YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Edith and Maude Wetmore in memory of their father George Peabody Wetmore B.A. 1867 RHODE ISLAND Historical Tracts. 1^0. 12. PEOVIOENCK SIDNKY S. KIDEK. 1881 . Copyright by SIDNEY S. EIDER. 1879. X. (2. f PKOyiDEKCE PRESS COMPANY, PRINTERS Medical School FORMERLY EXISTING IN BROWK UNIVERSITY, PROFESSOKB AND GRADUATES. CHARLES W. RARSONS, M. D., PROFESSOR OF I-HYSK iI.OflY' IN BROWN UNIVERSITY. PEOVIDEIiCE, RHODE ISLAND : SIDNEY S. RIDER. 188 1. Copyright by SIDNEY S. .EIDER. 1881. PUBLISHER'S NOTE, The following paper wiis read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, Tuesday evening, March 22, 1881. Hitherto no history of the Medical Department which for merly existed in Brown University has been written. This papci' seemed to supply the deficiency. Its complete yet concise nature peculiarly fitted it to be included in this series of Historical Tracts. The origin of the series, being a desire to provide a publication wherein could be preserved just such efforts as this one is. The patrons of the series are to be congratulated upon the willingness with which the author of tlie paper yielded to the solicitation of the publisher. THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT BROWN UNIVERSITY. The Medical Department of Brown University dates from the year 1811. Onl}' two medical schools then existed in New England. One was that con nected with Harvard University, founded mainly by the energy of Dr. John Warren, about the close of the revolutionary war. The other was that of Dart mouth College, which was created by the persistent ability of one man. Dr. Nathan Smith, a native of our neighboring townof Rehoboth, a great organizer, and very eminent medical teacher and writer, who was for some years its only professor.* This was founded in the year 1798. Medical students, in the ?Nathan Smith was born 30th September, 1?62; M. B., Harvard, 1790; pro fessor (1798-1829) at Dartmouth, Yale and Bowdoin Medical Schools ; died at New Haven, 26th January, 1829. 2 HISTORICAL TRACT. rural parts of New England, were usually apprenticed to some retired army-surgeon or well known physi cian, for a term of three or four years, during which the preceptor was entitled to their services in pre paring medicines, attending on the sick, and in opera tions in minor surgery ; in return, they were to receive instruction in the different branches of med icine. They were certified as fitted for practice, not commonly by receiving the degree of M. D., but by a license from some examining board. In the very early history of the colony of Rhode Island, we find both a license "to administer physic and practice chirurgery," and also the degree of " Doctor of phissick and chirurgery," conferred on Captain John Cranston, not by any medical board or faculty, but by the General Assembly. This was one of its first acts, after receiving the charter of 1663.* About sixty or seventy years ago, several medical schools were formed in New England, — a sign, I suppose, that a need was felt of more wide-spread opportunities for medical education, and probably of * Arnold's History of Ehode Island, 1., 303. E. I. Col. Eec, vol. ii., p. 33. BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 6 a higher standard in the less populous States . Nathan Smith was brought down from the wilds of the upper Connecticut, to organize such a department in Yale College (1813). The oldest of these medical schools, and the third in New England, was that connected with Brown University. The college was then pur suing its even course of academic training, with an average of about a hundred students. Dr. Messer had been its President since the year 1804, at which time it changed its name from "Rhode Island College" to "Brown University." Its charter authorized its Fellows to " admit to and confer any and all the learned degrees which can or ought to be given and conferred in any of the colleges or universities in America." Under this authority, the degree of Doctor of Medicine was sometimes conferred in a complimentary manner on persons already eminent in the profession, and not as based on a course of medical study in this University. Dr. Solomon Drowne, who graduated at the college in 1773, received this honorary degree in 1804; and Doctors Pardon Bowen and Levi Wheaton, of the classes of 1775 and 1782 respectively, received the same title 4 HISTORICAL TRACT. in 1812. In examining the catalogues, and even in comparing them with the records of the corporation, it is sometimes impossible to distinguish honorary degrees from those given in course. In some cases, physicians who had received the degree of M. D. at some other institution, were admitted at this college ^'ad eundem gradum," to the same degree. In September, 1811, three medical Professors were appointed in Brown Universiiy : Dr. William Ingalls, of Anatomy and Surgery ; Dr. Solomon Drowne, of Materia Medica and Botany ; and Dr. William Corlis Bowen, of " Chymistry." A com mittee of the Corporation was appointed to procure a suitable person to give lectures on the Theory and Practice of Physic. Of these three Professors, Dr. Ingalls was the least known in Rhode Island, 'bf which he was not a resident. He was born at Newburyport, Mass., 3d May, 1769, graduated at Harvard in 1790, and there took a degree as Bachelor of Medicine in 1794, and Doctor of Medicine in 1801. He lived in Bos ton through his whole professional life, and became prominent in practice, especially in surgery. So brown university medical school. 5 great was his fondness for anatomical pursuits, that he kept a private room for the practical study of human anatomy, and also a museum of specimens and preparations, in the upper part of his house on School street. He moreover had an anatomical lecture-room in an upper story on Market street (now called Cornhill), where, writes his son, "he demonstrated human anatomy nightly to listening and heedful students ; to how many is not known, probably an average of twenty-five or thirty. The late Surgeon- General Joseph Lovell, Dr. Samuel G. Howe, and J. V. C. Smith, became prominent." At what date these lectures were first given, or how long they were continued, I do not know. It appears that the Doctor gave lectures at the college in Providence soon after being appointed in 1811 ; that in 1815, Dr. John Mathewson Eddy, of Providence, was appointed adjunct, or assistant, professor ; that in 1816 Dr. Ingalls offered his resignation, which was referred to the next annual meeting of the Corpora tion, but not then acted upon, so far as its records show ; and, lastly, that pupils continued to attend his lectures in Boston, the time thus spent counting 6 HISTORICAL TRACT. as part of their required course of study in Brown University. My authority for this last statement is the venerable Dr. George Capron, of Providence, who writes, in a memoir of Dr. Levi Wheaton, that Dr. Ingalls gave a few courses at the University, " and then transferred his lectures to Boston " ; and who tells me that he attended the Doctor's course at Corn- hill, Boston, about the year 1820, and as part of his course as a medical student at Brown. He says that while in Boston he often attended the medical lectures of the Harvard professors, Jackson and Gorham, and that the students were sometimes invited to hear Dr. Warren. He describes Dr. Ingalls as not a fluent lecturer. The Rev. Dr. Edwards A. Park, of Andover, Massachusetts, who graduated at the academical department of Brown Universit3% 1826, has done me the great favor to write me some of his recollections of his college days. The following extract from his letter tends to confirm my belief that Dr. Ingalls' lectures in Boston were counted as part of the med ical course at this school : " I had a very pleasant acquaintance with Dr. William Ingalls. He was very BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 7 gentlemanly in his intercourse, and prepossessing in his personal appearance. I may be mistaken in my reminiscences, but I received the impression that he had sometimes lectured in Providence, and some times in Boston, but in each case lectured as a Pro fessor of Brown University." The following extract from an anonymous pamph let, " suggesting improvements in the academical system," published in 1815, illustrates the condition of the medical school at that time, and also appears to throw light on the position of