YALE UN VERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 07089 2253 ' ^ 'J '.' " ¦ MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COMMISSION A State Department of History and Archives BULLETIN NO, 3 A Sketch of Historical Societies in Michigan PREPARED BY GEORGE NEWMAN FULLER, Ph. D, SECRETARY WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO.. STATE PRINTERS LANSINQ, MlCmCAN, MAY. 1914 , Ct?6/.'S6 MICHIGAN HISTORICAL COMMISSION A State Department of History and Archives BULLETIN NO, 3 A Sketch of Historical Societies in Michigan PREPARED BY GEORGE NEWMAN FULLER, Ph. D, SECRETARY WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO.. STATE PRINTERS LANSING. MICHIGAN, MAY, 1914 OFFICERS OF THE MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY President Clarence M. Burton, Detroit Vice President Clarence E. Bement, Lansing Secretary George Newman Fuller, A. M., Ph. D., Lansing Treasurer Benjamin F. Davis, Lansing Board of Trustees Governor Woodbridge N. Ferris Clarence M. Burton William L. Jenks Henry R. Pattengill Clarence E. Bement Edwin 0. Wood Rt. Rev. Monsignor F. A. O'Brien Augustus C. Carton - Lawton T. Hemans Junius E. Beal A. L. Sawyer ex ofScio DetroitPort Huron LansingLansing Flint Kalamazoo East Tawas Mason Ann Arbor Menominee Committee of Historians Clarence E. Bement Junius E. Beal Rt. Rev. Monsignor O'Brien William L. Jenks - Joseph Greusel* *Deceased. Lansing Ann Arbor Kalamazoo Port Huron Detroit OFFICERS Alcona Antrim BarryBenzie Cass Charlevoix Chippewa ClintonCrawford DeltaDickinson Eaton GladwinGrand Traverse Hillsdale Houghton InghamIoscoIsabella Jackson Kalamazoo Kalkaska KentLeelanauLenawee Livingston Manistee OceanaOgemawOscodaOtsegoOttawaSaginawSt. Clair St. Joseph Tuscola Van Buren Washtenaw Wayne Wexford Vice Presidents W. L. Chapelle, Harrisville J. McLaughlin, Elk Rapids Mrs. Sarah E. Striker, Hastings William A. Betts, Benzonia Hon. L. H. Glover, Cassopolis E. H. Green, Charlevoix Judge Charles H. Chapman, Sault Ste. Marie Mrs. C. L. Pearse, De Witt Dr. Oscar Palmer, Grayling Hon. 0. B. Fuller, Ford River Hon. James B. Knight, Norway Hon. Esek Pray, Dimondale Hon. Eugene Foster, Gladwin Thomas T. Bates, Traverse City Joseph H. Edinger, Hillsdale Lieut. Gov. Orrin W. Robinson, Chassell John N. Bush, Lansing John M. Waterbury, Tawas City Prof. C. S. Larzelere, Mt. Pleasant Mrs. P. H. Loomis, Jackson E. W. DeYoe, Kalamazoo Hon. A. E. Palmer, Kalkaska Hon. George W. Thayer, Grand Rapids E. Jaye Dickerman, Solon Hon. J. I. Knapp, Adrian A. Riley Crittenden, Howell Hon. T. J. Ramsdell, Manistee Hon. C. A. Gurney, Hart Dr. H. M. Ammond, Campbell's Corners Robert Kittle, Briggs Charles F. Davis, Elmira Hon. G. T. Diekema, Holland Mrs. Anna A. Palmer, Saginaw George Howe, Port Huron Thomas G. Greene, Centreville N. E. York, Millington Hon. C. J. Monroe, South Haven J. Q. A. Sessions, Ann Arbor Hon. David E. Heineman, Detroit Hon. Perry F. Powers, Cadillac CONTENTS PAGE Officers of Pioneer and Historical Society 3 The Historical Society of Michigan 7 The Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society 12 Articles of Association and By-Laws of the Michigan Pio neer and Historical Society 23 Roster of Living Members of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society 31 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN The first historical society to be organized in Mich igan was officially designated "The Historical Society of Michigan," authorized by the Territorial legisla ture in 1828.1 The moving impulse to this organization came from leaders of thought in the Michigan of that day, mainly residents of Detroit, which was then, and continued to be until 1847, the capital city of Michigan, Lewis Cass was the first president, and the members of the legislature were made by the incorporating act ex-officio members of the Society. ^ The first annual addresses were composed by the best talent in the Territory. 3 Among the honorary members of the Society there were leading political and literary men and women of the United States and Great Britain, many of whom had visited Detroit or were interested in it through friendly intercourse with its leading citizens." Despite its promising impulse and distinguished 1 Incorporated by an act of the Legislative Council approved June 23, 1828. The first meeting was held on the following third of July. 2 See sec. 4, p. 11 of this bulletin. The first officers of the Society are designated in sec. 5. « See Hist, and Scientific Sketches of Michigan (Detroit, 1834), containing addresses by Cass, Schoolcraft and others. * The roll of honorary members included John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Bancroft the historian, William Ellery Channing, Irving, Cooper and Longfellow, Maria Edgeworth and Lady Morgan of Ireland, and Harriet Martineau and the Countess of Blessington of Eng land. Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XII, 321. 8 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN membership, however, the Society appears to have had a checkered, and at times a very apathetic, exist ence. Its meetings, which were at first held fre quently, were fairly regular for the four years from 1828 to 1832. A period of five years intervened when the Society seems to have preserved no records, A new period of four years of activity followed 1837, when apparently again interest lapsed, from 1841 to 1857, Four years more, 1857-1861, brought its active work to a close, the last meeting being held in the latter year,' Judging from its standing committees, the scope of its intended work was pretentious. In 1857, when a revival of its work took place, it had standing com mittees on civil history, judicial and legal history, ecclesiastical history, Indian history, natural history, educational history, agricultural and horticultural his tory, statistical and economic history, surveying, en gineering, roads and canals, mineralogy, biography an.d genealogy, books, manuscripts and autographs, and arts and sciences." The most enduring work which the Society achieved was to collect and preserve numerous (papers and man uscripts, some of which later came into the possession of the Detroit Public Library, of which many have since been published in the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections.' The Society seems to have made also a valuable collection of museum objects, which unfortunately * Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XII, 319, 322, 350. « Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XII, 326. ' Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., VIII, 266-669; XII, 351-662. HISTORIC AL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGA N 9 became scattered during the years when interest lagged. There seems to have been no permanent de pository either for them or the papers and manu scripts. They were at one tim^e in the rooms of the Detroit Athenaeum, at another in a room which was furnished by the Young Men's Society of Detroit. It appears that in 1857 all of the Society's collections were in the office of General Henry T. Whiting, of the United States Army; and it is said that on his being ordered to a distant post there occurred a mis take of his agent which resulted in many of them being sold.^ An appeal was made for their restoration, but there is no record of the extent of its effectiveness. The remainder of the museum objects, subsequent to 1861, were in the office of Charles I. Walker, of Detroit, from whence they are said to have been transferred in 1886 to the Detroit Public Library. It may be of interest to give here a copy of the act incorporating the Society to compare with the act of 1873: AN ACT to incorporate the Historical Society of Michigan. WHEREAS, Useful knowledge is promoted by the collection and preservation of books, and other evi dences of the history and former condition of society: And whereas, The persons hereinafter named are de sirous of contributing their collective aid towards the discovery and preservation of such facts, records, and 8 Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XII, 324. 