I^.V^Q-i a m mm. W • iLKMf&aiEir • 191& A GENERAL ITINERARY 09 England and wales, WITH PART 0» SCOTLAND. dnrnttr at g>tarioiiel# 1&&IU T. Bensley, Printer, Bolt Coutt, Fleet Slrecl,London. A GENERAL ITINERARY OP ENGLAND and WALES, WITH PART OJf SCOTLAND^ CONTAINING M tfje Street, anti principal Cross; i&oa&s TO EVERY CITY AND MARKET TOWN, With the Market Days, the Names of the Inns which supply PostHorses, the Number of Houses and Inhabitants according to the Return made to Parliament ; and the Distances to the nearest Market Towns to which all branching Roads lead ; with Notices of nearly Ten Thousand Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, and other Objects worthy Attention. ARRANGED ON A NEW PLAN, by whid) every Information is given to Travellers, as the Objects occur on the respective Roads, without the Trouhle of referring from one Page to another. WITH THREE COPIOUS INDEXES. I. Of the Roads from London to the Cities nnd Market Towns; and of the Cross Roads, in which is inserted the Distance from one Town to an other, answering the purpose of a Travelling Dictionary; with References to every City or Town mentioned in the Branching Roads, by which a great variety of Routes may be found to the same Place. }I. Of upwards of 6000 Villages, &c. mentioned in the course of the Work, with References to the Pages where the Roads to them are to be found. III. Of Country Seats, and other re markable Objects. To which are added several useful Tables. The Whole Compiled and Arranged By DA FID 0 GIL FY, Jun, LONDON: PRINTED FOR G. & J. ROBINSON, W. LOWNDES, R. FAUI.DER, G. WIJ.KIB, SCATCHERD&LETTERMAN, J. W ALKER, 3. MATHEWS, BOW I.ES & CARVER, CLARKE & SONS, CUTHE I.L & MARTIN, K.LEA, OGILVY&SON, J, NUNN, I.ACK1NGTON & CO. VERNOR & HOOD, CADELL & PAV1ES, W. BAYNES, J. BADCOCK, 1. ASPERNE, J, HARRIS, AKD JORDAN & MAXWELL, 180-1. PREFACE. FROM the variety of Itineraries and Road Books which have successively solicited the patronage of Travellers, it may appear necessary to assign some reasons why Another is obtruded on their notice. The Idea of the present work was suggested to the Editor, from an inspection of the original engraved Road Book by Ogilby, published above a Century ago. The plan appeared to him so clear and simple, pointing out so distinctly, every object to the Traveller as it oc curred upon the respective roads, that he thought, if a similar work, with the necessary alterations and additions to make it suitable to the present time, could be executed in Letterpress, it would prove an useful and agreeable companion on the Road. How far he has executed the task with the accuracy and attention requisite in a work of this nature, must be submitted to the judgment of those who honour this Itinerary with their notice. The Plan invariably followed has been to avoid repe titions, and to compress every necessary information into vi PREFACE. as small a space as possible placing it exactly as it eccurs, or comes into view on the respective roads. Much dis-- appointment has been experienced by Travellers in un knowingly passing by many objects, which they wished to have viewed, either through the uncertainty of their exact situation, or the difficulty of selecting them from the mass of names, hitherto huddled together, at the end of each route. The insertion of the market days, the names of the Inns which supply Post Horses, and the number of Houses and Inhabitants in every City and Market Town, under their proper heads, was deemed an useful and entertaining addition to the Work. For the purpose of shewing a variety of routes to the same place, a reference is given in the Index, under the name of each Town, to every page where they are re spectively mentioned amongst the Roads branching off from others; and the particulars on those roads may, in most instances, be found, by referring to the name of the Town in the first Index, or, if the Road branch off at a Village, to the second Index, where the Traveller will find a reference to every page in which such Town or Village is mentioned. Preface. vii The extent of the work, comprehending about Twenty- fivt Thousand Miles of Direct and Cross Roads, most of which are from actual admeasurement, and the ardu ous task of arranging and compressing the -mass of in formation obtained from various sources, added to the worWbeing printed entirely from Manuscript, will plead, in some degree, an excuse for any errors which may be discovered, but, as it is the wish of the Proprietors to make this work as correct and useful as possible, the Editor will thankfully receive any communications of New Roads, additional Country Seats, or notices of Errata, that they may be added, or corrected- in a future Edition. DAVID OGILVY, Jun. Holborn, London, June, IS04. CIRCUITS of the JUDGES. tlie Names of the Places where the Assizes are heldj are printed iii Small Capitals. HOME. London HoddesdonHertford Epping OngarChelmsfordRochester alternately with Maidstone TunbridgeEast Grinstead Lent Assizes Croydonalternately at the Summer Assizes with Guilford Kingstonalternately with Croydon & Guilford London MIDLAND. London NorthamptonWellingboroughKettering OakhamStamford Bourn LincolnNewark SouthwellNottinghamDerbyLoughboroughLeicester Hinckley Coventry Warwick; London NORFOLK. London Aylesbury Lent Assizes, or Buckingham Summer Assizes Newport Pagnel Bedford Eaton BuckdenHuntingdonCambridge NewmarketBury St. Edmunds Thetford Lent Assizes, or Norwich Summer Assizes London OXFORD. LondonB.Z'A'DIN'G Lent Assizes, or Abingdon Summer Assizes Oxford Worcester Bromcsgrove StourbridgeWolverhamptonStaffordShrewsburyLudloWLeominster HerefordMonmouthColfbrd Mitchel Dean GloucesterLondon WESTERN. London WinchesterStockbridge Salisbury Blandford DorchesterBridport Axminster Exeter Oakhampton Launceston Lent Assizes sometimes at Truro BoPmin Summer Assizes ExeterCollumptonWellington Taunton Lent Assizes Wells Summer Assrzei 'alternately with Bridge-mater Bristol or, to TauntonBridgewater Summer Assizes alternately witK WeUs Cross BristolLondon NORTHERN. LondonYorkEasingwoldThirst Northallerton Darlington Durham Summer Assizes' Newcastle Summer Assizes Carlisle Summer Assizef Penrith Appleby Summer Assizei Orton KendalLancaster London INDEX OF THE DIRECT and CROSS ROADS TO THE CITIES « MARKET TOWNS IN ENGLAND and WALES, AND PART OF SCOTLAND. EXPLANATION. This Index will be easily understood by the following Explanation of the Insertions under the head " BklSTOl," which will answer the same for all the other towns. On reference to that head the Reader will first find the different Rorids From London to Bristol, viz. by Bath, which is 119 miles, and is to be found at page 8, and by Marshfield, 1 13 miles, page 74; then are inserted the following figures, 7, 6g, 73, 76, 86, H7, 88, 447, qi-.i, 450, (407, 425) the first ten refer to the pages where Bristol is mentioned in the Roads which branch off, as at page 7, near the bnttom, will be found R. to Bristol, 1 2 tit. at page 86,'line 6, ~R.to Bristol, 17 m. ,jkc. The figures inclosed in parenthesis, as (407, 425) refer to the pages ,where Cross Roads from, to, or through Bristol, arc to he found, in addition to the pages referred to in the list of Cross Roads from Bristol to other places, which immediately follow*, thu», from Bristol " to Castle Cary in Somersetshire" is 27 miles, and will he found at page 44 2, *' to Dursley, in Gloucestershire," 23 miles, as page 474, Set. To avoid repetitions the names of the -Towns in the Cross Roads are referred to alphabetically, thus,' if the Road from Bristol to Bridgewatcr is wanted, it will be found under the head " BRIDGEWATER," (thai town standing first in alphabetical order) " to Bristol, Somersetshire," 34 miles, page 407. , In the distances mentioned in this Index, the fractional part's are omitted. ABBERFORD, Yorksh. 258, 27.5, 288,314, 571 ABBOTS BROMLEY, Staff. 16 i, 202, $1$ ABBOTSBURY, Dorset. to Bridport, Dorset. to Weymouth, Dorset. ABERCONWAY, Caern. by Holywell ly Oswestry by Wrexham ABERGAVENNY.iWiram. by Gloucester by Monmouth ly Uske 9,96, 140,141, 142, 143, 443 to Bromyard, Heref. • tp Dudley, Wore. Dist. 186 Page 228 129 274 128 18 12 410 10 410' 24O 120 *3« 124 *34 122 ?4I 133 "43 156 140 96 387i 463 464 to Hereford, Heref. to Kidderminster, Wore. to LitchBeld, Staff. to Newport, Monm. to Stourbridge, Wore. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. ABERGELEY, Denb. ABERYSTWITH, Card. 110,135,136,148,492 to Bala, Merion. to Barmouth, Merion. to Cardiff, Glam. to Cardigan, Card. to Chester, Chesh. to Dolgelle, Merion. b ' Disr. \ Page ¦H 4f,3 .bo 464 90 464 19 462 67 464 81 4O4 7» 464 228 iap 2ri 148. 51 487 .10 4H8 28 406 102 492 39 406 91 487 .96 .488 99 490 33 487 ABI I N D E x: AME-" to Dinas y mowddu, to Harleigh, Merion. to Lampeter, Card. to LlandiloVawr, Casrm to Llangollen, Denb. to Machynlleth, Mont. to Montgomery, Mont. to Newtown, Mont. to Oswestry, Salop. to Swansea, Glam. to Towyn, Merion. to Welsh Pool, Mon«. to Wrexham, Denb. ABINGDON, Berks. 14,69, 87,88,99,457, 475to Deddington, Oi/". to Fareham, Hants. to East llsley, Berks. to Hungerford, Berks. to Newbury, Berks. to Oxford, Or/. to Whitchurch, Hants. to Winchester, Hants. ALCESTER, Wane. 101,141, 150, 151,428 to Birmingham, Warw. to Droitwich, Wore. to Evesham, Wore. to Hereford, Heref. to Tewkesbury, Glouc. to Worcester, Wire. ALDBOROUGH, £«# 39» to Eye, 5^ to Saxmundham, .yu^". ALDBOROUGH, Yorks. ALDSTONE MOOR, Cumb. ly Bernard Castle by Penrith fry Wolsingham 180, 247, 415 to Alnwick, N.huml. to Carlisle, Cumb. to Hexham, N.huml. to Kirk Oswald, Cumb. to Rothbury, N.huml. ALFORD, Line. ALFRETON, Deri. 174,185, 18*, 188,255, 5?8,5i2,5t3 Dist. 3*38 25 44 73 '9 52 43 7266 17 56 80 is Past4884°5 491492488 487489 489 490 492 4©6 489 487 67 23 440 66 438 n 439 22 459 20 439 6 440 3I 439 46 439 103 116 19 54* 14 496 10 541 42 424 23 541 1.5 424 94 345 26 594 7 594 208 228 271 250 302 > 249 297 252 62 566 28 J59 20 5«5 13 559 5° 566 I36 319 142 187 to Ashborn, Herb. to Cheadle, Sro^". to Eccleshall, Staff. to Mansfield, Notts. to Matlock, Deri. to Nottingham, Notts. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Stone, Staff. to Wirksworth , Deri. to Worksop, Notts. ALNWICK, Nhumb. 248, 293, 339, 340 to BIyth, N.huml. to Hexham, N.huml. to Keswick, Cumb. to Rothbury, N.huml. toShields(North)iV.KJni ALRESFORD, Hants. 48, 53 ALTON, Hants. 45,438>439 to Basingstoke, Hants. to Havant, Hants. to Odiham, Hants. to Oxford, Oi£ to Petersfield, Hants. to Reading, 5erits. to Wajlingford, Berks. ALTRINCHAM, Chesh. 168, 171, 177, ??9 to Doncaster, Yorks. to Northwich, CAwft. to Stockport, Chesh. to Warrington, Larac. AMBLESIDE, Westm. 179' I98 AMERSHAM, Sac**. 98, 158 to Bishop's Stanford, to Braintree, Essex to Coggesball, Essex to Colchester, Essex to Dunmow, Essex to Hatfield, Herts. to Henley on Thames, to Hertford, Herts. to Marlow(Great)B«cfa. to Reading, Berks. toRickmamwortrLjffertsto St. Albans, Herts. to Standon, Herts. to Watford, Heits. Disf. Pae< "9 506 32 506 48 505 9 507 9 523 16 524 74 505 42 505 10 506 21 508 310 292 25 402 42 56* 98 566 12 566 3« 402 57 5? 47 5? 11 469 24 469 9 472 50 470 12 469 23 47J 37 470 180 189 58 55o 12 552 8 55o 11 549 275 195 26 H3 48 53i «5 532 7i 532 80 532 57 532 24 53i >9 5*9 31 531 12 529 27 529 8 530 19 530 4i 531 ". 53a AME INDEX. AUG * Dist. Pag« to Wycombe (High) 7 53® AMESBURY, Wilts. 78 56 16,^7,61,89,446,460, AMLWCH, Angl. 281 105 to Beaumaris, Angl. 21 404 to Holyhead, Angl. 23 405 AMPTHILL, Bedf. 44 273 t62, 171, 252,271, 272 ANDOVER, Hants. 63 16 5,6,27,31,48,55,439, 460, 461 to Newbury, Berks. 16 468 to Winchester, Hants. 13 467 ANNAN, Dumf. 327 181 181, 235,239 APPLEBY, Westm. 270 235 i79> 244 (560) ARUNDEL, Sussex hy PetworOi. 59 48 by Dorking 5« 390 48>93>94'385»386'387» 589 toBiightheImstone,fim. '9 412 to Chichester, Sussex 10 412 . to Fareham, Hants. 28 411 to Havant, Hants. 19 412 to Southampton, Hants. 39 412 ASHBORN, Deri. 139 175 165,185,186,187,188, 2Q2,27'3,274,275»276 $09, 51 1 toBakewell, Deri. 15 545 to Bel per, Deri. n 543 to Bridgenorth, Salop. 53 5H to Cheadle, Staff. '3 5°6 to Chesterfield, Deri. 24 5^6 te Eecleshall, Staff. 29 505 to Gainsborough, Line. 57 5i6 to Litchfield, Staff. 24 5'5 to Ludlow, Salop. 72 513 to Mansfield, iVott. 28 507 to Matlock, Derb. 13 516 to Newcastle, 477 to Barnstaple, Devon. ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, Leic. by Leicester by Hinckley 173,174,201,204,205, 214,255,501,502,512 to Birmingham, Warw. to Bromsgrove, Wore. to Droitwich, Wore to Litchfield, Staff. to Loughborough, Leic. to Newafrk, Notts. to Nottingham, Notts. toSuttonColdfield,#frru> to Tamworth, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. ASHFORD, Kent by Chatham ly Maidstone by Sandling 365.372. 587.589 to Canterbury, Kent to Newenden, Kent to Tenterden, Kent ASKRIGG, Yorks.. 243> 277» 282, 284, 569, 570 -, - to Lancaster, Lane. to Northallerton, Yorks. to Richmond, Yorfet. to Sedbergh, Yorks* to Stockton upon Tees, Durh. ATHERSTONE, Warw. 164,165,429,441,442, 456>5oo,5oi,503,526 527 to Birmingham, Warw to Coleshill, Warw. ATTLEBOROUGHjtfbr/ by Thetford by Diss AUCKLAND (Bishop) Durh. 241. 290 « to Bernard Castle, Durh Diit. 3» 4040 186 43 114"9 28 4i47 18 12 39 ]9 20 '3 53 429 58 54 55 1416 11 246 3830 17 19 42 108 iS 9 94 97 *57 AXB INDEX. BAR to Brough, Yorks. to Durham, Durh. AX.BRIDGE, Som. 8, 62, 443, 477 to Bristol, Som. AXMINSTER, Devon. by Bridporl ly Donhester 33, 81,410 . to Chard, Som. to Crewkerne, Som. to Lyme Regis, Dorset. to Minehead, Som. to Taunton, Som. AYLESBURY, Bucks. ly Wendover by Watford 66, 154- to Baldock, Herts. to Dunstable, Bedf. to Hitchin, Herts. to Royston, Herts. AYLSHAM, Not/. by Brandon by Norwich 337. 338 toiflappisburgn, Norf. BAKEWElL, Derb. 175,176,188,273,275 ' 276,433,510,512,516, ;5i9,52o, 549 . .to Leek, Staff. to ShefBel'd, Yorks. BALA, Merion. ly Llangedwin by Llanfyllin 104,121, 122,123, 124, 49° to Dinas ymowddu, Mer. to Dolgell'e, Merion. to Llangollen, Denb. to Machynlleth, Mont. to Wrexham, Denb. BALDOCK, Herts. 251, 2S7 to Dunstable, Bedf. to Hitching. Befits. to Royston, Herts. •BAMPTON, Devon. 59- 63 tu Minehead, Som,, Dist. Page 3l' 566 II 5«5 130 86 18 407 '47 19 151 3° 6 479 Ii 480 5 479 41 480 •9 479 40 114 3» 153 36 .476 16 475 31 476 44 476 119 33« 120 34° 13 558. 152 186 19 5io 16 546 203 128 206 128 17 488 18 487 23 488 32 487 34 488 28 487. 37 223 '9 476 5 476 8 .476 178 64 18 482 BAMPTON, Oxf. 131 to Farringdon, Berks. BANBURY, Oxf. by Brackley by Bicester by Wendover 100,114, 150,163,164; 263,455,458,465 to Burford, Oxf. toChipping Norton, Oxf. to Cirencester, Glouc. to Coventry, Warw. to Daventry, N.hamp. to Dunchuich, Warw. to Leicester, Leic. to Litchfield, Staff. to Lutterworth, JLeic to Newaik, Notts. to Rugby, Warw. to Southam, Warw. to Tamwortb, Staff. BANGOR, Caern. 108, 118 BARKING, Essex BARMOUTH, Merion. 104, 105, 106, no to Cardigan, Card. to Harleigh, Merion. to Towyn, Merion. BARNET, Herts. 160, 220, 531 BARNSLEY, Yorks. by Sheffield by Rotheiam 176, 227, 281, 419, 420, 523,524 to Doncaster, Yorks. to Manchester, Lane. BARNSTAPLE, Devon. 63.64.65,82,96 to Hatherleigh, Devon. to Oakhampton, Devon. to Plymouth, 'Devon. to Torrington, Devon. to Totness, Devon. BARTON, Line. to Burton upon Strather, Line. to Crowle, Line. to Doncastsr, Yorks. to Grimsby, JAnc. -Dist Paae 69 67 6 467 72 153- 68 155 75 II> 23 52? 12 52j 40 525 25 441 16 526 25 526 48 526 53 442 35 526 82 526 28 526 13 440 45 442 255 120 7 341 224 105 67 405 10 40? n 405 11 161 175 257 171 279 15 548 37 547 195 59 22 477 29 477 58 478 n 47S 5o 4S4 163 308 n 553 19 553 34 554 1 22 4c 1 BAS BASINGSTOKE, Hants. 4.5.3I.+7.5I.52.439 467,470,472,473 to Havant, Hants. to Oxford, Oxf. to Rstersfield, Hants. to Reading, Berks. to Wallingford, Berks. BATH, 50m. by Chippenham ly Sfnuly Lane by Devizes by Andovet s> 7-, 73. 74. 85. 86, 87, 88,407,427,443,446 to Beaminster, Dorset. to Blandford, Dorset. to Bradford, Witts. to Bridpbrt, Dorset. to Bruton, Som. to Castle Cary, Som. to Cheltenham, {?Zoac. to Crewkerne, Som. to Frome, Som. to Gloucester Glouc. to Gosport, Hants. to Hindoo, /^it'to. to Ilchester, 5o;n. to Ledbury, Heref. to Mere, Wilts. to Newcastle, .SVn^ to Poole, Dorset. to Portsmouth, Hants. to Romsey, Hunts. to Salisbury, Wilts. to Shaftesbury^ Dorset. to Shepton Mallet, Som. to Somerton, iSom. to Southampton, Hants. to Stroud, Glouc. to Tetbury, Gouc. to Trowbridge, J^tr, to Upton, Wore. to Warminster, AA'ftj, INDEX. BEL to Westbury, fp tits. tb Weymouth, Dorset. to Wilton, Mto. ¦ to Worcester, J!orr, BATTLE, Susux ly funl-ridge Dist. 45 353923 1626 106105107108 48 42 6 54 21 23 43 40 13 377926 3° 543° 124 57 82 53 3«31 15 3°62 27 23 8 53 17 1612 16 58 3-6 «3 Page 16 469 470 469472 470 7 262628 450 449 44844744745i 448 43745 1 438 45o 44S 45i 450 454 45o 438438 437 450 44743843 8 45' 45144945i 437449449437 442437452 56 I 375 by Tunh-iJge Wells 362,370,372,373,374. ?8j.4l3. 587 to Horsham, Sussex to Lewes, Sussex to Rye, Sussex BAWTRY, Yorks. by Burnet by Ware '.262, 302, 309, 516 to Chester, Chesh. toChape! in leKrith,Der'i. ,to Gainsborough, Line, to Knutsford, Chesh. to Louth, Line. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Market Raisin, Line. to Northwich, Chesh, to Saltfieet, Line. - to Sheffield, Yorks. to Tickhill, Ymks. BEACONSFIELD, Bucks. "3 BEAMINSTER, Dorset. "8, 19,33,441 to Bridport, Dorset. to Crewkerne, Som. to Ilchester, Som. to Shepton Mallet, Som. BEAUMARIS, Angl. 105, 120(404) BECCLES, Suff. by Bungay ly Saxmuhdham 345. 346 BEDALE, Yorks. 229, 246, 289 BEDFORD, Bedf. ly Hitchin by Luton ly Wohurn bytAmpthill 171, 223,267,476,554 to Bicester, Oxf. to Buckingham, Bucks. to Cambridge, Camb. to Newport Pagnell, Bucks. ' to Oxford, Oxf. to St. Neots, Hunt. tjStcneySirrttford.fiiicfa BELl'QRD, Northnrab. Dht. 57 46 25 '4 '53 149 91 41 12 65 49 53 3372 59 20 4 23 137 6 7 18 3 = 254 112 109 5051 5342 3° 3' 16 54 '3 22 3'25 BEL IN D EX. BES BELLINGHAM, N.kumb. 231 BELPER, Derb. 174. 175. 187 to Nottingham, Notts. BERE REGIS, Dorset. 79, 410 to Blandford, Dorset, to Wareham, Dorset. BERKELEY, Glouc. 8, 69,427,451 BERKHAMPSTEAD, Herts. 155 BERNARD CASTLE, Durh. 229, 230, 234, 290 to Brough, Yorks. to Darlington, Durh. to Durham, Durh. to Stockton upon Tees, Durh. BERWICK, Berw. 295 to Coldstream, Berw. to Hawick, Roxl. to Kelso, Roxb. BEVERLEY, Yorks. by Barton. lyYork 309,311,435 to New Malton, Yorks. BEWDLEY, Wore. by Worcester by Birmingham 101,102, 109,11a, 117, 428, 464 to Hereford, Heref. to Tenbury, Wore. BICESTER, Oxf. 88,99,100,111,114,440, 457,458 to Buckingham, Bucks. to Cambridge, Camb. to Ch ippingNorton,Oi/". to Deddington, OxJ. toNewport Pagnell,BKcA to Oxford, Oxf. to St. Neots, Hunts. toStoneyStratford, Bucks BIDEFORD, Devon. ly Barnstaple ly Chumleigh Diit.300 Fage 25° 135 185 16 112 544 18 9 7 "3 471 472 76 26 "53 246 247 1717 25 S66570S65 29 34° 570 292 44 23 4°34°3 4°3 179223 308310 27 572 125 '30 in 220 34 '4 46449s 154 11 73 1812 2511 55 J9 465 466470470465465 466 465 204206 60 64, 478 to Ilfracombe, Devon, to Plymouth, Devon. BIGGLESWADE, Bedf. 251,466 to Cambridge, Camb. to Huntingdon, Hunts. to Potton, Bedf. to St. Ives, Hunts. BILDESTON, Suff. BILLESDON, Leic. BILLERICAY, Essex 342. 356 to Chelmsford, Essex to Gravesend, Kent BINBROOK, Line. to Brigg, Line. to Caistor, Line. to Louth, Line. BINGHAM, Notts. to Boston, Line. to Derby, Derb. to Donnington, Line. to' Grantham, Line. to Nottingham, Notts. to Stone, Staff. to Uttoxcter, Staff. B1NGLEY, Yorks. BIRMINGHAM, Warw. ly Oxford by Coventry by Solihull no, 116, 129,130,150, I54» l65, 209, 219, 264, 464, 503 to Bristol, Som. ' to Bromsgrove, Wore. to Burton upou Trent, Staff. to Coleshill, Warw. to Derby, Derb. to Droicwich; Wore. to Evesham, Wore. to Litchfield, Staff. to Newark, Notts. to Nottingham, Nqtts. to Sheffield, Yorks. toSuttonColdfield,J*&ru>to Tamworth, Staff. to Tewkesbury, Glouc. BISHOPS AUCKLAND, see AUCKLAND Dist. Page 14 40* 52 478 45 223 23- 577 '9 578 3 577 19 57* 63 351 95 270 23 2S5 8 573 15 57+ 158 J» 17 561 7 561 10 56s '3° 264 44 5121 25 5n 35 512 14 512 9 5^ 56 509 44 5io 206 zSl ir6 151 109 217 "3 265 86 42! '3 28 500 9 502 39 500 "9 428 29 541 16 499 67 43° 47 43° 76 500 7 428 14 429 43 542 BIS INDEX. BOS BISHOPS CASTLE,SaZo;>. 109,117,118,444,445, 517 to Buxton, Derb. to Doncaster, Yorks. to Drayton, Salop. to Knighton, Radn. to Leek, Staff. to Newcastle under Line, Staff. to Rotheram, Yorks. to Sheffield, Torts. to Shrewsbury, Salop, to Thome, Torts. to Tideswell, Derb. BISHOP STORTFORD, Herts. 222, 358, 528 to Braintree, Essex to Colchester, Essex to Dunmow, Essex to Standon, Herts. to Ware, -Herts BISHOPS WALTHAM, Hants. ly WarnforA by Film er Hill 48, 52, 438, 469 to Deddington, Oxf. to Fareham, Hants. to Ilsley (East) Berks. to Newbury, Berks. to Oxford, 'Oxf. to Whitchurch, Hants. to Winchester, Hams. BLACKBURN, Lane. i77i 178. J91' 564 to Burnley, Lane. to Halifax, Torts. to Hull, Yorks. to Preston, Lane. to Wakefield, Yorks. BLACKPOOL, Lane. 404 BLANDFORD, Dorset. 49> 79 to Bradford, Wilts. to Poole, Dorset. to Shaftesbury, Dorset. to Sherborne, Dorset. to Sturminster, Dorset to Wareham, Dorset. Dist. Page Dist. Page 159 103 to Warminster, Wilts. 26 449 to Westbury, Wilts. 3° 449 to Wimborn Minster, 77 433 Dorset. 10 46a 120 434 BLYTH, Notts'. 226 '5* 226 3« 432 BLYTH, N.humb. 402 n 43i te North Shields,lV.uroi. 11 402 65 433 BODMIN, Cornw. 36, 83 234 21 52 432 BOGNOR, Sussex 65 94 108 434 48, 94,411 102 434 BOLINGBROKE, Line. 128 3i8 J9 43i to Homcastle, Line. 7 560 132 434 to Lincoln, Line. 27 559 84 433 to Spilsby, Line. 3 560 to Wainfleet, Line. 10 560 30 325 to Wragby, Line. ' 17 559 BOLSOVER, Derb. '45 255 17 532 278, 558 32 532 to Mansfield, Notts. 7 557 9 532 to Sheffield, Yorks. '3 558 7 53i BOLTON, Lane. 199 189 13 53t 169, 177, 190, 191,419 to Bury, Lane. 6 53« to Halifax, Torts. 28 537 67 55 to Otley, Yorks. 45 538 65 . 91 to Prescot, Lane. 24 535 to Ripley, Yorks. 57 53» 81 440 to Rochdale, Lane. 12 536 7 438 to Wigan, Lane. 10 535 47 439 BOROUGHBRIDGE, 37 439 Yorks. 206 228 64 440 245,247,258,259,289, 24 439 560, 57LS73 n 439 to Skipton, Yorks. 3° 572 211 191 to York, Yorks. 18 435 BOSTON, Line. 112 318 12 421 3°5, 3°7, 3l8, 3r9 34 422 to Bourn, Line. 25 5i5 i°3 424 to Brandon, Norf. 67 545 U 421 to Derby, Derb. 70 5U 50 424 to Donnington, Line. 9 512 234 194 to Grantham, Line. 3° 512 to Holbeach, Line. 16 409 103 18 to-Kettering, N.hamp. 57 55« to Leek, Staff. 97 5u 36 449 to Lynn Regis, Norf. 32 400 • 14 450 40 545 11 450 to Mansfield, Notts. 57 5U 22 460 to Matlock, Derb. 73 51* s 459 to Newark, Notts. 37 5i3 .6 1472 to Norwich, Norf. 92 54* •S0T I N D EX. BRI to Nottingham, Notts. to Sleatbrd, Line. to Southwell, Notts. to Stamford, Line. to Stone, Staff, to Unoxeter, Staff. to "Winster, Derb. BOTESDALE, Stiff. 347, 352 ¦BOURN, Line. 224,512,514 to Coltersworth, Line. to Corby, Line. to Donnington, Line. to Kettering, N.hamp. to Stamford, Line. .BOURN (EAST) Sussex ly Tunbridge by Uckfield 372,381. 4'3> 5«7 to Lewes, Sussex BOURN (SOUTH) Suss. by Tunbridge by Pcnsliurst by Uckfield 3«2 to Brigbthelmstonc,5a.u. to Hastings, Suxs. to Lewes, Suss. to Seaford, Suss. to Winchelsea, Suss. BOW,orNY.MET Tracie, Devon.81, 82 to Totness, Devon. BRACKLEY, N.hamp. 111,114,115,154,163, 469> 525 to Hungerford, Berks. to Northampton,iV.Aam to Oxford, Oxf. to Towcester, N.hamp. to Wantatre, Berks. BRADFORD, Wilts. 7,26,86,437 to Blandford, Dorset. 4 to Poole, Dorset. to Shaftesbuiy, Dorset. to Warminster, Wilts. to Westbury, Wilts. BRADFORD, Tort*. D.st. Page 54 512 17 5H 45 5'3 35 555 101 509 89 510 78 512 85 350 93 306 12 554 8 554 15 555 32 556 10 555 64 362 60 386 H 591 6i 362 66 362 60 386 21 412 18 413 15 S9* 8 412 27 413 182 81 3' 483 63 153 50 458 20 458 20 458 11 458 36 A58 106 '85 36 450 51 450 25 450 10 449 6 449 200 281 I Dist. 194,258, 280,420,421 422 to Bury, Lane. to Buxtpn, Dab. to Chapel in le Frith, Derb. to Halifax, Torts. to Huddersfield, Yorks. to Otley, Yorks. to Prescot, Lane. to Ripley, Yorks. to Rochdale, Lane. to Wigan, Lane. BRAINTREE, Essex 343.358, 529,576 to Colchester, Essex to Dunmow, Essex to Standon, Herts. to Ware, Herts. to Witham, Essex BRAMPTON, Cumb. 230, 248, 250 to Carlisle, Cumb. to Haltwhistlc, N.hvml: to Hexham, N.huml. to Newcastle, N.humb. BRANDON, Stiff. 326,333.335.356,534. 530,540,57s (545) BRECON, Brec. by Monm.outh by Bredioardine by Whitney 10, 148 to Builth, Brer. to Cardiff, Glam. to Llanydloes, Mont. to Machynlleth, Mont. to Neath, Glam. to Rhayader, Hadn. BRENTFORD, Midd. 77,97. 396 BRENTWOOD, Essex 356, 574 to Gravesend, Kent to Rochester, Kent BREWOOD, Staff'. 210 BRIDGEND, Glam. BRIDGENORTH, Salop. 102,110, III, 112, I29, 220,265,266,514,518 Page 3° 46 39 8 12 9 60 21 23 4640 15 8 24 31 7 3H 9 '328 48 78 161170170 16 4242 61 273° 6 18 17 24 129 180]39 BRI INDEX. BRI Di'.t. Page Dist Page to Chesterfield, Derb. 77 5'6 by Horsham and Steyning 61 3 86 to Cleobury Mortimer, 48> 372,386, 387, 390, Salop. 14 522 581 to Gainsborough, Line. no 516 to Canterbury, Kent 73 590 to Hay, Brec. 53 522 to Chatham, Kent 58 592 to Leominster, Heref. 31 521 to Chichester, Sussex 29 4H to Litchfield, Staff. 29 515 to Cranbrook, Kent 40 588 to Ludlow, Salop. 19 513 to Fareham, Hants. 47 4tr to Matlock, Derb. 66 516 to Guilford, Surry 41 59° to Presteign, Radn. 35 513 to Hailsham, Sussex 21 583 to Retford (East) Notts. 101 516 to Hastings, Sussex 38 584 to Shiffnall, Salop n 522 3938 413411 to Tenbury, Wore. 21 522 to Havant, Hants. to Wirksworth, Deri. 62 516 to Maidstone, Kent „ 50 59* to Wolverhampton, >Sfa/; *4 515 to Margate, Kent 89 587 to Worksop, Notts. 93 516 to Queenborough, Kent 66 592 BR1DGEWATER, Som. to Rochester, Kent 58 592 ly Brulon '37 62 to Rye* Sussex 48 584 by Bath 145 88 to Seaford, Sussex 12 412 58,84,86,93,442,448, to Sheerness, Kent 68 592 455. 480 (425) to Smardeh, Kent 49 588 to Bristol, Som. 34 407 to Southampton, Hants. 58 411 BRIDLINGTON, Torts. to South Bourne, Sussex 21 413 ly Barton and Driffield 202 3'5 to Tunbridge, Kent 36 591 ly Barton and Beverley 202 318 to Winchelsea, by the by York 236 3i6 coast, Sussex 48 4'3 289,308,310,311,314, BRISTOL, Som. to Gisborough, Yorks. S9 402 by Bath 119 8 to Horhsea, Yorks. 16 401 by Marshfield "3 74 to Hunmanby, Yorks. 10 401 7, 69, 72', 76, 86, 87,88, to Scarborough, Yorks. 21 402 447. 449' 450 to Stockton, Durh. 71 402 (407, 425) to Whitby, Yorks. 39 402 to Castle Cary, Som. 27 44*- BRIDPORT, Dorset. *34 19 to Chipping Sodbury, 3°> 33. 79. 479 Glouc. ii 475 to Crewkerne, Som. 13 448 to Dorchester, Dorset. 54 441 to Ilchester, Som. 24 448 to Dudley, Glouc. 23 474 to Shepton Mallet, Som. 39 447 to Gloucester, Glouc. 34 427 to Weymouth, Dorset. BRIGG, br Glandforb 4ro * 3729 474 474 to Minching Hampton, Bridge, Line. 152 3°7 to Portsmouth, Hants 9S 435 300,322, 323 to Shepton Mallet, Som. to Caistor, Line. 10 561 to Sherborne, Doxset. '9 44* . t6 Louth, Xine, 28 562 to Tewkesbury, Glouc. 36 441 BRIGHTHELMSTONE, to Weston on the sea, 45 427 Sussex / Som. 19 478 hy Ryegale 54 381 to Weymouth* Dorset. 62 443 by Croydon by Uckfield 5758 382 383 to Wickwar, Glou. to Wotton under Edge, 13. 473 ly Lindfield by Horsham and Henfield 52 50 383 386 Glouc. to Yarmouth, Norf. C 20. 237 474475 ERO IN D E X. EUR BROMESGROVE, Wore. 101, 129, 152,219,220, 495.496.542 to Droitwich, Wore. to Newark, Notts. to Nottingham , Notts. toSuttonColdfieldjWara;to Tamworth, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. BROMLEY, Kent 363. 365, 381, 5.86 to Croydon, Surry to Dartford, Kent to Ewell, Surry to Kingston, Surry to Staines, Midd. BROMLEY, see Abbot's Bbomley, Staff.- ¦ BROMYARD, Heref. 101, 102,143,145,423, 452, 494 to Dudley, Wore. to Hereford, Heref. to Kidderminster, Wore. to Litchfield, .Staff. to Newport, Monm. to Stourbridge, Wore. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. BROSELY, Salop. 117 BROUGH, Westm. ' ly Catterick ¦ ' by Sedbergh ' by Kcluth by Askrigg 570 (560) to Darlington, Durh. to Durham, Durh. toKirkbyLonsdale, West. to Lancaster, Lane. to Northallerton, Yorks. to Stockton upon Tees, Durh. to Thirsk, Yorks. BROUGHTON/Lamo.BRUTON, Som. \ by Amesbury ly Hindon ly Warminster by Wincqunten Dist. Il6 125 341 14 2252 5729 43 40 146 261290289270 34 42 29 46 43 49 46 53 270 nono"31 16- Page Il6 42843° 430428 429 428 359586586 5»5585 585 107 4«4463 464464 463463464464 129 235244244 246 5705665«3564 570569 570 560 I97 6189 9°92 57,85,87,88,91,442, 449' 455 (447) to Frome, Som. to Weymouth, Dors. to Yeovil, Som. BUALLT, orBuiLTH, Brecon. 133. "34. 144. H8 to Cardiff, Glam. to Hay, Brecon. to Knighton, Radn. to Llanydloes, Mont. to Ludlow, Salop. to Machynlleth, Mont. to Madely MaikeX,Salop to Much Wenlock,SaZop to Rhayader, Radn. to Shifrhall, Salop. BUCKDEN, Hunt. 466 BUCKENHAM, Norf. by Diss by Botesdale 326,351 BUCKINGHAM, Bucks. by Uxbridge by Watford '54. i55'44o.458 to Cambridge, Camb. to 'Newport Pagnell, Bucks. to Oxford, Oxon. to St. Neots, Hunt. toStoneyStratford,Burts BUNGAY, Suff. by Scale Inn ly Saxmundham 345 BURFORD, Oxon. 67, 68, 69, 100, m to Chipping Norton,0;r/. to Cirencester, Glouc. to Daventry, N.hamp. to Dunchurch, Warw. to Farringdon, Berks. to Leicester, Leic. to Lutterworth, Leic. to Newark, Notts. to Rugby, Warw. to Stow on the Wold, Glojie. to Worcester, Wore. Dist. Page II 455 39 442 '4 45 6 175 '47 58 492 !9 5i8 25 5i7 26 492 39 5i7 45 492 66 518 60 5iS '4 49* 70 518 60 224 93 352 97 352 57 "4 56 '53 61 466 H 465 23 465 43 466 8 465 106 347 109 353 72 131 n 525 17 525 39 52« 48 526 10 467 71 526 58 526 105 526 51 526 10 468 41 46 S BUR INDEX. CAL BURGH, Line. 400 BURNHAM MARKET, Norf. by Daumham by Brandon ly Hunstanton . 329>331'334> 335.336, 54° to Cromer, by the coast to Wells, by the coast BURNLEY, Lane. '9'. I93.536 to Halifax, Torts. to Hull, Yorks; to Preston, Lane. to Wakefield, Yorks. BURTON, Westm. 278 BURTON upon Stra ther, Line. ly Lincoln and Morton by Lincoln and Blyton by Lincoln and Spittal Inn 302 to Crowle, Line. to Doncaster, Yorks. BURTON upon Trent, Staff. by Leicester by Hinckley byAshby de la Zouch by Atherslone by Tamworth 165, 175,205,429,516 to Derby, Derb. to Litchfield, Staff. to Stone, Staff. BURY, Lane. 177, 192 to Halifax,. Yorks, to Otley, Yorks. to Prescot, Lane. to Ripley, Yorks. to Rochdale, Lane. to Wigan, Lane. BURY ST. EDMUNDS, a Suff. 325,326,351,352,355, 538 to Ely, Camb. to Ipswich, Suff. Dist. '3' 117 124129 27 6 2'3 21 9' 2337 250 Page 320 33°332 33 = 399399 '93 422 424421 424 179 169 321 168 322 i6x 8 23 128125128 128 131 1112 27 195 22 40 3°52 7 16 7i 322 553554 20 1 215 216 216 218 500 499 5n 191 537' 538 535 538 536535 35o 578 580 to Mildenhall, Suff. to Newmarket, Camb. to Stow Market, Suff. BUXTON, Derb. by Ashhorn by Cheddle 168,175,176,186,188 256, 506, 509, 511 516, 541, 543. . toChapelinleFrith,Dero. to Chesterfield, Derb. to Congleton, Chesh. to Doncaster, Yorks. to Drayton, Salop. to Halifax, Yorks. to Huddersfield, Yorks. to Knighton, Radn. to Leeds, Yorks. to Leek, Staff. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Newcastle, Staff. to Rotheram, Yorks. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Thorne, rbrts. to Tideswell, Derb. CAERLEON, Monm, 95, 142 CAERMARTHEN,Caerm. by Bristol by Oxford by Llangadock 10, 135,406,492 to Kidwelly, Caerm. to Lampeter, Card. CAERNARVON, Caern. by Dolgelle by Harleigh 104, 120, 283, 284. • CAERPHILLY, Glam. CAERWENT, Monm, 95 CAERWYS, Flint. 119 to Denbigh, Denb. to Parkgate, Chesh. CAISTOR, Line. by Spittal Inn by Lincoln and Stainton 307,320, 322, 521 to Louth, Line. CALLINGTON, Cornw. Oiat. Hage 15 577 14 577 13 580 159 273' 167 276 6 543 23 549 16 548 42 43 + 39 432 4' 544 33 544 88 43', 48 544 12 433- 11 550 H 43* 3° 434 24 434 58 431 54 434 6 433 H5 9 232 11 210 i'35 207 138 9 517 22 518 250 105 256 108, .^9 9 137 8 212 123. 7 484 15 484, 160 3*23 152 324 18 208 5"62 1 41 CAL INDEX. OHA 2i.36,39>489 to Hardand, Devon. to Launceston, Cornw. to Plymouth, Devon. CALNfi, Wilts. *5' 74. 44s 46 Cirencester, Glouc. to Cricklade, Wilts. to Gloucester, Glouc. toMelksham, Wilts. to Moreton in theMarsh, Glouc. to Stow on the Wold, Glouc. to Trowbridge, Wilts. - to Warwick, Warw. to Wotton Basset, Wilts. CAMBRIDGE, Camb. ly Royston ly Ware *87,325,358,53L552, 578(476,577) to Chelmsford, Essex to Colchester, Essex , to Dunmow, Essex to Halstead, Essex to Haverhill, Suff. to Huntingdon, Hunt. to Kettering, N.hamp. to Linton, Camb. to Newport Pagnell, Bucks. to Oxford, Oxf. to Saffron Walden, Essex to St. Neot's, Hunt. toStoneyStratford, Bucks to Thrapston, N.hamp. CAMELFORD, Cornw. 21 to Stratton, Cornw. CAMPDEN, Glouc. 100 CANTERBURY, Kent 3«7.368,375,377,378, •4'4. 588, 592 to Cranbrook, Kent to Croydon, Surry to Kingston, Surry to Lewes, Sussex to Maidstone, Kent to Newenden, Kent Dist. Page ¦ 37 480 n 479 Ii 479 «7 6 25 454 18 454 38 446 7 453 48 454 44 454 12 453 72 455 10 453 5o 328 5i 327 42' 576 4« 53o 29 576 35 529 20 529 15 528 4' 527 n 529 47 465 85 4«5 81 475 i.5 575 18 466 53 465 32 528 227 83 20 408 86 100 55 336172 65 . 27 . 31 lj 36S 588 58358i587 584 3' I590 to Romney (New) Kent to Smarden, Kent to Tenterden, Kent CARDIFF, Glam. (407, 492J to Holyhead, Angl, to Llanydloes, Mont. to Machynlleth, Mont, to Rhayader, Radn. to Towyn, Merion. CARDIGAN, Card. 12, '35, H8, 490,491 to Haverfordwest, Pemb. to Litchfield, Staff. CARLISLE, Cumb. by Manchester ¦ by Boroughbridge 196, 199, 200, 250 to Cockermouth, Cumb. to Haltwhistle, N.humb. to Hexham, N.humb. to Holme Abbey, Cumb. , by the coast to Ireby, Cumb. to Keswick, Cuml. to Kirk Oswald, Cumb. to Maryport, Cumb. ,bythecoast to Newcastle, N.humb. to Scarborough, Yorks to Wigton, Cumb. CARTMEL, Lane. ' 197, 198, 564 CASTLE CARY, Som. 33*88,90,448,455(447) to Dorchester, Dorset. to Shepton Mallet, Som to Sherborne, Dorset. CAVE (South) Yorks. 308 to Hull, Yorks. to Market Weighton, Torts. > CAWOOD, Yorks. 2S8 '' CHAPEL IN LE FRITH, Derb. ¦ ' 176,256,279,433,546, 547, 55o Dist. 2624 26 160I9I 84 I04 72 116 229 26 122 3°5301 262237 17 29 1618 26 '5 26 4657 57 '43 10 253112 27 7 9 186 H [80 166 CHA INDEX. CHI to Chester, Chesh. to Gainsborough, Line- to Huddersfield, Yorks. to Knutsford, Chesh. to Loath, Line. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Market Raisin, Line. to Northwich, Chesh. to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Torts. to Tickhill, Yorks. CHARD, Som. 19.30,58, 84,479,480 to Lyme Regis, Dorset. to Minehead, Som. to Taunton, Som. CHATHAM, Kent 367.377,590.592 CHEADLE, Staff. 166, 167,175, 176,202 273. 275. 276, 509, 510,511, 541 to Eccleshall, Staff. to Mansfield, Notts. to Shrewsbury, Salop to Stone, Staff. to Wirksworth, Derb. to Worksop, Notts. CliELMSFORD, Essex 349.353.354. 355.358 toCbipping On gar, Essex to Danmow, Essex to Epping, Essex to Gravesend, Kent to Saffron Walden, Essex CHELTENHAM, Glouc. 68,69,70,112,131,141, 427, 444. 448, 454. (450 to Stow on the Wold, Glouc. CHEPSTOW, Monm. ly Aust Passage by Gloucester 8,132, 140, 141 (443) CHERTSEY, Surry 77,8o CHESHAM, Bucks. "3 CHESTER, Chesh. by Stafford by Whitchurch Diatl Page 50] 519 53 520 27 544 24 519 90 522 12 5'9 74 521 31 5'9 100 522 20 520 37 520 139 33 12 479 34 480 12 479 30 364 146 274 16 505 41 507 4i 505 10 506 22 506 53 508 28 343 11 576 13 576 17 576 23 574 26 575 9i 138 18 447 ?z9 95' 129 138 J9 78 27 158 190 -208 181 212 119,168,171, 172,211 213,404,497,549 (487, 488, 490) to Doncaster, Yorks. to Gainsborough, Line. to Knutsford, Chesh. to Louth, Line. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Manchester, Lane to Market Raisin, Line. to iN'orthwich, Chesh. to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Torts. to Tickhill, Torts. to Warrington, Lane. to Wrexham, Denb. CHESTERFIELD, Derb. by Derby by Nottingham / 175,185,186,273,278, 433. 434. 5o6, 512, 519, 520, 5-23, 544: 546,55 7,558 (500) to Gainsborough, Line. to Leek, Staff. to Litchfield, Staff. to Ludlow, Salop. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Presteign, Radn. to Retford (East) Notts. to Tideswell, Derb. to Wirksworth, Derb. toWohrethamoton,Staff.to Worksop, Notts. CHICHESTER, Sussex by Haslemere by Chiding fold by Petworth 46,48,93,94 to Fareham, Hants. to Havant, Hants. to Oxford, Oxf. to Southampton, Bants. CHIPPE VHAM, Wilts. 25,26,7i,72,74,450j453 to Devizes, Wilts. to Gloucester, Glouc. to Malmsbury, Wilts. to M inching Hampton, . Glouc. to Salisbury, Wilts. ts StrouJ, Gleuc. 89 103. *5 140 37 39 124 18 150 7o 87 21 11 150 150 33 3' 48 96 ,34 "3 =3 16 15 63 16 $9 60 6218 9 84 29 93 10 33 9 19 32 22 CHI INDEX. COL toTetbury, Glour. CHIPPING .NORTON, Oxf. ly Oxford by lslip 115,131.149,440,457 458, 465 (470) to Cirencester, Glouc. to Daventry, N.hamp. to Dunchurch, Warw. to Leicester, Leic. to Lutterworth, Leic. to Newark, Notts. to Rugby, Warw. CHIPPING OK GAR, Essex 324. 343 (576) CHIPPING SODBURY, Glouc.7.8,72,73,75,78,426, 450, 473 (475) CHORLEY, Lane. by Ashborn by Kmdsford by Wigan 421,535 CHRISTCHURCH, Hants SO to Lymington, Hants. to Poole, Dors. toWareham, Dors. CHUDLEIGH, Devon. 20, 39, 40 CHUMLEIGH, Devon. 59, 63, 64,484 to Totness, Devon. CHURCH STRETTON, Salop. 117, 118, 431 to Hereford, .Heref. to Monmouth, Monm. to Leominster, Heref. to Ludlow, Salop. to Shrewsbury, Salop, CIRENCESTER, Glouc. 71, 75, 112, 131, 445 448, 451, 468 to Cricklade, Wilts. to Daventry, N.hamp. to Duncliurch, Warw. to Leicester, Leic. to Lutterworth, Leic, Dist. Page *} 445 73 100 73 112 28 525 28 526 37 526 60 526 47 526 94 526 40 526 21 358 m 72 208 177 211 190 206 192 100 76 11 411 8 410 18 410 176 34 189 81 37 484 ^59 ">3 41 443 59 444 27 444 16 444 '3 445 88 68 6 454 S& 526 65 526 88 526 75 526 to Malmsbury, Wilts. to Melksham, Wilts. to Moreton in theMarsh, Glouc. to Newark, Notts. to Northleach, Glouc. to Rugby, Warw. to Salisbury, Wilts. to Stow on the Wold, , to Trowbridge, Wilts. to Warwick, Warw. to Wotton Basset, Wilts. CLEOBURY MORTI MER, Salop. 102, 117, 513, 514 to Hay, Brecon. to Leominster, Heref. to Shiffnall, Salop. to Tenbury, Wore. CLEY, Norf. 336, 337 CLITHEROE, Lane. 178, 277, 421 to Preston, Lane. COCKERMOUTH,C«mi, 180, 197, 199,200, 250 (562) COGGESHALL, Essex 343. 530 (532) COLCHESTER, Essex 349to Coventry, Warw. to Dunmow, Essex to Halstead, Essex to Haverhill, Suff. to Huntingdon, Hunt. to Kettering,' N.hamp. to Linton, Camb. to Mercey (East & West) Essex to Neyland, Stiff. to Reading, Berks. to Standon, Herts. to Sudbury, Suff, to Thrapston, N.hamp to Ware, Herts. COLDSTREAM, Berw. 292, 295, 297 to Hawick, Roxb. to Kelso, Roxb. COLESH1LL, Warw. 152,205,209,429,441, 499.,5°3 (502) Dist. II 33 23 122 10 6852 '9 38 47 H '33 39 17 25 7 124216 18 303 44 5i 129 23 '3 28 649037 10 6 107 39 IS 80 46 337 30 9 104 COL INDEX. CSO 1 Dial. Page Di.t. P''S to Kenilworth, Warw. - 13 45 5 to Lewes, Sussex ^2 58 to Tamwcrth, Staff. 9 456 to Smarden, Kent 9 58 COLFORD, Glouc. 122 J3* CRAWLEY, Sussex 30 3 s 96 3S5,58i COLLUMPTON, Devon. 177 89 CREOITQN, Devon. 175 8 19, 20, 59 (425) 59. 81 to Exmouth, Devon. 24 481 to Tiverton, Devon. 11 4»- to Honiton, Devon. 10 489 CREE TOWN, Kirkc. • 384 it'. to Tiverton, Devon. 5 49° CREWKERNE, Som. I3I 3.. COLNE, Lane. 219 '94 '9. 3°. 58, 83, 84, 479 277, 280, 2S1 (480) COMBE MARTIN.DeeoR 191 95 to Ilchester, Som. 10 44 59,66 to Shepton Mallet, Som. 25 4+: to Plymouth, Devon. 67 478 CR1CKHOWELL, Brec. '47 13. CONGLETON, Chesh. 162 168 96, 133, 144 169, 176, 187, 189,204, CRICKIETH, Caern. 233 28; ' 273. 55o (54S) 104, 107 (405) CORBRIDGE, N.humb. 278 230 CRICKLADE, Wilts. S2 7 248,298,340,417,418, 68, 73, 74,472 (475) 566, 567 (416) to Marlborough, Wilts. 16 46. CORBY, Line. 101 306 to Melksham, Wills. 26 45. 225, 299 to Moreton in the Marsh, to Coltersworth, Line. 4 554 Glouc. 30 .I". CORFE CASTLE, Dors. 120 80 to Salisbury, Wilts. 45 +f 52 to Stow on the Wold, 1 COVENTRY, Warm. 92 164 Glouc. 25 45a 151,152,203,204,263, to Swindon, Wilts. 7 46. 266, 272, 424, 425, to Trowbridge, Wills. 3* 45. 428,455,500,501,502 to Warwick, Warw. 53 45 to Grantham, Line. '58 504 to Wotton Basset, Wilts. 8 45. to Higham Ferrers, CROMER, Norf. N.hamp. 49 527 by Aylsham 129 3?: to Hinckley; Leic. n 5P3 by North Walsham 132 33 to Kenilworth, Warw. 5 503 ly Spixworth 13c iZ to Leicester, Leic. 26 5"3 338'339. 340, 557, 558 to Lincoln, Line. 79 504 to Fakenham, Norf. 21 54' . to Litchfield, Staff. 28 442 to Lynn Regis, Norf. 43 5-rf to Lutterworth, Leic. IS .527 to Wells, Norf 21 391 to Market Harborough, to Yarmouth, by the coast 35 39! Leic. 28 527 CRQWLAND, Line. 86 IK to Melton Mo .-, bray, 305. 317 Leic. 42 504 CROWLE, Line. 164 32 to Nuneaton, Warw. 8 503 to Doncaster, Yorks. H 55- to Oxford, Oxf. 48 440 CROYDON, Surry 9 38. to Southam, Warw. 12 441 359. 370, 379 to Warwick, Warw. 10 503 to Dartford, Kent 18 5'8< COWBRIDGE, Glam. 172 10 to Ewell, Surry 7 5«. CRANBOURN, Dors. 91 5o to Kingston, Surry 11 5* 17, 50, 74 »3 5*. CRANBROOK, Kent 46 374 to Maidstone, Kent 34 5 «4 36i.367,37i,372,374, to Staines, Midd. 22 .!*¦ 375, 594 2C 513 cue INDEX. DIN CUCKFIELD, Suss. 36^370,382,383,385, 58i to Horsham, Suss. to Rye, Suss. DALKEITH, Edini. ly Jedburgh ly Coldstream. iy Kelsa 242 DALTON, Lane. 198 to Kendal, Westm. to Ulverstone, Lane. DARLINGTON, Durh. 229,230,241,246,247, 29°.3°3.3I I.4i8, 565 to Stockton upon Tees, Durh. to Wolsingham, Durh. DARTFORD, Kent 359.360,365,366,576, 584 to Ewell, Surry to Kingston, Surry to Sevenoaks, Keiit to Staines, Midd. DARTMOUTH, Devon. 40.4i.43.44 to Exeter, Dev/m. to Exmouth, Devon. to Kingsbridge, Devon, to Modbury, Devon. to Sidmouth, Devon. to Teignmouth, Devon. . by the coast DAVENTRY, N.hamp. 153, 172, 263, 272,527 to Hinckley, Leic. to Leicester, Leic. to Lutterworth, Leic. to Newark, Notts. DEAL, Kent 365, 376 to Dover, Kent to Folkstone, Kent to Margate, Kent to Ramsgate, Kent DEBENHAM, Suff. Dist. 39 12 46 363377 378 264 23 4 244 253' '3 40 198 40 24 11 1 1 16 33 18 t'age 380 58l 582 233 296 298 197 5645«3 29b 570 5593«3 5855855865»5 42 409 4094»3 4S4 410409 486 '63 5°o526 499 526 526378 414414414 414 346 DEDDINGTON, Oxf. 88,99,114,154,155,457. 458,465,525(470) DENBIGH, Denb. by Wrexham and Ruthen by Nunnerch by Ruthen by Llandyrnog 120 to Holywell, Flint. to Llangollen, Denb. to Parkgate, Chesh. . to Ruthen, Denb. to St. Asaph, Flint, DENT, Yorks. DERBY, Derb. 165, 185,201,255,256, 429> 43°, 5o6, 512, 516, 524, 543, 544 to Donnington, Line. to Grantham, Line. to Litchfield, Staff. to Mansfield, Notts. to Nottingham, Notts. to Stone, Staff toUttoxeter, Staff. . DEREHAM (East) Norf. ly Brandon by Thetford 328,333,334,535(535)to Downham Market, Norf. to Norwich, Norf. to Swaffham, Norf. DEVIZES, Wilts. by Marlborough by Andover 6.7,17,25,31.57.85,91. 437,453.459.46i,462 to Gloucester, Glouc. to Malmsbury, Wilts. to Minching Hampton, Glouc. to Salisbury, Wilts. to Stroud, Glouc. toTamworth, Staff. to Tetbury, Glouc. DINAS Y MOWDDU, Merion. no, 128, 487, to Llangollen, Denb. to Machynlleth, Mont. Dist. 69 214 219218215 12 21 22 8 5 252126 60 39 2322 16 3i '9 101101 25 1512 88 90 43 '9 30 2233 108 H 203 40 >3j DIS INDEX. DUN to Wrexham, Denb. DISS,. Norf. 347. 350, 351, 352 DOLGELLE, Merion. no, 128,405 (492) to Machynlleth, Mont. to Wrexham, Denb. DONCASTER, Yorks. by Barnet by Worksop by Huntingdon 257, 279, 309, 420, (552, 554) to Liverpool, Lane. to Manchester, Lane. to Peniston, Yorks. to Stockport, Chesh. • to Warrington, Lane. DONNINGTON, Line. to Grantham, Line. to Kettering, N.hamp. to Nottingham, Notts. to Stamford, Line. to Stone, Staff to Uttoxeter, Staff . DORCHESTER, Dors. 29. 33. 79, 80, 471 to Castle Cary, Som. to Shepton Mallet, Som. to Sherbome, Dors. DORKING, Surry 38?. 589 to Guilford, Surry to Ryegate, Surry to Sevenoaks, Kent to Westerham, Kent DOVER, Kent 368, 378 to Folks tone, Kent ¦ to Margate, Kent to Ram sgate, Kent DOWNHAM MARKET, Norf. 330.332,540, „ to Hingham, Norf. to Holbeach, Line. to Norwich, Norf. toPeterborough,iVAaTnptoSwaffham, Norf. to Watton, Norf. . to Wisbeach, Line. Dist. *>& 1 52 428 1 85 352 212 104 H 487 46 48/ 161 227 163 264 157 288 87 550 53 547 24 547 49 550 69 549 106 3'7 21 512 48 556 44 5" 26 555 91 509 79 5io 119 18 27 442 34 442 17 441 23 384 11 579 6 580 26 5S0 20 580 7i 366 6 414 26 414 20 414 84 329 27 546 : 27 545 40 534 41 54s 88 534 13 534 20 546 13 545 DRAYTON, Salop. Il8, 167, 206, 20", 210, 266,493,498, 505 to Knighton, Radn. to Namprwich, Chesh. toNewcastle undw Line, Staff. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Thome, Yorks. toTideswell, Derb. DRIFFIELD, Torts. 310,313,314,315,316, 401, 402 DROITWICH, Wore. 109,116,424,542(496) to Newark, Notts. ." to Nottingham, Notts. toSuttonColdfield,/%ru>to Tamworth, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. DRONFIELD, Derb. 188 DUDLEY, Wore. 116, 152,219,265,428, 452, 54* to Hereford, Heref. to Kidderminster, Wore to Litchfield, Staff. to Newport, Monm. to Stourbridge, Wore. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. DULVERTON, Som. by Bridgewatcr by Taunton 59. 94. 480,482 DUMFRIES, Dumf. 236 237 DUNBAR, Hadd. DUNCHURCH, Warw. 263, 441 to Leicester, Leic. to Lutterworth, Leic. to Newark, Notts: toNorthampton,Ar.Aa7». to Stratford on Avon, Warw. to Thrapston, N.hamp. to Warwick, Warw. to Wellingborough, N.hamp. d Dist. 161 49 1214 63 '9 93 45 192 118 86662633 6 156 119 3' Page 206 431496432434432434 433 308 430430428 429 42S 236 220 48 46.3 II 464 18 464 91 464 4 464 9 464 6 464. 164 62 173 64 344 181 266 293 81 1 64 23 526 10 526 57 526 20 4^5 24 425 42 425 lb 425 425 DON INDEX. EVE Dist. Papc DUNMOW, Essei 40 358 325.343.349 * to Saffron Walden,Essar '3 576 to Standon, Herts. 16 531 *D Ware, Herts. 22 531 DUNSTABLE, Bedf. 33 162 r 60, 272 to Hitchin, Herts. 14 476 to Royston, Herts. 28 476 DURHAM, Durh. by Pierce Bridge 260 24.2 by York . 262 290 230,247,303,304,311, 3H.559(565) to Stockton upon Tees, 20 568 to Wolsingham, Durh. 15 568 DURSLEY, Glouc. 107 76 6^,427,451 to Wotton under Edge, Glouc. 3 474 EAS1NGWOLD, Torts. 209 289 260, 301 ECCLESFECHAN, Dumf. 181 ECCLESHALL, Staf. 324 235 149 206 166, 210,432, 497..502 to Mansfield, Notts. 57 507 to Shrewsbury, Salop. 25 505 to Stone, Staff. *6 505 to Wirks worth, Derb. 38 506 to Worksop, Notts. 69 508 EDGWARE, Midd. 8 151 157, 160, 530 EDINBURGH, Edinb. by Berwick 394 294 by Coldstream 383 296 by Jedburgh and Lauder 369 233 ly Kelso 384 298 by Newcastle and Jedburgh 381 298 by Selkirk 392 242 181, 236, 237* EGHAM, Surry 17 15 27, 30, 388 EGREMONT, Cumb. by Broughton 291 197 ly Hawkshead ELEHAM, Kent 292 198 66 366 . 366 ELLENFOOT, see MA- RYPORT, Cumb. ELLESMERE, Salop. 178 118 123,211,217,218,267, 268, 488 (445) to Llanfyllin, Mont. to Namptwich, Chesh. \ to Oswestry, Salop- , to Whitchurch, Salop. BLTHAM, Kent 359.363,586 XY, Camb. 325.331 to Huntingdon, Hunt. to Leicester, Leic to Newmarket, Camb. |to Peterborough, N.ham. to St. Ives, Hunt. to Uppingham, Rail. E&FIELD, Midd. 161, 219, 220, 285 EPPING, Essex i4l. 343. 349' 357 (576) to Paddington, Midd. EPSOM, Surry 379 EVESHAM, Wore. 100, 101, 112, 116, 141, 142, 424 to Tewkesbury, Glouc. EWELL, Surry 43.44. 379. 381, 581 to Kingston, Surry to Ryegate, Surry to Staines, Midd. EXETER, Devon. ly Salisbury by Basingstoke by Bat^ 19. 37, 59. 81, 81,409, 481,483 (425) to Exmcuth, Devon. to Minehead, Som. to Teignmouth , Devon to Tiverton, Devon. EXMOUTH, Devon. 20, 34, 82, 486 to Honiton, Devon. to Lyme Regis, Dors. to Minehead, Sam. to Sidmjjmth, Devon. to Taunton, Som. to Teignmouth, Devon. to Tiverton, Devon. to Topsham, Devon. EYE, Suff. Dist. Page 21 494 21 493 8 494 II 493 8 3*5 67 3*8 24 SSi 71 531 H 57» 29 533 18 55* 5' 5*9 9 2S5 16 3*4 19 573 H 3«4 96 J3*3 5 8 15 172167180 12 39 1714 168 19 25 51 10 37 6 26 4 FAI INDEX. GL0 346.347.3 5* to Saxmundham, Stiff. • FAIRFORD, Glouc. EAKENHAM, Norf. ly Rainham ly Lexham 3*9>330,333'335.340> 534. 535 to Lvnn Regis, Norf. FALMOUTH, Cornw. 22 to St. Austel, Cornw. to Treeony Cornw. FAREHAM, Hants. 46, 49, 52, 53, 92, 469 (438) . to Havant, Hants. to Southampton, Hants. F4RNHAM, Surry try Staines by Guilford 15.44 FARRINGDON, Berks. by Abingdon ly Wantage 129, 131,457 to Moreton in the Marsh, Glouc. to Oxfoid, Oxf. to Stow on the Wold, Glouc. to Thame, Oxf. to Worcester, Wore. FEVERSHAM, Kent 367,368,589 FISHGUARD, Pemb.t 12, 13.5, 486 to Haverfordwest, Pemb. FLINT, Flint FOLKS TONE, Kent by Canterbury ly Maidstone 366,588 FOLKINGHAM, Line. FORDINGBRIDGE, Hants 17, 50 FOULSHAM, Norf. FOWEY, Corrao. to St. Austel, Cornw. FRAMLINGHAM, Suff. 345 Dist. Page 18 79 594 68 to8 334 109 334 21 268 54® 23 !9 409 II 72 409 56 9 411 11 411 38 40 5i 388 6968 67 70 24 468 17 475 ; 20 468 31 52 47 475468 3«5 247 136 15 208 490 119 73 71 368368 102 307 91 74 J 10 335 *34 38 8 *7 409 345 '"ROME, Som. Warmitister Trowbridge 7,«,6i,87",88,89,90,92, 437. 442. 447. 449 tb Yeovil, Som. GAINSBOROUGH, Line. by Newark by Lincoln ; 226, 300,307,322,558 i to Knutsford, Chesh. to Litchfield, Staff. \ to Louth, Line. ! to LudlOwj-iSaiop. to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Market Raisin, Line. to Matlock, Derb. to Northwich, Chesh. to Presteign, Radn. to Retfdrd (East) Notts to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Yorksh. to Tickhill, Torts. to Wirksworth, Deri. to Wolverhampton ,Staff to Worksop, Notts, C^ARSTANG, Lane. to Poulton, Lane. GISBORGUGH, Yorks, to Hornsea, Yorks'. to Hunmanby, Yorks. to Scarborough, Yorks, to Stockton, Durh, to Whitby, Yorks rLASGOW, Lanerk. Dumfries , Hamilton JL1STONBURY, Som. Warminster ty Bath 58, 62, 88,92,407 to Ilchester, Som. to Somerton, Sum* | to Yeovil, Som. GLOUCESTER, Glouc. ly Bttrnsley by Cheltenham by Cirencester by Frag Mill by Painswick 8,68,75,76,77,137,141, d 2 Page toe 107 26 'Hi 146 7781 37 65 11 44 84 146 9 47 32 16 17 228 11 H5 75 4? 38 1219 417 402 126 430 II 7 15 104 104105101 106 GOD INDEX. HAL 144,445,451,454 (446, 474) to Malmsbury, Wilts. to Minching Hampton, Glouc. to Salisbury, Wilts. to Southampton, Hants to Stow on the Wold, Glouc. to Stroud, Glouc. to Tetbury, Glouc. to Tewkesbury; Glouc. to Upton, Wore. to Worcester, Wore. GODALMING, Surry 47,93 GOSPORT, Hants. by Portsmouth by Fareham 4" (43 s) GRAMPOUND, Cornw. by Plymouth by Tavistock 23.499 GRANTHAM, Line. by Barnet by Ware 254,299,430,526,553, 555 to Kenilworth, Warw. to Leicester, Leic. to Lincoln, Line. toMelton Mowbray,Xet'c to Nottingham, Notts, to Nuneaton, Warw. to Oakham, Rtttl. to Stone, Staff. to Uttoxeter, Staff. to Warwick, Wane. GRAVESEND, Kent 364 (574. 576) GRAYS THURROCK, Essex GREENLAW, Berw. 232, 403 GREENWICH, Kent GRIMSBY, Line. by Louth by Wragly by Spittal Lm by Lincoln and Stainton 521, 562 24 18 65 S9 25 10 '9 11 16 26 32 2.55 243 no 106 25 347 Page 445445 446 44S448445 4454=7 45i 452 44 46 56 3642 225 28S 503 504 504504 5U 503553509510503 36+ 355 296 363 163 320 169 323 '71 324 l63 324 to Saltfleet, Line. to Wainfleet, Line. GRINSTEAD (E* st)Suss. by Westerham and Eaton Bridge by Do. and Godstone Green by Croydon 361, 369> 37°.383. 58'. 591 to Maidstohe, Kent to Tunbridge, Kent GUILFORD, Surry by Kingston by Epsom 5'»3S4 to Ryegate, Surry to Sevenoaks, Kent to Steyning, Sussex to Westerham, Kent HADDINGTON, Hadd. HAILSHAM, Sussex 37o, 375.376,383,4'3. 587, 591 (583) HALESWORTH, Suff. 345, 347 HALIFAX, Yorks. 177. 193. '94. =57. 25S, 281, 282, 420, 421, 537 (544) to Hull, Yorks. to Otley, Yorks. to Prescot, Lane. to Preston, Lane. to Ripley, Yorks. to Rochdale, Lane. to Wakefield, Yorks. to Wigan, Lane. HALSTEAD, Essex 344. 357 to Haverhill, Suff. to Huntingdon, Hunt. to Kettering, N.hamp. to Linton, Camb. to Thrapston, N.hamp. HALTWHISTLE,iV./mmi by Penrith by Bernard Castle by Wolsingham 248, 565 to Hexham, N.huml: to Newcastle, N.humb. Dist. 24 5' 31 34 20 27 30 18 37303 = 377 5S 100 197 69 424 17 53 8 52 5}>y 45 4*i 29 53 S 1516 Sil 424 38 46 535 349 15 529 5o 76 5285 = 7 2467 529. 5=8 3'42«3 249 250 297 252 15 25 4'5 + 16 HAM INDEX. Dist Page Dist. HAMILTON, Lanerk. 391 237 to Oakhampton, Devon. 7 240 to Plymouth, Devon. 35 HANDLEY, Staff. 167 '57 j 2=3 to Torrington, Devon. 11 HARLEIGH, Merion. 230 Ic5 HAVANT, Hants. 64 104 1 46> 48, 56 toTowyn, Merion. 21 4=5 to Oxford, Oxf. 74 HARLESTON, Norf. 99 347 to Petersfield, Hants. 11 35i to Southampton, Hants. 20 HARLING, Norf. 89 3*6 to Wallingford, Berks. 61 HARLOW, Essex 23 324 HAVERFORDWEST, HARROWGATE, Yorks. 211 258 Pemb. 247. 277, 571 by Bath 265 to Liverpool, Lane. 89 53« by Oxford 243 HARTLAND, Devon. 217 60 11,136 (486,490) 64, 480 to Pembroke, Pemb. 12 to Launceston, Cornw. 26 479 HAVERHILL, Suff. 58 to Plymouth, Devon. 51 479 349 to Saltash, Cornw. 46 480 to Huntingdon, Hunt. 35 to Stratton, Cornw. 13 408 to Kettering, N.hamp. 61 HARTLEPOOL, Durh. 261 3°3 to Linton, Camb. 9 HARWICH, Essex 7i 349 to Thrapston, N.hamp. 52 344 HAWARDEN, Flint 196 to Ipswich, Suff. 11 39» 212 HASLEMERE, Surry 40 45 HAWES, Yorks. 253 44.45.47, 94 19?, 284,418 HASLLNGDEN, Lane. 203 191 HAWICK, Roxb. 345 193,421 231, 297 HASTINGS, Sussex to Kelso, Roxb. 21 by Tunbridge 63 376 HAWKSHEAD, Lane. by Tunbridge Wells 64 376 by Lancaster 267 361 (584) by Kendal 277 to Horsham, Suss. 54 5 82 '79.563 to Seaford, Suss. 27 4r3 HAY, Brec. to Winchelsea, Suss. 8 4^ by Bredwardine J55 HATFIELD, Herts. by Whitney *S5 by Southgate '9 220 108,133,143,146,148, byBarnet *9 221 149, I50.431 (5i8) 160, 161, 162, 22c, 221, to Kington, Heref. 12 222 to Leominster, Heref. 22 to Henley on Thames, to Presteign, Radn. 18 Oxf. 43 529 to Shiffhall, Salop. «4 to Hertford, Herts. 7 53t to Tenbury, Wore. 32 to Marlow(Great)Bttrts. 36 529 HEDON, Yorks. 178 to Reading, Berks. 5i 529 308, 312 toRickmansworthj-fferts 16 53<> HELMESLEY, Yorks. 218 to St. Albans, Herts. 5 53° 289,316 to Standon, Herts. 17 Si1 to Thirsk, Yorks. 12 to Watford, Herts. 13 53° HELSTON, Cvrnw. 276 to Wycombe (High) HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, Bucks. 31 53° Herts. 152, 162 23 HATHERLEIGH, Devon. *9S 82 HENLEY IN ARDEN, 20, 64, 45c, 483 Warw. 115, 265 101 HEN HEN 'INDEX. HENLEY ON THAMES, Oxf. 4, 99 to Hertford, /Terrs. to Marlow(Great) BKrts. to Reading, Berks. to Rickmansworthj.SeTi's to St. Albans, Herts. to Standon, Herts. to Watford, Herts. to Wycombe (High) HEREFORD, Heref. by Ross by Ledbury 96, 101, 107, 108, 132, 140, 145, 146, 150, 452,462,494,521 . to Kidderminster, Wore. to Leominster, Heref. to Litchfield, Staff. to Ludlow, Salop. to Monmouth, Monm. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Stourbridge, Wore. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. HERTFORD, Herts. '- ly Waltham Cross by Southgate 161, 221, 222, 286 to Hitch in, Herts. to Hoddesdon, Herts. to Marlow(Great)i?urts to Reading, Berks. to Rickmansworth, Herts. to St. Albans, Herts. to Standon, Herts. to Stevenage, Herts. to Watfoid, Herts. to Wycombe (High) Burks. HEXHAM, N.humb^ 230,249,250,291,297, 298, 300, 340, 416, 559' 568 to Newcastle, N.humb. to Rothbury, N.humb. HIGHAM FERRERS, N.hamp. Dist. Page 35 6.5 50 S3^' . 7 5=9 8 529 27 53° 3» 530 6b 53' 30 53° 12 530 135 143 '34 146 36 464 13 444 66 464 =4 444 18 443 54 445 43 464 57 464 54 464 26 4=3 21 286 H 221 16 574 4 573 43 529 58 53i 23 53o 12 530 9 53i 1 1 574 20 53o 38 530 284 248 20 416 23 568 30 566 64 253 242, 243, 268, 425, 465 (527) to Kimbolton, Hunt. to Wellingborough, N.hamp. HIGHWORTH, Wilts. 67. 68, 73, 462 (475) HINCKLEY, Leic. 173, 201,502, 526, 527 to Kenilworth, Warw. to Leicester; Leic. to Lincoln, Line. to Melton Mowbray, Leic. to Nuneaton, Warw. to Warwick, Warw. HINDON, Wilts. 31,32,57,92 450(450) HINGHAM, Norf. to Holbeach, Line. to Norwich, Norf. to Watton, Norf. to Wisbeach, Line. HITCHIN, Herts. 222, 223, 466 to Hoddesdbn, Herts. to Stevenage, Herts. HODDESDON, Herts. 222 to Stevenage, Berts. HOLBEACH, Line. 3*7, 329, 332 (426) to Lynn Regis, Norf. to Norwich, Norf. to Watton, Norf. to Wisbeach, Line. HOLT, Norf. ly Thetford by Norwich 334,336.337.399.535 HOLYHEAD, Angl. ly Bala by Beaumaris by Holywell by Oswestry by Worcester by Wrexham 404 (492) to Nevin, Caern. HOLYWELL, Flint. by Wrexham by Chester 5 74 1813 65 5 23 96 54 14 7 40 34 20 4 17 15 ioz 17 69 47 14 120'31 278 282 282280285276 43 212208 HON INDEX. ILC " Dist. Page Dist. Pag. by Whitchurch 198 218 HULL, Yorks. 123 by Barton 170 308 to Liverpool, Lane. 17 404 by South Cave 198 3'a to Parkgate, Chesh. 10 484 by Market Weighlon 23 2 305 HON1TON, Devon. 310, 311 (401) by Dorchester 156 '9 to Kendal, Westm. 128 432 by Sherborne 151 34 122 43G 30, 58, 89 to Leeds, Torts. 6! 422 ' to Sidmouth, Devon. 9 482 to Liverpool, Lane. 130 42C to Taunton, Som. 18 15 48249° '39 94 4224'9 to Tiverton, Devon. to Manchester, Lane. HORNCASTLE, Line. 134 320 to Market Weighton, 3*0, 321 Torts. 22 435 to Lincoln, Line. 20 SS9 to Plymouth, Dmon. 332 425 to Spilsby, Line. 10 560 to Pontefract, Yorks. 44 42c to Wainfieet, Line. 17 560 to Preston, Lane. 114 421 to Wragby, Line. 10 559 to Swansea, Glam. 255 429 HORNSEA, Yorks. to Wakefield, Yorks. 53 42c by York 192 312 to Warrington, Lane. 112 42c ly Barton 186 31* HUNGERFORD, Berks. 64 5 308, 310, 311 14, 67, 70, 460 HORSHAM, Sussex 36 385 to Northampton,N.amp. 7i 458 48, 380, 383, 387, 412 to Oxford, Oxf. 30 453 (582) 29 46c to Rye, Sussex 59 582 to Salisbury, Wilts. 27 46c to Uclsfield, Sussex 25 58i to Towcester, N.hamp. 62 458 HOUNSLOW, Midd. 9- 2 to Wantage, Berks. H 45? 13. 77, 396 HUNMANBY, Yorks. 206 3'5 HOWDEN, Yorks. '75 309 3r3 3I0> 3'3 to Scarborough, Yorlcs. 11 402 to Huddersfield, Torts. 44. 420 to Stockton, Durh. 61 402 to Leeds, Torts. to Liverpool, Lane. 30 436 to Whitby, Yorks. 29 402 107 420 HUNTINGDON, Hunt. 58 2SJ to Manchester, Lane. 70 419 224,241,243,252,259, to Pontefract, Yorks. 21 420 3*7. 3=8, 331, 426, to Selby, Yorks. 9 436 4fi6, 532, 533. 578 to Wakefield, Yorks. 3° 420 (578) to Warrington, Lane. 89 417 to Kettering, N.hamp. 26 525 HUDDERSFIELD, Yorks. 189 279 to Linton, Camb. 26 529 176,177.257.258,281, to St. Ives, Hunt. 6 553 282, 422, 423, 424, l»Thrapston, N.hamp. 16 528 >47 (544) HYTHE, Kent 67 368 to Hull, Yorks. 57 420 ¦ 372,587,588 to Leeds, Yorks. 15 421 to Romney, Kent 9 4'5 to Liverpool, Lane. 63 419 to Rve, Sussex 21 414 to Manchester, Lane. 26 419 JEDBURGH, Roxb. to Pontefract, Yorks. 23 420 ly Boroughbridge 324 231 to Sheffield, Yorks. 26 523 by Newcastle 335 295 to Snaithe, Yorks. 35 420 by Do. & Long Witlon 339 30c to Wakefield, Yorks. H 420 2*39, 291, 297, 298,403, toWarrington, Lane, 45 419 417, 566 to York, Torts, 2.9 422 ILCHESTER, Som. 122 9' ILF INDEX. KIN 33.57.58,62,83,88,89, 90,92,442,456(456) to Shepton Mallet Som. ILFRACOMBE, Devon. by Minehead S9 (407) . to Plymouth, Devon. ILM1NSTER, Som. by Ilchester •< „ 33.58,63,480(448) ILSLEX (East) Berks. 5.67,69, 459, 470 to Newbury, Berks. to Oxford, Oxf. to Whitchurch, Hants. to Winchester, Hants. IPSWICH, Suff. 346.350,352,594(398. 580) to Ixworth, Stiff. to Lynn Regis, Norf. to Needham, Stiff. to Stow Market, Sjtff. to Sudbury, Stiff. to Swaff haro, Norf. to Thetford, Norf. IREBY, Cumb, 195 (561) ISLIP, Oxf. 99,440,457,465, 525 IVINGHOE, Bucks. IXWORTH, Suff. ¦ 355.356,58o to Lynn Regis, Norf. to Needham, Suff. to Stow Market, Suff. to Swaffham, Norf. to Thetford, Norf. KEIGHLEY, Yorks. ly Halifax ly Bradford '92. 277- KELSO, Roxb. 231. 232, 239, 295,296 (403) KENDAL, Westm. ly Barrows Green ' ly Leeds ly Mihiethorpe ly Wakefield Sf Leeds ly Wakefield & Adwalton ; 179. 195.197, 198.235, 14 205 196 68 135135 54 9 '7 2235«9 50 32 303 5633 77 4= '411 27 9 209 211 342 26l 26226426626l Page 448 66 96 «4 9 = 13 439 440 439 439 544 539537 537 537 5=3540539200in156 350 540 537538 54° 5392 So 282 297 179 273 198 2822S2 243. 244. 564 KENILWORTH, Warw. 151, 164, 165, 2644428 to Leicester, Leic. to Lincoln, Line. toMelton Mowbray,Zez'c to Nuneaton, Warw. to Tamworth, Staff. to Warwick, Wane. KESWICK, Cumb. 180, 199,562 (562) to Penrith, Cumb. KETTERING, N.hamp. by Bedford by Wellingborough 173.252,259,269,425 562 to Kimbolton, Hunt. to Linton, Camb. to St. Ives, Hunt. to Stamford, Line. to Thrapston, N.hamp. KIDDERMINSTER, Wire by Worcester by Bromesgrove by Birmingham 101, 107, 111, 129, 130, 152, 265, 428, 463 to Litchfield, Staff. to Newport, Monm. to Penkridge, Staff. to Stafford, Staff, to Stone, Staff. to Stourbridge, Wore. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. toWolverhampton^'ratf" KIDWELLY, Caerm. ' to Lampeter, Card. toLaugharne, Caerm. to Swansea, Glam. KILGERRON, Pemb. KIMBOLTON, Hunt. s 223, 253, 260, 466(52 to Wellingborough, N.hamp. KINETON, Wane. "5. 150, 153, 154, 424 KINGSBRIDGE, Devon 41,42,484(483)to Modbriry-rJJa-on. to Tavistock, Devon. 963i84 47 '3 22 5 291 17 7475 21 52 32 22 9 125126 127 29 So 25 3'38 6 20 1715 23° 31 9 =3 227 63 '3 Si 7 26 Page '54 503504 5045°3 456 503 19S $6*253 26S 528-529528556 52* no116 220 464 464 453453454 464464464 452 n 5i8 406406 136 =43 554 iSS 44 47747* KIN INDEX. LATJ Dist. Page 1 Dist. Page KINGSCLERE, Hants. 57 5 to Skipton, Yorks. 23 572 16, 470 KNIGHTON, Radn. IS8 109 to Portsmouth, Hants. 47 439 102, 103,444(517), to Reading, Berks. 18 474 to Newcastle under Line, to Whitchurch, Hants. 7 474 Staff. 64 43* KINGSTON, Surry to Rotheram, Torts. II9 434 by Fulfiam 9 43 to Sheffield, Yorks. "3 434 by Wandsworth 11 362 to Shrewsbury, Salop. 30 43' 15.77.78,379,384.388 to Thome, Torts. 143 434 to Maidstone, Kent 45 584 to Tideswell, Derb. 95 433 to Ryegate, Surry H 580 KNUTSFORD, Chesh. to Sevenoaks, Kent 30 584 by Congleton 176 16I to Staines, Midd. 9 585 ly Holmes Chapel 173 189 KINGTON, Heref. .167,171,172,176,549, by Yazor ' , '55 146 552 by Weobley 155 H9 to Louth, Line. U5 522 ly Pembridge 157 150 ttflVIacclesfield, Chesh. 12 5i» 102, 108, 143, 144, 145, to Market Raisin, Line. 99 521 147,444.521 to Northwich, Chesh. 7 519 to Presteign, Radn. 6 431 to Sakfleet, Line. 125 522 to Tenbury, IT ore. 21 496 to Sheffield, Torts. 45 520 KIRBY MOORSIDE, to Tickhiih, Torts. 61 520 Yorks. 302 223 302 LAMPETER, Card. 200 135 to Pickering, Yorks. 8 560 11,134,148,405 (518) to Scarborough, Yorks. 25 560 to LlandiloVawr, Caerm. 19 49* KIRKBY LONSDALE, to Swansea, Glam. 41 492 Westm. LANCASTER, Lane. 239 1/8 by Lancaster 256 196 193.196,277,278(404, by Leeds 250 278 563) by Halifax 252 280 to Richmond, Yorks. 56 418 by Wakefield 6f Leeds 254 282 to Stockton upon Tees, " ly Wakefield ©¦ Adwalton 249 282 Durh. 80 418 179,417 '' to Yarm, Yorks. 76 418 to Sedbergh, Yorks. 11 564 LAND'S END, Cornvs. KIRKBY STEPHEN, by Redruth 29O 22 Westm. , by Truro 299 =4 by Sedbergh 285 243 by Newlyn, fife. 300 24 by Kelath 285 244 by Plymouth 298 3« by Askrigg 266 246 (408) LANGPORT, Som. 130 5» to Northallerton, Yorks 45 569 84 to Richmond, Yorks.. 30 569 LAUDER, Berw. KIRKCUDBRIGHT, by Jedburgh 344 232 Kirkc. 370 182 by Kelso 359 298 KIRKHAM, Lane. 225 193 296, 403 178 LAUGHARNE, Caerm. 246 n KIRK OSWALD, Cumb. 296 180 ' to Tenby, Pemb. 15 406 (5591 LAUNCESTON, Cornw. 213 21 KNARESBOROUGH, 39,41, 82, 83 Torts. 201 247 to Plymouth, Devon. *4 479 228,258,259,276,277 r to Saltash, Cornw. 20 479 435i 53* \ | to Tavistock, Devon. 11 4 ..a LAV INDEX. Lis* Page LAVINGTON, Wilts. S9 91 25, 57, 85 LECHLADE, Glouc. 75 68 LEDBURY, Heref. 119 145 69, 101, 107, 131. 139. 143. 4=3. 45i. 452, 463. 494 (45i) to Ross, Heref. 13 493 to Worcester, Wore. 16 494 LEEDS, Yorks. by Sheffield '95 258 ly Doncaster 191 281 by Ferrybridge 192 275 228,248,280,282,288, 314, 422, 423, 537, 538,571.572 (544J to Liverpool, Lane. 78 421 to Manchester, Lane. 42 421 to Tadcaster, Yorks. 14 422 to Warrington, Lane. 60 421 to York, Yorks. 24 422 LEEK, Staff. by Derby 155 175 by Litchfield 155 276 166, 167, j68, 202, 206, 273, 274, 275, 276, 506,541,548 (510) to Mansfield, Notts. 39 5'3 to Matlock, Derb. 23 512 to Newark, Notts. 59 513 to Newcastle, Staff. 12 433 to Rotheram, Yorks. 42 434 to Sheffield, Yorks. 36 434 to Shrewsbury, Salop. 46 433 to Sleaford, Line. So 5H to Southwell, Notts. 5i 513 to Thome, Yorks. 66 434 to Tideswell, Derb. 18 433 LEICESTER, Leic. by Market Harborough 98 173 ly Husband's Bosworth 97 2di 203,204,215,254,270, 43o, 527 to Lincoln, Line. 5 = 504 to Lutterworth, Leic. 12 526 to Market Bosworth, Leic. 11 502 to Melton Mowbray, Leic. to Newark, Notts. 15 34 504 526 to Norwich, Norf, 129 534 to Nuneaton, Warw. to Peterborough ,.ZV.amp. to Rugby, Warw. to Tamworth, Staff. to Uppingham, Rutl. to Warwick, Warw. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Bedf. 163 LEOMINSTER, Heref. 102, 112,143,146,149, 150,423,495,496 to Ludlow, Salop to Monmouth, Monm. to Shiffnall, Salop. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Tenbury, Wore. LESTWITHIEL, Com. by Plymouth by Tavistock 21, 409 LEWES,, Sussex by Westerham by Croydon by Uckfield 361,362,370,374.375. 381, 385, 3g6, 412, 581, 582,' 593 (592) to Maidstone, Kent to Queenborough, Kent to Rye, Sussex to Sheemess, Kent to Smarden, Kent to Tunbridge, Kent LINCOLN, Line. by Stamford by Newark by Petei'borough 225,226,299,301,321, 514 (430) to MeltonMowbray,Leic to Nuneaton, Warw. to Retford (East) Notts to Spilsby, Line. to Wairifleet, Line. to Warwick, Warw. LINTON, Camb. 325, 326, 327, 358 to Thrapston, N.hamp, LISKEARD, Cornw. by Plymouth by Tavistock 21, 47J Dist.. Pagt 18 503 41 533 20 52b 25 502 19 53i 36 503 41 162 137 108 II 444 31 443 42 522 4° 445 IO 522 24O 3« 229 42 53 37i 49 382 50 383 42 59* 5« 59* 40 60 41 28 131137 128 37 70 2230 38 89 49 43 229 217 LIT INDEX LUD LITCHFIELD, Staff. by Coventry 119 by Tamworth 124 152, 175,201,205,209, 216, 217, 218, 265, 273. 42S, 429j 442. 452, 456, 5" (499' 507) to Ludlow, Salop. 48 to Matlock, Derb. 37 to Newport, Monm. 109 to Oxford, Oxf. 74 to Portsmouth, Hants. 154 to Presteign, Radn 64 to Retford (East) Notts. 72 to Southam, Warw. 40 to Stourbridge, Wore. 22 to Walsall, Staff. 9 to Wednesbury , Staff. 1 2 to Wirksworth, Derb. 33 toWolverhampton^fo^7 14 to Worksop, Notts. 64 LIVERPOOL, Lane, by Knutsford 206 by Northwich 203 by the Potteries 207 by Uttaxeter 212 ly Woodside Ferry 198 169, 190, 208 to Manchester, Lane. 36 to Otley, Yorks. 78 to Parkgate, Chesh. 1 1 to Pontefract, Yorks. 86 to Ripley, Yorks. 90 to Rochdale, Lane. 45 to Snaithe, Yorks. 98 ( to Thirsk, Yorks. no to Wakefield, Yorks. 77 to Weymouth, Dorset. 224 to Wigan, Lane. 22 to York, Yorks. 102 LLANDAFF, Glam. 163 LLANDILO VAWR, Caerm. by Llandovery 195 by Llangadock 192 n, 135, 518 to Swansea, Glam. 22 LLANDOVERY, Caerm. 181 135,137,148,492, 518 LLANFYLLIN, Mont. 165205 5i45'6461440437 513516 440 464 464 4645'6 5'5 516 170 172204 204212 419 538 404420 538536 420 53«420446 535 422 9 '34138 492 134128 nS, 122, 123,125, 127, 49° to Namptwich, Chesh. to Oswestiy, Salop. to Whitchurch, Salop. LLANFAIR, Mont. 103,109,123,126, 127, 128,490,494 LLANGADOCK, Caerm. 134 LLANGOLLEN, Denb. 118, 487,490 to Machynlleth, Mont. to Mold, flint , to Ruthen, Denb, to St. Asaph, Flint to Wrexham, Denb. LLANRWST, Denb. 120, 128,487, 48S LLANTR1SSENT, Glam. io, 491 LLANYDLOES, Mont. no, 148 to Machynlleth, Mont to Rhayader, Denb. LOCHMABEN, Dumf. LOCKERBY, Dumf. LONGHOLM, Dumf. LONGTOWN, Cumb, by Lancaster by Boroughbridge 239 (403) ^ „ LOOE (East) Cornw. LOUGHBOROUGH.Zric 254.255.263,429,430 504 (508) LOUTH, Line. by Boston by Sleaford 322,323.32.4.400(562)to Macclesfield, Chesh. to Market Raisin, Line. to Northwich, Chesh. to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Tickhill, Torts. LOWESTOFT, Suff. ' .348, 353 LUDGERSHALL, Wilts. 6,i6,a5,55.446>450,46l e 2 42 13 3 = 1 85 Pa3e 493494433 I03 184192 54 21 13 26 11 226 170 137 IJ3 487 85 485486 488 124 190 19 12 3373303=2 3'431Q 225 109 '43148 103 16 122 10 70 53 H3 109 49249* 236 236 239 181 235 37 174 32° 3205i9521, 5'9 5 = 2 520520 346 71 LUD INDEX. MAN LUDLOW, Salop. ly Tenlttry 'by Cleobury Mortimer 1 107, 108, 109, 112, 117 431.496,514.521,52: to Madely Market,Saiop. to Matlock, Derb. toMuchWenlock,/SaZop.to Presteign, Radn. to Radnor (New) Radn. to Retford (East) Notts to Shiffnall, Salop. to Wirksworth, Derb. toWolverhampton^fa/". to Worksop, Notts. LUTON, Bedf. 160, 252, 274, 476 LUTTERWORTH, Leic. 164,172,173, 199,200: 201, 272, 500 (499) to Market Hatborough, * Leic. to Newark, Notts. to Rugby, Warw, LYDD, Kent 414 LYME REGIS, Dorset. 19,20,30,33,481 (410, 481) to Minehead, iSom. to Taunton, Som. to Wiveliscombe, Som. WMINGTON, Hants. by Beaulieu by Ramsey by Lyndhurst 49.53.437 to Poole, Dorset. to Salisbury, Wilts. to Wareham, Dorset. LYNN REGIS, Norf. by Ely by Brandon by Wisbeach 326,333.334.534.545, (400, 426) to Needham, Suff. to Norwich, Norf. to Reepham, Norf. to St. David's, Pemb. to Stow Market, Suff. toSwaffham, Norf. Dist. Page 142 102 146 112 = 7 518 85 516 20 518 16 5'3 26 517 120 516 31 518 8l 516 33 515 112 5l6 31 271 90 203 13 527 46 526 7 5^6 72 372 H3 81 46 480 24 479 37 479 86 54 93 54 95 54 20 410 28 468 30 410 96 329 102 33i 104 334 a 57 537 4= 536 3 = 536 3'4 4=3 53 537 15 •54° to Thetford, Norf. MACCLESFIELD, Chesh 168,186,189,273,547 548 to Market Raisin, Line. to Northwich, Chesh. to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Tickhill, Yorks. to Tideswell, Derb. MACHYNLLETH, Mont. 103, 104, 148,405,489 to Rhayader, Denb. to Wrexham, Denb. MADELY MARKET, Salop. H7, 129,522 to Much Wenlock,5Wo/>. to Radnor (New) Radn. to Shiffnall, Salop. MAIDENHEAD, Berks, 28, 6;, 529 MAIDSTONE, Kent 360,361,365,369,370, 37i, 3/2. 373. 375 377, 3S3, 5S6, 5S8 (584, 594) to Queenhorough, Kent to Sheerness, Kent to Tunbridge, Kent MALDON, Essex by Brentwood by Chelmsford 342. 343. 573 to Rochford, Essex to Witham, Essex . MALMSBURY, Wilts, ¦ 7,68, 71, 75,^76, 450 (472, 475) to Minching Hampton, Glouc. a" to Salisbury, Wilts. to Stroud, Glouc. to Tetbury, Glouc. MALPAS, Chesh. 207, 211 to Northwich, Chesh. MALTON (New) Torts. 289,310,313,560(572) MANCHESTER, Lane. by Ashborn by Congleton 32 167 87 19 112 3359 17 205 31 6i 143 6 53 4 26 34 161813 3738 11 6 93 10 41 13 4 166 2'3> 186185 MAN ly Matlock ly Knutsforpl by the Potteries ly Uttoxeter 168, 169, 190, 191, 192, 280, 523, 535, 536, 543. 55o (547. 55=) to Pontefract, Torts. to Snaithe, Yorks. to Wakefield, Yorks. to Warrington, Lane. to York, Yorks. MANNINGTREE, Essex MANSFIELD, Notts. 174, 185, 188,226, 256, 261, 262, 264, 273, 513, 516, 520, 523, 524, 544 (5o8) to Matlock, Derb. to Newark, Notts. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Sleaford, Line. to Southwell, Notts. to Stone, Staff- to Wirksworth, Deri: to Worksop, Notts. MARAZION,or Market Jew, Cornw. 22 ¦MARCH, Camb. 328 MARGATE, Kent 365.374,375.376(590)to Ramsgate, Kent to Sandwich, Kent MARKET BOSWORTH Leic. 213, 215 to Tamworth, Staff. MARKET DEEPING, Zinc. 224, 317, 318 to Oakham, Rutl. to Stamford, Line. MARKET HARBO^ ROUGH, Leic. by Northampton by Kettering 199, 200, 203, 253, 283 (527) MARKET RAISIN, Line ly Wragby by Spittal Inn by Lincoln and Stainton 302,307, 320,562 INDEX. I Dist.- Page Di«t. 186 186 to Northwich, Phesh. 106 188 189 to Saltfleet, Line. 26 189 204 to Sheffield, Yorks. 54 I94 204 to Tickhill, Yorks. MARKET WEIGHTON, 37 Yorks. "3 289, 308, 309, 313 50 420 to South Cave, Yorks. 8 62 420 MARLBOROVGH, Wilts. 74 41 420 28,56,73.453 18 419 to Salisbury, Wilts. =7 65 422 to Swindon, Wilts. 11 60 348 MARLOW (Great) Bucks 3i 123 255 65, 98 to Reading, Berks. 15 to Rickmansworth, Herts 20 to St. Albans, Herts. 3' to Standon, Herts. 53 1 5 512 to Ware, Herti. 46 2o 513 to Watford, Herts. 23 22 558 to Wycombe (High) 5 83 5o5 MARSHFIELD, Glouc. 102 40 514 7, 8, 449 12 513 MARYPORT, Cumb. Si 505 by Hawkshead 317 19 507 by Cockermouth 3io 12 508 196, 197 to Wigton, Cumb. 15 285 24 MASHAM, Yorks. 223 81 33 = 229, 418 7i 376 MATLOCK, Derb. by Derby 144 6 414 by Wirksworth H4 12 4H I75,i8.7. 188,255,506, 107 204 507, 543 to Newark, Notts. 36 14 502 to Nottingham, Notts. 25 86 306 to Presteign, Radn. 102 to Retford (East) Notts.' 34 20 556 to Sleaford, Line. 56 8 SS j to Southwell, Notts. 28 toWolverhampton^fq^" 52 to Worksop, Notts. 27 83 173 MELKSHAM, Wilts. 95 85 270 7, 26, 85, 92, 449 to Moreton in the Marsh, Glouc. 56 to Stow on the Wold, 151 322 Glmic. 5 = 152 323 to Trowbridge, Wilts. 5 144 324 to Warwick, Warw- 80 to Wotton Basset, Wilts 18 MEL MEL INDEX. NAlt MELTON MOWBRAY, Leic. by Oakham by Market Harborough 173,225,263,430,526 to Nuneaton, Warw. to Warwick, Warw. MERCEY (East&West) Essex to Neyland, Suff. to Sudbury, Suff. MERE", Wilts. 31. 89, 90'446 (45o) METHWOLD, Norf. 333 MIDDLEHAM, Torts. to Northallerton, Yorks MIDDLETON, Lane. MIDDLEWICH, Chesh. 207 MIDHURST, Sussex ly Haslem ere by Godalming 48 MILDENHALL, Suff. 3=6, 328 (577) MILFORD HAVEN, Pemb. ly Bristol by Gloucester 135, 406 MILTON, Kent 367 MILVERTON, Som. 58 MINCHINGHAMPTON, Glouc. 68,72,75,76,427,451, 47L474 (474) to Salisbury, Wilts. to Stroud, Glouc. to Tetbury, Glouc. MINEHEAD, Som. 58, 62, 63 to Taunton, Som. to Tiverton, Devon. to Topsham, Devon. MITCHEL DEAN.GZouc. 69. 137. 139. 144 MODBURY, Devon. 34. 35. 43. 409 (409, 484) . to Tavistock, Devon. j Dist. Page 105106 254 284 33 52 503504 16 25 IOI 578 577577 57 84 330 231 16 19 = 167 =45 574 192170 48 48 46 94 70 326 272270 138 4° 157 364 63 98 75 36 162 446 445445 94 2225 4 = H4 480482 481 I32_ 202 41 19 478 MOFFAT, Dumf. 181, 237 MOLD, Flint. 123, 125, 126,208,483 485 MONMOUTH, Monm. by Bristol by Gloucester by Ross 95,96,138,139,143,462to Shrewsbury, Salop. MONTGOMERY, Mont, by Bishop's Castle by Yockleton by Pontesbury 103, 109, 118, 126, 489 (489) MORETON HAMP- STEAD, Devon. =0,477, 478 to Totness, Devon. MORETON IN THE MARSH, Glouc. 112,115,149,155,468 54i (468) to Stow on the Wold, Glouc. to Trowbridge, Tl'ilts. to Warwick, Warw. to Wotton Basset, Wilts. MORPETH, N.humb. 231,248,293,298,339, 402, 403, 566 MOUNT SORREL, Leic. 5=6 MUCH WENLOCK, Salop. 102, 129, 266, /]<|<| to Radnor (New) Radn. to Shiffnall, Salop. NAMPTWICH, Chesh. by Stafford by Newcastle 167,170,206,212,269, 432, 497, 49S, 551 (496) to Oswestry, Salop. to Whitchurch, Salop. NARGETH, Pemb. ly Bristol by Oxford 406 Di.t. 347 1431 = 7 131 72 168 '83 178 19 82 4 6123 38 291 i°5. 148 47 10 170164 29 10 254 =32 NEA I N,D E X. NOR NEATH, Glam. n, 133,492 (406,429) NEEDHAM, Suff. 344, 346 to Stow Market, Stiff. to SwafFham, Norf. to Thetford, Nor/. NETHER STOWEY.Som 62 NEVIN, or NEWIN, Caern. ly Crickieth 1 by Harleigh 105, 108 (405) NEWARK, Notts. by Barnet by Hare 255,261,264, 299,300; 307,504.512, 513 to Nottingham, Notts. to Rugby, Warw. toSuttonColdfield, Warw toTamworth, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. NEWBURY, Berks. 14,16,67,470,473.474 to Oxford, Oxf. to Whitchurch, Hants. to Winchester, Hants. Dist. [ Page 197 10 NEWCA STLE 1 n Em lyn, Caerm. NEWCASTLE under Line, Staff. 175,176,203,204,206, 211, 268, 269, 270, 274, 275, 276, 493. 496, 505. 509 (454, 542) to Rotheram, Yorks. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Thorne, Yorts. to Tideswell, Derb. to Whitchurch, Salop. NEWCASTLE upon Tync, N.humb. by Durham by Stockton 230,242, 248,297, 299, 304, 340, 415, 566 (416, 56b) 73 3 42 24 H5 24925s 124 120 19 5460 5 = 9 = 56 27 13 2629 219 '49 276286 352 537 54° 539 93 284 284 225 288 430 5=6 428 4=94=7 5 440 439 439 468 135 167 SS 434 49 434 43= 434433 498 291306 to Wolsingham, Durh NEWENT, Glouc. 69, 144 NEWMARKET, Camb. by Bourn Bridge by Cambridge 327,328,350,355.356, 5=8, 53', 575 (476 577, 578) NEWNHAM, Glouc. 69. 95, 132, 144 NEWPORT, Hants. NEWPORT, Monm. 132, 142 to Pontypool, Monm. to Walsall, Staff. to Wednesbury, Staff. NEWPORT, Pemb. NEWPORT, Salop. 117, 206, 218, 265, 266, 267, 268, 432, 453, 464.498.5o2,5i5 to Shrewsbury, Salop. to Stafford, 'Staff. toWolverhampton,S«o/! NEWPORT PAGNELL, Bucks. 163,267,271 to Oxford, Oxf. to St. Neot's, Hunt. to Stoney Stratford, Bucks. NEWTON, Lane. ' 177, 189, 535 NEWTON BUSHEL, 20, 34, 41, 409, 485 NEWTON DOUGLAS, Dat. 22 III 56S !32 60 63 325328 114 137 .147 389 9 10 IOO 97 24O 140 461 464 464 136 210 1815 18 'S°S 502 500 51 17i 37 29 465 46S 6 190 4.65 190 NEWTOWN, Mont. 103, 125, 126,487,492 to Oswestry, Salop. to Welsh Pool, Mont. to Wrexham, Denb. NEYLAND, Suff. to Sudbury, Suff. NORTHALLERTON, Yorks. by Boroughbridge by York 229,245,259,260,418, 560 (559. 573) to Richmond, larks. 4» 39z 183 177 109 29 490 13 489 44 490 57 344 9 577 224 24S 228 .289 14 1 56J NOR I N D E X. OXF NORTHAMPTON.N.am. ly Newport Pagnell ly Stoney Stratford 163, 164, 267, 268, 270, 4-99. 526, 527 to Oxford, Oxf. to Stratford on Avon, to Towcester, N.hamp to Wantage, Berks. to Warwick, Warw. to Wellingborough, N.hamp. - NORTHLEACH, Glouc. 447,468,525 NORTHOP, Flint. ly Wrexham ly Chester 484 NORTHWICH, "Chesh. 168, 189,207,212, 213, 549.552 (552) to Saltfleet, Line. to Sheffield, Yorks. to Tarporley, Chesh. to Tickhill, Yorks. to Wellington, Salop. to Whitchurch, Salop NORWICH, Norf. ly Thetford by Osmondeston by Diss ly Lopham ly Saxmundham 334.335.336,337,338, 339. 340, 344. 347. 348, 352, 353. 39s! 539. 557 , to Peterborough, Nam. to Swaffham, Norf. to Watton, Norf. to Wisbeach, Line. to Yarmouth, Norf. NOTTINGHAM, iVoMs. ly Kettering ly Loughborough 174,187,201,225,507, 508, 526 (524, 544) to Stone, Staff. toSuttonColdrield,WormtoTamworth, Staff. to Uttoxeter, Staff. tc Worcester, Wore 205201 174 =7 21. 54 22 123124 47 40 33 3573 I'agc 172 27 = 4584=5 45 S 457 425 425 '3' 119 20S171 132 522 52 520 11 497 6S 520 48 498 27 498 109 328 112 35i 112 352 116 353 123 354 533 534 546 545 478 =55264 509 42 s 430 510 427 NUNEATON, Warw. 164, 442, 501 to Warwick, Warw. .OAKHAM, Rutl. by Bedford by Wellingborough by Kimbolton 224,225,243,299(553) to Stamford, Line. OAKHAMPTON, Devon. by Axminster by Yeovil 38,39,81,82,478,483 to Plymouth, Devon. to Torrington, Devon. OAK1NGHAM, Berks. 4, 28 ODIHAM, Hants. 52 to Reading, Berks. OLLERTON, Notts. ORFORD, Suff. ORMSK1RK, Lane. 169, 170, 178 ORTON, Westm. 235 OSWESTRY, Salop. 103, 118, 119, 125, 126, 127, 128 to Welsh Pool, Mont. to Whitchurch, Salop. to Wrexham, Denb. OTLEY, Torts. 192,248,258,259,282, 288,572 to Prescot, Lane. to Ripley, Torts. to Rochdale, Lane. toWetherby, Yorks. to Wigan, Lane. to York, Yorks. OTTERY ST. MARY, , Devon. 20, 481 OUNDLE, N.hamp. by Kimbolton by Bedford 224, 253, 269,305,532 to Peterborough, N amp. toRockingham,N.ftamp. OXFORD, Oxf. by Henley by Uxbridge 66, 67, 69, 70,99, in, 114, H5. 129. i53> Dist. 105 18 95 96 97 195I90 2818 3 = 4' '4 137 275 179 15 19 15 202 70 12 33 14 56 .29 161 78So 1412 54 PAD INDEX. PRE i54» 157, 469. 47o: 474 529 (440 to Petersfield, Hants, to Reading, Berks. to St. Neots, Hunt. to Southam, Warw. toStoneyStratford.Sitcis to Tamworth, Staff. to Thame, Oxf. to Towcester, N.hamp. to Tring, Herts. to Wantage, Berks. to Wallingford, Berks. to Whitchurch, Hants. to Winchester, Hants. PADSTOW, Cornw. 21 to Redruth, Cornw. PARKGATE, Chesh. 208, 212 (404,446,484) to Weymouth, Dorset. PATTRINGTON, Yorks. PEMBROKE, Pemb. to Tenby, Pemb. PENKRIDGE, Staff. 206, 218, 265 to Stafford, Staff. to Stone, Staff. PENRITH, Cumb. by Lancaster by Jloroughbridge 195,199.200,249,559, 561 (560, 565) PENRYN, Cornw. 22 (408) PENZANCE, Cornw. by Rediyilh by Marazion 23 (4081 PERSHORE, Wore. 141, 142,424,451, 541 PETERBOROUGH.N.am 224, 244, 254, 260, 270, 528,556(426) to Uppingham, Rail. PETERSFIELD, Hants. 455 52,55,4" to Wallineford, Berks PETWORTH, Sussex 44,45,46,48,93,389,41 1 PICKERING, Torts. 302,310,31+ Dist. Page f 63 469 27 473 67 466 36 440 31 465 68 44= 13 475 32 458 3i 475 16 457 13 470 40 439 53 439 24= 84 32 408 193 212 217 446 188 3" 265 12 12 406 129 210 6 453 13 454 287 180 283 235 *65. 23 280- 22 289 24 102 101 77 305 22 531 5 = 45 50 470 47 47 222 301 to Scarborough, Yorks. PLYMOUTH, Devon. by Ashburton by Tavistock by Oakhampton by Totness & Modbury 37, 3s, 41, 477. 478 (409, 425) to Saltash, Cornw. to Torrington, Devon. PLYMPTON EARLE, Devon.. POCKLINGTON, Torts. 309, 31; PONTEFRACT, Yorks. 227, 257, 2S1, 313 to Snaithe, Yorks, to Wakefield, Yorks. to Warrington, Lane. PONTYPOOL, Monm. 9.95.96,132,140(461) POOLE, Dorse*. by How Corner by Wimborn Minster by Salisbury 18, 76, 410 to Shaftesbury, Dorset. to Wareham, Dorset. to Warminster, Wilts. to Westbury, Hilts. PORLOCK, Som. PORT PATRICK, Wigt. PORTSMOUTH, Hants. by Petersfield by Fareham 52,56,411 (439) to Romsey, Hants. to Salisbury, Wills. to Warminster, If 'ills. POTTERIES (the) Staff. by Uttoxeter ly Stone 167, 505 POTTON, Bedf. 287,331, 5=8 to St. Ives, Hunt. POULTON, Lane. (404) PRESCOT, Lane. by Knutsford by Northwich 190 f Dist. 17 210213220216 4 46 211208 177 9 68 H7 105108109 9 4'4.5 168 424 7078 28 44 65 151 f5o 48 16 =33 195 PRE to Ripley, Yorks. to Rochdale, Lane. to Wigan, Lane. PRESTEIGN, Radn. 102, 143, 14(5, 147, 150, .444. 495. 5'7> 521 (43i) to Retford (East) WoMs to Wirksworth, Deri. to Wolverhampton, Staf. to Worksop, Notts. PRESTON, Lane. by Manchester by Woodside Ferry 190,191,193(404,563) to Wakefield, Yorks. O.UEENBOROUGH„K>n« • 367 (592) RADNOR (New) Radn. 108, 492 to Shiffnall, Salop. RAMSEY, Hunt. . 287 RAMSGATE, Kent 3S5. 376 to Sandwich, Kent RAVENGLASS, Cumb. by Broughton fry Utverstone ¦ (404) READING, Berks. ly Maidenhead by Binfield ly Oakingham ly Windsor 13, 15, 16, 65, 66,470 (472). to Rickmansworth, Herts. to St. Albans, Herts. to Standon, Herts. to Thame, lOxf. to Wallingford, Berks. to Ware, Herts. to Watford, Herts. to Whitchurch, Hants. REDRUTH, Cornw. ly Launeeston by Plymouth^. 23^(408) REEPHAM, Norf. *'C?3«) INDEX. Dist. 82 37 14 151 136 97 50 129 217 230 61 44 162 57 68 72 279 284 35 46 68 30 '4 6138 25 263270 Page 538 536535 108 5i65i6 5155i6 214 4=4 364H7 5i8 317 375 414 197 198 4 28 3030 530530 53i 474 473531530 474 22 36 336 RETFORD (East) Notts by Barnet by Ware 300,301, 302, 321,520 (557) to Wirksworth, Deri. to Wolverhampton, Stqf. to Worksop, Notts. RHAYADER, Radn. 147,405,488,491 (492) RICHMOND, Yorks. 229,233,243,245,246, 289,290,566,569(569 to Stockton upon Tees, Durh. RICKMANSWORTH, Herts. 113, 151, 152 to St. Albans, Herts. to Standon, Hefts. to Watford, Herts. to Wycombe (High) RINGWOOD, Hants. 51.52,53.74. 75,4io, 438, 448, 468 RIPLEY, Yorks. by Wetherby .by Leeds 276, 571, 572 to Rochdale, Lane. to Skipton, Yorks. to Wigan, Lane. R1PON, Torts. 229,245,248(5:8,572) RISBOROUGH, Bucks 98,113 ROCHDALE, Lane. 177,191.280,420,42-1, 422 to Wigan, Lane. ROCHESTER, Kent 377 (576) ROCHFORD, Essex 355 to Witham, Essex ROMFORD, Essex 355. 356 ROMNEY (New) Kent (587) to Rye, Sussex ROMSEY, Hants. I7.3i.52,53.467.468 ROM Page 144I40 3986 7 181 232 24 226 28S SiS 5'5516 H7 229 41S 1.57 II 33 3 15 9i 53° 53' 53053» 49 206214 24S 259 4520 68 53*57* 535259 37 156 [98 193 =329 535364 39 3S6 17 11 397 341 71 372 12 73 414 49 ROS INDEX. SAL to Salisbury, Wilts. to Southampton, Hants. to Stockbridge, Hants. to Warminster, Wilts. ROSS, Heref. 69,96, 132, 145,443 to Upton, Wore. to Worcester, Wore. ROTHBURY, N.kumb. 231,291,292,293,297, 299,416 (566) ROTHERAM, Torts 226,227,256,257,262, 263. 5i6, 520, 523, 543. 547. 557 to Shrewsbury, Salop to Sheffield, Yorksh. to Tideswell, Derb. to Thome, Tor*. ROYSTON, Herts. 222,223,325,327,328, 466, 52S, 531, 552, 575, 578 (476) RUDGELY, Staff. by Coventry by Tamworlk 218,273,453,506,509 RUGBY, Warw. 164,172,203,425,499, 500, 527 (526) RUTHERGLEN, Lanerk. 237. 238 RUTHEN, Denb. by Wrexham by Mold 119, 123, 124,128,487 to St. Asaph, Flint. RYE, Sussex by Tunbridge by Wrotham by Silver Hill by Vine Hall 361.372,373.374.375^ 588 (413, 584) RYEGATE, Surry 369. 383.- 3»4, 583 (580^ to Sevenoaks, Kent to Westerham, Kent SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex 3*7>53i(57S) 8 10 36 120 23 29 307 159 12613 = 85 415 206210 13 6164 65 64 Page 437 43 8 4+8 466437 139 494 .493 34° 278 43i434 433434 287 166205272 240 121125 4S6 373374374 374 380580 580 325 St. ALBANS, Herts. by Edgware by Barnet 151,152,158,220,221, 251, 271 to Standon, .Hen's. to Ware, Herts. to Watford, Herts. to Wycombe (High) Bucks. St. ASAPH, Flint. 121 (486) St. AUSTEL, Cornw. by Plymouth by Tavistock 22 to Tregony, Cornw. St. COLUMB, Cornw. 22, 84 St. DAVIDS, Pemb. by Caermarihen by Cardigan 12(406,423) St. GERMALNS, Cornw. 35 St. IVES, Hunt. 287,328,466,533(528 552. 578) St. IVES, Cornw. to St. Just, Cornw. St. JUST, Cornw. St. MARY CRAY, Kent 365 St. NEOTS, Hunt. 223,224,252,253,274. 287, 288, 305, 328, 528, 577 • to Stoney Stratford, Bucks. SALISBURY, limits. by Andover by Stockbridge 25.28,32,48,49,53,56, 57. 73, 89,438,448 (4«7) to Stroud, Glouc. to Swindon, Wilts. to Tetbury, Glouc. to Warminster, Wilts. to Winchester, Hants. SALTASH, Cornw. 4P> 4i (479) f » 26 222 Page 160162 53 » S3«53» 53° 120 249237 7 250 3* 42 409 84 259263223 59 276 n 288 H 5« 135I3« 3» 331 22 408 22 366 ZZJ 35 8180 466 1731 55 3839 ,21 22 214 445 462 445 437 45.S- 35 SAL IN D E X. SALTFLEET, Line. to Tickhill, Torts. to Wainfleet, Line. SANDBACH, Chesh. 167, 187, 204 SANDWICH, Kent '365,376(414) . SANQUAHAR, Dumf. 1S1 SAXMUNDHAM, Suff. 398 (594) SCARBOROUGH, Yorks. by Barton ly York , 301, 302 to Thirsk, Torts. to Whitby, Yorks. SEAFORD, Sussex 37=, 381, 5gi to South Bourne, Suss. to Winchelsea, Suss, SEDBERGH, Yorks. by Kendal by Settle by Settle and Dent 179,246.278, 284,418 (433, 568) SEDGEFIELD, Durh. 242, 290 SELBY, Yorks. 221, 258, 275,288,422 (436) SELKIRK, Selk. SETTLE, Yorks. ly Leeds by Halifax by Wakefield & Leeds by Wakefield fiJ Adwalton 192,196,246,417,434 SEVENOAKS, Kent 367,369.584(584,586)to Westerham, Kent SHAFTESBURY, Dorset, 1 17,31,57.85,89,90,450 to Warminster, Wilts. to Westbury, Wilts. SHEERNESS, Kent to Tunbridge, Kent SHEFFIELD, Torts. ly Nottingham ly Worksop 186,188,226,261,273, Dist. '53 63 27 162 6S 372 Page 320 5=0400 169 377=39345 213 3io 235 314 35 = 7 = = 74 257 25 S 176 356 =3 = =34 =36231 23 5 100 1519 46 3 = 162 164 560 402 4134' 3 =432842S3 303 3'3 240 277280282282 360 580 32 45o 450 364 591 256 262 278, 279, 433. 5io. 5i6, 547, 548> 549 (500, 523, 546,557, 558) to Shrewsbury, Salop, to Thome, Yorks. to Tickhill, Yorks. SHEPTON MALLET, Som. 7.8,57,58, 61,62,85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 456 1*447) to Sherborne, Dorset SHERBORNE, Dorset. 18, 29, 57, 61, 90, 91, 459 (44i) to Sturminster, Dorset. to Wimborn Minster, Dorset. SHIELDS (North) N.humb. by Durham by Stockton (402) SHIELDS (South) Durh. 291. 304. 305 (402) SHIFFNALL, Salop. 117, 129, 130, 266, 267 (5 IS) toTenbury, Wore. SHIPSTON, Wore. 100, 115,424,455,525 SHOREHAM, Sussex 48, 386, 412 SHREWSBURY, Salop. by Much Wenlock by Colebrooi Dale by Wolverhampton by Weston under Lizard 103,109,118,121, 125, 126, 127, 210, 211, =66, 444, 489, 490, 494. 49 s (434> 445) to Stafford, Staff. to Stone, Staff: to Thome, Yorks. to Tideswell, Derb. to Wirksworth, Derb. to Worksop, Notts. SIDMOUTH, Devon. to Teignmouth, Devon. to Taunton, Som, Dist. 8230 16 "5 '7 116 12 32 282294 282 139 32 83 SS 162, 162 '57'54 3131 112 64 63 95 159 15 27 SKI INDEX. STO SKIPTON, Yorks. by Haslingden by Burnley by Leeds ly Halifax ly Wakgfield & Leeds by Wakefield & Adwalton 259> 53s to Tadcaster, Yorks. to Wetherby, Yorks. •to York, Yorks. SLEAFORD, Line. 223,299,300,317,318, 319.504,512,555 to Southwell, Notts. SMARDEN, Kent 366,367,374,378(588) SNAITHE, Torts. 227, 309 to-Warrington, Lane. to Wakefield, Yorks. SOLIHULL, Warw. I5L 154 SOMERTON, Som. 33. 62, 63, 83, 88, 92, 442,448 (448,456) SOUTHALL, Midd. ,95 SOUTHAM, Warw. " H5, 153, 154. 164, 424 to Tam worth, Staff. SOUTHAMPTON, JIants. by Winchester ly Bishop's Wallham 17,46,48,49.55,437. 438, 439, 467 (411, 438, 448) SOUTH END, Essex by BUlericay by Dagenham ly Rochford iOUTH MOLTON, Devon. by Tiverton by Dulverton 64, 82, 484 SOUTHWELL, Notts. 2*^255,261 (513) Dist Page 235 230217 219 192 '94 276 280 221 216 2S2282 322830 44 46 47 4= m 5715/1572572 572 57 = 571307 28 56 513 372 i69 313 7021 105 420420 =65 126 58 9 «3 97 263 3 = 442 76 75 5392 4=4344 355356356 184 177 59 63 .38 264 SPALDING, Line. by Huntingdon by Peterborough 306,400,512,514(426) SPILSBY, Line. STAFFORD, Staff. by Litchfield ly Walsall 166, 202,209, 210, 505 506, 509, 515 (502, 505) to Stone, Staff. to Wolverhampton, Stqf STAINES, Midd. 77, 78, 80 (585, 586) STALBRIDGE, Dorset. STAMFORD, Line. by Biggleswade by Bedford ly Ware 244.253.254. 270. 299. 305, 306, 425, 426, 528, 532, 553 (555) STANDON, Herts. 325 to Ware, Herts. STEVENAGE, Herts. 222, 251 (574-} STEYNING, Sussex 381,385.386,412(589) STILTON, Hunt. by Barnet by Ware 305,532 STOCKBRIDGE, Hants. 16, 17,47, 48, 49j439> 467 (466) to Winchester, Hants. STOCKPORT, Chesh. ly Macclesfield ly Bakewell 184,185,273.279.519. 523,543,547 to Warrington,. Lane. STOCKTON upon Tees Durh.242,290,303,318(418. 568,570) STOKESLEY, Yorks. 260. 302 STONE, Staff. 202, 205, 206, 274, 275 43=, 497. 541 94 96 129 141135 7 16 16 93 85 5o 757i 66 179 179 20 =49= 37 140' STO INDEX. TEN Dist. Page 1 to Uttoxeter, Staff. 12 510 c to Wirksworth, Derb. 3 = 506 , toWolverhampton ,Stqf. 23 452 to Worksop, Notts. 63 508 SIDNEY STRATFORD, Bucks. 53 163 1 172,. 271, 465 STOURBRIDGE, Wore. 125 130 no, 116, 152, 219, 220, 265, 452 1 to Walsajl, Sra^: 10 464 to Wednesbury, Staff. 13 4C4 STOW MARKET, Suff. 69 35 = 350(580) to Swaffham, Norf. 38 540 ^ to Thetford, Norf. 21 539 STOW ON THE WOLD, Glouc. 81 112 68, 100, 131, 137, 141, ¦ 541 (447) to Stroud, Glouc. 27 448 to Trowbridge, Wilts. 57 453 to Warwick, Warw. 28 455 to Worcester, Wore. 31 468 toWotton Basset, Wilts. 33 453 STRANRAER, Wigt. 418 183 . STRATFORD on Avon, 6y Banbury 95 "5 by Oxford 93 15o 100,154,155,156,455, 54= to Thrapston, N.hamp. 66 426 to Warwick, Warw. S 424 to Wellingborough, N.hamp. SS )4=5 STRATTON, Cornw. 215 82 48b (408) STROUD, Glouc. IOI 75 7,-68, 69, 70, 73, 131, 137,4=7 (448) toTetbury,' Glouc. 9 445 to Upton, Wore. 26 45i to Worcester, /-Pore. 36 45= STURMINSTER, Dorse*. 108 32 to Wimborn Minster, Dorset. 19 460 SUDBURY, Suff. 54 349 ¦ 357,579(523.577) SUNDERLAND, Durh. ly Stockton 276 .3°4 by Durham 275 303 290, 29 1 1 SUTTON COLDFIELD, Warw. 165,502 ' to Tamworth, Staff. to Worcester, Wore. SWAFFHAM, Norf. 329.330.33i.334.335 534, 540, 546 (534) to Thetford, Norf. SWANAGE,or Swansey, Dorset. SWANSEA, Glam. 134.492.517(429,492) SWINDON, Wilts. 6, 71 (462) SWINESHEAD, Line. 318 TADCASTER, Torts. 227, 2281, 258,275,436 (57i) TAMWORTH, Staff. 152, 164, 165; 201, 213, 215, 216, 499, 500, 501 (426,442, 501) to Trowbridge, Wilts. TARPORLEY, Chesh. 211, 212, 519 to Wellington, Salop. to Whitchurch, Salop. TATTERSHALL, Line. 307 TAUNTON, Som. by Somerton by Bridgewater by Ilminster by Bath 19>33>6=,94(425.4S2) toWatchet, Som. TAVISTOCK, Devon. by Moreton Hampstead by Oakhampton 21. 34. 35. 36, 39, 41, 477. 479. 483 (478, 490) TEIGNMOUTH, Devtm. (486) TENBURY, Wore. 101, 107,108, in, 112, 444,463 (496,522) TENBY, Pemb. (406) 'TENTERDEN, Kent 373,374,4H, 588(^00 7 33 93 17 126206 80 109 186 116 112 179 37 15 125 144 149147157 i7 199 206 181 133 263 57 42942$ 333 12 37* TET INDEX. TTPP Din. Page Dial. Page TETBURY, Glouc. 98 76 TOWCESTER, N.hamp. 60 163 68,7i,75,427>45i,47i 153.172,271,451,499, (45') 52« TETSWORTH, Oxf. 475 4= 99 to Wantage, Berks. 48 45* TEWKESBURY, Glouc. TOWYN, Merion. 217 110 by Cheltenham 103 141 104, 487 (405, 492) by Stow on the Wold 103 142 TREGARRON, Card. 206 1 48 69, 100, 101, 112, 138, 135, 148 423,451 (540 TREGONY, Cornw. .252 3« THAME, Oxf. =3 (409) by Wycombe 45 157 TRING, Herts. 31 x53 by Aylesbury 49 158, "4 (475) 66,88,98,99,114,155 TROWBRIDGE, Wilts. 98 85 (475) 7.25,26,85,91,92,436, to Wallingford, Berks. 15 473 437 (449) THETFORD, Norf. to Warwick, Warw. 85 455 by Newmarket 80 326 to Wotton Basset, Wilts. 23 453 by Bury St. Edmunds 83 356 TRURO, Cornw. 34°> 33S, 337, 35o, 546, by Bodmin 257 23 • 578(476,539) by Plymouth 262 3« TH1RSK, Yorks. by Tavistock 250 42 by Leeds 235 259 22, 24, 409 by York 219 289 TUNBRIDGE, Kent 30 3«i 229,245,246,302,315 361,362,367,371,373, (538,559,56o) 588, 594(591.593) THORNBURY, Glouc. 121 72 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, 7fi, 426 Kent THORNE, Yorks. 162 3°9 by Tunbridge 35 361 226,227,313,420,554 by Penshurst 36 362 to Tideswell, Deri. 48 433 360,370,371,382,383, THORNHILL, Dumf. 360 238 582, 583, 587, 588, THRAPSTON, N.hamp. 73 259 (59L 593) 224, 243, 253, 268, 269, TUXFORD, Notts. 287 (528) by Burnet 137 226 TICKHILL, Yorks. 156 262 by Ware 133 283 226, 256, 262, 278, 434 261, 301, 321, 558 (520) TYNEMOUTH, N.humb. TIDESWELL, Derb. 160 186 by Durham 284 3^4 186,188,256,273,433, by Stockton 296 306 510, 519, 543, 546, 291 549 (433, 55o) UCKFIELD, Sussex TIVERTON, Devon. 165 S9 by Westerham 45 37a 20, 63, 64, 81, 89 (482, by East Grinstead 41 383 49o) 382,383,385,582,583, to Topsham, Devon. 17 482 587, 591 (581) TOPSHAM, Devon. 170 «2 ULVERSTONE, Lane. 260 196 20,409, 481 (481) 179, 197. 198 TORRINGTON, Devon. 192 64 UPPINGHAM, Rutl. 21,59,60,82,484(478) by Bedford 89 254 TOTNESS, Devon. 190 40 by U'ellingborough 89 268 20,34,41,42,409,477. 173,224,267,270,305, 484(483) 426, 5i6 (531) UPT INDEX. WEL Dist. . UPTON, Wore. 109 110,144,423,494(494) USKE, Monm. '¦ ly Bristol 145 - by Monmouth 140 8,9,96, 132, 140, 461, 462 UTTOXETER, Staff. ly Leicester 138 ly Litchfield 136 i67..i75>506,54l (510) UXBRIDGE, Midd. 15 by Grand Junction Canal 19 530 WAINFLEET, Line. 127 318 (400) to Wragby, Line. 2 8 "WAKEFIELD, Yorks. by Sheffield 186 by Doncaster 182 227,275,279,280, 281, 4=0, 421, 436, 524 (4=4) to Warrington, Lane. 59 WALLINGFORD, Berks. 45 4, 13, 14, 66, 99,, 439, 459, 4fio, 473 (470, 47.?) WALSALL, Staff. n8 152, 165, 205,209,265 42S, 452,453, 515 to Wednesbury, Staff. 3 WALSHAM (NortbJ 123 Norf. 236,337,338,339.399 539 WALSINGHAM (New) Norf. 33°. 336, 340, 540 WALTHAM ABBEY, Essex WANTAGE, Berks.,439,459, 475 (457) WARE, Herts. by Southgale by Hoddesdon =2=a3=7,573,575(53i) WAREHAM, Dorset. 18, 50, 52, 79, So, 450 (410,472) WARMINSTER, Wilts. 