YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 07123 9306 i£M ¦ r:rfv« A YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the WILLIAM C. EGLESTON FUND THE SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. Together with a record of the service performed by their Ancestors in the Wars of the Colonies. PUBLICATION No. 3. CHICAGO. 1897. COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY. DAVID OLIPHANT, PRINTER. OFFICERS, 1897 GOVERNOR Edward McKinstry Teall 160 La Salle Street DEPUTY-GOVERNOR Samuel Eberly Gross LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Lyman Dresser Hammond SECRETARY Seymour Morris 534a Washington Avenue DEPUTY-SECRETARY Scott Jordan TREASURER Frank Eugene Spooner 603 Y. M. C. A. Building REGISTRAR John Smith Sargent HISTORIAN Edward Milton Adams CHANCELLOR Judge Frank Baker CHAPLAIN Rev. Dr. Frank Wakely Gunsaulus GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL Deming Haven Preston Henry Austin Osborn Charles Thomson Atkinson Edward McKinstry Teall Samuel Eberly Gross Lyman Dresser Hammond Frank Eugene Spooner John Smith Sargent Edward Milton Adams Seymour Morris COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP Frederick Clifton Pierce George Butters Ebenezer Lane COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT George Samuel Marsh Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor Hiram Holbrook Rose DELEGATES TO THE GENERAL COURT Hempstead Washburne Henry Sherman Boutell Samuel Eberly Gross Frank Bassett Tobey Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge, D. D. ALTERNATES George Whitfield Newcomb Albert Eugene Snow Edward Beecher Case William Wolcott Strong Charles Durkee Dana MEMBERSHIP MAY 1, 1897. Edward Milton Adams* Victor Clifton Alderson Charles Thomson Atkinson John Newbury Bagley Edward Payson Bailey Judge Frank Baker Harry Jenkins Bardwell Warren Lippitt Beckwith Asahel Frank Bennett Henry Sherman Boutell Col. Andrew Sheridan Burt, U. S. A. George Butters Edward Beecher Case Alfred Henry Castle Chandler Pease Chapman Charles Cromwell* Daniel Charles Daggett Charles Durkee Dana* Oliver Partridge Dickinson Alfred Beers Eaton Marvin Andrus Farr Charles Newton Fessenden Albert Judson Fisher Francis Porter Fisher Dr. George Foster Fiske Wyman Kneeland Flint James Monroe Flower Henry Clay Fuller James Harris Gilbert Edwin Fraser Gillette Lester Orestes Goddard Albert Mattoon Graves Nelson Cowles Gridley Samuel Eberly Gross* Rev. Frank Wakely Gunsaulus, D. D. Lemuel Ruggles Hall Lyman Dresser Hammond* Cyrus Austin Hardy Maj. Forrest Henry Hathaway, U. S. A. John Whipple Hill Marvin Allen Ives* Rev. James Gibson Johnson, D. D. Scott Jordan* Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge, D. D. Ebenezer Lane Joseph Lathrop John Larkin Lincoln, Jr. Josiah Lewis Lombard* John Conant Long George Mulhollan Lyon Eames MacVeagh George Samuel Marsh Dr. Franklin Adams Meacham Frederick Laforrest Merrick William Dorrance Messinger Charles David Mill Charles Kingsbury Miller* Seymour Morris* George Henry Moore William John Moore Geotge Whitfield Newcomb Henry Austin Osborn Joseph Edward Otis, Jr. Philo Adams Otis Rodman Corse Pell* Frederick Clifton Pierce Charles Clarence Poole Heman Rogers Powers Deming Haven Preston Charles Frederick Quincy Capt. Philip Reade, U. S. A.* Charles Ridgely Hiram Holbrook Rose* Landon Cabell Rose John Smith Sargent* Edwin Henry Sedgwick Frank Slosson Wyllys King Smith* Albert Eugene Snow Frank Eugene Spooner John Alden Spoor* William Wolcott Strong Capt. Eugene L. Swift, U. S. A. Hobart C. Chatfield-Taylor Edward McKinstry Teall* Frank Bassett Tobey William Ruggles Tucker* Henry Lathrop Turner Frederic William Upham* Gov. William Henry Upham Henry Sherman Vail John Demmon Vandercook Horatio Loomis Wait Hempstead Washburne* Samuel Rogers Wells William Barker Wheelock Charles Pratt Whitney Dr. Eugene Wolcott Whitney William Ward Wight Frederick Hampden Winston* Jonathan Edwards Woodbridge Harry Linn Wright Walter Channing Wyman *Life Member. This Volume is intended to supplement Publication No. 2, which contains the History, Charter and By- Laws of the Illinois Society, together with the Lines of Descent of Members, Nos. 1 to 75. Roquet ^r¥m^JW,prQ% ^ ~^$>~^S7-y ; ' "' =~ r tfef Si ~vyyy& Tr/e 1S96 i. WeLUNGToj CHICAGO, f9c v>rcei. sfyn/y/fce' Cfyfe&foy^ \ytvCcyn&c<4 r^s&/cced£i /^Ay€yyAc^^€y?'yo^y^>'€(^Ayy^4ye^^^e^ ,/e Colony, 1647-53 to 1658-64-5-76; Deputy to General Court of R. I. ten years during the period 1666-86; was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 1687-8; was called Captain in Col. Records, Oct 26, 1664. REFERENCE: Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of R. I.; Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, Vol. 2, p. 445; R. I. Colonial Records, Vol 2 (1664-77), p. 22-37-61-72-91-150-30. 