about a mile south of the county bridge to Mon Louis Island. Reported by Peter J. Hamilton, Mobile, Ala. Piles of human bones gave the first name of Massacre Is land to what is now known as Dauphine ; but they cannot now be identified. This was at the S. W. extremity, which is much exposed to storms and has probably been washed away. In Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 30. Mound at Twenty-One-Mile Bluff, Mobile River, about 300 yards west of the landing. Prehistoric Works. 367 Mound near Twenty-Four-Miie Bend, Mobile River, about three-quarters of a mile in a westerly direction from the landing. Described by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xi, p. 291. Shell banks and Indian Remains in the County, passim. In Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, pp. 92, 152, 384, 715, 6, 340. MONBOE. Mound about one-half mile from the mouth of Little River, on the left hand side going up, in which human bones, pot tery, shells, etc., have been found. Mound about one mile in a southerly direction from Pott's landing, Alabama River. Cemetery at Nancy Harris Landing, Alabama River. Descriljed by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xi, pp. 291-296; figures. MONTGOMEBY. Group of five mounds, 9 miles southwest of Montgomery, on the bank of the Alabama River. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, pp. 289-290. Four Mounds on the Charlotte Thomson place, about six miles below Montgomery on the left side of the Alabama River. Mound on the Rogers' place, Alabama River, about one mile east from the Charlotte Thomson mounds. Two mounds in Thirty- Acre Field, Alabama River, about one mile below the junction of the Coosa and Tallapoosa Rivers . Mound on Bir^; Eddy, Alabama River, about one-half mile southwesterly from mound in Thirty- Acre Field. Described by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xi, pp. 319-346; figures. Two mounds originally on Alabama River "just below and adjoining Montgomery," but now removed. In Blue's History of Montgomery (1878), p. 4. See also reference to by Dr. W. S. Wyman in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1897-98, vol. u, p. 31. Old Augusta Mound. Referred to by Dr. W. S. Wyman in Transactions Alabam,a Historic cal Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Pickens. Mound at CarroUton. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. iv. St. Claib. Old Indian fortification on the S. E. 1-4 Sec. 16, T. 17 S., R. IE. Reported by Hiram Haines, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, p. 443. 368 Report Alabama History Commission. Shelby. Stowe heap, about 1 mile east of Siluria, on the South and North Alabama Railroad (L. & N.), in T. 21 S., R. 3 W. Noted by William Gesner, in Smithsonian Report, 1881, p. 617. SUMTBB. The "Cedar Hammock Group," situated on Sec. 5, T. 17 N. R. 1 E., consisting of some small mounds. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 286. Talladega. Old Creek settlement on the bank of Talladega Creek, 4 miles southeast of Talladega, at Cragsdale, at which bones, shell ornaments and pottery have been found. In Twelfth Annual Report Bureau of Ethnology, 1890-91, p. 290. Mounds and Indian cemetery in the vicinity of Talladega. Reported by John P. Rogan and Dr. B. Palmer. Ancient mica quarry in SeC. 12, T. 20 S., R, 6 E. Noted by William Gesner, in Smithsonian Report, 1879, pp. 382, 443. Workshops in T. 18 S., R. 7 E., on the headwaters of TaUa- dega Creek, at the eastern end of Cedar ridge. litd. 1881, p. 617. A group of mounds "orderly arranged," 15 miles southwest of Oxford, on south bank of Choccoloco Creek. Noted oy Elston Luttrell, in Sm,ithsonian Report, 1882, p. 827. A shell bed at Fort Williams on the Coosa River, SeC. 6 or 7, T. 22 S., R. 2 E. Mentioned in Michael Tuonl6y's Second Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama (1858), p. 157. Indian village on Tallasahatchie Creek, bordering on the Sycamore and Childersbnrg road, and 13 miles south-west of Talladega. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-1900, vol. Iv. TALLAPOdSA. Aboriginal soapstone quarry, not definitely located. Mentioned by Guaries Mohr, in Smithsonian Report, 1881, pp. 617-618. Tuscaloosa. Mounds, Indian Remains, the "Alabama Stone." In Thomas Maxwell's Tuscaloosa, (Alabama Historical Society), 1876, passim. Figures. Indian graves on H. Wynn's plantation. In Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1899-T9(yo, vol. iv. Indian camps on the Warrior River. Mentioned in Transactions Alabama Historical Society, 1850-1897, vol. i. Prehistoric Works. 369 Old fortification in Tuscaloosa County. Described by R. S. Owen, in Transactions Alabama Historical Bo ciety, 1899-1900, vol. iv. Wilcox. Mounds near Webb's landing, Alabama River, about three- quarters of a mile in a northwesterly direction. Mound near Burford's landing*, Alabama River, 15 miles in a southerly direction. Mound on Burford's Plantation, on right bank of Alabama River, one half mile below Holly Ferry. Four mounds near Mathew's Landing from one of which 23 burials are noted. Described by Clarence B. Moore, in Journal Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, 1899, vol. xi, pp. 296-302; figures. CHAPTER II. CHEROKEE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY. By O. D. Stbeet, of Guntebsvillb. In attempting to locate ancient Indian boundaries, it is necessary to bear in mind that prior to the Revolutionary period, and in most cases for many years subsequent thereto, no effort was made either by the Indians themselvs or by the whites to settle definitely the lines between the different tribes. Usually their actual habitats were far removed from each other with vast intervening stretches of unoccupied forests or prairies, used more or less in common as hunting grounds. And such was peculiarly the case with the Chero kees, Chickasaws and Creeks. Wlien we flrst learn of these tribes, the Chickasaws were living in north central Missis sippi in what is now Pontotoc County, the Creeks were about two hundred miles to their east on the Coosa and Alabama rivers, and the Cherokees on the headwaters of the Tennessee nearly two hundred miles to the north of the Creeks. A situ ation like this did not call for accurately defined limits be tween peoples engaged chiefly in hunting, yet in a general way each understood what was its own and what its neigh bor's territory, lakes, rivers, hills, valleys, and mountain chains serving to define their limits with sufficient accuracy.' The southern boundary of the Cherokees, east of the Coosa, has been quite clearly traced, and though often the subject of dispute between the Cherokees on the one hand, and the Creeks and Georgia on the other, may in the light of all the evidence now be fairly regarded as the true historical boun dary. It began at the most westerly bend of the Santee river near the line between Orangeburg and Charleston districts, S. C, and ran thence a direct course to the junction of the North and South Edisto rivers, thence up the latter stream to the source of Shaw's Creek, thence with the ridge in a southwestwardly direction to tlie mouth of Stevens Creek, a •Royce in 5th Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 140-141, 150, 205; Owen's edition of Pickett's History of Alabama (1900), pp. 47, 133, 137, 286-302, (370) Cherokee Southern Boundary. 371 tributary of the Savannah, thence up this stream to the mouth of Broad River and up Dry Fork of the same to the "Buffalo Lick," thence in a direct line to where a tree marked by the Cherokees formerly stood near the head of Shoal Creek, a tributary of the Oconee, and about eight miles south east of Athens, Ga., thence in a direct line to the High Shoals of the Appalachee, thence with the old "High Town path" to the loAver Shallow Ford of the Chattahoochee twelve miles due north of Atlanta in the bend of the river, thence west to the ridge dividing the waters of the Etowah from those of the Chattahoochee and Tallapoosa Rivers, and westwardly with said ridge to its intersection with the line fixed by the treaty of 1820 between the Creeks and Cherokees, and thence with the latter line to the Coosa River opposite the mouth of WiU's Creek.' There is evidence that at a very remote period the Chero kee boundary was much further south,' but at the beginning of our acquaintance with these tribes it was approximately as above described. West of the Coosa, I believe there never was any Une agreed u]X)n by the Cherokees with either the Creeks or the Chicka saws. On Feb. 21st, 1806, the Secretary of War wrote Maj. George Colbert, the principal chief of the Chickasaws, in ex planation of the purchase by the United States from the Cherokees of certain territory also claimed by the Chicka saws, that "being persuaded no actual boundary had ever been agreed on between the Chickasaws and the Cherokees," it was thought advisable to purchase the claim of the Cherokees so that when the Chickasaws should be disposed to convey their title there should be no dispute with the Cherokees. On June 7th, 1816, Wm. Barnett, one of tire boundary Commissioners, reported that the Cherokees and Chickasaws, after attempt ing to do so, could come to no understanding as to their divis ional line.* In August 1814, at the treaty of Ft. Jackson, the Cherokees and Creeks endeavored for three or four days to agree on their dividing line but could not. In Sept. 1815, the Tustenugge Thlucco was asked where their boundary was west of the Coosa, and he replied that there never was any boundary fixed and known as such between the parties ; that- Tloyce in 5th Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 141, 148, 266, 271 and plate 8. Gatschet's Migration Legend of the Creek Indians, pp. 151-2, 196. The line of this treaty of 1820 ran directly from "Buzzard Roost" on the east side of Chattahoochee river to the Coosa opposite the mouth of Will's creek. "Gatschet's Migration Legend of the Creek Indians, pp. 120, 195-6, 'Royce in hth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 196, 208, 872 Report Alabama History Commission. he did not believe and had never heard that there was any boundary agreed upon between them." We are, therefore, to inquire what was in fact the actual boundary west of the Coosa, none apparently having ever been agreed upon be tween them. To do this we must first determine as accurate ly as possible the point of departure from the Coosa of this line toward the west. In 1827, the War Department had ex pressed to D. B. Mitchell, the Creek agent, the "impression" that the western terminus of that portion of the boundary east of the Coosa was either Turkey Town, or Ten Islands." That Ten Islands was the proper terminus seems to have been generally agreed among both the Creeks and the Cherokees. it had been the Cherokee claim from before the Revolution ary War that all the waters of the Coosa down to Ten Islands had been given up to them by the Creeks, and at a treaty con cluded between the two nations on Dec. 11th, 1820, at the residence of Gen. William Mcintosh, in the Creek Country, it was agreed that the portion of the boundary east of the Coosa, after striking that stream opposite the mouth of Will's Creek, would extend down that river to a point opposite Ft. Strother at the lower end of the Ten Islands, and this boun dary was reaffirmed in a subsequent treaty concluded Oct. 30th, 1822.' Of course, the westward extension of this boun dary departed from the Coosa at this point, because it is not supposable that after running down the river it was to run back up the river. Now as imaginary lines were at that date a conception little understood by the Indian mind, and as such lines among all peoples are the result of agreement and there having been as we have seen no agreement between the two nations on this part of their boundary, we may safely assume that from this point, viz: the lower end of Ten Is lands; the line followed some natural landmark. If as claimed by the Cherokees, the Creeks had given up to them all the waters of the Coosa down to Ten Islands, a claim which seems to have been conceded in the two treaties above men tioned, all the waters of Big Canoe Creek were within the Cherokee boundary. Consequently we may iconclude in a general way that from the lower end of Ten Islands the line • followed the most prominent dividing ridge butting on the river in that vicinity, around the headwaters of Canoe Creek, until it reached the height of Blount Mountain, thence north ward with said mountain along the ridge dividing the waters 'Ibid. p. 271. 'Ibid. p. 269. ••Ibid. pp. 268, 271, Cherokee Southern Boundary. 373 of the Coosa from those of the Black Warrior to the top of Raccoon or Sand Mountain near the town of Boaz in Mar shall County. From this point westward to the Chickasaw boundary, wherever that lay, it is quite clear that the line was the ridge dividing the waters of the Tennessee from those of the Black Warrior. Gov. Blount in 1794, Avriting to the chiefs and headmen of the Creeks said: "In the original division of land amongst the red people, it is well known that . the Creek lands were bounded on the north by the ridge which divides the waters of the Mobile and the Tennessee."' Judge Haywood, criticising a Mr. Barnard for some erron eous statements the latter had made to the Governor of Geor gia in 1793, says, "And he (Barnard) ought to have known that the Creek claim to lands was bounded by the ridge which divides the waters of the Tennessee and Mobile."' The question then, and one fraught with much difficulty is, where did this ridge intersect the Chickasaw eastern boun dary. This necessitates an examination somewhat into the respective claims of the Cherokees and Chickasaws. The former claimed all the country between this ridge and the Tennessee as far westward as Big Bear Creek :" on the other hand the Chickasaws, as early as 1792, at a Conference at Nashville, defined their eastern boundary south of the Ten nessee as commencing at a point opposite the "Chickasaw Old Field," thence across a neck of land to Tenehucunda (evi dently Ootaco) Creek, a southern branch of the Tennessee, and up this creek to its source, thence to the waters of the Tombigbee," thence to the west fork of Longleaf Pine Creek, and down it to the "line of the Choctaw and Chickasaws." Two years later (1794), President Washington gave them a written instrument recognizing this as their line." It is clear, however, that this extreme claim on the part of the Chickasaws is untenable, because the Cherokees had as early as 1779 formed settlements on both sides of the Tennessee as "Haywood's Civil and Political History of Tenn. (Reprint, 1891), p. 326. •Ibid, p. 387. "Ibid. p. 351. See also an articls by the writer in vol. iv. of Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society; Royce, 5th Annual Report Bureau Eth nology, pp. 141, 268. "This was a place on the north bank of the Tennessee river (where the Chickasaws had formerly had a settlement) at the upper end of Chicka saw (now Hobbs) Island, about three miles above the present village of Whitesburg in Madison county. "The waters of the Black Warrior are meant here. Royce, in 5th Anr nual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 207, 208. "Haywood's Civil and Political History of Tennessee. (Reprint 1891) j pp. 350 and 425. Royce in Sth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, p. 208. 374 Report Alabama History Commission. low down as Caney Creek in Colbert County." On the other hand, the Chickasaws about the same time formed settle ments below Caney Creek along the shores and about the mouth of Big Bear Creek, where they maintained themselves until their final cession to the United States and removal west of the Mississippi. It would appeal, therefore, that the true boundary was somewhere in the neighborhood of Caney Creek. Of the truth of this conclusion, there is a clear recog nition by both the United States Commissioners and the Cherokees in the Cherokee treaty of Jan. 7th, 1806, whereby the United States agreed to urge the Chickasaws to consent to the following as their eastern boundary, viz : Caney Creek from its mouth to its source, thence in a direct line to "Flat- rock" on Bear Creek.'° While I do not for reasons mentioned in the note below consider this Flat Rock as ever having been a point on the true southern boundary of the Cherokees, yet the suggestion of this line, by the treaty of 1806 (though never actually agreed to), is corroborative of the conclusion that the true boundary was somcAvhere in the vicinity of Caney Creek. I should say, therefore, that in a general way the true Cherokee southern boundary, after following the ridge separating the waters of the Tennessee and Black Warrior to the headwaters of Caney Creek, ran thence down said creek to the Tennessee River. "Haywood's Civil and Political History of Tennessee. (Reprint 1891), pp. 103, 230, 350. Royce in Sth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 194, 272, note. '"As to the origin, location, and purpose of the true "Flat Rock corner," historians have been unable to learn with certainty. In a communication from the Secretary of War to Maj. Cocke, the Chickasaw agent, dated April 16, 1816, it is stated that from an examination of the Chickasaw treaty of 1786, it appeared that a point called Flat Rock was considered a comer of the lands belonging to them, and that it had since been considered as the corner to the Creek, Cherokee, and Chickasaw hunting grounds. The Chickasaws, however, professed ignorance of any place on Bear Creek called "Flat Rock," but claimed there was a "Flat Rock" on the Longleaf Pine, a branch of the Black Warrior, which was a corner of their terri tory. — Sth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, pp. 207-8, 271. The earliest reference I find to any place called Flat Rock is in this Chickasaw treaty of 1786, and It would seem but fair that they be allowed to define It. They always defined it as being on the Longleaf Pine. This location fits the description of it as being "where the Choctaw line joined with the Chickasaws," better than does that on Bear Creek. I conclude that the "Flat Rock" on Bear creek was never a corner between any Indian tribes until it was arbitrarily, or by misapprehension, made such by the Chero kee treaty of March 22, 1816. It is clear that the commissioners sent out in 1815 prior to this treaty to establish this line according to the true historical facts, did not consider it a land mark in the southern boundary of the Cherokees. — Ibid. p. 207. Unfortunately for the cause of history before they had proceeded far with the work of establishing this line they were recalled because of the agreement upon the arbitrary Une from Ten Islands to Flat Rock on Bear creek. CHAPTER II. DISTRICT DIVISIONS OF THE CHOC TAW NATION. Br H. S. Halbebt, of Cbawfoed, Miss. During, at least, the last one-third of a century of the existence of the Choctaw Nation in Mississippi, it was divid ed into three districts, each district governed by its own mingo. These districts were the western district, the north eastern district, and the south-eastern district. The mingoes were independent of each other and sovereign in their respec tive districts, and only acted in concert in national affairs when the whole nation assembled in council to decide upon questions of peace and war. In each district there were a number of subordinate mingoes or captains, who managed and directed the local affairs of their respective towns.^ Among the Indian Nations boundary lines between tribes and divisions of tribes were dividing ridges or water sheds, water courses, and sometimes a trail connecting two well known towns. Either water or a ridge with no water was a boundary line easUy understood by the aboriginal mind. Many of the noted Choctaw towns were well populated, and doubtless of great antiquity. Trails connecting two such towns would of course be well known everywhere to the peo ple. THE VTBSTERN DISTRICT. The native name of this district was "Okla falaya," the long people, the adjective "falaya," long, having reference to the length of the district. The boundary line separating this from the north-eastern district began in the vicinity of the present little town of Cumberland, in Webster County, thence run south-westerly on the dividing ridge separating the head waters of Tibbee (Oktibbeha) on the east from the Big Black waters on the west down to the vicinity of Dido in Choctaw County, thence in a zigzag course on the dividing ridge be tween the Noxubee and the Yokenookeny waters to the vicini- Un Dr. F. L. Riley's School History of Mississippi (1900),- is a map, showing the three districts. (375) SV6 Report Alabama History Commission. ty of New Prospect, thence it zigzaged more or less easterly between the head waters of Pearl River and the Noxubee Avaters to a point on the ridge not far south of Old Singleton, (not the present Singleton), thence southerly on the ridge between the Pearl River waters on the west and the Noxubee and Sukenatcha waters on the east, thence somewhat wester ly by Yazoo Town in Neshoba County, thence raore or less southerly on the ridge between the headwaters of Talasha and the headwaters- of Oktibbeha (there are two Oktibbeha Creeks in Mississippi), to the ancient town of Kunshak bolukta, which was situated in the southwestern part of Kemper County, some two miles from the Neshoba, and about a mile and a half from the Lauderdale County line. Kun shak, or Kunsha, bolukta was considered the corner of the three Choctaw districts. The name means Round reed-brake, so named from a large circular reed brake on the west side of Oktibbeha Creek, near which the town stood. The town can be seen on Danville's map of East Mississippi, 1732, in Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 158, there spelled "Concha," the French orthography. The adjective "bolukta," round, was doubtless appended to the name of the town subsequent to 1732, to distinguish it from other towns of the same name in the Choctaw Country. Kunsha bolukta belonged to the north-eastern district, though, as stated, it was considered the corner of the three districts. The military road made by General Jackson, in 1815, passed through the town. Traces of this road can still be seen in the vicinity. The line just described as running from the vicinity of Cumberland to Kunsha bolukta separated the western from the north-eastern district. The line separating the western district from the south-eastern began at Kunsha bolukta, first going a short distance north-westerly between the Talasha and Oktibbeha waters, thence it zigzaged more or less south westerly on the dividing ridge between the Pearl, and the Chickasahay waters until it came to the vicinity of Lake Sta tion in Scott County. Mokalusha Town, (Imoklasha) situ ated on the head waters of Talasha Creek in Neshoba County, though somewhat south of the regular line, belonged to the western district. From the vicinity of Lake Station the line ran southward on the dividing ridge between West Tallyhaly and Leaf River down to the confluence of these two streams. Leaf River from this confluence down to where it struck the Choctaw boundary line formed the remainder of the line, separating the western district from the south-eastern. District DiA'isions of the Choctaws. 