12 S9 =7 20 114 97 Page '4= 95 I+t 274 97 396 3=o 559 =57281 420 69 217 464 337 334285 70 222286 79 85 17.26,31.32,57,61,86, 89,90,92,446 (437) to Westbury, Wilts. WARRINGTON, Lane. by Knutsford by Northwich by Namptwich 169, 177,189,190,207, 208, 214, 519, 552 (417, 552) WARWICK, Warw. ly Watford by Bicester by Daventry 100, 115,149,150,151, 164, 165, 265 (456, 503) to Wellingborough, N.hamp. toWotton Basset, Wilts. WATCH ET, Som. 62, 480 (480) WATFORD, Herts. 157, 160, 162 to Wycombe (High) Bucks. WATL1NGTON, Oxf. WATTON, Norf. by Brandon by Thetford 3=6,328,539,540(546) WEDNESBURY, Staff. 152, 217, 220 (464) WELLINGBOROUGH, N.hamp. 172,253,259,527(425, 554) WELLINGTON, Salop. 210, 266, 43 1,50; (425) to Whitchurch, Salop. WELLINGTON, Som. by Andover by Batli WELLS, Norf. by Rainham by Lexham ly Rttdham 330,333,340,539.54® (399) WELLS, Som. by Frome 120 by Trowbridge |;2 Page 183 185 203 91919= 47 6i 154 14 45 9' 9i 68 146 151 164 11S 119 WEL INDEX. WIV Diat Page Di.t. Page ly Bath " 124 88 WIGTON, Cumb. 8,58,88,407,442,443, by Keswick 308 200 447. 477 by Penrith 304 250 WELSH POOL, Mont. 180 (561) ly Montgomery 177 103 WIGTON, Wigt. 561 399 183 by Shrewsbury 181 126 WILTON, Wilts. 84 31 109,118,123,125,127, 17, (437) 128 W1MBORN MINSTER,. to Wrexham, Denb. 31 490 Dorset WEM, Salop. 164 268 by Ringwood 101 50 118, 211,494 by Salisbury 102 51 WENDOVER, Bucks. 153 35 "3 18, 50, 79. 410, 45o, WEOBLY, Heref. 147 149 47= (460) 143, 145, 146, 521 WINCAUNTON, Som. WESTBURY, Wilts. 99 92 by Andover 108 57 25,85 (437,449) by Shaftesbury III 9° WESTERHAM, Kent 22 369 32,61,89,91,441,456 359.360,367,369,370, (44=) 381, 581, 584, 586, WINCHCOMBE, Glouc. 94 111 59L 593 (580) 141, 142 WETHERBY, Yorks. 194 228 WINCHELSEA, Sussex 247,258,288,422,435, by Tunbridge 64 373 43 s by Wrotham 67 374 to York, Torts. 15 572 by Silver Hill 68 374 WEYMOUTH, Dorset. by Fine Hall 67 374 by Dorchester 127 79 374. 375 (4«3) ly Wareham 132 80 WINCHESTER, Hanrs. 18, 80 (410, 442, 446) by Basingstoke 62 48 to Wincaunton, Som. 36 441 by Alton 65 5 = WHITBY, Yorks. 242 302 16,31,92,438(439,458, 310, 316, 318 (402) 467) WHITCHURCH, Hants. 56 16 WINDSOR, Berks. 5.31.4s (474) by Slough 22 29 to Winchester, Hants. 13 439 by Langley Broom 22 3° WHITCHURCH, Salop. 161 211 3> =7 117,118, 167,206,207, W1NSLOW, Bucks. 5i 114 217, =69, 431. 432, WINTER, Derb. H7 185 496. 505 (493» 498) ~ 188,273,275,516,545 WHITEHAVEN, Cumb. (512) ly Keswick 317 196 WIRKSWORTH, Derb. 140 18$ by Hawkshead 304 199 175, 185, 187,512,543 by Broughton 296 197 to Worksop, Notts. 31 508 by Ulverstone 302 198 31 515 by Cartmel (4°4) 297 198 to Wolverhampton,^*^ 47 516 WISBEACH, Camb. S9 332 WHITEHORN, Wist. WICKWAR, Glouc'7 410 183 317, 3^9, 400,533 in 78 W1THAM, Essex 37 343 72, 75, 474 (473) 349.353>530,532(556) WIGAN, Lane. 197 190 WITNEY, Oxf. 65 131 169, 177, 178, 189,419 88, 99 (535) WIVELISCOMBE, Som. 161 63 WIGHT (Isle of) Hants 390 58, 64, 482 (475) . WOB INDEX. YOR WOBURN, Bedf. 162, 163, 272, 273 WOLS1NGHAM, Durh. by Bernard Castle by West Auckland 230,242,249, 290,312 415 (5 59,567, 56S) WOLVERHAMPTON, Staff. no, 117, 130, 206, 209, 210, 217, 21S, 220, 265,464(4,=, 500) to Worksop, Nolls. WOODBRIDGE, Suff. 346, 593 (398) WOODSTOCK, Oxf 88, m, 112, 131,457, 465 > 525 WOOLER, Nhumb. =4S>=9=> =95, 339, 34° 403, 566 WOOLWICH, Kent WORCESTER, Wore. by Pershqre by Evesham by Tewkesbury .101, 102, 1 07,. 109, 116, ¦141, 143, 145, 220, 45i, 463> 464, 49fi, - . 541, 54= (423, 4=7 45=, 468, 494) WORKINGTON, Cumb. by Cockermouth by W hitehaven WORKSOP, Notts. 188,226,227,255,256, 261, 278, 434, 513 557, 558 (508, 516) Dist. 42 Page 171 262 258 =47 251 126 265 7977 516344 62 99 1 3=3 =95 8 363 111no119 101 141 142 3'J ¦3i=. 146 196'99 262 WORSTEAD, Norf. 338 WOTTON BASSET, Wilts.6, 71,445 (453) WOTTON under Edge, Glouc.8,72.76, 78,451(474) WRAGBY, Line. 300, 320, 324 (559) WREXHAM, Denb. by Ellesmere by Whitchurch 121, 123, 124, 208,211 4S5, 493 (445, 487 488, 490) WROTHAM, Kent a ** - Z 8 * WYCOMBE (High) Backs. 113, 1?;, 474 (530) WYMONDHAM, Norf. 35i (476') YARM, Yorks. 22Q, 290, 569, ?70(.J.lS) YARMOUTH, Hants. YARMOUTH, Norf. by Lowestoft by Bungny by Brampton 3=8, ;;s (398,478) YEOVIL, Som. =9, 57, 83, 91, 9 = , 44S (456) YORK, Yorks. ly Tadcaster by Selby 227, 228,247,260,301, 310,315 (435,57=) Dist. 121 87 107 138 I90 176 =4 28 100 245 124 195 190 Page337 74 ?C 3=i 367 98 326303 34634S348 33 2S9 3'4 IXDEX to the VILLAGES, &c. With Reftrences to the Pages in which they are mentioned. ABBAbbey Foiegate 117 Abbey Holme 2c?, 250, 404, 564 Abbot's Kerswell 41 Aber 12c, 121, 4C2 Aberavon 10 Abereirch 283 Aberdovey 405 Aberglaslyn Bridge 104 Abergwili 134 Aberhavesp 109 Aberpergwm 43 1 Aberton Gr^en 578 Aberyron 406 Abtnger Hammer 579 Abington 425, 5 28 Abinton 236 Abkettleby 254 Abridge 357 Accrington 191 Ackworth Moor Top 2S1 Acle 476 Acol 376 Acomb 572 Acton 97, 2C7, 395, 432 Acton 'I urville 71 Adams Elm 355 Adderbury 115,440 Adderley 495 Adderwater 20 Addingham 276 Addington 259, 377 Adlington 177 Adney 130 Adscorab 583, 586 Adston Hill 431 Adwalton 282 Agbridge 420 Ailesworth 532 Ainderby 573 Ailsby 401 Ainsfor-1 Inn 57, ( 1, 442, 455 Ai.-myn 3C9* Air.aforJ 412 Akeld 295 Alam Bri'Jre 117 Albermarles 134 Albourne 514 Alburn 475 Albrighton 113,267, 500 Alconbury224, 2SS, 305 Aldborough 401 Alderbury 127, 4^7 Aidermastou 470, 473 Aldtrmimt-r 150 Aldfie!d5 72 Aldsworth 525 Aldworth 13 Alfold 590 A. ford 57, 61 Alfred's Tower 89 Algirth Bridge 238 ALrave 548 Alien's Ford 230 Allerston 560 Allesley 164 Allestry 185 Allonby 404, 562 Allondale 566 Allostock 189 Alltygog 134 Almondbury 279, 419, 426, 5=4 Alnmouth 403 Alpheton 350 Alphington 34, 39, 4S6 Alrewas 500 Alton 459 Altham.421 Alvanley 213 Alverdi>cott 47S g = ASH Alvc:ton 72, 426 Alvington 138 Alv.alton 426 Alwoodley Gate 258 Amphiel 49 Amney Crucis 68 Amwell 286 r.r.c'-isttr 299 Ancrum 231 A.nderby 400 Andros 139 Aniaby 310,435 ^.ni.eiley 508 Anston 262 Antingham 338 Anthorn 404 Anwick 319 Ariworth 182 Apet'norpe 244 Apperley Bridge 538 Appcrton 395 Appleby 214 Appledore 88, 372, 4c 9 Apse 392 Ardeley 458 Arderley 183 r.rdesley 282 Ardington 70 Ardteigh 347 Ard'.lty 548 Ardwick Green 1 76 Arnchffe3i5Arreton 391 Arr.nrton 287 Arrow 424, 542 Atthington 571 Anhrat 1S1 Ascot 522 A-cot Heath 28 Ash 211, 377, 495 A'.fcby 320, 322 ASH INDEX to (he PILLAGES, &e. Ashby Ledgers 499 , Ashcombe 382 Ashcott 62 Ashfield Green 447 Asheridge 439 Ashford 93,102,186,510 Ashford Ford 585 Ash Gate 510, 549 Ashill 84 Ash Hil! 250 Ashington 589 Ashi.ngdon 357 Ashkirk 240 Ashleigh Cross 3 8 Ashley 50, 482 Ashley Heath 43 2 Ash Mill 59 Ashstead 384 Ashton 190, 213, 419, 477, 535, 547 Ashurst 386 Ashwood Green 428 Aslackby 307 Aspatria 562 Assington Cross 65 Green 577 Astbury 168 Aston 142,201,262,428, 454, 5">.5i3.54i Aston Clinton 153,475 Green 493 Aswarby 307 Atcham 130, 266 Atford 26 Atherington 63, 484 Atherstone 150 .Attercliffe 262, 434 Attleborough 503 * Attlebridge 536 . Atwicke 401 Auckland 230, 247, 312, 559.565,567 Audenshaw 547 Audlem 495, 498 Averham 513 Aughton 213, 278 Austeifield 309 Austerlands 419 Aust Passage 8,72,74,95 426,443,473,475 Aveley 355 Aveton Giffard 409, 477 Avon Bridge 75 Ayonvachen 488 Awliscombe 489 Axe Bridge 81 Aycliffe 290 Aydon4i8 Aylburtoni37 Aylesford 377 Ayleston 526 Avlmers End 586 Aynhoe 114, 154 Aynsford 585 Ayscough 573 Aysdale Gate 402 Ayton293, 314,316 B Babraham 528 Bab worth 516 Bacap 191 Bachfir Heath 157 Backford 211 Bacon's Inn 209, 502 Bacton 399 Badby 526 Baddow 353, 354 Badford Cross 489 Badger Gate 419 Badingham 594 Bagborough 62 Bagdon 14, 463 Bagland 10 Bagrave 231 Bagshot 15, 27 Bailey Wood 439 Bainbridge 284, 417 Bainton 572 Baitings 537 Baker Street 356 Balby263,434 Baldersby 259, 260 Balding Gate 43 2 Balder ton 225 Bald Face Stag 43, 323 Balham Hill 379 Balhaven 293 Balls Pond 219, 574 Balls Hutt 41 1 Bamberbridge 177 Bamburgh.559 Bangor 217 Ferry 105, 120, 1. 121,128,404 BAS Bank End 433 Bankhouse Inn 241 Banktop Inn 257 Banningham Bridge 557 Banstead Downs 379 Bapchild 365: Barbridge 207 BardenMills4i5Barford 31, 89, 156,460, 466 Barford Bridge 546 Barkston 28S, 504 Bark way 327 Bark with 321 Barlborough 516, 55 j Barlby 314, 436 Barley 327 Barlestree 146 Barley Mow 114, 458, 499 Barleythorpe 254 Barming Cross 592 Barms ton 316, 401 Barnby Moor 226 Inn, 310 • Barnes 43, -78 Common 78 Barnet, East, 161 . : Pillar 161, 221 . Barnhams 356 Barnhill 211 Barnsley 70, 129, 525 Barnstaple Cross 8 1 Barnston 576 Barnwell St. Andrews 244, 260 Barnvvood 69 Barrington 131 Barristord 248 Barrow 401 Barrows Green 1 79 Barsham 347 Barth Bridge 283 Barton 178, 350,470 Mills.326, 330 ' Seagrave 253,527. in the Clay 271 Basan 480 Baseldon 13, 470 Basford Gate 103 Basham 333 Basing 16 9 BAS INDEX. to the VILLAGES, &c. BIS Bassets Pool 165, 428 Bedvvin 6 Bexley Heath 36, Baslow 5 10 Bedworth 503 ...:.. Hill 93 Baston 306 Beeden 439 Bex well 534, 545 Bastwick 399 Beeding 386 Bibury 525 Eatchley Green 107 Beeford 316 Bickerton 571 Batcombe 455 Beeter 483 Bickham Bridge 41 Bat Green 555 Beer 37 Bickington 34 Bath Easton 7, 26 Beerley 391 Bickleigh Bridge 481 Bathford 26 Beestpn 421, 430 Bidbrook378, 5 89 Bath Pool 63 Bideford Bridge 34 Batley Car 423 Begbrooke 99 Bidenden 588 Batramsley 54 Beggar's Bush 66, 590 Biker 306 Battersea Rise 361 Beggrington 537 Bilberry 444 Battle Bridge 159, 573 Beighton 579 Billesdon 531 Baverstock 89 Belaugh Heath 536 Billingborough 555 Bavington 566 » Bel grave 173 Billingford535 Bawdeswell 335 Bell Barr 221 Bawsey 533 ' Bell on the Hill 211,497 Billing 425 Bayford 57, 90 Belly Bridge 422, 544 Billingham 303 Baylham Street 537 Belswains 155 Billinghay 319 Baylis 10 1 Belton 504 Billinghurst 388 Bayard's Leap 299, 514 Beltonford 293 Billingley Green 548 Bayswater 97 Benacre 346 Billingsley 522 BaythornEnd 358 Benefield 269, 561 Billowbridge Gate 427 Beachampton 465 Benges Gate 93, 94 Bilney 540 Beachley Passage 95, 443 Bengeworth 100,141,541 Bilston 265 Beacon Hill 475 Bensford Bridge 500 Biking 589 Beamish Row 568 Benhall 345, 593 Bilton 311, 571 Beamhurst 282 Benington 225 Binfield 28 Beardon 477 Bennington 319 Binghoe 490 Bear Green 385 Bensington 66 Bingslay Common 107 Bears Wood Green 309 Bentley273, 344 Binley 527 Beaulieu 54 Binstead-391 Bebbington 211,402 Birch 143 Beck 559 Bent's Green 433 Bircham 329 .... Bottom 538 Bere Alston 39 Beckcnham 5 86 Berkeley Heath 76, 427 Birchen Bridge 581 Beckfoot 404 Berlin 402 Birchin Bower 419 Beckford 541 Berry 64, 482 Birch wood Corner 366 Beckhampton Inn 6, 25, Berstead 93 Birdlip 68,. 70 73, 446 Birdwood 132 Beckley 374 Bersted 377 Birgeham 403 Beckingham 514, 520 Besselsleigh 457, 475 Birkby 562 Beckington 86, 436 Bessingby3i5 Birley Car 523 Beckwith Shaw 538 Beswick 308 Birlingham St. Andrews Beddgelert 104, 105 Besthorpe 300 476 Beddington585 Betchworth 580 Birmington 149 Bcdfield 594 Betley 270 Birstall 421 Bedf on t 14 Bettisfield 493 • Birtley 291 Bedhampton 411 Bettws 105, 122 Birtles 519 Bedlam 138, 141 Beversbrook 453 Bish Bridge 63 Bedminster 407, 477 Bexhill 413 .... Mill 59 Bedvewtharn 4C8 Bexley 5S6 Bnbog Burton 319 BIS INDEX to the VILLAGES, &c. BOX Bishop's Fonthill 89 Hull 58 Moat 103 Bishopstorie 388 Bishop Sutton 52 Bishop's Tawton 4S4 Bibhop Wearniout.i 303, 304, 305 Bitford 1 15, 150 Bitteswell 203 Bix 65 Bixley 354 Blaby 526 Black Bank 275, 436 Boys 517 Bourton 467 Brook 535 Chapel 576 Gate 567 Hill 424 Blackford 180 Blackheath 363 Black Moor Foot 419 Netley 555 Blacknest Turnpike 27 Black Rock 491 Inn 8, 407 Blackrode, 177 Black Thorn Heath 154 Blackwater 15, 22, 391, $32 St. Anns 349 Elaen y Wern 491 Blagdon 482 Blainslee 232 Blakeney 137, 399 Blakenham 537 Blandford St.'Mary 450 Blaneforth 406 Bfatchington 388 Blaydon ;68 Blazing Star 506 Bleak Hall 223 Bletchingley37o,382,58o Bletchingdon 1 1 1 Bletchley 210 Bletsoe i?,?, Elickling 340 Blisworth 45S Blithbury 274 Blofield 476 Bloxwich. '5 15 Bloxham 525 Blubber Houses 572 Blue Anchor 95, 37c, 381, 406 Ball 489 Bridge 529 .... Dial 404. .... Hou 576 Eastrop 71 Easton Grey 71 East Sheen 78 Eastwood 508 Eatington 115, 455 Eaton 3*8, 430 ..... Bridge 107, 369 Socon 223,466 Eaton field 191 Ebbs Fleet 414 Ebberston 560 Eccles 419 Ecclesfechan 23J Ecclesfield 256 Eccles Green 145 Eccleshill 537 Eckfoord 403 Eckington 558 Ecton 425 Eddington 92, 457 Eden Green 371 Edentmll 249 Edenham 553 Edgboulton 432 Eddingley 513 Edgefield Green 340 Edge Hill 115, 155 Edgware 151, 157 Edlington Bar 559 Edmonton 285 Edstaston 268 Edwalton 255 Edwardston Priory 523 Effingham 387 Eggington 500 Eggleton Bridge 423 Egham 15, 27 Eglestone 250 Egloskerry 83 Eglwyswrw 485 Eglwys Fach 487 Eight Ash Green 530 Eiveskirk 239 Eldon 241 Elford Mill 507 Elisha 231, 298 Elkington 320,522,563 Ella 435 Ellaston 510 Ellenborough 200 Ellerton 569 Eller Beck Bridge 302 Ellington 245, 528 Elloughton 435 Elmham 339, 535 Elmington 425 Elmoor Green 32 Elmsall 281 Elmswell 538 Elsdon 298 Elstree 157 Elstow 271, 274 Eltisley 466, 577 Elton 426, 512, 513,570 Elvan Foot Bridge 33 6, 3=8 Elvaston 174 Elvedon 326 Ely Bridge 9 Emberton 267 Emborrow 87 , Emont Bridge 180, 235! Empingham 556 Emsworth 411 END INDEX to the PILLAGES, fife FOO Enderton 21s End Moor 179 Endon 43 3 Enfield Hiehway 285 Wash 285 Enford Bottom 459 Engleficld 470 Green 27 Enmore 62 Enner Dale 199 Enslow Bridge 1 1 1 Enter Common 290, 303 Instone loo, 149, 47° Erca'.l 505 Erdington 428 Ericksjon Brae Head 236 Eridgfe 591 Erpingham 336 Esgairgeiliog 487 Esfier43, 384, 579 Sscrick 3 14 Eskynald 148,488 Essendon 221 Bury 221 Stchingham 587 Eton College 3, 29 Etruria 542 Etwall 51 1 Evenley 458 Ewiey 27, 28,459,461 464 Everton 520 Euston 539 Ewell 366 Ewennyio Ewes Bridge 29 1 Exhourne 81 Exct Bridge 412 Exmouth'409, 481 Ex ton 55, 481 Eyke 398 • Eynsham 130 Eyton 118 Faohell 104 FaiKworth 419 Fairburn 228, 275 Fairfield 433, 543, 550 Fair Mile 107 Inn 20 Taiicdie Haugh 241 Fair Oak 473 Fairnham 1 1 2 Fairshaw Bar 415 Fakenham 539 Falfield 427 Falkbourn 55? Falla 232, 298 Falmer 382 Fallsgrave 309, 314 Fambridge 397 Parleigh 373 Farlington 41 1 Famborough 14, 51, 360, 459,583 Farndon 430 Farnham 345 Farningham 363, 366, 584, 585 Farnsfield 513 Farn worth 189 Farringdon 53, 469 Farrington Gurney 443 Faulty 62 Fawles 498 Fawley 14 Fazely 165,205,456 Featherstone Castle 249 Feckcnham 495 Feetham 570 Fell Beck 571 Fellbridge370,382Fell Hampton 444J Felmingham 338 Feltham 77 Felton 122 Bridge 292 Fennay Rowley 524 Fenn's Hall 493 Fenny Bridges 20 Stanton 528 Stratford 163, 171 Fenton 321- Fenwick 292 Fernhill Green 428 Fern hurst 45 Ferraby 553 Feniby 435 Ferrybridge 227, 28S 420, 422, 436, 548 Ferryhili 290 Ferry House 122 Festiniog 128 Fettle Bridge 326 Fiddlcton 239 Fieldon Bridge 216 Fificld 6, 67, 467 Filby 398> 477 Filey 316, 401 Filleigh 59 Fillongley 441 Filmer Hill 54, 91 Filton 425 Fimber 316 Finborough 351 Fincham 534 Finchlcy 161 I Bridge 531 I Finedon 253, 425 Fineshade.556Fingland 239, 563 Finmere 114, 465 Finney 269 Finningley 309 Finsthwaite 198 Firle 591 Fishbourn 411 Fisher Street 47, 93 Fisherton 31, 437 dela Mere 61 Fittleworth Bridge 48 . Five Bridges 423 .. ..Lanes Inn 21 v . . ..Bells 414 .... Oaks 477 Flamborough 315, 316, 401 Flash 176, 435 F at Bridge 240 Fleet 400, 410, 545 Fliford 424 Flimby 199 Flimwell 372, 374. 375 Flitcham 329 Flitwtck 273 Flixborough 321, 321 Flixton 401 Fly Bridge 231 Flockton 279 Flookbrook 551 Flowerleck Hill 105 Foldby 281 Foleshill 503 Folkton 401 • Folly, the 4, «S Fooler Hill 178 Foots Cray 363, 366, j86 FOR INDEX to the PILLAGES, fife. GLO Ford 73. 232 .... Chapel 489 .... Street 530 Forden 103 Fordham 329, 578 Fordhouses 452 Forest 238 Chapel 550 Hill in Row 282, 593 Forfield 129 Fornhjun St. Martin 355 Forshaw Park 542 Forton 56, 501, 505 Forster's Booth 163 Fofs Brook 506 .... Dyke Wash 400 Bridge 454 .... Cross 454 .... Gwy 491 Foston 201, 225, 511 ...... Green 372 Fotheringhay 260 Foulmire 327 Four Crosses Inn 209 .... Foot Inn 448 .... County Gate 429 .... Oaks 373, 374 .... Mile Bridge 105,567 .... Shire Stone 100 .... Troves 373 .... Wants gi 1 Fovant 32 Foxholes 308 Fraddon 22 Fradley 500 Framlington 293 Frampton 29, 400 Fransham 534 Frant 360 Fraysthorpe 316, 401 Freefolk 16 Fremington 570 French 116 Freshwater 390, 391, 392 Friday thorpe 316 Frier's Oak Inn 380 Frinjley 51 Fring 332 Fringford 465 Frisby 504 Friskuey 3 r9 • Friston 413, 593 Fritton 348 Froddiagham 322 Frodsham 207, 208, 213, 5SI.5I9 Frog End 423 Hall Green 28 Mill Inn 131, 137, 138.437 Frog's Hall 337.539 Frogmore 159 Frome Bridge 427 Hill 423 Frostenden 345 FrOsterley 25 1 Froxfield 6 Froyle 51 FugglestonC3i,437 Fulbrook 525 Fulbeck 504 Fulford 314, 457 Fiilham 1, 43, ^6t Fulwell 304, 305 Funnington 454 Furley Hill 45 Further Woodhead 547 Gabil Hook 590 Gad's Hill 364 Gaging Well 470 Gairrford569Galhampton 442, 455 Galley Green 550 Gallow Green 530 Gallywood Common353, 573 Gamlingay 577 Gampton 409, 485 Gamston 226, 557 Ganarew 140 Ganstearf 3 1 2 Ganton pale 309 Gardner's Street 5 83 Garforth 275, 436 : Gargrave 277 Garraby Street 31S Garreg 487 Garrick 514 Garstone282 Garstons 530 Garthbibio 104 Garth Chapel 195 Garter's Bridge 533 Garton40iGateford 362 Gate Head 419 .... Helmsley 315 Gatehouse of Fleet 181 Gateshead 236,248, 291, 306, 416, 568 Gatsford 493 Gatton Inn 380 Gaydon Inn 1 54 Gayton 533 Gaywood329,33f, 533 Geddington 556 Gedney 400, 545 Gelly Royd 280, 544 George (the) 587 Georgeham 408 George in the Tree 45 J Gerard's Cross 98 Gerah Bridge 484 Germoe 23 Gibralterlnn 271 Giddy Hall 72 Giggles wick 277 GilberdiUe 309 Gilberts 48 2 Gilling 301 Gillingham 90 all Saints 348 Gilnockball Ruins 239 Girtford 223 Girtori 300, 528 Gisburn 192 Glttesham to, Gladesmuir 294 Glanhafren 489 Glanton 294 Glanypwll 445 Glapwell 255 Glasbury 144, 518 Glascote 501 Glayston 270, 531 Glazely 522 Glenham 345 Glen luce 183 Glentham 323 Glenwhelt 415, 41S Glinton 305 Glbssop 543 GLY INDEX to the VILLAGES, &c. HAM Glymptoa in Glyhd 591 Goatley Lees 378 Gobowen 123 Godmanchester 287,528, 55= Godmersham 589 Godshill 392 PodstoneGreen 369,370, 382,580,581 Goer 493 Gofford Bridge 457,465 Goford Green 372 Golbourn Bridge 212 Gold Bridge 581 Hill 247 Golden Farmer 15, 51 Fleece 4, 65 Hill 203 Inn 82 Gplder's- Green 160 Goldington Green 466 Goldthorpe 261 Colgate Bridge 178 Golzenna 23 Gomshall 579 Goodrich Cross 140 Gooderstone 546 Goose Green 190, 591 Gooseham 408 Goose Pool 463 Gore Inn 480 Gore Pits 343 Gorid Bridge 136 Gorleston 346 Gosberton 3 1 7 Gosfield 357 Gosforth 291 Gosling 547, 550 Gosling's End 395 ©osthorpe 553 Gosty Hill 270 Goudhurst 593 Gouldall 420 Gouldhurst Gore 371, 373. 374 Grace Dieu 508 Grafton Regis 271 Grainthorpe 400 Gtanery 402 Grasby 561 Graveley 223 Gravel Hill 45, 428 Gray's Wood 45 Greasbprough'279 Great Acres 453 Glen 173 Green Acres M00T419, Greenford 395 Green Hammerton 435 Head Inn 230 Mart Inn 175,299, 307,456, 5n Greenside 550 Greenstead 344, 347 Green Street 365, Green 360, ,583 Greetham 225,299,553 Grena Side 5*23 Gresford 445 Greta Bridge. 229, 234, 247, 560, 566, 569 Gretna Green 181, 235, 239 Griesley 524 Griff 503 Grim Chard 479 Grimscar 573- Grimsmoor Gate 501 Grfmsthorpe 553 Grimstone 310, 315,572. Grindleford Bridge 433, 546 Grindley Bridge 21 1 , 497 Marsh 176 Gringley 520 Grinstcad 386 Groes Fford 122 Groombridge 593 Grove 457 Guestaling 413 Guildford 22 Guiseley 538 Guist Bridge 339 Guiting 112 Gulliford 481 Gun Houses 321 Gunnerby 2,25 Gunnerset'570 Gurney Slade 443 , Guy's Cliffe 503 Gwyndy 105 Gwynar Orgulad 147 Gwingrig5i7 Gyhurn Ferry 33a H Habrough 401 Hack, 179 Hackbeach 54.5 Hackford 546 Hackleton 1 72 Hackney 219, 285, '323, 341. 574 Haddenham 158 H addon 272 Hadfoldlierns 388, 589 Hadiscoe 348 Hadlt-y 355, 356 ... ... Green 161 Hadham on Ash 531 Hadlow 591 Down 582 Stairs 591' ' Haggerston 292 Hagley 129, 219 Hail 594 . . . Weston 242 Haintpn 321 Hainworth Shaw »8o Halam 913 Halberton 59 Haldon 39 Hales Owen no, 152, 2191 Hale Worthy 83 Halford 455 Bridge 455 Halfpenny House 418 Half Lot 415 Halfway Hpuse, 5, 46, 141, 270, 300, 366^ 47o Halkin 119 Hallifield Cochins 277 Halliwdl 189 Hallaton .2.8 3. Hall end 205 Hall Green 167 Hallow lor Halnaker 94 Haltdri-214'; 275. 4i7? 422, 436, 551 Hol,gate 560 Halwell 483 Hamacot 60 HAM INDEX f the VILLAGES, fife. HEA Hambledon 93 Hambleton 436 Hambrook 473 Ham Green 154 Hammer Down 87 Pond 44 Hammersmith 1 Hampnet 411 Hampole 281 Hampstead 151, 159, 161, 573 Hampton 77, 585 Court 15, 43, 77.78.585 (Little) 101, 390, 412 . . . . Post 497 Hanisell Bridge 591 Hand Cross 380, 581 Handell Gate 591 Handford 167, 204 Handley 212 Handstay Gate 380 Handsworth 217, 262 Handy Cross 48c, 530 Hanging Bridge 175, 509 Hangmans Stone 257, 279 Hankelow 496 Hanley Green 452 Hanmers Cross 143, 146 Hannington 504 Hanny 457 Hansacre 274 Hanwell 97 Han wood 126 Hanworth Green 336 Haraby 180,559 Hareby 560 Happisburgh 399, 558 Hapstead Green 383 Harberton Ford 34 Harbledown 365, 590 Harburton Ford 42 Hardham 388 Hardings Booth 509 Hardraw 246, 284 434 Hardway 89 Hardwick 1 14, 144, 329, „ 33L 54° Hardwick Elm 427 Hardy 175 Hare Hatch 4 . ... Street 327, 341, 357 Harelaw 339 Harewood 228, 258, 276, 288, 537, 571 Harewood end 143 Hargate Wall 433, 550 Hargest Bridge 431 Harleston 272 Harley 117 Harlington 396 Harlow 417 Harlston 327 Harmer Hill 118, 267 Harmpndsworth 396 Harnby 245 Harness Hill iz Harnharrt Hill 17 Harpenden-271 Harperley 230, 250, 559, 568 Harpley 334, 540 Harpswell 520. Harradon Hill 56 Harrietsham 367, 378 Harrington 86, 303 Harrington Bridge 429 Harringworth 270 Harris Bridge 213 Harrow on the Hill 151, 158, 395 Harrowden 352, 268 Harrowgate 290, 572 Hartburn 570 Hartfield 593 Harribrd-3t7, 497, 519 Bridge 15, 351, 472 Hartingfordbury 531 Harrington 511 Hartland Quay 6ct Hartlebury 109 Hartley Row 15 Hartley Street 374, 588 Harton 60, 304 Hartside Cross 249, 559- Hartwell 158- Harwell 69 Harwood 25* . Harwood Gate 29S, 300 Head 298 Harwoods House 154 Haselbury 35 Hasland 256 Hassop 510, 546 Hatch Beauchamp 84 Hatch end 157 Hatchet Lane 27 Hatfield 434, 462, 554 Broad Oak 358 Mills 531 Peverell 343 Hatherne 174 Hathersage 520 Hattersley 550 Hatton 264 ..... Heath 212 HaughleyNew Street 538, 580 Haunton 507 Hause Hill 179 Haversham 197 Haverstock Hill 159 Hawford Bridge 109 x Hawksdale 561 Hawkesbury 78 Hawkwell 594 Hawkhwi-st 588, 591 Hawston 327 Hawley 585 Haydon Bridge 415; Haydons Elm 138 Hayes 97, 395 ..... Common 583 end 97* 397 Hayfield 543 Hayle Copper House 2a Haynes Yard 48a Haysthorpe 315 Hay ton 310 Hay wards Heath, 581 Haywood 166 Hazlewood .185 Headboum Worthy 47 Head Chester 393, Headley's Cross ji6- Heage 187 Healaugh 570 Healy 256 Heanor 507 Heatchum 3.3* HE A MDEX to the PILLAGES, fife. HOO Heath 256, 496 HeathcoHe 545 I-Ieathencbt 163 Heathfield 63 Heath Lane 221 Heaton 191, 192 ...... Norris 176 Heavitree 20 Heckfield 471 Heckington 514 Meckmondwick 423 Heddington 99 Heddoh on the Wall 417 Hedingham 354. 357 Hedingley 275 Heighington 241 Hele Bridge 62 Helbeck Lund 246 -Helsby 551 Helstone 83 Hem 518, 522 Hemmirngbrough 436 HemmingfordAbbots 552 ....' Grey 552 Hemsted 399 Hendall Bridge 593 Hendon 160 Hendred 4J9 Heridre Gate 485 Henfield 385, 386 Henllan 121 Hensall 420 Henshaw 415 Henstridge 32 Hepstonstall Bridge 422 Hepvfcorth 350 Hereford, Little 102 Hermitage 269, 501 Heron Gate 575 * Herriard 469 Herring Green 252 Heskett 180 Hesket Newmarket 249 Hetherset 327 HeVingham 340 Heworth Bridge 305 Heybridge 397 Heyford Purdell 469 Heytesbury 61, 83, 437,, 449 Hey wood 536 Hibalstow. 307, 322 Hickleton 548 Hicks' Mill 21 Hickling 3.99 Hide Hill' 80 Higham 187 High Burton 524 Highclere 468 High Cross 204, 500 Highdale Park 198 Highdown Hill 476 Higbgate 160, 161, 219, 285, 372, 374. 543. 573. 588 Highgate Lane 279, 419 High Garret 349, 357 .... Halden 590 Meadow 132 .... Ongar 575 .... Town 422 Highiram 131, 137 High side 199 Highway side 207 Higton 403 Hilborough 333, 546 Hildersthorpe 401 Hilderston 275 Hilgay 329 Hill Head 416 . . . Houses 1 30 Hillden Green 360 Hillingdon 97, 396 HiUington 329, 334, 540 Hillmarton 453 Hill Morton 272, 425 Hilperton 85, 453 Hill Ridware 274 ... Top 54, 279 Hilsea Barracks 46 Hilston 401 Hilton 331, 511,578 Himley 452 Hindley 535 HindaHead Hill 44 Hinstock 310 Hintlesham 524 Hipperholm' 422 Hitcham 351 Hoathly- 385 Hobber Gate 505 Hobb's Cross 330 Hockerill 325, 531 Hockering1 -534 Hockley 151 Brook 217, 265 Common 356 Hockliffe 162, 171 Hockstead Green 590 Hodnet 432, 498 Hoghton 421 Hoistead Green 351 Holburn Hill 198 Holdingham 307, 514 '•• HoleofEUel 178 Holford 93 Holgate 435, 573 Holkham 399 Holiwell 87 Hollm Knowl 543 Hollings Green 419- Hollinwood 419 Holliwell 297 Holloway 161 Hollo wway head 497,519 Hollywood Gate 509 ' Holme 197, 332, 422^ 433. 509, 544 Holme Bridge 277 End 511 Firth 544 ...... Lane 430 . Street 20-7 Holmer 443 Holmes Chapel 169, 189 Holmton 401 Holnest 441 Holsden Green 157, 397 Holsworthy 82, 4"8b Holt 101, 274 Holtby 315 Hctltham 319 Holton 91 Holywell 402 Holwelslade- 62 Hoi wood Hill 369 Holybourh 51 Holy Cross. 129 Honingharti 534 . Honiton Clyst 20 Honirigton 539 Honley 544 Hoods Corner 583 Hook i 6, 29, 472 " ..... Street 453 HabtwDod'Commoti j<9o HOO INDEX to ike VILLAGES, &c V ISL Hoole 214, 551 Houghton 177, 535, 570 Hyde 151 Hoo Lane 1S6 Chapel 550 Hooton Roberts 434 Hys-' p Allen 126 Hopcrofts Hole 440, 469 Hythe 54 Hops 119, 444, 520 .... Bagot 112 I&J .... Green 1 76 Houslip Bridge 567 Hopes Nose 486 How Bridge 301 Jacobstow Si Hoppas 205 .... Comer 50 Jamaica Inn 21 Hopton 346 .... Green 592 Jameston 406 .... Street 531, 576 Ibstock 215 Horbling 555 Howford Bridge 575 Ickburgh 333 Horbur-y 420 Howton 463 Icklesham 413 Horeham 361 Hoyland Swaine 547 Idith Marsh 44S Horfield 425 Hubbats Mill 514 Idlecombe*393 Horkesley 578 Hucclecot 68 Idlestry 157, 160 Hornby 179, 194,278, Hugglescote 201 Idleton 557 417. 563 Hulcoto 458 Jevington 592 Hornchurch 353 Hulme 190 Jews Bridge 34 Horns Cross 363 Hulscot 525 Iford 387, 410 Homdean 45, 469 Hulton 177, 535 Igtham 584 Horndon on theHill 356, Hulverston 394 Ilford 341 574. 575 Humberstone 400 Ilkley 276 Horninglow 201 Hundleby 560 Illingworth 280 Horn Lane 225, 299 Hundred House Inn 101, Ilsley, West 14 Horn's Cross 374 4-63 Inchborough 451 Homsey 161 Hungerford 518 Ingatestone 342 Horra Bridge 39, 477 Hunshaw 82 Ingbirchworth 523 Horringford 392 Hunslet 258 Ingham 355 Horse Bridge 36Z, 386, Hunstanton 332 Ingleburn 41 583 Hunters Lodge Inn 19, Ingleton 277, 283,417 Horseheath 529 479 Ingoldmels 400 Horseley 75, 387,451- Huntington 218 Ingoldsthorpe 331 Horsemonden Heath 371 Huntley. 132, 139 Ingram 59 • Horsendon Green 395 Hunton Bridge 152 Ingrave 575 Horsenton Hill 395 Huntspill 407 Ingworth 336 Horseshoes 481 Hurdlow House 273 Johnston 12 Horsey Bridge 533- • Hurdsfield 519 Ipstones 2751 Horsham St. Faiths 340 Hurleston 207 Irby 323, 56a Horsley Heath 464 Hurley Bottom 65 Ireton Wood 187 Horsley Wood House 544 Hursley 48 Irlam 419 Hbrstead 337, 370, 384 Hurst 317 Irlam 0' the Height 177, Horton 84, 281, 537 Hurstborne Tarrant 468 189 Inn 51, 173 Hurst Green 374, 375, Iron Acton 72, 473 . Horwich 190 376, 582, 583, 58? .... Bridge 129 Hostondel Bridge 506 Husbands Bosworth. 1 73, Irthlingborough 25 J, 259 Hothampton 94 200, 527 ¦ Isham 268 Hothfield 368 Hutt 89 - - - ; lsleworth 2, 77, 78 Hoton 263 .... the 54, 255 | Isley Walton 429 Hotspur Keath 98 Hutton 249, 278 Islington 161, 219,384, Hough, the 270 332, 573 Hougham 4*4 Islip 425 JTC INDEX to the VILLAGES, fife. KNA Itchington 440 Ithon Bridge 492 Ivelet 570 Ivetsey Bank, 210 Ivington Bridge 444 Ivy Bridge 34, 477 Iwade 592 Ixworth Thorpe 539 K Karesley Green 441 Kates Bridge 306 CabirV 224, 426 ...... Gore 439 Keal 319 Kearswick 278 Kedleston fnn 187 Keelby 401 Keele 269, 497 Kegworth 174 ' ' Kelath 244 Kelham 261, 513 Kellington 420 Kelmarsh 173 Kelsale 345 Kelsall 519 Kelstedge 516 Kelstorn 521 Kelton Hill 1S2 Kelvedon 343 KempstonHardwick 272, 273 Kemsey 142 Kendall 308 Kenderchurch 463 Kenford 39 Keninghall 352 Kennel 416 Kennrngton379, 381,589 Kensel Green 157, 395 .Kensington 1, 43 Gravel Pits 9 7 Kent Ditch 413 .. .., Ford 577 Kentish Town 159, 160, 161 Keresworth 548 Kersey 523 Kesgrave 344 Kessan, Bridge 4S4 Kessingland 346 Keston 369 . Mark 583 Keswick 399 Ketley 266 Kettlebastone 351 Kettles Hulme 519 Kettlesing Head 573 Kevenpendagar 1 3 2 Kew 78 Kexby 310 Keyingham 311 Key Street 364, 584, 592 Keynsham 8 Keynton Mandefield 58, 62 Kidworth 173 Kid Crew 204 Kiddington ioOj 113 Kidhall Inn 421 Kidlington Green 440 Kidsley Park 537 Kiffig 12 Kilbride 240 Kilbridge 344 Kilburn 544 Kildwick 280 Kilham 295, 308, 314, 315, 316 Kilhope Cross 252 Kilken 126 Killenhall 259 Killinghall 538 Killhampton 408 Killingholme 401 Killingley 420 Kilmington 19, 89 Kilnsea 3 1 2 Kilsby 499 Kilterson 183' Kilvington 315 Kilworth 203, 527 Kimberley 546 Kimbolton 521 Kingates 392 Kingfprd 59, 63 Kings Acre 143, 145 Bridge 59, 410 Bromley 515 Cliff 244, 360, 425 .. ... Cross 422, 537 Kingsbury 442 Kings Ferry 593 Sarnbome 466 Kingscote 451 , Kingsdown 367, .377 Kingsdown Hill 26 Kirigsey 157 Kingsfold Gate 385^387 Kingsgate 414 KingsideHlll 404 Kingsland 107, 285 Kings Langley 152 Kingsley 541 Kingston 50, 75, 80 •- Bagpuze 67, Kingthorp 172, Ia9 King Street 30 Kingsweare 42, 409, 485 Kmgweston 58, 62 King's Worthy 47 Kington Langley 44,5 Kinnerton 517 Kinnersley 521 Kinolton 526 Kinthorn 93 Kiplin 569 Kippings Cross .71 Kirby Hill 229 Kirk Andrews 239, 401 Kirkbridge 564 Kirkbride 404 Kirkby 197 Belars 504 ...... Ireleth 197 Laythorpe 5 14 Kirkbythore 235 Kirk Ella 309, 435 .... Harle 566 .... Hampton 563 Kirkhill 298 Kirkley 346 Kirkmans Green 168 Kirkmachoe 237 Kirk Newton 295 Kirkstall Bridge 281 Kirkton 3 1 8, 400 Kirstead 354 Kirton Holme 512, 514 Kite Hill 391 Kitt's End 161 Kitty Gills 195 Knaith 301 *.t»A INDEX to the VILLAGES, &e. LIT Knarsdale 249 Knayton3i5Kneeswortti 287 Knert's Mill 83 Knesall 261 Knightsbtidgei,43 Knight's Enham 467 Knighton 34, 206 Knightsford Bridge 107 Knitacre 278 Kniveton 506 Knockholt 360, 584 Knockin 127 Knotting 252 Knottingley 420 Knotty Ash 169 Know Hill 404, 564 Knowle 62, 264, 43 1 , 443 Knowles Green 585 Knowl Hill 374 Knoyle 450 Kyme 319 Laceby 400 Ladbroke 440 Lamberhurst 371, 374, 588,592 Lamboum 14 Lamesley 291 Lampeter Mountain 135, 49= Lamphey 406 Lamport 172 Lanchester 567 Lancing Pad Inn 412 Landefoot482Landford 467 Landkey 59 Lane Delph 203 Lane End 202 '. . . . Ends 207, 497 Head 477 Langdale 244 Langdon Hill 574 Langford 299, 397. 4°7 Langham 254 Langley 175, 351,415 .... ...Broom 3, 30 Langridge 449 Laugtoft 306, 308 Langton 460, 559, 569 Langton Herring 410 Matravers 80 Langu»462 Langworth Bridge 321 Lanivet 22 Lanternam 46 1 Larbrike 404 Larkfield 367, 377 Lark Hall 337, 30 J Larlingford 326 Lasborough 45 1 Lasham 469 Latchford 168, 549, 552 Lathbury Inn 171 Latton 454 Lavant 46 Lavenham 349, 35 1 Lavington 91 Lawton 169, 187 Laycock 26 Layster's Hill 521 Layton 87, 455, 568 Lea 139, 302 .. . Bridge 323 Leadenham 504, 514 Leagrave 476 Leake 319 Leas Green 586 Leasingham 514 Leatherhead 384, 387 Leaven 311 Leckford Hut 3 1 Leckinfield 308 Lee (the) 339 Leebotwood 444 Lee Green 365 . . . Mill Bridge 34 Leaning 229, 560 Leigh 50,60, 168,362, . 479„ Leigh Green 372 Sinton 423 Leighton 130 Leintwardine 5 i 7 Leiston 398 Lemihgton Hall 566 Priors 364 Lemsford 222 Lenham 367 Lenthall 513 Lenthenton Green 593 Lenton 511 Lenwade Bridge 536 Leominster 390 Lepton 279, 419 Lesmahagow 336 Lessbury 403 Leswade 243 Letchworth 476 Letheringsett53j Lcvenshulme 176 Leverton 319 Leves Green 369 Lewcote Gate 544 Lewisham.359, 365, !*», 586 Lewsey 475 Lexden 344, 53P Lexharh 334 Ley 469 Ley burn 345 Leytonstone 357 Libberton Kirk 243 Liokey Hill 428 Lickford Bridge 93 Lide 28, 446 Lidford 57, 61 Lidgate 116 Lidney 137 Lifton 21 Lightcliffe 423 Lightwood Green 498 Lilford 269 a Lillington 424 Limerston 394 Lime Kilns 482 Lincoln's Inn Bridge 243 Linderadge Quarter 371 Lindfield 382, 383,^81 Lindsey;523 Linemou th 403 Lindsey 523 Lingill Bridge 283 Linnal 197, 563 Linton 95, 180,309,373 Bridge 293 I.iphook 45 Lipson 35 - Lissit 3 16 Litc'ham 334,534 i Litchfield 439 Little Ann 16 Littleborough 536 Littlebourne 377 1 Littlebury 335, 575 Little Elm 85 LIT INDEX to the VILLAGES, &e. ¦•too Little Heath 573 London 145, 443 Moor 8 7 Littleport 338 Littleton 78, 85,455 LittletoWn 284, 433 Littleworth 67, 317 Bridge 454 Litton Bridge 90 Llanaber 405 Llanalgo 405 Llanarth 406 Llanavon 148 Llanbedr 105, 125, 405 Llanbedrgoch 404 Llanbydder 518 Llandegles 147 Llandebie 492 Llandinibo 143 Llandinam 489 Llandivaelog5i7 Llandowya 406 Llanddowror 12 Llandrillo488 Llandillo Cresseney 132 Llandrinio 127 Llandulas 120 Iiandura 105 Llahdwrog 405 Llandwywe 405 Llandygau'120 Llandyrnog 126 Llandyvilog49i Llandysilio 490 LlandyssH 109 Llanellen 462 Llanelly 11, 406 Llanelltid 104, 105 LI anerchy rnedd 1 05, 1 2 1 145 ' Llanerfyl 103 Uanfeethle 405 Llan faelog 405 Llanfair 106, - 133, 405 Llanfairscaer ioj Llanfairyneibwll 405 Llanfeiriah 405 Llanfydd 121 Llanfyhangel y'traeth 1 06 Llangadwaladr 405 Llangammarch 148 Llangattock 9;, 140 Llangedwin 126 Llangefni 105, 121 Llangendeirne 11 Llangerrig 489 Llingower488Llangranach 133 Llangwilly 517 Llangwyfen 405 Llangylinin 405 Llangynnog 127, 128 Llanhaiarn 405 Llanhamlach 133 Llanllir 49 1 Llanllyfni 108 LlanloWel 95 Llannon 1 1 , 406 Llanover 46 1 Llanrwydrys 405 Llanrhyddlad 405 Llanrhysted 406, 491 Llanrhaiadn 2 1, 1 25, 1 27, 486 Llansadwmin 406 Llansamlet 11 Llansantffraid 123 Llahsantfred 133 Llansawell 492 , Llanspyddyd 133 Llanstephan 406 Llan St. Fraid Bridge 1 28, 494 Llan St. Sior 120 Llantilio Pertholey 462 Llantnewla488Llanswrog 405 Llantwd 485 Llanvair Iscoed 95 Llanvapley 132 Llanvihangel 95, 140, 461 Llanvihangel Abergwes- sin 148 Llanvihangel Craeorney 462 Llanvihangel NantMelon H7 Llanwchllyn 487 Llanwenarth 132 Llanwenog 135 Llanwnda 108 Hanwnnen 135 Llariwriribg loo Llan y blodwett 1 27 Llanyeil 487 - '•' • Llanydloes 109, 489 Llanymynech 490 Llanyngenedl 105 Llan y Mowddu 488 Llwynhowel 134 Llwyell 134 Llyngelys 4^0 Loaning 293, 393, 339 Lobcomb Comer 17, 31 Lobster Inn 301 Lochrutton 181 Locker's Cross 391 Lockington 174 Lockinge 459 Lockron 302 Locks Bottom 359, 583 Lockwood 544 Loddon Bridge 28, 30 Lodington 284 Loftsome Ferry 456 Lofthouse 258 a Lolly Moor 335 Lolworth 528 ' Long Barrow Cross 57, 44s .... Breedy 19, 410 .... Bridge Deverill, 61, 449 London Bridge 171 Londonderry 229 Longbridge 156,424,554, 59' Longburgh 403 Long Cross 85,473,565 Longdon 166, 451 Longdown End 37 Longford 2, 427, 503 Bridge 190 Long Ham 50 Longhope 139 Longhorsley 293 Longnor 186, 273, 276, 444,509 Longport 432 Long Preston 277 .... Sutton 545 Longthorpe 533 Longton 214 Longwathby 249 Longworth Bridge 3:4 Lonning 250 Looe 38 ¦ LoosleyRow 156 - LOP INDEX to «Ae PILLAGES, 6V.' MER Lopham 352 Lorton 195 Lostock 552 Loudwater 98 Loughor 406 Loughton 323 Lovat's Bridge 501 Loversall 263 Lovesome Hilt 289 Lower Head 502 ..... Knook 61 Peckwick 26 Team Bridge 568 Lowle Bridge 489 Lowther Bridge 179, 235 Low Hill 175, 511 LflwToft Hill 230 Lowood Inn 195 Low Row 562 Loxwood 590 Lubbenham 527 Luckbridge4i Luckington 71 Luddington 553 .......... Foot 422 Ludthorpe 521 Ludwell 31 Lugg Bridge 423, 463 Lugton 233 Lugwardine 146 Lund 436, 571 Luston 444 Lychett Minster 79,410 Lydden 366 Lydford 39, 488 Lymrh 549 Lymne Hill 587 Xympsfield 370 Eympstone48iLyndhurst 53, 54, 448 Lyndridge 102 Lyneham453 Lyngen 513 Lynn Hurst 369 Lyons Hall 146, 149 Lythe 402 M Mablethorpe 400 Maakworth r75 Madeley 269, 497 Maentwrog 104, 1 06, 1 07 ; 1*4, IJT&) 2*j • .' Maestersin Bridge 494 Maghull 213 Maiden Bradley 61, 87,90 Law 567 Newton 29 Maidenhead Bridge 3 Thicket 4 Maid well 173 Maizemore 144 Maker Church 38 Malbray 404 Maldon Jenking 397 Mailing (West) 367 Mallwyd 488 Malpas 461 Malsford 233 Maltby 320, 520 Malton 301 Malvern 493 WHU494 Mamble 496 Mamhilade 46 1 Maney 428 Mansel Lacy 145 Manton 254, 270, 516 Water 6 Manworthy 480 Maplestead 349 Mapleton 401 Maplederwell Hatch 16 Mapson's Cross in, 495 Maram's Court Hill 360, 584 Marbridgei44 Marchamley 498 March wiail 118, 218 M'areham on the Hill 560 Maresfield 370,380,382: 383,581,593 Margam 1 o Mar Green 461 Margretting Street 342, 353,' 573 Marham 408 Mark Cross 361 Mark field 201 Market Street 162, 335 Markham 557 Moor 226 Mark's Tey 343, 532 Marland 536 Marr 548 Marrog 406 Marsden 194. 419 Marshall's Green 577 Marshalsea 30 Marsham 340 Marsh Chapel 400 Marshes Elm 62,455 Marston 225, 456, 571 Bigott S7 Martin 428 Marti nhoe 95 Martin's Croft Green 418 Martlesham 344 Marton 168, 192, 301. 440. 459 Mascow Smithy 563 Masegood Inn 134 Maske 569 - Mason's Hill 3 59 Matching Green 35,8 ' Matfield Green 37 1 Mathrey 136 Mattingley.472Mattocks 'Tree 58 Maudlin 94, 41 1 Mayford 166 Mayfield 361 May Hall 420 .... Hill 139 May's Hill 475 May Royd 422 Measham 2.16, 429 Medmenham 529 Meer 202, 275 Melbourn 327 Melbury Abbas 450 Melcorobe Regis 1 8, 79, 80 Melford 3 50 Melin Puleston488 ' Melling 195,417 Mellor 564 Melmerby 249 Melton 344, 435 Mendlesham 352, 594' " Meneby 23 Meon Stoke 55 Meon 55 Mepal 533 Mere r6.8,.552 Mereworth Cross cojl Mere Heath 168 Meriadog 486 Meriden 164" ' MER INDEX to the VILLAGES, fife. MYPf Merlin's Bridge 12, 406 Meuiville Bridge 38 Merroe 388 Merrington 241 Merrymeet 20, 483 Metsham Hatch 368 Merton 338, 384, 581 Merthyr Tydvil4>, 133, 491 Messingham 322 Mettingham 347 Micklefield228Mickleham 384 Micklethwaite 561 Mickle Trafford 1 5 1 Over 511 Mid County 12 Middle 118 Middleton 241, 391, 513, 54°. 545. 560, 563 Middleton Stoney 458, 465 Tcesdale 350 Middle Wallop 17 Midge inn 307, 559 Midgely 279 MidWayHouses 201,216 Milborne Port 32, 459 Milboume 18, 503 Milbrook 37, 53 Mile End 341 Mile ham 535, Milford 44, 45, 4,7, 205 288 Milk Hill Gate 175 Milk'house Street 372. 588" Milkhurst Toll 587 Milkingden 403 Millam 198 Mill Bridge 420, 423 Millbrook 272 Mill End 529 .... Green 209 ;.''.. Hill i6q Millpole Hill 542 Mill Shaw 421 Milltown 181 Millystone Green 43 S Milthorp 283' Milthorpe 257 Milnthorpe 197 MUsou 523 Milton 338, 410, 45s, 474, 543, 5?6 Emys 253 .... Green 490 - Hall 355 Milwich 509 Mims 161 Mindrum 296 Minera Chapel 487 Minster 375 Minsterley 126 Minstcrworth 137 Missenden 113 Misterton 448 Mistley Thome 34,8 Mitcham 379, 381, 582 Mitchell 493 Mitfoid 29 8 Moakbridge 385 Mochdref 120 Mold Green 272,419, 524 Mollington 212,440, Molescroft 308, 571 Monorabon 138 Money Ash 509 Monkaton 89 Monk Fryston 436 Monkland 42 1 Monk's Bridge 500 Monksford Street 1 5 1 Monk's Gate 581 Heath 168, 183, 519 House 1 14 Monksilver 480 Morestead 439 Moreton End 358 Morleigh 484 Morley 421, 507 Morriston n Morston 399 Mortimers Cross 496, 513 Mortlake 78 Morthoe 408 Morton* 306, 321,512, 555, 573 Morton on Lugg 444 Morvill n7 Mosbrough 558 Mosely 543 Moss House 547, 5-50 .... Side 404, 564 Mosspaul Gieen 240 Mosterdon 448 Motcombe 32 Mottiston 394 Mottram in Longdendal* 547, 55° Moulding Bridge 45S Moulsford 470 Moulsham 342 Mount Folly 438 Gate 385 Grace 315 Mountnessing Street 342 Mount Pleasant 486 Mounts 43 Mousal 44 Mousgwald 181 Monkton 35,63,275,483 Much Marcle 493 Monk Wearmouth 303 305 Montacute 83 Moor (the) 5 14 Green 5 24 Moorby 560 Moorhead 565 Moorhouse 370, 563 Moor Street 364 Moorthwaite 284 Montfojd Bridge 122,127 Moor Town 258 Morcott 533 Mqrden 384 Morebath482Morecourt 150 Moresby 196, 199 Muckleston 206 Muckley Corner 464, Jif) Cross 117 Mudford 456 MudgeDown 473 Muggleswick 248 Muirkirk 239 Muker 570 Mulksham 226 Mullenspond 5 J Mundford 333 Mundsley 399 Munslqw 518 Murrel Green 1} Musselburgh 394 Muston 316 My nte Turnpike 7*. NAC INDEX to the PILLAGES, fife. NL'N N Nackingten 588 Nafferton 313, 315 Nailston 215 Na'rtsworth 75, 451 Nannerch 123 Napton 263 Narborough 173, 503, 540 Nash 431 Nassington 261 Nateby 246, 570 Nawton 302 Nayland 406 Neant Head 252 Nechels Green 502 Necton 534 Needham 347 Needingworth 553 Needles, the 390, 391, 392. 394 Neen Savage 522 Nell Bridge 115 Nellfield 242 Nell Gill Bridge 246 Nesscliffe 122, 127 Neston 212 Nether Court 375 Compton 33' Seal 50S Woodhotise 558 • Netherhaugh 279 Netherton 213, 522, 551 Nettlebed 65 Nettlebridge 447 Nettleden 156 Nettlestead 594 Nettlestone 392 Newbiggin 250, 297, 403 Newbold 149, 435 Heath 502 New Bridge 41, 50, 309, 313, 387, 431, 484, 550, 564. 589 New Bridge Green 451 Newburgh 80 Newburn 416 NeWby 277 Bridge 198,563 New Buildings Si .... Byers 242 New Chapel Green 370, 381 .... Cross 359, 363 Dam 1 86 Newenden 372, 373, 590 Newgil Sands 135 Newhall 493 New Harbour Gate 373 Newhaven 273, 387,412, 545 New Houses 38, 147, 281, 454 Newick 581 Newington 361, 364, 473. 5=5 Green 219 New Inn 42, 47, 57, 81, 107, 1.50, 223, 265 271, 273, 424, 461, 4S6, 541 New Invention 515 Newins Green 368, 587 Newlands 308, 312, 490 Newland Corner 579 Newlands Green 494 Newly n 24 New Miller Dam 257 Newnham 102, 496 New Passage Inn 8, 74, 138, 141, 407,443 Newport 59, 325,427, 484 New Quay 4S9 .... Street 590 Newsome 245 Newton 103, 231, 240, 258, 292, 301, 317, 327. 333. 334. 351. 401, 403, 404, 437, 444, 445, 467, 480, 512, 5-58, 564, 570, 577 Newton Heath 419 Tracey 478 of Wamp'hray 236 Poppleford 62 St Cyres 81 St. faiths 340 New Town 389, 392, 4=8, 439, 457 ..,. Village 179 Nibley 475 Nidd 248 Kighting^e House- 177, 190 Nine Banks 565 . Ninfield Slacks 584 Niton 392, 393 Nobold 431 Nodes 389 No Mans Heath 21 1, 497 Nonsugh Green 361 Nook Bridge 574 Norborough 306,317,426 Norbury 431 Nordelph Corner 545 Norden Green 452 Norley 129 Normandby 322 Normans Cross 224, 305 Normanton 256, 504 Northam 408 Bridge 92, 411 North Bridge 533 Bar 47. 93 Chapel 47 Cray 586 Church 153 Down 414 end 1 60 Northfield 428 Northfleet 364 Northolt 395 North rode 54S North Street ^o Northwich 109 North wood 157 Norton 63, 107, 209,283, 303. 3»3, 3S9, 427, 433, 508, 5>7, 522", 53', 53.8, 54', 572 Norton Canen- 145 Farms 505 Heath 575 Inn 296, 568 St. Philip 436 Wood seats 256 Norwood 568 Nosterfield 245 Nottar Bridge 41 Nox 125 Nuffield Heath 66, 65 Nunbrook 430 . ' k NUN INDEX to fie VILLAGES, fife. FED Nuneham Courtenay 87 Nun Hill 297 Nuns Bridge 528 Nusteed 28, 446 Nutbourn 411 Nuffield 580 Nuthall 534 Nutley 383 Oadby 173 Oaken Gates 266, 367 Oakerthorpe 1S7 Oakford 86 OakhiU 447 Oakley 67, 216 Inn 253 Oak Tree Inn 229, 560 Oak Moor 506 Oatwell 545 Oborne 32, 459 Occold 594 Odcombe 83 Oddrode 169, 188 Odsey Grange 476 Offham 373 Street 382 Okenden 354 Old Burrow 81 Oldbury 219 Old Down Inn 87, 443 Oldfield Green 109, in Oldford 140 Oldham 419 Old Hurst 317 ... Ing 383 .. . Mill Inn 257 . . . Passage House 8,72, 74> 95, 426, 443, 473, 4-75 ... Town 278 Olletton Gates 168, 519 Olney 171, 252, 253, 367, 465, 554 Olveston 72 Ombersley 109 Omerden Green 588 Ompton 361 Onecote 375 Onibury 102 Onneley 497 Openshaw 547 Orchard Portmain 479 Orange Lane Inn 296 Orchinwood 47S Ord 403 Ore 376 Orleton 496 Ormesby 402 Ormsby Hill 563 Orr Bridge 183 Orsett 356 Orthwaite 199 Orton on the Hill 501 Orton Longeville 426 Watervillc 426 Osbornby 307 Osmington 80 Osmondeston 347, 351, 352 Ospringe 365 Oswald Kirk 30: Otford 586 Otterborne 52 Otterburn 298 Otterton 410, 481 Ottringham 312 Ottrington 245, 246 Outnewton 401 Ouseburn 435 Ouse Bridge 562 Ovenden 280 Over 131, 144,500 end 541 .... Penn 452 .... Seal 215 .... Shepley 524 Overstrand,399 Overthorpe 561 Overton 6, 16, 118, 444 Ovingham 416. Ovington 416 Owre Bridge 49 Owston 284 F'erry 321 Owthom 401 Oxendon 173 Oxney Green 575 Oxted Street 370 Oxton 264 Packington 209, 456 Packsaddle Bridge 424 Padbury 114 Padiham 421 Paddington 151, 157,395 Pailton 527 Painton 41, 485 Painswick 70, 445, 451 Pakefield 346 Palling 399 Palmers Bridge 2r Green 219 Pamber 469 Pancras 159 Pandrig 195 Pangbourn 13, 470, 473 Pangdean 381 Pantrucho 9 Pap worth St. Everard. „ 287, 331 Park house 55 .... Lane 434 .... Nook 198 Parkin Green 427 Parney Corner 210 Pardons Green i6q Path Head 293 Partney 319 Partridge Green 38S t-'astcai 399 "Patacroft Bridge 419 Patch am 381 Patching Poud4i2 Patchway Green 426 Pately Bridge 248, 259, 571 Path Head 233 Pathlow Gate 150 ' Paulsgrove 411 Pavement Gate 125 Pawlett 407 Paxton 224 Peacock Inn 187, 506, 5=3 Pearfield Green 378, 589 Peasemarsh 3.73 Pease Marsh Common 44 Ptckfield 228, 275 Ptckforton 497 Peckwick 7, 26 Peckworth Common 43 i Pedham Place 366 Pedling Green 368 Pedmore 129 PEE INDEX to the PILLAGES, fife. POR Peel Green 419 Pelaw 291 Pelling Bridge 581 Pelsall 515 Pembridge r5o Pembury Green 371 Penachamawr 138 Penalan 462 Penallt no Penally 406 Pencaedu Green 486 Pencamawr 95 Pencarreg 518 Pencevenglasorin 134 Pencraig 140 Pencross 147 Pendine 406 Pendlebury 189 Pendleton 177, 419 Pertriogget 84 Pendragon Castle 246 Penegos no, 487 Pen ho We 9 Pengraver 38 Peniston 256, 257, 279, 523. 543. 547 Penmaen n Mawr 120 Penmorfa 107, 283, 284, 405 Penny Bridge 563 Penpont 133 Penrest t46, 150 Penrice 1 1 Penruddock 565 Pensford 443 Penshurst 362 Pentonville 573 Pentra 132 Pentraem 404 Pentrefelin 485 Pentre Halkin 1 19, 484 Pentre Llangwyfan 126 Penwortham Bridge 214 Pen y bank 144 bont 109, 147 bwlch 126 rh'ylan 4S9 strywad 4S9 Peplow 498 Porlogue 43 1 Pepper Hill 365 Street 269 Perrans Alms Houses 22, 408 Perran Arworthal 23 Perrots Bridge 70 Perry Bridge 407 Peterstow 143 Petherton 63 Bridge 83, 92 Petrockstow 477 Pettistree 345 Petty France 450 Pevensey Sluice 413 Philpot Cross 372 Picadilly 148, 406, 488, Picked Post 49 Pickenham 540 Pickle Gate 507 Picks Hill 465 PictsWall 248 Piddinghoe 387 Piddletown 18 Pidford 391 Pierce Bridge 229, 233, 241. 3". 418, S59> 5^5, 569 Fiersburg 303 Pigs Lea 39 Pike Hall 512 Pilanton Water 183 Pillerton 115 Pillory 371 PiltDown 581 Pilton 65, 269 Pimmet Bridge 193 Pimperne 17 Pinchbeck 317 Pinchinthorpe 317 Pinkney 71- Pinners Green 157 Pipe Hill 464, 515 Pipers Inn 62, 88 Pissingford Bridge 357 Pitt 48 Pitt's Moor 256 Plais Bach 518 Plansworth 291 Playdon' 413 Pkasley 255, i~S, 557 k 2, Ploughley Hill 154 Plowland 296 Pluckley 588 Plummers Plain 581 Plumtree 2.55 Plymouth Pock 35, 40 Plympton St.Mary 35, 42 PocklingtonNewInn 31a Pocomb Bridge . j Pointon 555 Polesworth 501 Polmear 408 Polgrene 23 Polhear-409Pomfreet Castle 525 Ponders Bridge 533 end 285 Ponsonby 197 Pont Abercorus 487 .... ar Ddulas- 11, 492 .... ar gar fa 104 .... ar Lleche 137 .... del gofylia 104 Pontcyimori 485 Ponteland 297 Pontesbury 126 Pontesford 126 Pont neath Vechah 431 Ponton 325, 554 Pont Llanbiran 486 Pontprenhurst 133 Pontrilas- 462 Pont Rhyd yr gerrig 488 . -. . . Ryffith 1 24, 483 .... Sychnant 1 20 Poht y berem 1 1 ... . y Gwyddel 12! y Gtwndy 485 .... y Perris 49 1 Pool 22, Sit Pool end 145, 17* Poolmerrick 138 Pool y gravel 1 1 Popham 47 Popham's-Lane 31, 47 Pordhester 41 1 Poringland 354 Porlock Quay 94 Portescauet 8 Portgate 417 Po-rtingscale 1 9 J POR INDEX to the VILLAGES, &c. RH3 Portland, Isle of 80 Porto bello 294, 491 Ports down 46 PortseaGate 46 Portway 143, 149, 444 Postwick 47.6 fotscombe 99 Potter Newton 258 Heigham 399 Potters Bar 220, 221 Potterspury 163 Pott's Close 297 Potter's Street 323 Poulston Bridge 21 Poulner 49. Poulton 68 Powick 452, 494 Powder Hill 336 Poynton 176 Pratt's Bottom 360, 584 Prendergast 4S6, 490 Presley 442 Press Inn 293 Preston 83, 254,311,365, 378,381,402,493,551, 589 Prexford 66 Primrose Hill 155 Princethorpe 424, 441 Prior's Leigh 266 Probus 36 Pruddoe 567 Ppckeridge 286, 327 Puddle Pool 484 Pulborough 48, 388 Pulford 446 Pulley Common 445 Purleigh Wash '397 Purley 13. Puntfield 470 Purbrook 45 Purse Caundell 459 Purston .Tackling 420 Purton Street 453 Stoke 45 3 Pusey Furze 67 Putloe 427 Putney 43, 77, 361,363 Heath 43. Puxton 478 Pylle Street 447 Pwllheli 105, 284 Fyecombc 381 Pye Corner 33 Pyle Inn 10 Pymsant 135 Pystill 405 Quaker's Meeting 198 Yard Inn 49 1 Quantox Head 93 Qu afford 117 Quatt 117 Quedgely 427 Queen's Camel 456 .' Cross 172, 271 Head 123 Quelverland 472 Quemerford Bridge 6 Quendon 325 Quorndon 174 Raby 566 Rackenford 59 Radcliffe 430 Radcott 467 Radfield 365 Radford 206, 318, 363, . 4=4. 44i Radipole 79 ¦* Radlett 159 Radstoke 87, 447 Ragland 96, 140 Raine 533 Rainham 333, 355, 364 Rainhill 169 Rainow Chapel 519 Raisin 323 Rake 44 Raleigh 356 Raleigh's Cross 62 Ramsey 349 Street 349 Ramsley 117 Ramsonlees 378, 589 Rangeworthy 473 Ranskill 226 Rassery 4S0 Rastrick 544 Ravendale 320, 323 Ravenstone 2c 1 ,. 2 1 5 Dale 243 R&vervychan 488 Rawcliffe 289,309,404 Rawridge 482 Raynton 303 Rearsby 504 liea'dv Token 69 Red Ball Inn $9, 88 Redbridge 53 Redb rook 133 Red Bull 167, 169, 187, 204, 433 Redburn 162, 271 Red Court House 103 . . . Cow 503 Redenhall 347 Redford 490 Redgrave 352 Red Hall 235 ... Hill 98, 255, 264, 27=, 369,407,446 ... Horn Turnpike 446 ... House 103, 141,227, 281,417,541,561,577 . . . Lodge 325, 430 Redlynch 89 Red Lion 175, 506,541 Reding Street 373 RedMarley 144 . . . Street 167 Redrpire 246, 418 Redon 505 Redwern (the) 0,6 Redwood Common 522 Red worth 241 Reethe 570 Reighton 401 Rempston 263 Rendham 594 Rcndlesham 398 Resair 479 Retbourn 307, 322 Rew 481 Rcy Cross 234 .. . Fulton 518 Rhw'r Adar 134 Rhyd y briw 133 Rhydowen 135 Rhyd y Porthman 492 .... yr caie 517 . .... y penne 487 Richmond 1, 2, 43, 7*. Richmore Hill 360, 5S4 Rickenhall 350 Ride 392, 394 RID 7.VDEX to the VILLAGES, fife. SAJ.- Ridge Hill 16 1 Ridgemont 272 Ridgeway 3 ; Cross 423 Ridgewell 358 Ridgway 55 8 Riding 230, 565, 567 Ridlington 558 Riford 1 39 Rigb'y 561 Rigg 181 Rillington 313 Riley Hill 515 Rimiide House 293 Ringinglow Turnpike 433. 520 Ringmej-583, 587 Ripley 44 Ripple 142 Riplingham 309 Risby 577 Rising Sun 341 Risley 511 Risplith 571 Rivenhall End 343 Riverhead36o,. 580, 584 River Hill 360 Rixton 419 Road 86 Roadley Shield ^66 Roath 9 Robertsbridgi 374,375 Robinhood 156,362 Robinhood's Bay 402 Well 227 Rocester 510 Rockbeare 20 Rockfield 132 - Rocks Green 513 Rock House 58 Rockingham 173, 253, ,269, 562 Rbcks Place 493 Rockwell Green 5 8 Rodberrow 445, 45 1 Rpdbridge 349 Rode 271 Rodmill 387 Rodney Stoke 86 Roll Fpot 35 Rollesby 399 Rolstofi 401 Rolvendon 59*0 ftomney (Old) 372,414 Roman Hill Houses 578 Rookley 391, 392 Rooks Bridge 407 Rook with 574 Ropley Dean 52 Street 52 Rose Ash 59 Rosemergy 408' Ro4ey 250 Ro South wold 345 South Zeal 20 Sowerby Bridge 537 Soyland 537 Spacey House 258 Spaldwick 528 Sparham 53 6 Spark Brobk 151, 265 Sparkford 9.1, 456 Sparrowpit 186, 519 Speen 5 Speenhamland 5, 439 Spee,ton 401 Spel" Brook 323 Speldhurst 362 Spennythorne 245 Spetchley 141, 424 Spettisbury 450 Spiral 403- Spittallnn 234, 307, 322 323,5=1, 566 Spittlegate 225 Spittle Hill 520 Spixworth 338 Spoon Hill 118 Spot's Dyke 239 Spofforth-247Jjprattori 199 Spread Eagle 209, 452 Springfield 343 , Sprowston 337 Sproxton '301 Spurnhead 312, 401 Stack 516 Stadhampton 474 Staffield 559 Stafibrds 89 Stag Batch 521 Stage Hall 241 Stainsacre 402 Staincross 257 Staindrop 566 Stainforth 281 ¦Etainton 12, 324, $6$ Vale 323 Stamford Bridge 31; Hill 285 Stamford's end 369 ^tanborough 222 Stanbridge 51 Standen 391, 588 Sianderwick- 437 Standground 533 Standyford Lane 452 Stanfield 535 .. . Pond 537 Stanford 7p-, 335 Bridge 207, 2i' Green 463 Plain 70 Stanhoe 330 Stanion 556 Stanmer 383 •Stanmore i;i, 157 Stanner 146 Stannicliffe 192 Stanningley 281 Stannington 291 Stansbatch 495 Stanstead 377 Borough 3701 381 Montfichet32 Stanstom 35a Stanton in, 144, 215 350 Bridge 465 Lacy 5 1 8 St. Quintin 445 Stanway 142, 344 Stan wick 180, 415 Stapely 206 Staple Cross 3 74 Fitzpain 479 Green 52 Hurst 373 Stapleford 437, 511,573 Stapenhill 215 Staples Cross 76 Staplegrove 63, 479 Stapleton 215 Star Cross 486 Starling 536 Startown 47*1 Startforth 566, <69 Statham 549 Staveley 195, 198, 516 Staverton 263 Bridge 138 Staxton 369, 401 Stayley Bridge 547 Stebbing Ford 532 Steddfa-gerrig 488 Steens Bridge 107 Steep Green 461 Steepends 238 Steephill 393 Steeping 560 Steepie 354 Langford 437 Steeton 280 Stepleton Castle 513 Sternfield 593 Steventon Green 439, 459' 4fio Stewponey 452 Sticker 36, 409 Stickford 318 ' Stickney 318 Stiffkey 399 Stifford 355, 356 Bridge 423 Stile-Bridge 373 Stillington 301 Stilton 224, 288, 305 Stisted 342 Stitt 431 Stock 573 Stoeket 11S Stock Heath 539. ' Stockland 35 Stockley 481 Stockton 101, 521, 522 Stocktonberry Cross 521 Stockwell 379 ,, Green 289 Stockwirih 331 Stoford 437 Stoke 83, 166, 30-7,430, 435, 509 Stoke Ash 340 .. Canon 481 .. Edith 145 •• ferry 330, 545 . . Goldington 171 . . Green 80, 527 . . in Teign Head 409 . . Lacey 463 . . under Hamden 448 . . upon Trent 167, 202, 204 Newington 285 Stoken Church 98 Stokesley Castle 103 Stonnal 209 STO INDEX to the VILLAGES, fife. TAR Stone ti6, 15S, 437 .... Bridge 157, 164, 209, 217, 456, 530 . Cross 583 , Crouch 371 • Easton 433 . Gate 363 . Street 587 Stonehenge 57 Stonehouse 35, 37, 383 Stone pound 380 Stoney Bridge n Houghton 378, 557. 558 Middleton 433, 549 «, Mdreton 424 Stoke 91 Stone Street 353, 587 Stone Strister 90 Stonhim 346 Stonley 243 Stonyway Gate 550 Storton 322 Stoughton 101 Highway 242 Stourbridge Fair 3 38 Stoure 32 Stourport 111,230, 464 Stourton 61 Stow Bardolph 329 .... Bridge 454 .... cum Quy 338 Stowborough 80 Stradset 330, 534 Strarashal! 203 Stratfield Turgis 472 Stratford 341, 344, 357 (Old) 163 le Bow 341 St. Andrew 345 Strathaven 240 Stratton'29, 351, 447 Su Margarets 73 , St. Michael 351 Streatham 381 Streatley 13, 470 Street 88, 424, 455, 47I9 . . . . , Ash 479 Hay 499 Houses 273, its ... .. Lane End 183' Street 'Thorpe 434 Way 209 Stretford 189 Bridge 150 Stretham 318 Stretton 125, 145, 172, 188, 425, 444. 5i», 5=7 ...... Bridge 215 inle Field 215 Stricken Bridge 23 Strode the, 578 Stroud 364 Gieen 586 Quarter 590 Strout 138 Stubley 536 Studfield 281 Studley 66, 449, "543 Stukeley 288 Stuntney 578 Sturges Castle 440 Sturmer 358 Sturry 375 Sturston 540, 543 Sturton 277 Sudbury 202, 274, Jn, 515 Green 158, 395 Summer Court, 22 Summerscales 572 ' Sunbury 79, 585 Sunderland Bridge 242, 290, 565 Sundrish 580 Sunning Eye 529 * Hill 27 Hill Wells 28 Sunny Bank 244 Side 339 Surfleet 317 Surreton 579 Surwick 141 Susworth 321 Sutterton 317, 400 Sutton 31, 211, 314,226, 356, 379, 384> 400, 439> 5oi. 50'5. 545, 55i. 580,585 Sutton in AsMeM 507 Heath 210 Maddock 522 1 Sutton on the Forest 391 Street 58 j . .... Veny 6t Swainby 316 SwaBow 323 Swallowfietd 471 Swanage 80 Swanlarid 435 Swan Inn 141, 427 Swahsey 80 Swan. Street 357, 529 Swanswick 449 S wanton Money 335 Swathling 438 Swell 141 Sweet Hill 484 Swine Lane 430 Swinbridge 59 Swtnescoe 175 Swines Hill 363 Swinfen 165 Swinford 130 Swingfidd 368 Swinton 177 SwirehouSe 341 Sydcot 407 Syston 504, 5-33 SyresJiam 458 Syzerth 197 Tabley 552 Tadley 470 Tadworth 379, 580 Takeley Street 532 Tag Hill 507 Talk o' the Hill 167, 168 Talley 492 Tallington 555 Talsarn 137 Tal y Bont 120, 48? Tal worth 5.79 Tansley5i2, 523 Tansor slS© Tan y bwith iey., if S8 TaipliiotBe 20 Taudebig n-6 Tarkill 239 Tairleton Bridge 214 Tarrant Hiimon 17 Tarvm 207, 213, 510 TAT INDEX to the VILLAGES, &'c. TOR Tatling end 98 Tatworth 479 Tavarn y Vuch 486 Tavernspite 12 Tawton 20, 81, 483 Taybach 10 Taywell 371 Tean 202, 274 Tebay 244 Teddington n, 77 Tedstone Wafer 463 Teffont 89 Temmon Inn 415 Temple 21 Cloud 443 Sowerby 235 Temsfprd 223 Tern Bridge 130, 266 Tern Hill 210, 432 Terrington St. John 332 Terry's Cross 385 Terswithian 33 Teston 373, 593, 594 Tetney 400 Tetsworth 99 Tettenhall 365, 500 Teversham 328 Thames Ditton 43 Thatcham 5 Thaxtead 576 Theal 4, 473 Theddingworth 527 Theddleton 400 Thelverton 35 1 Thelwall 549 Thetford 328 Thirlspot 195 Thirlestane 296 Thistleton 554 Thong 544 Thorganby 323 Thoresway 562 Thorley 277, 392, 394 Thornage 339 Thornby 199 Thorney 317 Green 353 S'one 562 Thorn Falcon 84 Thorngumband 311 Thotnbam .332 Thornhaugh 224 Thornhill 238 Thornh'ope 249 Thoinmanby 289 Thornton 211, 277, 465 Brook 293 Curtis 401 le Beans 289 in the Street Mayes 404 Steward 574 Thorpe 476, 56s, 568 Abbots 347 Arnold 504 Willoughby 436 Thorp Waterville 260 Thrcckingham 512 Three County Stone 533 . . . Elms 147, 149,474 . . . Gates 409 . . . Horse Shoes 463 . . . Legged Cross 468 .. . Mile Cross 471 . . . Pigeons 474 ... Tuns 105, 229, =33. 56o, 570 Threlkeld 565 Threxton 546 Thriberg 434 Thrimby 179 Thrift, the 476 Thrpstlenest 570 Thurbaston 526 Thurgoland 523 Thurlby 306 Thurlston 547 Thurmaston 504 Thurnby 531 Thurnham 593 Thurnholme 315 Thurrock 355 Thursford 540 Thwaite 346 .*. . Bridge 246, 2S4 433 Thwing 314 Tibbys Inn 296 Tibshelf 512 Tichursf 376 Ticton 3 1 1 Tiddenham 138 Tidmarsh 470 Tidmington 1:49 Tid St. Giles 545 Tilbrook 553 Tilbury Fort 342, 356, 576 Tillingham 354 Tillington 148 Tilney 332 Tilstock 268 Timberscombe 48:2 Timperlcy 549 limsbury 465 Tinbay 21 Tinfreeth 488 Tingewick 1 14, 465 Tinglcy 282 Tinhead 93 Tinkler Row 568 Tinsley 434, 520 . Tintwistle 547 Tintinbull 448 Tipput 49 Tipputs Inn 451 Tissington 273 • Tisted 53, 469 Titchfield 411 Titchwell 332 Titherley Cross 47$ Titherington 176 Titley 495 Tittensor 167 Tittleshall 334 Tivetshall 350 Tixover 533 Todburn 339 Toddington 142, 273 Todmerden 424 Todwick 263 Toft 555 ... Monks 348 ... Trees 333 Toll down House 449 . Tollerton Lanes 283 Tomby 319 Tom's Cross 194 Tone Pit Inn 231 Tooting 379, 383 Tbpcliffe 245 Tophall 227 Tor Bay 485 Torksey 3oi, 321. ... Tor Mohun 485 Torpoint 35 Tor Qflay 486 Torrington 145, 47s TOR INDEX to the PILLAGES, &c. WAD Torworth 226 Tot Hill 538, 580 Totmans Row 202 Toton 430 Tottenham 285 High Cross 285 Totteridge 160, 161 Tottington 338 Totton 53 Town end 194 Townstall 409, 483 Towton 288 Tramagerinow 83 Tranent 294 ' Travellers Rest 19, 290, 410 Travel loe 24 Trawsfynydd 104 Trecastle 134, 137 Treeoyd 135 Tredilly 84 Tredington 149 Tredissick 84 Treeire 22 Trefriew 1 24 Tregantha 38 Tregare 139 Tregear 84 Trelleck 96 T remain 406 Trench 1 1 1 Treninick 408 Trent Bridge 364, 430 Port Inn 516, 520 Trentham 167, 202 Trentishoe 95 Trer ddol 487 Trerethick Bridge 21 Trescot 515 Treseder 24 Tresillian Bridge ^6 Trcsor 105 Trespen 23 Trevarrion 408 Treveineder 408 Trevenant 1 25 Trevenen 23 Trevescan 22 Txevgarn Chapel 490 Trevigia..4oS Trewannock 23 Trewarlass 409 Trewint 21 Trezean 408 Triminghara 399 Trossbury 408, 480 Trotterscliffe 377 Trough end 23 1 Trout beck Bridge 195 Trowse 354 Trowadgthw 517 Trowell 544 Troy Town 18 Trub Smithy 193 Trull 482 Trumpet House 145 Trumpington 327, 575 Tubney 67, 475 Tudworth 434 Tug Hill 73 Tugby 531 Tunstall 196, 203, 398 401 Tupstey 146 Tupton 188 Tur Langton 270 Turnbridgejog, 313,420 Turner Green 563 Turners Hill 285 Turnditch 543 Turnham Green 1 Turvey 465 Tutbury 201 Tweedmouth 292 Twickenham 2, 77, 78 Twig worth 427 Twinning 142 Twiverton 7 Two Bridges 38 Two Gates 442 Two Mile Oak 40 Two Waters 152 Twycross2i4, 215, 216 Twyford 4, 395 Twynljolm 182 Tylers Green 576 Tyndol 488 Tynant 48 8 Tywardreth 409 U Uckirigton 266 Uckfield 370, 382, ;83," 385, 581, 582, 583, 587. 59t Ucklington 141 Udimore 374 Udingston 237. Uffington 505, 555 ¦ Ufford Street 345 TJfton 263 ns'y 3=5 Uidale 199, 562 Ullesthorpe 203 Ulrome 401 Ulshayr Bridge 245, 574 Undercliffe 393 Union Inn 215 Unstone 256 Untbank 230 Upgate 546' Uphaven 28 Upminster 353 Upper Highway 152, 155 ; Uppington 126, 266 ' Uppottery 482 Upstreet 375 Upton 155,266,513 Grove 445 Lovel 6 1 Scudamore 449 St. Leonards 70 Warren 428 Usebnrn 306 Uselby 323 Valindra 134 Vange 356 Vauxhall 361 Velindree" 136 Vellinvacb, Inn 144 Ven Mills 457 Vicars Cross 207 Vine- Hall 374, 375, .582, . 5S4 Virginia Water 15, 27 •.- ' W Waddesdon 154 Wades mill 286 Wadhurst 376 WAD IN&EX to the VILLAGES, &c. WE* Wadwprth 36* W^ilaby. 322 WakeColne 53a Walcot 7 Walcote 203, 527 Waldinfield- 523 Waldingfiefd 351 Walgherfon 206 Walham Green 43 Walington 585 Walker Bam 550 Walkhampton 478 Wall Hill 145 ..... Houses 417,418 Walmer 412 Walmgate.Bar 314 Walmsley 191 Walpole St.. Peter 332 Walsall Wood 464 Walsoken 333 Walsworth 476 Waltham 93, 330, 349, 576 Crosses, $74 on the Wolds 504 Walton 88, 114, 141, 147. lSi> 205, 306, 313, JC5, 3J2, 452, 505,508, 516, 551 Walton on, Thames 79 le Dale 178,421 5.6} Walwick 416 Wandsford 224, 262, 532 Wandsworth 43, 361 Wangford 330, 345 Warblington 411 Warboys 317 Warborough 473 Ward Gate 543 Wardingtort 535 Wardle 207 W*«1U)W 1&6, 433, 549 Ware Bridge 250 Waresly 577 Green 109 Wark 249 Wark worth 402 Warminghurst 589 Warmington 154, 155, 42* Warmley 74 Warnborough 473 Warnell 561 Warnford 55 Warnnam 387 Warren 406 Warrenford 292 Warrington 267 Warslow 511 Warsop 508 Washington 375, 584 barton 501 Washford Bridge 228 Wasing 473 Wastdale 198, 199 Watchford 533, 551 Water end 1 6 Newton 224 Gore 83 Street 580 Pits 62 Waterdale 530 Waterford 573 Watermouth 96 Wateringbary 592 Watersfield 389 Watery Hall 321 Watford 517 Wath 404 Watling Street 366 Watnali 524 Watt's Cross 360, 362 Watton 308, 574 Wavenden 171 Wavenham 497 Waverton 561 Waxholm 401 . Waybourne 399 Weald Guldet 576 Wear 140, 407 Weardley 571 W*arraouth 303, 304,305 WeasenhaniSt Peters 333 Wedley-Grcen 5SQ Wednesfield 515 Wednesham Green 547 Weecroft Bridge 479 Weedon 163 Weeford 163 Week 458 Green 469 ...., St. Mary 408 Weekley 556 Weeping Cross 115, 117, 305-, 218 Weeting all Saints 330 Weeton 193 Weld 466 Weldon 556, 561 r Bridge 293 Welfoxd 300, 303 Welham 283, 516 Welland 89 Wei 1 combe 408 Wellesburne Hastings 155. 455 Welling 363 Wellingore 504 Wellington 444 Wellow 261 Wells Green 217 Welsh Hampton 494 Welsh Newton 443 Welton 435, j«i Wei wick 313 Welwyn 222, 351 Wembley Green 15* Wendlebury 465 Wendling 534 Wennington 355 Wensley 246 Went Bridge 237 Wentworth 379, 551 VVereham 330,545 Wergs, the 265, 500 Werrington 305 West Barns 293 Westborn Green 157, 395 Westbrook Green 453 Westbury 8, 86, 135, 137, 153 Westcott Street 579 West Down Hili 461 Wested 594 West end 371,438, 538 Western Tap House 3* Westfield Common 335. West Gaje 253, 297 .... Hill .467 .... hope 150 .... Meon <; Weston 139, 166, 224, 318, 348, 390, 424, 426, 471. 479 WES INDEX to the VILLAGES, &t. Wi Weston Birt 77 Coyney 275 Favell 425 on the Green 457 on the Sea 8, 407, 478 PevereB 40 . under Lizard: 267 10, White Cross I4"> 3" *3. H5' under Wood 187 Westoning 273 West Pitts 347 .... Tofts 335 Westridge Hill 474 Westwell Common 368 Westoe 304 West Town 477 West Wood Tinley 70 Wetherdeh 538 . Wetley Rock 376 Wetwocd 306 Weyhill 37, 55 Weybridge 80, 476 Whaddon 437, 467 WhaJey Bridge 1.86 Whalley 191, 564 Whaplode 318, 426 Wharham le Street 572 Wharton 444 Whatley 85 Whatton 513 Wheathampstead 332 Wheatley99, 111,475, Sf6 Bridge 99 Wheatsheaf Inn 31, 47, 324, 230, 417 Whelnetham 350 Whin Shields 416. WherweH 467 Whetstone 161 Whip's Cross 323 Whiston 278, 541 Whitacre 44J, 501 White Ball Inn 58 Whitbeck 198 Whitburn 85, 304 ¦Whitchurch 39,1 14,126, =75.436,443,471,491 Whitchurch Street 140 Whitcomb68, 131, 44$ Whiting 404' Down 479 Whitefield 191, 543 White Flood House 439 Whitehall 389, 4.66 White House 353, 557 Whitehurst 123, 49a White Lackingcon 83 Lane 558 Whiteman's Green 3 So 581 White Mill 134 Notfey5;jParish 437 Whitesmith Green 386 White Sheet Hill 31 Whitsstoneelift 559 Whitewater 324 Whitley ioj, 349 Whitley Bridge 164 Green 471 Whitminster Inn 437 Whitney 146, 521 Whitrigg Lees 563 Whutingham 294 Whittinagton 10 r, 2J«, 452, 494, 507 Whittlesea 317 WhittOH 24j, j 17 Whitway 439 Whitwell 301, 5 16, eg6 Whitworth 193 Whorley Hill 569 Wibaston 333, 466 Wibsey 544 Wibtoft 500 Wichnor Bridges 2 16,500 Wick 156 Wickersley 520 Wicktord 355 Wickham56, 418, 439, 583 Wickhamford Bridge too Wickham Market 345 Mills 39.7 Widford 342 Widrington 402 Wighton 334 Wightwick 515 Wigmore 513' WjgasU Sirjet 34* Wigperry 58 1 Wigston 201 WigvreU 506 Wike 544. Wilberfoss 310 WUby 425; WjWer's Pool 17-. Wild Hill 221 Willenhall 164, ^ Willersley 146 Willes-borough. 368 Wfflet 62 Willingham 322, 531 Willington 568 Willey 129 ..Gross 513 Williamscot 525 Willingdon 362 Willock's Bridge 463 Willmingham 393 Willoughby 164 Hedge 57, 89 Willshfunpstead 271 Wilmington 19, s8j > Macton lij Wilmslow 183 Wilnecote 205 Wilsdon 395 WilseR 2+8, 573 Wilsley 371, joji Wilson Wood 417 Wilsthorpe 401 Wilton 31, i40| i+J ...... Kirk 240 Wily 57 Wimblingtpn 33a Wimbotsham 319 Winch 339, 33,, S4<» Winckkigh+a^Winestead 313 Winfarthing 353 Wiofoitani4«, y^ Wingate 94 Wingfield sc6 Wingham 377 Winkfield 37, 30 ' Plain 30 Winkhill i7i Winley Sic> ^ Winnersley 5.31 ' Winnington 20S Winaa^g xjj WIN INDEX to the PILLAGES, fife. YAR" Winslade.469 Whisky 44,/ Winston 569 Winterborne iS Monckton79 Stoke 57 .....Whitchurch 18, 471 Winterfold 116 Winterslow Hurst 17 Winthorpe 299, 300, 400 Winton 243 ...... Street 591 Wintringham 466 Winwick 190 Wirdsley Bridge 523 Wishaw 165 Wiskett Hill 282 Wistley Common 43 Wiston 589 Witcham 533 Witham 554 Common 335, 299 Withdean 381 Wither ley 205 Withcrnsca 401 Witbington 186 -. . . Marsh 463 Withyham 593 Witley47 Witton 298 Mill 55S le Wear 230 Wivelsfield 383 Wivenhoe 344 Woking 44 Wolcot 62 Wold Newton 320 Wollaton 544 Wollocomb Tracey4o8 Wolsely Bridge .166, 205 Wolvers Farm 380 Wombourn 45 2 Wonestow 139 Wonton 146 Woodbury 83 Woodchester 45 1 Woodehurch 541 Lane 376 Woortcot 210, 499 Woodcut Green 116 Wood Eaves 505 Woodens 585 Wodd End 473 Woodford 259, 323 Bridge 357 Green 427 Hutt 446 Wells 323 Wood Hall 246,418 Woodham 290 Woodhatch 380 Woodhead 547 Wood Hill 356 Woodhorn 403 Woodhouse 561 Cross 335 Woodland 35 Woodmancoat 76, 474 Woodmansea 308, 3 1 1 Wood Newton 344 Woodrow 453 Wood's Gate 371, 593 Woodside Ferry 2 1 2, 402 Woodstone 426 Woodthorpe 558 Woodward s Cross 90 Woodyates Inn 17 Wookey 86 Wool 80 Woolaston 125, 138,268 Woolhampton 5, 13 Woolerhaugh Head 395 Woolmer Green 222 Woolpit 580 Woolridge Hill 144, 451 Woolstanton 432 Woolston 418 Woolvercot 99 Woolverston 397 Woolverton 436, 465 . Woolviston 303 Woore 167, 206, 270, 432, 497 Wooton 505 ...Bridge 391, 394 , . . Green 455 ... Leek 503 Wootton 69, 102, 138, 329 Worle 478 Wormbridge 463 Wormelow Trump 443 Wormesley 148 Wormhill 37, 483 Wormley 386 Worsall4i8Worsborough 257 Worsley 177 Worth 378 Worth en 12; Worthing 381, 386, 388, 390, 412 Worthorpe 555 Worting 16 Wortley 523 Wortwell 347 Wosenden Green ?88 Wotton Waven ijo ' Wragby 281 Wragholme 400 Wrantage 58 Wraxell 447 Wraxhall 73 Wrentham 34; Wrickton Bould5i4 Wrinehill 269 Wrotham Heath 367, 373, 584 Wroughton 463 Wroxhall 264, 392 Wroxton irj, 155 Wyberton 318,400 Wych Cross 3 82, 383 Wyck Chapel 101 Wycombe 98 - - Heath 530 Wye 368 Wyke 74 Wykeham 314 Wyken 515 Wymondley 574 Wyrley 218 Wytheburn 195 Wyre Piddle 141, Yafforth 569 Yardley 217 Gobyon 271 Yard Mills 480 Yarlet 454 Yarnfield 61 Yarnton 99 YAR INDEX to the VILLAGES, fife. ZEA Yarrow Bridge 192 Yarwell 261 Yatch (the) 213 Yate 72, 475 Yaxley 30.5, 346, J33 Yazor 145 Yeadon 538 Yealmpton 42 Yedingham Bridge 313 Yeldham 357 Yedvifton 410 Yerdlestone'482 Yetton 67 Yew Tree 482 Ynis Ycha 430 Yockleton 125 York Bar 227 Gate 229, 245, 434 Young's End 349 Yox.ill 515 Yoxford 345, 3J3 Y sputty Cen' Wyn 488 Ystradvellty 431 Zealla 33 A TABLE of the Lengths and Htights of the CATHEDRALS in England and Wales. Length from East to "Wert.. Height of the Height of the Cathedral. M id. Toa.tr, La r thorns, or Spfics. West Towers, or Spires. Feet. Feet. Feci. Bangor 214 60 . .'. Bath 210 162 ... Bristol 175 ... »*7 Canterbury 5i4 235 { 100 WW. Spire i ,3oS.W.T«wa Carlisle 219 123 ... Chester 348 127 ... Chichester 410 270 107 Durham 420 212 '43 Ely 517 170 270 .Exeter 19° *.. 130 Gloucester 420 225 Hereford 370 24O 130 Llandaff 150 ... f ¦•.5K.u-.Ta-n 1. 89 S. W. Tom Litchfield 411 *s* 1*3 Lincoln 498 288 270 London, St. Paul's. 500 35* 221 Norwich 411 i'i Oxford 154 *44 Peterborough 480 ISO ... Rochester 306 156 ... Salisbury 452 400 St. Asaph '79 93 ... St. David's 290 127 ... Wells 371 160 I30 Winchester SS4 133 Worcester 410 196 Yoft 498 **J I96 EXPLANATION. THE names of Cities are printed in Italic Capitals, .thus, " CHEStER " ; of Market Towns in R6man Capitals, thus, "HOUNSLOW"; of Villages &c. in Small Capitals, thus, " Knjghtsbridge." The letters R & x, at the beginning of a line mean to the Mght or Left of the Road ; the letter «iban abbreviation for Miles. The columns of Figures on each page, in the Direct Roadsi shew the distance in Miles and Quarters from London; and in the Gross Roads, from the City or Town where the route commences. The names of the Inns which supply Post Horses, are inserted as they occur upon the Roads, and printed in the Italic character, as at Brenttord the "Pigeons' see the oppo site page. The Roads which branch off are printed in the Italic Cha racter, thus on the opposite page, line 2 is § L„ to Qielsca, I m. — FnUutm, 3 m. which means, th&t at halfamile from London, a Road branches off, on the left, to CM'sea, which is 1 mile distant from that spot ; and to Pulham which is 3 miles distent. The other abbreviations, used throughout the work, are so common and so easily understood that it appears unnecessary to explain them. GENERAL ITINERARY ENGLAND and WALES. Roads measured from Hyde Park Comer, Lindon. LONDON to MILFOBD-HATEN through Bath and Bbistol. Milca. $ KWIGHTSBRIDGE §- L.toClielseajl m — Fulham,3 m. 1 Kensington_Gure ¦ l| Kensingtonr. Kenfington Palace and Gar dens 1 r. Holland Houfe, Lord Holland 3} Hammersmithl. Brandenburgh Houfe, Mar grave of Anfpach L. to Chiswick, •$ m. '5 Turnham Green j.. Chifwick Houfe, D. of De- vonfhire ; Sutton Court, Side- botham, Esq. and Grove .'Houfe, Mrs. Luther 6 ¦L.KewBridge,toRichmcmd,'Hm.L. fee Kew Palace and Gardens 6} BRENTFORD, Sat. Pigeons, ¦ '• 287 Houfes, 1443 Inh/ 7\ Crofs the Brent river, and Gran d -lunftion Canal MilM. i~ Sion Houfe, D. of Northum berland R.Sion Hill, D. of Marlborough 7| l, to Isleworth, J m. Twicken ham, 2 m. Richmond,;* m. , «§ Smallberrv Green l. Seat of T. Murthwaite, Esq.. n. Spring Gtove, Sir 5. Banks «.. I m. Osterley Park, Earl Bf Westmoreland Oj HOUNSLOW, Th. George, King's Head, Red Lion, Rose ami Crown « l. to Staines, J m. Cross Hounslow Heath 12j Cranpord Bridge, W. Hart r. Cranford Park, E. of Berkeley 13^ Sipson Green, Magpies 15J Longfordu. l m. Stanwell Place, Sir W. Gibbons Cross the Colne river 3 times B Roads measured frorrj Hyde Park Corx£r. Miles. R. 2 m. Mansion of Fysh De Burgh, Esq. t Cross the Colne river Bucfiincharmshire 16 j 17 CoLNBROOK George, While Hart n.Richings-ParkjJ.SullivanjEsq 18j Langi-et Broom l. to Windsor, 3$ m. L. Ditton Park, Earl Beaulieu R. 2 m. Langley Park, Sir R. B. Harvey 20j Slough, Crown . t. see Windsor Castle, and Eton College R. 1 m.Stoke Park, J.Penn, Esq. ¦L. to Eton College, l£m. L. to Windsor, 2^ m. L. residence of Dr. Herschel, the astronomer 205 r. see Baylies, E. of Chesterfield L. see Cranboum Lodge, D. of Gloucester; Sophia Farm, G.. Birch, Esq. and St. Leonard's Hill, Gen. Harcourt 31-J Salt Hill, Castle, Windmill 1.. Seat of Earl Grosvenor 23J L.Hunterscombe, SirW.Younge k. I m. Brittle, Lady Ravens- worth 24-j n. see seats of T. Leyton, Esq. P. Grenfcll, Esq. Gen. Hall, E.oflnchequin, and C.Bruce, Esq. L. see Monkey Island, T.Ward, Esq. Water Oakley, G. Hudr dlestone, Esq and Filbert, Maj. Gen. Irving 2sJ Maidenhead Bridge, King's Arms B. see ruins of Clifden House, and Hedsor Lodge, Ld Boston I. sec Braywick Lodge, P. Pow- ney, Esq. Cross the Thames river 3BerBshire asj l. Seat of Sir W. Heme r. Seat of Sir J. Pococke 36 MAIDENHEAD, Wed. Fleece, Sun, 109 Houses, 949 Inhabitants , 1. Hollyport, C. Hayes, Esq. 11. [Id Great Maklow,, Sat. 2 Inns, 643 Houses, 323% Inh. 5 m.~31 m. from London} 26j The Foi.lv, Golden Fleece, r. to Henley, 8f m. r. Bisham Abbey, G. Vansit- tart, Esq. -28 Maidenhead Thicket . L. 1 J m. Haywood Lodge, J. Sawyer, Esq. 28a| L.Wooley Hall, Lord Falkland t. Shottesbrook House, A.Van- sittari, Esq. 31 . R. Henry Fonnereau, Esq*. r. Bear Place, Capt. Ximenes 31$ L. Scarlet, E. Perrot, Esq. ii. Killgreen, II. Bonham, Esq. 32 Hahr Hatch 1.. Seat of S. Girdler, Esq. 33 L.Ruscombe, Lady Howard 33 j Twvford, W^lts. l. 1 m. Stanlake, Lord Bray- brcok 31 \ Cross the Loddon river n. see Shiplake on the Hill, E. Biscoe, Esq. 3j| «. Sunning, R. Palmer, Esq. l. Woodley, T. Wheble, Esq. 30 J l. Early Court, J. B::gnall, Esq. 36*} k. 1 m. Caversham Park, C- Marsack, Esq. 37:J t. to Oakingham, 6 m. i.. 1 m. White Knights, M. of Blandford 3g READING, Sat. Bear, Crown, 1"83 Houses, 974-i Inhabit. Cross the Kennet river 11 . to Henley, 8 m. r. to IPullingford, 15 m. I., to Basingstoke, 16m.' 3g$ L.Coley,W.Chamberlayne,Esq. 404 r. Prospect Hill, J. G. Lieben- rood,Esq. 41} Calcott Green a. Calcott Park,J. Blagrave,Esq. 43$ Theal, Falcon r. 1-$ m. at Englefield, R. Be- nyon, Esq. L.seeSulhamstead,W.Thoytes, Esq. 44-} R. to IVallingford, 13 m, Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. Mill,. 4jf R. l m. Beenham House, Dr. 4 Bostock 47 1.. 1 m. Padworth House, Mrs. Griffiths 48 ,.. to Basingstoke, 10$ m. 1.. [f Great Bedwin, 2$ m. L. to Burl-age, 5} m. *. 1 rri. Ramsbury Manor, Sir F. Burdett Enter Marlborough Forest l. 2 m. Tottenham Park, Eafl of Aylesbury L. Sawrnake Lodge MARLBOROUGH, Sat. Castle, Marlborough Arrns, 464 Houses, 2367 Inhab. 'R.to Swindon, 1 0} m. L. to Ludgershal, 15} m. L. to Andover, 23 m. l. Castle Inn, formerly a scat of the Duke of Somerset Manton Water FrFIElD L. Lockeridge Houee, Duke qf MarVborough Overton l. Kennet Hall, T. Miles, Esq. k. Silbury Hill, a remarkable barrow R. 1 m. Aubery, remains of a Druid's Temple Eeckhampton, Inn K. Ip Swindon, 12 m. 1.. to Devizes, 7} wi. Cross the Downs CllEIUIILL 1. see figure of a White Horse, 43 yards in length, cut upon the side of a Chalk hill,which may be seen at 20 m. distance r.i I mXompton Basset House, J. W. Heneage, Esq. l. Blackland House, T. Maun- drell, Esq. Quem-erford Bridge Cross the Calne river CALNE.'Tuesday Catherine Whe.el, White Hart 7tl Houses, 3767 Inhab. Cross the Calne river k. to Wooton Bassett, 10 m. 1.. to Devizes, 8 m. ... Penhills, D. Bull, Esq. 1.. Bowood, M. of Lansdowa B z r Roads measured from Hmde Park Corner. » Miles. 90 R. Studley Hill, B. Brown, Esq. 00} Derry Hill l. to Devizes, 7} m. 01} Cross branch of Rennet and Avon Canal 93$ CHIPPENHAM, Saturday,. Angel, White Hart, 6S3 Houses, 3366 Inhab. if. to Malmsbury, g m. n. to Sodbury, 15 m. R. to Marshfield, 9 m. Cross the Avon river 03} l. Ivy House, M. Humphreys, Esq. 86$ L.Corsham House, P.Methuen, Esq. 97} Peckwick r. Hartham Park, Lady James 98} L. to Melksham, 7 m. 100J Box 101} r. 1 m. Rowdford, P. Delme, Esq. 102 r. Shockerwick, W.Wiltshire, Esq. Cross Box Brook Somersetshire l. Bath Easton Villa, Dr .Cooper 1.. to Melksham, 6 m. 104 Bath Easton r. to Stroud, 26 m. r. Bailbrook House, Dr. Skeete L.Hampton House,T.Allen,Esq 105} Walcot 106} BATH, Wed. & Sat. Lamb, White Hart, White Lion, York Hotel, 4463 Houses, 32200 Inhab. l. Prior Park, Lord Hawarden, and Bailbrook House, V. Jones, Esq. k. to Sodbury, 13 m, R . to Bristol, 1 2 m. Cross the Avon river 1.. to Bradford, 6 m. L. to Trowbridge, 8} m, L. to Frame, 13 m. 1.. to Shepton Mallet, 16} m. 108} Twiverton 1 09} l. to Frame, lim. 109} l. 1 m. Newton St. Loe, W. G. Langton, Esq. Miles. 110$ h.toFrome, 14 m. ., a r. 1 m. Kelston House, Lady Hawkins lllf Sai.tford 114$ Keynsham Cross the Chew river 115$ R.Hanham Hall.T.Crteick, Esq. 116} l. Seat of W. Ireland, Esq. 117 Brislington 117} l. Halfway House, G. Mackay, Esq. 117} l. Arno's Vale, J. Maxsc, Esq. I. to Shepton Mallet, 20 m. L. to Wells, 19 m. l. to Axbridge, I6}m. L. to Weston, 19 m. Cross the Avon river (Slocestersfiire 119} BRISTOL, Wed. & Sat. Bush, Full Moon, Talbot, White Hart, White Lion, 10896 Houses, 63045 Inh. r. to Bath, the upperroad,\1 m. r. to Marshfield, 1 1 m. r. to Sodbury, 10 m. r. to Walton under Edge, 19 m. r. to Berkeley, 20} m. " r. to Glocester, 34 m. 1 22} l. Cote House, J. Wedgewood, Esq. 123$ Westbury l, 1 m. Blaze Castle, J. P. Har ford, Esq. l. 2 m. Kingsweston, Lord De Clifford ; and at Henbury, T. Daniel, Esq. 126} Compton Greenfield 1 l. Over House, J. Gordon, Esq. i..l}m.Knowle,S.Worral, Esq. 129 R. to Aust Old Passage, 2} m. ' 130$ New Passage, Inn, Cross the Severn river PPomnouthflhtrc 133 Black Rock, Inn, r. to Chepstow, 4} m. 134. Portescauet 135$ Crick r, to Chepstow, 4m,^ r. Crick House, Major M'Bean 137 Caerwent, Ship 11. to Usk, 8 in. 9 Roads measured from Htoe Pakk. Cosxer. l€> Udes. ft. 4 m. Weatwoad Lodge, D. of 3eauf:>rt 140} PtSHOWEL.PenhoweCasale, — L!oyd,Esq. k. WeatwonhLouge, Duke of Beaufort 142$ Cats Asa l. Llanwarren, Sir R. Salisbury 143} R [to Caerleon, Tuesday, 14S Houses, 56 r Inhabitants, 1$ J».Z1145 v. from London] 145 Chrisis Chcscu l. Seat of W. Kemeys, Esq. R. to Caerleon, 1 m. R. to Usk, 8 m. R. to PontypooL, 6} k. 34?$ Cross the Usk rreer 147} NEWPORT, Saturday, King's Head,WeslGateHouse, 202 Houses. 1135 Inh. R . to Abergaeeimy, 21m. 150$ Bassalic r. [Jo Caerphilly, Thursday, 9}m.zr i 59$m.Jrom London] r. to Merthyr Tydoil, 25} m. R. Rupperah House, G. Mor gan, Esq. L. Tredeyar, Sir C. Morgan 153$ Pantrucho 155$ St. Melg.ts R.Cefn Mably.T. K-Tynte, Esq. 156} RDM-VET Cross the Rumney river Enter South Walks (Slsmnrgsng&ire "lj 3* Roatb 180~C.\RDIFF, Wednesday, & Sat. Angel, Cardiff Arms, 327 Ijooses, 1870 Inhab. r. to Merthyr TydsiL, 25 m. R- to Caerphilly, 7 m. Cross che Cardiff Canal 160} Cross the Taff river 161 R. [to Llistkissext, 378 Houses, 1715 Inhabit. 9im. — i;Oim.fromLondDn} R. [to Llandif? •iHm.= 163\ni.jromLandoii\ 361} L. to Dynas Potcis, 3} w; 162} Ely Bridge Cross the Elv rivej R.Coeinar!anJ,Mis.WooJj St. Fauci's CasiJc, L^rd Ply mouth; iUdCc.ti.-Jii, Xiijoi Eooke iccaj St. Nicholas i_ Duffrir. Hoqse 1 5;$ r. Coord, Mrs. Gwynne* 3:> Boktjlston 165} i_UanOythJdPaik,S;r J. Aubrey 172} COWBRLDGE, To. £.-", 150 Houses, 759 lnh. R. to Llajtfriss&U, 7} m. L. to Giles ton, 4} s; . l- S:. Uythlan Castle 1 73 r.. Penllyne, Miss Gwynnet 176 Crack 177} Cossroww 1 7 S$ l. to St- Athens, 10 m. 17S} Ewexny R. Ruins of a Benedictine-Priory Cn>.s the Ewenny river R. [/o Bridgend, Saturdcv, %m.~lSOfm.Jrom London^ 180} Cross the Ograore river k. Ruins of Ogmore Cas le 181} R. to Bridgend, 2 m. 1S5$ Ptle, Lvi 1»7 Marg-.m B.Margam Park, E.Talbot, E--qa 189 L. Tyncaia House, Dr. Hunt 190} Taybach 191} Aberavos 193 r. Eailand Hall, T- Jones, E;1}. Cross ihe Avon river H-i-f Baglasd 1 s-i} Brstto.v Ferry l. Seat of l^jil Verr.on a ] } m. Eigie Bush House, E. Evan.;, E10. 195} *. to Bridgend, 16 m. R. 1 m. Gnoll CasJe, Lady Mackworth 197} NEATH, Sat, Ship & CaslU, 554 Houses, -2~. 0-2 Inh. R. to Brecon, 29 m. Cross the Neath river a. to Brecon, -29} m. 198$ a. Court Herbert, — Williams, Esq 193} r.. to the Sea coast, 6 ar;. R. to Caermartheu, by Betiuyt, 26 m. II Roads measured from Hvdb Park Corker. 13 Milix. 19S}SOM SO»$ 203$ ?06$ 207} 209}211$ Sid219}B23$ 227829* E31$S3 2 8325- 234 230} .242 C42} Z43 R. to Llandilo Pater, J 8 m. Day Ll.ANSAMI.ETCross the Tawe river MojirjstOnr. Clasmont, J. Morris, E-q. {'ross the Swansea Canal 3 times SWANSEA, Wed. & Sat. Mackteorlh Arms, 1203 Mouses, 6009 Inhab, 1,. to Penmoen, 1 0 m.. j.. to Penrice, 13 m. x.. to llosilly, 16 m. n. to Llandilo Pater, 23 m, Cwmbwla Bridge CadieyCross- Inon r. to Neath, 9 m. Pont ar Ddui.as Cross the Ddulas river efswrnaifhemshire r. to Llandilo Pawr, 12 m. t. to Llanelby, 6 m. L-. [to Kjdweli.y, Tuesday, 1 Inn, 290 Houses, 1 1 50 J71. 1 5 m.— 230 m.from London] R. Forest Hall, Lady Owen Llan son, King's Head, Pont y Behe.m Llangdndeirne L. to Llanclly, 9} m. l. to Kidwelly, 8 m. Cross the Towy river CAERMARTHEN,Wed.&Sat. Boar's Head, IvyBush, Kitig's Arms, 945 Ho'jses, 5548 In. h . to Lampeter, 23 m k. to Llandilo Pawr, \S m. a Job's Well, D. Edwards, Esq. Stoney Bridge Wt-rnalt House, W. Williams, Esq. POOL V CRAVEL St. Clare, Blue Boar, h. to Haverfordwest, through Whilland, 21} m. Cross the Tave river j.. [to Laugharne, Saturday, B5 Houses, 468 Inhal-iluiils, 3 m.—2iGm.from.Loi>don] Milts. 2 44 2 17$ 248}2'>3 254 254} 260 256$257 261$ 262 203} 265$ 266$ 266}269 269} 271 272} Llandivowror Kimig jpemjiro&rahire Tavernspite, Plume of Feathers Cold Blow l. [to Pembroke, Saturday, 1 1 m.—IObm.frotii London] L. [to Tenby, Wed. and Sat. J Inn, 207 Houses, 844 Inh. 9 m rr263 m.from London] NARBE TH, Wed. White Hart, 340 Houses, 1531 Inhab. Camston Bridge Cross the Aberown river r. 1} m. Llanhaden House, F. Skryme, Esq. MlDCOUNTY R. Ridgeway, J. H. Foley, Esq. it Seat of R. S Covell, Esq. Harness Mill l.2 m. Picton Castle, Ld.Milford r. 2 m. Wiston, Lord Cawdor Deeplake 11. to Cardigan, 24} m. 11. to Fishguard, 11$ m. HAVERFORD WEST,Tu.& S. Blue Boar, Castle, 613 Houses, 2S80 Inhalj. s. to St David's, 1 6 to. Merlin's Bridge l. to Pembroke, h m. R. Oldroad to Milford, 81 m. L.CinnamonGrove,Capt.Roach R. Bolton Hill, Dr. Jones Johnston l. Seat of Lord Kensington L.Robinson, II. Scourfield, Esq. Staunton Milford Haven New Hotel, Pack Horse M1LF0EB-HAVEN to LONDON. Haverford West 7$ 10} Narbeth is 5} Tavernspite 28} 6} St. Clare 30} 9} Caerinitthen. 40 13 Roads theasuffed frbrfi Hyd£ ParII Cornej!. M Miles. 12} Llannon 13} Swansea 8} Neath 1 2$ Pyle is} Cowbridge 12} Cardiff. 12} Newport 14} Black Rock , Inn .. • 3} New Passage Inn . 10} Bristol. 1<3 Bath ]S$ Chippenham ... . 6$ Calne 6 Beckham pton .. . 7 Marlborough Mile... 52} 66$75 87$ 100112}125_ 139} 142$ 153 160 179} 185* 191} 198} Miles. 10 Hungerford 7$ Speen } Speenhamland . . . . 6} Woolharapton 5} Theal 4} Reading 12$ The Folly Inn } Maidenhead. 4} Salt Hill } Slough 3} Colnbrook ....... 4} Cranford Bridge ... 2} Hounslow 3 Brentford 6} Hyde Park Corner Mile 20 8 J 215}216} 223$ 228} 233} 245$ 246}251$ 252 255} 360$ 263 266 27.!} LONDON to ALBOUENE, by Ilsle-y and Lambouen. Miles. 39 To READING, as page 4 43} Purley l. Purley Hall, Rev. Dr.Wilder 45 Pangbourn l. to Woolhampton, 8} m. l. 1 m. Bere Court, Rev. Dr. Breedon 46} Ba'seldon l. Baseldon Park, Sir F. Sykes StreaTlf.y r. to Wallingjbrd, 6}m. 50$ Aldworth 52i COMJaTON 54} EAST ILSLEY, Wed. 114 Houses, 512 Inhab. 48 Miles. R. to Wallineford, 9} m. It, to Abingdon, 11m. L. to Newbury, 9} m. 55} WestIlsley 58 Fahnborouch - L. to Hungerford, 1 1} m. R. to Abingdo»\, i 2 ', :vi. 59} Fawlf.y r. to IPantagp, 4$ m. 1. to Hungerford, 9} m. 64} Lambourn eo} eiHirtsfcire OS? Bagdon 70} Alcourke LONDON to the LAND'S END, CORNWALL. Miles. 9} To HOUNSLOW, as page 2. k. to Colnbrook, 7} m. t. seeWhitton Park, G. Gostling, Esq. Whitton Dean, Colonel Campbell ; and Whitton Park, Mrs. Dennis Enter Hounslow Heath 13$ Cross the Old River k. The Powder Mills a,. The Copper Mills Mi'c 12 13$. 13} Cross the New River l. 1 m. Hanwotth Park, Duke of St. Albar.s r. Seat of James Wyatt, Esq. Bedfont, Black Dog, L. to Ashford, 1 m. 1.. 1 m. J. Ray, Esq. and L.Vox- hull, Ewe .30$ Blackwater, WhiteHart, Cross Bag-snot Heath 30} l. Seat of J. Norris, E=q. 35$ Hartford Bridge, While Lion ¦86$ Hartley Row l. 1 m. EIvefham,;SirH,G.Cal- triorpe r. 1 m. Bramshill Park, Rev. Sir R. Cope ¦37$ l. 4 m. Dogmors'field Park, Sir H. St.John Mild-may, andWinch- field, — Beauclerk, Esq. .37} r. 1 m.West Green, Maj. Haw- ley, and Sir R. Sloper 38 L. [to Odiham, Saturday, 1 Inn, 1S6 Houses, 105S Inh, , 3} m. 7.- 4 1 } m.from London] 38$ M'JRRei. Green, King's Afms, Cross the Basingstoke Ca*nal Miles. 39 I-Ioo-k r. 1 m.Wanstead House, Sir J.T. -Long Cross- Hook Common 41$ Water End 42} Mapledebwell Hatch 43 Cross the Basingstoke Canal 43} Basins l. 2 m. Hackwood Park, Mar. of' Winchester 45$ BASINGSTOKE, -Wednesday, Crown, Maidenhead, ¦ 5 13 Houses, 2589 Inhab. 1.. to Winchester, 1 7 m. L. to Stockbridge, 21 m. R. to Reading, 16 rti, R. to Kingselere, 9} m. 47} Wortlng, White Hart, ¦ r. Seat of J. Edwards, Esq. 48} r. Manydown, L. B.Wither,E.sq, R. lm.Tangier,,T. L.Slater, Esq, 49$ Clerken Green 49} R.MalshangerHouse, SirA. Grant 50$ l. Hall Place, W. Brarnston, Esq, 51 Dean k. Seat of John Harwood, Esq. 51} l. Ash Park, J. Holder, Esq. 53 Overton, Red Lion, 55 Freefolk r. Seat of John Portal, Esq. 56} WHITCHURCH, Friday, WhiteHart, 224 Hs. 12?5 IjU R. to Kingselere, 7 m. R. to Newbury, 13 m. L. to Winchester, 13 to. 58} Down Hurstborn 11. Hurstborn Park, E. of Ports mouth 61} Down House 63} ANDOVER, Saturday, ' Star and -Garter, White Hart, 679 Houses, 3304 Inhab. l. Wherweil, J. Ironmonger, Esq. ±f. to Newbury, 16 m. R, to Amesbury, 14 mi jr. to Ludgershall, 7}m. ' L. to Winchester, 13 m. L. to Stockbridge, 7 rri. Cross the Anton river 64 1,. the Andover Canal r. to Ludgershall, 7 flt. 65} Little Ann ty RaAJjs measwed fronj ttictVEs Wrk Cqrmbr. ia Miles. 06} l. i m. Red Rioe,H. Enifegton, Estj. l. Deanbury HiH Camp ?of Miobtt Wallob 73| caawgife. ^3} LoilCOMB OORMER L. Norman Court, Rev. Mr. Thistlethwai*e l. to SftcA*r«<%e, 6} m. 74} WlNTERSLOW HURST 78 L.Clarendon Park,Gen.Bathurst 79} Cross the Bourne river si SALISBURY, Tu. and Sat. Antelope, £ing"s Arms, Red Lian,TkrefSwans,}irhiteHarl 1534 Houses, 7o88 Inhab. R. Seat of H. kWyniham, Esq. l. 2 m. Longford' Castle, Earl of Radnor R. a m. Wilton, House, -Earl of Pembroke R. to Devizes, S2. »». R. to Warminstet, 20 m. R. to W&to®, 3 m. L. to Romsey, 1 5} m. t. to Southampton^ 24 m. Cross the Avon rivet r... to Bordingli-id^e, 10} «t. 82 Harnham Hill r. to Shajbesbtery, 18 m. 84 l. Odsmck House, Sir J. Webb. .84$ Combe Basset Cross Salisbury. Plain and Vern- ditch Chase 86 l. to Cranbourne, 6v$jn, ©0$ Dorsetshire. 91$ Woodyates, Jnrt r.2 m.Upwood,T. Balsoh, Esq. L. 4 m. Winbourne St.Giles, E. of Shaftesbury 95 R.Rushmore Lodge, Ld.Riv«rs 96$ Caishmooh, Inn ' L.4m. CritchilIHouse,CSturt, Esq. 97$- «. Chattel, Rev. Mr. Cbjma 93 R . Eastbury House, M. o 1 Buck ingham 99 Tarrant HiNtbn 301 PiMj-erne Miles. 103} BLANDFORD, Sat 119} Cross the Frorne river 119} DORCHESTER, S.a?. Antelope, King's Anns, 353 Houses, 2402 Inhab. l. to Wareham, 1 8 m, L. to Melcombe Regis, Sm. L. (o Weymouth, 8}m. B. to Sherborne, 18 m. r. to. Beaminster, 17} m,. n. Seatof W. Churchill, Esq. L. Came, Hon, Lionel Damer 122} l. to Weymovfh, am. 1. [to Abbqtsbury, Thursday, 173 Bosses, 7%& Inhabitants* bfyn. ~ 1 2S$7ji. ffornLondon] 124} Winterborne 19 Roads measured from Hyde Park CoRtffiH. 20' Mile,. 125} L. Some remarkable antiquities Over Winterborne Bottom 127} Long Breedy Over Askerwell Down 131$ Travellers Rest ¦;-' ¦¦'¦ 134$ R. to Beaminster, 6$m. ' 134} BRIDPORT, Sati Bull, Golden Lion, 288 Hou. 3117 Inhab. R. Wykes Court, W. Fowler, Esq. and Mountfield House, S. Fawcett, Esqi l. Seat of J. Badescombe, Esq. Cross the Brit Tiver l. VeaSt, Major Canning' R. Downe Hall,W.-Downe,Esq. 135} SlMONDSBURY '•'¦ 137$ Chidiock 141$ ClIARMOUTH l. to Lyme Regis, 2 m. l. to Exeter, 29m. 143} . sDtbottBhire. 144$ l. to Lyme Regis, 3 m. R. to Crewkherne, 9 m. 144} Hunter's Lodge, Inn " L. to Lyme Regis, 3 ra. 147 AXMINSTER, Sat: George, 431 Houses. 2154 Inhab. r. to Chard, 7 m. 147} Cross the Axe river 148$ R, Coryton House, W. Tucker, Esq. r. 1 m. Dulcis, Rev. R. Hallet r. 2 iii. Yartie House, Lord King 148} KlLMINGTON l. to Coliton, 3 m. 150 L.im.Shute House, SirW. Pole 153 Wilmington , - . l. Sutton, — Marwotsd, -Esq. Cross the Coly river * 156$ HONITON, Sat. Dolphin, Golden Liin, 557 Houses, 2377 Inhab. r. to Chard, 12$ m. r. to Taunton, 18 m. r. Sion House, J. Cooke, Esq. and Tracey House r. to Collumpton, loj m. 158 t. Combe House, R. Putt, Esq. r. Deer Paik House, Capt. An drews 158$ GllTiSHAM Miles. 1,59^ Fenny Bridges 1 6 1 Cross the Otter rivef 161} Fair mile Inn r .Escott House, SirJ.Kennaway - l. Cadhay, T. Williams, Esq. l. to Ottery St. Mary, 2 m. 1.. to Lyme Regis, 20 m. 1 66' 1. . Aylesbere, W. Payne, Esq. 166} ROCKBEARE 166} a. Bluehayes, G. Moore.Esq. l. Rockbeare House, T. Porter, ¦lit Esq. 168} HONITON CLYST Cross the Clyst river I693 "L- '"¦ Bzmouih, ?§ m. . r. Poltimore, Sir C. Bampfylde 171$ Heavitree 171 \ R. to Collumpton, 12 to. 1-71} R. to Collumpton, )im.. R. loTiverton, 13^771. 1 7 2§ EXETER, Wed. & Fr. 1 Hotel, New London, Old Lon don, Soldier, 2S36 Houses, 17398 Inhab. 1,. to Topsham, 3\ m. l. to Exmouth, I2£m. Cross the Ex river r. to Crediton, 7^m. r. to Newton Bushel, li%m. r. to Totness, 19 m. R: to Chudleigh, 9 m. h. to Moreton Hampstead, lira. 173} 1,. Barley House, Capt. Greanes r. Cleare, T. Northmore, Esq. and Hattombe House, J.Den nis, Esq. 175 Adderwatir 178} TArHOUSE l. if m. Great Fulford, W. Fulr ford, Esq. 182§ Cheriton Cross r. Seat of — Foulkes, Esq. 184 CROCKERNWELL,GoWe7lZ,KW?, 187} Merrymeet 190} South Zeal 191} Cross the Taw river 195 R. to North Tawion, 7 m. 195$ OAKHAMPTON, Sat, White Hart,. White Horse, 269 Houses, 1430 Inhab. ' Cross the Oakment river r, to Hatherleigh, 7 m. 21 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corneb. 22 r. to Turlington, 18} m. l. Oakhampton Castle and Park, Vise. Courtney Cross Sourton Down I97g L. Castlake, Rev. Mr. Clack 198} L. to Tavistock, 14 m. 201 Bridestow l. Leawood, J. Calmaddy, Esq. 203 Kimbow Bridge 206} r. Haine, C. Harris, Esq.- 208} Tinbay Cross Tinbay river 210 Lifton, W hite Horse, i. Witley, E. Welsh, Esq. 211 r. Smallcomb, T. Harris, Esq. 211$ Poulston Bridge Cross the Tamer river ©orntoali. ai2j l. to Callington, 12 m. L. to Leskeard, 2(*J-m. 213 LAUNCESTON, Sat. King's Arms, White Mart, 226 Houses, 1483 Inhab. L. to Tavistock, llf m. r. to Camelford, I4f m. 215 r. Port Elliot, Hon. J. Elliot 218 Hicks's Mill R.lJm.Treslake, E.Archer,Esq. 218$ Cross thelnny river 218} r. to Camelford, 9 m. 219§ Trehethick Bridce h. Seat of T. Hicks, Esq. 221 Five Lanes, Inn 22l§ Trewint 224 Palmers Bridge Cross the Fawey river 224} Jamaica Inn Cross Temple Moor 228$ Temple S29$ r. Trewerdale, Mrs. Collins " r.2 m. Levathen,W. Morshead, Esq. . . 232} r. to Camelford, 11 m. 234$ l. to Lestwithiel, 7 m. L. to Leskeard, 13 m. 234§ BODMIN, Saturday, King's Arms, White Hart, 278 Houses, 1951 Inhab. L. to Padsiow, 14§ m. «. 3 m. Pencarrow, Sir W. Molesworth Miles. 236}240$244245§ 248 250253$254§ 255* 259. 260 263 265 267$ 270§ 2.7 If 2?2J 273} 275276}278} 280^ 281| 281} 285$ 288} 2S9|290$ Lanivett Cross West Downs i.. to St. Austel, 6 m. r. to St. Calumb, 3 m. Fr addon Summer Court St. Michael, Feathers L. to Truro, 7 m. Zealla r. Cheverton, J. Thomas, Esq. Perran Almshouses l. to Truro, 6 m. p. to St. Agnes, 4 m, Blacrwater REDRUTH, Tu. & Fr. Hotel, King's Arms, London Inn, 664 Houses, 4924 Inhab. 1.. to Penryn, 9 m. L. to Falmouth, 11 m. Poolk. 2 m.. Tehiddy, Lord de Dun- stanville Terswithian Conner r. 1 m. Hayle Copper House Guildfordh. Revier, J, Edwards, Esq. Cross thp Hey river r. [to St. JveS, Saturday, 6ioHonses, 2714 Inhabitants, 3 m.— 2 7 6} m. /rem Xsntjon] r.i m.Trevethow Hall, J, Praed, Esq. Crowliss l. to Marazion, 1} m. PENZANCE, Thurs. Hotel, King's Head, Ship and Castle, Star, 694 Houses, 3382 Inhab. «. 1 m. Castle Horneck, S. Bor- lase, Esq. r. Trereife, Mrs. Nichols Treble; r. [to St. Just, 543 Houses, 2779 Inhab. 6 m.— 288 m. from London] St. Burian l. Burnuhall, — Davies, Est}. Sennan Trevescan Land's End. 23 ReAass taeasured frfcta Hydb Park Corner. 24 Miles.Q50253253J253} 255} 857 358 S53}861 262 263 265} 270$ «7o£ ir*i273$ 274 274§ 2?6i 9-794281 281}2«Q 384} OR, To St. Micuaei, as p. 82 Tres-hn r. Tnuham, E. Collins, Esq. St. Erme r. Trewargan, Rev. J. Collins BvcksiIead R. Penmount, Laity Richardson L. Seat of E. Polwhele, Esq. TRURO, Wed. & Salt. King's Arms, Red Lion, 369 Houses, 2358 Inhab. 1. to Grampound, 7} m. 1. to Tregotiy, 7 m. «,. fieri of Ftitimruth HasMiow R. to Redruth, 7}m. R. to Penzance, 25 in. Calenick TURNPHtt Casnon Perran ArworthmiI R. «8 Redruth, 5 m. Stricken Bridge R. to Helston, avoiding Pacryn, J^m. nearer 1. !PerWn CeWe, R. fc*, Esq. l. 1 m. Carelevr, SrrW.iejnaii l. lm. Enys, J. Enys, Esq. t. see **f»a8f&ais-.Castle l*M*WNr, 'Wed. J*. &-Sat. 305 Honscs, 2394 Inbab. *. to Hsdruth, > m. L. (te¥AL«,. buttwess , polsre-ne * MenebyTr.'E¥B*»HTwewan-jfoeic HELSTQNt Mem. Angel, 313 Houses, 9248 Inhab. Cross the Low river Breager. 1 hi. GodcflpMn Parte, Duke of Leeds Gekmoe St. »m,l*rv Downs Golzenna Miles. 285$ MARAZION, or Market Jew, Thur. Star, 224 Houses 1009 Inhab. r. to Vruro, by Redruth, S3 m. L.Kenege"y,W. Hairis, Esq. and Trevayler, W.Veale, Esq. 289$ PENZANCE, see p. 22, 299 To Land's End, as p. 22, 9 }>k, or, l: by 8fi*e7jit, Ttowwflot, and Treseder, to Land's Exit, 1 Hi. The LAND'S END to LONDON. To Penzance- ;.. 9} I7g Redruth 27$ 13 St, Michael 4 0$ 15} Bpdmin... 55$ 13* Five Lanes Inn 69$ 8 Latmceston 77$ 8 Lifton . , 80$ 1 -t! Oakhampton '.>'• 11$ C rockejawell 106$ 11^ Exeter 117} l6$-Honi«>n 134 9,$ Axminster 143$ 12 J Bridpovt 155} 14} Dorchester 1704 si Milbourne 179 7} Blandford 166} 7$ Caistomoor Jnrn. 194 5 Woodvates Inr... ...... . 199 10.J Salisbury 809$ 17$ Andover 2»e| 7 Whitchurch 233f 3} Overton SS?| 5| Worting 242} 2$ Basingstoke .......:... 245 7 Mu-trel Green 252 8 Hartford Bridge 255 5 Blackwater 260 4 Bagshot 264 a§ Egham S72| 1$ Staines 273$ 3$ Bedfont 277 3f Hounslow 280} o\ Hyde Park Corner , 290$ 25 Roads measnred from Hide Park. Cosser. LONDON to BATH, by Sandy Lane. Mile* 81 8284 SS To Beckh a m prow, Am, as p. 6. L. to Df-vzzes, 6} m. Shepherds Skord. i.. /• Decrees, 5 m. k. to Cable, 3} in. 83} R. Werham, Col. Money. so Sandy Lane. 89$ R. Bowood, Mar.ofLansdowne i.. Spy Park, Sir A. Baynton 91 Bowden Hill r, Bowden Park, B. Dickinson, Esq. 91$ Cress branch of Rennet and Avon Canal l. Strowd, D. Smith, Esq. tji} -Cress the Avon River k. Laycpck Abbey, J. Talbot, Esq. Miles. 92j Laycock i.. to Melksliam, 3} m. r. Lackham,J. Montague, Esq, 93 ». to Chippenham, 3 m. r. Cuckoo Bush, J. Hayward, Esq. R. } or. Netton House, S. Aw- dry, Esq. 94 l. Seatof R. Hulbert, Esq. 95} Corsbam R. Corsham House, P.Methuen, Esq. i. to Melksham, 4§ m. 96} Lower Peckwick -r. to Chippenham, 4}wi. 97} Junction of Read fitm dap. penkam 105} To BATH, as page 7. 8th. LONDON to BATH, by Devizbs. Miles. 