UNIVERSIIY ll""'i"Iiil 3 9002 06462 0744 - »5 -y- ' "¦I^Lve thife Baoki . foi- Viie. fou,n(iing ef a, ColUgi ill. t^CobAy" ° ILKIBI^^IElf « New York Colonial TraSls. Number IV. Ecmrs of Isaac ISoftin. LETTERS OF PRIVATE SECRETARY OF Hon. GEORGE CLARKE, Secretary of the Province of New York. 1718-1730. ALBANY, N. Y. : J. MUNSELL, 8z STATE ST. 1872. LETTERS ISAAC BOBIN Anthony Barry to Ifaac Bobin. London, Auguft _)i(? 4'^ 1 7 1 8. My Dear Bobin HAD the favour of both Your's of the 20* of Novem ber and 31ft of May, which were not a little welcome to me, the latter I got but Yefter- day. Though I was not at Dublin when the firft came, I delayed but little time till I fent your friends A ( 2 ) there the fubftance of it, which I am perfwaded they were glad to fee. I am heartily concerned at the melancholy Story of your Voyage but fince it's over, cannot but congratu late You on your Arrival and the kind reception You have mett with from Your Relation there, & hope you will e'er long reap the benefit of Your going. Warner wi& mightily difappointed of having a Commiffion in Wade's Regiment, which is fince Hawlefs, for the prefent Colonel is a Man little beloved, and One of a very odd Temper, however by chance he got One in Brigadier Borr's Regim^ of Marines, to be a Second Lieutenant, which is only Enfign's Pay, they laid at Gallway when We left Ireland; I cannot but take notice to You, that for Some time before he got it, he was at a Lofs ( 3 ) for Your Afiiftance to help him out with a Memorial now and then to My Lord Lieut: which out of a friendftiip to You (he being one as you refpefted) I did with a great deal of Pleafure, but when he got his Bufinefs done, and was com manded to Quarters, did not fo much as thank me or take his leave of me, or any other of Your friends ab' the Office. I came to London in April laft (and as Sudden as We came before) with Mr. Budgell he is very kind to me & I doubt not but will be my very good Patron' I did (as you defired) prefent Your humble Refpe doz & D° of Waft Coat at 2/ being the fmalleft and beft I could get, as alfo two Doe flcins at 6y^each 12 pound of Chocolate at 2oy'and two Pack of Cards 3/ it being late in the Day and the Weather bad when I received yours had not time to ( 19 ) get the feeds, but do defign to fend 'em by the next Convenience w^'^ the five Bufliells of peas you wrote for, w'^^ I doubt not but you'll find good. As to Garden Beans I have been feveral Places and can't meet w"^^ any yet but fliall make further Inquiry. As to the Children's Cloaths, your Servant as fliould have been the bearer of y" letter not coming near me, but fending it by Will, my Hands were tyed as to that affair, but having rec'^ a note from Mrs. Ludlow fignifying her want of money to be neceffary, for that purpofe, fent in Anfwer that I was forry I could not Comply w''^ her requeft, but that if flie would buy the things flie wanted I would take care the money fliould be paid upon w'^^ flie feemed affronted, Never thelefs offered to buy them myfelf ( 20 ) provided flie would let me know what flie wanted, but I was not worthy an anfwer. I fend inclofed your Pen knife w'^^ I got mended by the man near the Wind Mill. Yo"" Patent met with no obftruc- tion and is near compleated, it being now Ingrofeing and will fo foon as paft the feal obferve your diredions relating thereto. I am Yours &c. I. B. February y 3' I72y. Hond S' HIS Excy acquainted me this Day that he defigns to fet out from hence for Burlington the middle of next week, and thought ( 63 ) proper I fliould acquaint you of the fame I have paid Ten pounds to Blake' s order according to promife, as like- wife four pounds to Bernardus Smith for the ufe of James Martin, I have nothing more to add but that I am S' Your moft &c. To Geo. Clarke Efq. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, March the \ft 172^. Hond Sir I RECEIVED yefterday your Let ter of the 25'^ of February laft. I have been with Mr. Phillipfe for a Copy of Brigad' Hunter's Inftruc- tions relating to Patent Officers who ( 64 ) has promifed me a copy of the fame to morrow, w"^^ I will be Carefull in forwarding by the firft Opportu nity that offers with the other Copys you mention. Capt Hopkins Lot tery was Drawn at the City Hall on Friday laft therefore can fay nothing as to the Ticketts. This Morning about the Hour of One Coll Heathcote dyed fuddenly (as is fayd) of an apopledick fit. As theres no News worthy notice in Town I have nothing more to add but that I am &c^ I Bobin. To George Clarke Efq' ( 65 ) Ifaac Bobin to Gov'' Burnet. Secretary's Office, New York, March y 6th x-]z\. May it pleafe yo'' Excellency THE inclofed on Thurfday laft was Delivered me by a Boat Man from Efoapas for forwarding to your Excellency. Late laft Tuef day Night occur'd the Death of Coll. Heathcote which was a fudden furprize to the Generality here, I ufe Brevity herein thinking your Excellency "^, this Poft will receive it inlarged by Mr. Harifon. I have imployed the opportunity which your Ex'^y'^ abfenfe has afforded in fol lowing yo' Ex'^y'^ diredions relating to the Office, humbly conceiving Sir that at your Return heither you will find it in fuch Regularity as to receive yo' Excellency's approba- I ( 66 ) tion, for I am ftudious of making myfelf worthy thereof, being with the greateft regard, S' Your Excellencys Moft humble and Moft Obed' Servant Is Bobin. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, March y^ 6'b 172^. Hond Sir THIS morning yours of yefter day came to hand, I have been carfull in obferving your diredions relating to the feveral Letters you fent inclofed, Mr. Sharpas has un dertaken the forwarding them to his friend at Bofon and at the fame time will mention to him the taking ( 67 } the Mafters Receipt, or at leaft to fend word by what veffell they goe; he does not doubt of his Correfpond- ent's care therein and of fending them from thence to England in the firft Veffell. S' I have imployed the oppor tunity his Excellency's abfence has afforded me in following yo' Orders concerning the Office, conceiving that at his Return heither it will be in fuch Regularity as to Receive His Excellencys approbation, for I am ftudious of doing that w'^^ I think Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, March y w'h 1720. Hond Sir INCLOSED is a Copy of Lord Godolphins Letter to Lord Corn- bury to Reftore Mr. Byerly as like- ( 68 ) wife a Copy of his Ex'^y^ Speech to the Affembly of the Jerfeys. I have paid according to yo' order of the 28'^ of Febry laft Six pounds fourteen Shillings to Jeremiah Smith, and in purfuance of y' of y^ lo'h Currant in favour of John Gilliard have bought him a piece of Garlix at four pounds fifteen fliillings with w"^^ he feems well contented. S' I have ftrech'd a point to anfwer demands, and as bufinefs of the Oflice is not at Prefent fo briflc as I could wifli therefore defire you'll give me time to Recruit, being at a low Ebb, — hope the fame will be taken into Confidera tion for I really am with all due Regard S'&c. I. Bobin. S' Your Deeds are Recorded. there's much talk in Town of ( 69 ) his Ex'^y and Mrs. Mary Vanhorn the Eldeft Daughter of Abraham Vanhorne. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, March yc j^'h 172-J. Hond Sir I EMBRACE the opportunity of Mr. Mounts going to the Plains to pay you Mad"' Clarke and Mad"^ Hyde my humble regards and to let you know I received yours of Yef terday "^ Mr. Nicholls. I will pay him as foon as poffible your Note Drawn in his favour I fliall not be wanting in my Endeavours to find out a Sober man to teach your children & fo foon as I fucceed therein will inform you thereof. Mr. Wileman has promifed with out further delay to deliver me to ( 70 ) morrow morning y^ Papers belong ing to the Office, I have been very urgent and prefling for the fame, & fliew'd him that part of yo' Letter relating thereto. I omitted men tioning to you in my laft that I could not find any mittens in Town to fuit Mifs Molly. I have taken for you two Ticketts in Lake's Lottery the numbers are 35 & 36. I ardently wifli fuccefs may attend them and every thing elfe which concerns you being with fincerity. Sir &c. I. Bobin. Geo. Clarke Efq. ( 71 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. N. Y., March y zifi 172^. Hond Sir ACCORDING to yo' Requeft I now fend by Blake four quire of Fine writing Paper ; as to Bohea Tea I have given it to good Mr. Sharpas who very readyly accepted of the care thereof, and has likewife for you a Letter delivered me by Brafer from Efoapas for forwarding as direded, — Mr. Sharpas defigns (God willing) to fet out for the Plains to morrow morning about the hour of Nine. S' Nothing has occurred worthy notice fince my laft therefore fliall conclude with my hearty wiflies for the profperity of your good Family and am &c. Yours I Bobin. To Geo Clarke Efq. ( 72 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. N. Y., Secry's Office, March y: 2^'A 1721. Hond Sir YOURS of yefterday came to hand. I very well remember what you therein mention in Rela tion to the Thirty pounds, to be allowed you by Col. Schuyler out of his Fees on the Patents of Mr. Harifon, Phillipfe &c^ I dont know of any Money he has received on y' fcore. Mr. Wileman tells me there's fome money in his Hands on that Ace' and hopes to Compleat the Remainder in a few Days which as foon as done will fettle that affair. I think myfelf on the fafe flde as to yo' thirty pounds and fliould be heartyly forry fliou'd prove other- wife through my negled. ( 73 ) As to the Patent of Jeremiah Schuyler and Compel I will fend you an ace' of the State thereof in my next and am with Refped Yours &c. I. Bobin. To Geo. Clarke Efq"" Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. S. O. New York, Ap' i, 1721. Hond Sir I HAVE Received yours of Yef terday ^j James Jordain. In clofed is the fume of two pounds ; they are the fmalleft Bills I could get. I have paid Mr. Nicholls five pounds in part of yo' Note Drawn in his favour. I can't fav any thing as yet in Relation to the Patent of Jeremiah Schuyler and Comp'^ Mr. Phillipfe K ( 74 ) being out of Town, The Affembly of this Province is further adjournd to the Nineth of May next. I am yours &c. I. Bobin. To Geo. Clarke Efq. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, Apl 22^^ 1 721. Hond Sir I HAVE fent by Riche 4 Bar^^ of Beef at £1. 16/ each (Mr. De- lancey p'^ the fame price it being the beft in Town) as likewife 12ft) of Chocolate £1 : 2J' Hand Brufli if Sweeping Brufli loy^ J a Bar^ of Peas I 'if with the Bar'l ; 1 2 Inch White Pine Boards 10 f 3 ft) of Whale bone ibf If any of the be fore mentioned particulars Shou'd ( 75 ) not prove to content they'll be taken again upon quick Return. If you approve of the Peas I will fend another half Bar^ by Riche Next opportunity. I have not bought any Ozinbrigs by reafon they aflc igd "p Ell and for that which is Courfe, the greatnefs of the Price I afcribe to the Scarcity of it for want of Veffells from Europe. The Bricks and Limeftone Riche Referrs till the next Trip. Riche has likewife two Roots of Coronation Pinks given by Mr. Bayeux ; I fend now by Anne Sheaf your Servant, 4. ou of Nutmegs, one D° of Mace and two D° of Cloves. S' Since you left the town We have not had Weather to Dry Snuff nor met with the good fuccefs of geting Limes &c. but hope to fucceed in both before another Op portunity offers. ( 76 ) S' Bufinefs of the Oflice is very Dull and nothing occur'd worthy notice Since yo' Departure hence. therefore Conclude as I really am &c. Yours &c. I. Bobin. Geo. Clarke Efq. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, April y 26"^ 1721. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of the 24'h Inft. relating to Ned Grif fith; the Moneys paid for nurfing his Child is four pounds ten fliillings, being for five Months from the 24''' of November laft to y^ 24'^ Inft. by which it appears he is ov' paid Seven fliillings and nine pence. ( 77 ) S' I hope you have received my Letter of the 22'^ Inft. in which I have given an Ace' of the feveral things fent "§. Riche whereby you'll perceive he has been Remifs in the not Delivering of the Boards, Whale Bone and Coronation Pink Roots. What elfe is wanting he referred y^ taking till next Trip, I am with all due Regard S' Yours &c. Is Bobin. George Clarke Efq'. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secry's Office, May y 13'-^ 1721. Hon 3- P^ of Lathing Nails 3/ 2,d; 64. pd of Candles £2; — a Loaf of Sugar quantity 27. pd at i^d^, pd ; 12 yds I of Garlix zf gd. Coll. Rutfen puts one off from Day to Day Courtier like, but fays that if he fail this week he fliall think himfelf very unworthy of any favours from you for the future. I have not received from the Trea- furer your Quarterly warr' ending June laft. I have nothing more to add but that I am. Hond Sir &c. I. Bobin. ( 87 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, Aug' y \ft 1721. Hond Sir — I HAVE finiflied with Mr. Hyde and got every thing neceffary for his voyage put on Board, Cap' Downing propofes to fail to Day, the Owners would not give Credit for Mr. Hyde's Paffage Money, therefore have been obliged to draw ten pounds from the Gov's fggs. The amount of his Accounts is 158/ ij- of New York money, w^l^ I have re duced to Sterls and taken his Receipt for the fame. There is only gone by Riche laft Trip Six Cedar Bolts The Lime he Refufed to take on Board, it muft therefore go by next Trip with what elfe is wanting; he tells me ( 88 ) he will be in Town the latter end of this week. The ten pounds Drawn in his favor being not yet paid makes him very furly w^^ I cant help. I was yefterday at the Treafurer's who fays he has none I am yours I Bobin. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, Auguft y 2\ft 1721. Hond Sir. HIS Ex^y gave, me this morning the Enclofed for forwarding ; he defigns to Imbark for Albany on Thurfday next. Mr. Mount is fo kind to favour me with his Care of this & Mad™ Clarke's Snuff Box, and to take the Trouble of a Canifter of Bohea Tea, The bearer of your Letter of ( 89 ) the 19'^ not coming near me but delivered the Letter to a Soldier. S' I have according to order paid David Cathair four pounds. The Chaife Wheels are Ready to fend by Riche; old Read dyed on Friday laft. Cap' Lancelot maf' of ye John Gaily bound to London from Jamaica was neceifitated to come here, the Veffell proving very Leaky will fail for London in about Eight Days, and Capt Ouvery about the middle of next month. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, September y iz'l' 1721. Hond Sir. WITH fome Struggle I have conquered that troublefome Companion the feaver and Ague, M ( 90 ) by checking it in time ; I am told that at Amboy there is not one Houfe free from that difeafe, fome the whole family Down, and is almoft as brieff here ; I heartyly wifli your good family may efcape it. S' Inclofed is an Account of the feveral particulars fent now ^ Riche by your order for the ufe of Dodor Magrath ; there gos likewife a loaf of fine Sugar (w^^ Ccefar left behind him when you were laft in Town) at zf id p' The Chaife Wheels likewife go this trip. I have paid Mrs. Tarr fifty fliil lings on ace' of the Note Drawn in her Hufliand's favour ; had made her eafy as to the remainder by promife where She ow'd Money to pay it in a little time w'^^ has an- fwer'd her End. The Gen^ Complaint here is a Confumption of Trade & your ( 91 ) Office is not without a tafte of the unhappy effed of a Languifliing Commerce, bufinefs being fo dull that I have not for this Six Days or more cleared a veffel or taken any money in y^ Office. The Trea- furer fays he has none in his hands and does not know when he fliall, w^'^ makes fome Officers who have quarterly Warr'^ look with Droop ing afpeds fearing they will be obliged to pafs the Winter upon the faith and Credit of an Hon^^'e Sup port without Money. The Gov"" is expeded here the Begginning of next week. ( 92 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, September y \\'h 1721. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of the 12''' Inft. by Peter Smith and according to order fend by Tunis Snediker the Keg filled with Lime Juice I will be mindfull of Peach Stones. Tuefday laft I fent by Riche what was wanting for Dodor Magrath, and a loaf of fine Sugar wel^ Ccefar left behind him. The Gov' unexpeded arrived here this morning about the Hour of Six. I dont hear as yet what progrefs he has had with the Indians. S' I return you thanks for the Concern you Exprefs for my Wel fare & my late Indifpofition. I ( 93 ) thank God I am recovered and am now in a perfed ftate of health. I hope your goodfelf and family are the like and that they may be bleft with the Continuance of y^ fame is the fervent wifli of S' Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, Sept. y 2i'h 1 72 1. Hond Sir. THERE goes now f Riche a pound of Bohea Tea ; 6 yds of brown Ozinbriggs ; four i of blew D° S' I have been with y^ Pump maker named Rich^ Talbot, who fends you the inclofed and fays he Can't pretepd to undertake y^ making a Pump for lefs than zf^^ ( 94 ) Foot, for it is the ufual and Cuf- tomary price and y' he expeds %f ¦^ Diem during the time that he fliall be at the Plains affixing & feting the fame. And his Charges and Expences both going and return ing, w"^^ I told I thought was fome what out of ye way, therefore told him I could do nothing further before I had acquainted you there with and know your pleafure, which as foon as it came to hand would let him know — he anfwered if you agreed to what he propofed he would fall upon the work forthwith and give it all immediate difpatch. Mr. Sharpas tells me he is a Mafter of his bufinefs. S' I acquainted his Excellency that you prefented to him your Duty and y' your being much out of order with a Cold in y' head and a fore throat hindred your waiting on him ; ( 95 ) he made me no anfwer ; I repeated the fame word to him a fecond time, he ftill was filent ; then I withdrew. S' The Office is very bare of money and will not anfwer for what is drawn for Sundrys and as I have been hitherto obliged when I had not cafli in hands to take things on yo' Credit, and bufinefs fince not having been briflc enough to anfwer other Demands and Difcharge that, therefore People are fliye in De livering there goods without ready money, w^^ I know not how [to get.] ( 96 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secrys Office, Oaobr- xZ'h 1721. Hond Sir I HAVE received your Letter of ye lyth Inft. by yo' Negro & will leave no ftone unturned to get in what money I can, but am at prefent very bare, being obliged now to pay ready money for what things I take up for your ufe ; when a Sum comes to hand I fliall inform you thereof with great pleafure. I have writ to Coll Rutfen & wait dayly for his anfwer. Mr. Wileman yef terday acquainted me that he had rec'd a Letter from Mr. Collins of Albany, date ye 4 Inf' in which he prefents you his humble duty and defires to be excufed for his long filence and y' he will make fpeedy ( 97 ) payment of your Fees, and in order thereto Mr. Bickly has prepared a quantity of Flower and Peas to fend to York to be fold fo that Money may be dayly hoped for. Neverthelefs I will obferve your Diredions to Mr. Bickley. I fend now bv Will a Loaf of fingle refin'd Sugar q' 7 pd at ly^ 6d %*. pd ; 13 yds of Duffles at bfi^d; four yds of Swanflcin at J\.f; 3 Indian Brooms if: 2 Bibles, 187^; — they are beft I could get & am forry the Print is not better ; as to Venice talk [ ? chalk] there is none in Town ; Dodor Nicholls had fome a few days ago but it is all fold to ye Ladys. I fend by Will four pounds in fmall Bills &c. I am S' Yours &c^ I Bobin. N ( 98 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secretary's Office, OHober y 26''* 1721. Hond Sir WILL carrys with him feven yards of yallow Taffita and as much of Blew at loy^ & 6^^. yard, — •& 2 oz of Blew Sowing filk; if not likt will be taken again ; Mrs. Ludlow tells me the yallow fuits very well, and the Blew is the neareft the Patern I could get & fays flie can't go to the Plains before the Beginning of next week, her hands being full of work. I have had the happinefs of feeing Mifs Katty yefterday Evening. Mr. Sharpas and M'^ Betty Sharpas conceiving Mifs wou'd want a Night Gown I have therefore bought as much Calico as will make a double Gown ( 99 ) and had Mrs. Betty's advice therein, what elfe Mifs may want I will take care to furnifli. Mrs. Ludlow will make it forthwith. Mifs Katty went with Mrs. Braffer in Mr. Bickeley's laft night. Mr. Fauconnier is not in Town and can't Larn when he is Expeded. I will obferve what you write in relation to Rhode If and Cheefes as I fliall do in every thing elfe. I have writ to Mr. Collins as or dered and have forwarded a Second Letter to Coll Rutfen very prefling. I exped dayly to hear from them. I am much obliged to Mifs Molly for her kind Remembrance of me, and to affure when I go to the Sweat Garden have her in my thoughts ; have now fent her fome. There is no news. Mr. Haring- ton promifed to give me fome Limes, but has not been fo good as his ( loo ) word tho' often calling has not been wanting. I am with Refped S' &c. Is Bobin. To M' Clarke. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, Secry's Office, Nov y z\'h 1721. Hond Sir I RECEIVED yr Letter of Yef terday about Seven in the Even ing "^ Will and am forry to hear Blake has proved fuch a Villain, I have not feen him fince I paid him your note Drawn in his favour w^'' was Thurfday laft nor dont hear now y' he is in Town, therefore have forwarded with Inftrudions a ( loi ) Writt to the Sheriff of Richmond County & will be diligent in making further inquiry after him. As to the Saflies they were not made at Smiths but at one Peacocks in the Broadway who not being at home therefore have rec'd no jnformation thereof, but fliall obferve your di redions relating thereto — I dont hear that he has left any thing at Riches — Mr. Phillips and Mr. Sharpas prefent you their humble fervice and fay they'll referr the drawing Lotts till you come to Town. I fend by Will five yd^ of plain fuftain at 'T^f ^d but am afraid its too Corfe there is none figured in Town ; if not likt will be taken upon Return I fend likewife 2 yds of Blew Duffles at 6/f yd. I will Inquire after another Joyner. ( I02 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, S. Office, Nov y 26 1 72 1. Hon Sir I REC'D yefterday your Letters of ye 8'!^ and 1 5'h Inf The Sev^ Part, mention'd in that of the 8'^ go now by Riche Viz' a Barr' of Sugar from M' Schuyler ; Six p' of gloves for Mad™ Clarke at 3ya p' 6 Sheets of Miniken pins %f ; 12 of largeft i bf — ; 1 2 of the Middling, I if ; 2 Small Cords & large Bedd Cord — I if; thirty two Gallons of Moloffes Jamaica the beft in Town zf ^. Gallon ; Six q' of Letter Paper & 6 of Copying Paper ; a Mafons Trowell, i^f ; Six Packs of Cards jf 6d ; Three Ivory Combs ^f 6d; I horn Comb ^d If any of the prices of the before men- ( I03 ) tion'd particulars bought by me, fliou'd be thought unreafonable or not likt by Mad™ Clarke they will be taken again upon Return ^ — I have been Carefull y' the Sugar and Moloffes can are well hoop'd. S' I return you my hearty thanks for the trouble you have taken to fend me my Fathers Letter, as alfo of my kinfman and am under fome Concern to pceive my friends at home uneafy for want of hearing from me ; however Letters have mifcarryed I can't tell, but as I have always had a value and efteem for my Parents therefore have never been wanting when opportunity of fered to let them know of my Welfare. S' I have paid Blake yo' Note Drawn in his favour for five pounds Sconlock not having Money to advance, and finding him under ( IO+ ) neceflity to buy hinges Nails &c^ for the ufe of your houfe; which he told me was very much expofed to Weather, mov'd me to ftretch a point. I will fend what elfe is wanting ¦p Riche next Trip which he tells me will be the Latter End of next week — Yo' Warrants upon Mr. Byerly are figned. Coden has promifed to bring fome good R. If and Cheefe for your Winter Store. I have paid Mr. Selby your note of One pound ten fliillings drawn in his favour. Cap' Smith of ye Beaver Informs that he fliall fail the Latter End of next Week hoping to Eat to his Xmas dinner in London I can get no Money from The Treafurer, nor have not been fo happy as to receive a Line from Coll Rutfen tho' I have often writ. I ( '05 ) have received from Mr. Collins yo' fees out of w^^ I have paid Riche. His Exey is Expeded from Amboy Sunday next. Mifs Katty is very well. The Surveyor Gen' has not yet made any Return of ye Surveys of the Land laid out for D' Humes & al. As to Anthony I refer to his Letter Inclofed. Blake will Inform you concerning Cedar Bolts. I begg you'll excufe the broken Englifli of my Father's Letter 111 fee that fome Snuff be made &c. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. New York, S. Office, February y 2\ft 172^. Hond Sir THERE goes now by Riche The Barrel of Sugar, Box of Can dles, Six Indian Brooms, & Eight O ( io6 ) pound of Chalck. The Punch & marking Iron are not finiflied. S' Since my laft to you I have received a Letter from Coll Rutfen wherein he jnforms me that he has found two Mares one large about 6 or 7 years old and the other three next Spring the price of w^^^ are fix pound each that he has likewife got one large Drawing Horfe a Black Ball above 15 hands high 5 years old at £15. That he will ufe his utmoft Endeavour to get another to match him, but in the mean time defires my anfwer upon the fame. I therefore crave you'll be pleafed to let me know whether you think thofe prices reafonable or not, that I may thereby be the better enabled to make an anfwer thereto. There will be no opportunity of fending before the latter End of next week. ( I07 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, N. York, March y jih 1 72 J. Hond Sir I HAVE received yo' Letter of the 5'h Inftant by Will inclofed in the Warrants you write for & as concerning Deeds all thofe that were in my care I fend now in the Trunk for that purpofe together with thofe found in yo' Scrutoire at Mr. Schuy ler's as likewife Mr. Byerly' s Mort gages. The Deeds Recorded are Seperate from the others and are diftinguiflied by a Labell — I have Inquired of Mr. Sharpas and Mr. Wileman whether they had any Deeds belonging to you who told me they [had] not any. I will En deavour to get Cedar Bolts to fend ( 'o8 ) by Riche next Conveyance, and Copy the Bills of the Lawyers to go at the fame time I have given Mrs. Ludlow 5 yds of plain White Cahcote at 5/ ^ yard; 2 yds of plain Muflin at gf; a Doz. of Knives & Forks at if; Thread gf; four Combs & Brufli 6f&cgd;Ba{szf. Dear S' I hope you'll excufe my keeping Will Yef terday being Called to my Relation on Long If and who had a pain on ye fide and moreover the Deeds recorded took me fome time to Examine I am &c. I. Bobin. P. S. Sir. I fend by Will in fmall money two pounds three Shillings being all I had to fpare having over drawn the Governours fees as believe your're fenfible. ( I09 ) I have paid yo"" two Notes of ye 22d of Febry laft in favour of Ma rias Marjh & Hefer Grice. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, January y \o'>' 172^. Hond Sir. I HAVE been with Mr. Lane con cerning the Negro Wench, who tells me he has her now in his Houfe, and is willing to let you have her upon Tryal not doubting but you'll find her a good flave ; I will take care that flie be fent by Riche. S' The Report of the Committee to whom was referred your account of Incidents of your Office has been read in Council, but upon fome Gentlemen oppoflng the confirma- ( iio ) tion thereof it was recommitted, and fo remains and for no other reafon than that they fay you ought not to be allowed for Blank Let Paffes and Lycences, which have been allowed hitherto. At the fame time your Warrant for payment of your years falary out of the Quit-rents Ending the 13'^^ of December laft, was likewife read and laid before his Excellency for Signing, but was fet afide it being objeded by fome at that Board, that if your Warrant paffed with thefe Words viz' [to be paid preferrable to all other Eftablifliments] (which words are grounded upon a Minute of Coun cil) they could never exped to receive their Salarys for that yours would always be accordingly paid the firft, and that thereby they fliou'd be difcouraged in the profe- cution of their Offices, thereupon ( I" ) moved that a minute might be made that no more was meant or intended by the word [preferrable] than that Warrants for payment of the faid Salary be always preferrably paid to Warrants upon the faid Fund and the fame date and be accordingly the firft number of fuch Warrants, which was agreed to by a Majority of the Board, and Ordered that the Warrant be drawn Con formable. Your being acquainted of thefe matters as well as having a view of what I am going further to obferve will fliew how finifterly fome people are inclin'd and in order thereto I fend you inclofed the Copy of Minutes of the Committee ap pointed to Examin the Abftrad of Patents, the firft Paragraph of the fecond Minute I think with fub- miflion is jnduftrioufly Pen'd with ( I'2 ) an jntent to reproach the Oflice, for the Minute there mentioned to be wanting is not of any confequence or of any greater moment than a loofe half flieet of Paper with fome Remarks or Obfervations on Patents and other Records and which was miflay'd by themfelves, but the fame being fince found that part of the Minute is obliterated and they now feem to take little notice of the reft, Notwithftanding I further ob- ferved that towards the conclufion of the fourth Paragraph of the faid Minutes they took Notice that a great many of the Minutes of Coun cil are wanting and not mentioning what Minutes. I lookt upon thofe words to be General and fearfull they were couch'd with fome defign, I therefore advifed with Mr. Bickley to know whether thofe words if Reported in that manner might hurt ( 113 ) you in your Oflice, who made me eafy in that particular by telling me that the Beginning of the faid Para graph fully explain'd that they are old Records, that are wanting, for which you could not be anfwerable being that feveral were carried to Bofon by S' Edtnund Androfs. As I have ever lookt upon thofe Gentlemen with a Watchfull Eye, fo fliall at all times be wakefull in obferving every thing that may be for ye fafety of your jntereft being with great truth and refped S' &e I hope you've heard of your Trunk ( 114- ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secry's Office, New York, J any f \\th 1722. Hond Sir THE inclofed Letter I purpofd to fend by Cap' Congreve who promif'd to call for the fame but forgot. I have received yours of the 12'*' jnftant and will be pundual in pay ing Mr. Kennedy' s mother the fum therein mentioned. I fend by Will 10 pd of Hops at 17^3^' 12 p' of Kid Gloves at \f bd 2 packs of Cards if 1 2 yd^ Woorfted Feriting zf ^d; 2 Bed Cords ()f; & 6 pd of Floor Nails z^f As to the Negro Wench I beg leave to referr to the inclofed Letter and am Yours &c. ( "5 ) I am glad to hear Riche remem bers the Trunk — I have been jnformed by one that had a mind to purchafe the faid Wench about a twelve Month ago that he offered the fame Sum her Mafter does now aflc but that he then infifted upon fifty pounds. I have paid your note in favour of Jn" Henderfon The Governour goes for Jerfey on Tuefday or Wednefday morning next. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, Janry y<: zj'h I72f. Hond Sir I HAVE yours of the 26'''; that for Mr. Walpole I have taken care to put into the Greyhound News bagg with my own hands. ( "6 ) I fend by Will a pound of Bohea Tea at £i. ^f as likewife a pair of blew Coarfe ftockings at ^f- If not likt will be taken again upon return — I went this morning upon the Market to look for frefli Fifli, but did not fee any. Inclofed is three pounds one fliill in fmall Bills. Captain Munroha% a young Negro Wench to difpofe off between i6 & 17 years of age born at Jamaica in the Wef Indies but brought up here fince three years old, he is not willing to let her go upon Tryall, but will warrant her to be found Limbed and a garl that may be train'd up to any manner of bufi nefs, the price is forty five pounds which he fays he gave for her three years ago to Mr. Dunck, I have Enquired into her Charader among thofe of the Neighborhood who jnform me that fhe is a good flave. ( "7 ) The reafon of parting from her I believe is the want of Money. Will can give fome account of her, having feen her. I will make a Copy of your laft year's ace' of Incidents and fend by next opportunity and am with due regard Hond Sir &c^ Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. February y^ %'h ij2^. Hond Sir I RECEIVED Yefterday Evening yours of the 6'*^ jnftant by Will. Inclofed is three pounds in fmall Bills. I have been with Mrs. Schuyler and acquainted her with what you deflred. She defires me to Let you ( i'8 ) know that flie put afide for you a pair of Gloves and a Scraff which She now fends by Will and prays you'll pleafe to accept of the fame. The poor woman feems under a great concern for the lofs of her hufljand, I have had from her a half p5 of Holland Linewn q' 26 Ells ; a p5 of Cambrick ; 2 p^ of Tape at iy6p'p=; & i Ditto at zf as likewife a p= of brown Ozibrigg q' 72 Ells at i()d. Upon inquiry I find it is as good & cheap as thofe bought at the Merchants all which now goes by Will together with 25 pd of twelve penny nails at 10^ ^ £; Six long filk Laces at ifbd a p= ; Six yd'^ of white Corded Dim- mity at \f |^, yd ; an Ounce of Camphire z^f. ; a pint of Spirits of Wine bf; 12 pd of Hard Soap, a p^ of Garlix chofe by Mrs. Ludlow £3. loy,- As to Loaf Sugar there is none to be got in Town. ( ^19 ) S' I fend you inclofed a Copy of the Addrefs of the Houfe of Commons to his Majefty which is lately come by the way of Brifoll in a Brigantine belonging to Abra ham Vanhorn. She brings little or no news ; the Lords in the Tower are not yet brought to Tryal. I am now preparing his Excellencys orders to the Judge of the Pleas in ye feveral Countys relating to the Probate of Wills &c^ His Excel lency declines appoing Surrogates in the remote Countys, and as to Apprazers Mr. Harifon and Coll Lurting have the power of Deputa tion. I am with all due regard. Hond Sir Yours &c. I have difpatched Will with all Expedition — It is now between twelve and one. { I20 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secry's Office, New York, March y 13''^ i/zf. Hond Sir I HAVE paid yo' note of the 12'^ inft in favour of Mr. Temple to his wife by whom I now fend a few Oranges which I hope will meet with your and Mad™ Clarkes accept ance I am forry Limes are fo fcarce that I cant get any. The Particulars fent by ^///when laft in Town are as follows Viz' Two Grofs of Corks jf; a p^ of Cherconne Romacks £3 ; a Tin Funnell if '^d; 3 p^ of Holland Tape "jf; a Loaf of Double refind Sugar q' 3? at 2/! 7? ; a pd of Bohea Tea £1. 4, & two Packs of Cards zf 6d— I have been with Jones concern ing a wigg, who has promifed me ( '21 ) to make one according to defire againft April next. Yefterday arrived in the Evening Andrew Biffet, Mafter of the Snow Hamilton, who left London the f^ of December laft and the 26 fol lowing from the Downs to Maderas Arrived fome time in January, by whom we have the following advice That Councilor Leare was Tryed and Condemned and that fome time in January was afligned for his Execution, but upon his propofalls of making a full difcovery was re prieved for two months, and that the Lord Bifhop of Rochefer and the other Lords in the Tower were not brought to Tryal nor it was not known when they would. I have Enquired but do not hear of any Letters for you and am with refped S' Yours &e Q ( 122 ) by Will was likewife fent in my Letter £3. i — Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, March y ig'h ijz%. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of Yefter day by Will I fend now by him Ropes, Leading Lines, half a pound of Nutmegs and twelve pound of ftarch. I have fent to moft places in Town but Cant get Garden Beans, thofe that have had any have planted them, I fent likewife to Mr. Delancey who was forry you did not think of 'em fooner he having made ufe of all he had. There has not been any fifli upon the Markets this Day — What elfe is mentioned in your Letter I will be pundual in obferving. ( 123 ) S' Mr. Harifon prefents you his Humble Service as likewife to Mad"^ Clarke and Mad™ Hyde. He is much concerned about a Patent that appears in this Oflice for 3000 acres of Land on the Weft fide of Hud- fons River to the Southward of Old Mans Creek, granted by Coll In- gold/by to W'" Glincrofs, Alexander Campbell and Thomas Harding. The faid Patent being for Land for which he has a Grant from Brigad' Hunter and as the faid Patent is prior to his he is Apprehenfive that he will fuffer, but what gives him fome hopes of a remedy is that Glincrofs and others have never paid any Quit rent for faid Land nor does faid Patent appear upon Record, neither is it figned by yourfelf or Deputy. He defired me to mention it to you believing you would give him your advice in that affair. ( 124 ) p. S. S' Will, Since I finiflied my Let ter, has got about a q' of garden Beans for w^^ he has been obliged to pay d a pound of Bohea Tea £i ; V ( '5+ ) half a hundred of Gun Flint zf bd and four yards and three Nailes of yd Wide Flannen, & 8 pd of Hops. As to Hemp Seed I have Enquired of Capt Searl who tells me he has not any, nor does not know of any in Town, but that he has writ to Jerfey for fome and if he gets any will fpare me as much as you defire. As to Mifs Mollys mufick it will go with the Spinnot. The things from Mrs. Schuyler go likewife with Will, Mrs. Schuyler has thought fit to fend the whole piece of Drugget and what remains fhe take back. ( 155 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secry's Office, New York, OSiobr ye i6'^ '723. Hond Sir I HAVE received your Letter of yefterday and have paid Nurfe Parker five pounds and fend inclofed in Small Bills, three pounds. The feveral fundarys fent by Will are mentioned in the within memo. with their prices. I have ventur'd to buy a pair of ftockings over and above the number mentioned in your Letter Will telling me he is very much in want of a pair, and that he had forgot to fpeak to you otherwife they wou'd have been mentioned in the Letter, As to ye fcales &c. they muft go by next Opportunity the Man not having got them ready according to promife. ( '56 ) The p= of Linen from Mrs. Schuy ler I am afraid is too Coarfe but fhe tells me flie has no other y' comes near the price you defired as y' now fent ye price being £3. '^f her Family is very much out of Order and defires to be excufed if fhe cannot doe as fhe could wifh. Mr. Kennedy tells me the Quit Rents come in io flow that he has very little Cafh in hand but if 9 or 10 pounds will be of any fervice he will advance it on Credit of the Warrant. Bradford has not any of Lillys Ac cedences or Accedences and Gram mars, but expeds fome dayly from Bofon as well as Philadelphia — The Letters you fent to the Treafurers I have Copy'd feal'd and delivered to him, who tells me he is indifpofed with the Feaver info- much that he is not able to take ( -57 ) Pen in hand to make anfwer to it but fo foon as he is better will. The Clover feed goes now by Will as likewife Mr. Dupuys Negro Wench, I could not prevail upon her mafter to give her two Blankets fo have bought her a couple accord ing to order, he has given her a pair of New Shoes and Stockins. I underftand ihe does not want for Clofe, fhe is unwilling to be fold, and her Miftrefs as unwilling to part from her, which makes the D' afraid fhe'll be ftuborn and fay fhe can do nothing but defires you'll not believe her for fhe can do every thing belonging to a Houfe, except milking a Cow, She has liv'd fome time with Mr. Nicholls the Poft Mafter which made me Inquire of him as to her Charader who tells me fhe is a Wench knows the bufi nefs of a Houfe, but that who ever ( 158 ) buys her muft have a watchful Eye over her otherwife fhe will be apt to Idle her time. I have enquired at other places where fhe has liv'd but do not hear an 111 Charader of her, I hope fhe may anfwer to Ex pedation. The Veffell for London will fail next week. I can't get any Spanifh Tobacco but have fent all I had in the Oifice and am with refped Sir Your moft obedient humble Servant I Bobin. ( "59 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, Oliobr y z\ft 1723. Hond Sir AT the requeft of Mr. Hafoll I fend you the inclofed by the bearer (who is paid for his Journey by the Governour) — I fend you by this opportunity Mr. Byerlys Bond & Mortgage which I have Recorded and Examined. Cap' Solgard arrived here yefter day from his Cruife. I hear they have done very little as yet in Jerfey. That fince the Governour has been there they have had but one Council, and the Af fembly have Refolved to ftrike Bills of Credit to the Value of forty thoufand pounds the one half to be Proclamation and the other half to ( >6o ) bear the Credit of New York Cur rency ; the whole to be funk in 20 years. I met laft Saturday Andrew John- fon who told me the reafon of not anfwering my Letter was his coming to Town that he had enquired as to ye Ch. of the Negro Wench to be difpofed of at Amboy, that he is informed fhe is ftuborn & not very adive at her work, that fhe belongs to one Harrifon who was formerly Sheriff of Amboy, and the only reafon of her being fold is the want of money- — The price he tells is Seventy five pounds for her and her Child about four years of age which I look on to be a very extraordinary price, efpecially for one that has not being long in the Country, and knows but little as he tells me. I hope Dupuy' s Wench will pleafe Mad™ Clarke, fo if you believe fhe ( '6i ) will not do I fhould be glad to know that I may Inquire further and am Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, O£iob. y zg'/t 1723. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of Yef terday by Will and fend now by him the feveral particulars men tioned in the inclofed Memorandum, The other things I will endeavor to get ready to go by Riche. I have inclofed four Pounds, & have given Will zzf to buy a Hatt at the Ferry for your Carpenter. The bearer arrived here Saturday laft from London after a Paffage of Six weeks — -The Sunderland was to follow him in Six days after he W e ( 162 ) Sailed, and the Ship Samuel in ten. Captain Symes is Confirmd as like- wife Blood who is Commanded up to Albany, and young Mr. Riggs is to take his Poft here — As to News I begg leave to referr you to y inclofed Papers which Mr. Delancey has been fo kind to give me. The inclofed Letters I received from Mr. Nicholls except one which I believe to be from Mr. Dongan. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, November y: jyi 1723- Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of Yef terday by Will, I have been at Dr. Dupuys but have not feen him but exped to fee him fome time to Day I will then mention to him ( i63 ) what you write me concerning Mary, I believe it will be neceffary to take a Bill of Sale for her when the Money is paid. — Cap' Low won't Let the Boy go on Tryal. — Meff's Schuyler and Van Brugh tell me they can not now inform me of what you defire but will be particular in fending an anfwer by ye Poft to every thing after they arrive at Albany, The Deed they have carryed with them in order to be Executed there by Coll Jn" Syl- vefter. I inclofe you Mr. Van Dams Memorandum of the Account re lating to Schohare thofe Gentlemen have been very Extravigant in their Account, in one Article they charged twenty five pounds for y' Expence and fatiague of their Voyage from Albany, which Article is ftruck out as well as fome others which Mr. ( i64 ) Van Dam look'd upon to be very Exhorbitant. Mr. Kennedy has paid me £15. on account of your War rant of Incidents which fum is inclofed, and he was juft then going for Amboy fo that he had not time to fill up the Blanks in the Account of Mr. Walpole s Horfe. I have received from Mr. Bickley 44 Ounces & a half of Silver at ()f ".p Ounce. — The Beaver will faile the twenty eth of this Inftant — Bradford has not yet got any of Lillys accidences or Grammars he has promifed to let me know when they come As to flax I have not yet inquired for any Expeding that Mr. Dongan in his Letters to you might have given you an account of fome, but have fent £1. pd for prefent ufe. I will now Enquire for that as well as Hemp feed I cannot get any Spanifh Tobacco ( i65 ) good enough to fend now, but will fee further againft next opportunity. The fhip Sunderland arrived here monday laft, after a Paffage of 7 weeks from ye Lizard Cap' Symes is come with his Commiffion for Captain ; the King was expeded home ye 2d of Odober. There was not any Letters for you in the Poft Office; that for Mad™ Hyde I had from Mr. Nicholls. Mr. Cook has fent feveral Wires that Mifs Molly may take which fhe thinks will fuit Beft, he tells me that he is very forry Mifs has left the Town for that fhe will forget all fhe has Learnt ; he pro pofes to go to the Plains fome time next week, but fays he cant confine himfelf to the Country above a Day ; he defired me prefent his humble fervices to yourfelf Mad™ Clarke Mad™ Hyde and Mifs Molly, ( i66 ) Molly Decan defired me likewife to mention y' fhe Joyns therein. I fend now by Will with the other things mentioned in ye jnclofed memorandum a few Limes which I hope you'll accept from S' &c. I. Bobin. Mr. Clarke. C. Denne to Ifaac Bobin. Den hill, noubr yc i^. 