9002 07156 0032 iMwm V I '{III M I ¥'l" ' ,,i :||!!i,f'H ^ I'"' 'lilli'ltl'iil''"!/, It, r' I I Mm I ' ¦ 'i- 'Mil ' tf^itinV if ' , .iilfw'' ,1 y^" nt", , , -fili'" ¦// A A'^ / ^y ^ h f~T.S % JOURNAL AND LETTERS JOURNAL AND LETTERS OF THE LATE SAMUEL CUEWEN, JUDGE OP ADMIRALTY, ETC., AN AMERICAN REFUGEE IN ENGLAND, FROM 1775 TO 1784, COMPRISING REMARKS ON THE PROMINENT MEN AND MEASURES OE THAT PERIOD. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES OF MANY AMERICAN LOYALISTS AND OTHER EMINENT PERSONS. BY GEORGE ATKINSON WARD, MEMBER OP THE NEW-YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY, AND HONORARY MEMBER OP THE MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. "For my native country I feel a filial fondness ; her follies I lament, her misfortunes I pity ; her good I ardently wish, and to be restored to her embraces is the warmest of my desires." S. Cuewen, Jan. 10, 1780. Page 231. LONDON : WILEY AND PUTNAM, PATERNOSTER-ROW. NEW-yORKi C. S. FRANCIS AND CO. boston: j. H. FRANCIS. 1842. TO THE EIGHT HONORABLE THE LOUD LYNDHURST, LOUD HIGH CHANCELLOR, &c.; fee.; &c.; whose family held a distinguished rank among the American Loyalists, proscribed for their principles, THIS WORK, tending to exhibit the disinterested motives by which they were actuated, and the sacrifices they cheerfully made in support of pubUc order and the laws of their country, is, by permission, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED ; with the hope that talents which adorn the most exalted civil station in the BRITISH EMPIRE, and which are no less a source of pride and admiration to his NATIVE COUNTRY, may long continue to be successfully exerted for the great interests of mankind. By his Lordship's most obedient and most humble servant, GEORGE ATKIXSON WARD. New-York, November 19, 1842. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR OP THE AUTHOR. His ancestry, birth, and education — visits Eufope — returns and engages in commerce at Salem — joins the expedition against Louisburg — extracts from his journal during the campaign — an account of the expedition — appointed impost officer for Essex county — literary clubs at Salem — affairs in Massachusetts before the Revolution — difficulties with the governors Bernard, Hutchinson, and Getge — commencement ofthe Revolution — departure ofthe author to Phila delphia, and thence to England — his return and death — number of exiles from Massachusetts, .... pp. 9-24. JOURNAL AND LETTERS. CHAPTER I. A. D. 1775-1776,— Causes of the author's departure— his arrival in Philadelphia — state of affairs in that city — perplexities of the author — he meets Col. Washington — reception of Hancock and Adams — the author sails for England— arrives at Dover — pro ceeds to London — dines in company with Mrs. Copley, mother of Lord Lyndhurst— Samuel Q,uincy, Jonathan Sewall, Benjamin Pick- man— letters to Rev. Thomas Barnard, William Pynchon, &c.— dines with Gov. Hutchinson— visits Bow-street, Hampton Court, Windsor, Twickenham, Nevrington, &c— destruction of Falmouth (now Port land), Maine— New England Club in London— meets Sir Francis Bernard— attends oratorio of Messiah at Covent Garden— lecture at Salters' Hall by Dr. Price— visits Chapter House— doomsday book — Portuguese synagogue — West's pictures— Tylney House— Lord Mansfield's seat of Caen Wood— great bed of Ware— Rye House —Westminster Hall— Maddock's garden— Pinchbeck's— Boar's-head tavern— British museum— Duke of Bedford's seat at Croydon— Rev. Dr. Apthorp— Rev. Mr. Peters, ... pp. 25-64. CHAPTER II. A. D. 1776.— Leaves London for the country— visits Salisbury— Stonehenge— Exeter— Sidmouth— Rev. Isaac Smith- letter from Thomas Danforth— visils Bristol— Birmingham— Tewks bury— Gloucester— returns to Bristol— Ratcliff church— Admiral Penn— Clifton grotto— Shepton Mallet— Lord Arundel's seat— cabi net of Pope Sixtus v.— Alfred's tower— spinning-jennies, pp. 64-81. 1 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. A. D. 1776— Visits Bath-Meets Col. SaltonstaU and Mr. Boylston— Longleat, seat of Lord Weymouth— Glastonbury Ab bey ruins— Bridgewater— Enra ore Castle, seat of Earl Egmonf— Taunton— Sidmouth— Slade— Dr. Shebbeare-supposed Danish en campment at Hembury— Admiral Graves - Exeter— news from New York in Bristol Gazette— election of member of parliament at Exe ter, candidates Baring and Cholwich-visits Lord Courtenay's Bel- videre— birth-place of Sir Francis Drake- news from America— ru mors of war between England and France— electioneering in Eng land—remarks on election at Exeter- Baring elected - advices from Gen. Burgoyne— report of Washington's defeat at Kingsbridge— re marks on the tone of Englishmen towards America, and vindication of the latter— letters to George Russell, William Pynchon, and Judge Sewall, PP- 81-95. CHAPTER IV. A. D. 1777.— Author completes his sixty-first year- remarks on the commencement of the new year— letters— Dr. Dodd's case— visits Plymouth— Exeter— Bristol— journey to London— en gages lodgings at Brompton Row, near London — dines with Gov. Hutchinson— meets B. Hallowell— Thomas Russell-visits Christ Church Hospital— the institution described— visits Cromwell's gar den, in company with Judge Sewall and Abel Willard — attends New England club at Mr. Blowers'-^dines with Harrison Gray — letter to Rev. Isaac Smith on American affairs, . pp. 95-108. CHAPTER V. A. D. 1777. Journey from London to Ipswich, in com pany with Judge Sewall and Abel Willard — passes through Rum ford, Ingatestone, Witham, Colchester — description of Colchester — Roman antiquities — arrival at Ipswich — an unpleasing town — leaves it for Cambridge — Newmarket races — description of Trinity College- river Cam — University library — returns to London — journey to Ox ford — visits Q,ueen's College — Jesus' College — Merton College — Christ Church College — library — AUsouls — meets Sir F. Bernard — leaves Oxford — visits Blenheim House at Woodstock — Bicester — Buckingham— Stow Gardens — Lord George Germaine — Earl Tem ple — Coventry — Birmingham — Leasowes of Shenstone — Hagley, Lord Lyttelton's estate — Hales Owen — fair — returns to Birming ham, ...... pp. 108-124. CHAPTER VI. A. D. 1777.— Fair at Birmingham— Soho Gardens— Ashton Park — the author leaves Birmingham for Sheffield — first stage Lichfield — cathedral described — Burton — the great Stafford shire canal — Derby silk mills — poreclain manufactory — Kiddlestone, seat of Lord Scarsdale — Ashburn — residence of Chaucer — Castle- ton — remarkable cave described — arrival at Sheffield— colliery— CONTENTS. vii Wakefield— original of Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield named John son— Leeds— Armley—Huddersfield— Halifax— a great manufactur ing town— Rochdale— Manchester— Duke of Bridgewater's canal— St. John's church— coal mines at Worsley— description of Manches ter— journey to Bristol— Stockport— Macclesfield— Leek— manufac tories— Sandon— Stafford— Penkridge— Wolverhampton — .manufac tories— Stourbridge— Bromesgrove— Worcester— Cathedral describ ed— Tewksbury— Gloucester— Newport— Bristol, pp. 124-142. CHAPTER VII. A. D. 1777.— Entry of member of parliament elect into Bristol — the author visits the cathedral — Stapleton — Dundry tower — Bath — American privateers in St. George's Channel — visit to Wales — Swansea — Welsh customs — Neath — Cowbridge- Car diff — Newport — return to Bristol — advices from New- York — adven ture of Charles II. — Dean Tucker — John Wesley — journey to Exe ter — Sidmoutlj — Axminster — birth-place ofthe great Duke of Marl borough — carpet manufactories — Thorncombe — Cullilbrd — Slade — Ottery — return to Exeter — news of Gen. Burgoyne's surrender — close of the year, .... pp. 142-162. CHAPTER vm. A. D. 1778.— Letter on American affairs— enumera tion of troops to be sent to America — Lord Abington's motion — pas sage from Dr. Robertson — ceremony of installing a bishop — writers in the Spectator — amount of captures by American privateers — Rev. Sir Henry Trelawney — political letters — report of a treaty be tween France and the United States — war between England and Prance, pp. 162-181. CHAPTER IX. A. D. 1778.— Letter to Judge Sewall on public affairs — remarks on ability of England to sustain a war with France — pub lic credit — number of troops sent to America — French medal in honor of Washington — commissioners to settle the dispute with America — Massachusetts exclusion bill — excursion to Tiverton — the author removes his lodgings from Exeter to Sidmouth — ride to Taunton— Colyton — Woodbury castle, the remains of a Danish fort — ordination of Rev. Isaac Smith at Sidmouth— procession of lace- makers at Honiton, .... pp. 181-198. CHAPTER X. A.D. 1778.— Excursion to the west— Otterton— Lympstone— Teignmouth— Newton Bushel— Dartmouth— Torbay —Bridgtown — Chudleigh — Exeter— returns to Sidmouth— visits beach at Axminster — letters on public affairs— excursion to Wey mouth and Portland— Melcomb Regis — island of Portland described — Roman remains — Dorchester — advices from New- York — quits Sidmouth for Exeter— Arden's course of lectures on experimental vm CONT'ENTS. philosophy— letter from Judge Sewall—number of ships taken by the French— votes ofthe bishops on the American war— the author completes his sixty-third year, . . • PP- ^"^ CHAPTER XI. A. D. 1779.— Origin of custom of mal^ng presents on New Year's day— letters on public affairs— British fleet at Torbay— Lord North announces departure of Spanish minister— ordination at Lympstone— combined fleet of France and Spain off Plymouth- author suspected of being an American spy— leaves Exeter for Bris tol—dines with Mr. Vassall— Dr. Gardiner— Captain Carpenter arrives with letters, etc., from Salem— Mrs. Erving— William Ca bot, pp. 212-229. CHAPTER XII. A. D. 1780.— Manilla ship described— visit to Bath — letters— Mr. Washington, a Moravian preacher— celebration of Admiral Rodney's victory over Don Langara-^death of William Hutchinson — number of Americans at Bristol, and their names — remarks on the theatre — on public affairs — advices from General Clinton in South Carolina — his success — tour to the north in com pany with the Sewalls — Newport — Newton — Honiton — Kiddermin ster — Brosely — Shrewsbury — residence of Samuel Porter — EUes mere — Wrexham — Chester — Warrington — canal locks at Runcorn — Liverpool — Peak of Derbyshire — Derby — Wolverhampton — iron bridge at Brosely — curious celebration of Gen. Clinton's success at Charleston by S. Sewall — passage on the Severn from Bridge- north to Worcester — adventure with a footpad — return to Bristol — riots described in letter to W. Pynchon — leaves Bristol for London — amusing sign at Devizes — arrival in London, . pp. 229-262. CHAPTER XIIL A. D. 1780.— Letter to Judge SewaU giving an ac count of the reported dark day in America — reply of SewaU.— visit to ruins of King's Bench prison and Surrey Bridewell, destroyed by mob — remarks on the evil of French troops in America — opening of Bartholemew fair by the Lord Mayor at Smithfield — Richmond gar- dene — elections in London — Saddler's Wells — Plowden's funeral monument at the Temple — Roman coins — disputing club — excursion to Hempsted, . , . . . pp. 262-285. CHAPTER XIV. A. D. 1780.— Visit to Parliament-house— Ladies' disputing society — Guildhall meeting — Lord Mayor's day — chancery court — Essex House chapel — Rev. Mr. Lindsay — Carhsle House — Montague House — British Museum — lottery drawing at Guildhall — disputing club — affair of Major Andr6 — Mr. Copley's picture-room — painting of death of Lord Chatham, etc. . . pp. 285-298. CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XV. A. D. 1781.— Description of entertainment at Covent Garden theatre— letters— American Academy of Arts and Sciences founded in Massachusetts— trial of Lord George Gordon— visit to Priory, Clerken well— Greenwich Hospital— Mrs. Cowley's new play —Col. now Governor Browne— House of Commons— debate— Mr. Burke— visit to Westminster Abbey— Mary-le-bone— Dr. Priestley- British Museum— curiosities seen there— Benj. Thompson, (Count Rumford,)— intercepted letter of General Washington— excursion to Windsor— personal description of the King and Q,ueen— Eton Col lege— Chis wick House— news ofthe burning of New London— Ad miral iRodney's fleet at Torbay— consequences of .surrender of Lord Cornwallis— Henry Laurens discharged from the tower on bail, pp. 298-330. CHAPTER XVI. A.D. 1782.— Letters— visit to the Queen's house- domestic habits of the King — letter fi-om Judge Oliver— secret ser vice list for 1781— General Burgoyne — Welsh procession— disgrace of Lord George Germaine— defeat of ministers— general rejoicing in England— Lord Surrey and Benedict Arnold— new ministry— anec dote of the Prince of Wales— Lord North— excursion to Hampton Court— division in the cabinet— Admiral Barrington— news of the defeat ofthe French fleet by Admiral Rodney— Maddocks the florist — anecdote ofthe Shakspeare mug — Parson Wiswall — new arrange ment of the ministry— visit to House of Commons — Parson Peters — Sir William Pepperell— Lord Howe— Sterne's private character — public notice of a provisional treaty between England and the United States— state of parties — Sir Wm. Draper, . pp. 330-362. CHAPTER XVIL A.D. 1783.— Meeting of refugees at Sir Wm. Pep- perell's — death of Mr. Flucker— uncertain prospects ofthe loyalists — Dr. Graham's lecture on health— meeting of the Royal Society described — public affairs — procession in honor of Fox — Mrs. Siddons at Drury-lane — visit to the House of Lords — Mr. de Berdt— excursion to Herts — Hoddesdon — letters — St. Giles's — peace proclaimed with France, Spain, and Holland — Nathaniel Gorham — Macklin at Covent Garden, pp. 362-396. CHAPTER XVIIL A. D. 1784.— Pitt's Bast India bill lost— the author receives letters from Salem encouraging his return — riots in London between followers of Pitt and Fox — Dr. Watson, bishop of Llandaff— letters from William Pynchon— funeral of Sheriff Turner — letter from Judge Sewall — the author's petition for leave to return to America, and to appoint an agent to receive his pension — visit to the Treasury — preparations for leaving England— embarks in ship Union— fellow-passengers— land at Cowes, Isle of Wight— excursion on the island— arrival at Boston — Captain Coombs — the author's classmates— letter from Noah Clap, . . pp. 396-419. CONTENTS. SUPPLEMENT. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. ^ Address ofthe merchants and others of Boston to Governor Hutch inson, May 10, 1774, . ' . Address of the inhabitants of Marblehead to the same, May 25,1774, Address ofthe barsisters and attornies of Massachusetts to the same. May 30, 1774, ...-•• Recantations of several ofthe Salem "addressers," May 30, 1774, Address of the merchants and others of Salem to Governor Gage, June 24, 1774, ...¦•• Names of the gentlemen and principal inhabitants of Boston who signed an address to the same, Oct. 16, 1775, Names of gentlemen driven into Boston who signed a loyal address to the same, October 14, 1775, .... Conspirators act of Massachusetts, Sept. 30, 1779, Confiscation act of do., April 30, 1779, Banishment act of do., Sept. 1778, Counsellors of do., appointed by writ of mandamus, August 9, 1774, ...... Worcester (Massachusetts) Resolutions respecting refugees and absentees. May 19, 1783, (referred to in page 382,) 423 426 427429 431 432 434434 436 443 438 444 Adams, John Adams, Samuel Allen, Judge WiUiam . Apthorp, Rev. Dr. East Auchmuty, Rev. Dr. Saml Auchmuty, Judge Robert B. Badger, Rev. Moses Baring, Sir Francis Bernard, Sir Francis Bernard, Sir Thomas Bliss, Daniel Bliss, Jonathan Blowers, Judge S. S. Borland, John L. Boutlneau, James Boylston, Ward Nicholas Brattle, Major Thomas Brinley,. Thomas . Browne, Colonel WiUiam OGHAPHICAL NOTICES. Burgoyne, General John . 460 Byles, Rev. Matthew . . 459 . 486 C. . 533 Carleton, General Sir Guy , . 511 Caswell, Richard . 511 Chandler, Nathaniel Chandler, Rufus Chandler, William . 551 Chipman, Judge Ward . 541 Clarke, Rev. William . 453 Clarke, Richard . . 524 Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry . 518 Coffin, Nathaniel . . 508 Coffin, Thomas Aston . 480 Colden, Governor Cadw'r. . 500 Cooper, Rev. Dr. Myles . 492 Copley, John S. . . 466 Cornwallis, General Lord . 510 Curwen's, ancestors . 484 Curtis, Charles . 500 Cushing, Governor Thomas 469 494 468484 550 522 551 492499505 473 484 484 537538503 473445 531 460 CONTENTS. D. PAGE Dana, Judge Francis . . 476 Danforth, Thomas . . 515 De Grasse, Count Joseph . 543 Dorchester, Lord . . .468 Draper, Sir WiUiam . . 525 E. Edson, Colonel Josiah . . 547 Erving, George . . . 524 Erving, Colonel John, Jr. . 493 F. Faneuil, Benjamin . . 492 Fenton, Captain John . . 493 Fisher, John . . .507 Flucker, Thomas . . .506 Franklin, Gov. WUliam . 552 Frye, Colonel Peter ' . .513 G. Galloway, Joseph . . . 527 Gardiner, Dr. Sylvester . 535 Gates, General Horatio . 475 Goodhue, Hon. Benjamin . 488 Gorham, Hon. Nathaniel . 532 Gray, Hon. Harrison . . 506 Green, Joseph . . . 465 Green, Francis . . . 499 Greenleaf, Stephen . . 497 Gridley, Benjamin . . 528 Gridley, Colonel Richard . 452 H. Hallowell, Benjamin . . 518 Hancock, John . . . 457 Harrison, Gov. Benjamin . 462 Hawley, Major Joseph . . 504 Hewes, Joseph . . . 485 Holyoke, Dr. E. A. . . 489 Hooper, Joseph . . . 467 Hovey, Ivory . . . 560 Howe, Admiral Lord . . 473 Howe, General Sir WiUiam . 474 Hutchinson, Elisha . . 502 PAGE Hutchinson, Judge Foster . 547 Hutchinson, G n . Thomas . 454 Hutchinson, Thomas, Jr. . 499 Hutchinson, William . . 503 I. IngersoU, Hon. Jared . . 502 Jeffries, Dr. John . . . 537 Jdtkson, Hon. Jonathan . 528 Lee, Judge Joseph) . . 487 Leonard, Daniel . . . 548 Lloyd, Dr. James . . . 517 Loring, Com. Joshua . . 523 Love 1, Rev. Benjamin . . 552 Lynde, Judge Benjamin . 490 M. Marston, Benjamin . . 543 Mauduit, Jasper . . . 466 Mauduit, Israel . . . 466 Mifflin, Governor Thomas . 485 Xtloulton, Col. Jeremiah . 451 Murray, Colonel John . . 492 O. Oliver, Brinley S. . . . 550 Oliver, Daniel . . . 510 OUver, Dr. Peter . . .511 Oliver, Governor Andrew . 462 Oliver, Governor Thomas . 515 Oliver, Judge Andrew . . 488 Oliver, Judge Peter . . 516- Oliver, Peter, Jr. . . . 551 Orne, Timothy . . . 504 Otis, Hon. S. AUyne . . 535 Oxnard, Edward . . .508 Paine, Judge Robert T. . 461 Paine, Dr. William . . 551 Paxton, Charles . . . 537 Pepperell, Gen. Sir William 449 Xli Pepperell, Sir WiUiam . Phips, Colonel David . Porter, Samuel Peters, Rev. Dr. Samuel A. Pickering, Hon. Timothy Pickman, Colonel Benjamin Poynton, Captain Thomas Prince, Dr. John . Putnam, Judge James . Putnam, James, Jr. Pynchon, WUliam Q,. Q,uincy, Hon. Samuel . 463, 561 R. Reed, General Joseph . . 486 Robie, Thomas . . .491 Ropes, Judge Nathaniel . 490 Routh, Richard . . .493 Rogers, Samuel . . . 543 Rogers, Jeremiah D. . . 552 Royal, General Isaac . . 523 Ruggles, Gen. Timothy . 508 Rumford, Count . . .497 RusseU, Judge Chambers . 516 Russell, Dr. Charles . . 513 S. SaltonstaU, Col. Richard . 548 Sargent, John . . . 492 Sewall, Judge Jonathan . 463 Sewall, Samuel . : . 506 Shippen, Dr. William . . 485 CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE . 526 Shirley, Gov. WiUiam . . 450 . 527 Simpson, Jonathan . 493 . 510 Smith, Judge William . . 501 . 504 Smith, Rev. Isaac . . 465 . 477 Sparhawk, Samuel H. . , 497 . 502 . 515 T. . 467 Temple, Robert . . 497 . 514 Thompson, Benjamin . . 497 . 552 Troutbeck, Rev. J. . 511 . 487 *v U. Upham, Judge Joshua VassaU, John Vassall, WiUiam . Vaughan, Col. WiUiam W. Waldo, Francis . Ward, Richard Waterhouse, Samuel Wilkins, Rev. Dr. Isaac Willard, Abel Willard, Colonel Abijah Wentworth, Gov. Sir John Williams, Elijah . WiUiams, Seth Winslow, Edward, Jr. . Winslow, Pelham . Winthrop, Admiral Robert Winthrop, Gov. Thos. L. Wiswall, Rev. John 519 515547 452 518533 513 555 521520 501 528 543 543 548528531 511 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. The paternal ancestry of Samuel Cukwen, the author of the Journal and Correspondence now submitted to the public, were tor many centuries amongst the leading families in the county of Cum berland, in the north of England, where the family seat, named Workington Hall, still remains. George Curwin, his immediate ancestor, was an early emigrant to New England, having established his residence in 1638 at Salem, in the then recent colony of Massa chusetts Bay, where he continued to reside during the residue of a long life. He was highly esteemed by his contemporaries, for his active and energetic character, and for several years represented his adopted town in the " General Court," or legislative assembly of the colony. He also commanded a squadron of horse in the Indian wars that spread desolation throughout the frontier settle ments of New England, and assisted in checking the inroads of the savage foe. He died at Salem in 1685, at the age of seventy-four years, leaving a large estate. His son, Jonathan Corwin,* was of the provincial council named in the Massachusetts charter granted by William and Mary in 1691, and a judge of the superior court of the. province; he married a daughter of Sir Henry Gibbs. George Curwin, a fruit of this connection, was the father of our author : he graduated at Harvard College, (then the only collegiate institution in British America,) in 1701, and was for a short period pastor of a church at Salem. He died in 1717, at the early age of thirty-five years. * The ortliography of this name, like that of many others, seems to have varied at different periods, both in England and America j our author after his visit to England wrote it Curwen. 2 10 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. The subject of this memoir was born in 1715, and graduated at Harvard College in 1735 ; he subsequently pursued the usual course of preparatory studies for the church, but his health prov ing inadequate to the labours of the profession, he was obliged to relinquish the design. Disappointment in an affair of the heart induced him to travel in England and on the Continent, and the following- letter to his only brother, then temporarily absent, shows the melancholy state of his mind at that time. TO GEORGE CURWIN. Salem, 16th July, 1738. Sunday evening. Dear George : It will no doubt be somewhat surprising and unexpected to hear of my being gone, especially at such a time as this, the reason of which may not perhaps be so proper to tell you by letter; but if I could have had the happiness of informing you more fully in person, I should have done so. Besides the extreme hurry and other con curring circumstances forbid it. Had I not engaged too far to retreat, I know not whether the various rumours spread abroad had not stopped me. Yet extremities, you know, often dispose one to that which otherwise would not have been undertaken. To say no more, I am gone, and God alone, the sovereign disposer of all things, knows the issue ; no human prudence is equal to the uncer tainty of events. I have to request you never to credit the least report or give ear to what people say concerning me, (censure now-a-days being the delight as well as the chiefest quality of the generality of mankind,) as my affairs are not understood by any one. Show Madam Lynde and Mr. Benjamin Lynde all imaginable respect ; they have expressed much greater good will than any one else, therefore omit no opportunity of thanks to them and Mr. William Lynde, who has undertaken a great service for me. Let not any former misunderstandings hinder your freely conversing together ; it will, I can assure you, be your fault alone if it doth ; the business he has undertaken will necessarily lead to it, and I hope I have not chosen a person disagreeable to you. My will is in the hands of Mr. Benjamin Lynde, which I have INTKODUCTOKY MEMOIR. 11 made to secure the honor of the family, and if possible to maintain them in some repute in case of your death ; — may God long pre serve you. My dealings with sundry persons have more fully than ever confirmed me in the maxim to treat all persons as if they were dishonest; I mean no more than not to rely too much on their faith and honor ; too much good nature in common dealings is no pro fitable principle now-a-days. Nor do I know whether it be a breach of Christian charity to suppose our New Englanders such; there is most certainly a contracted selfish temper in most per sons, which almost inclines one to think that justice and honor in their full latitude are little understood. The time of my stay abroad, if there happens no war, is uncer tain, (although I ara not resolved at all hazards to gratify my curiosity by travelling ;) it may in that case be eight months, perhaps much longer ; otherwise I shall return in the same vessel. I am, dear George, in all respects, Your most affectionate brother, S. Curwen. On his return, Mr. Curwen engaged in commercial pursuits with uprightness and success. His business was subsequently interrupted by the depredations of French cruisers, fitted out from Louisburg in the island of Cape Breton. New England suffered immensely in her commerce from the same cause, and her enterprising people resolved upon the reduction of that stronghold ofthe enemy at all hazards. Accordingly, we find what was generally considered a romantic expedition set on foot for this purpose in the winter of 1744-5 ; and Mr. Curwen as a captain, and his brother as a com missary, joined it. The command of this expedition, comprising some four thousand New England militia, was given to General Pepperell,* who having suffered largely from the depredations of French cruisers, advanced several thousand pounds towards the outfit. The result of the expedition was completely successful, and reflected great credit on the participators in it. The General was * See Supplement for biographical notices of Sir William Pepperell and other conspicuous persons whose names occur in this work. 12 INTKOD0CTORY MEMOIR. created a baronet of Great Britain, an honor never before conferred on a native of the North American provinces. The following are extracts from Mr. Curwen's journal kept during the campaign. « Boston, March 23, 1745. The General is embarking, and we shall sail this afternoon.— Commodore Warren is commg to our assistance, which with the blessing of God will be of great advantage.— There will go down in the first embarkation at least twenty-five hundred soldiers. Sheepscot, March 27. We have in our mess Mr. Walter,* our chaplain, who is a very pleasant companion. — I dined to-day on board of Capt. Grant, who to-morrow with Capt. King will breakfast with me.— Our troops were landed at Chapeaurouge on the 29th March. Canso, April 17. Wrote home for provisions and stores to be sent in case the goods I expect shall arrive safe from England. — We are almost reduced to pork and pease. Our men-of-war and privateers are stationed all round the Island to prevent vessels going in or coming out. This evening an other prize arrived, taken by Capt. Donahue, in the Swan of Mar blehead, who behaved very bravely. The prize had captured the packet sent from Boston to Cansof to notify us that Commodore Warren was coming to our assistance, which heightens our spirits. Canso, April 22. Capt. Durell is come in this afternoon to our assistance ; as yet we have no news of Commodore Warren ; hope it will not be long before he arrives with an account of the French men-of-war expected. Our last transport arrived this af ternoon ; we had almost given her up. I believe our campaign will be short, and expect the place will surrender without bloodshed. Last night our chaplain and doctor went with two companies * Son of Rev. Nath. Walter of Roxbury ; his son Rev. Dr. William Walter, a proscribed refugee, became Dean of Shelbume, Nova Scotia, re turned lo Boston in 1792 as vector of Christ Church, and died l&OO, M. 64. He married a daughter of Ch. Justice Lynde, t Canso or Canseau was taken by the French and Indians, the houses were burnt and fisheries destroyed, the garrison and inhabitants made pris oners, and sent to Louisburg. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 13 to attack St. Peter's, and we are momently looking for their return. I long to be once within the walls of Louisburg. This is the strangest country I ever knew ; not two fair days together. Canso, April 27. The Connecticut fleet arrived, and Col. Lathrop handed me my letter. The scheme of attacking Louis burg is altered every day. Commodore Warren has arrived. I trust the expedition will prove successful, and that our friends will remember we are going against our common enemy. May 1st, a small party went to the harbour and burned a small quantity of wine, brandy, and naval stores. Camp before Louisburg, May 6. We have got possession of the Grand Battery; the French departed from it three days ago; they spiked all the guns, but we have got seven of them clear, and five of them are continually playing upon the town. Our soldiers are all in good heart, and I doubt not in a few days we shall have the town. We have taken a great number of prisoners. Commodore Warren this day came ashore to visit the General : he and all our officers have a good understanding among them selves. Yesterday a gun at the Grand Battery split and wounded five of our men. They now and then throw a bomb, but do no damage. This morning came in Col. Moulton with his detachment from St. Peter's, which they have demolished with the loss of but one man. Providence has signally smiled, and I doubt not the cam paign will be crowned with success. I am willing to undergo any thing for the good of our cause. Camp before Louisburg, May 12, 1745. Commodore War ren has had two hundred marines and sailors ashore for three days past in order to attack the Island battery, but something or other has always prevented its accomplishment, so the Commodore has ordered them all aboard and gone on board himself not a little dis satisfied. Camp before Louisburg, May 26. Commodore Warren has taken the Vigilante, a 64 gun ship from France, coming with am munition for this garrison. She was manned with five hundred men, had five hundred barrels gunpowder on board : she lost thirty men before she struck. The command of her is given to Captain Douglass, who before had the Mermaid, and Capt Mon- 14 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR- tague is to have the Mermaid. This has given new life to all our oflScers and soldiers. . • ¦ Capt. Gayton is safely arrived at last, which affords great joy, for we almost despaired of him, being out so long after all the transports had arrived that left under his convoy. Capt. Fletcher has had the misfortune to lose ten men by the Indians ; seven killed, and three taken prisoners. They went ashore ten miles above where we lay to get wood, and keeping no guard, were beset by the Indians and cut off. Camp before Louisburg, June 2d. We have made an attempt upon the Island battery, and failed. Abbot, a townsman of mine, was wounded in the leg, and I fear he will lose his life. — An hun dred men are missing, and we are in hopes they are taken, as two boats laden with men were seen going into the town after the attack, when the French gave three hurrahs. Young Gray is ¦dead, and three of Capt. Grant's men are missing, all of Salem. Our scouts have had an engagement with a number of French and Indians which we routed ; killed thirty and wounded forty ; we lost but six killed ; among them is the brave Capt. Dimmock, of Barnstable, and twenty wounded, some very dangerously. Our men got under the very walls before the French fired a gun. Louisburg, June 17th, 1745. The Governor, aware of our preparations for a general assault, thought it best to capitulate, and has just surrendered the city to our arms. Louisburg, July 25th, 1745. An East India ship, worth at least je200,000 sterling, came off the harbour, and fired a gun for ' a pilot. The Commodore sent out two sixty gun ships, which came up with, and took her in three hours ; we had the pleasure from the walls to see her strike to them. Two others, sent out three weeks before her, bound hither, are hourly expected to heave in sight. Col. Graham goes to-iUorrow in a sloop as a flag of truce for Canada, with about thirty French prisoners ; he is the only Englishman that goes in her. I am going on board Capt. Lovett to St. Peter's, with a number of my soldiers, to guard the wood-vessels going there : our affairs will soon be settled, and I shall, to my great joy, return home." IHTRODUCTOEY MEMOIR. 15 FROM WILLIAM LYNDE. Salem,, July 27, 1745. Capt. Curwen: I have had the pleasure of but one letter from you since you left us. — If no more East Indiamen, &c. drop in, yet a line on any occasion will be very agreeable. I should be glad* to hear of the event of" these ships being at Louisburg, and what effect their coming will have on the fleet, army. New England, the nation, or any particulars of them, or concerning Louisburg ; the French fishery, settlements on the island, &c., if not too troublesome to you. I hope New England will be the happier for the event of the expedition, which is known to have been too bold a stroke for your enemy — how it will turn out is doubtful, since many are competi tors for the honor. We here assure ourselves of the Governor's good designs and influence on our part. I could say more than write on this article, and cannot but be sanguine for the honor of our country and friends, whose all was involved in the happy issue of the expedition. We hope daily to hear of the Governor's arri val and good measures for the general advantage. The fleet assume their full share, from all accounts, and have much popu larity ashore ; doubt not of the influence of omnipotent gold, which perhaps .they have a greater share of, than of honor or jurisdic tion on land. How you stand inclined yourself, I know not, though don't doubt your zeal for our country and friends. As to occurrences at Salem ; trade has been successful, and no losses^ — if the Dutch break this year, you know how it will affect. We hear from New-York and via Lisbon of some five French men-of-war, designing for Cape Breton ; perhaps to convoy the Indiamen. Undoubtedly you may expect some via Lisbon advices ; they say Genoa has declared for the French and Spaniards. From New-York they say the Duke of Tuscany is Emperor, but it is doubted here. I believe there is matter enough in Europe for a long war ; but perhaps you have later news than we. Our gov ernment has declared war against the Penobscot Indians, who have broke in on our new settlements ; so that we are at war with all eastern Indians ; they are doubtless put on by the French of Canada. New England has enough on her hands, though the season is hopeful and trade brisk. Some particulars I could give verbatim, 16 introductory memoir. which I cannot write ; hope to see you soon here, and spent! some pleasant hours with you, as we have spent many past. Give my hearty service to your brother and Capt. Grant. My brother* de sires you would excuse his not writing by this opportunity. Capt. Hillyer is now going to sail, having given but short notice. Believe me, dear Sir, your real friend, William Lynde. A late writer thus describes'this expedition, which is among the most remarkable in our history—" The French had built a city and fortress on the island of Cape Breton, at immense cost, and of immense strength, which in honor of the King was called " Louis burg." Their fisheries in the seas in its vicinity (as was ascer tained by Mr. Kilby, as agent of Governor Shirley, of Massachu setts), produced one million and four hundred thousand quintals - annually, and they annoyed the colonial fishermen so much, that the fishing interest of Massachusetts and New Hampshire resolved on the destruction of Louisburg, and the expulsion of the French from the fishing grounds. Application was made to Gov. Shirley ac cordingly, by Vaughan, a son of the Lt. Governor of New Hamp shire, who was largely interested in the fisheries, and whose fisher men had imparted to him valuable information as to the weak parts of its defences. The subject was considered in secret session, the first ever held in the Colonies. After much diflUcuhy, and after having been negatived once, it was resolved to undertake the des truction of this wonderful city. But the Colonies south of New England declined to aid in so mad an enterprise, though urged to do so ; and Dr. Franklin, as if forgetting that he ' was Boston born,' ridiculed the project, in one of the wittiest letters that he ever wrote. The spirit of New England was up. A feeling something like that which caused the Crusades, prevailed among her people, high and low. Religion shouted " Popery" — and even White- field made a recruiting house of the sanctuary ; and he not only preached delenda est Carthago, but one of his followers actually* joined the troop as chaplain, and carried an axe at the shoulder, with which to hew down the Catholic images in the churches of the fated city. On sailing, the troops were furnished with line and other gear to catch fish on the passage. The original plan of * Benjamin Lynde, afterwards Chief Justice Sup. Court. IN T eoductory memoir. 17 attack was not observed, but to the surprise of all, the city fell, and Pepperell was rewarded most magnificently, while Vaughan, who claimed to have conceived its destruction, and who certainly did much to effect it, and was second in command and performed ex traordinary feats of valor before it, was suffered to die neglected, though he went to London in person to press his claims. At the peace of 1749, Louisburg was restored to France, much to the displeasure of New England. In the war with France, which preceded the Revolution by about twenty years, it was captured a second time, and miners were sent from England to reduce its walls to rubbish. In its second capture, Wolfe distinguished him self much. He sailed from this doomed city for Quebec, at the head of 8000 men, to rise from a sick bed, and ' die satisfied' on the plains which his name has made immortal. Louisburg is now desolate. Its walls were built of bricks brought from France.. Twenty-five years and thirty millions of livres were spent in building it. It had nunneries, and palaces, and two hundred and six cannon were mounted to perpetuate French dominion over it. Six thousand troops garrisoned its fortress, and a fleet of ships of the line and frigates were moored in its waters. But yet, though all called it the " Dunkirk" of America, because of its exceeding strength, it fell — and now it is almost unknown that such a place existed. Its captors, by keeping fhe flag of France in its place, after they became its masters, decoyed and captured ships and cargoes worth some millions of dollars, but now, none but fishermen visit it, and they for shelter and not for traffick. — That such a city existed at so early a period in our history, is a marvel ; that such a city yielded to the farmers and fishermen of New England, is al most incredible. The lovers of the wonderful may read the works which contain accounts of its rise and ruin, and be satisfied that ' truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.' " The influence of the expedition to Louisburg has been felt ever since. When, thirty years after it, the northern colonies became embroiled with the mother country, many of those who belonged to it were still alive. The confidence which their skill and success inspired was incalculable. — When Gen. Gage was fortifying Boston neck, the American people, whose curiosity led them to watch the progress of the works, used to say that ' Gage's mud 3 18 II<*TR(iD0CTOKY jiEilorR- walls are nothing to old Louisburg's.' ' The drum that beat along the road to Lexington,' said Edward Everett, ' had been at Louisburg.' This is literally true. Gridley, who had laid out the works on Breed's or Bunker Hill, on the night previous to the memorable 17th of June, was the engineer of the colonial forces at the siege of Louisburg,— and many who rose to distinction in the Revolution, were associated with him in the same perilous enter prise. In truth, the biographers and letters of the men of the Revolution, teem with incidents and allusions to this, — the great event of colonial history." Soon after Mr. Curwen's return from the reduction of Louisburg he resumed his mercantile pursuits, which were continued for many years with various success, yet he never failed in meeting all his engagements. — In 1759 he was appointed Impost Officer for Essex county, which office he filled for fifteen years, his commission being renewed at intervals of three years during that period. He was a member of a club instituted for improvement in phi losophy and literature in his native town, in which originated the Social Library in 1760, and the Philosophical Library, which were afterwards united, and became the foundation ofthe Athenaeum, In IS 10. The meetings of this club were interrupted by the Revolution, but were resumed and continued many years afterwards. Among the members were Dr. Holyoke, who was president of several lite rary and scientific societies, and died at the age of a hundred years and six months, in 1829 ; and who with the Hon. Samson S. Blowers, Chief Justice of Nova Scotia, now living, are the only alumni of Harvard University out of thirty-six hundred graduates, that have arrived at that great age ; Hon. Benjamin Lynde and Hon. Nathaniel Ropes, judges of the superior court; Hon. Andrew Oliver, Judge of the Common Pleas; William Pynchon, Esq., an eminent lawyer; Rev. Wm. McGilchrist and Rev. Thomas Barnard ; Stephen Higginson, Esq., an eminent merchant, who af terwards removed to Boston ; Hon. Wm. Browne, judo-e of the superior court, afterwards Governor of Bermuda ; Col. Benjamin Pickman, Col. Peter Frye, and Thomas Robie, Esq. These gentle men possessed literary attainments of a high order, and though ar- dfenlly attached to their country, took different views of its interests. INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 19 The four last, together with Mr. Curwen, in consequence of the spirit of persecution which succeeded the battle of Lexington, fear ing that the high-toned conduct of the people would bring ruin on their country, became loyalist refugees, and retreated to England. A brief account of the state of affairs in the colony of Massachu setts at the period immediately preceding the Revolution, may serve as an appropriate introduction to the parties and events referred to in the following pages. We find at the commencement of Governor Bernard's adminis tration in Massachusetts, in 1760, the final reduction of the Canadas causing a general jubilee throughout the continent ; for the colo nists had only suffered from their French and Indian neighbors, and these being at length completely subdued, they felt that they could now sit under their own vines and fig-trees, having none to molest or to make them afraid. They had felt the burden of government less than any people who had received such benefits from it ; and it was a common aspiration in the public prayers of the day, that the civil and religious privileges they enjoyed might be transmitted to their posterity forever. In 1763, Mr. James Otis, (afterwards the great leader of opposition to Gov. Bernard's measures,) in his ad dress, as moderator of the first town-meeting at Boston after the peace, remarked, that " no other constitution of civil government had yet appeared in the world so admirably adapted to the preser vation of the great purposes of liberty and knowledge as that of Great Britain. Every person in America is of common right, by acts of Parliament, and the laws of God, entitled to all the essential privileges of Britons. The true interests of Great Britain and her colonies are mutual, and what God in his providence has united, let no man dare attempt to pull asunder." There does not appear to have been any cause for dissatisfac tion in the colonies at that period, and there was no complaint of the invasion of the rights of the people by any of the gov ernments. Soon, however, the disturbances in England reached America, and the cry of " Wilkes and liberty" in London was echoed in Boston, and resounded through the colonies. Accounts were received before the session of the legislature of Massachusetts in 1764, that a bill had passed the House of Com mons, imposing duties on articles heretofore exempted, which af- 20 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. forded a good opportunity to bring the officers of the crown into disrepute, should they attempt to carry the law into effect. All who were desirous of keeping up the authority of law, were branded with the name of tories ; their characters were assailed in the nevvs- papers, and they were charged with promoting measures to restrict the natural and chartered rights and liberties of the people. The law was attacked by Mr. Otis in a pamphlet, in which he asks this question: " If taxes are laid in any shape without our having a legal representative where they are made, are we not reduced from the character of subjects to the miserable state of tributary slaves 1" He allows the right of parliament to tax the colonies, provided they ^re represented ;" and had not the colonists soon after declared against it, this privilege would probably have been conceded ; for Mr. Grenvllle and many influential members of the government, acknowledged themselves in favor of the measure. On the passage ofthe stamp-act, there appeared a general determination to oppose it throughout the colonies, and Mr. Andrew Oliver, afterwards Lieutenant Governor, having been appointed distributor of the stamps for Massachusetts, a mob attacked and destroyed a building lately erected by him, as was supposed for a stamp-office ; on which he gave notice of his Intention to resign, and never to act in that capacity. Lieut. Governor Hutchinson's house was the next eve ning attacked, with little damage ; but on the 26th August, 1765, his windows and doors were burst in, and every article of furniture and property that it contained, destroyed, to the amount of twenty- four hundred pounds sterling, besides a great mass of public and private papers of inestimable value. From this time governmental power ceased in Boston. Smuggling had been extensively carried on at that port for years. In 1766 exertions were made on the part of government to prevent this illegal traffick by prose cuting the parties concerned, which induced the most abusive and licentious attacks on the governor and all the officers of the crown. False and groundless as these charges were, they gained too ready a credence with the people, as they were directed ao-alnst their rulers. At length, however, Mr. Sewall (afterwards attorney- general), in a series of papers signed Philanthropos, refuted the charges, and silenced the calumniators. The stamp-act was repealed, and the duty on molasses reduced INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. 21 from 3d. to one penny per gallon; and for a short time, at the close of the year 1766, the colonies reposed in tranquillity. This calm was, however, interrupted the next year by the refusal ofthe Assembly of New York to submit to parliamentary authority, by making provision for quartering the king's troops. In 1768, the Governor laid before the assembly of Massachusetts a letter from Lord Hillsborough, secretary of state, directing him to dissolve the same unless an obnoxious vote, passed in February, should be re scinded ; and this being refused by a vote of 92 to 17, the minority were ever after reproachfully termed " rescinders." In April, 1769, Governor Bernard received orders to embark for England ; and on his arrival, his conduct having met the approbation ofthe ad ministration, he was created a baronet. He had been treated with great bitterness here, which however was owing in part to certain of his letters to England, in which he infers the necessity of the king's appointing a royal council instead of that elected by the people, and recommends an act to authorize the king to super sede all commissions which had been issued to improper (i. e. dis affected) persons. The destruction of the East India Company's tea at Boston in 1773, only was wanting by their leaders to involve the body of the people in the same circumstances in which their course of opposition measures had placed them. The leading principles of the Revolution, viz., a denial of the right of taxation by Parliament, a claim ofthe privilege of juries in admiralty courts, and the right of trial only in places where offences are committed, should have been allowed to rest upon the broad basis of their respective merits. Private letters, surreptitiously ob tained in England, written by Governor Hutchinson and Lieut. Governor Oliver, (whose spotless lives, devoted, as they believed, to the best interests of their fellow men, had acquired for them an almost unbounded influence,) were announced with great pomp and circumstance by legislative resolves ; and garbled extracts were circulated, and unjust inferences drawn, before the letters themselves were permitted to be printed, which would have proved a sufficient antidote to the poison so invidiously diffused. — The distemper, how ever, was much arrested by a series of papers under the signature Philolethes, from the pen of Mr. Sewall, developing the disguised craft and fallacies which pervaded this deep contrivance, and written 22 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. with such moderation and candour that the calumniators thought it best to leave these pieces unanswered, and suffer the flame to die away, intending to keep the embers in reserve for raising a new flame at a more propitious time for their purposes.— Governor Hutchinson* had represented the transaction of the 5th of March 1770 (commonly called the Boston massacre), in his letters to the secretary of state, far more favourably for the town than the evi dence at the trial afterwards warranted, yet the Assembly consider ed him as inimical to the province for conforming to his instructions, and withstanding their attempts to compel him to yield the prerog ative of the crown ; and the council instead of supporting him sided with the House. The designs of particular persons to bring about a revolution and attain independency, were apparent to the Governor, but he did not think it possible that the people would be induced to declare for it. Under the discouragements of the times Governor Hutchinson determined to visit England, and have at least a temporary relief; but before he received an answer to his request, his able and estimable coadjutor, Lieut. Governor Oliver,* succumbed to the unwarranted attacks upon him, and fell a victim to wounded sensi bility on the 3d of March, 1774. In a letter from the Earl of Dartmouth, granting Gov. Hutchin son's wlshed-for permission to visit England, dated April 9, 1774, he says : " It is impossible you can have any doubt of the light in which your conduct on the late trying occasion is seen by the king and his servants. I cannot however content myself without repeat ing to you what cannot fall to give you the strongest consolation and satisfaction, that it is his majesty's intention to testify his appro bation of your services to all mankind by an early markof hlsfavor.f This expectation will contribute much to alleviate the anxiety of your mind, and to support you under any difficulties you may yet have to encounter; but you will allow me to say, that to a mind like yours there are secret sources of tranquillity that are superior to such great and encouraging considerations. The con scious sense which you possess of an upright and uniform regard to » See Supplement. f A baronetoy was offered Gov. Hutchinson and declined, which ought Ito satisfy his countrymen offtheuprightness of his political motives. lJ»TRODUCTGR Y MEMOIR. 23 the duty of your situation, joined to a dispassionate and real con cern for the welfare of the people over whom you preside, which equally appear throughout the correspondence that 1 have had with you, do at this moment, if I am not deceived in my opinion of you, supply you with that steadiness and fortitude which discover themselves in your firm and temperate conduct, and which under such support it is not in the power of the most unreasonable pre- j.udice, or even ofthe most inveterate malice to shake or intimidate." General Gage having arrived with power to administer the government. Governor Hutchinson sailed on fhe 1st of June, 1774, for England. Before his departure he had received addresses from a hundred and twenty merchants of Boston ; from all the gentle men of the law, with few exceptions; from the magistrates of Middlesex and Plymouth, and the principal gentlemen of Salem and Marblehead, all expressing entire approbation of his public conduct and their affectionate wishes for his prosperity. These addresses gave great offence to the disaffected portion of the com munity, and many of those who signed them, afterwards stigma tized as " Addressers," were compelled by the people to make public recantations in the newspapers. Mr. Curwen, who had subscribed the Salem address, declined to obey the popular voice, saying that the prescribed recantation contained more than in con science he could own ; and that as to live under the character of reproach which the fury of party might throw upon him, was too painful a reflection to suffer for a moment, he therefore resolved to withdraw from the impending storm. He accordingly embarked for Philadelphia, on the 23d of April, 1775, and thence for London on the 13th of the following month. Mr. Curwen had been in the commission of the peace for thirty years, and at the time of his departure was a Judge of Admiralty, in which office he was immediately succeeded by Timothy Picker ing, the patriot, who afterwards so ably filled distinguished offices in the army, in the cabinet of Washington, and the councils of our country. Judge Curwen returned in the autumn of 1784, much to the satisfaction of his friends, and was never molested for his poli tical course. Mr. Curwen was in early life married to a daughter of Hon. 24 INTRODUCTORY MEMOIR. Daniel Russell, of Charlestown, and a sister of Hon. Chambers Rus sell, whom he survived many years. He died in his native town, in April, 1802, at the advanced age of eighty-six years. He possessed a fine literary taste, was a scholar and a Christian. He left no lineal descendants; but in order that the name might not become extinct in New England, at his request just before his death, a collateral relative since deceased assumed it, who has left three sons residing at Salem, who bear the name. Of the families of the exiled loyalists, scattered as they have been over the world, it is no small matter to obtain information ; while some grace the peerage and baronetage of England, of many ofthe exiled Refugees scarce a descendant, even in a collateral branch, is to be found. Of the loyalists that remained to run the risk of the spirit of the people, the task has been less difficult. Of nearly two hundred that were banished by the government of Massachusetts, upwards of sixty were graduates of Harvard Col lege. And of the five judges of the supreme court of that pro vince at the commencement of the difficulties, the Hon. William Cushing alone was of patriot principles, who was afterwards on tbe bench ofthe supreme court ofthe United States. JOURNAL AND LETTERS. CHAPTER I. Philadelphia, May 4, 1775. , Since the late unhappy affairs at Concord and Lexington, finding the spirit of the people to rise on every fresh alarm, (which has been almost hourly,) and their tem pers to get more and more soured and malevolent against all mod erate men, whom they see fit to reproach as enemies of their country by the name of tories, among whom I am unhappily (although unjustly) ranked ; and unable longer to bear their un deserved reproaches and menaces hourly denounced against myself and others, I think it a duty I owe myself to withdraw for a while from the storm which to my foreboding mind is approach ing. Having in vain endeavoured to persuade ray wife to accom pany me, her apprehensions of danger from an incensed soldiery, a people licentious and enthusiastically mad and broken loose from all the restraints of law or religion, being less terrible to her than a short passage on the ocean ; and being moreover encouraged by her, I left my late peaceful home (in my sixtieth year) in search of personal security and those rights which by the laws of God I ought to have enjoyed undisturbed there, and embarked at Beverly on board the schooner Lively, Captain Johnson, bound hither, on Sunday the 23d ultimo, and have just arrived. Hoping to find an asylum amongst quakers and Dutchmen, who I presume from former experience have too great a regard for ease and property to sacrifice either at this time of doubtful disputation on the altar of an unknown goddess, or rather doubtful divinity. My fellow-passengers were Andrew Cabot,* his wife and childj and Andrew Dodge.* My townsman, Benjamin Goodhue,f was * Merchants of Beverly. t See Supplement. 26 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1775. kind enough to come on board, and having made my kinsman and correspondent, Samuel Smith, acquainted with my arrival, he was pleased to come on board also, and his first salutation, " We wUl protect you though a tory," embarrassed me not a little ; but soon recovering my surprise, we fell into a friendly conversation, and he taking me to his house, I dined with his family and their minister, Mr. Sproat, suffering some mortification in the cause of truth. After an invitation to make his house my home during my stay here, which I did not accept, I took leave, and went in pursuit of lodgings, and on enquiring at several houses, ascertained they were full, or for particular reasons would not take me ; and so many refused as made it fearful whether, like Cain, I had not a discour aging mark upon me, or a strong feature of toryism. The whole city appears to be deep in congressional principles, and inveterate against " Hutchinsonian Addressers." Happily we at length arrived at one Mrs. Swords', a widow lady, in Chestnut-street, with whom I found quarters, rendered more agreeable by S. Waterhouse's com pany, who also lodges here. May 5, 1775. I find the drums beating, colours flying, and de tachments of newly raised militia parading the streets ; — the wholecountry appearsdetermined to assume a military character, and this city, throwing off her pacific aspect, is forming military compa nies, a plan being laid for thirty -three ; composed of all ranks and nations, uniting shoulder to shoulder, they form so many patriotic bands to oppose like the invincible Macedonian phalanx, the pro gress and increase of parHamentary authority. The Quakers, not to be behind in manifesting their aversion, have obtained permis sion of the city committee to make up two companies of Friends exclusively, and they are to be commanded by Samuel Marshall and Thomas Mifflin,* both of that persuasion. So powerful is the love of liberty, and so great the dread of ministerial designs, that the strongest prejudices and habits have given way and are controlled by the former. The House this day having received a message from the gover nor with Lord North's conciliatory plan, has on a full debate re jected it, being resolved to adhere to the union. * See Supplement. 1775.] JOUBNALANDLETTERS. 27 Joseph Lee* hearing I was in the city, came to see me, and advised my going to London. May 6, 1775. Saw Pelatiah Webster,f who at the instance of Mr Goodhue treats me civilly. Having had several intima tions that my residence here would be unpleasant, if allowed at all, when it shall be known that I ara what is called " an addresser;" besides, solicited to sign " a recantation," which may contain more than in conscience I can subscribe ; and after all with the uncer tainty whether it will answer the purpose, or should it barely, to live and die under the character of reproach and ignominy, which the outrageous fury of party may throw upon me, is a reflection too painful for a raoraent to support. I have, therefore, consulted the few friends I think it worth while to advise with, and on the result, am determined to proceed to London in the vessel in which I came here. On the credit of Samuel Smith and Sons, I have with their as sistance procured flour to freight a vessel. May 7, 1775.— Sunday. Went with Mr. Smith to Arch- street meeting house ; Mr. Sproat entertained us with a truly American patriotic sermon, pathetically lamenting the evils we are suffering from wicked and tyrannical ministers ; exhorting us manfully to oppose them. At 2 o'clock at the wharf, a large collection of people were waiting news from London, Capt. Robinson having just anchored. The only news was, that the restraining bill respecting New-Eng land, and the other respecting the southern colonies, were passed. Dr. Franklin arrived last night, which was announced by ring ing of bells to the great joy of the city. I cannot but promise myself some good, as his knowledge and experience must have in fluence in the approaching Congress, which will I doubt not listen to his judgment. He is, it is said, to return to England again soon, at Lord Chatham's instance, who tells him he must be on the spot at the opening of Parliament. May 9, 1775. Dined with Stephen Collins; passed the evening at Joseph Reed's,* in company with Col. Washington, (a * See Supplement. I In July, 1774, this gentleman directed his correspondent at Boston^ to pay £10 to the commitee for the relief of sufferers by the Boston Port Bill. 28 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1775. fine figure and of a most easy and agreeable address,) Richard Henry Lee, and Col. Harrison, three of the Virginia delegates.— Besides Mr. and Mrs. Reed, were Mrs. Deberdt,* Dr. Shippen, and Thomas Smith. I staid till twelve o'clock, the conversation being chiefly on the most feasible and prudent method of stopping up the channel of the Delaware to prevent the coming up of any large ships to the city ; I could not perceive the least disposition to ¦accomraodate raatters. Col. Caswell and Mr. Hewes, the North Carolina delegates, arrived this day, and are at our lodgings. May 10, 1775. Early in the morning a great number of per sons rode out several miles, hearing that the eastern delegates were approaching, when about 11 o'clock the cavalcade appeared, (I being near the upper end of Fore street ;) first two or three hundred gentlemen on horseback, preceded, however, by the newly- chosen city military officers, two and two, with drawn swords, followed by John Hancock and Samuel Adams in a phaeton and pair, the former looking as if his journey and high living, or so licitude to support the dignity of the first man in Massachusetts, had impaired his health. Next came John Adams and Thomas Cushing in a single horse chaise ; behind followed Robert Treat Pajne, and after him the New York delegation, and some from the province of Connecticut, etc., etc. The rear was brought up by a hundred carriages, the streets crowded with people of all ages, sexes and ranks. The procession marched with a slow, solemn pace ; on its entrance into the city all the bells were set to ringing and chiming, and every mark of respect that could be, was ex pressed : — not much I presume to the secret liking of their fellow delegates from the other colonies, who doubtless had to digest the distinction as easily as they could. May 11, 1775. Col. Caswell was innoculated for the small pox. Mr. Lee again repeated his advice of my going to London. Dined with J. B. Smith; rode with him to his farm six miles out. Drank tea with Mr. Lee and Startin. May 12, 1775. Sent my baggage on board the Lively— Ve- * The mother of Mrs. Reed and widow of the Massachusetts Assembly «gent to the British government. 1775.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 29 ceived a letter from Stephen Collins to Mr. Neat of London— paid my respects to Mrs. Deberdt, and received a letter to her son. Re ceived my invoice of flour from Samuel. Smith and Sons. Mr. Startin presented me with an open letter on Wilkinson and Co. Birminghara, and Mr. Reed and lady gave me letters to their brother, Dennis Deberdt, London. From post office took Rivington's two last newspapers, and received from the publishers all the present week's Philadelphia papers. Messrs. Lee and Webster took leave, and with my fellow passenger, Mr. Webster's son Pelatiah, I went on board the Lively. May 16, 1775. Spoke Capt. Waterman in a schooner from Nantucket, who brought me a letter from Nathan Goodale, stating that his family, Mr. Pynchon's, and Mr. Orne's, had arrived there, to which I replied. TO NATHAN GOODALE, ESQ. In the Delaware, May 16, 1775. Dear Sir : You can scarce conceive my joy at hearing that my neighbours, suffering in the same cause as rayself, and for whom I sincerely profess a friendship, were in a secure retreat. Continue there by all means, safe from the alarms and dangers you have fled from. Philadelphia is wholly American, strong friends to congress ional measures ; at least, no man is hardy enough to express a doubt of the feasibility of their projects. Mr. Joseph Lee leads a recluse life there. The inhabitants are displeased that the New Englanders make it their city of refuge. The new established post (instead of the old eastern one which is stopped,) adraits no letters to pass but those franked ; the contents of which must be known to one of the committee to be entitled to that benefit. Yours truly, Saml. Curwen. June 1, 1775. At Sea. The Otter sloop-of-war, from Boston, brought us to at 9 o'clock, and informed us all was quiet when she left. The provincial forces, amounting to fifteen thousand men, were waiting the determination ofthe Congress ; that forty-five 30 journal and LETTERS. [1775, transports with the three generals, had arrived there eight days ago ; and that a great fire happened there, beginning at the bar rack stores on the docks, and consuming all from thence to King- street. She detained us two hours in order to send letters to England. July 3, 1775. Arrived at Dover, England, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Webster and myself concluded to take coach for London after visiting the Castle. We first ascended to one of the square towers, in height 134 steps, from which in a clear day the French shore is to be seen, and a most agreeable view into the country. The town of Dover seems under foot, and even the steeples scarce as high as the foot of the hill. We next visited Julius Caesar's tower, (said to have been built by him,) old and in ruins ; on the plains of it is a battery of twenty four pounders, — one of brass, 24 feet long, called Queen Elizabeth's pocket-piece, given her by Holland at the time of its emancipation from Spain. It is curious ly ornamented with the arms of England and Holland ; was cast in 1544 ; weighs six tons, and carries a twelve pound shot seven miles. The well is 375 feet deep. The original key supposed to be eighteen hundred years old, is 21 inches long, and weighs three or four pounds. We also saw a sword of state five feet long, the handle twelve inches. At the coffee-house met James Teal, a son ofthe widow ofthe late Gov. Belcher of Massachusetts by her first husband. He wished to convey intelligence of his residence here to his mother in New England ; his letters have miscarried for some time past. London, July 4. Arrived at the New England coffee-house, Threadneedle-street, at 7 o'clock P. M. — July 5. Met my towns man and friend Benjamin Pickman, which rejoiced rae; we walk ed to Westminster Hall, — in Chancery saw Sir Thomas Sewell, master ofthe rolls, sitting with his hat on, — at Common Pleas saw Judge Blackstone and Sergeant Glynn ; and the King's Bench, Lord Mansfield and Mr. Sergeant Wedderburne. Lord Mansfield's manner is like the late Judge Dudley's of Massachusetts. His peer ing eyes denote a penetration and comprehension peculiarly his own. Mr. Wedderburne spoke, but at no great length. July 9, 1775. Went to old Jewry meeting-house, where I met Gov. Hutchinson, his son and daughter, — a cordial reception and 1775.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 31 invitation to visit him. Mr. Isaac Smith and Mr. Deberdt sat in the pew next me. TO WILLIAM PYNCHON, ESQ., SALEM. Jjondon, July 7, 1775. Dear Sir : I am glad for the calm season at Salem ; — could I have been safe on the same conditions I find my friends permitted to reside at home, I would joyfully have accepted them. However, this calm I fear cannot last long; for if Congress does not offer terms that ad ministration think they can in honour accept, I have good grounds for saying the most vigorous measures will be pursued, which I fear will cause the destruction of my country. There is an army of New Englanders here. My old friend Mr. Sayre, a city banker, married to a lady of fortune, invited me to dine with him in com pany with my friend Mr. Deberdt. Let Mr. and Mrs. Cabot know that her niece Mrs. Copley,* with whom I dined yesterday at Mr. Bromfield's, Islington, is well, and expects her husband on his passage frora Italy. Yours truly, S. Curwen. July 11, 1775. Waited upon Governor Hutchinson, (in com pany with B. Pickman,) for the first time ; were well received, and invited to dinner for Saturday. July 18, 1775. Evening to Vauxhall Gardens ; fine gravel led walks, shrubbery, and covered alcoves lighted by lamps, and rendered a most enchanting spot. Tables spread under the trees for entertainment. In one of the open retreats is a most finished piece of statuary of Handel, sitting on a harp in a loose dress. July 20, 1775. To J. Lane's house with B. Pickman, passed the evening there in company with Samuel Quincy, Jonathan Sewall, and David Green. July 21, 1775. By boat from Temple stairs to Ranelagh ; a numerous company of well dressed people there, among them the Duke of Gloucester and French ambassador. * Lady ofthe great artist. 32 journal and letters. [1775. July 22, 1775. Spent the day at Hempsted, in company with Isaac Smith, Samuel Quincy, David Green, and P. Webster. TO REV. THOMAS BARNARD, SALEM. London, 22d July, 1775. Dear Sir : The dissipation, self-forgetfulness, and vicious indulgences of every kind, which characterize this metropolis, are not to be won dered at. The temptations are too great for. that degree of philo sophy and religion ordinarily possessed by the bulk of mankind. The unbounded riches of many afford the means of every species of luxury, which, (thank God,) our part of Araerica is ignorant of, and the example of the wealthy and great is contagious. Ten miles round is filled with pleasant villas, and Sunday is allotted to visiting them. The congregation at old Jewry meeting-house, re spectable for its appearance, did not exceed a hundred. The preacher is called a Presbyterian, and all of that denomination here are on a broader and more liberal plan of divinity than thos^ who go by the name of Independents, such as the " Pinner's Hall Di vines" and their associates. The style of the preachers in London (of our way) is more just and correct than ours in New England. To my surprise I saw an auditor taking notes. Notes for prayer or thanksgivings are never read, and the raention of such cases is deferred to the last prayer. Admission to the pews is by a feraale, who unlocks the doors, (all having locks ;) strangers are conducted to the table pew in the centre, where the sacrament is adminis tered. * * « * * TO WILLIAM PYNCHON, ESQ., SALEM. London, 25th July, 1775. Dear Sir : I dropped in at Guild-hall, where Judge Nares was sitting at the City Comraon Pleas ; on his cushion were worked the city arms, and also on the Recorder's, I presume to remind them of the city rights. I was fortunate in procuring a seat just behind Sergeant Davy, and heard as far as my imperfect organs (and the noise and confusion) would admit. While he was opening the case, he was obliged to rise out of his seat, step forward and lean down to hear 1775.] journal and letters. 33 in a manner unbecoming the dignity of a judge. Every fact of importance delivered by a witness was noted down by the judge as well as counsel. The noise was much greater than would be al lowed in our American courts. I have seen the Lord Mayor in his court ; but this court seems more like a reference business than any thing else. Through un common good fortune, I have, without the customary delay of two or three weeks, been admitted into the British Museum, Montague House, a truly royal institution for the preservation of the produc tions of nature and art. Saw the first Bible printed by authority, on vellum, and turning to the 91st Psalm, 5th verse, instead of " Thou shalt not be afraid of the terrors by night," etc., I saw the following : " Thou shalt not fear the bugs and vermin by night," etc. There are many other as remarkable differences, but had not time to examine many texts. I am just informed of a most melancholy event, the destruction of Charlestown in Ma.ssachusetts by the king's troops, which all agree in ; the other parts of the story are told differently. Mr. Breck nock says the king's troops would not fight, but laid down their arms, which is the reason of the great carnage among the officers. My distress and anxiety for my friends and countrymen embitter every hour. May it please God to inspire men of influence on either side the Atlantic, with juster sentiraents of the real interest of Great Britain and the colonies than they seera to have possessed hitherto. Yours truly, S. Curwen. July 27. Dined at Mr. Sayre's, in company with four gentle men and Lady Francis Sherard, only daughter of the late Earl of Harborough ; returned home in Mr. Sayre's coach. July 28. By invitation dined at Grocers' Company feast at their hall in the Poultry. A procession was formed after dinner (band playing,) and halted behind the chair of the new elected master, when the secretary put a tiara on his head ; while another officer held a large golden cup filled with wine, drank to him, and delivered it; and the master on taking it drank to the prosperity of the company. The ceremony was also had towards the newljr made wardens. 