< LIBRARY 9314 iUr" S8«i«t".»B I'^l&l?''"''' 1 « r.«*,' Vl4» 1"' Ik.. I ti:.^^'' -^ YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Bought with the income of the WILLIAM C. EGLESTON FUND ©olont^ HISTORY CHARTER AND BY-LAWS SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS State of Illinois. LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. Together with a record of the service performed by their Ancestors in the Wars of the Colonies. PUBLICATION No. 2. CHICAGO. 1896. COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY. OFFICERS, 1896. GOVERNOR EDWARD McKINSTRY TEALL DEPUTY-GOVERNOR SAMUEL EBERLY GROSS LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR LYMAN DRESSER HAMMOND SECRETARY SEYMOUR MORRIS 5342 Washington Avenue. DEPUTY-SECRETARY WILLIAM RUGGLES TUCKER TREASURER FRANK EUGENE SPOONER 849 Marquette Bldg. REGISTRAR JOHN SMITH SARGENT HISTORIAN EDWARD MILTON ADAMS CHANCELLOR JUDGE FRANK BAKER CHAPLAIN Rev. JAMES GIBSON JOHNSON, D. D. GENTLEMEN OF THE COUNCIL RODMAN CORSE PELL DEMING HAVEN PRESTON HENRY AUSTIN OSBORN EDWARD McKINSTRY TEALL SAMUEL EBERLY GROSS LYMAN DRESSER HAMMOND FRANK EUGENE SPOONER JOHN SMITH SARGENT EDWARD MILTON ADAMS SEYMOUR MORRIS OFFICERS, 1896— Continued. COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP FREDERICK CLIFTON PIERCE EDWARD MILTON ADAMS SEYMOUR MORRIS COMMITTEE ON ENTERTAINMENT HENRY LATHROP TURNER CHARLES THOMSON ATKINSON JOHN CONANT LONG DEPUTY GOVERNOR GENERAL JOSIAH LEWIS LOMBARD DELEGATES TO THE GENERAL COURT HEMPSTEAD WASHBURNE HENRY SHERMAN BOUTELL SAMUEL EBERLY GROSS FRANK BASSETT TOBEY Rev. ABBOTT ELIOT KITTREDGE, D. D. ALTERNATES GEORGE WHITFIELD NEWCOMB ALBERT EUGENE SNOW EDWARD BEECHER CASE WILLIAM WOLCOTT STRONG CHARLES DURKEE DANA 3flag of tlie Sorietg of Cftotouial mars* MEMBERSHIP. Edward Milton Adams* Victor Clifton Alderson Charles Thomson Atkinson Judge Frank Baker Harry Jenkins Bardwell Warren Lippitt Beckwith Henry Sherman Boutell George Butters Edward Beecher Case Chandler Pease Chapman Charles Cromwell* Daniel Charles Daggett Charles Durkee Dana* Alfred Beers Eaton Charles Newton Fessenden Albert Judson Fisher Francis Porter Fisher Wyman Kneeland Flint James Monroe Flower Lester Orestes Goddard Samuel Eberly Gross* Lemuel Ruggles Hall Lyman Dresser Hammond* Cyrus Austin Hardy Maj. Forrest Henry Hathaway, U.S, A. Rev. James Gibson Johnson, D. D. Scott Jordan* Rev. Abbott Eliot Kittredge, D, D. Ebenezer Lane Joseph Lathrop John Larkin Lincoln, Jr. Josiah Lewis Lombard* John Conant Long George Samuel Marsh *Life Members MEMBERSHIP— Continued. Franklin Adams Meacham Frederick Laforrest Merrick Anthony French Merrill William Dorrance Messinger Charles Kingsbury Miller* Seymour Morris* George Whitfield Newcomb Henry Austin Osborn Rodman Corse Pell* Frederick Clifton Pierce Charles Clarence Poole Deming Haven Preston Capt. Philip Reade, U, S. A.* Charles Ridgely Hiram Holbrook Rose John Smith Sargent* Albert Eugene Snow Frank Eugene Spooner William Wolcott Strong Hobart C, Chatfield-Taylor Edward McKinstry Teall* Frank Bassett Tobey William Ruggles Tucker* Henry Lathrop Turner Frederic William Upham* Gov. William Henry Upham John Demmon Vandercook Horatio Loomis Wait Hempstead Washburne* Samuel Rogers Wells Charles Pratt Whitney William Ward Wight Frederick Hampden Winston Jonathan Edwards Woodbridge Harry Linn Wright Walter Channing Wyman rJUM5 6T'\7^ I'^.^'a^^/ a '^^ ^*^. ¦'r^ HISTORY OF THE ILLINOIS SOCIETY. On the 13th day of October, 1894, Messrs. Sey mour Morris, John Smith Sargent and William Rug gles Tucker, received from the Secretary of State, at Springfield, Illinois, a charter to organize the " So ciety of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois." A petition signed by sixteen gentlemen was sent to the General Society of Colonial Wars, in New York City, for the purpose of organizing a Society in Illinois. On Nov. 12, 1894, this petition was granted by the General Society, and the following gentlemen licensed to organize: Messrs. Seymour Morris, Capt. Philip Reade, U. S. A., Lieut. John T. Thompson, U. S. A., William Ruggles Tucker, John Smith Sargent, Lyman Dresser Hammond, Edward McKinstry Teall, George Francis Bissell, Frederick Hampden Winston, Edward Milton Adams, Charles Cromwell, Rodman Corse Pell, Samuel Eberly Gross, Henry Sherman Boutell, Josiah Lewis Lombard and Robert Patterson Benedict. Messrs. Morris, Sargent and Tucker, as the three incorporators, called a meeting of the charter mem bers at Parlor 23, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 7, 1894, at four o'clock, for the purpose of adopting a constitution and by laws, election of officers and the perfection of the organization of the Society. The following gentle men were present: — Messrs. Teall, Sargent, Win ston, Bissell, Boutell, Cromwell, Lombard, Reade, Hammond, Gross, Pell and Morris. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS The following officers were chosen : — Governor, Capt. Philip Reade; Deputy-Governor, Edward M. Teall; Lieutenant-Governor, Frederick H. Winston ; Secretary, Seymour Morris; Treasurer, Lyman D. Hammond; Registrar, John S. Sargent; Historian, Henry S. Boutell; Gentlemen of the Council, Rod man C. Pell, Charles Cromwell, Samuel E. Gross; Committee on Membership, Edward M. Teall, Ed ward M. Adams and Seymour Morris, Messrs. George F. Bissell, Rodman C. Pell and Lieut. John T. Thompson were appointed as a Com mittee on Entertainment. December 19, 1894, the 219th anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight, the Society gave their first ban quet at the Union League Club. At the May Court, Mr. Boutell's resignation as Historian was accepted and Mr. Adams elected in his place. Rev. James Gibson Johnson was elected Chaplain and Judge Frank Baker chosen Chancellor. The Society sent a delegate to the unveiling of the monument erected by the General Society at Louis burg on June 17, 1895. On June 6, 1895 the Society held a Banquet at the Hotel Metropole. The Society has held four business Courts, one Special and two General Courts. The Council has met eight times and elected to membership 75 applicants; four of whom have failed to qualify (two of said four having resigned), and death has claimed our most esteemed friend and mem ber, Mr. George Francis Bissell. The present active membership is seventy. I ->-<>. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE ILLINOIS SOCIETY. PREAMBLE. Whereas, It is desirable that there should be ade quate celebrations commemorative of the events of Colonial History happening from the settlement of Jamestown, Va., May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lex ington, April 19, 1775; Thereyore,The Society of Colonial Wars has been instituted to perpetuate the memory of those events, and of the men who, in military, naval, and civil positions of high trust and responsibility, by their acts of counsel, assisted in the establishment, defense, and preservation of the American Colonies, and were in truth the founders of this nation. With this end in view it seeks to collect and preserve manuscripts, rolls, relics, and records; to provide suitable com memorations or memorials relating to the American colonial period, and to inspire in its members the fraternal and patriotic spirit of their forefathers, and in the community, respect and reverence for those whose public services made our freedom and unity possible. 7 o society of colonial wars section I. NAME OF THE SOCIETY. The Society shall be known by the name, style, and title of "Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois." section ii. OFFICERS. The officers of the Society shall be a Governor, a Deputy-Governor, a Lieutenant-Governor, a Secre tary, a Deputy-Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Historian, a Surgeon, a Chancellor, and a Chaplain ; these, except the Chaplain, Chancellor, Surgeon and Deputy-Secretary, shall be ex-officio members and constitute the Council, with three other members elected for that purpose and chosen annually. The officers and members of the Council and Committee on Membership shall be elected at the Gen eral Court by ballot. A plurality of the votes cast for each officer shall determine a choice thereof, and said officers and members of the Council and Committee on Membership shall hold office for the period cf one year, or until their successors shall be duly elected and qualified. SECTION III. INITIATION FEES, DUES. The initiation fee shall be ten dollars; the annual dues ten dollars, payable on or before the first of January of each year. The payment at one time of fifty dollars shall exempt the member so paying from annual dues; or the payment at any one time, by a charter member, of thirty dollars, shall exempt said charter member so paying from annual dues. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 9 SECTION IV. GOVB«NOR. The Governor,or in his absence the Deputy-Gov ernor, or Lieutenant-Governor, or Chairman pro iem., shall preside at all Courts of the Society, and shall exercise the duties of a presiding officer under parlia mentary rules, subject to an appeal to the Society. The Governor shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee and Committee on Membership. He shall have power to convene the Council at his discretion, or upon the written request of two members of the Council, or upon the like request of five members of the Society. SECTION V. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall conduct the general corre spondence of the Society, and keep a record thereof. He shall notify all elected candidates of their admis sion, and perform such other duties as the Society or his office may require. He shall have charge of the seal, certificates of incorporation, by-laws, historical and other documents and records of the Society other than those required to be deposited with the Registrar, and shall affix the seal to all properly authenticated certificates of membership and transmit the same to the members to whom they may be issued. He shall notify the Registrar of all admissions to membership. He shall certify all acts of the Society, and when re quired authenticate them under seal. He shall have charge of printing and publications issued by the So ciety. He shall give due notice of the time and place of the holding of all Courts of the Society and of the lO SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS Council, and shall incorporate in said notice the names of all applicants for membership, to be voted on at said Council, and shall be present at the same. He shall keep fair and accurate records of all the pro ceedings and orders of the Society and of the Coun cil, and shall give notice to each officer who may be affected by them of all votes, resolutions, and pro ceedings of the Society or of the Council, and at the General Court or oftener shall report the names of those candidates who have been admitted to member ship and those whose resignations have been accepted, and of those members who have been expelled for cause or for failure to substantiate claim of descent. In his absence from any meeting the Deputy-Secre tary shall act, or a Secretary fro tem. may be desig nated therefor. SECTION VI. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect and keep the funds and securities of the Society, and as often as those funds shall amount to one hundred dollars, they shall be deposited in some bank in the city of Chicago, which shall be designated by the Council, to the credit of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Illinois, and such funds shall be drawn thence on the checks of the Treasurer for the purpose of the Society only. Out of these funds he shall pay such sums only as may be ordered by the Society or Council or his office may require. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and payments, and at each annual meet ing render the same to the Society. For the faithful performance of his duty he may be required to give such security as the Society may deem proper. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 1 1 SECTION VII. REGISTRAR. The Registrar shall receive from the Secretary and file all the proofs upon which membership has been granted, with a list of all diplomas countersigned by him, and all documents which the Society may ob tain; and he, under the direction of the Council, shall make copies of such papers as the owners may not be willing to leave in the keeping of the Society. SECTION VIII. HISTORIAN. The Historian shall keep a detailed record of all historical and commemoration celebrations of the Society, and he shall edit and prepare for publication such historical addresses, papers, and other docu ments as the Society may see fit to publish ; also a necrological list of each year, with biographies of deceased members. SECTION IX. CHAPLAIN. The Chaplain shall be an ordained minister of a Christian Church, and it shall be his duty to officiate when called upon by the proper officers. SECTION X. CHANCELLOR. The Chancellor shall be a lawyer duly admitted to the bar, and it shall be his duty to give legal opin ion on matters affecting the Society when called upon by the proper officers. SECTION XI. SURGEON. The Surgeon shall be a practicing physician. 12 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS SECTION XII. THE COUNCIL. The Council shall have the power to call special Courts of the Society and arrange for celebrations by the Society. The Council shall, prior to every General Court, appoint a committee of three members, exclusive of officers or members of the Council, and their report shall propose the names of candidates for the various offices. They shall have control and management of the affairs and funds of the Society. They shall perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the Constitution and By-Laws, but they shall at no time be required to take action or contract any debt for which they shall be liable. They may accept the resignation of any member of the Society. They raay meet as often as required, or at the call of the Governor. A major ity shall be a quorum for the transaction of business; at the General Court they shall submit to the Society a report of their proceedings during the past year. The Council shall have the power to drop from the roll the name of any member of the Society who shall be at least two years in arrears, and shall fail on proper notice to pay the same within sixty days, and on being dropped his membership shall cease; but he may be restored to membership at any time by the Council upon his written application and the payment of all such arrears from the date when he was dropped to the date of his restoration. The Council may suspend anj"- officer for cause, which may be reported to the Society, and action taken on the same within thirty days. It shall be the duty of the Council to set apart. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 1 3 from time to time, from the unexpended balance in the treasury, such sum or sums as the financial con dition of the Society may warrant, until a sum equal to the total sum realized from life memberships shall have been so set apart. This sum, so set apart,shall not be used for cur rent expenses, and shall be called the "life member ship fund," and may,at the discretion of the Society, be used, or invested by the Council for the Society's permanent benefit. SECTION XIII. VACANCIES AND TERMS OF OFFICE. Whenever an officer of this Society shall die, resign, or neglect to serve, or be suspended, or be unable to perform his duties by reason of absence, sickness, or other cause, and whenever an office shall be vacant which the Society shall not have filled by an election, the Council shall have power to appoint a member to such office -pro tempore, who shall act in such capacity until the Society shall elect a mem ber to the vacant office, or until the inability due to said cause shall cease; provided, however, that the office of Governor or Secretary shall not be filled by the Council when there shall be a Deputy or Lieu tenant-Governor, or Deputy-Secretary, to enter on the duties. The Council may supply vacancies among its members under the same conditions, and should any member other than an officer be absent from three consecutive Councils of the same, his place may be declared vacant hy the Council and filled by appointment until an election of a successor. Subject to these provisions, all officers and gen- 14 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS tlemen of the Council shall from the time of election continue in their respective offices until the next General Court, or until their successors are chosen. SECTION XIV. RESIGNATION. No resignation of any member shall become effective unless consented to by the Council. SECTION XV. DISQUALIFICATIONS. No person who may be enrolled as a member of this Society shall be permitted to continue in member ship when his proofs of descent or eligibility shall be found to be defective. The Council, after thirty days' notice to such person to substantiate his claim, and upon his failure satisfactorily so to do, may re quire the Secretary to erase his name from the mem bership list. The said person shall have a right to appeal to the Society at its next Court, or at the General Court. If the said appeal be sustained by a two-thirds vote of the members present at such Court, the said person's name shall be restored to said membership list. SECTION XVI. QUALIFICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP. Any male person above the age of twenty-one years, of good moral character and reputation, shall be eligible to membership in the Societ}' of Colonial Wars, who is lineally descended in the male or female line from an ancestor: (i) Who served as a military or naval officer,or as a soldier, sailor, or marine, or as a privateers- man ; under authority of the Colonies which after wards formed the United States, or in the forces of SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 1 5 Great Britain which participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which they enrolled men, from the settlement of Jamestown, May 13, 1607, to the battle of Lexington,- April 19, 1775; or (2) Who held office in any of the Colonies be tween the dates above mentioned, either as (a) Director-General, Vice-Director-General, in the Colony of New Netherlands; (d) Governor, Lieutenant or Deputy Governor, Lord Proprietor, in the Colonies of New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Delaware; (c) Lord Proprietor, Governor, Deputy Gov ernor, in Maryland and the Carolinas; {d) Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant in any of the New England Colonies. SECTION XVII. DECLARATION. Every applicant