81 80} 88$ 88} 91} B2$94$ 95} ToBeckiiampton,/™, as p. 6 r. to Chippenham, 11$ m. Cross the Downs r. New Park, J. Sutton, Esq. l. South Broom House, J. Heathcote, Esq Cross the Kennet and Avon Canal DEVIZES, Thur. Black Bear, Castle, 1593 Houses, 7909 Inhabi. t. to MarketLavingtcn, 5 -m: ,1. to Chippnhara, 10} m. j,. to Salisbury, 22 jb. ,.. to Ludgersnatl, 1 8}'m. l. Earl Stoke Park, J. Smith, Esq. L. to Trowl-ridge, 7$ »»¦ i. Seend, Lord W. Seymour Seeud Green Bower Hill MELKSHAM, Monday, King's Arms, George, 785 ffouses, 4030 Inhab. l. Seat of Miss Thresher t. to Wesihcty, si m- Miles. L. to Warminster, 12} m. Cross the Avon River l. to Bradford, 5 m. X. to Trowbridge, 6} -m. r. to Chippenham, 6} m. 97$ l. Shaw House, J.Neale, Esq. 97} Shaw ii. to Corsham, 3 m. 97} S»aw Hill l. Seat of S. Heathcote-, Esq. os} Atjord l«l$ Bxbe Vein Turnpike l. Wiaxhall House 102} Kingsdown Hill ii. see Shockerwick, W. Wilt shire, Esq. L. seat of Sir T. Miller L. to Melksham by Brough ton, 6}m. S-omeicrteJnre. 103} Bathford r. to Chippenham, 9 m. L. to Bradford, 5 m. 104} Bath Easton 107 .B4TH, see page 7- 27 B.OADS measured from Hyde Park Corner. 28 LONDON to BATH, by Andover and Ludgershali.. Xlilca.63} To ANDOVER, as page 16 67 We-yiiii.l .-,; L, to ylmeshtry, 11 m. fc.re. 22$ Blacknest Turnpike 23 Sunning Hill r.' Seat of Capt. Barwell 23$ r. Seat of Gen.Fjtzpatrick S3} r. Urn. Sunning Hill Park, J. Crut'chley, Esq, Miles.23} Sunning Hill Wells r. Seat of J. Sibbald, Esq. Cross Ascot Heath 26$ L. 1 -m. Swinley Lodge, Earl of Sandwich 26} l. Martinshern, Gen. Gordon 27} Bracknel 29 l. 1 m. Easthampstead Paik, — Archer, Esq. 29} Bucket Hill Gate 31} Frog-Hail Green *> Roads measured from Hyde Park CoRxp.n. 30 Miles.32$ OAKINGHAM, Tues. Rose 2gs Houses, 1380 Inhabit. r. 1 m. Bill Hill, Hon.Col.Gower 33$ l. Embrook House, J.Baker,Esq. Miles 34$ King Street 3j} r. to Egham by Binfield, 15} m. 35$ Loddon Bridge, see page 28 S9$ To READING, as page 28, 4 m. 27 LONDON to BEADING, by Windsor. Miles. 20} To Slough, aspage3 22 Eton College Cross the Thames River ¦Berfehite. 22} WINDSOR, Saturday, Castle, New Inn, Star and Garter, Swan, IPhite Hart 540 Houses, 3122 Inhabitants t. Windsor Castle, His Majesty l. l m. Frogmore Lodge, Her Majesty 23} l. Windsor Great Park 24} Clewer Green : - 25 k. St. Leonard's Hill, Gen. Har- court r. Sophia Farm, G. Birch, Esq. l. Cranbourn Lodge, D. of Glou cester Miles. 26 Winkfield Plain North Street l. to Egham, 6} m. L. Fern Hill, Lady Knowles h . New Lodge, Gen. Hodgson 27} Winkfield 40$ To READING, as p. as, I2}m» OR, 1 8$ To Langley Broom, as page 1 19 r. Ditton Park, Lord Beaulieu Datciiet Cross the Thames River r. Windsor Little Park WINDSOR, see page 29 20 22 39} To READING, as above, 17jm. LONDON to AXMlNSTEE, by Dorchester. Miles.llgf To DORCHESTER, as p. 18 1 20 Cross the Froom River 320} Cross the Ceme River 1 20} R. to Sherborne, lfi m. 122 Charminster Cross the Ctane River 123 Stratton 125} Frampton - r. Seat of J. F. Browne, Esq. 127} Maiden Newton r. to Yeovil, 11 m. l. Seat of Hon. C. Strangeways r.^2 m. Sydling House, Sir J. Smith 129$ Chilfroome r. 2m.Chelmington,J.Pucket, Esq. 133$ Hook Miles. a. Hook Castle, Lord Bolton 137$ BEAMINSTER, Thursday, 337 Houses, 2140 Inhab. 137} R- to Crewkerne, 7 m. L. to Bridpori, 6$ m. 140} Broad Winsor 143 R. to Crewkerne, 6m. 144} Marshalsea 149} l. to Bridport, loj m. L. to Lyme Regis, 3 m. ffirbonshire. 151$ AXM1XSTER, seepages i,. to Honiton, 9$ to. r. to Crewkerne, 13} m. n. to Chard, 7 m. u. to Colilon, 5 m. 31 Bo ads measured from Hyde Park Corner. Si w. LONDON to the LAND'S END, COENIVALL, through Stockbridge, Shaftesbury, and Plymouth. Mitos. 4,5$ To BASINGSTOKE, asp. 16 49} l. Kempshot Park, J. C. Cooke, Esq. 1. 1} m. Faileigh Wallop, Eatl of Portsmouth 51 WHEATSHEAEfoKjPopb.a.tBj'sLane j.. to IHnchester, ] ii m. 64 66$ 58$ CUANBOURN 48} Sutton, Coach and Horses R. to Wliilchurch, 6 m. l. to Winchester, 6 m. 61$ R. to Andover, 7 wi. l. to Manchester, 6 m. ?52} Leckfqro Hut r. Wherwell,J.Ironmonger,Esq. l, Semborne House, W. P. Pow- lett, Esq. STOCKBRIDGE, Thursday, King's Head, Sivan 161 Houses, 643 Inhabit. L. to Winchester, 8} m. L. to R.omsey, 'lost. Cross the Andover Canal Cross the Anton River it. to Andover, 7 m. . at Houghton, Hon. G. Pitt SSttltshire. 72 % Lobcomb Corner, see page 17 • R. to Andover, 9} m. 80$ To SALISBURY, as p. 1 7, 7}m. 81 Fisherton r. to Deuizes, 21} m. 83$ Fugglestose r. to JI arminster, 19 m,. 83} Cross the Avon River 84 Wilton 1.. the Old Road to Shaftesbury, 16}»». r. to Mere, 16 -m. l. Wilton House, E,of Pembroke 85$ Burcombe 86} Barford r. to Hindon, o. m. 87 Cross the Nartdt r River 89 Compton Chamberlain r. Compton House, J. JI. Pen- ruddock, Esq. 07$72} 9590 Miles. r. 2 m. Dinton Housej Wyndham, Esq. 90} Fovant, Pembroke Arms 94.J r. 4 m. Fonthill, W. Beckford, Esq. R. Wardour Castle, LordArundel White Sheet H'll l. Old Road to Salisbury, 14 }m. L. Fern House, T. Grove, Esq. l. Ashcomb, Hon. J.E. Arundel ¦98 Ludwell n. 1 rn. Donnead Hall, J. Knel- ler, Esq. pgj TDas$cts$)jxe. 100} SHAFTESBURY, Saturday, Red Lion, 515 Houses, 2159 Inhab. L. [toSTURMINSTER,!ni«r.K»W, 1 bin, 314 Houses, 1406 In. Shi,. — 1 08} m .fromLondon] R. to Hindon, 7 m. R . to PParminster, \5tn. R. to ll'incaunlon, 10} m. lei} Elmoor Green las} Motcomw 105 East Stocre Cross the Stoure River 19S West Stocre 108. Bow Bridge l. [to Stai.b-rid.g-e, Tueslay, 251 Houses, 1345 Inhabitants, 2i«.;i 10 m. from London] Cross the Cals Rives SomeneetehKC. 1 1 0 Cross the Frome Canal 110} Henstridoe l. Stalbjidge House, Earl of Uxbridge r. 2 m. at Horsengton, S. Bail- ward.Esq. andS.Doddington, Esq. 113} Mii.bobne Port l. SeatofW.C. Medlicot:, Esq. 114} JDorstt»!;tie. 115 Oborne 33 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 34 Miles.116$ SHERBORNE, Thtir. & Sat. Antelope, King's Arms 589 Houses, 3159 Inhabit. l. Sherborne Castle, Ld. Digby b. to Castle Cory, 10 m. I., to Dorchester, 1 7§ m. 118} Nether Compton r. Seat of R. Gooding, Esq. 121$ Cross the Yeo River sSomcrsetefriic. YEOVIL, Friday, Mermaid 777 Houses, 2 7 74 Inhabit. R. to Castle Cary, 12 m. «. to Ilcliester, 5 m. jf. to Ilminster, 14$ m. R.'Brympton House, E.of West moreland Pye Corner East Chinnock Haselbury Cross the Perrott River CREWKERNE, Saturday George, Red Lion, 492 Houses, 2576 Inhab. L. to Beaminster, 7$ m. L. to Bridport, 13} m. L. to Lyme Regis, 15 m. R. to Somerton, 14 m. R. Hinton St. George Park, Earl Paulett k. to Ilminster, 5 m. k. to To£,l25Houses,743 Inhab. r. to Bodmin, 6} m. 242 Pellyn, Rev. N. Kendall r. Restormel Castle, F.Gregor, Esq. l. l m. Penquire, J. Rashleigh, Esq. ' 244} St. Blaizey 246$ R. 1 m. Tregrehan, J.Carlyon, Esq. 249 ST. AUSTEL, Fr. White Hart, 707 Houses, 3788 Inhab. 250$ St. Mewan 251} Sticker 252} l. [toTREGONY, Saturday, 134 Houses, 937 Inhab. 4jfm.~!256$m.fromLondon] 254 l. Pennans, T. Carlyon, Esq. 255 GRAMPOUND, Saturday, 85 Houses, 525 Inhab. 256} L.Trewithan, Sir C.Hawkins - 257$ Probus 259} Tresillian Bridge l. to Tregony, 3} m. 261 L. Pencallenick, Rev. J. Vivian 261$ s. Penare, Capt. Reynolds 262 R. to St. Michael, 7 m. 262$ TRURO, see page 23 265 r. to St.Agnes,7.$m. 267} .Chasewater 270} REDRUTH, see page 22 298 to Land's End, asp.22, 27$m, %* ToTRURO as above, continued to the Land'sEnd byPenryn, as page 23, is 304$ m. 37 •"Roads measured'from Hyde Park Corner. 3S The LAND'S END to LONDON. Miles- Miles. To Redruth, as page 22.. . 27$ 8} Truro 35} 13$ St. Austel. 49 8$ Lestwithiel 57$ 11} Liskeard 69 16} Plymouth Dock 85§ 2$>Plymouth 87} 5 Ridgeway 92} 6$ Ivy Bridge 99 12} Ashburton ill} 9} Chudleigh ..121} Miles. Miles. 9 Exeter....; 130} 16$ Honiton 146} 12$ Chard 159 7} Crewkerne 166} 9} Yeovil 176} 5$ Sherborne 181} 15} Shaftesbury 197$ 1 0$ Fovant 207} 10$ Salisbury 2174 14 Stockbridge . . . . , 231} 15$ Wheatsheaf Inn '. .... 247 5} Basingstoke 252} 45$ To Hyde Park Corner, as page 16 ..298 LONDON to ST. GEBMAINS. Miles. Miles. '210$ To PLYMOUTH, as page 35 216 Maker Church 811$ Stonehouse' 218 Tregantha 212$ Crimble Passage 218} *. to Plymouth byTorpoint, Comtoall. 220 c,^ou - l. Mount Edgcumbe, Earl of 223} ST. GERMAINS, Friday, Mount Edgcumbe 3.66 Houses, 2030 Inhab. 2*14$ Milbrook LONDON 1 Miies. 2f8} To Cr.otthox.e-, as page 35 222} Cross the Seaton River 223} Pengkaver 225 Bodiga 225} EAST LOOE, Saturday, 126 Houses, 46? Inhab. 0 FOWEY, Miles. Cross the Looe River 226 West Looe 229 Ashleigh Cross 233} Cross the Fowey River 234 FOWEY, Saturday, 239 Houses, 1155 Inhab. ' LONDON to PLYMOUTH, dy Tavistock. Miles. Miles. 167} To EXETER, as page34 Cross Dart Moor 170 Pocomb Bridge 185} New House. 171} LongdownEnd 192$ Two Bridges 173$ Beer Cross the Dart River 1*74} Green 195$ Merriville Bridge 175^ Cross the East Teign River 198 ia. to Oakhampton, 15}m. 178} MORETON HAMPSTEAD, l. to Plymouth by Horra Bridge Saturday, avoiding Tavistock, 13 m. 459 Houses, 1768 Inhab. 199} TAVISTOCK, Saturday, . ISO Boghead Cross Bedford Inn, London Irm^ 181} VVormhili, 481 Houses, 3420 Inhab.' Da 39 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner.' 40 Miles. R. toOakhampton, i 5§, orl 7}m. R. to Launceston, 12 m. R. to Beer Alston, 6 m. R. to Callington, 9 to. jCross the Tavy River Sol Whitchurch 203 Horra Bridge l. to Oakhampton, 17}m. Cross Roborough Downs 206} k. 1 m. Bickham, Sir.W.Elford r. 2-m. Marystow,E.Lopez,Esn 2llJ Weston Peverell 212 L. to Saltash, 3 m. L. to Plymouth Dock, 2 m, 213} PLYMOUTH, see page 3 5 LONDON to PLYMOUTH, by Oakhampton and Tavistock. Miles. 1-67} To EXETER, as page 34 lgo$ ToOAKHAMPTON,aspage20 193} r. to Launceston, 14} to. 194} SOURTON 195} Pigs Lea 196 Southerlea 196$ l. to Horra Bridge, 11 m. 197} Downton l. to Tavistock, by Beardan 198} Lydford Miles.1 99} Cross the Lyd River See a remarkable Bridge and Cascade 2p2} Brent Tor The Church serves as a Land* mark for vessels entering Ply mouth Sound 206} TAVISTOCK, see page 38 220} ToPLYMOUTH,asabove,14»i, LONDON to PLYMOUTH, by Totness and Modbuky, Sandy Gate Cross the Teign River R. to Chudleigh, 5& to. NEWTON BUSHEL, Wed, Globe, Hotel, Sun 172 Houses, 867 Inhab, k. to Ashburton, 6} m. L. to Dartmouth, 14} to. Two Mile Oak Bowl. Ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle Bridge Tqwn C Toss the Dart River TOTNESS, Saturday, Seven Stars, 302 Houses, 2503 Inhab. L. 1 m. Bowden House, W, Adams, Esq. 1. 3 m. Sharpham House, E, Bastard, Esq. k. to Ashburton, 7 to. l. to Dartmouth, 9 m, which avoids the Ferry Miles. Miles. 167} To EXETER, as page 34 _ 179} 169 Alphington 180} l. to Teignmouth, ] 55 to. 181} r. to Chudleigh, 7$m. 182 170 r. Peamore, J. Coxe, Esq. 170$ l. Kenbury, G. Cook, Esq. 171 Kenford Cross the Ken River 183} m$ «. StofordLodge,J.Templer,Esq 184$ 1.. Bickham, W. Short, Esq. 186} and Trehill, J. Ley, Esq. 187$ 172} r. see Haldon House, Sir L.Palk 173 Haldon l. [to Teignmouth, 189} 366 Houses, 1528 Inhab. 190 8}m. =r 1 8 l}m. fromLondon] l. Castle Lawrence From Haldon Hilt a beautiful and extensive prospect l. see Powderham Castle, Lord Courtenay, and Starcross, Ld, Heathfield 190} 178} r. Ugbrook, Lord Clifford 179 l. Ljndridge, W. Baring, Esq. 41 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 42 Miles. R. to Plymouth, by Ivy Bridge, 23 TO. 204 {See part of this road page 35) 192 L. to King's Bridge, 9} m. 206$ L. to Dartmouth, 10} to. 207* I92g Ingleburn l. Seat of T. Watton, Esq. 208} 193} Roster Bridge 196$ Bickham Bridge 209 Cross the Avon River 198 LUCKBRIDGE 210 r. Maridge, W. Taylor, Esq. 211$ 198$ L. to Dartmouth, 11} m. 211} J99$ R. Yamcombe, W. Praed, Esq. 302 MODBURY, Thursday, Exeter Inn, 212 311 Houses, 1813 Inhab. 216$ L. Traine, G. Sweete, Esq. Sf.quers Bridge Cross the Erme River Cross the Yealme River Yealmton l. Puslinch, G.Yonge, Esq. Cross the Silver River l. Kidley, J. P. Bastard, Esq. Brixton l. Coffleet, T. Veal, Esq. l. Shurford, W. Buckford, Esq. R. Beechwood, R. Rosdew,Esq. PLYMPTON EARLE, Satur. George, 250 Houses, 1562 Inhab. Plympton St. Mary To PLYMOUTH, as page 3s LONDON to TBUBO, by Tavistock. Miles. Miles. 199} To TAVISTOCK, as page 38 903 New Bridge Cross the Tamer River pJomtoall. 508| CALL1NGTON, Wednesday, 145 Houses, 81 9 Inhab. k. to Launceston, 12 m. L. to Saltash, 9 m. 010} Nottar Bridge Cross the Lyner River 211} L. Newton, Sir J. Coryton 213} St. Ive Cross the Tidi River 215} Pangover 217} LISKEARD, see page 3B 229$ To LESTWITH1EL, asp.3S 237} To ST. AUSTEL, as p. 36 243} To GRAMPOUND, as p. 36 250} To TRURO, as page 36 LONDON to DARTMOUTH. Miles. 182 To NEWTON BUSHEL, as page 40 483} s. to Totness, 6} to. 183} Abbots Kersweh 187$ Compton 188 r: to Totness, 4 m. 189} L. to Painton, 1 to. 193 « . Walton Court, Sir J. Rogers JJ93} « . .Greenway, E. Elton, Esq. j.. Lupton, Sir F. B. Yarde Miles. l. 2 m. Upton House, J.Cutler, Esq. 196} l. Nethway, J. Seale, Esq. 197} Kingsweare l. Kittery Court,Rev.T.Fownes Cross the Dart River 198$ DARTMOUTH.Friday, Castle, 109 Houses, 727 Inhab. L. to Kingsbridge, 11 m. L. to Totness, 12 m. LONDON to KINGSBRIDGE. Miles. 190 To TOTNESS, as page 40 B, to Modbury, 10 -m. 192 Miles. 193 Harburton Ford 1Q5} New Inh 43 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 44 Miles. r . to Modbury, 7} to. l. to Dartmouth, 8 m. ISS} Mounts Miles. 201} KINGSBRIDGE, Saturday, King's Arms, 155 Houses, 11 17 Inhab. L, to Dartmouth, 11m. LONDON to PORTSMOUTH and GOSPOET. $ Knightsitridge ¦J to Kensington, l m, 1 Bromfton 2 Little Chelsea. 2} Walkam Green 3} Fuliiam 4 r. Bulham Palace, Bp. of London Cross the Thames River Sung. 4$ Putney, Red Lion R. to Barnes, ]J m, 4} L. to Clapham, s| m. r. to Richmond, 3} to. 5} Putney Heath l. WimbledonPark, EarlSpencer 6 L . to Wandsworth, 2 TO, 6} Bald'Face Stag r . Richmond Park 9$ R. to Richmond, 3}m. S} KINGSTON, Saturday, Bull, Castle, Griffin, Sun 682 Houses, 3793 Inhab, Over the Bridge to Hampton Court Palace, 1$ m. 10$ l. to Ewell, 5 m, 11} Thames Ditton r . Seat of Sir T. Heathcote 12} R. Ember Court, Col. Taylor, E. Grubb, Esq. and R.J.Sul livan, Esq. 13} L. Seat of T. Langley, "Esq. ii Esher Place, Hon.MissPelham 14 Esher, Bear, White Lion 15 L. Claremont Park, Earl Tyr- connel 17 R. 2 m. Burwood Park, Sir J. Dalling ifl Cobham Street, George, White Lion 17} Cross the Mole River K.Burhill, J. K.Tynte, Esq. l. Painshill Park, J. Hibbert,Esq. J8,} Wistley Common 7 Mild 21 21} 23$ 24}24} 2727} 28} 29 29} 30}31} 32 33} 34$36 39 l. Ockham Park, Lord King R. Dunsboro' House, T. Onslow, Esq. Ripley, Talbot f. to Woking, i}m. * . Seend Grove, Lady Drake, and Barns, P. Prickett, Esq. l. Clandon Park, E. of Onslow k. Sutton PlaceJ.W. Weston,Esq R. Stoke Mrs.Aldersey GUILFORD, Saturday, Crown, White Hart, 4 83 Houses, 2634 Inhab, l. . to Ewell, 18 m. l. to A (fold, 11 TO. Cross the Wey River r. to Farnham, 10 m. Catherine Hill r . 1 m. Lpsely, T. Vernon, Esq. Pease Marsh Common l. Farley Hill, Capt. Bertie Cross the Wey River GODALM1NG, Saturday, King's Arms, 486 Houses, 3405 Inhab. r Westbrook Place, N . Godbold, Esq. L. lm. BusbridgePark,H.Towns- hend, Esq. l . toPetworthbyHambledon,14$m Milford r. 2 m. Pepper Harrow Park, Vise. Middleton i,. to Petworth, 14 m. L. to Haselmere, 7 m. MousalCross Witley Common Hammer Ponds l im. Leigh House, H.Leeches, Esq. ' ~ Hind Head Hill r. see Hackham Bottom, called the Devil's Punch Bowl Roads measured from" HyiSe Park Corner. •*8, Miles. 41 44} Liphook, Anchor 45.1 Sugefr. 4fi l. to Haslemere, 3§ m. 46} l. Milland House, I.Wilkes, Esq. 48 Rake h. a m. Lyss Place, R. Aubery, Esq.- 4g} ^aurmsbire. Mi Sheei Bridge 52} PETERS FIELD, Saturday, Red Lion, Wnite Hart aos Houses, 1159 Inhab. R.-to Alton, 11} to. a. Seats of W. Jolliffe, Esq. and T. Bonham, Esq. L. §m. HeathHouse,A.Mathews, Esq. l. 1} m. Nursted House, General . Hugonin 54$ R. Maple Durham, Lord Stawel 57 .Gravel Hill Inn Cross Homdean Down 60$ Horndeas, Ship and Bell i.. [to Havant, Saturday, SizHouses, 1679 Inhab. 4 m. =;64$ in- from London] Through the Forest of Bere 64 Purbrook r. Mount Pleasant, Capt. Smith i. Purbrook Park, C.Taylor, Esq. Mi'es. 65} Portsdown r. Southwick, T. Ellis, Esq. 66 R. to Southampton, 20 m. L. to Havant, , m. 66$ Cosham R. to Fareham, 4 n. 66} Portsea Gate Enter Portsea Island 67 Hii.sea Barracks r. see Porchester Castle l. 1 m. Gatcomb, Sir R. Curtis e9} Haxf Way Houses 70} PORTSMOUTH, Thu-s. CVnua;, Fountain, George, X.)i\Tnvi r-j 5340 House*, 3-2,166 Inhab. Cross the Ferry to 71 GOSPORT, •Saturday, India Ar.r.s, Red Lion, 1906 Houses, 11,295 Inhab. GOSPOET to LONDON. Portsmouth -J 10$ Horndean loi 7} Petersfield 16$ S$ Liphook 26} 1 2} Godalming 39 4$ Gurlford 43$ 6$ Ripley 49} 4 Cobhani Street 53} 8 Kingston 61} • 9} Hyde Park Comer 71 LONDON to CHICHESTER. Miles. 33} To Milford, as page 44 34 L. to Peticorth, 13} m. 3 7 Brook Green 39 Gray's Wood 40} HASLEMERE, Tuesday, White Horse, ,— 144 Houses, 642 Inhab. L. to Petuorth, 9 m. 41§ SsKBEJC. R. to Petersfield, 10 m- 43} Feiixh«rst 44} FCRiET HiLL Miles. 43 Cross the Rother River L. to PeU">'ih, 6} n. L. Cowdry Pars, \V. S. Poyr.tr, Esq. 45$ MIDHURST, Thurs. Angel, 194 Houses, 1073 Inhab. 50} Cocsivo S3} Single-ton k. to Chichester by West Dean, 6} m. 54} k. Canon House, Lord Selsey 55} R. im.Bindenon,Hon,J.Peaciiey 57 East Layant 47 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 49 r. at West Stoke, Lord G.Lennox l. li m. Goodwood, D. of Rich mond 39} CHICHESTER, Wed. andSat. Dolphin, Swan, 83 ^.Houses, 4744 Inhab. r. to Havant, 9$ m. L. to Arundel, 10 to. h. to Petworth, 14 m. l. to Great Bognor, orHolKamp- toii, LONDON to ARUNDEL, by Petwobth. Miles. Miles. 33} To Milford, as page 44 34 s . to Haslemere, 6%m. 34} Wheeler Street 35^ Witley l. Rev. J. Chandler 36^ L. to Godalming, 4 to. 38 North Bridge Bar l. to Godalming, by Hambledon, 4} TO. S8} Chidingfold 41 ©uaseje. 42 Fisiieh Street r. to Haslemere, 3}m. l. ShillinglyPark,E.ofWinterton r. on Blackdown Hill, R. Bald- wyn, Esq. 42} North Chapel 47} PETWORTH, Saturday, -Half Moon, Swan, 403 Houses, 2264 Inhab. k . Seat of Earl of Egremont , if. to Midlmrst, 6} to. r. to Chichester, 14 m. Dugler Lake 50} L. to Pulborough, 3 m. 51$ Fittleworth Bridge l. Seat of W. Smith, Esq. Cross the Rother Reiver 53 l. to Horsham, 17 m. 54} Bury 55 l. see Parham Park, Sir CBishop Houghton Hill ARUNDEL, Wed. and Sat. Crown, Norfolk Arms, 35 5 Houses, 1855 Inhab. k. to Chichester, 10 m. >t. to Bognor, 10} 1.. to Shoreham, 1 2 J to. l. to Brighthelmstone, lgTO. t. the Castle, D. of Norfolk, the possession of which gives the title Of Earl of Arundel 50 56}59 LONDON to POOLE, by Basingstoke and Winchester. JatUes. 45$ To BASINGSTOKE, as page 16 49} L. KempshotPark,J.C.Cooke,Esq 1. 1 } m. Farlcigh Wallop, E. of Portsmouth 51 WiiEATSHEAF/nra,Popham'sLane r. to Stockbridge, 1 5$ m, 52 POI'HAM 54§ L. Stratton Park, Sir F. Baring 56 r. Micheldever House, D.of Bed ford 57 L. im.GrangePark,E.of Lonsdale 57} New Inn ,50 l. Seat of Sir Chaloner Ogle l. 2 m. Avington, Earl Temple 60} Kings Worthy ci Headbourn Worthy Miles.62} WINCHESTER, Wed. & Sat. George, White Hart, 810 Houses, 5826 Inhab. x. to Whitchurch, 13 to. K. to Andover, 13 m. r. to Stockbridge, 8} to. l.- to Salisbury, 11} to. j.. to Alresford, 8 m. s.. to Southampton, 12 m. L. to- Bishops Waltham, 10} to, 65 Pitt 65$ r. see Mausoleum on Farley, Mount 67 Hursley e . H ursley Lodge, Sir W, Heath*; cote •49 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 30 Miles. u Little Grove, S. Bear, Esq. 69} Amphiel r. Amphiel House, B.White,Esq. 73 L. to Southampton, 7} TO. I., to Fareham, 20 to. Cross the Andover Canal 73$ ROMSEY, Saturday, BeU, White Horse, 335 Houses, 1785 Inhab. L. to Southampton, 7 to. r. to Stockbridge, 10} m. k. to Salisbury, 1 6 to. l. Broadland'sPark,LdPalmerston 73} Cross the Anton River 74 R. to Salisbury, 15 to. 76} Owrb Bridge Cross the Owre River R. to Salisbury, 16 to; L. to Southampton, 8 m- R. Paul ton Park, Lord Men dip 79} Cadnam Enter the New Forest r. to Salisbury, 15 to. L. to Lyminglon, 12} to. L- to Southampton, 8 m. 81 j L. Casde Malwood, R. Drum- mond, Esq. 82 Rufus's Stone 84} l. l m. Boldrewood Lodge, D. of Gloucester 88 'Picked Post l. 2 m. Burley Lodge and Park L. Seat of W. Mowbray, Esq. n. Moyles Court, T. Lisle, Esq. 88} Leave the New Forest 90 Poulner 91$ R1NGWOOD, Wed. Crown, White Hart, 693 Houses, 3222 Inhab. R. to Fordingbridge, 6 m. s.. to Christckurch, 9 to. it. 1 m. Blachford House, Sir J. Hales, and Seat of W. West- cote, Esq. • Cross the Avon River 91} Ashley r. 2m. Somerley,D.Hobson,Esq. 92$ R. to Cranlourne, 9 m. 92} L. Avon Cottage, R.Drummond, Esq. l. lm. Barnfield, G Jennings,Esq L. St. Leonards, T. Brown, Esq. 94} St. Leonard's Bridge Dorsctaijire. 95} New Bridge r. to Wimborn Minster, 5 m. 93 Long Ham Cross the Stour River 99} Kingston l. to Christchurch, 7} m. 100} How Corner 104$ R. to Wareham, ] 1 m. 105} POOLE, Mon. London Tavern, New Antelope, Old Antelope, 1059 Houses, 4761 Inhab. OR, 95J to New Bridge, as above l. to Kingston, 4 m. Cross the Heath to 100 Leigh b. Great Cahford House, Sir J. Webb 101 Wimborn Minster, seep. 51 108 to POOLE, as page 52, 7 m. LONDON to POOLE, by Salisbury. Miles. 8oJ To SALISBURY, as page 31 83} to Combe Basset, as page 17 85} r. to Blandford, 18} m. 8s|..Tii>ruT 89} S&ractsbire. 90 BOWRIDGE 90} l. Seat of E, Hooper, Esq. Miles. 91} CRANBOURNE, Wednesday 92$ t. Cranboume Lodge, L. Tregon. well, Esq. 92} 1. 1 m. Edmondesham House, Col. Munro 94$ L. St. Giles's Park, E. of Shaftes bury 95 1. Woodlands, E. Seymour, Esq. E 51 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. S% Miles. 95} Horton Inn L. to Ringwood, 8 m. n. l}m. CritchillHouse, C.Sturt, Esq. 98} Stanbmidgf 99} R. High Hall, H. W. Fitch, Esq. 102 WIMBORN MINSTER, Friday Crown, New Inn, 673 Houses, 3039 Inhab. n. to Blandford, 10 m. L, to Ringwood, 9} m. Miles. R. 2m. KingstonHall,H.Banks, Esq. Cross the Stour River 103} R. Merely House, J. Willet,Esq. l. Great Canford House, Sir J. Webb 105} R. to Blandford, 10} m. R. to Wareham, 9 m. 107$ r. to Corfe Castle, 14 m. 109 POOLE, see page 50 LONDON to LYMINGTON, by Farnham, Winchester, and Southampton. Miles, 27$30 30$ 31 i 34 3537-T 3S To Golden Farmer, aspageis a. to Basingstoke, 18 m, Fin M LEY r. Seat of E James, Esq. Cross the Lodon River feampahlre. Farnborodgh l. Famborough Place, V.H.Wil- mot, Esq. Cross the Basingstoke Canal 40 -J 42 44j 46j ©urrg. L. to Guilford, 9 m. FARNHAM, Thursday, Bush, Lion and Lamb, 482 Houses, 2508 Inhab. l. 2 m. More Park, W. Timson, Esq. at the extremity of which is the Cavern called " Mother Ludlam's Hole." L. Waverley Abbey r. Farnham Castle and Park, Bishop of Winchester Ibnmpcbite Bentley Grse.n l. Seat of J . F. Butterfield, Esq. l. at Mareland, Lord Stawell Froyler. Ffoyle Place, SirT. Miller -- L. Seat of E. Irwin, Esq. r. Bonhamsy T, Jeffcrys, Esq. Holyiioukne r. Anstey House, Mrs.Dowden Miles. 47$ ALTON, Saturday, Swan, 388 Houses, 2026 Inhab. R. to Odiham, 9 m. « . to Basingstoke, 1 2$ to. 48$ Chawton l. Chawton Park, Mrs. Knight L. to Fareham, 2i\ m. L. to Petersfield, 1 1 m. L. to Portsmouth, 29} TO. 52$ Ropley Street 54} Ropley Dean l. Seat of J. Duthy, Esq. 56 Bishops Sutton 67} ALRESFORD, Thur. Swan, 196 Houses, 1132 Inhab." r. Seats of Gen. ShirefTand Lord Rodney 57} k. New Place, T. Scott, Esq. 59$ R. Ovington,T.Standerwick,F.sq. 60 Staple Green 65 L. to Bishop's Waltham, y$ m. Cross the Itchen River 65$ WINCHESTER, see page 48 l. the King'sTlouse, used as Bar racks R. to Romsey, 11m, 66 St.Croix l. the Hospital for supporting 1 2 decayed Tradesmen 67} Compton l. } to. Twyford House, Hon. Mrs. Shipley, and Shawford House, J. Middleton, Esq. 6g} OTTERBOnNE r. CranburyHouse,N.Dance,Estj 53 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner, 5* Miles. l. im. Bambridge,W.Smitb,Esq. 71} Chandler's Ford Bridge 73} l. North Stoneham Park, J. Fleming, Esq. 73} R. to Xomsey, 5 m. L. to Fareham, 15 m. L. 1} m. Sfvathling, W. Cham- bec layne, Esq. and Seat of Hans Sloane, Esq. j.. 2} m. Townhill, N. Middle- ton, Esq. L. }m. Portswood, Gen. Stibbert 75$ l, Bens Mount, E. Home, Esq. 75} L. to Fareham, 16 m. 7 5} R. Belle Vue, G. Chambers,Esq. 76$ R. to Romsey, 6} m. R. to Ringwood, 1 7-L m. 76} SOUTHAMPTON.Ta.ThASa. Coach & Horses, Dolphin, Fine, 1 5 s 2 Houfes, 7913 Inhab. L. to Lymmgton, by HytheFerry, 13 m. 77} R. to Romsey, 6$m. 78} R- Freemantle, J. Jarrett, Esq. 79 Milbrook 80$ Redbridge Cross the Andover Canal Cross the Anton River 80} Totton r. to Ringwood, 16 m. R. to Salisbury, 19} to. 81$ RuMBRIDGB Cross the New Forest to 86$ Lyndhurst, Crown, Fox and Hounds R. to Salisbury, 18}m. r. Cuffhells, Hon. G.Rose b. Fox Lease, T. Pickering, Esq. 67$ R. Mount Royal, Mrs- Maude r. H ra. Minstead, J. Compton, Esq. Miles. 89} Cross the Boldre River 91} Brockenhurstl. Brockenhurst House, A. Foulkes, Esq. L. Seat of E.M. Gale, Esq. 93 Batramsley 94$ R. Remains of a Roman Camp 95} LYMINGTON, Saturday, Angel, Anchor & Hope, Bugle, Nag's Head, Red Lion, 492 Houses, 2378 Inhab. l. Seat of Sir Giles Rooke OR, 79} To Cadnam, as page 49 88} Lyndhurst 93 To LYMINGTON, as above OR, 62} To WINCHESTER, as page 48 74 To SOUTHAMPTON, as p. 53 Cross the Southampton Water 75} Hythe 79$ Hill Top 80$ Beaulieu k. Seat of the D. of Buccleugh 85$ L-D'Oyley Park, Sir J.HJJ'Ovley 85j l. Walthampton, SirH. B. Neale 86} LYMINGTON, see above LYMINGTONto LONDON^ Miles. Miles. Lyndhurst..... 9$ 9} Southampton 18} 11} Winchester 30$ 7} Alresford 38 10$ Alton 46$ 9$ Farnham 57} 10} Golden Farmer 68$ 27$ To HydeParkComer, as p.16. 95I LONDON to GOSPOET, by Fareham. Miles. Miles. 4S$ To Chawton, as page 52 R. to Alresford, 9$ m. 50 Farringdon 5 J. b.. Pelham Place, T.Dumaresque, Esq. 1} EastTisted r. Rotherneld Park, B.Newland, Esq. 53$ l. to Petersfield, 6 m. 54} l Basingpark, T.Coulthard,Esq. 55} FilmerHill 57$ TheHoTT E z 55 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 56 r. 2 m. Woodcote,E.Hooper,Esq 58} West Meow r» 1} m. Brockwood, Earl of Malmsburyr i.. Hall Place, "L Dillon, Esq. L. l m. WestburyHouse,Ld.Gage 60$ Warnford, George l, Seat of Marquis of Clanricarde 61} Exton l. 2 m. a Roman Camp on Old Winchester Hill 62 CORHAMPTON R. Seat of H. P. Wyndham, Esq. 62$ Meon Stoke r. Farmington, Countess Clan. ricarde 63} Droxford r. [to Bishop's. Waltham, Fri. 191 Houses, 1773 Inhabitants, 3} to.=67$ m.from London] R. to Soutjiampton, I3}?ra. L. Seats of Col. Dubourg and Capt. Hamilton 64 l. Midlington Place, P. Barfoot, Esq. R. Swanmore, W.A.Bettesworth, Esq. 64} l. Hill Place, T. Goodlake, Esq. 6'5 Soberton 68 k. to Bishop's Waltham, 3 m. k. to Southampton, 10 in. 68} r. ColdHarbour,W.Guittpn-,Esq. Miles.6# 69| 72} 72} 76$ 77$ 78$ R. Seat of R. Maidman, Esq. Wickham, Kings l. to Portsmouth, by Southwick, 12 TO. L . to Havant, Hot. l. 1 m. Wickham Corner, G. Gamier, Esq. L. Seat of SirW. Bennet R. Roch Court, Sir J. Gardiner FAREHAM, Wed. Red Lion, 555 Houses, 3030 Inhab. R. Blackbrook, G. Purvis, Esq. l. Cam's Hall, J. Delme, Esq. L. to Portsmouth, by Poreliester, 10 m. L. to Havant, 9} to. Brock hurst F'OWTON GOSPORT, see page 46 r. I'm. Haslar Royal Hospital for Seamen l. toPortsmouth,across th'eFerry, } m. GOSPOET to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Fareham 5} 3} Wickham S" 9 Warnford 18 12 Chawton 30 48$ to Hyde Park Corner, as p.52, 78$ LONDON to HAETLAND, by Tautnton, Tiverton, and Barnstaple. Miles. «3£ To ANDOVER, as page 16 »37 Weyhill r. to Ludgershall, 4$ m. B. ]m.Rambridge,J.Gaw!er,£sq. r. 3 m. Chute lo;dge, J-Freemaw, Esq. 57} L. l}m. Monkstone, Mrs.Roman l. 2 m. Amport, G. Powlett,Esq. 88} MULIENSPOND 6©} L. at Quarley, R. Cox, Esq, 75} Park House ; 72} Cross the Bourne River 1. at Cholderton, Lord Howe L. l}m.WitburyHouse,R.Brad- shaw, Esq, 74$ Harradon Hill 75} l. to Salisbury, 7 to. r. to ttfarlbotough, 19$m. 78 AMESBURY, Friday, George, 181 Houses, 72JInhab.. r. The Park, D.of e&eensberry 78$ Cross the Avon Rivet 57 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 53 Miles. Miles. 80 Stonehenge r. to Lavington, 10 m. 121 r. to Warminster, is} to. 122} Si} Long Barrow Cross l. to Salisbury, 7} to. r. to Devizes, 14} m. 83 Winterdourne Stoke 85} r. Yamborough Castle 125} 87} DEr-TFORD Inn l. to Salisbury, 11m. R. to Warminster, 10 m, 146 87} Cross the Wily River 88 Wily 03 New Inn 130} l. to Salisbury, 15 m. L. Fonthill, W. Beckford, Esq. 94$ Chicklade 133 96 R. to Warminster, 8} m. L. to Shaftsbury, 7 to. 134 97 Willooghby Hedge l. to Hindon, 3 m. 137 93 r. to Bruton, 10} to. 101 MERE, Tuesday,' Ship, 1 02 l. Zeal's House, Mrs. Grove 138 103 r. 2 m. Stour Head, SirR.Hoare 139} 104 iDotettsi>Jxe. 142} 104} Bourton 144 106 £>emttsttgt)ite 107} Bayford t. to Shaftesbury, g$m. 108} WINCAUNTON, Wednesday, iiear, Greyhound, 381 Houses, 1772 Inhab. «. to Bruton, 5 m. »,. to Sherborne, 9} m. 144} l,. to Feov2l, 15 to. 146 L. fo Ilchester, 14 m. 112 Cattle Hill 147$ r. Hadspen House, R. Beikely, Esq. l. to Sherborne, 9 m. 149 150$ 113} R. to Bruton, 2 TO. 151$ 118} l. to Yeovil, 12 m. 151} 115} Ainsford /n» r. to Shepton Mallet, 6} m. 116$ Clanvillb 152$ 117} Aleord 154} 119} East Lidford lUtO L, to Ilchester, 6 m. 156} r. to Shepton Mallet, 9 m. Keynton Mandefield Kingweston r.. Seat of W. Dickinson, Esq. n. 2 m. Butleigh, Lord Glaston bury R. to Bridgewater, 17$ to. «. to Glastonbury, 6 m. «. to Wells, 12} m. l. to Ilchester, 3}m. SOMERTON, Taes.'Red Lion 252 Houses, 1145 Inhab. L. to Crewkerne, 14 m. LANGPORT, Sat. -Sican, 126 Houses, 754 Inhab. Cross the Parrot River Curry Rivell l. to Ilminster, 7} to. h. Burton Pynsent, E. 6i Cha- tham Rock House l. to Chard, 12} m. l. to Ilminster, 10 m. Wrantage . Mattocks Tree l. to Ilminster, 9 to. r. to Bridgewater, 1 1 m. TAUNTON, Wed., and Sat. Castle, London Inn, 1194 Houses, 5794 Inhab. L. to Chard, 12 m. 1,. to Hum ton, 18} TO. r. to Minehead, 23 to. r. to Milverton, 8$ to. r. to Wiveliscombe, 12 m. Cross the Tone River L. to Hon Hon, 17} to. Bishop's Hull r. Seat of T. Tyrwhitt, Esq. RUMWELL l. Heatherstone House, Sir T. Gunston Chenston r. Drake*sPlace,P.Thomas,Esq. WELLINGTON, Thursday, Squirrel, WhiteHart, 767 Houses, 4033 Inhab. Rockwell Green White Ball Inn l. Werescot, E. Were, Esq. r. Canonsleigh, J. Broome, Esq, sg Boads measufed from Hyde Park Corner. 00 SDchotwhire. 157 Red Ball Inn I5p} l, to Collumpton, 4}m. R. I rri. Bridwell House, R. H, Clarke, Esq. 160} S'ampford Peverxll JG-2}'Halberton165$ TIVERTON, Tuesday, Angel, Tliree Tuns, 1322 Houses, 6505 Inhab, 1. to Collumpton, 5 TO. i. to Exeter, 14 m. n. toBampton, 6}m. r. Tiverton Castle, SirT.Carew 1,. Colltpriest, T.Phillips, Esq. 165} Cross the Exe River L. to Crediton, 12 m. I. to Exeter, 13} to. r. Worth, i. Worth, Esq. 168 Calverleigh r . Seat of Joseph Nagle, Esq. 169} Ingram 174$ Racklnford 178} Roseasij 179} Ash Mill 182} Bish Mill p. to Dulverton, 11m. 183} Cotton Hili. Cross the Mole River 184 SOUTH MOLTON, Saturday, George, 572 Houses, 2753 Inhab. 1. to Chumleigh, 8$ m. 185$ K'NG,F0RD l, (0 Torrington, 13} m. 186- South Hill 187$ ». Castle Hill, Lord Fortescue 137} Filleigh 1st Swinbridge. 193$ Landkey 194} Newport r.. to Chumleigh, 15}m, 195} BARNSTAPLE, Friday, Bull, Exeterhm, GoldenLion, 653 Houses,. 3748 Inhah. k. to Itfraconib, 10 m. n. to Combe Martin, 9 m. Cross the Taw River J96} l. to Torrington, 10 m. Miles. 200 201} 202} 205}207 208 214215217$ 219} l. Tawstock, Sir B. Wiay Hamacot r. Yelland, T. Page, Esq. East Leigh r. Southcot, G.Cutliffe, Esq. r. irri.Tapely,J,Cleveland,Esq. BIDEFORD, Tuesday, White Pack Horse, 606 Houses, 2987 Inhab. L. 1 m. Annery, B Jackson,Esq. k. 1 m. Porthill, A. S. Willttt, Esq, «. l}ni. Burroughs, Cap.Downe k. 2 m. Knap, J. Benson, Esq. 1., to Torrington, 5 to. r. 1 m. Daddon, Mrs, Buck L. i}m. YeoVale, Rev. Mr. Morrjsop l. 2 m. Orleigh, T.Davie, Esq. k. Portledge, P. Coffin, Esq. k. 1 m. Clovelly Court, Sir J. Hamlyn Harton HARTLAND, Saturday, , 287 Houses, 1546 Inhab. r. The Abbey, Col. Orchard Hahtland Guay HARTLAND QUAY to LONDON. Miles, Miles, Hartland 0$ 13$ Bideford 15J 8} Barnstaple , . 24 11} South Mollon 35} 18} Tiverton 54$ 1-3} Wellington 68 7} Taunton 75} 13$ Langport 88} 4} Somerton 93} 10} Ainsford Inn 1 04 7 Wincaunton 111 7} Mere 118} 13} Deptford Inn 132 gi Amesbury 141^ 14$ Andover. . . .'. 155} 63} to HydeParkCorner,as p.ie, 2io§ 6l Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. (53 LONDON to TOREINGTON, by Bruton, Bridgewater, and South Molton. Miles. 87^ To Deptford inra, asp. 57 ' R. to Amesbury, 9}m. 88$ flsherton de la mere 90 Codford St. Mary 90} Codford St. Peters 92$ Upton Lovel 92} Lower Knook 93 R. to Amesbury, 14 m. 93} Heytesbury r. Heytesbury House, Sir W. A'Court 94$ r. Warminster, 3$m. l. at Norton, T. Bennet, Esq. 95} Sutton Veny 97 Longbridge Deverill r . 2 m. Longleat, Maiq. of Bath 101} Maiden Bradley R. to Frome, 7 m. L. to Stourton, 3 to. i. Bradley House, Dutchess of Somerset io»} SomersetBfitre. 102}103 106}107} 111112$ 113$ 114115$117$ Yarnfield «. to Frome, 7}m. l. 2 m. Stourhead, SirR.Hoare l. Brewham Lodge, T. South. cote, Esq. North Brewham Cross the Frome Canal l. Redlynch, Earl of Ilchester BRUTON, Saturday, Blue Ball, King's Arms, 333 Houses, 1631 Inhab. l. to Sherborne, 13 m. n. to Wincaunton, 5 m. R. to Frame, 12 to. Colel. [to Castle Cary, Tuesday, HO Houses, 1281 Inhabitants, }m. = ii2}m._/rom London] L. to Ilchester, 12 m. Ainsford Inn R. to Shepton Mallet, 6jm. Clanville Alford East Lidforj» 117J n. to Shepton Mallet, 9m. l. to Ilchester, 6 m. 118} Keynton Mandefield 120$ KlNGWESTON R. Seat of W. Dickenson, Esq. R. 2 m. Butteigh, Lord Glaston bury L. to Sbmerton, 3}m. 123} Marshes Elm r. to Glastonbury, 3\ m. l: to Somerton, 3\ m. 126} Piper's Inn R. to Glastonbury, 4^ m- 127} Ashcott 129$ K. 1 m. Shapwick House, GV Templar, Esq. Over Pollen Hills, l. Sedgmoor 133} Knowle 135 r . to Axbridge, I2§m. 137} BRIDGEWATER, Thur.&Sal. George, King's Head, 493 Houses, 3034 Inhab. Cross the Parrot River l. to Taunton, 11 m. R . to Nether Slowey, 8 m. h. to Hatchet, 16} m. 139 durleigh 139} Faulty 141} Enmore Seats of Earl of Egmont, and A. Guy, Esq. l. 1 m. Haleswell House, J- K- Tynte, Esq. 143} Water Pits I46g West Bagborocck 150 Willet 150^ *.. to Taunton, 10 m. r. to Minehead, 1 2 m. Cross Brendon Hills 154 Raleigh's Cross 155} holwelslade 15 8} WOLCOT 162| R. to Dunster, 14m. 162} Hele Bridge ', Cross the Exe River 161 f DULVERTON, Saturday, 199 Houses, 1049 Inhab. 63 Roads measured from Hybe Park Corner. 6-i Miles, L . to Bampton, S| m. •#* The above Road from Bridge- water, can only be travelled in Summer; see another Road through Taunton below 169 SDflwnsiJtre. 17<>§ Durley Ford 175} Comb's Land 176§ Bish Bridge l. to Tzuerton, ] 7} to. 177$ Cross the Mole River 177J SOUTH MOLTON, seep. 59 178} KlNGFORD r. to Barnstaple, 10$ to. 181} l. Hudscot, LordRolle 182} Chittlehampton r. to Barnstaple, 7§m. l. to Chumleigh, 8}m. 1 84} Cross the Taw River 186 Atherington k. to Barnstaple, 8 m. Miles. t. to Chumleigh, 8}m. 189} l. to Chumleigh, 12 m. 192} TORRINGTON, Saturday, 374 Houses, 2044 Inbab. k. to Barnstaple, 10 to. r. to Bideford, 6 m. R. to Hartland, 19 to. _ l. to Hatherleigh, 11 to. TOREINGTON to LONDON. Miles. Miles. South Molton 15 13 Dulverton 28 2? Bridgewater 55 10} Piper's Inn 65} 13§ Ainsford Inn ............. 79$ 3$ Bruton 82} 22} Deptford Inn 105 87} toHydeParkComer,asp.57, 192} LONDON to BAMPTON. Miles.137} To BRIDGEWATER, as p. 62 140} North Petherton 144} Monkton r. Court House, M. Brickdale, Esq. and Walford House, W. Sanford, Esq. 147§ Cross the Tone River 147} Bath Pool 148 L. to Somerton, 17 m. 1. to Ilminster, ll^m. 149 TAUNTON, see page 58 150 k. Fairwater, G.Smith, Esq. l. Seat of J. Holliday, Esq. 150} STAPtEGROVE r. to Minehead, 21} m. 15l§ Norton 155$ Heathfield 157$ MILVERTON, Friday, 316 Houses, 1667 Inhab. 159 R. Barren Down, S.Lucas, Esq. 161 WIV.ELISCOMRE, Tuesday, . 476 Houses, 2571 Inhab. Miles. 163} Chipstablel, to Bampton, by Raddhigton, 7 to. 168 Skilgate 170} Berry R . to Dunster, 1 5 to. 171 Cross the Exe River ' l. Seat of Sir T. D. Acland 173 DULVERTON, see page 62 Forward to SouthMolton, 13m. 174} Brusiiford 176 Exe Bridge Cross the Exe River SDcbmiflftkc. 178§ BAMPTON, Saturday, 302 Houses, 1364 Inhab. Forward to Tiverton, 6} to. l. to Wiveliscomle by Radding- ¦ 7ton, o}m. 65 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corne*. 6(5 LONDON to ILFRACOMBE. Miles. 195} To BARNSTAPLE, as p. 59 J96§ Pilton r. the Cottage, R. Reid, Esq. r. Long Stone, a Druidical mo nument l. 2 m. Heanton Court, T. Bas ket, Esq. 196} r. Rawleigh, J. Bignall, Esq. Miles. . , 197$ l. Upoott, R. Harding, Esq. 198} Prexford l. Ley House, G.ley, Esq. 198} L. MarwoodHill,C.Cutliffe,Esq. 201} B UK-LAND 205} ILFRACOMBE, Sat. Britannia, 455 Houses, 1838 Inhabitants «. to Comb Martin, 5} m. LONDON to GLOUCESTER, by Cirencester. Miles. 26 To MAIDENHEAD, as page 3. 26} The Folly, Golden Fleece l. to Reading, J 2$ m. 29} l. Hall Place, Sir W. East R. 2 m. Bisham Ahbey, G. Van- sittart, Esq. 30a} Hurley Bottom r. }m. Hurley Place, Captain Kempenfelt R. } m. Temple Mills, T. Wil liams, Esq. 31} R. Danesfield, R. Scott, Esq. 32} R. Rose Hill, Gov. Hart 33} r. Culham Court, F. West, Esq. 34$ l. i m. Park Place, E. of Malms- bury 35 Cross the Thames river %forj0hire. 35$ HENLEY- UPON-THAMES, Wednesday, Friday, and Sat. Bell, Red Lion, White Hart 635 Houses, 2948 Inhab. R. FawIeyCourt, S.Freeman,Esq. i. to Redding, 8 m. 35} r. to Great Marlow, 7 m. 36$ l. Badgniopr, J. Grote, Esq. l. 2 m. Gray's Court, Lady Sta- pleton' 36} Assington Cross 37} Bix R. 2}m. Stonor Castle/T.Stonor, ..Esq. 39} NlTTLEBED l. Joyce Grove, T. Toovey, Esq. r. [to Watltngton, Saturday, 266 Houses, 1276. Inhabitants, 5}m.— 45}m. from London] L.i}m.Highmore Hall,E.Schaw, Esq. R. a Windmill, on the highest ground south of the Trent 41$ Nuffield Heath l. to WalliHgfird, 4} to. r. 4 m. Watlington -Parle, Mrs.--' Tilson 42 tt. Ewelm, Sir H, Jacob 43$ l. Gould's Heath, G. Davis, Esq. 43} Beggar's Bush 46 Bensington, Castle, WhiteHart '¦ R.3m. Brightwell Plate, W. L. Stone, Esq. and Brightwell House, S. Weld, Esq. 47} SlIILLINGFORDR. to Thame, 13 m. , R. to Aylesbipy, 22} m. ¦ L. to Wallingford, 2$ m. l. to Reading, 1'7} m.: ¦ a. Newiiygton House, G, White, Esq. 49 Dorchester : 50 r. to Oxford, s m. 50} Burcot a l. Seat of John Bush, Esq, 51} Cliftonr. Nuneham Courtney, Earl ¦ Harcourt 54 Culhami. Seat of John Phillips,' Esq* . t 67 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. ft. Miles. 54} Culham Bridge Cross the Thames river twice XerSshire, 55} ABINGDON, Mon. and Fri. Crown&Thistle,Queen'sArms, 889 Houses, 4356 Inhab. L. to Hungerford, 23} m. L. to East Ilsley, 11 to. l. to Newbury, 20} m. L. to Wantage, 10} m. r. to Oxford, 6} m. 56} Shippon r. Seat of M. Anthbny, Esq. 58} Oakley r. Oakley House, J.Tonikins, Esq. 50} L.to Wantage, 7}m. R to Oxford, 6}m. 60 Tubney r. The Lodge, S. Lawrence, Esq. 60} Fifield R. Fifield House, B. Byam, Esq. 61} Kingston Bagpuze, George i.. Seat of W. Walker, Esq. 62§ R. Longworth Lodge 64} Pusey Furze i.. Pusey House, Hon. P. Pusey r. Seat of Rev. J.Loder 65} R. [to Bampton, Wednesday, 4 m. — 69} m. from London] r. 1 m. Buckland House, Sir J. Throckmorton 66} R. Carsweil House, H. Perfect, Esq. r. Castle Surley.H. Southby,E^q. 67} LlTTLEWORTlI 67} l. Wadley House, G. Pye, Esq. 69$ FARRINGDON, Tuesday, Bell, Crown, 309 Houses, 1691 Inhab. L. to Wantage, h} m. r. to Burford, 10} m. 69} L. to Highworth, 5} to. n. Farringdon House, W. Hajlet, Esq. 72 Yetton 73 l. Buscpt Pafk, E. Lpveden, Esq. 78$ Buscot 73} l. to Highworth, 5 m, 74} St.John's Bridge Cross the Isis river (Stoucestergbire. 75$ LECI-ILADE, Tues. New Inn 193 Houses, 917 Inhab. r. to Burford, 8} m, L. to Highworth, 5} m. t. Lechlade House, Sir J. T. Wheate 79$ FAIRFORD, Thursday, Bull, 273 Houses, 1326 Inhabit. r. Seat of J. R. Barker, Esq. 79} Cross the Colne River 83$ Poulton, Witts. 84$ Easington 85} Amney Crucis r. Amney House, Mrs. Black. well S7f: R- to Stqw-in-the-Wold, 18} m. R. to Burford, 16^ m. Cross the Churn River 88$ CIRENCESTER, Mon. & Fr. King's Head, Ram 885 Houses, 4 130 Inhab. R.4m. Barnsley Park, J. Mu5- grave, Esq. L. to Cricklade, 6}m. h. to Malmsbury, 1 1 } m. L. to Tetbury, 10 to. L. to Minching Hampton, 10 TO. L. to Gboucesfer, by Painswickf 18 m. U. to Stroud, by Bisley, 10} m. L.to Stroud, by MinchingHamp- ton, I3$m. L. the Abbey, T. Masters, Esq. L. 2 m. Oakley Park, Earl Bji- thurst Along the Roman Road 89$ L. Stratton, Rev. MrrDaubigney 93$ R.Cotswold House,W.Veal,Esq. l. Upper Duntesborne, Rev. C. Messman 98} Birdlip r. to Cheltenham, 6 m. L. to Stroud, 9} to. L.Whitcomb Park, Sir H. Hicks 100} Whitcomb r. to Sto.w-in-the-Wold, 19 m. 101$ Bro'ckworthl. 1 m. Creed Place, — r Carrm- bell, Esq. 102$ Hcccllcot 69 Rtjads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 70 Miles. l. Seat of Mrs. Colchester 102} l. Seat of T. Prise, Esq. 103$ Barnwood l. Bamwobd Court, T. Morris, Esq. 104$ Wooton R. to Cheltenham, 8}m. 1-05$ GLOUCESTER, Wed. & Sat. Bell, Bolt, Booth Hall, King's Head, Swan 1368 Houses, 7579 Inhab. to Tewkesbury, 1 1 m. to Ledbury, 16} m. to Neivent, 9 m. to Ross, 16 J m. to Mitchei Dean, 1 1} m. to Newnham, 12$ m. to Berkely, 17 m. to Dursley, 17 m. to Bristol, 35 m. to Stroud, 9} m. ?9$ To FAIRFORD.as page 68. 82} Ready Token 83$ R. to Burford, 11m. Miles. 84} Barnsleyr. Barnsley Park, J. Musgrave, Esq. L. to Cirencester, 4 m. 87 k. to Noxthleach, 6} m. l. to Cirencester, 3} to. 88} Perrot's Bridge 90} l. to Cirencester, 3 in. 97} Birdlip 104$ to GLOUCESTER, as page 6g. 6}m. or, 88$ To CIRENCESTER, as p. 68. 88} L. the Abbey, T. Master, Esq. 90 l. Oakley Park, Earl Bathurst 93 L. Pinbury Park 94} Westwood Tinley 99} Painswick r. to Cheltenham, 12} m. L. to Stroud, 3}m. loo l. Painswick House, B. Hyett, Esq. lo 1§ R. Prinkash Park 103 Upton St. Leonard- 106 GLOUCESTER, see page 69. LONDON to the OLD PASSAGE, Severn River. 41$ To Nuffield Heath, as p. 66 45 Cromarsh Gifford s.. 1 m. Mongewell House, Bi shop of Durham ' Xross the Thames River Ber&Bhire. 45} WALLINGFORD, Tues. & Fri. Bear, Lamb 371 Houses, 1744 Inhab. l. to Reading, 15$ m. L. to East Ilsley, y} m. R. to Oxford, I2i m. 47} Brightwellr. 2 m. Wittenham Hall, W. Hallet, Esq. 52 Didcott 58} Harwell 54^ r. to Abingdon; 6 m. L. to East Ilsley, 5 m. 56| h, to Abingdon, 7 m. l. to Hungerford, 15§ m. 57 l. at Lockings, P. Bastard, Esq. 57J Ardington 59} WANTAGE, Saturday, Bear, King Alfred's Head 489 Houses, 2339 Inhab. r. Charlton House, W. H. Price, Esq. n. to Oxford, 16} m. l. to Hungerford, 14 m. 60} East Charlow r. Seat of E. Tumor, Esq. 61$ Cross the Berks and Wilts Canal 64} Stanford 65} Stanford Plain r. 1 m. Hatford, J.Tyrrel, Esq L.ShiHingfordCastle,Earl Spencer 6 8 FARRINGDON, see page 6 7 . 72 Colesiiill ., l. Coleshill House, E. of Radnor. Cross the Cole river F a 71 Roads measured from Hyde Park Corner. 72 Milts* muxeUtt. 73} Eastrop 74 HIGHWORTH, Wednesday, 234 Houses, 1493 Inhab. L. to Swindon, 6} m. R. to Lechlade, 4$m. 78 Cold Harbour Inn i. to Swindon, 4% m. l. to M^Lvisbuxy, byPurtan, 14 80} Seven Bridges Cross the Ray river 82 CRICKLADE, Saturday, Swan, While Horse 219 Houses, 1333 Inhab. 1. to Wooton. Basset, $m. n. to Cirencester, 6} m. Over Cricklade Common to 86$ Mynte Turnpike 9l§ Charltonr. Charlton Park, E. of Suffolk 93 r. to Cirencester, liii. 93| MALMSBURY, Saturday, White Lion 207 Houses, 1027 Inhab. s.. to Chippenham, 9 m,' i-.lm. Cole Park, P. Lovel, Esq. 94 r. to Tetbury, 4}m. 97$ Easton Grey x. Foxley Park, Lord Holland L. Easton Grey House, T. Hodges, Esq. B8$ Pinkney l. Pinkney House, E. Cresswell, Esq. 99^ Sherston 101j luckington 103 urr?. 19} CHERTSEY, Wednesday, 565 Houl'es, 2819 Inhab. R. The Abbey, Lady Young LONDON tq WEYBEIDGE. Miles. 10 To Twickenham, as above L. to Teddington, 1} to. Cross Hounslow Heath to 13J Hampton, White Hart, Seats of the Duke of St. Alban's, andMrs.Garrick Miles. L. to Hampton Court, 1 m. 13} R. to Staines, 6} m. R. Kenton Park, Sir J. C. Mus- grave, and Sunbury Place, W. Blake, Esq. l. Seat of Mrs. Chandler 79 Roads mefljured from Hyde Park Corner, 80 Miles. 15} SUNSURY 17} Walton Bridge . Cross the Thames River Surrg. 17} Walton on Thames l. Ashley Park, Sir H. Fletcher Miles. Through Oatlands Park The Seat of the Duke of York ' 19} Weybridge r. Ham Haw,.Earl Portmore R.Wobtirn Farm, Sir J.St.Aubyn to Chertsey, S m. to Staines, 6} m. LONDON tc SWANAGE. Miles. Miles. 101 To WIMBORN MINSTER, as R. to Weymouth, 17} m, page so, or 5 1 115 Cross the Frome River 101} Canford Bridge U5| Stowborough 102$ ii. Merely House, J.Willet, Esq. k. 1} m. Holme, N. Bond, Esq. l. Great Cataford, Sir J.Webb r. 3 m. Grange, J . Bond, Esq. 104$ R. to Blandford, 10} m. 116i Hide Hill 306 Bushels 120 CORFE CASTLE, Thursday, L. to Poole, 1}to. 152 Houses, 741 Inhab. 109\ Ra Seat of J.Jefferies, Esq. l. 1} m. Rempstone Hall, J. 109} Lychett Minster Calcraft, Esq, 110} KinpV Bridge 122 KlNGSTONE 1-13} Sandford Bridge r. ls| m. Encombe, W. M. Pitt, r. to Beer Regis, 6$*$. , Esq. 114$ f . to Blandford, 14 m. R.4 m. Smedmore,W,Richards, Cross the Piddle River Esq. }14} WAREHAM, Saturday, 122} Langton Matravers Black Lion, Red Lion, 126 Swanage, or Swansey, Ship 881 Houses, H927 Inhab, _ , LONDON to WEYMOUTH. Miles.119}122 f24124} 1051.s-.,2 126127$ 'J27} To DORCHESTER, as p. is L. the Amphitheatre Winter-borne Monckton r. 1 m. Maiden Castle, remains of an ancient fortification L.Herringstone, E.Williams,Esq R. to Bridport, 16j m. BrodewayRadipole l. to Wareham, 17 mi Melcombe Regis Cross the Wey River WEYMOUTH, Tues. and Fr. Bear, Crown, Golden Lion, King's Head, 714 Houses, 3617 Inhab. OR, 114} To WAREHAM, as page 79 118 Stoke Green 120$ Cross the Frome River 120} Wool L.3m. LulworthCastle.T.Weld, Esq. r. to Dorchester,bgMoieton^2m 123} Newburgh r. to Dorchester, gm. 129 OsMlNGTON 131} R. to Dorchester, 7}m. 132 Melcombe Resis Cross the Wey River 132} WEYMOUTH, see. page 79;; tothe Isle of Portland, 3 nn 81 Roads measured from Hydb Park Corner. 82 LONDON tc TOPSHAM Mile.. M.les. 141$ ToCharmouth, as page 19 R. to Exeter, 20 to. R. to Axminster, 5} m. 157 l. to [Sidmoiith, Saturday, 143$ LYME REGIS, Friday, 2 /iuw, 25S Houses, 1 252* 7nA. Golden Linn, three Cups 2 m.=159 m. ./rom ioxdoai] 276 Houses, 1451 Inhab. L. to Exmouth, 11} m. ii. to Axminster, 6 m. 159 Sidford 144} iDetxmsbirc. 161} Cross the Otter River 162 Newton PoprLEFORD 149} Axe Bridge R. to Exeter, 11 m. Cross the Axe River 167 Woodbury 150 CoLVFORb 169$ r. to Exeter, 5 m. r. to Colyton, 1} m. 170 TOPSHAM, Sat. G7o"-e, 1 54 r. to [Otter y St. Mary, Sat. 477 Houses, 2748 Inbab. 519 Houses, 2415 Inhabitants k. to Exeter, 3a| to. 7 m.=:161 m.from London] s,. to Exmouth, 9 to. Miles. 167} 168} 1/0}172 173 174} 175 1701/7180181$ 184 LONDON to BIDEFORD, Miles. To EXETER, as page 34 R. Duryard Lodge, Mrs. Stokes R. Pines, Sir S. Northcote Newton St. Cyres Dunscombe Cross the Yeo River r. Downes, J. Buller, Esq. CRED1TON, Saturday, Angel, Ship, White Hart, 1093 Houses, 4929 Inhab, Seethe Cathedral R. to Tiverton, 11 m. L.to Bow, or Nymet Trade, 7}m. k. Creedie, Sir J. Davie R. Youlston, Sir J. Chichester New Buildings Old Burrow New Inn 167$ 188} 189 191} 193 195} 196 200 202 204306} by Chumleigh. l. to Bow, 5 m. ChawleyCross the Little Taw River CHUMLEIGH, Thursday, 'King's Arms 296 Houses, 1333 Inhab. Cross the Taw River BURRINGTON R. to Barnstaple, 10 m. Dipford it. to South Molton, 1 2 m, l. to Torrington, 3| m. Hunshaw R. to Barnstaple, 7} m. L. to Torrington, 3 m. L. to Torrington, 3} 771. BIDEFORD, see page 60 Miles. 175 179182-;186} 187$ 188}. 190} 191}191} LONDON to To CREDITON, as above Barnstaple Cross Cole ford BOW, or NYMET TRACIE, Th. 162 Houses, 677 Inhab. North Tawton L. to Oakhampton, 7 m. Cross the Taw River Sampford CourtEnaY ExBOURNE Cross the Oakment River Jacobstow STRATTON. Miles. 195$ HATHERLEIGH, Friday, 219 Houfes, 1218 Inhab. -l. to Oakhampton, 7 m. k. to Torrington, lim. 197$ J- to Launceston, ism. 199$ Golden Inn 208} Holsworthy 212$ Cross the Tamer River _ Somtuan. 215} STRATTON, Tuesday, 199 Houses, 96* Inhab. G S3 R&AjismaasurtKfcfrora Uvea V>&m £Q>w.m:< LONDON toj PADSTOm Miles. 21* TaiA.I^eESfKW,aspagei2i 213}, a. 'V5feKinigt«B Pa*k, D. of Nor thumberland 214} ST.STfEJyLEHaSjD&WlSi 215} Egloskerry 221 L, to. Launceston, by Hickes's Mill, 11 to. 222 Hale Worth y, or Hall Drunk- aid 224§ David&towr. to Bossiney, 7. to. 227}. CAMELBOlfeDi- Friday 228} TRAMAGKattNOW: 229 L.to Bodmin, 13 mi 22g} He-lst-onb 230} Kne&t's Mm 231 St.Teath Miles,233} TRRGBAR, l. [to,S.T- CWGW-MR,. Th.ursr3a.yj 32,1 Homes, 1»1& Inhabitants ijin.^zxo. bofe/n.froniiLondon] 234} PENnO0jG,5Tl 236$ St. Endellion, 239 St. Minver 240 Tredissick 241 Tredjlly, 242$ Cross the Camel Rijver 242} PADSJ6WW, SatiKday, 204 Hsuses, 1-332 Inhab, i» toSh. ColumJt, i%m, *-^ The Road-to.Eadstov2, byWadeLs Bridge* is. 5^ m^es, farther. LONDONrVo, TAUNTON, Miles, 1-21} To YEOVHs, as page 33 I22}f Preston, 124 L.Brimpton-, E.o£Westoioire|and 124} Odcombe 125} MoNT.ACUT-E * r. Seat of Rev. Mr. Philips 127} Bast ftcojcfi 128} l, to Ctewkernet 4$m. 128} R. to ilchester, 6 m, R. -to SomeXton, 9a.m. PET.H(ERTON> BtBIDGB Cross the; Partes Rwar.:,GtE<:EahlaBd H m Soadb measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 100 Miles. u. 2 m. Sherborn Castle, Earl of Macclesfield 40$ PoTSCOMBEk. to Thame, 4 to. l. l m. Wheat-field, Lord Charles Spencer 42j Tetsworth, Royal Oak, Swan r. 2 m. Thame Park, Lord Vise. Wen man 44} n. toTliame, 3|m. l. to Wallingford, n}m. r.i m.Rycot Park, E.of Abingdon l. at Great Hasley, Hon. A. Foley 46} R. 1 m. Wateiotock, Sir W. H. Asbiirst 47 h. to Thame, 5}m. R.atWaterperry, J.B.Curzoh, Esq. 47$ Wiieatley Bridge CrCss the Thame River l. Old Road to Oxford, 7 m. 48$ Wheatley, Crown r. Holton Park, T. Harrod, Esq. 49$ L. Shotnver, G. Schntz, Esq. l. to Islip, 7 m. 52$ Heddington 53$ l. Old Road to Wheatley, 4 }m. 64 ST. Clements l. to Henley, 23 m. I., to Wallingford, 13 m. 54} OXFORD, see page 87 L. to Abingdon, '6J- m. l. to Witney, 11$ m. 55-J R. to Deddington, 15} m. ' r. to Bicester s 11 m. 57$ WOLVERCOTT l. 2 m. Remains Of Godstow Nunnery 58} Y-arnton 60 Begbrooke k. 3 m. Bletchingtdn Park, A. Annesley,, Esq. 61} l. to Witney, 7}m. 6-2$ t.. Blenheim House and Park, D. of Marlborough 62} WOODSTOCK, Tuesday, Bear, Marlborough" Arms 214 Houses, 1322 Inhab. 66 k. to Islip, 9 m. h. to Bicester, 14 m. p. Glimpton, Miss Wheatley l lm. Ditchley Hot,»«e, Hon.Mr. Dillon Miles. r. 3 m. Tackley Park, Sir J. Gar diner 66} Kiddingtonj.. to Charlbury, 3 m. 68} i.. to Burford, 12 m. *.. to Bicester, 14 to. r. to Banbury, 11 m. 69$ Enstone, Litchfield Arms, Talbot 71$ R.Heythrop, E. of Shrewsbury 72} R. to Shipston, 10}m, r. to Banbury, I2}m. 73} CHIPPING NORTON, Wed. White Hart 347 Houses, 1512 Inhab. L. to Burford, 11 m. n. to Banbury, 12$ m. 76$ r. atSalford, H. Dawkins, Esq. l. Sarsden House, J. Langton, Esq. 77$ L. toStoiv, 4}i». 7S$ LiTtleCompton r. Weston, T. Sheldon, Esq. 80$ Four Shire Stone Oxford, Gloucester, Warwick, and Worcester k. [to Campden, Wednesday, 1 Inn, 54 Houses, 221 Inhab. 6}m.r=86} m.from London] (Sloucestershire. 82 MORETON IN THE MARSH, Tu. Unicorn, White Hart, 171 Houses, 829 Inhab. L. to Stow, 4} to. r. to Stratfordupon Avon, 1 ; -Jm. r. to Warwick, 23 m. 83} Bourton on the Hill 85 L. to Stow, 6 m. 65} aSHorcesterapHr. r. Farnham Abbey, T. Porters Esq. r. 2 m. Northwick Park, Loid Northwick i..l}m.Spring Hill, E.of Coventry 87 R. to Campden, 2} m. 90£ Broadway, /fiite Hart 93} WlCKHAMFORD BRIDGE 95} Bengeworth, Unicorn, l. to Teiofcesiury, I2^m. Crossthe Avon River to Evesham 101 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. ioa Miles. Miles. it. to Alcester, 10 m. 126 r. to Worcester, by Pinvin, 14m. 127 96} Hampton Parva 128 loi$a Wyck Chatel 100$ Cross the Avon River 129 102 i PERSHORE,Tues.^ng«Z l. to Tewkesbury, 10} m. 130 L. to Upton, 9 m. r, Fladbury Hill, from which 133} see Vale of Evesham 106} Stoughton 109 WllITTINGTON 110 r. to-Alcester, 14} m. R. to Evesham, 13 m. ill l. f o Tewkesbury, 1 5 ?«. ill} ffQRCESTER,WeA. Fr.& Sat. Angel, Crown, Hop Pole, Star and Garter, Unicorn, .134} •2370 Houses, 1135-2 Inhabit. R. [to Droitwich, Friday, X Inn, 439 Houses, 1 345 /nA. 136$ 6} m. — 1 1 s$m.i/rpm London] h. l}m. Perdiswell, H Wake- 137} man, Esq. 138 R. to Bromesgrove, 11m, r. to Kidderminster, 14} to. r. to Bewdley, 13} m. Cross the Severn River 139} l. to Upton, lrfm. 142$ l. to Ledbury, 1 7 to. 1.. to Hereford, 26} m. l. to Bromyard, 1 4 to. 112} L. to Tenbury, by Clifton, 21m. 142} 114 Hallow 115 L. Thomgrove, W. Cross, Esq. 1 17 Holt k. HoItCastle, H.Chillingworth, Esq. 117} R. to Bewdley, 8 TO. 145 1)9} Baylis 1-15$ 12.1 l. Whitley Court, Lord Foley1 122 Whitley 122} H6ndred House, Inn r. to Kidderminster, 9l m. L. to Tenbury, 11m. 146} •L. to Bromyard, il}m. Uii 122} l. Abberley Lodge, R.Bromley, Esq. 124} r. Elms, Mrs. Bury 125$ Stockton l. i§m. Stanford Court, Sir E. 147} Winnington 149} 11 Cross the Kington Canal, twice l. Yeardiston, W. Smith, Esq. Lyndridge k. Seat of Rev. Dr. Evans Eastham l. Seat of Rev. C. Whitehead Newnham r. to Betvdley, 10 m. TENBURY, Tuesday, .196 Houses, 905 Inhabit. L. Cross theTeme River, to War. tester, ly Clifton, 21m. l.to Bromyard, 12 m. L. to Leominster, 11m. Shropshire". R . to Cleobury Mortimer, 7 to. Burford, Swan L. Seats of G. Bowles, Esq. and Rev. G. Roushant Little H ereford, Herefordsh. r . Seat of Richard Dansey, Esq. Brimfield Cross RlllMFIELDL. to Leominster, 7 TO. L. to Presteign, 15 m. l. to Kington, 1 7} m. Ashford l. to Leomjmster, 11 m. L.Jtri. Langiford Park, N.Charl ton, Esq. Cross the 'Feme River LUDLOW, Mon.Avgel,Crown, 804 Houses, 3897 Inhabit. z. to Presteign, 17 m. R. to. Cleobury Mortimer, 13m. r. to Bridgenorth, 19 m. r. to Much Wenlock, 21 TO. Cross the Corve River Bromfieldl. 1 m. Oakley Park, LadyCIiye L. 5 m. Downton Castle, R. P. Knisht, Esq. L. to Knighton, 14 m. Wootton , Stone House, Hon.Mrs.Wal- P'-ie L. 1} rn. Fern Hall, J. Baugh, Esq. Cross the Ony River OfalBUIlYCross the Ony River 2 103 Boads measured from Tybjjrn Tukhjfike'. KM Miles. 149}150} J51$ 154 1*6 159} 161§ 161} 164}165} 167} 168$ lf0$170} 172174}175176$177 185 180} Stokesley Castle NewtonL.im. Sibdon Castle, J. F. Bax ter, Esq. R- [to.CHURCH Stretton, Th. 205 Houses, 924 Inhab. 8$m.rr 1 bgfym.from London] R. to Shrewsbury, 21$m. l. to Knighton, 12 m. Basford Gate Red House l. 1 m. Walcot Hall arid Park, Lord Clive BISHOP'S CASTLE, Fr. Castle 241 Houses, 1076 Inhab. f.. to Knighton, li}m. j.. to Newtown, 16 m. R . to Shrewsbury, 20 m. Enter North Wales ^ontsomcrgBipire. Bishop's Moat Red Court House l. Mellington, Col. Browne l. to-Newtowii, 10 m. R.BromptonHall, — Davies,Esq. R.Lymore Lodge.late Earl Powis MONTGOMERY, Tuesday, 161 Houses, 972 Inhab, R. to Shrewsbury, 21 m. r.. to Newtown, 8} m. l. to Llanfafr, by BerUw, 1 l}m Cross the Camlet River L. House of Industry Forden r . Nantcribba, Vise. Hereford Cross the Severn River L. to Newtown, ] 1} m. l. Powis Castle, late Earl Powis Cross the Montgomerysh.Canal WELSH POOL, Mon. Rqy.Oak 543 Houses, 2872 Inhab. k. to Oswestry, 15 m. L.to Montgomery, byBerhiw, 8m. 1,. 1 m. Castell Caer Einion R. to Oswestry, 20 m. LLANFA1R, or Llanvair, 399 Houses, 2187 Inhab, if. to Oswestry, I9$m. L. to Newtown, 10 m. L. to Machynlleth, 29 w, Llanerfyl Miles. Cross the Vyrnwy River It . Llysin, late Earl Powis 192$ CAN Office, Inn See the Tumulus, or Barrow 194$ Garthbibio 197$ dol y matn 198$ SUgerionttbapire. 202$ 203203$204}209 212 213} 217$ 217} 220 224$229$ 229}230$ 236} 238$ l. to Machynlleth, 13 m. Cross the Dovy River l. to Machynlleth, 1 3 m. DINAS Y MOWDDU, Fr. R. to Bala, 17 to, Fachell l. to Towyn, 16 m. R .Caerynwch, R. Richards, Esq 1.. see the Cader Idris mountain DOLGELLE,Tu. Golden Lion, 658 Houses, 2949 Inhab; R. to Bala, 18m. r . Llwyn Hall, Rev. R. Nenny R. 3 m. Nannau Hall, Sir R. Vaughan L. Hengwrt Hall, "G. Vaughan, Esq. L. to Barmouth, 11$ m. Cross the Mawddach River Llauelltid l. to Barmouth, 8 m. L. to Harleigh, 17 m. l. Dolymelynllynn,W.Maddox, Esq. Pont ar Garfa r. see two great waterfalls of the Mawddach and Cain Riveijs Pont del Gofylia Trawsfynydd Maentwrog Cross the Dwyryd River r. to Bala, 20m. R. to Capel Poelas, I7}m. Tan y Bwlch, Inn l. to Criccieth, 11m. l. toCaernarvon,byDolbenmaen, 25 m. L. The Hall, W. Oakley, Esq. Aberglaslyn Bridge, (called the Devil's Bridge) See the famous Salmon leap ¦Caerasibonsfcirc. Bzddgelert, Inn, 105 Roads nieasured from Tyburn Turnpike. 100 r. see Snowdon mountain, 3470 feet in height from the level of the sea 242} l. Cywellyn's Pools, where the fish called Chars are caught 244 r. Plas y nant, Sir R. Williams 245} B^TTWS 249 r. Glangwnna, T. Llayd, Esq. £50 i.. to Pwllheli, 24 m. l. to Nevin, 20} m. 250£ CAERNARVON, Sat. Hotel, ' 182 Houses, 889 Inhab. 253} Llanfairscaer 259| Basgor Ferry, George Cross the Menai Strait to 360 Three Tuns, Inn L. 3} m. Plasnewdd, Earl of Ux- bridge,near which is a Druid's altar 261} r. to Beaumaris, 4 m. 262$ Braint 265} Ceint l. Hirdrefaig, Mrs. Lloyd 266 L. Tregarnedd, S. Grindley, Esq. 267} Llangefni r. to Llanerchymedd, 7 m. r. [to Amlwch, Tuesday, li35 Houses, 4977 Inhab. 14m. — m^m. from London] near Amlwch are the Parry's mountain Copper mines 272} Gwyndy, Inn 274 Tresor l. loAberfraw, gm. 275 R. Presaddfed, Lord Bulkeley 276} Bodedern 277} Llanyngenedir. 3 m. Llynon, H. Jones, Esq. 280} Four Mile Bridge l, 1 m. Bodiar, J. Lewis, Esq. HOLYHEAD, Eagle and Child 503 Houfes, 2132 Inhab. l. Penrhos, Lady Stanley Penrhos Brad wen, J. Jones, Esq. and Llansair, Mrs. Vickers HOLYHEAD to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Gwyndy.. , 12} 12} Three Tun& Inn 25 } Bangor Ferry 25^ 9 Caernarvon 34} 12$ Beddge'ert 46} 8 Tany.Bwlch 54$ 18$ Dolgelle 73 1 9} Can Office Inn 92} 15$ Welsh Pool 108 17} Bishop's Castle 125§ 1 7 Ludlow 142} 8 Burford 150^ 1 Tenbury 151} 1 1 Hundred House Ina ] 62} 11 Worcester. .» 173* 9 Pershore..!! 182} 6} Bengeworth isgj 5$ Broadway ... ., 194} 8} Moreton in the Marsh .... 203 8$ Chipping Norton 211$ 4} Enstone ; 215} 6} Woodstock 222} 8 Oxford a 230}' 6$ -Wheatley..... 236} 6 Tetswor-th . ; 242} 6 Stokeh. Church 248} 7} High 'Wycombe 256$ 5} Beaconsfield 261} 8$ Uxbridge 270 5} Southail. ......'. 275} 9$ Tyburn Turnpike 285 LONDON to CAERNARVON, ry Harleigh. Miles. Miles.21 3| To Llanelltid, as page 104 R. to Beddgelert, 24} m. 219 l. to Barmouth, 5 to. 221 Flowerleck Hill 224 Llandura "¦2;i LlaNUEDIR l. to Barmouth, 7 m. 229$ Llanfair 230J HARLEIGH, Saturday, r. to Maentwrog, 8 m. 233^ Llanfyhanoel y traeth Cross the Sands 103 Roads measured from Tybjjrn Turnpike". 101 Miles. 149} Stokesley Castle 150} Newtonl.i m. Sibdon Castle, J. F- Bax ter, Esq. 151$ R. [to Church Stretton, Th. 205 Houses, 924 Inhab. 8$m.rr 1 bQfyn.from London] a-, to Shrewsl-ury, 21$ m. l. to Knighton, 12 m. 154 Basford Gate 146 Red House l. l m. Walcot Hall and Park, Lord Clive 159} BISHOP'S CASTLE, Fr. Castle 241 Houses, 1076 Inhab. L. to Knighton, 11} m. ¦ L. to Newtown, 16 m. R . to Shrewsbury, 20 to. 161f Enter North Wales ^nntsroraergaftire. 161} Bishop's Moat 164} Red Court House l. Mellington, Col. Browne 165} i.. to-NeivtowH, 10 ra. R.BromptonHall, — Davies.Esq. 1 67} R.Lymore Lodge.late Earl Powis 168$ MONTGOMERY, Tuesday, 161 Houses, 972 Inhab. E. to Shrewsbury, 21 to. l. to Newtown, 8} m. L. to Llanfayr, by Berhiw, Him 1?0$ Cross the Camlet River 170} l. House of Industry 172 Forden 11 . Nantcribba, Vise. Hereford. 174} Cross the Severn River 175 L. to Newtown, 11} to. 176$ l. Powis Castle, late Earl Powis Cross the Montgomerysh.Canal 1 ? 7 WELSH POOL, Mon. Roy. Oak £43 Houses, 2872 Inhab. k. to Oswestry, 15 m. 181$ L.to Montgomery, ,byBerhiw,Sm. l. 1 m. Castell Caer Einion R . to Oswestry, 20 TO. 185 LLANFAIR, or Llanvair, ' 399 Houses, 2137 Inhab. if. to Oswestry, 19$ m. l. to Newtown, 10 m. L. to Machynlleth, 29 m. 180} Llanerftl Miles. Cross the Vyrnwy River It. Llysin, late Earl Powis 192$ CA" Office, Inn See the Tumulus, or Barrow 194$ Gaethbibio 197$ Dol y main 198$ S©etionetbi3hire. 202$ l. to Machynlleth, 13 m. 203 Cross the Dovy River L. to Machynlleth, 13 to. 203$ DINAS Y MOWDDU, Fr. r. to Bala, 17 to. 204} Fachell 209 l. to Towyn, 16 to. R.Caerynwch, R. Richards, Esq l. see the Cader Idris mountain 2 1 2 DQLGELLE, Tu. Golden Lion, 658 Houses, 2949 Inhab: R. toBala, 18m. r. Llwyn Hall, Rev. R. Nenny r. 3 m. Nannau Hall, Sir R. Vaughan' L. Hengwrt Hall, "G. Vaughan, Esq. L. to Barmouth, 11$ m. Cross the Mawddach River 213} Llatjelltidl. to Barmouth, 8 m. L. to Harleigh, 17 m. 217$ L. Dolymelynllynn,W.Maddox,Esq. 217} Pont ar Garfa r. see two great waterfalls of the Mawddach and Cain Riveijs 220 Pont del Gofylia 224$ Trawsfynydd 229$ Maentvtrog Cross the Dwyryd River 229} R. to Bala, 20m. r. to Capel Poelas, 17} to. 230$ Tan v Bwlch, Inn L. to Criccieth, 11 m, L. toCaernarvon,byDolbenmaen, 25 m. L. The Hall, W. Oakley, Esq. 236} Aberglaslyn Bridge, (called the Devil's Bridge) See the famous Salmon leap .eiacnr.tbonsfcirc. 238$ Beddgelert, Inn, 105 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 106 r. see Snowdon mountain, 3470 feet in height fronj the level of the sea 242} l. Cywellyn's Pools, where the fish called Chars are caught 244 R. Plas y nant, Sir R. Williams 245} Bettws 249 r. Glangwnna, T. Lloyd, Esq. 250 l. to Pwllheli, *4 m. l. to Nevin, 20} m. 250§ CAERNARVON, Sat. Hotel, ' 192 Houses, 889 Inhab. 253} Llanfaihscaer 259J Bangor Ferry, George Cross the Menai Strait to 260 Three Tuns, Inn L. 3} m. Plasnewdd, Earl of Ux- bridge,near which is a Druid's altar 261} R. to Beaumaris, 4 m. 262$ Braint 265} Ceint l. Hirdrefaig, Mrs. Lloyd 266 l. Tregamedd, S. Grindley, Esq. 267} Llangefni r. to Llanerchymedd, 7 m. r. [to Amlwch, Tuesday, 11)35 Houses, 4977 Inhab. 14m. — Ml%m. frpm London] near Amlwch are the Parry's mountain Copper mines 272} Gwyndy, Inn 274 Tresor l. toAberfraw, gm. 275 R. Presaddfed, Lord Bulkeley 276} Bodedern 277} Llanyngenedlr. 3 m. Llynon, H. Jones, Esq, 280} Four Mile Bridge l, 1 m. Bodiar, J. Lewis, Esq. HOLYHEAD, Eagle and Child 503 Houfes, 2132 Inhab. l, Penrhos, Lady Stanley Penrhos Bradwen, J. Jones,Esq. and Llansair, Mrs. Vickers HOLYHEAD to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Gwyndy 12} 12} Three Tuns Inn 25 } Bangor Ferry 25^ 9 Caernarvon 34} }2$ Beddgelert 46} 8 Tany.Bwlph 54} 18$ Dolgelle 73 19} Can Office Inn .92} 15$ Welsh Pool 108 17} Bishop's Castle ias§ 1 7 Ludlow 142} 8 Burford 1 50§ 1 Tenbury ..' 151} 1 1 Hundred House Inn ] e-2$ 11 Worcester.., i73r§ 9 Pershbre..^ ..182} 6} Bengeworth 1S9J 5$ Broadway .,..,, , . 1 94} 8} Moretoh in the Marsh .... 203" 8$ Chipping Norton 211$ 4} Enstone 215} 6} Woodstock 222} 8 Oxford 230}' 6$ Wheatley. 236} 6 Tetsworth . : . . 242} 6 Stoken Church 248} 7} High 'Wycombe 256$ 5} Beaconsfield 26 1} 8$ Uxbridge '. 270 5} Southail. ..'....'. 275} 9$ Tyburn Turnpike 285 LONDON to CAERNARVON, isy Harleigh. Miles. 213§ To Llanelltid, as page 104 R. to Beddgelert, 24^ m. 219 l. to Barmouth, 5 m. 221 Flowerleck Hill 224 Llandura S27§ Llanbedib Miles. l. to Barmouth, 7 m. 229$ Llanfair 230J HARLEIGH, Saturday, r. to. Maentwrog, 8 m. 233^ Llan^yhangel y traeth Cross the Sands 107 Roads measured froijn Tyburn Turnpike.' 103 Miles. 236 R. to Maentwrog, 4-| » €mmtbonsl)M. Cross the Sands 239} Pen Morfa l. to Criccieth, 3i m. Miles. 243 dolbenmaen 248} Llanllyfni 253 l, to Nevin, 16 m. 253} Llanwnda 256} CAERNARVON, see page 105 R. to Bangor, 9 to. LONDON to Miles.3 1 1} To WORCESTER, as page 101 115}'C0THERIDGE l. Seat of R. Berkeley, Esq. L.im. Leigh Court, R Spooner, Esq. 118 Broadwasl. Seat of T. Newnham, Esq. 120$ Knightsford Bkidge l. Seat of Rev. Dr. Stillingfleet Cross the Teme River ©ercforosfiire, r. 1 m. Whitborne Court, R. Chambers, Esq. 121 Sapey -122} Bingslay Common 123$ r.i m. Brockington, J. Barneby, Esq. 1. Clatter Park, R. S. Dansey, Esq. 124I r. Mil House, R. Barneby, Esq. 125} BROMYARD, Tuesday , Falcon 242 Houses, 983 Inhab. R. to Kidderminster, 21$ m. ' r. to Tenbury, I0g m. 125} l. to Ledl-ury, 13$ m. L. to Hereford, 14 m, , 129 Bridenbury I2g} New Inn 130} Batchley Green I32.J Docklow"L.lm. Buckland, G. EvansiEsq. R.l^m. at Piddlestone, Dr.Dale, and Rev. Mr. Duppa 133} Steens Bridge l. 2 m. Hampton Park, Earl of Essex R.lm. Henner House, Cap.Pool 131$ Fair Mile ls>if L. to Hereford, 12 m. R. to Ludlow., 13 7/1. 130$ Eaton liRiuuE' KNIGHTON. Miles. l. Eaton Court, Earl of Meath Cross the Lugg River 137} LEOMINSTER, Ynday , Crown, King's Arms, Talbot, Unicorn 736 Houses, 3019 Inhab. l. to Hereford, 13 m, r . to Tenbury, 9 m. r. to Ludlow, 12 in. 138} l. to Hoy, 22 m. 140 Cholcestral. to Kington, 12} m. 141 Cobden Ash 141} KlNGSLANDr. 2 m. Crank Hall, A. Wike, Esq. r. see Yatton Court, J. Wood? house, Esq. 143} R. to Ludlow, 12} to. R.to Tenbury, 13} to. r. 3 m. Croft Castle, S. Davis, Esq. 145$ Cross the Kington Canal 145} Shobdon / R.ShobdonCourt, LadyBateman 147 R. to Tenbury, 14 m. 147$ l. to Hereford, I8}m. 149§Comb r. 1 m. Kinsham Court, Lady Oxford 149} Cross the Endwell River Enter South Wales Kaonorspire. l. 3 m. Eywood, Earl of Oxford . 151} PRESTE1GN, Sat. Crown, , 216 Houses, 1057 Inhab. L. to Kington, 5} m. l. to New Radnor, 7} m. 152} R. to Ludlow, 16 m. 154} Nortonl. to New Radnor, 8 m. 1 ',6} r. Brampton Park, E. of Oxford 109 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 110 Miles.157$ R- to Ludlow, 16 m. 15&$ Cross the Teme River 15s| KNIGHTON, Tuesday,, 221 Houses, 785 Inhab. to Bishop's Castle, ll^m. to Montgomery, 20j m. to Shrewsbury, 32 J m. KNIGHTON to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Presteign 7 14 Leominster 21 1 2 Bromyard , 33 14 Worcester 47 111} To Tyburn Turnpike, as p. 106 158-J LONDON to T01VYN. 170$ 172$ 176} 177 180 1S0$ 183}188$ 191$ 195} To MONTGOMERY, as page 103 Llandyssil r. to Welsh Pool, 9$m. l. to Bishop's Castle, 16 m. NEWTOWN, Saturday, Bear's Head, Red Lion, 203 Houses, 990 Inhab. L. [to Llanydloes, Saturday, 421 Houses, 2282 Inhab. 13 m.— 190m. from London] Cross the Severn River R. to Welsh Pool, 14 to. it. to Llanfair, 10 to. Aberhuvesp r. the Hall, H. Proctor, Esq. r. to Welsh Pool, 15 m. Llan wn nog Carno r. to Llanfair, 11m. Penybont Miles. ft. Dolgadfan, Mrs. Griffiths 203} R. to Dinas y mowddu, 11$ ;«. 204} Penegbs 205§ L. to Llaftvdloes, 19 m. 205} MACHYNLLETH.Mon.Bao-'w 24 4 Houses, 1118 Inhab. L. to Aberystwith, 19 m. 206} Cross the Dovy River Sgetionethchir?. r. to Dinas y mowddu, I2}m. r. to Dolgelle, 13} m. 209} Penai.lt L.Talgarth, L. Edwards, Esq. 216$ R. Bodtalog, E. Scott, Esq. 217} TOWYN,- Saturday 436 Houses, 2092 Inhab. r. 1} m. Ynisymaengwyn, E. Corbet, Esq. R.to Dolgclly, 19 m. r. to Barmouth, 11m, LONDON to KIDDERMINSTER, by Worcester. Ill} To WORCESTER, as page 101 112} Northwich 114$ Cross the Droitwich Canal 114} Hawford Bridge Cross the Salwarp River 116} Ombf.rsi.eyl. Ombersiey Paik, Lady Sondes r. to Droitwich, 4 m. r. 3 } m.- Westwood Park, Sir J. Packington 1.17} Oldfieid Green l. to Bewdley, 7$ m, 130} Waresley Green r. Waresley House, J. Baiter, . , Esq. 121} Hartlebury Miles. l. the Palace of the Bp. of Wor cester 124 r. Commerton,T. Stewart, Esq. 124$ R. to Hales Owen, 11 m. R 2m. Park Hall, J.Turner, Esq. 125} KIDDERMINSTER, Thursday, Linn, 1295 Houses, 6110 Inhab. r. to Birmingham, Ism. r. to Stourbridge, 6}m. R. to Wolverhampton, 15} to. r. to Bridgcnorlh, I3}m. Cross the Stour River Cross the Staff, and Wore. Canal L. to Stourport, 4 m. L. to Bewdley, 3 to. Ill Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 112 LONDON to LUDLOW, by Bewdley. Miles. Miles. 117} ToOLDFIELDGREENjasp.110 130} l. 1 m. Mawley Hall, Sir W. R. to Kidderminster, 7 J to. Blount 121} Cross the Stour River Shropshire. Cross ¦the Staff. & Wore. Canal 122 Stourport 133 CLEOBURY MORTIMER.Th. r. to Kidderminster, 4 m. Eagle and Serpent, l. to Tenbury, 17 m. 326 Houses, 1368 Inhab. Over Burlish Common to L. to Tenbury, 7 m. 125 BEWDLEY, Sat. George, R. to Bridgenorth, 14 m. 847. Houses, 3671 Inhab. 136 Hopton Wafers K. to Kidderminster, 3 m. , 138} R. to Ludlow, by Henley, 8 m. R. to Bridgenorth, 13} m. 140$ Hope Bagot R. Spring Grove, S. Skey, Esq. 142} Fairnham and Sandbouru, J. Soley, Esq. r. Fairnham Court, Rev. Mr. Cross the Severn River Galcot 127} Mapson's Cross 146 LUDLOW, see page 102 128 L. to Tenbury, 11 m. l. to Leominster, 12 m. LONDON to WINCHCOMBE. Miles. 48 J To Wheatley, as page 99 49$ l. Shotover, G. Schutz", Esq. L. to Oxford, 5$ m. 50$ Forest Hill 51} Stanton r. 1 m. Woodberry, G. Ledwell, Esq. 56 Cross the Ray River 56$ ISLIP, Saturday, 135 Houses, 557 Inhab. • 57$ k. to Bicester, 6 to. it. to Bracklcy, 1 6$ m. l. to Oxford, 5} m. 59 Bletchingdon *• R_Bl«tchingdon Park, A. Annes- ley, Esq. n. 1} m. Kirtlington, Sir H. W. Dashwood 60 Cross the Oxford Canal 60} Enslow Bridge Cross the Charvrell River 61} L. to Oxford, 7}m. R. [toDcDDinorov, Saturday, 232 Houses, 1172 Inhabitants,. 8m. — 69}m, from London] 62 L. to Woodstock, l$m. 6l} Gl.YMPTON , 65 H.GlymptonPark, MissWheatley Miles. 65$ 1 l. to Woodstock, 3} m. l. Ditchley Park, Hon. Mr.Dilloij 66 KlDDINGTON 73 to CHIPPING NORTON, as p. 100 76 Salfohd 76} r. to Morelon in the Marsh, 4}m. 78 eJlDucestershire. 78} L. 1 m. Daylesford House, War ren Hastings, Esq. l. at Addington, Lady Reade, & Rev. Mr. Owen 81 STOW ON THE WOLD, Th. Unicom, 264 Houses, 11 8g Inhab. R to Morcton in the Marsh, 4$to. r. to Evesham, 14} m. R. tojTewkesbury, 22 m. l. to Burford, 10 m. l. to Cirencester, 1 8} m. 82 Lower Snell S5} l. to Cheltenham, 10} m. 87} Lower Guiting R. Guiting Park, P. Sneil, Esq.i 93} l. Sudley Castle 94 WINCHCOMBE, Saturday, 301 Houses, 1256 Inhab. 1J3 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 114 LONDON to HOLYHEAD, by Holywell. Miles. 16} To Denham, as page 98 17}* l. to Beavonsfeld, s^m. 3 8} r. Oak End, T. Burvill, Esq. 19* R. Challont Lodge, T. Hibbert, Esq. L. Orchard Farm,T. Ludby, Esq. 20} Chalfont St. Peters' r. Gorelands, Col. Smith l. the Grove, Capt. Hussey Cross Missbourne Stream L. Seat of Rev. Dr. Chambers 21 R. Newland Park, Sir H. T. Gott 22} Chalfont St. Giles 22} H. the-Vach, J. Grant, Esq. 23 u. New House, Mrs. Start 24 i b. l m. Bael House, K. Mason, Esq. 25$ ft. to Rickmansworth, g£m. 26 AMERSHAM, Tues. Croivn, 404 Houses, 2130 Inhab. l. 1 m. Coleshill House, Mrs. Spooner, and High House,Mrs. Scrimshire L. to High Wycombe, 6} m. it. to Chesham, 3 m. n . the Parsonage, Rev. Dr. Drake 27$ l. Shardeloes, T. D. Drake, Esq. 28} LrTTLE MlSSENDEN k. Seats of W. Moore, Esq. and Rev. J. Wells 30 K. Hyde Lodge, Rev. J. Hubbard 30$ l. 1 m. Peterly House, Rev. Mr. Lloyd l. Little Abbey, T. S. Badcock, Esq. 30} r. Great Abbey, J. O. Oldham, Esq. 31 Great Missenden, WhiteHart 32 r. Havenfield's Lodge, T. Back house, Esq. l. 2 m. Hampden House, Lord Hampden 35$ R. Seat of L. Lovell, Esq. R. Seat of Lord Carrington 35§ WENDOVER, Thursday, 275 Houses, 1397 Inhab. l. Chequers, Sir J. Russell R. Halton House.Capt.Lechmere l. to Risborough, 5 m. Miles. 37} n. 1 m. Weston Turville, Mrs. Tomkins, and J. Eade, Esq. 40 Walton r. to Tring, 7 m. 40} AYLESBURY, Saturday, George, White Hart 697 Houses, 3186 Inhab. l. to Thame, 9} m. s.. to Bicester, 16} m. l. 2 m. Hartwell House, Sir W. Lee 41} Cross the Thame River 44 Hardwick 45$ Whitchurch l. 1 m. Oving, R. Hopkins, Esq. 51 WINSLOW, Tuesday, 220 Houses, 1101 Inhab. it. Seat of W. Selby, Esq. 53 l. Addington House, Hon. Vere Poulett 54} Padbury 5?f Cross the Ouse River 57} BUCKINGHAM, Saturday-, Cobham Arms? White Hart 545 Houses, 2605 Inhab. R-2m. Stowe, M. of Buckingham R. to Banbury, through Bracklev, 16} to. J Cross the Ouse River 60} TiNGEWICK 6i flDrfortisfiirc. 61} Finmere 63 l. to Bicester, 7 m. 64$ Monks House 64} ^ortjiamptonsfitre. 65} Barley Mow l. to Oxford, 19} m. R. to Brackley, 2 m. R. 1 m. Evenley Hall, Major Brown 67} Croughton 69$ 1.. to Bicester, $m. 69} Aynhoe l. Seat of R.Cartwright,-Esq. R. Newbottle, E.offhanet L. to Deddington, 3} m. 70} Cross the Oxford Canal I 115 Roads measured from TySu-rn Turnpike. U6 Miles. 70} Nell Bridge Cross the Char well River %forlijij&ite. 72} Adderburx - l. to Oxford, 20 m. l. Seat of John Field, Esq. 74 Weeping Cross l. Seat of Dr. Nichol 75}- BANBURY, Thursday, Red Lion, While Lion, 525 Houses, 2755 Inhab. R. Colthorpe House, T. Cobb, Esq. L. to Chipping Norton, 12 m. k. to Brackley, 8} m. 76 r to Southam, 1 3 to. 77$ r. to Warwick, by Gay don, 17} 77} Drayton 78} -Wroxton l. The Abbey, E. of Guilford si} aSBartolCBSbuc. 82} r. to Kineton, 5 to. R. to Warwick, 16 m. l. Upton, E. of Westmoreland 83} Edge Hill, Rising Sun R. 2 m. Radway, F. S. Millar, Esq. 88 Pillerton 8"9 L. to Moreton in the Marsh, 12} L. to Shi/pston, 5 ra. 89} Over Eatinqton k. to Warwick, }Q.m.. i.. to Mwetonin the Marsh. T3:-n L.im. Hound's Hill, S.O. Hunt, Esq. 92} R. Goldicote, C. H. Hunt, Esq. 95$ l. to Shipston, 10} m. r. to Kineton, 1 1 m, 95} Cross the Avon River R. Seatof E, T. Higgins, Esq. 95} STRATFORD on Avon, Th. White Lion 530 Houses, 2418 Inhab. l. Clopton House, R.Williams, Esq. . R. to Warwick, 8 m. R. to Henley in Arden, 8m. l. to Bitford, 6} m. 99} Cross a branch of the Stratford Canal Miles 103. Cross the Alne River 103} ALCESTER, Tues. Angel, 349 Houses, 1625 Inhab. i.. to Evesham, 10 m. l. to Worcester, 16 m. %. 2 m. Ragley, M.of Hertford 104$ l. to. Dxoitwieh, i3$m. 105$ Couchton u. Seat Of Sir J Throckmorton 106} R. to Birmingham, 16?re. R.2 m. StudleyCastle, E. Cham bers, Esq. and Seat of P. Lit tleton, Esq. 109- Crab's Cross 110 HeAdley's Cross CTorc«Kwhirf. LidgateTardebig r. Hewel Park, E. of Plymouth R. 4 m. Cofton Hall, R. Bid- dulph, Esq. Cross the Worcester Canal u. Finstal House, E. Brittal/Esq. «. to Dudley, 12} m. it. to Birmingham, 13 m. n. to Stourbridge, 9 m. BROMSGRGVE, Tuesday, Crown, Golden Cross 11 ?s Houses, 5898 Inhab. l. to Droitwich, 6 m. ia. 1 m. Grafton Hall, Earl of Shrewsbury l. 3 m. Hobon Hall, R.Wilmot, Esq. Woodcut Green r. Harvington Hall, SirJ.Throg- morton Chab-desley Corbett K.Woodrow, — Fitkin, Esq. it. 1 m. Drayton Heuse,W.Wil- kinson, Esq. R. Seat of Wa Wheeler, Esq. WlNTERFOLDStonel. Seat of S. Stewart, Esq. R.lm. Dunklin, W.Dugard,Esq. iCommerton, J. Hooman,Esq. l. to Worcester, 13 m.. r. to Stourbridge, 8 m. KIDDERMINSTER, see p. 1 10 French m} 1134 114115} 116$ 116} 119} ! 131-$ 122$122} 123} 126 127$ n; Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 118 Miles. 129J Shatterford l. to Bewdley, 3} m. 130} Shtapabirr. 131} Ramsley 133 Ai.am Bridge r. Cotton Hall, L. Lee, Esq. 135} Quatt 136$ l. Dudmaston Hall, W. Whit- more, Esq. 137} Guatford 139$ u. to Wolverhampton, 14$ m. it. to Shiffnall, ll}m. R. to Madely Market, 8} m. Cross the Severn Rivt*r 139} BRIDGENORTH, Saturday, Castle, Crown, 945 Houses, 440S Inhab. L. to Ludlow, 19 m. L. to Cleobury Mortimer, 14}m. h. to Celebrook Dale, 7}m. 142} MORV1LL i.. Seat of Lord Tracey it. 1 m. Seat of Sir Rd. Acton 143 1 b . Aldenham Hall, P. Langdale, Esq. 144} Mugkley Cross 148 MUCH WENLOCK, Monday 3396 Houses, 16304 Inhab. R. to Broseley, 3} m. l. to Ludlow, 20 m. l. to Church Stretton, 13 m. 150 Harley 152 Cressage 151 Cound r. Seat of H. C. Pelham, Esq. 156 Cross Houses 158$ Weeping Cross l. Betton, Rev. G. Scott 160} St. Giles l. to Acton Burnett, 6 rn. R. to Shiffnall, 17}m. 161} Abbf.y Foregatk L.to Church Stretton, 11m. l. to Bishop's Castle, 20$ m. R. to Newport, 19 m. 161} Cross the Severn River 162 SHREWSBURY, Wed.fr.&Sat. Fox, Lion, Raven, and BeU, Talbot, ¦3205 Houses, H5631 Inhab. R. to Whitchurch, 20 m. R. to Dray toil, 1 9 m. 1.. to Church Stretton, 13 m, L. to Bishop's Cistle, 20 m. L. to Montgomery, 21} m. l. to Llanfyllin, 2l m. L. to Welsh Pool, 1 9 m. ' L. to Oswestry, 17\m. 105} ALBftlGHTON 167} Harmer Hill R.i}m. Sansell Park, J.Garner, Esq. 1.. Gredington Hall, Ld. Kenyon 168$ R. to Jf'em, 4} ?«. 169J Middle l. to Stiirewsbury. through Me rit on, 8 m. 171 Burlton 1.. Petton Hall, T. Sparling^lsa.. 173} Cockshut 175 Stocket 177$ Spoon Hill Cross the Whitchurch Canal r. to Whitchurch, 10} m. 177} l. Birch Hall, Mrs.Maifiwaring R. Oakley Park; Mrs. Vaughan ' 178$ ELLESMERE, Tu. RoyalOak, 103 5 Houses, 5553 Ifihab. 1.. to Oswestry, 8 *». l. to Chirk, 7± m. L.i}rn. Hardwlck, J. K.Powell, Esq. 181 Enter North Wales jTlittfgfcire. 183$ Overton r. to Bangor, 3 in. ie4$' R.Maesygwadod Lodge, E.Web- ber, Esq. K.|m, Bryn y pysi S. Ryley, Esq. ». } m. Gwernhaylodf, P. L. Fletcher, Esq. 185 Cross the Dee River ©enoitj^ire. L. Efbistock Hall, J.Evans, Esq. 185$ L. to Llangollen, 11 m. l. Rose Hill, D. Pennant, Esq, 186$ Eyton l. Seat of Edw. £ytoh,Esq. 1S8$ Marcuwiailr. to Whitchurch, 13 m. 1 2 1)9 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 120 Miles. 190$ J 94$ 195}196$198* 202 202} 205i 208} 209} 210} . 211212$ WREXHAM, Mon. & Tues. Eagles, Red Lion, 1489 Houses, 6935 Inhab. it. 1 m. Cefn, H. E. Boates,Esq. and Llwyndn Hall,Mrs.Jones 1,, ]}m. Erddig, P. Yorke, Esq. r. to Holt, 5 TO. r. to Chester, 11} m. r. 1 m. Acton Park, SirF.Cun- liffe L. to Oswestry, 15 m. L. to Ruthen, byMinera Chapel, 16$m. jTIintsbire. Caergwrle l. Ruins of the Castle Hopel. Heartsheath, G. L. Lwardle, Esq. L. Leeswood, Rev. H.W.Eyton, and Leeswood Hall, R. Gar- nons, Esq. r. to Chester, ll$m. MOLD, Sat. Black Lion,Griffm 700 Houses, 4235 Inhab. r. Llwyn Egrin, Mrs.Fortescue 1,. 2 m. Tower, Mrs. Lwardle l. to Ruthin, 8 m. l. to Caerwys, 9}m. NORTHOP, Tuesday 389 Houses, 2212 Inhab. r. at Kelstreton, Seats of J. Ed wards, Esq. &W.Dickes, Esq. r. to Flint, 3 m. r. to Chester, 11 m. l. Lower Soughton, Rev. J. Pot ter, and Middle Soughton, J. Wynne, Esq. Halkin 1,. Halkin Hall, Earl Grosvenor, and Seat of R. Hughes, Esq. Pentre Halkin l. Pen y pylle, H.Humphreys, Esq. l. Pystylle, W. Boardman, Esq. HOLYWELL, Friday, Red Lion, White Horse 1146 Houses, 5567 Inhab. R. to Moslyn, 7 m. h. to Caerwys, 5} in, M i lea . 214$ R.2m.Downing,T.Pennant,Esq. R.2$m. Upper Downing,T.Tho- mas, Esq. R.3m.MostynHall,SirT.Mostyn 218 Brick Kiln l. to Denbigh, 9 m. 222 Cross the Clwyd River 222$ St. ASAPH, Sat. While Lion, 277 Houses, 1515 Inhah.- L. to Denbigh, 5-[ m. l. The Palace, lip. of St. Asaph Cross the Elwy River 225 Cross Foxes 226 r. Kimmel Hall, Rev. E Hughes 226| l. Adwynt, J. Roberts, Esq. sDcnbighiabije. 227 Llan St. Sior, or St. George's 228$ ABERGELEY, Saturday, 300 Houses, 1748 Inhab. 230$ r. Gwrych, R. Hesketh, Esq. 2815 Llandulas 237 Mochdref 237} fflaernarourtBhire. 238} r. Mail, T.Williams, Esq. 240 Cross the Conway River 240$ ABERCONWAY, Bull, Harp 182 Houses, 8h9 Inhab. L. to Llanrwst, 1-2 m. 242} PontSycnnant 246} Penmaen MAWIt Turnpike l. Penmaen mawi Mountain 247} it. Bryn y neuodd, R. Lyster, Esq. 249} Aber r. to Beaumaris, over the Sands and Ferry, 5$ m. l. see a Cataract 200 feet high 252J r. see Penrhyn, Lord Penrhyn 252} Tal y Bont 253$ Llandygau r! 1 m. Lime Grove, B. Wyatt, Esq. 255 BANGOR, Wednesday, 304 Houses, 1770 Inhab. L. to Caernarvon, 9 m. 256$ l. Gorphwyfsa, T.P Jones, Esq. 256} Bangor Ferry, George and Dragon 282 To HOLYHEAD, as page 106 121 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpikb. 122 Miles. 249} 254} 255} 258} 259$ 25 9| 262}264}282 ToABER, as page 120 Cross the Llavan Sands and Ferry to BEAUMARIS, Wednesday, Bull's Head 269 Houses, 3 576 Inhab. r. 1 m. Friars, Sir R.Williams l. to Bangor Ferry, 4} m. R. Baron Hill, Lord Berkely r. 1} m. Henllys, J. Hampton, Esq. r. l m. Plasgwynn, P. Panton, Esq. l. to BangorFerry, 3} m. k. to Llanerchymedd, 10 m, l. to Bangor Ferry, 6$ m. Llangefni To HOLYHEAD, as page 106 OR, 190$ To WREXHAM, as page 1 19 (See another Road to Wrexham, by Whitchurch, 176} mj ' 194$ MlNERA CllAPEL 199$ l. to Corwen, 10} m. ' l. to Bala, ig}m. 206$ RUTHEN, Mon. White Lion 246 Houses, 1115 Inhab. 211$ Llanrhaidr r. the Hall, R Wilding, Esq. 214$ DENBIGH, Wednesday, Bull, Crown, 552 Houses, 2391 Inhab. l. Denbigh Castle r. to St. Asaph, 5$ m. 216} Henllan 219} Lunfydd 222$ Pont y Gwyddel 225$226}231}233} 234}276$ Cross the Elwy River BettwsDOLWEN Groes Fford Ferry House Cross the Conway River ffiaernatoonohire. ABERCONWAY, see paste 120 To HOLYHEAD, as page 120, or as page 121 HOLYHEAD to LONDON. Miles- Miles. Gwyndy Inn 12} 13 BangorFerry 25} 1} Bangor 27 14} Aberconway 41} 18 St. Asaph 59} 10' Holywell 69} 9} Mold 79$ 12} Wrexham 91,$ 12 Ellesmere 103=} 16$ Shrewsbury 120 14 MuchWenlock. 134 8} Bridgenorth 1 42} 13} Kidderminster 156 9} Bromsgrove 165 £ ¦ 13 Alcester 1?8§ 7} Stratford on Avon 1 86$ 12 Edge Hill 198$ 8 Banbury 206$ 18 Buckingham 224$ 17$ Aylesbury 241} 9} Great Missenden 251 5 Amersham 256 9$ Denham 205J 16} Tyburn Turnpike, as p.98. 282 LONDON to HOLYHEAD, by Oswestry. Miles. 166$ Montford Bridge Cross the Severn River 168 1.. Ensdon House, Lord Clive 170 R.at Great Ness,J.Edwards, Esq, 170$ Nesscliffe 172 l. to Llanfyllin, 17 m. l to Bala, 31 pi, 175 West Feltoh Miles, 162 To SHREWSBURY, asp. 117 163} Sheltonr. Ross Hall, C Forster, Esq. R. lm. Berw(ck,T.J Powis, Esq. R. 1} m. Upper Berwick, R. Bietton, Esq. l. Preston Montford, i. Parry, Esq. 166 123 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 124 Miles. Miles. 176 QueeVs Head 176$ Cross a branch Of the Ellesmere Canal 177} l. Aston Hall, Rev. J.Lloyd r. to Ellesmere, 7$m. 1.79} OSWESTRY, Wed. Cross Keys 622 Houses, 2672 Inhab. r. to Ellesmere, 8 m. L. to Bala, 27 to. l. to Welsh Pool, 15 m. l . to LlanfyUin, 14 m. L to Llanfair, 19$ m. 182$ Gobowen 194} Cross the Ellesmere Canal 185 Cross the Ceiriog River ©enoighshire. 185$ Chirk k. to Ellesmere, 7im. ¦l. Chirk Castle, Miss Myddleton 187$ Whitehurst r . to Wrexham, 8 to. l. Cefnywern, Rev. D. Price 187} Cross the Ellesmere Canal 188} Cross the Dee River 189$ R. to Wrexham, 8 m. 189} R. Trevor Hall, -a-Llovd, Esq. 192$ LLANGOLLEN, Sat. Hand Inn 289 Houses, 1287 Inhab. R. to Ruthen, 13} m. r. Gastell Dinas Bran, or Crow Castle Cross the Dee River 191$ A. 1 m. Ruins of Llan Egwest Abbey 194} ft-. Ruins of Owen Glefcdoui's Palace 195 it.LkndysilioHall,T.Jones,Esq. 199} Llansantffuaid 201}202$203$204 204$ 205 206207} 212} n. GlendowryPark, Capt. Salis bury - r. Ragad, —a Jones, Esq. Cobwen, Owen Glendour L to Bala, 13 m. R. to Ruthen, 12 m. R. to Wtexham., 18}m, r. Rug, Col. Salisbury l. Cefn Rug L. to Bala, 8} m. ^Perinnetpghirt. 215} 216} 217} 218$ 226$ n. Maesmor,— Lloyq, Esq. Cerrig y Druiddion r. Pen Gweryn, Caractacus' Castle r. Seat of — Price, Esq. Cirniogeu, Inn h. to Bala, 11$ m. L. to Maentwrog, 17\rn. Capel Voelas r. Voelas Hall, Hoii. C. Finch LLANRWST, Tues. Eagles, 662 Houses, 2549 Inhab. Cross the Conway River the Bridge built from a Plan of Inigo Jones 228$228}22f) 233$ 23SI 280; Caerirtarthennhire. l. Gwydir, LordGwydir Trefriew k. Plas Maddock, R.Jones, Esq. k. 1 m. Maenan, Lady Cuffin r. 1 m. The Abbey, Mrs. Owen Caer Hun r. The Hall, — Griffiths, Est}. r. Pennarth, — Price, Esq. ABERCONWAY, seepage 120 To HOLYHEAD, as page 120, or page 121 LONDON to DENBIGH. Miles. 202} To MOLD, as page 119 l. to Ruthen, 8 m. r . to Flint, 6$ m. 003} l. Rhual, T. Griffiths, Esq. 207} l. Penbedw, W. Willi-ams, Esq. 20s} Nannerch 211} r. to Caerwys, 1 m. 212} 11. to Holywell, 5} m. Miles. 212} R. Maesmynan, Sir T. Mostyn 214} Bodfari 215} Pont Ryffith Bridge "Cross the ClWyd River it. The Hall, Sir E. Lloyd 2Dert6i£h8i)ire. 1. 1 m. Lleweny, LordKirk*all 219 DENBIGH, see page 121 125 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 126 Miles. OR, 202} ToMOLD, as page lip 204 l. Fron, Rev. Mr. Williams 004} . JDenotshBfciK. 205 Clomendy 208} LAIfBEDR r. The Hall, Rev. Mr.Thelwall 210} RUTHEN, Mon. White Lion 246 Houses, 1115 Inhab. 215} Llanrhaidr r. The Hall, R.Wilding, Esq. 218} DENBIGH, see page 121 OR, 202} To MOLD, as page 1 19 205} Hys'p Allen 2Q6J Kilken 208} Pen y Bwlch 210 sDenbiehsSwe. 210} Pentre Llangwyfas 211$ Llandyrnog 212} Cross the Clwyd River 213} Whitchurch 215$ DENBIGH, seepage 121 LONDON to MONTGOMERY. Miles. 162 To SHREWSBURY, as p. 1 1 7 166 Chucton l. Seat of T.Harris, Esq: 167 Nox 168$ Yockleton 4-69} Stretton 171 Westbury r. to Welsh Pool, 11 m, 172 r. Caws Castle 174$ Worthen 175 Brocktonl. to Shrewsbury, by Pontesbury, 13} TO. I??} 'Wilmington Marton 178$ R. to Newtown, 12 m. Mile 180$ Chirbury 183} MONTGOMERY, see p. 103 OR, 162 To SHREWSBURY, as p. 1 1 7 166 Hanwood Cross the Rea River 168} pontesford 169} Pontesbury 171$ MlNSTERLEY 175^ Brocktonk. to Shrewsbury, by Yockleton, 13 m. 184 To MONTGOMERY, as above 8} TO. LONDON to WELSH POOL. Miles. 162 To SHREWSBURY, as p. 11? 163} k. to Oswestry, 16 m'. ' 165$ l. Onslow Hall, R. Wingfield, Esq. 166 L.Dinthill.T. Wingfield, Esq. 166} Pavement Gate 167} Cross Gates r. to Llanfyllin, lgm, 168} Cairdeston 169} Rowton R.'. Rowton Hall, R. Lyster, Esq. 174 woolaston 175$ Trevenant Miles. 176$ ^mwxaxxtffym. 177} upt-ington 179 Buttington Hall 179} Buttington l. to Montgomery, 8}m. 1 so Cross the Severn Rivei Cross the Ellesmere Canal 180$ R. to Oswestry, 13} m. 131} WELSH POOL, see page 103 L. to Newtown, 13} m. l. to Llanfair, 7} m. 127 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 123 LONDON to HOLYHEAD, by Bala. Miles, 162 To SHREWSBURY, as p. 117 163} Shelton h. Ross Hall, C. Forster, Esq. R. lm.Berwick,T.J. Powis, Esq. R. .1} m. Upper Berwick, R. Bretton, Esq. 166 L. Preston Montford, J. Parry, Esq. 166$ Montford Bridge Cross the Severn River 168 r. Ensdon House, Lord Clive 170 R.atGreatNess, J.Edwards, Esq. 170$ Nesscliffe 172 r. to Oswestry, 7}m. 174 Knockin l. to Llanfyllin, 15 m. 174} R. to Oswestry, 6$ m. 170 Cross the Ellesmere Canal 177} k. to Oswestry, 3} m. 179 if. to Oswestry, 4$to. L. to Llanfair, 15 m. 180 Llan Y BLODWELL 181} f^ontflomct L'Bbi r f . 184 Llangedwin 187 r. to Llanrhaiadr, 1 m. 193 LtANGYNNOG l. i}m. Llechweddgarth, T. Thomas, Esq. 194$ Cross the Tawad River 197$ Merionethshire. 201} L. Rhiwaedog, W. L. Dolben, Esq. R.lm. Bodwenni, R.Evans, Esq. 203 BALA, Saturday, Bull, l. LlynTegid (Pool) 3}m- long, the source of the Dee River k, to Corwen, 12 m. it. to Ruthen, 21 m. it. to Llanrwst. 22 m, it. to Capel Voelas, 12$ to. l. to Dolgelle, lgm, 1.. to Dinas y mowddu, 17 m. 210}, bwlch y buakth 220} FestiniogR. to Capel Poelas, 15 m. 222} Maentwrog 243} To CAERNARVON, as p 105, 21$ m. 252} To Bangor Ferry, as p. 10s, 9 m. 278$ To HOLYHEAD, as page 106, 25$ m. LONDON to BALA. Miles. 167} 170} 171$172$ 175}176176} 177}1/8$ To Cross Gates, as page 125 L. to Welsh Pool, 16} to. Alderbury r. Loton Hall, Sir R. Leighton CgontsomerBiBhire. Cross the Severn River Llandrinio l. Malagolva Hill, on which is a Pillar in honour of Lord Rodney L. to Welsh Pool, 8 to. r. to Oswestry, 7$m. 178} 181} 182184} 18S 189196 206 L. to Welsh Pool, 8 m. Cross the Montgomerysh.Canal Llansantffraid Bridge Cross the Virnwy River R. to Oswestry, 7 to. l. to Llanfair, ll}m. L,Bryngwynn,W.M.Owen,Esq. LLANFYLLIN, Tuesday, 444 Houses, 1394 Inhab. L. Llwyn, J. Humphreys, Esq. r. Bodfach, Sir E. Lloyd Llangynnog To BALA, as above - 10 m. 129 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 13® LONDON to SHREIfSBURY, by Coiebrook. Daie. Miles.139§ 141} 142*1.43i 145$ 14,6 147 147} 14.S To BRIDGENORTH, as p.i 17 NO It LEY l. Linley, R. Lacon, Esq. WlLLE.Y. l. Seat of G. Ijorester, Esq. it. Caughley, R. B. Brown, Esq. it. 1 m. Caughley Place, T.Tur ner, Esq. Broseley Seats of J.Wilkinson, Esq. and E. Blakeway, Esq. R. 1 m. Seat of A. Brodie, Esq. L. to Much Wenlock, 3} m. Iron Bridge, Tontine Inn Cross the Severn River Colebrook Dale R.lm. Seat of R. Reynolds, Esq. r. to Madel'ey Market, 1} to. r. to Shifnall, 7 m. Crofs Branch of Shropsh. Cari^l Miles.150$ Adney. l.i m. West Coppice, J. Smethe- man, Esq, 152} Leighton l. Seat of T. Kinnersley, Esq. b... the Wrekin. Hill 154}, uXharltonHill, E.Jenkins,Esq. 157} ?. to Shtfnall, ll}m,. 1574 T^rn, Bridge. Cross the Tern River a., Attingham House, Lord Ber>a icH 158} AtchamCross the Severn River 159 Chilton r. l}m. Longnor Hall, R. IJur- ton, Esq. 161 St. Giles 162 To SHREWSBURY,, as p. 117 LONDON to STOURBRIDGE. Miles. 1 16} To BROMSGROVE, as p. 1 1 6 118$ Little Barnsley 119} Forfield 12o£ 1., Bell Hall, Mrs. Noel 121} Holy Cross r. Clent House, J.Amphlet.Esq. l. Field House,W.Waldren,Esq. r,. Broom Hall, C. Harris, Esq. Hagley, Tap Hatise k. Hagley Park, Lord Lyttleton r. to Birmingham, 12 m, L.to Kidderminster, 6 m. t 123} Pedmore 123 Miles. R. Pedmore Hall, J. Freeman, Esq. k. Pedmore House, T. Biggs, Esq. l. the Quarry, J. Owen, Esqi R. White Hall, Miss Rogers ' 124} Old Swinford 125$ STOURBRIDGE, Friday, Crown, Talbot, 7S0 Houses, 3431 Inhabit. r. to Birmingliam, 12-^ m. R. loIPolverhampton, 10m. L. to Kidderminster, 7 m. LONDON to ST. DAVIDS. Miles. 54} To OXFQRD, as page 99 55 Cross the Isis River 56 Botley l. to Wantage, 16} m. l. (6 Fitrringdon, 16 m. 58} r, 1 m. Wytham, f, oi Abingdon Milts. 59$ EyjijiuM Bridjce Cross the Isis River %foiu3|>ire. 60$ EYtfStlAM R. Eynsh'am Hall, -Mfs.Dubefiey 63} HiLc Houses' 64$' Shores Greek K *31 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 132 Wilea. 65} R. to Woodstock, 8 to. Cross the Windrush River 65} WITNEY, Thursday, Lamb, Staple Hall Inn, 566 Houses, 2584 Inhab. 71 L to Bampton, 4} m. R.lm.Swinbrook, R.Fettiplace, Esq. 72} BURFORD, Sat. Bull, George, 304 Houses, 1516 Inhab. l. to Farringdon, 10} m. «. to Chipping Norton, 11 m. H. to Stow on the Wold, 10 to. r. Seat of J: Lenthall, Esq. 73$ l. to Cirencester, 17 to. 74$ oJloucestergpite. 76 Barbington it. l m. Barrington Park, Lord Dynevor 78} r. Sherborne, Lord Sherborne 79} h. 1 m. Farmington, E.Waller, Esq. 1. 1 m. Sherborne Lodse 82 NORTHLEACH, Wednesday, King's Head lloHouses, 664 Inhab, 82$ L. to Cirencester, 10 m. t.im. Stowell Park, Lord Ched- •worth R. to Stow on the Wold, 9 m. 84 i.. Compton Park 88} Frog Mill, Inn 89} i,. Dowdeswell House it, Sandywell Park, Mrs.Tracey r, to Slow on the Wold, 13 to. R.-to Cheltenham^ 5$ m, 92} Seven Wells . , . The Origin of the Thames River t. Coberley, Lord Chedworth L. to Stroud, 9} to. r. to Cheltenham, 6$ to. Little Whit.Comb l. to Cirencester, 1 1} tn. Brockworth to GLOUCESTER, as p. 69 Cross Jthe Severn River Over "' Cross the Gloucestersh. Canal r. to Ledbury, 16 m. Cross the Severn River Highnam 104 104$ .04} 96$ 96} 97! 101} 102} 103$103}103i 115 123 123 r. Highnam Park, Lady Guise l. Bill Mill Lodge,T.Nixon,Esq. l. to Newnham, 10 m. R. [(oNewent, Friday, 474 Houses, 2354 Inhabitants ' 6}m.r~ Ill m.from London] 1 04} l. High Grove, C. Evans, Esq. 105} Churcham 107} Birdwood 109 -Huntley r. to Ross, 9 m. 114 MITCHELDEAN.Mon.Gcorgt; 125 Houses, 563 Inhab. k. to Ross, 6$m. l. to Newnham, 5f m. L. 2 m. Flaxley Abbey, Sir T. Crawley Through the Forest of Dean L. The Wilderness, R. Dighton, Esq. L. East Bach Court, D. Davis, Esq. COLFORD, Tuesday, Angel l. 2 m. Clearwell House High Meadow u. High Meadow House, Lord Gage 124} Redbrook Monmouttwhfre. 126 L.«ee Troy House, D.of Beaufort 1 26} Cross the Wye River 127 MONMOUTH, see page gS r. to Ross, 10} m. r . to Hereford, ism. L, to Uske, 13 m. L. to Chepstow, 14m. 129} Rockfield r. 1 m. Perthyr, J. P. Lorymer, Esq. 134$ Llandillo Cresseney r. 1 m. White Castle 137 llan.vapley 139$ Kevenpendaohr 141 ABERGAVENNY, see page 96 l. to Uske, 11 m. L. to Pontipool, 10$ m. 1. to Newport, ,18 to, 142} Pentra u. The Sugar.Loaf Mountain, 1850 feet in height 143$ LLANWENARTH 133 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 134 M lies. 145 Enter South Wales SBteclmocHflhire, 145$ R. Sunny Bank, D.Williams, Esq. 145} Llangranach 147} CRICKHOWELL, Thursday, 126 Houses, 566 Inhab. L. to Merthyr Tydvil, 1 4 m. L. Llangattock Place, H. Wil liams, Esq. r. 1 m. Gwernvale, T. Everest, Esq. 148} Llanfair l. Seat of Admiral Gell 148} i.. Glanusk, F.Frederick, Esq. 149$ PONTPRENHURT 149} r. Ruins of Tretower Castle 153 Bwlch R. to Hay, 14 m. 154 l. Buckland House, T. H. Gwynne, Esq. l. l m. Maesmaur, G. Lewis, • Esq. 155$ Llansantfred R 2 m. Tallylynn House, C. Crespigny, Esq. 156} Skethrc.gn. Skethrog. House, J. Jones, Esq. 158 Ll/nhamlach l. Seat of T. H. Powell, Esq. 161 BRECON, Wed. & Fr. Bell, Golden Lion 540 Houses, 2576 Inhab. R. to Hay, 15$m. R. to Buillh, it5$ m. Gross the Uske River t.. to Merthyr Tydvil, 18} m. j., to Neath, 27 m. l. to Crickhowell, 14 m. R.The Priory, J Wilkins, Esq. R. 3 m. Aberyskir Court, Rev. R. Winter 163$ Llanspyddid 166$ Penpont R. Seat of P. Williams, Eaq. 166} R. Abercamlais, Rev. Mr. Wat- kins 169$ Cross the Uske River 169} Rhyd y briw l. Pcvynock, Rev. H. Payne Mi lea. 171} Trecasti.e, IPhite Hart L. to Llangadock, 12} m. 173 Llwyell 174 Valindra 174$ €aennartf)ens3tire. 181 LLANDOVERY, Fr. Castle R. to Builth, 22$ m. 182 Cross 1 he Towey River k. to Lampeter, 16} m. 182} Llwynhowel 186 R. LUvynybrain Hall, Mrs. Rice 186$ Crossy-cerlog- 1S8$ Masegood Inn 189$ Al.BF.RMARLES R.The Park, R. Foley, Esq. 190} PencevenGlasorin 192} Clepvulch k. 3 m. Taliaris Park, Lord ,R. Seymour 194 R. to Lampeter, 17$ m. 194$ Rosman'a 194£ r. Gurry, W. Jones, Esq. 19=$ LLANDILO VAWR, Bear, 141 Houses, 647 Inhab. L. to Llangadock, 8 m. L. to Swansea, 22} m. L. 1 m. Tregil, W. Hughes, Esq, and Newton Park 1.. 3 m. Monaraban, S. Hem ming, Esq. 1. Dynevor Castle, Ld.Dynevor L. 1} m. Berithlandwall, R. J. Llwyd, Esq. and Aberglassny, Capt. Dyer L.2m:GoldenGrove,J .Vaughan, Esq. 197} Rhw'r Adar 200$ Cross Inn a. Courthenry, W. Philips, Esq. -anti see Penylan, W. Davies, Esq. K.lm. PantSaes, JXlwyd, Esq, L/ see Dryswlyn Castle 203}'Cothy Bridge 205} Allt y gog 206} Wh.it.E- Mill 208 r. Merlin's Cave 208$ Abebgwili r. Castle Piggin, T. Blome, Esq. I. Bp. of St. David's Palace, and} C listandy, R. Thomas, Esq, K 2 ¦ is;- Roads measured Ir-om Tyburn Turnpike;. 13d Mllt< 2101219}232$243 247,}252} 256$ 259} CAERMARTHEN, seep, u to St. Clare, as p. l i , t|} m. 'to NAR'BETH, as p. 12, 124m. to HAVERFORD WEST, as page 12, ' 10} m. L. ft Milford Haven, 7$ to. Trecoyd ¦ Nf.wgil Sands SnLVACH ST. DAVID'S, Wednesday, 418 Houses, 1803 Inhab. «. to Fishguard, 16 m. ST. DAVIDS to LONDON. Miles. . Miles. 'Haverfqrd West 1 6| JO} Narbeth , 27$ Mll.s. 5} Tavernspite 32} 6} St. Clare 39} 9j Caermarthen 49$ 1 5 Llandilo Vawr 64$ 14$ Llandovery 78} 20 Brecon 98§ 13} Ciickhowell 112 6} Abergavenny 118} 14 Monmouth I32g 13 MitchelDean 145^ 12$ Gloucester 157} 13 Frog Mill Inn 170} 6} Northleach 177} 9} Burford 187 6} Witney 193} 11$ Oxford 205 54} toTyburnTurnpike, as p.98 259} LONDON to ST. DAVID'S, b«y Cardigan. Miles. 