Dr. Ingalls, and his " transfer" of his lectures to Boston : " On the present plan, the medical professors depend for compensa tion entirely on the fees of attendance. This gives them a most precarious standing. Repeatedly has it been the lot of a professor, as the season for his lectures approached, to visit the college, inquire how many attendants would be had, be informed that for this or that reason they would be very few, and return to his residence, lamenting that he must wait another year, because an unfortunate arrangement has made the discharge of his duties dependent on the accidental finances and feelings of fifty or sixty 8 HISTORICAL TRACT. youth. This state of things is too humiliating. It has already occasioned the loss of one distinguished professor." Dr. Ingalls lived to be eighty-two years old, dying the 9th September, 1851. A memoir of him, writ ten by his son of the same name, appears in a volume of "Memorial Biographies" of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, just published (page 328). It mentions among the traits of his character, charity, cheerfulness, gentleness, fondness for the society of those he deemed his friends, unflagging industry. The following sentences are extracted from this memoir : " In the early years of this century It was a custom with many people in this region to be ' bled,' especially in the spring, and a goodly proportion of them would come Into the doctor's office, take off their coats, roll up their sleeves, and sit down for the performance of the operation, not only as though it was a mat ter of course, but because they thought it was a duty, and essen tial in promoting and maintaining their health ' to lose blood ' ; and some of them came in the autumn as well" as in the spring. Pondering the custom, the conclusion was quickly arrived at by the doctor, that the operation of phlebotomy should not be per formed without an investigation as to the state of health of the applicant for its performance. If he were in good health, there BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 9 certainly was no necessity for his quota of blood being lessened ; if he were ill, he should be carefully and properly examined, so that the physician could give a sensible opinion as to suitable treatment. Thus it was that the doctor was instrumental in causing the abolition of a pernicious habit." Dr. Solomon Drowne was born in Providence, 11th March, 1753, and graduated in the fifth class at Rhode Island college, now Brown University, 1773. He studied medicine with Dr. William Bowen, and at the University of Pennsylvania (then the only organized medical school in the country), where he took the degree of M. D. He was in the service of the colonies as surgeon, was in General Sullivan's expedition on Rhode Island, served at different points in Connecticut and New York, and witnessed the evacuation of New York city by the British troops. In the fall of 1780, he went on a cruise as surgeon in theprivatesloop-of- war Hope, his journal of which has been printed. He won the regard of Lafayette, the Counts de Rochambeau and d'Estaing, as well as of other French officers, to such a degree by his med ical ability and skill as a surgeon, that the chief of medical staff entrusted their invalid soldiers to his care when they left for home. 10 HISTORICAL TRACT. In 1784, he went to Europe. " Some of my friends," he wrote, "expressed surprise at my quit ting my home and exposing myself to the fatigues and many disagreeable circumstances incident to so long a voyage, charitably deeming me sufficiently qualified for the practice of my profession. For my own pact, I confess a strong, persevering desire, with bold, adventurous hand, to unfurl the veil that con ceals from me the charms of nature and art, to visit different nations and view the manners as they rise, to penetrate as much as possible the sources of useful knowledge, and especially to accomplish myself in the divine art of healing." He attended hospitals and lectures in London and Paris, and gained the acquaintance of several English and French physicians, and of other eminent men in England, and Franklin, Jefferson, and other dis tinguished Americans then in Paris. " His journal during this period contains a minute and lively description of all prominent places and objects of interest, particularly botanical gardens, rare plants and works of art." Returning to his native country, he soon became BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 11 one of the proprietors of the Ohio Company, and went to Marietta in 1788, and lived there nearly a year. He afterward resided in Virginia, and for sev eral years in Pennsylvania. During these wander ings he frequently appeared as orator, — delivering eulogies on Generals Varnum and Washington, and four 4th of July orations. In 1801, Dr. Drowne came back to Rhode Island, and bought an estate in the town of Foster, where he could indulge his love for country life, his fond ness for gardening, for botany and varied reading. He built his house on a hill, which he named Mount Hygeia. He founded a botanical garden, and "from his professional tours, which extended to Provi dence, and not unfrequently to other States, he always returned with seeds, or plants, to enrich his collection. He also sent abroad for plants, and was the first to introduce many species into our country, which have since become common." People came from long distances to see this fiimous garden. He is said to have raised and prepared his own opium. In medical practice he appears to have tended to sim plicity, and to a greater trust in the powers of nature 12 HISTORICAL TRACT. than was common in his time. By simplicity, he meant an avoidance of officious interference, and in particular of uniting many remedies in one prescrip tion. " Butternut pills, decoction of mallows, and pussy-willow tea" were among his favorite medi cines. Dr. Drowne was, however, better fitted for a life of study and learned leisure than for every- day medical work. It is told of him, that if, on his way to see a patient, he espied an interesting botanical specimen, he would stop, and perhaps spend all day in meadow or thicket. He became a Fellow of the College in 1783, and held the office as long as he lived. As the only physician on the Board when the medical school was begun, he probably took part in promoting its estab lishment, and perhaps in suggesting the personnel of its Faculty. He held the office of Professor of Materia Medica and Botany, from 1811 nominally till his death in 1834, or much longer than the medi cal school continued in being. But I believe he gave no instruction in college after President Wayland began his administration in 1827. In 1813, two BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 13 years after his appointment, a committee of the Corporation was instructed "to take into considera tion the expediency of establishing a. Botanic gar den." This committee consisted of Nicholas Brown, Thomas Lloyd Halsey, and Samuel G. Arnold (the father of our late President). I find no farther mention of a botanic garden, on the records of the Corporation, but am assured that it was laid out and enclosed, near the southeast corner of the College campus.' A variety of beautiful tulips, raised from those which adorned his garden in Foster, alSo were cultivated in the front campus, near the old "Presi dent's house." Rev. Dr. Park writes as follows : "I had a very pleasant acquaintance with Dr. Solo mon Drowne, and attended one course of his lectures on Botany. The course consisted of only twelve or fourteen lectures. They were illustrated by some botanical specimens, which, however, appeared to me quite 'dry.' His lectures were technical, and did not interest me. Still I was only sixteen years old when I heard them, and was not prepared for as many technicalities as he introduced. 