'Y^LE'WMnnEiEsinrY" Huntb^r 3 RECORDS of the Congregational Church tn TURKEY HILLS now the Town of East Granby, Connecticut 1776-1858 Published by ALBERT CARLOS BATES Librarian Connecticut Historical Society HARTFORD 1907 IDG Copies Printed 9ip,d.c:>. Cm 3 PELTON & KING PRINT, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH in Turkey Hills, now the town of East Granby, Connecticut, is said by tra dition to have been organized in 1737, the year in which the society or parish in which it is located held its first meeting. The General Assembly in October of the previous year had passed an act which divided the town of Simsbury into four ecclesiastical societies, the section previously called the "north east corner' ' being established as Turkey Hills. The same year another act of the Assembly enlarged the limits of the society, by adding to it on the east a section of the town of Windsor, having a length of about four miles and known from its width as "the half mile". In 1786, by division of the town of Simsbury, the section of Turkey Hills which had been in that town became a part of the town of Granby; and in 1854, by the same method, the section which had been in Windsor became a part of the town of Windsor Locks. On June 2, 1858, the town of East Granby was incorporated with practically the same boundaries as the so ciety of Turkey Hills. Even before, the society was formally established, Turkey Hills had been granted some privileges by the town of Simsbury, for on the town records under date of January 20, 1729-30, it was "voted that Tirkey hills Inhabitants their proportions of ye minifters Rate fhall be payd to their own hired minifter m"' Col lins' ' . Several later votes are of a like tenor. Owing to the loss, of all records of the church previous to November 1776, but little is known of its early history. From the records of the society the names of its early ministers and deacons can be learned; and it can rea,sonably be assumed that the great majority, if not all of those persons who took an active part in the affairs of the society during its first forty years were also members of the church. The records here printed are contained in two volumes. The earlier of these is a leather bound book whose pages measure thirteen by seven and three-fourths inches. The first two leaves are missing. The records begin on page 5 and end on page 1 24, with some intervening pages left blank and a number of blank leaves at the end. On the last page is a short table of contents in the handwriting of Rev. Whitfield Cowles. The later book is bound in boards, with marbled paper sides and leather back and corners. Its pages measure eight by six and one-half inches, and are numbered from i to 366, with some of the pages left blank. These records are printed with the knowledge and the informal permission of the ofiicers of the church. A. c. B. [s] Nov'' 27 1776 Blefsed be the Name of God. This day I was Set ap[art] by Prayer & y" laying on of the hands of y" Prefbetery, to the Work of y" Gofpel Miniftry, & y« Lord make me faithfuli. T[he] account of y" Tranfaction is as follows. "At an Ecclefiaftical Council convened at y° Houfe of M[''] John Thrall in Turky Hills in Simfbury on y" 26 of [Nov] ember 1776 Prefent /'Hezekiah Eiffel \ /'M'' Pelatiah Mil [Is] Rev* / Paftors \ Sara" Newel Timothy Pitkin Jofeph Strong Theodore Hinfdale Aaron Church Rufus Hawley Seth Sage Nathan Perkins Alexander Gillet ^Dan Fofteir The R^o Hezekiah Eiffel was chofen Strong Scribe. Deac" Stephen Hotch- Deac" Seth Lee [kis] Cap' Sam" Hays Deac" Nath^ Heyden Delegates? M'' John Borden M' Jofeph Woodford M' Abij ah Colton Deac° Jofiah Rogers VDeac" John Phelps Moderator & Jofep[h] The Meeting was opened with Prayer by the Mode [ra tor.] This Council was called by Letters Miff ive from [the] Chu [rch [6] Aar] on Jordan Eooge to y'' Work of y^ Gofpel Miniftry in this [plac]e. And were certified by authentic Copies from public [re]cords that y° Society & church in S* Turkey Hills had unani [mou] fly invited y^ S" m' Eooge to Settle with them in y'= Work [of] y'' Gofpel Miniftery & Paftoral Office. The S'* M' Eooge be [ing] prefent Signified to y" Council that he had complied with [y" i]nvitation of S^' Society & C""" And that S" m"^ Eooge at [his own] Motion had been examined & approved by two of y'^ Com [mit] tee of y*" North Affociation in Hartford County. The Council [then pro-] ceeded to a further Examination of S" Candidate as to his [motiv]es & aims in entering on & his qualifications for the Sa[cre]d Work. In confequence of which the Council unan imoufly [app] roved y" Candidate & were of opinion that our way is [clea] r to proceed to y° Solemn Setting apart S* M'" Eooge [to] y" Sacred Work of y" Chriftian Miniftry & Paftoral Of [fice] in this Place. 8 [T] he Several Parts of public Service on y° important [o] cca- fion were affigned as follows, (viz) Rev'^ M'' Perkins to make y° Prayer before Sermon. Rev** M' Fofter to preach y*" Sermon. Rvd ]y[r Bif£ei to make y" ordaining [Pr]ayer. R'* M"- Pitkin to give y" Charge. R"^ M"' Newel to make y" Prayer after y'= Charge. & the R^* M' [Hi]nfdale to give y'' right hand of Fel lowfhip: unanimouf [ly pa]ffed in Council atteft Jof. Strong Scribe. At 1 1 oClock A M The Council repaired to y" Meeting Houfe & Solemnly Set apart y" S* M"^ Booge agreeable to [y"] foregoing Ref ult atteft Jof. Strong Scribe [The] original kept on File. The Text was I Thef. 2. 4. And the [service] was concluded by Singing the 132 Pf [aim.] [7] A Plan of Church Difcipline. At a C'"'" Meeting regularly held in Turkey Hills Nov'' 12 1776 After mature Confideration y° C'' agreed & 'Voted as follows That this C"" takes y"= Word of God to be y'= only Sure & uner ring Rule of C'^'' difcipline, & We do not think any platform of Qhh difcipline of humane Compofure without Juft exceptions. However, we agree that the Platform drawn up by the Elders & Meffengers of y'^ C''"' of Connecticut convened at Say Brook A D 1708 in y'^ Main is agreeable to y" Word of God & is a good directory But i^' We are not Well Satif fied that y" 7*'' Article in y^ Heads of Agreement drawn up by y" Elders & Meffengers aforefaid & ye jst j^j-ticle in y" Adminiftration of C''' Difcipline are without juft exceptions. Eut are of Opinion that the Adminiftration of Qhh difcipline is communicated jointly to y'^ Paftor & C'''. Eut as Paftors or Elders are accounted worthy of double honour. So we believe they ought to have & be allowed a double Vote in all Acts & Votes of y^ C". a'y We are not Satiffied with y'= 7 Article That a C'' in y'= calling of a Council ought to be confined to y"^ confociated c'''"' of y^ Circuit to w*" they belong, but we believe that a C'^'' when they So agree have a right to call in a promifcuous Council. 3'y With ref pect to y° 8"' Article we are not well Satiffied but think that an offending Brother has no Eiberty of appealing to a Council after he is excommunicated from y'' C'''' Neverthe lefs Should he think himfelf aggrieved we will allow him y° privilege of calling in a Mutual advifory Council before he is excommunicated. 4'^ With Ref pect to y" 4 Article we are not very well fatiffied for We believe that whenever a Council is called [8] nothing ought to be deemed an act of it which hath not the major Part of y" Elders & Meffengers prefent. S''' & laftly We are not Satiffied with the 14 Article, for tho We allow it to be very expedient that deftitute and bereaved Qhhs jjj ordinary Cafes confult y" Affociation & take their advice concerning thofe Perfons who are fit to be called & Settled in the Gofpel Ministry among them; yet notwithstanding as we believe that c''''^ have y'* right of chofing their own Ofiicers So we do not look upon it they are abfolutely bound to adhere to Such advice at all times but there may be cafes in which they may have a right to Judge & to act for themfelves without it. Concerning y" reft of y'^ rules in Say Brook Platform We are So far Satiffied with them as to agree in taking them for a good help to underftand y'' Word of God in y"* Adminiftration of C'' Difcipline & We Agree to act in Conformity to them until God Shall be pleafed to give us further Eight. Teft Sam" Owen Clerk Signed, Aaron Jordan Booge paftor elect Sam" Owen 1 Richard Gay [ Com"'= Afahel Holcomb J A Confeffion of Faith I You believe that there is but one God, Subfifting in Three Persons the Father y" Son & y'^ Holy Ghoft in whom are all poffible Perfections. 2 You belive That God made & upholds all things by his power & is y'' Supreme Governor of All worlds. 3 You believe That the Holy Scriptures are y" Word of God & are a perfect rule of Faith & Manners. 4 You believe That God made Man upright & originally inftamped upon him his image of knowledge of righteousnefs & of holinefs. [9] 5 You Believe That by reafon of y" Sin & Fall of the firft man Adam, he plunged himfelf & all his pofterity into a State of Sin & Mifery. 6 You believe That it Pleafed God from all Eternity to chufe Some of fallen man to everlafting Life thro y'* Sanctification of y'^ Spirit & y" belief of y^ truth, & So in fullnefs of time Sent forth his only begotten Son, made of a Woman made under y" Eaw to redeem y"" who are under y'^ curfe of y'^ Eaw. 7 You believe That Jefus Chrift is y" only Saviour of Man neither is their Salvation in any other, nor any other name given under heaven among men by which we muft be Saved. 8 You Believe That Repentance Faith Eove & new Obedience are y" conditions of eternal Salvation Stated in the Gofpel. 9 You Believe That there are certain Special Ordinances inftituted by Chrift which are baptifm & the E"' Supper, that are in a religious manner to be obferved by his followers. IO You Believe That y" Eords Supper is an holy Ordinance inftituted by Chrift which by giving & receiving Bread & Wine according to Chrifts appointment his death is Shewed forth, of which this is to be a Standing Memorial to the end of y" World. 1 1 & Finally You believe That God has appointed a day in which he will Judge y"' World by Jefus Chrift & that in that day, they who have done good Shall be abfolved & acquitted & made perfectly bleffed in y"' full enjoyment of God forever Eut they who have done evil & died in their impenitency Shall be turned down to a burning Hell & lodged tliere forever. A Covenant You do now in y" prefence of God & before Angels & Men who are Witneffes of this tranfaction Solemnly [lo] Avouch y^ Eord Jehovah God y"* Father Son & Holy Ghoft to be your God you do alfo take y° Holy Scriptures to be y'^ only rule of your Faith & practife (& togather with yourfelf give up your Of fpring to God avouching ye E*^ to be your God & y" God of your Seed) You acknowledge your Sinfullnefs by nature & by practife & that all your hopes of Pardon & Salvation are built only on y"* righteousnefs & Satif faction of Jefus Chrift: Whom you now take to be your only Saviour your Prophet Prieft & King. Solemnly Promifing thro y^ help of Divine Grace to live in all refpects according to y'^ rules & precepts of y" Gospel. That you will carefully attend on all y'' ordinances of it & that you will Submit yourfelf to y" difcipline & government of Chrift in his Chi.. This You Own. This Confeffion of Faith & this Covenant were both Voted by the C'"" of Christ at Turkey Hills, for y° admiffion of members into C'' Fellowfhip with them Nov"' 12 1776 At The Same Meeting Nov' 12 1776 Voted that for y" future all Perfons that Shall join in Cov enant with this C'"'" Shall be priviliged with all Ordinances of y^ Gofpel in this C''. Alfo Perfons thus Covenanting having Strugles in their Confciences of coming or partaking of y'^ Eords Supper if they neglect it till they can See their way clear. Such neglect Shall not be deemed Scandalous by S'^ C'''\ Alfo Voted That thofe that have owned their baptifmal Covenant may have all c'"'' priviliges for y° future being orderly Walkers. Alfo Voted that this C'*" look upon all Baptifed Perfons under y= Watch of y" C''. Eikewife Voted that the Eords Supper be adminiftered once in two Months. Teft Sam" Owen Clerk Signed Aaron Jordan Booge paftor elect Sam" Owen ] Richard Gay [ Com"''" Afahel Holcomb II [i i] A Eift of y Members Male & Female belonging to y° c'"' in Turkey Hills at y"^ time of ray Ordination' Deac" Sam" Owen & Margaret his Wife Deac" Afahel Holcomb & Dinah his Wife John Granger & Dinah his Wife Mercy Forward Wid. Mercy Eafon John Cornifh & Miriam his Wife Richard Gay & Mary his Wife Micah Moore Sahara Wife to Ebe' Eamfon ju'' Capt Zaccheus Gillet Elifabeth Wife to Zac. Gillet ju"^ Elifabeth Wife to E' And"^ Hillyer Eucy Wife to Enf. Mar* Wiuchel Mary Wife to Elifha Winchel Deborah Wife to Sim° Eewis John Drake & Mahitabel his Wife John Thrall & Martha his Wife Nath' Mather Margaret Wife to Henry Viets Benoni Veits Ruth Wife to Seth Viets Hannah Wife to Capt Abel Forward Timothy Hawley & Rachel his Wife Thomas Hawley & Hannah his Wife Elifabeth Bacon Wid. Mary Alford Wid. Zickary Prince Higley Wid. Negro [12] January 22 1777 A c^"" Meeting according to Warning was holden at y"" Meeting Houfe. When met voted that inasmuch as y" c^^ in this Place has for a long time been in an unfettied State & now y" Stated ordinances of y" Gofpel being refettled amongft them all y"^ Members of y'' c''*' male & female do unitedly & publicly at a proper time take y^ vows bf y'' Eord upon themfelves afrefh. Voted alfo That y*" expences of y'^ Communion Table be defrayed by a Contribution. At the Same Meeting agreed That y° Congregation be informed of y" purpofe of y^ c'''' that on y" 26 a c'''' Meeting be warned to be holden on y" 29 immediately after y'' Exercifes of y" Faft to inform y^ congregation with regard to y" obligations they looked upon baptifed Persons to be under & ye obligations lying upon y** c""'' to confider and deal with them as Subjects of c*"'' difcipline alfo to notify all that are covenanters that all of them or as many as are difposed may have an opportunity to renew their vows at y'^ time when y" c'''' do & further it is expected that all y" Cov enanters that do propofe to renew their Vows will before or at f urtheft at y'^ time of renewedly Covenanting Signify their Names to y'* Pastor. 1 In handwriting of Rev. Aaron Jordan Booge. Jan'''' 29 1777 A C^^ Meeting was holden according to warning when the Vote was unanimously renewed by y" c*'' & univerfally confented to by y" Congregation that all baptifed Perfons be confidered as under y° watch of y'' c'"''. Feb 16 1777 The C^^ according to their Vote of y'= 22" of January unitedly & publicly appeared & took y'= Vows of y" Eord afrefh upon themfelves. Nov'' 9 1779 At a c'''' Meeting regularly holden Voted that a Eetter be given to y" R"^ Ebenezer Mills & Mary his Wife recommending them to [13] occafional Communion. Voted that y'' C'' return an anfwer to y'^ refolve & Addrefs referred to y"" from y'= C'"' of X in Sandiffield. The C" of X in Turky Hills to y'^ C" of X in Sandiffield Sendeth greeting R""^ & Beloved We have received & confidered your Addrefs & refolve contained in a Eetter directed to us bj' R"* E. Storrs bearing date April 5, 1779 extracted from your C'''' Records. The C'' of X at Sandiffield appear, by this extract from their Records, Sometime after y" 8"' of June 1767 to have received from y° R""* N Strong late Paftor of y' C'' a Eetter "Recommending R''^ M." Mills & Mary his Wife to com" with y'= C'"'' as regular Walkers in Xtianity." Upon y' you are pleafed to Say y' from y° Sim- ularity of y' with other Eetters difmiffing from particular Con nection & recommending to Stated Communion & M' M" Silence relative to any other intention you Suppofed it to have y° Same defign & Voted y"" Members accordingly on y" 15 of Jau'^ 1769. In confequence of y* it Seems it Seems you have thot M"' Mills under y" Jurifdiction of y' particular C'', "& have not been nor Still are convinced to y'= contrary" When you refiect on mr Strongs letter y' it exprefly recommends y'" to communion in w'ever Place y' Station & Abode may be Affigned by Providence not mentioning any c'''' in particular & w' y'' reflect on a certifi cate Sent you by order of y'' C'' in y' Place bearing date 28"' of April 1776 in wh y' C"'' expreffly Say y' M' Mills and his Wife have never been difmiffed from y" C''** by any Order or Vote of S"* C" but do Still remain Members of y= C"" & with likewife recollect m'' Strongs Certificate bearing date May 30 1776 in w'' he Says he has no remembra [nee] indeed y' he is fully Satiffied in his own Mind y' he never was difmiffed in ufual Form while he was Paftor of y" C'"' only y' M"' Mills defired a Recommenda tion at Earge. We Say with thefe things before you y' you Should not at all be convinced but that [14] you are right in your acceptation of M' Strongs Eetter recomraendatory perhaps 13 you eafily & clearly perceive & admit y" Evidence for your deter mination; for our own Part we all Say it is hard for us to Join w' you in opinion. We likwife obferve in your Addrefs & Refolve ' ' y' for y" honour of X & his Re' & Eaws you refer y'^ particular care of Rv" M' Mills and Mary his Wife to y** Said C" in Turkey Hills & at y" Same time are not nor have been convinced but y' you have y" jurifdiction of y''^ To find out y'' propriety & confif- tency of y'' we confefs we want much enlightning. However notwithftanding our inability to underftand y'' Intri cacies of your referrence Addrefs & refolve we have no difpofition to exculpate any of our Members from being Dealt with according to gofpel rules & have y"^ Strongeft defires y' y" difcipline of X'* houfe may be obferved. We are heartily Willing to any com plaint properly exhibitted respecting any Severe & unXtian reflections or any other Conduct juftly reprehenfible in M' Mills or any other of our Members y* Offend Wifhing Grace Mercy & Peace may be multiplied unto you from our common L,^, At y" Same Meeting Voted That Dea" Sam" Owen Dea" Afahel Holcomb M' Richard Gay M"' Tho'' Hawley and M' Elijah Owen be a Com""" to affift y" Paftor in infpecting y" flock in y^ Place. This Com""" to Stand one year. [15] March 3'' 1780 At a Meeting of y" C'*^ of X in Turky Hills regularly convened at y" Meeting Houfe Voted That So much of a former Vote of ys Qhh bearing date Nov"" 12 1776 as is contained in y" following Paragraph be & is hereby reconfidered (Viz) "Voted y* for y" future all perfons y* Shall join in Covenant with y'' C'' shall be priviliged with all ordinances of y" Gofpel in y= C''. Alfo per fons thus Covenanting having Scruples on y' Confciences of coming or partaking of y" Eords Supper if y^ neglect it till y^ can See y' way clear Such neglect Shall not be deemed Scandal ous by S'^ C''-" At y Same Meeting Voted y' Dea" Sam" Owen & Dea" Afahel Holcomb a Com""" to affift our Rev" Paftor to prepare a plan of y" terms of communion y* members Shall be admitted upon in future in y" c''*" to be laid before y" c^^ for y'' confideration at y' adjourned Meeting, alfo y' y" Same perfons be defired to prepare a plan for y" Same purpofe refpecting Such as Shall defire to make a profeffion of religion & defire baptifm for y' children Voted y' y" meeting be & is hereby adjourned to Thurfday y" lo"" of inft March at one of y" oClock P. M. [16] June 29 1781 at a C'''' Meeting regularly holden at y" Meeting Houfe in Turky Hills Voted that Dea" Sam" Owen, Dea" Afahel Holcomb, 14 M'' Richard Gay M'^ David Higley & M"^ Tho' Hawley be a Com mittee to affift y" Paftor in y" infpection of y" flock in y' Place. Voted alfo that, inasmuch as m'' Jeffe Forward does not appear at this Meeting according to his late agreement, they are Still willing & defirous, notwithftanding all y" pains that have been taken, to make every further exertion in their power to reclaim him & bring him to a Senfe of his duty: for which reafon they appoint Dea" Sam" Owen & M"^ Richard Gay to be a Committee togather with our R'* Paftor to inform M"' Forward that they are entirely ready & willing to receive him into relation with upon his giving them Satiffaction for thofe things in his conduct that he has been So abundantly laboured with about, & upon his refufal to inform him that they are impowered to join with him in calling in proper mutual Councel to advife what is meet for him & us to do. Upon his refufal of this they are impowered & defired to call in a number of Meet perfons from Sifter C'" to advife this C'' upon y" cafe of M' Forward & any other mat ters that may be proper to lay before them. September ye 24"^ Day 1788 at a Church meeting Regularly holden at the meetin Houfe in Turkey Hills the Brethren unanimasly appeared Defirous that the facrament of the Eords f upper mite be adminestred as foon as Could be Conveniant: and that mr Bruster Higley and mr Thomas Hawley who ware then Chozen to Gow before the f* facrament be administred and inform Cpt Joseph forward that this Church are Defirous that he Do not attend at the Ordinance untill He fuUfiU his publick Promis Refpecting mr John miner and his wife and Give fatiffaction to faid Church [17] Turkey Hill June 11"' 1794 In Consequence of being acquited of a certain accusation by the Church and the next moment condemned for the same crime I Joseph Forward acknowledge myself too hasty in declaring that a certain Member of this Church was a Eiar if she said so and so. June 11"' 1794. We the Congregational Church in Turkey hills do acknowledge that in consequence of the above mentioned hasty declaration of our Brother Joseph Forward, we did too hastily debar him from our Communion and in Consequence of our deranged situation have too long neglected attending to endeavouring to heal the unhappy Breach. We now therefore declare there is no bar against him and is therefore considered in Regular Standing. June 19"' 1795 At a Church meeting held at the meeting House in Turkey Hills the Church of X in s"* place proceed to Elect and unani mously elected James Hawley for their Deacon — s^ Hawley takes s'' Office into Consideration — Accepted Office Test Whitfield Cow [les] MD-- 15 [i8] Dec' 25 1782 At a Meeting of y" Paftor & C'" of Chrift in Turky Hills regularly holden A Complaint was exhibited by M' Richard Gay a Member of this C»" against Micah Moor a Member of y" Sarae C"" for Intemperance, Neglect of public & Divine Worfhip profane Eanguage & unchriflian Quarrelling M' Moor ap peared before ye C" & plead guilty to y" two firft articles of Charge & not guilty to y" two last upon w'' y" C''' went into an hearing of y" witneffes bro' in Support of y" Charge at y" Meet ing At y" Same Meeting a Coraplaint was Exhibited by m' R. Gay a Member of y' C'' against Elijah Wol worth a Meraber of y" Same C''' for y" Sin of Fornication & Neglect of public & divine Worfhip M' Wolworth appeared & owned y" laft article to be true but not guilty to y" former upon which y" C'' went into a hearing of y" 'Witneffes bro' in Support of y" Charge at y" Meeting. At y" Same Meeting Voted that y" Paftor of y" C'' Send Eet ters of Admonition to E' Eb' Phelps, Nath' Mather & Ruth Viets for abfenting themfelves from Worfhip & Ordinances which Eet ters were Sent. Voted to adjourn y" Meeting till y" 2'' day of January 1783 at ID of y" OClock in j'" Morning Jatfy 2" 1783 Met according to adjournment. Heard Moor'* defence upon y" charge laid againft him at y" laft Meeting & upon mature confideration of y" Cafe y" C''*" unan imoufly Voted that M' Micah Moor is guilty of y" facts he is charged with in y" Complaint At y" Same Meeting Heard M' Wolworth' Defence upon y" Charge laid in againft him at y" laft Meeting & upon mature confideration of y" Cafe y" C'' unanimoufly Voted y' M' Elijah Wolworth is guilty of y" Sin' of Fornication as Set forth in y" Charge exhibited againft him as to y" other y^ were of opinion that inasmuch as he has attended worfhip of late raore than in tiraes paft y' y^ would wait on him further hoping a reformation Voted to adjourn y" Meeting untill jan"''' 16"" 1783 at ten of y" OClock in y" forenoon Jan 16 1783 Met according to adjournment [19] After confidering y" Cafe of M" Viets Voted that inasmuch as M''' Ruth has for Sorae time paft left Worfhip & Ordinances w' y' C"" & joined herfelf with y" Bap- tifts notwithftanding her having entered Solemn Cov' to walk w' ys Qhh ijj all Gospel Ordinances & to Submit herfelf to y" disci pline of X in y' C''' & notwithftanding all y" Pains y' have been 1 This word is crossed out in the original record. i6 taken w' her to prevent her Seperation from us does now declare her fixed determination to remain w' y" y' C''' declare y^felves difcharged of y" particular watch over y" S'' M" Ruth Viets & y' y" S* M'' Viets be furnifhed with a Copy of y' Vote. At y" Same Meeting Voted that y" Whole C'' do refolve y^felves into a Committee to treat with a number of Persons y' have abfented y^felves from public Worfhip & Some of y™ faulty in other refpects At y" Same Meeting A number of other matters were taken up & largely talked of but being defirous to have full time confideration Voted to adjourn to Thurfday y" 30"' of Janry 1783 Jan 30"' 1783 Met according to adjournment At this Meeting A Complaint was exhibited by M' Richard Gay a Member of this C'' againft m' Martin Winchel J"' a perfon in Covenant with this C''' as being a Scandalous perfon in that he has divers times been guilty of ufing Strong Drink to intoxication, of unXtian Quarrilling & Contention and of ufing prophane Eanguage M' Winchel, tho cited neglected to appear before y" C'' The C'' however heard the Evidence & confidered y" Cafe & Voted that M' Martin Winchel is guilty of y" Facts as Set forth in M' Gays Complaint Voted alfo y' M' Martin Winchel is guilty of Contempt of y" Authority of X in y' C'' in not attending y" C'' Meeting w" regularly required thereto. & that he be furnifhed with a Copy of thefe Votes w*" were accordingly Sent him. The C'''' then confid ered the Matters laid over to this Meeting & after having Shewn y' Minds upon them adjourned till Thurfday Feb'^ 13 1783 to be holden at 10 of y" oClock in y" forenoon Feb'y 13 1783 Met according to adjournment At this Meeting the C'*" Voted two Eetters of admonition one for Elijah Wolworth & y" other for Micah' which were publicly read & they cited to hear them At this Meeting Voted also that Dea" Afahel Holcomb M' John Auftin Dea" Sam" Owen M' Brewster Higley and M' Richard Gay be a Committee to be with & affift the Paftor in infpecting ye Qhh ^ Congregation carried forward to Page 100 [20] Dec' 6 1776 Elijah Wolworth & Mahitabel his Wife were admitted to full Comraunion with this C''"* Jan'y 12 1777 Eydia Gay was admitted to full Communion with this C" 1 Micah Moor, as preceding votes show. 17 Feb'y i6 1777 David Higly y" i" Daniel Halladay & Anna his Wife Jofiah Alford & Martha his Wife Micah Griffin & The- dofha his Wife Wid. Elifabeth Cornifh Ruth the Wife of Capt Jof. Forward, who had all been Covenanters appeared & joined with y" c'''' in taking ye Vows of y" Eord upon them & confidered themfelves as y" church voted to confider them as members in full Communion March 2 1777 Cap' Jo' Forward who had been a Covenenter was admitted to full Comraunion with this C'' July 6 1777 Jehannah Wife to David Higley the firft was admitted to full Com" with this C" Sept 7 1777 Cap' Abel Forward, who had been a Covenanter, was admitted to full Communion this C'"' Jan 4 1778 David Bernard & Dorotha his Wife were admitted to full Communion w' y' c'''' Feb I 1778 Seth Griffin & Mary his Wife & Abner Bull & Cloe his Wife were admitted to full Communion with this C"'' June 28 1778 Phinehas Stevens & Marcy his Wife were ad mitted to full Com" w' y' C"" Oct 18 1778 Wid Deborah Carr was admitted to full Com munion with y' C'' [21] Jan. 31 1779 Deborah Alderman was admitted to com munion with this C''*' Feb 28 1779 Grace ye Wife of R"* Aaron Jordan Booge, Reuben Clark & Zeruiah his Wife Sz; Elifha Winchel j"' & Mind- well his Wife were admitted to Communion with this C'' Oct 3* 1779 Job Phelps j"' & Charity his Wife & Martin Griffin & Ann his Wife were admitted to Communion with this Qhh Feb 27 1780 Jonathan Higly was admitted to communion w' yS Qhh April 30 1780 Elifha Griffin & Jerufha his Wife were ad mitted to com" w' y' c'''' May 28 1780 Tho' Stevens j"' & Turzzel his Wife were ad mitted to owu Covenant March 5 1781 Sufanna ye Wife of E' Eb' Phelps was admitted to full Communion with y' C*" March 18 1781 Rozel Moor & Sarah his Wife were Admitted to own Covenant March 25 1781 Reuben Adams & Hannah his Wife were Ad mitted to own Covenant April 29 1 78 1 John Auftin on a Eetter of Recomendation from the C''' in Winchefter was admitted to full Communion May 27 1 78 1 Ezekiel Phelps j"' & Bethfheba his Wife & Benjamin Wright & Tirzah his Wife were admitted to own Cov enant Auguft 26 1 78 1 Jonathan Warner was admitted to full Com" with y' C*" i8 March lo"' 1782 Ebenezer Meriman & Mahitabel his Wife were adraitted to Covenant with this C'' [22] This year 1782 Richard Gay ju' & Eucina his Wife were admitted to own Cov' with y" C''' This year 1782 Euke Thrall & Deborah his Wife were Ad mitted to own Cov' with the C''' March 15 1783 Jeffe Forward & Violet his Wife were ad mitted to own Cov' with the C'' May 25 1783 Ifaac Owen j"' & Zeruiah his Wife were ad mitted to own Covenant with y' C"'' Auguft 24 1783 Rofwell Skinner & Mary his Wife were ad mitted to Covenant w' y' C'"' Auguft 31 1783 D' John Howe was admitted to cov' with ye Qhh Oct 5 1783 David Eno & Ellis his Wife Were admitted to Cov' March 7 1783 Phebe The Wife of John Miner was admitted to Cov' July 13 1784 Gad Alderman & Happy his Wife were admitted to Cov' July 10"' 1785 Grove Winchel & Grace his Wife were ad mitted to Cov' July 24 1785 Oliver Winchel & Charity his Wife were ad mitted to Cov' Dec' 8"" 1785 I was difmiffed from the Paftoral Relation to y" C'" & Society of Turky Hills The Council that made the Solemn Declaration were Rv"* Elders Beloved Brethren Churches Theodore Hinfdale N. Windsor Aaron Church D" Uriel Holmes i" in Hartland Rufus Hawley D" Jared Butler Northington Nath' Gaylord D" Abel Brace 2* in Hartland Sam" Stebbens i" in Simsbury [23] Dec' 29 1776 M' Timothy Hawly & Rachel his Wife were difmiffed from their relation to this c'''' & recommended to the c''*" of Christ in Northington April 20 1777 Elifabeth Wife to Zaccheus Gillet j"' was dif miffed from her relation to this C"" & recommended to the chh of Christ in Farmingbury Jan. 31 1779 M' John Cornifh & Miriam his were difmiffed from y' relation to y' c'''' & recommended to y" c'"' of X in New Marlborough April 27 1783 Micah Moor was Solemnly Excommunicated from all priviliges in y' C" for y" Sins of drunkenefs, prophane Eanguage, neglect of public Worfhip & Ordinances and unchrif- tian quarreling & contention Sept 18'" 1785 M' John Auftin was difmiffed from his Rela tion to this C'' & recommended to ye C'"" of Christ Becket 19 August 19"' Day 1787 James Hawley and Euciney his wife & Rachel Hawley were admitted as members in full Comraunion with the C'"'' of Christ in this Place April ye 6"' Day 1788 David Goold and Reebeckah his wife ware admitted to one own Covenant with this Church novem ye 9"' Day 1788 Alson Hofkins and Funis his wife oned their Baystismel Covenant and put themselves under the watch of this Church march ye 22"'^ Day 1789 Hannah Hawley 2"'' on Publick Con- fefsion for the Sin of fornication was accepted of the Church and on the 5"' Day of Aprel 1789 admitted to one Covenant and Put Herfelf under the watch of this Church July ye 17"' Day 1790 Ruben Barker and Sarah His wife on Publick Confession for the fin of fornication was accepted of the Church and on the 12 Day of September 1790 admitted to one Covenant and Put themfelves under the watch of the this Church [24] July 27, 1794 Worthy Thrall and Sarah his Wife Eli Winchel and Abigal his Wife Alexander Griswould jur and Elsie his Wife Joseph Clark and Jemima his Wife Henery Mumford and Sally his Wife and William Rockwell and Annis his Wife, Aug' 6, 94. Eli Strong and Eament his Wife, Sep' 27, 94. Euther Holcom and Susan his Wife. Elihu Phelps and Charity his Wife. Euke Winchels Wife and Thankful Holcom propounded Aplton Robbinss Wife. Anne Wife to Reuben Forward. George Owen and Chloe his Wife May 30"" Dan Alford & Wife are to be propounded as soon as he is able — now sick Oct 30, 97 Sep' 8"' 181 1. Eucy Barney was propounded to be Admitted to Church Privelages Aug' 16, 1812 Joel Clark was propounded to be Admitted to Church priveleges. [25] Dec' 18 1776 Born to Nath' Phelps & Tryphena his Wife a male Child Jan'y 7 1777 Born to James Eno & his Wife a Female Child Dec' 29 1776 Born to Seth Griffin & his Wife a Female Child Jan'y 30 1777 Born to Pelatiah Adams & Sabrina his Wife a Male Child Feb'y 14 1777 Born to Elijah Alderman ju' & his Wife a Male Child March 14 1777 Born to Enf. Sam" Booth & Elifabeth his Wife a Male Child March 27 1777 Born to Hezekiah Eewis & Eydia his Wife a Female Child 20 March 20 1777 Born to David Higly ju' & Mary his Wife a Female Child April 24 1777 Born to Elijah Owen & Eydia his Wife a Male Child May 28 1777 Born to Seth Viets & Ruth his Wife a Female Child July 6 1777 Born to Ezekiel Phelps ju' & his Wife a Female Child July 15 1777 Born to Barnabas Mecham & his Wife a Male Child Sep' 8 1777 Born to Abner Bull & his Wife a Male Child Sep' 25 1777 Born to David Bernard & his Wife a Male Child Oct 4 1777 Born to Wid. Efther Phelps a Male Child begotten & born in Fornication Dec' 3 1777 Born to Ahaz Holcomb & his Wife a female Child Same Day Born to Mary Clark a female Child begotten & born in Fornication Dec' 4 1777 Born to Elifha Griffin & his Wife a female Child [26] Dec' 16 1777 Born to Reuben Phelps & his wife a female child Dec' 20 1777 Born to Cap' Jo' Forward & his Wife a male child Jan. II 1778 Born to Joel Clark & his wife a female Child Jan. 21 1778 Born to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife a male Child Feb. 5 1778 Born to Daniel Wilcox & his Wife a Female Child March 9 1778 Born to E' Andrew Hillier & his Wife a Male Child March 24 Born to Aaron Phelps & his Wife a Male Child April 25 Born to Elijah Wolworth & his Wife a female Child May 13 1778 Born to Elisha Winchel j"' & his Wife a Male Child June 15 1778 Born to Deborah Alderman unmarried a Male Child June 26, 1778 Born to Sam" Forward & his Wife a female Child July 6 1778 Born to Jon'"" Higly & his Wife a Male child July 19 1778 Born to Ifrael Granger & his Wife a Male Child July 31 1778 Born to Micah Moor & his Wife a Male Child Aug. 8 1778 Born to E' Eenj Thrall & his Wife a Male Child Aug. 28 1778 Born to If Eben' Phelps & his Wife a Male Child Sep' 16 1778 Born to Reuben Clark & his Wife a Male Child Nov' 13 1778 Born to Jofiah Alford & his Wife a female Child Nov' 17 1778 Born to John Thrall j"' & his Wife a Female Child Feb. 18 1779 Born to David Higly j"' & his Wife two Male children 21 Feb 28 1779 Born to Jeffe Forward & his Wife a male Child Dec' 1778 Born to Seth Grifiin & his Wife a Male Child March 2 1779 Born to Micah Griffin & his Wife a female child May 3 1779 Born to Martin Griffin & his Wife a Male Child [27] May 14 1779 Born to Alvin Owen & his Wife a female child. Dec' 10 1778 Born to Tim" Moor & his Wife a Male child May 24 1779 Born to Reuben Adams & his Wife a female Child Auguft II 1779 Born to James Eno & his Wife a Male Child 1779 Born to Elijah Wolworth & his Wife a female Child July 26 1779 Born to Elijah Owen & his Wife a Male Child Auguft I 1779 Born to Hez"' Eewis & his Wife a female Child Aug 3 1779 Born to Stephen Finch & his Wife a Male Child Oct 7 1779 Born to Job Phelps j"' & his Wife a Male Child Oct 24 1779 Born to Barnabas Mecham & his Wife a female Child Dec' 16 1779 Born to Dan' Halladay & his Wife a Male Child Dec' 19 1779 Born to John Hill & Mary his Wife a female Child Jan ID 1780 Born to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife a Male Child Jan 10 1780 Born to Elifha Winchel j"' & his Wife a female Child Dec' 9 1779 Born to Charity Hill a Male Child Illegitimate Dec' 20 1779 Born to Elifha GriflSn & his Wife a Male Child Jan 16 1780 Born to Ahaz Holcomb & his Wife a Male Child Jan 18 1780 Born to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife a Male Child [28] March 14'" 1780 Born to Enf" Math"" Griswold & his Wife A Male Child April 29 1780 Born to Sam" Clark & Ruth his Wife a Male Child May 22 1780 Born to Rev'^ Aaron J. Booge & Grace his Wife a Male Child May 27 1780 Born to Abner Bull & his Wife a female Child June 5 1780 Born to Tho' Spring & his Wife a Male Child July 24 1780 Born to Reuben Clark & his Wife a female Child July 13 1780 Born to David Bernard & his Wife a Male Child Auguft 29 1780 Born to Jeffe Forward & his Wife a female Child Sept 5 1780 Born to Mr Tho' Hawley & his Wife a Male Child Nov' 6 1780 Born to Aaron Phelps & Ruth his Wife a female Child 22 Nov' 6 1780 Born to Rofwell Moor & Sarah his Wife a female Child Oct 1780 Born to Martin Griffin & his Wife a Male Child Nov' 1 780 Born to Seth Griffin & his Wife a female Child Nov' II 1780 Born to Enoch Phelps & his Wife a Male Child Dec' 16 1780 Born to Sam" Forward & Wife a Male Child Dec' 16 1780 Born to Reuben Phelps & his Wife a female Child [29] Dec' 18 1780 Born to Nath' Phelps & his Wife a Female Child Dec' 24 1780 Born to John Thrall & his Wife a Male Child Jan. 6 1781 Born to Reuben Adams & his Wife a Male Child Jan 14 1 78 1 Born to Stephen Grifiin 2* & his Wife a Female Child Jan 18 1 78 1 Born to Benj^ Wright & his Wife a Female Child Feb 3 1 78 1 Born to E* Benj-' Thrall & his Wife a Female Child Feb 4 1 781 Born to Phebe Eeavit a Male Child Illegitimate. Feb 5 1 78 1 Born to Joseph Swan & his Wife a Male Child Feb 17 1 78 1 Born to Dan' Wilcox & his Wife a Female Child March 2 1781 Born to David Clark j" & his Wife a Male Child March 10 1781 Born to Jonathan Higley & his Wife a Male Child May 18 1 78 1 Born to Asahel Holcomb j"' & his Wife a Male Child May 24 1 78 1 Born to Tim" Moor & his Wife,a Male Child Auguft 8 1 78 1 Born to Ifaac Owen j"' & his Wife a female Child Auguft 8 1 78 1 Born to Ezekiel Phelps j"' & his Wife a Male Child Auguft 13 1781 Born to Elijah Wolworth & his Wife a female Child Auguft 27 1 78 1 Born to Dan' Halladay & his Wife a Male Child Oct II 1781 Born to Elifha Winchel j"' & his Wife a female Child Oct 24 1 78 1 Born to Joel Clark & his Wife a Male Child Oct 26 1 78 1 Born to Afa Moor & his Wife a Male Child [30] Dec' 2 1 78 1 Born to Micah Moor & his Wife a Male Child Dec' 2 1 78 1 Born to Wid. Either Phelps a female Child Dec' 10 1781 Born to E' Elijah Owen & his Wife a Male Child Dec' 12 1782 Born to Enoch Phelps & his Wife a male Child Dec' 14 1781 Born to Jonathan Warner & his Wife a female Child 23 Jan' 8 1782 Born to Richard Gay j"' & his Wife a female Child Fe'' 15 1782 Born to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife a female Child March 12"" 1782 Born to Rev** Aaron Jordan Booge & Grace his Wife a Female Child March 18"^ 1782 Born to James Eno & his Wife a Male Child March 21 1782 Born to Eliphalet Phelps & his Wife a Male Child April 2* 1782 Born to Enf" Mathew Griswold & his Wife a Male Child May 20"' 1782 Born to Job Phelps & his Wife a Male Child Born to Euke Thrall & his Wife a feraale Child Born to Eli Strong & his Wife a female Child Born to Shubeal Stiles & his Wife a female Child Born to Sam" Clark & his Wife a female Child Born to Aaron Phelps & his Wife a Male Child Born to Rofwell Skinner & his Wife a Male Child Nov' 29 1782 Born to Tho' Stevens j"' & his Wife a Male Child Nov' 30 1782 Born to David Bernard & his Wife a Male Child Feb'y 5 1783 Born to Ahaz Holcomb & his Wife a female Child Jan'y 20'" 1783 Born to Jofeph Swan & his Wife a Male Child Jan'y 20"' 1783 Born to Sam" Forward & his Wife a Male Child Jan 26 1783 Born to David Eno & his Wife a Male Child [31] April i^' 1783 Born to Benj^ Wright & his Wife a Male Child April 7'" 1783 Born to John Thrall & his Wife a Male Child April 25 1783 Born to E' Benj^ Thrall & his Wife a Male Child May 7 1783 Born to Elifha Griffin & his Wife a female Child May 8 1783 Born to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife a female Child May 14 1783 Born to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife a Male Child May 17 1783 Born to Hiram Moor & his Wife a Male Child May 31 1783 Born to D' John Howe & his Wife a female Child Born to Seth Owen & Wife a Male Child June 14 1783 Born to Dan' Willcox & his Wife a Male Child June 15 1783 Born to David Clark Ju' & his Wife a Male Child Sep' 7 1783 Born to John Miner & his Wife a Male Child June 17 1783 Born to Abner Bull & his Wife a female Child Oct I 1783 Born to Stephen Griffin 2" & Wife a Male Child 24 Auguft 1783 Born to Eucy Griffin a female Child Illegitimate Oct 2* 1783 Born to Elijah Arafbury & Wife a female Child Oct 14 1783 Born to Asa Moor & Wife a Male Child Sept 15 1783 Born to Barnabas Mecham & Wife a female Child Nov' 1783 Born to Joseph Forward j"' & Wife a female Child Dec' 7 1783 Born to Elijah Wolworth & Wife a Male Child [32] Feb'y 8"' 1784 Born to Rev* Aaron J. Booge & Grace his Wife a Male Child Feb'y ii"" 1784 Born to Gad Alderman & his Wife a female Child March i 1784 Born to Edward Thomfon j"' & his Wife a female Child March 2^ 1784 Born to Alvin Owen & his Wife a Child Same day Born to Richard Gay j"' & his Wife a Male Child March 28 1784 Born to Euke Thrall & his Wife a Male Child April 4 1784 Born to James Eno & his Wife a Male Child June 8"' 1784 Born to Dan' Halladay & his Wife a female Child June 24 1784 Born to Jeffe Forward & Wife a Male Child July 2 1784 Born to Elifha Winchel j"' & Wife a Male Child Oct 2'' 1784 Born to Sufanna Phelps a female Child illegit imate. Oct 9'" 1784 Born to Rofwell Skinner & Wife a Male Child Oct 10 1784 Born to Seth Miner & Wife a Female Child Oc' 17 1784 Born to Nehemiah Rof ewell & Wife a Female Child Nov' 7 1784 Born to Zophar Bates & Wife a Female Child Jan'y I 1785 Born to Oliver Winchel & Wife a Female Child Feb'y I 1785 Born to M' Eenj'' Wright & Wife a Female Child Feb'y 8 1785 Born to D' John Howe & Wife a Male Child [33] Feb'y 8 1785 Born to Jeffe Clark & his Wife a Female Child Feb'y 24 1785 Born to Grove Winchel & Wife a Female Child Feb'y 27 1785 Born to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife a female Child March i 1785 Born to David Bernard & Wife a Male Child March 15. 