1 1 5845 V; '^^ X HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF LEE, MASS. LECTURE, DELIVERED BEFORE THE YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION, OF LEE, MARCH 33d, IBS'*. BY REV. AMORY GALE. LEE, MASS.: PRINTED BY FRENCH & ROYCE. 185i. Lee, March. 28, 18.';4. Ket. Amoet Gale : Deae Sir,— In behalf of the Lee Young Men's Asspciation, I would re.'ipectfully solicit a copy of your interesting Lecture on the History of Lee, recently delivered before our Association, for publication. -Very respectfully yours, James T. Leonaiid, Sec'y. 5. T. Leonaed, Esq. : Your kind note of the 28th inst., requesting for publication a copy of the Lecture -which I had the pleasure of presenting before your useful Association, a few evenings since, lies before rae. I cheerfully comply with your request, not because it is wliat I wish it was, but because it contains information relative to the early history of Lee, which can be handed down to posterity in no surer way than on the printed page. That the perusal of this Address may incite tlie young men of Lee to imitate the unbending integrity and sterling virtues of our fathers, and that your Association may continue to exert its elevating and instructive influence upon the masses of our people, is the sincere wish of Yours, respectfully, Amoet Gale. Ue, March 80, 1851. HISTORY OF LEE. In selecting a subject for a Lecture this evening, I could think of none that could interest and instruct the members of the Young Men's Association, more than a History of Lee. I cannot hope to present anything upon this subject but what is within the reach of you all. The want of time, howeyer, has probably prevented the most of you from inves tigating this subject, and (hereby making yourselves familiar with the history of our town. The fathers are dead, and their sons are rapidly passing away, and unless our history is soon written, it -will be too late. The sources of my infor mation have been the Records of the town, and the scraps of historic facts that have been handed .down from father to son. The citizens generally have very kindly furnished me with what knowledge they respectively had upon the subject. Allow me, however, to acknowledge my special obligations to R. H inman, F. Sturgis, H. Bartlett, and Lemuel Bassett, Esqrs., for valuable information presented in thi.s Lecture, I propose to divide this subject into 10 Divisions. I. ORIGIN AND GENERiVL HISTORY. Less than one hundred years since, the territory now in cluded in this town was a howling wilderness. With the exception of a few families of the Stockbridge tribe of Indians, cultivating small patches upon the banks of the Housatonic, " Nature in all her solemn wildness reigned supreme." No voice of the White man echoed through these native forests ; no hum of business was heard ; no skillful work of Art or Science was seen. The majestic oak and genteel spruce reared their lofty heads with fearless defiance. The wild turkey and fearful eagle found here their native home. The wolf and the wihl cat roamed our mountains unscared ; the savage bear and bounding deer had possession 4 HISTORY OF LEE. of our mountain glens and alluvial valley unmolested, save by an occasional dart, necessary to bring the needed fare to the Indian wigwam. Our noble river, rich valley, and mountain peaks, rendered this a favored home for the romantic Red Man of the forest. Here he was " monarch of all he surveyed." For twenty years the White man had lived in Tyringliam, Stockbridge, New Marlborough, and Alford ; and for thirty years he had been in Great Barrington, SheflBeld, and Egremont. Such was the state of things here in 17C0, when Isaac Davis moved on to the farm now owned by John M'Allister, in the south part of the town, where he built the lirst frame house that was erected in Lee. During the ten years from 1760 to 1770, only thirteen families had moved into town. They lived in small log houses, mostly located upon our mountain sides. No roads or bridges had then been built. Marked trees served for the former, and a tree fallen across the river served for the latter. In 1770, John Winegar, of German origin, grandfather of our citizen of that name, came into town, and built the first grist-mill in this region. It was located a few rods above Whyte & Hulbert's paper-mill. Ilis log house, the eleventh log house in Lee, was" built against a perpendicular rock on the east side of the road as we pass around the cove beyond the mill. That rock served as the back part of the house and chimney, which -was so constructed that the wood could be drawn upon the hill in the rear and precipitated down thf chimney to the place for the fire. This process saved the time and labor of cutting and splitting the wood. Mr. Wine- gar, five years afterwards, built another grist-mill, where Royce & IM'Laflin's mills now are, and he also erected the dwelling-house in front of them, which is the oldest building in town. When Mr. Winegar built this house, the nearest place that he could find stone for the cellar was on the Pixley mountain. The leaves and moss in the native forests proba bly concealed the stone from public view. When John Winegar was living at Crow Hollow, he was persuaded by an Indian to accompany him upon the mountain to hunt deer. The Indian soon left Mr. Winegar alone, and for three days, in mid winter, with the thermometer below zero, he wandered without fire or food, unable to find his home. When found by his friends, his feet and other parts of his body were so badly frozen, as to cause him to bo a cripple for life. He, however, recovered suflficiently to attend to his ordinary business. This was deemed a great event in the early history of the town. In 1770, Isaac Davis was hvmg on his farm; Reuben Pixley lived where Dea. Henry HISTORY OF LEE. 5 Bassett now does ; John GoflTe the Irishman lived where Kenas Clark now does ; Hope Davis in the old orchard about forty-six rods east of May & Dean's mills ; near him lived Aaron Benedict and George Parker ; William Chanter the Quaker, commonly known as " Friend William," lived on the Snow farm, next beyond Dea. Culver's ;• Mr. Atkins lived nearly opposite of the old Shailer tavern, in Cape street ; Lt. Crocker found a home where P. Shailer now resides ; Mr. Dodge pitched his tent on top of the mountain, one and a half miles east of P. Shailer's, which place was afterwards called Dodgetown, Mr. Stanley and others afterwards set tled around him. This for many years was the centre of business. Here lived the blacksmith and shoemaker, tanner and currier ; and here it was proposed to erect the church. Jonathan Foote occupied a rude structure where Lyman Foote now lives ; and Elisha Freeman owned the farm where his grandson, John B. Freeman, now lives. Two rude log huts stood near H. Bartlett's, and in and around this village there were not five acres of cleared land. In one of these log huts lived Prince West. Kunkerpot occupied the Indian wigwam, standing in what is now the Park, and several other rude Indian huts were at the Quarr}', occupied by the hardy sons of the forest. A log tavern, sixteen feet square, was erected about this time, where Oliver Kellogg now lives, on Mr. Hinman's lot, kept for a time by an uncle of the late Mr. Abner Taylor. You recollect the couplet in the old Primer, "The Eoyal oak, it was the tree That saved his Eoyal Majesty." Nathan Foote, the grandfather of this Jonathan Foote, put ' Charles the Second, king of England, into the oak, to shield him from his enemies ; and afterwards, when the king was in a situation to do so, he remembered his preserver, and granted him a tract of land in Connecticut. The Foote family have for their coat of arms, a design representing an oak and Charles the Second, and Nathan Foote endeavoring to assist Charles into the oak. The men living in the Eastern part of the town' were mostly from the Cape, and hence the principal road running through that part of Lee is called Cape street. Most of the others came from Connecticut; and a few families were from Germany. To contrast the mode of travel then and now, I will state that Capt. Joseph Crocker, who settled on the William Cone farm, moved his family from Cape Cod in an ox cart. He and his aged mother came in advance of the rest of the family, both riding upon the same horse. e HISTORY OF LEE. Durinexington was fought on the 19th of April, 1775, two and a half years before Lee was incorporated. The news reached Berkshire on the 20th, at noun. At sunrise the next morning. Col. Pattison, of Lenox, was at the head of his