377 The first mingo of the western district in the nineteenth century was Puckshenubbee, who died in 1824, while on his Avay to Washington City. For a short period after Puckshenubbee's death Robert Cole exercised the functions of Mingo of the western district. He was a half-breed, the son of a Avhite man and Shemahka, who Avas a Chocchuma woman, one of the survivors of the Massacre that occurred in Webster County, six miles west of Bellefontaine. She was still living, a very old woman, in 1838, in Yalobusha County. Robert, or Bob Cole, served in the Creek war of 1813-14. He brought back with him from that war a Creek girl whom he adopted into his family. Cole died in Yalobusha County, Mississippi, at some time prior to 1850.' After a brief rule, Robert Cole was deposed from some cause, and his nephew Greenwood Leflore was elected mingo of the western district. Leflore was mainly instrumental in making the treaty of Dancing Rabbit in 1830. He was allowed a large reservation by the treaty. He became a citi zen of Mississippi, and represented Carroll County as State Senator in 1840-44. He died some years after the Confed erate War. The people of the western parts of the western district lived in thin scattering settlements, thus forming a striking contrast with the people living in the eastern parts of the Choctaw country, who were generally massed in numerous towns and forts, built as barriers against the ever aggressive and hostile movements of the Creeks. The great Mississippi RiAcr was considered ample protection to the western Choc taws against the inroads of their Trans-Mississippi enemies, rendering the building of forts, and towns, in that quarter, in a great measure, unnecessary. It is true that small preda tory bands of Osages occasionally crossed the Mississippi, but these Indians, in Choctaw estimation, were feeble enemies in comparison with the dreaded Muscogees living beyond their eastern borders. THE NORTH-EASTERN DISTRICT. The native name of this district was "Ahepat Okla," which means Potato-eating People. The word "ahe" in this name 'For the statements embodied in the above paragraph, see the case of the Choctaw Nation vs. the United States, No. 12,742, U. 8. Court of Claims, pp. 844, 1036, 1037. See supra, p. 54. Also Claiborne's Mississippi, p. 485. Coleman Cole, mentioned in the last work, was a young man in 1830, and was the son of Robert Cole. He was still living, 1881, in the Choctaw Nar tion. 3 7S Report Alabama History Commission. refers to the native hog potato, which in ancient times, was a common article of food among the Southern Indians. To make a palatable diet these Avild potatoes were flrst hung up in the sun for a few days until they became well dried. After this, they were boiled thoroughly done in a pot and then eaten. The Choctaws of the present day generally call the hog potato, "lukchuk ahe," mud potato, to distinguish it from the sweet and the Irish potato. In addition to "Ahepat Okla," the word "ahe" occurs in the name of two Mississippi rivers, Chickasahay (Chikashahe) and Oakahay (Okahe). The corrupt spelling of the name of the north-eastern dis trict, "Oypat Oocoola," can be seen in Pickett's Alabama, vol. i, p. 137, and Gatschet's Migration Legend, vol. i, p. 100, both writers apparently accepting Romans' mistranslation. Small nation. A noted toAvn in the Potato-eating district was "Yanub- bee," which was situated on Yanubbee Creek, about a mile and a half above its mouth and about eight miles south-west of DeKalb, Kemper County. This town can be seen on Dan ville's map, in Hamilton's Colonial Mobile, p. 158; also on Bernard Romans' Map of 1772. There was a trail that led southwest from Yanubbee Town to Kunsha bolukta. This trail, also laid doAvn on Danville's map, in its course, crossed the most north-eastern prong of the Chickasahay waters. For about nine miles this trail formed a boundary line be tAveen the north-eastern and the south-eastern district, from Kunsha bolukta north-east to the dividing ridge between the north-eastern prong of Chickasahay and Yanubbee Creek, about a mile from Yanubbee Town. From this point in the trail on the dividing ridge, the line ran southerly on the ridge some three miles until it struck the "divide" between Petickfa and Black Water. It kept this divide easterly down to the confluence of these two creeks. There was a trail that led from the Old Choctaw Factory in Sumter County, Alabama, somewhat south-westerly to the house of Little Leader, which stood upon the east bank of Sukenatcha, about two hundred and flfty yards north-west of the present Narketa Station on the Mobile and Ohio Rail road. The trail crossed Sukenatcha at Little Leader's house, thence running south-westerly and crossing Petickfa just be low the mouth of Black Water, still continuing its south western course, it crossed Ponta and a few miles beyond ter- minated at Coosh^ Town, which was situated on Lost Horse Creek, about four miles south-east of Old Daleville. This trail from the crossing on Petickfa to the crossing on Ponta JDistrict Divisions of the Choctaws. 379 was a continuation of the boundary line that terminated at the confluence of Petickfa and Black Water. Ponta Creek from the trail-crossing, downward and eastward, constituted the remainder of the line separating the two districts. Homastubbee was mingo of the northeastern district in the early years of the nineteenth century. His name, here spelled according to the usual English method, is doubtless worn down from "Hommachitabi," "hommachi," to make red, i. e. to shed blood, "t," the connective and "abi" to kill, and may be translated. The one who makes red and kills. He was suc ceeded in 1809 by his son, Mo-shu-li-tubbe (Amoshulital)i.) Moshulitdbee was mingo over his district for more than twen ty years. He was a AS'ar chief of note in early life, leading several expeditions across the Mississippi against the Osages. He served in the Creek war of 1813-14. At the time of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit, he owned ten negro slaA^es and cul tivated thirty acres. He was allowed under the treaty two sections of land, both of which he sold August 2, 1832, to Col. Thomas G. Blewet for $1,100.00, emigrated west and died about 1849, in Sans Bois County, Choctaw Nation. The large prairie region in the north-eastern district now embraced in Oktibbeha, Lowndes and Noxubee Counties, was the hunting ground of the Potato-eating people. If the tra dition is reliable, they were very jealous of the encroachments of other tribes upon this, their favorite hunting range. THE SOUTH-EASTERN DISTRICT. There are some obscurities in the ancient history of the south-eastern district which may never be cleared up. This district, as it existed in the nineteenth century, was evidently formed by the consolidation of several districts, the old origi nal Okla hannali, or Six Towns people, the Chickasahay dis trict, the Yowanni people, the Coosha towns, and perhaps some small divisions of which we have no knowledge. In some manner, it seems that the Okla hannali gained the ascendancy or sovereignty over all these divisions, so that, in course of time, the name Okla hannali was practically ex tended and accepted as the name of the consolidated district. The information is ample in regard to Okla hannali proper . But it is otherwise with the other divisions. AU the facts, however, that can be gleaned about them from Bernard Ro mans' map, supplemented by tradition will here be given. The District of Chickasahay was situated between Chicka sahay and Buckatunna Rivers.^ Chickasahay Town, which 380 RejMirt Alabama History Commission. may be considered the capital of the district, stood about three miles below the present Enterprise. There is no infor mation, how far north of this town between Oktibbeha and Buckatunna Rivers, the territory of the Chickasahays ex tended, nor is there any information as to the Southern limit of their district. It is perhaps a reasonable conjecture to state that their territory extended as far south as the coun try opposite the mouth of Shubuta Creek, as here, between Chickasahay and Buckatunna Rivers, lay the northern border of the territory of the Haiowanni or Yowanni people. Whether the Yowanni territory lying east of the Chickasahay was ever at any time included in the Chickasahay district can not be known. Looking at the Choctaw settlement marked "57," on Romans' map, it can be seen that the Chickasahays also lived on both sides of Chunky River, just above the con fluence of this river with Oktibbeha. There is no informa tion, nor even a clue to any information, as to how far north ward their settlements extended on the east side of Chunky. But on the west side of Chunky it seems certain that the Chickasahay territory embraced all the lands lying 'between this stream and Sooenlovie, going up Sooenlovie to the mouth of lasunla iskuna, or Dvas' Creek, thence up this creek to its head. It is a reasonable conjecture that from the head of Dyas' Creek the boundary line followed the dividing ridge easterly until it struck Chunky River. "Sooenlovie" is spelled "Osham lowey," on Romans' map ; and "Sonlahoue" on Danville's. All three forms are corruptions of "Hasun- lawi," which the best informed Choctaws say is itself a cor ruption of "lasunlabi," which means Leech killer. To recapitulate somewhat — it is almost a demonstration that the Chickasahays claimed the territory bounded on the west by Dyas' Creek and on the south by Sooenlovie from the fact that the Inkillis Tamaha Choctaws never claimed any territory north of Sooenlovie except that which lay west of Dyas' Creek. Dyas' Creek was, in fact, the north-eastern boundary line of the Inkillis Tamaha people. The Haiowanni, or Yowanni people, claimed all the coun try extending from Pachuta Creek on the north to the Choc taw boundary line on the South. Pachuta Creek separated the Yowannis from the Inkillis Tamaha people. The Yowan ni western boundary was the eastern dividing ridge of Bogue Homa in Jasper County, which ridge separated the Yowanni from the Nashwaiya territory. (There are several Bogue Homas in Mississippi : the Creek of that name in Jasper County is the one here referred to.) The southern limit of District Divisions of the Choctaws. 381 that portion of the Yowanni territory lying between Chicka sahay and Buckatunna Rivers, prior to the treaty of Mount Dexter, in 1805^ can not be known. Perhaps it may have extended as far southward as the confiuence of the two rivers. The boundary lines of the Haiowanni Reservation of later times can be seen on La Tourrette's map. The old town or capital of Yowanni, also called Yowanni, stood on the east side of Chickasahay River, as can be seen on Romans' map, there spelled Ewany. It was visited by Adair, who calls it "the out houses of Yowanni."' The name Yowanni is spelled in various ways: Youane, Hewanni, etc. It was perhaps in 1764 that a large band of the Yowannis separated from the main clan and emigrated to Louisiana. All the remaining Yowannis, except two fami lies, left Mississippi in the second emigration, in 1832. The Coosha towns were located on Ponta and Lost Horse Creeks in Lauderdale County. The main Coosha town, as has been already stated, was situated on Lost Horse Creek, about four miles south-east of Old Daleville. There is no in formation about the extent and boundary lines of the Coosha people. As to the boundary lines of the original Okla Hannali, or Six Towns people, our information is full and accurate, being derived from the late Hon. F. M. Loper of Jasper County, Mississippi who was a man of strong mind and remarkable memory. Mr. Loper stated that in the early '30's he had questioned the Indians of his acquaintance closely in regard to the boundary lines of the Six Towns people. AU the facts he heard from tl ; m are embodied in this paper. The names of the towns or divisions of the original Six Towns people were, Tala, Chinakbi, Bishkun, Inkillis Tama ha, Nashwaiya and Oka Talaia. The territory of Tala Tamaha (Palmetto Town) was nearly all in Newton County, embracing the land lying be tween Tarlow (Tala) and Bogue Felamma ("Bok Filammi," Creek Prong) creeks from the water shed connecting the head waters of these two creeks down to the confluence of each with Pottok chito creek. Tala Town was a thickly settled com munity. Nearly all its people went off in the second emigra tion, in the fall of 1832. Chinakbi Town was situated on the north side of Sooen lovie Creek, extending down this creek to its confluence with Kachahlipa Creek, thence up Kachahlipa to its head and •Adair's American Indians, p. 268. 382 Report Alabama History Commission. thence along the crest of the dividing ridge connecting the head waters of this creek with the headwaters of Sooenlovie. Chinakbi lay partly in NcAvton and partly in Jasper County. The present village of Garlandsville occupies the site of its main town or capital, also called Chinakbi, and stands nearly in the center of the Chinakbi territory. Bishkun Tamaha, Bishkun Town, was wholly in Ja.sper County. Its northern boundary was the dividing ridge sep arating the head waters of East Tallyhaly from Sooenlovie, extending easterly to the head waters of McVay's Creek, ( Iti- homi hikia bok, Sourioood Creek), thence south-westerly down this creek to its confluence with East Tallyhaly, thence down the west bank of East Tallyhaly to where it, joins Luk- flippa; ("Liikfi apa," eat dirt there, i. e. deer lick) thence up Liikflippa to its head or the ridge separating it from Tally ho ma, thence northerly along this ridge until it connects with tbe Avater shed separating East Tallyhaly from Sooenlovie. Bishkun hill, situated about three miles south-easterly from Garlandsville, Avas the council ground of the Bishkun people. The territory of Inkillis Tamaha, English Town, was of very irregular shape. The extreme western part embraced the country lying on the south side of Sooenlovie, extending southward to the ridge separating Sooenlovie from the head Avaters of East Tallyhaly. This dividing ridge, as will be seen, was the boundary between Bishkun and Inkillis Tama ha. The Inkillis Tamaha territory continued down Sooen lovie to where it united with Kachahlipa Creek. Here it crossed Sooenlovie and embraced all the territory lying be tween Kachahlipa and Dyas' Creek northerly to the dividing ridge separating the heads of these two creeks from Pottok chitto. The upper or northern part of this projection of In killis Tamaha territory lay in Newton County. Returning again to the south side of Sooenlovie, the territory still con tinued down this creek to where it ran into Chickasahay, thence doAvn Chickasahay to its confluence with Pachuta Creek, which creek formed the Southern boundary of Inkillis Tamaha, thence up Pachuta to its head, striking the crest of the water shed separating the Pachuta from the East Tally haly waters at a point about four miles northerly from Pauld ing. Thence the line continued more or less northerly along the water shed between McVay's Creek and the waters of TAvist Wood, and Penantla until it terminated on the water shed between the head of the East Tallyhaly waters and SooenloAde — the point of our beginning in describing the In killis boundaries. Twist wood (Iti Shana) and Penantla District Divisions of the Choctaws. 383 (Penaiontala), boat landing, were the principal streams in the Inkillis Tamaha territory. The origin of the name Inkillis Tamaha is involved in some obscurity. The only information the writer has ever received on the subject is the statement of a Six Towns' Indian, that on one occasion, at some period in the past — how far back my informant could not tell — the English distributed some goods and other presents among the Indians living in this particular region or locality. Hence it received the name of Inkillis Tamaha, or EngUsh Town. The territory of Nashwaiya on the east extended from the eastern watershed of Bogue Hama westerly to the diriding ridge between Tally homa and West Tallyhaly. In this scope of country, as can be seen, was included the eastern side of East Tallyhaly and its tributary McVay's Creek, which creek separated Nashwaiya from Bishkun. The Nash waiya limit on the South was the Choctaw boundary line. Oka Talaia, Spreading Water. The people of this division lived principally on Oka Talaia Creek. The Southern boun dary of Oka Talaia was the Choctaw boundary line. The eastern boundary was the dividing ridge between West Tally haly and Tallyhoma Creeks. The AAcstern boundary has already been given as being the dividing ridge extending from Lake Station southward between V\*est Tallyhaly and Leaf River down to the confluence of these tA\-o streams. From the confluence south to the Choctaw boundary line Leaf River formed the remainder of the boundary, that separated the Oka Talaia. the most western division of the Six Towns people from the territory of the Okla falaia, or Western district. A large portion of the Six Towns people, especially those living on the Bogue Homa and West Tallyhaly waters, emi grated in 1832, in the second emigration. The fork of Sooen lovie and Kachahlipa Avas the rendezvous of the Choctaws for this emigration. About ten thousand went west on this occasion. Not manv Six Towns Indians went west in the third emigration in 1833. The last most important emigra tion was Bosto's, in February, 1846. Nearly all the remain ing Six Towns ChoctaAvs, with the exception of the Inkillis Tamaha. rendezvoused at Kelly's Hill, three miles west of Garlandsville and emigrated west at this time. But few of the Inkillis Tamaha ever emigrated. We can not give the reason. Nearly all the Choctaws now living in Jasper Coun ty are Inkillis Tamaha Choctaws, and are generally called Six Towns. Many of the Choctaws living on the Gulf Coast and in the vinicity of New Orleans are seceders from the Sis 384 Report Alabama History Commission. Towns. Likewise several Indian communities in Louisiana are said to be of Six Towns lineage and to have separated from their people long prior to the treaty of Dancing Rabbit. There are many dialectic words peculiar to the Six Toavus ChoctaAvs — Avords Avhich are not heard among Choctaws of other localities. A Kemper or Neshoba County Choctaw in conversing Avith a Six Towns Indian not unfrequently has to ask the latter the meaing of some Avords that he hears him use. "lasunla" is a case in point. This Avord means a leech, corresponding to "yalus," the AVord used for leech by Choc taws of other localities. There are also some French words iu the Six Towns dialect. Instead of "taken" the usual ChoctaAv word for apple, a Six Toavus Indian says "Upon," which is somewhat corrupted from "le pomme." It has been demon strated that the speech of some of the small tribes that once lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast was not Choctaw. The BJloxis have been proved to be a people of the Dakota stock, as Avas, in all probability, the case with the Pascagoulas. The Six Towns Choctaws came much in contact Avith these allo- phyllic tribes of the Gulf coast, and in one case, according to Six Towns tradition, they absorbed one tribe, the Chatos. It would be an interesting task to the curious student to study these dialectic Six Towns words and determine whether their origin can be traced back to the Biloxi or even the Tunica language. Pushmataha was the first mingo, in the nineteenth century, of the consolidated South-eastern district. He Avas succeeded by his nephcAv, Oklahoma, who, however, was soon deposed on account of his dissipated habits. Oklahoma died, about 1846, in Coosha Town. After the deposing of Oklahoma, the South-eastern district elected Nittakechi as their mingo. The name of this chief is derived from "nittak," day. It is a kind of causative name. The one who makes day, or, an equivalent and concise render ing, Day-prolonger. It is said that he could do so much busi ness in a day, tliat he seemed, as it were, to prolong or lengthen out the day for his work. Another form of his name Avas Nittakachi, by which he was sometimes called. Nit- t.ikf»chi and Nittakechi have the same meaning. The vowels in both have the Continental sound. At the time of the trea ty of 1830, Nittakechi lived on Patkachi Creek, in Lauder dale County, where he worked thirty-five acres of land. He was a tall, erect, well formed man, and of a very light com plexion for an Indian. Col. George S. Gaines had a high re- District Division of the Choctaws. 385 gard for Nittakechi, whom he described as a brave, honor able, upright man; as warmly attached to his friends and generous and forbearing even to his enemies. Just after the treaty of Dancing Rabbit, Col. Gaines was commissioned to take an exploring delegation of prominent Choctaws west to examine their new country. In this delegation was mingo Nittakechi. They spent several months in the wilderness, exploring and examining the country in every direction. In this exploration, Nittakechi was very zealous in doing every thing to promote Col. Gaines' comfort. Nearly every day he sent out his most skillful hunters, who were so successful that they kept Col. Gaines constantly suppUed with the finest and fattest venison and turkey. This exploration reconciled many of the Choctaws to the treaty. Nittakechi sold his reservation in Mississippi, November 24, 1831, for f5,000.00 and then emigrated west in the flrst emigration. He died on Red River, Choctaw Nation, in Kiamichi County in 1836 or '37. In giving the district boundaries of the Choctaw people, many facts, more or less germane to the subject, have been omitted. It is hoped that the historical student will receive this contribution as at least adding something to our knowl edge of an interesting race of red people. 25 CHAPTER IV. TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF THE CREEK CONFEDERACY IN THE XVIII. AND XIX. CENTURIES.' By Albeet S. Gatschet, of Washington, D. C. The towns and villages of the Creeks were in the eighteenth century built along the banks of rivers and their smaller tributaries, often in places subject to inundation during large freshets, which occurred once in about fifteen years. The smallest of them contained from twenty to thirty cabins, some of the larger ones up to two hundred, and in 1832 Tuka- batchi, then the largest of all the Creek settlements, harbored 386 families. Many towns appeared rather compactly built, although they were composed of irregular clusters of four to eight houses standing together; each of these clusters con tained a gens ("clan or family of relations;" C. Swan), eat ing and living in common. The huts and cabins of the Lower Creeks resembled, from a distance, clusters of newly-burned brick kilns, from the high color of the clay. At the time of the conquest of Mexico by Cortez, many of the interior towns of that country were whitewashed in the same manner, by means of a shining white clay coating. It will be found appropriate to distinguish between Crerk towns and villages. By towns are indicated the settlemeuv^s which had a public square, by villages those which had none. The square occupied the central part of the town, and was reserved for the celebration of festivals, especially the annual busk or fast (puskita), for the meetings of chiefs, headmen "beloved men," and for the performance of daily dances. Upon this central area stood the "great house," tchuka 'lako, and the council-house; attached to it was a play-ground, called by traders the "chunkey-yard."TRIBAL DIVISIONS. Another thoroughgoing distinction in the settlements of the Creek nation was that of the red or war towns and the white or peace towns. 'Revised and largely supplemented from the list in the authors' "A Creek Migration Legend," f Philadelphia, 1884), Vol. I, pp. 120-151. (386) Creek Indian Towns and VUlages. 