1723. Kind S' IRECEUED yours dated od' ye 30 : I mett with the dodors man & beats together I Red. that Letter to beats as you writte to him & alfo Repremanded him ffor Giuen the Dodors Land an ill Report ; he has promifed me that he will not ( i67 ) doe foe no more ffor the time to Come the doders man was uery well fatisified and told to me that beats would go off without any ffurther trouble S' I fhall always be Redy to ferue you or yours when I haue Refeued foe many ffauours ffrom & hope I fhall Liuee to make you amends ffor, which I haue not yet done. S' I now make bold to trouble you with a Line or to ffor to Lett you know that our good neighbours haue been a plotting againft me again there is that white Lookt Gent John Everett and duning has made it theire hole bufnefs to fett Juftice Alfup and my felfe at uarence which is at a uery hie degree & alfoe againft Judge Blagg & old Mr. Clowes S' I pray pardon me ffor it is to Long to much ffor to give you the hole acompt but If you fhould ( i68 ) fee Judge Blagg he will in fform to you the hole matter S' my feruice to your felfe & to Doder Dupuy & to my Good ffrind John Chambers whoe is with Refped Your ffrind & humble ferv' C. Denne. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Nov y 22"^ 1723- Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of the 18'*^ jnft, and am glad to hear you have hopes the fervant I fent will do ; after copying and fealing Law rence Smyth's Letter I have fent it under Cover to Mr. Andrew John- fon defiring him to forward it ; all the Papers you fent me I fend now back by this Opportunity fairly Copyed and Examined. ( i69 ) The Letters you fent for England I have put into the Beaver's Bagg — The Treafurer continues much in- diipofed fo that he does not know when he fhall be able to get his Accounts ready — I fend herewith 20/ of 22d nails and fix q' of Copying Paper. I will obferve what you write me concerning Mr. Van Dam, When Riche comes I will fend by him The Candles and Chocolate and the Charrot Wheels if they be ready. I am S' &c. I. Bobin. X ( 170 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Off., N. York, Novemhr y zj'l' 1723. Hond Sir 1SEND now by Riche a Box of Candles and am forry thofe I fent before of Mrs. Smiths prov'd fo bad, thofe that go now I have bought at one Peltreau where I was jnform'd they were better. As to the Cho colate it is fo dear I have not fent any the loweft they afk is two and nine pence the pound and that but very Indifferent Cocoa being fold at 10 & II pounds the hundred. Sunday laft arrived here the fhip Samuel from London the 23d of Sep tember and from the Downs the 29'^ It is Believed flie will fail from hence in about 10 or fourteen days the greateft part of her loading ( 17^ ) being ready — Mr. Sharpas prefents his humble Service to you and Mad™ Clarke as likewife to Mad™ Hyde and Mifs Molly in w^^ I beg leave to Join and has defired me to fend you the inclofed Political ftates for the Months of July and Auguft laft. The Treafurer continues ftill jn- difpofed. We are not yet upon any certainty when the Governour will come from Jerfey. I have not yet heard from Mr. Smith of Amboy. Yours &c. I. Bobin. ( '72 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, Dec. y 6'h 1723. Hond Sir IT was laft night before I reed yours of the 23d paft by Riche — I have fent you the Papers therein mentioned fairly Copyed by Mr. Lawrence which I hope you have received. Mr. Wileman tells me has near compleated the Lawyers acc'^ I fend now by Riche a pound of Bo hea Tea £1. 9/ an ou of Blew fewing filk \f b. The Sunderland is bound this Trip for Jamaica, We have no other Veffell going for London but the Samuel whiich will fail the Latter End of next week. Mrs. Patty Ludlow having not ( 173 ) time to go with me to buy ye Huckaback you write for and Riche being in hafte to go it muft there fore be fent by next opportunity. Coll Riggs defires me to prefent his humble fervice to you Mad™ and Mad™ Hyde. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, January y j'^ ¦723. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of the 4'^^ Inftant, and fend now the feveral particulars mentioned in the inclofed memorandum. The wine I hope you'll find good — it is bought oi Jn" Vanhorn where Mr. Sharpas had is, I cou'd not prevail upon him to fpare a Hogfhead — ( '74 ) George Burnet has not any Blew Stockings at gf a p' left, but has fent two p' of Blew at loy! and the Purple and Green (oj, gf as likewife a p' of coarfe (ai 6f. he is willing not to be paid for them before he knows whether Mad™ Clarke likes them. I fend you Mrs. Schuylers Ac counts and the Key of the Trunk, The Enrollment of all the Laws fince the Governours arrival is per- feded & I will obferve what you write me in taking a fair opportunity of getting a Warrant for that Service as well as for Incidents and the Rent Roll. The Gov' & Council has appointed Dr. Colden Surveyor and Commif- fioner with Mr. Harifon Coll Pro- voofl and Mr. Janfen or any 3 of them to meet on the i^' Tuefday in February next at Rye, the Com'* to be appointed by Connecticut for ( ^75 ) running the Line between this Pro vince and that Colony. I have given Will Eighteen pence to pay for mending Molly Shepards ihoes. Mr. Wileman tells me he has near finiflied the Lawyers Bills and is now going on in order to compleat them. Mr. Kennedy has paid me the Ballance of your account which I fend herewith together with the Receipts you defire, and a Letter from him. Inclofed is a Letter from England by the way of Bofon, The Veffell arriv'd brings no news worthy Notice. I fend inclofed the Bofton & Phila delphia Papers of laft Poft. The Smith y' mended your Jack was imployed by one Robin a Brafier to whom Will gave it for mending, the Smith is gone to the Country ( 176 ) and the Brafier tells me he paid him df for mending of it but that fince it fo happens y' it will not doe he will not charge it. I have not heard from the Man that promifed me the Flaxfeed. I will Enquire further. I heartily wifh you a happy New Year and many others with Mad™ Clarke and your good family. The Guns go back mended as likewife the Jack, I am Yours I Bobin. Memorandum of Sundrys fent by Will January f 7"^ 172 1. 1 2 ft) of hard Soap at Pelte- reau Sen' £0. 6. o i^ of Bohea Tea at Mrs. Kierfeds o. 19. o I Quarter Cafk of Wine at Mr. John Vanhorne 7. o. o ( ^11 ) A pair of white Girls ihoes £o. 6. o Negro fhoes o. 5. 6 Tacks o. 2. o Yeft o. o. 9 Five pair of ftockings from George Burnet 2. 4. o Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, March y ¦^d 172I. Hond Sir, I HAVE received yours of the 1 3'^ paft by Riche the feveral par ticulars mentioned in the inclofed memorandum go now by him. The doz. of Bos Combs and Comb Brufli Mrs. Clarke was fo kind to take with her. I can not meet with a pair of kidd gloves of a iize fit for Mifs Molly, nor a large kitchen knife ; I have fent all the filk I could get near the Pattern fent. Y ( ^78 ) I will Enquire for Garden Beans and fpeak to Mr. DeLancey for fome Goofberry Trees. I fend you a few Limes which I defire you'll pleafe to accept. I have put 'em in a little Bagg and feald it to prevent Riche taking toll as he calls it, & have ye promife of more to morrow with fome Oranges which I will put afide again to next opportunity of fending. Mr. Bickley and Mad™ Bickley are come to ftay at their Houfe in Town till after the Supreame Court, Mr. Bickley being very weak but is now upon ye mending hand, they both prefent their humble fervice to you and Mad™ Clarke as likewife Mifs Hyde. I have written a third letter about the Flax — ( 179 ) A Lift of Sundarys fent by Riche March 3'^ 1724 viz' Three pound of Chocolate £0. 7. 6 Oneydofftuff o. 2.6 One oz & i of Sowing filk | fcarce w' but is all that l- could be got 'J 3 1 Gal. of Molaffes @if.iodz. 16.0 pound of Bohea Tea o. 18. o Three flieets of Minikin Pins o. 3.0 Three Blue Laces o. 5. o If ye prices of any of the above particulars are not liked they will be taken again. ( i8o ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. S. Office, New York, March \\'h 172I. Hond Sir, I HAVE received yours of ye lo'h Inftant by Mr. Lawrence and am glad the little fruit I fent met with your kind acceptance. I fend you fome Tobacco. I have fent you 'a Taft of old Burnets Tea at 'if a pound its fome that he bought at Vendue & I am jnformed is damaged, brought here by Hickford the Privateer, I am forry Mrs. Bergen has difappointed Mad™ Clarke, but I will Enquire elfe where. The Coach maker has better than half finiflied the Wheels, and tells me they had been done before now ( i8i ) had not one of his Men fallen fick but will fee to get them done out of hand. I fend you inclofed five pounds in fmall Bills, We have had two very dead quarters for bufinefs of the Office but hope it will be brifker. I fend you fome Salecia Lettice feed. Cabbage Lettice feed, and Sellery feed as much of every fort as I could get, as likewife five quarts of Beans, being all the Man would fpare, having promifed fome to Mr. De Lancey. Mr. DeLancey tells me the Goof berry Trees are ready at half a hours warning. Inclofed is a letter from Mr. Phillipfe concerning Mrs. Hegeman. I have omitted to acquaint you that the governour approves of your thoughts of admonifhing Mr. Phil lipfe the Diffenting Minifter and ( '82 ) direded me to fend him a Letter of admonition accordingly. Mr. Bickley laft night was taken with a Bleeding of the Nofe, but is better to day, he purpofes to pay you a vifit after a Supream Court is over and ftay for fome time retired. I am forry to hear you have fprained your hand. The Govern our will go for Jerfeys the Beginning of next Month.— I am &c. I. Bobin. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, June the %'k 1724. Hond Sir, I HAVE had the happynefs of feeing Madam Clarke and re ceiving her Commands — She has had Six pounds and Mifs Molly four Dollars. ( ^^3 ) I will obferve what you write me concerning Cook ; Mil^ has been fo kind to promife to let me know the Day flie begins. I will endeavour to get fuch Cy der as you defire — Madam Clarke has a pound of Bohea Tea, as to Ink powder there is none in Town. I fend you inclofed the Votes from the firft of this jnftant to the fourth; a Committee of ye Houfe have fince Reported that they had Examined the accounts of the Treafurer and find that the Colony on the 13 of this jnftant will be in arrear the fum of £3721. 15. 7! 'tis believed they will go upon the Jerfey projed in raifing of Money to the value of one hundred or four fcore thoufand pounds this is what they talk off over a glafs of Wine at the widdow Pof's, but nothing as yet has been ( i84 ) motion'd in the Houfe relating thereto. They will ftrike New Bills of Credit in the Room of the old. I will be carefull in giving you timely notice of every thing that may be in agitation. Ludlow tells me it will be a fort night' or three weeks before there will be any bufinefs for the Council. I have done what you defired con cerning Sarah Tudor^ Johnfon for Holland fayl'd this day — I am &c. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. S. Offe New York, June j« 18'-^ '724. Hond Sir I HAVE received yours of yef terday by Ccefar, The Chariot Wheels and Boards are ready to go ( i85 ) by Riche I will in the mean time get the Lynfeed Oyl and what elfe is wanting, as to Cyder I cannot find any in Town that I dare ven ture upon. There goes now by Ccefar twelve pound of Soap and pair of Childs fhoes with four pounds four fliillings in Dollars — The affair of Mr. Dublois I will fee to adjuft. Mifs Molly is very well. Madam Bickley yefterday proved Mr. Bickley' s Will. Myndert Schuyler Yefterday took his place in the Affembly in the Room of Hanfen ; he tells me he jntends to pay you a vifit next week having fomething to offer which he believes will be very much for your and his advantage. ( i86 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's .Office, New York, June y z'j'^ 1724. Hond Sir I HAVE received this morning yours of Yefterday by Will. I have been at the Treafurers but he was not at home. I will go there again for his anfwer to what you defire and let you know when his accounts will be ready to audit. The feveral particulars mentioned in the inclofed memorandum go by Will with an ac' of thofe that could not be got. The Affembly have not done any thing worthy of notice fince my laft — The money to be levyed for repair of the Garrifon they have Refolved to raife upon a Land Tax. ( i87 ) Mr. Harifon is appointed Recorder of this City in the Room of Mr. Jamifon. The Chairott Wheels and Planks are gone by Riche. I fend fix pair of Gloves for Mad™ Clarke ; thefe for Mifs Molly I have fent to Mrs. Vernons. Capt. Solgard arrived yefterday from Virginia he gave me the inclofed for forwarding to you — inclofed is ten Dollars. I will remember what you write me concerning old Burnet. I wifh you a good harveft and arn with all due regard S' &c. ( i88 ) Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, Auguft y 1 1'-^ 1724- Hond Sir, I SEND you by Goodwin a Hogf head of Madera which I hope will prove to content, I have been carefull to get a good Hogfhead to put it in, but wifh the drawing it off from the Pipe to the Hogfhead may not alter its Body. Mr. Read was willing I fliould take the Pipe but did not know what to do with out your order. Mad™ Burnet was brought bedd this morning off a fon. I have been very uneafy at the Coach makers changing the boxes of your Charrott Wheels & have fent him a Threatning Letter which I hope may bring them to light. ( i89 ) The fellow to whom I paid the Money for him fwears they are the fame that were brought from the Plains, but I believe him to be a Rogue like the other. I am glad you met with better weather on Saturday than you ex peded and am I have delivered your Letter to Mr. Le Heup. John Rochead to Ifaac Bobin. ]\UAic\,ffryday night ijz^. D' Ifaac I HAVE fent by the Bearer Thomas Brown a filver hiked fword which pleafe deliver to