regiment, completely equipped and uniformed, marching to the field of hattie. And Col. Fellows, of Sheffield, with equal promptitude, with Iris regi ment, was on his way to Roxbury. In these movements, the fathers of Lee were not idle spec tators. I regret that I am unable to give the names of all the Lee men who were out in the Revolutionary war. I am told that the following gentlemen were among the number : — Jesse Bradley, Eh Bradley, Jesse Giflfbrd, Fenner Foote, Ephraim Sheldon, Joseph Handy, — Tilden, — Totman, John Percival. Perhaps the year 1780 is a good sample of other years during the war. Dec. 20, 1779, the town voted £210 law ful money, as a bounty to her soldiers in the army, and to such as should enter the ser^•ice. "June 10, 1780, voted to raise, for a bounty for the same purpose, £108 hard money, and that each soldier should have £12." By this vote, it appears that Lee intended to have nine men in the Conti nental army. This would be one-quarter of her men. And then, in July, the town voted to give two other men the same that the others had. These eleven men appear to have been what was termed " three months' men, and six months' men." Their regular wages were forty shillings per month. In Nov., "Voted to raise £55 silver money, to be assessed immediately, to purchase beef for the use of the army ;" and near the close of the year, we find the following, " Voted to raise seven men, to serve in the Continental army for three years, or during the war." Jan. 8, 1781, it was " voted to raise the sum of £6818, to be assessed immediately.. Voted, that grain shall be received for pay, viz., Wheat at $72 per bushel ; Rye, $48 per bushel; Indian Corn at $26; Oats, $27." Here we have a little town, three years old, -with not more HISTORY OF LEE. 13 than thirty -five families, all of whom would now be considered poor, voting to send one-half of their able-bodied men into Washington's army, voluntarily taxing themselves $35,000 to support these soldiers and their families, and supplying the army with beef. About $2000 of it was to be in hard money, or its equivalent ; whilst $33,000 was to be in con tinental money, or its equivalent. Verily our fathers were sincere, when, a year before, they passed the following vote : " Voted, That we hold ourselves bound to support the civil authority of this State for the term of one year, and bound to obey the laws of this State." As a specimen of the patriotism of our fathers, allow me to refer you to the acts of two men who came into town at the close of the war. Cornelius Bassett, father of Lemuel, took a lively interest in that contest. For a time, he was engaged in privateering. He succeeded in capturing a prize which brought him £100, and so desirous was he to keep up the credit of the State, that he invested the whole of this sum in the depreciating continental money. Afterwards, he exchanged it for a watch, which he gave for the place now owned by Sheriff Pease. Capt. Amos Porter was a resolute man. He was in the French and Revolutionary wars. He devoted a large pro perty in the support of his company ; and when Peace was declared, he led his company of 64 men up to Toucey's, and treated them each with a bowl of grog, at $60 a bowl, making a bill of $3840. Jesse Bradley, then only 14 years of age, enlisted under Col. Brown, and was at the battle of Fort Stanwix. In the confusion of the defeat, an Indian chased Jesse for several miles, when the lad turned around, and fired in the direction of the Indian. Not being troubled any more with his pur suer, Mr. Bradley, througii life, looked back to the event with some compunctions of conscience, fearing that he might have killed a man. These, and many other incidents of a similar character, •indicate the generous patriotism of these lovers of freedom and of their country. At the close of the war, many valuable families moved into this town ; most of whom sleep among the thronged dead, but who have left to their children the best of all patri mony, a legacy of strict morality, stern integrity, and untiring industry. At this time, a minister, Mr. Parmeley, their first pastor, was settled. Mr. C. Bassett and Major Dillingham erected the Red Lion, on Mr. Pease's lot, which was used for a tavern for fifty years. This was the first two-story house built in Lee, and I am told that in it was the flrst store in Lee, kept in the buttery. Job Hamblin went to Boston to get a load of salt, and it required forty days to make the journey. 14 HISTORY OF LEE. SHAY'S WAR. At the close of the war, in 1783, the people found them selves overwhelmed in debt. Massachusetts came out of the war with a debt of £3,050,000, including her proportion of the national debt. This, with private debts necessarily con tracted by men engaged in the war, for the support of their families, and their own personal aflfairs having been for so long a time neglected, disaflfected the minds of many. They were unwilling to embarrass themselves farther with enor mous taxes. This originated what is called the Shay's war. The people in this county were the first " to put a stop to Courts" at the commencement of the Revolution. No Pro bate courts were held here from 1774 to 1778, and during the last two of these years, no deeds were recorded. Witii this contempt of courts, as we might suppose, the people reluctantiy consented to have Courts of Justice set within their bounds. In 1786, there were 800 of Shay's men assembled in Great Barrington, under arms ; and soon after, a company of 250 assembled in Lee, composed of men of Lee and vicinity. This company finally concentrated their forces on the Perry place, in Cape street, which Dea. Culver now owns. Gen. Pattison, at the head of the Government forces, came from Stockbridge, and took his position on Mr. Hamblin's hill, upon the opposite side of the Greenwater river. This hero had engaged Dr. Sargent, with a company of assistants, as the surgeons of his army, who occupied Lyman Foote's house. And while the army was preparing for battle, the surgeons were tearing up sheets and other linen for bandages for the wounded, preparing tables, blocks, and other necessary things pertaining to their work. Gen. Patti- son's men had cannon, but the Shay's men had none. To supply this deficiency, the Shay's men put Mrs. Perry's yarn- beam upon a pair of wheels and drew it up back of the house. The ramrod, and other appendages for cannon in actual ser vice, were exhibited to their enemies in the most impressive . waj'. The ignited tar-rope was freely swung in the air, and the men were running in every direction to put everything in order for battle ; and when Peter Wilcox, their leader, with a stentorian voice, heard by their enemies, gave the order to fire, the valiant Pattison, with his men, fled for life before Mother Perry's old beam. Peter Wilcox and — Austin were arrested for treason, and cast into our County prison, where they lay for several months. Their wives were allowed lo visit them occasionally, and carry to them articles of food. On one occasion, these women carried to their husbands a loaf of bread, in which was the saw used in amputating the frozen feet of John HISTORY OF LEE. 15 Winegar. Early the next morning, Wilcox and Austin, hav ing .sawed off the irons upon their feet, passed out of prison habited in their wives' clothes. When the jailer carried in breakfast to his prisoners, the men were gone, and in their place were their wives, dressed in men's clothes, who were soon after released. Peter Wilcox repaired to a cave on Henry Bowen's farm, in the rear of the Academy, where his friends fed him till the civil authorities withdrew the prosecution. The cave to this day is known as " Peter's cave." As another illustration of the patriotism of the women of Lee, I will allude to another incident, which, at that time, caused no little merriment. The house now occupied by Lyman Foote was the head quarters of the Shay's party for some time after " Mother Perry's victory." The Court party concentrated their forces in Stockbridge. Most of our fathers and mothers sympathized -with the Shay's party. Scouting parties from Stockbridge frequented the farm of Mr. Foote, for the purpose of arresting those who had driven them from Hamblin's hill. This became intolerable to the Shay's party, and they were determined to stop it. Lovice Foote and Sarah Ellis, two young ladies of Lee, put on gentlemen's coats and hats, and, with guns in hand, sallied forth in the first of the evening ; when they saw two gentlemen riding up on horseback. On their arrival, these girls