181 To LLANDOVERY, as p. 134 182 Cross the Towey Ri ver l. to Llandilo Vawr, 13$ m. 184 r. 1 m. Henlys, Capt.Williams 191} n. Dole Cothy, J. Johpes, Esq. 191} Cross the Cothy River 192 'Pymsiant 196} Lampeter Mountain 200 L.'to Llandilo 'Pawr, 15 to. L to Caermarihen,'23 to. 200$ Cross the Tivi River Uatuisanujiie. 200§ LAMPETER, Tues.'BfacfcZiow 161 Houses ,"(169 lwhati. it. to Tregaron, 11 m. r. to "Aberystwith, 25}'m. l. to' Caermarthen, 23}' m. 203} Llanwnnen 207},LianWenog ' 210 RllYDOWEN 814} it. to Cardigan, lyTroedyr Aur, l3?Vm. 219$ NEWCASTLE in EmiYn,. Fr. Salutation Miles. i,. [to Kilgerron, Wed. 191 Houses, 854 Inhabit. 8 m. — 117%m.from London] 227-J R. at Llarigoiimore, O. Lloyd, Esq. 1,. 2 m. Kilgerron Castle 229J CARDIGAN, Tues. & Sat. Black Lion, Whitf Hart 435 Houses, 1911 Inhab. r. to Aberystwiih, 39} to. l. to Haverford Wist, 26} to. Cross the Tivi River 3pemutofee#ire. 231 St.-Dogmaels 2374 Velindree 240" NEWPORT, Saturday, 317 Houses, 1S92 Inhab. 247 FISHGUARD, Friday, 303 Houses, 1603 Inhab. l. to Haverford West, 16 m. 253 Mathrf.y- 26;-| Gorid Bridge 263 ST. DAVID'S, see above 137 Roads measured from Tyburn Turnpike. 3SB LONDON to CAERMARTHEN, by Llangadock. Miles. Miles.171} ToTRECASTLB.as^iage 134 r. to Llandovery, 9$ to. 177 Cross the Uske River Caerataitpenspite. '179 Talsarn 1o3 PontarLleche 184 R. [to Llangadock, Thursday, 378 House?, 1821 Lthab. }m.— . 184} m.from London] 187 Penachamawr l. 3 m. Carreg Cennen Castle lSO} MonaraJonl. Seat -of f3. Hemming, Esq. 192 LLANDILO VAWR, see p.134 207 to CAERMARTHEN, as p.135 15 m. LONDON to MILFORD HAVEN, by Gloucester a«d CllEPSTOW. Miles.101}103}104105 106 110$110}lll|114 115 117 120} 121}J 22$ To GLOUCESTER, as p. 131 Highnam, see page 131 R. to Mitchel Dean, 10 m. R. High Grove, C. .Evans, Esq. Minsterworth Westbu ry r. Seat of J. Qolchester, Esg, r. to Mitchel Dean, 5 m. l. Broad Qak, J.Wintley,Esq. NEWNHAM, Friday, Bear, 145 Houses, 821 Inhab. it. to Mitchel Dean, 6 m. r.i m. Hay Hill, R. Jones, Esq. BlakeneyLlDNEYr. Lidney Park, Mrs. Bathurst Aylburton Miles.123144$ 12 5} 127 128} 129 130}131}133 270$ Alvikgton Woolastcn Strout TlDDtSHAM Cross the Wye River ?©oniiKiuth£hire. CHEPSTOW, see page gs k. to .Monmouth, 14 m. k. at Piersfield, Seat of Col.Wood n. 4 m. Tintern Abbey P.iolmf.rrickSr. Peter's Park Gate l. to the New Passage, 2} m. Crick to Milford Haven, as pages Stoia. 137$ m. LONDON to MONMOUTH, by Cheltenham, Gloucester, and Ross. Miles. 88} To Frog Mill, Inn, as p.131 89} l. to Gloucester, by Seven Wells, 12 m. r. to Stow on the Wold, 13 m. 90}"Dowdswell R. Sandy well Park, Mrs.Tracey l. Seat of E. Rogers, Esq. 93$ Charlton Kings l. Seat of D. 0. Hunt, Esq. 94 C-ADN.ALL P4} 1. taJUTavii, 14$ m. Miles. 95 CHELTENHAM, Thursday, Fleece, George, Plough 710 Houses,. 3076 Inhab. L. Seat of Earl Fauconbeig 96} Bedlam 96} _r. to Tewfeesbury, 7 m. 98} Haydon's Elm 9i/} StaveRt.on Bridge 103} Wooton L. to Frog Mill, ly Seven Wells, 12 TO. 139 Roads measured from Tybukn Turnpike, 1-10 M.lcs. Miles. 104$ L. Margaret and Magdalen Hos and MountPleasant,J. Holder, pitals Esq. 104} GLOUCESTER, see page 69 -121$ Cross the Wye River 111} to Huntley, as page 132, 7$m( ; 121} Wilton l. to Mitchel Dean, 5 m. r. to Hereford, 14 m. 113 May Hill 122$ Upper Wear 115 LONGHOPE 122}, Lower Wear 116} Lea 124$ Pencraig L. lo Mitchel Dean, 3 m. r. Pencraig Court, J . Robinson, L.Castle end,ArchdeaconProbyn Esq. 117 Bjerefortwhire. 125} Goodrich Cross l. The Castle 118 Riford 126 Oldford 118} Weston 127 Whitchurch Street l. 2 m. Penyard Castle 128^ Ganarew 120} l. The Hill, Mrs Clarke; Hill r. Fort House, H. Barnes, Esq. Cottage, Capt. Roe ; and New and the Lays, S. O. Attlay, Hill, C. Bond, Esq. Esq. 129} Monmouthshire., 120} ROSS, Thursday, King's Arms, King's Head, Swan, 553 Houses, 2347 Inhab. l. Hadnock House, Rev. Dr. r. to Ledbury, 13 m. Griffin R.im.Qver Ross, J.Nourse, Esq. 130$ DlXTON 131$ MONMOUTH, see page 96 LONDON to ABERGAVENNY, by Monmouth and Llangattock, Mile-. Miles. 1 27 To MONMOUTH, as. page 132 137 «¦ Clytha, O. Tones, Esq. Lira. Troy House, D. of Beau l. Clytha Castle fort l. to Uske, 5} m. ]10| WONESTOW 138} Llanviiiangle 130 L.to Abergavenny, by Ragland, 139} Llangattock 13 m. l. Penpergwyn House, Rev.Mr. L. to Uske, 9 m. Lewis q. R. to Woburn, 4$ m. 3S+ l, Hockliffe Lodge, R.Gilpin.Esq. M 163 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 164 -Miles.39} R. Battlesden House, Sir G. P. Turner «1N R. to Woburn, 2 m. L. to Leighton Bwaard, 3 m. 41$ 5Bucfiincpam»|)ire. 44 Brickhill, George, White Lion 46 Fenny Stratford r. to Newport Pagnel,'7 m. 49} Shenley l. Seat of Rev. H. Knapps 53 STONEY STRATFORD, Fri. Bull, Cock, 299 Houses, 1653 Inhab. r. Woolverton.T. Harrison, Esq. l. Thornton Hall, T. Sheppard, Esq. Cross the Ouse River and Grand - Junction Canal /aortpamptonjihire. R. to Northampton, 13} m. 53} Old Stratford r. Cosgrove, Major Mansell , l. The Priory, G. Biggin, Esq. 55} Potterspury 56 L.Wakefield Lodge,D.of Grafton 59} R. im. Stoke Park, L.Verno»,Esq. 6o Heathencott 60} TOWCESTER, Tuesday, Saracen's Head, White Horse 429 Houses, 2030 Inhab. r. Easton Neston, E. of Pomfret k. to Northampton, 9 to. l. to Brackley, 1 1 to. 61 Cross the Tow River L. 3 m. Braddon, G. Ives, Esq. 65 Forster's Booth r. to Northampton, 7 m, L. to Banbury, 1 5 to. 66 R.2m. Bugbrook, E.Warren,Es«i. 06} r. I m. Heyford, T.Duval, Esq, 68} Weedon h. Flower, R. Kirby, Esq. l. Stowe, Rev. Dr. Lloyd 69 R. to NoTthamplon, 8 ¦«. 71 l. 3 m. Fawsley Park,V. Knight- ley, Esq. 72 r. i m. Burrow Hill, a Roman Camp 72} DAVENTRY, WedJtffday, Miles. Saracen's Head, Whealsheaf, 528 Houses, 2582 Inhab. j.. to Banbury, 16} to. l. to Southam, 10 m, k. to Lutterworth, 16} m. r. Norton, B. Botrioid, Esq. L. Abury Hill, Rev. Mr. Park- hurst 74} R. Welton, J. Clarke, Esq. 75} l. Berryfield Lodge 76 Braunston 76$ Cross the Grand Junction Canal 77} Willoughby 81 DUNCHURCH, Dun Cow,Star 214 Houses, 1087 Inhab. R. to Northampton, 21m. r . to Rugby, 3 m. l. to Southam, 8 to. 83} Blue Boar, on Dunsmore 86} Black Dog, on Dunsmore 67} Ryton h. Combe Abbey, Lord Craven 89 L. to Southam., 9} to. 89$ Cross the Avon River 90 WlLLENHALL l.i m. Baginton HalI,W. Brom ley, Esq. Cross the Sow River 90} Whitley Bridge L.WhitleyHall, F.Wheeler, Esq. 91} R. to Lutterworth, 1 5$ m. 92$ COVENTRY, Friday, King's Head, White Bear 3134 Houses, 16034 Inhab. L. to Kenilworth, 5 m. l. to Warwick, 10 m. R. to Nuneaton, 8} m. R. to Lutterworth, 15} m. R. to At her st one, 10} m. R. to Tamworth, 20 m. 94} Allesley l. Seat of Mrs. Neal . ». Seat of P. T. Summerneld", Esfj» 98$ Me ri den, Bull's Head h. Seat of Wtiothesley Digby, Esq. 1 00 n. Packington Hall, E. of Ayles. ford 100$ Stone Bridos 165 Roads measured from Hicks,' Hall. 166 Miles. Cross the Tame River l. to Kenilworth, 8}m. l. to Warwick, 14} m. l. to Birmingham, 9} m. 101$ l. to CasrZe JSromHitcfc, si m. ?04$ COLESHILL, Wednesday Angel, Swan,' 283 Houses, 1437 Inhab. R. to Atherstone, 8$ 771. «. 1 m. Blythe Hall, W. Gist, Esq. R.2m. Maxtoke Park,W.Dilkes, Esq. L. to Birmingham, 9} m. L. Seat of Earl Digby" 106$ Curdworth Bridge Cross the Tame River it. lm. Ham Hall, C. Adder-ley, Esq. 107} Cross the Birmingham Canal 108$ R. to Tamworth, 5}m. 108} Wishaw k. Moxhull Hall,A.Hacket,Esq. 110} it. 2 m. Middleton Hall, Lord Middleton Staffotlwhire. 112$ Bassets Pool r.. to Sutton Colefield, 2$m. R. to Tamworth, 5 m. 113 l. Canwell Hall, Sir R. Lawley 1155 Weeford r. Hints, W. H. Floyer, Esq.. L. Shenstone Park,T. Yates, Esq. 115} R. to Tamworth, 5 m. 117$ Swinfin R. to Fazely, 4§ m. ». Swinfin Hall, J. Swinfin.Esq. n. Freeford, R. Dyott, Esq. 118 v. to Burton upon Trent, 1 3 m, 118$ Cross the Wyrley Canal 119$ LLTCHFlELD.Tues. & Fri. George, Swan, 920 Houses, 4512 tnhab. R. to Tamworth, 8 m. R. to Derby, 24 m. R. to Burtonupon Trent, I2}m. R. to Ashborn, 24 m. L. to Birmingham, 1 5} m. L. to Walsall, gvi. R. to Abbots Bromley, 1 0} to. 122} r. Seat of Francis Cobb, Esq. Miles. 123$ L0NGD0N l. 2 m. Beaudesert Park, Earl of Uxbridge 125} Bruerton k. Seat of Rev. G. Talbot 126} it. Ravenhill, Col. Madan 120} RUDGELY, Tuesday, 428 Houses, 2030 Inhab. L. Hagley, Lord Curzon R.lm.ColtonHall,W.Burt,Esq. and Seat of Lady Blount 129 Wolsely Bridge, Wolsely Arms L.Wolsely Hall, Sir W. Wolsely n. Seat of W. Sneyd, Esq. R. Bishton Hall, J. Sparrow, Esq, l. to Stafford, 7$m. Cross the Trent River 129} l. Oak Hedge, Mrs. Anson 130 Colwich l. Mount Pleasant, 'T. Brome, Esq. 131$ Haywoodl. Shugborough, T. Anson, Esq. l. 1 m. Tixall, T.Clifford, Esq. 133} Shirleywicii L.lm. Ingestry Hall, Earl Talbot 134} Weston r,3 m. Chartley, Earl Ferrers 136} L. to Stafford, 5 m. h. Hilderston Hall, G. Vernop, Esq. r. Sandon Hall, Lord Harrowby 137 Sandon, Dog r. to Leek, 19 m. r. to Cheadle, 1 2 to. 139} L. Aston Hall, T. Weld, Esq. 140 Stoke 140} STONE, Tuesday, Crown, 390 Houses, 2035 Inhab. L. to Stafford, 7 m. L.to Eccleshall, 6 m. r. to Cheadle, 10 to. r. to Leek, 10 to. Cross the Grand Trunk Canal 141} Mayford r . Mayford HalLW. Jttvis, Esq. Cross the Trent River l. Darlaston Hall, — Sneyd, Esq. 142$ Darlaston M 2 107 Roads measured from Hicks' Haxl. 108 Miles. L.2m. Swinnerton Hall, B. Fitz- herbert, Esq. v L. to Woore, 12 m. Cross Tittensor Heath 144} Tittensor n. to Cheadle, 10} m. 145} Cross the Trent River R.2m. Barlaston Hall, T. Mills, Esq. 146$ Trentham, Stafford Arms -L.Trentham Hail, M.of Stafford R. to Cheadle, 9}m. R. to the Potteries, 4 m, L. to Drayton, 14 m. 147} HandfohdCross' the Trent River 148$ Cross the Newcastle Canal 149} NEWCASTLE under Line, Monday, Crown, Roebuck, Shakespeare 105H Houses, 4604 Inhab. L. to Drayton, 15 m, L. to Wliitclmrch, la to, L. to Namptwich, 15 m. r. to Stoke upon. Trent, l}m. R. to Handley, 3 m. ' r. to Burslem, 3} m. r. to Zeei, 12 m. r. to IJttoxeter, 1 H m. r. to Cheadle, ll$m. r. 2 m. Etruria, J. Wedgewood, Esq. 152 R. Bradwell Hall, W.Sneyd, Esq. 152} Chesterton l. to Namptwich,. 12}m. 153$ Red Street l. to Audley, 2 m. 15+f Talk o* the Hill, Swan 155 L.to Knutsford, 18 m. dneehire. 155} Cross the Trent & Mersey Canal 155} Red Bull r. to and Aqueduct Bridge Over the Loyne N 179 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 180 r. to Hornby, 1 o m. Cross the Loyne River 240} r. Beaumont Hall, E. Buckley, Esq. 240} R. Halton Hall, W. Bradshaw, ¦ ¦ Esq. 242$ Slyne 243} Bolton l. fine view over the Lancaster sands 246 Carnfqrd 248 Dare Bridge Cross the Lancaster Canal ». Ruins of Berwick Hall SKaestmorelanu. 250} BURTON, Tuesday, Green Dragon, Royal Oak 128 Houses, 548 Inhab. 251$ i.. to Kendal, by Milnthorpe, 12} TO. 255$ Cross the B'eeloo River 256 End Moor 258} Barrows Green 360} R. to Kirby Lonsdale, 1 1 m. 261$ Cross the Ken River, and Lan caster Canal 261} KENDAL, Saturday, Crown, King's Arms 1424 Houses, 6692 Inhab. L. to Milnthorpe, 8 m. L. to Ulverstone, 20 m. -•- R.Abbot's Hall, SirAlanCham- bre L. to Winander-merc, 8}m. L. to Hawkshead, 12\ m. L. to Ambleside, 13}.m. r. to Sedbergh, 10} m. R. to Kirby Stephen, 24 m. • x. to Appleby, 23 m. 26?} Hack 270} Hause Hill 277$ Shap, King's Arms, New Inn 280} Thrimby 282} l. Lowfhcr Hall, E. of Lonsdale 283 New Village .285 Clifton ¦ 285$ l. Clifton Hall, — Wyberg, Esq. 286 Lowthei; Bridge ;- R. to Appleby, 1 2 m. r., Brougham Hall,' H. Broug-. ham,, Esq. • .: Miles. Cross-the Lowther River 286} Emont Bridge Cross the Emont River Cumrjerranl). R Carlton Hall.T. Wallace, Esqr. i..,l m. Skirsgill House, H. Par- kyn, Esq. 287} PENRITH, Tnesday, Crown, George, 690 Houses, 3801 Inhab. «. [to Kirk Oswald, Thurs. 146 Houses, 634 Inhabit. 8}m. rr.296m.yrom London] L. to Keswick, 17} m. R. to Aldstone Moor, 19 m. l. 4 m. Graystock Castle, D. of Noifolk 288 l. to Wiglon, 21 m. 292 Salkeld Gate • l. Hutton Hall, — Fletcher, Esq, l. see Petriaua, a circle of se ven t)a-seven stones 10 feet, & one 1 5 feet high, called Long Meg &.her Daughters 296 r. 2 m . . Barren Wood Park ¦ Enter Inglewood Forest 297 HiguHeskett h. 2 m. Armathwaite Castle, W. Milburn, Esq. 1.. Pctteril Bank, R. Collins, Esq. 298$ Lower Heskett l. Berwick Lodge, J. Graham, Esq. 303 Carlton 304 Haraby. . 301$ Cross the Petteril River 305} CARLISLE, Saturday, Blue Bell, Bush, Cojffee House, 1338 Houses, 10221 Inhab. L. to Cockermouth, 26} m. ,1,. to H'igton, 10}m. Cross the Eden River R, [to Brampton,- Tuesday, 1 Inn, 346 Houses, 1682 Inh. 9$to.— 3U}m.yrom London] Stanwick 306$309}311} BlackfordWest Linton Cross the Line River iv. 3 m. Kirldint-on Hall, W. Dacre, Esij. left Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 182 1. 1 m. Justice Town, T. Irving, Esq. 313} Arthrat 314} LONGTOWN, Thursday, Graham's Arms, 17« Houses, 1325 Inhab. Cross the Esk River L. to Annan, 13 m. 314} R. to Langholm, ll}m. k. to Edinburgh, 82} m. 316} r. Netherby, Sir J. Graham 318} Cross the Sark River Enter SCOTLAND Dumfrieapire. 319 Gretna Green, Gretna Hall R. to Ecclesfechan, 9} to. 820} Cross the Kirkle River 321 Rice r. Scales, — Graham, Esq. 324} r. Woodhall, T. Irvine, Esq. 325 DORN0CK 327$ ANNAN, Queensberry Arms 471 Houses, 2570 Inhab. 327} Cross the Annan River l. 2 nu Ncwby Ruins, Marquis of Annandale 330} R. Killhead, Lady Douglas 333 R. Glenste art, Col. Douglas 334$ Ruthwell S36 l. Cumlungan, Earl Mansfield 336$ Mousewald r. Mousewald, D. of Queens- berry 339} R. Rockhall, Sir R.Grierson 342 Tren-cu 344} DUMFRIES, George, King's Arms, 1275 House.-., 7283 Inhab. R. to Sanuuhar, 28 ra. R. to Moffat, 21 m. 344} Cross the Nith River JRirficuubrielatBhire. 345} L. The Park, — Rae, Esq. 346 r. Drumirtond Lodge, — Car lisle, Esq. L. Cargen, J. Stothard, Esq. 346} L.Conockar, M. Constable, Esq. R. Castle Hill, J. M'Ghie, Esq. 847} R.Terfegles, M. Constable, Esq. 348} LocurcTton 35S 361 R. Terraughty, J. Maxwell, Esq. 352 R . Bambackle, — I rvine, Esq. 352} MlLLTOWN k. Milltown House, J. Boyd, Esq. 354 r. Culmain, — Loudoun, Esq. 354} L. Blaket, — Hill, Esq. 357$ Orr Bridge Cross the Orr River r. Spots Hall, — Harris^ Esq. R Corbytown, — Riddick, Esq. «. 1 m. Mollins, W.Copland, Esq. & King's Grange, A. Copland, Esq. Castle Douglas, Blue Bell R. 1 m. Greenlaw, — Gordon, Esq. r. Kc'ton Mains, — Stot, Esq. 361} Carlingwark, Boar's Head L. Loch Bank, — Hannay, Esq. 363 Kelton Hill r.i m. Ruins of Thrieve Castle, — Gibson, Esq. L. [to Kirkcudbright, 369 Houses, 2380 Inhab. '- 7m.— .370 m.from London] 363} Dee Bridce Cross the Dee River l. Dee Bank, A. Gordon, Esq. 370} R. Barcaplei — Maitlar.d, Esq. ¦ 370} R.Valley Field, — Maitland,Esq, 372 Twynhoxm R. Barwinnoch, — Macmellan, Esq. 374$ l. Galegill, — Stuart, Esq. 374} Gatehouse of Fleet, King's Head Cross the Fleet Water l. Caiey House, — Murray, Esq. c- -<"-. :A?r. ess Castle, Captain I/Jii.-.cll 37.6$ Anworth l. Boreland, — Stuart, Esq. L. Ardwell, — M'Culloch, Esq. l. Glen, — Thomson, Esq. CREE TOWN, Saturday, l. Balhasie, J. M'Culloch, Esq. l. 1 m. Cassencarrie, M. Mac kenzie, Esq. n. 1 m. Cairnsmoor, P. Stewart, Esq. CR4IGTDH 2 376}379334 387 389 183 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 184 Miles. 390 k. Kirrochtree, P. Heron, Esq. 391} v.. to New Galloway, 19 to. Cio. s the Cree River a3ni0tongnite. 392 NEWTON DOUGLAS, Mon. Golden Lion, King's Arms L. Machrimore, — Dunbar, Esq. L. [to WiGTON, 287, Hbuscs, 1475 Inhabitants 7 m.~399 m. from London] l. [to Whitehorn, 376 Houses, 1904 Inhab. ]8m. = 410m. from London] 304 L. Mairton Hall, Lady Boyd 396} l. Glasnock, R. Heron, Esq. 3g7 Cross the Bladenocb River 399 R. Drumbowy, E. of Dumfries 399} KlLTERSON 400 L.Craighlaw, — Hamilton, Esq. 408 Glenluce, Crown ,.. to Wigton and Wltitehom l. Balkeil, Countess of Stair Cross the Luce River 409 m. Park Hay, J. D. Hay, Esq. 411} R. Dunragget, J. D. Hay, Esq. 412 Drumflower L.im. Genoch, J. Cathcart, Esq. 415 h . Castle Kennedy, E. of Stair 417 1.. 1 m. Culhorn, E. of Stair 417} a . to Ayr and Kirkholm 418 STRANRAER, George, King's Arms, 349 Houses, 1722 Inhab. r. Seat of — Agnew, Esq. 419$ Pilanton Water 424 Port Patrick, Blair's Arms 1.. l}m. Dunskay Castle, Sir J. H. Blair PORT PATEICK to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Stranraer 6 10 Glenluce 16 16 Newton Douglas 32 17} Gatehouse of Fleet 4g} 13 Carlingwark 62} } Castle Douglas 63 16} Dumfries 79} 17$ Annan .-;.. 96} 8$ Gretna Green 105 4} Longtown log} 9 Carlisle 118} 18 Penrith 136} 10$ Shap 146} 15} Kendal 162} 10} Burton 173$ 1 1$ Lancaster 1 84} 11 Garstang 195} 11$ Preston 206} 9$ Chorley 216 4} Blackrode 220} 17$ Manchester 238 6} Stockport 244} 2} Bullock Smithy -247 9$ Macclesfield 256$ 12} Leek 269 15$ Ashborn 284$. I3i Derby 297} 17 Loughborough 314} 1 1} Leicester 326 1 4} Market Harborough 340} 17 Northampton 357} 15} Newport Pagnell 373 8} Woburn 381} 8} Dunstable 390$ 33} to Hicks' Hall, as page 170, 424 ZONDON to MANCHESTER. Miles.169} To Monks Heath, as p. 16S 170} R. ArderleyHall, SirJ.T.Stanley 171$ Nether Arderley 172$ Street Lane End 173$ H. Fulshaw Hall, S. Fynney, Esq. 174} Wilmslow, Swan U(, flawthom Hall,T, Page, Esq. Miles. Cross the Bollin River 176$ r. Handforth Hall 179} Cheadle r. to Stockport, 2$ m. 1 80 Cross the Mersey Rivet Lancashire. 181 DlDSBURY res Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 18(5 k. to Storkpart, S to. it. Parr's Wood, R. A. Farring- ton, Esq. 182-J Withingtom 184$ Rusiiolmel. Plat House, J. Worsley, Esq. 184} R. to Stockport, 5$ m. 185} MANCHESTER, see p. 177 126} 127} 12b} 1.30} 131} 13 J} 134$ 134$ 136} 139$ 140$141} 142}143} 144 146}146} 148} 148} nit, To DERBY, as page 1?4 ii. Darley Abbey, R. Holden, Esq. Al.LLSTRY L. Seat of B. Thornhill, Esq. DUFF1ELD•ieats of J. Broadhurst, and J. Balguy, Esqrs. r. to Chesterfield, 20 m. l. Seat of J. btrutt, Esq. Hazlewood r. to Belper, 1 m. l. to Ashborn, 1 1 m. Belfcr Lane End Sandyford l. to Wirksworth, 1 m. it. to Alfreton, 9 to. r. Wigwell, J. Swettenharn,Esq. l. to Ashborn, 9} m. Cromford r. Hearthstone, Sir R. Ark- wright Matlock Bath l. [to Winster, Saturday 233 Houses, 753 Inhab. 4 to. zi 1 47} m.from London] Cross the Derwent River Matlock, Old and New Batlis r. to Mansfield, 16} to. r. to Alfreton, 11} to. r. to" Chesterfield, 11 m. L. to Winster, 2} to. ' r. to Chesterfield, 11m. Darley ftv to Chesterfieldi 9} to. R.2m. Chatswortb, D.of Devon shire Cross the Derwent River Rowsley. L. 1 m. Stanton Hall, B. Thorn- hill, Esq. r. Haddon Hall, D. of Rutland BAKEWELL, Monday, New George, Old George, 299 Houses,- 141 2 Inhan. L- to Mshhorn, 1<5 in. L. to Languor, 9 m. r. to Sheffield, 1 7 m. Ashford Cross the Wye River l.. to Longnur, 8jk. >.. to Buxton, 8} m. r . 1 m. Longston Hall,R. Wright, Esq. r. 2 m. Hassop, F. Eyre, Esq. Cross the Wye River Wardlow r. to Chesterfield, 14$ to. r. to Sheffield, 14} to. l. [to Tides well, Wednesday, 2 /rani, 302- Houses, 13bllnh. 1 m.=ri6o| m.from London] r'. (o Sheffield^ 1'6 m. k . to CdslUloni 4} to. l. to Tideswell,"! m. New Dam StaArow Pit r. to Sheffield; 19% m. CHAPEL IN LE FR'mLThur. King's Afms, Royal Oak K. Stodard, ReV. W: Berinet ... Bank Half, S'.' Frith, Esq. l. to Buxton;- h% m. L. to Macclesfield] 9} to. Wiialey Bridge Cross the Govts River 150 152 153} 155 158 159} 160}162}164}166} 169}!70$ L. 1 m. Taxball, P. Jodrell, Esq. 173} Dislf.y, 'Ram l. I m. "Lyme HalI,T: Leigh, Esq, 175$ HoO'Lane 177 Bullock Smithy, Sun r. Torkington, P. Leigh, Esq. L to Macclesfield, 9$ to. 179} STOCKPORT, se'e-pagti 176 186 to MANCHESTER, as p. i?7» 6iin. 187 Road's measured from Hicks' Hall. 188 LONDON to MATLOCK, by Wirksworth Miles. 126} To DERBY, as page 174' 129} Ked-leston Inn 130} L. Kedleston Park, Ld.Scagdale 132$ Weston'under Wood 3" 133$ Bullhurst 134$ L. to Ashborn, 7} m, 135 R. to Belper, 4$ m. L. to Ashborn, 7 m. 135} Ireton Wood. Miles. 140 WIRKSWORTH, Tuesday, 679 Houses, 2978 Inhab. r. to Alfreton, g-^ m. l. to Ashborn, 9 m. 142 Cromfohdr. Hearthstone, SirR.Arkwr-ight 143 Matlock Bath 144$ L. to Winster, 4 m. Cross the Derwent River' 144} Matlock, seepage 185 LONDON to CHESTERFIELD, by Derby. Miles. Miles. ' - ¦ • . • 130} ToDuffield, as'pagei85 l. to Matlock, 13} m. 131 Cross the Derwent River 132 l. to Belper, 2 'm. 134$ l. to Belper, 1 to. 136$ Heage i.. to Wirksworth, 7 m. , r. to Alfreton, S m. L.4 m. Alderwatch.pleaHall, F. Hurst, Esq. 137} Cross the Ciomford Canal 139} Oakerthorpe a.Wiogfield Marior,Maj.Hulton 140$ Peacock Inn ¦¦' ¦ -"- r. [to Alfreton,- Monday, 442 J?ot«e.s, 2'30l Inhab. 1m.— 142$ m.from London] R, Alfreton Hall, Rev. J. Moore- wood r. to Nottingham, 17} to. l. to Wirksworth; 7} m. 140} L. to Matlock, 7 to. 142} High am L. Ford House, J.Holland; Esq. and Ogstun,W. Tarbutt, Esq. r.4 m. Hardwick Hall, Duke of Devonshire 143} Stretton r." to Mansfield, 10 m. L. to Matlock, 6} m, 145 Clay Cross 146} TUFTON r. Tupton Hall, W. Lord, Esq. 147} L. Wingerworth Hall. Sir. H( Hunlocke 149$ it. Birdholme, J. Hunlocke, Efq. 150 r. to Mansfield, 12 m. 150} CHESTERFIELD, Saturday, .Angel, Falcon, 920 Houfes, 4267 Inhab. n. to Worksop, 16 m. r. to Dronfield, 5 to. r. to Sheffield, 1 2 to. l, to Chapel in le Frith, 23 m. L. to Tideswell, 1 7 to. l. to Buxton, 24 m.' L. to Matlock, 11 m. L. to Bakewell, 13} m. r. to Winster, 12 m. LONDONto- CHORLEY. Miles. 155} To Red Bull, as'page 167 r. to Congleton],' 6ini. .156} Cross the Grand Trunk Canal J57 Lawton Gate 1157} Cross the Grand Trunk Canal 1., to Sandbach, 5$ m. M iles. 158 Oddro'DE ' r. Rode Hall, E.W. Bootle, Esq. 159} Smallw-ood 162$ Brown Edge 164 Brereton Green it. Seat of H. Legge, Esq. 189 Ro Ads' measured from Hicks' Hale. igo Miles. 165 Holmes Chapel 165} Cross the Dane Biver ' -r. The Hermitage, — Hall, Esq. 167} Allostock 170 it.lm. Peover Hall, Sir H. Main- waring 171} L.Toft Hall, G. Leycester, Esq. 173 KNUTSFORD, seepage 168 L. Tahley, Sir J. F. Leicester R. to Northwich, 7 m. R. to Macclesfield, 1 2 m. R. to Congleton, 14} m. 174} L. to Warrington, 10 to. r. Tatton Park, W. Egerton, Esq. 175$ l. to Northwich, 7} m. 176 Bucklow Hill 178 Cross the Bollin River 180 ALTRINCHAM, Tuesday, Bowling Green, Unicom 343 Houses, 1692 Inhab. 1.. Dunham Hall, E. of Stamford 180} Crofs the Duke of Bridgewater's Canal 183 Cross Street 183$ Cross the Mersey River •Lancashire. 184 StretfordCross the Duke Of Bridgewater's Canal r-.Trafford Hall, J. Trafford, Esq. 187}- Cross the Irvell River 188 MANCHESTER, see page 177 191} to Irlam o'the Height, as page 177 L. to Wigan, 14} m. 192$ Pendleburyr. Clifton Hall, — Gaskell, Esq. 193} CliftonCross Kersley Moor 196} Fahnworth 198} Bourndo-nr. 1 m. Birch House, Col. Ras- bothara R.lm.- Lever Hall,T. Bridgman, Esq. 199} BOLTON, Mon. Boar's Head 2510 Houses, 12519 Inhab. - L. to Newton, 13} m. . 302 Halliwell ,r. Harpers, R, Dewhurst, E;q. Miles. 204 r. Moss Bank, Capt. AinswertU 20*} Horwich 206} R. Rivington Hall, — Andrews, Esq. 208} Nightingale House Cross Leeds & Liverpool Canal Cross Lancaster Canal L. to Manchester, through Hul ton, 19} TO. 211 to CHORLEY, as page 177 185$ To WARRINGTON, asp. 172 186$ Lo-n.gford Bridge r. Orford Hall, J. Blackbunr, Esq. 187} Hulme 188$ WlNWlCK l Win wick Hall ,Rev.G.H6rnby 190 r . Newton Park.W. Banks, Esq. 100$ NEWTON, Saturday,' 230 Houses, 1295 Inhab. . r. to Bolton, .13} m. 190} r. Golborne Park, Mrs. Leigh - 192 R.HaydoekLodge,P.Leigh, Esq. 192} Ashtonl. New Hall, Dowager Lady Gerrard r,. to Prescot, 9 to. 1. . to Liverpool, 17 m. l. 2 m. Garswood Hall, Sir W. Gerrard' 195^ Goose Green 5. Hawksley, B. Molineux, Esq- l. WorseleyHall ,Si rW.Worseley L. 1 m. Winstanley Hall, H. Clarke, Esq. 195} Smithy Brsok Cross the Douglas River 197} WIGAN, Monday & Friday, Eagle and Child, 2236 Houses, 109S9 Inhab. is. to Manchester, 18 m. it. to Bolton, 10} m. 198} -L.Leigh Place, R. H. Leigh, Esq. igg$ l. to Preston, 14 m. - l. 1} m. Standish Hall, E. T. Standish, Esq. r. 1 m. HaighHall, E. of Bat- carras 201$ r. North Hall, J. Hodsonj Esq. sol} r, Addii)gtonHall,SirW.CIaytoB 191 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. '92 Miles. 204$ l. to Bolton, 9 m. 204} l. Duxbury Hall, SirF.Standish it. to Manchester, 20 m. Miles. 205 Yarrow Bridge Cross the Yarrow River 206} CHORLEY, seepage 177 LONDON to SKIPTON. Miles,186 To MANCHESTER, as p. 177 Cross the Irk River 187} Cheetham 188$ l. Broughton Hall, S.Clowes, 188}190 191}192 194$ 195 197 ¦200$ 200}201$ 203} 004}205207} 208}209 209$ 209} 210} 211} 212 R. to Rochdale, 10} m. Great Heaton r. Heaton Hall, E, of Wilton Whitefield Cross the Roch River . r. Raddivals, Capt. Starkie BURY, Thursday, Eagle® Child, Hare& Hounds 13S4 Houses, 7072 Inhab. 1. Springside, SirW. Gierke Wai.msi.ey r. to Burnley, 10 m. Eatonfiei.d Cross the livell River HASLINGDEN, -Wednesday, 844 Houses,'4040 Inhab. r. to Burnley, 7}m. 1. [to Blackburn, Monday, Mnns, 2352Houses,llQ$0lnh. 7}m.-=9.il$m.y5om London] Crols the Haslingden Canal L. Carter Place, J. Taylor, Esq. Old Accrington l. Accrington House, J. Peele, Esq. L. Dunken Hall, Lord Petre it. to Bvniiey, 6} m. .L. to BUCckl-urn, 4} m. Cross the Burnley Cinal R. Clayton Hall, R. G. Lomax, Esq. — Cross the Winburn River Cook Bridge Cross the West Calder River R.lm. Read Hall, J. Hilton, Esq. n. Clerkhill, J.Whalley, Esq. Wll ALLEY ' L. to Blackburn, 6} m, l,. to Preston, 14 m. Mil,.!. r. The Abbey, W. Curzon, Esq. 214} l. Standen Hall, J.Aspinal, Esq. 216 CLITHEROE,, Sat. Swan, 309 Houses, 1368 Inhab. 218 Ci-iatburn 219 Jpur&Bpire. 220 Sawley r. The Abbey 224 GisbUrn l. Seat of T. Lister, Esq. 228 r Gledstone, Rev. Mr. Roundell 22 8} West Mahton r. Marton Hall, — Heber, Esq. 229} Church Marton 232 Broughton r. Broughton Hall, — Tempest. Esq, 232$ L. Thornton, J. Kaye, Esq. 233 Cross the Air River 235$ Cross the Leeds and Liverpool Canal 235} SKIPTON, Saturday, Black Horse, New Inn ' 509 Hoiises, 2305 Inhab. n. to Keighley,. 9| TO. R. to Otley, 1 4} m. l. to Settle, I5}m. OR, 185} To MANCHESTER, as p. 185 Cross the Irk River 187$ Cheetham 167} L. Broughton Hall, Sr Clowes, Esq. 188 L. to Bury, 6}m, 188} Crumpsall 189} Great Heaton ' " -L. Heaton Hall, E. of Wilton 191} R. Alkcrington Hall, Lady Lever 192} MIDDLETON, Friday, 624 Houses, 3265 Inhab. 193} Stannicliffe 193 RoAps measured from Hicks' Hall. 104 195}196f197197} 198$198} 199199| 200$201} 203$205$ 207} 911 312} 213$ l. Hopwood Hall, E. Hopwood, Esq. r. l m. Royton Hall, — Pickford, Esq. Trub Smithy Cross the Rochdale Canal twice Castleton Moor R.Castleton Hall.T. Smith, Esq. u. Castle Meer Hall, J. Walms- ley, Esq. Cross the Roch River ROCHDALE, Tu. Golden Buck R. to Halifax, 16} m. h toBuridey,byTodmerden, 1 8}m l. Palinge, J. Royds/Esq. R. Fox Holes, J.Entwistle, Esq. l. Brownhill, J. Royds, Esq. L. HealeyHall, J.Chad wick,Esq. Whitworth Shawforth Bacap R.GreensNook, L Ormerod,Esq. Cross Cliviger Common L. to Haslingden, 5$ m. Cross the Leeds and Liverpool Canal BURNLEY, Sat. Bull, Thorn 687 Houses, 3305 Inhab. R. Townley Hall, C. Tawnley, Esq. l. Gawthorp Hall, R. Shuttle- worth, Esq. R. to Halifax, 21} m. 214 Cross the Leeds and Liverpool Canal 216} Marsdenl. l m. Carr Hall, T. Clayton, Esq. 217} R. Marsden Hall, Rev.R. Walton 219$ Pimmet Bridge Cross the Calder River 319} COLNE, Wednesday, 792 Houses, 3626 Inhab. L.,im.Alkincoats,T.Parker, Esq; 220} -r. to Bradford, 17 m, 223} Toms Cross ePorfiflhire. 228 l. Broughton Hall, —Tempest, Esq. 228$ Carleton r. Seat of Peter Garforth, Esq. 229 Cross the Air River 229} Cross the Leeds and Liverpool Canal 230 SKIPTON, see page 102 LONDON to BLACKPOOL and POULTON. Miles. 217$ To PRESTON, as page 178 217} Crofs the Lancaster Canal 218$ L.Tulketh Hall, F.Hesketh,Esq. 220$ Ashton 923} Clifton 225} KIRKHAM, Tuesday, 362 Houses, 1561 Iiihab. urn, Ribbey House, J. Hornby, Esq. 228} WEETON l. [to Blackpool, Saturday, 5} m. ~ 234 m. from London, an excellent Bathing Place] 231$ Singleton l. Singleton Lodge, J. Marriott, Esq. ' l. 1 m. Maines, W. Brock, Esq. 333} POULTON, Monday, 197 Houses, 769 Inhab, LONDON to KIBKBY LONSDALE, by Lancaster Miles. 239} To LANCASTER, as page 178 R. 4 m. Quarnmote Park, C. Gibson, Esq. 241$ Bulk 842} H.'EastPark Hall, Lord Clifford Miles. 243} Town End 244}"Caton 245 Caton Green 246} Claughton 249 HoRxaY^lackButtfiing'sAmt Q 195 Boads measured from Hicks' Hall. 196 252 '252} Cross the Loyne River l. Seat of T.Parke, Esq. R. Hornby Castle, J. Marsden, Esq. Melling r. Wennington Hall,R.Hesketb, Esq. Cross the Greta River R. to Hawes, 21 m. R. Rujns of Thurland Castle Mites. 253$ TUNSTALL 254 H.BurrowHall.T. Fenwick,Esq. 255$ r. to Settle, 17 to. 255} Cross the Loyne River aSJeBtmorelanti. 256 KIRKBY LONSDALE, Thurs. Rose and Crown, Royal Oak 260 Houses, 1283 Inhab. LONDONto WHITEHAVEN. Miles. 261} 266} 268 269} 270}271} 273274 275 276} 281 282} 285}288 '290 291 291 293294$ '299$ To KENDAL, as page 179 L. to Sourness & Winander-mei e, 7 m. StaveleyGarth Chapel Pandri'g l. Rayrigg, Rev. J. Fleming Trout Beck Bridge Kitty Gills l Lowood Inn AMBLESIDE, Wed. Salutation- 122 Houses, 538 Inhab. Rydale r. Rydale Hall.SirM.LeFleming Dunmel Wrays Stones ffiumrjerlanu. Wythe'burn l. Thirle Mere THip,LS"pOT L. Dale Head, — Leathes, Esq. Smallthwaite Bridge Cross the Greta River Castle-RiggKESWICK, Saturday, Queen's Head, Royal Oak 298 Houses, 1350 Inhab. see the Skiddaw mountain, 32?0 feet in height •L. Derwent Water ». to Penrith, 16} m. R. to Ireby, 12 to. Cross the Greta River r. to Uldalej 10} m. Crossthwaite Portingscale BraithwaiteLorton Miles. 303 305}308 308}310}311} 313 315 317 COCKERMOUTH, Monday, Globe, Sun 423 Houfes, 2865 Inhab. r. to Carlisle, 26} m. R. Ann's Hill, J. Friends, Esq. Cross the Cocker River r. to Maryporl, 7} m. BrighamLittle Clifton r. [to Workington, Wed. alnns,l 181 Houses, 5716 Inh. 3 m.— 311 m.from London] CrossbarrowWlNSCALES, r. to II orkington, 2} m. Distington Moresby WHITEHAVEN, Tuesday, George, Globe, King's Arms 1823 Houses, 8742 Inhab. 239} To LANCASTER, as page 178 Cross the Sands to 253} CARTMEL, Monday, 140 Houfes, 882 Inhab. see handsome Gothic Church 255} «. Holker Hall, Lord G. Ca vendish Cross the Leven Sands to 260} ULVERSTONE, Monday, Braddyl's Arms, Sun 629 Houses, 2937 Inhab. 1.. see Furness Abbey ,.. The Priory, W. Braddyl, Esq. L. 1 m. Bardsea Hall, — Gale, Esq.. 197 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. iga 266} 270270} 278} 279 281} 284} 287$ 291} 296} L. [to Dalton, Saturday, 241 Houses, 1125 Inhabitants 4m. —26 t^m.from London] KlRKBY BROUGHTON, Saturday, 98 Houses, 545 Inhab. Cross the Dudden River aumberianO. R. Muncaster House,Lord Mun- caster RAVENGLASS, Saturday, Carleton l. at Calder, Seascale Hall Ponsonbyl. Seat of G. Stanley, Esq. Cross the Calder River R. Calder Abbey, J. Senhouse, Esq. EGREMONT, Saturday, 326 Houses, 1515 Inijab. WHITEHAVEN, see page 196 it. to Workington, 8 m. r. to Maryoort, 13 m. R. to Cockyvouth, 14 m. Cr, 260} To ULVERSTONE, as p. 196 263 LlNNAi. 266 Kirkby Ireleth Cross the-Dudden Sands Mile>. 268 Cumnerlanu'. 268} HOI.BURN HlLt 269} MlLLAMR.The Castle, Sit H.Williamson 274 Whitbeck 277 l. Bar Field, — Gibson, Esq. 277} Bootle 278} R.Seatoh Hall, — Heibert,Esq. 280} Park "Nook 284} RAVENGLASS, Saturday 302 to WHITEHAVEN, asp. 197, 17}""- 25 3} 255}258 259 260 261}264}267 273 279}292297 To CARTMEL, as page 196 BroughtonStaveley r. to Kendal, 11 TO. Newby Bridge Cross the Leven River l. to Ulverston, 7 m. L. to Dalton, 11} m. f1nsthw41te Highdale Park HAWKSHEAD, Monday, 160 Houses, 634 Inhab. Curnfittlatiu. Wast Dale EGREMONT, see page 197 WHITEHAVEN, see page 196 LONDON to MARYPOET. Milea.250} 251$252$253} 254$ 255$ 25.6} 25/} 259} To BURTON, as page 179 it. to Kendal, by Barrows Green, 10$ m. Holme Cross the Beloo River Cross the Lancaster Canal MlLNTHORFEL. Dallam Tower, D. Wilson, Esq. l. to Cartmel, 9} to. Havershamr. Levens Park, Viscountess An dover Cross the Ken River Syzerth Miles. 259} 264 206 2«7 269} 273 L. Syzerth Park, C. Strickland, Esq. L.l m. Brig Steer Park KENDAL, see page 179' k. to Ambleside, 11} to. BoNNING YATE Quakers Meeting Bowness : it. to Ambleside, 6 to-. ,.. see Mr. Curwen's Island and House Ferry over Winander-snere 273} Hancagfrire. 274-3 0 Claife 2 199 Roads measured from H*cks' Hall. 200 Miles. Miles. 277} HAWKSHEAD, see page 198 r. Nether Hall, H. Scuhouse, 290" Wastdale, see page 198 Enner Dale Esq. 299 304 WHITEHAVEN, see page 196 OR, 306 Moresby 303 ToCOCKERMOUTH,asp.l96 308 Distington Cross the Derwent River 309} r. to Cockermouth, 8} m. 305} Dovenby 312 WORKINGTON, Wednesday, l. Dovenby Hall, L.D. Ballen- Dragon, king's Arms tine, Esq. 1181 Houses, 5716 Inhab. r. 1} m. Tallentire Hall, W. 315 Flimby Brown, Esq. 317 MARYPORT, or Ellenfoot, 309 Ellenboroiigh Friday, Golden Lion 310} MARYPORT LONDON to WIGTON. Miles, Miles. 291 To KESWICK, as page 195 l. to Cockermouth, gj to-. 292 Cfosstiiwaite 303 IREBY, Thursday, i.. to Cockermouth, 11 m. 73 Houses, 358 Inhab. 295 Little Crossthwaite L. 4m. Brayton House, SirW. 295} l. Mirehouse, T. Storey, Esq. Lawson 297 High Side 305* R.im.Clea' Hall, Sir H.Fletcher l. to Cockermouth, 8 m. 308} WIGTON, Tues Gueen's Head 299} Orthwaite 566 Houses, 2450 Inhab. 301} Uldale L. to Abbey Holme, 6 m. r . to Penrith, 19 m. R. to Penrith, 20} m. r. to Carlisle, mm.. R. to Carlisle, 10} to. LONDONto the STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERIES.throvgii Burton upon Trent, and Uttoxkteb. Wiles. 68$ To Kingthorpe, as page 172 L. to Market Harborough, 1 5$m. .09} R. Boughton House, — Vyse, Esq. 70$ Cross the Union Canal 70} Chapel Brompton ri Seat of N. Pearce, Esq. 73 SpratTon r. Seat of A. Nacket, Esq. l. see Holdenby House 74$ L.Teeton House, J. Langton, Esq. 74} Great Creaton l. 1 m. Hollowell,W. Lucas, Esq. 75} r. 1 m.Cottesbroke House, SirW. . Langham 76 l. Guilshorongh, W. L. Ward, 77} Thornbv .. . Miles, r, Thornby Folly L. Seat of J.W.Roberts, Esq. R. 3 m. Nascby Field, supposed to be the Centre of England Si r.i rn. Salby Hall, Mrs. Payne Cross the Avon River 81} Welford, Talbot L. to Lutterwor.lh, 8} m. Cross the Avon Rivet tt-eiccBtcrehire. 84 Husband's Bosworth l. to Lutterworth, 0 m. r. to Market Harborough, 7 m, r. Seat of F. Turville, Esq. r. Gavnley Hall,J,Ciaddock, Esq. BBi SllEARSBY • ; 201 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 202 Miles. 92} Cross the Union Canal 94 Wigston Magna 97$ x. to Lutterworth, 12} m. l.i} m. Branston Hall, C.Win- stanley, Esq. 87} LEICESTER, see page 173 Cross the Union Canal, and the Soar River 101} Grooby r. Seat of T. Pares, Esq. 102 k. 1 m. Bradgate Park R. Steward's Hay, E.of Stamford 104} Markfield k. to Ashby de la Zouch, ly Whilwick, 10} to. 105} Shaw Lane 109 Hugglescote 111$ L. to Hinckley, 13$ m. 111} Ravenstone r. Godolphin.W. Burslero, Esq. 114$ R. to Nottingham, 19} m. R. to Loughborough, 12 m. R. to Hatherne, 10} m. 114} ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, Sat. Queen's Head 621 Houses, 2674 Inhab. l. to Tamworth, 13} m. 115} sDorbpsfciie. 117} Butt House 119$ Midway Houses 120 R. Bretby Hall, E.of Chesterfield 121} l. Brezencotc Hall, W. Nadin, Esq. 123$ Cross the Trent River ftrafEbtDabjK. 123} BURTON upon Trent, Th. George, Queens 73s Houses, 3679 Inhab. l. to Litchfield, 12} m. 123} R. to Derby, 11$ m. 124$ Cross the Trent & Mersey Canal 124} Hokninglow -128 TUTBCRYCross the Dove River SDed>2eJ,ue. 128} R. to Derby, 10 m. 131 Foston 132} Aston 132} L. to Litchfield, IB m. Miles. 133 Sodbury, iortf /'eraon's ^rms R. Sudbury House, LordVemon 133} R. to Ashborn, 7}m. 136} Doveridge r. Doveridge House, Sir H. Ca vendish 137 Cross the Dove River Staffofijfihire. 138} UTTOXETER, Wednesday, While Hart 622 Houses, 2779 Inhab. L. to Abbots Bromley, 6} to. 139$ R. to Ashborn, 1 1 m. 140 Striiisu.ill 1 4 1 Cross the Tean River, twioe 141} Beamhdrst 144 Checkley 145 Lower Tean . 145} Upper Tean n. to Cheadle, 3 m. r. Heath House, J. Philips, Esq. Cross the Tean River 146} Totman's Row 147} Draycott r.. to Stafford, 12 m. 149} Blythe Bridge Cross the Blythe River it. Caverswall Castle, Hon. B. Gray k.. to Cheadle, 3$m. 1. . to Stone, 6$ m. 150} k. to. Leek, 10 m. 1.. to Stone, 5} m. l. to Stafford, lint. 150} L. to Trentham, 3 m. 151 Meek r. Park Hall,T. Parker, Esq. Enter the Potteries 152} Lane End l. to Stone, 7 to. l. 1 m. Longton Hall, Sir J. Heathcote 153} Lane Delth 154 L. Little Fen ton, T. Whieldon, Esq. p. Seat of T. Brode, Esq. 154$ Cross the Trent & Mersey Canal Cross the Trent. River 154} Cross the Newcastle Canal 155 Stoke upon Trept 203 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 204 Miles. and 156 156} L. Seats of J. Spode, Esq. E. Chatterley, Esq. L. to Newcastle, 1} m. Shelton r. to Handley, 1 to. Swan Inn Cross the Trent & Mersey Canal . to Newcastle, 2 to. l. Etruria, J. Wedgewood, Esq. 157$ COBR1DGE j.. Seat of John Hales, Esq. r. Seat of John Blackwell, Esq. 157} l. Seat of J. Warburton, Esq. r. to Leek, 9 m. 158} Bursi.em L. to Newcastle, 3} m. 159 L. to Newcastle, 3$ m. 159$ Brown Hills r. Seat of J.Wood, Esq. 159} TUNSTALL. l. Seat of A. Keeling, Esq. r. Seat.of W. Adams, Esq.' 159} R. Greenfield, J. Breeze, Esq. and Newfield, Adm. Childs 160& Golden Hill 161} Kid Crew Collieries n. Seat of J. Gilbert, Esq. l. the Trent and Mersey Canal 162} Red Bull, seepages I67 &187 r. to Congleton, 6$ m. L. to Sandbach, 6\m. L. to Newcastle, 6$ m, 147} To Handford, as page 167 148} L. to Newcastle, 1 nj. 150 Stoke upon Trent, see p. 202 157} to Red Bull, as above, 7}m. Continued to Liveipool and Manchester, as pp. 170& isa *#* The above Road is more pleasant than by Newcastle-under-Line, being through a very populous neighbour hood, abounding with fine prospects and numerous gentlemen's seats. Chaises may be had at Handley, which will make the distance to the Red Bull about 1 mile farther. LONDON to CHESTER and HOLYWELL, by Litchfield, Stafford, and Namptwich. Miles. Miles. 81} To Welford, as page 200 r. to Leicester, 16 mi JLciceaterghiie. 84 Cross the Avon River 84} North Kilworth r. to Market Harborough, 8 m. l. Seat of — Turville, Esq. WAI.COTE . Misterton House, J. Franks, j Esq. ' LUTTERWORTH, Thursday, Denbigh Arms, Hind 257 Houses, 1652 Inhab t R. to Leicester, 12} m. L. td.Rugby, 8 m. l. to Coventry, 15$ m. Bitteswell 93} Ullesthorpe r. Seat of J. Goodacre, Esq. 94 Upper Claybrook n. Claybrook Hall.T, Dicey, Esq. 8888$ 90 91 l. Seat of C. Saverland, Esq. 94} Lower Claybrook 95} High Cross r. to Leicester, 12 m. 96} Smockington l. Burbach Lodge 99$ Burbach 100 R. to Leicester, 13 m. 100$ HINCKLEY, Monday, Bull's Head, George, 930 Houses, 5070 Inhab. r. to Ashby de la Zouch, 17 m. R.[toMARKETBOSWORTH,/-^o'. 120 Houses, 791 Inhabitants 7m. — l07\m.from London] 102$ l. [to Nuneaton, Saturday, 1 lnn,H65 Houses, 4769 Inh. 3 m.— l05$m.y"rom London] 105$ R. Lindley Abbey, B. Abney, Esq. L.Weddington Hall, S.WhaHey, Esq. 205 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 20S Milea.105} R. to Fenny Drayton, 1 m. 107} WlTHERLYCross the Anker River L. to Coventry, 13 m. L. Caldecott Hall, A. Salisbury, Esq. and Oldbury Hall, — Okeover, Esq. iMattnictt spite. 108} ATHERSTONE, Tuesday, Bull's Head, George, 5 86 Houses, 2650'lnhab. r. to Ashby de la Zouch, 14 m. l. to Coleshill, 9 m. 109 Crpss the Coventry Canpl 100} L.MerevaleHall, M.ofDonegall 112} Hall'End 114 WlLNECOTE 114} L. to Coventry, 17} to. 114} Cross the Tame River 115 Fazelyl. to Coleshill, 9 to. fofwardto Litchfield,lyWeeford, 7 TO. L. Drayton Park, Sir R. Peele sstaffortiahire. 115$ Cross the Fazely Canal 116} TAMWORTH, Saturday, Castle, King's Arms, 563 Houses, 2786 Inhab. k. The Castle, Earl of Leicester k. to Ashby de la Zouch, I3}m. r. to Burtonupon Trmt, 15 to 118 Cross the Tame River & Grand Junction Canal , 118} Ho-ppa-s 122} R. to Burton upon Trent, 14 m. L. to Coleshill, 14 to. 124} LITCHFIELD, see page 165 132 to RUDGELY, as p. 166, 7}m. 134$ to Wolsely Bridge, as p.160, 2$ m. R. to Stone, 11} m. 134} l. Oakhedge, Mrs. Anson R.The Mount,T. S. Brome, Esq. 138 Milfordr. 1 m. Tixall, Hon. T. Clifford R.2m. Ingestry Hall, EarlTalbot . 139 Waxton }40 Weeping Cross l, to Walsall, 1 5 to. Miles. 140} Cross Staff. &Woic. Canal 140} Radford Cross the Penk River 141} Cross the Sow River l. to Pmkridge, 6 m. L. to Wolverhampton, 16 m. L.to Newport, 1 6$ m. 141} STAFFORD, Saturday, - George, Star, Swan, 728 Houses, 3898 Inhab. 142 r. to Leek, 25} m. 142$ R. to Sto'ne, 7 m. 145} Great Bridgeford Cross the Sow River 146 l. to Newport, 1dm. 147 Walton 149 ECCLESHALL, Fr. Royal Oak 594 Houses, 3487 Inhab. r. to Stone, 6 m. l. to Newport, 9 m. r.i m. Hilcot Hall, F. Eld, Esq. r. The Castle, Bp. of Litchfield 151 l. Sugnall Hall, J.Thomas, Esq. 152 Croxton 153} WeTWOOD 154$ Broughton r. B. Hall, Sir J, Broughton 156} ».. to Newcastle, 10} m.. r. to Ndmptwich, 13} m. l. [to Drayton, Wednesday, 1 Inn, 612 Houses, 3162 Inh. 4$ m.zz. 161m. from London] 158 MUCKLESTON l. 1 m. Oakley Park, Sir J.Chet- wood 158} Winnington 160 Knighton 160$ it. to Stone, 13 m. 161 R. to Newcastle, 9} m. 161$ Woore, (Shropshire) Swam 1,. to Whitchurch, I3}m. i.. to Drayton, 7 to. Cheshire. 163$ Bridgemore 164$ l. Doddington Hall, Sir T. Broughton 166 Walgherton 167} Stapely ' l. 1 m. Bathertori Hall R. Seat of J. Bayley, Esq, 168} k. to Newcastle, 13 m. 207 Roads measured fiom Hicks' Hall. 208 Mites.170 NAMPTWICH, Sat. Crown, 824 Houses, 3463 Inhab. L. to Whitchurch, 10 m. L. to Drayton, 12} m. R. to Middlewich, 12 m. 170$ Cross the Wever River 170} l. Dorfold Hall, J. Tomkinson, Esq. 171 Acton l. 6 m. CholmondeleyHall, Earl Cholmondeley 172$ Hurlestow 173$ Stoke 174$ Wardle 174} Barbridge k. 1 m. Stoak Hall 174} Cross the Chester Canal 175$ b. 1 m. Calveley Hall, Hon. W. Tollemache L. Crewe Hall, J. Qiev/e, Esq. 176$ Highway Sips J78$ Lane Ends l. to Malpas, 9} m. k. to Warrington, 1 7 to. l. see Beeston Castle 179$ TARPORLEY, Thurs. Swan, 138 Houses, 674 Inhab. r. to Northwich, 9} m. 180} Utkintojj 181} Clotton r. 3 m . Delamere Forest , 182} TJUDDON R. Duddon Hall, J. Egerton,Esq. J84} Tarvin r. to Frodsham, 8} m. r. to Warrington, ism. r. to Northivich, 13 m. v. 3 m. Ashton Heyes, JL A. Leicester, Esq. 185} Holme Street J86$. Stanford Bridge 188 Vicar's Cross l. Seats of T. Ince, Esq. and T. Claverly, Esq. r . to Frodsham, 9} m. Cross the Chester Canal J89$ Little Boughton L.Boughtoa Hall.Rev.W.Bayley L, to Whitchurch, 19 m. Miles. 1 90 CHESTER, Wed. & Sat. Coach & HorsDs, Hop Pole, Hotel, Red Bull, White Lion, 3194 Houses, 15052 Inhab. Cross the Dee River r. to Warrington, 21 m. R. to Frodsham, 10} m. R. to Overton, 10 m. , R. to Liverpool, by Woqdsidt Ferry, ] 8 m. B. to Park gate, 12 m, 190} 1.. to Wrexham, 10$ m. 1 90} Cross the Ellesmere Canal Cross Saltney Marsh 1,92 Enter North Wales JTtiiitshire. 193} Bretton 194} L. to Mold, 7$ m. l. Broughton Hall, J. Richard son, Esq. 196$ R.Hawarden Castle, Lady Glyrin l. Hawarden Ease, W. Boydell, • Esq. 196} HAWARDEN, Saturday, 796 Houses, 4071 Inhab, 198} A. Ewloe Castle 198} it. Aston Hall, — Dundas, Esq. 200} i..LowerSychtin,Rev.C.Potter 201 l. Middle Sychtin Hall, J, Wynne, Esq. 201} NORTHOP, see page 119 208$ to HOLYWELL, as p. 11 9, 6}to. HOLYWELL to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Northop 6} 11} Chester is| 10} Tarporley 29 9$ Namptwich 38$ 8} Woore 47 12$ Eccleshall 59$ 7$ Stafford 66} 17$ Litchfield 83} 8 Tamworth 93} 8 Atherstone 99} 8$ Hinckley 108 10$ Lutterworth H8| 8} Welford 196| 81$ to Hicks' Hall, as page aoo,208| 209 Roads measured from Higks' Hall. 210 LONDON to CHESTEB and PAEKGATiE. Miles. ,100$ To Stone Bridge, as page 164 101$ Little Packington r. to Coleshill, 3 m. 103} Bacons Inn R. to Coleshill, 1} m. 106$ Castle Bromwich l. to Birmingham, 5} m. 106} Cross the Tame River h. Berwood Hall, Lady Lawley 107} Cross the Birmingham Canal 108$ R. Pipe Hall, D. Dayies, Esq. .109$ Cuckold's Corner l. 2 m. Erdington Hall l. to Birmingham, 5} m. R.[to SUTTONCoLDFlELD,jTftm, linn, 578 Houses, 2847 Inhab. 2}m. zz 1 1 l|m.yrrai iorttfcnj no} StaTforlialire. 111$ r. Sutton Coldfield Park and Woods R. 2 m. Four Oak Hall, Sir E. C. Hartop 111} L.to Walsall, 5 m. 114 R. Aston Hall,W.Tennant, Esq. 115 Mill Green 115} l. Aldridge Farm, MajorDaniel 116$ Stonnal 117$ l. to Walsall, 4 to. r. to Litchfield, 5 m, 118 Cats Hill r. see the Reservoir 118$ Cross theWyrley Canal 121$ NortonL.WyrleyGrove, P.Hussey, Esq. 122} i. to Walsall, 6$.m. R. Leacroft, R. Gildart, Esq. n. to Stafford, 10 m. 123} Street Way «. to Cannock, 1 m. k. to Stafford, 10 m. L. to Wolverhampton, 8 m. 124} Four Crosses Inn l. [to Brewood, Tuesday, • ¦ ' 581 Houses, 2867 Inhabitants . 5 nt.=isgj m. from London] 127 Spread Eagle r. [to Penkridge, 7tje«ioy, ]./ra«,238 Houses, 1133 Ihhai. 2}m. ~ 1 29}m.l/rom London] e . to Stafford, 8 m.- l. to Wolverhampton, ?} i». 128} k. at Stretton, T. Groves, Esq. and jSomerford, Hon. E. Monekton 129 l. to Brewood, ]} m, 132 Ivetsey Bank, Skti. l. to Wolverhampton^ ip m. R. 2 m. Little Hall, H. Crockett, Esq: 134 Weston under Lizard l. Weston Park, Lord Bradford 134} L. to Shrewsbury, 21} m. 136 Parney Corner 137 Shropshire. 137} Woodcot L.Woadcot Hatl, J. Coates, feq." 139 CHETWYND ASTON 139} L. Seat of the late Earl Talbot 140 NEWPORT, Sat. tied Lion 323 Houses, 2307 Inhab. L. to Shrewsbury, 20 m, 140* Cross the Strine River 140} l. to Eccleshall, 9 m. l. to Shrewsbury, 19 m. 141$ L.Chefwynd Park,T.Ldoyd, Esq. 143$ L. Stanford Hall, E. Marsh, Esq. i': Aqualate Hall, SirT. Fletcher 144. Stanford Bridge Cross Cherriton Brook 146 Hinstock 146$ n. to Drayton, 5}m. 148 j3hakeford 150 Sutton Heath 151 r. Buntingsdale, W.Taylor, Esq. 151} Cross the Tern River 152 Tf.rnhi.ll, Queen's Head it. to Drayton, 3 to. ¦ v R. to Shrewsbury, 16 m. 153$ Uletchley; 156 Sandfordl. to Wellington, 1 6} to. I. to Shrewsbury, 17}m. P "211 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 212 Miles. R. Sandford Hall, Rev. T. Sand ford i. 2 m. Hawkstone, Sir R. Hill 159 l, to Shrewsbury, 1 8 to, 159} Great Ash 160}. l. to Wem, B^m. Cross the Ellesmere Canal 161 WHITCHURCH, Friday, George, IVhite Lion 021 Houses, 4515 Inhab. j.. [to Malpas, Monday, 194 Houses, 906 Inhabitants, i m.n 166 m. from Londoti] R. to Namptwich, 10 m. R. to Newcastle, 22 m. I. to Ellesmere, 11} to. l. to Wrexham, 15} m. 163$ Grindley Bridge l. to Malpas, 3 to. l. Iscoed, R. Congreve, Esq. Cheshire. 164 Bell on the Hill 166 No man's Heath 167 l. to Malpas, 1} m. r. to Tarporley, 9} m. 169} BroxtonL.Broxton Hall,Rev. Mr.Hunter 170} Barnhill l. to ffo/r-, 5 m-. L. to Wrexham, 1 1 m. 172 R.Bouldsworth Castle, T.Tarle- ton, Esq. L. Alderley Hall, Rev. Mr. Al- derley Miles.173$ Handley 174$ Golbourn Bridge L.Calvely Hall, P. Egerton, Esq. 176 Hatton Heath 179$ R.Chester Canal, & Christleton 179} Booghton r. to Namptwich, -18} m. R. to Northwich, 17} m. r. to Tarporiey, gf m. 1 8 1 CHESTER, see page 208 l. to Hawarden, 6}m. 182$ Cross the Dee and Mersey Canal 183} MOLLINGTON r. Mollington Hall, J. Fielding,' Esq. 186 h. Copenhurst Hall, R.Richard son, Esq. 1861 The Yatch 190} Enderton 191} Great Neston, Golden Lion R. to New Ferry, 7 m. r. to Woodside Ferry, 10 m. 193 Parkgate, George, Golden Talbot PAEKGATE to LONDON. Miles. Miles. Chester 12 20 Whitchurch ,32 9 Ternhill :. 41 12 Newport 53 8 Ivetsey Bank 61 33} Meriden 94} 98$ to Hicks' Hall, as page 170, 193 LONDON to PBESTON, by Woodside Ferry. Miles. 181184 184$ 186 187} 188} 189190} 102 193} To CHESTER, as above Cross the Dee and Mersey Canal Backforii Backford Cross l. Copenhurst Hall, R. Richard son, Esq. Great Sutton Little Sutton Childer Thornton Eastham r. to Carlet Ferry, 1 m. Bromborow Great Bebbingtoh Miles. l. to Parkgate, 7 m. 1 94} k. to the Neio Ferry, } m. 1 97 R. Birkenhead Abbey 197} Woodside Ferry Cross the Mersey River •Lancashire. 198} LIVERPOOL, see page 170 201} Walton 203} L. Stand Park 204 Cross Leeds and Liverpool Canal t.3 m. InceHall, H. Blundell, Esq. 213 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 214 Miles. 204} Cross the Alt River 206 Cross Leeds and Liverpool Canal 206} Maghull 209} Aughton r. l m. Moor Hall, T. Barron, Esq. 211} ORMSKIRK,Tues. Wheatsheaf 614 Houses, 2554 Inhab. R. Cross Hall,T. Stanley, Esq. l. 3 m. Halsall Hall, C. L. Mor- daunt, Esq. l. 4 m. Scarisbrick Hall,T. Ec- cleston, Esq. 213} r. Blythe Hall, W. Hill, Esq. it. 2 m. Latham House, E. W. Bootle, Esq. 215 Burscough Bridge, Inn h. Ruins of Burscough Abbey Cross Leeds and Liverpool Canal 217$ Rufpord 217} l. Rufford Hall, Sir T. Hesketh Miles. 219$220} 222} 225228} 229} 230 SOLLOM Tarleton Bridge Cross the Douglas River r. Bank Hall, late P. Legh, Esq. Great Hoole Longton L. Seat of R. Moss, Esq. Penwortiiam Bridge L.The Hall, — Barton, Esq. r. 1 m. Walton Hall,. Sir H. Houghton Cross the Ribble River l.i m.Tulketh Hall, B. F.Hes- keth, Esq. Cross the Lancaster Canal it. Avenham House, J. Myers, Esq. R.lm. FrenchWood, T. Starkie, Esq. PRESTON, see page 178 LONDON to HALTON and to Namptwich. WABEINGTON, by Miles. Miles. 184} To Tar vis, as page 207 195$ 1 85} R. to Northwich, 12 m. 186} Ashton 187$ R- Ashton Heys, H. Leicester, Esq. 196 190 Alvasley 196} 192 L.to Chester, 9} m. 192$ Netherton 193$ Frodsham r. Seat of D. Ashley, Esq. 193} Cross the Wever River Sutton k. Aston Hall, Hon. Mrs.Aston k. [to Warrington, see p. 16s 7}m. — 203 m. from London] l. Hall Wood, R. Newton, Esq. Haltonr . Halton Castle R.lm. Norton "Hall, T. Brooke, Esq. k . to Warrington, 6} m . LONDON to BUETON UPON TEENT. Miles. 180$ To HINCKLEY, as page 204 103 Dadlington 103} Cross the Ashby de la Zouch Canal 105$ L. Shenton Hall, F.Woolaston, Esq. R. Bosworth Field 107} R. to Market Bosworth, 3$ m. l. to Tamworth, io}m. 108} Harris Bridge Miles. Cross the Sence River 110$ Twycross it. 2 m. Gopsall Hall, Lady C. Curzon k. to Ashby de la Zouch, 9 m. k. to Burton upon Trent, by Snareston, 14$ m. 113} Appleby Parva a. Seat of the Rev. J. Moore 114$ r. to Ashby de la Zouch, 8} m. P 2 215 B.oa»s measured from Hicks' H'*t£. 216 Miles. 115} 115}116$ 117} 119 121 123 124124} L. to Tamworth, 5 m. Stretton in be Fielb, (5e«- byslmre}. l. Seat of W. C. Brown, Esq. Stretton Bn.rm.aE Cross the Mease River Crickets Ink Bridge OversealSeats of J. JeFvis,l&q. ami Rev. W- Gresloyi SpfriBapwe. k. at ChiiireD. Giesley, Sdr N. Gresley Cas,tj>e. Gresxeyi Stantojj Stapenhill Csoss the. Treat Siner Staffordshire,. BURTON upon Trent, see gage 201 3dO$ To HINCKLEY, as page 204 103$ Stapleton 1-05} Cadeby ' l. to Market Bosworth, l'}m. 10?} ©SBASTON a. Osbaston Hall, J. Cockshutt, Esq. 109 Nailston 111 1BST0CK 112} Snibstow 113 k. to Leicester, 13} m. 113} Ravenstone 125} to BURTON uroN Trent, as page 201 1.2. m. 110$ To Twycross, as page 214 ill} r. GqpsakHall, Lady C Curzon 313.' R. Ashby de la Zouch Canal 113} Snarestos r. see the Tunnel 3 14}- Cross the Mease River SDgrigs^iijK. 115} Union, Inn L, to Murton upon Trent, 9} m. 115} lift J22$1234 124}V2&' 127}- L. to Taanworbh, 10 to. Cross the Ashby de la Zouch Canal Measuam Seats of J.Wilkes, Esq. and W. Hill, Esq. ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, (Der.bys.h.) see page 201 Butt House Midway Houses k. Bretby Halk, E.of Chesterfield i. Rretrencot Hall, W. Nadin, Esq. Cross the Trent River SrafforUsgire. BURTON upon Trent, see page 201 108} To ATHERSTONE, as p. 205 109} Fieldon Bridge " Cross the Anker River JLeicestershire. 1 10} L. to Tamworth, 7% to. Ill} SlIaE.EI'Y MAGNA Seats, of T. Holiten, Esq ; E. Wilmott, Esq ; and Rev. Dr. Fell 114 Twycross, see page 214 ©taffotusbire. 128} to BURTON upon Trent, as page 215, or as above ¦ n-6}- To TAMWORTH, as.page205 120} Oakley l. fm. Ftsherwick Park, Marq. of Donegal L.HUi. ElfordHall, Viscountess Andover 123}- Cross the Tame Riiver 124} l. to Litchfield, 5j-m. 12 5$ WlCHNOR BRIDGtS Cross the Trent River L.lm.Wichnor Lodge,— Levett, Esq, R.lm. Cation- Hal), E. Horton , Eiq. 2ir Roads measured frorfa Hicks' Hall. 218 Miles. 127$ r.i m.WaltonHaJI, Major Des- browe 129 Branston l. the Trent and Mersey Canal Miles. r . Drakelow, Sir N. Gresley L. 1 m. Sinai Park 131$ BURTON uf-on Trent, seq page 201 Miles. 161163163$ 166 172 — #- LONDON to WREXHAM. To WHITCHURCH, as p. 2 1 1 IFlintsfrfic. L. to Ellesmere, 8} m. R. Iscoed, R. Cangreve, Esq. l. Hanmer Hall, SirT. Hanmer Bangor l. 2 m. Gwemhaylod, P. L. Fletcher, Esq. Miles. .-Cross the Dee River Enter North Wales i&,etti«g&9$i-te. 174} Marchwiail l. to Ellesmere, 10 m. 176} WREXHAM, see page lig R. [to Holywell, as p. lig, 22TO.~19S}m.t/ro»i London}, Miles.120}122 123 123} 124} 125} LONDONto STAFFORD, by Bib Miles. 100$ To Stone Bridge, as page 164; 102$ R. Marston Hall 104} Wells Green 106 Yardley 109 Small Heath l. Bordesley Hall 109} BIRMINGHAM, see page 1 51 111$ Hockley Brook r. Packwood House, F. Dilkes, Esq. L. to Wolverhampton, 12$ m. Stafftrrtraj&ire. 112 l. Soho, Mathew Boulton, Esq. 128 112$ Handsworth 129 L. Seat1 of James Watt, Esq. r. Seats of. the Rev. Mr. Lane, 131} and Mrs. Whately 133} 115} Snails Green 1 1-6}« R. at Great Barr, J. Scott, Esq. 134$ 118} WALSALL, Tuesday, 134} Bull's Head, George 117S Houses, 5177 Inhab. r. to Litchfield, 8} to. l. to Wolverhampton, 7 m. 1. to Wednesbury, 3-m. Cross thej Wyrley and Essington 1 3 5 i - Canal MINGHAM AND Wal^ALL. Blokwichr. Field Hall R.l m.WyrleyGrove, P.Haussey, Esq. Great Wyrley Church Bridge R- to Litclifield, 10 to. r.. to Castle Br.omwich,. 17} m. . L. to Penkridge, 6} to. l. to Newport, 16}ot. C/nnock l. to Wolverhampton., 9 m. Cross Cannock Heath Huntington l. 1 m. Teddesley, Sir E. Lit tleton r. at Brockton, Sir G. Chetwode Weeping Cross r . to Rudgley, 7} to. Gross the: Staff. & Wore Canal Radford Cross the Penk River- Cross the Sow River l. to Penkridge,. 6 m. l. to Wobaerhamptan, 1,6 m. l. to Newport, 1.6£m. STA.FE0SL), see page 2QS 219 Roads measured from Hrcus' Hall. 220 LONDON to DUDLEY. Miles.iog} 111} 112} 113} 116$ 116} 117$ To BIRMINGHAM, as p. 21-7 Cross the Birmingham Canal Staftbrushift Smethwick l. Hales Owen, late LordDudley Cross the Birmingham Canal Oldbury Cross the Birmingham Canal Miles. 118 n. to Wednesbury, 4 rrt. 118} aSHorcestershire. 119} DUDLEY, Sat. Dudley Arms 2040vHouses, 10107 Inhab. r. Dudley Castle in Ruins L. to Hales Owen, 5 m. L. toSlourbridge, 4} m. r. to Wolverhampton, 6 m. LONDON to BEWDLEY, Miles. Miles. 109} To BIRMINGHAM, as p. 217 114 MorcesterslJire. 116 u. to Dudley, 5$m. 116$ l. the Leasowes,C. Hartop, Esq. 116} Cross the Dudley Extension Canal 117} Hales Owen j r. to Ihidley, 5 to. R. to Stourbridge, 4 J m, 118 L.to Bromesgrove, 8 m. 121} Hagley, Tap House R. Seat of W. Waldren, Esq. - l. Hagley Park, Lord Lyttleton 130} 125} 127} 128 128} 129}12g| 130$ by Birmingham. r. to Stourbridge, 2$ m. l. to Bromesgrove, 6} to. l. to Worcester, 16 m. KIDDERMINSTER, see p.110 Cross the Stour River r. Brookfield House,— Scawen, Esq. R.SummerHill, J.Widnell.Esq. 1.. Spring Grove, S. Skey, Esq. i» Sandboum, J. Soley, Esq. n, to Bridgenorth, 14 m. l. to Stourport, 3} m. Cross the Severn River BEWDLEY, see page ill LONDON to- WARE, iiy Southgate and Potter's Bar. lit 1 Islington l. to Highgate, 3} m. 1} Ball's Pond Turnpike R. to Hackney, lk'm. 2$ Newinoton Green 2} R. Seat of — Hoare, Esq. Cross the New River 3 r. to Stamford Hill, 1 } to. Cross the New River twice 4} x. Seat of — Gray, Esq. 6} Bows Farm 7} Palmers Green R. to Enfield, 3 to. 7} -R. Culland Grove, Sir W. Curtis 8 Southgatel. Seat of Isaac Walker, Esq. 8$ L.SeatoftheDutchessofChandos 8} R. to Winchmore Hill, 1 m. Milos. 10 if. South Lodge k. to Enfield, 3 m. L. to Barnet, 3m. L. Seats of J.Nockels, Esq. Mrs. Warr, and Mrs. Tempest 10} r. Trent Place, R.Wigston, Esq. L. Seat of Sir W. Dolben, and Buckskin Hall, Sir F. Busck " L. Bridleway to Hudlry, ]} in. 1 1$ l. Beech HilJ, A Paris, Esq. 11} 1,. toHadley, l}m. . R.West Lodge, late — Keys, Esq. 12$ 1.. to St. Albans, 11} m. 14 Potter's Bar ihertforusI;tre. 1 5} l. to Hatfield, 3} m. 17$ l. Seat of Capt Stainforth 221 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 222 Miles. 17} Wild Hill i. Camfield Place, Rev. Mr. Browne 18$ R. Bedwell House, — Howard, Esq. 1 8} L. Bird's Place, — Clitheroe, Esq. ¦ it. Bedwell Park, S. Whitbread, Esq. 19 Essendon 19} Essendon Bury l. 2 m. Cole Green, F.arl Cowper l. to Hertford, by Harlinford Bury, 4} m. L. to Hatfield, 3 m. 21 Watery Hall 22 R. Bayford Bury, W. Baker, Esq. l. Roxford Lea 23} R. Brickendonbury, — Morgan, Esq. 24 HERTFORD, Saturday, Bell, Falcon, Hal/ Moon 542 Houses, S360 Inhab. Miles. r. Balls, Lord J. Townshend l. to Stevenage, 12 m. l. to Hatfield, 7$ m. 24} Hertford Hospital r. to Hoddesdon, 3} m. 26* l. The New River Head l. 1 m. Ware Park, T. H. Boyd, Esq. 27 WARE, Tuesday, Bull, Saracen's Head 580 Houses, 2950 Inhab. it. to Hoddesdon, 3}m. L. to Stevenage, ll}m. L. to Royston, 17 m. L. to Bishop's Stortford, 13} n. *#* By the above Road to Halfieli {turning offl^m. beyond Potter's Bar) Highgate and Barnet Hills are avoided, and the distance is a trifle - less. LONDQN to EDINBURGH, the New Road by Jedburgh and Lauder. Miles. 11} To Barnet Pillar, asjiage 161 l. to St. Allan's, 9$ m. 12 l. New Lodge, F. Baroneau, Esq. 12} L.WrothamPark, G. Byng, Esq. 14 L. Seat of Capt. Carpenter 14$ Potter's Bar fnertfoi-ushije. 15 Little Heath Lane 16 it. to Hertford, 9 m. 16$ L.Gubbin'sPark, — Hunter, Esq. 16} Muffets, — Mitchiei Esq. 16} L. Brookmans, S. Gausson, Esq. 17 Bell Bar 18 through Millers Park, Marq. of Salisbury 19 r. Hatfield House, M. of Salis bury 19} HATFIELD, Saturday, Salisbury Arms 482 Houses, 2442 Inhab. l. to St, Albans, 5 m. Miles. r. to Hertford, 7$»s. 20} it. Bush Hall, — Lewis, Esq. anj Wood Hall, M. of Salisbury 21$ Stanborough 21} L. to Wheathampstead, 3}m. 22$ Lemsford l . Brocket Hall , Vise. Melbourne Cross the Lea River 23$ Brickwa-ll 24 it. Digswell House, T. Shallcross, Esq. 25 Welwyn, Swan, White Hart Cross the Maran River l. to Hitchin, g m. r. Lockleys, C. Gardner, Esq. 27 Woolmer Green 29$ Broadwater k. to Hertford, io$m. «.. to Ware, ll$m. i.. l m. Knebworth, J. Morgan, Esq. r Sheephall Bury, M. Heath. cote, Esq. 223 Roads measured from Hick«' Hale. 224 Miles,31$ STEVENAGE, Wed. Swan, 267 Houses, 1254 Inhab. 31} l. to Hitchin, 4$ m. ,,. Elmwood, J. Lucas, Esq. 32} h. Chivefield Lodge, — Parkyns, Esq. ,83$ Gravely 34$ l. Rocksley, Baron Dimsdale 87$ BALDOCK, Thur. White Horse, 231 Houses, 1283 Inhab. L. to Hitchin, 5 to. Forward to Bedford^ 18 to. r. to Royston, 8$ m, 40$ New Inn BeuforuSfiire. 42 Bleak Hall 44} R.,[toPoTTON, Saturday, 1 lnn,141 Houses, 1103 Inhab, 3&m.=:/rom London] R. to Farm, I7$m. k. to Northallerton, 16} m. 233 l. to Richmond, 3-t to. 233^ Three Tuns l. Sedbury, Sir R. D. Hildyard r. to Darlington, 8} m. L. to Greta Bridge, 9$ m. L. to Bernard Castle, 13 m. L. Aske Hall, Lord Dundas, and Gilling Hall, Lady Wharton r. Middleton Lodge, — Hartley, Esq. 236 l. at Stanwick, D. of Northum berland 237 i» Carleton Hall, M. Pulleyn, Esq. L.l m. Forcett Hall, R. Shuttle- worth, Esq. 239} l. Cliff Hall, H. Witham, Esq. 23;} Pierce Bridse, George Cross the^ees River SDurbam. R. to Darlington, 5 m. L. to Bernard Castle, 13 m: 245 . Royal Oak Inn R. to Darlington, 7} to. R.lm. Brusselton Tower, Sir R. Milbanke 247$ West Auckland l. to.Stdindrop, 5} m. L. to Bernard Castle, ll$m. L. to Wolsingham, 10 m. R. to Bishop Auckland, 3 to. r. to Durham, 13 to. 249} Low Toft Hill 251} R. Witton Castle, T.H. Hopper, Esq. Cross the Wear River 251} Witton le Wear Witton Hall, A. Leaton, Esq. and Rev. W. Rawes 254} Harperley Lane Head l. to Wolsingham, 3} m. r. to Durham, 10} m. 264} Cold Rowley 266 Allens Ford r. Shotley Hall Cross the Derwent River J^onhumberfanu. 268$ Green Head Inn k. Black Hedley, N. Hopper, Esq. 271$ Unthank 273$ l. Minster Acres, J. Silvertop, Esq. 276 RidingSeats qf W. Bainbridge, Esq, & M. Hedley, Esq. R. to Gateshead, 17} m. 277} l. to Hexham, 3} m. 277} Cross the Tyne River 278 Corbridge, Angel R. to Newcastle, 16} m. 979} r. Stagshaw Close House, G. Gibson, Esq. L. Beau front, J. Errington, Esq. 280} Wheatsheaf Inn 1.. to. Brampton, 29} m, r. to Newcastle, 17 to. 284} 1.. to Hexham, 7} m, Q 2 231 Roads measufled from Hicks' Hall. 232 285$ 2Sg| 293} 29g 300$302} 308313} 318$320}324 324} 326 326$ 327 it. to Rolhtlury, 25 m. k. to Morpeth, 23} m. l. Swinburn Castle, R. Riddell, Esq. R. Hallington Hall, C. Soulsey, Esq. Tone Pitt Inn r. Carey Coates, D. Shafto, Esq. L. Tone, W. Hodgson, Esq. Cross the Reed River L. to Bellingham, 6 in. Trough end Cross the Reed River El.lSHA R, to Morpeth, 24 m. BagraveBURYNE6S Carter Fell Turnpike Enter Scotland JRorburBbfipire. l. to Hawick, 15 m. k. Edgerston Hall, J. Ruther ford, Esq. Doveford Cross the Jedburgh River n . Mossburn Ford, Capt. Ru therford JEDBURGH, BlackBull 676 Houses, 3834 Inhab. u. to Hawick, 10 m. R. to Yetholm, 1 2 m. k. to Kelso, 12 m. Bonjeddart, A. Jardine, Esq. l. to Hawick, 1 0} m. r. to ITdjo, lb m. Cross the Tiviot River Ancrum r,. Mpunt Tiviot, Adm. Elliott l. 2 m. Chesters, T. E. Ogilvie, 327} R. Seat of Lord Eldon 332 St. Boswell's Green l.i m. Eiliston, T. TuUoch, Esq. h. Lesudden', W. Scott, Esq. 332} r. Dryburgh, E. of Buchan 333$ Newton r. Hardens, H. Scott, Esq. and Gladswood, Dr. Redpath 334} k. l m. Bimerside, Capt. J. Haig l. to Melrose, 2$ m. 335} Fly Bridge, Salmon Crofs the Tweed River l. to Melrose, 4, m. h. to Kelso, 11 m. 335} r, Kirkland, J. Todd, Esq. L. Dry Grange, — Hay, Esq. 336$ R. The Park, J. Brown, Esq. 337 R. Cowdenknows, Dr. J. Home 338} it. Clockmae, J. Fisher, Esq. 339 R.Carolside, Capt.J. Home 340 r. Chapel, W. Fairholme, Esq. 340} r.i m. Birkhillside, Major Shil- linglaw 341} R. to A"i7so, 14 m, 342 Li.ainsi.ee l. Seats of C. Mackenzie, Esq. J. Simpson, Esq. and D. Ca meron, Esq. 343$ Brrlnic&obirc. 341$ LAUDER, Black Bull, 349 Houses, i?60 Inhab. ¦R.The Castle, E. of Lauderdale 348$ Carfra Mill r. to Greenlaw, 15}m. 348-J l. Oxton, Capt. Justice 350} Channel Kirk Inn 354 ffiuinuurijhflnirc. 354$ r. ReidHall, — Hamilton, Esq. 354}" n. Falla Hall, H. Macgill, Esq. and Johnstonburn,— Brown , Esq. 355 Falla, Sack Shields 357$ Carterton Haugh Head, King's Head R. Seat of the E. of Hopetoun l. Longftugh, Sir J. Callander 357} L . Creighton, -^. Bangle, Esq. r. WhReburgh, -= Anderson, Esq. and Upper Cranston, Sir J. Dalrymple 358} Path Head n. Preston Hall, Col. Callender l. Vogrie, J. Dewar, Esq, 359$ Fordn. Cranston, — Wftkieson, Esq. 359} R.Chester Hall, Robertson, Esq. 359} R. Oxford Hall, Sir J.Dalrymple 360$ R. Woodbum, J. Ker, Esq, 361} r. Fordell and Cold Home, — Dalrymple, Esq, 362} l. Jeanficld, —Douglas, Esc). 233 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 234 Miles. 363 Cross the South Esk River 363$ DALKEITH, White Hart 511 Houses, 3906 Inhab. r. Dalkeith Palace, D. of Buc- clengh L. Newbattle, M. of Lothian Cross the North Esk River it. Smeaton House, D. of Buc- cleugh ; and Castlesteeds, Baron Grant i.. Melville Castle, Lord Mel ville 863} Lugtov 365$ Malsfordt. Drum, Lord Somervillc 365} R. Woolmet, E. of Wemys 366 a. Edmonston and Niddie, — Wauchope, Esq. r.. Gilmerstone, R. Baird, Esq. 367 'R- Craigmillar Casde, L. Gil- mour, Esq. 36?} R- Duddington House, M. of Abercorn l. Inch, L. Gihnour, Esq. 368 R. Prestonfield, Sir A. Dick 369} EDINBURGH, Black Bull, ' Cameron's Hotel, George Ho tel, Mail Coach Office, White Hart93S5 Houses, 82560 Inhab. EDINBURGH to LONDON. Miles. Mile.. Dalkeith 6$ 6 Casterton Haugti Head. . . 12$ Miles. M Its 2$ Falla i4§ 10} Lauder. 25$ 8} Fly Bridge. 34 11} Jedburgh 45} 46 Corbridge gii 38$ Pierce Bridge 129} 10} Catterick Bridge 140$ 1$ Catterick 141} 6} Leeming 148$ 1 5$ Boroughbridge 1 63} 12 Wetherby 175} 7} Abberford 183 9z Ferrybridge 192$ 1 5} Doncaster 207a| 8} Bawtry 216$ 5$ Barnby Moor 22ii 3$ East Retford 2-24$ 7 Tuxford 231} 13 Newark 244$ 1 4$ Grantham 259 10 Witham Common 269 3} Greetham 272$ 7} Stamford 280 5} Wandsfoid 285} 8} Stilton 294§ 7 Wheatsheaf Inn 301} 7$ Buckden . . ". 308} 5} Eaton Sccon 314} 10 Biggleswade , 324} 7} Baldock 332$ 6 Stevenage . , 338$ 6$ Welwyn 344} 5} Hatfield 350 8} Bamet 35st£ 1 1 Hicks' Hall 369} LONDON to GLASGOW. Miles. 233$ To Three Tuns, as page 229 r. to Pierce Bridge, 6} m. 234$ L. Sedbury, Sir R. D. Hiklyard 235} l. to Richmond, 4} to. k. 3 m. Srarrwick, D. of Nor thumberland, and Forcett Hall, R. Shuttleworth, Esq. 238$ l. 1 m. Ravensworth Castle 240 a. to Staindrop, 6} m. 240} S.MALLWAYS 1. 1 m. Bamingham Park, — Milbanke, Esq. R. 2 m. Wycliffe, — Tunstall, Esq. 242$ r. Thorp, — Wilkinson, Esq. 242} Greta Bridge, George, Griffin n. Rookby Park, J. B. Morrett, Esq. 243 r. to Bernard Castle, 3 m. 245} Bowes r. Seat of — Barocastle, Esq. R- to Bernard Castle, 4 m.\ 254 Spittal Inn, (Key Cross) 235 Roads measured from HrcKs' Hall. 23S ffiHcfltmoreiant!. 256 l. Maiden Castle 256$ l. to Reethe, 15} m. 361} BROUGH, Th. New Inn, Swan 117 Houses, 694 Inhab. l. to Kirkby Stephen, 4} m. 270 APPLEBY, Sat. Crown 122 Houses, 723 Inhab. L. to Orton, o$m. L. to Kendal, 23} m. i. The Castle, Earl of Thanet 271} Crackenthorpe 274} KlRKBY-THORE 276 Temple Sowerby k . Acorn Bank, R.Edmonstone, Esq. 27 6\ Cross the Eden River 28 1 r. Brougham Casde 281} l. Brougham Hall, H. Broug ham, Esq. 282 Lowther Bridge l. to Kendal, 24^ m. Cross the Lowther River 282$ L.King Arthur's Round Table 282} Emont Bridge Cross the Emont River UumberlanU. R.Carlton Hall, T.Wallace, Esq. l. 1 m. Skirsgill House, H. Par- kyn, Esq. 283} PENRITH, see page 180 301} to CARL ISLE, as p. 1 80, 1 8 m. 310} toLONGTOWN,asp.l80,9m. 315 toGRETNAGREEN,p,180, 4}m. L. to Annan, 8$ m, 8l7$ Red Hall 34 7} L. Mossknow, — Graham, Esq, 318} L.The Cove, A. Irving, Esq. S20$ Woodhouse Cross r. Seat of Col. Irving S20| l. Bonshaw, — Irving, Esq. 321 l. to Annan, 5 m. r. to Longholm, 12 m. 321$ k. Blackwood House, — Bell, Esq. L.The Braes, — Carruthers,Esq. 324$ R. Graham Hall, — Graham, Esq. 324} ECCLESFECHAN, Post Office 327$ Brack l-.hu l Miles. l, Hoddam Castle, C. Sharpe, Esq. 328$ l. Castlemiik, Gen. Ross Cross the Milk River 330 L. Blackford, — Martin, Esq. 330} LOCKERBY, King's Arms 331} r. Lockerby House, — John stone, Esq. 332} Cross the Dryff River 334 L. [to LOCHMABEN, 4 90 Houses, 2053 Inhabitants 3 m, ~ 337 m.from London] 335 L.Jardine Hall, SirW. Jardine 335} Dinwoodie Green 336} R. Dinwoodie Mains, — Max well, Esq. 338$ L. Greathead, Major Wright 339} Newton of-Wamphray 341$ l. Stoneries Hill, — Anderson, Esq. 344 u. Brackenside, Lord Ellick 345} R.Dumcreif, — Currie, Esq. 347 MOFFAT, King's Anns 342 Houses, I6lg Inhabit. L.Marsdale Park, E.of Hopetoua L. to Dumfries, 25 m. 351} Erickston Brae Head r. to Edinburgh, 45 m. HanrtBoftite. 360 Elvan Foot Bridge, Inn l. Newton, A. Irvine, Esq. Cross the Elvan River 362} Crawford u. Bellefield, J. Macqueen, Esq. 263} Cross the Glengoner River 364} Abinton - l. 2 m. Gilkerscleugh, D. Ha milton, Esq. I., to Dumfries, 25 m. 366} Duneton Bridge r. to Biggar, 12 m. 373 l. to Ayr, 38}m. 3?3$ Douglas Mill, Inn Cross the Douglas River 373} it. to Lanerk, il}m. k. to Carnwath, 13 m. 1.. 1 m. Douglas Castle, Lord Douglas 379^ Lesmahago.w r. Seat of — Kennedy, Esq. ¦.. Nether Housa, — Steele, Esq. 237 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 238 Miles. h. l m. Auchtifardle, H. Mos- man, Esq. 380} R.The Carse, H. Weir, Esq. 38ig l. Blackwood, Hon. H. Weir 383} L. Spittel, — Haddon, Esq. 386$ u. Patrick Holme, — Macneil, Esq. 387 Broom Hill, — Hamilton, Esq. 387} Lark Hall j.. Fair Holm, — Hamilton, Esq. k. to Lanerk, 11m. 389} R.lm. Dalziel, J. Hamilton, Esq. 390} Cross the Aven River i. Bamcleugh, D. of Hamilton 391 J HAMILTON, Hamilton Arms 652 Houses, 5908 Inhab. r. The Palace, D. of Hamilton L. to Ayr, 37$ m. r. to Edinburgh, 38 m. 392} l. to Rulherglen, 7 m. 393$ Both well Bridge 393} R.Orbieston, Gen. J.Hamilton, Douglas Park.G .Douglas , Esq . and Sweetbope, Miss Clarke Cross the Clyde River 393} Bothwell 395$ Udisgston l. Bothwell Castle, Ld. Douglas 397 Broom House Turntike r. to Edinburgh, 39} m. 397$ L. Dalduie, R. Bogle, Esq. 39s J l. Kenmuir, J. Corbet, Esq. 399$ Callander Row 400 L. Dalbeth, J. Hopekirk, Esq. & WestThom,G.Dennison,Esq. Miles. R. Tolcross, — Dunlop, Esq. 401 Camlauchie 401} R.White Hill, R.Grahame, Esq. 402} GLASGOW, Black Bidi, Buck'* Head, Star, Tontine 21460 Houses, 77385 Inhab- i.. to Rutlierglen, 2} m. 1.. to Kilmarnock, 21$ m. l. to Paisley, 7} m. l. to Port Glasgow, 19 ra. l. to Greenock, 21 m. k. to Airdrie, 10} m. tt . to Kirkintilloch, 7} m, R. to Dumbarton, 15 to. GLASGOW to LONDON. Mil.,. Miles. Hamilton 11 18 j Douglas Mill 29$ 13$ Elvan Foot Bridge 4 2} 13 Moffat 55} 16$ Lockerby 71} 6 Ecclesfechan 77=} -g} Gretna Green 87} 4} Longtown 92 9 Carlisle 101 18 Penrith 119 13} Appleby 132} 8$ Brough 140} 7} Spittal Inn 148} 11} Greta Bridge ]6o 13$ Catterick Bridge 1 73$ 22g$ to Hicks' Hall, as p. 234, 402} LONDON to GLASGOW, by Dumfries. Miles. 344} 347 347} 318j 348}348}349} To DUMFRIES, as page 1 81 L. to Castle Douglas, 16} m. r. to Moffat, 22} m. l. Old College, — Young, Esq. L. Broomrig, — Denholm, Esq. l. Cairnsalloch, — Johnstone, Esq. l. Millhead, — Brown, Esq. KlRKMACHOER. Kemminghall, — Riddal, Esq. L. Cawhill, — Johnston, Esq. DalswintonL. Seat of — Miller, Esq. Mile. 352^ l. Carse, Dr. Smith 353 Forest l. Seat of Capt. Johnston 353} (ILCIRTH LKIDGF. 354$ L.Blackwood, — Copland, Esq. 355$ Stiepends 356} Brownhill, Inn s.. Barjarg, — Hunter, Esq. 357 l. Shaw. — Kilpatrick, Est}. 359} Cross the Campel River 360 Thorn 11 ill, Queensbnry Arms, Roysl Oak 362 R. to Elvanjbot, 13 m. 230 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 240 k. to Lead Hills, g m. 362} l. to New Galloway, 22 m. i.. Drumlar.rig, D.of Queenshury .370} u Elliock, H. Veitch, Esq. 372 SANQUAHAR, New Inn, 478 Houses, 2350 Inhab. 3? 2$ Cross the Crawick River 372} L. to New Cumnock, 11m. 377} Fingi.and 378$ 9rrs5ire. 385$ Cross the Garpel River l. 1 m. Welwood, Q. M'Adam, Esq. 386$ Tarkill 387} Cross the Ayr River r. 1} m. Corsflat, R. Aird, Esq. 388 Muir Kirk, Irondale Inn ii. to Douglas, 12 m. l. to Much line, 14 m. 392 HanetSahive. 399} Cross the Aven River 400 it. Newton, — Brown, Esq. Mile a. 401$ 403} 405$ 406} 407} 409$ 410$ 412} 414}415 415} 417} Strathaven, Sun Cross the Pomillion River k. to Hamilton, 7}m. R.l m. Overton, A.Stewart, Esq. CilAPELTON Shawton ' Flat Bridge R.Torence, A. Stewart, Esq. Kilbride,L. to Kilmarnock, 23 to. R. to Hamilton, 6 m. R.l m. Calderwood, Si:W. Max well l. Cathkin.W. E. M'Clea, Esq. l.2 m.. Castle Milk, LadyStewart - ii. to Hamilton, 8} m. RUTHERGLEN l. to Kilmarnock, Irvine, & Ayr l. to Paisley, Renfrew, & Gree nock RUTHERGLEN BllIDGE Cross the Clyde River Bridgetown , GLASGOW, see page 238 LONDON to EDINBURGH, by, Selkirk Miles. SloJ To LONGTOWN.as page 235, or as page 181, 314} m. Cross the Esk River l. to Annan, 13 m. l. to Gretna Green, 4}m. 313$ Kirk Andrews r. Nctherby, Sir J. Graham 814 Stots Dyke Turnpike Enter Scotland sDumfriespire. 316$ Cannobie Kirk 317$ Gilnockball Ruins 319} R.Broomholiri,J.Maxwell,Esq. 321 Crofs the Esk River 322 LONGHOLM, George, 391 Houses, 2039 Inhab. 322$ l. Longholm Castle, D. of Bue- cleugh 326 l. Sorby, . — Armstrong, Esq. 326$ Eives Kirk v 328 R. Micklcdale, T. Beattie, Esq. 328$ R. Erkleton, Dr. Elliot 329} FlDDLETON TURNPIKE Miles. 331} KorJauiflJspire. 332 Mosspaul Green Inn 338} Cross the Tiviot River 340} it. Ruins of Alanmouth Castle 342} Cross the Tiviot River 345 HAWICK, Buccleugh Arms ¦440 Houses, 2798 Inhab. r to Kelso, 20} m. r, to' Jedburgh, 1 1 m. Cross the Tiviot River 345$ Wilton Kirk l. Wilton, Lord Napier l. 1 m. Stirches, G. Chisholm, Esq. 347$ Newton 351$ Ashkirk I.. Wool, C. Scott, Esq. Cross the Ale River 353$ Selttitfiflhire. 354$ l. B'rownmoor, — Currier, Esb. 355} l. Haining, M. Pringle, Esq. 356$ SELKIRK, Crass Keys 404 I louses, 2098 Inhab. 241 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 242 Miles. r. to Melrose, 6} m. 356} Cross the Ettrick River l. Philiphaugh, J. Murray, Esq. l. 3 m. Bow Hill, D. of Buc- cleugh 358} R. Sunderland Hall, A. Plum- mer, Esq. 360$ l. Yair, A. Pringle, Esq. l.2 m. Ashiesteel, Col. Russell Cross the Tweed River 360| Fairnelie Haugh 860} r. Fairnelie, M. Pringle, Esq. 363} R. to Galashiels, 2} m. l. to Peebles, 13} m. 364} l. Whitebank, A. Pringle, Esq. 365$ R. to Galashiels, 2} m. dEuinburehepire. 365} Crosslee Turnpike l. Bowland, M. Watt, Esq. 367} R. Torsonce, Sir J. Pringle 368} Stage Hall 371$ Bank House, Queen's Head k. Pim, W. 'fait, Esq. 374} R^Ialltree, J. Davidson, Esq. 375} Cross the Herriot River 378$ Swirehouse 380 Middleton, Swan Miles. 382 383 r. Middleton Hall, R. Hepburn, Esq. L. Arniston, R. Dundas, Esq. r. Ruins of Borthwick Castle New Byers 385$ Dalhousie Cross the South Esk River l. Dalhousie Castle, E. of Dal housie R.?.m. Seat of the M. of Lothian 386$ Bonny Rig r. to Dalkeith, 2 m. l. to Peebles, 19 m. 386} Cross the North Esk River 387 Leswade r. 1 m. Melville Castle, Lord Melville 388} r. Gillmerton, R. Baird, Esq. 389 r. Moredun, G. Mason, Esq. 3 89 £ Neli.fi EI. D r. Seat of — Renton, Esq. 390 Liberton Kirk 390} L. to Peebles, 10J m. r. Inch, L. Gilmour, Esq. 391$ R. Prestonfield, Sir A. Dick 391§ COWHURN 392} EDINBURGH, see page 233 LONDON to DURHAM. Miles. 239} To Pierce Bridge, as p. 229 242} r. Walworth Hall, J. Harrison, Esq. 243} r. to Darlington, s to. l. to Bishop Auckland, 8} m. 245$ Heighington 245} Redworth 249 Eldon 251 r. Windleston, Sir J. Eden L. Howlish Hall, Col. Chater 252 Merrington 254} L. to Bishop Auckland, 5} to. 256 it. to Darlington, 14$ m. Miles. 256} Sunderland Bridge Cross the Wear River u. Croxdale House, W. Salvin, Esq. 257$ l. Burn Hall, — Smith, Esq. 259} R. to Sedgefield, 9} m. r. to Stockton, 21} m. Cross the Wear River 260 DURHAM, Sat. Queen's Head, Red Lion, Wheatsheaf 1054 Houses, 7530 Inhab. i.. to Wolsingham, ism. l. to Newcastle, 14$ m. LONDON to KINGS CLIFF, by Kimbolton and Oundle. Miles.46£ To Cross Hall, as page 223 R. to Huntington, 8} m. 57 CjURtinaOonehire. Miles. 57} H*jl Weston 60$. STOyGHTON HIGHWAY !•.. to High am Ferrers, 11 m% 243 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 2-14 Miles. l. Seats of Lord Ludlow, and Major Burns R.l}m. Gains Hall, J.Duberley, Esq. 62$ Stonley 63$ KIMBOLTON, Fri. Wliite Lion 252 Houses, 1266 Inhab. L. Kimbolton Castle and Park, Duke of Manchester L. to Higham Ferrers, 8 m. 68 Great Catsworth 69 L. to Thrapston, 6 m. r. to Huntingdon, 10} m. *o Brvngton ?.-.$ /Sorthamptonsbire. 73 Clapton ,.. Seat of Sir B. Williams 75} l. to Thrapston, 3}m. •,. to Oakham, 21 m. Miles. 75} l. Lilford Hall, Lady Lilford 76} Barnwell St. Andrews it. Barnwell Castle, D. of Buc- cleugh 78} Cross the Nen River 78} OUNDLE, Sat. Angel, Talbot, 380 Houses, 1956 Inhab. k. (o Peterborough, 13 m, R. to Stamford, 13 m. boJ Cotterstock 83 Wood Newton 84i Apethorp l. Apethorp Hall, Earl of West moreland 86 Kin-g's Cliff ,.. Laxton Hall, Lord Carberryj Fineshade, Hon. J. Monckton; and Blatherwick Hall, H. O'Brien, Esq. LONDONto BROUGH. Miles.261} To KENDAL, as page 179 264 R. Hill Top, J.Davison, Esq. 209} R.Copplethwaite Hall, J.Upton, Esq. 270 Lincoins Inn Bridge Cross the Loyne.River IPorFwhire. 271 l. to Kirkby Lonsdale, 9} m. 272$ SEDBERGH, Wed. Kin/sArms 368 Houses, 1639 Inhab. R. to Askrigg, 10 m. L. 3 m. Ingrriire Hall, J. Upton, Esq. 277} Rother Bridge Cross the Rother River SOkstrnorclanu. 281 RaVenstone Dale 283} L. to Kendal, by Kelath, «21f m. 285} KIRKBY STEPHEN, Monday, 209 Houses, 1141 Inhab.- . . it. to Askrigg, 18 m. it. to lliclemand, 33 m. it. Hartley Castle, Sir J. C. Mus- grave Cross the Eden River" ' " Winton Miles.288} Cross the Beloo River 289$ Brough Sowehby 290^ BROUGH, Thursday, New Inn, Swan 117 Houses, 694 Inhab. 261}265} 267272273$ 275^ 276%2S0} 283" 284}285 269} To KENDAL, as page 179 Cross the Ken River l.i m. Shaw End, A. Shepherd, Esq. Sunny Bank Cross the Loyne River Tebay l. [to Orton, Wednesday, 298 Houses, 123o Inhabitants S^m.z: 275}m.,/rom London] L, to Appleby, 11} to. Langdale Kelath Cold Beck r. to Kendal, ly Sedbergh, 22 m. r. Wharton Park, Earl ot Lons dale ... KIRKBY STEPHEN, see above to BROUGH, as above 245 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 2J6 Miles. OR, 2 13$ Tb York Gate, as p 229 213} R. to Thirsk, 6$ m. R. to Northallerton, 12 m, 215} R- to Cattrrick, 12$ m. 220 NOSTERFIELD 221 r. SnapePark 223 Cross the Ure River 223$ MASHAM, Tues. King's Head 1*2 Houses, 1022 Inhab. 225} Low Ellington 22 7} it. 1 m. Kilgrim, or the Devil's Bridge 218$ R- Jervoise Abbey 230$ East Whitton 230} Cover Bridge Cross the Cover River Enter Wensley Dale L. [to Middleham, Monday, 155 Houses, 728 Inhabitants 1 m. :=231$ m.from London] 231 Ulshaw Bridge Cross the Ure River 232} Spennythorne r. Seat of Col. Strawbenzer l. Seat of W.Chater, Esq. r. 2 m. Constable Burton, Rev. C. WyvUl 233} Harnby 234} LeYEUrn r. to Richmond, 7 m. l. Seat of J Yaiker, Esq. R. Seat of — Thornborough,Esq. Miles.235} Wensley 236} R.Bolton Hall, M.ofWinchester 239$ Redmire 1. l m. Temple, J. Anderson, Esq. R. to Richmond, 9} m. r. 1 m. Castle Bolton 241} Carperby 244$ Wood Hall 246$ ASKRIGG, Thurs. Red Lion 176 Houses, 761 Inhab. 247$ l. to Settle, 24 m. 251?} Hardraw 251} L. [to Hawes, Saturday, 272 Houses, 1223 Inhab. f$m.n253 m.from London] 254} Thwaite Bridge Cross the Ure River 256 l. to Sedbergh, io$m. 257$ Helbeck Lund 258} Nell Gill Bridge CC.cstmorcIanu. 260} Cr anbury" Hall 262 Castle Thwaite 262$ Pendragon Castle 263} Cross the Eden River 264$ l. Wharton Park, E. of Lonsdali 264} Nateby r. to Richmond, 29$ m. 266 KIRKBY STEPHEN, see p.243 270} to BROUGH, as p. 244, 4} m. LONDON to NORTHALLERTON, by Bokoughbridge. Miles. Mile 206 210 To BOROUGHBRIDGE, as p 228 DlTCHFORDl. Newby- Park, Lord Eldon 212$ Cross the Swale River 212J Topcdffe R. to Thirsk, 5 m. 215} Busby Stoop l. to Ripon, 7} m. r. to Thirsk, 3} m. 216^ Sandhltton ai8$ Newso.me 220 South Ottrixgton l. Newby Wiske, W. Revely, Esq. 221} North Ottrington l. Sobergate, R. Hutton, Esq. l. see Homby Castle, D.of Leeds 224 l. to Bedale, 7 m. 224} NORTHALLERTON, Wed. Golden Lion, King's Head 472 Houses, 2138 Inhab. L. to Darlington, 16 m. L. to Richmond, 1 4} to, r. to Thirsk, 8^ m. R 2 247 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 248 LONDON to PATELY Miles. 194 To WETHERBY, as page 228 197 SpofforthCross the Nidd River 201} KNARESBOROUGH, Wed. ' Crown & Bell, Elephant fif Castle, Hart's Horns, Horse 766 Houses, 3388 Inhab. i. Coghill Hall, Countess of Co- nyngham See the Castle and Dropping Well FF 5 jt. to York, 18 m. r. to Boroughbridge, 7 m. L. to High Harrowgate, 2 m. BEIDGE, by Wetherby. Miles. L. to OiJey, 14 m. 202} Over Scotton Moor 205 Nidd r. Nidd Hall, — Trapps, Esq. 206$ RIPLEY, Friday, Star, 58 Houses, 270 Inhab. 1.. Ripley Hall, Sir J. Ingleby it. to Ripon, 7} to. l. to Leeds, 19 m. 209 Burnt Yates 214$ Wilsei.l R. to Ripon, 10 m. 215} Pately Bridge L. to Grassington, 10 m. LONDON to BELLINGHAM. Miles.342} To Greta Bridge, as page 234 l. Rookby Park, J. B. Morrett, Esq. 244 l. to Bowes, 4\ m. 246$ L.to Bowes, 4 m. Cross the Tees River iDurnam. 246} BERNARD CASTLE, Wed. 312 Houses, -29(56 Inhab. r. to Darlington, 18 m. r. to Staindrop, 5}m. r. 2 m. Streatlam Castle, Earl of Strathmore R. 4 m. Raby Park, E. of Dar lington 353} West Pitts r. Lynsack, J. Coates, Esq. 362$ Cross the Wear River 262} WOLSINGHAM, Tuesday, Queen's Head, 398 Houses, 1 834 Inhab. r. l m. Bishop Oak, R. Curry, Esq. and Fawn Leeses, G. Wooler, Esq. r. to Durham, 1 5 m-. R. to West Auckland, 11m. t. to Aldsloue Moor, 26 m. Over Wolsingham Common 968} Qolp Hill Miles.271 muggleswick 272 Earls Bridge Cross the Derwent River JBortbumbctlanti. 279 R. to Gateshead, 1 7 to. 280} R. to Corbridge, } to. 284} HEXHAM, Tuesday, Bull, Golden Lion, 4 87 Houses, 3427 Inhab. L.The Abbey, Col. Beaumont L. to Allondale, 9 £ to. L. to Haltwhistle, 14} m. 285 Cross the Tyne River r. 2 m. Beaufront, J. Errington, Esq. 288} Picts Wall 288} R. to Newcastle, 20} m. l. to Brampton, 26 m. l. 1 m. Chesters, — Clayton, Esq. 290 Chollerton r. to Morpeth, 24} m. r. to Alnwick, 32} m. r. to Wooler, 40} m. r. Swinburn Castle, R. Riddell, Esq. 291 Barrisford 291} L.lm. Nunwick Park, J.Algood, Esq., 292 r, Chipchase Castle, Col. Reid 24$ Roads measured from Hicks' Ha'll. 350 Miles. sg5} Cross the North Tyne River 295} Wark r.2 m. Tone, W. Hodgson, Esq. Miles. 297 300 L. Lee Hall, — Charlton, Esq. BELLINGHAM, Tuesday, 70 Houses, 337 Inhab. LONDONto ABBEY HOLME, through Wigton. Miles. 983} To PENRITH, as page 235 289 Huttonr. Hutton Hall, J. Huddleston, ' Esq. R.lm. Hutton Park, Sir F.Vane L.3 m. Graystock Park & Castle, Duke of Norfolk 293 J l. to Hesket Newmarket, 3 m. 296} Sebergham Cross the Caldew River 297$ L.WamellHall.T. Denton, Esq, r. 3 m. Rose Castle, Bp. of Car lisle «. 4 m. Holme Hill, T. Holmes, Esq. Miles. R.6m. Dalstone Hall, and Cutn- mersdale, J. Sowerby, Esq. 298 r. to Carlisle, 9} m. L. to Cockermouth, l J m. 299} Rosley L.3m. Clea Hall, SirH. Fletcher 304} WIGTON, see page 200 r. 3 m. Crofton Place, Sir J. Briscoe 306} Ware Bridge Cross the Waver River 310} Abbey Holme, founded by K. David L of Scotland 110 Houses, 590 Inbab. LONDON to HALTWHISTLE. Miles.283} To PENRITH, as page 235 386} Edenhall 386} r. Edenhall Hall, Sir J. C. Mus- - grave 287} Cross the Eden River 287} LoNGWATHBY r. 3 m. Skirwith Abbey, J. Yates, Esq. 291} Melmerby x. The Hall, T. Pattenson, Esq. r. Gate Hall 295} Hartside Cross 302 ALDSTONE MOOR, Sat. 317 Houses, 3626 Inhab. r. to Wolsingham, 26 to. it. to Hexham, 20 m. 304§ /Borthumbetfanu. 304} Whitley L.Whitley Castle 306} Thornhope 308} Knarsdale 308} Cross the South Tyne River 312 Featherstone Castle 3J4* HALTWHISTLE, Thursday, 104 Houses, 453 Inbab. Miles. r. to Hexham, ism. L. to Brampton, 13 m. 246} To BERNARD CASTLE, as page 247 251 Eglestone 254 Middleton Teesdale 255 LonningHead 256} Newbiggin 258 Ash Hill 263 Harwood 267$ Cumbetlsnn. 267§ Carrigillqate 27 1 ALDSTONE MOOR, see p.24» 383} to HALTWHISTLE, as p. 249, 1-2} TO. 254} To Harperlev Lane Head, as page 230 255} L.Harperley Lodge, G.Pearson, Esq. 256 Cross the Eals Beck -y>i Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 252" Mil, a. 256} 357 258| 261} 262$ 364 365 L.lni. Greenwell Hill, J. Green- well, Esq. r. Bradley Hall, T. Bowes, Esq. Cross the Houslip Beck it. New Hall, J. Garth, Esq. WOLSINGHAM, see page 247 Frosterley l. Rogerly Hall, R.Wright, Esq. Stanhote l. Unthank, — Tweddle, Esq. and' — Hildyard, Esq. L. 1 m. Newlandsidc- Hall, T. Harvey, Esq. Cross the Stanhope Beck r. Stanhope Castle, E.of Carlisle Mi'es. 266} East Gate Cross the Rookhope Beck ,269} West Gate Cross the Middlebope Beck 27 1 Cross the Wear River 271$ St. John's Weakdale 274 Cows Hill 278$ Kilhope Cross <&umbztiariB. 279} Neant Head 284} ALDSTONE MOOR, see p.249 297 to HALT WHISTLE, as p, 249, 12} m. LONDON to THIESK, by Nottingham, Sheffield, and Leeds. Miles. Miles. 25 To Wf.lwyn, as page 222 R. to Stevenage, 6} m. L. to Si. Albans, 8m. 1.. St. John's Lodge, Gtn. Cuyler 26j Codicotel. )}m. Ayot St. Lawrence, Sir G. Bblton r.. -2} m. Lumer House, C. D. ' Gerard, Esq. 28$ R. Knebworth House, R. Lytton, Esq. . l. 1} m. The Hoo, Hon. T. Brand 29} Langley > 1.. ImWaldenbury, Hon.G. Bruis L. 1$ m. Stagenhoc Park, T. Hay- shum, Esq. 31$ Chapel Foot 33} k. to Stevenage, 4i m. l. The Priory, Lady F. RatcliiTe 34 HITCHIN, Tuesday, Sun, 674 Houses,, 3161 Inhab. h. to Bnldock, 5 m. 1.. Offley Place, Lady Salusbury 35} it. Ickleford Hou .:, T. Cockayne, Esq. Eeafbtosbire. 37 l. Highdown House, E. H. Delme, Esq. 40$ R. to Ba/dnrk, A to. r. to Biggleswade, 6 m. 41 r. to Si. Neot's, 1 i}m. Shefford, George r. 1} m. Southill House, Sam. Whitbread, Esq. 43$ Deapmams Cross Turntike 46 Herring Gheln 46| Cardington Cotton End r. Seat of J. Whitbread, Esq. 47} Harrowden 48 R. to St. Neot's, 11 m. 49} L. to Luton, 20 m. L. to Ampthill, 8 m. 50 BEDFORD, Tues. & Sat. G:orge, Star, Swan 600 Houses, 3948 Inhab. Cross the Ouse River r. to St. Neot's, 12 m. R, to Huntingdon, 23} m. 50$ L. to Olney, 10 m. 52$ Clapham Turnpike 54 l. Oakley House, D.of Bedford 55 MlLTON EltNYS b6\ Bletsoe . 58 l. I'm. Sharnbrooke, J. Gibbard,, Esq. \ 58$ 1.. l}m. Colworth, W. L. Anto. nie, Esq. h. i}m. Bletsoe Park, Lord St. John 60 Knotting Turnpike l, to Kettering, lyFinedon, 1 3'J m 2yn Roads trifasured from Hicks' Hall. 254 Miles. 6 1 } jffiorthamiJtORSfiife. R. Higham Park 63} Rushden «. Seat of T. Fletcher, Esq. l. l,m. Knaston Hall, Lady Cave 6 r. to Thrapston, 7 m. 72} Barton Seagrave ,t. Seats of C. Tibbet, Esq. and J. Sibley, Esq. 73} i.. to Wellingborough, 6 m. 74} KETTERING, Saturday, George, White Hurt 6uo Houses, 3011 Inhab. L. to Rnthwell, 4 m. L. to Market Harborough, 1 1$ m.. r. to Stamford, 2-2} m, r. 3 m. Boughton House, D. of Buccleugh 76} R.2m. Geddington, R.Lockwood, Esq. L. i m. Glendon Hall, R. Booth, Esq. 79$ Oakley New Inn «. to Weldon, 4 m. n .at Great Oakley, R.SuppIe, Esq. 79} Enter Rockingham Forest l. Pickwell Abbey,Gen.Harcourt S3J Rockinghamr. to Market Harborough, gm. l. Rockingham Castle, Lord Sondes l. 2 m. Cailton, Lord Sondes l, i >x m. Middleton, H. Boulton, Esq. H..4-m. Harringworth Park Cross the Welland River — JSiiRanDshire. 8-1} Cross the Eye River 644 Caldecot 87} Cross the Race Ground 89 Uppingham, Wed. Falcon 277 Houses, 1393 Inhab. R. to Stamford, 12 m. R. to Peterborough, 22 m. l. to Leicester, 19} m. r.2 m. Glayston House, G.Wat son, Esq. 80} L. 1 m. Ayston House, G. B. Brudenell, Esq. 90} Preston 92£ Manton r.2} m. Lynden Hall,T. Barker, Esq. R. 4 m. Normanton Park l. at Martinsthorpe, E. of Den bigh L. Scat of N. Chesclden, Esq. 95} OAKHAM, Sat. Crown, George. 225 Houses, 1056 Inhab., -^ it. to Grantham, 20 m. it. to Stamford, 12 m. l. to Loughborough, 10 m, L.Catmos Lodge,G. N. Edwards,' Esq. «, 2 m. Burleigh on the Hill, E. of Winchelsea R.4 m. atCotsmore, SirW.Low- ther 96i Barleythorpk 97} Lanoham 99 n.Whissenden, E of Harborough 100 H.eicester0pire. lor r. at Stapleford, Lord Sherrard 102} Burton Lazars 104} Cross' the Wreak River 'Cross the Oakham Canal 105 MELTON MOWBRAY, Tues. Swan, 348 Houses, 7166 Inhab. R. to Grantham, 16 m. I. to Leicester, 15$ m. 107} Abkettleby . 110} Nether Broughton 255 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 253 j79otrinBhsmal)ire. Miles. 111$ill} Over Broughton i l -2 1 l. Seat of F. Morris, Esq. 113$ L. Seat of J. Darby, Esq. 714} r. to Newark, 18 m. 118 Plumtree r. Seat of W. Hallam , Esq. 120 Edwalton 122 L. to Loughborough, 14} m. 122$ R. to Newark, 18} to. 122} Cross the Trent River 123$ Cross the Grantham Canal 133} NOTTINGHAM, Wed. & Sat. Blackmoor'sHead,WhitelAon 5077 Houses, 28861 Inhab. L. to Ashliy de la Zouch, 19} m. L. to Derby, 15 m. L. to Alfreton, 16 m. see the Castle, D. of Newcastle 126$ Day Brook 127} Red Hill Enter Sherwood Forest 138} n. to Southwell, 8} m. r.2 m. Sherwood Hall, H.Cope, Esq. 132} The Hutt l. Newstead Abbey, Lord Byron 136} R. Bury Hill, T.Walker, Esq. l. to Derby, 21 m. 137} MANSFIELD, Thursday, Crown, Swan . 1245 Houses, 5988 Inhab. I. to Alfreton, 9 to. 1.. to Matlock, 16 m. 11 . to Southwell, 12 m. r. to Newark, 19} m. r. to Worksop, 12 m. r. Shirewood Hall, J. Popple, Esq. r. 3 m. Cavendish Lodge & Park 140$ Pleasley Hill iDerbrahirc. 140} Pleasley 141 n. [to Bolsover, Friday, 259 Houses, 1 091 Inhabitants 4 m.=l45 m. yi-om London] 143 Glapwell r. Seat of B. Hallews, Esq. ».3 m. Bolsover Castle, Duke of Portland Miles.144} Heath l.2 m. Hardwick Hall, Duke of Devonshire 145 R.im. Sutton Hall, J.H.Clarke, Esq. 146} NORMANTON 148} Hasland i..2m.Wingerworth, SirH.Hun- locke 149} Cross the Rother River L. to Derby, 23} m. 150 CHESTERFIELD, seep. 188 151 it. The Hill, J. Wilkinson, Esq. &Tapton Grove, AJebb, Esq. 152 Whittington 154j Unstone 156 DRONFIELD, Thursday, 243 Houses, 1182 Inhab. 159 Norton Wood Seats r. 1 m. Oaks, J. Bagsbaw, Esq. iflo-J r. Meersbrook, S. Shore, Esq. 160} Healy 161 Cross the Sheaf River 2?OtB0nire. 161} Little Sheffield l. to Buxton, 23} m. L. to Tideswell, 1 7 to. l. to Chapel in le Frith, 1 9} m. 162} SHEFFIELD, Tuesday, Angel, Tontine,' 7 161 Houses, 31314 Inhab. r. to Worksop, 1 9} m. L. to Peniston, 13 to. r. to Mansfield, 21 m. Cross the Don River it. to Rotheram, 6 to. rl. Jo Tickhill, 16} m. r. to Worksop, by Atlercliffe, 18 m. 163} Pitts Moor 164} R. Page Hall, — Greaves, Esq. 164} R. Brush House, — Booth, Esq. 165$ R.l m. Grange, E.ol Effingham 167 ecclesf1eld 168$ Chapel Town r. to Rotheram, 5} m. l. to Peniston, u$ to. l. Housley Hall l. 1 m, Mortomley, — Parkin, Esq. I69J Wood Hill S>5f Roacs measured from Hicks' Hall. 258 Miles. R. 2 m. Wentworth House, Earl Fitzwilliam K. to Rotheram, 6$ m. 171} Hangman Stone 173 Worsborouh l. Seat of F. Edmunds, Esq. 174 1. 1 m. Wentworth Castle; Rt. Hon. T. Conolly 1?4$ Bank-Top Inn r. Bank Top House, C. Bowns, Esq. - l. Ouztethwaite, W. Elmhurst, Esq. 174} R. to Doncaster, 14}m. l. to Peniston, 8}m. 175} BARNSLEY, Wednesday, White Bear, 722 Houses, 8606 Inhab. l. 5,m. Cannon Hall, W. S. Stanhope, Esq. 1, 40 ffuddersfield, 17 m. l. to Peniston, 8} m. 176$ Cross the Barnsley Canal 176} Old Mill Inn Cross the Dearn River 177} l. New Lodge, J. Carr, Esq. 179$ Stainc.ross 1 80} l. Wolley Park, G. Wentworth, . . Esq. i,3m. Brettpn.Park, T. R. Beau mont, Esq. 182} New Miller Dam r. Chevet, Sir T. Pilkington L83 «. Pleadwick Hall, J. Roberts, Esq. L.Kettlcfhorpe, J.Armitage,Esq. 183} Millthorpe n. Wobdthorpe, J.Wood, Esq. 184$ Sandallr. Seat of H. Zouch, Esq. l. 2-m. Lupset Hall, — Rams- den, Esq. 185$ n. to Pontefract, 8 m. if. to Doncaster, 19 m. Cross the Calder River LiThorns House, J. Milnes, Esq. 186$ WAKEFIELD, Thurs. & Fri. Strafford Arms, White Hart, 1802 Houses, 8131 Inhab. . - -. r. to West Garfotrth,^ m. I., to Hiiddersfield, 19} m. L. to Halifax, 16 m. Miles. 186} L. to Bradford, 13}m. 187$ Newton R.im. Hatfield Hall, J. H. Kaye, 190 191 194195 195$ 197} 198 199$ 200§ 203$ 204$205208}211 211$ r. 2 m. Neyvland Hall, Sir E. Smith Loft House l. Thorpe, Miss Procter l. 2 m. Middleton Lodge, J. ' Brambling, Esq. Cross the Selby Canal k. see Methley Park, E- of Mex- bprcragh Hunslet l. to Halifax, by Beeston, i 6 TO. I. to Huddersfield, 15 m. Cross the Air River LEEDS, Tues. & Sat. Golden Lion, Hotel, King's. Arms, Rose and Crown, Talbot 11599 Houses, 53162 Inhab. r.3 m. Temple Newsome, Lady Irvine L. to Bradford, 10 m. L. to Oiley, 9} m. k . to Selby, 20} m. k. to Tadcaster, 14$ m. r. to Abberford, 6}m. Potter Newton Chatel AllertOn r. Gledhow, J. Dixon, Esq. Moor Town Cross Black Moor Alwoodley Gate l. Alwoodley Hall Harewood, Harewood Arms L. Harewood House, Lord Hare wood r. to Tadcaster, 10} m. L. to Wetherby, s\ or6iBhire. 156' TICKHILL, Friday, ¦ 273 Houses, 1104 Inhab. r. to Bawtry, 4 m. l. to Rotheram, lb}m. r, The Castle, Hon". F. Lumley 158} L. Wilsick, — Hyde, Esq^ 159 Wadworth 160 loversall S 2 •:-....,. 263 RbADS measured from Hicks' Hall, 264 Miles. R. Seat of H.J. Overton, Esq. 162 Balby l. to Rotheram, 10} m. Miles. L.2m. Cusworth,W.Wrightson, Esq. 163} DONCASTER, see page 227 LONDON to SOUTHWELL- Miles. 109} To LOUGHBOROUGH, as page 174 1 1 0 Cross the Leicester Navigation 110} Cross the Soar River ill Cotes r. Prestwobd, C.J. Pack, Esq. 112§ Hoton JiaottmBbaaicipire. Rempston l. 1 m. Stanford Hall, C. V. Dashwood, Esq. r. Seat of John Goodere, Esq. l. Seat of G.Wiiliams, Esq. and Castock, Lord Rancliffe Cortlingstock 117} BUNNEYr. Seat of Sir T. Parkins 118} Bradmore 120 rudd1ngt0n 123 r. to Melton Mowbray, 17 m. 113$ 114 115$ 123$123} 124} 124} 127}129 130 133} 136} 138 R. to Bingham, 7} to. r. to Newark, 1 8 m. Trent Bridgjs r. 1} m. Colwick Hall, J. Mus. ters, Esq. R. 4 m. Holme Pieriepont, Lord Newark Cross the Trent River Cross the Grantham Canal NOTTINGHAM, see page "255 Day Brook Red Hill l. to Mansfield, 8}m. Oxton r. Thorney Abbey L. to Mansfield, 1 1 m. L. Norwood Park, Sir R. Sutton SOUTHWELL, Saracen's Head 494 Houses,. 2305 Inhab. r . to Newark, 7 m. LONDON to SHREWSBURY, by Warwick and Birmingham. 'Miles. Miles. 89$ Cross the Warwick Canal 90 Lemington Priors 72} To DAVENTRY, as page 163 R. to Dunchurch, 8$ m. 74% Staverton 76} 23asrtoid&8?>ire. 78$ Lower Shuckbuhgh l. Shuckburgh Park, SirG.Evelyn 78} Cross the Oxford Canal twice 80 Napton l. SeatofRev.T.Bromfield SOUTHAM, Mon. Griffm, 192 Houses, 935 Inhab. l. to Banbury, I3$»i. R. to Coventry, I2}m. Cross the Watergill River r. Stoney Thorpe, F. Fauquire, Esq. 85} Upton 88$ Radford 83 84 go} Cross the Warwick Canal g2$ WARWICK, see page 154 92} Cross the Birmingham Canal 93 n. Wedgnock Park 95$ Hatton r. Residence of Dr. Parr L. to Birmingham, by Hockley^ 17 m. see page 151 ¦98$ Wroxhall r. Wroxhall House, T. Aston, Esq. - 102$ Cross the Birmingham Canal it. 1 m. Springfield House, R. Morland, Esq. 1QS Knowle, Mermaid 104} r. to Kenilworth, 10 m. 105 L.MalyernHall;H,G,Lewi9,Esq. 265 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall.. 266 105} SOLIHULL, Wednesday, 493 Houses, 2473 Inhab. 111^ Spark Brook l. to Warwick, byHockley, 1 9m. l. to Henley in Arden, 13} m. 113 BIRMINGHAM, see page 151 114} Hockley Brook r. to Walsall, 7j m. r. Packwood House, F. Dilkes, Esq. 115 a. Soho, M. Boulton, Esq. $taffbtusbire. 1 16 New Inn 117 Sandwell Green r. Sandwell Park, Earl of Dart mouth 118 Bromwich Heath 119 L. to Wolverhampton, 8 m. L. to Dudley, 5 m. J21 WEDNESBURY, Friday, 803 Houses, 4160 Inhab. r. to Walsall, 3 m. r. to Litchfield, 12 m. 122$ Darlaston r. to Walsall, 2} m. 124 BlLSTON 125} Cross the Birmingham Canal 126} WOLVERHAMPTON, Wed. Lion,- Swan 2533 Houses, 12565 Inhab. L. to Dudley, 5}m. l. to Stourbridge, 10 to. l. to Bridgenorth, 15 m. l. to Kidderminster, 15} m. R. to Walsall, 6 to. r. to Penkridge, 11m. 127$ Chapel Ash 128} Cross the Staff. &Worc Canal J29 Tettenhall k. to Newport, 16 m. u. Seats of F. Holyoake, Esq. and J. Pearson, Esq. 130} The Wergs 13i| r. Wrottesley Hall, Sir J. Wrot- tesley Shropshire. 132} Pepperhill l. Patishall, Sir G. Pigot 134$ Bo.NltiGALE Miles. r. 3 m. Kill's Hall, J. Bislvon, Esq. ». 