Cap' Andrew Nicoll of your fort and receive nine pounds for it ; the fpair fcabbard he fhall have when I come to Town. ( '90 ) Pleafe forward the Inclofed for Edinburgh in yours to Mr. Willard in Bofon ; you need not inclofe it in that to your father but lett him put yours and it into the firft fhips Bagg bound for London, Brifol &c. I defyre you would get heavy gold (if it is not to much trouble) for the fword money I defign to fee the Secretary's family on Munday if you have any Commands thither lett me have them by the Bearer. Give Sir George Oglevie's Note to Mr. Jamifon jun' to fue & if you want a power to do it fhall fend him one — Your new Major W here is dangeroufly 111. Jamie gives his fervice to you and landlord, as does Your moil hearty humble S' John Rochead. Tho : Brown did not go to Town till Wenfday & then fhall fend ye fword. ( 19' ) Ifaac Bobin to Gov'" Burnet. May it pleafe yo' Excellency I HAVE received yo' Exeys Lre with y' of Cap' Barnaret's to y' Excellency and accordingly prepared a Warrant for the Auditting and adjufting The feveral Acc'= of Dif- burfements for Careening his Ma jefty 's fhip under his Command as well as to Enquire into the prefent Currency of Exchange for Bills drawn by him on the Navy which I fend herewith. I am obliged by this Opportunity to give your Excellency the trouble of fome Blank Let Paffes weh I defire you'll be pleafed to fign and feal. The inclofed Letters were given me Yefterday by one Monfieur Ramefay the Governours Son of Mountreall ( 192 ) for forwarding to your Excellency, he is under much concern for the Seal of one of them being broke by Accident in his Pocket & has defired me to acquaint you y' he hopes your Excellency will Entertain a better opinion of him than to believe he has toucht the Seal ; he very much wifhed for ye happynefs of feeing you he with another Gentleman from Canada is gone for Rhode If and in order for Bofton upon what Errant I know not. Capt Smith Mafter of the Beaver defired me to acquaint your Excel lency that he will fail the 20'^^ of this Inftant, I embrace the Oppor tunity to Exprefs my Concern for the trouble my Father has given you of his Letter and to affure your Excellency I will not be wanting to anfwer his defire fo far as I am able, for I have nothing more at ( 193 ) heart than my tender Parent, and the long life and profperity of your Excellency and Family, being with great truth and refped: Sir Your Excellencys Moft humble and moft obedient Servant Mr. Wileman to Mr. Bobin. S' AS to any particular order or minutes relating to any per- fon's particular bufinefs, I hold it requifite you may give copies of ye minutes or orders of Council. But as to private affairs or ye ftate -of ye government without particular order from ye Govern'' and Coun cill I would not give copies of fuch. I am S' your humble fervt H. W. Aa ( 19+ ) Ifaac Bobin to Lewis Morris, Jun''. Secretary's Office, New York, July the i^'i 1729. Sir I DO not find that I am impow- ered to give out any attefted copys of the minutes of Councill &e3 relating to publick affairs, or the affairs of the Government here, without an order from the Board. I am with refped; Sir Your moft obedient fervant Is Bobin Lewis Morris Jun' Efq' Ifaac Bobin to Lewis Morris, Jun''. Secretary's Office, New York, April 23, 1730. Sir I AM commanded by his Excel lency to acquaint you that this day he communicated to the Coun- ( 195 ) cil his Majefty's Warrant to him difmiffing you from being one of the members of that Board, a copy whereof is inclofed. And I am ordered by his Excellency to tell you that purfuant to his Majefty's Royal Will and pleafure, he has difmift you from your place at that Board and fworn and admitted Phillip Cortlandt Efq' in your room I am Sr Your humble serv' Is Bobin To Lewis Morris Jun' Efq. Ifaac Bobin to George Clarke. Secretary's Office, New York, September the i^'A 1730. Hond Sir, I RECEIVED yours of Saturday laft by M"" Corey and now fend by him the hatt for Mafter Hyde, ( '96 ) a pd of Bohea Tea and a pound of Thread. There has not been any Coun cill fince you left the Town, the Governour paft laft week very merrily but his Excy is now laid up with the gout. All the Wills for Mr Silvefer are finiflied and delivered to Mr. Corey. INDEX ACCIDENCES, Lilly's, none in New York. 156. Adls of affembly to be fent " home," 137. Ague, Mr. Bobin recovers from an attack of, 89 ; prevalent in Amboy, 90. Albany, prefident Schuyler about to go to, 38, 39 ; price of beer of, 46 ; gov. Burnet about to em bark for, 88; Mr. Collins of, promifes to pay Mr. Clarke's fees foon, 96 ; illegal trade carried on with Canada from, 132 ; lieut. Blood ordered to, 162 ; Meffrs. Schuyler and Vanbrugh going to, 163 ; charges for a journey to Schoharie from, ib. Alcohol (fee Spirits of wine). Alexander, Mr., at Amboy, letter from George Clarke fent to, 10; claims fees for marriage licenfes, 11 ; mentioned, 141. Alfup, juftice, efforts to create difficulty between Mr. Denne and, 167. Amboy, Mr. Alexander with governor (Hunter) at, 10; the governor recovered from his indifpofi tion at, 12; gov. Burnet at, 77 ; gov. Burnet ex- pefted in New York from, 1 05 ; veffels bound for London at, 125 ; a negro wench for fale at, 143; defcription of the woman, 148 ; Mr. A* ii Index. Bobin has not heard from, 149; will write again to, 151; charafter of the negro wench for fale at, 160; Mr. Harrifon formerly (heriff of, ib. ; Mr. Kennedy going to, 164; nothing heard from Mr. Smith of, 171. Amfterdam, capt. Goelet arrives in New York from, 16 ; Royal Prince galley arrives in New York from, 56. Andros, fir Edmund, carries New York records to Boston, 113. Anthony , 10;. Appraizers, Mr. Harrifon and col. Lurting empow ered to appoint deputy, 1 19. Arnell, Elinoar, 49. Alhton , a leather merchant in New York, 42. Affembly, N. J., proclamation iffued for the meet ing of, 53 ; called to meet at Burlington, 60 ; fpeeches of gov. Burnet to, and addrefles to him from the, fent to Mr. Clarke, 80 (fee Burling ton). Affembly, N. Y., about to adjourn, 49 ; further ad journed, 74 ; further adjourned, 79; appoints a committee to examine the late treafurer's ac counts, 84 ; circulars fent to call a meeting of the, 125; Mr. Bobin fends Mr. Clarke the votes of the, 183 ; examine the treafurer's accounts, ib. ; expefted to authorize the iffoe of bills of credit to the amount of £100,000, ib. ; Myndert Schuyler takes his feat in, 185 ; refolve to raife money by a tax on land, I 86. Atterbury, bifhop (fee Rochefter). Attorney general, the, defires to buy Dr. Dupuy's negro woman, 151. Index. iii ¦DAKER, Mr., reports the removal of Mr. Philipfe *^ from the council, 85. Barbadoes, negroes arrive in New York from, 35 ; a veffel arrives in New York from, 138. Barberie, Mr., warrants paid to, 8 ; merchant of New York, 40 ; appointed to examine the late treafurer's accounts, 84. Bamaret, capt., H. M. fhip under his command careened in New York, 191. Barry, Anthony, letter of, ' i ; clerk in fecretary's office, Ireland, 4. Bafs, ftnt to Mr. Clarke ; beginning to be fcarce in New York, 78 ; price of, 108. Bayeux, Mr., gives Mr. Clarke fome roots of coro nation pinks, 75. Beans, price of, 124 ; fent to Mr. Clarke, 181. Beats , 166; a fquatter, 167. Beaver, (hip, arrives in New York from London, 81 ; date of failing from New York uncertain, 84; expefted to fail foon for London, 104; about to fail from New York for London, 164, 192 ; Mr. Clarke's letters fent by, 169. Beck, fir Jofeph, an eminent merchant, bankrupt by the fall in South Sea ftock, 57. Beeckman, col., appointed to examine the late treafu rer's accounts, 84. Beef, price of, 74, 124, 140, 146. Beer, ^Albany, price of, 46. Beer and cider to be fent to Mr. Clarke, 13. Belcher, Mr., 8. Bergen, Mr., 180. Bibles, price of, 97. Bickely, Mr., 97, 99 ; remarks on a paragraph of a iv Index. committee of the council on miffing records, 112; vifits Mr. Clarke, 150 ; returns to New York, 151 ; Mr. Bobin receives filver from, 164 ; come to New York to attend the fupreme court, 178 ; in bad health, ib. ; attacked with bleeding of the nofe, 182 ; his will proved, 185. Bickley, Mrs., 178. Bills of credit, the affembly of New Jerfey refolve to iffue, 159 ; to be funk in 20 years, 160 ; the New York affembly about to authorize the iffue of, 183, 184. Biffet, capt. Andrew, arrives with his veffel in New York from London, 121. Bit, a coin current in New York, 140, 141. Blagg, juftice, 167, 168. Blake , fervant of Mr. Clarke, money paid to, 41, 59, 63, 79, 103 ; fupplies fent to Mr. Clarke by, 71 ; proves a villain, 100 ; a writ taken out againft, 101. Blood, lieut., ordered to Albany, 162. Boards, pine, price of, 74. Bobin, Ifaac, letter of Anthony Barry to, i ; for merly in office in Ireland, 3 ; deputy to George Clarke, fee. of prov. of New York, apologizes for his abfence from the office, 8 ; fick, 9 ; applies to Mr. Wileman for his accounts, 9 ; put off with promifes, l o ; falary of, 11; complains that Mr. Alexander claims fees for marriage licenfes, ib. ; fends fecretary Clarke a remedy for the fmall pox, 12 ; fends fupplies to him, 13, 18, 75 ; wifties Mr. Clarke and family a happy New Year, 14; reports that the council has not fate for nearly a month, 16, and that the prefident is about to Indi f^iA/ • call it together, 17; promifes Mr. Fauconnier fome money, ib. ; money fcarce with, 18, 19 ; fends fupplies to Mr. Clarke, 21 ; reports that the council is about to fit, ib ; mails Mr. Clarke's letters, and reports that col. Rutfen neglefts to complete the Hurly patent, 22 ; Edward Hvc'e requefts him to purchafe cloth, 23 ; fends fup plies to G. Clarke, 24, 27, etfeq. ; reports arrival of a veffel from England, 25, and that Mr. Bur net has been appointed governor of New York, 26 ; vindicates himfelf from the charge of being impofed on in his purchafes for Mr. Clarke, and explains the difficulty he experienced in attending to fuch commiffions, 29 ; fends Mr. Hyde's wig, 32 ; endeavors to procure a negro for Mr. Clarke, 33. 36. 39. 4'. 104. 114. i'5. |20, 128, 143, 148, 150, 151, 157, 160; promifes to give early intelligence of the arrival of gov. Burnet, 34 ; re ports that prefident Schuyler is going to Albany, 38, 39 : writes to capt. Rutfen to record the Hurley patent, 43 ; fends Mr. Clarke newfpapers, 47, 175 ; reports that the N. Y. affembly is about to adjourn, 48 ; fends the furrogate's commiffion for Queens co., 52 ; fends proclamations and cir cular letters convoking the affembly, 53, 54 ; re mits money to Mr. Clarke, 53, 73, 78, 97, 108, '3.5. 138, «55. '6i, 185, 187 ; fuggefts to chief juftice Morris the propriety of renew ing the ordinance for the fitting of the fupreme court, 55 ; reports the ruinous fall of South Sea ftock, 56 ; reports that the gov. is about to meet the N. J. affembly, 60, 62 ; reports the drawing of a lottery in New York, and the death of col. B* vi Index. Heathcote, 64 ; bufy regulating the fecretary's office, 65, 67 ; fends Mr. Clarke copy of lord Godolphin's difpatch reftoring Mr. Byerly to office, 67 ; reports the general talk in town about gov. Burnet and Mifs Vanhorn, 68 ; takes tickets in a lottery tor Mr. Clarke, 70; reports the re turn of gov. Burnet from New Jerfey, 78 (fee Burnet) ; fends Mr. Clarke copy of the fpeeches and addrefs during the fitting of the N. J. af fembly, 80 ; and reports that great preparations are making for gov. Burnet's wedding, ib. ; fends Mr. Clarke news from England, 81, 119, 121 ; is commanded by gov. Burnet to acquaint Mr. Clarke that he requefts his attendance in New York, 83, 85 ; reports that a committee has been appointed to audit the treafurer's accounts, 84 ; pays Mr. Hyde's paffage to England, 87 ; reports that the gov. is about to go to Albany, 88 ; fick of fever and ague, 89 ; fays that fever and ague prevails at Amboy, 90 ; ftates that trade is very dull in New York, and that no fliips have cleared for a week, 91 ; reports the return of the gov. from Albany, 92 ; recovered from his illnefs, 93 ; reports the fecretary's office very bare of money, 95, 96 ; receives a letter from his father, 103, 192; reports the adlion of the committee of the council on Mr. Clarke's account of incidents, 109, and on the abftract of patents, III; looks on the members of the council with a watchful eye, 113; reports that the N. Y. affembly is called together, 125, and that John Schuyler has been difcovered carrying on an illegal trade with Canada, 132 ; promifes to enquire for a dairymaid for Mr. Index. vii Clarke, ib. ; reports that complaints have been laid before the gov. that exorbitant naturalization fees are exafted at the fecretary's office, 134, and that 23 pirates have been condemned at Rhode Ifland, 135 ; flates that the gov. will not allow any more illegal naturalization fees to be exaffcd, 136, and that the acts of the N. Y. affembly are ready to be fent "home," 137; fends Mr. Clarke a bottle of capers, 142; reports the reappoint ment of the mayors and Iheriffs for New York and Albany, 145 ; pays Mr. Brownell for Mifs Clarke's fchooling, 150 ; reports news of the N. J. legiflature, 1 59, and the confirmation of capt. Symef's comniffion, 162, 165; reports the enroll ment of all the laws paffed fince gov. Burnet's arrival, 174, and that commiffioners have been appointed to run the Connefticut line, ib. ; re ports that att'y genl. Bickley has been attacked with a bleeding at the nofe, 182; tranfmits to Mr. Clarke the votes of the N. Y. affembly and informs him that bills of credit are about to be iffued, 183, 184 ; reports probate of Mr. Bick- ley's will, 185, and that Mr. Harrifon has been appointed recorder of New York, 1 87, and that Mrs. Burnet has been brought to bed of a fon, 188; John Rochead fends a filver hiked fword for capt. Andrew Nicoll to, 189; letter of to gov. Burnet, 191 ; declines to furnifh Mr. Morris with copies of minutes of council relating to pub lic affairs, 194; notifies Mr. Morris that he has been difmift the council, 195 ; informs Mr. Clarke that the gov. is laid up with the gout, 196. Boelen, Mr., Dutch lawyer at New York, complains viii Index. of exorbitant fees being exafted for naturalization, '34- Bolton, duke of, lord lieut. of Ireland, 4, 8. Borr, brig. gen. (Jacob) commands a regiment of marines, 2. Bofton, Geo. Clarke's letters fent to, 26 ; . Mr. Clarke's letters forwarded to, 66 ; N. Y. records carried to, 113; ox cart boxes expefted from, 128 ; Mr. and Mrs. Harding come to New York from, 152 ; copies of Lilly's Accidences expefted from, 156; Mr. Clarke receives a letter from England by way of, 175 ; newfpipers from, fent to him also, ib. ; letter fent to Mr. Willard of, 190 ; M. Ramefay, of Canada, leaves New York for, 192. Boundary between New York and Connefticut, commiffioners appointed to determine the, 174. Bradford, William, has no copies of Lilly's Acci dences, 156, 164. Brafier, — — , brings a letter from Efopus for Mr. Clarke, 7 1 . Braffier, Mrs., 99. Brazier, Mr., 