5 34 journal and letters. [1775. July 29. Dined with Governor Hutchinson, in company with Mr. Joseph Green, Mr. Mauduit, and Mr. Ward Nicholas Boyl ston ; the latter gave us an entertaining narrative of his travels through Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. July 30. Sunday attended worship at Dr. Fordyce's meeting house, Monkwell-street. He discoursed with great energy and pathos, abounding with flowers of rhetoric, metaphor, and with uncommon theatric gesture, equal if not beyond Mr. Whitefield. In the vestry room is hanging the original license frora Charles II. to Mr. Doolittle for this present house of worship. Took tea with Dr. Fordyce, at Mr. Kennedy's, and passed an agreeable hour in conversation. August 3. Walked along Hyde Park wall till arrived at the turnpike between that and the Green Park; at the gate ofthe former stands a noble house, built by the present Lord Chancellor Apsley,* on ground taken out of the park, and given him by the king for that purpose. Saw their majesties returning from the drawing room, the king in a sedan chair surmounted by a crown, dressed in very light cloth with silver buttons ; the queen carried by two porters in a chair, dressed in lemon-colored flowered silk, on a light cream-colored ground. They passed between two lines, observed, smiled, and bowed as they passed. TO DR. JOHN PRINCE, HALIFAX. London, August 4, 1775. Dear Sir: I presume you little expected to hear from a fellow sufferer in the cause of loyalty, a whole army of whora are here lamenting their own and their country's unhappy fate. I heard of 'your escape, and a circumstance connected with it that must render your existence more tolerable, viz., that you were accompanied by your wife and children, and I cordially rejoice in your and their deliver ance from the evils which attend our common friends in Salem, and elsewhere in New England. What melancholy scenes they and we are to go through before this unnatural controversy is ended, God only knows! — May you and I be prepared for the worst events. If any of our common friends are in Halifax, be * Afterwards Earl Bathurst. 1775.] journal and letters. 35 pleased to remember me to them in the kindest manner. Our old friend Ben. Pickman desires to be remembered to you. With much regard, etc., S. Curwen. August 4. At Mr. Boylston's saw raany curiosities he brought from Egypt, the Holy Land, etc. Amongst others the locust in pods, the supposed food of John the Baptist. August 5. Dined at Gov. Hutchinson's, in company with Joseph Hooper, Benjarain Pickraan, Joseph Taylor, Isaac Sraith, Mr. Silsbee, and the governor's faraily. August 6. At Old Jewry meeting-house — coraraunion day — in which service Governor Hutchinson, his son Elisha, Mr. Pick- man, and myself participated. The minister brought the elements, and repeated to each communicant some pertinent expression of Scripture, waiting till each had received. TO NATHAN GOODALE, ESQ., NANTUCKET. London, August 8, 1775. Dear Sir : It really appears to me that administration will proceed to such extremities as will terminate in the ruin of England and the colonies. It is a capital mistake of our American friends to expect insurrections here ; there is not a shadow of hope for such an event. The manufactories are in full employ, and one of the warmest of the friends of America told me that letters from Manchester expressed joy that no American orders had been sent, otherwise there must have been disappointment somewhere. What effects may follow in the spring if orders from Russia and Spain are not received, I cannot foresee : — some foretell discontent in the country which will affect the stocks ; whether these will happen depends on contingencies of which I am not a judge. There appears to be a tenderness in the minds of many here for America, even of those who disapprove of the principles of an entire independence of the British legislature, and ardently wish an effort may be taken to accommodate. It is said most vigorous measures will take place in the spring if no offer be made on the part of the colonists. With much regard, etc. S. Curwen. 36 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [l'^'^^- August 23, 1775. Went to Sir John Fielding's office. Bow- street- examination of prisoners for robberies, assaults, etc. He is a venerable gentleman and blind (as justice is represented); his queries manifested a mild deportment, ready apprehension and great penetration. Visited Hampton Court and gardens, which are exceedingly beautiful, although deserted by the royal family. Here are chairs of state with rich canopies, tapestry in gold and silver grounds, containing Scripture and ancient stories of Greece and Rome— adorned also with reigning beauties ofthe court of Charies IL— of the founders of the different orders of monks, friars, nuns, etc., of former kings, queens, etc. ; Madonnas, the Supper, etc. The ceilings in high colouring and fine preservation, by Verrio, were as pleasing to me as any part of the ornaments, as they referred to incidents in Charies Il.d's story. This palace consists of several squares mostly old, and in same state (decay of time excepted) as in Henry VIII th's time, when by the envy of the courtiers Cardinal Wolsey (who built it for his own use) was obliged to present it to the king. The front on the garden facing the river is magnifi cent and in good rep.iir. Thence to Windsor — St. George's chapel in excellent repair. Here are deposited the bodies of Henry VIII. and one of his queens, and Charles I. in the midst of the choir. In the side aisles are fu neral monuraents of former kings, of which I recollect Edward IV. and VI. ; some ancient nobility, and many canons of the Roman church, with their images in sacerdotal garments cut in brass, let into flat grave-stones on the floor ; stalls for the knights of the garter ; the choir decorated with carvings, and the windows filled with oil paintings of Scripture stories. We then ascended the royal apartments in the castle, consisting as at Hampton Court of an ar mory, the walls being covered with pikes, halberds, matchlocks, small arms, etc., disposed in a variety of figures. Over the mantel piece a fine full length of George Prince of Denmark (husband of Queen Anne) on horseback ; the horse seemed alive. The other rooms hung in rich tapestry on gold and other grounds, with paint ings, originals and copies of the best masters. In Queen Anne's china-closet were wooden sconces gilt, on which are set china por celain jars of various shapes up to the ceiling. In a small apart ment is to be seen a table fastened to the wall, whereon is a little 1775.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 37 flag of white satin, with the banner of France worked into it, fas tened by silver clasps to a slender reed of black ebony capped with silver, which the Duke of Marlborough is obliged to present, and lay on that spot on the 2d of August annually, before twelve o'clock at midday, on forfeiture of his palace of Blenheim and the manor belonging to it ; this being the tenure by which he holds them, agreeably to act of parhament. From the terrace we saw almost under feet Eton college, another noble monument of Gothic archi- tectui*e. In a square stands a brazen statue of Henry VL, the founder in royal robes. Visited Welbore Ellis's seat at Twickenham, formerly Pope's ; the g-rofto, being arches under thehouse about a man's height, (ad mitting a prospect into the longest shady contemplative walk, five feet wide, in the garden,) filled with small flint-stones, Bristol and other kinds in mortar, a few pieces of glass on the top and sides : two or three niches filled with the busts of Pope and others ; — there is also in a cross alley a statue of Terence, and in an addition (made by Mr. Stanhope, late owner,) over the centre of an arch, is a niche filled with a bust of Pope, and underneath are the follow ing lines : " The humble roof; the garden's scanty line, 111 spoke the genius of a bard divine ; But fancy now displays a fairer scope, And Stanhope's plans unfold the soul of Pope." Mr. Stanhope's addition is by far the most elegant part, wherein are many foreign trees, such as the cedar of Lebanon, weeping willows, etc. ; also a green-house filled with flowers, plants and fruits. In a retired part of the grounds stands a plain obelisk, eighteen feet high, dedicated by Pope to his mother, with the fol lowing inscription : — « Ah EDITHA ! MATRUM OPTIMA, mulierum amantissima, Vale!"* • " Alas ! Editha, best of Mothers, most affectionate of Women, Fare well!" 38 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1775. TO riON. WILLIAM BROWNE, BOSTON. London, Slst Aug. 1775. Dear Sir: As far as my experience reaches, I have observed that the upper ranks, most of the capital stockholders, and I am told the principal nobility, are for forcing supremacy of pariiament over the colonies ; and frora the raiddle ranks down are opposed to it. America fur nishes matter for disputes in coffee-houses, sometimes warm, hut without abuse or ill nature, and there it ends. It is unfashionable and even disreputable to look askew on one another for difference of opinion in political matters ; the doctrine of toleration, if not better understood, is, thank God, better practised here than in America ; otherwise there would not be such numbers of unhappy exiles suffering every disadvantage. Incredible quantities of ammunition and stores shipped and shipping frora Tower-wharf for America, manifests the intention of adrainistration to prosecute the plan of subjection of the colonies to the authority of parliament; for that is the only dispute, as it is understood here. Administration would gladly have met the colo nies half way or more, had there appeared any inclination to accept terms in any degree consistent with the honor and dignity of the mother country. Now, no alternative ; an absolute independence of the colonies on Great Britain, or an explicit acknowledgment of the British legislature over all the dominions of the empire. The proclamation which you will receive by this conveyance was published the day before yesterday at the Royal Exchange, with all the circumstances of indignity the lord raayor could throw on it. Instead of the languid measures hitherto pursued, more active ones will succeed, and then wo to poor Massachusetts, which, like the scape-goat, must bear the sins of many. Do urge our remaining friends to flee from the destruction that will speedily overtake that devoted colony. You will not wonder at the luxury, dissipation and profligacy of manners said to reign in this capital, when you consider that the temptation to indulgence, frora the lowest haunts to the most elegant and expensive rendezvous of the noble and polished world, are almost beyond the power of numbers to reckon up. 1775.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 39 Please make my compliments to Judge Sewall and all other friends and acquaintances with you ; and in the kindest manner remember me to Mrs. Browne. Very truly your friend, S. Curwen. Sept. 17. Attended public worship at the " Reformed Liturgy Assembly," Essex House, Essex-street, Strand ; heard Rev. Theo philus Lindsey, the Unitarian reformist, who gave up a living in Yorkshire, (worth three hundred a year,) on the rejection of the petition to parliament for a revisal and amendment of the common prayer. Preacher serious, style good, discourse useful. Sept. 20. At the Charter House, a foundation by Thomas Sut ton, Esq., at a cost of ^£12,000 sterling, for classically educating forty boys, and supporting eighty old bachelors and widowers, who are to receive yearly a black cloak, without which never to appear at meals, nor with it without the walks ; — ^besides ten pounds in cash, house-rent, food, and firing. They have about forty acres (enclosed by a brick wall twenty feet high,) laid out in gardens ; at the entrance are the arras of the donor, formed by small pebbles of the size of acorns. Sept. 21. At the Disputation-club, Queen's arms ; question debated, " 7s it not injustice in the administration to pursue mea sures at the cost of the price of blood, without any benefit to the nation ?" — which was voted in the affirmative, but not without a few dissentients. Oct. 11. Governor Hutchinson carae in his coach with Mr. Copley from Mr. Bromfield's, and took Mr. Pickman and myself to his house, where we dined in corapany with Mr. Bliss, Mr. W. N. Boylston, Mrs. Copley, and the faraily. J^ov. 18. News by a packet from New-York, that Gov. Tryon and Gov. Campbell are obliged to retreat from their respective governments on shipboard; and that Dr. Franklin had arrived at the provincial camp at Cambridge to advise Gen. Washington to attempt the lines on the neck ; — and that Sarauel Adams and Mr. Dickinson were at odds. J\'ov. 29. Saw Mr. Garrick in Hamlet at Drury Lane; in my eye more perfect in the expression of his face than in the 40 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1775. accent and pronunciation of his voice, which, however, was much beyond the standard of his fellow actors. Dec. 1. At great St. Helen's, Bishopgate-street, where I saw a monument to Sir Thomas Bancroft, a lord mayor's officer, and an oppressive knave, who had heaped up much wealth, which he left with trustees to be improved till his rising from the dead ; which he imagined would take place after a certain period, when his wealth was to be returned to him. In the meantime, he ordered that his corpse should be laid and kept in a coffin, (with a lock which he could draw back,) and deposited in a tomb with a glass window and a glass door, to be opened once a year on a given day, to be shown to any spectator ; all which has been complied with hitherto. But his trustees have with these ill-gotten gains erected an alms-house at Mile-end, for the support of poor women and children. Made another unsuccessful attempt to enter the gallery of the House of Commons, to hear the third and last reading of the bill prohibiting all commerce with America ; learned at the door that it is to remain shut to strangers, for the pretended reason that the floor of the house is too small and the gallery necessary for the use of members ; confirmed by Mr. George Hayley, a city member, whom I met in the Strand. Thence to Herald's office, where Parson Peters, with his friend Mr. Punderson, lodges; the latter has lately arrived from Boston, having escaped by rowing himself in a cockboat eighteen miles into the sound from his native place, Norwich, Connecticut, and being taken up by a vessel and put on board the Rose man-of-war, Capt. Wallace, and conveyed to Boston. It seems he was harshly dealt with by the " sons of liberty," being obliged to make two con fessions to save his life ; notwithstanding which he was hunted, pur sued, and threatened, and narrowly escaped death, (or the Simsbury mines, to which he was finally adjudged, and he thinks with the loss of his eyes,) which would have been his fate but for his sea sonable and providential retreat. TO HON. WILLIAM BROWNE, BOSTON. London, Dec. 4th, 1775. Dear Sir : Yours of 7th Oct. affords me a pleasingly sensible proof of the 1775.] JOURNAL AND letters. 41 truth of King Solomon's observation ; " News from a far country is as refreshing as cold water to a thirsty soul." Uncertain what may be the fate of this, I am restrained from writing what might prove amusing, perhaps informing ; should it fall short of its intended destination, and get into the hands of the provincials, though containing nothing prejudicial to the interests of Araerica, even in their own view, nor reflecting on the character of any individual, the raost innocent expressions, by the force of party prejudice, might be construed into a sense entirely foreign to one's intention, and render one obnoxious or ridiculous. Were I ever so much of a mind to write on politics, I profess not to have such connections as to justify any positive declarations concerning the determination of the cabinet council, and whoever does, you may be assured, if he writes more than, the court pleases to publish in the Gazette, arrogates pretensions, to which he has no claim. I will just hint what appears to be a matter of notoriety here : the opposition in parliament is too inconsiderable in numbers, weight and raeasures to hinder the progress of administration in their plans respecting Araerica. Both houses repose entire confi dence in the king and his ministers' resolution not to relinquish the idea of compelling the submission of all subjects within the limits of the British Empire to the authority of the supreme legislature : preparations for which are making for increasing the number of troops, to be sent over time enough for a vigorous push next season. The events of war are uncertain, and victory is by many thought doubtful, — yet it is more than whispered by some that America had better be dispeopled than remain in its present state of anarchy, — much more independent. Should this idea regulate future measures, and should government despair of subduing them, one may, without the spirit of prophecy, see beforehand what ter rible destructive evils will then befall our poor, devoted, once happy country. " 0 fortunatus," etc. Very truly yours, S. Curwen. Dec. 12. To Newington to view the house and grounds of Dr. Watts' friend Gunston, celebrated in his poem " Sacred to Virtue," now owned by a daughter of Lady Abney, a niece of Gunston. 6 42 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1775. In the hall is a half length of Caryl, the commentator on Job, and by his side his wife, mother of Mr. Gunston and Lady Abney; also Sir Thomas Abney and his lady. To Dr. Watts' study, being occupied by the lady, we could not gain admittance. From the balcony we had extensive views of the town and country, and through and over the whole, as well as the house, are spread a neatness and arrangement superior to any spot I ever beheld. Dec. 15. At Covent Garden, to see Mrs. Barry as Constance in king John — a fine person, and esteemed the best actress now on the stage. Dec. 17. At Foundling Hospital chapel; Mr. Bromley preached. Compared the exaraple of Jesus with that of the most perfect of heathen antiquity, Zeno, founder of the Stoic sect, in whose honor Athens declared by public edict, that he had exemplified in his life the precepts he taught, but of whose inconsistency the preacher enumerated several gross instances, not much to the credit of mere human reason, in comparison with the most eminent and brightest of mere men recorded in the Scriptures, in whom great infirmities and even follies are to be perceived ; his example only, pure and spotless, being fit to be proposed to mankind for their practice and imitation. Dec. 18. At New England coffee-house, where I read in the New- York paper that forts St. John and Chamble had surrendered to the provincials commanded by Col. Montgomery, formerly a captain in the regular service, and well esteemed. The garrison was commanded by Major Preston, with six hundred regulars and Canadians. The provincials immediately investing the fort were only two hundred in number. The officers, are to be sent home or down to General Gage, the commander-in-chief in America, in order to be transported. The provincials are supposed to be de signed for Montreal, Gen. Carleton retiring there after a defeat. — News of a contrary kind is, that Falmouth* in Casco Bay, con sisting of 139 dwelling houses and 278 stores, warehouses, etc., to gether with many vessels, was burnt by Captain Mowatt of the Canseau sloop-of-war, after two hours notice to remove, for joining, as the captain was pleased in his letter to the inhabitants to term it, with the rebels ; the particular crime or crimes not mentioned. • Now Portland, Maine. 1775.] JOURNAL andletters. 43 Dec. 22. Walked to Brompton-Row with B, Pickman, to dine with Judge Sewall, who meeting us in fhe Strand two days ago, appointed this day. The faraily, besides Samuel Quincy, who at tended Mrs. Sewall and Mrs. Green home, having been to see the king robe and assent to the American prbhibitory hill from the throne. After dinner Governor Hutchinson entered and invited Judge Sewall, B. Pickman and myself to dine with him to-morrow. Dec. 23. At Temple Bar took coach to Governor Hutchinson's, where dined in company with Mr. Joseph Green, Mr. Copley, the limner and lady with family, and his children. In our way through Clerkenwell Green we saw five couple of young persons chained together, going under care of tip-staves to Bridewell prison. The news of the taking of St. John and Chamble on Sorel-river con firmed by an arrival from Quebec which left 14th November. Dec. 25. At Chapel Royal, St. James's ; saw the king and queen, who joined in the services with becoraing devotion. Bishop of London preached. Mr. R. Clarke arrived from Boston yesterday, only twenty-one days passage. All safe at Salera. The provincials have seized a ship with five hundred casks gunpowder, cannon, mortars, and stores de guerre et de bouche ; their activity and success is aston ishing. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, IN LONDON. Islington, December 27, 1775. My Dear Sir : I last evening received your favor of the 24th inst., and it afforded me great pleasure to observe that a weekly New England club was likely to be made up; and I am mortified that the extreme coldness of the weather, and the indisposition I have labored under for several weeks, prevent my being in town this day. Be pleased to make ray compliraents to my brother exiles. Yesterday I received letters from^alem of 18th and 20th November ; all was well and quiet there, except a small fracas on account of an expression said to have been uttered by Mr. Timothy Orne, which gave offence to the ruling powers ofthe town, who assembled and by force took him out of his house into School-street in the evening, designing to inflict the modern punishment of tarring and feathering 44 journal AND letters. [177b. on him ; but by the influence of the Committee of Safety and his promise to appear before the Committee next morning, he was suf fered to depart ; accordingly, the next morning he appeared m person ; and he to whom it was reported he had used the expres sion appearing and denying it, promising to submit to the present government, pay the taxes required for support of it, and demean himself quietly and submissively, and take care to avoid for the future making use of unadvised expressions, his present offence should be forgiven. Mr. Lowell of Newburyport is an acting justice, the only one of the " addressers" commissioned. The inferior court bench in Essex is filled by Caleb Cushing, B. Greenleaf, Timothy Pickering, Jr., and Dr. Samuel Holton ; the last but one is the only acting justice in our part of the county. Joshua Ward and John Gardner are in •commission of the peace. On the supreme bench, John Adams, William Cushing, William Reed and Peasely Sargent, all of whom "tis said accept. Major Hawley refuses all employment, saying what he did was purely to serve his country. Very truly yours, S. Curwen. Dec. 31. Went to Hollo way mount, passing through King John's palace-spot ; nothing standing but the original front gate way, under an arch and two pieces of old stone wall, man-height, making part of the wall of stable. Evening at Silver-street meet ing-house lecture; Mr. Smith pathetically addressed the young, middle-aged and old on the close of the year : May the afflictions I have suffered the past year, in an unhappy banishment from my family, friends and country, be the means of increasing my reliance on, and submission to the all-disposing hand ofthe wise and righteous Governor ofthe universe. January 1, 1776. May the events of the following year, how ever unfavorable to the pride of my heart, be productive of more moral improvement than the last. Jan. 5. Visited Joseph Green — afterwards to Samuel Quincy's, where I met Mr. Flucker, Judge Sewall and lady, Sarauel Sewall, and Harrison Gray, who are bound to the theatre to see the Jubilee, which is to be exquisitely decorated in the scenery. 1776.] journal and letters. 45 Jan. 20. Accompanied by B. Pickman and W^m. Cabot, went to Panton-street, Haymarket, to see Mr. Fisher, lately arrived from Araerica ; he had gone out as well as Mr. Flucker. From thence we went to Gov. Hutchinson's, and after a short stay departed through the park to Samuel Quincy's and David Green's lodgings. Parliament-street, where we met Judge Sewall, Mr. Samuel Sew all, Mr. Flucker, Mr. Harrison Gray, and Mr. Oxnard ; R. Clark and Jonathan Clark going out of the door, whom I saw for the first time since their arrival. , Jan. 26. Received a line from Mr. Isaac Smith, inviting me to a dinner at the Adelphi tavern, designed as an introduction to a New England club, which I have been long desirous of establishing. Jan. 28. Almost as cold as ever I felt in New England. Jan. 29. Cold without abatement from yesterday, which will ever be known as the cold Sunday, 8| by Farenheit. The Thames passed over on the ice : generous collections for the suffering poor. The gains of the laborer are almost always spent on Sunday at furthest; foresight and provision for a future day, is not a virtue known among them. The fires here not to be compared to our large American ones of oak and walnut, nor near so comfortable ; would that I was away! February 1. To the Adelphi, Strand, where by appointment met twenty-one of my countrymen, who have agreed on a weekly dinner here, viz. : Messrs. Richard Clark, Joseph Green, Jonathan Bliss, Jonathan Sewall, Joseph Waldo, S. S. Blowers, Elisha Hutchinson, William Hutchinson, Samuel Sewall, Samuel Quincy, Isaac Smith, Harrison Gray, David Greene, Jonathan Clark, Thomas Flucker, Joseph Taylor, Daniel Silsbee, Thomas Brinley, William Cabot, John S. Copley, and Nathaniel Coffin. Sarauel Porter, Edward Oxnard, Benj. Pickraan, Jno. Amory, Judge Robert Auchmuty and Major Urquhart, absent, are members of this New England club, as is also Gov. Hutchinson. London, Feb. 9. Passing through Westminster Hall, I stopped for a small space at the courts of common pleas and king's bench ; at the former were sitting the Chief Justice De Grey and his asso ciates, one of whom was the famous Sir William Blackstone, author of the well known commentaries on the laws of England ; but no 46 journal and letters. [1776. cause of importance, or lawyer of note speaking, I proceeded to the latter, where was sitting that excellent useful judge, but mischievous politician. Lord Mansfield. For the same reason as the former I quit ted my stand here, and retreated to the House of Commons' commit tee-chamber, where for an hour or two I was entertained at the examination of witnesses in the Worcester contested election. The committee sat on an elevated bench, and looked like a court of sessions; the causes managed by advocates with regularity and decency. One of the committee was Sir George Saville, the chair man Ferguson— all took minutes as is usual in all the courts. Thence to Judge Sewall's, Brompton-row, where met a few New England friends at dinner ; among them Mr. Thomas Robie, whom I was very glad to see, he having arrived in England from Hahfax but three days since. By him I received a letter from Dr. John Prince in answer to mine dated in August. FROM HON. WILLIAM BROWNE. Boston, Jan. 8, 1776. ******* George Dodge, in a schooner frora Dorainica, and Ingersol in a schooner of Hasket Derby's from Jamaica, were lately sent in. The property of both vessels was transferred to merchants in the West Indies to cover their interest. James Grant is here from Halifax ; he has the promise of a com mission in the army, and to keep his rank. About two months ago Mr. Marston of Marblehead, carae by night frora Col. Fowles' farm. He knows nothing about Salem. His wife died last summer. The other day Gen. Robinson showed me the devices upon the denominations of the continental bills. On one is represented a heavy shower of rain falling on a new settled country, motto around it " Serenabit ;" on another, a hand plucking the branches from a tea-plant, with the motto, " Susfine vel abstinej" on a third a hawk contending with a stork, motto "Exitus in dubio est ;" on a fourth, an ancient crown on a pedestal, motto " Si recte facias /" on a fifth a beaver gnawing down a full grown oak, motto "Perse- verando ;" on a sixth an Irish harp, motto " Jfa/ora majoribus con sonant." They are the inventions of Dr. Franklin. When I wrote to you in October I forgot to send you the fol lowing list of officers in part of the rebel army, found in the pocket 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 47 of one of their sergeants, who was heights of Charlestown, viz. : Col. Gerrish, Newbury. Lt. Col. Parker, Chelrasford. Major Bigelow, Worcester. Lt. Col. Henshaw, Leicester. Maj. Brooks. Lt. Col. Holden. Adjt. Green. Col. Whitney. Col. Woodbridge. Major Buttrick. Col. Porter. Major Miller. Col. Doolittle, Petersham. Adjt. B. Moore. Col. Frye. Gen. Whitcomb, Bolton. Col. William Prescott. Gen. Ward, Shrewsbury. Col.Peirce. .^ Gen. Poraeroy, Northampton. Col. Patterson, Richmond. Adjt. Guager. Col. Nixon, Framingham. Col. Ward, Southborough. Maj. Sawyer. Adjt. Warner. Maj. Wm. Moore, Paxton. Maj. Cady. Adjt. Hunt. Adjt. Holman. Adjt. Hart. Col. Mansfield. Adjt. Putnam. Maj. Jackson. Lt. Col. Hudson or Hutchins. Adjt. Hardy. killed on the 17th June, on the Col. Gardner, Cambridge. Col. Bridge, Chelmsford. Lt. Col. Brickett, Haverhill. Lt. Col. Clark. Major Stacey. Major Wood, Pepperell. Lt. Col. Powell. Adjt. Holden. Adjt. Gen. Js. Keith, Easton. Col. Green. Maj. Baldwin. Adjt. Woodbridge. Secretary J. Ward. Adjt. Montague. Adjt. Fox. Lt. Col. Robinson, Dorchester. Adjt. Feblger. Adj. Stevens. Col. Bond, Watertown. Col. Simraons. Lt. Col. Whitney, Harvard. Lt. Col. J. Reid, near Manad- nock. Adjt. Marston. Maj. Brigade, Samuel Osgood. Lt. Col Moulton. Maj. Putnam. Lt. Col. Putnam. Maj. Poor. Maj. Durkee, Norwich. Capt. Butler, Peterborough. Joseph Trumbull, Judge Advo cate, Norwich. Adjt. Handy. Lt, Col, Storer. 48 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. Those who have obtained leave to exchange the town for a country residence the last two months, are taken on board an armed ship at Hancock's wharf and are landed at Point Shiriey, where they are cleansed and aired for the benefit of their brethren who have not had the small pox. I sent a verbal message to Mrs. Curwen by Bella McLeroy, in forming her of your safe arrival and health ; but was discouraged by Mrs. Gardiner from trusting her with your letter, which I still have in my desk with those lately received, and know not if I can ever send them until you will suffer them to be inspected at head quarters on both sides the lines. Mrs. Browne and William desire their best regards. Pray present mine to all friends with you, and if you ever desire to hear from me again, give me reason to think so by sending me a circumstantial account of yourself and of what what passes on your side of the water. I am your affectionate friend, Wm. Browne. London, Feb. 15. Dined with New England Club at Adelphi Tavern ; was introduced to Sir Francis Bernard, and saw there, for the first time since his arrival, Mr. Fisher, who promises to spend a day with me soon. Received a letter from Col. Browne, at Boston, acquainting me of the sad destruction of wooden houses for want of fuel, till of late thirteen vessels arrived with coals, &c., raising the despondency of the people. Feb. 27. The city polled for a chamberlain; candidates, alderraen Wilkes and Hopkins. The latter succeeded, to the no small mortification of the Wilkites, who exceed in numbers, among the lower classes, the friends of Hopkins. Mr. Wilkes must look upon himself as one of the people, and lost henceforth to all iraportance. Feb. 29. Dined with Mr. Gilbert Harrison, and delivered my letter of credit frora Mr. Timmins to Messrs. Harrison and Ansley. March 2. At Parson Peters' saw Mr. Troutbeck, lately ar rived from Halifax, and Mr. Wiswall; mutually invited each other to visit, and gave cards. March 4. James Russell and his friend Mr. Newman dined with me; received a card from Messrs. Clarke excusing them selves, being pre-engaged. 1''"''6.] JOURNALANDLETTERS. 49 March 10. To Tichfield-street to pay my respects to Gov. Oli ver's lady ; thence to Judge Sewall's, Brompton-Row, where dined. March 13. At Covent Garden, obtained a very convenient place in the first front seat lower gallery, when the oratorio called the Messiah was performed — the whole stage an orchestra ; in the centre a spacious organ embellished by a portrait of Handel surrounded with a glory, or such rays as are placed round the heads of the saints of the Romish calendar— our musical saint's per- jormances being as much read and studied here as their manuals of devotion are by their admirers. The form of the orchestra am- phitheatrieal and the seats concentric, except of the vocal perform ers, who sat in chairs in front. The leading singers were Mrs. Wrighton, Mrs. Weischell, Mr. Leoni, etc. — nearly eighty per formers in all. The first viohn, professor La Motte ; the first flute, Mr. Florio. The music was noble, grand, full, sonorous, and aw fully majestic ; the whole assembly as one, rising, added a solemnity which swelled and filled my soul with an — I know not what, that exalted it beyond itself, bringing to my raised imagination a full view of that sacred assembly of blessed spirits which surround the throne of God. March 14. Surveyed the New River works at Spafields — thence to see the ravages of the late fire at the Savoy, and through to the gardens belonging to Soraerset House, now about to be pulled down, and the ground between it and the river filled up. I cannot but think with regret on so many noble and royal apartments in good repair, to be destroyed to build offices for the army, that bridle of the nation, its scourge, and will be its future ruin. March 19. Attended lecture at Salters' Hall. Dr. Price gave an excellent sermon frora " Forgive us owr debts as we forgive our debtors." He observed that this was the only original part of the Lord's prayer, (the rest being found in the Jewish liturgy,) and was designed to inculcate the distinguishing characteristic of his religion, universal love and good will to all mankind, making it the very condition on which our hopes of forgiveness are suspended. As forgiveness of injuries and love of all raankind are the most amiable of all virtues, so are they the most difficult to be practised, and ought therefore to be the more endeavored after ; and nothing can recommend us better to divine favor and acceptance. 7 50 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. March 21. Mr. Heard, Norroy king-of-arms, having given me a letter to A. Fariey, Esq., Chapter House, I went, accompanied by WiUiam Cabot, Sarauel Porter, Judge Sewall and his kinsman Samuel Sewall, and I. Bliss, and presenting my letter, we were ad mitted to a sight of Doomsday Books. One, in the fold of a folio, contained a valuation or estimate made for an equal tax of all the counties of England in the time of Willlara the Conqueror, except the three northern counties of Cumberiand, Westmoreland, and Durhara, and the three counties of Essex, Sussex, and Kent, which are contained in a smaller fold or large octavo. Sussex contained but nine landholders in capite ; all tenures being then" from the crown, all the rest being mesne lords or tenants under them. The writing is fair and well preserved, but difficult to be read from its abbreviations in a multitude of places. The initial letters stand for words. The spelling of that age is very different from ours ; many terms not known now being then in common use. The chapter house is of a peculiar construction, and was formerly the parlia ment house in the tirae of the Edwards, etc., and contains rolls of court of King's Bench, Exchequer, etc., for many ages back. Evening, at a show called Les Ombres Chinoises, at which saw Earl Temple [supposed author of Junius] and lady, with several well-dressed people of fashion — about forty spectators in all. The " Ombres" were awkward and unnatural except the puppet dancing — an insipid show. March 24. Heard Dr. Fleming preach at Pinners' Hall ; his ideas clear, and his delivery moderate and devout. He complained of those mystics who denied the use of reason in matters of reli gion ; said it was subversive of it, and contrary to the whole tenor of the canon of Scripture, and rendered as useless and unmeaning the motives and threatenings proposed to us therein for our obedience, and progress in virtue and holiness ; declared mankind free agents, endowed with the power of volition and choice, which was the foundation of all religious obedience, and without which we were not accountable. He denied the merit of Christ's sacrifice to render us objects of divine acceptance, which, he said, by the divine prom ise was to be obtained by man's own serious and diligent per formances. March 25. Drank tea at Mr. Green's in company with Gov. 1776.] JOURNALANDLETTERS. 51 Hutchinson, whom I had not seen for some weeks, and who ex pressed an uneasiness at my neglect to call, which I accounted for as arising from concurrent disappointments. March 31. At Joseph Green's in the evening, where I met Samuel Quincy. April 1, A. M. At Gov. Hutchinson's ; he was alone, reading a new pamphlet entitled " An Inquiry whether Great Britain or America is most in fault." I accepted an invitation to return to dinner : taking leave for the present, I departed, walking through the palace and park to Mr. Bliss's lodgings, where I met Judge Sewall, Mr. Oxnard and Mr. Smith ; returned to the governor's, with whom only young Oliver and myself dined. From thence, in passing through Leicester-square, I called in at Mr. Copley's to see Mr. Clarke and the family, who kindly pressed my staying to tea ; and in the mean time amused myself by seeing his performances in paint ing. He was then at work on a family piece containing himself, Mr. Clarke, his wife and four children, of all of whom I observed a very striking likeness. At tea was present Mr. West, a Philadelphian, a most masterly hand in historic painting; author of the well- known and applauded piece, now in print, called " West's Death of Wolfe," and taken frora his painting. He is now at work on a piece called the " Death of Stephen," for the king, and for which he is to have one thousand pounds. Mr. West is the king's history- painter, and was kind enough to put me into a way of obtaining a sight of the queen's palace, which he tells me contains, except Houghton Hall, the finest collection of capital paintings of any house in England. Returned with Mr. Clarke, who was going to see his son Jonathan, sick. April 3. Breakfasted with Smith and Oxnard, where I found Samuel Quincy and David Green, Judge Sewall and a Lieutenant Merrick. Bought Dr. Price on " Civil Liberty and the American War." Went with Mr. Clarke to procure more convenient lodgings for his sick son, which we found as recommended by Dr. Pitcairn in Cross-street, in what is called the Queen's house, said to be a palace of Elizabeth's, on a sraall scale, low and in the taste of the sixteenth century. The remains of the porter's lodge at the bottom of the garden, in a peculiar style, are yet seen. In one 52 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. of the lower rooms is a painting on the windows with the date of 1588. April 4. At our New England club dinner, twenty-five mem bers present. April 6. At Portuguese synagogue ; a master informed me 'that the comraon people cannot read the Pentateuch without points, .although it contains only alphabetic characters; that the points were invented about the time of Christ in the reign of Tiberius, and that they are necessary to ascertain the sense, which in many places -would be wholly unintelligible without them, and that it would cost six months study to understand the language so as to follow them in their prayers. April 7. Dined with Gov. Hutchinson, and we took tea at Mr. Joseph Green's. April 10. Took a view of West's pictures : amongst others which filled two rooms, were the original of the death of Wolfe, sold to Lord Grosvenor for six hundred guineas, about seven by five feet, in high estimation, although censured by an anonymous writer in yesterday's " Advertiser ,•" Lord dive's receiving the Dewannah from the nabob, figures about twelve inches high and likenesses well preserved, — fifteen feet by eight ; and many other groups of modern persons in ancient characters. Likewise the death of Stephen, the proto-martyr, and at the period of his being received after his death by his friends ; the figures seven feet, the size of the picture about sixteen feet by seven ; designed for the altar of St. Stephen, Walbrook — six hundred guineas to be received for it, which Mr. West esteems so small a price that he considers it a gift to the church. April 11. Visited Tylney House, Epping forest, in company with Messrs. Flucker and Hutchinson. The walls of the ball-room covered with tapestry of the most lively tints, being the story of Telemaque — the ceiling covered with paintings by Mr. Kent. The state dining-room is adorned with copies of capital paintings, three of Titian. The state bedchamber hung with crimson damask, lined with deckered silk, which I am told is India work and cost two thousand pounds. Two other rooms hung in figured velvet on satin ground, and crirason velvet with broad gold lace. Dined at Mr. K's with five of my countrymen, among them 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 53 a Mr. Bourne, lately arrived from Halifax ; he appears a grave, solid man, whose acquaintance I think I shall esteem. AprU 14. Attended public worship at Dr. Price's in the after noon, and In company with Benjamin Pickraan took tea with him. Mr. Pickman had a long conversation with Dr. Price on American affairs, but their sentiments were widely different. April 15. Mr. Boylston called, and we went to Parliament- street to see the procession of the Peers to Westminster Hall to attend the trial of the Duchess of Kingston ; the lords wore their robes. The queen, two princes and two princesses, and the peer esses and ladies in great multitudes attended, and made a most bril liant appearance. April 17. Went with B. Pickraan to Highgate, where dined with Mr. Boylston, and after dinner lo Caen Wood, the seat of Lord Mansfield. The house elegant, not large: — the centre Is a noble portico, the walls of the hall, saloon, chambers, etc. covered with paper of India or Chinese figures — the library a beautiful room, (having a fine prospect of St. Paul's, distant about seven miles, through a wood, over a lawn, and ending in a fine piece of water,) contains the largest mirrors I ever saw, being seven and a half feet high by three and a half in breadth. In the hall are two tables of jet-black marble. The walls hung with portraits of Lord Mans field and lady, who was a daughter of Finch, Earl of Nottingham. AprU 22. Visited Mr. Hughes seventeen miles out, at Hoddes don, Herts ; the grounds laid out with great taste. April 23. Walked to Ware, which contains five hundred houses, besides a great curiosity called "the great bed of Ware," which is twelve feet square — the posts, which are of uncommon size, are carved with white and red roses, built, it is said, at the union of the houses of York and Lancaster ; the date, 1463, is painted on the centre ofthe headboard, which with the tester is of wood in the same style, laid out in compartments and surrounded with roses. The whole weighs half a ton : twenty persons can repose comfortably on it. April 24. W^alked through the Rye-field to the Rye House, famous as the rendezvous of those who concerted the plot of that name : — the room in which they met Avas once a chapel ; indeed, the whole appears as the remains of a famous seat. The walls 54 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. brick, and moulded round, forming two high round towers, joined together by a line of defence ; holes in the walls for arrows, etc. On returning home, passed a farm called Nether Hall, belong ing to a Mr. Archer; here are the remains of a palace, said to have been King Harold's before the conquest. The house, which was very large, has been pulled down ; two lofty brick towers remain, with a wall of equal height, crowned with battlements, and within a moat surrounding an acre of land covered with ruins. In one of the angles is a watch-tower, now converted into a hen roost. Arriving at home, found John Inman, brother of Ralph, our countryman, who dined with us ; he is of a blunt humor, easy and jolly ; with him and a Mr. Musgrave we set off to Mr. Daute- ville's, at Brocksburn, by invitation ; passed an agreeable evening at Mr. Hughes'. May 1. The young chimney-sweepers with their sooty and chalked faces are dressed out with ribbons and gilt paper, a gro tesque and merry-andrew appearance. With their brushes and scrapers they made a kind of musical sound, raising contributions on their employers and others. The milk- maids appeared in fine and fantastic attire, and carried on their heads pyramids of three or four feet in height, finely decorated. In Ave-Mary lane saw the milkmen and maids again with a garland so called ; being a pyra mid consisting of seven or eight stories, in the four angles of which stood a silver tankard, and on the sides, between each, lessening in height as the stories rose, stood a silver salver, the top crowned with a chased silver tea-kettle, round which were placed sundry small pieces of plate ; the whole adorned with wreaths and festoons of flowers, gilt paper, etc., carried on a bier and hand-barrow, it being a custom amongst them to collect of the customers a yearly contribution. The wrought silver appeared worth many hundreds of pounds, and is borrowed for the occasion. May 3. Dined with H H , Esq., Capt. T , and B. Pickman, at Jerusalem tavern ; on my way meeting Mr. Elisha Hutchinson, who informed me of Col. Browne and son's arrival. May 4. Called on my friend Browne, who had sent a message last evening by Mr. Pickman to invite his three countrymen to his lodgings. Col. Browne acquainted me with some facts relative to 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 55 the unfortunate abandonment of Boston by the king's troops ; which after all has the appearance of being forced. W^ould to God this ill- judged, unnatural quarrel was ended, but I fear thousands of useful innocents must be sacrificed to the wickedness, pride and folly of unprincipled men. Many of our countrymen called during our stay. May 5. To Magdalen Hospital ; heard the Rev. Dr. Dodd preach from John xv. 17, " These things I command you, that ye love one another." — A most elegant, sensible, serious and pathetic discourse, enough to have warmed a heart not callous to the im pressions of pity. I own ray eyes flowed with tears of corapassion. May 7. Atterapted to get into Drury Lane theatre, to see Mr. Garrick in the character of Archer, but the crowd so great, that after suffering thumps, squeezes, and almost suffocation for two hours, I was obliged to retire without effecting it. Went to Mr. Silsbee's lodgings to tea. May 8. Visited Mr. Fisher, who very politely received me, and appeared glad to see me ; from thence to Gov. Hutchinson's, who was alone — having before called at Col. Browne's (my towns man and friend) lodgings, whom I did not see, being gone abroad. Thence to Judge Sewall's in Brompton-Row, but meeting Mr. Har rison Gray near the house, was told that neither he nor Mr. Porter were at home. Called again at Col. Browne's, where I found Col. SaltonstaU ; they both agreed to dine with me. May 9. With Col. Browne went to St. Paul's to hear the music for the benefit of the sons of clergy. Dr. Porteus* preached to a crowded assembly. The archbishop of Canterbury, the bishop of London, the lord mayor and sheriffs, in their formalities present. May 10. Met at Col. Browne's Gov. Hutchinson, Judge Sewall and Col. SaltonstaU ; proceeded to W^estmlnster HaU, heard opinions from Judges De Grey, Gould, Blackstone and Nares re specting a verdict. May 11. Advices of the arrival of a vessel which left Phila delphia by consent of Congress, on the owner's paying them as duty one third the cost of vessel and cargo ; and that Arnold is ap pointed a major general, and still remained before Quebec, five thousand men having been sent from Philadelphia. Took tea with Mr. Copley and Mr. Clark. * Afterwards bishop of Chester. 56 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. May 13. Walked to Walworth, the gardens of a Mr. Mad- docks, a noted florist, wherein I saw the greatest variety of finely variegated tulips I believe in England. May 14. Went to the exhibition-room in the Strand, where were more than fifty people viewing the pictures, models, etc., as contained in a book delivered to each at entering. There were raany performances and some very exceUent in their kind, of which the view of the eruption of Vesuvius and a few night pieces struck me most. May 15. Visited Pinchbeck's to view stained glass ; most elegant figures, finest tints, in the new revived art, by a Mr. Jervais; among which were two full lengths of Christ and Moses, bought at seventy guineas by a clergyman, and presented to Westminster Abbey. From thence to the exhibition-room of the Royal Academy, in Pall-mall, where were to be seen a most curious col- ection of elegant and capital performances in oil, crayons, enamel, sculpture, etc., a great number present. Meeting Colonels Browne and SaltonstaU at the door of their lodgings, agreed to meet them at the Exchange and dine together at three o'clock. May 17. Took tea at Mr. J. Green's; Harrison Gray and other company there ; having dined with eleven New Englanders at St. Clement's coffee-house. May 20. Took lodgings with a Mr. Palmer at the Herald's office. May 21. Visited the Boar's-head tavern, Cannon-street, to view the very room or rather spot in which Prince Harry with Falstaff used to assemble with their friends Nym, Bardolph, etc., to hold their nocturnal frolicks. Agreed to make a company, (if feasible,) to dine next Thursday. Returned home, where found Richard Routh, who carae with B. Pickraan. June 2. Called at Mr. Copley's, Leicester-square ; afterwards at No. 11 Haymarket, the lodgings of Col. Browne and Col. Sal tonstaU. June 5. Walked to Mr. Green's ; Major Brattle entered, and we three took coach to Drury Lane, to see for the last tirae Gar rick in Richard III. by coramand of their majesties, but were too late — house filled. June 6. To Westminster Hall to hear the sentence of Gen. 1776.] JOURNALANDLETTERS. 57 Smith and Mr. Hollis for bribing a borough, who are to be impri soned six months, and pay one thousand marks. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, EXETER. London, June 6, 1776. Dear Sir : We have received advices from America, though not authenti cated enough to find a place in the Court Gazette, still generally believed ; there are some who doubt the whole. Gov. Tryon In his letters by the packet from New- York, which left 2d May, writes that " Arnold having received a reinforcement,. made a second attack on Quebec, but finding it impracticable to take it by storm, he, on the 19th April, after five days' attempt, retreated ; In the meantime, the Isis, with eight hundred men on board two transports which arrived with her, having landed, imme diately joined the garrison and issued out, disturbing thera on their march, and destroying seven hundred and fifty men." It is re ported that eighty men taken last February on Montgomery's defeat from the New England regiments, incorporated with the garrison and behaved bravely ; on the contrary, seventy of the regulars entered among the provincials, and turning against them when hard pushed, occasioned the carnage stated above. Gen. Lee is said to be taken with seventy men by a party of Gen. Clinton's, as he was reconnolterlng, without firing a gun ; the story is told in three different ways, but finds credit. A vessel from Halifaxhas arrived, bringing their Governor Legge to answer com plaints. Gen. Washington has issued a proclamation, forbidding all rapine and plunder in Boston, a source of comfort to our friends here. There Is a long list of military stores in the papers, said to have been left at Boston by Gen. Howe, but it is thought to be a false account. London, my favorite place of abode, is, as the peasant said, " a sad lickpenny," and truly one cannot breathe the vital air without great expense. The numerous applications to the treasury by Americans whose pretensions are so raach beyond mine,, exclude the most distant hope of relief for me, should inadvertence or more unjustifiable principles of conduct reduce me to the necessity of asking a favor, which I ara determined at all events to defer to the 8 58 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. longest period, if it please the great Disposer of events to prolong my uneasy abode in this country of aliens for many days yet to come. To communicate with a friend is almost the only relief from dis tracting thoughts ; for the harmless amusements in which I was engaged last summer and faU, and which served to dissipate uneasy reflections, now having lost their novelty, delight no more. Yours truly, S. Curwen. June 8, Dined with Judge Sewall at Brompton-Row ; and with bin), his wife and sister, Mr. Blowers and wife, Samuel Sewall and Willlara Browne, was admitted to the queen's palace in St. James's Park. The rooms are large, lofty, and extremely well filled with pictures ; many of them said to be originals of the best masters; amongst them are seven Cartoons of Raphael, and a large collection of miniatures in gilt frames and under glass. From thence to tea at Col. Browne's, afterwards to the opera house ; entertained with the opera of Antlgono, the Signers Rousini and Gabrieli, principal performers, interludes of exquisitely fine dancing. June 10. Read " Common Sense," published in America, and republished here, in favor of American independence ; and also " Plain Truth," an answer to it ; and Provost Smith's oration on the Quebec herpes, Montgomery, etc. TO DR. CHARLES RUSSELL, ANTIGUA. London, June 10, 1776. Dear Sir : I congratulate you on your retreat from the land of oppression and tyranny ; for surely, greater never appeared since the days of Nlmrod. I sincerely wish well to my native country, and am of opinion that the happiness of it depends on restraining the violences and outrages of profligate and unprincipled men, who run riot against all the laws of justice, truth and religion. Sad and deplo rable is the condition of those few that like Abdiel, amidst hostile bands of fallen spirits, retain their primitive loyalty. So strangely unprosperous hitherto have been the measures of administration in 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 59 America, that the active provincials have taken courage, and ac complished what in contemplation would have appeared morally impossible. Gen. Burgoyne sailed from hence ten weeks ago for Canada with four thousand Brunswickers and seven or eight regi ments ; Lord Howe in the Eagle about a month, and the first divi sion of Hessians, consisting of eight or ten thousand, about a fort night before him. Gen. Howe, his brother, with nine thousand was at Halifax the beginning of April. The second division, ('tis said,) wUl sail this week, consisting of four thousand, which completes the whole number of foreign troops. The whole of the regular army on the continent wUl not be short of forty thousand men. It is surprising what little seeming effect the loss of American orders has on the manufactories ; they have been in full employ ever since the dispute arose ; stocks are not one jot lessened, the people in general little moved by it ; business and amusements so totally engross all ranks and orders here that administration finds no diffi culty on that score to pursue their plans. The general disapproba tion of that folly of independence which America now evidently aims at, makes it a difficult part for her friends to act. By letters from Salera to the 16th April I find they were in a quiet state there, and hugging themselves in the fatal error that government had abandoned the design of reducing them to obedi ence. Six vessels laden with refugees are arrived from Halifax, amongst whom are R. Lechmere, I. Vassal, Col. Oliver, Treas urer Gray, etc. Those who bring property here may do well enough, but for those who expect reimbursement for losses, or a supply for present support, will find to their cost the hand of charity very cold ; the latter may be kept from starving, and beyond that their hopes are vain. " Blessed is he (saith Pope) that expecteth nothing, for he shall never be disappointed ;" nor a more interesting truth was ever uttered. I find my finances so visibly lessening, that I wish I could re move frora this expensive country, (being heartily tired of it,) and old as I am, would gladly enter into a business connection anywhere consistently with decency and integrity, which I would fain pre serve. The use of the property I left behind me I fear I shall never be the better for ; little did I expect from affluence to be reduced to such rigid economy as prudence now exacts. To beg is a mean- 60 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, ness I wish never to be reduced to, and to starve is stupid ; one comfort, as I am fast declining into the vale of life, ray miseries cannot probably be of long continuance. With great esteem, etc. S. Curwen. June 13. Went early to call on my townsmen Messrs. Dal- •glish and Hastie ;* met Capt. Poynton ; Mr. Hastie delivered me a letter from Mr. Pynchon. Mr. Thomas Danforth, late from Boston by the way of Halifax, and Mr. R. Russell, called and staid with rae till eleven o'clock at night. June 15. Accompanied Mr. Danforth to Gov. Hutchinson's and Judge Sewall's. June 18. CaUed on Mr. Hughes, who invited me to a second visit to his seat at Hoddesdon ; showed me a Massachusetts libel for a transport from London, signed by the new judge of admiralty, Timothy Pickering, jun. Dr. Sylvester Gardner bitterly laments his unhappy situation at Halifax, with a deplorable account of his losses at leaving Boston, etc. June 19. To the British Museum, accompanied by Mr. Dan forth, In the library I saw King John's original charter called Magna Charla ; a book of prayers of Queen Elizabeth, executed finely by herself, the writing very plain, letters fair and well pre served, the covering of red velvet worked in flowers by her own hand. The Alexandrian manuscript copy of the Bible, said to have been written in the fourth century, containing the gospel of Nicodemus, a forgery composed in that age; all written on parch ment, in capitals, without distinction of words, or verse, or sen tences. Also many of the letters of Charles I., amongst which the original of his to Glamorgan, a papist, in Ireland, promising to make good his engagement to him in establishing the Roman Catholic religion there, and toleration of It in England. Thursday, June 20. Accompanied Mr. Danforth to Judge Oliver's lodgings, in Jerrayn-street, and with him and his son pro ceeded through the Park to Westminster Hall, expecting to hear Lord Rochfort and Mr. Sayre's case, but it did not come on. Just * Importers of Salem. 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 61 looking into Chancery, I observed the judges as they were going out of King's Bench turned about and saluted with a bow. Chief Justice Lord Mansfield's train borne up by a gentleman. Chief Justice of Comraon Pleas, Sir William De Grey, made a speech on a trial between a Mr. Popham, etc., on an election affair. Met my townsman, Samuel Grant; the first time I have seen him since his arrival from Mississippi. June 21. Called at Messrs. Browne and Saltonstall's lodgings, where I saw Col. Morrow and Mr. Johonnot, of Boston, refugees, for the first time since their arrival. Mr. Bourne, one of my countrymen, brought me a letter which carae by a Cape Ann schooner, dated Salem, 21st April — when all was well. My friend's advices concerning the discipline and number of the provincial troops, and the number and strength of the American navy, will prove, when put to the test, to be a delu sive fancy: civil wars In time make good generals and soldiers, but the immense inequality will, I suppose, put an end to this war be fore they will have time to qualify ; in any case, America must be ruined, perhaps desolated. I pray God inspire all with a spirit of moderation and wishes for a reconcilement and oblivion of past confusions ; and may the righteous flourish as the palm-tree, and the wicked wither and their root consume away. June 23. At Rolls' Chapel. Dr. Hurd, bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, preached an ingenious discourse. Mr. Browne, R. Clark, E. Hutchinson, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Johonnot, Judge Oliver and son, accompanied me. TO MR. ISAAC SMITH, EXETER. London, June 26, 1776. Dear Sir : I have received a letter from Rev. Thomas Barnard, of Salem, filled with American fancies; their power, strength, grandeur, and prowess, by land and sea ; their policy, patriotism, industry, pro gress in the useful arts, and their fixed determination to withstand the attacks of tyranny, etc., etc. All these fanciful notions will, (too soon, alas! to their sorrow,) like Ephraim's goodness, "van ish as the morning cloud and early dew," and prove to be fatal delusions. 62 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. Two or three companies of Bostonians are lately arrived from Halifax. I am determined to take a journey westward, and shall stop as near you as possible. I shall, however, depart hence as Abraham did from the land of the Chaldees, not knowing whither I go ; fain would I trust in the same kind protecting hand that guided that good old patriarch ; would to God I had his faith, but fear my future allotments will be poverty and pilgrimage. Your friendj etc, S, Curwen. London, June 27f. At Westminster Hall to hear Lord Roch fort, secretary of state, and Mr. Sayre's case, for false Imprisonraent and seizing the latter's papers. Verdict, one thousand pounds for the latter. Tried before Chief Justice De Grey. July 1. Breakfasted with Col. SaltonstaU; afterwards to Judge Oliver's to have a sight of Dr. EUiott's letters, conceived in the whig strain. Jidy 3. With Mr, Browne visited Bunhlll Fields burying- ground to view Judge Chambers Russell's grave — passed John Bunyan's tomb, 1688, July 5. At Croydon, where the Duke of Bedford has a hunt ing seat. In this place he and the Marquis of Blandford,* youths of twelve and thirteen, are at a boarding-school. I arrived at Mrs. Grosvenor's, the lodgings of the two Ingersolls, D. and J., and to the latter I had a letter frora D. Deberdt, recoramending me to the house, which I found full, and am therefore disappointed. Thence to the church : the vicar is Dr. Apthorp, my countryman ; it is in exceUent repair ; in a separate corner are the tombs of six archbishops, viz. Grindall, Whltglft, and Sheldon, with statues over them and placed against the wall, and in decumbent postures, iff episcopal habits and crowns, the latter of while marble polished, and on the entablature the emblems of mortality in middle relief, executed in a raasterly manner in Italy ; the three others are Wake, Potter, and Herring, in flat tombs, and their names, &c, inscribed. Dined with the Ingersolls at Mrs. Grosvenor's, July 8. Paid visits to Mr, Fisher and Col. SaltonstaU ; left a * Afterwards duke of Marlborough. 1776.3 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 63 card at Gov. Hutchinson's, who is in the country. Took tea at Mr, Blowers' in company with Judge Sewall and family. July 10, At Guildhall — Court Comraon Pleas, in which sat Chief Justice De Grey — King's Bench, Lord Chief Justice Mans field—the former addressed the jury in a case of slander in a most agreeable manner. Speaking of the Standard in CornhUl sometimes referred to in books relative to distances, I called on an inhabitant there, but could get no satisfaction, he telling me he had himself inquired about It to no purpose. But very few are acquainted with the curiosities, etc., the knowledge being confined to those skilled in city history, July 13. Breakfasted with Mr. Oxnard and Mr, Silsbee. Asked a man how far it was to Chelsea, and was answered, in the true New-England style, " / donH know — about half a mile." This I note as the first instance, to my remembrance, of the like I have met with on this side the water. Had a free conversation with a couple of converslble gentlemen, not comraonly to be met with ; the better sort or gentry being too proud or reserved to mix with those they don't know, or to indulge a promiscuous chat, July 14, Worshipped at Allhallows, Lombard-street ; the of ficiating priest was Mr, Peters, the refugee from Hebron, Connecti cut;* his text 2 Peter chap. iii. verses 1 and 2, "But grow in grace," etc, Mr. Peters dined with me, * Author of a travestied history of Connecticut. 64 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776, CHAPTER II. London, July 15. Walked out with the intention of paying my respects to Gov. Hutchinson before leaving London — met him in the Park with Mr. Flucker, and took leave; receiving copies of two letters with leave to show them to Mr. Isaac Smith, one being to himself and the other to Mr. Hollis, both from Dr. Elliott, and intercepted by Gen. Howe, - Tuesday, July 16. Left home at an early hour in the Salisbury coach. On Hounslow heath, through, which we passed, three monuments of human folly and divine justice — as many gibbets with the remains of so raany wretches, hanging in chains; a little beyond, a high obelisk crowned with a large gilt ball, erected by the late duke of Cumberland at his lodge in Windsor Park. On the other hand, at a distance of twenty rods from the road, another obelisk, ending in a blunt point ; two miles further stands a more lofty one, scarcely finished, of four stories, illuminated by square windows, the design of the present duke. The road from Wallop to Salisbury is delightfully pleasant, and hard as a garden gravel- walk ; at four mUes' distance is to be seen the spire of the cathe dral, supposed to be the highest in England. The land rising gradually from the plain till the sight is bounded by a ridge of high hills, from the rising filled with enclosures, rows and clumps of trees, and raany farm-houses ; alighted at Salisbury at seven o'clock in the evening. Salisbury, July 17. Started for Stonehenge, a distance of eleven miles, the first five through highly cultivated, grounds. At the distance of three miles from the city, on the right, is to be seen an eminence apparently of an oval figure, lying beyond the improved grounds, enclosed with hedges, etc., which seems lo be raised by art, or formed into its present shape or figure, at least, by the hands and industry of man ; the ascent to the plain on which its base stands is above the level of the improvements on the hither 1776,] JOURNALANDLETTERS. 65 side ; it is an easy slope at an angle of 45°, and measures round one mile ; on the rim of the first slope are cornfields ; within is a slope of the same figure as the lower, rising nearly to the same height ; in a plain on one side is planted a small group of trees ; this spot in former days was the site of Old Sarum, containing about sixty acres, unless I ara raislnformed, without one house on it, now enti tled to send two raerabers to parliaraent. On the lower plain, and bordering on the slope, stands one house, where dwells a family supplying the curious who visit there with punch, wine, and tea. The view under this long range of hills presents a most pleasing and variegated prospect. Turning out of the road over the lawn, void of trees, bushes, stones, and as even as a bowling green, we soon arrived in sight of the object of our pursuit, Stonehenge : its first appearance re sembled a company of men ; in different views it assumed very different shapes. About a mile from this place, encompassing it in a circular line, stand many of those bodies of earth called bar rows or tumuli, supposed burial places of the Druids ; their form is globular, from nine to twelve feet in height, and from thirty-five to forty in diameter : — their surfaces smooth, all of the same shape, and not very different in size. I viewed thera well, and reraem- bering that they never could be counted, I nevertheless set about the task with confidence of success ; — my first enumeration was eighty, second eighty-two, third and fourth different, so that I was convinced of the difficulty of the task and gave it up — almost imagining that the Druid presiding over these sacred ruins puzzles and confounds the minds of all who make the iniquitous attempt. — The outside row of stones is an imperfect oval, eighteen in number ; those upright are about seventeen feet high and about four feet wide. Eight very large, but not of so great length, lying flat wise on the tops of the outside row — nine on the fops of those within; fourteen small uprights stand within, in different direc tions or lines ; twenty-eight, perhaps more, lying out of the ground — two lying in the ground, that look as if in their natural bed. Two columns of the largest size and of an uneven surface stand upright; in one of these near the end, is a small hollow, the size and shape of what Don Quixote took for Mambrino's hel met. In the other near the ground, is a small hollow of the size 9 66 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. of a pint basin, said to have been impressed when the devil threw the rock at the friar and struck him on the heel. Many other tra ditions, tales and follies are related by the credulous and supersti tious vulgar about this wonderful pile. There is no appearance of the chisel or hammer, but in two of the rocks, one very large has on each end an excavation about fourteen inches long and about seven deep, designed to be placed on the upright ones. The up right one, of which the former lies at its foot, has on top a circular rising just the size of those below, and seems as if intended to be let into the hollows to keep the arch stones and those lying on the tops of the uprights steady and secure. And I doubt not the cross stones lying still on the tops of the uprights are secured the same way. This pile stands on a lofty eminence of great extent and has on it neither tree, bush, shrub or stone within many miles on either side, and is called " the plain of Salisbury." Thence at a distance of seven miles, I was admitted to Lord Pembroke's seat. In the court are fine busts and statues. The house is a noble building, round a square ; the front is a plan of Inigo Jones, looks over a lawn, through which is a natural river improved by art ; through the lawn are interspersed clumps of trees, statues and busies, vases and obelisks, rendering the spot delightful beyond description. The rooms are filled with antique statues, busts, vases, urns, sarco phagi without number. Among other things a curalis sella made of iron and brass — the stone coffin that Terence's remains were deposited in, and the urn that contained the ashes of Horace ; — also an exact model ofthe Venus of Medicis and the Apollo Belvi- dere ; — was it not for the complaisance due the fair sex, I should prefer the latter to the former, and believe it is to that principle alone that antiquarians are so lavish in theii- praises of the god dess. On returning to Salisbury, three miles, after dinner I strolled to the cathedral ; the pulpit of stone is in the body of the church, the reading desk is in the choir ; the ceiling curious and finely painted and gilded, laid out in compartments of many figures, with roses, &c. in the centre. The windows filled with paintings ; the buttresses, pillars and decorations are similar to Westminster Abbey. This cathedral is supposed to be five or six centuries old ; it stands in a place called Salisbury Close, surrounded by walls, having three gates that are shut every night. It has privileges 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 67 distirict from the town, and is the residence of the bishop and his clergy, besides private families. Took coach for Exeter, July 27. Two despatches frora America on their way to Lon don, with advices that an engagement had happened between Gen. Howe and the Americans, with a loss of 18,000 men on both sides, and so great was the carnage that one regiment had but five men left. On inquiry I believe the account cannot be true to the extent of loss. July 28. — Exeter. It is remarkable that in many of the churches of this city are placed in compartments, or tablets against the walls in raany places, collections of texts of Scripture. Il is believed that the cathedral has been standing nine hundred years, and its ancient appearance justifies it ; the military garb some of the statues are dressed in is of the period of the ninth and tenth centuries. July 30, Attended divine service in the cathedral, to hear, as is the custom, the assize sermon preached before the judges, who were Barons Eyre and Holham ; the preacher, a Mr. Simmons ; a sensible and serious discourse from Proverbs 14: 34, " Righteousness exalteth a nation." TO THOMAS DANFORTH, ESQ., BROMPTON-ROW, LONDON. Exeter, July 30, 1776. Dear Sir : ********** Dined at Whitchurch ; we were joined at table by five gentle men of the turf, going to the Andover races in this vicinity : the jokes flew freely, and excited laughter among themselves and af forded me some amusement, although conceived in terms to which I was unaccustomed ; — their boisterous mirth and manners brought to my mind the descriptions to be met with in hooks, of gentlemen of that character, and is a proof that they have justly copied the originals. Again we took fresh horses, and in an hour measured eight miles, passing the Earl of Portsmouth's seat, remark able for nothing that I could see, (but yet it covers more ground than the neighboring farm houses,) lying just before we entered the Andover race grounds, an extent of two or three miles under 68 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776. a range of naked hills on one side, and on the other by enclosures beyond which the road runs, and on which we met and overtook multitudes of each sex, every rank and condition, dressed in their best attire, fo partake of the diversions of the race ; being too early, we missed a sight I would gladly have enjoyed. At a dis tance of three mUes we descended into the town of Andover, which like the situations of most towns in England, is in a bottom, con taining two hundred houses, a church and town hall, with open market under it, and adorned with a spire on the top, and a modern structure, as many of the houses are, « * # «.