387 The red or kipaya towns, to which C. Swan in 1791 refers as being already a thing of the past, were governed by war riors only. The term red refers to the warlike disposition of these towns, but does not correspond to our adjective bloody ; it depicts the wrath or anger animating the warriors when out on the war-path. The posts of their cabin in the public square were painted red on one side. The present Creeks stUl keep up formally this ancient dis tinction between the towns, and count the following among the kipaya towns : Kavrita, Tukabatchi, 'Lap 'lako, Atasi, Ka-ilaidshi, Chiaha, Usudshi, HutaU-huyana, Alibamu, Yufala, Yufala hupayi, HUapi, Kitcha-pataki. The white towns, also called peace towns, conservative towns, were governed by civil officers or mikalgi, and, as some of the earlier authors allege, were considered as places of refuge and safety to individuals who had left their tribes in dread of punishment or revenge at the hand of their pursuers. The modem Creeks count among the peace towns, called talua mikagi towns, the following settlements : Hitchiti, Okfuski, Kasixta, Abi'hka, Abixkudshi, Talisi, Oktchayi, Odshi-apofa, Lutchapoka, Taskigi, Assi-lanapi or Green Leaf, WiAvuxka . Quite different from the above list is the one of the white towns given by Col. Benj. Hawkins in 1799, which refers to the Upper Creeks only: Okfuski and its branch villages (viz: Niuyaxa, Tukabatchi, Talahassi, Imukfa, Tutokagi, Atchinalgi, Okfuskudshi, Suka-ispoga, Ipisogi) ; then Talisi, Atasi, Fus'hatchi, Kulumi. For this list and that of the kipaya toAvns, cf. his "Sketch," p. 51, 52. The Creek name for the war party, with color red, was alampalgi, that for the peace party: hat'h^ka the "white ones," or ita'lwalgi mikagi, contracted into itdAvalgi : "peace t0A\TiB." Both were called itikapagi hokoli "the two divis ions;" each of them was headed by one totemic clan, the wind clan or hutalgalgi, and the bear clan or nokosalgi. The animals, from which the gentes took their totemic names were classified also ; the pund'kta or wUd animals give their names to the gentes of the bear, wild cat, panther, fox, wolf, raccoon, beaver, etc., while the animals naming the halpad41gi or alligator gentes and others passed under another general designation, which was nOt remembered by my informants. Besides the phratries mentioned in the Migration Legend, 1, 155, 156, there were (1) that of the takusalgi, "moles" with that of the Tchukotalgi ; (2) the tchulalgi "foxes," the 388 Report Alabama History Commission. wutkalgi "raccoons," and the ahalax^lgi, who were called so from "hoeing in the water for bog-potatoes" (ahi). The bog- potato is the long root or rhizoma of the arrow-leaf plant or Sagittaria. The ancient distinction between red and white towns be gan to fall into disuse with the approach of the white colon ists, Avhich entailed the spread of agricultural pursuits among these Indians ; nevertheless frequent reference is made to it by the modern Creeks. Segmentation of villages is frequently observed in Indian tribes, and the list below will give many striking instances. It was brought about by over-population, as in the case of Okfuski ; and it is probable that then only certain gentes, not a promiscuous lot of citizens, emigrated from a town. Other causes for emigration were the exhaustion of the cultivated lands by many successive crops, as well as the need of new and extensive hunting grounds. These they could not obtain in their nearest neighborhood without warring with their proprietors, and therefore often repaired to distant countries to seek new homes (Bartram, Travels, p. 389) . The frequent removals of towns to new sites, lying at short distances only, may be easily explained by the unhealthiness of the old site, produced by the constant accumulation of refuse and filth around the towns, which never had anything like sewers or efficient regulations of sanitary police. Some towns were consolidated with other towns, whenever they had largely de creased in population. The distinction between Muscogulge and Stincard towns, explicitly spoken of in Wm. Bartram's Travels (see Appen dices ) , refers merely to the form of speech used by the tribes of the confederacy. This epithet {Puants in French) may have had an opprobrious- meaning in the beginning, but not in later times, when it simply served to distinguish the prin cipal people from the accessory tribes. We find it also used formerly as a current term in the Naktche villages. Bartram does not designate as Stincards the tribes speak ing languages of another stock than Maskoki, the Yuchi, for instance ; not even all of those that speak dialects of Maskoki other than the Creek. He calls by this savorous name the Muklasa, Witumka, Koassati, Chiaha, Hitchiti, Okoni, both Sawqkli and a part of the Seminoles. He mentions the towns only, and omits all the villages which have branched off from the towns. The present Creeks know nothing of such a distinction. Although I do not know the Creek term which corresponded Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 389 to it in the eighteenth century, it is not improbable that such a designation was in vogue ; for we find many similar oppro brious epithets among other Indians, as Cuitlateca or "excre- menters" in Mexico ; Puants or Metsmetskop among the Naktche (Dumont, M6m. histor. de la Louisiane, I, ISl) ; In- kalik, "sons of louse-eggs" among the Eskimo ; Moki or Muki, "cadaverous, stinking," an epithet originally giAen to one of the Shinumo tribes only, for lack of bravery, and belonging to the Shinumo language: muki dead. The plural forms: tchilokoga and tchilokogalgi designate in Creek persons speaking another than the Creek language; tchUokas / speak an alien language. "Stincards" would be expressed in Creek by isti fambagi. Of all the gentes of the Chicasa that of the skunk or hushkoni was held in the lowest esteem, some of the lowest officials, as runners, etc., being appointed from it ; therefore it can be conjectured that from the Chicasa tribe a term Uke "skunks," "stinkards," may have been transferred and applied to the less esteemed gentes of other nations. The languages and dialects spoken by the towns of the Creek confederacy from a study of paramount importance to those who want to obtain a more profound ethnological in sight into their pecuUarities. These dialects belonged to four linguistic families or stocks, of which only one, the Maskoki stock, was of absorbing interest. 1. The Natche or Naktchi Avas spoken in the town of the same name, near Abikudshi. 2. The Cheroki, which forms a part of the Iroquois family was once spoken in some towns along the Chatahuchi river and in Georgia, which have Cheroki names — though we do not know to what extent and how long in time. 3. The Yuchi people, whose ancient seats were on middle Savannah river, spread out in a western direction in the 18th century, especially after the Tuskarora war of 1712-1713, which brought on a profound commotion to all the Indian communities of the southeast. Yuchi town was founded in or about 1729. Intatchka'lgi, Patsi-lai'ki, Tokogalgi were Yuchi colonies in Georgia, and one Yuchi town lay on lower Tallapoosa river. The Creek Indians always nurtured a clandestine aversion towards the Yuchi and call them slaves (salafki) even at the present epoch. 4. The Maskoki language was the great medium of collo quial and commercial interchange between the tribes of the confederacy and is still so. The Creek dialect is the official language in aU the law transactions ; it is the language of the 390 Report Alabama History Commission. Creek national press, oratory and church service. The Hitchiti or Mikasuki dialect was once heard along the lower Chatahuchi river and far into Georgia and northern Florida. The Alibamu dialect was in use in some villages around the junction of Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers, as was also Koassa ti ; cf . Creek Migration Legend, Vol. I, pp. 88-90. The Apa- latchi dialect was still in vigor in and after 1800, but at pres ent all traces of it appear to be lost. ALPHABETIC LIST OF TOWNS AND VILLAGES. In this alphabetic list of ancient Creek towns and villages I have included all the names of inhabited places which I have found recorded before the emigration of the people to the Indian Territory. The description of their sites is chief ly taken from Hawkins' "Sketch," one of the most instructive books which we possess on the Creeks in their earlier homes. Some of these town names are still existing in Alabama and Georgia, although the site has not unfrequently changed . I have interspersed into the list a few names of the larger rivers. The etymologies added to the names contain the opin ions of the Creek delegates visiting Washington every year, and they seldom differed among each other on any name. The local names are written according to my scientific system of phonetics, the only change introduced being that of the palatal tch for ch. The letter x stands for the German ch. in lachen, '1 for thl (or a sound quite close to thl) ; a is the vowel heard in hat, rat. Abi'hka, one of the oldest among the Upper Creek towns; the oldest chiefs were in the habit of naming the Creek nation after it. Hawkins speaks of Abikudshi only, not of Abi'hka. It certainly lay somewhere close to Upper Coosa river, where some old maps have it. Emanuel Bowen, "A new map of Georgia," has only "Abacouse," and this in the wrong place, below Kusa and above Great Talasse, on the western side o.f Coosa River. A town Abi'hka now exists in the Indian Ter ritory. The name of the ancient town was pronounced Abi' hka, Apixka and written Obika, Abeka, Abeicas, Abecka, Bei- cas, Becaes, etc.; its people are called Apixkanagi. Some Avriters have identified them with the Kusa and also with the Conshacs, e. g. du Pratz. The map appended to the French edition of Bartram identifies them with the Kusa: "Abikas ou Coussas." D. Coxe, Carolana, p. 25, states that "the Becaes or Abecaes have thirteen towns, and the Ewemalaa, between the Becaes and the Chattas, can Creek Indian Towns and ViUages. 391 raise five hundred fighting men' (1741). A part of the most ancient Creek customs originated here, as, for instance, the law for regulating marriages and for punishing adultery. The Creek term abi'hka signifies "pile at the base, heap at the roof (abi stem, pole), and was imparted to this tribe, "be cause in the contest for supremacy its warriors heaped up a pUe of scalps, covering the base of the war-pole oniy. Before this achievement the tribe was caUed sak'hutga duor, shutter, or simat'hutga italua shutter, door of towns or tribes." Cf. ak'hutas, / close a door, sak'hutga hawidshas / open a door. The Abi'hka people, after being transferred to the Indian Ter ritory, have segmentated into five townships : two called Abi' hka, one Kantchati, one Tchaxki 'la'ko or "Big Shoal," and one caUed Kayomalgi. Abiku'dshi, an Upper Creek town on the right bank of Natche (now Tallahatchi) creek, five mUes east of Coosa river, on a small plain. Settled from Abika, Okfuski, and by some Indians from Natche. Bartram (1775) states, that they spoke a dialect of Chicasa; which can be true of a part of the inhabitants only. A spacious cave exists in the neigh borhood. Ahiki Ceeek_, Hitchiti name of the upper course of Hitchiti creek, an eastem tributary of Chatahuchi river. Hawkins (p. 60) writes it Ouhe-gee creek. The name signifies "sweet potato-mother" (ahi, iki), from the circumstance that when planting sweet potatoes (ahi), the fruit sown remains in the ground until the new crop comes to maturity. Alabama. Rives is formed by the junction of Coosa and TaUapoosa rivers; pursues a winding course between banks about fifty feet high, and joins Tombigbee river about thirty mUes above Mobile bay, when it assumes the name of Mobile river. Its waters are pure, its current gentle ; it runs about two miles an hour, and has 15-18 feet depth in the driest sea son of the year. Boats travel from the junction to Mobile bay in about nine days, through a fertile country, with high, cleared fields and romantic landscapes (Hawkins). The hunting grounds of the Creeks extended to the water-shed be tween the Tombigbee and the Coosa and Alabama rivers. Alibamu, a group of towns near the site of Montgomery. See Migration Legend, I, pp. 85-89. Alkohatchi was an upper Creek town on Tallapoosa river upon the Alko hatchi, or "Alko stream" which joins Talla poosa from the west, four mUes above Okfuski. 392 Report Alabama History Commission. Amakalli, Lower C eek town, planted by Chiaha Indians on a creek of that name which is the main water-course of Kitchofuni creek, a northern affluent of Flint river, Georgia. Inhabited by sixty men in 1799. The name is not Creek; it is Cheroki and seems identical with Amacalola creek, a north ern affluent of Etowa river, Dawson county, Georgia. The derivation given for it is : ama water, kalola sliding, tumbling. Anati tchapko or "Long Swamp," a HiUabi village, ten miles above that town, on a northern tributary of Hillabi creek. A battle occurred there during the Creek or Red Stick Avar, January 24th, 1814. Usually written Enotochopko. The Creek term anati means a brushy, swampy place, where persons can secrete themselves. Apalatchukla, a Lower Creek town on the west bank of Chatahuchi river, 1^ miles below Chiaha. In Hawkins' time it was in a state of decay, but in former times had been a white or peace town, called (even now) Talua 'lako, "large town," and the principal community among the Lower Creek settlements. The name was abbreviated into Palatchukla, and has also been transferred to the Chatahuchi river; that river is now called Apalachicola below its confluence with the Flint river. Cf.Sawokli-udshi. Bartram (Travels, p. 522) states: The Indians have a tradition that the vast four square terraces, chunkey yards, etc, at Apalachucla, old town, were "the ruins of an ancient Indian town and fortress." This "old town" lay one mile and a half down the river from the new town, and was abandoned about 1750 on account of unhealthy location. Bartram vicAved the "terraces, on which formerly stood their toAvn-house or rotunda and square or areopagus," and gives a lucid description of them. About fifty years before his visit a general killing of the white tra ders occurred in this town, though these had placed them selves under the protection of the chiefs (Travels, pp. 288- 390). Concerning the former importance of this "white" town, W. Bartram (Travels, p. 387) states that "this town is esteemed the mother town or capital of the Creek confed eracy; sacred to peace; no captives are put to death or human blood spilt there; deputies from all Creek towns assemble there when a general peace is proposed." He refers to the town existing at the time of his visit, but implicitly also to the "old Apalachucla town." The ancient and correct form of this name is Apalaxtchukla, and of the extinct tribe east of it, on Apalache bay, Apalaxtchi. Judge G. W. Stidham heard of the following etymology of the name : In cleaning Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 393 the ground for the town square and making it even, the ground and sweeping finally formed a ridge on the outside of the chunk-yara or play -ground; from this ridge the toAvn Avas called Apalaxtch-uJda. More upon this subject and upon the "Apalachicola I'ort" on Savannah river Avill be found in Migration Legend, Vol. I, 20. Apata-1^ a vUlage of the LoAver Creeks, settled by Kasi"hta people on Big creek or Hatchi 'lako, twenty miles east of Chatahuchi river, in Georgia. The name refers to a sheet like covering, from apatayas / cooer ; cf . patakas / spread out ; the Creek Avord apata-i signifies any covering comparable to wall-papers, carpets, etc. The town of Upotoy now lies on Upotoy creek, in 32" 38' Lat. Assi-LANAPi, an Upper Creek town, called Oselanopy in the Census list of 1832. It probably lay on YelloAV Leaf creek, which joins Coosa river from the west about five miles below Talladega creek. From it sprang Green leaf Town in the Indian Territory, since lani means yellow and green at the same time. Green is now more frequently expressed by pahi- lani, "grass-green." Atap'halgi, usually spelt Attapulgas, from atap'ha dog wood, was a Seminole toAvn on Little River, a branch of Oklo- koni river. Attapulgas village is noAv in Decatur Co., Geor gia. Atasi, or Atassi, an Upper Creek town, twenty miles above the mouth of Coosa river on the east side of Tal lapoosa river, below and adjoining Kalibi hatchi creek. It was a miserable-looking place in Hawkins' time, with about 43 warriors in 1766. Like that of aU the other towns built on Tallapoosa river, below its falls, the site was low and unhealthy. The name is derived from the war-club (atassi), and was written Autossee, Ottossee, Otassee, Ot-tis- se, etc. Battle on November 29th, 1813. A town in the Indian Territory is called after it A'tesi, its inhabitants Atesalgi. Bartram states that the town was inhabited by one gens only; this was the snake gens. "A x)ost or column of pine, forty fcv-t high, stood in the town of Autassee, on a low, circular, artificial hill." — Bartram, Travels, p. 456. Cf. Hu'li Wa'hli. Atchina-algi, or "Cedar Grove," the northernmost of aU the Creek settlements near the HUlabi-Etowa trail, on a side creek of Tallapoosa river and forty mUes above Niuyaxa. 394 Report Alabama History Commission. Settled from Lutchapoga. Was destroyed Nov. 13, 1813, with Little Okfuski by Gen. White. Also spelt "Genalga." Atchina hatchi, or "Cedar creek," a village settled by Indians from Ka-ilaidshi, q. v. on a creek of the same name. Burgess' Town was the name of two towns, the sites of which are uncertain. Burgess was a white man and trader, who belonged to Yufala of the Lower Creeks and had a large number of slaves. Chatahuchi, a former town of the Lower Creeks, on the headwaters of Chatahuchi river. Probably abandoned in HaAvkins' time; he calls it "old town Chatahuchi;" cf. Chat ahuchi river. Called Chata Uche by Bartram (1775), Chata- hoosie by Swan (1791). Chatahuchi eiver is the water-course dividing, in its lower portion, the State of Alabama from that of Georgia. On its banks were settled the towns and villages of the Lower Creeks. Its name is composed of tchatu rock, stone and hutchi marked, provided with signs, and hence means : "Pic tured Rocks." Rocks of this description are in the bed of the river, at the "old town Chatahuchi," above Hu' li taika (Haw kins, p. 52.) Other names for this river were; Apalachukla river (Wm. Bartram), Cahouita or Apalachoocoly river (Jeffreys' map in John Bartram's report). Chatoksofke was an Upper Creek town and had in 1832 : 143 heads of families. The name is tchdtu aksu'fki "rock precipitous," rock bluff. From tchatu rock, aksufki deep down into (sufki alone is deep.) A few of their old inhabitant! are living at Eufaula, in the Creek Nation, Ind. Ty. They and the Abikudshi, Niuyaxa and Akfaski (Okfuski) were regarded as one town (township!) and in the busks "came together;" anciently they were the most famous ball players in the Creek Nation. Chattuckchufaule was a town destroyed in the war of 1813 (August) by Creeks friendly to the government, and the home of Peter McQueen, one of the insurgent leaders. The Chatocchefaula Indians were a branch of the "Tallasees," who in 1812 murdered Arthur Lott near the "Warriors' Stand," which act brought on the Red Stick war. Wood ward, Reminiscences, p. 35. This was probably Tallisee near Tukabatchi. Chu'^lako NiNi, or "Horse trail," a Lower Creek town on the headwaters of Chatahuchi river, settled by Okfuski In- Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 395 dians. Mentioned in 1832 as Chelucconinny. Probably iden tical with Okf uski-nini ; see Okfuskudshi. Chiaha, or Tchiaha, Chehaw, a Lower Creek tOAvn just be low Osotchi town and contiguous to it, on western bank of Chatahuchi riAer. The Chiaha Indians had in 1799 spread out in Aillages on the Flinc river, of which Hawkins names Amakalli, Hotali-huyana ; and at Chiahudshi. Here a trail crossed the Chatahuchi river ( Swan, 1791. ) A town of the same name, "where otters Uve,"existed among the Cheroki. An Upper Creek toAvn of this name, with twenty-nine heads of f amUies, is mentioned in the Census list of 1832 : ( School craft IV, 578) . Chlahu^dshi, or "Little Chiaha," a Lower Creek town planted by Chiaha Indians in a pine forest one mile and a half west of Hitchiti town. Cf. Hitchiti. Chinnabys Fokt. In 1813 a friendly Creek chief named Chinnaby had a kind of fort at Ten Islands on the Coosa river, known as Chinnaby's Fort. — Drake, Book of Indians (1848) IV, p. 55. Chiska talofa, a Lower Creek town on the west side of Chatahuchi river. Morse, Report, p. 364, refers to it under the name of "Cheskitalowas" as belonging to the Seminole villages. Is it Chisca, or "Chisi provincia," visited by the army of H. de Soto in 1540? Hawkins states that Chiska talofa hatche was the name given to Savannah river (from tchiska base of tree.) Inhabited by 580 Seminoles in 1820; it lay four mUes below the Wikai 'lako viUage. Drake, Book of Indians (1848) pp. VII. XII. Coosa Rivek, (1) an affluent of Alabama river in Eastern Alabama, in Creek Kusahatchi, runs through the roughest and most hilly district formerly held by the Creek Indians. "It is rapid, and so full of rocks and shoals that it is hardly navigable even for canoes:" Swan, in Schoolcraft V, 257. (2) A water-course of the same name, Coosawhatchi, passes southwest of Savannah City, South Carolina, into the Atlantic ocean. For the etymology, see Kusa. CusAWATi is a tributary of Upper Coosa river, in north western Georgia. A town of the same name is built upon it, pronounced Kusa-wetiyi by the Cheroki, Avhich means: "where Creeks formerly lived." A Creek Indian is called in Cheroki language Kusa or Agusa, the Creek people Ani-gusa or Anikusa. 396 Report Alabama History Commission. Fin'halui, a town of the Lower Creeks or Seminoles. The name signifies a high bridge, or a high foot-log, and the traders' name was "High Log" (1832) . A swamp having the same name, Finholoway Swamp, lies in Wayne county, betAveen the lower Altamaha and Satilla rivers, Georgia. Fish-Ponds, or Fish-Pond Town; cf. 'La'lo-kalka. Flint River, in Creek 'Lonotiska hatchi, an eastern Geor gian affluent of Chatahuchi river, and almost of the same length. Creek, Yuchi and Seminole Indians were settled on it and on its numerous tributaries, one of which is 'Lonoto creek, called Indian creek, Dooley county, Georgia. From 'lonoto flint. Philippeaux in his "Map of English Colonies" 1781, calls Flint river "Riviere au Caiilou." Fort Toulouse; cf. Taskigi. This fort was also called, from the tribe settled around it. Fort Alibamu, Fort Albamo, Fort Alebahmah, Forteresse des Alibamons. Abandoned by the French in 1762. Fulemmy^s Town, a Seminole settlement inhabited by Chiaha Indians; was also called Pinder-Town, pinder being dialectic for "peanut." "Phillimees on or near Suane river" in 1817. Drake, Book of Indians (1848) p. X. Fusi-hatchi, Fus^-hatchi, or "Birdcreek," a town of the Upper Creeks, built on the right or northern bank of Talla poosa river, two miles below Hu'li Wa'hli. Remains of a walled town on the opposite shore. Haihagi, a LoAver Creek town no longer known at present. Designates "the groaners," from the Creek hai'hkas, / groan, haihagis, we groan. Hatchi tchapa, or "Half-way Creek," (1) a small upper Creek village settled in a pine forest by Ka-i-laidshi Indians, q. V. ; it was destroyed by fire by the hostile Creeks in 1813 . Hawkins, in American State Papers, (1832) IV, 847. (2) a Lower Creek village of the same name had been set tled from Sa'AVokli and counted thirty families in 1832; cf. Schoolcraft, Indians IV, 578. Spelt there Hatch-chi-chubba. Hickory Ground; cf. Odshi-apofa. Creek Indian Towns and ViUages. 