ordered the men to dismount. They refused at first ; but, on the presentation of the unloaded guns in the ladies' hands, with the assurance, that if they did not obey, they should receive the contents of their guns, the gallant fellows dismounted, and were ordered to enter the house, where it was ascertained that they were Ebenezer Jenkins, jun., and Crocker Taylor, two young bucks of Lee, and intimate ac quaintances of their captors. The Shay's men were molest ed but little after this event. Most of our fathers enlisted into this movement. Ira Parsons led 400 Berkshire men to Springfield, " to oppose the Courts ;" but when some of our Lee men saw the rabble that composed the major part of that army, they were ashamed of their company, and immediately left for home. WAR OF 1814. While on this subject, it may be proper to allude to the part that Lee bore in the war of 1812. At the commencement of the war, an order came for four teen men. This number was accordingly draughted ; but it was not till 1814 that they were called into service, when, I am told, that fourteen men of Lee joined a company fontied 16 HISTORY OF LEE. in the south part of this county. These men were John Nye, Thomas E. M. Bradley, John Olmsby, Samuel D. Sturgis, J. M. Bemoley, Silas Garfield, John Norcort, Eben C. Brad ley, Horace Treat, John Woolly, John Howk 3d, Benj. G. Osborn, John Allen, Arthur Perry, and — Keith. Mr. Nye was elected captain of the company, and Mr. Garfield was 1st sergeant ; and Gen. Whiton, of this town, was major-general of a division in that war. These good men and true fought valiantly at the heavy-loaded tables of Boston generosity, and returned home in six weeks without seeing the enemy. V. CIVIL HISTORY. The Town Meetings were held at first in Peter Wilcox's house and barn ; afterwards at Major Dillingham's tavern ; and then at the meeting-house. The warrants for these meetings were for many years posted upon the three grist mills, Mansfield's, Lee's, and Winegar's ; and also upon the whipping-posts and stocks, which were located near Joseph Bassett's front-gate. By the records of the town, and the statements of our oldest citizens, it is evident that our town has ever been dis posed to regard impartially the different interests of the town, which appropriately came within her jurisdiction. The elec tion of Town, County, and State officers; the raising of funds for religious instruction and schools ; the repairs of roads and bridges, of which we have seven spanning the Housatonic ; are among the prominent objects attended to in these town meetings. The following Table contains the names of all the Town Clerks, Selectmen, Representatives to Boston, votes for Gover nor, and the total vote, for each year since our organization : Yeae To-WN Cleeks. Selectmen. Eepkesentatives. Votes foe Goveenoe. 1777 Prince "West William Ingoi-soll, Jesse Bradley, Oliver and Prince West, Amos Porter 1778 ?3,55 per scholar. In the graduated scale in the last Report of the Board of Education, Lee is numbered 153 ; but if the Hoplands Dis trict had been included, we should stand No. 129, and, if I mistake not, we should then stand at the head of the Berk shire list of appropriations for scholars. Add to the above for building new school-houses and repair ing old ones, ^1000 ; add also for private schools and school ing out of town, $800 ; and we find that we are expending for education annually not less than $4500. In 1851, the citizens of Lee endowed a scholarship in Marietta CoUege of $5000. The origin of the HorL.VND School Fvnd was as fol lows: — On the petition of 177 inhabitants of the Upper and Lower Housatonic townships, to the Great and General Court of ^las>acliusetts Bay, for lots of land situated in their terri tory, a Committee was appointed ttj attend to that matter, and, in their instructions, which were adopted June 29, 1722, they say, that, '•John Stoddard, Henry Dwight, Luke Hitchcock, John Asliley, and Samuel Porter, be a Committee to admit setflers, or mhabitants, to grant lots, and manage aU the prudential affairs of the settlers, tUl this Court shall give further orders. " The said Committee are hereby directed to settie said land in a compact, regular, and defensible manner. They are further required to admit 120 inhabitants, or settiers, in the two townships, givmg preference to such of the petitioners as they shaU judge most likely to bring forward the settiement, allowmg none of them more than three years' time from the aUotment of said lands, to bring forward a settlement by HISTORY OF LEE. 25 building a suitable house, and tilling such a quantity of land as the Committee shaU appoint, in order to their being entitled to their grants'; reserving a convenient quantity of land for the first settled minister, ministry, and school. The Commit tee are further du-ected to demand and receive of each grantee the sum of thirty shillings for each hundred acres, and pro portionable for a less quantity ; out of whicli money they shall pay a reasonable sum to the Indians for the purchase of their rights, together with the charge of laying out the two townships, and of the Committee settling them, and the re mainder be improved in building meeting-houses in said townships." In the Upper to-wnship so called (Great Barrington), there were 40 shares — 37 for as many settlers, one for the first minister, one for the ministry, and one for the school. 400 acres were aUowed to a share, on the first aUotment ; after wards, the Hoplands so called were apportioned to the said 40 original recipients, at six different times, ranging from 10 to 40 acres at a time. The school portion from the Hoplands amounted in all to about 170 acres. This land became the -exclusive property of the inhabitants of the said Hoplands by the foUowing vote, passed at a meet ing of the original proprietors of the said Upper township, on the Housatonic, held Jan. 22, 1770, p. Ill of their Records : " Voted, That all the land belonging to the said proprietors that Ues in the Hopland Division so called, that is, all the lands lying north of Stockbridge south line, continuing said Stockbridge south line east to the east Une of Great Barring ton, all the lands north of said Une granted for the use and benefit of a school lying within said Great Barrington, be dis posed of and improved, for keeping a school for the benefit of the persons that have or shaU settle in said Hopland Division. " And Ensign Wm. Ingersoll, Mathew Van Deusen, and Jeremiah Wormer, are chosen and appointed to be a Com mittee for disposing said lands for said purpose." This land was sold, and the proceeds invested for the above purpose. The fund is now $1608,33, yielding an income of $96,50 per annum. On March 18th, 1782, the town "voted to take care of the school land ;" and, on the 28th of that month, the to-wn " voted that the above land is voted to that part of the inliabitants belonging to the said Hoplands." In 1792, the Hoplands were incorporated under the name of " The Lee Hopland School District." It embraces six School Districts, — two at South Lee, the one near C. Hinckley's, the two in Water street, and the one at East Lee, embracing nearly 400 scholars, between 5 and 15 years of age. The foUowing is the Charter of the Hopland 'School Dis trict, with the Amendments : 4 26 HISTORY OF LEE. An Act for incorporating a certain part of the to-wn of Lee into a School District, called the Hopland School District, taken from vol. 1st, page 294, of Special Laws. Whereas it appears to this Court, that certain lands lying in that part of the town of Lee which formerly belonged to the town of Great Barrington, in the County of Berkshire, we"re appropriated for the use and support of schools, which lands, by Act of Incorporation of the said town of Lee, are reserved to said to-wn of Lee : And whereas it also appears that the said to-wn of Lee have, since their being incorporated as aforesaid, relinquished their right in said land (so fer as it respects the support of schools in the said town of Lee) to those per sons who do now, and who may hereafter, reside on the same lands : And whereas, in order to carry the good design of the appropriation aforesaid into effect, it is found necessary that the persons residing on the said lands should be incorporated into a School District as aforesaid : Sec. I. Be it therefore enacted by Senate and House of Eepresentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that all the inhabitants now living on the aforesaid lands, or that may hereafter live on the same, with all their estates, be, and they hereby are, incorporated into a School District, by the name of the Hopland School District, in the town of Lee as aforesaid. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, that the inhabitants of the said Hopland School District be, and they hereby are, vested with all the privileges, powers, and immunities, -necessaiy for en abling them to use and improve all the monies that have or may arise in consequence of the aforesaid appropriation, for the support of a school or schools in the said Hopland School District ; but the said inhabitants are still to be considered as belonging to said town of Lee, in every respect, sa-fing their being subject to be taxed to the support of schools in the other parts of said town. See. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that Ebe- ne26r Jenkins, Esq. be, and he hereby is, empowered to issue his warrant, directed to some one principal inhabitant of the District aforesaid, requir ing him to warn a meeting of the iphabitants of the District aforesaid, (lualified by law to vote in District affairs, to assemble at some time and place within the said Hopland School District, to be mentioned in the same warrant, for the purpose of choosing such olEcers as may be necessary for transacting the affairs of the District aforesaid, so far as respects schools only, according to the power and authority given by this Act ;' and the said inhaiiitants quahfled as aforesaid, being so assembled, shall be, and they hereby are, empowered to choose such officers as may be necessary for the purpose aforesaid. iS«o. 4. 'Provided always, that the inhabitants of the aforesaid Hopland School District shall keep, maintain, and support, within the said District, their proportionable part of all schools by law hereafter required to be kept, maintained, and supported, within the aforesaid town of Lee; This Act passed March 7th, 1791. A true copy. Attest, John Wineqak, CfcrJ. Vol. 2d, page 154. An Act in explanation of, and in addition to an Act, enti tled " An Act for incorporating a certain part of the town of Lee into a School District, by the name of the Hop- land School District." Whereas doubts and difficulties have arisen upon the construction and operation of the said Aot : Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the^ame, that the said Hopland School District shall be understood and construed to include all the lands situated in that part of the town of Lee which formerly belonged to the town of Great Barrington, together with all the inhabitants and resi dents thereon, but not to include any land or real estate situate -without the said limits, though owned by a resident or residents within said Dis- tnct. HISTORY OF LEE. 27 Sic. 2. Be it furlher enacted, that the Assessors of said District, for the time being, or tho Treasurer or the Clerks of said District, when there are no such Assessors, be, and they hereby are, respectively authorized and required to call District meetings for the purposes mentioned or intendecl in this and the former Act, iu the same manner and under the same regu lations and penalties as Selectmen of towns by law are. Sec. 8. And bo it further enacted, that the polls and estates belonging to the said District are, and shall.be, exempted from being snbjeot to be taxed by the said town of Lee, to the maintenance and support of schools, and trom being liable to be prosecuted and punished, or subject to the payment of an;^ fines or costs with the rest of said town, for any neglect of said to-wn in maintaining and supporting schools. Sec. i. Provided always, and be it further enacted, that the said District shall be liable to be prosecuted and punished, as a District, for neglecting to maintain and support their proportionable part of all schools by law required to be kept, maintained, or supported, by or within said town, in the same manner as a town is by law liable to be prosecuted and punished for neglect of schools. This Act passed March the 11th, 1797. A true copy. Attest, John Wineoab, Cferi. Vol. 2d, page 238. An Act in further explanation of, and addition to an Act, entitled " An Act for incorporating a certain part of the town of Lee into a School District, by the name of the Hopland School District." Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that when ever the rents and incomes of the school's lands, and other property be longing to the said District, shall be insufficient for the purpose, the said District may, at any District meeting regularly called and warned therefor, from time to time, grant such school taxes as may be necessary and suffi cient, together with such rents and incomes, to build and repair a suitable school-house or school-houses for said District, and to provide and support a suitable school or schools within and for said District ; which taxes shall be assessed by the Assessors of said District, or by the Assessors of the said town of Lee, for the time being, upon application of said District, upon the polls and estates belonging to said District, and shall be collected by the Collectors of the said District, or hy the Collectors of said town of Lee, for the time being, upon application of said District, in the same man ner and under the same regulations and penalties as town school taxes by law are assessed and collected. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the. said District shall be understoocl and construed to be capable of suing and being sued, and of appearing in Court to prosecute or defend, and of possessing, improving, and leasing, from time to time, the school lands belonging to Baid District, by a Committee or Agents thereto duly appointed' at any meeting regularly called and warned therefor. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the said District shall have power to exchange any parts or parcels oF tho school lands belonging to said District, for other lands lying within said District, to be holden m the same manner and to the same uses as th& lands so exchanged. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted by the authoritry aforesaid, that the said District shall be capable of taking any estate, real or. personal, to tho amount of five thousand dollars, which may hereafter voluntarily be be queathed, granted, or given to said District, for the use and support of a school or schools, and of holding the same for the use of schools within said District. This Act passed June 19th, 1798. A ti-ue copy. Attest, J. Wdjegae, CUri. CoM.MON-wEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty. An Act in addition to an Act, entitled " An Act for incor- 28 HISTORY OF LEE. porating a certain part of the town of Lee into a School District, by the name of the Hopland School District." Sec 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepresentatives in General'Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that the said District is hereby authorized and empowered, at any District meeting legally called for that purpose, to divide said District into as many School Distrjjjts as from time to time may be deemed necessary, and to determine and define the limits of said School Districts.^ ^ . , , „ . Sec 2 Be it further enacted, that the provisions of an Aot entitled An Act to "provide for the instruction of Youth," passed on the tenth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty- seven be, and the same arc hereby extended and made applicable to the said Hopland School District, and to the several Districts into which the same may be hereafter divided, anything in the Acts to which this is an addition to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, however, that the Committee chosen for the purpose of im proving and leasing the school lands of the said Hopland School District, shall be authorized to do and perform the several acts and duties which the Selectmen of towns are authorized by the aforesaid Aot to do and perform. This Aot passed February 12th, 1830. A true copy. Attest, L. D. BrowELL, Olerh. Before Jeaving this subject, allow me to aUude to another somewhat akin to it. There haye been at least 27 young gentlemen, natives of Lee, who have graduated at different Colleges, viz. : Solomon Foote, M. D., Rev. Cyrus Yale, Beza Hinckley, M. D., Wm. H. DilUngham, Esq., Charles Dillingham, Esq., John ©. Crocker, Esq., Lawrence Warner, Esq., Isaac Howk, Esq., Jonathan Foote 3d, Esq., Rev. Alvan Hyde, Joseph Hyde, Esq., WilUam Hyde, Esq., Alexander Hyde, Esq., Solomon Foote, Jun., M. C, Rev. Barnabas Phinney, Rev. Noah Sheldon, Rev. William Bradley, Rev. Thomas