* * * * * * At the distance of eight mUes from Salisbury, we passed through five or six villages of houses with mud walls and thatched roofs, such only being seen for many mUes in the west. Alighted at last at the Red Lion in Salisbury, having rode eighty-three miles in fifteen hours. The houses in Salisbury are in ancient style of building, and contain five thousand inhabitants. I peeped into the cathedral during service ; the worshippers were the dean, five or six ecclesiastics, eight singing boys, and eight as raiserable looking wretches as ever entered the doors of a hospital ; they were literally, as the gospel says of those who are called, " the blind, the halt," &c., and are hired to attend : and without this ex pedient I fancy the lay hearers would be as few as Dr. Swift's con gregation. The ceiling is as gaudy as gold and paint can make it, and in the taste of Henry Vllth's chapel, but not open work, and by its appearance has been neglected for some centuries. In short, it looks like an old neglected military officer out of service, with his regimentals worn threadbare and soiled. Indeed the whole church is so slovenly and dirtily kept, that a stranger would judge that these stewards of the Lord's inheritance regarded the revenues more than the repairs of the mansion house. The pews or seats are in a declining, and if not soon propped up, will be in a decum bent state ; — the pulpit of stone, perhaps lo denote the blockish quality of its possessors, A curious statue of St. Osmond is here, said to have been brought from old Sarum, and supposed of the eleventh or twelfth century ; but where he lived or died is not within the compass of my reading.* ? Chancellor of England and Bishop of Salisbury under William the Conqueror. 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 69 Having performed a ride of ninety miles in seventeen hours, alighted in this city of Exeter, my distance from London being one hundred and seventy-two miles. The number of inhabitants is scarcely seven-eighths as numerous as at Boston in New England ; standing on much less ground, and on an eminence in the centre of a bottom encorapassed by distant high hills ; on one side runs the river Exe, over it a bridge some centuries old. The streets narrow and dirty — houses of ancient style. The city is encom passed with a wall, in some places almost entire, very high, and crowned with battlements ; — perhaps more gates, gateways and arches here than in any other place in England. I was told that forty years ago there was not a coach to be seen in the city. Here are nineteen parish churches, not one with a spire, but having large towers and battlements ; and eleven meeting-houses for Presbyte rians, Quakers, Methodists, Catholics, and Jews. The castle lately deraolished to make room for a court-house. The cathedral front is adorned with sixty .mutilated statues, having the appearance of a thousand years. Among the various monuraents within, is one erected many ages since, to perpetuate the remembrance of an enthusiast, who died a martyr to his folly in presuming to fast in imitation of our Saviour ; being a just resemblance of a body wasted by hunger to a skeleton. I am, with great regard, S. Curwen. Exeter, August 1. Attended the assizes al the castle ; the cause before Baron Eyre was a suit of Lord Clifford, a Roman Cathohc peer, against a Mr, Prode, for encroaching on the rights of his manor of Ringmoor, within which is part of the town of Teign mouth, lying on the river Tyne. Lord Clifford claimed up lo high water mark, below which for 178 feet he had built and enclosed ; but on the trial Lord Clifford made an offer lo compromise the claim, allowing Mr. Prode to enjoy one half his encroachment for three lives or ninety-nine years, paying yearly ten shillings, and surren dering the other half, which terms were acceded to, and the trial was quashed. August 5, Removed to Sidmouth, a watering place, where I propose to reside some time with my friend. Rev, Isaac Smith, 70 JOURNALANDLETTERS. [1776. who officiates as minister to the dissenting congregation, partly made up of the company resorting hither for the benefit of sea bathing and drinking the waters. I am now at Mr. FoUet's, August 12. Sidmouth consists of about a hundred houses, built of mud walls and thatched roofs, except a very few with Cornish tile and with shingles, very low, situated in a bottom or valej; the lands about are under good improvement. On each side stand two ridges of hills, ending in cliffs, the foot washed by the tide. In the town is an old church with a clock and a meeting house. The inhabitants chiefly hired out to the Newfoundland traders, and for the most part in low circumstances. The town is within the manor of Sir WUmot Prideaux, whose ancestor having mortgaged the estate to the ancestor of a person now insane, the leases cannot be renewed, and therefore the houses are going to decay, none in clining lo repair more than necessary at an uncertainty. TO DR. CHARLES RUSSELL, ANTIGUA. Sidmouth, August 14, 1776. Dear Sir : Your letter has given me great pain ; people in siraUar circum stances of distress must be brutal not to feel for one another. Let us endeavor to fortify our minds against despondency; perhaps our prospects will brighten ; if not, reason and a submissive dispo sition may greatly alleviate, though they cannot wholly remove the weight of trouble. I sincerely wish you and your connections a removal of the sufferings you are at present under. You are candid enough to place my demand to the right ac count. I would sooner have endured hunger than needlessly add lo any one's distresses, much less those for whom I am bound by many ties to promote their happiness and interest. Do not re member the demand, consult your convenience ; Ihave not wanted, although am reduced to a rigid economy, which you know was not my case in New England. This watering place, the resort of much genteel company for sea bathing, is the most frugal place in England ; it is in Devonshire, in the neighborhood of Exeter, and about two hundred miles from London. Your favors, ever esteemed, I ask a continuance of, and re main, etc. S. Curwen. 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 71 FROM THOMAS DANFORTH, Knightsbridge, August 18, 1776. My DEAR Sir : Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were. I have received your two epistles, though the last but two or three days ago, it having lain some tirae at Palraer's, from whence I re moved a fortnight this day to Mr. Pemberlhy's in Queen's Row, six or eight houses north of Judge Sewall's, where I have very agreeable lodgings. I neglected answering particularly your first letter, expecting every day a second, and having nothing particu lar by way of news, I have now determined to write, news or no news, and as you know it is not against ray conscience lo affirm that I saw the same velvet in the loom, for the same reason I think it very innocent to make a sraall budget of news. You wUl there fore be pleased to understand and be inforraed,that a few days ago the Coramissioners with Nathaniel Coffin, Mr. Porter, the Comp troller, the Inspector General, Col. Leonard, Mr. Barack, Mr. Mather, Mr. FaneuU, etc., etc., arrived frora Halifax ; what recep tion they will meet with is uncertain. You see without doubt in the papers the news from the army at Staten Island. Sheriff Loring writes Col, Hatch, that he expects to spend the winter in Roxbury, and shall clean up his house there for his place of resi dence. Col. Tyng writes to Judge SewaU, that when he is settled in his house, which he proposes to take at Amboy, he shall be more particular. It seems that the accounts they have frora the de- ' sorters are very encouraging ; that they are much divided upon the matter of independency, I think that the enemies of opposition to Parliament may regard the matter in that light, and appear openly ; that this will be a lucky handle, and will finally be the means of oversetting the combination. It is said that there is a large party in South Carolina, Maryland, Connecticut, and New Hampshire, in opposition ; these will assist the king's troops when they are well warmed in dispute with their brethren. It would not be strange if the rebel interest should melt like snow in a hot sun, when once it begins to fail. All but the congress have an excuse for revolting, and think that they save their honor. Thousands will 72 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, revolt from them upon a specious pretence, who never would if such could not be found. You have seen in the papers an account of the Yankee privateer brought into the river ; one Johnston of Boston, is master, and Downer of Roxbury, surgeon. The prisoners are now on board of a 74 gun ship at Sheerness, They give a more favorable account of the situation of the friends of government than we have before had, but some allowances must be made, Daniel Bliss writes from Quebec, that they have reason lo think that above a thousand men about Albany are ready to join Gen. Burgoyne ; he makes the loss of the rebels in that expedition to be 2000 men, kUled, prisoners, and by sickness, upon a moderate computation. The 400 men, inhabitants of Staten Island, with others as they come in, are put under comraand of Gen. Ruggles, who is to keep possession of the island. I am much obliged by your agreeable account of your journey, but an account of your journey to London again will be more agreeable, which I hope will be soon. Our friend Bourne is gone into the country, so that I am at some loss lo give you so particular an account of the lottery as I could wish. There is much about Molesworth's Plan in the Ledger of this day. I shall examine it, and if it does not contain the whole matter, wUl insert the remainder before I close this letter. Bourne said that he discouraged hira from purchasing chances. Brattle, Boylston, etc., have returned from France. I have heard nothing farther of Porter, Treasurer Gray, Abel Willard of Lancaster, and I, have just come from Salters' HaU meeting-house, where we heard a Mr, Pickard of Carter-street, near St. Paul's, Being down in the city, I took up Molesworth's pubUcation, and found it to be the same with what is contained in the Ledger, I see that there is an order in the papers for all the militia of New-York to be in readiness to march. There will probably be warm work. I find that you give no account of your situation in your letter. I sup pose you have found the diamond mine, and choose to engross the whole profits. I have paid Col. Pickman as you desired,— he made no observations. Mrs. Bray did not know how to du-ect me to pay for the wine and ale, so that remains as it was. I should copy aU your excuses for your letter, were it not that I suppose they are fresh in your memory, I hate both writing fairly and copying my own letters particularly. I think I have covered the 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 73 same quantify of paper, and have therefore a right to close. To conclude therefore, please remember me to the Doctor. Salute Priscilla and Aquila, and all the pretty girls who are in Exon. Your very humble servant, Thos, Danforth. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. Bristol, August 24, 1776, Dear Sir: The regret with which I left Sidmouth was in some measure balanced by the agreeableness of the day. To pass by our first stage, the least amusing, our second to moisten our driver and horses, for both often want watering, was on the borders of Black- down at a place called Southhast, and at "the sine of George Inn, heer all sorts ofleckers are sold ;" besides the peculiar taste of the painter in spelling, the letters were of so doubtful a forra that my fellow traveller, Mr. Davis, chose to read "leckys," which word, (if to be found in the Devonshire nomenclature I ara ignorant of its meaning,) he, being skilled in provincial dialects, raay be ac quainted with. Our third stage was at the Castle inn, Taunton; on our way hllhdr we saw a hill called Quantook, so like our Indian names I could not help remarking il. After a small delay we proceeded to Hillblshop, and dined at the hospitable table of Mr, Jlrrald ;* his good husbandry is fully repaid by a plentiful harvest of apricots, nectarines and apples ; nor is his table without the best cider England affords, which is scarcely equalled by the most sparkling champagne. Our next stage was at Bridgewater ; from the inn we walked to Miss Sealy's garden, planned to pro mote the wise purposes of thought and meditation. Here we re galed ourselves with green gages and gooseberries, the boughs being loaded. At the bottom of the garden is a small piece of water, fiUed with large carp, brought to the surface by pieces of bread thrown in, which they rose to catch, a pleasing sight I never before had. Our next stage was eighteen miles to Cross, where we were told the beds were full, and they had no horses; so we * A dissenting minister. 10 74 journal and letters. [1776. could not pass the night nor be carried further :— however, we met a friendly stranger in Mr, Cornelius Frye, of Bristol, who gave up his room. Here we supped all together and passed our lime so ciably, talking treason and justifying American independence. Next morning we left at seven, and passing Clifton on the left covered with excellent improvements, arrived at Bristol, the Bush inn opposite the Exchange. Yours truly, S. Curwen. Bristol, August 24. Called at Mr, Waldo's ; he being absent, I left a card. Soon after he came and carried me to his house to dinner, in company with John Boylston and Mr. Browne; — after dinner, walked over Klngsdown Hill to the Hot Wells on the banks of the Avon, where I took a glass of the water and returned to the inn. Soon after left for Birmingham, through Newport, Gloucester, and Upton, which latter rerainded me of the incident of the amiable Sophia Western's muff, which Tom Jones picked up in his own bed. There are many originals of Squire Western, but I am told Mr. Allen, late of Bath, was the character from which Mr. All worthy was drawn. Hence to Worcester, a handsome town, wide streets, a fine cathedral in good repair, but not abounding in funeral monuments. At last we arrived at Birmingham, which, in its general appearance, looks more like Boston than any place in England. Birmingham, August 26, Hearing that Judge Oliver and Mr. Lloyd were in town, I repaired to the inn, but they had departed. I met thera soon after as they were leaving town for London via Woodstock, and gave a letter to Mr. Danforth. August 28. Walked out and met a Quaker at the door of his house, near the outskirts of the town, on the Litchfield road, com manding an agreeable prospect bounded by distant hills in an am- philheatric line ; engaged hira in conversation, and by invitation went in for half an hour ; found hira a sensible man and a warm American, as most of the middling classes are through the king dom, as far as my experience reaches. Beyond the Tweed, I know not; however, the Scotch within, to my knowledge are antimlniste- rialists. Passed an agreeable day at Mr, Russell's, two railes out of 1776.] JOURNALANDLETTERS, 75 town ; he is of the house of Smith, Son & Russell, who ship largely to New-York and Boston, He has been in America, and is her steady and ardent advocate, Augmt 31, Stepped to a gun-maker's to see a rifle, (the first I ever saw,) and many other pieces of peculiar construction I was a stranger to ; the master is to make six hundred rifles for govern ment, but is in principle an anlirainisteriallsl, as is the whole town. Sept. 6. Sir William Meredith the other day declared at Mat lock, that he looked on the violent measures against America to be very impolitic, and that Lord North was of the same mind, and only joined out of respect for the king, who was warra and deter mined to pursue such at all events, even though with the loss of a hundred thousand men. It will be well if a pertinacious adherence to a certain plan of conduct respecting that unhappy country be not productive of evil fruits lo the interests of the king and empire. May it please God to infuse wisdora, prudence, and raoderation into the breasts of those on whose counsels the fate of both depend, Sept. 9. A letter in the London Chronicle, said to have been brought by the Isabella, an advice-boat from Quebec, relates a defeat of the provincials before Crown Point, with the loss of eight hundred killed, eight hundred wounded, and four hundred taken prisoners; and that the garrison is in Gen, Carleton's hands, said to have been obtained July 23d ; a story well told, but which wants proof, Sept. 10, Was told as we passed Castle inn, that Lord North was momently expected there from Sandwell, the Earl of Dart mouth's seat, Sept. 11. Took coach for Bristol by the way of Tewksbury; met an officer who gave himself great liberties respecting America, to which I took the freedom of giving several severe checks, and my companion spared not tUl he was thoroughly silenced and humbled ; he said many ungenerous, foolish and false things, and I did not forbear telling him so, Sept. 16, At 11 o'clock P, M. departed from Birminghara for Bristol; at Worcester took a relay of horses, and arrived at Tewksbury at breakfast ; went to the church, almost the magnitude of a cathedral, which contains many curiosities ; in a flat grave just hefore the choir is buried Prince Henry, son of Margaret of 76 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [17 < 6. Anjou, widow of the unfortunate King Henry VL, who was slain by Richard, Duke of Gloucester, after the defeat of the Queen at " the battle of fhe bloody meadow," so called from the tradition that it overflowed with the blood of the slain on that occasion. Here is, also, in a kneeling posture, a statue of George, Duke of Clarence, who is said lo have been drowned in a butt of malmsey : —Richard, Earl of W^arwick, the king-maker : — Osrick, a king of Northuraberland, who founded a church on fhe spot where this ¦church stands. In two hours after leaving this place we arrived at Gloucester, and in the cathedral saw araong raany monuments that of the unfortunate King Edward II., who was murdered at Berkeley Castle, Here also lies another unfortunate prince, Robert, Duke of Normandy, whose younger brother, WilUam Rufus, seized the crown of England during his absence on a visit to the Holy Land ; he was imprisoned many years in the Castle of Cardiff, — Over his grave is a statue in a decumbent posture, made of Irish oak, which, when struck, sounds as if of racial. This cathedral is kept in fine order; has a vaulted choir, and the raost elegant cloisters of any in England, Arrived at Bristol at 8 o'clock evening, Bristol, Sept. 18. ToRatcliff church, supposed fo be the first in point of elegance and magnitude of all the parish churches in England, It has not in its construction one nail or piece of iron, being built and supported by stone and marble only. It consists of three aisles, besides two projections which give it the form of a cross; — in one stands a great font, and in the other several funeral monuraents. Over the altar are placed three masterly paintings by Hogarth, on the subject of the burial, resurrection, and ascension ; for which he received a thousand pounds. In this church lies buried Admiral Penn, with an inscription recounting his exploits on a pillar ; and suspended on the same pillar below are his mihtary garb, sword, cuirass, helmet, gloves, etc. This gentleman's services were rewarded by the royal grant of Penn sylvania to his son William Penn, the founder of that province. Took tea and passed the evening with Mr. Evelelgh, a native of Charleston, South Carohna; educated at Harvard College, three or four years after me, who on hearing my name recollected it, having been schooled at Cambridge under Master Coolidge and 1776,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 77 boarded at the President's house. He and his famUy are hearty in the cause of Ameriia. Sept. 19, Accorapanied Mr. Bourne, one of my countrymen, to the crown-glass manufactory, where the whole process was shown. — On 'change met ray countryman Mr. Joseph Waldo, who procured tickets for our admission to Mr. Gouldney's grotto at Clifton, with whom, Francis Waldo, and Capt. Aldredge, (brother of the late Col. Bradstreet's lady, and born in Nova Scotia,) we proceeded over Brandon hill, the summit whereof yields the most ravishing view that imagination can form, having a large portion of fhe city under fool ; and a finely cultivated country for an amazing extent has the appearance of a continued village, inter spersed with towns and seats ; the prospect enlivened with live hedges, lofty trees, Dumday lower, Kingwood, and the river Avon, running through the city and joined with another called the Frome, over both which are bridges; on the latter are the larger ships, and on the former only smaller craft. Just as we arrived at the gates, there passed by in his solitary walk, whom accident threw in our way, a countryman, Mr. Harrison Gray, son of our late (Massachusetts) treasurer, who, with his wife, had for a season left London and retired to this place, and whora I was glad lo see. Parting at the gate, we were soon admitted, and, attended by the gardener, were conducted through the gravel-walks, kept in the nicest order, the whole bearing the appearance of care and indus try ; it is on a moderate scale, but well filled with orange and lemon trees, etc., and a small piece of water abounding in gold and silver fish, supplied from a natural fountain so lofty that a fire- ensine is erected at one end of the terrace ; the stream runs under • ground for a distance and discharges itself through an urn, on which a Neptune rests with his trident. The ground between it and the engine is made rough, scraggy, and woody, to resemble a wilder ness, which I passed going through the main walk. We arrived at the door of the grotto, situated under the terrace ; the object that presented itself to our view was a lion in a sitting posture, and behind, in a dark cave, a lioness, fhe latter so like life that I could hardly persuade myself lo the contrary. The form of" the grotto is octangular, its roof a semicircle, having a dome with a round window in the centre ; the diameter about twenty feet on each 78 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776i side, from the door in front to the mouth of the cave in which (he honess is sitting ; to the right and left of the entrance the roof is supported by pillars ; covered as its roof and sides are with a vari ety of shells, stones, spars, petrifactions, etc, the mountains, even the bowels of the earth and the bottom of the sea, seem to have been pillaged to furnish materials lo adorn this curious subterrane ous recess. On the left hand, beyond the dome and under a rough, cragged stone arch, is a small quadrangular stone basin of wafer supplied by small streams, issuing through almost imperceptible channels, over which, in a lying posture, is a female deity. On the other hand stands a door, the light and shade of which is so artfully painted that it deceived the company, who thought it a passage into the garden on a flight of stairs; the most perfect de ception I ever saw. On the door was a miniature of a female face with a seemingly broken glass covering il, in the same style and manner, and producing the like effect. From hence we ascended the terrace-walk four hundred feet in length, the front of the gar den raised forty feet supported by a brick wall; the rear .bounded by a border of flowers, and behind a shrubbery of lofty trees. On the right is an octangular structure ending in a dome eighteen feet in diameter, with seals all round, and having as many windows as it has sides, which affords as many prospects, except on the side of the garden, where they are darkened, yielding three delightful perspectives. Leaving this charming spot and Clifton, I bade adieu to my companions, and after dinner I departed for Shepton- Mallet, and on my arrival met my friend and countryman Mr, Isaac Smith; thus ends my ramble for a few weeks. Shepton Mallet, Sept. 20. Walked to the market-cross, an open structure supported by Gothic arches and pillars, and ornamented in front by a few rautllated statues, but whether of saints or heroes of antiquity, 1 know not. A few gentlemen of fortune live here, but many worthy clothiers ; there are two places of worship, an Episcopal and a Presbyterian, and the number of inhabitants is said to be seven thousand, A Mr. Ames with whom I am acquainted lives here on his six hundred a year, Sept. 23, Rode through Lord Ilchesler's park, passing by the late Lord Berkeley's estate, and through a vale to Lord Arun- 1776.] JOURNALANDLETTERS, 79 die's. One passes on a flight of noble steps to the centre door letting into the hall ; — the walls are adorned with paintings of the raost celebrated artists. There is a cabinet of Pope Sixtus Quinlus, which stands on a mahogany frame ; — the front is of ebony; and amber pillars, set with sapphires, emeralds and other precious stones, and miniatures of all the Perotli family from which he sprang, and elegantly executed in while alabaster. In the drawers are prints of the principal royal and noble families of Europe in metal frames. In these grounds is an airy cross, bought of the city of Bristol and transported here; in the Gothic style, four stories; in each are four niches filled with kings in their regalia, supposed to have been benefactors to the city ; the naraes in part are, Henry VI., Edward IV,, John, Charles I. and II, and Queen Elizabeth. It is finely decorated, and in the highest preservation. Procured a guide to attend us to Alfred's Tower, which we intended to visit before taking leave of Stourlon. We soon arrived at Inson Hill on whose suramit stands the tower, and which is said to be the spot on which Alfred erected his standard against the Danes ; mostly a terraced walk. The tower an open triangular structure, the angles covered by round towers; in one is a flight of 221 steps making 155 in height; on this is a sound balcony of 20 feet high, on the top a kind of cross standing on a globe. The entrance into it is through a Gothic arched door — ten feet above is a stone niche under a finely ornamented arch. In the centre is a Saxon crown supported by double Gothic pillars; on each sideslands the statue of Alfred in military habUlments and larger than life, holding a sceptre in his right hand, his left resting on a sword, — Below is a tablet, on which is the following : in memory of ALFRED THE GREAT, WHO ON THIS SUM.MIT ERECTED HIS STANDARD AGAINST DANISH INVADERS. HE INSTITUTED JURIES, ESTABLISHED A MILITIA, CREATED AND EXERTED A NAVAL FORCE; A PHILOSOPHEK AND A CHRISTIAN ; THE FATHER OF HIS PEOPLE, THE FOU.\DER OF THE ENGLISH MONARCHY AND LIBERTY. 80 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776. Leaving this grateful monument, dedicated to fhe memory ofthe most deservins: monarch Entjlaiid ever saw, I returned home. Sept. 25. To the Poor House to see the spinning-jennies, which of late through the folly and madness of the spinners and weavers have been the occasion of a riot in this town, which a party of dragoons were called in to quell, who are yet continued to prevent future ones; three were killed and a number wounded, and but for the government orders to avoid blood.shed, more would have been. These machines are to twist the threads after the first course run from the common wheels, which despatch about three or four times as fast as by hand in the customary way. They have been in use some years in the north, and a premium obtained for them from the Society of Arts and Sciences. They contain thirty-six spindles turned by a common axis, communicating with a wheel placed horizontally. Sept. 28. Walked with Mr, Morgan over the hills lo the re mains of a Roman-way ; the ditch continues, although in an im perfect state, and carried over Mendip hill, running from north to south, and from shore to shore. 1776,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 81 CHAPTER III. Shepton Mallet, Oct. 1, Rode to Bath ; — large meeting of cloth iers from neighboring towns in Somerset and Wiltshire, to concert measures to establish, if practicable, the use of the spinning-jenny in these parts, which the weavers raised a mob to prevent. Two com panies of dragoons are posted in this town for security of the manufacturers, against the infatuated multitude. Met Col, Salton staU, who with Mr, Boylston has taken lodgings here for some time past. Departed for Lord Weymouth's seat, called Longleat ; his grounds contain the whole parish of Horningsham. Over the entrance in front is the date as follows:— "jErecfed by Sir John Thynne, 1569."' The front is an addition to the old structure, the remains of a Carthusian monastery standing round a large square court. Within are pictures of Henry VIII., Sir Thomas Overbury, Lord Strafford, beheaded in the time of Charles I., — Henry IV. of France, — Charles I, when Prince of Wales, and his brother James n. when Duke of York, General Monck, — Charles II, and his Queen, Archbishop Juxlon, — Mary Queen of Scotts, Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester, Lady Nottingham, — Archbishop Laud, Cardinal Richelieu, — Sir Thomas Graham, — Count Tekeli and lady, Oct. 11. Visited Glastonbury Abbey ruins, attended by a guide naraed Thomas, who is as great a curiosity as the ruins ; for we had no sooner entered on the holy ground than he doffed his bea ver and hugged it under his arm, while with a solemn tone and manner indicative of unshaken faith in the legendary tales which the folly of credulity and superstition have handed down, by oral tradition as well as books, through a long succes'sion of ages, he began by informing us of some circumstances relative to a chapel standing entire, which I had no wish to enter, nor do I remember the tale. Proceeding on we approached the walls of the chapel in ruins, but not to prevent a perfect idea of the size ; — making a sudden stop, our guide told us with a solemn voice that the ground 11 82 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, we stood on was twenty-two feet above the natural surface, raised by the rubbish from the monastery; which, if true, is a proof of the immensity of the building, and the uncommon thickness of its walls, the site of which covers fifteen to twenty acres. Descend ing to the lower chapel, at present fiUed with dirt to the capitals of the pUlars, eight feet, this he told us was the spot where Joseph of Arimathea built a chapel of hurdles and boughs of trees; twenty-three years after the crucifixion. In the upper chapel re main the niches and pedestals on which stood the images of saints of solid gold. After hearing many tedious stories and incredibilities, we pro ceeded to survey the outside, dormitory, chapter-house, etc. In the centre of the east end stood the chapel of the first Saxon Christian king of this island ; — from whence through the ruins, at a con siderable distance, is to be seen the further or western end of the double chapel we first entered ; both side walls are standing up to the roof, and part of the eastern wall, under an arch of eighty feet in height, and fifty in width, entire aU but the crown. The sight of this brought to my mind the magnificent ruins of Palmyra, although its ornaments were not of such exquisite workmanship ; these being Gothic, but highly finished. Near an angle at the eastern end stands a small room ; lately this was turned into a cow house, but not one of the brutual intruders survived a year, as the guide informed us of his own certain knowledge. Within this holy ground is the holy thorn-tree, I had liberty to pluck a branch, proposing to preserve it tUl my arrival in America, (if it shall please God to grant me that favor.) The three trees now standing blossom yearly within the Christian holy- days, which it is the peculiar quality of this species to do, without supposing a miracle; but the craft of these reverend impostors knew very well how to turn a natural event into something mira culous, and the superstitious folly and ignorance of the multitude for a long course of ages has confirmed them in the same ground less notions. We arrived soon at a pleasant road, having in view extensive progpects of waste lands, called moors ; ascending a lofty ridge on the left, lay that called King's Sedgemoor, remarkable for the de feat ofthe Duke of Monmouth by his uncle, King James the Second. 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 83 From hence, on one of these hills, is to be seen the obelisk erected to the memory of the late Sir WiUiam Pynsent by the Earl of Chatham ; a cheap purchase of an estate of eighty thousand pounds, besides ten thousand in money, left lo a man the testator never saw. The stage from Glastonbury to Bridgewater throughout extremely pleas ant; the distance of fifteen miles we passed in an hour and a half; thence to Enmore Castle about four miles, a seat of the Earl of Egmont, which is built in the form of the ancient baronial castles. Leaving this imitation of old English architecture, we rode to Castle inn, Taunton, where we lodged : next day to Sidmouth, Sidmouth, Oct. 13, Attended worship at my friend Mr, Isaac Smith's, who preached from these words, " The Lord is my portion," which was the last sermon he preached in Araerica : the congre gation the largest I had known since my residence here. Oct. 17. Rode to Slade, the seat of a Mr. Lee, one of Mr. Smith's hearers, who purchased of the father of the famous Dr. Shebbeare, one of the writers for the court against America, Took a stroll to the cliffs on the seaside, yielding a delightful prospect, Oct. 18, Rode out to view an ancient encampment, supposed Danish, and is called Hembury, about fourteen miles. Fording thte gentle stream of Syd, we pursued our course over Cove HiU, so called, being a lofly range, affording on each side very pleasant views of a finely improved country ; here we met a number of huntsmen on foot, with their long poles and a great number of dogs, at default, unable to recover the track of the hare, which had found means to elude the dogs' scent. A little beyond the village of Burcherton is the seat of the well-known Admiral Graves, whose base, unworthy conduct in America has justly brought the curses of the people on his head, displeased his sovereign and the ministry, and rendered himself deservedly the contempt of all. His house is- at the foot of the hill on which Hembury fort stands. This fort is situated on the extremity of a lofty ridge of hUls, in a parish of the same name, four miles north of Honiton, and is supposed to Lave been a Danish encampment, (formed in one of their incursions, about a thousand years ago,) from its roundish form, the Roman being all angular; there are many such in these parts, though few so entire. Its form is a very long oval ; and measures, from the low parapet or line of raised earth on the northeasterly quarter at 84 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776, its further end, to the edge or brow of the ditch at the southwest erly, (in which direction it runs exclusive of the ditches athwart the hill, to defend or secure the centre enclosure,) about a thousand feet ; and the width ofthe hiU on its sumrait on which the encamp ment stands, with the middle included, is about a hundred feet. It stands very high, and commands a view of the vales on each side to a great extent. From the foot of the hill in front, for a considera ble distance on either side, it is of a quick ascent ; but from the foot of the hill in front there is an easy slope, as regular as a gla cis, although of ten times its length and breadth ; the rest of this long range, in a circular form, rises from the plains below as far as the eye can discern, regularly and sudden, rendering the approach difficult, except from the sumrait, which is continued to a great extent. There are three fosses carried nine feet round the encamp ment, the last deeper and wider than the rest ; the slope is about sixty feet. The earth wall, if it may be so called, contains fifteen to twenty acres. Here may be traced the foundations of one or two buildings, which spot I presume was the officers' tents, the place of arms and magazine. The avenue on the south side, for there is but one, communicates with a walk running the whole width of the hill, and is bounded by a parapet of raised earth, at twenty feet from the entrance into the middle inclosure ; between this and the brow of the hUl at the southwest, is, I suppose, the encampment of the army, and here may be seen the effects of la bor; but what were the works, enough does not remain to enable us to judge. Having surveyed these remains of ancient military defence, we descended by the common road, and arrived at home in about three hours, Oct. 20, Mr, Samuel FoUelt drank tea with us ; he is an old Newfoundland trader, was in New England in 1726, and built a ship at Charlestown. Exeter, Oct. 26. In the Bristol Gazette is the following: " Gen. Howe had landed the British army on the island of New- York on the 15th September; the provincials had fled from the city, with great precipitation and much loss, towards Kingsbridge, where they were entrenched to the number of twenty thousand. Gen. Howe, having taken possession of New-York, was encamped witb his army of twenty-two thousand within cannon-shot of the 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 85 Americans, and it was hourly expected he would make a grand attack upon them," This inteUigence came by the Hanover Planter lo Bristol, who spoke with the Galatea, Capt, Jordan, who left New-York the 17lh of September. The unaccountable story of abandoning New-York, without a formal attack made on it, needs explanation ; no doubt there were justifiable reasons for it, Oct. 29, A busy week here, many persons daily arriving from all quarters, at the instance and charge of the competitors Baring and Cholwich, who are up for the representation of this city in par iiament in room of Mr, Waters. The hands of the city officers are fully occupied in making out freedoms to those who have a right to it. The dispute runs high, " Cholwich forever" momently bawled ; " Baring" not so often, though many think he may carry his election ; papers are printed and public houses kept open by both, at great expense. The joke would be complete should an unthought-of rival step in and succeed, Oct. 30, Rode out to Lord Courtnay's Belvidere, (about seven miles,) a triangular structure of Portland stone ; from the top is an extensive prospect, having on one side Exeter, Topsham, and several seats ; on the other, Lympstone,Exmoulh,Star Cross, Lord Courtnay's seat. Gov. Pawke's, a nabob late of Madras, the river Exe frora near its mouth, and vessels in the channel, and, what is more curious, the house wherein the great Sir Francis Drake was born and lived, situated on the other side of the river, opposite the Belvidere. Oct. 3L Mr. Shepard tells me there is great danger of a French war; may the nation be preserved frora this dreadful calamity. TO THE HON. JUDGE SEWALL, BROMPTON-ROW, LONDON. Exeter, Oct. 31, 1776. Dear Sm: By a letter from Mr. Danforth I was informed some of my countrymen were about to apply to the administration for relief. — ¦ As my residence has been much longer than the most, and the sud denness of my departure from home rendering it morally impossible for me to become possessed of much money, and ray pretensions, for aught I know, being as good as any and better than many, I presume I shall not be the only exile left in a forlorn condition if 86 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, any provision be made ; and if never made, forlorn I shall truly be, my finances every day very sensibly lessening. Had I received Mr. Deberdt's letter in time I should have returned to London, hut it was otherwise ; and if my presence now can be dispensed with^ it wUl be more agreeable, as I live pleasantly enough among a few acquaintances, at the rate of twenty guineas a year, in a state of rigid economy that I never before was reduced to the necessity of putting in practice. In my answer to Mr. Deberdt, I referred him to you, whose friendship on this occasion I doubled not, nor need I now repeat my request of your assistance if that shall be necessary. With great regard, etc, S, Curwen, J^ov. 1. I was informed that a messenger from General Howe had just passed through the city, with advice that the provincial entrenchments, containing nine thousand men from New- York, were forced. General Washington wounded and taken, and ten thousand men on both sides killed ; some other circumstances are brought, but not to be divulged till six hours after the messenger's departure from Exeter, Should this news prove true, I wish it may not puff the British general with pride, and fill him with false notions of the unequalled prowess and invincibility of the British troops, nor indispose him to offer moderate terms ; and I trust con gress may be willing to prevent further effusion of blood and destruc tion of property by hearkening to reasonable proposals, which 1 hope the House have authority to make, JVbt), 2. It is obvious the governraent is apprehensive of a rupture, saying, " It is expedient we should he in a respectable state of defence." The truth is there have been some discouraging accounts from France for this week past, respecting the intentions of that court to assist the colonies, and advices from Spain say their ports are declared open to the Enghsh colonists ; upon these events press-warrants are dispersed through this kingdom, and eight hundred were taken on the Thames in one day into the service, and five pounds per man are offered for able-bodied sailors. The report of yesterday is contradicted in part ; Gen. Washington is not taken, but six thousand Americans, and but two thousand 1776,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 87 British, This wants confirmation. It is also added that part of the provincials only were engaged — a lame account. The fears of some and the hopes of others dispose the people to the belief of any improbabUities, nay, self-evident falsehoods. Mov. 6, The important day has at length arrived, the election of a member to parliament ; the city alive, except myself, who am dead to curiosity. Interest and the hope of victory have inspired all here with ardor. It is amusing to see how warmly their passions are engaged. Read Sharp's Travels in Italy ; entertaining enough ; his style not above mediocrity; his picture of the country, if just, must render his own more dear to those who know how to make a just estimate of all the valuable enjoyments of life. In reading the above I learn that in the state of Florence are nearly twenty-seven thousand ofthe holy order, or if you please, the ecclesiastical troops are under a solemn vow of obedience to a foreign potentate ; these with their connections, relations and dependencies, render the authority of the civil power extremely precarious in case they unite with a discon tented party. Amongst other instances of management in electioneering, is the practice of closeting and locking up, beds being provided in secure apartments to prevent the voters being spirited away to the other side, of which there have been some instances, after the ex pense of fetching them in from distant parts. — To prevent confu sion and injustice, in the present election it is agreed to vote by tallies, that is, each candidate to present by turns a certain num ber, say ten or twenty. The majority of the city chamber is for Cholwich ; the church for Baring, whose managers are the most opulent, active and knowing : the contest fierce, some wounds and broken heads, but no deaths ; enough to convince me of the de plorable venality of the nation, and the high expectations derivable from a seat in that assembly of untutored, inexperienced youths, (for half, I believe, have not seen thirty,) called the Parliament of Great Britain, or the great council of the nation. The number of voters in this city is about fourteen hundred ; and I am told two hundred of the most solid, judicious and prudent, thinking neither ofthe candidates suitable, decline any concern, it being immaterial to them whether Baring or Cholwich be the tool of adrainistration. JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1776, The charge on each side, five thousand pounds, is'doubtless intend ed to be reimbursed from the national fund, for (not their services but) their votes ! Would to God this great source of ministerial power and influence, and the increasing cause of our public evils, the national debt, was reduced to a moderate sum : a sponge is dreadful in thought, and would be the ruin of some mUlions of in nocent widows and orphans ; may that be prevented by a wise and prudent expedient, if within the compass of human knowledge and power. May a public and disinterested spirit^pring up and yet be the stability of our times, J^ov. 8, By the Gazette the wonderful account brought frora America is, as usual, greatly diminished respecting the valor and bravery of one side, number of slain, etc, on the other ; 6000 provincials and 2000 regulars are reduced to 400 provincials and 15 regulars 1 1 However, by the same intelligence, it seems one quarter of New- York is burnt, and some lurkers menace the de struction of the whole city, to prevent which Gen, Howe is using assiduous endeavors to discover these incendiaries and prevent the intended conflagration. JVbt). 9, Walked out to the Gmldhall to see the conclusion of the poll ended by the sheriff's declaring Mr. Baring duly elected, the excess being one hundred and one votes. The unsuccessful candidate, Mr. Cholwich, supported by the city chamber, went home to put as good a face on their disappointment as they could, araidst loud huzzas, flags displayed, having various devices^ of which two were as follows : — the one divided into four compart ments, between each half the word " Cholwich," and in the com partments " no bribery ;" the other was the coat armor of his father-in-law, (that is to be.) Sir John Duntze, properly embla zoned, and in a scroll underneath these words, "free and indepen dent." Mr. Baring, as is usual, was accompanied by a numerous crowd, said to be ten thousand, huzzaing, clapping hands, etc. The house he adjourned to was in fhe yard next to ours, and to honor him variegated lamps were suspended in front, forming these words, " Baring forever," surmounted by a crown. The evening closed with a grand display of fireworks. JVot, 11, Mr. Baring's friends wear favors of blue and purple ribbons, and some ladies wear an emblematical device in 1776.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 89 allusion to the successful candidate's name, being a bear with a ring in his nose, enaraelled pendant on a blue ribbon. The day was ushered in by music and a procession, with flags inscribed " Baring aM,d Trade." The inhabitants of this city appear proud, unsocial and solitary, neither conversible nor hospitable ; but a few uncere monious, hearty friends will render any place tolerable, and such for that reason is this city for the present. JYov. 26, A report prevails that Gen. Burgoyne has destroyed all the provincial forces on the lake. The later advice is, that Gen, Burgoyne became master of the lake by taking, burning and destroying the naval force on the 12tb ult. Dec. 3. This day is published a single sheet letter from a master of a transport, giving account of the defeat of provincials at Kingsbridge by Gen. Howe, having forced the entrenchments, killing, wounding and taking eight thousand with a loss of twO' thousand only, on the 17th October ; the remainder supposed to> be fled to Philadelphia. Sunday, Dec. 8, Mr, Towgood preached an excellent discourse, from Isaiah Ivii. 15, In his prayer the most just and proper ex pression for the king and royal family, and all in authority, both as ministers of state and executive officers ; and although a warm and hearty advocate for America, and her claims of exemption from British legislation, right of taxation, yet moderate and dutiful enough for me, who am far removed from wishing its entire inde pendence ; for it is my firm belief it would sooner bring on oppres sion and tyranny there than the former right allowed in its full extent. May it please God to prevent both ; may the unreason able and baneful wishes and attempts of all violent men be disappointed, Dec. 13. The state fast, appointed by the king's proclaraation, on account of the American war ; Bishop Keppel preached from Deut. xxxiii. 27, " The eternal God is thy refuge," etc, a season able and candid discourse ; he calls this " a civU war," and the Americans " our unhappy fellow-subjects :" attempted no justifica tion of the measures of government, I was pleased with his candor and judgment. Dec. 18, By a Mr, Lloyd of the 20th regiment, just arrived i» 12 90 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, the Lord Howe frigate from Quebec, and who was on the lake with Burgoyne and Carieton, a report is brought that a merchant man met the Active frigate at sea, and learned that Gen. Wash ington had abandoned the lines at Kingsbridge, left his cannon and stores, and that his army Is mouldered away; that New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania and Maryland have deserted the union, and declared for government ; speaks of the Yankees, as he is pleased fo call them, in the most contemptuous terras, as cowards, poltroons, cruel, and possessing every bad quality the depraved heart can be cursed with ; and says the regulars at Trols-Rivieres took five hundred prisoners, killed one hundred, and -lost only three raen, who were killed by Yankees, who had got upon trees and fired down on them. It Is my earnest wish the despised Araericans may convince these conceited islanders, that without regular standing armies our conti nent can furnish brave soldiers and judicious and expert command ers, by some knock-down, irrefragable argument ; for then, and not tUl then, may we expect generous or fair treatment. It piques my pride, I confess, to hear us called " our colonies, our plantations," in such terms and with such airs as if our property and persons were absolutely theirs, like the " vUlains" and their cottages in the old feudal system, so long since abolished, though the spirit or leaven is not totally gone, it seems. TO MR. GEORGE RUSSELL, AT MOSELEY WAKE GREEN, NEAR BIRMINGHAM. Exeter, December, 20, 1776, Dear Sir : I have delayed answering you till this time frora an hourly ex pectation of hearing sorae Important advices from New-York ; but in this I have been hitherto mistaken, the season having too far advanced to expect any military achievements by the British forces, and the Americans you know have formed no active plan of opera tion by land ; confining their views of activity to the depredatory naval department. As to a treaty, I am without the smallest hopes of its taking place at present ; the Araericans do not despair of maintaining their independence, and the court, I am told, has not given up its view of laying America at its feet, for such is and has 1776.] JOURNAL AND letters. 91 been fhe court language, and the intention to force her to submit to the unconditional authority of parliament ; — however, should Gen, Washington be beaten out of his entrenchments, it would be but one advantage out of a score that must be gained fo make them " lower their topsails." The Americans are not without resources, whatever may be thought on that subject in England, Araong others France and Spain are no idle lookers on ; resent- raent as well as political reasons influence them to keep the tram mels on the neck of our court till a favorable opportunity may offer to strike a blow which shall effectually humble the pride of Great Britain, perhaps destroy her independence, or at best reduce her to a state of as little importance in the grand political balance of Europe as Portugal or Genoa now holds ; and that is the general opinion here whatever raay be the opinion elsewhere. As to the objects of the irapolicy of our court, we know from history that statesmen to gain a present purpose sometimes disregard the true interests and honor of the nation and all distant consequences. The King of Spain is England's avowed enemy ; the court owes this country a grudge for her success against her commerce and garrisons last war ; nor does France love her better ; and ever since her open opposition tb fhe ambitious views of that court in the beginning of Louis XlVth's reign, who aimed at universal empire, has looked on her rising greatness with a jealous, not to say envious eye. It is no proof of want of bravery in the Americans not to face the regulars; many good reasons may be assigned to justify their conduct, and though it be the ground of much reproach here, I see in it the effect of sound judgment — that little depend ence can be placed on newly raised troops is well known the world over. On account of the amazing expense with which Great Britain carries on a land war in America, unless she can command the troops of Europe and the wealth of the Indies, men and money must in a few campaigns he wanting ; with regard to the insidious offers made to America, as the warm partisans against the court call them, I pretend not to such acquaintance with court measures to determine about it ; if they be so, the greater is the pity. They may however, if that should be the case, be taken in the snares laid for others, and if good be derived from evil, thanks to an over ruling Providence, who sometimes makes itself subservient to the 92 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776, happiness of society. That more treasure must be consumed and more blood spilled before this impolitic, destructive and fatal war is ended, wiU, I trust, not prove a melancholy truth. The accounts of the burning of the city of New-York in the Gazette, are full, explicit and intelligible ; more than one fourth is destroyed, beginning at the fort and all along the Broadway, taking in the college, etc. ; and that it was fired by some northern man, is undoubted. A Mr. Smith, son of a clergyman of Wey mouth in Massachusetts Bay, whom and whose family I knew very well, was concerned, taken, and I believe executed on due proof, I remain, truly yours, S. Curwen, Exeter, Dec. 21. I am informed that by a letter from an offi- 'Cer of character, Arnold and the provincials are represented as behaving with great intrepidity and good conduct ; and their defeat was owing to the superior weight of metal on the side of their enemies. I am rejoiced to find justice done my countrymen, and that there are those who can look through the vista of party, see truth and speak it. The news of the defeat of General Washing ton at Kingsbridge is confirmed, Dec. 22, The above defeat is not very important, save the loss of cannon ; few prisoners taken, fewer killed, the retreat not defi cient in military skill on the side of the provincials, nor much to the reputation of the British general ; a rencounter not badly nor unsuccessfully conducted on the American side. Dec. 23. The unimportant, insignificant, fribbling governor of Virginia is come back to England. Dec. 26. Lord Barrington in his private judgment condemns the present war as unjust, and will prove ineffectual, but votes with governraent, as a ralnister of state. TO THE HON. JUDGE SEWALL. Exeter, Dec. 31, 1776. Dear Sir: My little bark is in iraminent hazard of being stranded unless the wind shifts quickly, or sorae friendly boat appears for its relief. In plain English, my purse is nearly empty ; — which circumstance 1776.] JOURNALANDLETTERS. 93 has of late frequently reminded me of an emblematical device in the beginning of Fuller's History of the Holy Wars, wherein on the right is a purse distended with gold and standing upright, on the left the same turned upside down, in a lank condition, emptied wholly of its contents, with these words under the former, " we went out full," and under the latter, " we returned empty." I do not know bijt I am departed from my country, family and friends, on as foolish and fantastic grounds as the misguided devotees of that time did to rescue the Holy Land from infidels, though on opposite principles, I confess; they to fight, I to avoid fighting. I now be gin to tremble lest the same fate awaits me that befell them, I dislike the motives of the chief agents in Araerica, and their whole Systera frora its first sraall beginnings to its full raonstrous growth of independency ; and I trust frora a very just motive, love of my country ; which this place I am convinced has no tendency to pro mote the welfare of. But what of that 1 It is my duty, and sure the state is not to reward thepoyalty of every subject ; the court in this case would have more than enough to do to satisfy the demands of all claimants. I cannot foresee what I may hereafter do, but easUy that I must suffer hunger and nakedness in the comfortless mansions of the wretched. These ideas I have not been accustomed to associate. Seneca and many moral writers, heathen as well as Christian, with all the fathers of the church, luxuriating in the midst of plenty, have furnished the worid with elaborate, entertaining, and edifying treatises on contentment, and the duty of submission and resigna tion under pain, sickness, and poverty with her long train of hor rors, and really they are amusing to a mind at ease and free from the apprehensions of suffering, and make a pretty figure on paper ; but book philosophy and practical philosophy differ from each other widely. Let Seneca and the long list of moralists be brought to the mouth ofthe cave of poverty ; let hunger, thirst and nakedness, in all their grisly terrifying shapes stare them in the face, then let them, if they can, exemplify these ideal doctrines; let a man pricked, torn, goaded, and surrounded by the briers and thorns sown thick in the path of poverty, take out his table-book and write a treatise on contentment and submission to these severities of his lot, and with a face of composure be able to recommend the 94 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1776. pleasing doctrines by his own exaraple, I will believe the existence of such a singular phenomenon ; but tUl I can see such an instance in real life, which I never yet have seen, I must doubt the existence of it anywhere but In books and systems. Human practice knows no such airy notions. History tells of savages singing amid tortures, but the instances of unfeeling savages are the instances of unfeeling savages only; civilized societies furnished with the means and comforts and elegancies of life, afford no instances of such barbar ous insensibilities. Job, indeed, is recomraended as a pattern to be imitated for patience under the grievous sufferings of loss of pro perty, and pain ; but he, as was natural to expect in his wretched ness, cursed the day of his birth, and who can express himself with more impatience ? Poverty with all her attendant evils, to one unaccustomed to her presence tUl old age, is too formidable to be vanquished by philosophy and religion ; nor is there a mind in such a situation, in its own natural forces, capable of supporting itself, and not bending under the weight of grief and despair. My doctrine perhaps you may refuse your assent to, but I have said nothing my reason doth not dictate in the coolest hours of reflec tion. On the present occasion I feel the force of these truths in a much more striking manner. With respect to my circumstances, I will just add that several of my letters containing orders for remit tances were intercepted, by order I suppose of the Amphyctionic states of America, or the lesser hogan mogans of some particular colony, by which manoeuvre my friends knew no more of my cir cumstances than if I was in the region of the moon. The melancholy event in your family drew frora my eyes the tears of sympathy, well knowing the grief of a tender parent for the loss of a beloved offspring ; and if you will not apply to me Augustus' answer to the Trojan ambassador, I will add, you may believe with sincerity, my real and unfeigned grief at the loss, which I pray God to support you under. Yours, etc, S. Curwen, 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 95 CHAPTER IV. Exeter, Jan. 1, 1777, — This day is very near the commence ment of my sixty-second year, being three days later ; my birth day was the 28th ult. ; may this year be more productive of moral improveraent than ray last was, and if it shall please the righteous Disposer of huraan events to continue the dark cloud now hanging over me another year, raay he support me under the dispensation, and enable rae to discharge my duty, if not with alacrity, with composure and an unreluctant temper, June 5. Attended worship at Bow-church. Mr, Manning preached a pleasing discourse on "friendship," which, like all fine pictures, was too highly colored and above life. TO THOMAS DANFORTH, ESQ., LONDON. Exeter, Jan. 11, 1777, Dear Sir : The success of the British arms does not raise ray hopes ; the political states of Araerica have resources much greater than you and I raay be acquainted with. The courts of France and Spain are too vigilant to let slip so fair an occasion of revenging themselves for the losses and disgraces of their fleets and armies, sustained frora British troops last war, not to avaU themselves of this conjuncture. The advices from both countries but too justly afford shrewd suspicions of their unfriendly designs towards Great Britain, and God only knows the consequences ; the colonies may be lost, and Great Britain, perhaps, in the event, may be very well off if she can maintain her own independence. These are suggestions of a mind in quite a different state frora your " head-quarter" folks, who, in our country language, count their chickens before they are hatched ; if they would deign to take me into their counsels, I should advise them to be more sure of a victory before they cele brate the triumph. The continuance of our evils is to my sickly 96 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, imagination much longer than the court conceives ; but what is to become of me in the mean time 1 I need not take a peep into futurity to know. ******** I want to know a thousand things, and ask a thousand questions, which you at the source of intelligence are acquainted with, rela tive to America and American exiles, but of which I am as igno rant as if in New Zealand, If I continue here much longer, I shall be fitter for a hermit's ceU; indeed I have thought, nay, often wished for one, which at my time of life, and with my prospects, would be a most welcome retreat, I remain yours, S. Curwen. TO HON. JUDGE SEWALL, LONDON. Exeter, Jan. 19, 1777. ******* Dear Sir : So little did I know myself, so ignorant of consequences I might have foreseen and avoided, had I possessed comraon discernment, that, for what now appears to me a chimera, I abandoned my dwelling, friends and means of life, which you know I possessed in no small degree, and might, as the event proves, have retained on the comparative trifling condition of insults, reproaches, and perhaps a dress of tar and feathers ; — an alternative I now see much to be preferred to the distresses of mind I am daily suffering. The licentiousness of an unruly rabble, saving personal outrages, with a plentiful purse, is an envied state to liberty, in the mildest governraent on earth, attached to poverty with its horrid train of evils ; this you may regard as a paradox, and so will all who are at ease. I think it is Lucan who says, a good man struggling under the storms of fate in adverse fortune, is a noble sight, and well pleas ing to the gods. It may be so — may it be his condition on whom the gods have bestowed fortitude enough to oppose the storms ; for myself I had rather sail on a pacific ocean, and would willingly dispense with some degree of honorable exaltation hereafter for a more favorable state of trial here. But enough of this ; — to come to matter of fact. ***#*«* With great esteem, S, Curwen, 1777.] journal and letters, 97 Jan. 31. Lord Chesterfield being asked what he thought of the three Georges, answered, " 1, George the wise, 2, George the prudent, 3, George the unfortunate." — I am afraid his inflexible temper, and the falling off of one of the richest jewels frora his crown on the day of his coronation, forebodes a dismemberment of the most rich and valuable of the English dominions ; — whether Ireland, America, or the East Indies, I pretend not to foreteU, but fear one or the other, perhaps aU, France and Spain will not fail to avail themselves of our national folly to revenge their former losses and disgraces. The English, though brave, are not dis cerning ; they every day increase the relative strength of the ene my by lessening their own real power. The end may possibly be, instead of securing the dependence of the American colonies, the loss of their own independence. May God in his mercy prevent this mortifying event, if it shall be for the general good. TO HON. JUDGE SEWALL. Exeter, Feb. 5, 1777, Dear Sir : Accept my sincere thanks for your last kind and friendly favor, and for the prospect it afforded me of hearing again soon. * * * * I presume the * * * * are too full of more important concerns to attend to these lesser matters; however if it be * * * * and we may rely on a * * * * I can cheerfully dispense with a few weeks' delay ¦ * * * * but such is the whirl and impotence of hu man affairs, that while we are on this stage we are often obliged to play different parts ; I wish never to act an unworthy one ; my only solicitude now is to pass off with decency, and escape with out a hiss, — ^but enough of this. On the possession of Rhode Island without loss of blood, may it be attended with better consequences than my gloomy, foreboding mind suggests. I fear France and Spain too closely watch the motions of this nation to sufer us to avail ourselves of the advan tages gained over the foolish, deluded countrymen of ours, which, but for the duplicity of those courts, would yield me a pleasing prospect, _ ' * * * I often think of our common progenitor, Father Adam, on 13 98 journal and letters, [1777. his being driven out of Paradise by an angel with his flaming sword : " The world was all before him, where to choose His place of rest, and Providence his guide." With this difference between us, his banishment was by an angel, and for a transgression ; mine by men almost as bad as devils, and for none :— I am afraid our lot is also different in a third respect, he had Providence for his guide, and I seem to be left to an ill-judg ing, foolish mind t * * * * * As you are at the source of intelligence, shaU be glad to be favored with an answer to the foUowing que ries: viz. — Is there a probability of a French or Spanish war? And in that case, wiU Great Britain send more troops to America 1 WiU General Clinton be reinforced 1 WiU any Americans be allowed to depart for America, and in what character 1 And if so, will it be prudent for me to embrace the opportunity and de part 1 Have you seen the Articles of Confederation ? Are they real, or fictitious and made here ? Is there any late news from Generals Howe or Clinton ? And if so, what is it ? ******* Very truly yours, S, Curwen, Feb. 13, A reverend, known by the name of the Maccaroni Doctor, is in Poultry Compter for forgery, and has confessed to the sum of J64200 sterling ; his real name Dodd ; he figures in the tete-a-tetes in the magazines, and unless defamed, is a worthless character, though noted for some serious publications in the com mon routine. He has two chapels and the Magdalen under his care. It is reported that six hundred Hessians in an engagement with the provincials are slain, and many wounded, Feb. 20, The American high treason biU having passed through two readings and to be printed, giving the king power to imprison any person suspected of favoring, aiding or abetting the Americans, without liberty of bail or mainprize, has raised an alarm in peo ple's minds universally, as it suspends the habeas corpus act, that 1777.] JOtTRNAL AND LETTERS, 99 great bulwark of English liberty, as it is caUed; and it is suppos ed to aim at some characters obnoxious to administration. Such is the language of those who do not affect the present ministerial measures respecting America, while the advocates on the other hand plead the necessity of such a bill to render government secure, as without it those who are and shall be hereafter taken, cannot be kept in custody and brought to trial for what they call piracy and treason. May the remains of English liberty and the consti tution not be overlooked and lost in this fatal quarrel, Charles James Fox said on this occasion, that four acts were over, and this was the first scene in the fifth act, (alluding to the enormous power given the crown,) and shows the precarious tenure on which the liberty of England is held, TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. Exeter, Feb. 20, 1777, Dear Sir : I have received a long letter from Judge Sewall, in conse quence of which I am going to London, and shall depart from hence next week, God bless you and succeed your pious endeav ors to reform a very wicked world. May we preserve ourselves unpolluted from the defilements thereof ; pray don't neglect to write to your old friend and companion, S, Curwen. TO THOMAS DANFORTH, ESQ., LONDON. Exeter, Feb. 20 , 1777, Dear Sir : Your information of * * * * * puts into my memory many proverbs, of which, if it did not look too like Sancho Panza, I could string near a dozen apropos. You tell me it is owing to my being considered a merchant simply ; truly I think I have proved myself a very simple merchant, and brought my wares to a wretch ed poor market — thanks to the kind misadvisers of * * * * but they forgot or perhaps never knew that I had been in the com mission of the peace more than thirty years; nearly the same period was impost officer for the county of Essex, and a captain in the first Cape Breton regiment, for which I have never received 100 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. any gratuity or recompense ; but no matter, past services are easily forgotten, and the novi homines are hke to reap all the emolu ments. Please put the inclosed into a bag for Bilboa at New Lloyd's Coffee-house, Exchange ; be assured it contains no love or treason ; the times admit of writing on neither. As to my return to London, I raust not think of it, for the operation of this new law, like the fifth act in the reign of Charles IL, banishes me effectually, and of course from every corporation in England, and wiU oblige me to take up my residence from henceforth in some village, I remain, etc, S, Curwen, Exeter, Feb. 27, Set off at six o'clock in the dihgence for Plymouth ; at ten alighted at Ashburton, nineteen mUes, for break fast ; at three arrived at Plymouth, Feb. 28. Having taken a view of Catwater harbor, Plym river, etc., I proceeded to the citadel, standing on an eminence, being the eastern extremity of a range of bluff highlands command* ing a fair prospect of the entrance from the sound, in the middle whereof is an island, fortified ; the town appearing almost under foot. Procuring a coach, rode to the Dock, lying at the distance of two miles, passing through a settlement of a hundred houses on the hither side of a stream dividing Lord Edgecombe's estate from Sir John St, Aubin, on whose land the dock is bmlt, and of whom the ground is rented, paying him yearly as lord of the manor. There are many ships in the yard, chiefly on the Tamar river, (to the east of which the dock-yard lies,) amongst others the Royal Sovereign, the Queen, the Augusta, the Invincible; and at the quay lay the Blenheim of ninety guns, on board of which I was; and on the stocks thjree large ones, and the Royal George of one hundred guns. Passed from thence to the dock, compassed by hewn stone, into which the water flows to the height of twenty-six feet in some and less in others ; the water is measured by pillars, whereon figures are marked, and is admitted by great gates, open and shut as needed. The rope-walks are of stone, of a thousand feet in length; the work is wrought under cover, the pitch and tar 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 101 being in vaulted cellars run athwart the buUding, having no com munication with each other. Each particular department has its place detached from the other, and each store distant from another. The stores are immense, andi nothing less than the riches of the whole earth seem capable of supporting such an expense. The numbers daily employed in the various branches are, I am told, ten thousand in the yard, and regularly called over three times a day. The great regularity with which business is conducted is very ob servable, and, indeed, considering the incredible variety of branches, and immense quantities of stores, the raost perplexing confusions would otherwise ensue. I did not hear an oath, nor see any rude ness during ray stay in the yard. Within the walls are the officers' houses, and many very genteel, particularly the row in which the commander lives, with a handsome avenue and a decent chapel. At twelve o'clock the workmen regularly go out in order, two and two, to their dinner, and the axraen suffered to take as raany chips as they can carry, furnishing families with fuel, and the unmarried with pocket-money, A little beyond the yard, containing fifty or sixty acres, inclosed with a high wall, is the gun-dock, a square where the artillery apparatus is lodged, and a small commodious armory, but very much inferior to that of the same size in the Tower of London. On our return took the route through the quarter called the Storehouse, detached from the dock by a river, over which is a bridge, and belongs to Lord Edgecombe, consisting of a hundred houses, and additions are daily making ; in this is a building called the long-roora, appropriated to tea, punch, wine, etc., for pri vate companies and public assemblies, and there is an elegant roora with drawing-rooms adjoining, nearly fifty feet long, about thirty wide, and twenty-five high, with two handsome glass chandeliers and a music-gallery ; not far frora this is a buUding with large areas encompassed by high stone fences, called the Old Mill Prison, now fitting up to receive American prisoners. From this we as cended a high bluff-head reaching to the citadel ; whilst here, was not a little mortified to see an American privateer prize coming into the harbor from Dartmouth, nor were my ears a little wounded to hear another sold by auction. Plymouth, March 1. Being called at six o'clock, I arose and entered the vehicle alone, taking up a country couple at Squire 102 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. Parker's lodge; first stage at Ivy bridge, eleven mUes, where breakfasted, and frora thence ahghted at 12 o'clock at Totness, from whence I departed to Mrs, Wingate's, late Sophia Reed, who kindly received rae; frora thence, after an hour's rest, set off for Newton Abbott and Newton Bushel, separated only by a bridge, the forraer being the name the whole goes by : passing by Mr, Coxe's seat called Penmore Park, and at six o'clock ahghted in the churchyard, Exeter. Exeter, March 7, I received a letter from London informing me of my wife's health and welfare in November last, and that she had been obliged to pay ten pounds steriing to find a man for the American army in my stead. This inteUigence I received by a letter from Doctor John Prince, at Halifax, Left for Bristol in the dihgence, and arrived at the Bush tavern, opposite the Exchange, at eight o'clock evening, Bristol, March 8. Entered the diligence for London at one o'clock at night — the frost was so intense that our breaths formed a hard cake of ice on the glass, scarce to be taken off by the nails. At the city of Bath we arrived, a distance of twelve miles, almost stiffened with cold ; here I atterapted to thaw myself, but this expedient I fancy only rendered my body and feet more susceptible of the cold ; suffering, till the sun arose and chased away the frost, inconceivable pain. At Calne we changed horses again, and attempted a second thaw with better success than the first, being aided by the sun then beginning to bless the upper hemisphere, shining in a cloudless sky. From hence to Marlborough the road lies over a place called the Down ; at the entrance is a hill, insu lated in the form of a half egg, with the sumrait cut down to a plain, and is called SUbury, supposed to be made by art or the hand of man, on which are sorae of the bodies of earth like those surrounding Stonehenge, called tumuli ; conjectured to be burying places of the ancient Druids, Hence to Froxfield, on the borders of which is an almshouse for the reception of forty-five tradesmen's widows ; it has two fronts, each one hundred and fifty feet long, of brick. The next town is Hungerford ; hence to Newbury, a town larger in extent and more numerous in inhabitants than Marl borough. Near this town are many single houses, which have the appearance of wealthy persons' residences ; and on a pleasant plain, 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 103 commanding also a view of Newbury, lying to the right as one comes from Bath, is a parish called Speen ; at the entrance is a lofty building to be seen about half a mile distant, on a ridge of hills, having a round tower called Dunnington Castle ; the road lies through a street built on what is called Speen lands, belonging to the parish of that name, but is connected by buildings continued to Newbury town, spreading a great extent on a low plain in a bottom. Here we took fresh horses, passing through two or three villages to Reading, the distance of which from London is thirty- nine mUes ; this, the chief town of Berkshire, contains between two and three thousand houses ; from a little beyond Marlborough to Reading, the land is a continued flat, much of it improved, the roads like garden gravel-walks, and very pleasant. At Bayswater we again shifted horses, and again at Hounslow ; between those two places lies the noted heath called by the name of the latter, which we passed over with a slow, solemn pace in the dark, being more than an hour in crossing it. We arrived safe at eight o'clock, evening, at the Swan-with-two-Necks Inn, Doctors' Com mons, London, March 9, Set forward for Judge Sewall's, where I dined and passed the evening, Colonels SaltonstaU and Phipps being of the company : from thence I proceeded to Brompton-Row, where Thomas Danforth, Edward Oxnard, and Jonathan Clarke lodged, and here I engaged lodgings. March 10, Walked out to Judge Sewall's, he having the day before engaged to accompany rae to the Treasury, where after a compliment I received information of a hundred pounds down, and a hundred per annum during the troubles in Araerica, which I esteem as a providential provision procured by the friendship of my respected friend Judge Sewall. I received an order on the bank ; accompanied by hira and Mr, TKoraas Danforth, I took a note at the cashier's office for seventy pounds payable to myself on demand, and thirty pounds in cash, departing very joyous and I hope grate ful to that Being who has, by friends, been pleased in the midst of gloomy prospects to set my feet on firm ground and establish my goings : may I wisely improve this gracious indulgence, Br omptonrRow, Kensington, March 11, Took an early walk to London, and meeting Governor Hutchinson, was invited to dinner. 