14 HISTORICAL TRACT. "I remember the Botanical Garden. Some plants in it were very strange to me. They seemed to be very precious. My most vivid recollections of it, however, are that the Garden was all grown over with weeds and that nettles had covered the face thereof; and the wooden fence enclosing it was partly broken down. My impression is that as early as 1822 the Garden was abandoned." His last conspicuous public appearance was in an oration in behalf of the Greeks, 22d February, 1824. To that cause he brought the earnestness of his classical enthusiasm, and the graces of his somewhat emotional and florid oratory. At a later period, I dimly remember, — or think I remember, — being taken by ray father to see the venerable doctor lec turing on Botany in the old town-house. Dr. Drowne seems to have been marked by a gentle idealism, a contemplative view of nature, which rose above the technicalities of botanical science, or a study of the medical virtues of the simples he loved to gather. In thinking of the influences that might have moulded his mind in its forming period, I could not but attribute something BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 15 to his intercourse with the philosophers and physi cians of Paris, at a most critical period of history. In the traits I have just referred to, and in a certain Arcadian simplicity of character, he reminded me of Bernardin de St. Pierre, whose story of Paul and Virginia was published in Paris at the very time that Drowne was there, and whom he might very possibly have known. After this comparison had occurred to my mind, I was pleased to read in the obituary notice of our late associate, Mr. Henry B. Drowne, that his father, the Doctor, was so great an admirer of St, Pierre that he named his son for him, Henri Bernardin. Professor Drowne died 5th February, 1834.* Dr. William Corlis Bowen belonged to a family very eminent in .medical practice in the history of Providence. Indeed, its patriarch. Dr. Richard Bowen, when living in Seekonk, or what is now East Providence, had patients in the town of Provi- * The materials for this notice of Dr. Drowne are drawn from many sources, especially a Memoir in Communications of Ehode Island Medical Society, vol. i, page 25, and a notice by Dr. Usher Parsons in the Literary Journal, Provi dence, May, 1834. 16 HISTORICAL TRACT. dence, which is reported at his time, just two hun dred years ago, to have had no physician living w^ithin its limits. His great-grandsons were the pop ular physicians, Drs. William and Pardon Bowen, still remembered by our older fellow-citizens. Dr. William lived at the foot of College street. His son, William Corlis, was born 2d June, 1785, entered Rhode Island College, but went with President Maxcy to Union College, where he graduated in 1803. After a few years of practice in Providence, he went to Europe, and studied at the University of Edinburgh, then a leading seat of medical education. He there took a medical degree in 1809. A copy of his inaugural essay, — "De Sanguine Mittendo" — (on blood-letting) is in our College library. He studied also in Paris, and at London was private pupil of the great surgeon, Astley Cooper. In 1811 he resumed practice in his native town, and was chosen Professor of Chemistry. He re signed that office just two years later. He made extensive experiments with bleaching liquor with the view of introducing a business since successfully conducted here. His early death is attributed to BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 17 these experiments, and to his inhaling chlorine or strong acid vapors. He died of consumption, 23d April, 1815, when not quite thirty years old. My father, Dr. Usher Parsons, wrote of him as follows : "In the death of Dr. William C. Bowen, Rhode Island lost its brightest ornament of the medical pro fession. No one before his time enjoyed the advan tages of such distinguished instructors so great a length of time ; and with his ardor in the pursuit of professional knowledge, his discriminating and comprehensive powers of mind, he was uncommonly capable of being improved by such advantages. His suavity and kindness of manner endeared him to all who were the subjects of his professional care, and no one could be more successful in gaining the respect and confidence of the good and the wise ; in proof of which it may be observed that his precep tor, Dr. Hamilton of Edinburgh, called him as con sulting physician in a perilous disease of his own wife, and the writer of this notice had the satisfac tion of hearing very honorable mention made of his acquirements by Sir Astley Cooper." * * Thaoher's American Medical Biography. 18 HISTORICAL TRACT. On the resignation of Dr. Bowen, in 1813, a com mittee was appointed to procure a suitable person to give lectures in chemistry. Two years later. Dr. John Mackie, of Providence, was chosen Professor in this department, but he declined to serve, and in 1817, Mr. John DeWolp, Jr., of Bristol, was appointed and accepted the office. I have been favored with the following notice of ¦ Professor DeWolf, from his son, Dr. John J. DeWolf, now of this city : "He was born in Bristol, R. I., 26th February, 1786, and died in the same town, 23d February, 1862. He entered Brown University in 1802, but did not graduate. His chemical education was mostly obtained from Dr. Robert Hare, of Phila delphia. He was appointed Professor of Chemistry in 1817, and for more than twenty years pursued a course of brilliant success as a lecturer and experi menter. After resigning his professorship in B. U., he held the chair of Chemistry in the medical col leges at Woodstock and Castleton, Vejmont, and subsequently in the medical school at St. Louis. "He delivered courses of popular lectures in BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 19 Providence, — (in the old theatre, where Grace church now stands,) — in New Bedford, and in Savannah, Ga. His lectures were always attended by large and appreciative audiences. "During the later years of his life, he resided upon his farm in Bristol, occupied in the pursuits of agri culture. He gave much time to reading and study. He became a distinguished scholar, in the English, Latin and Greek classics, and was a proficient in the Hebrew also. His works of History, Poetry and Belles-Lettres he read; those of science, he studied. "In the course of his life he was frequently called upon to officiate as orator at public anniversaries and before literary associations. His addresses were always distinguished for their finished rhetoric and their sparkling wit. His oration on 'Prejudice,' before one of the college societies, is well remem bered by many.* It elicited the highest encomium from President Jefferson, who addressed the author an autograph letter, which is still preserved. "Prof. DeWolf possessed decided poetical talent, and in his earlier years composed many fugitive pieces, which appeared in print from time to time. 20 HISTORICAL TRACT. but few of which have been preserved. Among the latter may be mentioned his paraphrase of the 148th Psalm, which was adopted in the Hymnal of the Episcopal church, and stands as No. 433. "Another early poetical production of Professor DeWolf, written during the war with Great Britain, in 1812, has been preserved, and may be found in a volume of naval and patriotic odes, published in 1813. This war, as we all know, was brought on by the impressment of American seamen into the British naval service. Prof. DeWolf, then quite a young man, indited a poem or song, descriptive of the seizure and sufferings of American seamen, who were taken from our vessels by British cruisers and impressed into the British navy. It is entitled the Youthful Sailor, and American seamen who were taken prisoners and confined in the famous Dart moor prison, in England, during the war, in formed Professor DeWolf, after their liberation and return home, that they often sung this song during their imprisonment, and thereby excited the ire of the prison officials, who repeatedly forbade them to use it, but they continued to sing it, nevertheless. BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 21 "The well-known 'Life of Deacon Goodman, wherein is shown the inconvenience of not having a musical ear,' was written by Professor DeWolf not manj' years before his death. It first appeared in a Boston paper, and was extensively copied all over the Union. "Professor DeWolf was not merely a literary man, but became a highly scientific man, well versed in ethics, mathematics and astronomy, and the various branches of natural philosophy, but more especially in chemistry, his favorite department, to which he devoted the best years of his life." A graduate of the class of 1826, who was a con stant attendant on the lectures of Professor DeWolf, contributes the following reminiscences : "Professor John DeWolf was appointed to the professorship of chemistry in Brown University in the year 1817. It was then comparatively a new science; and but