1785 Born to Paul Mecham & his Wife a female Child April 4 1785 Born to Sam" Forward & his Wife a Female Child April 7 1785 Born to John Thrall 3" & his Wife a Male Child April 20 1785 Born to Ahaz Holcomb & his Wife a Male Child May I 1785 Born to David Gould & his Wife a Male Child 25 May 8 1785 Born to Eber Phelps & his Wife a female Child May 8 1785 Born to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife a female Child May 12 1785 Born to M' Seth Owen & Wife a female Child May 20 1785 Born to Azariah Phelps j"' & Wife a female Child June 17 1785 Born to John Miner & Wife a female Child June 10"' 1785 Born to Elifha Griffin & Wife a female Child June 25 1785 Born to Jo' Forward j"' & wife a Male Child July 16 1785 Born to Enf" Nathaniel Winchel & his Wife a Male Child July i8th 1785 Born to David Clark j"' & his Wife a Male Child Sept 6 1785 Born to E' Elijah Owen & his Wife a Male Child Oct 4 1785 Born to Barnabas Mecham & Wife a Male Child [34] Dec' 2* 1785 Born to Joel Moor & his Wife a female Child December ye is"" Day 1786 Born to Elisha winchel jun & his wife a male Child february ye 25: 1787 Born to David Gold and his wife a male Child february ye 27: 1787 Born to Ely Strong and his wife a female Child march ye 28"^ Day 1787 Born to william Dike and his wife a male Child april ye 2"'' Day 1787 Born to Phinehas Stephens and his wife a male Child ftill born July 20, 1794,' The Widow Anna Thrall. Mr Benjamin Wright, and Torza his Wife. Asahel Holcome Jur, an Sarah his Wife Charity Wife to Oliver Winchel, June 9"' [35] June 20"' 1794. Born to Isaac Owen jun a male Child. July 22'' 1794 Born to Oliver Winchel and Wife a male Child Augft 19"' 94. Born to Elisha Winchel and Wife a female Child Born to Roger Philer and Wife a male Child Born to Eli Winchel and Wife a male Child Nov' 28"', 94. Born to Euther Holcom & Wife a male Child. Nov' 94 Born to Roger Phelps & Wife a female Child Nov' 94 Born to Elihu Phelps & Wife a female Child Decem' 1794 Born to Rofwell Phelps a Male Child. Also to Appleton Robbins a male Child Born. March Born to Oliver Kellagg & Wife a Child June. Born to Reuben Forward & Wife a Child Dec. Born to Roger Phelps & Wife a male Child. 1 The remaining entries on this page of the original record are names of persons "pro- ponded for communion," as is shown by the table of contents on last page. 26 July Born to Joseph Strickland and Wife a Child Dec' Born to Phelps & Wife a Child, Aug' Born to George Owen & Wife a Child Born to Sam' Forward J' and Wife a Child Born to Sam' Forward and Wife a Child Born to Eevi Clark & Wife a Child Jan. 96. to Jeffe Forward a Son [36] Feb. 19"' Friday. 96. Born a male Child to Whitfield Cowles & Gloriana his "Wife. 16 Born to R Barker & Sally his Wife a male Child. 21 Born to Alson Hoskins & Wife a Child. 15 Born still to Jefs Clark & Wife a Child. March 12"" To Richard Gay & Wife a female Child. May 24"' Born a Son to Ap' Robbins & Wife. Aug' 15, 96 Born to Joseph Cornifh and Wife a male Child. Born to James Hawley & Wife a Male Child Born to Euther Holcom & Wife a female Child Born to Worthy Thrall & Wife a male Child Born to Zophar Bates and Wife a male Child. Born to George Owen & Wife a male Child. Born to James Bacon & Wife a female Child. Born to Eli Winchel & Wife a female Child. Born to Thomas Hawley Jun & Wife Born to Eli Strong & Wife a Male Child' [45] Dec' 6 1776 Baptifed Elijah & Justus Sons to Elijah & Mahitabel Wolworth Dec' 20 1776 Baptifed Eldad Son to Nath' & Tryphena Phelps Jan'y 12 1777 Baptifed Elifabeth daughter to E' Jo' & Elif abeth Cornish Feb'y 16 1777 Baptifed Mary daughter to James Eno & his Wife May 18 1777 Baptifed Eydia Daughter to Hezekiah Eewis & Eydia his "Wife May 25 1777 Baptifed Timothy & Betty Son & Daughter to Timothy Moore & Abigail his Wife The Same Day Baptifed Huldah Daughter to David Higly j' & Mary his Wife June I 1777 Baptifed Friend Son to Enf" John Moran & Mindwell his Wife, of Suffield June 8 1777 Baptifed Oliver Son to Enf Sam" Booth & Elifabeth his Wife June 12 1777 Baptifed Timothy & Ifaac Sons to Stephen Griffin & his Wife June 22 1777 Baptifed Rachel Daughter to Elifha Perren & his Wife of Salmon Brook July 20 1777 Baptifed Ifaac Owen Ju' an adult Perfon 1 Pages 37-44 are blank. 27 July 27 1777 Baptifed Oliver Son to Elijah Owen & Eydia his Wife The Same day Baptifed Zeruiah Owen & Mary Owen adult Perfons Auguft 31 1777 At Simfbury Baptifed Jabez Son to Elijah TuUar & his Wife The Same day at Simfbury Baptifed Martha Daughter to Wait Eat i mer & his "Wife The Same Day at Simfbury Baptifed Euke Son to M' Ryal & Hannah his Wife [46] Sept 14 1777 Baptifed at Weftfield John & William Sons to Jared Hoadly & his Wife Same Day at Weftfield Baptifed Sophia Daughter to Philemon Hoadly & his Wife Same day at Weftfield Baptifed Afahel Son to Afa Noble j"' & his Wife Same day at Weftfield Baptifed Ezra Son to Martin Stiles & his Wife Sept 21 1777 Baptifed Abigail Daughter to Martin Winchel j' & his Wife Oct 6 1777 Baptifed Abigail Daughter to Jonathan Higley & his Wife Sept 28 1777 Baptifed by Rv" R Hawley Titus Son to Barna bas Mecham & his Wife Jau. 4 1778 Baptifed David, Eucretia & Friend Sons & Daugh ter to David Bernard & his wife Jan. 18 1778 Baptifed at Enfield Eemuel Son to Eem' Kings bury & Wife Jan. 20 1778 Baptifed Plyny Son to Capt Jo' Forward & his Wife Feb. II 1778 Baptifed Anna & Sophia Daughters to Seth Griffin & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Abner, Chloe & Horatio Gates Sons and Daughter to Abner Bull & his Wife April 19 1778 Baptifed Apollos Gay Son to E' Andrew Hyllier & his Wife April 25 1778 Baptifed Eydia Daughter to M' Elijah Wol worth & Wife April 26 1778 Baptifed Zophar Son to Aaron Phelps j"' & his Wife July 5 1778 Baptifed Phinehas Son to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife July 26 1778 Baptifed Keziah Daughter to E' Ezekiel Thrall & his Wife Aug 16 1778 ' Baptifed Joel Son to E' Benj Thrall & his Wife Oct 18 1778 Baptifed James & Elifabeth Son & Daughter to Wid Deborah Carr 28 [47] Jan 31 1779 Baptifed Eleanor Daughter to John Thrall 3" & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Filius Dan Forward Son to Deeborah Alderman Feb. 18 1779 Baptifed Elifha Son to David Higley ju' & his Wife Feb 28 1779 Baptifed Reuben Son to Reuben Clark & Zeruiah his Wife Same Day Baptifed Elifha Son to Elifha Winchel j"' & Mind- well his Wife April 21 1779 Baptifed Martha & Eunice Daughters to Mr Jofiah Alford & his Wife April 25 1779 Baptifed (by Rv'' Dan Fofter) Bathfheba Daughter to M' Micah Griffin & Wife May 18 1779 Baptifed Martin Son to Martin Griffin & his Wife Auguft 8 1779 Baptifed Jofeph Son to Elijah Owen & Eydia his Wife Sept 5 1779 Baptifed Dorothy Daughter to Hez. Eewis & his Wife Sept 12 1779 Baptifed Benjamin Son to James Eno & his Wife Nov' 7 1779 Baptifed Job Son to Job Phelps & his Wife Nov' 14 1779 Baptifed at Simsbury Afa Son to Afa Prieft & his Wife Dec' 3 1779 Baptifed John Chef ter Son to Jeffe Forward & his Wife Dec' 17 1779 Baptifed Abel Son to Dan' Halliday & his Wife Feb. 27 1780 Baptifed Andrew Drayton Son to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife [48] Feb. 271780 Baptifed Virann us Son to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Mindwell Daughter to Elifha Winchel j"' & Wife May 14 1780 Baptifed Grove Son to Enf" Math^ Griswold & his Wife April 23 1780 Baptifed James & Mary Son & Daughter to M' Sam" Thrall & Eucy his Wife, of Granville May 28 1780 Baptifed Ulric Jordan Son to Rev* Aaron J. Booge & Wife June 18 1780 Baptifed Rosalana Daughter to Tho' Stevens j"' & his Wife Auguft 20 1780 Baptifed Zeruiah Daughter to Reuben Clark & Wife Auguft 27 1780 Baptifed Theresa Daughter to Abner Bull & his Wife Auguft 29 1780 Baptifed Mary Daughter to Jeffe Forward & his Wife 29 Oct 8 1780 Baptifed Sam" Son to m' Tho' Spring & Wife Oct 21 1780 Baptifed Hannah Daughter to Reuben Adaras & Wife Nov' 5 1780 Baptifed Seth Son to M' Tho' Hawley & his Wife Feb. 25 1 78 1 Baptifed Rhoderic Son to Johnn Thrall 3* & his Wife March 18 1781 Baptised Ruth Daughter to Aaron Phelps & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Sarah Daughter to Rozel Moor & his Wife March 25 1781 Baptifed Hannah an Adult Wife to Ruben Adams [49] March 25 178 1 Baptifed Reuben Son to Reuben Adams & his Wife April 6 1 78 1 Baptised Ifrael Cafe & Bathfheba Son & Daugh ter to Ezekiel Phelps j"' & his Wife May 27 1 78 1 Baptifed M' Benjamin Wright an adult Same Day Baptifed Ezekiel Son to Ezk' Phelps jur & his wife a youth of about 12 years of age Same Day Baptifed Calvin Son to M' Afahel Holcomb j"' & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Sarah Daughter to Benj'' Wright & his Wife June 24 1 78 1 Baptifed Mary Daughter to Dan' Hays j"' & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Jofeph Smith Son to Jofeph Swan & his Wife June 27 1 78 1 Baptifed Sam", Jonathan & Rachel Sons & daughter to Jonathan Higley and his Wife July 8 1 78 1 Baptifed Jerufha daughter to Elifha Griffin & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Eucretia Daughter to Seth Griffin & his Wife Same Day Baptifed Martin Collins Son to Martin Griffin & his Wife Auguft 26 1 78 1 Baptifed Mary & Jonathan Daughter & Son to Jonathan Warner & his Wife Oct 2 1781 Baptifed Sam'^ Son to Sam" Clark & his Wife Oct 14 1781 Baptifed by M' Graham Oliver Son to Dan' Hal laday & his Wife Dec' 2 1 78 1 Baptifed Philomathes Son to Ezekiel Phelps & his Wife Same day Baptifed Mindwell daughter to Elifha Winchel j"' & his Wife Feb 17 1782 Baptifed Olive Daughter to Jona"' Warner & his Wife [50] March 11"' 1782 Baptifed Elifabeth Daughter to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & his Wife 3° March 13 1782 Baptifed James, Deborah, Uriah & William Sons & daughter to Jonathan Brown Deceafed & Mahitabel here tofore his Wife now wife to Ebenezer Meriman April 7 1782 Baptifed Jonathan Marrit Son to Reuben Adams & his Wife April 21 1782 Baptifed Alma Martha Daughter to R'* A. J. Booge & his Wife May 12 1782 Baptifed by R'* A. Forward Seffions Son to James Enos & his Wife May 26 1782 Baptifed Thaddeus Son to Enf" Mathew Grif- wold & his wife June 2 1782 Baptifed Pelatiah Son to E' Elijah Owen & his Wife May 20 1782 Baptifed Jabez Moore Son to Job Phelps & his Wife Baptifed Eucina Daughter to Richard Gay j"' & his Wife Baptifed Martha Daughter to Euke Thrall & his Wife Baptifed Ruth Daughter to Sam" Clark & his Wife Baptifed to Eb' Merriman & his Wife Baptifed Eraftus Son to Aaron Phelps & his Wife March 9 1783 Baptifed Mary Percia (?) Daughter to Jeffe For ward & his Wife April 22'' 1783 Baptifed Simeon Son to John Thrall 3* & his Wife May 7 1783 Baptifed Benj^ Son to Benj" Wright & his Wife May 22 1783 Baptifed Euther & Miriam Son & Daughter to Eondon Windfor Negro and his Wife June 8 1783 Baptifed Betfy Daughter to Cap' And* Hillyer & Wife [51] June 29"' 1783 Baptifed Margary Daughter to Elifha Griffin & his Wife July 6 1783 Baptifed Juftus Root Son to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife July 27 1783 Baptifed Adin Seymour Son to Jofeph Swan & his Wife Auguft 10 1783 Baptifed Thomas Warren Son to Tho' Stevens & his Wife Auguft 24 1783 Baptifed Newton Son to Roswell Skinner & Mary his Wife August 31 1783 Baptifed John Howe Phyfician an adult Perfon Same day Baptifed Eydia daughter to D' John Howe & his Wife Sept 14 1783 Baptifed Ifaac Milton Son to Ifaac Owen j"' & his Wife Oct 5 1783 Baptifed David Son to David Eno & Wife Same day Baptifed Gaylord Son to David Eno & Wife Oct 8"' 1 783 Baptifed Samuel Son to Stephen Griffin 2" & Wife 31 Oct 26 1783 Baptifed Richard Son to Reuben Clark & his Wife Feb'y 7 1784 Baptifed Richard King Son to Richard Gay j"' & Wife March 28 1784 Baptifed Ulricus Zuinglius Son to R^* Aaron Jordan Booge & Wife May 30'" 1784 Baptifed Euke Homer Son to Euke Thrall & Deborah his "Wife July 4"' 1784 Baptifed Pearly Son to James Eno & Wife July II 1784 Baptifed Efther Bradley Daughter to Gad Alder man & Wife 1784 Baptifed Eeifter Son to Jeffe Forward & his Wife Oct 31 1784 Baptifed Allen Son to Elifha Winchel j"' & Wife [52] No^' 14 1784 Baptifed Harvey Son to Roswell Skinner & his Wife Baptifed Anna Daughter to Dan' Halladay & his Wife De' 5 1784 Baptifed Drayton Son to Job Phelps & his Wife May 22* 1785 Baptifed Marcy Daughter to Phinehas Stevens & his Wife Same day. Baptifed Tirzah Daughter to Benj" Wright & his Wife June 12 1785 Baptifed Sir William Pindar Son to D' John Howe & Wife Same day Baptifed Polly daughter to Cap' Andrew Hillyer & Wife July 10 1785 Baptifed Grace daughter to Grove Winchel & Wife July 24 1785 Baptifed Charity Daughter to Oliver Winchel & Wife July 31 1785 Baptifed Phebe Daughter to John Miner & his Wife Oc» 9'" 1785 Baptifed Joel Son to E' Elijah Owen & Wife Nov' 24 1785 Baptifed Mary Howe an adult Perfon April ye II Day 1787 Eidia Daughter to Roswel Skinner and wife was baptifed Apreil ye 16 Day 1787 Benjamin Son to Benj wright and wife was baptifed allso Ruth Clark Daughter to Jesse forward and wife was bap tifed July ye 8"' Day 1787 Crecia Daughter to John miner and wife was baptized August ye 12 Day 1787 mary ye Daughter of Oliver winch & wife was Baptized April ye 6"' Day 1788 Baptised Chauncy Son to mr David Goold and wife April ye 13"' Day 1788 Eyman fone to James Hawley and wife was Baptized April ye 17"^ Day 1788 farah Daughter to Ezekiel Phelps and wife was Baptized 32 August ye 24"" Day 1788 Apolos fon to Richard Gay Junr and wife was Baptized Sept ye 7"" Day 1788 Abel Phelps Son to Jesse forward and wife was Baptized novem ye 9"' Day 1788 Eunis Daughter to Alson Hoskins and wife was Baptised April ye 5"' Day 1789 nathan Son to John miner and wife was Baptised and Anne Dafter to James Hawley and His wife allso nuten Eun (? Son) to Hannah Hawley 2"* was Baptised ' Memorandum for y" C'''' Records in Turky Hills Baptifed by Rev. Aaron Jordan Booge August 2* 1787 Rhoda & Submit Daughters to E' Benj" Thrall & Wife. Martin Son to y" late Zechariah Hulburt & Anna then his Wife now y" Wife of Ef" Nathaniel Winchel. Nathaniel Son to Ef" Nathaniel Winchel & Anna his Wife. William Knox Son to John Thrall 3* & Eleanor his Wife. John— his Sirname suppofed to be White — A Child found & taken up in y" Street in Simfbury at about y" Age of two years — his Parents & Place of Nativity Un known — Taken in to y" Family of Ef" Simeon Eewis & his Wife & by thera dedicated in Baptifm Auguft 2 1787 Suppofed to be about 3 Years & an half old. Turky Hills June 5 1788 Baptifed Deborah Daughter to M' Aaron Phelps j'" & Ruth his Wife Aaron Jordan Booge To y" Clerk of y" C'''' in Turky Hills to be recorded. Turky Hills Sept 19"' 1790 Baptifed Reuben Son to Elifha Winchel j"' & Mind well his Wife Also Baptifed James Son to David Goold & Rebecca his Wife Alfo Baptifed Alfon Son to Alfon Hofkins & Eunice his Wife Alfo Baptifed Catharine a Negro Child daughter to Eondon Freebody defceafed. This Child was dedicated by Capt Matthew Grifwold & Abiah his Wife who had taken the Child to educate. Teftatur Aaron Jordan Booge Minifter of the Gofpel. To be entered on y" C'' Records in Turky Hills. The following entries are ou loose pieces of paper laid into the book of records. 33 [53] may ye 31^' Day 1789 Gabriel Son to Hezekiah Eewis and his wife was baptised January ye 3 Day 1 790 Sarah Daughter to Phinehas Stephens iand his wife was baptifed Apriel ye ii"" Day 1790 Rhoda Daughter to Benjamin wright & wife was Baptifed July ye 4"' Day 1790 Sardis Son to Euke Thrall and his wife was Baptifed and Eucindy Daughter to nathaniel winchel and his wife was Baptifed July ye 18"' Day 1790 fammuel and Eunice fon and Daugh ter to Elisha Griffin and his wife was baptized Sept ye 12"' Day 1790 flaviel nuton Son to Jeffe forward and his wife and Ruben fon to Ruben Barker and his wife was Bap tised January ye 9"" Day 1791 normon fon to Grove winchel and his wife was Baptised April ye 22"* Day 1792 fanne Daughter to David Gool and his wife was baptised July ye 15"' Day 1792 Elihue Holcomb & Samuel Holcomb were Baptised and Alexander fon to Alson Hoskins and Eunice His wife and Sinthy Daughter to Euke Thrall and Deborah His wife and Zilphah Daughter to oliver winchel and Charity his wife and Anne Daughter to Oliver Cellog and His wife ware all Baptised Sept' ye 16*^ Day 1792 Harlo fon to James Hawley and his wife was baptised also Sarah Daughter to Ruben Barker & his wife was Bap tised August 25"^ 1816 Drayton child of Appollos G Hillyer, Sarah Annah child of Charles Washburne, and Jane Skinner child of Walter Thrall were baptised [54] July 13"' 1794. Baptized Avanda Daughter to Grove Winchel and Wife. Aug' 17 1794 Baptized Sally, Daughter to Worthy Thrall & Wife. als. Talcot Son to Eli Winchel and Abigal his Wife also Jemima, and Julia Daughters to Jeseph Clark and Jemima his Wife Oct' 5 1794 Baptized Walter Son to Henry Mumford and Wife. Also William Perry Son to William Rockwell and Wife. Also, Alexander Hilton and Berley, Sons to Alex' Griswold Jun & Wife. Also Sophy Green & Eydia Wyllys, Daughters to Jesse For ward & Wife. Oct 12 1794 Baptized Eament, EH, Sarah, Sophia, Julia, Eaura, Martha, and Mary, Children to Eli Strong & Eament his Wife. 34 Oct' 19, 1794 Baptized EU, George, and Percey Sons to Thomas Stephens and Wife. Nov' 30"' 94 Baptized Chancey Son to Reuben Barker & Wife. May 20"' 95. Baptized Shalor and Pheby Children to Elisha Winchel Jur and Wife. May 20"' 95. Baptized Humphres Son to Elihu Phelps and Wife. May 31" 95 Baptized Eratus Son to Etither Holcom and Wife. Also Alexander Son to E Winchel & Wife. [55] June 27"' 95 Baptized Charles Son to Isaac Owen jur and Wife Also Oliver Son to Alvin Winchel and Wife Also Jeptha Son to Oliver Kellag and Wife Also Thala Child to s* Kellag and Wife. Oct' 18. 95. Baptized Sarah Daughter to Henry Mumford & Wife Nov' 2* 95. Baptized Irana Daughter to Euke Winchel & Wife. Baptised Thankful Holcom. De' 7, 95. Baptized Allen Son to Ap" Robins & Wife March 16^^ 96 Baptized Submit Daughter to Richard Gay Jun & Wife. May 23* 96 Baptized Elijah Owen Son to Benj Wright & Wife. May 26"" Baptized Oliver Cromel Son to Rheuben Forward & Wife. June e"" 96 Baptized Grove Son to Grove Winch' & Wife Also Mary Daughter to Richard Gay J' & Wife Also Ransalear Watson Son to Whitfield Cowles and Gloriana his Wife. July 96 Baptized Friend Son to Worthy Thrall & Wife. [56] July 18'" 96 Baptized George Stilman Son to Appleton Robbins and Chloe his Wife. Aug' 15, 96 Baptized Franklin Son to Joseph Cornifh and Wife. Aug' 20"' 96 Baptized Herman Son to W" Rockwell and his Wife. Also Baptized Pyrin Son to Reuben Barker and Sally his Wife Sep' 18'" 96. Baptized Benjamin Franklin Son to Jese For ward and Wife. Also Rosanna Daughter to Joseph Clark and Wife. Sep' 25, 96 Baptized Eydia Daughter to David Enos & Wife. Also Anson Son to Eli Strong and Wife. July 16"" 97 Baptized Susannah Daughter to Euther Holcom and his Wife Susan. 35 Aug' i'' 97 Baptized Urial, James Harvey, Salomon, Flag and Sarah Children to Afah' Holcom 3* and Martha his Wife, on her account. Sep' 3* 97 Baptized Henry Son to H. Mumford & Wife. Also Abigail Daughter to Eli Winchel & Wife. Also Charity Daughter to Elihu Phelps & Wife. Oct 8"' 97 Baptized Mary & Thomas Chandter Daughter & Son to Thomas Hawley Jun & Wife. No^ 26"' 1797 Baptized Eliza Daughter to A Robbins & Wife December 3* 1797 Baptized, Chancy Son to James Hawley & Wife [57] December 3* 1797 Baptised Justin Son to Alson Hos kins & Wife December 30"" 1797 Baptized Anne Daughter to Dan Alford & Wife Nov' 26"' 98. Baptized Joseph Chandler Son to Joseph Clark & Wife Also Harvy Son to Worthy Thrall & Wife. De' Jany 2* 1799 Baptized Euke Winchel Son to J. Forward & Wife. May 26'" Baptized Dan Phelps, Son to Dan Alford & Wife. June 15"" 99 Baptized Mary Daughter to Appleton Robbins & Wife. July 7"" 99. Baptized Grace Daughter to Euke Thrall & Wife. December 3* 99. Baptized Gaylord & George Sons to John Thrall & Wife. December 29"' 99 Baptized Elmira, Elihu, & Asaph Daughter & Sons to Elexander Grifwould Jur & Wife. May 4"' 1800 Baptized Eydia and Alford Daughter & Son to Isaac Owen & Wife. June 15"" 1800 Baptized Mariah Daughter to Reuben Barker and Sarah his Wife Sep' 7"" 1800 Baptized Euke Son to EH Winchel & Abigal his Wife Also Deborah Daughter to Worthy Thrall & Sarah his Wife Oct' 26"' 1800 Baptized Synthia Daughter to Afhel Holcom and Wife 3* [58] Nov' 17"' 1800 Baptized Eucy Daughter to Roswell Skinner & Wife. Nov' 26"' 1800 Baptized Abigail, Polly, Eydia, and their Mother the Wife of John Eewis, his Children. December 18"' 1800 Baptized Jason, and Charity Son & Daughter to Job Phelps and Wife Also Rofwell Calton Son to Rofwell More & Wife Also Susana, Hezekiah Gilburt and Hanah Children to Heze kiah Eewis Jun & Wife. 36 Feb. 8"' 1801 Baptized Mary Henriatta Daughter to Whitfield Cowles St his Wife. June 7"' 1 801 Baptized Fanny Daughter to Euther Holcom & Wife. Oct 3* 1 801, Baptized Sophia Daughter to Henry Mumford and Wife. Oct 25"' 1801 Baptised Mary Daughter to Alson Hoskins & Wife Nov. I, 1801 Baptised Anson Son to Calvin Holcom & Wife. Feb. 19"' 1802 Baptized Nancy Daughter to Dan Alford and Wife. Apr 17"" 1802, Baptised Catharine Daughter to A. Robbins & Wife. Sept. 4'" 1802 Baptised Iny (?) Daughter to Worthy Thrall & Wife.[59] Oc' 11"' 1802 Baptised Sardis, Norman & EU sons Eli sha, Grove & EH Winchel & Wives. Oc' 17"' 1802 Bapt John Aralzemon Son to John Eewis & his Wife. Feb. ii"" 1803 Baptised Eot, Mary, Zardus Julia, Bucklin, Milo, & Anson Sons & Daughters to Eot Alderman & Wife. March 17"' 1803 Baptised Milton and John Sons to Sam' Thompson and Wife. April 3* 1803 Baptised Oliver Son to Reuben Barker & Wife. May 19"^ 1803, Baptised Cresia Forward Daughter of Apollos Bates and by his Wife de* and adopted Daughter to Sam' Clark and his Wife on whose Account Baptised. Sept. 5"" 1 803 Baptised Desire and Abiel Children of Jefse Clark and Wife. Sept 16"' 1803 Baptised Alfred and Theodosia Son and Daughter to Mr Dyre and Wife and Grand Children to Micah Griffin. May 17"' 1804 Baptised Renfselear Son to Joseph Clark & Wife July 29"' 1804 Baptised Sarah Daughter to James E. Dyer & Wife. Aug' 9"' Baptised Sam' Eewis Son to Worthy Thrall & Wife. September i Sabbath Baptised Elenor Horfhia (?) Daughter to Joseph Pinny & Wife Also Madison Son to Whitfield Cowles and Wife Turn to the 65'" Page. [60] Dec' 30 1776 Married Ebenezar Eamfon ju' & Sahara King both of Simfbury Jan'y 21 1777 Were Married by Afahel Holcomb Efq' Elifha Winchel ju' & MindweH Hurlbut both of Simfbury Feb'y 27 1777 Married Reuben Phelps & Rofanna Clark both of Simfbury 37 July 3 1777 Married Job Phelps & Charity Moore both of Simfbury Dec' 25 1777 Married Jeffe Forward & Violet Winchel both of Simfbury Jan. 21 1778 Married Elijah Wolworth of Simfbury & Eydia Phelps of "Windfor Feb. 12 1778 Married Nath' Phelps & Marcy Eafon both of Simfbury April 2 1778 Married Reuben Clark of Simfbury & Zeruiah Owen of Suffield June 25 1778 Married Noah Grifwold of Salifbury & Deborah Phelps of Simfbury Nov' 19'" 1778 Were Married by R"' M' Jos Strong The R^* Aaron Jordan Booge born in y" year 1752 May 6 O. S. aged twenty Six years Six Months & two days & Mifs Grace Thrall born in y" year 1758 Nov' 8 N. S. aged twenty years & eleven days both of Turky Hills. Dec' 23 1778 Married Artemas Bingham of New Marlboro & Mary Cornifh of Simfbury. Feb. 4 1779 Married Stephen Finch & Mindwell Moor both of this place. [61] April 22 1779 Married Tho' Stevens j"' &Fruzzel Brown both of this Place. Ap'' 15 1779 Married David Eno & AUice Winchel both of this Place. Sep' 16 1779 Married Amos Kent of Suffield & Abigail Marrit of Southwick June 1779 Married Elijah Smith & Prudence Dibble both of Salman Brook. Oct 28 1779 Married Sam" Clark & Ruth Forward both of this Place Dec' 30 1779 Married Cephas Kent of Dorfet & Eydia Shel don of Suffield Feb 4 1780 Married Benj" Wright of Egrement & Tirzah Higley of this Place. March 8 1780 Married Guilford Hatheway of Suffield & Charity Cornifh of this Place April 3 1780 Married Mathew Griffin j"' & Naomi Moor both of Simfbury May 10 1780 Married James Viets & Betty Brown both of Simfbury May 22 1780 Married John Robinfon & Deborah Grifwold both of Simfbury May 23 1780 Married Chauncy Pettibone & Theodofha Hays both of Simfbury May 25 1780 Married Daniel Roe & Charlotte Griffin both of Simfbury 38 May i8 1780 Married Jofeph Swan of Stonington & Deborah Alderman of this Place [62] June 15 1780 Married Rev* Reuben Holcomb of Ean- cafter & Mifs Jane Strong of Salmon Brook Auguft 17 1780 Married Stephen Griffin 2* & Widow Deborah Carr Nov' 20 1780 Married Giles Cafe of Simfbury & Abigail Moor of this Place Nov' 20 1780 Married David Clark j"' & Sarah Hawley of this Place Nov' 30"' 1780 Married Ifaac Owen j"' & Zeruiah Cornifh of this Place Dec' 5 1780 Married Adam Blair of Blanford & Martha Thrall of this Place Dec' 29 1780 Married Luke Thrall & Deborah Granger both of this Place March S"* 1781 Married Richard Gay j"' & Eucina Granger both of y' Place April 26 1 78 1 Married Phinehas Holcomb of Salmon Brook & EUf abeth Moor of this Place Auguft 22 1 78 1 Married at Salmon Brook M' Tibbals of Nor folk Mrs Parker of Salmon Brook Auguft 23 1 78 1 Married Robert Walpole & Citty Prince Negroes Nov' 4"' 1 78 1 Married Aaron Cafe of Simfbury & Margaret Mecham of this Place Jan 6 1782 Married Rofwell Skinner & Mary Gay both of y' Place Jan 27 1782 Married Joel Phelps of Turky Hills & Sufanna Holcomb of Salmon Brook April 2 1782 Married Shubael Stiles of Southwick & Eunice Owen of this Place [63] April 1782 Married Paul Mecham of this Place & Roxana Phelps of Windfor April 1782 Married Hiram Moor & Deborah Phelps both of this Place May 8'" 1782 Married Edward Thomfon j"' & Sarah Mofes of this Place July 4 1782 Married Doctor John Howe & M" Eydia Gay both this Place Oct 17 1 78 1 Married Elijah Holcomb & Eucy Holcomb both of Salmon Brook Oct 22 1782 Married Joel Tuller of Sheffield & Marcy Eoomis of Scotland Dec' 26 1782 Married Jofeph Forward j"' of this Place & Mary Owen of Suffield Jan'y 19 1783 Married Seth Owen & Jemima Murfy both of this Place 39 Jan'y 21 1783 Married Guilfon Strong of WilUamfburg & Deborah Roe of Salmon Brook March 24"' 1783 Married Carmi Holcomb & Affiah Holcomb of Salmon Brook March 20"" 1783 Married Abner Reed & Mary Spring of Sal mon Brook April 2* 1783 Married Jofeph Brown of Simfbury & Marcy Griffin of Salmon Brook April 17 1783 Married Oliver Winchel & Charity Eafon both of this Place May 29 1783 Married Mofes Buck of Worthington Maffachu fets Bay & Mary Adams of this Place June 5 1783 Married David Hillyer & Dibble of Sal mon Brook Sept 1783 Married Euther Foot & Tamer Hays of Simfbury Oct 23 1 783 Married Enoch Higley & Rofelinda Moor both of Simfbury Nov' 6 1783 Married Afher Cook of Eondon & Rhoda Phelps of Simfbury[64] Nov' 11"' 1783 Married Elihu Mather & Medufa Hol comb of Windfor Dec' 10 1783 Married Ezekiel Holcomb j"" & Sufanna Griffin of Simfbury Feb'y 3* 1784 Married Grove Winchel & Grace Moor both of this Place Feb'y 24 1784 Married Jeffe Clark & Olive Winchel both of this Place March 4 1784 Married Afaph Sheldon of Suffield & Abiah Phelps of this Place March ii"" 1784 Married Joel Perkins of Hartland & Salome Pinny of this Place March 18 1784 Married Erafmus Eno of this Place & Anna Grifwold of Poquonock April 5"' 1784 Married Mofes Dibble j"' & Elifabeth Hofkins both of Salmon Brook May 27 1784 Married David Eeonard of Springfield & Elifa beth Millar of Weftfield June 9 1784 Married William Clemens & Elifabeth Wilson both of Salmon Brook July 14 1784 Married Gad Warriner & Eunice Worthington both of "West Springfield Sept 23 1784 Married Enf" Nathaniel Winchel of this Place & Anna Hurlbut of Suffield Oct 13 1784 Married Micah Holcomb & Hays both of Salmon Brook Oct 1784 Married Eber Phelps & Jerufha Thrall both of This Place Janry 20 1 785 Married Azariah Phelps & Azabah Owen both of y' Place 40 Auguft 25 1785 Married EH Halladay & Catharine Stevens both of y' Place Oct 20 1785 Married Daniel Halladay j"' & Hannah Phelps both of y' Place [65] Nov' 25"' 94 Married Jefsee Gilbert to Mifs Eydia Owen of this place. Mr Gilbert of New Haven Sept. 23'' 1804 Baptised Anson Son to W" Rockwell 1806. Aprl 12"" Baptised Daughter to Sam' Thompson & Wife. Infant. Oc' 1806. Baptised Almon Son to W" RockweU and Wife Also Ogden Son to Hezekiah Grifwold and Wife Sep' 1808 Baptised Eeciester, Son to Worthy Thrall & Wife ' [67] August, 17, 1794 Church of X in Turkey Hills. Admitted into church. Alexander Grifwould and Elsie his Wife, Also Joseph Clark and Jemima his Wife, Also Worthy Thrall and Sarah his Wife, Also EU Winchel and Abigal his Wife. Oct' 5"' 1794 Admitted into Church Henery Mumford and Sally his Wife Also William Rockwell and Annis his Wife. Oct' 12, 1794 Admitted into Church Eli Strong & Eament his Wife. May 31' 95 Admitted Euther Holcom & Susana his Wife into Church. July 24, 95 Admitted into Church Elihu Phelps and Charity his Wife. . Nov' 2* 95 Admitted into Church Euke Winchel and Wife Also Thankful Holcom. Jan 31" 96 Admitted Appleton Robbins and Cloe his Wife into Church. July, 96 Admitted Anne Wife of Reuben Forward into Church. Aug' i" 1797 Admitted Martha Holcom into Church. Oct 8"' 1797 Admitted Thomas Hawly Jun his Wife Mary into Church [68] May 26"" 99 Admitted Dan Alford & his Wife into Church. June 15"" 1800 Admitted into Church Jofeph Pinny an Eleanor his Wife. December 14 1800 Admitted into Church fellowship Hezekiah Eewis Jun and Hanah his Wife Also John Eewis and Polly his Wife. No' I, 1 801 Admitted in Church Calvin Holcom & Eleanor his Wife Feb. 11"' 1803 Admitted to Church Mary Alderman Wife to Eot Alderman. I Page 66 blank. 41 Oct 30"' 1803 Admitted into Church James E. Dyre and Betsy his Wife April 7"' 1806 Admitted into Church Elifha Winchel and Wife And Baptised the Wife and child on admifsion Oct 1806. Admitted into Church Hezekiah Griswold and Wife Mindwell' [74] Dec' 9 1776 Died Mahitabel Wife to Elijah Wolworth Dec' 13 1776 Died Jonathan Spencer on his return from Ticondoroga in the Champain of 1776 Dec' 19 1776 Died Tryphena Wife to Nath' Phelps Dec' 25 1776 Died Eldad Son to Nath' Phelps & his Wife deceafed Jan'y 3 1777 Died Solomon Wheat Son to Doctor Solomon Wheat Feb'y II 1777 Died at Hartford of y" SmaU Pox Simeon Linfy on his return from his imprifonment among the enemy in y" Champain of 1776 April I 1777 Died of y" Small Pox at Hartford Edward Murfy April I 1777 Died Elifabeth Smith Auguft 21 1777 Died Elifabeth Daughter to If Andrew Hill yer & his Wife Dec' 4 1777 Died Timothy Son to Barnabas Mecham & his Wife Jan 14 1778 Died Enf" Sam" Booth in y" 38 year of his age Feb. 2 1778 Died Wid. Mary Owen aged 71 Feb. 15 1778 Died M" Efther Bates daughter to Enf. Lemuel Bates & his Wife in ye 19"' year of her age April 25 1778 Died Lydia daughter to Elijah Wolworth & his Wife on y" day of its Birth July 6 1778 Died John Alderman Nov' 22 Died Pliny Son to Cap' Jo' Forward & his wife This year was killed at Meed fort in ye Con. Service Uriah Peafe [75] Jan. ii"" 1779 Died M' Elijah Alderman Feb 18 1779 Died a male child of David Higleys j"' and his Wife, unbaptifed Feb 19 1779 Died Elifha Son to David Higley j"' and his Wife April 26 1779 Died The aged W* Martha Parfons Sept 10 1779 Died Lucy Griffin Wife to Stephen Griffin She was on y" 5"' delivered of a full grown female Child Still born that was buried on y" e"" Sept 29 1779 Died Wid Deborah Alderman Nov 13 1779 Died Mary Daughter to James Eno & his Wife Aged 3 years & upwards. ^ Pages 69-73 are blank. 42 This year died Zickory Prince Negro in y" continental Service Dec' 17 1779 Died Abel an Infant Son to Dan' HaUaday & his Wife April 3* 1780 Died MindweU Daughter to EUf ha Winchel j"' & his Wife aged 3 Months nearly May 21 1780 Died y" aged M" Martha Moor wife to mr Amos Moor May 26 1780 Died Rebecca Booth aged 5 years & half Auguft 29 1780 Died Hanorah Daughter to Ifaac Phelps & his Wife Auguft 30 1780 Died Mary Daughter to Jeffe Forward & his Wife a infant of i day old of Monftrous Birth Nov' 14 1780 Died an infant male Child of Enoch Phelps' & his Wife Dec' 18 1780 Died Ulric Jordan Booge Son to R^* Aaron Jor dan Booge & Grace his Wife Aged 6 Months & 26 Days April 26 1 78 1 Died Mary y" Wife of M' Oliver Winchel June 23 1 78 1 Died Mr Jofiah Phelps Auguft 8 1 78 1 Died a female infant daughter to Ifaac Owen j"' & Wife on y" day of its birth [76] Oct 6 1 78 1 Died Sam" Son to Sam" Clark & Ruth his Wife Nov' 12 1 78 1 Died y" Aged M'= Mary Alford Dec' 3 1 78 1 Died y" Aged M" Elifabeth Bacon Feb 7 1782 Died M" Margaret Owen wife to Dea" Sam" Owen March 12 1782 Died EUf abeth Daughter to Cap' And" Hill- yar & his Wife aged 3 Weeks nearly Died Ruth Daughter to Sam" Clark & his Wife Died y" Aged M' John Granger Died M" Lydia Gillet April 26 1783 Died an Infant Child, Son to If Benj" Thrall & his Wife Sine Nomine June 4"' 1783 Jeffe Alford departed this Life July 24 1783 Died y" aged M" Sarah Cafe Died London Freebody Negro Oct 9'" 1783 Died Sam" Son to Stephen Griffin & Wife Oct 14 1783 Died M" Margaret Viets Oct 17 1783 Died Enf" Tho' Stephens Died Wid Elifabeth Phelps Jan'y 21 1784 Died Lydia daughter to D' John Howe & his Wife Feb'y 25 1784 Died the aged Wid'' Hannah Hurlbut Dec' ii"" 1784 Died Benjamin Son to M' Benjamin Wright & his Wife aged about i Year & 8 Months. [77] Jan'y 4 1785 Died y" aged Widow Jemima Winchel Feb'y 1785 Died Enf" Martin Winchel aged 73 years March 24 1 785 Died Nathan Son to John Miner & his Wife 43 May I 1785 Died an infant male Child of M' David Goulds & his Wife May 15 1785 Died Eucina Gay Daughter to M' Richard Gay j' & Wife aged 3 years & four months May 29 1785 Died M" Lucy Winchel in y^ Sity ninth year of her age June 18"' 1785 Died M" Jerusha Griffin Wife to M' EUsha Griffin Nov' 30"" 1785 Died M" Mary Houce December ye 12"' Day 1786 Died nancy the wife of mr Enoch Phelps December ye 31" Day 1786 Died Annah the wife of mr David Higley Jan ye s"" Day 1787 Dr John How Died Jan ye 16 Day 1787 Deacon Samuel Owen Died march ye 7"' Day 1787 Died Sur William Finder fun to mr John How Deceased march ye 30"' Day 1787 Died an Infan male Child of william Pikes and his wife march ye 3 1 Day Died oliver the fone of mr Daniel Halladay april ye 2"* Day 1787 Died a male Child of mr Phinehas Stephens and his wife april ye 22"* Day 1787 Died ye aged mr nathaniel Griffin in the 80 year of his age may ye 23'* Day 1787 Died Dorus moor fone to Joel moor and wife in 19 year of age may ye 31" Day 1787 a male Child ftill born to mr Joseph Rice and wife June ye 8"" Day 1787 Died a female Child but fue Hours old born to John Thrall 3* and wife June ye 9 Day 1787 Died the wife of mr Joseph Royce Septr ye 23'* Day 1787 Died a femeal Child ftill born to Joel moor and wife march ye 3'* Day 1788 Died mr James moor in ye 72"* year of his age march ye 27"' Day 1788 Died marcy the wife of mr Livy Ad- dams may ye 15"' Day 1788 Died Nathaniel marther Jur July ye 2°* Day 1788 Died mr Aaron Phelps December ye 27"" Day 1788 Died the widow Dinah Granger in ye 80"' year of her age [78] January ye 24 Day 1789 Died Aaron Phelps Sept ye 24"' Day 1788 Died Anne Daughter to Joab Gillet and his wife June ye 5"' Day 1789 Died Ebenezer Cook november ye 3'* Day 1789 oliver fon to mr william Pike and his wife Died november ye ii"" Day 1789 mr Ezekiel Phelps Died 44 march ye 28"" Day 1790 Died meriam Baskomb April ye 13"' Day 1790 Died Hannah the wife of Capt Abil forward in the 73'* year of her age may j'e 7"' Day 1790 Died Daniel fon to Capt Lemuel Bates and his wife fept ye 5"' Day 1 790 Died Jemima the wife of mr feth owen november ye 19"' Day 1790 Died Joseph Phelps December ye 12"' Day 1790 Died a Female child Daughter to Cephas Clark and his wife January ye 9"" Day 1791 Died Jerufha wife to mr Edmond ftephens may ye 27"' Day 1791 Died a fon of mr Peletiah Alford and Anne his wife June ye 4"' Day 1791 Died friend fon to mr Daved Barnard and his wife June ye 13 Day 1791 Died mr John Thrall 2"* of Windsor febuary ye 21'' Day 1792 Died a female infant Child of mr Ruben forward &. wife march ye 5"' Day 1792 Died a male Child of oliver Holcomb & his wife ftill Born Auguft ye 10"* Day 1792 Died Grove fon to Grove winchel and Grace His wife October ye 2"* Day 1792 Died John fouthwell november ye 7"' Day 1792 Died Joel fon to Joel moor Junr and farah his wife December ye 4"' Day 1 792 Died the widow Elifabeth Cornish December ye 21" Day 1792 Died Martin fon to James Eno and Lucy his wife January ye 18"' Day 1793 Died Anna Daughter to oliver Cellog and his wife January ye 19"" Day 1793 Died Ulthe Clark fon to David Clark Junr and his wife march ye 2"* Day 1 793 Died Rofanah the wife of mr Ruben Phelps march ye 4"" Day 1793 Died Lucy the wife of mr Daniel Holloway April ye 4"" Day 1 793 Died mr Jofeph f trickland June ye 14"' Day 1793 Died Alma fon to Edward Thompson Junr and wife June ye 25"' Day 1793 Died mr Benjamin Thrall October ye 5"' Day 1793 Died Elezebeth the wife of mr Andrew Hillyer January ye 11"' Day 1794 Died Abf almon Phelps January ye is"' Day 1 794 Died marcy the wife of mr Nathaniel Phelps february ye 10"' Day 1794 Died Elijah Pinder fon to Elijah Griswold & his wife of wintonbury 45 february ye 14"' Day 1794 Died in this Parrish Ranfle fon to Elnathan Prat & his wife of Tithingham march ye 9"' Day 1 794 a female Infant of Luke winchel & His wife ftill Born march ye 1 1 Day 1 794 Died in this Place the wife of Ezekiel Thrall of firasbury [79] July 8"' 794. Died old Mr Mofs, in his 89"" year. Aug' 15"' 1794. Died Mary Wife to Richard Gay 77"'. Nov' 12"' 1794 Died Mrs Lydia Lewis Wife to Hezekiah Lewis. January, 95. Buried a male Infant Still Born Alson Hoskins. March 29'" 1795. Died Mr Seth Owen aged April 28"' 95. Died Martha Daughter to EH Strong & Wife aged one year Oct' 7"' 95 Died Benona Veats, aged 80, member of our Church Oc' 26"' 95 Died the Widow Higley ag* 75 Dec"" 30, 95 Died Fredrick Owen aged twenty two. Jany 16"' 96. Died Rachel Higley aged 21, Daughter to Jona than Higly. May 26"' 96 Died OUver Cromel Son to Reuben Forward and Wife Aug' 15"' 96 Born and died Franklin Son to Joseph Cornifh and Wife Old Mrs Viets died 96 June Old Mrs Clark, 96, November. [80] July 28"' 1797 Died Azariah Phelps aged Sixty four. Oct 8"' 97 Died Benajah Owen aged fifty five years December 30"' 97 Died Anne Alford about two years old Daughter to Dan Alford & Wife. Jany 5 1798 Died Mrs McCargan Wife to Mr McCargan a Stranger in this place. Jany 12"' 98 Died Elisha Winchel aged 70 years. Jany 27"' 1793 Died Berley Griswold Daughter to Elexander Griswold Jur' Died Abel Forward aged 88. Died a Child of Nahum More Died Lydia Clark Daughter to J. Clark 19"' year Israel Phelps had a Child Still Born Son Nov' 23, 1793 Died Norman Winchel aged eight Son to Grove Winchel. 1798 June 12 Died Alvin Halobart aged — Sept 26"' 99 Died Mrs Hanah Gillet Widow aged 75. Fel ¦ "" aged — Feby 3* 1800 Died the Widow Peas aged ¦ Also the Widow Cadwell aged, 97. 46 [8i] May 7'" 1800 Died Crecia Wife to Apellos Bates 26" year of her age May 20"' 1800 Died Joseph Son to Joseph Pinny (?) and Wife aged 5 months Sept, 21, was born and died a female child, Apolos Hilyer & Sarah his Wife the Parents. Oct' 22* 1800 Was drowned Samuel Marshal an Inhabitant without any Relation in this place. With great decency and atten tion he"was intered in our burying yard. Nov' 25"' 1800 Died Gideon Case of Rainbow and was intered Poquonock, aged 79. Nov' 31", Died Abigail Daughter to John Lewis and [ ? ] his Wife. Aged 7 years. Decem' 11, 1800 Died Mary Skinner Wife to Roswell Skin ner aged 45 Jany 30"" 1 801 Died Patty Thrall aged eighteen Daughter to Luke ThraU & Wife. Feby 3*, 1796 Died Mary Griffin aged 71. Feby 13"' 1 80 1, Died Benona Griffin aged 85 June S"* 1 80 1 Died Milton Owen, aged 17. Son to Isaac owen jun June 21" 1 80 1, Died Zophar Phelps aged 23 D° 1 80 1, 20"' Died Hiel Winchel aged — [82] January 22* 1802 Died Maria Daughter Reuben Barker & Wife ag* 2 years / Ap' 12, 1802 Died Gloriana Wife of the Rev* Whitield / Cowles, In the twenty eight year of her Life. Alas. June, a Child of Erastus Bates at the Birth. July 20"' 1802 Died Job More aged about sixty. July 27"' 1802 Died Sarah Wife to Afahel Holcom Jur aged 64'" July 26"', a Prisoner died July 28"' Captain Edmund Stephens aged 36"' Aug' 12"' 1802 Died Betsy More Daughter of Ozias More & Wife Et. 17. Sept. 4"' 1802 a child of D. Rogers & Wife Infant. Oc' 6"' 1802. Died Jemima Watson about 90 years Old. N°y A Child of Thankful Holcom. D' A Mrs Dibble a Stranger in a Strange Land. Also the Infant of J. Steward. Jan'y 10"' 1803 Died Anson Son to Calvin Holcom & Wife aged 20 months Feb, 20"' 1803 Died in comming into the world the first Child of Norman Griswold and Wife. March 20"', 1803 Died John [ ? ] Son of Samuel Thompson and Wife aged 3 weeks [83] May 5"' 1803 Died a Mr Smith aged about forty, a Stranger. 