Scott Bradley, Rev. EUhu P. Ingersoll, EUsha B. Bassett, Esq., Rev. Edward Taylor, Rev. William Porter, Rev. Charles B. Ball, Addison H. Laflin, Esq., Rev. Lavius Hyde, Asahel Foote, Esq., Rev. Stephen Peet. Besides these men, many of whom distinguish themselves in their respective professions, other sons of Lee, who did not enjoy the advantages of a Collegiate education, are rendering themselves highly useful. Gen. Whiton had three sons, natives of Lee, who, are now Judges, — two of them in Ohio, and the other is Chief Justice of Wisconsin. This Chief Justice owes more to the old Social Library now merged into the library of the Young Men's Association, than to any other one thing, for his present position. Rev. Wm. Ross, Rev. Samuel Leonard, Rev. Samuel Leonard 2d, and Rev. Marvin LeflBngweU, have rendered themselves useful in the work of the Christian ministry. Rev. John Chadwick is also a native of Lee. Lester Keep, M. D., now Uving in Fairhaven, Ct., is a native of Lee. Alvan T. Cone, M. D., is also a native of Lee. He graduated at the Berkshire Medical College in 1845, and also at the CoUege of Dental Surgery, Baltimore, Md. Dr. Cone died in 1849, in Kentucky. Hiram Egbert HISTORY OF LEE. 29 FuUer, a native of Lee, graduated at the Berkshire Medical CoUege in 1852. He is now practicing in Monterey. Others, in the Mechanical, Manufacturing, and other lucra tive pursuits, have arisen to opulence and fame ; while many more of our long list of young aspirants, pusliing themselves up through the various strata of society, wiU eventuaUy find themselves among the first in their respective callings. VIII. HEALTH. This town is considered a healthy town. For the past four years, about one-third of the deaths in this town have been of people over 50 years old. The average age iu Massachu setts is 27.78, while in Lee, the average age, I think, is about 32 years. From 1792 to 1837, one in every fourteen persons that died in town was over 80 years of age. The first death in town was probably that of a son of John Winegar, while Uving at Crow Hollow. It was before the purchase of our burying-ground. The child was buried on the west side of the river. The first person buried in our pubUc burying-ground was Matty Handy, sister of the late Seth Handy. For seyeral years, we have buried about 70 of our people per year. The first publishment recorded upon our town books is between Mr. Noah Burdin, of Lee, and Miss Avis Their, of Chesterfield, and bears date of Dec. 26, 1777. The first marriage recorded upon the town Records is that of Capt. Josiah Yale and Ruth Tracy, Sept. 26, 1776. The first birth recorded is that of a son of Daniel Church. IX. MANUFACTURES. The pecuUar advantages afforded by the Housatonic and its tributaries for manufacturing purposes, are seldom sur passed. Goose Pond, lying upon the Tyringham mountains, some six hundred feet above the Housatonic, containing suffi cient water, when fuU, to run aU the mUls upon the stream running from it four months -without rain, affords rare oppor tunities for a long series of rnUls upon its banks. Greenwater Pond, situated in West Becket, of about the same height as Goose Pond, sends it surplus water into our river. This Uttie stream is also fast being improved for useful purposes. A complete history of the manufacturing interest of Lee would be a fruitful theme for an evening's lecture. 30 HISTOUY OF LEE. At an early date, the gristmill, forge, furnace, and other shops were erected upon our streams. We now have four woolen and satinet mills, with nine sets of machinery, em ploying 150 hands, using 450,000 pounds of wool, and pro ducing 528,000 yards of cloth, per year. The yearly value of these goods is $390,000. We have also a mUl which produces annuaUy 140,000 meal bags. We have two shops for the manu facture of paper machinery, to the amount 'of $37,000 annu ally, in which are employed about tlurty hands. We have numerous estabUshments for the manufacture of various use ful articles, such as leather, hats, boots and shoes, iron cast ings, axes, shovels, hoes, forks, tin ware, lime and brick. We have also a printing-office and book-bindery, (in which this document is printed and bound, the paper for which is also made in Lee, and which, in these respects, speaks for itself.) But the leading business of the town is the manufacture of paper. In 1806, Samuel Church removed from East Hartford, Ct., to this town, and immediately commenced the erection of a paper-miU at South Lee, where Owen & Hurlbut's mUls now stand. This was the first paper-miU built in town, and among the first built in the county. In 1808, by the strong soUcitation of gentlemen Uving in this part of the town, and the offer of liberal assistance in the erection of the building, Samuel Church was induced to put up a paper-miU near the spot where Platner & Smith's new stone miU stands. Lee has now become one of the most important centres of this extensive branch of business. The following is the aggregate of the items furnished by the nine Companies engaged in this business : No. of paper-miUs in running order, 20 " engines in running order, 71 " lbs. of rags ground up daily, 27,270 " annually, 8,453,700 " " paper produced daily, 18,972 " " annually, 5,865,700 " hands employed, 972 Value of paper produced annually, $1,008,250 There are several other mills that will go into operation in .a few months. AU^ the paper made in Massachusetts in 1840 was worth only $1,659,934, and all that was then made in the United States was worth in the market $5,641,495. After a few months, Lee wiU annually make more paper than was made in the entire State prior to 1840. The present prospect of this busmess among us is, that it is very far from having arrived at its maturity. HISTORY OF LEE. 31 The whole amount of goods manufactured in Lee during the year ending April 1, 1837, was $405,000, and for the single item of paper for that time $274,500. By comparison, we learn that one of our firms is making more paper now than was made in town at that time, and that another is pro ducing nearly as much; while all of them are annually enlarging their business, and other new Companies are formed for the same business. The value of our manufactures and marble per year now is about $1,630,000. Not less than 1500 of our people are actually employed in our mills and shops. With this amount of business, we are not surprised that the Lee Bank, incorporated in 1835, and which has now a capital of $200,000, should pay to its shareholders ten per cent, annually. When John B. Perry opened his store, south of the Park, about the year 1807, he was the leading merchant of Lee. He went to New York twice a-year, and brought home with him all the dry goods that he needed for six months in two trunks. Now, our 14 dry goods stores have to be replenished every month. Besides these dry goods stores, which wUl compare favorably with any in Western Massachusetts, we have about 30 stores and shops, making 44 stores and shops where goods are kept for sale of almost every description called for by our citizens. By the last Census, Lee is repre sented as having 140 shops and 27 stores. Lee has had 13 public-houses, of which 5 remain. The first public-house was located where a house now stands, o-wned by R. Hinman, and occupied at present by Oliver Kellogg. It was a log house, 16 ft. square. The next one stood near Ingram's miU, in Cape street. The third was the Red Lion. This was the first two-story house in Lee. It is the old building now known by that name, and stood till recently on Sheriff" Pease's lot. It was built in 1778, by Major Dillingham and Cornelius Bassett, and it continued to be used for a public-house tUl 1833. In 1803, and for several years after, the house occupied by John Baker was kept as a tavern. In 1809, the house now occupied by Jared Bradley was a public-house. Lyman Foote's house, for a time, was kept as a public-house. Then came the house at South Lee, for some time kept by Abijah Square. In 1815, the Shailer tavern was opened in Cape street, where Isaac Gardner now Uves. In 1820, the Sturges tavern at East Lee was opened. In 1834, the Housatonic was erected. For many years, Mr. Merrell has kept a pub lic-house at South Lee. John McNaUy for two years has kept a tavern on Centre street. Last, but not least, the " Centre Hotel" was opened a few months since. 