397 Hillabi, pronounced Hi'lapi, an Upper Creek town on Ko- ufadi creek, which runs into Hillabi creek one mile from the village. Hillabi creek is a western tributary of Tallapoosa river, and joins it eight miles below Niuyaxa. The majority of the Hillabi people had settled in four villages of the vici nity in 1799, which were: 'Lanudshi apala, Anati tchapko, Istudshi laiki, Uktaha sasi. A battle took place in the vicinity on November ISth, 1813. Though the name is of dif ficult analysis, it is said to refer to quickness, velocity (of the water-course? I Hitchiti, a Lower Creek town with branch villages. Hitch iti town was, in Hawkins' time, estabUshed on the eastern bank of Chatahuchi river, four mUes below Chiaha. The natives possessed a narrow strip of good land bordering on the river, and had the reputation of being honest and indus trious. They obtained their name from Hitchiti Creek, so called at its junction with Chatahuchi river, and in its upper course Ahiki. It is derived from Creek: ahitchita "to look up (the stream) ." They had spread out into two branch settlements : Hitchitudshi or Little Hitchiti, on both sides of Flint river, below the junction of Kitchofuni creek, which passes through a county named after it; and Tutalosi on Tutalosi creek, a branch of Kitchofuni creek, twenty miles west of Hitchitudshi (Hawkins, p. (50, 65) . The existence of several Hitchiti towns is mentioned by C. Swan in 1791; and Wm. Bartram states that they "speak the Stincard language." There is a popular saying among the Creeks, that the ancient name of the tril e was Atchik'hade, a Hitchiti word which sig nifies wh ite h cap { of ashes. ) The inhabitants of this town ship were called bv the Koassati Indians : "mean people ;" at pasha shli'ha. Hitchitu^dshi; cf. Hitchiti. Hotali-hutana, a Lower Creek town, planted by Chiaha Indians on the eastern bank of Flint river, six miles below the Kitchofuni creek junction. Osotchi settlers had mingled with the twenty families of the viUage. The name means: "Hurricane Town," for hutali in Creek is icind, huyana pass- in q ; it therefore marks a locality once devastated by a pass ing hurricane. Called Tallewheanas in an old U^st of Semi nole settlements. Hr'^Li taiga a Lower Creek village on Chatahuchi river, planted by Okfuski Indians. Bartram calls it Hothtetoga, 398 Report Alabama History Commission. C. Swan: Hohtatoga (Schoolcraft, Indians V, 262) ; the name signifies war-ford, military river-passage. Hu'^Li Wa'hli, an Upper Creek town on the right bank of Tallapoosa river, five miles below Atasi. This town obtained its name from the privilege of declaring war (hu'li war, awa'hlita to share out, divide; the declaration was first sent to Tukabatchi, and from there among the other tribes. The town bordered west on Atas'-hatchi creek. The name is writ ten Clewauley (1791), Ho-ithle-Wau-lee (Hawkins), Cleu- Avath-ta (1832), Cluale, ClewuUa, etc. Ikan atchaka, or "Holy Ground," a town on the southern side of Alabama river, built on holy ground, and therefore believed to be exempt from any possible inroads of the white people. Weatherford, the leader of the insurgent Creeks, and their prophet Hilis'hako resided there; the forces gather ed at this place by them were defeated December 23d, 1813 . Prom ikana ground, atchaka beloved, sacred. For a descrip tion of this toAvn, its site and battlefield see A. B. Meek, Ro mantic passages in SouthAvestern history, (New York and Mobile, 1857) pp. 278-280. Drake, Book of Indians, IV, 58, states it had 200 houses when destroyed in the war of 1813. Ikan' hatki, or "White Ground," a Shawano town just be low Kulumi, and on the same side of Tallapoosa river. "Cun- hutki speaks the Muscogulge tongue;" W. Bartram (1775). Imukfa, an Upper Creek town on Imukfa creek, west of Tallapoosa river. Near this place, in a bend or peninsula formed by the Tallapoosa river, called Horseshoe by the whites, the American troops achieved a decisive victory over the Red Stick party of the Creek Indians on March 25th, 1814, which resulted in the surrender of Weatherford, their leader, and put an end to this bloody campaign. Not less than five hundred and fifty-seven Creek warriors lost their lives in this battle. The term imukfa is Hitchiti, for ( 1 ) shell ; ( 2 ) me tallic ornament of concave shape; Hawkins interprets the name by "gorget made of a conch." In Hitchiti, bend of river is hatchi paxutchki; ha'htchafashki, hatsafaski is river- bend in Creek. Toliopeka is another name for this battle field ; in Creek this is itu hlipki, viz : "wooden fence," a term formerly applied to all fortifications or retrenchments. The Horseshoe bend is known in Creek as Cholocco Litabixee or in scientific notation : tchu'lako ili-tapiksi; "of the great deer its flat-foot," which stands for "of the horse the sole." Creek Indian Towns and ViUages. 399 Intatchkalgi, or "coUection of beaver dams," a Yuchi town of Georgia settled twenty-eight mUes up OpU-lako creek, a tributary of FUnt river. A square was buUt by the fourteen famUies of this town in 1798. Tatchki means any thing .straight, as a dam, beaver dam, line, boundary Une, etc., ikan' tatchka survey-line; the above creek was probably Beaver-dam creek, an eastem tributary of FUnt river, joining it about 32° 15' Lat. Ipisogi, an Upi)er Creek town upon Ipisogi creek, a large eastem tributary of TaUapoosa river, joining it opposite Okfuski. The tovra was settled from Okfuski; it had forty settlers in 1799. Cf. Pin-hoti. Istapoga, an Upper Creek settlement not recorded in the earlier documents; a place of this name exists now east of Coosa river, Talladega county, Alabama. The name, usually written Eastaboga, signifies: "where people reside" (isti peo ple; apokita, to reside. Istudshi Laiki, or "chUd lying there," a HiUabi vUlage, on HUlabi creek, four miles below HiUabi tOAvn. It owes its name to the circumstance that a chUd was once found on its site. BLi-iLAiDSHi, an Upper Creek town, on a creek of the same name, which joins Oktchoyi creek, a western tributary of Tal lapoosa river, joining it fifteen miles above Tukabatchi. The two villages, Atchina hatchi and Hatchi tchapa, branced off from this town. The name was variously written Ki-a-Uge, KUiga, Killeegko, Kiolege, and probably referred to a war rior's head dress: ika his head; ilaidshas I kill. During the war of 1813 Ka-ilaidshi was destroyed by a party of hostile Creeks. Kan^'-tchati, Kanshade, "Red dirt," "Red earth," an Upper Creek toAvn, mentioned in 1835 as "Con-chan-ti." Conchar- dee is a place a few miles northwest of Talladega, and fre quently occurs as a local name. From ikana ground, tchati red. Ka.si'hta, a Lower Creek town on the eastem bank of Chat ahuchi river, two and a half miles below Kawita Talahassi ; Kasi'hta once claimed the lands above the falls of the Chata huchi river on its eastern bank. In this town and tribe our Migration legend has taken its origin. Its branch settle ments spread out on the right side of the river, the number 400 Report Alabama History Commission. of the warriors of the town and branches being estimated as 180 in 1799; it was considered the largest among the Lower Creeks. One of its branch villages was Apatai ; another, Sid- sha'-lidsha or "under black-jack trees," which was not a "regu lar town ;" another one Avas named Tusilgis tcho'ko or "clap board house ;" from the verb silas, I split into thin sheets, tu, abbreviation of itu wood, tcho'fco house. The honorary title of Kasihta was 'la'ko "the great one" — of Kawita it was ma'hma'yi. The natives were friendly to the whites and fond of visiting them ; the old chiefs were orderly men, desirous and active in restraining the young "braves" from the licen tiousness which they had contracted through their inter course with the scum of the white colonists. Hawkins makes some strictures at their incompetency for farming; "they do not know the season for planting; or, if they do, they ncA^er avail themselves of what they know, as they always plant one month too late." (p 59.) A large conical mound is described by him as standing on the Kasi'hta fields, forty-five yards in diameter at its base, and flat on the top. Below the town was the "old Cussetuh town," on a high flat, and afterwards "a Chicasaw town" occupied this site (p. 58.) A branch village of Kasi'hta is Apata-i, q.v. The name Kasi-hta, Kasixta, is popularly explained as "coming from the sun" (ha'si) and being identical with hasi'hta. The Creeks infer, from the, parallel Creek form hasoti, "sunshine," that Kasi'hta really meant "light," or "bright splendor of the sun;" anciently this term was used for the sun himself, "as the old people say." The inhabitants of the town believed that they came from the sun. A place Cusseta is now in Chatahuchi county, Georgia, 32° 20' Lat. Kawaiki, a town of the Lower Creeks, having forty-five heads of families in 1832. Kawaiki Creek is named after quails. Kawita, a Lower Creek town on the high western bank of Chatahuchi river, three miles below its falls. The fishery in the western channel of the river, below the falls, belonged to Kawita, that in the eastern channel to Kasi'hta. In Haw kins' time (1799) many Indians had settled on streams in the vicinity, as at Hatchi ika, "Creek-Head." Probably a colony of Kawita Talahassi. Kawita Talahassi, "old Kawita Town," a Lower Creek town tAvo miles and a half below Kawita, on the western side of the river, and half a mile from it. Old Kawita town was the "public establishment" of the Lower Creeks, and in 1799 Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 401 could raise sixty-five warriors; it was also the seat of the United States agent. Kawita Talahassi had branched off by segmentation from Kasi'hta, as shown in the Migration Legend, and itself has given origin to a vUlage called Witum ka, on Big Yuchi creek. The town was a political centre for the nation, and is referred to by the traveler Wm. Bartram (1775), pp. 389, 463. in the following terms: "The great Coweta town, on Chatahuchi or Apalachucly river, twelve miles above Apalachucla town, is called the bloody town, where the micos, chiefs and warriors assemble, when a gen eral war is proposed, and here captives and state malefactors are put to death. Coweta speaks the Muscogulgee tongue." Colden, Five Nations, p. 5, mentions an alliance concluded between the Iroquois of New York and the Cowetas ; but here the name Cowetas is used, as it often was, in the wider sense of Creek Indians or Lower Creek Indians. The Creek form is Kawitalgi, or isti Kawitalgi. Written Caouita by French authors. Cf. Apalatchukla. Kitcho-pataki, an Upper Creek town, now name of a Creek settlement in the Indian Territory. From kitchu "maize-pounding block of wood,-" pataki "spread-out." Kit- chopataki creek joins Tallapoosa river from the west a few miles below Okfuskee, in Randolph county, Alabama." Koha-mutki Katska, or "place where blow-gun canes are broken," was an Upper Creek town, which had 123 heads of families in 1832, (Census list in Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes IV 578. ) From ko'ha long cane, motas or mudas, I cut off, in the frequentative form mutmoy^s — and katska, to which may be compared : 'Le'-katska. Koassati, an Upper Creek people. Special mention is made of this town and tribe in Migration Legend, I, pp. 89, 90. Kulumi, Upper Creek town on right side of Tallapoosa river, small and compact, below Fusi-hatchi and contiguous to it. A conical mound, thirty feet in diameter, was seen by Hawkins, opposite the "town-house." A part of the inhabit ants had settled on Likasa creek. The signification of the name is unknown, but it may have connection with a'hkolu- mas I clinch (prefix a for ani, I) . Of the "old Coolome town," Avhich stood on the opposite shore of Tallapoosa river, a few houses were left at the time of Bartram's visit, c. 1775. (Trav els, p. 395. ) After the war of 1813-14 the Kulumi people, (or Kulu'malgi) went straight to Florida and becanie Seminoles. 26 402 Report Alabama History Commission. Kusa, (1) an old capital of the Creek people, referred to as CoQa by the historians of de Soto's expedition, on the eastern bank of Coosa river, between Yufala and Natche creeks, which join Coosa river from the east, a quarter of a mile apart and are now called Talladega and Tallahachi creeks. The town stood on a high hill in the midst of a rich limestone country, forty miles above Pakan-Talahassi and six ty above Taskigi, q. v. Bartram saw it (1775), half deserted and in ruins. "The great and old beloved town of refuge Koosah, which stands high on the eastern side of a bold river, about two hundred and fifty yards broad, that runs by the late dangerous Alebahma fort, down to the black poisoning Mobille, and so into the Gulph of Mexico :" Adair, History, p. 395. This town, which was also, as it seems, the sojourn ing place of Tristan de Luna's expedition (1559), must have been one of the earliest centres of the Maskoki people, though it does not appear among its "four leading towns." Its in habitants may at one time have been comprised under the people of the neighboring Abi'hka town, q.v. Kosa is the name of a small forest-bird, resembling a sparrow; but the name of the town and river could possibly be an ancient form of o'sa,osa, 'osa poke or poke-weed, a plant with red berries, which grows plentifully and to an enormous height through out the South. Cf. Coosa river. It is more probable, how ever, that the name is of Cha'hta origin; cf. (3). In the Alibamu dialect Kusa is a species of reed with rough leaves growing throughout Alabama as tall as nine feet. Much taller than that is the i'la'ni-reed, which serves to make blow- guns from. (2) A town, "Old Kusa," or "Coussas old village," is re ported a short distance below Fort Toulouse, on the northern shore of Alabama river, between Taskigi and Koassati. It was, perhaps, from this place that the Alabama river was, in earlier times, called Coosa or Coussa river, but since Hawkins and others make no mention of this town, I surmise that it was identical with Koassati, the name being an abbreviation from the latter. (3) The Kusa, Cusha or Coosa towns, on the Kusa Creeks, formed a group of the eastern Cha'hta settlements. • From Cha'hta kush reed, cane which corresponds to the koa, koe of Creek . 'La'lo-kalka, "Fish-Pond Town," or "Fish-Ponds,'-' an Upper Creek town on a small creek forming ponds, fourteen miles above its junction with Alko hatchi, a stream running Creek Indian Towns and VUlages. 403 into Tallapoosa river from the west, four miles above Okfuski. The name is abbreviated from 'la'lo'akalka fish separated, placed apart; from 'la'lo fi.sh, akalgas / am separated from. This was a colony planted by Oktchayi Indians, q.v. Hon. G. W. Stidham said concerning this local name: it probably originated from the circumstance, that the Old Creeks had some metliod of catching the fish besides fishing for them, perhaps a contrivance for dipping them up with nets. 'Lanudshi apala, or "on the side of a little mountain," a Hillabi place fifteen miles from that town and on the north west branch of Hillabi creek; had a "town-house" or public square. 'Lap' lako, or "Tall Cane," "Big Reed," the name of two villages of the Upper Creeks, mentioned in 1832 L^wa is a tall cane, from which sarbacanes or blow-guns are made. 'Le-katchka, 'Li-i-katchka, or "Broken Arrow,'-' a Lower Creek town on a ford of the southern trail, which crossed Chatahuchi river at this point, twelve miles below Kasi'hta and Kawita (Swan, 1791). Bartram calls it Tukauska, SAvan : Chalagatsca. Called so because reeds were obtained there for manufacturing arrow shafts. Litafatchi, a village on Canoe Creek, in northern parts of the Creek Territory. The name is said to refer to the manufacture of arrows ( 'li ) . It was taken and destroyed by Col. Dver, 1813, and then stood at the head of Canoe Creek. Cf. FUnt, Indian Wars 1833, p. 175. Lutchapoga, or "Terrapin-Resort," an Upper Creek town, probably near Tallapoosa river. The village Atchina-algi was settled by natives of this town (Hawkins, p. 47), but afterwards incorporated with Okfuski; also mentioned in the Census list of 1832. A place called Loachapoka is now in Lee county, Alabama, about half way between Montgomery and West Point. From lutcha terrapin, poka gathering place; occurs only in compound words and is derived from poyas. / gather up. At present the Creeks call the terrapin turtle not lu'tcha only, but lu'tcha taxut ski. Probably this adjective was left out from the compound name. H. S. Tan ner's map (1827) marks an Indian town Luchepoga on west hank of Tallapoosa river, about ten miles above Tukabatchi Talahassi ; also Luchanpogan creek, as a western tributary of Chatahuchi river, in 33° 8' Lat., just below Chatahuchi town, 404 Report Alabama History Commission. Muklasa, a small Upper Creek town one mile below Sa- Avanogi and on the same side of Tallapoosa river. In times of freshet the river spreads here nearly eight miles from bank to bank. Bartram states, that Mucclasse speaks the "Stin card tongue," and the list of 1832 writes "Muckeleses." They are Alibamu, and a toAvn of that name is in the Indian Terri tory. "The Wolf-King, our old, steady friend of the Amook- lasah Town, near the late Alebahma." (Adair, History, p. 277). The name points to the Imuklasha, a division of the Cha'hta people ; imukla is the "opposite people," referring to the two iksa, Kashap-ukla and Ukla inhula'hta. Natche (better Naktche), on "Natche creek, five miles above Abiku'dshi, scattering for two miles on a rich flat be- loAY the fork of the creek, which is an eastern tributary of Upper Coosa river." Now called Tallahatchi creek. Peo pled by the remainder of the Naktche tribe on Mississippi river, and containing from flfty to one hundred warriors in 1799. The root talua Avas dug by them in this vicinity. Bar tram states, that "Natchez speak Muscogee and Chicasaw" (1775). Niuyaxa, village of the Upper Creeks, settled by Tukpafka Indians in 1777, twenty miles above Okfuski, on the east bank of Tallapoosa river. It lay above the Horseshoe bend, and not distant from it. It was called so after the Treaty of New York, concluded between the United States Government and the Creek confederacy, at a date posterior to the settlement of this town, August 7th, 1790. NOFAPi Creek, an affluent of Yufabi creek. Cf. Yufabi. Odshi-apofa, or "Hickory Ground," an Upper Creek town on the eastern bank of Coosa river, two miles above the fork of the river; from o'dshi hickory, api tree, stem, trunk, ofa, within, suffix pointing to locality. The falls of Coosa river, one mile above the town, can be easily passed in canoes, either up or down. The town had forty warriors at the time of Hawkins' visit ( 1799 ) . Identical with Little Talisi ; Milf ort, p. 27 : "le petit Talessy ou village des Noyers." A map of this section will be found in Schoolcraft, Indian Tribes, V. 225. Literally: "in the hickory grove." Ifa ha'dsho, when head chief of the Creeks, gave in July or August 1802, his home to Hopoyi miko, transferring the national council-place from Tukabatchi to Odshiapo'fa, where Hopoyi miko Uved, Ameri can State Papers, IV. 620, 681, 854. Creek Indian Towns and VUlages. 405 Okfuski (better Akfaski), an Upper Creek town, erected on both sides of Tallapoosa river, about thii-ty-five miles above Tukabatchi. The Indians settled on the eastern side came from Chatahuchi river, and had founded on it three villages, Chu'lako-nini, Hu'li-taiga, Tchuka'lako, q. v. In 1799 Okfuski (one hundred and eighty warriors) with its seven branch villages on Tallapoosa river (two hundred and seventy war riors) was considered the largest community of the confed eracy. The shrub Ilex cassine was growing there in clumps. These seven villages were : Niuyaxa, Tukabatchi Talahassi, Imukfa, Tuxtukagi, Atchina-algi, Ipisogi, Suka-ispoka. The Creek term akfaski, akfuski signifies point, tongue of a con fluence ; from ak down in, faski sharp, pointed. Tallapoosa river was also called Okfuski river. , Okfusku^dshi, or "Little Okfuski," portion of a small vil lage four miles above Niuyaxa. Some of these people former ly inhabited Okfuski-nini, on Chatahuchi river, but were driven from there by Georgian volunteers in 1793. Cf. Chu'lako-nini. Oki-tiyakni, a Lower Creek village on the eastern bank of Chatahuchi river, eight mUes below Yufala. Hawkins writes it O-ke-teyoc-en-ni, and Morse, Report, p. 364, mentions among the Seminole settlements, "Okatiokinans, near Fort Gaines." Oki-tiyakni, a Hitchiti term, means either whirl pool, or river-bend. Okmulgi (1), a Lower Creek town on the east side of Flint river, Georgia, near Hotali huyana. The name signifles "bubbling, boiling water" from Hitchiti oki icater; mulgis it is boiling, in Creek and Hitchiti. (2) East of Flint river is Okmulgi river, Georgia, which, after joining Little Okmulgi and Okoni rivers, form Altama ha river. Okoni, a small Lower Creek town, six miles below Apala chukla, on the western bank of Chatahuchi river ; settled by immigrants from a locality below the Rock Landing on Okoni river, Georgia. They spoke the "Stincard tongue," and prob ably were Apalachians of the Hitchiti-Mikasuki dialect. The name is the Cheroki term ekwoni river, from ekwa great, large, viz: "great water." Bartram, who en camped on the site of the old Okoni town on Okoni river, states (Travels, p. 378), that the Indians aban doned that place about 1710, on account of the 406 Report Alabama History Commission. vicinity of the white colonists, and built a town among the Upper Creeks. Their roving disposition impelled them to leave this settlement also, and to migrate to the fertile Ala chua plains, where they built Cuscowilla on the banks of a lake, and had to defend it against the attacks of the Tomocos, Utinas, Cailoosas (?), Yamases and other remnant tribes of Florida, and the more northern refugees from Carolina, all of Avhom were helped by the Spaniards. Being reinforced by other Indians from the Upper Creek towns, "their uncles," they repulsed the aggressors and destroyed their villages, as well as those of the Spaniards. This notice probably refers to the Indian troubles with the Yamassi, which occurred long before 1710, since inroads are recorded as early as 1687. Haw kins, p. 65, states that the town they formerly occupied on Okoni river stood just below the Rock Landing, once the site of a British post about four miles below Milledgeville, Geor gia. Oktchayi, an Upper Creek town built along Oktchayi creek, a western tributary of Tallapoosa river. The town, mentioned as Oak-tchoy in 1791, lay three miles below Ka- lai dshi , in the central district. Cf . 'La'lo-kalka. Milf ort, M^moire, p. 266, 267, calls the tribe : les Oxiailles. Oktchayu'dshi, a "little compact town" of the Upper Creek Indians, on the eastern bank of Coosa river, between Otchi-apofa and Taskigi, its cabins joining those of the latter town. Their maize flelds lay on the same side of the river on the Sambelo grounds, below Sambelo creek. They re moved their village to the eastern side of Tallapoosa river on account of former Chicasa raids. The name of the town, "Little Oktchayi," proves it to be a colony or branch of Oktchayi, q.v. ; Pleasant Porter says it is a branch of Okfuski. Opil^-'lako, or "Big Swamp," from opilua- swamp, 'lako large. (1) An Upper Creek town on a stream of the same name, which joins Pakan'-Talahassi creek on its left side. The town was twenty miles from Coosa river ; its tribe is called Pinclatchas by C. Swan (1791.) (2) A locality west of Kasi'hta; cf. Talisi. (3) A stream running into Flint river, Georgia. Cf. In tatchkalgi. Osotchi, Osutchi, Osudshi, or UsutChi, a Lower Creek toAvn about two miles below Yuchi town, on the western bank of Chatahuchi river, whose inhabitants migrated to this place in 1794, from Flint river. The town adjoins that of Chiaha; Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 407 Bartram calls it Hoositchi. The descendants of it and of Chiaha have consolidated into one town in the Creek Nation, Indian Territory. Cf. Hawkins, p. 63. Otchisi, Odshisi, a Seminole or Lower Creek town on west shore of Chatahuchi river, scA-en miles below Tama'li town, on what was called Ocheese "Bluff. By the Hitchiti-speaking people this name was often used to designate the Upper Creek Indians as a political body, and speaking a dialect differing from theirs. The Creek language was by them called Otchisi apu'ngi, "word language of Otchisi." The name of the town is Creek and means "hickory leaf," odshi-isi. Oti pa'lin, or "Ten Islands." This town was situated on Coosa river just below the junction of Canoe Creek from the west. Just below it, and on west side of Coosa river lay Fort Strother, which was also opposite the influx of Tallahassi hatchi, upon which stood tAvo old Creek villages. Oti tut'tchina, or "Three Islands," an Upper Creek town which stood in 1791 either between Kusa and Pakan' Talahas si or between Kusa and Opil' 'lako. See Schoolcrafts' Creek Town Ust in his Indian Tribes, Vol. V, p. 262. Padshilaika or "Pigeon Roost," (1) a Yuchi town on the junction of Padshilaika creek with FUnt river, Macon county, Georgia, about 32° 38' Lat. The village suffered heavily by the loss of sixteen warriors, who were murdered by Benjamin Harrison and his associates ; cf . Hawkins, p. 62, sq. (2) Patsilaika river was the name of the western branch of Conecuh river, in Southern Alabama, Covington County, which runs into Escambia river and Pensacola Bay. From padshi pigeon, and laikas / sit down, am sitting. Pakan^-Talahassi, Upper Creek town on a creek of the same name, which joins Coosa river from the east, forty miles below Kusa town. From ipakana, mayapple, talua town, ahassi ancient, in the sense of waste. G. W. Stidham inter prets the name : "Old Peach Orchard Town." Pin'-hoti, or "Turkey Home," an Upper Creek town on the right side of a small tributary of Ipisogi creek; cf. Ipisogi. The trail from Niuyaxa to Kawita Talahassi passed through this settlement. From pinna turkey, huti, hoti home. Potchus'-hatchi, Upper Creek town in the central dis trict, on a stream of the same name, which joins Coosa river from the northeast, four miles below Pakan'-Talahassi. The town was in Coosa or Talladega county, Alabama, forty miles above the junction; the name signifies "Hatchet-Stream": potchusua hatchet, ax; hatchi water-course. 