10 HISTORIC AL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN traditions, as may tend to elucidate the history of this portion of the Union; therefore Be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Terri tory of Michigan, That Lewis Cass, Henry Whiting, John Biddle, Gabriel Richard, Noah M, Wells, Rich ard F. Cadle, Isaac M'llvain, Zara H. Coston, Austin E. Wing, Thomas Rowland, John L. Whiting, Henry S. Cole, Jonathan Kearsly, Samuel W, Dexter, Zina Pitcher, Edwin P, James, Henry R, Schoolcraft, and Charles C, Trowbridge, and such other persons as may, from time to time, become members, be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name of "The Historical Society of Michigan," and that by this name they shall have perpetual succession in law, and shall be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all actions whatsoever; and that they and their successors may have a common seal, with privilege to alter or change the same at their option, and they may purchase and hold real or per sonal estate, and sell, lease, or dispose of the same, at their pleasure: Provided, That all real and personal estate, funds, collections, or property of every descrip tion, shall be used and appropriated exclusively to fur ther the objects mentioned in the preamble to this act. Sec, 2, That the said society shall have power to make, ordain, and establish a constitution, and such by-laws and regulations as they may deem proper for the election of officers, the admission of members, the times of meeting, the order of business, the assess- HISTORIC AL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 11 ment and collection of fees, and such other objects, connected with the good government and prosperity of said society, as a majority of the members may judge necessary: Provided, That such constitution and by-laws and regulations shall contain no provisions repugnant to the constitution and laws of the United States or of this Territory, Sec, 3, That the officers of said society shall be a president, two-vice presidents, a corresponding secre tary, a recording secretary, a treasurer and a librarian, and such other officers as the society shall, from time to time deem necessary, who shall be chosen at the annual meeting of the society, and continue in their offices one year, or until others be elected in their places; and if the annual election shall not be held on the day designated in the constitution or by-laws, it shall be lawful for the president of said society to direct that it be held on any subsequent day, due notice thereof being given. Sec, 4, That the members of the legislative council of the Territory of Michigan shall be ex officio mem bers of the said society. Sec, 5. That Lewis Cass shall be the president, John Biddle the first vice-president, Thomas Rowland the second vice-president, Henry Whiting correspond ing secretary, Henry S. Cole recording secretary, Charles C. Trowbridge treasurer, and John L. Whiting librar ian, severally to be the first officers of the said society, who shall hold their respective offices until the first Mon day in June, 1829, or until others shall.be chosen. Approved June 23, 1828, THE MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY A marked revival of the historical spirit in Michigan, as in other states, came in the years just previous to the centennial year of the Declaration of Independ ence, In 1874 there was organized, under an act passed in the previous year," "The Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan," apparently an outgrowth of the united action of the local pioneer societies in the several counties. The early activity of this central or ganization was therefore very naturally in accord with the pioneer instincts and interests of the old settlers of Michigan," This pioneer character of the Society is reflected in its first published volumes. The first seven volumes contain very little documentary material, but are made up almost entirely of pioneer reminiscences, biographical sketches and memorials, and the pro ceedings of the local pioneer societies." As a matter of necessity, since there was no other publication of the Society, this kind of material has occupied more ° See page 20 of this bulletin. Materials relating to the forma tion of the Society, together with its first constitution and by laws, are contained in the Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., I, pp., 1-12. '¦" The presidents of- the county pioneer societies are still vice- presidents of the State Society. " Volume I was published in 1877. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 13 or less space, with few exceptions, in all of the thirty- eight volumes of the Society's Collections. In 1886 a new departure was begun by the publica tion of a considerable body of documents. ^^ These formed part of the manuscript material left by the Historical Society of Michigan; volume VIII of that year contained among other things the "Pontiac manuscript," translated from the French by Worch and Krusty, editors of the Michigan Volksfreund, In the volumes immediately following, to and including volume XII, there appeared a new series of documents, transcribed from the Dominion Archives at Ottawa, Canada, dealing with a variety of subjects connected with the relations between Detroit and Canada in the years from 1763 to 1815, — mainly the so-called "Haldimand Papers;"!^ and beginning in 1890, vol umes 15-16, 19-20, 23-25, are devoted entirely to documents of a similar character and from the same source,!^ In 1902 there was published a volume containing documents bearing upon the beginnings of territorial government in Michigan, which were '^ This proceeding was contemporary with the changing of the name of the Society to the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society. Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XIII, 24. '= Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., IX, 343-658; X, 210-672; XI, 319-656; XII, 30-315. '* Vol. XV contains copies of papers on file in the Dominion archives at Ottawa, Canada, pertaining to the relations of the British Government with the United States during the period of the War of 1812 (pp. 1-687). Vol. XVI contains material bearing on the same subject, and on subsequent relations from 1816 to 1819. Vol. XIX contains transcripts from the Canadian archives consisting of reports on the American colonists pertaining to 14 HIS TORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN continued in volumes 32, 36 and 37, '^ Volumes 33 and 34 continue from volume 25 the materials re lating to Detroit's early connections with Canada, being mainly the "Cadillac Papers, "i« '^ Vol. XXXII contains (pp. 468-573), selections from the papers of John Askin, J. R. Williams, and William Woodbridge. Vol. XXXVI (pp. 111-620) contains territorial records tran scribed from the Bureau of Rolls and Library at Washington, from the Schoolcraft Papers in the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution and from the Library of Hon. C. M. Burton, Detroit. Vol. XXXVII (pp. 17-507) contains terri torial records and the Narrative of the Travels and Adventures 1 783-1820 by Jean Baptiste Perrault (pp. 508-619) edited by John Sharpless Fox, Ph. D. For a brief summary of the contents of Vol. XXV, see Ann. Rep. Amer. Hist. Assoc, 1905, II, 596-597. i« Vol. XXXIII contains the Cadillac Papers (pp. 36-715). Vol. XXXIV contains the Cadillac Papers and Records, Mont real Papers, Gen. Wayne's Orderlj^ Book, and Letters of Col. John Francis Hamtramck pertaining to Wayne's campaign. The transcripts and translations of the Cadillac Papers, cost ing several thousand dollars, were a private undertaking of. Hon. C. M. Burton of Detroit and were presented by him to the Society gratis. Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, State Librarian, cooperating with the Board of State Auditors, secured the services of Mrs. Cornelia S. Perry to compile the two volumes of cumulative indices cover ing the first thirty volumes of the Collections. the years 1721-1762, military dispatches 1760-1764, Bouquet Papers pertaining to the years 1759-1765, and Plaldimand Papers, 1773-1781. Vol. XX contains Haldimand Papers 1782-1789 and papers on Indian Affairs 1761-1800. Vol. XXIII contains Colonial Office records pertaining to the years 1760-1794. Vol. XXIV contains papers from the Cana dian Archives bearing on a great variety of subjects related to Michigan pertaining to the years 1788-1830. Vol. XXV con cludes the series of papers transcribed from the Canadian ar chives. For a brief summary of the contents of these volumes see Ann. Rep. Amer. Hist. Assoc, 1905, II, 592-593. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 15 These volumes were published in editions which at no time exceeded 2500, and the editions of the earlier volumes became gradually exhausted. To meet the demand, which was increased especially by acts pro viding for their distribution to school, grange and pub- He libraries,!' the reprinting of them was begun (1900) and in 1907 a special appropriation was made for that purpose by the legislature. i« While the Society has been always essentially a private corporation it has received State support al most continuously since its beginning. The amounts ' " Public Acts, 1893, p. 62; 1901, p. 222; 1905, p. 135. Former Governor Cyrus G. Luce, President of the Pioneer and Historical Society 1897-1901, was the prime mover in in troducing the resolutions which resulted in the increased use fulness of the Society's publications. " Public Acts, 1907, p. 67, sec. 4. As elsewhere stated, twenty- one volumes have now been reprinted and the editions of some of these reprints are at this date nearly exhausted. Vol ume 22 is nearly ready for the press, and as fast as the original editions are exhausted the remainder of the first edition will be reprinted by the Michigan Historical Commission. Volumes 1-5 and 7 of the first edition were reprinted in the years 1900-1904, with scarcely any alterations; for example, in volume II, p. 639, the page of errata was reprinted without making the corrections in the text. There seems to have been little attempt at editing and the volumes were not provided with prefaces to the second edition. The act of 1907, above referred to, sought to provide help to check this tendency. Under its pro visions the Society commissioned Dr. H. S. Bartholomew (Lansing) as editor. Editorial comments were necessarily placed in an appen dix in order to preserve the original pagination and thus render use ful for the reprints the two volumes of indices. Subsequent to vol ume 13 the editing was done by Mr. Joseph Greusel (Detroit) and Miss M. Agnes Burton, of the Burton Library. Mrs. M. B. Ferrey gave continuous assistance throughout tbe work, especially in revising the indices. 