82 HISTORY OF LEE. X. AGRICULTURE. Thus far I have only spoken of what Lee has produced in men and manufactures. This sketch would be imperfect if I did not also speak of the productions of our soil. From the State Census of 1850, the foUowing statistics are gathered relative to Lee : No. of acres of surface, 16,056 " « tiUage land, 928 « " mowing " 2596 « " pasture " 4630 " « wood " 2648 " " town and county roads, 385 " " railroad, 40 " « water, 615 " tons of hay, 2984 " bushels of rye cut in 1849, 1724 « " oats " " 13,768 « " corn " " 894 " " bariey " " 236 " horses in town, 309 " oxen " 142 « cows " 590 « sheep « 1277 " swine " 193 The real estate taxed is, $698,169 00 The personal " " 282,994 00 Non-resident, 60,615 00 $1,041,778 00 This is considered quite low. Tax the present year is 77 cents on the one hundred dollars. Present number of poUs, 842 The original price of land in this town was one doUar per acre. Some of it has recently been sold at the rate of $10,700 per acre. The following description of our land is from the pen of the Rev. Dr. Hyde : " The town is six miles in length and five in breadth, and presents a very diversified appearance. It forms a part of the interval which lies between the Taghconic and Green Mountain ranges. The Green Mountain range, which rises to a moderate elevation, runs partly within the eastern limits of the town, presenting a very picturesque appearance. These mountains are, for the most part, of gentie acclivity, and are cultivated in some places quite to their summits. From the base of these mountains, the surface of the earth HISTORY OF LEE. 33 is rather uneven, occasionally rising into hills of considerable height, but generaUy descending untU it reaches the plain upon the banks of the Housatonic. West of this river, the land is everywhere undulating in its appearance, inclining towards the south." So diversified is the scenery in and around our town, that you cannot change your position a rod without a change of scenery, and new objects of interest coming into view. XI. MINERAL RESOURCES. Makble is the most valuable mineral in Lee as yet dis covered. The supply is inexhaustible. It is easy of access, and for a generation at least it will be comparatively easy of exportation, as some of this marble lies 120 feet above the river. This marble is of a superior quality. Prof. Hitch cock says that it " is a pure crystaline double carbonate of magnesia and Ume." It is therefore dolomite marble. It is pure white, and is susceptible of a very fine polish. It will also work a perfectly square arris. This renders it a desira ble material for chimney-pieces, furniture, &c. Frost and heat effect scarcely no change in size or weight, and its strength will sustain 26,000 lbs. to the square inch, while Italian mar ble crushes at 13,000 lbs. to the square inch, and most of the American marble will crush at 12,000 lbs. By some of the severest tests to which marble can be put by the chemist and architect, Lee marble was decided to- be the best in the world for a building material ; hence, a Congressional Committee decided that this should be the marble to be used for the enlargement of our national Capi tol. The owners of our Quarry have contracted to furnish the marble for that vast enlargement for $1,000,000. The foUowing statistics -will give an idea of the extent of this branch of business. The Company work 100 men, who get out 500 feet of marble per day. This will weigh 60 tons. The single item of freight is $800 per week, and the Company pay out about $300 per day. The value of marble annually produced is about $125,000. This business adds wealth not only to the Company en gaged in it, but to the town. It supports some 500 of our people. Lime is another production of our mineral resources. Limestone is readily obtained in various parts of the town. 30,000 bushels of good lime are annually produced in Lee, and this business can be enlarged to any extent that enterprise and capital will admit. 5 34 HISTORY OF LEE. Iron Ore is found in different parts of the town. The ertensive beds of this ore tliat have been examined and tested, the specimens in our stone walls and fields, are con clusive evidence that the mineral resources of our town are not yet fully understood. The time is not distant when this useful ore will be sought for, and be converted into iron -within our own limits. BpacK Cl.^y is found in several parts of the town, and at the south part it is worked to a considerable extent. Potter's Clay is found in the south part of the town; and is said to be susceptible of producing exceUent ware. XII. ECCLESIASTICAL. The religious privileges of our fathers were* very few. This region was a howling wilderness. For many years, the inhabitants were few and scattered over a large territory. Old Mr. Swift visited the Bassetts soon after their settle ment here, and, as he looked around him, exclaimed to his friends, " I think that you are very highly favored in this town." When asked, why so? he replied, "I have always noticed that ministers and other good men always pray for the desolate parts of the earth, and I have no doubt but that you share in their prayers." When David Baker left the Cape, in 1780, he was a young man, and so desolate this region was tinen considered, that his pious mother remarked, as he left her home, " David is going to Mount Ephraim, and he will never hear another sermon." These circumstances will, perhaps, illustrate the privation of religious privileges experienced by our fathers. And yet the tone of morals among them was such as should put us, their degenerate sons, to the blush. They were too near the Mayflower to tolerate error in doctrine or immorality in prac tice. The Town Treasurer's book indicates this high tone of morality. As early as 1780, Seth Handy paid for breach of the Sabbath, $2,00 Owen Swift for breach of the Sabbath, 2,00 Travellers on the Sabbath, 2,00 Job Hamblin for swearing, 1,00 A stranger for swearing, ,63 For several years, our fathers had preaching from three to eight Sundays in a year, by such men as could for the time be obtained. The Charter for the incorporation of Ihe town was accept ed Dec. 26th, 1777, and on the Sth of Jan., 1778, thirteen HISTORY OF LEE. 36 days after, the second Town Meeting was held, when the fol lowing vote was passed, which was all that was done at that time, — " Voted, to raise the sum of £30 lawful money, to be laid out in preaching the gospel. Voted, to choose three men for a Committee, to employ a preacher, and to pay him the above money that is voted,— Jesse Bradley, Oliver West, and Job HambUn." Thej^rs< sum of money which the town voted to raise was " for preaching the gospel." The first religious meeting -ivas held in Dea. Oliver West's barn, which stood where a barn now stands upon the old Wakefield place, near the burying-ground. The hay-mow constituted the orchestra. That old barn echoed in the sweet est melody, with the divine songs sung by that chiiir in -n'hich the children of Jonathan Foote composed the most important part. In view of this latter fact, Nathan Dillingham, the then poet of Lee, perpetrated the following : " David and Ase sing bass, Jonathan and Fenner sing tenor; Vice and Sol beat them all." The meeting afterwards was held in Peter Wilcox's bam, which stood in the rear of Mr. Linn's house, on 1! ain street. The meetings were held in Mr. \\ ilcox's barn, and in the un finished chamber of Lyman Foote's house, till 1780, when they were held in the first meeting-house. On the 16th of Nov., 1778, the next year after the adop tion of the Charter, it was " voted to build a meeting-house 48 by 36 ; and that £700 be raised to defray the expense. Voted, to set the meeting-house where the last Committee set the stake," which, on inquiry, I find was in the east side of the Park. For several years, this house had no glass v/in- dows, no stationary seats, no door-step, and never ^^as lathed or plastered. The rough, massive timbers vteie exposed from the floor to the ridgepole. Conceive, if you can, of the place where our fathers wor shipped God, as it appeared in 1792, when Dr. Hyde first came to town. In the east side of the Park, directly in front of Joseph Bassett's house, stood a building fronting the south 36 by 48, with 30-ft. posts. There is no steeple nor tower. The sides are sheathed up with wide unpainted boards. There is an 8-foot projection in front, of one-third the width of the building. As we enter that sacred place, the frame, cornpfosed of timbers of enormous dimensions, rough as the woodman's axe left them, meets our eye all around and above. The square pews occupied the larger part of the floor. There are three galleries : in the front of each was one long seat, back of the side seats were