4 m. Tong Castle, G. Durant, Esq. 138 Upton 139$ SHIFFNALL, Fri. Jemingham Arms, Red Lion, Talbot 257 Houses, 1141 Inhab. l. [to Madely Market, Fri. 943 Houses, 4758 Inhab. 4m. — 143$ m. from London] l. to Bridgenorth, 12 m. i..toShrewsbury,byLealey,19%m. or, by Colebrook Dale, 20$ an. 1,. to Much Wenlock, 10}m. k. Aston Hall, J . Moultrie, Esq. l. Manor House, SirW.Jerning- ham 139} l. Haughton Hall,G. B.Brooke, Esq. 142$ Priors Leigh r. Seats of B: Rowley, Esq. and W. Bishton, Esq. Cross the Shropshire Canal 143} Oaken Gates r. to Coventry, 48} m. 144} Ketley 145} Watling Street, Cock r. to Newport, 8 m. r. to Wellington, } m. r. to Drayton, 16 m. 147 Royal Oak l. to Shiffnall, by Lealey, 8 m. r. Orlton Hall, W. Clutlde, Esq. l. the Wrekin, the highest hill in Shropshire 149} Uppington 150} uckington 152$ L.to Shiffnall, by ColebrookDalt, 14} m. 1 • 152} Tern Bridge Cross the Tern River r. Attingham House, Lord Ber wick 153} Atcham Cross the Severn River 154 Chilton r. 1} m. Longnor Hall, R. Bur ton, Esq. 156$ St. Giles 157% to SHREWSBURY, as p. 117 267 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 26S SHMWSBURYtoLONDON. Mi le>. Miles. Watling Street 11} 6} Shiffnall 18$ 12} Wolverhampton 30} 13} Birmingham 44} Miles. Miles. 10 Knowle 54} 10} Warwick 65$ 9$ Southam 74} 10$ Daventry 84} 72} to Hicks' Hall, as page 170,157^ Miles. 134 134} 137} 140$140J 154} 158 158} 160$ 160}161} LONDON to To Weston under Lizard, as page 210 r. to Newport, 5} m. Shropshire. Crockley Bank Cross the Shropshire Canal Oaken Gates l. to Shiffnall, 4$ m. to SHREWSBURY, as p. 366, 14 ill. Albrightonl. to Ellesmere, 13 m. Harmer Hill k.i} m. Sanselt Park, J. Garner, Esq. l. to Ellesmere, 10 m. Broughton WHITCHURCH. Miles. r. Seat of R. Lvster, Esq. 164} WEM, Thnrs' White Horse 582 Houses, 30S? Inhab. L. to Ellesmere, 10} m. r. Seat of T. Dicken, Esq. 165$ l. Seat of R. Chambre, Esq. 165} Cremork 167 Edstaston r. Edstaston Hall,T.Payne,Esq. 168$ Cotton 171 Tilstock R.Damford Hall,T.Benyon,Esq. 172} L. to Newport, 21} m. . Cross the Ellesmere Canal 173$ R. to Newcastle, 22 m. L. to Ellesmere, 12} m. 173} WHITCHURCH, seep. 211 LONDONto OAKHAM. Miles. 51 52 53 55 y-i 56 57* To NEWPORT PAGNELL, as page 171 Cross the Ouse River L. to Northampton, l.'A TO. Cross the Ouse River Sherrington Emberton Cross the Ouse River Olney r. to Bedford, 11} m. l. to Stoke Goldington, 4 )». r. 1 m. Clifton, A. Small, Esq- L. lj m. Weston Underwood, G. Courtney, Esq. Warrington- 585 jft orrtwrnptonshire. 61 Bozeat - L. 2 m. Castle Ashby, E. of Nor thampton 64 Miles. l. Easton Mawditt, Lord Grey Wollaston st. Seat of Francis Dickins, Esq. 66 R. to Higham Ferrers, 4 m. 68 WELLINGBOROUGH, Wed. fli'iid 671 Houses, 8325 Inhab. l. Seat of Earl Brooke r. to Thrapston, 9} m. l. to Northampton, 10 m. 69} Great Harrowden l. Seat of Earl Fitzwilliam r. 2 m. Finedon, SirW. Dolben 71J Isham L.iin. Pytchley,T.Knightley,Esq. 74 it. to Thraoston, 9 to. r. to Hicham- Ferrers, 9$w. 7 5 KETTERING, see p. 253 S9} UPPINGHAM, as p. 254, 14-Jnt. 96" OAKHAM, as p. 254, lejni. 26g •Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. s;o OR, 73 To Clapton, as page 243 75 J i.. to Thrapston, 3} m. R. to Oundle, 3 art. 5*5} Lilfordr. Lilford Hall, Lady Lilford 76 .. Cross the Nen River 76$ PlLTON 80 Benefield 83 Deen Thorpe 84} Deen l. Deen Park, E. ef Cardigan Mile86}8S* 88} 91 9497 l. Harringworth Park Harringwortii Cross the Wetland River Eutlaitusfjire. Glaystonl. to Uppingham, 2 m. h. to Stamford, 10 m. R. to Peterborough, 20 to. Manton, see page 254 L. to Uppingham, 3}m. OAKHAM, see page 254 LONDON to BILLESDON. Miles. Miles 74^ To KETTERING, as/p. 253, or 85 as page 268, 75 m. it. to Uppingham, 14}m. 85$ 76} it. 1 m. Glendon Hall, R. Booth, Esq. i.lm. Thorpe Malso,T.C. Maun- 85} s;.* sell, Esq. 78} ROTHWELL 89} 79 R. 2 m. Rushton, Ld.Visc.Cullen SO Desborough n. Seat of Charles Joye, Esq. 90} 82 Hermitage, or Fox Inn 91} 821- it. l m. Dingley, J. Hungerford, 93}. Esq. 95} L.'lm. Braybrook, Rev. Dr .Young 84} R. to Rockingham, 9 m. Little Bowden l. to Northampton, ,16} m. Gross the Welland River MARKET HARBOROUGH, see p. 173 Halfway House l. to. Leicester, 12} m. Church Langton l. Langton Hall, Rev. Mr. Han- bury Tur Langton Shangton r. at Rollestone, H. Green, Escj. BILLESDON, Friday, 120 Houses, 580 Inhab. LONDON to NAMPTWICH. Miles, • ' Miles. 149 ToNEWCASTLEunderLine, 156* as page 167 151} Ke-ele 157 L.lm. Keele Hall,T.Sneyd, Esq. 152 Petper Street 157} 151} Finney 158 153^ Little Madeley :. L.toNamptwich,byWoore,l3%m. 159 L.to Whitchurch, I7}m. 160} L. to Drayton, 11} to. 163 155} Wrinehill 164 BETLEY, Tuesday, 141 Houses, 670 Inhab. Budgley Cheshire. Gosty Hill r . to Newcastle, ly Audley, 9 m. R.2m. Crewe Hall, J.Crewe,Eiq. The Hough , to Woore, 7} to. NAMPTWICH, see page 297 271 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 272 LONDON to RUGBY. Miles. 53 To STONEY STRATFORD, as page 163 Cro^s the Ouse River and Grand Junction Canal JBorthamptDnshire. 53$ l. to Towcester, 7} m. 54$ R.CQsgroye, Major Mansell 54} R.The Priory, G. Biggin, Esq. 56 Yardley Gobyon 57$ Grafton Regis 58 Cross the Tone River 58$ l. Stoke Park, Lady H.Vemon 58} Cross the Grand Junction Canal 5g} Rode 60$ New Inn 61 h. Courteen Hall, Si 1 W.Wake 64^ Queen's Cross r. to Newport Pagnell, 14 m. Mies. 6 5 NORTHAMPTON, see p. 172 67} R. Dallington, R. Blencowe, Esq. 70 Harleston l. Seat of R. Andrew, Esq. 71 L. AlthorpePark, Earl Spencer R. 1 m. Holmby House 73} East Haddon k. Seat of H. Sawbridge, Esq. 77 Wtest Haddon ?g| Crick 81 l. to Daventry, 7$ m. L. to Lutterworth, s} m. 81} Mlartoicfeshire. 82} Hill Morton 83} L. to Coventry, 14 to. 85 RUGBY, Saturday, Bear, George and Sheaf, Spread Eagle, 292 Houses, 1487 Inhab. LONDONto BEDFORD. Miles. 21 25} 29 *1$ 37} 39$40} 42$ 44^45$ 46} 49}51 To ST. ALBANS, as page 162 L.Rothamsted House,Mrs.Bennet Harpendenl. to Redburn, 1} m. GlBRALTER INN BeuforusfHre. R. Luton Hoo Park, M. of Bute LUTON, Monday, George, 612 Houses, 3095 Inhab. 1.. 1 m. Stockwood, J. Crawley, Esq. Crol's the Lea River Barton in the Clay Seats of the Rev. Mr. Hawkins, and J. Stuart, Esq. New Iwn Silsoe r. Wretjt Park, Lady Lucas Clophill l. to Ampthill, 3 m. West End k. Hawnes Place, Lord Carteret WlLLSHAMPSTEADElstowL. to Ampthill, 6} m. BEDFORD, see page 252 42$ To WOBURN, as page 171 throughWobum Park, D. of Bed ford 44$ Ridgemont 1.. Seat of T. Potter, Esq. 46} BOULTNING END L. Broghorough Park 46} l. Lidlington Park 48$ Mill Brook «. to Ampthill, l$m. r. Ampthill Great Park 49} R. to Ampthill, ]}m. 52 Kempston Hardwick 56 to BEDFORD, as p. 274, 4 th. OR, 33} To DUNSTABLE, as page 162 35 Hooohton Regis- r. Seat of G. Brandreth, Esq. 37$ Chai.grave 38$ toddingtok l. } m. Toddington Park, Sir M. Croraie 39$ Red Hill 41$ Westoning 273 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 2/4 Miles. 42} Flitwickr. Seat of Robert Trevor, Esq. 43} Den net. End 45$ AMPTHILL, Thursday, King's Arms, White Hart 240 Houses, l234Tnhab. l. to Woburn, 7} m. l. Ampthill Park, Earl of Upper Ossory Miles. r . Houghton Park,»D. of Bedford 46} r to Houghton Conquest, 1 m. 49 Kempston Hardwick- 51$ n. Elstow Lodge, S. Whitbread, Esq. 51} Elstow r. to Luton, ]8$m. r. to St. Neot's, 12} m. 53 BEDFORD, see page 252 LONDON to BUXTON. Miles. aa 139} To ASHBORN, as page 175 140} Sandy Brook 142$ Bentley 143$ TlSSINGTON r. Seat of — Fitzheibert, Esq. L. to Cheadle, 13 m. 145 New Inn 145} l. to Cheadle, 14} m. 147 R ¦ to Winster, 5 m. 148 Newhaven it. to Bakewell, 7 m. k. to IVinster, 5 m. R . to Chesterfield, 17 m. R. to Mansfield, 27 m. L. to Cheadle, 1 7-J an. L. to Longnor, 3$ to. r. to Bakewell, 6 m. 152}.Hurdlow House 153} Street House 156 r . to Bakewell, 9} m. 156$ L. to Longnor, 3 to. l. to Leek, 12}to. 15g} BUXTON, ^ngeL Eagto and Child, George, Grove, Hall, New Stables, White Hart 180 Houses, "60 Inhab. r. to Sheffield!, 24 m. ». to Tideswell. 6} m. L. to Leek, 1 2 to. l, to Congleton, 16 m. l. to Macclesfield, 10 m. i. to Stockport, 16 m. 149 152$ llgj To LITCHFIELD, as page 165 l . to Rudgbey, 7} m. 120} *. Elmhurst Hall, F. P. Elliott, Esq. Miles. 121$ 122} 123$124} 125$ 126 J 128 f 129}130}134$ 136}143} 145$ 146} 147}148148} 148} wg151 R. to Sudbury, 14 m. h. to Ashborn, 21} m. l. Hanch Hall, T. Patton, Esq. HansacreCross the Trent River Hill Ridware Blithbury Cross' tbe Blith River ABBOTS BROMLEY, Mon. 202 Houses, 808 Inhab. L.lm. Blithfield Hall,Xd. Bagot L.lm. LoxleyPark,C.Kinnersly, Esq. UTTOXETER, see page 202 WUpperTean, as p. 202 L. HuntleyHall, P. Bulkely, Esq. CHEADLE, Friday, Royal Oak, Wheatsheaf 577 Houses; 2750 Inhab. L. to Stone, 10 m. 1.. to Newcastle, lln, k. to Ashborn? 12 m. l. to Leek, 10} m. R.lm. Hales Hall, N.Kirkman, Esq. L. 2 m. Dilhorne Hall, Sir F. B. Yarde k. 4 m. Cotton Hall, T. Gilbert, Esq.& Fairly HalliCBill, Esq. r. Woodhead, J. Jeffery, Esq. R.Thomberry HrII, J. May, Esq. l. Shaw House, J.Ueech, Esq. Holt - l. to Newcastle, 11 m. R. to Ashborn, 9 are. Cross the Caldon Branch 11. Railway to Caldon Cross the Chumet River l. 1 m. Belmont, J.Snevd, Esq T 275 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. Miles. 151$ Ipstones 153$ Bottom House R. to Ashborn, 10 an. L. to Leek, 4},m. 154} Onecote . 157} it. to Bakewell, 14 m. R. to Winster, lojm. 160$ Broadham Oak 276 Miles. 162$ Longnor l. to Leek, g} m. R. to Bakewell, 10} TO. 16.3$ JDernHspite. 165$ n. to Ashborn, 16} m. R. to Bakewell, 10 m. 167$ BUXTON, see page 2?3 .:¦:;: london Miles,137 To Sandon, as page 166 L. to Stone, 4 m. 140} HlLDERSTON n. Hilderston Hall it, to Draycott, 4 to. 144 11. to Cheadle, 6 an. l. to Stone, 4 to. 145 Meer Lane l. to Newcastle, 6 m, r . to Cheadle, 5} m. 146 We-ston Coyney • l. Park Hall, T. Parker, Esq. - r. Caverswall, Hon. Booth Grey l. to Newcastle, 7 m. to LEEK. Miles, 148} L. Fox Earth, Capt. Pigott 149 Cellar Head r. to Cheadle, 4 j m. l. to Newcastle, 8} m. 150 Wetley Rock r. 2 m. Belmont, J. Sneyd, Esq. R. to Cheadle, 5 m. 152 r.i m. Bassford, W.Mills, Esq. 152} Cheadleton Cross the Caldon Canal 1 52} Cross the Churnet River 154} Cornhill 1 55} LEEK, see page 1 7 5 LONDONto KENDAL. ' M-iles. 18018l} 182$ 182} 185 186} -189} a 90} 191} 192}194}195 198$ ToFairburn, as page 228 R; to Selby, g}m. L. Ledston Hall, Earl of Hunt ingdon Peckfield r. to Abberford, 4 m. l. 2 m. Kippax Park, Mrs.Bland West Gahforth R.lm. Barrowby, C.Smith, Esq. l. to Wakefield, 9 to. Whitchurch l. 1 m. Temple Newsam, Vis countess Irwin Haltonr. to Tadcaster, 12} m. Black Bank LEEDS, see page .2 5 8 Hedingley. .1.. New Grange, — Buck, Esq. r. Weetwood, Mrs. Wade Cookridge r. Seat of Sir C. Sheffield Miles. 1991 204} 206} 208} 211$ 217 it. to Ripley, 13}m. R. Bramhope, C. Smith, Esq. OTLEY, Tuesday, Black Horse, VVhite Horse 550 Houses, 2332 Inhab. r. to Harewood, 8j m. it. to Knaresborough, 14 m. R.2m. Farnley Hall,W. Fawkes, Esq. Burley r. Weston, W. Vavasour, Esq. r. Denton Hall, Sir J. Ibbetson Ilkley , l. the Cold Baths on the top of the Hill R. Middleton Lodge,W. Midile- ton, Esq. Addingham Cross Romells Moor SKIPTON, Saturday, Black Hoxse, New Inn 509 Houses, 2305 Inhab. 277 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 278 l. to Keighley, 9} an. L. to Ctitheroe, 19} an. L. to Colne, 10 m. r. to Knaresborough, 23 m. k. to Harrowgate, 20 m. r. The Castle, Earl Of Thanet 218} Sturton 219 Thorlby 220} Holme Bridge Cross the Leeds & Liverp. Canal 221} Gargrave R.l m. Eshton Hall, M.Wilson, Esq. and FlashbyHall, Rev. J. Preston 223 Cross the Air River 223} Cold Coniston 226} Hallifield Cochins l. Peel, J. Hammerton, Esq. s.. l m. Halton Place, T. Yorke, Esq. 228} Long Preston 232} SETTLE, Tuesday, Golden Lion, Spread Eagle, 234 Houses, 1136 Inhab. R . to Askrigg, 23} an. R,l m. Langcliffe Hall, E. Clay ton, Esq. l. Marshfield, Mrs. Parker 233 Cross the Ribble River R.Slackhouse, W. Clapham, Esq. 233} GlGGLESWICKl. Beck Hall, Mrs. Backhouse it. Belle Hill, A. Lister, Esq. 234 k. the ebbing and flowing Well 236 L.LawklandHall,J.Ingleby,Esq. 237} R.atAustwick,C.&T.Ingleby, Esqrs. 239} Claphamf. Ingleborough Mountain 5270 feet, and Whanside Moun tain 5332 feet in height 240} Newby 243} Ingleton, Bay Horse h. to Askrigg, 20 m. l, to Lancaster, lam. 244$ Thornton l. Halstead, Mrs. Foxcroft 247} ttancashire. r. Hipping Hall, E. Tatham, Esq. 248 Cowan Bridge Miles. r. Seat of C. Picard, Esq. R.l m. Leek, G.Welsh, Esq. 249} l. to Horidy, 6} m. L. to Lancaster, 1 5} m. 249} r. to Sedbergh, 10} m. ffitiaestmorclanu. Cross the Loyne River 250$ KlRKBYLONSDALE,seep.lg6 251J Kearswick R.im. Casterton Hall,C.Wilson, Esq. 253} Old Town 257} Old Hutton 258} Chapel House l. Blease Hall 261 l. to Burton, 10 m, 26 1} Cross the Lancaster Canal 262 Cross the Ken River L. to Burton, 10} m. 262$ KENDAL, see page 179 140} 141141} 144147} 148}149 14 9 } To Pleasley, as page 255 l. to Chesterfield, 9 m. Stoney Houghton 1.. to Bolsover, 1 m. l. Bolsover Castle, D.of Portland Clown «. to Worksop, 6} an. l. to Chesterfield, 8} m. Knitacre l. Barlborough Hajl, C. Rhodes, Esq. IFor&shire. R. to Worksop, 1 of are. l. to Sheffield, 7$ m. R. Aston Hall, Mrs.Verelst Aughton l. Gilthwaite Hall, — Westby, Esq. 157} Whiston l. 1 m. Howorth Hall, Miss Westby 157} L. to Sheffield, 6 m. R. to Tickhill, g| m. 159} ROTHERAM, Monday, Crown, Red Lion, 704 Houses, 3070 Inhab. r. Moorgate, S Tucker, Esq. T 2 149} 154} 155} 15«} 279; Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 2SO Miles. l. to Sheffield, 6 m. l. Walker's lion & Steel Works R. to p.mieasler, 12 m. Cross the Don River L. to Peniston, 15$m. R.2m.Aldwarke,J.Foljambe,Esq, 160$ it. i arr House, J.'Fenton, Esq. l. Grange Hall, E.of Effingham 161$ Greasborodgh 162$ Netherhaugh 1,63} Cortworth ,1. , i. Wentworth House, Earl Fitz- william ' ¦ 164} Wentworth 166 L. to Sheffield, 7} m. L. Tankersley Park 167} Hangman's Stone, ,-.-. 171} to BARNSLEY, as- page 257 R. to Wakefield, 10}an,, 175 Darton 175§ r, Biaithwaite Hall, M. Shel- ton, Esq. L.2m. Cannon Hall'.W. S. Stan hope, Esq; 176} l. Haigh Hall, T. Cotton, Esq. 177$ Cross the Dearn River 178$ Bretton l, The Park, T. Beaumont,Esq. 179} Midgely iso}. Cold Henley 181$ Hill Top r. to Wakefield, 6} m. 182 Flockton . R.The Grange, Sir J. L. Kaye 183}. r. to Wakefield, 7} an. ¦ 184} Lepton 185} Highgate'Laner . W h itleyHaH, R.H .Beaumont, Esq. L. to Peniston, g} m. . L. to Sheffield, 23 m. J 86 L. Woodsham Hall, E. of Dart mouth 187 ' Almondbury 188 Mold Green 188} Cross the Coin River 189 HUDDERSFIELD, Tuesday, George, Swan, 1398 Houses, 726H Inhab. R. to .Wakefield, 13 m. I,, to Stockport, 28 to. r.. to Chapel in le Frith, 27$ m. Miles. l. to Manchester, 25} an. 189§ 11. to Leeds, 14} m. igi l. Fixby Hall.T.Thomhill, Esq. 191} Gelly Royd r.2 m. Kirklees Hall, Sir G. Ar- mitage R. to Leeds, 13} m. R. to Wakefield, 13$ m. 194 Ealand r. to Leeds, 15$ an. L. to Rochdale, 14} an. 194$ Cross the Calder River 195$ Salter Heurle Bridge 195} Skircote Green 197 HALIFAX, Saturday, Talbot, White Lion 1975 Houses, 8886 Inhab. r. to Bradford^ 8} m. r. to Leeds, 1 5 J m. r. to Wakefield, 16 m. L. to Manchester, 25 m- L. to Todmorden, 12 m. 198$ Ovenden 199} Illingworth r. New House, J. Mitchell, Esq. 202} Denholme Gate through Denholme Paik 205} CULL1NGW0RTH k. to Bradford, 6}m. L. to Colne, 1 2} m. 207} Hainwohth Shaw 209 KEIGHLEY, Wednesday, Devonshire Arms, New Inn 1282 Houses, 5745 Inhab. r. to Bradford, 10 m. 212 Steeton r. Seat of J. B. Garforth, Esq. 213J Eastburn 214 Cross Hills L.to Colne, 8}m. l. 2 m. Car Head, W.Wainman, Esq. 214$ Cross the Air River, and Leeds and Liverpool Canal 214} Kildwick 1 . 217} Snaygill Cross the Leeds & Liverp. Canal 219 SKIPTON, see page 276 234-1 to SETTLE, as p. 277, ]5}an. 252$ to KIRKBY LONSDALE, asp. 278,. - 17}»- 264$ to KENDAL, as p. MS, 12 a* 281 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 282 Miles. OR, 167 To Red House, as page 227 168$ Hampole 171 North Elmsall 172 l. Elmsall Lodge, H. Fane, Esq. 1 7 3 - R. Badsworth Hall, J . P. Neville, Esq. 174} Ackworth Moor Top n. 2 m. The Park, Countess of Mexborough 176 Wragby r. Nostal Hall, Sir R. Wynne 1.2m. Newstead, J.Naylor, Esq. 1/7$ FOLDBYR.Sharleston,E.ofWestmoreland 178$ Crofton l. Crofton Place, Sir H.Wilson 178} R. to Pontefract, 5} m. 180$ Cross the Barnsley Canal 181$ L. to Barnsley, 9 m. Cross the Calder River 182 WAKEFIELD, see page 257 191 to LEEDS, as page 25 8, 9 m. 192} Burley 194 Kirkstall Bridge R.am. Horsfonh,T. Lloyd, Esq. Cross the Air River i. Wither, — Todd, Esq. and Armley Rigg, Mrs. Rhodes 197 Stanningley 200} BRADFORD, Th. Sun, Talbot, 1368 Houses, 6393 Inhab. 1,. to Halifax, 8} m. i« to FPakefield, by Tingley, 14m. 1.. to Huddersfield, 17 m. 203$ R. Heaton, J. Field, Esq. 203} L. to Colne, 16 to. 204$ COTTINGLEY R. Seat of H.Wickbam, Esq. 205} COTTINGLEY BRIDGE Cross the Air River 206} B1NGLEY, Tuesday L. Myrtle Grove, J. A- Buisfield, Esq. L.lm. St Ives, B. Ferrand, Esq. •208 s.. Rushforth Hall, W. Wttlett,. Esq. 210 Cross the Air River 211 KE1GHLEY, see page 380 221 to SKIPTON, as p. 280, 10m. 236} to SETTLE, as p. 277, 15} m. 254$ to KIRKBY LONSDALE, asp. 278, _. 17} TO. 266$ to KENDAL, as p. 278, 12 m. 185}187 188$ 189} 190} 19li192} 196 202206$216$ 231} 249§261* To WAKEFIELD, as above R. to Leeds, 9 m. East Ardesley TlNGLEY L.Westerton, J.Wood, Esq. l. Howley Hall, late D.of Mon tague Bruncliffe r. to Leeds, 4} to. l. to Huddersfield, 10$ m. L. to Halifax, 10 m. AdwaltonDrjghtlington Wiskett Hill r. 1 m. Tong Hall, T. Plumber Esq. Dudley Hill l. BierleyHall,J.Cranshaw,Esq. r. to Otley, 10 m. BRADFORD, see page 281 to BtNGLEY, a< p. 281, 6 m, to KEIGHLEY, as p.282,4$m. to SKIPTON. as p. 2-0, 10 to. to SETTLE, asp. 277, lsim- to KIRKBY LONSDALE, asp. 27s, . 17}»B. to KENDAL, as p. 278, 12a» LONDON to SEDBERGH, by Settle MiW. Miles. 232} To SETTLE, as page 277 235 Great Stainforth 237 Studfield 238- Horton 239 New HoVs.es b~ Peanigbxm Hill, 5224ft. high L. Indeborough Hill, 5270 feet high 241$ Old Ing 243| Lingill Bridge 244} r. to Askrigg, 11m. 245} GaRSTONE 283 Roads measured from Hicks' Hall. 284 l. to Ingleton, 7$ m. 248} Stone House 250 Cross the Dec River 252} DENT, Saturday, 355 Houses, 1773 Inhab. "253} Barth Bridge Cross the Dee River 256} MilthorpCross the Rother River 257} SEDBERGH, see page 243 OR, 243} To LinGill Bridge, as p. 282 Miles. 244} L. to Sedbergh, ly Dent, 13 m. 254} BainbridgeCross the Ure River 255 r. to Askrigg, l m. 259§ Hardraw 260 L. to Hawes, 1 m. 262} Thwaite Bridge Cross the Ure River 263} r. to- Kirkby Stephen, 10}m. 267} Little Town 268} Smorthwaite Bridge 270} Moorthwaite 274 SEDBERGH, see page 243 LONDON to MELTON MOWBEAY, by Maeket Harborough. Miles. 83} To MARKET HARBOROUGH, as page 173 85 Great Bowden l. Seat of H. Shuttleworth, Esq, 87} Welham 89 Slawston R.2}m. Holt, C.Neville, Esq. 90} Hallaton r. to Allexton, 3 m. 93 East Norton k. to Uppingham, 6 m. l. to Leicester, 13} m. Miles. 94$ Lodington R.l}m. Laund Abbey, J. Simp. son, Esq. R. Lodington Hall, C. Morris, Esq. 97} Owston 100 Burrow 103 Great Dalby l. 2 m. Kirkby Lodge 106} MELTON MOWBRAY, see page 254 LONDON to NEWIN. Miles.222} To Maentwrog, as page 128 ¦327 Cross the Sands Caematbonsliiie. 930} Penmorfa r. to Caernarvon, 17 art. 233} CRICKIETH, Wednesday, 84 Houses, 396 Inhab. l. The Castle 241 Abereirch b. to Caernarvon, 21 m. Miles. 243 Pwllheli 246} Bodean 249 NEWIN, or NEVIN, 242 Houses, 1028 Inhab. R. to Caernarvon, 21$ m. Or, 239} To Penmorfa, as page 107 258$ to NEWIN, as above, 18j an. 2S5 286 ROADS Measured from Shoreditch Church. LONDON to EDINBUEGH, by Berwick. Miles. 1$ KlNCSLAND ' j.. to Islington, 1 m. l. to Highgate, 4 m. R. to Hackney, } m. 2} Stoke Newington 3$ Stamford Hill. l. to Enfield, 6 m. 3} l. Mount Pleasant.T. Stevenson, Esq. 4$ Tottenham High Cross 5$ Tottenham l. Bruce Castle, R. Lee, Esq. 6} Edmonton, Cross Keys 7 l. [to Enfield, Saturday, 1 Inn, 2} m.=g} to. from London] 8} Ponders End i.. see Bush Hill, J. Blackburn, Esq. S. Clayton, Esq. and W. Mellish, Esq. r. Durance Sands, C. Ibberson, Esq. 9} Enfield Highway, Rose and Crown V. 1 m. Four Tree Hill, J. Meyer, Esq. loj Enfield Wash n L?enfatu3htre. 11$ Waltham Cross, Falcon, Four Swans R. [to Waltham Abbey, Tues. 1 Inn, 23 7 Houses, 1475 Inhab. 1$ m.~ 12} m. /rom London) 11} L.l m. Theobalds, Sir G. Prescott 12} Turners Hill 13$ Cheshunt Street 14 Cheshunt Wash " r: Cheshunt Priory, Mrs. Black wood Miles. 14} Wormley l Wormley Bury, Sir A. Hume 1 5$ Cross the New River 15} Broxbourn l. Broxbourn Bary, S.Bosanquet , Esq. 17 HODDESDON, Thursday, Black Lion, Bull, 227 Houses, 1227 Inhab. L. to Hertford, 4 to. r. 2 m. Stansted Bury, G. Porter, Esq. R.3m. Biggins,T.Blackmore,Esq. IS L. Haly Hall, T. Leake, Esq. lg R.3 m. Bennington, — Sage, Esq. ii 4 m . Hunsdon House, F. Cal vert, Esq. 19$ Amwell 1 9} i-. Amwell Bury, Major Brown 20$ l. to Hertford, 2} an. l. The New River Head 20} Cross the Lea River 20} WARE, see page 222 k.I} m. Farnham Hall, J. Currie, Esq. L.lm.WarePark.T.H.Boydj Esq. 22} Cross the Rib River 22} Wades Mill, Feathers r.} m. Thunbridge Bury, J. Hol- lingsworth, Esq. R. 1 m.Youngs Bury, D.Giles, E=q. 23$ L.l m. SacombPark, — Caswall, l'.sq. 25 Colliers End 25$ R. [to Standon, Friday, 254 Houses, 1846 Inhabitants, 2$ m. — 27} m.from London] 26 L. Old Hall, a Catholic College 26} Puckeridge, Bell 287 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 2'8g Mile.. R. to Cambridge, 24} m. 27$ L. Hamels, P. Mellish, Esq. 38$ Cross the Rib River 3o} l. Aspenden Hall, G. Franklin, - Esq. Cross the Rib River 31 Bcntingford, Bell, George l. 1 m. Throcking Park r. Corney Bury, T. Butts, Esq. 32} Chipping r. Widdial Hall, T. Calvert, Esq. 33} Buckland r. Newsells, Hon. Miss Peachey R.lm. Cocken Hatch, LadyChap- man 37} ROYS TON, Wednesday, Bull, Red Lion, 206 Houses, 975 Inhab. i.. to Baldock, 8} m. ffismbriuBCBhtre. r. to Cambridge, 13$ m. 40$ Kneesworth k. Kneesworth Hall, Lady Night ingale 43 Cross the Cam River 44 Arrington, Hardwicke Arms 44} R. Nuneham Wimpole, Earl of Hardwicke 47$ Cungrave 48 l. Stow Hall, Dr. Thomson 49$ Caxton, Crown, George 50} l. to St. Neots, am. r. to Cambridge, 10}m. 52$ Papworth St. Eve.rard 53 L. to Potton, 1 1 m. jhuntmeUotwhire. r. to St. Ives, 6 m. 57} GodmanchesterL. to St. Neots, 8 m. r, to Cambridge, 1 5 m. R. to St. Ives, 5}m. L. Seat of J. Pascheller, Esq. 58? Cross the Ouse River 58} HUNTINGDON, Saturday, Crown, Fountain, George, 356 Houses, 2035 Inhab. 1. to Thrapston, 16}m, 1.. to St. Neot's^ 9} to. r. to Ramsey, 10m. I. Hinchinbrook House, Earl of Sandwich; and The Views, G. Sharp, Esq. 61 Great Stukeley 62 Little StuReley r. Seat of Rev. Dr. Torkington- 64 Alconrury, Wheatsheaf Inn i,. to Si. Neots, 11 m. 71 Stilton 85}" STAMFORD 106* GRANTHAM 120} NEWARK 133} TUXFORD 1*0} EAST RETFORD 149$' SAWTRY 157 J DONCASTER 173$ Ferrybridge Cross the Ayr River (See particulars of above Road, pages 224 to 228) 174$ Brotherton l. to Wetherly, 1 1 J m. 1 7 5$ Cross the Leeds Canal 1/6} L. to Leeds, 13 m. R. to Selby, 7}»n. 178 South Milford 179} Shf.rdurn r. to Cawood, 6 to. 180} Barkston 181$ r. Scarthingwell, Loud Hawke 183 Towton 183} L.l} m. Haslewood Hall, SirW. Vavasour 184} r. Grimstone House,— Towns- end, Esq. 186$ TADCASTER, Thursday, JJose 65" Crown, White Horse 166 Houses, 661 Inhab. L.to Abberford, 5 J an. L. to Oiley, 19 m. L. to Harewood, 10} m. L. to Wetherly, 7$ an. L. to Leeds, I4$m. CroSs the WhaTfe River R . MiuritPleasant,P.Dealtry ,Esq l. 1 J m. Heaiaugh, '— Brooks- bank, Esq. L. 3 m. Wighill Park, S. Chet- wynd, Esq. and Bilton Hall, — Plumer, Esq. 189} .Street Houses ' 189} R.4m. Nun Appleton, ShW- " Milner 289 •Roads measnretl from Shoreditch Church. 2g0 Mi lea. . Miles. 191$ l, Ascham, J. Carr, Esq. 234} lg3§ R. 2 m. Bishopthorpe, Abp. of 235 York; and Middlethorpe, S.F. Barlow, Esq. 194 Dring Houses 195t| YORK, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 2S6 Black Swan, Falcon, George, Red Lion, Ringroses, White Horse, York Tavern. 237$ 2479 Houses, 16145 Inhab. 239 Cross the Onse River 240$ r. to Market Weighton, 18 an. 240} n. to Kelham, 31} an. r. to Bridlington, 40} m. R. to NewMalton, 17} an. r. to Hetmsley, 22} m. 197 Clifton 241 200 Skelton 243 201 Rawcliffk 201} Shifton 244 L.2m. Benningborough, G. Eail, Esq. l. 2} m. Nun Monckton, G. Crompton, Esq. 205$ Tollerton Lanes 209 EAS1NGWOLD, Friday, 247} New Inn, Rose £f Crown, 24 S 272 Houses, 1467 Inhab. 213 Thornmanby 249 r. 3 m. Newbrough Hall, Earl 250 Fauconberg 251} 213§ L. 2 m. Lesstty, Hall, Rev. W. 252} Dawney 216$ Stockwell Green 255$ r. Thirkleby, Sir T. Frankland 257$ 219$ THIRSK, see page 259 258$ 221} R. North Kilvington, — Mey- nell, Esq. 222 Thornton in the Street 258} L.Wpod End, S.Crompton, Esq. 222} r. Brawith, W. Consett, Esq. 225} Thornton le Beans 228 N0RTHALLERTON,seep.246 L. to Boroughbridge, 18} m. 259} l~ to Bedale, 7} m. ' 262 l. to Richmond, 14} an. 232 Lovesome Hill 262$ 233 L.lm. Lazenby Hall,— Pierse, Esq. l. 1 m. Hutton Bonville, A. Ham mond, Esq. 263$ 234 Little Smbaton 263} Cross the Wiske River Great Smeaton L.3m. Pepper Hall,J.Arden,Esq. R.lm. Hornby Grange, Rev, H. Howgill Enter. Common r. to Yarm, g m. r. to Stockton, 13 m. L. to Richmond, 10} an. Dalton uponTees- l. to Cattetick Bridge, 9 in. Croft Bridge' L.2m. Halnaby, Sir R.Milbanke Cross the Tees River Diubarp. Rockcliffe 1.. Blackwell Grange, G. Allen, E3q. DARLINGTON, Monday, King's Head, Talbot, 909 Houses, 4670 Inhab. L. to Bernard's Castle, 18 an. L. to Bishop's Auckland, I2}m. R. to Stockton, ll}m. Harrowgate Coatham Mundeville r. Seat of Rev. Mr. Robson Aycliffe Traveller's Rest WgqdhamRushyford, Wheatsheaf L. WindleSton, Sir J. Eden Ferry Hill Butcher Race l. to Darlington, byl&ighingtoh, 17 m. L. to Bishop's Auckland, 6} m. Sunderland Bridge Cross the Wear River n. Whitworth, R. Smith, Esq. k. Croxdale House, W. Salvin, Esq. j.. Burn Hall, —? Smith, Esq. r. to Sedgefield, 9} m. Cross the Wear River DURHAM, see page 242 R. to Sunderland, 13 m. Cross the Wear River l. to Wolsingham, 15 TO. R. Aycliffe Head, J.Durm, Esq. r.. Newton Hall, SirT, H.Liddell ' U 891 Roads measured from- Shoreditch Church. 202 Miles. Over Durham Moor 255} R. Cocken, R. Carr, Esq. and . • ' Ruins of Finkley Abbey 265} Plausworth 268$ Chester Le Street l. Lumley Castle, Earl of Scar borough 269 Pelaw ' . R. 2 nu Harraton Hall, W. H. Lambton, Esq. 271$ Birtley R. 2 m. 'Usworth House, W. . Peareth, Esq. 272} Lam.esleyl. 2 m. Ravensworth Castle, Sir H.T.Liddell 275$ Gateshead. r'. Gateshead Park R. to South Shields, 8} m, R. to Sunderland, 11 ra. l, to Hexham, 2l}m, 276$ Tyne Bridge Cross the Tyne River Ji2ortpumberIanH. 276} NEWCASTLE upon Tyne, Tues. & Sat. Cock, Crown SSf Thistle, Queen's Head,.Shaks- peare, Turk's Head, 3206 Houses, 28366 Inhab. r. to Tynemouth, 8} m. 277},L."(o Rothbury, .31 m. and to Edinburgh, throughPonteland r. 2 m. Heaton Hall, Sir M.W. Ridley ,279^ Gosforth Turnpike 280 Ewes Bridge 281 u. Gosforth House, C. Brand ling, Esq. 284} Shotten Edge 285 l. Blagdon, Sir M.W. Ridley ,286 Stannington Bridge Cross the Blythe River l. Stannington Vale, J. Hall, Esq. 286} Stannington 288} ;Clifton 291$ Cross the Wensbeck River 291} MORPETH, Wednesday, Phamix, Queen's Head 427 Houses, 2951 Inhab. L, to Jedburgh, 47} to. 296} 297-} 299301$ 301 303$304} 305 310310} 310}316} 320}321} 322325 327$ 330 331} 333 336 339} 339} 340 Loaningl. to Wooler, 29} m. EauSdon Moor l. Causeway Park.W.Ogle, Esq. r. EshotHall, — Compton, Esq. R. Thirston, T. Smith, Esq. Felton Bridge Cross the Cocquet River l. Felton Park, R. Riddle, Esq. k. Acton, A. "Lisle, Esq. u, Swarland House, A. Davison, •Esq. Newton r. Low Newton, M. Gray, Esq. r. to Alnmouth, 5m. ALNWICK, Sat. White Swan 739 Houses, 4719 Inhab. L. to Rothbury, 11} -ar. r. The Castle, D. of Northum berland Cross the Aln River Charlton r.i} m. Charlton Hall,CoLKerr Warrenford L.Twizell Hquse,G. Selby, Esq. r. Adderstone Hall, C. B. Fors- ter, Esq. l. Bells Hill, J. Pratt, Esq. BFLFORD, Thurs. Blue Bell 161 Houses, 902 Inhab. Detchon ffiurfwm. Fenwick l. High Linn, A. Gregson, Esq. L.lm.LowLinn,A.Gregson,Esq. Haggerston, r. Seat of Sir C. Haggerston L. to Wooler, 12} an. TWEEDMOUTH L. to Coldstream, 14 m. Cross the Tweed River 340$ 343 TBettoic6 BounuB. BERWICK, King's Afms, Red Lion, 96s Houses, 7187 Inhab. L. to Dunse, 14 m. Enter Scotland 25ertoittt0hire. 346} Cross the Eye River . 203 Boads measnred from Shoreditch Church. 294 Miles. 847. Ayton '" l. to Dunse, g}m. '^ r. to Eyemouth, 2 m. 347$ R- Seat of J. Fordyce, Esq. 351 Press, Inn Over Coldingham Moor 354 t. Renton, — Home, Esq. 355 Head Chester 358} Path Head Cross the Douglas River ftauuinfftortahite. L. Dunglass, Sir J. Hall 360} Thornton Brook 364} Broxburn ' k . Broxmouth Park, D. of Rox burgh 366 DUNBAR, Newlnn, St.Andrew 717 Houses, 3951 Inhab. r. Seat of the E. of Lauderdale S67 Balhaven 367} West Barns 3;68$ Beltonford l. BeltoB, J. Hay, Esq. 869} R.lm. Tyhingham Castle, Earl of Haddington l. Nihewarr, J. Hamilton, Esq. R. toNorthBerwick, 7 m. 371§ Linton Bridge Cross the Tyne River r. Smeaton, G. Hepburn, Esq. 374 r. Beanston, Lord Elcbo 374} l. Stevenston, F. Sittwell, Esq. Miles. 376$ l. Amisfield, Earl Of Wemys 377 HADDINGTON, Blue Bell, George Gf Dragon 711 Houses, 4049 Inhab. L.lm. Lenoxlove, LadyBlantyre L.2tn. Coalston, C.Brown, Esq. 3?7§ R. Alderston, Capt. Todd L.Clerkington, — Houston, Esq. 378$ x.Letham, G. B. Hepburn.Esq; 380} Gladesmuir 383 R. Ruins of Seaton Castle 384 Tranent 385$ R. Preston Tower 385} R. Preston Grange, Countess of Hyndford 386} L.Drummore, Rev. Dr. Finlay CEoinbuieh0|)ire. 388} L. Pinkie House, Sir A.Hope r. Loretta, Mrs. Fisher 388}. Musselburgh 389 Cross the North Esk River 389} l. New Hales, Miss Dalryniple 393$ l, Brunstane, Marq.of Abercorn 3gi Porto Bello 891} R. to Leith, 2} m. 392} l. Duddingston House, M.' of Abercorn l. Arthur's .Seat, 814 feet in height 393§ L.The Palace of Holyrood House 394 EDINBURGH, see page 233 LONDONto EDINBURGH, 3y Coldstream. 291} To MORPETH, as page 2gi 293} Loaning11. to Alnwick, 17 m. S94| l. to Rothbury, 12 m. 298} Longhohsleyl. Seat of R. Riddel, Esq. r, 2 m. Causeway Park, W. Ogle, Esq. 300} Weldon, Bridge. • Cross the Cocquct River, sbl$ Low Framlington 302} Long Framlington 306 Rimside House 396} l. to Rothbury, 4 m. *, to Alnwick, 7} an. ¦ Miles. 310} Whittingham, Castle L,2m. Callaby, J.Clavering, Esq', L. 2 m. Eslington Park, Sir T, Liddell B.3m. Lemington,N- Fenwick, Esq. - Cross the AIn River 311} R. Shawdon,W. Hargrave, Esq. 312$ Glantqn . h. Glanton Pyke, J. Mills, Es.q. 313$ r, Ruins of Crawley ToWer La White House, Sir L.AIlgpsd. 314 Cross the Bremish River 315} r. Percy's Cross 315} l. Percy's Leap- ' Us 295 RoAns measured- from Shqreditch Church. 296 Miles. Miles. 317 L.lm. Roddam, Adm. Roddam r. 1 m. Lennel House, P. Bree- 318 L. Ilderton, S. Ilderton, Esq. don, Esq. 319§ r. Lilburn Tower, H. Colling- 338} l. to Kelso, 7} m. wood, Esq. 340 r. Castlelaw, W. Waite, Esq. R. 2 m. Chillingham Castle, E. 342$ Orange Lane Inn of Tankerville l. Eccles, J. Majoribanks, Esq. L.see theCheviot Hills, 2682 feet R.lm.Anton'sHill,J, Dixon, Esq. high R. i}m. Belchester, J. Trotter, 321$ Wooler Haugh Head, Esq. George R.2m. Boughtrig, J.Frank, Esq. l. 1 m. Earl, W. Selbv, Esq. 343 r. 1 m. Mersington, T. Nisbet, 323 WOOLER, Thursday, Esq. 285 Houses, 1679 Inhab. r. Karnes, Lord Karnes r. to Berwick, 1 65 m. 343} r. Purves Hall, Sir A. Purvcs r. Seat of Lady Silvertop 344$ Plowland a. 2 m. Wellwood, J. Ord, Esq. l. Stonefold, J. Dickson, Esq. & R. 3 m. Fowberry, T. Barstow, Overmains, S.Bromfield,Esq. Esq. 344} L. Angel Row, J. Hay, Esq. 325 L. to Kelso, 17} m. l. 1 m. Rowchester, J. C. Ross, 325} Akeld Esq. 326 Cross the Glen River 345 R.lm.Marchmont,E.ofMarch- R.Ewart House, H.St.Panl,Esq, mont 327 L.lm. Lanton, J.Davidson, Esq. L.Gordon Bank,W.Murray,Esq» 328} MlLLFIEL-D 346} Cross the Blackadder River 330$ R. Ford Castle, Lord Delaval 347 GREENLAW, Castle, l. Floddonj Field 258 Houses, 1270 Inhab. 331 r. Etall Hall, W. H. Ker, Esq. 350 Tiisbys Inn 332} r. Pallinsburn, G. Askew, Esq. 353 l. Bassendean, J. Hume, Esq. 335} Cornhill, Beehive and East Bassendean, Capt. R.to Berwick, 33$ m. Christie E. Cornhill House, H. Colling- 354 r. Thornydike Tower, J. Spot- wood, Esq. tiswoode, Esq. '1.3 m. Carham Hall, A. Comp 355} Dodd's Mill Heugh- , ton, Esq. 356} Thirlestane 336f Cross the Tweed River 357} l. to Lauder, 1 m. Enter ScotritAniD 1 < L. Lauder Castle, E. of Lauder !BettoicS8pire. dale 3584 Norton Inn «3?. COLDSTREAM 362$ Carf'ra Mill 398 Hou-.es, 226gTnhab. l. to Lauder i 4 an. l. Lees, E. Majoribanks, Esq. 1 377$ to DALKEITH, asp. 233,15m. B. 1 m. Hirsell,, E. of Home | 383} toED/iVJ!i7RGH,asp.233,6$m. LONDON to EDINBUEGH, by Kelso. Miles. Miles. '.' , . 323 . To WOOLER, ets above 325' R. to 'Coldsirsam t.io. m. 327 R. Lantpn, JVDavidson., Esq, 327} Kirk Newton r. Floddon Field - 331$ Kilham Cross the Glen River . r. the Battle of Chevy Chace was fought L. Paston,.Col, Selby 333$ Mindrum, l, to Yetholm, 4 m. 297 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 298 Miles. L. Cherrytrees, — Murray, Esq. 334} Enter Scotland EsjTjbmejwfcire. 337J Potts Close 34-2 l. Springwood Park, Sir G. Douglas i,. to Jedburgh, 10} m. L. to Hawick, 19} m. 342$ Cross the Tweed River 342| KELSO, Cross Keys 527 Houses, 4lg6 Inhab. r. to Coldstream, 9 m. r. Broomlands, Sir J. Pringle; & Sydenham, Adm. Dickson 344 l. Fleurs, D. of Roxburgh 344} «. Newton Don, Sir A.Don k. 1 m. Stitchill House, Sir J. Pringle 346} k. Nenthom, W. Rae, Esq. L.lm. Makerstoun, Sir H. Mac- dougal 348} Smalluolm l. to Melrose, 8 m. L. to Galashiels, 10 m. L. Merton House, Hugh Scott, Esq. 3Beiuiic&0j»re. r. 1 m. Mellerstein, Hon. G. Baillie L. Gladswood, Dr. Redpath L.lm. Dry Grange, ->— H ay, Esq. Park, J. Biown, Esq. and CowderiRnows, Dr. Home 354} l.i m, Carolside, J. Home, Esq. 355$ l. 1 ra. Chapel, W. Fairholme, 350 850} 351} 355} L.Birkhillside,Maj.ShHliniglaw 356 Bridge End 356} L to Jedburgh, 16} m. 359} LAUDER, see page 232 370$ to Falla, Inn, as p.232, lofm. 378* to DALKEITH, as p.233, 8$an, 384} to EDINBURGH, as p. 233, 6$an* LONDON to JEDBURGH. Miles. 276} 278 280281281} 2S4| 284}287| 288|290£ 293 295$ 296} To NEWCASTLE, as page 291 l. Fenham Hall, W. Ord, Esq. Newbiggin Holliwell r. Woolsington, M. Bell, Esq. Cross the Pont River r. Eland Hall ponteland West Gate r. Benridge, Capt. Dixon r. 1 m . Kirkley, Dean of Win chester Nus Hill l. Belsay Castle, Sir L. Monk Bogs l. 2 m. Capheaton Castle, Sir J. Swinburn Corridge r. to Rothbury, 12 m, L. to Hexham, 16 an: L.WallingtonvJ.Trevelyan,E6q; L. 2 m. at Kirk Harle, Sir W'. Loraine L. 2 m. at Little Harle, Lord C. Ainslie Miles.298300300} 303} 307 309$ 312 335} Cam roe R. to Morpeth, 1 2 m.~ Kirkhill Harwood Gate , R. to Morpeth, 13 m. Harwood Head Elsdon Otterb«ihiElisha l. to Corbridge, 22 an. l. to Hexham, 22} m. toJ EDBU RGH,as p.23 V, 23fm. {Forward: to Edi>n>burgh, as pages 331' to 233V • 45}m.— 38limfram£onden) 201} To MORPETH, as page 391 2i/j} MiTrotfD- L. Mittord Castle 297} l. Meidori Park 300 «. 2-m.- at> Nether Witton, W. Trevelyan, Esq. 3004 Long Witton 299 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 300 l Seat of Rev. W.Trevelyan 301} l. Roadley Castle 302}' r. to Rothbury, 8} m. L. to Newcastle, 2i}m. Miles. l. to Hexham, 20 m. 304} Harwood Gate 339} toJEDBURGH,asp.298, 35$m. LQNDON to Miles. 85} Te STAMFORD, as page 288 85} l. to Oakham, ll}m. flJiitlanosnirc. > : 87$ Cross the Guash River , 87} Great Castfrton l. Seat of J. WincUfield, Esq. 91^ Horn Lane h. Exton Park, Earl ofrGainsbo- rough 93 Greetham, New Inn .'93} L. to Oakham, gait. HincolttBbire. 96} Wjtkam Common, BlackBull 98$ Coltersworth, Angel, see p. 225 l. to Grantham, 8$ m. 9»8} R. to Corby, 4 an. Along the Roman Road , 100 i. Easton,' M. Cholmondeley, Esq. 106$ Cold Harbour 107 l. Belton, Lord Brownlow 108 L. Syston Park, Sir J. Thorold ill Ancaster 114 Bayard's Leap r. to SUaford, 5$ m. i. to Newark', ii j to. 120} l. at Wellingore, Col. Neville 122} R. to Sleaford, 8} m. *4t* The above Road is only tra velled in the Summer-time 123 Green Man Inn LINCOLN. Miles. l.. 2 m. at Coleby, Seats of Gen. Bertie, and Col. flroomhead . r, 2 m. Blankhey, C. Chaplin, Esq. 124} Pillar on Dunston Heath L. 2 m. at Harmstone, S. Tho rold, Esq. r. 2 m. Nocton, E. of Bucking hamshire 129} -l. to Newark, 15 m. r.i m.at Canwick,Col.Sibthorpe 131$ LINCOLN, Friday, Rein Deer, Saracen's Head, White Hart 1574 Houses, 739S Inhab. L. to East Retford, 21 m. r. to Wragly, 10 m. R. to Brigg, 23} m. PR, 120} To NEWARK, as page 288 122} Winthorpe Lane L.The Hall, R.Pocklington,Estj. L. to Qainshorough, 23 m. 124 i-.Langfor'd House,— Chaplain, . Esq. 124} Broot 12a Hmcolttshtre. 128} Half way House Cross Icomb Moor 134} Brace Bridge Cross the Witham River 135 J R. to Sleaford, 15} m. 137 LINCOLN, see above LONDON to GAINSBOROUGH. Miles. 120} To NEWARK, as page 288 123} Winthorper. to Lincoln, 14$ m. ,1-23} L.Langford House, — Chaplain, Esq. ' 124$ Langfokd Miles.126$ COLLINGHAM 128 Besthorpe 129} Girton 133 Clifton r.2 m. atThorney, G.Neville, Esq. : 301 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 303 Miles. 134 Eincoliwbire. 135 Newton r. to Lincoln, 11 m. l. to East Retford, 13 m. t. to Tuxford, 7} m. 137} Gross the Foss Dyke 138j Torksey 140 Marton 140} r. Burton, W. Hutton, Esq. 142 Knaith Miles. R. Seat of H. Dalton, Esq. 143$ Lear . Seat of Rev. Sir C. Anderson "145$ GAINSBOROUGH, Tuesday, / ' Bluckmoor'sHead,White Hart 1088 Houses, 4506 Inhab. R. to Market Raisin, 21 m. R. to East Retford, 10$ an. l. to Bawtry, 11} m. L toBurlonupon Strather, 22}m. LONDON to Miles.195} To YORK, as page 289 199$ r. at Stockton, B. Agar,. Esq. 203 Lobster Inn 206$ Spittal Bridge R.2m. Howsham, N. Cholmon- deley, Esq. 207} Whitwell, Bay Horse l. Seat of Sir B. Graham 208 l. 2 m. Castle Howard, Earl of Carlisle 210} R. Hutton Lodge, J. Parkhurst, Esq. 213$ NEW MALTON, Saturday, White Horse, Talbot, 604 Houses, 3047 Inhab. r. to Scarborough, 22$ m. 214$ Old Malton 21*} How Brldge Cross the Rye River 222 PICKERING, Monday, Black Swan, White Swan 363 Houses, igg4 Inhab. WHITBY. 224} 226}230} 232}234}238 238}239239} 240$ 241$ 242 it. at Thornton, Rev. Mr. Gilby it. to Scarborough,. 1 8 m. l. to. Kirby Moorside, s$ an. R.at Kingthorpe.Fothergill, Esq. LocrronSaltergate Eller Beck Bridge Brock a Beck Bridge Sleight r. Sleights Hall, Mrs. Batemaa l Esk Hall, J. C. Coates, Esq. and Woodlands, Col. Yeoman Cross the Esk River Carr End l. Carr Hall, Mrs. Preston RUSWARP l. Seat of W. Skinner, Esq. l. Airy Hill, R. Modzsom, Es»|. WHITBY, Sat. Angel, Golden Lion, Kings Head, White Horse, 1704 Houses, 7483 Inhab. LONDON to KIEBY MOOESIDE. Miles.lgs} To YORK, as page 289 L. to Easingwold, 1 3} m. 203 Sutton on the Forest 206 Stillington r. Seat of Stephen Croft, Esq. 209} r. Bransby, H. Cbolmondeley, Esq. GlLLING L.The Castte, C. G. Fairfax, Esq. L, 1 m. Newbrough Hall, Earl Faucohberg Oswald Kirk l. Seat of C. Gowan, Esq. 216$ Sproxton 213 214 Miles. 216} l. Duncombe Park, C. S. Dua- combe, Esq. 217} Cross the Rye River 218 HELMESLEY, Saturday, Black Swan, Excise Office 349 Houses, 1449 Inhab. 1.. see theHuins of the Castle 1.. to Thirsk, 12} m. l. to Stokesley, 16 m. 220$ Nawton . * ¦ ¦ ¦ 223} KIRBY MOORSIDE, Wed. White Horse, 291 Houses, 1396 Inhab. k . Id Pickering, 8$ m. 303 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 304 LONDON to SUNDEELAND. 236 To Enter Common, as p. 290 242 Piersrurg 245 YARM,Th. George & Dragon, 363 Houses, 1300 Jhhab. r. Friarage, E. Meynell, Esq. Cross the Tees River sDinfam. 248$ t. to Darlington, 11$ an. 249 STOCKTON, . Black Lion, Red Lion, 533 Houses, 4009 Inhab. 250} Norton, Inn L. to Sedge field, 6 m. 251} BlLLlNGHAM r. to Hartlepool, 10 m. 253} Woolvistob ^55} High Burntoft 260 Sheraton Mites. 263 264$266§ 270}269}270}272}275 275$ 276 Castle Eden, Inn r. Castle Eden, R.Burdon, Esq. Shotton Easington Cold Hasleden Dalton le Dale r. at Seaham, Sir R. Milbanke Ryhope l. to Durham, 12 an. ia. Thornhill, J. Thornhill, Esq. R.The Grange, J. Maling, Esq,' Bishop Wearmouth Bridge Inn r. the residence of Dr. Paley SUNDERLAND, George, White Lion, . 1379 Houses, 12412 Inhab. L. to South Shields, 7 m. L. to Newcastle, 1 2} m. LONDON to TYNEMOUTH. .Mite, 262$ To DURHAM, as page 290 264} Blue Houses 267$ East Raynton r. Belmont, W.C. Hopper, Esq. L. Raynton Hall, B. Dunn, Esq. & Cocken Hall, C. Ibbctson, Esq. -2fio Houghton le Spring, Red Lion, R.HonghjanHall.Rev.C.Hutton i.lro. Nawbottle Hall, W. Rus sell, Esg, R.lm. Helton House, Hon.Mrs. Lyons 271} East Harrington l. Seat of W. Bcckwith, Est). L. Low Barns, R.D. Pemberton, Esq.. l.i m, fiigh B»ms, W- Ettrick, Esq-' 274$'. R. to Stockton, 26 are. a 274} BisHo'f Wear M Malton, 20^-m.. 213} SCARBOROUGH, Thursday, Blacksmith's Arms, Blue Bell, George, Neio Inn, Pyed B'ullj Talbot 1665 Houses, 6688 Inhab. - X:-to-Whrtby,-i^ m. k. "to Bridlington, 18 m. ZONDON to HULL. Miles. 149$ To BaWTRY, "as page 288 150} AUSTERFIELD 153} FlNNlNGLT.Y 154$ Blakeston'e 156 Cross the Tome feivet Over Hatfield 'Chace 159} Bears Wood Green 1-62$ THORNE, Wednesday, Red Lion, White Hart, 575 Houses, 2S35 Inhab. L. to Doncaster, 12m. 166} New Bridge Cross the Dutch River *>~ 167} TuRK-Biun-GX , /* L. to Snaithe,-!^ m. - *ff l. Cowick, Lord Vise. Downe 169 Rawcliffe 171} Airmyn 172} Booth Ferry, Inn Cr-Oss the Ouse ltiv*e'r 175 HOWDEN, Sat. Half Moon 325 Houses, 1552 Inhab. ¦ L. to Market Wiiglilon, 12 m. L. to Pocklington, 16} an. 178} East Linton_ 180 GiLBERDIKE 181} Gross the MarketWeiehtonCanal 184} North Cave, WhiteHart '- ft. .Seat of Sif G M. Mttbam L.lm. Hotham, R. Burton, Esq. 186$ SOUTH CAVE, Monday, Fox, 134 Houses, fo'j Dinah. J R. Cave Castle, H. B. Barnard, Esq. 188} RlPLINGHAM L.lm. at Rowley, Rev. R. Ciqft 192} Kirk Ella ft. at West Ella, J. Sykes, Esq. i. lo Beverley, 7 m. Mile... lg3} Anlaby l. Seat of J. Sykes,.Esq. - .-R.2m- Hesselwood Housp, J. R. ^ Pease, Esq. 198 jtf'IIXJLL-, see page 36s ¦VJ..- 1 0R' 19%} To YORK, a-s page '289 , » . Ji)8$ Grimstone ., s j Joo} Kex,bv |ioi| Cross the Derwent River ',..., ",202} Wilber-foss ' 206 Ba'rnby Moor, Inn l. [to PocKLTrGTTjN, .Sal'. " 3S9 HbtRes, 1S02 Inhabitants 2 to. — 208 m.from London] 208 Pocklington N&a Inn. ' R.2 m. Melbourne Hall, Col."H. Vavasour 208} Hayton , R. 2 m. "Eve'rihgham, Park, — Constable, Esq. 211 ShiptonL.i}m. Londesbiough, Duke of Devonshire 213 MARKET WEIGHT©N,Weu''. Brigg's Inn, Grapes 177 Houses, 1183 Inhab. R. to Hoitiden, 12 an. R. to Hull, by South Cave,lQ'$rn. R- 1 m. Houghton, P. Langdale., Esq. 221 Bishop Burton i„ Seat of R. Watts, Esq. , . l. 3 m. at South Dalton, Sir C: Hotham 223} BEVERLgY;, see page 308 l. to Driffield, 13 in. L. to Hornsea, 13 m. X 2 311 . Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. ,312 Miles. k . to Hcssel, g to. R. Pennytnan House, Mrs. Con stable 225} Woodmansea 227} Dunswell r. see Risby, — Elleker, Esq. 228} l. Hall Bank, J. Brooke, Esq. Miles. 230 Newlands 231$ HULL, seepage 308 *t* The foregoing Roads avoid the passage of the Humber River, which is 7 miles across from Barton water ' side to Hull LONDON to HORNSEA. Milc«. 179}181$ 181} 183184j I«74 189$ 190 190$ To BEVERLEY, as page 308 Cross the Hull River Tickton RouthWhite Cross r. 1 m. at Long Riston, P. Ne ville, Esq. it. 3 m. at Rise, Mrs. Bethell Leaven l. to Bridlington, 16^ an. Catwick Sigglesthorne r. Seat of Archdeacon Wharton Seaton R.Wassiind, M. Constable, Esq. lg2| HORNSEA, Monday, 133 Houses, 533 Inhab. 170} To HULL, as page 308 172 Southcoates 174$ R. to Hedon, 4} m. 175} Ganstead 176} coniston r~. 2 m. Burton Constable, E, S. Constable, Esq. 179} Skirlaugh 1 80} r. at Rise, Mrs. Bethell is3i Sigglesthorne 186} to HORNSEA, as above, 3$ m. LONDON to SPURN-HEAD. Miles.170} 172 174$ 174} 177} 178$ 183} To HULL, as page 308 ' Cross the Hull River . Southcoates L.io Hornsea, 12}-an. Bilton l. 3 m. Burton Constable, E. S. Constable, Esq. "Preston HEDON, Saturday, 144 Houses, 592 Inhab. Thorngumband l. Scat of Sir S. Standish Keyingham Miles. 185$ Ottringham 187$ Winesteadl, 1 m. Winestead HaU, Sir R-. Hildyard R.Seat of Col. Maisters 188} PATTRINGTON, Saturday, 166 Houses, 894 Inhab. ' 190} Welwick 192} Skeffling 194$ Easington 196} KlLNSEA 200$ Spurn-head, Light Houses LONDON to BISHOP AUCKLAND. Miles.244245S48 '.'30 To DARLINGTON, as p. 290 COCKERTONR. to Durham, 15} m. 1.. to Pierce Bridge, 4$ m. L. to Pierce Bridge, 4 } m. Miles.253§ West Auckland l. to Staindrop, 7 m. L. to Wolsingham, 11} an. 254" St. Helen's Auckland 1. Seat of R. Milbanke,- Es Pinchbeck f.l.oo} Cross the Glen :Rivet ,100} SURFLEET 103 GOSBERTONl. [toDoNiNGTON, Sat&rday, linn, 221 Houses, 1321/nnat. 3}m. — . 1 06im.from London^ L-. f*» Swineshead, Thursday, 295 Bsuse*, 1 544 Inhabitants 6 m.— logm.ya-om London] L. to Sleaford, 18 an. J06J Swttertom Miles,108} 110}112112$ lit122$124} 126} r. Seat of the Rev. Mr. Lindsay Kirkton L. Seat of S. Rf,Fyddeil,.Esq. r. 2 m. at Fraoipton,.T- Tuns, nard, Esq. Wybert.in r Seat of J. W.-Yorke, Esq. l.' to Sleaford, 1 6} m- L. to Stvineshcad, 6} m. Cioss the Old vVitha-ra- River BOSTON , Wed. & Sat. Peacock, Red Lion,> While Hart, 12S2 Houses, 5g26 Inhab. The Church Tower is a. Sea mark, being 282 feet high r. to Wainfieet, 14 m. r. to Frieston, 2 -an. SlBSEY- STICHNF>Ya ¦ l 1.. Revesby Abbey, Sit-Jos. Banks Stickford ' l. at Hagnaby,T. Oolttnftn, Esq. L. [JoBolingbroke, Tuesday, 72 Houses, 283 Inhabitants, l}an.=126$m. from London] S19 Hoads measured from Shoreditch Church*. 320 Miles. * 127} East Real <* l. Seat of T. Cracroft, Esq. 129} SPILSBY, Mon. White Hart, 207 Houses, 932 Inhab. 131$ Partney 132$ Daley s,. Langton Hall, G. Langton, Esq. 134$ R. [to Alford, Tuesday, llnn,'i3l Houses, 1040 Inhab. 2$m. ~ 1 36£m-.from London] 135} Catesby Beck , . , xvat Thorsby, W.Wood, Esq. l. South Ormesby.W. Massing- berd, Esq. 138 Burwell p.. Burwell Park, M. B. Lister, Esq. Miles. 143} 145}147154156}158} 159} 161} 162} 163} LOUTH, see below r. [to Saltfleet, Saturday, -' 159 Houses, 706 Inhabitants, 1 om. — 1 SSim.from London] L. to Horncastle, 14 m. South Elkington l. to Market Raisin, 12} m. Wold Newton L.atThorganby, Lord Middleton Ravendale Brigsley Walthamr. Seat of J. Anningson, Esq. SCARTHE L. to Caistor, 10$ m. GREAT GRIMSBY, Wed. 265 Houses, 15,24 Inhab. LONDON to BURGH. Miles.11 2£ To BOSTON, as page 3 i 8 115 R.im.at Frieston, J.Linton, Esq. 117} Bennington l. Seat of R. Waldegrave, Esq. 119 Leverton 120 Leake 121 Wrangle 123$ Friskniy Miles. 127} WAINFlEET, Saturday, 167 Houses, 927 Inhab. 129 Croft 131$ L. Gunby Hall,W. B.Massing- herd, Esq. 131} BURGH, Thursday, 140 Houses, 716 Inhab. LONDON to LOUTH, by Sleapord. Miles. 111}115} 116$118} 121 124} 125}126§ 129 130} To SLEAFORD, as page 307 r. Haverholm Priory, Sir W. Gordon Anwick North Kyme BillinghayCross the Old Witham River TATIERSHALL, Fri. Angel, 102 Houses, 496 Inhab. Cross the Bain River Tom by HoltHam r. Revesby Abbey, Sir Jos.Banks Miles. r. l m. Sorivelsby, L.Dyrnolt«, Esq. 134} HORNCASTLE, Saturday, Bull, George, 424 Houses, 2015 Inhab. L. to Wragby, 10} an. 136} West Ashby 140} Cawkwell 144} r. Tathwell Hall, — Chaplin, Esq. 145$ Maltby 148} LOUTH.Wed.&Sat.ffiaig'iHeai 950 Houses, 4236 Inhab. 321 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church*. 322 LONDON to BURTON upon Strathbr. 128} To LINCOLN, as page 307 134} Saxflby l. to Bast Retford, 16} m. L. to Tuxford, 1-2} in. 1/.3 m. atThorney, G. Neville, Esq. 136} l. 1 m. Kettlethorpe, SirW Am- cots 138$ Fen ton 13g} Torksey 146} to GAINSBOROUGH, as page 302, 6} m. 148 Morton 150 East Stockwirth l. to Crowle, 14} an* 154 Owston Ferry 156} Sus worth _ . .. 158 East Butterwick i.3 m. Temple Bell Wood, W. Johnson, Esq. I6l|j Bu.rningham - 163 Gun Houses 166} Flixbori-jugh «-lm. atNormandbjr.W.R.Wil- son, Esq. I69J BURTON upon Strather, Tues. 89 Houses, 482 Inhab. OR, 146} ToGAINSBOROUGH,as above 150 Blyton 153} SCOTTON 155 - Scotter 157} Messinguam 159} Ashby 162} Froddincham 165 Fl.IXBORnHGH 168 BURTON upon STRATHtR,»ee page 321 OR, l4t>} To Spittal Inn, as page 307 1473 Retbourn. 148} HlBALSir.OLW:.- R. to Brigg, 3} an. 150} Storton 151 Scawby 152} Broughton n. see the Petrifying Spring r. 2 m. Ruins of Thornholme Priory 160 NorAandby r. Seat of W. R. Wilson, Esq. 161} BURTON upon Strather LONDON to GREAT GRIMSBY.. Miles. 128} 133 134} 136} 138} 141 :142} 144} To LINCOLN, as pag»307 1.. S udbrooke Holme, R. Ell ison, Esq. • Langworth Bridge Cross the Langworth River BULLINGTON WRAGBY, Thursday, Nag's Head, White Lion, 76 Houses, 410 Inhab. l. 2 m. Holton Lodge, Mrs. Cat- dicott R. 1 m. Goltho Hall, C. Main: waring, Esq. R. (0 Horncastle, 10} m. West Barkwith R.ljm. Panton House, E.Tur ner, Esq. High Barkwith Hainton Miles. L. Seat of G. Heneage, Esq. 146} Six-hills 147} WllLINGHAM R. Seat of A. Boucheret, Esq. R. to Louth, 12}m. 1 1 5 1 MARKET RAISIN, Thurs. White Hart, 140 Houses, 774 Inhab. L. to Gainsborough, 21 an. 1 151} l. to-Caistor, B£m. 153 Wailsby 156} Stainton Vaik l. the Vale House, i. J. Anger- stein, Esq. .'.,.; ~t B. [to Bi.vbrook, Wednesday, 79 Houses, 484 Inhab. ]}m.— lsam.frojn Itandon] 160 Thoroanby r. Seat of Lord Middleton 32$ Roads measured from i Shoreditch Church. , 324 Miles. 162^ Ravendale r. to Louth, I2}m. 169} to GREAT GRIMSBY, as p.320 140} To Spittal Inn, asjrage 307 141} u. Norton Place, J. Harrison, Esq. r. Cainby Hall, Col. Loft 143} Glentham , 146} West.Raisik 150* Middle Raisin 152" MARKET RAISIN, see p. 322 154} Uselby' I5g$ Cross the Caistor Canal 160} CAISTOR,. Monday, George,. 202 House., 861 Inhab. l. to Brigg,' 10 m. 162} Caborw 163} Swallow 165} Irby Miles. 168$ -Bradley 169} Scarthe 170}, R. to Louth, 19m. 171} GREAT GRIMSBY, see p. 320 128} To£WCOZ,iV,'aspageS07 134} Lonoworiph Bridge , R. to Wragby, 4 m. 136 Stainton 138 Snelland 140} BuSLlNGTIIORPE r. 1 m. Lessington Park 144 MARKET RAISIN, see p. 329 R.ffoGR E AT GRI MS BY, asp.322 1 8}m. .zz. 1 62jmJromLondon] L. [lo Caistor, asp. 323, 8} an. and from thence to Great Grimsby, as above • ll$»i.=:163}m1/romLon-fon] LONDON to NOEWICH, by Thetford. -"Miles. ¦ i Cambridge Heath 2 Hackney 3 Clapton (. -i l. to Tottenham High Cross, 2}m. Lea Bridge Cross the Lea River. 3? .ffilMW. 9 Whips Cross , , r. Forest House, S. Bosanquet, . i, ' Esq. ' ; 6} Snaresbrook h:\ m. Wanstcad House, Sir J.T. Long R. to London, by Stratford, 6$ an. 3 Woodford l. Woodford Hall, — Maitland, Esq. r. see Claybury Hall, J. Hatch, Esq. »} L. Higham Hill House, J. Har- man, Esq. & Prospect House,j J. Pearse, Esq, , r. Scats of Sir R. Preston, & J, ' C. Jervoise, Esq, e J. Woodford Wills Miles.10 Bald Face Stag R.Rye House, Sir J. Wright; St Luxborough House, Lady Hughes ll Bucket Green 12 Loughton , r. Loughton Hall, MissWhitaker 13. B. at Golden Hill, Miss Clayes 15$ L. Copped Hall, J. Con vers, Esq. 16} EPPING, Friday, Epping Place, 271 Houses, 1473 Inhab. k. to Chipping Ongar, 7} m. «. 3 m. Hill Hall, Sir W. Smith 19 r.. Marls, Capt. Blake 21$ Potters Street 22| l. Maik Hall, Col. Burgoyne r. Hubert Hall , 23} HARLOW, Sat. Green Man, 265 Houses, 1514 Inhab. Cross the Stort River , . ftcttfortw&ire. 24| n. Pishobury, Mrs. Mills 25} Sawbridgeworth r.i m- Hyde Hall, Earl of Rod** 27} Spel Brook 325 Roads measnred from Shoreditch Church. 326 Miles. .28$ l. Thorley Hall, — -Grant, Esq. i 30 BISHOPS STORTFORD, Th. Crown, 4 56 Houses, 2305 Inhab. L.'M London, 7 m. k. Stoitford Hall Cross the Stort River 30} Hockbrill it. to Dunmow, S} m. 31 ©801TC. 32 r. 3 m. Bassingborne Rail, Sir P. Parker 32} Stanstead Mountfi'chet, Rose and Crown, r. Stanstead Hall,W.Heath, Esq. 34} Ugly 36 Quendon L. Quendon. Hall, H. Cranmer, Esq. 38} Newport R.im.Debden Hall, Mrs.Chiswell 39} k. Shortgrove Hall, Hon. P. Wyndham k . to Saffron Walden, 2} m. 41. R. Audley End, Lord Braybrooke 42$ LlTTLEBURY 43} Little Chesterford Cross the Cam River 44} Great Chesterford, Crown, n. to Linton. 4\ m. 46 eTambriuBfBhtre. l. to Cambridge, 10 m. 49 L. to Royston, 12} m. 49f Bourn Bridge, Kings Arms r. Horse Heath, Lord Mountford 49} L. to Cambridge, 6} m. R. to Linton, 4} m. 50^ Enter Newmarket Heath S3 1 r . West Wratton Park, Gen. Hall 55$ Six Mile Bottom 59 Devil's Ditgh . . L. to Camlridge, 11 m. 60} NEWMARKET, Greyhound, Sam, Red Lion, WhiteHart, 66 Houses, 485 Inhab. R.2m.ChevelyPark, D.of Rutland 62} R. to Bury St. Edmund's, 12} m. 04 l. Chippenham Park, J. Thorpe, Esq. 66 I. to Ely, 12 m. Miles. 66$ Red Lodge L. to MildenhaU, 3} m. ©uffoltt. 69 L. at Worlington, Hon - Sir G Cooper 69$ Barton Mills, Bull , Cross the Lark River 6g£ l. [to Mildenhall-, Friilay, 1 Inn, 365 Houses,~92B3lnhab. lm. — 70im. from London]. l. l m. Seats of Sir 0. Bunbury, and — Rushbrook, Esq. Li to Brandon, 8} an. 76 Ei.vedon r. Elvedon Hall, E.of Albemarle 79} R to Bury St. Edmunds, Mm. Cross the Little Ouse River Jftortoitt. 80 THETFORD, Saturday, Bell, George, ¦ ¦_ 492 Houses, 2246 Inhab. r. New Place, J. Mingay, Esq. R-.2m. Eustpn Hall,D.0$ Cross the Devil's Ditch 63 NEWMARKET, see page- 325' LONDON to RURNHAM MARKET. Miles. 26} To PcckerIdoe, as page 286 i 27} Braijghin 30} Hare Street l. Seat of J. Boldero,' Esq. 33 - l. 1* m. Widdial Hall, T. Calvert, Esq. 34} Barkway 36 L. Newsells, Hon. Mrs. Peachey r . Cocken Hatch, Lady Chapman 37$ Barley" r. Great Heydon, Sir P. Soame 38 elambtioocsfiije. 40 L.to Royston, 3} an. • r. to Newmarket, 21m. 42$ Foulmibe - , 44} Newton a ! 48 Hawkston l. to Royston, 3 0 m. 48} Trumpington, see above 5 1 CAMBRIDGE, see above r, to Linton, 1 1 m. Miles. r. to Newmarket, 13 an; Cross, the Cam River 51§ L. to St. Neot's, 18 m. L. to Huntingdon, 15 m. '54} Milton - «.SeatofS. Knight, Esq. 58 l. 1 m. Denny Abbey - 61} Cross the Ouse River 83 Stretham 64} Thetford 6j ELY, Saturday, Lamb L. toStAveSi 17 m, L. to March, 20 an. L. to Huntingdon, 27 "m. r. to Newmarket, I7}m. > r. to Mildenhall^ 17 m. 68 R. New Barns, E. Tattersall, Esq. 69 Chettisham 71} LlTTt.FPORT ; '¦ 73 Cross the Ouse River JfilQrtM. 329 Roads measnred from Shoreditch Church; 330 76 Brandon Creek Bridge 78 Southery l. Seat of W. Creasy, Esq. 80} R. Wood Hall, -t- Jones, Esq. 81 HlLGAY Cross the Stoke River 82 FORDHAM 83 Denver a r. Ruston Hall, R. Pratt, Esg. 83} -r. Crow Hall, J.T. Deermg, Esq. 84} DOWNHAM MARKET, Sat. "-a — - ' Crown, Sloan, . 289 Houses, 1512 Inhab. h. to Wisbeach, 13 m. R. to Swaffham, 14} m. 86$ WlMBOTSHAM 87 Stow Bardolph r. Stow Hall, T. Hare, Esq. 88$ L.Wallington Hall, H.Bell, Esq. 89 Runcton 90} L.Watlington Hall, J.Reid, Esq. 91 R. to Stoke Ferry, 9 m. L. to Wisbeach, 13} m. 91} Cross the Nat River . g2 Sf.tch g3$ West Winch 94} Hardwicke r. to Swaffham, 13} m. 96 LYNN RtitilS, Tues. & Sat. Crown, Duke's Head, Globe, Three Tuns, 2012 Houses, 10096 Inhab. L. to Wisbeach, 15} m, L. to Holbeach, 1 7$ an. 97 Gaywood r . to Gayton, 7 an. 93} South Wootton l. to Castle Rising, 1} m. 90} R-Rising Lodge, C.Howard,Esq. 164 HlLLINGTON r. Seat of J. Bailey, Esq. l. Sear of H. Goodwin, Esq. 104$ L.HilhngtonHall.SiiM.B.FolkesR. to Fakenham, 13 an. 104} Flitcham 106} l. Anmer Hall, J.Coldtfarn, Esq. ' ». 2 m. Houghton Hall, Earl of . Cholmondeley 109 Great Bircham R.2m.Mount Ida, SirH.Lamberl 110$ Bircham Newton i.,toJBurnham,'lyDockii>g, 7 Jan, 117 Miles.113} Stanhoe . l. StanhoeHall, E. Rolfe, Esq. r. Barwick House, W. Hoste, Esq. - BURNHAM MARKET, Mon. & Sat. Pitt's Arms, 169 Houses, 743 Inhab. L. Seat of Lady Camelford a. to Wells, 6 m. r. to Fakenham, 10 an. n. to New H'alsingliam, 7} m. i.. to Hunstanton, 1 1 m. 69$ To Barton Mills, as page 328 69} R. to Thetford, 10}m. 72$ Houb's Cross 75$ Wangford 78 BRANDON, Triday, C/ieclm,' 203 Houses, 1148 Inhab. k. 2 m. Santon Downham, Earl . Ca'dogan _, l. Seat of J. R. Birch, Esq. 78$ Cross the Little Ouse River J3orfaI6. r. to Swaffham, 14} m. 79} Weeting All Saints l. 3 m. Hockwold Hall, E. 'Bil- lingsley, Esq. 80 R.Weeting HalI«E. of Montrath 84 METHWOLD, Tuesday, 134 Houses, S65 Inhab. F. 3 m. Didlington Hall, W. H. Wilson, Esq. 87} R. to Thetford, 1 5 an. 88 Cross the Stoke River 88$ Stoke Ferry r. 3 m. OxburghHall, Sir-R.Be- dinfield 90 WgREHAM r. Seat of Sir J. Berney L. Dereham Abbey, T. Kelt, Esq. 91} L.to Downham Market, 3 J m. ¦ 93$ Stradset r. to Swaffham, 10$ m. L. to Downham Market, 4 m. r. 3 m. Barton Bendish Hall, Sir J. Berney v 94j Shodldham Thorpe B7f i. to Downham Market, 6f m.. 331 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 332 Miles. -' Miles. l.to Eby,$4%m. 117 Fring L.im.Watlihgton Hall, J. Reid, 119$ Docking Esq. r. Docking Hall 98$ Cross the Lynn River 124} BURNHAM MARKET, see p. 98} Setch 99} West Winch 330 101$ Hardwicxe r. to Swaffham, 13} m. OR, 102} LYNN REGIS, see page 329 113^ To SnettisiiaM, as above- 103} GayWood 116 Heatchum iris , South Wootton r. Seat of E. Rolfe, Esq. K.toBumham,byFlitcham,l 8}m 119 Hunstanton ' 107 Castle-Rising. r. The Hall, Rev. A. Stileman r. Ruins of the Castle, C. How L. Seat of the Earl of Montrath ard, Esq-, 120} Holme 109} n. 1 m. Sanderingham Hall and 122^ Thornham Park, H. H. Henley, Esq. r. Seat of G. Hogg, Esq. 111$ Dersingham 124 TlTCHWELL 112}. Ing-oldsthorpe 125 Brancaster ' R.MountAmelia.Rev.W.Davy; : r. to Docking, 4$an. and Seat of R. A. Lee, Esq. 127 BURNHAM DeEPOALE ' l. Old Hall, — Foster, Esq. 129J BURNHAM MARKET, see p. 113} Snettisham 330 r. Seat of N. Stileman, Esq. , LONDON to ''LYNN REGIS. 52$ To Papworth'St. EVERA'RD,aS -':' ¦' page 287 53 L. to Potton, 1 1 m. L.to Hunliigdon, 5} m. Jhimtinetionenirt'. 55J "Hilton S7 r. to Cambridge, 1 0} an. L.-fo Himting'dm, 5 m. 59 St. IVES,' Monday, Crown, 480 Houses, 2099 Inhab. .60 n. to Ely, 16} m. Over Somersham Heath 64} l. to HuntingdoK,'Si m. 65 SoMERSHAlft '¦¦<¦ r. to Ely, 13} m. 70 Chatteris Ferry Cross the Nen River " €ambriu8c«|)tre. 72$ Chatteris, George r. to Ely, Ilm. 74 L. to Huntingdon, 14 m. 75 Poddikgtow' Miles. - 77$ WlMBLlNCTON 81 MARCH, Friday, Griffin, White Hart, ¦ ' 555 Houses, 2514 Inhah. Cross the Nen River 85 Gyiiurn Ferry 89$ WISBEACH, Saturday, Rose& Crown, Pine, 1 174 Houses, '5541 Inhab. L. toHolbeach, 14$ m. r. to Dotennam Market, 13 m. 89} Cross the Nen River JSorfbltt. 90} WAlsokeW 92} West'Walton 94$ Walpole St. Pe^-er r.' Seals of R. Coney, Esq. H. Townshend, Esq. 95} Terrington St. John g6$ Tilney 98 - Islington l. Seat of T.Bagge, Esq. Cross the Ouse River and 333 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 334 Miles.100$ St. Germains l, Seat of; '. Hardy, Esq. 101} Saddlebow St. Mary Miles. 1 04$ Cross the Lynn River 104} LYNN REGIS, see page 329 ' LONDON to WELLS. (Norfolk.) Miles. 78 | 78$ 84 «7i 87189 93 95} 97i98$ 98} »Q1* 103 105 106} To BRANDON, as page 330 Cross the Little Ouse River Hotfolfi. L. to Methwold, 5} an. Mundford R. 1 m. Lynford Hall, G. Nel- thorpe, Esq. r. 2 m. West Tofts Hall, S. P. Galway, Esq. IcKBURGU it. 1 m. Buckenham Tofts, Lord" Pet-re HlLBOROUGH R. Seats of J.Micklethwaite, Esq. and Rev. W. Nelson R. 1 m. Bodney Hall, inhabited by the Nuns of Monta rges L. 3 m. at Cockley Cley, J. R. Dashwood, Esq. it. 2 m. Pickenham Hall, Gen. White SWAFFHAM, Saturday, Crown, White Hart, 452 Houses, 2220 Inhab. R. to East Dereham, 12 m. L. to Lynn Regis, 1 5 m. R. 3-m. Necton Hall, W„ Mason, Esq. . L. [to Castle Acre, Saturday 104 Houses, 842 Inhabitants,' J$m.=97 m.from London] ' 1. 1} m. Castle Acre Abbey, T. W.Coke, Esq, , " Newton n.toFakenham,byLitekam,l !$a» R. 2 m. Lexham, J.Hyde, Esq. L. to Wells, by Rudham, lg$ m. L.Weasenham Hall, Mrs.Black- burn Wbasenham St. Peters l. Seat of W. Mason, Esq. Rainham, King's Head l. Rainham Hall, M. of Towns- hend Toft Trees Miles. 107} R. to Litcham, J m. 108} FAKENHAM, Th. Red Lion, 242 Houses, 1236 Inhab. L. to Lyrni Regis, 21} m. it. to Holt, 12 m. «. Norton Hall, Lord Petre 1 09 L. to Burnham Market, 10 an. 111} East Basham 1124 Houghton in the Dale 113}. NEW WALSINGHAM,Thurs. Black Lion, 214 Houses, 1004 Inhab. R. to Norwich, 27 m . , L. to Burnham Market, 7} m. r. Walsingham Abbey, H. L. Warner, Esq. 1 115} Wighton 116} n.Warham Hall.T.W.Ctjke.Esq. 113} WELLS, Saturday, Fleece, 569 Houses, 2316 Inhab. L.lm. Holkham Hall and Park, T.W. Coke, Esq. 97} To Newton, as page 333 98$ j.. to Fakenkam, ly Rainham, : 10$ m. ., 99 West Lexham . 100 East Lexham r. Lexham Hall, J. Hyde, Esq. 101} Litcham r. to East Dereham, 8 m. 103} TlTTLESHALL st. } m. Goodwick Hall, T. W. Coke 108} l. to Swaffham, 14} m. log| FAKENHAM, see above 119} to WELLS, asahove, 10m. ' OR, 104 To HillIngtqn, as page329 104$ l. to Burnham Market, I2}ro. 108 Harpley 110$ West Rudham j.. Houghton Hall,' E. of Chol- mondeley 336 Roads measured from Shoreditch ChUrcH. 33(5 Miles.ill East Rudham h. to Swaffham, 13 m. r. to Fakenham, 6} an. n.ijm. Ruins of LoxfordAbbey 110} South Creak r. to Fakenham, 6 an. 117 l: to Burnham. Market, 4} an. 117} R. to iVeai Walsingham, 4} an. 119} l. Holkham Hall and Park, T. W. Coke, Esq. l. to Burnham Market, 3} an. . R. to Neui Walsingham, 4 m. 122} WELLS, see page 334 LONDON to CROMER. Miles. 78 To BRANDON, as page 330 78$ Cross the Little Ouse River JlSotfotti. 33 West Tofts L.West Tofts Hall, S. P.Galway, Esq. 1. 1 m. Lynford Hall, G. Nel- thorpe, Esq. 84f Stanfordl. Buckenham Tofts, Lord Petre 88} it. Meiton Park, Lord Walsing ham * • l. l m. Clermont Lodge, Earl of Clermont 91$ WATTON, Wed. George, 151 Houses, 693 Inhab. r. to Thetford, 12 an. l. to Norwich, 21m. 96 Shipdamk. Seats of B. G. Dillingham, Esq. and Rev. Mr. Bullock r.i m. Letton Hall, T.Gurdon, Esq. ' 96} Market Street gs Westfield Common 99 Lolly Moor 101 EAST DEREHAM, Friday, George, King's Arms, 524 Hoiuses,~2505 Inhab. r. to Norwich, 16$ m. L. to Swaffham, 12 an. 104} SWANTON MORLEY R.l}m. Elsing Hall, Mrs.Green 105$ Cross the Wensum River l.i m. Billingford Hall, R.Dut, ton, Esq. 107} Bawdeswell l. [to Foulsham, Tuesday, 103 Houses, 605 Inhab. 3 ¦».:: 1 10} m.from London] miles* L. to Litcham, 1 0} mi R. to Norwich, 13} an. r. Bawdeswell Hall, R. Lloyd, Esq. 112 REEPHAM, Saturday/ 42 Houses, 284 Inhab. R.lm.Booton Hall,P.Elven,Esq. 112$ L. to Cley, by Sail, 16} m. 113$ L. to Holt, by Heydon, 10m. l. Sail Hall, E. Hayes, Esq. • L. 2 m. WoodDalling Hall, and Heydon Hall,W.Bulmer,Esq. 115 Cawston K.2m. Heveringland Hall, W. Fellowes, Esq. - L. to Holt, 1 1 an. r. to Norwichi 11 m. 116 R. to Norwich, 10} an. L. to Holt, 11 m. - ; 119 AYLSHAM, Saturday, Black Boy, Black Bull, 333 Houses, 1667 Inhab. L. to Holt, 11§ an. r. to Norwich, 11$ an. r. to North Walsham, 6}m. 120 Cross the Bure River L. Blickling Park, Hon. W. A. Harbord 120} Ingworth i., 2 m. Woolterton Hall, Lord Walpole 122 Erpingham r .2m.Sufneld Hall.Lord Suffield 124$ Hanworth Green r. Gunting Hall, Hon. W. A. Harbord L.HanworthPark,R.L.Dough«y, Esq. 125} Powder Hill, 127} !•• Felbiidge Park, Rt. Hon.W. Windham '337 Roads measured from Shoreditch Church. 338 Miles. 128} 129 i.. Cromer Hall, G. Windham, •Esq. CROMER, Saturday, 141 Houses, 676 Inhab. it. 'to A7or(A Walsham, g m. ,.. to Holt, 11} an. i.. to Cley, 12 m. 109 111 112 f re 378 To NORWICH, as page 3? Sprowston r. Sprowston Hall, J.Morse.Esq. r. l m. Rackheath House, E. Stracey, Esq. r. Beeston Hall, J. Mickle- thwaite, Esq. L. Seat of Sir P. Stephenson L.lm. SpixworthPark, F.Long, Esq. 113} Crostwick R.lm. Wroxham Hall, Rev. D. Collyer 115 R.im. Belaugh Hall, Lady Du- rant 115} Horstead l, l m. Horstead Hall, W. Bat- chelor, Esq. Cross the Bure River r. Seat of H. P. Watts, Esq. r. Cottishall Hall, C. Ives, Esq. 118$ Scottow Common r. Scottow Hall, Lady Durant 119 R. [to Worstead, Saturday, 148 Houses, 650 Inhab. 2 an. ~ 121 m.from London.] 119} R.Westwick Hall,J.B.Petre,Esq. R.2m. Worstead Hall, Sir G.Bro- grave L. to Aylsham, 6 m. 123 NORTH WALSHAM, Tues. King's Arms, t 452 Houses, 1959 Inhab. L. to Aylsham, 6} an. r. to Cromer, by Trunch, g$ m. R.3m. Witton Park, MissNorris 125} Antingham 1.. to Norwich, by Felmingham, 15 m. k . Seat of R. BafHeld, Esq. l.i} m. Suffield Hall, Lord Suf field ^ i.. 2 m.'Gunton Hall, Hon. W. A. Harbord Thorpe CROMER, see page 337 128 132 109 To NORWICH, as page 328 ill Catton 113 Spixworth l. The Park, F. Long, Esq. 114} l. to Aylsham, 6$ m. 115 it. Frettenham, Lord Suffield L.lm. Haynford Hall, — Wirrell, Esq. , 1 16 r. Horstead Hall, H. Batchelor, 118 118$ ,119} 120} 122 122} 124 130} 1.. 2 m. Strattow Hall, R. Mar- sham, Esq. l. Seat of J. Lubbock, Esq. R. 1 m. Scottow Hall, Lady Du rant Skeytonl. to Aylsham, 3} m. r. to Worstead, 4 m. R. to North Walsham, 3 m. Felmingham r. to North Walsham, 2 m, L. to Aylsham, 4} m. Antingham to CROMER, as above 6} an . LONDON to HOLT. Miles. so To THETFORD, as page 326 82} Croxton .84}- Frogs Hall - st. 3 m. Wretham Park, W. Col- quhoun, Esq. 87} L.am. Buckenham House, Lord .Petre Miles.88$ ToTTlNGTON 89} h. 2 m. Thomson College, W. Tooke, Esq. l. 1} m. Clermont Lodge, Lord Clermont 90 Merton *,Merton Park, Ld.Walsingham Z 33g Rpad? measured from Shoreditch Church. 340 Miles. Miles. 92 WATTON* see page 33 5 L.2m. Bayfield Ha11,Mrs.Joddrel 101} to EAST DEREHAM, as page L. to Fakenham, 12 m. 335 gjm. L. to Wells, 11} are. . . R. to Reepham, 11 m. 1. to BUdcney, 5 an. 102} R. Quebec Castle, Hon. St. An L. to New Walsingham, 1 1} an. drew St. John L.l m. Gresscnhall, J.Hill, Esq. . OR, L. to Litcham-, 8 m. 10,9- .To NORWICH, as page 328 103} i. Gorgate Hall, Rev. T: Mun- i|||feHoRSHAM St. Faiths nings J/fl-- Seat of J. Day, Esq. 107 Elmha'm - R.lm. Spixworth Hall, F. Lona, 1. Elmham Hall, R. Milk, Esq. Esq. l. 1 m. Eloiham Park, T. W. llS} Nf.wTon St. Faiths , Coke, Esq. 115} it. Stratton Hall, R. Marsham, Esq. T Jog} Guist Bridge Cross the Wensum River 117$ HeVingHam L,im. Sennowe Lodge,T.Wode- r. Rippon Hall, T. Anson, Esq. house,Esq, 118 Marsham . 111} R.im; Wood Norton, W. T. r. Marsham Hall, J. Dash wood, Harwood, Esq. Esq. 114} r. Melton Hall, Sir E. Astley 120$ AYLSHAM, sec page 336 Un, Gunthorpe Hall, C. Col- r. to Cromer, 10 m. lyer, Esq. 121$ Blickling . i^3rn.Thursfcrd, SirG. Chadd r. Blickling Park, Hon. W. A. 115$ R.l m. Burgh Hall, J. H. Astley, Harboid Esq. 123$ k. 2 m. Woolterton Park, Lord 116 Briningham Walpole -117}-Thornage L.Oulton Hall, C.Bell, Esq. 120 HOLT, Saturday, Feathers, L.2m. Heydon Hall,W.Bulmer, 215 Houses, 1004 Inhab. ' Esq. R. Holt Hall,— Tomlinson, Esq. 125} Saxthorpe r. to North Walsham, 16 m. l. to New Walsingham, 12-£ m. R. to Norwich, 22} m. r.'. Ssat of R. Massan, Esq. r. to Crcmer, 10 m. l?8} EptfEFiELD Green 1. tajCley, 4 m. 13 i}. HOLT, see page 33g LONDON to EOTHBUBY. Miles. - a ,- 2g 1 § To MORPETH, as page 291 293} Loaning b. to Alnwick, 17 m, 294} r. to Wooler, 28} m. 297$ Harelaw 299} R. 1 m. Seat of R. Riddel, Esq. 320} Todrurn .302} Sunny Side 303$ The Leb Miles. 304} t. to Newcastle", 29 m. "l.* to Hexham, 27 m. L.'fo Corbridge, 27$;m. 1.. Hollin Hall 306} CrosS'the Cocquet River 307 ROTHUURY, Friday, 131 Houses, 668, Inhab. R. to Alnwick, 12 m. s. to Wooler ', 20} an. I I I 341 342 ROADS Measured from Whitechapel Church. LONDONto YAEMOUTH, « through Ipswich. Miles. Miles 1 Mile End 16$ Brook Street L. to Hackney, 2 m. l. Rockttts, Earl St. Vincent's ;. 2} Stratford le Bow •andWeald Hall, C.Tpwer„Esq.' Cross the Lea River r. Boyles, A.Wallis, Esq. Warley QSeecj:. Place, S. Bonham, Esq., and Ropers, J. Hirst, Esq. . a} Stratford 18 BRENTWOOD, Thursday, l. to Epping, 13 m. Croaoai, White Hart,' r. [to Barking, Saturday, 182 Houses, 1007 Inhab. 328 Houses, lSBS.lnhab. .R. to Tilbury Fort, 16}m. 3}m.rr7$m.ya-om Lontfoa'] r. Warley Common 5} The Rising Sun r. 1 m.Thorndon Hall, Lord Petrer, t,. Aldersbrook, T. Skinner,; Esq. and Middleton Hall, S. F. Cil- 1. 1 m. Wanstead House, late Sir lum, Esq. J T. Long 19 Shenfield 6} Cross the Roding River l. Shenfield Place, R. Heatley, 7 Ilford, Angel, Red Lion" . Esq. l. Highland House,J.Currie, Esq. n. to Billericay, 4 m. Valentine House, late — Ca 20 l.i m. Fitzwater, T.Wright, Esq, meron, Esq. and Cranbrook, 21 MOUNTNESSING STREET R. Raikes, Esq. l. l m. Thoby Priory, P. Moore, R.2m. Bifrons, S. Ibbetson,* Esq. Esq. 9 Ciiadwell 23 Ingatestone, 11} ROMFORD, Tues. & Wed. New Inn, Spread Eagh CocA- & Bell, White Haft, 23$ i.. Masonett, Mrs. Conyers 52g Houses, 3179 Inhab. 23| l. Hyde, Brand Mollis, Esq. R.to Grays Thurrock, 12} m. 25 Mahgretting Street l. Marshalls, J. Barwis, Esq. n. to Maldon, 12} m. l. l m. Writtle Park, C. Nightin 12§ L. GideaHall, G. Bryant, Esq. and Petits; T. Corsellis, Esq. gale, Esq. L.l} m. Havering Bower, J. Mil- L. Coptfold Hall, Mrs. Holden ner, Esq. and Bcdfords, J. Hea 26$ l. Hylands, J. R. Comynt Esq. ton, Esq. 26} Stisted 12} -Hare Street Cross the Chelmer River ¦ R. Seat of — Repton, Esq. - 27} Wioford R. HaTe Hall, A.Wailinger, Esq. 28~ k. Moulsham Hall, Sir H. St. 13$ R. Brakes Place, late — Qulnsey, John Mildmay Esq. 28$ Moulsham 15 L.lm, Daggenhim, Sir R. Neave Cross the Chelmer River Z2 343 ; Roads measured from Whitechapel Church. 3*14 Miles. 28} CHELMSFORD, Friday, '¦" ' Black Boy, Saracen's Head, 653 Houses, 3755 Inhab. 28} l. to Epping, 17}m. l. to Chipping Ongar, 10 an. l. to Dunmow, 13 m. f L. to Brainiree, 11} an. Cross the Chelmer River 2g} Springfield l. Springfield Place, G. Brograve, Esq. 30 k. Lyons,DowagerLadyWaltham 32 it. New House, Mrs. Walford L.lm. New Hall, L.Olmius, Esq. 32} Boreham R.Boreham House,J.Tymel, Esq. 34} Hatfield Peverell l. 1 m. Terling Place, Lieut. Col. Strutt r . 1 m .The Priory , P.Wiight, Esq. 37$ Cross the Witham River 87} WITHAM, Tuesday, George, Blue Posts 401 Houses, 2186 Inhab. r. to Maldon, 6 m. l.. to Brainiree, 7 m. «. Seat of T. Kynaston, Esq. «. 1} m. Wickham Hill, Rev. R. Porteus L. 1} m. Falkbourn Hall, J. Bui- lock, Esq. 39} Rivenhall End r. 1 m. Braxted Lodge, P. Ducanej Esq. L.2m Western n. Durand Hall, late G.Cole, Esq. 41 Kelvedon, Angel i. Felix Hall, C. Western, Esq. l. [toCoGGESHALL, Saturday, 5g3 Houses, 246g Inhab. 3m.- i4 m.. from Lontlori] Cross the Blackwater River 42 Gore-pits , B. i* m. Hill House, G. Griggs, Esq. r.i m. Fitr House, Mrs.Hill Rand • 45} Marks Tey l. to Coggeshall, 4 m. 40} r. Copford Hall, J. H. Harrison, Esq. R.2m. Birch Hall, J.Round, Esq. Miles 47 49 51 Rivenhall Place^ Rev. T. 51} 52 52} 55$ 57} Stanway Lexden L. to Halstead, 11} are. COLCHESTER, Wed. & Sat. Cups, White Hart, - 1997 Houses, 11520 Inhab. L. [to Neyland, Friday, 1 Inn, 154 Houses, 881 Inhab. 6are.=57 m.i/a-omLorei2oB] Cross the Colne River Greenstead r. to Harwich, 19} m. r. to St. Osyth, 10 are. r. to Wivenhoe, 3 m. K.ILBRIDGE r* to Ardleigh, 1} an. L. Langham Hall, G. Rook, Esq, Cross the Stour River Suffolk. 58} Stratford, Swan, 62$ Cross Green 63$ Bentley 65$ Copdock, White Elm l. to Needham, g$ m. u. Hintlesham Hall, R. S.Lloyd, Esq. 67$ L. Chauntry, C. S.Collinson, Esq. 68} Cross the Orwell River 69$ IPSWICH, Wed. Fri. & Sat. Golden Lion, While Horse 2221 Houses, 11277 Inhab. l. to Needham, 8§ m. h. to Norwich, 4-2 m. ».. Seat of the Rev.W. Fonnereau 1,1m. Red House, M.Edgar, Esq. R.4m. on the Banks of the Orwell are Nacton, E. of Beverley; a Seat of P. B. Broke, Esq. and Wnolverston Park,W. Berners, Esq. 72} Kesgrave 73 h. Seat of G.Thomas, Esq. 75} Martlesham 77 WOODBRIDGE, Wednesday, Crown, Royal Oak 599 Houses, 3020 Inhab. l. The Priory, F.Brooke, Esq. 78} Melton r. [to Orford, Monday, S3 Houses, 751 Inhab. 11 an,~89}m. from London] 345 Roads measured from Whitechapel Church. 346 Miles. r. Seat of C. Rissow, Esq. 79} Ufford Street SO} R. Loudham, J. Whitbread, Esq. 81 Pf.ttistree 81} Wickham Market, White Hart L.lm. Easton HaU, E. of Roch- ford Cross the Deben River L. to Framlingham, 5} m. 84} Glenham R.Glenham Park,DudleyNorth, Esq. 86$ Stratford St. Andrew 86} Farnhamr. to Aldborough, 7$ m. 88} Benhall R. to Aldborough, 6 m. L. Benhall Lodge, G. Mackay, Esq. R.l m. Sternfield, Rev.W. Long 89} SAXMUNDHAM, Thurs. Bell 103 Houses, 855 Inhab. R. Seat of C. Long, Esq. 90 l. Carlton, E. Fuller, Esq. -60} Kelsale 9 1 } l. Poo Hall, T. Trusson, Esq. 93} Yoxford, Tuns R. to Dunwich, 6 m. L.Cockfield Hall, Sir John Blois; and Seat of E. Davey, Esq. L.2m. Heveningham Hall, Lord Huntingfield " 94} R. Darsham Hall, Lord Rous 95} L. to Halesworth, 4 m. L. to Bungay, 13} m. 96} l. Thorington Hall, G. Golding, Esq. 9g} Blythburgh Cross the Blyth River g9} L. to Beccles, g} an. it. to Southwold, 4j m. 101 L. Henham Park, Lord Rous 102} Wang ford, Angel 104$ Frostenden, l. Seat of N. Brewster, Esq. 105} Wrentham, Spread Eagle 106 l. Wrentham Hall, N. Brewster, Esq. L.2m. SotterlcyHouse.M.Barne, Esq. 106} r. Benacre Park, SirT. Gooch , Miles. 107$ 109112$ 112} 113} 114}n si ns} 118$11»$ 121}122}123} Benacre L.Weston, W. Sawbridge, Esq. Kessingland r. Gillingharfi, Mrs. Schutz Pakefield KlRKLEY LOWESTOFT, Wednesday, Crown, Queen's Head, 512 Houses, 2332 Inhab. l. High House,T. Anguish.Esq. r. Gunton, G. Montague, Esq- l. 2 m. Somerliton Hall, Sir T. Allen HoPTONL.Hobland Hall.T. Fowler, Esq. L.l m. Broceston Hall, Mrs. Le Grys Gorleston Scuth Town l'. to Beccles, 13} an. Cross the Yare River jraortou*. YARMOUTH, Saturday, Chaises atPrivateHouses only 3159 Houses, 14845 Inhab. 69$ To IPSWICH, as page 344 _R. to Woodbridge, 7} an. 71 L.2m. BramfordHall, Mrs. Acton 72} Claydon l. to Needham, 5 m. it. Rougham Hall, J. M. Theo bald, Esq. 73} u. ShiublandHall,W.Middleton, Esq. 76-J Creeting All Saints r. 1 m. Crowfield Hall, W. Mid dleton, Esq. 79} Little Stonham, Pye Inn 80 R. to Debenham, 3 m. 83} Brockford Street r. to Eye, 6 are. 84} Thwaite, Buck Head 36 Stoke Ash 87 l. Thornham Hall, Duchess o{ Chandos 871 R- to Eye, 2 m. 68$ Yaxley r. 2 m. Broome Hall, Marquis Cornwallis 347 Roads measured frbm Whitechapel Church'.' .348' Miles. 90 . Broome ,r. to Eye, 1 m. 90$ L. to Bot:sdale, 6 m. 91} Cross the Waveney River jraotfoift. 92 Osmond.eston, or Scole Inn, WhiteHart L. to Diss, 2} are. L. to Norwich, 1 g$ m. 63 BlLUNGFORD COMMON 94$ Thorpe Abbots 96 Brockdish l. Seat of J. Dell, Esq. B7} Needham 99 HARLESTON, Wednesday, 100} Redenhall L.GawdyHall, Rev. Mr. Holmes 101$ Wortwell loa| r. FliXton Hall, A. Adair, Esq. 105} Earsham l. Earsham House, J .Windham, Esq. Jo6$ Cross the Waveney River ©Utfolfi. 108| BUNGAY, Thursday, King's Head, Tuns, 4g2 Houses, 234g Inhab. L. to Norwich, by Loddon, 1 7 an. or by Hedimgham, 13} m. B. to Halesworth, 9 m. L. .2 m. ' Hedingham Hall, C. Gurney, Esq. and Ditching- ham Hall, J.Bedingfield, Esq. L. 1} m. Broom Place, V. Eyre, Esq. 1,2m. Broom Hall, Mrs.Fowles 109$ Mettingham tOiij Shipmeadow • 1 ta§ Barsham 112 .BECCLES, Sat. King's Head 621 Houses, 2788 Inhab. R. to Lowestoft, 9 m. Cross the Waveney River JSoifoIft. 113} GlLLINGHAM ALL SAINTS R.Gillingham Hall.Mrs.Schutz l. Gelderstone Hall, T. Kerrick, Esq. L.to Norwich, by Loddon, 16 m. 115} TOft, Monks l. 1 m. Ravcningham Hall, Sir E. Bacon 117$ Hadiscoe lig} St. Olave's Bridge Cross the Waveney Rivec <§>uffoI&. R. 1 m. Ruins of Herringflett Abbey 120$ Fritton r. Somerliton Hall, Sir T. Allen 125J South Town r. to Lowestoft, gm. 126} Cross the Yare River 126} YARMOUTH, seepage 346 • aaaa, g9} To Blythburah, as page 345 gg} r. to Lowestoft, 14 an. 100} Bulchamp 102 r, Hcnham Hall, Lord Rous 103} 1.. Westhall Hall 104} Bramptonl. The Hall, Rev. N. T. Orgill 105} Shaddingfield r. 1 m. Sotterley House, M. Barne, Esq. 107$ Weston 107} L.Weston Hall,— Woodley.Esq. 109} BECCLES, see page 347 124$ to YARMOUTH; as above, 14} LONDON to HAEW1CH. IK lies. ja To Greenstead, as page 344 55} Ardleigh 58$ Wignf.ll Street 59 it. to Mistley Thorn, avoiditig Manningtrte, l}a», ¦• Miles. 60 MANNINGTREE, Tuesday, : Packet, 129 Houses, 1016 Inhab. 60} Mistley Thorn r, MistleyHall, F. H.Rigby, Est). 349 Roads measured from Whitechapel Church. 350 Miles.63 Bradfield 67} Ramsey Street 68$ Ramseyl. Michaelstow Hall, L. P. Gar land, Esq. 89} Dover Court 71§ HARWICH, Tuesday, Three Cups, White Hart, 493 Houses, 27fii Inhab. .Here is a capacious Harbour and Dockyard,the entrance towhich is defended by Landguard Fort on the Suffolk side of the Stour Rixer LONDON to NORWICH 28} To CHELMSFORD, as page 343 28} L. to Epping, 17}are. R. to William, 8} m. 31} Broomfield 33 L.to Dunmow, 9 m. Cross the Chelmer River 33$ Little Waltham l. Langiees, W. Tufrhell, Esq. 36 Blacktcater St. Anns 37} Youngs End 40$ BRAINTREE.Wed. WhiteHart 454 Houses, 2821 Inhab. R. to Colchester, 15 an. R. to Witham, 7 m, l. to Dunmow, 8$ m. 41 . Rocking Street 4 1 $ Cross the Pant River 42} High Garret l. to Haverhill, 1 5} m. 44§ l. see Gosfield Hall, M. of Buck ingham i 46} HALSTEAD, Fri. King's Arms 784 Houses, 3380 Inhab. r. to Colchester, 13 J m. l. to Haverhill, .16 m. l. Dynes Hall, H. Sperling, Esq. 49$ Maplestead 50$ Catley Cross r. Seat of Sir J. Marriott Bulmer Tye l. to Castle Hedingham, 5 m. I. Auberies, R. Andrews, Esq. Cross the Stour River 52 53$ 54$ ©ufta!&. 54J SUDBURY, Saturday, Rose and Crown, Swan, 612 Houses, 3283 Inhab. R, to Lavenham, 7 m. 56}' Roduridoe 56} L.Liston Hall, W.Campkell, Esq. Miles. 57} Long Melford, Bull R.l m. Acton Place, late W. Jen nings, Esq.' r. Melford Hall, Sir H. Parker 58} L. Kentwell Hall, R. Moore, Esq. 61} Alpheton 65 l. Coldham Hall, Sir T. Gage 66 Bradfield r. Bradfield Hall, A.Young, Esq. 68$ Whelnetham 69$ R.Rushbrooke Hall,SirC.Danvers 70$ R. to Stowinarkel, 1 3 are. 71 BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Wed. Angel, Bell, Half Moon, Six Bells ¦ 1397 Houses, 7655 Inhab. L. Hardwick House, Sir T. G. Cullum l. 2 m. Ickworth, Earl of Bristol Cross the Lark River l. to Newmarket, 14 m. l. to Thetford, 12$ an. 73} Barton 74 L. Barton Hall, Sir C Bunbury 77$ Cross the Thet River 77} 1XWORTH, Friday, 13J Houses, 887 Inhab. ».. Ixworth Priory, J. CartwrighSi Esq. r. to Stowmarkct, 11$ an. 80} Stanton r. Langham Hall, Sir P. Blake 82$ Hepworth 84} Rickenhall 85} BO TESDALE, Tburs. Crown, 65 Houses) 565 Inhab. l. Redgrave Hall, T.Holt, Esq.. 88} L. to Diss, 3 m. gi Stanston 91} R. to Ipswich, 22 m. 92} Cross the Waveney River 351 Roads measured from Whitechapjbl Church. 352 JSotfeia. 92} OsMONDEStON, OrScbLElNN, White Hart L. to Diss, 2}m. R. to Harleston, 7 m. 94| L.Thelton Hall, T.Havers, Esq. 94} Thelverton 97$ Tivetshall r. Seat of W. Bonne, Esq. 101} Long Stratton l. Seat of Rev. Mr. Burroughs 102} Stratton St. Michael 105$ Newtonk. Shotteshara House, R. Fel- lowes, Esq. 108$ k. Dunston Hall, Mrs. Long 100$ L.Mangreen Hall, Miss Church man log} l. to New Buckenham, 13} an. 109} Hartford Bridge Cross the Yare River 111} L. to Wymondham, 8§an. l. Seat of Alderman Ives 112 NORWICH, see page 328 OR, 54§ To SUDBURY, as page 349 l. to Bury St. Edmunds, 16} are. 56} Chiltonr. Chilton Park,- J. Addison, Esq. 58 i.. to Lcvenham.sm. ' \ ¦ L.l m. Acton Place, late W. Jen nings, Esq. 58} Little Waldingfield L.Holbrook Hall, J.Hanmer, Esq. R'.2m. at IvSilden, M. Burton, Esq. 66$? R. [to Bildeston, Wednesday, 121 Houses, 7 44 Inhabitants 3$ an. — 63} m.from London] 61 Brent Illeigii r. 2 m, at Chelworth, — Pock lington, Esq. .. l. Brent Illeigh Hall, Col. Goate 62} Kettlebastone 63} l. 2 m. Brettenham Park, J. We- nyeve, Esq. 63f HlTCIIAM lis Cross Green 66| Hoistead Green 67k Great Fineokougii l. The Hall, R. Pettiward, Esq. STOW MARKET, Thursday, King's Head, White Hart, 283 Houses, 1761 Inhab. l. to Bury St. Edmunds, 14 m. R. to Needham, 3j m. 71 Thorn ey Green 74 l.i m. GippingHall, E.Tyrrell, Esq. 75} Mendlesham 76} Brockford Street R. to Ipswich, 14^ an. R . to Eye, 6 m. to Broome, as p. 346, 6$ an. n.loNorwich, byScolelnn,2i$m. Sanstonl . to Bolesdale, 5} an. Cross the Waveney River /Sorfolft. 83 84}85-3 S8 89$ g3 94 94} 9-7} 112} DISS, Friday, King's Head, Saracen's Head 327 Houses, 2246 Inhab. b . to Scole Inn, 2} m. Shelfhanger Winfarthing NEW BUCKENHAM, Sat. 12 5 Houses, 644 Inhab. R. to Norwich, by Falconeston, .16* are. it. St. Andrew's Hall, Miss Head Oi.n Buckenhaiu ATr LGBOROUGH, see p. 326 to NORWICH, as p. 328, 15m. OR, 85} To BOTESDALE, as page 350 87} PtliDGR'AVE 88$ Lotham Ford Gate. Cross the Waveney River JSorfolS. go South Lopham r. to Diss, 4} are. L. 2 m. at Garboldisham, G. M. Molyneux, Esq. go} North Lor-HAM g3 Kr.NNINGHALL L.lm Quiddenham Hall, Coun tess of Albemarle 97 t-fEW 15UCK.ENHAM, see above 353 Roads measured from Whitectjapbi. Church. 354 Miles. 1 i 6} to NORWICH, as p. 3 52, l g}m. or by Falconeston, 16} m.— 1 1 3-| m. from London. OR, To Yoxford, as page 345 k. to Lowestoft, 18 m. R.Thorington Hall, G. Golding, Esq. Bramfield HALESWORTH, Tuesday, 26-2 Houses, 1676 Inhab. Stone Street St. Laurence Ilketjhall BUNGAY, see page 347 Cross the Waveney River J!2otfoI8. 110 White House r. So Norwiek, byLoddon, 16$are. 95} 98$ 100$ 103J106$ 109$ 112 r. Broom Place, V. Eyre, Esq. r. Ditchingham Hall, J. Biding. field, Esq. R.2m. Broom Hall, Mra.Fowlea i.. Hedingham Hall, C. Gurney, Esq. H2}~Hedisgha,m114 l. WoodtonHall,Miss Simmons 116} KlRSTEAD it. Seat of R. Kerrison, Esq. it. 1 m. Seething Hall, T. &} Pratts Bottom 17} Richmore Hill l. HaVsted Place, G. A. Arnold, Esq. 18} Knock holt 19} Marams Court Hill *a}m. Ovenden, Lady Stanhope R.2m. Coombank, Lord F.Camp bell ; and Hill Paik, J. H. Bar row, Esq. R.l rn. Chevening Place, Earl Stanhope 21 Dunton Green 21} Cross the Darent River R.ChepsteiPlace,— Polhill, Esq. 22 Riverhead, WhiteHart R. to Westerham, 4f an. L. to "Maidstone, 1 7} m. r. Montreal, Lady Amherst 23$ SEVENOA'KS, Saturday, Crown, Royal Oak, 416 Hoiises, 1403 Inhab. ¦ L.to Dartford, 13 m. l. l m. Wilderness, Earl Ckmdcn R. Kippingto"n,F. M.Austeii, Esq. 23} R.Seatpf M.Lambert, Esq. 24 l. Knowle Park, LomWhitworth r. Ash Giove, — Cook, Esq. 26 River Hill TuRNPikE l. Seat of H.Woodgate, Esq. and Belle Vue, R. H. Gordon, Esq. 27$ Watts' Cross r. 10 Tunbridge Wells, 9$ m. 29 Hillden Green S6l Ro&ds measured from London Bribst;. 3fJ3 Miles. 30$ TUNBRIDGE, Friday, . . Angel, Rose £f Crown, 771 Houses, 4371 Inhab. t. to Jitteidftonc, 13} an. Cross the Midway River 1. -to Rye, 33 m. .32} R. Old Bounds, Lady Darnley; and New Bounds, J. Anson, Esq. S3 Southborough 33} Nomsuch Green 35 R, to East Grinsted, 15W. 35} Tunbhidge^Wells, Angel, Nero Inn, Sussex Tavern r. to Lewes, 23 are. 37} R.Eridge Park, E.of Abergavenny l. Shernfold Place, C. E. Pigou, Esq. Su&trec. SS Frant 38-J Sleecu's Cross l. to Hastings, 26 are. 41$ Mark Cross 44 Mayfield 43} Butchers Cross 48 n.fo Cuckfield, 21 m. 49 - I. Gate House, Mrs. Dalrymple r. to Lewes, 12} m. 49} Cross in Hand l. 1 m. Heathfield, F. Newberry, Esq. 50} l. to Granbrook, 18} m. 63 Horeham Turnpike Miles. 56$ 57Hi58} 61 6-2} 64} 65$ R. The Broad, G. Mason, Esq, Horse Bridge, King's Head it . to Letces, 11m. L. to Battel. 13} are. HAILSHAM,.Wednesday, 135 Houses, 897 Inhab. L. to South Bourne,byStoneCross, 8 m. Swines Hill r. to Lewes, ism, WlLI.lNGDON R. Wratton, Inigo ThomasJ Esq. East Bo-u-rne," Lamb R. to Lewes, 17}m. R. Compton Place, Lord G. Ca vendish . South Bourne, New Inn 27$ To Watts' Cross* as -page 360 29$ Leigh k. Hall Place, Sir J. B. Burgess 31$ R. Red Leaf, Rev.T. Harvey 81} Pe'nshorst l. Penshurst Park, — Sydney, Esq.. 32 Cross the Medway River r. South Park, — Alnutt, Esq. 1. to Tunbridge, 6 m. 34$ Sfeldhurst -a.,. 36} Tunbridge Wells, see p. 361 66 to South Bourne, as page 361, 29} m. LONDON to KINGSTON. Miles. 1 NEWIN.G.TON Tu*R}JPikE 2$ VauXh'aLl TuhNPiKfc r. see Chelsea College, and the Horizontal Windmill 4} Battersea Rise 5$ L.St.John'sPlace.T.V-afdeh.Esq. S^ l. to Clapham, 2 are. 6 Wandsworth Cross the Wandle River 0} R.West Hill, J. A. Rueker, Esq. 11. to Pitttiey, } m. \ Miles. 7$ Cross Putney Heath L.Wimbledon. Park, Earl Spencer ¦ r. Searof the late SirW.Fbrdyce 7} The Oselisk h. to Putney -diid Fulham r. Richmond Park , 9$ Robin Hdotj 10$ l. Combe Houf/e, Hon.-W. TWle- maohe 11} KINGSTON, see.page 43 363 Roads measured from London Bridge. 364 LONDON to DOVEA. Miles. l Kent Street Turnpike 3} New Cross 3} r. to Eltham, 4} are. r. to Bromley, 5} an. 4$ DeptfordCioss the Ravensborne River L. [to Greenwich, Wed. &Sat. 2121 Houses, 14339 Inhabit. } an. =5 m. ^rom London] i. [to Woolwich, Friday, linn, 1362 Houses, 9B26lnhab. 4 $ m. — 8} m. /roan ioredore] 4} R. to Bromley, 5$ an. S Black heath, Greeai Man l. Greenwich Park l. to Woolwich, by Charlton, 4m. 0 R. Morden College, for decayed Merchants 7 L.Charlton House, LadyS.Wilson 7} L. at Charlton, the Princess of Wales 8$ Shooter's Hill, Bull, 445 feet in height r. Tower in memory of Sir E.W. James 10} Welling 10} R. Danson Hill, Sir J. Boyd 11 R.lm. Blendon Hall, Gen. Pa- terson ¦h. 2 m. Belvidere, Lord Eardley 11$ Cross Bexley Heath, Golden Lion 12 k. 2 m. Mount Mascall, J. Mad- docks, Esq. 12} l. l m. May Place, Lady Ferma nagh 13 Cross the Cray River 13$ Crayford r. to Foot's Cray, 5 m. 15 DARTFORD, Sat. Bull, Bull & George, Granby Head, Rose 468 Houses, 2406 Inhab. r. to Farningham, 4} m, 15$ Cross the Darent River ie R. the Powder Mills 16} Stone Gate 17 Horns Cross .- r. Mount Pleasant, D. Camphell, Esq. 17$ l. seeBelleVueCastlei — Button, Esq. 17} r. Stone Castle, T.Talbot, Esq. 18} l. Ingries, W. Havelock, Esq. 20} NORTHFLEET 21 r. Wombwell Hall, — Sabatier, Esq. 21$ L. [to Gravesend, Wed. & Sat, 2 Imis, 4lvHouses, •HHilnhab. } are.=22 m. from London] 22$ R.Mount Pleasant, — Joynes, Esq. 23$ L. to Gravesend, ]}m. 23} Chalk Street 25 L. See Thomdon Hall, Lord Petre j and Lodge Hill, — Smith, Esq. 26} Gad's Hill h. see the Mausoleum in Cobham Park, Earl Damley 2? L. the Great Hermitage, Sir F. Head 27} l. the Little Hermitage, — Day, Esq. 28} Stroud 29 Cross the Medway River R. Ruins of Rochester Castle 29$ ROCHESTER, Friday* Bull, .Crown, Old King's Head 1150 Houses, 6817 Inhab. r . to Maidstone, 8$ m. 30} CHATHAM, Sat. Mitre, Sun I72g Houses, 1050s Inhab. r. to Maidstone, 8} m. 34 Rainham 34} Moor Street 36} Newington 38 Key Street r. to Maidstone, g} an. L.[tO&UEENBOROUGH,ikfe. 353 Mile,. 17} R. to Sevenoaks, 7} are, 19$ Cbikham 2,1 King's Down 24 WR0THAM, Tuesday, Bull, ill Houses, 755 Inhab. 26 Wrotham Heath, Royal Oak R. to Westerham, 13 m, 26} r. to Tunbridge, 9;m. 37$ L. Addington Plaoe, L. Bartho lomew, Esq. 98} L. Leybourna Grange, Sir H. Hawley R. to West Mailing n. to East Mailing, 1 m. ». Mailing Abbey, G- T. Foote, Esq. 30 Larkfield r. Bradburn House, Sir J. Twis- den; and Seat ot J. Lai kin, Esq. 30} Ditton l, to Aylesford, 2 m, L. 1 m. 1 he Fryers, Countess of Aylesford 31} l. Preston Hall, Mrs. Milner 33} L. A Hington Castle / 34$ R. to Tunbridge, 13} are. Cross the Medway Rivex 34.} MAIDSTONE, Thursday. Bell, Bull, Star, 1346 Houses, 8C27 Inhab. L. to Chatham, 8} m. x.. to Queenborough, 1 7 m. I. to Canterbury, 26}an. L. to Milton, 1,1} an. r. fo Cranbrook, 1'3} an. 84} R. Mote Park, Lord Romhey L. Vintners, J.Whatman, Esq. 36} Bersted Green 38 k. Millgate, L. Cage, Esq. 39 R. Leeds Abbey, — Calcraft, Esq. . 39} r. Leeds Castle, Gen, Martin 43 Harrietshaml. 1 m. Seat of B.D.Duppa, Esq. n. Steed Hill, W. Baldwin, Esq. 44} Le-nham, Dog and Bear r. 1. rn. Chilson, G. Best, Esq. 48$ Charing u. to, Feversham, 11 an. r. to Smarden, 6} are. t. Eett Place, G.Sayer, Esq. a. 2 m. Cak Hill, H. Darell, Esq. Miles. R.2jm. Surrender!, Sit E-Daerinj 50} Westwell Common l. to Wye, 4} -are. 5,2} Hotiifiei.d * r. Hothfield Place, E. of Tbanejt i,Jm. Easiw.ellPack, E. of. Win- chelse^ 93& r. Goddin^ton, N.R.Toke, Esq. 51} ASHFORD, Tu. Saracen's Head, 411 Houses, 2151 Inhab. L. to Canterbury,, 15$. an. L.to Fexcrs/iarn,, 1 2 an, 56} WlLLESBOROUGH 58} Mersham Hatch l. Seat of Sin E. Knatchhull 59} L.4m. Evingtoq, Place, Sir J. Ho- neyv Neville 29 n. to Croydon, 9$ an. 29$ Godstone Green, White Hart R. to Bletchingley, l}m. • 30} Stanstead Borough 33 Blue Anchor 35 New Chapel Green, see p. 382 37 Fell Bridge 38} EAST GRINSTEAD, seep. 369 LONDON to LEWES, by Westerham. Miles." 22 To WESTERHAM, as above 24} Lynn Hurst 25 Ret) Hilx 26} MARLEriT Hill 28$ Eaton Bridge r. to East Grinstead, 6 an. 30} Pound House 33 Cross the Kent Water ©USSCE. 35} Hartfieed l. to Tunbridge, 13} m. vi m. Sioneland Park, Dutchess of Dorset R. to. Bast-Grinstead, 7$ an. Over Ashdown Forest - 40 Begbirs'Bush- Miles. 43 Maresfield, Checquers R. Maresfield Park, J. Newnhatri, Esq. r. to East Grinstead, llm, A. to Cuckfield, 13} m. 43} L. to Maidstone, 40 m. 44} l'. Buxted Place, Sir G. S. Evelyn 45 Uckfield, Maidenhead r. The Rocks, R. Streatfield, Esq. 49 L. to HaHsham, is-m. 47? HtlRSTEAD r. Horstead Place, — Chace, Esq. 4g l. Plashet Park, Lord Gage 53 L. to Hailsham, 12$ are. t. to Battle, 26 an. L. totunbridgeWittt, 29are. 53$ Cliff £ b 371 Roads measured from London Bridge. 372 Miles.53} Cross the Ouse River a 53} LEWES, Sat. Star, fPhite Hart, 512 Houses, 3309 Inhab. L. to Seaford, 10$ an. L. to East Bourne, lgan. R. to Brighthelmstone, 8$ are. LONDON to EOMNEY. Miles. 30$ To TUNBRIDGE, as page 361 32 l. Summer Hill, — Woodgate, Esq. 33$ Pembury Green 35 Woods Gate, Royal Oak ii. to Tunbridge Wells, 2} m. L. to Maidstone, 14 are. 136 R. Bay Hall, — West, Esq. 37 KipriNGS Cross v r. to Lamberhurst, 3$ an. 38} Matfield Green l. to 'Maidstone, 12 m. 39} Brenchley 41}' Horsemonden Heath l; to Maidstone, 12} are. r. to Lamberhurst, 3 an. 43 Cross the Twist River 43} GOULDHURST GORE L. to Maidstone, 1 1 an. 44 r. to Gouldhurst, } m, 44} Taywell 46 Eden Green 48 Wilsley r. to Cranbrook,\m, L. to Maidstone, 13§ an. r. Swift's Place, Major Austin Miles.4g Milkhousb Street l. to Maidstone, 12}m. L. [(oSmarden, Friday, 161 Houses, 831 Inhab. 7}are.— 56} m.from London. 49} Goford Green r. to Cranbrook, if are. 52} Foston Green 57 TENTERDEN, Friday, 371 Houses, 2370 Inhab. Chaises at a private House. it. to Newenden, 5} are. % r. to Rye, 15 m. L. to Ashford, 11$ an. r. Tenterden Place, Sir E. Hales 59 Leigh Green 60} Reding Street 63$ Appledose 65 Snargate 60} Brenzet Corner 69} Old Romney r. to Lydd, 3 m. 71} NEW ROMNEY, New Inn 346 Houses, 2167 Inhab. L. toHythe, 9 m. LONDONto WINCHELSEA. Miles. 37 To Kipping's Cross, as above L. Jo Maidstone, 13^ an. 39 LlNDERADGE &UARTER 40 L. to Maidstone, 15} m. ,40$ Lamberhurst, [Sussex) Chec quers r. to Lewes, 25 an. l. Court Lodge, Capt. Moreland R.2mi Bayham Abbey, Earl Cam- r den '41 i. Scotneys, E. Hussey, Esq. 43$ Stone Crouch, Postboy l . Combswell,— Champion, Esq. 44$ Pillory l. to Gouldhurst, 3} an. Miles. L.lm. Bedgebury,late J. Carder, Esq. 45 Flimwell, (Sussex) L. to Cranbrook, 7 m. L. } Arketon , 0$ Arreton Street Miles. 9} horringfohd 11$ Brenston i-2-| Apse 14$ Shanklin COWES to STEEPHlLLy Miles, 4} To NEWPORT, as page 389 5} Cross the Medina River 6} Standenl .' Seat of Col. Coupar 7 Blackwater g PlDFORD r. 1 m. Gatcombe House Miles. R.PidfordHouse,Rev.Dr.Worsley 8$ Rookley 10$ Godshill .. 12 r. Appledurcombe Park, Sir R. Worsley 13} Wroxhall 15 Steefhill COWES to NITON. Miles. 3$ To Rookley, as above g$, Over Black Down l2j BeerlIsy Miles.12} Kingates 13} Niton COWES to ST. HELENS. Miles. Ferry over the Medina River to .. J East Cowes r. Seat of J. Nash, Esq. l. Seat of Lord H. Seymour ,1} l. Osborne, R.P. Blachford, Esq. ''s} r. Fern Hill, S. Shute, Esq. .4 Wooton Bridge 4$. Kite Hill 5} l. Ruins of Quarr Abbey 6} Binstead Miles. 8} Ride, Bugle, Nag's Head, Neui Hotel, Star 9} St. Johns r. Seat of E. Simeon, Esq. L.}m. Appley, Dr. Walker 11$ Nettlestone l. Fairy Hill, Rev.H. Oglander; and Sea Grove, Mrs. Smith 11} L.£m. The Priory, Sir Nash Grose 12 St.Helins 393 Roads in the Isle of Wight. 394 COWES to RIDE. Miles.4} To NEWPORT, as page 389 Cross the Medina River Miles. g Wooton Bridge 13} to Ride, as page 392 CIRCUITOUS RIDES. * COWES to ST. HELENS. Miles. 13} To Niton, as page3g2 14$ Undercliffe 15$ k. Mirables Cottage, G. Arnold, Esq. 17 St. Lawrence The Church is the smallest in the kingdom R. The Marine Cottage, Sir R. Wotsley 18 Steephill l. Seat of the Earl of Dysart 19 l. St. Boniface, Mrs. Bowdler Miles, 20 20}22 Bonchurch, Union hm r. Luccombe Chine Shanklinr. Shanklin Chine, a beautiful chasm, with a fall of water 23} Lake 24$ r. Royal Heath, late JohnWilkes, Esq. 25 r. Sandown Fort ¦26} Brading 2g St. Helen's Green 2g} St. Helen's COWES to THE NEEDLES. Miles. 6 To CarisbrookJ as page 391 7 Golden Buccombe 7| Buccombe 8 Idlecomiie 8} Rowborough 8} Cheverton g} r. North Court, R. Bull, Esq. 9} Shorwellu. Woolverton, C. Arcedeckne, Esq. Miles. 10} LlMERSTON 11} Brixton 12 Brooksids 13} mottiston 14 Hulverstos , 14£ Brook lgf Freshwater Gate 23 to The Needles, as page 391 Miles. 6 ToCafisbrook, aspage3gi 8} it. Swainston House, Sir J. Bar- rington 10} Calbourne COWES to YARMOUTH. Miles. l. Westover House, — Holmes, Esq. 15} Thorley 16} YARMOUTH, see page 389 The Population Return for the Isle of Wight was 368" Houses, 22097 Inhab. *$* Theusual mode of visiting the beauties of the Island is' on horseback, or in a one-horse chaise, which may be hired at all the principal places. Vessels mejr be hired for a voyage round the Island, either at Cowes or Ride.. LONDONto UXBRIDGE, by Miles. Paddington, see page 151 } Pass under the Harrow Road, see page 158 L.$m. Westborn Green 1$ Pass under the Harrow Road, see page 158 2§ r.Kensal Green 3} R.$m. Holsdon Green, p". 157 l. 2m. Acton, see p.g7 4 R.$m. Horsf.ndon Green r. l$m. Wilsdon 5 l. $m. Twvford Cross the Brent River 5} APPERTON 7 HORSENTGN HlLL r.i} m. Sudbury Greek, p. 158 8$ n. Greenford Green r. l}m. Harrow, see p. 158 L. l§m. Greenford 9} Gosling's End R.}m. Northolt R.3m. Harrow, seep. 158 l. 1 m. Greenford 11} Pass under the Uxbridge Road, see page g7 1.. 1 m. SOUTHALL, see p. g7 r. l}m. Hayes, seep. g7 13 Bull Bridge the Grand Junction Canai. Miles. 1.. by Canal, to Norwood, 2 are. to Brentford, .'$ m. see p. 1 L. 3} m. HOUNSLOW, see p. 2 L.l$m. Cranford Bridge, p.2 13} l. 1 m. Harlinoton 16 l. l}m. Harmondsworth 16} L.}m. West Drayton 17} R.$m. Cowley 18} R. 1 m. Hullingdon, see p. 97 19} UXBRIDGE, seep. 97 The Passage Boats start from Padding- ton at 8 o'clock a. M. and 5 o'clock p.m. and from Uxbridge an o'clock a.m. and 4 o'clock p.m. The fares are s. d. For any distancenot exceeding 6m. 1 o above 6 m 1 Oan. 1 6 .... 