35. Bridges, John, furrogate for Queens co., 52. Briftol (Eng.), a veffel arrives in New 'Y'ork from, 119, 137. Broadway, N. Y., loi. Brooms, Indian, price of, 97. Brown, Mr., 146. Brown, Thomas, a filver hiked fword fent to capt. Nicoll by, 189, 190. Brownell, Mr., paid for Mifs Molly Clarke's fchool ing, 150. Indi ex. IX Brufhes, price of, 74. Buckingham, duke of, dead, 81. Budgell, Mr., 3 ; fecretary to the lords juftices of Ireland, 4 ; defires to be remembered to Mr. Bobin, 7. Burlington, the N. J. affembly to meet at, 60 ; not known when gov. Burnet will fet out for, 61 ; gov. Burnet fixes a day for his departure for, 62 ; fpeeches of gov. Burnet and addrefles of the af fembly at, promifed to Mr. Clarke, 79 ; fent, 80. Burnet, George, 174; ftockings purchafed from, 177 ; buys damaged tea at auftion, 180 ; men tioned, 187. Burnet, William, appointed governor of New York, 26 ; an exprefs to be fent to Mr. Clarke on the arrival of, 34 ; daily expedled in New York, 35; frequent vifits paid him during the holidays, 52; convokes the New Jerfey legifla ture, 53 ; defires to fee Mr. Clarke on the fub- jeft of appointing appraifers, 5 8 ; fixes a day for meeting the N. J. legiflature, 59, 60; not known when he will fet out for Burlington, 61 ; fixes the day for his departure for Burlington, 62 ; Mr. Bobin communicates news of the death of col. Heathcote to, 65 ; copy of his fpeech to the affembly of the Jerfeys fent to Mr. Clarke, 68 ; much talk in New York about Mifs Mary Van horn and, 69 ; arrives in New York from Am boy, and returns thither, 78 ; expected in New York, 79 ; fpeeches of, fent to Mr. Clarke, 80 ; great preparations making for his wedding, 80 ; letter fent to Mr. Clarke from, 8 1 ; requefts the attendance of Mr. Clarke in New York, 83, 85 ; X Index. about to embark for Albany, 88 ; his return from Albany to New York expeded, 91 ; arrives there unexpeftedly, 90 ; remains filent when informed that illnefs would prevent Mr. Clarke's waiting on him, 94 ; expefted from x4mboy, 105 ; going to Jerfey, 115; orders inftrudions to be prepared relative to probates of wills, 119; declines to ap point furrogates in remote counties, ib. ; orders veffels from Jamaica to be quarantined, 125 ; calls a meeting of the N. Y. affembly, 125 ; go ing to Jerfey, ib. ; orders a minute of council to be fent to Mr. Clarke, 129; complaints of the exadion of exorbitant naturalization fees lodged with, 134 ; declares fuch fees unauthorized, 135 ; will allow only legal fees to be taken, 136 ; reap points mayor and flieriff of New York, 145"; alfo of Albany, ib. ; about to go to Jerfey, ib. ; treafurer's account laid before, 147 ; with the legiflature of New Jerfey, 159 ; no knowing when he will return from Jerfey, 171 ; appoints commiffioners to determine the line between New York and Connedicut, 174; admonifhes rev. Mr. Phillips, 181 ; going to Jerfey, 182 ; his lady delivered of a fon, 1 88 ; letter of Ifaac Bobin to, 191 ; the gov. of Mountreall writes to, 191. Burnet, Mrs. gov., brought to bed of a fon, 188. Buttons, price of, 18 ; brafs, none in N. Y., 48. Byerly, Mr., fliort of money, difappointed in quit rents, 51 ; pays money to Mr. Clarke, 53 ; lord Cornbury ordered to reftore him to the office of receiver general of New York, 67 ; Mr. Clarke's warrants on, figned, 104; his mortgages fent to Index. xi Mr. Clarke, 107 ; mortgage of, given to Mr. Wileman to be proved, 133, 136 ; his bond and mortgage recorded, 159. /^iESAR, a negro fervant of Mr. Clarke, 34, 90, ^ 92, 184, 185. Calico, price of, 28. Calicote, price of, 108. Campbell, Alexander, land on Hudfon river granted to, 123. Camphire, price of, II 8. Canada, John Schuyler difcovered trading to, 132; letters brought to gov. Burnet from, 192. Candles, price of, 86, 140. Capers, a bottle of, prefented to Mr. Clarke, 142. Cards, playing, price of a pack of, 18, 102, 114, 120. Carpenter, Eleanor, 141. Cathair, David, money paid to, 8g. Chalk, Venice, ladies in New York buy up afl the, 97- Chaloner , wants to fell a negro wench, as he is going to Rhode Ifland, 128 ; price afked for her, 1 29. Chambers, John, pays money to Mr. Bobin for Mr. Clarke, 131 ; Mr. Denne fends his ref'peds to, 168. Cheefe, Rhode Ifland, 99, 104. Chefwell, Mr., 150, Chocolate, price of, 18, 27, 30, 74, 146, 170, 179. Clarke, George, letters of Ifaac Bobin to, 8, etfeq.-., writes to Mr. Alexander, 10; his quarterly war rants fent to, ib. ; remedy for fmall pox fent to, xii Index. 12; Mr. Bobin fends fupplies to, 13, 15, iJ ; and wifhes him a happy New Year, 14 ; informed of the arrival of capt. Goelet from Amfterdam, 16 ; and that the prefident is about to call a coun cil, 17; his patent paffed, 20 ; fupplies fent to, 21, 24, 27; letters from, fent to London, 22 ; informed of news from brig. Hunter, 25 ; and that Mr. Burnett is appointed gov. of New York, 26 ; thinks Mr. Bobin is impofed on in his pur chafes, 29 ; defires to purchafe a negro, 33 ; re quefts to be informed of Mr. Burnet's arrival, 34 ; arrival of negroes from Barbadoes reported to, 36; fupplies fent' to, ng ,^ 40, 44, 45, 46 ; in formed that the prefident is going to Albany, and that a fhip is about to fail for London, 38 ; further information refpeding negroes fent to, 39, 41 ; payment of notes of, demanded, 42 ; dabbles in lottery tickets, 43, 64, 70 ; newfpaper fent to, 47 ; informed of the approaching adjournment of the N. Y. affembly, 48 ; writes to gov. Burnet, and commiffion for furrogate of Queens co. fent to, 52; money remitted to, 53, 73, 78, 97, 108, 1.35. '38, 155. '61, 175, 185, 187; proclama tion convoking the N. Y. affembly fent to, 53 ; fall of the South Sea ftock announced to, 56 ; Mr. Schuyler executes deeds for his land, 58; wifhes to engage a French young man, 59 ; in formed that the gov is about to meet the N. J. affembly, 60, 61, 62 ; informed of col. Heath- cote's death, 64, 65 ; his letters fent to England, 66, 115, 169; copy of lord Godolphin's letter reftoring Mr. Byerly to office fent to, 67 ; alfo of the gov.'s fpeech to the N. J. affembly, 68 ; Index. xiii informed of rumors refpecting gov. Burnet and Mifs Vanhorn, 69 ; wants a_ibber man to teach his children, ib. ; informed that the N. Y. af fembly is further prorogued, 74, 79 ; vifits New York, 76 ; his quarterly warrants fent to, 78 ; informed that the gov. returned to New York, but went to Amboy foon after, 78 ; fpeeches and addrefs at the N. J. affembly fent to, 80 ; news from England fent to, 81, i 19, 126; letters from gov. Burnet fent to, 81 ; gov. Burnet requefts his prefence in New York, 83, 85 : informed that a committee has been appointed to examine the treafurer's accounts, 84, and that Mr. Philipfe has been removed from the council, 85 ; alfo, that the gov. is about to go to Albany, 88 ; return of the gov. from Albany announced to, 92 ; gov. Burnet informed that he is prevented by illnefs from waiting on his exc, 94 ; gov. B. receives the information in ominous filence, 95 ; is very craving for money, 96; bibles fent to, 97 ; his warrants figned, 104 ; informed that the gov. is expeded from Amboy, and promifed fome fnuff, 105 ; informed of horfes which col. Rutfen has for fale, 106 ; defires to purchafe negroes, 109 (fee Negroes'); report on the incidents of his office read in council, 109 ; council objed to his falary being paid in preference to all others, 110: minutes of council on abftrad of patents fent to, III; fome members of the council ill difpofed towards, 113; informed that the gov. is going to N. Jerfey, 115, 182, and that his exc. declines appoindng furrogates in remote counties, 119 ; a wig making for, 1 20 ; informed that the N. Y. C* XIV Index. affembly is called together, 125 ; newfpapers fent to, 125, 175 ; wants to hire a dairy maid, 132, 139; accufed of exading exorbitant naturalizadon fees, 134; the gov. confiders fuch fees an ex- adion, 135, and will not allow fuch illegal fees to be received, 136 ; informed that the council is about to fit, and that the mayors and fheriffs of New York and Albany have been reappointed, 145; leaves town fuddenly, 147; fchool bills of his daughter paid, 150 ; news from Jerfey fent to, 159; informed that commiffioners have been ap pointed to run the Connedicut boundary, 174; admonifhes Mr. Philips, a diffenting minifter, 181 ; votes of the N. Y. affembly fent to, 183 ; in formed that the N. Y. affembly will authorize the iffue of new bills of credit, 184, and that the will of Mr. Bickley has been proved, 185 ; ap pointment of Mr. Harrifon as recorder of New York announced to, 187 ; a hogfliead of Made ira wine fent to, 1 88 ; informed that the gov.'s lady has a fon, ib. (fee Plains). Clarke, Hyde, recovers from ficknefs 131 ; a hat fent to, 195. Clarke, Molly, her thimble not finiflied, 50 ; Mr. Bobin wiflies health and happinefs to, 51 ; no mittens in New York fuitable for, 70 ; fends her good wiflies to Mr. Bobin, who compliments her on her genius and good writing, 78 ; Mr. Bobin will remember her when he goes to the fweat gar den, 99 ; learning mufic in N. Y., 130, 132 ; is very well, 138 ; her trunk and fpinnet to be fent, 145 ; her fpinnet tuning, 147 ; her fpinnet fent, 149, 151 ; her mufic to be fent with the fpinnet. Index. XV 154; wires for her fpinnet. fent to, 165; kid gloves for, not to be found, 177 ; receives money from Mr. Bobin, 182 ; gloves fent to, 187. Clarke, Mrs., 8, 42 ; her flioes not finiflied, 50 ; Mr. Bobin is glad fhe liked the linen he fent to her, 59 ; Mr. Bobin fends his refpeds to, 69 ; Mr. Bobin fends her fnuff box to, 88 ; gloves purchafed for, 102 ; to be returned if not liked, 103 ; Mr. Bobin fends oranges to, 120; Mr. Harrifon fends his refpeds to, 1 23 ; Mr. Bobin promifes to fend fruit to, 125 ; congratulated on the recovery of her fon from illnefs, 1 3 1 ; brought to bed of a girl, 145 ; Mr. Bobin ex- preffes a wifh for her recovery, 146 ; Mr. Bobin hopes Dr. Dupuy's negro girl will fuit, 1 60 ; Mr. Cook fends his refpeds to, 165 ; Mr. Bobin wifhes a happy New Year to, 176 ; returns from New York, 177 ; receives money from Mr. Bobin, 182; alfo tea, 183 ; Mr. Bobin fends gloves to, 187. Cloves, price of, 40. Clowes, Mr., trouble between Mr. Denne and, 167. Cocoa, price of, 170. Coden , promifes to bring Mr. Clarke fome Rhode Ifland cheefes, 104 ; brings news of the conviftion of twenty-three pirates at Rhode Ifland, I35- Coin (fee Bit ; Piftole). Colden, Cadwallader, appointed furveyor and com- miffioner to run the line between New York and Connedicut, 174. Collins, Mr., promifes to pay his fees, 96 ; written to, 99; pays his fees, 105. xvi Index. Combs, price of, 102, 108. Commiffioners to run the line between New York and Connedicut, 174. Commons, Houfe of, Mr. Bobin fends Mr. Clarke a copy of the addrefs to the king from the, 1 19. Congreve, capt., 114, 145. Connedicut, commiffioners appointed to determine the boundary between New York and, I 74. Cook, Mr., mufic teacher in New York, 130, 132; to fend Mifs Clarke a fpinnet, 145, 147 ; pro mifes to fend new tunes to her, 149 ; fends wires for Mifs Clarke's fpinnet, and fears fhe'll forget her leffons, 165 ; about to give leflbns to Mifs Clarke, 183. Corey, Mr., 195, 196. Corks, price of, 120, 127. Cornbury, lord, ordered to reftore Mr. Byerly to office, 67. Cortlandt, Philip, fworn in as member of the coun cil, 19;. Council, no feffion of for a month, 16 ; prefident about to call a, r 7 ; about to fit, 2 1 ; Mr. Phil ipfe faid to be removed from the, 85 ; confirma tion of Mr. Clarke's account of incidents for his office oppofed in, 109 ; objedions to the war rant for payment of Mr. Clarke's falary, in, 1 10 ; warrant paffed, ill; minutes of, miffii g^ 112; feveral minutes of, carried to Bofton by fir Ed mund Andros, 113 ; minutes of, fent to Mr. Clarke, 1 29 ; to meet to fign quarterly warrants and receive report of committee on computation, 145 ; treafurer's accounts laid before the, 147; committee appointed to examine as to the corred- Index. xvii nefs of the computations of the auditor's fees thereon, ib. ; Lewis Morris difmift the, 194; Philip Cortlandt called to the, 195. Court, common pleas, orders relative to the probate of wills preparing for the judges of, 1 1 9. Court, fupreme, Lewis Morris requefted to give his opinion as to the neceffity for renewing the ordi nance for the fitting of the, 55 ; Mr. Wileman makes out the accounts of the lawyers in the, 153 ; Mr. Bickley comes to New York to attend the, 178. Craggs, fecretary, dead, 81. Currency (fee Bills of Credit). Cuyler, Mr., 53. r^ECAN, Molly, 166. Delancy, Mr., 74; not certain when the ftiip Beaver will fail from New York, 84 ; regrets that he cannot furnifh Mr. Clarke with garden beans, 122 ; fends newfpapers to Mr. Clarke, 162 ; to be afked for goofeberry trees, 178 ; is ready to fend them, 181. Denne, C, letter to Ifaac Bobin from, 166. Depeyfter, col., his accounts in arrear, 52 ; feems under great concern, 53 ; can't fay when his ac counts will be ready for audit, 61 ; committee to examine the late treafurer's accounts meet at the houfe of, 84 (fee Treafurer). Diaper, price of, 40. Dickens, Molly, paid for filk ftockings, 130. Dimity, price of, 118. Doefkins, price of, 18. Dongan, Thomas, Mr. Bobin writes to, 139; re- xviii Index. ceives a letter from, 141; letter from, 142; invites Mr Bobin to vifit him, ib. ; writes to Mr. Clarke, 162, 164. Dowell, Billy, married to a by blow of lord South well, 6. Downing, capt., about to fail from New York, 87. Dublois, Mr., 185. Duffles, price of, 97, loi. Dugdale, Mr., merchant of New York, 30 ; Mr. Bobin buys rope from, 45, 61. Dunck, Mr., fells a negro girl for £45, 1 16. Dunckan, Thomas, 148. Duning , Mr. Denne complains of, 167. Dupuy, Dr., has a negro woman for fale, 151; his negro woman fent to Mr. Clarke, 157 ; refufes to give her blankets, ib. ; Mr. Bobin hopes fhe'll fuit, 160; Mr. Bobin calls on, 162 ; negro girl he fold called Mary, 163 ; a bill of fale neceffary when flie is paid for, ib. ; Mr. Denne fends his refpeds to, 168. Duranc, Mr., 3. P'LLIOT, Mr., 5. Elhfon, capt. Wifliam, about to fail for Lon don, 83. England, many perfons ruined by the fall of South Sea ftock in, 56 ; Mr. Clarke writes to, 67 ; much fuffering from the fall of South Sea com pany's ftock in, 81. Efoapus, letter tranfmitted to gov. Burnet'from, 65 ; letter for Mr. Clarke fent from, 71. Europe, few veffels arrive in New York from, 75. Everett, John, Mr. Denne complains of, 167. Index. xix "PAUCONNIER, Mr., promifed fome money, 17 ; Mr. Clarke writes to, 41 ; promifes to look up a young Frenchman for Mr. Clarke, 59 ; not in New York, 99. Feriting, worfted, price of, 114. Ferry, between Long ifland and Staten ifland, 125. Fever, intermittent, prevalent in New York, 89 ; not a houfe in Amboy free from, 90. Franks, Mr., ftorekeeper in New York, 24; ex peded in New York, 137 ; arrives from London, 150. Fuftian, price of, 101. WALLOON, price of, 139. ^^ Galway (Ireland), Borr's marines