16 H ISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN appropriated have varied from $500 to $4000 per annum." A crisis was reached and successfully passed in 1897, when the usvial biennial appropriation was vetoed by Governor Pingree.^" But the crisis re sulted in a wider usefulness of the Society through the acts already noticed approving the distribution of its publications, with slight limitations, to the public school, grange and public libraries of Michigan, A similar crisis, due to the veto by Governor Osborn in 1911, resulted indirectly in the formation of the present Historical Commission, which, as elsewhere explained, relieves the Society of its most expensive activities of collecting, housing and publishing. The cost of official service in the Society has been small. The statutory officers have served without remuneration, and one employee who has had im mediate charge of the work connected with the publi cations has at no time received more than $1000 per annum. The expenses of publishing for the Society during the recent crisis were defrayed by the Board of State Auditors. 21 The museum has been housed '» Public Acts of 1875, p. 238. Public Acts of 1893, p. 61. " " 1877, p. 14. " " " 1895, p. 234. LL Li. Lt ACi>nC\ - 04 .. _ _ _ _ . lO/ / , p. It. " 1879, p. 31. " 1881, p. 72. " 1883, p. 42. " 1885, p. 22. " 1887, p. 88. " 1889, p. 951. " 1891, p. ZZ. ' 1899, p. 354. ' 1901, p. 222. 1903, p. 151. 1905, p. 134. ' 1907, p. 66. " 1909, p. 248. '» See preface to Vol. XXXI of the Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls. " It is fitting to note here the resolution which the Society unanimously adopted at its annual meeting in 1913 in gratitude for this service. It reads: HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 17 in rooms provided in the capitol, and the book and manuscript material of the Society has been cared for in the State Library. The Society has numbered among its officers many of the most prominent public men of Michigan, Its presidents have been as follows: Albert Miller, Bay City, 1874-1875, OHver C, Comstock, Marshall, 1875-1876. Jonathan Shearer, Plymouth, 1876-1877, Witter J. Baxter, Jonesville, 1877-1878, John J, Adam, Tecumseh, 1878-1879, Michael Shoemaker, Jackson, 1879-1880. Hezekiah G. Wells, Kalamazoo, 1880-1881. "Whereas; The Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society owes the continuance of its work for the past two years chiefly, if not entirely, to the friendly and generous action of the Board of State Auditors in so construing its powers as to preserve and protect the work which the Society had carried on for many years, and which without such assistance would have been greatly injured, "Therefore, be it Resolved: That this Society deems it most appropriate that it should acknowledge the great value and importance of the aid so rendered, and should express its most hearty gratitude, and should assure the Board of its belief that the people of the State of Michigan highly appreciate and approve their action, and also that this Society wishes to thank the Board for the many courtesies outside of official duties which it has received at the hands of the Board." The members of the Board of Auditors included in this resolu tion are Hon. Frederick C. Martindale, Albert E Sleeper, Hunt ley Russell, John W. Haarer, and A. C. Carton. Grateful acknowledgment is here made of the pioneer memorial fimd of $300 subscribed by the daughter of Col. Michael Shoe maker. This fund has enabled the Society to purchase, through the service of Mr. W. L. Jenks of Port Huron, a valuable collec tion of early maps of Michigan and the Old Northwest. 3 18 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN John C, Holmes, Detroit, 1881-1882, Charles I. Walker, Detroit, 1882-1884, Francis A Dewey, Cambridge, 1884-1885, Henry FraUck, Grand Rapids, 1885-1886, Merchant H. Goodrich, Ann Arbor, 1886-1887, Talcott E. Wing, Monroe, 1887-1889. Orrin Poppleton, Birmingham, 1889-1890, John H, Forster, Williamston, 1890-1892, Alpheus Felch, Ann Arbor, 1892-1896, Cyrus G, Luce, Coldwater, 1897-1901. C. M. Burton, Detroit, 1901- The Committee of Historians, consisting of five members, who have had charge of collecting and pub lishing for the Society, has numbered in its member ship men of long years of devotion to the interests of the Society. These are: John C. Holmes, Detroit, Merchant H, Goodrich, Ann Arbor, Oliver C. Comstock, Marshall, Hezekiah G, Wells, Kalamazoo, Harriet A, Tenney, Lansing, Michael Shoemaker, Jackson, Talcott E. Wing, Monroe, Francis A, Dewey, Cambridge, Witter J, Baxter, Jonesville, Thomas M, Cooley, Ann Arbor, Rev, Riley C, Crawford, Grand Rapids, Wyllys C, Ranson, Lansing, John H. Forster, Williamston. A, D. P. Van Buren, Galesburg. H ISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 19 Harry A, Conant, Monroe, Edwin C, Hinsdale, Detroit, Chauncey W, Wisner, Saginaw, Frederick Carlisle, Detroit, Henry H, Holt, Muskegon, L, D, Watkins, Manchester, J, Wilkie Moore, Detroit, Gerrit J, Diekema, Holland, Cyrus G, Luce, Coldwater, Theron F, Giddings, Kalamazoo. C. M, Burton, Detroit, A, H, Owens, Vernon, John W, Champion, Grand Rapids. E, W, Barber, Jackson, H. B, Smith, Marengo, L. D, Kelsey, Lansing, Edward Cahill, Lansing, Peter White, Marquette, Junius E. Beal, Ann Arbor, Mary C, Spencer, Lansing, George H, Cannon, Washington, Clarence E. Bement, Lansing. James F. Barnett, Grand Rapids, Edwin O, Wood, Flint, Judge J, H, Steere, Sault Ste, Marie, Rev. Frank O'Brien, Kalamazoo, Joseph Greusel, Detroit, W. L. Jenks, Port Huron, Following is the act under which was established "The Pioneer Society of the State of Michigan:" 20 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN (Act No, 156, Session Laws of 1873.) AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of State, county, or municipal, historical, biographical, and geographical societies. Section 1, The People of the State of Michigan enact, That any five or more persons and their succes sors that may hereafter associate together for the pur pose of collecting and preserving historical, biographi cal, or other information, in relation to the State of Michigan, or any portion thereof, may become a body corporate, by complying with the requirements of this act. Sec, 2, The persons intending to become a body corporate for the above named purpose, shall publish a notice of their intention to meet for organization, three successive weeks, in at least one newspaper published nearest to the place where such meeting is to be held; said notice to state the object of the meet ing, and when and where it will be held, and to be signed by at least three of the persons interested in establishing such organization; said meeting to be open to the public. Sec, 3, That articles of association adopted at the meeting provided for in the preceding section, shall specify : First, The name, officers, and objects of the associa tion; Second, The limit of property; Third, The limit of subscription of members; H ISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 21 Fourth, The town, city, village, county, district, or extent of the territory in which the operations of the society may be carried on, or to which they are limited. Sec. 4. The articles of association, duly signed by each original member, together with a certificate, signed by the secretary, stating the amount of sub scription paid in, must be registered in the office where the association is located, in a book kept for that purpose, and a copy of the same must be for warded to the Secretary of State. Sec. 5. On complying with the requirements of this act as above specified, the association so organized shall be a body corporate, and shall be capable of holding such real estate and personal property as may be necessary to carry out the objects of such society; [and] of suing and being sued in any court of this State; and have a common seal, and may alter or amend the same at pleasure, and be subject to the general laws of the State applicable to such societies; may make such by-laws and regulations, not incon sistent with its articles or with the laws of this State, as may be necessary to promote the efficiency of the organization. Sec. 6, Should a State association be organized under this act, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of said State society to make and transmit to the State Librarian a report of the transactions of said society, including copies of papers read at its meetings or contributed by its members of facts collected by cor respondence or otherwise, at the end of the month of September of each year. 22 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Sec, 7, District or county, town, city, or village associations organized under this act, are hereby re quired to report through their secretary in the month of September in each year, to the secretary of the State association, the proceedings of said society dur ing the year, giving copies