10 nt 15m. 2 0 .. ..15m 2 6 Boats may be hired at any time for large or small parties, on application at the Wharf, Paddtngton. Tlie Passage Boats are regularly met by others at Bull Bridge, for the con veyance of Passengers- and Parcels to Norwood 'and Brentford. PACKETS. Holyhead to Duklin, 20 leagues, sails every evening, except Tuesday, on the arrival of. the Mail. Milford Haven to Waterford, 28 leagues, sails every evening, except Tuesday, on the arrival of the Mail. Portpatrick to Donaghadee, 5} leagues, sails every evening on the arrival of the Mail. Whitehaven to the Isle of Mai-', 15 leagues, sails arid returns once a week. Southampton to Cowes, Isle of Wight, 12 miles, sails every morning at 7 o'clock, and returns from thence at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. Weymouth to Guernsey and Jersey, 35 leagues, sails every Saturday at 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. From London to Ostend, 30 leagues London to theTEXEL, 56 leagues Dover to Calais, 8 leagues Harwich to Hci.voetsl,uys,3o1. BrIGHTH ELM STONE tODlEFPE,25l. Portsmouth to Jersey, 44 1. DISTANCES. From Portsmouth toBiiEST, 90 I. Plymouth to Brest, 52 leagues Plymouth to Cork, 80 leagues Bristol to Waterford, 28 1. Bristol to Dublin, 74 leagues Parkgate to Dublin, 38 leagues. 397 2g8 CROSS ROADS *#* The Figures after the Market and Post Toums shew the distance from the preceding Town; thus, after MALDON, is 11$ are. ivhich means that it is 11$ mites from ROCHFORD; and to avoid repetitions, wlien a Road has been described in a former part of the work, a reference is given to the page where it is to be found; as at COLCHESTER to page 344, where the Road from WITHAM to that town, is described. The CIRCUIT bound the COAST of ENGLAND and WALES, with part of SCOTLAND. Miles. LONDON & WESTMINSTER 126414 Houses,S64S45 Inhab. 39} to ROCHFORD, as p. 356, 39}are. 41} ashingdon 42} South Fambridge 43} Feny over the Crouch River 44$ North Fambridge 47} Purleigh Wash 48} Maldon Jenking 50} MALDON, see pag»353, ll$m. Cross the Blackwater and Chel mer Rivers 51} Heybridge 52j Langford l. The Hall, N.Wes.tcomb, Esq. 54} Wickham, Mills R.Wickhara. Place, P. Luard, E?q. 57 WITHAM, see p. 343, 6$ are. 70} toCOLCHESTER,asp.344,l3}m 91 to HARWICH, as pr 349, 2Q}m. Cross the Stour River ©irtfolft. 92} Shotley FE-RRif 94 Arwerton Park 96} CHOLMiONDISTON r.i m. Nacton Park, E.of Beverley 98} Woolverston r. The Park, W. Bemejis, Esq, 1., Holbrook, Sir C. Kent 99$ Freston Tower Miles. 100} Bourns Bridge Cross tjie Orwell River 102} IPSWICH, see p. 344, ll}m. 110} toWOODBRIDGE,asp.344, 7} Cross the Deben River 113 Bromeswell 114} Eyke 115} Rendlesham it. 2 m. Scavender Park l. Loudham, J.Whltbread, Esq. 118§ Tunstall 120} Snape Bridge Cross the Aide River 123 L.to Saxmundham, 3} are. R. to-Aldborough,,.4m, 125} Leiston 126$ l. Ruins of Leiston Abbey 12, s East Bridge Street 131 Dunwich 20}m. 134} BLYTIIBURGH,Seep.345, 3}j*. 159 toYARMQUTH,as.p.346,24}m. J!3oifeI&. 162 CAISTQ.R 164} FlLBYL. Seat of C. Lucas, Esq. 1,. 1 m.ThrigbyHall,R. Woolmer, Esq. 165} Cross Filby Bread 16.6} Burgh. St. Margarets l. to Norwich, 14}- are. 399 Cross R^iads, 400 Miles. 168 ROLLESBY I6g§ Bastwick 171 Potter Heigham 174} Hickling 176} Palling 178} Hemsted iso r. Happisburgh Light House 180} Happisburgh l. The Hall, R. Kerrison, Esq. 182 L. to North Walsham, 5 an. \hl\ Walcotl. Seat of T. Sealey, Esq. 184$ Keswick 185 Bacton L.lm. Witton Park, Miss Norris 186 PastoN l. Seat of T. Anson, Esq. 188 Mundsley lgo.} Trimingham 1 192$ Sidestrand Overstsand l. Seat of G. Barclay, Esq. 10.3} R. Foulness Light House 194 CRiOMER, see page 337, 35m. 195$ West Runton 19>i$ East Runton 196} i-.The Hall, C.Cremer, Esq. 199 Upper Sharringham l. to Holt, 4} m. . 201} Waybourne 202} l. Kelling Hall, — Gonelston, Esq. 204 Salthouse 206 Clay l. to Holt, 4 m. Cross Clay Harbour 207 Blakeney l. to Holt, 5 m. 208} MORSTON 209} Cross Stiffkey River 211 Stiffkey 113 Wells Marsh L.lm.Warham Hall,T. W.Coke, Esq. 915 WELLS, see page 334, 21m. 216$ Holkham Staith it. Holkham Park, T. W. Coke, Esq. qis} Holkham New Inn 220 Burnham Overy 2-31 BURNHAM, see p. 330, - 6 m. 237 toSNETTISHAM,asp.332, 16m. Miles. 248 to LYNN REGIS,asp.331, llan. Ferry over the Ouse River 2-48} West Lyijn 24g$ Clenchwa0bire. 1331} to' Black Rock Inn, as p. 8, 27 m. Cross the Severn River oSIouccsterBhite. 1334} New Passage Inn, 2} are. 1345$ to BRISTOL, as p. 8, lojare. Cross the Avon River Somersetshire. 1346} Bedminster r. to Weston, 1 8$ are. 1347 R.lm. Seat of Sir J. H.Smith 1347$ L. to Wells, 17 m. 1350 r. 1 m. Barrow Court, T. An drews, Esq. 1354 Red Hill l. 1 m. Butcomb Court, J. Sa- very, Esq. 1355J Perry Bridge Cross the Yeo River 1357$ Lanoford, White Hart l. Langford Court, T.Whalley, Esq. 1358} Churchill 1360} Sydcot l. Seat of T. Power, Esq. 1361 R.atWinscombe,F.E.Whidley, Esq. 1362} Cross, New Inn, White Hart, 17} an. L. [to Axbridge, seep. 86, } m.rr 1 8$ m.from Bristol] L. to Bath, 26 an. 1863} Wiahe 1364} Cross the Axe River 1366$ Rook's Bridge 1367$ East Brent 1371 High Bridge Inn Cross the Brue River 1372 Huntspill R. Seat of G. Sanders, Esq. 1373$ l. Seat of T. Jefferys, Esq. R . Seat of T. Greenwood, Esq. 1374$ Pawlett 1376} Crandon Bridge l. to Glastonbury, I2}m, 1379} Cross the Perrot River 1379} BRIDGEWATER, p 62,^1 7an. 1439 to ILFRACOMBE, as p.93-96, 59$ m. 1441 M0RTEH0E 1442 wollocomb tracey 1444} Georgeham I44g} St. Ann's Chapel 1450, Cross Bideford Bay 1451 Appledoiie 1451} l. Knap, J. Benson, Esq. 1452$ NORTIIAM l. Burroughs, Capt. Downe r. Porthill, A.S. Willett, Esq. 1453} BJDEFORD, see p. 60, 14} ».. 1466} to HARTLAND, as p. 60, 13$ 1469 Trossbury 1472} Wellcomde Cross the Torridge River eTomloall:. 1473 Gooseham 1-476} KlI.HAMPTON 1480} STRATTON, see p. 82, I3};n. 1482$ Marham 1486§ Week St. Mary 1497} Davidstow 1500} CAMELFORD, p. 83, 50 m. 1515} toPADSTOW,asp.84, 15m. 1517 St. Merryn 1520 Treveinedur 1521 Bedvewtharn 1522} Trenance 1523} Trevarrion 1528} Treninick 1532 Cranstock 1533} Trezean 1537 Bqllingey 1539 Callestick 1540$ Perhan Almshouses, p. 22 1547} REDRUTH, see p. 22, 32$ m. 1561} to St. IVES, as p. -22, 13}m. 1564 Trevigia 1565$ polujear 1566 Chickembra 1568 Rosemergy 1573 St. JUST, see p. 22, ll}m. 157g^ Land's End, see p. 22, eim. 1589$ to PENZANCE, as p. 22, g}m. 1612} toPENRYN, as p. 23, 23}m. 1015} FALMOUTH, see p. 23, im. R. l}m. Pendennis Castle Cross Falmouth Harbour 1618 St. Mawes ioi) Cross Roads. 410 Miles. 1621} Cargurrel 1623 Trewarlass 1624} Three; Gates 1627} TREGONY, see p. 36, 11} an. l. to Truro, 7 are. 1631} L. to Grampound, 2}m. 1632} Sticker 1634 St. Mewan 1635$ ST. AUSTEL, see p. 36, 7}an. 1639} St. Blaizey L. to Lestwithiel, 4 are. 1640} Tywardreth 1641$ POLMEAR 1643} FO WEY, seep. 38, 8$m. 1658} toCROFTHOLE,asp.38,15$m. jDeooruebire. 1668} to PLYMOUTH, as p. 37, g}m. 1692} to MODBURY, as p. 4 1 , I4$m. }686 Aveton Giffard 1686} Cross the Aven River 1688 Churstow 1 690J KINGSBRIDGE, p. 44, 7}m. I6g4 Coals Cross 1696 Bow 1697$ COTTEHBURY 169S§ l. to Modbury, 12$ an. l.699i l. Norton House,T. Bond, Esq. 1700} Townstall 1701} DARTMOUTH, p. 42, llm. Cross the Dart River R.KitteryCourt,Rev.T.Fownes 1702 KlNGSWEARE 1 703 R. Nethway, J. Seale, Esq, 1 706$ r. Lupton, Sir F. B. Yarde L. Greenway, E. Elton, Esq. 1706} Gampton 1706} l. Walton Court, Sir J. Rogers 1711} L. to Totness,' 4 are. , l. to Newton Bushel, 6 m. 1713 Cockington 1717$ Stoke in Teign Head 17ig$ Cross the Teign River 1 7 ig} TEIGNMOUTH, p. 30, 18m. 1722} DawlishL. to Exeter, 14} an. 1725^ Cross the Exe River 1726 Exmouth, Globe, 6}m. L. to Topsham, 7 are. 1731 EastBudleigh 1731} L.lm. Eicton LodgeXord Rolle 1JT31} Cross the Otter River Miles. 1732 Otterton 1734} SlDMOtfTH, see p. 82, 8}m. 1750$ toLYMEREGIS.asp.si, is} JDoraetshire. 1752$ Charmouth l. to Axminster, 5} an. 1759 toBRIDPORT.asp. 19, 8}are.. 1762$ Travellers Rest 1765} Long Breedy 1771 ABBOTSBURY, p. 18, 12are. 1774} Langton Herring 1776$ Fleet House 1777^ E'-EET 1781} WEYMOUTH, p. 79, 10}m. I7gg$ toWAREHAM,asp.S0, 17}m. Cross the Piddle River 1799} l. to Bere'Regis, 6} m. 1800$ Sandford Bridge isoai Kings Bridge 1804} Lychett Minster ] 804} L. Seat of J. Jefferies, Esq. 180?^ l- to Wimborn Minster, 4} m. 1 809} POOLE, see page 50, 9} m. 1811} l. to Ringwood, 12$ m. Over Poole Heath 1815 Cjamp0hiie. 1816 L.to Poole, by Kingston, lam. 1816} Iford Bridge r. Stourfield, Countess ot Strath more Cross the Stour River l. Jumper House, R. Bullock, Esq. 1818$ CHRISTCHURCH, p. 76, 8} I8I9J Sommerford Bridge 1821 R. High Cliffe, J Penleaze, Esq. l. Nea House, T. Jcnes, Esq. i. Belvidere, Sir F. Ford 1,822} Ciiuton Bridge l. 1 m. Hinton House, Sir G. Tapps L. Chuton, T. Nokes, Esq. 1823} Milton 1825 r. Ashley, W. Randall, Esc|. & ' Ashley Hill, Mrs. Rogers 1826 Downton L.at LeyGreen, E. Hickes, Fsq. R. 1 m. Hordel Cliff House 1827} Yeoviltonl. Seat of R. W. Lacy, Esq. 4U Cross Roads. 412 Miles. 1830 LYMINGTON, p. 54, ll}m. 1842} toSOUTHAMPTON,asp.S4, 12} m. 1844 Northam Bridge 4844} L. toBotley, 4 are. 1846 R. l}m.'Netley Abbey 1848} Bursledon Bridge 1851} Titchfield l. Titchfield Place, late Col. Hammond » R. to Gosport, 6 m, 1853} FAREHAM, sec p. 56, 11m. 1856$ Porchester r. Porchester Castle 1857} Paulsgrove 1858$ Wymmering 1858} COSHAM r. to Portsmouth, 4$ m. L. to Petersfield, 13} are. I85g} Drayton l. • Purbrook House, C. W. Taylor, Esq. I860 Farljnston 1862$ Bedhampton l. Belmont, C. Jervoise, Esq. and Seat 6f Gen. Smith 1863 HAVANT, see p. 45, 9$an. 1863} Warslington 1865 Emsworth, Crown Sussejc. 1866} nutbourn 1869$ Broadbridge Mill 1870$ Old Fishbourn r . see Chichester. Harbour 1871$ New Fishbourn 1872$ CHICHESTER, p. 47, 9im. 1S73 R. Hampnet Place, used as a poorhouse 187«} West Hampnet 1874$ Maudlin l. Boxgrove Priory l. to Petworth, mm. l. see Goodwood, D. of Rich mond J876} Crocker Hill r. at Norton, M. Roe, Esq. 3 878-| L. to Petworth, 11 an. L. at Eaftham,W. Hayley, Esq. 3878} Balls Hutt l. Slindon, Earl of Newburgh B. to Bognor, 6} m. Miles.1879} AlHSFOliDL.jm. DalePark.SirG.Thomas r. Airstbrd Place, Adm. Mon tague R.lm. Walberton House, Gen. White 1882 l. Seat of J.Wombwell, Esq. 1882} ARUNDEL, seep. 48, lo$m. Cross the Arun River 1 8835 L. to Little Hampton, 3} m. 1 8855 £- Angmering Park, Sir J. Shelley 1887 Patching Pond 1888 Clapham Common r. Goring Castle, B. Shelley, Esq. 188BJ Coats 1890$ l. Offington House, W. Mar- gesson, Esq. 1890} R. to Worthing, 2 are. 18U2J Sompting l. Seat of E. Barker, Esq. 1893} Lancing l. Seat of J. M. Lloyd, Esq. 1894} Lancing Pad Inn 1895 Shoreham Bridge Cross the Adur River 1895$ Old Shoreham r. Seat of Col. Porter r. to New Shoreham, } m. 1895} l. to Steyning, 4} m 1896$ l. Buckingham House, H. Bridges, Esq. 1897 L. to Steyning, 5 m. 18g7| R.atSoufhwick,J.Norton,Esq. l. at Portslade, T.Warsop, Esq. lgoo} l. to Horsham, 20 m. lgoi} BRIGHTHELMSTONE, see page 381, 19 m- 1902} l. The Race Course 1904 L. Ovingdean,' N. Kemp, Esq. 1905$ ROTTINGDEAN 1910} Newhaven, Bridge Inn 1.. to Lewes, 7 m. Cross the Ouse Biver 1913$ l. Blatchington Barracks 1913} Seaford, New Inn, Old Tree, 12$ an. 3914} L; Sutton Place, C. Harrison, Esq. 1910 Eset Bridge Cross the Cuckmere River , 413 Ckoss Roads. 414 Miles. I916J igis} 1919 1921 1922} 1923$ 1924} 1925$ 1 9-26$ 1927} 1928 1928$ 1931 1935} 1937$ 1938} 1941 1942} 1945 1947} 1949}195-2} > 953 1 1954} lgsej West Dean r. West Dean Place, J. H. Du- rand, Esq. Friston r . Friston Place, Sir G. Evelyn East Dean From thesummit of theDowns see Pevensea Bay & Beachey Head South Bourne, p. 362, 8}m. l. to East Bourne, } m. L. Compton Place, Lord G. Cavendish Sea Houses Crumble Bridge Langley Turnpike l. to Hailsham, 43 m. Westham l. Ruins of Pevensey Castle Pevensey Sluice L. to Battle, 15} an. Sluice Haven Bexhill l. see Beauport, Mrs. Murray; arid Crowhurrt, H. C. Pel- ham, Esq. BULVER HlTHF. William the Conqueror landed at this place Bo Peep HASTINGS, p. 3 re, 18}an, r. Ruins of Hastings Castle Over Fairlight Down l. to. Battle, 5} m. GuestlingL. Broomham, SirW.Ashburn- tiam ICKLESHAM WINCHELSEA, p. 373, 8}m. to RYE, as p. 373, 3m. Playbon Scot's Float Sluice Cross the Rother River Kent Ditch Kent. R. to Lydd, 3 m. 1963 Old Romney l. to Tenterden, 12 are. 1965 NEWROMNEY, p.372, 12} 1968} Dimchurch 1974 HYTHE, see p. 368, 9 m. 1978$ to FOLKSTONE, as p. 368, 4$ 1982} HOUGHAM 1U85- DOVER, .seep. 366, 6} an. 1988 West Cliffe 1991 Five Bells lgg2} Walmer r. Walmer Castle, Rt. HonW. Pitt 1 993$ r. Deal Castle, J. Norris, Esq. 1994 DEAL, see p. 37 S, gm. 1999} to SANDWICH, asp. 377, 5§ Cross the Sfour River 2001} Ebbs Fle,et l .2 m. SevensCore, Mrs.Wads- worth 2002} Cliff's End ' 2004$ St. Lawrence 2005 RAMSGATE, p. 375, Sfm. L. to Canterbury, 18 m. 2006 R. East Cliff Lodge, J. Sym- morjs, Esq. 2007 Broadstairsn. Pearmont, T. Forsyth,. Esq. 2008 l. Stone House, Sir H. Harpur 2008} r . North Foreland Light House 2009 KlNGSGATE l. Moro Castle 2010$ North Down 2011} MARGATE, p 376, 6fm.- 2027} CANTERBURY,asp.37s,16m 2083$ to DONDON, as p. 365, 55jm.. *jre. 177$ Stoney Middleton 178 R. to Bakewell, 4$ m. r. to Chesterfield, 10 m. 179 «. Stoke Hall, Lord Bradford 179} Grindleforp Bridge 1 . to Tideswell, by Hue klow,5$m. Cross the Derwent River 184$ for&efcue. 184}.Ringinglow Turnpike l. to Chapel in le Frith, 1 5} m. 186$ Bents Green 187} R Banner Cross, Hon. Mrs. Murray 188 l. Sharrowhead, Rev. Mr. Mac kenzie 188} Little Sheffield r. to Chesterfield, 1 l}m. 1B9§ SHEFFIELD, p. 256, 13m. Cross the Don River 190J Attercliffe Rridge Cross the Don River" 191 Attercliffe r. to Worksop, 16} m. f. Atterclitfe Hall,' G.Millar, Esq. and §eat of R. Swallow, Esq. 191} Car Brook 193 TlNSLEY r. to Tickhill, 12§are. 195} ROTHERAM, see p. 278, 6m. 1 96 r. Clifton, J. Walker, Esq. 196} l. Eastwood, J. Walker, Esq. 197} l. Aldiyarke, J. Foljambe, Esq. I9g| Thribergh 1. Seat of Mrs- Finch I9g§ r. Ravensfield, W. P. Bbsville, Esq. 200 Hoqton Roberts 202} Con is drouth r. Crookhill Hall, J.Wootlyeare, ' Esq. 204} Warmswortb r. Alverley Grange, J. Marx, Esq. 206 Balby r. Seat of Col. Sowerby R. to Tickhill, 6 m. R. to Worksoji, 15 Jm. 207} DONCASTER, p. 227, 12m. 2og 1.. Wheatley, Sir G. Cooke 21 1 j; Street Thorpe 213J- Park Lane 216 Hatfield , 218 Todworth ?! 9} THORNi, see p. sog, 12m. 255$ toHTJIfL, asp. 310, 35£an. KENDAL to HULL, Miles. KENDAL, see page 179 10} to SEDBERGH, as p. 248, 10} 17$ Little Town 20} L. to Kirkby Stephen, g$are. 21} Thwaite Brlbge Miles. Cross the Ure River 24} Hard'raw 29$ R. to.Settle, 24 m. 30$ ASKRIGG, seep. 249, lg|m. 63$ to York Gate, as p. 245, 33an. F t 435 Gross Roads. Miles. 70-J to BOROUGHBRIDGE, as p. 228, 7$an. 76$ Little Ouseburn l. Kirby Hall, — Thompson, Esq. 78^ Green Hammerton l. Seat of T. Dring, Esq. R. to Knaresborough, 8 are. SO Skip Bridge Cross the'Nidd River Bl} Over Marston Moor 87 Holgate r. to Wetherby, 13} m. 88} YORK, see page 28g, ism. 1 06 to MARKET WEIGHTON, as p. 310,. 17}are. L.[toUm.\.,hyBcverley,asp.3ia, 1 g$m , — 1 2 5$mya-omjKereo;ai] 108} Sancton 110} Newbald i..' Seat of W. Fawkes, Esq. 114 SOUTH CAVE, p. 309, 8m. l. [to Hull, by Riplingham, as p. 300, 1 1 }m.~ 1 2Sim.fromKendal] 115$ l. to Brough Ferry, 2 are. 116 Brantingham 117 Eli.oughton 118 WELTO.N, 119 Melton 120 Ferriby 121} swani.and 122$ West Ella r. Seat of J. Sykes, Esq. 12.2}. Kirk Ella l. to Beverley, 7 are, 123}. Anlaby r. am. Hesselwpod House, J. R. Pease, Esq. 128 HULL, see page 308, 14m. 69} To'LEEDS, as p. 275—278 70} Black Bank 71} Halton Dial l.(o Tadcaster, 12 m. 72} Halton 73} Whitchurch r. 1 m. Temple Newsam, Vis* countess Irwin 75} West Garforth l. Barrowby, C. Smith, Esq. R..to Wakefield, 12 m. 76} R.2m. Kippax Park, Mrs.Bland; , and Seat of T. Medhurst, Esq. 7g Peckwortii Common l. to Wetherby,- 1 1 } are. i. to Tadcaster, 8 m. r. Ledstone Hall, W. Smyth- son, Esq. 80 R. to Ferrybridge, 5$ m. 81 J l. to Tadcaster, 8} m. R. to Ferrybridge, 3} m. 82} Monk Fryston 85} Cross Leeds and Selby Canal 86 Hambleton 87} Thorpe Willoughby sg} SELBY, see page 313, 20$m. Cross the Ouse River 01} Barlry 92} Lund 93} Cliffe 94} Hemingbrough " 96} Loftsome Ferry Cross the Derwent River 97} Newsome 99} HOWDEN,s'eep.309, s}m. 122} to HULL, as p. 309, 23m. BRISTOL to PORTSMOUH. Miles.' BRISTOL, see page 8 13 to BATH, as page 7, 13m 15 South Stoke 1 6 Cross the Somerset Canal L. Midford Hall, T. Push, Esq, 16$ Midford 17$, L. Seat of S. Day, Esq. ' 18, Charter House -Hinjton Miles. t. to Trowbridge, 6 an. 20 Norton St. Philip l. Seat of T. Meade, Esq. .21} WOOLVERTON 22 Cross the Shawford River 22} Cross the Frome Canal 23 Beckington l. to Treiiiiridge, 6 m. 437 Cross Boads. 438 Miles. L. to Bradford, 6 are. r. [to Frome, seep. 85, 3 nuzz 13 mi jrum Rafn] r. 2 in. Orchardleigh, Sir T. Champneys 24} Standerwick COUU.eSnic. 26} Broomfieldl. [to Westbury, seepage 92, 2}m.=16$m.yro/n .fiat/i] r. to Frome, 5$m. SO WARMINSTER, p. 85, 17an. 33} to Heytesbury, as p. S3 40 to DErTFORD,/nre,as p. 61, 10m. 4-2 Steeple Langford 44 Stapleford l. to Salisbury, byWoodford,6$m. 45} Stoford 46$ Sooth Newton 47 Chilhampton 49 Burton Bar 48$ Fugglestone r. [to Wilton, seepage 31, }itt.=36m.,/rom Bath] 50} Fisherton l. to Devises, 21} an; 51$ SALISBURY, see p. 17, U$an. Cross the Bourne River 53} r. Longford Castle, E. of Radnor 54$ Alderburyr. Seat of G. G. Fort, Esq. L. 1 m. Clarendon Lodge, Gen. Bathurst 55 Cross the Salisbury Canal 55$ Whaddon r. 1 m. Standlynch House, H. Dawkins, Esq. n. 2 m. Barford, T. Duncombe, Esq. Over Whaddon Down 57} l. Brickworth, P. Eyre, Esq. 58 R. to Lymington, 21} are. KdoSouthampton, byOuse Bridge, 15 m. •* 59 White Parish 60}62 64} 67 71 72 Miles. , 60 Cowsfield Green l. Cowsfield House, H. Dench, Esq. r. Langford House, — Eyre, Esq. •Hampshire. l. Shirfieid House, J. Lockhart, Esq. Embley House, T. Heathcote, Esq. 66 R. to Ringtvood, 17$ an. 66} Cross the Anton P..iver 66} ROMSEY, see page 49, 15}m. Cross the Andover Canal l. to Winchester, 10} ire. Over Romsey Common 69} l. Baddesley, W. Lewis, Esq. Chilworth r. Seat of P. Serle, Esq. Over Chilworth Common l. to Winchester, 9 m. r. [to Southampton, seep. 53, 3-m.— 62 n(. from Bath] 72} L. North Stoneham Park, J. Fle ming, Esq. , 74 SWATHLING R. Seats of D. Andrews, Esq' and T. Gager, Esq. R. to Southampton,.3$ are. 74} Cross the Barge River 75J West End k. Townhill, N. Middleton, Esq. 77} l. Botley Grange, H. Minchin, Esq. 79$ Botley, Dolphin, 12}m, 81} l. at Shidfield, S. Atkins, Esq. 82} l. to Bishop's Waltham, 3 are. L. to Alton, 21^m. 83} Wickham, see p. 56, 4$m. R. [to Gosport, as page 56, , gm.= T9im.from Bath] 85} Mount Folly 87} Southwick 91 Cosham 95$ to PORTSMOUTH, as p.46, u$ PORTSMOUTH to LITCHFIELD. Miles. PORTSMOUTH, see page 46 Cross the Ferry to Miles: } GOSPORT, see page 46 6 to FAREHAM, asp. 56, F f 2 6m, 439 Cboss 'Roads. 4-10 Miles. 9k Wickham, seepage 56 10} L. to Southampton, 10 m. R. to Alton, 20} are. 13} BISHOP'S WALTHAM, p. 55 l4 k. iWdridge, — Thale, Esq 14} L. Vernon Hill, Capt. Robinson lt7} L. Belmore, — Serle, Esq. 18} R. Holt, J.T. Bladworth, Esq. SO White Flood House 20$ R.lm. Rose Hill, Lord Rosehill 22 Morestead 25$ WINCHESTER, p. 48, I9$an. 28$ l. to Andover, 10$ m. 32$ Sutton, see page3i R. to Basingstoke, 13} m. L, to Stockbridge, 7} m. 83} BULLINGTONl. Seat of T. Sidney, Esq. 88$ WHITCHURCH, p. 16, 13m. 89} R. [to Kingsclere, see p. 5, 8m. — 4 7im.JromPortsmoulh] 42} Litchfield 46} Whitway 1. Highclere House, Earl of Cacr. narvon 49$ Newtown Cross the Enbom River ^Betftal/ire. 49} 1. Sandleford Priory, M. Monta gue, Esq. 51$ NEWBURY, see p. 5, 13m. 57 j Speenhamland, see page 5 iaj' Donnington l. The Castle, W. Baker, Esq, r. Shaw House, Sir J. Andrews S6 Chievelyr. Prions Court, L. Buckle, Esq. 38$ Beeden r. Langley Hall, Mrs. Brlstow 59 AsheriDgr 61 EAST ILSLEY, see p. 13, 5j». 83 Kates Gore 64 Chilto'n 66} r. to Wallingford, B$ an. L. to Wantage, 4}m. 68 Stevejjton Green l. to Wantage, 5} m. 69} Drayton ' 72 ABINGDON, see p. 67, 11m. 74 r . Rsdley Hall, late Aum.Bbwyer 75j Bailey Wood. 78$ Cross the Isis Rivet ©rforiwplre. 7S§ OXFORD, see page 87, 6}m. 82 r. to Bicester, 9 are. 83} Kidlington GREEN 85 Cross the Oxford Canal 86} I., to Chipping Notton, 11} m. r. to Islip, 5$ m. 87 Sturges Castle k. 1 m. Tackley Park, Sir J, W. Gardiner n. see Bletchingdon Park, A. Annesley, Esq. and Kirtling- ton Park, Sir H-W.Dashwood. 91 Hopcroft's Hole r. to Bicester, 7} an. L. to Chipping Norton, 10} are. R. Seat of Sir C.C.Dormer 92 R. at Middle Aston, F.Page, Esq. 93 R. at North Aston, O. Bowles, Esq. L. 4 m. Great Tew, G. F. Strat ton, Esq. 95 DEDDINGTON, p. Ill, 16%m< R. to Buckingham, 14^ an. l. to Chipping Norton, 1 04 an. 98 Adderbury, see page 115 R. Seat of Mrs. Wilkinson 101$ to BANBURY, as p. ] 15, 6$a». 104 Little Bourton 106 Mollington 107 231iirtoic&35trt.\ 107$ l. Famborough, W. Holbeeh, Esq. 109$ Cross the Oxford Canal r. see the Tunnel 110 Cross the Oxford Canal 111} l. Watergail House, C. Palmer, Esq. 112} Ladbroke 1 1 4} SOUTHAM, p. 263, 13$m. 116} Cross the Napton Canal V16} L0N6 Itciiington r. 2 m. Morbuin Hall 113} Martonr. 1 m. Seat of Sir C. Wheeler iftVarh- Birdlngbury, Sir T. Bid. dulph 1. at Eastftorpe, Dr. Vyner. 1 Cross the Learnt; Rivei 441 Cross Roads. 442 Miles. 120 143$123} 124$ 126} 127} 1-28} 131 131}132} 133}136$ 137 Prihcethorp*s.2m. Bourton, E.Shuckburgh, Esq. r. to Dunchvrch, 8 m. Cross the Avon River V'illenhall, seepagel64 COPENTRY, p. 164, 12m. i.. [to Litchfield, as p. 165, 27m. — TSm-fiorn Oxford] RadfordKaresley Green- CORLEYCorley Ash FlLLONGLEY it. see Brook Hall, J. Eiddulph, Esq. R. to Nuneaton, 8$m. R. Seat of R. Sadler, Esq. Upper Whitacre R. to Atherstone, 5} m. L. toCettskM, 3} m. Miles. l. 1 m. Shustock, T. Croxall, Esq. 138} Lower Whitacre l. 1 m. Ham Hall, C. B. Adder- ley, Esq. 140 l. 1 m. Dunton Hall, Mrs. Vox 141} Kingsbury 143} L.Dortshill House, E. Dicken son, Eaq. 144} Two Gates 144} r. to Atherstone, 6} are. l. to Litchfield, by Fastely, 7%m. 145$ Cross the Coventry Canal 145} Cross the Anker River ' StafforHs|)lrei 146} TAMWORTH, p.«05, 20m. 154} toLITCHFlELD,asp.9.0S, 8m. %* For another Road from Coventry to Litchfield, ly Birmingham, seepp; 164 Sfa.217 WSYMOUTH to PAEKGATE. WEYMOUTH, see page 79 8 toDORGHESTER,as p. 79, 8m. 9} l. to Beammsler, 16 m. 12 l. Forstone, JWVSmith, Esq. 15 L. to Ceme Abbas, 1 m. New Inn 16 l. to Cerne Abbas, 1} an. 17 l. 1 m. Mintern, Adm.Digby J7$ k. 1 m. Buckland, Earl Paulett 13$ R.TbeGiangeyC. Sturt,Esq. r. 1 m. Castle Hill, Mrs. Foy 20} Holnest l. Holnest Lodge, M.Davis, Eaq. 22 L. Leweston House, W. Gordon, Esq. 2-2} «. West Hall, Rev. H. King 23 Long Burton 25} SHERBORNE, p. 33, l?}m. 27} ¦ SamttsJetepiK. 28 a. [to Wincatjnton, seep. 57, 8m.— 36m. from Weymouth] ' 20J Corton Denham 31} South Cadbury Tt. Compton Paunccfoot, J*.Hunt, Esq. 32$ b. to Wauauhtm, Sim. Miles. L. to Ilchester, 8$ m. 32} North Cadbury it. Cadbury House, F. Newrnan, Esq. 34$ -Galhampton l. to Ilchester, 9 m. «.. Yarlington Lodge, J. -Rogers, Esq. 35$ CASTLE CARY, p.fii, 9}m. R.l m. Hadsjjen "House, — Hob- house, Esq. 36$ Ainsford, Inn st. [to Bruton, seepage 61, 3$an. — 39}an from Wey mouth\ L. to Somerton, 1 0} m. t. to Bridgewater, 24$'an. 40} R. to Bruton, 4 m. 40} Presley 41} Cannard's Grave Iwn L. to Ilchester, J3}"»>. 42} SHEPTON MALLETiip. 88, 7£, 43$ R. to Frame, 10m. 43} r. [to Bath, seepage 7, 144m. = 5«$m. fmi Jfrty~ mouth] 44} . 53$ L. at Stowey, Lady Jones 53} l. l m. Sutton Court, Sir H. Strachey 55} Pensford 58$ Whitchurch 60$ Knowl 6l| R. to Bath, nf aw. 62$ Cross the Avon River (SIoiiccsterBpire, 62} BRISTOL, see p. 8, 10m. 6g} t0C0MPTONGREENFIELD,aSp.8 72 L.to the New Passage, 1$ m. 74} Old Passage House Inn, 12m. •Cross the Severn River 76$ Beachly Passage House, Inn, ' l}are. 7,9} to CHEPSTOW, as p. 95, 3$m. 93} to MONMOUTH.asp. 96,14m. 96} I&eiefoftwftire. 97 Welsh Newton * 101$ St. Weonards l. Triago, P. R. Myners, Esq. 104 L.2m. MeendPark,T.Symonds, Esq. 104$ r. Lyson House, A. Whitaker, ' Esq. 105$ Wormelow Trump Inn l. Bryngwin, E. Philips, Esq. 107 Cross in Hand l. to Ross, 10 m. 108 Callow ill l. to Abergavenny, 23} m. 1 1 if HEREFORD, p. 143, I8$m. 113-J HOLMER l. Seat of T. Caldecott, Esq. Miles. 116 Morton on Lugo r. Seat of J. Keysall, Esq. 117$ Wellington 1 1 8§ L. Burhope, Sir J. D. Goodyere L.lm. Dinmoie, R. S. Fleming, Esq. 119 Dinmore Hill 121 Hope" L. 1 m. Winsley, T. Berrington, Esq. r. i m. Hampton Court, Earl of Essex 122$ Wharton 123} Ivington Bridge Cross the Arrow River 124} l. Dislow, T. Edwards, Esq. 125 LEOMINSTER, p. 108, 13$m. Cross the Lugg River, & King ton Canal 127} Luston 128 R.lm. Berrington, Rt. Hon. T. Harley 130 R. to Tenbury, 7\ m. L. to Presteign, 12 m. l. to Kington, 14 m. 130} Portway 132 Bilberry Shropspire. 133 1.. 1 m. Hays Park 134 Overton 135 l. Ludford Park, -N. Charlton, Esq. 136 LUDLOW, see p. 102, 11m. 144 to Newton, as p. 103 144} i. to Bishop's Castle, 8$ m, L. to Knighton, 12 m. 148} Fell Hamiton 151 Little Stretton 152} CHURCH STRETTON, seep. 103, . ie£an. R. to Much Wenlock,.l% an. r. Caer Caradoc Hill l. Seat of R. Corbet, Esq. 153} All Stretton l. Seat of Rev. R. Wilding 156} Leebotwood r. Lydley Hays, Rev. J.Wood . 157} Longnorl. The Park, R. Corbett, Esq. r. to Shrewsbury, by Acton Bur* neU 445 Cross Roads. 440 Miles.159 DORINOTON l eo R. Condover House, N. S.Owen, Esq. 183 Pulley Common l. Lyth Wood, C. White, Esq. 164} L. to Bishop's Castle, 19 an. 165} SHREWSBURY, p.l 17, I3$m. 182 to ELLESMERE, as p. 118, 16$ 194 toWREXHAM.asp.HO, 12m. 195$ R.Acton Park, Sir R. Cunliffe 106} Glanypwll 198 Gresford l. Gresford Ledge, Mrs. Parry 1 99 R.Trefalen Hall.T. Boydell, Esq. l. Croeshowell, J. Boydell, Esq Miles.199} Cross the Alun River, & branch "of the Ellesmere Canal 200 «Tfces?>itt. r. Darland Hall, J. Townsend, Esq. 200$ PULFORD 201} R. 2 m. Eaton Ha11* Earl Gros- venor 205} CHESTER, see p, 208, llfm. 217} toPARKGATE,asp.212,l2m. JiVom Chester to Liverpool, by Woodside Ferry, asp. 211, is 17}m.=223m. from Wey mouth to Liverpool. GLOUCESTER to SOUTHAMPTON. Miles. GLOUCESTER, see page 69 6} to Painswick, as page 70 L. to Cheltenham, 12} m. L. to Cirencester, ll$m. 10$ STROUD, see page 7a it. Pagan Hill, R. Cooke, Esq. & Dudbrldge, J. Hawker, Esq. Cross the Stroud River and Canal 11 Rodberrowr. to Gloucester, byQuedgeley, 12 12 R. Hill House,E-of Lanesborough r. 2 m. Spring Park, Lord Dticie 13} MINCHING HAMPTON, see page 75, I3$m. 17$ Upton Grove , r. Seat of T. Saunders, Esq. «. 1 m. Chevenage House, H. Stephens, Esq. 19$ TETBURY, see p. 76, 6m. tMiltsifiire. 20} Long Newton 23} l. Whitchurch, W. Earle, Esq. 24 MALMSBURY, p. 71, 4}an. 25 l. Cole Park, P. Lovell, Esq. 20$ Corstom 26} Lower Stanton St. Quinton 29 L. to Wotton Basset, Tl} m. l. 1 ni. Draycott House, Sir J.T. Long 31$ Kington Langley 32 r. Harden Huish, M. Brathwaite, Esq. 1 33 CH1PPEJJHAM, see p. 7, 9m, Miles. 35} Derry Hill 35} l. [to Calne, seepage 6, 3m.±i3aim.from Gloucester] 36 Red Hill l. Bowood, Marq.of'Lansdown 37} Sandy Lane R. to Bath, 16}m. r. 2 m. Bowden Park, B.Dicken son, Esq. R. Spy Park, SirA. Baynton 38} L.to Beckliampton Irm, 7$an. 1.. Whetham, Col. Money 39 Chitway Heath L. to Calne, 3} m. 40$ Idith Marsh 41 L. Rowdeford, T. Wyatt, Esq. 41} Rowde 43 L. New Park, J. Sutton, Esq. 43}' DEVIZES, see p. 25, lo}an. 44J NlISTEED 46} LlDE 47 l. to Ludgershall, 1 5 J are. "49 Red Horn Turnpike Enter Salisbury Plain 57 r. to Warminster, 15} m. L. to Amesbury, 4 m. 58 Long Barrow Cross l. to Amesbury, 3} an. r. to Mere, 19} m. r. to Warminster, 16 are. 59§ Woodford Hutt, Druid's Head 65} SALISBURY, see p; 17, 22m. 61 to ROMSEY, as p, 438, I5}m. 44? Cross Roads. 449 Miles.81} R. Broadlands, Lord Vise. Pal- merstone 82} Asiipield Queen 83 R. Lee House, W. Fletcher, Esq. 84 r. Grove House, Sir C. Rich l. Seats of T.Wiay, Esq. andW. Barton, Esq. 86£ r. Shirley House, W. F. GreviUe, Esq. 88 k. to Salisbury, 23 m. R. to Lyndhurst, em. R. to Ringwood, 21m. 89 SOUTHAMPTON, p. 53, 8m. STOW ON THE WOLD to HAM, and Miles. STOW ON THE WOLD, p.112 l Lower Snell 5 R.lm. Guiting Paik, P.Snell, Esq. 12 r. Sandwell PaTk, Mrs.Tracey 13 L. to Northteach, 7} an. 1. to Frdgmill Inn, 1 m . r. [to Cheltenham, as p. 138, 5$ are.— 1 8$ are. ./roan A'toii,- on the Wttli] it. Dowdswell House- GLOUCESTER, CHELTEN- STROUD. Miles.16 Seven, Wells The origin of the Thames River L. Coberley, Lord Chedworth 18 R. to Cheltenham, 6$ m. L.[to STnoUD, seep. 75, 9}m.= 27}an.,/aY>m Stow on tne tiPcibi] 19} Little Whitcomb 20 l. to Cirencester, lljm. 21 Brocxworth, see p. 68 25 to GLOUCESTER, as p. 69 BATH to BRWPORT. Miles. -R^ra; see page 7 7} Radstok-e, see page 37 10 n. to Wetls, %im. 10} Stratton l. Downside House, J. H. Ao kerly, Esq. i.3m, Seat of C. Knatchbull, Esq. 12 Nettlebridge 13 R. Ashwick Grove, J. Billingsley, Esq. ' 13J Oak hill 14 R. to WH's, 6}m. L. to Frome. 10 m. 14} R. to Bristol, 18} an. 15} SHEPTON MALLET,'see p. 88, I5}are. 16} Cannarp's Grave Inn L. [to Bruton, seepage 61, 5$are. — 21}are.,/i-oire Bath] L. [to Castle Cary, seep. 61, ¦ 6}m.=^23are.y™m Bath] 18$ Pylle Street ig b. Pylle House, E. B. Portman, Esq. 20} Wraxell R.at East Pennard,— Martin, Esq. Miles. 22} Four Foot Inv 24 East Lycfokd Cross the Brue River 24} 11. [to Somerton, see page 53, 5$m. ,. 30m. from Bath] r. to Bridgewater, 19} an. L. to Castle Cary, 5$m. 26 L.lm. Hasel Grove, Mrs.Ack1and 30 ILCHESTER, seep. 92, I4}m. 32 Tintinbull "41, Stoke under Hamden 35 R. to Somerton, 8} an. R. [to Ilminster, seepage si, 7m.—4'im.jTom Bath] L. to Yeovil, 7$ an. 37} Cross the Parrot River 38 West Ciiinniock 40} CREWKERNE, see p. 33, 10}m. 42 Misterton 43 SDoreersljire. 44 MOSTERDON 48 BEAMINSTER, p. 30, 7$m. 49 r. Farnham House, SirW.Oglari- der 53 Bradpoie 54} BRIDPORT, see p. 19, 6}>n. 449 Cross Roads. 450 BATH to POOLE. Miles. BATH, see page 7 Over Claverton Downs 2 Cross the Kerinet and Avon Canal * 2} R. to Frome, 10$ m. Cross the Avon Rivet, and Ken- net and Avon Canal 5 Winsley « BRADFORD, see p, 85, 6m. l. to Melksham, 6 m. R. to Frome, 9} an, Cross the Rennet & Avon Canal B Studley l. [to Trowbridge, .we page 85, }an.=8}are.,/rom Bath] r. to Frome, 8 fare. 9$ Bradley 10 1.. to Melksham., Sim. 1 L.lm. Rowd Ashton, R. Long, Esq, 10} t.Heywood House, Dr. Ludlow 12 WESTBURY, see p. 92, 6m. 14 Upton Scudamore 16 WARMINSTER, see p. 85, 4m. 16} Samborn r. Longleat, Marq. of Bath 18 Crockerton 19} LONGBRIDGE DeVERILL r. to Bruton, 13 m. l. to Heytesbury, 3} are. 24} R. to Bruton, 13} m. Miles. r. [to Mere, seepage 57, 5$ are. — 30 m. from Bath] R.[to Hindon, see page 8g, l}m.— 26$ m. from Bath] 26} East'Knoyle l. Cloods House, J. Still, Esq. L.2m. Pitt H»use, J. Bennet, Es«j. L, to Hindon, 1} an. 28} R.SedghiU,W.Hellyar, Esq. 30} Dowcwbire. 31} SHAFTESBURY, p. 32, 1 5}m- r. Pensbury House, Sir F. Sykes 33} Melbury Abbas Over Pimpeme Downs 42} BLANDFORD, see p. 18, ll$m. Cross the Stour River 43$ Brianstone 43} Blandford St.Mary 45 Charlton Marshall 46 Sfettisbury - a. Seats of F. Fane, Esq. and J. Jekyll, Esq. 46} R. Crawford Castle , 4g R. Bailey House, Rev.W. Harris 49$ R.LowerHenbury,E.ofStrafford 49} R. Higher Henbury, W. Church ill, Esq.. 49} Corfe Mullen r. Seaj of Rev. Sir J. Hanham 53} L. to Wimborn Minster, 3% m, 55} R. to Wareham, 9 m. 57$ POOLE, see page 50, 14}m. BATH to NEWCASTLE under Line. Miles. Miles. BATH, see page 7 3 Swanswick 4 Langridge 4} (Sloucestcrsbirt. 5} l. Hatnsell House, T. Whitting- too, Esq. 5} R. to Marshfield, 2} m. L. to Bristol, 9 m. 6$ l . to JBristo', g} m. 7} l. Dyrham Park, W. Blathwaite, Esq. 8} Toll down House r. to Chippenham, 12$ an. l. to Bristol, 11 are. 10 L. Doddington Park, C. Codring- ton, Esq.. 11} Cross Hands Inn, ll}m. r. to Chippenham, 12 m. r. to Malmsbuty, 14$ an. L. to Chipping Sodbury, 'Sim. vl*| Petty France, Sm. Beaufort Arms 11. Badminton Park, Duke of Beaufort 15 Dunkirk Gg 451 Cross Roads. 452 Miles. R. [to Tetbury, seepage 76, 8 are.=23 m. jra-om Bath] 17} L.'l m. Boxwell Court, Rev. R. Huntley lg Lasborough 1 g} R. to Tetbury, 4 m. 20 Kingscotel. 1 m. Symond Hall, J. Philli- more, Esq. R. Seat of Col. Kingscote L. to Dursley, 5} m. l. to Gloucester, byTowcester, 16} 41} Tipputs Inn r. 2 m. Chavenage House, Mrs. Stephens 22$ Horseley l. Seat of E. Wilhraham, Esq. L. to Wotton under Edge, 6 m. 23$ Nailsworth R. to Minching Hampton, l\m. 24$ Inchborough 1.. Pudhill House, J. Wade, Esq. and Spring Park, Lord Ducie R . Amberley Lodge, S. Peach, Esq. 24} Woodchester 25 R.Hill House, E.of Lanesborough 26$ Rodberr.ow, Fliece, llfan. l. to Berkeley, 13} m. L. to Gloucester, ly Cains Cross, ll}m. 56} r. to Minching Hampton, 2$m. Cross the Stroud River and Canal 27 STROUD, see page 75 L.lm. Pagan Hill, R Cooke, Esq. 30} Painswick . l. to Cirencester, 11$ are. it. [to Cheltenham, seep. 138, 12} an. = 4 3$ m. from Bath] S7| toGiO(7C£S7'£R,asp.70,ilm. 44 teWooLRiDGE Hill, as p. 144 46 m. h. [to Ledbury, see page 145, 8} m. — 54} m. from Bath] 50 LONGDON 52} Newbridge Green 52} L. to Ledbury, 9} m. 43} UPTON, see page 142, 16$an. S3} R. to Pershore, 9 an. R. to Tewkesbury, 8} m. R. to Worcester, by Earl's Crome, see-page 142, 10$ m. Miles. r. 3 m. Crome Park, Earl of Co ventry • 55 Hanley Green a. Severn End, E. Lechmere, Esq. , 55} Norden Green 56 r. Drakes Place, late Capt. Allen 56} r. The Ridd, A. Lechmere, Esq. 57$ L. Dripsill, Sir C. Withers 59} Callowend Gree'n 60} POWICK L. to Ledbury, 14 m. 6 1 Cro^s the Teme River 62} St. John's l. Seat of R. Higgins, Esq. l. to Hereford, 25} m. L. to Bromyard, 13 m. 63} WORCESTER, p. 101, 10m. 77} to KIDDERMINSTER, as page 110, , 14m. 78} Broadwaters r. to Stourbridge, 5} m. si - StafforDapire. 82 Whittington S3} Stewponey, Inn 84 Cross the Stourbridge Canal L. Prestwood, Hon. E. Foley 86 r. Summer Hill, — Freeman, Esq. 87 Seven Stars r. to Stourbridge, 4 are. R. to Dudley, aim. 87} HlMLIY'it. Himley Hall, Vise. Dudley & Ward 89 W0MB9URN 90 r. Lloyd House, J. Marsh, Esq. 91 Over Penn r. Penn Hall, Mrs'. Pershouse 91} R. to Walsall, 7§ m. 93 WOLVERHAMPTON, see p. 2,65, I5}m. 94} Cross the Birmingham Canal 96} Ford Houses r. Seat of L Clutterbuck, Esq. 97} Cross the Staff. & Wore. Canal, thrice 99 Standyford Lane 100} Spread Eagle R. to Walsall, 10$ an. R. to Litchfield, 1 4 an. 453 Cross Roads. 454 Miles. L. to Newport, 13 m. 103 PENKRIDGE, p. 210, 10m. Cross the Penk River 104 Drayton 105§ Dunston 108} R. to Walsall, 16 m. R. to Rudgely, 9} m. Cross the Sow River 109 STAFFORD, see p. 206, «to. Miles.112} Yarlet 114 Little Aston r. Aston Hall, T. Weld, Esq. 115} Walton Cross the Trent River, & Grand Trunk Canal 116 STONE, see p. 166, 7m. 124| to NEWCASTLE under Line, as p. 167, 8}are. TBOWBEIDGE to TAMWOETH. Miles. TROWBRIDGE, see page 85 1 HlLPERTON 3 Sevingtonr. to Devizes, 6} are. 5 MELKSHAM, see p. 25, 5m. v 6| Cross branch of Kennet & Avon Canal 7} Woodrow 8} Westbrook Green 9$ Chitway Heath it. [to Devizes, as page 446, 4}m.r= lOSm.^oanTaanoKirin] L. to Chippenham, 6 m. 0} L. to Marlborough, 14} an. 10} L.Whetham, Col. Money 11$ L.l m. Bowood, M.of Lansdown 12} CALNE, see p. 6, 7}m. l. Castle House, — Crespigny, Esq. 13} k.i m. Compton Basset House, J.W. Heneage, Esq. 14} Middle Beversbrook 16$ HlLLMARTON 17} Great Acre 19 Lyneham r. Tockenham House, J.W. He neage, Esq. l. to Chippenham, g$ m. eo L.Tockenham Wick; J.R.Buxton, Esq. 22} Cross the Berks. & Wilts. Canal 23$ WOTTON BASSET, p. 74, 10} 24} Hook Street R.Lydiard Park, Lord Bolingbroke 25 r. Lydiard House, H. F. Askew, Esq. ,27 Pdrton Street R.Purton House, Dr. R. Goddard 29 Purton Stoke l. Benton, W. Maskelyne, Esq. 30 Littleworth Bridge Cross the Key River 31$ CRICKLADE, see p. 7 1, 8m. 32| Cross the Thames and Severn Canal 32} Latton R.l m. Down Ampney House, J. Gregg, Esq. 34 aioucfamsbtre. 34} Cross Way 36} Cross the Chum River 38 CIRENCESTER, p. 68. 6}an. 39 r. to Burford, 15 m. 41 New House 44$ Foss Cross 45£ Foss Bridge 47 L. Stowell, Lord Chedworth 48 R. [to Northleach, «e p. 131, $m. — loim.from Cirencester] L. to Gloucester, 19}m. L. to Cheltenham, 12} m. 4g} r. 2 m. Farmington, E. Waller, Esq. 31} Broadwater Bottom 53} Stow Bridge r. Bourton , J. Rice, Esq. Cross the Windrush River 54} L.lm. Seat of G. G. Mills, Esq. 56 R. to Burford, 8} m. 56} R. Mangersbury, E.J. Chamber- layne, Esq. 57 STOW ON THE WOLD, see p. 112» igm. 58 R at Broadwell, J. Reid, Esq. 58} FUNN1NGT0N 61$ MORETON in. the Marsh, see p. 100, ttm, Gg2 455 Cross Roads. 456 64} afflartoic&gbtrt'. 70} R. to Shipston ore Stour, 'ty vi. L.to Stratfordon Avon, 8$ m. 71} Halford Bridge Cross the Stour River 72 Halford, Bell, lo}m. 73 L. Eatihgton, E. Shirley, Esq. 74 Over Eatington R. to Banbury, 14 are. L. to Stratford on Avon, 6 are. 76 r. 1 m. Walton, Sir J. Mordaunt 78} Wellesburne Hastings, see page 155 ' 85 to WARWICK, asp. 156, 13m. go KENILWORTH, see p. 1 54, 5m. r. to Coventry, 5 m. 94 George in the Tree l. to Solihull, 7$ m. 95 Wooton Green R.lm. Berkeswell Hall.T.Knight- ley, Esq. . 97 it. Morecote Hall Miles. g8 Moulding Bridge Cross the Tame River g9 Stone Bridge, seep. 164 100 Little Packington l. to dastle Bromwich, 5} are. 103 COLESHILL, see p. 165, 13m. 105 Curdworth Bridge, p. 165 106$ Cross the Birmingham Canal 107 Green Man l. [to Litchfield, seep. 165, 11m.— 33m.,/roan Warwick] 109 R. Middleton Hall, Lord Mid dleton ' 109} Staffordshire. 111$ Cross the Fazely Canal 111} Fazely r. to Atherstone, 7\ m. L. to Litchfield, g$ m. l. Drayton Park, Sir R. Peele 111} Cross the Coventry Canal 112} Cross the Tame River 112} TAMWORTH, p. 205, g}m. GLASTONBUEY to YEOVIL. Miles. GLASTONBURY, see p. 86 & 88 2 Streetr. to Bridgewater, 13 J m. 3} Marshes Elm k. to Bridgewater, 14 m. l. to Bruton, 13} m. 6 Littleton Miles. 7$ SOMERTON, see page 58 . 10} R.Northover, — Chichester, Esq. L. to Shepton Mallet, 16 m, L. to Wincaunton, 14 an. Cross the Yeo River 1 1 ILCHESTER, see page 92 15} YEOVIL, see page 33 FEOME to YEOVIL. Miles. *i 8} 11} 12} 13} 13} 15 FROME, see page 85 to Layton, as page 87 BatcdmbeBRUTON, see page 61 Cole r. to Castle Carey, l}an. l. Hadspen House, R. Berkely, Esq. 1.. to Wincaunton, s m. r. to Ainsford Inn, l}m. Galhampton Miles. 18 Sparkford l. to Wincaunton, 6$ an. 18} r. to Ilchester, 5$ m. 19$ Queens Camel 20} Mahston Magna 21$ L. to Sherborne, 4 an. 23 Mudford Bridge Cross the Yeo River 23} Mudford 26 YEOVIL, see page 33 457 Cross Roads. 45S HUNGERFORD to NORTHAMPTON. Miles, HUNGERFORD, see page 5 Cross the Kennet River $ Eddington 2 Newtown 5 Great Shefford 7 r. to Abingdon, 16 m, 9 R.WooleyPark,Rev.Mr.Wrough- ton g$ l. at Fawley, J. Pocock, Esq. Over Childrey Down 14 WANTAGE, see p. 70, 14m. 15} Grove 1 5} l. to Kingston Bagpuze, 5 an. 18 East Hanny ig} Ven Mills 21 Fulford 2-2 k. to Abingdon, 4 m. L. to Farringdon, g}m. 23} Besselsleigh 25} Great Bradley 28} Botley 2g} Cross the Isis River 2Drfor'u0hire. So OXFORD, see p. 87, 16m. 31 l. to Woodstock, 7 m, 33$ l. to Deddington, 13$ are. 34} Gofford Bridge Cross the Charwell River 35} R. to Islip, 1 m. L. to Chipping Norton, 15} an. 37$ R. to Bicester, 4} an. 38} Weston on the Green l. 2 m. Blechingdon Park, A. Annesley, Esq. 30} L. l}m. Kirtlington Park, SirH. Dashwood Miles.41} Middleton STONEY,TaZior,ll} r. to Bicester, 3$m. L. to Deddington, 9 m. L. to Chipping Norton, 15$ m. l. Middleton Park, Earl of Jersey 44J Ardeley 45} r. to Bicester, 4} are. l. to Banbury, 10} m. 47$ R. Tusmoor, W. Fermor, Esq. 48 Cotesford Heath 48} Jl2ortnamptDnBl,irc. r. Evenley Hall, H. G. Brown, Esq. 48} Barley Mow r. to Buckingham, 7}an. L. to Banbury, 10$ m. L. to Deddington, 7} are. 49} Evenley 50} l. to Banbury, 9$ are. 50} BRACKLEY, see p. 153, gm. 54} r. Biddlesden, G.Morgan, Esq. 55 Syresham Over Whittlebury Forest 58 Silverston it. 2 m. Sholebrook Lodge, B. Ansby, Esq. 62 TOWCESTER,seep.l63, ll$an. Cross the Tone River 63 Hulcote ' 65} Cross the Grand Junction Canal 66 BlisworthSee Tunnel of Grand Junction Canal 67} Milton 70} Cross the Nen River 71 NORTHAMPTON, p. 172, gm. SALISBURY to WINCHESTER. Miles. SALISBURY, see page 17 14 to STOCKBRIDGE, as p. 3 1 Over Woolberry Hill 16 it, Sambome House, W. P. Pow- lett, Esq. 17} Deluge Hutt Miles. l. Crawley House, R. Meylet, Esq. lg$ r. Lanson House, A. Boyne, Esq. 21$ Week 22} WINCHESTER, seep, 48 45g Cross Roads. HUNGEEFOED to OXFOED, by Abingdon. Miles. Miles. HUNGERFORD, see page 5 20$ Drayton 5 to Great Sheftord, as p. 457 22i ABINGDON, see p. 67, 22}are. 7 L.to Wantage, 7 m. 2g to OXFORD, as p. 440, 6}m. 9$ l. Wooley, Rev. Mr. Wroughton 11} Farnborough Over Cuckamsley Hills OB, 14} East Lockinge 1 4 To WANTAGE, as p. 457 15} West Hendred 17$ L.to Wallingford, g} m. 16$ R. to Wallingford, g} m. r. to Hungerford, byFarnborough, L. to Wantage, 3$ m. I6$an. 18} Steventon Green ig} Steventon Green r. to East Ilsley, 7 m. 30 to OXFORD, as above HUNGERFOED to SALISBVEY. Miles. HUNGERFORD, see page 5 3} Shalborn tKailtapire. 6| Marton 9} Alton 10} Collingbourn Kingston r. to East Everley, 2 m. 11} Collingbourn Ducis 12} R. to Devizes, 17 m. L. to Ludgershall, 2 are. Over Salisbury Plain 14 L.lm. atTidworth,E. Poore, Esq. Miles. 16 r. West Down Hill 17} l. Beacon Hill 18} l. Horndon Hill 19} R. to Amesbury, l}are. L. to Andover, 12} an. 25} Castle Hill 27$ SALISBURY, see page 17 *#* The above Road is not Turnpike, and is in some places very bad; the usual Route is by Abingdon, Newbury, and Andover. SHEEBOENE to WIMBOEN MINSTER. SHERBORNE, see page 33 1$ Oborne, •} Milborne.Port, see page 32 L. to Shaftesbury, 12} m. 4} Purse Caundell _.j} L. Stalbridge House, Earl of Ux- bridge «J STALBRIDGE, see page 32 e Cross the Dorset and Somerset Canal 12} STURMINSTER, p. 32, 12}an. 13 Cross the Dorset and Somerset Canal 16} SlIILLINGSTONE OlvEFORD ig Enfohd Bottom 19j DURWESTON Miles. 21} l. Bryanstone House, E. B. Port- man, Esq. Cross the Stour River 22 BLANDFORD, p. 18, 9$m. L. Langton House, — Snow, Esq. 25$ Cross the Tarrant River 27 Shapwicke 29$ Barford l.i m. Kingston Hall, H. Banks, Esq. 31 r. l m. Merely House, J. Willet, Esq. 32 WIMBORN MINSTER, see p. 51, '- 10771. .4(3 1 Cross Roads. 462 SALISBURY to CIEENCESTER. Miles. SALISBURY, see page 17 1} Old Sarum Over Salisbury Plain 3} l. to Amesbury, 3 an. 5} \,, to Amesbury, l}m. 7 r.3 m. Wrlbury House, — Brad- shawe, Esq. s l. to Amesbury, 2$ an. r. to Andover, 12 m. 11} West Down Hill r. to Ludgershall, 4} an. „ 15} East Everley, Crown, 15}in. r. to Ludgershall, 4} an. L. to Devizes, 14}are. l. Seat of F. D. Asdey, Esq. 50 Mar Green 21 Burbage si} Steep Green is. l m. Tottenham Park, Earl of Aylesbury 22} Enter Savenake (or Marlborough) Forest Mile,. 24$ Cadley 25 Hatfield 27 MARLBOROUGH, p. 6, l if ra. Over Ogboum Down 29 l. at Rockley, Col. St. John 34} Burdrope r. Bnrdrope House, T. Haver- field, Esq. l. Overtown, Mrs. Calley 35} Wroughton l. Seat of W. Codrington, Esq. l. to Devizes, 17 are. 38 SWINDON, see p. 73, llm. 38} «. to Highworth, 5} are. 39} Cross the Berks. & Wilts. Canal 41} Cold Harbour Inn r. to Highworth, 4 m. 44} Seven Bridges Cross the Ray River 45} CRICKLADE, see p. 71, 7}m- 52} CIRENCESTER, see page 68, 6} an. CARDIFF to LITCHFIELD. Miles. CARDIFF, see page 9 12} to NEWPORT, as page 9, 12}m. Cross the Monmouthshire Canal 14} Malpas k. Seat of G. Kemys, Esq. 15§ Lanternam 17} Cross y Ceiloo 19} New Inn !1 Cross the Brecon Canal L. see the Tunnel 220 yards in ' length Sl$ L. [to Pontypool, seepage 142, l$m.r: 10m. /roan Newport] 21} Cross the Brecon Canal 22 Llavihangel 22} r. to Uske, 4} m. -23} Mamhilade 24 Cross the Brecon Canal 27} Cross the Brecon Canal 28 r. (o Uske, 6 are. . r. Pant y Goitre, T. Hooper, Esq. 28} Llanover r, Llanover House, B. Wadding. t»n, Esq. Miles. 29} LlanellenCross the Uske River 30} R. to Monmouth, 15} an. r. to Uske, 10$ an. r. Colbrooke House, J. H. Wil liams, Esq. 32 ABERGAVENNY, p. 96, ig}m. 33 l. Hill House, T. Morgan, Esq.; 33} Llantilio Pertholey 37 Llanvihangel Cracorney 39} 11. Campston House 41 l. Campston Mountain r. to Monmouth, 11 m. 42 R. to Hereford, by GrosmouM Bridge, 14 ro. 42} Langua 43} Langua Bridge Cross the Munnow River ftrafortwpJK. 44 Penalan 44} pontrilas l. Seat of H. Shiffnar, Esq. 45 Kemderchuach 463 Cross Roads. 464 Miles. 46 HoWTONr.2 m. Kentchurch Park, J. Scu- damore, Esq. 47 WorMbridge l. Seat of E. B. Clive, Esq. Cioss the Worm River 47} R.Trelough, Rev.R. Symonds 50$ 'Willocks Bridge 50} Three Horse Shoes 51} r. Allensmoor, E. L. Pattishall, Esq. , 52} Goose Pool 54} R. Belmont, J.Mathews, Esq. 55} Cross the Wye River 56 HEREFORD, see p. 14'3, 24m. 58 Lugg Bridge Cross the Lugg River n. to Worcester, 24} m. 60$ Wi'thington Marsh Seats of the Rev. J . Griffiths, and J. Afferley, Esq. 63 Bagdons 63} Burley Gate Seats of the Rev. Mr. Hathway, and J. West wood, Esq. 66$,Stoke Lacey r. Seat of the Rev. Mr. Lilly 68} R. to Ledbury, 12} m. 70 BROMYARD, see p. 107, l*m. 71 Deakin Green 72 Sandy Cross h. to Kidderminster, by Lower Sapey, 23} m. 74 Tedstone Wafer 76} Upper Sapey ?8 taouestcrehirc. it, to Worcester, 13 m.' ,,. to Tenbury, 7$ m. ,t. Stanford Park, Sir E.Winning- ton 80$ Stanford Bridge Cross the Teme River 80} Stanford Green 82} l. Abberley Lodge, R. Bromley, Esq. - 82} Hundred House Inn, seepage 101, - 12}are- u. Whitley Court, Lord Foley - Miles. 86$ Dunley 86} r. to Worcester, II an. L. [to Bewdley, see page. Ill, 3\m.—3im. from Hereford] 87} l. AreleyHouse, J.Zachary, Esq. 88 Cross the Severn River 88} Stourport l . to' Bewdley, 3 are. R. to Worcester, 10} are. R.2m. Palace of the Bp. of Wor cester g2$ Cross the Staff. &Worc. Canal, jnd Stour River g2} KIDDERMINSTER, see page 110, 9im. 93} Broadwatersl. to Wolverhampton, 14} are. 94} r . Hurcot House 96} Everley 99$ STOURBRIDGE, p. 130, 6}m. Cross the Stour River Staffortishire. gg} Cross the Dudley Canal 1C0$ Brettel Lane 101 Brierley Hill 1 03$ Cross the Dudley Canal l. see the Dudley Tunnel 104 DUDLEY, (Wore.) p.220, 4}m. 105$ DudleyPort r. to Birmingham, 8} m. Cross the Birmingham Canal 106$ Horsley Heath l. to Wolverhampton, 6 m. 106} Great Bridge Cross the Birmingham Canal 108 West Bromwich Heath r. to Birmingham, 6 m. 110 WEDNESBURY, p. 265, 6m. 113 WALSALL, see p. 217, 3ari. H4} Rushall 114} Daw End 115} Walsall Woop 116$ Cross Wyrley & Essington Canal 117 L.to Newport, 22 m. r. to Castle Bromwich, gm. lig Muckley Corner 1-20$ Pipe Hill 122 LITCHFIELD, p. 165, gra. 465 Cross Roads. 463 OXFORD to CAMBRIDGE. Miles. OXFORD, see page 87 1 L. to Woodstock, 7 m. 3$ L, to Deddington, 13$ m, 4} Gofford Bridge Cross the Charwell River 5} R. to Islip, l m. L. to Chipping Norton, 15} m. 7$ L. to Middleton Stoney, 4} an. g$ Wendi.ebury 11} BICESTER, seep 154, ll}m. > 12} l. to Banbury, 12} an. 13 Caversfield 15$ Fringford 15} L.2m.Tusmoor,W.Fermor,Esq. 16} L.l m. Seat of Dr. Greenhill 18$ L. to Deddington, 10m. l. to Banbury, 12} m. 19} Finmere 20$ DBuc&iueliatnabitc, 20} TlNGEWICK 23$ Cross the Ouse River 23} BUCKINGHAM, p. 114, ll}an. 27 Cross the Grand Junction Canal and Ouse River 27$ R. Thornton Hall 27} Thornton 28} Beachampton 30} Calvehton 81} STONEY STRATFORD, see p. 163, 8m. 33 woolverton 35} Stanton Bridge 37} NEWPORT PAGNELL, p. 171, 6m. 42} toOLNEY, asp. 267 45$ Cole Brayford ©cuforoafiirf, 46$ TURVEY 47} Picks Hill 50$ Bromham l. to Higham Ferrers, 1 6 m. 54 Miles. , 51 Bromham Bridge Cross the Ouse River BEDFORD, p. 252, I6}m. TAere is another Road from New port Pagnell to Bedford, by Chichely, which is 3 miles nearer, but very bad, 56 goldington green 57 Castle Hill sg} Great Barfsrd r. 2 m. Muggerhanger House, G. Thornton, Esq. 62 Roxton R. Seat of the Hon. Col. Onslow 62} R.' to Biggleswade, 7} an. 63} Wibaston 65 Eaton Socon Cocfc, White Horse 65§ L.to Buckden, 5$ m. L, to Kimbolton, 8 art. 66} Cross the Ouse River $untinaoott0hire. 67 ST. NEOT'S, see p. 223, ism. r. to Biggleswade, 11m. R. to Hitch in, 17 m. 1 L. to Kimbolton, 7} m. l. to Huntingdon, 9 m, r. Seat of O. Rowsley, Esq. 69$ Upper Wintringham 70 Weld 70} Camoritiaeahire, 71$ Whitehall 72} R. at C roxton, E. Leeds, Esq. 73 Eltisley r. to Biggleswade, 11} m. l. to St. Ives, 8 m. 74 R. to Royston, 13 m. l. to Huntingdon, 8 m. L. to St. Ives, 8$ m. 77$ Bourn Leyes Common 85 CAMBRIDGE, see p. 328, 18m. ROMSEY to STOCKBRIDGE Miles. ROMSEY, seepage 49 , 1$ Cross the Andover Canal 2$ Timsbury Mites. 5} r. Compton House 7?V KINos Samborne 10} STOCKBRIDGE, jeepaje 31 H b 4.67 Cross Roads. 468 JVINCHESTFR to NEWBURY, by Andover. Miles. WINCHESTER, see page 48 3 R. to Whitchurch, 1 0 m. Over Barton Stacey Down '6$ R. to Basingstoke, 16 m. L. to Stockbridge, 5} m. 9 Chilbolton Cross the Test River l. Seat of J. Iremonger, Esq. 9} Wherwell 13$ ANDOVER, see p. 16, 13$m. 15} Knights Enham Miles. 16 R. Enham Place, G. Chamber- laine, Esq. 20} Hurstborne Tarrant Cross the Test River 22} Three Legged Cross 25$ Highclere Inn 27$ Cross the Enborn River Ber&apue. 29$ NEWBURY, see page 5, 16>au SALISBURY to LYMINGTON. Miles. SALISBURY, see page 17 4 to Whaddon, as page 437 6$ 1.. Brickworth, P. Eyre, Esq. 6} l. to Romsey, 8} are. 7§ Newton 9} Landford 1. Landford House, J. Eyre, Esq., R.BreachHouse,— Egerton, Esq. l. to Southampton, 12^ m. Over Landford Common & New Forest •31 Miles. 12$ Bramshaw 14 Brook 15$ Cadnam L. to Romsey, 6$ an. R. to Ringwood, 11} m, 15} l. Bartley Lodge, C. Lyell, Esq. 16| R. Seat of E. P. Buckley, Esq. 18 R. Minstead Manor House, J. Compton, Esq. 19 Lyndhurst, seepage53, igan. 28$ to LYMINGTON, asp 54, g$ma FARRINGDON to WORCESTER. Miles. FARRINGDON, see page 67 2$ RAdcott Bridge Cross the Isis River a SDjcforBfifjire. 2} Radcott 4 clanfieli) r. [io Bampton, see page 67, - 2are. — 6m. from Farringdon] 5j Blackbourton 1 0} BURFORD, see p. 1 3 1 , 1 0}are. Cross the WindruSh River 11$ West Hill 14} Fifield Lane 15} tflouceatersbirf. Miles. • 17} L.Wick Hill, Sir C.Pole 19} l. to Northleach,„S^m. L. to Cirencester, 18m. 20} STOW on the Wold, see page 112,-' 10m. It. [to MOR ETON IN THE MaRSH, seepage 100, ' 4$m. n 24}an/romFaa;r7>igdoai] 25} R. to Moretoninthe Marsh, 3m. 26 EBorccstcrabitc. 31 ;Broadway, seep. 100, 10}m. 52 to*TOitCEaSTER,asp.l01,2im. Or [to Worcester, aspage 141, 20m. — 5 lm.from Farringdon] ^9 Cross Roads. 470 BICESTER to CHIPPING NOETON. Mile.. BICESTER, see page 154 3$ MiDnLSTON Stoney L.to Oxford, 11} m. r. to Brackley, 9 m. 5 Calcot 6 Heyford Purcell 6 \ Cross the Oxford Canal, and Char- well River 7} Hopcrofts Holt Miles. r. [to Deddington, seep. Ill, 4}m.zrl2}m.i/rom Bicester] L. to OxforH, 12$ m. 9 Middle Barton 10$ Wescott Barton 10} Sandford 12 Gaging Well 13} Church Enstone 14 Enstone, see page 100 18} toCHIPPINGNORTON.asp.lOO CHICHESTEE to OXFORD. Miles. CHICHESTER, see page 47 9$ to HAVANT, as p. 41 1, g$are. 10} Ley Over Blendworth Common 13$ Horndean, see page 45 20} to PETERSFIELD, as p. 45, 11} There is another Road from. Chi chester to Petersfield, byHarting Hills, avoiding Havant, which is 5}m. less. 23} Week Green Over Priors Dean Common 26} L.lm. Basing Park, T.Coulthard, Esq. 27g 1.. to Fareham, 19} are. l. to Bishop's Waltham, 14 m. 29 EastTisted r. Rotherfield Park, B.NewIand, Esq. 49} L.Pelham Place, T.DumaresqUe, Esq. 30} Farringdon 32} Cha wton, see page 52 33} ALTON, see page 52, 12}an. 37} Lasham 40$ Herriard ¦r. Seat of G. P. Jervoise, Esq. 41} WlNSLADE 42$ Through Hackwood Park, M. of Winchester 44}. BASINGSTOKE, p. 16, ilm. 45} l. to Aldermaslon, by Baughurst, 8 m. 47} East Sherborne R.im. The Vine, W. Chute, Esq. ¦49} Pambera. Seat of Lord Rivers Miles. 51 Tadley , 52 IBerSahtre. 52} i..U>Basingstake,byBaughurst,flm, it. Aldermaston. Park, E. B. Long, Esq. 53} Aldermaston, Hinds Head,gm. L. to Kingselere, 7} an. Cross the Kennet River 55$ Halfway House l. to Newbury, am. 58 Puntfield r. to Reading, 6 m. 59} Englepield 61$ TidMarsh. l. 1 m. Bere Court, Rev. Dr. Breedon R.lm. Purley HaII,Rev.Dr .Wilder 62§ Pangbourn, 6m. Elephant and Castle r. to Reading, 6 m. 64 Baseldonl. Baseldon Park, Sir F. Sykes 65 Streatley l, to East Ilsley, 6} ares 67$ Moulsford 70} r. see Mongewell House, Bp. of Durham . 71 WALLINGFORD, p. 69, 8}an. 11. see Howberry House, Mrs. Reade 73 Shillingford Bridge Cross the Thames Rivet 2DjttijiDa|)ire. 73} Shillingford, see page 69 75 Dorchester 84 to OXPORD, as page 37, 13m. H h 2 471 Cross Goads. 473 BLANDFOED to WAEEHAM. Miles. BLANDFORD, see page 1 8 5$ to Winterborne Whitchurchj as p. i 8 R. to Dorchester, 11 m. 6$ Lower Whitchurch Over Kingston Down Miles. g BERE REGIS, see p. 1 8 10 j.. l m. Seat of W. Pickard, Esq. 15} l. to Wimborn Minster, 13$ m. Cross the Piddle River 16 WAREHAM, see page 7g CIRENCESTER to MALMSBURY. Miles. , CIRENCESTER, see page 68 1 R. to Minching Hampton, 9 are. S$ r. the Head of the Thames River Cross the Thames & Severn Canal 3} R. to Tetbury, 7 m. bite. Miles. 6} quelverland 7} Crudwell l.2 m. Oaksey House and Escot House 10 l. Charlton Park, Earl of Suffolk 11 L. to Cricklade, 1 1 m. 11} MALMSBURY, see page 71 BEADING to ALTON. Miles. READING, see page 4 2 Whitley Green l. Shinfield Manor House, W. Philips, Esq. 3 Three Mlle.Cross r. Hartley Court, J. Deane, Esq. 4 L. l m. Shinfield Place, A. Cob- ham, Esq. 5 ShEepbridge Mill 6 swallowfield «. 2 m. Beach Hill, C. Musgrave, Esq. and the Priory, R. W. Halhed, Esq. i. SwallowfieldPlace,T.H. Earle, Esq. i.2rti. FawleyHill,E.Stephenson, Esq. Miles. 6} ftampahke. Over Heckfield Heath 8 Heckfield 10 Mattingley 11 r. Tilney Hall, Sir J. T. Long n Hook l. to Hartford Bridge, 3} are. r. to Basingstoke, 6%m. 13 Cross the Basingstoke Canal 13} North Warnborough 14} ODIHAM, see p. 15, I4}a». L.l m. Dogmersfield Park, Sir H. St. John Mild may 17 South Warnborough r. 2 m. at Upton Grey, J. H. Beaufoy, Esq. . 23} ALTON, see page 52, gan. READING to BASINGSTOKE. Miles. Miles. k 6 to Swallowfield, as above Cross the Lodon River Cjarmiafcire. 7 Heckfield Heath Seats of C. S. Lefevre, Esq. Sir J. Harrington,andRev.Mr.Aubry g r. Stratfield Saye, Lord Rivers 10 Stratfield Turgis 11 Sherfield Green 12$ Sherfield 13 Old Basing Turnpike 14} r. at Chinham, T. Hasker, Esq. 16 BASINGSTOKE, see page ie 473 Cross Roads. 474 BEADING to THAME. Miles. „ READING, see page 4 6 toPANGROURN, as page 13 14} to WALLINGFORD, as p. 470, 14}are. lfij Shillingford Bridge Cross the Thames River SDjcforospirc. 17 Shillingford, seepage 66 L. [to Oxford, as page 87, 10^m. = 27}an.,,/a-om Reading] 17} Warborough 20 Newingtonl. Newington House, G. White, Esq. Miles. 21} Stadhampton l. 1 m. Seat of R. Peers, Esq. 23$ Little Milton 24| Great Milton r. 1 m, Haseley Court, Hon. A. Foley; and Seat ol J. Blackalls, Esq. 26$ Three Pigeons l. to Oxford, 10 m. r. to High Wycombe, 16 m. 27 L. Ricot Park, Earl of Abingdon 28$ R.lm.ThamePark.Visc.Wenman 28} l. to Oxford, 12$ m. 29$ Three Elms 3o THAME, see page, 157, I5§an. BEADING to WHITCHURCH. Miles. READING, see page 4 4} to Thf.al, as page 4 5} R. to Wallingjord, 13 m. 9 R. to Newbury, 8 are. 10} Aldermaston, King's Head L. to Basingstoke, 9 m. l. Aldermaston Park, E B, Long, Esq. 12} Wasing Miles. l, Wasing Place, W. Mount, Esq. 14} ihampshtre. 16 Fair Oak , 1 8 KJNGSCLERE, see page 5 23} Cold Henley 24} n. to Newbury, 13 m. 25} WHITCHURCH, seepage 16 BEISTOL to DURSLEY. Miles. BRISTOL, see page 8 2 Stapleton 3 l- Stoke Gifford Park, D.of Beau fort 4i r. French Hay, E. Harford, Esq. 5 Hambrook 9 Iron Acton l. to Aust Passage Inn, g§ m. R to Chipping Sodbury, 3±m. 10 Mudge Down it. [to Wickwar, see page 78, 3$an =13$m„ from Bristol] 10} Rangeworthy 14 Long Cross 15 Wood End l. Cromhall Park 16 R. to Wickwar, 2} m. L. 1 tn. Tortworth Court, Lord Ducie 1 9} l. BradleyHouse.T. Nelmes, Esq. 20 WOTTON under Edge, p. 76 20$ jt.[toMlNCHINGHAMPTON,)5.75 g$an.=2g} m. from Bristol] 21$ Westridge Hill * 22 woodmancoat R. to Minching Hamilton, 8$ an. 23 DURSLEY, see p. 76 L.[to Cambridge Inn, 3} an. from thence to Gloucester, asp. 427, llm,=37im.from Bristol] 475 Cross Roads. 476 BRISTOL, to YAEMOUTH. *1 J0$ 11$ ,29$ 41 49 55.64$64} 06} 68$ ?>i2*i 72} 79SO 80$8»*S3}84} a'} 96} 101 10218-2} 105} 108} 110$ 113}115} .BRISTQI, see page 8 Lower Easton l. Stapl'eton House, J. Elton, Esq. Mays Hill Nibley 1.. to Old Passage House, 11m. YaTeCHIPPING SODBURY, see p. 7-2, ll$m. to MALMSBURY, as p.7 1,18m. to CRICKLADE, as p.7 1 , 1 l}are. to HIGHWORTH,asp.71,8m. to FARRlNGDON,asp.70,6are. to Tubney, as p. 67 R. to Wantage, 7} are, -r. to Abingdon, 4 are. BlLSSELLSLElGHGheat Bradley BotleyCrass the Isis River ^fnroahire. OXFORD, see p. 87, l?}m. to Wheatley, as p.99, 6$are. Wheatley Bridge Cross the Thame River r. to Tetsworth, 4} m. L.Waterstock,SirvV. H.Ashurst Alburn North Weston THAME, seep. 157, 7are- toAYLESBURY,asp.l58,10}m. Aston Clinton r. Halton House,Capt.Lechrriere Cross the Wendover Canal R. [to Tring, seepage 153, . Ian. —3im. from Oxford] The following Read to Hitchin is by the Icknield Way, ahd generally impassable in Win ter. See another Road from Oxford to Cambridge, p. 465 Cross the Grand Junction Canal Beacon Hill Cross the Ouzell River Bjuforljshitt. DUNSTABLE, p. 162, Lewsey 16}m. Miles. 116} Leagrave l. 2 m. Sun don House, Earl of Egmont 118 Little Bramingham 119$ r. to Luton, 3} m. l. to Bedford, 16 m. 120 •kmfniUsftire. 122 R . Lllley House, J .Sowerby, Esq.- 1-23 R.LitrleOffiey,R.Shepherd,Esq.r.2 m.Orney Place, Lady SaUis- bury 124} Highdown Hill l. Highdown House, H. E. Delme, Esq. 125$ l. to Baldock, avoiding Hitchin, 7 m. 128$ HITCHIN, see p. 251, I4}m. 129} Wai.sworth l. 2 m. Ickleford House, T. Cockayne, Esq. 131 Letchworth 133$ BALDOCK, p. 223, 5m. 137} Odsey Grange l. Seat of E. K. Fordham, Esq. 139 The Thrift 141} .ROYSTON, see p. 287, S$are. eTam&riuseefctre. 153} toCAMBRIDGE, asp.30.7, 111 166} to NEWMARKET, as p. 328, 13m. 186 to THETFORD, as p. 326, 19$ 206 to WYMONDHAM, as p. 326, 20m. 215 toNOiW/Cfl,asp.328, 9an. 217| Thorpe l. Seat of J. Harvey, Esq. r. Crown Point, T. Money, Esq. 218$ Postwick Turnpike 221$ Blofield 223} Birlingham St. Andrews j.. Birlingham Paik, J. B. Bur-. rows, Esq. 226 Acle 297 Weyuridge Cross the Bure River Over Billockby Marsh 229} Burgh St. Margarets 230} Cross Filby Broad 477 Cross Roads. 47$ Miles. 231} FlLBY r.i m.ThrigbyHall,R.Woolmer, Esq. Miles. ' r. Seat of C. Lucas, Esq. 234$ Caistor 237$ YARMOUTH, p. 346, 22$m. BEISTOL to WESTON. BRISTOL, see page 8 1$ BedminsterL.to Wells, 17} are. L. to Axbridge, 17 m. 2} r. Ashton Court, Sir J. H. Smith 3 Long Ashton 5} Bourton r. 1 m. Belmont, G. Turner, Esq. 8 West Town Miles. 9} CLEVE 11} Orchinwood 11} Cross the Yeo River 12 CONGRESEURY 14 P'JXTON ' 15} Colesey Green 16} WORLE , i 19} Weston on the Sea PLYMOUTH to ILFRACOMBE. 15 15} 20 20} 30$35$37sgf PLYMOUTH, see page 35 to Horra Bridge, as page 39 l. to Tavistock, 3} m. L. to 'Tavistock, 2 m. R. to Moreton Hampstead, \9m. L. to Tavistock, 2$ m. Lane Head Beardon Downton l. to Tavistock, 8} m. toOAKHAMPTON,asp.39, 28$ Five Oaks HATHERLEIGH, see p. 82, 7m. Cross the Torridge River Petrockstow -¦ l. Heanton, Lord Clinton Miles.43 L. WiriscOt, J. Cleveland, Esq, 45 Little Torrington 46 Cross the Tonidge River 46$ TORRINGTON, seep. 64, llm. L. [to Bideford, seepage 60, 5}an.— 52m. from Plymouth] 50}- ALVEnDl-SCOTT 52 Newton Tracey ¦ . ' , 54 St. John's Chapel 55 roundshill 56} l. to Bideford, 7$ an. 57} Cross the Taw River 58 BARNSTAPLE, seep'. '59, 1 lim it. [toCoMBE Martin, seep. yi, 9m.=z.67m,.from Plymotith], 68 to ILFRACOMBE, as p.66, 10m. KINGSBEIDGE to TAVISTOCK. Miles. KINGSBRIDGE, see page 44 ( 2} Churstow 4 Cross the Aven River 4§ AvetOn Giffard 7t MODBURY, see p. 41, 7}m. 9} Cross the Errhe River 12} L. to Plymouth, g}m. R. to Totness, 12 m. R. to Ashburton, 14$ m. 13} r. to Ivy Bridge, 1^ m. Miles. 14} Co.RNWOOD 21$ Cross the Plym River 22 Walkhampton 23 Startown 23} Sampford Spiney 25 L. to Plymouth, 12jare. 25$ R. to Oakhampton, 15} m. r. to Moreton Hampstead, 1 glare. 26} TAVISTOCK, seep. 33, is}™. 479 Cross. Roads. 4Sf> PLYMOUTH to Miles. PLYMOUTH, see page 35 2} Weston 4 Cross the Tamer River CorntoalT. 4} SALTASH, see page 3 5 5} L.to Lis heard, 13 m. 7} Bote Fleming r. Hatt, W. Simmonds, Esq. 9 Leigh 9} R.lm. Crocadon, J. Coryton,Esq. 1 3} CALL1NGTON, see p. 41 , 1 3}an. 16 L. Whiteford House, Lady Call 19 DlGHOUSE 10$ Cross the Inny River 19} Resair 82} r. to Tavistock, 9} an. 24} LAUNCESTON; see p. 21, 11m. HARTLAND. Miles.26$ Cross the Tamer River £ebuit0bire. 29' St. Giles' in the Heath 33^ Clawton Bridge Cross the Claw River 37 HOLSWORTHY l. to Stratton, 7 m. R. to Hatherleigh, 13$ m. 38 Manworthy 41 Soldon Cross 42 Bradworthy 44} Rassery 47 Basan' 49 Trossbury 50 Newton l. to Hartl and Quay, 2 m. 51 HARTLAND, seep. 60; 26|an. LYME REGIS to MINEHEAD. Miles. LYME REGIS, see page 81 » Hunters Lodge Inn «. to Bridport, 10$ m. r. to Crewkerne, 9} m. 5$ AXMINSTER, see p. 1 9, 5$m. 7} Weecroft Bridge . Cross the Axe River ' 9$ Titherley Cross SomerattcDirc. r. to Crewkerne, 9} m. 10} Tatworth 12 CHARD, see page 33, 6|m. 12} Grim Chard 14} Combe St. Nicholas ' 16$ Street Asii 18} CURLAND 2» Staple Fitzpain 22} Orchard Portman 24} TAUNTON, see p. 58, 12}m. 26} Staplegrove, see page 63 l. [to Wiveliscombe, seep'.63, 10}m.— 37 m.fromlymeRegis] Miles.30 Gore Inn r. to Bridgetiater, loan. 30} L. Lanch, T. Charter, Esq., 30} L. Sandhill Park, J. Lethbridge, Esq- 31$ r. 1 m. Combe Florey, J. F. Gwynne, Esq. 33 Handy Cross 36 l. see Monument on Willet I Jill l. Seat of Rev. Mr. Estcoutt 37$ Combe Cross 38} Mon-ksilver- 3g L. Nettlecombe, Sir J. Trevelyan 3g} Yard Mills r. [to Watch et, see page g3, 2}m.— 1 Tim. from Taunton], 43 Carhampton r. to Watchet, 4m. 44}"Dunster l. to Dulverton, 1 6 in. 46} MINEHEAD, seep. g4, 22$m. AXMINSTER to CEEWKEENE. Miles. AXMINSTER, see page 19 4 . to Titherley Cross, as above 1. to Chard, 2} m. 7 Street 8} White Down Miles. L. to Chard, 3 m. 11 l. to Ilminster, 5 m. l. Hinton St.George, Earl Paulett 13} CREWKERNE, see page S3 4SI Cross Roads. 482 EXMOUTH to MINEHEAD. Miles. Exmouth, Globe, see page 82. 2$ Lymtstone l. see Powderham Castle, Lord Vise. Courtney r. Thome, T. Smith, Esq. ¦2} Gulliford L.Nutwell Court, Lord Heathfield 5} R. Higher Nutwell,T. Heathfield, Esq. J Exton 8 r. Mount Elford, M. Lee, Esq." ¦9 TOPSHAM, see page 82, gm. 10} Horseshoes 12} EXETER, see page 20, 3}m. 1 14 l. Stoke Hill, J. Sanders, Esq. 15 r. [to Collumpton, see page 89, 9 Jan. —24$ m.from Exmouth^ 1 5} Cross the Exe River 16 Stoke Canon 17 Rew R.im. Killerton, Sir T. D. Acland 14m. 6}m. Miles.19} SlLVERTONj.. to Tiverton, byLong Causeway, 6} m. 23$ Butteri.eigh 24} Yew Tree 26} TIVERTON, see p. 59; 33 BAMPTON, see p. 64, 35$ morebath 36 Gilberts 36} ©omeraoapite. 37} Berry r. to Wiveliscombe, g} m. Cross the Exe River 38 L. to DKftjerton, 2 m. 43} Brendon Hill 45} Couple Cross 46} Lime Kilns 48$ Timeerscombe r. to Dunster, 2} an. 'I 51} MINEHEAD, see. p. 94, 18}are. EXMOUTH to TAUNTON. Miles. r Exmol'th, Globe, see page 82 5 East Budieigh 5} Cross the Otter River <5 Qttertonr. Bicton Lodge, Lord Rolle 10 SIDMQUTH, see page 82, loan. r. [to Lyme Regis, see page 81, 1 5$?n. = 2 Sim.fromElcm outli] l\\ Sidford L. to Topshajn, 11 m. R. to Lyme Regis, 1 5} are. 13 Sidbury 16} R. to Colyton, 7 an. l. to OUerySt. Mary, 2} m. Miles. 19 HONITON, see page 19, can. 21 Monkton 22 Haynes Yard 24 Rawridge 24$ Cross the Otter River 24} UppoTtery l. Seat of Rt. Hon, H. Addington 27} CflURCHINGIORD 30$ Somnaetahire. 32 Blagdon '35 Trull 37 TAUNTON, see page 58, 18m. CREDITON to TIVERTON. Milei. CREDITON, see page 81 3} Stockley <5 Cadbury 6} Chilton Gatg 7} Bickleigii Bridge R.toExster.,ilim. Miles. 9$ Yerdlestonb 10 Landefoot 10} Ashley * J. Collipriest, T.Phillips, Esq. U TIVERTON, seepage 59 I i 483 Cross Roads. 464 7 m. TOTNESS to BAENSTAPLE. Miles. , TOTNESS, see page 40 7 ASHBURTON, see p. 34, 15} Easdon 16} wormhill R. [to Moreton Hampstead, see page 37, 3 m. — igi m- from Totness] R. to Tavistock, 18 m. 1? Beeter 18} Chagford 22$ Mer-rymeet r. to Exeter, 1 5$ m. L. to Oakhampton, 7} m. North TaWtom l. to Oakhampton, 7 m. n. to Hatherleigh, 8} m. R. [to Bow, see page 81, 4 m.=31 m. /rom Totness] Cross the Taw River 27 28 Miles. ' 32 WlNCKLEIGU 35} Kessan Bridge r. [to Chumleigh, see page 87, l$m.=37an. from Totness] 37 Sweet' Hill 39} Puddle Pool R. to Chumleigh, 6 m. 40j Dipford L. to Tbmai£tore, 8} are. 43} Atherington r. to South Motion, 8$m. l. to Torrington, 7 m, 46} New Bridge Cross the Taw River 48 Bishops Tawton 4g} Newport r. to South Molton, 10} an. 50} BARNSTAPLE, see page 59 DARTMOUTH to MODBUEY. Miles. DARTMOUTH,.see page 42 . § r. Mount Galpin, A. Holdswbrth, Esq. . ' l. Mount Boon, J.Seale, Esq. } T0WNSTAI.L 2 R. Norton House, T. Bond, Esq. 3$ L. [to KlN'GSBKlDGE, see page 44, 7} m.—l'l m.from Dartmouth] 5 R.'Oldstone, W. Cbxilwick, Esq. 7 HalwelL 7} L. Gnpson, E. Edmonds, Esq. Miles. 8$.Morleigh New Inn L. to Kingsbridge, 6$ ?n.- R. to Totness, 5} m. 10} Gesah Bridge Cross the Aven River 12$ R. to Totness, 8$m. R. Maridge, W. Taylor, Esq. 12§ Brownston 13$ r. Yarncombe, W. Praed, Esq. 16 MODBURY, see page 41 DENBIGH to PABKGATE. Miles. DENBIGH, see page 121 2$ r. Lleweny, Lord Kiikwall 3"$ Pont Ryffith Bridge L.The Hall, Sir E. Lloyd Cross the Clwyd River jFlintaftrre. 4$ BODFARI 6$ L. Maesmynan, Sir T. Mostyn r, to Mold, 10 m. Miles. 7 CAERWYS, Tuesday, 162 Houses, 773 Inbab. 12} HOLYWELL, see page 119 14 R. Pen y Pylle, H.Humphreys, Esq. 15 Pentre Halkin r. to Norlhop, 4$m. 17} FLINT, 312 Houses,ll69 Inhab. l. Flint Castle Cross the Sands and Dee River 22} Parkgate, see page 212 485 Cross Roads. 4St? DAETMOUTH to EXETEE, by Teigniviouth. Miles. DARTMOUTH, see page 42 Cross the Dart River } KlNGSWEARER. Kittery Court, Rev. T. Fownes 1 J u. Nethway, J. Seale, Esq. 2$ it. to Brixham Quay , 2$m. R.Ura, Upton House, J. Cutler, Esq. 3$ r. Lupton, Sir F. B. Yarde 4} Gamptonl.i m. Greenway, E. Elton, Esq, 5$ r. to Brixham, 2 m. 7 L.to Newton Bushell, 1 1 an. 7} Painton On the right is Tor Bay ' 10 cockington 11$ Tor Mohun Miles. 13} Tor Quay 15$ Bob's, or Hope's Nose 18 St. Mary's Church 20 Combe Puffords 22 Shaldon 23$ Cross the Teign River 23} TEIGNMOUTH, see page 3g 26} Dawlish 28} Mount Pleasant 32$ Star Cross n. oner the Exe River, to' Ex mouth, l m. 33} South Town 34 r. Powderham Castle, Viscount Courtney 39 Ai.phington, see page 39 40} EXETER, see page 20 LLANGOLLEN to ST. ASAPH. Miles. LLANGOLLEN, see page 123, Cross the Dee River 1} Pentrefelin r. Dinbren, Rev. E.Roberts 2 R. Ruins of Llan Egwest Abbey L.lm. Llandysilio Hall, T. Jones, Esq. 5 Bwlchyrhiwfelon 6} Dafarn Dowyrch R. to Wrexham, 10 m. 7} r. to Wrexham, lo*. 13} RUTHEN, see page 121 r. [to Mold, seepage lig, 8m.zz2l}m.i/7-om LiaaigoHen] Miles. 18} Llanrhaidrn. The Hall, R. Wilding, Esq. 21} DENBIGH, see page 121 23$ Pencaedu Green l.i m. Plasnewydd, R.W.Wynne, Esq. . 25 Cross the Clwyd River 1.1M. Cefn, E. Lloyd, Esq. . 25$ Meriadog L.}m. Gwygfuir, J. Lloyd, Esq. R. Llanerch, D. Leo, Esq. 26} ST. ASAPH, see page 120 CARDIGAN to HAVERFORDWEST. Miles. CARDIGAN, see page 136 Cross the Tivi River 1} Pont y grwndy 2} Cawsellantwd 3$ Llantwd 5} Eglwyswrw 7 Pontcynnon Cross the Nevern River 7} Hkndre Gate Miles. . 9§ Pont Llanbiran Cross the Biran River 11} Tavarn v Vucu 13} New Inn is Castel Henry 20 - Brogul 25 r. to Fishguard, 14 m. 25$ Prenderoast 26| HAVERFORDWEST, see p. 12 Ii 2 4S7 Cross Roads. 4SS; ABEEYSTWITH to CHESTER. Miles* - ABERYSTWITH, see page 148 3j Bow Street 4$ Rhyd ytenni 7$ Tal y.bont Cross the Clyttwn River 9 Trer ddol . 12 Eglwysfach- I3j Garreg 16} JtSontaomcrjaahirc. 16} 19 19}2324$ 27 31 33} 41} 42} 46} 50-|51} 5360 60} 61 7076 l>0 91} Derwenlase Machynlleth, p. no, 19m. Cross the Dovey River L. to Toaryn, 11$ m. e.sgairge1liog Pont abercorns SlSeriBnetpa^ire. L. to Towyn, 12$ an. l. see the Cader Idrjs Mountain r. to Dinas y mowddu, 6} m. DOLGELLE, see p. 104, 14|an. dwsynantisa Drwsynantucha, Howelddd; Inn Llanwche'lyn ¦ . r. to Dinas -y mowddu, 12 m. Along, the banks of J,)ynTegid Pool, the Source of the Dee '•' River Llanycil BAtA, see p. 128, 18»i. Cross fhe-ttee River ii. to Corwen, lljm. l! to Llanrwst, 21 m. r. Cefn Rug l. Rug, CoJ. Salisbury r. to Cormcn, 2 an. Rug Chapel . , ' r. to Llangollen, 6} 'an. 1. to Ruthen, 0} an. Minera Chapel WRfeXI-lAM, see p. 11 g, 28}an. to CHESTER, as p. 446, 1 l|m. OR, 1 9 To MACHYNLLETH, as above 30} Peneuos .,_ '.... _ 24$ «¦• to Ntniitown, 2'2 an. " *" ' 26$ Cemmes 27} Aberhiriaeth, Sir J. D. King 29 S^crionctpabire. 31 Mallwyd, Cross Fpxes, lim. 3 H DINAS Y MOWDDU, p. 104 33} Llantnewla 31} Tynant 35} Tinfreeth 36} Llan y mowddu- 37} Tyndol 40} Tan y bwich 44 avonvachen 45 Ravervychan 47 LlAngower 50$ BALA, see page 12S, ig$m. The above Road is mountainous, and in some places not passable. for Carriage's Gross the Dee River 52 . R . Bodwenni, R. Evans, Esq. 58$ Llandrillo 60} Cynwyd 62$ L. to Llamrwsl, 23 are. 63$ Corwen, see p. 124, 13m. iDeiibiaijBpwe. ,73$ toLLANGOLLEN,asp.l.23,lom.Cross the Dee River 78 L. Plas Madoc, Rev. M'- Youde 79 Ruabon r. to Ellesmere, 10$ an. R.Wynnstay, SirW. W.Wynne 6'iJ r. Pentrebychan, Dr. Meredith 83} Me-lin Puleston 81} WREXHAM, seep. 119, ll$an. 96i to CHESTER, as p. 416, i l}an. 2 Piccadilly, see page 148 8} Eskvnald, see page 148 10} R, to Rhayader, lg are. 11} The Devjl's Bridge, Ilavod Arms Cross the Rheidiol River 13 Y sputty Cen' Wyn 18 Steddfa gerrig (^omaomergs^ite. 21$ Pont Rhyd yr gerbjg ll}m. 469 Cross Roads. <*9tt Miles. Cross the Wye River 26 Llangerrig 30 Li.anydi.oes, seep. 109, lSjm. L. to Machynlleth, ig an. 32} Dolwen 34 R. Berthdu, M. Stephens, Esq. 34} Pen y rhylan 36 Llandinam 37} L. Maesmaur, P. Davies, Esq. 40$ Pen y strywad 43 NEWTOWN, see p. 109, 13m. L.Newtown Hall, R. Shawe,Esq. 47} R. [to Montgomery, seep.103, 4$m. — 5%m.fromAbcrysturitli] 48$ Cross the Severn River 48} Cross the Montgomerysh. Canal twice 49 Glanhafren 51} Cross the Rhiew River • 54} R. to Montgomery, 6} m. 55} L. Powis Castle, late Earl Powis 56} WELSH POOL, p. 103, 13}m, 57} r. to Shrewsbury, 17 m. 60 New Quay Miles. 6565$ 66 Cross the Montgomerysh. Canal k. to Shrewsbury, 1 5$ an. • L. to Llanfyllin, g} m. LlandysilioCross the Virnwy Rivet Sfwopabire. Llanymynech r. to Shrewsbury, 16} m. l. to Llanfair. 15$m. Cross the Llanymynech Canal L. to Bala, 24} m. Llyngelys r. to Shrewsbury, I5§m. 1. to Bala, 2*± m. OSWESTRY, see p. 123, 15§sn, toWHITEHBRST, asp. 123 l. to Llangollen, 5 m. Cross the Dee River 82 Ru abo n, see page 483 L. to Llangollen, 5}an. 87j WREXHAM, see p. 119, »5ja«. 99$ to CHESTER, as p. 446, 1 l}m. 66$ 66£ 69 72 79} HONITON to TIVEETON. Miles. HONITON, see page 1 9 2 awliscombe 2} Badford Cross 4 R.HamburyFortHouse,R. Greaves, Esq. 4} Blue Ball •r. The Grange, F. Dew, Esq. 7} DULFORD Miles. 9} Newland 10$ Cross the Culm River 10} COLLUMPTON, see page*g 12 l. Hillersdown, R. Radcliffe, Esq. r. Tidcombe House, — Andrews, Esq. 15 BlNGHOE 1 5} TIVERTON, see page 59 LAUNCESTON to TAVISTOCK. Miles. LAUNCESTON, see page 21 1} R. to Callinglon, 9} m. 4 Lowle Bridge Cross the Tamer River Miles. D.tMrtB&ire. 6$ Milton Green 8 Redfoed g} Rushford 1 1} TAVISTOCK, see page 3s FISHGUAED to HAVEEFOEDWEST. Wile.. FISHGUARD, see page 136 * Cross the Hipg River 7} St.Dogwael 8} Cross the Hiog River; 9 Ford Chapel Miles. 10$- Trbvgark Chapel 1 1 Cross the Hing River 14 L.to Cardigan, 25 aa. 14$ Prcndergast 15} HAVERFORDWEST, see p. la 4gi Cross Roads. m ABEEYSTWITH to SWANSEA. Miles. ABERYSTWITH, see page 148 2 Piccadilly l. to Rhyader, 27} m. 3} Cross the Ystwith River 9} Ll'anrhystid r. to Cardigan, 30 m. L. Ystrad Teilo, Rev. J.Williams ; and Mabris, J. Lloyd, Esq. 11 Pont y perris 13} Duffryn 17} Talsarn » L.lm. Abermenick, D. Edwards, Esq. Cross the Aeron River 18} Llanllir lg} Blaen yWern 2-2$ Foss Gwy 25 LAMPETER, see p. 135, 25m, Gross the Tivi River Caermartftenahtrr. 29 Lampeter Mountain l. to Llandovery, 15$ art. 33 r. Edumsford, J. H. Williams, Esq. 34 Llansawell 37 Talley 1. Taliaris Park, Lord R. Seymour 42} L. to Llandovery, ism. 44" LLANDILO VAWR,p.l34,igm. Cross the Towey River 47 l. 3 m. Carreg Cennen Castle 49 Llandebie 51 Cross Inn l. to Swansea, byBetlws, 14 m. L. to Neath, 13 m. 52 R. to Caermarthen, 14 m. 57$ r. to Caermarthen, 16} m. 58 Pont ar Ddulas, Red Lion 66} to SWANSEA, as p. 11, 2-2}m: CAED1FF to HOLYHEAD. Miles. CARDIFF, see page g 3$ Whitchurch t. Mellingriffith, J. Narford, Esq, 5 R. Pentuicfo, W. Lewis, Esq. 6 Porto Bello ,11 Bridgewater Arms 11} L.to Llantrissant, 4} m. ii. see the New Bridge of one Arch, 140 feet span, over the Taff River Between Cardiff and this place, you cross the Cardiff Canal three tiroes 16} Quakers Yard Inn 17 ' Black Rock S4 Merthyr Tydvil 24} R. Rennydaran, S. Romfray, Esq. 35 l. Cyfarthfa, R. Cnrwshay, Esq. 86 CoedyCummar Brcct.noc83nire. 30} Capel nant Taff 42} BRECON, see page 133, 42}an. 45$ Llandyvilog 47} Lower Chapel 49 R. Castle Madock, Rev, Mr, Price 51$ UrrER Chapel Miles. 58} BUILTH, see page 147, I6$an. 50 Cross, the Wye River R. to New Radnor, 12} an. R. see Lanclweth Hall, M. T. Gwynne, Esq. and Wellfield House, D. Thomas, Esq. 63} Ithon Bridge Cross the Ithon River 67} Doldowlad 72} RHAYADER, see p. 147, 14m. L. [to ABERYSTWITH, as p. 148, 2g}are.=I03}art.^om Cardiff] 75} St. Harman 80$ 9tj?untBomeiE0pire. 84} LLANYDLOES, New. Inn, see page 109, 12a». R. to Newtown, 13 m. L. to Abetystwith, 30 m. 94$ Rhyd y tohthman 104 MACHYNLLETH, see page 1 10, I9$an. I. [to Towyn, as page 110, 12are.=116m.i/rom Cardiff] 118} toDOLGELLE,asp.487, 14}m. J9i| to HOLYHEAD, as p. 106, 73m. 493 Cross Roads. 4q4 NAMPTWICH to LLANFYLLIN. Miles. NAMPTWICH, see p. 207 1 Shrew Bridge Cross the Wever River 1$ l. to Drayton, ll}m. 2} Sound Heath 3} Aston Green 4$ Newhall 5$ Newhaij. Green 6 n. l m. Combermere Hall, Sir R. S. Cotton ire. 8$ i..toNewcastleunderLine,o.o$m. 10 WHITCHURCH, p.2ll, 10m. 12 jTlinte^ire. 12$ R. to Wrexham, 13} m, 13 Fenns Hall IS Bettisfield r. Bettisfield Park, Sit T. Hanmer R.2m. Gredington, Lord Kehyon; & Hanmere Hall, Mrs.Watson Miles. i7$ Sfcropa&ire. 18$ Welsh Hampton l. to Went, 6}m. 20} R.Oakley Park, Mrs. Vaughan Li to Shrewsbury, 15} are. 21 ELLESMERE, seep. 118, 11 m, 22$ R.Hardwick, J. K. Powell, Esq. 24 Maestersin Bridge Cross the Ellesmere Canal 26} W.H1TTINGTON l. to Shrewsbury, 16} are. K. to Chirk, 6 m. 29 OSWESTRY, see page 123, san, 33 L. to Shrewsbury, 17 m. 34 l. to Shrewsbury, 17} an. SSSontcsomctgfibire. 36 Llansantffraid Bridqe l. to Shrewsbury, 19} are. 36} l. to Llanfair, 11} an. 39$ L.Bryngwynn,W.pVI.Owen, Esq. 42} LLANFYLLIN>seep.i28, 13^m. BOSS to WOECESTEE. Miles. 2 4 55* 8 10 13 14}15$ 16} in ROSS, see page I3g Gatsford Old Goer Smog as 11 Rocks Place Much Marcle Preston, {Glouc.) LEDBURY, see page 145, 13m. Low Mitchell l. to Great Malvern, over the Wylch, 6} m. This Road is not passable for cer- riages-ifrom the Wytch, on the, top of tlie Malvern hills, is an extensive prospect over 15 counties; travellers on horse- lack will be much gratified ly this deviation SUnorceaterahire. Little Malvern Miles. r. to Upton, see page 142, 5} are.— 23 m.from Ross] 19 Malvern Wells 21 Great Malvern r. The Church, adorned with some curious old Paintings on Glass 21$ i.toLedlmry, over the Wytch,8im. 23} Newlands Green r. 1} m. at Maddersfield, W.Xy- gon, Esq. . 26} PoWlCK r. to Upton, 7 an. 27 Powick' Bridge Cross the Teme River 28§ St. John's. l. to Bromyard, 13 m. L. to Hereford, 25^ m. . Cross the Severn River 29} WORCESTER, p,im, .16}™. 4Q5 Cross Roads. 4o6 BEWDLEY to TENBUBY. Miles. BEWDLEY, see page ill Cross the Severn River 2} Mapson's CRpss, see page 1 1 1 3 BuCKJRlhGE s Clows Top 6$ i.Soddmgton, SirW. Blount Miles. 7 Mamble 7} Cross the Kington Canal 10} Newnham l. to Worcester, I8}m. 14 TENBURY, see page 102 KINGTON to TENBURY. Miles. KINGTON, see page 146 3 Titley b. Titley Court, W. Greenby, Esq. 1. 1 m. Eywood, Earl of Oxford 1. to Presteign, 3$m. 4} Stansbatch r. l.m. Sent of J.King «3$ Bytqn Lane l. to JVesteigai, 4$ m. r. to Leominster, 10 m. 7} R. Shobdon Court, Lady Bateman Miles. 8 Easthampton ' 9 Mortimer's Cross R. to Leominster, 7} are. l. to Ludlow, 11m. 10} L.lm. CroftAmbrey,S.Davis,Esii. 11} CoCKGATE 13} l. (0 Ludlow, 6 m. K. to Leominster, 5 are. 14} Orleton 16} Brimfield, seepage 102 21 to TENBURY, as page 102 ALCESTER to DROITWICH. Miles. ALCESTER, see page 1 16 ' } r. to Broansgroue, 12$ m. 1} l. Alcester Lodge 7 Feckenham 8 Bradley Miles. 10 l. Broughton Lodge, Miss Dick enson 11$ R. Seat" of the Earl of Eneter 12$ Cross the Staff. & Wore. Canal 13$ l. Hadsor "House, Rev. R. Pyrjdar 14 DROITWICH see page 101 r. to Bromsgrove, 6 an. L. to Worcester, 6} are. DRAYTON to Miles. DRAYTON, see page 206 3} l. 1 m. Shavington Hall, Viscount Kilmory L.2m.>OakJeyPaiik,SirJ.Oietwodej arid Styche, W. Clive, Esq. 4 Adderley l. Adderley Hall, Sir C. Corbet 5 , € ptffykt. «S AUDLEM NAMPTWICH. Miles. L. to Whitchurch, 9 m. r. to Newcastle, 13 m, 6} Little Heath 7} HankelowL.The Hall, E. Wettenhall, Esq. 11} L. to Whitchurch, 9 m. 11} Shrew Bridge Cross the Wever River 13} NAMPJWJCH, see page 207, 497 Cross Roads. 438 NEIVC/ISTLE under Line to JFHITCHURCH. Miles. NEWCASTLE under Line, see ¦page 167 l l. Clough House, Rev. Mr. Basnett 2 L.lm. Keels Hall,W. Sneyd, Esq. 2} Keele 4$ Little Madeley r. to Namplwicli, 10} m. 5} Great Madeley l. l m. Madeley Park, W. Yonge, Esq. 6} Onneley fj}an. 8 j,. to Stone', 13$ m. l. to EicUshallj 10} are. 8 j WobRi, Swan, Miles. r. to Namptwich^ s} m. 9} L. to Drayton, 6} m. feheatiirt. 10 Sandyford 11 B'uerton 13 AUDLEM r: to Nampturlth, 6} m. L. to Drayton, 6 m. 14§ Cheley Bridge is1 Light »/ood Green 16$ Burl-by Dam \7 20 R. to Ndmp'tunchi i'm. 32 WHITCHURCH, p.21l,l3£m. N'OBttitFICH to WELLINGTON, (Salop.) Miles. NORTHWICH, seepage 171 Cross the*Wever River } Hollow way head 1} Hartford Sj Santjyway head l.2 m. Vale Royal, T. Cholmon- deley, Esq. S} Cr*b Titee Gr-een r. to Wavenham, 3} m, R. to Chester, 13 are. 7} l. Oak Mere 9\ l. 1 m. Oulton Hall, J. Egerton, Esq. 11} TARPORLEY, see p. 207, nfm.- 12\ Lane Ends l. to Namptwichf 8$'m. 13} Cross the Chester Canal, and Beeston Brook r. Beeston Castle 16} Peckforton 21$ Hampton Post r. to Chester, 14 m. l. [to M'alpas, see pdgevu, lim.—M^m.fromNortliioieh] 22$ No .mian's Heath 24$ Bell on the Hill 25 Gbindley/Bridgb r. Iseb&y R. Corigreve,- Esq. 27$ WI#]»GHURCH,-p. an, 15}»i. 28^. Great' Ash1 29$ R. to Shrewsbury, lSm. 3*2$ Sant/f6r'd, sedpagCsiO 33$ DaRLKPTON 33} Fawles r. Hav^rene?, Sir R\ Hill 35} Marchamley 37$ HoDNET1 r. HodnetHall, B.Heber, Esq; L. to Brnyton, 6 m. L.i m. Wfdlerton Hall, R. Clive, Esq. 37} R. to Shrewsbury, 13m'. 39 Peplow l. Peplow Hall, Ai.Plgot, Esq. 42 Cold Hatton , 43 Ci>6ss meT^m River' 44 Sleap Cross? the Stririe'Rtver 44} CRUpt5I,»fGtpN'r. to Shrewsbury, pare. L. to Newport, 7f nV. 46 Cross the ShTewsbury'Canal 48} WELLINGTON, Thlrrs. 2l#». i'48b Houses, 75*1 Uihab. K k 499 Cross Roads. SOG NEWPORT to WOLFERHAMPTON. Miles. NEWPORT, see page 210 1 Chetwynd Aston 2§ Woodcot r. Woodcot Hall, J. Coates, Esq. 5} r. to Shrewsbury, til m. l. to Weston'urider Lizard, }are. Miles. l. Weston Park, Lord Bradford 11 AlbR'ohton 14} The Wergs 16 Tettenhall 16$ Cross the Staff. & Wore. Canal 18$ WOLVERHAMPTON, p. 265 BIRMINGHAM to SHEFFIELD. Miles. BIRMINGHAM, see page 1 51 7$ toSUTTONCOLDFIELD,asp. 428, 7$an. 7} r. to Tamworth, 6} m. 9f Barley Mow Inn 10} sStafforoahire. llf Shenstone Wood End r. Seat of Mrs. Crutchley 12f Shenstone L.^Shenstone Mpss, Lord Spencer Chichester r. Shenstone Park, E.Grove, Esq. Cross the Bourne River 1 5 Cross the Wyrley and Essington Canal 16 LITCHFIELD, p. 165, 8}m. 17} r. to Coleshill, 1 5 m. 18 Street Hay , r. see Fisherwick Park, Marq. of Donegal lg£ Cross the Fazeley Canal Miles.20} Fradley 21} Alrewas r. Croxall, T.Princep, Esq. R. to Tamworth, 8$ are. . 22$ Wichnor Bridges, seep. 216 28$ to BURTON upon Trent, as p. 218, I2$m. 31$ Monks Bridge l. Seat of Sir J, Moseley Cross the Dove River, and Trent and Mersey Canal 2)«bfaafitre. 32 Eggington 37} Little Over r. Seat of L. Newton, Esq. R. Seat of B. Heathcote, Esq. 39} DERBY, see p. 174, ufare. 63} to CHESTERFIELD, as p. 188, 24are. 76 to SHEFFIELD, as p. 256, 1 2}7re. DAVENTRY to HINCKLEY. Miles. DAVENTRY, seepage 163 a| Cross the Grand Junction Canal 4 Ashby Ledgers 5} Kilsby 7$ R. to Northampton, 15 m. L. to Rugby, 4 are. 8 . n . to Towcester, 1 8$ m. •Martoicfiapire. 11 Dove Bridge Cross the Dove River 12$ Caves Inn >3$ R. [to Lutterworth, seep. 203, a^are,— liim. from Davmtry] Miles. L. to Rugby, 5$ an. 14$ Bensford Bridge Cross the Swiff River 15} L.to Coventry, 13$ m. r. to Lutterworth, 2$ m. 19 Wibtoft - 19} High Cross r. to Lutterworth, 5} m. 20} Smockington l,. to Atherstone, 10} m. Heiceaterahirc. 23$ Burbach 24$ HINCKLEY, see page 204 sot Cross Roads. Miles. NEWPORT, see page 210 $ Cross the Strine River Stafforusnire. 1} FORTON 2} Sutton Miles. 5j l. to Eccleshall, 3} m. ' 7} Lower Head 11 L. to Eccleshall, 3 m. Cross the Sow River 11$ Great Bridgeford I 15$ STAFFORD, see p. 206 503 NEWPORT to STAFFORD. ATHERSTONE to BIRMINGHAM. Miles. ATHERSTONE, see page 205 } Cross the Coventry Canal 2 n.l}m.BaxterleyHall,J.Boultbee, Esq. 3 Bentley Chapel 5$ Upper Whitacre l. Seat of R.Sadler, Esq, k . to Tamworth, 8 m. L. to Nuneaton, g} m. L. to Couereiryyio m. 5} Cross the Bourne River 5} Shustokel. Seat of E. Croxall, Esq. 8$ R. Blythe Hall, W. Gist, Esq. L, 1 m. Martoke Castle Cross the Tame River Miles. 9 COLESHILL, seep. 165, 9W. 10 r. Coleshill Hall, — York, Esq. 10} Bacons Inn l. to Coventry, ll}m. 13$ Castle Bromwich r. to Sutton Coldfield, 5} an. R. to Newport, 33} an. 14} Little Bromwich 15} Shaw Hill 16 Nechel's Green 16} Saltley 17 L. Saltley Hall 17$ Cross the Tame River 18 Cross theWarwick & Birm. Canal 18} BIRMINGHAM, see page 151 TAMWORTH to LEICESTER. Miles. TAMWORTH, see page 205 Cross the Anker River } Glascote Turnpike 1 CiosstheFazeley&CaventryCanal 3 Hermitage 4 Polesworth r. to Atherstone, 5}m. Cross the Anker River l. Pooley House, Sir G. Chetwind 5} Warton l.i m. Bramcote, Sir F. Bujdett 8 GrimsmoorGate Eeiceaterafiire. 7 Orton on the Hill l. The Hall, S. S. Perkins, Esq. s} r. to Atherstone, 4 m. l. (0 Ashby de la Zoucht 10$ are, 9} Lovat's Bridge Miles. Cross the Sense River 10} Sibson's Lane Cross Hand it. [to Hinckley, seepage 204, 7}m.=: 1 8$m. fromTamworth] 11$ L. Temple Hall, M.of Bucking ham ; and Welsboroughi Lord Vise." Wentworth MARKET BOSWORTH, see p. 204, 14?n. it. 2 m. Bosworth Field r. Bosworth Park,' Sir W. Dixie Bull in the Oak l. to Ashby de la Zouch, 10$ m. R. to Hinckley, 6$ m. 16} Newbold Heath Turnpike is Desford 20 r. to Hinckley, 8 m. 25} LEICESTER, see p. 173, llfm. Kk a 14 15 S03 Cboss Roads. 50*. WARWICK to LINCOLN. Mile6. WARWICK, see page 154 1$ Guys Cliffe r. Seat of B. Greathead, Esq. 2} Wooton Leek 5 KENILWORTH, p. 154, Sip. L. Ruins of Kenilworth'Castle R.3 m. Stonleigh Abbey, Hon. Mrs. Leigh L. to Birmingham, 20 m. l. to Coleshill, 12 m. 6 Mh-bP,urn 8} r. ¦' Slevichall Hall, F. Gregory, Esq. COVENTRY, see p. 164, 5m. Cross the Coventry Canal Foleshill Cross the Coventry Canal LongfOrd Cross the Coventry Canal Bedworth Cross branch of Coventry Canal Griff L.im.Arbury Hall, Sir R. Neiv- dig'ate" Cross' the Coveptry Ganal Attleborough NUNEATON, see p. 204, 8}are. l. to Coleshill, 13 are.. L . to Atherstone, 6 are. sLeiceatoajrire. HINCKLEY, see p. 204, 5m. Earl Stilton j,. 2 m. Seat of Lord, Viscount ¦Wentworth ,,. Tooley Pavk,W. Bpuhiby, Esq. r. 1} m. Normanton, Hall Red" Cow r. Branston Hall, C.Winstanley, Esq. r. Wc*t Cotes, W- Rudipg, Esq. r. to Naxborough, 5$ m. ; , x. Danet's Hall, T. Buxton, Esq. Cross the Union' Canal a,Djd Soar River LEICESTER, see p. 1*3,, 13»». 10 1212$ 13 13} 15$16 16i 17*18 18} 2lJ 23} 27} ag 3335 36$36} 36} Miles. 38 l. to Louglhtormgh, jq$ at, 3g} Thurmaston 40} r. 1 m. at Barkby, Mrs. Pochin 40} l.i m. atWanlip, SirC. Hudson l. J7ie Foss Road to Newark 41} Syston 44 Rearsby r. 3 m. Paske HaU, Mrs. Ayre 45} Brooksby l. Seat of C. Ellis, Esq. l. at Rotherby, J. Boultby, Esq. 47} Frisby 49 Kirkby Belars 61} Cross the Wreak River 52 MELTON MOWBRAY, see p. 254, 15$are. 54 Thorpe Arnold 57 Waltham on the WpLDS L.2m. GoadebyBark, E.Manncrs, Esq. R.CroxtonPark, Hon. E.Percival Croxton Kyriell 5g 6162$ 64 Hmcolitflhire. L.2m. Denton House, SirW. E- Welby 68 GRANTHAM, see p. 225, I6a». 70} Beltonr. Belton Park, Lord Brownlow 71 R • Syston Park, Sir J. Thorold : 71} Barkston 72} Hanningtojt 73} Carlton S.crope 74} No.RMAN'iOJJ. 76} Fulbf.ck r. to Sleaford, 8} are.- 78 Leade^ham, l. to Newark, 19 an, 80} W-?LL1*i«W 81} Navenby l. 2 m. Somerton Castle. 82} Bootiiby. 87} r. to Sleaford, 16 are. L.to Nfuiark, 14}m. 89, LlNCpLNt%isy.390, 21m. 505 Cross Roads. sod SHREWSBUBY to WOEKSOP. Miles. SHREWSBURY, see page 117 1 Cross the Severn River 2$ Uf.fington 2} Cross the Shrewsbury C^nal 3§ l. Haghman Abbey r. 1 m. Upton Park 6 Redon 6} Cross the Roding River 7} High Ercall 9} Cross the Tem River 9} Cross the Strine River 10 Crudgington r. to Wellington, 3} an. L. to Drayton, 13 m. l. to Whitchurch, 1 7} are. 10} Cross the Strine River 12 Siirae Hill 17$ r. [to Newport, seepage 2lp, ^m. 11 1 8 m. from Shrewsbury] *»* There is another Road to New port, by Watling Street, see p. S66, the distunce 1 g} m. L. to Whitchurch, 21$ m. L.. to Drayton, 10} an. L. Chetwynd Park, T. Lloyd, Esq. ©taf&rtia&ire. Forton R.lm. Aqualate Hall, Sir T. Flet cher L.2m. Batcliacre Park, R. Whit- • worth, Esq. Sutton 21} Wood Eaves 22 r. [to Stafford, see pog-eaos, 9}=3]}an./rom Shrewsbury] 24$ WpOTON 24} l. Johnson Hall, Rev.'F. Meeke 25} ECCLESHALL, p. 206, 25}m. 26} l. Hilcot Hall, F. Eld, Esq. • 2g Norton Farms 31 Walton r. to Stafford, 6} m. Cross the Trent River 31} STONE, see p. 166, 6m. Over Oulton Heath 33} Hobber Gate 34} R. BerrybUl Hall 35} Rough Chase 1. HtitPetttsries^lm, 18 19 Miles. r. to Stafford, 1 1 m. r. to Rudgeley, 17 are. l, to Leek, 12 an. 38$ Blythe Marsh l. to Newcastle, 7} are. 11, to Uttoxeter, 10} are. 38} Fossbrook L.lm. Cavcrswall Castle, Hon.B. Grey L.lm. Stanmoor Hall,, Mrs. Hol- liday 41} CHEADLE, see p. 274, 10m. 42} l. Hales Hall, J. Patten, Esq. 44} Cross the Churnet River 44} Oak Moor R.l m. Farley Hall, C. Bill, Esq.. 46 Blazing Star l. Cotton Hall, T. Gilbert, Esq. , 46} R. to Uttoxeter, 10} an. l. to Leek, 8} m. Over Weaver Hill 48 L. to Newcastle, 15 m. 49} Red Lion, see page 175 53 n~)Ztbt8%W. 54} to ASHBORN, as p. 175, 13$m, 56 r. Ashborn Green, J.Haynes, Esq* 57} Kniveton . . L.3m. at Tessington, Sir A. Fitz- herbert 59$ R. to Derby, 13} are. 60$ L. to-Buxton, 18 m. 61} Carsington 62 r. Hopton Hall, P. Gell, Esq. 63} WIRKSWORTH, p. 188, gm. 64} r. to Derby, 13} m. l. to Matlock, 4} are. 65} Wigwell R. Seat of F. Hurt, Esq. 67} Hostondel Bridge Cross the Derwent River 67} Cross the Cromford Canal 69 Cri.tch 70} r. Wingfield Manor, W. Halton, Esq. 71 Wingfield 72 Peacock Inn, see page 137 R. to Derby, ]3}m. l. to Chesterfield, loim. 74 ALFRETON, seep, m,. iP$m. 50? Cross Roads. 508 JfSottmsJaragSire. Miles. 7779} S'JTTON IN AsHFIELD 82 l. to Matlock, 15 m. 83 MANSFIELD, seep. 255, gm. 85 i..atMansfieldWoodHouse,Mrs. Ramsden. E6 R. 1 m. Clipstone Park l. Park Hall, R. Burdon, Esq. 86$ l. Nettleworth, E. Greaves, Esq. 87} Market Warsop Cross the Meden River 88$ Church Warsop g0$ Norton gl l. Welbeck Abbey, D.of Portland gs} L.Worksop Manor, D.of Norfolk gs WORKSOP, see p. 262, 12m. LITCHFIELD to ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH. Miles. LITCHFIELD, see page 165 OverWhittington Heath 3 Whittington Cross the Fazely Canal 8 Ei.ford Mill 9$ Haunton 10$ a. Clifton Hall, — Watkins,! Miles. HeiceaterBpire. 13$ Nether Seal l. Seat of the Rev. W. Gresley 14$ Walton Way Turnpike 17 Wilsley r. Derbyshire Hall,Gen.Hastings 18$ Ashby Field Turnpike 18} ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, p. 201 ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH to LOUGHBOEOUGH. Miles. ASHBY DE LA ZOUCH, p. 201 1} l. to Nottingham, 18 m. 3 Cole Orton ' 8} Cross the Leicester Navigation Railway Over Cole Orton Moor 4} Cross the Railway again Miles. 5} Grace Dieu - g$ Broadhurst Hill Cross the Leicester Navigation 10$ l. Garendon Park, T. Philips, Esq. 11} Burleigh Hall, Mrs. Thorpe 12 LOUGHBOROUGH, seep. 1?4 DEEBY to MANSFIELD. Miles. DERBY, see page 174 Cross the Derwent River \ r. to Nottingham, 14} are. 1 Little Chester Cross the Derby Canal 2} Pickle Gate 4} MORLEY ' 1.. Seat of the Rev. R. Wilmot 5} h. to Nottingham, 14 m. ( 6} Smalleyh. Seat of J. Radford, Esq. 7$ Kidsi.ey Park 8} Tag Hill ft" Heanor Miles. 10} Cross, the Erwash River & Canal jitruttiitBnamahire. 11 Eastwood r. to Nottingham, 8} m. 13$ r. to Nottingham, 9} are, 13} L. to Alfreton, 6} an. 15} Annesley r. Whighay, W. Chaworth, Esq. 16} L. to Alfreton, 7 are. R.2m.NewsteadAbbey, Ld.Byron Over Sherwood Forest 21 R. to Nottingham, 13 m. - 22 MANSFIELD, see page 255 $09 Ckoss Roads. 510 ASHBOEN TO UTTOXETER. Miles. Miles. ASHBORN, see page 175. 5$ Ellaston 1} Hanging Bridge 8$ RoCESTER Cross the Dove River r. to Cheadle, 8$ m. Stafforualjire. . l. Seat of T. Bainbridge, Esq. 8§ Cross the Churnet River r. to Leek, 13} m. 10} L. Crakemarsh Hall, Dr. Cotton 2} Church Mayfield 11} R. to Cheadle, g-J ra. r. Seat of T. Ley, Esq. ' r. to Newcastle, 17$ an. Over Calwich Common 12} UTTOXETER, see page 202 4 l. Calwich Hall, Rev.Mr.Granville LEEK to CHESTERFIELD. Miles. LEEK, seepage 175 } l. Ball Hay, J. Dobson, Esq. 1$ l. Hare Gate, Mrs. Chorley 1} Over Blackshaw Moor 3} Upper Holme . Over Morredge Heath 5} l. to Buxton, 6$ m. 8$ Harding's Booth 9} Longnor r. to Buxton, 5} an. L. to Cheadle, 16 m. 10$ Cross the Dove River ©erfijaafiite. 10} Crowdey Cote 11} Crankston 12} L. to Buxton, 7 are. n. to Ashborn, 13 »/,. 14 Moneyash 17$ L. to Buxton, 10$ m. Cross the Wye River 19 20 Miles. 17} AshfordSeats of J. Bullock, Esq.W.More- wood,Esq. andT. Barker, Esq. 11. [to Bakewell, seepage 186, l}are.— lg$m. from Leek] L. to Tideswell, 6 m. . l. Longstone Hall, R. Wright, Esq. Hassop l. Seat of F. Eyre, Esq. R. to Bakewell, 2} m. l. to Sheffield, 13} are. 22| BASLOW Cross the Derwent River R . Chatsworth, D. of Devonshire 23 Cross the Barbrook River 26$ L.to Tideswell, 10} m. 26} Winley 28$ BramptOn 29 Ash Gate J 31$ CHESTERFIELD, see page 188 STONE to BOSTON. Miles. STONE, see page 166 } Stoke 2 Hollywood Gate r. to Rudglty, 12 m. Over Hardwick Heath 2} r. to Stafford, 7 m. l. So Cheadle, 8 an, 4 Milwich R. to Stafford, 7$ are. 4} Coton r.2hi. Chartley Park, Earl Ferrers 7} Cross the Blythe River 9% BramshallR.im. Lesley Hall, C. Kinnersly, Esq. 12 UTTOXETER, see p. 202, 12m, 13$ Dove Bridge Cross the Dove River Dn:6j>0b.rt?. 511 Cross Road*. $12 Miles.14 Doveridge r. Doveridge House, Sir H. Ca vendish 16\ I., to Ashborn, 7 are. L. Sudbury Park, Lord Vernon 3 72 Sudbury, Vernon Arms s|an. R. to Litchfield, 16 are. 18 Aston 19} Fostonat. Seat of T. K. Hall, Esq. 21} R,[toBURTONUPONTRBNT,p.201 6m.1=a7%m.frdm Stone] 23 Hilton *" R. see Tetbury Castle 25 Etwall1. Seat of T. Cotton, Esq. 27§ Mickle Over 31 DERBY, see page 174, 13'$M. 31} Cross the Derby Canal 33 Chaddesde-n - l. Seat of Sir R. M. Wilmot ¦'3 4 1.2 m. Lo'eko,W. D. Locke, Esq. 3,5.} Borrows Ash 87} l. Hopweil Hall, Lady Lake 33} Risley l. Seat of Mrs. Warren 40$ Sandtacre Cross the Erwash Canal & River ^ottms^ama^irc, *i$ Stapleford l. Seat of Sir J. B. Warren 44} R. to Ashby de la Zouch, 1 7} an. L.Woolaton Hall, Lord Woolaton 45} Lenton 47 Nottingham, p.2s.*, i6t*,. 55$ to Saxindale, as page 430 L. to Newark, 1 1$ m. 56} BINGHAM, Thursday, 9}m. 58$ Cross the Smite River 59 Whatton 61 Elton 63} BottesfoRdi, [Leicestershire) r. see Belvoir Castle,D.of Rutland 64} Hintolnahire. 66} Sedgebrook 70} GRANTHAM, p. 225, 14m. 74} Cold Harrou-r 79 BraC'eby 81$ NetwYosr 83} it. to Bourn, fi} an": L. to Sleafofd, 7 are. 84 THRjrCKINGH'ASf 87 Bridgss-d Causeway r. to Bourn, ri$a>t:. 91} DONNINGTON1, p. Slf, aim. r. to Spalding, I'd an. g4} SWINESHEATi",see'p'age317 g5$ l. to Sleaford, fo}an'. 96} Kirton Holme 101 BOSTON, seep. 318, 9}m. LEEK to BOSTON. "Miles. LEEK, see page 175 i Low Hill 2 r. Ashen Hurst, Mrs. Salt 4} Green Man Inn - if. to Cheadle, 6} are. r. to Ashborn, 10} m. «¦€$ Onecote 9 L.to Buxton, 9$ m. 9$ Warslow. tfo§ Holme End 1 1 Cross the Dove River Derrjgghite. 11} Harti/ncton- 13} l. to Buxton, 10 are. 14} r. to Ashborn, 9 m. Miles. 16 Pike HalX 1 9 WINSTER, see page 1 85 20 Wihsley 20$ L. to Bakewell, 6 an. 23 r. to Wirksworth, 4$ are. Cross the Derwent River 23} MATLOCK, see p. 185,. 25 Tansley 25} R. to Alfreton, 6' are1. 26} Butterley 29 l. to Chesterfield, 10 m. 30 Stretto'n1,. to Chesterfield, 6} an, r. to Derby, 17$ m. 31 -Morton 33 Tibshelf 23£an. £13 Cross Roads. 514> Miles. r, to Alfreton, 3} an. 34 L. 2 m. Hardwick Hall, Duke of Devonshire JiSottingnamapwe. 36} Skegby l. Seat of T. Lindley, Esq. 38} R. to Alfreton, 8 m. S9f MANSFIELD, p. 255, 16m. 43} Siiirewood Inn l. to Newarlc, byKirtlington, 1 5m. 47$ Farnsfield 48} Eddingley 50 Halam , 50} l. Norwood Park, Sir R. Sutton 51§ SOUTHWELL, p. 264, 12m. Cross the Greet River 54 Upton 55$ l. to Mansfield,byKirtlington,\4i L Averham Park, G. Sutton, Esq. 56$ Averham 57$ Kelham it. Kelham Hall, J. C. Girardot, Esq. L.to Worksop, lgjare. Cross the Trent River twice 59} NEWARK, see p., 225, 8m. Miles. 62 CODD1NGTONl. Seat of S. C. Cotclough, Esq. 64} sUncoinapire. Cross the Withara River 64} Becking ham 69} Leadenham k . Leadenham House,W. Reevesj Esq. • r.i m. Fulbeck House, H.Vane* Esq. 73} Bayard's Leap l. to Lincoln, 17 an. r. to Coltersworth, 16 an. 7» ' Leasingham L.to Lincoln, 1 »$ m. 79 Holdingham so SLfeAFORD.-seep.so?, aojm. 82 Kirkby Laythorpe 85 Heckinoton 87 Gar rick 90} SW1NESHEAD, seepage 31 7 R. to Spalding, 13 m. r. to Bourn, 19 m. P>2} Kirton. Holme 97 BOSTON, see page 318, i7a». PRESTEIGN to GAINSBOBOUGH. Miles. PRESTEIGN, see page 108 1^ Stepleton Castle 3$ Willey Cross 4} LyngenOver Darvold Forest 7 DlCKENDALE 9 WlGMOREr. to Mortimer's Cross, 8} m. r.2 m. Croft Park, S. Davis, Esq. 10| Lenthall 12 Elton 12} Astonl. 2 m. Downton Castle, R. P. Knight, Esq. is gbtopahirt. 