LE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 39002 06471 8290 MEMORIAL SF THE STAPLETON ^^irrc0^^^,z:.: SCENE OF ANTI-JEWISH DECREE The map shows the Palatinate, a German State where Eastern Jews yesterday were forbidden to withdraw their money from banks or postal funds. THE MORNING DAWNS. HUGUENOT DESCENDANTS DAUGHTERS OF THE AUTHOR. Witk fecial ^efer^e to tl\eir Emigration to PelMvsylv/aMa, -BY- Rev. A. Stapleton, A. M, M. S. Life Member of the Pennsylvania Historical Society — Member of the Pennsylvania German Society, — Author of "Natural History of the Bible,"— Compend of Church History," — and "Evangelical Annals." " Sir, it is the part of the Church of God to endure blows, and not to deal them; but your Majesty will please remember that it is an anvil which has already worn out many a hammer? Thto- de Beza lo the King of Nayarrc. HUGUENOT PUBLISHING COMPANY, CARLISLE, PA. 1901 Entered according to the Act of Congress in the year 1901, By REV. A. STAPLETON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. £A0333 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. 3T must be apparent to the reader that the gathering of material for this work was immeasurably difficult because of the scanty and scattered sources of information. With the ex ception of the excellent work of Prof. Charles W. Baird (i) and several monograms by the American Huguenot Society, no work on the Huguenot emigration to America has hitherto appeared. True, the Virginia Historical Society has published a small volume on the emigration to that Province, and chapters devoted to the settlements in New England and South Carolina are to be found. Still the reader will find that, with the exception of a few newspa per articles, the history of the Huguenot emigration to Pennsylva nia has hitherto remained unwritten. It is chiefly on this account that our resources have been specially devoted to their emigration to this Province. The question may be pertinently asked why so much pains have been taken to gather particulars concerning so small a por- portion of our Colonial immigrants as the French Protestants ? The answer is found in their character. The Huguenots were something more than immigrants seeking a home in a new land. They were refugees, stripped of all human rights, both civil and religious, by the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, and not until the Edict of Toleration, in 1787, could they claim a right to full lib erty of conscience in their home land. In the industrial arts, learning and religious thought the Huguenots were of the most advanced and enterprising type of civ ilization, and the impressions they have made on the institutions and character of the lands of their exile were more profound and far reaching in proportion to their numbers than that of any other class of immigrants. This is pre-eminently true of America, as we believe this work will abundantly demonstrate, and we believe that the study of this element of our Colonial population will be pursued with greater interest by future historians as their mighty influence in shaping the character and destinies of our country is more fully recognized. (1). " The Huguenot Emigration to America." ill MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. With the passing years they disclose the original virility of their character by continually adding new names to America's roll of honor. To such imperishable names as Jay, Boudinot, Bowdoin, Marion and Laurens, of the Provincial period, they have added others of equal greatness, and whose force of character and sterling worth is in no small degree attributable to their Huguenot ancestry. In later years Presidents Tyler (i), Garfield {2) and Roosevelt, Alexander Hamilton, the Bayards of Delaware, Commodores Ste phen Decatur and W. S. Schley, and Admiral George Dewey, then also the poets Whit tier (3), Thoreau, Lanier and Emily Bouton, have all contributed largely to make America great. Although, as already indicated, the literature pertaining to the subject of this work is very scanty, we may state that considerable data was found in county histories, especially in the works of Prof. I. Daniel Rupp and General W. H. M. Davis. The Pennsylvania Archives, "Notes and Queries" by Dr. Egle, " Documentary His tory of New York" "Baird's Huguenot Emigration to America," besides the publications of the Pennsylvania Historical and Penn sylvania-German Societies, have all yielded valuable materials. We are under very great obligations to a large number of local historians and private individuals for clues and suggestions that in many in stances led to important results. "We are specially indebted to the following gentlemen for valuable assistance : The late Hon. John Blair Linn, of Bellefonte ; Mrs. Cora Weber Lindsey, of Pittsburg ; Henry S. Dodderer, Editor of "The Perkiomen Regeon," Prof. Julius F. Sachse, author of several works of great value on the emi gration to Pennsylvania, John W. Jordan, of the Pennsylvania His torical Society, all of Philadelphia ; deB. Randolph Keim, of Read ing, and Editor of "The Keim and Allied Families ;" James B. - Laux, of New York ; Rev. P. C. Croll, Editor of the Pennsylvania German, and lastly, the lamented Dr. W. H. Egle, of Harrisburg, late State Librarian, and Editor of the Pennsylvania Archives, to whose valuable assistance we are deeply indebted. As a matter of mournful interest we may state that one of the last acts of his busy life was to furnish the introduction to this work a few days before his death. If we have in a measure succeeded in rescuing from oblivion the memory of a people who have been such a potent factor in shap- (1). President Tyler descended from Dr. Louis Contesse, an eminent physi cian, who fled from France to Virginia after the Revocation (Va. Hist. Coir). (2). President Garfield descended from Maturin Ballou, a refugee to New Eng land. 5 (3). The ancestor of Whittier was a refugee named Fouillevert, who fled to England from Brittagne in the early stages of the persecution (vide Am. Meth 111. Monthly, vol 11, p. 229). MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. ing the character and destinies of our land, and preserved to pos terity the names of many from whom it is an honor to claim descent, we shall consider ourselves well rewarded for our many years of toil. REV. A. STAPLETON. Carlisle, Pa. INTRODUCTION. By Dr. W. H. Egle, M. D., M. S., Late State Librarian of Pennsylvania, Etc. " Sit at tkefeet of History— through night Of years the steps of virtue she shall trace, And show the earlier ages, where her sight Can pierce the eternal shadows o'er her face." — Bryant. ^ 1 HE Huguenot emigration to America is a subject of abiding in- ' j terest to the historian, as well as to the general reader. The Frenchman's love for his home-land exceeds that of any other nationality, and the causes leading to the extirpation of any considerable number of them must be dire in the extreme. These causes, and their far-reaching consequences, are brought out in a remarkable manner in these " Memorials of the Huguenots." There is a peculiar charm clustering around the relations of France with the American Colonies during their struggle for freedom in the dark days of the Revolution. The Colonies were intensely Protestant in faith, and France just then awakening from her stu por, brought on by ages of priestcraft and misgovernment, sprang to the rescue of the Colonies at the period of their darkest peril. Many of her noble sons enriched the soil of freedom with their blood, for which America will always be grateful ; and many of her chief citizens to-day are proud to wear the insignia of ' ' The Society of the Cincinnati" (i) as a memorial of the time when the infant Re public of the New World and the future Republic of the Old World, together, lit the torch of freedom that still shines with increasing lustre across the dark waters of time. Thus has France, the pio neer Republic of Europe, derived hope and inspiration in her lofty aims from the new Nation, which her exiled sons assisted to build ! The Huguenot emigrants as a class, we may safely say without fear of successful contradiction, have furnished a larger number of (i). A patriotic and benevolent society, organized by the American and French officers in 1783 to perpetuate their friendship and raise a fund for relieving the widows and orphans of those who had fallen during the war. The noted French Colonel LeEnfant designed the badge of the order. General Washington was for many years its President. VII VIII MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. men of eminence, in proportion to their number, than any other nationality. So strongly marked were their characteristics that neither time nor amalgamation with other races has as yet extin guished the traces of their high moral sentiments and love of liberty from the character of their descendants. This character is still a dominating force in our national life. The extremes of Huguenot theology may be modified by modern criticism. Its mistaken no tions of a religio-civic government may give way to broader views, but its lofty spirit and high ideals can never perish because they are the basic elements of human progress. Its spirit has been perpetu ated on canvas (i) and in the drama (2) as well as in history, song and story, but its most abiding features are incarnate in the noble life and deeds which has given a new value to human effort and has cast new light on the path of human progress. In the fire of the pulpit, in the eloquence of the legislative hall, in the various fields of learning and research the Huguenot spirit still leads the van. On the field of battle and on the trackless seas they have not only maintained our Nation's honor but have opened new eras in the world's history. The naval glories of Stephen Decatur, the epoch making achievements of Admiral Dewey (3) at Manilla, and of Commodore Schley at (4) Santiago, are compliments to the Huguenot origin of these heroes. The reader will find elaborated in this work a phase of history relating to the Huguenots which has hitherto been either slighted or overlooked by writers on our Colonial history, namely, its inti mate relation with the great Palatine exodus to Pennsylvania. The latter movement had its origin in much the same causes which led the Huguenots to flee from their homes and seek a new destiny in unknown lands. Hence both Huguenot and Palatine, with an al most identical faith, tired of murder, rapine, fire, sword and spoila- tion under the guise of the Christian religion, seem to have joined in heart and purpose in working out a common destiny in the New World. In view of the fact that the Palatine emigration has received so much attention at the hands of many historians, the scant reference to the considerable Huguenot element among them seems remarka- (1). "Les Huguenots," a famous painting by J. E. Miltias, P. R. A., 1852, representing a trysting couple. (2). "Les Huguenots," an opera by Meyerbeer, still quite popular. (3). Admiral George Dewey is a descendant of Thomas Dewey who, at an early day, emigrated to Vermont from England, whither his ancestor had fled from the Huguenot persecutions. (" Notes and Queries," 1898, p. 76). (4). Admiral W. S. Schley derives his Huguenot ancestry from Madame Ferree, whose great grand-daughter, Rebecca Ferree, wife of David Shreiber, moved to Frederick County, Maryland. (Rupp's Hist. Lane. Co., p. 112). MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. ble. In this work we have this missing chapter in our Colonial history, and its rescue was made possible only by a long and pro found study of the personality of the immigrants. The student must not expect to find in this work every name that belongs there. The subject is not exhausted. There are many more Huguenot names among us with a very thin Teutonic veneer over it and which the keen eye of genealogical research will yet un cover. There are yet many German family names with Huguenot traditions which still remain to be differentiated from present en cumbrances and reinstated on its proper page of a glorious history. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE, M. D., M. A. IN MEflORIAM. Dr. William Henry Egle, M. D., A. M. Dr. W. H. Egle, the distinguished historian, was born in Har risburg, Pa., September 17, 1830, and died in that city February 20, 1 90 1. His ancestor, Marcus Egle, was a Swiss who came to Lancaster county, Pa., prior to 1740. Another ancestor was Fran cis Mentges, a French Huguenot, and the father of Col. Francis Mentges, of the Revolution. In 1859 he graduated in medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, after which he established himself in that profession in his native city. In the Civil War he served with distinction as a surgeon. In 1887 he was appointed State Librarian by Governor Beaver, and was reappointed to that office by Governor Pattison in 1891 and by Governor Hastings in 1894. His life was an exceedingly busy one and the result of his labors immense. He was the author of scores of historical works of great value, among them " History of Pennsylvania," Histories of Leb anon and Dauphin counties. Archives of Pennsylvania, over twenty volumes, "Notes and Queries," some twelve volumes, "Pennsylva nia Genealogies," etc. He was a member of many learned societies both in America and Europe, and the first president of the Penn sylvania German Society, of which society he was one of the foun ders. He was a most amiable and approachable Christian scholar of the highest rank, whose great delight it was to place his immense stock of historical knowledge freely at the disposal of his fellow men. His sudden death amid his many unfinished literary enter prises was a great loss and called forth universal regret. DR. WILLIAM HENRY EGLE. A HUGUENOT DESCENDANT. P. IX. /VUrqori^ of Tl?e jlci^tieno^. CHAPTER I. Extending From the Beginning of the French Reformation to the Promulgation of the Edict of Nantes— 1510— 1598. " Great truths are dearly bought, Not found by chance ; Nor wafted in the breath of summer dream, But grasped in the great struggle ofthe soul, Hard buffeting with adverse wind and stream. ' ' — Anon. ^T HE sixteenth century is one of the most notable periods of all * I history. The discovery of America, the invention of the art of printing and other elements had awakened a spirit of uni versal inquiry and independence of thought throughout the world. The great masses began to realize that their consciences were domi nated by the priests, while their lords regarded them as vassals and mere chattels. No particular country can be said to be the cradle of the Reformation. The time for which Providence paved the way was ripe, and, like a mighty torrent, broke away from human restraint and flooded the worid with the blessings of the pure gospel. When Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five propositions on the Schloss Kirche at Wittenberg in 15 17, the gates of the reservoir were opened, where before the waters had, so to speak, only over flowed the banks. Our aim will be simply to trace, in brief, the Reformation m France, leaving the reader to seek information concerning the work in other countries from other sources. Reformation Begins at Meaux. The Reformation in France first established itself in the de partment of Meaux, and from thence spread rapidly. The leading spirit of this movement was Jacques Lefever who, with a fiery zeal and restless energy, proclaimed the Reformation in many places. Francis I had, from the beginning of his reign, condemned the 1 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. excesses of the Church of Rome, and when the Reformers of Meaux decried the evils of the Papacy it was not without countenance from the King of France. He even went so far as to join the Protestant princes in the Smalkaldic League (i). Margaret, Queen of Na varre, a sister to Francis I., embraced the Reformed doctrines and, unlike her vacillating brother, she boldly identified herself with the cause. Had the King followed her example France would have been won for the Protestant cause. Perhaps a majority of the nobility and many of the leading ec clesiastics were ready for reform. Even the great Sorbonne (2) looked with favor on the movement. The chief reason why France was lost to the Reformation was because the sovereign and his civil and ecclesiastical dignitaries regarded the Roman Church as the true body of Christ and favored the reform of abuses in the church. This was impossible in a body so corrupt. As the Reformation ad vanced it became necessary for its adherents to form organizations of their own with pastors and leaders distinct from the church. The Reformed people of France were called " Huguenots." The origin of this term is uncertain, so that a discussion cf the term in this connection would be useless. The Reformation in France was somewhat unfortunate in assuming a political aspect. It early counted many of the greatest statesmen of the Kingdom on its side. Besides the House of Navarre, the members of which figure con spicuously in this history, the Huguenot party counted among its leaders the celebrated Gaspard de Chatillon, Count de Coligny, Ad miral of France, and also his brothers Odet, Cardinal de Chatillon, and Francois de Chatillon, Sire d'Andelot, the Captain-General of the French infantry, also the Dukes de Rohan, the La Rochefou- caulds, the Grammonts, the Princes de Porcien, the Lords of Piennes, of Soubise, of Genlis, of Mornay, of Esternay, and many others who, under various titles, figured in the history of the times. John Calvin. The great spiritual leader of the Huguenots was John Calvin, born at Noyon, in Picardy, 1509, and died in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1 564. Calvin easily ranked with Luther as a great reformer. With great eloquence and profound learning he expounded and de fended the Reformed doctrines. After laboring for a number of years in France, removing from place to place because of opposi tion, he at last established himself in Geneva, where for many years (1). A defensive alliance of Protestant European Powers, formed in 1631 for mutual protection against Charles V and the Catholic Powers. (2). The Theological Faculty of the University of Paris. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. he was the virtual head of the French Reformation. His theo logical works are numerous and profound. His " Institutes of the Christian Religion" was probably the greatest work of the Reforma tion period, and continues to exer cise a strong influence on Protest ant theology, even to the present day. An important factor in the religio-political struggle of the French Reformation was the Guise family, or House of Lorraine. The Guises were in close affinity with the Roman See, and were consid ered foreigners by the French. Francois, Duke of Guise, however, made himself popular by his suc cess at arms against the enemies of France, and attained a high station in the army. His brother, the Cardinal de Lorraine, was an ecclesiastic only in name, and with the duke arose to political prominence. The Guises, together with Catharine de Medici, mother of the king, and herself a foreigner and a bigoted papist, were the controlling spirits of the opposition against the Reformation. Such are a few of the ecclesiastical and political elements of the great struggle. The First Martyr. It is impossible to even refer to the many struggles of the Hu guenots through the dark centuries embraced in their history. We can only in a general way point out some of the leading events. Jean Le Clerk, one of the earliest reformers of Meaux, permitting his zeal to exceed his discretion, entered several Catholic churches, broke the images and posted placards denouncing the corruptions of the Pope and church. For this he was apprehended, condemned as a heretic, and burned at the stake in the city of Metz in 1525. He was the first conspicuous martyr of the Huguenots. Notwith standing the great persecutions which were now instituted the Prot estants continued to increase in numbers and influence. Armed Resistance. The year 1 560 marks the period of armed collision between the Papists under the Guises and the Huguenots under the Prince of MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Conde. One dreadful feature of the conflict was the massacre of twelve thousand Huguenot prisoners at Amboise. The Reformation also lost the noble Baron de Castlenau, who was condemned to death on the pretext of treason. Foreign complications ameliorated the struggle. On August 21, 1560, there was an assembly of notables held at Fontainebleau for the consideration of the national difficulties, at which time the Duke de Coligny presented to the King a petition coupled with an eloquent plea for religious toleration. The King and many of his party inclined to the petition, but were violently opposed by the Guises. It was agreed to defer the matter until the assembly of the States General, but before it convened Francis II. died, December 5, 1560. Francis had been a mere tool in the hands of his uncles, the Duke and Cardinal of Lorraine. In order to preserve the in terests of her house, Catharine de Medici, the Queen Regent, was compelled to repress the Lorraines and court the favor of the Hu guenots. The King, her son, Louis IX., was at this time but nine years old. States General Favorable. The States General met at Orleans December 13, 1560. The Chancellor de 1' Hopital, who had always exercised moderation to ward the Protestants, spoke strongly against Romish excesses. The Duke de Coligny, as the leader of the Protestants, was a tower of strength and greatly distinguished himself. The liberation of France from Papal tyranny seemed near at hand. Even the Queen Regent lent encouragement by opening the pulpit of the Palace of Foun- tainebleau to the Bishop Montluc, who boldly preached the doc trines of the Reformation. The tide running so high in favor of the Huguenots at this assembly, was turned against them by the Lor raines, who formed what is known as the Triumvirate for the up holding of the Catholic Church. At the head of this league was the Duke of Guise. Great Debate at Possey. It was then arranged to convene a great assembly at Possey, where the religious differences should be discussed in the presence of the notables by a representative from each side. The conference met September 9, 1561. The Catholics were represented bythe Cardinal of Lorraine and the Protestants by Theodore de Beza. The Chancellor was again the benign L'Hopital, whose opening address was most favorable to the Reformation. The great Huguenot theologian, de Beza, with nothing but the MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Bible as his text-book, completely swept away the Romish tradi tions and dogmas of the Cardinal. The Assembly drew up a docu- mant defining the position and rights of both parties, which was in the main satisfactory to all but the Lorraines and the Sorbonne, which branded it as in the highest degree heretical. Thus termi nated the famous council October 9, 1561. The Huguenots strenuously insisted on civil and political rights. The Queen Regent, desiring information concerning their strength, the Count de Coligny furnished her a list of two thousand one hun dred and fifty churches that petitioned for religious toleration. In January, 1562, the Assembly of Notables issued regulations which, in a very narrow measure, granted toleration. The discontent of the Reformed was somewhat quieted by a request of the Queen Regent for loyal submission. The Guises now sought to counteract the advantages of the Protestants by isolating their nobles from the cause. Antoine de Bourbon, the King of Navarre, was the first to fall in the snare by flattery and the insidious allurements of prom ised power and greatness. Despite the entreaties of Calvin and Beza, and his noble wife, Jeanne de Albret, who was the only daughter of Margaret de Valois, Navarre renounced the Protestant faith. It is a sad chapter in the history of this noble woman that, upon her remaining firm, she was forced to leave her home and children and retire to her estates in Bearne. Notwithstanding the attempt of the Pope to bring her before the Inquisition she remained faithful to the Protestant cause. Calamities Multiply. The defection of the King of Navarre brought immediate ca lamity to the Huguenot party. The Duke de Coligny and his brothers left the court but remained firm in the faith. The Guises now having a free field sent a troop to Vassy and made a descent upon a Huguenot assembly numbering about twelve hundred, who were engaged in worship, a great number of whom were massacred in the most horrible manner. Great was the indignation caused by this unprovoked butchery and led to a protest to the Queen Regent against the assumption of power by the House of Lorraine. Some time later, at a meeting of the notables, the King of Na varre in a manner justified the attack on Vassey, when Theodore de Beza, who was present, replied in these words, which have be come historic : ''Sir, it certainly becomes the Church of God, in whose cause I speak, to endure blows, and not strike them; but may it please your Majesty also to remember that it is an anvil, which has worn out many a hammer." MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Civil War. The aggressions of the Guises at once plunged the country into civil war. The Huguenots were led by the Prince of Conde and the Duke de Coligny. The Papists were led by the King of Navarre and the Duke of Guise. Both armies were swelled by thousands of re cruits from foreign lands. The Huguenots were assisted by the Protestant States of Germany, the Catholics by heavy bodies of troops from Spain. The war raged with indifferent success to both sides, and resulted in terrible loss. The Papist leader, the Duke of Guise, and also Marshal de St. Andre, were slain. The Prince of Conde, the Huguenot leader, who was virtually a prisoner, concluded at Ambois, March 19, 1563, a treaty of peace with the Queen Regent, Catharine de Medici. This treaty was far less advantageous to the Protestants than the edict of January, 1562, and did not meet the approval of Coligny. By its very elements it lacked the conditions of permanent peace. The Queen Regent, Catharine de Medici, at the instigation of Papal emissaries, renewed her intrigues against the Protestant nobles, and on August 4, 1564, she gave an interpreta tion to the edict of Ambois wholly detrimental to Protestant rights. To strengthen her position she imported six thousand Swiss merce naries, which was rightly taken by the Huguenots as a renewal of hostilities, and they at once flew to arms, under the leadership of the Prince of Conde and the Dulce de Coligny. On November 10, 1 567, an indecisive battle was fought near Paris, in which Montmo rency, one of the Triumvirate, was killed. The success of the Hu guenots induced Catharine de Medici to sue for peace, on condition that the edict of pacification should be permanently established. To this the Prince of Conde, on behalf of the Protestants, assented, and the treaty of Longjumeau was signed March 20, 1568. Protestant Faith Betrayed. Never was a solemn treaty more shamefully violated. Scarcely had the Protestants laid down their arms when the priests, doubt less instigated by the higher authorities, inflamed their people against the defenseless Huguenots and the most frightful atrocities were committed. In three months upward of 10,000 were put to death, many in the most horrible manner. The Protestant leaders the Prince of Conde and the Dukes de Coligny and de Andelot, fled to their stronghold, La Rochelle, where Jeanne d' Albret, Queen of Navarre, and sister to the Prince of Conde, joined them with 4000 men. No decisive action took place until March 16, 1569, when the two armies met at Jarnac, resulting in disaster to the Huguenots. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The noble and pious Prince of Conde, being severely wounded, surrendered himself, after which he was cruelly assassinated and his body dragged about on an ass. Coligny now took the chief command of the Huguenot forces. After gaining a few minor advantages he was overwhelmingly de feated October 3, 1569, at Moncontour, where he lost two-thirds of his army and was himself dreadfully wounded. The faith and courage of the great Duke never shone with greater lustre than amid this crushing misfortune. In a short time he had gathered another army, gained important advantages and marched in triumph towards Paris. This speedily brought Queen Catharine to terms and a treaty of peace, more favorable than any previous, was signed August 8, 1570, at St. Germain-en-Laye. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. The Massacre of St. Bartholomew constitutes one of the darkest blots on the fair history of France. The only redeeming feature is the fact that most of the instigators were not Frenchmen, but foreigners, who, hissed on by the Papal powers, succeeded in causing their deluded and subservient subjects to strike this diaboli cal blow. The Protestant leaders had again been deceived when, on August 8, 1570, a supposed honorable peace was concluded. The verdict of history is that the Papacy never surrenders to a dis senter the right of conscience, hence what cannot be done by force must be done by intrigue and assassination. Charles IX. and his mother, Catharine, with the House of Guise, now feigned the greatest friendship for the Protestant no bles. Jeanne d'Albert, the Queen of Navarre, upon the most pressing invitations, was induced, in the month of May, 1572, to pay court to the reigning house. While partaking of their sup posed hospitality she fell sick and in five days died, June 9, of poison. The Duke de Coligny, who had in 1571 taken his place in the Court of the King as one of his most influential advisers, was shot on August 22, 1572, by a page of the Duke of Guise. This assault was rightly interpreted by the Huguenots as a fresh attack upon them. Numbers of the Protestant leaders hastened to the quarters of the Duke, who, although severely wounded, was still able to con verse. The fateful hour at last came, and on Sunday morning, August 24, the signal was given by the tolling of the great bell, and the slaughter began. The Duke de Coligny was stabbed to death by a servant of the Duke of Guise, for which he was rewarded by the MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Cardinal of Lorraine. The Protestant Princes, Henry de Navarre and the Prince of Conde, to save their lives professed Catholicism. The massacre of St. Bartholomew was the most horrible tragedy of the Reformation period, and we may well say, with an illustrious statesman, ' ' Let it be erased from the memory of man. " The num ber of the slaughtered Huguenots has been variously estimated, but the best authorities agree in placing the aggregate at many thou sands. The news of the massacre was received at Rome with great joy, and the Pope had a medallion struck in commemoration of the event, while the Protestants all over the world were steeped in mourning. The Papists, however, utterly failed to stamp out the Protestant faith. " Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, Th' eternal years of God are hers." A number of Protestant cities made a stout resistance, especially La Rochelle. After the death of Coligny the leadership passed to Francis de Lanau. Many of the influential Protestants fled to La Rochelle, where a successful defense was maintained under de Lanau. The horrible outrages of 1572 had so shocked the world that a strong revulsion of feeling set in in favor of toleration. France itself felt the reaction of sentiment so strongly that a new edict was issued August 11, 1573, permitting Protestant wor ship in La Rochelle, Nismes and Montauban. Death of Charles IX. Charles IX. died May 30, 1574, bitterly bewailing the part he bore in the terrible massacre. He was succeeded by his brother, Henry III., who, instead of heeding the good counsel of his contem porary sovereigns to use moderation in his dealings with his Prot estant subjects, rather heeded the solicitations of his fanatical mother, Catharine, and the foreign Papists by whom she was controlled. The result was a civil war against the ultra Catholics on the one hand, and the Huguenots and Liberals on the other. After varying successes by both parties, a treaty of peace was concluded at Chas- tenoy May 6, 1576, which professed to guarantee enlarged privileges to the Huguenots. The stipulations, however, were soon discovered by the Protestants to be invalid, and they resumed the war. In this struggle they were left to themselves by the Liberals, and the leaders ot the Huguenots concluded hostilities by the Peace of Ber- gerac. On October 8, 1577, was issued the edict of Poitiers, which pretended to grant certain privileges to the Huguenots. On Feb ruary 28, 1579, was issued the explanatory edict of Nerac. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. A considerable number of the nobility still remained faithful to the Protestant cause and consequently a new order of warfare was instituted by the Papists, namely, to corrupt by flattery and prom ises of preferment the leaders of the Huguenots. These tactics succeeded to a melancholy degree, and from henceforth the nobil ity bore a very inconspicuous part in the religious conflicts. Hav ing won over many of the nobility the rights of the Protestants were more and more restricted. The League of the Holy Union. "The League of the Holy Union," of which Philip of Spain was the General, having as its object the extirpation of Protestan- ism throughout the world, made inroads in France. The Duke of Guise, a leading factor of this league, brought such influence to bear upon Henry III. that he, by the treaty of Nemours in 1585, de prived the Huguenots not only of the right of worship but also of the liberty of conscience. Orders were given to all ministers to leave the kingdom within a month, and all the laity to abjure their faith or emigrate within six months under penalty of confiscation of property. This wanton violation of sacred guarantees was the signal for war. The Prince of Conde again espoused the cause of the Huguen ots and succeeded in collecting a considerable army. No serious conflict occurred until October 20, 1587, when the two armies met at Contras. The Huguenots, before going into battle, bowed in prayer and chanted the 1 18th Psalm. The result was the complete rout of Henry III. and the loss of one-half of his army. Henry had been very unpopular with the Duke of Guise, who was now at the head of the League and a willing tool of the Pope and foreign party. His defeat therefore precipitated a crisis that had been pending for years. The Duke of Guise, supported by the League, was borne in triumph to Paris and made demonstrations for the throne. His triumph was brief, as he was assassinated, by order of Henry, on December 23, 1588. This act naturally widened the breach between the League and the King, and he was compelled to resort to arms in order to maintain his throne. In his extremity he sought the support of his late opponents, the Huguenots. The King of Navarre, as their head, held a conference with the Sover eign April 30, 1589, at which time a basis of operations against the League was agreed upon. The combined forces were very success ful and repulsed the Leaguers at every point and finally invested Paris. Scarcely had they achieved this triumph when Henry died at the hands of an assassin, August 2, 1589. The murderer, Jacques 10 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Clement, was eulogized by the Romanists for«this bloody deed, and commended by Pope Sextus "as an act comparable for the salva tion of the world with the resurrection of Christ." The Protestant House of Navarre now succeeded the Catholic House of Valois to the throne of France, and Henry of Navarre, the Huguenot leader, took his place on the throne of France as Henry IV. The path of Navarre was beset with difficulties, the most pow erful dignitaries of his realm as well as the majority of his subjects were Catholics, and bitterly hated his religion, while on the other hand many of his chief supporters and advisers were Protestants, among whom was the talented and pious Duke of Mornay, who may well rank with such noble Huguenot spirits as the Duke de Coligny and the Prince of Conde. The Protestants, headed by Mornay, brought pressure to bear on the King to mitigate their religious con dition, and accordingly, in July, 1591, an edict of toleration was issued, which restored to them the privileges of 1577, but this was still far from religious liberty. While the Protestant cause in France had now every reasona ble prospect of triumph, it was doomed to disappointment through the instability and duplicity of Henry. For several years Mornay was able to keep him nominally in line with the Protestants. CHAPTER II. Extending From the Promulgation of the Edict of Nantes, in 1598, to its Revocation in 1685. " Ours is the seed-time ; God alone Beholds the end of what is sown ; Beyond our vision, weak and dim, The harvest time is hid with Him." — Whittier. , /JlTHOUGH the abjuration by Henry IV. of Protestantism r~| and its toleration at the same time created considerable QJ dissatisfaction, yet by a combination of circumstances the Huguenots at last reached the highest point of religious freedom they ever enjoyed until the complete triumph of the cause in the eighteenth century. The country was beset with perils. Spanish forces were at his doors. Henry must do something to rally once more his brave Huguenot generals to his side. By according some measure of protection he hoped to quiet his subjects of the Re formed faith. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 11 The Edict of Nantes. Accordingly, in the month of April, 1598, he promulgated the famous Edict of Nantes, which was irrevocable in its character. Although it granted but limited toleration, it nevertheless put an end to the terrible wars which had already cost France over a mil lion of her subjects, reduced many of her towns to ashes, ruined her industries, and brought her to the verge of destruction. The contest between the Reformed and Catholic faith was now removed from the field of battle to the arena of theological dis cussion. Public debates between the champions on both sides were common and the country was flooded with controversial literature. One by one the House of Navarre fell into the snares of Popery. Catharine de Navarre, the King's sister, alone remained faithful to the religion of her mother, the noble Jeanne d'Albret. She died in 1604, the last Protestant Bourbon. After the promulgation of the edict the National Synod of the Reformed Church met regularly. Seven hundred and sixty churches were reported, some of which had thousands of members. Gen eral tranquility prevailed until May 14, 1610, when a sad event took place which was a great disaster to France but more especially to the Protestants. This was the assassination of the King by a Jesuit because of his defiance of the Pope and toleration of Protes tants. The death of Henry was the signal for new troubles for the Huguenots. The Queen Regent, Mary de Medici, and the new King, Louis XIII., who was then but eight years old, were wholly under the influence of Papal intriguers. A collision between the Protestant nobles, headed by the Duke de Rohan and the King, was narrowly averted in 161 5. This was the first dark cloud that pre saged the reopening of the religious wars. The Principality of Navarre, which was annexed to France upon the accession of Henry IV., was almost wholly Protestant. Yet in this Province all church properties which, since 1569, had been appropriated for religious purposes by the Protestants, were ordered to be restored to the "Church." This, of course, meant confiscation by the government of all places of worship of the Huguenots. The non-compliance with these orders induced the King to lead an army thither in 1620. Pillage and robbery by the soldiery became rampant and a veritable reign of terror prevailed. The Last Civil War. These outrages naturally aroused all the Protestants of France. Their rights, guaranteed by the edict of Nantes, were more and 12 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. more infringed and the limit of endurance was reached. They called a political assembly to meet in December, 1620, at La Ro chelle. The Huguenot nobility, however, were not so ready as formerly to appeal to arms for their religious convictions. The Duke de Bouillon remained neutral ; Marshal de Lesdiguieres, the Dukes de la Tremoille and the Marquis de Chatillon — the latter a grandson of the great Coligny — the Marquis de la Force, the Duke de Sully and Mornay were either vacillating or undecided. But two distinguished noblemen, the Duke de Rohan and his brother, the Duke de Soubise, sons of Sully, were ready to draw sword in de fense of Protestanism. Armed resistance was agreed on May 10, 1621. The first triumph of Lonis XIII. was his obtaining possession of the town and stronghold of Saumur, held by Mornay. This he accomplished by false promises. The aged Mornay, who had so long and valiantly battled for religious freedom, refused all offers of preferment and bribes to forsake his religion, but repaired to his castle, where he died in 1623. He was one of the noblest of the political leaders of the Huguenots and a worthy compeer of Calvin and the great Coligny. The progress of the King was unsuccess fully resisted until Montauban was reached. This great Protestant stronghold was held by the Marquis de la Force, with the Duke de Rohan as support. After a siege of two months and a-half the King withdrew. The war was, however, resumed the following year with terrible fury. The Papists perpetrated many horrible outrages, especially in the vicinity of Montauban, where many Hu guenots were put to the sword in cold blood. De la Force, to save himself, made an inglorious treaty with the King. Montpellier, however, under the Duke de Rohan, held out, and the King was glad to conclude a treaty of peace in October in which the Edict of Nantes was confirmed. This, however, did not end the trouble. The reader should understand that in France, above all other countries, the Reformed were a political as well as an ecclesiastical power. The Papists of the Reformation period held that only one religion could be true, and that, of course, was their own, and that it was the duty of the State to suppress all innovations against the established religion, not only as an ecclesiastical but also as a civil necessity. From this standpoint it is apparent that all edicts of toleration to the Protestants were mere subterfuges and temporary makeshifts, and as soon as opportunity afforded the conflict was again renewed.' To break up the political power of the Protestants and at the same time begin a systematic extirpation of the "Pretended Re- MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 13 formed Religion," as it was officially termed, was determined on by Cardinal Richelieu, who was the virtual power behind the throne of France. The first step to this end was to capture La Rochelle, a city of great commercial importance and the stronghold of Protestanism. The Huguenot merchants of La Rochelle were the most enterprising in the Kingdom, and by their maritime interests were connected with the commercial centers of the world. The city had for cen turies been a semi-independent municipality, and during the relig ious wars had successfully resisted every attack. The siege of La Rochelle began in 1627 and continued for more than a year. A relief expedition from England failed to render the needed assist ance and the Huguenots were left to their fate. Finally, after two- thirds of its inhabitants had perished, the city capitulated October 28, 1628. This was virtually the downfall of the Huguenots as a political power. In vain did the Duke de Rohan attempt to rally the Protestants to a continuance of the struggle. Calamities multi plied ; at Privas the Huguenot garrison, eight hundred in number, were put to the sword under the most atrocious circumstances. In July, 1629, the King issued an edict of pardon which, in effect, was an abridgement of the Edict of Nantes. On August 21 Montauban, the last Huguenot stronghold, surrendered, and the struggle of the French Protestants to maintain their guaranteed rights by force of arms was at an end. The gallant Duke de Ro han, the last great Huguenot military leader, laid down his arms. Dispirited and almost heart-broken, he forsook his native country and died in the service of a foreign land. Although attempts were made in later years by enemies of the Sovereign to incite them to armed resistance, they never again, as a body, took up arms to as sert their rights. The political power of the Huguenots being broken up the pro cess of corrupting the ecclesiastical heads of the church by the Papists was next attempted but without success. The greatest dif ficulties were thrown in the way of holding the National Synods, consequently but three were held between 1631 and 1645. In 1652 was issued a proclamation which re-established the Huguenots in their rights under the edicts, of which they had been deprived, and from this period until 1656 they enjoyed compara tive tranquility. The rest, however, was brief, as in this year a new crusade was instituted against them, and which did not cease but grew in fanatical virulence under the direction of Papal agents until it culminated in the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. 14 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. _ In 1656, at a convocation of Catholic clergy, there was made a violent attack on the growing influence of the Protestants. Many evils were laid at their doors, and even treasonable designs were imputed to them. This charge was of course made to incense King Louis XIV. against them. As an immediate consequence many of their privileges were abridged, and when, in 1658, the Provincial Synods sent ten deputies to Paris to lay their wrongs before the King, he compelled them to wait four months before granting them an audience and then curtly dismissed them with an indefinite promise. The Last National Synod. On November 10, 1659, was convoked the National Synod, which had been permitted by the Prime Minister Mazarin only after the most persistent entreaty. At the opening of the Assembly the Commissioner of the King announced that His Majesty would not tolerate any cojnplaints, which consequently made any petition or representation to the Sovereign of violated rights impossible. It was also intimated that the National Synod would not be permitted to meet hereafter, and when they adjourned on January 10, 1660, the ecclesiastical organization of the Reformed Church of France was virtually destroyed after an existence of about one hundred years. Although the Prime Minister Mazarin was no friend of the Huguenots, yet his moderation kept the hatred of Louis IV. against them in check, so that his death in 1661 may be regarded as a mis fortune to the cause of the Reformation. The general course of events from this time on was more and more disastrous to the Huguenots ; the Jesuits were everywhere and all the time busy, and with tireless energy worked for the complete eradication of the " Pretended Reformed Religion." Many places of worship were now interdicted, charitable institutions were con fiscated and churches destroyed under the most frivolous pretexts and the sufferers were denied all legal remedies against their op pressors and despoilers. Thus was the way gradually paved for the final revocation. Infractions of the edicts were made under the guise of ordinances which invaded the most sacred rights of the Protestants — even the privacy of the home was no longer respected. In May, 1665, was passed the ordinance authorizing the priests, in company with an officer, to appear before the sick and induce them to abjure heresy and die in the faith of the church. In Oc tober of the same year a decree was issued that male children at the age of fourteen and females at the age of twelve were capable of embracing Catholicism. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 15 The force of this decree may well be imagined when the sus ceptibility of youth is considered and the nature of the inducements that were held out for their abjuration. Protestant burials were made permissible only at daybreak, and funeral corteges exceeding ten persons were prohibited except in a few cities. They were not allowed to marry except at set times and nuptial assemblies were limited to twelve persons. Poor churches were prohibited from re ceiving aid. Ministers were prohibited from receiving titles, etc. In 1666 a new set of regulations comprising fifty-nine articles was issued, the provisions of which so invaded all the rights of humanity that they evoked a remonstrance from several Protestant Sover eigns in whose continued friendship Louis XIV. was interested. This had some effect, and in 1669 several of the most inhuman ar ticles were revoked and others were modified. The Regulations of 1666 was the occasion of the first emigra tion of the Huguenots, and in a short time thousands of the better class had sought refuge in foreign lands. In 1669 Marshal Turenne, one of the former military leaders of the Huguenots, ab jured the Reformed faith and became a confidential agent of the King to bring the Protestants back into the Catholic fold, promis ing that the gross abuses of the church should be corrected. Many of the Protestant nobles yielded, but the clergy, whose piety and devotion to principles was of a higher type and uninfluenced by po litical motives, remained firm. Louis XIV. , whose immoralities had greatly scandalized his court, professed in 1676 to have reformed, and in order to signalize his devotion to the church undertook anew the complete extirpa tion of heresy in his Kingdom. This was the beginning of the end of the horrible tragedy under the guise of the Christian religion. A well regulated system of ' ' Conversion" was established under Pellison, who had formerly been a Huguenot but was now a most bigoted Catholic. This system provided for bribing the conscien ces of the Protestants with money and other rewards ; the procur ers were also rewarded according to the rank and importance of the converts. Records were kept of the so-called " converts." As may be supposed, thousands of the weak and ignorant gave way to this new crusade. In this diabolical business great frauds were perpe trated against the government by the procurers, causing the most outrageous scandals. After the peace of Nimegue in 1679 Louis reached the climax of his power. It was apparent that he was now fully bent on making short work of his intractable Protestant subjects. Accord ingly all his courtiers and subordinates vied with each other in an- 16 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. ticipating the designs of the King. Among these was Madame de Maintenon, with whom the King contracted a secret marriage. Her grandfather, Agrippa d'Aubigne, was one of the great Huguenot leaders in the days of their strength. The most shocking atrocities were committed. The Dragonades. Among the means of extirpation was the introduction of the Dragonades. This consisted of quartering the soldiery upon the Huguenots and they were compelled to support them. The Dragonades were considered the most dreadful infliction that could be imposed. The privacy of the home was broken up, all valu ables were taken, defenseless women ravished and all manner of horrors perpetrated by the brutal soldiery. Any remonstrance on the part of the Huguenots was regarded as resistance against the authorities and was met by the most inhuman punishment, and even death. Such were the Dragonades ! The Protestant courts of Europe again protested against this inhumanity, but their protestation were met by the King's declara tion that the Edict of Nantes was duly observed and that only law lessness was punished. More and more dreadful became the regu lations of suppression. All Huguenots were debarred from holding any public office ; they were virtually stripped of all civil rights. Even Protestant midwives were prohibited. The new regulations on marriage created scandalous situations for Protestants — in fact thousands awoke to the fact that they were not legally married. Children at the age of seven years were given the right of abjuration which resulted in wholesale transfers to Catholic charges and guardians, while their Protestant parents were compelled to support them. All converts to Catholicism were given exemption from taxes and military services for a certain time ; three years' grace for the payment of debts was granted them. Benefi ciary funds for schools and church purposes were seized, property was confiscated under color of law, no new Protestant converts were allowed to connect themselves with churches. The privileges of worship were so narrowed down that it was almost impossible to have public services at all, while the pastors were not allowed to make mention of any of these hardships imposed upon them. Protestant Churches Destroyed. One by one the great Protestant churches were demolished ; in many cases the wretched Huguenots were compelled to perform the work of demolition themselves at the point of the bayonet. j •'^BKm ¦%. V-Wir.^-''' Wm A HUGUENOT BIBLE. FOR CENTURIES IN THE PECHIN FAMILY, AND NOW IN THE POSSESSION OF MISS LILLA PECHIN OF PHILA. P. 57. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 17 The situation was now terrible ; thousands sought relief by flight which the authorities sought to prevent, but in vain. All Protest ant Europe was aroused in behalf of the sufferers. By official proclamation England, Holland, Switzerland and Denmark offered asylum to the refugees. Many of the nobles and literary men who had escaped to foreign lands exerted a powerful influence in their adopted countries in behalf of their oppressed countrymen. Great pressure was brought to bear on the King to modify his harsh measures but in vain. Petitions were ignored and eminent depu ties were turned away. The heart of the grandson of Henry of Navarre, the Promulgator of the Edict of Nantes, was rendered callous by the corruption of his court and the influence of a fanati cal priestcraft. CHAPTER III. Extending From the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685, to the Edict of Toleration, 1787. " Hope looks beyond the bounds of time When what we now deplore, Shall rise in full immortal prime And bloom to fade no more." ^T HE time for the revocation of the great charter of religious * I liberty in France was now ripe and Louis XIV. was ready to perpetrate an act that should forever blight his memory and place an ineffaceable blot on the history of France. His cruel blow, aimed at a class of his own subjects for no other reasons than that they differed from him in their views and practice of Christianity, simply rebounded upon himself. Illustrious France failed to inter pret the signs of the times and turned away from the light of her own bright star of destiny ! The pall of night settled down upon her. Her expatriated sons enriched the literature, built up the commerce and brought prosperity to other lands, and by the true nobility of the Huguenot character and its influence upon the na tions in which they found asylum they illustrated to coming genera tions what France might have been had she listened to the voice of reason instead of a corrupted and bigoted priestcraft. 18 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The Revocation. On October 18, 1685, the King signed the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes for the reason, as he says in the preamble, that his subjects of the " Pretended Protestant Religion" had in the main returned to the Catholic fold and hence there was no occasion for its statutory existence. The world stood aghast at the stupendous falsehood. By the terms of the Revocation it became unlawful to exercise in the Protestant religion. Pastors were ordered to leave the country in fifteen days. Parents could no longer instruct their children in the Reformed faith, but were compelled, under heavy penalty, to have them baptized and instructed by the priests. They were forbidden to emigrate, and those who had done so must re turn in four months or suffer the confiscation of their property. A cry of agony went up from every Huguenot home of France and resounded throughout the world. The Revocation had the imme diate effect of alienating the Protestant powers from France, while at home it sowed the seeds of infidelity and anarchy that culmi nated in the terrible French Revolution a century later. Flight of the Huguenots. Notwithstanding the most strenuous efforts to prevent it there was a stampede of the Protestants to leave the Kingdom. The most unheard of and astonishing methods of disguise in order to escape were resorted to. The knowledge of secret pathways to the borders and the best methods of eluding the vigilance of the guards was communicated from one to another in a marvelous manner. Proclamations were issued by nearly all Protestant Sovereigns wel coming the fleeing Huguenots to their realms. They comprised all classes of people. Conservative estimates places the number of refugees at half a million while other writers make the number a million. The latter estimate is also supposed to cover previous emi grations ; among this number is included about fifteen thousand of the nobility. From twelve to thirteen hundred refugees were seen to pass Geneva in Switzerland in a week. Many thousands lost their lives by exposure or violence in their attempts to escape. The de tails of their sufferings are so sickening that we will spare the reader a recital of the same. Thousands of the refugees entered the military service of other lands. England alone organized eleven regiments of Huguenot soldiers and one brigade under the Count de Shamburg, fought under the Prince of Orange at the battle of the Boyne in Ireland in 1690. French Protestant congregations were formed in very many MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 19 places. London alone had twenty-two societies (i). Some colo nies drifted to the uttermost parts of the earth. The Huguenot colony at Cape Town, South Africa, is a notable example. The Revocation, however, did not crush Protestantism in France. Louis XIV. was self-deceived. The horrible atrocities committed against the best citizens of the realm led to a revulsion of feeling among the most intelligent classes. Nearly a million of French remained at heart Protestants. Thousands had gone through a mere formulary of abjuration, which was " official" and which the " convert" did not consider binding upon his conscience. The fury of persecution having somewhat spent itself many pastors returned to the remnants of their flocks in a few years and services were secretly held in many places. The King was not insensible of the shadow that fell upon his name by the Revocation and became somewhat indifferent to the war of extirpation. Sometimes, however, when importuned by the highest ecclesiastical councils, his old-time hatred against the Pro testants asserted itself in new orders and regulations which resulted in the suppression of reviving churches, the execution of prominent leaders, and the condemnation for life to the galleys of many oth ers. This vacillating policy continued until his death in 1715. Among the elements that ameliorated the situation of the Protestants was the disastrous effect of the Revocation on the ma terial prosperity of the country. The Bishops of Grenoble and St. Pons, in episcopal letters, discouraged forced conversions as against the principles of the holy religion. The leading statesmen in memorials regretted the loss of so many skilled artisans. The min ister of marine complained that the persecutions had robbed the navy of thousands of its best sailors. The poet Racine in 1689 dared to express sentiments against religious intolerance, and Fene- lon, one of the greatest and noblest of Catholic ministers, sent a strong plea to the King for toleration. The Church of the Desert. The severities of the persecutions relaxing somewhat in the course of years, the Huguenots, bleeding and despoiled, began again to assemble themselves. True, the old church organization was destroyed, their pastors were driven away and all religious exercises declared unlawful, still the true spirit of vital Christianity survived rt Manv of the Huguenot refugees to England, and their descendants, have been an honor to the land of their adoption. Among the many we may mention /Wwho founded the first public library and literary newspaper in Dublin, Ire land General Thelluson, who was ennobled for distinguished services m the Peninsular War, and Generals Ligonier, Prevost, de Beaguiere and Boquet, all of 20 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUETSfOTS, ___„ all calamities. The people began to gather in secret places and or ganized themselves into small societies. Pastors they had none, but pious laymen conducted the services and sought to give religious instruction and impart encouragement and consolation. Such was the beginning of the "Church of the Desert," which represents a distinct phase of French Protestantism. The chief instrument in this revival was Antoine Court, born of humble parentage in 1696. He at the age of seventeen began to take the lead of assemblies in the " Desert." The movement grew stronger from day to day, and the small societies, meeting in secret, became quite numerous. On August 21, 1715, was convened the first Synod after the Revocation at Cevennes, after which they were held for years in secret places, the participants using every precaution to prevent detection by the authorities. Gradually Protestantism arose from the ashes of her seeming ruin like the fabled Phoenix of old and attracted public attention. On May 14, 1724, was issued a new code of oppression exceedingly severe, but only to elicit declarations of disapproval from many dis tinguished officials of both Church and State. The public con science was fully aroused and many leading men felt that the coun try had been sufficiently disgraced in the eyes of the world, and thus the decrees of 1724, after several displays of their brutality, suc cumbed to popular disfavor. There were, nevertheless, many local outbursts of persecution, and in some localities the atrocities con tinued until the publication of the Edict of Toleration in 1787. The most serious of these persecutions was in the Province of Langue doc, beginning in 1754 under the instigation of Cardinal Richelieu, and was of great severity. Among the pastors of the revived church who suffered martyr dom were the following : At Montpelier Pierre Durand, a coworker with Antoine Court in 1732 ; Disubas, 174.6; Jacques Roger, 1745 ; Francois Benezet, 1752 ; Etienne Lafarge, 1754 ; also Louis Ranc at Die in 1745. These were all prominent and their loss was a ter rible blow to the struggling Huguenots. No Protestant leader after the Revocation wielded a greater influence than Paul RibauJ. He was born near Montpelier in 171 8, and was one of the few who, having endured the hardships and perils as a pastor "in the Desert," whom shed lustre on the British arms. Le Fever, speaker of the House of Com mons, who was elevated to the peerage as Lord Eversly, Roumilly, the great bar rister, was likewise honored. Saurin, the great jurist and Attorney General of Ireland, Majendie, Bishop of Chester, Labouchere, the publicist and member of the British Cabinet, and who was also ennobled, Layard, the scholar, diplomat and excavator of ancient Nineveh, and Punshon, the eloquent divine, are all dis tinguished names in English history. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 21 survived to see his countrymen in the enjoyment of religious free dom. He was educated at the Huguenot Seminary at Lausanne under the tutelage of Antoine Court, and in 1743 began his ministry at Nismes, and continued to labor incessantly in that capacity as a minister, writer and organizer for the Protestants until his death by violence in the civil disturbances of 1795. Although under sen tence of death he managed to perform his arduous duties, living for many years in caves and huts in desolate places known only to his faithful people. It should be here remarked that nearly all the ministers of the "Desert" bore assumed names for prudential rea sons. During his long career Ribaut bore a number of assumed names which disguised his identity in the eyes of the law. He was on intimate terms with the Protestant leaders in foreign lands, and even with high officials of his own country who favored toleration. The Synod Re=established. In August, 1744, was convened the first National Synod of the re-established church. It met in an obscure place in Lower Lan guedoc so as not to attract attention. Michel Viala was its presi dent. By scrupulously avoiding all publicity, and especially open conflicts with the civil authorities, they safely rounded the rocks on which so many had grounded before them. From 1755 it was comparatively easy to ransom the Protestant galley slaves ; foreign dignitaries secured the release of many persons of rank, while for eign money assisted in the release of the poorer classes. In 1762 Francis Rochette, a Huguenot pastor, suffered mar tyrdom in Toulouse, having been apprehended as a robber while on a journey. In the courts he easily cleared himself of the charge but was immediately remanded by his enemies for heresy. Public sentiment was much divided. The old laws were still on the stat ute books, according to which he would fall under the severest pen alty known to the courts. It seems that the officials purposely of fered him opportunities of escape but for some unaccountable reason he failed to improve them and accordingly suffered. Amid the excitement three brothers named Grenier, of noble rank, hastened to the scene, armed to the teeth, in the expectation that a massacre would occur. To go armed was a fatal mistake. The laws were against them and they were accordingly condemned and executed February 19, 1762. On March 9 following Jean Calas, a father of 69 years of age, was broken on a wheel in a most horrible manner. Thus Toulouse, where blazed one of the first martyr fires in 1532, also witnessed the last legal execution in France for the sake of re ligion. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. These executions aroused the country against the power of the priests and the unjust severity of the laws. Three years later the Parliament, by a unanimous vote, annulled the decrees of the court against Calas. These last executions greatly inured to the advan tage of the Protestants by arousing a general sympathy. Although the barbarous laws against the Huguenots were still in force yet so strong had the spirit of toleration grown that they were almost a dead letter. In 1763 we see the Protestants supporting a representative in close relation to the Government. This responsible trust was re posed in Court de Gebelin, a son of Antoine Court, who as a civil ian became a pillar in the Protestant cause. The Edict of Toleration, We cannot follow the rapidly increasing agencies that led to the final victory of religious freedom in France. The spirit of lib erty was, so to speak, ' ' in the air" as a reaction against the spirit of intolerance. Many able Catholic statesmen by pen and voice advocated toleration and the undoing of the terrible wrongs com mitted. The Catholic clergy were equally active in their efforts to prevent this but in vain. Perhaps the strongest individual agent in effecting the Act of Toleration was the Marquis de Lafayette (our own Lafayette of the American Revolution). In the National Assembly of Notables in 1787 he proposed a scheme for toleration and reform in the civic laws with special reference to religious delinquents. The proposi tions were favorably considered by the King, and in November, 1787, Louis XVI, signed and promulgated the Edict of Toleration. In 1789 the Constituent Assembly broke down the few remainfng barriers by publishing a Declaration of Rights. Art. XI. declared all citizens equal before the law, which made Protestants eligible to all offices. Art. XVIII. guaranteed liberty of conscience in religion. The complete emancipation of the Huguenots may be inferred by the fact that in March, 1790, Rabaut, Saint Etienne, the son of the fugitive pastor of the Desert, was appointed President of the Con stituent Assembly, one of the highest offices in the realm. It is sad to chronicle that this great man died on the scaffold in 1793 during the dreadful political upheavels of the French nation at that period. His aged father, of whom prominent mention has been made, died in 1796. Another son, Rabaut Dupuy, also became an eminent statesman and presided over the Constituent Assembly in 1802, and by his integrity and broad-minded statesmanship shed lustre upon his Huguenot antecedents. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 23 Here we close our brief recital of the struggles of the Huguenots of France for religious freedom ; a struggle which lasted longer and raged with greater severity than any other in Europe, and was fraught with greater consequences to human progress and civiliza tion than perhaps any other movement of modern times. Distinguished Clergymen and Literary Institutions of the Huguenots. As has already been shown, the first great leading spirit of the French Reformation was John Calvin, who directed the work from Geneva, Switzerland. It is questionable whether any other modern writer has left a more profound impression on theology than Calvin (B. 1509, D. 1564). Next to Calvin Theodore de Beze wielded the greatest influence. For many years he personally shared the strug gles of his coreligionists in his native land. Born of noble parentage at Vezelai, 15 19, died 1605. Then also William Farrell, a most able coadjutor of Calvin. In later times we note the following : Andre Rivet (1572-1651), a noted preacher, teacher and author who ended his days in Holland ; Edeme Aubertin (1595-1652), author of a great work on the Eucharist, who suffered martyrdom ; Benjamine Besnage (1 580-1652), a great preacher and author and grandfather of the famous Jacques Besnage ; David Blondel (1 595— 1655), the great historian ; Samuel Bochart (i599-i667),vpastor at Caen, and a profound historian whose works are of enduring merit ; Michael Le Faucheur (D. 1657), whose published sermons are still of literary value ; Jean Mestrezat (1 591-1657), pastor of Charen ton Temple, Paris, an able preacher, writer and disputant ; Charles Drelincourt (1 595-1689), also a pastor of Charenton Temple, whose great work, "Consolations Contre la Mort," passed through fifty editions and was translated into almost every European language ; Jean Dille(i $95-1670), colleague of Drelincourt and noted author ; Pierre Dubose (1623-1692), pastor at Caen, considered one of the greatest preachers of his times, who died in exile ; David Ancillon (161 7-1692), a great preacher and poet at Metz who fled to Berlin at the Revocation ; Jean Claude (B. 161 9, ), one of the last fam ous pastors of Charenton Temple ; Matthieu de Larogue (1619 1684); Pierre Jurieu (1637— 1713), a most eminent author and controversialist, whose work made a deep impression throughout Europe; Pierre Alix (1641-1717), the last pastor of Charenton Temple, who fled to Lcndon at the Revocation where he won great distinction, being honored with degrees from Oxford and Cam bridge Universities. Jean La Placette (1639-1718), "the Nicole of the Huguenots," fled to Copenhagen at the Revocation where he was pastor of the refugees for thirty years. David Martin (1639-1731), the famous 24 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. commentator and lexicographer; Jacques Besnage (1653-1723), who became the head of the French church at The Hague after the Revocation. His services to Protestantism in Europe were very great. Jacques Abbadie (1654-1724), one of the greatest writers and apologists of the Huguenots, died an exile in Ireland. He was the author of several very valuable works. Elias Benoit (1640- 1728), was not only a great preacher but also an able historian. His ' ' History of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes" is the greatest authority on that subject. Jacques Saurin (1577— 1730), ranks as the greatest pulpit orator of the Huguenots. He was for many years pastor of a French church in London. His published sermons are still considered masterpieces. Jacques Lenfant (1661- 1728), and Isaac Beausobre (1659-1738), who linked their labors and fortunes in Berlin, were both pastors of refugee churches there. Their historical and biblical works were justly celebrated. Gladly would we give at least a reference to the noble and il lustrious Huguenots in other walks of life — the famous artisans who founded great industries in foreign cities, the men noted in litera ture, art and science ; the soldiers and sailors who brought glory and renown to the land of their adoption — but the limits of this work forbid further notices. By the terms of the Edict of Toleration the Huguenots were permitted to maintain a limited number of institutions of learning, several of which attained a considerable celebrity. The Academy of Montauban, founded in 1599, had in the height of its glory the celebrated Daniel Chamier, who assisted in drawing up the Edict of Nantes. In 1600 he conducted a famous discussion with the confessor of Henry IV. He was killed on the ramparts of Montauban while ministering to the troops in the siege of 1 62 1. Michael Berauet and A ntoine Grissoles, of the same in stitution, added lustre to the cause. This academy was ruined in 1 66 1 by the intrigues of the Jesuits, but was restored a century and a-half later (1808-10) bythe creation of a faculty of Protestant the ology by Napoleon. Samur was founded by the celebrated Mornay. Some of its great teachers were Jean Cameron (1 579-1625), and his famous disciples Moise Amyrault (1 596-1664), who enriched Protestant literature by producing nearly forty works. His colleague, Louis Cappel (1 585-1658), was one of the foremost Hebraists of the age. Josue de la Place (1596-165 5), and Elienne Gaussen (died 1675), were likewise noted professors in this academy. In the Academy at Sedan was Pierre Damoulin (1 568-1678), who in more than seventy years of public life, amid many perils and difficulties, gave to the world seventy-three theological and devo- HON. S. LESLIE MESTREZAT. P 132. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 25 tional works. Louis Leblanc de Beaulieu (161 5-1675), was also a teacher and writer of note connected with this school. The college at La Rochelle, founded in 1565 and endowed by Jeanne d' Albret and other members of the House of Navarre, was also justly celebrated, and its faculty were noted for their wide range of talent and excellent work. In addition to its fine college La Rochelle was also the seat of many great printing and pub lishing establishments where enormous quantities of Protestant lit erature were issued and scattered broadcast over Europe. The Academy of Nismes had the celebrated Samuel Petit (1 594-1643). All the Protestant institutions of learning having been destroyed at the Revocation it became necessary to establish a training school for the pastors of the " Desert." This was done by Antoine Court, the leader of the Church of the Desert. Owing to the dangers such an institution would be subject to in France it was established at Lausaune in Switzerland. 1731 Antoine Court took personal charge of the institution. Here were educated and trained nearly all the ministers of the Re-established Church, and it continued in this grand work until, as we have noticed, the auth orization by the Emperor Napoleon of a Protestant Faculty of The ology. CHAPTER IV. Huguenot Settlements in America. Coligny's Colonial Scheme ; Settlement at Rio de Janeiro ; Failure ; Port Royal ; La Carolina ; Disaster Follows ; Charleston ; On the Santee and Trent ; Virginia ; New Netherlands ; New England ; Rhode Island ; New France ; The Antilles. "Amidst the storm they sang, And the stars heard, and the sea — And the sounding aisles ofthe dim wood rang To the anthems of the free — The ocean eagle soared From his nest by the white waves' foam. And the rocking pines of the forest roared— This was their welcome home.'" O'f HERE is, perhaps, no people in Europe less disposed to emi- ? I grate than the French. They are naturally much attached to their country. No great masses of French are found in the United States as is the case with other European nationalities, and the greater number of those who are here have descended from 26 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Colonial ancestors. This fact illustrates the benefit of religious toleration to France at the present day. Her people, both Protest ant and Catholic alike, now delight to stay in their own sunny clime, while intolerance drove away, as we have seen, over a mil lion of her best people to swell the population and build up the in dustries of foreign and hostile countries. Even the remotest quarters of the earth were enriched by her expatriated children who fled thither in order to enjoy religious lib erty. As is well known the Huguenots, in connection with the Dutch, founded the settlement at the Cape of Good Hope and were an important factor in building up the States and commerce of South Africa. Duke de Coligny's Scheme. The great leader of the Huguenots, the Duke de Coligny, con ceived the idea of establishing colonies of his persecuted countrymen in America. In 1555 a settlement was made through his instru mentality in Brazil, near the present city of Rio de Janeiro. In the following year Pierre Richer and Guillaume Chartier were sent to minister to the colony and were the first Protestant preachers to cross the Atlantic ocean. Unfortunately in the course of a few years Villegagnon, the Governor of the Colony, renounced Protest anism, and by connivance with the home government proceeded to destroy the Protestant character of the colony by deporting the ministers and chief men. In 1 558 he caused the death by drowning of Pierre Bourdon, Jean du Bordel and Mathieu Verneuil, who were the first martyrs to the Protestant cause in the New World. Thus through the perfidy of its leader the first Huguenot col ony failed. Port Royal. Notwithstanding this failure the Duke de Coligny was not dis couraged but still resolved to carry out his cherished plans. In 1562 he sent out the second expedition under the supervision of Jean Ribaut, an experienced officer of the army and a staunch Protestant. On May 1 they entered the mouth of the St. John's river and took possession in the name of France. Continuing their course northward they settled Port Royal, in South Carolina. The first civil war between the Protestants and Catholics breaking out, Ribaut hastened home to join the forces of the Prince of Conde, and the small colony at Port Royal soon went to pieces. When the peace of Amboise closed the war Coligny sent another expedition in 1 564 which settled on a bluff on the St. John's river, and called the MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 27 place La Carolina. The Governor, Laudonniere, however man aged the colony very indifferently and it did not prosper. In 1565 Jean Ribaut appeared at the mouth of the river with seven vessels and nearly a thousand men, many of whom were of the nobility. The Spaniards, who claimed the country by right of discovery, also sent a fleet which arrived a few days later. Ribaut put to sea to engage the Spaniards but his vessels were wrecked off the coast. The Spaniards then sent an expedition to La Carolina and took it by surprise, putting to the sword nearly all the inhabitants. Meanwhile Ribaut gathered his shipwrecked party on the coast and marched to the relief of La Carolina only to find it in the pos session of the Spaniards upon his arrival. Ribaut agreed to terms of surrender under promise of quarter, but no sooner had he done so when the Spanish fell upon them and nearly all were massacred. Thus the hopes of Coligny were again doomed to disappointment. Charleston, S. C. Notwithstanding the disasters to the settlements under Ribaut and others, the project of establishing Huguenot colonies in Carolina was not abandoned. When the Carolinas were erected into an English Province over a hundred years later, Huguenot pioneers al ready appear among the colonists. Their number was so large in 1 68 1 that when the city of Charleston was laid out at that time they established the first church (1) and are generally credited with being the founders of the city. A large number of refugees arrived after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), One of the early pastors of the Huguenot Church in Carolina was Rev. Elie Prioleau (2) who had been a minister at Pons, in Saintonge, France. His church being destroyed and congregation scattered at the revo cation he fled to England, and later came to Charleston where he died on his estate in 1690. A considerable number of Rev. Prioleau's former parishioners eventually made their way to America and found repose under the fostering care of a Protestant government. Reader, let us here pause a moment and reflect. What a tragic story, rivalling the dreams of fiction, clusters around the Huguenot congregation of Charleston, S. C. ! Heartless dragonades, fire, sword, confiscation, ruin, bloodshed, heartrending separations, and the final gathering of a remnant of the flock in the wilds of the New World, many thousand miles distant ! This is but one of many similar scenes. (1). See ' ' Ravenal Record, ' ' page 264. (2). Ibid., page 101. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The old family ties, welded together in the fire of persecution over 200 years ago, still hold firmly, hence we find the original con gregation still in existence, and is, in fact, the only distinctively Huguenot church in America to-day. Santee, After the influx caused by the Revocation three additional con gregations were formed, ' ' one on the eastern bank of the Cooper River known as Orange Quarter ; one on the western bank known as St. John's, Berkely, and one at Jamestown on the Santee" (1). The latter soon became a large and important settlement. It is a notable circumstance that many of the refugees to Car olina were of distinguished antecedents, and not a few of the no bility. Among the latter was Pierre de St. Julien and his brother Louis, their brother-in-law, Rene Ravenal, and Samuel Bordieu, all from the town of Vitre in Bretagney. They came to America in 1686, several leaving considerable estates behind them which were confiscated by the King (2). Their descendants in America have amply proven the excellency of their ancestral character and have given many names to the aristocracy of personal worth. Virginia. A very large number of Huguenots found asylum in Virginia, and their descendants have borne a conspicuous part in the devel opment of that great State. The first arrivals were by way of England under the patronage of the King in 1 690. The second ex pedition arrived in 1699 under the leadership of Philip de Riche- bourg, a French nobleman of considerable note. This expedition, numbering about 600 members, was the largest colony of refugees ever landed in America. Most of them were located on the south side of the James River, near the present site of Richmond. The settlement was called " Manikintown," which, in the course of a few decades, lost its original character. A great num ber of the emigrants removed farther south, many settling on the river Trent, a branch of the Neuse, in North Carolina, where a col ony was established in 1707. New France. For many years the enterprising merchants of La Rochelle had sent fishing vessels to the regions contiguous to the mouth of the St. Lawrence River. French commerce being mostly in the hands (1). "Ravenal Records," page 89. (2). Baird, Vol. II, page 85. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 29 of the Protestants, their efforts to establish a Huguenot colony in this part of the New World was quite natural. In 1602 de Monts, a French Protestant nobleman, secured from Henry IV. a grant of all the territory between the fortieth and forty-sixth degrees of north latitude for the purpose of founding a French colony. This territory was called New France and its charter secured religious liberty for the colonists. A settlement was made at Port Royal, in Nova Scotia, in 1604. In 1608, in com pany with the noted navigator, Champlain, de Monts founded Quebec. These and other settlements were, however, soon doomed to pass from Protestant to Jesuit control. In 1610 Henry IV., the friend and patron of the colony, fell at the hands of an assassin, and in a short time thereafter de Monts was compelled to relinquish his office as Viceroy of New France. From force of circumstances, not necessary to relate here, he transferred his rights to the terri tory to Madame de Guercheville, a devoted Catholic. Under the new regime the Protestants were more and more restricted until 1633, when they were entirely suppressed. The Jesuits, with fa natical zeal, were ever busy making New France a Catholic coun try. In suppressing the Huguenots as colonists France committed an irreparable blunder. By introducing her policy of repression in her American colonies she checked the emigration to them, while a great number of the best colonists removed to tbe neighboring New England settlements. The settlements of Acadia (Nova Scotia) had some immunity from the harsher persecution prevalent on the St. Lawrence. Claude de la Tour, of the noble house of Bouillon, and his son Charles, who were early leaders of the Port Royal colony, were the chief factors in this amelioration, which continued until the death of Charles in 1666. New Netherlands (New York). The city of Leyden, in Holland, early became the refuge of great numbers of Huguenots who introduced various industries which made the city highly prosperous. The greater number of these refugees were Walloons, who established a strong congregation in 1 584. Most intimate relations existed between these Walloons and the English Separists or Puritans, who were then living there in vol untary exile. Walloons and Puritans alike directed their eyes towards Amer ica as the best field in which to realize their hopes of founding colo nies in which to enjoy their religious faith unmolested, and hence Leyden became a center from which emanated several movements most potent in shaping the destinies of the New World. 30 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The Puritans accordingly obtained a colonial patent from the Virginia Company, and on August 5, 1620, left Delft Harbor, the seaport of Leyden, for America. Several Huguenots were in their number. The landing of these ' ' Pilgrims" at Plymouth Rock and the momentous influence of the colony in the history of this country, is familiar to the reader. Meanwhile the Walloons followed the ex ample of their Puritan brethren. In July, 1621, the English am bassador to Holland was petitioned by them for a place of settle ment by his government, their desire being to go to Virginia. The promoter of this movement was Jesse de Forrest, a prominent Wal loon of Leyden. This petition and list of signers is still preserved among the British archives. The negotiations with the English did not proceed very satisfactorily. Meanwhile the Dutch West India Trading Company was chartered by the Government of Hol land. When the designs of the Huguenots were brought to the no tice of the company they were accorded most excellent terms of settlement. Early in March, 1623, the emigrants, comprising about thirty families, embarked in the little ship "New Netherlands," which, after a propitious voyage, arrived at the mouth of the Hudson (1). A settlement was made on Manhattan Island, now New York city. A number of families proceeded up the river and formed a settlement called Orange, while four couple, who had been married at sea, proceeded to an island in the Delaware River. The names of the passengers on the New Netherlands have unfortunately been lost, but a comparison with the original list presented to the British ambassador, already referred to, shows that many of them appear as among the first citizens of New Netherlands, hence it is probable that most of them eventually came to America. Although the New Netherlands was under the control of the Dutch, a very large por tion of the colonists were Huguenots whose exact numbers can never be known. In 1656 a vessel laden with Waldensian refugees (Vaudois), sailed for New Netherlands, which was stranded at the entrance of New York harbor. Many of these unfortunates located on Staten Island, which eventually became the home of many fellow-Hugue nots. New Paltz, N. Y. In 1660 Louis du Bois, who had sojourned a number of years at Manheim in the Palatinate, came to New Netherlands, and with a number of others established the colony of New Paltz, near the (1). Documentary Hist, of N. Y., Vol. Ill p. 35. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 31 present site at New Kingston, in Ulster County (i). This region was called " Esopus," and was a favorite place of settlement for the Huguenots, and from whence many came to Pennsylvania in later years. New Rochelle, a short distance up the Hudson, was likewise a Huguenot colony and named in honor of the French city of that name, and from which many of the colonists had come. In New York the Huguenots worshipped in connection with the Dutch, but so numerous did they become that in 1652 the Consis tory of the Reformed Dutch Church found it necessary to make special provision for them. About the time of the English occupa tion (1664) the French and Waldensians were constituted a separate charge under the supervision of the Dutch Church. In 1683 Rev. Pierre Daille took charge of the Huguenot congregations of New York, New Paltz, etc., and remained their pastor until 1696, when he took charge of the congregations in Boston, being succeeded by Rev. De Bon Repos. New England. Among the earliest arrivals of Huguenots in New England were a number of families who settled in Salem perhaps as early as 1660. They were for the most part from the Channel Islands, whither they had fled from France. In 1662 Dr. John Touton, of La Ro chelle, France, directed a petition to the Governor of Massachu setts for permission for himself and a large number of others who were expelled because of their religion, to settle in that Province (2). This petition was favorably received and we accordingly find that a considerable influx of refugees took place. In 1680 agents from La Rochelle arrived in Boston to gain permission and make ar rangements for the settlement of their persecuted people there, and during the next few years many families arrived in an utterly desti tute condition ; collections were taken up in the churches for their benefit in 1682. When finally the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685) ex tinguished the last vestige of their civil and religious rights, a very large number, aggregating hundreds, came to Boston prior to 1690. From this point many scattered to various colonies. (1). The company were twelve in number, all of whom were Huguenot ex iles. The fac simile of their signatures, as also that of the Indian Sachems, may be seen in Vol. Ill p. 506 Doc. Hist. N. York. The names of the patentees were Louis du Bois and sons Abraham and Isaac, Abraham Haesbroucq, Christian De- yoe and son.in-law, Simon Lefever, Peter Deyoe, Andreas Lefever, Anthony Ces- pel, Jean Brocq, Hugo Frere and Louis Bevier. Treaty signed May 26, 1677. (2). Mass. Archives, Vol. X page 208. 32 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The Huguenots organized a congregation in Boston as early as 1685, permission being given them to worship in the public school buildings. In 1705 a site for a church was procured but the edi fice was not erected until 171 5. The ministers of the congregation were Rev. Laurent du Bois, who was succeeded in 1686 by Rev. David de Bonrepos, a refugee minister from St. Christopher in the Antilles. In 1696 de Bonrepos was succeeded by Rev. Pierre Daille, who, since his arrival in America, had ministered to the congrega tions in New York. In 171 5 this excellent and distinguished exile died in the sixty-seventh year of his age. Prior to his flight he had been a professor in the famous Huguenot Academy of Saumur. Daille was succeeded by a talented young graduate of the Academy of Geneva, Andre Le Mercier, a native of Casn in Normandy. Le Mercier died in Dorchester, Massachusetts, in 1765. The Society maintained its separate existence until about 1748, when nearly all the original refugees were dead, while the younger generation be came affiliated in language and religion with the populace. In 1687 a company of Huguenots, led by Rev. Daniel Bondet, made a settlement in the " Nipmuck" country about seventy-five miles west of Boston, There were about fifteen families in the party, which number was much increased in the course of a year. They founded the town of New Oxford, built a fort, mill, etc. , with every promise of a permanent establishment. Being on the fron tier of the Province it was exposed to the ravages of the Indians, and after suffering considerably from their savagery it was deemed best to abandon the settlement, which was done in 1696 and the inhabitants scattered to other colonies. The ruins of their fort may still be seen. In 1884 a magnificent monument was erected as a memorial to the colony on its ancient site. In 1686 an extensive settlement was made by the Huguenots near the western shore of Narragansett Bay. The locality was in (now) East Greenwich. They were accompanied by an able minister, Ezechiel Carre, and a physician, Pierre Ayrault. The colonists were very unfortunate in their selection of this locality for the reason that they could obtain no satisfactory title to their land, and also that they were surrounded by an element very unfriendly to them. In 1691 they concluded to abandon the col ony, a large number of the settlers going to New York. The Antilles. The French Islands in the Caribbean Sea, and known as the Antilles, became at an early day a landing place for the Huguenots. In St. Christopher there was a very considerable number of them' and their church there was a large and influential one. For many &<^£^_ MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 33 years they had comparative immunity from persecution. All this was changed, however, iu a short space of time. During the Re vocation period a large number of Protestants were transported thither from the home land. Upon arrival they were sold to the planters and subjected to the most rigorous servitude by their Cath olic masters. Iu a short time the condition of the Protestants in the French Antilles was as miserable as that of their brethren in the home land, and soon a general flight to the English colonies of North America was begun. Hundreds effected their escape and made their way, through almost incredible hardships and sufferings, to Charleston, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and other Huguenot centers, and many names have been enrolled on our National history whose an cestral records come to us from France by way of the Antilles. CHAPTER V. The Emigration to Pennsylvania. The Province as a Place of Refuge — Penn's Object Real ized — Quakers — Mennonites — German-Baptist Brethren — Palatines — Covenanters — Schwenkfelders — Mora vians—French Revolutionists — Joseph Priestly, Etc. — Character of the Huguenot Emigration — Their Emi nent Public Services. "From Delaware 's and Schuylkill's gleam, Away where Susquehanna twines, And out o'er Allegheny' s stream In places distant fell their lines. By river and by fountain, Where'er they touched this strand, In wood and vale and mountain They found a fatherland." ""-^T^ENNSYLVANIA stands * 1(5 unique in the history of the J- Colonies of the New World as a place of refuge for the persecuted and oppressed of the Old. Its estab- ^^^^^^S^^^' lishment had, in fact, its inception in ->&* ^mt^-^^f^ ^g earnest desire of its founder to [arms of Pennsylvania]. provide an asylum, not only for the people of his own faith, but all other Protestants as well. 34 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The " Holy Experiment " of William Penn constitutes an epoch in the civil and religious advancement of the human race which will be sure of more thorough study by future historians as its import ance and far-reaching significance is more fully realized. The lit erature of this great movement is somewhat scanty and its elements and character obscure, and must be worked out, in a measure, from the visible results. It is a fact too generally overlooked that the founding of Philadelphia by the Quakers in 1682 and Germantown by the Mennonites under Francis Daniel Pastorius in 1683, was contemporaneous so far as the original plans of emigration was con cerned. In June, 1694, arrived the famous band of Pietists (Rosecru- cians) under the leadership of Baron Johannis Kelpius, and formed their community on the Wissahickon, near Philadelphia, so graphi cally described by Julius F. Sachse in his "German Pietists of Pennsylvania." Scarcely was the success of these initial settlements as sured when began the flocking in of thousands and tens of thou sands of Palatines from the blood-stained fields and smouldering ruins of the Valley of the Rhine. The same period witnessed the incoming of thousands of Covenanters (Scotch-Irish) who made New Castle their chief landing place, and from whence they pushed northward and founded the settlements of Octorora, Donegal, Pax- tang, Marsh Creek, the Cumberland Valley, etc. In 1719 about twenty families of the German Baptists (Dunkards) arrived at Ger mantown, followed ten years later by the entire parent organization under the leadership of their founder, Alexander Mack, from Schwartzenau, Germany, to Pennsylvania, as the result of great persecution. In 1734 there arrived in Philadelphia from Silesia, after a wearisome journey on foot through Holland (where they em barked), the scattered remnants of the Schwenkf elders to start anew the work of their beneficent faith among the hills of eastern Penn sylvania (1). In 1 74 1 the advance guard of the Moravians arrived as the result of disquietude in their new settlement in North Caro lina, and founded at Bethlehem the largest colony of these excel lent people in America. During the dark days of the French Revo lution, in 1793, a large number of political exiles, mostly of noble rank, came to Pennsylvania and founded the town of Asylum, on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. Among its promo ters was the Viscount, Louis de Noialles, the brother-in-law of La fayette. Among the distinguished visitors to this place in 1795 was (1.) Adherents of the Reformer Casper Von Schwenkfeld, of Silesia (1490- 1561). MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 35 Prince Louis Phillipe, himself an exile then, but who later ascended the throne of France, and that greatest of French diplomats, Tal leyrand, Prince of Benevento, and also the Count de la Rochefou cauld. Many of the exiles returned to France when quiet was re stored, others remained and gave to us a worthy posterity, among whom may be mentioned the late Hon. John Laport, one of the fore most men of the State. In 1774 the last refugee party arrived from England with the distinguished Dr. Joseph Priestly (1) at their head. About the close of the Provincial period a small but exception ally brilliant coterie of French people graced the city of Philadel phia. Many of them were of the highest nobility who had fled hither from the horrors of the French Revolution. Inasmuch as they were political refugees a further notice of them would not be germane to this work. Another class, however, must not be passed by. Among the French allies who came to assist in the achieve ment of our Independence were many who remained in America to enjoy its freedom. Among the prominent men of this class were Dr. Felix Bruno, a foster brother to Lafayette, an account of whom is elsewhere given in this work. Major Peter S. Dupon- ceau (2) Louis Crousillat (3) Simon Vallerchamp (4) Pierre Javin (1). Dr. Joseph Priestly was born in 1733 and was one of the greatest men of his times. By his discovery of oxygen in 1774 he laid the foundation of modern chemistry. In consequence of his religious and political views a mob wrecked his house and destroyed his laboratory and valuable library in Birmingham, England. Soon after this sad event he emigrated to Northumberland, in Pennsylvania, being accompanied by a number of his friends. He continued his scientific and theo logical labors here until his death in 1804. (2). Duponceau, Pierre S., was born on the Isle of Rhe, France, in 1760, his father being an officer then stationed at that place. He was given an excellent education, and when still a youth was fired with an ambition to come to America and assist the struggling Colonies. He took a position as an aide on the staff of Baron Steuben and served in that capacity from 1777 to 1779 when, becoming an American citizen, he accepted a position as a secretary in the Foreign Office of the Colonial Government. He was a great student and became celebrated as a law yer, linguist and scientist, and was the President of the American Philosophical Society many years. He died in Philadelphia in 1844. (3). Crousillat, Louis Martial facques, was born at Salon, France, 1757. Came to Philadelphia in 1780 and entered the Continental service. After the war he entered the mercantile business and amassed a fortune. He was noted for his benevolence, and died in Philadelphia in 1836. (4). Simon Vallerchamp was born in Lorraine June 29, 1751. His father, who was wealthy, died when his only son Simon was but fourteen years of age. The youth, who was left to shift for himself, finally drifted to Paris. He joined the expedition of Lafayette in aid of the American colonies and served throughout the war as an officer. He was wounded seven times, which eventually caused his death. Upon his return to France he found that his only sister had been put into a convent against her will, and he having imbibed Protestant principles found it unsafe to remain, and so returned to America. In Philadelphia he married a daughter of General Thomas Bond. She died early, and he then married Hannah Dodson and removed to Huntingdon, in Luzerne county. While preparing to re turn to France to settle up the family estate one of his wounds, which had never healed, became suddenly worse, and he died in consequence July 12, 1825. 