YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 07089 0265 mm ..*-'^«*: % :•••.. yjd- ^_':..S_Va_,,^' sn.^ *Sh» *;-^tj w^: -y :_W* mx* YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Edith and Maude Wetmore in memory of their father George Peabody Wetmore b.a. 1867 RHODE ISLAND Historical Tracts ~NO. 1. PROVIDENCE : SIDNEY S. RIDEK. 1877. THE CAPTURE OP GENERAL RICHARD PRESCOTT BY LT.-COL. WILLIAM BARTON. AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE EXPLOIT PORTSMOUTH, R. I., JULY 10, 1877, J. LEWIS DIMAN. PROVIDENCE : SIDNEY S. RIDER. 1877. Copyright by SIDNEY S. RIDER, 1878. .y MAP or r^T of RHOBE ISLAXB Shewmp thePn.sithiiix if' tin- American mnt British Annie,* ,// the Ai'er/e rf'SfEWPOWT . unit the .<>ihir,/nftit Action on ttie '.!//''<>/' .Iiiqmt 1770. l,r