of papers read at its meet ings or contributed by its members during the pre ceding year; such report from district, county, town, city or village societies, to be used in compiling the report of the State association provided for in section six. All collections of documents, periodicals, news papers, books, maps, pictures, specimens, and curi osities which may be made by said State society, shall be placed in the State Library in charge of the State Librarian, and shall be regarded as belonging to the State whenever said society may be dissolved, or for any cause discontinue its organization. Sec, 8. This act shall take immediate effect. Approved April 25, 1873.' HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 23 ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND BY-LAWS OF THE MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ARTICLE I The name of this Association shall be the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society, and all the property which it has or may acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise, shall be held by the Society in trust for the State of Michigan, ^^ ARTICLE II The officers shall be a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, of whom the President and Vice President shall be elected by the Trustees from their own number to serve until their successors are elected and qualified; the Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, ARTICLE III The object of this Society shall be to collect and- preserve in permanent form the recollections and "The latter part of Article I is practically annulled by the Society's action at the annual meeting in 1913, when it deeded all its property to the Michigan Historical Commission. The same action affects also later articles, and sections of the by-laws. The body of this constitution and of the accompanying by-laws is reprinted from the Mich. Pion. and Hist. Colls., XXXVI, pp. 7-11 as adopted at the annual meeting in June, 1907. 24 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN records of pioneer life and achievement in the region which is now Michigan, including such traditions as exist only in the memories of aged persons; to collect and preserve such manuscripts, genealogies, books and other printed publications, maps, plans, pictures, curiosities and antiquities of every kind as may be connected with or may illustrate the history of Michigan from the earliest times; to encourage historical and antiquarian investigat ons and to dis seminate historical information, ARTICLE IV The property of this Association shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars, ($100,000) ARTICLE V This Association shall embrace, as territorial limits, the State of Michigan, ARTICLE VI The annual meetings of this Society shall be held at Lansing in the month of June at such times as the Board of Trustees shall appoint, at which annual meeting the President, Secretary and Treasurer shall each present written reports, and any general business may be transacted. Special meetings may be called as the by-laws shall provide. Ten members shall constitute a quorum, but in the absence of a quorum three members may adjourn to a day certain. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 25 ARTICLE VII The Society shall consist of active, corresponding and honorary members, - Any citizen of Michigan of good repute may become an active member of this Society on subscribing to the Articles of Associa tion and on payment of one dollar ($1), All active members in good standing shall be entitled to vote and to hold office. Corresponding and honorary members shall be elected to membership as herein provided, and shall not be subject to any admission fees or dues. Hon orary members shall be persons who have rendered important public service to the State of Michigan or to the cause of historical inquiry or general learning. Every nomination for the election of corresponding or honorary members shall be based upon the applica tion in writing of at least two active members, stating the reasons for such nomination and the qualifications of the persons proposed for membership. Such ap plications shall be referred to the Committee of Historians, and upon a favorable report of such Committee being submitted, a vote shall be taken by the Society upon the persons whose election is applied for. Two-thirds of the members present at any meeting shall be required for election to such membership. ARTICLE VIII The property, affairs and business of the Society shall be under the general charge and management of a board of eleven trustees, one of whom shall be 26 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN the Governor of the State of Michigan, ex officio: the others shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Society, to hold for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. At the first election under this amendment, one half of the number shall be elected for one year and one half for two years. Five Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. The Board of Trustees shall have power to appoint a Secretary and Treasurer to hold office, during the pleasure of the Board, and with such salaries as the Board may determine. ARTICLE IX The Society may make such by-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with its articles and the laws of this State, as may be necessary to promote the effi ciency of the organization, BY-LAWS Section 1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society. He shall be ex officio chairman of the Board of Trustees and shall perform such other duties as pertain to the office of President of such societies. Section 2 The Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President, shall perform the duties of the Presi dent, except as herein otherwise provided. hi STORICAL SOCI ETIE S in MICHIGAN 27 Section 3 The Secretary, or in case of his absence or disability, the Assistant Secretary, shah keep a record of all proceedings of the Society and of the Board of Trustees in books to be provided for that purpose, and shall conduct all correspondence of the Society. He shall record the Articles of Association in a book in which each member's name shall be entered with place and date of birth, place and date of first residence in Michigan, and present residence; a blank space shall be left for place and date of death, which shall be filled out by the Secretary at the decease of any member. He shall, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, have the immediate custody of all the books, papers, documents, property and effects of the Society, and shall cause the same to be properly listed and cataloged in books prepared for that pur pose, which shall be indexed. He shall draw warrants on the Treasurer for the payment of properly audited accounts, and shall take and preserve proper vouchers therefor, and perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Trustees or by-laws. Section 4 The Treasurer shall have the custody of all monies and funds of the Society, He shall keep an account of all receipts and disbursements and make report thereof at each annual meeting and when required so to do by the Board of Trustees. If required by the Board he shall give bonds in such amount and with such sureties as the Board shall require. 28 historical societies in michigan Section 5 At any meeting of the Board of Trustees the Sec retary may make a requisition for such a sum of money as he shall estimate will be needed to meet the current bills for the six months next ensuing, and present the same, together with the items of his estimate, to the Board of Trustees, and said Board may auth orize the Secretary to draw a warrant upon the Treas urer for such an amount of money as in the judgment of the Board will be needed to pay current bills; Provided, that no second requisition shall be made until satisfactory vouchers for the expenditures of the first shall have been submitted to, and been approved by, the Board, The Board of Trustees may also authorize the Treasurer to pay on monthly vouchers duly certified by the Secretary, all salaries of employes^^ authorized by the Board of Trustees by resolution duly entered of record and certified to the Treasurer. Except as above provided, the Treasurer shall pay no money out of the treasury unless upon the express order of the Board of Trustees duly certified by the chairman and Secretary, Section 6 The Board of Trustees shall meet annually on the first day appointed for the annual meeting of the Society, and at such other times as the Board shall deem expedient. It shall select all employees and fix their compensation. ^^ It may elect one of its ^^ By a vote taken at the annual meeting in June, 1913, no employee of the Society may receive compensation for services. HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 29 members chairman to act in the absence or disability of the President. It shall designate the time of holding the annual meeting, and shall cause at least fifteen days notice thereof to be given in Michigan newspapers having a general circulation in the State, It may call such extra meetings of the Society at such time and place as the Board may deem advis able, on giving like notice. Section 7 Vacancies in the office of President, Secretary, Treasurer or Board of Trustees, may be filled by the Board of Trustees to hold until the next annual meeting. Section 8 The Committee of Historians shall prepare the programs for the public meetings, and shall arrange for the reading of papers. It shall have charge of the publication of the papers of the Society; Provided, that no paper shall be published unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Trustees and Committee of Historians sitting in joint meeting. ^^ The Committee of Historians may call upon the Secretary for assistance in the performance of its duties. Section 9 The Board of Trustees may authorize the President to appoint additional committees, whose duties shall ^* The publishing activities of the Society have been taken over bv the Historical Commission. 