408 Report Alabama History Commission. Sakapatayi, Upper Creek town in the central district, now Socopatoy, on a small eastern tributary of Potchus'-hatchi,[or Hatchet stream, Coosa county; pronounced also Saka- pato-i by Creek Indians. Probably refers to water-lilies cov ering the surface of a pond, the seeds of them being eaten by the natives ; from sakpatagas I lie inside of a covering, blan ket, etc. ) A legend, which evidently originated from the name already existing, relates that wayfarers passing there had left a large provision-basket (saka) at this locality, which was upset and left rotting, so that finally it became flattened out. From pataidshas / spread out something; patayi, partic. pass., shaken out. Sauga hatchi. Upper Creek town on a stream of the same name, Avhich runs into Tallapoosa river from the east, ten miles below Yufala. In 1799 the thirty young men of this place had joined Talisi town. Hawkins, p. 49, renders the name by "cymbal creek." Sauga is a hard-shelled fruit or gourd, similar to a cocoanut, used for making rattles; saukas, / am rattling. Sawanogi, or "Shawanos," a town settled by Shawano-Al- gonkins, but belonging to the Creek confederacy. It stood on the left or southern side of Tallapoosa river, three miles below Likasa creek. The inhabitants (in 1799) retained the customs and language of their countrymen in the northwest, and had joined them in their late war against the United States. Some Yuchi Indians lived among them. The "town- house" was an oblong square cabin, roof "eight feet pitch," sides and roof covered with pine-bark. Cf . Ikan'-hatki. Sawokli, or Great Sawokli, Sa-ukli, Chewakala, Swaglaw, etc., a Lower Creek town, six miles below Okoni, on the west bank of the Chatahuchi river, and four miles and a half above Wilani (*'Yellow Water") creek junction. The Hitchiti Avord, sawi means raccoon, ukli town; and both Sawokli towns spoke the "Stincard tongue." (Bartram). Among the Sawokli the mikalgi were appointed from the raccoon gens only. Sawokli is called Swaggles Town in American State Papers, iv, 383 ; and Souikilas in Bouquet, p. 70. Sawokli-u^dshi, or "Little Sawokli," a Lower Creek town on the eastern bank of Chatahuchi river, four miles below Okoni town ; contained about twenty families in 1799. About 1865 both Sawokli towns in the Indian Territory have dis banded into the Talua 'lako ; cf . Apalatchukla. Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 409 Suka-ispoka, or Suka-ishpogi, caUed "Hog Range" by the traders, a small Upper Creek village situated on the western bank of Upper Tallapoosa river, twelve miles above Okfuski ; its inhabitants had in 1799 moved, for the larger part, to Imukfa. It is the place called elscAvhere ^oguspogus, Sokas- poge, Hog Resort, the name meaning literally : "hog-gather ing place." Cf. Lutchapoga, Talatigi, now Talladega, an Upper Creek settlement in the central district east of Coosa river. A battle was fought there November 7th, 1813. The name signifies "border town,"' from talua town and atigi at the end, on the border; cf atigis "it is the last one, it forms the extremity." Cf. Kusa (1). About thirty miles below Oti-palin there was at Tala tigi a fort occupied by Creeks. Drake, Book of the Indians. p. 56. Talipsehogy, (better Talip-sihoki) "two taUwa weeds standing together" was an Upper Creek town, which had nine teen heads of families in 1832 (Census list) . Some Creeks Uv ing now never heard of this town, a circumstance testifying for its smallness. Sihoki is dual of hui'las, I am standing ; the plural is sabakUs, we are standing. The taliwa is a weed not over 2 feet taU, yellow fiower, grows on sandy ground; Avhen its roots are fried in oil they yield a brilUant red sub stance (of a claret wine red) which is used to color hair-oU. Tausi, abbrev. Talsi, or : "Old Town," a contraction of the term talua ahassi; town of the Upper Creeks on the eastern bank of TaUapoosa river, opposite Tukabatchi, in the fork of Yufabi creek. In Hawkins' time the natives of this place had for the larger part left the town and settled up Yufabi creek, and the chief Hobo-i'U miki was at variance with the United States and Spanish colonial authorities. The traders' trail from Kasi'hta to the Upper Creek settlements crossed Yufabi creek twice at the "Big Swamp," Opil'-'lako. The Census of 1832 calls TaUsi: "Big Tallassi or the Halfway House." It was at the public square of this place that Tecumseh met the Creeks in council. Cf. Woodward, Remin iscences, p. 84. Talisi, Little, a town of the Upper Creeks, identical with Odshi-apofa, q. v. Tallapoosa River, a considerable tributary of Alabama river, full of rocks, shoals and falls down to Tukabatchi town ; for thirty miles from here to its junction with the Coosa, it 410 Report Alabama History Commission. becomes deep and quiet. The Hitchiti form of the name is Talapusi ; cf . Okfuski. A little village named Tallapoosa lies on the headwaters of Tallapoosa river, from Avhich the river perhaps received its name ; cf . talepu 'li stranger { in Creek. ) Ta'lua hadsho, or "Crazy Town," was an Upper Creek town built on Cahawba river, far out to the northwest of the other Upper Creek towns. Above it there were other Creek settlements, of which the ruins were visible in Hawkins' time. Talua 'lako, "the Great Town," the popular name of Apala-tchukla, q.v., the latter being no longer heard at the present time. Talua mutchasi, (1) the new name for Tukabatchi Tala hassi, q.v. It is commonly abbreviated into Talmodshasi "Newtown." From talua town, mutchasi new. (2) A Lower Creek town, on west shore of Chatahuchi river, mentioned by Morse (1822), among the Seminole towns as: Telmocresses. Tama'^li, a Lower Creek town on Chatahuchi river, seven miles above Odshisi. (Morse, Report, p. 364). Hawkins writes it Tum-mult-lau, and makes it a Seminole town. Its name is the Hitchiti form of itama'lgi, name of a Creek totem- clan. There was on the southern shore of Tennessee river, between Ballplay creek and Toskegee, a settlement called Tommotley town in early maps; cf. Jeffery's Atlas of N. America (map of 1762). It was named so after Tama'li Creeks who had emigrated there. Taskigi or Tuskiki, a little, ancient Upper Creek town, built near the site of the former French Fort Toulouse, at the confiuence of Coosa and Tallapoosa rivers. It stood on the high shore of Coosa river, forty-six feet above its waters, where the two rivers approach each other within a quarter of a mile, to curve out again. On this bluff are also five conic mounds, the largest thirty yards in diameter at the base. The town, of 35 warriors had lost its ancient language, and spoke Creek (1799) . The noted A. MacGillivray, head chief of the Creeks in the latter part of the eighteenth century, or as he was styled, "Emperor of the Creek Nation," lived at Taskigi, where he owned a house and property along Coosa river, half a league from Fort Toulouse; Milf ort, M^moire, p. 27. On the immigration of the tribe, cf. Milfort, pp. 266, 267. The name of the town may be explained as: Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 411 "jumping men, jumpers, "from Cr. taska-is, ta'skas / jump (tulupkaiis in Hitchiti) ; or be considered an abbreviated form of taskialgi warriors; cf. taskaya citizen (Creek) ; and HaAvkins, Sketch, p. 70. Linguistically identical with it is '¦Toskegee," a Cheroki town on Great Tennessee river, south ern shore, mentioned by several authors, and appearing on Lieutenant H. Timberlake's map in his memoir, reproduced in Jetterys' Topography (Atlas) of North America, (1762) . This town-name testifies to another Creek emigration to northern jiarts, like Tommotley. Tchana'nagi, the name of an Upper Creek village; the name refers to its being built upon a long ridge; (tchana'ksi is a ridge simply. ) A village of this name is now northeast of Montgomery, in Russell county. WoodAvard, Reminis cences p. 37, states that a Hickory Ground Indian, the "Little Warrior," in the war of 1813-14 set the Coosa Indians at vari ance with the "Big Warrior," (head chief at Tukabatchi) . After this the Tuckabatchies, the Nini-pask-algi or Road In dians, the "Chunnanuggees" and the Conaligas all forted in at Tukabatchi, to defend themselves from those that had turned hostile. TCHUKO 'LAKO, Or "Great Cabin" of the public square, (1) A Lower Creek town on Chatahuchi river, settled by Okfuski Indians. (2) A place of the same name is mentioned in the Census of 1832 as an Upper Creek town. Tokogalgi, or "tadpole place," a small Yuchi settlement on Kitchofuni creek, a northern affluent of Flint river, Georgia, which joins it about 31° 40' Lat. Beaver dams existed on branches of Kitchofuni creek ; cf . Hawkins, p. 63. The pres ent Creeks call a tadpole tokiulga. Tukabatchi, an Upper Creek town built upon the western bank of Tallapoosa river, and two miles and a half below its falls, which are forty feet in fifty yards. Opposite was Talisi town, q.v. Tuckabatchi was an ancient capital, decreasing in population in Hawkins' time, but still able to raise one hundred and sixteen warriors. The town suffered much in its later wars with the Chicasa. Cf. Hu'li-Wa'hli. One traders' trail crossed the Tallapoosa river at this place. Bartram (1775) states that "Tuccabatche spoke Musco- jnilge," and the Census of 1832 considers it the largest town among the Creeks, with three hundred and eighty-six houses. Here, as at a national centre, the Shawano leader, Tecumseh, 412 Report Alabama History Commission. held his exciting orations against the United States Govern ment, which prompted the Upper Creeks to rise in arms ( 1813 ) . Tugibaxtchi, Tukipa'htchi, and Tukipaxtchi are the ancient forms of the name (Stidham), Avhich is of uncertain origin. The inhabitants believe that their ancestors fell from the sky, or according to others, came from the sun. Another tale is, that they did not originate on this continent; that Avhen they arrived from their country they landed at the "Jagged Rock," tchato tchaxaxa 'lako, and brought the metal lic plates with them, which they preserve to the present day with anxious care. , In Adair's time ( cf . Adair, History, pp. 178, 179, in Note) they consisted of five copper and two brass plates, and were, according to Old Bracket's account, pre served under the "beloved cabbin in Tuccabatchey Square." (A. D. 1759.) Bracket's forefathers told him that they were given to the tribe "by the man we call God," and that the Tukabatchi were a people different from the Creeks. The plates are mentioned in Schoolcraft's Indians, V, 283 (C. Swan's account), and rough sketches of them are given in Adair, loco laudato. They appear to be of Spanish origin, and are produced at the busk. The town anciently was known un der two other names: Talua, fatcha-sigo, incorrect town, town deviating from strictness : Ispokogi, or Talua ispokogi, said to mean "town of survivors," or "surviving town, rem nant of a town." This epithet is derived from isipoko'kas, a Creek verb for "I put a wrap, blanket, etc. around myself" (G. W. Stidham). With this last appellation we may compare the Spanish village-name Villa Viciosa. On national councils held there, c. Hawkins, Sketch, p. 51 (in the year 1799) and Milfort, p. 40 (in the year 1780), and p. 266. Tukabatchi Talahassi,, or "old town of Tukabatchi," an Upper Creek town on west side of Tallapoosa river, four miles above Niuyaxa. Since 1797 it received a second name, that of Talua mutchasi or "New town." The Census list of 1832 calls it Talamachussa, Swan in 1791: Tuckabatchee Tee- hassa. Tukpafka, "Spunk-knot," a village on Chatahuchi river, Toapafki in 1832, from which was settled the town of Niu yaxa, q.v. A creek of the same name is a tributary of Pot- chus'-Hatchi, q.v. Tukpafka, not Tutpafka, is the correct form ; it means punky wood, spunk, rotten wood, tinder. Creek Indian Towns and Villages. 413 Tuxtu-kagi, or "Corn cribs set up" by the Okfuski natives to support themselves during the hunting season, was an Upper Creek toAvn on the western bank of Tallapoosa River, twenty miles above Niuyaxa. The trail from Hillabi to Etowa in the Cheroki country passed this town, which is near a spur of mountains. Mentioned as "Corn House" in the Census list of 1832, as Totokaga in 1791. Tuxtu means a crib; kagi is the past participle of kakis, q.v. Turkey Town, an Upper Creek village, is marked on Royce's map ( 1884 ) on the western shore of Coosa river oppo site the influx of Terrapin Creek, from the southeast) and also opposite the recent toAvn of Centre. Tutalosi, or Fowl Towns, which sent out many Seminole colonies. ( 1 ) One lay twelve miles "east of Fort Scott ; it was burnt bv Col. Twiggs in 1817, but had 300 inhabitants in 1820 ; Drake Ind. Chron. 1836 p. 200. When the Tutalosi people moved Avest of Chatahuchi river, they became known as Hitchitis, but spoke Creek. In 1817 (beginning of the war) Homathli miko resided at Fowl Town; driven from thence he repaired to Mikasuki. ( Drake. ) (2) An anonymous source states that at the transfer about 1820 there existed six Fowl Towns, all west of Suwanee river and Lake Mikasuki : (1) CahaUi hatchi; (2) old Tallahas si; (3) Atap'halgi or "dogwood grove".; (4) Allik hadshi; (5) Etatulga; (6) Mikasuki. These towns were among the main centres of Seminole resistance against the northern States. Uktaha-sa'si, or "Sand Heap" lay on "Oktasa'ssi river" (v. Brahm), two miles from HUlabi town, of which it was a branch or colony. U-i-UKUFKi. Uyukufki, an Upper Creek town, on a creek of the same name, a tributary of Hatchet creek (Hawkins, p. 42) ; Wiogufka (1882). The name points to muddy water: u-iwa ivater, ukufki muddy; and is also the Creek name for the Mississippi river. Exists now in Indian Territory. Cf. Potchus'-hatchi. Wako-kayi, Waxoka-i, or "Blow-horn Nest," an Upper Creek town on Tukpafka creek, a branch of Potchus'-hatchi, a water-course which joins Coosa river from the east. Also written Wolkukay by cartographers; Wacacoys, in Census List of 1832; Wiccakaw by Bartram (1775). Wako is a species of heron, bluish-grey 2' high; kayi breeding place. 414 Report Alabama History Commission. Another "Wacacoys," is mentioned in 1832, as situated on Lower Coosa river, below Witumka. Watula Hoka hatchi. The location of this stream is marked by Watoola village, which is situated on a run joining Big Yuchi creek in a southern course, about eigh teen miles west of Chatahuchi river, on the road leading from Columbus, Ga., to Montgomery, Ala. AVi-KAi '^LAKO, or "Large Spring," a Lower Creek or Semi nole town, referred to by Morse under the name WekiA'as. I'rom u-iwa, abbrev. u-i water, kaya rising, 'lako great, large. A Creek town in the Indian Territory bears the same name. Witumka, ( 1 ) Upper Creek town on a Avaterf all of Coosa river, east side, near its junction with Tallapoosa. Hawkins cloes not mention this old settlement, but Bartram, who trav- el(Kl from 1773 to 1778, quotes Whittumke among the Upper Cretk towns speaking the "Stincard tongue," which in this instance was the Koassati dialect. (2) A branch town of Kawita Talahassi, and twelve miles from it, on Witumpka creek, the main fork of Yuchi creek. The place had a town-house, and extended for three miles up the creek. The name signifies "rumbling Avater;" from u-i, abbrev. from u-iwa "water," and tumkis "it rumbles, makes noise." Witumka Creek, called OAvatunka river in the Migration Legend, is the northern and main branch of Yuchi creek, which runs into the Chatahuchi river from the northwest, and joins it about 32° 18' Lat. The other branch was Little Yuchi creek or Hosapo-laiki ; cf. Note to Hawkins, p. 61. . WiwuxKA, or WiAVoka, Upper Creek, town on Wiwoka creek, an eastern tributary of Coosa river, joining it about ten miles above Witumka. The town was fifteen miles above Odshi-apofa, and in 1799 numbered forty Avarriors. Called Weeokee in 1791; it means, "water roaring": u-i water, Avoxkis it is roaring. Woksoyu'dshi, an Upper Creek town, mentioned in the Census List of 1832 as "Waksoyochees, on Lower Coosa river, below Wetumka." Yvnu, a town of foreign extraction belonging to the Lower Creeks ; had branched out into three villages. A special men tion of it in Creek Migr. Legend I, 21. Creek Indian Towns and ViUages. 415 Yufabi creek, an eastern tributary of Tallapoosa river, joining it a short distance from Tukabatchi. Nofapi creek, mentioned in the Legend is now Naufaba creek, an upper branch of "Ufaupee creek," joining it in a southwestern direc tion. Yufala, (1) Y. or Yufala hatchi. Upper Creek town on Yufala creek, flfteen miles above its confluence with Coosa River. Called Upper Ufala in 1791. (2) Upper Creek town on the Avest bank of Tallapoosa river, two miles below Okfuski in the air line. (3) town of the Lower Creeks, flfteen miles beloAv Sawokli, on the eastern bank of Chatahuchi river . In 1799 the natives had spread out down to the forks of the river in several villages, and many had negro slaves, taken during the Revolutionary war. The Census of 1832 counted 229 heads of families. This name, of unknown signiflcation, is written Eufaula. Yufala hatchi is mentioned as an Upper Creek town in Pickett's Alabama, Vol. i, p. 341. CHAPTER V. CHEROKEE TOWNS AND VILLAGES IN ALABAMA. By 0. D. Street. The Cherokee settlements in Alabama were never very numerous nor very populous. It is probable that at no time did the total number of that tribe residing within the present limits of this State exceed 2,000 souls. In 1835, they num bered by actual count only 1,424, but it is likely that at that date they had been reduced several hundred by the migration movement which had begun in 1818. ' Another fact not gen erally known is that not until about 1770 did the Cherokees have any permanent settlement in Alabama.' Bear Creek Villages. There were several Indian towns and villages on Big Bear Creek as early as the first part of the eighteenth century, and, though believed by some to have been Cherokees, their tribal relation is not known with cer tainty. Brown's Village. Founded about 1790, was situated on the west side of Brown's, or Thompson's Creek in MarshaU County, near the site of the present village of Red Hill, named for its chief, Richard Brown, who was a man of note in the old Cherokee Nation, and commanded a company of friendly Cherokees under Gen. Andrew Jackson in the Creek war of 1813. This village was situated in a beautiful and fertile valley, uoav kuoAvn as Brown's Valley, a name also de rived from the same family. It was reached by two import ant Indian trials, one leading from Ditto's Landing (now Whitesburg) across Brindley Mountain, the other being the "Creek Path," a noted Indian trail leading from the Coosa, near Ten Islands, across Raccoon, or Sand Mountain and down Brown's Valley to the shoals, in Tennessee River, on the farm of Judge Street and two miles below GuntersvUle; thence it extended into Middle Tennessee. About 15 miles ^Royce ,'>th Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, p. 289. 'Royce in Sth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, p. 136; vol. iv. Trans actions Alabama Historical Society; and J. W. Powell in yth Annual Re port Bureau Ethnology, pp. 78, 79. (416) Cherokee Towns and ViUages. 417 south of this vUlage a branch of this trail turned off and led to the Creek settlement of Middle Alabama. — See Transac tions Alabama Historical Society, vol. iv; Foster's Life of Sequoyah, p. 173; Ellis' Life of David Crockett, pp. 30-36; Abbott's Life of David Crockett, pp. 98-107; and Anderson's Memoir of Catherine Brown (1825). Coldwater. Established about 1780, on the western bank of Coldwater, or Spring Creek, at its confluence Avith the Ten nessee. It was a short distance west of where the city of Tuscumbia now stands. Resorted to extensively by the neighboring tribes for the purpose of trading with the French from the Wabash, it soon proved a source of great vexation to the white settlers on the Cumberland. It was the scene of a bloody encounter in 1787. between these settlers, under Col. James Robertson, and some hostUe Creeks. — See Hay wood's Civil History of Tennessee (Reprint 1891), pp. 232- 236. CoosADA. A small mixed settlement of Creeks and Chero kees, established about 1784, and situated on the south bank of Tennessee River at what is now called Larkin's Landing in -Jackson County. — See oth Annual Report Bureau Eth nology, plate 8. From this village to the i)oint where Gun- tersville now stands there was an Indian trail pursuing the same general course now followed by the pubUc road. This traU constituted the first mail route ever established in Mar shall County and continued such until 1837. Helicon P. O. (now GuntersvUle) was the southern terminus of this route, and over it passed one mail per week each way. CoRNSiLK^s Village. Situated at the Old CornsUk pond on the farm of Judge T. A. Street, near Warrenton, in Mar shall County. Named for its Headman, "Comsilk." A smaU unimportant settlement. Creek Path. Established about 1785, and located at the old Russell place on the east side of Brown's Creek where the present road from Warrenton to AlbertviUe crosses the same. Derived its name from the fact that it was situated on the "Creek Path" {See Brown's viUage, supra), leading from the Coosa and Alabama Rivers to the hunting grounds of Middle Tennessee and Kentucky. The place is now best known as the "Old Missionary," from the fact that in 1820 the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions established there a mission school and church under the 27 418 Report Alabama History Commission. superintendence of the Rev. William Potter. This mission Avas maintained until the final emigration to the west and many of its pupils have had distinguished careers in the New Cherokee Nation. The establishment and maintainance of this mission in the Creek Path village finally led to the entire group of villages lying in what is now Marshall County, viz : Brown's, Comsilk's, Creek Path, Gunter's, Griffin, Melton's, and Wasasa's, ( See below for last four ) ,being known under the general appellation of "Creek Path." — See 5th Annual Report -Bureau Ethnology p. 144 ; Fitzgerald's Life of John B. McFerrin, p. 64 ; Foster's Life of Sequoyah, p. 117 ; and Transactions Alabama Historical Society, Vol. iv. This larger "Creek Path" constituted a very important Cherokee community, consisting of between 400 and 500 souls, or about one-third of the entire Cherokee population of Alabama, among them being headmen of the Cherokees. Of these we mention John, Samuel, and Edward Gunter, Rich ard Riley and Richard Brown. Crowtown. One of the "Five Lower Towns on the Ten nessee" so often mentioned in the histories, was situated on Crow Creek in Jackson County, one-half mile from its con fluence with the Tennessee. It was settled about 1782 by a portion of the Chicamauga Cherokees under their chief, "The Crow." One of the most considerable Cherokee Towns in Alabama. The Chicamaugas were inveterate enemies of the whites, and from these "Five Lower Towns" originated many of the bloody incursions upon the white settlers of Tennessee and Kentucky. An important trail led from this town to Long Island Towns, {See below) in one direction, and to Sauta, {See below) and Coosada in the other. — See Pickett's History of Alabama, Vol. i, p. 163 ; 5th Annual Re port Bureau Ethnology, pp. 144, 151; and Transactions Ala bama Historical Society, Vol. iv. ""Doublehbad's Village. Settled about 1790, by chief "Doublehead" and forty other freebooting Creeks and Chero kees. It was situated on the south side of Tennessee River a short distance above Colbert's ferry. A large spring known as Doublehead's Spring still marks the spot. This village really stood on Chickasaw territory. — See Haywood's Civil History of Tennessee (Reprint, 1891), p. 350. Griffin Village. ( So called by the writer for want of a better name.) It was a small and unimportant community settled by friendly Creeks by permission of the Cherokees Cherokee Toavus and VUlages. 