75. Warren Lippitt Beckwith. LIEUTENANT JOHN HOLLISTER.— [1612-1665]— Of Wethersfield, Conn.; a Deputy to the General Court, 1644, and many times thereafter, till 1656; member of the Wethersfield Train Band. REFERENCE : Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, p. 55. 1. Seymour Morris. CAPTAIN STEPHEN HOLLISTER— [1658-1709]— Of Wethersfield, Conn.; member of the Wethersfield Train Band. REFERENCE:— History of Waterbury, Conn. 1. Seymour Morris. JOSHUA HOLMES.— Was Ensign in Connecticut Colonial forces at Stonington, Conn. He was appointed Oct., 1729. REFERENCE: Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 1726-1735, p. 262. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 51. Franklin Adams Meacham. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 95 GILES HOPKINS. — Volunteered for campaign against Pe quot Indians, June 7, 1637. REFERENCE: Plymouth Colony Records; Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 84. 58. Frederick Laforrest Merrick. 63. Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge. LIEUTENANT JOHN HOPKINS— [1660-1732]— Of Water bury, Conn.; Sergeant, 1714; Ensign, 1715; Lieutenant, 1716. REFERENCE: History of Waterbury, Conn., p. 152. 1. Seymour Morris. STEPHEN HOPKINS.— Came in the Mayflower, 1620, a member of Capt. Myles Standish's Military Company, which was formed February, 1621. In summer of 1621 sent by Gov. Bradford with Edw. Winslow (afterward Governor) on a his toric mission to King Massasoit. In 1633-36, a member of the Governor's Council; 1637, volunteered to go with other mem bers of Colony to aid Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut Col onies in their war with the Pequots. In 1642, chosen one of a Council of War for Plymouth. REFERENCE: Davis' Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 47, p. 81-83-186- 187; Vol. 22, p. 60-63-191; Morton's memoranda, p. 68-74; Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 236. 15. Josiah Lewis Lombard. 18. Scott Jordan. 50. Albert Eugene Snow. 58. Frederick Laforrest Merrick. 63. Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge. WILLIAM HOPKINS.— Assistant Governor, 1641-2. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. SERGEANT WILLIAM HOUGH.— Of Gloucester, Mass., and New London, Conn. Was Sergeant of the first Military Com pany of New London. Member of committee on fortifications. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of N. E. ; Caulkin's History of New London, Conn., p. 183-300; Babson's His tory of Gloucester, Mass., p. 105; Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 3, p. 241. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. 96. Oliver Partridge Dickinson. 96 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS HENRY HOUGHTON.— Soldier in the garrison commanded by Josiah Whitcomb at Lancaster during Queen Anne's War, 1704, composed of those who lived in Bolton, toward the north east corner. Was himself in command of a garrison at Lan caster. REFERENCE: Nourse's "Military Annals of Lancaster," p. 133; Nourse's "Early Records of Lancaster," p. 143-173; Mass Archives, Vol. 71, p. 876; Marvin's "History of Lancaster," p. 110. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. JOHN HOUGHTON, JR.— [1650-1737]— Town Clerk of Lan caster from 1686 to 1725; soldier in garrison of Lawrence Waters at Lancaster in King Philip's War, 1676, and in garri son of Capt. Thos. Wilder in 1704. He had a garrison house in 1711. Was Magistrate ; Representative to the General Court fourteen years, between 1693 and 1724. REFERENCE: Nourse's "Early Records of Lancaster," p. 173-339; Willard's "Centennial Address," p. 95; Marvin's "History of Lancaster," p. 110-144-6CS-669-739-740 ; Mass. Archives, Vol. 71, p. 876; "American Ancestry," Vol. 9, p. 113. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. JOHN HOUGHTON, SR— At Lancaster, Mass., 1653-1684. During King Philip's War, after second Indian attack upon Lancaster, Feb. 10, 1676, he served in the Lawrence Waters garrison on the east side of North River. REFERENCE: Willard's "Centennial Address," p. 95; Mar vin's "History of Lancaster," p. 110-149-729-740; "American Ances try," Vol. 9, p. 113. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. THOMAS HOVEY— [1648-1739]— Of Hadley. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. 43. Harry Linn Wright. JOHN HOW.— [ 1687]— Sudbury, Mass., in 1638. Sol dier in King Philip's War; in garrison in 1675. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book; Hudson's "History of Marlborough," p. 380-381; Hudson's "Annals of Sud bury, Wayland and Maynard," p. 22-253; Savage's Gen. Dictionary. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. 99. Eames Mac Veagh. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 97 ISAAC HOWE. — Was appointed Ensign of First Company, or Train Band, at. Stamford, Conn., in Oct., 1722; was also Ensign in 1732. . REFERENCE: Conn. Colonial Records, p. 331; Huntington Hist. Stamford, Conn., p. 185. 10. Edward Milton Adams. JOSIAH HOWE, SR.— [ 1711]— In Marlborough, Mass., in 1675, and "rallied with others to defend the inhabitants at the opening of King Philip's War." REFERENCE: Hudson's "History of Marlborough," p. 380-381- 385; Hudson's "Annals of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard," Ed. 1891, p. 253. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. EDWARD HOWELL.— [1585-1656]— Lynn, Mass. Assistant 1647-53, Connecticut Colony. REFERENCE: Society Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. MAJOR JOHN HOWELL.— [1625-1695]— Southampton, L. I. Deputy, 1662-64. Commander Troop of Horse, 1684. REFERENCE: Society Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. THOMAS HOWES, SR.— Was a member of Capt. William Palmer's Military Company at Yarmouth, Mass., Aug., 1643. REFERENCE: Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 74. 37. Frank Bassett Tobey. THOMAS HOWES, JR.— [ 1676]— Was Ensign at Yar mouth, Mass., 1672 to 1674; was promoted Captain June 3, 1674; was member of War Council, which controlled garrison at Yar mouth, Mass. Appointed April 2, 1667. REFERENCE: Plymouth Col. Records, Vol. 5, p. 92-113-143-146- 164-195-134. 37. Frank Bassett Tobey. 98 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS JOHN HOWLAND.— [1593-1673]— Signer of Compact on the Mayflower. He was Assistant in Plymouth Colony, 1633-45, and as late as 1670 was serving as Deputy from Plymouth. As sistant to the Governor to raise soldiers, 1637. REFERENCE: Year Book, Society of Colonial Wars; Savage's Genealogical Dictionary; Davis' Ancient Landmarks of Plymouth. 4. William Ruggles Tucker. 5. John Smith Sargent. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 51. Franklin Adams Meacham. 93. Wyllys King Smith. 105. Henry Clay Fuller. JOHN HOWLAND, JR.— (1627 .) Ensign of the mili tary company of Barnstable, Mass., in King Philip's War. REFERENCES: Year Book Nat. Soc. of Col. Wars, 1896; Sol diers in King Philip's War, by Bodge, p. 439. 105. Henry Clay Fuller. THOMAS HUCKINS— Of Barnstable. Member of Colonial War Council, June 5, 1671, to inaugurate campaign against Awashonk, the Squaw Sachem; was Commissary General of all Plymouth Colony forces in King Philip's War, 1675; was member of Barnstable Town War Council, Feb. 29, 1675. REFERENCE: Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 94-96-98; Plymouth Colonial Records; Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895. 50. Albert Eugene Snow. DANIEL HUDSON.— [1697]— Of Lancaster. Soldier in Capt. Joseph Sill's Company, King Philip's War; also in garrison at Lancaster, 1691-2. REFERENCE: N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. 41, p. 407; Vol. 43, p. 261. 18. Scott Jordan. LIEUTENANT CORNELIUS HULL— Fairfield, Conn; mes senger of the Council of War, Oct., 1675; appointed Lieutenant of the "Honored Major Treat's Life Guard," 1675, King Phil ip's War; Deputy from Fairfield to the General Court, 1676. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 238-239; Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 1665-1677, p. 411-378-279-327; also Vol. 1689-1706, p. 507; Vol. 1706-1716, p. 109-115-130. 48. Henry Austin Osborn. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 99 CAPTAIN THEOPHILUS HULL— Ensign, 1705; Lieuten ant, 1709; Captain, 1709, of the West Military Company of Fairfield, Conn.; member of the "Committee of War," Fair field County, 1709. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 238-239; Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 1665-1677, p. 411-378-279-327; also Vol. 1689-1706, p. 507; 1706-1716, p. 109-115-130. 48. Henry Austin Osborn. SERGEANT JOHN HUMPHREY.— Was Sergeant in the Simsbury, Conn., Train Band. Simsbury, Conn., town records call him "Sergt," Dec. 20, 1693. REFERENCE: Simsbury Probate Records, Vol. 2, p 48; Sims bury Town Records (manuscript). Humphrey Genealogy, by F. Humphreys. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 33. Deming Haven Preston. LIEUTENANT SAMUEL HUMPHREY.