little, if any, attention had been given to that subject in the college previous to that time. He immediately commenced the delivery of a course of lectures, which at once awakened an inter est in that branch of knowledge, not only among the 22 HISTORICAL TRACT. students, but in the neighborhood. It occupied a neglected place in the prescribed studies of the University. "The chemical apparatus belonging to the college was very limited and imperfect, — hardly worthy the name. It was understood that he used his own apparatus, which he brought with him, whenever he commenced a course of lectures and experiments. "He had a very happy faculty of communicating the truths of the science to the youthful mind. He had himself a full conviction of the importance of the science he taught, and inspired the same convic tion in others. He attracted the attention and ex cited the interest of every student in the lecture- room. He impressed whatever he presented and demonstrated deeply on' the memory of the hearers. "The interest he had awakened, and the popularity he enjoyed in the University, were evident from the lively pleasure with which the students anticipated the time when his lectures were to begin. He al ways had a full attendance. He opened to the eyes of the student, in his peculiarly attractive manner, the wonders of a new and brilliant science, to which BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 23 the recent discoveries of its votaries had added fresh interest and splendor. He developed these brilliant discoveries and explained to us the benefits they were destined to confer on the varied pursuits of man. Sometimes in drawing practical deductions from the science he was teaching, he would sud denly electrify the class by illustrating its truths in glowing and eloquent words, so impressive and graphic as not to be easily forgotten. His experi ments were generally successful. When, from de ficiency in the apparatus, or impurity in the mate rials used, he was doubtful of success, he always forewarned the class. I only recollect one instance of failure where he had full confidence in the trial. He was carefully prepared in what he proposed to teach, and was sensitive about any failure in a proposed experiment." The Reverend Professor Park writes as follows : "I attended Professor DeWolf 's lectures on chem istry when I was a member of Brown University. I think he lectured without notes, and am confident that he was not confined to any written manuscript. He lectured with a loud voice and with great freedom 24 HISTORICAL TRACT. of manner. His speech was rapid and conversa tional. He enlivened his lectures with his wit. He appeared to be enthusiastic ini his subject. He took a lively interest in his pupils. We felt that he was our friend. "Professor DeWolf was popular and the students heard him gladly, and they derived as much instruc tion from him as they were capable of retaining. All my associations with him are very pleasant, and I am conscious of feeling gratitude to him for his inspiriting words. To be conscious of this feeling after the lapse of fifty-seven years, is itself a sign that the lecturer was a man of skill and tact." In September, 1815, the chair of Theory and Practice of Physic was filled by the appointment of Dr. Levi Wheaton. He was born in Provi dence, 6th February, 1761, and graduated at Rhode Island College in 1782. Our Society possesses his two diplomas as A, B. and A.M., dated 1782 and 1793, and both signed out of due time by President Maxcy. His college studies had been interrupted by the revolutionary war, which, however, gave him BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 25 opportunities of acquiring valuable medical experi ence. In 1778 he was attached to a military hospital in Providence; he spent the summer of 1779 at Westerly, in the family of Dr. Joshua Babcock, engaged in teaching the Doctor's children and study ing medicine. He was afterward surgeon of a pri vateer, was taken prisoner and taken into New York, where he was detained,. and had charge for some months of the prison hospital-ship Falmouth. After the close of the war, he accepted an invita tion to settle at Hudson, New York, which was founded to a great extent by Providence people, as related by Mr. Stephen B. Miller in his interesting paper.* He was the earliest physician in that place ; in 1791 he formed a partnership with Dr. Younglove, who had the reputation of treating small pox suc cessfully. On the festival of John the Baptist, 1788, he delivered at Hudson "a sensible and well-adapted oration." This Society has his commissions as com mon clerk of that city, 1787, and Recorder of the same, 1794 and 1795. After practicing there about ten years. Dr. Whea- * Read before the R. I. Historical Society, 16th November, 1880. 3 2(3 HISTORICAL TRACT. ton returned to his native town, and here lived through more than half a century, becoming well-known as a physician. Of the two colleagues in the medical school who dealt with the immediately practical studies, Ingalls, the surgeon, was the more reluc tant to bleed his patients, while Wheaton, the phj-^- sician, had great faith in that operation. "His prac tice was based upon the theory that diseases, in this climate at least, are generally inflammatory, and that when inflammation is controlled the disease subsides as a necessary consequence. It was a common re mark with him, that we do not bleed enough ; h.e had not had occasion to regret bleeding in more than two or three instances in the whole course of his practice, but he had very frequently regretted the omission of it." "It was his usual practice to make brief memoranda of his cases every night in his day-book, in connec tion with his charges for services, to which he would occasionally refer to refresh his memory. It was rarely, however, that he had occasion to make such a reference, and those who knew him will recollect how particularly and circumstantially he would relate BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 27 a case of days' or even weeks' duration, from his unaided memory. Every symptom and every pre scription would be recalled with the utmost exactness. Whenever he had under his care a painful and criti cal case, he seemed to experience the most extreme solicitude. It would be the all-engrossing subject of his thought and the topic of his conversation. The best authorities would be examined, and per chance a medical friend consulted. The writer has more than once seen him walking his room at a late hour at night wholly absorbed in anxious thought upon some critical case."* Dr. Wheaton was a scholarly and well-read man, retaining a fondness for classical studies as well as for novels and current literature. He wrote fre quently for medical periodicals aud for newspapers. In his later years he contributed many articles to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, with the signature of Senex. He was one of the Trustees of Brown University, from the year 1798 till his death. * These sentences are from a memoir of Dr. Wheaton, prepared by Dr. George ('apron, and published in Communicatiuns of K. I. Medical Society, vol. i, page 19. 28 HISTORICAL TRACT. Dr. Wheaton was a raan of dignified personal ap pearance ; I knew him only in his great age, when his erect white hair and thoughtful face commanded attention and respect. He had something of that look of intellectual power which was more marked in his distinguished nephew, Hon. Henry W^heaton. I remember one occasion when he came, alone and unheralded, into a meeting of the Rhode Island Medical Society, and its members, by a general and spontaneous movement of respect, arose and con tinued standing till the venerable Doctor had taken his seat. He died 29th August, 1852, at the age of ninety- one. Dr. John M. Eddy, of Providence, who was ap pointed adjunct-professor of Anatomy and Surgery, in September, 1815, died early in the year 1817. As his health was impaired for some time before his death, he cannot have given much instruction after his appointment. He may have conducted one course of lectures. The Providence newspapers of 24th May, 1817, contain notices of his death. I copy the following from the Gazette of that date : BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 29 "Died, in Havana, whither he had repaired for the benefit of his health, John M. Eddy, M. D., of this .town. In the height of usefulness, the prime of life, and