four square pews, and in the rear of the front seat were three others. In that front seat stood the singers, with Mr. HoUster, their leader. On one side of th« 36 HISTORY OF LEE. only door of entrance sat Daniel Santee, the negro, with his long cane in hand, and Betty his -wife sat upon the other side of the door. Daniel faithfully kept the unruly dogs out of the church, and became a terror to aU roguish boys -\vithin. In that plain pulpit, fastened to the north end of the house, midway from the floor to the plates, stood Rev. Alvan Hyde, then a young man. No cushions reUeved the tedious hour, — no stove quieted the chattering teeth during those cold Berkshire winters. Such was the place in which, for t-\venty years, our fathers worshipped God. Our fathers recognized the liberty of conscience more readily than the most of their cotemporaries, as the following vote will show. At a meeting of the town, for the purpose of inviting Rev. A. Fowler to become their Christian minis ter, held April 7th, 1780, it was " voted to exempt aU the Churchmen, and Baptists, and the Quakers, from settiing and supporting a Presbyterian minister in the town." The next year, wdien the town passed a vote to raise money for Kev. Mr. Kirkland, it was " voted to exempt all Church men, Baptists, and Quakers, paying for preaching." Here is a recognition of a religious freedom not common in those days. In 1800, the old unfinished church gave place to this (Con gregational), which was enlarged in 1848, by the addition of 22 i'eet. This house is now, by including the vestibule, 50 by 92 feet. When this house was raised, in 1800, one hundred able-bodied men were selected from this and other towns to raise the frame ; and when the frame of the steeple had been raised to its place, Roland Thatcher, the sailor, ascended to the top of the eight-inch stick upon which rests the brass ball, and, standing upon the top, swung a bottle around his head three times, and then threw it to the ground. This was deemed a great feat. In the erection of this house, in 1800, Josiah Yale, Esq., one of the early settlers of the town, took a lively interest. To his property, influence, credit, and per sonal e-ffbrts, more than that of any other man, was the erec tion of this edifice indebted. When this house was dedicated, in 1800, the young people of Richmond and Pittsfield came on horseback, and hitched their horses to hemlock staddles standing in a hemlock swamp, situated where this church now stands. The original bed of our river is under this church, extending to Dr. Bartlett's, and thence down the CathoUc lot. The Congeegational Church in this town was organ ized on the 25th of May, 1780, with thirty members. The same Articles of Faith and Covenant then adopted have remained unchanged to the present time. In 1790, the town HISTORY OF LEE. 3Y appointed Eben Jenkins, Joshua Wells, John Keep, Abijah MerreU, Seth Backus, and Edmund Hinckley, a Committee " to make some alterations in the Church Covenant ;" but no change was effected. Several extensive revivals have been enjoyed by this church, and in some of them more than one hundred persons united at each season. In 1834, this church numbered 407 members ; and I am told that, in 1826 and 7, it could not have numbered less than 440 — a much larger number than what has been associated with this body at any one time, before or since. This church embraces many members whose loyalty to Christ is unquestioned, and whose benevolence is worthy of commendation ; and many have gone out from this body who are filling honorable and useful stations in the world. In 1811, the Congregational church in Dover, Ashtabula Co., O., was constituted in this town, the most of whose mem bers were till then connected with this church. This emigrat ing church was then emphatically a " church in the wilder ness." The members of this Dover church, and congregation connected with it, emigrated from this and adjoining towns. The statistics of the Congregational church in Lee may be stated thus : Whole number, 1228 Present " 358 No. that have entered the Christian ministry from this church, 16 " " " died while members, 354 " " " been honorably dismissed, 475 This church has had seven Pastors, viz. : Rev. EUsha Parmley, ordained July 3, 1783, died 1784 " Alvan Hyde, D.D., " June 6, 1792, " 1833 " J. N. Damforth, installed Junel8, 1834, dismis'd 1838 " W. B. Bond, ordained March, 1840, " 1845 " Ralph Smith, installed Dec, 1845, " 1850 " S. D. Clark, " June, 1851, " 1852 " Nahum Gale, " Sept. 1, 1853. Mr. Gale is a native of Auburn, Mass. Graduated at Amherst CoUege in 1837, and Windsor Theological Institu tion in 1840. By these statistics, it appears that the Congregational church in Lee has a history of 74 years. It has had seven pastors. It has been destitute of a pastor 16 years. And yet, since the dismission of Mr. Damforth, their pulpit has not been vacant a single Sabbath when they have not had a pastor. Two of these pastors have died while sustaining that relation. 38 HISTORY OF LEE. This sketch would be imperfect did I not particularly speak of the venerable Il3'de. If any one raan more than another is worthy of the naUu- of " father of the town," that man was the Rev. Alvan Hyde, D. D. He came into Lee when it was new, and, for many years, he was the only minister in town. The people were few, and permanently located. They were -a church-going people. Skepticism and immorality rarely manifested themselves. The fathers loved the Sabbath and its institutions, and their children never heard them speak aught against their religious teacher. The children grew up td maturity around the same pastor, and were wont to regard him more as a parent than one sustaining to them any other relation. Such was the state of things here during most of the time that Dr. Hyde was the minister of Lee. For more than 41 years, he remained at his post. A whole generation had grown up around him, who loved and revered him as tlieir only pastor. Mr. Hyde was a good man. Tho poor, afflicted, and dis tressed ever found in him a sympathetic friend. He buried the original settlers of the town, with many of their children, and children's children. He married the fathers and mothers of Lee, their children, and grandchildren. His memory is identified with much that was afflictive and joyous — with all the important interests of the people of this town, during that 40 years' pastorate. His deportment was dignified, exemplary, and devout ; and when occasion offeied, he was approachable and quite sociable. He was singularly methodical in all his labors. His time was so appropriated as to give ample time for every duty ; hence, everything that he did \\'a3 well done. He seldom indulged in anything that neutralized his public efforts. He knew every person in town, and, as a good shep herd, he called each of his own flock by name, even the youngest chUdren. For more that forty years, Mr. Hyde visited each of the Common schools in town four times a year, and examined the scholars not only in their appropriate studies, but he invariably questioned the older pupUs in the "Assembly's Shorter Catechism." No man has done more to train the rising generation, con struct the conventional forms of society, and mould this eon> munity, than did Dr. Hyde. He considered the whole town as constituting his parish, and every individual in it had a claim upon his attention and sympathy. Intruders sometimes, however, caused him much anxiety. Had Mr. Hyde lived fifty years later, with the new elements introduced into this community, he would evidently have found it impossible to exert that controlling influence over our people which was universally felt during his useful career. Such -a long and successful pastorate is a great blessing to any town. HISTORY OF LEE. 39 This church has had 13 Deacons, of whom four are now fiUing this office : Oliver West, Elected 1783 Died 1816 Jesse Bradley, a 1783 1812 Levi Nye, a 1792 1825 Edmund Hinckley, (C 1804 1822 David Ingersoll, a 1812 1839 John Thatcher, tc 1816 " 1828 Josiah Spencer, it 1821 Removed 1833 Nathan Bassett, ti 1826 Died 1842 Hubbard Bartlett, ii 1829 E. C. Bradley, ti 1833 Resigned 1846 Caleb Belden, a 1842 Alexander Hyde, it 1846 Samuel A. Hulbert, " 1852 Oliver West was the first Clerk of this church, and con tinued to perform the duties of that office tiU the settlement of Dr. Hyde, when he performed its duties till the time of his death ; when Dea. Bartlett was elected to the office, and is the present Clerk of the church. The Methodist Church at South Lee has a history