YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of The James A. Michener Library of the University of Northern Colorado, '75 i Maj.-Gen. John Stark, fROM THE ORIGINAL SKETCH MADE BY NIISS HANNAH CROWNINSHIELD, OF SA.Em, MASS., MAY 31 , 1810. ROLL New Hampshire Soldiers Battle of Bennington, AUGUST 1 6, 1777. COMPILED BY GEO. C. GILMORE, MANCHESTER, N. H. MANCHESTER, N. H. : PRINTED BY JOHN B. CLARKE. 1891. COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY GEO, C. GILMORE, INTRODUCTION. New Hampshire, one of the thirteen original States, contains only 9,280 square miles. One hundred and fifty-two years had come and gone since the first settlement at Dover Neck. The hardy pioneers and their descendants, poor m this world's goods, but in energy and self reliance the equal of the same number of people on the face of the earth, had pushed on into the wilder ness, contending at every step, with savage Indians and .wild beasts. When the Revolutionary war commenced, in 1775, there were within its borders 80,915 inhabitants. In April, 1775, when the British soldiers held Boston, 2,000 New Hampshire men were in the ranks under the command of Stark, Reed, Prescott, and others; and on June 17, 1,651 names appear on the rolls as taking part in the battle of Bunker Hill, 48 of them consecrating with their lives the ground on which the monument stands,— the proudest emblem of Massachusetts on her soil. The battle of Bennington, fought August 16, 1777, under the command of General John Stark with * 2,000 men, — i ,467 of them New Hampshire men, as appear by the rolls, or 73 men of every hundred, — prepared another, as Stark aptly characterizes the place, "fortunate spot " for Vermont to raise her crowning glory. The officers are generally well known, but what of the rank and file who, in the July and August heat, marched the weary miles and dusty roads ? Even the muster or pay-rolls do not show where the men were from, and the object of this publication is mainly to make a permanent, alphabetically arranged, record of the New Hampshire men (the residence being supplied by the compiler from every available source), omitting all who died or left before, or enlisted after, August 16, 1777, from the roll, but entering the others in foot notes. The men in the Bennington cam paign were enlisted for two months. The names of the towns changed, are given as they are now. * Capt. Peter Kimball of Boscawen, who commanded a company in the battle, wrote in his diary of the campaign, " Plunder money divided to 2,250 men. " INTRODUCTION. The outline sketch of General Stark given in the frontispiece was made by Miss Crownin- shield 33 years after the battle of Bennington, on very coarse paper, now yellow with age, and done with red chalk or crayon. The State Papers, New Hampshire Revolutionary War Rolls, are the volume and page referred to in this work, where, in the left hand upper margin, the figures designate the volume and page of the original manuscript on file in the office of the Secretary of State, or Adjutant General. Manchester, N. H., July, 1891. COMPILER. A committee appointed by the citizens of Bennington invited General Stark to visit them, and celebrate the victory of August 16, 1777, with his old companions in arms, " Sons of Liberty. " The letter is dated July 22, 1809. His reply to them (in part) was as follows : "At My Quarters, Derryfield, 31=' of July, 1809. My Friends and Fellow Soldiers: — Nothing could afford me greater pleasure than to meet your brave Sons of liberty on the fortunate spot ; but, as you justly anticipate, the infirmities of old age will not permit it, for I am now more than fourscore and one years old, and the lamp of life is almost spent. I have of late had many such invitations, but was not ready, for there was not oil in the lamp. " Salem, Mass., June 18, 1810. My Dear General: — The likeness my young pupil. Miss Hannah Crowninshield, took, proved to be a good one. All your friends knew it instantly. The enclosed is a copy. The original is as large as life. She is taking a copy for President Madison, and then I intend to get it engraved, and painted in oil colors. Any corrections will be accepted, as she had only one sitting. With veneration and respect. Your sincere friend, WILLIAM BENTLEY. General John Stark, Derryfield. \_Ja7ncs Madison to tlie Rev. William Bentley. ] Washington, July 8* 18 10. Sir ; I have received your favor of the second instant, accompanied by a likeness of Gen eral Stark. I thank you for both. The latter, in its execution, seems to do much credit to the talent of your pupil, that I, the more readily, confide in its likeness ; and shall place it by the side of others, whose originals are known to have inspired the General with that esteem of which they are worthy. The circumstances related in your letter coincide with the more important anecdotes recorded of this patriot and hero, in shewing a mind made of nature's best stuff, and fashioned in a mold seldom used by her. Accept assurances of my esteem and friendly respects. JAMES MADISON. introduction. 0 \_John Adams to the Rev. William Bentley. ] QuiNCY November lo* 1810. Dear Sir ; I have added another to my numerous faults, in not sooner acknowledging your favor in sending me the Pears, and returning you and Mr. Endicot my best thanks for the greatful Present. I have not given up the hope of seeing you and that young Lady (Miss Crowninshield) who flattered me with exquisite Art by representing me with the Face and Figure of a wise Man, at Quincy. I believe it is the only Portrait of me that ever was made with any appearance of Wis dom or Dignity in the Shape Air or Countenance. Our Excellent Friend the Lieutenant Governor gave me some hopes that I might have the pleasure of seeing you here, which I earnestly desire, and if that accomplished young Lady will accompany you she will greatly increase the obligation of your obliged Friend and very humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Revd. William Bentley, at Salem. The New Hampshire Legislature of 1891 made an appropriation to purchase a portrait of Gen. John Stark, and the Governor and Council appointed Ex-Gov. B. F. Prescott and George C. Gilmore a committee for that purpose. They have made a contract with Mr. U. D. Tenney, the artist, of Concord, for an oil painting, 27x34 inch canvas, from the original likeness of the General, made by Miss Hannah Crownin shield of Salem, Mass., May 31, 18 10, he then being 82 years of age. The committee are under great obligations to Mr. Richard M. Bartleman, and Miss Mary R. Crowninshield for the loan of the original sketch, and copies of letters from President Madison and Ex-President John Adams. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 10 Name, Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. ' Vol, 15 Page. Austin John Stickney's P Mc. Connell's July 19 17s Ale.xander Jabez Henniker n P Bayley's 22 183 Abbott Jesse Concord ii Sergt : Kimball's 20 " 18S Abbott John u ii Corol u 20 " 185 Abbott Elias (( li Fifer ; 20 " 185 Abbott Ephraim (( ii p ! 20 " 185 Abbott Stephen - ' (t ii P i 20 " 18S Abbott Ezra (( il p 20 185 Ambrose Benjamin (( it p 20 185 Ambrose Jonathan Boscawen it p 20 " 185 Avery John Gilmanton (( p N. Wilson's 22 " 19s Adams Aaron Charlestown Hobart's p Walker's 21 " 145 Allen Benjamin (( (( P " 21 " 14s Allen Moses Claremont (( P ii 21 " 144 Alexander Philip ii P Webber's 21 " 146 Ashley Martin Walpole ii P " 21 " 147 Ames Stephen Groton a P Elliot's 21 " 150 Atwood Joseph Alexandria ii p ti 21 " 150 Aspinwall Zalman / Lebanon ii p Hendee's 24 : " 156 Bailey Dudley -- Salem Nichols's P Reynolds's 20 " 200 Barr John Londonderry ii P (( 20 " 199 Brewster David li ii P i( 20 " 201 Brown Samuel -' Chester a P i( 20 ii 201 Burrows Nathaniel-* Londonderry a P *' 20 ti 199 Burrows William it il p 20 ii 200 Barney Jeffrey Richmond il p Wright's 23 it 204 Barrus Jeremiah (( '< p (( 23 il 20z^ Bishop Daniel Swanzey a P (1 23 ii 20.^ Bishop Bethuel Marlborough il p a 23 li 20/1 Bond Asa Winchester (< P " 23 tl 203 Bosworth Jeremiah Richmond ll P a 23 il 204 Brett Seth Winchester it P ti 23 ii 205 Bullock Nathan Richmond tl P ii 23 li 205 Burt Amasa Winchester (( P il 23 it 203 Barron Samuel -s Merrimack ll P Ford's 20 a 207 Bixby Edward-'' Litchfield il p " 20 it 207 Bixby William (( ll P if 20 it 20t Blodget Joseph Hudson P il 20 a 20t Bowers Benjamin Merrimack it Lieut (I 20 *.i 20t Ballard Nathan Wilton tl Lieut Goss's 20 *' 20c Barrett Joseph Mason (( P <( 20 ii 211 Batchelder Archelaus - ' Wilton It Sergt i( 20 li 20c Batchelder Uzziel it P ii 20 it 211 Bayley William Jr Wilton i< Corpl a 20 il 20c I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 — At Bunker Hill, 7 — Wounded, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 11 Name. Blodgett Jacob-' Blood Simeon Bowers Henry Brown Eliphalet Bullard Peter Blanchard Simon Boutell Reuben Bradford John Burnham Israel Burnham David Burnham Jonathan - ' Bailey Abraham Ball Abner Beales Benjamin--' Bishop Samuel-'' Blodgett Jonathan Breed Thomas K Barrett Isaac Bancroft Caleb Blair John - = Blair William Breed Allen Breed Allen Jr Brockway Ephraim Brockway Asa Brown Ephraim Byam Benjamin Baldwin Daniel Belding Elisha -'' Bingham Theodorus Blanchard Daniel Britton William Brown Daniel - '' Brown Nehemiah - ** Brown Jesse Bebee Peter Bond David Boynton John Jr Bragg Ebenezer Bragg Nicholas Barker Benjamin Barker Richard Bolton William Bachelor Jonathan Residence, Regiment, Rank, Cuni] any. Mason Nichols's Ensign Goss's Hollis CI P ll il iiii PP ii Mason '' P ii Milford ii P Bradford's Amherst ii P (( ii CaptP ii il It liii PP a Jaffrey Fitzwilliam ii SergtP Stone's Rindge ii P (( Marlborough ti P ii Jaffrey Nelson iiii PP ll li Stoddard ii P Parker's Temple ii P li Peterborough li P ti (( f( P ii New Ipswich It li P P illi Stoddard *' P il Washington " P il Temple It a CorplSergt li Chesterfield ll P Carleton's Hinsdale " P li Chesterfield (( P li Westmoreland a P li (( u PP li (( ii P li tt « P ll Gilsum (( ti PPFifer Mack's ll P (( ii P " Pelham it a CorplP J. Wilson's Windham n P (( Stickney's P Dearborn's iMilisted, Vol, Page, July 2020 20 20 20 19 19 1919 19'9 21 21 21212121 19191919191919'919 19 22 22 22222222 2222 22 2222222221 2121 19 15 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 — At Bunker Hill, 7, 8 — Wounded, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 12 Name. Bagley John Blake John Blaisdell Isaac Brown Joseph Brown William Barber Robert Booth William Burwash Nathaniel Bean Josiah Bean Benjamin Bean John Boynton David Bryen John Brown Daniel Brown Eliphalet Bryant Robert Burleigh Thomas Barker James Barnet John Bell John Betle Benjamin Burns Robert Batchelder Nathaniel Batchelder Richard Batchelder Phinehas Batchelder Thomas Bean Benjamin Blaisdell Ezra Blanchard David Bayley Joshua Bayley Phinehas Bayley Solomon Bowman Jonas Bowman Zadoc Brown Ensley - ' Burbank John Burbank Caleb Beedle Thomas Blanchard Peter Bradley Philbrick Burbank David -^ Burbank Wells Bayley Miles - 3 Bales John Residence. Can dia Chester SalisburyTlillsboroughAndoverSandwich Moult onborough Sanbornton Moultonborough SanborntonMeredithSandwichBedford Bedford Loudon Bow Loudon Canterbury Hopkinton Henniker ll Hopkinton Boscawen Concord li Boscawen Deering Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol, Page. Stickney's p Dearborn's July 19 i_S 169 p ii 21 168 p ll 19 '^ ' 169 p il 19 169 p ii 19 ' ! 