the brightness of a well-earned reputation, he has been called from the stage of life. His loss will be severely felt by this community, whose esteem and respect he had secured by his virtues, his skill and his services. His declining health induced him to repair to Havana, where he fell a victim to the yellow fever." Dr. Eddy was one of the forty-nine physicians who petitioned for an Act of Incorporation of the Rhode Island Medical Society, (passed at the Feb ruary session of the General Assembly, 1812), and who were named in it as the original Fellows. In September, 1822, Dr. Usher Parsons, of Providence, was appointed adjunct-professor of Anatomy and Surgery ; and one year later, he was chosen Professor, in place of Dr. Ingalls, whose resignation was at last accepted. Dr. Parsons was born in Alfred, Maine, 18th August, 1788. He studied medicine in his native 30 HISTORICAL TRACT. town, and afterward at Boston, under the tuition of Dr. John Warren. He was licensed to practice, February, 1812. In July, 1812, he received a com mission as surgeon's-mate in the navy ; and served under Commodore Perry on the great lakes. He gained promotion to the rank of surgeon, and the warm friendship^ of his commander, by responsible and devoted service at and after the battle on Lake Erie. As surgeon of the frigate Java, with Perry, he subsequently passed several months on the Medi terranean, and visited the medical and scientific insti tutions of Naples, Palermo, Rome and Florence. He received the degree of M. D. at Harvard, in 1818. At a later voyage with Commodore Macdon- ough he obtained leave of absence, and spent several months in Paris and London, attending the hospitals, keeping records of his observations, especially in surgery, and gaining the acquaintance of eminent surgeons aud naturalists. He returned to his native country in 1820, with an ardor in the pursuit of medical knowledge, and especially of anatomy, which led to the fulfilment of his early aspirations to be come a public anatomical teacher. His enthusiasm BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 31 in this branch had been insf)ired, partly in his early days of medical study by the lectures of Dr. Alex ander Ramsay, of whom I shall speak again ; and partly by his visits to the great European collections, especially the Hunterian Museum in London, and a friendship he had formed with the favorite pupils and successors of its founder, John Hunter. He was Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at Dartmouth College, 1821, took up his residence in Providence in 1822, and resigned his commission in the navy in 1823. He wrote that his "motive for engaging in the business of lecturing was a desire to establish a museum of anatomy, human and com parative, on the plan of the late John Hunter's." In Brown University, he gave lectures both to the medical class and to the college students, till 1826. He then published an introductory lecture entitled, "The Importance of the Sciences of Anatomy and Physiology as a branch of general education ; being an introduction to a course of lectures to the upper classes in Brown University." If we may accept the testimony of two surviving pupils of the school, the opening of courses by Dr. 32 HISTORICAL TRACT. Parsons gave new life to' the institution. He made arrangements, through channels over which a veil of secrecy had to be thrown, for a supply of anatomical material. He was the owner of valuable and novel representations of human structure in wax models made in Italy. He had learned from Dr. Ramsay the methods of displaying and preserving the perish able organs, such as he afterwards described in a volume, published at Philadelphia, 1831, on the "Art of making Anatomical Preparations." Dr. Capron speaks of the medical s(5hool as having been "re-organized" in 1822. Dr. Francis L. Wheaton, (M. D., 1827,) states the facts quite as strongly. I once more avail myself of the valuable reminis cences of the Rev. Dr. Park. He writes : "I re member very well the impression made by the ad vent of Dr. Usher Parsons to the Professorship of Anatomy in Brown University. The fact of his having been a surgeon in the United States navy, and at the battle of Lake Erie, gave him great eclat as he assumed the Professorship. I heard him de liver two lectures. He read them from his manu script. His manner was not animated. I was only BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 33 fifteen years of age when I heard him, and could not understand him, for he was speaking to post-gradu ates." Dr. Parsons subsequently became very prominent in the practice of his profession, somewhat specially in surgery and as a consulting physician. His numer ous writings contributed to medical journals, and essays written for the Boylston and Fiske Fund prizes, made his name widely known over the coun- tr3'. In 1853, he was chosen first Vice-President of the American Medical Association, and at the next annual meeting officiated as its acting President. He took an active part in measures which led to the foundation of the Rhode Island Hospital. He was also engaged in historical and genealogical studies, especially in regard to the aboriginal inhabitants of Rhode Island, and the history of the battle on Lake Erie. He contributed one important work to pre-revolutionary history, — the "Life of Sir William Pepperrell." His labors in these directions were fitly commemorated by our late President, Hon. Samuel G. Arnold, in a discourse delivered 1st June, 1869. 34 HISTORICAL TRACT. He died at Providence, 19th December, 1868, aged eighty. Dr. Alexander Ramsay was sufficiently well- known in this country to receive notice in the two leading American biographical dictionaries, — those of Allen and Drake. They mention that he was born in England ; my father used to call him a Scotchman. He had published at London and Edin burgh illustrated works on anatomy. He gave anatomical courses at different places in New England, — my father heard him at Fryeburg, Maine, — and he was reputed to be a skilful anato mist, as he must have been a stimulating lecturer. He died at Parsonsfield, Maine, 24th November, 1824. I hope it will not be deemed a breach of confi dence, if I lay before this Society a letter addressed by him to "The Managers of the College in Rhode Island," which has never been laid before either of its governing boards. Conway, N. H., June 15th, 1823. Gentlemen : — Being an utter stranger to you, and unac quainted with your Institution or its regulatious, I must beg BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 35 leave to refer you to my former pupil, Dr. Parsons, who pre sents this. When, twenty years back, I was called by your colleges of New York, Dartmouth, &c., to introduce the youth to the manner and Doctrines of Anatomy, Physiology, Medicine and Surgery I had practiced and published In Kurope. Professors were then fully aware of the necessity of Improvements. These are amply diffused by the numerous scholars I have had the honor of receiving on this continent. The expense and labour, however, of reducing the plan in shape of a Museum is the lot of very few. This has in some measure been effected in six years, by my pupils. I must esteem myself fortunate, were this institution rendered permanently useful under a pupil. My entire apparatus of Books, Drawings, Preparations, &c., esti mate of ^10,000. The preparations about $4,000, detached from the rest. I would willingly set the plan in motion on reasonable terms, and have the whole on equally easy purchase, provided, that the Institution was forever to be appropriated to the im provement of the Youth, which would not fail to commence a new era In Medical improvement. I beg leave, gentlemen, to assure of the high consideration of your obedient servant, Alex. Ramsay. The Managers of the College, Rhode Island. Under the same date. Dr. Ramsay writes to Dr. Parsons : "Sir:— During my Northern Tour, I had the pleasure of polite observations delivered by you, where I was concerned, from gentlemen who had attended your discourses." 