— Was Ensign, 1698; was Lieutenant, 1710; was Deputy from Simsbury, 1702, and later. Commissioned Lieutenant by Gov. Saltonstall, May, 1710. REFERENCE: Mass. and Conn. Colonial Records; Humphrey Genealogy, by F. Humphrey. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 72. Lester Orestes Goddard. EPHRAIM HUNT, JR.— Was Captain in the expedition to the St. Lawrence River, under Sir William Phipps in 1690; was given title for services then rendered, of Colonel. In expe dition against Indians at Groton in 1706-7. He was also Gover nor's Councillor, or Assistant, from 1703 until his death in 1713. Appointed Ensign at Weymouth, Mass., March 16, 1680. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary; Ellis Genealogy, notes; History of Easton; Col. Records, 1674-86, p. 306; Pope Genealogy, p. 285. 44. James Monroe Flower. SAMUEL HUNT, JR.— [1657-1742-3]— Of Concord, Billerica and Tewksbury, Mass. Soldier in Capt. John Lane's Company of Militia, Major Jonathan Tyng's regiment, 1702, and partici pated in the march and rescue to the relief of Lancaster, Mass., against the French and Indians. His home near Wameset, now called Lowell, Mass., was used as a garrison during King William's War, 1689-1697, and also during Queen Anne's War, 1700-1712. REFERENCE: History of Billerica, Mass., p. 75-76, Genea logical Register of Billerica; report of Lieut.-Col. Jos. Lynde, dated Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 25, 1695; Court Records, Vol. 20, p. 444, and Vol. 16, p. 67; History of Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts, Vol. 2, Franklin Co., p. 687-688. 2. Captain Philip Reade. IOO SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS SAMUEL HUNT, SR.— [1633 ]— of Agawam, now called Ipswich, Mass., in 1655, then of Billerica, Mass. Was a grantee of Bernardstown, Franklin Co., Mass., in reward of military service in the Falls Fight, also Deerfield, Mass., May 19, 1676. He was a soldier in Capt. William Turner's Company of Vol unteers in King Philip's War. He was also a soldier under Maj. Samuel Appleton against the Narragansetts and participated in the Great Swamp Fight, Dec. 19, 1675. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, Vol. 2, p. 502; History of Ipswich, Mass., p. 147-323; History of Billerica, Mass., p. 117-133-137. 2. Captain Philip Reade. WILLIAM HUNT.— [1605-1667]— Soldier in Capt. William Turner's Troop of Dorchester and Boston, April 7, 1676. REFERENCE: Mass. Archives, Vol. 68, p. 21-195. 2. Captain Philip Reade. AMOS HURD. — He was a soldier in the old French wars called the Seven Years' War and perished of starvation in the campaign of 1759. REFERENCE: Cothrens History of Ancient Woodbury; So ciety of Colonial Wars Register, 1894, p. 193. 23. Alfred Beers Eaton. JONATHAN HYDE.— Was in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Co., scouting near Sudbury and Marlboro, King Philip's War. His name appears on roll, June 24, 1676. REFERENCE: N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg. Vol. 38, p. 42. 52. Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor. CAPT. WILLIAM HYDE.— (1702-1738.) In May, 1727, was appointed Captain of the Train Band at Norwich, Conn., by the General Assembly. REFERENCES: Biographical Sketches Yale Graduates, class 1721, p. 257; also Caulkin's History of Norwich, 2nd edition, p. 188. 93. Wyllys King Smith. GIDEON IVES.— (1680-1767.) Ensign of the east Train Band of Wallingford, Conn. Deputy 1720-21-23-24-29-31 and 49. REFERENCES: Conn. Col. Records, 1717 to 1725, pp. 207, 233, 269, 304-3U; Vol. 7, pp. 251, 267, 346, 363 and 424; Vol. 9 pp. 318, 348, 413 and 460; Davis' History of Wallingford and Meriden pp 823 to 829. 102. Marvin Allen Ives. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IOI JOHN JENNEY— Of Plymouth, was "Assistant" of Ply mouth Colony, 1637-8-1640. REFERENCE: Plymouth Colonial Records; Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 4. 50. Albert Eugene Snow. EDWARD JOHNSON.— Was Captain of Woburn, Mass., Militia Company; charter member of A. & H. Artillery Com pany, Boston; Surveyor General of Arms for Mass., 1659 ; Dep uty thirty times. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, p. 126-185; Savage's Gen. Diet. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 51. Franklin Adams Meacham. CAPTAIN ISAAC JOHNSON.