47 Sep' 7"" 1803. Died Desire Daughter to Jefs Clark aged 2j^. Sept 10"' 1803 Died Betsey Daughter to OHn (?) Stephens & Wife aged 4 years Sept 28"' 1803. Died Zophar Bates, aged 49. Sept 30"' 1803 Died Alfred Son to James L- Dyre and Wife aged i'A OC 6"' 1803 Died Abiel Son to Jefs Clark & Wife ag* 4 months Died Catharine Wife to Naham More in her 58"' year March 21" 1804. Died in the Birth a child of Roger Filer & Wife. Sept. 19"' 1804. Died Sarah, 2* Wife to Afahel Holcom Jr May 26"" 1805 Hezekiah Lewis aged 55 years. Died 18"' Dinah Wife to Afahel Holcom the i" July 1805 Roswell Phelps aged 41. Also Elnathan Alderman aged 72. Oc' 6"" 1805. Died Levi Pinney aged 56. OC 25'" 1805 Died Ephraim Son to Seth Hauly & Wife aged 60 Days No' 15"' 1805 Died a Child of Phinehas Newton, aged 40 Days O' Richard Gay aged eighty six died eminently Good. Died a Child of Moses PheUy & Wife. Also Walter Thrall & Wife lost a both immediately after the birth, premature first. Feb 21" 1806 Died the Wife of Oliver Allen in her 25"' year Feb 26"' 1806 Died Mrs Lydia Howe Daughter Mr R. Gay Feb 27"" Died Azariah Phelps aged 44. Feb 28 Died the Wife of Roger Filler ag* 34 days [ ? J May 16"' 1806 Died the wife of Joseph Forward Ef in Sixty eight year. June 16"' 1806 Died Edward Thomp.son aged 84. OC Died a Child Daughter to the Stranger Sheldon & Wife aged 4 [84] Feb 1808, 22* Died Josiah Alford, aged 82 Deacon of the Church July 1808 Died Harvy Phelps Son of Rofwell Phelps deced aged OC 1808 Died Joel Clark, aged Oc' 1808 Died Anis Philer aged 12 No' 1808 Died the wife of Cap' Lemuel Bates aged Dec 21" 1808 Died Truman Phelps aged Feby 7 1809 Died Luther Holcomb. Feby 7 1809 Died Mrs. Laura (?) Foster, Widow. July 15'" 1816 Died Capt Worthy ThraU July 16'" died Widow Thrall Oct. 8"' 1816 Milton Thompson son of Samuel Thompson. Oct. 29"" 1816 Jesse Moore died. Oct. 30th 1816 the wife of Samuel Clark died 48 Oct 19"" 1794 The Church of X celebrated the Sacrament of the Lords supper in Turkeyhills. Whitfield Cowles Pastor. Apl 20"' 95 Celebrated the Sacrament. July 27"", Cellebrated the Sacrament. Oct' 11"' 95 Celebrated the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Nov. Celebrated the Lords Supper. [85] A. D. 1796 I Ap' Attended the Lords Supper. 2 Attendance on the Supper of the Lamb 1797 Church of X endeavor to Celebrate this great feast five times a year. [86] August 3* 1794 Admited Benjamin Wright &Tirza his Wife to full Communion with the Church of Christ in Turkey- hills. May they live to the glory of God. August 10"' 1794 Admitted to full communion, Afahel Hol com jun & his "Wife. Also the Widow Anne Thrall. June 27"' 95 Admitted Charity Wife to Oliver Winchel into full Communion. Jan 24"' 96 Admitted Catharine, Mary Havens and Gloriana Cowles to full Communion. Sept 1805 Admited Justin R. Stephens. Mercy Stephens and Sarah Stephens into full Communion with the Church of Christ in Turkeyhills August 181 1 M" Luranah Skinner wife to Roswell Skinner was Admited to full Communion with the Church of Christ in Turkey Hills by the Reverd John Taylor. Nov. ID. 181 1 Mifs Lucy Barney Af sented to the Confefsion of faith & was Baptized & admitted to full Comraunion with the Church of Christ in Turkey Hills by the Reven* John Taylor. [87] August 30 181 2 M' Joel Clark was admited to full Communion with the Church of Christ in Turkey Hills by the River* M' Stebbins who Baptiz* his Daughter Lydia Sep' 2* 1 8 14 M' Walter Thrall and Lydia his wife were pro pounded for AdmifsioD into the Church Same day M' Hervy Skinner and his wife were propounded for Admifsion into the Church Sunday. Octo 16, 1814 M' Walter ThraU with Lydia his wife & M' Hervy Skinner & Deborah his wife were Admitted into full Communion with this Church: by the revn* Natha" Dwight, & M' Thrall had three Children Babtiz* Mary Martha & Newton Walter & M' Skinner had his Daughter Babtiz* Lydia and the Sacrament of the Supper was Admiste* by the Revd M' N. Dwight. [88] Sabbath. Jan'y 8"' 1815 The Following person were propounded, for Adraifsion into the Church viz. M" Polly Buck, wife of Doc' E. Buck 49 M" Chloe Robbins, wife to Appleton Robbins Mifs Abia Griswold Wid° Sarah Phelps M" Ruth Clark wife of Cap' Joel Clark Mifs Mehitabel Bafsett M'^ Deborah Hoskins wife of Mr James Hoskins Mifs Jerusha Newton M" Siana Hurlbut, wife of Alex Hurlbut Sabbath Jany 22* 1815 the Above M" Polly Buck, Chloe Rob bins, Abia Griswold, Sarah Phelps, Ruth Clark, Deborah Hos kins were admited into full Communion with this Church by the Rev* Allen M'^Eean & Mahitable Bafsett & Siana Hurlbut were Babtiz* and Ad mitted into full Communion with this Church & the Wid Sarah Phelps had her Children Babtiz* viz. Almira Cromwell MelifsaNewton JaneJohn Benajah Richard Randolph Henry Cecil [89] Sabbath Febey 26"" 1815 The Following persons were propounded for admifsion into the Church Viz. Dan Alford Timothy Tibbals Hervey Phelps Benjamin Landers Laura Newton Rhoda Filer. Sabbath. March. 12"' 1815 the following person were Ad mitted into full Communion with this Church & the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was administered by M' Tho' Robbins. Viz. Dan Alford Timothy TibbaUs & was Babtiz* Hervy Phelps & was Babtiz* Benjamin Landers Laura Newton, & was Baptiz*. [90] March 2 1777 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" Lords Supper. July 6 1777 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" Lords Supper Sept' 7 1777 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper Nov ID 1777 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper Jan 4 1778 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" E*' Supper March i 1778 Administered y" Sac' of y" L*' Supper May 3 1778 The Sacr' of y" L*' Supper was adminiftered by m' J. Strong 50 July 5 1778 Adminiftered y" Sacr' of y" L*' Supper Sept 6 1778 Administered y" Sacr' of y" L*' Supper Jan. 3* 1779 Adminiftered y" E*' Supper March 7 1779 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper Nov' 7 1779 Adminiftered y" Sacraraent of y" L*' Supper Jan 2 1780 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper [91] March 4 1781 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper May 6 1 78 1 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*' Supper July 8 1 78 1 Adminiftered y" Sacrament of y" L*° Supper [92] Sabbath. May. 21, 1815 The Following persons were proupounded for Admifsion into the Church Viz. Apollos G. Hillyer and Sarah his Wife. Betsy Washburn Micah Moor Silas Meachum Asaph Landers Sally Graham Deborah Thrall Horace Phelps Eliza Robbins Sabbath. June. 4, 1815 the above Named persons were all Admitted into full Communion with this Church and the Sacra ment of the Lords Supper was Admisted by the Rev* M' Rowland of Windsor and Jerusha Newton & Rhoda Filer were Babtiz* & admited into the Church & 3 Children of A. G. Hillyer were babtiz* Winthrop, Apollos & Sarah Jane & 4 of Charles & Betsey Washburn Viz Abigail Bigelow Elizabeth Gay Mary Rebeckah & Esther Maria. [93] Sabbath June 4"' 1815 2 Children of Justin R. Stevens were Babtiz* Viz Betsy Ann & Justus Porter, and 2 children of James Hoskins & Wife Viz. James Casper & Alonzo Chester, by the Rev* Henry A. Rowland Wednesday 21 June 1815 At a Regular Church meeting Con ven* at the Meeting House in Turkey Hills Granby The Reven* Nathaniel Dwight Chosen Moderator, when the meeting was Opened by Prayer by the Moderator and proceeded to Ballot for a Deacon when Brother Hervey Skinner was Chosen and Accepted the Appointment and was then Chosen Treasure of the Church, Meeting Closed by prayer by the Moderator. Sabbath July. 23* 1815 Mifs Cynthia Thrall was propounded for Admifsion into this Church. Sabbath August 6'" 18 15 Miss Cynthia ThraU was Admited into full Communion with this Church by the Reven* John Taylor and the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was Administered. 51 [94] Dec' 5 1776 Elijah Wolworth & Mahitabel his Wife upon a Confeffion on for Fornication were received into Caharity with this C" March 15 1777 Timothy Moore & Abigail his Wife upon a Confeffion for fornication were received into Charity with this C'' March 15 1777 Jane Cook upon a Confeffion of repeated in ftances of Fornication was received into Charity with this C''' July 27 1777 David Bernard & Dorotha his upon a Confeffion for fornication were received into Charity with this C'' Oc' 5 1777 Sam" Forward Nath' Clark Pelatiah Adams Ezekiel Phelps j"' & Reuben Phelps upon a Confeffion for Steal ing were received into Charity with this C'' Dec' 18 1777 Ahaz Holcomb upon a Confeffion for Stealing & difobedience to Parents was received into Charity Oc' 4 1778 Deborah Alderman upon a Confeffion for fornica tion was received into Charity. Nov' 15 1778 Martin Winchel ju' upon a Confeffion for Sun dry immoral Practifes was received into Charity Feb. 14 1779 Reuben Clark & Zeruiah his Wife upon a con feffion for fornication were received into Charity Sept 19 1779 Martin Griffin and Ann his "Wife upon a con feffion of fornication were received into Charity Jan. 23 1780 Thomas Stevens j"' & Fruzzel his Wife upon a Confeffion for fornication were received into Charity [95] March 10 1782 Ebenezer Merriman & Mahitabel his wife, upon a Confeffion for Fornication, were received into Charity Jan'y 12 1783 Dinah ye Wife of Dea" Afahel Holcomb upon a Confeffion for Intemperance was received into Charity. March 9 1783 Jeffe Forward upon a Confeffion for Sundry Immortalities was received into Charity March 15 1783 Martin Winchel j"' upon a Confeffion for Sundry Immortalities was received into Charity Jan'y 1783 Sam" Clark & Ruth his Wife upon a Confeffion for Fornication Were received into Charity. Jan 4 1784 Deborah Wife to Stephen Griffin 2* upon a Con feffion of Fornication was received into Charity [96] Sabbath 3* Septra 18 15 Wid" Sarah Potter was prou pounded for Admifsion into this Church Sabbath. September. 17, 1815 Wid" Sarah Potter was Ad mitted into full Communion with the Church of Christ in Turkey Hills, by the Rev* Asa Hillyar from New Jersey Sabbath. Oct. i. 1815. the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was Administed by the Rev* Mr Younglove from Stephentown, and a letter from the Church in New Hartford recommending M" Charity Winchel, now. Hoskins to the care & watch of this Church was read & approv* and she is considerd as under the care & watch of this Church accordingly 52 [97] Sabbath AprU 7'" 1816. The Reverend Eber L. Clark Administered the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and Baptized Mary Daughter to Silas Meacham and his Wife.' [100] At y" Same Meeting Voted that Perfons tho Baptifts by proffeffion yet being Orderly Walkers in Xtianity may be admitted to occafional Communion in y' C'' on y' Defire. At y" Same Meeting a Complaint was exhibited againft M' Nath' Mather by M' Tho' Hawley for Breach of y" fourth Command by doing worldly buifnefs on y" L*' Day & likewife for repeated & continued abfence from Public Worship Voted that He y' S* N. Mather is guilty according to Complaint & alfo of Contempt of y" authority of X in his c'''' in not attending a c""'' Meeting w" regularly required thereto. Voted alfo to adjourn till March 13 1783. Mar. 13 Met according to adjournment. Voted an Excomraunication for M' Micah Moor & M' Elijah Wolworth to take place one fortnight after y" Copies of y" Let ters of admonition be Sent to them. Voted that after y" Same Steps have been taken with others as have been taken with m' Moor & M' Wolworth & they prove ineffectual the Paftor pro ceed to excommunicate them. Voted, alfo to diffolve this Meeting April 20"' 1783 Micah Moor after being treated as directed in the gofpel & re maining obftinate was excommunicated from y" C'' for Intern- . perance, continued abfence from public Worfhip & ordinances ufing prophane Language & unchristian Quarrelling & conten tion. April 30"' 1784 At a meeting of y" C'''' legally convened D" Afahel Holcomb M" Richard Gay John Auftin Jofiah Alford & D" Sam" Owen were appointed A committee to be with & affift y" Paftor in infpecting y" State of y" C" & Congregation in y' Place. Turky Hills Sep' 13 1784 At a C'''' Meeting regularly convened at y" Meeting Houfe & continued by Several Adjournments untill y" 30"' of Nov' Inftant. Voted that after y" Converfation we have had upon y" Subject relating to y" Affairs between the Paftor & C'' in this Place Our difficulties are Such as require the advice & affiftance of neigh bouring Sifter C"' [loi] Voted alfo that we Send to Seven neighbouring C"" (viz) The firft C'''' in Windfor y" firft C" in Suffield ye firft C" in Weft Springfield the C" in North Windfor the firft C" in Hartford, the C" in Northington & the C" in Salmon Brook. Voted that this Council be defired to meet at y" dwelling Houfe of R'* Aaron Jordan Booge at 1 1 of y" OClock A. M. on Wednef- 1 Pages 98, 99 are blank. 53 day y" 15 day of Dec' next. & that D" Afahel Holcomb, Cap' Jofeph Forward & m' John Auftin be a Coraraittee to be with y" Paftor & affift in preparing & Sending Letters Miff ive to y" C"' above mentioned & managing matters before S* Council in behalf of y" C"" in this Place. "Voted to diffolve this Meeting. The above Votes were paffed by y" C'' this 30"' day of Nov' 1784 Teftatur Aaron J. Booge Paftor Letters Miffive were accordingly Sent out to the Several C'''" mentioned bearing date Dec' i" 1784. No" 28 1784 Nathaniel Mather, after having been treated as the Gofpel directs, was Solemnly excommunicated from fellowfhip & com munion with this C'' for y" Sins of Sabbath breaking repeated & continued Abfence from public Worfhip & ordinances & contempt of y" Authority of X in his C"". June 30 1785 A Meeting of y" C''' was regularly holden at y" Meeting Houfe & after Some confultation on Matters laid before them adjourned to July 11"' 4 of y" Oclock P. M. July II 1785 Met according to adjournment & after [102] due enquiery & Confultation the following Question was put (viz) Whether it be y" Opinion of this C'' that there is Sufficient evidence to Support a Charge against Cap' Jo' Forward a brother in this C'''' for obtaining John Minor to Sign a certain paper by undue & unchriftian Influence, passed in y" Negative. Mr Oliver Kellogg was recommend by the Church of X in Salmon brook to the Church of X in Turkey hills and admitted & received accordingly Nov' 2* 1794. Oc' I, 97 Mrs Widow Eunice Hicox came to the church of X in Turkey hills recommend by Uriel Gridly Pastor of Xs church in Watertown. No' 17, 1801 Held by legal warning a Church meeting in order to choose a Deacon in the place of Ase' Holcom, who now more than eighty and having served near fifty years desired a succefsor, but made no choice, adjurned to Wednefsday one fortnight — 2°'" P. M. Test Pastor ' [104] At a Church meeting Holden at the meeting House iu Turkey Hills on the 2 Day of may 1794 when Convened Voted to Give mr whilfield Cowles a Call or invitation to fettle over us in the worke of a Gospel minister and the faid mr Cowles accepting our Invitation the Church Chose Richard Gay Jonathan Higley Isaac Owen Junr and Samuel Clark a Committee to Leed on to ordination Asahel Holcomb Church Clerk 1 Page 103 is blank. 54 A Covenant for the Church of Christ in Turkey hills. Yo do now in the presence of God and before Angels and Men, who are witnefsesof this transaction, solemnly avouch the Lord Jehovah, God the Father, Son & holy Ghost to be your God. You do also take the holy Scriptures to be the only Rule of your faith and practice, and together with yourself give up your ofspring to God. You acknowledge your sinfulnefs by nature and practice. And all your hopes of pardon and Salvation are built only on the righteousnefs and satiffaction of Jesus Christ. Whom you now take to be your only Saviour your Prophet, Priest and King. Solemnly promising with the help of divine grace to live in all respects according to the Rules and precepts of the Gofpel. And that you will carefully attend the Lords Supper (as the Spirit of God shall give you light.) That you will bring your Children to baptism and train them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and submit yourself to the Government and difcipline of Christ in his Church. This you promise. N B. Persons thus covenanting may bring their Children to Baptism, and not attend the Lords Supper. [105] Rules for the good of the Church of X in Turkey hills. I The Minister in all Church meetings lawfully warned acts as Moderator and has a casting Vote. 2 A majority of members in a meeting lawfully warned shall ever Rule the Church. 3 In Case any difficulty between Minister and People arise a mutual Council shall be called from the consociated Churches. 4 A grand Parent member of the Church maj' present a grand Child for Baptism. 5 Any member of the Church may present an adopted Child and Servant for baptism. 6 It is the opinion of this Church there is pointed out in the word of God but one Covenant between Christ & his Church. 7 That the ordinance of the Lords supper be attended quar terly. 8 In Case a member of the Church considered himself agrieved and can not receive satiffaction and redrefs in the Church he shall have the right, privelige of calling a mutual advisory Council from other Churches. 9 One of the Parents being in Covenant may present their Children for baptism. Signed Whitfield Cowles Paf Elect Richard Gay ^ Jonathan Higly -. Sam' Clark | Isaac Owen Jun o Turkey hills June 17"' 1794. O 55 June 18"' 94. A true copy test Whitfield Cowles Pastor. [106] No' 29, 1797 Held by legal Warning a Church meeting at Afahel Holcom' s When the Church agreed that Covenanters had a right when ever the Spirit of God gave them light, Should by application to the Pastor, tho Should on Sacramental Lecture Day Signify it to the Church, desiring the intending Communicant to present. Thus partake of the Sacrament. And disolved. Te.st Pastor. Dece'^' I*' 1798. Church meeting Held by legal warning in order to Chose a Deacon, and after voting unanimously that Covenanters had a right to vote for this Office, adjourned to the last monday in January 2°'='' A. M. Test Pastor. Jany 28"' 99 Agreable to adjournment, held a Church meeting, made no Choice of a Deacon, being very few Voters present, the meeting still stands adjourned to second Monday in March next 3°"'' P. M. test Pastor. March 11"' 99 Agreable to Adjournment held a Church meeting & made Choice of Josiah Alford & Richard Gay as Deacons in the Church of J X in Turkey hills and difolved the meeting Test Pastor. No' 17, 1801 Held by Legal warning a Church meeting in Order to Choose a Deacon, but Made no Choice and adjourned to Wednesday one fortnight, 2 O'^ P. M. Dec' 2, 1801 Agreeable to Adjournment meet in church meeting and made Choice by universal voic of the Church Roswell Skinner as Dea con, s* Skinner refusing, the Church prevailed on him to take their appointment into Consideration till the i' Wednesday in April next, to which day s* Church meeting Stands ajourned 2 ° P. M. Test, Pastor. [107] April 2* hour P. M. i" Wednesday The foregoing adjourned Meeting was held, & s* R. Skinner found StiU to object to his appointment Where upon s* Meeting was difsolved. Test Pastor AprU 28"' 1805 A Church meeting was warned to be Attended on the following Saturday at i" O C P. M. for the purpose of Chosing a Deacon. May 4"' the Church Convened and Made Choice of Phinehas Stephens as their Deacon, who being present did in a becoming modesty accept the Office. And prayer was made appropriate and the Meeting Adjourned with out day. Test W. C. Pastor. 56 N°y 19"' 1808 At a Church meeting warned as the Gofpel directs, for the purpose of Considering the doings of the North Consociation in Hartford County, in a formal attempt to take from s* Church their Pastor. Voted unanimously that the doings of s* Council afsembled to Consider, hear and determine the Complaint of Rofwell Skinner & others against the Rvd. Whitfield Cowles, were contrary to the word of God and there fore null and void, for the following Reasons. i" The Church of Christ in Turkey hills had not a letter missive requesting her to take a seat in fd Council by her mef- senger which right was hers she not being a party. 2 S* Council voting to difpense with the laws of Christ in the 18"' Chapter of the Gofpel of Mathew did deny the first and second Steps therein written to be necefsary in reclaiming an offending Brother, which steps are by the great head made nec efsary, yea are the [108] true duty, And therefore fundamental to all holy and Christian discipline. 3'* Said Council did practically go on the ground of receiving an accusation against an Elder at the mouth of or before One witnefs in direct violation of Gods holy word. 4"' Said Council altho' our beloved Pastor did turn to them saying I repent -Brethren of all in which you shall find me guilty, did not forgive him as Christ Jesus demands. 5"' Said Council did invade the right of the Church of Christ in Turky hills by taking their Pastor virtually from them, with out their Confent and against their will formally exprefsed to f* Confociation, great was their violence trampling the unalienable rights of Christs Church beneath their feet. 6"' Said Council demurring Judgment on Pastor Church and Society, was asked by said pastor to Show the Chapter, in Gods holy word, or the pafsage, leaf or page in Seabrook platform. Justifying such Judgtment, but would not, while it was their duty to give reasons of their hope, that they had done right and Shew their warrant in the exercise of such power. [109] 7"' Said Council did not regard the Constitution, be tween f * pastor Church and Society which is altogather Congre gational. One article of which is "that if any difficulty arise between Minister and people it shall be adjusted and fettled by a Mutual Council. ' ' Another Article is, ' ' That in Case any member of the Church be agrieved and cannot receive redrefs in the Church, a mutual Council fhall be called from the afsociated Churches." 8"' Said Council did not regard the manner of Settlement and Ordination of s* Pastor, which took place by a mutual call of Elders and delegates from any of the Churches of Christ, with out refference to the North Confociation in Hartford County. We the Church of Christ in Turky hills do therefore for the above reasons in the Name of our Divine Lord and Master with draw our fellowship from and folemnly difsolve all connection 57 with f* Confociation as an unchristian body, an Engine of Tyrrany and opprefsion ' ' Come ye out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her plagues and Sins ' ' She may no more invade our holy rights, Jesus Christ is our only head and the word of God our only rule of Christian faith and discipline. Securly (?) and solemnly Done and unanimously voted by the Church of Christ in Turky hills this 19'" day of N' 1808 Whitfield Cowles Moderator [*] Sep' 15'" 1810 At a regular Church Meeting convened at the meeting house on this day, in consequence of public notice, given on the 2* Inf. The Rev. John Taylor was chosen Moderator (pro-tempore). The meeting was then opened by prayer by the Moderator. After which a letter was read Directed to the Church by the Moderator of the North Consociation in the County of Hartford requesting the attendence of the C'''' by their Deligate at the next meeting of S* Confociation. The C'' then proceeded to consider the doings of a former meeting respecting the difsolution of the connection between them and the said Consociation. After which the following vote passed unanimously — viz — Voted that the Connection between this Church and the North Consociation in the County of Hart ford be, from this time forward reeftablished on the same prin ciples on which it was at first formed, the votes of the C'' which have pafsed since the dismissal of the Rev. Whitfield Cowles to the Contrary notwithstanding. Roswell Skinner was then Chosen Deligate to the next Con sociation. The C'''' then proceed to make choice of a Standing Moderator, and Clerk, Deacon Asahel Holcomb was chosen Moderator & M' Appleton Robbins Clerk [**] The C" then Voted to request the Rev. Whitfield Cowles to Deliver the C'''' Records into the hands of the Clerk. John Taylor, Moderator. Granby Turkey Hills August 10, 181 1 At a regular Church meeting conven* at the Meeting House on this day agreeable to publick notice given on the 28"' July last. The Revn* John Taylor was chosen moderator Pro: tempore, The meeting was then opened by prayer by the Moderator. on the request of M' Thomas Hawley he was restor'd to Church Communion & fellowship, the meeting then difsolv* Test A Robbins, Church Clerk [i 10] On Application of M' Thomas Hawley in his own name and by desire of Several Individual members of the Church in Turkey Hills for advice respecting the Church Standing of their late pastor the Rev* Whitefield Cowles. The Afsociation are of Opinion that a Minister dismifsed from the pastoral relation ceases to be a member of the Church of Which he was the late 58 pastor, And that a Minister while under the censure of the Con sociation is disquallified for the priviliges of Church Communion. Aaron Church Moderatr test Nathaniel Gaylord Scribe Done in Afsociation at the House of the Rev* Isaac Porter in Granby Feby 5'" 1812 a true coppy of the Certificate A. Robbins Church Clerk [ill] November 7"' 1815 At a lawfuU warned Meeting of the Presbyterian Church in Turkey hills holden at the Meeting house. Rev* Thomas Robbins presided. Meeting opened by prayer by the Moderator. Hervey Skinner chosen Clerk protemporary. Voted that this Church present a call to M' Hervey Wilbur desiring him to take the pastoral Charge of the Church ingaging in case of his acceptance of the Call that we will endeavour to afford him our steady support and afsistance in the performance of the important duties of the Gospel Ministry. Voted to choose a committee to present the above vote to M' Wilbur accompanying the minutes of the society Meeting of Nov. 3* 18 1 5 and to treat with him in concert with the Society's Com mittee on the subject of Settlement for f* Committee chose Samuel Woodruff f Walter Thrall | Brethren of the Church. Isaac Owen Jr [ Voted to adjourn to the first Monday of December 18 15 to time immediately following the society Meeting which stands adjourned to f* day as may be found on record. Concluded by prayer. Hervey Skinner Clerk protem A true Copy Test Joel Clark Church Clerk December 4"" 1815 Adjourned Church Meeting opened Isaac Owen Jr Chosen Moderator. Meeting adjourned to the third monday of December Instant time immediately following the Society Meeting on f* day. Hervey Skinner Clerk A true Copy Joel Clark Church Clerk [112] Dec. 18"'. Meeting opened by the Moderator. Received and read i" Communication from M' Wilbur Voted to acceed to the stipulations therein contained if he shall settle as our Pastor which remains on file to be Seen. Voted take further measures relative to calling and settling M' Wilbur. Voted to adjourn to thursday present week time after Society Meeting of f*day Hervey Skinner Clerk protem A true Copy Test Joel Clark Church Clerk 59 December 21" Church Meeting holden by adjournment. Opened by the Moderator. Voted unanimously to give Mr. Hervey Wilbur a second Call to settle in the Ministry with this Church and people. Voted to give the sum of three Hundred dollars as a Compensation for his services annuUy and to agree to the stipulations proposed by him in his first Communication. In consequence of M' Appleton Robbins wishing and Making it Manifest to the Church that he was desirus to be excused from the duty of Clerk of the Church Voted to excuse M' Appleton Robbins from that Office Voted to Choose Joel Clark as a Stand ing Clerk for the Church. Voted to adjourn to the first thursday of January 1816 two Oclock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk protem A true Copy Test Joel Clark Clerk January 4"' 1816. Meeting holden by adjournment Opened by the Clerk. Voted to disolve this Meeting Test Joel Clark Church Clerk [113] At a Church Meeting Regularly warned and holden at the Centre School House Turkey hills February 28"' 1816. Meeting opened by prayer. Meeting adjourned until Monday evening next. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk At a Church Meeting Holden by adjournment at the Centre school house March 4"' 1816. Meeting opened by the Clerk. D' Silas Meacham Chosen Moderator. Voted that Dec. Hervey Skinner should disclose to the church the object of this Meeting. Accordingly he presented a Complaint to the Church against Sister Deborah Thrall in the words following Brethren of the Church before you I lay a charge against our sister Deborah Thrall of, her disorderly walk in the following particulars (Viz) i" That she has frequently played at Cards 2* That she has for a considerable time absented herself from publick worship on the Sabbath. 3'* That she has avoided the Company of Members the Church when She was requested to meet and converse with them. At all which allegations she exhibits no apparent evidence of penitence or reformation. the Church prodeeded to examine the evidence in support of the above Charges. Voted that the above Artickles of the above Charge are Sever ally prooved to the Satisfaction of the Church. Voted that the Church take up the labour commenced by Dea. Hervey Skinner with the above named Sister 6o Voted to Choose a Committee to labour with our Sister Deborah Thrall °^^- ^^""7, ®^i°''^'' I Chosen a Committee for iamuSwtXiffi the above purpose Meeting adjourned two weeks at this place Test Joel Clark Church Clerk [114] At a Church meeting Holden by adjournment at the Centre school house Turkey hills March 18"' 1816. Meeting opened by prayer from the Moderator The Committee appointed to labour with Sister Deborah Thrall were called to make their report And agreeable to the request they presented the following re port. Brethren Your Committee whom You appointed to converse and as far as in them lay to reclaim our Sister Deborah Thrall from her Disorderly walk and Conversation beg leave to Report that they on Wednesday 13"' of March Instant waited on said Sister Deborah and after con versing with her for Sorae time shewing her the Brotherly love which they bore her the desire of the Church that she should live and conduct as a true disciple of Christ, the danger she was apparently in while she continued in her present situation and concluding with exhortations and admonitions suited to her case All of which being done with the best ability of your Committee she manifested no sign of penitence for her past Anti-Christian conduct or Gave any evidence that she entended to refrain from vicious pursuits in future. Among many Questions which were asked her were the following Do You have a nearnefs of accefs to the throne of Grace at present? Answer No. Do You live entirely without prayer ? Answer Yes. Have You relinquished the hope which you once manifested to have that you had been renewed in hart by the Holy Spirrit? She answered in the affirmative. What caused you to manifest so much concern for Your Soul during the late awakening in this place? Answer Because others did. Do You wish to Continue a Member of the Church to which You belong ? Answer No. Voted that B' Walter Thrall be requested to write a letter of admonition to Send to our Sister Deborah Thrall Meeting adjourned one week. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk. [115] At a Church Meeting Holden by adjournment at the Center school House Turkey HUls March 25"' 1816. Meeting opened by prayer. Meeting adjourned until the fifth day of April next at the Meeting House at 4 Oclock P. M. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk. 6i At Church Meeting Holden by adjournment at the Meeting House Turkey Hills April 5"' 1816. Meeting opened by the Moderator B'" Walter Thrall requested to read the letter prepared for to admonish our Sister Deborah Thrall. Accordingly he read as follows Sister Deborah Thrall Profefsor of Christianity. We would assure You that we sin cerely lament the occation of this addrefs. Yet it becomes the duty of the Church (of which you are a meraber) in the exercise of that watchfulnefs which we have most soUemly to Maintain over each other, to continue their labour with you in consequence of your disorderly walk, which has been represented to the Church and accepted to be substantially correct in the following particulars Viz. That you have frequently played at Cards. That You have for a considerable time absented Yourself from publick worship on the Sabbath. That you have avoided the Company of Members of the Church when requested to meet and Converse with them And that you have frequented the Company of Non profefsors. And finally in Conversation with Brethren of the Church you acknowledge to have relinquished the hope which you once man ifested of being renewed in hart by the Holy Spirrit And that you live entirely without prayer, and have no desire to continue a Member of the Church to which you now belong, and for all these things no evidence of penitence or reformation has been given. Beloved these things ought not so to be. It becometh us therefore as Brethren, as the profefsed Deciples of [116] Christ, in meeknefs. Brotherly love and Charity, and with a deep sence of our responsibility to the great Head of the Church, to admon ish, rebuke, and Exhort with all long suffering and patience, if haply these means by the blefsing of Him who careth for us may be made effectual to Your reformation, the renewal of the temper of your mind, and the final sanctification of Your Immortal Spirrit, O Deborah, with what language shall we addrefs You, we who have witnefsed Your proffeson and in days past Your apparent zeal for Christ, we who desire to seek the glory of Christ's Church and to feel deeply interested in Your Eternal well being, we must obey the apostle and rebuke the Younger women as Sisters with all privity, and knowing that in many things we offend all — we would desire to humble ourselves as in the Sight of God, and pray that in this communication of love the Holy Spirrit may endite our exprefsions, that God thro us may speak powerfully and effectually to Your hart give You un feigned repentance for sin, faith in the Saviour and a disposition 62 to new obedience, we would earnestly entreat you to reflect seri ously and prayerfully on the nature and consequences of Your Conduct, and how awfully fatal if persifted in. How does Your Conduct compare with the Injunctions of the blefsed Gospel, that those who name the name of Christ must be caref uU to part from all iniquity? How does it compare with the will of him who saith, Be ye holy as I ara holy ? Or How does it corapare with those SoUemn Covenant Obligations You are under and which are recorded in Heaven as an eternal meraorial of Your adoption into the family of Christ, or as a memorial of Your delusion or Hypoc- racy. Have You seriously reflected that you must one day appear before the Judgmentseat of Christ and answer to Your Injured Saviour? Have your carnal Joys while at the gaming Table never been interrupted with this SoUemn thought. Thy vows are upon me O God. And while afsociating with Companions in vice has not this command disturbed You. Come out from among them and be ye Seperated Saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive You and will be a father unto You and Ye [117] Shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord allmighty. While you avoid the society of Christians and delight not in their conversation. Can You have peace ? do not reflections of this kind AUarm You I have profefsed to love the Lord my God Yet have not that Spirrit in exercise which causes those who love and fear Him to speak often one to an other. I have profefsed to love the Saviour and to become his follower. Yet I fear am destitute of that love to the Brethren which is the distinguishing Characteristic of his Diciples. And while you unnecifsarily neglect the public Worship of God on his holy Sabbath. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Forsake not the afsembling yourselves together as the manner of some is. From one Sabbath to another shall all flesh come to worship before me Saith the Lord, and ye shall keep my Sab baths and reverence my sanctuary. I am the Lord. That con stant neglect of prayer which You confefs is Your Case, is an Idea weighty and Solemn, it must almost deprive you from Sharing in that Christian Charity which is the bond of perfect- nefs, and it stands in violation of the Commands of that God who alone answereth Prayer. He commands to pray always, pray without ceasing, lift up your Heart with Your hands unto God in the heavens. Blefs ye the Lord, praying in the holy Ghost giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your confefsion that you have given up Your hope of being born of the Spirrit and the will of God and that you desire no longer to remain a Member of this Church, may charitably be considered in a degree as involuntary and as arising from a conscioufnefs of the incon- sistincy of your conduct compared with Your profefsion Yet as one who has profefsed to become spirritually enlightened and to 63 have tasted the good word of life, if you continue in the neglect of known duty and in violation of Gods holy comraands. You must give up your hope, and Your Brethren in Obedience to Christ's Commands must be constrained to consider of you as an Heathen Man and a Publican. [ii8] And that too under a view of that SoUemn and Momentoes Declaration of the great head of the Church to his Disciples that whatsoever Ye bind on Earth Shall be bound in Heaven. It will then remain for God and Your own conscience to apply the following declarations of his holy word. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world thro the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they are again entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them then the Beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousnefs than after they have known it to turn from the holy coramandment delivered unto them. The Just shall live by faith but if any draw back my Soul shall have no pleasure in Him. For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaneth no more sacrifice for Sins but a certain fearful looking for of Judgment and firey indignation which shall devour the adversaries. It would be desireable here to adopt the language of the Apostle, and say. Beloved we are persuaded better things of you and things that accompany salvation tho we thus speak. You have the promise of Salvation if you will con tinue faithful to the end, the Blefsed Saviour he that holdeth the Starrs in his right hand Saith, He that overcometh the sarae shall be clothed in white raiment and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of life I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God and he shall go no more out, and I will write upon him my new name. We would exhort you to endure as a faithfuli Sol dier of Christ. When in darknefs you must remember that it is sin that hides the Saviour's face. Yet if we confefs our sins he is faithful and Just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnefs. Tho You may have Crusified the Son of God afresh and put him to open Shame. Tho you may have brought [119] reproach upon his cause and strengthened the enemy. Yet God is merciful and we have an advocate with the Father even Jesus Christ the righteous. Tho you have wandered and Backsliden. Tho you may have abused the holy One of God the redeemer of souls. Yet self abhorance for sin, attend to the language of his mercy. Then saith the Lord I remember thee, the kindnefs of thy Youth. The love of thine espousals. Turn O Backsliding Children Saith the Lord for I am married unto You, and I will bring You to Zion. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do thy first works. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to You. Be afflicted and Mourn and weep. Humble yourself in the Sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up. This is the language of Devine mercy thro a Redeemer. Be entreated, be encouraged then to 64 return by sincere repentance. Go before your God on the bended knees of Your Soul, and in true humility say. Father I have sinned against Heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy Child, and be afsured his mercy will be swift to meet you tho a great way off. The Church pray for you, we long for you in the Lord. And O that the blefsed Saviour who looked a denying Peter into repentance may turn and look upon you in mercy. That You may weep bitterly for sin, and humble yourself under the inighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time. Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for You. Be sober be vigilant Because your adversary the Devil as a roaring Lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour, whom resist, stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflic tions are accomplished in Your Brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal Glory by Christ Jesus after that ye have suffered a while make You perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. [120] Voted that the letter presented by B' Thrall is consid ered as proper and useful. Voted that the Clerk be instructed to present Sister Deborah Thrall with a copy of Said letter. Voted to Choose a Committee to converse and labour further with sister Thrall. Dea. Phinehas Stephens ( Chosen a Roswell Skinner < Committee for Isaac Owen Jr (. the above purpose Meeting adjourned until the first "Wednesday in June next at this place at 5 Oclock P. M. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk May 21" 1816. At a lawfuU warned Meeting of the Presbyterian Church in Turkey Hills holden at the Meeting House Deacon Phinehas Stephens Chosen Moderator Meeting opened by prayer from the Moderator Voted unanimously that this Church present a call to the Rev. Eber L. Clark desiring him to take the pastoral Charge of the Church. Engaging in case of his acceptance of the Call that we will endeavour to afford him our steady support and afsistance in the perforraance of the important duties of the Gospel Ministry. Justice R. Stephens] Chosen a Committee to present the above Walter Thrall [ Vote to the Rev. Eber L- Clark and to treat Joel Clark J with him on the Subject of Settlement in Concert with Societyes Committee. Voted to adjourn this meeting until Monday next at 4 Oclock P. M. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk [121] May 27"' 1816. Meeting holden by adjournment at the Meeting houfe the Com mittee reported an answer from the Rev. Eber L. Clark in the affirmative. 65 Voted that the same Committee be directed to make arrange ment with M' Clark and carry into effect the Settlement of Said M' Clark. Also to represent the Church to the Council. Meet ing adjourned two weeks from this day at 6 Oclock P. M. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk June 3'* 1816 At a Church Meeting holden by adjournment at the Meeting House. Meeting opened by the Clerk The Committee appointed to converse with Sister Deborah Thrall Reported that they have endeavoured to converse with her but found her unwilling to hear them and She exprefsed a willing nefs to be turned out of the Church. Meeting adjourned until the third Monday in August next at 5 Oclock P. M. Test Joel Clark Church Clerk June 10"' 1816. Church Meeting holden by adjournment at the Meeting House. Meeting Opened by the Moderator. Voted to disolve this Meeting. Test "Joel Clark Church Clerk' [*] For Church Covenant, and articles of difcipline, and other matters of Record the Reader is refered as follows. I Confefsion of Faith, 8'" Page 2 Church Covenant and articles of the Constitution, 104-5 Page 3 Church Transactions, 106 Page 4 Births, 35 Page 5 Deaths, 79 Page 6 Baptisms, 54 Page 7 Propouned for Communion, 34 Page 8 Propounded for being taken under the Wach of the Chur 24 Page 9 Admifsion into full Communion, 86 10 Admif sions into Church, 67 1 1 Attendance on the Lords Supper, 84 1 2 Commendations & Recommendations to & from Churches 102 Baptisms from 76 to 85 Children 134 Adults 5 From 85 to 1816 Ch 197 Ad 12 348 Mar by B. 78 Deaths fr 76 to 1809 211 Births from 1776 to 1785, one hundred and seventy one 1 The entries on pages 122-124 are omitted as they appear on early pages of the next following book of records. [I] A Record of the Church in Turkey Hills from the Installation of the Rev. Eber L. Clark July 3d. 1816. 67 [2] Rev. Eber L Clark Installed 3* July 1816 Rev. Eber L Clark dismissed 5'" July 1820 by his own request Rev. Stephen Crosby was installed Nov. 22, 1826 Rev. Stephen Crosby was dismissed January 31, 1832. Rev. Daniel Heminway was installed July 3rd 1832 Rev. Daniel Heminway was dismissed June 14, 1842 Rev. Jonas Bowen Clark was ordained Nov. 2, 1842 Rev. Jonas Bowen Clark was dismissed July 8, & to take effect Aug. I, 1845 Contents. Confession of faith & Covenant Page 5. 193 Church votes & transactions 11. 127 Deaths 267 Baptisms 115 Admissions by profession 197 Admissions by letter 247 Excommunications 281 Recommendations 287 Confessions 307 Names of Church members 319 Marriages 343 [5] A Confession of faith. I . You believe that there is but one God subsisting in three persons, the Father, the Son the Holy Ghost, in whom are all possible perfections. 2. You believe that God made & upholds all things by his power, & is the supreme Governor of all worlds. 3. You believe the holy Scriptures are the word of God, & are a perfect rule of faith and manners. 4. You believe that God made man upright, and originally instamped upon him his image of knowledge, of [6] righteous ness & of holiness. 5. You believe that by reason of the sin and fall of the first man, Adam, he plunged himself & all his prosterity into a state of sin & misery. 6. You believe that it pleased God from eternity to choose some of fallen men to everlasting life through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth, and so in the fullness of time sent forth his only begotten Son made of a woman, made under the law to redeem them who are under the curse of the law. [7] 7. You believe that Jesus Christ is the only Savior of man, neither is there salvation in any other, nor any other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. 68 8. You believe that repentance, faith, love & new obediance are the only conditions of eternal salvation stated in the gospel. 9. You believe that there are certain special ordinances insti tuted by Christ, which are baptism and the Lord's supper, that are in a religious manner to be observed by his followers. 10. You believe that the Lord's supper is an holly ordinance instituted by Christ, wherein by giving and [8] receiving Bread and Wine according to Christ's appointment his death is showed forth of which this is to be a standing memorial to the end of the world 1 1 . And finally you believe that God has appointed a day in which he will judge the world by Jesus Chirst, and that in that day they who have done good shall be absolved and acquited and made perfectly blessed in the full enjoyment of God forever, But they who have done evil and died in their impenitency, shall be turned down to a burning hell, & lodged there forever. [9] A Covenant You do now in the presence of God and before angels and men who are witnesses of this transaction solemnly avouch the Lord Jehovah God the Father Son and Holy Ghost to be your God. You do also take the holy Scriptures to be the only rule of your faith & practice (and togather with yourself give up your off spring to God avouching the Lord to be your God & the God of your seed). You acknowledge your sinfulness by nature & by practice, and that all your hopes of pardon & salvation are [10] built only on the righteousness and satisfaction of Christ, whom you now take to be your Savior, your Prophet Priest and King, solemnly promising through the help of divine grace to live in all respects according to the rules and precepts of the gospel, that you will carefully attend on all the ordinances of it, and that you will submit yourself to the discipline and government of Christ in his Church. [i i] Church Votes and transactions. 1816 July 3 The Rev. Eber L. Clark was installed as Pastor over the Church and Society in Turkey Hills, with the understand ing that he should preach one half the time as Chaplain at New gate prison. The gentlemen of the clergy who assisted in the Installation were Reverend Nathan Perkins D.D. West Hartford. Rev. Samuel Shepard Lenox (Mass.) Rev. Henry A. Rowland Windsor. Rev. Thomas Robbins East Windsor. Rev. Shubael Bartlett East Windsor. Rev. Francis E- Robbins Enfield. Rev. Ebenezer Gay Suffield. 69 Rev. Joseph Mix West Suffield. Rev. Isaac Porter Granby. Rev. Allen M Lean Simsbury. [12] August 21" At a meeting of the Church holden by ad journment. Voted, That Sister Deborah Thrall be cited to appear before the Church and answer to the charges which have been brought against her. Voted, That no person be admitted to occasional communion with this Church longer than one year without becoming a mem ber in full communion, either by Letter or otherwise. The meeting was then adjourned to August thirtieth. [13] Aug. 30"" The Church met according to adjournment. Sister Deborah Thrall did not appear according to the citation sent her by vote of the Church at the last meeting, the matter was therefore defered for further consideration. Voted, at this meeting that Dr. Silas Meacham at his own re quest be dismissed from this Church & recommended to the Church in Benson, Vermont. Voted also, that this Church adopt and proceed according to the following Rule. That they will admit professing christians of other Denominations to occasional communion for the time limited by a preceding vote [14] provided they cordially believe what are commonly called the Doctrines of grace. Such as total depravity, regeneration by special grace, Justification by faith in Christ, the saints perseverence, particular election &c &c &c ' Meeting was then adjourned to Nov. i. Nov. i" Met according to adjournment. Voted, That they would labor no farther with Sister Deborah Thrall, as they have no hope of ever reclaiming her. Voted also unaminously after prayer and much deliberation that she be excommunicated from the communion & fellowship of this Church. [15] Meeting then dissolved. 1817 Feb. 28th At a meeting of the Church duly warned. Voted that they will at some future meeting of the Church choose a Standing Committee to aid the Pastor in the affairs of discipline. Voted also, that they will renew the covenant. 1 For the benefit of any reader who may be uncertain as to these doctrines of grace, the following definitions are given: Total depravity— The total unfitness of man for the moral purposes of his being until born agam by the influence ot the Spirit of God. Regeneration by special grace — Being born again, in a spiritual sense, through the cove nant of baptism and thus receiving grace even though not sanctified to the will of God. Justification by faith in Christ— Being accounted righteous in the sight of God through 1! '" '.''^ merit of Jesus Church, not through personal meritorious works. The saints perseverence— The doctrine which teaches that persons who have once re ceived the Holy spirit cannot finally fall from grace. Particular election— The singling out or election of certain individuals to eternal life, by the direct will of God. 70 Horace Phelps appeared before the Church, and made his con fession having joined a party of pleasure, & conducted unchris tian like. [i6] The meeting was then dissolved. March 12th. At a meeting of the Church duly warned, Voted that the following persons, Viz: Eliza Robbins, Cynthia Thrall, Mehitabel Bassett and the wife of Charles Buck, be desired to make some acknowledgement to the Church for the fault in which they have been overtaken in dancing, and that Isaac Owen and Roswell Skinner be a Committee to comrnunicate to said per sons the doings of the Church &c. [17] Adjourned till Wednesday the 19th. instant. Met according to adjournment and without accomplishing the object of the meeting, adjourned again to Saturday 22d. instant. Met according to adjournment. The Committee chosen to con verse with the offending sisters, presented to the Church their confession, which here follows, & which was accepted by s* Ch. " To the Presbyterian Church in Turkey Hills— " We whose names are here annexed, have in the presence of "God, angels and men, avouched the Lord Jehovah, God the "Father, Son, [18] and Holy Ghost to be our God and Guide ' ' and Protector, and the holy Scriptures to be the rule of our ' ' faith & practice. ' ' We have and do still do continue to acknowledge the depravity ' ' of our hearts, and sensibly lament that by reason of our corrupt ' ' inclinations, our practice is unholy — with humble sincerity we ' ' acknowledge this — and in the presence of God who searcheth " and knoweth the heart, and before angels and men we confess ' ' our numerous faults, our sins public, private and particular, and " as we hope to be forgiven of our heavenly Father, we hope that ' ' kindness and true charity will reign predominant in the hearts ' ' of our dear brethren and [19] sisters and enable them to treat the ' ' younger sisters with all purity, and grant them that real for- " giveness for every transgression, as they hope to be forgiven of "God.* Sarah W. Buck Cynthia Thrall Mehitabel Basset Eliza Robbins. " T. Hills March 22d, 1817. The meeting was then dissolved. * Said offending Sisters chose not to mention in direct terms the sin for which they meant to make confession. Yet they freely acknowledged that meant to include it their sins public, private and particular. [20] May 4th. The Ch. in Turkey Hills renewed their Cov enant it being Lord's and communion day. 71 Oct. 31 At a meeting of the Church duly warned Deacon Phineas Stevens brought forward a request that he be excused from discharging the office of Deacon in the Church at least occa sionally which request was granted, and the meeting dissolved. 18 1 8 May i" at a meeting of the Church in Turkey Hills duly warned, the subject of choosing a standing Committee in the Ch according to a former vote, was taken up and considered, and Voted that the matter be postponed to some future meeting. Oct. 30"' At a meeting of the Church in Turkey Hills duly warned, Deacon Phineas Stevens, Deacon Harvey [21] Skinner, and Capt. Joel Clark are chosen a Committee to stand one year, whose duty shall be to aid the Pastor in the affairs of discipline. 1819 Oct. 10"'. At a meeting of the Church of Christ in Tur key Hills duly warned. Voted that Deacon Harvey Skinner their delegate to the North Consociation of Hartford County to be con vened at West Hartford the 12th. Instant, lay before that Body a memorial respecting the peculiar situation of said Church, on account of the Rev* Eber L. Clark their Pastor being no longer Chaplain of New Gate Prison, and of course having no longer any support from the State. [22] 1820 May 5th. At a meeting of the Church duly warned Capt. Joel Clark, Deacon Harvey Skinner and Isaac Owen Esq' were chosen as a Committee of the Church to stand for one year. At the same meeting Mary B. Landers made a confession for lascivious conduct. 1 82 1 At a warned Meeting of the Church January 3* Deacon Phinehas Stevens Moderator for the present meeting Hervey Skin ner chosen Standing Clerk Voted a Letter for the Rev. E. L. Clark Stating to the Church in Winchendon Mss the relation he bor to this Church while its Pastor Voted a Letter of recommendation and dismissal for Mary Wife of Rev. E L Clark directed to the Church Winchendon Mass Voted to adjourn Hervey Skinner Clerk [23] Samuel Woodruff chosen Delegate to the North Conso ciation Hartford County fall session 1821 July 5"' 1822 At a Meeting of the Church holden at the Meet ing-house Rev. Erastus Ripley Chosen Moderator Voted that the Moderator Serve Horace Phelps with a Copy of a complaint brought before this meeting by Brother Joel Clark and that he cite him to appear before the next meeting Voted to adjourn to Thursday 25 Inst. 3 O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk 25"' July Adjourned and also duly warned Meeting opened by prayer of the Moderator The Church then heard the complaint of Brother Joel Clark against Brother Horace Phelps which my 72 be seen on File dated July 5"' 1822 Mr Phelps has been duly serv'd with a Copy and cited to appear at this time by the Moderator i" Art. Charge. Proof by Brother James O. Ponfll That late on the evening of a day of May last on which I heard Mr Phelps washed Sheep he called at my house without making any particu lar business and tarryed untill near midnight and from his [24] conversation gestures and the scent of his breath I judged he was intoxicated By Rev. Mr. Ripley That on a day of May last I saw M' Phelps when he appeared wild and the scent of his breath was like that of a person's who had drank ardent Spirit 2* Art. Charge. Proof by Brothers Roswell Skinner and Apollos G. Hillyer That when we were at Mr Phelps's with Brother Clark agreeable to the second Step of the Gospel rule M' Phelps did acknowledge before us the transactions of this second charge as relates to the wheelbarrow 3* Art. Charge. Proof by Brother Isaac Owen That in the summer of 1821 as I was passing the road and within ten or twelve rods of M' Phelps's I heard a noise of shrieking and crying out when I came before the house his wife came out and com plained that her husband had just then been abusing her that I saw and put my fingers upon the bunches on her head which she said were occasioned by her husbands swinging her round the hous^ so as to raise her from the floor by the hair M' Phelps then came out [25] I asked him what he abused his wife so for he said it was a lye a lye A few days after this I again ask'd M' Phelps what he abused his wife so for he said she had hid his bottle and that he would govern his own house 4"' Art. Charge. Proof by Brothers Roswell Skinner and Apollos G. Hillyer That M' Phelps did acknowledge to us when he had his wild turns he drank too much and that drinking in creased his wildness That at this time we considered him regular and that after having been advised by us to put the spirit and the key to it into the hand of some person or friend he rejected our advise and said he would not stop drinking 5"' Art. Charge. Proof by Brother Isaac Owen That when I have seen his j ug pass my house immediately his wild turns come on and that he says he preaches I have frequently heard his noise in the evening up as far as my house. By Brother Joel Clark. M' Phelps says he preaches 6"' Art Charge. Proof by Brethren generally Voted to adjourn four weeks this day 3. O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk [26] 22* August 1822 Adjourned Meeting opened by prayer of the Moderator. Again took up the complaint against Brother Phelps. Witnesses sworn 73 I'' Witness M' Appleton Robbins That for the last seven years Mr. Phelps has been irregular at times I believed spirit was an injury to him In the summer of 1821 I tried to hire M' Phelps to refrain from the use of ardent spirits and cider but could not prevail with him to desist 2* Witness Horace Clark Esq That in the harvest time of 1821 I saw Mr Phelps when he appeared intoxicated and at several other times That at a time past Mr Phelps requested the priv ilege of preaching at my work-house on the plain calling it a church and said he wanted to dedicate it That one night he preached and pray'd all night at Kettle-brook and so loud as to start the bark from the trees [27] and that this day Mr Phelps told me he was going over to the Meeting-house to preach 3* Witness Mr George Thrall That I saw M' Phelps two or years past one sabbath at my Mother's when he appeared intoxi cated 4"' Witness Mr Hervey Holcomb That in the summer of 1821 Mr Phelps came to the shop at Mrs Lewis's where I was at work; spoke of preaching and began his tone but was silenced by Mrs Lewis Question did M' Phelps appear intoxicated? he appeared irregular 5"' Witness Brother Joel Clark Mrs Phelps says in the pres ence of her husband that at times she is afraid of her life That she is obliged to fiee to the barn and other places to secret her self Same testimony in substance by Brothers Roswell Skinner and Apollos G Hillyer The Church then took into consideration the support of the charges by testimony separately [28] Voted that each charge is proved to the satisfaction of the church except the specific parts of the third charge of the complaint Voted that the Clerk notify Mr Phelps that the charges brought against him are proved to the satisfaction of the church also of the next adjournd meeting Voted to adjourn to friday next; lecture day immediately after the public exercises. Hervey Skinner Clerk 30"' August 1822 Adjournd Meeting opened by the Modera tor Voted to hold Mr Phelps in suspense four weeks Voted to adjourn four weeks from this day 4. O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk 27"" September Adjourned Meeting opened by prayer of the Moderator Voted that Horace Phelps be and he is hereby excommunicated and cut off from the privileges and fellowship of this Church Voted to adjourn Hervey Skinner Clerk 74 [29] Sept 14"" 1823 Church made choice of Hervey Skinner for Moderator Appleton Robbins chosen Delegate to attend the Meet ing of the North Consociation of Hartford County to be holden at East Windsor north Society on the last Tuesday of September 1823 Oct 16"' 1823 Warned Church Meeting opened by prayer Brother Joel Clark chosen Standing Moderator for the Church Contribution taken up collected two Dollars fifty cents Voted to adjourn 2 weeks this place 2 OClock P. M. Oct 30 Adjournd Meeting opened by prayer Contribution taken up collected one Dollar seventyfive cents Chose a Standing advisory Com" for the church Viz Hervey Skinner Appleton Robbins Joel Clark Voted to dissolve Hervey Skinner Clerk [30] 1824 16"' April At a Meeting of the church duly warnd holden at the Meeting house in Turkey-hills Voted to excuse Capt Clark from being Moderator Voted that Rev* Ebenezer Halping be Moderator Meeting opened by prayer The Church took up labor with Brother Micah Moore upon a complaint for disorderly walk brought against him by Hervey Skinner left on file The charges in substance ac knowledged true by M' Moore Voted that Brother Moore be and he is hereby requested to make Gospel Confession Voted to adjourn four weeks friday 14"' may 4 OClock P. M. this place closed by prayer Hervey Skinner Ch. Clerk May 14 Adjournd Meeting opened by prayer and adjournd one week to this place H Skinner Ch. Clerk [31] May 21 Adjourn'd Meeting opened by prayer heard a Confession in form drawn for Brother Moore at his request Voted that the form is satisfactory Voted that Mr Moore is requested to make public confes.sion Voted to dissolve H. Skinner Ch Clerk 1824 May 31 At a warned Church Meeting opened by prayer resumed labor with Micah Moore Chose a Com" to confer with Brother Moore (as he was absent) and request of him the con fession in form mentioned in the minutes of the last meeting for S* Com" James O Pond and Joel Clark Com" returnd with the form and informd the Church that the offending Brother refuses to subscribe and make the confession in form before the Church Voted to designate a Com" to wait on M' Moore and desire him to appear [32] before the Meeting if he has any request to make or any thing to offer to the Church for S* Com" chose Justus R Stevens and James O Pond 75 Com" returned and reported that Brother Moore had only to desire the Church to inform him whether the Church request him to make a public confession Voted that the Church inform Mr Moore by Com" viz James O Pond and Isaac Owen that he be reqired to make public con fession Voted to adjourn to friday 2 July 1824 immediately after lec ture H Skinner Ch Clerk 2* July Adjournd Meeting Voted that Micah Moore be and he is hereby excommunicated and cut off from the fellowship and communion of this Church [33] Meeting closed without date Hervey Skinner Ch. Clerk 1824 July 11"' At a Church Meeting duly call'd by the Mod erator "Voted to choose a Com" of three persons whose duty it shall be to converse with delinquent disorderly and offending members of the Church for S* Com" Chose Hervey Skinner Joel Clark Appleton Robbins Voted to add Justus R Stevens to S* Com" Closd by prayer H Skinner Ch Clerk 1825 Sept 11"' Hervey Skinner Chosen Delegate to attend a Meeting of the North Consociation to be holden at Enfield on the last Tuesday of Sept Instant [34] August 28"' 1826 At a Meeting of the Congregational Church in Turky Hills duly warnd and held at the Meeting House Hervey Skinner Moderator protem Voted Unanimously that this Church do Call the Rev* Steven Crosby to the Pastoral Charge of Christ's Church in this place Voted that Walter Thrall Appleton Robbins Samuel Woodruff and Hervey Skinner be a Com" to present the Call to the Rev* M' Crosby and report to the next Meeting Also to act in concert with the Societies special Com" of arrangements Voted to adjourn to the 28'" Instant 5 O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk At a Church Meeting duly warned and opened by prayer Oct. 30"' 1826 Voted to adjourn to friday the 3* day of Nov' next 4. O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk Nov' 3* Adjournd Meeting opened at the Meeting house and continued at the house of Appleton Robbins The Committee appointed to invite [35] the Rev* Mr Crosby to the Pastoral Charge of this Church Report by Communication from him as follows To the Congregational Church at Turkey-hills Granby. Brethren. Your Call dated the 31" of August of the current year, has received, as I think it deserved, very serious considera tion. It is not possible for me to describe the struggle of principle 7-6 and feeling it has occasioned. I will only say it is not because I have felt no attachment to the people and no interest in their wel fare that I have so long hesitated. The truth is my circumstances have been so peculiar that I have found it exceedingly difficult to learn what the great Head of the Church would have me to do; nor have I after all obtained that full satisfaction which I could desire. But as the Lord has put it into your hearts to seek the benefit of reUgious institutions and to make so generous sacrifices to support the Christian Ministry; as it is so desirable you should succeed in procuring a Minister [36] and at least possible you might fail to obtain any other person ; I cannot find it in my heart to leave you. I do therefore accept your Call; and though I do it with cheerfulness it is with fear and trembling: And I beseech you, Brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake and for the love of the Spirit that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me that I may come unto you with joy by the will of God and with you be refreshed. Now the God of peac be with you all. Your willing Servant Dated at Granby In the Lord, Nov 3* 1826 Stephen Crosby A true Copy Voted to accept the Report and that the Clerk enter it on Record Voted to adjourn to the 21" Instant 3. O. Clock P. M. Hervey Skinner Clerk [37] 1826 Nov. 22. According to previous arrangements Rev. Stephen Crosby was duly installed Pastor of this church. Rev. Mr. Kellogg of Farmington offerd the Introductory prayer; Rev. Mr. Phelps of Brookfield Mas. preached the sermon; Rev. Mr. McLean of Simsbury offerd the Installing prayer; Rev. Mr. Rowland of Windsor gave the Charge to the Pastor; Rev. Mr. Porter of Farmington presented the Right Hand of fellowship; Rev. Mr. Tenney of Weathersfield made the Address to the peo ple; & Rev. Mr. Mix of Suffield offerd the Concluding prayer. [38] 1828 Jan. 20. Chh tarrid after divine service. At the request of Mrs. Sally Jarvis presented by Deac. H. Skinner, for a Letter of dismission from this chh. & of recommendation to the South Cong, chh in Hartford; voted to grant her a Letter dated at the time she left this place & removed to Hartford. Atteft Stephen Crosby April 27. Chh. tarried after divine service. A request was presented from Doct. James O. Pond for a Letter in behalf of him self & wife of dismission from this chh. & of recommendation to some one of the Presbyterian chhs in the city of New York. Voted that his request be [39] granted. The Letter was re quested in this form because Doct. Pond, had not ascertained with what particular chh he might find it convenient to unite. Atteft Stephen Crosby 77 July 6. Chh. tarried after divine service. At his request pre viously made known, voted to give Mr. Asaph Launders a Letter of recommendation from this chh. to the Presbyterian or Cong. chh. at Byron Genesee Co. N. Y., stating that he was in regular standing when he left this place. Atteft Stephen Crosby [40] 1829 Oct. 18. Chh tarried after divine service At her request voted to recommend Mrs Phebe Hayes (formerly Phebe Gould) to the Presbyterian chh in Londonderry N. H. Atteft Stephen Crosby 1830 Jan. I. Chh tarried after Preparatory Lecture. It being stated that Mr. Francis Loomis Phelps, a meraber of this chh, had embraced the doctrine of universal salvation appointed Brth- eren, Joel Clark & Walter Thrall a Committee to converse with him on the subject and report hereafter to the chh. Attest Stephen Crosby Aug & Sept The Committee appointed to converse with Mr. F. L. Phelps, reported to the chh that they had attended to the duties of their appointment; that Mr. P. told them his religious experience was the result of terror [41] & smypathy &c. After several short sessions of the chh. on successive sabbaths, with the hope of getting more information on the subject, the meeting was adjourned to the first sabbath of Oct., with the understanding that some brother would commence a course of discipline accord ing to the directions in Matthew's gospel. Attest Stephen Crosby Sept Chh tarried on the Sabbath after divine service; A letter being received from the Moderator of Hartford N. Consociation, requesting a delegation with the Pastor to attend a meeting of that body at Bristol on the last Tuesday of Sept. inst. Brother Joel Clark was appointed Delegate for that purpose. Sept 26 Chh tarried after divine service. It being understood that Brother J. Clark would not be present to [42] attend the meeting of the Consociation at Bristol, Brother Sam' Woodruff was appointed to attend in his stead. Atteft S. Crosby Oct. 17 The chh tarried after divine; The meeting ad journed to the ISt sabbath in Oct., having been deferred. No one having commenced a course of discipline with Mr. F. L- Phelps, adjourned to the last sabbath of the present month. Atteft S. Crosby Oct. 31. Chh. tarried after divine service. Adjourned to the last sabbath in Nov. Atteft S. Crosby 183 1 Feb. 13. The chh. meeting which was adjourned to the last sabbath of Oct. last having been continued by successive adjournments [43] to this tirae, Brother Joseph Cornish Jun. presented a complaint against Brother F. L. Phelps. Whereupon the chh voted to send Brother Phelps a summons to appear before 78 them on the 2nd Tuesday of March next at i o'clock at the meeting house, to answer to the charges alledged in the complaint of Brother Cornish. Adjourned to the above named time & place. Atteft S. Crosby March 8. Chh. met according to adjournment. Opened with prayer. As brother F. E- Phelps did not appear in person, nor send [44] any communication the chh voted to send him a letter of Admonition; & adjourned to the last Tuesday of the present month at 4 O'clock in the afternoon that Brother P. might have another opportunity to meet them. Atteft Stephen Crosby March 1 1 . Chh met according to previous notice for the pur pose of choosing a second Deacon. Constituted the meeting with prayer. Made choice of Brother Gordon C. Gould; who declined accepting the office. But at the request of some of the Brethren he consented to consider the subject further; [45] & the meeting was adjourned to the last Tuesday of the present month immedi ately succeeding the meeting adjourned for the purpose of taking further measures on the case of Brother F. E- Phelps Atteft Stephen Crosby March 29. Chh met according to adjournment. Opened with prayer. Brother F. L. Phelps having made no communication, voted to send him a second Letter of Admonition. Adjourned to the day of the next Preparatory Lecture immediately after the Lecture. Proceeded to the business of the meeting for the purpose of choosing [46] a 2nd Deacon. After some conversation on the subject Brother Gould signified his acceptance of the office; & the meeting was adjourned to the day of the next Preparatory Lec ture, one hour previous to the Lecture for the purpose of con secrating Brother Gould to the office of Deacon by solemn prayer. Closed with prayer. Atteft Stephen Crosby May 27. After the preparatory lecture which had been post poned to this day there being no time for the consecration of Brother G. C. Gould to the office of Deacon the selemnity was defered to next sabbath. Atteft Stephen Crosby [47] May 29. Chh tarried after divine service; & Brother G. C. Gould was inducted into the office of Deac. by prayer. Atteft S. Crosby June 5. Chh tarried after divine service according to previous notice. The case of Brother F. L- Phelps which had been neg lected on the day of the Last Preparatory Lecture, was brought before the chh; & after solemn prayer to God for direction, it was voted that he be formally excommunicated. Closed with prayer for Brother Phelps' repentance Atteft S. Crosby 79 [48] Aug. 7. Chh tarried after divine service. At the re quest of Mrs. Charles Washburn voted, that she be recommended to the North chh. in Hartford, as having had a regular standing in this chh at the time she removed to Hartford. Atteft S. Crosby. Sept 18. Chh tarried after divine service A letter having been received from the Moderator of Hartford N. Consociation requesting this chh to send a Delegate to the meeting of said Consciation in Simsbury the 27th instant, appointed Brother Joel Clark. . . ^ ^ . ^ Atteft S. Crosby [49] 1832 Jan. 25. Chh met according to previous notice. The meeting was constituted with prayer. The Pastor having requested the chh to unite with him in convining a mutual Ecclesiastical Council for the purpose of effecting his dismission, the foUowing resolution was passed: Resolved That this chh exceedingly regret the necefsity of uniting with their Pastor in convining a mutual Council for the purpose of dissolving his connection with this people; and they consent to this measure only at his special request. [50] Voted to appoint a Committee to represent the chh. in the contemplated Council. Appointed Brother Appleton Robbins & Deacons Skinner & Gould. Voted to invite the Council to convene on Monday 30th of Jan'y instant at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Meeting house. It was agreed by the Pastor & the chh. to invite the chhs in Windsor, Simsbury, Wintonbury, Hartford North and Suffield. Adjourned sine die. Atteft S. Crosby [51] Mr. Crosby was dismifsid 31, Jany 1832. Mr. Crosby removed from this place to Penn Yan N. Y. where he resided three or four years. He afterwards rec* a call to settle in Green ville, a village in Norwich Conn. In this place he labored for Several Months, when he was laid by by sieknefs and died June 6, 1838. A truly good man, and an able & devoted minister Testatm D. H. [53] 1832 Rev* Daniel Hemenway commenced preaching to this Chh and Society on the 3* Sab. in April. May 17. At a church meeting holden on this day Voted that we give the Rev* Daniel Hemenway an invitation to accept the pastoral charge of the church in this Society. Test Joseph Cornish Jr Clerk The Society having concurred with the Church in the above vote, the following is Mr Hemenways answer To the Church and Ecclesiastical Society of Turkey Hills. Brethern and friends Your request that I settle with you in the gospel [54] Ministry has now been some days before me. Upon mature and as I trust prayerful deliberation I feel it duty to comply 8o with your request and I do hereby signify my Complience. The relation which we are about to afsume to each other involves weighty responsibilities and takes fast hold of eternal things. In coming among you my object is if my heart does not decive me, the promotion of your Spiritual interests. I do confidently rely upon your hearty cooperation in all measures calculated to ad vance the glory of Christ in the Salvation of Souls among you and pray that our connexion here may be a preparation for a nearer and more happy union in heaven. [55] Wishing you all spiritual blefsings I am very respect fully and very affectionately yours. D. Hemenway Norwich June i, 1832 At a subsequent meeting of the chh Dea H. Skinner and Brothers Walter Thrall & Justus Stevens were appointed a com mittee to unite with a committee of the Society in fixing the day and making the arrangements for Installation. Tuesday the 3* of July was fixed as the day of Installation when a council convened consisting of the churches in Suffield, Windsor, Wintonbury, Simsbury Salmon Brook and Danvers Mafs. [56] After the usual examination of the candidate the council voted to proceed to the Installation and that the Services be per formed by the following persons. Rev* Mr Coules of Danvers Mafs make the first prayer. " Mr Nash of Wintonbury preach the Sermon. " Mr McLean of Simsbury make the Installing prayer. ' ' Mr Rowland of Windsor give the Charge. ' ' Mr Robinson of Suffield offer the right hand of fellowship. " Mr Porter of Salmon Brook make the Last prayer. [57] 1832 June 3. Church this day voted to give to Dea Gurdon C. Gould and wife a letter of dismifsion and recommenda tion to a council to be convened for the purpose of constituting a church at Collinsville Conn. July 29. This day, Church voted to grant the request of Sister Julia Crosby to be dismifsed frora her particular relation to this church and recommended to the Presbyterian chh in Penn Yan N. Y. Attest D. Hemenway. Sept 23. Chh. Appointed Dea. H. Skinner a delegate to attend the Consociation to be holden at Hartford North chh on Tuesday 25 inst. Attest D Henenway Past [58] 1832 Oct 14 This day Dorothy Griffin was propounded for Admifsion to the fellowship of the Church. Attest. D. Hemenway Nov. 9. This day appointed Bro. A. Robbins delegate and Dea. H. Skinner his substitute to attend a council to be convened at Tariffville to organise a church. Attest. D Hemenway, Past. Nov. 1 1 . Mrs Griffin rec* to chh. Dec. 1 6. This day EUsabeth Phelps and Sarah H Field were propounded for admifsion to the communion of this chh. Dec. 23 Church appointed bro. Joel Clark a delegate to attend a council to be convened at Salmon Brook for the Dismifsion of Rev* Isaac Porter At D H. Past. [59] 1833 Jany 6. The persons propounded above were this day rec* to the communion of the chh. Attest. D. H. Past. April 7. Church today made choice of Bro. Samuel Woodruff to attend as delegate a council to be convened at Windsor Locks on Wedy 10"' inst. to take into consideration the expediency of constituting a chh; and, if judged expedent to organize the same. Attest. D. Hemenwaj' Pa.st July 28. Gurdon C. Gould and wife were rec* to the fellow ship of this chh by letter from the church in Collinsville At. D. Hemenway. Past. Aug. II. Chh appointed Bro. G. C. Gould a delegate to a council to be convened in Salmon Brook, on Tuesday, 20 inst. for the purpose of Installing Rev. Chs Bentley Pastor of the chh in said place D. Hemenway Past [60] 1833 Aug. 25. This day notified a meeting of the chh to be holden on Friday the 30 inst to take into consideration the subject of choosing a deacon in the place of Dea G. C. Gould whose office became vacated by his removal from us and connec tion with another chh. Attest D Hemenway Past Aug. 30. This day church tarried after Preparatory Lecture according to the above notice and made choice of Bro. Gurdon C. Gould to officiate again as Deacon. Attest. D Hemenway Past Sept. 15. Mrs Mary Chapin and Mrs Susannah Bodwell were to day rec* to the communion of this chh by letter from the chh in Simsbury Sister Martha Soper was recommended [61] to the fellowship of any sister Church where providence might cast her lot. Attest. D Hemenway Past Dec. 15 Eliza Phelps a sister in this chh was at her request dismifsed and recommended to the North Chh in Hartford. Attest. D Hemenway. Past 1834 March 2* Melifsa Phelps a sister in this Chh was at her request dismifsed and recommend to the North Chh in Hartford. Attest. D Hemenway Past Ap. 20. Susannah Bodwell and Mary Chapin were dismifsed and recommended to the Chh in Simsbury and Betsey Ann Griffin to the Church in Salmon Brook. Attest D Heraenway Past August 31. Church made choice of Bro Joseph Cornish as delegate to the Consociation to Meet at East Windsor 18 Sept Attest D Hemenway Past 82 [62] 1834 Sept. 26. At a church meeting duly warned and holden at the School room at 3 oclk this day. A complaint was brot by Dea. G. C. Gould against Bro. Roswell H. Phelps, of neglecting & abusing his wife. (See coraplaint on file) Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Thursday the 2* day of Oct next, 2 oclk P. M. at the same place, and that the Moderator cite Bro. Phelps to be present and answer to the charges brot against him. Attest. D Hemenway Past. Sept 28. Church voted to give Bro. Jas C. Carter and wife a letter of recommendation to the Church in Genoa (?) Ohio Attest. D Hemenway Past [63] 1834 Oct. 2. Church met according to adjournment and meeting opened by prayer. Bro. Phelps was present, pleaded not guilty to the charges alledged against him and requested that Bro. S. "Woodruff be permitted to act as his advocate. Proceeded to hear the testimony in support of the charges and at a late hour adjourned to meet again at the same place at 6 o'clk on Thursday eve^ 9"' instant. Attest D Hemenway Pastor Oct. 9. Church met according to adjournment Meeting opened by prayer. Continued the examination of witnefses in support of the charges against Bro. Phelps and heard testimony in his defence Adjourned to Thursday eve^ 16, Oct 6, oclk Attest. D Hemenway Pastor Oct 16. Met according to adjournment and meeting opened by prayer. Bro Phelps not present. Heard further statements in proof of charges against him. [64] Church then proceeded to consider the testimony for and against the Several charges. Voted unanimously that all the charges had been fully sus tained with the exception of the last clause of the first charge. The charges as proved in the opinion of the Church are the fol lowing. I . Bro. Phelps has affirmed that he had no affection for his wife more than for any other person. 2. At one time he struck at her with a broomstick which mifsing her head was broken acrofs the chair in which she sat and threatened to break raore or to use Andirons Shovel and tongs if broomsticks failed. 3. At another time he seized a stone jug, swung it violently over her head, saying "I Swear by the gods I will make you feel what you [65] never did feel if it costs me my life. And in the course of the conversation said to his wife that ' 'She was worse than the devils in hell with much language of a Sirailar character. 4. At another time (one morning) he went to the woodpile, got a billet of wood, held it over her head in a menacing manner and with menacing language compelled her to carry in wood and build a fire. 83 5- At different times when so sick that she could not leave her bed without suffering, he has left her alone and refused to give her that afsistance which she needed. 6. He has at divers times and in divers manner interrupted the peace and happiness of his wife. The Sixth charge was substituted by consent of parties instead of the same number as on file. Church voted to adjourn this meeting to Friday [66] 31. Oct. immediately after preparatory lecture, and that the pastor inform Bro Phelps of this result and request him to be present and make the Satisfaction which the gospel requires. Attest. D Hemenway Pastor. Oct 19 Mary Ann Combs was propounded for admission to the chh. D. Hemenway Oct. 31. Church tarried after preparatory lecture according to adjournment. Bro Phelps was present aud made a statement of his views and feeling, with respect to the charges proved against him. Upon which Church voted unanimously that they were not sat isfied with his Confefsion and that the pastor be directed to send him a letter of admonition Adjourned to Thursday ev^, 6 o'clk Nov. 13. Attest. D Hemenway Pastor [67] 1834 Nov. 2 Mary Ann Combs today rec* to the fellow ship of the Chh. Church tarried after meeting to hear the letter of admonition to Bro Phelps. Voted that the letter be adopted as the views of the Chh & sent. Attest. D. Hemenway Past Nov. 13. Church met according to adjournment. Prayer by moderator. Bro Phelps not having rendered any satisfaction, Chh voted unanimously that the pastor send him a second letter of admoni tion. Adjourned to Friday eve^ 21 Nov. 6. o'clk Attest. D Hemenway Past Nov. 16 Chh tarried after divine service, heard and approved the second letter of admonition to Bro Phelps. Attest D Hemenway Past [68] 1834. Nov. 21 Church met agreeably to adjournment. Prayer by moderator. Bro. Phelps being present, repeated in substance the statement he had previously made of his views and feelings respecting the charges that have been pressd against him After much delibera tion the church voted unanimously that they were not satisfied with the statements and could not regard them as a suitable con fession of his offences. Upon motion, Voted unanimously that Brother Roswell H. Phelps be, and that he is hereby excluded the privileges of this church. 