36 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. (i) and Frederick de Sanno (2). Pennsylvania may also pride herself in the citizenship of such renowned Frenchmen as Stepheu Girard (3) Pierre du Simetere (4) and John James Audtibon (5) who not only left the fruits of their industry but also the example of a noble life as enduring legacies to posterity. A considerable number of Huguenot names may be traced to the heroes of the Duke de Shomburg, who fought with William, Prince of Orange, at the battle of the Boyne (1690). Some of these soldiers (or their descendants) came to Pennsylvania with the Scotch-Irish. Of such immigrants came the families Brevard, de Cesna, Douthett, Lamont, Lilou, Pickens (6) de Armaud and Pierie. In all those incoming bodies of immigrants, expatriated from their native land by the mailed hand of religious intolerance, were a considerable number of Huguenots, as will be seen in succeeding (1). Pierre favin was born of wealthy parentage in Paris in 1757, and was given a good education. He served with distinction with Lafayette in the Ameri can Revolution and was severely wounded by a sword thrust. Becoming a Pro testant he concluded to remain in America. He married in Reading, Pa., and was one of the pioneer settlers of Crawford county, where he died about 1821, leaving an honored posterity. (2). Frederick de Sanno located in Bucks county. His son, Frederick Jr., was a Lutheran minister and author of note. In 1805 he became pastor of the Lutheran Church in Carlisle, Pa. Later he removed to Philadelphia and died there. Major William de Sanno, another son of the immigrant, served with dis tinction in the war of 1812 and was severely wounded at the battle of Lundy's Lane. Through General Scott he was made commandant of the Carlisle Barracks in 1826, a position which he retained until his death in 1865. (3). Girard, Stephen — 1750-1831. Was born at Bordeaux, France, and es tablished himself in Philadelphia as a merchant in 1777. He amassed a vast for tune as a shipping merchant and was identified with all the leading enterprises of his adopted city. At his death he bequeathed his fortune to various charities. His greatest monument is Girard College, which he established for the education of orphans with an endowment of several millions of dollars. (4). Du Simetere, Pierre Eugene, was born of Huguenot parentage at Ge neva, Switzerland. He was a man of rare talents and excelled in many arts. Among his accomplishments was that of a naturalist, botanist, mineralogist, an tiquarian, annalist and artist. About 1750 he went to the West Indies where he occupied himself in various researches. He came to New York in 1764 and to Philadelphia in 1766, making the latter city his home. His paintings and draw ings of eminent men of his times are justly celebrated. (5). Audubon, John fames, born in America 178O, was a son of Admiral Au dubon, who served in the American Revolution. In 1798 he came to possess an estate near Philadelphia, purchased by his father, and where he lived many years. He died in 1851. As a naturalist he has probably never been excelled, and his works on American ornithology and zoology were regarded as stupendous produc tions. (6). fohn and Andrew Pickens were early settlers at Paxtang, in now Dau phin county. Here was born September 19, 1739, Major General Andrew Pick ens, of the Revolution War. He was a son of Andrew. About 1741 the brothers migrated to Augusta county, in Virginia, and in 1752 Andrew removed from thence to the Waxhaw settlement in South Carolina. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 37 chapters. Their emigration to Pennsylvania was somewhat differ ent from that of their coreligionists in other parts of America, as most of them came with the German speaking Swiss and Palatines with whom they, or their fathers, had sojourned after their flight from France. Many had already exchanged their French names for a German equivalent and also adopted the language of their German friends. We have, however, reason to believe that by far the greater number of them still clung to the faith for which they and their fathers suffered, as a considerable number of the names given in this work occur in the Reformed Church records of the Provincial period. Galley Slaves. In this connection we record a circumstance which has doubt less a vital connection with the emigration of many Huguenots to America. In 1896 when Henry S. Dodderer, of Philadelphia, was making researches in the archives of Dortrecht, in Holland, he dis covered a printed list of Huguenot galley slaves who had been re leased by order of Louis XIV. of France on condition that they leave the realm (1). It may be inferred from this that many of these unfortunates were deported to Holland. Besides the name of the victim there was also given his official number and the term of years he had suffered. This list is not only a silent witness of the many years of suffering but also of the great numbers of the Huguenot galley slaves. In addition to those released there was also a list of many who were not released. The reasons why this list, which comprises but a small fraction of the entire number was made, we may never know. The highest number appearing was Jean Guillaume (John Williams) 39,336. A number had already served a period of twen ty-seven years. Does the reader fully comprehend what the fore going number and years means ? No, we cannot at this late day realize its full significance ! The recent persecution of the Armeni ans and the onslaught of the Chinese on the missionaries, which re cently shocked the whole civilized world, are insignificant incidents compared with the persecution of the Huguenots. This list is of vital interest to us as many of the names are identified with some that appear in this work, and we are irresistibly led to infer, as al ready said, that some at least are identical as to persons. As a striking example we herewith append a few names, all of which are represented in the emigrant list of this work : Barree, (1). See " Historical Notes," Vol. I by Henry S. Dodderer. 38 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Blanc, Boyer, Bourell, Bertrand, Bouchee, Bertow, Chapelle, Cor- bier, Clevel, Dasser, Durand, de Mars, Folquier, Gachon, Gau- tier, Guillaume, Mallet, Martiel, de Marcellin, Melon, Mariler, Perrier, Peritier, Prunier, Peret, Reneau, Reno la Roue, Sauvet, de Turk, Valet, Vincet, etc. The Piedmontese. The persecution of the Protestants in Piedmont was of the most terrible character, and the most shocking and unheard of methods of torture were adopted by their enemies. A large num ber escaped and found refuge in Protestant countries. Holland seems to have given asylum to a ver}' large number. Public meas ures for their relief were adopted as late as 1710. Amsterdam and other cities of the Low Countries were congested with Piedmontese and other Huguenot refugees, and from these countries doubtless came a large number of emigrants to Pennsylvania and whose an cestors are said to have ' ' fled to Holland and from thence came to America." We herewith give the names of a few Piedmontese martyrs who perished for their Protestant faith in consequence of the Edict of 1655 : Marie de Armand was flayed alive ; David de Armand was compelled to lay his head on a block when a soldier crushed it with a hammer ; his brother Paul was also killed ; aged Jacob Perrine, an elder of the church at Villars, and his brother David were flayed alive ; Bartholomew, John, and Ludwig Durant, Daniel Nevel and Paul Renaud (Reno) met a shocking death by having their mouths filled with gunpowder which was exploded ; Jacob Birone, a teacher, met a death too horrible to relate ; Lucia du Bisson, wife of Peter who was killed, fled to the Alps with two small chil dren. In the forest alone she gave birth to another child. Owing to cold and hunger all her children perished, while she alone, of all her family, reached a place of safety. Daniel Rambaut (Rambo), an aged elder of Villaro, suffered death in a way too shocking to relate ; Baptist Utre, Paul Gamier, Magdalena Pierre, Joseph Pont, Paul Clement, Daniel Benech, all met death in a dreadful manner. The reader will find all these Piedmontese names represented in our immigrant list to Pennsyl vania. In the city of Nismes, in another part of France, and at a much later period, Oliver Desmond, a minister eighty years of age, was killed ; also Louis Le Char (now Lesher), and a family named Chasseur. As already said, we are irresistibly led to the conclusion that there is in many instances a connection between these martyr farn- MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 39 ilies here and elsewhere noted, and immigrants of a similar name who have traditions of persecuted and martyred ancestors. A study of the Huguenot emigration to Pennsylvania indicates that in many instances large and well organized parties came to gether with the evident purpose of contiguous settlement. This fact presupposes conferences and maturing of plans before their de parture from Europe. Doubtless in many instances there were family ties and bonds of friendship formed in their own native France which were continued during their exile in various Protestant countries and contributed largely to the reuniting of the many con- nectional links that are so frequently met with in America. The first distinctively Huguenot colony to come to Pennsylva nia was that of Madame Ferree, for whom a large body of land was surveyed in Lancaster county in 1710. Her party came with many others under the leadership of Rev. Joshua Kocherthal (1) landing in New York in 1709. Most of these, after a brief stay in Ulster county, came to Pennsylvania. Madame Ferree, with her family, including her son John and son-in-law, Isaac Lefever, with their families, came to Pequea. Hubert Hubertson came to the Schuylkill Valley as early as 1709 (2) while Isaac de Turk and others went to Oley in 171 2. Both places immediately became centers of emigration. An examination of the emigrant lists in Volume XVII. Penna. Archives (2d series), very readily discloses a large number of Huguenot parties. As an illustration of this we subjoin a number of lists of names compiled from a few shiploads of "Foreigners." Many more such lists as follow might be given : In ship "Princess Augustus," September 16, 1736 — Jean Comer, Sebastian and Dietrick Coquelin, Pierre Delon, Nicholas Gerard, Jean Francois Christean, Collas Drasbart, Joseph and Da vid Noel, Francois and Nicholas Orth. In ship " Loyal Judith," November 26, 1740 — Conrade Douay, John Conde, Fred Laurans, Bernett Saye, John H. Leshire, John Angell. In ship "Neptune," October 25, 1746 — Jean Duestro, Fran cois Conreau, Pierre Vintvas, Arenne Consul, Pierre and Joseph Gerro, Saul Ruibec, Alexander Gibbo. (1). See Rev. Joshua Kocherthal's petition to Queen Ann, of England, for relief for himself and his party, distressed by the invasion and ravages of the French army (Documentary Hist, of N. Y., Vol. V. p. 44. List of his party see p. 52). Kocherthal was pastor of a church near Lindau, Bavaria. Queen Ann gave them substantial aid and they were naturalized before leaving England. Kocher thal died in Esopus, N. Y. in 1719. (2). This year he signed a petition for a road to Manatawny. See " Perkio- men Region," Vol. II p. 135. 40 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. In ship "Phoenix" September 15, 1749 — Daniel Duvall, Fran cois and Adam Grandaden, Humber Benoit, Joseph Coutour, Abra ham Chedron, Jean La Motte, Nicholas Daton, Joseph Charlier, Jacob and Herman La Tour, Andre De Grange, Francois Hognon. In ship " Brotherhood, " November 3, 1750 — Joseph and Peter Fahrne, Paul Tomel, Pierre and Isaac Paris, Pierre Delabach, Henri Jeune. In ship " Patience, " September 9, 175 1 — Isaac Reno, Michael Harcourt, Christian Galle, Jean Henri Pierre, Pierre Balmas, Matthieu Morrett, Eberhart Chapelle. In ship " Phcvnix," November 22, 1752 — Jean Jacques, Adam Le Roy, Daniel and John La Wall, Jean Lanblene, Pierre Gul- liame, David Jochnal, Gulliaume Sebrick, Jean Botisman. In ship "Patience," September 17, 1753 — Pierre Armeson, Jacques Balme, Jean Bennett, Jacques Berger, Jacques Bach, Eti- enne Brun, Jeremie and Jean Pierre Chapelle, Pierre Rochon, Paul Caffarel, Jacques Gourier, Pierre Gautier, Mattieu Ture, Lorie Ne- ron, Charles Shownet, Jean Jaques Servier, Jean Richardson, Jaques Sanguinet. In ship "Nancy," September 14, 1754 (Lorraines) — Abraham and Charles Huguelot, Simon Keppler, Fred Showay, Antoine Ho- gar, Jeannia Quipic, Peter Ramie, John Seyser, Abram Joray, Abra ham Gobat, Christian Cally, Pierre Vautie, Jean Pierre Monin, Sr. , Jean Pierre Monin, Jr., David Marchand, Abraham and Alexander Zuille, Pierre, Jean Christian and J. N. Pechin, Phillip Sponseller, John Geo. Steubesant, Abraham and Adam Le Roy, Abram De Die, Abram Bouthert, Jean Periter, Sr., Jean Periter, Jr., Francois La Mar, Jaques Barberat, Pierre Greine, Jean Mathiot, Jean Jaques Allemand, Alphonse Louis Willeman, Frantz Philip Weis. In the Public Service. There is perhaps no aspect of the history of the Huguenots in America that impresses the historian more profoundly than the record of their public service. In the present instance we will con fine ourselves to the consideration of their distinguished services in Pennsylvania. In the study of this subject we meet with astonish ing results, which can only be accounted for on the assumption of exceptional excellency of character and patriotism. Although the weakest of the recognized elements of our Provincial population we have the following marvelous record of public service : In the War of the Revolution Philadelphia furnished in the person of Elias Boudinot a President, and in Michael Hillegas the first Treasurer of the Nation ; also Major General Daniel Rober- deau, of the same city, and Brigadier General Philip de Haas, of MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 41 Lebanon. Besides the foregoing they furnished fifteen colonels for the Revolution besides a proportionate number of officers of lesser rank. To enumerate we have Col. John Bayard and his nephew, Col. Stephen Bayard, both of Philadelphia but of a Delaware fam ily, Col. John Ferree, Col. Joel Ferree, Col. Francis Mentges, Col. Henry Haller, Col. Adam Hubley (son of Bernard Hubley), Col. Adam Hubley (son of Michael Hubley), and Major Michael Ferree, all from Lancaster ; Col. John Hay and Captain Michael Doutel, who led the first Pennsylvania company to the seat of war, were from York ; Col. John de Cessna and his brother, Col. Charles de Cessna, were from Bedford ; Col. Abraham La Bar, Col. Stephen Balliet and Major Marien La Mar, who fell at Paoli, were from Northampton ; Col. Sebastian Le Van, Col. Daniel Utrie, Major George Lorah and Adjutant Philip Bertolet were from Berks county. This same preponderating prominence is shown in other lines of public service of which we will only name the Judiciary. The closing years of the past and opening years of the present century will illustrate this feature. We may note Judge S. Leslie Mestrezat, of the Supreme, and former Governor James A. Beaver, of the Superior Court ; Judge Cyrus L. Pershing, Judge J. W. Bit- tenger and Judge Dimmer Beeber, all of whom, with the exception of Judge Mestrezat, descend from Alsatians. Then also Judge de Pew La Bar. CHAPTER VI. The Lower Delaware. The First White Residents of Pennsylvania Huguenots— Settlement of the Lower Delaware Region — French and Waldensian Refugees — Peter Minuit, the Governor and other Officers — Huguenots — Bohemia Manor Phila delphia and Germantown. " Our boast is not that we deduce our birth From loins enthroned and rulers ofthe earth ; But higher far our proud pretentions rise — The sons of parents passed into the skies." 3T is a remarkabls fact that the first white residents of Penn sylvania were Huguenots ! In May, 1623, Jesse De Forrest, a Walloon, at the head of a large party of his countrymen, arrived in New York Bay under the auspices of the West India 42 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Trading Company, and founded the city of that name. Among this party, composed of about thirty families, were four young couple who were married during the voyage and who, soon after their arri val, were sent to form a trading station on the Delaware River. There is some disagreement among historians as to the location of this station. The best authorities locate it on an island which is now almost washed away and situated on the Pennsylvania side just below Trenton Falls. After a residence here of several years they abandoned the place. The region ceded to William Penn in 1681 and now known as Pennsylvania, originally embraced the three counties comprising the State of Delaware, and not until 1703 was it erected into a separate Colony. This region, which was successively under Swedish and Dutch occupation, had a considerable population prior to Penn's arrival. Among the settlers were a large number of French and Waldensian refugees who mostly came between 1654 and 1663. The names of many have been irrecoverably lost, while many who were unquestionably Huguenots are erroneously classed as Dutch and Swedes in the early records. It is a remarkable circumstance that nearly all the officials of the Colony under both the Swedish and Dutch occupation were of Huguenot antecedents. The distinguished list begins with the Gov ernor, Peter Minuit, and whose history is invested with a mourn ful interest. His parents, who were of the French nobility, fled to Holland during the early stages of the Huguenot persecution. Min uit early entered the service of the Dutch Republic and was a very capable officer, serving as the second Director of New Netherlands. When the Delaware Colonies fell under the dominion of Sweden he was appointed Governor, in which capacity he served from April 28, 1638, to January 30, 1640. He founded the town of Christi ana in Delaware, and where he died in 1641. Another Huguenot who shed lustre on his race was Jean Paul Jacquett (1) who, in 1654, settled at the "Long Hook," near Wil mington. The Dutch having repossessed themselves of the Dela ware Colonies the Governor of New Amsterdam (New York) in 1655 appointed Jacquett as Vice Director of the same. In 1676 he was constituted a Justice. From the various references to him in the histories of the Colonies we are led to infer that he was a man of considerable distinction. He died after 1684 at an advanced age. His great grandson, Major Peter Jacquett (1754-1834), was a gal lant soldier of the Revolutionary War. (1). Pa. Mag. of Hist., XIII 271. Later researches show that he was born in Nuremberg of French parentage MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 43 Joost de la Grange was also a man of prominence in the Col ony. He is said to have been one of " three brothers" who fled from Normandy to Holland, and from whence they came to Amer ica in 1656. In 1662 it seems he purchased Tinicum Island. His title thereto being contested after his death his son Arnoldus ad dressed a statement in relation to the matter to Governor Andros in 1678(1). Alexander Boyer, a Huguenot, was Deputy Commissary of the Colony in 1648 and a man of great prominence for many years. Captain John de Haes was one of the most notable officials of the Delaware Colony. In 1673 he was made a Commissioner to receive quit rents and in 1674 Collector of Customs at New Castle, and in 1678 was made a Justice (2). In the limits of New Castle county, particularly in Red Lion Hundred, the Huguenots formed a considerable element of the population. We herewith give such names as we have recovered, deeply regretting that the identity of so many seems to be irrecov erably lost. Among the first settlers on the Delaware were the refugee brothers, Jacques, Hypolite and Jean Le Fever. The first named had been an officer in the French army (3). Gerrit Rutan was a prominent resident prior to 1660 (4^. Datiiel Routte was located in Kent county prior to 1683, and John du Bois prior to 1694. In Blackbird Hundred settled Elie Naudin in 1698, whose father, also Elie, fled from La Tremblade in 1682 with wife and several small children and took refuge in Southamp ton, England. Arnold (5) a brother to the Delaware emigrant, located in New York. At Murder Creek Hundred, in Kent county, settled John Gru- well, whose sons John and Jacob established the family name (6). In West Dover settled the three brothers, Daniel, James and Wil liam Voshell (7). Dr. des Jardines, who settled in this region prior to 1683, had fled to England where he was naturalized. The Casho family came from Jacob Casho, whose father fled to Ger- (1). Penna Arch., VII p. 778. (2). Penna. Arch. (3). Biog. Hist, of Del., Vol. I p. 536. (4). Abraham Rutan, doubtless a relative, in 1682 escaped from France to Germany, from whence he came, to New York. Some of his descendents located in Washington county, Pa., from which branch came the late Hon. James S. Rutan, Ex-Speaker of the State Senate. (5). Baird's Hug. Em., II p. 35. (6). Biog. Hist, of Del., Up. 813. (7). Augustine and Peter Voshell, Huguenots, came to N. Y. with the Pala tines in 1700. 44 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. many at the Revocation, and from whence Jacob came to Delaware and settled at Wilmington. During the Revolution he was an in- terpeter on the staff of Lafayette (i). Laurens Rochia, the founder of a well-known family, fled from France to Ireland and from thence he came to Delaware. Rich ard Saye, of Nisms, arrived in 1686. Prior to 1677 appear the names of Philipe Chevalier, Henri Clerq, Albert Blocq, Math. d'Ring, Mosis de Gan, Hubert Laurans, Paul Mincq (2). To the foregoing may be added the following Colonial families whose names and traditions all point to a Huguenot origin. Nearly all of them were established in Delaware prior to 1 700 : Jean Savoy, Bellevill, Common, Bassett, Cazier, Deto, La Pierre, La Forge, Le Compte {La Count), Larue, Sees, Setton, Janvier, Du Chesney (Dushane) (3) Vigoure, Tunnell, Le Croix, Hueling (4). (1). Biog. Ency. of Del. (2). Penna. Mag. of Hist., Ill 352. (3). There was a family of this name ennobled in Picardy (" Science des Ar- moiries," p. 5). (4). The Hilling Family in America.— This family ranks very high in France and several branches belong to the nobility. A large number of this name were of the Protestant faith and were scattered to many lands during the Huguenot persecution. Several fled to England prior to the Revocation, from whence came Abraham and William to New Jersey in 1674. The latter was married in Burling ton county in 1680 and died 1713 (vide Lit. Era, Vol. VIII p. 569). James Huling died in Newport, R. I. 1687. Francois Huling and wife Elizabeth were members of the Huguenot Church in New York in 1694 (Coll. Hug. Soc. of Am. , Vol. I). Elias Hulin, a French mariner, located at Marblehead, Mass. , about 1741. Am brose Hulin was one of the refugees to South Carolina, while George Hulin came to Pennsylvania in 1750 with the Germans. Our chief aim has been to trace the so-called Swedish branch of this family, from which a very large number of prominent persons in America descend. The account of this family prior to its arrival here is gathered from dates preserved by widely divergent branches and originally drawn from family records before its dispersion two centuries ago. The genealogical part is derived from official records and therefore correct. All accounts agree that the ancestor of this family was the Marquis Jean Paul Frederick de Hulingues, a young Huguenot nobleman of the old French Province of Beam, who was a companion of Henry of Navarre and attached to his court. During the sojourn of Navarre at the court at Paris the young Marquis became betrothed to Isabella du Portal, a lady in waiting to Catharine de Medici. It was at this period that the awful massacre of St. Bartholomew took place (1572). By a reference to the chapter covering this event the reader will learn that the King of Navarre saved his life by renouncing the Protestant faith. Many of his friends, however, were put to death. The Marquis de Hulingues and his affianced wife, however, made their escape to Dieppe where they were married. Here they took a vessel and put to sea. Adverse winds, however, drove them far beyond their original destination, and they landed in Sweden where they were taken under the protection of the court. The Marquis had but one son whose name is not known. A grandson was Lars, (Laurence), Huling who came with the Swedish immi grants to the Delaware sometime prior to 1640. Only two sons of the immigrant are definitely known. They were Laurans and Marcus (ist), both of whom resided in Gloucester county, New Jersey. In the records ©f this county is (1) the will of Laurens Hulings dated Aug. 25, 1700. His wife Katharine was the sole legatee. (2) Will of Laurens Hulings, proved June 4th, 1748. Legatees, sons Laurens, MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 45 Bohemia Manor. In 1683-4 arrangements were perfected for the planting of a colony of Labadists (i) in America. The commissioners of the Labadists secured for that purpose a large tract of land situated on the Elk river at the head of Chesapeake Bay in Cecil county, Maryland, but at that time claimed by Penn to be within the limits of his grant. This tract was named after its original owner, Augustine Herrman, a Bohemian, to whom Lord Baltimore had granted it in 1666. Very little information concerning this colony has come down to us. Its members came from various parts of Europe, some of them being French. After a precarious existence of several decades the society dissolved and was absorbed in the general populace, upon the death of their bishop, Petrus Sluyter, about 1726. Among the original grantees of the Labadists tract 1683, were two men of eminent Huguenot antecedents. They were Arnoldus De la Grange, whose father as we have seen was a prominent official under the Dutch and Swedish occupation. The other was Peter Bayard, the founder of a family from which has come a long line of soldiers, scholars, and statesmen, and who have shed lustre on the pages of American history. The Bayard family of France was of a noble rank, and in the Reformation period ranged itself on the side of the Protestant Faith. During the period of the massacre of St. Bartholmew (1 572), an emi nent divine of the Bayard family fled to Amsterdam where the name Michael, Abraham, Israel, Joseph, Marcus and dau. Dinah. Executors, his brother Mich. Hulings of Philadelphia and son Abraham. Marcus (1st) Hulings second known son of the immigrant died in Gloucester Co. prior to 1700, leaving known sons Marcus (2nd), and Laurens. Marcus (2nd) married Margaret, a dau. of Mouns Jones and with his father-in-law removed to the Swedish settlement of Molatton on the Schuylkill river where the village of Douglassville, in Berks county, Pennsylvania is located. Here the Jones house dated 1716, may still be seen in a good state of preservation. Marcus Huling (2nd) died here in 1757, aged 70 years. His children were (1) Mouns, who died prior to this father, leaving children John, b, 1743, and Mary, b, 1747, who m. George Thomas in 1767. (2) Marcus (3rd), (3) Bridget, (4) Maudlin, (5) John, and (6) Andrew. Of the foregoing Marcus (3rd) located prior to 1754 at the mouth of the Juniatti river where he had a considerable estate, including a mill at the mouth of Sherman's creek. He appears prominently in the records of the frontier wars, and died in 1788. His children were (1) Marcus (4th) who erected the first house where Milton now stands in 1772, (2) Mary m — Stewart, (3) Samuel, (4) James and (5) Thomas. The latter, was the executor of his will and gained possession of the estates. Among the many distinguished men of the Marcus Huling line is Gen. J. Willis Huling, of Oil City, Pa., who has the distinction of leading into action in Porto Rico the only Pennsylvania regiments engaged in the Spanish- American war. (1). Jean de Labadie, the founder of the order of Labadists, was born in France in 1610, and was reared as a clerical, becoming a Protestant he served for some years as a minister at Montauban. Because of erratic views he was repudiated by the Reformed Communion, whereupon he founded a new and peculiar monastic sect which became extinct in about a half century. 46 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. became established, and from whence a number came to America. A descendent became the wife of Peter Stuvesant, the last gover nor of New York, under the Dutch occupation, and whose brother- in-law, Samuel Bayard, established the name in America. The immigrant had three sons, Nicholas and Balthassar, who became prominent citizens of New York, and Peter, who came to Bohemia Manor, and founded the Delaware branch. Among the notable descendants of the latter was Colonel John Bayard, of the Revolution. A gallant soldier who was commended by General Washington for bravery in action, and also Colonel Stephen Bayard, (1743-18 15), a nephew of the foregoing, and like wise an officer of high merit. In late years came James A. Bayard. James A. Bayard, the diplomat, who negotiated the Treaty of Ghent in 18 14, which closed the war of 1812, and also Thomas F. Bayard, Embassador to England under the administra tion of President Cleveland. Another distinguished member of the Labadist Colony was Legide Bouchelle, who died subsequent to 1700. His widow became the second wife of Bishop Petrus Sluyter. Upon the death of Bishop Sluyter, Dr. Peter Bouchelle, his wife's son by her first husband became his sole heir to the extensive interests of Bohemia Manor. Dr. Bouchelle died in North Carolina in 1799, at an advanced age. Du Pont. The Du Pont family, of America, is of old and eminent stock, and spring from the nobility of France. The first of the name in America was Abraham Du Pont who first fled to England, and from thence removed to the Huguenot Colony on the Santee in South Carolina about 1694. His son, Gideon, devised the method of rice culture that has made this industry one of the great est sources of wealth, and a boon to mankind. The Delaware branch came from Pierre Samuel Du Pont Du Nemours, (a grand nephew of Abraham above mentioned), who was born in Paris, Dec. 14th, 1739, whose people still clung to the Huguenot faith. He was an eminent scientist, political econo mist and statesman, and in a long career, bore many high and responsible governmental offices. Owing to the turbulence of the times, he and his confreres, including his sons, passed through many vicissitudes, and on several occasions he narrowly escaped death, while many of his associates were less fortunate. He was an ardent supporter of King Louis XVI, and on the memorable Aug. 10th, 1792, with his son Eluthere Irene, (1771-1834), engaged in the defense of the person MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 47 of the King. He escaped the fury of the mob, and was secreted in the dome of the Paris observatory by the astronomer La Land until Sept. 2nd, during which time he wrote " The Philosophy of the Universe." When quiet was restored he again entered public life, and soon came in conflict with the anarchistic elements, under the leadership of Robespierre. On July 20, 1794, he was cast into prison, and condemned to be beheaded, but escaped that fate by the timely death of Robespierre, on July 28th. Owing to the continued political disturbances he emigrated to America in 1799, but returned to France in 1802, and again came to this country upon the escape of Napolean from Elbe, and died in Delaware, Aug. 7, 18 17. As an author and statesman, he was one of the foremost men of his times, and when wearied with battling for peace and reform in his own land, he was invited by several sovereigns of Europe, to locate in their realms. He was a great support to the American Colonies in their struggle for freedom. He was Chief of the Secret Diplomatic Service, and through his instrumentality the Treaty of Peace was brought about in 1783, by which the independence of the Colonies was recognized by England. He was also the chief instrument in the sale of Louisiana to the United States in 1803. His son Eluthree Irene, founded the great powder mills near Wilmington, Delaware, in 1801, at which most of the powder used by the United States Government since that time has been manu factured. Victor Marie Du Pont De Nemours, (1767-1827), eldest son of the statesman was also a man of prominence and for many years in the diplomatic service. In 1800 he resigned his positions and came to Delaware, where he united his interests with the rest of his family. Several of the family have been very prominent in the affairs of their State and Nation. Among others we may mention Commo dore Samuel Francis Du Pont, (1 803- 1865), whose achievements in the Civil War added new lustre to the naval history of our country. Henry Du Pont, (18 1 2- 1889), and Col. Henry Algernon Du Pont, (b-183.8), a graduate of the National Military School at West Point, a distinguished soldier of the Civil War and prominent in public affairs ever since, have fully maintained the high character of the family. 48 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Philadelphia and Vicinity. The residence of Huguenots in Philadelphia is coeval with its founding, and it may be truly said that the city has had no more valuable citizens than the expatriated sons of France and their descendants. Some of them came with the Colonists from England where they, or their fathers, were naturalized, others came from older Colonies, while others came directly from France. Among the original citizens were Edmund Du Castle, John De La Vail and A ndrew Doz. The later was a refugee and was brought over by William Penn as his vine dresser. In 1690 (1) he was granted a plantation of two hundred acres of land, and includ ing the vine yards on the Schuylkill river by the founder, for his services. His grandson, also named Andrew, was a very public spirited citizen and magnificently endowed a number of charitable and religious institutions in his native city. Gabriel Rappe and Nicholas Reboteau of the Isle of Rhe, and Andrew Imbert of Nisms, were naturalized in 1683. Samuel Robinett also appears as one of the first citizens. The Robinetts were originally from the Isle of Rhe, from whence they fled to England. At the Revocation Pierre Chevallier of a noble family of Normandy fled to England. Soon after this date we find a Pierre Le Chevalier in Charleston, S. C. , and Jean Le Chevalier in New York, while Philip Chevalier appears in Delaware as early as 1677. That they were immediate relatives is quite probable. The refugee to England had a son also named Pierre, who married an English lady, and who in 1720 came to Philadelphia where he founded an honorable posterity. (2) The Boudinot (3) family of de la Tremblade bore a prominent part in the French Reformation and suffered terribly in conse quence. At the Revocation several branches of the family found their way to America. In 1686 Elias Boudinot located in New York, from whence a son, also Elias, came to Philadelphia prior to 1735. The latter was the father of Elias Boudinot, (third of the name), who justly ranks among the great men of his times, and who is elsewhere noticed in this work. The Duche (4) family, one of the most eminent in America, descend from Jacques Duche, who fled from La Rochell to London (1). Pa. Arch. XIX, 32-35. (2). Pa. Mag. of Hist. VII, 483. (3).. Ibid. Ill, 191. (4). Ibid. II, 58. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 49 in 1682, with his wife, Mary, and eight children. The founder of the American branch was a son, Anthony, who came to Philadel phia near 1700, and died in 1762, at a very advanced age. He left three sons, Anthony, Jr., who died in 1772, Jacob, born in Philadelphia in 1708, and died in Lambeth England, in 1788. He was the father of the Rev. Jacob Duche, an eminent Episcopal divine, who as rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, had the distinction of opening the first Continental Congress with prayer. Andrew, the youngest son of the immigrant died in Philadelphia in 1778. The Benezett family has an honorable record in the history of the Huguenots, and a number sealed their faith with their lives. Among the last to suffer was the Rev. J. Benezett, a prominent minister of Vigan and who was executed at Montpelier in 1752 (1). In 1 73 1, John Stephen Benezett arrived in Philadelphia. He was born of noble and distinguished parentage in 1683 in Abbeville, France (2). At the Revocation period his parents fled to Holland, and from thence to England in 171 5. Upon his arrival in Phila delphia, Mr. Benezett became one of the leading citizens and had the distinction of being the first treasurer of the City. He was nominally a member of the Society of Friends, but was strongly attached to the Moravians, and for some time a member of that body, and on terms of intimacy with its leaders. Count Zinzen- dorf, their great patron, was frequently entertained by him during his visit to America in 1742. He had three sons who worthily represented their distinguished ancestry, James, the eldest, who located in Bucks county, Samuel, a major in the Revolution, and Anthony, a noted philanthropist and anti- slavery advocate, and who is supposed to have written the first anti-slavery work in Ameri ca (3). Three daughters married prominent Moravian ministers. Susan became the wife of Rev. Ch. Pyrlaeus, Judith married Rev. David Bruce and another became the wife of Rev. Jacob Lischey, who died in York county. The Suplee family of Pennsylvania derives its origin from Andros Souplis, a young officer of the French army and of dis tinguished parentage. In 1682 he made his escape to Germany where he was married to Gertrude Stressinger. In 1684 he came to Philadelphia. He was a man of great intelligence and ability, and stood high in the estimation of William Penn. He had but one son, Andrew, who changed the name to its present form. 1 . B 2). IV 3). " Browning's Hist, of the Huguenots, p. 321. Memorials of the Moravian Church, Vol. I, p. 171. Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes." (Phila. 1754.) 50 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Isaac Roberdeau, a refugee from fhe island of St. Christopher in the Antilles, arrived in Philadelphia at an early day. His son, Daniel Roberdeau (1727-1795), was a most distinguished citizen. He was a member of the Continental Congress, and a major general of Provincial troops during the Revolution. General Roberdeau died at Winchester, Va. His son, Isaac Roberdeau (1763-1829), was a distinguished engineer. The Garrigues family are descended from refugees of that name who fled from Montpellier to England during the Revocation period. The family under the name of " Garrick" is still extant in England and has furnished in the person of David Garrick (1716- 1 779)i one °f the world's greatest dramatists. Soon after 1700 members of the family came to Philadelphia and founded the Garrigues family so well and honorably known in America. Among the first members of the Reformed Church, of Phila delphia, were David Montandon and Pierre Le Colle, who were both men of prominence. Le Colle died in 1734. The family Le Colle must have suffered very severely in the Huguenot persecutions as we find refugees of this name in various Protestant countries. Paul Casser, of Languedoc, and his wife, Margaret Raymond, were members of the Moravian Church. The latter came from a prominent family seated at Berol, near Montpellier. Christ Church Records. In the published records of Christ Episcopal Church of Phila delphia (1) occur the following names of parents of presumed Hugue not antecedents — earliest entries only are given : Boudinot, Elias, 1738; Boyer, James, 1734; Bonnett, John, 1736; Bruno, John, 1738; Chevalier, Peter, 1721 ; Couche, Daniel, 1756; Durell, Moses, 1 73 1 ; Doutell, Michael, 172,7 ; Dupee, Daniel, 1747 ; Doz, Andrew, Duche, Jacob, 1734 ; Fleury, Peter, 1731 ; Garrigues, Francis, 1721 ; Garrigues, Peter, 1736 ; Hillegas, Michael, 1760'; Hodnett, John, 1737 ; La Rue, John, 1739 ; Le Boyteau, William, 171 1 ; Le Tort, James, 1709; Le Dru, Noel, 1732 ; Le Dieu, Lewis, 1758 ; Le Shemile, Peter, 1741 ; Le Gay, Jacob, 1744'; Lacellas, James, 1759 ; de Prefontain, Peter, 1754 ; Paca, John, 1758 ; Pinnard, Joseph, 1733 ; Purdieu, William, 1738 ; Trip- peo, Frederick, 1713 ; Renandet, James, 1733 ; Vidal, Stephen, 1754; Votaw, Paul Isaac, 1747; Voyer, Peter, 17 13. (1). Vide Pa. Mag. of Hist, and Biog., Vols. XIV, XV. XVI. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. k 51 The records of St. Michaels Lutheran Church of Philadelphia bear the following names of parents of probable Huguenot extrac tion—earliest entries only are given : (i) Remy, Jacob, 1745 ; Huyett, Frantz Carl, 1747 ; Remley (de) Conrad, 1747 ; Pansier, Frederick, 1748 ; Suffrance, John, 1749 ; Bouton, John, Daniel, 1752 ; Bouton, Jacob, 1752 ; Reno, Peter 1752 ; Losche, Daniel, 1752 ; DuBois, Alex., 1753 ; LeBrant, John Conrad, (" who died on the Rhein") 1754; Piquart, John Gottfried, 1754; Qzias, Elizabeth (wid.,) 1755. Germantown and vicinity. The settlement of Germantown, near Philadelphia, was the outgrowth of a visit in 1677 by William Penn to Holland, Germany, and other European countries on behalf of the persecuted Quakers and their co-religionists. One result of this visit was the formation of the Frankfort Land Company which secured a grant of nearly twenty-five thousand acres of land for colonization purposes. The initial settlement was made in 1683 by thirteen families, who were soon followed by many others from Continental Europe, nearly all of whom were religious refugees. In a few years flour ishing settlements were made at New Hanover, Providence, Skip- pack and Goshahoppen. Among this promiscuous influx there was a considerable Huguenot element, some of whom came direct from France, but the greater number of them had sojourned in other Protestant countries. Among the Huguenot settlers of Germantown prior to 1686, were Jean Le Brun, Jean Dedier, Wigard and Gerhart Levering, all of whom were prominent citizens. The Leverings were sons of Dr. Rosier Levering, a refugee to Gamen, in Germany, where he married Elizabeth Van der Walle, of Wessel, in Westphalia, and where both the sons were born. Wigard Levering was the founder of Roxborough and a man of con siderable prominence (2). The Rt. Rev. J. Mortimer Levering, Bishop of the Moravian Church, is a descendant of Gerhart, also Hon. Joshua Levering, the Prohibition candidate for the United States presidency in 1896. About 1691 fames De la Plaine, a son of Nicholas De la Plaine, of New York, settled in Germantown. Because of the removal of most of the Emigrant's family to Pennsylvania, a notice of him in this connection seems to be in place. Nicholas De la Plaine, who (1). Vide Pa. German Pub. , Vol. VII. (2). See "Levering Family" by Horatio Gates Jones. Wigard Levering died at the advanced age of 109 years. (Haz. Reg. I, 281). 52 * MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. is said to have been of patrician origin, fled from France to Eng land long before the Revocation. After a brief sojourn there he came to New York, where his name appears as early as 1657. In 1658 he was married to Susanna Cresson, with whom he had a numerous family. The De la Plaine and Cresson families were Quakers. Besides James as above, four daughters of Nicholas came to Philadelphia, viz : Elizabeth, the eldest daughter who had married in 1686 Casper Hoodt, in New York; Judith married in 1691 Thomas Griffith ; Susanna married in 1685 Arnold Cassel, who had lately arrived from Kresheim in the Palatinate ; Crejanne married in 1697 Ives Belangee. The three latter daughters were married in Philadelphia, and all of them by Friend's ceremony. James De la Plaine, son of the emigrant, and who founded the family name in Pennsylvania, was married to Hannah Cock, of Long Island, New York, in 1692. He was a prominent Friend and in fluential citizen and died in 1750, in Germantown. Their children so far as known were James, born 1695, married Elizabeth Shoe maker, and later Ann Jones ; Nicholas, born 1697, married to Sarah Ong ; Hannah, married to John Simpson ; Mary, married to Edward Ridgeway ; John, married to Sarah Johnson ; Sarah married to ? Holland ; and Joshua, married to Maria ? The latter settled in Colebrookdale, Berks county, where he died in 1788, leav ing sons Joshua, John, Joseph and James. John, the son of Joshua De la Plaine was married to Sophia Miller, and prior to the Revolution removed to Rocky Hill, in Frede rick county, Maryland. Joseph, another son, who was an officer in the Revolution, married Catharine Miller, daughter of the emigrant John William Miller, of Oley, Berks county, and also removed to Frederick county, Maryland, sometime after the Revolution. John died in 1804 aged 63 years, and James died in 18 18 aged about 74 years. Both left families, and their decendents are very numerous and include many eminent names. Reference has been made to the Cresson family, the ancestor of which was Pierre Cresson, a prominent refugee of Picardy, France, who in 1640 fled to Holland, where he is said to have been gardner to the Prince of Orange. After a seventeen year sojourn in Holland he emigrated to New York. The widow of his son Jacques, with a number of children, came to Philadelphia at an early day. Solomon Cresson, son of the widow, who in 1702 was married to Anna Watson, founded the family name in Philadelphia. Con rad Cresson, whose antecedents are not known, was a resident of Colebrookdale, in Berks county, prior to 1728. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 53 CHAPTER VII. The Perkiomen and Lower Schuylkill Region. Skippack — Goshahoppen — Falkner Swamp — Early Settlers- Many French and Alsatians — Hillegas — Boyer - de Frain — Pechin — Dubois — Baldy — Lesher. "Truth forever on the scaffold — Wrong forever on the throne ! Yet that scaffold sways the future, And behind the dim unknown — Standelh GOD within the shadow Keeping watch above his own." ©^r^)ISING in the hill country over * \\ the Lehigh county line, and J- V_^»^ flowing southward through Montgomery county into the Schuylkill river, is the Perkiomen creek. The beautiful valley through which it flows also bears its name. Near the head waters of this stream is a locality knows as ' ' Skippack " and "Goshahoppen," with its famous church dating back to about 1730. Extending westward from this region toward the ancient Cole-brook- dale, and the Oley Hills of Berks , county, is the Falkner Swamp, drain- \^<^[/rf\%s/&^syJ(:J. e(* by the Swamp creek, which empties 'v_-'/ . ^a^-z^ouu- .^^ t^e perkiomen. // This region was settled at an first treasurer of the early day principally by Palatines and united states. Alsatians, and also some French, a number of whom had previously lived in the Huguenot settlements of New York. 54 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. In the Reformed society of Goshahoppen were a considerable number of members with Huguenot antecedents, among others the families Hillegas, Leshire, Lingel, Griesemere, Transue, Desmond, Labar, Reboteau, de Bleama, (i) Somaine. About the time of the Revocation (1685), the Hillegas family fled from Alsace to the Palatinate for safety. A number of the younger members later came to Pennsylvania. John Frederick Hillegas (2) arrived in 1727 and lo cated in Goshenhoppen, Montgomery county. Two of his sons, who had remained in Europe, arrived — Leopold va. 1730 and John Adam in 1734. Michael Hillegas (B. 1696 D. 1749), arms of hillegas. a brother to John Frederick, also arrived at an early day. He was the father of Michael Hillegas, the first Treasurer of the United States (3). George Peter Hille gas, who died in Philadelphia county in 1745, is supposed to have been a brother to the senior emigrants. George Albrecht Hillegas, who arrived in 1746, and whose relationship to the others is not known, located near Lancaster where he died not many years afterwards. His widow died there in 1780 aged 76 years. The Hillegas name has ever been an honorable one in the history of the Commonwealth, and a very large number of descend- ents became men of eminence, of whom may be mentioned the Hon. John Richards, a descendent of John Frederick Hillegas (4). Boyer. — This family is one of the most extensive and honora ble in France. Several branches belong to the nobility. Many have been distinguished as ministers, writers, soldiers and states men. A notable representative was the late Cardinal Jean Pierre Boyer (1829-1896), Archbishop of Bourges. Prince Lucien Bona parte, a brother of the great Napoleon, incurred the latter's dis pleasure by marrying a beautiful girl named Boyer. Many of this name were Huguenots and were scattered to many lands by the persecutions. Mention is elsewhere made of a distinguished officer of this name in the Swedish Colony on the Delaware, and the set- (1). In 1759 Lemiatta de Blema was married at Goshahoppen. (2). John Frederick Hillegas was born in Alsace in 1685 and died 1764. His family consisted of Leopold, John Adam, Frederick, George, Peter, Conrad, Elisa beth, Ann Margaret, married to Matthias Richard, Ann Regina and Elis. Barbara. (3). Michael Hillegas, Jr. (1728-1804), a resident of Philadelphia, was aman of sterling worth and one of the foremost men of his times, and a tower of strength in the dark days of the Revolution. In 1776 he was made the first Treasurer of the United States and was retained in that responsible position until 1789. (4). Hon. John Richards, son of Matthias and Margaret Hillegas Richards, was b. in New Hanover, Pa., 1753, made a Justice 1777, Judge of the Courts 1784, in Congress 1796-1797, State Senate 1801-1807, died November 13, 1822. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 55 tlement of another family in Lancaster county in 1710, while still another — John Boyer — was one of the first settlers in York county. In the counties of Montgomery and Berks we find several ancestral heads of this name and from which a great posterity has came. The genealogist is met with insuperable difficulty in tracing out the various lines of Boyers in the Schuylkill Valley. It is a re markable fact that the name was written Beyer and Bayer upon ar rival. From the subjoined note (1) the reader will see how inter changeable the name was in Colonial days. A large number of im migrants of the name Beyer and Bayer arrived in Pennsylvania, of which we only notice such as are now known as Boyer, and which, in our opinion, was the original name of these families. The pio neers of the Boyers in this region were the following : In 1728 arrived from Alsace, France, Jacob Bayer, with wife and sons Valentine, Philip and Jacob, and located in the present vicinity of Boyertown. Hon. Henry Boyer (1778-1857), a promi nent member of the Legislature, was of this hne (2). In 1731 ar rived Christop. Beyer and sons Andreas and Martin. This fam ily we know settled in Montgomery county and the family record is partly in the Archives of the old Goshahoppen Church. This fam ily is said to have been from Grunstadt in the Palatinate. In this same vessel and at the same date arrived John Philip Bayer, Philip Beyer, Philip Beyer, Jr., John Jacob Beyer, Henry Beyer and George Beyer. The two latter were under sixteen years of age. This family likewise located in Montgomery and Berks counties in close proximity. Soon after arrival we find all the foregoing names written Boyer. John Philip Bayer, Sen. located in Frederick town ship, (now) Montgomery county, where he died May 7, 1753, and was buried in Oley, Berks county. His son Henry (1714-1814) lived near Boyertown. A great many of the John Philip Boyer line are buried in the old church yard at Amityville, Berks county. Gabriel Boyer was a resident of Oley as early as 1732. In the foregoing arrivals we have at least four separate lines. We are in clined to the belief that there was some connection between them. (1). Naturalized in 1743 in Philadelphia (now Montgomery county), Gabriel Bowyer, Philip Beyer, Abraham Beyer, Jr., 1755, Andrew Boyer, Philadelphia City, 1762, Philip Boyer, Berks county, 1759, Nich. Boyer, 1761, facob Boyer, 1761, Christopher Boyer, Northampton county, 1761, Andrew Boyer, Land Warrants granted, Gabriel Boyer, 1733-1737, Christian Boyer. 1737, Christopher Boyer, Bucks county, 1738, Johannis Beyer, 1738, Johannis Boyer, 1741, Hans (John) Boyer, 1733, John Boyer, York county, 1754, Andrew Bayer, 1734-1735. Andrew Boyer, 1744, Andrew Boyer, Berks county, 1744, Christopher Poyer, 1737, Philip Boyer, 1761, Jacob Boyer, 1757, do. Berks county, 1751, Elias Boyer, Bucks county, 1738. (2). Vide Proc. Mont. Co. Hist. Soc, 1895, p. 274; also "Keim and Allied families," p. 556. 56 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Among the descendents of the immigrant, John Philip Boyer, was a grandson, Philip Boyer, Jr. (1746-1832), who removed to (now) Snyder county, where he died, leaving an honored posterity. His son, Gen. Philip Boyer, an officer in the war of 1812, remained in Montgomery county. The latter was the father of Hon. Benj. M. Boyer (b. 1823), presiding Judge of the courts of Montgomery county, and a member of Congress 1 864-1 866. From this family also came Col. Zachur Prall Boyer (1 832-1 900), who served with distinction in the Civil War, and Hon. Henry K. Boyer (b. 1850), a member of the Legislature in 1887, State Treasurer in 1889, and later Director of the United States Mint at Philadelphia. Prof. Daniel S. Boyer (1827- 1899), a grandson of Philip, Sr. , of Snyder county, was prominent as an educator. He was the founder of the Freeburg Academy, and for many years Superin tendent of the public schools of Snyder county. De Frain. — This name, variously written " De Frain," Du Frain, Du Fresne, etc., occurs in many localities in France and represents an honorable lineage, one branch of which belongs to the nobility of Normandy (1). They were largely Protestant and must have suffered very much from the religious persecutions, as we find refugee families of this name in the Palatinate, Switzerland, England and South Carolina, as well as Pennsylvania. The origin of the earliest family in the latter State is somewhat obscure. Among the passengers of the ship " Louther," which arrived in Philadelphia in 1731, was Maria Forrain (2). Circumstances point to her as being the mother of the DeFrain family of Mont gomery county. Her husband may have perished at sea. Of this family we have the following : Martin, who married prior to T743; John, who married prior to 1746; Jacob, born 1730 and confirmed at the trap in 1748 ; Peter, who married in 1753 ; Elisa beth who, prior to 1747, married Adam Heilman. Also Christian and Frederic. Muehlenburg, the founder of the Lutheran Church in America, in reporting the confirmation of the above mentioned Elisabeth Du Frain, says her parents were Huguenots, with the inference that she was orphaned in early youth (3). In 1794 Louis Fontain De Fresne, of Paris, took the oath of allegiance at Philadelphia. In 1788 Dr. Albert Du Fresne, with his family arrived from Switzerland, whither his people had fled from persecution. He was both a minister and physician. He located at Lancaster and was a prominent citizen (b. 1748 ; d 1823). (1). Nobility of Normandy, Vol. II p 103. (2). Penna Arch, Vol. XVII. (3). " Halliche Nachrichten," Am. Ed., Vol. I p. 342 ; also note p. 417. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 57 Pechin. — In 1734 arrived Pierre Pechin (1706-1775). The name Pechin appears among the Huguenot refugees in Prussia. That Pierre Pechin was of a Huguenot family there is no doubt. He brought with him the old family bible they had preserved through the fires of persecution. This book, several centuries old, is now held by a descendent of the refugee and is sacredly preserved as a memento of the trials through which the family passed. Pierre Pechin was a man of more than ordinary standing and intelligence. He brought with him rare books and furniture and evidently had considerable means. His family consisted of three sons and two daughters, (1) the mother having died at sea during the voyage. He located near Philadelphia where he died in 1775. His remains rest at Ardmore. His son, Jean Christopher, located in Philadelphia and engaged in various enterprises and became one of its foremost and wealthiest citizens. Purviance. — The Purviance family seems to have been terri bly scattered at the Revocation as refugee branches are found in England, Ireland and the Palatinate. Four brothers of the Irish branch came to America, namely : Robert and Samuel, who located in Baltimore ; John, who located in Philadelphia, and William, who went to North Carolina. Samuel Purviance, of the English branch, came to Philadelphia prior to 1693. David Purviance came from Lorrain in 1754 and located in Dauphin county. The Baltimore branch were successful business men and acted as financial agents for the Continental Government during the War of the Revolution. From this branch came Commodore Hugh Purviance, (2) a distinguished naval officer who was born in Balti more in 1799. Trego, Tricot, Trico. — Several brothers of this name fled to England prior to the Revocation. In 1683 one of them, Pierre Trego, came to Pennsylvania and located in Delaware county, where he died prior to 1735. He was a prominent member of the Society of Friends (3). Pierre and Judith Trego had children— Jacob, b. 1687 ; James, b. 1690 ; William, b. 1693 ; John, b. 1696 ; Ann, b. 1702 ; Peter, married in 1726. The Trego family is very extensive and has produced many distinguished men, of whom may be mentioned Prof Charles B. Trego, a scientist of (1). The family of Pierre Pechin consisted of (1) Jean Nicholas, who died unmarried. (2). Peter, who served in the Revolution and removed to Georgia. (3). Jean Christopher, m. in 1765, Christena Bright, a. granddaughter of Jacques Simonett. (5). Margaret, who married George Gyger. (4). Susan, whom. Martin Miller. (2). Biog. Ency. of Maryland, p. 96. (3 Vide " History of the Trego Family," by Dr. A. Trego Shertzer. 58 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. high repute and author of "A Geographical History of Pennsyl vania," published in 1843, and J. K. Trego, a noted artist. That sturdy old Huguenot, Louis Dubois, (i)of Ulster county, N. Y., gave posterity to several of Pennsylvania's best families. A son, Abraham, with his daughter, Mrs. Philip Ferree, located in Pequea, as is elsewhere noted. In 171 3 his son, Solomon Dubois (1670-1759), became joint proprietor of a large tract of land in the Perkiomen Valley and is supposed to have resided there. Isaac Dubois, a son of Solomon, became seated on this estate in 1716 and died here in 1729. In this region also located Daniel Desmond in 1708, and John LcFever in 1718. Both are supposed to have came from Esopus in New York. Abraham Transue located here in 1730 and Philip LaBar in 1738. In the vicinity of Chestnut Hill, near Germantown, located Adam Bos hong prior to 1733. also Carl Val. Nich. Schuette (Shuey) prior to 1734. In the lower Schuylkill Valley located in 1753 John and Frederick Quay, prob ably father and son. The name, also written " leQuay, " appears among the lists of refugees to England and among the galley slaves. It is evident that many were Protestants and suffered severely in the persecutions. One branch located in Canada and from whence came the ancestor of the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay, United States Senator, son of a Presbyterian minister, and who was born in York county, Pennsylvania, in 1833. In 1735 arrived Christian Bliem who located north of Potts- town. His ancestors fled from France to the Palatinate prior to the Revocation. (2) Christian was born at New Manheim in 1 7 1 1 and died in 181 1, at the age of a century. His posterity is very num erous. Delliker. — From 1784 to 1799 Rev. Frederick Delliker was pastor of the Reformed congregation in Falkner Swamp. He is said to have been of Huguenot parentage, the family name being De La Cour. (3) Many of this name are found among the refugees. Reverend Delliker was a man of great ability and usefulness. He died in 1799 at the Swamp Church in Montgomery county. In 1749 arrived John Michael Missamer from Alsace, and located in the Falkner Swamp, where he died in 1753. His son, Cassamir Missamer, born in Alsace, was a prominent man and founder of an honorable posterity. (1.) Louis Dubois, one of the twelve patentees of New Paltz, N. Y., who is regarded as the founder of that Colony, was born at Wicres, Prov. of Artois, France, in 1626, fled to Manheim, in the Palatinate, and from thence with the Huguenot Colony to the Hudson River in 1660. He was m. in 1655 to Catherine Blanchard, a daughter of a refugee at Manheim. Vide Chap. IV. (2). Vide Biog. Encj . of Montgomery Co. (3). Vide Harbaugh's " Fathers of the Reformed Church. " MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 59 The name Baldy occurs prominently among the Huguenot refugees. Several branches fled to Switzerland and England. In the latter country, Rev. David Baldy was pastor of the Hugue not Church at Norwich from 1693 until bis death in 17 10. (1) A family, the head of which has not been identified, located in the Schuylkill Valley at an early day. Of this stock, Conrad Baldy had children baptized at the Falkner Swamp Lutheran Church in 1744. A considerable number of the name from this region appear on the lists of Revolutionary soldiers, some as officers. Of the latter was Christopher Baldy of Berks county, who located in the West Branch Valley. He was acaptain in the Continental army, and later became a brigadier general in the State service. Late in life he removed to Seneca county, N. Y. , where he died in 1809. It is probable that this family is identical with that of Baldus, which in France is evidently the same. A number of this name appear in our list of immigrants. (2) Bigony, (Bigonet, Pichonet). — The seat of this family is in Languedoc, France. The first of the name here was Jean Bigonet, a native of the city of Nisms, who came in 1752. May 27th, 1753, he was married in Germantown, Pa., to Cath. Elizabeth, the widow of Henry Ozias. In 1773 arrived Francois P. Bigonet, who located in the Falkner Swamp where he married Maria Brant in 1779. Lorah. — This name, variously written Lora, Lorey and Loreaux, represents a large and influential Huguenot family scattered during the persecutions, while others less fortunate appear on the list of galley slaves. Refugees of this name appear in England, the Palatinate and Switzerland, while one branch of noble rank has long been seated in Austria. (3) Several branches came to Penn sylvania. There was a Loreaux family located in Philadelphia prior to 171 5. John Conrad Lorah came to Philadelphia in 1754. He was a man of prominence as also was his son Casper. Another son named Conrad located at Warwick, Lancaster county, soon after their arrival. John Lorah located in Oley, Berks county, in 1737, and was one of the founders of the Reformed Church of that place. He died in 1768, leaving an honored posterity. John Henry Lorah arrived in 1753 and located in York county, where he died in 1763, leaving posterity. Lesher, originally written " Le Shar," " Le Char" and " Le Shair." This extensive family was scattered to various Protestant (1) Vide Proc. London Hug. Soc, Vol. II p. 138. (2) In France the name is also written " Baldus." Several of this name came to Pennsylvania and are probably the ancestors of the Baldy family. (3). See American Geneologist, Vol. I p. 186. 60 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUBJNOT& countries at the Revocation. Jean Le Shair was a refugee to Ulster, New York, prior to 1700. Of those who came to Pennsyl vania John Nicholas Lesher located in Skippack, and Jacob in Providence, both in 1732. From one of these came John Lesher (2) who located in Oley in Berks county and erected extensive iron works in 1760. Several families of this name also located in Lan caster county. Votaw-Vautie. Several branches of this family came to America. There was a Vautie fumily in the Huguenot Church in New York prior to 1750. Pierre Vautie arrived in 1754 and lo cated in Eastern Pennsylvania. There was a Votaw family said to have located near Philadelphia prior to 1740 from which came Paul, Isaac and John Votaw, who emigrated to Loudon county, Virginia (2). We suspect that Pierre Votaw, as above, was the head of this family. Retteau (Rettew). — This name appears among the refugees to England. William Rettew, the head of the family in America, arrived prior to 1725. In 1726 he purchased a warrant for a tract of land in Delaware county on which he located. This land he sold to his son Thomas in 1731, who died without issue, and the plantation fell to John Rettew, brother of Thomas, "his heir-at law," and who obtained a patent for the same in 1752. From this recital we infer that the Rettew posterity descend from John, son of the immigrant. Some time prior to 1735, Jean Perdeau (variously written Barto, Bardo, etc.,) located in Colebrookdale, where he died at an advanced age in 1770, leaving a numerous posterity. The Somaine (3) (now Sumney) family in the Perkiomen region probably came from Isaac Somaine, who in 1758 had six children baptized at the Goshahoppen Reformed Church. A little later, Samuel Somaine, probably a brother, was married at the same place. (1). John Lesher, Esq., 1711-1794, was a man of prominence. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention, 1776, a member of the General Assembly from 1776 to 1784, and one of the Commissioners to purchase supplies for the Con tinental army. (2). Pa. Mag. of Hist., XIII, 254. (3). Jean Somaine was a Huguenot galley slave. See Dodderer's Historical Notes p. 46. iP!C Wmtrait du Livre des ftapthes de I'Eglife Wallonm sh; d'Ampviam. %ifo*h Je foubfigne", Authorifc du Conjiftoirc, & Ancien, auquel le Livre des Baptemes eft commis, certifie que,^ tnit-M/n^n tU eft ne" le 0-fi "du Mois d t J^p-m d^ksx f62<$ & a efte baptife en la ditte Eglite \ gytyonfiewy ^crd'/-^^ . Jen pretence, d c^ H ^_^ Fait a Amflerdamle f$ / '* Oou .7 '(? d. y. ; Anna Ursula, b. 1740. (2). In 1727 arrived the Rosenthal branch of the Moser family, and which was probably connected with others that came from Wurtemberg later. In the above were John Paul, Christian and JosC Moser, probably brothers. John Paul was a son of Nicholas and Maria Elis. Moser, of Rosenthal, and was b. 1697, m. in 1723 Maria Barb. Cassel. They had children: Maria Elis., b. 1724; Francois, b. 1730; Maria Christena, b. 1733 ; John, b. 1743, d. y. (3). Gerber. — In 1738 arrived John Christian Gerber, age 46, and George Mi chael Gerber, age 32 years, from Alsace. They were probably brothers. John Christian settled in the Oley hills. (4.) De la Camp. — Henry De la Camp settled in the Hills 1753 and where he carried on the manufacture of cutlery for many years. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 77 Of the foregoing John George Beaver had a son, John George, Jr., who served with distinction in the Revolution. The latter had a son, Peter Beaver (1782-1849), who became a pioneer minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church and was one of the first minis ters of that denomination in America to preach in the German lan guage. He was one of the first ministers of this church in the in terior of Pennsylvania and died at New Berlin in (now) Union county, where a granite monument marks his resting place and re counts his labors for humanity. Rev. Peter Beaver was the grandfather of General James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, Pa., a gallant soldier of the Civil War, elected Governor of Pennsylvania 1887, made a Judge of the Supe rior Court of Pennsylvania 1895, of which office he is still an in cumbent. Another eminent descendant of Dewalt Beaver is Prof. George G. Groff, M. A., M. D., professor of organic sciences in Bucknell University, and late U. S. medical inspector of Porto Rico, whose reputation is world-wide as an authority on sanitary and economic science. In 1 768 arrived from Deux Ponts the brothers Michael, Val entine and Jacob Biever (now Beeber), a branch of the same family already noted. They located in the West Branch Valley. From this latter stock comes Judge Dimmer Beeber, of Philadelphia. In 1 817 two brothers, Melchoir and Rudolph Hoch (High), ar rived from Alsace and located in the Schuylkill Valley. In 1725 Rudolph Hoch located in Oley near the De Turks. The Hoch pos terity is both numerous and honorable. The head of the Herbein family fled from France at the Revo cation and found asylum in the Palatinate where the name was Germanized. About 1717a son, Jonathan Herbein, arrived and located in Oley. His name appears on the list of petitioners for the erection of the township in 1720. In 1732 Peter Herbein arrived. In 1733 we find Jonathan, Peter and Abraham Herbein possessed of extensive plantations in Oley. The supposition is that they were brothers. In 1730 arrived from Alsace the brothers John Valentine and Casper Griesamer, both of whom established families. The former located in Goshahoppen in Montgomery, and the latter in Oley, Berks county, where the village of Griesamersville perpetuates the name. In 1737 John Jacob Kauffman arrived from Alsace and also located in Oley, but later removed to Chester county. He received a good education in the city of Strasbourg, his native place, but was compelled to emigrate because of religious persecution. He 78 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. was for many years a bishop in the Amish branch of the Mennonite Church. About 1729 Conrad Reif arrived from Alsace and located in Oley. His connection with Jacob Reif, a prominent citizen of Skippack who came some years earlier, is not known. In Exeter township, Berks county, bordering along the Schuyl kill, a number of Alsatians and Lorraines located. Among others were the Hugetts, of whom George was a taxable in 1734, and Peter, who arrived in 1737. These were heads of families upon arrival. The Aurands, from Alsace, were also early arrivals, Pe ter prior to 1737, and John prior to 1744. John Aurand, who ar rived in 1 753, is elsewhere noted. John Wilier, who died in 1761, was also an early resident. A Marquett family was early seated in Amity. The Berks county branch derive their ancestry from Peter (1763-1810), a son of the immigrant. There was evidently some connection between this family and John Henry Marquett, who lo cated in Lebanon county prior to 1743. CHAPTER X. The Upper Delaware and Lehigh Region. Huguenot Settlers of Bucks, Northampton and Monroe Counties — DeNormandy — Bessonett — LaValleau — San tee — DuCorson— DeTray — DeBolieu — Jourdan — LaBar • — Tohicken — The Remarkable Settlement of the Mini- sink — DePew Family— Michelet — Balliet — Grimm — The Moravians — LaTrobe — DeSchweinitz — Clevel — LaBar — La Wall — LaMar. " They are slaves who will not choose Hatred, scoffing and abuse, Rather than in silence shrink From the truth they needs must think; They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three." — L. L. Lowell. >fHE ± settlements in the region embraced in the counties of Bucks, Monroe and Lehigh were greatly augmented by the still earlier settlements on the eastern side of the Delaware. Among the settlers were many Huguenots who came from the Col onies of New Jersey, Long Island, Staten Island and Esopus in New York. Many of them located in Bristol and vicinity. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 79 DeNormandy. — Among the first residents of Bristol was the DeNormandy family who descended from the nobility of France. (i) The heads of the house were the Lords De la Mothe. In A. D. 1460 Guillaume DeNormandy was made Governor of Noyon. He was distinguished both for piety and energy, and the Chapel of St. Claire, which he founded, is a fit memorial to his devotion. His wife was a princess in her own right, being a daughter of the Lord De Mialle d'Aisilly and Montiscourt. Laurent DeNormandy, a descendent of Guilliaume, became prominent in the Reformation. He was on terms of closest inti macy with John Calvin, the leader of the Reformation in France, and was the executor of his will, having with him removed to Gen eva, in Switzerland, on account of persecution. Both Laurent DeNormandy and his sons became prominent in the affairs of the Swiss Republic. Jean DeNormandy was one of the deputies of the Swiss Government to conclude a treaty of peace with the Prince of Savoy in 1603. Joseph, a son of Jean, was also a man of prominence, as was also Michael, son of Joseph. The American branch came from Andre, born in 165 1 and a son of Michael. Andre was also a man of note and was in the ser vice of Frederick the Great many years and was his confidential agent at Neufchatel. In 1706 he emigrated to Pennsylvania and located in Bristol where he died in 1724. His son Abraham mar ried in 171 5 a daughter of Dr. Francis Gandonet, as also his brother John Anthony. Abraham died in 1757 and John Anthony in 1745. Both were men of prominence. Abraham was sheriff of Bucks county in 1719 and chief burgess of Bristol from 1728 to 1731 and from 1742 to 1744. Bessonett. — The Bessonetts were originally seated in the Province of Dauphiny, several of the name being prominent in the Reformation, notably Claude DeBessonett. At the Revocation a branch of the family fled to Ireland and from thence to America. Of this family Richard Bessonett was a resident of Burlington, New Jersey, in 1692. The Bessonetts were also seated in Bristol in 1720, of whom was Charles Bessonett, (2) Deputy Postmaster General during the Revolution War and a man of great business ca pacity. He was the first to establish a coach line between New York and Philadelphia. Santee. — The history of the Santee family is somewhat ro mantic, as the following brief sketch, furnished by Dr. Ellis M. Santee, of Cortland, N. Y., shows : "The story of our ancestor, as (1). Vide Davis' Hist, of Bucks County. (2). See Davis' Hist, of Bucks County. 80 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. handed down to me by my grandfather, is as follows : "In 1685, about the time of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, Elias San tee lived in the Province of Bergundy. He was a French noble man and a favorite of the King. He had a son named Isaac who was enamored of a German lady named Hahn, who was one of the Queen's maids. Elias was a Huguenot and the King begged him to renounce his religion and conform to the decree. This he re fused to do and was imprisoned. The Queen informed her maid of what was coming to the family and she and Isaac were quietly married and secretly left the country for Holland, there to await the release of Elias. In 1690 Elias died in prison and Isaac and his young wife came to this country, landing at Philadelphia. Soon afterward he went up the Delaware and settled near where Easton now stands." John Santee, a descendant, was a distinguished officer of the Revolution War. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes Jean and Nicholas Lazelere came to New York. The former located on Long Island and the latter on Staten Island. Nicholas, Jr., a son of the latter, located in Bucks county in 1741. DeBoileu. — The DeBoileu family is of patrician rank in France and has given many eminent names to history, among them Des- pereau Boileau (1636-1711), one of the most brilliant of all French writers, and in literature called "The Legislator of Parnassus." A Huguenot branch of this family fled at the Revocation to New York and located on Long Island. Isaac, a son of this refugee, came to Bucks county at an early day. He was the father of the distinguished Nathaniel Boileu. (1) The DuCorson family were also refugees who located on Long Island, and from whence Benjamin came to Bucks county in 1726, and located at the present village of Addersville. In 1737 Christian De Tray located where the town of Telford now stands. In 1762 Conrad DeTray was naturalized in Phila delphia. His connection with the foregoing is not known. Charles Le Valleu settled at Bristol prior to 1695. Abraham LaRue and sons Abraham, Isaac and David were also early arri vals. Ralph Dracot, of a refugee family in New Jersey, became a resident of the county in 171 2. (1). Nathaniel Boileu was born in Bucks county in 1763 and died in 1850. In 1808 he was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives and later was ap pointed Secretary of the Commonwealth by Governor Snyder. He held the office three terms. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 81 The Minisink. Near the Delaware Water Gap, in Monroe county, are the Minisink Flats, the settlement of which antedates the founding of the Province by William Penn. The Minisink settlers were mostly Huguenots from Esopus, on the Hudson river. Prior to the Eng lish occupancy they had constructed a wagon road through the wil derness from Esopus to the Water Gap on the Delaware, a distance of about one hundred miles, over which they conveyed minerals and other products from the Delaware to the Hudson river. This Colony is remarkable from the fact that there are no records of its establishment. It had no connection whatever with the Colonies on the Lower Delaware, and of which the Minisink settlers are said to have had no knowledge whatever, (i) They were left undisturbed on their lands by the Pennsylvania Proprietors until 1730 when the Surveyor General, Nicholas Scull, and his deputy, John Lukens, proceeded to the settlement to in vestigate its character and titles. The surveyors were not able to ascertain definitely the time of settlement, but they concluded from the appearance of the buildings, orchards, etc., that it had been made a long while ago. DePew. — Among the settlers was Samuel DePew, who located on the New Jersey side of the Delaware in 1697. Later he pur chased from the Indians a large body of land on the Pennsylvania side and on which the village of Shawnee is located. Nicholas DePui (Depew), a son of Samuel, settled above Easton on the Delaware about 1725. He was a man of considera ble means and ability and erected the first grist mill in this region. Count Zinzendorf, the eminent founder of the Moravian Church in America, visited him in 1742. Nicholas DePui, Sr., was a mem ber of the Council of Safety which met December 24, 1774, at Easton to consider the threatening relations of the Colonies with the Mother country. During the Revolution Nicholas, Jr. , and Benjahiin DePui were members of the Committee of Safety and of ficers in the Continental service. Moses DePui, probably a brother to Nicholas, Sr., was a justice of the peace for Bucks county in 1747 and many years thereafter. The DePew family is of noble origin and has furnished many names notable in the history of France. Barthelmy Dupuy, born about 1650, was a trusted lieutenant in the household guard of Louis XIV. About 1682 he retired from the service of tbe King and married the Countess Susanna Lavillon. At the time of the Revocation (1685) he was summoned to recant his Huguenot faith. (1). Hazzard's Register, Vol. I, 439. 82 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. At his request to consider over the matter he embraced the oppor tunity during the night to make his escape to Germany. After re maining there fourteen years he went to England in 1699, and from thence to the Huguenot Colony on the James river in Virginia. Here he died some time after 17 14, leaving to America the exam ple of a truly noble life. Many of his posterity have been among our most distinguished citizens. Chauncy F. Depew, a descendant of the emigrant to New York, has shed lustre on the family name. In this Colony also was the Decha (now Desha) family from Esopus. After the Revolution a branch of them emigrated to Kentucky. Several of this name have became eminent, of whom Joseph Desha, born in Pennsylvania in 1768 and Governor of Ken tucky 1 824- 1 828, was perhaps the best known. Jour dan. — In 1738 arrived Jean Jourdan, whose father fled from France to the Palatinate at the Revocation. He established himself at Mt. Pleasant, in Hunterdon county in New Jersey, but his family eventually located in Pennsylvania. Among the sons of the emigrant was Frederick, born in 1744, and whose son John, born 1770, located in Philadelphia. John Jordan, Jr. (1808- 1890), a son of the latter, was an eminent Moravian philanthropist who, among other noble deeds, so munificently supported and endowed the Pennsylvania Historical Society. Tohickon. — In the Reformed society of Tohickon, which was organized prior to 1733, there is said to have been a considerable number of Huguenot members. The identity of most, however, has been lost by the unfortunate transformation of names elsewhere noted. Among the names preserved is that of the Laux family, the head of which was Peter Laux, who arrived in 1737 — then also the Sallada family. Tradition has it that there were five immigrant brothers. A fuller note on this family will be elsewhere found. The Lehigh Region. In the romantic Valley of the Lehigh and the region ad jacent, a considerable number of Huguenots, principally Al satians, settled at an early day. Among the first arrivals in White hall township, in Lehigh county, was John Jacob Mickley, who came to America in 1733 and was the founder of a prominent family. Jean Jacques Michelet (this was his French name) was descended from a noble and distinguished Protestant family of the city of Metz. (1.) His father, Louis Michelet 1675-1750), was a young mer chant in that city when he was married in 1697 to Suzanne Mangeot, (1). In 1546 Michael Michelet was given the choice of recanting his faith or burning at the stake. He chose the latter, declaring : "Inasmuch as God has given me grace to confess the truth He will not deny me strength to suffer for it." MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 83 a pious and accomplished young lady of that place. No marriage of Protestants being legal in France they proceeded to the free city of Zweibrucken where they were married, and where they also re mained until after the birth of Jean Jacques the same year. Louis Michelet was an earnest and devoted man and soon after his marriage began to exercise the office of the ministry. In course of time he became the pastor of the Huguenot congregation in Zweibrucken where he continued to reside until his death. One of his sons, Louis, born in 1705, in 1720 went to Berlin where he es tablished an influential family. The late distinguished Professor Charles Louis Michelet, of Berlin, was a grandson. (1) Upon his arrival in America John Jacob Mickley proceeded to Berks county where he made his home with his kinsman, Jacob LeVan. A few years later he came to the Lehigh Valley where he married Elizabeth Barbara, a daughter of Ulrich Burkhalter, and established himself on a large estate on which the village of Mickleys is situated. Here he died in 1769. (2) Many of his descendents have shed additional lustre on the honored family name. His three sons served with distinction in the war of the Revolution, viz. : John Jacob, John Martin and John Henry. The first is noted as having brought the Liberty Bell from Philadelphia to Bethlehem in September, 1777, in order to save it from capture by the British. The late Joseph J. Mickley (1 799-1 878), a great grandson of the emigrant, was a world-renowned antiquarian and numismatist. He was the first President of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, besides being a member of various foreign societies. Balliet. — Paul Balliet arrived in the Lehigh Valley in 1738, and his brother Joseph in 1749. This family was of patrician ori gin and has been traced back to A. D. 500, when one of this name was commander of the army of King Clodowic. In the days of William the Conqueror (A. D. 1066), an officer of this name and connected with that expedition, remained in Eng land and settled in Sussex. The Balliet family is traced in many important relations which we cannot here detail until the XVth century, when a reformer of this name was one of the first to suffer death for the cause of the Reformation in the Province of Languedoc. (1). Professor Michelet (1801=1893), was one of the profoundest scholars of the last century and founder of a distinct school of thought. In his biographies mention is made of his Huguenot ancestry. (2). john Jacob Mickley had children : John Jacob, 1737-1808 ; John Martin, 1745-1830 settled in Adams county ; John Peter, 1752-1828, settled in Bucks county • Henry, b. 1754, killed by the Indians in 1763 ; Barbara, born 1756, killed by the Indians 1763 ; Magdalena, 1745-1827 ; Susanna, b.- 84 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. At a later period, when the horrors of the Revocation (1685) burst upon this Province, Jacques Balliet fled for refuge to Salm, a small District between Alsace and Lorraine. The family, however, soon found that there was no safety for Protestants in the French Kingdom and sought refuge in foreign lands. Of this family were Paul and Joseph, grandsons of Jacques. Paul Balliet was married prior to his emigration to Pennsylvania to Magdalena Voturin, of Lorraine. (1) The name is known in this country in its German ized form of "Woodring." Several of Mrs. Balliet's relatives, among them Abraham Voturin and John Voturin (Woodring), also came to Pennsylvania. The former settled in Lehigh and the lat ter in York county. The Balliet family has been an honor to this State. Stephen, the third son of Paul, was a prominent man in his day and filled many important positions. He was a Colonel in the Revolution, in which capacity he rendered distinguished ser vice to his country. (2) LaRose. — In the vicinity of Macungie Jean Louis LaRose (La- ros), settled prior to 1740. He is said to have been of noble pa rentage and was compelled to flee from his native country because of his religion. His son, John Jacob LaRose (1755-1845), was a distinguished minister of the German Reformed Church in America. Vesqueau. — In this same region also settled Jean Vesqueau (Wesco) and his son Francois, who fled from Alsace, their native land, to Holland, where they resided for some time and from thence came to Pennsylvania. The thriving town of Wescosville, in Le high county, perpetuates their honored name. Grimm. — In Weisenburg, Lehigh county, located in 1728 Egidius Grimm, who came to Pennsylvania in the same vessel with the noted pioneer minister of the Lutheran Church, John Cas per Stcever. The Grimm family is of patrician origin and long seated in Normandy. One branch established itself in Alsace from whence Egidius Grimm emigrated to America as the result of re ligious persecution. An interesting circumstance attaches to this family from the fact that an ancient pedigree, tracing the family back to a Norman Baron who lived in the days of William the (1). Paul Balliet, b. 1717, d. 1777. Children : Jacob, Nicholas, Col. Stephen, 1753-1821 ; John, 1761-1837 ; Paul, 1766-1845 ; Catharine, 1752-1823 ; Susan — — ; Eva, 1763-1797 ; Magdalena . (2). Col. Stephen Balliet was born 1753. He was a man of great energy and capability, as is evinced by the fact that he was given the command of a battalion at the opening of the Revolution. At the head of his command he participated in the battle of Brandywine in 1777, member of the Supreme Executive Council 1783- 1786, member of the Convention to ratify the Federal Constitution 1787, member of the General Assembly 1 788-1 790, member of House of Representatives (Con gress) 1794-1797, Revenue Collector 1797. He died August 4, 1821. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 85 Conqueror, was brought by the emigrant to America. The first Grimm family reunion was held at Hancock, Pa., in 1897, at which time the connection numbered over one thousand souls. LaBar. — In Mt. Bethel township, Northampton county, were located the LaBars as early as 1730. Of this family were the brothers Peter, Charles and Abraham. The latter became a dis tinguished officer in the Revolution. He first served as Major of the First, and afterwards as Colonel of the Fifth Battalion of Northampton County Associators, and rendered important service as Commandant of the Guard at Easton Ferry. A number of the family became men of mark, notably the late Judge DePew LaBar, a descendant of Colonel LaBar. About midway between Bethlehem and Easton located Daniel La'Wall, father of Captain Henry La Wall, of the Revolution. Other immigrants of this name are supposed to have been connec tions. In this county also located a LaMar family from which came the famous Major Marien LaMar, who fell at the massacre of Paoli September 20, 1777. Moravian Huguenots. The Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum) owes its existence in America to the devotion of Count Zinzendorf, a godly nobleman of Saxony, who in 1722 began to gather the terribly persecuted fol lowers of the great Reformer, John Huss, on his estates at Berthels- dorf. Espousing their cause he became their patron and Bishop. Through his fostering care a considerable town called Herrnhut was established on his estate by them, and from which place as a center they sent out many missionaries and small Colonies to distant parts of the world in their work of evangelization and in which they have excelled all other churches in liberality and self-sacrifice. Among the refugees thus gathered from all parts of Europe and united in the bonds of the ancient Faith were a considerable number of Huguenots. In 1735 a Colony of Moravians was established in Georgia which, on account of difficulties with Spain in 1741, was disturbed, many of the Colonists coming to Pennsylvania. In 1741, under the leadership of their Bishop, David Nitchman, they founded Bethlehem, and later Nazareth and other places. In 1741 Count Zinzendorf, with his devoted wife, came to America on a tour of inspection and evangelization. On this visit he seems to have been on terms of warmest friendship with some of the most prominent Huguenot refugees in the Province, preaching in their houses, etc. Among them may be mentioned Jean Bertolet and John DeTurk, of MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Oley, Jacob LeVan, of Maxatawny, Nicholas DePew, above Eas ton, and John Stephen Benezet, of Philadelphia. These facts may serve to indicate the intimate connection be tween the Moravians and Huguenots in the early days of their dis persion. In later times there have not been wanting interesting links connecting the history of the past with present associations. When Count Zinzendorf returned to Europe in 1743 he took with him to London Miss Anna Margaretha Antes, whose father, Henry Antes, of the Falkner Swamp, near Philadelphia, was one of the prominent lights of the Moravian faith. The object of the young woman's journey to the Old World was to complete her education in the Moravian schools. In England she met and married the Rev. Benjamin Latrobe, a young Huguenot Moravian minister. Three sons born of this union became men of eminence, and of whom Benjamin came to Philadelphia in 1796. (1) Another interesting link is the eminent Moravian family of DeSchweinitz. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes a Huguenot family named LeDoux fled to Stettin in Prussia. The LeDoux family suffered terribly as the result of their faith. Soon after 1565 Philip LeDoux suffered a martyr's death. A family of this name was among the Huguenot refugees to New York. A de scendant of the refugee to Stettin, Amalie LeDoux, born in 1791, married the Rev. David DeSchweinitz (2) in 1812, with whom she came to America, and from them the present American family de scends. It is also worthy of record that Rev. J. Mortimer Lever ing, a distinguished Bishop of the Moravians, also descends from the Huguenots through his ancestor, Wigard Levering. Clevel. — One of the most prominent French Moravian families in Northampton county is the Clevel (now Clewell) family. Their history, like that of their coreligionists, is a story of suffering for the sake of " the Faith once delivered to the Saints." (Jude, v. 3). The name appears among the exiles to various lands as well as among the galley slaves. One branch retired to Switzerland, from which came Rev. David Clevel (b. 1754), a distinguished minister. At the Revocation period one family fled from Dauphiny, France, to Auerbaeh, in Baden. The names of the parents and children (1). Benjamin Latrobe, Jr. (1767-1820), was unquestionably one of the great est architects of his age. He was in the service of the United States many years and designed many public buildings, among which the American Capitol is his most conspicuous monument. He was also a famous engineer and planned many of the first river and harbor improvements of America. (2). Lewis David De Schweinitz, Ph. D., born in Bethlehem, Pa., 1780, edu cated in Europe where he married in 1812. Returned to America and labored as a Moravian minister, locating finally at Bethlehem in 1821, and where he died in 1834. He was Senior Civilis Unitis Fratrilm. He is known to scientists as one of the most accomplished botanists of America. GRAVE OF MADAME KUECHLEY. THE ANCESTRESS OF THE CLEWELL FAMILY. P. 87. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 87 are unknown with the exception of Francois, who was married to Louisa Frache, of Geneva, Switzerland, with whom he had two sons, Francis and George. Becoming for the second time a widow, she and her sons in 1737 set out to find a home in the New World, coming to Philadelphia poor in worldly goods but brave in heart. The boys became Redemptioners and sold their services to a farmer for a period of several years in return for the payment of their pas sage. Francis, the eldest of the sons, married Salome Kichlein in 1746. Soon after his marriage he removed to Bucks county, locat ing on the Bushkill Creek, about two miles north of Nazareth, where he died in 1798 in the 78th year of his age. He was the father of three sons and nine daughters. (1) He was a pillar in the Mora vian Church and his house was a preaching place from 1755 to 1762. George Clevel, his brother, was also a Moravian and settled at Shoeneck, a short distance north of Nazareth, where he died in 1793. His family consisted of nine sons and three daughters. (2) The emigrant mother, Louisa Frache Clevel, also lived at Shoe neck, where she died. (3) Several Moravian ministers of prominence were Alsatian refu gees. They were John Philip Meurer and John Reinhart Ronner. The former arrived in 1742 and the same year was ordained as a minister and labored extensively in various congregations until his death at Bethlehem in 1760. John Reinhart Ronner was born near Strasburg, in Alsace, in 1698, and came to Bethlehem in 1743, where he was ordained to the ministry the same year. After a brief but very active ministry, five years of which were spent in mission work among the aborigi nes in St. Thomas, West Indies, he died at Bethlehem in 1756. In the Bethlehem congregation were a number of members of Huguenot extraction. Judith Brashier (nee Gasherie) was born at Esopus, whither her parents had fled at the Revocation. Mary Appolonia, the wife of John Bechtel, was born in Heidelberg in 1691, whither her parents, named Marrett, had fled. Martha Hussey was born in Paris in 17 19. Her parents, named Wilkes, fled to England, from whence she came to Bethlehem, and where she died in 1790. (1). His children were : Francis, Nathaniel, John, Magdalena, Rosena, Juli ana, Catharine, Salome, Veronica, Maria and three others. (2). Children : Jacob, John, Daniel, George, Joseph, Abraham, Francis, Christian, Elisabeth, Catharine and Salome. (3). The inscription on her tombstone is: "Louise Kuechley, geborne Frache, geboren Dec. , 1695; Zu Geneve in der, Schweiz, mutter von Franz und George Clewell, Sie war die Stam, mutter, Von der Zalreichen, Clewell Fami- lie, Gestorben October, 1767. Translation— Louise Kuechley, a born Frache, born December, 1695, in Ge neva, Switzerland, mother of Franz and George Clewell, and ancestress of the numerous Clewell family, died October, 1767. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. CHAPTER XL The Huguenots of Lancaster County. The Valley of the Conestoga — The French Traders — The Lancaster Church Records — Many Distinguished De scendants of the Huguenots — The Massacre of the Le Roys. 1 ' ' Be this my home till some fair star Stoops earthward and shall beckon me ; For surely Godland lies not far From these green heights and this great sea. My friend, my lover, trend this way — Not far along lies Arcady." 3T HE remarkably beautiful and fertile Valley of the Conestoga, in Lancaster county, derives its name from a tribe of Indians originally seated there. William Penn visited the valley and was much impressed with it. For many years the whites and Indi ans lived together here on terms of amity and a number of import ant treaties were consummated here between the Proprietors and the Indians. Among the first settlers were a number of French traders who had lived on the Schuylkill as early as 1690, and soon after 1700 removed to this valley. Chief among them were Peter Bezillion, Martin Chartier, Joseph Jessup and Captain James Letort. They were shrewd business men, well acquainted with the various Indian languages, and were frequently employed as agents and interpreters for the Provincial authorities. The many references to them in the Colonial records are generally in important and honorable con nections. Bezillion came to the Province prior to 1687 and was a very extensive land owner. He was a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and at his death (1) in 1742 left a legacy for St. John's parish. Chartier came to the Province prior to 1690 and (1). Bazillion's grave may be seen in St. John's churchyard, on the Lancaster turnpike, near the Lancaster and Chester line. He died July 18, 1742, aged 80 years. Near him also reposes his brother-in-law, John Coombe, who died Septem ber 12, 1736, aged 78 years. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. is sometimes referred to as "the French glover of Philadelphia." His trading post was on the Susquehanna, near the present city of Columbia, and where he died in 171 8. His son Peter, also a trader, removed to the Ohio Valley where he later associated himself with the French and Indians in hostility to Pennsylvania. The Letort family were members of the Episcopal Church and came to the Province prior to 1689. Captain James Letort was a resident of Philadelphia for many years. Both he and his sons were engaged in traffic on the frontiers and were frequently in the ser vice of the Government. There is considerable confusion in the Colonial Records regarding the personality of the Letorts arising from the failure of the writers to distinguish between father and son. (1) There are references to the traders as Papists, (2) but there were other traders besides those mentioned and who became involved in difficulties with the authorities to whom the reference doubtless applies. (3) It is worthy of note that Lewis Mitchelle, the advance agent and prospector of the Bernese Mennonites, spent a number of years with these traders (1 703-1 707) on terms of inti macy, and was accused by the authorities on the occasion of a mis understanding of having led the Frenchmen here. (4) It is hardly probable that he would make Papists his boon companions while seeking a home for his people where they might be free from re ligious persecution. The chief interest of the French Protestant emigration to this region centers around the arrival of the Ferree and Lefever fami lies in 1 71 2 and the advance refugees of the Mennonites who ar rived near the same time, an account of which the reader will find elsewhere in this work. Among the first arrivals was Samuel Boyer (1710) with a large family. A notice of the Boyers in Pennsylvania is elsewhere given in this work. (1). The dual Letort personality may be seen in the first two references fol lowing. He is referred to as "Captain" in 1689 (Col. Records, Vol. I p. 557), speaks of having been "bred to the service of this Government from infancy" (Col. Rec, Vol. II p. 100). He had a trading post at Conestoga prior to 1703 (Col. Rec, Vol. II p. 123). Had a trading post at Letort Springs, near Carlisle, in 1731, and lived there in 1735 (Hazzard's Register, Vol. XV p. 82). James, son of James and Mary Letort, buried at Christ Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, 1709 (Penna. Mag. of Hist., Vol. V). Judith Letort, same parents, buried 1711. Elisabeth Le tort, wife of James, died 1732. Francis Letort, son of Captain Letort, was killed by the Indians while hunting on the Potomac river. (2). Proud's Hist, of Penna., Vol. I p. 482. (3). Col. Rec, Vol. II p. 405,406. Col. Rec, Vol. lip. 420. Conyngham, an early historian of Conestoga, says Letort was a Huguenot. Rupp's Lane. Co., p. 515- (4). Col. Rec. , Vol. II p. 420. 90 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Thomas Perrine (died 1747), of Huguenot ancestry, was one of the first settlers and was probably a son of Matthew Perrine, of England, who died in 1695 leaving lands in Pennsylvania. (Penna. Archives, XIV., 384). Also Peter Lemont, (1) Jonas Larue, Ja cob Barree, (2) and Hubert Hubertson, a friend and fellow-emi grant of the Ferrees. The initial settlement made and the pioneers favorably situated the news spread with surprising rapidity among the exiles in Holland, Switzerland and the Palatinate, and Lancas ter county soon became an objective point for many in a few years. There was no distinctive religious organization maintained by them for the reason that they had already affiliated themselves with various branches of the Protestant Church in the land of their exile. The baptismal record of the First Reformed Church of Lancaster city, which was founded in 173 1, contains the names of a large number of Huguenot parents, and it is known that Rev. Charles Lewis Boehm, who was pastor of the church from 1771 to 1775, sometimes preached in the French language, which presupposes a considerable number of French speaking parishoners. (3) From the church records we extract the following names of Huguenot fathers and the earliest entry of children for baptism : John Casper Viller, 1733; Abr. DeGaston, 1736; Melchoir Boyer, 1741 ; Jacob Rudisill, 1742 ; Jacob Velschang, 1742 ; An drew Beauchamp, 1745 ; Melchoir Fortune and David Mich. For- tuney, 1749; Jacob Fortuney, 1753 (Forteneaux) ; John Ferree, 1745; Cornelius Ferree, 1745; Abraham Ferree, 1758; David Fortunet, 1747; Peter LaRou, 1749; John Messakop, 1750; Henry Racque, 1752 ; Peter Bonnett, Lorenz Marquet and DeBeau Rosier; Martin Boyer, 1753; Abraham DeDieu, 1755; Jean De- Dieu, 1773 ; John Jacob Allemand, 1755 ; John Jacob Huttier, 1753 ; Jacques Calvin Berott, John LeFever, Justice Trebert, 1756 ; Jacob LeCrone, Abraham Caupat (Gobat), 1759; Francois De- lancy, 1760; John Peter Roller, 1761 ; Adam LeRoy, Henry Du- Keyness, 1762; Peter Mumma, 1764; John Henry Vissard, 1765; Henry Maquinnett, 1765 ; Samuel Gurier, 1766; Jean Pierre Vo- sin, 1767; Conrad Hillegas, 1768; Conrad DuBois, 1770; Joseph LeBrant, 1771 ; Nicholas Dello, 1773. Besides the foregoing the Doute, Raiguel, Jacques, (4) DuFresne, Dundore, Armeson and Lorah families were members. (1). Rupp's Hist. Lane. Co., p. 516. ~ (2). Ibid. (3). " Brand, Elisabeth, daughter of Joseph and Magdalena, born July 28 and baptized August 25, 1771. N. B.— This child was baptized in the French language previous to the sermon which was preached in the same language." Extract from Record. (4). Jean Jacques, b. 1694 in France and died 1778. He was the ancestor of the Jacobs family. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. »¦ 91 The Trinity Lutheran Church of Lancaster, which was also founded very early, had likewise a large Huguenot membership. The following is a list of fathers with the earliest baptismal entry of children : Bernhart Hubele, 1748; Michael Hubele, 1749 ; Mich. Morett, 1754; Peter Bonnett, 1751 ; Francois Moreau, 1755; Jean Math iot, 1757; George Mathiot, 1764; John Peter Moreau, 1765; Jacques Santeau, 1766 ; Jean DeMars. Besides the foregoing were the families Marquette, Dillier, Rudesill, Cossart, (1) Bertie and Sponselier. (2) Mathiot. — The Mathiot family claims ancestry from Jean Ma thiot, who was an officer in the French army at the time of the mas sacre of St. Bartholomew. Being a Huguenot he retired to the mountainous region of the Jura for safety and where the family be came established. The emigrants to Pennsylvania were sons of Marcus Mathiot and his wife, Jane Bautonet, of Dasle, in the De partment of Doubs. In June, 1753, their son Jean married Mar garet Catharine, (3) a daughter of Hon. Jacques Bernard, the mayor of Dampierre, and his wife, Anna Maria Cuenot. Both the Mathiot and Bernard families, the latter of whom were of patrician rank, were of the Huguenot faith. In \7$4jean Mathiot and his brother George came to America and located near Lancaster. Both were members of Trinity Luth eran Church of that place. (4) The Mathiot family in America has ever maintained an honorable character. John, a son of Jean, was sheriff of the county. He resided near Columbia where he was accidentally killed by a companion while hunting. George, another son, in 1776, when a mere youth, entered the war for Independence and served to its close. He was a non-com missioned officer and served as interpreter. In 1787 he was married to Ruth Davis, whose father, Joshua Davis, was a prom inent Friend of Elicott Mills in Maryland. Here George Mathiot (1). Theopholis Cassart, a printer and publisher, was a prominent citizen about the Revolutionary period. ... h). Philip Sponselier was b. in Lorraine in 1676, m. 1711 his wife Barbara. He came to Lancaster county 1732, died 1752, leaving widow, three sons and three daughters. (3). The baptismal certificate of Margaret Catharine Bernard and the contract between Marcus Mathiot and Hon. Jacques Bernard for the marriage of their chil dren is still in the possession of the American descendants. (4) In Trinity Lutheran Church are recorded the baptisms of children of Jean and Margaret Catharine Mathiot as follows: (1)- Christian, 1757; (2)— George, 1759 ; (3)- Jolin> J761 : (4)— Anna Barbara, 1763, died 1768 ; (5)— Catharine, 1769 ; (6)— Martin, 1771. . Of the children of George and Lucia Mathiot are recorded : (1)— John, b. 1764 ; (2)— Tohn Jacob 1765 ; (3)— Mary and Sarah, twins, 1770. It is said that Christian son of Jean Mathiot, was the father of nineteen children. 92 «s> MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. resided till 1796, when he removed to Fayette county, Penn sylvania, where he died in 1840. He too was a Friend of pro verbial integrity and the founder of an honored posterity. His son, Dr. Henry Bernard Mathiot, was a widely-known physician and father of "the noted specialist, Dr. Henry B. Mathiot, Jr., of Pittsburg. Another son of George Mathiot was Joshua (1 800-1 849), an eminent lawyer of Newark, Ohio. He was a recognized leader of the Whig party and was elected to Congress in 1841, where he at once took high rank as an eloquent and safe counsellor on the mo mentous issues of his day. He was a worthy compeer of such notable men as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay. His brilliant ca reer was suddenly terminated by death of cholera. Forney. — This name, so honorably known in America, ema nates from several emigrant heads, all undoubtedly traceable to the ancestral family seat at Ferney, a town in the Department of Ain, on the borders of France, and near to the city of Geneva. The name occurs prominently in French history. Some of this name of the Huguenot faith forsook their native land because of the re ligious persecutions and located in Switzerland and the Palatinate immediately adjacent, and from whence they came to America. It is a significant fact that nearly all the immigrants of this name came in the company of Huguenots. While we are not prepared to say that all of the Forney immigrants were of Huguenot antecedents, it is established beyond a doubt that Peter Forney, Sr. , who came to Lancaster county prior to 1733, must be designated as one. He is known to have came from the borders of France, near Geneva, which would incline to the belief that his home was at or near the town from which the family took its name. The date of his arri val is not certainly known. In 1733 he obtained a warrant for land on the Cocalico, and where he died intestate in 1749, leaving five children (1) and a considerable estate. It is a significant fact that his minor daughter, Anna, choose as her guardian " Christian Farnoy, " who was probably an uncle, and arrived in 1734. The descendents of Peter Forney preserve many traditions of their Huguenot antecedents. The late Colonel John W. Forney, during a visit to France in 1875, had the pleas ure of meeting several distinguished personages of his name who claimed kinship. Among the descendants of Peter Forney were (1). He left childran: Abraham, Peter, Jr., Ann, Mary and Susan. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 93 Col. John W. Forney (i) and Col. Wien Forney, (2) both of whom were born in Lancaster county. The father of Jacob Forney (1 721 -1806), fled from France to the Palatinate, from whence the son came to Pennsylvania. In Lancaster county he married Maria Bergner, and in 1754 removed to Lincoln county, North Carolina, where he and his sons Jacob, Peter and Abraham became very prominent. The son, Gen. Peten Forney (1756-1834), served in the Revolution and was one of the foremost men of the State, He was a member of Congress 181 3- 181 5. His brother Abraham (1 758-1 849) also served in the Revo lution and greatly distinguished himself at the battle of King's Mountain. Hubele. — Among the families dispersed bythe Revocation was the Hubele or Oublier family. Augustine Hubele was a member of the Huguenot Church in New York prior to 1690, (3) while a number who had sojourned in the Palatinate came to Pennsylva nia. In regard to the immigrants there is some confusion. One family historian holds (4) that the progenitor was Bernard Hubele, a member of the refugee family and who, after residing in Germany many years, came to Philadelphia with his sons Bernard (b. 1719), and Michael (b. 1722, d. 1804). The father is said to have died soon after arrival. Another well-informed writer maintains that Joseph Hubele, who arrived in 1732, was the progenitor, (5) which is more probable. Be this as it may we know that all the immi grants of this name to Pennsylvania were closely related and all lo cated in Lancaster county. Barnard Hubele, one of the younger immigrants, became prominent and wealthy. He served as county treasurer from 1756 to 1762. During the Revolution War he was a staunch patriot and commandant of the Lancaster Barracks and had charge of the British and Hessian prisoners. His sons Adam (1743-1793), and Barnard, Jr. (1754-1810), became prominent. Adam removed to Philadelphia where he became a merchant. At the outbreak of the (1). Col. John Weiss Forney was b. 1817, entered the profession of journalism, became editor of "Lancaster Intelligencer" 1837, removed to Philadelphia and took charge of the " Pennsylvanian " 1841, elected to Congress and was Clerk of the Lower House 1851, re-elected 1853, became editor of the " Union " at Wash ington, Clerk of U. S. Senate 1861, editor "Philadelphia Press, " later editor of " Progress, " author of several interesting books. During the Civil War he was a trusted and confidential officer of the Government. (2). Col. Wein Forney (1826-1898), a cousin to Col. John W. Forney, entered the profession of journalism and was the founder and editor of several newspapers. He was a brilliant writer, ripe scholar, and for twelve years State Librarian of Pennsylvania. (3). Proc. Hug. Soc. of America. Vol. I p. 12. (4). "Notes and" (5). Ibid., 1898. (4). "Notes and Queries," by Dr. Egle, 1897. 94 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Revolution he warmly espoused the cause of the Colonists. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly in 1775 and later became a Colonel in the Provincial forces. Barnard, Jr. , who served with distinction as an officer in the German regiment, located at Northumberland at the close of the Revolution where he lived on terms of intimacy with the famous scientist and discoverer of oxygen, Dr. Joseph Priestly. Turning his attention to literary pursuits he wrote a number of books, the most important being a history of the Revolution War, published in 1807, and which is said to have been the first book written on that sub ject. Michael Hubele, the emigrant, also located at Lancaster and was a man of influence. His sons Adam (1 759-1 798), and. John (1747— 1821), became men of distinction. Adam became a resident of Philadelphia and took a prominent part in the Revolutionary struggle. He served throughout the war and retired at the close as Colonel of the Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Line. John Hu bele was an eminent lawyer and member of the Constitutional Con vention 1776, member of Committee of Safety 1 776-1 777, ap pointed Major and put in charge of commissary stores in 1777, made a Justice in 1777 and a member of the Convention to frame the Federal Constitution in 1787. Frederick Hubely, also an emigrant, died in 1769. At the Revocation the LeRoy family took refuge in Switzerland, and from whence Abraham (1) and Jean Jacques LeRoy, brothers and both heads of families, came to America. The family of Abra ham became well established, the name being Germanized to " Kcenig" or "King. " His daughter Susan in 1762 became the wife of Rev. Philip W. Otterbine, (2) the founder of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Elizabeth became the wife of the celebrated Rev. William Hendel, D. D. Jean Jacques LeRoy in 1754 removed to the frontiers where he located by the side of a fine spring about two miles south of the present town of Mifflinburg, in Union county. Upon the outbreak of the French and Indian War in 1755 the savages of the Ohio re gion made a hostile incursion on the frontiers, and on October 16, 1755, devastated this entire region, murdering upwards of twenty- (1). He settled in Heidelberg township, now Lebanon county, where he died 1764, leaving children : Abraham, John Peter, Susan, Ann Maria, Salome and Elisabeth. (2). Philip William Otterbine (1726-1813), a learned young minister of the Reformed Church, was sent in 1752 by the Synod of Holland as a missionary to Pennsylvania. He located in Lancaster. In 1774 he removed to Baltimore where he founded a society differing in polity from the Reformed Church, and from which sprang the United Brethren in Christ, of which Otterbein is regarded as the founder. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 95 five persons. LeRoy and his entire family, with the exception of two children, met a horrible fate. They were cruelly butchered and their cabin was burned over their heads. Among those taken into captivity were Annie and Jacob LeRoy, Barbara and Rachael Lin- inger and Annie Willard, the Liningers and Miss Willard being vis iting relatives from Lancaster. After a captivity of almost four years Anna LeRoy and Barbara Lininger made their escape from the savages, A narrative of their remarkable experiences was pub lished, (i) Roller. — The Roller family of France is both ancient and hon orable and early espoused the cause of the Reformation, and in consequence of persecution several branches fled to adjacent coun tries. It is interesting to know that the family in France still ad heres to the Huguenot faith notwithstanding the terrible ordeals through which it has passed. Many of this name have achieved honorable distinction, notably Dr. Jean Louis Theophile Roller (i 829-1 895), one of the leading ministers of the French Reformed Church. Dr. Roller first served a congregation at Balbec in Nor mandy, after which he removed to Naples in Italy where he was pastor of the French-German Protestant Church for six years. From thence he removed to Rome, where he was pastor of the French Church ten years. During his pastorate at Rome he thor oughly explored the catacombs and remains of the ancient Christian Church in 'that city. The results of his immense labors were pub lished in two folio volumes, justly regarded as the greatest work of its kind in existence. Failing health compelled him to return to France, where he soon afterward died at Tocqueville en Caux. (2). Among the refugees to Erlangen in Bavaria in 1685 was a branch of this family and from which came Dr. Conrad Roller, a distinguished Lutheran minister in America. He was educated at the University at Erlangen and came to Pennsylvania when still young. He was a close friend of Muhlenberg, the founder of the Lutheran Church in America, and his name appears as a member of the first Synod in 1748. John Peter Roller, supposed to have been a brother to Dr. Conrad Roller, arrived in 1752 and located at Lancaster, and in 1767 removed to the Shenandoah Valley, Va. A distinguished de scendant is Gen. John E. Roller, of Harrisonburg. The connection of this family with other immigrants of this name is not known. (1). Penna. Archives, Vol. Ill p. 633. Ibid., VIII., p. 403. (2). It is worthy of note that upon the death of Dr. Roller his immediate fam ily sent a mortuary notice to the representatives of the various branches through out the world in accordance with the old Huguenot custom. That received by Gen. J. E. Roller, of Virginia, is interesting. 96 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The Bonnett family belongs to the nobility of Lorraine (i) and was of high standing during the Reformation period. The name is often met with in Huguenot literature. Being mostly Protestants they were greatly scattered during the persecutions, some going to England, Switzerland and the Palatinate. It was from Switzerland (2) that the several branches in America came. One of the earliest of this name in Pennsylvania was Jean Jacques Bon nett and wife Marie who arrived in 1733 with a considerable family. The Marchand family has given many distinguished names to France, a distinction well maintained in America, as among the descendants of the emigrant David Marchand, who located at Lan caster, a number became noted, and of whom was Hon. David Marchand, Jr., who was elected to Congress in 18 17, serving two terms, Hon. Albert G. Marchand, who was elected to Congress in 1839, and also served two terms, then also Commodore John Bon nett Marchand who so greatly distinguished himself in the battle of Mobile Bay in 1864. (3) Francois Mentjes and his wife Elisabeth Bouvier were among the early Lancaster Huguenots of whom we know little except that they were refugees and that the father probably died soon after their arrival. Two children only of the emigrant are known. They were Francis, an officer in the Revolution, (4) and Elisabeth, who be came the wife of Casper Egle, the ancestor of the noted' historian, Dr. W. H. Egle, of Harrisburg. Among the refugees to Holland at the Revocation was a de scendant of the Huguenot author and minister Jean Dillier. A son of the refugee named Casper went to England where he mar ried. From thence he removed to Hidleberg, in the Palatinate, where his children were born. In 1738 he emigrated to Pennsylva nia. He located near New Holland, where he died in 1773 at the advanced age of one hundred years. (5) In 1752 Francis Dillier, whose connection with the foregoing is not known, located in Brecknock, where he died in 1784. (1). "Science des Armoiries." — P. 254, Arms. "D'azur a un bouf d' or, surmounte de trois etoiles du meme rangies en chef. ' ' (2). The noted scientist, Dr. Charles Bonnett, was born at Geneva in 1720. (3). Commodore Marchand was born in Pennsylvania in 1808, entered the navy in 1828, and served with distinction in the Seminole, Mexican and Civil war. In the battle of Mobile Bay he commanded the ''Lackawanna ; Was made a Com modore in 1866, and died in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1875. (4). Colonel Francis Mentjes served throughout the Revolution. He com manded for a time the Fifth Pennsylvania Line; served with Wayne in the West • died at Cincinnatti about 1812. (5). He had sons — Philip Adam, who died in 1781 ; John Martin and Casper Elias, besides seven daughters. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 97 DeBow (DeBus). — This name, originally DeBeau, often met with on the lists of Huguenot refugees, was well represented among the arrivals in Pennsylvania. The first to appear were Abraham and Philip DeBos, also Anna, all in the same vessel in 1732. These were doubtless relatives. In 1734 Philip was married in Coventry, Chester county, by Rev. John Casper Stoever, and in 1750 his will was filed at Lancaster. In 1743 arrived Ludwig DeBos, aged 36, Daniel, aged 28, and Jacob, aged 26 years. They came in the same vessel and were doubtless brothers. In 1745 Daniel died at Lititz, in Lancaster county. In 1750 arrived Chris tian DeBos, aged 23 years. The family were early pioneers in the South and West. Solo mon DeBow, from Bucks county, Pa., was a resident of Orange county, North Carolina, in 1755, Rev. John DeBow was sent as a missionary by the Presbytery of New Brunswick, New Jersey, to the Huguenot settlement in Duplin county, North Carolina, at an early day, and died there about 1778. DuTay, Douty, Doute. — Many branches of this family were exiles, and the name appears among the refugees to various Pro testant countries, and also on the lists of galley slaves. A refugee family of this name, the head of which has not been ascertained, located in Lancaster county at an early day. Two sons are defi nitely known, namely Nicholas and Henry Baldy Douty, both of whom were born in France. The former removed to the mouth of Seneca lake, in New York, and the latter, who was an accom plished scholar and schoolmaster, was one of the first residents of Milton, Pennsylvania. He suddenly disappeared in 1790, and was supposed to have been murdered. Sumois. — In 1733 arrived Pierre Sumois with a number of adult sons, all of whom took up land in Lancaster county. The name appears on the land and court house records in its German ized form of Sumey. Peter, Jr., one of the sons, located in Tulpe- hocken prior to 1755, where his name appears on the records of the Reformed Church in its French form of Sumois. Fortineaux. — Several branches of the Fortineaux (Fordny) family were dispersed from France bythe persecutions. The name is met with among the refugees in various lands. Jean Henri For tineaux came to Pennsylvania about 1 720, and was naturalized in 1727. He was one of the first settlers in Frederick county, Mary land. In 1737 arrived the brothers Francis, aged 26, Michael, aged 22, and Melchoir, aged 19 years, all of whom located in Lan caster and became prominent citizens. Melchoir died in 1754, and Michael in 1 778. Other arrivals of this name have not been located. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Beauchamp. — In 173 1 arrived Jean Beauchamp, (1) and wife Barbara, the head of the "Bushong" family, now so numorous in America. He located in East Lampeter, near the Heller Church. He was born in France in 1692. His son Jacob located in Berks county and was the head of the Bushong family of Berks county, while another son, Peter, emigrated to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, and founded the Southern branch. There was also a Ja cob Bouchon in York county prior to 1755. Pons. — Several Protestant branches of the DePons family lo- located in Lancaster county at an early day. In France the family is of noble rank and has given many illustrious names to history. Jacque's Pons was an eminent Huguenot divine. Another notable personage was Mareshal DePons who was the French minister to the court of Prussia in 1772. At the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes one branch of the family fled for safety to Offenbach, in the Palatinate, and from whence several members came to Pennsylva nia. Jacque in 1727, Augustus in 1738, and Abraham in 175 1. Ranc (Ranck). — This family was prominent in the French Protestant Church, and one of this name sealed his faith with his life. This was Rev. Louis Ranc, pastor of the church at Die, who suffered death in 1745. The ancestors of the American branch were the brothers John Michael Ranc, who arrived in 1728, and John Philip Ranc who arrived a year later. They came from Alsace, and both located in Lancaster county. During the war of Independence the Ranc family was especially noted for its patriot ism, and nearly all its members capable of bearing arms were in the war. Litis. — In 1742 Count Zinzendorf founded the Moravian So ciety of Litiz, in Lancaster county. Connected with this commu nity were a number of members who were of Huguenot origin, of whom were the following : Rev. Philip Meurer, who was born in Alsace, and came to Pennsylvania in 1742. He died in Donegal in 1759. Henry Haller, born in Alsace in 1719, arrived in 1733, and was the father of the distinguished Colonel Henry Haller of the Revolution. Daniel Heckendorn from Alsace, 1736, father of an honorable posterity, and who died in 1782, and Daniel Lecrone prior to 1750. In Warwick township, in the vicinity of Brickerville, were lo cated the following : Jacques Simonett, who arrived in 1727. He was then well advanced in years. His warrantee for land is dated 1733, in which year the name of Isaac also appears, who was doubtless a son. Nicholas Parrett, 1730, Jacques and Herman (1). Jean Beauchamp's family consisted of John, Philip, Peter, Henrv Tacob David, Mary, Barbara and Elisabeth. ,,J ' MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 99 LaTour, 1749. The latter died in 1774. Martin Oberlin in 1730, with sons, John Michael and John Adam. The Oberlins are dis tinguished in the history of France, notably the Reformer of Ban- de-la- Roche, (1) who was a relative of the Pennsylvania Oberlins. In Cocalico appears the name of Sebastian Coquelin, who ar rived in 1739 with his family, of whom Jean and Dietrich were adults. The name has been perverted to "Cockly" and "Cocklin." John and George Achey, Francis Dutill, Leonard, John and Jacob Mumma and the Guilliaume family, (Williams), all of whom ap pear about the middle of the century. Among others of Huguenot antecedents who located within the bounds of Lancaster county were the following : Henry Bleim who died in 1739 ; Pierre Delone, John Detar, Casperius Viellard, Jean Jacques Lapierre. This name was early Germanized to "Stein," (Stone), with the result that most of the descendants are unaware of their Huguenot ancestry. Jacques Duey (Dewy), Jean and Paul LeCene, the former was born in 1686, and the latter in 1688, and died 1766 ; Jacques Lejune, changed soon after arrival to its English equivalent "Young," several of the Marline family, John Michael Motter (originally Motteur), Jean Hotel, Francis Peter Laurans, who died in 1758, Laurans Pierson, Pierre Armeson came in 1753 and died in 1774, James Picquart, who died in 1749, Pierre Fleury, who came in 1732, Jean Chateau (now Shadow) , John Jacob Laschet (Lawshe) . Then also the famil ies Mercier, Roque (Rockey), Deshong, Rosher and Raquet. (1). Jean Frederick Oberlin (1740-1826), a distinguished minister of Alsace, who in 1766 became pastor of the Stein-thal or Ban-de-la-Roche, a wild mountain ous region. The manner in which he effected the moral and industrial revolution of the valley was wonderful indeed. 100 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. CHAPTER XII. The Pequea Colony. The Ferrees — The Family Flee to Germany — They Are Joined by Isaac LeFever — They Resolve to Emigrate to America — They go to London — -The Madame is Introduced to Queen Ann by William Penn — They Join Rev. Joshua Kocherthal's Party and go to Esopus in New York — From Thence Journey to Pennsylvania — Are Received by the Indian Chief Tawana — Madame Ferree Dies in Peace — Her Family and Distinguished Descendants. ' ' While here we stand with planted feet Steadfast where loyal souls have stood, Upon us let the tempest beat Around us swell and surge the flood, We fall or triumph on the spot — God helping us we falter not." \\ URING the dark and troubled period of the Revocation | I of the Edict of Nantes (1685) there lived in France (5^~S a family named Ferree. (1) The parents, Daniel and Mary Ferree, were married in 1669. The fruit of this union were six children, viz : Daniel, John, Philip, Catharine, Mary and Jane. The Ferrees descend from the nobility (1) and were people of the highest respectability and staunch and fearless in their adherence to the Reformed faith. Daniel Fer ree was a silk manufacturer, and from what can be gathered he was a man of wealth and high position in his native place. In order to carry out the provisions of the Edict to wholly extirpate the Re formed religion from the Realm the cruel Dragonades were sent to (1). The Ferree, Ferrie, LaFerree, family are of the nobility of France and was originally seated at Forchamps, in Lower Normandy. The founder of the family was Robert Ferree, who in A. D. 1265 was confirmed to an extensive es tate. M. Ferry, a great statesman of France, was of this stock. For Ferree his tory see " Nobility of Normandy," Vol. II p. 357. Ferree Arms — De gueules, a trois annelets d'or Couronne ; De Compte sup ports, Deux lions. * COL. DANIEL Le FEVRE. P. 108. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 101 the town in which Ferree lived and were quartered upon the Protestant citizens of the place. We may well imagine the misery and wretchedness caused by their coming to the unfortunate Protes tants. Amid all this confusion the Ferrees escaped in the darkness of the night and fled to Strasbourg. How long the Ferree family remained at Strasbourg is not known. From here they went to Lindau in Bavaria, which was also an Imperial city, and hence af forded them security. Here Daniel Ferree died, and after his death his widow assumed her maiden name of Warembur as an addi tional means of safety, and it is a remarkable fact that she thereaf ter preferred to be known by that name. Family tradition has it that they also sojourned in Holland, but from a number of circum- stancs we deem this improbable except, perhaps, for a brief period while on their way to London. During the sojourn of the Ferrees in Germany they were joined by Isaac LeFever, whose parental home had been broken up and some of the family had perished at the hands of the Papists. This young man, of whom more will be said presently, married Catha rine Ferree, eldest daughter of the Madame, several years prior to their emigration to America. The situation of the French Protes tants who had fled to the Palatinate, while infinitely better than in their native land was, nevertheless, unsatisfactory. Besides being overcrowded with refugees, the Rhine Provinces were again and again ravaged by the Papal troops to such an extent that thousands of the inhabitants determined to seek peace and quietude in the wilds of the New World. It is therefore no wonder that the Huguenots should follow the example of their German brethren to seek a home where they might serve the Lord unmolested by the cruel Inquisitor and brutal Dragoon. The Ferree family also decided upon emigration. The head. of the family now was Daniel, the eldest son, and who was aman of family, the rest, with the exception of Mrs. LeFever, being still single. Madame Ferree's Passport. The first step necessary in taking their departure was to secure from the civil authorities a certificate of standing and passport. This was done by Madame Ferree on behalf of the family. The original document, of which the following is a translation, is said to be still in the possession of her descendants : "WHEREAS, Maria, Daniel Fuehre's widow, and her son, Daniel Ferie, with his wife and six single children, in view of im proving their condition and in furtherance of their prosperity, pur- 102 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. pose to emigrate from Steinweiler, in the Mayorality of Bittingheim, High Bailiwick Germersheim, via Holland and England, to the Island of Pennsylvania, to reside there. They have requested an accredited certificate that they have left the town of Steinweiler with the knowledge of the proper authorities, and have deported themselves, and without cause for censure, and are indebted to no one, and not subject to vassalage, being duly solicited it has been thought proper to grant their petition, declaring that the above- named persons are not moving away clandestinely. "That during the time their father, the widow and children resided in this place they behaved themselves piously and honestly that it would have been highly gratifying to us to see them remain among us ; that they are not subject to bodily bondage, the Mayor ality not being subject to vassalage. They have also paid for their permission to emigrate. Mr. Fisher, the Mayor of Steinweiler, being expressly interrogated, it has been ascertained that they are not liable for any debts. In witness whereof I have, in the ab sence of the Counsellor of the Palatinate, etc. , signed these presents, gave the same to the persons who intend to emigrate. " Dated Bittingheim, March 10, 1708. \ L. S. I "J. P. DIETRICH, Court Clerk." The civil passport having been obtained the next step was to obtain a certificate of standing and dismissal from the French Re formed Church at Pelican, of which they were members. That given to Daniel Ferree is given in the following translation : ' ' Certificate for Daniel Firre and his family. "WE, the Pastors, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Walloon Church of Pelican, in the Lower Palatinate, having been requested by the Honorable Daniel Firre, his wife, Anne Maria Leininger, and their children, Andrew and John Firre, to grant them a testimonial of their life and religion, do certify and attest that they have always made profession of the pure Reformed religion, frequented our sacred assemblies, and have partaken of the supper of the Lord with the other members of the faith, in addition to which they have always conducted themselves uprightly without having given cause for scandal that has come to our knowledge. Being now on their departure to settle elsewhere we commend them to the protection of God and to the kindness of all our brethren in the Lord Christ. In witness whereof we have signed this present „ ___ MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 103 testimonial with our signature and usual marks. Done at Pelican, in our Consistory, the ioth day of May, 1708. MICHAEL MESSAKOP, J. ROMAN, Pastor, PETER SCHARLET, JAMES BAILLEAUX, Deacon. JOHN BAPTISTE LAPLACE, Deacon." "THE undersigned children, to wit :— Andrew and John Firre— were baptized, the first in the church at Steinweiler in the year 1 70 1, on the 28th of September. His sponsors were Andrew Leininger and his wife Margaret Leininger. The other, to wit :— John— was baptized in the Church of Rhorbac in the year 1703, on the 8th of February. The sponsors were Abraham Ptillon and Ju dith Miller, both of Steinweiler." The Start For London. With these documents in hand the party set out for England in order to make further arrangements regarding their settlement in America. Upon their arrival in London Madame Ferree visited William Penn in person, and to whom she made known her situa tion. Penn became deeply interested in the sad story of her mis fortunes and the next day he introduced her to Queen Ann, the Sov ereign of England. The good Queen, whose great kindness of heart had already been shown in her open hand of charity to thousands of French and German refugees, was likewise deeply moved with pity at her misfortune and promised her substantial aid, which she in due time rendered. William Penn covenanted to give her a tract of land and which she obtained upon her settlement in Pennsylvania. Embark For America. The party remained in London about six months during which time the Colony of Rev. Joshua Kocherthal was organized, com posed of French and Palatine refugees from Lindau in Bavaria. This party, which the Ferrees and LeFevre joined, obtained from the Queen a patent of naturalization and permission to colonize in America. The instrument, which is dated August 27, 1708, con tains the names of fifty-four persons, most of whom came to Penn sylvania some years later. The party arrived safely in New York, from whence they proceeded to Esopus, nearly a hundred miles up the Hudson river, and where they remained several years with their Huguenot friends. (1) (l). Michael Ferree was one of the early Huguenot settlers of Esopus. At the destruction of Wiltwyck by the savages June 7, 1663, his house was burned, a child taken captive and himself wounded so severely that he later died from the ef fects. The Lefever family was also established at Esopus quite early. Andreas Lefevre was one of the 12 Patentees, 1677. (Doc. Hist. N. Y., XIII p. 245-506). They were all, without doubt, relatives to the Pennsylvania immigrants. 104 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. The Ferree family had no intention of settling permanently in New York, since the interviews of the Madame with Penn and his liberal grant to her of a great body of land presupposes arrange ments for a settlement on them. Circumstances at length became favorable for their departure to Pennsylvania to take possession of their estates. This land, consisting of two thousand acres, was a part of the 10,000 acres granted by William Penn to Martin Kindig and others, agents of the Mennonite Colony. The lands were se lected by the agents in 1709. The warrant is dated October 10, 1 7 10. The land was surveyed on the 23d of the same month and subdivided April 27, 171 1, by the Surveyor General. (1) From the pen of an unknown writer we give an account of the arrival of the Ferree's in Lancaster county in 171 2. (2) "It was on the evening of a summer day when the Huguenots reached the verge of a hill commanding a view of the Valley of the Pequea. It was a woodland scene, a forest inhabited by wild beasts, for no'in- dication of civilized life was very near. Scattered along the Pequea, among the dark green hazel, could be discovered the Indian wig wams — the smoke issuing therefrom in its spiral form. No sound was heard but the songs of the birds. In silence they contemplated the beautiful prospect which Nature presented to their view. Sud denly a number of Indians darted from the woods. The females shrieked, when an Indian advanced and in broken English said to Madame Ferree : ' Indian no harm White ; White good to Indian ; go to our Chief ; come to Beaver.' Few were the words of thei'In- dian. They went with him to Beaver's cabin, and Beaver, with the humanity that distinguished the Indian of that period, gave to the emigrants his wigwam. The next day he introduced them to (1). The following is the allotment of Madame Ferree's estate by the Propri etors (see Penna. Archives, Vol. XIX p. 529) : " Sept. 10, 1712. " The late commissioners having granted ten thousand acres of land to the Palatines by their warrant dated October 10, 1710, in pursuance thereof there was laid out to Martin Kindig (besides the two thousand acres already confirmed to him and paid for) the like quantity of two thousand acres towards the Susquehanna of which the Surveyor General has made a return. The said Martin now appearing desires that the said land may be granted and confirmed by patent to Maria Warenbur, widow, for whom the same was taken up or intended, and who is to pay the consideration for it. But, upon further consideration of the matter, it is agreed among themselves that the said lands shall be confirmed to Daniel Fierre and Isaac Lefever, two of the said widow's sons, and the consideration money viz ¦ 140 pounds at 7 pounds per hundred, by agreement having been for some time due but is now to be paid down in one sum, tis agreed that they shall pay only 10 pounds for interest — that is 150 pounds in the whole. " The Archives show many subsequent grants to various members of the family indicating a degree of prosperity in marked contrast with their former impover ished condition. (2). See Rupp's History of Dauphin Co. , p. 37. _ MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 105 Tawana, (i) who lived on the great flats of Pequea and was a Chief of a branch of the Conestoga Indians who at that time occu pied this region. The friendship formed between the Red Men of the forest with the Huguenots upon their arrival was maintained for many years, each race giving the other assistance in time of need." Death of Madame Ferree. Not long after her arrival in Pequea Madame Ferree vested in the care of trustees a plot of ground as a burial place for the set tlement. This place, now known as Carpenter's Graveyard, is sit uated near Paradise. Here this noble woman, who had drank so deeply from the cup of misfortune, found a peaceful grave in 1716. She had accomplished her purpose to establish a new home for her posterity, many of whom are slumbering by her side. Her influ ence still lives in the great multitude of her descendants who belong to the aristocracy of personal worth. Her descendants, including of course, the LeFevers, are thousands in number and are to be found in many States of the Union. The Family. Daniel Ferree (1677-17 50), eldest son of the Madame, had, besides his sons Andrew (1701-1739), and John (1703-1773), who were born in Europe, a son named Daniel, Jr. (d. 1762), who was married in 1 739 to Mary Carpenter, whose father, Henry Carpen ter, was one of the earliest and most prominent Swiss emigrants in the Province. John Ferree, the second son of the Madame, be came a Quaker, as also most of his descendants after him. Philip Ferree (1687-1753), the third son of the Madame, was married during their sojourn at Esopus to Leah Dubois, the daugh ter of Abraham Dubois, whose father Louis was the founder of New Platz in 1660. Soon after his marriage, which was about 171 1, he came to Pequea and settled on a part of the Ferree grant. Upon his arrival he constructed a temporary habitation of forked poles, bark roof, etc. In this queer house their first child was born. Philip and Leah Ferree had eight children as follows: Abraham (d. 177$), Isaac (d. 1782), Jacob, Philip, Joel, and daughters Lena, married to William Buffington, Leah, married to Peter Baker, and Elisabeth, married to Isaac Ferree, her cousin. Abraham, the eldest son of Philip Ferree, the emigrant, was married about 1736 to a Miss Eltinge, of Esopus, N. Y. Their children were Cortie- lius, who settled in Virginia, Israel, and a daughter Rebecca, who married David Shreiver and removed to Frederick county, Maryland. (1). Tawana is said to have been one of the signatories to the famous Penn Treaty with the Indians at Philadelphia. 106 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Eminent Descendants. A very large number of Madame Ferree's decendants have at tained distinction in the various walks of life. The mere mention of them would fill pages. Among them are great scholars, jurists, ministers, statesmen, capitalists and soldiers. No other family in America can show a grander record of service for the public good. Prominent among the men of distinction was Colonel John Ferree, who commanded the Tenth Pennsylvania Rifles in the New Jersey campaign of the Revolution. Then also Colonel Joel Ferree, (i) Commander of the First Battalion of Lancaster Associators, and Major Michael Ferree and Lieutenant George Lefever. All these served with distinction in the Revolution, besides a host of others as non-commissioned officers and privates. Joseph Ferree, also a grandson of the Madame, was prominent in Colonial affairs. He was a member of the Assembly for Lancaster county 1771— 1773, and a member of the County Committee in 1774 to consider the general dissatisfaction against the British Government. In the War of 181 2 the family was again prominent. Among others was Colonel Joel Ferree (1 771-18 13), of Allegheny county, who died at Zanesville, Ohio, while in active service. Also Colonel Daniel Lefever (1788-18 5 5), son of Lieutenant George Lefever, of Newville, Pa. In the Civil War a very large number of descendants were con spicuous, but we pass them all by but one, whose high military tal ents and glorious achievements has not only shed a lustre on his Huguenot ancestry but covered his memory with an undying glory. This was Major General John F. Reynolds, (2) Commander of the First Army Corps, and who commanded the left wing of the Union army. His great -achievement at Gettysburg, where he held for many hours at bay with his single corps the entire army of the in vaders, and the sacrifice of his gallant life in that mighty struggle, constitutes one of the most interesting episodes in our national history. Another line of Madame Ferree's descendants who have made a most honorable record is the Schreiver family of Maryland. As already stated, David and Rebecca Ferree Schreiver removed from Pennsylvania to Frederick, Maryland. Their family was a noted one. Among the sons was Abraham (1771-1848), for many years (1). Colonel Joel Ferree, of Lyken's Valley, was killed by the Indians in 1801 in Allegheny county while visiting relatives there. (2). Major General John F. Reynolds, who fell at Gettysburg July 1 1863 came from the Ferree-Lefever line. He was born at Lancaster, Pa. 1820 and graduated at West Point 1841, served throughout the Mexican war, and was' one of the chief commanders in the Civil War at the time of his death. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 107 the Judge of the Frederick county courts and whose high sense of rectitude is still a cherished memory in Western Maryland. Another distinguished member of this family is Admiral Win- field Scott Schley, (i) the hero of Santiago, whose naval achieve ment in destroying the entire Spanish fleet is without a parallel in modern times. Nothstanding the questionable attempts, prompted by envy, to rob him of this crowning glory of American naval war fare, it is perhaps sufficient to say that the great mass of intelligent readers who have no connection whatever with departmental regu lations supposed to govern the case, will never cease to regard him as the true leader and hero of that engagement. LeFevre. — As already noted, Isaac LeFevre married Catha rine, the daughter of Madame Ferree. The name LeFevre occurs in many honorable connections in France. Jacques LeFevre, of Meaux, was one of the first Reformers and died a martyr's death. Francois Joseph LeFevre (1755- 1820), Duke of Dantzic, one of the great Napoleon's Marshals, was born in Alsace and was one of the greatest soldiers of the past century. The family (2) to which Isaac LeFevre belonged were scattered at the Revocation and several lost their lives. It is quite probable that he was connected with the LeFevers of Esopus, New York, who emigrated thither long before the Revocation. In fact there is a strong probability that Isaac LeFevre had been in America years before his marriage and immigration with the Ferree family. He was a man of great energy and ability as well as a scholar, as his numerous notes and comments in his French Bible testify. He ac quired very rich and extensive estates in the Pequea Valley and at his death owned over fifteen hundred acres of the choicest land. The descendants of Isaac LeFevre have been an honor to their Huguenot ancestry. Philip LeFevre (1710-1761), the second son of the immigrant, was a noted manufacturer of tools and firearms. One of the sons of Philip LeFevre was George LeFevre (1739- (1). Admiral Schley derives his paternal ancestry from John Thomas Schley, b. in the Palatinate 1712, leader of a Colony to Maryland 1735, founded Frederick 1745, died 1790. His grandson, John Schley (1771-1830), m. Mary Schreiver, b. 1773, daughter of David and Rebecca (Ferree) Schreiver. John and Mary (Schrei ver) Schley were the grandparents of the Admiral. It will thus be seen that his descent from Madame Ferree and of Louis DuBois, the founder of New Paltz, N. Y. , is easily traced. ... . . (2). In one of his bibles is a record of his brothers and sisters, but unfortu nately for posterity he failed to record the names of his parents. The record is as follows : Judith, b. October 20, 1660 ; Philip, b. May 1, 1664 ; Jacob, b. December 20, 1666; Isaac, b. March 26, 1669; Mary, born June 15, 1671 ; Susanna, b. Sep tember 12, 1672 ; Charles, b. October 24, 1680. The children of Isaac and Catharine Ferree LeFevre were : Abraham, b. April 9, 1706 ; Philip, b. March 16, 1710 ; Daniel, b. March 29, 1713 ; Mary, b. August 24, 1715; Esther, b. May 3, 1717; Samuel, b. May 3, 1719. 