169 p Webster's 20 ' 1 165 Corpl (( 20 ' ! 164 P it 20 ' ' 164 Lieut Taylor's 22 't ' '^' P 22 172 Sergt 22 ' i 171 P 22 [ 173 P 22 171 Corpl 22 ' ; 171 P 22 ' '. 173 Ensign 22 ' ! 171 P 22 ' 172 P McConnell's 19 J 177 P li 19 176 P ti 19 ; ' ' i 175 P if 19 i ' ; 177 Sergt If 19 • 174 P Sias's 20 ' 180 P 20 1 ' 180 P 20 ¦ ' 180 P 20 179 Corpl 20 ' 179 P 20 180 Sergt 20 ' 179 Capt Bayley's 20 182 P 22 183 P 22 183 Lieut 21 182 P 22 183 P 22 183 *' Corpl 21 I 182 P 22 ' 183 P Kimball's 20 185 P " 20 i 185 PCorplP it ll It 2020 20 186185185 P Clark's 21 189 P il 21 188 I, 2 — At Bunker Hill. 3 — On roll taken (prisoner) Aug, 14, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 13 Name. Residence, Regiment, Rank, Company Beard William - ' New Boston Stickney's Ensign Clark's Blanchard Josiah P It Bradford Benjamin Deering Lieut " Bradford William it Sergt " Burnham Nathaniel Lyndeborough P ii Burnham Stephen (. P li Butterfield Oliver Francestown P i( Balch Nathaniel Wakefield P Gilman's Berry Samuel P ii Berry John B P ii Brown John P ii Bryant James P '< Batchelder Jethro Barnstead P N. Wilsor Benjamin Judah Claremont Hobart's P Walker's Bailey Jesse Newport P Webber's Beckwith Martin Marlow P ll Bingham Nathan Lempster P ii Booth Joshua It P ii Boynton Andrew Marlow P " Brown Abraham Jr Alstead P (( Brown Aaron P " Buel Daniel Newport P " Burroughs John Jr Alstead Sergt (( Burroughs Elijah ii P li Blanchard Isaac Plymouth P Elliot's Blodgett James u P " Blodgett Jonathan Rumney P li Brainard Chileab Campton P li Brown Josiah Plymouth P il Bussell John Hill Corpl il Butterfield Zachariah-^ Rumney Corpl ii Barron Jonathan Haverhill P Post's Baxter John Lyme P ** Bayley Abijah Haverhill P li Bowles Charles It P il Bugbee Timothy Lyme P '* Baldwin Jabez T_ Lebanon Corpl Hendee's Bartlett Nathaniel Canaan P (( Basford Joseph Orange P (( Bingham Elisha Enfield Corpl (( ~/-31iss Azariah Jr 3 Lebanon P ri Bliss Josiah n " P li Enlisted. 15 I — At Bunker Hill, 2 — Killed. Bohonnon Andrew, Lieuten Co, ; Brotdebank Daniel, Burbank Nathaniel, Kimball July 212121 212121 2120202020 202221 21 212121 21 212121212121 21 21 2121 21 212424 24 24242323 23232323 ant, Webster's Co, ; Bohonnon Jacob, Private, Webster's Co. ; Bayley George, Private, Webster's Private, Webster's Co, — enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol. 15, 164. 's Co., enlisted August 2^, 1777, Vol. 15, 187. Vol. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 14 Name. Residence. Regiment. Rank. Blunt Cornelius Plainfield Brewer Ebenezer Cornish Bridgman Abel Hanover Bullock Simeon Grafton Casey John - ' Epsom Caldwell Joseph Windham Campbell John u Campbell Samuel u Carr Thomas Chester Cheney Jonathan Londonderry Cheney Nathaniel u Clark David ii Colby Isaac ti Conant Joshua-^ (( Cunningham Archibald - ' Francestown Carpenter William Swanzey Cook James Richmond Cummins Ephraim Swanzey Cowin William - ¦* Merrimack Cross Joseph Hudson Cutter Seth £L Campbell John - = Hollis Conick John Brookline Cram Ebenezer Wilton Cram Zebulon (,i Cole Nathan Amherst Crosby William ii Crosby Stephen -^ ii Curtice Jacob - ^ ii. Curtice Stephen ii Curtice Isaac u Curtice Lemuel (4 Converse Robert Marlborough Cragin Benjamin Temple Cunningham Samuel Peterborough Carleton Kimball Chesterfield Cobleigh Jonathan u Cobb Simon Westmorelan Cole Jonathan ii Collins Nathaniel Hinsdale Converse Samuel D Chesterfield Clark Cephas Keene Hobart's Nichols's PPPPClerkPP PPP P Corpl P Company, Hendee's Reynolds's p " p It p Wright's p (( p ({ p Ford's p (( p (( p Goss's p ti p ll p il Corpl Bradford's P ii P it CorplP itil P It P " P Stone's Lieut Parker's Lieut (( Capt Carleton's Pit Pi'CorplP (( ((ll li P il P Mack's Enlisted. Vol. July I — In the House of Representatives July 19, 1777 : Voted " That Mr. John Casey be appointed Clerk to Gen' be paid the same wages as a Lieutenant in the Continental army during his continuance in the service " at 2 — Wounded; died September 10, 1777. 3 — Woimded ; died August 28, 1777. 4. 5, 6, 7, — At Bunker Plill. 23 '5 15.5 23 " 156 23 " IS7 23 ^ ^ IS7 18 it 141 20 ti 201 20 bC 200 20 it 200 20 a aoo 20 ii 200 20 fl 200 20 U 199 20 U 199 20 ^ ' 201 20 u 200 23 C4 205 23 u 204 23 li 204 20 207 20 li 206 20 ii 206 20 ii 209 20 209 20 211 20 u 211 19 li 213 19 u 214 19 214 19 213 19 313 19 (£ 214 19 u 215 21 ^^ 2X8 19 " 219 19 ^'^ 219 22 ••^ 223 22 " 225 2 '^ cc 224 22 ii 223 22 I (1 225 23 cc 224 22 CC 226 Stark and t hat he Bunk er Hil . NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 15 Name, Cook Ebenezer - ' Campbell David Coburn Edward Cole Eliphalet Corliss Emerson-^ Chase Josiah Clements William Cammet John Cass Joseph Chase Jacob Clay John Clifford Israel Clifford Anthony Colby Enoch Currier David - ^ Colby Rowell Galley Thomas Cate Elisha Cate Simeon Carr Samuel Chamberlin Ephraim Clark Nicholas Clark Satchell Clements Richard Cook Ebenezer Critchet Thomas Carr Samuel Church John Cilley Jonathan Colby Hezekiah Colby Joseph Collins Daniel Carr Joseph Carter Samuel Chamberlin William Clough Joseph Clough David Cross John Currier Reuben Curry Thomas Colby Levi Colby David Corbet Josiah Currier Henry Carter Daniel Chase Abner Residence. Keene Windham Pelham IC SalemCanterbury HopkintonCan dia cc Chester Candia ChesterSalisburySanbornton Meredith Alton Sanbornton cc Moultonborough cc Sanbornton GoffstownDunbarton SeabrookDunbarton Weare cc Canterbury Loudon cc Canterbury Bow Canterbury BowCanterbury Hopkinton Regiment. Nichols's Stickney's Boscawen Warner Rank, Sergt, Miijur, PPPPS'rgeon Q. M. PSergt PPPPPP PPPP PP SergtP PP CorplP PPPPPPP Sergt PP P P PPPPP PP Company. Mack's J. Wilson's Dearborn's Webster's Taylor's McConnell's Sias's Bayley's Kimball's Enlisted. Vol, July 22 'S 21 "•*¦ 21 '•¦ 21 '¦' 21 ii 21 ii 21 "¦ 21 ^^ 21 a 21 Cc 21 ^^ 21 iC 21 u 20 ii 22 ii 22 ii 22 ii 22 a 22 ii 22 ii 22 '' ^o Li 22 u 22 ii 19 ii 19 a '9 a 19 u 19 ii 19 a 20 a 20 ii 20 ^'¦ 20 u 20 a 20 ii 20 ii 20 ii 22 ii 22 u 21 (.c 22 .. 20 '' 20 a 228 228228 2, 3 — At Bunker Hill, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 16 1, 2 — At Bunker Hill. 3 — Killed. Calef William, Webster's Co., enlisted Aug. 25. Vol, 15, 165, Cooley John, Taylor's Co,, discharged Aug. 10. Vol. 15, 173. Corser Nathan, Corser William, Kimball's Co., enlisted Aug. 24. Cook Thomas, Elliot's Co., died .'Vug, 7. Vol, 15, 149, Name. Residence. Regiment, Stickney's Rank, Company. Kimball's Enlisted, Vol, 15 Page Corser Asa- ' Boscawen Drum July 20 185 Corser Jonathan cc cc P .. 20 cc i8€ Corser David cc CC P "•^ 20 a i8e Cavander Charles Greenfield " Corpl Clark's 21 ^' i8g Clark Peter Lyndeborough '^ Capt iL 21 cc i8g Cochran Elijah New Boston ii P h t 21 '' 1 8c Cram Benjamin Jr Lyndeborough '¦'• P i'. 21 ^' 1 8c Clark John Barnstead '¦'¦ Sergt N. Wilson's 22 cc 194 Clough Simon Gilmanton t-C P bfc 22 '•'• 194 Chamberlin Jacob Alton - P ii 22 cc 195 Chase Solomon Cornish Hobart's S'rgeon 25 ii 142 Call James Charlestown - P Walker's 21 cc 145 Clark Joseph Claremont u Sergt u 21 '' 143 Clark Dan cc ^^ P ii 21 '^ 14s Cook Oliver Cc .. P a 21 <•' I4/I Cross John - = Charlestown u Sergt '¦'• 21 4C 143 Church Jabez Campton Cfc Sergt Elliot's 21 CC 14c Clark John Hill bL P cc 21 CC 15c Clifford Zachariah Rumney ii P 44 21 CC 15c Clifford Tonathan Hill ii P 44 21 44 15c Colby Eii -^ Alexandria ii P CC 21 ii 15c Crawford Thomas Hill ii Sergt.Major CC 21 hC 14c Cross Daniel Rumney ii p 44 21 CC 15c Case Zenas Piermont u p Post's 24 4C 15: Clark John Landaff ii P cc 24 ii 15; Clark John Orford ii P cc 24 ii 15; Clark Joseph Haverhill ii Corpl cc 24 ii 15: Clark Edward cc ii P cc 24 CC 15; Cleaveland Elisha Bath ii P cc 24 ''¦ 15; Co.ok Charles Piermont ii Sergt ii 24 ii 15; Cady Nicholas Cornish ^'' P Hendee's 23 - i5_ Chase Daniel cc a Lieut cc 23 cC i5_ Clark Josiah Canaan ii P cc 23 " 15; - Colburn Jacob >• Lebanon ii P cc 23 cc I5( .Colburn Asa 5" cc '' P CC 23 cc i5( Colton Caleb Grantham '•'- P " 23 cc i5( Colton Stephen " ii P " 23 cc I 5( Cooper Sherman Croydon bC P " 23 cc '5' Cooper Joel cc ii P ^^ 23 "• 15* Corey Isaac Plainfield a P *^ 23 cc 15 Corliss Elisha Orange ii Fifer cc 23 cc 15 Cummings Benjamin Cornish ii Corpl cc 23 " 15 Currier Peter Plainfield " P ^^ 23 " 15 Vol, 15, 187, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 17 Name. Cutler Knights Cutler Hodges Dickey Mathew Dickey Adam Davis Ebenezer Dakin Justus Danforth Solomon Davis Gideon Dascomb James Dutton Roger- ' Darling Eliakim Davis William Davis John Jr Day Noah Dean John Dean James Drury Needham Dunn Benjamin Dutton Abel Daggit Simeon Dolfe Matthew Durant Joshua Dwinell Jonathan Davidson Jesse Dearborn Stephen Dearborn Ebenezer Dearborn Sherburn Dearborn Samuel Dearborn Thomas Dinsmore Robert Davis Francis Dresser Asa Danford Jonathan Danford Thomas Jr Dockam Thomas Drake Ephraim Davis Zebulon Davis Malachi Dunlap Samuel Durgen Gersham Duston Paul Dearborn Nathaniel Dow John Dusten James Danforth William Danforth Elkanah Residence. Regiment. Rank, Company, Enlisted. Plainfield Hobart's P Hendee's July 23 il ll P li 23 Londonderry Nichols's CorplP Reynolds's ll 20 20 Rindge ll P Wright's 23 Hudson il Corpl Ford's 20 Merrimack it Itli PP ;: 2020 Wilton It P Goss's 20 Amherst it P Bradford's 19 Rindge ll P Stone's 21 it tl P (( 21 Jaffrey P (( 21 Nelson Corpl '* 21 Rindge tl P ** 21 Marlborough P It 21 Temple P Parker's 19 Stoddard P if 19 cc P " 19 Westmoreland P Carleton's 22 P Mack's 22 Keene P It 22 it P it 22 Windham P J. Wilson's 21 Chester Stickney's Capt Dearborn's 19 (C P it 19 (( P tl '9 Candia P tt 19 it Sergt ll 21 Chester P li 21 Warner P Webster's 20 Hillsborough P ti 20 Meredith P Taylor's 22 P fi 22 Meredith P ll 22 Moultonborough P It 22 Allenstown PP McConnell's 1919 Goffstown P a '9 Allenstown P It 19 Weare P ll 19 Canterbury P Sias's 20 Bpw P ll 20 Henniker P Bayley's 22 Boscawen Sergt Kimball's 20 Concord P t( 20 f-At Bunker Hill. Vol. Page IS NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 18 Name. Residence. Danforth Simeon - " Davis Nathan -"" Dimond Reuben Dodge Nehemiah Dodge Jacob Duncklee Hezekiah Dutton Ezra- ^ Dutton Jacob-** Dearborn Simeon Jr Doe Simeon Dean Benjamin W Dudley Daniel Durgen Winthrop Dunfee James Deming Martin- 5 Dennison Jedediah Debbil Alexander -"^ Dudley Daniel Davis Thomas Derby Simeon Ellis Timothy Eviston George Elgar Wait still Ellis John Ellis John Emerson Oliver Emerson Seth Elliot Oliver Elliot Samuel Elliot David Elliot Amos EUinwood Jedediah Everdon John Everett John Emmons Noah Evans Elzy Emerson Nathaniel Evans Edward Eaton Benjamin Elliot John Elliot Jacob - ' Emerson Moses Elkins Moses Ellsworth Aaron Regiment, Stickney's Hobart's Nichols's Concord Boscawen ConcordNew Boston cc CC Lyndeborough Wakefield Gilmanton Claremont Walpole NewportPiermontOrford Keene Winchester Richmond Winchester Litchfield Merrimack Mason Amherst TempleChesterfieldHinsdaleCandia Plymouth Candia Chester (( li Candia " Salisbury " Sanbornton " I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 — At Bunker Hill. 7 — Wounded, Stickney's Rank. Company. Enlisted. : Vol, Page. P Kimball's July 20 . I 5 186 Sergt (( 20 1 ' 185 P K 20 186 P Clark's 21 189 P (( 21 189 P (( 21 189 Corpl (( 21 188 Fifer ll 21 188 P Gilman's 20 191 P If 20 191 P N Wilson's 22 