30 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN" be defined by the resolution authorizing such appoint ment. Section 10 Any local or county pioneer and historical society may elect one of its members to the office of Hon orary Vice President of this Society, and upon the filing of his credentials with the Secretary, the person so elected shall be recognized as entitled to such position. The President may call upon such hon orary vice presidents, at his discretion, to preside at any meeting of the Society, or to perform such other duties as he may designate. The vice presi dents so appointed are expected to be active in their various localities and counties in promoting the object of this Society. Section 11 These by-laws may be amended by the vote of a majority of the Board of Trustees at any regular meeting; Provided, that not less than twenty days' notice shall be given to each member of the Board before such amendment shall be acted upon. HISTORIC AL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 31 ROSTER OF LIVING MEMBERS OF THE MICHIGAN PIONEER AND HIS TORICAL SOCIETY MEMBERS RESIDENT IN MICHIGAN Alcona Smith, Osmond H. Harrisville Allegan Blackman, Henry E. Trowbridge Kirby, Mrs. Sarah M. Douglas Warner, WiUiam W. Allegan Alpena Oliver, Mrs. Sarah A., 159 State St. Alpena Antrim McLaughlin, James C. Elk Rapids Perry, George W. Elk Rapids Barry Colgrove, Philip T. Hastings Marshall, Mrs. JuHa B. Nashville Maynard, Mrs. A. D. Hastings Maynard, Anson D. Hastings Messer, Chester Hastings Smith, Clement Hastings Striker, Mrs. Sarah E. Hastings Bay Brockway, James E. Bay City Clements. William L. Bay City . Coman, Mrs. Helen F. B. Bay City McMillan, Archibald H. Bay City McMillan, Blanche B., Mrs. Bay City Shelden, Clarence L. Bay City 32 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN B ay — Continued. Shields, Mrs. Irene P. Wilcox, Lyman C, 302 Farragut St. Benzie Collier, Charles S. Pratt, Mrs. Mary A. Berrien Kelley, Edward S. Branch Campbell, Milo D. Collin, Rev. Henry P. Turner, George H. Calhoun Austin, Edward Bryant, Hannah W. Church, John F. Dearing, Henry M. Dickie, Mrs. Mary B. Eslow, James C. Fall, Delos Frink, Mrs. Isabella W. G. Gardner, Washington Gildart, WiUiam B. Goodrich, Frederic S. Gregg, Frances Bordwell Gress, Frederic W., 310 Michigan Ave. Albion Hamilton, Mrs. Burritt, R. F. D. No. 4 The Lilacs Battle Creek Henry, Mrs. Mary E. B. Albion Hinman, Edward C. Battle Creek Schultz, Gustav A., 316 Mechanic St. Albion. Seaver, Philip Albion Steele, Frank E. Albion Steele, WUliam Albion Cass Armstrong, AUan S. Cassopolis Crisswell, Mrs. Catherine Cassopolis Buckley or Bay City Bay City FrankfortPratts St. Joseph Coldwater ColdwaterColdwater Battle Creek Albion Albion Albion Albion Albion AlbionMarshall Albion Albion AlbionMarshaU HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 33 Cass — Continued. Glover, Mrs. Maryetta H. Cassopolis Hay den, James G. Cassopolis Richardson, Norris Cassopolis Shaffer, Mrs. Aley J. Redfield Charlevoix McConnel, Henry Walloon Lake Ward, E. B. Charlevoix Cheboygan Baker, Edward W. Cheboygan Chippewa Chapman, Charles H. Sault Ste. Marie Fowle, Otto Sault Ste. Marie Clinton Brown, J. Earle St. Johns Daniels, John T., R. F. D. No. 38 St. Johns Gunnison, James H., R. F. D. No. 25 i, Bath Gunnison, Mrs. Kate H., R. F.D. Bath. Kinney, Alson P. Maple Rapids Mudge, Rev. Elisha Maple Rapids Pearce, Mrs. Charity L. V. " DeWitt Crawford Ostrander, Perry Grayling Dickinson Knight, James B. Norway Eaton Bailey, M. H. Dimondale Crawford, Mrs. Belle M. Eaton Rapids DeGraff, Mrs. Maria A. Charlotte Martin, Henry J. Vermontville Pray, Esek Dimondale Emmet Fasquelle, Mrs. Ethel Rowan Petoskey Hinckley, Dana H Brutus Lawton, Wilbur F. Petoskey Swift; Ivan .5 Harbor Springs 34 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Genesee Bates, Mrs. Gertrude A., 923 Kearsley St. Flint Bates, William Rufus Flint Bingham, Walter D. Clio Burr, Colonel Bell, Oak Grove Flint Calkins, Edward P., R. F. D. No. 2 Swartz Creek Countryman, Mrs. Hannah E., 603 Clifford St. Flint Cronk, EUen A. C, 1015 Beach St. Flint Cummings, Mrs. Mary B., 906 Beach St. ' Flint Dewey, Mrs. George W. Flint Durant, Mrs. Rebecca F. C. Flint Johnson, Mrs. Lizzie M., 314 W. 5th St. Flint Kaufman, Mrs. Emma E., 507 Avon St. Flint Murphy, Rev. Father Timothy J. 8th Ave. Flint Prosser, Hal H. ¦ Flushing Rankin, Francis H. Flint Reed, Rev. Seth Flint Smith, William V. Flint Stewart. Mrs. Francis M., 517 Detroit St. Flint Wheeler, Elmer G. Davison Willson, George Crapo Flint Wood, Edwin O., 714 Stevens St. Flint Gladwin Foster, Eugene Gladwin Foster, Isaac Gladwin Gogebic Monroe, James S. Ironwood HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 35 'Grand Traverse EUsworth, Ralph H., 437 W. 7th vSt. Traverse City Hamilton, Frank Traverse City MiUiken, James W. Traverse City Oratiot Alma Women's Club, , President Alma Burns, Mrs. Frances Emily St. Louis Darragh, Archibald B St. Louis Holmes, John W Alma HiUsdale Bishop, Frederic P Allen Edinger, Joseph H. HiUsdale Hopkins, Warren Jonesville Howard, L. A. Litchfield Lovejoy, Albert J. Litchfield Mauck, Joseph W. HiUsdale Sutton, Mrs. Gertrude M. HUlsdale Turrell, Horace N. Litchfield Houghton Cox, Mrs. Edith I. Houghton Edwards, Albert D. Atlantic Mine. • Haire, Norman W. Houghton Hubbard, Lucius L. Painsville Kratz, Henry E. Calumet Reeder, John T. Houghton Robinson, Orriri W. Chassell Waltz, Maggie J. Calumet Huron Browne, Mrs. Grace Greenwood Harbor Beach Thompson, Mrs. EUzabeth M. Bad Axe Woodworth, Fred L. Caseville Ingham Ainsley, William P. Williamston Allen, Louisa H. Williamston. Appleyard, Mrs. James Lansing HISTORICAL SOCIETIES 1 IN ISI I C H I G A N lam — Continued. Bailey, Mrs. R. A., 1717 Michigan Ave. Lansing Barrows, Walter B. East Lansing Bassett, George E., 614 Washtenaw W. Lansing Bement, Arthur 0. Lansing Bement, Clarence E., 505 Seymour St. , Lansing Bidelman, Eli Lansing Black Cyrenius P. Lansing Brewer, Mrs. Abbie Lansing Brisbin, Mrs. Sarah L., 212 Ionia St. Lansing Brown, A. M. East Lansing Brundage, Mrs. Josephine, 322 N. Chestnut St. Lansing Brundage, WiUiam H., 322 Chestnut St. Lansing CahiU, Edward Lansing Cassey, Henry G. Lansing Chase, John H., 124 Larch St. Lansing Collingwood, Charles B. East Lansing Cook, WiUiam W. Lansing Cooley, Eugene F. Lansing Cowles, Miss Lizzie B. Lansing Cummings, Mrs. Juliet W. Lansing Gushing, Thomas R., 500 Willow St, Lansing Daniels, Mrs. Emeline E. F., 224 Grand Ave. Lansing Dart, Eben W., 315 Butler St. Lansing Davis, B. F. Lansing Dodge, WiUiam H. Lansing Downey, Charles P. Lansing Downey, Florence P Lansing Downey, Mrs. H. J. Lansing Downey, Mrs. Hattie P. LansingLansing Downey, Margaret P. (Mrs. Derby) HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 37 Ingham — Continued . Eastman, Mrs. Mary V. H., 208 Cap- itol Ave. Lansing Emery, Wesley Lansing Foster, WUliam, 812 Grove St. Lansing Fuller, George Newman, Lansing Hadrich, Mrs. Florence D., Ionia St. W. Lansing Hammond, Mrs. Nellie A. Williamston Hatch, A. D. Okemos Hemans, Lawton T. Mason Humphrey, Henry Lansing Hungerford, Mrs. Angeline E. H. Lansing Huston, Mrs. Helen A. S., HI Maple St. Lansing Ives, Lucius H., R. F. D. Mason Johnson, Mrs. Emily R., 724 Ionia St. Lansing Judson, Mrs. Ellen B. Lansing Judson, Nathan Lansing Kedzie, Frank S., 414 Ottawa St. W. Lansing Kinnie, Timothy Lansing Lawrence, Henry N. Lansing Longyear, Mrs. Harriet M. Lansing Martin, Elias C, 119 Elm St. Lansing Matthews, Ovid L., Washington Ave. Lansing McQuigg, Mrs. George L. Lansing Merrifield, Mrs. Sarah T. Lansing Mevis, Daniel S., 528 Lapeer St. Lansing Montgomery, Mrs. Julia A., 620 Wal nut St. S. Lansing Moore, Joseph B. Lansing Ostrander, Russell C. Lansing Parker, Thomas, 612 Washington Ave. S. Lansing PattengUl, Henry R. Lansing Pond, Mrs. Jennie L. Lansing 5 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN [gham — Continued Reid, Alfred L., 737 Grove St Lansing Reid, IsabeUa T. 737 Grove St. Lansing Sabin, Walter D. Lansing St. John, Mrs. Mary A. Lansing Satterlee, James, 306 Ottawa St. Lansing Saxton, George H. Lansing Saxton, Mrs. Mary F. Lansing Sayers, John H. Mason Schneider, Frederick Lansing Scott, Mary R., 1322 Chelsea Ave. Lansing Shattuck, Allen S., 1117 Lee St. Lansing Shaw, Samuel Mason Shot well, Ambrose M. Lansing Simons, Miss Mercy H. Lansing Smith, Clinton D. East Lansing Snyder, Jonathan L. East Lansing Stillman, Mrs. Mary H. Mason Ten Eyck, Mrs. EHzabeth F. Lansing Towar, George M. Meridian Turner, Dr. Frank