— [ 1675]— A member of the Artillery Company in 1645. Ensign of the Roxbury Military Company previous to 1653. Elected June 13, 1653, Captain of said company. Captain of Artillery Company in 1667. Repre sentative to the General Court, 1671. Upon the mustering of the forces for Narragansett campaign he was placed in com mand of a company made up of men from Roxbury, Dorchester, Milton, Braintree, Weymouth, Hingham and Hull. Killed while leading his men across the fatal tree bridge at the entrance to the fort, Dec. 19, 1675. REFERENCE: N. E. H. and G. Reg., Vol. 38, p. 280; Vol. 39, p. 74; Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 67, p. 45-219-226-293; Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, p. 39. 1. Seymour Morris. 47. Maj. Forrest Henry Hathaway, U. S. A. JOHN JOHNSON.— [1600-1659]— Of Roxbury. A member of the first General Court in 1634, and for many years thereafter; a member of the Artillery Company in 1638; Surveyor General of arms and ammunition. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, p. 39; Savage's Gen. Diet.; Mass. Bay Colonial Records, Vol. 1, p. 79; Vol. 2, p. 22-26-55-99-145-186-197-201-238-245-265; Vol. 4, part 1, p. 2-37-74-77-110- 120-154-255-286-304-320-365. 1. Seymour Morris. 47. Maj. Forrest Henry Hathaway, U. S. A. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. 82. Marvin Andrus Fair. ANDREW JOHNSTONE.— [1694-1762]— Of Perth Amboy, N. J. Speaker of Provincial Assembly; for many years a mem ber of the Governor's Council. REFERENCE: Lamb's History of New York City; Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography: History of Trenton, N. J.; American Historical Register, Vol. 1, p. 1-2. 4. William Ruggles Tucker. 102 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS NATHANIEL JONES.— Captain. Representative to the General Court of Suffolk County, Mass., in 1727. REFERENCE: Bond's History of Watertown; Reminiscences of Worcester, Mass.; Proprietary Records of Worcester, p. 288-264- 251-244. 5. John Smith Sargent. JOHN JORDAN.— A member of the Plymouth Company in August, 1643. REFERENCE: Pierce's Plymouth Colony Civil & Mil. Lists, p. 76; Plymouth Colony Records. 61. Victor Clifton Alderson. SAMUEL JORDAN.— Of "Seven Islands," Buckingham County, Virginia. Was Justice of the Peace 1746-1761; Sher iff 1753-5; one of the trustees for erecting a blast furnace for making pig iron (for molding cannon) in the county of Buckingham, Virginia; Captain, 1753; Presiding Justice and County Lieutenant for Buckingham County, 1761; was ap pointed by the Assembly of Virginia one of the Commission ers to examine the militia accounts in 1758. REFERENCES: Hennings' Statutes at Large, Vol. 7, pp. 232; Cabells and Their Kin, A. Brown, pp. 49, 78, 104, 127 and 128. 74. Hiram Holbrook Rose. 91. Landon Cabell Rose. JOHN JUDD. — Ensign and Lieutenant, Farmington Train Band; Deputy from Farmington. REFERENCE: Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1689-1706; p. 65-75-79-89, etc., p. 142-235-245-264-434. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. LIEUT. JOSEPH JUDSON.— Ensign of the Stratford Train Band. Lieutenant in 1672, and at Woodbury in 1684. On July 6, 1665, appointed by the General Court as one of a com mittee to defend the coast from Stratford to Rye against a threatened invasion of the Dutch, under Admiral De Reuter, Deputy, 1659-61 to '67, from Stratford, and Deputy for Wood bury, 1684 to 6. Served in King Philip's War with the rank of Lieutenant. REFERENCES: Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 1; Vol. 2, pp. 21 and 181; Vol. 3, p. 141; Bodge's Soldiers in King Philip's War, p. 468. 101. John Newbury Bagley. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IO3 SAMUEL KEELER— Of Norwalk, Conn. Was in the Nar ragansett fight in King Philip's war, December 19, 1675. Representative 1701. Commissioned Lieutenant in the expe dition against Port Royal August 11, 1710. Received £5 18s 2d for actual services rendered. REFERENCES: Savage's Gen. Diet., Vol. 3, p. 2; Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 1706-1716, pp. 168 and 264. 48. Henry Austin Osborn. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. LIEUTENANT JOSEPH KELLOGG.— Of Farmington, Conn., Boston, and Hadley, Mass. ; was Lieutenant in command of Hadley, Mass., troops in the Falls Fight, May 18, 1676. Ser geant in Capt. Wm. Turner's Company in the Falls Fight, May 19, 1676. REFERENCE: Judd's History of Hadley, Mass.; Savage's Genealogical Dictionary; Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 242. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 21. William Wolcott Strong. 43. Harry Linn Wright. HENRY KIMBALL.— Member of the quota of soldiers fur nished by the Town of Haverhill, Mass., Bay Colony. REFERENCE: History of Haverhill, p. 128. 2. Captain Philip Reade. JOHN KITTREDGE.— ( 1676.) Of Billerica, Mass., a member of Captain Thomas Wheeler's Company in King Philip's War. REFERENCE: Soldiers in King Philip's War, by Bodge, pages 113 and 114. 63. Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge. EDWARD KNEELAND.— Born 1640. Was in Capt. Whip ple's Ipswich Company in King Philip's War. REFERENCES: Pay Rolls of June and August, 1676; Bodge's Soldiers in King Philip's War. 56. Wyman Kneeland Flint. SAMUEL LADD.— (1649-1698.) Of Haverhill, Mass. A member of Capt. John Whipple's Company in King Philip's War. REFERENCE: Bodge's Soldiers in King Philip's War, pp. 283, 372. 88. Edward Payson Bailey. 104 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS ENSIGN JOHN LAKIN— [ 1697]— Ensign, 1692. Com mander of garrison at Groton. Sergeant in King Philip's War. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 243. 26. Horatio Loomis Wait. MAJOR JOB LANE— [1624-1697]— Maiden-, Mass., 1654. Bil lerica, 1664. During King Philip's Was had a garrison against Indians. Representative to General Court, 1674, 1680 and 1685. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book; Hazen's "History of Billerica," p. 88 of Appendix 3, 139-176; Mass. Bay Colonial Records, Vol. 3, p. 99-261-393-476; the Reyner family; the Lane family. 45. Francis Porter Fisher. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. 70. Charles Ridgely. COLONEL JOHN LANE.— [1661-1715]— Lieutenant of the Billerica Troop, 1693, King William's War. Captain of the same, 1699. Major of the West Regiment of Horse and Foot, 1711, Queen Anne's War. Deputy to the General Court, 1702. Colonel of Massachusetts Militia. Died in the service. REFERENCE: S. C. W. Year Book, 1895«, p. 243. 73. Anthony French Merrill. CAPT. JOSEPH LATHROP.— (1624-1702.) A Deputy from Barnstable in 1667 and for eleven consecutive years following; a conspicuous member of the "Council of War" in 1676; mem ber of the Barnstable Military Company in 1643, and later Lieutenant and Captain. Mentioned to the Governor for con spicuous services in the Indian Wars. REFERENCES: Freeman's Cape Cod, Vol. 1, pp. 295, 300, 311, 382; Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 73; Savage, Vol. 3, p. 121; Lathrop Family Memoir, p. 40. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. THOMAS LATHROP.— (1621-1707.) Barnstable. A mem ber of the Barnstable Military Company in 1643. REFERENCE: Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 73. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. CAPTAIN DANIEL LAWRENCE.— [1681-1777]— Of Groton, Mass., and Plainfield, Conn., May, 1736. Commissioned Captain of the First Company or Train Band of Plainfield, Conn.; was Deputy from Plainfield to General Court eleven times between 1722 and 1741. REFERENCE: Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 8, p. 32; Dr. R. M. Lawrence's "Historical Sketches of the Lawrence Family," p. 42-43. 18. Scott Jordan. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 105 ENOCH LAWRENCE— [1648-9-1744]— Of Watertown and Groton. A soldier in King Philip's War; also in Groton Gar rison, 1691-2 ; was badly wounded in a fight with Indians, July 27, 1694, King William's War. REFERENCE: N. E. Hist, and Gen. Reg., Vol. 43, p. 274-374; Dr. S. A. Greene's "Groton During the Indian Wars," p. 84-85; His torical Sketches of the Lawrence family, p. 38-39; Massachusetts Archives, Vol. 70, p. 583. 18. Scott Jordan. ROBERT LEE.— A member of the Plymouth Military Com pany in August, 1643. REFERENCE: Pierce's Colonial List, p. 76. 105. Henry Clay Fuller. LIEUT. THOMAS LEE.— 1676, Deputy to the General Court; 1701, Ensign and Lieutenant of Lyme Train Band. REFERENCE: S. C. W. Year Book, 1896, p. 348. 71. Ebenezer Lane. ENSIGN THOMAS LEE.— Ensign of the Lyme Train Band, 1701; Deputy to the General Court, 1676, of the Colony of Con necticut. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 24. 71. Ebenezer Lane. GOVERNOR WILLIAM LEETE.— Governor of Connecticut, 1661 to 1665, and again, 1677 to 1683 ; was Assistant, 1669 and 1643 to 1657. Deputy Governor, 1658-76; was Commissioner to United Colonies, 1655 to 1679. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, p. 42. 10. Edward Milton Adams. ENSIGN THOMAS LEFFINGWELL — Ensign in 1701 in the Norwich, Conn., Train Band; Deputy, 1716. REFERENCE: Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 3. 70. Charles Ridgely. 71. Ebenezer Lane. LIEUTENANT THOMAS LEFFINGWELL.— Ensign in 1657; Lieutenant of the Norwich County Train Band, 1672; served in King Philip's War; also served in Capt. Denison's famous band of Indian fighters. Deputy to the General Court, 1671-1710. REFERENCE: Society af Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 245. 70. Charles Ridgely. 