19s Corpl ll 22 194 P It 22 19s P Walker's 21 144 Fifer Webber's 21 146 P " 21 147 P " 21 147 P It 21' 147 P Post's 24 IS3 P (( 24 IS3 Major 23 198 P Reynolds's 20 199 P Wright's 23 205 Sergt (( 23 203 P ii 23 204 Sergt Ford's 20 ' 206 P ll 20 207 P Goss's 20 211 P ll 20 211 P li 20 211 Corpl Bradford's 19 213 P (( 19 214 P (( 19 214 P Parker's 19 220 Corpl Carleton's 22 223 P ll 22 223 Lieut Cnlonel 23 161 Adjt 23 161 P Dearborn's 21 169 Drum'r It 21 170 P ll 21 168 P tl 21 , 169 P Webster's 20 165 P Taylor's 22 173 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 19 Name Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company, | Eaton Enoch Goffstown Stickney's P McConnell's Eaton Samuel Weare it P ll ' Emerson William P (( Evans George - ' Allenstown ll P (( Eastman, Samuel-' Henniker ll P Bayley's Eastman Jonathan it 1 tt Corpl " Eastman Enoch Hopkinton " P il Eaton Ebenezer (( \ tl 1 Corpl ii Emerson Moses It li P li Elliot Benjamin Concord i P Kimball's Eaton James Goffstown it P Clark's EUinwood Benjamin Lyndeborough ft P If Ellis Barnabas Middleton It P Gilman's Emerson Benjamin Barnstead il P N. Wilson's Ellis Joseph Claremont Hobart's Lieut Walker's Eayrs Christopher Acworth li P (( Eastman Philip - ^ Walpole it Sergt Webber's Eastman Samuel Marlow ** P ll Elliot Edmund Thornton tl Capt Elliot's Emmons Benjamin Hill ll Ensign (( Easterbrooks Samuel '^^ Lebanon li Ensign Hendee's Emerson Enoch Croydon " Corpl " Fitch Thaddeus-'» Amherst Nichols's Q M Fellows William It P Reynolds's Ferguson John - s Pelham tt P li Field Waitstill-* Winchester tl P Wright's Follet, Benjamin Swanzey tl P ll Franklin Ichabod Winchester tl P tt Fuller Jesse Swanzey ll P if Fears Humphrey ll P Ford's Fisk Ebenezer tl P ft Ford James - ^ Hudson li Capt if French Joseph Nashua ll Lieut il Farrington Phinehas Wilton ll P Goss's Fay Daniel Mason ll Sergt (( Fisk Simeon ll P (( Foster Isaac Wilton (( P " French Jonathan Hollis ti P " Fuller Joseph ii P (1 I, 2, 4, 5, 6 — At Bunker Hill. 3^Wounded; died August 2i, 1777. Emery William, lieutenant in Webster's Co., discharged August 15, 1777, on account of sickness. Elkins Abel, Webster's Co., enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol. 15, 166. Eastman Jeremiah, Kimball's Co., enlisted August 24, 1777, Vol. 15, 181. Evans John, Sias's Company, enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol, 15, 181. 7 — At Bunker Hill ; wounded at Bennington. Enlisted, Vol, Pag July 19 IS 17 19 17 19 17 19 17 22 18 22 18 21 18 22 18 22 18 20 18 21 18 21 18 20 19 22 iq 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 21 14 23 15 23 IS 24 19 20 19 20 20 23 20 23 20 23 20 23 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 20 20 20 21 20 21 20 20 20 21 Vol, 15, 164, NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON, 20 Name, Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted, Bradford's Stone's Parker's Carleton's Farnham Joseph -Amherst ; Nichols's Lieut Farwell Richard Nelson " P Farwell Absalom " " p French James Jaffrey i " P French John Nelson " P Fletcher Peter New Ipswich " | P Foster James Temple " P Foster Daniel " " P Farr Jonathan Jr - ' Chesterfield " P Farr Daniel " " Sergt Farr Charles " " P Farr William " " P Farr Jacob Jr " " j P Fisk Aaron " " : P Frost Joshua Hinsdale " [ P Fields Moses Surry " ' Lieut Fuller Joshua-' " | " ' P Fuller Samuel " " Serg-t Fellows Benjamin Candia Stickney's : Corpl Fogg Stephen Raymond " P Fogg Samuel " " P Fox Sinclair ' " P Fuller Benjamin Chester " P Fellows Joseph Andover j " P Fifield Abraham Salisbury ' " Sergt Foster Jonathan " | " Fifer Farrah Isaac Meredith " P Folsom Nicholas " " P Folsom John Sanbornton " Corpl Farmer David - 3 Manchester " P Felch Nicholas Seabrook " i P Ferren Ebenezer Goffstown " 1 Sergt Forrest William Canterbury " P Foster Ephraim Bow " Ensign Foster Jonathan Canterbury " Sergt Farnham Timothy Hopkinton " Lieut French Daniel " " P Farnham Theodore Concord " Corpl Fisk Ephraim " " P Fisk Ephraim Jr " " P I, 3 — At Bunker Hill. 2 — At Bunker Hill; killed at Bennington, Fifield Jonathan, Fifield John, Fifield Joseph, Fifield Edward, Webster's Co,, of Salisbury 15> i65- Flanders John, Flanders Joseph, Flanders David, Flanders Ezekiel, Kimball's Co , of Boscawen ; enlisted August 24, Vol, 15, 187. Mack's Dearborn's Webster's ccIt Taylor's it McConnell's il tl Sias's itit Bayley's ll Kimball's July 19 2121 21 21 19 19 19 2222 2222 2222 222121 2121 21 202020 22 22 22 1919 19 202020222220 20 20 I Vol, Page 15 213 217 217 217 217 220 220 220 22/] 223 223 '^7.2 enlisted August 25, 1777, Vol. 1777- NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Residence. Regiment. ' Rank. Company. Enli.sted, Vol. Flanders Abner Concord Stickney's Sergt Kimball's July 20 15 Flanders Jesse Boscawen ' " P (( 20 Flood Richard - ' Concord " Corpl (( 20 1 " French James Boscawen " P li 20 ' " Person Robert Deering P Clark's 21 i " Fisher Nathan Francestown Sergt it 21 1 " Frost Nicholas Middleton p Gilman's 20 ! " Frost Wentworth : p ll 20 ll FuUerton James Wolfeborough P tl 20 " F"ifield Samuel Gilmanton P N Wilson's 22 ' " Flanders Joseph " , P '¦ 22 Flanders Ezekiel Sergt " 22 ' " Fox John Gilmanton iP tt 22 Farnsworth Oliver Charlestown Hobart's P Walker's 21 " Fielding Ebenezer Claremont : P (( 21 ! " Ford Daniel tl Corpl ** 21 Fuller Amasa tl P ll 21 Fletcher Jonathan Marlow tt P Webber's 21 Fletcher Samuel Alstead P li 21 Farley Samuel Groton Sergt Elliot's 21 Fellows John Hill << P " 21 Fox Uriah Campton li P " 21 Fuller Samuel Thornton P It 21 Fairfield John Lyme It Corpl Post's 24 Ford Hezekiah Piermont It P " 24 Ford Paul It li P ll 24 Ford Job " ti P " 24 Fitch Samuel Cornish " P Hendee's 23 Fuller Lemuel 7 Lebanon il P ll 23 Gregg William Londonderry Nichols's Lieut. Colonel 23 Gregg Ephraim (( tl P Reynolds's 20 Griffin Thomas Sandown It Fifer (( 20 Green Joseph-^ Swanzey ii P Wright's 23 Gage Phinehas Pelham it P Ford's 20 Gibson James -^ Nashua ll P *' 20 Gould Silas Amherst " P (( 20 Goss John - ¦• Hollis (( Capt Goss's 20 Greeley John -s Wilton li P 1 1 20 Gilbert Laraford Amherst It P Bradford's 19 Gilmore James - ^ (( it Sergt (( 19 i " Goodrich Allen It il P il 19, " Green David i P it 19 ! " Gilmore Robert Jaffrey i P Stone's 21 1 " Gould Stephen - ' Amherst i P It 21 " Greenwood William Dublin it P n 21 It 1851 86 185186[89188 192192192194195194194144144143144147147149 [50 149 149 [52[S3[S3'53 [56 [56[98 201 199 204207206 207 20921 1 214213213 213 217 217 217 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 — At Bunker Hill. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 29 Name. Gilbert Abel Glazier David Grandy Bazaleel Gleason Job Gutridge Benjamin Gage David - ' Gould Noah Gregg David - ^ Gutterson Josiah Gordon Josiah - ^ Griffin Nathaniel Gibson James-'' Gibson John Gould Robert Gale Daniel -5 Oilman Caleb Glidden John Goldsmith John Goldsmith John Jr Gordon Enoch Gault Matthew Garvin Ephraim Gay James Gilmore Robert Gilmore John Griffin Theophilus Glines Richard Gile Joshua Gould Christopher Gordon Amos Gage Solomon George David Glines Israel Greenfield Charles Glover Henry -^ Gregg John - ' Gregg Reuben Grimes Francis Gilman Jeremiah Gilman" Benjamin Gould Jeremiah Gilman Peter Gilman Dudley Residence. Westmoreland ll Hinsdale SurryPelham Windham PelhamRaymond Chester Hillsborough It WarnerSanborntonSandwich MeredithPembrokeBowPembrokeGoffstown cc Manchester LoudonHenniker Hopkinton ll Concord Boscawen New Boston cc cc cc cc DeeringWakefield cc WolfeboroughGilmanton Regiment. Rank. Company. Nichols's Stickney's p Carleton's July 22 p ll 22 Sergt It 22 P Mack's 22 P <.( 22 Sergt J Wilson's 21 P a 21 Ensign ii 21 P ii 21 P Dearborn's 21 P a 21 P Webster's 20 P u 20 Sergt u 20 P Taylor's 22 P a ^2 P ii 22 P 44 22 P " 22 P ii 22 Drum McConnell's 19 P (I 19 Sergt ll 19 Lieut '¦'¦ 19 P ii 19 P " 19 P Sias's 20 Sergt Bayley's 22 P it 22 P tl 22 P Kimball's 20 P u 20 P 44 20 P tl 20 Sergt Clark's 21 P it 21 P " 21 P " 21 Capt Gilman's 20 P It 20 P " 20 Sergt N Wilson's 22 Corpl 44 22 Enlisted, Vol. Page, IS I, 3, 4, 6, 7 — At Bunker Hill. 2 — At Bunker Hill; woijnded at Bennington, c —r Wounded. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 23 Name, Residence. Gilman Edward Jr Gleason Windsor Grannis Edward Grendel Daniel Gee Luman Gilman Joshua- ' Grant Peter Gallup Thomas Jr Griswold Jeremiah ' Hastings Joseph Hobbs Joseph Houston William Humphrey James Hughs John Hatch John Hazen Benjamin Healey Samuel Heaton James Hicks Samuel Hicks Eliphalet Hicks Simeon Holmes Joseph Holmes Stetson Houghton Edward Howe Uriah Howe Benjamin Humphrey Willard Hutchins Asa -^ Hadley Stephen Harris Thomas Harwood James Haskell Abel Honey Peter -^ Hutchinson Solomon - + Hardy Thomas - ' Hartshorn Jonathan Herrick Shadrach Hodgman Nathan Hodgman Joseph Jr - ^ Hodgman Job Hobart Joshua How Ephraim - ' Harris Samuel GilmantonCharlestownClaremont Sunapee Marlow Walpole LymePlainfieldLebanon Londonderry Winchester SwanzeyWinchester Swanzey Richmond SwanzeyWinchester Swanzey Winchester Hudson Nashua LitchfieldMerrimack Nashua Merrimack Hollis WiltonMason cc Hollis cc Amherst Regiment. Stickney's Hobart's Nichols's Rank. P PP Corpl P PSergt SergtPCorplPPP EnsignPFiferSergt Ensign Corpl PP Corpl P CorplPPPPP PPPP P PPPP PPP PP Company. N Wilson's Walker's Webber's ii Post'sHendee's Reynolds's Wright's Enlisted. Vol 1 Page. Ford's Goss's Bradford's July 22 21 21 21 21212423 23 2020 20 20 20 2323 2323 2323 2323 23 2323 2323 23 20 20202020 2020 20202020202020 19 IS 1 — Wounded. Gale John, Garland Jacob, Webster's Co., of Salisbury, - I, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7 — AtBunker Hill. ¦ enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol. 15, 165. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Residence. Regiment- Rank. Sergt Company. Enlisted. Vol. 15 Page. Hazelton Nathaniel Amherst Nichols's Bradford's July 19 213 Hogg William cc P fi 19 215 Holt Obadiah cc P ll 19 44 214 Holt Daniel Wilton P " 19 44 214 Howe Joel - ' Amherst It Sergt " 19 '4 '213 Hale Moses Jr Rindge P Stone's 21 ii 217 Harrington John Fitzwilliam Drum li 21 '' 216 Hathorn CoUin Jaffrey P it 21 44 217 Holt Thomas P it 21 41. 217 Heald Joseph Temple P Parker's 19 '' 221 Hildreth Simeon-" New Ipswich Fifer ll 19 44 219 Hogg Simpson Peterborough P ii 19 44 221 Hoar Jotham New Ipswich P ll 19 44 220 Haselton William - ^ Westmoreland P Carleton's 22 44 224 Haselton Richard cc P If 22 44 224 Hastings Josiah--* Chesterfield Ensign ll 22 44 223 Hildreth Jonathan Jr cc P It 22 44 224 Holton Jonathan - ' Westmoreland Lieut it 22 44 223 Hubbard Amos Chesterfield P il T? 44 224 Hall Samuel Keene P Mack's 22 44 227 Harris David - ^ cc P If 22 44 227 Hayward Nathan - ' Marlow Corpl " 22 44 226 Holbrook Adin Keene Sergt " 22 '¦'¦ 226 Holdridge Jehial Gilsum Corpl ll 22 ii 226 How Tilly -8 Keene Sergt fi 22 '^ 226 Hamblet Phinehas Pelham P J Wilson's 21 44 229 Hardy Edmund " P It 21 " 228 Hardy Jacob Salem P It 21 44 228 Head James-' Pembroke Stickney's Major 23 44 161 Hall Josiah Chester P Dearborn's 21 44 168 Hall David cc P (( 21 'i 170 Hazeltine Benjamin cc P (( 21 44 169 Hills Samuel cc P *' 21 ii 168 Hoyt John Warner Sergt Webster's 20 ii 164 Huntoon Benjamin Salisbury P *' 20 44 164 Hackett Ezra P Taylor's 22 44 172 Hackett Hezekiah P ft 22 44 173 Harper Samuel Sanbornton P ll 22 44 172 Hadley Obadiah Dunbarton P McConnell's 19 " 176 Hadley Daniel Weare P It ¦9 i' 17s Harvey Enoch Manchester P li '9 44 176 Hasket Ebenezer P ll 19 44 177 I, 2, 4, 7, 8 — At Bunker Hill. 3. 