36 HISTORICAL TRACT. He then gives directions for the preparation of a ma1;erial which was to be thrown into the blood vessels, to render them distinct, and preserve them in a form for subsequent study. It is essentially the same material which I remember my father's using many years later. The Doctor continues : "By the Concord Patriot and Portland Statesman you notice that having collected a Museum, on the Plan so universally approved in Europe and America, as the medium of an arranged school, this is offered for sale, as a rudiment of National Im provement. The best proof of the efficiency of the Institution is that the entire mass is the produce of American labor under my direction, and that wherever my pupils settle, publick confi dence is experienced by thera. I could wish you came here, that we might converse on the subject, as this method cannot fail to raise any college which completely adopts* it. I have addressed a card to your Managers of the College that you may not appear in the character of officious." The brick school-house at the head of College street, which had been built for a grammar school, by a subscription of $1,452.86, in the year 1810, was set apart as the "anatomical building." Its upper story was used for dissection, and the pre paration of specimens for the lectures, and an open- BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. - 37 ing or trap-door allowed them to be lowered into the lecture-room beneath. The courses on anatomy appear to have been sometimes given, — probably at an earlier period, — in the upper rooms of Dr. Bowen's building at the corner of South Main and Leonard streets. A certain anatomical tradition and aroma long lingered around both these classic pre cincts. I think that most, if not all, the courses in other departments were delivered in University Hall. The audience frequently contained practicing phy sicians, as well as pupils. One gentleman from See konk used to come to the anatomical course on horseback, wearing a somewhat conspicuous queue. Among other rogueries of the students, a committee was appointed to ask this gentleman to cut off his queue, on the pretext that it -interfered with the pupils' seeing the lecturer's specimens or illustra tions. The request was communicated to the physi cian just as he was mounting his horse after lecture ; fortunately he was not so obstinate as Knicker bocker's hero, Keldermeester, and the request was complied with, and the obnoxious queue gave no more trouble. 4 38 HISTORICAL TRACT. A story is told of a certain skeleton in the course of preparation, which was left in a barrel in front of the "anatomical building," and hence involved Pro fessors Wheaton and Parsons in trouble. By some forgetfulness, it was allowed to remain out-of-doors till college students began to roll and kick it down the steep of College street, and at the level of Benefit street it ran against some obstacle, I think the steps of the old town house. Out came the head of the barrel, followed by another head, and great was the consternation and excitement. A startled crowd gathered around the spot ; stories were soon astir of desecrated graves ; search was even made in one place of a recent burial, which was found not to have been disturbed. A medical student, who was supposed to be implicated, found it convenient to visit his uncle's house in the country, and remained there till the affair had blown over. Dr. Parsons returning from Boston, — I think the next day, — claimed the bones as his own property, but public oi^inion demanded a prompt and decent burial. The whole matter of supply of material for the practical study of anatomy was, as it must be, in- BROWN /TNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 39 volved in difficulty and hazard. A full account of it would include tales of nocturnal adventure, the evasion or befooling of night watchmen, and a mys terious traffic. We have spoken of the Professors, who and how many were the graduates? I cannot ascertain the exact number of those who took medical degrees in course, but they were probably a little more than ninety. Of these, three became distinguished prac titioners in this State, Drs. Lewis L. Miller,* (M. D., 1820,) and George Capron (1823), of Provi dence, and Dr. Hiram Allen, f of Woonsocket (1825). Dr. Jerome V. C. Smith (1818), was a well-known author, for many years editor of the principal medical periodical of New England, the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, and was Mayor of Boston in 1854. Dr. Alden March (1820) *Dr. L. L. Miller, born at Franklin, Mass., 6th January, 1798; son of Dr. Nathaniel Miller, a distinguished surgeon; removed (1827) from Franklin to Providence; became very eminent as a surgeon; President R. I. Medical Society, 1846-47; died 8th March, 1870, aged seventy-two. fDr. Hiram Allen, born at Franklin, 1803; studied under Dr. Daniel Thur- ber, of Mendon; spent his active professional life at Woonsocket; becoming prominent as a physician and citizen ; President E. I. Medical Society, 1851-52 ; died 15th March, 1864, aged sixty-one. 40 HISTORICAL TRACT., was born in Sutton, Mass., 20th September, 1795; attended medical lectures at Boston and here, and is said to have been distinguished when here for his skill in anatomy. He practiced many years in Al bany, going there directly after graduating, was eminent as a surgeon, was founder and President, and for about thirty years the leading instructor of the Albany Medical College, and was President of the American Medical Association. He died 17th June, 1869. The last class which left this medical institution, while it was still in active operation, contained its most distinguished graduate, a native of Rhode Island, who, after a life of eminent usefulness in other States, returned to his rural home to die. His name belongs emphatically to Rhode Island history. Elisha Bartlett was born in Smithfield (now North Smithfield), 6th October, 1804. His parents were members of the Society of Friends. After attending local schools, he was sent to an institution under the control of the Friends in New York, where he received an excellent classical education. He did not go to college. He studied medicine BROWN university MEDICAL SCHOOL. 41 under different teachers, among them, Drs. Levi Wheaton of Providence, John Green and Beojamiu F. Heywood of Worcester. He attended medical lectures both at Boston and Providence, and gradu ated here in 1826. He then spent a year in Paris. One of his first publications, (Boston, 1831,) is entitled "Sketches of the character aud writings of eminent living surgeons and physicians of Paris." This is trans lated from the French ; our Society is fortunate in possessing a copy of it. He visited Italy at that time. He began medical prjictice in Lowell, Mass., where he became a popular and successful physician. His "elegant person and accomplished manners, his un common conversational powers, and his varied at tainments rendered him a universal favorite." He was the first Mayor of Lowell, was twice elected, and was also a member of the General Court. But the career for which he was specially adapted , and in which he was destined to gain great eminence, be gan when, in the year 1832, he was chosen Professor in the Medical College founded ten years previously at 42 HISTORICAL TRACT. Pittsfield, Mass. He held this appointment several years, and similar offices at Dartmouth College, Woodstock in Vermont, the University of Mary land, and Transylvania University in Kentucky. The culmination of this career was reached in 1852, when he was appointed Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence in the College of Physi cians and Surgeons in New York city. "His urbane and courteous manners, his native and simple elo quence ; his remarkable power of illustration, the singular beauty and sweetness of his style, all com bined to render him one of the most popular and attractive of lecturers." Dr. Bartlett was equally eminent as an author. In addition to several addresses which received the hon ors of publication, he produced two works of great importance and permanent value. One is entitled the "History, Diagnosis and Treatment of the Fevers of the United States," published first in 1841, and in subsequent editions in 1847 and 1852. This book, like all his writings, is marked by the beauty and clearness of its style, the easy flow of language and felicity of expression. Its chief value BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 43 is in establishing the distinction between the typhoid fever, more or less indigenous in New England, and the more malignant and contagious typhus, which we have known here as ship fever, bred from famine and overcrowding and dirt. His "Essay on the Philosophy of Medical Science" was published in 1844. Its