419 about the time of the Creek war of 1813. It stood west of Brown's Creek on the old "BUI Griffin" place, about two and one-half miles south of Warrenton and four mUes north of Brown's Village, in Marshall County. If it had any name the writer has never heard it. — See Transactions Alabama Historical Society, Vol. iv. Gunter's Village. Established about 1784, stood on the sites of the present towns of GuntersvUle and Wyeth City in Marshall County. Its headman was John Gunter, a fuU- blooded Scotchman, who had been adopted into the tribe. Gunter married a Cherokee woman and raised a large fainily of sons and daughters. His sons, John, Samuel, and Ed ward, were conspicuous figures in the Old Cherokee Nation, and west of the Mississippi their descendants have continued such even to the present day. An Indian traU led from this village across Sand Mountain to Wills town and Turkey town, another as we have seen to Coosada, Santa, and Crow- town, a third intersected with the "Creek Path" and led thence to the Coosa and Alabama Rivers. This was an im portant settlement and included some very intelligent Chero kees. — Transactions Alabama Historical Society, Vol. iv. Long Island Town. A small Adllage settled in 1783 and situated on Long Island in Tennessee River, at Bridgeport, Ala. The second and only other of the "Five Lower Toavus on the Tennessee'' situated in Alabama. Was one of the "crossings" of the Tennessee used by the Creeks in their wars against the white settlers of Tennessee and Kentucky. — See oth Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, p. 151; Pickett's His tory of Alabama, Vol. i, p. 163; and ilaywood's Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, p. 237. Melton's Village. A small Creek settlement established about the time of the Creek war of 1813 by leave of the Chero kees. It stood on ToAvn Creek in Marshall County at the spot still known as the "Old ViUage Ford." It was so caUed after its headman, an old Indian named Charles Melton. The trail from Gunter's Village to Coosada led to this place. The postoffice of Meltonsville near by, is a perpetuation of the name. — See Transactions Alahama Historical Society, Vol. iv. Muscle Shoals Villages. (1) One in 1780, stood a few miles above the head of Muscle Shoals, on the south side of Tennessee River. — See Haywood's Civil History of Tennessee (Reprint, 1891), p. 103. !^20 Report Alabama History Commission. (2) One in 1787, stood at the foot of the Shoals on same side of river. It consisted of only a few cahins.-^Ibid, p. 231. (3) One in 1798, of considerable size, stood at the shoals on the south side of the river about the shores and mouth of Town Creek. It extended southwardly from the shoals about a mile and a half and for some distance up and down the river. Doublehead and Katagiskee were its chiefs. — See 5th Annual Report Bureau Ethnology, p. 272. Sauta. Established about 1784, was situated on North Sauta Creek, in Jackson County, a short distance from its mouth. Here it is said Sequoyah first made known his in vention of the Cherokee alphabet. It was a small village and of little importance. The trail from the Lower Creek cross ing for Middle Tennessee led by it. Another as we have seen led to Coosada. — See Foster's Life of Sequoyah, p. 93. Turkey Town. Founded about 1770, and situated in the bend of Coosa River opposite the town of Centre in Cherokee County. It was a place of great importance in the Nation and was named for one of its most noted chiefs "The Turkey." Here under this chief's lead originated many of the hostile expeditions against the white settlers of Tennessee and Ken tucky. — See Pickett's History of Alabama, Vol. i, p. 163. Wasasa^s Village. Mixed Creek and Cherokee settlement in Brown's Valley ; was near the present line between Blount and Marshall Counties. It stood at the junction of two trails both leading to Ditto's Landing, one via Brown's Village, and the other by a course bending further to the west. — See 5th Annual Report Bureau Ethnology; Plate 8. Will's Town. Founded about 1770, situated on Big Will's Creek just above the present village of Lebanon, in DeKalb County, named after a half breed chief called Red-Headed Will. A place of importance in Cherokee history. Here be- fpre and during the Revolution resided Col. Alexander Camp bell, the famous British agent for the Cherokees. — See Pickett's History of Alabama, Vol. i. p. 163. There also stood about 20 miles from Brown's Village on in the direction of the Coosa, and near the line of the Creek Nation, another Cherokee Village, concerning which the whites had been able to learn neither the name nor exact lo cation. — Ellis' Life of David Crockett pp. 30-36 ; and Abbott's Life of David Crockett^ pp. 98-107. * Cherokee Towns and Villages. 421 It is, perhaps, proper to state further that as the pursuit of agriculture continued to gain headway among the Chero kees, the old town and village system began to fall into dis use, and before the removal to the west many, if not most of them, were residing on farms like the white men. CHAPTER VI. INDIAN TRAILS AND EARLY ROADS. By Petee J. Hamilton. Roads made Roman history, and Avith the development of roads everyAvhere comes the evolution of a country. A Avagon road in the settlement of Alabama counted for more than a nickle plate railway does at the present time, because the railway is simply an improvement while the wagon road was the essential beginning. Back of them were the Indian trails, which we are now to consider. 1. INDIAN TRAILS. The Chickasaws and Choctaws were generally hostile and no regular roads Avere to be found between them. The Cher okees Avere not sufficiently identified Avith the Gulf history to leave much trace in our section. But the Choctaws seem to have had a path which crossed the Bigbee at or near Mc- Grew's Shoals, ran thence along the Alabama, and about Cahaba crossed this river to the Upper Creeks, while the Creeks themselves had quite a system of roads. The routes of the Spanish explorers followed these lines also. Roughly, we may say the Creeks extended from somewhat east of the Tombigbee eastAvardly to the Oemulgee or Oconee. So we might expect that there would be a trail from the east Georgia region northwestwardly to the Cherokees, another towards the famous towns of Cosa, or Coosa, commanding the Upper Coosa River, "an old beloved town" or city of refuge, and a third westwardly to Coweta on the Chatta- hooche and the capital Tookabatcha on the Tallapoosa. The trails we would expect to concentrate in Avhat is now east Georgia and pass eastAvardly to the Atlantic coast tribes. The lower Creeks again might be expected to have a route of their OAvn to St. Mary's River and the coast. And these seem to have been the actual routes. The first was called the High Town Path, and started from High Shoals on a branch of the Oconee, crossing the Chattahooche at Shallow Ford north of the present city of Atlanta, whence 'Based largely on the paper by the author on a similar subject in the Transactions of the Alabama Historical Society, vol. ii, p. 39, et. seq. (422) Indian Trails and Early Roads. 423 it went to High Toavu or Etowah, Turkey Town, and the other villages nearest the Cherokees, continuing ultimately to the Chickasaws. The second, or upper trail, crossed the same river considerably further down. The third, or souths ern trail, came from Rock Landing on the Oconee, (beloAv our Milledgeville), and proceeded westwardly, crossing the Chat tahooche in canoes about Cusseta and Coweta, (below Co lumbus). After reaching Tookabatcha, it turned north on the west side of the Coosa River to Coosa Town. On or near this route were subsequently established Ft. Hawkins, Macon and the Flint River Creek agency in Georgia, and it was varied afterwards on the Alabama side to connect both with the British at Okfuskee and the French at Ft. Toulouse, be low our Wetumpka. The fourth route ( that from the LoAver Creeks) fell into disuse as the whites appropriated the At lantic coast of Georgia. The Creek trails to the southwest were less numerous, but we know there was one south of the Alabama River, which, as above noted, branched across that river to the west to reach the Choctaws, while another branch continued south westwardly towards the Mobile and Pensacola country, pur suing ridge routes where possible. 2. TRADE ROUTES. French trade from Mobile was principally by the river, but there was a land route to Fort Toulouse, which doubtless joined the one from Pensacola, running through thick forests south of the Alabama to the same place, and in Bartram's time the great trading path for West Florida. This was at a distance from the river and to some extent a ridge road. On it was Dead Man's Creek, so named from the corpse of a white man found murdered. West of the Tombigbee and Mobile Rivers the three divisions of the Choctaws lived and traded largely to Mobile by a good road running not far froin the river about the St. Stephens region. Thence it went westwardly via the village Youane (near modern Shubuta) through the Nation to the Mississippi. In English times a lower branch ran almost directly from Mobile to Youane, and the neighboring Adllage of Chickasahay. Bartram in 1778 found no real "highways" between the Oemulgee and Mobile, but that from Mobile to the Choctaws became perma nent enough to be the boundary of three American counties. In 1809 Wayne was created west of it, between the Choctaw boundary and the Spanish Une of 31°, and Baldwin was con- 424 Report Alabama History Commission. stituted out of so much of Washington County as lay east of the trading road and south of the fifth township line. The road left Mobile at a ford on Bayou Chateaugu^, (or Three Mile Creek), which was apparently called the Portage, long known as near the northwest corner of the American City, and its course in the present limits was somewhat that of Spring Hill Avenue. The portage system cut less figure in our section than where the head waters of the Mississippi River interlock with those of the great lakes, less even than between the bayous of the loAver Mississippi. There was one at Pascagoula, and an other used by Spanish traders from Mobile, over the three miles separating the source of the Tombigbee from a tribu tary of the Tennessee. But the country was rougher and the trade less than in the other quarters. The traders generally went in companies of fifteen to twenty men, with perhaps seventy to eighty pack and other horses. The horses were permitted to graze at night and the start in the morning was after the sun was high. The loaded animals fell into single file, and were urged on with whip and whoop at a lively pace. 3. COLONIAL ROADS. The French made few roads, except within their own set tlements. To reach the Indians they used the rivers and the old Indian trails. A military way was projected by the Brit ish from Mobile to Natchez, which Avould have been of value in the control of the West by the Mississippi River, and in preventing the dispatch of supplies by the Spaniards to the Kentuckians and other rebels ; but nothing actually came of it. The only road certainly opened was one from Mobile to Pensacola, the capital, at the instance and largely at the ex pense of the Mobile merchants. The object was to receive sooner their English mail and freight. This was by ferry over the Bay to the village near Bay Minette, and thence by land to Pensacola, with a short ferry over the upper Perdido River. The governiment assisted in maintaining this route. It would be interesting to know more of this post road and of the postal connections with Europe; but little is available. We do know that English traders were everywhere, and Bar tram mentions meeting emigrants for the banks of the lower Alabama. Indian TraUs and Early Roads. 425 4. AMERICAN HIGHWAYa In course of time after the Revolution various roads con nected the Atlantic States with the country west of the AUe- ghanies, and are to be thought of as superseding or at least supplementing the river routes. But Natchez and St. Stephens, making up the best part of Mississippi Territory, long remained isolated advance guards of civilization. Natchez communicated with the world by the Mississippi River, whUe the Tombigbee settlement was separated by the Choctaws from the Mississippi, by the Creeks from Georgia, by the Cherokees and their mountains from Tennessee, and by the Spaniards from the Gulf, The United States made peace with these Southern Indians at the close of the Revolution, defining their boundaries, and in 1801 Brigadier General James WUkinson, Benjamin Haw kins of North Carolina, and Andrew Pickens of South Caro lina, as United States commissioners, concluded further treaties with the Chickasaws and Choctaws providing for a wagon road from the NashvUle country to the Natchez dis trict, crossing the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals. Jhis was also the line of an old traU. The road was duly laid out and its importance to the Southwest, and especially to Mississippi, can hardly be over estimated. It brought a population and civilization which not only filled up the old bounds but gradually overfiowed them and finally led to the removal of the Southern Indians west of the great river. On this road was Doak's Stand, famous in treaty annals. On it also the cultivated Silas Dinsmore as agent long cared for Choctaw interests, once defying Andrew Jackson ; and at the Muscle Shoals ferry lived the Chickasaw Colberts, for whom a county has been named. South of the Tennessee it was in general a ridge road between the Big Black River and the rivers flowing to the Gulf. If immigrants should wish to travel by land from Colum bus, Georgia, to Mobile River in those days before railroads and towns, they would pursue a different route. They would naturally go west to a point shortly below the junction of the Coosa and TaUapoosa Rivers, so as to keep in touch with the country drained by these, and thence southwest, foUowing the water shed between the streams flowing into the Alabama and those emptying into the Gulf. And if one should take up a good map of our State, like Dr. E. A. Smith's, and run a finger along this route, he wiU find on or near it Fort MitcheU, 426 Report Alabama History Commission. Fort Bainbridge, Fort Hull, Mount Meigs, Fort Deposit, Burnt Corn, and Fort Montgomery. He would In a manner be pursuing the old Federal Road, opened by the United States atithorities from the Oemulgee River in Georgia to Mims' Ferry for St. Stephens in Missis sippi Territory, along the route of the Southern and South western Creek trails. This Was done under article II of the convention at Washington of November 14, 1805, made by Henry Dearborn, Secretary of War, as United States com missioner, with WiUiam Mcintosh and other chiefs. Two years later Harry Toulmin, James Caller and Lemuel Henry as territorial commissioners es;tended it Avestwardly from St. Stephens to the capital at Natchez, opening also a ferry across the Alabama above Little River and across the Tombigbee above Fort St. Stephen. There was an older and more used ferry at Nannahubba Island loAver doAvn, dating from 1797. A road across ran from Mims' Ferry on- the Ala bama River to HolUnger's over the Tombigbee; but it was One continuous ferry, at high water. Coffee's' army is said" to have used this loAver route in marching from west of the Bigbee to Benton's new fort at Montgomery Hill on the Way to Jackson's capture of Pensacola.' Causeways were laid over '^boggy guts and branches" of the nfew roads and its alternate name of "Three Chopped Way" came from the triple blaze marking it from Natchez to Geor gia: While it Avas a bridle path, it was used principally for horseman and packhorses, but One of the oddest vehicles brought by immigrants was the rolling hogshead. Goods were packed in a hogshead, trunions or the equivafent put in the ends, and to them were attached shafts. We may suppose horses were generally hitched to this novel affair, but in one instance at least it was an ox, and in this manner the Coates family in 1800 and others later moved to Clarke and other southern counties. By 1812 Josiah Blakeley writes that it had become a wagon road and also ran to' Baton Rouge, al though even as late as 1817 the Greggs had to widen the way at some places for their wagons. This rough highway, at flrst not more than a blazed path, played for Alabama the part which fhe stone Via Appia did for the country south of Rome. But for the Federal Road, with its forts, there had been no Alabama as we know it. The road itself can now be traced only with difficulty, but it is the east boundary of Monroe County, and the original north line of Mobile County seems to have been the Fort Stoddert Baton Rouge extension, Indian Trails and Early Roads. 427 There were other highways in course of time, such as Jack son's military road, cut southAvardly from the Tennessee River, which was serviceable in subjugating the Creeks, and the "great Tennessee road" to Jones' Valley, and another cut via the High Town trail and Attalla from the east. There were others in South-East Alabama in the first Seminole war, and the different Indian cessions also necessitated corre sponding highways. But these were chiefly developments, and not of the same creative importance as the Federal and Natchez routes. An instance of the difference between travelling before and after the Federal Road was cut may be found in the life of the eccentric but earnest Methodist preacher Lorenzo Doav. In 1803 he was in Georgia and set out for Tombigbee, by way of the agency of Hawkins, who "treated them cool." In thirteen and a half days after leaving the Georgia settlements they reached the first house in the Tensaw district. His only notice of the "road or rather Indian path" was that they lost it once and then it took a good woodsman to find it again. He preached at Tensaw on a Sunday, and kept also a string of appointments across the swamp and the rivers. This was at a thick settlement, which must have been about Mcintosh Bluff, and a scattered one above, seventy miles long. It then took liim six and a half days to reach the Natchez settlement. At the end of December, 1804, he returned, but the only road he mentions is the trading road from the Chickasaws to Mo bile, near Dinsmore's agency and Fort St. Stephen. At St. Stephens he found but one family. He seems to have tarried six days in the Tensaw settlement, holding meetings, and in early January traveled on to Georgia. In the Creek nation there were so many by-paths as to make it difficult to find their way. Charges for entertainment were high. On the first trip near Tensaw he paid fl.50 for a night's lodging, and now at Hawkins' eleven shillings, "although not worth the half." Later Peggy Dow recounts a similar trip east by way of the Bigbee settlement in December, but does not give the year. It was Lorenzo's tenth passage, however, to and from Natchez. There seems to have been an Indian path, crossing a slough called a "Hell Hole," and they went over a river by night. They staid two or three days in the St. Stephens neighljorhood, and she notes the Tombigbee there as beauti ful, with water clear as crystal. St. Stephens was small but made a handsome appearance. They crossed by a ferry and in a day and a half passed over the Alabama too, a beautiful 428 Report Alabama History Commission. river, "almost beyond description." This was probably at or near what is now Claiborne. They then struck the road cut by order of the president from Georgia to Fort Stoddard (sic.) They frequently met people on it removing to the Tombigbee and other parts of Mississippi Territory. The road having been newly cut out, the fresh marked trees served for a guide; there was a moon but it was shut by clouds. The troubles of immigrants on these routes can well be pic tured from the journal of Rev. John Owen, describing the re moval of his family in 1818 by wagon from near Norfolk, Vir ginia, to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The roads in old settled Vir ginia he declares bad enough, but, after he passed through Beauford's Gap of the Alleghanies and descended the Hols ton Valley via Knoxville, sickness, upsets, breakages and dis couragements were their daily experience. Even before he reached East Tennessee he wished that he had not been born. Between "infernal roads" and straying horses, he declared "the Devil turned loose" in good earnest. He seems to have gone down the Sequatchee Valley to the Tennessee River. Exactly Where he crossed into Alabama Territory in the Cherokee boundaries does not appear, and the only deflnite point named in the eight days between there and his destina tion is Jones' Valley, near modern Birmingham. Possibly he crossed at Nickajack and from the Georgia road went down Wills' Valley, along the route of the present Alabama Great Southern Railroad. In Alabama he found the smiths lazy, meal scarce, corn and fodder high, and people rough and "shuffling," but he does make one of his few entries of "roads good," and he does not mention as many accidents at this end of his route as be fore crossing our line. May be he had become used to them. The day after Christmas he makes the entry, "past broken roads and got to Tuscaloosa and feel thankful to kind Heaven that after nine weeks' traveling and exposed to every danger that we arrived safe and in good health." It would be a mistake, however, to think of these early roads as used only by the military and by immigrants. The general government employed them for post routes also. The early Mobile newspapers, and the corporation minutes before them, have a good deal to say about the mails. Human na ture being much the same as now, we are not surprised to learn that it was often in the way of complaint. In February, 1816, the town commissioners addressed an official "mon- Indian Trails and Early Roads. 