5 — Wounded. 6 — At Bunker Hill; promoted August 20, 1777, to assistant surgeon. See original roll. Vol. 4, H'A- 9 — Wounded; died August 31, 1777. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Residence, Regiment, Rank. P Company. Enlisted. Vol. Page. Hawes Nathan Goffstown Stickney's McConnell's July 19 IS 1 I7S Hoit Samuel cc P 44 19 ' 1 17s Holden Zachariah Litchfield i P 44 19 1 / J 176 Holmes William Jr Dunbarton " P 44 19 176 Holt Frye Pembroke P 44 19 ' 1 n^ Houston Samuel Bedford Corpl - 19 174 Houston Isaac (( P 44 19 17s Hoyt Thomas Dunbarton Ensign " 19 174 Huntington John Weare P cc 19 177 Hannaford Peter Canterbury P Sias's 20 ' 179 Hancock Joseph 44 P cc 20 180 Hoyt Abner 44 P cc 20 180 Hadley Ezekiel Hopkinton Drum Bayley's 21 182 Harriman Stephen Jr 44 P 44 22 183 Heath William Henniker P 44 22 183 Heath Sargent 44 P 44 22 183 Holmes Benjamin Hopkinton P 44 22 182 Howe Peter - ' 44 Sergt 44 21 182 Howe David 44 P ii 21 182 Howe Samuel 44 P ii 21 182 Hunt Jonathan 44 P ii 21 183 Hall Abiel Concord P Kimball's 20 186 Herbert Richard 44 Lieut 44 20 185 Hinkson Samuel 44 P U 20 186 Hoit Jedediah Boscawen P 44 20 186 Hutchins John 44 P 44 20 186 Herrick Daniel Lyndeborough P Clark's 21 189 Herrick Edmund u cC P 44 21 189 Holt William 44 P 44 21 189 Hooper Thomas - " New Boston P 44 21 189 Hogg William Deering P 44 21 189 Hutchinson Nehemiah -^ Lyndeborough Sergt 44 21 188 Hutchinson Samuel - * 44 P 44 21 189 Haines Joseph Wakefield Corpl Gilman's 20 191 Hanson Nathan Middleton P 1.4 20 192 Hicks John cc P 44 20 192 Hill William cc Corpl '•'• 20 191 Hill Ebenezer P ii 20 191 Hutchinson Elisha -5 Gilmanton Sergt N Wilson's 22 194 Hobart David Plymouth Hobart's Col 21 142 Hey ward William Charlestown Major 25 142 Hibbard Augustine Claremont Chapl'n Aug 4 142 Hart Josiah Charlestown P Walker's July 21 143 Hart John cc P 44 21 145 I, 3, 4, 5 — At Bunker Hill. 2 — Wounded ; died August 25, 1777. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 26 Name, Hastings Oliver Hatch Josiah Higbee Levi Holden Timothy Howard Benjamin - ' Huntoon Caleb Huntoon Charles Hall Abraham Hatch Nathan Hatch Asa Hobart John Hodgkins Henry Howard David Huntley Andrew Hurd Stephen Hall Henry Hobart Solomon -^ Hobart Gersham Hoit Thomas - ' Hazelton Timothy Hews Joseph Howard Benjamin Hall Samuel R Hall Edward Jr Harris Benjamin Hendee Joshua Hilliard Samuel Howard Thomas Ingalls Henry - * Ingalls Benjamin Ingalls Joseph Ingalls Ebenezer -5 Ingalls Amos Ingalls Caleb Ingalls Jonathan Jones Jesse Johnson Joseph Jewett Joseph Jones Caleb Jewett Jonathan Jameson John Johnson Amos Jewell John Residence. CharlestownClaremont It Charlestown Sunapee Unity Alstead Marlow It Newport RumneyPlymouth It Alexandria HaverhillLyme It Croydon cc Lebanon a' HanoverCornishGraftonRichmond Jaffrey Rindge il HillLondonderryHudson Amherst Windham PelhamSandwich Regiment, Hobart's Nichols's Hobart's Nichols's Rank, Coi mpany. PPPP PSergt PPP P PP CorplPPLieutPP PPP P P PP Capt Drum P LieutPP PPPPPPPP P PP Stickney's ; P Enlisted, I Vol. I Page. Walker's I July 21 15 Webber's Elliot's it Post's Ittt Hendee's Wright's Stone's Elliot's Reynolds'sFord's Bradford's cc Stone's J Wilson's Taylor's 2121 21 2121 2121212121 2121212121 21 21 21 2424 2423 23 232323232323 23212121 21 2020 1919 21212122 14314s144143 144143144 146147147147 146146 147 147149 150150150 153153153156156156155155 157 203204204 217217 218 150 201 206215213217228228 172 I, 3, 5 — At Bunker Hill. 2 — Killed. /].: — Wounded. JJjdden Jeremiah, Kimbpll's Cp., enlisted Anpst 24, 1777. Vol, i^, jS NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNlN(;TON. 27 Name. Judkins Ebenezer Johnson Benjamin Jones Moses-' Jackman WiUiam Johnson Timothy - ^ Johnson Gideon Jacobs Andrew Jacobs David Johnston Charles Johnson Job Joy Ephraim Kelso Jonathan Kingsley Jonathan Keith Jeremiah Killicut Charity Kemp Thomas -3 Kenney David Keys Silas Kimball William Kimball Eli Kittridge Solomon Knowlton John Knight John Keys Daniel Kyle Ephraim-'* Karr Thomas Kincaid John - 5 Kimball Amos Knowles John - '^ Knowles Amos-^ Kezar Reuben Kelly .Samuel Knox James Kenniston David Kimball Abraham - Kimball Peter -^ Kenniston Waldron Kenniston Solomon Residence, MeredithCanterbury Hopkinton Boscawen ConcordMiddleton Barnstead cc HaverhillCharlestown PlainfieldLondonderryRichmondNashua il HolUs Wilton Amherst cc DublinNew Ipswich Westmoreland Windham Chester (C Candia SalisburyPembroke cc Canterbury Hopkinton Boscawen Middleton Gilmanton Regiment, Stickney's Hobart's ccll Nichols's Stickney's Rank, pCorpl PPP Sergt Corpl Lieut Colonel Company. Taylor's Sias's Bayley's Kimball's ll Gilman'sN Wilson's Enlisted. \'ol. Page. July 22 20 22 202020222222 p Walker's 21 p Hendee's 23 pp Reynolds's Wright's 2023 p Ford's 20 p cc 20 p Goss's 20 p cc 20 p " 20 p cc 20 p Bradford's 19 p Corpl P cc Stone'sParker's 19 21 19 P Carleton's 22 Corpl J Wilson's 21 P It 21 P " 21 P Dearborn's 21 P ll 21 P It 21 P Webster's 20 P McConnell's 19 Corpl P It Sias's 19 20 PCapt P Bayley's Kimball's Gilman's 222020 P ' N Wilson's 22 j_ 3^ 4_ y — At Bunker Hill. 2 — Taken sick at Bennington ; sent to Charlestown and died there. Vol 1 1, 407. 5 — At Bunker Hill; killed at Bennington, 5, 9 — Wounded. 8 — AtBunker Hill; wounded at Bennington, Johnson James, Webster's Co,, enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol. 15, 166. Jackson Stephen, Taylor's Co., discharged August 13. Vol, 15, r72. Jackman John, Kimball's Co , enlisted August 2^, 1777- Vol, 15, 187. Johnson Robert, Post's Co,, enlisted September i, I777- Vol, 15, 153, IS NEW H..\MPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Kimball Nathaniel Kidder Stephen Kelcey Seymore - ' Kentfield George Keyes Ezekiel Kidder John Ketcham Jonas Latham Arthur Lovewell Jonathan Lund Noah Lovejoy Henry -"^ Lakin Simeon Lampson Jonathan Lewis Asa -3 Lake Henry Lewis Samuel Little Thomas Lowell Samuel - '* Leach Josiah Jr Lane Ezekiel - 5 Lane John Jr Leavitt Moses Libbey James Loverin Samuel Leach Billy Lougee John Little Benjamin Little Friend Laiken Lemuel Lewis Asa Lund Jesse - '^ Lang Gilbert Leavitt Carr Leavitt Joseph Lucas James Ladd Samuel Lougee Jesse Lane Thomas Lowell Joseph Ladd James Ladd John Lock William Lock Elisha Residence. Regiment. Stickney's Rank. P Company, lilnlisted. V ji. Page. Gilmanton N Wilson's July 22 15 194 Claremont Hobart's P Walker's -> T * 144 Newport " P Webber's O J ' 147 Plymouth it SergtCorpl Elliot's tt 2 1 ! * 21 ' 149 149 Hill it P It 2 1 ' 150 Hanover " P Hendee's 2 S ' 157 Winchester Nichols's Corpl Wright's 23 ' 203 Nashua (( Sergt Ford's 20 ' 206 ll ii P It 20 207 Wilton tl P Goss's 20 21 I Hancock it P Bradford's 19 ! ' 214 Amherst li P cc 19 214 Milford li P ll 19 215 Rindge it P Stone's 21 217 Peterborough li Corpl Parker's 19 219 ,1 ii P cc 19 221 Washington a Drum ll 19 219 Westmoreland fi P Carleton's 22 224 Raymond Stickney's Lieut Dearborn's 19 ( 167 Chester ti Lieut " 21 ( 167 Raymond it P cc 21 ' • 168 cc ii P " 21 ! ' 169 Salisbury it Corpl Webster's 20 ' 164 Moultonborough ll P Taylor's 22 ¦ ' 172 Loudon (( P Sias's 20 180 Boscawen ti P Kimball's 20 186 ll il P il 20 186 Hancock ll P Clark's 21 188 Francestown " P " 21 189 Lyndeborough ll P " 21 188 '* P Gilman's 20 192 Effinghaai (( Ensign tl 20 191 Wakefield (( P li 20 192 Wolfeborough li Sergt *' 20 191 Gilmanton '' Lieut N Wilson's 22 194 tl It P (( 22 19s Newport Hobart's P Webbers 21 147 ll P Elliot's 21 150 Haverhill if Drum Post's 24 152 if ll P ll 24 152 1 ^' ll P it 24 153 1 '' ll P ll 24 153 J, 2, 4, 6 — At Bunker Hill. 3 — At Bunker Hill; killed at Bennington. 5— Killed. Ladd Josiah, Taylor's Co., discharged August 13, 1777. Vol. 15. 172. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 29 Name. Residence. Piermont Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol. Pag Lurvey Peter Hobart's p Post's July 24 1=; IK McClary David - ' Londonderry , Nichols's Lieut Reynolds's 20 ' ' 1 19 McClary Thomas (( cc P cc 20 ' 20 McClary John 'C CC P cc 20 20 McDuffee Mansfield Chester P " 20 ' 20 McKeen John Londonderry " Sergt " 20 , ' ' I 19 Moore James cc ll P (( 20 ' 20 Morrison Robert "' cc P (( 20 , ' 20 Morrison James - ^ cc tt P ll 20 ' ' 20 Marsh Jonathan Hudson " P Ford's 20 1 ' 20 McClure David Sergt (( 20 ' 20 McClure Thomas - ^ Merrimack " P it 20 20 McClure John cc tl P it 20 ' ' ' 20 McQuig David - •• Litchfield Ensign ft 20 ' i 20 Merrill John Hudson " Sergt il 20 ' ' 1 20 McDaniels James Hollis P Goss's 20 21 Mcintosh Archibald Brookline " P it 20 i ' ' j 21 Merrill Samuel Hollis P It 20 i ' 21 Messer Benjamin P If 20 21 Mooar Jacob tl It P it 20 ' 21 Mooar Daniel Jr ll il P " 20 1 ' 21 Morgan Ashley Wilton P '' 20 21 McClench Joseph Amherst Corpl Bradford's 19 ( ' 1 21 Merrill Benjamin (( it P It 19 ' 21 Mills John -5 j " : Lieut it 19 ( 21 Mason Benjamin Dublin " ' Fifer Stone's 21 c , oj Mason Moses 1 P tt 21 21 Mason Joseph Nelson " ! P il 21 21 McAllister Isaac Marlborough " Sergt fi 21 ' 21 Mixer Nathan-* Fitzwilliam ' " I Sergt ft 21 ' 21 Morse Reuben DubUn 1 " 1 Ensign '* 21 ' 21 Morse Jonathan cc ! cc 1 p il 21 ' 21 Morse Micah p " 21 ' 21 McCoy Charles Peterborough 1 " P Parker's 19 ' ' 22 Miller Samuel j " P (( 19 ' 22 Mitchell Benjamin 1 " : P (( 19 ' 22 Mitchell James -7 « ' P (< 19 ' 22 Mitchell Samuel - ^ 1 " : Sergt fi 19 ' 21 Moore William : c, p it 19 ' 22 Morrison Thomas-' " " Corpl il 19 ' 21 Metcalf Thomas Chesterfield " P Carleton's 22 ' 22 Metcalf Joseph - '° ll .P it 22 * 22 Mack Elisha Gilsum Capt Mack's 22 ; ' 22 Metcalf Michael - " Keene P cc 22 , ' 22 Metcalf Ezra- " It li P CC 77 i 22 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 — At Bunker Hill. 6, 1 1 — Killed at Bennington. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 30 Name, Marsh James Marshall Benjamin - ' McGlaughlin James Morrison Samuel Morrow Alexander Morgan Jonathan — ' Maxfield Nathaniel McFarland James Morse Philip Moore John -^ Moore Samuel Marston Paul S McNeil John-* Mitchel Phihp Morey William Morse Joseph Marstin Jeremiah McGoon Alexander Morrison Jonathan Mudgett Thomas Matthews Robert McAffee Samuel -'= McClure David McClure David Jr McConnell Samuel McCoy Charles-'^ McCurdy Archibald McLaughlin William McQuaid Jacob Mills Thomas Jr Moore John Moore William Morse Stephen Morrison John Morrison David Magoon PLphraim Manuel Peter Manuel Samuel Marstin Benjamin Moore William Morrill Laban Morrill Abraham Morrill Isaac Moody Elisha Residence. HiLidson Regiment. Nichols's Rank, Company, J Wilson's Enlisted. Vol. Page, 228 P July 21 15 cc P " 21 " 228 Windham P 21 " 228 " Sergt ¦' 21 " 228 " P tl 21 " ' 228 Wilton P '^ 21 " 228 Candia Stickney's P Dearborn's 21 " , 168 Chester P (( 21 " ' 168 Candia P ti 21 " 169 cc P " 2 1 "170 " P ll 21 " 169 Andover 1 Corpl Webster's 20 " 164 Hillsborough P li 20 " 165 Andover P ii 20 " ,164 cc P ti 20 " 165 Salisbury Corpl It 20 164 Meredith i P Taylor's 22 " 173 Moultonborough P (( 22 " 172 Meredith P (( 22 " 173 P It 22 ' " ' 172 Bedford u P McConnell's 19 " 175 " If P ti 19 " 17s Goffstown \ P it 19 " ' 17s " it P ll ' 19 " : 174 Pembroke t( Capt ft 18 " i 174 Allenstown ft P ll 19 " 1 17s Dunbarton 1 p ll 19 " 176 Bedford p It 19 " 1 17s fi p if 19 " ! 