for membership shall declare upon honor that he has not failed of admission in any other State Society and that he will use his best efforts to promote the purposes of the Society, and will observe the Constitution and By-Laws of the same. SECTION XVIII. ADMISSION OF MEMBERS. Every application for membership shall be made in writing on blanks furnished by the Secretary, subscribed by the applicant, and approved by two members of the Society over their signatures. Appli cations shall be accompanied by proof of eligibility, and such applications and proofs shall be referred to the Committee on Membership, who shall care fully investigate the same and report at the next 1 6 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS meeting their recommendation thereon. Members shall be elected by ballot at a Council of the Society duly called, but a negative vote of one in five of the ballots cast shall cause the rejection of such candidate. Payment of the initiation fee and dues, and subscrip tion to the declaration contained in the By-Laws of the Society, shall be a prerequisite of membership. After an application for membership in this So ciety has been accepted, if the applicant does not, within the period of ninety days after notice has been sent him, pay to the Treasurer of this Society his initiation fee and dues, and subscribe to the Con stitution and By-Laws,his name shall be dropped and his application canceled. SECTION XIX. COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP. The Committee on Membership shall consist of three members. They shall be chosen by ballot at the General Court of the Society, and shall be elect ed for the period of one year. Two members shall constitute a quorum, and a negative vote of one mem ber shall cause an adverse report to the Council on the candidate's application. The proceedings of the Committee shall be secret and confidential; and a candidate who has been rejected by the Council shall be ineligible for membership for a space of one year from date of rejection, except upon the unanimous vote of the Committee. The Committee shall have power to make By- Laws for its government, and for other purposes not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws of the Society. SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS 17 SECTION XX. EXPULSION OR SUSPENSION. Any member for cause or conduct detrimental or antagonistic to the interest or purposes of the So ciety, or for just cause, may be suspended or expelled from the Society. But no member shall be expelled or suspended unless written charges be presented against such member to the Council. The Council shall give reasonable notice of such charges, and afford such member reasonable oppor tunity to be heard and refute the same. The Council, after hearing such charges, may recommend to the Society the expulsion or suspension of such member, and if the recommendation of the Council be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Society present at such Court, he shall be so expelled or sus pended, and the insignia of said member shall there upon be returned to the Treasurer of the Society, and his rights therein shall be extinguished or sus pended. The Treasurer shall refund to the said mem ber the amount paid for the said insignia. SECTION XXI. COURTS. The General Court of the Society shall be held on the anniversary of the Great Swamp Fight, December 19, 1675. Special Courts may be called by the Governor at such times as in his opinion the interests of the Society may demand, and must be called by the Sec retary on the written request of three members. All notice of meetings shall be sent out at least six days before the date of the meeting. 1 8 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL WARS SECTION XXII. SERVICE OF NOTICE, It shall be the duty of every member to inform the Secretary by written communication of his place of residence and of any change thereof, and of his post-office address. Service of any, under the Con stitution or By-Laws, on any member, addressed to his last residence or post-office address, forwarded by mail, shall be efficient service of notice. SECTION XXIII. CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP. Members may receive a certificate of member ship, which shall be signed by the Governor, Secre tary, and Registrar. SECTION XXIV. ALTERATION OR AMENDMENT. No alteration or amendment of the By-Laws shall be ma'de unless notice shall have been duly given in writing, signed by the member proposing the same, at a Court of the Society. The Secretary shall send a printed copj' of the proposed amendment to the members of the Society, and state the Court at which the same will be voted upon. No amendment or alteration shall be made unless adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the Court voting upon the same. 9// -/ j^ /Y / Yury/rr ¥'/e' /.^'C/y^'rY.-^r^, ^> MEMBERS WITH THEIR LINE OF DESCENT. MEMBERS. No. ID Gen. No. 828 *EDWARD MILTON ADAMS. Tenth in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley Tenth in descent from William Collier. Ninth in descent from Gov. William Leete. Ninth in descent from Rev. John Woodbridge. Ninth in descent from Capt. James Averj'. Ninth in descent from Gov. Thomas Prence. Ninth in descent from Thomas Minor. Ninth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from Thomas Stanton. Eighth in descent from Capt. George Denison. Eighth in descent from Lieut. John Tracy. Eighth in descent from Capt, John Gorham. Eighth in descent from John Griffin. Eighth in descent from John Ruggles. * Charter Member. Eighth in descent from Capt. Edward Johnson. Eighth in descent from Stephen Terry. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Samuel Humphrey. Seventh in descent from Sergt. John Humphrey. Seventh in descent from Nehemiah Smith. Seventh in descent from Nehemiah Palmer. Seventh in descent from John Denison. Seventh m descent from Josiah Chapin. Seventh in descent from John Thurston. Seventh in descent from Henry Rhoades. Seventh in descent from Abraham Preble. Seventh in descent from Robert Coates. Seventh in descent from Moses Cleveland. Seventh. in descent from Lieut. David Waterbury. Seventh in descent from Ensign John Bates, Sr. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. Seventh in descent from George Denison, Jr. Sixth in descent from Capt. Ichabod Palmer. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Ebenezer Billings. Sixth in descent from Joshua Holmes. Sixth in descent from Seth Chapin. Sixth in descent from Capt. James Lovett. Sixth in descent from Edward Adams. Sixth in descent from Aaron Cleveland. Sixth in descent from Ensign Isaac How. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Samuel Bates. Fifth in descent from Capt. Robert Taft. Fifth in descent from Maj. Daniel Lovett. Fourth in descent from Samuel Rhoades. •^. ^SPfe. .-^ /^^(^y No. 6i Gen. No. 1056 VICTOR CLIFTON ALDERSON. Eighth in descent from Edward Bangs. Eighth in descent from William Collier. Eighth in descent from Gov. Thomas Prence. Eighth in descent from Edmund Freeman. Seventh in descent from Robert Bartlett. Seventh in descent from Richard Sears. Seventh in descent from Major John Freeman. Seventh in descent from C^pt. Jonathan Sparrow. Seventh in descent from George Williard. Sixth in descent from Capt. Paul Sears. No. 42 Gen. No. looi CHARLES THOMSON ATKINSON. Ninth in descent from Maj. Aaron Cook. Ninth in descent from Wm. Westwood. Eighth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Stebbins. Eighth in descent from Anthony Hawkins. Eighth in descent from George Colt on. Eighth in descent from Wm. Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Daniel Clark. Eighth in descent from Capt. Aaron Cook. Eighth in descent from Edward Griswold. Eighth in descent from Edward Howell. Eighth in descent from Maj. John Mason. Seventh in descent from Moses Cook. Seventh in descent from Capt. Wm. Lewis. Seventh in descent from John Judd. Seventh in descent from Hon. James Bishop. Seventh in descent from Maj. John Howell. Sixth in descent from Samuel Lewis. Sixth in descent from Capt. Samuel Thompson. No. 25 Gen. No. 897 JUDGE FRANK BAKER. Eighth in descent from Capt. Hugh Mason. Eighth in descent from Capt. Thomas Brooks. Eighth in descent from Ensign James Cutler. Seventh in descent from John Wheeler. Seventh in descent from Sergt.Thomas Wheeler. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Thomas Cutler. Seventh in descent from Capt. Edward Wright. Seventh in descent from Sergt. John Baldwin. Seventh in descent from Capt. Thomas Topping. Sixth in descent from Ensign Thomas Baker. Sixth in descent from Ensign William Monroe. Fifth in descent from Capt. Timothy Wheeler. No. 64 Gen. No. 1059 HARRY JENKINS BARDWELL. Seventh in descent from Sergt. Robert Bardwell. Fifth in descent from Lieut. Ebenezer Bardwell, Jr. Fourth in descent from Lieut. Perez Bardwell. ^(^u^u> '^ i*5?< (^^i o~c>t^ ^c No. 53 Gen. No. 1048 EDWARD BEECHER CASE. Eighth in descent from John Alden. No. 40 Gen. No. 999 CHANDLER PEASE CHAPMAN. Madison, Wis. Ninth in descent from Gov. Wm. Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major Wm. Bradford. CHANDLER PEASE CHAPMAN. ^!^-^-'CnA. '€^^h^.e^^^>Ce.,u^ No. 31 Gen. No. 903 CHARLES NEWTON FESSENDEN. Eighth in descent from William Ward. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Edward Woodman. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Edward Winship. Seventh in descent from John Ward. Sixth in descent from John Wyeth. Sixth in descent from Solomon Prentice. Sixth m descent from Capt. Edward Goddard. Fourth in descent from Philip Goodridge. Fourth in descent from Isaac Winship. No. 68 Gen. No. 1063 ALBERT JUDSON FISHER. Tenth in descent from Lawrence Waters. Ninth in descent from Capt. Walter Haines. Ninth in descent from Henry Burt. Ninth in descent from Commissioner Hugh Calkin. Eighth in descent from Surveyor-Gen. John Johnson. Eighth in descent from John Reyner. Eighth in descent from John Moore, Sr. Eighth in descent from John Houghton, Sr. Eighth in descent from Jacob Farrar. Eighth in descent from Dea. John Haynes. Eighth in descent from John How. Eighth in descent from John Bigelow, Sr. Eighth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Cooper. Eighth in descent from John Leonard. Eighth in descent from Capt. Luke Hitchcock, Sr. Eighth in descent from Lieut. John Steadman. Eighth in descent from Jonathan Burt. Eighth in descent from Dea. Samuel Chapin. Eighth in descent from Ensign Jared Spencer. Eighth in descent from Commissary Wm. Douglas. Eighth in descent from Sergt. Wm. Hough. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Wm. Avery. Seventh in descent from Capt. Luke Hitchcock, Jr. Seventh in descent from Major Job Lane. Seventh in descent from Ensign John Moore. Seventh in descent from John Houghton, Jr. Seventh in descent from Josiah Howe, Sr. Seventh in descent from Geo. Bennit. Seventh in descent from John Dumbleton, Jr. Seventh in descent from James Warriner. Seventh in descent from Capt. Miles Morgan. Sixth in descent from Anthony Fisher, Jr. Sixth in descent from Capt. John Everett. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Moore. Sixth in descent from Henry Houghton. Sixth in descent from Samuel Bennett. Sixth in descent from David Morgan. No. 45 Gen. No. 1040 FRANCIS PORTER FISHER. Eighth in descent from Wm. Westwood. Eighth in descent from Wm. Phelps. Eighth in descent from Maj. Aaron Cook. Seventh in descent from Capt. Aaron Cook. Sixth in descent from Wm. Pitkin. Sixth in descent from Rev. John Whiting. Sixth in descent from John Whitney. Sixth in descent from Lieut. George Macey. Fifth in descent from Nathaniel Pitkin. Fourth in descent from Capt. Moses Porter. No. 56 Gen. No. 105 1 WYMAN KNEELAND FLINT. Milwaukee, Wis. Sixth in descent from Lieut. John Flint. 7^.^;iAv^yOyy^ '^''f^UJjLt^-^uJ. ^/yuSh -J^AAJ-c^i LiL0t,u>.c>tjBtcn^J~e.f- No. 44 Gen. No. 1039 JAMES MONROE FLOWER. Seventh in descent from Capt. Ephraim Hunt. No. 72 Gen. No. 1210 LESTER ORESTES GODDARD. Eighth in descent from William Spencer. Eighth in descent from Francis Cooke. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Samuel Humphrey. Sixth in descent from Ensign Jacob Mitchell. Sixth in descent from Sergt. Nathaniel Pinney. Fourth in descent from Capt. Joseph Warner. Fourth in descent from Ensign Jonathan Phinney. oZe-«^^^^^»^ ^'^-^X^X-^ityL'C^ /-vZ/^vC^^S*-*^ S.S.