leading thought is, that medical science consists wholly of observation, and generalization from direct observation ; that medical DOCTRINES do uot coustitutc a legitimate element of this science, but are merely hypothetical explana tions or interpretations of the ascertained phe nomena. The school of observation, he says, "is characterized by its strict adherence to the study and analysis of morbid phenomena and their rela tionships, by the accuracy, the positiveness and the minute detail, which it has carried into this study and analysis; and by its rejection, as au essential or legitimate element of science, of all a priori reason ing and speculation." Of this book. Dr. O. W. Holmes writes as fol lows, in a warmly affectionate tribute to the memory of its author : 44 HISTORICAL TRACT. "Clear and logical as everything he wrote, irresist ible if accepted as the development of truth in one direction, it has been reproached with throwing out of sight the higher qualities of imagination and in vention in their legitimate applications to science. It is only fair, perhaps, to say, that perfectly as it evolves«its own conclusions, it would be less open to charges of omission, if a chapter, such as he might well have supplied, had been added on the action of the inventive mind in the discovery of truth. Not the less is Dr. Bartlett's essay of per manent excellence, because in the close logical pur suit of his chain of propositions, he has seemed to exclude principles which under another aspect his own imaginative mind would have been the first to recognize." Dr. Bartlett wrote many graceful poems, which appeared in newspapers and magazines, and were treasured by his friends. In the last year of his life a modest volume was printed, entitled "Simple Set tings in verse, for six portraits and pictures ; from Mr. Dickens' Gallery." Dr. Bartlett died at his Smithfield home, after a BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 45 long, painful and peculiar disease, attributed to lead poisoning, on the 19th July, 1855.* I have no adequate data for determining the number of medical students at different periods. Thacher's American Medical Biography, published in 1828, gives the number of students, 1825-26, as forty ; but this is probably a mere estimate. There were only five graduates-in-course in 1826 ; yet there was no progressive waning in the number. In the three years, 1818-20, there were sixteen gradu ates-in-course ; in 1821-23, twenty-two; in 1824-26, twenty-eight ; — according to a list which I have pre pared with care, aud which will be found in the Appendix. The school would not appear to have been dwindling. It fell rather suddenly ; and we have now to state the events which led to its extinc tion. At a special meeting of the Corporation, held the 13th December, 1826, Dr. Messer resigned the presi dency, and the Rev. Francis Wayland, Jr., of Bps- *The facts in regard to Dr. Bartlett's personal history are mostly taken from a Discourse on his Lil'e, Character and Writings, by Dr. Elisha Huntington, of Lowell, and a brief Memoir published by Mr. S. S. Rider. 46 HISTORICAL TRACT. ton, was unanimously chosen to fill that office. He was nearly thirty-one years old, had graduated at Union College, 1813, had been tutor for four years, and had just been chosen Professor, in that institu tion. He brought with him very definite views as to college discipline, and a profound conviction of its importance. He began his duties here in Feb ruary, 1827. At a special meeting of the Corpora tion in March, the following preamble and resolution were adopted. The records of the Corporation do not state by whom they were presented, but they were unquestionably inspired, if not introduced, by President Wayland. "Whereas, It is deemed essential to an efficient course of instruction, and to the administration of discipline in this University, that all its officers be actual residents within the walls of the Colleges ; therefore, " Resolved, That no salary or other compensation be paid to any Professor, Tutor or other officer, who shall not during the course of each and every term occupy a room in one of the colleges (to be designated by the President), and assiduously devote himself to the preservation of order and the instruction of the students, or the performance of such other duty as may belong to his station." The Secretary was directed to send copies of this BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 47 vote to Professors Tristam Burges, John DeWolf, Solomon Drowne and Horatio Gates Bowen. At the next regular meeting, salaries were voted on this condition : That the officers named, "and such others as may be hereafter appointed, devote themselves during term-time exclusively to the in struction and discipline of this institution, occupj'' rooms in college during study hours, and attend in their several departments such recitations as the President may direct, not exceeding three recita tions of one hour each in every day." Such was the action of the Corporation in the year 1827.' The names of the medical Professors and of the Hon. Tristam Burges appear in the annual catalogue of that year, with no special re mark appended. But in the Catalogue of 1828, an asterisk is prefixed to each of the names, Burges, Drowne, Wheaton, DeWolf and Parsons, with the following note below: "The gentlemen to whose names the asterisks are affixed are not of the im mediate government, and do not, at present, give any instruction in the Universitj''." In 1829, the same notice appears, but Dr. Wheaton's name is 48 HISTORICAL TRACT. omitted. In the annual Catalogues of 1830 and 1831, a still more pointed statement is made : "The gentlemen to whose names the asterisk is prefixed give no instruction in the University and have no concern in its government." It was impossible that a medical school shouFd continue under these regulations. Physicians in active practice, or men in public life like Mr. Burges, could not be officers of daily discipline, resident within college-walls, and visiting the stu dents' chambers each evening. The names of these Professors, after being thus starred for two succes sive years, as neither concerned in instruction nor government, then drop altogether out of the Cata logue. The downfall of the Medical School was not caused by hostile feeling on the part of the President, but was, so far as we can see, an inci dental result of his unswerving convictions and policy in regard to college government. In draw ing the reins up so suddenly and turning so sharp a corner, it was not strange that something should be jolted out, and the medical school had the loosest hold. BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 49 The action which thus dismissed gentlemen of distinction in the medical profession, and an emi nent lawyer and public man like Mr. Burges, from the service of the University, led to a good deal of feeling and newspaper controversy. The Gazette, edited by Benjamin F. Hallett, admitted articles on both sides, but with a leaning against the policy of Dr. Wayland. It is not worth while to rake up the long-smothered ashes. The extraordinary abilities and success of Wayland, both as administrator and teacher, are recognized beyond any possible cavil. A single extract may be admissible, — to show the spirit and style of the attacks that were made on him. It is from an editorial article published in the Commencement season, 1830. "Some of the most able Professors that formerly graced this institution have been dismissed, almost with insult, and nearly the entire course of lectures in different branches of science, which alone formed any pretence for denominating the institution an University, have been dispensed with, without an effort on the part of the Corporation to preserve these advantages to the students, while at the same 5 50 HISTORICAL TRACT. time -the expenses of instruction have been nearly doubled, because the decreasing number of the students, — owing to this aud other causes, — is sup posed to render it necessary." Two general views may be taken of the principles that should govern the selection and ordering of college-teachers. One is that which would shut in the teacher from the outside world, aud make him exclusively or strictly a college-man. This plan has the advantages of securing personal acquaintance between .instructors and pupils, a moral influence which, it may be presumed, will generally be