84 Voted that the pastor prepare a letter of excommunication to Mr Phelps to be presented to the church for their approval on Monday eve.^, Dec. i, 1834, to which time this meeting is ad journed. Attest. D. Hemenway Past. [69] For continuation of records see page 73 Deaths. 1816 July 15th. Captain Worthy ThraU. do. 1 6th. Widow ThraU. Oct. 8th. Milton Thompson Son of Samuel. do. 29th. Jesse Moore. ' do. 30th. Wife of Samuel Clark. Total 5 181 7 Jan. 1 8th. Died Nathaniel Phelps. Feb. 2 ist Asahel Holcomb Esq' aged 96. March 6th. Molly Clark died, daughter of Jesse Clark. March 14th. A chUd, son, of Widow Dorothy Phelps, aged one year & 10 months Do. 22* An infant of Seth Hays who resides in the parish of Salraon Brook. [70] March 22d A child aged 5 years of Almon Aldridge. Do. 22* The Widow Owen, wife of the late Capt. Owen who was by profession a baptist. June 5th An infant child of Rev. Eber L. Clark August 20th. Cromwell Phelps son of Widow Sarah Phelps Do. 21" A Child of Elihu Andrus drowned. Oct. i" Alson Hoskins Jun' died. Nov 29th. James L. Moore died. Dec 2* The wife of Capt. Mathew Griswold Dec. 30th. Ebenezer Cook died. Total 14 1818 March nth. Phinehas Newton died. March 26th. Died Lura Skinner wife of Roswell Skinner. April loth. Died Calvin Holcomb. August 23* Died George N. Gould .son of Widow Phebe Gould. [71] Sept 19th. Died an infant child of Sterling Perkins. 5 1819 Eucina Gay wife of Richard Gay March 4th. Widow Pease. Oct 12th. Anne Owen died. Oct 26th. David Clark died aged 94 years Oct. 4th. Laura Newton died. 5 1820 March 15th. a child of Capt. Moses Tibbetts. May 14th Levi Thrall aged 45 years. February 27"' 1823 Deacon Phinehas Stevens aged 73 [72] 1833' Jany 3. Eleanor Thrall dau. of W T. (Lung Fever Oct. 2 ys. 1 This date appears to be cro.ssed out. 85 i834 I^ec. I. At a meeting of chh this eve*^ a letter of ex communication to Roswell H. Phelps was presented and ap proved. Attest D Heraenway, Pas Dec. 21. This day Roswell H. Phelps was publicly excom municated. Attest. D Hemenway Past [73] 1835 Feby. 22 Chh appointed Dea H. Skinner a dele gate to sit in council, upon the subject of the dismission of Rev. Ansel Nash from the chh in Wintonbury, to become agent of American Ed. Soc. on Tues. 24 Inst. D. Hemenway. April 19. This day a complaint was presented against Mrs Sally Buck, a member of this church, for intemperance, upon which it was voted that the pastor notify her to appear before them at the school room on Thursday eve^ the 23* inst, at j^ past 6 oclk to answer to the charges alledged against her Attest D Hemenway. Past. April 23. Church met according to the above appointment. Mrs. Buck not present. Proceeded, after prayer, to hear the testimony in support of the charges preferred against Mrs Buck. The following were judged by the unaminous vote of the brethren to be substanstiated I. That in the suraraer of 1833 she was intoxicated 2. That she was in the same condition in the month of Octo ber or November 1834. 3 That she was intoxicated in the month of Feby 1835 [74] 4 That she was intoxicated again on 4"' of Ap. 1835 5. That at sundry other times she has been so much intox icated as to be disqualified for business. Voted that the pastor send her a letter of admonition, and that the church meeting be adjourned to the day of preparatory Lecture next week. Attest D. Hemenway, Past. Ap. 26 This day the draft of a letter of admonition to Mrs. Buck was read to the chh and accepted D. Hemenway Past. May I. Church tarried after preparatory Lecture to receive the confefsion of Mrs Buck. She not appearing and making no communication the chh voted to send her a second letter of admo nition, and to adjourn this meeting to the 10"' day of May to give her an opportunity to make the satisfaction which the gospel re quires. Attest D Hemenway, Pas. [75] 1835. May 17. This day the church pafsed the follow ing resolution. Resolved that Mis Sally Buck be and that she is hereby excom municated from the fellowship of this church, and that the pastor prepare a letter of excommunication for the approval of the chh. Attest. D Hemenway. Past. July 12. Church chose Dea G. C. Gould a delegate to attend a council to be convened in Windsor on Wedy 15"' inst for the 86 purpose of dissolving the pastoral relation of Rev. Mr Rowland to that chh. & Bro. J Cornish his substitute Attest. D Hemenway. Past Aug 1 6 Church dismifsed and recommended Mrs Lydia Caulkins to Bowery chh city of N. Y. At. D Hemenway Pas Sept 4. Rec* to the fellowship of this chh James Judd and wife from chh in Southampton Mafs. Appointed Doct Hamlin delegate to the N. Consociation of Hartford county to meet at South chh Hartford the 15"' of this month [76] and Dea Gould his substitute. Attest. D. Hemenway Past Oct. 25 Edward Young Gould was this day propounded for admifsion to this church. Oct. 30 Chh voted to dispense with the rule that candidates be propounded two weeks before admifsion in the above case Attest D Hemenway Past Nov. I . The person above propounded rec* to full communion Attest D. Hemenway. Past 1836. March 4. Church appointed Bro. A. Robbins a delegate to attend a council to be convened in Windsor on the 8 inst for the purpose of installing the Rev. Charles Walker over the church in that place. Attest. D. Hemenway Past. March 20. Church voted to dismifs and recommend Sarah Phelps a sister in this chh to the North Church in Hartford. Attest D Hemenway Past. [77] 1836 Sept 3* Sarah Stevens was this day rec* to the fellowship of this chh from the 5"' Cong. chh. in Springfield Mafs. Church made choice of Bro. Joseph Cornish as Deacon in the place of Dea Gurdon C Gould deceasd. Bro. Cornish not feeling prepared to accept the office at this time, he was requested to take the subject into consideration and give in the result at a subsequent meeting of the Chh. Attest. D Hemenway Past. Sept. 10. Chh made choice of Br. C. Hamlin as delegate to Hartford North Consociation to meet at E. Avon on Tues. 20. inst. and Bro J. Cornish as his substitute. Attest D Hemenway Past. [78] 1836 Oct. 2* Chh voted to dismifs Mehitable Bafsett to North Chh in Hartford. D Hemenway Past Dec. 4. Hannah Brown, Wife of Doct S. W. Brown was rec* to the fellowship of this chh upon recommendation from the chh in Canton. Attest. D Hemenway Past Dec 30 Brother Cornish signified to the church his acceptance of the office of Deacon. Attest D Hemenway Past 87 i837 March i6. At a church meeting duly notified and holden at the schoolroom under the church this day a complaint was pre sented by Bro J. Clark against Bro. Walter Thrall charging him i" With an excefsive use of intoxicating drinks so as to discredit his christian profefsion and greatly to impair his health 2'"iiy With neglect of family duties. 3 With disregard of public worship 4 With falsifying. (See complaint on file. ) [79] Whereupon church voted that Deacon Cornish serve Bro Thrall with a copy of said complaint and that this meeting be ad journed to Thursday 30"' day of March present, 2. oclk P. M. to give him an opportunity to answer to the charges preferred against him. Attest. D. Hemenway Past. March 30. Church met this day according to adjournment. Bro Cornish returned the complaint against Bro. Thrall certify ing that he had been duly serveded with a copy. Bro. Thrall not being present and having made no communi cation to the church, after appointing Brothers A. Robbins, J. Cornish and A. Hillyer a committee to see certain individuals and request their attendance as witnifses before the chh or in case of their refusal, to take their testimony, having first notified Bro Thrall of the time & place of doing it, voted to defer the further consideration of this subject to Thursday the 20"' day of April. [80] Church appointed Dea H. Skinner a committee to in vestigate the origin of certain reports affecting the christian character of Betsey Clark as sister in this chh and to take such measures in reference thereto as the gospel dictates. Adjourned the meeting to the 20"' day of April at 2 o elk. P. M. at the same place. D. Hemenway Past. April 16 Church appointed Bro. A Robbins a delegate to attend a council to be convened in Suffield for the purpose of difolving the pastoral relation between the Rev. H. Robinson and the i" Cong, chh in that place if deemed expedient. D. Hemenway Past April 20. Chh met According to Adjournment. After the meeting was opened by prayer, Capt. Thrall not being present chh voted to proceed to investigate the trutli of the charges [81] alledged against him. At this stage a communication was rec* from Capt. Thrall, complaining of a want of information in respect to proceedings of the chh in his case. Where upon chh voted to adjourn one week and that a recefs of half an hour be now had, to enable the pastor to draft an answer to the communication named above. After recefs a letter was read in answer to Capt Thrall's. (See copy on file) Voted that said letter be accepted and forwarded to morrow Allen N. M'Lean was rec* to the fellowship of this chh by letter from chh in Simsbury. Meeting closed with Prayer by Dea Skinner Attest D Hemenway Past. [82] i837 April 27 Church met this day according to ad journment to consider the complaint made against Bro. Thrall. He was present and pleaded not guilty to the charge of intemper ance Whereupon Church proceeded to hear testimony in support of this charge. The first specification under this general charge was that on the 4"' of June 1836 he was so rauch under the influence of intoxicating drink as to lose his self control and disgrace his christian profession. Bro. A Robbins, testified that he saw Bro Thrall that day at the meeting house. There was a meeting of the Ecclesiastical Society for the purpose of deliberating on the subject of selling the slips. Bro Thrall was greatly excited from some cause. Could not say that he had been drinking. Doct. Hamlin testified that he saw Bro Thrall at the meeting house and that he was much excited. He had occasion to do businefs with brother Thrall on that day. Saw him [83] attempt to compute the contents of a load of wood in which he failed and requested him to compute it. Came in contact with his breath and was confident he had been drinking spirit of some kind. Thinks he could not be mistaken in this. Bro. Cornish testified that he saw Bro Thrall and noticed that he was unusually excited thot, at the time, that it was occasioned by Spirit of some kind. Bro. Hillyer testified that he was at the store after Society's meeting. Saw the contest between Bro. Thrall and Alderman in which Bro Thrall seized him by the collar. The .second specification under this general charge was that on the 19, or 20, of Jany 1837 he was again so rauch under the influence of intoxicating drinks as to be disqualified for businefs. Doct Hamlin testified that he was visiting Jane daily at the time specified, [84] that he saw brother ThraU in a condition that it was very difficult for him to communicate his ideas. Could not articulate distinctly, was very dull and sleepy. Appeared very different from what he usually does. Mrs. Joab Owen was present. Thinks his appearance was the consequence of drinking intoxicating drinks. Mr. Hemenway testified that he saw brother ThraU in the early part of the day, Thursday 19"' Jany, he was excited evidently then. He saw him again a little after noon and after Doct. Hamlin had left, when he was extremely incoherent in his conversation, had no control over his feelings. Wept much in talking about his situation, was very different in his appearance from what he generally is. Had seen him in a .similar situation before. His whole manner and conversation showed unnatural excitement. [85] The third Specification under this complaint was that at various other times he has indulged himself so immoderately in the use of intoxicating drinks as to discredit his christian pro fefsion and impair his health and usefulnefs. Submit Gay testified that she spent 3 weeks at Bro Thralls last winter, that she saw him drink no distilled spirit, but that he drank cider freely, that she took pains to notice how many times the mug was fiUed on a certain day which was 6 or 8 tiraes, that there was no company on that day, that his appearance was very different raorning and eve*'. In the morning when he rose was exceedingly feeble and said he could not talk. But after some time, he would becom talkative and loud and exceedingly troublesome. She has no doubt that it was the effect of cider She took particular notice, and thinks she could not be mistaken. Mifs Polly Johnson testified that she lived at Capt Thralls several mouths a year or raore since [86] She saw Capt Thrall drink no distilled spirit & does not know that there was any in the house except as she saw a tumbler one day that had had some in it. He drank cider some times and when this was the case he was very troublesome and noisy. When he did not drink cider he was very pleasant. She was knowing to his having drinked cider on the day of preparatory lecture in Dec. 1835 and that he was the worse for it. Bro. Hillyer testified that he had seen Bro Thrall when he carried the appearance of intoxication. Saw him one even last winter and thot something was the matter, was at his house %. of an hour. Mr Owen aud Mrs Clark were present, told Mr. Owen after we left the house that something was the matter and was afraid it was excefsive drinking. Saw hira drink cider that eve^. Bro Robbins testified that Bro Thrall knew his views upon this subject. He had often talked with him and told him what he thot [87] Bro Cornish testified that he had bin at Bro. T. several times within a year or two past when he appeared to be under the influence of stimulating drink. The charge of neglecting family duties Bro Thrall admitted to be true. The charge of delinquency in attending public worship he ad mitted so far as the fact of absence from the house of God is concerned, but plead that there was no delinquency on the ground that ill health prevented his attendance. The fourth charge, is in the following terms, I complain that he has been guilty of falsifying or making statements at variance with truth (See page 100) To this charge he pleaded not guilty. The ground of this charge was stated by the complainant to be i" That Bro ThraU had told him he had drinked no spirit since August of 1835, when uncle Moses mowed for him. Bro Thrall denied having said this and as Bro Clark had no testimony to substantiate [88] this but his own recollection it was decided that it could not be sustained. 90 The second ground upon which the charge of falsifying was rested was that Capt Thrall had said he had drunk no ardent spirit since June of last year. This Bro Thrall affirmed to be true. Whereupon Gaylord Thrall was called upon who testified that last September Capt Thrall stopped at his house as he came from pigeoning on the plain and said to me. Come let us have some Whipporwill. I went and got some brandy and Mr Jefse and he drank. Are you certain it was last Sept ? "lam." Bro. Clark here adduced the testimony of William Andrus taken in the presence of Bro Cornish. But as Bro Thrall had not been notified of the time and place of taking the testimony it was decided that it was not admifsible unlefs Bro Thrall would waive his objiction, on that score. He said if he had been noti fied he should not have gone, and if the testimony was now set aside with a view to his being present and crofs [89] examining witnefs, he should not go to see him that he was a worthlefs fellow, that he turned him out of his employment because he would get drunk that he could not keep him away from Spirit. It was decided upon this declaration of Bro Thrall to hear the testimony. Chh now Adjourned to Thursday May 11,2. oclk P. M. Attest. D. Hemenway, Past. The testimony of William Andruss should have been inserted previous to the notice of adjournment, and is to this effect That he had seen Capt Thrall drink spirit frequeutly during the season of harvesting last year that he had himself drinked from the same bottle and that he had poured it into a glafs for him to drink. Attest D Hemenway Past. 1837 May II. Church met this day according to adjournment. After prayer pastor read the record of evidence given at the last meeting, Bro. Thrall not present. Bro Clark stated the result of his enquiries as it respects the character of William Andros. [90] He had seen several individuals who have known him well for the last two or three years and who agree in saying they have not known or heard of his being intemperate and that he is a youug man of veracity. Doct Hamlin and the Pastor of the chh stated the same as the result of some inquiries they had made. Bros Skinner and Judd and Hillyer exprefsed their views to the same effect from knowledge they had obtained. Bro Clark introduced Doct Brown as a witnefs who gave it as his opinion that the symptoms of intemperance are as decisive and as little liable to be mistaken as those of any disease and that the ill health of Capt Thrall was the consequence of intemperate drinking, th he might enjoy good health if he would abstain entirely from all drinks that produce intoxication. Doct Hamlin concurred in this opinion. 91 [gi] The testimony being now gone thro with, the question was put upon the several specifications under the first general charge and also upon the fourth charge. "Are these charges sustained ? ' ' And answered in the Affirmative, not one brother dissenting from this opinion. Voted that the pastor be requested to prepare a letter of Ad monition to Bro Thrall to be read to the Chh after meeting on the Sab. for their approval Voted that this meeting stand adjourned to Thursday, June i" 5 oclk. P. M. Attest, D. Hemenway Past Sab. May, 14, 1837. In accordance with the foregoing vote of the church the pastor read the form of a letter of Admonition to Bro. Thrall which was approved by vote Attest D Hemenway Past. [92] May 28 Church appointed Bro. Sam' Woodruff dele gate to attend a council to be convened in Windsor on the 30"' instant for the purpose of dissolving the connection between the Rev. Chas Walker and the i Congregational chh in that place Attest D Hemenway Pastor June i'' 1837. Chh met according to adjournment. Brother ThraU being present made sundry remarks in relation to the charges proved against hira. The brethren exprefsed themselves not satisfied with his concefsions. Still deemed it expedient to delay giving a second admonition till after another chh meeting to be held on Thursday the 20"' of July, at 5. o'clk P. M. Church appointed IDoct C Hamlin a delegate to attend an ad journd Council to be held in Windsor on Fridy 2* day of June for the purpose of acting on the request of Mr Walker to be dis mifsed, Bro Woodruff having failed in consequence of indisposi tion. Attest D Hemenway P. July 20 Chh met this day and adjourned to Friday August 4, 1837 Attest. D Heraenway. [93] August 4. Church tarried after preparatory lecture agreeably to adjournment and voted that the pastor prepare a second letter of Admonition to Bro Thrall to be read for approval on Sabbath after divine service and that the meeting be adjourned to the 25 day of Aug present at 5 o ck P M. Attest D Hemenway Past Aug. 6. Chh approved a second letter of admonition to Bro. ThraU See file. Attest D Hemenway Past. Aug. 25. Ch met and adjournd to Friday Sept 8 5. o clock, P. M. in consequence of a request of Capt Thrall, he being pre vented to attend the meeting by ill health Attest, D. Hemenway, Past. Aug 27 Church voted a dismifsion and recommendation for Mifs Sarah H. Field, to the north chh in Hartford Attest, D. Hemenway Past. 92 Sept. 8. The church met this day agreeably to adjournment. After prayer a communication (See file) was read from Capt Thrall which was regarded as altogether unsatisfactory. After much consultation, the following order was taken. Voted That Bro Walter Thrall be and [94] that he is hereby excommunicated from the fellowship of this church. The pastor was directed to prepare a letter of excommunication to be presented at a future Season for the Approval of the Church. Chh appointed Dea. H. Skinner a delegate to attend the An nual Meeting of the Hartford North Consociation at Manchester on the 4"' Tuesday of the present Month. Attest, D. Hemenway Past. Sept 17. This day Mrs. Julia Ann Harger was rec* to the fel lowship of this church by letter from the Chh in Agawam, West Springfield Mafs. Chh heard and adopted a letter of excomraunication to Capt. Walter ThraU. (See file) Attest, D. Hemenway Past Dec. 24 Cliurch made choice of Dea J. Cornish as Delegate to attend a Council to be convened in Suffield on the 2* day of Jany for the purpose of Installing Rev. Mr. Washburn as pastor of the i" Church in Suffield Attest D Hemenway Pastor. [95] 1838 Jany, 5. Dea Skinner reported the result of his labors with the widow Betsey Clark. Upon which church voted that she be continued in good standing. Attest. D Hemenway Past. Feby 25. Lavinia Abi Viets and Mary Adelia Viets were pro pounded for admifsion to the comraunion of this chh. Sacrament deferred one Sab. in order that they may stand propounded the usual time before being received to church fellowship. Attest, D Hemenway Pastor. March 1 1 . The persons propounded above were to day rec* to the communion of the chh. Attest D Hemenway Past March 18. Allen N. McLean was dismifsed and recommended to the chh in Simsbury D Hemenway Past April 22. Melifsa Harger was propounded for admifsion to the communion of this church D Hemenway Past May I. The person propounded above was rec* to the com- mion of the chh D Heraenway Past June 17 Josiah Sraith & wife were today recoramended to this chh by letter from chh in Winsted Mary Adams Heraenway & Sarah Elizabeth Hemenway were propounded for adraifsion to this church. D. Hemenway Past. July I. The above named persons were admitted to the chh D Hemenway Pa.st [96] Sept 14. Bro. Joel Clark was cho,sen delegate to attend the Hartford North Consociation at Enfield on Tuesday 25. Sept. D. Hemenway Past 93 Sep. 23. Mis Lydia Butler was dismifsed and recommended to the Presbyterian church in Savannah Geo. D Hemenway Past Oct. 21. James Rollin Viets was propounded a candidate for the fellowship of this chh. D Hemenway Past Oct. 28. Caroline Maria Gould was propounded a candidate for the fellowship of this church. D Heraenway Past Nov. 2. Church voted to dispense with the requiring candi dates to be propounded two Sab in the case of Mifs Gould D Heraenway Past Nov The persons above propounded rec* to the chh. D H. Past. Dec. 9. Chh appointed Dea J. Cornish a delegate to attend a council at Salmon Brook on Tuesday 11"' lust for the purpose of deciding the expediency of dismifsing Mr Bently D Hemenway P. [97] 1839 Jany 4 Chh difmifsed and recommended Edward Y Gould to the chh in Yale College. D Hemenway Past. March i'' Chh. appointed Dea Joseph Cornish delegate to at tend a Second council at Salmon Brook on the 5"' Inst, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of dismifsing Mr Bentley. D Hemenway Past April 7 Church dismifsed and recommended Sarah Stevens to 4"" Cong, chh in Hartford. D Hemenway Past Sept 22. Chh appointed Dea H. Skinner a delegate to attend a council to be convened in Granby (Salraon Brook) Oct i'' for the purpose of ordaining Mr. Chauncey D. Rice as Pastor of the chh in that place. And Bro Joel Clark to attend as delegate the Hartford north Consociation, at E. Hartford on Tuesday the 24 Inst. D Hemenway Past. Nov 4 Abraham Tenant and wife were rec* to the comraunion of this church by letter frora the church in Manchester D Heraenway P [98] 1840. May I. A letter from the chh in New Britain re commending Erastus Hamlin to the care & fellowship of this chh was read. And also one from the chh in Burlington recoraraend ing Maria B. Hamlin his wife. June 7 The persons named above rec* to the chh D Hemenway Past Sept 28 Dea. J. Cornish was appointed delegate to attend An nual meeting of Consociation at Salmon Brook Sept 30. D Hemenway Past Oct II. Dismifsed and recommended Mis Dorothy Cooley to Church in Salmon Brook. D Hemenway Past. Oct 30. At a meeting of the chh this day upon an application of Mrs. Julia Ann Harger to be dismifsed & recommended the following letter was adopted. 94 To the chh in Agawam. Brethren This certefies that Mrs. Julia Ann Harger is a member of this chh in regular standing. With the exception of the fact of her leaving her husband two and one half [99J years since we know nothing whatever which would reflect un favorably upon her Christian Character. Of the propriety of that step we have as a chh no means by which to judge. If in view of the facts in the case which are equally accefsible to you as to us, you esteem it a privilege to receive her again to your com- communion, her special relation to us will cease upon her being so rec*. We request to be informed what action you take upon the subject. May wisdom & grace be multiplied unto you. By vote of the ch. D Heraenway Past Nov. 15 Church voted to dismifs Sarah E. Hemenway, she having connected herself with the Presbyterian chh MillidgevUle, Georgia. D Hemenway Past [100] 1841. Ap. 30. Church tarried after preparatory lecture and adopted unanimously the following order. Whereas upon a review of the charges preferred against Walter Thrall and acted upon in 1837 the church are of opinion that their proceedings with respect to the 4"' charge which is in these words: "I complain that he has been guilty of falsifying, or making statements at varience with truth," were unscriptural, inasmuch as he was not admonished according to the rule of the gospel with respect to that particular offense. Therefore, Resolved that this charge and the proceedings there on be and they are hereby withdrawn and annulled. Attest D Hemenway Past [loi] 1841 May 14 Dismifsed & recoraraended Hannah Brown to the chh in Collinsville. Josiah Smith & wife and Mary Hathaway to become members of a chh in 2* Soc Windsor D Hemenway Past May 30. Church Appointed Dea Hervey Skinner delegate to a council called to organize a church in 2* EcU Soc in Windsor on Wedy 2* June. D Hemenway Past June 13 Mrs Imlay B. Viets was recommended to the chh by letter frora chh in N. Britain June 27. Lester Griffin, Jane S. Thrall, Cynthia M. ThraU, Mary E. Gould & Miriam "W. Hemenway were propounded for admifsion to this chh D Hemenway Past. July II. The persons named above were rec* to the com munion of the chh. D Hemenway Pas [102] 1841 July 18. Chh. appointed Doct C. Hamlin Dele gate to attend a council to be convened in Granby (Salmon Brook Soc) on the 20 inst for the purpose of dissolving, if deemed expe dient, the pastoral relation between the chh in that place and Rev C. D. Rice. D. Hemenway Past. 95 Aug. 29 Dwight T. Skinner and wife were propounded for admifsion to this chh. D Heraenway Past Sept. 12. The persons propounded were rec* to the comraunion of the chh. D Hemenway Past Sept 26. Chh made choice of Dea J. Cornish to attend conso ciation at Suffield on the 28 Inst. D Hemenway Oct. 24 Chh dismifsed and recommended Roxana Tibbells to the chh in Simsbury D Heraenway P. 1842 Ap. 10 Chh raade choice of Dea J. Cornish to attend as delegate a council to be convened in Salmon Brook Ap 19. for the purpose of ordaining Mr Warren as pastor of said chh in that place D Hemenway Past [103] 1842 May I Church voted to disraifs and recoraraend Mary Ann Wilcox to a chh recently constituted in Springfield Mafs. Also Sarah Jane Hillyer to the North chh in Hartford. Also Mrs Mary A., Mifs Mary A. and Miriara W. Hemenway to the chh in Suffield. The Pastor having requested the chh to unite with him in calling a council to dissolve his pastoral relation, Dea. H. Skin ner and Chester Hamlin were appointed for this purpose D Hemenway Past May 8 Church voted to disraifs and recommend James S Judd & wife to the chh in Southampton, Mafs. D Hemenway Past [104] At an Ecclesiastical council convened pursuant to letters missive from the Church and Society in East Granby, at the meeting house, June 14"' 1842, to take into consideration the re quest of their Pastor Rev. Daniel Hemenway, to be dissolved from his connection with this people and act as the facts in the case should render expedient; there were present From the Church in Simsbury, Rev Allen McClean from church in Suffield Rev A. C. Washburn Deac. Chas. Sherman, del From i" Church Granby Rev. Israel P. Warren Broth S. W. CornweU, del Rev. A. McClean was chosen Moderator, & Broth I. P. War ren, Scribe [105] Bro. D. Hemenway laid before the Council his request for a dissolution of pastoral relation with this church. This re quest was based on an alledged defficiency of pecuniary support. Committees of the Church & Society were present & signified their accquiescence in the proposed dissolution, testifying more over to his faithfulnefs & diligence in the discharge of his pastoral duties, & the reluctance of his people to part with him. The Council after hearing & considering the cause at length, resolved 96 after Mature deliberation that it is expedient that the pastoral re lation be dissolved & do therefore hereby declare that Rev. Dan' Hemenway is releavd from his connection with this Church & Society & is recomraended [io6] to the Churches of Christ as a Minister in good standing & possessing in a high degree the es teem & affection of the Council. They would also, on this occa sion, tender their sympathies to this Church & people; commend ing them for the fidelity & zeal which they have manifested in sustaining the institutions of the gospel among them and praying that the Great Head of the Church may continue to smile upon them, & in his own time grant them a pastor after his own heart. By order of the Council I. P. Warren Scribe A true copy C. Hamlin clerk [i 1 1] At a meeting of the Congregational Church in Turkey Hills Aug. 7"" 1842. Hervey Skinner was chosen Moderator Chester Hamlin Clerk. Meeting opened with prayer by the Moderator. Voted, uuanimou.sly that we unite with the Society in giving a CaU to the Mr. Jonas B. Clark to the Pastoral Charge of the Church of Christ in this place Voted That Deac Joseph Cornish & Bro Appleton Robbins be a Committee to present the Call to the Mr. J. B Clark & confer with him upon the subject. [112] Voted, To adjourn to the 19"' inst. 6. P. M. C. HamHn Clerk Mr Clark, having signified his acceptance of the above call by letter, which letter is on file among Soc' Reccords — An Ecclesia.stical Council was called, for the purpose of exam ining the Candidate, and if found expedient, to ordain and insti tute him as Pastor over this Church & People. Such Council convened Nov i, 1742, aud here follows the Minutes of said Council. At an Ecclesiastical Council convened pursuant to letters mis sive from the Chh & Soc. in E. Granby at their meeting house Nov: I, to consider a call given by them to Mr J. Bowen Clarke, to become their pastor & if found expedient to ordain him accord ingly. There were present — Frora the Ch. in the Teolog:Instute of Conn: [113] Rev: Bennet Tyler D.D. Pastor Bro: W" H. Karner Del: Simsbury Rev: Allen McLean Pastor Bro: Calvin Barber Del: Enfield Rev. Francis L. Robbins Pastor " Bro: Jos: P. Converse Del: E. Windsor Rev: Levi Smith Pastor Bro: E. M. Olcott Del: Suffield Rev: A. C. Washburn Pastor " Dea Cha' Sherman Del: 97 Windsor Rev. S. D. Jewett Pastor Bro: Jos: H. Hayden Del: Salem St. Ch. "I Rev: Jos: H. Towne Pastor Boston j Dea: Henry Clarke Del: Granby Rev: I. P. Warren Pastor Bro: S. W. CornwaU Del: Rev: Dan: Hemenway of Suffield Rev: Dr. Tyler was chosen Moderator & Rev. I. P. Warren Scribe. Prayer by the moderator. Rev Isaac Porter of Granby was invited to sit with the council as corresponding Meraber Com munications were preseutd to the council from the Ch: & Soc: certifying the unanimous invitation of each to Mr Clark, to settle in the ministry [114] and also his acceptance of the same. Testimonials of his Ch'h membership being given & licenshate to preach the Gospel, & completion of the regular course of studies in the Theo: In,stitute of Connecticut, the Council pro ceeded to examine him as to his acquaintance with the doctrinal, experimental & historical parts of the Christian religion, & also as to his own piety & motives in desiring an admission to the sacred office Thereupon Resolved, unanimously that the Council do approve of Mr Clarke as a candidate for the ministry & that we proceed to his ordination tomorrow at 11 oclock A. M. The Several parts of the Service to be performed as follows. Introd: Prayer by Rev. S. D. Jewett. Sermon " Rev. B Tyler D D. Consecrating prayer Rev A M"Lean Charge Rev Jos: H. Towne Right Hand of fellowship Rev Mr. Warren Address to the people Rev Mr. Robbins Concluding prayer Rev Mr Smith Wed: Nov: 2. Council raet according to adjournment & spent a .season in pra3'er. At 11 o'clock proceeded to the ordination of Mr. Clark according to previous arrangement. Bennet Tyler, Moderator I. P. Warren Scribe a true Copy. Attest. J. B. Clarke. [115] Baptisms. 1816 August 25th. Drayton child of Apollos G. HiUyer. Sarah Annah child of Charles Washburn. Jane Skinner child of Walter ThraU. 1817 May 25th. Dwight Thrall child of Deac Hervey Skinner. August 24th. Merintha HeUen child of Eber E. Clark. 18 1 8 July 5th. A child of Dr. Jaraes O. Pond named Harriet Lemira. July 19th. A child of Asaph Landers named Asaph Oct. 25th Jerusha Griswold wife of Mather G. and her chil dren Mather Ralph and Mary Jerusha. Chil. of John Vadakin. 98 [116] 1819 May 2* Anson Miron and George Burleigh Sons of widow Elanor Holcomb were baptised. June 27 Esther Maria child of Asaph Landers. July nth. Cornelius Newel a child of Mahitabel Bassett. 1820 Micah and Elisabeth children of Lewis Adise were bap tised. January 30th. July 2d. A Child of Dr. James O. Pond named Benjamin Franklin. A child of Eratas Holcomb named Mary Rose. July i6th 1826 James Hervey and WiUiam Gay Sons of Mrs Homer Phelps [117] Adults 1826 August 20 Francis Loomis Phelps Fanny Vadakin Cynthia Sheldon Eliza Phelps Mary Jane Hosmer 1827 June 24 Were baptised Louisa King Henry John Sophia Fanny Rebecca Alvira Plum a Susan Sept. 16 Cynthia Maria Dau. of Walter ThraU. 1828 July 27 Martha^ } Daughters of Justus Stephns Edward Joseph } ^^^^ ^^ j^ ^^^^.^ Charles Owen J j f j [118] 1828 July 29. Were baptised Catharine Chloe Daughter of Charles T. Hillyer; William EUsworth | Sons of Alford George May J Wynchill; James Lewis Son of Stephen Crosby. 1 83 1 June 5 "Was baptized Julia, Daughter of Stephen Crosby. 1832 Jan. 29 Was baptised Alice Louisa Daughter of Charles T. Hillyer 1833 Jany 6 Elisabeth Phelps "I tt c r • ^ Sarah Howe Field } ^Poi^ profefsion. [119] Were baptised 1833 May 20. George Alfred Son of Alfred & Clarifsa Maria Winchell, and, George Cowles Son of Danl & Mary A Hemenway July 20, 1834 Frances Cornelia, daughter of Joseph & Fanny Cornish was baptised. July 2. Appleton Robbins Son of Chas. T. & Catharine Hillyer 99 And Mary Hart, dau. of Chester & Emeline HaniUn Nov. 2 Mary Ann Combs upon profefsion 1837 July 17. Maria Elisabeth daug. of Chester and EmeUne Hamlin 1838 I^avina Abi Viets ) profefsion. Mar. 1 1 Mary Adelia Viets j ^ ^ May 6 Melifsa Harger upon profefsion Nov. 4. James Rollin Viets upon profefsion 1839. May 5. Mason Cogswell and ) children of S. W. and Frances Rose j Hannah Brown July II. 1 84 1 Lester Griffin upon profefsion Sept 12 Sarah Skinner [120] 1841 Oct II Were baptised Clara Eliza, Dau. of C. T. & Catharin Hillyer Frances Maria Dau. of Alfred & Maria Winchel Harriet Cebelia | ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ Tibbells. Roxana j Harvey Dwight \ q^^ ^^ 33 ^ ^ g^^^ ^^-^^^^ Sarah Grace j 1842 May I. Daniel Egerton, Son of Danl & Mary A Hemiu- away. 1843 July 2* Mifs B. W. Gardin on the profession of her faith in Christ. " 9"' Sidny Hezekiah, and Theodesia Son & daugh ter of Oliver and Jane Hayden. 1844 June 30. Catherin, Louisa Griswold, daughter of Ches ter and Eveline Hamlin " Owen, son of OUver and Jane Hayden " Margaret Butler, daughter of Dwight T. and Sarah Skinner. Helen Rebecca, daughter of J. B. and AUy G. Clark. [121] 1847 March 9. Catharine Jane, daughter of Oliver and Jane O. Hayden Dec. 25 Charles Roswell son of Dwight T. and Sarah Skinner 1848 July 2. Mrs Samuel Clark upon profession July 9 Horace Viets son to Lester and L. M. Griffin. " " Walter Newton son to Alfred and Jane S. Gay, on her account. Nov. 5. Samuel A. Clark, upon profession of his faith in Christ Mrs. Virgil H. Griswold, upon profession &c. 1849 May 6. Virgil H. Griswold upon profession of his faith in Christ. May 8. Chester Goodale, son to PUny F. and Caroline G. Sanborne May 12. Charles Griswold son to Pliny F. and CaroHne G. Sanborne. lOO Dec. 2. William Butler son to Virgil and Esther H. Griswold. Abby daughter to Oliver and Jane O. Hayden [122] 1849 Dec. 2. Were baptised He^ry Lafayette I g^^^ ^^ g^^^^j ^ Dwight Wells MariUa Clark. Howell Sarauel ) 1850. Aug. 18. Mrs Lewis Hills was Baptised on the profes sion of her faith in Christ. Sept. 29 Were baptised by Rev. D. Hemenway Mary Deborah daughter to Dwight T. and Sarah Skinner, also Mary Elisabeth daughter to Pliny F. and Caroline G. San borne 1 85 1 June 29 was baptised Edward Apollos, son to Alfred & Jane S. Gay. July 6 Mr. Alfred E. Brown was baptised on profession of his faith in Christ. " Lucy Pease Gay was baptised on profession of her faith in Christ. " Also Elvira Louise, daughter to A. E. Brown & wife was Baptised. [123] 1852 July 4 Mrs. Oliver Clark was baptised on pro fession of her faith in Christ. 1852 Oct. 3. Was baptised William Owen son to Oliver & Jane O. Hayden. 1853 Feby 20. George Granley Son of Rev. Plinny F'. and Caroline M. Sanborne. Edward William and Charles Waldo. Children of W". H. and Mary Bates. Henrietta Forward daughter of Samuel A. and Merilla Clark And Wilbert Howard son of Alfred and Jane Gay were Bap tised by Rev. P. F. Sanborne. 1855 Sept. 2 Jennie Abbie daughter of John J. & Jane Viets, & John Birthrong Sz; Helen Mary, son Sz; daughter of Ja' R. Sz: Cordelia T. Viets were baptised. 1856 Sept. 19 Fannie Gay daughter of Edwin J. Sz; Lucy P. Darrow was baptised. [124] 1856 Nov. 2. Sarah Frances Alderman, adult 1857. Mch. I. Purleyette Melinda Pinney. Adult July 26. Rev. S. Bryant baptised in Tariffville John Sims an infant son of a Mr. Lees. Aug. 9 Frank Butler an infant Son of Alfred Sz; Jane S. Gay. Sept. 6 Henry Rouse, infant son of Ja' R. Sz; Cordelia T. Viets. 