^y^r-^-^-^ No. 13 Gen. No. 748 * SAMUEL EBERLY GROSS. Eighth in descent from Matthew Blanshan. Eighth in descent from Sergt. Cornelius Barentsen Sleght. Seventh in descent from Gerrit Fokar. Seventh in descent from Louis Dubois. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Solomon Dubois. Sixth in descent from Abraham Dubois. No. 24 Gen. No. 896 LEMUEL RUGGLES HALL. Eighth in descent from James Cudworth. Eighth in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley. Seventh in descent from John Ruggles. Seventh in descent from Capt. Samuel Ruggleb. Seventh in descent from Rev. John Woodbridge Sixth in descent from Lieut. Joseph Wheeler. Sixth in descent from John Prescott. Fifth in descent from Capt. Jonathan Prescott. Pz^\Uu^\ No. 6 Gen. No. 743 * LYMAN DRESSER HAMMOND. Seventh in descent from Maj. Gen. Humphrey Ather ton. Seventh in descent from Lieut. John Lyman. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Edward Morris. Sixth in descent from James Hadlock. Sixth in descent from Lieut. James Trowbridge. Fifth in descent from Hon. Ebenezer Stone. Fifth in descent from Lieut. John Dresser. Third in descent from Lieut. Ebenezer Hammond. Third in descent from Capt. Richard Dresser. No. 28 Gen. No. 900 CYRUS AUSTIN HARDY. Eighth in descent from Robert Long. Seventh in descent from Capt. John Carter. Seventh in descent from Lieut. James Converse. Sixth in descent from Major James Converse. ^Xf7ff ^^.-^•X^-'^yg --*^ii2„/* ^cLot-*-^''-**-- . r No. 47 Gen. No. 1042 MAJOR FORREST HENRY HATHAWAY, U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Capt. Isaac Johnson. No. 32 Gen. No. 904 REV. JAMES GIBSON JOHNSON, D. D. Eighth in descent from Rev. John Mayo. Eighth in descent from William Lumpkin. Seventh in, descent from John Alden. Seventh in descent from Thomas Burgess. Seventh in descent from Edward Bangs. Seventh in descent from Samuel Mayo. Sixth in descent from Capt. Jonathan Bangs. Fourth in descent from Col. James Gibson. ffUn^HyK /TTHAA/HrK^ 4' / ¦^Pl^t \Pi^^/^U^. No. 1 8 Gen. No. 849 SCOTT JORDAN. Tenth, in descent fiom Stephen Hopkins. Ninth in descent from Nicholas Snow. Ninth in descent from Edward Bangs. Ninth in descent from Thomas Paine. Ninth in descent from John Whitney. Ninth in descent from John Doane. Eighth in descent from Lawrence Waters. Eighth in descent from Daniel Hudson. Eighth in descent from Moses Cleveland. Eighth in descent from John Bates. Seventh in descent from Serj. Nicholas Cady. Seventh in descent from Francis Whitmore. Seventh in descent from Enoch Lawrence. Seventh in descent from Josiah Cleveland. Sixth in descent from Capt. Joseph Cady. Sixth in descent from Ensign Thos. Whitmore. Sixth in descent from Capt. Daniel Lawrence. Fifth in descent from Josiah Cleveland. Fifth in descent from Capt. David Cady. Fifth in descent from Lieut. John Moffett. Fifth in descent from Lieut. James McDowell. Fourth in descent from Capt. David Cady, Jr. No. 63 Gen. No. 1058 REV. ABBOTT ELIOT KITTREDGE, D. D. New York City Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. Eighth in descent from William Collier. Eighth in descent from Rev. John Mayo. Eighth in descent from William Lumpkin. Seventh in descent from Capt. Samuel Mayo. Seventh in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Constant Southworth. Seventh in descent from Gov. Robert Treat. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Wm. French. Sixth in descent from Corporal John French. Sixth in descent from Giles Hopkins. No. 71 Gen. No. 1209 EBENEZER LANE. Eighth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. Eighth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Tracy. Seventh in descent from Capt. Daniel Clarke. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Matthew Griswold. Seventh in descent from Ensign Thos. Leffingwell. Sixth in descent from Ensign Thomas Lee. Fifth in descent from Maj. Gen. Roger Wolcott. Fourth in descent from Gov. Matthew Griswold. No. 65 Gen. No. 1060 JOSEPH LATHROP. Seventh in descent from Samuel Lathrop. No. 41 Gen. No. 1000 JOHN LARKIN LINCOLN, JR. Eighth in descent from Capt. Michael Pierce. No. 15 Gen. No. 750 * JOSIAH LEWIS LOMBARD. Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Snow. Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. „ Eighth in descent from Rev. John Mayo. Eighth in descent from Wm. Lumpkin. Eighth in descent from Wm. Collier. Seventh in descent from Gov. Thomas Roberts. Seventh in descent from Thomas Paine. Seventh in descent from Gov. Robert Treat. Seventh in descent from Samuel Mayo. Seventh in descent from Constant Southworth, Sixth in descent from James Lewis, 'A,, 1% No. 60 Gen. No. 1057 JOHN CONANT LONG. Seventh in descent from Gov. Roger Conant. Seventh in descent from John Leonard. Sixth in descent from Capt. Benj. Wait. No. 39 Gen. No. 998 GEORGE SAMUEL MARSH, Ninth in descent from Richard Carder, Eighth in descent from Henry Burt. Eighth in descent from Robert Bartlett, Eighth in descent from Edward Elmer, Sr. Eighth in descent from Rev. Samuel Skelton, Eighth in descent from Francis Lyford. Seventh in descent from William Carpenter. Seventh in descent from Samuel Damon, Seventh in descent from Shuabel Stearns, Seventh in descent from Samuel Gorton. Seventh in descent from Samuel Bennett. Seventh in descent from James Sinclair, Sixth in descent from Joseph Burt, Sixth in descent from Samuel Bennett, Fifth in descent from Samuel Stearns, Jr, (7t t5^. /Ujtc< &^^cA^--s^ j^Q^ f I Gen, No, 1046 FRANKLIN ADAMS MEACHAM. Salt Lake City, Utah, Tenth in descent from William Collier, Ninth in descent from John Howland. Ninth in descent from Capt, James Avery, Ninth in descent from Gov, Thomas Prence, Ninth in descent from Thomas Stanton. Ninth in descent from Lieut, Thomas Minor, Eighth in descent from Capt, Geo, Denison, Eighth in descent from Capt, John Gorham, Eighth in descent from Ensign John Tracy. Eighth in descent from Nehemiah Palmer, Eighth in descent from Capt. Edward Johnson. Seventh in descent from John Thurston, Seventh in descent from Moses Cleveland, Seventh in descent from Capt, Josiah Chapin. Seventh in descent from Ensign John Denison. Seventh in descent from Nehemiah Smith, Seventh in descent from Geo, Denison, Jr. Sixth in descent from Capt. Ichabod Palmer. Sixth in descent from Ebenezer Billings, Sixth in descent from Joshua Holmes, Sixth in descent from Ensign Edward Adams, Sixth in descent from Aaron Cleveland. Sixth in descent from Capt. Seth Chapin. Sixth in descent from Capt. James Lovett. Fifth in descent from Capt, Robert Taft. Fifth in descent from Maj. Daniel Lovett. No, 58 Gen, No, 1053 FREDERICK LAFORREST MERRICK, Ninth in descent from Stephen Hopkins. Eighth in descent from Gov, Thomas Prence. Eighth in descent from Edmund Freeman. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Snow. Seventh in descent from Daniel Cole. Seventh in descent from Giles Hopkins. Seventh in descent from Thomas Paine. Seventh in descent from "Maj. John Freeman, Seventh in descent from William Merrick, ::^>4>'^^^^^^<^ No. 73 Gen, No, 1211 ANTHONY FRENCH MERRILL, Seventh in descent from Lieut, Wm, French, Seventh in descent from Capt, John Whipple, Sixth in descent from Col, John Lane. Sixth in descent from Jacob French. Fifth in descent from William French, No, 62 Gen, No. 1055 WILLIAM DORRANCE MESSINGER, Eighth in descent from George Woodward, Seventh in descent from Samuel Rice, Seventh in descent from Samuel Stone. Seventh in descent from Francis Whitmore. Seventh in descent from Dea. John Haynes. Sixth in descent from Thomas Blodgett. No. 20 Gen, No, 892 CHARLES KINGSBURY MILLER, Sixth in descent from Christopher Almy. No, I Gen. No. 823 * SEYMOUR MORRIS. Eighth in descent from John Johnson. Eighth in descent from John Prescott. Eighth in descent from Robert Long. Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. Eighth in descent from John Bronson. Seventh in descent from Lieut, John Hollister, Seventh in descent from Sergt. Samuel Hickox. Seventh in descent from Lieut, William French, Seventh in descent from Lieut. James Converse. Seventh in descent from Capt, John Carter. Seventh in descent from Capt, Isaac Johnson. Sixth in descent from Major James Converse. Sixth in descent from Nathaniel Richardson, Sixth in descent from Lieut. Henry Bowen. Sixth in descent from Lieut, Edward Morris. Sixth in descent from Capt. Richard Seymour. Sixth in descent from Capt, Stephen Hollister. Sixth in descent from Lieut, John Hopkins. Sixth in descent from Capt. William Hickox. Sixth in descent from Benjamin Graves. Fifth in descent from Capt. Samuel Hickox, Fifth in descent from Capt, Josiah Converse, Fourth in descent from Lieut, Stephen Seymour, Fourth in descent from Lieut, Edward Moms, Fourth in descent from Lieut, Josiah Converse. c^^-^ ^ No, 38 Gen, No. 997 GEORGE WHITFIELD NEWCOMB. Seventh in descent from Gov. William Bradford, Sixth in descent from Major William Bradford. Sixth in descent from Lieut, Andrew Newcomb. Fifth in descent from John Cunnabell. No, 48 Gen, No, 1043 HENRY AUSTIN OSBORN. Sixth in descent from Lieut, Cornelius Hull, Fifth in descent from Capt, Theophilus Hull. ^^3=-^'^^^^^^:^^ No. 12 Gen. No. 747 * RODMAN CORSE PELL. Seventh in descent from Major John Pell. No, 17 Gen. No. 848 FREDERICK CLIFTON PIERCE. Eighth in descent from Gov. Roger Conant. Eighth in descent from John Whitney. Seventh in descent from Ensign Edward Adams. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Thomas Fuller, Seventh in descent from Edward Rice, Sixth in descent from Lot Conant, Jr, Sixth in descent from John Green, Fifth in descent from Zachariah Hicks. ^It^ ^. 7^^^:-^ >!f QXuo/rije^ Cta/)^^yocy(iJZj Dinrtc^ No. 57 Gen. No. 1052 CHARLES CLARENCE POOLE, Sixth in descent from Capt, Jonathan Poole. «A No. 33 Gen. No. 992 DEMING HAVEN PRESTON. Eighth in descent from Sergt. John Griffin. Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. Seventh in descent from Thomas Gridley. Seventh in descent from Capt. Wm. Lewis. Seventh in descent from Sergt. John Humphrey. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Hart. ^TUax^ca^q JTZUlTEXXy L/n^y} YifiHyf * i^^'^.^CvA* iX --^ , Q.^y.w>i.. « CI No. 2 Gen. No. 522 * CAPTAIN PHILIP READE, U, S, A, Fort Snelling, Minn, Ninth in descent from Sergt. John Perkins. Eighth in descent from Corporal Thomas Barnard. Eighth in descent from Dr. Thomas Parish, Eighth in descent from Onesiphorus Marsh. Eighth in descent from William Hunt, Eighth in descent from Maj. Simon Willard. Seventh in descent from William Sawyer, Seventh in descent from Sergt. John Emery, Jr. Seventh in descent from Robert Parish. Seventh in descent from Henry Kimball, Seventh in descent from Sergt. John Wilson, Seventh in descent from Sergt.Thomas Flint, Seventh in descent from Corp. Edward Coburn, Seventh in descent from Samuel Hunt, Seventh in descent from Lieut. Nathaniel Putnam, Seventh in descent from Sergt. Thomas Hale. Seventh in descent from Richard Hildreth, Sixth in descent from Capt. Thomas Hale. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Josiah Richardson. Sixth in descent from Samuel Hunt, Jr, Sixth in descent from Sergt, Samuel Wilson. Sixth in descent from Lieut. James Hildreth. Fifth in descent from Ephraim Hildreth. Fourth in descent from Capt. Ezekiel Hale. No. 70 Gen. No, 1065 CHARLES RIDGELY, Springfield, III, Seventh in descent from Lieut, Thomas Tracy, Seventh in descent from Lieut. Thomas Leffingwell. Seventh in descent from John Clarke, Sixth in descent from Lieut, Solomon Tracy, Sixth in descent from Ensign Thomas Leffingwell, Sixth in descent from Judge Samuel Lothrop. Sixth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Thurston, Fifth in descent from Capt. Samuel Lothrop, Fourth in descent from Capt, Ebenezer Lothrop. /4i/z^«.i-,^ 4-4-^-/^'-^>^>-y^ (^^C-a-iji — - No, 74 Gen, No. 12 12 HIRAM HOLBROOK ROSE. Fourth in descent from Capt. Samuel Meredith. No. 5 Gen. No. 827 * JOHN SMITH SARGENT. Seventh in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley, Seventh in descent from Lieut, Thomas Putnam. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Ralph Sprague. Seventh in descent from John Howland. Sixth in descent from Christopher Wheaton. Sixth in descent from Jonathan Wade. Sixth in descent from Capt, John Sprague. Fifth in descent from Capt. Nathaniel Jones, Fifth in descent from Jonathan Sprague, Fourth in descent from Daniel Denny, t^ t/^^^^^i:2if-^^^^^ CcAyAAytr (©Vc Cr v^ ^^^ No. 21 Gen, No, 893 WILLIAM WOLCOTT STRONG. Kenosha, Wis. Ninth in descent from Gov. William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major William Bradford. Eighth in descent from Major William Whiting. Seventh in descent from Hon. Daniel Clark. Seventh in descent from Thomas Burnham. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. Fifth in descent from Gov. Roger Wolcott. Fifth in descent from Ephraim Terry. Fourth in descent from John Strong. No. 52 Gen. No. 1047 HOBART CHATFIELD CHATFIELD-TAY LOR. Ninth in descent from Lieut. Wm. French. Ninth in descent from Stephen Terry. Ninth in descent from Robert Long. Ninth in descent from William Parks. Eighth in descent from Richard Goodman, Eighth in descent from Jonathan Hyde. Eighth in descent from Capt. Isaac Williams, Seventh in descent from John Stratton, Seventh in descent from William Eager. Seventh in descent from Titus Hinman. Seventh in descent from Thomas Strong, Sixth in descent from Francis Stiles. Sixth in descent from Andrew Hinman. Fifth in descent from Lieut. John Chatfield. Fourth in descent from Asa Taylor, Sr. // f , u^^^si/-:^^^^ ~7L No. 7 Gen. No. 744 * EDWARD McKINSTRY TEALL, Eighth in descent from Gov, William Pynchon. Seventh in descent from Capt, Richard Lord. Sixth in descent from Rev. Gershom Bulkley. Sixth in descent from Arthur Perry. Sixth in descent from Stephen Paine. Fifth in descent from Lieut, Richard Lord. Third in descent from Surgeon Oliver Teall. Third in descent from Brinton Paine. No. 37 Gen. No, 996 FRANK BASSETT TOBEY. Seventh in descent from William Swift. Seventh in descent from Samuel Hinckley. Seventh in descent from Andrew Hallett, Seventh in descent from William Bassett. Seventh in descent from Richard Sears. Seventh in descent from Thomas Howes, Sr. Seventh in descent from Edward Bangs. Seventh in descent from Robert Paddock. Sixth in descent from Thomas Howes, Jr. Sixth in descent from James Skiff. Sixth in descent from William Bassett, Sixth in descent from Rev, John Smith, Sixth in descent from Richard Bourne, Fifth in descent from William Bassett. Fifth in descent from Thomas Tobey, Sr. Third in descent from Elisha Bassett, No, 4 Gen, No. 830 *WILLIAM RUGGLES TUCKER. Tenth in descent from John Alden, Tenth in descent from John Paebodie. Ninth in descent from Governor Wm. Bradford. Ninth in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from William Blake. Ninth in descent from Andrew Hallett. Ninth in descent from Sergt. Samuel Wilbour, Ninth in descent from John Rogers. Ninth in descent from John Gilbert. Eighth in descent from Rev, John Woodbridge. Eighth in descent from James Skiff. Eighth in descent from Richard Bourne, Eighth in descent from Maj. Wm. Bradford. Eighth in descent from John Howland. Eighth in descent from Capt, Samuel Ruggles. Eighth in descent from John Whitcomb. Eighth in descent from Lawrence Waters. Eighth in descent from Daniel Warren. Seventh in descent from Capt, Philip Pieterse Schuy ler, Seventh in descent from Oloff Stevensen Van Cort landt, Seventh in descent from John Hastings, Sixth in descent from Col, Stephanes Van Cortlandt, Sixth in descent from Samuel Farnsworth, Fifth in descent from Brig. Gen'l Timothy Ruggles, Fifth in descent from Lieut, David Farnsworth, Fifth in descent from Andrew Johnstone. Fifth in descent from Capt, Moses Tucker, No. 36 Gen. No. 995 HENRY LATHROP TURNER. Seventh in descent from Jonathan Gilbert. s^^«^^^^?^:^/< vUMiyuy No, 29 Gen, No. 901 FREDERIC WILLIAM UPHAM. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Phineas Upham. No. 55 Gen. No. 1050 GOV. WILLIAM HENRY UPHAM, Madison, Wis. Sixth in descent from Lieut, Phineas Upham, )ArM:- No, 67 Gen. No. 1062 JOHN DEMMON VANDERCOOK, Eighth in descent from Samuel Eddy. Seventh in descent from Daniel Warren, Seventh in descent from Lawrence Waters. Seventh in descent from John Whitcomb. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Job Winslow, Sixth in descent from John Hastings, Fourth in descent from Stephen Farnsworth. No. 26 Gen. No, 898 HORATIO LOOMIS WAIT, Seventh in descent from John Lakin, Seventh in descent from John Whitcomb, Seventh in descent from Lawrence Waters, Seventh in descent from John Whitney. Seventh in descent from Maj. Simon Willard. Third in descent from Capt, Joseph Wait, csrtJCu^ru^J \^ ciJuC No, 34 Gen, No, 993 HEMPSTEAD WASHBURNE, Ninth in descent from Francis Cooke. Seventh in descent from John Washburn. No, 69 Gen, No 1064 SAMUEL ROGERS WELLS, Eighth in descent from Gov, Thomas Wells, ^i^a^i^i^i^ci.^^ /^-^.^^ «4w^ ^ j:^^^^^^ ^^jpT^;-^ No, 59 Gen, No, 1054 CHARLES PRATT WHITNEY. Eighth in descent from Capt. Nathaniel Merriman. Eighth in descent from Capt. William Lewis. Seventh in descent from John Whitney. Seventh in descent from Lieut, Samuel Ufford, Sixth in descent from Capt, Elnathan Beach. Sixth in descent from Capt, Samuel Cook, Fifth in descent from Capt, Thaddeus Cook. No. 54 Gen. No, 1049 WILLIAM WARD WIGHT. Milwaukee, Wis. Ninth in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley. Ninth in descent from Matthew AUyn. Eighth in descent from Capt. Benjamin Newberry, Eighth in descent from Maj, Gen'l. Daniel Denison, Eighth in descent from Dep, Gov, Samuel Symonds, Seventh in descent from Capt. George Barbour. Seventh in descent from Lieut. John Lyman. Eighth in descent from Richard Saltonstall, Seventh in descent from Lieut, John Moseley. '^.^ -^ ^'il^ No, 9 Gen. No. 829 •FREDERICK HAMPDEN WINSTON, Fourth in descent from John Mohr Mcintosh. No, 19 Gen, No, 850 JONATHAN EDWARDS WOODBRIDGE, Eighth in descent from Gov. Thomas Dudley. fi»»}ia ^./^^¦^TZ^^^'ii^^^fc- No. 43 Gen. No. 1038 HARRY LINN WRIGHT. Eighth in descent from John Bronson. Eighth in descent from Rev. Samuel Stone. Eighth in descent from Maj, Gen'l Robt. Sedgwick. Eighth in descent from Richard Treat. Eighth in descent from Gov. John Webster. Eighth in descent from William Westwood. Eighth in descent from Maj. Aaron Cooke. Eighth in descent from Capt. Nathaniel Turner. Seventh in descent from Lieut. Joseph Kellogg. Seventh in descent from Lieut, Robert Webster. Seventh in descent from Capt. Aaron Cooke. Seventh in descent from Stephen Terry, Sixth in descent from Lieut. Thomas Hovey. Sixth in descent from Capt. Joseph Wadsworth. No, 22 Gen. No. 894 WALTER CHANNING WYMAN. Seventh in descent from Lieut. John Wyman. Sixth in descent from John Wyman, Jr. £2>ft