176 Dunbarton p '' 19 " 176 Bedford 1 p it 19 " 175 cc p if 19 " 175 Pembroke 1 p ii 19 " 1 17s Bedford : p ll 19 " ; 176 ' p ll 19 " :, 176 Loudon j p Sias's 20 180 Bow i p I 20 180 " 1 p I 20 180 Loudon : p I 20 i " 180 Canterbury cc pLieut I I 20 " 180 20 " ' 179 il Ip I 20 " 181 Loudon 1 P il 20 " 179 Concord ; P Bayley's 22 " 183 I, 2, 4. 6- -At Bunker Hill, 3 — Wour ided ; died Aug ust 21, 5 —Wounded ; died August lb NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON, 31 Name. Morse Samuel Martin Samuel - ' McAllister John McNeill Daniel Mellen Thomas - "" Miltimore Daniel - ' Miller Thomas Mills Joseph Mills Joseph McCluer James McRoberts John Mack Silas Mack Joseph Jr Marcy John Jr Merriam John Jr Marsh Samuel McMurphy Daniel - * McConnell Thomas Merrill John Morey Ephraim Mason Russell Mason Nathaniel Mason Robert Nichols Moses Nesmith James — 5 Nichols Andrew Nichols Jonathan Jr Nevins Benjamin Nevins John Nichols Aaron Newell Jacob Noyce John Nickerson Reuben Norris Joseph Nutt John Norris David Nichols John Nutter Grafton Nelson Joseph Nichols Timothy Olcott Benjamin Odell Ebenezer Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol. Page. Boscawen Stickney's P Kimball's Francestown Xew Boston cc .c ¦• CorplP P P Clark's Francestown c. .< Antrim •¦ Lieut " Hancock " P cc Deering " P cc i( Sergt Gilman's Acworth Hobart's Lieut Walker's Springfield Marlow liif PCorpl cc Webber's Alstead It P cc Walpole ct tlti PP cccc Plymouth Alexandria It CorplLieut Elliot's j Lyman ii Sergt ' Post's Bath tt P *' Orford it Sergt V( Grafton tl Sergt Hendee's cc il P (( Hanover li P (( Amherst Nichols's Col LondonderrySwanzey ll ll P P P Reynolds's Wright's Hollis li P P P Goss's it ll Bradford's Marlborough It PP Stone'sMack's Moultonborough Pembroke Stickney's ll PP Taylor's McConnell's Manchester il P tl Canterbury Francestown llIttl P PP Sias's Clark's Gilman's Barnstead LempsterSwanzey Amherst Hobart's Nichols's il P Sergt PP N Wilson's Webber'sWright's Bradford's I, 5 — At Bunker Hill. 2 — Living in 1848, aged 92. 3 — At Bunker Hill ; formerly of Londonderry, 4 — Wounded. Newton William, Webster's Co., enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol, 15, 165. July 20 [ I 5 21 2121 21212121 2021 212121 212121 21 24 2424232323 18 2023232020 19 21 2222 1919 20 212022 2123 19 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name, Residence. Regiment. Stickney's Rank, Osgood Enoch Raymond P Orr John - ' Bedford u Lieut Osgood William Claremont Hobart's P Peabody Stephen - " Amherst Major Page Eli Richmond Nichols's P Parker Reuben cc il P Parker Robert Litchfield il P Patterson Peter (( " P Pemberton James -' Hudson (( Corp] Pollard Thomas (( it P Parkhurst Jesse ' Wilton ft P Pierce Asa- ¦* 1 " ii P Peirce Ephraim - ' Hollis li P Powers Samson-'' " a P Powers Francis - ' tl ** P Parker William -« , Wilton (( P Patterson John ' Amherst " Ensign Pettingill Joshua-' '* (( P Pettingill Moses ti if P Page Reuben - '° , Rindge tl P Perry Ebenezer- " ' Wilton " Lieut Perkins Elisha 1 Rindge " P Coin pan}'. Enlisled \u] Page, Platts Joseph Jr Potter Ebenezer Proctor Isaac Pratt Asa Parker Stephen Parker Jonathan Paige Sargent Powers Whitcomb Powers Paul Proctor Jeremiah - " Partridge Amos Peacock Samuel Peacock James Pierce Amos Pierce Benjamin Packard Gideon Puffer Amos Peterson Daniel Pattin David Pattin John Peavey Joseph Fitzwilliam Jaffrey DublinNew Ipswich PeterboroughNew Ipswich Temple StoddardChesterfield cc Hinsdale Westmoreland KeeneBoscawenChester I — Wounded. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. Stickney's PCorplP PCapt PPCorpl P PP PP LieutP PP Assistant Surgeon P P P Dearborn's July 21 IS 168 McConnell's ¦9 cc 174 Walker's 21 CC 144 i8 CC 141 Wright's 23 cc 204 " 23 cc 205 Ford's 20 cc 207 " 20 " 207 cc 20 cc 206 cc 20 c. 207 Goss's 20 cc 21 I Lt 20 i^ 211 U 20 " 210 ii 20 cc 210 ii 20 " 210 Bradford's 19 " 213 ll 19 cc 213 it 19 ^^ 215 '^ 19 1 cc 214 Stone's 21 " 217 a 21 " 216 " 21 .c 217 ^' 21 cc 217 Cl 21 cc 216 4^ 21 cc 217 " 21 cc 217 Parker's 19 cc 219 (( 19 cc 220 (( 19 cc 221 *' 19 ^^ 219 ii 19 cc 220 (( 19 " 221 Carleton's 1 22 cc 224 (( T> cc 225 " 0 '> '' 224 (( OO a 223 (( 0 0 " 224 Mack's 00 " 226 " 00 " 227 23 " ! 161 Dearborn's 21 " ' 169 " 21 " ; 168 21 " 1 167 At Bunker Hill. II — Killed. 12 — At Bunker Hill ; wounded; died August 23, 1777- NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name, Residence, Regiment. Rank. Company, Dearborn's cc Enlisted, Vol, Page, Perkins Benjamin Perkins David Stickney's pp July 2 I 2 I IS 169168 Pillsbury Joseph Candia ii p tl 21 cc 169168 Presbury James Chester ft p ti 21 a Prescott William P Raymond ii p ll 21 a 169165 Palmer John - ' Warner a p Webster's 20 ii. Palmer Simeon cc ii p CC 20 ii 165 164 Pope William Hillsborough C4 Ensign CC 20 CC Preston Samuel cc u P CC 20 cc 165164 Pressey Paskey Warner ii Sergt CC 20 cc Purmot Richard Salisbury CL P CC 20 cc 164 Plaisted Samuel New Hampton C( P Taylor's 22 cc 172 Poland Josiah Ossipee U P cc 22 cc 172 Page Caleb Jr Dunbarton CC P McConnell's 19 '' 176 Piper Samuel - ^ Pembroke ii P cc 19 cc 175 Perkins William Canterbury ii Drum Sias's 20 ii 179 Parsons Noah -3 Hopkinton ii Corpl Bayley's 22 CL 182 Patterson Isaac Henniker U P li 22 cc 183 Pope Thomas cc ii P " 22 cc 183 Powell Moses " Lb P li 22 cc 183 Putney Asa - ^ cc ii Sergt '' 22 ^' 182 Putney John - ^ ll ii P "^ 22 cc 183 Pearson Isaac Boscawen U P Kimball's 20 cc 186 Pettingill Andrew-"^ Salisbury ii Ensign '¦'¦ 20 cc 185 Peters John Concord ii P cc 20 LC 186 Potter Anthony cc ii P ll 20 ii 187 Parsons George Lyndeborough ii Corpl Clark's 21 ii 188 Patterson William New Boston ii P (( 21 ii 189 Pringle Thomas Greenfield ii P il 21 '¦'• 189 Page John ii P Gilman's 20 ii 192 Perkins Benjamin Wakefield ii Drum ll 20 ii 191 Perkins Joseph ci: a Fifer il 20 ii 191 Phelps Davenport Orford Hobart's QM 25 ii 142 Porter Noah Charlestown ii P Walker's 21 ii 144 Powers Joseph - ' cc a Sergt cc 21 '' 143 Powers Asahel Claremont ii P cc 21 144 Powers Whitcomb Charlestown cc P cC 21 cc 145 Putnam Thomas Acworth ii P cc 21 k c 144 Paul James cc Corpl Webber's 21 C k 146 Palmer Jonathan Alexandria cc P Elliot's 21 150 Patterson George Plymouth cc P C C 21 cc 149 Powers William li cc P 2 I 150 Palmer Amos Orford cc P Post's 24 153 Parker Samuel Lyman I, 2,3.5.7- 4 — Woundec 6 — Wound e cc . At Bunker Hil 1.i ; died DecemL P 1, er 12, 1777 cc 24 153 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT ISEXXIXGTOX. 34 Name. 1 Residence. ' Regiment. i1 Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol. , Page. Patterson Ephraim Piermont i Hobart's Ensign Post's July 24 15 152 Porter Thomas Lyme " P. cc 24 " 153 Post Jeremiah - " Orford 1 cc Capt cc 24 " 1 152 Post Eldad 1 " p <' 24 " 153 Prentice Benjamin Lyman " p " 24 " 153 Parker Ezekiel Hanover cc p Hendee's 23 " 157 Peck Walter / 1) Lebanon i cc p cc 23 156 Porter Eleazer M < ) Quimby Caleb (( cc p ii 23 " 156 Meredith Stickney's p Taylor's 22 " 173 Quimby Isaac Hopkinton " p Bayley's \ 22 " , 183 Ramsey William Londonderry Nichols's p Reynolds's 20 " 200 Reynolds Daniel tt cc Capt 1 ll 20 " ,199 Robinson John-" it It Sergt ii 1 20 " 1 199 Robinson John it " P ii 20 " 199 Robinson Peter >c ll P It 20 " 1 200 Rogers Thomas " " P ti 20 201 Rowell Samuel - ^ cc P it 20 " 200 Razey Peletiah Richmond cc P Wright's 23 " 205 Roby Thomas Nashua cc P Ford's 20 , " 207 Robie Benjamin cc P cc 20 " 207 Robbins Peter Nashua " P cc 20 207 Rolfe Ephraim -¦* HoUis " P Goss's 20 " 210 1 Runnels Stephen "' " P cc 20 " , 210 1 Russ Jonathan " It Corpl cc 20 ; " 209 Russell Andrew Brookline ** P it 20 210 Russell Pomp Wilton cc P C( 20 ' " 211 Ray James Amherst cc P Bradford's 19 : " 215 Robinson David Rindge cc P Stone's 21 , " 218 Ross Abraham 1 Jaffrey cc P cc 21 ' " 217 Russell Reuben I Rindge tl P " 21 " 217 Robb John-s Stoddard tl Sergt Parker's 19 " ! 219 Robb William Peterborough tt P " 19 " 221 Rumrill David New Ipswich " P ( ( 19 " ; 219 Ranstead John - *> ¦Westmoreland " P Carleton's 22 1 " ; 225 Read John Chesterfield 4C P cc 22 " 223 Robbins Samuel - '' Westmoreland *' Corpl 22 " 223 Robbins Jonathan " " PP 22 " i 224 2 2 " 1 224 TT " 1 TT r Robbins Solomon cc Robbins John tt cc PP CI 22 " ^-3224 Robbins Eleazer - ^ ' ' I —Wounded; died August 26, 1777- 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 — At Bunker Hill. 5 — Wounded. ^"Pellengill Matthew, Pettengill David, Webster's Co., enlisted August 25 .777^ Vol- -S, 165. Pearson Joseph, Boscawen, Kimball's Co., enlisted August 24, 1777. ^ o , 8 • Plumer Bitfield, Boscawen, Kimball's Co , enlisted August 24, .777. ^ ol '5, 187. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Redding John Rhodes Timothy Richardson Josiah Rowe John Rollins Joseph Richardson Bradbury Richardson James Robie Samuel Robie Ichabod Rollins Joseph Rowe Robert Robinson Joseph Rowe Reuben Remick Samuel - ' Richards Eliphalet Richards Amos Riddle Hugh Roach Patrick Robinson John - ^ Rowell John Rawlings Nathaniel Rogers Joseph Rider Ebenezer Ross Lemuel Rowe Josiah Roberts Francis Runnolds Abraham Richardson Jeremiah Roberts Joseph Rundlet Charles Robbins Jonathan Remington Samuel Rogers James Royce Lemuel Royce Silas Rumrill Simon Richardson Obadiah Rice Ebenezer Ripley William Stark John - ^ Smith Robert Sargent Joseph Senter Simeon Severance William - '' Smith John - ^ Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol. IS Page. Surry Nichols's P Mack's July 22 227 li P fi 22 227 Keene ii Lieut li 22 '^ 226 Gilsum it Drum il 22 - 226 ll P J Wilson's 21 ic 228 Moultonborough Stickney's Major 23 ii 161 Chester *' P Dearborn's 21 i i 168 (C it P li 21 ii 168 Candia '' P It 21 a 168 a P It 21 ii 169 Chester ll P tl 21 ii 167 Meredith a P Taylor's 22 c4 173 Moultonborough " P ll '^2 U 172 Goffstown ll P McConnell's 19 il 175 cc ll P " 19 a 174 cc tl P tl 19 a 17s Bedford ll P li 19 a 176 li Fifer ll 19 tt 174 Pembroke it PP If ¦ 1919 (4ii 175 176 Loudon ll P Sias's 20 ii 180 Bow il Sergt (( 20 il 179 HopkintonHenniker il li PP Bayley's 22 TT a li 183 183 Hopkinton it If P P Gilman's 2220 183191 If P (( 20 a 192 Gilmanton i( P N Wilson's 22 ii 194 Alton fi P it 22 CL 195 Gilmanton " P li 22 Cl 19s Plymouth Hobart's Adjt 25 a 142 Charlestown Acworth fitl Corpl Corpl Walker's 2121 ii 143143 Charlestown if P tl 21 £4 143 Claremont Alstead PlymouthHaverhillCornish ll llll It ii P PP LieutSergt li Webber's Elliot'sPost's 1 Hendee's 21 21 1 21 24 -23 1 0 cc cc 144 147150 152155 Manchester Londonderry Nichols's Gen Adjt P Reynolds's i 18 20 cc cc 141198 19c ll cc tl CorplP cc 20 1 20 cccc 19c 20c ll It Sergt ii 20 cc 199 I— w ounded. 2, 3.4 5 — At Bunker Hill. Name. Spear Samuel Steel Joseph Stevens Alexander Stuart John Switzer Nathaniel Scott Samuel Shafter James Starkey Peter Stearns John Severance Caleb Smith Samuel Snow Joseph Stewart Joel - ' Sawyer Jonathan Shedd Jonas Shedd Daniel Stearns Josiah Stearns Isaac- ^ Stiles Joseph-^ Squires Samuel Sawyer Benjamin Shannon Andrew Stearns Benjamin-'* Stevens Caleb - ^ Stewart Simpson Stewart Samuel Symonds Joseph Sawtell Jonathan Jr Sherwin David Smith Henry Smiley John Stanley John Stickney Simon Stickney Lemuel Stone Salmon Stone Abel Stroud John - * Safford Benjamin Sawtell Edmund Severence Ebenezer - Severence Benjamin Shattuck Nathaniel Smith Jeremiah Smith Jesse Spaulding Levi Spaulding Henry iNr.