104 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, which I accepted, and receiving his address (147 New Bond-street) arrived at it ; company beside myself, his son Ehsha and daugh ter, was Mr, B, Hallowell. After dinner repaired to Haymarket theatre, where was entertained in a very fuU house by the humor ous George Alexander Stevens' lecture on heads. March 12. Spent the evening with the Club, consisting of twelve American exiles, at the Treasurer's house, Mr, Harrison Gray's, March 31, Rode to Hackney with Judge Sewall to see his son Jonathan at school ; returned to his house to dinner, where I passed the evening. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. JYo. 23 Brompton-Row, March 19, 1777, Dear Sir : I am at length at my moorings in this port, not much to my content except in this one circumstance, the early receipt of the unum necessarium ; this, though it chases away all apprehensions of future want, does not in every situation yield positive happiness; perhaps I am enigraatical, — the solution must be deferred to a per sonal interview hereafter. The only article of political news is that Gen. Washington was, about the beginning of the present year, declared Lord Protector of the thirteen United States of America, Mr, Timmins is arrived from Boston via Cork ; he left Plymouth about the first of Febru ary ; says the affair of the Hessians was brought to Boston in four days and put them in high spirits ; that the harbor of Boston is strongly fortified from the hghthouse and Point Alderton to Fort Nell ; the people sanguine in their expectations of a French war, encouraged in their errors by the Danish, French and Spanish traders, who are numerous in the port. King-street (Boston) almost as rauch thronged with people of all nations, etc, as the Strand or Cornhill ; two hundred and eighty-three prizes carried in by the 23d December; four vessels with goods from France, with powder, small arms, clothing and other articles ; one with twenty thousand suits of mihtary clothing, an article not a little wanted among them. Young R***S***has made twenty thou sand pounds steriing by privateering, and S, A, Otis the most im portant, busy man, as well as one of the richest there, etc. 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 105 I fancy I shall take my flight northward, as birds of passage you know do, on the approach of spring. There are twenty Americans going out with goods to New-York and Rhode Island in the spring ; I think the adventures rash. Mr, Amory is delayed by his wife's illness, which it is judged will soon end in mortality- I have received a letter from Thomas Russell* of Boston, and Russell Wyer of Salem, written in the beginning of February, all well. Yours truly, S, Curwen. Kensington, March 20, Evening at club at Mr. Harrison Gray's, Sunday, March 23, To Christ Church Hospital to see the children, to the number of eight hundred, sup ; admitted by a ticket signed John Lane, one of the governors. The hall is a hundred feet in length, and twenty feet in height, — on one side of which are three pictures, the middle one sixty feet long and fifteen high ; in the centre King William ; on the same range courtiers, life-guardsmen^ etc. In the foreground on one hand, hospital children of the males,. and on the other females, and all in their proper garbs : — on the left, or the first from the door, ofthe same length is a painting of King Ed ward surrounded by his court with a roll, by me supposed to represent the first charter of this institution, he being the founder thereof; and on the other, a piece of the same size as the last, with a full length. of Charles IL, with astronomical and mathematical apparatus, perhaps to denote him to be the founder of the mathematical school here. — Three tables were spread, on each side of which benches; on a raised platform are circular seats for the spectators,. in the centre front a two arraed chair for the governor, or treasurer, whose name is Burford, Prayers are read by one of the upper boys in a pulpit erected against the waU ; then singing by the boys accorapanied by an organ ; afterwards supper, consisting only of bread and butter ; grace before and after, by one of the boys in the pulpit, and service concludes with an anthem. The boys * An opulent and distinguished merchant of Boston, whose widow mar ried Sir Grenville, son of Sir John Temple, first Consul General from Great Britain to the United States. 14 106 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. come up in pairs to the platform to make their bow, and retire, some with large pitchers, others with small wooden bowls, others with table-cloths folded up under their arms, others with large bas kets in which the bread was brought, and others with hghted candles, March 27. Walked out with Judge SewaU and Mr. A, Wil lard to Cromwell's garden, which is in iU repair ; drank tea at the house of the former, and passed the evening with the New Eng land Club, say " Brompton-Row Tory Club," at Mr. Blowers', March 31, Evening with the club at H, Gray's, AprU 3, Dined at Treasurer Gray's with Col, Browne and John Sargent, TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. 23 Brompton-Row, Kensington, AprU 6, 1777. Dear Sir : I have nothing to communicate worth a minute's attention. The various news that each morning produces, the following day contradicts ; however, in general, perhaps it may be new to you to know that the tories here believe the American game of inde pendency is nearly up; not so your doubting friend. Nay, so very sure are some, that there is no small talk of going off in August. You will scarce meet one that entertains the least shadow of a doubt that government must succeed in the utmost extent of its views before the fall ; the reasons and probability of which I have not discernment enough to see, I wish the old Latin proverb may not with too much propriety be applied to these implicit be lievers, " Canunt triumphum ante vidoriam."* I wrote you in my last that several, to the number of twenty, were going off to New-York, I now add that another cargo of twelve or fifteen, among whom is young Chipman, is to depart in a vessel of 250 tons, laden with goods to the amount of jE80,000 sterling, defended by a force of 17 guns and 17 men, in ten days. It is reported that the new levies, British and German, going to General Howe, are in number eight thousand, and that General Burgoyne is already gone, and is to take with him from * " They celebrate the triumph before the victory is gained." 1776,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 107 Canada by way of St, Lawrence river, the greater part of the troops at present stationed there ; no further attempts being to be made on the lakes this season. Our head-quarter folks say that Lord George Germaine declared to Col, Phips, who is going this day to Halifax with Adrairal Montague vid Newfoundland, that the first advices from America, he doubts not, will be joyful. AU here are expecting to hear that General Howe is in possession of Philadelphia, On the contrary, the Philadelphia papers are full of the great exploits of the American troops against the royal army, and the promising appearances of affairs on their side ; and if Gen, Washington and Gen. Gates' letters are genuine. Gen. Howe and his forces are not in so fair a way to possess themselves of that capital as our folks seem to fancy, Mr, Dickinson's de fection has proved a false alarm, he being only retired to his estate seventy miles from Philadelphia, for what reasons politicians disa gree. His brother Dickinson and his brother-in-law Cadwallader, are both commanders in the American array. Last night I heard read the following, from a letter dated Portsmouth, April 10, viz., *' Two thousand Anspachers sailed for New-York under convoy of the Soraerset and Mercury : three thousand more Germans are expected here to saU directly, under the St. Albans," Yesterday morn the late right reverend the Bishop of London's corpse was carried by our door on a hearse to its place of inter ment at Fulham — successor unknown ; probably the bench of bishops will take care that the see of London do not stand long vacant, under the modest pretence of JYolo Episcopari. Yours truly, S, Curwen. April 11. Drank tea and passed the evening at Mr. and Mrs, Savage's, in company with Mr, and Mrs, Carpenter* and Judge SewaU. * Of Salem, 108 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, CHAPTER V, AprU 17, 1777. At seven A, M, departed in company with Judge Sewall and Mr. A. WiUard, on our intended journey to Ips wich ; our first stage at Rumford, a distance of sixteen miles ; this town consists of about two hundred houses, some few modern. The next stage at a town called Ingatestone, not unlike the former for size and style, distance twelve mUes ; Witham was our third stage, our fourth Colchester, famous for the manufacture of baizes, and here oysters are taken from the sea and put into pits, in order to give them that coppery taste so grateful to an Englishman's palate, and so disgustful to a New Englander's, The streets are ill paved with smallish pebbles, to my feet so harsh and hurtful as to occasion frequent complaints. In our progress came to the cas tle, built in forra of one of the old barons, not improbable to have been one ; it is a square ; the angles defended by round towers, pierced like the body of the castle with narrow and long holes, through which the inmates were wont to defend themselves by arrows ; the whole crowned with battlements formerly, the remains being still to be seen. The parade contains a quarter of an acre, and is now cleared of the barracks it was once encumbered with ; in a room up one flight of stairs, is the library, belonging to a Mr. Grey, minister for the town, consisting of about two thousand old books. Here a weekly society raeet; its institution, orders and purposes, my curiosity did not prompt me to make any inquiry into :— hence to the chapel so called, an empty roora, containing •only a reading desk, with a large folio Bible and a large wooden chair. This castle was in the time of the civil wars defended by Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle for the royal cause, who were, after its surrender, shot on the parade and buried under a small church in the road ; the precise spot on which they stood is carefully preserved in memory, and told the curious visitant. The only inhabitants are a family in one of the round towers, and the rooks who occupy the holes on the outside in great numbers. The 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 109 site of the castle is somewhat high, has pleasant walks round, planted with trees, and commands the neighboring grounds that lie below it, except on the town side. On the same plain from this spot we passed through the streets to another quarter of the town, in which lie the St. John's Abbey gardens, now known by the name of the pinnacle gardens, for reasons unknown to us, and are surrounded by a lofty brick wall, and strengthened by but tresses in good repair. These I suppose are the walls of the an cient raonastery grounds, erabracing twenty acres. Hence we proceeded home, and attended by our complaisant landlord, were admitted to a sight of a tesselated Roman pavement lately discov ered in a gentleman's garden, supposed by antiquarians to have been the pretorium of an old Roraan encarapment, it being a known fact that Julius Cesar landed in his second invasion of Britain in the neighborhood of this place. It is probable herea bouts was a Roman station, and the discovery of this piece of Ro man work renders the conjecture not improbable. From hence we proceeded over to a Mr, Great's, to see the portraits of Sir John Jacquey and his lady, some of the first estab- lishers of the baize manufactories here. These pieces are executed on wood, by Vandyke, in 1623 ; we were told they are judged to be capital paintings, and it is highly probable they are, if our in- forraation be true that the possessors' descendants of this couple have been offered a thousand guineas for thera. Colchester, April 18. Departed at nine o'clock hence for Mist- ley, a village in the lands of Richard Rigby, Esq,, who is lord of this manor. In two hours we alighted at his gardens, in extent four acres within the walls ; his hot and green-houses are in fine order, and supplied with coraraon trees and shrubs, plants and vines, but no exotics that are not fructiferous and of the useful kinds. Thence through the pleasure grounds to the house, where, being conducted through a more than Cretan labyrinth, at length arrived ; it is new and elegant, but its extent does not rise above mediocrity ; its or naments are silk hangings of cream color, with faint shades of blue, red, etc.; chairs the same with three very large looking- glasses, a beautiful chimney-piece, of polished marble; other chimney furniture, and a pyrometer I had never seen before. We arrived at Ipswich, distant from Colchester twenty-two 110 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, miles, where we dined. From the inn, accompanied by the master, we walked along the old wall of the town to Mr, John Fonne- rau's park ; the house wherein he dwells belonging to it is called Christ Church, and was formerly a monastery of friars. The town consists of old-buUt, ill-fashioned structures, and contains about ten thousand souls. Its only trade is coals, imported from the north ; but few people stirring in the streets, a visible decay. It lies on the river Orwell, and is the chief county town. The corn market has a small octagonal building, about twenty feet in diameter ; in the centre on top stands a female statue as large as life, with a fil let round her eyes ; in her right hand a sword, and in her left a pair of scales, loose hung, moving up and down with every puff of wind, perhaps to denote the instability of modern justice, or how apt it is to swerve from the right hne when urged by force or interest, or moved by flattery, Ipswich, April 19. After breakfast departed from this solitary unpleasing town, very like its namesake in New England in its general complexion, and in two hours arrived at Stowmarket; and soon after at St, Edmundsbury at two o'clock. Accompanied by the landlord we went to view the ruins of the Abbey of St, Ed mund of Saxon time, scattered over near twenty acres now owned by Sir Charles Dacres and his maiden sister. The remains of this stupendous building are astonishing, many foundations of walls and piUars being yet to be seen ; the casings almost entirely taken away, scarce any part of the front or sides being left except here and there a stone which serve to show the materials. Some of the walls were thirty feet thick. The pillars appear to have been from eight to twelve feet ; and an arch, of which the foundation yet remains, was said to have been seventy feet high, and is near forty in width. The foundation also of the Abbot's hall remains ; its area forty-five feet each side. In a spot, perhaps the dormitory, a few years since was digged up the body of the Duke of Beaufort, brother to the Duke of Bedford, Regent of France during the mi nority of Henry VI,, and was entire ; a hand taken frora it is pre served in spirits, and in the keeping of a physician here. The grand entrance is preserved entire, and is a square lofty tower ; its angles, like aU the ancient fortified structures, covered with round towers rising up to the top. The passage way through is under a 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. HI lofty arch defended by great gates that are kept shut. Many par ticulars were told us respecting the various parts of the house, ap purtenances and avenues, but not being noted at the time, are forgotten. Among the notitia of this place by desire I insert that the steeple of St. James's church stands at fifty feet distance from the body of the church, A house containing four windows in front being between ; and on the steeple on the same side are two hour plates of clocks, to answer what purpose was beyond my reach. At three o'clock we departed from this pleasant, handsome and agreeable town. On , the right, about ten miles distant, Ely Minster or Cathedral appeared in view. At twelve miles from last stage is Newmarket, an indifferent inn, however frequented by dukes and lords. We passed through the race grounds; — the races were instituted to keep and preserve a race of good horses in honor of the nation ; but as the institution is debased, it is not the best horse that wins the race, but that which is destined for it by combination ; indeed, some descend so low as to circumvent one another. The diversion becoraing a public nuisance by spreading itself, the legislature took cognizance of it, and by the 13th George II. a law was passed in relation to it.' Departed for Carabridge over a plain charapaign uninclosed country, which all this quarter of the country seeras to consist of; at this place we arrived at seven o'clock, at the W^hite Bear inn, where we were indifferently treated at our first alighting, through the driver's foolish neglect or mistake in not denoting that dignity and iraportance each gentle man should assurae on the road in order to be respectfully treated ; however, he seemed afterwards to be sensible of his own false judgment, and partly made amends. Cambridge, April 20. At ten o'clock, taking a servant of the inn along with us, we walked out in order to have a sight of the inside of King's College chapel, that, by delay at Trinity College, we lost. This latter is by far the most magnificent in the University ; has two spacious quadrangles, the front and one of the squares are of Portland freestone, having a beautiful reservoir of water in the midst ; the chambers occupy two sides, the hall and * * * * room another side, and the fourth by the chapel, which contained nothing remarkable but a full length statue of Sir Isaac 112 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, Newton in the porch. The other square contains chambers on aU sides except the north or west, and is wholly improved by the coUege library, a noble room of two hundred feet in length by about seventy wide, filled with forty thousand volumes ; the alcoves having on top the busts ofthe most famous ancient philosophers on one side, and the most famous of the modern English authors, etc, on the other. Here we were shown a perfect Egyptian mummy, the flesh like a smoked tongue. In the same apariment was a curious inscription in Greek capitals, without distinction of senten ces or words, on a marble about eighteen inches square, having a plain pediment on the top ; it is caUed Marmor Sandavicensis, being presented by Lord Sandwich. There are also to be seen some mutilated antique pUlars and capitals with inscriptions in Greek characters, placed on the grand staircases leading to the hbrary, given by Mr, Wortley Montague or his sister Lady Bute, since her death, but which I forget ; and among thera his bust m marble. From hence we departed through the college walks on the banks of the river Cara, running on the back of King's CoUege, Trinity College, Caius, Trinity Hall, Clare Hall and St. John's College ; over the river are three handsome stone bridges for foot walking, and between them a wooden bridge called the bridle way, for horses and carriages ; the banks of the river within the college grounds are faced with stone, the lawn carried down to its very edge, with many slips for the advantage of the company who shall please to divert themselves in boats on the water, flowing in a very gentle stream about two rods wide. The pleasure grounds are laid out in raost agreeable gravel-walks kept in the nicest order, shaded with lofty trees ; they are extensive, all on a level, and agreeable. Leaving these delightful walks we proceeded to the chapel ; it being shut, we turned our walk to take a view of the other buildings. A Mr. Pearce, a fellow of St, John's College, whora I met in the walks, invited us to his chamber, where we abode a few minutes to look in a book for an answer to a question I put them concerning the age of an ancient manuscript in the University library, and for the key of the library, to which he con ducted us. It is not a handsome room, nor contains a large col lection of books ; it was scarcely larger than our old Harvard 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 113 College library, and like it consisting of old books chiefly, Mr. Prior was of this college, and left it a noble folio volume of all his works, bound in raorocco, finely gUt. Here we also saw a most elegant foho edition of Dr, Samuel Clarke's Julius Caesar's Com mentaries, Having returned to our inn, we dined, and soon departed in a post-chaise through a very level road to our designed stage, Bark- way, distant sixteen miles, where we lodged and breakfasted. This very indifferent collection of old fashioned buildings we soon left, and entered on the fine improvements of Herts. The agreeable unevenness of the earth, the verdure of the fields and corn grounds, and excellent improvements for which this county is noted, rendered our travelling for many miles dehghtfuUy pleasant. At Ware alighted in two hours from our departure from the last stage, stop ping at the Saracen's Head, to gratify my companions, whose curi osity urged them to take a view of the great bed, which I before described, and made, as our informant told us, for the use of King Edward IV. in 1463, From hence we took the course to Hart ford, lying three miles out of our direct road to London, and in two hours from hence were set down at Judge Sewall's door, after a ramble of one hundred and eighty miles ; and so good-by, Essex, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire. Passed the afternoon and evening at Judge Sewall's, April 25. With Mr. Savage attended Longford's sales under Covent Garden piazza — viewed and exarained his medals and coins; Roman, Grecian, Egyptian, Saxon, and English. Saw a brass farthing of the tirae of the Coramonwealth that sold for three pounds four, . AprU 29. Attended the exhibition in Piccadilly of Society of Artists of Great Britain ; was really surprised at the meanness of the portraits ; nothing appeared to my eye well executed but some fruit-pieces and a few miniatures in crayons and water colors. From hence Mr. Silsbee and myself adjourned to Mr. Joseph Green's ; we drank tea and passed a pleasant hour. Stopped by the way at Ely Palace, so called, on Holborn hUl, now sold and pulling down to build two rows of houses. There are yet standing the chapel and haU in the old Gothic taste. 15 114 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH, DEVON. Brompton-Row, April 30, 1777. Dear Sir : Your favor of the 25th I received last night, and am obhged to you for the intelligence it contains ; all of which respecting our own country was new to me, having not heard a syllable of it before ; the daily news inserted in the pubhc papers proves for the most part to be manufactured here, and what is not, in event turns out to be premature and void of truth. Nothing can be depended on but what comes to us prepared by court cookery in the Gazette, nor do I think administration to blame for withholding part, the whole truth not being fit to be divulged in these captious, licentious tiraes. I have wholly laid aside all regard to what is said to be brought by expresses from America, but what comes immediately from General or Lord Howe, or is contained in the American news papers, of which we have now and then a sight in the New Eng land Coffee-house. Nothing very important has of late come from that quarter, except the death of General Washington and the taking of Ticonderoga, both of these yet being matters of doubt and dispute, as people wish, fear, or hope. Since ray last I have rarabled through Essex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Hertford for five days, in corapany with Judge Sewall and Mr, Abel Willard, and am now about departing, say next Monday, for Oxford, and from thence quo fata trahant ; designing never to make London or its environs my future abode ; — the inhabitants, however, I hold in much higher estimation than those of almost every other place, God bless your reverence, and succeed your pious endeavors to reform your flock, and I hope for and depend on your prayers, and remain. Very truly your friend, S. Curwen, Brompton-Row, Kensington, May 1, 1777. Dined at GUbert Harrison's with my friend John Timmins, the two Debloises,* Benjamin FaneuU, and two ladies. * Late of Salem. 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 115 May 3. Dined at Judge Sewall's ; from thence walked to London to engage a seat in the diligence to Oxford, designing to take that city in my way to the country, where for sorae months I propose to abide, but in what quarter chance must determine. I go hence like Abraham of old ; may the same kind and alraighty Protector be my guide and defence. May 5. Departed in the diligence, in which we found a late Ox ford scholar, who proved a pleasant, chatty, well-bred companion ; the road for the first eight miles as far as Acton, clear, level and pleasant as a garden gravel- walk : from thence it assumed a differ ent face, and from Uxbridge to Oxford, especially through Bucking hamshire, generally a rich soil and well improved lands. The other towns lying in the road were Beaconsfield and High Wycombe ; in the latter lies Lord Shelburne's seat, pleasure grounds and park all in view ; a little beyond is Lord Despenser's, rauch more cultivated and in better order. On the right and on an eminence, stands an edifice styled " the Mausoleum," of a peculiar construction ; but the inclination of ray fellow travellers permitted me not to take a nearer view than the transient sight as we passed the road. From hence through a parish called Stoken-Church, and on bad roads? we arrived at the Star inn, Oxford, not having stopped to refresh ; here we called for dinner and engaged lodgings, Oxford, May 6, After breakfast walked out to deliver Dr« Chandler's letter to a fellow of Queen's College, naraed Monkhouse, who received us respectfully enough, detained us in his room an hour, and frora thence conducted us through the hall, chapel, libra ry of his own college, and after setthng the route went to the the atre, Radcliffe library, Clarendon press, and the schools. After re peated invitations to dine in their hall, we declined for the purpose of examining the Oxford Guide in our retirement. In the hall of Jesus College were adraitted to a sight of the plate ; among others is a bowl and ladle of silver double gilt, and holding ten gaUons, the gift of Sir Watkins William Wynne ; here is also a book of the college statutes written on vellum, and kept in a glass case, having the characters as perfect and just as if struck on cop perplate. From hence to our lodgings ; soon after our companion Mr. Monkhouse came and conducted us through the Radcliffe In firmary, open to all the nation, and filled with every conceivable 116 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777. accommodation and supply, and kept in the neatest order. From thence to the observatory, and from thence to the park, being a long circular laid gravel walk round the improved fields, part of which is bordered by lofty elms ; its high situation affords a fine extended prospect of the country under high cultivation; part of the city on the other side adds to the pleasure of the walk. The grounds belong to Merton College, but the walks are raaintained at the University expense and coraraon to it ; on our re turn back we met two gownsmen both of our college, (Harvard,) tone of whom was Dr. Nicholson mentioned in the superscription of •our letter, with whom and a Mr. Hamilton, (a partner in the print ing ofthe Oxford Bibles and Prayer Book, the sole liberty of which is confined to the two Universities and the king's press,) and a few gentlemen besides in the common room which all the colleges are furnished with, 7th. Breakfasted at Mr. Deblois's hy invitation, and after returned to our lodgings, to which Mr, Monkhouse soon came and conducted us to the Divinity school, having a curious roof of stone, and in as bold a style as King's College Chapel, Cambridge ; from thence returned back into the convocation room ; and here we spent some tirae in looking into the statute book and libro nigra ; in the anteroom I saw the vice chancellor in his robes and the two proctors, waiting for the completing a convocation, (consisting of twelve at least) We were in hopes to see a baccalaureate degree given to one of the students of Queen's College, but the difficulty of making a convocation delayed the ceremony too long for our leisure ; by this delay was deprived of a sight I should have been greatly pleased with. Hence we ascended to the picture gallery, and from thence to the Bodleian hbrary, which did not come up to my idea; 'tis an old roora, its form an H; there are many re cesses surrounded with lattice work in which the students retire to read, transcribe, etc.; saw but few employed in that business. From hence we passed over to the Ashmolean museum ; here we were entertained but indifferently. In the staircase are a dead Christ of Carrachi, and the Tradescant family, by what hands I know not ; in the room a small miniature of St. Cuthbert in a gold gorget, said to have been worn by Alfred the Great ; some very nice frivolous carvings in peach and cherry stones ; the hat Brad- shaw is said to have had on when he sat in judgment and condemn- 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 117 ed king Charles ; the skull of Cromwell, said to be known by a small excrescence on the bone just above the eye, etc. Retreated to the inn, dined, and being attended by G, Deblois's father, I walked to Christ Church College, the most noble of any in the University ; entered the picture rooms, crowded by paintings of the most celebrated masters, being the gift of the late General Guise, for the reception of which these rooms were fitted. Above is the library of very fine bound books, placed in a room of about two hundred feet long, sixty wide, and twenty-five high ; the ceU- ing finely stuccoed as well as the walls in each kind of relief, in oval and other figured compartments. The books are in cases of oak, handsomely carved, and many seats in the same style. The hall into which I entered whUst some of the students were at din ner, is a noble room of the length apparently of the library, and wider ; the ceiling is of oak, supported frora above, and in the centre of each square corapartment into which it is laid, is a gilt rose ; the walls in a line on each side filled with portraits, on the ends with full lengths, I remember none of them but Lord Mans field's, over the door in his jtidlcial robes. Here I was accosted by a well bred sensible young student, with whom I held conversa tion. Leaving him I departed, passing through the walk belong ing to this college, of a mile in length, bordered on each side for part of the way by lofty trees, rendering it raost delightful. Our next delay was at Corpus Christi, into the chapel of which I just peeped, and from thence into Oriel ; both of these are small foun dations. Arriving at the inn, dismissed ray attendant, and soon after being called upon according to promise by Mr. Monkhouse, with whom I went to the schools. In two apartments the Arun- delian marbles (and collection of statues presented to the Univer sity by the Countess of Pembroke) are kept; the statues are larger and smaller than the life, " From hence we adjourned to AUsouls College ; the house for the reception of the books was built by Col, Codrington, formerly a member of this house, whose statue in white marble stands in the centre of the room, a ndble one indeed j — the ceiling and walls elegantly stuccoed, the books, very numerous, stand in beautiful cases ; a fund producing two thousand pounds a year is allotted for the increasing of it ; by this provision it will in time become 118 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, the largest and best in the University. From thence we adjourned to the chapel, a beautiful room ; over the altar stands a raasterly performance of a Mr. Minkes, the Spanish king's painter, of Christ making himself known to Mary Magdalene in the garden, just at the point of time when she having said to hira, " If thou be the gardener, and have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him ;" he replied, " Mary," and she turning about discovered it was the Lord ; this filling her with surprise, admiration, love, a mixture of all these various passions is finely expressed in her countenance ; and in his, self-composure, dignity, meekness. Over this, in a semi-circular compartment, are many full lengths, being the assumption of the founder Henry Chichely ; he is dressed in rich robes, his eyes raised upwards, attended by angels. From this pleasing spot we proceeded to Christ Church Col lege, in Peckwater-square ; meeting Sir Francis Bernard* with a son now educating here, was introduced to Doctor Leigh of Baliol College, who was elected in 1727, and is now a sprightly and active little old gentleman of eighty-six. We reached the church, said to be almost the only reraains of a public building in the Norman style, supposed to have been standing eight or nine hun dred years. It was anciently an Abbey church, dedicated to St. Frideswide, whose tomb is yet standing; here we were shown several pieces of richly embossed double gilt plate, some of which were dug from the ruins of Oshey Abbey, where it had been lying for ages. The old abbey, distant from hence about eight miles, has been removed to this spot. Passed this evening as the last, in the same common roora, and with the same company, with the addition of one or two more, hearing raany sarcastic speeches concerning our New England follies and absurdities ; but every country has its characteristic ones, and that comforts me under the but too just ridicule we are loaded with. • May 8. Took our farewell of G. Deblois's father and family — walking out in order to take our last leave of Mr, Monkhouse, whora we met, and were conducted by him through New College and its pleasant grounds, and back to the inn ; making our ac knowledgments, we took leave, and soon entering the post-chaise, * Governor of Massachusetts from 1760 to 1769, 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 119 departed for Woodstock, distant six miles, through dirty roads ; were set down at the Bear inn. We loitered through the town, and at three o'clock, the hour appointed for viewing Blenheim House, we proceeded to the park gate, an enormous portal, in the triumphal style, with an inscription cut in the list, importing by whom and when it was erected ; from this we have an oblique view of that enormous load of building called Blenheim House, the first sight of which reminded rae of that sarcastic couplet on the architect : " Lie heavy on him, earth, for he Hath laid a cumbrous pile on thee." The near approach did not fall to add to the disgust I first re ceived : — the huge piles that sustain the arcades, the almost un- spannible pillars, and the inordinate size and clumsiness of its outside appearance, were fully recompensed by the elegance and grandeur of the rooras, the beauty of the tapestry, and the capital paintings with which the apartraents are filled. The saloon is a noble room ; the library possesses a grandeur and elegance inex pressible. From this famed edifice we returned the same way by which we entered, took a post-chaise and rode across the country to Bicester, through fields and private grounds, passing gates, etc., the soil light and barren ; few fields of grain, but chiefly uninclosed heaths for sheep walks. This town has no manufactures, wood scarce and coals dear : it abounds in houses for the sale of spirituous liquors ; we met in our ramble not less than a score. Lodged at the King's Arms, the most magnificent edifice of the whole, Bicester, May 9. Departed early for Buckingham, and alight ing at Lord Temple's Arms, we breakfasted, and soon after left for Stow Gardens, passing for a mile over a straight, level road through Lord George Gerraalne's grounds, adjoining to the gardens on the borders of which, and facing the road, stands a light, lofty triura- phal arch ; leaving this on our left, we proceeded to the inn, and from thence to the gate; being admitted, we remained two hours in going through the gardens and house, the front of which is built in a more pleasing style by far than Blenheim, not, however, to be compared to it in extent and compass. These gardens are not to be matched for grandeur, variety and taste in England, perhaps the 120 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, worid. They are capable of amusing for a much longer time than I could allot, being viewed by rae currente pede. — Having trav ersed the pleasure grounds half through, we arrived at the house, the front of which has a very noble and airy appearance ; ascend ing a lofty flight of steps, we saw an elderly person sitting on a settee in half mourning, by the front door under the portico sup ported by lofty pillars ofthe Corinthian order; approaching nearer I espied a star on his right breast, by which I recognized Earl Temple. PuUing off my hat, I was going to retire, when he put his hand to his hat, and beckoned with the other to approach, which we did, and entered the great hall yet unfinished, the whole front having been lately taken down ; the outside is finished, but within is yet in hand ; many of the rooms are in disorder, though enough to manifest the elegance and grandeur of the owner's taste and riches. From hence we set forward, passing through my lord's grounds five railes, and Whittlebury Forest,belonging to the estate of the Duke of Grafton, called Easton ; which, with the other grounds we passed, till our arrival at the turnpike road, were insufferably bad, besides being delayed by a multitude of gates, for which purpose we brought a young lad to open them. The ap pearance of the earth in this stage was greatly altered for the bet ter, being diversified with hills and dales under better cultivation, and the nature of the soil more fertile. The fences for many miles of rails, such as are frequent in our own country, intended to defend the young live hedges just set out, inclosures here just beginning to take place. At 4 o'clock alighted at the Saracen's Head, Wor cester ; here we abode no longer than to dine, and taking another post-chaise, departed for Daventry, passing through a village called Whadon,- where we supped and lodged. Daventry, May 10, A. M. Took coach for Coventry, passing through a finely improved, fertUe country, and in three hours ahghted at an inn just without the city ; a regiraent of horse called the Inniskilliners, were reviewing ; a body of stout, likely men, dressed in red turned up with buff, and exceedingly well mounted, Coventry is an old built city, noted for the ribbon weaving busi ness ; here we were delayed some time ; took fresh horses ; our road lay over a new canal between Oxford and the last mentioned 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 121 city, designed for the cheaper and more expeditious conveyance of coals that these parts abound in, by which the forraer will be sup plied at less than half the present price. In our road lay a vUlage, called Dunchurch ; a little beyond is a long terrace road raised above the level nearly three feet, and continued for more than three miles almost in a straight line, and bordered on each side by evergreens and elms, planted by the lord of the royalty, through whose lands it runs, rendering it inexpressibly pleasing to the eye ofthe traveller. From Coventry to Birmingham we were delayed by scores of wagons bound from thence, laden with goods, coals, etc., and at four o'clock alighted at the Dolphin inn, Birmingham, in the street called the Bullring, where we intend to remain ten days, (after a circuit of a hundred and fifty miles,) if agreeable. Birmingham, May 13. Being called upon by Mr. G. RusseU,. we set off on foot for his house at Moseley Wake Green, having been invited the Sunday before to dine on this day ; our corapany consisted of his brother and lady and sister. May 17, Waited on Mr, Wilkinson at his house, but he was absent ; afterwards went with my companion to the locks on the canal, and saw several boats go through, an amusing sight to him which he had never seen before. May 19, Having engaged horses the night before at eight. o'clock, booted and spurred we mounted our Roslnantes, and de parted for the Leasowes, late pleasure grounds of the famed Shen stone, and Hagley, the estate of Lord Littleton ; the former distant six raUes, the latter eleven, on the same road. Here we arrived at eleven o'clock, passing through a town called Hales Owen, of considerable extent, and by its appearance in the same way of business as Birminghara. Attended by the gardener in the absence of the park keeper, we walked over my lord's grounds, almost in the centre of which stands Hagley parish church, a small building in a shady recess ; passing this we ascended an eminence. On a plain surrounded on all sides but in front with lofty trees, stands a pillar with a statue of the late Prince of Wales, (father of his present majesty,) dedicated to his memory by the late Lord Little ton, who was one of the prince's household and favorites. This spot commanded a sloping view of a pleasant lawn, bounded by 16 122 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. the mansion house, a large oblong edifice of two stories and an- attic, with a low four-square tower on each angle, and a flat roof. The exterior of the house is plain and void of ornament ; over the lawns are planted clumps of trees by which the views are di versified. From the heights in narrow channels run many smaU streams, one discharging itself into a pool filled with trout, etc. ; over this is thrown a bridge with an alcove. The grounds contain in extent four hundred acres ; and trees are planted so artificially as to yield an appearance hardly to be distinguished from nature a little improved ; here are to be seen piUars, urns, rotundas, alcoves and field seats judiciously disposed : amongst them an urn dedi cated to the memory of Alexander Pope, on which is an inscription savoring of flattery.. . Returning by the way we went, we alighted at the Golden Cross, Hales Owen, where we were furnished with a room by our selves and dinner. On this day was held a fair in this town; seeing a large multitude collected I would fain have mixed with the people, but the curiosity of my companion not prompting him, and my fatigue by an execrable hard trotter rendering me indisposed to needless exercise, prevented our seeing the humors of this part of the country. In passing the road a few furlongs before, we arrived at this town ; about an inn were collected two companies of tradesmen with black rods tipped with brass. They assemble at certain times and are under certain rules ; have a public box, sup plying a fund to be eifiployed in maintaining the sick, blind, wounded and disabled, and finally burying members and their wives. Their regulations have a happy tendency to promote among the laboring handicraftsmen cleanliness, good manners, order and sociability. The road to Hagley in general is though level but tolerably good ; the views pleasing ; at two o'clock we arrived at the Lea sowes, now in possession of a Squire Home, Attended by the gardener we entered through what is called the priory gate, a gateway and arch formed by old stumps and moss, communicating with a serpentine walk on a shady bank of a stream running through a craggy wild bottom to the pool now emptied of its waters. It is supphed also by another meandering stream, on the banks of which are judiciously placed statues, urns, and resting seats, from each of 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 123 which appear most agreeable and diverting objects, varied from each other in every remove, consisting of hills, dales, streams, houses, and clumps, rows, and forests of trees on lands in high culti vation. The closing scene was a natural perspective view of a charming cascade running in various directions, the whole, almost, the eye could trace through bending oaks and osiers, from a spot whereon is placed an urn inscribed to Virgil and called his grotto or recess. Hence to the mossy bower or grotto, where after resting I reluctantly mounted my horse, and arrived at my new lodgings No. 20 Moor-street, at eight o'clock, much fatigued. 124 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. CHAPTER VI, Birmingham, May 20, 1777. Breakfasted with Mr, G, Rus- :seU, and with him proceeded to a Mr. Onion's, in order to have a sight of his auriculas and polyanthuses, of which he has a great variety, and of the finest hues and stripes, Mr, Russell having invited company to meet us, we returned to his house to dinner, and passed the day agreeably. Arrived at our lodgings before nine o'clock. May 22, A fair begins here to day, proclaimed by the bailiffs, constables, wardens, etc., in procession,heginning at eleven o'clock. Streets crowded, many people coming in from the country; a day of jollity rather than business, and the evening ends in riot, drunk enness, etc. The low baUiff is the first officer in dignity, and by custom is chosen from the dissenters. He nominates the jury, who appoints the constables ; he also presides in the courts leet, gives a yearly feast, and has no further concern in town affairs. His service continues a year. The high constable inspects the markets, and is appointed for life by the lord lieutenant of the county. May 24. Walked to Soho Gardens ; the grounds naturally- capable of improvements in a high degree ; they already consist of gravel walks in the serpentine forra, shrubbery, flower borders, an occasional cascade running down a narrow pebbled canal, and emerging into a pond below, containing two islaiids. Took an afternoon ramble with my companion to Ashton Park, now in pos session of Lady Holt, about two miles distant ; the richness of the soU and high cultivation they are in, almost ravished my companion. It is almost surrounded with a lofty brick wall, and is agreeably diversified by rows of trees, clumps and single trees, with many large spots of clean lands. The house is of brick in the old Gothic style, very large, having battlements on its top and round turrets. The church standing on the lands and adjoining the avenues of the mansion house of the estate of Sir Charles Holt, is remarkable 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 125 for the smallness of the buUding, and the loftiness of the tower and spire. Returned home not a little fatigued. May 2&. Left Birminghara for Sheffield, our first intended stage being the city of Litchfield, sixteen railes ; roads level and sandy, the lands in sight barren and uninclosed. Just without the city, and in a field adjoining, we saw for the first tirae the English militia ; the raen were as likely and well accoutred as the king's troops, and as clean and well dressed. Arrived at the George inn, where we bespoke dinner, and while it was preparing, walked' forth to view the city and cathedral ; the former of about eight thousand inhabitants, houses mostly in the old style, few shops and little appearance of business. The cathedral is a venerable pile ; round the western part of the building stand in mutilated condition many statues, being defaced, as sorae of its inside ornaraents were by the zealots of Cromwell's party in the unhappy times of Charles I, There is nothing remarkable within except a curiously wrought , screen of stone, separating the altar frora the chapel of the Ten Virgins, to whom it was dedicated, and where prayers at six iu the morning are daUy said. The niches in which the Virgins stood have remained unfilled ever since the pious purgators of those times of confusion before mentioned ; and as another instance of their enthusiastic madness, they broke to pieces all the stained glass belonging to this church. Over the western door is an in scription, stating that this church was erected in the 657th year of the Christian era, was endowed by Offa in the Saxon times, and by Henry II. and Richard I. since. In a flat tomb against the fourth wall lies a Dean Haywood, who, many years since, fantastically attempting to imitate our Saviour in fasting forty days, died in four teen, a martyr to his folly ; two statues, one resembling hira in his full bulk, and the other in his eraaciated state, reraain as monu ments to perpetuate his impious folly. From this survey we returned to dinner. Arrived at Burton at four o'clock, over roads alraost an entire level, as soft as a carpet, and in a straight direction as far as the eye could reach. At the distance of eight miles from our last stage we passed the Trent, near to where the great Staffordshire canal (joining the Trent and Severn) begins ; crossing and recrossing it, and travelling on its banks and within sight for many railes. This canal is carried over 126 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, the small river Dove and many streams. Took our departure for Derby ; the roads as pleasing as last stage till near the town, when the face of the country became hilly and uneven, yielding a new picture to the eye. Stopped at the George-and-Dragon inn, Derby; took tea, and accompanied by my fellow traveUer, rambled through the town, which appears to be of considerable extent, having four Episcopal churches. The streets are paved with small pebbles ; some of thera of a convenient width, the rest narrow, having a gutter in the raiddle, coramon to raost of the paved towns. Here is a square, paved, serving as a parade for the mihtary, par ties of which are posted in every great town. One side is buUt on arches, forming a shelter for the inhabitants from inclement vfreather. There is great appearance of trade, and, indeed, the silk mills, flatting and rolling mUls, and lead works, employ many hands. Here are also many shops, which for size and arrange ment resemble those of London. Derby, May 27. We visited the faraous sUk mills, and were told by the master workraan that ninety-seven thousand movements were set to work by a single large water wheel. The house is two hundred feet long and thirty-six feet wide, and has five floors, each filled by machines. From thence made a visit to the porcelain manufactory ; — the principal ingredient is common flint stones reduced to an impalpa ble powder after being broken in a water mill. All the images are cast in very small parts at first, joined together by hand, as the head, the hands, etc. ; the moulds are made of plaster of Paris, and not bigger than the outside shell of a large walnut, which they resemble, aud like them consist of four parts. The fancy pieces, as flowers, images, etc., are forraed a clear liquor poured into the moulds ; in less than two minutes, by absorbing the liquor, leaves a solid figure, which after it is dried is painted, gilded, etc., and passes the fire four several tiraes, and if gUt undergoes polishing to bring it to its lustre. From this cursory survey we returned to our inn, and departed for Lord Scarsdale's seat, called Kiddlestone, four mUes distant. Arrived at the portal and lodge in the forra of a triuraphal arch built of stone ; through this we were adraitted into the park, ob servable for the greatest quantity of large white oaks and elms. 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 127 About a mile from the entrance over a straight, clean carpet road, we came to the lawn terminated by the house, making a noble ap pearance ; passing a large handsome stone bridge thrown over a fine stream made by art. On the lawn, on every side of the house, are large single oaks, also many clumps and rows, which with the great herds of horned cattle make a most picturesque view. The entrance to the house is by a double flight of steps under a grand portico, being formed of noble columns supporting a pediment, having in front my lord's arms, and crowned on the top with three feraale figures, erect, representing plenty, peace, and wisdom. The cehtre contains the great hall, and on the back front the sa loon ; the ceihng of the former is supported by fourteen red veined alabaster fluted pillars of the Corinthian order on each side ; its height 40 feet, length 67, and width 42 ; the pannels of the doors light airy papier mache manufacture ; the designs are from Greek and Roman raythology ; the flooring the raost beautiful clear oak, taken frora my lord's forests, as the pillars are from his own quarry, and bear an excellent polish. The wings are connected by circular corridors, and in each wing twenty-one rooms on a floor elegantly finished and furnished. The state bed has very curiously carved posts, its furniture and hangings blue damask; ray lady's dressing plate the greatest in quantity of any I have seen except the queen's, and is silver erabossed double gilt. My lady was at home, and remained to indulge us with a sight of every part of the house. The living of my lord and lady when in the country is quite in the family way. Their eldest daughter, going in a loose country dress to take a ramble over the lawn, on discovering us retreated back and disappeared. This house for situation, elegance and grandeur united, need not yield to any, Frora this pleasing spot we departed for Ashburn, the first town on the peak ; 'tis a country town, has a market and an Epis copal church, but is remarkable for nothing that I could learn ex cept its being a station for those whose curiosity brings them rather to view Dovedale and Islam gardens, the residence of old Chaucer, where strangers are shown the very Spot in which he wrote many of his pieces. May 28. Rising early we departed in a post-chaise for Cas- tleton, situated near the mouth of the Devil's Peak ; the road is over bare and dreary hills ; the whole country that is inclosed is by 128 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, stone walls, being extremely barren of trees, shrubs, and bushes, many hundred acres together not having the appearance of either. The divisions of land much larger than to be met with elsewhere, and scarce a house to be seen, being situated, I presume, in bottoms laid frora the road ; the sheep are sraall, and distinguished from all others by a kind of ruff or ridge of long hair round the neck ; from the plain we descended into the town, lying in the bottom, in a road encompassing half the ridge of raountains, extending to a great length frora hence ; this road in many places is very steep, and at alraost every step hazardous, and the accident of the horses stum- bhng, the reins breaking, or wheels coming off, would throw one down a precipice, when nothing short of a miracle could preserve him frora destruction. The tower of the church, of an ordinary height, when first discovered seemed to be many hundred feet be neath us. Arrived at the George inn, and took the guide, who seasonably arrived with some gentleraen whom he had just at tended through the cavern. Set off from the inn to visit this remarkable subterraneous frightful pit, etc., distance from hence about five hundred yards ; the entrance is between two lofty eminences, almost perpendicular, or rather overhanging, of a height eighty-seven yards ; its appearance awfully great and terrifying ; part is craggy and clothed in trees and shrubs. The passage into this natural cave is under an arch fourteen yards high and forty wide, rising somewhat higher; within the first cave resides a woman of thirty-seven years of age, who was born in a hut here, and has inhabited it ever since ; — besides her, here are dwelling two more families, and several of the town's people who daily resort here to labor in the twine spin ning, in which business more than a score are daily employed. Light enough is adraitted to do that and any coramon work ; from the mouth to the further end of post cavern is eighty yards, and frora thence to the first water is seventy yards, making in aU one hundred and fifty yards. Over this water, fourteen yards in length, I was conveyed in a small boat, for the greater part of the distance lying on my back ; the arch being too low to sit upright. The depth of the water is two and a half feet, which the guide, Robert Dakin, waded through, pushing the boat before him. My companion choosing me to explore the unknown regions, I first entered, and he took the second passage, and I waited for him before I pro- 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 129 ceeded. At the further end of the first cave, a good woman with a dozen candles attended to furnish each of us with one, which, having lighted, each took in his hand and proceeded from the first water, one by one, in a narrow path to another cavern distant ninety yards, the width of which was seventy yards, and height forty ; from hence at a sraall distance is the second water, over which I was carried first on our guide's back ten yards ; its depth is perhaps a foot. My companion next foUowed at the right of the attendants, and forded it on foot. Our next stage was in a cave called Roger Rains, frora a continual dropping through the rocks and earth. The entrance to the grand cavern is under an arch fifteen rods high ; this forms a kind of hanging gallery, on the top of which stood seven singers, each holding a lighted candle in his hand. They entertained us with " Fill, fill the glasses ;" the splendor of the lights reflected frora the vaulted roof, and the grand echo, pleased us beyond expression. On our return we were saluted by this same company with " God save the king." From hence we went forward to the Devil's cellar ; of the origin of this name we could not be informed ; there is nothing in its appear ance hideous, nor frora whence we could conjecture its name. Here we descended fifty yards on a road of firm sand, and from hence the path leads to the cascade, which is heard at con siderable distance ; the discharge is by a stream dividing itself into two channels, crossing the cavern and continued under the hill, at the bottom of which, at its opposite foot, it forms a small river. From hence to a place called " the top," and thence to the four regular arches, as regular as if formed by design ; and from hence to Tom of Lincoln, (so called from its resemblance to the top of a bell and its enormous magnitude,) and from thence to the ex tremity of the cavern, distant from its mouth seven hundred and fifty yards. The level at the further end of the cavern was taken by Doctor Solander and Mr. Banks, and is two hundred and fifty yards ; — the charming appearance of the external light on our ap proach towards the first cave, on our return back, excited a most pleasing sensation. Over the cavern is an ancient fortification in the Roman manner. After discharging the customary dues for candles, singers, etc, through a crowd of beggars who always attend strangers at the mouth on their return, which we were cau- 17 130 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. tioned to neglect, passed on to our inn, where we dined, and soon departed for Sheffield, where we arrived about six o'clock, and alighted at the George inn. Sheffield, May 29, Presented an introductory letter frora Mr. George Russell of Birmingham to his correspondent, a Mr. Broom- head, whose reception of us at first was cool, but his after de meanor and hospitality much more than counterbalanced the former ; I rather imputed it to an honest bluntness and ignorance of forms. He is a wealthy cutler, whose principal business lay in the American line. Attended by him we walked round the town to several branches, as rolling mills, grinding cutlery, white lead mill, etc. After dinner strolled amongst the multitude to the race ground called " Crooke's Moor ;" the number supposed to be full twenty thousand. Frora a lofty stand opposite the ground I had a full view of the race ; four heats were run, the first by seven horses ; the plate, a silver gilt cup, worth seventy pounds, was gained by a horse called " Why not," who, on the two first heats was almost distanced. The humors of the race I had an opportunity of seeing in perfection ; the different passions wherewith they were agitated afforded me no small diversion. The horses were called by the names of their riders, who were differently clothed, as pink, orange, scarlet, striped, etc, etc. The plate procured by subscrip tion of the town, was carried by the constable attended by the town officers in their habits, preceded by a flag. On the ground were erected many stands, and all filled; the last heat was scarcely over tiU nine o'clock in the evening. May 30. CaUed on Mr, J. Broomhead, and with him walked through the town to the coUiery, so called, being a road-way from the Duke of Norfolk's pits to the yard, in which the coal is taken up into carts and conveyed to town ; the descent easy, and by means of a spring, the carts, without horses, under the guid ance of a man, being conveyed by a sort of self-motion for more than a mile. At the end of the way the carts are run on stages, through which, by tilting them, the contents are discharged. After a view of this curious contrivance, we retired homewards, but meeting Mr. Aspden of PhUadelphia, a gentleman with whora we dined at Mr. Smith's in Birrainghara a few days before, agreed to join company, and immediately departed in a stage coach from 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 131 Sheffield, and arrived at Black Barnsley through a delightful though uneven road ; distance fourteen miles. Here we took post-chaises, and in two hours alighted at Wakefield, a clothing town, wherein appear evident tokens of taste in building and of wealth ; the av enues to it delightful, the roads like a carpet walk, on one side a raised terrace walk for foot passengers, flagged for more than two miles ; the lands hereabouts excellent, and under the most Improved cultivation. The Westgate-street has the noblest appearance of any I ever saw, out of London ; its pavements in the best order ; its length near half a mUe, and width ten rods. Were it not for some old, low buUdings, London could not boast a more magnifi cent street. It has a very large Episcopal church, with a remark ably lofty tower and spire. The principal character in the novel called " The Vicar of Wakefield" was taken from the late vicar of this church, named Johnson, whose peculiarly odd and singular hu mor has exposed his memory to the ridicule of that satire. We soon after departed for Leeds in a post-chaise, through good roads and fertile lands : from Sheffield to Leeds the face of the country is more pleasing, the lands in better iraprovement and more peo pled, than in more than twenty counties I have passed through in England ; alighted at the " Old King's Arras" at nine o'clock, where we supped and lodged, Leeds, May 31. Sent our names to S. Elam and waited break fast; he soon came, but having taken his, declined partaking with us. We walked forth under his guidance, and took dinner with him afterwards ; rambled to a village called Armley, to see a scrib bling mUl, by which more wool is discharged than ten hands can do in the same time. It is performed by a horse, but its construc tion cannot be described, not being exposed to open view, it being a favor shown to Mr. Elam, on whose account we were favored with a sight of it. Too nice an inspection would have excited sus picion, which we wished to avoid. The manufacturers of every kind through England are not pleased to admit strangers to a sight of the machines and process of their business. From thence we returned back on the sides of the canal, which for the first time is to be opened with ceremony next Wednesday ; no part of it has hitherto been used. June 2, This town is said to contain ten thousand people, 132 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. many well-filled shops, and various trades; its principal business in narrow and coarse woollen cloths, consigned to foreign orders, but little to London or inland trade; many of its merchants are wealthy. It has a large cloth market of brick, of three ranges, each range having two walks, and the walks are called King-street, Queen-street, Cheapside, etc. Set off for Huddersfield, distant six teen miles, and is the town to which the merchants of Leeds, Hali fax and Wakefield resort to buy cloths from the clothiers abounding in this neighborhood. The town of Huddersfield is very old-built, and has a wretched appearance. The butchery was buUt by Sir John Ramsey, proprietor of the land, whose rent is seventy pounds. After dinner we entered a posf-chaise for Halifax, where we arrived at six o'clock. This town is supposed to be larger than Leeds; its streets, if it can be said to have any, are excellently paved, and have a conve nient flagged walk on each side raised ; lying uneven they are always clean ; but in general they are narrow and short, each end bounded by a triangular house ; many large and well-buUt ones in, but more just without the town. The situation of the town is on an uneven, low eminence, surrounded by lofty hills on all sides in the most improved condition, laid out in lots bounded by live hedges, rows of trees, and stone walls, almost as even as the walls of a house. The whole country for raany miles within view abounds in manufactories and farra houses ; the people here are nuraerous and industrious, their houses very cleanly. Amongst other kinds of good conduct, we in our rambles saw fifteen chil dren employed in bending wires and preparing them in the various branches of card making, and were told their earnings were from two and sixpence to five shillings a week ; which employment not only keeps their little minds from vice, but renders them early capable of providing for their own support, and 'takes a heavy bur den frora their poor parents. We entered a nap-raising mill ; the process is performed by laying a cloth under an instrument divided into little squares of the diameter of the nap designed to be raised, or rather larger, carried by water. This instrument is about eight feet long and two feet wide, and is jostled backwards and for wards by means of a little gage filled with teeth suited to a cog wheel, which receives its motion from another communicating 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 133 with the great wheel. By Mr. Aspden's desire, we accompanied hira immediately on our arrival to a Mr. Rawson's seat, a little out of Halifax, called "Stony-ride," meaning Stony-road, the road to it being stony, (the Yorkshire people often using an i for an o.) This was a friend to whora he had a letter ; neither Mr, Rawson nor his sons were at home ; but soon after our return to the inn one of his sons came, and would have engaged us to accompany hira back, but it being late, we declined it for this evening, which he passed and supped with us. Halifax, June 3. Rarabled with my companions to the lofty surrounding hills, from whence we had an ample view of the town ; only one parish church, the mother of twelve of the neigh boring ones ; sectaries of various kinds abound here. By the man ufacturers living hereabouts there is building of stone, a large and comraodious market house, containing a square of one hundred and ten yards by ninety ; its lower story is fronted by short square pil lars, forraing arcades, on the back part of which are rooms for each separate manufacturer, of twelve feet by eight, and before the rooms a covered walk of four feet wide ; the second story is supported by square pillars cut into rustic, with a walk before as below, but more open and spacious, the pillars not being so large. The floor of the third story is surrounded by Doric pillars support ing the roof, containing the same accomraodations as below ; the height of each story twelve feet. The town is all buUt of stone, very irregular, but its streets the best paved of any town in Eng land, London not excepted, and from the unevenness of the ground always clean. By the hospitality of Mr. Rawson we were de layed here for two days, whose importunity would not suffer us to depart till Thursday the fifth. We passed our time pleasantly enough in visiting among other things his copperas works ; the copperas made from that part of common pit coal called slate, charged with sulphur; its process easy and short, being collected and thrown into a large heap, perhaps of two or three hundred tons; — water poured on it, which, filtering through, passes by pipes into an underground cistern or large receiver, is boiled, and from thence carried into a smaller cistern like the distillers' ; there remaining until it cools and crystallizes. Thursday, June 5. Departed from Halifax in a post-chaise, 134 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. taking leave of our late companion Aspden, who left us at the inn for Preston, on horseback. Pursuing the road we ascended a long hill of more than a mile, and soon arrived at a very lofty ridge of the most desolateand foriorn appearance, caUed Blackstone Edge, continuing for several miles. The road level, hard and straight, and on that score pleasant ; the land waste and of a russet hue, covered with furze ; not a tree, shrub, bush or plant, hedge or wall to be seen. From hence we descended into low grounds, weU in habited and improved ; in one respect this part of England is more pleasing than the others; the grounds are covered with houses, each manufacturer having a small farm or parcel of land besides his trade to depend on, there being more freeholders or owners of smaU farms and plantations here than in any county of the king dom. We arrived at Rochdale about two o'clock, engaged din ner, and took a ramble. The church stands on a hUl, to which the ascent is by a hundred stone steps. This town is remarkable for many wealthy merchants ; it has a large woollen market, the merchants from Halifax, etc., repairing hither weekly ; the neigh borhood abounds in clothiers. Frora hence the road to Manches ter, distant about thirteen miles, is level and sandy, the soil light, the general nature of the land in this county, where the people speak an uncouth, peculiar dialect, unintelligible to the ears of strangers. About six o'clock we alighted at the " Spread-eagle inn," and procured private lodgings at Mrs. Barlow's, next door to the inn. • Manchester, June 6. Walked out to the Duke of Bridgewater's canal, and on its banks met Mr. Nelson, who for some time lodged at Mrs. Leavitt's in Salem, New England ; he is from Ireland, passing through the manufacturing towns to London. We stepped into St. John's church, a small but elegant edifice in Gothic style ; over the altar is a fine stained-glass window, executed at York ; three erect images of St. Peter, Christ, and St. James, the colors quite lively, which the meridian lustre of the sun's rays not a httle assisted. In the vestry is another window by the same hand ; on this is stained the founder's name, a Squire Byrom. This church was finished in 1769 ; its tower is crowned with battlements and high pinnacles; the body of the church having such also aU around its roof. From hence we adjourned to the Castlefield, to 1777,] JOURNAL ANDLETTERS. 