healthful, and a uniform scheme of discipline, ^nd, to some extent, a uniform type of mental develop ment in both teachers and taught. The other plan welcomes men of distinction and power who are at the same time engaged in literary or active pursuits outside of the college, who bring with them a breath from the conflicts of mature life, or from the still air of delightful studies. It recog nizes in the talent which rules the forum or shakes the senate some pledge of power to train young men in practical logic and rhetoric. It was this general BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 51 idea which made John Quincy Adams the first Pro fessor of Oratory at Harvard, and Tristam Burges at Brown, and which sought our former townsmen, George William Curtis and George Washington Greene as "non-resident Professors" at Cornell. There has been no medical department in this institution since the advent of President Wayland, and for almost fiftj' years there was no medical man in the Faculty. For some years. Anatomy and Phy siology were taught, with a host of other subjects, by the President, who had studied medicine in his youth. In the year 1834, Professor Chace took the title- of Professor of Chemistry, Physiology and Geology, — and it is needless to say that every sub ject he taught was handled with consummate ability. But the instruction in these sciences has been adapted to academic, not to medical, students. Whether a medical school will ever be revived here, is a question not of history, but of very doubt ful forecast. Providence, from a town of 15,000 inhabitants, has grown into a city of more than 100,000. It contains a Hospital aud Dispensary, both furnishing opportunities for clinical instruc- 52 HISTORICAL TRACT. tion far surpassing any that the Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine could command in Dr. Messer's time. The University has for several years shown great hospitality to those physical sciences which are tributary to the medical art, — zoology, botany, chemistry and physiology. Its liberal spirit gives assurance that it would welcome the addition of a medical school to its other departments, if the community and the profession should be ready to demand it. But, on the other hand, a medical col lege, to keep up with its rivals, must have a vastly larger equipment of men aud apparatus, than was needed three-score years ago, and is hence a very expensive establishment, while the multiplication of cheap medical schools tends to lower the standard of attainment and the value of a degree. Its foun dation-study involves a constant conflict with that instinct which would shield from mutilation or familiar handling the poor relics of the human form. It seems to me that one school like that connected with Harvard University, and one other to keep up a healthful rivalry with it, are enough for New England. Whether this city, the second BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 53 in New England, shall become the seat of such a school must depend very much on the zeal, persist ence aud ability of its physicians. APPENDIX. THE TWO DIPLOMAS. At the meeting of the Historical Society where this paper was read, two diplomas were exhibited. One was that conferred on Elisha Bartlett, in 1826, when he attained the degree of M. D. It is signed by Asa Messer, President, and by Solomon Drowne, Levi Wlieaton and Usher Parsons, iProfessors. The subject of his inaugural essay was the Causation of Epidemics, — a fit prelude to his maturer essays on Fevers. The otlier was a certificate, of membership in the " Brown University Medical Association," or " Consociatio Medica Universitatis Brunensis,"— conferring in questionable Latin all the rights, privileges and honors of membership on Zachariah Allen. It is dated 9th March, 1813, and signed by William Ingalls, President, John M. Eddy, Vice-President, and Thomas M. Barrows, Secretary. It did not convey the title of M. D. This Association was formed very soon after the foundation of the Medical School. It collected a library, to which the Hon. William Hunter -gave many books that had belonged to his father, Dr. William Hunter, of Newport. BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 55 Sixty-eight years after the date of this certificate, Zaci-iariah Allen, LL. D., President of the Rhode Island Historical Society, and the Senior Trustee of the University, presided at the meeting where this account of the Medical Sohool was presented, and added fresh and valuable contributions from his stores of memory aud wisdom. He attended the lectures of Professor Ingalls ; and took his seat in the Board of Trustees at the very meeting of the Corporation of the University at which the pre amble and resolution that embodied Dr. Wayland's views in regard to the duties to be required from Professors, were introduced. 56 HISTORICAL TRACT. MEDICAL GRADUATES OE BEOWN UNIVERSITY. [Under each year, the names of those whose degrees are known or presumed to have been honorary, or ad eundem, are printed in italics.'] 1804. Solomon Drowne (A. B., 1773J. 1812. Pardon Bowen (A. B., 1775J. Levi Wheaton (A. B., 1782J. 1813. William Corlis Bowen (M. D., Edinburgh, 1807 J. Charles Cotton (A. B., Harvard, 1808J. WiUiam Ingalls (A. B. , Har vard, 1790J. John Mackie (A. B., 1800J. 1814. Benjamin Austin. Micaja Hawkes. Abner Phelps. 1815. Thomas Manning Barrows. John Mathewson Eddy. James Mann (A. B. , Harvard, 1776;. 1816. William Birchmore. Charles Dix. Artemas Johnson (A. B., 1808). Samuel Allen Kingsbury. David March (A. B., 1811). John McGore. Caleb Miller. Erederic Augustus Parker. Samuel Bugbee (A. B., 1802J. 1817. William Henry Allen (A. B., 1811). BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL. 57 Goodwin AUenton (A. B., 1814). George Aldrich Bolton. Thomas Burr. Andrew Mackie (A. B., 1814). Joseph Mulliken (A. B., Dart mouth, 1802). John Phillips. Samuel Atwood Shurtleff. Nathaniel ililler. 1818. Tyler Briggs. John Richardson. Jerome Van Crown inshield Smith. John Atherton Wadsworth (A. B., 1814). Shimoleth Stow Whipple. Ariel 3Iann. 1819. Jason Hawes Archer CA. B., 1816). Elisha Harding. Royal Tyler. Abijah Draper (A. B., 1797 J Lemuel KollocJe (A. B., 1786). 1820. Lucius Allen. John Kingsbury Briggs. Isaac B. Hovey. Silas James. .Tohu Lummus. Alden March. Lewis Leprilete Miller, (A. B., 1817). Cyrus Morton. William Peck. WiUiam Johns. 1821. John .Stratton Champney. Obadiah Elkins Durgin. G.ardner Mason Peck. David Pluinmer. Caleb Hopkius Snow (A. B., 1813). John Cook Tibbitts. Jonatlian Ware. .leremiah Williams. WiUiam Blanding (A B., 1801J. Caleb Fiske. David King (A. B., 179GJ. 1822. George Washington Bliss. George William Russell Corlis CA. B., 1808). Henry Francis. Jacob Fuller. 58 HISTORICAL TRACT. Asa Green. Caleb Greenough. Dyer Hughes. Daniel Ingalls. George WiUard (A. B., 1808). Alfred Wood. 1823. Samuel Tubbs Angier (A. B., 1818). George Capron. Ezra Bartlett Gale. John White. Thomas Oliver Hunt Carpenter. Abiel Hall. 1824. William Henry Bradley. Hiram Bucklin. Draper Carpenter (A. B., 1821). Jonathan Dearborn. Amory Gale. Johnson Gardner. John Gregory Needham (A. B., 1821). Warren Partridge. Menzies Rayner Randall. Henry Willard. Elias Frost (A. B., 1804;. Ashbel WiUard. 1825. Hiram Allen. Hezekiah Eldridge. Joseph Jairus Fales (A. B., 1820). ' Levi A. Hannaford. Robert Eddy Hemenway. William Hutchins. Thomas Miner. Thom.as Paine Moore. Levi Rawson. Morrill Robinson. Philemon Stacy. Samuel Gould Stanley. Freeman Thompson. John Jeffries (A. B., Harvard, 1815;. Usher Parsons (M. D., Har vard, 1818;. Edward Beynolds (A. B., Har vard, 1811;. Daniel Thurber. 1826. Elisha Bartlett. Ezra Leonard (A. B., 1801). Benjamin Norris (A. B., 1823). John Rose. John Scoville. Thomas Bucklin. BROWN UNIVERSITY MEDIC.\L SCHOOL. 59 John Green (A. B., 1804;. Francis Levison Wheaton. 1827. Elihu White (A. B., 1824). William Stillman Stanley (A. Jeremiah Fisher Ames {M. D., B , 1825). Harvard, 1827). The following graduates of the College are said to have received the degree of M. D., but I do not know where or when. If either of them received the title at Brown, I can find no record of it. a. b. a. b. Elisha Pope Fearing, - 1807 George Gary, 1820 Luther Metcalf Harris, 1811 Joseph Warren Fearing, 1823 Thomas Bump, 1814 .lohn Waters Tenney, 1823 Eliphalet Williams Hervey, 1824. -^-mm ^ ™ ^^ r^sM im w it f ¦(!, f •ivW •.'.••¦ :^fi. «¦ *. *j^' ^'">^''^-'^-«*' j^ 'ms^i ^^ 'U'^ v'-M