\v jn/vlvirbHlRli SOLD lERS A T BENNINGTON. 36 Residence. j Regiment. Rank. Company, Enlisted. Vol. Page. Londonderry ' Nichols's P Reynold's July 20 15 200 P ll 20 201 cc I P it 20 199 il I P It 20 201 Deering P il 20 200 Winchester P Wright's 23 205 Richmond ! cc 1 P P tl It 2323 204205 Winchester LieutP tl Ford's 23 20 203206 Hudson P cc 20 206 Nashua It P Corpl P ItIt Goss's 202020 207206211 Brookline P tl 20 210 Mason P " 20 211 Hollis it P P it 2020 210 210 Wilton Sergt It 20 200 Mason P ll 20 ' 2II Amherst , P Bradford's 19 214 tl P " 19 215 " P " 19 214 (( P ll 19 214 (( P cc 19 214 (( PP llit 1919 214 215 Rindge P Stone's 21 217 (( < P c 21 217 It ! i P I 21 218 Jaffrey PLieutP II i 21 2121 217216217 Jaffrey c P I 21 217 Rindge c Capt * 21 216 ll c Sergt c 21 1 ' 216 Nelson ' P cc 21 i ' 217 New Ipswich \ ' P Parker's 19 ( 219 (( ' ' P ll 19 ( 220 Tern pie P cc 19 220 It ' P cc 19 220 it * P cc 19 j ' 220 Peterborough P " 19 j ' 221 Stoddard P cc 19 i ' 221 New Ipswich ' P cc 19 ' 220 Stoddard P ll 19 220 I, 3> 3. 4. 5. 6, 7 — -\t Bunker Hill. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 37 Name Residence. Stevens Ephraim ' New Ipswich Stewart John Peterborough Stickney Sile R Temple Stratton Nehemiah New Ipswich Sawyer Jonathan Westmoreland Sawyer Ephraim " Shattuck Daniel Hinsdale Snow Hosea Westmoreland Stoddard Lemuel Chesterfield Stone Jacob Westmoreland Streetor Benjamin Chesterfield Sawyer James Smith Jonathan Surry Stickney Thomas Concord Smith Benjamin Candia Smith Oliver It Swain Levi Raymond Sanborn John Salisbury Sawyer Edmund Warner Scribner Benjamin Salisbury Scribner Addo cc Searle William li Severence Peter Shephard Daniel Boscawen Sleeper Jedediah Andover Sleeper Thomas cc Symonds William Hillsborough Sanborn Daniel T Sanbornton Sanborn Jonathan H cc Scribner Nathaniel Sandwich Scribner Stephen ll Sibley Samuel Meredith Sinkler Thomas ll Sinkler Richard Sandwich Smart Robert Sanbornton Smith Timothy cc Somes Timothy Meredith Swain Abraham cc Swain Ichabod Sanbornton Sargent Isaac Weare Sargent Enoch Dunbarton Smith Adam Bedford Spear Robert Goffstown Stevens Benjamin Jr ll Stevens Benjamin 3"^ tl Story Daniel Dunbarton Regiment. Rank. p Company. Nichols's Parker's cc p u cc p ii cc p ii cccccc SergtSergt p Carleton's iiii cc p ii cc p ii cc p u cc p <.( cc p Mack's cc p ii Stickney's Col cc p Dearborn's Ci p u cccc Corpl Drum Webster's cc p - cc p ^( cc p C4 cc p (t cc p ii cc p u cc p 4C cc p ii cc p u cccc p p Taylor's cccc p p u cc p ii cc p ii cc p ii cc p ii cc p ii cc p u cc Sergt p ii cc p McConnell's cc Corpl cc cc p cc cc Cc Corplp cc cC cc p cC cc p (( Enlisted. I Vol. Page. 19 15 220 19 (k 221 19 '•'' 220 19 22 a 220223 22 223 22 '' 225 22 " 224 22 ii 223 22 tt 224 22 '•'• 224 22 a 227 22 tt 227 20 if 161 21 ii 168 21 ^^ 169 21 ii 167 20 li 164 20 tt 165 20 (t 165 20 a 165 20 ii 164 20 tt 165 20 ii 165 20 a 164 20 ti 165 20 a 165 22 ii 171 22 tt 173 22 tt 172 22 tt 172 22 tt 173 22 ii 173 22 tt 172 22 '•^ 171 22 tt 173 22 a 172 22 ii 171 22 '¦'¦ 171 19 tt 175 19 tt 174 19 *¦'• 17s 19 ii 174 19 ii 174 19 it 175 19 1 " ! 176 . At Bunker HUl. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. Name. Sanborn Simon Sherburn James Sias Benjamin Sutton Stephen Sargent Anthony Symonds Simeon Smith Richard Smith Moses Stanley Joseph Stone Ezekiel Storey Thomas Straw Jonathan Jr Stevens Phinehas Symms William - ' Smith John Stiles John Small Samuel Smart Winthrop Stevens Benjamin Sweat Elisha Silsby Eliphas Simonds Levi Simonds John Sisco William Spofford Asa Spencer John Spooner James Stevens Henry Scovill Jesse Simons William Stearns Aaron Stevens Josiah Stowell David Jr Sargent Jacob Snow Nehemiah Stearns Peter Sanborn Richard Sawyer Abel Shuff Jacob Stark Phinehas Smith Joseph Smith Lemuel Taylor Adam Taylor James Taylor Samuel Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. Enlisted. Vol. 1 Page. Canterbury Stickney's P Sias's July 20 , 1 1; Loudon " ti ,( CorplCapt (( 2020 ' Canterbury P cc 20 ' Hopkinton " P Bayley's 22 ' Henniker " Fifer ' 22 ' Hopkinton " P " 21 i ' Henniker " P < i , 22 1 ' Hopkinton i " 0 M < " 22 * Henniker " P ' 22 ' Hopkinton Sergt 21 ' ll tl P I 22 Concord P Kimball's 20 " 1 cc P (( 20 New Boston P Clark's 21 Lyndeborough " P ll 21 ' P Gilman's 20 : ' Barnstead Ensign N Wilson's 22 ' Gilmanton ' It It Corpl P it 22 22 , ' Acworth 1 Hobart's P Walker's 21 ' ' ' Charlestown | " P (( 21 _- tl It P (( 21 ' Sunapee li P it 21 Charlestown \ p ii 21 Claremont IP ii 21 ' « P ll 21 j P u 21 Marlow : " IP Webber's 21 ' Alstead \ " : Sergt u 21 Walpole 1 " Corpl *' 21 ' Newport " , Ensign ii 21 " Drum '¦'' 21 1 ' Thornton P Elliot's 21 ( Plymouth P n 21 ( tt P ll 21 Haverhill P Post's 24 ( Orford ' Corpl (( 24 ' ' Lisbon 1 " Corpl " 24 ' Lyme " P " 24 • Plainfield i " Lieut Hendee's 23 • • c ¦, " P " 23 ' Londonderry Nichols's LieutP Reynolds's ii 20 ' 20 .. " P it 20 I — Wounded. Smith Robert, Lieut., Smith John, Private, of Salisbury, Webster's Co. ; enlisted August 25, 1777. Vol. 15, 164. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 39 I — Woimded. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 — At Bunker Hill. 5 —Killed. 7_At Bunker Hill; wounded at Bennington. True Jacob, Webster's Co., enlisted August 25. Name. Residence. ' Londonderry Regiment. Nichols's Rank. Company. Reynolds's Enlisted. Vol. Page. 1 5 200 Thompson Samuel P July 20 Todd Andrew cc P cc 20 ! " 201 Todd John il P cc 20 j " 201 Taylor Simeon P Wright's 23 " 205 Thayer Jonathan Richmond P il 23 " 204 Tubbs Ananias - ' Swanzey P ti 23 " i 203 Tarbell Thomas Jr Mason Corpl Goss's 20 " i 209 Tarbell Nathaniel " P (( 20 cc 11 21 I Townsend Ebenezer-^ Hollis P (( 20 " 1 210 Towne Thomas Wilton P (( 20 " 211 Taylor Benjamin Amherst P Bradford's 19 " i 214 Trevitt Henry cc P (( 19 " ! 213 Tenny William Marlborough Corpl Stone's 21 '¦ j 216 Tolman Benjamin -^ Fitzwilliam P ll 21 ] " 1 218 Tozer John Marlborough P It 21 i " 1 216 Taylor Abraham Stoddard P Parker's 19 j " 221 Taylor Silas-'' " P (( 19 ' " 221 Tisdale Benoni - ' Westmoreland Fifer Carleton's 22 : " 223 Tarbox John Pelham P J Wilson's 21 I " 228 Thomas Elisha Stickney's P Dearborn's 21 " 169 Todd Daniel Raymond P 21 " ! 169 Towle William - '' It P tl. 21 " , 168 Towle Brackett Chester Sergt It 21 ' " i 167 Towle Simeon It P It 21 ;" ! 168 Tilton Ebenezer Andover P Webster's 20 ; " , 165 Tucker Joseph cc P (( 20 " ^ 165 Taylor Chase Sanbornton Capt Taylor's 22 " 1 171 Taylor Jonathan Sen cc Corpl u 22 " 171 Thompson Jonathan cc P (( 22 " 171 Thresher Joseph Sandwich P (( 22 172 Trussell Reuben - '' Weare P McConnell's 19 ¦' 177 Tyler Jeptha-^ Pembroke Sergt '' 19 " 174 Tebbetts Ephraim Loudon Corpl Sias's 20 " 179 Tebbetts Henry cc P cc 20 , " 180 Trumble Simon Concord P Kimball's 20 " 187 Taplin John Lyndeborough P Clark's 21 189 Tibbets Edmund Wolfeborough P Gilman's 20 " 192 Towle John Corpl *' 20 191 Tasker Paul Barnstead P N Wilson's 22 ' " 1 195 Tibbetts Robert P (( 22 \ " 194 Tucker John Gilmanton P (( 22 '* 194 Taylor Joel Plymouth Hobart's Sergt Elhot's 21 tl 149 Vol. 15, 165. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 40 Name. I-) Jr Taylor Jonathan Taylor Medad Taylor Daniel Tilden Joel Tenney Reuben Usher Eleazer - ' Upton William Underbill John Underbill David Uran Daniel Vickery John Verry John Vaughan Jabez Wallace Thomas Wallace Thomas Wallace Jonathan Wallace John Watts Hugh-' Watts John Wescott James Whitcomb John Wilson Samuel Wood Jonathan Woolley John Wright Samuel - ^ Whittle Thomas Winn Joseph Wright Zebedee Wallingford David - ? Weathee Daniel Wheeler Abner Wood William - = Woods Jonas Worcester Noah Jr-* Wright Benjamin Wright Samuel - ' Wyman Jesse Wallace John Wilkins Jonathan - * Wilkins Eli Wilson George Webster Peter - « Wilson Joseph-'" Winch Samuel Woodbury Luke Residence. ' Regiinent. Hobart's Rank. Company Enlisted. Vol. Page. Alexandria P r Elliot's July 2 1 15 150 Hanover ll cccc P P Hendee's cc 23 " 157 23 " 157 Lebanon cc P li 23 ¦ " : 156 Hanover It ^ " 23 " 1 157 Merrimack Nichols's P Ford's 20 " 207 Temple " P Parker's 19 ' " 220 Chester Stickney's Corpl Dearborn's 21 " 1 167 cc It Corpl cc 21 • " 167 Boscawen tl P t Kimball's 20 " 187 Merrimack Nichols's P Ford's 20 " ! 207 Claremont Hobart's P Walker's 21 1 " i 145 Lyme cc Lieut Post's 24 1 " 152 Londonderry Nichols's ll P 1 P Reynolds's cc 20 " 200 20 " 201 " P " 20 It 201 1 P " 20 " 201 (( P << 20 " 201 " ll P 20 i " 201 Richmond ii P Wright's 23 " 204 Swanzey ll P cc 23 " 203 P ll 23 205 Winchester *' Sergt It 23 " 203 Richmond " P It 23 " ; 204 Swanzey " Capt li 23 " 203 Litchfield (( P Ford's 20 " ; 207 Hudson (( P tl 20 " ' 206 Nashua (( P ll 20 li 207 Hollis il Lieut Goss's 20 ll 209 Mason " P It 20 " 1 211 Hollis il P ll 20 " 210 " li Sergt It 20 " : 209 « ll P It 20 210 It il Fifer ll 20 " ' 209 (C " Corpl ti 20 " 209 cc cc P P itll 20 20 cc 210210 Amherst u P Bradford's 19 ll 213 ll (( Sergt cc 19 ii 213 ii (( iP cc 19 tt 214 (( (( ; P " 19 It 215 Rindge (( P Stone's 21 '* 217 218 o ti i' I P It 21 IC Fitzwilliam ll P " 21 '* 218 tt P It 21 " 1 217 I, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7, 8, 9 — At Bu nker Hill. la — Killed. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 41 Name. Residence. Dublin Regiment. Rank. P t Company Enlisted. Vol. , Page. j Wright John Nichols's Stone's July 21 15 ' 216 Walker Samuel New Ipswich ([ P t Parker's 19 " 219 Walton Josiah Jr - ' cc C( (( P cc 19 " 219 Wheeler Richard C( cc ii P il 19 " 220 Wheeler Amos ll cc (( P li 19 " 220 Wheeler Samuel Temple ii P ll 19 " 220 Wheeler Peter cC u P ll 1 19 " , 220 White Archibald - ^ Washington i( Sergt tt 19 " 219 White James Peterborough li P li 19 221 Whittemore Zebediah New Ipswich " P tt 19 " 219 Williams Benjamin - ^ cc ll cc ' Ensign ll ^9 219 Warner John Westmoreland cc P Carleton's T T " , 224 Wheeler Josiah Hinsdale tl P cc T T " 225 Willis Jonathan Westmoreland ll P cc 22 " 224 Winslow Luther - * Hinsdale It Corpl " 22 " i 223 Wheeler Jonathan - = Keene it P Mack's 22 '*¦ ''2 7 Wheeler Zadock cc " P a 22 " 1 227 Wilcox Asa Gilsum cc Corpl It 22 " 226 Wilson Daniel Keene ,, P It T2 " 1 227 Wilson David cc cc P tl 22 " i 227 Woods William - ^ ll cc P tt 22 " 227 Worsley Robert - ^ Marlborough '' Corpl ti 22 " 226 Whiting Nathan-* Pelham cc P J Wilson's 21 " 229 Wilson Jesse (( cc Capt (( 21 228 Wilson James Windham cc P ll 21 228 Wyman Jesse Pelham cc P It 21 " 228 Wyman Levi cc P ll 21 " 229 Wadleigh Benjcimin Candia Stickney's P Dearborn's 21 169 Webster Moses-' Chester cc P (( 21 " 1 169 Webster Moses Jr il cc P (( 21 168 West Wilks tl cc P fi 21 '• ! 169 White Joseph il cc P ll 21 " : 168 Wilson Robert ll cC Ensign " 21 " j 167 Wilson Robert Jr Candia cc P '* 21 " i 169 Wilson Thomas - '° cc ii P (( 21 " 169 Watkins Abner Warner ii P 1 Webster's 20 " 165 Webster Ebenezer Salisbury ll Capt 1 It 20 " 164 Webster Stephen Sandwich ll P Taylor's 22 " : 173 Winslow Samuel cc ll Sergt ll 22 " ' 171 Walker James Goffstown ll P McConnell's 19 " ' 175 Wallace James Bedford ii P ll 19 " 177 Wallace John cc It P li 19 " 17s " 176 Wells Reuben li P 19 I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10— At Bunker Hill. 6 — Killed. Webster Israel, Welch Moses, of Salisbury, Webster's Co., enlisted August 25, 1777- Vol. 15, 166. Wesson Ephraim, Post's Co., enlisted September i, 1777. Vol. 15, 153. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 42 Name. Wheeler William Jr Whitehouse Solomon Willet Joshua West Gilman Whittemore Aaron Wilson Robert Woodbury Nathaniel Woodbury Josiah Watson Samuel Wentworth Nathaniel Wentworth John Wentworth Henry Wiggin Jam.es Willey Samuel Wood James Webster Nathaniel Wilson Nathaniel Walker Abel Walker Seth Walker Nathaniel Weed Benjamin Willard Willoughby Woods Joseph Woodward Daniel Waldo Edward Wardner Jacob Watts John Webber Christopher Willey Allen Wilcox Uriah Wood Samuel Willoughby John Jr Wyatt Daniel Weare Joseph Wesson Aaron Woodworth Roswell Warren Aaron Warren Moses Wells Ezekiel Whitton John Williams Daniel Wilson Isaac Wood Joseph Jr Woodbury Nathan Woodward Titus Young John Residence. Regiment. Stickney's Rank. P Company. McConnell's Enlisted. Vol. Page. Dunbarton July 19 I? i 176 Pembroke *' P cc 19 " ' 175 Weare " P it 19 •• 177 20 '' ; 187 Concord " P Kimball's L)n(lcborough '^ P Clark's 21 - : 188 New Boston ii P (( 21 ¦' 189 Lyndeborough tl P li 21 " 1 188 (( ' " P ll 21 " ' 188 (( Corpl Gilman's 20 " 191 Middleton it Lieut (( 20 " 191 Wakefield ti P " 20 " 191 it P cc 20 191 Wolfeborough it P " 20 " 192 Wakefield ll P " 20 " 191 It P il 20 192 Gilmanton it P N Wilson's 22 " 194 " it Capt " 22 " 194 Charlestown Hobart's Capt Walker's 21 ' " 143 cc (( Ensign '* 21 " 143 " P It 21 j " 145 Charlestown (( P ti 21 ' " 143 Acworth It P it 21 ' " 144 Claremont ll P li 21 " 144 Sunapee li P ll 21 144 Alstead li Lieut Webber's 21 1 " 146 " fi P li 21 147 ll if P li 21 , " 147 Walpole ii Capt (( 19 ' " 146 Lempster ft P (( 2 1 " 147 Newport ll Lieut " 21 " 146 ll P ll 21 147 Plymouth li P Elliot's 21 ii 150 Campton ti P " 21 149 Orford ft P Post's 24 ii 153 Haverhill '* P ¦ il 24 " 153 Lyme Croydon cc il if P PP ll Hendee's cc 242323 153 156 156 Canaan " Sergt " 23 " 155 Cornish It P '' 23 : " 150 Plainfield If P " 23 ¦ " 15s il It P " 23 " 155 Lebanon / ^ Croydon Jefferson Peterborough ItIf ft Nichols's P P PSurg'n cc 23 23 23 I 23 kCcc 156 156157 198 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 43 Name. Young Jotham-' York John York David Young Thomas Young Hezekiah York Christopher Young Joshua Residence. Regiment. Rank. Company. CanterburyWakefield Stickney's (C PSergt P P cc Unity Claremont Haverhill Hobart's P P Fifer 1 — .\t Bunker Hill Sias'sGilman's Walker's il Post's Enlisted, ^'ol. Page. r July 20 I 5 i8o 20 , ' ' 191 20 ' ' ' 192 20 ' ' ' 192 21 ' 144 21 1 ' 144 24 ' 152 Page 29, reference i, at Bunker Hill; killed at Benningtc Baum Morning I 'Stark Aucj-I6 -1 777 MOBNlNG Benmington DIAGRAM OE THE BATTLEFIELD AT BENNINGTON. APPENDIX, To the memory of the brave New Hampshire men who lost their lives, from 1775 to 1782, in maintaining the right of self government, and whose bones lie mouldering beneath the sod of nearly every battlefield of the Revolution. The records are lamentably deficient, and if ever made are now lost. This roll apparently does not contain one half the names of the men lost in this army of three regiments, enlisted for three years, or for the war. Of six companies, no returns are found. Colonel Cilley's regiment returns 18, Colonel Reid's, 14, and Colonel Scammel's 131 men as killed or died of disease dur ing the three years. As this roll will probably be published in a larger work contemplated by the compiler, he would be pleased to hear from any person having a knowledge of missing names, or any corrections of the residence as now given. Address, GEORGE C. GILMORE, Manchester, N. H. APPENDIX, Name. Residence. Mason Rank. Abbot Ebenezer P Adams Isaac Rindge P Adams Winborn Durham Col Adams Peter Surry P Aiken James Chester P Aiken James Jr cc P Alley Daniel Rochester P Amsden Joel Henniker P Ashley Daniel Walpole P Austin John P Bailey Benjamin Nashua P Bailey William Salisbury P Baldwin Isaac Hillsborough Capt Baker Samuel Newmarket P Barnet William Bedford P Bates Nathaniel Dublin P Batchelder Josiah Deerfield P Batchelder Stephen cc P Batchelder Nathaniel " Sergt Beal Zachariah Portsmouth Capt Bell Frederick M Dover Capt Bemaine George Henniker P Berry John Chester P Bickford Joseph Hopkinton P Blake William Moultonborough P Blake Henry P Blake Joshua Hampton Falls Fifer Blaisdell Ebenezer Hampton P Blodget Thomas Stratford PP PP P PP P Blood Joseph Mason Blood Ebenezer Jr It Blood Nathan Hollis Blood Josiah ll Blood Daniel ll Bonney Jacob Surry Boynton Jacob Hollis Casualties. Date. Year. Died Killed li Died Remarks. Killed ll DiedKilled Died Killed DiedKilled il DiedKilledDied Killed li il DiedKilled July 15! 1778 June 17 1/75 Sept 19 1777 Aug 8 1778 1780 Mar I 1776 1777 May 25 1775 Ward's Mass. Reg., Aug I 1781 [Fay's Co Aug 20 1777 Oct 7 1776 Mar I 1778 June 17 1775 Oct, 7 1777 Sept 19 1777 July 3 1777 Nov 2 1777 Mar 24 1778 Nov 8 1777 Oct 9 1777 From wounds Oct 28 1776 1777 June'29 1778 Mays' 1 2 1778 Nov 30 1777 Mar 15 1778 Aug^i5 1777 Oct 24 1777 June 17 1775 June 17 1775 June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., Sept 16 1776 [Dow's Co Nov 28 1778 July 1778 [Dow's Co June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg,. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 47 Name. Bradshaw Patrick Bradford Joseph Bradbury Saunders Brewer Peter Briggs Nathaniel Broderick Joseph Brown Silas Bunker Joseph Burton William Burns Philip Butterfield Zachariah Caldwell Paul Callahan John Cairy Peter Carleton David Carleton George Carr Elias Carr Daniel Carkin Isaac Chamberlain Benjamin Chandler Primus Chandler (Abiel) Chandler Peter Chase Nathaniel Church Iddo Cilley Daniel Clark Josiah Clark James Clayes Elijah Clifford Abraham Clogston Paul Cochran Robert Cochran Jonathan Coffin Eliphalet Cogan Patrick Cobb Isaac Cole John Colby Eli Colby Isaac Colby Stephen Colburn Andrew Colburn Thomas ColbathCollins Thomas Cook Thomas Comstock Azariah Amherst Pludson Amherst KeenePlymouth Barnstead Wilton Hampton Falls Rumney Londonderry Bedford LyndeboroughRindgeKingstonHampton Falls Lyndeborough Bedford Concord MeredithGilsumNottingham Amherst FitzwilliamRye Nashua AmherstExeterDurham WestmorelandAmherst Alexandria WarnerMarlboroughNashua Durham Windham Campton Richmond P Lieut PPPP P P PPPP P P P P P P PP Capt P PSergt PP PCaptP PP PP QMP PPPP Lieut Colonel pP PPCorpl Casualties. Date. Died Feb 15 illi July Killed Oct 7 Died Oct 18 Killed June 17 Died Dec 10 il Aug I ll Nov 16 Killed Aug 16 ((it June 17 Died Apr 16 ll June 19 Killed June 17 Died Mar 20 (( Jan I tl Dec It June 25 May Died Sept 17 tl Feb 18 Killed il Sept 19 Died Jan 5 ll July ll Nov Killed Died it July 15 ' Mar 24 I Jan " , Aug 22 Killed Aug 29 June 17 Aug 16 Aug 27 " j Nov 2 " I Sept 19 " 1 June 17 Died Killed 7une 17 Died j Aug 7 Killed ¦ Sept 19 Year. 776 775779 777 777775777 781778777777775776775 775778778781 775 776 776776781 777 777776779 775778776778778775777 778781777 775775777777 Remarks. From wounds On Roll, June 17 From wounds From wounds Taken prisoner and [never heard from From wounds From wounds Prescott's Mass. Reg., [Moore's Co Butler Levi, Putney, Vt. Died March 30, 1778. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 4,S Name, Residence. Gilsum Rank. Casualties Date Jan 8 Year. Remarks. Comstock Josiah P Died 1779 Conant Joshua Londonderry P ll Sept 10 1777 Coneck James - ' Brookline P It July 24 1775 From wounds Connor Samuel Pembroke P (( Oct 9 1777 i From wounds Conroy John Jr Hollis P " Sept 1778 Cram Asa Wilton P *' Sept 10 1775 Crawford John Hill P tl Oct 12 1777 From wounds Cromwell Eliphalet Somersworth P Killed July 1777 Crosby Jonathan Greenland P Died Nov I 1777 Cross Ralph Jr Bow P it Dec 1776 Crown William Durham P i. July 15 1777 Cummings Abraham Greenland P li Sept 24 1777 Cummings Ebenezer Hollis P il Mar 7 1778 , Small pox Cummings Reuben Merrimack Drum il Sept 13 1776 i Only 16 years old Cunningham Archibald Londonderry P If Aug 28 1777 Frora wounds Dalton Caleb P Killed June 17 1775 Daniels Nathaniel Lee Corpl Died Mar 8 1778 Dame Jonathan Rochester P " Nov 16 1777 Davis John Chesterfield P Killed June 1 7 1775 Davis Joseph Amherst P ll Aug 13 1779 Davis Ezekiel li P it Aug 16 1779 Killed previous to Davis Samuel P Died April 6 1780 [Aug 29 Davis Isaac Kingston Sergt (( luly 8 1777 Day Stephen Keene P ll Oct 6 1775 From wounds Dearborn Thomas Candia Lieut Killed Aug 30 1778 Dearborn Abner P Died Sept 2 1779 From wounds. On Iy Dearborn Samuel North Hampton Sergt <( July 13 1778 [16 years old Demery John Jr Rindge P Killed Nov I 1781 Dickey William Londonderry P it Aug 1778 Dickey James Antrim P ll Oct 28 1776 Dike Benjamin Amherst P it Oct 7 1777 Dinsmore Samuel Chester P Died 1776 Dodge William Winchester P ii Sept 30 1777 From wounds Dole John Jaffrey P Died Mar 15 1782 DoUoff Joseph South Hampton P ll Sept 3 1777 Door John Amherst P Killed Oct 7 1777 Dow Thomas P Died 1777 Drury John Temple Fifer Killed July 28 1778 Dudley Joseph Epping P Died May 15 Mar 7 1777 » i-f-rQ Durgin Benjamin Durham P " ^77^ \ Dwyer John Eastman Collins Eastman Caleb -^ Allenstown P cc July 7 1777 ' Hopkinton Groton PP Killed cc Oct 7 June 19 17771775 Accidentally killed I _ Prescott's Mass. Reg., Gilbert's Co. 2 Prescott's Mass. Reg., Dow's Co. Cleaveland Acquilla, Guilford, Vt Killed June 17, 1777. Coffin Michael, Cavendish, Vt. Died March, 17S0. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 49 Name. Eastman Samuel Eaton Benjamin Emerson Facy Joseph Farwell Joseph Farmer Minot Fellows Samuel Fifield Stephen Fisk Solomon Fisk Ephraim Fisk James Flagg James Flanders Stephen Forsaith David Forsaith Jonathan Foss Richard Foss George Fox Joel Fran kf ord William Freeman Frederick French William Fuller Joshua Fuller Ezra Fuller Amos FuUerton Jonathan Gage Andrew Garland John George Josiah Gibson James Gilman John Glidden Peter Glines Nathaniel Goff William Gordon David Gordon Joseph Goss Richard Goodenough Calvin Goodman Richard Gray Jonathan Greeley Benjamin Greeley Reuben Griflin Dominicus Griffin Richard Hackett George Hale Nathan Residence. Walpole Meredith Chester Walpole Charlestown Hollis DanvilleBrentwoodConcord cc Hollis SandwichGoffstown Chester ll Brentwood Barrington Campton SwanzeyMarlboroughNelson Surry Temple cc Raymond SalemRochester HamptonGoffstown Wakefield Canterbury Bedford ExeterRye MarlboroughAmherst Wilton Hudson Salisbury Deerfield PlymouthSalisbury Rindge Rank. Casualdes Date. Year. Remarks. P Drum PLieutP SergtPP PP PSergtP Lieut PP PP PP PPP PP Corel P PP PP PPP P SergtP- PPP P Corpl PPCol Died I Aug 24 KilledDied Killed Died Killed Died KilledDied Killed Died ii Killed Died Nov 2 June 17 May 9 Sept 1 5 Sept 3 Aug 10 Mar I May 29 Sept 24 Oct 24 May 10 Aug 12 Nov 30 June I Apr 17 Oct 7 June 17 Aug 16 July I July 14 July 10 May 10 Sept 20 7 IS18 18 July Mar Nov Feb May 4 July 20 Oct 7 June 27 Sept 7 April I Mar IS July Nov 30 Sept 23 1778177717781777177517761778 1777177817761775 1777177717781777 17771777 1777 17791777 1775177717781778 1777177817781778 17771778 1777 17761778 17781777 17781775 1775 1778 1778 17781780 1780 Prescott's Mass. Reg., [Dow's Co Prescottis Mass. Reg., [Dow's Co Fuller Jonathan, Drummer, Westminster, Vt. Killed September .9, Gould Nehemiah, Westirrinister, Vt. Died August 10, 177^- A prisoner 777 u NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 50 Name. Hale Thomas Hall Ziba Hall James Hall