135 see the exercise ofthe mihtia, making as good appearance as the king's troops in discipline and dress. This field is an eminence of oval form, and here are supposed to be the remains of an old Ro man encarapment, the outside wall and ceraent yet to be seen. Frora this place we adjourned to the " Royal Oak" ordinary, June 7. With Mr, Nelson set off for the canal, intending to take a passage to Worsley to visit the Duke of Bridgewater's coal mines. After some delay we entered the passage boat, drawn by a horse in the manner of the Trek-schuits in Holland. Arrived at Worsley in two hours, passing athwart the river Irwell, over which the canal runs, being raised on arches not less than fifty feet in height above that stream. In raany places the bottom of the canal is considerably higher than the level of the neighboring grounds. Sent compliments to Mr, Gilbert, the steward, asking the favor of seeing the duke's under-ground works, which was granted, and we stepped into the boat, passing into an arch way partly of brick and partly cut through the stone, of about three and a half feet high ; we received at entering six lighted candles. This arch-way, called a funnel, runs into the body of the mountain almost in a direct line three thousand feet, its medium depth beneath the surface about eighty feet ; we were half an hour passing that distance. Here begins the first under-ground road to the pits, ascending into the wagon road, so called, about four feet above the water, being a highway for the wagons, containing about a t8n weight of the forra of a mill-hopper, running on wheels, to convey the coals to the barges or boats. Under the guidance of a miner, with each a lighted candle in his hand, we proceeded through an arched-way about five feet high, walking with our bodies at an angle of less than sixty degrees, through a road of three feet in width, a length of eight hundred yards, arrived at the coal mine, which appearing about five feet through the roof, was supported by many posts, the area being about twenty feet square and height scarce four. Frora this disraal abode, which my com panion, whose name was Chandler, would fain have dissuaded me from proceeding to visit, after remaining a few minutes, I hastened back to our boat. One may go six miles by water in various directions, the wagon ways to the pits lying below the level of the water ; it is said the distance from the mouth is six miles in the 136 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, funnel. A hundred men are daily employed, and each turns out a ton a day ; the miners' wages two shillings, and the laborers' about one shiUing, Price of coal at the pit twopence per hundred weight ; at the key threepence halfpenny, and at the door four- pence halfpenny. The boat having left, we returned to town on foot, five miles through fields and vacant lands. The centre of this town of Manchester consists principally of old buildings ; its streets narrow, irregularly buUt, with many capi tal houses interspersed. By act of parliament old buildings are taken down to enlarge the streets. It has a few good ones; King- street is the best built, is long and sufficiently wide ; raost of its houses noble. Great additions of buildings and streets are daUy making, and of a larger size than at Birrainghara, nor have all the new ones so dusky a face as in that town, and in that respect are fairer and better ; for extent of ground whereon it stands, nor num ber of inhabitants, does the latter exceed or in ray opinion come up to it. The disposition and manners of this people, as given by themselves, are inhospitable and boorish. I have seen nothing to contradict this assertion, though my slender acquaintance will not justify me in giving that character. In all the manufacturing towns there is a jealousy and suspicion of strangers ; an acquaint ance with one manufacturer effectually debars one from connection with a second in the same business. It is with difficulty one is ad mitted to see their works, and in many cases it is impracticable, express prohibitions being given by the masters. The dissenters are some of the most wealthy merchants and manufacturers here, but mortally abhorred by the Jacobites. The dress of the people here savors not much of the London mode in general ; the people are remarkable for coarseness of feature, and the language is unin telligible. Manchester, June 8. Attended public worship at a dissenters' meeting house, both services. Walked to the end of Danesgate, and drank tea at our companion Nelson's lodgings ; and were amused by the free and unrestrained chat of his landlady, naraed Hudson, a quaker in religion, and jacobite in political principle. The number of the latter description since the English prince mounted the throne is somewhat lessened here, as I am told by our landlady, who is in the abdicated family's interest, which is here 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 137 openly professed ; all of that party putting up large oak boughs over their doors on the 29th May to express' joy at the glorious event of the restoration of the Stuart family to the English throne ; many such I saw. The ladles, who, if they take a part, are ever violent, scruple not openly and without restraint to drink Prince Charles's health, and express their wishes for his restoration to his paternal kingdoms. I saw the house wherein the prince, as he is called, dwelt whilst here, (at the time of his invasion ;) the gentleman and his family still remain in it, and steady to their prin ciples, which, however, did not hur^y thera into lengths that ex posed thera to the resentment of government. His name is Dixon, and his house is in Market-street lane, on the left as one goes from the market ; and our host, a Mr. Bower, with whom we pass ed a very social evening at his house in Leigh-street, told us Lord John Murray and his secretary lodged at his house at that time. One of those executed here in the last rebellion was a son of a woman who had borne twenty-nine children. June 9, Passed the day in rambling about town with our new-found companion. Nelson. June 11. Having agreed to join Mr. Nelson in a post-chaise to York, in the neighborhood of which we propose to cease from our labors, and hoping the rewards of a cheap plentiful country to reside in for some time, for this purpose we went to engage a chaise at the old " White Swan Inn," where we saw three young country men, a "Capt. Gore, Mr. Joy and son, at the end of their ramble northward from London, designing to return to Bristol by way of Wolverhampton. My fellow traveller on this discovery, tired of his expensive ramble, imraedlately took fire and determined to abandon me, and accompany thera on their intended route ; loth to part in this quarter and in the situation I was then in, for certain prudential reasons, agreed to his fantastic plan, though entirely contrary to ray wish and views ; and having disengaged ourselves frora Mr. Nelson, to his mortification, engaged a post-chaise to Macclesfield. On the 12th June we proceeded on through a road of seven miles paved with pebbles to Stockport, a considerable town, having sorae reputable buildings ; its streets are narrow and paved. From hence to Macclesfield lying in Cheshire about twelve mUes, being our first stage from Manchester. At five miles from 18 138 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, this is the seat of Sir George Warren, surrounded by finely im proved lands and pleasure grounds, lying on my left. A little beyond on the right is the seat of Charies Leigh, Esq., possessed of four thousand a year, and of a considerable tract adjoining to Manchester, which he has laid out in streets to be let on buUding leases. At Macclesfield we alighted, breakfasted, etc., departed for Leek, a distance of thirteen miles ; the former town has a silk mill or mUls, and a manufactory which appears not to have much business. The town in general is ill built, the houses, as in most manufacturing places, of raost credit in its environs. From the George inn we departed not greatly pleased with the host's attend ance, nor I with my companion's behavior here. Leek, at which I now am, has a manufactory of sUk and rib bons, and one for hair-buttons ; the former chiefly for the great dealers at Coventry, though very largely for foreign orders and the London supply, as well as the inland towns. From hence to Sandon, called in this country language Sand, is a distance of eighteen miles, which we were four hours in passing. Here we alighted at " the Dog and Duck," supped and lodged ; the former as quietly served up, and as genteelly, as could be in London ; the town is small, houses scattering, and of an indifferent aspect, June 13. Departed without breakfast for Stafford, the coun ty town ; the roads in general are sandy, but on our approaching the town, the lands assumed a better face. The main street through which we passed is paved, the houses well built, full shops, and an appearance of business and of wealth. On our right, at the dis tance of a mile, stands on the summit of an insulated hill, cut, as should seem, by art into a cone about one third down, a stone edifice, like a lofty tower, which is the only remains of Stafford Castle, making an agreeable object to a traveller. Frora hence the lands and roads are greatly altered for the better ; fine pastures, excel lent live hedge fences, and rows of trees in great abundance. Our next stage was a distance of ten miles, at a place called Penkridge ; here again we took another driver, carriage and horses, and through a most excellent turnpike road and a delightfully improved country, arrived at the old " Angel Inn," Wolverhampton, where we dined, and having despatched a messenger for my old friend Timmins, he soon arrived ; by his invitation accompanied him and 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 139 our companion to see the great manufactory of Taylor and Jones, (who are also exporting merchants,) for japanning tin, paper snuff boxes, iron tools, etc. This town is large, has a capital manufacto ry in the lock and hinge way, and most other branches of the iron business, and is supposed to contain twenty thousand inhabitants. Like all the old towns it is ill built, and like Birmingham has a dusky look. Once for all, its numbers I judge are overrated ; every town and borough is so. After repeated invitations to re main we departed before six o'clock for Stourbridge, distant ten miles, to which we arrived at half past seven, being driven Jehu like through roads as level, hard and pleasant as a garden gravel walk ; the country yielding a pleasant view frora good husbandry? fruitful soU, lofty trees and live hedges. We were agreeably dis appointed, for instead of a pitiful, mean town, as its avenues seemed to threaten, we found a well built, large, lively and rich town, having a noble, wide and convenient street a mile long, with cross streets well paved. It is faraous for glass, nails, heavy iron work, as anvils, etc, and some cloth manufactories. After rambling for an hour over the town, we supped and retired to rest. Stourbridge, June 14. Set off at eight o'clock and arrived at the " Crown" inn, Bromesgrove, twelve mUes, at ten ; a respectable town, but it contains no large manufactories ; the only one of any consideration is for linen cloth. The lands about here In an exceUent state of husbandry and fertile ; farm-houses and gentlemen's seats more numerous in this and the foUowing stage than on any road we had passed in this route, except the west riding of Yorkshire, to which it bears a comparison. Were set down at the Bell inn. Broad-street, Worcester, at twelve o'clock ; a very handsome, well built city, having spacious, airy streets, a noble cathedral and elegant modern houses ; its shops large and well filled, the town lively and full of business ; its inhabitants have the character of being polite and genteel, and indeed they have more the air of Lon doners than at any place I have seen. The Severn runs on one side of the city, hy which conveyance is easy to Gloucester, the distance being twenty-eight miles, performed in seven hours in small vessels. Here is a manufacture of porcelain, said to be the hest made in England. While rambling through the streets we fell by accident into the cathedral green, and meeting a boy with 140 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, a prayer book in one hand and the church key in the other, he accosted us with," Gentlemen, are ye a mind to go into the church 1" and on our answering in the affirmative, the doorkeeper admitted us. It has many old monuments, (as weU as modern,) particularly that of King John, whose body by his desire was buried in the choir just before the high altar, over whiph spot is a flat statue of him. Here also lies in a little chapel the body of Prince Arthur, eldest son of Henry VIL, and likewise an Oswald, a bishop of this see before the Norman conquest ; the only modern I thought worthy to remember, is the worthy Dr. Hough, about forty years since a ibishop of this see. The chapter house, also used as a library, is of an oval form, and its walls to a considerable height covered with cases faced with glass, and very well filled with books. In tbis city is a raagnificent town haU, having below many full length portraits. This being raarket day the streets were so thronged that our chaise could scarce make its way through to the inn. Having spent four hours in this beautiful and pleasant place, we departed for Tewksbury, a considerable town ; here the apple orchards began to appear of uncommon height and bigness. From the western quarter of Staffordshire to the very houses of Bristol, through the delightful counties of Worcester and Gloucester, the fields, pastures and enclosures have an uncommon richness and verdure ; fruit and forest trees in greater abundance and larger girth and greater height than are to be seen elsewhere in England. Tewksbury has no capital manufacture except for white cotton stockings, for which it is noted. It is remarkable, however, for a parish church one hundred and seven yards long, and more than twenty-five broad ; its roof supported by round shafted piUars seven yards in girth, contains several old raonuments. The first I observed was Richard Nevil, the great Earl of Warwick, called the king maker, raised on a lofty monument scarce as big as the life, in a kneeling posture with uplifted closed hands; in a chapel are decumbent his daughter and her husband George, Duke of Clarence; and in a flat grave just before the door of the choir, is the tomb of Henry, son of the unfortunate Henry VI. June 15. From the Sun inn, Tewksbury, we departad before breakfast, and through rough and dirty roads arrived at the " Bell" inn, Gloucester, at nine o'clock ; notwithstanding the fine plenti- 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 141 ful harvests of corn, cider, and pasturage, for which this county is noted, for railes around the city the houses are small, dirty, and in ill repair, the avenues slovenly, fences and walls in a ruinous state, the barns generally of wood, all tottering to their fall ; the bridges the meanest and in the worst condition anywhere to be passed. After breakfast and dressing, we all attended worship in the cathedral, being decently and respectfully provided with seats in the choir ; the service was chanted. The dean and sub-dean performed the communion service. From church I repaired to our inn, leaving my fellow travellers to pursue their ramble tUl dinner time. Dirty narrow streets, and mean, ill repaired houses, constitute too great a part of this city to render it an agreeable residence. After dinner, young Joy and I rambled into the cathedral ; the cloisters are reck oned the finest in England ; after viewing them we retreated into the church, and meeting one of the vergers, were conducted by him to the old raonuments. Thence back to the inn, when we took coach and left the city, part of our company being already gone. The next stage was at Newport, consisting only of four inns and a dissenting meeting house, distant from our last stage fifteen miles, and from Bristol eighteen ; the roads are dirty and rough, the slovenliness of the farmers' houses and the richness of soU, were as before ; here we lodged. Jfewport, June 16. After breakfast departed alone, our fellow travellers being already gone, and at twelve o'clock alighted at the " White Lion" inn, Broad-street, Bristol ; dined and afterwards visited Radcliffe church : drank tea at Mr. Waldo's. Bristol, June 17. Breakfasted at Mr. Waldo's ; walked to Hot Wells, and Mr. Gouldney's grotto ; after dinner accompanied my fellow travellers to Taylor's glass works ; in our way through " Long-row," were attacked by the virulent tongue of a vixen, who saluted us by the names of " damned American rebels," etc. In our return frora Hot Wells, we passed a person dressed in green, with a small round hat flapped before, very like an English coun try gentleman, who is the supposed Count Falkenstein, under which character the Emperor of Germany travels incog. Remov ed our trunks to a Mr. Sladen's in Queen's square. 142 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, CHAPTER VII. Bristol, June 18, 1777. This being the day in which Mr, Chester, the county member elect, is to make his triumphal entry into the city, it was ushered in by ringing of bells and discharging of cannon, the noise of which early disturbed my rest. On the towers of all the churches were displayed colors and jacks ; en signs and pendants on most of the vessels at the quays. On Bran don hUl were placed twenty-two cannon, discharging several rounds in the day, answered by the vessels. After dinner I strolled through the streets that were lined with people, reaching from the extent of the city on the farther side quite through and up to the rising grounds on the Down, beyond Park-street, the windows on each side filled to behold the great man. My stand was on the open space on the hither side of the bridge over the Frome ; the pro cession began at seven o'clock ; footmen two and two, then follow ed others on horseback, two and two in the centre. Mr. Chester pre ceded, and was followed by more than a thousand persons, of whora one hundred and fifty were mounted and clad in new blue coats and breeches, with buff waistcoats, the Duke of Beaufort's hunting garb. These were headed by the champion dressed in blue silk, armed cap-a-pie, and at all points, bearing in his hand a raace that he waved every hundred steps ; stopping his horse at the sarae time, on which arose three loud huzzas. The rear was brought up by nearly a hundred carriages ; the day was devoted to mirth and festivity, nor was the following night without its share. The Duke of Beaufort, whose man Mr. Chester was, privately left the procession just before its arrival in town, and took a stand in a friend's house with his duchess to see the parade through the town, and enjoy the triumph over his rival without observation. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH, DEVON. Bristol, June 19, 1777. Dear Sir : After a long, expensive, and not very pleasing tour, I am at 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 143 length set down, for some weeks' abode at least, in this city. My experience, dearly enough bought, teaches me that manufacturing towns are not proper places of residence for idle people, either on account of pleasure or profit ; — the expenses of living being as high almost as at St, James's in every such town, how far distant soever from the capital. The spirit of bargaining and taking advantage runs through every line of life there, but in the north it is cruelly predominant. I know not but I may ramble before cold weather again to the west, for Exeter with all its faults is paradise itself to Manchester or any town in the north I have seen. Having by accident met Mr. John Boylston in the American Coffee-house, who informs me he Is going off to-morrow for Exeter, I would not fail to embrace so fair an opportunity to let you hear from rae, though I had nothing but that simple article to acquaint you with. Nothing will yield me more satisfaction than to hear of your and my other friends' welfare in the west. I had the pleasure to see Counsellor White, now on a tour through North Wales, &c.; be pleased to make my corapliraents to his faraily and my acquaint ance in your neighborhood. God bless your reverence, and suc ceed your pious endeavors to reform your flock. You have mine, and I hope for your prayers, and remain, Your assured friend, S. CuRWEN. June 22, Walked to the cathedral, entering just as service was about to be begun, Mr. Haynes, a canon, preached ; a likely figure, but a dull heavy writer and speaker : — the church is kept in nice order. One half of this buUding was demolished by Crom well when he bombarded it, and forced Prince Rupert to retire, who for some tirae kept him out, but was at last forced to abandon it. From hence adjourned to the mayor's chapel, in which I saw several monuments erected A. D. 1268-9, it having been I pre sume the chapel of a knight templar's house. Here we heard the conclusion of an excellent sermon by the chaplain, Mr. Ireland. In the afternoon, attended worship at St. Stephen's. Evening, at Mr, J. Waldo's, in Brunswick square. June 25. Passed the afternoon and evening at Mr. Barnes' at 144 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777 quadrUle with Mr. Waldo and Mr. Oxnard ; also met S. Porter there, on his return from Wales. June 26. In the evening stopped in our rambles at Lady Hunt ingdon's chapel, where heard a sensible preacher on the doctrine of love. June 27, Walked out with Mr. SewaU and Mr. Oxnard through Stapleton to the late Lord Bottetourt's seat and pleasure grounds, now the duchess dowager of Beaufort's ; the house is situated on the brow of a hill, standing on a lofty foundation of stone ; its front, as approached from Stapleton, has each angle covered with six square towers, and between an open piazza below; the whole house crowned with battlements. It is built of white stone, and possesses an extensive view of the pleasure grounds, and a finely improved country all before it. After tea took a second ramble to Bedmlnster church-yard. June 29. Attended worship at the mayor's chapel, met Mr. Boutlneau, with whom we took a few rounds in the college green amidst genteel company, and received invitations to tea. In the afternoon, meeting Mr. Barnes and F. Waldo, we joined them going to St. Nicholas' church; a Dr. Buck preached an excellent sermon, and delivered it with great propriety and fervency. TO WILLIAM BROWNE, ESQ., LONDON. Queen's Square, Bristol, July 8, 1777. Dear Sir : After a long and expensive ramble to no good purpose, I am at length in this city, proposing to make it ray abode for a month or longer ; — to what place I shall retreat from hence I am unde termined, though somewhere to the west, as that is a quarter of great plenty and of the least expense. The report of the cheap ness of living in Yorkshire is a mere fable, especially in or near the neighborhood of the manufacturing towns, in the west riding, or even in Lancashire as far as Manchester, which last place nothing but interest or superior motives could confine me to. The distance I ara from London, (and probably shall be for many months,) wiU deprive me of hearing or reading the current news, but few papers falling into my hands ; and coffee-houses, the 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 145 resort of newsmongers and political dabblers, I rarely enter ; so if you will now and then employ a few of your leisure moments to let me hear from you, I shall esteem it a favor. I am, dear sir, very truly yours, S. Curwen. July 9. Walked five miles out to see Dundry tower, the steeple so called of a church situated on a lofty ridge commanding an ex tensive prospect over the Severn into Wales, far into the St. George's Channel, into Somerset, Gloucestershire, and far beyond. Strolling along the quay, met a Swansea coaster, and partly agreed to make a tour through the southern and western parts of Wales, July 11, Went to the theatre ; saw the West Indian and the Misers, the former entertaining ; Major O'Flaherty well taken off by Mr, Moody, the best imitation of an Irishman I ever saw ; -the latter an unnatural plot, and but illy performed to a very full house. July 17, Set off on horseback for Bath ; fine roads, sun ex cessively hot and scorching, almost choked by the dust which arose in clouds by the carriages and horses we overtook in great num bers. Alighted at the Shakspeare inn. High-street; visited the public places of resort ; rambled about the city, dined, and at four o'clock departed by the way of Keynsham for Bristol. July 18. Drank tea with Mr. Francis Waldo at his lodgings ; afterwards adjourned to the theatre, where I was agreeably enter tained. July 23, This day news arrived of the capture of the Fox, man-of-war, of twenty-eight guns, by some American privateers. Unless more spirited measures take place, or others are employed to plan or execute, I know not whether this island itself will not be surrounded by ships from the western continent and their allies. Two ships, just sailed from Bristol, were taken ka St. George's channel ; and several to and from Ireland, etc., withiii a month. The nation is in a lethargy, and for aught that appears is like to continue so ; treachery, venality, or inability, will, it is to be feared, destroy this devoted people, July 24, News vi& Liverpool ; Gen. Howe burnt Brunswick about 20th June, broke up his camp, going to abandon the Jerseys, 19 146 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777. to Strengthen his lines at Kingsbridge, apprehending an attack there; and with the remainder of his forces and the ships to go up the North river on a secret expedition. The Boston fleet of eigh teen privateers saUed with orders to keep together for twenty-five days, and afterwards each to repair to their several destinations. The Newfoundland fishery disturbed, the ships on Grand Bank scattered ; some sunk, the whole almost dispersed and ruined, London and the trading parts, even those attached to the government, I am told, begin to grow very uneasy and talk loud. If it should continue, a change in administration must succeed. Alas ! to what a low ebb is this nation fallen, that lately gave law to the potent states of France and Spain, in a contest confessedly unequal on the side of its own subjects ; but such is the state of human affairs. Go liath was humbled and slain by little David, and those provinces that lately sued to Great Britain for protection and aid, now boldly defy and enter the lists against that very power. July 26. Took passage to Swansea with Capt, Hawkins, and at eleven o'clock, with two pUot boats ahead, cast off from the quay. In four hours discharged our pilot boat in King Road, five miles from Bristol; we soon grounded, and there remained all night. The return of the ebb served instead of a favorable wind, to carry us to our port of destination. Indeed, it was, as the sailors say, right in our teeth ; the strength however of the current is such as to overpower a light gale, in which case vessels coming in or going out drop anchor during the ebb or flood, when unfa vorable. This night proved dark and misty; just after midnight we dropped anchor; daylight discovered the master's judgment in selecting his ground to anchor on. W^e arrived without harm to a stony beach called the ferry place, below the quay about a quarter of a mile, Swansea, July 29. Attended a court-baron, instituted for de termining pecuMpry cases under forty shillings, and is equivalent to our justice's court in New England ; it is, I presume, appendant to every raanor, the lords of which have the nominating, if not the appointing ofthe officers to this trust. The manor in which this town lies is called Gower, and belongs to the Duke of Beaufort, who chooses its chief magistrate, called Portreve ; the present is Mr. Gabriel Powel, justice also in the former court, and whom I saw on 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 147 the bench. This town is the first in Glamorganshire for commerce and manufactures, twelve hundred vessels being yearly employed; its staples are coals, copper-plates, and white iron. The ore for the former, and blocks for the latter, are brought hither in their own vessels from Cornwall, and when manufactured, transported to Bristol chiefly. The town consists of twenty-five hundred in habitants, who occupy about three hundred and fifty houses, few elegant or large ; a market-house, erected at Cromwell's expense, the inhabitants being in his interest. Here are several Episcopal and Dissenting churches, a synagogue and Quaker raeeting-house. Service is said and sermons preached in the Welsh tongue once in three weeks. A custom prevails here of raising the earth on the summit of the grave in the forra and size of the coffin beneath, and sticking in herbs and flowers, and during the season of roses, of spreading the leaves thereon. The country inhabitants alraost uni versally use the Welsh as their mother tongue, scarcely understand ing a word ofthe Enghsh, which they call Sasnlc, meaning Saxon, to distinguish it frora the true British, which was on the invasion narrowed to the small districts of Wales and Cornwall ; English in this principality is taught as the dead languages by the grammar. In a place called Gower the inhabitants speak no Welsh, but be yond they talk in no other tongue ; in the midland counties scarce any thing but Welsh is spoken or known. Pembrokeshire was settled some ages since by Yorkshire and west country folks, whose descendants retain their native tongue, and are ignorant of the country speech. In general the inhabitants affect to speak of Eng land as a foreign country, and as we on the west of the Atlantic, saying from England, to England, etc. The Welsh appear a hardy race, short, clumsy, and strongly buUt. The extensive white iron or tin plate works, and copper also, which abound, I fancy is prejudicial to the products of the earth ; and the appearance of the land justifies the opinion. I am told the land is good, but I confess it has a dreary look ; the lofty hUls are, however, enlivemed, though bare of trees, (their natural vesture,) by the great number of small huts, so prettily and agreeably scattered over the sides of the hills, being painted white, with the fences or stone walls encompassing them, or forming the courts or yards. July 30, A stranger sent in his name, Calvert, desiring an in- 148 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, troduction to me; he had married a niece of the late Mr, Gwynn, of Newburyport, Massachusetts, who was one of the co-heiresses, and he wished to inquire about his late uncle's affairs ; but I could give only an imperfect account ; when I last saw his uncle he had a wife and effects, supposed about two thousand pounds. I took breakfast with Mr. Calvert, and one of the company was the Dr, Collins to whora I had a letter from Mr. Barnes; but he not choosing to make himself known, we took no notice of each other, though we were both apprised of our meeting together, which I thought on his part an impropriety. My companion's capricious resolution to return back, and the ill reception of my letter, were considerations that prevailed with me to accompany him, and we imraedlately set about preparing for a departure ; and thus was my design of remaining some months in this principality frustrated by an injudicious connection which might have been foreseen and avoided. It is with no little reluctance I abandon my only inten tion of coming to these parts, which was to possess myself of the knowledge of the peculiar manners, customs, and language of these genuine descendants of the old Celts, that had long been the object of my wishes, and I greatly regret my facility in giving it up. But an unseasonable, ill-placed compliance, or perhaps want of proper resolution to undertake a solitary residence in a district of an unknown people, of a strange language, might have co-operated to produce my determination. In passing the road I reckoned one hundred and thirty chimneys in the great copper works lying on the banks of the Swansea, a river just above the town. Dined and took leave, and bent my course to the ferry ; was soon wafted over the river Tawy in a boat guided by a rope, the rapidity of the tide rendering such an expedient necessary ; having landed, we jumped into a carriage standing on the shore ready to receive us. The next town is Neath, which consists of about one hundred and fifty houses, and is situated on the Bristol Channel, or about the embouchure of the Severn ; it is a place of sorae trade in the same way as the former, though not to so great an extent. On the farther side of the river are the remains of a magnificent monastery, but under what denomination its former occupants were, I did not learn, having only a passing view. Just beyond the town on the same side of the river, are the seat and grounds of Sir 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 149 Herbert Mackworth, under excellent iraprovement. Standing in the court of the inn, I heard one tell another that the lad then passing by, was the male descendant of hira whose name was Pendrell, by whom King Charles II, was concealed on the oak at Boscobel, (now standing,) after Cromwell's defeat of the Scotch army at Worcester. JVeath, July 31. Left the inn at eight o'clock, and ahghted at the Bear inn, Cowbridge, twelve mUes ; a long, straggling town, of better built houses, and to appearance larger than Neath, though of less trade. Changed horses and started for Cardiff, where we alighted in two hours, distance twelve miles. It is a small but neat and clean town, the shire town of the county of Glamorgan ; streets well paved ; has one Episcopal church, houses modern, but none lofty or much decorated. The inhabitants here and farther on towards Monmouth, begin to anglicize and lose the Welsh lan guage and manners, few or none speaking it in town, though the mountaineers all over the principality make it their mother tongue, and politically, and I think prudently, continue it. The viUages and towns that have the least connection with trade, retain their original tongue in greater use. North Wales, more particularly than South, has less mixture of foreigners. After an hour's rest, we set off in a post-chaise for the mountain country, to obtain a sight of a singular bridge over the river Taaffe, consisting of only one arch, spreading one hundred and forty-two feet. In height thir ty-four above the water. This surprising undertaking was planned, and after two disappointments, executed by a mason named Tho mas Edwards, still living : — it is said to be the greatest work of the kind in the world, exceeding the Rlalto at Venice. Visitors say it would do honor to Roman magnificence in the most flourishing times of the empire. Asking a question of a passenger, he replied, " Dim Saesneg," which was as rauch as if he had said, " / do not understand English." Cardiff, August 1. After breakfast walked through the town to the castle, remarkable for its being the prison of the unfortunate Robert, eldest son of the first WUUam, and Duke of Normandy, who was not only deprived of his right to that dukedom, and the kingdom of England, the governraent of which last was his by right of primogeniture ; but being made a prisoner by his younger 150 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. brother Henry, he languished here twenty-six years, till death kindly released him, at once, from captivity and suffering. This castle is almost entire, and seems less ruined than any of the an cient ones not in possession of the crown. The dungeon where the prince was kept is shown ; it lies under the outward tower, the descent by six steps, secured by two doors, one within another ; the apartment about eighteen feet high and the same in diameter ; of an octagon form, having an arched roof, admitting no hght but through a wicket just under the covering, jutting out frora the body of the tower. The extent of the castle within the walls is about twelve acres. , From hence repaired to the inn, and took carriage for Newport. After my departure learned that a daughter of the late Parsoh Pigot of Marblehead, was an inhabitant of this place. Arrived at Newport at twelve, and remained an hour, rambling through the town, which, like Cowbridge, is long and straggling, and the ¦houses of a mean appearance. On the bank of the river Uske, near the foot of the bridge on the town side, are the remains of an old castle in ruins, reduced by Cromwell to its present state, as, I am told, were all the castles in this country, where they abounded, scarce a town being without one ; passed by several in sight of the road, and all in a like decaying condition. At the inn we dined, and loitered till five o'clock, waiting for the flow of the tide, and then with a fair but faint breeze, entered the boat and loosed from the Welsh shore. In forty minutes arrived at the Gloucester side, and waited no longer than whUe the horses were putting to ; and taking our seats, were conveyed across a pleasant, extensive country, filled with herds of black cattle and large flocks of sheep, bordered by a circular range of finely improved hills. In an hour arrived at the city end of Durdham Down, and^soon alighted at our late lodgings in Queen's square, having finished a tour of two hun dred miles in seven days. From henceforth determined to consult the genius, turn, and temper of ray future companions ; my late fellow traveUer's want of curiosity, etc. etc, renders him a very unfit companion, and frustrates every purpose of rambling. Bristol, August 3, Attended worship at St. Stephen's ; Dean Tucker preached. Returned home via Hot Wells. ' 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 151 TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH, DEVON. Bristol, August 4, 1777. Dear Sir : The dark aspect of affairs in America on the side of govern ment, renders it likely that England or some foreign country will, for many months to come, be the residence of the wretched Araer- ican fugitives. Our head-quarter folks have, I learn, lowered their topsails, and talk in a less positive strain ; fear and appre hensions seera to have succeeded assurance. Of late I made a short ramble into Wales, and over many emi nences, to which the hills in Devon are not to be compared ; the middling and poor inhabitants are not unlike our Indians, though inferior in size ; their manners as coarse and language as uncouth, differing from the English as much as their customs, many of which are peculiar. The outside of all their houses and walls is kept white-washed, at a distance giving them a lively and pleasant look ; the inside is filthy enough. The women, like our Indian squaws, carry their young slung round them, some before and some behind their backs, Cardiff, the chief town of the county, is near the bank ofthe river Taaffe, and in a pleasant vale of fine improve ments, surrounded by high raountains, cultivated to their summits. Within two miles, and in sight, is the town of Llandaff, having a cathedral of a respectable appearance : — the churches in this coun try, however, make but an indifferent appearance, being of dimin utive size. About twelve miles frora this toward the mountains, my curiosity carried me to view a most astonishing piece of archi tecture in a bridge, called bont-y-pridd, consisting of one arch, in span one hundred and forty-two feet, and rising frora the spring of the arch thirty-four ; planned and executed by a common mason, who is now employed at a similar work In Radnor, This natural architect is also to execute another bridge at Swansea, over the river Tawy, the middle arch of it to rise one hundred and eight feet above the surface of the water at full sea, and of a width suf ficient for a large vessel to pass through. Yours, S. Curwen. 152 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, August 7. Attended worship at the college ; Bishop Newton, well known in the learned world by his writings, confirmed about nine score persons, chiefly females, frora fourteen to thirty years of age, August 10, Attended worship at Mayor's Chapel, Baron Ho- tham, the nisi prius judge, present, accompanied by the mayor, in their formalities, TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, DEVON. Bristol, August 1 5, 1777. Dear Sir: A late rumor from the south that had exhilarated our sinking spirits, is now raomently abating of its credibility, though it was told in a way and with circumstances that induced a universal be lief. The report I refer to you must undoubtedly have heard. My faith in a speedy return to our native country is, as it ever has heen, faint ; those, on the contrary, with whom it is ray fate to bear corapany, have cherished, and still please themselves with the fond, delusive hope that the disturbances on the western continent will subside upon the least success of the British arras, and hourly expect to hear of Gen. Burgoyne's arrival at Albany ; from whence they date the end of troubles there. But supposing that to take place, I foresee a great deal to be done before the fierce spirits of the people in America will settle down into a submission to a power they dread, and have been taught to detest. Besides, I cannot help thinking France will Interpose and prevent a future connection between Great Britain and the colonies ; perhaps, not thinking it prudent to declare whUst the recovery of them remains doubtful. This you may call a suggestion of fear, and it may be the effect of a sickly disturbed imagination ; I presume, however, I am not a singular instance. With real regard, yours, etc. S. Curwen, August 19. By the ship Lady Gage, from New- York, July 15th, advices that General Heister is returning to Europe; that the troops are withdrawn from the Jerseys; that Lord Howe and General Howe are embarking, destination unknown ; — 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 153 discouraging news for government, and is a convincing proof I should think that an Insurrection excited by an enthusiastic ardor for liberty, rightly or wrongly understood, and in such distant pro vinces, is not to be easily quelled. A contemptuous idea of the weakness of the colonies, and their inabUlty to withstand the pow er of this opulent state, Is the chief if not the only source of the present discouraging condition of their affairs in North America, August 20. Advices from New-York are that General Pres cott was surprised and carried off at midnight from a detached house a little beyond his line, by a few daring sailors who landed on the island. This was done in revenge for General Prescott's setting a price on General Arnold's head, dead or alive, to be brought in. General Pigot succeeds the former in command. That Lord Howe and General Howe were soon to leave New-York with seventeen thousand troops, destination not known, supposed north ward, to act in concert with General St. Leger, "who is coming down through the Mohawk country. That General Burgoyne has taken Ticonderoga, and a confirmation of the capture of the " Fox" man-of-war by the Hancock and Boston privateers. 'Tis also stated that the Massachusetts people begin to be discontented, and accuse each other of folly in engaging in an opposition that seems to promise such bitter fruits. Should Great Britain be able to establish a line of communication between Canada and New-York, and thereby separate the northern colonies from the southern, wo to the promoters and abettors of these disputes, and good-by to Con gressional authority. The Indians will naturally fall into the hea viest scale, especially when enforced by such powerful motives as Great Britain can offer. Should that event take place, God pre serve my poor country from the desolating judgraents — frora a mer ciless savage war, August 26, Intending for a long walk, took ray course for Rownham passage, proceeding over Lelghdown through a Mrs. Gor don's grounds, late Lady Trenchard, which she exchanged for a husband. This house sheltered King Charles II. after his defeat and flight from Worcester ; he was in the kitchen when his pursu ers entered, in the character of a scullion, and the cook maid struck him with a ladle, calling hira a careless dog, and ordering hira to wind, up the jack, which he obeyed, getting on a stool for the purpose. 20 154 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777, The house is a large, noble, old-fashioned structure. In the court yard is a piece of water filled with carp. Dined at King's Weston, and returned to lodgings much fatigued. King's Weston is an estate belonging to Lord Clifford, family name Southwell. At the inn I heard that Lord and Lady Clifford had that morning set off for France, on account of the Ul health of the latter, leaving a deai^ child in ^he house to be buried when convenient. August 28. The annual Gloucestershire feast this day ; the procession, headed by the Duke of Beaufort, walked from Concert Hall to the inn, Sept. 2. Had a passing view of the half yearly fair held in St, James's church-yard. Saw exposed in huts, sheds, etc., along the street caUed Horse-fair, cloths, linen, hose, and every article in the grocery and bauble way ; — besides the buyers, there were numer ous flocks of such characters as compose our Cambridge Common gentry on commencement days, and for the like purposes, festivity and fuddling. Sept. 3, Evening at Judge Sewall's, who introduced me to Dean Tucker, a famous political divine and anti-colonist, who judges thera a burden to Great Britain, and presses adrainistration to cast them off, Sept. 6. Had an hour's conversation with a stranger on 'change; a rare event, people in England being greatly indisposed to join with unknown persons. The Bristollans are, however, re markable for early inquiries into the character of all strangers, from commercial motives, and soon fasten on all worth making a pro perty of, if practicable ; all others, of how great estimation soever, are in general neglected. This city is remarkable for sharp deal ings ; there runs a proverb, " one Jew is equal to two Genoese, one Bristolian to two Jews." Sept. 7. At the college, the cathedral so called, Dr. Stone- house preached ; he was a practitioner of medicine, and has now turned his attention to spiritual maladies. His discourse serious and sensible, and his delivery with becoraing energy, very unlike the insipid coldness prevalent among the preferment-seeking, amusement-hunting, "; macaroni parsons," who, to the shame and dishonor of this age and nation, constitute the bulk of those of the established clergy that possess valuable livings. 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 155 In the afternoon, walked to a street adjoining King's square to attend John Wesley's preachment; he being seated on a decent scaffold, addressed about two thousand people, consisting of the middle and lower ranks. The preacher's language was plain and intelligible, without descending to vulgarisms. Sept. 14. In the afternoon I attended once more John Wesley, having the heavens for his canopy ; he began with an extempore prayer, followed by a hymn of his own composing, and adapted to the subject of his discourse. He wears his own gray hair, or a wig so very like that my eye could not distinguish. He is not a grace ful speaker, his voice being weak and harsh ; he is attended by great numbers of the middling and lower classes ; is said to have humanized the almost savage colliers of Kingswood, who, before his time, were almost as fierce and unmanageable as the wild beasts of the wilderness. He wears an Oxford master's gown ; his atten tion seemingly not directed to manner and behavior, — not rude, but negligent, dress cleanly, not neat. He is always visiting the numerous societies of his own forming in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland ; though near eiglity years old, he reads without spec tacles the smallest print. He rises at four, preaches every day at five, and once besides ; an uncommon instance of physical ability. Sept. 26, It is reported that General Howe is gone to Boston, and if he makes a successful landing, and is powerful enough to penetrate into the country, wo betide my poor native land, A few days wUl undeceive us with regard to the object of Gen, Howe's expedition. Sept. 29, Mr, Timmins and Judge Sewall visited me. Even ing at Mr. Barnes's, where took tea with thirteen Americans. The Temple church is so denominated from its having belonged to the knights templars, which powerful and dangerous body of men was dissolved about A, D. 12704 TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. Bristol, October 6, 1777. Dear Sir : It is my intention to pass a fortnight with you, and could wish, if convenient, to raeet you at Exeter, I long expected the pleasure of seeing you here, but now despair of it, having seen Mr, John 156 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. Waldo, who informs me you have laid aside all thoughts of a jour ney northward. The number of our country folks here is eighteen, viz. : Mr. Boutlneau and lady, Mr. Benjamin FaneuU and lady, Judge SewaU and lady, Mr. Barnes and lady and niece, Mr. Fen ton and daughter and son, Mr. Fr. Waldo, Mr. Timmins, Colonel Hatch's two daughters at school, and myself. Gov. Hutchinson, in a letter to Judge SewaU, writes that the news respecting the defeat of the Americans at Saratoga is cor- Toborated by other circumstances concurring to establish the credi- >bihty ofthe heutenant's letter; the remainder of the story stands on sits own bottom, or in other words is doubtful ; it is, however, be- 'lieved by some that two hundred of the royal army fell in the at tack, and of the Americans fifteen hundred are killed, wounded, and prisoners, with artillery and stores. He also writes that he has it from high authority, that Lord George Germaine believes Lord Howe gone to Chesapeake bay, but the King to the northward ; my belief is that this is a stroke of court policy, to keep down 'discontent in the minds of people who begin to grow impatient. Your real friend, S, Curwen. Oct. 4. Before the " Lexington " privateer was taken, she had burnt, sunk, and destroyed fifty-two British vessels, on the coast of Great Britain and Ireland, as appears by her log-book, as well as by papers and letters found on board, Oct. 21. Rose at six o'clock, and went a coursing with two grayhounds and a spaniel for hares. Started one, and left her in a turnip-field; returned about two o'clock, not greatly fatigued, after a ramble of fifteen miles over hedge fences, ditches, etc. Oct. 28. Had a sight of the Pennsylvania test, -which mani fests a confidence in their ability to support their lately acquired authority. It is a triumph to a few ; misery to many, I fear. Oct. 31. Departed at four o'clock from Bristol, in the diligence, with two other passengers, brothers ; the one a parson of cheerful humor, and of the learned tribe; the other, late frora the East Indies with a few thousand pounds, which he was early retiring to enjoy whilst he had a relish for the pleasures of sense. Breakfasted 1777.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 157 at White Heart Cross, dined at Bridgewater, and at half past eight alighted at Exeter, eighty-two railes in sixteen hours. Exeter, JVovember 1. Departed on horseback, attended by a servant with my portmanteau, and in three hours alighted at my friend Isaac SraUh's lodgings at Sidmouth, Sidmouth, JVov. 7. Rode to Beer, a fishing town, containing perhaps a hundred houses, mud waUs and thatched roofs ; the in habitants in looks and dress resembling Marblehead folks. Stop ped on our return at a farm called Baldash ; met here Mr. Cornish, dissenting minister of Collylon, who is a cordial advocate for America and its independence ; he is for retiring to woods and caves to avoid religious persecution. JVov. 10. Started on horseback for Axminster, through Kil- mington ; frora an eminence on the road is a delightful prospect of the vale through which the Axe flows in a serpentine direction, under fine improvement, bordered by hills of a moderate height ; pastures and fields to the summit, from which saw Seaton at the mouth of the river, supposed to have been a Roman port, no trace of which reraains. In this road lies a stately old house, called Ashe, wherein John ChurchUI, the great Duke of Marlborough, was born ; a village of no account called Musbury, and at the extremity Ax minster, where we dined at the Green Dragon, and were introduced to the carpet manufactory, named from the town; invented and still carried on by an ingenious and obliging person of the dissent ing profession. Here is also wrought, besides his own, of a pecu liar construction, Turkey carpet, so very like in figure, color, and thickness, as not to be distinguished from the genuine article. They are wrought in perpendicular looms, by females, whose fingers move with a velocity beyond the power of the eye to follow. The shute, consisting of as many colors as the shades of the figures, is placed aloft on a bar, through rings running thereon, each ring passing a distinct color through. There was making a beautiful one of thirty-six feet square, (amounting to ninety-six pounds,) for the Countess of Salisbury. The knowledge of this manufacture he obtained thus : an old ragged fellow, in mUitary garb, called and said he had wrought all over Europe in the Turkey carpet way ; he was engaged immediately, and complete success has resulted, not only in this kind but also in the Wilton and Axminster. 158 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1777, We passed a dirty road in the dark and alighted at Thorncorabe. The late vicar was father of Comraodore Samuel Hood, who lately commanded a squadron at Boston. Supped and passed the night here, next morning left early ; at eleven o'clock arrived at Lyme Regis, lying in south channel in an exposed situation : It is a place of little trade, supplying the neighborhood with coals imported here from the north. It is also a watering place, being accommo dated with a few bathing machines, a terrace facing the beach, and near adjoining for walking ; a long room for tea and cards, of a southern aspect, and a neat assembly room. About twelve hun dred inhabitants, (chiefly dissenters,) and about two hundred houses. Here is now standing, the George inn, wherein the Duke of Mon mouth first slept on his invasion. For the security of vessels coming in here, there is a circular pier of several hundred running feet, built by the ever famous Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, and from him denominated the Cob. The next stage, Culllford, at Mr. John Carsluck's seat of Wlshcombe, where we were kindly entertained and lodged. This place is called from its situation; "wish," in Devonshire dialect means weary, and " combe" vale, — which well describes it, JVov. 12. At meridian took leave and departed through the country to Slade, seat of Mr, Lee, one of Mr. Smith's parishioners ; called and notified him of our intention to dine, and passed forward to Brunscorabe, consisting of five clusters of small huts of mud walls and thatched roofs. This parish, formerly an estate ofthe Brunscombe family, was given to a raonastery at Caen, in Nor mandy, and remained appended to it till the downfall of popery in England, Dined and took tea with Mr. Lee, and resuming our saddles, took leave, and crossing Salcombe hills, alighted at our lodgings, after a circuitous ramble of forty-seven railes in four days; the roads for the greater part more dirty, stony, and disagreeable than are generally to be passed in our own country, Sidmouth, Jfov. 17. Took an airing over Peak hill, — evening in a large company at Mr. WUliam Carsluck's; Coddington house his seat ; took tea and a generous and elegant supper, JVov. 18, Rode out, passing a farm called Thorn, frora a thorn bush or tree standing on a road near by, said to be more than three hundred years old. 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 159 JVov. 19. Rode to St. Mary, Ottery, about eight miles out ; it is a parish, a hundred, and a raanor ; the lords, Sir George Young and Sir John Duntze. It is situated in a vale, the river Otter run ning through the midst, frora which the town takes its narae. The centre is modern, built of brick, covered with pantUe, a fire some years ago having destroyed the old buUdings, it has a market, an Episcopal church in the cathedral style of buUding ; by tradition erected in 1060, a few years before the Noiman invasion ; it has a look of antiquity, and is marked with decay within and without. JVov. 20, At ten o'clock departed from Ottery, and at one ahghted in Exeter at my intended lodgings in Fore-street. Exeter, JVov. 22, Walked abroad, had a conversation with young Reed, just returned from Salem, having been carried In there in a prize ; from whom I learnt there was no business scarcely but privateering, which he represents as surprisingly successful. By the papers, I learn the king in his speech takes notice of " the obstinacy of his rebellious subjects in America," and promises himself " all needful assistance from his faithful Commons." It will be well if additional supplies, and an increase of foreign troops, do not prove a source of intolerable evil. Would to God an expedient could be devised to terminate this unnatural quarrel, consistent with the honor of both parties ; but this I fear is a vain wish. The Dutch, frora a sordid thirst of gain, the French, frora their dread of the rising power of Great Britain united with the colonies, and Spain, frora an attachment to the court of Versailles, are too deeply concerned to permit a re-union. Lord Chatham, on motion for an address in the king's speech, says, " Without an im mediate restoration of tranquillity, this nation is ruined and undone. What has been the conduct of ministers 1 Have they endeavored to conciliate the affection and obedience of their ancient brethren? They have gone to Germany, sought the alliance of every pitiful, paltry prince, to cut the throats of their loyal, brave, and injured brethren in America, They have entered into mercenary treaties with those human butchers for the purchase and sale of human blood. But, my lords, this is not all ; they have let the savages of America loose upon their innocent and unoffending brethren, upon the aged, weak, and defenceless ; on old raen, women, and chUdren ; upon babes at the breast, to be cut, mangled, sacrificed. 160 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1777. burnt, roasted ; nay, to be eaten. These are the allies Great Bri tain now has; carnage, desolation and destruction, wherever her arms are carried, is her new adopted mode of making war. Our ministers have made aUiances at German shambles, and with the barbarians of America, with merciless torturers of their species, Whora they will next apply to, I cannot tell." Such is Lord Chatham's fire, such his o/atory, such his indignation against minis terial measures. Dec. 14. This day General Burgoyne's mortifying capitulation arrived in town. Nothing could be more disgraceful and humilia ting, unless a submission to the victor's power without terms. The loss of the military chest estimated at seventy-five thousand pounds, the finest train of artUlery ever sent out of this kingdom before ; all the boasted acquisitions of the year's campaign gone at a blow, and Canada on the point of joining the grand American alliance. In the House of Commons, on the 12th inst., after Lord Bar- rington's report of army estimates. Col. Barre rose and called on Lord George Germaine to inform the house whether the report of the surrender of General Burgoyne with his army and artillery was true or false; which Lord George did in a short narrative, and said intelligence had been received of the capture by the way of Quebec, which struck the house with astonishment ; and after a short pause Col. Barre rose, and with an averted look, said : " Great God ! who can refrain from rage and indignation when the planner of so much misery relates with the utmost composure, the horrid tale of a British army destroyed ? We all know the General's bravery and skill ; he did not surrender whilst there was a possibility of defence ; but while justice demands a just eulogium, what raust we say of the raan who reduced so gallant an officer to so sad an alter native without the smallest advantage to his country 1" Dec. 18. From a correspondent at the west of the town, I learn that the language about the court is nowise lowered by the last news from America ; " delenda est Carthago." The old poli ticians, neither biassed by hatred to Araericans, nor interested in the destruction of the colonies, shake their heads at this language. Dec. 25, Christmas. Service at cathedral. No shops opened entirely, nor business publicly or generally carried on : — though 1777,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 161 the day is otherwise negligently enough observed, nor indeed can more be expected, considering the low ebb of religion here. Soon after the surrender of Burgoyne was announced by Lord George Germaine in parliaraent, an adjournment took place till after the holidays, whereupon Sir George Young, Mr, Baring, the Exeter member, and Mr, Barre, hurried down, and it was sus pected that this foreboded a new parliament, a new ministry, new measures, and that the most active opposition is coming into play ; a few days will undeceive the public, however. On confirmation of the American news, Manchester offered to raise a thousand men at their own expense, to be ready for service in Araerica in two months, and was followed soon after by Liverpool, It is said there are to be proposals for raising two thousand men out of each parish through the kingdom; that the American secretary wUt resign, and Lord Hillsborough succeed him. Dec. 31. The lenity shown to General Burgoyne and his army is allowed on all hands to do more honor to Araerica, than the lau rels, reaped by the Howes, can bring to this distracted country. God knows what is for the best, but I fear our perpetual banishment frora Araerica is written in the book of fate; nothing but the hopes of once raore revisiting ray native soil, enjoying my old friends within my own little domain, has hitherto supported my drooping courage ; but that prop taken away leaves me in a con dition too distressing to think of; however, amidst the increasing evils of old age I have this consolation, that, mortifying as my lot is, severe as my sufferings may be, their continuance cannot be lasting. Accompanied by Mr, Sraith, drank tea with Mr. Towgood, and they passed the evening and supped with me ; and thus ends the old year. Mr. Pope observes : " With added years, if life bring nothing new, But like a sieve let every blessing through, Some joys still lost, as each vain year runs o'er, And all we gain some sad reflection more : Is that a birth-day ? 'tis, alas ! too clear, 'Tis but the funeral ofthe former year." 21 162 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778. CHAPTER VIII. TO DR. DAUBENY, LONDON. Exeter, Jan. 3, 1778, Dear Sir : By my friend Col. Browne's letter, received yesterday, I am in formed of Col. Frye's arrival at Halifax, and of your quitting Salem and arrival in London, Pray inform me whether his and your de parture from your settled abode arose from the requirements of the new established governments ; if there be any in our province of sufficient authority to restrain the lower classes from their insolence and outrageous behavior, who, when the bands of society are un happily loosened and the laws are forced into silence, do not neg lect to avail themselves of those times to run riot against peace, order and security, the most valuable blessings of social civil life ; — whether there be any civil government established in our province — what it is — who the administrators — who are our Salem magistrates — its condition with respect to order, trade, religion — the state of our society and the situation of our friends 1 I could fill a sheet with questions, but, loth to tax your good nature too heavily, forbear. With congratulations on your safe arrival in a land of plenty, and freedom from persecution, either on the score of religion or politics, I reraain your friend, S, Curwen. Jan. 6, Evening at Mr. N.'s, with Mrs. N. and Mrs. Tremlet, sisters, of excellent understanding, great reading and refined taste. Jan. 12, Bishop Ross installed arch-deacon in the chapter house, as on Saturday he was prebend, and on the following days this week is to be successively canon, treasurer, and bishop ; each eeremony being ushered, accompanied, or announced by tolling the 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 163 great bell, and afterwards the chimes play. On the demise of a bishop, the king in effect chooses under the fallacious compliment of recommendation to the chapter, consisting of dean, prebends, canons, etc., with a conge d'elire, or liberty to choose for that pur pose ; the choice falls of course on the person recommended, and is so understood. He is then presented, kisses the king's hand on his preferment, and is installed by proxy in the distant see. He is personally enthroned when his new lordship pleases ; how long it raay he before we are to be favored with his personal presence, it is not said. TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. Exeter, Jan. 17, 1778, Dear Sir : The account of General Burgoyne's surrender is confirmed, and what think you of the Congress now 1 Of American independ ence 1 Of laying the colonies at the ministers' feet 1 Of Lord S.'s boast of passing through the continent from one end to the other with five thousand British troops ; and with a handful of men keeping that extensive continent in subjection 1 Of the invinci bility of the said troops ? Of the raw, undisciplined, beggarly rabble of the northern colonies ? Of the humiliating surrender of a British general, five thousand troops, seven thousand small arms, and thirty-six pieces of brass artillery, to the aforesaid rabble 1 What think you of the pompous proclamation of the said general '1 Of the figure he is now making in the streets of Boston, compared to his late parading there, accompanied by his vainly fancied in vincible cohorts, now, alas ! rendered as harmless and inoffensive animals as you and II Of the condition General Howe is now or soon may be in, should the combined army of Washington and Gates, numerous as it may be, perhaps exceeding his own in the proportion of two to one, elated with success, inflamed with an en thusiastic ardor, invest Philadelphia, defended by an army almost worn out by incessant labor, having, as the papers say, the shovel and firelock always in their hands, and greatly weakened by losses 1 What think you of the twenty thousand men voted in parliament a few days since, in addition to the array now in America 1 Where are they to be raised 1 Is not Russia on the verge of a war with 164 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778, the Turks 1 Have not the two great potentates of Germany re fused to suffer their country to be further drained of its inhabitants'? Is not Denmark too feeble, thinly peopled, and jealous of its potent neighbors, to furnish men 1 Have we any alliance with Sweden 1 Is not Holland in the same predicament with the former, and does not its coraraercial systera forbid lending us aid 1 Is not Portugal too poor, dependent, and unable if disposed 1 Is not Spain unwU- ling and unable, and too much inclined to follow French politics ? Nay, does not the irapolicy of hiring troops from her, if willing and -able, appear too glaring even in the most desperate case 1 And is not France too insidious and insincere, too rauch interested both in regard to politics and coraraerce, to apply to her for assistance ; nay, would it not be too dangerous, considering her former state and connections there? Have not the Switzers too strong a sense^of liberty themselves to engage against a cause wherein civil liberty is pretended to be invaded 1 Pray what resources, then, has Great Britain, without allies able or willing to afford the needed help 1 Can her own country furnish the requisite numbers 1 Can the manufacturers spare, with out essential injury to its commerce, a supply from thence 1 Does she abound in laborers 1 Are there not, rather, complaints that men of the lower classes are wanting? Have not the recruiting parties found great difficulty in raising men ? And is it not well known that business goes on slowly and heavily at this day ? Would not an act of parliament to press men for the American service, (and without it, it cannot be done,) raise disturbances and insurrections think you 1 Would not raising new regiments from among tbe Catholics of Ireland disaffect the bulk of the nation 1 In this sad dilemma, which way can administration turn to extricate them selves 1 How can they escape out of this labyrinth wherein they are intricated 1 What measures can be adopted consistent with the honor and dignity of this late mighty empire— -alas, how fallen ! — that gave law but a few years ago to two of the most powerful, politic, and wealthy states in Europe, and thereby peace to almost all the world t Common sense and prudence, in the case of a private ¦person, suggests, that when convinced his measures of conduct are inadequate and incompetent to answer his wishes and designs, to retrace his mistaken steps, pursue other measures, and undo what 1778,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 165 has been done wrong ; for it raost surely is less dishonorable to correct errors than pertinaciously continue in a track confessedly wrong and fatal. Does not the American secretary. Lord George Germaine, seem to be of this mind, when he announced General Burgoyne's surrender in the house, declaring, at the sarae time, the impracticability of carrying on this war any longer 1 Has this an appearance of a pacific intention, or does it seem designed, as has been suggested, to lull the opposition ? (which, however, I don't consider but as the effect of party misrepresentation ; for you know party views every thing in false hghts.) Think you this an indi vidual opinion, uncomraunicated to his brethren in adrainistration, and unknown in the privy council, delivered without their privity, connivance or consent ? Is it probable he will long hold a post in which he raust take so active a part as his duty requires, in prorao- ting measures, in his judgment ineffectual, and which cannot long be supported ? If a difference in the higher departments begins, and a derangement in administration should fake place, where wUl it end ? I shall tremble for the consequences at this period, as it will weaken government when most it stands in need of support from a general concurrence. Did not Lord North seem to yield to the idea of conciliatory measures 1 The designs of a court are deep and hidden ; who, by searching, can find them out, till time, the great revealer of secret things, exposes to view the wisdora or folly, the policy or Impolicy of cabinet councils 1 The language of the court, the papers say, is, as it ever has been, " delenda est Car thago ; if this be not slander, wo betide ray poor country. I con fess I feel too strongly the amor patria not to wish it may be slander ; its enemies will never, I hope, exult over its ruins ; but its inhabitants be timely brought to a just sense and sight of their real interest and security, which in my view consists only in a close connection with this country. Vigorous raeasures are talked of there ; but in parliament the language held by the ministers seems mUd, leaning toward an adjustment of matters otherwise than by the ultima ratio regum; the out-door talk is just the reverse : unhappy the state of society and government that renders such conduct in any regard expedient. Should government seriously wish and intend to settle this quarrel amicably, what can be the first step 1 The present situation of 166 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778. administration puts me in mind of a story relative to Sir Christopher Wren, who went yearly to visit King's College Chapel, Cambridge, remarkable for its roof; on being asked whether he could construct such another, replied, " Tell me where to place the first stone, and I will engage to execute it." Are not our state architects as much perplexed and embarrassed where to lay the first foundation stone whereon to erect a temple to peace and concord ? Could they ever devise a plan of accommodation dictated by wisdom itself short of American independence ? Would the United States condescend to enter into a treaty with this kingdom after so raany proofs of their ability to defeat their designs and resist their most vigorous efforts, and from whom they have received so many supposed indignities, severities, and oppressions 1 I quit my theme and lay down my pen to read the news just brought in ; but before I record it, let me premise that not a syUable of it finds credit with me ; it is as fol lows : — " General Vaughan, who burnt Esopus and made such cruel havoc up Hudson river, is defeated by General Putnara ; he and his army prisoners ; that the former has got between General Clinton and New-York with a separate army ; that General Washington had forced General Howe's lines, destroyed and taken seven thousand raen." Should this, or half of it be true, I warrant (without gift of prophecy) the garae is up. I forgot to add, Arnold is not kUled, only wounded In the leg, and with General Green gone forward to Quebec; the Araerican works on the Delaware not yet forced, so that the two brothers Howe can as yet have coraraunlcatlon together till that event takes place. General Howe's situation must be very disagreeable, not to say dangerous, I will add a few lines to fiU the sheet. Newspapers are crowded with articles of the offers of towns and counties to enable his majesty's governraent to carry on the war against America, which by some means is now become to be considered as less a ministerial affair than sorae time ago ; should the proposed numbers, however, be taken out of the manufactories, I dare engage trade will sensibly feel it. Would to God, that moderate and just views ofthe real interests of both countries might possess the minds of those who direct the pubhc measures here and there. That peace may again take place, and trade and agriculture and commerce be established on a lasting basis, is the raost ardent wish of your friend, S. Curwen. 