M., 323 Saginaw St. Lansing Turner, Mrs. Jessie M. Lansing Turner, Mrs. Sophia Scott Lansing Vanneter, Mrs. Abbie L. Williamston Vamum, Mina Humphrey (Mrs. T. S.) Lansing Warner, Joseph Lansing Weston, Edward H. Lansing Winans, Mrs. Susan K. Lansing Woods, Jay P. Lansing Woodworth, H. A. Lansing Woodworth, Mrs. Lona G., Washing ton Ave. Lansing Woolcott, Isaac N. Lansing Wright, Mr. & Mrs. F. L. Stockbridge HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 39 Ingham — Continued. Wright, Gurdon L. Lansing Wyckoff, Fayette Lansing Ionia Adams, John . Portland Barnes, Eva M. W. Ionia Green, Fred W. Ionia Green, Mrs. Helen A. Ionia Hall, Brinton F. Belding Hayes, N. B. .Muir Kennedy, D. Portland Rice, Mrs. Mary E.N. Portland WiUiams, Mrs. Harriet B. Lake Odessa Iosco Loud, Edward F. Au Sable Isabella Gorham, Mrs. Sarah M. Mt. Pleasant Larzelere, Claude S. Mt. Pleasant Loveland, Mrs. Nora L. Mt. Pleasant Jackson Barber, Edward W. Jackson Dennis, Elmore Jackson Emerson, Mrs. Zelie P. Jackson Everett, Jay Chelsea Loomis, Mrs. Emma C. Jackson Luther, George E. Jackson Public Library Jackson Webb, Egbert T Jackson Kalamazoo Beebe, Cynthia Tainter Vicksburg Boudeman, Dallas Kalamazoo Buckhout, Romine H. • Kalamazoo Coleman, Hutson B. Kalamazoo ComeU, Dr. A. B. Kalamazoo Curtenius, Mrs. Kate W. Kalamazoo Davis, Mrs. Annette L. Kalamazoo 40 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Kalamazoo — Continued. Deal, Francis E. L., 609 W. South St. Kalamazoo Dewing, W. S. Kalamazoo De Yoe, Edward W. Kalamazoo Everard, H. Kalamazoo Fitzpatrick, Rev. William J., 1128 Race St. Kalamazoo Folz, Samuel Kalamazoo Gilmore, Mrs. Ida A., R. F. D. No. 31 Vicksburg Harrison, William H. Kalamazoo Hodge, Mrs. M. F., 1017 W. Main St. Kalamazoo Hoyt, Henry R. Kalamazoo Hoyt, Mrs. Mary M., 416 Academy St. Kalamazoo Hoyt, William C. Kalamazoo Kleinstuck, Mrs. Caroline I. H., 203 Lovell St. Kalamazoo Knappen, George A. Kalamazoo Lakey, Albert L. Kalamazoo Lucas, Mrs. James, 132 Arcadia Court Kalamazoo Miller, Mrs. Grace J., 525 Woodward Ave. Kalamazoo Mills, E. T. Kalamazoo MiUs, Mrs. Florence G., 300 Elm St. Kalamazoo O'Brien, Rt. Rev. Monsignor Frank A. Kalamazoo Peck, William W. Kalamazoo Phelps, Edwin J. Kalamazoo St. John, Alice M., 1550 W. Main'St. Kalamazoo Sebring, I. L. Kalamazoo Stewart, N. H. Kalamazoo Stoddard, Lucius H., R. F. D. No.].12 Kalamazoo Taylor, Walter R. Kalamazoo Upjohn, WiUiam E. Kalamazoo Vosburg, Mrs. Edwin Kalamazoo Winslow, George C. Kalamazoo HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 41 Kalkaska Carlisle, Mrs. H. L. Kalkaska Palmer, Ambrose Kalkaska Kent Anderson, William H. Grand Rapids Baldwin, Frank A., 234 CoUege Ave. Grand Rapids Baldwin, Mrs. Nellie Osband, 234 ' CoUege Ave. Grand Rapids Ball, Miss Lucy, 788 Wealthy Ave. Grand Rapids Barnett, John M., 126 N. Lafayette Grand Rapids Bamhart, Roy S., 319 Cherry St. Grand Rapids Baxter, Alfred, 64 Paris Ave. Grand Rapids Bender, Charles H., 39 Terrace Ave. Grand Rapids Bissell, Anna S., 80 S. College Ave. Grand Rapids Blodgett, John W., 365 Cherry Grand Rapids Bra3rton, Mrs. J. P., 328 College Ave. Grand Rapids Briggs, Edward L. Grand Rapids Brown, Rev. Robert W., 225 W. Bridge St. Grand Rapids Bundy, McGeorge, 340 Foimtain St. Grand Rapids Burch, Charles S. Grand Rapids Butterfield, Roger W., 27 Paris Ave. Grand Rapids Campbell, Mrs. Caroline P., 37 Pros pect St. Grand Rapids Clay, D. P. Grand Rapids Cuming, Mary H., Crescent Heights Grand Rapids FarreU, WiUiam, R. F. D. No. 5 Ada Foote, Elijah H., 385 S. Lyon Grand Rapids Friant, Thomas Grand Rapids Garfield, Charles W. , Burton Ave Grand Rapids Graves, Schuyler C, 65 Paris Ave. Grand Rapids Griswold, Joseph B., 184 N. Lafayette. Grand Rapids Griswold, Mrs. Lettie M., 1090 Gil bert Grand Rapids Hazeltine, Charles S., 5 John St. Grand Rapids Hefferan, Thomas, 272 Fountain St. Grand Rapids 42 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Kent — Continued . Heystick, Harry J., 105 Paris Ave. Grand Rapids Hollister, Clay Harvey, 465 E. Fulton Grand Rapids Hollister, Harvey J., 471 E. Fulton St. Grand Rapids Hubbard, Mrs. Georgia N., R. F. D. No. 9 Grand Rapids Hughart, J. H. P., 413 E. Fulton St Grand Rapids Idema, Henry, 284 Lyon Ave Grand Rapids Immen, Mrs. Loraine Pratt, 35 N. Lafayette St. Grand Rapids Jewett, Carrie B., 113 Fountain St. Grand Rapids Judd, Charles P., 67 Fountain St. Grand Rapids Keeney, WiUard F., 28 S. Lafayette Ave. Grand Rapids KimbaU, Mrs. Azubah F., 276 Fount ain St. Grand Rapids Kleinhans, Jacob, 176 Jefferson Ave Grand Rapids Knappen, Loyal E., 90 Washington St. Grand Rapids Lawrence, John S., 325 E. Fulton St. Grand Rapids Maxwell, Edgar G., 203 Madison Ave. Grand Rapids Morris, Lucy W. Grand Rapids Musselman, Amos S., 6 Hoffman Flats Grand Rapids Norris, Mark, 29 N. Prospect St.- Grand Rapids O'Brien, Thomas J. Grand Rapids Pantlind, J. Boyd Grand Rapids Pearsall, S. W. Grand Rapids Peck, Thomas H. Grand Rapids Perkins, Gaius Grand Rapids Pollard, Annie A., 333 Terrace Ave. Grand Rapids Ranck, Samuel H., Ryerson Library Grand Rapids Russell, Huntley, Soldiers Home Grand Rapids Shelby, William R., 65 N. Lafayette Grand Rapids Sinclair, Malcolm C, 124 Sheldon St. Grand Rapids Smith, William Alden Grand Rapids Stevens, Sidney F., 90 Sheldon St. Grand Rapids Stowe, Ernest H., 6 Hoffman Apts. Grand Rapids HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 43 Kent — Continued . Stuart, William J., 99 S. Lafayette Grand Rapids Thayer, George W. Grand Rapids Thompson, George W., 65 Coit Ave Grand Rapids Tower, Daniel W., 531 Jefferson Ave Grand Rapids Towner, Mrs. Julia B. Byron Center Tinkham, Frederick K. Grand Rapids Udell, Corwin S., 354 Crescent Ave. Grand Rapids Watson, Alice J. Grand Rapids Wheeler, A. O., 65 Park St. Grand Rapids White, Thomas Stuart, 7 Washington St. Winegar, WiUiam Withey, Charies Shepherd, 933 Mich Trust Bldg. Wolf, Benjamin, 415 Madison Ave. Women's Club, President Lapeer Bristol, Mrs. Mary A. I. Farquharson, Mrs. Mary T. T. Finch, Helen Hamilton Hamilton, William Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Hannah F. Taylor, Thomas C. Williams, Mrs. Lucy White Lenawee Chaloner, Mrs. Laura Clark, Mrs. Jane E. Frost, Clarence Robbins, Mrs. Louise B., 25 Broad St. Wilson, Mrs. Andrew Li^'ingston Bignall, Solomon L. Crittenden, Alvin R. Farmer, Edwin Richards, Paul S. Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Grand Rapids Almont AlmontAlmontAlmont AlmontAlmont Lapeer Adrian Clinton AdrianAdrian TecumsehFowlervilleHowell Unadilla Cohoctah 44 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Livingston — Continued . Worthington, James A. Wright, Miss BeSvSie L. Luce Dutcher, Sanford M. Mackinac Murray, David W. Macomb Eldridge, Robert F. Gilbert, Charles S. Smith, John, jr. Thompson, Omar D. Manistee Ramsdell, Thomas J. Marquette BaU, Dan H. Bice, Edward S., 326 E. Hunt Ave. Brainard, Charles L. Brown, Charles R. Byms, Charles J. Case, Claude W. Crary, Seldon B. Hart, WUliam H. Jopling, Alfred 0. Kaufman, Louis C. Koepcke, Albert F. Mason Bishop, Roswell P. Stearns, Justus S. Mecosta Ramsdell, Ella J. Tiffany, Harlow A. Menominee Sawyer, Alvah L. Sawyer, Mrs. Josephine S. D. FowlervilleFowlerville Newberry Alackinac Island Mt. Clemens Memphis RomeoRomeo ]Manistee Marquette Marquette Marquette MarquetteIshpemingMarquette MarquettePrincetonMarquette MarquetteMarquette Ludington Ludington Big Rapids Chippewa Lake MenomineeMenominee HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 45 Midland Bradley, Benjamin F. Midland Monroe Bulkley, John M. Monroe Parker, Burton Monroe Muskegon Nims, Frederick A. Muskegon Rice, Mrs. Jennie A., 201 Clay Ave. Muskegon Shettler, Mrs. Eliza M. S., - Muskegon Heights Newaygo Rich, Arthur L. Grant Oceana Gurney, Charles A. Hart Munger, Mrs. Edith G. Hart Wood, Miss Alice M. Shelby, R. F. D. Wood, Julia S. Shelby, R. F. D. Oakland Avery, Mrs. A. B., 101 Lawrence St. Pontiac Bird, Joshua W., 85 As3'-lum Ave. Pontiac Campbell, Allen Groveland Clark, Mrs. Mary J. Pontiac King, Frank C. Pontiac Easier, Mrs. Martha G. Birm'ngham Lynch, James F. Pontiac Stockwell, Joseph S. Pontiac Warner, Fred M. Farmington Ogemaw Ammond, Dr. Henrj^ M. Campbell's Corner: Oscoda Waterbury, John M. Tawas City Otsego Davis, Charies F. Elmira 'Ottawa Baker, Henry B. Holland Den Herder, Jacob Zeeland Diekema, Gerrit J. Holland 46 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Roscommon DeLamater, Fred L. Roscommon Saginaw Bliss, Mrs. A. T. * Saginaw, W. S. Boynton, Mrs. John F. Saginaw Brockway, Mrs. Rozet, 1101 N. Wash ington Ave. Saginaw Curtis, J. S. East Saginaw Dunk, Mrs. Maria E., 321 S. Jefferson St. Saginaw Dustin, Fred Saginaw Eaton, Mrs. F. L. Saginaw, W. S. Langley, Elliott W., Box 145 Saginaw Lyon, Mrs. Carrie M., Bancroft House Saginaw Lyon, Farnham, Bancroft House Saginaw Mautner, Mrs. Lena L., 915 Thomp son St. Saginaw Mershon, William Butts Saginaw Palmes, Mrs. Anna A. Saginaw, W. S. Palmei', Eliza M., Bancroft House Saginaw Palmer, Oscar L., Bancroft House Saginaw Peter, Mrs. Florence W. Saginaw Rust, Ezra Saginaw Stone, Mrs. Mary Hanchette, 519 Van Buren St. Saginaw Tennant, Mrs. Josephine M., 623 Madison St. Saginaw Ure, John, R. F. D. No. 8 Saginaw Webber, Mrs. Frances E., 536 Millard St. Saginaw Winship, John Thomas Saginaw Shiawassee Curtis, James