Benjamin Hall James Jr Hamilton Samuel Handsom John Hanson Joshua Haskell Abijah Hastings James Hastings Robert Heath Zebedee Heath Ephraim Heath Richard Hills Parker Hix Barnard Hobart Isaac Hobart Solomon Holland Nathaniel Holden James Holmes John Jr Honey Calvin Honey John Hooper Thomas Houston Caleb Howe Jonas Howe Charles Hoyt Thomas Hoyt William Hull Samuel Hull Nathaniel Huckins Stephen HunterHuntress Jonathan Hutchinson James Hutchinson James Jackson Clement Jr Jackson Daniel Jenness Job Jewett Joseph Johnson William Johnson Timothy Johnson Calvin Jones Lloyd Jones William Kemp Solomon Kendall Edward Kenniston Winthrop Residence. Rank. Casualties. Date. Year. 1777 Remarks. PlaistOW P Died Keene Corpl il June 30 , 1 779 Lee P '* Mar 8 ', 1778 cc P " Mar 10 , 1778 Nottingham P ll Mar 12 1778 Londonderry P Killed July 5 1777! Rindge P ti Aug 3 1777 ; Dover P Died Oct 23 : 1777 Rindge P li July 26 , 1778 Canterbury P '^ Sept 28 1777 cc P " Sept 29 1779 Sandown P ll 1777 Salisbury P li Mar 26 1778 Hampstead P il July 10 1778 Candia P Killed June 17 1775 Richmond P Died 1776 Hollis P Killed June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., Plymouth P (( Aug 16 1 1777 [Dow's Co Meredith P Died Apr 22 1778 Wilton P (( Aug 29 1776 Campton P If Dec I ' 1777 Amherst P ll Dec 15 1 781 Wilton P If Oct 24 1776 New Boston P il Aug 25 1777 From wounds Rindge P ll Nov 5 1776 Marlborough P Killed June 17 1775 Portsmouth Drum ([ July 3 1777 Canterbury P Died Sept I 1778 Exeter P Killed July 5 1777 Plymouth P Died Sept 8 1777 cc P ll Sept 6 1777 New Durham P U Aug 28 1780 Jaffrey Lieut ll Oct 25 1776 Newington P Killed Aug 29 1779 Amherst P Died June 24 1775 From wounds Temple P if June 27 1778 Portsmouth P " Dec 31 1777 Madbury P (( Nov 1778 From wounds Rye Sanbornton P tl Nov 15 1777 P It Sept I 1777 P fi Aug 26 1777 Concord P ll 1777 Bedford P tl P " June I 1777 Amherst P '* Oct 9 1776 Bedford P Killed Mass. Reg Rumney F.nninp' SergtP Died li 1 June 15 Mar 15 177817S2 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 61 Name. Residence. Kenney Amos Kentfield Shem Kimball Benjamin Kimball Obadiah Kincaid John Knight Caleb Knowles Samuel Lampson Jeremiah Lane Ezekiel Lane Nathan Larry Stephen Lawrence Joseph Lear William Leeland Isaac Leeman Samuel Jr Leighton Joseph Lewis Asa Lewis John Lewis Joseph Locke Abner Locke Orson Lovejoy Jonathan Lowe David Lucas Elijah Lufkin WilUam Magoone John Marden WiUiam Marden Samuel Manual John Mansfield Elijah Marston Jonathan Marston John Martin Sidon Marsh Christopher Mason John Mason Benjamin Matthews Thomas McAffee Samuel McBritton WiUiam Jr McCarr Daniel McCarty Charles McCauley Nathaniel McClary Andrew McClary Michael McClary David McClary John McCrillis WiUiam McDonald John Rank. Hudson Marlborough PlaistOW Concord Windham Atkinson RyeAmherst Raymond cc Newcastle Walpole Middleton Rindge HoUisNewingtonMilford Portsmouth Wilton Kensington Rindge PelhamPlymouth Sanbornton Greenland • RyeBow Temple North Hampton cc cc LeeCampton Epsom Nottingham Bedford cc Sunapee RindgeGoffstown LitchfieldEpsom cc Londonderry Deerfield Nottingham Londonderry P P PM P P P Corpl P LieutPP LieutP P Lieut PP PP P PP PP PP P PP P P P P P P PP P PP Fifer Lieut Major Capt Lieut LieutP P Casualties. Date. KiUedDied Killed Died Killed Died KilledDied KiUed ii Died il Killed fi Died Killed Died KiUed Died Year. KiUed Died Oct 7 June Aug 23 Oct 7 Aug 16 July I June 16 Aug Aug 16 Sept 26 July 6 June July Sept July Nov 13 Aug 16 Dec 26 July 25 Aug 17 I June 17 Dec Sept I Mar I Sept 19 Dec I June 17 May 19 Sept 30 June I Nov 12 Sept 28 I Oct 25 June 30 Mar 16 Aug 18 Remarks. Jan I Oct 7 Aug 29 June 17 Oct 7 Aug 16 Nov 26 July 2 July I 1777 1782 17791777 17771778 1778 17761777 1776 17781777 17781777 1777 1777 177717761778 17781779 17751780 I 1777 ; 1778 1 17771777 1775 I77S 1778 1777 1777 1777 1777 1777 1778 1781 1777 1779 1778 1777 1779 1775 1777 1777 1777 1775 1777 " Hanged " Accidentally killed Then Duxbury school [farm From wounds From wounds From wounds NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 52 Name. McGrath Daniel - ' Mcintosh Archibald - Melvin John Metcalf Michael Minot Joseph , Mitchell William Mixer Nathan Moore John Moorland William Murphy John Myrick Ezra Neal Ebenezer Needham Nathaniel Newland Joriathan Newton Thomas Nevins Phinehas Nevins David Nevins William Nims Asahel Oliver Aaron O' Sullivan Valentine Page Timothy Palmer Zadoc Parker James Parker Benjamin Parker Josiah Parker Thomas Parsons William Patten James Peabody Thomas Peavey Edward Perry Ebenezer Perry Samuel Perry Thomas Perry Jonas Phillips Benjamin Pierce Asa Pidge Henry Pike Dudley Pitman Joseph Platts Abel Jr Plumer Jabez Pomp Peter Residence. Rank. Casualties Date. Aug IO Year. 1775 Remarks. Amherst p Died From wounds BrookUne p (( Aug IO 1775 , From wounds p KiUed June 17 1775 :' On roU, D<* June 17 Keene p it Aug 16 1777 1 Hollis p It June 17 1775 , Prescott's Mass. Reg. Concord p il June 17 1775 [Parkers Co Fitzwilliain Sergt *' Aug 16 1777 Candia P Died Aug 21 1777 Salem P Killed Oct 7 1777 Hampton P it Oct 7 1777 P Died Sept 28 1777 North Hampton Corpl «' Dec I 1777 Wilton P It 1779 Westmoreland P it Jan 1 1 1778 Kingston P ii Sept I 1777 [Dow's Co Hollis P Killed June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg. Plymouth P Died Feb 1778 Died a prisoner HoUis P it 1776 Keene Sergt KiUed June 17 1775 Temple P Died Apr 30 1778 Bedford P Killed July 7 1777 Atkinson P Died Sept 26 1777 P it July 30 1778 Portsmouth P ll May 17 1778 Swanzey P KiUed Sept 19 1777 WUton P Died Oct 22 1776 Portsmouth P ll Apr 9 1777 P tl Aug 25 1779 P Killed June 17 1775 On roll, D'' June 17 Surg'n Died Nov 20 1777 New Durham P (( July 14 1777 Wilton Lieut Killed Aug 16 1777 Hampstead P Died Nov I 1777 Bradford P it 1780 Wilton P ii Sept 30 1777 Plymouth P fi Oct 12 1780 Wilton Sergt ft June 27 1780 Drowned Fitzwilliam P tl Sept 29 1775 Ward's Mass. Reg. P (( Nov 30 1777 [Barnes's Co Madbury P (( Rindge P (( 1777 P if From wounds Epsom P ll Mar 15 1778 I — Mass. Reg., died a prisoner. 2 — Prescott's Mass. Reg., Gilbert's Co., prisoner. Newton Jonas, Guilford, Vt. Died September, 1777. Owen Benjamin, Hartford, Vt. Died, 1778. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 53 Name Porter Joseph Poor Enoch Poor Moses Poor Peter Post Jeremiah Powers Francis G Prescott John Prescott Edward Proctor Jeremiah Putnam Caleb Ramsey David Randall James Jr Ranstead John Rawlins Benjamin Rawlins Moses Rawlins John Rice Peter Rice Joel Richardson Nathaniel Ritter Daniel Roberts Thomas Rowen Andrew Runnels Isaac Russ James Russell Jason Russell Isaac Sawyer Nourse Scammell Alexander Scott David Shackford Seth R Shannon George Shattuck Jeremiah Shattuck Isaac Shattuck William Shepard Roswell Shortridge Richard Sinclair Ebenezer Smiley William Jr Smith Joseph Smith John Smith John Smith Samuel Snow Daniel Jr Spencer Asa Stanyan Jonathan Stevens Abial12 Residence. Rank. p Casualties Date. Year. Remarks. Chesterfield Died Apr 27 1778 Exeter Genl (( Sept 8 1780 P • KiUed June 17 1775 [Dow's Co Hollis P li June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., Orford Capt Died Aug 26 1777 From wounds HoUis P Killed 1780 Raymond P Died 1776 Corpl u Nov I 1777 Stoddard P il Aug 23 1777 From wounds Wilton P li Aug 22 1776 Amherst P ti Dec 2 1775 Newcastle P cc July 22 1778 Westmoreland P Killed Aug 16 1777 Epping Corpl Died July 15 1777 Exeter P " Nov 30 1777 Greenland Corpl KUled Oct 8 1777 Keene P Died Nov 20 1781 I Cornish P cc 1776 Stoddard P (( June 24 1777 : Only 16 years old Walpole Sergt ll Sept I 1779 Somersworth P li July 19 1775 Canterbury P If Mar I 1778; Barrington Lieut il Nov 15 1777 Chester P Killed 1777 Nashua P Died Sept 10 1775 Reported dead WUton P li Sept 1 5 1776 ' Wilton P li July 1776: Durham Adj utaiit General tl Oct 6 1 78 1 From wounds Peterborough P KUled June 17 1775 Newington Sergt ii Oct 7 1777 Canterbury P ll June 17 1775 1 HoUis P Died May 29 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., li P tl 1776 [Dow's Co Amherst P li June 30 1777 Alstead P ll 1776 Of small pox Portsmouth Capt ll July 8 1776 Weare P KiUed Oct 7 1777 Jaffrey P Died 1776 Brentwood P ii Mar I 1778 P ll Mar I 1778 Richmond P ll Nov 1780 Drowned P ll Sept 14 1777 Keene P KUled Oct 7 1777 Campton P Died Mar 7 1778 Chichester Lieut " Nov II 1777 Tamworth Corpl It Oct 20 1777 From wounds Perry James, Westford, Mass. Died April 3, 1780. NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 54 Name. Stevens Phinehas Stevenson Philip Stone Josiah Straw Benjamin Taggart John Tate Mark Taylor Benjamin Taylor Thomas Taylor John Jr Taylor Joseph Thomas Joseph M Thornton Hugh Thompson Samuel Jr Tisdale Benoni Towne Archelaus True Samuel Tuck William Tucker John Tuck Samuel Turrill Joshua Tuttle "Thomas Upton Aaron Veazey Eliphalet Wait Joseph Walden Thomas Wadleigh Abraham Wallingford Samuel Ward Richard Warren Benjamin Weare Richard Webster Amos Webster Abel Jr Wells Josiah Wesson Isaac Wheat Thomas Jr Wheeler Lebbeus White James Whitney Thomas WUder Thomas WUder Nathaniel Willoughby Josiah Wilson Joseph Winslow Elisha Wilkins Daniel Jr WUkins William H WUkins Sylvester Residence. Rank. Casualties. Date. Year. Remarks. Tamworth P Died Apr 21 1778 ¦ Dover P (I July I781 Temple P KiUed Sept 19 1777 Sandown P Died Sept I 1778 Peterborough Lieut Killed July 7 1777 Somersworth P Died 1777 Amherst Capt fi Feb 1776 Sanbornton P it Aug 25 1777 Stratham P KiUed July 3 1777 Peterborough P il June 17 1775 Deerfield Lieut ii Sept 19 1777 Bedford P Died 1778 Londonderry P If 1780 Small pox Westmoreland Fifer Killed Aug 16 1777 Amherst Capt Died Dec I 1779 Hampstead S M fi Aug 5 1778 Amherst P ii Epping P ii 1782 Hampton Falls Lieut it Nov 12 1777 Deerfield P fi Oct 25 1777 Weare P tt 1778 Amherst P it Dec 1776 Stratham P It 1779 Claremont Col Sept 13 1776 From wounds Portsmouth P " June 20 1777 Exeter P 1 Aug 10 1777 Dover Lieut KiUed ''' Apr 24 1778 Portsmouth P Died May 12 1778 Winchester Corpl KUled Sept 19 1777 Portsmouth Capt it Aug 4 1777 Plymouth Lieut it Oct 7 1777 ti P Died July 1778 Chester P It Jaffrey P ii Apr 1779 HoUis P Killed June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., It P ' Died July 10 1778 [Dow's Co Portsmouth P fi July 25 1778 P ft Oct I 1778 Keene P if 1776 Small pox Winchester P li Sept 30 1777 Plymouth P fi Dec 31 1777 Rindge P KiUed Aug 16 1777 Sandwich P Died July 6 1779 Drowned Amherst P ti July 1776 li P ll June 22 1778 « P K Sept 30 1779 NEW HAMPSHIRE SOLDIERS AT BENNINGTON. 55 Name. Residence. Wood Oliver Nashua Woodbury Levi Amherst Woods William Keene Worthen Samuel Weare Wright Ebenezer W , Amherst Wyman Abel Pelham Young Nathaniel ; Lisbon Youngman Ebenezer ' Hollis Rank. Casualties. Date. Year. Remarks. P Died Sept IO 1775 Reported Sept 10 P fi Died a prisoner IP KiUed Aug 1 6 1777 i P Died Nov IO 1777 P Ci Nov 1775 P " Sept 1 1 1781 P " July 19 1 775 [Moore's Co : P KiUed June 17 1775 Prescott's Mass. Reg., Wiman James, Woburn, Mass. Died August 17, 1775. Page 47 — Joseph Broderick, P, killed June 17, 1775. On Roll, " D'^ June 17." The names of Vermont and Massachusetts men, in foot notes, killed or died of disease, were soldiers in New Hampshire Regiments. The running title, " New Hampshire Soldiers at Bennington," should have been omitted from pages 47 to 55 inclusive of the appendix.