of 49 years. In 1805, a Rev. Mr. Garrison, an Episcopal Methodist, began a religious meeting in the Red school-house, in the east end of the village, in the south part of the town, which has been contintied to the present time. For several years, only one service was held upon the Sabbath. The preachers were generally itinerants, but most generally lived in to-wn. The Rev. Wm. Ross, a native of Lee, was among the first that preaclied to this people. This bhurch has had not less than 35 different preachers, among whom Rev. Messrs. Gar rison, Ross, Woolsey, Cook, Rice, Herbberd, Jacobs, T. Clark, Horatio Smith, and Nathan Bangs, are affectionately spoken of. Since 1825, this church has had preaching every alter nate Sunday. It was formerly a much larger society than at present. Their present number is 42. Much good has been accomplished by this body of Christians in times past. Rev. Richard Hiscox is their present preacher. The Baptist Meeting at South Lee originated as fol lows. In 1825, Rev. Ira Hall, a Baptist minister, came to South Lee, and commenced a religious meeting in the old Red school-house, and for eight years preached every alter- 40 HISTORY OF LEE. nate Sunday in that village. The other Sabbaths he spent in Tyringham. Mr. HaU was a good man. His Christian and ministerial mfluence is stiU felt by many families in this town. The Baptist chm-ch of Tyringham and Lee was consti tuted August 22d, 1827, with twenty members. The mem bers of this church lived in both of these towns. It has stated pubUc and church meetings, and the observance of the church ordinances in both places. For nine years past, each meeting has had its own pastor ; while the church organization remains as when first consti tuted. There is, therefore, one church organization, two societies, two meeting-houses, two meetings, and two ministers, one at Tyringham and the other at South Lee. In 1828, a Baptist society was organized in connection with the meeting at^ South Lee, of which N. Tremain, Esq., was the first Clerk. Through the agency of this society, in part, the meeting-house at South Lee was erected as a " Union Church," owned by everybody and yet by nobody in particu lar. The people of Lee generally assisted in the erection of that house. Several extensive revivals have been enjoyed in connection with their meetings. But the removals from to^vu, and by death, and the change of the population, have greatly re duced the number of professed Christians in that village. The following table wiU indicate those who have been their pastors : Rev. Ira HaU, settled 1825 resigned 1833 " Isaac Child, " 1836 " 1837 '•' Alex. Bush, ordained Oct. 1838 died June 1844 •' Geo. Phippin, settled April 1844 resigned April 1846 " Forris More, '• " 1846 The Deacons of the Tyringham and South Lee church are as follows : 1847 Arvid MerreU, elected 1832 dead Ezra Heath, " 1832 resigned Cyrus Heath, " 1847 o Solomon Garfield, " 1851 Henry Bassett, " 1851 Whole No. that have been members. 242 No. baptized. 132 " died. 21 " honorably dismissed. 76 " present members. 103 HISTORY OF LEK 41 The Methobist Chcech in Lee Centre dates its com mencement as early as 1831. Prior to this time, Methodist meetings had been occasionally held iu the school-house near Beach & Royce's, to which several local preachers ministered. In 1831, the Rev. Messrs. Homer and Starks, two itinerant preachers, established stated meetings in Water street. At this point, Lee Centre became known to the Conference as a missionary station. But it was not tUl 1838, that they had meetings every Sabbath. The hall in the Centre school-house was fitted up at that time, and served for a place of worship till Jan. 15, 1840, when their church was dedicated. This. house was 40 by 56 ft. It was built principally by gentlemen that heretofore had not sympathized with that meeting. In 1849, their house betioming too strait for them, was enlarged by the addition of 20 feet to its former length. They were encouraged to make this enlargement by a generous proposition from Wm. Taylor, Esq. In 1837, the society connected with this congregation was formed, of which Hosea Allen is the present Clerk. I regret that I am unable to state the whole number that have been connected with this church. The present number, as last reported, is 135. The preachers of this church are as follows : 1831 Homer and Starks 1843 Charles C. Keyes 1832 Julius Field ' 1844 John Sellick 1833 " " 1845 " " 1834 J. B. Wakeley 1846 James N. Shaffer 1835 « " 1847 " 1836 Denton Keeler 1848 Peletiah Ward 1837 Keeler and Warner 1849 « " 1838 Van Deusen and Nash 1«50 J. Z. Nichols 1839 " " Sbaw 1851 Z. N. Lewis 1840 Wm. Gothard 1852 " « 1841 " " 1853 L. W. Peek 1842 Charles C. Keyes The Rev. L. W. Peck is a native of Luzern, Penn. He graduated at the New York University in 1845. The Feee-Will Baptist Chuech is the next in the order of time. In 1844, Albert Marie came into town, and visited the colored people in this place. He met with them and preached to them in school-houses and private dwellings. He organized " The Free-Will Baptist Church in Lee" sometime during that year. It was provided with the proper officers. On the 6 42 HISTORY OF LEE. death of Mr. Juba. Stephenson, theii- last preacher, five years since, this little church lost their greatest support. For several years they have had no church meetings. The Baptist Church in Lee is the last ecclesiastical organization in this town. On the 14th of July, 1850, a Baptist meeting was com menced in the Academy Hall, and was continued there tiU Nov. 23, 1852, when their church edifice was dedicated. Their house is 50 by 67 feet, with a spire 148 feet from the ground. There are 109 slips upon the floor of the church, 15 of which are free slips. The church was organized Sept. 14, 1850, with twenty members. There.have been 12G different members connected with this church, 56 of whom were added by baptism. Few churches have been more united and energetic in the accomplishment of their appropriate work. I do not recol lect of a single dissenting vote in any decision to which the body has arrived relative to any matter that has come before it. There is no society connected with this church ; but the rent of pews is intended to meet the current expenses. Rev. Amory Gale has been with this people from their commencement, who acCepted of the pastorship Sept. 14, 1850, the day of their organization. Mr. Gale is a native of Royalston, Mass. He graduated at Brown University in 1843, and at Newton Theological Institution in 1846. J. W. MiUs was the first Clerk, and A. P. Werden fills that office at present. The following persons have been elected Deacons of this church : Moses E. Culver, elected Sept., 1850 EU Tainter, " May, 1852 Hosea Codding, " May, 1852 The RoJiAN Catholics, for a year past, have held occa sional meetings in our viUage. They have purchased an eligible lot, and intend to erect a marble church in the course of another season. These six and a half churches are sufficient to meet the present wants of this place ; and if our people do not attend church, it cannot be for the want of suitable accommodations, or churches of their own preference. HISTORY OF LEE. 48 XIII. ASSOCIATIONS. We have a number of Associations worthy of a place in this sketch of the town ; some of the most prominent facts in the history of which have been kindly furnished by their respective officers. Freemasons. The Evening Star Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, was constituted by Charter from the Grand Lodge of the State of Massachusetts, October 10, 1795. Its first Master was William Walker, Esq., of Lenox. Its present Master is Eli Bradley, of Lee. The whole number wlio have been associated with this Lodge from its commencement i.'^ 1 63. Its present number is 64. Odd Fellows. The Mahaiwe Lodge, No. 126, L O. of O. F., was instituted in Lee, Mass., March 30, 1848, with ten Charter members. Since then, therOihave been initiated and admitted by Card, 114, making in all, 124 Dismissed, to unite with other Lodges, 11 Suspended or excluded for intemperance, and other conduct unbecoming Odd Fellows, 17 Died, 2 Present number, 94 The Lodge commenced with a debt of It has received for Contributions, Degrees, and Quarterly Payments, $3085 41 It has paid for extinguishing Debt, $400 00 « Sick Benefits, 923 42 ti .#. '^-¦* •d rnl '.^~ ."jr. '^. ^i 4 , ft "^4% "1 .^ '•' ^.n-. ^ '•? r t > ' V ' *!*i]'' f*t! '' a ' » s ^ d .¦ .-:¦• ••* ."4. y'p-^^A 'r\ '¦¦'¦ vl ? k ^* , . 4'sl 'f f-"* '1 A( E."' :f iVkf 6 M'- , *' •» .'¦^^•\, 4 , ^feiwii^