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 167 Jan. 26. I am told the officers lately arrived from Araerica, generally declare the conquest of it is a vain expectation, even with a very great additional force. Notwithstanding this, the ardor of the nation for subduing what is called the " American Re bellion," seems to spread like a flame from north to south ; the new troops talked of as proposed to be raised immediately, are as follows : — Battahon of Highlanders under Lord M'Leod, 1000 ; Manchester volunteers, 1000 ; Duke of Argyle's Highlanders, 2000 ; Duke of Athol's Highlanders, 1000 ; Colonel Gordon's do., 1000 ; Duke of HaraUton's regiment of Arran, 1000 ; Colonel Dalrymple's loyal Lowlanders, 1000 ; midland Highlanders, 1000 ; Sutherland's and Mackay's Highlanders, 1000 ; Earl of Seaforth's Highlanders, 1000 ; Dutch brigades to be augmented, 5000 ; Irish Roman Catholics, 5000 ; ten English battalions, 10,000 :— 31,000. Lord Abington's motion to be considered in parliament, against the constitutionality of persons, corporations, towns, cities or coun ties to raise men, and arm and equip them ; and if he defends his position, it wUl put a stop to the loyalty of Manchester, Liverpool, Norfolk county, and some Scotch lords, who have made offers of money and men for carrying on the American war. Lord Abing ton's motion was for sumraonlng the judges to attend the house, that their opinions on this raatter may be known ; he considered it not only repugnant to the principles of the constitution, but ex pressly against the letter of the law. The attempt to raise men in Warwickshire and Norfolk has failed, from the opposition of the gentry and others. Dr. Robertson, in his history of Scotland, says : " When men have been accustomed to break through the coraraon boundaries of subjects, and their ralnds are influenced with the passions which civil war inspires, it is mere pedantry and ignorance to measure their conduct by those rules which can be applied only when government is in a state of order and tranquillity. A nation, when obliged to employ such extraordinary efforts in defence of its liber ties, avails itself of every thing to proraote its great end, and the necessity ofthe case and iraportance ofthe object, justify a depar ture frora the common and established forms of the constitution." This is precisely what a sensible American, whose mind is strongly impressed with the right of resistance to the authority and arms of 168 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1778. the mother country, would offer in defence of the many hardships and violences imposed on his fellow-countrymen at the present momentous crisis. Jan. 30. This being in Church of England language, " King Charles's martyrdom," it is farcically observed as a fast day ; churches open and service suitable to the solemn occasion read. To complete the absurdity here, the pulpit of the cathedral was covered with black cloth ; the tip-staves, sword, and mace, carried before the mayor in the same grim garb. TO WILLIAM BROWNE, ESQ., LONDON. Exeter, January 30, 1778, Dear Sir : General Burgoyne's defeat wiU, I think, prove a prelude to a succession of fatal events. The rapid increase of military skill and courage that enthusiasm produces, and the great numbers of Euro pean commanders and engineers of experience now incorporated amongst the Araericans, are considerations that extinguish my expectation of the success of the following carapaign, even should Great Britain send over in season the nuraber of troops ordered by parliament, (and which do not amount to what all who have lately arrived from Araerica agree to be necessary to insure success, or rather, in any good degree, render it probable.) May those evUs my gloomy mind forebodes, exist only in imagination ; but I must confess I see, perhaps through a false vista, the expedition already ended in the disgrace of this powerful and wealthy kingdom, and in the ruin of that once singularly happy, but now, alas I deluded, wretched America ; for, disconnected from this country, wretched it must necessarily be, if anarchy and the most grievous oppressions and taxes can make a people so. How weak, inconsistent, and dangerous is human conduct, when guided by lawless ambition, or any false or wrong motives ! Into what dreadful evils are commu nities often plunged by hearkening to the declamations of pretended patriots, of crafty, selfish, unprincipled demagogues of this and many other countries; history furnishes us a present mortifying proof and exaraple. You raay console yourself in the late disgrace of the British arms, with the hope that it may revive the ardor and bravery hith- 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 169 erto so peculiarly characteristic of British troops, but similar causes do not always produce similar effects. At the tirae you refer to, Rome was in the meridian of her glory, war the profession of her citizens ; her inhabitants, through all her ranks, were at that period actuated by the amor patrice, a principle publicly derided in this age. Do not think me a cynic, when I say, I fear this nation has sunk into too selfish, degenerate, luxurious a sloth, to rise into such manly, noble exertions as^her critical situation seems to demand : for which this people have in times past been famed, as the disaster you mention forraerly produced araong the Romans, and as hereto fore within my own memory, has been the case with this very peo ple. But the breast of every Roraan was warraed with the amor patrix at that period, and with this principle he could brave dan gers, and even death, to bring honor to his country ; — when riches poured in upon thera from all quarters of the world, when manners degenerated, and selfish regards succeeded to the love of country ; when luxurious tables and effeminacy araong the higher ranks took the place of frugal raeals, and manly fortitude, with the sense of honor sunk into venality and court dependence, they then became abject, desponding, cowardly, and were exposed to every invader, and instead of bravely defending, abandoned even their lands and wealth to be possessed by their courageous army ; and such will always be the condition of every people in similar periods of its state. But away with politics. You ask when I intend to come to London ; to take a long, expensive journey that road, I have not at present in contempla tion. Abstract Col. Browne, and a few acquaintances, and London, in the present state of my finances, has not charms strong enough to attract rae thither. With no relish for the amusements and dissipations of that unavoidably chargeable residence, I should Ul exchange my frugal and comfortable board, in a decent family, at eight shiUings, for twenty, and a long train of e^ ceteras, araounting to thirty-five more under strictest economy. It would add much to my enjoyment, to have the company of my friend Col. Browne, with or without a friend or two ; but to encourage his taking so long and tedious a journey, I dare not, having nothing to offer him by way of equivalent for his trouble, ignorant as I ara of his taste and views of living : however, should a plan of frugaUty, inchnation to 22 170 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778, ramble, or curiosity, push you out of the metropolis, as the season grows milder, and chance or design direct your steps to this plen tiful and cheap quarter, take the foUowing short imperfect sketch, Exeter, for its numbers, is somewhat less than Boston ; in buUdings as unlike as the wrinkled age of fourscore differs from the healthy, florid complexion of thirty. To your or any eye faraUiar to modern structures, this place wUl appear as uncouth as a female tricked out in a ruff and fardingale, or in the court dress of old Queen Bess, I am led to this comparison, from having often heard that the houses, especially in Fore-street, are of her age, and in deed they no more resemble the modern than the dress of that day does the present. The streets are narrow, ill-paved, and (I wonder why not to a proverb) dirty. There is a row of buUdings in the form of the crescent at Bath, in the so called modern style ; but it is crowded in a corner, out of sight ; built on land belonging to the Duke of Bedford, and goes by the name of his title, on the site of a late noble palace, wherein Henrietta, the youngest daughter of Charles I., was born during his troubles. Within the walls are three walks for taking the air ; on the north, a circular one, lying back of the castle, encorapassed with trees, through which, on the outer side, over a vale filled with houses and improved fields, are cut vistas ; much frequented here is also the church-yard, or the inclosure within walls and gates ; round St, Peter's, the cathedral, another hard gravel walk called the Friars, commanding a fine field view, besides many others without the city. And for in-door amusements, a theatre, concerts, a coffee-house, called Moll's, and a hotel, both in the church-yard, where the London papers are brought four days in the week. Having filled my sheet, I conclude abruptly, like Hudibras breaking off in the middle. Very sincerely yours, S, Curwen, Feb. 3. This was the day appointed for the enthronization or installation of Bishop Ross in the episcopal seat. The ceremony was performed by Archdeacon Hull of Barnstaple, the proxy, and one of the canons of St. Peter's, The chapter, consisting of the dean, canons, prebendaries, &c, &c., a set of well-fed priests, all 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 171 of the largest dimensions, (except the first, who was in London,) walked in procession to the cathedral, preceded by the officers properly habited, and whose coming was announced by the sound of the great bell. Having arrived into the church, the chapter proceeded to the throne, where they all sat down; after being seated a short space, the proxy arose, and advancing to the front, read an oration in praise of the late bishop ; concluding with an encomium on the present one, in which he declared he took real, actual, and corporal possession ofthe episcopal chair; these words being the same he used, and I fancy an essential part of the forra. The seat, or throne, as it is called, is of a singular construction, and the most magnificent of any ; it is a square of sixteen feet, lined with crimson silk, the cushions velvet of the sarae color, edged with a broad gold fringe ; the canopy thirty feet high, sup ported by four wrought posts, carved up to the ceiling in Gothic open work, decreasing till it ends in pinnacles ; opposite stands the pulpit ; both at the upper end of the choir, Henry Grove, a dissenting ralnister of Taunton, well known by his writings among those of the same profession, wrote Nos, 588) 601, 626 and 635, in the 8th volume of the Spectator ; and Mr, Parr, lately deceased in this city of Exeter, in his eighty-eighth year, wrote those signed A, B. in the 6th and 7th volumes, and some others, the signature of which his son, Surgeon Parr, told me he had forgotten, Feb. 10, Received a letter from William Cabot, London, in forming me that by a letter from Nathan Goodale, Salem, all friends are well, Feb. 14, Received a friendly letter from Mr, Timmins, His wife at Boston, seeing no end to the disturbances, is going to pluck up stakes, and remove with flocks, herds, and children. Lord Camden said the other day in the house of peers, on the Duke of Richmond's motion to consider the state of the nation, with liberty to refer to such papers as were hefore them, " the origin of the mistake of our ministers in commencing the Araerican war, was this: they ignorantly supposed the Americans to be cowards, and foolishly imagined the French to be idiots." Mr, Woodbridge's answer to the Duke of Richmond (on the 9th inst.) was, that by Lloyd's coffee-house books, the number of 172 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778. British vessels taken from May, 1776, to the present time by Ame rican privateers, was seven hundred and thirty-three, containing upwards of thirteen thousand men. That the aggregate value of the ships and cargoes, after deducting one hundred and seventy- four retaken and restored, amounted to ^64,823,000 steriing. The number of American privateers one hundred and seventy-three. That American products had greatly advanced in price ; tobacco from sevenpenceto two-and-tenpence, — pitch, from eight shUlings to thirty-six ; tar, turpentine, oil, and pig iron, in the same pro portion, Feb. 15, At the George dissenting meeting-house Sir Henry Tre lawney, of fifteen hundred a year, an Oxford-bred scholar, preached from " 0 worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." Taking a religious turn, he hadfaUen into Methodisra, and set out a flaming preacher of their notions, to episcopal orders superadding dissent ing admonition of the lowest kind. He has charge of a small flock in the neighborhood of his own estate ; his natural good sense has cooled his first heat, and he now addresses with fervor, but candor and affection, a crowded assembly. Just as he entered, before service began, an elderly lady in the pew adjoining to the one I sat in, sunk down in a fainting fit, and breathed her last without a groan or struggle. TO WILLIAM BROWNE, ESQ., LONDON. Exeter, February 17, 1778, Dear Sir : I would fain persuade myself my good friend does not enter tain unfavorable sentiraents of the rectitude of my principles, what ever doubts he may have of the justness of my opinion respecting the appearance of things at this juncture, and the probable issue of this destructive quarrel between Great Britain and the colonies, I presume it needs no proof to convince hira of ray leaving Araerica under a strong conviction of the alraost physical irapossibility of her waging a successful war with this powerful state, and therefore of the unjustifiableness, iraprudence, impolicy, and even madness of the undertaking. Nothing short of such a state of mind could ab solve me from the imputation of the extremest folly to abandon my country, friends, and estate, and all my hopes in this world, at my 1778,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS. 173 time of life, with but httle money, few connections here, and no expectations. The pernicious system of politics adopted by France, ever since she raised her views to universal empire under Louis XIV,, has justly brought on her the detested character of unfaithful, false, crafty, and perfidious ; so that French faith now, like Punic of old, you are sensible, goes current in Europe for the four preceding characters ; nor has the late behavior of the court of Versailles failed to verify the disgraceful imputation : even at the very time the ministers of France, upon sorae spirited reraonstrances frora our court, were pouring forth a profusion of seemingly fair promises and specious declarations of amity into the lap of Lord Stormont, ordering a few vessels with, and a few without cargoes, to be restored to their right owners, and even shutting up their ports, on paper, against American privateers ; even at that very time, they were not only conniving at, but carrying on a contraband trade to the revolted colonies. In the port of Nantz there lay, ready to sail for America, three or four large ships, laden with all kinds of mer chandise, cannon, and artillery stores, and waiting for a fair wind. Is it not a well known fact that the most successful depredations on the trade of this island, that have ever taken place in Europe or the West Indies, are now making on the latter by French pirates, under congressional colors, and that prizes are daily selling at open market, and all pretences to reclaim denied ; now and then, indeed, to save appearances, in imitation of ministers on this side the water, a few feeble, unregarded prohibitions are issued, but none executed to effect, Spain, whose political and commercial interests so naturally ally it to England, that it is even a proverb, " Paz con Inglaterra y guerra con todo el mundo,"* celebrated frora time immemorial for honor, true magnanimity, and fidelity to its promises, has ever since the Bourbon idiot that now fills its throne,* * * and ever since the days of his pusiUanimous father, adopted French manners, friv olity, levity, dress, politics, and faith, to the expulsion of true Cas- tUian gravity, dress, honor, and regard to the real interest of the * " Peace with England, if war with the rest ofthe world," 174 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1778. country. Witness the shuffling and chicanery of the court of Ma drid just before the iU-judged declaration ofthe last war ; review the authentic accounts of the friendly reception of the American and French privateers, and the open trade of the colonies at Bilboa, Cadiz, and all the ports of Spain during these troubles, though royal orders, edicts, and mandates, tagged with an " Yod Rey," have been successively transmitted down to the seaports. So well are the court purposes understood, that within four weeks, two or three English prizes were publicly sold in one of the southern ports, in open day, and the privateers refreshed and furnished with aU needed stores, and unmolested suffered to depart, laden with the substance and property ofthe subjects of England.^ King Solomon says, " where the word of a king is, there is power ;" this he said from his own experience. Who in his wits can believe that the Spaniards, or that abject Turkey-race of pirates ir^ablting on the opposite shore, durst have acted thus in defiance of their sovereign, if they had not well known the artful distinction between his secret and revealed will ? With regard to the article of Nantz and a Spanish port, they are facts that stand, for aught I know, on the same footing of credibility with the other articles of foreign intelli gence that pass uncontradicted ; and if these be facts, and facts are of a stubborn nature, and bend not to our wishes, they carry con viction, what must we not infer, loth as we may be 1 The natural inference is, that both these two courts do invariably adhere to the line of conduct marked out by thera from the commencement of this trouble, to distress the government as much as it is in their power, and to steal away our trade. The officers that throughout thfe winter arrived at the western ports, passing through this city in their journey to London, have one and all declared, as some re ports are, that thirty thousand men, at least, in addition to those already in America, are necessary to effectuate the reduction of the continent. Probably these persons speak the sentiments of the army ; there is not, that I know, reason to think them disaffected to the service, nor partial to Araerica. The foregoing convictions are the grounds of my fears, apprehensions, and as you ask me whence I fetch my facts, my reply is, from the coramon spring-head of pop ular intelligence. My practice is not to hunt after newspapers, as I seldom go to the coffee-houses ; but when they fall by accident 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 175 into my hands, I indiscriminately read all, from the Court Gazette, published by authority, to the Sherburne Mercury, The public papers, I well know, are justly stigmatized vehicles of falsehood and sedition : I rarely attend to political essays or remarks, scarce ever give them even a cursory glance ; articles of foreign intelli gence I credit as far as they are free from self-evident inconsisten cies. In respect of time and other circumstances. As to country, my principal view in the choice has ever been the instructive and en tertaining ; nor am I unhappy in ray few acquaintances here ; my chief companion is a philosopher of ray old friend the Rev, Mr, Gilchrist's starap, and too deeply 'engaged in moral and phUosophi- cal researches to trouble one with politics, for that is rarely a topic of conversation. My friend, in reading this tedious letter, will see the high value set upon his good opinion, and trust his candor will make due al lowance for our difference in small matters, while in essentials we keep " the faith whole and undefiled." Wishing you increasing felicity, I remain Your affectionate friend, S. Curwen, Feb. 25, The ministry on the 23d inst, received advices from Lord Stormont that five ships of the line and three frigates had sailed from Brest to Nantz, in order to convey eighteen transports to America, laden with all kinds of military stores, agreeably to the commercial treaty subsisting between the French and Ameri cans ; the transports to return laden with tobacco from Virginia, TO REV. ISAAC SMITH, SIDMOUTH. Exeter, Feb. 25, 1778, Dear Sir : I presume you have seen Lord North's answer to Charles James Fox and Mr, Grenville in the house ;* 'tis possible, nay, too proba ble, but 'tis not authenticated hy the ambassador." This fatal treaty is at length executed ; the coup de grace is given to British glory * To the inquiry whether it was true that a treaty had been made be tween France and America. 176 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1778, — its sun is set — alas, how fallen ! How short-sighted is human wisdom, how weak is huraan power at best ! The roar of the Brit ish lion wlU no more be heard; the French cock may now crow and strut undisturbed, Americans that lately were humble supplicants to Great Britain for aid against a few French troops and Indian savages, disturbing her frontier settlements, have dared — what have they dared 1 — to renounce her authority ; have set her power at defiance ; reduced her commerce ; defeated her armies ; sunk her national credit, nay, in sulted her coasts, established their independence in spite of all ef forts, and, tell it not in Gath, allied itself to her natural, professed, and most dangerous enemy, ******* Your friend, S, Curwen, Feb. 28, Received Lord North's two acts respecting the right of taxation confined to commerce, and appointing commissioners to adjust all matters in dispute. These offers are, I fear, too late ; the fatal treaty with France is already signed, March 2. By the mayor's zeal for a strict observance of the fast, an order to prohibit hair-dressers and bakers exercising their callings was published. In Canon Barlow's sermon in St. Peter's were these remarkable expressions, which for a dignitary of the established church wishing to rise, are singularly and dangerously bold. He said, " the war with America was unjust ; that they are a religious people and raay expect a blessing, and we the re verse." March 6, The court hurried away the Androraeda with Lord North's concUiatory propositions to the Howes in Araerica, March 8. Yesterday the French ambassador declared to Lord Weymouth, that France had signed a treaty of amity and alliance, or of friendship and coraraerce, with the United States of Araerica, who, said he, are in full possession of independence, as pronounced by thera on the fourth of July, 1776, without stipulating any ex clusive advantages in favor ofthe French nation, and that the Uni ted States have reserved to theraselves liberty of treating with every nation whatever, upon the same footing of especiahty and reciprocity. 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 177 Being in the country, our advices from London are that a war with France is dreaded ; there is fear of a general bankruptcy. — It is further said the present adrainistration is alraost universally reprobated — 'tis in my mind a doubt whether in the dregs of the state less interested ministers can be found, though perhaps of raore salutary politics, but the problem time only can solve. All men here love money and power too ardently to sacrifice either to interest or peace of state. 'Tis therefore, I fancy, equally indiffer ent who are or shall be our political cooks ; the pottage, I fear, will be spoiled. Stocks have fallen to 59 1-2, which has pro duced an almost universal panic, March 15, Despatches for the Howes passed through this city ; contents a secret, TO DR. JOHN PRINCE, HALIFAX. Exeter, March 15, 1778. Dear Sir : Your favor ofthe 20th Jan, carae to ray hands a few days since from London ; the advice of your retreat to Halifax I received in a letter from ray friend Col, Browne, The spirit of intolerance araong our New England brethren I vainly wished might have abated, they having, at the period of your departure, nothing to dread from the few individuals who could not, toto corde, embrace the political orthodoxy of the multitude and their directors, I doubt not that prudence would have screened and secured you from the rage and insult of the lower classes, and rendered life tolera ble, if prudence could have had its due influence ; but, such is the popular violence when once it unhappily takes place, and raay be exercised without restraint and fear of punishment, that like an irresistible torrent it bears down all before it ; laws, justice, truth, religion, the rights of humanity, civility, conscience, are made to rush impetuous down the mighty stream, I ardently wish once more to visit my natale solum, and impa tiently wait for the day of ray redemption ; would I could say it draweth nigh, but I see no end of the baneful Ul-omened war, for news has arrived of a declaration by France against us. Should it prove true. Great Britain has the worst to fear ; even her inde- 23 178 JOURNAL AND, LETTERS, [1778. pendency is at stake ; for aught I can see, France has drawn down from the interior alraost all her troops to the English channel. She has forty-four capital ships ready for sea; not a vessel is al lowed to go to Newfoundland from France, in order to man fhe fleet. La Motte Piquet with five capital ships and eighteen large transports sailed about a fortnight since, avowedly bound to America, laden with military stores, Spain has forty capital ships ready for sea, which are waiting only for the arrival of the Vera Cruz fleet ; should then these united fleets of raore than fourscore ships atterapt invasion, Great Britain has only thirty-seven ships of the line and eleven frigates to oppose thera. Lord North has proposed terms of reconciliation, but nothing short of independency will go down with the colonies. France will support them ; all thoughts of conquest, of unconditional sub mission, be assured, are given up ; and I fear rauch more, that the colonies have, contrary to their real interest and safety, entered into a league offensive and defensive against the parent state, — But it is a melancholy truth, which alraost every day's experience verifies, that passion and resentment often urge raen and states to actions and courses destructive of their raanlfest interest and safety, and such wUl America find in the end this alliance will prove, should Great Britain in the event become thereby oppressed, I could wish (but wishes, alas, are vain) America had seen her in terest in another point of light ; far, very far am I from wishing her oppressed, or her liberties restrained; I am fully convinced the colonies will never find any good purpose answered by inde pendence. God only knows what is before us, and may we be prepared for his allotments with subralssive resignation, I find myself fast declining into the vale of life, therefore less able to struggle with the unavoidable evils of this inconstant state, than in the days of more strength and vigor. Believe me, with real regard, yours, S, Curwen, TO GEORGE RUSSELL, ESQ., BIRMINGHAM. Exeter, March 16, 1778, Dear Sir : The dark and threatening cloud hanging over this island calls 1778,] journal and letters, 179 aloud for a more serious turn of mind than seems to characterize the present period ; but how sadly true is the reverse of such a state of mind amongst us at this day ; thoughtlessness, levity, frivolous manners, mirth and music, seem to have seized, and en gross the upper ranks ; attention to business and a supine disregard to national danger and honor, do they not too justly characterize the middle ranks 1 As for the canaille, they are here, as they ever have been, and wUl be in all states and times, stupidly indifferent and unconcerned in the midst of impending destruction. If the features of this ill-favored portrait are in your opinion too harsh, believe me, it was not drawn by a pencil dipped in gall, nor dic tated by envious misanthropy ; I am no cynic, nor cursed with the spirit of a cloistered monk. The warmest regards to the country which by long residence has become an altera patria, and holds the second place in my affection, few and faint as my connections with individuals are, — the most earnest wishes of ray heart for its safety, and foreboding apprehensions of its danger and dishonor, occasion the painful reflections that cease not hourly to distress ray mind. When I cohtemplate the decline and final period of states ¦great and powerful, and their causes, which in the history of the world are found to be uniformly the sarae ; that often in the midst of thoughtless security and apparent safety they are on the brink of ruin, and often suddenly and unexpectedly plunged irretrievably therein ; that as divines say with regard to men, and experience confirms its truth in both respects, " in the midst of Ife we are in death ;" — I cannot review the state of Great Britain four years since, and regard the present alarming crisis without horror, with out trembling. Perhaps to a mind by nature formed and turned as mine unhappily is, to doubt and despondency, danger may pre sent a more ghastly, terrifying aspect than is natural ; be it so, may my apprehensions exist only in imagination. I had much rather have weakness of judgment, ignorance and error justly imputed to me, than that the event should verify my predictive fears : — I had rather be a mistaken man than a true prophet. France and Spain, to compare great things with small, like the heroes in romance, are armed cap-a-pie, at all points, ready to sally 180 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778, forth, not like those redoubted sons of Mars and Venus to reheve distress, but to cause it. Your friend, &c. S, Curwen. March 17, This being assize week. Judges Perryn and Ho- tham were waited on by the sheriff and his officers, about two dozen in livery, Comraission sat in GuUdhall : — Baron Perryn on the bench ; great celerity in despatching business, and great inter ruption by talking, which the court authorities could not remove, March 20, Heard the dreaded sound, war declared against France ! It is reported the house of lords is almost in a tumult, and that they implore the king to drive frora his service his minis ters, and take Lords Chatham, Camden, and Shelbume, March 21, The judges left the city, escorted out by the sheriff •and his train, — trumpets preceding, etc. 1778,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 181 CHAPTER IX. TO JUDGE SEWALL, LONDON. Exeter, March 23, 177a Dear Sir : I was meditating an answer to your favor, when the alarming intelligence ofthe French court's perfidious dealings, and the hourly expectation of war against her, arrived here. The denouement of the plot, by the French ambassador's declaring in form to Lord Weymouth Jiis court's interference and engagement to support the claims of Congress, seems at present to render all speculation on the subject of Great Britain's further attempts to reduce her late deluded subjects in America needless : presuming all thoughts in regard to vigorous efforts being to be laid aside, superseded, at least for the present, as the papers inform us no more troops are to be sent out. These events ray fears have been long predictive of; not that I pretend to the spirit of prophecy, or the gift of second sight. States, like individuals, are liable to so raany sudden and unlocked for vicissitudes, disappointments, untoward accidents, and evils that neither wisdom can foresee, nor power nor prudence prevent ; he whose raind, not however to the increase of his enjoyment, leans towards doubts, fears, and apprehensions of evils, generally finds more events corresponding to his forebodings, than he whose atten tion is turned to the brighter and more pleasing views that hope presents. The plan Lord North has offered, is, it seems to me, founded in wisdora and sound policy, as you observe it contains nearly all that America can reasonably wish for, and as it is, thence she can de rive more real happiness and safety than is fondly and vainly ex pected from their favorite, long wished for, and perhaps short-lived independence : — for should Great Britain in this expected war be oppressed, what wUl save sorae of the colonies from falling a prey to the insatiable ambition of those powerful crowns united, I know 182 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778, not ; it would be well if they should be satisfied with the recovery of their late posse.ssions there. The consideration of the burden necessary to maintain an independent state with dignity has never yet, I presume, during the feverish paroxysm of our new legislators and government-modellers, been a subject of calculation ; for how ever fertile their brains have been of expedients, they are, I fear, but indifferently skilled in political arithmetic. Your sentiraents on the operation of the two concihatory acts, and answers to objectors, appear to rae to be perfectly just, and I am happy to say mine are so completely coincident, that had I taken as many hours, as probably were employed in writing them down, I could not have expressed them in terms so clear, concise, and satisfactory to rayself as in the letter I am now considering ; I can therefore subscribe to them toto ex animo. The improbabUity of their acceptance of the terms offered on the other side of the water, and of Great Britain's abUity to force them into a comphance at present, seems to be a matter out of dispute. I am not vain enough to wish myself in the king's councils, but I ardently wish that imaginary principle of national honor, the king's honor, might in this critical and dangerous condition the nation seems to be in, be dispensed with and given up to infinitely raore important con siderations, notwithstanding the clamors and reproaches to be ex pected frora discontented, interested party raen. That the war, should it unfortunately soon commence, to vindicate the king's honor or nation's, must produce disgrace and irreparable losses to the nation, a review of the present force Great Britain has, her foreign dominions, etc., and the force requisite to secure her right, may perhaps convince : — nor less so, Great Britain's inability at present to force a compliance or convince them by mUitary exer tions, that it is their interest to accept her reasonable offers. The lucky minute for such an offer is past, irretrievably past, and a series of surprising events, owing to ill concerted plans, interested views, a total disregard to the public weal, or, if you please, a cer tain fatality, has taken place, by which colonies of inestimable value are lost to this country ; and I wish the loss may end there. The subject that at present most employs and oppresses my mind is the critical and dangerous situation that the kingdom seems to be in. The tottering condition of national credit, the weak state 1778,] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 183 of the navy, the great power of the enemy, and the low price of stocks, as low as at the end of the last eight years' war, when the nation was alraost drained of its specie, are the considerations on which I form my opinion. Lord North, on presenting the king's rescript to the house, uttered what was sufficiently alarming, that the reluctance to the present loan arose not so much from the pros pect of war, as the largeness ofthe national debt ; it is of little im portance what is the cause, should a national bankruptcy happen. Should another panic like that of last Saturday again seize the monied raen, and continue, and the loan be stopped, no one but may foresee the most dreadful consequences ; should the present loan be completed, a new war would require another of equal amount, and the low price of stocks continuing, it will be well, if instead of ^£450,000 premium paid raore than in 1765, ^6900,000 would tempt the lenders to advance, unless new resources can be found, which my ignorance on this point makes me incompetent to judge. It is a fact of too much notoriety to be denied, if the con tractors avail themselves of the immense debt by this artful, selfish management, the pubhc is supplied at an extravagant, unreasona ble profit to the lenders, founded I suppose on this principle, that a sponge, sooner or later, must wipe all out at a stroke. It is cer tain the more government has occasion to borrow, proportlonably are its disadvantages in procuring supplies ; and unless a new and reformed system of economy be adopted, the premiums may not unlikely rise to cent per cent, especially if Mr. Burke's assertions in the House of Commons be true, tbat the contractors made a profit of 57 1-2 per cent. Should America be lost to this country, with her will be lost a considerable revenue, and what can be sub stituted in its room, financiers can be.st tell us. Should a war with the Bourbon famUy be attended with any possessions in the East or West Indies, and thereby other valuable branches of the revenue be cut off, I leave you to judge the distresses that must unavoida bly befall this nation. The wealth of all nations is exhaustible. All things are caUed greater or less, stronger or weaker, by cora- parison. The fleet of Great Britain is, in itself considered, great and formidable, but when compared to the united fleet of the two Bourbons, whether it does in its present condition deserve that cha racter, no Englishman wiU, I presume, affirm : — fifty-one English 184 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1778. line of battle ships, no one in his senses wUl say are a match for eighty-six French and Spanish ships of equal force. Confident as we may be of the superiority of our English saUors to all other nations in vigor, bravery and skUl, we should be loth to put our liberties or independency on the success of a battle fought under such confessedly disadvantageous and unequal circumstances ; and the ability of Great Britain to build and fit for the sea such an ad ditional number as will put us on an equal or superior footing, be fore some fatal blow be struck, is a question on which the well- being if not existence of this kingdom as an independent state may depend. In my view I could wish national as well as royal honor might in this case be yielded up to the infinitely more important consideration of our self-preservation, and the gross affronts of fered by France pocketed tUl they can be resented with a fair chance of coming off victors in the quarrel. Should a war speed ily be entered into before we are better prepared for offence and defence, I can't help fearing this late powerful and flourishing em pire to be hastening by large strides to irrevocable ruin and indeli ble disgrace, and but too likely to furnish a second instance in this period of a once great, rich and powerful state reduced to insignifi cancy in the political scale of Europe, by a dismemberment of sorae of its most valuable appendages, consigned over to its am bitious and raore powerful neighbors, I wish posterity may not quote Poland and Great Britain as states in the same predicament frora the future annals of Europe. This iU-favored picture probably you may laugh at, but it is to be remembered you are supported by hopes, I oppressed by fears ; you in the train of Herachtus, I of the weeping philosopher ; but nature has forraed us of different materials in our original contex ture, and on my part habit and accident have confirmed the unhappy bias. Whatever your sentiments may be of this reverie, dream, rhapsody, or whatever indignant epithet you raay perhaps justly enough think it deserving of ; I know you wUl believe rae when I tell you they are the real sentiments of a mind oppressed with concern for the safety, welfare and honor of a country, which by long residence has become my altera patrice, and for aught I know will continue to be so tiU I take my flight to the upper regions, or tirae shall cease to be no more with me here. Continue to think favorably. 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 185 and beheve me what is my highest ambition to be, an honest man, and your affectionate friend, S. Curwen. Exeter, March 31, Witnessed a long dispute on American af fairs between Mr. Bretland and Mr. Erving. I did not interfere ; the opponents neither convinced nor conquered, as is usual in such cases. April 8. Heard of Rebecca Tyng's marriage to John LoweU of Newburyport, Visited Mr. Tremlet's on David's hill with com pany as follows : the parson of the parish and lady, Mr. Pearce, Mrs. Abbot and Miss Hicks ; after tea passed half an hour in his delightful garden ; he presented me with a beautiful bouquet of a great variety of odoriferous flowers, now adorning my room. April 9, Mr. Erving called me out to walk; our course Cowley bridge. He seems of a sensible, grave turn, not unac quainted with moral science, and exceedingly communicative. Afterwards rode to Topsham on horseback ; passed by an estate kept in the male branch of a family, without addition or diminu tion ever since the conquest. April 11, With Mr, and Miss Bretland rambled through' Winiford lane to Heavitree ; in one of the buttresses of the church grows out a yew-tree, three feet high, cut into a fanciful form, and' supposed to receive its nourishment from cement moistened by rain and dew. The church has marks of age and decay. April 13. Mr, Smith frora Sidmouth breakfasted with me; visited Mr, Morgan confined by illness ; there met Mr. Berry of Crediton. The land tax at four shillings in the pound produces two miUions ; the real tax on a medium is two shillings nearly, which, being a tenth part of income, makes that to be twenty rail- lions. Should an expensive war or some unforeseen accident throw the nation into a convulsion, and discourage lending and' lessen supplies, it would, of course, reduce the value of lands, per haps to twenty-five years purchase ; their real value then would be five hundred millions. Court value of the kingdom supposed to be eighteen millions, for the following reasons, viz. : fifteen mil lions were brought into the mint to be new coined on proclamation f the remainder, coin of George II. and III,, full weight, still con- 24 186 JOURNAL AND LETTERS, [1778, tlnuing current, amount to three millions. Amount of fabrics, plate, etc, etc, on a modest computation, is worth one hundred millions ; making in all six hundred miUions. A nation possessing more than twice as rauch as it owes, need not fear bankruptcy; — England's debt being one hundred and sixty ralUions. I pretend not to judge what would be the fuU issue of a shock to national credit, much less dare I determine; but I confess, I fear it would be followed by dreadful convulsions, and produce cruel ravages and carnage'araong the lower classes, who, being deprived of daily subsistence for want of daily eraploy, on stoppage of trade and manufactures, would not contentedly sit down and suffer themselves with their wives and little ones to perish with hunger ; nor even those whose large incomes, derived frora national funds, being now stopped, are reduced to a level with the raost indigent, and whose wants being supplied from their charity, are now their equal fellow-sufferers. List of raen by last returns, for America 19,381 ; prisoners 5,336; sick 4,639; loss in navy 4,314; army in New-York, PhUadelphia, Rhode Island and Canada 36,731 ; to recruit army to what it was last year 11,885 ; captures made by Americans amount to ^£2,600,000, April 20. On horseback to Spencecomb, the seat of Mr. Rowe, near Crediton, in company with Mr. and Miss Bretland ; passed an agreeable day, with a numerous company ; this is a week of fes tivity following Easter Sunday — hospitably lodged and entertained ; our host is of the rank called gentlemen-farmers, or landholders in fee of estates from jGIOO to j£800 sterling per annum. A medal has lately been struck at Paris, by order of Monsieur Voltaire, in honor of General Washington ; on one side is the bust of the gen eral, with this inscription : " G. Washington, Esq., commander of the continental army in America." The reverse is decorated with the embleras of war, and the following : " Washington reunlt par une rare assemblage les talens du Guerrier et les vertus du Sage," April 26. Comralssloners appointed to go over to America to settle the dispute, if practicable. Earl of Carlisle, Lord Howe, Sir Wm. Howe, Wm. Eden, Esq., and Governor Johnston, sailed from Spithead on the 22d, and I fear it will prove a re infectd business. 1778.] JOURNAL AND LETTERS, 187 TO HON. WILLIAM BROWNE, LONDON. Exeter, AprU 26, 1778. Dear Sir : By our common friend, Mr, Smith, just returned by way of Bristol, I am informed Mrs. Browne is with you ; 'tis with great sincerity I congratulate her and you on her safe arrival ; would to God it had been under more favorable circumstances ; such as they are, your religion and philosophy, I am well assured, can improve them to the best purposes, I presume London will not long con tinue the place of your abode ; if you have no predUection for a particular quarter, and are deliberating what course to take, no thing shall be wanting on my part to afford you all the information respecting these parts you may wish to have. It would yield me inexpressible satisfaction, could Exeter, or its neighborhood, be your choice ; I can assure you, that for cheapness, plenty and good provisions, especially fish, poultry, game, and garden stuff, noplace excels and few equal it. Late conversations with Col. Erving, from whora I had intimations of your desire to hira last January to be informed relative to these parts, (who owns himself to blame in not attending to it,) induce the foregoing. If your views are fixed, I wish the pleasure of your abode may be equal to your highest wishes. A line frora ray worthy friend will never fail to be a most acceptable present. With the warmest wishes for your felicity, I ara Yours and Mrs. Browne's affectionate friend, S. Curwen, TO JOHN TIMMINS, ESQ., LONDON. Exeter, AprU 30, 1778. Dear Sir: I have this day received a letter frora Eben, West, now on board the Medway, lying in the Downs, who is in want of neces saries. He was with me in my business at the commencement of the troubles in New England, and by consent, left me to go to sea in his father's employ, tlU taken by the Enterprise frigate, on the 20th of last July, carried to Gibraltar, and from thence brought to England, where he has been ever since, I think it but charity to 188 JOURNAL AND LETTERS. [1778. advance a httle for hira, and therefore wish you to convey two guineas to him for me. I presume Mr. WiUiam Cabot would not refuse an old neighbor's son some small assistance, nor Col, Browne a young suffering townsman, to whom, as occasion may serve, you wUl do me a favor by mentioning his name, with the situation he is in; nor would it be improper if they could procure a smaU sup ply of money from his countrymen, who raust have a fellow-feeling of others' sufferings, at the sarae time themselves experiencing the •evil of banishment from their country and the raeans of subsistence,' I ara your obliged friend and humble servant, S. Curwen. May 1. Walked with Col. Erving to Mr, John Tremlet's ihouse, David's hill, (the supposed site of an old Roman temple,) to see a lamp having Diana's erablera, a crescent ; the points ¦crowned each with a ball, and thought to belong to a temple of the goddess there, judged of more than two thousand years' anti- equity. This being May-day, the mUk maids walk in procession with their pyramid of plate, as usual ou this day. May 5. Mr, Smith brought me a Massachusetts exclusion bUl, whereby all who left New England after 19th April, 1775, are for- icver banished, and their estates forfeited. May 7. Took tea at Col. Erving's, with Mr, Smith ; agreed George Erving, WiUiam Pepperell, baronet, James illustrative documents, 435 Boutineau, Joshua Loring, Nathaniel Hatch, Willlara Browne, Richard Lechraere, Josiah Edson, Nathaniel Rea Thoraas, Timo thy Ruggles, John Murray, Abijah WUlard, and Daniel Leonard, Esqs., late mandamus counsellors of said late province, William Burch, Henry Hulton, Charles Paxon, and Benjarain HaUoweU, Esqs., late comraissloners of the custoras, Robert Auchmuty, Esq., late judge ofthe vlce-adrairalty court, Jonathan Sewall, Esq., late attorney general, Sarauel Quincy, Esq., late solicitor general, Samuel Fitch, Esq., solicitor or counsellor at law to the board of commissioners, have justly incurred the forfeiture of all their prop erty, rights and liberties, holden under and derived from the govern ment and laws of this state ; and that each and every of the persons aforenamed and described, shall be held, taken, deemed and ad judged to have renounced and lost all civil and political relation to this and the other United States of Araerica, and be considered as aliens. Sect. 2, Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lands, teneraents, and hered- itaraents of every kind, of which any of the persons herein before named and described, were seized or possessed, or were entitled to possess, hold, enjoy, or demand, in their own right, or which any other person stood or doth stand seized or possessed of, or are or were entitled to have or demand to and for their use, benefit and behoof, shall escheat, enure and accrue to the sole use and benefit of the governraent and people of this state, and are accordingly hereby declared so to escheat, enure and accrue, and the said gov ernment and people shall be taken, deemed and adjudged, and are accordingly hereby declared to be in the real and actual possession of all such goods, chattels, rights and credits, lands, tenements and hereditaments, without further inquiry, adjudication or determina tion hereafter to be had ; any thing in the act, entitled, " An act for confiscating the effects of certain persons commonly called ab sentees," or any other law, usage, or custom to the contrary not withstanding ; provided always, that the escheat shaU not be construed to extend to or operate upon, any goods, chattels, rights, credits, lands, tenements or hereditaments, of which the persons afore naraed and described, or sorae other, in their right and to their use, have not been seized or possessed, or entitled to be seized 436 illustrative documents, or possessed, or to have or demand as aforesaid, since the nineteenth day of AprU, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five.— [Pawed AprU 30, 1779. Jfot revised.'] STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS. An Act for confiscating the estates of certain persons commonly called absentees. Whereas every governraent hath a right to command the per sonal services of all its raerabers, whenever the exigencies of the state shall require it, especially in times of an impending or actual invasion, no member thereof can then withdraw himself from the jurisdiction of the government, and thereby deprive it of the bene fit of his personal services, without justly incurring the forfeiture of all his property, rights and liberties, holden under and derived from that constitution of government, to the support of which he hath refused to afford his aid and assistance : and whereas the king of Great Britain did cause the parliament thereof to pass divers acts in direct violation of the fundamental rights of the people of this and of the other United States of America ; particularly one cer tain act to vacate and annul the charter of this government', the great compact made and agreed upon between his royal predeces sors and our ancestors ; and one other act, declaring the people of said states to be out of his protection ; and did also levy war against them, for the purpose of erecting and establishing an arbi trary and despotic governraent over thera ; whereupon it became the indispensable duty of all the people of said states forthwith to unite in defence of their common freedom, and by arras to oppose the fleets and arraies of the said king ; yet nevertheless, divers of the members of this and of the other United States of America, evUly disposed, or regardless of their duty towards their country, did withdraw themselves from this, and other of the said United States, into parts and places under the acknowledged authority and dominion of the said king of Great Britain, or into parts and places within the limits of the said states, but in the actual possession and under the power of the fleets or armies of the said king ; thereby abandoning the liberties of their country, seeking the protection of the said king, and of his fleets or armies, and aiding or giving en- ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 437 couragement and countenance to their operations against the Uni ted States aforesaid : Sect, 1, Be it enacted by the Council and House of Repre sentatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that every inhabitant and member of the late province, now state, of Massachusetts Bay, or of any other of the late prov inces or colonies, now United States of America, who, since the nineteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand seven hun dred and seventy-five, hath levied war or conspired to levy war against the governraent and people of any of the said provinces or colonies, or United States ; or who hath adhered to the said king of Great Britain, his fleets or armies, enemies of the said provinces or colonies or United States, or hath given to them aid or comfort ; or who, since the said nineteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, hath withdrawn, without the permission of^ the legislative or executive authority of this or some other of the said United States, from any of the said prov inces or colonies, or United States, into parts and places under the acknowledged authority and dorainion of the said king of Great Britain, or into any parts or places within the limits of any of the said provinces, colonies, or United States, being in the actual pos session and under the power of the fleets or arraies of the said king ; or who, before the said nineteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and after the arrival of Thomas Gage, Esq., (late commander-in-chief of all his Britan nic Majesty's forces in North America,) at Boston, the metropolis of this state, did withdraw from their usual places of habitation within this state, into the said town of Boston, with an intention to seek and obtain the protection of the said Thomas Gage and of the said forces, then and there being under his comraand ; and who hath died in any of the said parts or places, or hath not returned into sorae one of the said United States, and been received as a subject thereof, and (if required) taken an oath of aUegiance to such states, shall be held, taken, deeraed and adjudged to have freely renounced all civil and political relation to each and every of the said United States, and be considered as an alien. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all the goods and chattels, rights and credits, lands, tenements, 438 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS, hereditaments of every kind, of which any of the persons herein before described were seized or possessed, or were entitled to pos sess, hold, enjoy or demand, in their own right, or which any other person stood or doth stand seized or possessed of, or are or were entitled to have or demand to and for their use, benefit and be hoof, shall escheat, enure and accrue to the sole use and benefit of the governraent and people of this state, and are accordingly here by declared so to escheat, enure and accrue, — [^Passed AprU 30, 1779. JVot revised.] MANDAMUS COUNSELLORS. Salem, Aug. 9, 1774. The following were appointed hy his majesty, counsellors of this province by writ of mandamus,* viz : — Col. Thomas Oliver, Lieut. Governor, President ; Peter Oliver, Thomas Flucker, Foster Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Jr. Harrison Gray, Judge Samuel Danforth, Col. John Erving, Jr. Jaraes RusseU, Timothy Ruggles, Joseph Lee, Isaac Winslow, Israel WUliams, Col. George Watson, Nathaniel Ray Thoraas, Timothy Woodbridge, Willlara Vassall, WUliam Browne, Joseph Greene, James Boutineau, Andrew Oliver, Col. Josiah Edson, Richard Lechmere, Commodore Joshua Loring, John Worthington, Timo thy Paine, William Pepperell, Jeremiah Powell, Jonathan Simp son, Col. John Murray, Daniel Leonard, Thomas Palmer, Col. Isaac Royall, Robert Hooper, Abijah Willard, Capt. John Er ving, jr. STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, An Act to prevent the return to this state of certain persons therein naraed, and others who have left this state or either of the United States, and joined the enemies thereof. Whereas Thoraas Hutchinson, Esq., late governor of this state, Francis Bernard, Esq., forraerly governor of this state, Thomas Oliver, Esq., late lieutenant governor of this state, Timothy Rug gles, Esq., of Hardwlck, in the county of Worcester, William Ap thorp, merchant, Gibbs Atkins, cabinet maker, John Atkinson, John Amory, James Anderson, Thoraas Apthorp, David Black, WUliam Burton, WUliara Bowes, George Brindley, Robert Blair, Thomas Brindley, James Barrick, merchant, Thoraas Brattle, Esq., Samp- * Those whose names are in italics alone took the oath of office. ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 439 son Salter Blowers, Esq., James Bruce, Ebenezer Bridgham, Alex ander Brymer, Edward Berry, merchants, WiUiara Burch, Esq., late coraralssioner of the customs, Mather Byles, Jan., clerk, Wil llara Codner, book-keeper, Edward Cox, merchant, Andrew Cazneau, Esq., barrister at law, Henry Canner, clerk, Thomas Courtney, tailor, Richard, Clark, Esq., Isaac Clark, physician, Benjamin Church, physician, John Coffin, distiller, John Clark, physician, William Coflan, Esq., Nathaniel Coffin, Esq., Jonathan Clark, merchant, Archibald Cunningham, shop-keeper, Gilbert Deblois, merchant, Lewis Deblois, merchant, Philip Duraaresque, merchant, Benjamin Davis, merchant, John Erving, Jun., Esq., George Erving, Esq., Edward Foster and Edward Foster, Jun., blacksmiths, Benjamin Faneuil, Jun., merchant, Thomas Flucker, Esq., late secretary for Massachusetts Bay, Samuel Fitch, Esq., Wilfret Fisher, carter, James Forrest, merchant, Lewis Gray, mer chant, Francis Green, merchant, Joseph Green, Esq., Sylvester Gardiner, Esq., Harrison Gray, Esq., late treasurer of Massachu setts Bay, Harrison Gray, Jun., clerk to the treasurer, Joseph Goldthwait, Esq., Martin Gay, founder, John Gore, Esq., Benjarain HaUoweU, Esq., Robert Hallowell, Esq., Thomas Hutchinson, Jun., Esq., Benjamin Gridley, Esq., Frederick William Geyer, merchant, John Greenlaw, shop-keeper, David Green, merchant, Elisha Hutchinson, Esq., Jaraes Hall, mariner, Foster Hutchinson, Esq., Benjamin Mulbury Holmes, distUler, Samuel Hodges, book-keeper, Henry Halson, Esq., Hawes Hatch, wharfinger, John Joy, house wright, Peter Johonnot, distiller, WiUiara Jackson, merchant, John Jeffries, physician, Henry Laughton, merchant, James Henderson, trader, John Hinston, yeoman, Christopher Hatch, mariner, Robert Jarvis, mariner, Richard Lechmere, Esq., Edward Lyde, merchant, Henry Lloyd, Esq., George Leonard, miller, Henry Leddle, book keeper, Archibald McNeU, baker, Christopher Minot, tide-waiter, James Murray, Esq., William McAlpine, bookbinder, Thomas Mitchell, mariner, WUham Martin, Esq., John Knutton, tallow- chandler, Thomas Knight, shop-keeper, Samuel Prince, merchant, Adino Paddock, Esq., Charies Paxon, Esq., Sir WUliam Pepperell, baronet, John PoweU, Esq., William Lee Perkins, physician, Na thaniel Perkins, Esq., Samuel Quincy, Esq., Owen Richards, tide- waiter, Samuel Rogers, merchant, Jonathan Simpson, Esq., George 440 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS, Spooner, merchant, Edward Stowe, mariner, Richard Smith, mer- chant, Jonathan Snelling, Esq., David Silsby, trader, Samuel Sew all, Esq., Abraham Savage, tax-gatherer, Joseph Scott, Esq., Francis Skinner, clerk to the late councU, William Simpson, mer chant, Richard Sherwin, saddler, Henry Smith, merchant, John Semple, merchant, Robert Semple, merchant, Thomas Selkrig, merchant, Jaraes Selkrig, merchant, Robert Service, trader, Simon Tufts, trader, Arodi Thayer, late marshal to the admiralty court, Nathaniel Taylor, deputy naval ofiicer, John Troutbeck, clerk, Gregory Townsend, Esq., William Taylor, merchant, William Vassal, Esq., Joseph Taylor, merchant, Joshua Upham, Esq., WiUiam Walter, clerk, Samuel Waterhouse, merchant, Isaac Winslow, merchant, John Winslow, jr., merchant, David Willis, mariner, Obadiah Whiston, blacksmith, Archibald WUson, trader, John White, mariner, William Warden, peruke-maker, Nathaniel Mills, John Hicks, John Howe, and John Fleming, printers, aU of Boston, in the county of Suffolk, Robert Auchmuty, Esq., Joshua Loring, Esq., both of Roxbury, in the sarae county, Sarauel Golds- bury, yeoman, of WVentham, in the county of Suffolk, Joshua Loring, jr., merchant, Nathaniel Hatch, Esq,, both of Dorchester, in the same county, William Brown, Esq,, Benjamin Pickman, Esq., Samuel Porter, Esq., John Sargeant, trader, all of Salem, in the county of Essex, Richard SaltonstaU, Esq., of HaverhUl, in the same county, Thoraas Robie, trader, Benjarain Marston, merchant, both of Marblehead, in said county of Essex, Moses Badger, clerk, of Haverhill, aforesaid, Jonathan Sewall, Esq., John Vassal, Esq., David Phipps, Esq., John Nutting, carpenter, all of Cambridge, in the county of Middlesex, Isaac Royall, Esq., of Medford, in the sarae county, Henry Barnes, of Marlborough, in said county of Middlesex, merchant, Jeremiah Dummer Rogers, of Littleton in the same county, Esq., Daniel Bliss, of Concord, in the said county of Middlesex, Esq., Charles RusseU, of Lincoln, in the same county, physician, Joseph Adams, of Townsend, in said county of Middle sex, Thomas Danforth, of Charlestown, in said county, Esq., Joshua Smith, trader, of Townsend, in said county, Joseph Ashley, jr., gentleman, of Sunderland, Nathaniel Dickenson, gentleman, of Deerfield, Sarauel Bliss, shopkeeper, of Greenfield, Roger Dicken son, yeoman, Joshah Pomroy, physician, and Thomas Cutler, ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 441 gentleman, of Hatfield, Jonathan Bliss, Esq., of Springfield, WU liara Galway, yeoman, of Conway, Elijah Williams, attorney at law, of Deerfield, Jaraes Ohver, gentleman, of Conway, all in the county of Hampshire, Pelhara Winslow, Esq., Cornelius White, mariner, Edward Winslow, jr., Esq., all of Plymouth, in the county of Plyraouth, Peter Oliver, Esq., Peter Oliver, jr., physician, both of Middleborough, in the sarae county, Josiah Edson, Esq., of Bridgewater, in the said county of Plyraouth, Lieutenant Daniel Dunbar, of Halifax, in the sarae county, Charles Curtis, of Scitu- ate, in the said county of Plyraouth, gentleraan, Nathaniel Ray Thomas, Esq., Israel Tilden, Caleb Carver, Seth Bryant, Benjamin Walker, Gideon Walker, Zera Walker, Adam Hall, tertlus, Isaac Joice, Joseph PhUlips, Daniel White, jr., Cornelius W^hlte, tertius, Melzar Carver, Luke Hall, Thomas Decrow, John Baker, jr., all of Marshfield, in the said county of Plymouth, Gideon White, jr., Daniel Leonard, Esq., Seth Williaras, jr., gentleraan, Solomon Smith, boatman, all of Taunton, in the county of Bristol, Thomas Gilbert, Esq., Perez Gilbert, Ebenezer Hathaway, jr., Lot Strange, the third, Zebedee Terree, Bradford Gilbert, all of Freetown, in the same county, Joshua Broomer, Shadrach Hathaway, Calvin Hathaway, Luther Hathaway, Henry Tisdel, William Burden, Levi Chace, Shadrach Chase, Richard Holland, Ebenezer PhiUips, Samuel Gilbert, gentleman, Thomas Gilbert, jr., yeoman, both of Berkley, in the said county of Bristol, Ammi Chace, Caleb Whea ton, Joshua Wilbore, Lemuel Bourn, gentleman, Thomas Perry, yeoman, David Atkins, laborer, Samuel Perry, mariner, Stephen Perry, laborer, John BlackweU, jr., laborer, Francis Finney, la borer, and Nehemiah Webb, mariner, all of Sandwich, in the county of Barnstable, Eldad Tupper, of Dartraouth, in the county of Bristol, laborer, Silas Perry, laborer, Seth Perry, raariner, Eli sha Boum, gentleman, Thomas Burapus, yeoman, Ephraim EUis, jr., yeoman, Edward Bourn, gentleman, Nicholas Cobb, laborer, William Bourn, cordwainer, all of Sandwich, in the county of Barnstable, and Seth Bangs, of Harwich, in the county of Barn stable, mariner, John Chandler, Esq., James Putnam, Esq., Rufus Chandler, gentleman, William Paine, physician, Adam Walker, blacksmith, William Chandler, gentleraan, all of Worcester, in the county of Worcester, John Walker, gentleman, David Bush, yeo- .. 56 442 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS, man, both of Shrewsbury, in the sarae county, Abijah WUlard, Esq., Abel WiUard, Esq., Joseph House, yeoraan, all of Lancaster, in the said county of Worcester, Ebenezer Cutler, trader, Jaraes Edgar, yeoraan, both ofNorthbury, in the same county, Daniel Ol iver, Esq., Richard Ruggles, yeoraan, Gardner Chandler, trader, Joseph Ruggles, gentleman, Nathaniel Ruggles, yeoraan, all of Hardwick, in the said county of Worcester, John Ruggles, yeo man, of said Hardwick, John Eager, yeoman, Ebenezer Whipple, Israel Conkay, John Murray, Esq., of Rutland, in said county of Worcester, Daniel Murray, gentleman, Samuel Murray, gentle man, Michael Martin, trader, of Brookfield, in the said county of Worcester, Thomas Beaman, gentleman, of Petersham, in the same county, Nathaniel Chandler, gentleraan, John Bowen, gentleraan, of Princeton, in the said county of Worcester, Jaraes Crage, gen tleman, of Oakham, in the same county, Thomas Mullins, black smith, of Leominster, in the said county of Worcester, Francis Waldo, Esq., Arthur Savage, Esq., Jereraiah Pote, raariner, Thom as Ross, mariner, Jaraes Wildrldge, mariner, George Lyde, cus tom house officer, Robert Pagan, raerchant, Thoraas Wyer, mari ner, Thomas Coulson, merchant, John Wiswall, clerk, Joshua Eldridge, raariner, Thomas Oxnard, merchant, Edward Oxnard, merchant, William Tyng, Esq., John Wright, merchant, Samuel Longfellow, mariner, all of Falmouth, in the county of Cumber land, Charles Callahan, of Pownalborougb, in the county of Lin coln, mariner, Jonas Jones of East Hoosuck, in the county of Berkshire, David IngersoU, of Great Barrington, Esq., in the same county, Jonathan Prindall, Benjamin Noble, Francis Noble, Elisha Jones, of Pittsfield, in the said county of Berkshire, John Graves, yeoraan, Daniel Brewer, yeoraan, both of Pittsfield, aforesaid, Richard Square, of Lanesborough, in the said county of Berkshire, Ephraira Jones, of East Hoosuck, in the same county, Lewis Hub- bel, and many other persons have left this state, or some other of the United States of America, and joined the enemies thereof and of the United States of Araerica, thereby not only depriving these states of their personal services at a time when they ought to have afforded their utmost aid in defending the said states, against the invasions of a cruel enemy, but manifesting an inimical disposition to the said states, and a design to aid and abet the enemies thereof ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS. 443 in their wicked purposes, and whereas many dangers may accrue to this state and the United States, if such persons should be again admitted to reside in this state : Sect. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Council and House of Representatives, in general court assembled, and by the authority of the sarae, that if either of the said persons, or any other person, though not specially naraed in this act, who have left this state, or either of said states, and joined the enemies thereof as aforesaid, shall, after the passing this act, voluntarily return to this state, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county, and of the selectraen, committees of correspondence, safety, and Inspection, grand jurors, constables, and tythlngmen, and other inhabitants of the town wherein such person or persons may presurae to come, and they are hereby respectively empowered and directed forthwith to appre hend and carry such person or persons before some justice of the peace within the county, who is hereby required to commit hira or them to the coramon gaol within the county, there in close custody to remain until he shall be sent out of tbe state, as is hereinafter directed ; and such justice is hereby directed to give imraediate In- forraation thereof to the board of war of this state : and the said board of war are hereby erapowered and directed to cause such person or persons so committed, to be transported to some part or place within the dorainions, or in the possession of the forces of the king of Great Britain, as soon as raay be after receiving such in- forraation ; those who are able, at their own expense, and others at the expense of this state, and for this purpose to hire a vessel or vessels, if need be. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if any person or persons, who shall be transported as aforesaid, shall voluntarily return into this state, without liberty first had and obtained from the general court, he shall, on conviction thereof before the superior court of judicature, court of assize and general gaol delivery, suffer the pains of death without benefit of clergy, — [^Passed, September, 1778.] WORCESTER RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO THE ABSENTEES AND REFUGEES. The following votes were passed by the citizens of Worcester, 444 ILLUSTRATIVE DOCUMENTS, May 19, 1783, and contain the substance of their doings relative to the refugees : Voted, — That in the opinion of this town, it would be ex tremely dangerous to the peace, happiness, liberty and safety of these states, to suffer those, who, the raoraent the bloody banners were displayed, abandoned their native land, turned parricides, and conspired to involve their country in tumult, ruin and blood, to become the subjects of and reside in this governraent ; that it would be not only dangerous, but inconsistent with justice, policy, our past laws, the public faith, and the principles of a free and independent state, to adrait them ourselves, or have them forced upon us without our consent. Voted, — That in the opinion of this town, this commonwealth ought, with the utmost caution, to naturalize or in any other way adrait as subjects a common enemy, a set of people who have been by the united voice of the continent, declared outlaws, exiles, aliens and enemies, dangerous to its political being and happiness. Voted, — That while there are thousands of the innocent, peace able and defenceless inhabitants of these states, whose property has been destroyed and taken frora thera in the course of the war, for whom no provision is made, to whom there is no restoration of estates, no compensation for losses ; that it would be unreasonable, cruel and unjust, to suffer those who were the wicked occasion of those losses, to obtain a restitution of the estates they refused to protect, and which they have abandoned and forfeited to their country. Voted, — That it is the expectation of this town, and the earnest request of their committees of correspondence, inspection and safety, that they, with care and dUlgence, will observe the movements of our only remaining eneraies ; that until the further order of government, they will, with decision, spirit and firmness, endeavor to enforce and carry into execution the several laws of this comraonwealth, respecting these enemies to our rights, and the rights of mankind ; give information should they know of any obtruding themselves into any part of this state, suffer none to reraain in this town, but cause to be confined immediately, for the purpose of transportation according to law, any that may presume to enter it. NOTICES OF THE CURWENS. GEORoi" Curwin, the first of the name in New England, came, as stated in the introduction, from Workington, Cumberland, Eng land, where he was born Deceraber 10, 1610, and where, says Camden, " is the stately, castle-like seat of this ancient, knightly family." He settled at Salem, and in company with the celebrated Hugh Peters laid the foundation of the mercantUe enterprise of Salem, and first commenced buUdlng vessels in that port ; he was afterwards extensively engaged in comraerce during the whole of his long life. His books of account, and his raercantile correspond ence with Sir WiUiara Peake, (lord raayor of London in 1666,) show that he had erabarked in the London trade previous to the year 1658, The late Rev. Dr, Bentley thus notices him in his Sketch of Salem, published in the Collections of the Massachusetts His torical Society, in 1800 : — " This year ( 1685) Salem lost another eminent man, Capt. George Curwin, who came here in 1638 with his family, and was rich. He was often engaged in town affairs, and coraraanded a troop of horse. He was also a representative in the general court. There is a three-quarter portrait of him in the hands of Sarauel Curwen, Esq.,* son of the Rev. George Cur win, and his great-grandson. He had a fine round forehead, large nostrils, high cheek bones, and gray eyes. His dress a wrought- flowing neckcloth, a sash covered with lace, a coat with short cuffs and reaching half way between the wrist and elbow, the shirt in plaits below ; an octagon ring and cane, which stUl reraain," He died on the 3d of January, 1685, leaving no debts, and one of the largest estates that had been administered upon In the colony, which was inventoried at only ^£5,964 19s. 7d., but comprised be sides the homestead, four dwelling-houses, four warehouses, and two wharves in Salem ; three farms in the vicinity, containing fif teen hundred acres; a warehouse and wharf in Boston ; the ketches » Author of the foregoing journal, — Ed. 446 NOTICES OF THE CURWENS. George, Swallow, John, and WUliam, valued at jei050; in mer chandise .