B. F. Corunna Fitch, John M. Durand Gregory, Lena E., 317 Oliver St. Owosso Howe, J. H. Owosso HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 47 Shiawassee — Continued . Jackson, Lucy M., Box 75 Parkhill, Mrs. Ade aide H Owosso OwossoCorunna 317 Oliver Owosso Owosso 115 John St. OwossoOwosso Shout, Mrs. Maryette O. Waters, Mrs. Winona A. G. St. Williams, Mrs. Harriet N. Woodard, Mrs. Fred B Woodard, William A. St. Clair Ballantine, Mrs. Caroline F. Port Huron Bower, Miss Emma E. Port Huron Butterfield, Ira H. Port Huron Cowan, Marion A., 2539 Cherry St. Port Huron Eichhom, John P. Port Huron Gibbons, Joseph Blaine Harris, Edward W., Box 403 Port Huron Howe, Mrs. Eunice A. S., 3034 S. MiUtary St. Port Huron Howe, George W. Port Huron Jenks, William L. Port Huron Kenney, Mrs. Jane M., North St. Port Huron Manuel, Mrs. Sarah A. Port Huron Mitchell, WiUiam T. Port Huron O'NeU, John G. Port Huron Weil, Charles L. Port Huron St. Joseph Beard, William ]\Iendon Brown, David W. White Pigeon Carpenter, T. C. Sturgis Custard, Mrs. EUa F. Alendon Farrow, John Sturgis Fletcher, Roderick E. Mendon Hazard, WUliam, jr. CentervUle Hull, William CenterviUe Keightley, Edwin W. Constantine 48 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN St. Joseph — Continued. Leinbach, Henry S. CenterviUe Major, WiUiam J. CenterviUe Packard, Frank S. Sturgis Palmer, Charies A. Wasepi Palmer, Gporge W. Wasepi Sabin, Marden CenterviUe SeekeU, Charles L. CenterviUe Simpson, William G. Mendon Three Rivers Women's Club, Presi- dent Three Rivers White, Lucy CenterviUe Tuscola Fox, Edwin G. Mayville Harrison, W. Henrj- Tuscola Hinckley, Harry D. Fairgrove Seelev, Lewis G. Caro York, N. E. Arbela Van Buren Atwood, Mrs. A. E. South Haven Bennett, Mrs. Alice Babbitt Hartford Clement, Mrs. SteUa South Haven Hartford Women's Club, President Hartford Monroe, C. J. South Haven Noyes, Kirke W. South Haven Olney, Horace M. Hartford Pomeroy, Mrs. Mabel Clement Decatur Steen, Helena Lawton Washtenaw Babbitt, Mrs. Florence S Ypsilanti Beal, Junius E. Ann Arbor CampbeU, A. Pittsfield D'Ooge, Martin L. Ann Arbor English, Albert D. Manchester Finney, Byron A., 849 Tappan St. Ann Arbor Finney, Mrs. Ida C, 849 Tappan St. Ann Arbor HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 49 Washtenaw — Continued. Foster, Mary E. Ann Arbor Gillett, Jason C. Ypsilanti Graves, Mrs. Martha Ypsilanti Hutchins, Harry B. Ann Arbor Ir.win, Mrs. Harriett A. Chelsea King, Charles E. Ypsilanti Post, Samuel ' Ypsilanti Sessions, J. Q. A. Ann Arbor Soule, Harrison, 708 S. University Ann Arbor Van Tyne, Claude H. Ann Arbor Waters, Arthur J. Alanchester Watkins, L. D. ]\f an Chester Whiting, Mrs. Mary C, 314 S. 4th Ave Ann Arbor Wayne Albright, Egbert F., 235 W. Hancock Ave. Detroit Alden, Mrs. Margaret H., Florence Crittenden Home Detroit Allen, Sylvia, 89 Erskine Ave Detroit Armstrong, Jane D., 355 Lincoln Ave. Detroit Banks, Dr. S. Gertrude, 17 Sproat St. Detroit Barbour, Levi L., 661 Woodward Ave. Detroit Bagley, John N., 881 Jefferson Ave. Detroit Beale, Francis R. NorthviUe Beverly, Miss Clara, 50 Broadway Detroit Black, Clarence A., 1065 Woodward Ave. Detroit Bland, Joseph E., 165 W. Fort St Detroit Book, James B., jr., 449 J«fferson Ave. Detroit Brady, George N., 414 Jefferson Ave. Detroit Breasley, William H. Detroit Burton, Clarence M., 27 Brainard St. Detroit Butler, E. H., 8 Butler Bldg. Detroit Carpenter, William L. Detroit 7 50 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Wayne — Continued. Carson, WiUiam, 181 Alexandrine Ave. Detroit Christian, Edwin F. Wyandotte Church, Mrs. Nancy Babbit, 320 Ferry St Detroit Conner, Mrs. Anna D., 103 Cass St. Detroit Cottrell, E. W. Greenfield Davis, Mrs. Isabella," 290 Lincoln Ave. Detroit Delbridge, Charies P., 14 Butler Bldg. Detroit Detroit Review Club, President Detroit Durfee, Edgar O, 75 Warren Ave Detroit Dwyer, Jeremiah Detroit Fuller, Helen B., 337 Belvidere Ave. Detroit Fyfe, Mrs. A. R. L., 939 Woodward Ave. Detroit Fyfe, Richard H. Detroit Geer, Marion L., 292 Field Ave. Detroit Gillespie, Harry B., 720 Jefferson Ave. Detroit Grant, Claudius B. Detroit Grant, Mrs. Carolina Felch Detroit Gray, John S. Detroit Haigh, Henry A., Alexandrine Ave. Detroit. Hasty, Fannie Billings, 120 Selden Ave. Detroit Hayes, Jvlrs. Augusta W. S., Wayne Hotel Detroit Hayes, James R., Wayne Hotel Detroit Hayes, William A., Wayne Hotel Detroit Heineman, David E., 428 Woodward Ave. Detroit Ingram, Frederick T., 409 Lafayette Ave. Detroit Ives, Miss Julia M. Grosse He Jo}^ Richard P., 971 Woodward Ave. Detroit HI STORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 51 Wayne — Continued . Kearsley, Mrs. Rebecca Margaret, 662 2d Ave. Detroit Keep, Miss Helen E., 735 Jefferson Ave. Detroit Keith, Mrs. Julia H. Grosse He Kimball, Mrs. Leonore 0., 613 Vine- wood Ave. Detroit Lancashire, Harriet W. Detroit Lancashire, Mrs. Sarah H. Detroit Lee, William O., 379 Hancock St. Detroit Lightner, Clarence A. Detroit Metcalf, Mrs. Charles Horton Grosse Pointe Farms Moore, Charles Detroit Munsell, Kate Elizabeth (Mrs. George), 180 E. Grand Boulevard Detroit O'Brien, Mrs. Mary F., 523 Jefferson Ave Detroit . Palmer, Ervin, 61 Buhl Bldg Detroit Peck, Mrs. Lucy T., The Palms Detroit Perrine, Mrs. "Florence B., 36 Noble ' St. Detroit Phelps, Ralph, jr., 17 Butler Bldg , Detroit Potts, H., 809 Uth Ave Detroit Pratt, William K., 662 Second Ave Detroit Preston, Marvin, 91 Woodward Ave Detroit Reed, Mrs. Maude W., 3000 W. Grand Boulevard Detroit Robinson, W. B. Detroit Ross, Delia Morrison, 49 Avalon Ave. Detroit Russell, George B., 149 McDougal St. Detroit Sanders, Harriet Georgiana, 313 W. Warren Ave. Detroit ;Sleeper, Mrs. Harriet C, 1156 Uth Ave. Detroit 52 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Way ne — Continued . Slocum, Elliott T., 514 Hammond Bldg. Detroit Smith, Hal. H. Detroit Smith, S. L. Detroit Stanton, Robert L. Grosse lie Stewart, Minnie Edna Tietsort, 93 Garfield Ave. Detroit Taylor, Frank D., 105 Watson St. Detroit Utley, Henry M., Public Library Detroit VanZile, Philip T., 148 Forest Ave. Detroit Vinton, Warren G., 109 Charlotte Ave. Detroit. Walker, Bryant, 205 Moffatt Bldg. Detroit Walter, Robert E. Detroit Wright, Stanley G., 403 Jefferson Ave. Detroit WUey, Louise Safford, 300 Putnam Ave. Detroit Young, William, 72 Home Bank Bldg. Detroit Wexford Penelopian Club, President Cadillac Powers, Perry F. Cadillac Powers, Mrs. Perry F. ¦ CadiUac MEMBERS NOW RESIDENT OUTSIDE OF MICHIGAN Bates, WUliam R., Washington, D. C, formerly Flint, Mich. Beal, William J., Amherst, Mass., formerly Lansing, Mich. Bridges, Mrs. M. E., Box 62, Easton, San Mateo, Cal. Brown, Charles W., South Milford, Ind. Coleman, Merrit W., Riverside, Cal., formerly Lansing, Mich. Conant, Harry A., Windsor, Ont., formerly Monroe, Mich. Cook, James R., Washington, D. C. . Corey, David R., N. Y. City, care of IngersoU DoUar Watch Co., formerly Lansing, Mich. Cutcheon, Otis E. M. Idaho Falls, Idaho, formerly Oscoda, Mich. Douglas, James, 99 John St., N. Y. City, HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 53 Eddy, Everett H., Moose Jaw, Canada, formerly Grand Rapids, Mich. Emerson, Mrs. Mary E. P., Waltham, Mass. 'Gordon, Mrs. NeUie Kinzie, 10 E. Oglethorpe Ave., Savannah, Ga. GuUd, Egbert F., Philadelphia, Pa., formerly E. Saginaw, Mich. Harsh, Mrs. Norah C. B., 923 Grand Ave., Des Moines, Iowa, formerly YpsUanti, Mich. Hoyt, Louise P., Chicago, 111. Hurd, Henry H., Baltimore, Md., John Hopkins Hospital, for merly Pontiac, Mich. Lane, Alfred C, Boston, Mass., formerly Lansing, Mich. Longyear, John Munroe, Brookline, Mass., Leicester St., formerly Marquette, Mich. Knox, Mrs. Annie R., Manchester, N. H. Light, H. E., Pittsford, N. Y., formerly Saginaw, Mich. Mason, Mary S., FayettevUle, N. Y. McPherson, Bessie A. R., 226 E. 37th St., Portland, Oregon. Mead, Mrs. Amanda H., 816 8th St., San Diego, Cal., formerly Lansing, Mich. Nichols, Amos C, 1266 10th St., San Diego, Cal., formerly Lansing, Mich. Otis, Ephraim A., 13 Astor St., Chicago, 111. Pease, William M., Chicago, IU. Pennington, H. F., Chicago, 111., formerly Charlotte, Mich. Perry, Mrs. Belle M., Los Angeles, Cal., formerly Charlotte, Mich. Reynolds, Lorenzo P., Chicago, 111., formerly, Eckford, Mich. Selfridge, Mrs. Lois F. Baxter, Chicago, IU., formerly Jackson, Mich. Sherman, Florence, New York City » Shoemaker, Bowen W., 204 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., formerl}' Jackson, Mich. Sidman, George D., 407 P. 0. Bldg., PhUadelphia, Pa. Smith, Clinton D., Trumansburg, N. Y. Smith, Harlan I., New York City, formerly Saginaw, Mich. Soper, Daniel E., Chattanooga, Tenn., formerly Newaygo, Mich. 54 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Starr, Rev. Calvin H., Paprous, Kansas. Steele, George E., Grant Pass, Oregon, formerly St. Johns, Mich. Thompson, Anna M., Chicago, 111., formerly Jackson, Mich. Ward, Charles E., Chicago, 111., formerly Bancroft, Mich. Wescott, Mrs. John Steele, 516 N. 21st St., Birmingham, Ala., formerly Lansing, Mich. Wescott, Mrs. Ellen M., 516 N. 21st St., Birmingham, Ala,, formerly Lansing, Mich. Wheeler, J. B., Oklahoma, Oa., formerly Corunna, Mich. Winpenny, Mrs. Susan G. S., 1432 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa., formerly Jackson, Mich. HONORARY MEMBERS Brooks, WiUiam G., 257 