16} LUDLOW, see p. 102, 16}a». IS Rocks Green r. to Cleobury Mortimer, II m. R. Henley Hall, T. Knight, Esq. 19 Middleton L.2m. Downton Hall, SirC.Rouse Cross the Ledwich Brook 20J Round Thorn r. BitterleyCourtjT.Walcot, Esq. 21} The Moor 24} Clee Hills l. to Bridgenorth, by North Cleo bury, 1 1$ m. 27 Botterell Aston l. 1 m. Seat of Capt. Hamilton L. 2 m. Cleobury Paik 27} Wrickton Bould 29} R.FaintreeHouse,T.Pardoe, Esq, 31} Down 32} Hurbat's Mill l. to Ludlow, by North Clebhtrr, 16} m. Cross Mar Brook r. to Cleobury Mortimer, 12} aa», 35} BRIDGENORTH, p. 117, igm. Cross the Severn River LI 515 Cross Roads. 516 Miles. 38 roughton 39' WykenL.im.Davenport House, W. Da- , venport, Esq. . ' 40 L. Hilton, T. Smith, Esq. L.lm. at Bradley, Mrs.Congreve 42 \ R. New Inn, Mrs. Chapman 43 Shipley 44} Statloruafiire. 46 Trescot 47} Wightwick 48$ Cross the Staff. & Wore. Canal 48} Compton 50 WOLVERHAMPTON, see page 265, 14 Jan. Cross the Birmingham Canal 52 Wednesfield 52} Cross the Wyrley and Essington Canal twice 54$ New Invention Cross the Canal again 55} Bloxwichl. to Stafford, 14} m. R. to Walsall, 2} an. 56 Cross the Canal again 57 PelsallCross the Canal thrice more 58} Brown Hills 58} l. to Newport, 20§ an. 61} Muckley Corner r. to Walsall, 7 m. Cross the Canal twice more 62} Pipe Hill 64} LITCHFIELD, see p.165, 14}an. *#* ThereisanotherRoadfromWolver- hampton to Litchfield, by Wal sall, which. is 2}an. farther. 66} n. Elmharst Hall 66} L. to Abbots Bromley, 8$m. 6 s Cross the Trent & Mersey Canal 68} Riley Hill 6g} Kings Bromley r. Bromley Hall, Lord Grey 70} Yoxall Bridge Cross the Blythe River r. Longcrofts Hall, Mrs. Arden 72 YoxallOver Needwood Forest 78} Draycott 80 Cross the Dove River !Der628b.re. 30} Sudbury, see page 202, 16m. Miles. k. to Derby, 13} m. R. to Burton upon Trent, 10 m, ¦ 8li l. to Uttoxeter, 4} m. 84 Cubley 85} Darley Moor 87} Clifton 88} ASHBORN, see page 175 8m. 07} WIRKSWORTH,asp.506,gm. 102 toMATLOCK,flSp. 188, 4}m. 105 Stack 105} Kelstedge 106 r. to Mansfield, 14 an. 107} L. tl> Bakewell, gm. L. to Winster, s an. 108 R.lm.Wingerworth Hall, Sir Hi Hunlocke 110 Walton 111} L. to Buxton, 23 m. 113 CHESTERFIELD, p.l 68, 11m. 114} R.Tapton Grove, A.Jebb, Esq. & Tapton Hill, J.Wilkinson, Esq. 115} Brimington 117} Staveley 120 R. 1 m. Ramsley Hall, Dr. Gis- borne 121 Barlborough l. to Sheffield, ll}m. l. 1 m. Barlborough Hall, C. Rhodes, Esq. l. 3 m. Rainshaw Hall, S. Sit. well, Esq. 121} R. to Mansfield, 1 1} m. L. to Rotheram, 1 1 m. 124$ Whitwell 125} , jaottiitepamahire. 1 2g WORKSOP, see page 262, 1 6m. 130} Manton 132 r. Osberton, F. Foljambe, Esq. L. Scofton, R. Sutton, Esq. 135} Babworth l. Seat of L. Simpson, Esq, 138$ CroK the Chesterfield Canal 136} Cross the Idle River 136} EAST RETFORD, p. 226, 7}are. 137$ Cross the Chesterfield Canal 138} Welham 13g£ Clareborough 141} Wheatley 144 L. to Baiiilry, 1 1} m. 145} Trent Port Inn Cross the Trent River 146 GAINSBOROUGH, p.302,9f7» 517 Csoss Roads. 518 KIDWELLY to LAMPETER. Miles. KIDWELLY, see page 11 ' , 3} Llandivaelog S K..to Swansea, 25 m. 8} Cross the.Towy River g CAERMARTHEN, p. 11, gm. 13} Rhyd yr caie 16} Llangwilly 19 Brechva 20 GWINGR1G 21} Troadgrhw k. Perth y Berllan House, T. Saunders, Esq. Miles. •23-5 Plais Bach 25 l. Highmead House, — Evans, Esq. 26} Llanbydder 27 R.LJanvawghan, J.Thomas, Esq. 28$ Pencarreg 31$ r. to Llandovery, igm. r. to Llandilo Vawr, ism. 31} Cross the Tivi River Uaroteanapire. 31} LAMPETER, see p. 135, 22}an. BUILTH (or Buallt) to HAY. Miles. BUILTH, see page 147 m. Ltangoed Castle, J. Macna- mara, Esq. l. l.m. Maeslough, W. Wilkins, Esq. 15 Glasbury r. to Brecon, 1 1 are. R. to Crickhowell, 16 are. R.Gwernalt Lodge, SirE. Williams 19$ HAY, see page 144 BUILTH (or Buallt) to SHIFFNALL. Miles. BUILTH; see page 14? 1 3 to NEW RADNOR, as page 1 47 15} KlNNERTON 18} k, to Presteign, 4} m.from thence to Ludlow, aspage 513 lejm.— 3g}a». from Builth 19 Discoed 20$ Whitton 21} Nortonr. to Presteign, 3$ m. 24 1.. [to Knighton, seepage 109, l$m.=25$m./roan Builth] 25 ftereforoahire. n. Brampton Park, Earl of Oxford Brampton Brian Watford 30} Cross the Teme -River si Leintwardine 34} r.i m. Downton Castle, R. P. Knight, Esq. ©fcropahtre. Bromfield, see page 102 Forward to Culmington, avoiding Ludlow, 3$an^ l. to Bishop's Castle, 14-Jare. 26J as 20$ 37 37$ Cross the Corve River 39} LUDLOW, see page 102 ' 17 miles from Knighton 41} Rey Fulton 43} Stanton Lacy 45$ Culmington Five miles of this- Road may be saved by turning off at Brom field, leaving Ludlow on the right. 46 Seiston Through Feifton Forest 47} Corfton Chapel 50} Munslow 51} Hungereord 59} Broadstone 54} Shipton SSjJ^BhOCTON57} Bourton 60} MUCH WENLOCK, see page . H7> 20§ai;. 63} Broseley, see page 129 65$ to Colebrook Dale, as p. 129 66} MADELY MARKET, p. 266, 0} 68 R. to Bridgenorth, 8$ m. 68} Hem 70} SHIFFNALL, see p. 266, 4m. LI 2 S'9 Ckoss Roads, 520 CHESTER to SALTFLEET. CHESTER, see page 208 6} to Tarvin, as page 207 R. to Tarporley, 5$ an. 6} L.to Frodsham, 7} are. ft KlLSALL Over Delamere Forest 13 Crab Tree Green , L.2m. NorleyBank, Mrs.Croxton m. to Tarporley, 6 are. I,, to Waverham, 3} m. 1. 2 m. Delamere Lodge, G. Wil- braham, Esq. J5 Sandyway Head r.2 m. Vale Royal, T. Cholmon- deley, Esq. 17 Hartford 18 Hollow way Head 1 8$ Cross the Wever River 1 8 J NORTHWICH, p. 1 7 1 , 1 8}m. lgf Cross the Grand Trunk Canal 20 Lostock r L. to Warrington, 10$ are. 03} L. to Altrincluim, 7} an. R. Tabley Hall, Sir J. Leicester ' S5i KNUTSFORD, see p. 168, 7are. 27} Ollerton Gates 30} Chelford 32} Monks Heath, seepage.168 1.. 1 m. Arderley Hall, Sir J. T, Stanley 34} Birtles L. Birtles Hall, R. Hibbert, Esq. 36 Broken Cross 37} MACCLESFIELD, p. 176, 12m. Sg} Hurdsfield 40§ Rainow Chapel 44} Kettles Hulme 46} Cross the Goyt River SDeruEahite. 47 l. to Stockport, g} m. 50 CHAPEL IN LE FRITH, seep. 186, 12}m. S2 Sparrow \Pit R. to Tideswell, 6 are. f. to Chesterfield, 2] are. n. to Bakewell, 12| m, 53} R. Eldon Hole 55 L. Mam Tor S6 Castleton Miles. r. The Peak of Derbyshire 57} Hope . " 59} Cross the Derwent River 61} Hathersage 64} 3?piBa?>ire. 77 78 80 65g RlNOINGLOW TURNPIKE R. to Chesterfield, 16^ m. R. to Bakewell,ioim. 70} to SHEFFIELD, as p. 434, 20} 74 toTiNSLEY, as page 434 74} Brinsworth 75} Canklow Mill Cross the Rother River R. to Mansfield, 20 m, L. to Rotheram, 2 m, l. to Rotheram, 2 are. WlCKERSLEY 80} Bramley 81} l. Helaby Hall 83 Maltby v k. 2 m. Sandbeck Park, Earl of Scarborough 87 TICKHILL, see p. 26*, 16}m. r. Tickhill Castle, Hon. F. Lumley 88} Spittle Hill gl BAWTRY, see p. 226, 4m. Cross the Idle River ji2BtringpamaJ)ire. 92 Scaftworth 04 Everton g5 DrakeholeCross the Chesterfield Canal 96 R. Wiseton, R. Acklom, Esej. gg Gringley on the Hill 100} Beckingham 101} R- to East Retfordr 8$ m. 103 Trent Port Inn Cross the Trent River Hiiicolitafiiw. 103$ GAINSBOROUGH, p'.302, 12$ 105$ Through Somerby Park 107 Little Corringham 111 Harpswell r. Glentworth, late Sir CWray R.2m. Summer Castle, Sir Cecil Wfay 521 Cspss Roads. 52? Miles. 113$ Spittal Inn, see p. 234, l oan. 124} to MARKET RAISIN, as page 323, ll$a». 127} R. to Wragby, 9 m. 127} North Willingham l. Seat of A'.'Boucheret, Esq. 132 Ludford 134$ Catsthorp 135} Kelstorn 137 I-- to Great Grimsby, 16} an. L. to Caistor, 14} an. Miles.138§ South Elkington 140} LOUTH, see page 320, lean, 141} l. Ruins' of Louth Abbey 143^ South Cockering 14;§ South Somercots 149j Skidbrooke 150} SALTFLEET, see p. 320, 10m. *#* TAere is another Road from Louth ¦ to Saltfleet, by Grimoldby and Sattfieetby, which is 2 miles farther. HAY to SHIFFNAL. Miles. HAY, see page 144 2$ Clifford See Ruins of Clifford Castle 3} Cross the Wye River 4 Whitney r. Whitney Court, Mrs. Drew 6 WlNFORTON 7 WlLLERSLEY 7} R. to Hereford, 13$ m. L. to Kington, 8 m. 10} KlNNERSLEY R. The Castle, T. Clutton, Esq. 12 L. to Kington, 7} an. 12$ Sarnsfield h. Sarnsfield Court, J.W.Weston, Esq. k. to Hereford, 12$ m. 13} h. to Weobly, I an. L. to Kington, 7} are. 16$ Great Delwyn r. 2 m. Seat of L. Lambe, Esq. 17} R. to Hereford, 12 m. ¦ l. to Kington, 9§ m. L. Burton Court, J.Brewster, Esq. 20 MONKLAKD 20$. Cross the Arrow River 20} Stag Batch 21} l. to Presteign, is are. L. to Kington, 14\m. 22} LEOMINSTER, p. 108, 22}m. Cross the Lugg River 24$ Stocktonberry Cross L.to Ludlow, 10 m. R. to Hereford, 14} are, 25$ Stockton 26 Kimbolton 27} Laysters Hill 29$ Cross Cadmore Brook 3-2} 33} 35§3738$ 38} 39 40$40} 41} 4647$ 48}50 51}52 53} 55$ 55} 57$5S 38j 59$ 60}61} -62tS 64} tmorcfaterahire. Redwood Common TENBURY, see p. 102, 10m. Cross the Teme River Snropapire. Cross the Kington Canal Borwaston MilsonDlIDNELL Bransley l. to Ludlow, 12$ m. CLEOBURY MORTIMER, see page 112, 7m. Cross the Rea River twice Neen Savage Nethertonl. Kinlet Hall, W. C. Child, Esq. Southall Bank BlLLINGSLEY Glazely Cross Mar Brook L. to Ludlow, 17 are. R.lm. Oldbury, Rev. Mr. Lyster BRIDGENORTH, p. Il7,-I4a». Crpss the Severn River Cross the Wort River Ascot n. 1 m. Davenport House, W. Davenport, Esq. R. Ewdness, T^ Barn,field, Esq. StocktonNortonSutton Maddock Broctonl. to Madely Market, i$TO. Hem SHIFFNALL, see p. 266, Um. 523 Cross Roads. 524 MATLOCK to NOTTINGHAM, by. Alfreton. Miles. 14$ L. to Mansfield, 7} an. 16 L. to Mansfield, 8} m. R. to Derby, 13} m. ¦ 18 Moor Green 18} Griesley ; 19} Watnall l'. Seat gf A.Rolleston, Esq. 20} NUTHAI.L r. Seat of the flon. S. Sedley R. to Derby, 11} m. 22 Cinder Hill 23} R. Asply, E. Willoughby, Esq. 24 Bobbers Mill Cross the Leen River 25§ NOTTINGHAM, see page 255 U|12$ 12} 13$ Matlock, see page 185 Tansley l. to Mansfield, 14 m. Dale Bridge L. to Chesterfield, 9} m. Peacock,' Inn, see page 187 ALFRETON, see page 187 L. The Hall, Rev. J. Moorewood L. [tq Mansfield, see page.255, . 8}ro.— lB$m.from Matlotk] SOMERCOTESCross branch of Erwash Canal Cross.the Erwash River JSottingbamslnre. S'elston SHEFFIELD to HUDDERSFIELD. SHEFFIELD, see page 256 2 Wadsley Bridge Cross the Don River 3 BirleyCarr 4 Grena Side 5$ LLWhamcliffeLodge,Lady Mount Stuart 7} R. to Rotheram, 9} m. L. to Stockport, 21S% are. g Wobtley 10 Thurgolanp 10} Cross the Don River 13$ Peniston, Rose & Crown, lifyn. 13} l. to Manchester, 28} m, r. to Barnsley, 8 m. 15} Ingbirchwortu, Angel R.l m. Gunthwaite Hall.W. Bos- ville, Esq. R.3 m. Cannon Hall, W. S. Stan hope, Esq. Over Denby Moor 19 Over Shepley 21 t. Storts Hall, Mrs. Horsfall 21} High Burton 22 L.Woodsham Hall, Earl of Dart mouth 22} Fennay Rowley ' r. to Barnsley, 14' ait. h. to Wakefield, 10 are. 24 Almondbury 25 Mold Green 25} Cross the Coin River 26 HUDDERSFlELD,p.279,12-Jan. SUDBURY to IPSWICH. Miles. SUDBURY, see page 349 2 Chilton Park, J. Addison, Esq. 4} Great Waldinfield 6} Edwartjston PRionY 9$ LlNDSEY 11} KerseyR.lm. Sampsom Hall, MissTho- roughgood 12} Cross the Bret River 13 HADLEIGH, Mon. White Horse Miles. r. 2 m. at Layham, T. S. Gooch, Esq_ l.3 m. Semer Lodge,, G. Archer, Esq. 17} Hintlesham l. Seat of R. S. Lloyd, Esq. , 20} R. Sproughton, J. Ford, Esq. 21 R. Chauntry,C. S.Co'linson, Esq. 21} Cross the Orwell River 22} IPSWICH, see p. 344 125 ¦ Cross Roads. 526 CLRENCESTEE to NEWAEK. Miles. CIRENCESTER, see page 68 1 l. to Northleach, 9$ m. 4 BarnsleyL.BarnsleyPark,J.Musgrave,Esq. 6} Cross the Colne River 7 Bibury r. Seat of T. Cresswell, Esq. 10} Aldsworth i,,2 m. Sherborne Lodge, Lord Sherborne is} 2Drtor.nah.ie. 17 BURFORD, seep. 131, 17m. Cross the Windrush River IS FulbrookR.im. Swinbrook, R. Fettiplace, Esq. 19} R. to Charlbury, 6\m. Si Shipton under Wood l. Seat of Lady Reade Cross the Evenlode River 28 CHIPPING NORTON, p. 100, 11 2g it. to Woodstock, 10$ are. R. to Islip, 1 5} m. L. to Shipston, 10} are. SO R.2m. Heythorpe,E.ofShrewsbury 31} l. Swarford Park; J.S. Barry, Esq. 32$ Pomfr.ect Castle 34 R. to Woodstock, 11 an. r. to Deddington, 4} m. ' k. 2 m. Great Tew Park, G. F. Stratton, Esq. 35} South Newington 37 Bloxham 37} l. 2 m. Broughton Castle, Lord Say and Seale 38} Cross the Sorbrook River 39 Wickham 40 BANBURY, see page 115, 12m. Cross the Oxford Canal, and Charwell River 40} r. to Brackley, 9 m. 41}'Hulscot 43$ WlLI.IAMSCOT l. Seat of Dr. Loveday 44} Waroington 45} /ftort$amptone$tre. r. Edgcott, T. Carter, Esq. 46 Chipping Warden r. Dunsmoor, and l. Arberry Banks, Roman Stations Miles. 4g} Byfield 51} Charwelton u. Seat of the Hon. & Rev. Ii Twisleton 52} R. Fawsley Park, Rev. Sir J. Knightley 54$ Badby 56} DAVENTRY, see p. 163, I6}m. 65- toDUNCHURCH,asp.l64, 8$ 66 r. to Northampton, 1 g} are. 68 RUGBY, see paje 272, 3m. R to Northampton, 19 m. 69 Cross the Dove River 69} Cross the Swift River, and Ox ford Canal 70 Brownover 73 R. to Northampton, 29 an. R. to Towcester, 23 m. L. to Hinckley, 10^ m. j,. to Atherstone, 17} are. Hetceatrrahire. 73} COTTESBACH 75} LUTTERWORTH, p.203,7}m. ##*' There is another Road from Da ventry to' Lutterworth, byKils- by, which is very bad, and fre quently impassable, the distance is 3 miles less. 84 Blaby 84$ Cross the Union Canal 85} Ayleston 88$ LEICESTER, see p. 103, 12}in. 80} l. to Mount Sorrel, 6} are. 91$ Thurmaston 92 r . to Melton Mowbray, 12} m. 92$ L. to Mount Sorrel, 4§ m. Along the Foss Road 93 Syston 93} Lewin Bridge Cross the Wreak River 99 Segs Hill 101 ^omngpamehirr. 1 04 R. to Melton Mowbray, g} are. 104} l. to Nottingham, 9 are. 105} Kinolton 111 Saxindale l. to Nottingham, 8$ m. R. to Grantham, 15$ m. 122$ to NEWARK, as p. 430, 34am, 51? Ceoss Roads. ' COFENTEYto Miles. COVENTRY, see page 164 1} Stoke Green S Binley Bridge Cross the Sow River 4 Binley S l. Combe Abbey, Lord Craven 8 Brinklow Cross the Oxford Canal thrice 9} StrettonR. Newbold Revel, Sir T. G. Skipwith 10} Pailton 13 Cross in Hand Turnpike r. to Daventry, 13} are. R. to Rugby, 7 m. i. to Hinckley, 8} m. L. to Atherstone, 15} m. 15$ LUTTERWORTH, p.20S,l5$m. 17 L.Misterton House,J.Franks,Esq. . 17$ Walcote 20} North Kilworth r. to Northampton, 18$ are. - 22$ Husband's Bosworth r. to Northampton, 17^ an, 1. to Leicester j 13} m, 33} Theddingworth 25$ l. Pampriilion Hall 25 j Cross the Union Canal 26$ Lubbenham l. Seat of J. S. Stratford, Esq. 28$ MARKET HARBOROUGH.see page 173, 13m. Jl?otthatnptcn3hire. 89$ to KETTERING, as p.253, llan. 41 Barton Seagrave Seafs of C. Tibbet, Esq. and the Hon. & Rev. R. B. Stopford L.Sm. Boughton House, Duke of Buceleugh 41$ R. [to Higham Ferrers, p253, 7}m.— 49m. from Coventry] 43} CraWford St. Johns ., L. Seat of Sir G. Robinson 44} R. to Wellingborough, 6 are. 47$ l.2 m. Drayton House, Viscouiit Sackville 1..401. Sudborough Lodge, SirW. Pulteriey 48} Cross the Nen River COLCHESTER. 48} THRAPSTON, see p. 259, g}»re. 51 l. Titchmarsh Lodge ajunttneoonaptre. 53 Bythorne 55$ r. [to Kimbolton, see p. 243, Sim.— 97} L.Oldfield Grange, O.Hanbury, Cross the Stort River Esq j J6 Hockerill, CVoaure 98} COGGESHALL, p.343, 5}m. i. to Newmarket, 30$ m. r. to Witham, 6}'m. L. to Saffron Waldent 11} an. 102} Marks Tay I. to Cambridge, 25} m. 107} to COLCHESTER, as p.344, 9$ 11 ©aw. LEICESTER to NORWICH. Miles. LEICESTER, see page 173 4 Ihurnby 6 Houghton on the Hill 8} Billesdon 10 Skeffington r. l m. The Lodge, Sir W. Skef fington 12 TUGBY 13$. East Norton i.im. Lodington Hall, C.Morris, Esq, i.3m. Laund Abbey, J. Simpson, Esq. 14} Finchley Bridge Cross the Eye River Eutlanuahire. 18} L.lm. Ayston House, G> B, Bru- , denell, Esq; ig} UPPINGHAM p. 254, isjm, 8.1} GlAXSTON Miles. 21} r. Glayston House, G. Watson,, Esq. 2 \ Morcott ' l. to Stamford, 8 m. 27 Tixover Cross the Welland River 27} Duddington R.2m. Fineshade Abbey, Hon. J. Monckton R.3m. LaxtanHalljLordCarberry; and Blatherwick Hall, H, O'Brien, Esq. 33} Wandsford, Hay Cock, 14ns. r. to Oundle, 7}are. r, to Stilton,. Sim. r. to Huntingdon, 21$ are. L. to Stamford, 5} an. 36$ Aileswortb. 36} CASTO.R, 533 Ckoss Roads. 534 Miles. ,38} l. Milton.Park, Earl FitzWiUiam 3d} Longthorpe 40 r. Thorpe Hall, T. O. Hunter, Esq. 41} PETERBOROUGH, p. 305, 8Jft. Cross the Nen.River D?imtinouonanire. 43 Standground 45 Horsey Bridge r. to Yaxley, 3% m. Cross .the. Pigs Water 49 "Ponders.Bridge l. to Wliittlesea, 2} m. Cross the Bevills Learn 52} North Bridge «.2 m. The Abbey, W. Fellowes, Esq. Cross the Forty feet Drain ffiambrioeeahire. 57} Garters Bridge 58$ L. to Wisbeach, 16 are. 59} Chatteris, George, I8$tn. 'The above Road from Peterborough is not passable in Winter, and wet ^-seasons ; there is -another Road by Stilton & Huntingdon, R. toSt. Ives, 13 «re. R. to Huntingdon, 16§m. ¦«3} Cross the Old Bedford: River and Bank »34 Cross the New Bedford River 64$ Mepal 65} Witcham •6«$ Watchford 71$ ELY, see page 328, U}m. Miles. 88} to DOWNHAM MARKET, as page 329, i7}m. (There is another Route from Peterborough to Downham; as under, to Norborough, as p. 305, 6}m. to Spalding, asp. 317, li|m. toHnlbedch, asp. 318, 8$are. to" Lynn Regis, asp. 40O, 17 m. to Doumham,'asp. 329, 'lt}are. tre the whobs 5,i|an.~97$ are. ./a-oro Leicester') 89} Bexweli. 9l£- St-radsetl. to Lynn Regis, 10} are. r. to Brandon, 14 jm. g,3} Finch am 100 l. to Lynn'Regis; 12} m. 102 SWAFFHAM, p. 333, 13$m. 105} R«;N€cton-Hall»WrMasonrEsq. 106 Necton L.lm. Dunham Hall, R. Denn, Esq. 108' Little Fransham 110 Wendling 111$ Urn. Gressenhall Hall, J. Hill, Esq. 112 Scarning 114 EASTDEREHAM,p.335,l2m, 119$ Hockering 121} l. HoninghamiHall, Hon. C. Towhshend 122} Hon ingham 123$ Easton 124} l. Cossey Park, SirW. Jeming ham 129} NORWICH, seep. 328, 15*an. LYNN REGIS to NORWICH. Miles. LYNN" REGB, see page 329 1 Gay.woodl, to Fakenham, 20$ m. l.to Castle Rising, 3$ an. 2} BaWsey 6$ GaYtonOver Gay ton Thorpe Common To p. West Acre Hall, A. Hammoad, Esq. 11} R. to Castle Acre, 2} are. 13$ n. to Castle Acte, 2$ aai. Miles. s. to SiQaffkam, 6 an. l. toFakennam, loan. l. Rougham Hall, F. North, 'Esq. 1 4f R. to Swaffham, 6$ m. l. to RiftenAam,-9jm. l. 2 m. Weaseiiham Hall, -W. Mason, Esq. 15} r. Lexham Hall, LordWodehouse 16 L. to Swiff/iam, 6}m. 17} LYtcha'm a., to' Fakenham, 8 m. Mm 2 535 Cross Roads. £36 n. [to EastDereham, Sm.from thence to Norwich, as p. 534, 1 s%m.^z41m.fromLyntnRegis] 19} Mileham L.2m.Goodwick Hall.T.W.Coke, Esq. 21$ ;STANFIELD l. to Fakenham, 6\ m. R. to East Dereham, 6 m. 22} L. Elmham Park, T. W. Coke; Esq. 24} Elmham l. Westfield Park, R. Mills, Esq. R. to East Dereham, 4} m. L. to Fakenham, 9 are. L. to Holt, 13 1- m. 26} BlLLINGFORD r. The Hall, C. Woodbine, Esq. Miles. 27 L. [to Rf.eph am, see page 336, . s£m.=39.$m.fromLynnRegis] 27} Belaugh Heath 28} l. 1} m. Bawdeswell Hall, R. Lloyd, Esq. 2g} Sparham 32 Lenwade Bridge Cross the Wensum River h. Weston House, J. Constance, Esq. 33} Cross the Wensum River 34 Attlebridger. Morton Hall, L. Grice, Esq. 3S r. Tavcrham Hall, M. Bran- thwaite, Esq. 37} Drayton R.The Hall, C.Weston, Esq. ' Over Drayton Heath 42 NORWICH, see page 328 LWEEPOOL to THIESK. Miles. 8 10 11} 14}15}16 m Hi 22} 23 24 29$ LIVERPOOL, see page 170 to PRESCOT, as p. 169, 8m. l.i m. Eceleston Hall, B.T. Ec- cleston, Esq. St. Helen r. Ravenhead, J. Fraser, Esq. Cross the Sankey Navigation Black Brook l. Seat of J. Orrell, Esq. Cross the Sankey Navisation L. Garswood Hall, Sir R. Gerrard Ashton Cross r. New Hall, Dowager Lady Ger rard Ashton R.-to Newton, 2} m. to WIGAN, as p^ge 190,. Mm. Cross Leeds and Liverpool Canal l. Ince Hall, E. Holt, Esq. Smith-ey Green Hindley West Houghton l. to Chorley, 9$ m. Over Hulton r. Hulton Hall, W. Hulton, Esq. L. to Chorley, 10} an. -Middle Hulton, Inn r. to Manchester, 10 m. n. to Newton, 10} m. Miles. 32$ BOLTON, see page 189, 10$an. 33 r. Lever Darcy, J.Bradshaw, Esq. 34} Cockley Over Cockley Moor 36$ Starling 36} Cross the Haslingden Canal 37} Cross the Irwell River 38 BURY, see page 191, 5}an. L. Chamber Hall, Sir R. Peele 39 Cross the Roch River 41} Heywood l. Heywood Hall.T.Starkey, Esq. L.lm. Bamford HalLW.Bamford, Esq. 42§ Captains Fold ^ 43 Marland 43} R. to Manchester, 1 1} m. r. Castleton Hall, T. Smith, Esq. 44 r. Castlemeer Hall, J.Walmsley, Esq. 44} Cross the Roch River 45 ROCHDALE, see p. 193, 7m. 45^ l. Fox Holes, J. Entwistle, Esq. 46 L. Hamer, J. Hamer, Esq. 47 Stubley r. Bellneld, R.Townley, Esq. 47} l. to Burnley, 16tre. 48$ Littleborough, Falcon l. Town, House,W. Newell, Esq, -537 Cross Roads. 538 Miles. Cross the Rochdale Canal " 48$ l. Pike House, R. Beswick, Esq, Over (he Blackstone Edge Moun tain 51} Jporfia&ire. 53 Baitings 53£ R. to Halifax, ly Elland, g} m. r. to Leeds, by Elland, 21 j m. 55 SOYLAND 56} Stan field Pond 57$ L. White Windows, J. Priestley, Esq. 57} Sowerby Bridge Cross the Calder River 39 Kings Cross l. to Todmorden, 11 m. L. Willow Edge, E. Lodge, Esq. R. Pye Nest, J. Edwards^ Esq. 60$ HALIFAX, see page 280, 15$aai. 62 Booths Town i 62} Catherine Slack 63$ Beggrington 67 Great Horton R.2m. at Bierley, J.Crashaw, Esq. and Mrs. Richardson 68 r. Seats of C. S. Sharpe, Esq. and Mrs. Hodsden 68} BRADFORD, see p. 281, 8$m. 7i Eccleshill r. Seat of Mrs. Scott 72 Cross Leeds and Liverpool Canal Miles. 72$ Apperley Bridge Cross the Air River R.Wood House Grovc,T.Clayton, Esq. 72} r . U pperWood House, B. Rhodes, Esq. 73 L. Seat of L. Hinde, Esq. 73} Nether Yeadon l. Esholt Hall, Mrs. Rookes r. to Leeds, 8 an. 74} Upper Yeadon r. to Harewood, 8} are. 76 Guiseley 78 OTLEY, see page 276, . 9}an. Cross the Wharfe River 80 r . Famley Hall, W.Tawkes, Esq. 80} Cross the Washburn Beck 81} West End r. to Leeds, 11 an. 82} Beck Bottom 84} Brackenthwaite 85$ Beckwith Shaw . R. [to Harrowgate, seep. 285, 4m. — 89im.frrom Liverpool] 87 R. to Knaresborough, S an. L. to Skipton, 18 are. 88} Kll.LINGUAI.LR. to Leeds, 18$ are. 8g} Cross the Nidd River go RIPLEY, see page 248, I2a». 97i to RIPON, as page 259, 7}m. 110$ to THIRSK, as page 259, ia}an. H IPSWICH to LYNN EEGIS. Miles. IPSWICH, see page 344 1} L.2m. Bramford Hall, Mrs. Acton 3$ Cl AYDON r. to Scole Inn, 1 g} are. r. Rougham Hall, J.M.Theo bald, Esq. 3} Cross the Orwell River 4$ Great Blakenham 5} Baylham Street 8$ NEEDHAM, Wednesday, 8$are. 258 Houses, 134S Inhab. L. l m. Barking Hall, Lord St. Asaph 11} Cross"the Orwell River 11} STOW MARKET, p. 352, 3}m. L. 2 m. Finborough Hall, R.Pet- tiward, Esq. 13} Tot Hill 15 Haughley New Street r. Haughley Place, R. Ray, Esq. L. to BurySt. Edmunds, 10} m. 15} L. Haughley Park, E. Sulyard, Esq. 15} Wetiierden 17} Elmswell 20 Norton r. Norton Hall, Mrs. Staniforth k. 1} m- Hunston Hall 2lJ r.i m. StowlangtoftHall, SirW. .Rawlifisoh 539 -Cross- R'oa»ds. •5-fo Miles. 22 l.i m. fakenham Hall 23 IXWORTH, see p. 350, ll$m. 'SS3| Cross-theThet River 24} Ixworth Thorpe 1251} Honinoton 27}. Fakenham 29 R.JEuston Hall, Duke of Grafton 29$ Euston Cross the-Little Ouse Hiver ! 3f2nifoI&. 32} THETFORD, seep. 326, g}an/ I., to Brandon, 6 m.from thence to Lynn Regis, as page 330, 54}»re. — 63$m. from Ipswich or l. ioSStoke Ferry, ism from ¦ atnenee.toIjYNNREOlsyasp.330, l4$m.=62a».'/rom Ipswiih 35 Croxton Over Croxton Heath 37} Frogs-Hall k. 2 m. Seat of W. Colquhoun, Esq. L-.3m. WestTofts HalL/S. P. Gal- way, Esq. it . to Watton, 7} are. Over Sturston Warren Miles, 40 Sturston l. 2 m. Buckenham Tofts, Lord Petre Over Tottington Warren 41} R. 2 m. Merton 'Hall, Lord Wal singham 42 h. to Watton, 3}'m. i. to "Brandon, 9 m. 43 R. Clermont Lodge'jE of Clermont 43} Little Cressingham 46} South Pickenuam L.The Hall, Gen. White 50} SWAFFHAM, see p. 333, 1 7}m. 52^ l. to Downham Market, 12 are. 55} Narborough r. The Hall, S.Tyson,; Esq. R.im. Narford'Hall, -B/Fountainj Esq. Cross the Nar'River Over Pentney Common 58 West Bil'ney 5g} East Winch 61 r. 1 m. Middleton Tower 64 Middleton •«4$ Hardwick l. to Downham Market, 10$m. «5} LYNN REGIS, see p. 329, I5m. CROMEE to LYNNBEGIS. Miles. CROMER, see page 337 1$ West Runton 2} East Runton i. 1 m. Felbiidge lark, Rt. Hon. W. Wyndham «} L. The Hall, C. Gremer, Esq. 5 Upper Sharringham it. to Wells^ 16 are. 8 h.to-Nar.th-Walsham, 14$ m. «| l. Red House, R. Kenison, Esq. l. 2 m. iBaconsthorpe Hail, Z. Girdlestone, Esq. 4i HOLT, see page 339, g}are. 10} Letiieringsett R.ljm. Bayfield Hall,Mrs.Joddrel l. 1 m. Thomage Hall, -Rev. J. Astley 13 Sherrington Common l. to-Norwich, 22-m. 13} it,, to Wells, 8$ m. 1.. to Norwich, 23 are. 16 Stock -HeAth Miles. i.Gunthorpe Hall.C.Collyer, Esq. i,3m. Melton Hall, Sir E. Astley; & Burgh Hall, J.H.Astley, Esq. r. to Walsingham, 4} m. 17 Thursford r. The.Hall, Sir G. Chadd 1*} Snoring Common 21} FAKENHAM, see p.334, 12m. 24} Dunton 1.. Seat of T.-W. Coke, Esq. i.sra. RainhamHall, Marquis of Townshend 28 East Rudham, see.page 335 k. to Wells, 12 m. R.to Burnham -Market, 10$ m. l. to Stiiaffham, 13 m. v2«3} WbstRijdham, see page 334 31 Harpley 34} r to Buniham Market, Ii2}an, 35 Hillington, seepage 329 43 toLYNNREGlS,asp.329,2l$m. 541 Cross Roads. 5jta TEWKESBUEY to BIRMINGHAM: Miles. TEWKESBURY, seepage 141 2 Aston 4 R. to Stow on the Wold, 18 m. 5$ Beckford r. Seat of W. Weakman, Esq. L. 1 m. at Overbury, J. Martin, Esq. - 7} Sedgebarrow 12 asaorceaterapirt. 12jt L. to Pershore, 6}- an. 12}, Bengeworth n. to Moreton in- the Marsh, 1 3}an. Cross the Avon River 13} EVESHAM, seep. 141, I3}m. 15$ Red House l. to Worcester, 12$ an* 16} Norton is i^artoic&eijire. 18* New Inn 19 woodchurch 19} Cook Bevington 20}; DuN*UNGTON 81} L. Ragley Park, M. of Hertford Miles. 22} Arrowl. to Worcester, 14},m... 23} ALCESTER, see p, 1 1 6, loan. 24$ l. to Droitwich, 13$ are. 25$, Coughton i.. Seat of Sir J. Throckmorton 26} L. to Bromsgrove, loan, ,2;} Studley 28 R.lm. Studley Castle, P.Littleton 29 Mapleborrow Green 31} R. to Stratford on Avon, 12 m. f323orceatcrahwe. 34 Bramstons Cross- l.2 m. Beoley Hall, T. Holmes, Esq. 35 Forshaw Park 36} Drakes Cross l.. to Dudley, 14 ni. 38 Cross the SiratfoolouAvoivCaaaJ. 38$ Millpole Hill, 41$ Mosely aafeta'c&elTire. 43 BIRMINGHAM, see p. 1 5 1 , l g§ ASHBORN to- NEWCASTLE under Line; Miles. ASHBORN, see page 1 }S 5 to Red Lion, as page 175 R. to Leek, 1 0$ an. 6} l. to Cheadle'i 6 j m. 7$ Cross the Caldon Railway J} r. to Leek, 7 m. l. to Uttoxeter, 1 1} m. 9 Whiston 9} Cross the Caldon Branch R. to Buxton, 1 8} m. L. to Cheadle,a\n\. 10} Kinsslev 11} L. toCheadhiam, »2$ Over End r. to Leek, ta}T». 18 Cellar- Head l. to Stone, 9 m. R. to Leek,- 6$ as. W Bucknall 16} Cross the Trent River, & Caldon Branch 17$ Shelton n. toRedBull on Liverpool Road, 6£m. 17} l.to Newcastle by Stoke, li'm. Cross the Caldon Branch R. to Burslem, 1} m. 18 Cross the Trent or Mersey Canal r. Seat oi Josiah Wedgewopd, Esq. 18$ EtruriaCross the Trent River ig} NEWCASTLE u*deH Lire, sea page'167 %• There is another Road: from Ash born to Newcastle, by Cheadle, which is 4}are. farther. £43 Cross Roads. 544 BUXTON to BRADFORD. Miles. BUXTON, see page 273 1$ Fairfield R. to Tideswell, 5} m. 3} Dove Hole 4} R.The Ebbing and Flowing Well 5' HOLLIN KNOWL 6$ CHAPEL IN LE FRITH, see p. 1 86, 6$m. 7} Milton Cross the Peak Forest Canal g Chinley Head 9} HlGHGATE 10} Hayfield 12 Brook Houses 13} Ciiunai.l 15 Whitefield 16 Glossop l. to Stockport, 10 m. r. Seat of H. Howard, Esq. 19} Cross the Etherow River L. to Manchester, 1 7} m. R. to Peniston, 1 1} m. B. to Rotheram, 24} are. (Yorkshire.) IPoifiahire. Miles. 22|24} Holme 27$ Holme Firth 28} Thong 30$ Hon ley 32 Cross the Coin River 32$ Lockwood 33§ HUDDERSFIELD,p.279,27$m. 34 R. [to Leeds, as page 421, 1 4}m. :r 4 8} are. from Buxton] 36$ to Gelly Rqyd, as page 280, L. [to Halifax, as page 280, 5$are. — 41}m. from Buxton] 37$ Rastrick I. to Halifax, 5 m. 37} Cross the Calder River 38 Brighouse 40 R. to Leeds, 1 0$ an. 41} Belly" Bridge 42} Wike 43 Wibsey Low Moor 44$ Wibsey 46 BRADFORD, see p. 281, 12§m. ASHBORN to NOTTINGHAM, .bt Beeper. Miles. ASHBORN, see page 1 75 1$ Sturston 2$ R. at Bradley, H. Meynell, Esq. 4} L. to Buxton, 21} m. "s ¦ Ward Gate 5$ R. to Derby, g$m. 7 Cross in Hand Inn l. to Wirksworth, 5 m, R. to Derby, 8} an. 7} Turnditch '9$ Siiottle Gate J0| l. to Wirksworth, 6 m. l. to Matlock, g} an. v, to Derby, 7$ are. 11$ Cross the Derwent River 11} BELPER, Saturday, 8g3 Houses, 4500 Inhab. 12} H. to Derby, 7} an. Miles. L. to Chesterfield, 14$ an. 13} Sinder Hill 14 KlI.BURN 15$ Horsley Wood House 16 Smalley. l. to Mansfield, 1 5 m, 16} R. to Derby, 5} an. 19$ Lewcote Gate 20$ Cross Branch of Erwash Canal 22 Cross the Erwash Canal and River 22$ Trowell Cross the Nottingham Canal 24} Cross the Nottingham Canal 24} Wollaton R.Wollaton Hall, Lord Middleton 26 Cross the Nottingham Canal, and Trent River 27} NOTTINGHAM, see page 25* 545 Cross Roads. S4& ASHBORN to SHEFFIELD. Miles. ., ASHBORN, see page 175 8$ to Newhaven, as page 273 g} Heathcoter. to Winster, 4} m, 12$ Middleton 13} Cooksbury 15$ Bakewell, see p. 186, lsjm. Cross the Wye River 16 R. 2 m. Chatsworth, Duke of Devonshire Miles.18 Hassopl. Seat of F. Eyre, Esq. r. to Chesterfield, 11$ m. 19} Calver 20 R. to Chesterfield, ion, L. to Chapel in le Frith, 13 m. 1,. to Tideswell, 6 m, 21 r. Stoke Hall, Lord Bradford 21} Grindleford Bridge, p. 433 3 1} to SHEFFIELD, as p. 434, ie}m. BOSTON to NORWICH. Miles. BOSTON, see page 318 15} to SPALDING, as p. 317, 15}m. 23} to HOLBEACH, as p. 318, 8$m. Or from Boston to Holbcach ly the Washes, asp. 400, is 16m., »5f* Fleet 26} Gedney 29 Long Sutton, Bull, 5$m. L. [to Lynn Regis, asp. 400, 1 l}m. —40im.from Boston] 32} Sambriusesbtrc. 33 Tid St. Giles 34 Chapelsea 37} Cross the Nen River 38 WISBEACH, see p. 332, . 9m. l. [to Lynn Regis, as page 332, I5$m. r= 53$m..-/a-om Boston] 39} jraorfo'Jt. 41 Hackbeach 44 Oatwell 47 Nordelph Corner 49 Salters Lodge SO Cross the Great Ouse River 51 DOWNHAM MARKET, see p. 329, 13m. [to Norwich,- as page 534, 40}m. n 9l}are. from Boston] 52 Bexwell 53} Crimplesham 54 L. to Lynn Regis, 11m. 55} Wereham. 57$ Stoke Ferry r, [to Brandon, as page 330, ' l.p$an,=:67}m./a-ODi.£ostora] Miles. R. to Thetford, 15$ m. 00$ OXBURGH r .Oxburgh Hall, Sir R.Bedinfield 61$ GOODERSTONE 65 HlLBOROUGH 68 Little Cressingham i.. to Swaffham, 7 .m. k. to Thetford, 11 are. R.Clermont Lodge, E.of Clermont 6s} Threxton 70} k. 1 m. Merton Hall, Lord Wal singham 71} WATTON, see p.1 335, 20}m. Over Carbrook Common 74} UpgateOver Scoulton Common 77 J..1 m. Woodrising Hall, J.Wey- . Land, Esq. 78} H1NGHAM, Saturday, 179 Houses, 1023 Inhab. R . Seat of P. Heath, Esq. 80} Hackfprd Turnpike 1.. Seats qf T, G. Payne, Esq. & H. Alpe, Esq. 81} KlMBERLEY 83 r. Kimberley Hall, Lord Wode- • house ¦' 85} Barford Bridge 87 R. Melton Hall, Sir.J. Lombe 89$ L. Seat of J. Postle, Esq.. 90 COLNEy, 90} Cross the Yare River go} EarlhaMr. Earlham Hall, B. Franks, Esq. »«} NORWICH, see p. 328, 2l$m. N a 547 Cross Roads. 548 MANCHESTER to DONCASTER. Miles. MANCHESTER, see page 177 3 OPENSHAW 5 AUDENSHAW 6 ». to Stockport, 5} an. 6$ Cross the Huddersfield Canal 6} Ashton under Line l. Duckinfield Lodge,W. R, Hay, Esq. 8 St ay ley Bridge Cross the Tame River Cheafcira 8$ Cross the Huddersfield Canal 9} Tongfold 11$ mottram in longdend-ale r. to Stockport, 7im. 11} Wednesham Green 13} TlNTWISTLE 16} WOODHEAD 17} R. to Chapel in le Frith, 13} are. l. to Huddersfield, 13} a*. 18} Further Woodhead 21 Jtaftajiire. 2.1$ Salters Brook House , 26 R. to Sheffield, 15 are. r. to Rotheram, 17 air. L. Bull House, J. Banks, Esq. Thurlston Peniston, Rose fef Crown, agm. Cross the Den River HoYLAND SWAINE L.2m. Gunthwaite Hall,W. Bos- ville, Esq. 33* Silkstone ' l. Banks Hall, S.Thorpe, Esq. Ura. Cannon Hall, W, S. Stant- hope, Esq. 35} Dodworth 27 38 29 31 Miles. 36$ 36} 37} Shi 40}42 43 43$ 44} 45} 47 49 51} 52}53 Dodworth Bottoms r. 1 m. Wentworth Castle,Rl.Hoh. T. Conolly KeresworthForward to Ardsley, avoiding Barnsley, 2} an. BARNSLEY, see p. 257, -s?m. R. to Sheffield, 12$ are. Cross the Dearn and Dove Canal Ardsley l. Monkbretton Priory r. Ardsley House, R. Mickle- thwaite, Esq. n.Wood Hall, J.Garland, Esq. Darfield L.MiddleWood Hall,Mrs.Walkcf Cross the Dearn River BlLLINGLEY GreEN l. 1 m. Seat of C. Palmer, Esq. Hickleton 11. Hickleton HaH,G.Wentworth, Esq. R. 2 m. Barmbrough Grange, F. Fawkes, Esq. 1. Bilham House, W. Hewitt, Esq. t. Belvidere, from whence is a very extensive prospect, in- eluding upwards of one hun dred churches 1.2m: Seat of St. Andrew Ward, 1 Esq. Marrl.i m. Broadsworth, lateP.Thel- lusson, Esq. L. to Ferrybridge, 14$ an. r. Cusveorth, W.Wrighisojl, Esq. Cross the Don River DONCASTER,seep.a27, 15$an, BUXTON to CONGLETON. Miles. BUXTON, see page 273 2 Gosling 3 Cross the Goyt Rivet Ciheapire. 3$ Moss House ki to Macclesfield, 7} an. Miles. 7} Algrave: 11} Bosleyr. to Macclesfield, 5$.an. L. to Leek, 7} an. 13 Nortiirode, 14 Bug Lawton 18 CONGLETON, see page 168 549 Cross Roads. 550 LIVEEPOOL to DONCASTER. Mife- 181S{ 18} ¦ ig$20}22 22$22} 23$24 26} 26}27$27}292g} 31 LIVERPOOL, seepage 170 to WARRINGTON, as page l eg, ism. Cross the Mersey River C&eaftite. r. to Chester, igm, r. to JVortftttiicft, 10} m. Latchford r. to Knutsford, 10$ an. Thelwall Statham Cross D. of Bridgewater's Canal Booths Lane Ly.mm r. Seat of T. Taylor, Esq. l. Outhrington Hall, J; Leigh, Esq. BoLLINGTONCross the Boiling River r . Dunham Park, E. of Stamford Dunham r. Oldfield Hall, W. Rigby, Esq. ALTRINCHAM, p. 189, 1 l}an. Timperley Miles. R.TimperleyHall.T. Richardson, Esq. Over Baguley Moor 31} r. Baguley Hall, Miss Houghton L.2m. Sale Hall, C.White, Esq. 32} i,.WittenshawHail,W.EgerUHi, Esq. 33} SlIARSON 34} GAlley'Green 35} Cheadle R. to Congleton, 17} m. r. Seat of J. Dale, Esq. L. to Manchester, 6 m. l. Seat of J. Harrison, Esq. 36 R. Seat of J. Fovrtlen, Esq. 36$ STOCKPORT, see p. 176, 8}m. Sg$ New Bridge Cross the Etherbw River 40} Butterhouse Green 41$ Wedley Green 42} Hyde Chapel 44 Greenside 44} Hattersley 45} MottraminLongden6ale,7J 87} toDONCASTER,asp.548,41}m. CHESTEEFIELD to MACCLESFIELD. Miles. CHESTERFIELD, see page ISS 2$ Ash Gate 3 Brampton 4} Winlf.y 5 L. to Tideswell, byBaslow, 1 0\ m. L. 3 m. Chatsworth, Duke of De vonshire 0 Cor bar Cross the Derwent River 10 Calver l. to Bakewell, 4 an. r. to Sheffield, n\m. R.l m. Stoke Hall, Lady Bradford 10} Stoney Middleton, ' 10}m, Man in the Moon 13} Wardlow Turnpike r. Brosterfields, Capt. Carlisle l. to Bakewell, Sim. 16 r. to Sheffield, 16 m. R. to Castleton, 4} m. r. to Chapel in le Frith, 7 m. 1 6} TIDESWELL, see p. 1 86, 6m. 18 L. atWormhill.J. Bagshaw, Esq. R.Wes'ton Hali,S.H.Wilmot,Esq. 18} HargateWall 22} Fairfield 23} BUXTON, seep. 273, C}m, 25} GosLiirG 263 Cross the Goyt River Cbrsbirc. 26} Moss House l. to Congleton, 12} an. 28} Stony.way Gate 2gJ Forest Chapf/l New Inn 31} Walker Barn Over Macclesfield Common 34} MACCLESFIELD, p; 176, Hare. Nil 2 551 Cross Roads. 552- CHESTER to DONCASTER. Miles. 2$ s; 4 4$ 6 84 9} 10 11 11} 13 14}15 18$18}19ig} ¦CHESTER, see page 208 Cross the Chester Canal Flookbrook HbOle r. Hoble Hall, J. Oliver; Esq. Mickle Trafford r. Trafford Hall, Major Scott Waring Bridge Trafford' Dunham on the Hili Helsby R. to Namptwich, 22 m. NethertonFrodsham, Bear's Paw K. Seat of D. Ashley, Esq. Cross the Wever River Suttonr. Aston Hall, Hon. Mrs. Aston L. to Halton, i}m. L.lm. Hall Wood, R.Newton,Esq. Cross the Grand Trunk Canal Preston on the Hill , L.2m.Norton Hall,T.Brooke,Esq. Daresbury r Daresbury Hall.G. Heron, Esq, Cross D. of Bridgewater's Canal High Walton Low Walton Wilder'S Pool Miles. L. [to Warrington, see p. 169, l-$m.— aim. from Chester Continued to Manchester, as page 41 g, l8}m. = 39|m.^rom Chester] R. to Northwich, 9} an. 20} Latchford, see page 549 - L. to Warrington, i$an. R. to Knutsford, 10$ an. 88} toDONqASTER,asp.549,68$m. CHESTER, see page 208 18} toNORTHWICH.asp.519,18} I g} Cross the Grand Trunk Canal 20 Lostock L. to Warrington, 10$are. 23} r. to Knutsford, 2 an.' r. Tabley Hall, Sir J . F. Leicester 24j Nether Tabley Merei.. to Warrington, 9 m. r. to Knutsford, 2} are. Bucklow Hill r. to Knutsford, 3 are.' Cross the Bollin River i.. Dunham Park, E. of Stamford R.2m. Ashley Hall, J .Arden, Esq. 31 , ALTRINCHAM, p. I8g, 12}?», 89 toDONCASTERjasp.jSSOjSSan.' 25} 27 2g ELY to HUNTINGDON, by St. Ives. Miles. , r. to Somersham, 3 m. 13$ Bluntisham 15} Needingworth 17\ r. to Chatteris, 12} an. 18 ST. IVES, see page 331 Cross the Ouse River 18} L.^io Roystdn, 20} are. L. to Cambridge, 1 1 are. , 19} Hemmingford Grey r. Seat of Rev. C. Green 20}. Hemmingford Abbots 23$ Gtidmanchester, see page 287 24$ HUNTINGDON, see page 287 ELY, see page 328 3 Watchford , r . to Chatteris, 8} m. 4i Went.wOrth 7 Sutton liar Cross the New and Old Bedford Rivers 11} ,-/"" s^MmsaonaJaire. 12 - Earith The above. Road is very bad in Winter. 353 Cross Roads. 554 BAETON to DONCASTEE. Miles. BARTON, see page 308 3} Ferraby i 11 BURTON upon Strather, see page 321, Hare. 1 1} Cross the Trent River 14^ Gosthorpe 14} ludd1ngton 16} E.1STOFT 19} CROW1.E, Monday, 8}aai. 285 Houses, 1343 Inhab. Miles.20} C.rowle Bridge Cross the Old Don River Jporfiahire. 27} Hatfield i.. Hatfield Chace it. to Thome, 4 are. 32} r. Wheatley, Sir G. Cooke 33 Bowing 34 DONCASTER, see page 227 KIMBOLTON to WELLINGBOROUGH. Miles. KIMBOLTON, see page 243 1$ Tilbrook 3g Three County Stone Huntingdon,Redford,& Northamp. J!2ortnamptonai)ire. 6 Chelveston Miles. 8 HIGH AM FERRERS, see p. 253 8} R. to Bedford, 14$an. 9} r. Knaston Hall, Lady Cave 12$ Long Bridge L. to Olney, 10} an. Cross the Nen River 13} WELLINGBOROUGH, p. 268 OAKHAM to GRANTHAM. Miles. . OAKHAM, see page 254 2$ Burleigh on the Hill- r. Burleigh Park, E.- of Winchelsea 3} R. Mount Alstoe House 4 Cotsmorel. Cotsmore House, SirW.Lowther 6$ Greetham r.i m. Exton Park, Earl of Gains borough r. to Stamford, 10m.. r. to Grantham, by Ram Jam Inn, 15} an. Miles. 8 Thistleton l. Seat of G. Fludyers, Esq. 8} Hincolnafcire. 9} South Witham 11 North Witham 13} r. to Coltersworth, 1 an. , 14} R.Eastoh, M.Cholmondeley, Esq. l. StokeRochford, E.Turner, Esq. 17$ Great Ponton 20} to GRANTHAM, as page 225 BOURN to COLTEESWOETH. Milea. BOURN, see page 306 3$ Edenham 5 J Grimsthorpel. The Castle, Duke of Ancaster 3 CORBY, Thursday, 80 Houses, 436 Inhab. Miles. r.2 m. Iraham Park, Lord Arun del 12} Coltersworth, see p. 225 *#* The above Route connects the great North Road with the Lincoln Road. 555 Cross Roads. 5S6 BEAINTBEE to WITHAM. Miles. BRAINTREE, see page 349 1 Black Notley a\ Bat Green 3} White Notley 5 Falkbourn Miles. L. The Hall, Col. Bullock 6 r. Witham Place, late Hon. F. Talbot ; arid Rev. A. Dowhes 6} Cheeping Hill 7 WlTHAM, see page 343 MAEKET DEEPING to OAKHAM. Miles. MARKET DEEPING, see p. 306 1} West Deeping 4^ Tallington r.2 m. at Gretford, Dr Willis 6} Uffington r. 1 m. Caswick, Sir J. Trollope l. Seat of Sir S. Fludyer S} STAMFORD, see p. 224, B%m. 9j LSutlanosbtre. Miles. Over Empingham Heath 13} EmpinghamL.Normanton Park, Sir G.Heathw cbte r. Seat of T. Forsyth, Esq. 15} Whitwell l. Seat of S. Barker, Esq. 18$ R. Burleigh Parle, Earl of Win. chelsea 20$ OAKHAM, see p. 254, ll}an. BOSTON to KETTEEING. Miles. BOSTON, see page 318 9} to DONNINGTON, as p. 312, gi 14 Bridgend Causeway r. to Grantham, 16} an. R. to Folkingham, 4 to. 15} horbling 16} BillingSorOugh r. Seat pf Capt. Barker 17} SemprinGham 185 PoiNton BO Dowsby 21} DuNSHY 22 r. to Sleaflrrd, 14} m. 22} Morton r. at Hanthorpe, Col. Pack 25$ BOURN, see page S06, I5}an. 27$ Toft 31$ Cross the Guash River 32} Ryall 35} STAMFORD, see p. 224, 10$m. Cross the Welland River JSortgarapttirtBjjire. 36} Worthorpe 37} Eastonr. Seat of H. Shuttleworth, Esq. Miles, 3940| 42} 46} 4g 51 54 55} collywestonDuddington l. to Peterborough, 14 m. r. (0 Uppingham, 8 m. FlNESHADEL. Fineshade Abbey, Hon. J. Monckton r. Laxton Hall, Lord Carberry L. BlatherwickHall, H. O'Brien, Esq. BULWICK k.i m. Harringworth Park 1..1 m. Bulwick Lodge, J. Clarke, Esq. r. Deen, Earl of Cardigan Great Weldon Stanion Geddington r. Seat of R. Lpckwood, Esq. l. Boughton House, Lord -Mon tague See Cross in memory of Queen Elizabeth V7eekle v KETTERING, see p. 253, 22m. S57 Cross Roads, 558 MANSFIELD to SHEFFIELD. Miles. MANSFIELD, see page 255 2} Pleasley Hill Cross the Meden River SDcrogahitt. 3 Pleasley l. to Chesterfield, 9} m. L. [to Sheffield, as page 256, 22m.rr25m,i/rom Mansfield] 4$ Stoney Houghton l. to Bolsover, 3 are. 6 Scarcliffe 6} L. to Bolsover, 1 m. L.i}m. Bolsover Castle, Duke of Portland 10 Clown l. l m. Ramsley Hall 11$ R. to Worksop, 6\m. R. to Rotheram, 10} an. 13 Barlborough l. to Chesterfield, s m. 14} Cross the Chesterfield Canal Miles. 14} Cross the Rother River l. Rainshaw Hall 15 Eckington 16} mosbr0ugh 18 RlDGWAY 19$ White Lane 19} 2?or&8&itf. 22} SHEFFIELD, see page 258 4$ To Stoney HouGHTO»,as above 7$ BOLSOVER, see page 255 l. Bolsover Castle, D.of Portland 8} Nether Woodhouse 10$ Woodthorpe 11 L. to Chesterfield, 6 m. R. to Worksop, 9 in- 12} Cross the Chesterfield Canal 13 Cross the Rother River 13$ Eckington 20} to SHEFFIELD, as above AYLSHAM to HAPPISBURGH. Miles. , Miles. AYLSHAM, see page 336 Cross the Bure River 3$ Banningham Bridge i. Suffield Hall, Lord Suffield 4} r. to Norwich, 13} are. i. to Cromer, s^m. 6} NORTH WALSHAM, p. 337, 6} «. to Norwich, 14 m. l. to Cromer, 9 an. 7} East Gate 8} Witton Mill 10 l. Witton Park, Miss Norris 11$ Ridlington 13} Happisburgh, see p. 399, 6}an» L. to Cromer, 13} are. r. to Yarmouth, 21} an. EAST RETFORD to LINCOLN. Miles. Miles. EAST RETFORD, see page 226 11 Cross the Trent* River Cross the Chesterfield Canal 1$ White Houses Hincolnanirc. 2$ Idlbton 12 Newton S$ Gamston 14 R. at Thomey, & Neville, Esq, 4} r. to Tuxford, 2$ m. 16} Saxilby 6 East Markham l. to Gainsborough, 11} are. 8 Darlton 22} LINCOLN, see page 30» 10} Dunham > dig Cross Road*t. 560 LINCOLN to WAINFLEET: Miles. LINCOLN, see page 300 10 to WRAGBY, as p. 321, lOm. 12 Langton 12} Midge Isn L.lm. Panton House, E. Turner, 14} r.2 m. Goutby, R. Vyner, Esq. 16 L. 1 m. Stoiton Hall, J. Lively, Esq. 16} Bamburch 18} Edlin'gton Bar - r. at Edlington, J. Short, Esq. 20} HORNCASTLE, p 320, l-oSm. Miles. 22§"1 25$ 27}29}30+ 31}33 \ 3=186} Mareham on ths Hill Moorby Hareby BOLINGBROKE, p. S18, 7m. Hl'NDLtBYSPILSBY, seepage 319 Halton Holgatk Great Steeping l. l m. Gunby Hall, W. B. Mas- singberd, Esq. Irby Thorpe WAINFLEET, see p. 320, lo}m. CARLISLE to SCARBOROUGH. CARLISLE, see page 180 1} Haraby 2} Carlton 6J- t. to Penrith, 1 1 } m. 10 r. Armathwaite Castle, W. Mil- bum, Esq. 12 Beck „ l. Barren W°°d Park 13} Staffield 15$ KIRK OSWALD, p.l80,l5$m. k. The College, C. Featherston- baugh, Esq. 18} L. Harescugh Hall 21 Hartside Cross 28$ ALDSTONE MOOR, see page 249, 13m. 54$ to WOLSINGHAM, as page 251, 26m. 58 to Harperi.ey Lane Head, as page 250, 3}m. — — L. to Hexham, 26$aat. L. to Dtcrham, 10} an. 65} to West Auckland, as page 230, 7aan 67} Roy ax Oak Inn r. to Pierce Bridge, 5$m. 70$ R. to pierce Bridge, 4$ are. 75f DARLINGTON, p. 290, 9}*n. *if to NORTHALLERTON, as p. 289, 16m. 100 to THIRSK, as p. 289, 8}an. 104 Whitestonecliffe 108} SCAWTON 112} HELMESLEY, p. 382, I2|an. Mi ea. ns$ KIRBY MOORSIDE, as pase 303, 5}n. 121} SlNNlNGTON 123} Wrelton lis Middleton 126} PICKERING, see p. 301, 8$W. 129 Thornton 130| Wilton 131} Allerston 132$ Ebberstos 133} Snainton, seep. 314, 7$>». R. to New Motion, 1 2 an. 143} to SCARBOROUGH, ai page 314, 9}ni. 18 To PENRITH, asp. 180, 18a». 3l| to APPLEBY, as p. 235, 13}an. 39} to BROUGH, as p. 235, 8$an, 59 to Greta Bridge, as page 234, 19$an. 68$ to Three Tuns, as p. 233, g$m. 73} toCATTERICK.asp. 229, 5$m. 80$ to Leeming, as p. 229, 6}m. 83} toOAKTREE lNN,asp.22g, 3$m. 87 R. to Boroughbridge, 8} m. 87} Baldersby 88} Cross the Swale River 8g} Busby Stoop h. to Boroughbridge, 9} an. l. to Northallerton, 9 m. 91 Carleto'n Miniot gs} THIRSK, see p. 259, loan. 137 to SCARBOROUGH, as above, 43} an. 36 1 Cross Roads. 502 BRIGG (or GLANbFORD Bridge) to LOUTH. Miles.14 Thoresway 17£ B1NBROOK, see p. 322, 22 Ormsby Hill Miles. BRIGG, see page 307 s} Rigby 6 l. 4 m. Brocklesby Park, Lord Yarbo tough 6} Grasby 7} Clixby 10 CAISTOR, see p. 323, 10m. 12} ROTHWELL 7}are. l. to Great Grimsby, 14 are. 24} R. to Market Raisin, 12} m. 25} South Elkington 28 LOUTH, see page 320, lo}m. CARLISLE to MARYPORT. Miles. CARLISLE, see page ISO 3$ Red House 5} Woodhouse 8} MlCKLETHWAlTE L.lm. Crofton Place, Sir J.Briscoe 10} WIGTON, see page 200, lo}are. l. [to Ireby, as pagi 200, 5}m.rrl6$m.jfrom Carlisle] 13 Waverton 14} Scales Miles, R. [to Allonby, see page 404, 7}m.=22}m._irom Carlisle] 15} Low Row Over Aspatria Common 17 l . Bray ton House, SirW. Lawson 18} Aspatria 21 r . Flayton Castle, T. Jolliffe, Esq. 23} Crosby R. to Allonby, 3 m. 24} Birkby 26$ MARYPORT, seep.199, I5fm. CARLISLE to COCKERMOUTH. Miles. a CARLISLE^ see page 1 So " 3} L. Dalston Hall, J.Sowerby, Esq. 4} Dalston 6 Hawksdale l. Holm Hill, G. Sumner, Esq. 6} L. Rose Castle, Bp. of Carlisle 7} Nether Welton &} Upper Welton 9} Warnell . ' r. Sebergham Castle R. to Wigton, 6$ an. L. Warnell Hall, T. Denton, Esq. L. to Penrith, 14} m. 11$ r.2 m. Clea Hall, Sir F. Fletcher Miles. 15} Thorney Stone - l. [to Keswick, seep, lgs&f log, lo}m. = 26$m. from Carlisle] 16} Uldale 1. [to Ireby, as page 200, l}a».— 1 8m. from, Carlisle] l. to Keswick, 10} m. 21 Ouse Bridge Cross the Derwent River L. Bassenthwaite Broad 24 R. 1 m. Heauthwaite Hall, J. Lii- cock, Esq. 25} R.im. Wood Hall, J. Fisher, Esq. 26 COCKERMOUTH, see page l gs OUNDLE to ROCKINGHAM. Miles. OUNDLE, see page 214 3$ Benefield 4} Overthokte 7} Great Weldon r. 2 m. Dean, Earl of Cardigan Miles. ¦ r. 4 m. Harringworth- Park 9} Corby 11} L.to Kettering, 8$ m. 12} Rockingham, see page 253 $63 Cross Roads. S64 CARLISLE to ABBEY HOLME. Miles. CARLISLE, seepage 180 4'} Moor House 6 Kirk Hamtton 8 FlNGLAND RlGG 9 TlNGLAND 10$ Whitrigg Lees r. to Bowness, 4 m. Miles. Cross the Wampool River ii Kirkbride 13$ Lonb Nejvton 15 Moss Side 16 Know Hill Cross the Waver River 17 Abbey Holme, see page 250 DALTON to KENDAL. Miles. . DALTON, see page 157 1} llS-NAL 4 ULVERSTONE, see page igo J7 Penny Bridge "Cross the Crake River R . Seat of J, Machell, 'Esq. <9 Booth 11 L.to Hawkshead, 7} are. 12} Newby Bridge, Swan Cross the Leven River Miles. 13$ R. to Cartmel, 4| m. 13} r. Fell Foot, J. Dixon, Esq. 16} Bowland Bridge l. a m. Stores, Sir J. Ledger Cross the Winster Rivtr asacatmorrtano. 16} Crosbtjiwaite 23} KENDAL, see -page 17'9 LANCASTER to BEOUGH. Miles. 25 N-EW Briotfe i,. i m. Capplethwaite Hall, J. Upton, Esq. ^MESljire. 2fii L. to Kendal, 9} an. 2?| SEDBERGH, see p. 243, ll$m. 41$ to KIRKBY STEPHEN, as page 243, 13jm. 46 to BROUGH, as page 244, 4}a». . LANCASTER, seepage i?8 o£ to Wo-ruti y, as page l 94, o}m 16} to KIKKB-Y LONSDALE, -as p, 196, 7 are. 18 Casterton l. Casterton Hall, W. C Wilson, 22$ r. Grimeshill,'WVMoofe,Esq. "¦aai Mibdleton PRESTON to CL1THER0E. Miles. PRESTON, see page 17s 1$ Cross the. Ribble River 1} Walton ve Dale, seep. l?8 3 l. Cuerdale Hall 4 R. Cuerdale Lodge, W. Ashton, Esq. 5 Turner Gree i» c^ Mascow Smithy Miles. 1.. 1 m. Sunderland Hall 8 Mellor 9 r. to Blackburn, 2} an. 11 R. to Blackburn, 3} are. Over Billington Moor 14 Whalley, see page 191 18 to CLiTHEROE, as page 192 565 Cross Roads. 56$ KESWICK to ALNWICK. Miles. KESWICK, see page 19s 4$ Cross the Greta River 4} Threlkeld 7} Moorhead 11} Pe.nrud.dock 12 R. Hutton St. John, A. Huddle- ston, Esq. L.lm. Graystook Castle and Park, Duke of Norfolk 14} Stainton 16} R. Skirsgill, H. Parkin, Esq. 17} PENRITH, see page 180, 17}an. 36 to ALDSTONE MOOR, as page 249, I8}m, 40 Long Cross JSortfjumoedanu. 42§ NIne Banks 46} Ridingr. to Atlondale, } m. 47$ Cross the Allen River 47} Ca-tten 48} l. Catten Beacon 50} L.Threepwood, F.Tweddill, Esq. 54 L.to Haltwhistle, 13 are. S6 HEXHAM, see page 248, 2Qm. 61} to Ciiollerton, as page 248 62} i.. Svvinburn Castle, R. Riddell, Esq. Miles. 64 r. to Corbridge, 6} m. t. to Jedburgh, 39$ m. 64} Collellr,i m. Hallingtoh Hall, C. SojjIi- • by, Esq. 67} Bavington a . R, BaviniJtflil Hall, Sir G. Shaftoe 70} Kirk Harle R.im. CaDheaton, Castle, Sir J. E\ Swinburne L.lm. Little Harle, LordC.Ainslie 73 i-.Wallington, Sit J.Treyelyan 74} Camboe r. to Newcastle, 21 Jan. L. to Jedburgh, 37}m, 75} R. to Morpeth, 11 are. 78* r. to Morpeth, 1 1$ as, r. Roadley Castle r. 2 m* Long Witton, Rev, W. Trevelygn 79 Roadley Shield 81} Coldriffe . 86$ Cross the Coquet River s«} ROTHBURY, seep, 340, 30|m. Over Rimside Moor 90} r. to AforpetA, 15$ aa. l. to Wooler, 1 5} an. 94 Lemington Hall 98} ALNWICK, see p. 292, 12m, DURHAM to BROUGH. DURHAM, see page 242 3$ to Sunderland Bridge, as p. 242 4 L. to Darlington, 14$ m. 5} l. to Pierce Bridge, I4}are. 7} R. Old Park, T.Wharton, Esq. 10 r. The Castle, Bp. of Durham 11 BISHOP AUCKLAND, see page 313, Hire. k. Newton, J. B. Forster, Esq. k. 1 m. Binchester, Hon. Mrs. Lyons R.2m. Hunwick Hall, H. U. Reay, Esq. 14 West Auckland, see page 250 Miles. 18} Raby r. Raby Castle, E. of Darl ington 19} Stainprqp L. to Richmond, 14 m, 23 it. Streatham Castle, E. of §irath- niort; 25$ BERNARD CASTL5,p(347,M$ Cross; the Tees River 25} High Startfortu l. to Greta Bridge, 3} m, 29 Bowes, see page 234 34} Spittal Inn, see p, 934, gsjare. 42$ to BROUGH, as p. 234, 7i/H.- O 0 2 567 Cross Roads. 568 DUEHAM to WOLSINGHAM. Miles. DURHAM, see page 242 1} Cross the Derness River 4$ Brancepethl. The Castle, W. Russell, Esq. Miles. 6} Willingtonr. Seat .of H.Mills, Esqa 11$ Harterley Lane Head, p. 230 1 5 to WOLSINGHAM, as p. 2 5 1 HEXHAM to NEWCASTLE upon Tyne. Miles. HEXHAM, see page 248 ,2^ DilstonCross the Devil Water 3$ l. to Corbridge, }m. 5} Riding, see page 230 10} Pruddoel. Pruddoe Castle 12$ Bradley L.lm. BratlleyHall, MissSimpson 13$ Crowcrook Miles. 14$ Ryton 16} Blaydon l. Seat of J. Silvertop, Esq. 17} L. Axwell Park, Sir T. Clavering 1 8 Cross the Derwent River 18$ Smalwell 20} Lower Team Bridge Cross the Team River 22$ Gateshead, see page 291 23} to NEWCASTLE, as page 291 ' WOLSINGHAM to NEWCASTLE upon Tyne. Miles. WOLSINGHAM, see page 24? 2 Houslip Bridge Cross the Houslip Beck 5 Satley .7 R- to West Auckland, 1 5$ m. l. to Corbridge, 15^ m. 9} Lanchester 11 L. Greencroft, Sir T. Clavering 11} Maiden Law L.lm. Claverings Tower 15 Shield Row Miles. i6 l. Casway Hall 16} Beamish Row 18 Tinkler Row k. Ravensworth Castle, Sir T. Liddell Norwood l. to Hexham, 20} m. Gateshead, see page 2gi 22} NEWCASTLE upon Tyne, see page 291 19 20 22 DURHAM to STOCKTON upon Tees. Miles. DURHAM,see page 242 2 Shincliffe > • L.lm. Sherburn Hospital 2} L. Whitwell House 3 R. Moor House 4 Four Mile Bridge 5} Black Gate l. Coxhoe House, J. Forster, Esq. 8} Cross the Skern River 11 Sedgefield, Hardwick Inn Miles. r. Hardwick Hall, M. Russell, Esq. 13 Layton 15J Thorte 16 L. 1 m.' Winyard Hall, Sir H. T. Vane Cross the Billingham Beck 16$ L. Blakiston Hall, — - Davison, Esq. 19 Norton Inn 20} STOCKTON, see page 303 569 Cross Roads. 5;o BEOUGH to STOCKTON upon Tees. Miles. , BROUGH, see page 235 13$ to Bowes, as page 234 R. to Greta Bridge, 6 m. I6j High Startforth Cross the Tees River sDutbsrrt. 1 7 BERNARD CASTLE, see p. 247 20 Early Bank r. Seat of C. Lonsdale, Esq. 20} Whorley Hill R.Stub House, C.Harrison, Esq. 23$ Winston l. to Staindrop, 2} are. R. to Richmond, 12$ are. 24 L. Selaby Hall, Hon. V. Vane 25} Gainford 26} R. Snow Hall 27 l. Greystone Hall 29} Pierce Bridge, see page 229 Miles, 30} 32 35} 36} 3737$38$3941$42} 44} 45$46 High Conscliffe Low Conscliffe DARLINGTON, see page 290. Cross the Skern River Throstlenest Cross the Skern River Houghton i.. Seat of M. HardcastU, Esq. Cross the Skern River Great Burdon l. Setit of M. Wastlej Esq. Little Burdon Sedberge. Long Newton l. Seat of Sir H. V. Tempest Elton n. Seat of G. Sutton, Esq. Hartburn r. to.Yarm, 3$ m. STOCKTON, see page 303 NOETHALLEETON to BEOUGH. Miles. NORTHALLERTON, see p. 246 1$ Cross the Wiske River 1} Yafforth Over Yafforth Moor 6 Great Langton l. Langton Lodge, Mrs. Chol- mondeley 6} L. at Kirby Fleethsm, Miss Law rence 7 Kiplin l. Kiplin Hall, R. Crowe, Esq. 8} Ellerton 9} Bolton on Swale 10 Scorton R. to Yarm, 16 are. 11} ClTADELLA i.. to Catterick, 1} are. R. to Pierce Bridge, io$ are. 12 Brompton on Swale 14} RICHMOND, see page 229 L. to Askrigg, 1 7-J-m. Over Richmond Moor 19} Maske Mites. 23$ Fremington 23} Reethe r. to Brough, byArkendale 25 Healaugh 27 Feetham 29} gunnersrt 31 IVELET 31$ Cross the Swale River 32} Muker 40} CtUeatmorelanB. 43} Nateby l. to Askrigg, 1 8} m. l. Wharton Park, Lord Lowther 45 KIRKBY STEPHEN, see p. 243 49} to BROUGH, as page 244 1 1} To Citadella, as above 15$ Three Tuns 43} to BROUGH, asp. 235, £?1 Cross Roads, 572 SKIPTON to YORK. Miles. SKIPTON, see page ig2 14} toOTLEY, aspage2?6, Ufa*. 17} Pool 19 Arthington 19}. l. Arthington Hall, T. Astley, Esq. 20} Weardley 21} r-. Harewood.House, Lord Hare wood 22 Harewood, Harewood Armsx7\ r. to Leeds, 8 an. L. to Harrowgate, 8 are. 26 collingham 87$ Clifford Moor- k. [to Tadcaster, seep. 288, S}an.~32}an. from Skipton] *#* FromToiicastertoYoHK,o>sp.289, is g$m.^242m.from Skipton] R. to Abberjord, 5} m. 2s} Cross the Wharfe River 28} WETHERrY, see p. 228, 6}m. 29} l. to Boroughbridge, 11 an. 32} Bickerton 34 BiltonR.l m.Wighill Park, S.Chetwynd, Esq. r. Bilton Hall, — Plumer, Esq. 36 Long Marston 38i Rufforth Miles. 41} ACOMB 42§ Holgate 44 YORK) see page 289, 15|m. SKIPTON, see page 192 5} Bolton Bridge Cross the Wharfe River 1.. 1 m. Bolton Abbey 7$ SuMMEItSCALES 11$ Blubber Houses Cross the Washburn Beck 15$ Kettlesing Head l. [to Ripley, see page 248, 4}an.r=20m. from Skipton] 18} R. to Otley, 10 m. 19 i.. to Ripley, 2| are. r. to Leeds, 17 m. 21 High Harrowgate, seep. 258 r. to Otley, 12 m. 22} Cross the Nidd River 23 KNARESBOROUGH, see p. 247 L. [to Borough bridge, p. 228, 7m.trsom._/aiom Skipton] 30} toWETHERBY.asp. 247, 7}m. 46 to YORK, as above, 1 5$m. Or [to York, byTadcaster, p. 288, I6$an.~ 47m, from Skipton] BEFEBLEY to NEW MALTON. Mile-. BEVERLEY, see page 308 1 molescroft 3 Cherry Burton 4 i. at Elton, Sir J.Legard 5} 1.. at South Dalton, SirC.Thompson 7$ Lund Miles. 10$ Bainton 20} Wharham le Street 22^ North Grimstone 26} Norton Cross the Derwent River 2? NEW MALTON, see page 3 Q 1 PATELY BBIDGE to RIPON. Mites. Pately Bridge, see page 248 I WlLSl I.L r. to.Ripley, 8$ an. 3 Fell BtcK 6} Rispi.ith 7 l. Giantley Hall Miles. 8$ Al-DFIEIO r. 1 m. Fountains Abbey g$ Studley Park, and Hackfall Val ley, Mrs. AUanson 11} RIPON, see page 259 573 Cross Roads. 574 NORTHALLERTON to ASKRIGG. Mile*. NORTHALLERTON, see p. 246 } I. to Boroughbridge, 18 m. 1} Cross the Wisk River 3 AlNDERBY 3} Morton , 4 Cross the Swale River 5 Grimscar 5} L. to Boroughbridge, li} an, r. to Catterick, 6$ are. 7 Ayscough Miles. 7} BEDALE, see page 229 R. Seat of H. Pierce^ Esq. 9} Burrel - ll| Rookwjth 13$ Thornton Steward 15} Ulshaw Bridge, see page 245 L. [to MlDDLEHAM, seepaee 21 5, 1 an.— as} m,from Northaller ton] 30} to ASKRIGG, as page 246 P ADDINGTON to EPPING. Miles. Paddington Turnpike, p. 157 1} Tottenham Court l. to Hampstead, 3 m. L. to Highgate, 3} m. 2$ Battle Brums*, see page 159 2} Pentonvjll*r. The New River Reservoir 2} Islington 3$ Islington Green l. to Highgate, 8} are. Miles. 4 Balls Pond Turnpike L. to Southgate, 6$ an. seep. 21 fl 4} Kingsland Turnpike l. to Waltham, Cross, lom.p. 233 r. to Hackney, in, 5 Dalston 5} &.APTON, se,e range 323 r. to Hackney, I m. 19} to EPPING, as page 324 HODDESDON to HITCHIN. Miles. HODDESDON, see page 286 a} jr. flaly Bury.'W. Walker, Esq. 2} Little Heath 3 l. Balls, Lord J. Townshend 4 HERTFORD, seepage 821, 4m. Cross the Maran'River 6 Waterforb l. Goldings, fi. Eramot, Esq. 7lJ 'SlPAjaL.EFO-lU> 8} R. Woodhall Paifc, S. Smith, Esq. 91$ : L.to Warei Si m. Miles. 9} Watton 11 k. Frogmore Hall, Sir T.Durani 11} R. Aston Hall, A. Irwin, Esq. 12 Bragbury End 13} Broadwater, seepage 222 r. Seat of W. Whittington, Esq. l. 1 m. Knebworth Lodge, W. Johnson, Esq. 15} STEVENAGE, seep.223, l'l}m. 17} Little WyimondliE y 20 HITCHIN, see page 251, S|«n. CHELMSFORD to GEAKESEND. Miles. CHELMSFORD, see page 843 24 Gallywood Common r. to Margretting Stneet, 2 m. l. to Maldon,\o\m. 5} Stock 8} BILLERICAY, see page 355 Miles. 11 Nook Brbd-ce 14 Langdon Hill 16} -Hokkdos -on -raffi Hill r. to Brentwood, 9} m. 23} to GRAVESEND, as page 576 575 Gross- Roads. 576 CHELMSFOED to EPPING. M iles. Miles. CHELMSFORD, see page 343 10} 2 Clip Elm 3} Oxney Green 5$ Cooks Mill Green l. 1 m. Writtle Park, C. Nightin 11 gale, Esq. 12$ 7} Norton'Heath 12} - r. Reddings, J. Searle, Esq. 13} 10 High Ongar 14} R.lm. Forest Hall, R. Stone, Esq. 17} 1 0 J Cross' the Roding River ' 1.. [to Chipping Ongar, p.358, ¦}»».— 1 l$are. fromChelmsford] n.im. Shelley Hall, J.Crabb, Esq. Cross the Cripsey River l. Greensted Hall, C. Orde, Esq. R. Blake Halt, C. Cure, Lsq. BobbinGworth Mill Tylers Green Weald Gullet EPPING, see page 324 BEENTWOOD to EOCHESTEE. Mile-. BRENTWOOD, see page 342, 2 Ingkave r. Thorndon Hall, Lord Petre 3 Heron Gate 5 Dunton Waylett g} Horndon on the Hill' 12 l. to .East Tilbury, 2} m. 12} Howford Bridge 14 l. to West Tilbury, 1 m. Miles. 16$ Tilbury Fort Cross the Thames River !Rent. , , 1 7 GRAVESEND, see page 364 18 Milton 18} R. to Dartford, 8$m. - 18} Chalk Street 24} to ROCHESTER, as page 364 CAMBEIDGE to CHELMSFORD. Miles. Miles • - CAMBRIDGE, see page 328 17* 2$ Trumpington, see page S27 r. to Royston, 10 are. 22} r. to Ware, 28 m. 3 R. at Great Shelford,W. F. Finch, Esq. ; 26} 4} Sawston 28 7 r. to Royston, 11 an. l. to Newmarket, 18 m. 10$ L. to Newmarket, 15 m. 28} 10} QSsszj:. 2931$ 11$ Great Chesterford, ll$an. 32} Crown 35$ 12 Little Chesterford 36} Cross the Cam' River 13} Litti.ebury, see page 325 37} 15} SAFFRON WALDEN, Sat.4$m. 39 Rose and Crown, Sun, 42 682 Houses, 3181 Inhab. R.lJ m. Debden Hall, Mrs. Chis- well TltAiTEADl. Seat of the Hon. and Rev. H. Maynard Great Easton Cross the Chelmer River it. 1 m. Easton Lodge, Lord Vise. Maynard r. Newton Hall, Lord Henniker DUNMOW, see p.358, 13}an. Barnston Black Chapel How Street Great Waltham l. Langlees, W. Tuffnell, Esq.. L. to Braintree, 6} m. BroomfieldCHELMSFORD, p. 343, 13>», W7 Cross Roads. 579 BIGGLESWADE to ST. IFES. Miles. BIGGLESWADE, see page 223 3} r. Sutton Park, Sir M. Burgoyne 8} POTTON, see page 223 5 - u-> CO CO « oo eo lonin^iOHOiqbMcciriUHOtriiociBOis « kn ifis c«Hioa'oncDO>'«'*(MconaH(MiBOnN^ oo o> ao *-. CO I a V rH rt (M fH i » H rt <* rt 1* IS tOoeiTiiioaDoi'.^»NN(OrtOTH'ijiKw« rtrt rt rt«t-i rtTO«rt«' to O OiNI|» S'l <0 aO<000utC0OU)NOnlOlDQsji « » ift O CT « rt j> - «" CO > -rt- ^i CO oo as rt tjr rt -r-j tO I Soli - s - ¦2 = e Oil §8 g^S>>.s£ ^sSSSilslsBi^sa.,.. l^sSslasirisSl.ss^i'^-Sis % B««BHUOUOOJUfiflaflOOhU o II toK jS.5 S a 13 .M. j> rt U_e 5 C s § ¦o'S tS-2-3 iillillcfagaJiaiaiaiiB 5 mi Kent Canterbury, Rochester Maidstone 62 39 408 52098 307024 166 13 , Lancaster Lancaster 6 27 61 117661 672731 170 14 Leicester ' Leicester 6 11 192 26734 130081 100 4 Lincoln Lincoln, Lincoln SI 31 630 42489 208557 260 12 Merioneth Harleigh 5 4 37 5Q80 .29506 154 1 Middlesex London,Westminster London 6 6 20.0 118083 818129 gs 8 Monmouth Monmouth ' 6 7 127 93#5 45582 100 3 Montgomery Montgomery 9 6 47 8948 47978 167 2 Norfolk Norwich Norwich 33 32 660 49140 273371 140 12 Northampton ^Peterborough Northampton 20 12 3 20 27401 131757 125 9 Northumberland Newcastle 7 Wards 12 460 28052 157101 17f> Nottingham , Nottingham 6 9 168 26153 140350 110 a Oxford •Oxford Oxford 14 12 280 21103 109620 130 9 . Pembroke'' St. David's Pembroke 7 9 45 12267 56280 115 3 Radnor Radnor 6 4 52 3887 19050 86 2 Rutland Oakham 5 a 53 3361 16356 45 2 Salop Shrewsbury. 14 17 170 32111 167639 160 12 Somerset Bath, Wells Bristol 43 32 385 S0176 : 273750 200 16 Stafford Litchfield Stafford 5 19 150 47igs 23gl53 143 10 Suffolk Ipswich 22 29 575 32805 210431 165 16 Surry Guilford 13 14 140 47S86 269043 112 14 Sussex Chichester Chichester 64 18 312 25993 159311 164 28 Warwick Coventry , Warwick 5 14 158 43783 208190 - - 130 6 "Westmoreland Appleby. 4Wards 8 26 8212 41617 ' 145 4 Wilts Salisbury Salisbury 29 - 23 304 30569 185107 142 34 Worcester Worcester Worcester 5 11 152 27820 13Q333 130 g -"York York York 60 563 320 30 East Riding 4 26462 139433 West Riding 10 ' 115869 563g53 North Riding .. . a* a -. '. - 12 32526 155506 „ TABLE I. A Tide Tolle, shewing th; proper time for crossing the Foss Dyke and Cross Keys Washes, Lincolnshire, see page 400. Moon's Full Begin to Foss Dylce Wash. pass over Cross Keys End passing over Foss Dylce Cross Keys Age. | Sea. Wash. Wash. Wash. Days. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. 1 16 10 0 10 30 4 45 3 35 2 17 7 48 10 48 11 ¦» 5 S3 4 23 3 18 8 ',« 11 36 .2 6 5 11 9 12 24 12 54 7 9 5 59 10 12 1 le t 42 7 57 S 45 6 47 6 21 0 2 0 s 3° 1 35 11 48 2 48 3 '8 9 33 8 23 8 S3 12 36 3 3s 3 56 9 •¦ , • 24 4 24 4 54 9 59 11 5 12 5 42 icr- 47 1 1 £6 3 0 6 0 6 3° 12 45 it .35 iz 27 3 48 6 48 7 '« 8 6 1 33 le 23 13 28 4 as 7 36 1 11 14 29 S 24 8 24 8 54 3 9 1 69 15 30 6 1 2 9 1 2 9 42 3 57 2 47 On examining the Table above given, it will be seen, that, -if the moon be one or sixteen days old, the Cross Keys Wash may be passed from half an hour after 10, to 35 minutes after 3 o'clock ; while the time for ciossing the Foss Dyke Wash continues from 10, to 45 minutes after 4 o'clock. TABLE II. Directions for crossing the Severn at the New and Old Passages, see pp. 8, 72,74,407, 433- In order that the Reader may fully comprehend this Table, it will be necessary to observe, that southerly or westerly winds, are denominated winds below ; and noilherly or easterly winds, termed winds above. During the prevalence of the former, the river can only be passed on the ebbing of the tide, when horses, goods, &c. may be ferried over for seven hours. IF the wind be above, the passage must be performed on the flood or coming in of the tide, and may be continued for five hours. Should, however, the, wind and tide proceed in the same direction, it will be impracticable to cross the Severn. The following Table is rakulaled according to the age of the moon j which being ascertained, the reader will be enabled to compute the hours proper for passing that river, for every day throughout the year. Moon's Age. Time of passing, Wind above. Moon's Age. Time of passing. Wind below. Days. H. M. H. M. Da ys. H. M. a. M. 1 16 from 2 0 to 7 0 1 16 from 7 0 to 2 a 0 2 17 2 48 7 48 2 '7 7 48 2 48 3 18 S 3° 8 36 .1 18 8 36 3 86 4 19 4 24 9 = 4 4 ¦9 9 24 4 24 5 20 5 12 10 ¦ 2 .1 20 10 12 S " 6 ei 6 0 - 1 1 O 6 2 1 1 1 0 6 0 7 22 6 1° 1 1 48 7 22 U 48 6 48 8 23 7 36 12 36 8 2 3 12 36 7 36 9 S14 8 24 1 24 9 24 1 24 8 24 10 25 9 12 e 12 10 2.1 2 ,1! 9 12 11 16 10 O 3 O 1 1 26 3 0 fo 0 12 27 10 48 3 48 12 27 3 48 IO 48 13 28 1 1 56 4 .16 '3 28 4 06 II J« •4 29 12 24 5 24 '4 29 5 24 12 *4 1.5 3° 1 12 6 1 2 15 3" 6 12 112 If, for instance, the moon be one or sixt- en days old, and the wind be *bouct the Severn may be crossed From 2 till 7 o'clock. The reverse takes place if the wind be below,, or blow in a southerly or westerly direction; ast in such case, the Severn may be passed from 7 till a o'clock. The difference of time in crossing that river at the New and Old Pasts'--*, has been computed one hour: thus, if the tide be ebbing and the wind befow, the crossing commence-* at the Old or Aust Passage one hour earlier than at the New Passage. On the contrary, if the tide be flowing or coming ia, U begins one hour sooner *: the latter, than at the former place. INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. The Names of Seats, as well as the Possessors, arerxferred to. ABB ^BBERLEY Lodgc,ioi, Abberton, 424 Abjiey, the, 124, 192, J77> i?3> S9Z Abbots Hall, 179 Abdy,J. 3.57 Abercamlais, 133 Abercorn, M. of, 1J1, *33> 294 Aberenyg Place, 144 Abergavenny, Earl of, 361, 382,591 Aberglassney, 134 Aberhavesp Hall, 109 Aberhiriaeth, 488 Abermenick, 4^1 Aberpergwm House, 43 1 Aberyskir, 133 Abingdon, Earl of, 99, 129, 474 Abney, R. 204 Aboyiie, Earl of, 305, ; 426 Abury Hill, 164 Accrington House, 191 Achmuty, Mr. 361; Accerley, J. H. 447 Ackers, Mr. 168 , Ackland, Mrs. 448 Sir T. D. 64., 89,481 Acklom, R. 520 Aekvvonh Park, 420 Acorn Bank, 235 A'Court, Sir W. 61 Acton, Sir R. 117 N.L. 3SS ......Mrs. 346, 5:37 Acton, 293 Lodge, 97 Park, 119,44a; Acton Place, 350,. 351 Adair, At 347, 586. Adams, W. 40, 203, 381 Adderley Hall, 49 j Adderley, C. 165, 442 Adderstone Hall, 292 Addington, Rt. Hon. H. 482 Addington House, 114 Hall, 190 Place, 367 Addison, J. 351, 523 Adeane, Gen. 528 Adlington Hall, 176 Adscomb House, 381, Adwick, 227 Adwynt, 120 Aeth, Sir N. de, 377 Afferley, J. 463 Affleck, Six G. 577 Agace, D. 27 Agar, B. 301 Agnew, Mr. 183 Ainslie, Lord C. 29 7> $66 Ainsworth, Capt. 190 Aird, R. 239 Airsford Place, 412 Airshays, 33 Airy Hill, 302 Alanmouth Castle, 240 Albemarle, Earl of, 326 Albemarle, Countess of, 3*6> 352 Albermarles Park, 134 Albury Park, 579 Albyns, 357 Alcejter Lodge, 495 Alder, Mr. 403 Aldenham Hall, 117 Park, 158 Aldeiley Hall, 211 AMI Alderley, Rev. Mr. 221 Aldermaston, t, 470,473 Aldersbrook, 341 Aldersey, Mrs. 44, 388 Alderston, 294 Alderwatch-plea Hall, 187 Aldrich, Dr. 261 Aldridge, J. 385 Aldridge Farm, zog. Aldwarke, 279, 434 Alfreton Hall, 187, J23 Algood,J. 248, 416 Alkerington Hall, 192 Alkincoats, 194 , Allansori, Mrs. 2(9, 571 Allen, Capt. 161, 453 G. 290 H, 14+ _ Sir T. 3415,348 T.7 Allensmoor, 463 . Allgoodj Sir L. 294 Allington Castle, 367, 377 Alne, 150 Alnutt, Mr. 362 Alnwick Castle, 253 AIpe, H. 546 Alscot Park, 150 Altamont, Earl of, 1^9 Althorpe Park, 272 Alyerley Grange, 434 Alwaters, 5; 8 8 Alwoodley Hall, 2 j8 Amberley Lodge, 45 1 Amcots, Sir W. 3 21 Amesbury Park, 56 Amherst, Lady, 360 J- 5?i Amington Hall, 429 Amisfield, 294 AMN INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. ATT Amney House, 68 Amphiel House, 49 Amphlet, J. 129 Amport, 27, i$ Ampthill Park, 272* 273 AmptonPark,3JJAmwell Bury, 286 Ancaster,\BuJ»:e of, 306) Anderson, Rev. Sir C 302 'Anderson, Mr. 232, 236 „-. 3. 246 ^.ndoyer, Viscountess, 19,7, 216 Andrew, R. 27* Andrews, Sir J. 5, 439 - D-438 » Mr. 190, 490 - R-349 T.4»7 „ Capt. 19 Angel Row, 296 Atfigeistein, 3. J. 322 Angmering Park, 388, 412. Anguish, T. 346 r Awn, 3. 227 An-Bier Hall, 329 Ann's Hill, 1 96 Annandale, M. of,- 181 A^mery, 60 Annesley, A. 99. in, 440) 447 Anttingson, 3. 320 Ansby, B-. 458- Aflson,. G. 577 J. 361 j Aramstone, 143 Arberry Banks, 525 Arbury Hall, 503' . - Arcedeckne, C. 393 Archdeacon, Mr. 417 Atcher, Mr. 28 A. 35 : E. 21 G.524 Lady, 151 . Arden Hall, 176 3- 29s, 452 Lord, 384 Mr. 176 Mrs. 515 Arderjs, Mrs. 229 Atderley Hall, 183, 519 Ardsley House, 548 Ardwell, 182 "'"™c"s '" Areley House, 463 Arkwright, Sir R. i*S> Arlscot, j 54 Armathwaithe Castle, - 180, 559 Armifage, Sir G. 280, 4?°. 433, J.257 Armley Rigg, 281 Armstrong, Mr. 239 Amiston, 242 Arnold, G. 393 Arnold, G. A. 3 So Arno's Valf, 8 Arthington Hall, 571 Arthur's Round Table, j. 301, seat, 294 . T. 166, 340, 399 1 Arundel, Hon. J. E. 32 . Mrs. 166, 205 ,. Lord, 32, 554 » Ik* _P _ __,. A ,.,„,lol Pneflo A ft Anspach, M. of, 1, 159 Anstey House, 5 1 Anthony, M. 67 Antonie, W. L. 252 Anton's Hill, 296 Antrobus,P. 379 Apethorp Halt, 244 Appleby Castle, 23 J Appl|*"'Com.b' Park, 392 App-ley, 392 Atjualiate- Hall, 210, 5,05 Arundel Castle, 48 Park, 389 Ascham, 289 Ascot Place, 27 Ash Grove, 360 Ash Park, 16 AshJborn Green, 5:06 Hall, 175 Ashbridge Park, i$6 Ashburnham, Earl of 582.584 Ashburnham, Sir W. 41 3. Park, 382 584 Ashby, G. 173 Ashby de la Laund, 307 Ashcomb, 32 Ashdown House, 382 AshenrnnsF, 17-5,511 Ashes, 433 Ashiesteel, 241 Ashley, D. 213, 551 Ashley, 410 . UiU> 410 . Hall, 55* . . . Park, 79 Ashstead House, 384 , Park, 384 Ashton, N. 169 W. 178,563 Ashton Court, 477 Ashton Hall, 178 Heyes, 207,- 21 3 Ashurst, Sir W. H. 95, 475 ' Ashwick, 73 Ashwick Grove, 447 Aske Hall, 229 Askew, G. 295 ....... S. F. 4S3 1 Aspinal, J. 192 Aspenden Hall, 287 ¦ Astley, Sir E. 339, 54°' J- 27 D. 27,461 Rev. i. 539 3- H. 339,54c- 'T. S7i Astley Hall. 177 Aston, T. 2U4 Mrs'. 214 I Hon. Mrs. 551 Aston Hall, 223, 166, ' 268, 20C>, 2I4» 2S6' 278, 428, 454> 55,i> 574 ..... House, 391, 39a, Rowand 98 '¦< Atkins, E. 326 S.43S Atkinson, J. 417 ¦ lAttercliflp Hall, 434 ATT Index to the covntet Seats. BAti Attingham House, 130, 266 " Attlay, S. O. 140- Auberies, 349 Aubery, 5 •< R-45 Aubrey, Sir J. lo Rev. Mr". 471 Auchtifardle, 237 Auckland, Lord, 359, 586 Auckland Castle, 314 AudleyEnd, 325; Avenham .House, 214 Averham Park, 225, 513 Avington* 47 Austen, Lady, 377, 592' F. M. 360 1-589 Austin, Major 371, 374 Auston, 227 Avon Cottnge, jo Awdry, A. 8j J. 26 Axwell Park, 568 Aycliffe Head, 290 Aydon Castle, 41 8 Aylesbere, 20 Aylesbury, Earl of, 6, 461 Aylesford, Earl of, 164 Countess of, 367> 377 Ayot, St. Laurence, 25 1 A-jVe, Mrs. 504 Ayscough, T. 97 Ayston House, 254, 531 Ayton Hall, 403' i- B Babbington.' T. 174 Backhouse, Mrs. 277 Jackhouse, T. 1 1 3 Bacon, Sir E. 348 Baco.nsfhorpe Hall, 539 Badcock, T. S. 113 Baddesley, 438 ' Sadescombe, J. 19 Badgmoor, fit Badminton Parte, 71, 77> 450 Badsworth Hall, 281 " Bad House, 113, 530 Baffield, R. 338 Baginton Hall, 164 Bagge, T. 332 Bagland Hall, 10 Bagnall, J. 4 Bagot, Lord, 274 Bagshaw, 3. 256, eto Bagshot Park, 1 j Baguley Hall, 550 Bailbrook House, 7 Bailey, C. ft. 380 J-329 T. B. 419 Bailey House, ^(a Baillie, Hon. G. 298 Bailv-crd, S. 33 Bainbridge, T. $ 1 o v .. , W. 230 Baird, R. 233, 243 Baker, J. 29, 109, 354 P.W. 18 S.531 - W. t, 221,439 Balcarras, Earl of, 190 Baldon House, 87 Baldwin, W. 367 Baldwyn, R. 47 Balguy, J. 185 Ball Hay, 433,509 Balhazie, 1 82 Balkiel, 183 Ballentine, L. D. 200 Balls, 573 222 Bambridge, W. (¦$ . Bamford, W. t$6 Bamford Hall, 536 Bampfylde, SirC. 20 Bank Hall, 169, 186, 214 Top House, 25:7 Banks, Sir- J. 3, 318, 319 ..,., J. 547 H.460' ...... W. 190 Banks Hall, 5:47 Banner Cross, 433 Bannyman, SirA- 315 Barams Place, 3^3 Bajrbourn House, 437 Barcaple, 182 Barclay, G. 384, 395) Bardsea Hall, 196 Barfield, 198 Barfoot, P. et Barford, 437* House 73 Barham Court, 365 Barjarg, 238 Baring, Sir F. 47 W.39 Barker, Capt, s$t E. 412 J. R. 68 S.S5« ...... T. 254* 5iP Barking Hall, ^37 Bailaston Hall, 167 Barlborough Hall, 27Sy 516 V Barfey House, 20 Barlow, S. F. 289, 314 Barmbrough Grange, £4* Barnard, H. B. 309 Bambackle, 182 Barncastle, Mr. 334- Bamcleugh, 237 Barne, M. 341;, 348 Barneby, J. 107 R. ioj» Barnes, 304 H. 140 J- 3°6 Barns, 44 Barnet, C. 223 Barnfield, ;o T.j-22 Barningham Park, 233J ¦ Barnsley, T. 426 Barnsley Park, 68, 70,- 525 Barnwell Castle, 244,361?' Barnwood Court, 69 Baron Hill, 121 Baroneau, F. r6i, 221 Barrell's House, i$i Barren Down, 6^ Wood Park, rJb, -Barret, T. 377 Barrington, Sir F. 3(8 SirJ.393 BAR, INDEX to the COUNTRT SEATS: am Barrington Hall, 358 Park, 131 Barron, T. 213 Barrow, J. H. 360 Barrow Court, 407 Green, 370 Barrowby, 275> 436 Barry, J- S. 525 R. 172 T. S. 172 Barstow, T. 29S Bartholomew L. 367 Baitlett, T. 424 Bartlets, 153 Bartley Lodge, 468 Barton, "W. 447 Mr. 214 Barton, $ ...... Hall, 35c Lodge, 178 Barton Bendish Hall, 330 Barwell, Capt. 27 T. 373 Barwick House, 33a Barwinnocb, 182 Barwis, J. 341 Basing Park, J4, 469 Basket, T. 65 Basnett, Rev. Mr. 497 Bassendean, 29Cy Baseldon Park, 13, 470 Bassford, 276 Bassingborne Hall-, 32$, 532 Bastard, E. 40 J. P. 4* P. 70 Batchacre Park, 505 Bachelor, H. 338 W.337 Bateman, Lady, 108 Mrs. 302 Bath, Marquis of, 6 1 , 8 ( 9°> 449 Bath Easton Villa, 7 Batherton Hall, 206 Batburst, Earl, 68,70,75 Gen. 17, 437 , Mrs. 137 Batson, T. 17 Batt, J.T. 73 Battle Abbey, 375 Battlesden House, 163 , Eaugh, J. 102 Bavington Hall, J 66 Bawdeswell Hall, 336, 536 • Baxter* J. F. 103 Baxterley Hall, 501 Bay Hall, 371, 594 Bayfield Hall, 340, 539 Bayfordbuiy, 221 Bayham Abbey, 371 Bailey, W. 170 Rev. W. 207 J. 206 Baylies, 3 ' Baynton, Sir A. z< , 446 Baynton Park, 91 Baythorn Park, 358 Beachborough, 368 Beach Hill, 471 Beaehwood Park, 162 Beansten, 293 Beardsworrhj Mrs. J90 Bear, S. 49 Bear Place, 4 Beattte, T. 239 Beauclerk, Lord' W. 307 Mr. 15 Beaudesert Park, 166 Beaufort, Duke of, 9, 71, 74> 77,96>I32, 139, 425, 450, 473 Beaufoy, J. H. 472 Beaufront, 230, 248, 415: BeauHeu,'Earl, 3, 30 Beaumont, Sir G. 3 J 8 Col. 248 ..-. Ra H. 279, 4>9. ..;...... t.5so T. R. 257. 279 Beaumont Hall, 179 Beauport, 374, 413- Beck Hall, 277 Beckenham Place, 3S9 Beckford, P. 18 - W. 32, 57, Mr. 162 Beckwith, W. 303 Beddirigte-n Paik, 585 Bedfords, 341 Bedford, Duke of, 47, 171, 252, 272, 274, Bedgebury,373Bedinfield, Shr R. 330, 546 Bedingfield, J. 347,-354 Bedwell House, 221 ...;.. Park, 221 Beech, J. 274 Beech- House, 75 Hill, 220 Beechwood, 42 Beenhan House, j Beesthorpe, 261 Beeston Castle, 207, 497; Hall, 337 Beevor, SirT. 326 BelaughHall, 337 Bel Chester, 296 Belford", Col. 224, 42^6 G. 426 Belit Hall, 168 Bell, Mr. 235 .... C. 340 .... H. 329. M. 297 JSell Hall, 129 ... House, 354, 3,-j Bell's Hill, 292 Belle Hill, 277 Vue, S3, I7°> is<> Castle, 364 Bellefield, 236, 536 Belmont, 97, 172, 274, 276, 303 > 4i i> 463» 477 Belmore, 439 Belsay Castle, 297 Belsize House, 151 Belton, 22s, 293, 299, 5°4 Belvidere, 76, 363, 410, 54» Belvoir Castle, 225 , J13 Benacre Park, 345 Benhall Lodge, 345, 593 Benham Place, c Bennet.Sir W, 56 Rev.W.186 Mrs. 271 R. A. 5«6 BEN 1JSSEX to the POUNTRX SEATS. BLA Bennet, 3. 450 T.«i, 83 Benningborough, 389 Bennington, 286 Benridge, 297 Benson, J. 60, 40S Lady F. 365 Benton, 454 House, 306 Benyon, R. 4 ... T. 268 Beoley Hall, 542 Bere Court, 13, 470 Beresford, Mr. 175 Berithlandwall, 134 Berkhernpstead Castle, '53 Berkeley, Earl of, 2, 76, 121 R-57. 107,455 Berkeley Castle, 76 Berkeswell Hall, 455 Berners, W. 344, 397 Berney, Sir J. 330, 354 Berrington, 444 Berrington, T. 444 Berryhill Hall, 505 Berryfield Lodge, 164 Berry Pomeroy Castle, 40 Berthdu, 489 Bertie, Gen. 300 Capt. 44 Berwick, lord, 130, 266 Berwick, 121, 127 Hall, 179 Berwood Hall, 209 Best, G. 367 Beswick R. 537 Betchworth Castle, 580 Bethell, W. 308 Mrs. 311, 312 Bethune, Rev. Dr. 383 Bettesworth, W. A. 55 Bettisfield Park, 493 Betton, 117 Beverley, Earl of, 344, „ 397 ' Beverley Park, 365 Bevis Mount, 53 Bewick, Col. 416, 417 Bickham, 39 , 40 Bicton Lodge, 409, 481 Biddlesden, 458 , Biddulph, Sir T. 440 Mr. 147, j.49 J-93> 441 R. 116, 428 T. 154 Bidney, 150 Bierley Hall, 282 Bifrons, 341 , 366 Bigg, T. C. 306 Biggin, G. 163. 271 Biggins, 286 Biggins, Sir G. 591 Biggs, T. 130 Bignall, J. 6; Big wood, 358 Bill Hill, 28, 29 Bilham House, 548 Bill, C. 274, 506 Billingford Hall, 335, 535 Billingsbare, 28 Billingsley, E. 330 J-447 Bill Mill Lodge, 132 Bilton Hall, 288, 571 Bimerside, 23 1 Binchesler, 565 Binderton, 46 Binfield House, 28 Place, 28 Binsted, T- 390 Biram, 228 Birch, G. 3, 29 J. P. 148 J. R. 330 Mrs. 307 Birch Hall, 118, 343 House, 189 Birdholme, 188 Birdingbury, 440 Birds Place, 221 Birkenhead Abbey, 212, 404 Birkhillside, 3 3 2 , 298 Birlingham Park, 476 Birtles Hall, 519 Biscoe, E. 4, 5:29 Bisham Abbey, 4, 65 Bishop, SirC. 48, 388 Bishopstow, 84 Bishopthorpe, 289, 314 Bishop Oak, 347 Bishton, J. 266 W. 266 Bishton Hall, 166 Bissett, M. 390 Bistern House, 75 Bitte n Grove, 92 Bitterley Court, 514 Bittersea, T. 85 Bixley Hall, 354 Blachford, R.P. 391 Blachford House, 30 Blackalls, J. 474 Black Hedley, 230 Blackbrook, 56 Blackbum,J. 190, 285, 419 Mrs. 333 Blackett, C. 416, 418 Sir E. 416 Blackford, 236 Blackland House, 6 Blackmore, T. 286" Blackwell, J. 203 Mrs. 68 Blackwell Grange, 290 Blackwood, 237-, 238 House, 23 J Blackwood, Mrs. 285 Bladworth, J. T. 439 Blaensenny House, 43 1 Blagdon, 291 Blagrave, J. 4 ; Blair, Sir J. H. j*3 LadyM. 18 Blake, Mrs. 5 ... Capt. 324 ... Sir P. 350 ; ... Sir R. 403 - ... W. 78, 58$ Blake Hall, 358,576 Blaket, 182 Blakeway, E. 129 Blakiston Hall, 568 - Bland, Mrs. 275, 436 Blandford, M.of, 4, 28 Blanketts, 427 Blankney, 300 1 Blantyre, Lady," 294 Blatchford, 35 Blatherwick Hall, 244, 532 j - . - Lodge, 556 Rr BLA INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS BRA 99 .495 Rlathwayte, W. 74 Blathwaite "W. 449 Blease Hall, 278 Blencowe, R. 272 Blendon'Hall, 363, 365 Blenheim House and Park, 99 Bletchington Park, 111, 440, 4S7 ¦ Bletsoe Park, 252 Blickling Park, 336 Blithfield Hall, 274 Blois, Sir J. 345 Blome, T. 134 Blount, Lady, 166 SirW. 112 Bloxholme, 307 Bluehayes, 20 Blundell, H. 212 Blunham Closes, 223 Blythe Hall, 165, 213, 226, 501 Board, Mrs. 383 Boardman, W. 119 Boates, H. E. 119 Bockett, J. 384 Boconnoc, 36 ¦ Bodfach, 128 Bodiar, 106 Bodiham Castle, 374 Bodney Hall, 333 BodseyHall, 317 Bodtaleg, 1 10 Bodwenni, 128, 488 Bogle, R. 237 Bold, Mrs. 169 Bold Hall, 169 Boldero, J . 327 Boldrewood Lodge, 49 Bolingbroke, Lord, 74, 4** O I Bolsover Castle, 378, 557. 55*. Bolton, Lord, 30 H. 384 SirG. 251 Bolton Abbey, 572 , Hall, 246 Hill, 12 Bond, C. 139 ..... J. 80 Bond, T. 409, 483 N. 80 Eonham, H. 4 s- 342 T.44 Bonhams, 51 Bonjeddart, 231 Bonne, W. 351 Bonsall, G. 148 IBonshaw,'23S 34.0|Boodle, R. 357 I Boorzel, 376 Booth, Mr. 256 B-- 253> z69 Booth Hall, 168 Poothby, SirB. 175 Major, z5i Bootle, E. W. 167, 188, 213 BootonHall, 336 Bordesley Hall, 217 Boreham House, 84, 343 Boreland,. 182 Boringdon, Lord, 35 Boringdon Park, 3 J Borlase, S. 22 Borradaile, Mr. 53 Borrow, W. 174 Boithwick Castle, 243 - Berwick Lodge, 180 " Bosantjuet, ri. 286, 323 Bostock, Dr. 5 Bostock Hall, 171 Boston, Lord, 3 Bosville,W. 524,547 W.P.434 Bosworth Field, 502 Park, 502 jBotfield, B. 164 Bothwell Castle, 237 Botley Grange! 92, 43? I Boucheret, A. 322 A. 5*21 Bough ton Hall, 207 Boughton House, 172, 199, '253. 527. 55* Place, 373 Boughtrig, 296 Bouldsworth Castle, 211 Boultbee, J. 501 255. Boultby, J. 504 . W. 503 Boulter G. 142 Rev. J. 211 Boulton, H. 253 M. 217,. 265 Bourn Place, 366 Bourton, 441 , 454 Bouverie, E. 172 Hon. Mrs. 373 Bowden Park, 25 Bow Hill, 241 Bowdler, Mrs. 393 Bowden House, 40 Park, 446 Bower Hill, 358 Bowes, T. 25 1 . Mrs. 304 Bowland, 241 Bowles, G. 102 . O.440 Bowns, C. 257 Bowood, 6, 25, 446. 453 Bowyer, Adm. 439 Boxgrove Priory, 41 1 Boxmoor Hall, 152 Boxwell Court, 431 Boyce, W. 382 Boyd, Sir J. 363 Lady, r83 J. 182 T. H. 222, 286 Boydell, J. 445 T-445 W.308 Boyles, 342 Boyne, A. 458 Lord, 591 Boynton, Sir G. 315 Boys, S. 372, 588 Bracey, Major, 157 Brackenside, 236 Bradbiir'n House, 367 Braddon, 163 Bradenham, 98 Braddyl, W. 196 Bradfield Hall, 350 Bradford Lord, 210, 433, 5oo, 54^ , Lady, 549 BRA Index to the countrt seats. brG Bradgate Park, 201 Bradley Hall, 251, 420, 567 House, 61,474 Bradshaw, K. $6 J-536 W. 178 Bradshawe, Mr. 461 Bradwell Hall, 167, 170 Lodge, 354 Braes, The, 235 Braithwaite Hall, 279 Brakes Place, 341 Brambling, J. 258 Bramcote, 501 Bramford Hall, 346, 537 Bramham Park, 328, 422 Bramhope, 22S, 276 Bramley Hall, 262 Bramling Dean, 377 Brampton Hall, 348 Park, 108,517 BramshiH Park, 15 Bramston, W. 1 6 Brancepeth Castle, 567 Brand, Hon. T. 351 Brandenburgh House, 1 Brander, J. 76 Brandling, C. 291 Brandreth, G. 273 Brands, 151 Bransby, 301 Branston Hall, 201 , 5:03 Brantisant, S. 71 Btanthwafte, M. 536 Biathwaite, M.44J Brawith, 289 Hall, 315 Braxted Lodge, 342 Bray, Rev. Mr. 579 Braybrook, 269 Braybrook, Lord, 4, 38, 323 Brayton House, 300, 563 Braywick Lodge, 3 Brazencote Hall, 20 1 Breach House, 487 Breadwall Priory, ifj Breamore, 74 Breedon, Rev. Dr. 13, 470 « B.2J6 Breeze, J. 203 Brenc Illeigh Hall, 351 Bretby Hall < 201, 316 Breton, W. 382 Brett, W. 530 Brettenham Park, 351 Bretton, R.' 121 , 127 Bretton Park, 2J7j 379 Brewham Lodge, 61 Brewster N. 345 ... J. 150, 521 Brezencot Hall, 216 Brickdale, M. 63 Brickett House, 96 Brickendonbury, 221 Brickwood, J. 586 Brickworth, 437, 46? Bridge, T. 171 Bridge House, 380, 581 Place, 366 Bridges, Sir B. 377 H.412 Bridgewater, Duke of, 1 56 Bridgman, T, 1 89 Br'rdport, Lord,- 3 3 Bridwell, 89 House, 59 Brig Steer Park, 198 Brightwell Place, 66 House, 66 Brimpton, 83 Brinsop Court, 1-48 Briscoe, Sir J. 250, 5:61 Bristol, Earr o£ 350, 577 ' Bristow, T. 261 Mrs. 439 Brittal, E. 116 Brittle, 3 Broad, the, 3J2, 386, 583 JlroadOak, 137 Brbadhurst, J. 185 Broadlands, 447 Park, 49 Broadweil, 454 Broadswojth, 548 Broceston Hall, 346^ Brock, W. 194 Brockenhurst House, 54 Brocket Hall, 333 Brockhole,-, J, 178 So Brockington, 107 Brockley House, 359 Brocklesby Park, 4014 561 Broekwood, 55 Brode, T. 202 Brodie, A. 129 Brodsworth, 227 Brogborough Park, 27^2 Brograve,Sir G. 337 ....... G. 343 Broke, P. B. 344 Brome, J. 58 .. T. 166, 205 Bromfield, Rev. T. 263; S. 296 Bromley, Sir G. 430 .- . R. 101, 463 W. 164 Bromley Hal!,- 515 College; 359 Brompton Hall, 103 Brook, 377 Hall, 441 Brooke, Earl, 268 G. B. 266 • F-344 J- 308, 311 T- -214. 551 T. L. 168 Brookfielii House, 220 Brookmans; 321 Brookman, 3. D. 368 Brooks, P. 177 Brooksbarik, Mr. 288 Mrs. 176 Broom Hall, tig, 347V 354 ¦••••• Kfce, 347-, 35-4, Broome Hall, 346 Hause, 366, 368 Broomham, 413 Broomhead, Col. 30c/ Broom Hill, 23/ Broomheilm, 239' Broomrig, 237 •BroOmy Chose, 143 Brosterfieldsy 433, 549 Brough Hail, 339 Brpugham, H. 1.79, 33 $ Brougham Castle, 235 Hall, 179,33$ BRO INDEX to the. COUNTRY SEATS.. BUS Broughton,' Sir J. 206 SirT. 206 ......:.. w. 432 Broughton Castle, 525 Hall, 177, 1.91, 192, 194, 206, 20S Broughton Lodge, 496 Browell, J. 305 ' Brownhill, 193 Brown, Major, 114, 286 Mr. 232, 237, 239 B. 7 C. 294, 379 J- 232, 298,3~27 J. F. 29 ¦*¦ ¦','¦ H. G. 458. L. 224 R. B. 129 T. 50 W. 161, 200 W.C. 215 Browne, Col. 103 Rev. Mr. 221 C. B. 429 P. 227 Brownlow, LortJ, 225, 299, 504 Brownmoor, 240 Broxbourn Bury, 286 Broxmouth Park, 293 Broxton Hall, 211 Bruce, C. 3 Bruce Castle, 285 Brudenell, G.B. 25:4, 531 Bmis, Hon. G. 25:1 Brunstane, 294 Brush House, 256 Brusselton Tower, 230 Bryan, Mr.. 73 Bryanstone House, 18, 460 Bryant, G. 341 Brydges, Rev. E. T. 366, 368 S. E. 366,368 Brymptqn House, 33 Bryn y neuodd, 120 Bryngw,in, 143. 443 Bryngwynn 128, 494, Btynjf.pys, uS . Buchan, Earl of, 231 Buccleugh, Duke of, 54, 233. 239, 241, 244, 253. 260, 5^7 Buck, Mr. 275 Mrs. 60 Buckenham Tofts, 333, 335. 337, 54° Buckford, W. 42 Buckingham, M. of, 1 7, "4. 349. 3 57,502 Buckingham House, 412 Buckinghamshire, E. of, 300 Buckland, 107, 441 House, 67, 1,, Buckle, C. 580 J- 327 L- 439 ...... W. 142 Buckler, "W. 84 Buckley, E. 175 E. P. 468 Buckley Place, 586 Buckminster Park, 225 Bucknall, Hon. W. 152 Buckskin Hall, 220 Buckton Hall,. 40.1 Bugbrook, 163 Bulkeley, Hon. C. 74 Lord, 105 P- 274 Bull, D. 6 .... R. 393 Buller, Jf 81 W. 173 Bull House, 547 Bullock, Rev. Mr. 335 T. 154 J- 343. 5io .'....'.. R. 410 Col. 556 Bulmer, W. 336, 340 Bulwick Lodge, 55^ Bulstrode, 98 Bunbuiy, Sir C. 326, 350 Buntingsdale, 210 Hall, 433 Burbach Lodge, 204 " Burdeft, Sir F. 6, 501 Burdon, R. 304, to7 Burdrope House, .463 Burfort^ Lodge, 384 Burgate House, 74 Burgess, Sir J. B. 362 Burgh, F. de, 3 Burghill, 147, 149 Burgh Hall, 339, 540 Burgh Wallis, 227 Burgoyne, Col. 324 SirM.223,577 Burhill, 43 Biirhope, 444 Burke, Mrs. 98 Burleigh Hall, 508 House, 224 ....... Park, 553, 556 Burleigh on the Hill, 254 BurleyHall, 174 Lodge, 49 Burn Halj, 242, 290 Burnet, SirR. 384, 583 Burns, Major, 243 Burnuhall, 22 Burrell, Lady, 385 W. 386 Burroughs, 60, 408 Burroughs, R. 326 Rev.'Mr. 351 Burrow, Mrs. 580' Burrow; Hall, 196 Burrows, J. B. 476 Burscough Abbey,- 213 Bursfield, J.:A. 282 Burslem, W. 201 Burt, W. 166 Burton, M. 35 r R- J3°s 266, 309 Burton, 7,5, 301, 307 . .'-. . . . Constable,- 311, 3'2 . .,- - •• Court, 150,521 House, 7$ ...... Park, 93, Pynsent, 58 Buryill, T. 113 Burwell Park, 319 Burwood Park, -43 Bury, Mrs. ioi Bury Hill, 25$, 579, .... House, 74 .-..iPark, .158 Busbridge Park, 44, 93 ' Buscot Paik, 67. • • Busck, Sir F. 220 BUS INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. CAR Bush, J. 66 Bush Hall, 222 .... Hill, 285' , Bushey Grove, 153 Bushy Park, 77 . Butcomb Court, 407 Bute, Earl of, 76, 271 Butleigh, 58, 62 Butler, A. 178 Butley Hall, 176 Butterfield, J.F. 51 Butterton Hall, 432 Button, Mr. 364 Z. 355, 35-6 Butts, T. 287 Buxted Place, 370, 3^3, 582 Buxton, J. R. 45:3 T. 503 Mrs. 530 Byam, B. 67 Byng, G, 161, 221 Byron, Lord, 255, 508 Bysche Court, 382 Bywell, 416 Cadbury House, 442 Cader Idris Mountain, 104, 487 Cadhay, 20 Cadogan, Earl, 330 Cadoxton Lodge, 439 Place, 429 Caer Caradoc Hill, 444 Caergwrle Castle, 119 Caer Hun Hall, 124 Caernarvon, Earl of, 439 Caeryriwcb, 104 Cage, L. 367 Caillauti, Gen. 98 CainbyHall, 307, 323 Cairnsalloch, 237 Cairnsmoor, i8i Calcott Park, 4 Calcraft, J. 80 •'¦ Mr. 367, 377 Caldecott, T. 443 Caldecott Hall, 205; Calder Abbey, 197 Calderwtiod^' 240 Caldicott, Mrs. 321 CaleHill, 367, 58S Caley House, 183 Call, Lady, 479 Callaby, 294 Cal lender, Col, 232 Sir J. 232 Calley, Mrs. 462 Calmaddy, J. 21 Calthoq>!-, Lady, 35; SirH.G. 15 CalveleyHall, 207, 213 Calvert, F. 286 T. 287, 327 ¦ Calwich Hall, 509 Cam's Hall, <6 Camden, Earl, 360, 371, 584 Camden Place, 5S6 Came, 18 Camelford, Lord, 36 Lady, 330 Cameron, D. 232 late, Mr. 341 Camfield Place, 221 Campbell, Col. 13 Lord, F. 360, 580 w- 349 ......... D.363 Mr. 68 Mrs. 223 Campion, H. 381 Camsmount, 227 Campston House, 462 Campston Mountain, 462 Campsall, 227 Canning, Major, 19 Cannon Hall, 257, 279, 524. 547 Cannon's Park, 151 Canon Frome, 423 Canon Pyon', 150 Canon House, 46 Canonsleigh, 58 Canons Bridge, 143 Canwell Hall, 169, 429 Capel, Lady, 152 Capesthom Hall, 168 CapheatonCastle,297,i66Capper, C. 152' CapplethWaite Hall, 563 Caracta?us Castle, 1 24 Car Head, 280 . . . House, 227 Carberry, Lord, 244, 532, 556 Cardigan, E. of, 269, 5i6, 561 Cardonnel, A. M. L. de, 306 Cardoness Castle, 182 Carelew, 23 Carew, Sir T. 59 R- 585 R- P- 3? Carey Coates, 23 r Cargen, 181 Carham Hall, 295, 403. Carisbrook Castle, 391 Carleton Hall, 193, 229- Carlisle, Earl ' of, 251,- 301, 415, 549 ....... B.of, 249, 561 Capt- 43 3 Mr. 181 Carlton, 253. 345 Carlton Curlieu, 173 Hall, 180,235,261' House, 226 Carlyon, J. 36 Carolside, 232, 298 Carpenter, Capt. 221 J. 150 Carr, J. 257 .... R. 295. Carreg Cennen Castle,, 138, 492 Carr Hall, 194, 303 . . . House, 279 Carrington, Lord, 98, 113. Carruther, 36 Carruthers, Mr. 235 Carse, The, 237, 238 Carshalton Park, 585 Carswell House, 67 Carter, T. 525 Carter Place, 191 Carteret, Lord, 271 Carrier, late J. 372 Cartwright, R. ji^ J- 350 Cary, Gen. 316 CafysfortjLord,' '260, 436 CAS INDEX. to the COUNTRY SEATS. GHK Cassencarrie, 182 t'ashiobuiy Park, 152 Castell Dinas Bran, 123 Castell Caer Einion, 103 Casterton Hall, 277, 563 Castrate, ai Castle Acre Abbey, 333 Ashby,T72,267 Bear Hill, 97 Bolton, 246 Combe, 73 Donnington Park, *74 Eden, 304 . end, 139 ..... Field, 174 ' Hedingham, 357 Hill, 59, 181,441 Horneck, 23 House, 453 ..... Howard, joi Kennedy, 183 Laurence, 39 .,...• Law, 296 Madock, 491 ..... Malwood, 49 ..... Meer Hall, 193 Milk, 236, 240 . Piggin, 134 . Rising, 331 ' Surley, 67 Castlemeer Hall, 536 Castlesteeds, 233 Castleton Hall, 536 Castock, 263 Caswall, Mr. 286 Casway Hall, 568 Caswick, 306, 555 Catchfrench, 35 Cathcart, J. 183 Catmos Lodge, 254 Cator, J. 359 Catsfield Place, 584 Cafton Hall, 216 Cave, Lady, 2.53, 554 Cave Castle, 309 Cavendish, Lord G. 196, 362, 413 Lord G.H.I 58, 53° Lord J. 78 SirH.203,5" Cavendish Hon. H. 379 Cavendish Lodge , and Park, 255' Cavenham Hall, 577 Caversharft Grove, 529 ..: Park, 4, 529 Caverswall, 275 . Castle? 202,506 Caughley, 129 Place, 129 Caulk Hall, 429 Causeway, Park, 292, 293 Cawdor, Lord, 12 Cawhijl, 237 Caws Castle, 125 Cayley, Sir G. 314 Cefn, tiq, 4S6 Mably, 9 Rug, 124 Cefnywern, 123 Chadd, Sir G. 339, 5:40 Chace, Mr. 370, 3S3 Chadwick, J. 193 Chalfont Lodge, 113 Challen, Rev. J. 385 Chaloner, 318 ' Chamber Hall, 536 Charnberlaine, G. 467 Chamberlayne, E. J. 4J4 W.4, 53 Chambers, Rev. Dr. 113 .... G. Si ... R. 107 ... E. rf6 Chambre, Sir Alan, 179 ... F. 96 ... R. 268 Champion, Mr. 371 Champneys, Sir T. 437 Champnies, W. H. 368 Chandler, Rev. J. 47 Mrs. 78 Cliannos,Duchess 01,219, 346 Chapel, 232, 298 Chaplain, Mr. 299, .300 Chaplin, Mr. 320 C. 300 T. 307 Chapman.Lady, 287, 327 Mrs. 515 Charlcote, r^j Charlton, Mr. 2jo ... ,N. 102, 444 ... T. 430 Charlton Hall, 292 Hill,' 130 House, 70, 363 Park, 71, 473 Place, 366 Chart Park, 385 Charter, T. 480 Chartley, 166, 510 Charwell, G. 151 Chatham, Earl of, 58 Chater, Col. 241 W. 245 Chatlewood, 35 Chatsworth, 185, 510, 545. 549 Chatteriey, E. 203 Chavenage House, 45 1 Chauntry, 344, 524 Chaworth, W. 508 Chawton Park, 52 Chedworfh, Lord, 131, 448, 4S4 Cheddar Cliffs, 86 Chelmington, 29 ' Chelsea Hospital, 36r Cheney, R. 175 Chepsted Place, 360 Checjuers, 1 13 Cherryburton, 308 Cherrytrees, 297 Chertsey Abhey, 78 Cheselden, N. 254 Cheshunt Priory, 285 Cheslyn, R. 429 Chester Hall, 232 Chesterfield, Earl of, 3, 154, 158, 201, 216 Chesters, 231, 248 Cheston, Dr. 427 Chettel, 17 Chetwode, Sir G. 218- Sir J. 495 Cbetwind, SirG. 501 Chetwood, Sir J. 206,432 Chetwynd Park, 210, sof Chetwynd, S. 288, 571 Cheveley Park, 325: Chevenage House, 445. Chevening, Place,j6o,5 8a, CHE JNDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. coc Cheverton, 22 Chevet, 257 Cheviot Hills, 295 Cheynie Lodge, 158 Chichester, E. of, '381, 382, 383, 385, 587 LordS. 499 SirJ. 81 Mr. 91, 456 Chiffin, Rev. Mr. 17 Child, W. C.-522 Childers, J. W. 227 Childs, Adm. 203 Chilham Castle, 589 Chillingham Castle, 295 Chillingworth, H. 101 Chilson, 367 Chilton Lodge, S '• Park, 351, 5-23 Chipchase Castle, 248, 416 Chippenham Park, 325, 57» Chipstead, 379 Chirk Castle, 123 Chisholm, G. 240 Chiswell, Mrs. 325, 576 Chiswick House, 1 Chivefiel'd Lodge, 223 Chiverell Park, 91 Cholmondeley, Earl, 207, 329> 334 .. Mrs. 569 H. 301 M. 235", 299. 554 „ N. 301 ' T. 171,497, 519 Cholmondeley Hall, 207 Cholwick, W. 483 Chorley, J. 169 Mrs. 433, 509 Chorlty Hall, ^177 Christie, Capt. 396 Churchill, W. 18, 450' Churchman, Miss, 351 Chute, W. 469 Lodge, 27, SS Chuton, 410 Cinnamon Grove, 12 Cijoncester Abbey, 68, 70 Clack, Rev. Mr. 31 Claines, 438 Clandon Park, 4.4, 388 Claniicarde, M. of, 55 Dow. Coun tess of, 55 Clapham, C. 422 W. 277 Claremont, 419 Park, 43 Clarence, Duke of, 77 Clarendon, E. of, 152 Clarendon Lodge, 437 Park, 17 Clarke, J. H. 256 .. H. 190 .. J. 164, 556 R. H. 59, 89 .. W. 35 .. Mrs. 139 . . Miss, 337 Clasmont, n Clatter Park, 107 Clavering, J. 394 SirT. 567,568 Col. 158 Claverines Tower, 567 Claverly T. 207 Claughton; Hall, 178 Claxton, W. 583, Claybrook Hall, 203. Claybury Hall, 323, 357 Clayes, Miss, 324 Clayton, Sir W. 190, 529 Lady, 529 Col. 370 Mr. 248 E. 277 S. 285 . T. 194. S3» Clayton Hall, 191, 421 Clea Hall, 300, 250, 561 Cleare, 20 Clearwell House, 132 Clent House, 129 Cleobury Park, 5 14 Clerke, SirW. 191 Clerkhill, 191 Clerkington, 394 Clermont, E. of, 335, 338. 54°, 54° Clermont Lodge, 3.35, 338, 540, 546 Cleveland, J. 60, 477 Cleve, 376, Clewes, J. 533 Clifden House, 3 Cliff Hall, 229 Clifford, Lord, 34,39,193 T. 166, 205 Clifford Castle, 146, 531 Clifton, 367, 434 Hall, 179, i89» 507 Clinton, Lord, 477 Clipstone Park, 507 Clistandy, 134 Clitherpe, Mr. 22J Clive, Lord, 103, 133, 43i Lady, 102, 35S E. B. 463 R. 498 W. 49s Clockmae, 333 Cloods House, 4J0 Clopton House, 115, 150, 424 Close House, 416, 417 Clovelly, 60 Clough, Rev. R. 589 Clough House, 497 Clowes, S. 177, 191,193 Cludde, W. 266 Clumber Park, 261 Clutterbuck, L.453 Clutton, 380 Clutton, 1". 145, jsi Clytha, 140 Castle, 140 House, 95 Coal'ston, 294 Coates, J. 210, 247, 495 J. C. 303 Cobb, F. 165 T. 115 Coberley, 131, 448 Cobham, A. 471 Cobham Park, 364 Cockayne, T. 251, 47S Cockburn, Sir E. 403 Cocken, 291 Hall, 303 Hatch, 387, 327 coo INDEX to. the COUNTRY SEATS. COT CockereTI, $7~i(j Cockfield Hall, 345 Cock Glade, '261 Cocks, Hon. J. S. 144 Cockshutt, ' J. 215 Codrington, C. 72, 450 W. 462 Coedrigland, 10 1 Coffleet, 42 ' Coffin, P, 60 Cofton Hall, 316 Coghill Hall, 247 Cog-hill, Sir J. 3.84 Coitredy, i o Coke, T.W. 333, 334, 336> 339' 535, 54° Colbrooke House, 96, 140, 462 Colchester, J. 137 '., Mrs. 69 Cold Harbour, 55 .... Home, 232 Coldham Hall, 350 , Coldharn, J. -329 Coldrihnick, 36 Cole, late G. 343 Cole Green, 221 Park, 71, 445 .... Green Park, 531 Harbour, 583 Coleshill Hall, 502 House, 70, 1 1 3 Coley, 4 Colishawe, D. 429 College, 559 ColEngwood, E. 306 H. 295 Collins, Rev. J. 22 D- 39° 3. R. 84 Mr. 162 Mrs . 21 E. 23 R. i'Sd Collinson, C. S. 344, 524 Collipriest, 59, 482 Collyer, Rev. D. 337 c- 339' 54° Colfyers Wood House, 3^4 Colney Chapel, 159 Hall, 327 Colquhoun, W.337, 539 Colthorpe House, 115 Coltman, T. 318 Colton Hall, 166 Colwick Hall, 264 Colworth, 252 Combe, 3 84 House, 19, 362 ...... Abbey, 164, 527 Place, 382 Flory, 480 Combermere Hall, 493 Combhay, 87 Combswell, 371 Comereil, J. 385, 387 Commerell, Major, 388 Commerton, 110, 116 Compton, Mr. 75, 292, 4°3^ A. 295 3- 53' 468 Compton House, 31, 466 , Eaaiet House, 6. 453 Place, 362, 413 Park, 1 3 1 Pauncefoot, 441 Comyns, J. H.- 342 Condpver House, 445 Coney Burrows, 383 Coney, R. 332 Congreve, U. 211, 217, 498 Mr-'- 515 Conockar, 181 Conolly, Right Hon. T. 257," 54s- Consett, W. 289, 31; Constable, Mr. 310 E. S. 311, ; 1 2. M. . il'-i, 311 Mrs. 30? , 310 Constable Burton, 245, 1 41.8 Constance, J. 536 Co;ij-:rs, J. 324 Mrs. 342 Convngh;:fn, Countess, 247 Cook, G.. 39 Mr., ) Co J. 4-2 Cooke, Sir G. 227, 434, 554 Col. 227 .... G. 427 .... J. 19 .... J. C. 31, 47 .... R. 445, 451 Coombank, 360, 580 Cooper, Sir G. 326 Dr. 7 Cope, H. 255 • • .. Rev. Sir R. 15 Copenhurst Hall,2i 1,212 Copford Hall, 343, Copland, A. 182 Mr. 238 Copped Hall, 324 Coppletbwaite Hall, 243 Coptfpld Hall, 342 Corbet, Sir C. 495 ' A. 432 J- 237 Mr. 307 E. 110 R. 444 Corby Castle, 415 Corbytown, 182 Cork, Countess of, 85,87 Corney Bury, 287 Cornhill House, 295 Cornwall, Sir G. 143 Mrs. 385 Cornwallis, Marq. 346, 3SS Adm. 94 Corsellis, T. 341 Corsfiat, 239 Corsham House, 7, 26 rwaiden,Rev. Mr. 530 Ci.,ryton, Sir J. 42 „ J- 479 Cory ton House, 19 Cosgrove, 163 Cos-'ey Park, 534 Cotclough, S. C. 514 Co'.f House, 8 Cotes, Lady, 74 Cotsmore House, 553 Cotswold House, 68 Cottage, (The) 65 Cotterell, G. 143 Cottesbtooke House,, 199 COT INDEX to the COUNTRY SMATS. CUR Cottishall Hall, 337 Cotton, Sir C. 528 - Sir R. S. 493 Dr. 510 T. 279. 5" Cotton Hall, 117, 374 506 Cottrell, 10 Cove, the, 235 Covell, R. S. 13 Coventry, Earl of, 100, 143, 452 Mr. 366 Coverley Lodge, 594. Coulston, W. 91 Coulthard, T. 54, 469 Coupar, Col. 391 Courthope, G. 376 Court Henry, 134 Lodge, 37i, 375> 592 Herbert/ 10 House, 63 Courteen Hall, 172, 271 Courtney, Vise, 21, 34, 39, 481, 487 G. 267 Cowdenknows, 333, 398 Cowdry Park, 46 Cowick, 309, 313,420 Cowper, Earl, 231, 377, 53i Cowsfield House, 438 Cowslade, F. 5 Cox, Mrs. 443 Cox, R. 55 Coxe, J. 34. 