£2,232 ; in gold and silver coin £93 75. Od., in English and New England money, and 621 ounces of plate. Among the wearing apparel inventoried, are a silver-laced cloth coat, a velvet ditto, a satin waistcoat, embroidered with gold, a troping scarf and hat band, golden topped and embroidered gloves, and a silver- headed cane, which stUl remains. In the settlement of the estate, Capt. Curwln's widow Eliza beth, who was a daughter of Hon. Herbert Pelham, one of the council of assistants, and also sister-in-law of Governor Josiah Winslow, of Plymouth colony, claimed some plate given her by the lord mayor, by her father, and by the governor ; together with eight pounds in gold which her husband had received from Mr. Pope, being the "produce" of an Indian boy sent her by the governor and council from Plymouth. His five daughters raarried Hon. James Russell and Edward Lynde, Esq., of Boston, WiUiam Browne, jr., Esq., and Josiah Wolcott, Esq., of Salem, and President Wadsworth of Harvard College. Annexed is a view of the house erected by Capt. Curwin, in 1642, still standing at the corner of Essex and North streets. It was altered by the late Richard Ward, Esq., about seventy years ago, and his daughter (the present occupant, to whom it has descended) is the last survivor of the fifth generation from the ori ginal owner ; her granddaughter, who resides with her, is of the seventh generation of the family born in it. The unfortunate per sons arrested during the witchcraft delusion were exarained in this house by Justices Corwin and Hathome, before being committed, Capt, John Corwin, the eldest son, was born in Salem, July 28, 1638, He became a merchant, and was elected deputy to the general court, from Salem, where he resided. He raarried Mar garet, third daughter of John Winthrop, jr., governor of Connecti cut, in May, 1665 ; her mother was the only chUd of the famous Hugh Peters, who suffered with the regicides at the restoration of the monarchy, in London, in 1660, Capt, Corwin died in 1683, leaving an only son, George, born February, 1666, The latter, who married Susannah, and afterwards Lydia, daughters of the Hon, Bartholomew Gedney, of the provincial council, is the Captain NOTICES OF THE CURWENS, 447 Corwin mentioned in Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, in the expedition against Canada, under Sir Willlara Phips, in 1690, He was unfortunately sheriff of the county of Essex in 1692, and for officiating during the witchcraft delusion, was severely persecuted by the friends of the sufferers, till his death, which took place in 1696. Bartholomew Corwin, the only son of fhe last mentioned George, reraoved to Arawell, Hunterdon county, New Jersey, and married Esther Burt ; he had four sons, viz., George, John, Joseph, and Sarauel, and died May 9, 1747. Sarauel Corwin, of Arawell, a grandson of Bartholoraew, informed the editor in 1822, that the books and papers left by his grandfather were destroyed, with other movables, during the revolutionary war, when his uncle Joseph reraoved to Canada, and the family of his uncle George, who died in 1780, removed to Kentucky. Probably Governor Corwin of Ohio is a descendant of this branch. He also informed the editor that John Corwin, a great grandson of Bartholomew, was living at Baltimore, Hon, Jonathan Corwin, second son of the first mentioned George, was born at Salem, Nov, 14, 1640, He commenced his pubhc career as a deputy to the general court, and the following extract from the records of Salem, shows much confidence in him; and at the same time the action of that town towards re-establish ing a government under the venerable Bradstreet, in opposition to the tyranny of Sir Edmund Andros : — " May 7, 1689, Captain John Prince and Mr, Jonathan Corwin were chosen to assist in the council at Boston, to be held on the 9th inst. ; and we desire that the honorable the governor, the magistrates, and deputies chosen in the year 1686, would (having always due respect to our de pendence on the crown of England, and the obligation we are under by the late declaration before the surrender of the last government) reassume our charter government, by taking their places and forming a general court as soon as possible ; unto which, we shall readily and cheerfully subject ourselves, and be always assisting to the utmost of our power with our lives and estates as formerly," Mr, Corwin was named a provincial counsellor in the charter of 1691, and served until he was appointed a judge of the supreme 448 NOTICES OF the CURWENS, court In 1702 ; the latter office he resigned in consequence of iU health, in 1715. He died in July, 1718, leaving a widow; the daughter of Sir Henry Gibbs of Dorsetshire, whose estate was sequestrated in 1648, during the revolution. Of their children, Anne died in youth ; Elizabeth raarried James Lindall, Esq., of Salem ; and George, born in 1682, who was graduated at Harvard coUege in 1701, He prepared hiraself for the church, and was ordained and settled in that of his ancestors in Salera ; the first founded in the colony of Massachusetts Bay, He is thus noticed in the historical collections of Massachusetts, as copied from the records of the church : — " Died, at Salem, Nov. 23, 1717, the Rev. George Curwin, in the thirty-fifth year of his age, and the fourth of his ordained ministry. He was highly esteemed in his hfe, and very deservedly lamented at his death ; having been very eminent for his early im proveraent in learning and piety, his singular abilities and great labors, his remarkable zeal and faithfulness. He was a great bene factor to our poor." There is a good half-length portrait of him in the gallery of the Essex Historical Society. He married Mehitable Parkman ; and their sons were Sarauel, author of the foregoing Journal, born in 1715 ; and George, born in 1717. The latter graduated at Harvard college in 1735, and engaged in coraraercial pursuits with success, until Interrupted by hostilities with France ; which induced him to join in the expedition against Louisburg. His commission as commissary, bears the signature of Governor Shirley, and is dated February 1, 1745, He married Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Pickman, Esq., of Salem ; and died in the prosecution of a mer cantile enterprise at St. Eustatia, in 1746. His chUdren were, George, born in 1739, who early embarked in commerce, and was drowned while on a voyage to the West Indies in 1761 ; Sarah, who died unmarried; and Mehitable, who married the late Richard Ward, Esq., of Salem, and died in 1813, at the age of seventy- two. The late Samuel Curwen Ward, Jr., a grandson of the last mentioned, at the request of Judge Curwen, took his name, by an act of the legislature of Massachusetts ; and the three sons of the former are all that now bear that name in New England, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. GEN, PEPPERELL, General Sir William Pepperell, Baronet, was born at Kittery Point, Maine, in 1696. His father. Col, WiUiara Pep perell, a native of Cornwall, England, settled in 1676 at the Isles of Shoals, where he was for many years extensively en gaged in the fishing business. After acquiring considerable prop erty, he removed to Kittery Point, and erected there a large man sion house, now standing, where he died on the 15th February, 1734, opulent and well esteemed. One of his daughters married the Hon. John Newraarch ; the othei- died in 1766, having suc cessively married Hon. John Frost, Rev. Dr. Colman, and Rev. Benjarain Prescott, all of whom she survived. Sir William was his only son, and about the year 1727 was chosen a raember of his majesty's council for the province of Massachusetts, to which he was annually re-elected until his death, a period of thirty-two years. With a vigorous frame, firm mind, and great coolness when in danger, he was well fitted for his residence in a country exposed to a ferocious enemy, and soon attained the rank of colonel. When the expedition against Louisburg was contemplated, all eyes were turned to him, then president of the council, and he was commissioned by the governors of New England to that all- important command, on the 31st January, 1745. He furnished this motto for the flag, which gave the enterprise the air of a cru sade : " JVil desperandum Christo duce." He invested the city in the beginning of May, and articles of capitulation were signed in July, After this important and briUiant achievement, by coramand of his raajesty he repaired to England and received a colonelcy in the array, from which he was raised to be a raajor-general in 1755, and a lieutenant-general in 1759, Besides the dignity of a baronet, which was conferred upon hira, he obtained the thanks of the min istry, and peculiar tokens of respect frora several of the royal faraily. His affability gained hira friends araong all classes, and his raannsrs were r.ot affected by his exaltation. The welfare of his country alone could have taken him from his domestic enjoy- 57 450 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. ments and the head of the provincial councU, to the fatigues of the camp and to doubtful victory. He married Mary, daughter of Grove Hirst, a granddaughter of Chief Justice Sewall. Their only son Andrew, graduated at Harvard College in 1743, and died March 1, 1751, aged twenty-five ; and their only daughter Ehza beth raarried Col. Nathaniel Sparhawk, raember of the council of Massachusetts. Sir William's dress was in the expensive style of his day, scarlet cloth trim'raed with gold lace ; portraits of hira and Lady Mary are preserved at Portsmouth, N. H., and there is a full length of bim in the gallery of the Essex Historical Society, at Salem, Mass. Sir WiUiara died at his seat in Kittery, (near Ports mouth,) June 6, 1759, aged sixty-three ; and Lady Mary on the 25th November, 1789. Her natural and acquired powers were highly re spectable, and she was adrnired for her wit and suavity of manner. Sir WiUiam was succeeded by his grandson, WiUiam P. Spar hawk, who assumed his name, and was created a baronet ; he was a loyalist in the revolution, and died in London, December, 17, 1816, when the title became extinct. GOV. SHIRLEY. William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts, was a native of England, and was bred to the law. After his arrival at Boston, about the year 1733, he practised In his profession, till he received his coramission as governor, in 1741, in the place of Mr. Belcher, He planned the successful expedition against Cape Breton, in 1745 ; but, while his enterprising spirit deserves comraendation, some of his schemes did not indicate much skill in the arts of navigation and war. He went to England in 1745, leaving Spencer Phips, the lieutenant-governor, commander-in-chief, but returned in 1753. In 1754, he held a treaty with the eastern Indians, and explored the Kennebec, erecting two or three forts. In 1755, be ing commander-in-chief of the British forces in Araerica, he planned an expedition against Niagara, and proceeded himself as far as Oswego. In June, 1756, he was superseded in the command of the army by Abercrombie. He embarked for England in Septem ber, and was succeeded by Mr. Pownall. After having been for a number of years governor of one of the Bahama islands, he returned to Massachusetts, and died at his seat in Roxbury, March 24, 1771, Though he held several of the most lucrative offices within the BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 451 gift of the crown in Araerica, yet he left no property to his chil dren. The abolition of the paper currency was owing in a great degree to his firmness and perseverance. His penetration and un remitting industry gained him a high reputation. But it was thought that, as a military officer, he was not sufficiently active in seizing the moment for success. During his adrainistration, Eng land became acquainted with the importance of this country, and the colonists learned to fight. Governor Shiriey published Electra, a tragedy, and Birth of Hercules, a mask, 1765. COL, MOULTON. Colonel Jeremiah Moulton was born in York, Maine, in 1688, and was taken prisoner by the Indians, January 22, 1692, old style, when York was destroyed by the Indians. He was released, with other children, in gratitude for the humanity of Colonel Church, who in one of his expeditions had released several Indian prisoners, old women and children. The savages were not ungrateful for acts of kindness. In August, 1724, he and Captain Harraon with two hundred and eight men, and three Mohawk Indians, marched against the Indian settlement at Norridgewock, in consequence of attacks upon the frontiers. There being four companies, the other coraraanders were Captain Bourne and Lieut, Bean. They left Richraond fort August 8, old style, or August 19 ; the next day arrived at Taconlc Falls on the Kennebec, where they left their boats and a guard of forty raen. August 21, they raarched by land, and in the evening fired upon two Indians, who proved to be the daughter and wife of Bomaseen ; the forraer was killed, the latter taken prisoner. August 23, they approached the viUage; Harmon with eighty men marching circultously by the fields, and Moulton with eighty raen directly upon Norridgewock, which he surprised. The Indians, consisting of about sixty warriors, were defeated, and the chapel and vUlage destroyed. Father Raile was kiUed in a wigwara, and twenty-six Indians, araong whom were Bomaseen, and his son-in-law Mog, also Job, Canabesett, and Wissememet, all noted warriors. One of the Mohawks was kUIed, but none of the whites, Harraon carried the scalps to Boston, and having been chief in coraraand, was made a lieutenant-colonel for the exploit of Moulton, who obtained no reward. At the reduction of Louisburg in 1745, he commanded a regiment, and was after- 452 biographical notices, wards sheriff of the county, councUlor, and judge of the comraon pleas and of probate. He died at York, July 20, 1765, aged 77, His son and grandson were sheriffs of York county, COL, VAUGHAN, Lieut, Col, William Vaughan served under General PeppereU, in the expedition against Louisburg, in 1745 ; although he refused any regular command, he made hiraself highly useful during the whole siege Jay his advice in councils, vigilance in reconnolterlng the eneray, and promptitude while in coramand of perilous enterpiises. He died in London, Deceraber, 1746, in the prirae of life, where he went to press his claira for the above service. The irame- dlate paternal ancestor of Col, Vaughan, was Major WUliam Vaughan, who carae from England about the middle of the seven teenth century, and settled at Portsmouth, where he becarae a wealthy raerchant. He died in 1720, His son George was lieutenant- governor of New Hampshire ; born in 1668, graduated at Harvard College in 1696, Afterwards agent for the province, and on the accession of George I, was appointed lieutenant-governor in 1715 ; he died December, 1725, His son William, the subject of the above, was born at Portsmouth, Sept, 12, 1703, He had settled at Daraariscotta, thirteen miles below fort Pemaquld, and his raen were eraployed in fishing. Here he conceived the idea of the cap ture of Louisburg, repaired to Boston, and conferred with Governor Shirley upon the subject ; proposing that it should be taken bv surprise by going over the walls in winter upon drifts of snow. COL. GRIDLEY. Col. Richard Gridley was born in Boston, 1711, After serv ing as an engineer at the reduction of Louisburg, in 1745, he en tered the army as colonel of infantry and chief-engineer, in 1755, Under Winslow he was concerned in the expedition to Crown Point, 1756, and constructed the fortifications on Lake George, He served under Amherst in 1758, and was with Wolfe on the plains of Abraham, the following year. At the comraencement of the revolution, he was appointed chief-engineer, and skUfuUy laid out the works in fortification of Breed's HUl, the day before the battle of June 17, 1775, in which he was wounded. He died at Stoughton, June 20, 1796, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 453 GOV. BERNARD. Sir Francis Bernard, Bart., governor of Massachusetts, arrived in the province from New Jersey, as successor to Governor Pownall, August 2, 1760, and continued at the head of the government nine years. His adrainistration was during one ofthe most inter esting periods in American history. He had governed New Jersey two years, in a manner very acceptable to that province ; and the first part of bis administration in Massachusetts was very agreeable to the general court. Soon after his arrival, Canada was surren dered to Amherst. Much harmony prevailed for two or three years, but this prosperous and happy comraencement did not con tinue; there had long been two parties in the province, — the advocates for the crown, and the defenders of the rights of the people. Governor Bernard was soon classed with those who were desirious of strengthening the royal authority in Araerica; the sons of liberty, therefore, stood forth uniformly in opposition to him. His indiscretion in appointing Mr. Hutchinson chief-justice, instead of giving that office to Colonel Otis of Barnstable, to whom it had been promised by Shirley, proved very injurious to his cause. In consequence of this appointment he lost the influence of Colonel Otis ; and by yielding himself to Mr. Hutchinson, he drew upon him the hostility of Jaraes Otis, the son, a man of great talents ; who soon became the leader on the popular side. The laws for the regulation of trade, and the exactions of the oflJcers of custoras, were the first things which greatly agitated the pubhc mind ; and afterwards the stamp act increased the energy of resistance to the schemes of tyranny. Governor Bemard possessed no talent for concUiating ; he was for accomplishing ministerial purposes by force ; and the spirit of freedom gathered strength from the open manner in which he attempted to crush it. His speech to the general court after the repeal of the stamp act, was by no means calculated to assuage the angry passions that had lately been ex cited. He was the principal means of bringing the troops to Boston, that he might overawe the people ; and it was owing to him that they were continued in the town. This measure had been proposed by him and Mr, Hutchinson, long before it was executed. While he professed himself a friend to the province, he was endeavoring to undermine its constitution, and to obtain an 454 biographical notices.' essential alteration in the charter, by transferring from the general court to the crown the right of electing the council. His conduct, though it drew upon hira the indignation of the province, was so pleasing to the ministry, that he was created a baronet, March 20, 1769, Sir Francis had too little command of his temper; he could not conceal his resentments, nor could he restrain his censures. One of his last public measures was to prorogue the general court in July, in consequence of their refusing to make provision for the support of the troops. The general court, how ever, before they were prorogued, embraced the opportunity of drawing up a petition to his raajesty for the removal of the governor. It was found necessary to recall him ; and he embarked, August 1, 1769, leaving Mr. Hutchinson, the lieutenant-governor, commander-in-chief. There were few who lamented his departure; he died in England, June, 1779. If a man of greater address and wisdom had occupied the place of Sir Francis, it is very probable our revolution would not have taken place so soon. But his arbitrary principles, and his zeal for the authority of the crown, enkindled the spirit of the people ; while his representations to the ministry excited them to those measures, which hastened the separation of the colonies from the mother country. Frora the letters of Governor Bernard, which were obtained and transraltted to this country by sorae secret friend. It appears he had very little regard to the interests of liberty. His select letters on the trade and governraent of Araerica, written in Boston, frora 1763 to 1768, were published in London in 1774 ; his other letters, written home in confidence, were published in 1768 and 1769.* GOV. HUTCHINSON. Thomas, (son of Colonel Thoraas Hutchinson, an eminent mer chant and member of the council, who seized the faraous pirate, Kidd, when he resisted the officers sent to arrest hira,) was gra duated at Harvard CoUege, in 1727, He at first embarked in commercial pursuits, but did not succeed. He then studied the comraon law of England, and the principles of her constitution. He was elected for ten consecutive years to the assembly, and for • See Allen's Biography, BIOGRAPHrCAL NOTICES, 455 three years was speaker. He succeeded his uncle, Edward Hutch inson, as judge of probate, in 1752, He was a raeraber of the council frora 1749 to 1766 ; lleut, governor frora 1758 to 1771. On the death of Judge Sewall, in 1760, he was appointed chief- justice ; all which he filled with distinguished ability, " His oratory charmed beyond that of any man ; there was equal fluency and pathos in his manner; he could be.arguraentative and sraooth; he was active, diligent and plausible ; and, upon all occasions seemed to be influenced by public spirit more than selfish consider ations. His respect to religious institutions, his sympathy with the distressed, his affability, integrity, industry and talents, procured in a very high degree the public confidence," In 1767, he was appointed one of the commissioners for settling the boundary with New-York; and, amidst all the vituperations against hira, Massachusetts has cause to remember with gratitude that his ad vice only prevented the other commissioners, Hancock, Hanly and Brattle, frora abandoning the claira to the western territory of New-York, which was retained and sold for a large sura. On the departure of Governor Bernard in 1769, the adrain istration devolved on Lieut. Governor Hutchinson ; and in March, 1771, he received his coramission as governor just as he had con cluded to advise the government that it would be desirable for him to remain chief-justice, and pass his days in peace. Unhappily for himself he accepted the appointment, and frora this tirae till his departure in 1774, he was constantly in dispute M'ith the council and asserably. Araong the subjects of controversy, was the pro vision raade for his support by the crown. By his speech of Jan, 6, 1773, asserting the supreme authority of parliament, he pro voked a discussion by the council and house which had better never been uttered ; and the minister recomraended hira not to renew the discussion. His views he at all tiraes candidly and manfully explained to the legislature ; in many speeches and mes sages which display his learning, temper and abilities. The confidential letters written by him, and others to Mr. Whately, a former raeraber of parliaraent, in opposition to the ministry, which caused so rauch excitement in 1772, were procured by Dr. Franklin through Mr. Temple, (afterwards consul general to United States,) from Mr. Whately's executor, and caused a duel 456 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. between the two latter. Dr, Franklin sent them to Mr, Cooper, with an injunction that they should not be copied or pubhshed ; of which restriction the Doctor remarked, that " as distant objects seen only through a mist appear larger, the same may happen from the mystery in this case." In this state they remained six or eight months, and finally were communicated to the legislature in secret session. In the letters was no sentiment the governor had not avowed in his public addresses. All that was objected to, and for which the council reproached him, was the following : — " I never think of the measures necessary for the peace and good order of the colonies without pain ; there raust be an abridgment of what are called English liberties, I doubt whether it is possible to project a system of government, in which a colony three thou sand miles distant shall enjoy all the liberty of the parent state," For this, the council and assembly voted an address for his removal; and at a hearing before the privy council of his friends, Mr. Mau duit and Mr, Wedderburne, on his behalf, the decision was in favor of " the honor, integrity, and conduct ofthe governor," In an unpublished letter of John Adams to Colonel Joseph Ward, dated Quincy, Oct, 24, 1809, he says :—" If I was the witch of Endor, I would wake the ghost of Hutchinson, and give him absolute power over the currency of the United States and every part of it ; provided always, that he should meddle with nothing but currency. As little as I revere his memory, I will acknowledge that he understood the subject of coin and commerce better than any man I ever knew in this country. He was a mer chant, and there can be no scientific merchant without a perfect knowledge of the theory of a medium of trade. It will be in vain to talk of public credit, until we return to a pure, unmixed circu lation of standard gold and silver. There can never be a govern ment of laws in money raatters, without a fixed philosophical and raatheraatical standard. Contracts can never be inviolable with out a stable standard," Governor Hutchinson deserves great honor for his labors in regard to the History of Massachusetts, which he published from its first settlement to the year 1760, In so high estimation was it held, that at the expiration of more than half a century after its pubhcation, successful efforts were made by the most influential BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 457 persons there to obtain the unpublished part of this history, which they pronounced, " a work of inestimable value, resting on the solid basis ofutilUy and truth j the accuracy and fidelity of which was universally felt and acknowledged." These efforts of the govern ment of Harvard College, the Historical Society, of Judge Davis, Governor Gore, Dr. Kirkland, Dr. Lowell, and Jaraes Savage, Esq., who secured the private circulation of five hundred copies before publication, and whose sentiments on the leading subject are at variance with those of its author ; are proud testimonials of the character of Governor Hutchinson in the field of his labors and sacrifices, and amidst the descendants of his persecutors. Governor Hutchinson died at Brompton, near London, June 3, 1780, aged sixty-nine, and was buried at Croydon. JOHN HANCOCK, In the posthumous volume of Governor Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts,* he says: — " Mr, Hancock's name has been sounded through the world as a principal actor in this tragedy. He was a young man, whose father and grandfather were ministers in country parishes, of irreproachable characters, but, tike country ministers in New England in general, of sraall estates. His father's brother, frora a bookseller becarae one of the raost opulent merchants in the province ; he had raised a great estate with such rapidity, that it was comraonly believed araong the vulgar, that he had pur chased a valuable diaraond for a small sum and sold it at its full price. But the secret lay in his importing from St. Eustatia great quantities of tea in molasses hogsheads, which sold at a very great advance; and by importing, at the same time, a few chests frora England, he freed the rest from suspicion, and always had the reputation of a fair trader. He was also concerned in supplying the officers of the army, ordnance and navy, and made easy and advantageous remittances ; when he died, he left to his nephew more than fifty thousand pounds steriing, besides the reversion after the death of his widow, of twenty thousand more. The uncle was always on the side of governraent ; the nephew's ruling passion was a fondness for popular applause. He changed the course of his uncle's business, and buiU and employed in trade, a great * Published in 1828, 58 458 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. number of ships ; and in this way, and by building at the same time several houses, he found work for a great nuraber of trades men ; made himself popular — was chosen selectman — represent ative — moderator of town raeetings, etc. He associated with those who were called friends of liberty. His natural powers were moderate, and had been very little improved by study, or appli cation to any kind of science. His ruling passion kept him from ever losing sight of its object, but he was fickle and inconstant in the means of pursuing it ; and though, for the most part, he was closely attached to Mr. Samuel Adams, he has repeatedly broken off from all connection with him for several months together. Partly by inattention to his private affairs, and partly from want of judgment, he became greatly involved and distressed ; and the estate was lost with rauch greater rapidity than it had been acquired," President Quincy, in his invaluable History of Harvard Univer sity, has devoted a chapter to the wrongs which that institution suffered at the hands of Mr. Hancock as its treasurer ; and closes the detail as follows : — " Frora respect to the high rank which John Hancock attained among the patriots of the American Revo lution, it would have been grateful to have passed over in silence his long denial of the rights of the college, and withholding its property, had truth and fidelity of history permitted. But justice to a public institution which he essentially embarrassed during a period of nearly twenty years, and also to the memory of those whom he made to feel and to suffer, requires tbat these records of unquestionable facts, which at the time when they occurred were the cause of calurany and censure to honorable raen, actuated in their raeasures solely by a sense of official fidelity, should not be oraitted. In republics, popularity is the form of power most apt to corrupt its possessor, and to tempt hira, for party ends or personal interest, to traraple on right or set principle at defiance. History has no higher or raore iraperative duty to perform, than by an unyielding fidelity to impress this class of men with the apprehension that, although through fear or favor they may escape the animadversions of contemporaries, there awaits them in her impartial record the retribution of truth," President Quincy also says of him : — " His raanners were full of suavity and attraction ; his love of place and popularity intense. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 459 He early joined the patriotic party, whose leaders perceived the advantage of placing him at their head ; and giving him every distinction they could coraraand. By the continued influence of these possessions, manners and circurastances, he acquired a popular power, which in this country has scarcely been exceeded." " The style of living he adopted, and the openness of his hand to every object coinciding with his views or his interests, kept his ample resources in a perpetual state of exhaustion. It suited both his interest and policy to postpone debts, and gratify friends." SAMUEL ADAMS, Of this distinguished patriot of the Revolution, Gov, Hutchin son, in -the posthumous volume already quoted, says : " Mr. Samuel Adams's father had been one of the directors of the Land Bank in 1741, which was dissolved by act of parliaraent. After his de cease his estate was put up for sale by public auction under author ity of an act of the general asserably. The son first made himself conspicuous on this occasion. He attended the sale, threatened the sheriff to bring an action against hira and all who should atterapt to enter upon the estate under pretence of a purchase ; and by in timidating both the sheriff and those who intended to purchase, he prevented the sale, kept the estate in his possession, and the debt to the land corapany remains unsatisfied. He was afterwards col lector of taxes for the town of Boston, and made a defalcation, which caused an additional tax upon the inhabitants. These things were unfavorable to his character, but the determined spirit he showed in the cause of liberty would have covered a multitude of such faults. He was for near twenty years a writer against gov ernment in the public newspapers ; at first but an indifferent one ; long practice caused him to arrive at great perfection, and to ac quire a talent of artfully and fallaciously insinuating into the minds of his readers a prejudice against the characters of all whora he attacked, beyond any other man I ever knew. This talent he era- ployed in the messages, remonstrances, and resolves of the House of Representatives, most of which were of his composition, and he made more converts to his cause by calumniating governors and other servants of the crown, than by strength of reasoning. The benefit to the town from his defence of their hberties, he supposed 460 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. an equivalent to his arrears as their collector ; and the prevaihng principle of his party, that the end justified the means, probably quieted the remorse he must have felt from robbing men of their characters, and injuring them raore than if he had robbed thera of their estates." JOHN ADAMS. The sarae writer has the following notice of another eminent leader of the revolution : " Mr. John Adams was a distant relation and intiraate acquaintance of Mr. Samuel Adams, After his edu cation at the college he applied to the study of the law, a short time before the troubles began. He is said to have been at a loss which side to take,' Mr. Sewall, who was with the governraent, would have persuaded him to be on the same side, and proraised hira to desire Governor Bernard to make him a justice of the peace. The governor took tirae to consider of it, and having, as Mr. Adams conceived, not taken proper notice of hira, or given him offence on some former occasion, he no longer deliberated, and ever after joined in opposition. As the troubles increased he increased in knowledge, and made a figure, not only in his own profession, but as a pafriot, and was generally esteemed as a person endowed with more knowledge than his kinsman, and equaUy zealous in the cause of liberty ; but neither his business nor his health would ad mit of that constant application to it which distinguished the other from all the rest of the province. In general he may be said to be of stronger resentment upon any real 6r supposed personal neglect or injury than the other, but in their resentment against such as opposed them in the cause in which they were engaged, it is diffi cult to say which exceeded. His ambition was without bounds, and he has acknowledged to his acquaintance that he could not look with complacency upon any raan who was in possession of more wealth, raore honors, or raore knowledge than himself," LIEUT. GOV. CUSHING. Thomas Cushing, LL. D. was the son of a very popular speaker of the Assembly of Massachusetts ; graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1744 ; was fond of public life, and paid too little attention to pecuniary considerations ; was many years a representative, and in BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES- 461 1763, when Governor Bernard negatived Mr. Otis as speaker, he was elected m his place, and continued in that office till chosen a member of the first Congress, to meet in Philadelphia in 1774. He was elected lleut, governor in 1779, which office he held till his death in 1788. His narae as speaker having been signed to all the public papers, made it known abroad, where he was considered the leader of the whigs. Dr. Johnson, in his pamphlet called " Taxation no Tyranny," says, " one object of the Araericans is io adorn the brows of Mr. Cushing with a dladera." And he was at other times the object ofthe sarcasm of ministerial writers. He was a member of the corporation of Harvard College, and attentive to its affairs, from which he received a diploma of doctor of laws. JUDGE PAINE. Robert Treat Paine, L.L. D., one of the signers of the decla ration of independence, was bom in Boston, 1731; graduated at Harvard College in 1749 ; studied law ; and conducted the pros ecution on the part of the crown with great reputation, in the absence of the attorney general, in the trial of Capt. Preston and his men of "Boston massacre" memory in 1770, In 1773 he was elected a member of the General Assembly, and afterwards was chosen a member of the continental Congress, which met at Phil adelphia in 1774. The following four years he was re-elected and rendered important services in introducing the manufacture of salt petre, then imperfectly iraderstood, whUe the colonies were suffer ing for the want of gunpowder. He was also of the coraraittee for the encouragement of the manufacture of cannon, and other imple ments of war. In a letter to the Hon, Joseph Palmer, as president of the Massachusetts provincial Congress at Watertown, he com plains of an intrigue to supplant him in the good opinion of his constituents, and says he " has just discovered a malicious and, slanderous correspondence between John Adams and Thomas Cush ing." On the organization of the Supreme Court in Massachusetts in 1776, he was naraed for one of the judges, which he declined at first, as John Adams, many years his junior, had obtained the -ap pointment of chief justice; but upon the resignation of the latter, Mr. Paine took his seat on that bench. His son, who afterwards bore his name, was a distinguished writer of national and patriotic poetry. 462 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, GOV, HARRISON, CoL, Benjamin Harrison, one of the signers of the declaration of independence, was a native of Virginia, and graduated at the college of WiUiam and Mary, He comraenced his political career as early as 1764, in the legislature of his native colony. The royal government offered him a seat at the council board, a tempting bait for young ambition, which he had the resolution to refuse, as the measures of the ministry were already unfriendly to the liberty of the provinces ; and when the time came for active resistance to arbitrary power, he was ready for service. He was in the first general Congress of 1774, and the three succeeding ones, and was particularly useful as chairman of the board of war. After his resignation in 1777, he was elected speaker of the House of Bur gesses of Virginia, and filled the chair till 1782, when he was elected governor, to which office he was twice re-elected. He retired in 1785 to private life, but in 1788 became a member of the convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States, He died in 1791, Gov, Harrison was father of General WUliam H. Harrison, late President of the United States. LIEUT. GOV. A. OLIVER. Of Lieut. Governor Andrew Oliver, Gov. Hutchinson says, " A very small portion of mankind have so well deserved to be characterized, " Integer vUce seclerisque purus." Scarce any man ever had a more scrupulous and sacred regard to truth, and yet, to such a degree did the malignant spirit of party prevail as to cause a writer* in the public papers in England to bring against hira a charge of perjury. The CouncU of Massachusetts Bay, from whose votes and resolves this writer attempted to support the charge, by a vote which they caused to be printed, repaired the in jury as well as they could ; but a consciousness of his innocency and integrity was his best support. This abuse, however, together with the reproaches most injuriously cast upon hira by the resolves of the council and house, in which he was treated as the deter mined eneray to the liberties of his country, the interest whereof, * Arthur Lee, under the signature of Junius Americanus. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 463 according to the best of his judgment, (which was much superior to that of his most virulent persecutors,) he always had at heart, affected his spirits and evidently accelerated his death." Lieut, Gov, Oliver was a son of Hon. Daniel Oliver, of Bos ton, and graduated at Harvard College in 1724. He was a repre sentative from Boston, meraber of the councU, and secretary of the province, before his last troublesorae dignity as heut, governor, which oflSce he filled from 1770 to 1774 ; until death closed his career on the 3d March in that year. His removal had been clamorously called for by the people through the provincial as sembly, Lieut. Gov, Oliver was a liberal benefactor to his alma mater in books, ancient manuscripts and anatomical preparations, HON. S. QUINCY. Samoel Quincy, brother of Josiah and Edmund, of Boston, graduated at Harvard College in 1754, was a poet and an elegant prose writer. As solicitor for the crown, he was engaged with Robert Treat Paine in the meraorable trial of Capt, Preston and the British soldiers in 1770 ; his brother was opposed to him on that occasion, and both reversed their party sympathies in their professional position. He was an addresser of Gov, Hutchinson, and went to England early in 1775, He was included in the ban ishment act of September, 1778, In April, 1779, he was appointed comptroller at Parkin Bay, Antigua, and died on his passage from Tortola to England for his health, August 9, 1789, aged 55, Mr, Quincy raarried a sister of the late Henry HUl, Esq,, of Boston, His son, of the sarae name, who graduated at Harvard College in 1782, was an attorney at law in Lenox, Massachusetts, where he died, Jan, 1816, leaving a son Samuel, now an alderman of Bos ton. His other son, Josiah, is an eminent counsellor at law of Romney, New Hampshire, and president of the senate of that state. HON, JON. SEWALL. Jonathan Sewall, LL. D., was born at Boston, August, 1728. His father, Jonathan SewaU, merchant, was a nephew of Chief Justice Stephen SewaU, and grandson of Major Stephen Sewall, of Salem. He graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1748, and was a teacher at 464 biographical notices. Salem tUl 1756. He raarried Esther, daughter of Edmund Quincy, Esq., of Braintree, afterwards of Boston, and sister of Dorothy Quincy, wife of Governor Hancock, and of Ehzabeth Quincy, wife of Samuel Sewall, Esq., of Boston, the father of the late Hon. Samuel SewaU, chief justice of Massachusetts. Mr. Sewall stu died law with Judge Chambers Russell, of Lincoln; comraenced practice in his profession at Charlestown, and at the death of Jeremy Gridley, Esq., he was appointed attorney-general of Mas sachusetts, September, 1767. He was an able and successful law yer. The elder President Adams was his intiraate friend, though opposite in politics, and has done justice to his raemory. He was solicitor-general before he succeeeded Gridley in the office of attor ney-general. His eloquence is represented as having been soft, smooth, and insinuating, which gave hira as much power over a jury as a lawyer ought ever to possess. It is proper here to take notice of one fact relative to Sewall, He comraenced the suit in May, 1769, in favor of a negro against his master for his freedom, viz., James vs. Richard Lechmere, of Cambridge. The late Chief Justice Dana was counsel for the defendant. The suit terminated the following year in favor ofthe negro; and I beheve it was the first case where the grand question was settled abolishing slavery in that state. The case of the negro Soraerset, which Blackstone coraraends so highly, and which has been a raatter of self-gratu- lation in England, was not settied till 1772 ; two years after the decision in favor of Jaraes, In 1768, he was appointed judge of adralralty for Nova Scotia, and although he went there once or twice in that capacity, he remained but a short period. At the commencement of the revolution, he was residing at Cambridge, in the Vassall house, afterwards Washington's head quarters, and since occupied by Andrew Cragie. He left this country for Eng land early in 1775, He had before ably vindicated the characters of Governors Bernard, Hutchinson, and Oliver, and was esteemed an able writer. He was proscribed in the Conspirator's Act of April 30, 1779, He resided chiefly in Bristol tUl 1788, (for the education of his children,) when he removed to St, John's, New Brunswick, having been appointed judge of the vice-admiralty court there, where he resided till his death, which occurred Septem ber 26, 1796, at the age of sixty-eight. His widow survived him. biographical notices. 465 and removed to Montreal, where she died at an advanced a<^e. His son Jonathan, was at school at Hackney in 1777, and after wards resided at Quebec, where he sustained the offices of solicitor and attorney-general, and judge of the vice-admiralty court, until 1808, when he was appointed chief justice of the province, which he resigned in 1838, and died November 12, 1839, aged seventy- four. In 1832, he received the degree of doctor of laws, frora Harvard College. His son Stephen was appointed solicitor-gene ral in 1810, and resided in Montreal, but lost that office in 1814, in consequence of political differences with the governor ; he died there of Asiatic cholera in the summer of 1832. ISAAC SMITH. Rev. Isaac Smith graduated at Harvard College in 1767, where he was a tutor 1774^5, when he left for England, having a brother settled there. He was a loyalist, and a dissenting ralnister, much esteemed for the catholic tenor of his discourses. He was ordained Jime 24, 1778, over a society of dissenters at Sidmouth, Devon shire, but returned to New England after the peace, and became librarian in Harvard CoUege, from 1789 to 1791, and subsequently preceptor of Dummer academy, at Byfield, near Newburyport, Massachusetts, He was a brother of William Smith, Esq, of Boston. JOSEPH GREEN, Joseph Green, Esq., a wit and poet, born at Boston, 1706, received the rudiments of learning at the South Grammar School from Mr. WUliams, and graduated at Harvard College, 1726. He was the author of many fugitive pieces, chiefly satirical, against the gover nor or assembly, as chance might direct. He was a fine classical scholar. He turned his attention to commerce, of which he obtained a comprehensive knowledge, and acquued a handsome property. To integrity and generosity were added in him politeness and ele gance. His humor, learning and taste might have connected him with the influential, and procured for bim almost any distinction ; but he would never accept pubhc office. He signed an address to Governor Hutchinson on his leaving the government. In 1774, when an act passed Parliament depriving Massachusetts of her charter, a number of counsellors were appointed by mandamus ; 59 466 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, among them was Mr, Green, who declined the honor as soon as summoned, giving in his resignation to Governor Gage, Of his poetical pieces, " the Elegy on Mr. Old Tenor," and the satire on the processions of Free-masons, have passed through many editions. During the Whitfieldian controversy, there was a club of sentimen talists who wrote what they pleased, and, as the pamphlets were emitted frora the press, it was easy to conjecture the parts he wrote, especially if a line of poetry was introduced. They also took a part in politics, and began by attacking the administration of Governor Belcher, putting his speeches into rhyme. In the con troversy with Great Britain, previous to the Revolution, most of these gentlemen joined the party of loyalists. Mr. Green was in cluded in the act of banishment of 1778, and having left Boston early in 1775, passed the remainder of his days in England, where he died at London, December 11, 1780, aged seventy-four, JASPER MAUDUIT. Jasper Mauduit, Esq., of London, the friend of Governor Hutch inson and Lieutenant Governor Ohver, successfully vindicated their characters respecting their letters to the privy council, as sisted by Mr. Wedderburne. He was for a long time treasurer of the Society for propagating the Gospel araong the Indians of New England, and agent for the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay in London. His zeal was greater for the conversion of Indians, than for the important concerns of the province. ISRAEL MAUDUIT. Israel Mauduit, Esq., secretary of Lord George Germaine, Veas distinguished as the writer of several pamphlets, in which the char acter of General Howe was severely attacked. WARD NICHOLAS BOYLSTON. Ward NicSolas Boylston, Esq., the son of Benjamin and Mary Hallo\vell, (his mother being the sister of Nicholas Boylston,) was born at Bostbn in 1749 ; by the desire of his maternal uncle, his iiame was changed in 1770. In 1773, he embarked for Newfound land ; from thence he sailed to Italy ; traveUed through Turkey, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt, and along the Barbary coast ; and BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 467 returned through France and Flanders to England, in 1775, He entered into business as a merchant, and reraalned in London till 1800, when he returned to Boston, and continued to reside in Massachusetts tUl his death, which occurred in January, 1828, at the age of seventy-eight. He possessed a mind emulative of the spirit of his maternal ancestry, which he acknowledged in a letter dated May 20, 1800, when he founded at Cambridge the " Boylston Medical Library." In this he expressed the pride he felt in being nearly allied to his maternal great-uncle. Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, " who first introduced the inoculation for the small-pox into Araerica, frora whence it was carried to England, and has ever since been extending its beneficial influence through the world ;" and also to his uncle, Nicholas Boylston, " whose raeraory is known and honored for bis hberal donations to Harvard University." In 1840, Mr. Boyl ston's fund for a coUege and anatomical museum amounted to nine thousand dollars ; which was in addition to the medical library of eleven hundred volumes, and the fund for prize disserta tions, established by him in 1800. JOHN PRINCE. Dr. John Prince, of Salera, Mass., a refugee, who reraoved to Halifax, in 1775. He married a daughter of Hon. Richard Derby, of Salem, and was proscribed in the banishment act of Massachu setts, Sept, 1778. John Prince, Esq., of Boston, who married a daughter of E, H, Derby, Esq., is a son. JOSEPH HOOPER. Joseph Hooper, Esq., of Marblehead, was a graduate of Harvard CoUege in 1763, and a refugee in 1775, He was a son of Peter Hooper, Esq,, a "mandamus" counsellor, who rose from abject poverty to apparently inexhaustible wealth ; engrossing for years a large part of the foreign fishing business at Marblehead, which was very extensive about the year 1760, For a while he pur chased all the fish brought into that quarter, sent it to BUboa and other ports in Spain, and received gold and silver in return, with which he purchased goods in England, etc. He built splendid houses in town and country, rode in a chariot like a prince, and 468 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, was ever after known as " King Hooper," For years he knew not the state of his affairs, and died insolvent in 1790. At his elegant house in Danvers, (since Collins's,) he entertained Governor Gage for some time in 1774. The mansion late Chief Justice Sewall's, in Marblehead, was built by his son Joseph Hooper. He became a paper manufacturer at Bungay, Suffolk, England ; where he died in August, 1812, Although his name does not appear in the proscribing act, a rope walk of his and some lots of land were sold by the coraralssloners, with other confiscated property, in 1781. GENERAL CARLETON. Sir Guy Carleton, (afterwards Lord Dorchester,) a distin guished British officer in America ; was appointed a brigadier- general in this country in 1766 ; he was made major-general in 1772. At the close of the year 1774, a commission passed the seals, constituting him captain-general and governor of Quebec, When Canada was invaded by Montgomery in 1775, Carleton was in the most imrainent danger of being taken prisoner upon the St, Lawrence after the capture of Montreal ; but he escaped in a boat with muffled paddles, and arrived safely at Quebec, which he found threatened by an unexpected eneray. Arnold, though he had been repulsed by Colonel McLean, was yet in the neighborhood of the city, waiting for the arrival of Montgoraery, previously to another attack. General Carleton, with the skill of an experienced officer, took the necessary measures for the security of the city ; his first act was to oblige all to leave Quebec who would not take up arras in its defence. When Montgomery approached, his sum mons was treated with contempt by the governor, whose intrepidity ¦was not to be shaken ; by his industry and bravery, Carleton saved the city. After the unsuccessful assault of the last of December, in which Montgomery was killed, he had nothing more immediately to apprehend. In May, 1776, he obliged the Americans to raise the siege ; and it was not long before he compelled them to withdraw entirely from Canada. In October, he recaptured Crown Point; but as the winter was advancing, he did not atterapt the reduction of Ticonderoga, but returned to St, John's, In the beginning of the next year he was superseded in his coraraand by Burgoyne, who was intrusted with the northern British army, Carleton's expe- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 469 rience, abilities, and services were such as rendered him worthy of the coraraand, which was given to another. Though he imme diately asked leave to resign his governraent, he yet contributed all in his power to secure the success of the campaign. In the year 1782, he was appointed, as successor of Sir Henry Clinton, commander-in-chief of all his majesty's forces in Araerica ; he arrived at New-York with his commission in the beginning of May, After the treaty was signed, he delayed for sorae tirae the evacu ation of the city, frora regard to the safety of the loyalists ; but Noveraber 25, 1783, he erabarked, and withdrew the British ships from the shores of America, He died In England at the close of the year 1808, aged eighty-three ; he was a brave and an able officer, and he rendered important services to his country. Though he was not conciliating in his raanners, and possessed the severity of a soldier, yet his huraanity to the American prisoners, whom he took in Canada, has been much praised. In excuse for the little attention which he paid to the honorable burial of Mont gomery, it can only be said that he regarded him as a rebel,* GENERAL BURGOYNE, It is curious that a man of such celebrity as a writer, a senator, and an officer, as the late Lieutenant General John Burgoyne, should be found among the nuraber of those of whose youthful days no memorial has been preserved. Neither the tirae, place, nor circumstances of his birth are known. Even his parentage is doubtful. He is said, but upon what authority it does not appear, to have been a natural son of that Lord Bingley who died at an advanced age, in 1774. That he had the advan- I tage of a liberal education and early intercourse with polished society, is sufficiently evident from his writings ; and It Is probable that he was early devoted to the profession of arms, for on the 10th of May, 1759, he was raised to the rank of Lieut. Colonel, and in the August of the ensuing year, he was appointed Lieut. Col. Commandant of the 16th Light Dragoons. His after services at different periods, in Spain, Portugal and America, are all well known, especially the unfortunate termination of his military career at Saratoga, which, though it tarnished not his honor, cast a shade * See Allen's Biography. 470 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. over his brow, ever afterwards conspicuous to the physiogno mical eye. He arrived in England on parole in May, 1778, and published a letter to his constituents, throwing the blame of the failure of the expedition on Lord SackvUle, (George Germaine,) the secretary of the American department; and a reply to it, doubtless written by Lord SackvUle, exhibits some of the peculiari ties of the style of Junius. He made on certain occasions no ordi nary figure in parliament, and towards the close ofthe year 1781, when a majority of parliament seemed resolved to persist in the war, he joined the opposition, and advocated a motion for the dis continuance of the fruitless contest. He knew that it was impos sible to conquer Araerica. " Passion, prejudice and interest," said he, " may operate suddenly and partially ; but when we see one principle pervading the whole continent, the Americans resolutely encountering difficulty and death for a course of years, it must be a strong vanity and presumption in our own minds, which can only lead us to imagine that they are not in the right," He moved in the first circles, and married Lady Charlotte Stanley, a daughter of the Earl of Derby ; and yet we know not who and what originally he was. He was the author of four successful dramas : The Maid of the Oaks, the Lord of the Manor, Richard Coeur de Lion, and the Comedy of the Heiress ; and yet the curiosity of his biographer, even in this anecdote-dealing and meraoir-sifting age, cannot trace his origin, or the scenes of his education. The fable of the Lord of the Manor seeras, in sorae degree, to have been suggested (though sufficiently disguised in the modification of character and circum stances) by the incident of his own matrimonial connection ; for his was a clandestine and unauthorized marriage, at a tirae when he held only a subaltern's comraission in the army, and is said to have excited at first the resentment of the lady's father to such a degree, that he declared his resolution never to admit the offenders into his presence, though in process of time the anger of the earl subsided, a reconciliation was effected, and was succeeded by a warm and lasting attachment. It is probable, also, that the mem ory of his lady, who died in the year 1776, at Kensington Palace, during his absence in America, is embalmed by the affectionate regrets of the General in that beautiful air in the first act of that opera : BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 471 '' Encompassed in an angel's frame, An angel's virtues lay ; Too soon did heaven assert the claim, And call its own away. My Anna's worth, my Anna's charms, Must never more return ! What now shall fill these widow'd arms ? Ah, me ! my Anna's urn !" It is some confirraation of this conjecture, that General Bur goyne contracted no second marriage. Taste and sentiment, rather than vigor and originality, and farailiarity with local raanners and the superficies of character, rather than the coraprehensive views of the sources of human action and penetration into the deepest re cesses of the human heart, characterize the genius of this writer ; and his satire, though well pointed, will accordingly lose its inter est when the memory of the fleeting follies and temporary politics at which it is levelled shall have died away. Of his dramatic works, incoraparably the most valuable is the coraedy of " The Heiress," which may, indeed, be called the last comedy produced on the English stage, Frora the peace till his death, which took place in August, 1792, he lived as a private gentleman, devoted to pleasure and the muses. The following letter, addressed by hira to Garrick, is cha racteristic : TO DAVID GAI^RICK, ESQ. Wednesday, JVov. 9, 1774. My dear Sir: Your obhging and most friendly letter was delivered to me yesterday, at the moment I was sitting down to dinner with com pany, or I should have endeavored on the moment to return my acknowledgments, with a warmth of expression due to that with which you have honored me. In regard to the very signal dis tinction you propose to me of the freedom of the house, and the manner of presenting it, I hope you wUl permit me to decUne the parade, and at the same tirae beheve rae truly sensible of the honor of it, I should feel myself as proud to be seated in Drury Lane by your deliberate judgment of my talents, as ever an old Roman 472 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, did in acquiring the freedom of his theatre by pubhc services ; but you are at present too partial towards me ; and, till I appear in my own eyes more worthy, I raust request you to bound your kind intentions to an order for adraittance occasionally to your green room, where I proraise neither to criticise your men Ul-naturedly, nor lead astray yourself. The having contributed the songs and music, and other reasons alleged for my introduction to your re hearsals, will, I conclude, equally pass with the company for this additional favor, without the necessity of any farther discovery. But as you kindly insist upon ray directions, I desire it to be done by a siraple order to Johnson, and no gold box, nor sUver box — not even a raulberry one : you must give me a reception Hamlet like — I will have no appurtenances of welcome. I think I may, without vanity, congratulate you upon the piece having laid hold of the audience last night, A general relish was very discernible, I could not help agreeing with a critic who sat near me, and who expressed himself dehghted with the genteel scenes, that the intro duction of the lamplighters was too coarse to assort with the rest. Suppose three or four of your girls were introduced in the act of weaving cords of flowers, such as the dancers use in the second act. They might fix one end of the cord to the scene, and keep slipping back as they weave the flowers, in the manner the rope- makers do, which would be picturesque. In that case, O'Daub's part might begin with his conversation with the architect ; and he might present hiraself to the girls in some nonsense like the follow ing : " O'Daub. — If these pretty maids would pay me with a kiss a-piece, 'faith, I'd paint them all round for nothing at aU, Surely they look as bright as a May morning already, and a touch of my brush will make them remembered by those who never saw 'em." If after this the two additional verses of the song were added, the words would apply, and' Moody's action might have effect. Should you approve this idea, or any one like it, the alteration is so short it might be studied and acted in half an hour ; but I submit it to you on the sudden, like many crudities with which I have troubled you. Lord Stanley is come to town, and very earnest to see " The Maid of the Oaks." I send to Johnson's for a box for Lady Betty to-morrow, that she may do him the honors, and I hope I shall succeed. If you could send me the copy this afternoon, I would BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 473 return it in time for you to put it into the printer's hands to-mor row afternoon, Beheve me, with the truest sense of the value of your friendship, dear sir, your faithful and obedient, etc., etc, J, Burgoyne. GENERAL CLINTON. Sir Henry Clinton, an English general, son of the colonial Governor Clinton, was the grandson of the Earl of Lincoln, After distinguishing himself in the battle of Bunker HIU in 1775, he, was sent unsuccessfully against New-York and Charleston, He after wards, in September, 1776, occupied the city of New-York, October 6, 1777, he assaulted and took forts Clinton and Mont gomery, In 1778, he succeeded Howe in the comraand at PhUa delphia, whence Washington corapelled him to retire. In May, 1780, he took Charleston, It was he who negotiated with Arnold in his treason. He returned to England in 1782, and died Dec. 22, 1795 ; a few months before, he had been appointed governor of Gibraltar. He published a narrative of his conduct in America, 1782 ; Observations on Cornwallis's Answer, 1783 ; Observations on Stedman, 1784. LORD CORNWALLIS. Charles Cornwallis, Marquis, commander of the British array in Araerica, surrendered at Yorktown, October 19, 1781 ; an event which brought the war to a close. In 1790, he was governor- general of India, and by his victories in the Avar with Tippoo Saib acquired high reputation. Again was he appointed, in 1805, governor of India ; where he died, at Ghazepore, October 5. He married in 1768, Miss Jones, a lady of large fortune ; who is said to have died of a broken heart, in consequence of his engaging in the American war. He published an answer to the Narrative of Sir Henry Clinton, 1783. LORD HOWE. Admiral Earl Howe was born in 1725, and on the death of his brother the general, succeeded to his title and estate. He com manded the British fleet which arrived afStaten Island July 12, 1776 ; and was named in the commission to offer proposals of 60 474 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, peace. In July, 1777, he convoyed the two hundred and seventy transports in which the army sailed from New- York to the Chesa peake, He repaired to Newport in the winter as a safe harbor ; which place he relieved on the 30th Aug., 1778, when threatened by the Americans and French, by arriving from New-York with a hundred sail of ships. In September, he resigned the command to Admiral Gambier, On the 1st of June, 1794, he obtained a vic tory over the French, and died August 5, 1799, Lord Howe was the brother and successor in his title of the General Lord Howe who fell in the attack on Ticonderoga in 1758,' in whom, said Mante, " the soul ofthe army seemed to expire ;" and to commem orate whom the province of Massachusetts Bay caused a monu ment to be erected in Westminster Abbey, GENERAL HOWE, General Sir William Howe, brother of Richard, Earl Howe, was the successor of General Gage in command of the British forces in Araerica, He first arrived at Boston in May, 1775, with General Burgoyne, and commanded in the battle of Bunker Hill ; he took possession of New-York in September, 1776 ; and was one of-the comraissloners to offer terms of peace. In July, 1777, Sir Willlara sailed for the Chesapeake, and entered PhUadelphia, Sept, 27 ; he defeated the Americans on the 4th of October, sarae year, at Gerraantown. In May, 1778, he was succeeded by General Clinton. In the House of Coraraons, in December same year, when assigning his reasons for quitting his command in America, he particularly blamed Lord SackvUle, (formerly Lord George Germaine,) the minister, for not sending reinforcements, nor co operating in his plans ; and in the January following. Lord Sack vUle, if he was the author of the letter to Admiral Howe, returned the invective. He published a second edition of his narrative relative to his coraraand in 1780 ; he died in 1814. General Charles Lee said, " Howe was the most indolent of mor tals, and never took pains to examine the merits or demerits of the cause in which he was engaged. That the king and parliament formed the supreme power ; that supreme power is absolute and uncontrollable ; and consequently all resistance rebellion ; that he was a soldier and bound to obey in all cases whatever : these were BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 475 his notions, and this his logic. He was naturally good-natured, and as an executive soldier all fire and activity ; brave as Caesar, His understanding good, but confounded by the iramensity of the task imposed upon him," GENERAL GATES, Horatio Gates, a major-general in the army of the United States, was a native of England ; is said to have been a natural son of Horace Walpole, Lord. Orford. In early life he entered the British army, and laid the foundation of his future military fame ; he was aid to General Monckton at the capture of Martinico ; and after the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, he was among the first troops which landed at Halifax under General Cornwallis. He was with Braddock at the tirae of his defeat in 1755, and was shot through the body. When peace was concluded, he purchased an estate in Virginia, where he resided until the coraraenceraent of the Arae rican war in 1775 ; when he was appointed by Congress adjutant- general, with the rank of brigadier-general, and accorapanied Washington to Carabridge. In August, 1777, he took comraand of the northern departraent, and succeeded in capturing Bur goyne in October. Congress passed a vote of thanks, and ordered a raedal of gold to be presented to him by the president. His conduct towards his conquered eneray was marked by a delicacy, which does him the highest honor ; he did not perrait his own troops to witness the raortification of the British in depositing their arms. After Gen. Lincoln was taken prisoner, he was appointed, June 13, 1780, to the command of the southern department; August 16, he was defeated by Cornwallis at Camden, After the peace he retired to his farm in Berkley county, Virginia, where he remained until the year 1790, when he came to reside in New- York ; having first emancipated his slaves, and made a pecuniary provision for such as were not able to provide for themselves. Some of them would not leave him, but continued in his family. On his arrival at New- York,, the freedom ofthe city was presented to him. In 1800, he accepted a seat in the legislature ; his poli tical opinions did not separate him from many respectable citizens, whose views differed widely from his own ; he died April 10, 1806, aged 77. A few weeks before his death, he wrote to his friend Dr. 476 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, Mitchell, then at Washington, on some business, and closed his letter, dated Feb. 27, 1806, with the following words :— «I am very weak, and have evident signs of an approaching dissolution. But I have lived long enough, since I have lived to see a mighty people ani mated with a spirit to be free, and governed by transcendant abilities and honor." He retained his faculties to the last; he directed that his body should be privately buried, which was ac cordingly done. General Gates was a whig in England, and a republican in America ; he was a scholar, well versed in history and the Latin classics. While he was just, hospitable and gene rous, his manners and deportment yet indicated his military cha racter, JUDGE DANA, Francis Dana, LL.D., chief justice of Massachusetts, was a descendant of Richard Dana, who died at Cambridge about 1695. His father was Richard Dana, an eminent magistrate ; he was bom at Charlestown in August, 1742, and after graduating at Harvard College in 1762, studied law with Judge Trowbridge ; he passed the year 1775 in England, where he had a brother, Edmund, a minister at Worcester, who died in 1823. In 1776, he was ap pointed a delegate to Congress, and taking his seat in November, 1777, continued in that body until in November, 1779, he accom panied Mr, Adams to Paris, as a secretary of legation. He was elected Deceraber, 19, 1780, as ralnister to Russia ; where he remained, though not publicly received, from August, 1781, till the close of the war, returning in December, 1783. He was chosen a delegate to Congress in 1784 ; and a meraber of the Massachusetts Convention, where he advocated the constitution. The office of envoy extraordinary to France in 1799, he declined; and Mr, Gerry was deputed in his stead, with Messrs. Marshall and Pinck- ney. Appointed chief justice of Massachusetts in 1792, he dis charged very impartially and ably the duties of that office until his resignation in 1806 ; he died at his seat in Cambridge, April 25, 1811, aged sixty-eight. Judge Dana was a learned lawyer, and presided in court with great dignity ; his opinions on the bench were remarkable for their clearness and perspicuity. In his politics during the days of violent excitements, he was strongly attached BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 477 to the federahsts. His correspondence while in Europe, is con- tamed in Sparks's Diplomatic Correspondence, vol, Sth, COLONEL PICKERING. Hon. Timothy Pickering, LL. D., the son of a prominent citi zen of Salem of the sarae narae, was born there on the 17th July, 1746, and graduated at Harvard College in 1763, The meraorable distinction of conducting the first resistance in arras to the power of the raother country fell to his lot, at his native place, on Sunday the 26th of February, 1775, when the raarch of Col, Leslie's regiraent of royal troops was resolutely intercepted, and his further progress arrested by hira at the head of the militia, at the bridge over the North River, The draw of the bridge was hoisted, and Col. Pick ering presented hiraself on the opposite side. He inforraed Col, Leslie that the railitary stores he carae to seize were the property of the people, and that they would not be surrendered without a struggle. Col. Leslie ordered his men into a large gondola at the wharf, to secure a passage over the river. In a moment Major Sprague, the owner of the gondola, sprang on board and beat a hole through the bottom, by which it was sunk. While effecting this he was wounded by the soldiers with their bayonets, and thus was here shed the first blood of the Revolution. The Rev. Mr, Barnard now interposed, and by judicious persuasions prevented the impending catastrophe ; and Leslie, pledging his honor, that if Col, Pickering would let him pass the bridge, so that it might ap pear a voluntary act on his part, he would abandon the attempt to seize the stores ; and this being acceded to on the part of Col. Pick ering, the former returned imraedlately to his transports at Marble head, and re-embarked his regiment from the harbor that night. Col. Pickering marched at the head of the Essex regiraent as soon as he heard of the Lexington affair, on the 19th of April of the sarae year, to Medford, in order to intercept tbe eneray, but was not in season. He also took up the line of raarch with his regi ment for the heights of Charlestown on the 17th June, but arrived too late to participate in the affair of Bunker Hill. Col. Pickering compiled a raanual for the drill and exercise of the troops, which was in general use until the Baron Steuben pubhshed his raore ex tensive work. He was appointed the same year a judge of the com- 478 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, mon pleas, and succeeded Mr, Curwen as admiralty judge for the district including Boston and Salem, In the autumn of 1776, he commanded the Essex regiment under General Washington in New Jersey, The following is an extract of a letter from General Washing ton to Congress, dated at Morristown, May 24, 1777 : " I beg leave to inform Congress, that, immediately after the receipt of their resolve of the 26th of March, recomraending the office of adjutant general to be filled by a person of ability and unsuspected attachment to our cause, I wrote to Colonel Timothy Pickering, of Salem, offering him the post, in the first instance, and transmitting at the same time a letter to Colonel William R. Lee, whora Congress had been pleased to mention, to be delivered to him in case my offer could not be accepted. This conduct in pre ference of Col. Pickering, I was induced to adopt from the high character I had of him, both as a great mUitary genius, cultivated by an industrious attention to the study of war, and as a gentleman of liberal education, distinguished zeal, and great method and ac tivity in business. This character of him I had from gentlemen of distinction and merit, and on whose judgraent I could rely. " When my letter reached Col. Pickering, at first view, he thought his situation in respect to public affairs would not permit him to accept the post. That for Col. Lee he sent iramediately to him, who, in consequence, repaired to head quarters. By Col, Lee I received a letter from Col. Pickering, stating more particu larly the causes which prevented him accepting the office when it was offered, assuring me that he would, in a little time, accommo date his affairs in such a manner as to come into any military post in which he might be serviceable and thought equal to. " Here I am to mark with peculiar satisfaction, in justice to Col. Lee, who has deservedly acquired the reputation of a good officer, that he has expressed a distrust of his abUitles to fill the ap pointment intended for him ; and hearing that Col. Pickering would accept it, he not only offered, but wished to relinquish his claim to it in favor of him, whom he declared he considered, from a very in timate and friendly acquaintance, as a first-rate railitary character; and that he knew no gentleman better or so well qualified for the post among us. Matters being thus circumstanced, and Colonel Lee BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 479 pleased with the command he was in, I wrote to Col. Pickering on his return, who accepted the office, and is daily expected." He immediately marched with the army to Pennsylvania, and was by the side of Washington at the hattie of Brandywine, on the 14th September ; he was also present at that of Gerraantown, October 4. He was soon after elected by Congress a member of the Board of War, with Generals Gates and Mifflin. The arrange ment of the staff department was also intrusted to him and General Mifflin. In August, 1780, he succeeded Gen. Greene as quarter master-general, and discharged the arduous and complicated duties of that department with promptness and fidelity. Col. Pickering was employed in various negotiations with the Indian tribes, and in 1791 was appointed postmaster-general, which office he heldtUl 1794, when he succeeded Gen. Knox as secretary of war. In August, 1795, he temporarily had charge ofthe state de partment, and upon the resignation of Mr. Edmund Randolph, in Deceraber, received the appointraent of secretary of state. This was the last office he held under Washington ; from which he was removed by President Adams, in May, 1800. It was this circura stance to which the eloquent and eccentric John Randolph alludes when Col. Pickering's political course was attacked in the House of Representatives some years after ; on that occasion Randolph declared that he would gladly surrender all his own riches and honors to be able to say, what that patriot (Pickering) could say, viz., " that he ever enjoyed the unbounded confidence of Washing ton whUe living — and the enraity of his successor." On Col. Pickering's removal from office, he comraenced the settiement of new lands in the back woods of Pennsylvania ; but soon after disposing of them, he returned to Massachusetts, and at Wenhara, near his native town, he, like Clncinnatus, cultivated with his own hands a farm which he purchased. He could not long be spared from public life, and from 1803 to 1811 he was a senator of the United States, and frora 1814 to 1817 he represented his district in Congress, to the delight and satisfaction of his con stituents. He died at Salem on the 29th June, 1829, aged 84. His active life afforded but llttie leisure for literary pursuits, yet his writings were vigorous and elegant. From early life he was a professor of Christianity, In the service of his country he was 480 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. faithful, disinterested, and energetic. His feelings were strong, and in bis political controversies he was ardent and sometimes ve- heraent ; but his exemplary morals, strict integrity, and pure prin ciples satisfied all of his sincerity. Col. Pickering has left a num ber of descendants ; the most distinguished is the great philologist, the Hon. John Pickering, LL. D., his eldest son, now president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. , JUDGE BLOWERS. Hon. Sampson Salter Blowers, a native of Boston, and grand son of the Rev. Thoraas B. Blowers, second minister of Beverly, Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College 1763, of which in stitution he is now senior alumnus, or the oldest living graduate. He was born in March, 1742, and is consequently one hundred years of age. He studied law with Governor Hutchinson, and married the daughter of Benjarain Kent, a lawyer celebrated for his eccentricity and wit. Mr. Blowers was, with John Adaras and Josiah Quincy, jr., engaged to defend Capt. Preston and theBritiish soldiers, on their trial at Boston, November, 1770, for what was termed " the Boston massacre." On the eve of the Revolution, in 1774, he sailed for England, and returned in the autumn of 1778, just in time to find his name in the proscribing act of the Massa chusetts Provincial Assembly. He was forthwith imprisoned, but soon liberated and sent in a cartel to Halifax. From this time he pursued his profession there ; was raised to the supreme bench in 1795 ; became the chief justice in 1801, and resigned all his honors in 1803. Judge Blowers has never revisited his native place. His sister died at Boston in March, 1842, at the age of ninety-eight ; she was the widow of an officer of marines, who fell on board fhe Alliance frigate, in an action with two British sloops of war. May, 1781. The following notice of Judge Blowers appeared in the Boston Dally Advertiser, in March last : — " The old man of whom ye spake ; is he yet alive ?" The Hon. Sampson Salter Blowers, of Halifax, [Harvard Uni versity, 1763,] this day completes his century of years ; the elder patriarch of Harvard's living alumni. He was a native of Boston, his father living (as we sorae time ago learned from an authority BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 481 near in blood) at the time in Quaker-lane, now Congress-street : a nephew of Pyam B., merchant, [H, U, 1721,j and grandson of Rev, Thomas B., second minister of Beverly, [H, U, 1695.] Young Blowers entered upon the study of law with Hutchinson, then simply judge of probate and lieutenant-governor ; and married the daughter of Benj. Kent, Esq.,* [H. U. 1727,] an attorney at law in Boston, " celebrated for his eccentricity and wit," who, like hiraself, be carae a refugee, and died in Halifax, at an advanced age, in 1788, In Noveraber, 1770, then in his noviciate at the bar, he was em ployed as junior counsel to Messrs, Adaras and Quincy (the latter his classmate) in behalf of the eight British soldiers of the 29th regiraent on their trial for what was long and raost absurdly called " the Boston massacre," The victims of that night (March 5th, 1770) though magnified by the effervescence of the time into mar tyrs of liberty, did but poor credit indeed to the name, and as to most of them, abundantly provoked the death they found, Gordon, with strange looseness for one who was writing in the midst of the scene, says, (Vol, I. 194,) " The soldiers had the same counsel as their commander," But Robert Auchmuty, who according to Eliot made, in defence of Capt, Preston, a plea so memorable and per suasive, as " almost to bear down the tide of prejudice against him, though it never swelled to a higher flood," had no concern in the succeeding trial ; while the subject of this notice was certainly not retained in the earlier one. On the eve of the Revolution ( 1774) S. S, B., for some reason or object sailed for England, and returned in the fall of 1778, just in time to find his name in the proscribing act of the provincial assembly of Massachusetts, (October,) which * Kent was a minister of Marlborough, a very brief period [1733-'35] ; though so unclerical was his deportment, and his humor, that we might rather have wondered had his stay been longer. He removed to Boston ; and so late as 1769, his name is found, in somewhat odd association, with those of the most prominent and strenuous Whigs of the place, as a committee of safety in a communication to Dr. Franklin. To hira it is, we suppose, that the doe- tor, in a letter written from Philadelphia, within the last year and a half of his own life refers : — " You tell me our poor friend Ben Kent is gone ; I hope to the regions of the blessed : or at least to some place where souls are pre pared for those regions. I found my hope on this, that though not so orthodox as you and I, he was an honest man and had his virtues. If he had any hy pocrisy, it was of that inverted kind, with which a man is not so bad as he seems to be." (See Sparks's Franklin, VII. 36,6, X. 460.) 