108 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 18-20), who married Anna B., a daughter of Lawrence and grand daughter of the noted immigrant, Matthias Schliermacher (Slay- maker). After serving as an officer in the Revolution George Le Fevre in 1780 removed to Newville, in Cumberland county, where he established an honored posterity. Daniel LeFevre (1788-1855), the youngest son of George Le Fevre, early in life removed to Crawford county, but died near De troit, in Michigan. He was a man of prominence and served as a Colonel in the War of 1812. Among other notable descendants of the immigrant, Isaac Le Fevre, may be mentioned in this connection Major General John F. Reynolds, of the Civil War, and Judge O. E. Lefever, of Den ver, Colorado. CHAPTER XIII. The Non-Resistant Denominations. The Mennonites and Dunkards — Their Peaceful Character — Persecutions and Martyrdoms — Their Dispersion— Some Take Refuge in Alsace — The Palatinate Devas tated — They Seek a Home in the New World. " Faith of our Fathers — living faith, In spite of dungeon, fire and sword, Oh ! how our hearts beat high with joy When'er we hear that glorious word. Faith of our Fathers — Holy faith, We will be true to thee till death." ^F all the branches of the Christian Church having their origin in the Reformation, there is none that has passed through a more fiery ordeal than the Mennonites. (1) This body of Christians was scattered over Central Europe, and through their rigid faith and austere mode of life came in sharp conflict not only (1). The Mennonites were not Huguenots in the proper sense of that term. Their settlement in Alsace, however, which was annexed to France during their sojourn there, made them French citizens, and in which relation many of them came to Pennsylvania. This, we think, entitles them a place in these Memorials. The Mennonite Church was founded by Menno Simon, a distinguished re former, who was born at Witmarsum, Friesland, in 1505. About 1538 he began to organize his adherents into societies. After many years of truly apostolic Tabors in many lands he died in 1561. In many respects he was far in advance of his age. His views on war and non-resistance, religious toleration, education, and many kindred subjects, are being absorbed by advanced reformers of all Christian per suasions as never before and mark the lines of highest civil and religious effort at the present day. Le ROY SPRING. WHERE THE Le ROY FAMILY WAS MASSACRED IN 1755. P 94. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 109 with Papists but in many instances with the Protestants. Their opposition to war, physical resistance, civil courts and oath-taking marked a wide divergence from the civil and political laws and usages of the day, while their advocacy of complete religious tolera tion and education brought them in conflict with the narrow bigotry of nearly all the established Churches. Their ministers and teach ers took no stated salary but, like the Apostles of old, traveled about to preach and indoctrinate the people in the faith. There never was a more devoted class of ministers in any other Protestant de nomination, and we have never read or heard of any of them ab juring their faith under the most dreadful torture ever inflicted on man. We will give, in this connection, a brief account of the suffer ings of a number whose descendants and kindred found a refuge in Pennsylvania. Many hundred, perhaps thousands bearing the names of the martyrs given are found in America still adhering to the faith of their fathers. The persecution of the Mennonites was especially severe in Switzerland, the storm center being the city of Zurich. Here in the cloister tower of the Othenbach great numbers were confined, many of whom were starved to death or died of neglect, besides those who suffered at the stake, block or gibbet. In 1 528 John Sechler, and in 1529 Conrad Eicher, of Staffsburg, suffered death. In 1535 Peter Kuster, (1) and in 1537 Peter Stucke and Ulrich Huber, of the north of Holland, were beheaded. At Amsterdam in 1529 George Bowman, of Wurtemberg, suffered. In 1538 Offnis Grissinger, an eminent minister, was burned in the Tyrol. In 1536 Peter Lydecker and Peter Gerhart, teachers of Zurich, were be headed. In 1538 Michael Wideman was burned. In 1539 Lorents Eberly and Lorentz Rudolph Eisley, of Gronau, were cast into prison and subsequently suffered death. In 1543 Christian Oberlin suffered. In 1 $$7 Martin DeWall, of Antwerp, was beheaded. In 1576 Matthew Binder, an eminent minister of Wurtemburg, was arrested and taken to Stuttgart where he defended himself before the civil and ecclesiastical courts with great vigor and ability. He was thrown into the " Hohenwilting- schloss" with many other coreligionists. During their imprison ment the schloss (Castle) took fire. Binder and his fellow-prisoners labored hard to extinguish the flames and did not take advantage of the opportunity to escape, which was purposely afforded them. The prisoners then petitioned the civil authorities for their release inas- (1). The supposed ancestor of Major General George A. Custer (1840-1876), A gallant officer of the Civil War, and who; with his entire command, was killed by the Sioux Indians in Montana. 110 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. much as they had done no wrong to the State and were not in dicted as criminals. Upon this the prison officials quickly pre sented their petition to the Prince who generously liberated them ere the ecclesiastical authorities could interfere in the matter. In 1 614 John Landis, (1) an eminent minister who lived on the Rhine, was arrested and dragged before a tribunal, and after a mock trial was beheaded at Zurich. When he was about to suffer martyrdom his wife and children came into his presence weeping bitterly. This so touched his heart that he bade them withdraw in order that he might show no sign of weakness when suffering for "the faith once delivered to the saints. " Landis was a great light in the Church and had traveled extensively in Alsace, Switzerland and the Palatinate. Notwithstanding this calamity the family re mained true to the faith and in 1642 Felix Landis, a son of the martyr, and also a minister, died of starvation in the Othenbach. At the same time Varena Landis was terribly persecuted. Being given her choice of the Othenbach or remaining a prisoner in her own house because of her advanced age and enfeebled condition, she choose the latter, and in 1643 died of starvation and neglect. In this same year Mrs. Barbara Nejf was imprisoned and shamefully maltreated. A remarkable instance of courage was shown in the case of a youth named Rudolph Sehner, of Gronnin- gen, who was confined in the Othenbach over two years. He was given his liberty on condition that he attend the Established Church. This agreement he immediately regretted as being equivalent to an abjuration of his faith. He was thereupon recommitted to prison and perished of hunger in 1643. The Bachman and Meylin families, so well and favorably known in Pennsylvania, were dreadfully persecuted between 1638 and 1643. Rudolph Bachman and John Meylin, with his two sons and daughters Barbara and Elisabeth, were all thrown into the Othenbach from which the women finally made their escape, but the men suffered death. Martin Meylin, one of the sons of John, was an able min- inster and had traveled extensively in Alsace and the Palatinate. In 1640-41 John Rudolph Bowman, with many others whose names are lost, was cast into the Othenbach where he was confined for sixty weeks, living mostly on bread and water. Finally he em braced an opportunity to escape only to find his family scattered and his property confiscated. Among the Othenbach prisoners at this time was aged Warner Phiester, with his wife and daughter-in-law. The wife managed to escape but the others perished with hunger. (1). Ancestor of the Landis immigrants to Lancaster county. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Ill Jacob Egly, of Gronningen, a prominent minister and teacher, suffered all the horrors of the Othenbach for seventy weeks before he succumbed to hunger in 1639. In 1659 the following ministers were imprisoned in Bern : Ulrich Baumgardner, Anthony Him- melberg, Iegley Schelbach, Ulrich Baumgardner (2d), Christian Christianas, Rhoda Peters and John Zug. (/) After being under arrest for a period of twelve years they were liberated on the condi tion that they leave the country and not return without special per mission, they having rejected all former overtures as compromising their faith. The reader will have observed that the years from 1638 to 1643 were fruitful in Mennonite martyrdoms, and it is humiliating to confess that Protestants as well as Catholics must be held re sponsible for the sacrifice of many inoffensive lives. In 1626 the Mennonites were recognized as a Protestant denomination in Hol land which ended their active persecution in that country. The authorities even went so far as to champion their cause, and in 1642 the Council of Amsterdam addressed a vigorous protest to the Coun cil of Zurich in Switzerland against their continued persecution there. The protest, however, seems to have been unavailing, as in 1650 a special edict was issued against them at Schauffhausen which was followed by another in 1653. (2) It was during this period that the Mennonites determined to migrate to America, their first intention being to form a settlement in New York. In 1662 they addressed a petition to the authorities of Amsterdam setting forth their purpose, but the disturbed rela tions between Holland and England at that time, and the surrender of New York city to the English in 1664, made their plans in that direction futile. (3) About 1 67 1 (4) their situation becoming intolerable by perse cution a large number of them emigrated to Alsace, in the vicinity (1). In 1727 Ulrich Zug, a grandson of the sufferer, came to Pennsylvania and settled in Lancaster county where he died in 1758. In 1742 three brothers — Moritz, John and Christian Zug, also grandsons — arrived. In 1738 Christian and Jacob Zug arrived. Their connection with the foregoing is not known. The connection in America now numbers thousands of the best citizens to be found and most of whom still cling to the faith of their fathers. Some became eminent Mennonite and Dunkard ministers. Among those distinguished in the public service may be mentioned Brigadier General Samuel K. Zook, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1823. In 1848 he removed to New York city and became a noted electrician and made many valuable discoveries in electrical science. He organized and com manded the Fifty-seventh Regiment of New York Volunteers of the Civil War. He was promoted for bravery in action in 1862 and fell mortally wounded at the head of his brigade at Gettysburg July 2, 1863. (2). Bracht's Hist, of the Mennonites, p. 1019-1023. (3). Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. II p. 176. (4). Bracht, p. 1022. 112 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. of Strasbourg which, at that time, was an Imperial city and enjoyed a full measure of religious liberty. Their repose in Alsace, how ever, was of brief duration as the Valley of the Rhine soon thereaf ter became the battlefield of the Orleans succession to the Palati nate (1686-97). During these years of turmoil the Rhine Valley run red with the blood of the Huguenots, Mennonites and Palatines. Death and destruction marked the advance of Count Turenne's army. (1) During these years of dire calamity both Alsace and Lorraine fell a prey to French aggression and were annexed to that realm. Scarcely had the Peace of Ryswick (1697) cleared away the smoke of battle when the long and bloody war of the Spanish Succession broke out (1700-1713) and the Palatinate again became the arena of conflict for the great armies of Continental Europe. It was amid such dark and bloody days as these that our Huguenot, Mennonite and Palatine ancestors, while witnessing the destruction of their homes, the slaughter of their kindred and the subversion of their faith, looked with longing vision across the At lantic to the fertile valleys of Pennsylvania as a possible place of refuge. The hands on the dial of Providence indicated that the hour of their deliverance had arrived. In 1683 a large number of Mennonites, under encouragement from William Penn, emigrated from Creyfels, in the Duchy of Cleves, to Pennsylvania and founded Germantown, which place soon became the objective point of hundreds of refugees. The withdrawal of the Allied army under the Duke of Marl borough from the Palatinate after the battle of Blenheim in 1704 seems to have precipitated a crisis for the Protestants of this region. In 1703 the Mennonites of Bern, in Switzerland, sent Louis Mitchelle, an expert in mining and agriculture, to America with a view of locating suitable lands for them. (2). After some years of exploration he returned to Europe to render a report of his work. In 1708, in company with the eminent Swiss nobleman, Christopher DeGraffenreid, he again came to America to consummate final ar rangements, which resulted in the founding of the Swiss Colony at Newburn, in North Carolina, in 1709. (3) About 1707 (4) a number of Mennonites proceeded to London to confer with Penn in regard to locating a Colony in his Province. The result of the visit was so satisfactory that a number of them set out as soon as possible for Pennsylvania. A selection of lands (1). About 2000 towns and villages were sacked and mostly destroyed Nearly all the large cities, such as Heidelberg, Manheim and Speir, were left in ruins (2). Col. Records, Vol. II p. 420. Rupp's Lane. County, pp. 55-58. (3). Rupp's Lane. County, pp. 70-71. (4). Rupp's Lane. County, p. 74. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 113 was made and a settlement effected in the Pequea Valley in Lan caster county in 1709. (1) They received a warrant for the sur vey of their lands, which embraced ten thousand acres, on August 10, 1 7 10. (2) Of this tract two thousand acres were expressly reserved for Madame Ferree and her family. (3) The leaders of this movement were Martin Kendig, John Meylen and John Herr, the latter an aged and highly respected minister. These men, with the following, were the pioneers : John Rudolf Bundley, Jacob Mil ler, John Funk, Wendell Bowman, Martin and Ulrich Oberholtzer. After they were comfortably located a council was held to select one of their number to return to Europe and superintend the remo val of many to the new settlement. In conformity with their cus tom they cast lots, with the result that their minister, John Herr, was selected for the arduous task. Owing to his advanced age and the reluctance of the Colony to part with their pastor for such an uncertain undertaking, Martin Kindig volunteered to take his place. (4). Kindig set out for Europe at once with the result that he re turned with a considerable number of Colonists in 1712. He evi dently brought over another party in 1727. (5) The Colony continued to develop in numbers and in material prosperity so that long before the close of the Provincial period they had established a great number of societies in many parts of the Province. They have now, through a beneficent Providence, mul tiplied into a mighty host. America has no more pious, law-abid ing and thrifty citizens than the Mennonites, and they have by their consummate skill as tillers of the soil made Lancaster county their first asylum in the New World the richest agricultural county in America. (6) The township in which they located was called Strasburg, in honor of the city from which many of the Colony had come. The Baptist Brethren. Like the Mennonites the Baptist Brethren, or Dunkards, as they are most familiarly known, are also a non-resistant people and, like them, passed through the fires of persecution ere they estab lished themselves in Pennsylvania. Among the refugees were a number of leading families with Huguenot antecedents. In 1682 Ulrich Urner fled from Canton Uri in Switzerland to Alsace, France, for greater security. In 1708 he came to Penn- (1). Colonial Records, Vol. Ill p. 397. (2). Warrant Book, p. 229. (3). Penna. Archives, Vol. XIX p. 529. (4). Rupp's Lane. County, p. 81. (5). Penna. Arch., Vol. XVII p. 10. (6). See U. S. statistics for 1890. 114 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. sylvania and settled in Coventry, Lancaster county. His son Mar tin, born in Alsace 1695, and died in Pennsylvania 1755, became one of the early and prominent ministers of the Brethren Church in America. He was ordained as an elder by Alexander Mack, the founder, immediately after the latter's arrival in 1729, and suc ceeded him as the senior of that denomination upon his death. Abraham DuBois (1679- 1748) was born of Huguenot parent age at Epstein. He identified himself with the Brethren in 171 2, and in 17 15 became a minister and assistant of Alexander Mack, the founder, and with him suffered great persecution in Europe. In 1732 he came to Pennsylvania where he entered upon ministerial labors, which continued until his death. He was a delegate to the Union Synod of 1742. Royer. — The Royer family (also written Reyer and Rier) has ever been a prominent one in France and many noted men of this name occur. The family was mostly seated in the northern part, especially in the vicinity of Metz, from whence a number retired to the Palatinate in consequence of the Revocation. One branch was numbered with the nobility. A nobleman named Jacques Royer, a prominent Protestant, suffered the loss of his estates in the persecu tions prior to the Revocation. An association in America by the descendants of the early Royer emigrants to Pennsylvania was formed in 1897 for the recovery of the confiscated estates of that noble man, whom they claim as their ancestor. Several families of this name fled from Tours at the Revocation and came with the Hugue not Colony to South Carolina. Sebastian Royer, who was born near the city of Metz, retired to the Palatinate about the Revocation period, and in 171 8 came to Pennsylvania and settled in Lancaster county. He was a promi nent member of the Baptist Brethren and his numerous descend ants have mostly adhered to that faith. Many have been eminent as ministers and teachers. In 1729 John Jacob Royer, another prominent member of the Brethren Church, arrived and located near Lititz in the same county. Another branch emanate from John Michael Royer, (1) who ar rived in 1732 and located in Upper Salford, Montgomery county. The family Lasche (Laschett) was scattered by the persecu tions of the Revocation period. One branch found shelter in a secluded place in Italy, and from thence they removed to Saxony, Prussia and Switzerland. A branch of this family came to America (1). He was the son of John Michael and Catharine Royer, and was born 1686 in Swabach in the Palatinate. He was thrice married and the father of twenty- four children and the progenitor of a great posterity. See " The Perkiomen Re gion," Vol. I. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 115 in 1854 and located in Wisconsin. In 1736 arrived John Jacob (Van) Laschet, who was then 50 years of age, and his sons John Peter and Christian, aged 2 5 and 1 8 years respectively. This branch had located at Crefels, in the Duchy of Cleves, where it became identified with the Brethren, and of which society they became prominent members, several being ministers. The immigrant lo cated in Earl township, Lancaster county, where he died prior to 17S4- (0 He was a delegate to the famous Union Synod held at Germantown in 1742. The family was established at Germantown and on the Conewago in York county, and also at Amwell, N. J., at an early day. In 1738 arrived John Wendel Laschet, whose relation to the foregoing family is not known. Ephrata. The famous Seventh Day Baptist Community, founded in 1725 at Ephrata by Conrad Beissel and composed of Sabbatarian and Pietistic refugees of various nationalities, had also among its mem bers some of Huguenot antecedents, (a) Among the number was Conrad Dubois, who arrived in 1728 and whose wife died at the Cloister in 1737. The name does not subsequently occur on the records of the Community. In 1757 the will of Conrad Dubois, presumably the same individual, was probated at Reading. In the diary of the Community reference is made to another French member under the church name of " Jonadab," whose wife and daughter died in 1740. No clew is given as to their identity although it is expressly stated that the family were Huguenots. For many years the dominant spirits of the Ephrata Commu nity were the Eckerline brothers, under whose skillful management the society was brought up to a high state of material prosperity, and their expulsion in 1745 because of their progressiveness marks the beginning of the Community's decline. These men, so celebrated in the history of the Community, were the sons of Michael Eckerline, a substantial citizen of Stras bourg, in Alsace, then a part of France. About 1700 he became identified with a Pietist movement in his city and which was imme diately interdicted by the authorities. Because of this persecution he withdrew to Schwartzenau where he identified himself with the movement which resulted in the organization of the German Baptist (i). In a patent granted to his son Christian in 1754 for land taken up by his father, John Jacob Lasche, it is stated that the father had died before he received a patent for said land. (2). For a full account of the Ephrata and kindred societies see ' ' The Ger man Sectarians of Pennsylvania," 2 vols., by Julius F. Sachse. 116 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Society (Dunkard) under Alexander Mack, and which subsequently came to Pennsylvania. Michael Eckerline died at Schwartzenau at a time when the adherents of his faith were preparing to seek free dom from persecution by a general exodus to the Western World. In 1725 the widow, then quite aged, and her sons Israel, Sam uel, Emanuel and Gabriel, emigrated to Pennsylvania and located in the vicinity of Germantown among the members of their faith. In 1727 Israel, the oldest of the brothers, joined the Ephrata Com munity, which was then in its infancy. He was soon joined by his mother and brothers, and the family contributed the major share of the talent, energy and business tact which made the Ephrata Col ony one of the wonders of America. Israel, under the spiritual name of Onesimus, became the Prior of the institution, while his brothers also held important positions and wielded a great influence. Samuel was a physician of no mean ability. It would seem that their great talents and business qualities which they freely exercised to the great enrichment of the Community provoked the jealousy of the Founder and his friends with the result that they were excluded, as already stated. The brothers, upon their exclusion, in company with several associates, journeyed to the wilds of Virginia where they once more established themselves on the Community plan. Their enterprise, however, failed. Some time after 1750 the three brothers — Israel, Samuel and Gabriel — located on the Monongahala river, in now West Virginia, where their settlement was destroyed by the French in 1757 and Israel and Gabriel were carried captives to Canada and from thence to France, where they died. Samuel fortunately was absent at the time of the incursion and escaped the fate of his brothers. He died in 1781. Early Mennonite and Huguenot Settlers. The following list, nearly all heads of families, embraces only such as arrived prior to 171 8 in Lancaster county : Bare (1) Ja cob, Sr. (died 1736), Jacob, Jr., Henry and John; Baumgardner, Peter ; Boyer, Samuel ; Brand, Adam ; Brubaker. John ; Bcehm, Jacob ; Brenneman, Melchoir, Adam, Christopher and Christian ; Biere, Jacob ; Bowman, Michael and John Wendell ; ~S>urkholder, John, Sr. , John, Jr. and Abraham; Christopher, Carl; Dondore, Michael ; Erisman, Melchoir ; Eby, Theodorus, Peter and John ; Eshelman, Daniel ; Faber, John ; Frederick, John ; Ferree, (2) John, Daniel and Philip ; Funk, John Jacob, and Henry ; Francis- (1). Originally " Barree" Huguenots. (2). Sons of Madame Ferree, which see. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 117 cus, (/) Christopher ; Groff, Hans (2) and Martin ; Guth (Good), John and Jacob ; Harnish, Martin.; Hers hey, Christian ; Herr, Hans and Abraham ; Hess, John ; Herman, Christian ; Hoover, Ulrich ; Hostetter, Jacob ; Houser, Christian and Ulrich ; Hufford, Melchoir; Hubert, Hubertson (1709); Kaigy, Hans; Kauffman, John, Andrew and Jacob ; Kanig (King), Simon ; Krider, John Jacob ; Kindig, Martin, George ; Kreitser, Jacob ; Larue, Jonas, (j) ; Lefever, (f) Isaac ; Leamon, ( 5) Peter ; Landis, Felix ; Le- Bo, John ; Landert, Sigismund ; Line, John ; Lochman, Casper ; Lighte (Light), John and John Jacob ; Meylin, Martin and John ; Mire (Mier, Moyer), Michael, Jacob, Rudy, Abraham and John ; Miller, Jacob, Sr. , Jacob, Jr. aud Martin ; Musselman, Henry ; Neff, (6) Francis, Sr., Francis, Jr., John Henry, Sr., John Henry, Jr., and Henry ; Nissley, Jacob ; Newcomer, Peter ; Oberholtzer, Martin and Ulrick ; Peelman, Christian ; Ream, Eberhart ; Royer, Sebastian ; Rudy, Ulrich ; Shank, John and Michael ; Sower (7) Christopher ; Steinman, Christian and Joseph ; Shultz, Andrew ; Schliermacher (8 ) (Slaymaker), Mathias ; Steiner, Christian ; (1). A noted Swiss patriot who had taken refuge in Alsace. He came to Pe quea in 1 7 10. (2). Born of distinguished parentage in Switzerland 1661. Fled as a Menno nite to Alsace where he bore the title of Baron Von Weldon. About 1695-96, ac companied by his brother, he came to Germantown. He was one of the first set tlers of Lancaster county, locating at "Graff's Thai" (Rupp's Lane. County, p. 133). He was a wealthy and important personage, Earl township being named in his honor (Col. Rec, Vol. Ill pp. 420, 673). He founded a great posterity. He was the grandfather of Sebastian and Andrew Groff, noted Revolutionary patriots. Sebastian Groff (3d), born in Earl township, Lancaster county, about 1750 ; delegate to the Provincial Convention 1775 ; delegate to the Federal Constitution Ratification Convention 1787 ; State Constitutional Convention 1787 ; State Sena tor 1790 ; died 1792. His brother Andrew was also a man of prominence andmem- ber of the Provincial Assembly 1776 and treasurer of Lancaster county many years. (3). A Huguenot and associate of the Ferrees. (4). Son-in-law to Madame Ferree. (5). Originally " Lemont" (Rupp's Lane. County, p. 516). (6). Francis and Dr. John Henry Neff belonged to an eminent Swiss Menno nite family, some of whom perished for their faith. They fled to Alsace where they resided before coming to America. Dr. Neff was the first regular physician in Lancaster county (Rupp, p. 125). (7). The famous German printer who located in Germantown and where in 1743 he printed the first Bible in America in a European language. (8). Emanated from a notable family and for some time seated at Strasbourg, in Aisace, owing to persecution. He came to Pennsylvania in 1716. Henry Slay- maker, son of Mathias, was born in Strasburg, Lancaster county, 1730 ; a Captain in active service 1776 ; member of Constitutional Convention 1776 ; a Justice ; succeeded Judge Hubley as Judge of the Courts 1784 ; died 1785. His son Amos, b 1755 was a Captain in the Revolution, member of Congress 1811-1814, and later a member of Penna. Senate. He held many important offices and died in 1840. 118 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Schnebly, John Jacob, Sr. and John Jacob, Jr. ; Stoy, Frederick ; Swope, John ; Stompher, John ; Weaver (Webber), Jacob, Henry, John and George ; Wenerick, Benedictus ; Witmer, Benedictus ; Woolslegel, John ; Zimmerman (/) (Carpenter), Henry, Emanuel and Gabriel. CHAPTER XIV. The Tulpehocken — Swatara Lebanon. The Overland Journey From Schoharie— Settlement of the Tulpehocken Valley — Lebanon — Dauphin — Distinguished Families of Huguenot Descent. " They were men of present valor, Stalwart old iconoclasts, Unconvinced by axe or gibbet That all virtue was the past. But we make their truth our falsehood Thinking that has made us free, Hoarding it in mouldy parchments, While our tender spirits flee, The rude grasp of that impulse Which drew them across the sea." — Lowell. 6'f HE beautiful and fertile Valley of the Tulpehocken is ten or * I more miles north of Reading, in Berks county, Pennsylvania. It is watered by the Swatara and Tulpehocken Creek, and anciently embraced far more than the present township of that name. Its first settlers were Palatines, who came overland from Schoharie, in New York, in 1723 and 1727, and among whom was the celebrated Conrad Weiser. These Palatines had emigrated to England at the invitation of Queen Ann owing to the devastation of the Palatinate by the French. Many thousands of them arrived in London prior to 1709 in a deplorable condition. In 1709 about three thousand of them were sent to New York at the expense of the Government. They wintered at Livingston Manor in 17 10 (2) and eventually a large number of them came to Pennsylvania (Chap. V). Among these refugees were many Huguenots whose names reappear in this work. (1). Henry Zimmerman, a Swiss, first came in 1698. Returned to Europe and brought over his family in 1706 (Rupp, p. 126). Many of his descendants be came prominent men. (2). For list see ' ' Rupp's 30,000 names of Emigrants"— Appendix. Prof. I. Daniel Rupp, A Le Baisur Descendant. P. 120. WJ& ¦ 4«ffo*- Hf^- ¦•-- ¦k- -^Jl ¦'*¦ 1 1 ^J Iff-'.1--" * "•^^^fflPJ^M : \f?' .^^P ^ ¦ ¦ -¦ - ¦¦ '. Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, A du Bois==-Ferree Descendant. P. 107. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 119 Sellaire. — Among the Huguenot exiles were several branches of the ancient Sellaire or Cellier family of France. The name is met with among the refugees to England and America prior to the Revocation, and even in far away Cape Colony where a descend ant, General Cellier, became famous as a Boer leader in the Trans vaal war. One branch retired to the Palatinate about the period of the Revocation. Of this family was Jean Henri Sellaire who, with his family, followed the great exodus of Palatines to London in 1708. In 1709 he came to New York with the Palatines, where his name and that of his son John as " Zeller" appears among the settlers of Livingston Manor in 1710. About 1727 he came over land through the trackless wilderness to Tulpehocken, locating near the present town of Sheridan, where he established a considerable estate and where he died at a very advanced age in 1756. (1) His house, a massive stone edifice, erected with a view to protect the family and neighbors in case of attack by the Indians, is still standing. Pontius. — In 1738 John Pontius arrived and located in Tulpe hocken. He was born in Alsace in 171 8. In 1743 he married Anna Catharine, a daughter of John tellers, already referred to. He had a considerable family and his sons were great pioneers. (2) Several were among the first settlers in Buffalo Valley in (now) Union county, and many of the next generation were of the first in Ohio and Illinois. Aurand. — Among the Huguenot refugees to the Palatinate was a branch of the Aurand family, and of which was Henry Aurand and his wife Anna Catharine. After a sojourn of some years in Holland they settled near Heidelberg where most of their children were born. In 1753 John Aurand (1725-1807), a son of the fore going, came to America and located in Berks county where he mar ried Mary, a daughter of John Pontius. In 1772 he removed to (now) Union county. His son Dietrich (1760-1841) was a soldier of the Revolution and for many years a noted minister of the Re formed Church. (3) Bashore (Le Baiseur). — This family, so numerous and so widely scattered throughout America, is of eminent Huguenot ori gin. The name, according to Prof. I. D. Rupp (himself a descend ant), is a corruption of Le Baiseur. Several of this name are found (1). He was survived by his wife, Anna Maria, and children John George, his chief heir, John Henry, John David, Martin, John, Anna Mary Saltzgiver, Barba- ralis Lerew, Catharine Pontius and Ann Elisabeth Battorf. (2). The sons were John Henry, b. 1744 ; John Peter, b. 1747 ; John, b. 1751 ; Andrew Michael, George and Frederick. h) See "Fathers of the Reformed Church." The children of the emigrant were Henry, Peter, Jacob, Daniel, Dietrich, George, Elisabeth Zeller and Mary Reem, all of whom became heads of families. 120 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. among the refugees to foreign lands. Jacques Le Baiseur fled to England in 1614. Another of this name was a member of the Huguenot Church of New York prior to 1700. John Le Baiseur was married in Philadelphia in 1789 (Pa. Arch. Vol. IX). Several heads of families of this name located in Pennsylvania. They were in all probability brothers. In 1735 we find Jacob Bashore with a family in Earl, Lancaster county. He died in 1779. Baltzer Bashore, who died in 1791, was a resident in the same lo cality in 1739. George Bashore located in Bethel township, in Berks county, prior to 1738. From the latter immigrant sprang many men of eminence, among them the late Prof. I. D. Rupp (1) and Hon. Charles S. Wolf, of Lewisburg, an able statesman and a leader in the Pennsylvania Legislature. Bennech, (Bennage). — In northern Berks county also located the Bennech family, a name noted in Huguenot history. Many of this name were scattered by the persecutions to Switzerland, the Palati nate and England. Of the immigrants to America Simon Bennech located in Heidelberg township in Berks county, where he died in 1 757, leaving posterity. The family arrived in 1732, at which time Simon was thirteen years of age. Inasmuch as the father's name does not appear on the list with the family upon arrival it is proba ble that he died on the voyage to America. Achey. — The Achey (Augey) family of America emanate from the nobility of Normandy and the name occurs in many honorable connections in French history. (2) A Knight of this name accom panied William the Conqueror in his expedition to England (A. D. 1066), while the noted Admiral, the Count DeAchey (1717-1775), shed lustre on the family name in more recent years. The name has suffered many variations, and it is worthy of note that the great naturalist, Prof. Louis Agassiz (1807-1873), in a letter to Prof. S. Aughey (of the Pennsylvania branch,) in 1872, claimed kinship with the family under consideration. Several branches emigrated to other countries in the early stages of the Huguenot persecutions. Prof. I. Daniel Rupp. (1). This distinguished scholar was born in Cumberland county, Pa., July io> 1803, and died in Philadelphia May 31, 1878. Mr. Rupp had but very few scholas tic advantages, but by close and constant application he gained an immense fund of knowledge, as is shown in the wide range of his productions. His published works are over thirty in number, mostly of a historical character, and constitute a vast mine of historical lore respecting the settlement of Pennsylvania and from which later historians have freely drawn. His chief works are his various county histo ries, seven volumes, i844-'47 : " The Bloody Theatre, or Martyr's Mirror " 1048 pages, translated from the German; "He Pasa Eklesia," 1844; "A Historv of Religious Denominations in America," and "A Collection of Thirtv Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch and French Immigrants. " 3 (2). For the several conferments of nobility on the Achey familv w DeMaigney's French Heraldry, pages 24 and 344. J J MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 121 In 1558 Jacques DeAuchy, a merchant of Leuwaarden in Holland who had embraced the doctrines of the Mennonites, was apprehended by the authorities. His able defense of his life and doctrine shows him to have1 been an extraordinary man. After a year's imprison ment he suffered a martyr's death in 1559. The immediate antecedents of the American branch is en shrouded in the gloom that followed the Revocation period, during which time a Huguenot father suffered death for conscience sake. The widow with her children and a brother effected their escape to Switzerland, and from whence the sons removed to the Palatinate. Upon the mother's death the sons came to Pennsylvania in 1752. They were John Ludwig, John Jacob, and Herman. Soon after their arrival we find the brothers in the Tulpehocken region. John Ludwig Achey acquired a considerable estate near Lingelstown, where he died in 1792. His son Henry, b. 1759, was married to Elisabeth Shuey, also of Huguenot ancestry. They were the an cestors of Prof. S. Aughey, the noted scientist of the State Univer sity of Nebraska, The emigrant was proud of his noble ancestry and had his coaches and furniture decorated with the Achey coat of arms. LeBeau, (Lebo. — This family, now so numerous throughout the Union, was scattered at the Revocation, several branches re tiring to the Palatinate and Switzerland, from whence the younger members emigrated to America. All the following herewith given were heads of families : John Lebo was naturalized in Lancaster county in 1718. Knorner John Lebo was located in the present limits of Montgomery county as early as 1734. Peter Lebo was located in Tulpehocken prior to 1738, and died advanced in age in 1783. John Abraham Lebo lived on the Swatara, prior to 1742. John Lebo, in Alsace township, Berks county, prior to 1740, and where he died in 1759 at an advanced age, leaving a large family. De Avier. — In 1732 arrived Jean De Avier who located in the Tulpehocken. It is probable that he was a son of Lambertus De Avier, whose father, a Huguenot minister, with his family suf fered death in 1680. Albertus, then a mere youth, made his escape to Geneva, where he became a prominent member of the French colony, and was noted for his remarkable visions of the final Judg ment, while in a trance. The narration of what De Avier seen and heard as given by contemporary writers is truly wonderful. (1) De Laux, (Laux). — This family is one of the most ancient and honorable of France, and for many centuries seated in Angoumois (1). Vide " Der Historie der Wiedergebohren." 122 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. and Beam. The family was mainly Protestant and ranged itself under the standard of the House of Navarre in the civil and relig ious struggles of the Huguenots. At the Revocation several branches were compelled to flee to the adjoining Protestant countries from whence a number came to Pennsylvania. Of these John Jacob Laux was a member of the old Tohicken church in Bucks county. Peter Laux located in Lancas ter county, 1738, both were ancestors to an honorable posterity. From the latter comes the. Hon. James B. Laux, of New York, a noted historian and writer. Dundore. — The Dundore family is seated in Alsace, from whence several heads came to Pennsylvania. Nicholas Dundore located in Lancaster county prior to 1718. In 1741 arrived John and Jacob Dundore. They are said to have been father and son. (1) The former located at Atolhoe, at the base of the Blue mountains, (2) and the latter in Bern. (3) In Tulpehocken also located Gotfried Reidenour and Englehart Flory, who came from Alsace. Also Nicholas Riehl, all prior to 1732. Jacob De Grenoble, who died in 1777 at an advanced age, was located here later. In the vicinity of Lebanon located Isaac Cushwa and Jacob Mumma in 173 1. Jacob Bonnett, John De- France, John Henry Marquett, Christian Dupee, and Jacob Loresh, (now "Larrish"). Shuey, Shuett. — This family fled to Switzerland at the Revo cation, and from whence the younger members came to Pennsylva nia. Carl Valentine Nicholas Shuett located prior to 1734, in Montgomery county. Daniel (4) and John Ludwig Shuey about this time located in the Swatara valley. From these a great and honorable posterity has come. Albert. — An Albert family fled to Deux Ponts at the Revocation, of these came John Michael Albert to the Swatara prior to 1750, when well advanced in years. His sons, John Michael Jr. , Peter, and Francis, were then also heads of families. The latter who was born in 17 19, at Deux Pont, was cruelly murdered by the savages, June 26th, 1756, leaving a family. (1). Notes and Queries, Vol. I p. 2. (2). Stover's Record, p. 34. (3). Jacob Dundore was married to Anna Maria Brecht, a daughter of Wen dell Brecht, and had children : John Christian, b. 1746 ; Maria Catharine b 1740 • Susanna, b. 1747 ; John, 1751-1853 ; John Jacob, 1756-1821 ; Michael, 1754 • David' 1758 ; Catharine and Elisabeth. (4). Daniel Shuey died 1777, leaving children : Ludwig, Peter, Elisabeth, Daniel, John, Martin, Ann Margaret, Catharine and Barbara. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 123 1 he Kieffer family of Lebanon county descended from Jacob Kieffer, (17 17-1804), who came from Gersdorf, in Alsace, and lo cated near the Bindnagel Church, where he is buried. The De Hass family are said to have been of patrician rank in France, and from whence a branch fled to Holland in the earlier stages of the Protestant persecutions. We have already noticed the arrival of Captain John De Hass on the Delaware during the Dutch occupation. In 1 749 George Philip De Hass arrived and settled near Lebanon. He was the father of General Philip De Hass. (1) Cochet, (Couche). — Several branches of this family came to Pennsylvania, among them Isaac Couchet, born in 1721 at Gros Villers, in France, and who came to America in 1768 and located in Lebanon. John Isaac, George Dietrich, and Francis Couchet who accompanied him were presumably his sons. Leroux, (Lerew). — The name of this family is met with very early and in many honorable connections. Probably the first arri val was Francis Laroux who fled from La Rochelle to the Hugue not colony on the Hudson, where he died in 1689. He was prob ably the ancestor of Abraham Laroux, Sr., who was one of the early settlers of Bucks county, Pennsylvania, and perhaps also of Abraham Laroux who died in York county in 1757, and likewise of the pioneers of this name to the South, of whom the reader will learn in another connection. Jonas Laroux, an associate of the Ferrees, located near them prior to 17 19. He died in 1761, and was the founder of the Lancaster county branch. About 1 741 George Laroux located in (now) Lebanon county, where he died very aged about 1764. (2) He was the ancestor of a very large posterity scattered over the United States. (1). General John Philip DeHass was born in Holland in 1735 and came with his father to America and located in Lebanon. He entered the military service of the Province as an ensign under General Armstrong in the Kittanning expedition, serving also under Colonels Burd and Bouquet in their expeditions against the hostile Indians. He was promoted to the rank of Major in 1764. At the outbreak of the Revolution he at once tendered his services to the Colonial Government and was commissioned in 1776 Colonel of the First Pennsylvania Battalion and participated in the Long Island campaign. In 1777 he was promoted by Congress to the rank of Brigadier General and remained in the service throughout the war. In 1779 he removed to Philadelphia where he died in 1786. His son, John Philip DeHass, Jr., a Lieutenant in the Revolution, located on the military lands of his father at Beech Creek, in Clinton county, and where he died in 1821. It is said that General DeHass prided himself in his noble ancestry and used a seal which may enable Heraldists to connect his family. "Between two wings displayed a stag springing and at the bottom of the shield a stag courant. " (See Penna. Mag. of Hist Vol. II p. 347- See also list of Norman nobility in Appendix of this work). (2) ' ' His family consisted oifonas, b. 1709, d. 1776, leaving a family ; George, who d.' 1770, leaving a family ; Isaac, d. prior to 1770, leaving a family ; Henry ; Peter, who died prior to 1762, leaving a family. 124 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. Sallada. — The head ofthe Sallade family fled at the Revocation to Basil, in Switzerland, from whence five brothers, sons of the Refu gee, came to Pennsylvania. Jacob, located at Tohickon, in Bucks county, another in Lancaster county. Nicholas Sallade located in Bern township, Berks county, while Frederick located in Wiconisco, Dauphin county, where he died in 1770. His son John (1 739-1 827), was an officer in the Revolution, and a man of great prominence in the state. His wife, a daughter of George Eberhart, of Berks county, had a remarkable experience. In 1755, when but eight years of age, she was carried into captivity by the savages to the Miami Country in Ohio. After many years of captivity she was rescued by the expedition under Col. Henry Bouquet. Colonel Simon Sallada, (1785—1854) a son of the foregoing, was likewise a man of prominence and a member of the Legislature several terms. Lingel. — The present thriving town of Lingelstown, at the base of the Blue Mountain, was named in honor of Paul Lingel (1709- 1786). At the Revocation the head of the family retired to Swit zerland. Of this family several came to Pennsylvania. Jacob, who located in Montgomery county, and Paul as above. Leasure. — The Leasure family is both ancient and honorable, and was originally seated in the province of Navarre. At the Re vocation a branch of this family was compelled to flee to Switzer land for safety, and from whence came Abraham Leasure, who arrived in 1754, and located in upper Dauphin county, where the family name is still extant. A son of the immigrant located in Westmoreland county where his descendants became prominent, notably General Daniel Leasure, a distinguished officer of the Civil war. Raiguel. — In 1754 Abraham Raiguel, of "Erquel Terre de Ranaltes," arrived and located in Lebanon county. He was a man of prominence and social distinction, and at his death, in 1795, de vised his estates mostly to his brothers Jean and Pierre, and neph ews Frederick and Abraham Raiguel, all of whom were still in France. The nephews, however, came to America and took pos session of their estates soon afterwards. Beau Jacques.- — An important immigrant to Lykens Valley was Francis Charles Beau Jacques. The name is now known in its English form of "Jacobs." He located in 1768 at the present site of Millersburg, and became a very extensive land owner, and erected the first mill in the valley. Joray. — The Juray (Jury) family fled from France to Switzer land at the Revocation, where their son Abraham was born, and MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 125 who came to the Lykens Valley in 1754. Although well advanced ui years he with his son Samuel served in the war of the Revolu tion. (1) In West Hanover, Dauphin county, died in 1748 James De Armand, (2) a name rendered famous in American history by the distinguished services of the Marquis De Armand, the noted French general, commander of "De Armand's Legion" during the Revolu tion. Among other immigrants with Huguanot antecedents who lo cated in the bounds of Dauphin county were Frederick Showa, John Paul Seal, John Seyzer, Valentine and Peter Delabach, Henry Lorang, originally "L Orange," Jacob Fontain, David Sausser, (De Saussier), Jean Pierre Monin, from .Lorraine. The name is now written "Money," David Purviance, and Jean Jacques Gros- jean (Groshong). CHAPTER XV. Trans-Susquehanna. Huguenot Settlers West of the Susquehanna River — The Conewago Colony — Pittsburg — The Genevan Colony on the Monongahala River — Western Maryland— The Shen andoah Valley. " Ever the Truth comes uppermost And ever is fustice done, For humanity sweeps onward Where to-day the martyr stands. For in front the cross stands ready And the crackling faggots burn ; While the hooting mob of yesterday In silent awe returns, To glean up the scattered ashes Into History's golden urn. ' ' 3N the present limits of York county a considerable number of people with Huguenot antecedents located, and it is a note worthy fact that the first mayor of York, the late Hon. D. K. Noel, was a descendant of a Huguenot who fled from France to Deux Ponts (Zweibrucken). His father, Jacob Noel, emigrated from (1). He died in 1785 leaving children : Samuel, Abraham, Mary, Magdalene, Margaret, Catharine, Susanna and Salome. (2). James DeArmand left a widow, Mary, and children John, Richard, Mar garet aud Sarah. 126 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Deux Ponts to Baltimore in 1795, and later located in York county, Pennsylvania. He served in the war of 1812, and was wounded in the battle of North Point, from the effects of which he died. Berrot. — At the Revocation a family named Berott, (also Per- rot), fled from France to Alsheim, in the Palatinate. Among their children was Frantz Ludwig, born at Alsheim, in 1699, who came to America in 1738. He was a prominent citizen and one of the founders of the Moravian church in York. He died in 1778, leaving several sons, who removed to North Carolina. His connection with Hellbarth Berrot, who located in Berks, and Jacques Berrot, of Lancaster county, has not been established. About 1750 John Daniel Dinkle (died 1755) and wife Ursula arrived from the city of Strasburg, in Alsace, both of whom are said to have been of patrician origin. Their descendants are numerous and of the highest respectability. John Hay, of Alsace, and father of Colonel John Hay, of the Revolution, (1) was also one of the first citizens of York. Dutill. — The Dutill family (also written Doutel), was greatly scattered by the persecutions, as the name is met with in various Huguenot colonies. Some younger members, perhaps brothers, came to Pennsylvania in 1738. John Dutill was married by Rev. George Michael Weis, in Montgomery county, prior to 1755. Francis Dutill was long a resident in Lancaster county, but the records of his estate is at Reading, dated 1766. In 1737 Michael Doutel had a child baptized at Christ Church, Philadelphia. In 175 1, Michael Doutell, of Robinson, now in Berks county, died, leaving a family. Jacob Dutill was one of the first residents of York, and a man of prominence. He died in 1777. He was the father of Daniel Doutel, (1727-1828), and of Captain Michael Doutel, (1732-1805), an officer of the Revolution who had the honor of leading the first company of Pennsylvania soldiers into the War of Independence. (2) They left York for Washington's camp near Boston, July 1st, 1775. Captain Doutel's grave may be seen in the rear of Christ Lutheran church, in York. In 1739 arrived Jean Voturin, (now Woodring), who was born at Helleringen, Loraine, in 171 1. He was one of the first Mora vians of York. At his death he was survived by six daughters and (1). John Hay, Jr. , b. in Alsace, France, 1733, died in York, Pa., 1810, was one of the leading men of the State. He was a justice for many years. A member of the Provincial Assembly 1775, a member of the constitutional Conven- vention 1776, was a colonel of a York county batallion in active service in the Revolution and a member of Assembly 1 779-1 784. (2). Rupp's History of Lancaster and York counties, p. 608-612. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 127 a son, John Voturin, Jr., who removed to Graceham, Md., where he died in 1779. John Moreau, (now Morrow), and Peter Gasha, who died in 1778, were also early residents of York. Elsewhere in the county of York, besides the Huguenot colony from New Jersey, to be noticed presently, there were the following: Christian Sangree, (originally St. Gris), located on Springetts- bury Manor prior to 1738. In 1749 arrived/*?/^ Ludwig Sengris (Sangree), whose relation to the former is not known. In 1739 ar rived Abraham Chedron from Lorraine, and located near York. He was the ancestor of the extensive Shetrone family. Andres Bailley and John Barone both appear before 1747. Jean De Grange prior to 1751. Abraham De Fleury, John Henry Lorah, Abraham Larew, Nicholas Darone, Croft Billet, Peter Delo, Barthel La Gneau, Leonard Leer one, Daniel Renolle, Adam De Gomois (De Goma), Michael Le Boob, all appear at an early date. Dietrich Werley, who was born in Steinthal, in Alsace, in 1695, came to America in 1736, and located west of York. His posterity is very numerous. Antoine Bevenour, Thomas Petit, Jean La Mothe, (La Mott), David Fournier and John Noel, came prior to 1750. Nicholas Pierie arrived in 1727 and located on the Codorus in 1736. Albert La Bott came in 1737. John Joho, Adam Beidinger, the Bernitz and Boyer families arrived in York county. in 1738. The Rutisilia (now Rudisill) family, now so numerous and widely scattered throughout the land, is said to be of Hugue not origin. Several heads of families came to Pennsylvania, as will be seen in the general list. Philip Rutisilia was married at Con estoga in 1734. (1) Weirich Rutisilia, born in 1697, arrived in 1737, in the same vessel with John Adam Beidinger. He located on the Codorus, east of Hanover, and was the ancestor of the York county branch. La Mothe, (La Mott). — The Lords De La Mothe ranked among the highest of the French nobility. (2) Several branches of the house embraced the Protestant faith and suffered great per secutions in consequence. One member, General De La Mothe Fouquet, a distinguished officer of the French army, took refuge in Prussia at the Revocation. Madame De La Mothe-Guion was a noted devotional writer of the Reformation period, whose works were translated into many languages. In i7$4jean Henry De La Mothe (1705-1794), who was born in Provence, France, arrived, and located near Hanover. Later he removed to York, where he died. In early life he forsook his (1). Stoever's Records p. 54, Ibid p. 17. (2). See the Nobility of Normandy ,Vol. I. 128 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. native land because of the persecutions, and traveled extensively before coming to Pennsylvania. He was of a reserved disposition and said but little concerning his distinguished ancestry. During the first visit of the Count De LaFayette to the Conti nental Congress, then sitting in York, in 1777, a nobleman of his staff, Captain Nicholas De La Mothe, visited him and claimed kin ship. Barnitz. — The history of this family, both in France and America, has been an honorable one. One branch is of noble rank and has given many distinguished names to French history. (1) The date of the arrival of the Bernitz family in Pennsylvania is un certain, as there is no record of them in the Archives. The earliest appearance of the name is in the record of Rev. John Casper Stoe- ver, of baptisms on the Conewago. In May, 1738, John Leo?iard Bernitz, whom we take to have been the head of the family, stood as baptismal sponsor, and several times thereafter. In 1749, John George Carl, (2) and in 1741 Elias Daniel Barnitz appear as sponsors in the same locality. The Barnitz family came from Alsace, and in our opinion arrived in 1737, in company with other Alsatians with whom we find their names associated. Of the foregoing, John George Barnitz was born in 1722, and died in 1796. His monument may be seen in the rear of Christ Lutheran Church, in York. His sons all became men of promi nence, and several took a conspicuous part in the Revolution. Jacob was an officer in the war, and was severely wounded and taken prisoner by the British at Fort Washington in 1776. He became a man of great prominence and died in 1828. His son Jacob was an eminent lawyer and a member of the Twenty-third Congress. Beidinger, (Bittenger). — In 1736 arrived from Alsace John Adam Beidinger, (3) aged 39, and Peter Beidinger, aged 34 years. They were probably brothers. The former located near Abbots- town, where he died in 1768. His son Nicholas (1743- 1804) was a man of prominence in Colonial days. In the Revolution he served on the Committee of Safety, and also as a captain in Colonel Swope's regiment of the famous "Flying Camp," that rendered such valuable service in New York and New Jersey in 1776—77. (1). "Science des Armoiries," p 346. (2). The children of John George Carl Barnitz were Jacob, Daniel, John George associate Judge of York county, Michael, Susan Eichelberger and Barbara Lauman. (3). The children of the immigrant were Nicholas, Henry Michael, Peter Marillos, George, Adam, Christian, Frederick and Eve. The Hon. J. W. Bittenger' Judge of the York county courts is a great grandson of Captain Nicholas Bittenger'. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 129 De Cessna.— Among the heroes of the Duke De Schomburg at the battle of the Boyne, (1690) was a young Huguenot soldier, Jean De Cessna, who remained in Ireland after the forces of William, Prince of Orange, were withdrawn. In 171 8 he came to Pennsyl vania and located in Lancaster county. (1) Later he removed to York county where he died in 1 7 5 1 . (2) Several of his sons located in Shippensburg as early as 175 1, and the later removed to Bed ford county, where the family became prominent. John De Cessna, (17 1 8-1 800) of Bedford county, was one of the leading men of the Province. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly and Con stitutional Convention of 1775, and a Colonel in the Revolution war. His brother, Charles De Cessna, was likewise a Colonel in in the war of Independence. The late Hon. John De Cessna, State Senator and member of Congress, was a great grandson of Col. John De Cessna. Another son of the immigrant was Stephen De Cessna, who prior to 1750 was a resident of Cumberland county. Piatt, Pyatt. — This family seated in Dauphiny, fled to Holland at the Revocation period, and later came to New Jersey. The name of the father is not known. Of the sons, John Piatt was a prominent citizen of Somerset county, New Jersey, of which he was sheriff in 1732. He died in 1760, while on a visit to the Island of St. Thomas, where he owned a sugar plantation. All his sons, five in number, were soldiers in the Revolution, under the following grades: John, b. 1739, a private ; Abraham, b. 1741, a quarter master ; William, b. 1745, a captain ; Daniel, b. 1745, a major, and Jacob, b. 1747, a captain. The Piatt family were great pion eers. John, at the close of the Revolution removed to (now) Ly coming county, in Pennsylvania, where a township is named in his honor. Abraham removed to (now) Centre county, and was Judge of the Courts of Northumberland county in 1786. (3) He died in 1 79 1, and his family all removed to Ohio. Jacob Piatt, youngest son of John the immigrant son, removed to Kentucky. Jacob Piatt, evidently a second son of the immigrant, appears in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, as an Indian trader at an early day. Jacob Piatt, Jr. was a pioneer on the frontiers, and was dis possessed of his lands in Path Valley as an intruder in 1750. Lischey's lists. — In 1742 arrived Rev. Jacob Lischey, a Morav ian minister, and who soon afterwards was married to a daughter of John Stephen Benezette, of Philadelphia. Soon after his arrival he became disaffected and assumed charge of several Reformed con gregations in York county. His baptismal record, lately recovered, (1). See Pa. Mag. of Hist. Vol. III. (2). Will at York, Pa. (3). Pa. Arch. 2ndser. Ill, p. 760. 130 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. beautifully written, and most valuable in character, discloses a num ber of Huguenot names. In some instances the entries of French people are made in the French language. The following are names of parents with earliest entry of baptisms of children : (i) Pierre Gerot and w. Catharine, 1755, (sponsor, Jacques Ver- dieux). The foregoing was probably Pierre Gerra, who is recorded in the Archives as having arrived in 1746. Daniel Renolle, 1755 ; John and Jacob Rude silly, 1755 ; Jacob Bouchon, 1756 ; John Chamblin, 17 $6 ; David Fournier, i7$6. ("Dulommum et sa femme," sponsors). The Conewago Colony. On the head waters of the Conewago creek, in the eastern limits of Adams county, a considerable number of Huguenots lo cated at an early day. Among these were James Pettit, who had a large plantation here soon after 1740, and died at a very advanced age in 1770, leaving sons Thomas and James. Abraham Larue, who died in 1757, leaving a family. Adam De Gomis, (previously noted), and who died here in 1772. John Noel prior to 1750, and who died in 1766, very aged, and leaving a large posterity. Also Daniel Renolle prior to 1 75 1. None of the foregoing appear on the lists as foreign emigrants, and it is therefore a fair presumption that they came hither from an older colony. That this inference is correct is born out by the fact that the Pettit and other families named are found among the Huguenots who came to New York and New Jersey. Soon after 1760 a large number of French and a few Dutch families removed hither from Shrallenburg, in Bergen county, New Jersey. Their settlement was confined to a locality now in the townships of Straban and Berwick in Adams county. They were rigid adherents of the Dutch Reformed faith, and built a church on the Conewago about two miles east of the'present village of Hunterstown. About 1781 many of them concluded to attempt another colonial experiment by securing a large body of land in Shelby county, Kentucky. To this new centre over a hundred, of all ages removed, before the close of the century. In 1793 another colony of nine families left the Conewago settlement and located at Owasco lake, in Cayuga county, in New York. To such an extent was the Conewago colony reduced by removals and defections that the maintenance of a distinctive congregation of their faith, (the Dutch Reformed), became impractical and in 18 17 they petitioned the Legislature for permission to sell their church, which was granted. (1). For the recovery of these names the author is indebted to Luther R. Kelker, Esq., of Harrisburg, Pa. HOUSE OF DR. GEORGE De BENNEVILLE. ERECTED 1745, AND THE BIRTHPLACE OF UNIVERSALISM IN AMERICA P 67. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 131 In the absence of any records concerning this colony we must rely on the land and mortuary records at York and elsewhere. Among the colonists of French extraction not already noted were the following : John Bodine, will probated in 1786. George Bro- caw, who died in 1794, at an advanced age leaving sons, Peter, George and John. Peter Cosine, who died aged in 1779, leaving sons Cornelius, Markimus and Peter-Cornelius Cosine who died in 1786 leaving a number of married children. Andri Ridett, who died in 1776, and in his will mentions his brother, John Ridett. Mich&l Le Boob, who died in 1781. Peter Montfort, who died in 1769, quite aged, leaving sons Peter, Anay and John. John Mont fort, who died in 1777, leaving sons Francis, Peter, John and Laurence. Francis C assart, ( 1 ) George Laschelles, Gerrett Demar- est, Samuel Durye and Abraham Lovine. The Dutch colonists were Joris Brinkerhoff, (1717-1810), father of a large family, and whose son George (1761-1813) was for a time pastor of the church. Henry Banta, who had an unu sually large family, nearly all of whom removed to Kentucky. Martin Nevius, who died in 1790, John Vanarsdalen, died 1772, William Vanderbilt, died 1772, David Vandine, died 1795, Iosta Shamp, and probably others who have not been identified. Western Pennsylvania. In the. Western part of Pennsylvania a considerable number of the early settlers were of Huguenot origin, many of whom, such as the Bonnetts, Marchands, Leisures, De Cessnas and others, were the descendants of emmigrants already noticed in previous chapters. Among those not hitherto noticed, and who were identified with the region under consideration were the following : (1). Cassart, Cassatt. — Francis Cassart was born about 1713 in Bergen county, New Jersey. His grandfather Jacques Cassart arrived in America as a refugee about 1657 with his family, (Baird's Hug. Em. to America, Vol. I, p. 183). Among others, he had a son David, bap. June 18, 1671, d. 1740, m. 1696, Styntie Van Horn. Of this union Francis was the seventh child. in 1760 he located at the Indian Springs, six m. east of (now) Gettysburg, in Adams county, Pa., where he died near 1795, and was buried in the graveyard of the ' Jersey" colony. He was a man of great prominence ; and took a notable part in the stirring events of the Revolution period. In 1775 he was a member of the Committee of Corres pondence for York county. A member of the Provincial Assembly in 1776, and a member of the convention that framed the first state constitution 1776. He had three sons, Peter, who before the Revolution removed to Kentucky where he was killed by the Indians. His descendants are numerous in the west. David b. 1743, and d. 1824. Jacob b. 1751, d. 1813. The two latter are buried in. the "Jersey" colonists graveyard where their tombstones may be seen. Many of the descedants became prominent in various walks of life. David (1768-1824) son of David, was an eminent lawyer of York, while Jacob, 1778-1838), also a son of the latter died while a member of the legislature. Another son of David Cassart was Dennis, the grandfather of Hon. A. J. Cassatt, of Philadelphia, the noted financier and president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 132 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. In 1749 arrived Frederick Pershing, (1724-1792), of Alsace, and located in Westmoreland county. He was the ancestor of the distinguished jurist, Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing, of Pottsville, Pa. (1) On the Monongahala river, in Fayette county, is situated the town of New Geneva, founded by Albert Gallatin, and named by him in honor of his native city, Geneva in Switzerland. Induced by Albert Gallatin, several Genevan families, of Hu guenot antecedents, took up their residence in this region. Among these was Charles Andre Mestrezat, who descended from the Huguenot divine, Jean Mestrezat, (2) of Paris, and was a relative of Albert Gallatin. The emigrant was a son of Rev. Jacob Mestrezat, who was also a minister of note. He was born in 1766, and came to Pennsylva nia in 1795, and was accidentally drowned in the Monongahela river in 181 5. He was the grandfather of the noted jurist, Hon. S. L. Mestrezat, of Uniontown, Pa. Brunot, Bruno. — Ever since the days of Saint Bruno, (3) the founder of the Carthusian order of monks, at Grenoble, in A. D. 1086, the name Bruno and Brunot has been an honorable one. Several branches belong to the nobility, and the name is met with in many high and important relations. The name was early introduced into Pennsylvania. Felix Brunot arrived in 1732 and located in Eas tern Pennsylvania. John Brunot was a resident of Philadelphia prior to 1738. The name became most honorably associated with Pittsburg through a younger branch in the person of Dr. Felix Brunot, who eminated from the nobility.' Dr. Brunot was born at Morey, in France, 1752. He is said to have been a foster brother to the Count De Lafayette, and accompanied him to America as a mem ber of his medical staff. (1). Hon. C. L. Pershing was born in Westmoreland county. Entered the legal profession and rose to eminent distinction. In 1772 he was elected a judge of Schuylkill county, in which capacity he served with marked ability until 1898 when he was compelled to retire because of ill health. In 1875 he was the Demo cratic candidate for the governorship of Pennsylvania. (2). This eminent divine was born in Geneva, 1591, and was educated at the Huguenot College of St. Samur. He became the pastor of the famous Charenton Temple at Paris, where he died in 1657. He was famous as a writer and as an eloquent orator. Rev. Jacob Mestrezat was b. at Marseilles, France, in 1713. He was ordained to the ministry in 1740, was chaplain of the Dutch Embassy at Paris, 1 748- 1 750. Pastor at Amsterdam 1751-1752, and several other places until 1777, when he retired because of failing health. He had one daughter and three sons of whom the youngest, Charles Alexander came to Pennsylvania. The latter had ten children, of whom Jean Louis Guillaume Mestrezat, was the father of Judge S. Leslie Mestrezat of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (3). St. Bruno was born at Cologne, A. D. 105 1, and died at Calabria, A. D., 1101. In 1089 Pope Urban who had been one of his pupils summoned him to Rome. He was canonized in A. D., 1628. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 133 After the Revolution he became a Protestant and located in Philadelphia, and in 1797 removed to Pittsburg, where he died in 1838. He had two sons, Hilary, born in 1795, and Felix, Jr., born in 181 5. Both father and sons were intimately connected with the public interests of the city. The latter especially will ever be held in grateful remembrance for his philanthropic deeds. Doctor Brunot was married in 1789 to Elisabeth Kreider, whose mother, Susanna Pons Breton, was a daughter of Jacques Pons, a Huguenot refugee to Offenbach, in the Palatinate, and from whence the family emigrated to Pennsylvania. There lived with the Brunot family in Pittsburg for many years, Jean Marie, (b. in France, 1727, and still living in 1808), who came as a young man to Pennsylvania because of persecution. Dravo. — In 1789 there came to Western Pennsylvania with the Marquis De Lusiere, a young man of distinguished family, named Antoine Dreyvault, a name now changed to Dravo. He was born in Paris, August 16th, 1767, and died in Pittsburg, Pa., October 16, 1851. Anthony Dravo was a Protestant, and promi nent as a Methodist. He erected a brick house, which was one of the first and finest in Pittsburg, and where he dispensed a generous hospitality. He entertained the Marquis De Lafayette during his visit to America in 1725, and also Louis Phillippi, then an exile, but later the King of France. Anthony Dravo was the founder of a highly honorable posterity. (1) Maryland. Following the Palatines in their migration to Western Mary land and the Shenandoah Valley, of Virginia, we find a consider able number of early settlers of Huguenot ancestry among them. The descendants of these people are among the most progressive and intelligent citizens in the South, and take a just pride in their ancestry. The initial settlements in Frederick county were made on the Monocacy, east of Frederick City. Among the first settlers was Jean Henri Fortineaux, who ar rived in Philadelphia in 1727. His posterity now generally write the name " Fortny." The Dilaplain brothers, John, Joseph and Joshua, came from Colebrookdale, in Berks county, Pa. The first named prior to 1771. The family history is elsewhere given. Joseph Mayhew came prior to 1735. The Mayhew name appears among the refugees to several Protestant countries. (2) Peter Cushan came near 1750. (1). Anthony Dravo had children— Pierre, Michael, William, John, Antoine, Francois, Harriet and Margaret. (2). Proc. London Hug. Soc. Vol. I. 134 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Jacob Buckey, who arrived at Philadelphia in 1743, and located at Buckeystown, is an instance of how a name may be disguised under a phonetic form. The original was Bouquet, and represents a family despoiled by the persecutions and scattered to England, where they appear among the refugees, and to Switzerland, from whence came General Henry Bouquet, who, as a British officer, rendered such valuable service to our colonies on the frontiers. (1) In 1754 arrived Nicholas and Daniel Hauer, brothers, who were born at Dildendorf, in Lorraine, and were of the Huguenot faith. They were both among the first residents of Frederick. Daniel was born in 1733, and was the grandfather of the venerable Daniel Hauer, D. D.. (1803-1901), the oldest Lutheran minister in America. On the Monocacy also located at an early day David Shreiver, whose wife was a Ferree, a descendant of Madame Ferree, and whose history is elsewhere given. They were the parents of Judge Abraham Shreiver, (1771-1848), and. also the ancestor of the distinguished Admiral Schley. (Chap. XII). Other Huguenot names in Frederick county prior to 1780 were Boyer, Brevett, Cavy, Cocke, Delatter, De La Course, Doupe, De Lashmut, De Losier, De Bos, Duckett, De La Vincendiere, Dem- orest, De Bow, Tillard, La Mar, Le Nashu, De Marcellain, Pearre. North of the South Mountain in the present limits of Washing ton county, the first settlements were made by Pennsylvania Ger mans prior to 1735, in the vicinity of Clear Spring. Among the settlers with Huguenot antecedents was Dewalt Ancony, who arrived at Philadelphia from Europe in 1746, and died at Clear Spring in 1781, at a very advanced age. He was the foun der of a great posterity. George Reidenour, who was born in Rosenthal, Alsace, in 171 8, and came with his parents to Pennsyl vania in 1739, also located at Clear Spring prior to 1754. Jacob (1). Henri Bouquet was b. 1719 of Huguenot parentage in Switzerland. He was given an excellent education and at an earlv age entered the military service of Holland where he soon rose to distinction. In 1756 he entered the British army with the rank of Colonel, and was sent to Pennsylvania and participated in the hostilities against the French and Indians. He was second in command in the ex pedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne at Pittsburg. In 1763 he led the expedition for the relief of Fort Pitt in which he was successful after first de feating the Indians at Bushy Run. The following year he utterly vanquished the confederated tribes in Ohio, and compelled them to deliver to him the hundreds of white captives, mostly women and children, whom they had taken. Those he brought back to Carlisle, Pa. , from whence they were restored to their homes. In 1765 he was naturalized by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, doubtless as a step to promotion to the rank of general which immediately followed : With his promotion he was placed in charge of the department of the South with head quarters at Pensacola, Florida. Immediately upon his arrival he was smitten with fever and died 1765. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 135 Bushong. who died in 1785, was a son of the immigrant Jean Beau champ. Jacob Cushwa, the founder of a notable family, was the son of Isaac Cushwa, of Lebanon county, Pennsylvania. He was a teamster in Braddock's army in its march through this region to the crushing defeat at Fort Duquesne in 1755. After quiet was restored on the frontiers he located at Clear Spring. The notable Bregunier family came from a refugee who ap pears on the arrival list at Philadelphia, in 1740, as John Nicholas Peckonier, and who located at Clear Spring. His grandson, Rev. Daniel Bregunier, (1 807-1 867). was a distinguished minister of the Reformed church, and the original of "Old Mr. Huguenot" in "The Young Parson," by Dr. Peter Davis. In 1 749, John Michael Mottier, (now Motter), whose parents were driven from France, landed at Philadelphia, and later located in this locality, where the name is honorably established. In 1739 John Perrine located on a tract of land near the South Mountain. This name stands for a great Huguenot family else where noted, many members of which fled from France and found a refuge in foreign lands. In the western part of the county located in 1740 Lanceolot Jacques, whose parents fled to England after the Revocation. Lancelot Jacques first came to Annapolis as agent for a company of planters. In 1765, in company with others, he acquired a tract of 15,900 acres of land near Clear Spring, where they erected the first furnace in Western Maryland. Abraham Voturin (Woodring) came with his parents from Lorraine and located in Eastern Penn sylvania. From thence he removed to Hagerstown, in the Provin cial period, and was one of the founders of the Reformed church at that place. Michcel Horry, (1729-1788), who was born in the Palatinate, of Huguenot parents, was also an early resident here. The Mumma, Dupre, Bouvard and Millott (1) families all located in this region in Provincial times. The Shenandoah Valley. Most of the early settlers of the Shenandoah Valley, in Vir ginia, were Pennsylvania Germans, with a few Scotch Irish, and Quakers, from the same Province. With these, was a sprinkling of Huguenots, who although the most insignificant in point of num bers, have nevertheless left many conspicuous marks of their pres ence. With the exception of a few scattered pioneers, the first dis tinctive settlements in the Valley was the result of an agreement made between the Governor of Virginia and John Jost Heydt, of (1). From the latter came Col. Daniel Millott (1771-1854). 136 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Pennsylvania, and Jacob Van Meeter, whereby the Governor ceded to the aforenamed two, over twenty-five thousand acres of land on the condition that they locate thereon at least two hundred families. This was in 1732, and immediately afterwards Jost Heydt located on the Opequon within five miles of the present city of Winchester. This was the beginning of the great migration of the Pennsylvania Germans to the Valley of Virginia, and which continued southward until great numbers had penetrated the wilderness to the forks of the Yadkin, in North Carolina, where they had a flourishing settle ment on Dutchman's creek, prior to 1750. Jost Heydt was a native of Strasburg, in Alsace. He was a member of an ancient Protestant family, despoiled and ruined by the Papists under Louis XIV., when he treacherously seized the city, as elsewhere narrated in this work. (1) Jost Heydt first lo cated in Montgomery county, in Pennsylvania, in 171 7, and was a man of prominence and great business capacity. He was well ad vanced in years when he and his wife Anna Maria, and seven chil dren, four sons and three daughters, removed to the South. His family consisted at this time of sons, John, Jacob, Isaac and Thomas, and sons-in-law, Jacob Christman, Ceorge Bowman and Paul Froman. Several sons were also at this time heads of families. The descendents of Jost Heydt are now very numerous, and consti tute a very honorable posterity. Among the notable descendants was James, who died in 1779, a son of Joseph Heydt. He was a member of the Provincial Assembly for a period of sixteen years. The Larue family of the South mostly came from two branches of this name, who made their escape from France at the Revoca tion, and came to New Jersey, where they located in Hunterdon county. One of these, had among others, three sons, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Of these, Abraham and Jacob were pioneers in Kentuckey, where Larue county commemorates their name. Isaac, who was born in New Jersey in 1712, removed in 1743 to the Val ley, and established the Virginia branch of the family. In Shenandoah county located the Servier, Roller and Boneau- vent families, all of Huguenot ancestry. Valentine Servier, (father of John Servier, the famous Commonwealth builder), came from a family that had fled to England at the Revocation. About 1769 he accompanied his son and other Virginians to Tennessee, where they built Fort Watauga, and founded a new Commonwealth. John Peter Roller (2) and Jean Bonneauvant had both resided some years in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, before their settlement here. (1). See chapter VIII. (2). Vide Chapt. XI. GEN. JOHN E. ROLLER. P. 95. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 137 The latter located on Mill creek, where he built the first mill in this region. From these families comes General John E. Roller, (i) The Disponnet family soon after arrival in Pennsylvania (1739) removed to the Opequon, near Winchester. Here the father, Jacob, and several of his family, were cruelly massacred by the Indians during their bloody incursion into the Valley in 1756. The De Moss (Dumas) family was likewise located on the Opequon at an early day. The father, Lewis Dumas, died in 1743, leaving a large posterity. CHAPTER XVI. Monuments of the Huguenots in America. Their Great Achievements as Statesmen — Diplomats — Schol ars — Scientists and Philanthropists in the United States. "And while the races of mankind endure Let their great examples stand, Collossal, seen of every land; To keep the soldier firm— the statesman pure Till in all lands, and through all human story The path of duty be the way to glory." 3T was a remark of the Historian Bancroft, that America is full of monuments of the Huguenot emigration. This statement becomes apparent upon the most casual observation. The French Protestant exiles were among the most intelligent and en terprising of all the people who bore a part in laying the founda tions of this great Nation. The "monuments" they have reared in the various fields of American enterprise and activity are indeed lofty and glorious, and form part of the distinctive elements of our National character. As it would be impractical to describe in detail all the monuments that stud the decisive field of Gettysburg, or the trophies of art at the Louvre at Paris, or the memorials of vanished empires in the British Museum, so is this brief recital ; we can call attention to only a few typical characters that stand out somewhat prominently, and pass by multitudes of almost equal greatness. The intellectual force and personal worth of the Huguenot character is surprisingly illustrated in many important connections in the formative period of our Nation. Although but a handful as (1). Gen. John E. Roller, (b, 1844), of Harrisonburg, Va., a distinguished Confederate officer, jurist, and historian, descends both from John Peter Roller and Jean Bonneauvant. 13S MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. it were, during our Colonial period, yet scarcely any event of im portance was consummated in our early history without receiving in some form the Huguenot impress. In a preliminary way we may cite in this connection the fol lowing remarkable facts. The first session of the Continental Con gress was opened at Philadelphia with prayer by Rev. Jacob Duche, the grandson of an eminent Huguenot refugee. Three of the pre sidents of the Continental Congress were Huguenots, namely John Jay, Henry Laurens, and Elias Boudinot. The first two were sig natories to the Treaty of Peace with England, November 30th, 1782. This treaty was ratified by Congress, in April, 1783, but it did not become effective until signed by the Huguenot President of Con gress, who was Elias Boudinot. John Jay, as the American Plenopotentiary, signed the final Treaty of Paris, September 3rd, 1783. Thirty-one years later a Huguenot descendant again negotiated a Treaty of Peace with the Mother Country, namely James Bayard. This treaty remains un broken to the present day, while Thomas F. Bayard, a descendant of the same family, as a cabinet officer and Embassador to England under President Cleveland's administration, has been a prominent factor in establishing the principles of International Arbitration, which bids fair to lay the foundations of a permanent Anglo-Saxon Union, which may change the course of the World's history during the coming century. The first treasurer of our Nation was Michael Hillegas, who was the son of an Alsatian refugee. The sterling worth of this dis tinguished Philadelphian is shown in the many years of his incum bency in this responsible office, especially during the dark and try ing period of the Revolution, (1 776-1 783). Jay. — In the field of American statesmanship no name is more illustrious than that of John Jay. (1) His life work gave a dis tinct trend to our National history. As a member of the Continen tal Congress, and President of that body in 1778; as Minister to Spain in 1779; as one of the Plenopotentiaries for the Treaty of Peace at the close of the Revolutionary struggle ; as the first Chief Justice of the new born Nation ; and as one of the first anti-slavery advocates ; he not only illustrated the true nobility of his Hugue- (1). John Jay was a descendant of Pierre Jay, a wealthy merchant of La Rochelle, France. At the Revocation he suffered the loss of almost his entire fortune, but succeeded in escaping with his family to Plymouth, England. His eldest son Auguste came to New York in 1686, where his grandson, John, was born in 1745. So highly did Washington'esteem him that when he became Presi dent, he tendered him any office within his gift. Jay choose that of Chief Justice of the United States, being the first incumbent of that office. He died at Bedford, N. Y., 1829. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 139 not ancestry, but bestowed also illustrious services to humanity. A character so useful to posterity well merited the enconium of Daniel Webster, when he said : ' ' When the spotless ermine of the judi cial robe fell on John Jay, it touched nothing less spotless than himself. " Boudinot. — Hardly less distinguished than Jay, stands Elias Boudinot, who descended from a prominent Huguenot family of De La Tremblade, France. He was born in Philadelphia, Apri 21, 1740. He was a member of the first convention, (June nth, 1774), which called for a general congress. He was a member of the Colonial Congress, 1 777-79-8 1-82. Was elected President of Congress November 4th, 1782, and in that capacity he signed the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, April 15th, 1783. In 1795 he was appointed Director of the Mint at Philadelphia by Washington, of whom he was a close personal friend. He was a ripe scholar and gave to the world a number of valuable histories. He was a patron and trustee of Princeton College, and a great promoter of literature. He was no less distinguished as a sincere Christian. In 1 8 12 he became a commissioner for the American Board of Foreign Missions ; and in 18 16 was one of the organizers of the American Bible Society, and was its first president. In the great struggle by which American independence was achieved, the sons of the Huguenot exiles were in the van. South Carolina alone furnished an entire batallion composed of their de scendants, some of whom rose to great distinction, and shed undying lustre on the page of their country's history. (1) Laureus. — The name of Henry Laurens (1724-1792) shines as a star of the first magnitude amid the galaxy of the great. His parents were among the early Huguenot refugees to Charleston, S. C. , where Henry was born. His services to his country were very great. He was president of the first Provincial Congress of South Carolina in 1775, and prepared the declaration against England. In 1777 he succeeded John Hancock as President of the Continen tal Congress. In 1780 he was sent as Plenopotentiary to Holland to negotiate a treaty and secure a loan. On this voyage he was captured by the British and held as a prisoner fourteen months. After his release he, with Benjamin Franklin and John Jay, nego tiated the preliminary Treaty of Peace with Great Britain in November, 1782. His son, Colonel John Laurens, (1755-1782), was a distin guished soldier and a member of Washington's staff. In 1781 he (1). The Huguenot Batallion was organized 1779, and served to the close of the war. They were commanded by Marquis de Britagne, a distinguished officer who returned to France at the close of the war. 140 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. was sent to France to negotiate a loan for the Government, in which he was successful. Upon his return he again took the field in the South, where he unfortunately lost his life in action. Marion. — During the Revolutionary struggle the great tower of strength in the South was Major General Francis Marion, (i) who with his undisciplined and poorly clad Provincials rendered such valuable services as to win a resolution of thanks from the Continental Congress and the universal gratitude of the Nation. Almost every state in the Union has a city or county named in his honor. Huger. — Marion's worthy companions at arms were the Huger (2) brothers, five in number, and also from South Carolina. The chief of this quintett of heroes was Major General Isaac Huger, who served throughout the war, and was several times wounded in action. Next was his brother, Colonel Benjamin Huger, who fell in the battle of Charleston, S. C, in 1779. Then also Colonel Francis Huger, Deputy Quartermaster General, while the two younger brothers were of lesser rank. Pickens. — To the list of South Carolina worthies we must also add the name of Andrew Pickens, (1) who rose from the rank of captain to that of Brigadier General during the Revolution. Always foremost in action, whether with British or Indian, is it safe to say that no American leader ever displayed greater gallantry, or ever achieved greater results with such limited resources. The Conti nental Congress presented him with a sword for his distinguished services. Manigault. — The natrie of Gabriel Manigault (1704-1781) shines with a fadeless lustre on the escutcheon of South Carolina. His father, also Gabriel, was one of the Rochelles Refugees to Charleston, where Gabriel was born. He became one of the wealthy men of the South, and during the war of the Revolution loaned vast sums of money to his native state for the prosecution of the war. At the age of seventy-five years, with a grandson by his side, he took part in resisting the British attack upon Charleston in 1779. Servier. — (3) (1 745—181 5). Perhaps no individual in the South left a more lasting impression on the civic institutions of that (1). Gen. Francis Marion was born near Georgetown, S. C, 1732, and died in 1795. His grandfather Benjamine Marion was a refugee from La Chaume, France, from whence he fled to South Carolina after the Revocation. (2). Grandsons of Daniel Huger, who fled from the Isle of Rhe to England in 1682, and from thence to Charleston, S. C, in 1696. (3). Andrew Pickens was born of Huguenot parentage at Paxtang, Penna., 1739. His parents removed to S. C. in 1752. After a highly distinguished career he died in 1817. His son Andrew was also eminent, and was Governor of S. C. 1816-1818. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 141 region than John Servier, "The Commonwealth Builder." His father, Valentine, was born in London, of Huguenot parentage, and emigrated to the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, where his distin guished son was born. In 1769, he with other Virginians, including. his aged father and brother, made a settlement on the Holsten river, in East Tennessee, where they built Fort Watuga. John Ser vier was an ardent patriot during the Revolution, placing himself at the head of his fellow frontiersmen he became a terror to the British. His most brilliant achievement was at the battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780. At this time the cause of the Col onists seemed lost in the South, when Gen. Servier, with fierce im petuosity, threw his little army against the seemingly impregnable position of the British, and in one hour annihilated the left wing of the army of Cornwallis, made his surrender at Yorktown imperative, and the glories of American Independence sure. Servier was prac tically the founder of Tennessee. Its first, and for three successive terms its Governor. Le Conte. — The Le Conte family (2) affords a striking exam ple of the intellectual virility of the Huguenot character, as they have furnished a very large number of distinguished names, especi ally in the field of Science. Among the most eminent may be men tioned Dr. Lewis Le Conte, born in New Jersey in 1782, and who settled in Georgia. He became famous for his work in mathemat ics, botany and zoology. He died in 1838. His son John, born in 18 18, who as President of the University of California, has made for himself a name second to none in the special sphere of his labors. Another son of Lewis is Prof. Joseph Le Conte, born 1823, professor of geology and natural history in the University of California, and who has a world wide reputation as a Naturalist. His numerous works are considered standard authorities on the subjects on which they treat. Major John Eaton Le Conte, brother of Lewis first mentioned, was born in New Jersey in 1784, and died in Philadel phia in i860. He was an eminent engineer, and for a long time in the service of the United States. Notwithstanding his arduous duties in the civil service, he made extensive researches in natural history. John Lawrence Le Conte, son of Major Le Conte, (b. 1825, d. 1883), was one of the greatest scientists of the century. He was for years the President of the American Entomological Society, and in 1873 was elected as President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. (1). See "John Servier as a Commonwealth Builder." (2). Descendants of William Le Conte (b. 1659, d. 1728), who fled from Rouen, France, to New York, after the Revocation. On his mother's side he was de scended from the Nobility. 142 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Revere. — All the world has heard of Paul Revere and his fa mous ride. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, of Huguenot parentage in 1735. He has the distinction of having been the foun der of copper-plate engraving in America. He also rendered valu able services to his country as a Colonel in the War of the Revolu tion. His famous "ride," celebrated in song and story, was the carrying of the order of General Warren, at midnight, April 18th, 1775, through Charlestown to Concord and Lexington, warning the people of the approach of the British under General Gage, and dis played the signal lanterns in the steeple of Christ Church, in Boston. Ravenel. — The history of the Ravenel family of South Carolina, is an honor both to the Huguenot character and the state of their adoption. The founder of the family was Rene Ravenel, of Vitre, France. The Ravenels are of noble rank, and figure honorably in the history of France. Rene Ravenel being a Protestant, was com pelled to leave all his estates in 1686, and came with others to Charleston, S. C. His descendants were prominent already in col onial times. Only the briefest mention can be given a number of the present century. Dr. St. Julien Ravenel (18 19-1882) was one of the greatest agricultural chemists of the age, and his researches and discoveries have been of great value to mankind. Henry W. Ravenel, LL. D., (18 14-1887) was a botanist of world wide celebrity, and his great work on the Fungi of the South, (5 Vols., 1853-1860), was the first of its kind in America. Of him it was well said ' 'The name of Ravenel will ever be perpetuated in the genus Ravenelea of the Uredinal, a genus so peculiar in its character that it is not probable that it will ever be reduced to a synonym." (1). The late Dr. Edmund Ravenel was an accomplished chemist and conchologist. Dr. Mazyc Porcher Ravenel, of the University of Pennsylvania, is a noted specialist. Hon. H. E. Ravenel, of Spartansburg, S. C, is an author of works on Jurisprudence, and has also written a val uable history of the Ravenel family. (2) Dana. — The descendants of Richard Dana, who came as a re fugee to Boston, Mass., prior to the Revocation, affords another notable example as that just illustrated. He has given us Dr. Francis Dana, (b. 1743, d. 181 1), who was a delegate to the first Provincial. Assembly, and our first Minister to Russia in 1781 ; dele gate to the Convention that framed the Federal Constitution ; one of the founders of the American Academy of Fine Arts, besides many other notable connections. (1). Botanical Gazette 1887. (2). Ravenel Records. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 143 Richard Henry Dana, (b. 1787), the distinguished poet and novelist, and his scarcely less distinguished son, Richard Henry Jr., (b. 1815), James Dwight Dana, (b. 181 3), of Yale College, the celebrated geologist, whose works are standard authorities ; Colonel Napoleon J. T. Dana, (b. 1822), who served with distinction in the Mexican and Civil War; Dr. Samuel Luther Dana, LL. D., (1795- 1868), the eminent chemist ; and lastly, Charles Anderson Dana, (18 1 8-1 897), who as a writer and editor, and Assistant Secretary of War under President Lincoln, and his confidential agent, proved himself to be one of the most resourceful of men. Tourgee. — In literature we find but few more forceable writers than Judge A. W. Tourgee, while the musical world has no greater ornament than Prof. Eben Tourgee, (1) the leader of the New Eng land Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass. Pumpelly. — Mention only can be made of Professor Raphael Pumpelly, (2) of Harvard University, whose extensive researches, and valuable works, have done so much for the advancement of science. Reference has already been made to the many eminent de scendants of the Huguenot refugees to the South, the list of which would be incomplete without a reference to several more whose lives and services have contributed so largely to our country's greatness. Poinsett. — To this number must be added Joel Robert Poinsett, (3) (J 779-1 851). This eminent American supplemented a thor ough education by extensive travels in Europe and Asia before en tering the public service. Among the numerous responsible posi tions he filled was that of Minister to Mexico and Secretary of War in President Van Buren's Cabinet. He was the founder of the Academy of Fine Arts in Charleston, S. C, and practically also of the National Museum at Washington. Maury. — Undoubtedly one of the most eminent men of this age was Matthew Fontain Maury, (1806-1873), who eminated from the Huguenot colony on the James. Although Lieutenant: Maury was in the service of the American Navy nearly all his life, yet his scientific researches, especially in astronomy and hydrography were world renowned, and epoch-making. In literature he is known as the "Philosopher of the Sea," and he is generally regarded as the Founder of Hydrographic Science. He was a member of many societies of learning both in America and Europe. (1). Descendants of Pierre Tourgee, who came to Rhode Island in 1700. (2). Descendant of Pierre Pumpelly, who came to Massachusetts in 1679. (3). A descendant of Pierre Poinsett, a refugee to S. C. about 1686. 144 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Perrine. — The Perrine family (i) has added a great list of distinguished names to the honor roll, and for almost two centuries has had its representatives in many important fields of action, where as ministers, jurists, scientists, and many other profes sions, they have added lustre to their ancestral name. The achieve ments in astronomy of Prof. E. D. Perrine, of the Lick Observa tory, are especially noteworthy. Soule. — It is well known that several Huguenot families came to New England with the Pilgrim Fathers in the "Mayflower." Of this number was George Soule, whose descendants have been espe cially distinguished as soldiers, ministers, and literary men. Pintard. — One of the most progressive and public spirited men the Empire State has ever produced was John Pintard, whose an cestor, Antoine Pintard, came as a refugee to New York in 1690. John Pintard was distinguished in many spheres of activity, but his memory will be perpetuated chiefly for his noble philanthropy, and also as the Founder of the New York Historical Society. Provoost. — Another distinguished descendant of the refugees to New York was the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, (1742- 18 1 5), the first Protestant Episcopal bishop of New York. Among the notable services of this Divine was that of Chaplain to the Con tinental Congress in 1785, and Chaplain to the United States Sen ate in 1789. In the further pursuit of this subject we find ourselves in the dilemma of Paul, in recounting his Bible Worthies as yet unmen- tioned, when he writes : "And what more shall I say, for the time would fail me to write. " — Heb. XI: 32. We must content ourselves with the mere mention of some who have achieved a fame more lasting and honorable than the monarchs, whose blind bigotry drove their fathers across the seas. Vincent Rougnion. — The ancestor of the Runyon family, of New Jersey, who came, prior to 1668, from Poitiers, has given to posterity many men of eminence, notably Hon. Theodore Runyon, (1 822-1 896), late United States. Embassador to Ger many. The ancestor of the distinguished jurist, Gabriel Duval, (I752-I844), from 181 1 to 1826 a Supreme Justice of the United States, was Mars Marien Duval, who fled from France in 1643, and came to Maryland. (1). This family was mostly Protestant, was greatly scattered by persecution some fled to England from whence John Perrine came to Braintree, Mass., in 1635- 1640. Daniel Perrine from whom most of the name descended, came' to New York in 1665 ; married in 1666. and settled on Staten Island. (See N. Y Genea logical and Biographical Record, Vol. XIX and XX). MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 145 The ancestor of L. Q. C. Lamar, a member of President Cleveland's Cabinet, and later a member of the Supreme Court of the United States, likewise came to Maryland, from whence de scendants went to Georgia, where the latter statesman was born in 1826. The Hon. Columbus Delano, (1811-1896), Secretary of the Interior in President Grant's Cabinet, 1 879-1 875, descended from a refugee to New England. The Hon. Richard Olney, late Secretary of State, descends from Andre Sigourney, also a refugee to New England. Noted Institutions and Enterprises of Huguenot Origin. In the more peaceful fields of learning the Huguenots of America have likewise erected lofty and most enduring "monu ments." They have ever stood in the front ranks of art, science and literature, and in view of the smallness of their numbers com pared with the other elements of our population, their achieve ments, to say the least, have been remarkable. Some of the great est institutions of the New World have been founded by their munificence and philanthropy. Although Stephen Girard (1750- 1 83 1) can hardly fall under the designation of -'Huguenot," he was nevertheless an honor to the French race, and when he bequeathed his mighty fortune to Philadelphia, the city of his adoption, he en riched humanity as few men have ever done. Girard College, the offspring of his truly noble heart, is unriveled by any of its class in the world. Faneuil Hall. — Next to Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, the cause of freedom has no more sacred shrine than Faneuil Hall, in Boston, and which has been aptly termed the "Cradle of Lib erty." This historic edifice owes its existence to the munificence and public spirited character of a Huguenot merchant of that city, Peter Faneuil. (1) When he erected the structure as a market house and city hall, and presented it to the city, he "builded better than he knew." It would seem as though the Genius of Liberty, in vindication of the wrongs of the Huguenots, had singled out this building as the chief Forum for the discussion of principles and measures by which the torch of civil and religious freedom was lit, and which proved to be the harbinger of a new era in the history of the human race. (1). Benjamine and Andrew Faneuil, merchants of La Rochelle, France, fled to New York at the Revocation, the former settled in New York City and the latter in Boston. Andrew died childless, and left his wealth to his brothers son Peter, who in 1741-42, erected the famous Faneuil Hall and presented it to the city of Boston. 