1858 Jan. 3. Charles Horace Clark (adult) July 4 Edwin Withrell ^ George Washington Boyington [¦ Adults. Benjamin Pinckney Clark ) Carroll Jay infant son of John J. Sz; Jane Viets. July 25 Harriet Lord infant daughter of Rev. S. & H. W. Bryant. Sept. 5 Jennette Dorothy Owen ^ Harriet Louisa Clark >- Adults Laura Maria GiUette ) Sept. 17 Alfred Lyman infant son of Edwin J. &. Lucy P. Darrow. [127] 1843. At a meeting of the Brethren of the church Tuesd: eve: 21, Feb, 1843, it was voted. That the 4"' charge preferred against Walter Thrall in 1837 should be considered null & void, and the rescinding of that charge, if not on record, be placed on record by the Pastor. See p: 100. March 2* At a meeting of the Brethren of the Church this evening, a communication was rec'd Sz; read from Mr Roswell H. Phelps, in the which he made suitable acknowledgements of past errors and also expressed a desire to re-unite himself to the Christian Church in this place. [128] Whereupon it was voted Unanimously to that this com munication be considered sufficient, Sz; also voted, that R. H. Phelps be again restored to good & regular standing in this Christian Church. Voted also that the Pastor notify him of said action. At the same meeting a communication was read from Walter Thrall, signifying his desire to re-unite himself to this Christian Church. Whereupon it was voted that Mr Walter Thrall, be restored again to good Sz; regular Standing, provided he will [129] sub scribe to the confession, he has authorised the Pastor to make to the Church. And expresses a desire to be restored. Voted that the Pastor wait upon him with this vote. After prayer, meeting adj. Attest. J B. Clark. [128] March 2* At this Meeting, the Pa.stor raade known to the Brethren present, the confessions Mr. W. Thrall had made to him, viz. That the Church were right in admonishing, and labouring with him for the Errors Enumerated against him in 1837, "with the Exception of the 4"' charge, which charge being withdrawn and all proceedings with relation to it annulled, he is now ready to say, as he has said often before. That he was sorry for his Great Error Sz; Sin, and now desires to come back again to the fellowship of the Church under my pastoral care. Attest. J. B. Clark. [129] March 5. At a meeting of the Brethren of the Church this day, after mutual consultation, it was voted, That the vote relating to Walter Thrall passed on the evening of the 2* be and is rescinded. Also Voted. That Mr Walter Thrall be again rec'd to good , & regular standing to this Christian Church, on the confessions he has made to the Pa.stor, on Condition [130] of his confessing his faith, and the renewal of his Covenant obUgations. I02 The Vote was sent to Mr T. by the hand of Mr Hamlin. On the afternoon of to day, it being the Lord' Day, The Church renewed their covenant vows. A solemn season Brother Walter Thrall Sz; Bro: R. H. Phelps were this day rec'd again to our holy communion, confessed their faith, and renewed their cov: with the rest of the Church. Attest J B. Clark. [131] May 5, 1843. After service this afternoon, it being prep: Lecture, the Church tarried, and at her own request, Mrs E- A Pratt was dismissed fr: this Church of Christ, and recom mended to the Cong: Ch. in West Granby, under the Pastoral care of the Rev: I. P. Warren. Sep: 8 After Prep: Lecture. Brother O. Hayden was chosen a delegate to represent the church, at a Mutual Council to be convened on Wed: 13"" inst, 10 oclock, at Windsor, to take into consideration the propriety of dismissing the Rev: S. P. Jewett, fr: the pastoral charge of the Church and Soc in said place. [132] 1843. Sep: 24. After Service this afternoon the Brethren of the Church stopped a few moments, for the purpose of choosing a Delegate to the Consociation to be convened at Bloomfield on Tuesday the 26"' Sep:. Whereupon Broth: Joel Clark was elected. Attest. J B. Clark. Nov: 3. Prep: Leet: A Eetter of Dismission fr: the ist Cong: Church in Manchester N. H. Sz; of recommenda of Mrs I. G. Clark, to the ist Cong: Ch: in E. Granby Ct:. Mrs C. was reed. Attest. J. B. Clarke. [133] 1845. May: 2*. Prep: Leet: after service the church rec'd a certificate of the good and regular standing of Mrs L- M. Griffin from the ist Presby: Church in Warren Trumbull county Ohio, and accordingly was rec'd as a member of this Church. Attest. J. B. Clarke. June 15, 1845 at a regular meeting of this Chh. notified by the pastor after divine service, the following communication was read. "East Granby June 10, 1845 "Dear Brethren, After a long, painful Sz; as I hope prayerful con sideration of my relations to you as a minister of the New Testa ment Sz; Pastor of this Chh. &. [134] Congregation, I have at lengtii been compelled to believe, that it is a duty I owe to the Chli. of Christ, to this Chh. Sz; Society, my family & myself, to send to your hands a resignation of my Pastoral Office. The reasons for this decision are mainly the following; viz. I. The lamentable indifference that has been, Sz; still is, mani fested by a large part of this community to the maintenance of the institutions of the gospel. From what I have seen 81 known, I am persuaded that the offerings made to the Altars of God, are not free-will offerings. I03 Consequent upon this indifference there is not only a present want of liberal support, but the prospect for a future mainten ance of these institutions, is less hopeful than it otherwise would be. [135] It is irapossible to labor without some reasonable pros pect of success. 2. The great want of moral courage Sz; energetic action in useful Sz; christian enterprise, the standard of morality is most emphatically low among us, so that it has become a proverb, "There can no good thing come out of Nazareth," Sz; the people love to have it so. You need a man, who, by the grace of God shall be enabled to raise this standard, the present pastor has failed to do it in any satisfactory manner, & can see no sign of an improvement under present circumstances. 3. The want of spiritual union Sz; sympathy among many of the members of the chh. Sz; also the want of any one cord that binds the parish togather. There are too many [136] separate Sz. confiicting interests. You need a minister who shall be able to unite you into one blessed brotherhood, the present pastor cannot do it. 4. The state of my health during the summer months obliges me to be absent from my charge the hottest of the season, such an absence is deleterious to you 8l and attended with much expense & sacrifice to myself Sz; family. You need a Pastor who can re main with you in the summer as well as winter. Understanding thus the characteristics of the people of this Parish Sz; my own relations to you I cannot conceal the conviction that a man of more experience, of different [137] constitution & temperament would be more useful among you as a pastor. For these reasons I respectfully request you to unite with me in calling a Council to advise in the premises. To consider the question. Whether under existing circum stances, this connection, that has existed so harmoniously from its formation, ought not in Justice to both parties, to be sundered. Yours in the Gospel. J. B. Clarke. A true copy. J. B. Clarke. At the solicitation of a committee, chosen to confer with the Pastor on the subject under consideration, this paper was with drawn, and the following one was sent in June 23. [138] East Granby June 23* 1845 Brethren, After a deliberation and most serious consideration of my relations to you as a Minister of the N. Test: and Pastor, I am compelled to believe, that it is a duty I owe to the Church of Christ, This Church Sz; Society to communicate to you, a resignation of my Pastoral office. I04 Having made the Character of this people my study, in order to meet their wants; and failing to remove what I consider to be the perminent obstacles, to a healthy and perminent advance of an enlightened and Bible Christianity, and with but a limited prospect of doing this, I cannot conceal the conviction that a man of more experience Sz; different temperament, would be better adapted, to secure a more vigorous action, in giving a proper tone [139] to your morals St piety, than the present incumbent. The state of ray health obliging me to be absent during a large part of the summer, strengthens the position, I have thus assumed. Therefore, I respectfuUy request you to unite with me in calling a council to advise in the premises. To consider the Question Whether under existing circumstances, the connection, that has existed up to this time, from its formation harmoniously, ought not, in Justice to both parties, to be sundered. Yours in the Gospel J. B. Clarke. A true copy. J. B. Clarke. [140] June 23* 1845. At an adjourned meeting of the Church to act upon a communication from the Pastor Rev. J. B. Clark. Hervey Skinner Moderator Voted, To appoint a committee to meet with Mr. Clark Sz; unite in selecting Sl inviting a board to dissolve the connection which exists between him Sz; the Church Sz; this people if they think expedient Voted to appoint Roswell H. Phelps Sz; Joseph Cornish for the purpose Meeting dissolved Oliver Hayden Clerk pro tem Copy C. Hamlin, Clk [145] At Ecclesiastical Council convened in the Meeting House in East Granby July 8"' 1845, pursuant to letters missive frora the Pa.stor, Rev J. B. Clark Sz; the Con' Church Sz; Society in East Granby, consisting of the following persons viz: F'rom the Church in Theo. Institute East Windsor Rev. B. Tyler D. D. Pastor Br. W. Fisk Del. From the Church in Enfield Rev. F E. Robbins Pastor Dea. Jared Brainerd Del. From the Church in Suffield Rev. A. C. Washburn Pastor Dea. N. C. Warren Del From the Church in West Suffield Rev. J. W. Sessions Pastor Dea. V. Stevens Del. I05 From the Church in Simsbury Br. Calvin Barber Del. Council organized by choosing Dr Tyler Moderator Sz; Br Washburn Scribe. [146] Prayer was offered by the Moderator. Rev. J. B. Clark presented a letter to the Council, which he had previously presented to the Church &. Society of which he is pastor, setting forth reasons which induced him to believe that his pastoral relation to them ought to be dissolved Sz; requesting the Church Sz; Society to unite with him in calling an Ecc' Coun cil to consider the question, ' ' Whether under existing circum stances tlie connection now subsisting between the Pastor 8l Church in this place ought not to be sundered." The vote of the Church, Sz; vote of the Society, complying with the reque.st of their Pastor, were presented to the Council. The Pastor Sl the Cora, of the Church 8l Society informed the Council that it was their understanding Sl expectation that if the Council should decide the question submitted to them in the affirmative, that then the Council [147] should dissolve the pas toral connection subsisting between them. Mr. Clark Sz; the Com. of the Church Sl Society made full ver bal statements in relation to the reasons assigned in favor of Mr. Clark's dismission. The Council were by themselves Sl after mature Sz; prayerful deliberation came to the following Result. The Council do not attach importance enough to the reasons assigned by Mr. Clark, disconnected with his own feelings, to justify them in dissolving his pastoral connection. They believe that ordinary trials Sz; obstacles which alraost every where exist to a greater or less extent forra no valid reason for sundering the pastoral relation, Sl the Council moreover believe that had no movement towards a dismission been made by Mr. Clark there was a fair prospect of uninterupted harmony between hira Sz; this people, Sl of his continued usefulness. We think Br. Clark has erred in placing too low an estimate on the extent of his [148] influence Sl usefulness here, & exceedingly regret that he was induced to make any motion for a dismission. But in view of conclusions to which his mind has been led, Sz; the strong conviction expressed by hira that he ought to be dis missed, the councU believe that the people would be unwilling to urge his continuance, Sz; the prospect of his usefulness be greatly diminished. He also believes, that a differant location would be more favorable to his health, one not requiring so long an absense from his people as he has thought indispensable while residing here. The Council therefore very reluctantly, but unanimously have voted that it is expedient that the pastoral relation between Rev. io6 J. B. Clark Sz; this Church Sz; Society be, [149] Sl the same is hereby dissolved, the dissolution to take effect from Sz; after the first day of August next. The Council do also hereby recommend Rev. J. B. Clark as a faithful efficient, Sz; able minister of the Gospel of Christ, Sz; cor dially recommend him to the Confidence & fellowship of the Churches of our Lord Jesus Christ wherever God in his provi dence shall direct his course. The Council would also commend this Church Sz; Society to the Great Head of the Church, praying that they may not be weary in well doing, nor faint under difficulties Sz; discouragements which may fall to their lot, that may soon be blessed with another undershepard placed over them in the Lord Sz; that spiritualy they may be like a city set on a [150] hill that cannot be hid. And may grace mercy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be in them Sz; abound Sz; in us all. evermore. Prayer was offered by Br. Robbins. Council dissolved. A true copy. J. B. Clarke. [151] PUny F. Sanborne commenced preaching to this church and Society on the 12th day of Oct. 1845 being the 2nd Sabbath of the month. March 8"' 1846. At a church meeting Hervey Skinner was chosen Moderator C. Hamlin Clerk Voted, That we give Mr Pliny F. Sanborn a call to settle as pastor over this Church Sz; congregation. Voted, to appoint a committee of three to unite with the Com mittee of the Society in presenting the call. Joseph Cornish, Walter Thrall Hervey Skinner were appointed on the Committee Voted adjurn to Wed. ii"" inst 6}^ P M. Test, C. HamUn, Clerk [152] March 11"' 1846 Meeting according to adjournment, no business before the meeting Dissolved. Test, C. HamHn, Clerk April 29"' 1846. In compliance with an invitation by letters missive from the Church of Christ iu East Granby, an Ecclesias tical Council assembled this day to consider the expediency of ordaining Mr Pliny F. Sanborn over them in the Gospel Ministry. There were present frora the Church in the Theological Insti tute of Connecticut Rev Bennet Tyler D. D. Pastor, From the Church in Sim.sbury Rev. Allen McLean Pastor, Brother [153] Rufus Tuller, Delegate, From the Church in Windsor Rev. T. A. Leete, Pastor, Brothers. W. Mills, Delegate, From the 2* Church in Windsor, Rev. C. B. Everest Stated supply Deac. J. Smith Delegate, From the Church at Windsor Locks Rev. S. H. Allen, Pastor Brother Harris Haskel Delegate, From the Church in I07 Suffield, Rev. A. C. Washburn Pastor, Deca J. A. King Delegate From the Church iu West Suffield Rev. J. W. Sessions, Pastor Brother Theodore King, Delegate. From Lynn Mas. Rev. J. B. Clark From Suffield Rev. Henry Robinson without Charge, Rev. Mr. Hall from Egremont Mass, Sz: Rev. Mr Barber Agent for the Protestant Society being present were invited to sit as corresponding Members. The Council was organized [154] by choosing Rev. Dr. Tyler Moderator Sz; Rev. J. W. Sessions, Scribe On the Council being organized was opened by prayer by the Moderator. The doings of the Church Sz; Society in extending a call to M' PHny F. Sanborn, to become their Pastor Sz; his acceptance of the same were read, by which it appeared that the Church Sz; Society had extended a unanimous call to M' Sanborn to become their Pastor Sl that he had accepted the call. The pastor elect then presented his certificate of license to preach the Gospel, Sz; his regular standing in the Christian Church; Whereupon it was, Voted, That all things are regular [155] and that we are now ready to proceed to the examination of the Candidate. After an examination of the Pastor elect in reference to his views in Theology, Sz; pastoral duties Sl also in reference to his Christian experience, & his motives for entering the Gospel Min istry; It was Voted unanimously, that we are satisfied with the examination Sz; that we are ready to proceed to the ordination. It was then Voted That the public exercises of ordination commence Sz; at two oclock in the afternoon, Sl that the following be the order of the exercises. Invocation Sz; reading the Scriptures by Rev. Mr. Leete, Prayer by Rev. Mr Robinson, Sermon by Rev. Mr. Clark. [156] Ordaining prayer by Rev. Mr. Everest. Charge to the Pastor elect by Rev Dr. Tyler. Right hand fellowship by Rev. Mr. Allen. Address to the People by Rev. Mr. Washburn. Concluding Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hall of Egremont Mass Benediction by the Pastor Adjourned to two oclock At two oclock the Council came together Sz; the above Parts were performed. Attest J. W. Sessions, Scribe A true Copy C. Hamlin, Clerk [157] 1846 Sept 5. Prep Lecture. After Service Bro. OHver Hayden was chosen delegate to attend the Hartford North Con sociation at Windsor ist church on Tuesday 29, Sept. P. F. Sanborn Pastor Sept. 20. After service the church appointed Bro Chester Hamlin as delegate to attend a council to be convened in East Hartland to the 24th Inst for the purpose of installing Mr. Nelson Scott over the church in that place. Attest P. F. Sanborn Pastor io8 1847 March 6. Mrs A. G. Clark a sister in this church was at her request dismissed and recommended to the Church of Christ in Swampscot (Lynn) Mass Attest P. F. S. Pastor. 1847 July 4. Mrs Sarah Phelps Sz; Almira Phelps were this day received to the fellowship of this church from the North Church Hartford Also [158] Mrs. William Bates was received to the communion and fellowship of this church from the Church in West Suffield, Also Mrs PHny F. Sanborne from the church in South Egremont Ms. Pliny F. Sanborne Pastor 1848 June 16. At a regular church prayer meeting this day. Mrs. Samuel Clark, Mrs. OUver H. Hayden Sz; Miss Annie B. Crane presented themselves as candidates for admission to the church. A brief examination was entered into as to the grounds of their hopes in Christ and their views of doctrines. After which it was proposed by Br. Cornish that they be propounded the coming sabbath. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor. June 18. The above named persons were propounded for ad mission to this church Attest P. F. S. [159] 1848 June 30. After Preparatory Lecture the church tarried and on the recommendation of the Pa.stor It was unani mously voted that the Creed Sz; covenant of this church be revised so as not to alter any of its sentiments but to set it forth in some what different language. A copy of it will be found on the 193 Sz; following pages of this book. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor. July 2, 1848 Mrs. Samuel Clark, Mrs Oliver Hayden and Miss Anne B. Crane were this day received to full communion in this church. P. F. Sanborne Pastor Aug. 18. Mrs Zeruiah Lewis a sister in this church was at her request recommended to membership with the South Congreg'l church in Hartford. Attest P. F. S. Pastor Sept. 22. At a regular church meeting Deac. Skinner was chosen delegate to the Hartford North Consociation to be holden at Simsbury on the 26 Sl 27 Inst. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor [160] Oct. 13, 1848 At a regular church meeting this day Mr. Samuel A. Clark Sz; Mrs Virgil H. Griswold presented them selves as candidates for church membership. After a brief examination of their religious views and hopes it was proposed that they be propounded for admission. Oct. 15, 1848. Samuel A. Clark Sz; Mrs. Virgil H. Griswold were this day propounded for admission to this church Attest P. F. S. Pastor Nov. 5, 1848 Samuel A. Clark Sz: Mrs Virgil H. Griswold were this day received to full communion in this Church Attest P. F. S. Pastor. log April 13, 1849. At a regular church Meeting this day Mr. Virgil Griswold presented hiraself desiring to unite with the church. After an interesting examination as to his Christian experience and religious views it was deemed proper to propound him for adraission. [161] May 4, 1849 At a church Lecture this day held Bro. Chester Hamlin was appointed delegate to attend a council to be held in Bloomfield for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of dissolving the relation now existing between the Rev. A. C. Raymond Sz; the Ch Sl people in that place. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor. May 6, 1849. Virgil H. Griswold was this day received into full communion in this church. Attest, P. F. S. Pastor Sept. 23, 1849. Church tarried after Divine Service and chose Br. Jas. R. Viets delegate to Consociation Hartford North to be holden in Bristol on the 25 Sz; 26 of the present month P. F. Sanborne Oct. 5, 1849. This day a complaint was presented against Mrs. Betsey Stannard, a member of this church for intemperance, whereupon it was voted that a Committee be raised to visit the said Mrs. S. and confer on the subject and report to this church the result of their interview. Deac Cornish Sz; Br Oliver Hayden were appointed on that Committee. Attest P. F. Sanborne [162] 1849 Nov. 2. After preparatory lecture this day held the church tarried for business. The committee on the case of Mrs. Stannard reported the result of their interview with her, in which she denied the complaint preferred against her. Whereupon it was voted that the same Committee be reappointed to investigate the subject still further, also to present to the church in writing the articles of complaint at their next meeting also to see that Mrs Stannard has a copy of the same and is cited to appear be fore the church to answer to the articles of Complaint. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor Dec. 7. The Committee on the case of Mrs. Stannard pre sented to the church in writing the articles of complaint against said Stannard (see paper on file), though the necessary absence of Mrs. S. the church voted to adjourn this meeting until a con venient time for Mrs. S. to be present, also voted to add the Pastor to the above committee and that said Committee prepare [163] a confession and pledge for Mrs. S. to subscribe to against the time of next raeeting. Attest P. F. Sanborne 1850 January 5. After preparatory lecture, the church tarried when the Committee on the case of Mrs. Stannard reported that they had prepared a confession and pledge for Mrs S. to sign, which paper (see paper on file) she signed on the 19th of Dec last. The paper was read to the church and it with the doings of the Committee was unanimously approved. Voted that this committee still be employed to request the presence of Mrs. S. to one of their meetings and there publicly attest her sincerity in signing the pledge to abstain from intoxi cating drinks. Attest P. F. Sanborne. March 22. At a meeting of the church this held by regular appointment, the Committee on the case of Mrs. Stannard [164] reported that having repeatedly heard that Mrs. S. had broken her pledge by the use of intoxicating drinks and also one of said Committee had seen her at her own house greatly intoxicated. Said coraraittee called upon Mrs. S. on Tuesday last and learned from her own lips that she had broken her pledge repeatedly and on being cited to appear before the church to answer for her offences, deliberately said that she should never come before them and was willing that the church should take such action as they pleased on her case. Whereupon after due deliberation the fol lowing votes were passed ist that we are now ready for a final decision of the matter on hand. 2. It is the opinion of this church that the charges preferred again.st [165] Mrs. Stannard have been fully sustained. 3. That as a church we now withdraw our watch and fellow ship from her and no longer consider her as one of our number. 4. That the pastor furnish Mrs. S. with a copy of our doings this day. Attest P. F. Sanborne May 3rd 1850. After Preparatory Lecture this day Br. Joel Clark was chosen to attend (ad delegate from this church together with the pastor) a council to be convened in Simsbury on the 14 & 15 Inst, for the purpose of ordaining and installing Mr. Sam'l T. Richards as coUeage pastor with the Rev. Allen McLean over the church in that place. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor [166] 1850 June 9. Church tarried after Divine Service and appointed Br. Jas. Rollin Viets to attend as delegate with the pastor a council to be convened in West Hartland on the 13 Inst for the purpose of setting apart Mr. Charles G. Goddard to the work of the gospel ministry in that place. Attest P. F. Sanborne, Pastor July 26. At a Church Meeting this day held Mrs Lewis HiUs was present as candidate for Church merabership. After an ex amination of her religious views and Christian experience, the church expressed themselves satisfied. P. F. Sanborne Aug. 4. Mrs. Lewis Hills was this day propounded for ad mission to the church. P. F. S. Aug. 18. Mrs. Lewis Hills was this day baptised and admitted to the privileges and fellowship of this church. Attest, P. F. S. [167] Sept. 8. The church this day appointed Br Cornish as their delegate to Hartford North Consociation to be holden in Canton the 24th Inst. Attest P. F. Sanborne Oct. 13, 1850 Church stayed after worship and chose Br Justus R. Stevens as delegate to a council to be convened in Granby on the 16 Inst, for the purpose of Installing Rev Caleb J. Page over the church in that place. P. F. Sanborne Pastor Oct. 25, 1850 At a Church raeeting this day held, Br. Abra ham Tenant (concerning whora various ill reports of the nature of trespass have for several weeks been in circulation) was present and being questioned with regard to thera made the following statements. " That some six weeks since being in want of a stick of timber for building purposes, went with his boy on to his wood- lot [168] on the plain to obtain one but not finding a suitable tree returned upon land owned by Mr. Poraroy of Suffield and there seeing a fit tree, cut it, and conveyed it to his horae with the express intention of soon seeing Mr P. and settling with him for it. He also stated (in harmony with the ill reports) that he drew the top of said tree to a hollow at a distance and conveyed the "butt stick" onto his own land a few rods distant, and withal atterapted to conceal the stump with leaves and brush wood. The motive assigned by Mr. Tenant for thus doing was a concealment from enemies whom he feared would discover his doings before he should have opportunity to see Mr. Poraroy. Three weeks elapsed after he had taken the stick without having seen Mr. P. (reason assigned was the pressure of other business) when Mr. P. came to his house and charged him with trespass &:c, he invited him in [169] and settled the matter with Mr. Pomroy. He expressed the sentiment that he should never have done as he did, had he known the trouble it has caused, also that he intended no wrong in the matter but surely proposed to make it right with Mr. P. Another reason offered by Mr. T. was nearly as follows. ' ' Some three years since I cut a Chestnut tree, nearly on the bounds between my land & Mr. Pomroy's supposing it clearly mine, and carried the same horae with the exception of the butt stick, and on going a day or two afterward for said ' 'butt' ' found that Mr. P. had been and taken it claiming it as his own. I have felt since that time wronged by Mr. P. and took the liberty I have lately taken sooner on Mr. P.'s land than I should on any other mans." The brethren questioned him minutely and endeavored to as certain aU the facts in the [170] case. Among the inquiries it was asked. Did you (as has been reported) deny cutting said tree on Mr. Pomroy's land, when Mr. P. first carae to your house charging you with the same ? I did not. Several of my enemies were present and I evaded their assertions by saying ' 'there are other trees on the plain beside Mr. P.'s and other language to that effect. I did not deny it." At this period the church wished 112 to be by themselves and Mr. Tennant left. It was then voted after some remarks by the brethren present That we are not prepared to justify Br. Tennants conduct but desire further investigation. Br. Oliver Hayden was then chosen to ascertain more in rela tion to the matter and report at a future meeting Attest P. F. Sanborn Pastor [171] Nov. 15, 1850 At a church meeting regularly called and this day held for business, it was announced by the pastor that the first item of business would be a choice of Deacon to supply the place of Deac Skinner who died 18 mos. since. After prayer for the Divine Guidance and aid offered by Deac. Cornish. A balloting was taken. The result of which was nearly an equal division of votes for three of the brethren, when it was thought best that a farther balloting be deferred four weeks. The next business was the case of Br. Tennant. Br. Hayden was called upon to report. He stated that he had called on Mr. Pomroy and questioned him at length. Mr. P. said that Mr. Tennant denied at first having cut the tree on his land (at the time he, said Poraroy called on him) but after going into his house confessed [172] it and settled with him for the damage. An hour was now spent in conference discussing the matter in its various bearings and ascertaining all the light on the subject, to discover if possible the moral character of Br. T. taking the facts in the case and his interpretation of his conduct into consideration and also to learn the duty of the church towards him. The church were not satisfied with his doings and voted to choose two of their number as a Coraraittee to visit Br. Tennant and confer with him on his wrong doing, and if possible convict him of his sin and lead him to repentance for the same. Brethren J. Cornish Sz; O. Hayden were appointed that committee. Meet ing adjourned to Friday [173] evening Nov. 29 to hear the report of their committee. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor Nov. 29 Church met as adjourned. The committee on the case of Br. Tenant reported, and stated that Br. T. acknowledged that he had done wrong and they had the impression he felt dif ferently on the subject and was ready to seek the forgiveness of the Church. Br. Tenant being present, the meeting took a social turn. Various questions were put by the church to him which he answered (touching the evil of his transactions) and many things were said in a kind spirit showing the heinousness of his sin in the eyes of wicked men as well as in the sight of God. Br. Tenant while he confessed that he had done wrong, still main tained that it was unintentional. He desired the church to for give him and left himself in their hands. After he left. The church expressed them,selves unanimously that his conduct and his interpretation of it appeared inconsistent, [174] fears were "3 expressed that he had not told the whole truth, but as we cannot judge of motives and Br. T. confesses that all his transactions in the matter carry the appearance of evil and asks our forgiveness, we are bound to exercise charity in his case. It was voted that the Pastor prepare in writing such a confession as Br. Tenant ought to subscribe to in the case and seek his signature and pre sent such writing before the church for their acceptance. Voted to adjourn two weeks from this time Sl place. Attest P. F. S. Pastor. Dec. 13, 1850 Church met as adjourned. The pastor reported his preparation of a confession and that after showing it to several members of the church he presented it to Br. Tenant for his sig nature and Br. Tenant readily subscribed his name to the same. [175] Said paper (which see on file) was called for and read. A unaminous vote was passed by those present accepting the report and also Br. T.s Confession and that Br. T. now is in good Sl regular standing with this church. The meeting was changed to one of prayer. Attest. P. F. Sanborne 1 85 1 January 17. At a Church meeting this day held by regular appointment Bro. Virgil H. Griswold was unaminously chosen Deacon in the room of Deac. Skinner deceased. Br. Joel Clark was chosen delegate to a Council to be convened in Enfield on the 22nd Inst, for the purpose of ordaining and in stalling Mr C. A. G. Brigham over the church and Society in that place. Attest P. F. S. Pastor. Feb. 28. In accordance with a vote of this church passed at their last meeting Brother Virgil H. Griswold was this evening set [176] apart to the office of Deacon by prayer and the laying on of hands. The exercises of the occasion were as follows Sermon by the Pastor on Acts vi, 3 Sz; 4 Prayer of Consecration with imposition of hands by the Pastor & deacons. Hand of FeUowship extended by Dea. J. Cornish The meeting was one of deep interest and solemnity. Attest. P. F. Sanborne June 29, 1 85 1 Alfred E. Brown, Mrs. Alfred E. Brown and Lucy P. Gay were this day propounded for admission to this church. P. F- S. Pastor. July 3. Church voted to dispense with the vote requiring can didates to be propounded two weeks in the case of the three per sons above named. Attest. P. F. Sanborne [177] July 6. 185 1 Mr. Sl Mrs. Alfred E. Brown and Lucy P. Gay were received to the fellowship and privileges of this church. P. F. Sanborne Pastor July 20. 1 851. Church tarried after Divine Service and made choice of Bro. Joel Clark as delegate to a council to be held in Suffield for the purpose of considering the expediency of dissolv- 114 ing the relation now existing between Rev. A. C. Washburn Sz. the ch Sz: people in that place Attest P. F. S. Pastor Aug. 3. Melissa Harger a member of this church was at her request this day comraended to the watch Sz; fellowship of the 2nd Church, Windsor P. F. Sanborne Pastor Sept. 28. Church tarried after Divine Service and Chose Bro Joel Clark as their delegate to Consociation to be held in Collins ville the 30th Inst. Deac. Griswold was chosen as substitute. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor [178] January 3. 1852 Anne B. Crane a member of this church was, at her own request recommended to the watch Sz; fel lowship of the church of Christ in Collinsville. Attest P. F. S. Pastor June 20. Mrs. Oliver Clark (having been previously exam ined) was this day propounded for admission to this church. P. F. S. Pastor July 4. Mrs. Oliver Clark was this day received to the feUow ship & privileges of this church P. F. S. Pastor Sept. 5. Mrs. Mary Merrow a member of this church was at her own request reccomraended to the watch and fellowship of the Chapel Street Cong'l Church in New Haven. Sept. 26. Church tarried after Devine Service and made choice of Br. Samuel A. Clark as their delegate to Consociation to be convened in West Hartford the 28 Inst. [179] 1852 Nov. 5. By Vote, Mrs. Milton Owen was this day received in to Church fellowship from the Cong'l Ch. in West Suffield Also Mrs. John Jay Viets from the Cong'l Church in Farraington P. F. Sanborne, Pastor Nov. 2 1 . Church made choice of Deac. Cornish as delegate to a Council to be held in West Suffield the 23 Inst, for the purpose of dissolving the relation now existing between Rev. J. W. Ses sions and the church and people in that place. Attest P. F. Sanborne Pastor 1853. January 23. After Divine Service the church and Con gregation tarried by request of the pastor and the following com munication was presented and read. To the Congregational Church of Christ and members of the Ecclesiastical Society, Turkey Hills Brethren and friends Your Pastor respectfuUy [180] and affectionately re quests you to unite with him in calling a Council to advise in the circumstances and if thought best dissolve the ministerial relation existing between us, and he makes this request for the following reasons. I. The salary which you have been accustomed to give (and which has ever been promptly paid) he now finds by the in- "5 creased prices of the materials of living to be inadequate to a just and liberal support. With the practice of a close economy it poorly carries his family through the year without leaving any provisions for the future. Your Pastor deems it but justice to himself in the morning of life to lay by a little in store against the time of sickness and old age. "With his present support it is impossible to do this and moreover he is unable to furnish his library with such books and periodicals as are indispensable for the demands made upon him in the preaching of the day. II. He is fully persuaded that a change of [i8i] field would add to his usefulness as a servant of Christ, and consequently his personal happiness. He has lived pleasantly and harmoniously in this field now more than seven years but be believes the time has come that his labors will be more serviceable in some other part of the Lord's vineyard. III. God in his Providence has opened to him a new field which he is disposed to enter, should a Council so advice. Christian friends — These are my reasons for the above request. You have hitherto dealt faithfully and kindly with me and mine and it is painful on many accounts to ask leave to break the cords that bind us to you. "We have no personal complaints towards any of this church and parish. My prayers and labors for your spiritual good hitherto, are known to you, and here after you will have my prayers and best wishes for your happiness in this life, and your final [182] blessedness individually in that life which is to come. Hoping that you will acquiesce in this request I am yours In gospel bonds Pliny F. Sanborne East Granby Jan'y 22, 1853. Feb. 2. At a meeting of the church regularly appointed and this day held to consider the coraraunication from the Pastor, after much consultation, it was voted to accede to the pastor's request and to act in the matter Brs. Joel Clark, Oliver Hayden Sz; V. H. Griswold were appointed as a Committee. Feb. 8. In pursuance of letters missive from the Cong'l church of Christ in East Granby an Ecclesiastical Council met at the Congregational Meetinghouse in that place Feb. 8, 1853. There were present from the church in [183] Windsor, Pastor Rev. T. A. Leete, Del. Bro. E. M'CaU Granby " Rev. C. F. Page Windsor Locks Rev. S. H. Allen Del. Bro. M. S. Webb Simsbury Rev. S.T.Richards, " Bro. M. Ensign Council was called to order by Bro. Page. Bro. Page was chosen moderator. Bro. Richards Scribe. Council was opened with prayer by Moderator. Communications from Rev. P. F. Sanborne to the church and to the society, requesting their concurrence with him in calling this council to consider the propriety of dissolving the ministerial ii6 connection subsisting between them Sz; statements representing their concurrence were presented. Explanations were heard from the Pastor, from the church Sz; from the society. The council having long and carefully considered the various statements made, it was unanimously Resolved, that the Pastoral relation now existing between Rev. P. F. Sanborne [184] and the church and Society of E. Granby be and hereby is dissolved. While announcing this result the council would say, that they have come to such a decision with exceeding reluctance. We sympathize truly and deeply with this people in their attachment to their Pastor and their earnest desire to retain him among thera. As ministers and brethren we are grateful to them for the lovely Christian temper manifested by thera with reference to the proposed removal of a minister so much beloved. But though we could have wished to retain him with them, we have felt compelled by a sense of duty to accede to his request and dissolve the existing connection. We gladly record the testimony of their Pastor to the kindness with whicli they have ever treated him and their testimony to his faithfulness and efficiency as a minister of Christ among them. We do earn estly pray that the Great Head of the church who [185] has watched over them heretofore, will still guide and support them, give them a good and faithful minister in place of him who is now taken from them and strengthen them in all the work of the gospel. To our brother in Christ we tender our warm regard, our sym pathy in the pain of parting with a people whom he loves and by whom he is beloved — we pray for his success in the field of his future labors; and most cordially and affectionately commend him as a Christian and a Gospel minister to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ. Caleb F. Page Moderator Attest S. T. Richards, Scribe Prayer was offered by Br. Leete and the Council dissolved. A true copy. P. F. Sanborne Ma 24"" 1854 Meeting of the Church Walter Thrall Moderator Meeting opened by Prayer [186] by the Moderator. Voted unanimously, To invite Rev. J. Ballard of New Ipswich N. Hampshire to settle with us in the Gospel Ministry as Pastor over this Church & People. Meeting dissolved C. Hamlin, Clerk 1855 Feb. 4"' Made choice of Deacon Joseph Cornish as Dele gate Sz; Joel Clark substitute to the Consociation to be convened at Enfield on the 20"' inst for the purpose of healing the difficul ties existing among the Church Sz; Pastor. C. Hamlin, Clerk [187] June 15"" 1855. At a raeeting of Church Joel Clark Mod" 117 Voted, To give Rev. S. Bryant of Mittenegue Mass a call to settle with us in the Gospel Ministry as Pastor over this Church & people. C. Hamlin, Clk C. HamUn M. D. Dear Sir, The communications from you contain the action both of the Church [i88] Sz; Society in this place, in reference to extending to me a call to settle with you as Pastor have been re ceived and seriously Sz; prayerfully considered. It gives rae great pleasure to learn that you were unanimous in this action In these times of various sentiment, it is a decided evidence of your harmony as a people. Please inform the Church Sz; Society that I accept the call hoping for a continuance of that kindness & forbearance of which I have already experienced so rauch, trust ing that by our united prayers Sz; [189] efforts, with the blessing of the Supreme Head of the Church, the relation will be one of mutual pleasure & profit. The time for the installation services may be fixed by yourselves to suit your own convenience. "Y'ours in the bonds of the Gospel S. Bryant East Granby June 16"' 1855. Attest C. Hamlin, Clk [190] 1855 Aug. 31. At a meeting of the Church this day called to choose a Committee to unite with a Com"'*' of the Soc. to call an Ecclesiastical Council to convene here for the Installa tion of the Rev. S. Bryant, the following brethren were chosen, viz. Dea. Joseph Cornish Samuel A. Clark Sl Chester Hamlin, M. D. Oct. 3* The ecclesiastical council called by letters missive from the Cong' Church in East Granby to consider the expe diency of installing Rev. Sidney Bryant over said church, con vened at the meeting house Oct. 3* 1855 Sz; was organized by the election of Rev. Allen M%ean Moderator Sz; Rev. T. H. Rouse scribe. There were present from the Church in Suffield Rev. J. R. MiUer Pastor Bro. A. Child Delegate [191] West Suffield Rev. H. J. Larab Pastor Dea. V. Stephens Delegate Windsor Locks Rev. S. H. Allen Pas. Bro. Sam' S. Hayden Del. Springfield South Rev. S. G. Buckingham Pas. Bro. Edwin Bigelow Del. Poquonock Rev. T. H. Rouse Pas. Simsbury Rev. Allen M'^Lean Pas. By special Letter Rev. D. Heminway of Suffield After prayer by the moderator, comraunications were read from the records of the Church Sz; Soc. extending a call to Rev. S. Bryant Sl his acceptance thereof, St also communications ii8 showing his regular dismission from his former pastorate these papers being deemed satisfactory, the council voted to proceed with the examination, After a clear Sz; full statement by the pastor elect, of his doctrinal belief, Sz; religious experience, it was voted unanimously that the examination is satisfactory [192] The council then assigned the parts as follows Reading the minutes by the Scribe Invocation Sz; reading the Scriptures Rev. Mr. Allen Prayer Rev. Mr. Hemingway Sermon " " Buckingham Installing prayer Sz; charge " " M'=Lean Right hand of fellowship " " Rouse Address to the people " " Lamb Prayer " " Miller Benediction by the Pastor Voted to take a recess till 2 OClock Council met at 2 OClock, the services assigned were performed Sz; the Council adjourned sine die Allen McLean Mod. T. H. Rouse Scribe Continued — See page 210 [193] Confession of Faith. I. We believe that there is but one living and true God and that he exists in three persons, Father Son and Holy Ghost, the same in substance and equal in power and glory. 2. That God created and su.stains all things for his own holy pleasure and honor and directs all events according to his own benevolent and eternal purposes. 