39 Coxford Abbey, 335 Coxhoe House, 567 Crabb, J. 576 Cracroft, T. 319 Craddock, J. 300 Cradock, J. 173 Craighlaw, 1S3 Craigrnillar Castle, 333 Crakeniarsh Hall, 510 Cranboum Lodge, 3, 39, i'o Cranbrook, 341 Cranbury House, 53 Cranford Park, 2 Ctanham Hall, 354 Crank Hall, 108 Cranmer,,H. 32J Cranshaw, J. 283 Cranston, E. 383 Cranston, 333 Crashaw, J. 537 Craven, Lord, 164, 527 Crauford, J. 382 Crawford Castle, 450 Crawley, Mrs. -163 J. 271 Sir T. 132 Crawley House, 458 ;..'.... Tower, 394 Crawshay, R. 491 Craycraft, T. 307 Creasy, W. 329 Creed Place, 68 Creedie, 81 Creighton, 232 Cremer.C. 327, 399,539 Crespigny, .Mr. 453 C. 133 Creswell, T. 525 E. 71 Creswell Hall, 402 Crewe, J. 307, 370 .. Mrs. 5 Crewe Hall, 307, 37b Creyke, R. 315 Crick House, 8 Cricket Lodge, 33 Crickieth Castle, 283 Crisick, T. 8 Critchill Hoiise, 17, 51 Crocadon, 479 Crockett, H. 310 Croes Howell, 445 Croft, Sir J. 5 ..... Rev. R. 309 ..... S. 301 Croft Ambrey, 496 .... Castle, ip8 .... Park, 513 Crofton Place, 350, 281, 561 Crome Park, 452 Cromer Hall, 337 Cromhall Patk, 427 Cromie, Sir M. 272 Cromptor), A- 177 • 95, 286, 341 W. 3«: CUR INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. DEN Currier, Mr. 240 Ciury, R. 247 Curtis, Sir R. 46 . : Sir Wi 219 Curwen, Mr. 198 Curzon, Lord, 166, 530 Lady C. 214,215 W. 191 J- B. 99 , Cuswprth, 227, 264 Cutler, J. 42, 485 Cutliffe, C. 66 ....... G. 60 Cuyler, Gen. '251 Cyfarthfa, 491 D Dacre, Lady, 354, 355, 3^5 T J. 180 Daddon, 60 Daggenham, 341 Dalbeth, 237 Dalduie, 237 Dale, Dr. 107 .... J- 55o Dale Head, 195 .... Paik, 412 Dalham Hall, 577 Dalhousie, Earl of, 342 Dalhousie Castle, 242 Dalkeith Palace, 233 Dallam Tower, 197 Dalling, Sir J: 43 Dallington, 272 Dalrymple, Sir J. 232 Mr. 232 J Mrs. 36,1, 582, 5«7 Miss, 294 Dalbtone Hall, 350, 56 Dalton, H. 302 . . N. 901 Dalziel, 337 Darner, Hon. L. 18 Hon. Mrs. 77 Danbury Place, 353 Dance, N. 52 Dancer's Hill, 161 Danesfield,- 65 Danets Hall, 503 Daniel, Major, 309 T. 8 Danny, 381 Dansey, Mr, 148 R. 102, 107 Danson Hill, 363 Danvers, Hon. A. B. 174 Sir C. 350 Darby, J. 255 Dare, Mrs. 378 Darell, H. 367 P. 588 Daresbury Hall, 551 Darland Hall, 446 Darlaston Hall, 166 Darley, B. 315 Darley Abbey, 185 Darlington, E.of,247,566 Damford Hall, 268 Damley, Lady, 361 Darnley, Earl, 364 Darnton, T. 528 Darsham Hall, 345 Darwin, Dr. 175 Mrs. 175 Dartmouth, Earl of, 265, 279> 359' 524 Dashwood, SirH.W.in, 44°> 457 Mr. 226 C. 174 C.V. 263 •>• 34° J. R. 333 Daubigney, Rev. Mr. 68 Davenport, D. 168 W. 515, 522 Davenport House, 515, S22 Davers, Sir C. 579 Davey, E. 345 Davidson, J. 241, 295 Davie, Sir J. 81 T. 60 Davies, Sir J.B. 373 Mr. 22, 103 ...... D. 209 P-489 • W. 134 Davis, D. 132 G. 66 M. 441 Davis, S. 108, 496, 513 Davison, Mr. 568 .. A. 292 ... J- 243 Dawkins, H. 73, 100, 437 W. 149 Dawley, 97 Dawney, Rev. W. 289 Dawson, E. 174 W. 151 Day, Mr. 364 J. 340 .... S. 435 Daylesford House, 112 De Clifford, Lord, 8 Deal Castle, 378, 414 Dealtry, P. 388 Dearibury Hill Camp, 17 Deane, J. 471 Debank, S. 433 Debden Hall, 325, 576 Dee Bank, 182 Deeds, W. 368 Deen Park, 269, 556,561 Deer'mg, J. T. 329 ... C. 366 ..... Sir E. 368, 583 Deer Paik House, 19 Delamere" Lodge, 519 Delapre Abbey, 173 Delaval, Lord, 295 Dell, J. 347 Delme, E. H. 251, 476 J. 56 P-7 Den Place, 386 Denbigh, Earl of, 254 Denbigh Castle, 121 Denbighs, 384, 579 Dench, H. 438 Denham Court, 98 Place, 98 Denholm, Mr. 237 Denholme Park, 280 Denison, J. 226 Denn, R. 534 Dennet, J. 385 Dennis, J. 20 Mrs. 13 Dennison, G. 237 3. 384. 579 Denny Abbey, 328 DEN INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. DRU Denton, T. 349, 561 Denton Court, 366, 368 Hall, 376, 416 House, 504 Den wards, Mrs. 5 "7 Derby, Earl of, 169, 178, 379 Derbyshire Hall, 508 Derham, 74 Dereham, 161 Abbey, 330 Derwent Water, 195 Desbrowe, Major, 217 Devereux fark, 145 Devonshire, Duke of, 1, 185, 18S, 256, 310, 510, 513, 545,549 Devynock, 133 Dew, Mrs. 223, 603 F. 489 Dewar, J. 232 Dewhurst, R. 189 Dews, B. 155 Dews Hall, 357 Dicey, T. 203 Dick,. Sir A. 233, 243 Dicken, T. 368 Dickenson, 13. 446 i- E. 442' Miss, 496 W. 61, 428 Dickes, W. 119 Dickins, F. 268 Dickinson, B. 25 .. .. W. 58 Dickson, Adm. 297 Diddington House, 224 Didlingtoh Hall, 330 Digby, Lord, 33, 165 Adm. 441 J. 306 W. 164 Dighton, R. 133 Digswell House, 222 Dilhprne Hall, 274 Dilkes, F. 151, 217, 265 W. 1 65 Dillingham, B. G. 335 Dillington, 84 Dillon, Hon. Mr. 99, 112 L. 55 ' Dimbren, 486 Dimsdale, Baron, 223 Dingley, 173, 269 Dinmore, 444 Dinthill, 125 Dinton House, 32, 89 Dinwoodie Mains, 236 Din woody, W. 96 Dislow, 444 Ditchingham Hall, 347, 354 Ditchley House, 99 Park, 112 Ditton Park, 3, 30 Dixie, Sir W. 502 Dixorj, Capt. 297 Sir J. D. 586 Mr. 416 J. 258, 296, 564 Dobson, J. 433, 509 Docking Hall, 332 Doddington, S. 32 Doddtngton Hall, 206 Park, 72, 450 Doddershall, 154 Dogmorsfield Park, 15, 472 Dolben, Sir W. 220, 253, 268, 425 Dolben, W. L. 128 Dole Cothy, 135 Dolymelynllyn, 104 Don, SirA. 297 Done, T. 168 Donegall, M. of, 305, 216, 499 Donhead Hall, 32 Donington Castle, 5, 439 Park, 429 Dorchester, Earl of, 18 Dorfold Hall, 207 Dormer, Sir C. C. 440 Dorrien, T. 153 Dorset, Duchess of, 369 593 Dortshill House, 442 Dott, J. 92 Dovenby Hall, 200 Dover Castle, 366 Doveridge House, 202, 5" Douglas, Lord, 236, 237 Lady, 181 S s 3 Douelas, Sir G. 297 Col. 1S1 Adm. 380, 584 • Mr. 232 G. 237 Douglas Castle, 236 Park, 237 Doughty, R. L. 336 Dowden, Mrs. 51 Dowdeswell House, 131, 447 Down Ampney House, 454 House, 18, 144 Downe Hall, 19 Downe Lord, 309, 313, 420 .... W. 19 Downe, Viscountess, 387 Downe, Capt. 60, 408 Downes, Rev. A. 556 Downes,- 81 Downing, 120 Downside House, 447 Downton, 147 Castle, 102, 513, 5'7 Hall, 514 House, 73 D'Oyley Park, 54 D'Oyley, Sir J. H. 54 Drake, Lady, 44 Rev. Dr. 113 TD- "3, 53<5 Drakes Place, 58, 452 Drakelow, 218 Draycott House, 445 Drayton, 259 .... Hall, 536 .... House, 116, 527 Park, 205, 439, 456 Drew Mrs. 146, 521 Dring, T. 435 Dripsill, 452 Dropping Well, 247 Drum, 333 Drumbowy, 1 83 Drumlanrig, 239 Drummond Lodge, 181, J. 151 R- 49» 53 DRU INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. EDW Drummore, 294 Dryburgh, 331 Dry Grange, 332, 298 i Dryswlyn Castle, 134 , j Duberley, Mrs. 130 Duberly, W. 139 ....... J. 243 Dubourg, Col. 55 Ducane, P. 343 Ducie, Lord, 75, 427, 445, 451, 474 Duckinfield Lodge, 547 Dudbridge, 445 Duddell, J. 153 Duddington House, 233, Z94 Duddon Hall, 207 Dudley & Ward,Visc. 45 2 Rev. H. B. 354 . Lord, 219 Dudmaston IJall, 117 Duffrin House, 10 Dufton, 76 Dugard, W. 116 Dulcis, 19 , Dumaresque, T. 53, 469 Dumcricf, 336 Dumfries, Earl of, 183 Dunbar, Mr. 183 Duncombe, T. 73,437 C. S. 302 Duncombe Park, 302 Dundas, Lord, 229 C. 5 Mr. 208 R. 242 Dundridge, 439 Dunglass, 293 Dunham Hall, 189, 534 Park, 549,553 Dunken Hall, 421 Dunklin, 116 Dunlop, Mr. 238 Sir T. W. 370 Dunn, B. 303 Dunragget, 183 Dunsboro' House, 44 Dunskay Castle, 183 Dunsmoor, 525 Dunstanville, Lord de, 22 Dunster Castle, 94 Dunstan Park, 5 Dunston Hall, 351 Dunton Hall, 442 Duppa, B. D. 367 ,.. . . Rev. Mr. 107 Durance Sands, 385 Durand Hill, 343 Durand, Sir T. 574 J.H. 413,585 Durant, Lady, 337, 338 G. 266 Durell, J. 159 Durham, Bishop of, 69, 314, 470, 565 Durm, J. 290 Duryard Lodge, 81 Duthy, J. 52 Dutton, R. 33J Duval, T. 163 Duxbury Hall, 177, 191 Dyer, Capt. 134 Dyke, Sir J. 366 Dymoke, L. 320 Dynes Hall, 349, 529 Dynevor, Lord, 131, 134 Dynevor Castle, 134 Dynystow Court, 139 Dyott, R. 165 Dyrham Park, 449 Dysart, Earl of, 393 Dyson, D. 423 T. 432 E Eade, J. 114 Eagle Bush House, 10 Ealing Grove, 97 Eardley, Lord, 363 Earl, 295 Earl, G. 289 Earl Stoke Park, 35, 91 Earle, T. H. 471 W. 445 Earlharn Hall, 328, 546 Early Court, 4 Earsham House, 347 Eartham, 411 East, Sir W. 65 East Anthony, 35 .. .. Batch Court, 132 .... Bassendean, 296 .... Court, 383 . ... Cliff Lodge, '414 East Hampstead Park, 38 . Harsley, 315 . . . Hinton,, 76 Park Hall, 193 Pennard, 447 Rupton Hall, 399 Easthury House, 1 7 Easton, 225, 299, 554 Hall, 345, 556 ...... Lodge, 358, .532, 576 Easton Grey. House, 71 Mawditt, 268 Neston, 163 Eastwell Park, 368,378, 589 Eastwick Park, 387 Eastwood, 434 Eatington,* 149, 455 Eaton Bray, 163 Court, 108 Hall, 168, 446 Eaton, G. 173 Ebbing & Flowing Well, 543 Eccles, 296 .~Hail, 325 Eccleshall Castle,. 206 Eccleston, B. T. 535 T. 213 Eccleston Hall, 535 Eckley, E. 145 Eden, Sir J. 241, 290 Eden Farm, 359, 586* Edenhall Hall, 249 Edgbaston Hall, 428 Edgar, M. 344 Edgcott, 525 Edgefston Hall, 231 Edmondesham House, 50 Edmonds, E. 483 Edmonston, 233 Edmonstdne, R. 235 Edmunds, F. 257 Edstaston Hall, 368 Edurnsford, 492 Edwards, D. 11, 491 , G.N. 354 ., J. 16, 22, 119, 122, 127, 422, 537 L. "no T. '444 EFP INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. FAR Effingham, Earl of, 256, lEmbley House, 438 ¦>b_ L-'„, Urnnl. f-ItfMICCl 1 r 379 Egerton, Mr. 467 J- 207,497 P. 213 ....... W. i"68, 189, 55° Egmont, Earl of, 62 Egremont, Earl of, 47 Eiliston, 231 Eland Hall, 297 Elchp, Lord, 293 Eld, F. 206, 505 Eldon, Lord, 23 1, 245 Eldon Hole, 519 Elford, 373, 588 Elford Hall, 216 Elford, SirW. 40 Elleker, Mr. 308, 311 Ellel Grange, 178 .... Hall, 178 Ellick, Lord, 336 Elliock, 339 Elliot, Adm. 331 Dr. 339 Hon. J. 21, 35 F- P- 273 Ellis, T. 46 C. 504 — . J. 142 Ellison, J. 413 R. 321 Elmham Hall, 339, 535 Park, 339 Elmhurst, W. 257 Elmhurst, Hall, 273, 515 Elms, 101 Elmsall Lodge, 381 Elmwood, 223 ElsingHall, 335 Elstow Lodge, 274 Eltham Lodge, 365 Elton, E. 41, 409, 485 J- 475 Elton Hall, 426 Elvaston Hall, 174 Elvedon Hall, 336 Elven, P. 336 Elvetham, 15 Elwes, G. 357 R. C. 425 Ember Court, 43 Embrook House, 29 Emmot, R. 573 Encombe, 80 Enham Place, 468 Ensdon House, 122, 127 Entwistle, J. 193, 536 Enys, J. 23 Erddrg, 119 Erbistock, 118 EridgePark, 361, 591 Erkleton, 339 Errington, H. 17 J. 230, 248, 4i5 Escott House, 30, 473 Esdaile, Sir J. 353, 358 ...... P. 353 Esher Place, 43 EsholtHall, 538 Eshot Hall, 393 Eshton Hall, 377 Esk Hall, 302 Estington Paik, 294 Essex, Earl of, 107, 152, a],M Estcourt, Rev. Mr, 480 EtallHall, 29S Eton College, 3 Etruria, 167 Ettrick, W. 303 Evans, Dr. 102, 142 Mr. 518 C. 132, 137 E. 10 G- 107 J. 118, 147 . R. 128,488 Evelyn, Sir F. 579 Sir G. 363,413 Sir G. S. 370, 383, 582 Evenley Hall, 114, 458 Everest, T. 133 Everingham Park, 3 10 Eversfield, Mrs. 3'8'6 Evington Place, 368, 587 Euston Hall, 325, 356, 539 Ewart, J. 382 '¦ Ewart House, 295 Ewdness, 522 Ewelm, 66 Ewloe Castle, 208 Exeter, E. of, 224, 49« Exton Park, 334, 299, tr- SS3 EynshamHall, 1 JO Eyre, P. 437, ^ Mr. 438' F. 186,510,548 J. 92, 467 (•••• V.347, 3i+ Eythorp, 154, 15S "Eyton, E. u 8 Eywood, j.08, 146, 49S Fagg, Sir J. 5 89 Faintree House, 514 Fairfax, C. G. 301 Fairfield, 170 Fair Holm, 237 Fairholme, W. 333, 39S Fairley Hall, 3^4 Fairnelie, 341 Fairnham Court, 113 Fairwater, 63 Fairy Hill, 393 Falkbourn Hall, 343 Falkland, Lord, 4 Falla Hall, 332 Fane, F. 450 H.3Si : J. 98 Fanshawe, Mrs. 529 , J- 379 Farleigh Wallop, 31, 47 Farley Hall, 506 , Hill, 44 Farmer, S. 585 Farmington, 55, 1.31,454, Farnaby, Col. 583 Famborough, 154, 440 Place, 51 Farnham Abbey, 100 Hall, 386 House, 448 Castle, 51,388 Farnley Hall, 376, 538 ;Farquhar, 3. 384, 583 Farrer, J. T. 376 Farringdon House, 87 FAR INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. FOR Farrington, R. A. 185 Fauconberg, Earl, 138; 176, 389, 301 Faukener, E. 170 Faulkner, J. 169 Mrs. 370 Fauquire, F. 263 Faussett, H. G. 588 Fawcett, S. 19 T. 529 Sir W. 365 Fawkes, F. 548 W. 276, 437, 538 Fawley, Hon. A. 146 Fawley Court, .65, 529 Hill, 471 Fawn Leeses, 247 Fawsley Park, 163, 526 Fearnley, Mr. 421 Featherstonhaugh, C.559 Felbridge Park, 336, 539 Felix Hall, 343 Fell, D. 529 ... Rev^ Dr. 216 Fell Bridge Park, 382 Foot, 564 Fellowes, R. 351 W. 336 Fellows- W. 317, 533 Felton Hall, 306 Park, 292 Fenderland House. 378 Fenham Hall, 297, 416, 418 Fenton, J. 279 Fenwick, T. 196 N. 294 ,..1..... W. 416 Fermanagh, Lady, 363 Fermor, W. 458, 465 Fern Hall, 102 Hill 27, 30, 391 House, 32 Ferrand, B. 282 *• Ferrers, Earl, 166, 429, 510 Fetcham Park, 387 Fetti place, H. 131 Field? 3. 11s, 153,281 Field Hall, 21 S .... House, 1 29 Field Place, 385,387 Fielding, G. 312 1. W. 97 Fifield House, 67 Filbert, 3 Fillingham, G. 430 Finborough Hall, 352, 538 Finch, Hon. C. 124 W.F.575 Mrs. 434 • Finedon, 268 Fineshade, 244 Abbey, 532,556 Finlay) Rev. Dr. 294 Finkley Abbey, 291 Finningley Park, 227 Finstal House, n6 Fisher, J. 232, 562 Rev. T. 1 49 Mrs. 294 ... T. 429 Fisherwick Park, 216, 499 Fitch, H. W. 51 Fitkin, Mr. 1 1 6 Fitzherbert, Sir A. 506 Mr.. 273 B. 167 Fitz House, 343 Fitzpatrick, Gen. 27 Fitzroy, Lord C. 171 Fitzroy Farm, 159,' 160, 161 Fitzwater, 342 Fitzwilliam, Earl, 257, 268,279,305, 533 Fixby Hall, 280, 420 Flamstead House, 162 Flashby Hall, 277 Flaxley Abbey, 132 Fleetwood, SirT. 168 Fleming, Sir M. Le 195 Rev. J. 195 R.S.444 ....... J. 53-438 Fletcher, Sir H. 79, 200, '250 Sir F. 561 Sir T. 310, 505 Mr. 180 P. L. 118, 217 Fletcher, T. 253 W. 447 Fleurs, 297 Flint Castle, 484 Flintham Hall, 430 Flix.ton Hall, 347 Floddon Field, 295 Flower, 163 House, 370, 381 Flowers, Mrs. 359 Floyer.W.H. 165 Fludyer, Sir S. 555 Fludyers, G. 554 Foley, Lord, ioi, 174, 463 Hon. A, 99, 474 Hon.E. 145, 452 ..... J. H. 12 R.-IJ4 Foljambe, J. 279, 434 F. 516 Folkes, Sir M. B. 329 Fonnereau, H. 4 Rev. W. 344 Fonthill, 32, 57, 89 Foote, G. T. 367 Foot's Cray Place, 365 Forcett Hall, 229, 233 Ford, Sir F. 76, 410 J. 419,524 Ford Abbey, 3 3 Castle, 295 .... House, 187 Park, 589 Place, 354, 356 Fordell, 232 Fordham, E. K.476 Fordyce, Sir W. 362 J- 293 Forest Hall, 11, 575 House, 323 Forester, G. 129 Forster, C. 121, 127 C. B. 292 J- 567 J.B. 565 Forstone, 441 Forsyth, T. 414, 556 Fort, G.G. 437 Fort House, 140 Fortescu'e, Lord, 59 J. 142 FOR INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Fortescue, Mrs. 119 Fosbrooke, E. 1 74 Foster, Mr. 331 Fotheringhay Castle, 360 Fothergill, Mr. 303 Foulis, J. W. 314 Foulkes, A. 54 Mr. 30 Fountain, B. 540 Fountains Abbey, 573 Four Oak Hall, 309 Four Tree Hill, 285 Fowberry, 395 Fowden, J. 550 Fowler, T. 346 W. 19 Fowlers, 373 Fowles, Mrs. 347, 354 Fownes, Rev. T. 42, 409, 485 Fox, Hon. C.J. 15 .... L. 22S, 423 .... R- 23 .... Mrs. 443 Fox Earth, 276 Holes, 193, 536 Lease, 53 Foxcroft, Mrs. 277, 417 Foxley, 145 Park, 7 1 Foy, Mrs. 441 Frampton Hall, 400 France, T. 171 Franco, J. 98 Frank, J. 296 Frankland, Sir T. 389 Franklin, G. 287 Franks, 3. 203, 527 ....... B. 337, 328, 546 Fraser, J. 535 Frederick, F. 133 Freeford, 165 Freeman, Mr. 452 Dr. 97 J. 27, 55, 130, H3 S. 65, 529 Freemantle, J. 15 53 French Wood, 214 Freshwater Cave, 391 House, 390 Frettenham, 338 Friars, the, 121, 373 Friary Lodge, 35 Friarage, 303 Friends, 3. 196 Friston Place, 413 Frith, S. 186 Frogmore Hall, 574 Lodge, 29 Frognall, 365, 586 Fron, 125 Fronfraith House, 148 Froyle Place, 51 Fryers, the, 367, 377 Fulbeck House, 514 Fulford, 20 Fulford, J. 20 Fulham Palace, 43 Fuller, E. 345 J. 582, 584, 587 J.T. 382 R- 579 T. 387 Fulshaw Hall, 183 Furness Abbey, 196 Fyddell, S. R. 318 Fynney, S. 183 Fytche, L. D. 353 Gage, Lord, 55, 132, 370,383,587 ..:.. SirT. 350 Gager, T. 438 Garforth, J. B. 280 P- 194 Garland, J. 548 ....;. l. p. 349 Garner, J. 118, 267 Gamier, G. 56 Garnley Hall, 200 Garnons, 143 Garnons, R. 119 Garsston Hall, 148 Garrick, Mrs. 77 Garswood Hall, 190, 535 Garth, J. ,351 Gascoigne, Sir T. 328 Gaskell, Mr. 189 Gatcomb, 46 Gatcombe House, 391 Gate Hall, 249 Gate House, 361, 582, 587 Gateshead Park, 291 Gatton Park, 380 Gausson, S. 221 Gawdy Hall, 347 Gawler, J. 27, SS Gawthorp Hall, 194,421 Gayhurst, 171 Geary, Sir W. 591 Geddington, 253 Gedge, R. H. 161 Gelderstone Hall, 348 Gell, Adm. 133 .... P. 506 Genoch, 183 Gent, G. 358 George, E. 378 R. H. 282 Gerard, C. D. 251 Gainsborough, E.of, 225, Gerrard, Sir W. 190, 227 Sir R. 535 Lady> >9°,535 Gibbard, J. 252 Gibbons, Sir W. 2, 14 Gibbs, Mrs. 577 Gibson, Mr. 182, 19$ ...... C. 178, 193 G. 330 Gidea Hall, 341 Gilbert, J. 204 T. 274, 506 Gilby, Rev. Mr. 303 W. 589 - 299, 553 Gains Hall, 243 Galcot, Rev. Mr. 112 Gale, Mr. 196 .... E. M. 54 Galegill, 182 Galway, Vise. 336 ...... S P. 333,335 Garboldisham, 353 Gardner, C. 322 Gardiner, Sir J. 56, 100 Freemeaux, Mrs. 172 I Sir J. W. 440 French Hay, 475 'Gareiidon Park, 174, 508 GIL INDEX to, the COUNTRY S.E4TS. GRE Gildart, R, 209 Giles, D. 2,86 Gilkerscleugh, 236 Gillando, S. 379 Gilling. Castle, 301 Gillingham, 346, 348 Gilling Hall, 229 Gillmerton, 242 Gillum, S. F. 342 Gilmerfjton, 233 Gilrriour, L. 233, 242 Gilpin, R.^162 Gilsland Spa, 415 Gilthwaite Hall, 278 GippingHall, 352 Gipps, Mrs. 365 Girardet, J. 225 Girardot, J. C. 513 ' Girdler, S. 4 Girdlestope, Z. 539 Gisborne, Dr. 516 Gist, W. 165, 501 Gladswood, 231, 298 Glangwnna, 105 , GlantonPyke, 294 Glanville, F. 35 Glanusk, 133 Glasnock, 183 Glastonbury, Lord, 58, 62, 88 Glastonbury Abbey, 87 Glayston House, 254,532 Gledhow, 258 Gledstone, 192 Glen, 182 Glendon Hall, 253, 269 Glendowry Park, 124 Glenham Park, 345 Glenstewart, 181 Glentworth, 520 Glimptou, 99, ill Gloucester, Duke of, 3: 29, 49 „ , Glympton Park, in Glyn Castle, 430 Glynn, Lady, 207 Gnoll Castle, 10, 429 Goate, Col. 351 Goadeby Park, 504 Godbold, N. 44 ,_ Goddaid, Dr. R. 453 ....... A. 73 Goddington, 568, "590" Godfrey, W. 157 Godolphin, W. 91 ' Godolphin, 201 : . . Park, 2; Godschall, W. M. 579 Godstow Nunnery, 99 Godwin, J. 27 Golborne Park, 190 Golden Grove, 134 Goldicote, 115 Golding, E. 28 G- 345, 353 Goldings, 573 Goldsmid, A. 583 Goldwell Hall, 5 Goltho Hall, 321 Gooch, SirT. 345 ...... T. S. 524 Goodacre, J. 203 Goodamore, 35 Goodere, J. 263 Gooding, R. 33 Goodlake, T. 55 Goodneston, 377 Goodrich, B. 532 Goodrich Castle, 140 Goodricke, Sir H. 228 Goodwick Hall, 334, 535 Goodwin, H. 329 Goodwood, 47, 94^411 . Goodyere, Sir 3. D. 444 Gopsall Hall, 214, 215 Gordon, Sir W. 319 ... Gen. 28 ... Mrs. 307 ... Mr. 182 ... A. 182 N.J. 8 ... R. H. 360 W. 441 Gordon Bank, 296 Gcrrehambury, 163 Gorelands, ,113 Gorgate Hall, 339 Goring, C 386, 589 Goring Castle, 412 Gorphwysfa, 120 Gorrelston, 399 Gosfield Hall, 349, 357 Gosfoith House, 291 Gossington Hall, 427 Gostling, G. 13- Gott, Sir H. T. 113 Goutby, 559 Qoulds Heath, 66 Gowan, C. 301 - Gower, Earl, 172 Col. 28, 29 Grafton, Duke of, 163, 325, 356, -539 Mr. 503 Grafton Hall, 116,428 Graham, Sir B. 229, 301 ..... Sir J. 181, 239 Mr. 158, 181, 235 J. 180 Mrs. 365 Grahame, R. 238 Graham Hall, 235 Grange, 80, 256 Grange, the, 279, 304, 44>, 489 Hall, 279 House, 148 Park, 47, 4'? Grant, Baron, 3.33 ",. SirA. 16 • Mr. 325 J. 113 Grantham, Lord, 229, 259 Grantley, Lord, 590 Grantley Hall, 571 Granville, Rev. Mr. 509 Graves, Lord, 35 Gray, Hon. B. .202 Mr. 219 M. 292 Grays Court, 65 Graystock Castle, 180, 249, 565 Greame, J. 315 Great Barr, 217 Great Canford House, 59, 52, 79 Great Gaines, 353 .... Hermitage,i 364 „... Heydon, 327 .... Manley, 318 .... Tew, 440, 525 Ness, 133, iz7, 584, S»S GRE INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. HAB Great OUanteigh, 589 Greathead, 236 Greathead, B. 154, 503 Greave Hall, 227 Greaves, Mr. 256 E. 419, 508 Capt. 20 R. 489 Gredington, 493 Green/ Sir W. 158 C. 552 E. 389 H. 270 J. A. 155 Mrs. 335 Green Bank, 167, 169 Greenby, W. 146, 495 Greencroft, 567 Greenfield, 303 Greenhaugh Castle, 178 Greenhill, Dr. 465 • Mr. 443 Greenhill Grove, 161 Greenhough, J^ 178 Greenlaw, 182 Greensted Hall, 358, 576 Greenway, 41,409,485 Greenwell, J. 251 Greenwell Hill, 251 Greenwich Park, 363 Greens Nook, 193 Greenwood, T. 407 Gregg, J. 454 Gregor, F. 36 Gregory, F. 503 Gregorys, 98 Gregson, A. i93 Grenfell, P. 3 Grenville, Lord, 154 , Gresford Lodge, 445 Gresham Hall, 370 Gresley, Sir N. 215, 218 Rev.W.3i5,5oS Gressenhall, 339 Gressenbam Hall, 534 Greville, W. F. 448 Grey, Hon. B. 375, 506 Lord, 268, 515 Greystone Hall, 565 Grice, L. 536 Grierson, Sir R. 1 8 1 Griffin, Rev, Dr. 140 Griffiths, Rev. J. 463 Mr. 124 T. 123 • Mrs. 5 Grigby, J. 579 Griggs, G. 543 Grimeshill, 563 Grimsthorpe Castle, 553 Park, 306 Grimston, T. 308 H. 308 Grimston, Lord, 162 Grimstone House, 288 Grindley, S. 105 Gripson, 483 Grose, Sir N. 393 Grosvenor, Earl, 3, 119 446 Grote, J. 65 Grove, E. 499 T. 32 Mrs. 57 Grove, the, 113, 377, 384 House, i, 3S4, 39°, 447 Hill House, 375 HouseLodge, 384 Park, 152 Groves, T. 210 Grovesend, 426 Grubb, E. 43 Grys, Mrs. le, 246 Gubbins Park, 221 Guilford, Earl of, 115, 155, 366 Guilsborough, 199 Guise, Lady, 132 Guiting Park, 112, I41. Guitton, W. 55 Gunby Hall, 330, 560 Gundry, T. 18 Gunning, Sir R. 171 Gunston, Sir T. 58 Gunthorpe Hall, 3.3$>540 Gunthwaite Hall, 524, 547 Gunting Hall, 336 Gunton, 346 Hall, 338 Guidon, T. 335 Tt Gurdon, Rev. Mr. 577 Gurney, C. 354 Gurry, 134 Guy, A. 63 Guy Cliffe House, r54 Gwernalt Lodge, 144, 51S Gwernhaylod, 118, 217 Gwernvale, 133 Gwrych, 120 Gwydir, Ld. 124, 359, 583, 586 Gwydir, 124' Gwygfuir, 486 G Wynne, G. 33 T. H. 133 J. F. 480 M.T. 492 Gwynnet, Mrs. 10 H Hacket, A. 165 Hackfall Valley, 259, 572 Hackness, 402 Hackster's End, 153 Hackthorn, 307 Hackton Hill, 354 Hackwood Park, 1 6, 469 Haddington, Earl of, 293 Haddon Hall, 186 Haddon, Mr. 237 Hadley Hall, 355 Hadnock House, 140 Hadspen House, 57, 442, 455 Hadsor House, 496 Haggerstone, Sir C. 293 Haghman Abbey, 505 Hagley, 166 Park, 139, 219 Haig, Capt. J. 231 Haigh Hall, 190, 279 Haine, 21 Haining, 240 Haldon House, 34, 39 Hales, Sir E. 365, 373, 375 Sir J. 50 J. 203 Sir T. 366, 377 Hales Grove, 74 HAL INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. HAft Hales Hall, 274,-506 Owen, 219 Place, 375 Haleswell House, 62 Halfway House, 8 Halhed, R. W. 471 Halkin Hall, 119 Hall, Sir J. 293 .... Gen. 3, 325, 529 Mr. 189 .... J. 291 .... T. 529 .... t. k: 511 Hall, fthe) 104, 214, 483, 5°., 539 .... Bank, 308, 311 .... Barn, 98 .... Grove, 15 .... House, 588 Land Park, 385 .... Place, 16, 55, 63, 362, 365, 586 .... Tree, 341 .... Wood,* 214, 551 Hallam, W. 255 Halland Park, 587 Hallet, Rev. R. 19 J. 366 W. 67, 69 Hallews, B. 255 'Halfinbury Place, 533 Hallington Hall, 33 1 , 5 6 6 Halnaby, 290 Halnaker Park, 94 Halsall Hall, 213 Halstead, 277, 417 Halsted Place, 360 Halton, W. 506 , Halton Hall, 179 House, 113, 153, Vs ™ ' Place, 277 HalyBury, 573 .... Hall, 386 Ham Court, 143 .'. .. Hall, 165, 442 HarnburyFortHouse, 489 Hamels, 287 Hamer, 536 Hamer, 3. 536 Hamilton,D. of, 178, 237 ., Gen. J, 237 Hamilton, Capt. 55, 514 Mr. 183, 232, 236 D. 236 J" ?37, 293 Hamilton Palace, 237 Hamlyn, Sir J. 60 Hammerton, J. 277 HammerwoodLodge, 382 Hammond, Col. 411 A. 389, 533 J. 381 ¦A W. 377 W. P. 528 Hampden, Lord, 113 Hampden House, 113 Hampton Court, 444- House, 7 Park, 107 Hampton, J. 121 Hamsell House, 74, 449 Hanbury, J. 142 Mr. 270 O. 532 W.173 Hanch Hall, 274 , Handforth Hall, 184 Handsord, 18 Hanger Hill, 97 Hanham, Rev. Sir J. 450 Hanhatri Hall, 8 Hankelow Hail, 496 Hankcy, Mrs. 387 Hanmer, SirT. it7, 493 .. J. 351 Hanmer Hall, 2 1 7 Hanmere Hajl, 493 Harming1, J. 83 Hanover Hall, 591 Hanworth Park, 14, 77, 336> 585 Happisburgh Hall, 399' Harbord, Hon.W. A.336, 33,8, 340 Harborough, Earl of, 254 Harcourt, Lord, 15, 66, 87 " Harcourt, Gen. 3, 29, 253 Hardcastle, M. 570 - Haiden Huish, 71, 445 Hardens, 231 Harding, .R. 66' Hardies Court, 587 Hardwick, 118, 494 House, 350 Hall, 188,256, 5<3> 568 Hardwicke, E. of, ~~i6z, 287 Hardy, J. 333 Hare, H 326 .... T. 329 Hare Gate, 433, 509 .... Hall, 341 Harence, B. 365 Harescugh Hall, 559 Haresfoot, 153 Harewood, 143 HarewoodjLord, 258,57! Harewood Castle, 258 House, 258, 57i Hargham House, 326 Hargrave, W. 294 Harley, Rt. Hon. Harlock, J.W. 73 T. 444 Harman, J. 323 ¦Harn Haw, 80 • Harperley Lodge, 250 Harpers, 189 Harpsden Court, 529 Harpton, 147 Harpur, Sir H. 414, 429 Harraton Hall, 291 Harrington, Earl of, 174, 176 Sir 3. 471, Harringworth Park, 254, 270, 556, 562 Harris, Mr. 183 .... .. C. 21, 129 . Rev. W. 450 .. T. 21, 97, 1,24 . . W. 24 ¦ Hairison, C. 569 G. 412 J-'24i, 307,. 323, 366, 550 ....... LH.343 T. 163 Harrod, T. 99 Harrowby, Lord, 166 Hart, Gov. 65 HartingfoidburyPark, 53 1 HAR INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. HEN Hartham Park, 7 Hartland Abbey, 60 Hartley, Mr. 229 Hartley Castle, 343 Court, 471 Hartop, C. 219 SirE. C. 309 Hartsbourne Cottage, 151 Hartswood, 380 Hartwell House, 114, 15 8 Harvey, SirR. B. 3, 98 Rev. T. 363 Mrs. 97 E-. 357 J- 227,476 T. 251 Harvington Hall, 116 Harwood, J. 16 A W.T.339 Hasel Grove, 448 Haselbeach, 173 Haseley Court, 574 Hasker, T. 472 Haslar Hospital, 56 Haslewood Hall,' 228, • 288, 433 Hasley, 99 Hassel Hall, 333 Hassop, 186 Hastings, Major Gen. 429, 5o8 Warren, 113 Hastings Castle, 413 Hatch, J. 323, 357 Hatch Court, 84 Hatchland Place, 387 Hatfield, J. 262 Hatfield Hall, 258 House, 221 Priory, 343 Hatford, 70 Hathway, Rev. Mr. 463 Hatsell, J. 381 Hatt, 479 Hattombe House, so Hatton, F. 589 T. 538 Hatton Hill, 15 Havard, A. 159, 530 Havelock, W. 364 Haven fields Lodge, 113 . Haverfield, T. 463 Haverholm Priory, 319 Havering Bower, 341 Havers, T. 351 Haughley Park, 538, 580 Place, 438,580 Haughton Hall, 266 Havod, 148 Hawarden, Lord, 7 Hawarden Castle, 208 Ease, 208 Hawfield House, 358 Hawk Hall, 309 Hawke Lord, 288 Hawker, J. 445 Hawkins, Sir C. 36 Lady, 8 Rev. Mr. 271 ...... T. 365,590 Hawsley, 190 Hawkstone, 211, 432, 498 Hawley, Sir H. 367 .Major, 15 Hawley House, 585 Hawnes Place, 271 Hawthorn Hall, 183 Hay, Mr. 232, 298 .. J. 393, 396 .. J. D. 183 . . W. R. 547 Hay Hill, 137 Haydock Lodge, 190 Hayes, C. 4 E. 336 J- 423 Hayes Place, 3.59, 369, 583 Hayle Copper House, 23 Hayley, W. 94, 411 Hayling Park, 381 dayman, Mr. 368 Haymes, R. 74 Haynes, J. 506 Mr. 579 Haynford Hall, 338 Haysham, T. 251 Hay's Park, 444 Hayton Castle, 562 Hayward, C. 437 J. 36 Mrs. 437 Haywood Lodge, 4 Head, Sir F. 364 Miss, 353 HeadleyHall, 338 • Hill, 384 Headley, Lord, 338 Healaugh, 288 Healey Hall, 193 Heanton, 477 Court, 65 Hearthstone, 185, 188 Heartsheath, 119 Heath, P. 546 W. 325 Heath, 420 House, 45, 202 Heathcote, Sir G. 556 Sir J. 202 Sir T. 43 SirW. 48 B. 500 3- 25, 528 M. 332 S. 2« ...... T. 438 Heatherstone House, 58 Heathfield, Lord, 39,481 .., T. 481 Heathfield, 361, 583, 587 Heatley, Mr. 178 R. 342 Heaton, 281 .... Hall, 191, 192, 291, 306 Heaton, J. 341 Heau thwaite Hall, 562 Heber, Mr. 192 , B. 498 Hedingham Hall, 354 Hedley, M. 330 Hedsor Lodge, 3 Hellyar, W. 450 Helmesley Castle, 302 Helton House, 303 Hemming, S. 134, 138 Hempstead House, 437 Heneage, G. 332 J W.6,453 Hengwrt Hall, 104 ' Henham Hall, 348 ¦ ¦,¦¦¦¦ Park, 345 Henley Hall, 513, Henley, H. H. 30! HEN INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. HOD Henley T. 33 Henllys, 131 Henlys, 135 Henner House, 107 Henniker, Lord, 358,576 Henwick Hall, 3 1 5 Hepburn, G. 393, 294 ........ R. 242 Heppiftgton, 588 Herbert, Mr. 19S Mrs. 157 Hereford, Vise. 103, 424 ........ Sir J. 145 Hermitage, the, 189, 364 Heriie, Sir W. 3 Heron, G. 551 : p. 183 R. 183 SirT. 693 Hcrringfleet Abbey, 348 Herringstone, 79 Herschel, Dr. 3 HerstmOn ceaux Park, 5 84 Hertford, M. of, 116,541 Hesketh, SirT. 213 B. F. 214 F- 193 R.120,125,417 Hesselwood House, 310, 435 Hethel, 326 Hetley, SirR. 426 Heveningham Hall, 345 Heveringlan'd Hall, 336 Hewel Park, 116 Hewitt, 3. 262 W. 548 Hexham Abbey, 248 Heydon Hall, 336, 340 Heyford, 163 Heythrop, 100, 149, 525 Heytesbury House, 61 Heywood Hall, 536 House, 449 Hibbert, J. 43 R- 519 T. 113 Hicks, Sir H. 63 Capt. 155 Mr. 391, 392 T. 21 Hickes, E. 410 Hickleton Hall, 548 Hide Field, 150 Higgins, E.T. 115 . G. 227 . R. 423, 4S2 High Barns, 303 . . . Cliff, 76, 410 . . . Down House, 251, 476 ... Grove, 132, 137 ... Hall, 51 ... House, 113, 346, 530 ,... Leigh Hall, 168 .... Linn, 292 .... Mead House, 5 1 8 .... Meadow House, 132 .... Ridge, 375 Higham, 366 Hill House, 323 .Park, 253 Highcleie House, 439 Higher Efford, 35 Henbury, 450 Nutwell, 481 Highfield, 74 Highland House, 341 Highmore Hall, 66 - Highnam Park, 132 Hilderston Hall, 166, 275 Hildyard, Sir R. D. 229, '233, 3 '2 Mr. 251 Hilcot Hall, 206, 505 Hill, Sir R. 21 1, 432, 498 Mr 183 •>• 339, 534 W. 213, 315 Hill, the, 139, 356 .. Cottage, 139 .. Hall, 334, 357 .. House, 96, 107, 343, 445, 4Si, 463, . . Paik, 360 .. Place, 55, 385, 38J ¦ ¦ Top, 343 Hillersdown, 490 "HiUington Hall, 329 Hillman, H, 74 Hills, P. 530 Hilton, J. 191, 421 Hilton Castle, 304 Himley Hall, 452 HinchinbrookHouse,2 8 7, 528 Hind, L. 538 Hintlesham Hall, 344 Hinton, 76 House, 76,410 ...... St. George, 33, 83, 480 Hints, 165 Hippesley, Sir J. C. 27, 87 Hipping Hall, 277 Hirdiefaig, 105 Hirsell, 295 Hirst, J. 342 Hive House, 151 Hixted Place, 380 Hoare, Sir R. 57, 61, 89 H- 98, 379 Mr. 219 Hob's Hole,, 158 Hobhouse, Mr. 442 Hobland Hall, 346 Hobon Hall, 116, 438 Hobson, D. 50 Hocklifie Lodge, 162 Hock wold Hall, 330 Hoddam Castle, 336 Hodges, T. 71 Hodgson, B. 176 , . Gen. 30 W. 231, 249 Hodnet Hall, 498 Hodsden, Mrs. 537 Hodson, J. 190 Hogard, J. 306 Hogarth, Mr. 354, 356, 372 Hogg, G. 332 Hoghton 1 ower, 421 Holbeech, W. 153,440 Holbrook, 397 Hall, 351 Lodge, 385 Holden, R.^85, 421 Mrs. 342 T. 216 Holdenby House, 199 Holder, J. 16, 140 Holdsworth, A. 483 Hole, (the) 590 HOL INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. HUN Holker Hall, 196 Holkham Hall and Park, 334, 336, 399 Holland, Lord, 1, 71, 97, 158 J. 187 W. 153 Holland House, 1, 97 Holliday, J. 63 Mrs. 506 Hollin Hall, 340 Hollingclose Hall, 259 Hollingsworth, J. 286 Hollis, Brand, 343 Hollist, R. 376 ¦ Holloway House, 160 Hollowell, 199 HoUydaleHouse, 359,583 Hollygrove, 27 Holly Hill, 382 Hollyport, 4 Holmby House, 272 Holme, 80 Hill, 249, 561 Pierrepont, 264 Holmes, Rev. Mr. 347 T. 249, 542 Mr. 394 Holne Park, 34 Holnest Lodge, 441 Holt, E. 535 .... Mrs. 528 .... T. 350 Holt, 283, 439 ..... Castle, 101 Holton Lodge, 321 Park, 99 Holwood, 359, 369,583 . Holyoake, F. 150, 265 Holyrood House, 294 Home, Earl of, 295 Capt. J. 232 Col. 389 Dr. J. 232, 298 J. 298 Mr. 293 Honeybone, R. 174 Honeywood, Sir j. 368, 587 Honingham Hall, 534 Honington Hall, 140 Hoo, (the) 251 Hook Castle, 30 Place, 581 HooleHall, 551 Hooman, J. 116 Hooper, Mr. 95 E. 49, 55 T. 46! Hope, 419 Hope, SirA. 294 Hope End, 145 Hopekirk, J. 237 Hopetoun, E. of, 232, 236 Hopkins, R. 114 Hopper, N. 230 ... T. H. 230 ... W. C.303 Hopton, R. C. 423 Hopton Hall, 506 Hopwell Hall, 5 1 1 Hopwood, E. 193 Hopwood Hall, 193 Hordel Cliff House, 410 Horkesley Park, 577 Hornby, J. 193 Rev. G. 190 Hornby Castle, 195, 229, 246 ...... Grange, '290 Horncliff, 403 Home, E. 53 Homer, T. 85 Horsley Place, 387 Horse Heath, 325 Horsfall, Mrs. 524 Horsforth, 281 Horstead Hall, 337, 338 Place, 370, 383 Horton, E. 21S Horton House, 171 Hoskins, Sir H. 143 Hoste, W. 330 Hotham, 309 Hotham, Sir B. 152 SirC. 308, 310 Hothfield Place, 368, 590 Houblon, J. 532 Houghton, Sir H. 178, 214 . .. Miss, 550 Houghton, 310 Houghton Hall/303, 339) 334 „ , Park, 274 Hounds Hill, 1 15 Housley Hall, 256 Houston, Mr. 394 Howard, B. 355 £.. 329, 33I tt4tS,427,54J Hon. Mr. 363 Mr. 321 Lady, 4 R'384 Mrs. 162 Howberry House, 470 Howe, Earl, 56, 163 Howell, J. 163 Howgill, Rev. H. 390 Howretts, 366, 377 Howley Hall, 383, 431 Howlish Hall, 241 Howorth Hall, 278 Howsham, 301 Hubbard, J. 113 Hubert Hall, 324 Huddlestone, G. 3 J- -49, •••••- A. S6i, Huddleston Hall, 228 Hudscot, 6^ Hudson, SirC. 173, 504 H. 315 Hughes, Lady, 324,357 Rev. E. 130 Mrs. 144 R. 119 W. 134 Hugonin, Gen. 45 Hulbert, R. 36 Hulse, Lady, 74 Hulton, Major, 187 ,W. 177, 535 Hulton Hall, 177, 535 Hume, Sir A. 286 J. 296 Humphreys, H. 119,484 J. 128 M..7 Hungerford, J. P. 173 J. 169 Hungerford Park, 5 Hunlocke, J. 188 HUN INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. IRV Hunlocke, Sir H. 188, 256, 516 Hunsdon House, 386 ' Hunstanton.Hall, 333 Hunston Hall, 538 Hunt^C. H. 115 D. O. 137 Dr. 10 ..... J. 441 S. O. 115 Hunter,Mr.3ii, 221,238 ...i.T. O. 305, 318, 4.26,' 533 Hunterscombe, 3 Huntingdon,Earl of, 338, •275 Hunringfield, Lord, 345 Huntley, Rev. R. 451 Huntley Hall, 274 Hnntroid Hall, 421 Hunwick Hall, 565. Hurcot House, 464 Hurleyford, 529 Hurley Place, 65 Hursley Lodge, 48 Hurst, F. 187, Jo6 Hurstborn Park, 16 Hussey, Capt. 113 E 371 P. 209, 218 Hutton, R. 246 W. 301 Rev. C. 303 Hutton Bonville, 289 s Hall, 180, 249 Lodge, 301 Park, 349 ...... St. John, 565 Hyde, 342 Hall, 324 Lodge, 113 Park, 97 Hyde, J. 333, 334 ..... Mr. 262 1 Hyett, B.' 70 Hylands, 342 Hyndford, Countess of, 294 I, J Jackson, B. 60 . H. 586 . J. 529 . T. 142 Jacob, Sir H. 66 James, Lady, 7 •, E. 51 . Sij.E. W. 5*4 Jardine, Sir W. 236 A. 231 Jarret, J. 53 Ibberson, C. 285 Ibbetson, Sir J. 276 ... C. 303 ... S. 341 Ickworth, 577 Ickleford House, 25 1 , 47 6 Idlicote, 149 Jeanfield, 232 Jebb, A. 256, 516 .... D. is Jefferies, J. 79, 410 Jeffery, J. 274 Jefferys, T. 51, 407 Jekyll, J. 450 Jenkins, E 130 '-.. W. 373 Jennings, G. 50 ..: lateW. 350,351 Mrs. 588, Jemingham, Sir W. 266, 534 Jersey, Earl of, 458 Jervis, J. 215 , W. 166 Jervois, G. P. 153 ,. J.C. 323, 428 Jervoise, C. 41 1 G. P. 469 Jervoise Abbey, 24S Igtham Court, 584 Ilchester, Earl of, 61, 89, 91 Ilderton, S. 295 Ilderton, 295 Iledon, 366 Impey, Sjr E. 382, 581 Ince, T. 207 InceHail, 212, 535 Inch, 233, 242 Inchequin, Eail of, 3 Ingestry Hall, 166, 305 Ingleby, C. 377 3. 277 T. 277 Sir J. 248 Ingleborough Mountain, 277,282,417 Inglewqod House, 5 Iuglis, H. 162 Ingmire Hall, 343 lngries, 364 Jobs, Well, 11 Joddrell, Mrs. 340, 539 Jodrell, P. 186 Johnes, Col. 148 • • 3. 135 Johnson, Mr. 27 . . . W, 321, 574 Johnson Hall, 505 Johnston, Capt. 238 J-4'5 Mr. 237- Sir R. 402 Johnstonburn, 232 Johnstone, Mr. 236, 237 Jolliffe, T. 87, 562 W. 44 Jones, Lady, 443 Dr. 12 H. 105, 427 3- 106, 133 Mr. 329 Mrs. 119 O, 140 R. 124, '37 T. 10, 123, 380, 410, 486 T. P. 120 V.7 W. 134 Jopp, J. 75 Jordans House, 84 Joyce Grove, .65 Joye, C. 269 Joynes, Mr. 364 Ireland, W. 8 Irembnger, J. 467 Ironmonger, J. 16, 30 1 IrnhamPark, 554 Irvine, A. 236 . Mr. 183 T. 1S1 1RV INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. KNI Irving, Col. 335 . Major Gen. 3 A. 235 T. 181 Mr. 235 Irwin, A. 574 Viscountess, 258, 275, 422, 436 Lady, 385, 387 Iscoed, 211, 217,498 lselin, J. F. 327 Isham, Sir J. r72 Isted, S. 425 Itton Court, 95 Judds House, 365 Ives, Alderman, 351 .... C. 163, 337 Jumper House, 410 Juniper Hall, 384 Hill, '384 Justice, Capt. 232 Justice Town, 181 Ivy House, 7 Ixworth Priory, 350 Karnes, 296 Karnes, Lord, 296 Kaye, Sir J. L. 279 Sir R. 419 J. H. 258 J. 193 Keddlestone Park, 175. 187 Keele Hall, 369, 432: 497 Keeling, A. 303 Kelham Hall, 225, 26r 513 Kelleton House, 89 Kelling Hall, 399 Kelston House, 8 Kelton Mains, 183 Kemminghall, 337 KelvedorvHall, 358 Kemp, T. 382 N. 381, 412 Kempenfelt, Capt. 65 Kemshot Park, 31,47 Kemeys, W. 9 Kemys, G. 461 Kendal's Hall, 158 Kendall, Rev. N. 36 Kenbury, 39 Keneggy, 24 Kenilworth Castle, 503 Kenmuir, 237 Kennaway, Sir J. 20 Kennedy, Mr. 236 Kennet Hall, 6 Kenrick, Rev. Dr. 580 Kensington Palace, 1, 97 Kensington, Ld. 12 Kent, Sir C. 397 Kentchurch Park, 463 Kentish, R. 261 Kenton Park, 78, 585 Kentwell Hall, 350 Ken Wood, 159, 160, 161 Kenyon, Lord, 493 Kerr, Col. 292 Ker, J. 232 ... W. H. 295 Kerrick, T. 348 Kerrison, R. 354, 399, 539 Kett, T. 339, 354 Ketteringham Hall, 326 Kettlethorpe, 257, 331 Keveton Park, 262 Kew Palace, 1 Keys, Mr. 220 Keysall, J. »-^» Kidbrook, 382 Kidley, 42 Kilgerron Castle, 136 Kilgreen, 4 Kilgrim, or the Devil's Bridge, 245 Killertpn, 481 Killhead, 181 Killingbeck Hall, 422 Kills Hall, 266 Kilmory, Vise. 495 Kilnwick, 308 Kilpatrick, Mr. 238 KUverton Hall, 326 Kimberiey Hall, 326, 546 Kimbolton Castle, 243 Kimmel Hall, 130 Kinderton Lodge, 170 King, Loid, 19, 44 Sir J. D. 98, 488 King, Rev. H. 441 J. 422, 495 N. 307 Miss, 366 King's Gate House, 590 Grange, 182 Kingscote, Col. 451 Kingston House', 18 Hall, 52, 460 , Kingsweston, 8 Kinlet Hall, 522 Kinnaird, Lord, 28 Kinnersley, C. 274, 510 T.130 Kinnersley Castle, 521 Kins.ham Court, 108 Kiplin Hall, 569 Kipling, J. 425 Kippax Park, 275, 436 Kippington, 360 Kirby, R. 163 Kirby Hall, 354, 435 Kirkby Lodge, 284 / Kirkland, 232 ... Hall, 178 Kirklees Hall, 284, 420, 423 Kirkley, 297 Kirklinton Hall, 180 Kirkraan, J. 153 N.274 Kirkpatrick,Col.359,583 Kirkwall, Lord, 124, 483 Kirrochtree, 183 Kirtlington, in Park, 440, 457 Kittery Court, 43, 409, » 485 Knap, 60, 408 Knapps, Rev. H. 163 Knapton 313 Knaston Hall, 353, 554 Knatchbull, Sir E. 368 C.447 Knebworth, 222 House, 2 ft Lodge, 574 Kneesworth Hall, 387 Kneller, J. 32 Knight, J, G. 361 R. 151 KNI INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. Knight, R.P. 103, 148, 513, Si7 S. 328 T.513 Mrs. 52 Knightley, Rev.Sir J. 526 T. 268,455 V. 163 Knighton House, 390 Knight's Hill, 381 Knowl Park, 426 Knowle Park, 360 Knowles, Lady, 27, 30 Knowlton, 377 Knowsley Park, 169 Kynaston, T. 343 Lackham, 26 Lacon, R. 129 Lacy, R. W. 410 Ladbroke, R. 384 Lake, Lady, 511 Lambe, T. P. 373 JLambe, L. 150, 521 Lambert, Sir H. 329 Lamborbey, 365 Larabton, W. H. 29 1 Lancaster, T. 1 69 Lancey, Gen. de, 387 tanch, 480 Landford House, 467 Lane, Capt. 143 Rev. Mr. 217 lanesborougb, Earl of, 445, 45'r „ Iangdrffe Hall, 277 J.angdale, P. 117, 310 Langford Court, 407 Hall, 397 House,299,300, 438 „ , Park, 102 LanghamHall, 343,350 Langham, Sir W. 199 Langlees, 349, 576. Langley, R. 314. T.43 Langley, 429 Bury, 152 Hall, 439 Langley Park, 3,98,359, 583, 586 Langoed Castle, . 144 Langold, 261 Langston, 3,13 Langston, Sir S. 153 Langton, G. 319 ' J. 100, 199 W.G. 7 ' Langton, 18 Hall, 173, 270: 3'9> 5«9 House, 460 Lansdown, Marq. of, 6, 24. 4>3 Lanson House, 458 Lanton, 295 Larkin, J. 367 Lascelles, Hon. E. 227 Latham, Dr. 170 Lathbury, 171 Latimer, 158, 530 Lauder Castle, -232, 296 Lauderdale, Earl of, 232, 293, 296 Laughton, 262 Laund Abbey, 531 Lawkland Hall, 277 Lawley, Sir R. 165, 174, 429 Lady, 209 Lawrell, J. 387 Lawrence, S. 67 Miss, s^9 Lawson, Sir J. 229 Sir W. 200, 562 Lawton, J. 167 Lawton Hall, 167 Laxton Hall, 244, 532, 556 Laycock Abbey, 35 Lays, (the) 140 Lazenby Hall, 289 Le Despencer, Lord, 591 Leacroft, 209 . Leadenham House, 514 Leake, T. 286 Leases Hall, 229 Leasowes, (the) 219 Leathes, Mr. 195 Leatori^A. 230 Leawood, 21 Lechlade House, 68 ' Lechmere,Capt.ii3, 153, 475 A. 452 Ledger, Sir J. 5 64 Ledston Hall, 228, 275,. 4-3*5 . Ledwell, G. in Lee, Sir W. 114, 15s . Mr. 95 . L-.117 . M. 481 . R. 285 ¦ R-A.331 . W-. 227 Lee Hall, 250 House, 377, 447 Place, 365 Leeches, H. 44 Leeds, D. of, 23, 161, 229, 246, 262 E. 466 Leeds Abbey, 367, 377 .... Castle, 367, 378 .... Court, 378 Leek, 278 Lees, 295 .... Court, 589 .... Hall, 419 Leeswood, 119 Lefevre, C. S. 471 Legard, Sir J. 571 .. Lady, 308 Legge, H.18S, 428 Legh, P.. 214 Leicester, E. of, 206 SirJ. F. 168, 189, 519, 552 C. 171 ' H.213 " H. A. 207 Leigh, Hon. Mrs. 503 G. 168 J- 549 Mrs. 176, 190,585 P. 168, 176, 1S6, 190- R. H. 190 T.186 Leigham, 35 Leigh Court, 107 Leighho, 33. LEI ..firms: to the COUNTRY: SEATS. LOC Leigh House, 44 Place, 190 Leiston Abbey, 39* LeithHill, 385 Lemington, 394 Lejnon, SirW. 33 Lennel HJouse 396 Lennox, Lord G. 47 Lenoxlove, 394 Lenthall, J. 131 Leo, D. 486 Leonard, T. B. 354 Leslie, Lord, 384 Lessay Hall, 389 Lesudden, 231 Letham, 294 Lethbridge, J. 480 Letton Court, 143 ..... Hall, 335 Levathen, 21 Levens Park, 197 Leven Grove, 316 Lever Daroy, 536 Hall, 189 Lever, Lady, 193 Levett, J. 76 Rev. Mr. 98 - ..... Mr. 316 Leweston House, 441 Lewin, T. 9,2 Lewis, Rev. Mr. 95, 140 Mr. 212 C. 95 G. 133 H..G. 364 J. 106 M. 438 P- H7 W. 491 ...'.. Mrs. 147 Lewisham Lord, 3«9> 58.3. Lfiifc.arn Hall, 333, 334, 534 - Lexley Hall, 510 i Ley, G. 66 .... J- 39 .... T. 509 Ley Qreea, 41a . . . r|ouse,,-66 Ljeybovirag Grange, , 367 . Leyces ter, R. 15 ... 35*91 Leyton, Mr. 3 Liddell,-SirH.T.3?i Sir T. H. 390 ¦ 'Sir T. 294, 56.8 Lidlington Park, 272 Lidney Park, 13,7 Liebenrood, J. G. 4 Lilburn To.wer, 295 Lilford Hall, 244, 360, 269 Lilford, Lady, .244, 260, 269 Lilley House, 476 Lilly, Rev. Mr. 463 Lime Grove, 120 Lime Kiln House, 74 Lincoln, Bishop of, 224 Lindley, T. 513 Lindley Abbey, 304 Lindsay, Rev. Mr. 318 Linley, 139, 431 Linskill, W. 304 Linsted Lodge, 365 Linton, J. 319 Linton Place, 373 Lisburne, E. of, 148 Lisle, A. 293 .... T. 49 Lister, A. 377 M. B. 319 T. .193 Listen Hall, 349 Litchfield, Bp. of, 306 Little, W. iSS Little Fenton, 203 Groye, 49 Hail, 210 Harle, S66 Hermitage, 364 Offley, 476 Littjecot Park, 5 Littleton, Sir E. 3i8 ;P; 116, 542 Livermete .Hall, 355 Liverpool, Earl of, 3,81, 583, 586 Livesay Hall, 421 Livesey, J. 559 Llanbedr.Hall, .125 Llanclweth Hall, 492 LlaijdysilioHall, 133, 480 Llanhaden House, 12 U a Llan Egwest Abbey, 123 , 486 Llanerch 48-6 , Llanfoist House, 96 Llangattock Place, 133. Llangoed Castle, 517 Llangoidmore, 136. Llanover House, 96,. 140, 461 Llanrhaiadr Hall, 131, 125, 486 Llantrithyd-Park, Jo l.lanvaw 53<« R- S. 344, 524 T. 105, 210, .281!, 5o5 . . . a . Mrs. 105 Lloyd House, 453 Llwyd, J. 134 R. J. 134 Llwyn, 128 Hall, 104 Llwyn Egrin, 119. Llwynon Hall, 119 Llwynybrain Hall, 134 Llwyn y barried, 147 Llynon, .105 Llysin, 104 , Lock, W. 384- Locke, W. D. £11 Lockerby House, 236 Lockeridge House, fr Lockhart, J. 43$ Lockings', '70 Lockleys, 23*. Locko, 51 1 ''>•'¦ LOC INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. MAC Lockwood, R. 353, 556 Rev. E. 357 Loder, Rev. J. 67 Lodington Hall, 284, 53 1 Lodge, E. 537 ¦: Lodsre Hill, 364 .. .7. (thej 97 Loft, Col. 30?, 323 Lomax, R. G. 191 ...... E. S. 579 Lombe, Sir. J. 327, 546 Londesbrough, 310 London, Bishop of, 43 Lonesome Lodge, 579 Long, late Sir J. T. 16, 333, 341" 357,445.472 Rt. Hon. C. 359 ..... C. 345 C. B. 5 ...... E. B. 5, 470, 473 F. 337. 338> 340 Rev. W. 345 ..... R.449 W. 85,91, 593 ... ... Mrs. 351 Longcrofts Hall, 515 Longfaugh, 232 Longford Castle, 17, 73, 437 Longholm Castle, 239 Longleat, 61, 85, 90, 449 Longnor Hall, 130, 266 Park, 444 Long Orton, 305 .... Witton, 566 Longston Hall, 186,51a Longton Hall, 202 Longworth, 146 Lodge, 67 Long Whatton, 174 Lonsdale, Earl of, 47, 179, 244, 246 C. 569 Loosely, 44, 388 Lopez, E. 40 , Loraine, Sir W. 297 Lord,. W. 188 Loretta, 294 Lorymer.J. P. 132 Lothian, Marq. of, 233, 242, 3S« Loton Hall, 127 Loudham, 345, 398 Loudoun, Mr. 183 Loveday, Dr. 525 Loveden, E. 7 Lovel, P. 71 Lovell Hill, 27 Lovell, L. 113 P. 445 Loughton Hall, 324 Louth Abbey, 522 Lovibond, G. 592 Low Barns, 303 Low Linn, 292 Low Newton, 292 Lowe, Mr. 415 Lower Cheam, 379 Efford, 35 Henbury,, 450 Sychtin, 208 Lowther, Lord, 570 si,'W. 254,553 lowther Hall, 179 Loxley Park, 274 Luard, P. 397 P.R-I53 Lubbock, J. 338 Lucas, Lady, 271 C-398, 478 3- 223 S. 63 W. 199 Luccombe Chine, 394 Luckram, 73 Lucock, J. 562 Lucy, J. 155 Ludby, T. 113 Ludford Park, 444 Ludgershall Castle, 27 Ludlow, Dr. 449 Lord, 243 Lullingstone Place, 586 Park, 366 Lulworth Castle, 80 Lurrrer House, 251 Lumley,Hon. F. 263,520 Castle, 291 Lupset Hall, 257, 420 Lupton, 41, 409, 485 Lushington, W. 586 Luther, Mrs. 1 Luton HooPark, 171 Luttrel), J. F. 94 Luxborough House, 324, 357 Lwardle, G. L. 119 Mrs. 119 Lydiard House, 453 ...... Park, 74, ^i Lydley Hays, 444 Ljjell, C. 468 Lygon, W. 494 Lyme Hall, 186 Lymore Lodge, 103 Lynch, Lady, 377 Lynden Hall, 254 Lyndridge, 39 Lynford Hall, 333, 335 Lynsack, 247 Lyon, N. J. 419 Lyons, 343 Lyons, Hon. Mrs. 303, 565 Lyson House, 143, 443 Lysons, D. 427 Lyss Place, 45 Lyster, R. 120, 125 ... .. Rev. Mr. 522 Lyth Wood, 445 Lyttleton, Lord, 129, 219 Lytton, R. 251 M Mablethorpe Hall, 400 Mabris, 491 M'Adam, Q. 239 M'Clea, W. E. 240 M'Culloch, Mr. 182. J. 182 M'Dougal, Sir H. 297 M'Ghie, J. 181 M'Kenzie, C. 232 M'Mellan, Mr. 182 Macartney, Earl, 579 Macclesfield, Earl of, 99 Macbean, Major, 8' Machcll, J. 563 Macgill, H. 232 Machrimore, 183 Mackay, G. 8, 345, 593 Mackenzie, Rev. Mr. 434 M. 182 MaCkworth, Lady, 10, 429 *,«i MAC INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. MEL Macnamara, J. 144, 517 Macneil, Mr. 237 Macqueen, J. 236 Madan, Col. 166 Maddocks, J. 363, 366, 586 Maddox, W. 104 Madeley Park, 43 2, 49 7 Maenan, 124 Maeslough Hall, 144,517 Maesmaur, 133, 489 Maesmor, 134 Maesmynan, 124, 483 Maesygwadod Lodge, 118 Maiden Castle, 79, 235 ...... Early, 28 Maidman, R. 56 Majendie, Mrs. 357 Maines, 194 Mainwaring, Sir H. 189 C.321 a E.432 Mrs. 118 Majoribanks, E. 2^5 J. 296 Mairton Hall, 183 Maisters, Col. 312 Maitland, Mr. 182, 323, 384 Makerstoun, 297 Maiden Ash, 358 Maling, J. 303 Mailing Abbev, 367 Malmsbury, E.of, 55, *5 Malsbourij, W. 168 Malshanger House, 16 Malvern Hall, 264 Mam Tor, 519 Manchester,Duke of, 243 Mangersbury, 454 Mangreen Hall , 351 Manleverer, Mrs. 316 Manley, T. 385 Mann, Sir H. 373, 374 Manners, Sir W. 225 Gen. 307 ........ E. 504 Manor House, 266 Mansell, Major, 163, 271 Mansfield, Earl, 159, 160 . 161, 181 Col. 171 Mansfield, Mr. 173 Manydown, 16 Mapes, 151 Maple Durham, 45 Marble Hall, 78 Marbury, 172 Marchmont, Earl of, 296 Marden Park, 381 Mareland, 51 Maresfield Park, 370, 383, 5«r Margam Park, 10 Margesson, W. 412 Maridge, 41, 484 Marine Cottage, 393 Mark Hall, 324 Markenfield Hall, 259 Market Cell, 162 Markwick, W. 584 Marl, 1 20 Marlborough, Duke of, 2,. 6, 99 Marls, 324 Marley House, 34 Marr, J. 434 Marriott, Sir J. 349 •• J- 194 Marsac, Major, 529 Marsack,. C. 4 Marsdale Park, 236 Marsden Hall, 194 Marsden, J. 195 Marsh, E. 210 .. 3. 452 Marshalls, 341 Marstiairi Hall, 340 Marsham, R. 338, 340 Marshfield, 277 Marston BigQtt, 85 Marston Hall, 217 Martha's Chapel, 579 Martin, General, 367, 3 78 Mr. 236, 447 J. 142, 54' Martinshem, 28 Martinsthorpe, 254 Marton, 315 Hall, 168, 175, 192 Martyr, J. 586 Marwood, J. B. 33 , Mr. 19 U u 2. Marwood Hill, 66 Marystow, 40 Maskelyne, W. 454 Mason, G. 242, 362, 3-86, 5S3 K-- "3,53° J. 32, 63 w-333, 534 Masonett, 342 Massan, R. 340 Massingberd, W. 3 19, 560 .W.B. 320 Massinger, J. 259 Masters, T. 68, 70 Mrs. 591 Mathews, A. 45 •- 3. 142,463 Maude, Mrs. 53 Maundrell, T. 6 Maunsell, T. C. 269 Mawley Hall, 112 Maxse, J. 8 Maxtoke Park, 1 65 Castle, 501 Maxwell, Sir W. 7.40 Capt. 182 Mr. 236, J. 182, 239 Mrs. 1 42 May Deacon, 368 .... Place, 363 May, J. 274 .... Mrs. 74 MiyfordHall, 166 Maynard, Lord, 358, 576 Hon. Rev. H. - 576 Mayo, Mr. 372 Maythan Hall, 590 Mead, Mr. 152 Meade, T. 436 Meath, Earl of, 108 Medhurst, T. 436 Medlicott,. W. C. 32 Meeke, Rev. F. 505 Meend Park* 143, 443 Meersbrook, 256 Melbourne, Vise. 222 Melbourne Hall, 310- Meldon Park, 29*8' Melford Hall, 350 Melin Court, 430 MEL INDEX to the' COUNTRY SEATS. MOM Mellerstein, 298 Mellingriffith, 491 Melluigtony 103 Mellish, W. 285 . P. 287 , Mrs. 2*26 Mello Park', 85 Melmerby Hail, 249 Melton Hall, 327, 339i 54°, 54s. Melville Castle, 233, 242 Melville Lord, 233, 242 Mendip,-Lord, 49 Mercer,1 J.D. 588 ,T. 172' Mere Hall, 168 Meredith,- Dr. 488 Merely House,' 52, 7i> 460 MerevaleHall, ;ds Merewprtb Castle; '59I Merlin's Cave, 134 Mersinglon,; 296 Merton'AbbeyVS8! House, 298 Hall, 540, 546 Park, 335,338 ....!.. Place, 384- Messman, Rev. C. 68 Metcoirib'e House, 9'o Metham, ,-Sir G. M. 309 MethleyParky.zsS Methuen, P. 7, 26, 73 - Meux, U. 97' Mexborough, E. of, 258, Countess of, 281, 420 Meyer, J. 12*5 , Meyler*,R. 458'' Meynell, Mr. 28^'" .... . . E. 303 ... ..£'. H. 174J 543 MichaelStpw Hall, 34^ Micheldevfer House, 47 Mickledale, 239 Micklethwaite; J. 333, 337, 374 „ o, R.548 " Middle AstbrJ, 440 Sychtin Hall, 208 Middleharn, 583' Middleside>:-Mr. 375- Middlethorpe, 289,314 fiil Middleton, Vise. 44, 165, 320,322,430,456,544 SirC.373, 592 SirW. B. 228 3- 52 N, 53,92,438 W. 276, 346 Middlettm, 253 Hall, 165, 242, 342, 456 Lodge,' 229, 258, 376 Park, 458 Tower, 540 Middtewood Hall, 548 Midford Hall, 435 ^idgtern' House, 5 idham, 3'8o; idlinsjion Place, 55- idway, 86 iers, J. N. 430 Milbanke, Sir R. 330, 290, 304 ' ' M*. 233 R; 312 ilbum,W. 180, 559 Mildmay, Sir H. St.John, I i5> 351-2, 353, 473 Miles, T. 6, 145-' ilforS, Lord, 12 ill Bank, 419 illam Castle, 19-S Milland House, 441 Millar, F. S:. 1151-155 G. 4U MillerySirf. 26; 51" . lWfr.33* . D. 326 Miller's- Park,-' 221 Milles, R. 588 ,...,.' Mrs. 365 MtlVgaW, 367 Millhead, 2>7 Mills, G»v. 261 G. G. 454 H: 568 J. 294 &¦ 339, 4^4,' 535' T. 167,577 ' W. 276 ' Mrs; 156, 324 Milnes, R. S. 228 ..,.,;. J.. 257 Milner, Sir W. 288 G. 262 J; 34i Mrs. 304, 367 MilhsbridgeV 419 Milton Abbey, 1 8 ..... Bryant, iSx ....... Park, 305,533 Minchin, H. 438 JMingay; J. 336 Minstead, 53 Manor House, 468 Minster Acres, 230 Mintern,' 441 Mirables Cottage, 393 Mirehouse, 199 Missenden Abbey, irj Misterton House, 203,' . 5"27 IMistley Hall, 348- Mitchatn Grove, 379- Mitchell, Mr. 393 .. C. 18 .. Ool. 18 .. J. 280 Mitchie, Mr. 221 tatford Castle, 298' Mithe Hill, 142 ^'ithelm, 422 occas Court;1 14J bdzsom,' R. 302 Moggerhanger Housey Z2}, 466 Moira, Earl',174, 42^ Molesworth, SirW. 21 Molineux, B. 190 Mollington Halli 212 Motlins,' 182 Molyneux, Sir F. 26V G. M. 352 , Miss, 3'8» Monaraban, 13-4 Monckton, Hon. E. 210' Hon. J. 244',' 532, 556 Money, Col. 25, 44°' 453 T. 3-54V 476 Money Hill; 158 Moneypenriy, R. 540 Mongewell Hoirse,69i,470 Monington, 143 ¦ Monk, Sir L, 2$ 7 MON INDEX to the COUNTRY SEAfS: NBA Monkbretton Priory, 548 Monkey Island, 3 Monkstone, 55 Monneux, Sir P. 223 Monson, Lord, 307 Montague Lord, 556 Hlontague, late Duie of, 382, 431 Adm. 413 G.34« J. 26 '• • M- 439 . Mrs. 416 Montfort, Lord, 15 Montrose, Duke of, 77 Montrath, Earl of, 333 Montreal, 360 Moor, the, 144 ..... HaU, 313 House, 567 ..... Park, 157 Moore, ReV. J. 314 G. 2b, 429 J- 153 P- 342 R- 350, 431 W. 113, 563 MoorewOod, Rev. J. 187, 523 Moorgate, 278 Morburri Hall, 440 Mordaunt, SirJ- 155,455 C. L. 213 Morden College, 363 Hall, 384, 583 Lodge, 583 Park, 384 More Park, 51, 388 Moredun, 242 Mor'eland, Capt. 371 Morewood, W. 510 Morgan, Sir C. 9 Mr. 231 D.431 ....... G.9, 458 J. 332 T. 96, 463 Morlahd, R. 364 Mdro Castle, 414 Mdrreft, 3. B. 234, 347 Morris, C. 284, 531 F. 255 T. 69 Morris, J. n, 167, 189 Morrison, Rev. Mr. 60 Morse, J. 337 Morshead, Sir J. 36 , W. 31 '. Mrs. 36 .Mortirner, E. H. 85 Mortlock, J. 528 Mortofnley, 356 Morton Hall, 168, 536 Moseley, Sir J. 500 Moseley Hall, 438 Mosrhan, H. 337 Moss, R. 314 Mossburn Ford, 331 Moss know, 235 Moss Bank, 190 Mostyn Hall, 120 Mostyn, Sir T. 1 20, 1 24, MoteParkj 367 the, 377 Moulsham Hall, 342, 353 Moultrie, J. 266 Mount, W. 5, 474 Mount, the, 265 Alstoe House*, 553 Amelia, 33! Boon, 483 Elford, 48 1 Galpin, 483 Ida, 329 Mascall, 363, 366, 586 Morris, 368, 587 Nod, 381 Pleasant, 45, 140, 166,285,288,363,364 ...... Royal, 53 ...... Tiviot, 231 Mount Edgecumbe, Eail of, 35, 37 Mount Stuart, Lady, 523 Mountfield House, 19 Mountford, Lord, 325 Mountsfield, 373 Mousewald, 181 Mowbray, W. 49 Moxhull.Hall, 165 Moyles Court, 49 Moyns, 358' Muffets, 221 Mulgrave Castle, 403 Mulgrave, Lord, 463 Mumford, J. 585 Muncaster, Lord, 197 Muncaster House, 197 Mundy, F. N. 175 Munnings, Rev. T. 33 9- Munro, Col. 50 ' H.384 Murray, Hon. Mrs. 375, \ 41-3, 433 Geri. 97 Mr. 182, 297 3. 241 W.296 Murthwaite, Mr. 2 Musgrave, SirJ. C. 78, 243, 349, 585 C. 471 • ••¦ 68, 70,535 Musters, J. 264 Myddleton, Miss, 133 Myers, J. 214 Myles, 358 Myners, P. R. 443 Myrtle Grove, 2-83 Myerscough Hall, 17S House, 178 Mystole House, 5 89 , N Nacketj A. 199 Nackington HouseJ, 365 Nacfori, 344, 397 Nadin, W. 201, 216' Nagle, J. 59 Nannau Hall, 104- Nantcribba, 103 Nanteos, 148 ¦Napier, Lord', 24*** Narborough Hall, 5-40- Narford Hall, 540 Narford, J. 491 Nash Court, 365, 590 Nash, J. 391 Naseby Field, 200 Navcstock Hall, 357 Naworth Castle, 41-5' Naylor, J. 281 Nea House, 410 Neal, Mrs. 164 Neale, J. 26 L . . . . Sir H. B. 54 Neave, Sir R. 341 NEC' INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. NOS- Necton Hall, 333, 534 Needham, W. 577 Nelmes, T. 474 Nelmes, 353 Nelson, Lord, 384, 581 Rev. W. 333 Nelthorpe, Sir H. 307 G- 333, 335 -.. W. 385 . Nenny, Rev. R. 104 Nenthorn, 297 Nep Castle, 3.86 Nether Hall, 200 House, 236 Netherby, 181, 239 , Nethway. 42, 409, 485 Netley Abbey, 411 Place, 579 Netrtecombe, 480 Nettleworth, 508 Neville, Hon. G.H. 370, ' 381 ....... C. 283 .Col. 299 ...... G. 300, 321, 558 ...... J. P. 281 • P- 3" New Barns, 328 .... Bounds, 361 ... . Crook, 177 Grange, 275 .... Hales, 394 .'. .. Hall, 73, 190,251, 343, 535 .... Hill, 139 , .... House, 113, .280, 343 Inn, 515 .... Lodge, 30, ,153, 161, 221, 257 Lodge Park, 385 Park, 25, 446 T-lace,52, 326,353 .... Water, 403 Newark, Lord, 261, 264 Newbatrle, 233 Newberry, F. 361, 582, S87 Kewbold . Pacey, 155 Revel, 527 Newbottle, 114 Hall, 303. Newbrough Hall, 289, 301' Newburgh, Earl of, 41 1 Newburys, 159 Newby, 259 , Park, 229, 24s . Ruins, 181 . Wiske, 246 Newcastle, Duke of, 255 , 261 Newell, W.. 536 Newfieid, 203 Newick Park, 382,581 Newington House, 66, 473 Newland Hall, 258 ' , Park. 1 1 3 .. Side Hall, 251 Newland, B. 54, 469 Npwman, C. 172 .... F. 443 Newnham, J. 370, 382, 58i T. 107 Mrs. 385 Newport House, 146 Newsells, 287, 327 Newstead, 281 Abbey, 255, 508 Newtimber Place, 385 Newton, C. 224 .. J. 16S . . L. 500 . . M. 307 ..-R. 214, 551 Newton, 42, 236, 239, 565 Don, 297 Hall, 290.-358, 576 Park, 134, 190 St. Loe, 7 Newtown Hall, 489 Nichol, Dr. 115 Nichols, Mrs. 22 Nicholls, J., 382 Nidd Hall, 248 . Kiddie, 233 Nightingale, Lady, 287 c 342,575 Ninewar, 293 Nisbet, T. 296 Nixon, T. 133 Nockels, J. 22P Nocton, 300 Nokes, T. 410 Nonsuch Park, 585 Norbury Park, 384, 387 Norcliffe, Lady, 313 Norfolk, Duke of,' 48, 180,249,262,508,565 Norgate, T. H. 3i7 Nork House, 384 Norley Bank, 519 Norman, Rev. Mr. 173 ' G. 360 Norman Court, 17 Normanton Hall, 503 Park, 355,551, Noiris, Miss, 337, 399; 558 . J. 15,378, 414 North, D, 345 F. 534 North Court, 393 , . . Aston, 440 .. . Hall, 190 . .. Cray Place, 366 . . . Kilvington, 289 . . . Stoneham Park, ¦ 53,43.8 . Northcote Court, 153 Northampton, E.of, 172, 267 Northcote, SiiS. 81 Nqrthmore, T. 20 Northover, 91, 45-6 Northumberland, D. of, 2, 83, 229, 233, 292 Northwick Park, 100 Northwick, Lord, 100 Norton, J. 412 Norton, 83, 164 -. . . . Conyers, 229 Cottage, 390 Hall, 214, 334, 53s, 55i .... House, 409, 483 Lodge, 390 Place, .307, 323 Norwood Park, 264, 513.. Nostal Hall, 281 Park, 420 NOT INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. PAM Nottingham Castle, 255 Notton House, 26 Nouaille, P. 584, 5S6 Nourse, J. 139 Nun Appleton, 288 Nuneham Courtney, 66, 87 Wimpole, 287 Nunis, A. 5 Nun -Monckton, 289 Nun well, 390 NunwickPark, 24S, 416 Nursted House, 45 Nuthurs* Lodge, 385 Nut well Court, 481 O O'Brien, D. 18 . ..:... H.244,532,556 O Callan, Lord, 354 O'Kelly, Mr. 151 Oak Enrl, 113 Oak Hedge, 166, 205 Oakley, W. 104 Oakley House, 67, 252 Park, 68, 70,75, 102, 118, 206, 432, 494» 495 Cakes, Dr. 361 Oakhampton Castle, 21 Oakridge, 98 Oaks, 356, 379 Oaksey House, 473 Oakwell Hall, 421 Oatlands Park, So Obornei Dr. 366 Ockham Park, 44 Offington House, 412 Offley Place, 251, 476 Ogilvie; T. E. 231 ' Oglander,SirW. 390,448 Sir H. 392 @gle, Sir C. 47 ..:. W. 292, 293 0'grhore Castle, 10 Ogstun, 187 " Okeover,:Mr. 205 Old' Bounds, 361 ... College, 237 ... Hall, 286,331 ... Park, 366, 565 Oldbury, 523 Hall, 205 Oldfield Grange, 532 . Hall, 549 Oldham, J. O. 113 Oldstock House, 17 Oldstone, 483 Oliver, J. 551 Olmius, L. 343 Ombersley Park, 109 Onely, Rev. Mr. 532 Onslow Hall, 125 Onslow, T. 44 Earl of, 44,' 388 Hon. Col. 466 Orbieston, 237 Orchard, Col. 60 Orchard Farm, 113 Orchardlcigh, 437 Ord, Mr. 403 Mrs. 173 .... J. 29'S W. 297, 416, 41! Orde, C. 358, 576 Orford Hall, 190 Organ Hall, 159 Orgill, Rev. N. T. 348 Orleigh, 60 Orlton Hall, 266 Ormerod, L. 193 Orme, Dr. 365 Orrell, J. 535 Osbaldeston, H. 315 Osbastoa Hall, 215 Osberton, 516 Osborne, '391 Osborne, Lord, 528 Osmaston, 174 Ossington Hali, 326 Osterhanger, 368 Osterley Park, 2, 97 Ovenden, 360, 580 Over House, 8 .... Mains, 296 .... Ross, 139 Overstorie Park, 425 Overton, 240 Overton, H. J. 263 Overtown, 463 Oving, 114 .. Ovingdean, 413 Ovington, 51 Oulton Hall, 340, 497 Outhrington Hall, 549 Ouzlethvvaite, 257 Owen, Lady, n J. 130 Rev. Mr. 1 1 2 ..... N. S. 445 W. M. 128, 494 Mrs. 124 1 Owen Glendowr's Palace, "3 Oxburgh Hall, 330, 546 Oxenden, H. 368, 377 Oxendon, Sir H. 366, 368 Oxenheath, 591 Oxford, Lord, 97, 108, 146, 495, 517 - Lady, ioct Oxford Hall, 232 Oxhey Place, 152 Oxted Cottage, 370 Oxton, 232 Pack, Col. 306, 55^5 .... C. J. 263 Packington, Sir H. 428 Sir J. 109 Packington Hall, 164 Packwood Hall, 151 House, 217, 265 Padworth House, 5 Pagan Hill, 445, 451 Page, F. 440 , Page Hall, 256 Page, T. 60, 183 Painshill Park, 43 Painswick House, 70 Pakenham Hall, 539 Palace House, 421 Paley, Dr. 304 Paik, Sir L. 34, 39 ¦• W. 34 Palinge, 193 . Pallinsburn, 395 Palmer, Sir "J. 173 C. 440, 548 R-4 Palmerston, Ld. 49,447 Pamphilion Hall, 537 PAN INDEX.to the COUNTRY SEATS. PER Panton House, 321, 559 Panton, P. 121 Pant Glaes, 134 Pant y Goitre, 461 Pardoe, T. 514 Pares, T. 201 Parham Park, 48, 388 Park, 298 .. .. the, 181, 232, 281 Gate, 584 ...". Hall, no, 202, 275, 5°7 Hay, 183 .... Hill, 261 .... House, 145, 592 Place, 65 Parke, T. ' 195 Parker, Sir H. 350 Sir P. 325, 532 G. 313 M. 34 -R. 421 T. 194, 202,275 Mrs. 177, 277 Miss, 150 Parkhurst, .579. Parkhurst, Rev. Mr. 164 3. 301 Parkin, Mr- 256 ...... H. 565 Parkins, Sir, T. 263 .. Parkyn', H. 1S0, 235 Parkyns, SirT.' 174' .. . Mr. 223 Parlington, 228 Pari-, Dr; 264 Parrs Wopd, 1,85 Parry, J. 121, 12? W. 143 Mrs.. ,445 Partington, T. '382 Paseheller, ,.J. 287 Pashley, 376 PaskeHall, 504 Pastor?, 2*96 Paterson, Gen. 363, 36,5- Pathlow ..House, ,150 Patishall, 2-65 Patrick Holme, 237 Partridge', Mrs. 424 Patten, J. 506 ¦ ' ¦ ;..-^'-T..i69 ,,: Patterison, T. 249 Pattishall, %. L. 463 Pattisini N. M. 168 Patton, T. 274 " Paulett, Earl, 33,441,480 Paulton Park, 49 Paxhill, 383 Payler, T. 366 Payne, Sir G. 223 ... .. Mrs. 300 G T. 546 J. 381 P- 223 Rev. H. 133 ..... T. 268 W. 20 Peach, S. 451 ..... S. P. 72, 426 Peachey, Hon. Miss, 2 8 7, 327 Peachey, lion. J. 46 Peak of Derbyshire, 520 Peamore, 34, 39 Pearce, N. 199 T. 5 Peareth, W. 291, 304 Pearmont, 412 Pearse, J. 323 Pearson, G. 250 J. 265 Peartrce House, 92 Pease, 3. R. 310, 435 Pedmore Hall, ijp ..... House, 13P, Peel, 277 '.' Peele, Sir R. 205, 429', 456, 53-6 J. 191 Peer?, R. 474 . Pelham, Hon. Miss, 43 ...... H. C. 117,375, 4*3. Pelham Place, 53, 469 Pell, J. 326 Pellyn, 3 329 W. 484 Presaddfed, 105 Prescott, Sir G. 385 Preston, J. 337 Rev. J. 377 Mrs. 302 Sir R. 333 Preston Grange, 394 Hall, 232, 367 Montford, 121, 127 Tower, 294 Prestonfield, 233, 242 Prestwood, 263, 452 Price, Major, 145 . .. Rev. Mr. 49: ... Rev. D. 123 ... Mr. 124 ... T. 69, 157 ... U. 145 ... W. H. 70 Prickard, N. S. 147 Prickett, P. 44 Priestley, J. 537 Princep, T. 500 Pringle, Sir J. 241, 297 Mr. 233 A. 241 M. 240, 241 Prinkash Park, 70 ¦ Prior Part, 7 Priors Court, 439 Priory, the, 76^133,151, 154, 163/196, 251, 271, 380V'392,47i Probyn, Archan. 139 Procter, Miss, 258 Proctor, H. 109 Prospect Hill, 4 House, 323 Pruddoe Castle, 416, 567 Pryce, J. 313 Pucket, J. 29 Pudhill House, 451 Pugh, T. 435 Pulleyn,. M. 229 Pulteney,SirW. 359,527 Purbrook IIouss, 411 Purbrook Park, 45 Purley House, 381 Hall, 13, 470 Purnell, Mr. 87 Purton House, 453 Purves Hall, 296 Purves, Sir A, 296 Purvis, G. 56 Pusey, Hon. P. 67 Pusey House, 67 Puslinch, 42 Putt, R. 19 Pye Nest, 537 Pye, G. 67 Pylle House, 447 Pyndar, Rev. R. 496 Pystille 119 Pytchley, 368 Quarnmore Park, 193 Quarley, 55 Quarry, the, 130 Quarr Abbey, 391 Quebec Castle, 339 Quedgeley House, 437 Queensberry, Duke of, 56, 181, 239 Quendon Hall, 325 Quiddenham Hall, 326, 352 Quinsey, Mr. 341 R Raby Castle, s66 .... Park, 247 Rackheath House, 337 Radbourne Hall, 175 Radcliffe, Col. 423 R. 490 Raddivals, 191 Radford, J.' 507 Radley Hall, 439 Radnor, Earl of, 70, 73, 437 Radway, 115, 155 Rae, Mr. 181 .. W. 297 Ragland Castle, 140 Ragley, 116 Park, 424,541 Raikes, R, 341 Rainham Hall, 333, 540 Rainhill Hall, 169 Raihshaw Hall, 516, 558 Rambridge, 27, 55 Ramsbury Manor, 6 Ramsden, Sir J. 328 Mr. 227, 257, S07 R. 261 Ramsey Abbey, 317 Ramsley Hall, t\6, 557 Rancliffe, Lord, 263 Rand, Mrs. Hill, 343 Randall Park, 3 84 Randall, W. 410 Ranston, 18 Rashleigh, J. 36 Rasbotham, Col. 18} Rastell, W. 226 Ratcliffe, Lady F. 251 Ja 4'9 Ravenhead, 535 Ravenhill, 166 Raveningham Hall, 348 Ravensfield, 434 Ravensworth, Lady, 3 Ravensworth Castle, 233, 291, 568 Rawes, Rev. W. 230 Rawleigh, 65 Rawlinson, Sir W. 538 A. 178 Ray, J. 14 .... R. 53S, 580 Ray House, 357 ... Lodge, 357 Raynsford, N. 172 '. Mrs. 253 ' Raynton Hall, 303 Rayrigg, 195 Read, T. 161 Read Hall, 191, 421 Reade, Lady, 113, 535 Mrs. 470 Reay, H. U. 565 Red Hall, 169 . Hazel, 169 . House, 344, 53J • . Leaf, 362 . Lynch, 61, 91 . Rice, 17 Reddings, ;?; RED INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. ROW Redesdale, Lord, 379 Redgrave Hall, 350 Redhead, G. 75 Redpath, Dr. 231, 498 Reed, Col. 416 Reeves, W. 514 Mrs, 157 Reid, Col. 248 .... J. 329, 33I..454 .... R. 65 • Reid Hall, 332 Rempstone Hall, 80 Rennydaran, 491 Renton, Mr. 343, 293 Repington, C. 429 Repton, Mr. 341 Restormel Castle,- 36 Revely, W.246 - RevesbyAbbey, 318, 319 Revier, 23 Reynolds, R. 129, 224 Capt. 36 Rhiwaedog, 128 Rhodes, B. 538 C. 278, 5Jfi Major, 360 Mrs. 281 Rhual, 123 Ribbey House, 193 Ribston Hall, 228 Rice, Mr. 377 .... J. 379 ..... Mrs. 134 Rich, Sir C. 447 Richards, J. 528 R. 104 ... W. 80 ' Richardson, Lady, 23 . .'. J. 308 R. 211, 313 T. 550 Mrs. 537 Richings Park, 3 Richmond , Duke of, 46, 94, 411 Richmond Park, 43, 78 Ricot Park, 474 Ridd, the, 453 .... Hill, 143 Riddal, Mr. 237 Riddell, R. 330, 248, 292, 293> 339> 5«5 Riddick, Mr. 182 Ridgeway, 13, 92 Ridfcy, Sir M. W.- 291, 306 Ridley Hall, 415 Ridout, Rev. R. 374, 375 Rigby, E. 17.8, 354 F. H. 348 W/549 Ripley Hall, 248 Rtppon Hali, 340 Risby, 308, 311 Riseholm, 307 Rising Lodge, 329 Rissow, C. 345 RitchbdroughCa8tle, 378 Rivenhall Place, 343 . Rivers, Lord, 17, 473 Rivington Hall, 190 Roach, Capt. 13 Roadley Castle, 299, 566 Robarts, L 120, 257, 376 ... Rev. E. 486 J. W.200 Robertson, Mr. 233 Robinson, 13 Robinson, Capt. 91, 439 G. 527 •-•• SirG. 173 J. 140, 401 Mr. 579 Robson. Rev. Mr. 290 Roch Court, 56 Rochester, Bp. of, 359 Rochester Castle, 364 Rochford, Earl of, 345 Rockhall, 181 Rockbeare House, 20 Rocketts, 342 Rockingham, Marchio- neisof, 97 Rockingham Castle, 253 Rockley, 463 Rock Lodge, 304 Rocks, the, 370, 383 Rocksiey, 323 Roddam, Adm. 295 Rode Hall, 167, 188 Roden, Earl of, 324 Rodenham, 37 Rodney, Lord, 52 Capt. 143 Roe, M. 411 . Capt. 139 Rogerly Hall, 351 Rogers, G. 433 SirJ. 35,41,409 E- 137 > J> 432, 442 Mrs. 96, 410 Miss, 130 Rokeby, Lord, 368, 587 Rev. L. 173 Rolfe, E. 330 Rolle, Lord, 63,409,481 T. 88 Rolleston, A. 534 Rolls, 357 • Roman, Mrs. 55 Romfray, S. 491 Romney, Lord, 367 Rook, G. 344 Rookby Park, 234, 347 Rooke, Sir G. 54 Major, io' Rookery, the, 579 Rookes, Mrs. 538 Rooks Nest, 370, 382 Roper, J. 153 Ropers, 342 Rosdew, R. 42 Rose, Hon. G. 53 Rose Castle, 249, 561 .... Hill, 65, 118, 439 .... Hill Park, 583, 587 Roseberry, Earl of, 354 Rosehill, Lord. 439 Ross, Gen. 230 .... J. C. 296 Ross Hall, 121, 127 RoTbampsted House, 271 Rotherfield Park, 54, 469 Rougham Hall, 346, 534, 537 Round, J. 343 Round Hill House, 91 Roundell, Rev, Mr. 193. Rous, Lord, 345, 34S Rouse, Sir C. 514 T. B. 157 Roushant, G. 103 ' Routchester, 417 Rowchester, 296 Rowd Ashton, 443 X x 3 ROW INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. •SCA Rowdford, 7, 446 Rowfoot, 383 Rowley, Gen. 28 B. 366 • Lady, 577 Rowsley, O. 466 Rowton Hall, 125 Rpxburgh, late Duke of, „ 293, 297 Roxford Lea, 221 Royal Heath, 394 Roydon Hall, 591 Royds, J. 193 Royle Hall, 421 Royton Hall, 193' Rucker, J. A. 361 Rudge, J. 157 Ruding, W. 503 Ruffordj 261 Hall, 213 Rug, 124, 4S7 Rumbold, Lady, 92 Runnymead, 15 Rupperah House, 9 Ruscombe, 4 Rushbrook, Mr. 326 Rushbrooke Hall, 350, 579 . Rushfonh Hall, 282 Rushmore Lodge, 17 RUshout, -Sir J. 158 -1, E. Rushworth, Ii. 390 Russell, W. 303, 567 §jr J- JI3 Col. 241 M. 568 W. 354 Russell's Farm, 152 Ruston Hall, 329 Rutherford, Capt. 231 J. 231 Rutland, Duke, of, 186, 225, 325, 512 Rycot Park, 99 Rydale Hall, 195 Ryder, Sir T. 373 Bye House, 324 Ryley, S. 118 Sabatier, Mr. 364 Sackville, Lord, 259, 527 Sactimb Park, 286 Sadler, R. 441, 501 Sage, Mr. 286 Saling Grove, 532 St. Albans, 377 . . Albans, Duke of, 14, 77, 585 .. Andrew's Hall, 352 . . Ann's Hill, 15 . . Asaph, Bp. of, 120, 537 .. Aubyn, Sir J. 80 .. Boniface, 393 • . . David's, Bp. of, 134 . . Edmund's Hill, 579 . . Faggot's Castle, 10 . . Genevieve, 355 . . Giles' Park, 50 . . John, Col. 462 Lord, 252 Hon. St. A. 339 .. John's, 5S5 Place, 361 Lodge, 25 1 .. Julien's, 159, 530 ¦ • Ives, 282 .. Leonard's, to Hill, 3, 29 . . Laurence, 3.65 . . Llytbian Castle, 10 . . Paul, H. 295 , . Pierre , 95 .. Quintin, W. 373 W. T..308 .. Stephen's, 162 . . Vincent, Earl, 342 Saint Hill, 383 Salby Hall, 200 Salisbury, 162 Salford, loo Sale Hall, 550 Salisbury, M.of, 221, 222 Sir R. 9 ...Capt. 124 Col. 124, 4S7 A. 205 Sail Hall, 336 Salt,, Mrs. 175, j,, Saltley Hall, 502 Saltram, 35 Salvm, W. 342, 290 Salusbury, Lady, 151, 351, 476 Samborne House, 457 Sampsom Hall, 523 Sandbeck Park, 262, 520 Sandbourn, in, 220 Sanders, G. 407 J. 89 Sanderingham Hall and Park, 3.31 Sandford,- Rev. T. 211 Sandford Hall, 211 Sandgate Castle, 368 Sandhill park, 480 Sandlcford Priory, 439 Sandling Place, 368 Sandon Hall, 166 SandoWn. Castle, 378 Sandwell Park, 26c, 447 Sandwich, Earl of, 28, 288, 528 Sandy Place, 22 Sandy well Park, 131, 137 San ford, W. 63 • Sansell Paik, 118, 267 Santon Downham, 330 Sargent, J. 93 Sarnsfield Court, 145, "49, 521 Sarsdi-n House, 100 Saverland, C. 204 Savernake Lodge, 6 Savery, Mr. 34 ¦ •'• 40V Saville, Hon. L. 261 Saunders, J. 481 . T. 445, 517 Sawbridge, W. 346 '. . H. 272 S. E. 589 Sawlcy Abbey, 193 Sawyer, Major, 150 .... M r. 4 Say and Stic, Lord, 525 Sayer, G. 367, 588 Scales, 181 campston, 313 Scarborough, Earl of, 263, 291, 520 Scarisbrick Hall, 213 Scarlet, 4 Scarsdale, Lord, 175, 187 SCA INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS, SHO . Scartbingwell, 2 53 Scavender Park, 398 Sczwby, 307 Scawert, Mr. 220 Schutz, Mrs. 346, 348 G.99, in Scofton, 516 Scnmeys, 371 Scotts Ha'.., 368 Scott, E. no G. 240 ...:. h. 251, 29s 3- 217 Rev. G. 117 R. 65 T. ,2 W. 231 Mrs. j;7 Scottow Hall, 337, 33S Scourfield, H. 12 Scrimshire, Mrs. 113, 550 Scrise'sbv, -120 Scro.c, W. 73 Scu-dsmore, J. 463 Sea Grove, ^92 Scaie. J. 42, 4:9, 483 4"5 Sealey, T. 399 Seare, Mrs. 153 Searle, J. 575 Seascale Hall, 197 Seaton La^tie, 294 Hall, 19-1 Sebergtiam Castle, 561 Sebright, SirJ. 326 Sri'-jury, zz,, 253 S-eUhi!!, a;d Sedlev, Hun. S. 524 Seend, 2; Grove, 44 Seething Hall, 354 " Seftbn, Earl of, 1 74 Selaby Hall, 569 Selby, G. 292 X- 97 W. 114, 295 Seiby, Col. 296 Selsey Lord, 46 Sembome House, 30 Semer Lodge, 524 Sennouse, H. 200 Senhouse, J. 197 Sennowe Lodge, 339 Sergison, Mrs. 3 So Serjison, W. 581 Serlby Hall, 236 Serle, P. 438 • >lr- 439 Sevenscore, 414 Sewell, Mr. 173 SeweL, 34 Seymour, Lord W. 25 85 Lord H. 391 Ld-R. 134,49 H iS ...... M. 35 E. 50 ' Shadwell, T. H. 583 Sbafto, L\ 231 Shafioe, Sir G. 566 Shaftesbury, E. of, 17, eo ShaHcross, T. 222 Shalstone, 153 Shanklin Chine, 394 Shank's House, g.6 Shapwick House, 63 hard, C. 37 Sha.deloe?, 113, 530 bhardluw Park, 174 Sbambrooke, 253 Sbarleston, 2 Si Sharp, G. 2*8 Sharpe,- C. 236, 5;" Sbarpnam House, 40 Park, 5a, Sharrowbead, 434 Shavington Hall, 495 Shaw, 258 . E d. :ii . Hill, 177 . House, 5, 36, 4, 439 . Sbawe, >!rs. j .. R. a59 Shawbnry Park, 432 Shaw.-lon, 294 Shawford House, 52 Sheldon, W. 149 M. 424 Shelley, Sir J. 413 B. 413 Shellev Hall, 5-6 Sbelly.T. 385,357 Shelton, M. 379 Shenfield Place, 343 Shenley Parsonage, 163 Shenstone Moss, 499 Park, 165, 499 Shenton Hall, 213 Shepherd, A. ¦>-;,] R. 476 T. 34 Sheppard T. 163 W. 145 Sheibome.Lord, 131, 52J • Castle, 33, 99 - Lodge, 1 3 1, 5 25 Shernambury Place, 3 it Sherr.Ud Place, 363 Sherrard, Lori, 254 Sherwood haij, 255 Shidfield, 438 Shields, W. 91 Shiffnar, H. 463 sbiHher, G. 3*2 Shillingford Cattle, 70 Shillinglaw, Major, 232, 298 Shiiling'y Park, 47 Shinfield Manor House, 47i Place,. 471 Shipkke on the Hiii, 4 sh'plev, Hon. Mis. 51 j Shire Oak, 263 1 shires, Gen. 52 ' jnrewood Hall, 255 Shirfield House, 4.8 Shirley, E. 149, 4/5 Shirley House, 445 Shobdon Court, ic«t Shockerwick, 7, 26 Sholebrooke Lodge, 458 Shooters Hi;i, 226 Shore, S. 250 Sheephall Bury, 222 Sheffield, Lord, 382,551 Sr.c-rt, W. 39 SrC.275 i J. 559 Park, ;$2, 581; Short^rove hall, 325 Sheldon, T. 100 i shotley Hall, 330 SHO INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. SfE Shotover, 99, in Shottesbrook House, 4 Shottesham House, 351 Shrapnel, Z. 86 Shrewsbury, E. of, 100, 116, 149, 428,525 Shrives Priory, 530 Shrub Hill, 384 Shrubland Hall, 346 Shuckburgh E. 441 Shuckburgh Park, 263 Shugborough, 166 Shuldham, Lady, 15 -Shum, G. 579 Shurford, 42 Shustock, 442 Shute, S. 391 Shute House, 19 Shuttleworth, H. 283, 555 » ¦ R- 194, - 229, 233, 421 Sibb'ald, J. 28 Sibdon Castle, 103 Sibley, J. 253 Sibthorpei Col. 300 Sidebotham, Mr. 1 iidney, T. 439 1 Silbury'Hill, 6 Silvert.opj Lady, 295 J-230, 568 Simeon, E. 392 Simmonds, W. 479 Simmons, Miss, 354 Simpson, Mrs. 567 3. 232, 284, 431 , c L. 516 Sinai Park, 217 Singleton Lodge, 194 Singleton, Mr. 577 Sion Hill, 2 .... House, 2, 19 Sissinghurst, 374 Sitwell, F. 293, 316 Skeete, Dr. 7 Skeffinglon, Sir W. 531 Skeffington Lodge, 531 Skelbrooke Park, 227 Skellow Grange, 227 Skethrog House, 133 Skey, S. m, 220 Skiddaw Mountain, 195 Skinner," W. 302 ....... T. 341, 384 Skipton Castle, 277 , Skirlingtori Hall, 401 Skipwitn, Sir T. G. 537 Skirwith Abbey, 349 Skryme, F. 12 Slackhouse, 2-77 Slater, T. L. 16 Sledmcre, 308 Sleights Hall, 302 Slindon, 411 Sloane, Sir H. 53 Sloper, Sir'R. 15 Small, A. 267 Smallcomb, 21 Smart, W. 153 Smeaton, 293 House, 233 Smedmore, 80 Smetheman, J. 130 Smith, Sir E. 150, 25-8 Sir J. 29 Sir J. H. 477 SirW. 324 Gen. 411 Col. 113 Capt. 45 Dr. 238 Mr.342, 390, 364 ...'.. C, 276, 357, 436 D. 25, 153 G. 63 3- 25,87,91,583 J.H. 407 R. 290. S. 573 T. 193, 292,481, 536' W.48,53,i02,388 Mrs. 393 Smyth, Sir W. 357 Smythe, J. 430 Smythson, W. 436 Snape Park, 34S Snare Hill House, 336 Snell, Mr. 162 , P- "2, 141, 447 Sneyd, Mr. 166 Sneyd, J. 274, 276 ..... T. 269 W. 166, 167,432, 497 Snow, Mr. 15, 18, 460 ..... T. ,49 Snow Hall, 569 Snowdon Mountain, 105 Soame, Sir P. 327 sobergate, .246 Soddington, 495 . Soho, 217, 265 Soley, J. m, 220 Someiby Park, 520 Somerford, 210 Someriiton Hall, 346,348 Somerley, 50 Somers, Lord, 145 Somerset, Duchess of, 61 Somerton Castle, 504 Spmerville, Lord, 233 Sondes, Lord, 253, 378, 589 Lady, 109 Sophia Farm, 3, 29 Sopley House, 75 Sorby, 239 Sotherton, W. 227 Sotterley House, 345, 348 Soughton, 119 Soulsby, C. 566 Soulsey, C. 23 1 South Broom House, 25 .... Lodge, 220 ... Ormesby, 319 . ... Park, 362 Southampton, Lady, 159, 160, 161 Southby, H. 67 Soutbcot, 60 Southcote, T. 61 Southill House, 253 Southwick, 46 Sowerby, CoL 434 J. 250, 476,561 Spark, W. 35 Sparling, T. 118 Sparrow, J. 166, 357 Speke, W. 84 Spencer, Earl, 43, 70, ' 272, 362, 384 SPE INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. STO Spencer, Countess, 160 Lord C. 99 Sperling, H. 349, 529 Spittel, 237 Spixworth Hall, 340 .'. Park, 337, 338 Spode, J. 203 Spooner, R. 107 Mrs. 113^ Spottiswoode, J. 396 Spots Mall, 182 Spratt, T. 427 Spring Grove, 2, 111,220 Hill, 100 Park, 75,445,451 Springfi.-ld House, 264 .... Place, 343 Springside, 191 Springwood Park, 297 Sproughton, 534 Sprow=ton Hall, 337 Spy Park, 35, 446 Squerries, 369 Stagenhoe Park, 25 1 Stagshaw Close House, - *3° Stafford, Marquis of, 167 Stainforth, Capt. 320 Stair, Earl of, 183 .... Countess of, 183 Stalbridge House, 32, 459 Stallarcl, J. 144 Stamford, Earl of, 189, 201, 549, 552 Stanclifte House, 424 Stand Park, 212 Standen Hall, 192 Standerwick, T. 52 Sjandish, Sir F. 177, 191 Sir S. 311 ..... .. E. T. 190 Standish Hall, 190 Standlynch House, 73, '437 Stanfield Hall, 327 Stanford Court, 101 Hall, 174, 310, 363 Park, 463 Stanhoe Hall, 330 Stanhope Castle, 251 Stanhope, Earl 363, 583 Stanhope, Lady, 360, 580 W. S. 257, 279, 524' 547 - Staniforth, Mrs. 538 Stanlake, 4 Stanley, Sir J.T. 183,519 Lady, 106 G. 197 H.P. 224 , T. 213 Stanmer Park, 381, 382, 383 Stanmoor Hall, 506 Stannington .Vale, 291 Stanstead Hall, 325 Stansted Bury, 286 S tan thorne Hall, 171 Stanton Hall, 186 Harold, 429 Stanwell House, 14 Place, 2 Stanwick 339, 233 - -Stapenhill, 293, 511 Staplteton, Lady, 65 .-. T.313 :. House, 475 '.- Park, 227 Starcross,- 39 Starkey, T. 536 ....... L. 421 Starkie, Capt. 191 T. 314 StatenboroughHou«e,378 Stafford Hall, 429 Stawell, Lord, 45, 51 Steed Hill, 367 Steele, Mr. 136 Stephens, H. 445 M.489 ,...,.... Mrs. 45 1 Stephenson, E. 471 SirP.337 Stepleton, 18 / Sternfield, 345 ' Stevens, Mr. "87, 358 Stevenson, T. 285 Stevenston, 293 Stevichall Hall, 503 Stewards Hay, 201 Steward, J. 388 Stewart, Lady, 240 A. 249 Stewart, S. 116 ...... T. no Stibbert, Gen. 53, 93 Stileman, N. 331 ........ Rev. A. 333 Still, J. 450 Stillingfleet, Rev.Dr. 107 Stinsford, 18 Stitches, V4.0 Stisted Grange, 533 Stitchill House, 297 Stockhill Park, 228 Stockwood, 271 Stodhard, J. 181 Stodard, 186 Stoford Lodge, 39 Stoke, 44 Gifford Paric, 42', 473 Ha", 43°, 433,54* Hill, 89, 481, 549 Pa*k> 3, 74, 163, 271, -Place, 388 Rochford, 225, m Stokes, Mrs. 8i Stone, R.'-57; W. 381 W. L. 66 Stone Castle, 364 Easton, 542; £14 Hall, 370 House, 103, 414 Stonefold, 296 Stoneland Park, 369, 593 Stoneries Hill, 236 Stoney Dean, 91 "** Thorpe, 263 Stonleigh Abbey, 503 Stonor Castle, 65 Stonor, T. 65 Stopford, Rev. R. B. 527 Stopham, 388 Stares, 564 Storey, T. 199 Storton Hall, 559 Storts HaH, 524 Story, Rev. T. 174 Stot, Mr. 182 Stour Head, 57, 01, 89 Stourfielii, 410 Stow Hal!, 287, 329 STO INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. TAL Stbwe, 114/ 163 Stowell Park, 131, .454 Stowey, 443 - Stowford, 34 Stowlangtoft Hall, 53S Stracey, E. 337 Strachey, Sir H. 370, 382, 443 Strafford, Earl of, 450 Strange*ays, Hon. C. 29 Strahan, J. 379 Stratfield Saye, 472 Stratford, J. S. 527 Strathmore, Earl of, 247, 566 Cduntess of, 410 Stratton, G. F. 440, "5 25 Stratton, 68 Hall, 340 33s Park, 47 Strawberry Hill, 77 Strawbenzer, CoL 245 Streatfield, R. 370, 383 Streatham Castle, 247, 566 Stretton, 223 Stretton Hall, 173 Strickland, Sir G. 316 ' S. 198 Strood, 385, 387 Strowtl, 25 Stroxton Hall, 225 Strutt, J. 18; Lieut. Col. 343 Stuart, Mr. 183 J. 271 P. 182 Stub House, 569 Stubbers, 354 Studley Castle, 1165,542 ...... Hill, 7 Park, 259, 572 Sturklow House, 224 Sturt, C- 17, 51,44' Mrs. 113 Styche, 495 ¦ Styles, SirC. 591 Siilborough, 259, 527 Sudbrook Holme, 321 Sudbury House, 202, 511 Sudley Castle, 112 Suffield, Lord, 336, 338, 5?7 Suffield Hall, 336, 338 557 Suffolk, Earl of, 71, 472 Sufton Court, 145 Sugar Loaf Mountain, 132 Sugnall Hall, 206 Sulhampstead, 4 Sullivan, Mr. 3 R- J-43 Sulyard, 538, 580 Summer Castle, 307, 520 Hill, 220, 371, ' 45,2 House, 227 Summerfield, P. T. 164 Summerfield Hall, 368 Sumner, G. 386, 561 Sunbury Place, 78, 585 Sunderland Hall, 241, 564 Sundon House, 415-6 Sunning, 4 Sunning Hill Park, 27 Sunny Bank, ,133 Supple, R. 253' Stirpes, J. 306 Surrenden, 368, 588, Sutton, Sir R, 264, 513 Lord G. '225 ...... G. 261,513,570 J- 25, 446 R. 226, 516 Sutton, 19. -. Coldfield Park, Court, 1, 443 Grange, '313 Hall, 176, 256 a. Park, 223,577 Place, 44, 412, 585 Suttons, 357 Swainston House, 393 Swallow, R- "262, '434 Swallowfield Place, 471 Swanmore, 55 Swarford Park, 525 Swarland House, 293 Swathling, 53 Sweethope, 237 Swecte, G. 42 Swettenham, J. 185 Swift Place, 371, 374 Swinburn, SirJ. 297 Swinburn Castle, 231, 2,48, 565 Swinbuine, SirJ. E. 56S bwinbrook, 131, S25 Swindon House, 73 Swinfin, J. 165 Swinfin Hall, 16/ Swinley Lodge, 28 Swinnerton,T. 432 , Swfnnerton Hall, 167 Swinton, Mrs. 359 Swithland Hall, 174 Sydenham, 297 Sydling House, 29 Sydney Farm, 92 Sydney, Lord, 365, 586.. Mr. 362 Syerston Hall, 430 Sykes, Sir C. 308, 316 s'r F. 13, 450, 470 Rev. R. 309 J- 3°9, 310, 435 Symmons, J. 414 Symond Hall, 75, 451 , Symonds, Sir R. 143 . . .-. Rev. R. 463 CaP'- 143 J-579 T- 443 Syston Hall, 225 Park, 299, 504 Syzerth Park, 198 Tabley, 168, 519, 552 Tackley Park, 100, 440 Tadworth Coiirt, 379 Tait, W. 241 Talbot, Earl, 166, 205, 210 Col. 97 .... E. 10 TAL INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. THR Talbot, G. 166 Hon. F. 556 ...... J. 25 Lady, 384 ••¦• T. 364 Talboys, G. 76 Talgarth, no Tallentire Hall, 200 Taliaris Park, 134, 493 Tallylynn House, 133 Talton Hill, 150 Tamworth Castle, 305 Tangier, 16 Tankersley Park, 379 Tankerville, Earl, 395 Tapely, 60 Tapps, Sir G^ 76, 410 Tauten Hill, 516 Grove, 356,516 Tarbutt, W. 187 Tarleton, T. 311 Tatham, E* 277 Tathwell Hall, 320 Tattersall, E. 328 Tatton Park, 1 6 8, 189 Taverham Hall, 536 Tawstock, 60 Taxhall, 186 'Baylor, Col. 43 Rev. Dr. 579 C. 45 C.W.411 G. 5«5 H. 584 E.366 J. 191, 428 M. A. 261 T/549 W. 41,148, 149, 310, 433, 484 Teddesley, 218 Teeton House, 199 Tehiddy, 23 Terapest,Sir H.V.145,570 Mr. 192, 194 Mrs. 22P Templar, G. 62 Temple, Earl, 47 Mrs. 84 Temple, 345 Newsome, 258, 2«, 4"> 436 Temple Bell Wood, 321 Hall,. 503 Place, 1 65 Rothley* 174 ' Templer, J. 34, 39 Temsford Hall, 223 Tendring Hall, 577 Tennaht, W. 209 Tenterden Place, 373 Terling Place, 343 Terraughty, 183 Terregles, 181 Tessier, L. 384 Teston House, 593 Tetbury Castle, 511 Teynham, Lord, 365- 1 hale, Mr. 439 Thame Park, 99, 157, 474 Thanet,Earl of, 1 14, 335, 277, 368, 590 Thanks, 35 Thelusson, Mr. 337, 548 Mrs. 35.9 TheltonHall, 351 . Thelwall, Rev. Mr. 135 Theobald, 3. M. 346, 537 Theobalds, 285 Theydon Hall, 357 Thirkleby, 289 Thirston, 292 ThistJ/sthwaite, Rev. Mr. 17 Thoby Priory; 343 Thomas, Sir G. 413 B.492 G. 344 J. 22, 206, 363, 518, 592 P. 58 R-I34 T. 130, 138 Thompson, Sir C. 571 SirT 151 ; Mr. 435 B. 228 S. 424 Thomson, Mr. 182 Dr.s87 Thomson College, 338 Thpresby Park, 261 ThoringtonHall, 345,353 Yy Thotley Hall, 335'' Thornage Hal), 5-39 Thornberry Hall, 274 Thornborough, 345 Thombury Oastle, 437 Thornby Folly, 300 Thorncroft, 384 Thorndon Hall, 343, 575 Thome. 481 Thorney Abbey, 364 Thorngrove, 101 Thornham Hall, 346 Thornhill, 304 , Thornhill, B. 105, 186 F. 430 G. 224 J 3°4 T. 280 Thomholme Priory, 322 Thorns House, 257 Thornton, Col. 228 ...... G. 333, 466 • S. 309,579 Ihornton, 193 College, 401 ^11,163,364, Thpmville Park; 228 ThornycroftHall, 168 Thomycroft, E. 168 Thornydike Tower, 296 Thorold, Sir J. 225, 299, 504 , S. 300 Thornton, T. 430 Mrs. 430 Thoroughgood.Miss, 533 Thorp, 334 Thorpe, S. 547 .... J. 33J, 578 .... Mrs. 174,508 Thorpe, 358 ,... 1^811,305,436,533 .... Malso, 369 Thoytes, W.,,4 Threepwood, 565 Thresher, Miss, 35 Thrieve Castle, 182 Thrigby Hall, 398,477 Throcking Park, 387 Throckmorton, Sir J. if, n«, 542 STO INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. TAL Stbwe, 114, 163 Stowell Park, 131, .454 Stowey, 443 Stowford, 34 Stowlangtoft Hall, 53 S Stracey, E. 337 Strachey, Sir H. 370^ 382, 443 Strafford, Earl of, 4C.0 Strange*ays, Hon. C. 29 Strahan, J. 379 Stratfield Saye, 472 Stratford, J. S. 527 Strathmore, Earl of, 247, 566 CPuntess of, 410 Stratton, G. F. 440, 525 Stratton, 68 Hall, 340 338 Park, 47 Strawberry Hill, 77 Strawbenzer, CoL 245 Streatfield, R. 370, 383 Streatham Castle, 247, 566 Stretton,, 223 Stretton Hall, 173 Strickland, Sir G. 316 ' '. S. 198 Strobd, 385, 387 Strowtl, 25 Stroxton Hall, 325 Strutt, J. 185 Lieut. Col. 343 Stuart, Mr. 18.3 J. 271 P. 182 Stub House, 569 Stubbers, 354 Studley Castle, 116,542 ?.,... Hill, 7 ...... Park, 259, 572 Sturklow House, 224 Sturt, C- 17,51,44' Mrs. 113 Styche, 495 - Styles, SirC. 591 Siijdborough, 259, 527 Sudbrook Holme, 321 Sudbury House, 202, 511, Sudley Castle, 112 Suffield, Lord, 336, 338, 557 Suffield Hall, 336, 338 557 Suffolk, Earl of, 71, 472 Sufton Court, 145 Sugar Loaf Mountain, 132 Sugnall Hall, 206 Sulhampstead, 4 Sullivan, Mr. 3 R- J-43 Sulyard, 538, 580 Summer Castle, 307, 520 Hill, 220, 371 : 452 House, 227 Summerfield, P. T. 164 Summerfield Hall, 368 Sumner, G. 386, 561 Sunbury Place, 78, 585 Sunderland Hall, .241, .564 Sundon House, 476 Sunning, 4 Sunning Hill Park, 27 Sunny Bank,>i33 Supple, R. 253" ' Stirpes, J. 306 Surrenden, 368, 588. Sutton, Sir R. 264, 513 Lord G. 225 G. 261,513,570 J. 25, 446 R. 226, 516 Sutton, 19. -. Coldfield Park, 209 Court, 1, 443 Grange, '313 Hall, 176, 256 Park, 223,577 Place, 44, 412, 585 Buttons, 357 Swainston House, 393 Swallow, R'262,'434 Swallowfield Place, 471 Swanmore, 55 S warlord Park, 525 Swarland House, 292 Swathling, 53 Sweethope, 237 Swecte, G. 42 Swettenham, J. 185 Swift Place, 371, 374 Swinburn, Sir J. 297 Swinburn Castle, 231, 248, 565 Swinbuine, SirJ. E. 566 Swinbrook, 131, 525 Swindon House, 73 Swinfin, J. 165. Swinfin Hall, 165- Swinley Lodge, 28 Swinnerton,'T. 432 , Swtnnerton Hall, 167 Swinton, Mrs. 359 Swithland Hall, 174 Sydenham, 297 Sydling House, 29 Sydney Farm, 92 Sydney, Lord, 365, 586 .- Mr. 362 Syerston Hall, 430 Sykes, Sir C. 308, 316 Sir F. 13, 450, 470 Rev. R. 309 J- 309. 310, 435 Symmons, J. 414 Symond Hall, 75, 451 , Symonds, Sir R. 143 .. .. Rev. R. 463 Capt. 143 J- 579 T. 443 Syston Hall, 225 Park, 299, 504 Syzerth Park, 198' Tabley, 168,519, 552 Tackley Park, 100, 443 Tadworth Coiirt, 379 Tait, W. 241 . Talbot, Earl, 166, 205, , 210 Col. 97 ,. E. 10 TAL INDEX to the COUNTRY SEAT& THK Talbot, G. 166 Hon. F. 556 ... ... J. 25 . -•' • Lady, 384 • • ...... T. 364- Talboys, G. 76 Talgarth, no • Tallentire Hall, 200 Taliaris Park, 134,-492 Tallylynn House, 133 Talton Hill, •156 Tamworth Castle, 205 Tangier, 16 Tankersley Park, 279 Tankerville, Earl, 295 Tapely, 60 Tapps, Sir G, 76, 410 Tapton Hill, 516 Grove, 356, 516 Tarbutt, W.-187 Tarfeton, T. 311 Tatham, E, 377 Tathwell Hall, 330 Tattersall, E. 328 TattonPark, 168, 189 Taverham Hall, 536 Tawstock, 60 Taxhall, 186 'Baylor, Col. 43 Rev. Dr. 579 C. 45 ...... C. W. 411 G. 585 H.584 E.366 J. 191, 428 M. A, 261 T/549 W. 41, 148, 149, 210, 432, 484 Teddesley, 218 Teeton House, 199 Tehiddy, 22 TerupestjSir H.V.i45,57° Mr. 192, 194 Mrs. 220 Templar, G. 62 Temple, Earl, 47 Mrs. 84 Temple, r24S Newsome, 258 375, 422, 436 Temple Bell Wood, 321 . Hall,. 502 . Place, 165 . Rothley, 174 Templer, J. 34, 39 Temsford Hall, 223 Tendring Hall, 577 Tennaht, W.. 209 Tenterden Place, 373 Terling Place, 343 Terraughty, 183 Terregles, 181 Tessier, L. 384 Teston iHouse, 593 Tetbury Castle, 511 Teynham, Lord, 365' Thale, Mr. 439 Thame Park, 99, 157, 474 Thanet,Earl of, 1 14, 335, '277, 3fi8, 590 Thanks, 35 Thelusson, Mr. 227, J48 Mrs. 35.9 Thelton Hall, 351 , Thelwall, Rev. Mr. 12S Theobald, J. M. 346, 537 Theobalds, 285 They don Hall, 357 Thirkleby, 289 Thirston, 292 Thistlithwaite, Rev. Mr. 17 Thoby Priory, 343 Thomas, Sir G, 413 D-492 G. 344 J. 22, 206, 363, 518, 592 P. 58 R- 134 . T. 120, 128 Thompson, Sir C. 57" SirT 151 Mr.435 ' B. 228 S. 424 1 Thomson, Mr. 183' Dr. 387 Thomson College, 338 Thpresby Park, 261 ThoringtonHaU, 345,353' Yy Thorley Hall, 335'' Thornage Hall, 539 Thornberry Hall, 274 Thornborough, 245 Thornbury Oastle, 427 Thornby Folly, 200 Thorncrpft, 384 Thorndon Hall, 342, 575 Thome. 481 Thorney Abbey, 364 Thorngrove, 101 Thornham Hall, 346 Thornhill, 304 , Thornhill, B. 105, 186 F. 420 G. 224 J- 304 T. 280 Thornholme Priory, 333 Thorns House, 357 Thornton, Col. 328 G. 223,466 • • • S. 3O9, 579 Thornton, 193 College, 401 Hall, 163, 364, 465 Thprnville Park; 328 Thornycroft Hall, 168 Thomycroft, E. 168 Thornydike Tower, 296 Thorold, Sir J. 335, 399, 504 S. 300 Thoroton, T. 430 .... Mrs. 430 Thoroughgood.Miss, 533 Thorp, 334 Thorpe, S. 547 .. J- 325. 578 .. Mrs. 174, 508 Thorpe, 258 , . Hall,305,426,53i • . , Malso, 369 Thoytes, W.,. 4 Threepwood, 565 Thresher, Miss, 35 Thrieve Castle, 183 Thrigby Hall, 398,477 Throcking Park, 387 Throckmorton, Sir J. Si, n«, 543 TI-IR INDEX to- the COUNTRY SEATS. TWI Throgmorton, Sir J. n6 Thunbridge Bury, 286 Thuriand Castle, 195,417 Thurlow, Lord, 381 Thursby, J. H. 425 Thursford, 339, 540 Tibbet, C. 253, 527 Tickhill Castle, 262, 520 Tidcombe House, 490 Tillard, J. 588 Tillington Court, 148,149 TilneyHall, 16, 472 Tilson, Mrs. 66 Timperley Hall> 550 Timson, W. 51, 388 Tincaia House, 10 Tintern Abbey, 138 Titchfield Place, 411 Titchrnarsh Lodge, 527 Titley Court, 146, 495 Tittenhanger House, 16 Park, 162 Tiverton Castle, 59 Tixall, 166, 205 Tockenham House, 453* ..." Wick,453 Tockington, 73, 426 Todd, Capt. 294 3. 232 , Mr. 281 ..... R.P.358 Toddington Park, 142 .272 Tpft Hall, 189 Toke, N.R. 368, 590 _Tolcross, 238 , Tollemache, Hon. W. 207, 362 . Tomkins, J. 67 ........ Mrs. 114 Tomkinson, J- 207 Tone, 231, 249 Tong Castle, 266 .... Hall, 282 - Tongs, 3.73 Tooket W. 338 Tooley Hall, 503 Toovey, T. 65 Tpphani, E. 309 Topping, J. 171 Terence, 240 Torkington, 176, 186 Torkington, Rev. Dr. 288 Torriano, Major, 151 ", Torsonce, 341 Tortworth Park, 427, 474 TothUl, 35 Tottenham Park, 6, 461 Tower, 119 Tower, C. 342 Towgood, W. 159 Town House, 536 Towerhill, 579 Townhill, 53, 92, 438 Townley, C. 194, 422 R- 53« Townley Hall, 194, 422 Townsend, ' Mr. 93, 28S G. 149 t Hon. C. 534 J. 446 Townshend, Marq. 333, 549 Lord, J. 222 Lady M. 586 H. 44,332 J- 573 Tracey, Lord, 117 C. H. 143 '¦• Mrs. 131, 137, 447 Tracey House, 19 Trafford, J. 189, 419 ........ T. 170 Trafford Hall, 189, 419, 55i Traine, 43 Tranquil Dale, 580 Trapps, Mrt 248 Treby, P. T. 35 Tredeyar; Trefalen Hall, 445 Tregamedtl, 105. Tregil, 134 Tregonweli, L. 50. Tregrehan, 36 Trcgunter House, 144 Trehill, 39 Trelawney, Capt: 36 Tielopgh, 463 Tieriarit Park,. 36 Trent, Mrs. 84 .. Trent Place, 220 Trentham Hall, 167 Trereife, 22 Tretower Castle, 133 Treslake, 21 Trevaylor, 24 Trevelyan, SirJ.480,566 J- 297 Rev. W. 299, 566 W. 298 Trevethow Hall, 33 Trevor, J. 383 ...... R. 373 Trevor Hall, 133 Trewithan, 36 Trewafgan, 23 Trewerdale, 21 Triagp, '443 Tring Grove, 153 Park, 153 Trollope, Sir J. 306^ 555 Trotter, J. 161, 296 Tioy House, 96, 132,139 Trusson, T. 345 Trutham, 23 Tubney Lodge, 67 Tucker, S. 278 Major, 87 - W. 19 Tuckford Paik, 171 Tuflnell, W. 349, 576 lulketii Hall, 193,314 Tullock, T. 231 f unnard, J. 40P T. 318 Tunstall, Mr. 234 Tunstali House, 433 TuptonHall, 188 Turner, C. 366 E- 225, 321, 554" 558 - G. 477 ..... J. no SirG.P, 163 T. 129 Turner, E. 70 Turret House, 153 Turville, F; *oo Mr. 203 Tusmribr, 458, 465 Tweddill, F. 565 Tweddle, Mr. 251 W.4I51 Twemlow,Mrs. 169 TwickenhamPaik, 77, 78 Twining House, 143 TWI INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATSi WAR Twisden, Sir J. 367 Twisleton, I ion. & Rev. J 526 Twysill Hall, 403 Twizell House, 292 Twydee, 96 Twyford House, 52 Twysden, Sir W. 591 Tyrnel, J. 343 Tyningham Castle, 293 Tynemouth Lodge, 304 Abbey, 304 Tynte, T. K. 9 3. K. 43, 62 Tyrconnel, Earl, 43, 384 Tyrrell, J. 70 - E. 352 Tyrwhitt, T. 58' Tyson, S. 540 U Ugbrook, 34, 39 Urnberslade, 151 TJnderdown, 145 Unthank, 251 Hall, 415 Upcott, 66 Upper Duntesborne, 68 ..... Gatton House, 3 80 Norton, 149 Wood House, 5.38 Upper Ossory, E. of, 273 Upton, J. 243, 564 Upton, 115 , ...... House, 42, 485 Park, 505 Upwogd, 17 Uske Castle, 95, 141 Usworth House, 291 . Uxbridge, Earl of, 32, 97: . 103, 166, 459 Vach, the, 113 Vale House, 323 Royal, 171J 49?^ 519 Valentine House, 341 Valley Field, 183 Vane, Hon. F. 569 H. 514 SirH.T. 568 Vansittart, A. 4 ,... G. 4, 65 Varden, T. 361 Vavaspur, Sir W. 328, 288, 422 Col. H. 310 W. 276 Vaughan, Sir R. 104 ....... a G. 104 J- 134 Mrs. 118, 494 Veal, T. 42 Veale, W. 24, 68 yeast, 19 Veitch, H. 239 Verelst, Mrs. 278 Verney, Mrs. 586 Vernon Hill, 91, 439 Vernon, Lord, 10, 202, 511 Lady H. 271 T. 44 .... G. 166 L. 163 , Vickeis, Mrs. 106 ' Views, the, 388 Vine, the, 469 Vintners, 367 Vivian, Rev. J. 36 Voelas Hall, 124 Vogrie, 232 Voxhall, L. 14 Vyner, Dr. 440 R. 307, 559 Vyse, Mr. 199 W Waddington, B. 96, 140 461 Wade, J. 3QS, 45* Mrs. 275 Wadley House, 67 Wadman, 3. -86, 91 Wadsworth, Mrs. 414 Wagg, G. 75 Waite, W. 296 Wake, SirW. 172,271 Wakefield -Lodge, 163 Wakeman, H. ioi, 428 3. 142 Walbertoh. House, 413 WaicptHall& Park, 103, 43" Walcot, T. 514 Walcott, J. 75 Waldegrave, Earl, 357 R-. 319 Waldenbury, 251 Waldefshare, 366 Waldren, W. 129, 219 Wales, Princess of, 363 Walford, Mrs. 343 Walford House, 63 Walker, Mr. 388 ¦*-¦ 2*9> 434 ¦ T. 255 W.67,422,573 Dr. 392 Mrs. 548 Wallace, T. 180, 235 Waller, E. 98, 131 , W. 224, 426 Walling Wells, 261 Wallinger, A. 341 Wallington, 5, 297, 566 Hall, 329 Wallis, A. 342 Walmer Castle, 378, 414 Walmsley, J. 193, 536 Walpole, Lord, 336, 340 Hon. Mrs. 102 Walsh, J. B. 27 Walsingham, Lord, 335, 338, 540, 546 Walsingham Abbey, 334 Walsworth House, 437 " Waltham, Dowager Lady, 343 Walthampton, 54 Walton, Rev. R. 194 Walton, 155, 455 • Court, 41, 409 Hall, 178,214, 217 House, 415 Walworth Hall, 241 Walwyn, Capt. 146 Wansford, 308 Wanstead House, 3:3, 34i> 357 Warburton, J. 203 Ward, St. A. 548 .. T. 3 Yy WAR INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. wEs Ward, J. 369, , W.L. 199 Wardouf Castle, 32 Ware, the 143 Ware Park, 222, 386 Waresl'ey House, icg ....... Park, 577 Warfield Grove, 37 Warham Hall, 334, 399 Waring, G. 91 .... MajorS. js 1 Warley Common, 342 Place, 342 Warkwprth Castle, 402 Warley House,, 422 ¦ Wajminghurst Park, -5-89. Warnell Hall, 249,- 561 Warner, - H. L. 334 - Warr, Mrs. 220 Warren, Sir G. 176 ....... SirJ. B. 512 Col. 153 .., E. 163 .1 Mrs. 511 Warren,, the, 27 Hall, 591 Warriner, G. 38 Warsop s T. 413 Warwick, Earl of) 154 Warwick Castle, 154 Wasing Place, 5, 474 Wassand, 311 Wastle, W. 570 Water Fryston, 338 Oakley, 3 Watergall House, 440 Wateringbury Place, 591 Waterperry, '99 WatsJrstoGk, 99, 475 Watkina, E. 72, 426 .'. Rev. Mr. 133 Mr. 507- ¦ - Watlington Park, 66 ••¦ Hall,329'>33> Watson, Rev. J. 176' ....... G. 254, 532 Mrs. 493' /Watt, J. 217 M. 241 " Watton Abbey, 308 Watton, T. 41 Watts, H.P. 337 Watts, R.-i 3.10 Mrs. 74 Wavenden House, 171 Waverley Abbey, 51,388 Wauchope, 233 Waude, S. W. 422 Way, B. 98 . J. 97 Weakman, W. 541 Weald Hall, 342 Weasenh¦ 97» 263, 257, 282, 380 Rev. J. 444 Mrs. 10 ..... R.259 T. 78,585 W. 319 Wood Dalling Hall, 331? End, 389 .... Hall, 322, 329, 548, 562 House Grove, 538 Norton, 339 Woodberry, 1 1 1 Woodbum, 232 Woodbine, C. 535 Woodbridge Priory, 344 Woodcock Hill, 153 Woodcot Hall, 210,499 ....... Park, 384 Woodcote, 55 ........ Lodge, 585 Woodford Hall, 323 Woodgate, H. 360 Mr. 371 Woodhall, 181 ...' Park, 573' Woodhead, 274 Woodhills, 98 . Woodhouse, 3. 108, 143 Woodlands, 50, 302 Woodiey, Mr. 348 Woodleyy 4 [Woodman, T. 384 I Woodmancote Place, 385 Woodrising Hall, 546 Woodrow, 116 Woodsham Hall, 279, 524 Woodthorpepj 257 WoodtonHall, 354 Woodward, J. 143 Woodyeare, J. 434 Wool, 240 Woolaton, Lord, 512 Woolaton Hall, 5 12, 544 WOO INDEX to the COUNTRY SEATS. ZOV Woolaston, F. 313 Wookey Hole, 86 Wool Lavington, 93 Wooler, G. 247 Woolerton Hall, 498 Woole'y Hall, 4 • Park, 457, 459 Woolhampton House, 5 Woolmer, R. 398, 477 Woolmet, 233 Woolsington, 297 Woolston Hall, 357, 430 Woolterton Hall, 336 Park, 340 Woolton Hall, 169 Woolverston Park, 344, 397 Woolverton, 163, 393 Wooton, 368 Hall, 150 Court, 366 Park, 150 Placed 579- Underwood,i54 Worcester, Bp. of, no, 464 Worksop Manor, 263, 508 Wormsley, 98 Wormley Bury, 386 Worral, S. 8, 426 Worrall, W. 384 -Worseley Hall, 190 Worseley, SirW. 190 Worsley Hall, 177 Worsley, Sir R. 392, 393 J. 185' Rev. Dr. 392 . : .... Mr. 177 Worstead Hall,' 337 Worth J. 59 Wratting Park, 529 Wratton, 362, 593 Wraxhall House, 26 Wray, Sir B. 34, 66 ..... Sir C. 307, 53p ....... T. 447 Wray, Mr. 579 Wrekin,' the, 130, 366 Wrest Park, 37 1 Wretham Hall, 337,345 Wright, Sir J. 3"24, 357 Major, 236 G. 171, 357 P- 343 R. 186, 351, 510 T. 342 Wrightson, W. 227, 264, 548 WrittlePark, 342, 575 WrothamPark, 161, 221 Wrottesley, Sir J. 265 Wrottesley Hall, 265 Wroughton, Rev. Mr. 457, 459 Wroxham Hall, 337 Wroxhall House, 264 Wroxton Abbey, 115,155 Wyatt, B. 120 " J. 14 R-353 T. 446 Wyberg, Mr. 179 Wybourn, J. 158 Wycliffe, 234 Wykeham, Abbey, 3 14 Wykes Court, 19 Wylam House, 416, 418 Wyndham, Rt.Hon. w 336, 539 Hon. P. 325 H.P. 17,55 W.32,76,b9 Wynne, Sir R. 281, 420 ....... J. 119, 208 . Sir W. W. 488 R. W. 486 Wynnstay, 488 Wyrley Grove, 209, 3i8 Wytham, 139 Wyvill, Rev. C. 345, 418 X '.Xiroenes, Capt. 4 Yair, 341 Yarborough, Lord, 401, ^51 Mrs. 327 Yarde, Sir F. B. 41, 274, 409, 486 Yarker, j. 245 «» Yarlington Lodge, 443 Yarnboiough Castle, 57 Yarncombe, 41, 484 Yartie House, 19 Yates, Lady, 366 .... J. 349 .... T. 165 Yatton Court, 108 Yeardiston, 102 Yeldham, T. 353 Y elland, 60 Yeoman, Col. 302 R. 438 Yeo Vale, 60 Ynisymaengwyn, no Yonge, G. 43 W. 497 York, Duke of, 8p Archbp. of, 389, 314 Mr. 503 Yorke, J. W. 318 V P. 119 T. 277 Youde, Rev. Mr. 48S Youlston, 8i Young, Lady, 78 Dr. 269 Mr. 237 A. 350 Younge Sir W- 3 Young's Bury, 28S Ystrad Teilo, 491 Zaciiary, J. 464 Zeal's House, 5- Zouch, H. 357 ERRATA* Page 9 dele the two first lines Page 13, line 14, before Cani'ton Bridge, read zS7i Page 16, line 2, for Wanstead House, read Tylney Hall Page 48, line 10 from the bottom, for 1 i-Jwi. read, zzirn. to Salishwty Page 54, line 15, for 88;f, read 83J line 19 for 93, read 93-J Page 91, line 30 after Botley, read Dolphin Page 118, line 12, dele Gredington Hall, Lord Kenyon Page 1^5, line 33, for T. Yates, Esq. read E. Grove, Esq. Page 167, after line 17, read 148J r. to Stoke ij m.' Page 213, line 37, after Frodsham, read Bears Paw Page 218, line 35, for Chetwode, read Chetwynd JPage 246, after line 12, read 251^ r. to Hawes fyn Page 327, line 32, after Barkway, read Wheatsheaf Page 341, line 14, Wanstead House is now the residence of the Prince de Conde ' Page 343, line 22, for &7%read 37$ Page 357 line 5 from the bottom, after Sible Hedingham, read the Bell Page 526, line 32, for 103 read 173 Page 534, line 3 from the bottom, for l read r *„* Some variations will be perceived in the lateral distances, from those giver: in the Cross Roads, which are occasioned by the measurements being laken from different points, in some cases from, or to, the entrance of a Town, in others the centre or end of it. gri^*fflist^;yu L3i :w