146 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Gallaudet College. — This institution, for the higher education of the deaf and dumb, and the first of its kind in the world, was founded at Washington, D. C, bythe Gallaudets, whose services to this class of unfortunates have never been surpassed. The father, Rev. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, (i) of Philadelphia, (1787-185 1), devoted his life to the improvement of the condition of the deaf and dumb, and originated many of the methods by means of which this unfortunate class of humanity are enabled to communicate with their fellow men. His sons are no less distin guished. Edward Miner Gallaudet, LL. D., (b. 1837), became an eminent authority on the instruction of the deaf and dumb, and was the Founder, and became the first President of the National Deaf- Mute College at Washington. His brother, Rev. Thomas Gallau det, D. D. , (b. 1822), has also become a successful author and worker in this humane field. In 1850 he became pastor of an Episcopal church in the city of New York, in which he established services in the Sign Language. Bowdoin College. — Among the notable institutions in America founded by the Huguenots, is Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, in the state of Maine. It was named in honor of Governor James Bowdoin, (2) who was its patron, and who richly endowed it. Governor Bowdoin, was one of the foremost men of his times, not only in public affairs, but also in the field of learning. He was an intimate friend and correspondent of Benjamin Franklin, and the first President of the Academy of Arts and Sciences. His only son, James, was also a man of eminence and profound learning. In 1 805 he was United States Minister to Spain. Dying childless in 181 1, he also left a princely legacy to Bowdoin College. It is no less a distinguished honor than a remarkable coinci dence, that in 1895 three departments of our National Govern ment were simultaneously under the presidency of Bowdoin grad uates, namely, Thomas Reed, Speaker of the House of Represen tatives, Senator Frye, Chairman pro tern of the Senate, and Chief Justice Fuller, the head of the Judiciary Department. Robert College. — This institution, situated at Constantinople, Turkey, is another notable Huguenot memorial. It was founded by the late C. R. Roberts, (3) of New York, whose princely muni- (1). A descendant of Dr. Pierre Elisee Gallaudet, who came as a refugee to New Rochelle, N. Y., after the Revocation. (2). Governor Bowdoin was born in Boston in 1726, and died in 1790. He was the grandson of Pierre Bowdoin, who came as a refugee to Boston soon after the Revocation. He died in 1706. (3). The philanthrophist, Christopher R. Robert, was a descendent of Daniel Robert, of La Rochelle, who fled at the Revocation to Martinique, and from thence to New York. ^^"¦'¦yrTTVni ,| mm, MONUMENT OF MAJ. GEN. JOHN F. REYNOLDS. FELL AT GETTYSBURG JULY I, 1863. A FERREE — LE FEVRE DESCENDANT. P. 106 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 147 ficence and tender sympathy for the unfortunate, not only led him to give with an unsparing hand to his countrymen, but also prompt ed him to provide the means for the elevation of his fellow-men in the benighted Orient. Grinnell Polar Expedition. — In this connection it is worthy of record that the first promoters of Arctic Explorations in America were the Grinnell brothers, whose Huguenot ancestor came to New England at a very early day. These men were Hon. Henry Grinnell, (1799-1874), who was the first President of the American Geo graphical Society, and Moses Grinnell, (i 807-1 877). Their first ven ture was in 1850, when they sent an expedition in search of the lost Franklin party. The second under the leadership of the noted Dr. Elisha Kent Kane in 1853. By these expeditions our knowledge of the Polar Regions was vastly advanced. GENERAL LIST OF HUGUENOT IMMIGRANTS TO PENNSYLVANIA. The following list comprises the names of such immigrants to Pennsylvania during the Provincial period as are believed to have been of Huguenot origin. The list also includes the names of some Alsatians and Lorraines, and also a few whose ancestors had located in neighboring colonies. With the exception of the latter class, nearly all the immigrants in the subjoined list came to Pennsylva nia as "foreigners" or non British subjects, and were compelled to be naturalized, and after 1727 all male foreigners above sixteen years of age were obliged to subscribe to an oath of allegiance. Fortunately for posterity, these lists are still extant and have been published by the State. (1). Several volumes also contain lists of naturalizations of persons who arrived prior to 1727. Should the reader fail to find the name of a supposed Hugue not immigrant to Pennsylvania in this list, he should not therefore conclude that such a supposed person did not arrive. Many things must be taken into consideration. Among others, the imperfec tions of the official records, arising from the fact that many names of immigrants were written phonetically. It should be remembered that French names abound in silent letters, and are not pronounced as the written name appears to the eye, and hence many names on (1). Pa. Archives Vol. XVII. , second series. See also Prof. Rupp's 30,000 names. 148 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. the official lists do not appear in their French form. We may cite a few examples. Beauchamp appears as Bushong; Michelot as Mickley ; Wesco (Vasqueau) Wesger; Voturin as Wotring, and so on. Again, in many instances where the original French name was preceded by the definite article la, le and de (the), and du (of, or from the), these prefixes have either been discarded or joined to the name. The following few examples will illustrate these changes. Many descendants of the Du Fresne, De .Cessna, De Saussier, and many other immigrant families have dropped the prefix and write the name Frehne, Cessna, Sausser, etc. Of names where the arti cle is now joined to the name we have Dumont, Duhamel, Dubret, Lorange (L'Orange), Lebo (Le Beau), Lesher (Le Char), Deva (De Veau), Dilcamp (De la Camp), Dilabar (De la Barre), etc. Of names that have lost their French form entirely by phonetic transition we give the following examples : Billoiv (Billeaux), Casho (Cacheau), Shadow (Chateau), Perrigo (Perrigeau), Boatman (Baudemon), Jacks (Jacques), and so scores of others. Then again, we find many honored French names now writ ten in their English or German equivalent. A few examples must suffice. Tonnelier is Kieffer in German, and Cooper in English. Pierre is Stein in German and Stone in English, and so on. On this principle many French names have entirely disappeared. This list is the result of many years of careful research, during which time the Archives of the, State have been thoroughly explored, church records of the Colonial period, and the 'records of many families have been searched with most gratifying results in many instances. There are many families of French origin in Pennsylvania whose names do not appear in this list. In such cases we have failed to find traces of arrival or of Huguenot origin. No doubt many of these families come from the unfortunate Acadians, who were cruelly deported from Nova Scotia in 1 75 5— '56 by the British government. The number who came to Pennsylvania was so large, and their distress so great, that the Provincial Assembly was neces sitated to pass measures for their relief. (1) It will be remem bered that Longfellow's touching poem, Evangeline, is based on an incident connected with these exiles. (1). Vide Rupp's Hist. Lane. Co., P. 301. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 149 GENERAL LIST. Note. — The dates following names indicate the time of arrival as derived from official records The names of counties where immigrants located are abbreviated. Immigrants from Alsace and Lorraine are mostly indicated by brackets. Ache, John Ludwig— John George and Herman, 1752, Leb. Co. ; John and George in Cocalico, Lane. Co., prior to 1756. Alleman, Jacob, Sr., Jacob, Jr., 1741 — Stephen, 1749, (Lorraine)— Dors- tius and Peter, 1752— John Chris tian, John Frederick, Christian and Hiram, 1753, Jean Jacques, 1754, (Lorraine), Lane, and Leb. Albert, see Chap. XIV. Anganie, Nich., 1736, Dewalt,' 1746, Theobald, 1733, Lanc.-Leb. Amacher, Mich. 1754, (Lorraine). Armeson, Pierre, (Armishong), 1753, Lane. Arnoul, Jean Pierre, 1751. Aubertin, Pierre 1739. Aune, Pierre 1744. Aurand, Peter and Herman 1733, John 1733, Berks Co. Balliet, Paul 1738, Lehigh, Joseph, 1749, Bucks. Barberat, Jacques 1749, (Lorraine). Barrett, Baldus 1738. Baptiste, Jean Francois 1753, Jean 1770, Jean 1771, Jean 1771. Baird, Francois and William, 1754, (Lorraine), Lane. Bach, Jacques 1754, (Lorraine). Bachart, Geo. 1749, Lehigh. Balme, Jacques 1753. Balmas, Pierre 1757. Baldy, Conrad, prior to 1740. Baldus, John Leonard, 1749, John Peter 1753. Bar, John, 1754, (Lorraine). Barto, (Perdeau) John, 1730, Berks, Isaac, prior to 1750, Nicholas, Barre, Jacob, Sr., Jacob, Jr., John Henry, Lane. . prior to 1718. Baron, John Philip 1747— Nich. 1752, Jacob 1753, Jonas 1763. Bashore, (Le Baiseur), George, pnor to 1733, Lane, Jacob 1732, Ch. XIV, Daniel and Sebastian, 1749. Batillion, (Bertillion), George, Wil liam, Christian, Frederick and Abraham, 1751. Baudeman, Andri 1750, Jean and Isaac 1753, (Now Butman). Bauer, John and Thomas 1754, (Lor raine). Bayer, Chap. VII. Bayard, Chat). VII. Bohemia Manor. Bayle, Nich. 1729, Mich. 1748, Andrew, prior to 1745. Bazillion, Peter Chap. XI, John Man- well 1732. Berringer, Elias 1738, Paul 1743, Adam 1748, Henry 1750, Nich. and Bar- tholemew 1754. Berrett, Jos. Berks, prior io 1753. Beaver, Dieble 1741, Geo. Dewalt and John, (Alsace) John Geo. (Alsace) 1732, Mich., Val and John, (Beeber) 1768. Beau, Jacques, Frans Carl 1768. Beaumont, John Geo. 1764. Beauchamp, Jean Lane, prior to 1719. Jean 1731, died in Lane. Co. 1749- John Mich. 1732, William 1741. (now Bushong). Bernetz, John Leonard, John George Carl, Elias David, York, prior to 1737. Bernot, Jacob 1751. Belle, Jean Pierre 1754. (Lorraine). Bernhart, John Thomas 1754. (Lor raine). Bess, Christian 1754. (Lorraine). Berge, Jacques 1754. (Lorraine). Berot, Frans Ludwig 1738, York. Hell- barth 1751, Berks. Jacques 1752, Lane. Bertolet, Peter and Tean Chap. VIII. Bertie, Nich. (Bertolet?) 1732, Lane. Bessonett, Richard, Bucks. Benezette, John Stephen 1731, Phila. Beaufort, Casper 1775. Benech, Martin and .Simon 1732. John Mich. 1751. John Christian 1752. 150 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. Beggary, Vincent (Peckary), 1753. Beidinger, John Adam and Peter 1736, (Alsace), York. Andrew 1752. Beveneau, Anton 1749, York. Bigonet, Jean 1752. Francis 1773, (Bigoney), Mont. Co. Billet, Bosler, York. Blocq, Albert, Del. , prior to 1677. Bodine, John, vide Conewago. Boileau, Isaac, Bucks. Jacob, Berks prior to 1752. Bouchee, Rudolf 1738, John 1749, Gregorius 1753. Bohre, Peter 1750. Borie, Laurens 1766, Mathew d. Lane. 1780. Bontaux, John and Joseph 1752. Bourquin, Jean 1773. Bourgeois, Benjamine — Bouvard, Robert, Cumb., prior to 1740. Bouton, Jean Daniel, 1739, Leonard Nat. Bucks Co. 1734, George Nat. Phila. 1754. Bonnett, Jacques and fam. 1733, Jean Philipp, prior to 1736. Peter 1737, Lane. Co., John Mich 1750, Jean 1753, Henry 1763. Bouchell, vide Bohemia Manor. Bouquet, Jacob 1743, Philip 1747. Boschard, John 1738, Adam 1740, Ber nard 1741, Fred 1750. John Daniel 1757. Boyer, Alex 1648, Samuel 1710, John Phil. 1731, Gabriel, prior to 1732, James in Phila., prior to 1734, Carlos 1748, Vide Chap. VII. Bonjour, And. 1754, Lane. Boudinot, Elias, Phila. , Prior to 1731. Boneauvent, Jean 1740, Va. Bregonier, John Nich. 1740, Md. Brant, Jos. Lane. Brevard — Brunot, Felix 1732, John in Phila., prior to 1738, John 1752, Felix? Buck, Nich. (Lorraine), Mont, Co. 1752. Cacheau, (Casho), Jacob"; early in Dela ware, Samuel, Lane, prior to 1752, Jacques 1772. Cambourd, Jean 1732. Carmeton, Fred 1742. Cally, Christ (Lorraine), 1754. Carel, Jacques, Sr,, Jacques, Jr., Peter and Jacob 1754. Caquelin, Sebastian and sons Jean and Dietrich 1736, Felty "From the north of France" 1752, Lane. Carmane, John and Anthony 1756, Leb. Caffarel, Paul, 1753. Cazenove, de, Jean Antoine and An toine Charles 1780. Cazart, see Conewago. Cellier, John 1727, Pierre 1748. Chapelle, Eberhart 1757, Jeremiah v and John Peter 1753. Chamblin, John, York, prior to 1756. Chasseur, Joseph 1764. Chevelier, Philip Del., prior to 1677, Pierre C. Phila., prior to 1710. Christien, Jean Francois from Rodan, Alsace, 1736, Christian and Peter 1757. Charmeli, Simon 1749. Chartier, Martin, prior to 1697. Choape, Theors 1740. Chars, And and fam. 1732. Chateau, (Shadow) Jean Nich. 1739, Lane. Charett— ? Chedrone, (Shetron) Abr. 1749, York. Clement, Mich. 1738. Clevel, (Clewell), Francis and Geo. 1737, Northampton. Claude, Charles 1738. Pierre 1770. Clerq, Henri Del., prior to 1677. Couvier, Jean Jacques 1754. Cotineau. Cochet, (now Gouche, Goshen), Dan iel in Phila. prior to 1756. John Geo. Deitrich, Francis and Isaac 1768, Leb. Co. Conte, John 1729. Corbo, Jean 1737, Mont. Co. Compos, Peter 1752. Conrieu, Francois 1746. Comer, Jean 1736, Lane. Conrad, John Mich (Lorraine), 1754. Courteur, Joseph 1751. Cossart, (Gr. Gossert), J. 1741, Henry 1749, Lane. Cossine, Peter and Cornelius, vide Conewago. Coshune, Jean, Conewago. Consul, Arenne 1746. Cresson, Isaac, Phila., 1728. Conrad prior to 1728. Crespin, Joseph 1753. Creuccas, Jacques 1737. Crownwalt, Jacob (Lorraine), 1754. Cushwa, Isaac 1732, Leb. Co. Darant, (Durant), Geo. Peter 1741. Dacier, Daniel 1750. John Mich, and John Martin 1752. Paul 1753. Daron, Mich. York Co. Dasons, Francois 1734. Dauny, Jean Louis, nat. ] 732. De Armand, James, Dauphin, prior to 1740. Henry 175G. De Avier, Jean Louis, 1732, Lane. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 151 De Normandy, Andri 1706, Bucks. De Bran, John 1690. De Bertholet, John Phlilip, 1737. De Mars, Jean 1741, Lane. De Belle, Jacob 1738. De Bleame, ? Mont. De Benneville, Dr. Geo. 1741, Berks. De Benoit, Humber prior to 1749, De Cesna, Jean 1718, Lane De Boileau, Isaac, Bucks. De Beau, (De Bo, De Bus, Du Bus), Abraham and Philip 1732. Con rad, Lane prior to 1737. Chris tian 1740. Daniel and Jacob 1743. De Dier, Jean Germantown early, Jean 1770. De Dee, Jean 1712, Oley, Daniel 1750, David and John Geo. 1751, Abra ham (Lorraine) 1754, Lane, Josue, Jean Pierre and Jean, 1765. De Fresne, (De Frain), 1731. Chap VII. De France, John prior to 1740, Dau phin. De Gann, Moris, Delaware, prior to 1677. De Gomois, (Degoma), Adam, prior to 1754, York. De Grange, Andre 1749; John, York Co., prior to 1750. De Hass, Capt. John, Del., prior to 1660, Geo. Philip 1749, Leb. De Longschamp, Chas. Julian. De Lage, Pierre Phila. 1736, died 1766. De Lancy, Francois, Lanc>, prior to 1754. De Long, Jacob 1743, Berks. De Marcellain, Bucks. De Morest, Gerrett, Conewago. De PLircell, William, Bucks, 1734. De Pree, Jacques 1764. De Prefontain, Peter, Phila., prior to 1754. De Pui, Nicholas, Minisink, 1697. De Ring, Mat. Delaware, prior to 1677. De Rimley, Nich. Francis, Bethlehem. De Remo, Jacques, 1750. De Sanno, Frederick, Bucks. De Turk, Isaac 1712, Berks. De Tar, John Lane De Tray, Christian 1737, Bucks, Con rad, Nat. Phila. 1662. De Veau, Pierre, 1736, Conrad 1754. De Ville, John 1765. De La Barrie, (Delabar), Jacob, Bucks, prior to 1745. De La Bach, Val. and Peter, prior to 1757, Dauphin. De La Cour,(Dellicker, Rev. Frederick) De La Camp, Henry, Berks 1753. De La Grange, Jost. Del. 1656. De La Planch, Jacques, Berks, prior to 1720. De La Plaine, Jacques, Phila. 1691. De La Noe, Rev. Chas. Phila., prior to 1700. De La Vail, John, Phila. 1682. De La Ware, Isaac m. in Phila. 1735. Decha, Edward 1752. Deschong, (Des Champ), Diet. Wil liam 1752, Lane, William and Mathias 1753. Deque, Jacques, 1773. Dessloch, Geo. (Lorraine) 1754. Demje, Pierre 1773. Deoux, Philip, prior to 1750. Dilloe, Pierre, (Dillo) 1736, Lane, Mich., prior to 1745. Dillier, (Diller) Casper 1731, Lane, Francis 1738, Digeon, Daniel 1742, (Alsace), North ampton. Dinkle, John Daniel 1750, (Alsace), York. Dispionett, Jacques, (Des Bonnett), 1739, to Va. Douthett York, prior to 1754. Doz, Anthony 1685, Phila. Dobler, Nicholas (Lorraine), 1752, Dauphin. Dore, Antoine 1770. Donderman, Jean Pierre 1773. Dondore, Michael (Alsace), Lane, prior to 1718, John and son Jacob, 1741, Berks. Douay, Conrad 1740. Donatt, Geo. nat. Chester Co. 1734. Duey, John and John Christian 1750, Chester. Doutell, Jacob 1738, Jacob, York Co., prior to 1746, Francois, Lane, prior to 1750. Doute, (Du Tay) David and John Geo. 1751, Lane, Francois, Lane, prior to 1758. Dracot, Ralph — Bucks. Drapet, Jean 1750. Dravo, Anthony, Pittsburg. Dupree, Jacob nat. 1734, Jacob in Phila., prior to 1693, Jacob nat. Berks Co. 1762, Geo. Berks Co. 1764. Dupee, Danl, Phila., prior to 1754, Christian, Leb., prior to 1749. Durye, Geo. 1733, Berks, Jacob 1738, Samuel, Conewago. Duponceau, Peter Phila. Duval, Daniel 1749. Duche, Anthony Phila., prior to 1700. 152 MEMORIALS OP THE HUGUENOTS. Dufort, Philip, Sr., Philip, Jr., 1738. Dubrett Jacques, 1763. Duistro, Jean 1740. Durell, Moses, Phil., prior to 1731. Dushane — early in Delaware. Duchand, Francis 1773. Duton, Abraham 1754. Du Simetere, Pierre Eugene 1764, Phil. Du Corson, Benj., Bucks Co. Du Keyness, Henry, Lane, prior to 1762. Du Castle, Edmund Phil., 1682. Du Bach, Clement 1734. Du Pont, Vide Chap. VI, George 1768. Du Bois, Jean, New Castle, prior to 1694, Solomon 1718, Conrad 1728, (d. 1757), Abraham 1732, Philip— Eckerline, Page 115. Emilot, Nich. and Leonard 1732, Lane Escogue, John Peter 1738. Ekord, Phil. 1731. Forney, Abraham age 64 y. 1734, Christian and Peter 1734, Lane, Jacob 1752, John Adam 1747. Femme, Geo., Jr., 1753. Ferree, Vide Chap. XII. Fidele, Mich. Mont. , prior to 1740. Fiscus, Gerhart (Alsace) 1744. Fleury, Pierre 1732, Joseph and sons Joseph and John 1733, Abra. nat. in Phila. 1743, Adolphe and Geo. 1754. Folquier, Jean Jacques 1754, married in Phila. 1755. Fontain, Jacob, 1751, Dauphin. Fortineaux, (Fortney) Jean Henri nat. 1727, Francois 1737, David 1739, Jean aged 56 and Samuel 1742, Mechoir d.- 1754, Lane Fournier, David York, prior to 1740. Frentier, Jean 1755. Frenier, Casper 1739, Lane Frank, John Adam (Lorraine), 1754. Frey, Henry, Altheim Alsace, to Phila., prior to 1685. Garragues, Vide Ch. VI. Garton, de, Abraham, Lane, prior to 1736, Felix 1749. Gasha, (Casho ?) Peter 1749, York. Gashon, Jean 1752. Gannett, John Henry, prior to 1745, Berks. Gateau, Nich. nat. Phil. 1704. Gallo, Christian 1751, Jean 1768. Gausfres, Jean 1738. Gaigdon, Jean Henri, 1763. Gautier, Pierre and Jacques 1753. Gerra, Pierre and Joseph, 1746. Gerard, Nich. 1736, David d. 1769, Berks Co., Peter nat. 1767. Gerardin, (also Charetiu, Sheradan), Jacob and fam. 1748, Berks. Gennevine, Leonard York, prior to 1755. Gehret, Geo. 1737, Frances 1744, Peter, 1749, Berks. Gerber, Christian and Geo. Mich. (Alsace), 1738, Berks. Gillion, Charle, 1738, Pierre 1752. Gilbert, John 1757, John Wendel 1754, (Lorraine). Gourrier, Pierre 1753, Lane Grauel, (Crowell L. Dept. Rec), John Mich., Sr., (1683-1753), 1730, Berks, John Mich. 1733. Gruwell, John (from France), Delaware after 1700. Grimm, Egideus (Alsace) 1727, Le high. Greine, Pierre, 1754, Lane Gros Jean, Jacques (Groshong), 175$, Dauphin. Granget, Jean 1738, Adrian 1767. Grandaden, Francois and Adam, 1749, Lane Grenoble, de, Jacob, 1743, Berks. Gresamere, Casper, Peter and John Valentine 1730, Mont, and Berks. Harcourt, Mich. 1751. Haller, Henry (Alsace), 1733, Lane Hathe, Jean Gaspard, 1771. Hammand, Erasmus "from Nancy," 1739. Hasslinger, Geo. (Lorraine), 1756. Hauser, John Henry (Lorraine), 1754. Hauser, Danl and Nich, (Lorraine,) 1754, Md. Hay, John, Sr., John, Jr., 1757, (Alsace), York. Herbein, Jonathan, prior to 1720, Peter and Abraham 1732, Berks. Heyde, John Jost, prior to 1717, (Alsace), Pa. and Va., see Chap. XV. Herring, John Geo. (Lorraine), 1754, Berks. Heckendorn, Daniel and family (Alsace), 1736, Lane Hoch, (High), Melchoir and Jonathan (Alsace), 1717, Berks. Hillegas, John Fred 1727, Leopold 1730, John Adam 1732, Mich, and Peter, prior to 1745, Geo. Al brecht 1746, (Alsace). Hogar, Antoine 1754, (Lorraine). Hotel, John 1732. Hobart, Adam, 1738. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 153 Hodnett, John, Phila., prior to 1737. Hoyer, Franc Carl (Alsace), 1738, Berks. Hoshier, Laurans, Christian and Abraham 1741. Hoschar, Theobald, John Peter and John Henry, 1749. Hoozier, Geo. 1751. Hotman, John 1755, Michael 1753. Horry, William 1727, Martin, nat. York Co., 1763. Hutier, Jean Jacques, prior to 1751. Lane Hugo, John Daniel 1753. Hubertson, Hubert 1709, Lane Hubert, Geo. 1749, Andrew 1765. Hubele, Joseph and sons Mich, and Barnard 1732, Jacob 1737, John Frederick 1743. Huger, John Christ 1766. Hueling, Lars, Geo. 1760, Vide Chap. VI. Huidenbery, Val. (Lorraine), 1754. Huguelet, Abr. and Charles (Lorraine), 1754. Hugett, Francis (Hugus?), 1737, Lane Huyett, Geo. Berks, prior to 1734, Franc Carl 1738, Mich. 1749, Peter 1746. Imbert, Andrew, 1683, Phil. Izard, Jean 1770. Jardines, Dr. des, Del., prior to 1680. Jacques, Jean (b. 1696, d. 1778, Lane), Abraham 1736, Lane Jacquett, Jean Paul, Del. 1650. Jacquard, Fred 1752, John Peter 1753, John Peter 1768. Janvier, Thomas Del. , prior to 1700. Javin, Pierre— Jeune, C. Jacques 1749, Henri 1751, Lane Joho, John 1739, York. Joch, (Schoch) John Jae Sr., John Jacob, Jr., Mich. 1749. (Alsace). Joray, (Jury) Jacques 1749, Abraham 1754, Dauphin. Jourdan, Jean 1738. Jommel, Mart. 1750. Jurian, Mathias 1732. Julian, Peter 1764. Kauffman, John Jacob (Alsace). 1737. Keppler, Simon (Lorraine), 1754. Keim, Johannes 1697, Berks. Kieffer, Casper and Abraham 1748, Nich. and Jacob 1750, Berks. Klencke, Mich. (Lorraine), 1754. Kuntzelman, John Jacob (Lorraine), 1754. Lambing, Christopher (1720-1810), from Alsace. Lachart, Barnard 1741, John Jacob 1753. Lazelere, Nich. (1691 Long Island, N. Y.,) Nich., Jr., to Bucks Co. Lantzinger, John (Alsace), 1738. Lanbleau, Jean Jacques, 1752. Latz, John Jacob, (Lorraine), 1754. Laux, Pierre 1738, Lane, Peter 1737, Bucks, John Jacob 1754. Laschett, (Lawshe), John Jacob age 50, sons John Peter, age 25 and Christian, age 18, 1736, Lane, John Wendel 1738, Daniel in Phila., prior to 1752. Lallemand, Jacob 1757. Laurans, Hubert Del. , prior to 1677, John 1736, Henry 1738, Frances Peter, d. Lane 1758. Laschelles, Geo. , Vide Conewago. Leasure, Abr. (Lorraine), 1754, Dau phin. Levering, Wigard and Gerhart 1685, Phila. Lingel, Paul and Jacob, 1737. Lilou, James, prior to 1750, Cumb. Linville, Henry, prior to 1740, Berks. Loresh, Jacob, prior to 1751, Berks. Lorraine, John, Phila. Lorange, (L'Orange) Henry, Dauphin, prior to 1750. Lorah, (Loreaul Phila., prior to 1715, John 1737, John Casper 1754. Lorie, John Henry and John Melchoir 1749, John Peter 1753. Lorisen, Geo. Mich, and Gabriel 1738. Lovine, Abraham, Vide Conewago. La Bar, Peter, Chas. and Abraham 1730, Danl. and Pnilip nat. in 1738, William nat. 1750. La Belle, Simon, nat. 1762. La Blanch, early in Phila. La Bert, Michael 1729, Adam 1753. Lapert, (Labert ?) John 1739. La Cellas, James Phila., prior to 1759. La Gnau, Bartholomas 1754, York. La Mar, Leonard 1741, Michael 1750, John, Nich. and Francis 1754, Berks. La Mott, Jean Henri 1754, York. La Place, Philip Peter 1765. La Pierre, Jean Jacques 1753, Lane. La Port, Jean 1777. La Roux, Jonas 1719, Lane, John Phila., prior to 1739, George, prior to 1740, Dauphin, Abraham, Sr., and Abraham, Jr., in Bucks very early, Abraham, d. York Co. 1757. La Rash, Ludwig (L. Dept). prior to 1757, Northampton. 154 MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. LaRouse, Ephraim, prior to 1738. La Rose, John Lewis 1740, Lehigh. La Saul, Jacob 1738. La Trine, Anna 1729. La Tour, Herman and Jacob. 1749, Lane La Wall, John Michael 1749, Daniel and John Ludwig, 1752. LeBeau, (Lebo), John, prior to 1718, Lane, Peter, prior to 1737, John, prior to 1734, John, prior to 1740, John Abr., prior io 1742, John Henry 1765. Le Bot, Albert 1737. Le Boyteau, John, early in Phila. Le Blanch, Joseph Phila. Le Boob, Mich. d. York Co. 1780. Le Brant, John Conrad 1751, Lane, George, Berks Co. Le Brun, Ettine 1753. Le Cene, Jean and Paul 1732, Lane Le Colle, Pierre, prior to 1720, Phila. Le Crone, Daniel d. Lane. 1769, Jacob Lane, prior to 1757, Jacob, Lane, prior to 1757, Leonard, York Co. Le Char. Vide Chap. VI. Le Dieu, Lewis, Phila., prior to 1758. Le Die, Jean 1772. Lemont, Peter, Lane, prior to 1718. Le Drue, John 1718, Jos. and Noel in Phila. LeFevre, Hypolite, Jean and Jacques in Del. prior to 1685, Isaac, Lane Co. 1712, John in Mont. Co. 1778, Le Gay, (Le Geau ?) early in Phila. Le Maistre, John William, age 5.8, 1748 Le Moree, Jean Baptiste. Le Roy, John Mich, and George 1738, Jean Jacques 1752, Abraham 1754, Abraham and Adam 1754. Le Shemile, Peter prior to 1741., Phila. Le Tort, James, prior to 1787. Le Tellier, Peter— Phila. Le Van, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, prior . to 1725, Daniell 727, Peter 1748. Le Vassong, John Lewis, 1732. Le Valleau, Chas. prior to 1695, Bucks Co. Mackinett, Daniel, prior to 1739, Mont. Co., d. 1744. Marchand, John Lewis and John Geo. 1737. Marti, Laurans and John, 1749. Mtithiot, Jean and George 1754, Lane. Marionette, Jacques, 17:;8. Mallo, John Michael (Alsace), 1749, John Geo. 1755. Marot, Pierre and fam. 1733. Martine, Mich. 1747, Yarra Emanuel 1744, John Theodore, Justus and Charles 1753, John Martin 1754. Marett, Mich. 1736, Lane. Mich. 1737, Abra. 1777. Morett, Jean Dedier and Mattieu, 1757, Berks, Etienne, 1773. Maier, Adam, (Lorraine), 1754. Mallecot, Phillippe 1757. Markie, Marcus 1736, Jacob 1745, Leb. Marcoe, Abraham, Santa Cruz 1750, Phila. Markley, John Christman (Alsace), John Jacob 1749, Jean Chris topher 1752. Marquetand, Laurans, Lane.' Marquard, John Geo. and Martin 1743, John 1750. Marquett, John Henry Lebanon, prior to 1743, Peter 1749, John Geo. 1752, John Geo. (2nd) 1752. Marie, Casper 1732. Merree, (Marie ?) Seb. 1729, James 1730, Christian 1733, Berks. Morree, Wm. nat. in Bucks Co., 1734. Mease, Henry, "late from France" 1749. Melfort, John Casper, nat. Chester 1762. Mercier, Augustine 1773. Mestrezat, Charles Andre, Chap. XVI Meurer, Rev. Philip (Alsace), 1742. Mentjes, Francois, prior to 1750, Lane Messakop, John 1754, Lane Minuit, Peter, Del. 1738. Mischele, John Geo. and Joseph 1749. Michelot, (Mickley) John Jacob 1733, (Lorraine), Lehigh. Missamer, John Mich. (Alsace), Mont. Millot, Nich. 1749, Berks, Pierre 1749. Moreau, (Morrow) Francois, Lane, prior to 1750, John d. at Lane 1760, Philip m.at Bethlehem 1757. Moser, 1720 Chap. IX. Mottier, John Mich. 1749. Molier, Etienne, 1773. Monier, Jacques 1770. Monel, Pierre, 1768. Montmaton, Gulliaume, 1770. Montieth, John, Conewago. Morell, Matthieu, prior to 1770, Berks. Molan, Jacques 1752. Molin, Mathew 1752. Moris, Jacques, 1749. Monin, Jean Pierre Se., and Jean Pierre, Jr.. (Lorraine). 1754. Montandon, David 1729, Phila. Montfort, John, Conewago. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 155 Momma, John Conrad and Hermanus, (Lorraine), 1747, Lane, Christian d. Lane. 1755, Jacob 1737, Lane, Leonard 1737 Lane, Peter 1748 Lane Laurens d. Lane 1752. Muni, (Le Moyne), Jacob, Sr., Jacob, Jr., Conrad, Andrew and Chris topher 1570, Dauphin. Mylander, John Daniel, (Lorraine) 1754. Naudin, Elie. Del. 1698. Neron, Lorie 1750. Noble, Anthony, Sr., Anthony, Jr., 1734. Noel, Enas and Joseph with families, 1736, Killian 1738, John m. at Bethlehem 1746, Philip, prior to 1740, Jean prior to 1750, in York Co. Oberlin, Martin and John Adam (Alsace), prior to 1730 Lane, Israel 1752 Lane Ozias, Henry, prior to 1750, Phila. Paca, John, prior to 1758, Phila. Pallio, Peter, prior to 1730, Berks. Palin, Laz., 1738, Paris, Pierre, Isaac, Sr., Isaac, Jr., 1750, Isaac 1750, Pierre, George and Nicola 1770. Parat, Cornelius 1734. Paire, Jacob 1736, Lane , Jacob 1747. Pavon, Jean Pierre 1744. Patier, Louis 1770. Parent, John 1727. Parshing. Nich. 1732. Paushon, John Nich. 1733. Perzonze, John Jae. 1740, Leb., d. 1749. Piersou, Laurans 1738, Lane Penett, Henry 1777. Perretier; Jean Henri, Sr., and Jr., 1754, (Lorraine). Perlett, John 1732, John Fred 1751, Perqua, Adam, 1749. Pechin, Pierre, and sons Jean Nicholas and Jean Christopher 1754, (Lor raine), Chester. Pettit, John York, prior to 1749, Jona. than, Northampton, prior to 1759. Perrine, Thomas, Lane, prior to 1718, Pershing, Frederick, 1749, (Alsace), Westmoreland. Pigonie, (Bigony-Pigoney) Jean 1752, Francois 1773, Montgomery. Pievex, Laurans, 1739. Pinnard, Jos. Phila., prior to 1703. Pierre, Nicholas 1727, York, Christian. nat. in Chester 1750, Martin 1750, Jean Henri 1757. Picquart, James d. Lancaster 1749. Henry prior to 1744, John Gott fried in Phila. , prior to 1754. Pons, Jacques 1727, Augustus 1728, Abra. 1751, John Sr. and Jr., 1768. Poponet, Pierre Carl, 1773. Porreau Jean Daniel, 1773. Pontius. John 1738, (Alsace), Nicholas, Martin and David 1768, Berks. Purviance, Saml, Phila., :prior to 1693, David (Lorraine), 1754, Dauphin. Purdieu, William, Phila., prior to 1738. Pyatt, Chap. XV. Pythau, Jean Gulliaume 1769. Querrier, John Nich., 1752, Berks. Qua, (le.) John and Frederick 1753, Chester. Quepic, Jeania (Lorraine) 1754. Rausier, Fred, Phila. , prior to 1748. Raboteau, Chas. Cornelius, Mont. prior to 1750. Rappe, Gabriel 1683. Phila. Raiguel, Jean Jacques 1754, Dauphin. Rayer, (Royer) Sebastian 1718, John Jacob 1729, John Martin 1729, John Mich. 1732, J. Nicholas and Jacob 1749. Raquet, Henry, Lane, prior to 1752, John Nich. and John Christopher 1764. Ramey, Pierre, (Lorraine) 1754. Ranc, (Ranck) John, Mich. 1728, John Philip, 1729, Lane Remey, Bartol and son Jacob 1737, Daniel, prior to 1754, Northamp ton. Revere, Geo, 1773. Remley, (de) Ambrose and Jacob 1741, Northampton, Conrad inPhila. Renoudet, James, Phila., prior to 1733. Receau, Thomas, Phila., prior to 1716. Retteu, William, priorto 1726, Chester. Renart, John Adam, 1741. Reusal, John Peter, 1751. Renan, Joseph 1764. Relan, Nicola 1749. Renolle, Daniel, 1749, York. Renau, (Reno), Claude 1749, Isaac, 1751, Peter and Francis 1752, Joseph, 1764. Riehl, Simon 1729, Nicholas, Berks, prior to 1732, John Philip 1738, Jonas 1742, John George 1751. Ritner, Abr. (Alsace), 1750 Berks, Laurans, 1754. Ridett, Benj. and John, Conewago. Ribolett, Christian 1733, Abraham, Jacob and John Peter 1749. Richardeu, Pierre and Jean 1754. Riboleau, Nicholas, Phila. 16R3. 156 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Rochia, Laurans, Delaware, Adam 1752. Roller, John and Tohn Jacob 1750, John Geo. and John, Mich. 1753, John Peter, 1752. Ronner, John Rinehart 1743. Roberdieu, Isaac, Phila. Rosier, Lanrans, 1732, De BeanRosier, in Lane prior to 1753. Roshong, Adam, Phila., prior to 1733, Henri and Pierre (Lorraine) 1753, Philip 1754. Robinett, Samuel, Phila. 1684. Rosher, Gabriel, 1731. Lane, John 1764. Routte, Daniel, New Castle, prior to 1683. Rottie, Jean Pierre, 1754. Rutan, Gerritt, Newcastle, 1660. Rubishong, Septimus, Lane 1712. Mathias, Lane 1732, John, Berks 1732, John 1734. Rumont, Vernier 1753. Ruhlin, John Geo., Berks 1754. Rutselia, (Rudesill), Philip M. at Con estoga 1734, d. 1754, Weirick 1737, York Co., John Jacob 1752, York Co., Andrew 1749. Rubie, (Ruby), Peter 1738, Casper 1748, York. Santee, Isaac, Bucks. Santeau, (Sando), Jacques, 1754, Lane Sauvet, Henri 1773. Sanguinet, Jacob 1753. Sauvage, John 1738, Berks. Sausser, (De Saussier), David 1743, John Jacob 1749. Saurian, Philip 1754. Sarijons, Philippi 1754. Sangree, Christian, York, prior to 1738, John Ludwig 1749. Saye, Richard, Delaware, prior to 1686, Bernet 1740. Savoy, Jean, Delaware, prior to 1700. Sallada, Jacob 1749, Peter 1750, Fred erick 1751, d. 1770, Nicholas 1752, Thomas 1764. Scharille, Christian, (Lorraine), 1754. Schnellbach, John, (Lorraine), 1754. Schendt, Mathew, (Lorraine), 1754. Schilling, John, (Lorraine), 1754. Schreiner, Adam, (Lorraine), 1754. Schuett, Carl. Val Mich., prior to 1734. Schora, Jacob 1753, Nich. and John Adam 1768. Sevier, Philip 1733. Servier, Jean Jacques 1753. Secore, Mathew 1749. Seiz, Jean Louis 1763. Seubert, John and Andrew, (Alsace), 1752. Serieux, Jean 1770. Seyzer, John, (Lorraine), 1754. Seal, John Paul, (Lorraine), 1751, Dauphin. Sensinia, (Sensiny), Jacob Lane, prior to 1737, Christian d. Lane 1753. Shultz, Ch, Otto, (Alsace), 1734. Shuey, Daniel and Ludwig 1732, Leb., John 1748, John Fred 1749, John Philip 1764. Showa, Frederick, (Lorraine), 1754, John, Sr. and John, Jr., prior to 1745. Shetron, (Chedron), Abraham 1749, York. Sibrick, Guilliaume 1752. Simonett, (Simony), Jacques 1727, Lane Sieur, Philip 1752. Sochonet, Henri 1733. Souplies, (Supplee), Andre 1684, Phila. Soloman, Abra., (Alsace), 1739. Soule, John and Francis 1749, Somaine, Vide p. 60. Sponselier, Philip, (Lorraine), 1732, Lane , Philip 1754, Geo. nat. York Co.. 1761. Spurior, Nich. 1741. Steubesant, John Geo., (Lorraine), 1754. Steg, Albert Otto, (Lorraine), 1754. Suffrance, John 1732, Phila. Sumois, (Summey), John Peter, Sr., and sons John Peter, Jr., John Jacob, John and John Michael 1733, Lancaster. Talman, Jacques, (Lorraine), 1754. Thebaut, (Tebo), Philip 1714. Thoulozan, Jean 1749. Tien, Jean Henri, 1751. Tiesser, Etienne 1770, Etienne 1771. Torson, F. Christopher 1752. Tomel, Paul 1750. Tournay, Daniel 1740. Peter 1741, John 1750. Trasbart, Nicola 1736. Travenger, Peter nat. Lane Co. , 1727. Transue, Abr. 1730, Mont. Co. Trippeo, Fred, prior to 1713, Phila. Trego, Pierre, Delaware Co., prior to 1684. Trevillier, Jos., Phila., prior to 1745, Trebert, Justus, Lane, prior to 1755. Trevett, Christian 1738. Trylopare, Jacob, (Alsace) 1732. Udree, Henry i741, Phila. Urner, Ulrich, (Alsace), 1708, Chester. Urffer, Mich., (Alsace), 1765. MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 157 Uli, John, (Lorraine), 1754. Varlet, C. 1773. Valin, Gabrial 1773. Vasqueau, (Wesco), Philip 1754, Le high. Vassar, Jacob 1751. Vallerchamp, Simon, Vide p. 35. Vautie, Pierre, (Lorraine), 1754. Vandalin, H. Martin 1754. Verdieux, Jacques, Yorkprior to 1755. Vertrie, (Verdries), John with fam. to Lane Co., prior to 1733. Vidal, Stephen, Phila. , prior to 1754. Vincent, Louis 1738. Viellard, ("Wilier"), Casperivis 1732, Lane, Tohn Peter, Lane, prior to 1733. Vintvas, Jean Pierre, 1746. Viersard, Jean Richard 1764. Vielleman, Francois 1773. Viebert, Geo. 1732. Vishang, Conrad and Philip, 1740. Voturin, (Woodring), Abraham, (Lor raine), 1733, Northampton, John 1739, York, Nicholas ? Vosin, Jean Pierre 173S, Jean Pierre 1754, Abraham 1768. Voyer, Peter, Phila., prior to 1713. Voshell, Wm., "Delaware near 1700." Votaw, Paul, Isaac and John, near Phila. , prior to 1744, John to Va. Wendling, (Vandalin), Peter and De walt, (Bushweiler, Alsace), 1752, Lane Welschans, (Velschang), Peter, Abra. aud Joseph 1739, Lane Werley, Dietrich, (Alsace), 1736, York. Welle, Jean Pierre 1768. Wiershang, (Viershang), Conrad and Philip . 1740, Peter 1741, Casper 1753, Lane. Weimer, Barnard 1732, (Alsace), John 1747. Willeman, (Vielleman), Alphonse, (Lorraine), 1754. Willard, Christian and Martin, 1749. 158 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. LIST OF THE FRENCH NOBILITY. Families of Patrician rank, the names of which occur among the immigrants to America, compiled from " The Nobility of Normandy."— (Nobiliairc de Normandie.) Date A. D., 1688. Ache (Aughe) A chard Allemand, le Bailie BaronBarre, de la BaudoinBauquet (Bouquet, ) BenardBenoist (Benoit,) BerrangerBernardBisaye (Bisse ?,) Blanc, le Bois, du Boiteau, le BonnettBonneville Bos, du Boucher BourgeoisBourgetBoutillier, le BoutonBoyerBouyerBrosses, des BrunotBuisson, du Cacheux (Casho,) CarmoneCarreCavelierCesne, de Champs, des (Deshong,) ChapelleChartier ChateauChesne, du Chevelier, le ChrestienClerc, le CochartCointe, le (Le Conte,) Compte, le Cossart (Cassatt,) Coursey, du Consine Croismare (Griesamer ?,) Daudet (Douty,) Darie DurandDuret Espee, le Febvre, le Ferree Fevre, le (Lefever.) Fountain Four, du FournierFranc, le FranciosFresne, du (de Frain, etc.,) GamierGaudinGirardGuyon Haas, des (de Hass,) Harcourt, de HubertHuett Hullin (Huling,) HurelImbert Jardins, des Jourdain LamyLanoy, de Lasseur, de Lescalles Long Champ, de Loureux (Lorah) LucasMaheu Mahew, Maistre, le (Lemaster,) MalletMarchand, le Mare, de la Marets, des MarieMartel, de Martigny (Martine,) Masnry, du MaureyMellunMenardMercier, le Merle, du Merlet, du MilletMoine, le Morret Mounier, le Mont, du Montague, de Montfort Marant, de Morel, de Morin Motte, de la Moyne, le Noble, le Noe, de la (Delano,) Noel Pare, du Pardien, de Parent, du Pere, le Perier, du Petit, le Picquet (Pickett,) PiconyPierre, du Pierrepont,Place, la Pont, du PrevostPuis, du RegnaltRemy, de Renouard RidelRoche, la Romilly, de Roux, le Roy, le (Larou,) RoyerRou, de la SauvageSecart SellierSubletSueur, le (Lesure,) Tellier, le Val, du Valleau, le Vasseur Vaux, de ViellardVieux, de Villers, du VosinVoyer, le MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 159 THE FRENCH NOBILITY, Con. Familes of noble rank described in de Maigney's Science of Heraldry (i) and which appear in name among the Huguenot immigrants to America. Ache, de AstierAuber, de (Dauber,) Astorg, de (Astor,) Autre, de Utree, BaronBarral Baudin Farrel, de la Beau, de BeauchampBeaufort Bechonnet (Pechonet ?, Behrent Benoist (Benoit,) BernetzBernon BoutellierBouvetBouvierBoyerBrun, le CazenaveCellierChapelle, de la ChardonChavlierChanett ChateauConte, le Courson, du Courtenay, de Consine Crozier, de DassierDautryFerneau FerreeFleury GarnettGarriguesHugo Huelin HurelImbert JacquettJulien Lambin Lancy. de Laneau, de Laplace Laurens, de Laurent, du Lery, de Longchamp, de Long, de MarchantMarienMarquetMartelMartineauMaurey, du Mayaud (Mayo,) Mere, de Monier, de Mont, du MoreauMorretMorel Motte, de la Monuier Orth, d" Palliot Paris, de Perrier PerrinPierre, de la PingrePibard Planch, de la Ponce, de Ponceau, du Pons Porchier, du PrevostPuis, du Puy, du Ramey Raguet, du RemyRobertRoche, de la RohanRoux Royer Rumont Soule Tellier, le Tricaud, de (Trego,) Tru, de Trion, de Val, du ValleeVasseur, le Vastan, de Vaux, de Villars VincentVosin Voyer (i.) Claude D. du Maigney was one ofthe greatest authorites on Heraldry, He established tbe Heraldic College at Paris in 1841. His work on the French Nobility " Science des Armoiries," published in Paris in 1856 is a grand work, .and the descriptions and engravings of the arms of the families treated of are very fine. MEMORIALS OE THE HUGUENOTS. 161 GENERAL INDEX. (1) Acadia colonized, 29, inhabitants deported 148 Achey fam. hist 120 Abbadie, Jacques 24 Albert fam. hist 122 Alsace, devastation of 72, 112, emigration from .'. 72 Antillies, Huguenot colony of... 32 Antoine de Bourbon renounces Prot. faith 5 Antes fam. ref. to 86 Asylum, Pa., founded 34 Audubon, John James 36 Aurand fam. hist 119 Bayard fam. hist. 45-46, Col. John and Stephen 41 Bailiet fam. hist., 83, Col. Stephen 41,83 Baldy fam. hist 59 Bashore fam. hist 119 Barnitz fam. hist 128 Barree, Jacob 90 Bancroft, historian, quoted 137 Benezette fam. hist 49 Berrott fam. hist 126 Bezillion Peter 89 Bessonett fam. hist 78 Beau Jacques, F. C 124 Benoit, Elias, historian 24 Besnage [Benage] 23-24, fam hist 120 Bertolet fam. hist 41,63 Beaver fam. hist 76, Gen. James A 41 Beeber 76, Hon. Dimmer 41 Bittenger fam. hist. 128, Hon. J. W 41 Bigony fam 59 Blenheim battle of 72 Bleim, Christian 58 Bouquet, Gen. Henry 134 Bonnett fam. hist 96 Bordieu de, fam 28 Bochart, Dr. Samuel 23 Bonneauvant, Jean 136 Bonrepos de, Rev. David 32 Boston, Huguenot church of 32 Bondet, Rev. Daniel 32 Boudinot Elias 40, 48, 138-139 Bowdoin fam. and college 146 Boyer fam hist 43>54>89 Bohemia, Manor 45 Bouchellfam. hist 46 Brashier, Judith 87 Bushong fam. hist 58,98, 134 Bucher, Hon. Joseph C 70 Brunot fam. hist 132 Bruno, St 132 Bregunier fam. hist 135 Calvin, John, Reformer 2 Corree, Rev. Ezechiel 32 Casho fam. hist 43 Cassatt fam. hist 131 Charleston, S. C, founded 27 Charleston, S. C, colony of 123 Chartier, Martin 88 Chevallier fam 48 Chamier, Dr. Daniel 24 Charles IX dies 8 Clewell fam. hist 86 Coligney, Duke de, a Huguenot leader 2, 5. murdered 7 Conde, Prince of, a Huguenot leader 3-9 Court, Antoine 20 Cochet fam hist 120 Conewago colony 130 Conyngham, Redmond, quoted.. 89 Conestoga, Valley of the 88 Cresson fam. hist 52 Creyfels, a ref uge 112 Crousillat, Louis 35 Daille, Rev. Pierre 32 Dasser, Paul 5O Dana fam. hist , i42 Desert, church of the 19 Decatur, Stepheu VII Dewy, Admiral Geo VII Dedier, Jean 51 Desha fam 82 De Monts founds New France... 29 De Medici, Queen Catherine 306 De Beza, Rev. Theodore 4,23 De Sanno, Frederick 36 De Albert, Jeanne 6, death of 7 De, Hass Gen. Philip 40, fam. hist 124 De Cessna fam. hist 41, 129 De Graffenreid, Ch 112 De Forrest, Jesse, colonizer 41 De Frehn fam. hist 56 De Turk fam. hist 62 De Harcourt fam 64 De Benneville, Dr. George 66 De Long fam. hist 74 De Normandy fam. hist 79 (1) For names that do not appear in this index the reader is referred to the General List of Huguenot Immigrants in this work. 162 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. De Boileau fam. hist 80 De Tray fam 80 De Schweiutzfam. of 80 DePew fam. of 81 De Avier, Jean 121 De Bow fam 97 Delano, Hon. Columbus 145 Delaware, Huguenot families of 41, 44 De La Grange, Joost 43, Amol- dus 45 De La Vail, John 48 De la Plaine fam. hist 57 De la Plank fam. hist 69 Delliker, Rev. Frederick 38 Dillier fam. hist 96 Dinkle, John Dapiel 126 Disponnett fam 137 Dodderer, Henry S. , quoted 7 Douty fam. hist 87 Doutel fam. hist 126 Dragonades, the 16 Dravo, Anthony 133 Du Corson fam 80 Du Castle, Edmund 48 Du Bois, Louis founds New Paltz 30, hist, of 58, Rev. Laurent 32, John 43, Abraham 114 Du Pout fam. hist 46 Duval, Gabriel 144 Duponceau, Peter 35 Duche fam. hist 48, Jacob 138 Dundore fam. hist 122 Dunkards, persecuted come to America 113 England refugees to 19, 39, 118 Fgle, Dr. W. H. biog IX Edict of Nantes 11, Revocation... of 18, Edict of toleration 22 Esopus, N. Y 31 Ephrata community 115 Eckerline fam. hist 115 Feneuil fam. hist., 145, Hall 145 Fenelon pleads for toleration 19 Ferree fam. hist 41, 100, 106 Forney fam. hist 92 Fortney fam. hist 97 Francis I. favorable to reform 2 Garfield Pres. James A IV Gallaudet fam. 146, college 146 Gallatin, Albert mentioned 132 Garrigues fam 50 Galley slaves 37 Germantown, settlement of 51 Girard, Stephen 36, college 144 Girardin fam. hist 74 Gobin, Gen. J. P. S 74 Goshahoppen church 53 Grimm fam. hist 77 Grinnell brothers 147, Polar ex pedition 147 Griesemer fam. hist 77 Groff fam. hist. 117, Prof. Geo. G 77 Gruwell fam 43 Grubb, Bishop N. B 66 Guise fam. oppose reformation 3, Duke of — killed 9 Hauer, Rev. Daniel 134 Hamilton, Hon. Alex. N Hay, Col. John 41, 126 Haller, Col. Henry 41, 48 Heydt* Jost .'. 135 Herbein fam. hist 77 Herrman, Augustine 45 Hillegas, Mich. 40, 138, fam. hist 54 Horry 1, 135 Hoch fam 77 Hubley fam hist 41, 93 Huger fam 140 Hubertson, Huber 90 Huelings fam. hist 44 Huguenots character of, VII, strength of 5, wars of the 3, 6, 9, 11, massacre of — Vassey 5. St. Bartholemew 7, churches destroyed 16, invited to foreign lands 17, flight of 18, last persecution of 21, eminent characters 23, colleges of 24, settlements in America 25, 39, "monu ments" of 137 Imbert, Andrew 48 Jay, John 138 Javin, Pierre 35 Jacquett, Jean Paul 42 Jacques, Jean 90, Lancelot 135 Jessup, Jos 87 Julian, De St. fam. of 28 Kauf f man , John Jacob 77 Keim fam. hist 61 Kelpius, Johannis 34 Kieffer fam. hist 73, 123 Kocherthal, Rev. Josiah colony of 39 Lanier, poet IV Landis fam. persecuted no Lawshefam. hist 114 Laux fam. hist 121 Laurans, Hon. Henry 133, 139 Lafayette, favors toleration 22 Lancaster church records 90, French services in 90 Lazelere fam. hist 80 Labadie, Jean 45 La Bar 41, 58, 85 La Mar, 41, 85, L. Q, C 145 La Rou, fam. hist 123, 130, 136 La Mott. fam. , hist 127 La Rose, fam. hist 84 LaTrobe, Benjamin 86 La Wall fam 85 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. 163 La Tour fam 99 Leiden, city of, a place of refuge 29 Levering fam. hist 51 Leasure fam. hist 124 Lesher fam 59 League of the Holy Union 9 Lemont, Peter 90 Le Beau fam. hist 121 Le Brun, Jean 51 Le Clerc, Jean, martyr 3 Le Colle, Pierre 50 Le Doux fam. exiled 86 Le Fever, Jacques, reformer 1, fam. in Delaware 43, in New York 31, John 58, Isaac 107, Col. Daniel 108 Le Conte fam 141 Le Roy fam 94 LeTort, Capt. James 89 Le Van fam. hist 41, 68 Le Valleau fam: 80 Lingel fam. hist 124 Lischey, Rev. Jacob list of 129 Lorraine, devastation of 72, house of 3 Lorah fam. hist 41, 59 Louis XIV revokes edict of Nantes 18 Longfellow's Evangeline, men tion of i48 Luther, Martin reformer 1 Manigault, Gabriel l4o ¦Marion, Gen. Francis 140 Marchand fam. hist 96 Mathiot fam. hist 91 Marquett fam. hist 78 Mahakintown, Va., settled , 28 Mazarine 14 Margaret Queen of Navarre 2 Markley fam. hist: 74 Maury, Prof. Matthew Fontain... 143 Mercier, Rev. Andre 32 Mestrezat, Jean 23. fam hist. 132, Hon. S. Leslie 41 Mentges, Col. Francis 41, 96 Meurer, Rev. John Philip 87 Mennonites, persecution of 108, martyrs 109, migrate to Alsace in, to Pennsylvania 112, Pioneers 113, 116 Missamer fam. hist 58 Minnuit, Peter, Gov. of New Swedsn 42 Minnisink settlement 81 Mickley fam. hist 83 Michelle, Lewis, prospector,... 89, 112 Millot, Col. Daniel 135 Moravians 34, church 85, synod.. 70 Montandon, David 50 Nantes edict of n, abridged 13, revoked1 18 Navarre, house of Protestant 2, Henry de, abjurates 8, be comes King 10, promulgates the edict of Nantes n, assas sinated n, Catherine de, dies n National synod 12, 13, 14, re stored 21 Names of immigrants changed... i48 Naudin, Elie 43 New France, settlement of. 28 New Netherlands founded 29 New Paltz, N. Y 30 New Rochelle, N. Y 31 New Oxford, Mass 32 Neff fam. hist 117 "Nipmuck country" settlement of 32 Noel, Hon. D. K 125 Nobility favorable to reform 2 Oluey, Hon. Richard 145 Oberlin fam. hist 99 Otterbein, Rev. P. W 94 Oley valley, the 61 Ohenbach, tower of 109 Patentees of New Paltz 31 Palatinate, devastation of 72, 101, 112, 118, immigration from 34, 112, 118 Parett, Nicholas 98 Paris treaty of 138 Pastorius, Francis Daniel men tioned 1. 34 Pennsylvania, emigration to 33, a place of refuge 34 Pechin fam. hist 57 Pettit, Dr. Samuel 25, James, 130 Penn, William, Holy experiment of 34 Pershing, Hon. Cyrus L 132 Perdeau, William 50, fam 60 Perrine, Thomas 90, John 135, fam 144 Philadelphia Huguenots in 48, church records of 50-5 1 Philippi, King Louis, mention ed 35. 133 Pickens 36. Gen. Andrew 140 Piatt fam. hist 129 Piedmontese martyrs 38 Possey, debate at Pons fam. hist 98. 133 Port Royal, settlement of 26 Pon-tius fam. hist 119 Poinsett, Joel Robert 143 Prioleau, Eli 27 Prevoost, Bishop Samuel Priestly, Dr. Joseph a refugee.... 35 Puritans at Leyden 29 Purviance fam. hist 57 Pumpelly, Prof. Raphael 143 164 MEMORIALS OF THE HUGUENOTS. Quay, Matthe w Stanley 58 Ravenal fam. hist 28, 142 Raiguel, Abraham 124 Racine, poet 19 Ranc, Louis martyr 20, fam. hist 98 Rapp, Gabriel 48 Revocation, the 18 Reformation, French 1, character of 2 Reidenour fam. hist 76 Reed, Hon. Thomas 146 Rettew fam. hist 66 Reynolds, Gen. John F 106 Reboteau, Mich 48 Richards, Hon. John 54 Ribaut, Jean colonist 26 Ritner, Gov. Joseph 74 Roberdeau, Gen. Daniel 40, 50 Rohan, Duke de II, 13 Roosevelt, Pres. Theodore IV Royer fam hist 114 Roller fam. hist 95, 136 Ronner, Rev. John R 87 Rochia, Lauraus 44 Robinett, Samuel 38 Routte, Daniel 43 Robert college 146 Rutan, Gerritt 43 Rupp, Prof. I. Daniel 120 Rudesill fam 127 Runyan fam 144 Rosecrucians mentioned 34 Ryswick peace of 72, 112 Saurin, Jacques 2s Sachse, Prof. Julius works of 34, 115 Santee fam. 79, colony 28 Sangree fam. hist 127 Sallada fam. hist 127 Scotch Irish, notice of 34 Schwenkfelders, the 34 Schley, Admiral W. S 107 Servicer, John "the common wealth builder" 136, 140 Shreiver fam the 134 Shetrone fam 127 Shuey fam. hist 122 Sigourney, Andre 145 Simetere du, Piere E 36 Simonette, Jacques 98 Slaymaker fam 3 I17 Smalkaldic League 2 Somaine 60 Sower, Christopher 67, 117 States general, favorable to re form 4 Supplee fam 49 Sumois fam 97 Thoreau, poet IV Trego fam 57 Tourgee fam 143 Toleration granted 5, 22 Touton, Dr. John, petition of 31 Tohickon, church at 82 Tulpehocken, settlement of 118 Tyler, Pres. John IV Utree, Gen Daniel 41, 70 Universalism, preaching of 67 Urner fam hist 113 Vallerchamp, Simon 35 Voshell fam 43 Votaw fam 60 Voturin fam 126 Walloons, migration of 29 Waldensians, come to America 30, 42 Wesco fam 84 Weiser, Conrad interpreter 118 Whittier, poet IV, quoted 75 Woodring fam '126 Zeller fam 119 Zinzendorf , Count Von 85 Zimmerman fam 118 Zug fam hi YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1936 >ii?¥§?3ps^33l '¦a 'S:3;-^:-f'ff. v^^rtvM?^-^- If® ag^ifis^fiss HIH IP! ilillltlllSIIIIIfr ¦llilllli kt^-ss.'iSi&Hta'MiiS'iljft'H::?:;:::,it-i:|5SS'Si:;ftiij?v:;;i!rt:;Sa;!.j;;!- iSSSf : ¦¦.•¦¦'.¦•:.¦_¦¦ ; ¦;¦