429 strance" to Postmaster General R. J. Meigs, stating, that, despite good roads and weather, the faUures of the contrac tor of the Georgia (Federal Road) route were beyond aU precedent, and that merchants had to make private arrange ments for communication with Fort Stoddard and St. Stephens, as there had been but two mails received thence since the flrst of the year. Between then and LaTourrette's beautiful map of 1835 the country had greatly developed, but several main roads of the older time could be distinguished from the network of high ways about Tuscaloosa, Cahawba and other growing towns. There was still the thoroughfare up Wills' VaUey, continu ing over the divide southwardly through the Cahawba VaUey to the cotton lands of the Alabama River. About the divide it connected across the mountains by means of the old routes from Georgia with the -Jonesboro road to Tuscaloosa traveled by Owen, and about Elyton came in the weU knoAvn Stout's Road from Somerville and the Tennessee VaUey. Another north and south road was Cheatham's, from Moulton to Tus caloosa, then the capital, and somewhat further west Byler's Road ran by way of Northport from Tuscaloosa to Florence. But with this map we reach modern ground; for on it we flnd the railroad from Decatur to Tuscumbia, and also the one from West Point to Montgomery. The aboriginal trails were the paths of white explorers, from Spanish discoAcrers and French coureurs de bois to the American pioneers like Boone and Dale, and, between these extremes, competing British and Frencli merchants carried their wares over the same routes to reach the native tribes. The colonial governments in building roads also followed some of the trails, aud the later American miUtary and ter ritorial authorities Avith their more important highways kept the same general course. Even our raUroads sometimes pur sue them, because they offer the least natural obstacles, al though the groAvth of cities has made railways sometimes seek directions unknown to earlier roads. But as the trails, trade routes and early roads sought the ridges, the directions of all are analogous and sometimes identical, and they con stitute but one historical development. CHAPTER VII. CHOCTAW CROSSING PLACES ON THE TOMBIGBEE. By H. S. Halbebt. The Choctaws bad many crossing places on the Tombigbee. Records and traditions of some of these have been preserved, but others have disappeared completely and no trace remains, either on the face of nature or in the memory of men. Even clear and full details of those that are known to have existed, cannot now be secured, and the fragmentary facts below are only offered as a suggestive basis for further investigation. Ten crossings are noted. Trails from all of these extended eastAvard from the Tombigbee toward the Creek-Choctaw boundary. Some of them entered the Creek territory, and formed channels of inter-communication for both the Indians and traders. 1. St. Stephens' crossing. It is shown on Carey's Map, (1816). It Avas of importance in the life of the Indians in passing east and Avest in this region. The bluff at St. Stephens Avas known as Hobuckintopa, and on it, or in the vicinity, was a Choctaw village. 2. Black Bluff, Sakti lusa. It is noted on Carey's Map { 1816 ) ; also in H. S. Tanner's Neio Atlas { 1836 ) . See Ham ilton's Colonial Mobile, p. — , for special notice, based on Ber nard Romans' Florida. 3. A crossing on the river due South from the present Forkland, Greene County. The trail to this crossing, entitled "Path to the Creek Nation," is noted on Bernard Romans' Map (1775). 4. Fort Tombeckbee crossing. This was of course a neces sity for commercial and social reasons. Doubtless several trails converged here on both sides of the river. 5. A crossing at or near Warsaw, in Sumter County. Choc taw tradition emphasizes this point. It was probably the crossing of the trail laid down on Guthrie's Map, as extend ing from the mouth of the Yazoo River easterly entirely across the State of Mississippi. It is probably the same for the trail, on Adair's Map, in the same latitude. (430) Choctaw Crossing Places on Tombigbee. 431 6. A crossing near Memphis in Pickens County. The state ment is based on tradition. 7. A crossing a short distance below Pickensville, in Pick ens county. Information derived from Indian countrymen. 8. Ten Mile Shoals Crossing. The present name is derived from the fact that the shoals are ten miles below Columbus, Miss. In low water the river at this point can easily be waded. 9. Columbus Crossing. This was just below the railroad bridge. Columbus occupies the site of an old Indian village called Shukhata Tamaha, "Opossum Town." 10. Lincacum Shoals Crossing. The following interesting references are taken from Claiborne's Mississippi, p. 5 : "The country between the Warrior and Tombigbee was oc cupied by the Choctaws, but they were much more numerous west of that river. DeSoto probaTsly entered the present State of ^Mississippi at Columbus, and followed an Indian trail or buffalo path some flve miles up to Lincacum's shoals, just above the mouth of the Tibbee and a little below the pres ent town of Waverly. The Tombigbee here is bifurcated by an island, the flrst obstruction below Butahatchie. The gravel discharged from this stream lodged against the island and rendered both channels fordable a great part of the year, and this is the only point where the Spaniards could have forded in December. It was the crossing used by the Choc taws when going to their villages and hunting ground east of the Tombigbee. The trail struck here a stretch of prairie, between Tibbee and Hanging Kettle creeks, and crossed the present Mobile & Ohio Railroad at Lookhattan, thence a little west of the railroad by Mulden, Prairie Station and Egypt. "The early settlers of this portion of Mississippi remember the well worn, beaten trail, long disused but distinctly de fined, and can to this day trace it from plantation to planta tion." INDEX. Note. In this Index the individual names In the Claibome Collection, pp. 235-253, the county names in the Chapter on Prehistoric Works, and the town names in the Chapters by Mr. Gatschet and Mr. Street, are not entered, because they bear an original alphabetical arrangement. Neither are the individual names in the Regimental and other organizations on flle in the Adjutant-General's Office. This was thought to be impracti cable as tending to unduly swell the extent of the index, and also from the fact that any particular name can be readily located from the numeri cal arrangement of the commands. Abercrombie John AvT., 108. Aboriginal remains in Ala., 355. Acts of Legislature, originals, 98. Set in Sup. Ct. library, 271. Adams, Jesse C, 111. Adelphi, file of, 191. Adjutant-General, official records, 114, 328. Ala. war records in, 328. A. & M. College. See Ala. Pol. In stitute. A. & M. College for Negroes, 25. Records of, 121. Agriculture, Com'r. of, official rec ords, ill. Agricultural Department of Ala., 105. Official records. 111. Agricultural Dept., Washington, publications, 53. Agricultural Schools, 22, 25, 121, 122, 125, 205. Agricultural specimens, 112. Ainsworth, Col. F. C, 328. Alabama. Burning of Capitol, 89. Capitals, 87-88. Census, original, 60. Dept. ^...isiory proposed, 37. Executive records, 87. Historical Societies, 18. Historical work in, 18. Libraries and museums, 19. Mounds, 357. Patriotic organizations, 19, 278. Soldiers 16 Confederate War, 333-353. State records, 87-94. Territorial development. 78-9. Territorial records, 76, 87. War records, 321-353. Alabama Baptist Historical So ciety, 18. Alabama Central Female College, 24. Alabama Conference Female Col lege, 25. Alabama Girls' Industrial School, 44, 94. History work in, 25. Library of, 19. Records of, 121. Alabama Historical Reporter, file of, 309. Alabama Historical Society, 18, 37, 202. Library, 204. Publications 204. Appropriations for, 28, 40, 203. Alabama History Commission, Act creating, 7. Members appointed, 13. Meetings of, 14. Circular to public, 14. Tentative outline of report, 16. Administrative report, 11-44. Recommendations, 36. Conduct of work, 17. Appropriation for, 28. Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 20. History work In, 22, 210. Library and Museum, 205. Records of, 122, 105. Alabama Presbytery, 133. Alabama Stone, 207. Allen, Gen. W. W., 159. Alliance News, file of, 306. Allison, Charles J., 152. Almanacs, Confederate, 160. American Antiquarian Society, col lections, 206. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, official archives. 208. American Philosophical Society, collections, 208. (433) 434 Report Alabama History Commission. Andrews, W. L., 26. Collections of, 282. Anthropological collections, 218. Appointments and Commissions, 101, 203. Archaeology, 292. Mounds in Ala., 357-369. Dr. Brinton's collection, 268. Col. C. C. Jones' collection, 270. Arkansas, history work in, 28. Army Records, Supt. of, 28, 91, 92. Artillery, command from Ala., 352. Assessment, State Board of, 92. Athens Courier, file of, 305. Athens Female College, 25. Athens History, 300. Atkins, Benjamin, 315. Attorney-General, official records, 107. Attorney-ueneral of U. S., official records of, 61.. . Auditor, official records of, .104. Aurora, Philadelphia, 310. Austill, Jere., 89, 159. , Ausiin, Stephen F., letters, 276. Bagby, A. P., papers, 159. Portrait, 271. Baldwin, M. A., portrait, 273. Baltic, Gunboat, 334. Bancroft, George, manuscripts and papers, 263. Band Commissioners, 92, 103. Bankhead, John H., 64. Banks, 92, 103, 105, 126-7. Baptist' Chureh, official records, 128. Howard College, 24, 123. Historical literature, 129. Judson Institute, 24. Ala. Central Female College, 24. Barber, Robert, 149. Barcia's Ensayo Cronologico, 226. Barnard, F. A. P., papers, 160. Bartram MSS, 267. Beard, Thomas, 315. Beer, Wm., 227, 316. Descriiit'ioh British Record Of fice, 51. Discovers Papers of Law's Com pany, 50. Librarian of Howard Memorial Library, 225. Beeson, J. W., 300. Benagh, George, 160; Miss Eliza beth. 160. Benton, Col. Thomas H., 212, 426. Berquin-Duvallon's Travels, 226. Berry, R. D., 353. Ressemer Daily Bessemer, file of, 305, Bessemer Daily Pig, file of, 305. Bessemer Journal, file of, 305. Bessemer Weekly, file of, SOS. Bexar, Archives of, 276, 278. Bibb, Gov. Thomas, 212. Portrait, 'All. Bibb, Wm. W., Territorial Gov., 87, 94, 298. Papers of, 160. Bienville, 130; papers, 161. Billings, Dr. J. S., 263. Birmingham Age-Herald, files of, 213, 305. Birmingham Iron Age, file of, 306. Birmingham Labor Advocate, file, of, 281. Birminghain Ledger, files of, 305, 306. Birmingham News, files of, 213, 305. Birmingham State Herald, file of, 306. Birmingham, official records, 115. Birmingham Presbytery, 133. Birmingham, U. S. Court records, 152. Birth registers, 113. Bishkun Tamaha, town, 382. Black bluff crossing, 430. Blair, Francis P., 177. Blakeley Sun, 281. Blandin, Mrs. Belle, 26. Blount, Wm., papers, 162, 298. Liount, Willie, papers, 162. Blue, M. P., 119, 135; coUections, 283. Board of Education, records, 102, 109. Board of Health, official records, 112. Papers In Governor's office, 94. Boisbriant, 130. Boning, R. H.,. 147. Bonds, State, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107. Bone, Rev. M. H, 218; Rev. W. P., 218. Booth, Henry, 149. ijoston, newspapers, 274. Botanical collections, 146. Boundaries, Creeks and Ga., 221-2. Boundaries, Indian, 370, 391, 402, 410, 413. Boundary records, 64, 78, 80, 81. Bowie, Alexander, 203. Brassell, W. R., 113. Brewer, WiUis, 27. Collections of, 284. Brickell, R. C, portrait, 273. Bright, Cap! John, surveyor, 81. Brinton, Dr. D. G., collections, 268, Index. 435 British MSS. in Mass. Hist. Soc, 232. British Colonial Documents in Congressional library, 211. In Hamilton's collection, 289. British Arcnives, 50, 262. Broadsides, Alabama, 298. Brooks, Miss A. M., 268, 284. Brown, Richard, 416. Brown, Wm. Garrott, 26. Collections of, 285. Sketch of Y ancey, 191. Bryce, Dr. r'eter, 144. Bureau of Education, U. S., docu ments as to Ala. schools in, 55-58. iSurr, Aaron, conspiracy of, 182, 251. Busteed, Judge Richard, 151. Byrd, Wm. M., portrait, 273. Cabeza, de Vaca, documents as to, 256. Caffee, A. E., library, 284. Caffey, Francis G., collections, 284. Cahaba, capital at, 87. Land Office at, 99, 148. Sale of lots, 100-1. Cahaba Democrat, files of, 191. Cahaba Gazette, file of, 213, 306. Cahawba Republican, file of, 305. Cahawba Watchman, 281. Caldwell, John M., autograph col lection, 285. Callava papers, 252. Caller, James, papers, 162, 298; Miss May A., 163. Camden lodge records, 140. Campbell, Col. Alexander, 420. Campbell, John, 163. Campbell, John A., 76, 163. CampbeU, Col. John B., 315. Campbell, Richard L., Florida, 285. Canadian Archives, 52, 205; papers from, 232, 234. Cannon, Dr. J. P.. 353. Cantev, James, papers, 163. Portrait of, 278. Carroll, Wm., papers, 163. CarroUton West Alabamian, file of, 306. Castaneda's Relacion, 262. Gather, Wm. H., 300. Catholic Church, official records in Ala., 129-132. Cathedral at Mobile 130. Spring Hill CoUege, 24, 125. fat. Bernard College, 24. Historical literature, 129. Georgetown University, Wash ington, D. C, 220. New Orleans Cathedral Archives, 254. Bishop Wm. H. Elder, papers, 253. Cavalry, command from Ala., 351. Census, original papers, 60-61; State of, 1855, 102. Cities, records of, 115. City schools, documents, 57. Chalmers, George, papers, 261, 262. Chapman, Reuben, papers, 184. Portrait, 272. Charleston Courier, 209. Chefra Mefacker Cholim, 135. Cherokee Indians, data as to, 55. Southern boundary, 370. Towns and villages, 416. Manuscripts, 219. Missions, 208. Reservation, 149. Chester, Gov. Peter, 211. Chickasahay, town, 379. Chickasaw Mission, 208. Boundary, 373. Habitat, 370. Chilton, W. P., portrait, 272. Chinakbi, town, 381. Choctaw Indians, data as to, 54. District Divisions, 375. Crossing places on Tombigbee, 430. Factory, 378. Missions, 208. Christian Advocate, file of, 306. Church organizations, 128. Claibome, Gen. F. L., papers, 164, 251. Claibome, John F. H., historical collections of, 234. {Items of; not indexed) . Claibome, N. H., papers, 164. Claibome, W. C. C, 75, 81, 211, 212. 252. Papers of, 165, 229. Clanton, (Jen. James, papers, 165. Clark, Thomas H., 27. Collections of, 285. Clay, C. C, Jr., papers, 165. Clay, C. C, Sr., papers, 94, 165, 212. Portrait, 271. Clay, W. L., 165, J. W., 166. Clayton, H. D., 287, papers, 166. Portrait, 207. Clemens, Jere., papers, 166. Cleveland, James M., 285. Clinton, Thomas P., 26. Collections of, 285. Clisby, John H., 120. Clopton, David, portrait, 273. Cobbs, Bishop N. H., 166; Rev. R. A., 167; Rev. R. H., 134, 166. 436 Report Alabama History Commission. Cocke, John, papers, 167. Codes, original MSS. of, 96. Coffee, Col. John, 65, 98. Papers of, 167. Cole, Robert, 377. Cole, T. L., 78. Coleman, Prank, 148. Collier, Henry W., papers, 168. Portrait, 272. Colonial Dames in Alabama, 19. Color Blind Examiner's reports, 103. Columbus crossing, 431. Columbus, documents, 262. Commissions and appointments, 101, 103. Compendio Historico, 256. Compere, Lee, papers, 168. Conecuh Historical Society, 19. Confederate Military literature in War Department, 280. Confederate Museum, 209, 353. Confederate Veterans, the United, 19. Sons of, 19. Confederate War Records in U. S. War Dept., 322. Adjutant-General's office, Ala,, 332. Infantry, 337. Cavalry, 351. Artillery, 352. Governor's letters, 94, 103, 104. Commissions, 103. Financial records, 105. Pension records, 105, 107. Owen's collection, 299, 304, 353. Records in private hands, 353. U. S. Court ai Mobile, 153. liuntsville Land office records, 149. Congressional Library, collections, 209. Constitutions of Alabama, origi nals, 96. Conventions, Constitutional in Ala., original records, 96. Convict Bureau, official records, 112. Cook, Zo., 300. Coosha, town, 378, 381. Cortez, documents, 262. Cocton Exchange, Mobile, 147. Cotton Planter, file of, 307. Counties and County records, 115. School records, 109. Educational institutions, 121. Supts. of Ed. in 1875, 109. Counties, mounds in, 357-369. Couric, A. A., 116. Court of Claims, records of, 54, Courts, U. S., records, 151-3. C(Jxe's Carolana, 226. Crawford, T. P., 168. Crawford, Judge Wm., 151, 152, 158. Creek Controversy, 1833, 174. Creek Country, Sketch, 182, 212, 221. Creek MSS. in Ga. Hist. Soc, 221. Creek Towns and Villages, alpha betically arranged, 386-415. Creek vocabularies, 269. (jreek War, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 171, 188. Papers, 251. Criminal Administration, Ala., 97. Crimson-White, files of, 280, 309, 312. Crop records. 111. Cross, Rev. L. B., 133. Croxton's raid, 185. Crozat papers, 50, 169. Cumberland Presbyterian, file of, 288, 305. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 288. Records in Alabama, 132. Periodicals of, 288. Cumberland Presbyterian Histori cal Society, 18. Cumberland Presbyterian Pub. house, collections, 217. Cumberland University library, collections, 217. Curry, Dr. J. L. M., 27. Collections of, 286. Curry, Rev. Joseph T., MS. Jour nal, 317. Cusachs, Gaspard, collections, 286. Customs port at Fort Stoddert, 76. Dale Co., 282. Dale, Sam, papers, 169. Daleville, 378. Dallas Gazette, file of, 306. Dargan, E. S., portrait, 272. Daughters of the American Revo lution in Ala., 19. Daughters of t^e Confederacy, the United, 19. Cradle of the Confederacy Chap ter, 278. Sophie Bibb Chapter, 278. Davion, Father, 130. Davis, Jefferson, 209. Portrait and bust, 273. Davis, W. A., 129. Dead Towns of Ala., 299. Deaf, Institute for, official rec ords, 122. Deas, Gen. Zach C, papers, 169, Death registers, 113. Debt Commission, 92, Indej 4S7 Dela Vente, 130. DeLeon, Ponce, 258. DeRenne collect-on of (Jeorgia books, 224. Demopolis, History, 300. Dental Examiners, Board of, 93. Department of Archives and His tory, 37. Dillard, A. W., 300. Dimmick, J. W., 152. Dingley, Wm. H., 140. Dinsmore, Silas, 99, 169, 425. Dixon, Samuel H., Masonic his torian, 140-143. Donahoo, J. H., 143. Donnell (Robert) Presbytery, 134. Dow, Lorenzo, travels, 427. Drayton, W. 210. DuBose, Joel C, 26. Collections of, 287. DuBose, John W., 26. Collections of, 287. Life of Yancey, 189. Duffee, Miss Mary Gordon, 300. Dunbar, Sir Wm., papers, 170. Duran's Historia, 213. Durrett, Reuben T., 287. East Alabama Presbytery, 138. Eastin, Thomas, papers, 171. Eaton, Gen. John H., papers, 171. Echevarria's Historia, 213. Education in Ala., bibliography of, 110. Education, documents, 55-58. Records of Supt. Ed., 108. History in Schools, 21. Official records of, 121. Education, Supt. of, official re ports, 55. Official records of, 108. ' Education, U. S. Bureau of, 121, 123, 124, 125. Elder, Bishop Wm. H., 253. Elections in Ala., documents in State Dept., 97. Ellis, George W., 106. Ellis, Thomas, 175. Elmore Standard, file of, 309. Elyton Presbytery, 133. Embalming, State Board of, 94. Emigration, 425. Engineers, U. S. Chief of, official records, 59. Episcopal Church in Ala., 134. Noble Institute, 25. Bisnop Cobbs, 166. Ethnology, Bureau of, collections of, 218. Eufaula, official records, 116. Indian name, 415. Eufaula riot, 95. Bxaminer of Public Accounts, 92, 94. Experiment Station, official rec ords, 123. Farmer, John T., 300. Farmer, Robert, papers, 171. Farmer's Bank of Ala., 105. Fayette. Tri6«ne, file of, 306. r ederal Government, State aid to historical work, 35. Federal road, 426. Fertilizer analyses. 111. P.ijon Club, collections, 220. Financial Chronicle, hie of, 147. Financial records of Ala., 104-7. Fires, State House burned, 89. Treasurer's records, 105. Howard College, 123. Knights of Pythias, records, 143. Odd Fellows, records, 143. Hawkins' (B) house, 175. Chapman's (R) house, 164. Steamboat Tuscaloosa, 181. University of Ala., 187. Fish Culture, Com'r. of, 92. Fitzpatrick, Gov. Benj., 271. Flat rock comer, 374. Flint river church, 128. Floral Magazine, file of, 307. Florence, Methodism in, 317. Florence Gazette, file of, 213. Florida, Alabama annexation, 95. Bibliography, 299. Docs, in Cong. Lib., 210. Historical docs., 80. Historical literature, 226. Historical work in, 28. Jackson's Administration, 25. Official records, 80. Pensacola, 80. Records in State Dept., 75. St. ^..ugustine Institute, 268. bmith (B) juoS., 256. Floyd, Charles R., 222. Floumoy, Gen. Thomas, papers, 171. Forstall, Edmund, 49, 230. Fort Louis. 130. Fort Tombeckbee crossing, 430. Fortier, Dr. Alcee, 49. Fossil Collections, 146. Foster, Dr. J. H., 203. Poster, Gen. R. S., 181. Fourth District Agricultural School, 25. Fowler, Wm. H., Collection of Ala bama Conf. War records, 28, 91, 92, 332, 334. tranklin County, school ledger, 109. 438 lieport Alabama History Commission. Franklin Quarterly Conference records, 137. French, B. P., Historical Collec tions, 47, 49, 228. French archives, 48, 227, 231, 263, 264. French MSS. as to La., 227. French MSS. in Mass. Hist. Soc, Parkman collection, 231. French MSS. in Mass. State De partment, 234. irench MSS. in N. Y. Public Li brary, 263, 264. Fungi, collection of, 146. Gaines, Gen. B. P., papers, 171. Gaines, George S., papers, 172, 300. Gaines, J. B., papers, 2ol. Gainesville Independent, file of 306. Galphin, George, papers, 173, 223. Garland, Dr. L. C, 203. Garrett, William, on State rec ords, 87-90, 282. Papers of, 282, 288, 296. Gatschet, Albert S., 357. Creek Towns and Villages in Ala., 386-415. Gayarrg, Charles, 229, 230. Gayle, Gov. John, papers, 174. Portrait, 271. Genealogy, 254, 256, 299. General Assembly, original jour nals and acts, 98. General Land Office, official rec ords, 62. Geological Survey of Alabama, 20. Museum and Collections, 145. Geological Survey, U. S., publica tions of, 59. Georgetown University, collec tions, 220. Georgia Colonial laws, 224. Documents in Congressional li brary, 211. Historical Society, collections, 221. Newspapers, 207, 215, 223, 309. Official records, 80. State Library, collections, 224. State aid to historical work, 28. Georglana (Ala.) murder in, 95. Goldthwaite, George, portrait, 273. Gongora's Descripcion de la Bahia, 263. Gordo Enterprise, file of, 307. Gourges, Capt. Dominique de, 210. Government Publications, indexes to, 53. Governor of Ala., War Correspond ence, 103, 104. Records of office, 94. Grace, B. E., Sr., 300. Graham, B. A., 120. Grand Chapter records, 139. Grand Commandry records, 139. Grand Council records, 139. Grand Lodge records, 140. Grand Pr6, Gov. Charles, 211. Grant, Gov. James, 210. Grant, Thomas, MS. journal, 299. Granville County, N. C, History, 299. Green, Dr. Samuel A., 231. Greenleaf, Ed. E., 151. Greensborough Beacon, file of, 307. Greensborough, Methodist Church register, 137. Station records, 137. Greenville Co., S. 0., History, 300. Greenville (S. U.) Mountaineer, file of, 191. Greene County Sentinel, file of, 305. Greene Quarterly Conference rec ords, 137. Griffin, Virgil, 113. Grove HiU Democrat, file of, 307. Guaranty Company, records, 105. Gallon, Maj. Isaac, papers, 174, 250. Gunter, Edward, John, Samuel, 419. Gunter's Landing, 314. GuntersvUle, 314. Halbert, Henry Sale, 357. District Divisions of the Choc taws, 375. Choctaw Crossing places on Tombigbee, 430. Halcyon, files of, 213, 215. Haldimand papers, 52. Hall, Rev. J. H. B., 19, 133. Library of, 288-289. Hamilton, Peter, Iil. jr-apers of, 290. Hamilton, Peter J., appointed member of Hist. Comn., 13, 14, 44. Catholic Lihurch of Mobile, Sketch, 130. Gaspard Gusachs, Sketch, 286. History work by, 26. Howard Memorial Library, 225. Library and collections, 289. Mobile, City Code, 119. Mobile records, 117. Mobile Schools, 123.' Mounds, 357, 358. Mobile Cotton Exchange, 147. Mobile pictures and maps, 300 Pensacola records, 80. Index. 439 Report on Foreign archives, 47. Spring Hill College records, 124. Trails and Roads, 422. U. S. Courts in Mobile, 152. Hamner, George W., 26, 223. Collections of, 291. Hanrick, Edward, 175. Harrisse's Discovery of N. Am., 226. Harvard College library, collec tions, 224. Havana, archives, 48, 80. Hawkins, Benj., papers, 174, 208, 212, 221, 291. Hearn, Rev. Ebenezer, Journal, 300. Hill, Benj. H., 201. HiU, Rev. Hugh Bone, MS. life of, 218. Historic Spots, 41. Historical Societies in Alabama, 18. See also names of Societies. Historical Societies, data in, 202. Historical Work in Alabama, 18. In other States, 7, 27. See also names of Societies. Hitchcock, Henry, portrait, 272. Hodge, F. W., z08. Holmes' Carib Influence, 270. Holmes, David, 75, 81, 242, 252. Papers of, 176, 212. Homastubbee, 379. Hopkins, A. P., portrait, 272. House of Rep., U. S., official rec ords, 73. Houston, Gov. George S., portrait, 272. Howard College. History work in, 24. Records of, 123. Howard, Miss Annie T., 225. Howard Memorial Library, collec tions, 225. Howell, Rev. J. T., 27, 137. Huntsville Advocate, file of, 213. Huntsville Democrat, files of, 213. 