ftationed at, 2. Gallway, earl of, dead, 81. Garlix, price of, 15, 68, 86, 118. Gathehoufe, Mr., about to make garden flicks for Mr. Clarke, 25 ; turner of New York, promifes to prepare pine apples for the top of Mr. Clarke's houfe, 58. George I, yachts and men of war getting ready to attend the return to England of, 57 ; expeded in England, 165. Gilliard, John, 68. Glincrofs, William, obtains a grant of land on weft fide of Hudfon river, 123. Gloves, price of, 102, 114. Godolphin, lord, copy of his letter reftoring Mr. Byerly to office, tranfmitted to Mr. Clarke, 67. Goelet, capt., arrives at New York from Amfter dam, 16. XX Index. Goodwin , takes a hogfliead of Madeira wine to Mr. Clarke, 188. Grammar, Lilly's, none in New York, 164. Greyhound, H. M. fliip, Mr. Clarke's letters fent by, 115. Grice, Hefter, 109. Griffith, Ned, money paid for nurfing his child, 76. Guinea, a fliip expeded with negroes at New York from, 37. Gun flints, price of, 154 ILJAMILTON, fnow, arrives in New York from London, 121. Hanfen, Mr., Myndert Schuyler fucceeds, as member of affembly, 185. Harding, Thomas, land on Hudfon river granted to, 123. Harding, Mrs., driven with her hufband by the In dians from their fettlement in New England and obliged to come to New York, 152 ; they offer to enter Mr. Clarke's fervice, ib. Harrington, Mr., promifes to furnifli limes, but fails to keep his word, 99. Harrifon, Francis, 28 ; expeded to communicate particulars of col. Heathcote's death to gov. Bur net, 65 ; a portion of col. Schuyler's fees on the patent of, to be allowed to Mr. Clarke, 72 ; fees paid on account of the patent of, 80 ; empowered to appoint deputy appraifers, 119 ; difficulty re fpeding his patent for land on weft fide of Hud fon river, 123 ; commiffioner on the boundary between New York and Connedicut, 174 ; ap pointed recorder of New York, 187. Indi ex. XXI Harrifon, John, formerly flieriff of Amboy, i6o. HafkoU, Mr., 159. Hat, price of, 161. Hawley, coL, fucceeds to the command of Wade's, regiment, 2. Heath, Mr., 6. Heathcote, col., George Clarke writes to, 43 ; writes to Mr. Clarke, 47 ; dies of apoplexy, 64; date of his death, 65. Hegeman, Mrs., 181. Hempfeed, nonq in New York, 154. Hempftead (fee Plains). Henderfon, John, money paid to, 115. Hickford, a privateer, brings tea to New York, 180. Hill, Tom, letter from Mr. Clarke received by, ¦]¦] ; fait and bafs fent Mr. Clarke by, 78. Holland, many perfons ruined by the fall of South Sea ftock in, 56 ; a veffel fails from New York for, 184. Holland, Mr., 29. Hooper, Mr., applied to for money, 15 ; negro dealer in New York, 33. Hopkins, capt., has a negro for fale, 41 ; his lottery drawn, 64. Horfes, price of, 106. Hourglafs, price of, 153. Hume, doctor, no return of furveys of his land re ceived, 105 ; imports negroes, 149. [Hunter], governor, at Amboy, 10 ; recovered from his indifpofition, 12 ; Mr. Clarke promifed a copy of his inftrudions relating to patent officers, 63 ; expeds to return to New York, 25 ; grants D* xxii Inde. 3,000 acres of land on Hudfon river to Mr. Har rifon, 123. Hurly, col. Rutfen urged to complete the patent of, 22 ; patent of, recommended to be recorded, 43 ; patent of, depofited to be recorded in fecy's office, 45- Hyde, Edward, requefts Mr. Bobin to purchafe fome cloth for him, 23 ; a wig fent to, 32 ; articles be longing to, fent to the Plains, 34 ; account for his clothes fent to Mr. Clarke, 48 ; ordered on board his fhip, 49 ; kept on board, 5 1 ; fends for his old hat, 62 ; forry for his paft conduct, promifes to do better, 82 ; much reformed, 84 ; vifits Mr. Clarke, 85 ; everything neceffary for his voyage fhipped, 87 ; credit for his paffage money refufed, ib. Hyde, Mrs., 14, 50, 51 ; Mr. Bobin fends his re fpeds to, 69 ; fends a letter to be forwarded by Mr. Bobin, 82 ; letter of Mr. Bobin to, 130 ; in New York, 131; Mr. Harrifon fends his refpeds to, 123 ; letter fent to, 165 ; Mr. Cook fends his refpeds to, ib. : col. Riggs fends refpeds to, 173. INDIANS, deftroy the fettlement of Mr. and Mrs. •*¦ Harding, and drive them off, 152. Ingoldftjy, col., grants 3,000 acres of land to Glen- crofs and others, on weft fide of Hudfon river, 123. Ink powder, none in New York, 183. Intermittent fever (fee Ague ; Fever). Ireland, duke of Bolton lord lieut. of, 4 ; duke of Newcaftle no longer mentioned as lord lieut. of, 8. Indi ex. xxiii JAMAICA, L. L, Mr. Rochead of, fends a filver hiked fword to capt. Nicol, 1 89 ; major Weems fick at, 190. Jamaica, W. I., the gaily John obliged to put into New York on her voyage from, 89 ; a negro girl born at, offered for fale in New York, 11 6 ; a malignant diftemper rages at, 125 ; veffels from, quarantined, 126; veffel arrives in New York from, 127 ; report of ficknefs at, falfe, ib. ; fhip Sunderland bound from New York for, 172. Jamifon, Mr., fucceeded by Mr. Harrifon as recorder of New York, 187. Jamifon, Mr., jun., to fue Sir George Oglevie, 190. Janfen, Mr., gives Mr. Bobin the patent of Hurley to be recorded, 45 ; commiffioner on the New York and Connedicut boundary, 174. Jarrate, captain Allane, furveyor general, 16 ; men tioned, 132, 134, 139. Jay, Mr., a barrel of beef bought from, 140. Jew, Simon the, a negro dealer in New York, 39. John, gaily, puts into New York on her voyage from Jamaica, 89. Johnfon, capt., fails from New York for Holland, 184. Jbhnfton, Andrew, his charader of the negro wench for faie at Amboy, 160 ; Mr. Bobin fends a let ter under cover to, 168. Jones, Walter, money paid to, 82. Jones , wigmaker in New York, 1 20. Jonneau, Mr., 37. Jordan, James, 30, 42 ; brings a letter from Mr. Clarke, 73. xxiv Index. judges of common pleas, inftrudions relative to the probate of wills preparing for the, 1 19. 'I/'ATTY , Mifs, a night gown bought for, 98 ; accompanies Mrs. Brafier, 99 ; is very well, 105. Kearney, Michael, letter of Ifaac Bobin to, inclofing proclamation for the meeting of the New Jerfey legiflature, 53. Kennedy, Mr., money to be paid to the mother of, 114; receiver general, receives very few quit rents, 156 ; pays Mr. Bobin money on account of the incidents of the fecretary's office, 164 ; going to Amboy, ib. ; pays balance of Mr. Clarke's account, 175. Kierfted, Mr., tea purchafed from, 176. King, Robert, Mr. Bobin requefts him to enquire about a negro woman that is for fale in Amboy, 143 ; letter of, to Mr. Bobin, in anfwer, 148. Kinfale, H. M. fliip, ftarts from New York for Great Britain, 40; Knives and forks, price of, 108. T ADIES of New York buy up all the Venice -*-' chalk in town, 97. Lake's lottery, Mr. Clarke takes tickets in, 70. Lampblack, price of, 27. Lancelot, capt., obliged to come to New York on account of the leaky ftate of his veffel, 89. Land tax, N. Y. affembly refolve to impofe a, 186. Lane, Mr., offers to fell a negro woman to Mr. Clarke, 109 ; Mr. Bobin purchafes brandy from, 146; fends bills to Mr. Clarke, 150. Index. XXV Latham, Jofeph, fhip owner in New York, 31, 34. Lawrence, Mr., 132, 134, 136, 139, 152 ; clerk in fecretary's office, 172; Mr. Bobin receives a letter by, 180. Laws, N. Y., enrolled, 174. Leare, councillor, tried and condemned to death, but reprieved on promife of making a full confeffion, 121. Le Heup, Mr., letter of Mr. Clarke delivered to, 189. Lettice feed fent to Mr. Clarke, 181. Lilly's Accidences, none in New York, 156, 164. Lime, price of, 83. Lime juice, price of, 27, 126. Limes, not to be had in New York, 1 20 ; fent to Mr. Clarke, 178. Linen, price of, 59, 156. Linen, checkered, price of, 37. Lobfters fent to Mr. Clarke, 130, 131. London, a veffel about to fail from New York for, 20 ; fails for, 22 ; captain Ouvery expeded at New York from, 23 ; a veffel about to fail from New York for, 34, 38, 40; fhip Beaver arrives in New York from, 8 1 ; floop William about to fail from New York for, 83 ; the gaily John puts into New York on her voyage from Jamaica to, 89 ; capt. Smith of the Beaver expeds to eat his chriftmas dinner in, 104 ; the fnow Hamilton arrives in New York from, 121; veffels at Am boy bound for, 1 25 ; a veffel about to fail from New York for, 150, 158 ; fhip Samuel arrives in New York from, 1 70. Long ifland, Mr. Bobin vifits a relative on, 108 ; xxvi Index. beef, price of, 1 24 ; ferry between Staten ifland and, 125. Lords in the tower, not yet tried, 119, 121. Lottery, tickets taken for Mr. Clarke in a, 70; capt. Hopkinf's drawn, 64. Lovell, Betty, marries Mr. Vanderhagen, 5. Low, Cornelius, fees for his patent not received, 23. Low, capt, won't let his negro boy go on trial, 163. Loyd, Mr., fugar bought of, 50. Ludlow, Mr., 184. Ludl )W, Mrs., applies for money, and being refufed feels affronted, ig; promifes to have Mr. Clarke's children's clothes ready foon, 78 ; can't go to the Plains, as fhe is fuU of work, 98 ; to make Mifs Katty's night gown, 99 ; materials for dreffes fur- nifhed to, 108 ; felects a piece of garlix for Mr. Clarke, 118. Ludlow, Mrs. Patty, 172. Lurting, col., reports a negro wench for fale, 128 ; merchant of New York, 150. IV/TADDOCK, Mr., fe'cretary lo the lords juftices ^^^ of Ireland, 4. Magrath, Dr., medicines fent to, 85 ; other arti cles fent to, 90, 92. Marriage licenfes, Mr. Alexander claims fees for, 1 1. Marfli, Marias, 108. Martin, James, 42 ; money paid to, 63. Maynard, Mr., 61. Molaffes, price of, 24, 38, 85, 102, 126, 179. Montgomerie, gov., laid up with the gout, 196. Montreal, the gov. of, writes to gov. Burnet, 191. Morifania, Lewis Morris refides at, 55. Index. xxvii Morris, Lewis, requefted to give his opinion as to the neceffity of renewing the Ordinance for the fitting of the fupreme court, 54. Morris, Lewis, jr., Mr. Bobin declines to give him any attefted copies of minutes of council relating to public affairs, 194 ; notified that he has been difmiffed the council, ib. Morris, Jemmey, dying, 126. Mofs , 61. Mott, Dirck, Mr. Bobin pays money to, 38. Moulton, capt., about to fail from New York to London, 34, 38, 40. Mount, Mr., 69, 88. Munro, capt., offers to fell a negro girl, 116. Muflin, price of, 24, 108. "^"AILS, price of, 15, 86, 114, 118. Naturalization, fees charged for, 1 34 ; gov. Burnet declares them exorbitant, 135 ; legal fees only to be taken, 137. Negroes, expeded from the Weft Indies in New York, 33, 39; arrived from Barbadoes, 36; prices of, 36, 41, 115, 116, 129, 148, 152, 160; Simon the Jew does not exped any before the fall, 37 ; Caefar in Mr. Clarke's fervice, 90 ; a wench to be fent on trial to Mr. Clarke, 109; a girl brought to New York from Jamaica when three years old, 116 ; a wench fix months gone with child recommended, 128, 129 ; for fale at Am boy, 143 ; duty in New York on, an objedion to fend the Amboy wench there, 148; Windiford's wench to be fubjed to further trial, 150; charac ter of Dr. Dupuy's wench, 151, who is fent to xxviii Index. Mr. Clarke, but does not wifli to be fold, 157; charader of the Amboy wench, 160 ; biflof fale neceffary for Dr. Dupuy's wench, 163. Nefbit, Guyon, 135. Newcaftle, duke of, no longer fpoken of as lord lieutenant of Ireland, 8. New Jerfey, proclamations for the meeting of the legiflature fent to, 53 ; copy of gov. Burnet's fpeech to the affembly of, fent to Mr. Clarke, 68 ; the governor's fpeeches to, and addreffes of the affembly, to be fent to Mr. Clarke, 79 ; fent, 80 ; gov. Burnet going to, 115, 125, 145, 182; hempfeed ordered from, 154; the affembly re folve to iffue bills of credit to the value of £40,000, 159 ; to be funk in 20 years, 160 ; no knowing when gov. Burnet will return from, 171 ; the af fembly of New York expeded to ilTue bills of credit on the plan of, 183. New Rochell, garlick procured from a Frenchman from, 44. Newfpapers, fent to Mr. Clarke, 47 ; the Mer cury, 125 ; from Bofton and Philadelphia fent to Mr. Clarke, 175. New York city, fmall pox prevalent in, 1 2 ; oatmeal not to be had in, 13 ; garden feeds fcarce at, 15, 19 ; veffels from Amfterdam arrive at, 16, 56 ; length of voyages from Europe to, 16, 25, 56, 81, 89, 161, 165 ; windmill in, 20 ; veffels about to fail for London from, 20, 34, 38, 40, 83, 84, 87, 89, 104, 115, 150, 158, 169, 170, 172, 192 ; Mr. Sharpas poftmafter of, 22, 66; capt. Ouvery expeded from London at, 23 ; gov. Hunter's return expeded at, 25 ; news of the ap- Index. xxix pointment of gov. Burnet received at, 26 ; foldier drowned at, ib. ; a (hark at, ib. ; negioes expeded from the Weft Indies at, 33, 36, 39 (fee Negroes) ; gov. Burnet expeded at, 35 ; a veffel arrives with negroes from Barbadoes at, 36 ; H. M. fliip Kin fale fails from, 40 ; lotteries in, 43, 64, 70; no Albany ftale beer in, 46; Mr. Clarke leaves, 51, 76 ; no marble tiles in, 53 ; news of the ruinous fall of South Sea ftock received at, 56, 81 ; news from England received at, 56, 81, 119, 121 ; veffels arrived from England at, 56, 81, i ig, 121, 137, 161, 165, 170 ; news of a probable peace with Spain received at, 57 ; gov. Burnet about to go to New Jerfey from, 62 ; death of col. Heath cote in, 64 ; lotteries in, 64, 70 ; much talk of gov. Burnet and Mary Vanhorn in, 68 ; wet weather in, 75 ; gov. Burnet arrives from Amboy at, 78 ; great preparations for the marriage of gov. Burnet making at, 80 ; Mr, Clarke requefted by gov. Burnet to come to, 83 ; few members of the council in town, 85; gov. Burnet about to embark for Albany from, 88 ; fever and ague at, 89 ; general complaint of the dullnefs of trade at, 90; gov. Burnet returns from Albany to, 92 ; Venice chalk all bought up by the ladies of, 97 ; gov. Burnet expected from Amboy at, 105, and about to go for Jerfey, 115, 125, 145, 182; vef fel from Jamaica arrives at, 127 ; veflel from Bar badoes arrives at, 138 ; capt. Solgard, R. N., ar rives with his fliip at, 139, 159, 187 ; confidera ble damage done by a ftorm to the docks at, 141 ; mayor and flieriff of, reappointed, 145 ; Mr. Brownell fchoolmafter at, 150; no Lilly's gram- XXX Index. mars in, 156; Mr. Nicholls poftmafter at, 157; no Spanifh tobacco for fale in, 158; veffel about to fail for Jamaica from, 172; Mr. and Mrs. Bickley arrive in, 1 78 ; veffel for Holland fails from, 184; Mr. Bickley's will proved at, 185 ; land tax impofed for the repair of the garrifon at, 186 ; Mr. Harrifon appointed recorder of, 1 87 ; Mrs. Burnet brought to bed of a fon at, 188; one oi' H. M. fhips careened at, 191 ; Mr. Ramefay arrives from Montreal at, '9'- New York prov., commiffioners appointed to deter mine the fine between Connedicut and, 174 ; de ficit in the revenue of, 183 ; governors of (fee Burnet; Hunter; Montgomerie; Schuyler). Nicholls, dodor, 97. Nicholls, Mr., 15, 27, 31 ; Mr. Bobin receives a letter by, 42 ; overpaid, 44 ; money fent to Mr. Clarke by, 53 ; fheeting fent by, 56 ; Mr. Clarke gives a note in favor of, 69 ; money paid to, 73; Mr. Bobin fends Mr. Clarke a note of, 78 ; poftmafter. New York, 157; gives Mr. Bobin letters for Mr. Clarke, 162 ; gives Mr. Bobin a letter for Mrs. Hyde, 165. Nicoll, Andrew, a filver hiked fword fent to, 