71. Ebenezer Lane. 106 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS JOHN LEONARD— Of Springfield, Mass., 1639. He was killed by the Indians in King Philip's War early in 1676. REFERENCE: Savage's Gen. Diet.; Judd's History of Hadley, Mass.; N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, Vol. 40, p. 212; History of W. Mass., Vol. 2, p. 318. 60. John Conant Long. 68. Albert Judson Fisher. 96. Oliver Partridge Dickinson. LIEUTENANT JAMES LEWIS.— [1637-1713]— Lieutenant of Barnstable Company. REFERENCE : Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 246. 15. Josiah Lewis Lombard. SAMUEL LEWIS.— Was Sergeant. Farmington, Conn., 1676. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, N. E. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. CAPTAIN WILLIAM LEWIS.— A Sergeant and Captain in the Narragansett campaign, King Philip's War, 1675; Ser geant, May 17, 1649; Lieutenant, Oct. 6, 1651; Captain, Oct. 8, 1674. Captain of the Farmington, Conn., Train Band in 1674; Deputy, 1689-90. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New Eng land, Vol. Ill, p. 89; Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 1636-1665, pp. 187, 227, 300. Vol. 1665, 1677, pp. 101 and 238. Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 246. 33. Deming Haven Preston. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. 59. Charles Pratt Whitney. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. ROBERT LONG.— Charlestown, Mass.; a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, of Boston, 1639. REFERENCE: Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. 1. Seymour Morris. 28. Cyrus Austin Hardy. 52. Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-Taylor. CAPT. MATTHEW LOOMIS— (1703-1764.) Appointed En sign, 1752; First Lieutenant in Regiment raised for invasion of Canada, 1758; Captain, 1761, in Company from Bolton, Conn. REFERENCES: Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 10, p. 81; Vol. 11, pp. 96 and 575. 96. Oliver Partridge Dickinson. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS IO7 CAPTAIN RICHARD LORD— [1611-1662]— Was Captain of the First Troop of Horse, Colony of Conn., 1657. One of the patentees under the charter of 1662 from Charles II. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895, p. 7. Edward McKinstry Teall. LIEUTENANT RICHARD LORD.— [1669-1712]— Was Treas urer of the Colony of Connecticut, elected Jan. 14, 1712. He was elected Auditor, 1706; Lieutenant, May, 1700; on Commit tee on War, 1708. REFERENCE: Connecticut Colonial Records for 1689 to 1716. 7. Edward McKinstry Teall. CAPTAIN EBENEZER LOTHROP.— Commissioned En sign in First Train Band, Norwich, Conn., 1740; Lieutenant in 1742; Captain in 1745. REFERENCE: Connecticut Colonial Records. 70. Charles Ridgely. CAPT. ELISHA LOTHROP.— Was Ensign and Captain of the Sixth Company of Connecticut Colonial Troops, in 1746. Deputy in 1766 and many times thereafter. REFERENCES: Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 8, p. 226; Vol. 9, p. 241; Vol. 13. 70. Charles Ridgely. CAPTAIN SAMUEL LOTHROP.— Served at Port Royal in 1710. Commissioned Ensign in 1721, Fourth Train Band of Connecticut; in 1724 commissioned Captain of Second Train Band. REFERENCE: Colonial Records, Vol. 3, pp. 235-446. 70. Charles Ridgely. JUDGE SAMUEL LOTHROP.— When, in 1657, Uncas routed by the Narragansetts, had been chased into the fort at the head of the Nahantic and was there besieged, Lieut. James Avery, Mr. Brewster, Samuel Lothrop and others succeeded in throw ing themselves into the fort and aided in the defense. REFERENCE: Lothrop Family Memoir. 65. Joseph Lathrop. 70. Charles Ridgely. 102. Marvin Allen Ives. 108 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS DANIEL LOVETT.— Was Lieutenant, 1730; Captain, 1735; Major, 1743, at Mendon, Mass. REFERENCE: See Annals of Mendon, copying town records, pp. 216, 227, 246, 253. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 51. Franklin Adams Meacham. JAMES LOVETT.— Of Mendon, Mass. Was Sergeant, 1689; Ensign, 1693; Lieutenant, 1710; Captain later. REFERENCE: Annals of Mendon, copying town records, pp. 106, 117, 121, 159 and later. 10. Edward Milton Adams. 51. Franklin Adams Meacham. MAJ. ANTHONY LOW.— (Died 1752.) Rhode Island Mili tia, 1726. Deputy, 1713, sixteen terms. REFERENCE: S. C. W. Year Book, 1896, p. 353. 75. Warren Lippitt Beckwith. WILLIAM LUMPKIN.— A private in the Yarmouth, Mass., Company. REFERENCE: Pierce's Colonial Lists, p. 74. 15. Josiah Lewis Lombard. 32. Rev. James Gibson Johnson. 63. Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge. FRANCIS LYFORD— [1645-1723]— A private in Capt. Kins ley Hall's Company of Exeter, N. H., in King William's War. REFERENCE: Bell's History of Exeter, N. H. 39. George Samuel Marsh. LIEUTENANT JOHN LYMAN.— He was in command of the Northampton soldiers in the famous Falls Fight above Deerfield, May 18, 1676. Capt. William Turner, under whom he served, was killed. REFERENCE: Lyman Genealogy, p. 40. New England His torical and Genealogical Register, Vol. 41, pp. 201 to 218. 6. Lyman Dresser Hammond. 54. William Ward Wight. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 109 • HON. SIMON LYNDE.— (1624-1687.) Services: Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, 1658; Governor's Assistant, 1668-1679; King Philip's War, 1675; Chief Justice Supreme Court, 1687. REFERENCES: General Society Year Book, 1895, p. 354; Col. Records, Mass. Bay Colony; Bodge's Soldiers of King Philip's War, p. 177. 78. Joseph Edward Otis, Jr. 81. George Henry Moore. 98. Philo Adams Otis. CAPT. JABEZ LYON.— (1704-1760.) Woodstock, Conn. Was a Captain of the Third Company or Train Band, October, 1750. REFERENCES: Conn. Col. Records, Vol. 9, p. 550; Albert Welles' American Family Antiquity, New York, 1881, Vol. 2, p. 107. 40. Chandler Pease Chapman. WILLIAM LYON.— (1620-1692.) Roxbury, Mass. In 1645 was member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company. REFERENCES: Albert Welles' American Family Antiquity, New York, 1881, Vol. 2, p. 105; An Historical Sketch of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co., Boston, 1820, p. 155. 40. Chandler Pease Chapman. WILLIAM LYON.— (1729-1809.) He entered the Provincial Military service from Carlisle, Penn., for the defense of the frontier against the French and Indians, and as Lieutenant of the Pennsylvania Regiment, appointed 6th of December, 1757, participated in Forbes' great expedition against Fort Du Quesne in 1758. He resigned March 1759, and was appointed a Magistrate in 1764 by Governor John Penn, then in Carlisle, Pa., dispatching Colonel Bouquet on his second expedition. REFERENCE: Dr. Wm. Henry Egle's Perm. Genealogies, Scotch, Irish and German, pp. 334 and 335. 106. George Mulhollan Lyon. LIEUTENANT GEORGE MACEY— Of Taunton. Ensign, . Promoted to Lieutenant, June, 1665; promoted Captain, April, 1690; made Associate Judge, June, 1690; was member of Capt. Poole's Co., of Taunton, 1643; was Lieutenant from Taunton, Mass., King Philip's War; Deputy Plymouth Col ony, 1672-78. REFERENCE: Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. IV, p. 93; Vol. VI, p. 237; Pierce's Colonial Lists, pp. 75; Savage's Gen. Diet.; Baylie's New Plymouth; Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1895. 45. Francis Porter Fisher. I IO SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS JOHN MARSH.— (1679-1725.) A soldier at the battle of Deerfield Meadow in February, 1704, Queen Anne's War; taken captive by the enemy and carried to Montreal. REFERENCE: Sheldon's Deerfield, pp. 298, 305, 309. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. ONESIPHOROUS MARSH, SR.— [1630-1713]— Of Haverhill, Mass. Member of the Militia Company under Capt. William White, in 1662. He was in command of and owned one of the small garrison forts built by the town in King Philip's War, 1675. During King William's War, 1684-1697, he was a mem ber of one of the town garrisons, commanded by Sergeant Has- eltine. REFERENCE: Town Records, p. 117; Savage, Vol. Ill, p. 154; History of Essex Co., Mass. ; History of Haverhill; Sewall's Diary. 2. Captain Philip Reade. CAPTAIN HUGH MASON— [1605-1678]— Of Watertown. Deputy to the General Court of Mass. nine times, 1635-77. Com mander in Chief, 1664; member of the Council of War, 16.76; Lieutenant and Captain of the Train Band of Watertown, Mass., 1652; in command of the Watertown Militia in the Sud bury fight, King Philip's War, April 21, 1676. REFERENCE: Society of Colonial Wars Year Book, 1894, pp. 76, 174, 183. 189 and 210. 25. Judge Frank Baker. MAJOR JOHN MASON.— Lieutenant under Sir Thomas Fairfax in the Netherlands; Representative to General Court, 1635-1641; Deputy Governor, 1659-1669; Commissioner to the United Colonies for five sessions, 1647-1661; commanded forces in Pequot War. REFERENCE: Sparks' American Biography, Vol. in; Year Book, 1894; Society of Colonial Wars, p. 47. 42. Charles Thomson Atkinson. 64. Harry Jenkins Bardwell. 99. Eames Mac Veagh. PHILIP MATTOON.— ( 1696.) Credited on December 10, 1675, with £2 10s 6d, under Capt. Samuel Appleton, and on June 24, 1676, with £2 15s 08d. Served in Narragansett Cam paign. Served under Capt. William Turner from April 7, 1676. REFERENCES: Bodge's Soldiers