307. Huntsville Gazette, file of, 214. Huntsville Republican, file of, 214. Huntsville, stock certificates, 105. Cave, 365. Official records, 117. Temporary seat of gov't., 87. Huntsville, land office records, 148. U. S. Court records, 151. Hutehins, Anthony, 235. Hutehins, Thomas, papers, 267. Hutton, C. M., 353. Huv6, Alexander, 130. Iberville, letters, 264, 265. Immigration, Commissioner of, 92. Indian Affairs, office of, official rec ords of, 59. Indian documents, Chalmers' pa pers, 262. Indian linguistics, 269. Indian relics, 146. Indian military affairs, papers, 208. Indian remains in Ala., 355. Indian trading house records, 173. Indian trails, 422. Indians, Cherokee towns, 416. Creek towns, 386. War party, 387, 386. Peace party, 387. Gentes, 387. Tribal divisions, 386. •.yhoctaw districts, 375. Indians, historical material in of fice of -ndian Affairs, 59. War records, 329, 251. Correspondence, 94. Industrial Resources, Com'r. of, 92. Infantry, commands from Ala., 337. Inkillis Tamaha, town, 382. Insane hospital, 103, papers, 94. Records of, 144. Insane Hospital, the Meteor, file of, 309. Insurance Department, 93. Records, 93, 104. Interior Department, official rec ords, 60. Iowa, State aid to historical work, 28. Jackson, Gen. A., 171, 252, papers, 177. Jasper Circuit records, 137. Jefferson County, History, 300. Jeffreys' French Dominions, 226. Jesuits, 261, 265. Jews, official Congregational rec ords, 135. Jones Valley, History, 300, 428. Jones, Charles C, collections, 292. Jones, Grov. Thos. G., portrait, 272. Jones, Wm. G., 152, 158. Jonesboro Temperance Society, 300. Journals, House and Seiiate, origi nals, 98. Set in Sup. Court, 271. John, Sam'I. WiU, 14, 44, 27. Member of the Hist. Commis sion, 13. Report on War Records of Ala bama, 319. . Library and collections, 291, 353. Johnston, Gov. Joseph P., 13. Judsou Institute, 24. 44(3 Report Alabama Ilistory Commission. Justice, Department of, official rec ords, 61. Justis, letters of, 256. Kansas Historical Society, collec tions, 227. Kansas State aid to historical work, 28. Kelby, R. H., 256. Kendall, Amos, 177. Kentucky, historical data, 287. Newspapers, 207, 208. Kerlerec, 131. King, B. D., 203. King, Miss Grace, 162, 227. King, Robert D., MS. autobiog raphy of, 218. King, Wm. R., papers, 179. Kingsborough collection of MSS., 262. Kohl, collection of maps, 75. Knights of Pythias, official rec ords, 143. Knox, Gen, Henry, papers, 254. Kunsha bolukta, town, 376. L'Orient, archives at, 50, 179. Lafayette Quarterly Conference records, 139. LaHarpe's Journal, 209, 227. Lands, Federal offices in Ala., rec- orus, 148. Defunct offices, 149. University Lands, 126. School lands, 100, 109. Records in Sec. of State's office, 98. Records in Auditor's' office, 105. Records in Governor's office, 94. Redemption records, 104-105. Languages, Indian, 389. Lanier, Sterling, 175. Las Casas, Historia, 213, 262. Laudonniere, Capt., 211, 259. Law and Lawyers in Ala., 300. Law Journals, files of, 308, 309. Law, John, family papers, 179. Law's Company, recoras of, 49, 179, 226. Lay, Mrs. H. C, 163. Leflore, Greenwod, 377. Legislature, original journals and acts, 98, Lewis, Maj. Wm. B., 177. Libraries in Alabama, 19. Ala. Pol. Institute, 205. Geological Survey, 145. Insane Hospital, 145. Supreme Court Library, 270. State Library, 270. University Library, 279. Y. M. C. A. of Mobile, 20. Ala. Hist. Soc. 202. Libraries, historical data in, 202. Limestone Co., History, 300. Lincacum Shoals crossing, 431. Lindsay, Gov. Robert, portrait, 272. Linguistic materials, 218. Lipscomb, Abner S., portrait, 272. Literary remains of public charac ters, 157. Little, John B., 293. Little Leader, 3v8. Livingston Normal College for Girls, 25. Lodges, Masonic, histories, 141-143. Louisiana Historical Society, col lections, 227. Relics, 228. Louisiana, historical literature, 225. Louisiana, Papers, in Am. Phil. Soc, 209. In Congressional library, 211. Louisiana State aid to historical work, 29. Official records, 81. State library, 229. Newspapers, 208, ^16, 230, 254, 273. McAdory, Tnomas, Jr. and Sr., 301. McClellan, Robert A., 300. McCluney, Rev. Thomas, manu scripts, 289. McCorvey, T. C, 27. History at State University, 21. McDavid, Robert P., 96. McDonnold, Rev. W. B., 217. McFerrin, Dr. John B., 314. McGiUivray, A., papers in N. E. Gen., 254. Personal papers, 179. McGiUivray, Daniel, 179, 251. McGrew's Shoals crossing, 422. McKee, John, 76, 158. McKinley, Jonn, 76, 158. McVay, Gov. Hugh, papers, 180. Madison County, History, 300, 301. Magoffin, James, papers, 180. Magne, Pierre, 49, 228, 229, 230. Mallett, J. W., 187. MaUs, 73, 417. Manchester, town of, 315. Manly, Dr. Basil, papers, 180. IVxanly, Dr. Charles, 180. Manly, Miss Louise, 26. Maps, Kohl collection, 75. Lands, 64. 1? Parkman collection, 224. Howard collection, 224. Smith's collection, 312. Owen's collection, 301. Ga.-Ala, boundary, 81, Index. 441 Map of Selma, 291. In Sec. of States' office, 99. In St. Augustine Society, 268. Hamilton's Collection, 290. Street's collection, 290. Boundary, 65-b6. Margry, 49, 205; MSS. in La. Hist. Soc, TAU, 'i'i.'i. Marengo Co., history in manu script, 293. Marion Co., History, 301. Marion (Perry Co.) Common wealth, file of, 307. Marshall Co., History, 313, et. seq. In Confederate War, 315. Marshall, Rev. C. K., papers, 253. Martin, Gov. Joshua L., 191, pa pers, 181. Portrait, 272. Maryland State aid to historical work, 29. Mason, Dr. Otis T., 269. Masonic Guide, file of, 308. Masonic Signet, file of, 307. Masons in Ala., ouicial records, 139. Masonic local history, 140. Lodge records, 141. iuassachusetts Historical Society, collections, 231. Massachusetts State aid to histori cal work ', 29. Meade, Cowles, 212. Medical Association of Ala., 112. Meek, A. B., 50, 311. Collections, 293. Meek, Benj. F., collections, 295. Melton, Charles, 419. Menendez, Yida, 256. Methodist Episcopal Church in Ala., official records, 135-6. Historical literature, 137. Southern University, 23. North Ala. Conf. College, 24. Tuscaloosa Female College, 25. Collections of Anson West, 316. Meredith, Wm. H., manuscripts, 289. Methodist Protestant Church, offi cial records, 137. Mexican War records, 28, 329-32. Correspondence, 94. Mexican War, Miss, papers, 253. Mexico, archives, 48. Military literature in War Dept., 280. Militia records, 328. Miller, L. D., 26. Miller, Stephen P., collections, 296. Mineral collections, 145. Mining Inspector, 93, 94. Mississippi, newspapers, 208, 216, 254. luississippi. State aid to historical work, 32. Mississippi State University, Clai borne historical collections, 234. Mississippi country, accoimt of, Zll. Mississippi Territory, records in U. S. btate Dept., 75-7. Territorial development, 78-9. Official records, 81. Govemors of, 165, 176, 185, 188. Census, 60. Claiborne papers, 251. Documents, 211. Mississippi Valley, MSS. as to, 227. Mobile and Girard Lands, 103. Mobile Advertiser, files of, 214. Mobile Argus, file of, 214. Mobile Branch bank, 103. Stock certificates, 105. Sixteenth Sec. account. Branch bank, 110. Mobile Nationalist, file of, 214, 227. Mobile Patriot, file of, 304. Mobile Register, files of, 214, 307. Mobile, Spanish records at, 48. Mobile Tribune, file of, 214. Mobile, public school records, 123. Catholic Church records, 130. Cotton Exchange records, 147. Land office, 148. U. S. Court records, 152. Official records, 117. City Codes, 118. Newspaper files, 207. Moka lusha, town, 376. Montgomery Advertiser, files of, 120, 214, 274, 307. Montgomery, Alabama Journal, file of, 214. Montgomery Confederation, file of, Montgomery County, History, 301. Montgomery, land office records, 99, 149. U. S. Court records, 152. Montgomery League of United Southerners, 197. Montgomery lodge records, 140. Montgomery luail, file of, 274. Montgomery Post, 281. Montgomery, State capital, 88. State records removed to, 88. Burning of Capitol, 89. Newspaper files, 120. Sixteenth Sec. notes at Branch bank, 109. Stock certificates, 105. 442 Report Alabama History Commission. Official records, 119. History, 119, 283. Portraits of Mayors, 120. Montiano, letters of, 256. Moody, Washington, 203. Mooney, James, description of Hawkins' papers, 222. Moore, Gov. A. B., letters, 103, 104, 158; papers, 181. Portrait, 272. Moore, Gov. Gabriel, portrait, 271, Moore, Gov.S. B., papers, 181. Morse, Rev. Jedediah, 60. Moshulitubbee, 379. Mounds in Ala., by counties, 357- 369. Mount Vernon Papers, 94. Municipal records, 115. Munoz, 47, 262. Murphy, Gov. John, papers, 182, 212. Portrait, 271. Museums in Alabama, 19-20. Ala. Pol, Institute, 205. Daughters of the Confederacy, 278. Geological Survey, 145. Insane Hospital, 145. Of Com'r. of Agriculture, 112. Museum, Confederate; at Rich mond, 209. Muster rolls, uonfederate soldiers, 332-353. Nacogdoches, Archives of, 276. Nashwaiya, town, 383. Natchez Fencibles, 253. Natchez, historical papers, 251. iNatchez trace, 425. National Intelligencer, files of, 217, 231, 280, 310. Navarrette, 47, 262. Navy Department, official records, 66. Nebraska, State aid to historical work, 32. Negro Institutions, 19, 25, 121, 125. Negro literature, 19-20, 125. New Eng. Historic (Jenealogical Soc, collections, 254. New Era, file of, 306. New Hampshire, State aid to his torical work 32. New Jersey, State aid to historical work, 33. New York Historical Society, col lections, 256. New York, newspapers, 274. New York public library, 177, col lections, 261. New York State aid to historical work, 33. New York State Library, collec tions, 263. Newspapers in Alabama, mem. of list of in 1875, 109. City Clerk's office, Montg., 120. Mobile Cotton Exchange files, 147. Am. Antiquarian Soc, files, 207. Cong, library, files, 213. Georgia Hisc. Soc, files, 223. Miss. State Univ. files, 254. Owen's files, 304. St. Louis Mer. lib. files, 268. Sup. Ct. Ala., files, 273. Tenn. Hist. Soc, files, 276. Bibliography of Ala. papers, 302. See also under names of States, places, and name of paper. Nittakechi, 384. Noble Institute, 25. Normal College, Florence, history work in, 24. Record of, 125. Normal College, Troy, 24. North Ala. Conference College. History work in, 24. Records of, 124. North Alabama Presbytery, 138. North Carolina, State aid to his torical work, 33. Oaths and bonds, 103. Gates, Gov. Wm. C, portrait, 272. Odd Fellows, official records, 143. Officers, Confederate, 333. Official documents, 42. Officials, Registers in office pf Sec retary of State, 101. Official Register, publicati o n recommended, 42. Ohio, State aid to historical work, 33. Oka Talaia, district, 383. Oklahoma, 384. Oldham, Robert, manuscripts, 288. Old Missionary, Marshall Co., 417. O'Neal, Gov. E. A., portrait, 272. Ordinance of Secession, 96, 273. Ormond, J. J., 203. Oriedo, 262. Owen, Hopson, 302. Owen, John, 302, 42s. Owen, Thomas, 302. Owen, Thomas M., 27, 44. Member Ala. Hist. Commission, 13. Chairman of, 14. Editor of Report, 14. Administrative report, by, 13-44. Adjacent States, records, 78-83. . Benevolent Institutions, 139. Index. 443 Church organizations, 128. Collectors and students, 282. Counties and county records, 115. Educational institutions, 121. Federal offices, 53. Federal offices in Ala., 148. History work of, 27. Libraries and Societies, 202. Library of, 296. Literary remains of public char acters, 157. Manusoripts of, 298-304. Municipall Lies, 115. Newspaper files of, 304-310. Prehistoric Works, 357. Records of Law's Co., 49. Preface to this vol., 5. State offices, records reported, 87. War Records, 299, 304, 321, 353. Palfrey, John G., 234. Palmer, T. W., 279. Panton, Leslie & Co., papers, 182. Pardons, 94, 97. Paroles, 102. Parkman, Francis, manuscript col lections, 223. Parsons, Silas, portrait, 273. Patent Office, official records, 68. Patriotic Organizations in Ala., 18. See also particular names. Penicaut's Relation, 233, 265. Pensions, Alabama. Maimed soldiers, 105. Soldier's record, 107. Pensions, Bureau of, official rec ords, 69. V«io entitled to, 69. How to obtain proof, 69, 323. Pennsylvania Historical Society, collections, 267. Pennsylvania, newspapers, 309-10. Pennsylvania, State aid to histori cal work, 34. Pennsylvania University, collec tions, 268. Perkins, Nicholas, papers, 182. Peters, Thomas M., portrait, 273. Botanical collection, 146. Petrie, George, 22, 310. History work of, 26. History of Montgomery, 119. Pharmacy, Board of, 93. Phelan, John D., portrait, 273. Philadelphia Gazette, file of, 280. Physicians, directory, 113. Pickens, Gen. Andrewj papers, 182, 221, 223. Pickens, Gov. Israel, 94. Pickens, Samuel, papers, 183. Pickens Co., History, 302. 1 jrickens RepubUcan, file of, 306. 1 Pickensville Register, file of, 308. I Pickett, Albert J., History of Ala., i 28, 203. : Books at Univ. of Ala., 279. 1 MSS. collection, 302, 312. i MSS. cited, 88, 159, 161, 163, 164, ] 166, 168, 169, 172, 173, 175, 186. i Pictures. i Secretaries of State, 102. 1 Mayors of Montgomery, 120. i Yancey portraits, 191. I ii. P. I. Lib., 206. i In Sup. Ct. Ubrary, 271. Hamilton's collection, 290. Owen's collection, 298. Pike, Gen. Albert, collections, 269. Pillings' Bibliographies, 219. Pitchlyn, John, 211. Poems, Meek's unpublished, 294. Smith's unpublished, 312. Poindexter, George, papers, 183, 250. Pollard, H. C, 117. Poore, Ben: Perley, 53, 234. Porter, B. P., 127. Portraits of Alabamians, 43. Postmasters, records of, 73. Post Office Department, official rec ords, 71. PoweU, E. A., 300. Prehistoric Works in Ala., by counties, 357-369. Presbyterian Church in Ala., of ficial records, 138. Historical literature, 138. Printing, Territorial, 171. Prison records, 97, 112. Private land claims, 64. Proclamations, record of, 97, 102. Provisional government, papers of, 94. Public lands, records, 148. Public Record Office, London, 50. Puckshenubbee, 377. Pugh, James L., portrait, 273. Pushmataha, sketch of, 251, 384. Putnam, Herbert, 21u. Pythian Council, file of, 306. Quarantine records, 113. Accounts, 94. Quarles, R. T., 276. Quitman, Gen. John A., papers, I 235, et. seq. j Quivira, 260, 264. 1; Raines, C. W., 276. Railroad Commissioners, officir-I I records, 113. 444 Report Alabama History Commission. Railroad lands, 99. Ramsey, Rev. A. C, MSS. journal, 317. Rate indexes. Railroad, 113. Rayburn, Gen. S. K., 314. Reconstruction, papers as to, 94, 284. Record and Pension Office, war records in, 321. Red headed Will, 420. Reese, Warren, 120. Requisitions, 97, 103. Rhode Island, State aid to histori cal work, 3*. Rice, Samuel P., portrait, 273. Rich, O., collections, 262. Richards, E. G., 300. Riggs, Junius, 271. Riley, B. P., 18, 19, 26; collections, 312 Riley, Dr. P. L., 171, 235, 375. Roads, Colonial, 424, American, 425. Robins, Col. J., 353. Rodes, Gen. R. B., papers, 184. Ross., Jack P., 105, 184. Roosevelt, Theodore, 220, 287. Rosters of Confederate soldiers from Ala., 332-3o3. Ryan, John, 108. St. Augustine, Fla., 256. St. Augustine Institute, collec tions, 268. St. Bernard College, 24. St. Clair Co., History, 300. St. Joseph's College. History work in, 24. Records of, 124. St. Louis Mercantile Library, col lections, 268. St. Stephens crossing, 430. St. Stephens Halcyon, file of, 215. St. Stephens Historical Society, 19. St. Stephens Territorial capital, 87. Saffold, Judge Reuben, papers, 184. Portrait, 272. Sahagun, documents, 262. Salt Springs and Salt hands, Supt. of, 93, 95. Samforu, Wm. P., 196, 201. Sanders, Gen. Jno. C. C, papers, 184. Sanders, Dr. W. H., 184. Sanford, John W. A., portrait, 273. Sargent, Winthrop, 75, 81, 235, 251. Papers of, 185. Schanfarber, Rabbi Tobias, 135. School histories of Alabama, 26, 284, 287. School documents, 55-58. Records of Supt. Bd., 108. History in schools, 21. Official records of, 121-127. Lands, 100, 109. School system, 108. Teachers, 109. Educational institutions, 121. Schowalter collection of shells, 146. Scottish Rite Library, collections, 269. Screws, W. W., 26. Searcy, Dr. J. T., 144. Seay, Gov. Thomas, portrait, 272. Secretaries of State, portraits of, 102. Secretary of State, Alabama, offi cial records, 95-104. Seed, W. D., 27. Selma city bond register, 105. Town Co. records, 292. Map, 292. Educational literature, 58. Selma Argus, file of, 308. Selma Messenger, file of, 308. Selma Times, file of, 308. Selma Sentinel, file of, 215. Senate of U. S., official records, 73. Sequoyah, inventor of Cherokee alphabet, 420. Seventh District Agricultural School, 25. Sevier, Gov. John, letters and pa pers, 250. beville, archives at, 48, 268. Shea, John G., collections of, 220, 130. Sheffield, Col. J. L., 314, 315. Shelby County Guide, flle of, 306. Shells, collection of, 146. Shorter, Gov. John G., letters, 103, 104, 159. Portrait, 272. Simancas, archives at, 48. Sims' Female Academy, 303. Six Towns District, Choctaw, 379. Sixteenth section records, 100, 101, 107, 109, 111. Slaughter letter, 197. Smith, Buckingham, collections, 210, 256. Smith, Dr. E. A., 26, 145. Library and collections, 312. Smith, Wm. R., collections, 282, 312. Smithsonian Institution, collec tions, 269. Smylie, Rev. J., correspondence, 253. Societies, historical, data in, 202. Soil specimens, 112, 146. Soldier's records, 321, 328, 353. Somerset House, England, ar chives at, 50. Index. 445 Somerville, H. M., portrait, 273. Sons of the Revolution in Ala., 19. Soto, documents as to, 256. Soutli Alabama Presbjrtery, 138. South Carolina, newspapers, 209, 309. Official records, 82. State aid to historical work, 34. Southern Crisis, file of, 191. Southern Democrat, file of, 191. Southern Historical Society, Con federate collections, 270. Southern Home, file of, 307. Sonthem Musician, file of, 306. Southern University. Historical work In, 23. Records of, 124. Spanish-American War of 1898, rolls of Ala. troops In, 352. Spanish archives, 47 227, 231, 256, 262, 263, 268. Spanish explorations, documents as to, 256. Letters of explorers, 262. Spanish grants, 98, 151. Spanish MSS. as to La., 227. Spanish MSS. in Cong. Library, 210, 213. Spanish MSS., in Mass. Hist. Soc, 231 Spanish MSS. in N. Y. Pub. Lib. 262, 263. Spanish MSS., John G. Shea, 220. Sparks, Jared, manuscripts, 224, 234. Spiritu Santo Bay, 47. Spofford, A. R., 210. Spring HiU College. See St. Joseph's College. Springville Pre=bvtery, 134. Stansel, M. L., 159, 181. State Bank, papers, 103. State Department, U. S., official records, 73. Historical material, 74. Appointments and Commissions, 75. State papers, series of Alabama proposed, 38. State offices, Alabama, 87. State records, 87-94. States Rights Sarpositor, flle of 305. Statistics, cotton, 147. Stephens, Rev. Wm. Bacon, coUec tions, 313. Stiggins MSS., 281. Stincards, 388. Stone, George W., portrait, 273. Stone, Lewis M., papers, 303. Street, O. D., 357-8; collections, 313-316. Cherokee Southern boundary, 370. Cherokee Towns and vlUages, 416. Historical work, 26. Sturdivant, Rev. M. P., 135. Sumter Co., History, 300. Superintendent of Education, offi cial records, 108. Supreme Council records, 50. Supreme Court of Ala., official rec ords, 114. Supreme Court Library, collec tions, 270. Supreme Court, U. S., official rec ords, 76. Surveys of Ala. lands, 98, 151. Swamp and overflowed lands, 92. 94, 100, 101. Synod, Cumb. Pres., 133. Tait, Judge Charles, 151, papers, 185. Tala Tamana tovm, 381. Talladega Co., xiistory, 300. Talladega Presbytery, 134. Talladega Quarterly Conference; records, 137. Taylor, Hannis, 48. Taylor, John B., cares for records, 90-91, 108. Taylor, John D., 314. Taylor, Robt, P.. 134. Taylor, Thos. J., 300. Tax Commissioner, the State, 93. Tax records, 104, 107. Teachers, records of, 109, 121. Tefft, Israel K., collections, 316. Templars, the Good, 289. Teniente's Memorias, 213. Ten Miles Shoals crossing, 431. Tennessee Company (old), 315. Tennessee Historical Society, col lection, 274. Tennessee, newspapers, 208, 216, 276, 310. Tennessee, official records, 82. Tennessee, State aid to historical work, 34. Temaux-Compans, 47, 262. Territorial Documents, 75-6. m Owen's collection. Texas, State aid to historical work, 34. Texas State Library, coUections, 276. Texas University, collections, 278. Tezozomoc. documents, 262. Thach. Charles C, 14. 27, 44; ai>- I)oinment as a member of the Commission. 13. Sketch of A. P. I. library. 205. Sketch of A. P. I. records, 122. Report on (Jeorgia archives, 81, 446 Report Alabama History Commission. Thomas, Richard, letters and diary, 222. Thomassy's Geologic Pratique, 226. Thirty-sixth Ala. Reg., 303, 345. Three Chopped Way, 426. Tombigbee settlements, 135. Toulmin, Judge ilarry, papers, 186, 303. Toulmin, Gen. T. L., and Harry, 186. Towns, recorcis of, 115. Townships, school records, 109, 121. Toyn, Gov. Patrick, 211. Trade routes, 423. Trails, Indian discussed, 422. Cherokee, 418, 419. Choctaw, 378, 430. Trans. Ala. Hist. Soc, 204. Translated records, 98, 151. Treasurer ol Ala., official records, 105. War records, 299, 304, 321, 353. Treasury Department, U. S., offi cial records, 76. Treasury Notes, Ala. State, 105. Troup, Gov. G. M., papers, 186, 212. Trumbull, J. H., 207, 269. Tuomey, Michael, 145, papers, 187. Tuscaloosa, American Mirror, file of, 215. Tuscaloosa, Alabama Sentinel, file of, 215. Tuscaloosa, capital at, 87. Tuscaloosa Clarion, file of, 280. Tuscaloosa Democratic Gazette, file of, 280. Tuscaloosa Female College, 25. Tuscaloosa Flag of the Union, file of, 280, 309, 305. Tuscaloosa Gazette, file of, 309. Tuscaloosa, Independent Monitor, flle of, 215. Tuscaloosa Inquirer, flle of, 304. Tuscaloosa Methodist Church reg ister, 137. Station records, 137. Tuscaloosa Presbytery, 138. Tuscaloosa, records of sales of lots, 151. Tuscaloosa, Rising Virtue lodge records, 140. Tuscaloosa State Intelligencer, flle of, 215, 281, 305. Tuscaloosa State Journal and F'tag, flle of, 215, 309. Tuscaloosa, Univ. records, 125. Tuscaloosa Water Co., 304. Tuscumbia Enquirer, file of, 215. Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, 19. History work in, 25. Library of, 125. Records of, 125. Tutwiler, Dr. Henry, papers, 188. Twenty-seven Mile bluff, 130. Twickenham (Huntsville), 117. Uguina, Don Antonio, collections by, 262. United States Courts in Ala., 151-3. United States Military Adacemy, collections, 279. University of Alabama, history work in, 21. Geological Survey, 145. Library of, 279. . Records of, 125. Papers in Governor's oflice, 94. juands, 99. Papers in Supt. Education's of fice, 109. Conf. papers in office of Adj. Gen., 334. Di. Manly's papers, 180. University Journal, files of, 309, 312. University Monthly, files of, 309, 312. Van Lear, A. J., 264. Vermont, State aid to historical work, 35. Vignaud, Henri collections, 316. Virginia, State aid to historical work, 35. Volunteers, Confederate, 332. Wallace, Wm. McKee, manu scripts, 289. Walker, A. J., portraits, 273. Walker, John W., papers, 188, 304. Walker, Percy, 173. War iJepartment, records as to Ala. soldiers in, 321-323. How to obtain data from, 323. Official records, 77. War Department Library, collec tions. 280. War of 1812, record of troops In, 80, 81, 82, 83. War records in private hands, 353. Ward, Wm., 173. Warrenton, town of, 316. Warsaw crossing, 430. Washington Co., History, 304. Wa"hir!gton, D. C. newspapers, 217, 231, 274, 280, 310. Index. 447 Washington Constitution, 274. Washington Daily American Or gan, 274. Washington Globe, flle of, 280. Washington Journal, flle of, 280. Washington, U. S. Telegraph, 280, 310. Watts, Thomas H., 103, 104, 159, 287. Portrait, 2V2. Weatherford, Wm., sketch, 251. Weaver, H. C, 143. v»ebb. Dr. DeWitt, 268. Weeks, Dr. S. B., 35. West, Dr. Anson, 26, 137. Collections of, 316. West Florida records, 50-52, 267. Owen's Collection, 304. Chalmers papers. 262. Wetumpka Argus, flle of, 192. Wetumpka State Guard, flle of, 21.5. Whitaker, Rev. W. C, 26. White, Gen. James, papers, 188. White's Recopilacion, 80. Whitfleld, G. W., Jr., 26. Wier, Rev. Wm., Ai,:j. Journal, 317. Wilkinson, Gen. James, 212, 221, 279. Williams, Abner, 300. Williams, Robert, 75, 81, 211. Papers of, 176. Williamson, Capt. Dudley C, 353. Wills Valley Quarterly Conference records, 137. Winsor, Justin, 224. Winston, Gov. John A., portrait, 272. Wisconsin, State aid to historical work, 35. Witherspoon, Rev. W. B., 133, 134. Withers, Gen. J. M., papers, 189. Woman's Work, file of, 808. Wood, E. T., MSS., 317. Wood, H. D., llo. Wood, S. A., 189. Wood, Gen. S. A. M., papers, 189. Wood, W. B., 317. Woodward, Gen. Thomas, 175, 304. Wyeth, Judge Louis, 314. Wyman, William S., 14, 44, 26; ap pointment as a member of the Commission, 13. Liurary anu collections, 317. Sketches of Tuscaloosa, 300. Yancey, WiUiam L., 26, 273. Papers and Manuscripts, 189. Newspapers, 191. Bibliography, 192. Yanubbee, town, 378. Yazoo Fraud, papers, 223. Yowanni, 380. Yuchi Indians, 389. Yxtlylxochitl, documents, 262. Zacharie, James S., 254. Zoological collections, 146. Zurita, documents, 262. «