S. 21st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Burling, Mrs. Elizabeth Homer, Ripon, Wis. Darling, Charies W., Utica, N. Y. Griffith, A. H., (Formeriy, Detroit) Poole, Murray E., Ithaca, N. Y. Shaffer, Charles, Big Rapids, Mich. Winslow, WUliam G., 525 Weaver St., Boston, Mass. Wright, Mrs. Dorothea Mason, 24 Park Place, Newark, N. J. The foregoing roster of members compiled from the record books, contains undoubtedly some errors. Second class mail matter has failed to reach members in some cases. Street addresses, permanent changes of address and any errors noticed either in names or addressses, should be reported to the Secretary at once. It is needful to call the attention of members to ^the necessity of informing the Secretary of deaths in the membership of the Society. The Society has become so large, and the members are so widely scattered over this and other States, that unless the HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 55 deaths are noted in the general press, the Secretary has no means of learning of them except from the meftibersr A little care would save many families the pain of having mail addressed to the deceased members of the Society, The lack of this care has in other ways frequently caused the Secretary no little mortification. Will not the members of the Society kindly bear this in mind? Our mail has repeatedly failed to reach the follow ing members: Bailey, Mrs, Margaret H., Hastings, Barry Co. Clergue, Francis H., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Cummings, Cornelia D., Galesburg, Kalamazoo Co, Frost, Clarence, Albion, Calhoun Co. Green, David A., Pontiac, Oakland Co. Root, Melvin A., Bay City, Bay Co. Shields, Francis A. P., Monroe Center, Grand Traverse Co. Smith, Leander, Marshall, Calhoun Co. Smith, Rev. S, B,, Grand Rapids, Kent Co. Willetts, Mrs, Jane J,, Washington, D, C. Yanney, James, CenterviUe, St. Joseph Co. The deaths of the following members have been reported but not dated; the Society would be glad to have the missing information supplied, Allegan EdseU, W. C. b 1814 Otsego Goodrich, Osman E. b. 1844 AUegan McMartin (Dunham), Maria T. b. 1829 Allegan Wetmore, Joseph H. b. 1826 AUegan 56 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Barry Chapin, Artemas Wright b. 1825 Assyria Hayes, Mrs. A. M. b. 1820 Hastings Leonard, Enos E. b. Freeport. Bay Warren, Joseph b. 1814 Bay City Benzie Betts, WiUiam A. b. 1818 Benzonia Berrien Beesen, Lewis H. b. 1850 NUes Dickson, Edwin T. b. 1821 Berrien Centre Ireland, SUas b. 1818 Berrien Lacey, Fanny Solomon b. 1836 NUes Nichols, Fremont D. b. 1853 Berrien Springs Calhoun Huston, John b. 1824 Marshall Hyde, A. 0. b. 1816 MarshaU Manchester, E. C. b. 1813 Emmet or Battle Creek. Patterson, Harriet Wait b. 1815 Eckford Smith, Leander b. 1818 Marshall Stolys, Wm. b. 1808 (Newton town ship) Clare Woodruff, Henry b. 1813 Farwell Clinton Ousterhout, Henry b. 1816 Duplain Eaton Arnold, J. H. b. 1817 Eaton Rapids Clark, David b. Grand Ledge or Eagle Hunt, E. W. b. Dimondale IngersoU, Mrs. 0. B. b. 1821 Delta Genesee Aplin, Geo. b. 1838 Pine Run Penoyer, James b. 1812 Clayton HISTORIC AL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN i HUlsdale Barker, Edward b. 1824 Litchfield Bodner, Emanuel b. 1839 Litchfield Drake, William . b. 1828 Amboy Fairbank, Stephen S. b. 1822 Litchfield Fowler, Frederic b. 1816 Reading Mosher, Charles b. 1822 Mosherville Pratt, Daniel L. b. 1820 Hillsdale Riblet, Samuel b. 1811 Litchfield Sawyer, Washington b. 1817 Jonesville Houghton Dunstan, Thomas B. b. 1850 Houghton Hubbell, Jay A. b. 1829 Houghton Hulbert, Edwin J. b. 1829 Rome, Italy Ingham Abbott, Myron b. 1827 White Oak Ainsley, Wm. P. b. 1836 Williamston Barrett, Comehus S. b. 1842 Lansing Bingham, Steve b. 1828 Lansing Burr, Laura E. b. 1824 Lansing Champe, Melvin D. b. 1828 Onondaga Clark, Wm. M. b. 1827 Lansing Covert, A. R. L. b. 1831 Leslie Jackson, Andrew b. 1825 Lansing King, Mrs. H. S. b. 1815 Lansing MuUett, John H. b. 1815 Meridian North, M. K. b. 1826 Alaiedon Northrup, Enos b. 1813 Vevay or Mason Wilson, Thomas M. b. 1821 Lansing Ionia Barlow, Hervey b. 1814 Portland Clark, David b. 1817 Grand Ledge or Eagle Miner, H. F. b. 1832 Lake Odessa Rich, Hampton b. 1813 Ionia Toan, WUliam b. 1832 Portland 57 58 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Jackson Clark, Franldin S. b. 1812 Jackson DeLand, Charles V b. 1828 Summit Gridley, WUliam Seward b. 1838 Jackson Thompson, William D. b. 1815 Jackson Van Every, Mr. Claracy b. 1815 Jackson Kalamazoo Allen, J. B. b. 1824 Kalamazoo Bair, William b. 1815 Schoolcraft Bums, J. Davison b. 1836 Kalamazoo Chase, N. b. 1833 Kalamazoo Cobb, Charies L. b. 1826 Kalamazoo Earl, Jesse b. 1812 Comstock Edwards, John M. b. 1820 Kalamazoo GUbert, Henry b. 1810 Kalamazoo Hawes, Josiah L. b. 1823 Kalamazoo Hurd, Charies H. b. 1811 Kalamazoo Kingsley, Moses b. 1810 Kalamazoo Lowell, Enos T. b. 1824 Climax Monroe, James b. 1819 Kalamazoo Peake, Mrs. Caroline B. b. 1818 Kalamazoo Read, Gilbert E. b. 1822 Richland Shakespeare, A. J. b. 1839 Kalamazoo Sjfes, Richard A. b. 1836 Kalamazoo Wattles, S. H b. 1824 Kalamazoo Woodbury, Edward b. 1842 Kalamazoo Kent AUen, Geo. W. b. 1813 Grand Rapids Angell, Abiah b. 1811 Caledonia Avery, Noyes L. b. 1815 Grand Rapids Briggs, Edward L. b. 1830 Grand Rapids Buchanan, John C. b. 1823 Grand Rapids Cook, Wm. N. b. 1821 Grand Rapids Fairfield, John A. b. 1840 Grand Rapids Fox, Perine V. b. 1821 Grand Rapids Johnson, Dr. G. R. b. 1822 Grand Rapids HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN 59 Kent — Continued . Johnson, W. W. b. 1817 Grand Rapids Naysmith, Henry R. b. 1824 Grand Rapids Parmerlee, Heman b. 1820 Grand Rapids Slocum, GUes B. b. 1808 Grand Rapids Stanley, Justin W. b. 1824 Grand Rapids Lapeer Edgerton, Alanson b. 1816 Lapeer Manwaring, Joshua b. 1824 Lapeer Lenawee Aldrich, Stephin H. b. 1817 Raisin Baxter, Benjamin L. b. 1815 Tecumseh Clement, John S. b. 1825 Blissfield Geddes, Norman b. 1823 Adrian Hall, Alfred D. b. 1824 Tecumseh Patrick, James b. 1818 RoUin Shaw, Bracklej^ b. 1818 Cadmus Whitney, Abel b. 1813 Adrian Macomb Parker, Warren b. 1829 Chesterfield Manistee Ramsdell, T. J. b. 1833 Manistee Marquette Hollister, Solomon D. b. 1833 Marquette .Mecosta Shafer, Charies b. 1823 Big Rapids Midland Stieger, Charies E. b. 1854 Midland Montcalm Belknap, J. W. b. 1842 GreenvUle Fargo, Hiram B. b. 1833 Denver, Colo, for merly GreenviUe Monroe Keeney, A. J. b. 1819 Erie Strong, John b. 1830 South Rockwood 60 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Muskegon Baxter, Albert b. 1823 Muskegon Hills, Charles Tumer b. 1821 Muskegon Oakland Brewer, Mark S. b. 1837 Pontiac Hagerman, Mrs. Frank b. 1837 Oxford Hoyt, James M. b. 1817 Walled Lake Peck, Edward W. b. 1807 Pontiac Pierson, Benjamin b. 1802 Farmington Soper, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth b. 1839 Pontiac Oceana , Mugford, E. T. b. 1829 Hart ' White, Oliver K. b. 1831 New Era Ottawa Ferry, WiUiam M. b. 1824 Grand Haven Kedzie, A. S. b. 1814 Grand Haven A'lorris, S. L. b. 1825 Grand Haven Saginaw Curtis, J. S. b. 1823 Saginaw Estabrook, John S. b. 1826 E. Saginaw Grant, Charles W. b. 1818 E. Saginaw St. Clair Bancroft, W. L. b. 1825 Port Huron Carieton, Moses F. b. 1831 Port Huron Hazen, Ezra b. 1817 Memphis White, James H. b. 1"822 Port Huron St. Joseph AUman, Elizabeth L. b. 1825 Sturgis Bennett, Johnston b. 1830 Three Rivers Bishop, James C. b. 1848 Burr Oak Brown, Hiram b. 1804 St. Joseph Conner, William b. 1803 Wasepe Gardner, Jeremiah H. b. 1818 Centreville HaU, Henry b. 1839 Three Rivers Hull, Levi Tyler b. 1830 Constantina Major, William James b. 1834 Centreville HI STORICAL SOCI ETIES IN MICHIGAN t St. Joseph — Continued. Pendleton, Evaline L. b. 1831 Sturgis Starr, Callvin H. b. 1812 Paprous Kansas Taft, Seth b. 1823 Mendon Watkins, WUliam Marcus b. 1816 Leonidas Winslow, W. b. 1819 St. Joseph ^Shiawassee Comstock, Elias b. 1799 Owosso Chipman, A. B. b. 1812 Owosso Haviland, Catherine Ferry b. 1821 Burns WUhams, (Harriett N.) Mrs. A.L.b. 1822 Owosso Washtenaw Blood, Charies L. b. 1827 Bond, Ehhu B. b. 1826 Boss, Randall b. 1812 Pittsfield Campbell, Allen b. 1817 Pittsfield Corey, J. D. b. 1816 Manchester Crane, Alex. D. b. 1809 Ann Arbor Duffy, Edward b. 1839 Ann Arbor Finley, Floms S. b. 1812 Ypsilanti Finley, (Tooker) Jane M. b. 1826 Ypsilanti Foster, Mary E. b. 1825 Ann Arbor GUlett, Jason C. b. 1814 Ypsilanti Hexford, F. K. b. 1814 Ypsilanti Robison, John J. b. 1824 Manchester Walton, Mrs. Jerome b. 1827 Ypsilanti WUhams, J. D. b. 1815 Ann Arbor Wheeler, George S. b. 1830 Salem, Mass. White, Carran b. 1814 Chelsea Van Buren Copley, Alexander B. b. 1822 Decatur Waj-ne Barrows, Milo W- b. 1822 Detroit CottreU, E. W. b. 1843 Greenfield Farmer, Silas b. 1839 Detroit Hinsdale, Edwin C. b. 1821 Detroit 61 62 HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN MICHIGAN Wayne^ — Continued . Hodgkinson, Bradshaw KeUogg, A. J. Lee, Thomas McGraw, A. C. Randall, James A. Shearer, (Gray) Lydia b. 1815 Canton b. 1827 Detroit b. 1810 LeesviUe b. 1909 Detroit b. 1848 Detroit b. 1818 Plymouth •'1 V if x'.tVi , ' 1^" ./i£ t7,^,khi%... 1 , t "^ I il 'it Vi ' •f<'\ . h~ ',-'.-1 » " 'Mfi , "- ¦ < A''^ 1 K.vi/ .-f. < '#iti'.r? :- - ' ; ' 'l j'l ft)'* J -,1 \^vy , ii < ' 1 i ] 'f I • 1 .' ^