3. That the Sacred scriptures of the old and New Testaments are the word of God, written under his infallible guidance and constitute the only perfect rule of faith and practice. 4. That the first man was formed upright and holy but by disobedience involved himself and his whole posterity in the entire loss of the Divine image and the Divine favor. [194] 5. That the Atonement made by Christ who was the Son of God manifest in the flesh has opened a way for the res toration and salvation of all men on the condition of repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 6. That genuine repentance and sincere faith and all right affections proceed from the Holy Ghost who through the revealed word and according to the Gracious pleasure of God renews the heart in righteousness and true holiness. 7. That all who thus repent and believe being justified by faith will be saved only on account of Christ the Mediator and Redeemer and will continue in holiness and enjoy the blessedness of heaven forever. 8. That Christ has instituted certain special ordinances as the gospel ministry and the two sacraments of Baptism and the 119 Lord's supper which are to be observed by all his followers according to the Divine appointraent. [195] 9- That there is a life to come and that Christ will come again and raise the dead, and that we must all appear be fore his judgement seat and give an account of the deeds done in the body. ID. That at the last day those who lived and died without repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ shall go away into everlasting punishraent and the righteous shall be received to life eternal. The Covenant. We enter into a solemn covenant with Jehovah and this church. To God our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier we sacredly devote ourselves and ours without reserve and forever. And we solemnly engage as partakers of the sarae hope and joy to main tain the discipline, [196] and observe the ordinances of Christ, promising to seek always the peace and purity of this church that all its members in holy love and harmony raay enjoy the fellowship of the Lord Jesus, watching reproving exhorting and comforting each other for mutual edification and looking for that blessed hope; the glorious appearing of the Great God even our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify us unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. [197] Admissions by profession. 1817 July 6"' Abigail Viets wife of John Viets was admit ted a member of this Church. 1818 Oct. 25"'. Jerusha Griswold wife of Mather Griswold Jun' was admitted a member of this Church. Nov i" Widow Eleanor Holcomb was admitted a raember of the Church. 1823 s"* January Appleton Robbins, Catharine Robbins, Lydia Phelps Wife of Roswell H. Phelps and Phebe Gould were admitted members of the Church. 1826 January 8"' Hannah Hosmer and Betsey Ann Stevens were admitted members of the Church. [198] 1826 August 20"' RosweU H. Phelps John Vadakin Sz; Fanny his Wife Francis L- Phelps Sarah Wife of David Clark Clarissa Maria Wife of Alfred Winchel Submit Gay Cynthia Sheldon Mary ThraU Eliza Phelps Melissa Phelps I20 Sarah Jane Hillyer Mary Jane Hosmer Amelia Skinner Lydia Skinner Martha Thrall Lydia Clark 1827 Sept 9. Joseph Cornish Jun. and Frances his wife 1829 Jan 4. Filer, wife of [199] 1832 Nov. II Dorothy Griffin wife of Alison G. 1833 Jan'y 6 Widow Elizabeth Phelps and Sarah H. Field. 1834 Nov. 2. Mary Ann Combs. 1835 Nov I Edward Young Gould. 1838 March II. Lavinia Abi Viets Mary Adelia Viets May 16 Milifsa Harger July I Mary A. Hemenway Sarah E. Hemenway Nov 4 Caroline M. Gould James Rollin Viets. 1 84 1 July II. Lester Griffin Jane S. Thrall Cynthia M. Thrall Mary E. Gould Miriam W. Hemenway Sept 12 Dwight T. Skinner Sarah Skinner [200] 1843 Jan I. Mrs. Chloe Woodruff Mrs. Susanna Phelps. July I Mrs. Oliver Hayden Miss B. W. Garden 1848 July 2. Mrs. Samuel A. Clark ' ' Mrs. Oliver Hayden " Anna B. Crane 1848 Nov 5. Samuel A. Clark " " Mrs. VirgU H. Griswold 1849 May 6. Virgil H. Griswold 1850 Aug. 18 Mrs. Lewis Hills 1 85 1 July 6. Alfred E. Brown Mrs. Alfred E. Brown Lucy P. Gay [201] 1852 July 4 Mrs. Oliver Clark 1856 Nov. 2 Maria E. Hamlin " Sarah Grace Skinner " Sarah F. Alderman 1857 Mch. I Purleyette Melinda Pinney wife of Rense laer Pinney 1858 Jan. 3 Charles Horace Clark May 2 James Holmes 121 " Isabella Emily Holmes " Margaret Elizabeth Holmes " Jane Louisa Holmes July 4 Alraeron Pratt " Edwin WithreU " Benjamin Pinkney Clark " Sidney Hezekiah Hayden " Henry Lafayette Clark " George Washington Boyington Sept. 5 Frances Cornelia Cornish " Jennette Dorothy Owen " Harriet Louisa Clark " Laura Maria GUlette [210] 1856 Oct. 19. Maria E. Hamlin, Sarah Grace Skinner & Sarah F. Alderman having previously been examined Sl ap proved were this day propounded for admission to the Church, on the profession of their faith. Mrs. Hannah Ashworth was also announced to unite by letter from the Cong' Church in Poquonnock. Nov. 2. The above named persons were this day received into the fellowship Sz: communion of this Church. 1857 Feb. 8 Dea. Griswold was chosen delegate to a council at West Suffield, called to dismiss the Rev. H. J. Lamb. 22 Bro. Joel Clark chosen delegate to a council at W. Suffield for the same object as above. ¦ The first council recomraended a continuance of the pastoral relation, the 2* was equally divided, half for dismission Sz; half against. [211] Mrs. Purleyette Melinda Pinney wife of Renselaer Pin ney having previously been examined Sz; approved, was this day propounded for adraission to this Ch. on the profession of her faith. Mch. I. Mrs. P. M. Pinney was this day received into the fel lowship Sz; coramunion of this church. 1858 Jan. I Charles Horace Clark was this day examined Sz; approved as a candidate for adraission to this Church on the com ing Sabbath. Satisfactory reasons existed for setting aside in this case, the ordinary rule of being propounded two weeks pre vious to admission. 3 Charles H. Clark was this day received into the fellowship Sz; communion of this church. Jan. 15 At a meeting of the church regularly appointed Sz; this day held, a paper was presented by the pastor in which it was proposed to have an annual Church meeting, Sl the object of said meeting specified. After some discussion it was voted that the subject be com mitted to a committee of three to report at a future meeting. 122 [212] Bro' O. Hayden, W. ThraU Sz; S. A. Clark were chosen such committe. Voted, also That a collection be taken annually, on the first Sab. of the year to defray the expense of the communion, public notice being previously given that lo ets. will be the appropriate sura for each member of the Church. S. Bryant Clk. Mch. 5 At a meeting of the Church after the preparatory Lecture the above named committee reported & their report was accepted Sz: adopted which is as follows There shall be an annual meeting of the Church on the Friday following the 2* Sabbath in Jan. at 2 O Clock P. M. for the pur pose of Choosing a Clerk, Treasurer, Sz: a Committee of three who shall continue in office until the election of their successors. The Clerk shall keep a record of all the votes Sl business of the Church, Sz; a list of its merabers, recording all the baptisms infant Sl adult, [213] admissions, dismissions, deaths Sz;c. & annually report the membership, reading over the entire list if any one re quests it. The Treasurer shall receive all money contributed for benev olent purposes, Sz; forward the same to the societies for which it was designed. He shall also receive all funds contributed specifically for the Church, pay from them to defray the expense of the communion, Sz; for any other purpose by vote of the Church Sz. annually report to the same. It shall be the duty of the Committee to aid the Pastor in the examination of any candidate for admission to the Church, when for any reason the exaraination is not public, & to call upon members together with the Pastor who are absent from the Com munion twice in succcession, or very frequently absent from Church on other Sabbaths without a known sufficient cause for such absence. [214] It was Voted to choose the officers according to the re port, for the current year at the present time. They were chosen by ballot, Sz; are as follows Rev. S. Bryant Clerk Dea. Virgil H. Griswold Treasurer Oliver Hayden '\ Dea. J. Cornish >¦ Committee Sam' A. Clark ) Attest S. Bryant Clk. April 7 Miss Isabella E. Holmes appeared before the Com mittee Sl was examined Sz; approved as a candidate for admission to this Church. 16 James Holmes, Margaret E. Holmes, Sz; Jane L. Holmes, were examined in presence of the Church as candidates for admis sion to this Ch. &; accepted. Mrs. Mary Holmes was rec* by letter from the Presb. Ch. Tarif- ville. 123 May 2* The above named persons were this day rec* into the fellowship Sz; communion of this Church. [215] 1858 June 18. Almon Pratt, Edwin Withrell, Benjamin P. Clark, Sidney H. Hayden, Henry L. Clark Sz; George W. Boyington were this day examined in presence of the Church as candidates for admission Sz; accepted. July 4 The above named persons were rec* into the fellowship Sz: communion of this Church. Also Mrs. Lavinia A. Pratt was rec* by letter from the first Cong'l Church Windsor Sept. 5 Frances C. Cornish, Jennette D. Owen, Harriet L- Clark Sz; Laura M. Gillette having previously been examined by the committee, approved, Sz; publickly propounded, were this day rec* into the fellowship of this Church. Sept. 26 Br. O. Hayden was chosen delegate to the Consocia tion to be held at So. Windsor i" Church on the 28"' inst. [216] 1858 Oct. 10 Br. Sam' A. Clark as primary Sz; Edwin Withrel as substitute were chosen delegates to an Eccl. Council at East Hartland on the 13"" inst. for the purpose of ordaining Sz; Installing Mr. Ogden Hall as Pastor Oct. 13 Br. S. A. Clark attended with the Pastor the Council at E. Hartland Sl Mr. Hall was ordained. [247] Admissions by Letter 1816 August i8th Widow Ruth Lewis was adraitted a mem ber of this Church by a Letter from the Church in West Suffield . Nov 3d Doctor James O. Pond was admitted a member of this Church, by a Letter from the first Church in Torington. 1817 Jan. 5th. Mary Clark Wife of Reverend Eber E- Clark, was admitted a meraber of this Church, by a Letter frora the first Church of Christ in Chatham. Sept 5th Pluna Pond wife of Dr. James O. Pond was admitted a member of this Ch. by letter from the Ch. of Christ in Canton. [248] 1 8 18 Nov. ist Widow Mary Bird Launders was ad mitted a member of this Church by letter from the Church in Farmington under the care of the Rev* Noah Porter. 1819 Jan. i8th. Laura wife of Eratus Holcomb was ad mitted a member of the Church by letter from the first Church in Wethersfield under the pastoral care of Rev John Marsh D. D. and Rev. Caleb J. Tenney. 1826 August 20"" Zeruiah Wife of Simeon Lewis by Letter from the Church in West Suffield. Rev.* Joseph Mix Pastor 1827 Jan. 7. Julia, wife of Rev. S. Crosby was received into this chh by letter from the chh. in Spencer Mas. Nov. 4. Martha, wife of Mr. Justus Stephens was received into this chh. by Letter frora the ist chh in Wethersfield. [249] 1829 Nov. I. Roxy wife of Sam' Tibbitts was re ceived into this chh from the chh in Simsbury. 124 1830 Jan 3. Gurdon C. Gould Sz; wife were received into this chh from the chh in West Suffield 1832 Nov. II. James C. Carter and wife from Chh West Suffield. 1833 Ap' 21. Mary A. Hemenway from 2* chh. Norwich Ct Doct. Chester Hamlin Sl wife, and Laura Ann Butler from chh in Burlington Ct. July 28 Deacon Gurdon C. Gould Sz: Catharine his wife from church in Collinsville, Ct. Sept 15. Mary Chapin Sz; Susannah Bodwell from chh in Simsbury 1835 Rec* James Judd and wife from the chh in South Hamp ton Mass 1836 Sept 3. Sarah Stevens rec* to the fellowship of the chh frora 5'" Cong, chh in Springfield, Mass. Dec 4 Hannah Brown rec* from chh in Canton [250J 1837 April 20 Allen N. M'^Lean rec* to the fellow ship of this chh from the chh in Simsbury. Sept. 17. This day Mrs Julia Ann Harger was rec* by letter from the chh in Agawan, West Springfield, Mass. 1838 July I. Josiah Smith and wife received by letter from Church in "Winsted. 1839 Nov' 4 Abraham Tenant Sl wife from chh in Manches ter 1840 May I Erastus Hamlin from chh in N. Britan Maria B. Hamlin from Chh in Burlington 1841 Jan. 13. Mrs. Imlay B. Viets from chh in N. Britain 1843. Jan. I. Mrs. Lydia Butler from the Church, the In dependant Presbyterian Church, in Savannah, Georgia. Nov. 5. Mrs. A. G Clark, from the Ch. in Manchester N. H. 1845 May 2* Mrs. L. M. Griffin from ist Presby. Church Warren Ohio. 1847 July 4. Mrs. William Bates from the Cong'l church in West Suffield [251] 1847 July 4 Widow Sarah Phelps & Miss Almira Phelps from the North Cong'l church Hartford Ct. July 4 Caroline Sophia, wife of Pliny F. Sanborne from the church in South Egremont Mass. 1852 Nov. 5 Mrs. Milton Owen, from Cong'l Church in West Suffield Nov. 5. Mrs. John J. Viets from Cong'l Church in Farming- ton. 1855 Sept. 2 Cordelia T. Viets from the First Presb. Church in Lansingburg N. Y. Nov. 4 Harriet W. Bryant from the Cong'l Church in Mit- teneague (West Springfield) Mass. 1856 Nov. 2. Hannah Ashworth from the Cong'l Ch. in Poquonock. 125 1858 May 2. Mary Holmes from the Presb. Church in Tarif- ville. July 4 Lavinia A. Pratt from the first Cong'l Church in Windsor. [267] Deaths. 1843 Mrs. Phelps, Baptist. Jan. Mr Mills' Infant child, daughter four days old. Feb. I. Mrs Nancy E- Thompson wife of Edward P. Thomp son, 21. 13. Mr. Cohoon, 50. Sept 6. Mr Jackson's infant child, colored, daughter, 10 weeks. 18. Mr Talbot; aged 22. (Baptist) 20. Buried here fr: Suffield, the infant child of Mr Dick. 21. Mrs Griswold, wife of Dea G. (Baptist) aged 63. April Mr. Edward Gould died in Southington buried here. Son of Widow G. aged 2 1 . Also a Y. M. Eno fr: Tariffville, 15. Oct 12. Louisa Phelps, daughter of RoUen Phelps, age 14 years. S. S. scholar [268] Oct. Mr G.' Vietts, Copper HiU District, ag: 49 Nov: Son of Mr. G. Vietts (Deacon) Ag: 13. Baptisd 10 Miss Lucinda Bates. 58. Baptisd 1844 Ap: I Mrs. Marcia Bates, ag: 31 Oct: Mrs. Phelps. (Methodist) Nov: Miss Cynthia Thrall, 19. June Mrs Benaga Owen, buried in W. Suffield. 3 deaths in this Parish. 4. Burials in the yard. Dr. Buck of Rainbow buried in this yard. 1845 Mrs. Hilton Griswold. " Mrs. Albert Clarks child buried in this yard from Enfield. Mr Ralph Griswold. MrTalboit, (Baptist) child of Mrs GUlet (Methodist) [269] 1845 Nov. 7. Mrs. Smith wife of Sidney Sz; daughter of Eli Stevens 24 1846 Jan'y 13. Child of Arad W Clark 3 months Sz: 14 days Feb. 22. Mrs. Abraham Holcomb, 68. yrs. Son of Phinehas Griffin 17 yrs. June 26 Wilbert Clark child of David Clark Sz; wife 2 yrs. Sz; 3 mos. Aug. 22. Child of Mr. Sz; Mrs. Norton Brown Sept. 28. Widow Polly Buck (in Hartford) 82 yrs. Sept 23 Charles Phyler (in Newbern N. C.) 27 yrs. 'Probably an error for J. (Jonathan.) 2 7 5 " i8 mos. 7 yrs. 55 ( ( 45 ( ( 3 li 126 Oct 29. Roger Phyler 79 yrs. Nov. 2 ISt Soloraon Alderman 3° yrs. 1847 Feb. 8. WUliam Winchel 76 March 2 Owen Hayden child of Oliver Hayden Sc wife 2 yrs Sz: 10 mos. March 16 Hiram Barker 47 April 28. Apollos G. HiUyer 69 May 5. Miss Jerusha Newton 62 June 20. Harvey Sweatland 56 July 9. Mrs. H. R. O. Annis 49 Aug. 21. Mrs. Appleton Robbins 75 Sept. 2 Anson Jackson (colored) 35 [270] 1847 Sept 13. Charles N. son of Roland Phelps, 12 yrs Sept 17. Howard R. Davis (died at Thompson) Sept. 18. David, son of Hopewell Jackson (colored). Sept. 25. Olive, daughter to Mr. Gillett (Methodist) Sept 30. S. Alonso son of Mr. Davis Oct. 13. Mrs. A. HUton Griswold Nov. 28. Mr. Edmund Bidwell 1848 Jan'y 24. Jared C. Mills (Baptist) Feb. 14 Norwood Thorapson (Baptist) 24 Feb. 17. Oliver Barker, died in Htfd buried here 45 " Feb. 29. Child of John Knox of West Suffield, buried here. i yr. March 4. Chester, son of J. Bushrod Clark of Rainbow 20 " March 30. Mrs. Cossit. (Baptist) 66 " May 8. Jabesh Phelps (prison hill) 66 " May II. Noah Root, (buried in W. Suffield) May 31. Infant daughter of Virgil Griswold Sz; wife 3^^ wks. June 5 John Edward Davis June 15. Mrs. James Alderman Aug. 31. Mrs. Jacob P. Merrow (at New Haven) Aug. 31. E. L. daughter of Allen Viets & wife [271] Sept. 5. Allen Viets (prison hiU (Meth) Sept. 12. Child of Charles Danslow (at Rainbow) Sept. 16. Chloe H. Child of Wid. S. Alderman 2 yrs. Oct. 27. Josiah Stanard, by a fall from his waggon Dec. 12. Mrs, Babcock (wife of Colored man) 1849 Feb. 2. Daniel Ware (buried in Windsor) Fet). 28. Phillip Davis 22 yrs. March 24. Miss Polly Johnson April 8. Sabbath morning ^ past 10 Widow Ruth Lewis 96 yrs. 9 mos. 11 dys. May 8. Chester Goodale son of Rev. P. F. Sanborne 7 mos. 6 dys. May 1 2 Charles Griswold son of Rev. P. F. Sanborne 7 mos. 10 dys. May 12 Mrs Butler Pinney, (episcopal) 78 yrs. 29 yrs. 22 It 31 tt 3 yrs. 35 yrs. [] ms. 72 47 74 . 9 mos. 71 127 May 1 6. Deacon Hervey Skinner 64 yrs June 27 Newell Hurlbert 35 yrs Sept. 2. Sabbath afternoon 5 O'clock Leander B. Haralin 20 yrs. 1850 Feb. 20. Miss Lucy Barney 70 yrs. March 13. Widow Aaron Phelps at Windsor Locks buried here 77 yrs. April 23. James N. Phelps, son to Roland 19 yrs. June II. Arthur Griswold. 67 yrs. June 17. Child of Mr. S: Mrs. Steele, i day Sept. 4. Howel S. Son of S. A. Sz; MariUa Clark 15 mos. [272] 1850 Sept. 17. Died Appleton Robbins aged 86 yrs. a pillar in this church and society. Nov. 2. Joel Bushrod Clark (of Rainbow) aged 48. Nov. 22. Widow Luke Viets (prison hill) (episcopal) 93 yrs. Nov. 25. Samuel Woodruff Esq. Aged 90 yrs. 9 mos. 1851 May 2. Infant daughter of Anson Bates 2S,. 10 mos. Sept. 7. Catherine Chloe Hillyer Ae 24 yrs. Sept 20. Sardius Thrall Aged 61 yrs. Dec. 14 TheodociaW. (daughter of O. Hayden) AE. 11 yrs. 1852 Feb. 9. Annis E. (daughter of Oliver Clark J£, 10 yrs 6 mos. May 18. Dwight T. Skinner. JE 35 yrs. 8 m May 28. Jaraes Monroe Griswold -^34 9 July 31. Widow Sarah Clark (wid of David) ^91 7 Oct. 16. Moses Granger (died in Hartland) JS,. 77. Nov. I. Mrs. Clarissa M. Post J^. 71 Dec. 18 Esther daughter to Harvey Alderman J^. 19 Dec. 25. Mrs. Glorianna Thompson (Wid of Edmund) IB, 86 1853. Feb. 23 Josephine daughter of Edward Thompson JE 8 [273] 1858 July 20 Jerusha Griswold 73 yrs. [281] Excommunications. 1 81 6 Nov. ISt Deborah ThraU. 1822 27th Sept Horace Phelps. 2 July 1824 Micah Moore. [287] Recommendations. 1816 August 30th Doctor Silas Meachera was recommended to the Church in Benson, Vermont. 1817 July 6th. Widow SaUy Potter was recomraended to the watch and care of the Church in Canton under the pastoral care of the Rev. Jeremiah Hallock. Oct. 19. Sarah Stevens daughter of Deacon Stevens now Mrs. Alderman recoramended to the Church in West Springfield under Dr. Lathrop. 128 i8i8 Sept. 27th. Eliza Robbins now Mrs. Yale wife of Rev* Calvin Yale, was dismissed from this particular Church, Sz; recom raended to the watch and care of the Church in Charlotte in the State of Verraont. [288] 1820 May 5th. Widow Mary B. Landers was recom mended to the Ch of Cht. in Farmington, to the first Church. Jan. 3* 1821 Gave Letters of Recommendation to Rev* Eber L. Clark and Wife directed to the Church of Christ in Winchen don, Massachusetts. March Hervey Phelps was recommended to the Church of Christ in West Suffield Rev* Joseph Mix Pastor. 1825 April 24"' Cynthia Thrall Recommended to the Church of Christ at the Dwight Station Arkansas or to any Church which in the providence of God she may be united. 1828 Jan 20. Sally Jarvis was recommended to the South chh in Hartford. April 27. James O. Pond Sz; wife was recommended to one of the Presbyterian chhs in the city of N. York July 6. Asaph Launders was recommended to the Pres. or Cong, chh at Byron, N. York. [289] 1829 Oct 18. Phebe Hayes, formerly Phebe Gould, was recomraended to the Presbyterian chh in Londonderry N. H. 1832 Jan 3* Dea. Gould Sz; wife recoramended to the Cong. Chh. in Collinsville. July 29. Julia Crosby recommended to the Presbyterian Chh in Penn Yan N. Y. 1833 Sept. 15. Sister Martha Soper (formerly Martha Thrall) was recommended to the fellowship of the chhes where providence should cast her lot. Dec. 15. Sister Eliza Phelps recomraended to the North chh in Hartford. 1834. Mar. 2. Sister Melissa Phelps recommended to the North church in Hartford. Ap. 20. Susannah Bodwell Sz: Mary Chapin recomraended to the church in Sirasbury and Betsey Ann Griffin to Chh in Salmon Brook. [290] 1834 Sept. 28. Jas C. Carter and wife recommended to the Con or Pres chh in Genoa, Ohio. 1835 Aug 16 Lydia Caulkins recommended to Bowery Church in the city of New York. 1836 March 2. Sarah Phelps recomraended to the North Church in Hartford. Oct 12. Recommended Mahitable Bassett to the North Chh in Hartford. 1837. Sarah H. Field recomraended to the North Church in Hartford. 1838 March 18. Allen N. McLean recommended to the Church in Simsbury 129 Sept 23 Lydia Butler recommended to Presbyterian Church Savannah Georgia. 1839 Jany 4 Recomraended Ed. Y. Gould to chh in Yale Col Ap 7. Recommended Sarah Stevens to 4"' chh Hartford. 1840. Oct. 1 1 . Recommended Dorothy Cooley to chh in Salmon Brook. Oct 30. Dismissed Julia Ann Harger to chh in Agawam, Mass. Nov. II. Dismissed Sarah E Hemenway to Pres. Chh. Mil lidgevUle, Georgia. [291] 1841 May 14. Josiah Smith Sz: wife 2 chh Windsor May Hathaway do Hannah Brown, Collinsville. 1841 Oct 24 Roxy Tibbitts, Simsbury 1842. May I. M. A. Hemenway Sen. ") M.A. Hemenway Jun. > To chh in Suffield M. W. Hemenway ) Mary Ann Wilcox Ch in Springfield, Mass. Sarah Jane Hillyer N Ch Hartford May 8. James S. Judd Sl wife Ch in Southampton. 1843 May 5 Mrs. L. O. Pratt to ch: in Granby, West. 1847 March 6 Mrs. A. G. Clarke to 2nd church in Lynn Ms. 1848 Aug. 18. Mrs. Zeruiah Lewis to South Church Hartford 1852 January 3. Anne B. Crane to Ch. in Collinsville. Sept. 5. Mrs. Mary Merrow to Chapel St. Cong. Ch. New Haven. 1853. Mrs. P. F. Sanborne to Church Nunda, N. York. May. 4. 1856. Mrs. Catharine Hillyer to 4th Cong' Church. Hartford. 1857. Aug. 9 Erastus HamUn Sl Maria B. HamHn his wife to the i" Cong' Church Windsor [292] 1858 Aug. 29 Mrs. Mary Adelia Bowers recomraended to the 3* Cong' Church in Hartford. [307] Confessions. 18 1 7 Feb 28th. Horace Phelps came before the Ch and made his confession for having joined a party of pleasure and conducted in an unchristianlike manner. 1819 July 2d Mahitabel Bassett came before the Ch and made a confession for fornication, by which she was restored to the communion and fellowship of the Church. 1820 May 5th. Widow Mary B. Landers made a confession for lascivious conduct. [319] Names of the members of the Church. Samuel Woodruff Esq' Joel Clark and Wife Roswell Skinner and Wife I30 Dea. Harvey Skinner and Wife Isaac Owen and Wife Walter Thrall and Wife Apollos G. Hillyer and Wife Dea. Phineas Stephens Sz; Wife Horace Phelps and Wife (married to S. Thrall. Justus R. Stephens Dan Alford [320] Micah Moore Excommunicated Asaph Landers Dismissed Harvey Phelps Dismissed by letter of Recm* Widow Ruth Lewis Dr. James O. Pond and Wife Dismissed Widow Sarah Phelps. Dismifsed to N. ch. Hartfd Mar. Wife of Appleton Robbins [36. Wife of Dr. EHph' Buck Wife of Charles Buck Excom. Wife of Capt. Charles Washburn. Dis. to Hartd Wife of Alson Hoskins Wife of James Hoskins Mrs Phelps Wife of John Viets Abiah Griswold [321] Eliza Robbins. Recommended by letter to the Church in Charlotte. Ver Cynthia Thrall Recommended as Missionary to the Dwight Station Mahitabel Bassett Diss* Widow Thrall Mother of George. Widow Griffin. Thomas Stevens. Jesusha Newton. Lucina (? Sinna) Newton, wife of Alex. Hurlburt Lucy Barney Rhoda Filer. Elanor Holcomb, now Wife of M' Knox. Widow Bathsheba Phelps Deceased Wife of Erastus Holcomb Deceas* June 25, 1834 Wife of Matthew Griswold Jr. Sally Graham Dismissed Appleton Robbins Wife of Roswell H. Phelps, deceased. Catharine Robbins, married to Capt. C. Hillyer Phebe Gould Dismissed Hannah Hosmer Deceased Betsy Ann Stevens Dismissed Zeruia Lewis [322] Homer Phelps Excom John Vadakin Sz; Fanny his Wife 131 Francis Lomis Phelps Excom* Sarah Wife of David Clark Clarissa Maria Wife of Alfred Winchel Submit Gay Cynthia Sheldon Mary Thrall Mrs. Hathaway Eliza Phelps Dismissed Melissa Phelps Dismissed Sarah Jane Hillyer Mary Jane Hosmer Deceased Amelia Skinner. Deceased Lydia Skinner. Dis. Martha Thrall Soper dismissed Lydia Clark Caulkins dis. Julia, wife of S. Crosby. Dismissed Martha, wife of Justus Stephens [323] Joseph Cornish Jr. Sz; Frances his wife Filer wife of Roxy, wife of Sam' Tibbitts Dism* Gurdon C. Gould Sz; his wife. Dis. James C. Carter and wife Dismifsed to Ch. Genoa Oh. Dorothy Griffin Dis. to chh in Salmon brook. Widow Elizabeth Phelps Sarah H. Field Dismifsed Chester Hamlin Eveline Haralin Laura Ann Butler M. A. Hemenway Gurdon C. Gould Deceased Catharine Gould f Susannah Bodwell") t^- <. o- t, { Mary Chapin. j Dis. to Simsbury. Mary Ann Combs Edward Y. Gould. Dis. to Ch Y. Col [324] 1834 Nov. 2 Names of Ch. Members. Males Sam' Woodruff. Joel Clark Hervey Skinner Walter ThraU Excom. Sept. 8. 1837 Apollos G. Hillyer Justus R. Stevens Appleton Robbins Roswell H. Phelps excommunicated, Dec 28, 34 John Vadakin Joseph Cornish Gurdon C. Gould June 1836 Chester Hamlin. James C. Judd 132 Edward Y. Gould Recommended to ch in Yale Col Jan. 4. 1839. Thomas Stevens Allen N. M'^Lean Dismifsed Mar 18 to Simsbury Josiah Smith Dis to 2* ch Windsor James R. Viets. Abraham Tenant Erastus Hamlin Lester Griffin Dwight T. Skinner [*'] List of Church Members Males. Saniuel Woodruff Joel Clark Harvey Skinner Apollos G. HiUyer Justus R. Stevens Appleton Robbins John Vadakin (Absent.) Joseph Cornish Chester Hamlin Thomas Stevens (very aged Sz; infirm.) James R. Viets Abraham Tenant Erastus Hamlin Lester Griffin. Dwight T. Skinner. Females. Ruth Clark Deborah Skinner Lydia Thrall Sarah Hillyer Betsey Stanard Ruth Lewis. Chloe Robbins PoUy Buck Deborah Phelps Abi Viets Jerusha Newton Lucy Barney Mrs. Hurlbut (Absent) Jerusha Griswold Catharine Hillyer June 4: 1842 Zeruiah Lewis Sarah Clark Clarissa Winchell Submit Gay Cynthia Sheldon (absent) Martha Stevens Frances Cornish Rhoda Filer (Absent) Elisabeth Phelps Eveline Hamlin. Laura Ann Butler Catharine Gould Mrs. Knox Mrs. Filer. Julia Ann Harger (Absent) Lavinia A. Pratt. (Absent) Mary A. Viets Melissa Harger Caroline M. Gould Mrs. Tenant Maria E. Hamlin Jane S. Thrall Cynthia M. Thrall Mary E. Gould (Absent) Sarah Skinner. ^ Walter Thrall Homer Phelps Mrs. O. Hayden Mrs. Woodruff Mrs. Phelps Mrs. L. Butler Miss B. W. Garden (?) Mrs. A. G. Clark iThe leaf containing this list is inserted in the record book. 2 These names have been added later. 133 [325] Females. Ruth Clark wife of Joel C. Deborah Skinner, wife of Hervey S. Lydia Thrall, wife of Walter T. Sarah Hillyer wife Apollos G. H. Wid Betsy Thrall, Clark Stannard. " Ruth Lewis. Chloe Robbins wife of Appleton R. Polly Buck, wife of Doct Buck Sally Buck, wife of Charles B. excom May 4 1835 Deborah Phelps Abi Viets wife of John V. Mahitabel Bassett. Dismissed 2* Oct 1856 Wid. Thrall. Deceased Jerusha Newton Hurlburt Lucy Barney Jerusha Griswold wife of Mathew. [326] Catharine Hillyer Dismifsed to 4th Ch. Hartford. June 4, 1856. Wid Zeruia Lewis Sarah Clark. Wid. Clarifsa Winchel (wife of Alfred) Submit Gay Cynthia Sheldon Mary Hathaway, wife of Amos M. Sarah Jane Hillyer Lydia (Skinner) Butler Dismifsed 1838 Martha Stevens, wife of Justus. Fanny Cornish wife of Jos. Rhoda Filer (absent) Roxy Tibbitts, Wife of Sam' Dis. Oct. 41 to ch in Simsbury Dorothy Griffin. Dis. 1840 Wid. EUsabeth Phelps Sarah H. Field. Dis to North ch Hartford 1837 Eveline Hamlin wife of Doct [327] Laura Ann Butler Mary A. Hemenway. Catharine Gould Mary Ann Combs Mrs. Judd wife of James Mrs. Knox, (of [ ? ] Mass.) Mrs. Filer. Sarah Stevens. Dis. to ch Hartford 39. Hannah Brown Dis. to Collinsville, 41 Julia Ann Harger (Wife of Addison) Dis. Lavinia A. Viets 134 Mary Adelia Viets Milissa Harger Mrs. Smith, wife Dea Smith Dis. 41 to ch 2* W. M. A. Hemenway S. E. Hemenway Dis. 1840 CaroHne M. Gould. Mrs. Tenant Wife of Ab"" Maria B. Hamlin wife of Erastus Jane S. Thrall Cynthia M. ThraU Mary E. Gould Miriam Hemenway [328] Sarah Skinner wife D. T. Juliette A. Viets (wife of Imlay B.) Deceased 1842 [329] 1843 Jan I. Mrs. Woodruff Mrs. Phelps 1847 July 4- Widow Sarah Phelps ( ( ( ( Almira Phelps i I 1 ( Mrs. Margaret A. S. Bates ( ( ( ( Mrs. Pliny F. Sanborne dismissed to Nunda, N. Y. 1853. 1848 July 2 Mrs. Samuel A. Clark. (I H ( ( Mrs. Oliver Hayden ( ( ( ( t ( Miss Anne B. Crane 1848 Nov. 5 Samuel A. Clark ( ( 1 1 1 ( Mrs. Virgil H. Griswold 1849 May 6. Virgil H. Griswold 1850 Aug 18. Mrs. Lewis Hills 1851 July 6 Alfred E. Brown ( ( 1 ( Mrs. A. E. Brown tt It Lucy P. Gay 1852 July 4. Mrs. Oliver Clark 1852 Nov. 5. Mrs. Milton Owen t i (I Mrs. John J. Viets 1855 Sept. 2. Mrs. Ja' R. Viets " Nov. 4. Mrs. Rev. S. Bryant 1856 Nov. 2 Mrs. Hannah Ashworth Miss Maria E. Hamlin ' ' Sarah Grace Skinner " Sarah F. Alderman 1857 Mch. I. Mrs. Purleyette Melinda Pinney 1858 Jan. 3. Charles Horace Clark May 2. James Holmes Sz; Mary his wife Margaret E. Holmes Isabella E. Holmes Jane L. Holmes July 4 Almarin Pratt Sz; Lavinia A. his wife Edwin Withrell 135 Benjamin P. Clark Sidney H. Hayden Henry L. Clark George W. Boyington Sept. 5 Frances C. Cornish Jennette D. Owen Harriet L. Clark. Laura M. Gillette. [343] Marriages 1817 March i6th. Hemon Rockwell and Henrieta Griswold were married. May 8th Hiram Griswold and Esther Bates were married May 22* Enah Buttles and Pamela Pinney were married. Sept. 15th. Harvey Thrall and Laura Griswold and John T. Knox and Deborah Tlirall were married Nov. 13th. Sterling Perkins and Abigail Clark were married Nov. i6th. Samuel Clark and Huldah Phelps were married. 1818 May 26. Rev* Calvin Yale of Charlotte state of Vt. and Eliza Robbins were married. [344] 1819 Oct. loth. Benjamin W. Ormsbee and Harriet Rice were married. Nov. 21" George C. Owen and Sabra Pinney were married. 1820. Jan. 27th. Joseph Cornish and Fanny Holcomb were married. 1832. June 4. Elijah S. Smith of Southwick Mass and Marietta Crow of Granby. Nov 25. John Vadakin of Granby and Lucretia Drake of New Hartford. Nov. 27. Orine Moore of Granby and Tirzah P. Barden of Suffield. Nov 27. Charles H. Stocking of N. Hartford and Jane M. Winchell of Granby. [345] Nov 27. Sam' Ensign of Hartford and Mary E. Gor don of Granby. 1833 Feby 19. Aaron H. Wheeler of W. Springfield Mass and Ursula Hawley of Canton. Mar. 5. Thaddeus Griswold of Windsor and Elisabeth Wood ward of Suffield March 12. Lyman Fowler of Westfield, Mass and Louisa Vadakin of Granby. May 24 Philip N. French of Southwick, Mass and Cyrene Winchell of Granby. Sept 16. Virgil Soper of New Harmony Ind. and Martha ThraU of Windsor. Sept 29. Ralph Seymour and Susan M Drake of N. Hartford. Dec. 27. Philo Griffin and Betsey Ann Stevens of Granby. Time lost. Mr. Stow of Ohio and Miss Gross of Windsor 136 [346] 1 834 Jany 2 Doctor Phelps Humphrey of Hartland and Maria Holcomb of Granby. Feby 6. David Clark and Lydia Thompson of Granby. May 7 Harrison Barnard of Simsbury and Sally Blakesley of Granby. Oct. 19. Hiram Preston of Oran N. Y and Esther K Viets of Granby. Oct 30. Denman D. Day and Elisabeth R Gillett of Granby. Nov. 13. Horatio K. Nelson and Mary Owen of Suffield. Nov. 21. Aralza Griffin and Annis E. Viets of Granby. Dec. 23. Allen Pinney of Simsbury Sz; Eleanor H. Pinney of .^Granby. [347] Dec 24. William B Cowles and Esther M. Harger of Granby. 1835 July 2. Dan' O Caulkins of N. York Sz: Lydia M. Clark of Granby. Nov. 15. Philo Joy of Amherst Mass and Mary A. Mallory of Windsor. Dec 31. James Mintie and Mary M'^Whinnie of Simsbury 1836 April II. Erastus W. Harvey and Candace Pearl of Hartford May I. Chauncey Clark of Granby and Betsey Thrall of Windsor. May 4 Withwell and Clark of Simsbury. [348] 1836 Sept. 27. Reuben B. Wilton of Burton Ohio and Delia E Eno of Sim,sbury. 1837 April 13. Richardson Griffin and Julia Ann Viets of Granby. July 24 Jaraes Holraes and Mary McRoy of Simsbury Sept 12 Sanford R. Olcott and Mariett Holcomb of Granby. Nov. 30. Oliver Hayden and Jane Owen of Windsor Dec. 31. Francis E- Phelps of Windsor and Jane M. Spring of Bloomfield. 1838 Jany 31. Dwight Skinner of Granby Sl Sarah Seymour of Hartford. [349] April 15. William Ter Bush of Simsbury and Susan Jane Clark of Windsor. June 3. David H. Finn and Asenath S. Barrett of Simsbury June 17. Samuel Winchell and Alcemena Phelps of Windsor. July 19. Leander Butler of Savannah Geo. and Lydia Skinner of Granby. Aug 29. Nicholas W. West of N. York and Harriet A. Rock- wood of Bridport Vt. at Bridport. Dec 25. David A. Hall "Washington City and Abigail Ells worth of Windsor. 1839 Feby i VirgU Fletcher (?) of Windsor and Charlotte Rockwell of Granby. [350] April 21. Josiah Stannard of Haddam and Betsey Clark of Windsor 137 May I. Avery Parsons and Adaline Griswold of Windsor. May 26. George Andrews of Waterbury and Cordelia Alford of Windsor. June 12. Milo M. Owen and Abigail M. Alderman of Granby. July 25. Charles I. Perkins and Elisabeth R. Hensdale of Granby. 1840 Feby. 9. Edwin Hurlburt of Sandisfield Ms. and Lena A. Ciark of Granby. Apl 27. Horace Graves (?) of Windsor and Julia Day of Granby. June 1 1 . Doct. Joseph P. Converse of Enfield and Mary Cor nish of Granby. [351] June 29. Thomas H. Austin of Suffield and Miranda Messenger of Granby. July 20. Julius Rockwell of East Windsor and Adaline S. Lewis Granby. Aug 12. Walter Griffin of Granby and Eunice E. Moore of Southwick Mass. Aug 23. William W. Ware (?) and Mary Ann Gowdy of Windsor. Sept 15. Obadiah W. Wilcox of Hartford and Mary Ann Combs of Granby. Sept II. Philip M. Morgan and Dixey Latimer of Canton. Oct 21. Morton Cornish and Mary R. Holcomb of Granby. Nov. 10. Almeron Pratt and Lavinia A. Viets of Granby. [352] Nov 30. Elisha Root of Westfield and Cynthia S. Al derman of Granby. Dec. 8. Sam' N. Reed of Suffield and Celesta Messenger of Granby 1 84 1 Ap. 4. Edwin Gilbert and Jane Lewis both of Granby. May 5. Henry S. Squires and DeHa Veta (?) both of Windsor. Sept I. Edward P. Thomson Sz; Nancy S. Holcomb of Granby. Nov. II. Addison Harger and Clarissa M. Fowler of Granby. 1843 Feb 13. Sidney Sraith Sz; Rebecca Stevens both of E. Granby. Nov. 30. James Monroe Griswold Sl Catherine M. Phelps both of E. Granby. [353] Nov. 30. Virgil H. Griswold and Esther H. Phelps both of E. Granby. 1844. Oct 2* Luke Bush of Westfield and Laura A. Alder man of Granby. Oct 30. Lester Griffin and Lucy M. Barker both of E. Granby. 1846 Feb. 12. Alexander H. Griswold and Mrs. Mehetable Phelps both of E. Granby by Mr Everest of Rainbow. July 28. Jacob Price Merrow Sl Caroline Maria Gould both of East Granby. 2.00 Aug. 23. Mr. Goddard and Mary W. Clark both of Windsor by Walter Thrall Esq. 138 [354] Nov. I. John E. Davis Jr. and Miss Jannette Edger ton both of Granby (per rae) 2.00 Nov. 26. Alfred Gay of Granby and Jane S. Thrall of Wind sor (per me) 4.84 1847 March 25. George Bennett of Windsor and Harriet Davis of Granby. (per me) 1.50 May 13. John B. Hoadley of Auburn Ohio, and Caroline A. Owen of Granby (per me) 3.00 May 17. Joseph A. Galpin and Caroline N. Goddard both of Granby (per me) 2.50 May 19. Wellington G. Whipple and Martha M Monroe both of Westfield, Mass. (per me) 2.00 June I. W" H. Merrow of Hartford and Mary E. Gould of Granby (per me) 5.00 Nov. 28. Samuel J. Wiswrell Sz; Sarah J. Clark both of West- field, Ms. (per rae) 2.00 [355] 1848 March 16. Edward H. Bowers of Hartford and Mary Adelia Viets of Granby. (per me) 5.00 Nov. 30 W" H. Bailey of Canton and Charlotte A. Debit of Springfield Mass. (per me) 2.00 1849 March 14. R. Seymour Dibble & Cornelia G. Stevens both of Granby (per me) 2.50 Aug. 19. "Warren Porter Sl Jane Low both of East Hartford (per me) 2.00 Sept. 4. James O. Allen Sz; Emma G. Thompson both of Granby (per Baptist Clergyman) Sept. 5. Isaac Watts Thompson of Granby and Maria Clark of West Turin N. Y. at Windsor Locks, (per me) 5.00 1850 June 24. Hitchcock of Tariffville and Marks of Windsor (per rae) 2.00 Nov. 6 Jonathan P. Thorapson of Lansing (Michigan) Sz; Catharine O. Allen of Enfield Ct at the residence of James O. Allen, (per me) 5.00 [356] Dec. 5. Horatio K. Nelson of West Suffield Sz: Martha J. Stevens of Granby. (per me) 3.00 1 85 1 March 10. Albert C. Chandler of Pomfret and Marissa P. Davis of E. Granby (per me) 2.50 1851 March 26. Zenas C. Lefingwell of Chester Ms. and Sarah Hull of Westfield (per me) 5.00 1 85 1 Aug. 31. Anson Hayes 23 of Granby and EUen E. Hayes 17 of Simsbury (per me) i.oo 1851. Nov. 27. Abner Dean and Minerva Bljmn both of Granby (per me) 2.50 1851 Dec. 28. William H. Parker of Hartford Sz; Sabra M. Pinney of Granby (per me) 5.00 1852 January 25. James M. Cadwell of Bloomfield and Frances M. Pinney of Granby (per me) 2.00 [357] 1852. Feb. 8. Henry Johnson Jr. of Hartford and Julia M. Gibbs of Manchester (per rae) 2.00 139 Feb. i6. Edwin C. Griswold of Windsor and Julia E. Pinney of Bloomfield (per me) 2.50 March 7. George C. Pratt of No. Middleborough Mass Sz; Catharine E. Pratt of Granby Ct. (per me) 3.00 March 8. Henry H. Phelps Sl EUen J. Winchell both of Granby (per me) 3.50 June 22. John A. Bruce 30 of Springfield Mass and Esther C. Griswold 23 of Windsor Ct. (per me) 5.00 1855 Oct. 25 Royal M. WeUer of Hartford Sz; Mrs. Catharine M. Griswold of East Granby (per S. Bryant Nov. 22. Richard Gay of Windsor Ct. Sz; Lydia E- Owen of East Granby. Nov. 25. Hilton Dewey Sz; Mary H. Hamlin both of Granby Ct. [358] 1856 Jan. 9. Frederic F. Stevens Sz; Emma J. Hol comb both of Granby. March 13. Sylvester Lampson Sz: Flora Messenger, both of Granby. June I Hirara Adams of Bloomfield Sl Mrs. Lydia S. Butler of East Granby. June II. Septimus D. Robinson of MorrisviUe Vt. Sz; Mrs. Laura S. Frary of Springfield Mass. 1857 Nov. 22 Henry D. Barnard of Bloomfield Sl Sophia R. Alderman of E. Granby Ct. Nov. 22. George F. Newberry of Windsor Locks & Corintha E. Holcomb of E. Granby Ct. 1858 July 4. John Elkey Sl Maria Jackson both of East Granby. Ct. [366] Aaron Jordan Booge was ordained Nov. 27, 1776 " " " was dismissed Dec. 8, 1785 Whitfield Cowles was ordained June 18 1794 " " " dismissed Nov. 5, 1808 Eber E- Clark was ordained July 3, 1816 " " " dismissed July 5, 1820 Stephen Crosby was ordained Nov. 22, 1826 " " " disraissed Jan'y 31, 1832 Daniel Heminway was ordained July 3, 1832 " " " dismissed June 14, 1842 Jonas Bowen Clarke was ordained Nov. 2, 1842 " dismissed Aug. I, 1845 Pliny Fisk Sanborne was ordained April 29, 1846. " dismissed Feby 8, 1853. Sidney Bryant was installed Oct. 3, 1855 INDEX. Acceptance of invitation to become pastor, 75, 79, 117. Acknowledgment of errors by former members, loi. Adams, Deborah, 17. Hannah, 17, 29. Hiram, 139. Jonathan Marrit, 30. Livy, 43- Lydia S., 139. Marcy, 43. Mary, 39. Pelatiah, 19, 51. Reuben, 17, 21, 22, 29, 30. Sabrina, 19. Adise, Elizabeth, 98. Lewis, 98. Micah, 98. Admissions to covenant, 17-19. to membership, 16-19,40, 41, 48-51, 53, 81, 83, 86, 87, 92-95, 102, 108- iio, 113, 114, 119-125. of former members, 57, 102. see Members. Advisory committee chosen, 74. Agawam, Mass., 92, 94, 129. Alderman, 88. Abigail M., 137. Anson, 36. Bucklin, 36. Chloe H., 126. Cynthia S., 137. Deborah, 20, 28, 38, 51. Deborah (wid.), 41. Elijah, 41. Elijah (Jr.), 19. Elnathan, 47. Esther, 127. Esther Bradley, 31. Gad, 18, 24, 31. Happy, 18. Harvey, 127. James (Mrs.), 126. John, 41. Julia, 36. Laura, 137. Lot, 36, 40. Mary, 36, 40. Milo, 36. Sarah, 127. Sarah Frances, 100, 120, 121, 134. Solomon, 126. Solomon (wid.), 126. Sophia R., 139. Zardus, 36. Aldridge, 84. Almon, 84. Alford, 84. Anne, 35, 44, 45. Cordelia, 137. Dan, 19, 35, 36, 40, 45, 49, 130. Dan (Mrs.), 19, 40. Dan Phelps, 35. Eunice, 28. Jesse, 42. Josiah (Dea.), 17, 20, 28, 47, 52, 55. Martha, 17, 28. Mary (wid.), 11, 42. Nancy, 36. Pelatiah, 44. Allen, Catherine O., 138. Emma G., 138. James O., 138. Oliver (Mrs.), 47. Samuel H. (Rev.), 106, 107, 115, 117, 118. American Education Society, 85. Amherst, Mass., 136. Amsbury, Elijah, 24. Andrews, Cordelia, 137. George, 137. Andrus, 84. Elihu, 84. William, 90. Annis, H. R. O., 126. Annual church meeting, 121, 122. Annual collection to be taken, 122. Ashworth, Hannah, 121, 124, 134. Association advises church, 57. Auburn, O., 13S. Austin, John, 16-18, 52, 53. Miranda, 137. Thomas H., 137. Babcock (Mrs.), 126. Bacon, Elizabeth (wid.), 11, 42. James, 26. Bailey, Charlotte E., 138. "William H., 138. Ballard, J. (Rev.), 116. Baptised persons subject to discipline, II. under watch of church, 10, 12. Baptismal covenant, see Covenanters. Baptists admitted to communion, 52. member unites with, 15. Barber (Rev.), 107. Calvin, 96, 105. Barden, Tirzah P., 135. Barker, Chauncey, 34. Hiram, 126. 