189. Nutmegs, price of, 44. r^ATMEAL, not to be had in New York, 13. Oglevie, fir George, to be fued, 190. Oil, whale, price of 24; falad, price of, 127. Oldmans creek, difficulty refpeding Harrifon's pa tent to the fouth of, 123. Onions, price of, 27, 44. Index. xxxi Oranges, promifed to Mr. Bobin, 178. Ordinance for the fitting of the fupreme court, Lewis Morris requefted to give his opinion as to whether its renewal be neceffary, 54. Ouvery, capt., expeded from London, 23 ; arrives in New York, 25 ; reports that Mr. Burnet is appointed gov. of New York, 26 ; about to fail from New York, 8g. Oxcart boxes, none in New York, expeded from Bofton, 128. Ozanbrigs, price of, 15, 44, 75, n8. pAINTERD, Mr., merchant of New York, 37. Paper, price of, 102. Parker, nurfe, paid five pounds, 155. Pamerton, Mr., 62. Patent, Harrifon's, on weft fide of Hudfon river, previoufly granted to Glencrofs and others, 123. Patents, remarks on report of a committee to exa mine abftrad of, 1 1 2. Pay ton, capt., arrives in New York, 56. Peacock , a fafh maker in the Broadway, New York, 101. Pearce, captain, places his lieutenant in confinement, 22 ; orders Edward Hyde on board his ftiip, 49. Peas, price of, 38, 74. Pelletreau, Mr., 30; candles procured from, 170 ; foap purchafed from, 176. Perth Amboy (fee Amboy). Philadelphia, Weekly Mercury, a copy of fent to Mr. Clarke, 47, 125; copies of Lilly's Accidences expeded from, 156; newfpapers fent to Mr. Clarke, 175. xxxii Index. Philipfe, Mr., promiles Mr. Clarke a copy of brig. Hunter's inflnidions relating to patent officers, 63 ; a portion of the fees on his patent to be allowed to Mr. Clarke, 72 ; out of town, 73 ; appointed to examine the late treafurer's accounts, 84 ; re port received of his removal from the council, 101. Philiple, Mr., diffenting minifter, complained of, 181 ; gov. Burnet admonifhes, 182. Phoenix, H. M. fhip, Edward Hyde on board of, 62. Pine boards, price of, 74. Pinks, coronation, Mr. Bayeux fends Mr. Clarke fome roots of, 75. Pirates, convided at Rhode ifland, 135. Piftoles, current in New York, 130, 131. Plains, L. I., articles belonging to Mr. Hyde fent to the, 34 ; capt. Hopkins refufes to fend his negro to the, 41 ; agriculture and horticulture cultivated at the, 5 1 ; Mr. Mount vifits the, 69 ; Mr. Sharpas vifits the, 71 ; wages demanded by pump makers at, 94 ; Mr Bobin promifes to fend fruit to the, 128 ; Mr. Cook promifes to vifit the, i65'. Pork, price of, fcarce in New York, 37. Poft, widow, members of affembly difcufs the ne ceffity of iffuing bills of credit over a glafs of wine at the houfe of the, 183. Powder, price of, 86. Proclamation money, one-half of the New Jerfey bills of credit to be, 159. Provooft, col., commiffioner on the New York and Connedicut boundary, 174. Pump, price of a, 93, 102. Indi ex. xxxiii QUARANTINE, veffels from Jamaica placed ^ under, 125, 126. Quit rents, Mr. Byerly difappointed in payment of, 57 ; fecretary Clarke's falary payable out of the. 13 AMES AY, Mr., delivers letters from his father, the gov. of Montreal, addreffed to gov. Burnet, 191 ; leaves for Bofton without feeing the gov., 192. Read, old Mr., dead, 89. Read, Mr., fefls wine to Mr. Clarke, 188. Records, public, miffing, 112; carried to Bofton by fir E. Andros, 113. Revenue, deficit in the, 183. Reynolds, Mr., 23, 29. Riche, a fervant of George Clarke, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32. 37. 38, 39. 40. 43. 44. 45. 4^. 48, 5°. 74. 75. 11' 83, 85, 87, 89, go, g2, 93, 101, 102, 104, 105, 108, log, 115, 124, 126, 140, 144, 146, 149, 151, 161, 169, 170, 172, 173, 177, 178, 185, 187. Richmond co., a writ fent to the fheriff of, to arreft a fervant of Mr. Clarke, loi. Rhode ifland, a man going to, wants to fell his negro wench, 128, 129; pirates convided at, 135. Rhode ifland cheefes, gg, 104. Riggs, col., fends his refpeds to Mr. Clarke's family, 173- Riggs, Mr., jr., 146 ; fucceeds lieut. Blood in New York, 162. Ripet , arrives in New York from Barbadoes, 138. xxxiv Index, Robin , a brazier in New York, 175. Rochead, John, letter to Ifaac Bobin from, i8g fends a filver hiked fword to capt. Nicoll, ib. ; propofes vifiting Mr. Clarke, 190. Rochefter [Francis Atterbury], bifhop of, confined in the tower, 121. Romacks, cherconne, price of, 120, Rope, price of, 45, 114. Royal Prince, gaily, arrives in New York from Am fterdam, 56. P.um, price of, 30, 132. Rutger, Mr., Mr. Bobin purchafes beer from, 46. Rutfen, coL, acknowledges receipt of his patent, 14 ; urged to complete the patent of Hurly, 22 ; re commended lo record the Hurly patent, 43 ; re quefted to come to town, 45 ; puts off Mr. Bobin from day to day, 86 ; Mr. Bobin writes to, g6, gg ; no letter received from, 104 ; fends informadon about horfes, 106. Rye, commiffioners to fettle the line between New York and Connefticut to meet at, 1 74. CALT, price of, 24, 4.4, 78. '^ Samuel, fhip, up in London for New York, 162 ; arrives in New York, 170 ; about to fail for London, 172. Schohare, extravagant charges of lawyers refpeding, 163. School, Mifs Clarke educated at Mr. Brownell's, New York, 150. Schoolmafter, Mr. Bobin promifes to find out a fober man to teach Mr. Clarke's children, 69. Schuyler, Jeremiah & Co., Mr. Bobin promifes to Index. XXXV fend Mr. Clarke an account of the ftate of the patent to, 73. Schuyler, John, difcovered trading to Canada, 132. Schuyler, Mr., promifes to fend beer and cider to Mr. Clarke, 1 3 ; promifes to fend oats to Mr. Clarke, 15 ; promifes to fend beef to Mr. Clarke, 24 ; fends fire ftones to Mr. Clarke, 28 ; not in town, 33; promifes to procure a negro for Mr. Clarke, 39 ; thinks the price demanded for one too high, 41 ; has no leather, 42 ; executes deeds for Mr. Clarke's land, 58, 60 ; fells fugar to Mr. Clarke, 102 ; deeds fent to Mr. Clarke from, 107; drugget purchafed from, I4g; going lo Albany, 163. Schuyler, Mrs., prefents Mr. Clarke with a pair of gloves and a fcarf, 117; is under great concern for the lofs of her hufband, 118; fends dry goods to Mr. Clarke, 144 ; fends drugget. Sec, to Mr. Clarke, 154; fends a piece of linen, 156; her account fent to Mr. Clarke, 174. Schuyler, Myndert, takes his feat in the affembly, 185. [Schuyler, Peter], prefident of the council, 14; in difpofed, 17 ; urges col. Rutfen to complete the patent of Hurly, 22 ; receives a letter from briga dier Hunter, 25, who expeds to return to New York, 26 ; going to Albany, 38, 39 ; to aflow Mr. Clarke a portion of his fees on certain pa tents, 72. Schuyler, Phihp & Co., fees paid on account of pa tent of, 80. Sciffors, price of, 28. Sconlock , 103. xxxvi Index, Searl, capt., 154. Seeds, garden, fcarcity of, 15, ig ; fellery, fent to Mr. Clarke, 181. Seive, price of, 27, 40. Selby, Mr., money paid to, 104. Sewell, Grace, 28. Shark, a, in the river at New York, 26. Sharpas, Mr., i6 ; poftmafter of New York, 22, 26 ; Geo. Clarke's letters delivered to, 41 ; forwards Mr. Clarke's letters to Bofton, 66; vifits Mr. Clarke, 71 ; fpeaks favorably of Mr. Talbot, pump maker, 84 ; mentioned, 98, 101 ; has no deeds belonging to Mr. Clarke, 107 ; fends Po litical ftates to Mr. Clarke, 171 ; purchafes wine of Mr. Van Horn, 173. Sharpas, Mrs. Betty, 98, gg. Sheaf, Ann, fervant of Mr. Clarke, 75. Shippard, Molly, money paid to, 133, 174. Ships, from Europe, fcarce in New York, 75 ; none cleared in New York for fix days, gi. Shoes, price of, 177. Shot, price of, 86. Silk, fewing, price of, 172. Silver, price of, 164. Silvefter, Mr., wills fent to, ig6. Simon the ]t^, a flave dealer in New York, 37. Slaves (fee Negroes'). SmaU pox prevalent in New York, 12; Mr. Bobin fends Mr. Clarke Dr. Wilday's remedy for, ib. Smith ¦ , falhes not made by, 101. Smith, Bernardus, money paid to, 63. Smith, capt., drops down to the watering place on his voyage to London, 21 ; articles belonging to Index. xxxvii Mr. Hyde delivered by, 33 ; promifes to let Mr. Bobin know when his (hip will fail from New York, 84 ; expeds to fail fo as to eat his Chrift mas dinner in London, 104 ; of the Beaver, about to fail from New York, ig2. Smith, Jeremiah, money paid to, 68. Smith, John, money paid to, 137. Smith, Mrs., her candles complained of, 1 70. Smith, Peter, gi. Smyth, Lawrence, Mr. Clarke writes to, 168 ; no thing received from, 171. Snediker, Tunis, gi. Snuff, the weather in New York unfavorable to dry ing, 75 ; Mr. Bobin promifes to have fome made, 105. Snuffbox, Mr. Bobin gives Mrs. Clarke her, 88. Soap, price of, 27, 118, 146, 176. Solgard, capt. [Peter], fails from Rhode ifland, 135 ; arrives in New York, I3g; returns to New York from a cruife, ijg ; arrives in New York from Virginia, 1 87. Soumine , 50. South Sea company, people of England fuffer greatly from, 81. South Sea ftock, ruinous fall in, 56 ; fpeculators in, compared to Mofes and Pharaoh croffing the Red fea, 57. Southwefl, lord, Billy Dowell marries a by blow of, 6 ; one of the commiffioners of the revenue in Ireland, ib. ; formeriy fir Thomas Southwell, 7. Southwell, fir Thomas, elevated to the peerage, 7. Spain, probability of a peace with, 57. Spelling book fent to Mr. Clarke, 131. p* xxxviii Index. Spinnet, taught in New York, 145; Mifs Molly Clarke's, tuning, 147; fent to her, 149, 151 ; mufic to be fent with the, 154. Spirits of wine, price of, 118. Stanhope, earl, dead, 81. Starch, price of, 27, 139. Staten ifland, ferry between Long ifland and, 125 ; veffels from Jamaica ordered to flop at, 126; Thomas Dongan lives at, 139 ; (fee Richmond CO. ; Watering p lace ) . Stillwell, Mrs., ftorekeeper in New York, 141. Stockings, price of, 34, 116, 174, 177 ; filk, price of, 28. Stoddard, Mrs., 31. Storm in New York does confiderable damage to the docks, 141. Sugar, loaf, price of, 50, 86, 90, 97, 120 ; brown, price of, 85 ; loaf, none in New York, 1 18, 127. Sunderland, fhip, up in London for New York, 161 ; arrives in New 'Y'ork, 165 ; bound for Jamaica, 172. Supreme court (fee Court). Surrogate, John Bridges commiffioned, 52. Surrogates, gov. Burnet declines appointing any in remote counties, lig. Surveyor general has not made any return of furvey for Dr. Hume, 105. Swanfkin, price of, g7. Swanfwick, fhip, 47. Sweat garden, gg. Sylvefter, John, 163 (fee Silvefter). Symes, capt., his commiffion confirmed, 162 ; ar rives in New York, 165. Index. xxxix 'T'AFFITA, price of, 98. Talbot, Richard, pump maker in New York, 93- Tar, price of, 1 26. Tarr, Mrs., money paid to, 90. Tea, price of, 40, 116, 120, 130, 146, 153, 172, 176, 179, 180. Temple, Mr., money paid to the wife of, 120. Teftament and Pfalter, price of, 85 ; fent to Mr. Clarke, 131. Thong, Walter, expeds ox cart boxes from Bofton, 128. Tiles, marble, none in New York, 53. Tobacco, Spanifh, none on fale in New York, 158, 164. Tower, the lords in the, not yet tried, 119, 121. Towers, Mr., fick of fever, goes to England, 4. Treafurer, committee appointed to examine accounts of, 84 ; has no money, 88, gi ; Mr. Bobin can not get any money from the, 104; bufy making up his accounts, 137, 138; his accounts ready, 141 ; his accounts laid before the council, 147 ; iU of fever, 156, 169, 171 (fee Depeyster). Trowel, mafon's, price of, 102. Tudor, Sarah, 184. Tutor, private, required for Mr. Clarke's children, 6g. 'VT'ANBRUGH, capt., arrives in New York with a cargo of negroes, 34, 35 ; his negro will not fuit, 39 ; refufes to fend his negro to the Plains (Hempftead), 41. Vanbrugh, Mr., going to Albany, 163. xl Indi i^\/v • Van Dam, Mr., pays money to George Clarke, 47 ; appointed to examine the late treafurer's accounts, 84 ; audits an account of charges about Scho harie, 163 ; confiders fome items very exorbitant, 164 ; mentioned, 169. Vanderhagen, Mr., landfcape painter, marries Betty Lovell, 5. Vanhorn, Abraham, gov. Burnet pays attention to a daughter of, 69 ; his brigantine arrives in New York from England, l ig. Vanhorn, John, wine purchafed from, 173, 176. Vanhorn, Mary, much talk in New York about gov. Burnet and, 6g. Venice chalk, ladies of New York buy up all the, 97- ... Vernon, Mrs., poftpones giving an opinion regarding a negro woman, 150; gloves for Mifs Clarke fent to, 187. Virginia, capt. Solgard arrives in New York from, 187. Voyage from Amfterdam to New York, length of, 16, 56 ; from Lizard point, 25 ; from London, 81, 161, 165; from Briftol to New York, length of. 137- VXT-ADE, brig, gen., 2. ' ' Wages, pump maker's, 94. Wallett, Mr., reported to have married Betty LoveH, Walpole, Mr., George Clarke writes to, 115, 164. Walton, capt., accepts a note of George Clarke, 42. Walter, capt., appointed to examine the late treafu rer's accounts, 84. Index. xli Warner , fecond lieutenant in Borr's marines, 2. Watering place (Staten Ifland), H. M. ftiip Kin fale drops down to, 40. Webfter, Mr., chief fecretary for Ireland, 4. Weekly Mercury of Philadelphia, 47, 125. Weems, capt., a foldier of his company drowned in the North river, 26; major, dangeroufly ill, 190. Weft Indies, negroes expeded in New York from, 33, 39 ; a negro girl born in the, offered for fale in New York, 116; veffels daily expeded in New York from, 1 24. Whalebone, price of, 28, 74. Wig, price of a, 32; one Jones promifes to make Mr. Clarke a, 1 20. Wilday, Dr. Samuel, his remedy for fmaU pox fent to Mr. Clarke, 12. Wileman, Mr., requefted to furnifh Mr. Clarke his accounts, g, 15 ; promifes to furnifh them, 10 ; reports that the deeds for Mr. Clarke's land have been executed, 58 ; fick with the gout, 60 ; promifes to deliver papers belonging to the fecre tary's office, 69 ; fees for certain patents, in the hands of, 72 ; pays money on account of certain patents, 80 ; delivers a meffage from Mr. Collins for Mr. Clarke, 96 ; has no deeds belonging to Mr. Clarke, 107 ; mortgage of Mr. Byerly given to, to prove its execution, 133, 136; takes the minutes of the fupreme court to make out the law yers' accounts, 153; has not completed the law yers' accounts, 172; has the lawyers' bills nearly ready, 175; advifes Mr. Bobin that he cannot furnifli copies of minutes of the council on pub- xlii Index. lie affairs without an order from the gov. and council, 193. Will, a fervant of fecretary Clarke, 13, 14, 19, <^-j, 98, 100, 101, 107, 108, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 124, 130, 132, 138, 140, 144, 145, 146, 147, 153, 155, 157, 161, 162, 166, 175- Willard, Mr., of Bofton, letters to be enclofed to, 190. William, floop, about to fail from New York to London, 83. Wills, orders preparing relative to the probate of, iig; fent to Mr. Silvefter, 196. Winditord , has a negro woman for fale, 150. Windmill, Mr. Clarke's penknife mended by a man near the, 20. Wine, price of, 146, 176. Winman, Mr., upholfterer in New York, 150. Worfam, Mr., 22. ERRATA. p. 4g, 1. 6 from top, for Pevice, read, Peirce. p. 50, 1. 12 from top, for Sonmine, read, Soumine. p. 137, 1. 3 from bottom, after here, infert, a floop. 45'. ¦¦' :i t-iUili;! J'»1 ' , "'iV m r^V; ^< .1 !r X'-li: c^ M5? '"-{j^ r-^« ¦*^«'« .-#. '<*A- 14t ^•¦"j '. ^v - MI