142 Barker, Lucy M., 137. Maria, 35, 46. Oliver, 36, 126. Pyrin, 34. Reuben, 19, 26, 33-36, 46. Sarah, 19, 26, 33-35. Barnard, David, 17, 21, 23, 24, 27, 44, 51. Dorotha, 17, 51. Friend, 27, 44. Harrison, 136. Henry D., 139. Lucretia, 27. Sally, 136. Sophia R., 139. Barney, Lucy, 19, 48, 127, 130, 132, 133- Barrett, Asenath S., 136. Bartlett, Shubael (Rev.), 68. Baskomb, Miriam, 44. Bassett, Mahitable, 49, 70, 85, 98, 128- 130, 133- Cornelius Newell, 98. Bates, 46, 127. Anson, 127. Apollos, 36, 46. Charles "Waldo, 100. Crecia, 46. Crecia Forward, 36. Daniel, 44. Edward "William, 100. Erastus, 46. Esther, 41, 135. Lemuel (Ens., Capt.), 41, 44, 47. Lemuel (Mrs.), 47. l/ucinda, 125. Marcia, 125. Margaret A. S., 134. Mary, 100, 108, 124. William H., 100. Zophar, 24, 26, 47. Becket, Mass., 18. Bennett, George, 138. Harriet, 138. Benson, "Vt., 69, 127. Bentley, Charles (Rev.), 81, 93. Bidwell, Edmund, 126. Bigelow, Edwin, 117. Bingham, Artemas, 37. Mary, 37. Births, record of, 19-26. Bissell, Hezekiah (Rev.), 7, 8. Blair, Adam, 38. Martha, 38. Blakesley, Sally, 136. Blanford, Mass., 38. Bloomfield, 102, 109, 136, 138, 139. Blynn, Minerva, 138. Bodwell, Susannah, 81, 124, 128, 131. Booge, Aaron Jordan (Rev.), 7, 9-11, 17, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30-32, 37, 42, 52, 53, 139- Booge, Alma Martha, 30. Grace, 17, 21, 23, 24, 37, 42. Ulric Jordan, 28, 42. Ulricus Zuinglius, 31. Booth, Elizabeth, 19, 26. Oliver, 26. Rebecca, 42. Samuel (Ens.), 19, 26, 41. Borden, John, 7. Boston, Mass., 97. Bowers, Edward H., 138. Mary Adelia, 129, 138. Boyington, George Washington, 100, 121, 123, 135. Brace, Abel (Dea.), 18. Brainerd, Jared (Dea.), 104. Bridport, "Vt., 136. Brigham, Charles A. G. (Rev.), 113. Bristol, 77. Brookfield, Mass., 76. Brown, 125. Alfred E., 100, 113, 120, 134. Alfred E. (Mrs.), 113, 120, 134. Betty, 37. Deborah, 30. Elvira Louisa, 100. Frances Rose, 99. Fruzzel, 37. Hannah, 86, 94, 99, 124, 129, 133. James, 30. Jonathan, 30. Joseph, 39. Mahitable, 30. Mary, 39. Mason Cogswell, 99. Norton, 125. S. W. (Dr.), 86, 90, 99. Uriah, 30. William, 30. Bruce, Esther C, 139. John A., 139. Bryant, Harriet L., loi. Harriet W., loi, 124. Sidney (Rev.), 100, loi, 117, 122, 134, 139- Buck, Charles, 70, 133. Eliphalet (Dr.), 48, 125, 133. Mary, 39. Moses, 39. Polly (wid.), 48, 49, 125, 130, 132, 133. Sarah W. (Sally), 70, 85, 130, 133. Buckingham, Samuel G. (Rev.), 117, 1x8. Bull, Abner, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 28. Chloe, 17, 27. Horatio Gates, 27. Theresa, 28. Burlington, 93, 124. Burton, O., 136. Bush, Laura A., 137. Luke, 137. 143 Bush, Susan Jane, 136. William Ter, 136. Butler, Jared (Dea.), 18. Laura Ann, 124, 131-133. Leander, 136. Lydia, 93, 124, 129, 132, 133, 136, 139. Buttles, Enah, 135. Pamela, 135. Byron, N. Y., 77. Cadwell (wid.), 45. Francis M., 138. James M., 138. Call to become pastor, 53, 58, 59, 64, 75. 79. 96, 106, 116, 117. accepted, 53, 64, 75, 79, 96, 117. Campaign of 1776, 41. Canton, 86, in, 123, 124, 127, 135, 137, 138. Garner, William H., 96. Carr, Deborah (wid.), 17, 27, 38. Elizabeth, 27. James, 27. James C, 82, 124, 128, 131. James C. (Mrs.), 124, 128, 131. Case, Aaron, 38. Abigail, 38. Gideon, 46. Giles, 38. Margaret, 38. Sarah, 42. Caulkins, Daniel O., 136. Lydia M., 86, 128, 131, 136. Censure of a minister disqualifies him for communion, 58. Chandler, Albert C, 138. Marissa P., 138. Chapin, Mary, 81, 124, 128, 131. Chaplain at Newgate, pastor to act as, 68. no longer acting as, 71. Character of a witness, evidence as to. Charge or complaint against member, 15, 16, 52, 59. 71-74. 77. 82, 85, 87, 109. proceedings on, 87, 88, proved, 73. withdrawn, 94, loi. Charity, erring members received into, 51. Charlotte, Vt., 128, 130, 135. Chatham, 123. Chester, Mass., 138. Child, A., 117. Child found in street, 32. Christians of other denominations ad mitted to communion, 69. Church, Aaron (Rev.), 7, 18, 58. Church in Sandisfield, Mass., letter to, 12. extract from records of, 12. Clark, 44, 45, 72, 84, 125, 136. Abiel, 36, 47. Abigail, 135. Albert (Mrs.), 125. Ally G., 99, 102, 108, 124, 129, 132. Annis B., 127. Arad W., 125. Benjamin Pinckney, 100, 121, 123, 135- Betsey, 87, 92, 133, 136. Cephas, 44. Charles Horace, 100, 120, 121, 134. Chauncey, 136. Chester, 126. David, 84, 119, 125, 136. David (Jr.), 22, 23, 25, 38, 44, 127, 131- Desire, 36, 47. Dwight Wells, 100. Eber L. (Rev.), 52, 64-68, 71, 84, 97, 123, 128, 139. Eber L. (Mrs.), 128. Harriet Lousia, loi, 121, 123, 135. Helen Rebecca, 99. Henrietta Forward, 100. Henry (Dea.), 97. Henry Lafayette, 100, 121, 123, 135. Horace, 73. Howel S., 100, 127. Huldah, 135. J-, 45- Jemima, 19, 33, 40. Jesse, 24, 26, 36, 39, 47, 84. Joel (Capt.), 19, 20, 22, 47-49, 58-60, 64, 65, 71-75. 77. 79. 81. 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 102, no, 113-116, 121, 129, 131-133- Joel Bushrod, 126, 127. Jonas Bowen (Rev.), 67, 96, 97, 99, loi, 102, 104-107, 139. Joseph, 19, 33-36, 40. Joseph Chandler, 35. Julia, 33. Lena A., 137. Levi, 26. Lydia, 45, 48, 120, 136. Lydia M., 136. Maria, 138. Marilla, 100, 108, 120, 127, 134. Mary, 20, 71, 123. Mary W., 137. Merintha Helen, 97. Molly, 84. Nathaniel, 51. Olive, 39. Oliver, 127. Oliver (Mrs.), 100, 114, 120, 134. Rensseilear, 36. Reuben, 17, 20, 21, 28, 31, 37, 51. Richard, 31. Rosanna, 34, 36. 144 Clark, Ruth, 21, 30, 37, 42, 49, 51, 129, 132, 133- Samuel, 21, 23, 29, 30, 36-38, 42, 51, 53. 54, 135- Samuel (Mrs.), 47, 84, 99, 100. Samuel A., 99, 100, 114, 117, 119, 120, 122, 123, 127, 134. Sarah (wid.), 127, 131-133. Sarah J., 138. Susan Jane, 136. Ulthe, 44. Wilbert, 125. William, 39. Zeruiah, 17, 28, 37, 51. Clemens, Elizabeth, 39. Clerk chosen, 57, 59, 71 excused, 59. Cohoon, 125. Collinsville, 80, 81, 94, 114, 124, 128, 129. 133- Colton, Abijah, 7. Combs, Mary Ann, 83, 99, 120, 131, 133. 137- Committee of whole church, 16. Committee chosen to present call to paster, 58, 64, 75, 95, 106. to call a council, 95, 104, 115. to investigate report against mem ber, 87. to procure evidence against mem ber, 87. to confer or labor with erring mem ber, 14, 60, 64, 75, 77, 109, 112. to confer with member about con fession, 70, 74, 75. about annual church meeting, 122. to assist pastor, 13, 14, 16, 52, 71. to assist about council, 53. to act in council, 79. to lead to ordination, 53. about settlement of pastor, 65, 80. see Advisory, Report. Communion, letter recommending to, 12. plan for terms of, 13. baptists admitted to, 52. censure of minister by consociation disqualifies him for, 58. occasional, limited to one year, 69. christians of other denominations may be admitted to, 69. Communion table, expenses of, 11, 122. Confession of faith, 9, 67, 118. Confession of the church, 14, of a member, 14, 15, 19, 70, 71, loi, 112, 113. see Acknowledgment. Confessions, list of, 51, 129. Consociation, censure of minister by, disqualifies him for communion, 58. see Delegate, Hartford Co. Continental service, 41, 42. Contribution, amount of, 74. Converse, Joseph P. (Dr.), 96, 137. Mary, 137. Cook, Asher, 39. Ebenezer, 43, 84. Jane, 51. Rhoda, 39. Cooley, Dorothy, 93, 129. Copper Hill, 125. Cornish, Charity, 37. Charles Owen, 98. Edward Joseph, 98. Elizabeth, 26. Elizabeth (wid.), 17, 26, 44. Frances, 98, 120, 131-133, 135. Frances Cornelia, 98, 121, 123, 135. Franklin, 34, 45. John, II, 18. Joseph (Lieut.), 26. Joseph, 26, 34, 45. Joseph (Dea., Jr.), 77-79, 81, 86-90, 92. 93, 95.96, 98, 104. 106, 108-110, 112-114, 116, 117, 120, 122, 131- 133, 135. Mary, 37, 137. Mary R., 137. Miriam, 11, 18. Morton, 137. Zeruiah, 38. Cornwell, S. W., 95, 97. Cossit (Mrs.), 126. Council for installation or ordination, doings of, 7, 68, 76, 80, 96, 106, 117. for dismission, to be called, 52, 79. for dismission, doings of, 18, 79, 95, 104, 115, 116. Covenant, 10, 54, 68, 119. to be renewed, 69. renewed, 70. to be revised, 108. see Admissions. Covenanters may renew their vows, II. plan for admission of, 13. raay partake of sacrament, 55. may vote for deacon, 55. to have all church privileges, 10, 13. Cowles, Catharine, 48. Esther M., 136. Gloriana, 26, 34, 46, 48. Madison, 36. Mary Henrietta, 36. Mary Havens, 48. Ransalear Watson, 34. Whitfield (Rev.), 14, 26, 34, 36, 46, 48, 53-57, 80, 139. William B., 136. Crane, Annie B., 108, 114, 120, 129, 134- 145 Creed to be revised, io8. Crosby, James Lewis, 98. Julia, 80, 98, 123, 128, 131. Stephen (Rev.), 67, 75-78, 80, 98, 123, 131. 139- Crow, Marietta, 135. Danvers, Mass., 80. Darrow, Alfred Lyman, 101. Edwin J., 100, loi. Fannie J., 100. Lucy P., 100, loi. Davis, Harriet, 138. Howard R., 126. Jannette, 138. John Edward, 126. John B. (Jr.), 13S. Marissa P., 138. Philip, 126. S. Alonzo, 126. Day, Denman D., 136. Elizabeth R., 136. Julia, 137. Deacon accepts office, 86. choice of considered, 53, 81. chosen, 14, 50, 55, 78, 81, 86, 113. covenanters may vote for, 55. effort to choose, 112. desires to resign, 53, 71. Dean, Abner, 138. Minerva, 138. Deaths, list of, 41-47, 84, 125-127. Debit, Charlotte A., 138. Delegate chosen to council, 80, 81, 85- 87. 91-95, 102, 107, 109-111, 113, 114, 121, 123. to Hartford Co. North Consociation, 57. 71, 74. 75. 77. 79-8i, 86, 92, 93, 95, 102, 107-109, III, 114, 116, 123. Denslow, 126. Charles, 126. Dewey, Hilton, 139. Mary H., 139. Dibble, 39, 46. Cornelia G., 138. Elizabeth, 39. Moses (Jr.), 39. Prudence, 37. R. Seymour, 138. Dick, 125. Dike, William, 25. Disciphne, plan of, 8. of baptised persons, 11. of certain members, 13, 14. Dismissions, see Members, Recommendations. Dismissions of pastors, 67, 139. see Council. Doctrines of grace, list and definitions of, 69. Dorset, 37. Drake, John, 11, Drake, Lucretia, 135. Mehitable, 11. Susan M., 135. Dwight, Nathaniel (Rev.), 48, 50. Dwight Station, Ark., 128, 130. Dyre, Alfred, 36, 47. Betsey, 41. James L., 36, 4i, 47- Sarah, 36. Theodosia, 36. Eason, Charity, 39. Marcy, 37. Mercy, 11. East Avon, 86. East Hartford, 93, 138. East Hartland, 107, 123. East Windsor, 68, 74, 8r, 96, 104, 137. Ecclesiastical Council, see Council. Edgerton, Janette, 138. Egremont, Mass., 37, 107. Elkey, John, 139. Maria, 139. Ellsworth, Abigail, 136. Eno, Alice, 37. Anna, 39. Benjamin, 28. David, 18, 23, 30, 34, 37. Delia E., 136. Ellis, 18. Erasmus, 39. Gaylord, 30. James, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31, 41, 44. Lucy, 44. Lydia, 34. Martin, 44. Mary, 26, 41. Pearly, 31. Sessions, 30. Y. M., 125. Enfield, 27, 68, 75, 92, 96, 104, 113, 125, 137. 138. Ensign, M., 115. Mary E., 135. Samuel, 135. Everest, Cornelius B. (Rev.), 106, 137. Excommunications, list of, 127. see Members. Exercises on setting apart a deacon, 113- Farmingbury, 18. Farmington, 76, 114, 123, 124, 128. Fast day mentioned, 11. Field, Sarah Howe, 81, 91, 98, 120, 128, 131. 133- Filer (Philer), 47, 120, 131-133. Annis, 47. Charles, 125. Rhoda, 49, 50, 130, 132, 133. Roger, 25, 47, 126. Roger, (Mrs.), 47. 146 Filley (Phelly), 47. Moses, 47. Finn, Asenath S., 136. David H., 136. Finch, Mindwell, 37. Stephen, 21, 37. Fisk, W., 104. Fletcher, Charlotte, 136. Virgil, 136. Foot, Luther, 39. Tamer, 39. Forward, 44. A. (Rev.), 30. Abel (Capt.), 11, 17, 44, 45. Abel Phelps, 32. Anne, 19, 40. Benjamin Franklin, 34. Filius Dan, 28. Flavel Newton, 33. Hannah, 11, 44. J-, 35- Jesse, 14, 18, 21, 24, 26, 28, 30-34, 37, 42, 51- John Chester, 28. Joseph (Capt.), 14, 17, 20, 27, 41, 53. Joseph (Mrs.), 47. Joseph (Jr.), 24, 25, 38. Leister, 31. Luke "Winchel, 35. Lydia Wyllys, 33. Mary, 28, 38, 42. Mary Percia, 30. Mercy (wid.), n. Oliver Cromwell, 34, 45. Pliny, 27, 41. Reuben, 19, 25, 34, 40, 44, 45. Ruth, 17, 37. Ruth Clark, 31. Samuel, 20, 22-24, 26, 51. Samuel (Jr.), 26. Sophy Green, 33. "Violet, 18, 37. Foster, Dan (Rev.), 7, 8, 28. Laura (wid.), 47. Fowler, Clarissa M., 137. Louisa, 135. Lyman, 135. Frary, Laura, S., 139. Freebody, Catharine, 32. London, 32, 42. French, Cyrene, 135. Philip N., 135. Galpin, Caroline N., X38. Joseph A., 138. Gardin, B. W., 99, 120, 132. Gay, Alfred, 99, 100, 138. Apollos, 32. Ebenezer, 68. Edward Apollos, 100. Frank Butler, 100. Jane S., 99, 100, 138. Gay, Lucina, 18, 30, 38, 43, 84. Lucy Pease, 100, 113, 120, 134. Lydia, x6, 38. Lydia L., i39- Mary, n, 34, 38, 45. ¦ Richard, 9-1 1, 13-16, 45, 47. Richard, 139. Richard (Jr., Dea.), 18, 23, 24, 26, 30- 32. 34, 38, 43. 52-55. 84. Richard King, 31. Submit, 34, 89, 119, 131-133. Walter Newton, 99. Wilbert Howard, 100. Gaylord, Nathaniel (Rev.), 18, 58. Genoa, O., 82, 128, 131. Gibbs, Julia M., 138. Gilbert, Edwin, 137. Jane, 137. Jesse, 40. Lydia, 40. Gillett, 125. Alexander (Rev.), 7. Anne, 43. Eliza'beth, n, 18. Elizabeth R., 136. Hannah (wid.), 45. Joab, 43. Lydia, 42. Olive, 126. Zaccheus (Capt.), 11. Zaccheus (Jr.), xi, 18. Gillette, Laura Maria, 101, 121, 123, 135- Goddard, 137. Caroline N., 138. Charles G. (Rev.), no. Mary W., 137. Gordon, Mary E., 135. Gould, 43. Caroline Maria, 93, 120, 132, 134, 137- Catharine, 81, 124, 125, 128, 131-133. Chauncey, 31. David, 19, 24, 25, 31-33, 43- Edward Young, 86, 93, 120, 125, 129, 131. 132. Fannie, 33. George N., 84. Gurdon C. (Dea.), 78-82, 85, 86, 124, 128, 131. James, 32. Mary E., 94. 120, 132, 134, 138. Phebe, 77, 84, 119, 128. Rebecca, 19, 32. Gowdy, Mary Ann, 137. Graham (Rev.), 29. Sally, 50, 130. Granby, 58, 69, 76, 93-95, 97, in, xi5, 129, 135-139- Granger, Deborah, 38. Dinah (wid.), 43. 147 Granger, Israel, 20. John, n, 42. Lucina, 38. Moses, 127. Grauville, Mass., 28. Graves, Horace, 137. Julia, 137- Greenville, 79. Gridley, Uriel (Rev.), 53. Gross, 135. Griffin, 125, 130. Alison, 120. Ann, 17, 51. Anna, 27. Annis L., 136. Aralza, 136. Bathsheba, 28. Benona, 46. Betsey Ann, 81, 128,135. Charlotte, 37. Deborah, 38, 51. Dorothy, 80, 120, 131, 133. Elisha, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 33, 43- Eunice, 33. Eunice E., 137. Horace "Viets, 99. Isaac, 26. Jerusha, 17, 29, 43. Julia Ann, 136. Lester, 94, 99, 120, 132, 137. Lucretia, 29. Lucy, 24, 41. Lucy M., 99, 102, 124, 137. Marcy, 39. Margary, 30. Martin, 17, 21, 22, 28, 29, 51. Martin Collins, 29. Mary, 17, 46. Mathew (Jr.), 37. Micah, 17, 21, 28, 36. Kaomi, 37. Nathaniel, 43. Philo, 135. Phineas, 125. Richardson, 136. Samuel, 30, 33, 42, Seth, 17, 19, 21, 22, 27, 29. Sophia, 27. Stephen, 26, 41, 42. Stephen (2d.), 22, 23, 30, 38, 51. Susanna, 39. Theodosia, 17. Timothy, 26. Walter, 137. Griswold, 46, 125, 126. Abiah, 32. Abiah, 49, 130. Adaline, 137. Alexander, 40. Alexander (Jr.), 19, 33, 35, 45- Griswold, Alexander Hilton, 33, X37. Alexander Hilton (Mrs.), 125, 126. Anna, 39. Arthur, 127. Asaph, 35. Berley, 33, 45. Catherine M., 137, 139. Deborah, 37. Edwin C, 139. Esther C, 139. Elijah, 44. Elijah Pinder, 44. Elizabeth, 135. Elsie, 19, 40. Esther, 135. Esther H., 100, 137. Elmira, 35. Elihu, 35. Grove, 28. Henrietta, 135. Hezekiah, 40, 41. Hiram, 135. James Monroe, 127, 137. Jerusha, 97, 119, 127, 130, 132, 133. Julia E., 139. Laura, 135. Mary Jerusha, 97. Mathew (Mather), (Capt.), 32, 84. Mathew (Ens.), 21, 23, 28, 30. Mathew (Jr.), 97, 119, 133. Mathew (Mrs.), 84. Mathew Ralph, 97. Mehitable, 137. Mindwell, 41. Noah, 37. Norman, 46. Ogden, 40. Ralph, 125. Thaddeus, 30, 135. "Virgil H. (Dea.), 100, 109, 113-1x5, X20-I22, 126, 134, 137. Virgil H. (Mrs.), 99, 108, 120, 134. William Butler, 100. Guilt of a member voted, 15, 16, 73. Gustin, Oliver, 45. Sarah, 45. Haddam, 136. Halfway covenanters. see Covenanters. Hall, Abigail, 136. David A., 136. Ogden (Rev.), 107, 123. Halladay, Abel, 28, 42. Anna, 17, 31. Catharine, 40. Daniel, 17, 21, 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 42, 43- Daniel (Jr.), 40. Eli, 40- Hannah, 40. Oliver, 29, 43. 148 Hallock, Jeremiah (Rev.), 127. Halping, Ebenezer (Rev.), 74. Hamlin, Catharine, 99. Chester (Dr.), 86, 88, 90, 91, 94-96, 99, 102, 104, 106, 107, 109, 116, 117, 124, 131-X33. Emeline, 99. Erastus, 93, 124, 129, 132, 134. Eveline, 124, 131-133. Leander B., 127. Louisa Griswold, 99. Maria B., 93, 124, 129, 134. Maria Elizabeth, 99, 120, 121, 132, 134- Mary Hart, 99, 139. Harger, Addison, 133, 137. Clarissa M., 137. Esther M., 136. Julia Ann, 92-94, 124, 129, 132, 133. Melissa, 92, 99, 114, 120, 132, 134. Hartford, 41, 52, 76, 79-81, 86, 91, 93, 95, 108, 124-126, 128-130, 133, 135- 139- Hartford Co. North Association, 7. Hartford Co. North Consociation, church votes to withdraw from, 56. reasons why doings of are con sidered void, 56. letter from read, 57. church votes to reestablish connec tion with, 57. see Consociation. Hartland, 18, 39, 127, 136. Harvey, Candace, 136. Erastus W.J 136. Haskel, Harris, 106. Hathaway, Amos M., X33. Charity, 37. Guilford, 37. Mary, 94, 129, 131, 133. Hawley, Anne, 32. Chauncey, 35. Ephraim, 47. James (Dea.), 14, 19, 26, 31-33, 35. Hannah, 11. Hannah (2d.), 19, 32. Harlo, 33. Lucina, 19. Lyman, 31. Mary, 35, 40. Newton, 32. Rachel, n, 18, 19. Rufus (Rev.), 7, 18, 27. Sarah, 38. Seth, 29, 47. Thomas, n, 13, 14, 21, 29, 52, 57. Thomas (Jr.), 26, 35, 40. Thomas Chandler, 35. Timothy, 11, 18. Ursula, 135. Hayden, Abby, 100. Jane O., 99, 100, 108, 120, 132, 134, 136. Joseph H., 97. Nathaniel (Dea.), 7. Oliver, 99, 100, 102, 104, 107, 109, 112, 1x5, 122, 123, 126, 127, 136. Owen, 99, 126. Samuel S., 117. Sidney Hezekiah, 99, 121, 123, 135. Theodosia W., 99, 127. William Owen, 100. Hayes, 39, 84. Anson, 138. Daniel (Jr.), 29. Ellen E., 138. Mary, 29. Phebe, 77, 128. Samuel (Capt.), 7. Seth, 84. Tamer, 39. Theodosia, 37. Hemenway, Daniel (Rev.), 67, 79-88, 90-iao, 117, 118, 139. Edgerton, 99. George Cowles, 98. Mary Adams, 92, 95, 98, 99, 124, 129, 131. 133. 134- Mary E-, 120. Miriam W., 94, 95, 120, 129, 134. Sarah Elizabeth, 92, 94, 120, 129, 134. Hicox, Eunice (wid.), 53. Higley, 41- (wid.), II, 45. Abigail, 27. Annah, 43. Brewster, 14, 16. David (ist), 14, 17. David (Jr.), 20, 26, 28, 41, 43. Elisha, 28, 41. Huldah, 26. Jehannah, 17. Jonathan, 17, 20, 22, 27, 29, 45, 53, 54. Mary, 20, 26. Rachel, 29, 45. Samuel, 29. Tirzah, 37. Hill, Charity, 21. John, 21. Mary, 21. Hills, Lewis (Mrs.), 100, no, 120, 134. Hillyer, 46. Alice Louisa, 98. Andrew (Lieut., Capt.), n, 20, 21, 23. 25, 27-31, 41, 42, 44. Andrew Drayton, 28. Apollos, 50. Apollos Gay, 27, 33, 46, 50, 72, 73, 87-90, 97, X26, 130-133. Appleton Robbins, 98. 149 Hillyer, Asa (Rev.), 51. Betsey, 30. Catharine, 98, 99, 129, 130, 132, X33. Catharine Chloe, 127. Charles T. (Capt.), 98, 99, 130. Clara Eliza, 99. David, 39. David (Mrs.), 39. Drayton, 33, 97. Elizabeth, n, 29, 41, 42, 44. Polly, 31. Sarah, 46, 50, 130, 132, 133. Sarah Jane, 50, 95, 120, 129, 131, 133. "Winthrop, 50. Hinsdale, Elizabeth R., 137. Theodore (Rev.), 7, 8, x8. Hitchcock, 138. Hoadley, Caroline A., 138. Jared, 27. John, 27. John B., 138. William, 27. Holcomb, 44, 46. Abraham (Mrs.), 125. Ahaz, 20, 21, 23, 24, 51. Anson, 36, 46. Anson Miron, 98. Asahel (Dea., ist), 9-11, 13, 16, 47, 51-53, 57, 84. Asahel (Jr.), 22, 25, 29, 46-48. Asahel (3d), 35, 36. Assiah, 39. Calvin, 29, 36, 40, 46, 84. Carmi, 39. Corinthia E., 139. Cynthia, 35. Dinah, xi, 47, 51. Eleanor, 40. Eleanor (wid.), 98, 119, 130. Ehhu, 33. Elijah, 38. Elizabeth, 38, 39. Emma J., 139. Eratus, 34, 98, 123. Ezekiel (Jr.), 39. Fanny, 36, 135. Flag, 35. George Burleigh, 98. Hervey, 73. James Hervey, 35. Jane, 38. Laura, 123, 130. Lucy, 31. Luther, 19, 25, 26, 34, 36, 40, 47. Maria, X36. Mariett, 136. Martha, 35, 40. Mary, 125. Mary Rose, 98, 137. Medusa, 39. Micah, 39. Holcomb, Micah (Mrs.), 39. Nancy S., 137. Oliver, 44. Phineas, 38. Reuben (Rev.), 38. Samuel, 33. Sarah, 25, 35, 46-48. Solomon, 35. Susan, 19, 34. Susanna, 34, 38-40. Thankful, 19, 34, 40, 46. Urial, 35. Holloway, Daniel, 44. Lucy, 44. Holmes, Isabella Emily, 121, 122, 134. James, 120, 122, 134, 136. Jane Louisa, 121, 122, 134. Margaret Elizabeth, 121, 122, 134. Mary, 122, 134, 136. Uriel (Dea.), 18. Hoskins, 45. Alexander, 33. Alonzo Chester, 50. Alson, 19, 26, 32, 33, 35, 36, 45. Alson (Mrs.), 130. Alson (Jr.), 84. Charity, 51. Deborah, 49, 130. Eunice, 19, 32, 33. James, 49, 50. James Caspar, 50. Justin, 35. Mary, 36. Hosmer, Hannah, 119, 130. Mary Jane, 98, 120, 131. Hotchkiss, Stephen (Dea.), 7. Houce, Mary, 43. Howe, John (Dr.), 18, 23, 24, 30, 31, 38. 42. 43- Lydia, 30, 38, 42, 47. Mary, 31. William Pindar (Sir), 31, 43. HuU, Sarah, 138. Humphrey, Maria, 136. Phelps (Dr.), 136. Hurlburt (Mrs.), 132, 133. Alexander, 49, 130. Alvin, 45. Anna, 32, 29. Edwin, 137. Hannah (wid.), 42. Lena A., 137. Lucina, 130. Martin, 32. Mindwell, 36. Newell, 127. Siana, 49. Zachariah, 32. Installation of pastors, 68, 76. dates of, 67. Invitation to become pastor, 116, 117. 150 Jackson, 125. Anson, 126. David, 126. Hopewell, 126. Maria, 139. Jarvis, Sally, 76, 128. Jewett, Spofford D., 97, 102. Johnson, Henry (Jr.), 138. Julia M., 138. Polly, 89, X26. Joy, Mary A., 136. Philo, 136. Judd, James S., 86, 90, 95, 124, 129, 131, 133- James S. (Mrs.), 86, 95, 124, 129, 133. Kellogg (Rev.), 76. Anne, 33, 44. Jeptha, 34. Oliver, 25, 33, 34, 44, 53. Thala, 34. Kent, Abigail, 37. Amos, 37. Cephas, 37. Lydia, 37. Kettle brook, 73. King, J. A. (Dea.), 107. Sahara, 36. Theodore, 107. Kingsbury, Lemuel, 27. Knox, 126. (Mrs.), X32, 133. Deborah, 135. Eleanor, 130. John, 126. John T., 135. Lamb, H. J. (Rev.), 117, 118, I2x. Lamson, Ebenezer (Jr.), n, 36. Sabra, n, 36. Flora, 139. Sylvester, 139. Lancaster, Mass., 38. Landers, Asaph, 50, 77, 97, 98, 130. Benjamin, 49. Esther Maria, 98. Mary Bird (wid.), 71, 123, 128, 129. Lansing, Mich., 138. Lansingburg, N. Y., 124. Lathrop (Rev.), 127. Latimer, Martha, 27. Latimer, Wait, 37. Leavit, Phebe, 22. Lee, Seth (Dea.), 7. Lees, John Simms, 100. Leete, T. A. (Rev.), 106, 107, 115. Leete, 116. Lefiingwell, Sarah, 138. Zenas C, 138. Lenox, Mass., 68. Leonard, David, 39. Elizabeth, 39. Letter, admission to membership by, See Admission. of excommunication to be prepared, 84. 92- adopted, 92. to be sent, 84, 85. to be approved, 85. as to church standing of a meniber, 94- of admonition, text of, 61. read, 83. approved, 85, 91. to be sent, 15, 16, 52, 60, 78, 83, 85, 91- Lewis(Mrs.), 73. Abigail, 35, 46. Adaline S., 137. Dorothy, 28. Deborah, 11. Gabriel, 33. Hannah, 35, 40. Hezekiah, 19, 21, 26, 28, 33, 45, 47. Hezekiah (Jr.), 35, 40. Hezekiah, Gilbert, 35. Jane, 137. John, 35, 36, 40, 46. John (Mrs.), 35. John Aralzamon, 36. Lydia, 19, 26, 35, 45. Polly, 35, 40. Ruth (wid), 123, 126, 130, 132, 133. Sim", II. Simeon, (Ens.), 32. Simeon, 123. Susanna, 35. Zeruiah, 108, 123, 129, 130, 132, 133. London, 30, 32. Catharine, 32. Luther, 30. Miriam, 30. London, 39. Loomis, Marcy, 38. Lord's Supper, dates of administra tion, 48-52, 70. members may have children bap tized and not attend, 54. neglect to partake of, 10, 13. when to be administered, 10, 48. to be administered, 14. see Communion. Low, Jane, 138. Londonderry, N. H., 77, 128. Lynn, Mass., 107, 108, 129. McCall, E., 115. McCargan (Mrs.), 45. McLean, Allen (Rev.), 49, 69, 76, 80, 95-97. 106, no, XI 7, 118. Allen N., 87, 92, 124, 128, 132. McRoy, Mary, 136. McWhinnie, Mary, 136. Mallory, Mary A., 136. 151 Manchester, 92, 93, 124, 138. Manchester, N. H., 102, 124. Marks, 138. Marriages, 36-40, 135-139. Marrit, Abigail, 37. Marsh, John (Rev.), 123. Marshal, Samuel, 46. Mather, Elihu, 39. Medusa, 39, Nathaniel, n, 15, 52, 53. Nathaniel (Jr.), 43. Meacham, Barnabas, 20, 21, 24, 25, 37, 41. Margaret, 38. Mary, 52. Paul, 24, 38. Silas (Dr.), 50, 52, 59, 60, 69, 127. Roxanna, 38. Timothy, 41. Titus, 27. Mead Fort, 41. Meetings of church, 11-16, 50, 52, 53, 55-65, 68-96, 101-104, 106-117, 121, 122. Member, not evidence for charge against, 53. to be labored with no further, 59, 69. willing to be excommunicated, 65. to be excommunicated, 69. cited to appear and answer charges, 69, 72, 78. does not appear, 69. held in suspense, 73. confesses guilt, 74, 82. requested to make public confes sion, 74. refuses, 74. acknowledges truth of charges against him, 74. requested to make gospel confes sion, 74, 83, 85. to be disciplined, 77. trial of, 82, 88. excluded from privileges of the church, 83. served with copy of complaint against him, 87. voted to be in good standing, 92. see Admonition, Charges, Commit tee, Complaint, Confession, Ex communication, Guilt, Report, Watch. Members to renew their vows, 11, 12. plan for terms of admission of, 13. general letter of recommendation given, 12. former pastor and his family con sidered as, 12. excommunicated, 18, 52, 53, 73, 75, 78, 85, 92. Members dismissed and recommend ed, x8, 69, 71, 76, 77, 79-82, 86, 91-95, X02, 108, 114. list of, IX, 129, X35. see Recommendations. Membership of a dismissed pastor ceases, 57. see Watch of the church. Merriman, Ebenezer, x8, 30, 51. Mehitable, 18, 30, 51. Merrow, Caroline Maria, 126, 137. Jacob Price, 137. Mary E., X14, 129, 138. William H., 138. Messenger, Celesta, 137. Flora, 139. Miranda, 137. Miller, Elizabeth, 39. J. R. (Rev.), 117, 118. Millidgeville, Ga., 94, 129. Mills, 125. Ebenezer (Rev.), 12, 13. Jared C, 126. Mary, X2, 13. Pelatiah, 7. S. W., 106. Miner, Crecia, 31. John, 14, 18, 23, 25, 31, 32, 42, 53. Nathan, 32, 42. Phebe, 18, 31. Seth, 24. Minister under censure disqualified for communion, 58. see Pastor. Mintie, James, 136. Mary, X36. Mittineague, Mass., 117, 124. Mix, Joseph (Rev.), 69, 123, 128. Stephen (Rev.), 76. Moderator chosen, 57, 74. Munroe, Martha M., 138. Monstrous birth, 42. Moore, 43, 45. Abigail, 26, 38, 51. Amos, 42. Asa, 22, 24. Betsey, 46. Betty, 26. Catharine, 47. Charity, 37. Deborah, 38. Dorus, 43. Elizabeth, 38. Eunice E., 137- Grace, 39. Hiram, 23, 38. James, 43. James L., 84. Jesse, 47, 84. Job, 46. Joel, 25, 43, 44. 152 Moore, Joel (Jr.), 44. Martha, 42. Micah, II, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 50, 52, 74, 75. 127. 130- Mindwell, 37. Nahum, 45, 47. Naomi, 37. Orine, 135. Ozias, 46. Roswell, 17, 22, 29, 35. Roswell Carlton, 35. Sarah, 17, 22, 29, 44. Timothy, 21, 22, 26, 51. Tirzah P., 135. Moran, Friend, 26. John (Ens.), 26. Mindwell, 26. Morgan, Dixey, 137. Philip M., 137. Morrisville, "Vt., 137. Moses (Uncle), 89. Sarah, 38. Moss, 45. Mumford, Henry, 19, 33-36, 40. Sally, 19, 40. Sarah, 84. Sophia, 36. Walter, 33. Murfy, Edward, 41. Jemima, 38. Nash, Ansel (Rev.), 80, 85. Nelson, Horatio K., 136, 138. Martha J., 138. Mary, 136. Newbern, S. C, 125. Newberry, Corinthia E., 139. George F., 139. New Britain, 93, 94, 124. Newell, Cornelius, 98. Samuel (Rev.), 7, 8. Newgate prison, 68, 71. New Harmony, Ind., 135. New Hartford, 51, 135. New Haven, 40, 114, 126, 129. New Ipswich, N. H., 116. New Jersey, 51. New Marlborough, Mass., 18, 37. Newton, 47. Jerusha, 49, 50, 126, 130, 132, 133. Laura, 49, 84. Lucina, 130. Phineas, 47, 84. New York, N. Y., 76, 86, 128, 136. Noble, Asa (Jr.), 27. Asahel, 27. Norfolk, 38. North Consociation of Hartford Co., see Hartford Co. Northington, 18, 52. North Middleborough, Mass., 139. North Windsor, 52. Norwich, 79, 80, 124. Nunda, N. Y., 134. Officers of church chosen, 122. duties of, 122. Ohio, 135. Olcott, E. M., 96. Mariett, 136. Sanford, R., 136. Oran, N. Y., 136. Ormsbee, Benjamin W., 135. Harriet, 135. Owen, 42, 89. (Capt.), 84. (vnd.), 84. Abigail M., 137. Alford, 35. Alvin, 21, 24. Anne, 84. Azabah, 39. Benajah, 45. Benajah (Mrs.), 125. Caroline A., 138. Charles, 34. Chloe, 19. Elijah (Lieut.), 13, 20-22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31. Eunice, 38. Frederick, 45. George, 19, 26. George C, 135. Isaac, 35, 70-72, 75, 130. Isaac (Jr.), 18, 22, 25, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 54. 58, 64. Isaac (Mrs.), 130. Isaac Milton, 30. Jane, 136. Jemima, 38, 44. Jennette Dorothy, loi, 121, 123, 135. Joab (Mrs.), 88. Joel, 31. Joseph, 28. Lydia, 20, 27, 28, 35, 40. Lydia L., I39- Margaret, 11, 42. Mary, 27, 38, 41, 136. ; Milo M., 137. Milton, 46. Milton (Mrs.), 114, 124, 134. Oliver, 27. Pelatiah, 30. Sabra, 135. Samuel (Dea.), 9-11, 13, 14, 16, 42, 43. 52- Samuel (Jr.), 53. Seth, 23, 25, 38, 44, 45- Zeruiah, 18, 27, 37, 38. Page, Caleb F. (Rev.), in, 115, 116. Parker (Mrs.), 38. Sabra M., 138. William H., 138. Parsons, Adaline, 137. 153 Parsons, Avery, 137. Martha (wid)., 41. Pastor asks for a council for his dis mission, 102, 103, 114. church standing of a, after dismis sion, 57. gives letter of resignation, 102, 103, installed, 68, 76. to act as chaplain at Newgate, 68. ceases to act, 71. settled, 7. ordained, 107. dates of installation and dismissal of, 67, 139. see Council, Minister. Pearl, Candace, 136. Pease (wid.), 45, 84. Uriah, 41. Penn Yan, N. Y., 79, 80, 128, Perkins, 84. Abigail, 135. Charles I., 137. Elizabeth R., 137. Joel, 39. Nathan (Rev.), 7, 8, 68. Salome, 39. Sterling, 84, 135. Perren, Elisha, 26. Rachel, 26. Pettibone, Chauncey, 37. Theodosia, 37. Phelps, 26, 42, 45, 84. (Rev.), 76. (Mrs.), 125, 130, 132, 134. Aaron, 20, 21, 23, 29, 30, 43. Aaron (Jr.), 27, 32. Aaron (wid.), 127. Abiah, 39. Absolom, 44. Alcemina, 136. Almira, 49, 108, 124, 134. Azariah, 39, 45, 47. Azariah (Jr.), 25. Azabah, 39. Bathsheba, 17, 29. Bathsheba (wdd.), 130. Catherine M., 137. Charles N., 126. Charity, 17, 19, 35, 37, 40. Cromwell, 49, 84. Deborah, 32, 37, 38, 132, 133. Dorothy (wid.), 84. Drayton, 31. Ebenezer (Lieut.), 15, 17, 20. Eber, 25, 39. Eldad, 26. Elihu, 19, 25, 34, 35, 40- Eliphalet, 23. Eliza, 81, 98, 119, 128, X31. Elizabeth (wid.), 42, 81, 98, 120, 131-133- Phelps, Ellen J., 139. Enoch, 22, 42, 43. Erastus, 30. Esther (wid.), 20, 22. Esther;H., 137. Ezekiel, 29, 31, 43. Ezekiel (Jr.), 17, 20, 22, 29, 51. Francis Loomis, 77, 78, 98, 1x9, 131, 136. Hannah, 40, 42. Harvey, 47. Henry Cecil, 49. Henry H., 139. Hervey, 49, 128, 130. Horace, 50, 70-73, 127, 129, 130. Horace (Mrs.), 73, 130. Huldah, 135. Humphrey, 34. Isaac, 42. Israel, 45. Israel Case, 29. Jabesh, 126. Jabez Moore, 30. James Hervey, 98. James N., 127. Jane, 49. Jane M., 136. Jason, 35. Jerusha, 39. Job, 23, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37. Job (Jr.), 17, 21. Joel, 38. John (Dea.), 7. John Benajah, 49. Joseph, 44. Josiah, 42. Louisa, 125. Lydia, 37, 119. Marcy, 37, 44. Mehitable, 137. Melissa, 49, 81, 119, 128, 131. Nancy, 43. Nathaniel, 19, 22, 26, 37, 44, 84. Newton, 49. Philomathes, 29. Reuben, 20, 22, 36, 44, 51. Rhoda, 39. Richard Randolph, 49. Roger, 25. Roland, 125-127. Rosanna, 36, 44. Roswell H., 25, 47, 82-85, 98. loi, 102, 104, 119, 130-132. Roswell H. (Mrs.), 130. Ruth, 21, 29, 32. Sarah, 31, 86, 108. Sarah (wid.), 49, 84, 124, 128, 130, 134- Susanna, 17, 24, 38, 120. Truman, 47. Tryphena, 19, 26. 154 Phelps, William Gay, 98. Zophar, 27, 46. Pike, 43. Oliver, 43. William, 43. Pindar, William (Sir), 43. Pinney, Allen, 136. Butler (Mrs.), 126. Eleanor, 40. Eleanor Horshia, 36, 136. Frances M., 138. Joseph, 36, 40, 46. Julia E., 139. Levi, 47. Pamela, 135. Purleyette Melinda, 100, 120, 121 134- Rensellaer, 120, 121. Sabra, 135. Sabra M., 138. Salome, 39. Pitkin, Timothy (Rev.), 7, 8. Pomfret, 138. Pomroy, in, 1x2. Pond, Benjamin Franklin, 98. Harriet Louisa, 97. James O. (Dr.), 72, 74-76, 97, 98, 123, 128, 130. Pluma, 76, X23, 128, 130. Poquonock, 39, 46, 117, 121, 124. Porter, Isaac (Rev.), 58, 69, 76, 80, 8x, 97- Jane, 138. Noah (Rev.), 123. Warren, 138. Post, Clarissa M., 127. Potter, Sarah (wid.), 51, 127. Pratt, Almeron, 121, 123, 134, 137. Catharine E., 139. Elnathan, 45. George C, 139. Lavinia A., 102, 123, 125, 129, 132, 134. 137- Ransle, 45. Preston, Esther K., 136. Hiram, 136. Priest, Asa, 28. Prince, Citty, 38. Zackary, n, 42. Prisoner died, 46. Profession, see Admission. Propounded for admission, 19, 25, 48- 51, 80, 81, 86, 92-95, 108-110. Protestant society, 107. Rainbow, 46, 125-127, 137. Raymond, A. C. (Rev.), 109. Recommendations, list of, 127-129. Records ordered delivered to clerk, 57- summary of, 65. Reed, Abner, 39. Reed, Celesta, 137. Mary, 39. Samuel N., 137. Report of committee to labor with erring member, 60, 65, 109, no, 112. Restoration of membership to former members, 57, 101, 102. Rice, 43. Chauncey D. (Rev.), 93, 94. Joseph, 43. Harriet, 135. Richards, Samuel T. (Rev.), no, 115, 116. Ripley, Erastus (Rev.), 71, 72. Robbins, Allen, 34. Appleton, 19, 25, 26, 34-36, 40, 49, 57-59. 73-75. 79, 80, 86-89, 96, 119, 127, 130-133- Catharine, 36, 119, 130. Chloe, 34, 40, 49, 126, 130, 132, 133. Eliza, 35, 50, 70, 128, 130, 135. Francis L. (Rev.), 68, 96, 104. George Stillman, 34. Mary, 35. Thomas (Rev.), 49, 58, 68. Robinson, Henry A. (Rev.), 80, 87, 107. Deborah, 37. Jolin. 37- Laura S., 139. Septimus D., 139. Rockwell, Adaline S., 137. Almon, 40. Annis, 19, 40. Anson, 40. Charlotte, 136. Heman, 135. Henrietta, 135. Herman, 34. Julius, 137. William, 19, 33, 34, 40. William Perry, 33. Roe, Charlotte, 37. Daniel, 37. Deborah, 39. Rogers, 46. D., 46. Josiah (Dea.), 7. Rockwood, Harriet A., 136. Root, Cynthia S., 137. Elisha, X37. Noah, 126. Roswell, Nehemiah, 24. Rouse, T. H. (Rev.), 1x7, 1x8. Rowland, Henry A. (Rev.), 50, 68, 76, 80, 86. Royce, Joseph (Mrs.), 43. Rule for propounding dispensed with, 93, 121. Rules for the good of the church, 54. Ryal, 27. 155 Ryal, Hannah, 27. Luke, 27. Sacrament, covenanters may partake of, 55- see Lord's supper. Sage, Seth (Rev.), 7. Salary voted to pastor, 59. Sahsbury, 37. Salmon Brook, 26, 37-39, 52, 53, 80, 81, 84, 93-95. 128, 129, 131. Sanborne, Caroline G. (?M., S.), 99, 100, 108, 124, 129, 134. Chester Goodale, 99, 126. Charles Griswold, 99, 126. George Granley, 100. Mary Elizabeth, 100. Pliny F. (Rev.), 99, 100, 106-1x6, 124, 126, 139. Sandisfield, Mass., 12, 137. see Church. Savannah, Ga., 93, 124, 129, 136. Saybrook platform, exceptions taken to, 8. Scotland, 38. Scott, Nelson (Rev.), 107. Setting candidate apart for work of ministry, 7. Settlement of pastor, 7. Seymour, Ralph, 135. Sarah, 136. Susan M., 135. Sessions, Joseph W. (Rev.), 104, 107, 114. Sheffield, Mass., 38. Sheldon, 47. Abiah, 39. Asaph, 39. Cynthia, 98, 119, 13X-133. Lydia, 37. Shepard, Samuel (Rev.), 68. Sherman, Charles (Dea.), 95, 96. Simsbury, 18, 27, 28, 32, 36-39, 45, 69, 76, 79-81, 87, 92, 95, 96, 105, 106, 108, no, 115, 117, 123, 124, 128, 129 ^, . 131-133. 136, 138- Skinner, Amelia, 120, 131. Charles Roswell, 99. Deborah, 48, 130, 132, 133. Dwight Thrall, 95, 97, 99, 100, 120, 127. 132, 134. 136. Harvey Dwight, 99. Hervey (Dea.), 31, 48, 50, 58-60, 71- 76, 79, 80, 85, 87, 90, 92-97, 104, 106, 108, 112, 113, 127, 130-133. Lucy, 35. Luranah, 48, 84. Lydia, 31, 48, 120, 131, 133, 136. Maria Butler, 99. Mary, 18, 38, 46. Mary Deborah, 100. Newton, 30. Skinner, Roswell, 18, 23, 24, 30, 31, 35, 38, 46, 48, 55-57, 64, 70, 72, 73, 84, 129. Roswell (Mrs.), 129. Sarah, 95, 99, '100, 120, 132, 134, 136. Sarah Grace, 99, 120, X2i, 134. Small pox, 41. Smith, 46, 97, 134. Elijah, 37. Elijahs., 135- Elizabeth, 41. J. (Dea.), 106. Josiah 92, 94, 124, 129, 132. Josiah (Mrs.), 92, 94, 124, 129. Levi (Rev.), 96. Marietta, 135. Prudence, 37. Rebecca, 125, 137. Sidney, 137. Soper, Martha, 81, 128, 135. Martha Thrall, 131. Virgil, 135. Southampton, Mass., 86, 95, 124, 129. South Egremont, Mass., 124. Southington, 125. Southwell, John, 44. Southwick, Mass., 37, 38, 135, 137. South Windsor, X23. Spencer, Jonathan, 41. Spencer, Mass., 123. Spring, Jane M., 136. Mary, 39. Samuel, 29. Thomas, 21, 29. Springfield, Mass., 39, 86, 95, X17, 124, 129, 138, 139. Squires, Delia, 137. Henry S., 137. Stannard, Betsey, 109, no, 132, 133, 136. Josiah, X26, 136. Statement of member about his re ported evil doing, in. Stebbins, Samuel (Rev.), 18, 48. Steele, 127. Stephens (Stevens), 43. Betsey, 47. Betsey Ann, 50, 119, 130, 135. Catharine,'40. Cornelia, 98. Cornelia G., 138. Edmund, 44, 46. Eli, 34. 125. Emma J., 139. Frederic J., 139. Fruzzel (Truzzel), 17, 37, 51. George, 34. Jerusha, 44. Justus Porter, 50. Justus Root, 30, 48, 50, 64, 74, 75, 80, 98, XXI, 123, 130-133. 156 Stephens, Marcy, 17, 31. Martha, 98, 123, 131-133. Martha J., 138. Mercy, 48. Olin, 47. Percey, 34. Phineas (Dea.), 17, 20, 21, 23-25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 43, 55, 64, 71, 84, 127, 130. Phineas, 27. Phineas (Mrs.),"i30. Rebecca, 137. Rosalina, 28. Sarah, 33, 48, 86, 93, 124, 127, 129, X33. Thomas (Ens.), 42. Thomas (Jr.), 17, 23, 28, 30, 34, 37, 5X, 130, 132. Thomas Warren, 30. "V. (Dea.), 104, 117. "Virannus, 28. Stephentown, N. Y., 51. Steward, 46. J-. 46- Stiles, Eunice, 38. Ezra, 27. Martin, 27. Shubael, 23, 38. Stocking, Charles H., 135. Jane M., 135. Stonington, 38. Storrs, E. (Rev.), 12. Stow, 135. Strickland, Joseph, 26, 44. Strong, Anson, 34. Deborah, 39. Eli, 19, 23, 25, 26, 33, 34, 40, 45. Guilson, 39. Jane, 38. Joseph (Rev.), 7, 8, 37, 49- Julia, 33. Lament, 19, 33, 40. Laura, 33. Martha, 33, 45. Mary, 33. N. (Rev.), 12. Sarah, 33. Sophia, 33. Sufiield, 26, 37-52, 68, 76, 79, 80, 87, 92, 95-97, 104. 107. Ill, 113, 117. 125. 129, 135-137- Swampscot, Mass., 108. Swan, Adin Seymour, 30. Deborah, 38. Joseph, 22, 23, 29, 30, 38. Joseph Smith, 29. Sweatland, Harvey, 126. Talbot, 125. Tariffville, 100, 122, 125, 138. Taylor, John (Rev.), 48, So, 57- Tenant, Abraham, 93, 111-113, 124, 132, 134- Tenant, Abraham (Mrs.), 124, 132, 134. Tenney, Caleb J. (Rev.), 76, 123. Theological Institute of Connecticut, 96, 97, 104, 106. Thompson, 40. Alma, 44. Catharine O., 138. Edward, 47, 127. Edward (Jr.), 24, 38, 44. Edward P., 125, 137. Edmund, 127. Emma G., 138, Glorianna (wid.), 127. Isaac Watts, 138. John, 36, 46. Jonathan P., 138. Josephine, 127. Lydia, 136. Maria, 138. Milton, 36, 47, 84. Nancy L., 125. Nancy S., 137. Norwood, 126. Samuel, 36, 40, 46, 47, 84. Sarah, 38. Thompson, X26. Thrall, 42, 43, 47. (wid.), 47, 84, 130, 133. Anna (wid.), 25, 48. Benjamin (Lieut.), 20, 22, 27, 32, 42, 44. Benjamin (Jr.), 23. Betsey (wid.), 130, 133, 136. Cynthia, 50, 70, 128. Cynthia Maria, 94, 98, 120, 125, 130, 134- Deborah, x8, 31, 33, 35, 38, 50, 59-61, 64, 69, 127, 135. Eleanor, 28, 84. Ezekiel (Lieut.), 27. Ezekiel (Mrs.), 45. Friend, 34. Gaylord, 35, 90. George, 35, 73, 130. Grace, 35, 37. Harvey, 35, 135. Ina, 36. James, 28. Jane Skinner, 33, 94, 97, 120, 132, 134. 138- Jerusha, 39. Jesse, 90. Joel, 27. John, 7, IX, 22, 23, 35. John (Jr.), 20. John (2d), 44- John (3d), 24, 28-30, 32, 43. Keziah, 27. Laura, 135. Leicester, 40. Levi, 84. 157 Thrall, Luke, i8, 23, 24, 20, 31, 33 35, 38, 46. Luke Homer, 31. Lucy, 28. Lydia, 48, 130, 132, 133. Martha, 11, 30, 38, 48, 120, 128, 135. Mary, 28, 48, 119, 131. Newton Walter, 48. Patty, 46. Rhoda, 32. Rhoderick, 29. Sally, 33- Samuel, 28. Samuel Lewis, 36. Sarah, 19, 35, 40. Sardis, 33. Sardius, 127. Simeon, 30, 130. Sinthy, 33. Submit, 32. "Walter (Capt.), 33, 47, 48, 58, 60, 61, 64. 75, 77, 80, 87-92, 94, 97, 98, xoi, 102, 106, 116, 122, 130-133, 137. Wilham K., 32, 84. "Worthy (Capt.), 19, 26, 33-36, 40, 47, 48, 58, 60, 61, 84. Tibbells (Tibbetts?), 38. Harriet Cebelia, 99. Roxana, 95, 99. Timothy, 49. Tibbetts (Tibbells?), 84. Moses (Capt.), 84. Roxy, 123, 129, 131, 133. Samuel, 123, 131, 133. Ticonderoga, 41. Tithingham, 45. Torrington, 123. Towne, Joseph H. (Rev.), 97. Trial of a meniber, 88-91. Trumbull Co., O., 102. Tuller, Elijah, 27. Jabez, 27. Joel, 38. Marcy, 38. Rufus, 106. Tyler, Bennet (Rev.), 96, 97, 104-107. Universal salvation, member stated to believe in, 77. Vadakin, 98, 119, 130. Henry John, 98. John, 98, 119, 130-132, 135. Louisa, 135. Louisa King, 98. Lucretia, 135. Pluma, 98. Rebecca Alvira, 98. Sophia Fanny, 98. Susan, 98. Veta, Delia, 137. Viets, 45. Abi, 132, 133. "Viets, Abigail, 119. Allen, 126. Annis L., 136. Benoni, 11, 45. Carroll Jay, 100. Cordelia T., 100, 124, 134. Esther K., 136. G. (Dea.), 125. Helen Mary, 100. Henry, 11. Henry Rouse, 100. Imlay B., 134. James, 37. James Rollin, 93, 99, 100, 109, no, 120, 132. Jane, 100, 114, 124, 134. Jennie Abbie, 100. John, 119, 133. John (Mrs.), 130. John Birthrong, 100. John J., 100. Jonathan, 125. Julia Ann, 136. Juliette A., 94, 124, 134. L. L., X26. Lavinia Abi, 92, 99, 120, 133, 137. Luke (wid.), 127. Margaret, n, 42. Mary Adelia, 92, 99, 120, 132, 134, 138. Ruth, II, 15, 16, 20. Seth, II, 20. "Votes of the church. see Meetings. Walker, Charles (Rev.), 86, 91. Walpole, Citty, 38. Robert, 38. Ware, Daniel, 126. Mary Ann, 137. William W., 137. Warner, Jonathan, 17, 22, 29. Mary, 29. Olive, 29. Warren, Israel P. (Rev.), 95-97, 102. N. C. (Dea.), 104. Warren, O., 102, 124. Warriner, Eunice, 39. Gad, 39. Washburn, Abigail Bigelow, 50. Asahel C. (Rev.), 92, 95, 96, 104, X05, 107, 114- Betsey, 50, 79, 130. Charles, 33, 50, 97- Elizabeth Gay, 50. Esther Maria, 50. Mary Rebecca, 50. Sarah Anna, 33, 97. Washington, D. C, 136. Watch of the church over member of another church, 51. withdrawn from member, 16, no. Waterbury, 137. 158 Watertown, 53. Watson, Jemima, 46. Webb, M. S., 1x5. Weller, Catharine M., 139. Royal M., 139. West, Harriet A., 136. Nicholas W., 136. Westfield, Mass., 27, 39, 135, 137, 138. West Granby, X02. West Hartford, 68, 71, 114. West Hartland, no. West Springfield, Mass., 52, 92, 124, 127, 135- West Sufiield, 69, X04, 107, 108, 114, 117, 121, 123-126, 128, 138. West Turin, N. Y., 138. Wethersfield, 76, 123. Wheeler, Aaron H., 135. Ursula, 135. White, John, 32. Whipple, Martha M., 138. Wellington G., 138. Wilbur, Hervey, 58, 59. Wilcox, Daniel, 20, 22, 23. Mary Ann, 95, 129, 137. Obadiah W., 137. Williamsburg, 39. Wilson, Elizabeth, 39. Wilton, Delia E., 136. Reuben B., 136. Winchel, 41, 45. Abigail, 19, 27, 33, 35, 40. Alcemena, 136. Alfred, 98, 99, 1x9, 131, 133. Alexander, 34. Alice, 37. Allen, 31. Alvin, 34. Anna, 32, 39. Avanda, 33. Charity, 18, 25, 31, 33, 39, 48, 51. Clarissa Maria, 98, 99, 119, 131-133. Cyrene, 135. E., 34. Eh, 19, 25, 26, 32, 35, 36, 40. Elisha, II, 25, 28, 45. Elisha (Jr.), 17, 20-22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 41, 42. Ellen J., 139. Frances Maria, 99. George Alfred, 98. George May, 98. Grace, 18, 31, 39. Grove, 18, 24, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 44, 45- Hiel, 46. Irana, 34. Jane M., 135. Jemima (wid.), 42. Lucinda, 33. Lucy, II, 43. Winchel, Luke, 34, 35, 40, 45. Luke (Mrs.), 19, 40. Martin (Ens.), n, 42. Martin (Jr.), 16, 27, 51. Mary, n, 31, 42. Mindwell, 17, 28, 29, 32, 36, 41, 42. Nathaniel, 32. Nathaniel (Eus.), 25, 32, 33, 39. Norman, 33, 36, 45. Oliver, 18, 24, 25, 31, 33, 34, 39, 42, 48." Phebe, 34. Reuben, 32. Samuel, 136. Sardis, 36. Shalor, 34. Talcott, 33. "Violet, 37. William, 127. William Ellsworth, 98. Zilpah, 33. Winchendon, Mass., 71, 128. Winchester, 17. Windsor, 30. London, 30. Luther, 30. Miriam, 30. Windsor, 18, 37-39, 44, 50, 52, 68, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 91, 94, 97, 102, 106, 114, 115, 123, 125, 126, 129, 132, 135-139- Windsor Locks, 8x, 106, 115, 117, 138, 139- Winsted, 92, 124. Wintonbury, 44, 79, 80, 85. Wiswrell, Samuel J., 138. Sarah J., 138. Withrell, Edwin, 100, 121, 123, 134. Withwell, 136. Wolworth, Elijah, 15, 16, 20-22, 24, 26, 27, 37, 41. 51. 52. Justus, 26. Lydia, 27, 37, 41. Mahitable, 16, 26, 41, 51. Woodford, Joseph, 7. Woodruff (Mrs.), 132, 134. Chloe, 120. Samuel, 58, 60, 71, 75, 81, 82, 91, 127, 129, 131. 132- Woodward, Elizabeth, 135. Worthington, Eunice, 39. Worthington, Mass., 39. Wright, Benjamin, 17, 22-25, 29-31, 33. 34. 37, 42. 48- Elijah Owen, 34. Rhoda, 33. Sarah, 29. Tirza, 17, 25, 31, 37, 48. Yale, Calvin (Rev.), 128, 135. Eliza, 128, 135. Yale College, 93, 129, 131, 132. Younglove (Rev.), 51. ERRATA. Page 47, line 28: the last two words should read "days solemn." Page 96, line 32: for 1742 read 1842. i^-i/***"^ -