61 482 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, could not then have been passed many weeks. He was imprisoned forthwith ; but within the next fortnight was despatched in a cartel to Halifax, From this time, as we are told, he steadfastly pursued his profession there ; being raised to the supreme bench in 1795, becoming its presiding head in 1801, and resigning all his honors in 1833, Though his lot was cast with the obnoxious side. Judge B. stood by no means alone among his companions. The class of 1763 was fruitful in loyalists, generally also refugees : — Bliss of Springfield, and Upham of Brookfield, (the last, father of the pre sent minister of Salem,) were constituted a few years after judges ofthe highest court of New Brunswick;* Dr. John Jeffries oi Bos ton, (after signalizing himself in a then novel sphere,) returned a few years in the rear of the peace, to resume practice in his native town ; Hooper of Marblehead, second son of " old King Robert," and Porter, for a time an eminent attorney in Salem, both died in England. Judge B. has left behind him in the race the longest-lived of his classmates by more than ten years. Col. Pickering, of Salem, one of the three latest survivors, died Jan, 29, 1829, The last of the trio, Samuel Perley, settled successively at three several places in New Hampshire, and finally in Gray, Maine, finished his course at the latter, November 28, 1831. Of the thirty-six hundred de parted sons of Harvard, our living Methuselah (with the exception of the venerated Dr, Holyoke) has alone fairly rounded his century ; Mr, Porter, of Ashfield, on Connecticut river [H. U, 1745] who died February, 1820, having faUed only one month of that honor able mark,t * No other class perhaps can show so many instances of the highest judicial elevation. Three refugee judges ofthe supreme court ! to which must be added the Hon. Nathan Cushing, of Scituate — a zealous Whig — who deeply ingratiated himself with the popular party by the spirit of his decisions, as first judge of admiralty in 1776, against captured British vessels ; and who at a later period [1789-1801] was one of the highest bench of Massachusetts. There is yet one other distinction to which the class of 1763 appropriates. The first English Oration, ever heard upon the Commencement boards was pronounced by Jed. Huntington of Norwich, Conn., (afterwards well known as a general officer in our revolutionary contest, and father of the late Rev. Josh. Huntington, ofthe Old South Church.) t In such a connection as this, and for the sake of the narrow circle who BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 483 That the usual concomitants of such longevity should be here also found in its train, few will probably be surprised to read. It has been well known for four or five years past that decay had been coming over the mind of this centennial patriarch ; and on the recent progress (autumn of 1840) of the Hon. J. Q, Adaras through the provinces of Nova Scotia, by whom Judge B, also was visited, this fact was anew confirmed. This notice must not be closed without adding, what all readers (it need hardly be qualified) wUl be surprised to be told : — There yet lives in this city, long sequestered from the world, a sister of the distinguished graduate, before us, a widow of more than sixty years' date, "whose days have almost even run with his," (ninety-eight,) a coincidence alike extraordinary and interesting. The husband are curious in such matters, it may not be amiss to specify the twelve alumni who have reached the highest point of longevity. Those unasterized, it will be observed, we presume not to number their days, but give their age at the moment we are writing, * 1746. Dr. E. A. Holyoke, of Salem, died March 31, 1829, 100 years 7 months. 17.63. Hoi;i. S. S. Blowers, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 100 years. * 1745. Kev. N. Porter, minister of Chebacco parish (Ipswich) and of Ash field, died February 29, 1820, 99 years 11 months. * 1759. Hon. Paine Wingate, minister a few years at Hampton Falls, N. H., and afterwards in high civil trusts, died at Stratham, N. H., March 7, 1838, 98 years and 10 months. * 1744. Col. Peter Frye, formerly of Salem, and in various public trusts, died (as a refugee) at Camberwell, Surrey, near London, February 1, 1820, (his birthday,) 97 years. * 1712. Mr. John Nutting, Salem, successively grammar schoolmaster, register of deeds, and collector of the port, at difierent times, died May 20, 1790, 96 years 4 months. * 1753. Rev. Peter Thacher Smith, minister of Windham, Me. [1762-90] a. as P. T. S. "Esq.," October, 1826, 95 years 3 months. 1765. Dr. Ezra Green, surgeon in the continental navy, under John Paul Jones, and since physician in Dover, N. H., 95 years ten months. » 1728. Thaddeus Mason, Esq., register of deeds for Middlesex, died at Cambridge, May 1, 1802, 95 years 4 months. 1767. Hon. Timothy Farrar, New Ipswich, N. H., formerly a judge of the S. J. C. of N. H., 94 years 8 months. * 1741. Mr. Joseph Waldo, merchant in Boston, died (as a refugee) in Bristol, England, April, 1816, 94 years. * 1710. Rev. Joseph Adams, minister of Newington, N. H., 37i years, died May 26, 1783, 94 years. April 2, 1842. 484 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. of the latter, a lieutenant of marines in the celebrated and ever- fortunate Alliance frigate, fell in an engagement of that ship on her passage from France, with two sloops of war. May, 1781, Though not wanting in inducements to the contrary therefore, it is wort|hy of record that Judge B. has never, as we are told, revisited his native place, since he went forth from it an exUe with the fla ming sword behind him, interdicting his return, T. BRINLEY, Thomas Brinley, a merchant of Boston, graduated at Harvard College, 1744. He was an " addresser" of Gov, Gage and Gov, Hutchinson. A refugee in England in 1775. Proscribed in the act of banishment of the assembly of Massachusetts, Sept., 1788, Probably died abroad, N, COFFIN, Nathaniel Coffin, Esq., of Boston, the father of Sir Isaac Coffin, Bart., who was his fourth and youngest son, Mr, Coffin graduated at Harvard College in 1744 ; was cashier of the customs at Boston ; an " addresser" of Gov, Gage ; a refugee in 1775 ; was proscribed in the banishment act of 1778, and died in England before Novem ber, 1783, GOV, CASWELL, Hon, Richard Caswell, of North Carohna, at the head of a regiment Feb, 1776 ; he defeated General McDonald with a party of fifteen hundred Scottish emigrants and ignorant and disorderly frontier inhabitants, styhng themselves " loyalist regulators," at Morris Creek bridge, about sixteen railes from WUmington, with the loss of seventy killed and wounded, and fifteen hundred excel lent rifles. His force was but one thousand sfrong, and the victory of essential service to the American cause. Besides being a meraber of the first congress, he was president of the convention which formed the constitution of North Carolina, under which he was governor frora 1777 to 1780, and from 1785 to 1787, He died at FayetteviUe, Nov, 20, 1789, His equanimity of temper endeared him to his friends and commanded the respect of his opponents ; for his constant watchfulness of the weUare of the people and his private virtues prevented his having enemies. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 485 JOSEPH HEWES. Hon. Joseph Hewes, of North Carolina, as a member of con gress early patronized the celebrated John Paul Jones, and was ever his confidential correspondent. It is to Mr. Hewes's discrimi nating judgment of character, in no small degree, that we owe the train of unsurpassed naval victories achieved by that hero; for there was great opposition to his preferment on the score of foreign birth and want of influential connections, which latter con sideration had great weight at that period, Jones relied inplicitly on Mr, Hewes, and in a letter says, " I will cheerfully abide by whatever you think right," and to him he referred the Hon, Robert Morris, respecting his claim for rank, who ever after was his friend, DR, SHIPPEN. William Shippen, M. D, of PhUadelphia, graduated. at Nassau Hall, New Jersey, in 1754, and completed a medical education at Edinburgh, He delivered in 1764, at Philadelphia, the first course of anatomical lectures ever pronounced in America, He was the founder of the medical school, which finally rivalled that of Edin burgh, He was early opposed to " the supremacy of parliament over the colonies in all cases whatsoever," and, in 1777, was ap pointed director general of the medical department in the army ofthe United States, Dr, Shippen died at Gerraantown, July 11, 1808, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. GOV. MIFFLIN. Thos. Mifflin, of Pennsylvania, was actively engaged in oppo sition to the measures of the British parliament. He was a member of the first congress in 1774, and was among the first commissioned at the organization of the continental army, having been appointed quarter-master-general. In October, 1788, he succeeded Dr, Franklin as president of the supreme executive councU. In Sep tember, 1790, the constitution for Pennsylvania was formed by a convention, over which he was chosen the first governor. He pos sessed extraordinary powers of elocution, which he exercised with success during the insurrection in Pennsylvania in 1794. He retired from the gubernatorial chair at the close of the year 1799, 486 biographical notices, and on the 20th Jan, 1800, died at Lancaster in the fifty-seventh year of his age, JUDGE ALLEN, William Allen, chief justice of Pennsylvania, was the son of WUliam Allen, an eminent merchant of PhUadelphia, who died in 1725, On the approach of the Revolution he retired to England, where he died, September, 1780, His wife was a daughter of Andrew Hamilton, whom he succeeded as recorder of Philadelphia in 1741, He was much distinguished as a friend to literature. He patronized Benjamin West, the historical painter. By his counsels and exertions Dr, Franklin was much assisted in estab lishing the college in PhUadelphia, He pubhshed " the American Crisis," London, 1774, in which he suggests a plan " for restoring the dependence of America to a state of perfection," His princi ples seem to have been not a little arbitrary. On his resignation of the office of chief justice, to which he had been appointed in 1750, he was succeeded till the Revolution by Mr, Chew, attorney- general, and Mr. Chew by his son Andrew Allen. This son died in London, March 7, 1825, aged eighty-five. At the close of 1776 he put hiraself under the protection of Gen, Howe, at Trenton, with his brothers John and William. He had been a member of congress and of the committee of safety ; and William a lieutenant- colonel in the continental service, GEN. REED. Joseph Reed graduated at Nassau HaU, New Jersey, in 1757. He engaged with zeal in opposition to parliament, was of the com mittee of correspondence, and afterwards president of the conven tion of New Jersey. On the organization of the army, he became first aid to ^General Washington ; the next year adjutant-general, WhUe he was a meraber of congress, in 1778, the coramissioners from England arrived, and one of thera. Gov, Johnstone, addressed private letters to him, Francis Dana, and Robert Morris, to secure their influence towards the restoration of harmony, with intimations of honors and emoluments, Mr, Reed's former despondence being known, a lady, supposed to be the wife of Dr, Adam Ferguson, (the BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 487 secretary of the comraissloners,) assured him as from Gov. John stone, that ten thousand pounds sterling and the best office in America should be at his disposal, if he would effect a reunion. He rephed that " he was not worth purchasing, but such as he was, the king of Great Britain was not rich enough to do it." In October, 1778, he was chosen president of Pennsylvania, which office he held till the autumn of 1781. He died March 5, 1785, aged forty-three, having visited England for his health the year before without good effect. Mr, Reed published remarks on Gov. Johnstone's speech in parliament, with authentic papers relative to his propositions in 1779, and an address to the people of Pennsylvania in 1783, WILLIAM PYNCHON, William Pynchon, Esq., an eminent counsellor at law, of Salem, Massachusetts, was a loyalist, but did not leave the country. The windows of his house in Suraraer-street were broken by the mob on demanding his recantation as a Hutchinsonian addresser, pre vious to the Revolution; and he left thera long in ruins, except that they were boarded up, in testiraony of the licentiousness and law lessness of the tiraes, Mr, Pynchon was a native of Springfield, and graduated at Harvard College in 1743 ; he died, March 14, 1789, aged sixty-eight. JOSEPH LEE, Hon, Joseph Lee, of Carabridge, Mass., was the son of a Salem merchant. Having remained in Boston during the siege, he sub jected himself to unpopularity with the patriots, although his luke- warmness in the loyalist principles prevented his becoming an object of pubUc notice. He was judge of the common pleas for Middlesex ; and died at his seat in Cambridge, Deceraber, 1802, at the advanced age of ninety-three years. His brother, Thoraas Lee, Esq,, a raerchant of Salera, graduated at Harvard College in 1722 ; and during the revolutionary war resided at Newark, New Jersey, He had been appointed mandamus counsellor, but was compelled by the people to resign. Sept, 2, 1775, JUDGE OLIVER. Hon, Andrew Oliver, of Salem, son of Lieut, Gov, Andrew 488 biographical notices. Oliver, and nephew of Chief Justice Peter Oliver, graduated at Harvard College in 1749 ; studied law ; was often a representative to the assembly, and a judge of the coraraon pleas for Essex previous to the Revolution, He was one of the founders of the American Acaderay of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Philosophical Society at PhUadelphia ; he was reckoned among the best scholars of his day, and possessed fine talents. Judge Oliver was never fond of public life, but ardently attached to his books and his friends. Besides an Essay on Comets, which was published in 1772, several valuable communications of his are contained in the first volume of the Transactions of the American Academy. He was honored with a comraission of mandamus coun sellor, which he declined; he married Mary, daughter of Chief Justice Lynde, and several descendants remain of the second and third generations ; he died in December, 1799, aged sixty-eight. Judge Oliver was a loyalist, and the only member of his family who did not renounce his country in consequence of the Revolution, BENJAMIN GOODHUE. Hon. Benjamin Goodhue, was born at Salem, Massachusetts, October 1, 1748, apd graduated at Harvard College in 1766, He early embarked in commerce, with credit and success ; he was a whig of the Revolution ; represented the county of Essex in the senate of his native state, from 1784 to 1789, when he was elected a representative to the first United States Congress under the new constitution ; and with Mr, Fitzsimmons of Philadelphia, formed our code of revenue laws, a majority of which have remained in force to this day. In 1796, Mr, Goodhue was elected a senator in congress for Massachusetts, where he was distinguished as chair man of the committee of commerce, but resigned and retired from pubhc life in 1800 ; his colleague in the senate was Caleb Strong, for many successive years the popular governor of Massa chusetts, Mr, Goodhue's politics were ofthe Washington school; and that party is now generally admitted to have been the purest ever known in our country. He died July 28, 1814, leaving an irreproachable narae to his only surviving son, Jonathan Goodhue, Esq,, of New- York ; a merchant, who in character and credit has stood second to none in this commercial emporium, during a resi dence of thirty-six years. biographical notices, 489 DR, HOLYOKE. Edward Augustus Holyoke, M.D., L.L.D., son of President Holyoke of Harvard College, was born August 13, 1728, and graduated in 1746, In 1755, he married Judith, daughter of Col. Benjamin Pickraan of Salem ; and after her death, which occurred within the year, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel ViaU, Esq., of Boston, " The period of the Revolution was a trying one to him, and he never loved to dwell upon the recoUection of it ; his feehngs in the spring and summer of 1775 were Intensely painful. In referring to that period, he said he thought he should have died with the sense of weight and oppression at his heart ; he had sent his faraily to Nantucket, and the loneliness of his horae increased the feeling of desolation. Most of his intiraate friends and near connections favored the royal cause ; and his own education had attached him to the established order of things, while his peaceful temper shrunk from the turmoil of a revolution. Although most distinguished men who had adopted the royal cause, found it expedient to leave the country, it does not appear that he was ever impeded in the prose cution of his professional business or studies for a single day. Once only he committed hiraself, by signing a corapllmentary address to Governor Hutchinson, in coraraon with a number of the most distinguished citizens of the town of Salem, when the governor was about leaving the country. He afterwards felt hiraself obliged, as well as a number of his associates, to publish a sort of apology for this act ; which " recantation," as it was called, contained nothing that was servile or disgraceful. He died March 31, 1829, at the great age of one hundred years. " In deeds of piety and benevolence he was ever active, and his gifts were bestowed with the most scrupulous secrecy ; and from his intimacy in the families of all classes, seldom misapplied." He had been a practising physician in Salera for seventy-nine years. On sorae days he raade a hundred visits; and at one period, there was not a dweUlng-house in Salem which he had not visited professionally. About fifty medical gentlemen of Boston and Salem gave him a public dinner on his centennial anniversary. JUDGE LYNDE. Hon. Benjamin Lynde, of Salem, chief justice of the supreme 62 490 biographical notices. court, (as was his father ofthe sarae name,) was born at Salera, and graduated in 1718, at Harvard College, He was judge of probate frora 1745 to 1771 ; he presided in November, 1770, at the trial of Captain Preston and his soldiers, for the part they took in what was called " the Boston massacre," He resigned his seat on the bench ofthe supreme court in 1771, and died October 3, 1781, aged eighty-one. It was a reraarkable coincidence, that father and son should have been chief justices of the supreme court, and occupied a seat on that bench between thera for nearly sixty years. Judge Lynde's daughter, Mary, was the wife ofthe Hon. Andrew Oliver of Salera, author of the Essay on Comets. JUDGE ROPES. Hon. Nathaniel Ropes, of Salem, born in 1727, was graduated at Harvard College in 1745, and applied himself to the study of the law. The violent raeasures in opposition to governraent were obnoxious to him ; and when he found he could no longer be use ful there, he retired frora the council in 1769, and frora the bench of the superior court just before his death, in the spring of 1774; he was firm in loyalist principles. After ineffectual negotiations with Gov. Hutchinson, the in flexible assertor of royal prerogative, at the termination ofthe first session of 1773, it was resolved, " that any of the judges who while they hold their offices during pleasure shall accept support from the crown, independent of the grants of the general court, will discover that he is an enemy to the constitution, and has it in his heart to promote the establishment of arbitrary government." In February, 1774, four of the judges, Trowbridge, Hutchinson, Ropes and Cushing, on the appeal being raade by the assembly, replied that they had received no part of the allowance frora the king ; which was deeraed satisfactory. Judge Ropes' house was assailed, not withstanding, by a mob, and the furniture and windows throughout broken the night before his death, (by small-pox,) which event it doubtless accelerated. With the exception of the reports of his decisions in the su- prerae court, the foUowing obituary notice from his political oppo nents is all that is on record respecting him : From the Essex Gazette, March 22, 1774. " Died, on the 18th inst., in the forty-eighth year of his age, the biographical notices, 491 Hon. Nathaniel Ropes, some years since representative of this town m the general assembly, afterwards a member of the councU, chief justice of the comraon pleas, and judge of probate of wUls' for the county of Essex, and also a justice ofthe superior court for this province." Judge Ropes married a daughter of the Rev, John Sparhawk of Salem, and their deceased sons were merchants of that place, Nathaniel married a daughter of Dr. Putnara, and John a daugh ter of Jonathan Haraden, Esq., a distinguished naval coraraander in the Revolution against Great Britain. Their daughters raarried WUliam Orne, Jonathan Hodges, and Samuel Curwen Ward, also merchants of Salem, aU deceased ; of their descendants raany are now living. THOMAS ROBIE. Thomas Robie, Esq., of Marblehead, a son of Dr. Thomas Ro bie, who was graduated at Harvard CoUege, in 1708, and after being a resident fellow or tutor there, established himself in the practice of physic at Salera, and raarried a daughter of Major Ste phen Sewall. The subject of this notice became a merchant, and married a daughter of the Rev. Simon Bradstreet, who was the great-grandson of Gov. Bradstreet, called the " Nestor of New England." Mr, Robie being strongly on the side of the royal governraent, was an addresser of Gov. Hutchinson, and quitted the country about the comraencement of the war ; he first went to Halifax, but afterwards to London, February 5, 1776, He passed his time of exUe mostly in Halifax, where one of his daughters married Jonathan Stearns, Esq., another refugee, who graduated at Harvard College in 1770, becarae attorney-general of Nova Scotia, and died 1798 ; another was raarried to Joseph Sewall, Esq., late treasurer of Massachusetts, His son, Simon Bradstreet Robie, Esq., of Halifax, solicitor of the province of Nova Scotia, is a gentleman of great wealth and respectabUlty. Mr. Thomas Robie returned after the peace, and re-embarked in commercial pursuits in Salem, to a limited extent. He was amiable, intelhgent and exemplary, and died at Salem about thirty years since, well es teemed. 492 biographical notices, JOHN SARGENT, John Sargent, Esq,, a merchant of Salem, who became a refu gee and was banished by the act of 1778. JUDGE CHIPMAN. Hon. Ward Chipman graduated at Harvard College, 1770, grandson of Rev. Jbhn Chipman of Beverly, and son of John C, Esq., of Marblehead. Mr. Chipman studied law in company with Jonathan Sewall and Thomas Aston Coffin, (a cousin of Sir Isaac Coffin,) afterward secretary of Sir Guy Carleton, and in 1784 comraissary-general at Quebec. Mr. Chipman becarae judge of the suprerae judicial court of New Brunswick, and died at Freder- icton, February 9, 1824. He was brother-in-law of the late Hon. William Gray, and retained an affection for New England, though an exile. His son, of the same name, and successor to his station and honors, was the most conspicuous member of the class which graduated at Harvard College, in 1805, COL. MURRAY. CoL. John Murray was a representative of influence in the assem bly of Massachusetts for many years from Rutiand. Daniel Bliss, Esq. married one of his daughters, the other the Hon. Joshua Up ham, aid to Sir Guy Carleton, afterward judge of supreme court, Brunswick. His son Daniel graduated at Harvard CoUege 1771 ; a mandamus counsellor, was a major of dragoons, proscribed in 1778 ; lived on half-pay 1830, His son Samuel graduated at Harvard College 1772, acccompanled the Biitish troops to Lexing ton in 1775, and died before 1785; he was proscribed in 1778. BENJAMIN FANEUIL. Benjamin Faneuil, Esq., a merchant of Boston, and with Joshua Winslow, consignee of one-third of the East India Company's tea destroyed in 1773 ; was a refugee lo Halifax, afterwards in Eng land. JAMES BOUTINEAU. James Boutineau, Esq., attorney of Boston, father-in-law of John Robinson, commissioner of customs, who made the personal attack biographical notices. 493 on James Otis, Esq., which produced so great a derangement of mind in the latter, as to lead to his withdrawal from the public service. CAPT. FENTON, Capt, John Fenton, expelled, being a loyalist, frora the assem bly of New Hampshire, July, 1775, on which -account he expressed himself freely as to public raeasures. This enraged the populace, and he fled to the governor for protection ; they placed a mounted field-piece before the door, threatening to discharge it, when he was delivered up and sent to Exeter for trial. Gov, Wentworth upon this took refuge in the fort. Capt, Fenton had been a captain in the navy, but sold out his commission ; he was permitted to retreat to England, JOHN ERVING, JUN. Col, John Erving, son of Hon. John E., of Boston, graduated at Harvard College, 1747, was colonel of the Boston regiraent of militia, a warden of Trinity church, a mandamus counsellor in 1774, a refugee, proscribed In 1778, died at Bath, England, June 17, 1816, aged eighty -nine. He married a daughter of Gov, Shirley ; his son. Dr. Shirley Erving, entered Harvard College in 1773, but bis education was cut short by the Revolution ; he be carae a respectable physician at Portland, Me., and died at Boston, July 7, 1813, aged fifty.five. The widow of Dr. Erving is stUl hving at Boston, aged eighty-two. She has two sons and one daughter ; the latter the wife of Rev. B, C, C. Parker, of the Epis copal church, JONATHAN SIMPSON, Jonathan Simpson graduated at Harvard College, 1772, son-in- law to John Borland, Carabridge ; was a refugee, proscribed in 1778 ; was a commissary of provisions in the British army, at Charleston, S, C, ; closed his days at Boston, December 7, 1804, aged eighty-two, RICHARD ROUTH. Hon. Richard Routh was collector of the customs at Salera ; married Abigail, a daughter of Wra. Eppes, Esq., Virginia, (a 494 biographical notices. granddaughter of Col, Benjamin Pickman, of Salem,) At the death of Mr, Eppes, which soon after occurred, his widow married Dr, Sylvester Gardner of Boston. Mr, Routh became a refugee, and was collector of the custoras for the island of Newfoundland, and subsequentiy its chief justice ; he died in 1801, His son. Sir Randolph Isham Routh, is comraissary-general to the British array in Canada ; another son, H, L. Routh, Esq,, is a merchant of high character in New-York ; others are engaged in commerce in dif ferent parts of Europe, DR. BYLES. Rev. Mather Byles, son of the Rev. Mather Byles, D. D., graduated at Harvard CoUege, 1751, was minister at New London, Conn., the desk of which was closed to him in 1768 ; he was then an Episcopal ralnister of Boston till the Revolution, when he was a refugee, and proscribed in the act of 1788. He died a rector at St, John's, New Brunswick, in March, 1814, The father of the Rev. Dr, Byles was a distinguished minister and loyalist of Boston ; and for his political principles was, during the violent times of 1777, separated from his people, to whom he was never afterwards united. In 1776, he was denounced in town meeting as inimical to his country, and obliged to enter into bonds for his appearance at a public trial before a special court, at which he M'as pronounced guilty, and sentenced to confinement on board a guard ship, and in forty days to be sent to England with his faraily. When brought before the board of war, by whom he was treated respectfully, his sentence seems to have been altered, and it was directed that he should be confined to his own house, and there guarded. After a few weeks the guard was removed ; a short time after, a guard was again placed over him, and again dismissed. Upon this occasion he observed, in his own raanner, that " he was guarded, reguarded, and disregarded." The substance of the charges against him was, that he continued in Boston with his family during the siege ; that he prayed for the king, and tjie safety of the town. He died July 5, 1788, aged eighty-two. Dr. Byles's first wife was a niece of Gov. Belcher, and his second, the daughter of Lieutenant Governor Taller. His literary merit intro duced him to the acquaintance of many men of genius in England ; biographical notices. 495 the names of Pope, Lansdown, and Watts are found among his correspondents. Pope sent him a copy of his Odyssey in quarto, and from Dr, Watts he received copies of his works as he published thera. Mr, Mather Brown, afterwards artist to the king, a grandson of Dr, Byles, erabarked for Europe in 1780, with a letter of intro duction frora his grandfather to Harrison Gray, Esq., London, a firm friend of the family. Mr, Copley had likewise Ipeen intiraate with Dr. Byles before he left Boston. An amusing little circumstance took place the morning after the birth of Mather Brown. Mr. Copley entered the house full of gaiety and animation, and after congratulating the faraily, requested to see the infant. The nurse brought it ; he caught it frora her arras and ran down stairs with it ; the nurse, not understanding the matter, followed him In great consternation, entreating for the chUd, When he reached the street door he laid it carefully on the mat, and left the house. It is to this circum stance that the following letter of introduction alludes, " A certain ancient gentleman in New England dictates the following words : " Boston, December 5, 1780, " My Dear Copley : ¦ " Do you forget your old connections 1 I ara always rejoicing to hear of your reputation and felicities, on your side of the water. You will, I ara very certain, be pleased to see the gray-eyed little boy (as you always called him, though his eyes were very black) that you left upon the entry-floor, at New Boston. See how tiraes have turned thera ! I raay not write, and need not say more to one [on whose friendship I have so firm a reliance." Here the old patriarch leaves off, " To Mr, Copley, in the solar system." His intention was first to go to France ; and Dr. Byles desired him immediately to call on Dr. Franklin, with whom he was well ac quainted. In a letter, dated Paris, 23, 1781, he writes : " Dr. Franklin has given rae a pass, and recoraraendatory let ters to the famous Mr, West. He treats me with the utmost po liteness ; has given me an invitation to his house, and shown me many new electrical machines and experiments ; one of which. 496 biographical notices. contrived for perpetual motion, greatly pleased me. I delivered him my grandfather's message ; he expressed himself with the greatest esteera and affection for hira, and has since introduced rae at Versailles, as being grandson to one of his most particular friends in America." In his first letter from London, 1781, he writes : " In consequence of the recommendation of Dr. Franklin, at Paris, who gave me letters to his fellow-townsman, the famous Mr, West, of PhUadelphia, I practise gratis with this gentleman, who affords me every encouragement, as well as Mr. Copley, who is particularly kind to me, welcomed me to his house and lent me his pictures, etc. At my arrival, Mr. Treasurer Gray carried me and introduced me to Lord George Germaine, who promised me his protection during ray stay." In a letter, 1783, he thus wrote : " I have exhibited four pic tures in the exhibition ; the king and queen were yesterday there," In 1784 : " I have painted several Araericans, Yesterday I had two pictures shown to his royal highness the Prince of Wales ; they were carried to his palace by his page. He criticised them, and thought them strong likenesses. I believe I never told you that the king knew a picture of mine, in the last exhibition, ofthe keeper of Windsor Castle, and took particular notice of Mr. Gray's picture; asked who it was, and who did it, and what book he had in his hand. Mr. West told him it was the treasurer of Boston painted by his pupU, a young man, Mr. Brown of America. The king asked what part. He told him Massachusetts," In 17S5, he writes : " Among other great people, I have painted Sir WUliara Pepperell and family, and the Hon. John Adams,' ambassador to his Britannic Majesty, On the 20th of June, I had the honor to be introduced to the Duke of Northuraberland at his palace ; his grace received rae with the utmost politeness." In a letter, 1786, he writes : " I have near a hundred pictures of my countryraen in my rooras, which are universally known ; Messrs. Adaras and Jefferson on one side of the roora, and on the other, Treasurer Gray and Sir William Pepperell," It may well be supposed that this intelligence rejoiced the hearts of his relatives in Boston. Dr, Byles added a postscript to one of his daughter Catharine's letters, in these words : " You will biographical notices, 497 be glad to see your grandfather's hand— my God, bless the lad!— There you see his heart." ROBERT TEMPLE, Robert Temple, Esq., of TenhUls, near Boston, was an elder brother of Sir John Teraple, baronet, the first consul general frora England to the United States. Mr, Robert Temple's eldest daugh ter married the Hon, Hans Blackwood, afterwards Lord Duflfrin; the second Temple Emmet, Esq,, and youngest died single. Mr. Temple died in England before 1783, and his death is noticed in the " list of exUes who died during the Revolution," published in the American Quarterly Review, 1841. SAMUEL H. SPARHAWK. Samuel HmsT Sparhawk, graduated at Harvard CoUege 1771, an addresser of Gov. Gage, and a refugee to England with his brothers Nathaniel and William, was the third son of Col, Nathan iel Sparhawk of Kittery, who married the only child of Sir Wil liam Pepperell, baronet, the hero of Louisburg in 1745, Mr, Sparhawk's brother William became heir to the estate and honors of his grandfather, having been created a baronet in 1774, The former died in Kittery, August 29, 1789, aged 38. STEPHEN GREENLEAF. Stephen Greenleaf, of Boston, an addresser of Gov, Hutchin son, May, 1774, and of Gov. Gage, in October, 1775, Was sheriff of Sufl!blk county. He died Jan, 26, 1795. COUNT RUMFORD, Sir Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford) was born- in Woburn, Massachusetts, in 1752, and while a clerk in the employment of Mr, John Appleton, merchant of Salera, first displayed his fondness for experimental philosophy, (when accidentally his face was somewhat marked by a pyrotechnlcal explosion,) in which he was afterwards a proficient under the professor of natural philosophy at Carabridge, and becarae a teacher. He made an advantageous marriage, and became a major of militia; was instrumental in preserving the library and philosophical apparatus when the col leges were converted into barracks ; as a loyalist he rendered im- 63 498 BIOORAFHICAI. NOTIOGS. portant services to tlie British generals, and was received by Lord George Germaine as under secretary in the office for colonial af fairs. Towards the close of the war he was sent to New- York, and raised a regiment of dragoons, of which he was the colonel. He commanded at Huntington, Long Island, in 178S-3, where he caused a fort to be erected in the church-yard, contrary to the wishes ofthe inhabitants. He returned to England in 1784, and received the honors of knighthood and becarae under-secretary of state. Subsequently, recommended by the prince of Deux Ponts (afterwards king oif Bavaria), he entered the service ofthe reigning elector pala tine and duke of Bavaria, where he effected many useful reforms, civil and mUitary ; among them a scheme for the suppression of mendicity, which he carried into execution at Munich and other places, providing labor for able-bodied paupers, and exciting a spirit of industry among tho poorer classes of people, for which he was rewarded by the sovereign of Bavaria with the commission of a lieut. general, several orders of knighthood, and created Count Rumford. He returned to England in 1799, and employed him self in making experiments on tho nature and application of heat and other subjects of economical and philosophical research. Ho suggested the plan and assisted in the foundation of the Royal In stitution. In 1802 he removed to Paris, and his wife being dead, he married the widow of the celebrated Lavoisier. He purchased a country house at Auteuil, about four mUes from Paris, and era- beUlshed the grounds. He died there in August, 1814, leaving only a daughter, the ofTspring of his first marriage in the United States. Besides a great number of communications in scientific journals, ho published four volumes of essays, political, eco nomical, experimental, and philosophical. In 1796 ho remitted five thousand dollars in three per cent, stocks, to the American Academy of Arte and Sciences j the income to be appropriated as a premium to the author of the most important discovery on light and heat. By his last will he laid the foundation of that professor ship to Harvard University, which has rendered his name justly esteemed with its friends. His useful and eventful life has been the subject of faithful history. He bequeathed an annuity of one thou sand dollars, and the reversion of another of four hundred dollars, also the reversion of his whole estate, which amounted to upwards BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 499 of twen^'Six thousand dollars, "for the purpose of founding a new institvition and professorship, in order to teach hy regular courses of acadeuitical and public lectures, accompanied with proper experiments, the utiUty of the physical and mathematical sdences for the impix>vement of the ustdTal arts, and for the ex tension of the industry, prosperity, happiness and weU-hong of THOMAS HUTCHINSON, JUN. Thomas HirrcHiNSos), Esq., eldest son of Got. Hutchinson, a merchant of Boston, and, vritii his brother Elisha, a consignee of a third of the East India Company's tea which was destroyed. He i^as a i«fugee, and proscribed in the act of 177S. He had been denounced in 1769, as a foreign importer, contrary to the agree ment of the Boston merchants. He had been a judge of the com mon pleas for Sufiblk, from 177^ to the commencement of the Rtn^olution, He died at Heavitree, near Exeter, England, in 1811, aged 81. WILLLVM CL.VEK. Rkv. "WitUAM CiARK, son of Rev. Peter Clark, of Salem Til lage (Danversj) graduated at Harvard College 1759 j -was the i^scopal minister of Quincy, from 1768 to 1777, -when, in conse- qu^kce of aidSng two dfetrtssed lo>-alists to an asylum, he was prosecuted as unpatriaUc. B«ng forcibly taken before tiiie revolu tionary tribitnal at Boston, and refosiug to swear all^iance to the > fgommonwealth, he was condemned to be trajosported to for^i pMte, and was immediately confined to a prison ship in the harbor. By the eIRwts of Dr. Ames, a xealous wh%, in his behalf, he was Hberated, aft» l^njj his health and speech. He went to Eng land, obtained a penaon. and «fted Nov. 4, 1S15. FRANCIS GREENE. Frajccis GkrcvTJ, Rq. of Boston, a merchant | graduated at Rnraid College 1760 ; a refi^ presaihed in tiie aw lady, by which he became ^^fother to two deaf anil dumb cMdren, and his interest in thon made him an au- thwj («]^ay on impardi^%>f«k to ttie Deaf and Dumb,'* Lon don, 17S3.) Some changes in the funcb reduced Kspitqpaty, and 500 biographical notices. in his last days he was dependent on his half pay as a British officer, having been at the capture of Havana in 1762. He died at his residence, Medford, AprU 21, 1809, aged 67, For the share he had in the farewell address to Gov, Hutchin son, he was beset when travelling in July, 1774, through Norwich and Windham, Connecticut, COL, BOELAND, John Lindall Borland, eldest son of John Borland, of Cam bridge, took to the profession of arms, after having graduated at Harvard College, 1772; and at his death in England, Nov. 16, 1825, he is styled a heut, colonel of his majesty's forces, Dr, Francis Borland, second son of J, Borland, Esq., of Cambridge, graduated at Harvard College, 1774, was a physician in Portsmouth, N. H., a few years ; died at Somerset, Bristol Co., Mass., 1826. COL. BROWNE. Hon. William Browne, governor of Bermuda, son of Samud Browne, Esq., of Salera, and a grandson of Gov. Burnet, graduated at Harvard College in 1755, He was colonel of the Essex regi ment, and succeeded Judge Ropes on the bench of the supreme court in 1774, for a short time. The provincial assembly urging their title to nominate to judicial and civil trusts, he was requested to resign that office, held under the royal seal, as also the honor of mandamus counsellor, to which he had been called by a county committee, which he contrived to evade. He was one of the sev enteen " rescinders" in 1768. In the several capacities of represent ative, colonel, counsellor and judge, he rendered himself obnoxious by adhering to governraent ; which was thus incidentally noticed in a newspaper, when he found it expedient to take refiige in Bos ton in the auturan of 1774 : " Agreeable to the advice of the respectable provincial con gress, the training band company of Lynn, being part of the first regiment in the county of Essex, formerly commanded by William Browne, Esq., {politically deceased of a pestilent and mortal disor der, and now buried in the ignominious ruins of Boston,) met on Monday, the 15th inst., for the purpose of choosing, etc, etc" Col. Browne was esteemed among the most opulent and benevo- biographical notices, 501 lent individuals of that province prior to the Revolution ; and so great was his popularity, that the gubernatorial chair was ofi"ered him by the " Committee of Safety" as an inducement for him to reraain and join the " sons of liberty." But he felt it a duty to ad here to government, even at the expense of his great landed estate, both in Massachusetts and Connecticut, the latter compri sing fourteen valuable farms, all which were afterwards confiscated. He went to England vi& Halifax, in April, 1776, and was gov ernor of Bermuda from 1781 to 1790, when he returned to Eng land, where he died in Percy-street, Westminster, Feb, 13, 1802, aged 65, Col, Browne married his cousin, a daughter of Gov, Wanton, of Rhode Island, and was doubly connected with the Winthrop famUy ; the wives of the elder Browne and Gov, Wanton being daughters of John Winthrop, F, R, S, great-grandson of the first governor of Massachusetts, who graduated at Harvard College in 1700, Col, Browne's son William was an officer in the British service at the siege of Gibraltar in 1784, JUDGE SMITH, Hon. William Smith, chief justice of the province of New- York, (his father of the same name, was an eminent lawyer and judge of New-York supreme court, died 22d Nov, 1769, aged 73,) was graduated at Yale College, 1745 ; was a loyalist in the Rev olution, and subsequently became chief justice of Canada, In 1757, he published a history of the province of New-York to 1732, to which the New-York Historical Society published a posthumous continuation to 1762, Govemeur Morris studied law with hira, as did also many other distinguished men. GOV, WENTWORTH, Sm John Wentworth, Baronet, governor of New Hampshne, was born in 1736 ; graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1755 ; was a son of Mark Hunking Wentworth, and nephew of Benning Went worth who was his imraediate predecessor in the gubernatorial chau. He was appointed to that office in 1767, and filled it to the satisfaction of all parties, tiU the coraraenceraent ofthe Revolu tion in 1775, when, being a loyalist, he took refuge on board a man-of-war in July, for Nova Scotia, and was appointed heut. 502' biographical notices, governor in 1792, Soon after he went to England and was cre ated a baronet, and was succeeded by Prevost of New Brunswick in 1808, He possessed a sound judgraent, liberal views, and a highly cultivated taste. He was the friend of learning and learned men. Dartraouth College was established during his administra tion, and flourished under his patronage. He ajways endeavored to promote the interest of the province, and through his influence its settleraents rapidly increased. He exerted hiraself to preserve the union between this country and Great Britain, but was obliged to yield to the spirit of the tiraes, and submit to a separation. He greatly promoted agricultural improvements. He erected a splen did mansion on his farm at Wolfsborough, on the border of Lake Winniplseogee. He died at Halifax, April 8, 1820, aged 83. He married the widow of Theodore Atkinson, jr., whose maiden narae was Frances Deering, in 1769. Portraits of Sir John and Lady Frances are preserved at Portsmouth, New Harapshire. JUDGE INGERSOLL. Hon. Jared Ingersoll, a judge of adralralty, was born in MU ford, Connecticut, in 1722, and graduated at Yale CoUege in 1742 ; settled as a lawyer in New Haven, and in 1757 was agent for the colony in England. He was appointed a distributor of stamps for Connecticut under the faraous stamp act, and thereby lost his pop-- ularity; the people corapelled hira to resign, August 24, 1765, which was soon after his return from England, but not deeming his resignation sufficiently explicit, a large number from the eastern part of Connecticut set off for New Haven, and meeting Mr. Inger sol at Weathersfield, compelled him to renounce the office and cry out "Liberty and property." The next day five hundred men escorted hira to Hartford. On being appointed adralralty judge for the middle district, about the year 1770, he removed to Philadelphia. In consequence of the Revolution he returned to New Haven, and died in August, 1781, in his 60th year, ELISHA HUTCHINSON, Elisha Hutchinson, Esq., second son of Gov, Hutchinson, graduated at Harvard College 1762. He was in company with biographical notices. 503 his eldest brother Thomas consignee of one third of the East India Company's tea, destroyed at Boston in 1773, He went to Eng land a refugee, in 1775; was proscribed in the banishment act of 1778, and resided in England tUl his death, which took place at the house of his son, Rev, John Hutchinson, Blurton parsonage, Trenthara, Suffolk, in 1824, at the age of 8 1, His brother WUliara Sanford Hutchinson, died of consumption in England, Feb. 20, 1780, aged 28. WILLIAM HUTCHINSON. William Hutchinson, Esq., nephew of Gov. Hutchinson, grad uated at Harvard College in 1762 ; was a refugee in 1775 ; and died Feb. 6, 1791, in Europe, aged 57, He was a king's counsel lor at the Bahamas, JOHN S, COPLEY, John Singleton Copley, Esq,, a distinguished historical painter, was born at Boston. His mother was a daughter of Gen. Wins low, and his sister the wife of Col, Henry Bromfield, who resided in London, 1775, He raarried a daughter of Richard Clarke, Esq., one of the consignees of the East India Corapany's tea ; and being an addresser of Gov, Hutchinson, was early a refugee loyalist. Mr, Copley visited Italy in 1774, and joined his wife and children in England in 1776, He resuraed his profession in the metropolis with unsurpassed success. His " Death of Chatham," " Defence of Gibraltar," and " Charles I, in the House of Coraraons," placed him among the first artists of the age. He died in the full exercise of his talent, suddenly, in 1815, Many of his superb portraits adorn the mansions and galleries of Massachusetts. His only sur viving son, Lord Lyndhurst, as distinguished in the legal profession as his father was as an artist, was born in Boston in 1772, and graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he distinguished himself, winning many prizes. In 1816 he was elected to parha ment. In 1819 became solicitor-general; in 1826, on the death of Lord Gifford, master of the rolls, and in 1827 lord high chan cellor of England, which honorable post he at present holds for the third time ; all of which offices he has fiUed with distinguished 504 biographical notices. abUity. He was raised to the peerage in 1827, and his armorial motto, " ultra pergere," may weU apply to his former career. A sister of Lord Lyndhurst married Gardner Greene, Esq. of Bos ton. REV. S, A, PETERS, Samuel A. Peters, D. D., an Episcopal clergyman, of Hebron, Connecticut, where he was born, December 12, 1735. He gradu ated at Yale College 1757. In consequence of loyal principles he was dismissed in 1774 firom his charge of the churches at Hebron and Hartford, and went a refugee to England. He remained abroad until 1805, when he retumed to New-York. In 1817 and 1818, he made a joumey to the west as far as the falls of St Anthony, claiming a laige territory under an Indian grant to Capt Jonathan Carver. He is the reputed author of a History of Connecticut, pub lished at London, in 1781. It is of a simUar starap with Knicker bocker's History of New-York, and does but httle credit to ifs author. Dr. Peters would never acknowledge the paternity of this work, but the fact is now weU established. He died at New- York, April 19, 1826, aged ninety. His reraains were entombed at He bron. Dr. Peters was chosen bishop of Vermont, whUe in Eng land, but did not accept the charge. He left one daughter, who accorapanied him in exUe, and mar ried Mr, Jarvis, afterwards secretary of the province of Upper Canada ; she is now living at Queenstown, Dr, Peters also left a son, who died of yeUow fever at New Orleans, where the eldest son of the latter now resides. TIMOTHY ORNE, Timothy Orne, Esq,, of Salem, graduated at Harvard College in 1768 ; became a merchant, and married a daughter of WUliam Pynchon, Esq. He died before 1791, MAJOR HAWLEY, Joseph Hawley, of Northampton, Massachusetts, was bom in 1724, was graduated at Yale CoUege, and possessed strong natural powers, improved by the study and practice of the law. He early biographical notices. 505 embarked in political life, and retired frora the assembly in 1776, with an influence seldora equalled, obtained not less by his great talents than his unsullied and unimpeachable integrity. His opin ions were followed almost implicitly, and the leaders in the assem bly despaired of carrying any raeasure to which he was opposed. At a time when the distresses ofthe war had produced disaffection, and a faction was organized in the western part of Massachusetts, in almost open resistance to the constituted authorities, he in duced nearly all to sign a humble petition to governraent, praying for an act of indemnity for the past, and promising future obe dience. Major Hawley declined all honors and employment when his popularity was at the highest, and thus formed an exaraple of those public spirited, generous citizens, (ready to share the perU and de cline the reward,) who illustrate the idea of a commonwealth, and who, through the obstruction of human passions and infirraities, being of rare occurrence, will always be the raost admired and no ble ornaraents of a free government. He was certainly a great man, and a thoroughly upright one; a disinterested patriot whose feehngs and convictions were in be half of freedom. He closed his earthly career at Northarapton, In 1788, at the age of sixty-four. R. CLARK. Richard Clark, Esq., of Boston, graduated at Harvard College In 1729, became an eminent merchant, and, with his sons, was con signee of a third of the East India Company's tea destroyed in Boston in 1773, on which account his house in School-street was assaulted. Went to London, where he arrived Deceraber 24, 1775. Was proscribed in the banishraent act of the assembly of Massa chusetts, October, 1778. He was one of the addressers of Gov. Gage on his departure from Massachusetts. He resided in London tlU his death, at the house of his son-in-law, John Singleton Copley, February 27, 1795, Mr, Clark was a pall-bearer at Gov. Hutch inson's funeral in 1780. Jonathan, his son and partner, who accompanied his father, returned to America after the peace, and resided in Canada. 64 506 biographical notices. T, FLUCKER, Thomas Flucker, Esq., secretary of Massachusetts 1771, on the promotion of Mr. Oliver to be lieutenant governor; was a refugee, and passed his remaining days in London, where he died, February 16, 1783. His son Thomas graduated at Harvard Col lie, 1773, was a lieutenant in the 60th British regiment. His daughter was the wife of Maj. Gen. Henry Knox, of the revolu tionary army, and afterwEurds secretary at war. S. SEWALL. Samuel Sewall, Esq., the friend of Attorney General Jonathan Sewall, in exUe, was a great-grandson of Ch. Justice Samuel SewaU, and grandson of Samuel Sewall, Esq., of Brookline, who married Rebecca Dudley, a daughter of the governor. His father was Henry Sewall, Esq., of Brookline; a gentleman much respected, who died there in 177 1, aged fifty-two years. This son Samuel, born December 31, 1745, graduated at Harvard CoUege 1761, lived unmarried a counsellor at law in Boston ; was an " addresser" of Gov, Hutchinson and Gov. Gage ; left for England in 1775, was proscribed in the banishment act of September, 1778 ; passed the re mainder of his life in England, and died at Bristol, May 6, 1811, aged sixty-six years. His large estate in Brookline, inherited in right of his mother, was forfeited, HARRISON GRAY. Harbison Gray, Esq,, receiver-general of Massachusetts, was born at Boston, and bred a merchant His patrimonial inher itance, aided by industry, enabled him to acquire a handsome for tune. In June, 1753, he was chosen treasurer of the province by the general court, and continued in that office tiU October, 1774. He adhered to government from the beginning of the controversy, but the moderation of his conduct, his superior fitness for the office, and the confidence in his integrity, secured him public favor through the stormy period which commenced soon after his first election, and continued until his appointment to and acceptance of the office of mandamus counsellor in 1774. But this was an unpardonable offisnce in the eyes of the sons of liberty. It was, however, unsoli- biographical notices, 507 cited, unexpected, and accepted with great reluctance, being stren uously pressed upon him by the leaders of the loyalist party ; and as most of those who had been appointed his colleagues, living in the country, were compelled by popular excitement to dechne the office, he was led to believe that residing In Boston, then garrisoned by an army, he had no such apology for shrinking from the service, aad accordingly sacrificed Inclination to a conscientious sense of duty. In October, 1774, the royal government being ended in fact, the provincial congress resolved, " that no more taxes be paid to him," and soon after raade choice of Henry Gardner for his suc cessor. This authority he could not be expected to recognise ; he therefore retained the books and files at his office, till the evacuation by the British troops, and then left them in exeraplary order ; they are still in the public archives of Massachusetts, and show the mo del of a faithful state treasurer. He might perhaps have been jus tified in retaining a lien upon these as a security against loss and damage to a very valuable real and personal estate which he left, and which was soon after confiscated ; but his high sense of official duty forbade his recourse to any such precaution, and he withdrew frora a country which he loved not less than did those who stayed at home, taking nothing which belonged to the public ; but being himself a creditor to many of the principal persons araong the sons of liberty, at the head of whora was John Hancock, who owed him a large-sum for borrowed money, no part of which would he pay in his llfetirae, and of which a sraall part only was received frora his executors. When the British fleet retired frora Boston, Mr. Gray, urged by a sense of duty, with the raale members of his family tore himself away from his adored and only daughter, Mrs. S. A. Otis, and went to England, where he hved to a great age upon a small pension from the British government. Perhaps no man among the many excellent persons who went into exile at that time, was more beloved and regretted by his po litical enemies ; for a more genuine model of nature's nobleman never lived. J. FISHER. John Fisheu, Esq,, collector of Salem in 1768, a brother-in-law of Gov. Wentworth, of New Hampshire ; a refugee, he was employed 508 biographical notices. as secretary to Lord George Germaine, the American secretary, on the departure of Mr. Thompson (Count Rumford) to America, in which office he was succeeded by Mr, Adam Woolridge in 1781. E, OXNARD, Edward Oxnard, Esq,, graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1767 ; afterwards a merchant at Falmouth, (Portland,) Maine, and a tem porary reader at the Episcopal church at that place, from the de parture of Mr. Wiswall in Alay, 1775, to theburnmg of the town. He was a refugee during the contest ; was proscribed in the ban ishment act in 1778, and retumed at the close of the Revolution, and again embarked in commercial pursuits. He died July 2, 1803. JUDGE BLISS. Hon, Jonathan Bliss was born at Springfield, which he repre sented in the assembly of Massachusetts. He graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1763, and attended Lord Percy to Concord on the 19th April, 1775 ; was a proscribed refiigee by the banishment act of 1778 ; he had been one of the " rescinders" in Grov. Bernard's ad ministration. He married a daughter of Col, John Worthington, of Springfield, a loyalist; another daughter married the Hon. Fisher Ames. He became chief justice of New Brunswick, Ins as sociates, being Ward Chipman, and Edward Winslow, refugees, and sons of Harvard, He died at Fredericton, N. B., 1822, aged eighty years. GENERAL RUGGLES. Timothy Ruggles, born in Rochester, Massachusetts, Oct 1711, eldest son of Rev. Timothy Ruggles, of that place, graduated at Harvard College, 1732, and soon after comraenced the study of the law. He represented his native town in the provincial assembly at the age of twenty-five, and procured the passage of an act stUl in force, prohibitung sheriffs from filling writs. He practised some years in Rochester, when he removed to Sandwich, His reputation was so great that he was early and frequently employed in the ad joining counties of Barnstable and Bristol, and was the principal antagonist of Col. Otis in causes of importance. He occasionally attended the courts in Worcester early in his professional career. He removed to Hardwick as early as 1763. In 1757 he was ap- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 509 pointed judge, and in 1762 chief justice of the common pleas, which he held till the Revolution. He was also surveyor-general of the king's forests, an office of profit, attended with but little labor. Besides professional employraent, he was engaged in military and political occupations. In 1756, he was a colonel in the army un der Sir William Johnson, in the expedition against Crown Point. In September of the same year, he was next in comraand to John son at the battle of Lake Geerge, where the French array, under Baron Dieskau, met a signal defeat. He was actively engaged in the campaigns of 1756-'57, and in the following year, with the comraission of brigadier-general, was under Lord Amherst, and served with him in his expedition against Canada In 1759-'60. Gen. Ruggles was speaker of the provincial assembly in 1762-'63. In consequence of the grievous exaction of the British government, delegates were chosen by the legislature to meet the delegates from the other colonies at New-York, to seek out some public relief from imraediate and threatened evils, by a representa tion of their sufferings to the king and parliaraent. Gen. Ruggles was chosen as one of the delegates on the part of Massachusetts, and was president of that celebrated congress of distinguished raen from nine of the colonies. At this meeting, October 19, 1765, an address to the king was voted, and certain resolves framed, setting forth the rights of the colonies, and clairaing an entire exemption from all taxes, excepting those imposed by the local assemblies. Gen. Ruggles refused his concurrence in the proceedings, for which he was censured by the house of representatives, and was repri manded by the speaker in his place. Hutchinson says, when he consented to be a delegate, he expected nothing more would be required of him than was expressed in the vote of the asserably, and left the house in order to prepare for his journey ; that after wards, on learning that the house had voted to instruct the dele gates to insist upon the exclusive right of the colonies to tax themselves, he determined not to serve, but was finaUy prevailed with by his friends. In 1774, he was made mandamus counsellor, accepted and was qualified. Continuing firm in his adherence to the loyalist party, with whom were all his predilections, he was compeUed to leave the country, and all his large estates were con fiscated. He remained in Boston during the siege; afterwards 510 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. spent a few months on Long Island, and then went to Nova Scotia, where he died in 1798, aged 87. Few in the province were more distinguished, and few more severely dealt with in the bitter con troversies preceding the Revolution ; as a military officer he was distinguished for cool bravery and excellent judgment and science in the art of war, and no provincial officer was held in higher esteera for those qualities. His appearance was comraanding and dignified, being much above the comraon size ; his wit ready and brilliant ; his raind clear, coraprehensive and penetrating ; his judgraent was profound, and his knowledge extensive. His abUi ties as a public speaker placed hira araong the first of his day ; and had he been so fortunate as to erabrace the popular sentiraents of the tiraes, there is no doubt he would have been ranked among the leading characters of the Revolution. D. OLIVER. Daniel Oliver, Esq., son of Chief Justice Peter Oliver, a learned and accomplished lawyer of Worcester county, graduated at Harvard College in 1762. A refugee loyalist ofthe Revolution, he died at Ashted, Warwickshire, May 6, 1826, aged 82. His father was an antiquarian, and copied with his own hand Hub bard's raanuscript History of New England, which the son refused the loan of to the Massachusetts Historical Society for publication in their Collections. MAJOR BRATTLE. Thomas Brattle, graduated at Harvard College in 1760 ; an absentee, proscribed in the act of 1778 ; long after his return from England, he remained at Newport, R. I., his fate being in suspense. He finally recovered his confiscated house and grounds at Cam bridge ; he died Feb, 7, 1801, aged 59. SAMUEL PORTER. Samuel Porter, Esq., an eminent attorney at law, of Salem, Massachusetts; graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1763; an ad dresser of Gov. Hutchinson in 1774, and a refugee to England ; was proscribed in the banishment act of 1778, and died in London, June, 1798. biographical notices, 511 DR. AUCHMUTY. Rev! Samuel Auchmuty, D. D., brother of Robert Auchrauty, Esq., of Boston, graduated at Harvard College in 1742 ; was rector of Trinity church, New-York. The degree of D. D. was con ferred on hira by Oxford University ; he died March 3, 1777. His son, Sir Samuel Auchrauty, G, C, B., a lleut. general in the British army, died in 1822. JUDGE AUCHMUTY. Hon. Robert Auchmuty, of Boston, judge of the admiralty court in 1768 ; was a brother of the Rev, Dr, Samuel Auchrauty, rector of Trinity church, New- York, who died in 1777. Their father was also a judge of the adralralty court. The son appeared once after his appointraent, says Eliot, in defence of Captain Preston and his soldiers, and his argument was described as so memorable and per suasive, " as almost to bear down the tide of prejudice against him, though it never swelled to a higher flood." He was a zealous loyalist, and died in England ; he wrote some of the obnoxious letters to Mr. Whately, surreptitiously obtained with those of the governor and others. REV. J. TROUTBECK. John Troutbeck was assistant minister at King's chapel, Bos ton ; a refugee, he died in exile some time before Noveraber, 1783. DR. OLIVER. Peter Oliver, of Salem, third son of Lieut. Governor Andrew Oliver, a refugee, was driven into Boston in 1775 ; signed the ad dress to Gov, Gage ; died in London, AprU 4, 1795 ; surgeon in the British army. His widow, (daughter of Col. Peter Frye), M-as afterwards married to Admiral Sir John Knight, and died at her seat at CamberweU near London. REV. J. WISWALL. John Wiswall, son ofthe graramar school master of Boston ofthe same narae, graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1749, and was the first minister of the first Episcopal church at Portiand, Maine, in 1764. When Capt. Mowatt's little squadron lay in the harbor, April, 1775, to which the town (then caUed Falmouth) shortly 512 biographical notices. after owed its destruction, Mr. WiswaU's intiraacy as well as that of sorae other citizens with its officers, procured his arrest and close exaraination by the coraraittee of safety. In May he left his people and the place, and never returned. He was proscribed in the banishraent act of 1778. Mr. WiswaU was a curate at Oxford, in 1781. After the peace he came to Nova Scotia, and was in duced at their urgent request to take charge of a portion of his former flock, with other emigrants from the United States gathered at Cornwallis in that province. COLONEL PICKMAN. Benjamin Pickman, Esq, was born at Salem m 1740; graduated at Harvard College in 1759, He was a merchant in early life, a representative of the provincial assembly, and commandant of the first regiment of Essex county. He did not take a popular view of the subject of revolution, but left the country at the commencement of it, and consequently was proscribed, and his estate included in the confiscation act ; but after his return from England a portion of it was recovered, not however without much difficulty. Col. Pickman married a daughter of Dr, Toppan of Boston, and died at his native place in April, 1819, aged 79. He was a son of the Col. Pickman who died at Salem, in 1773, aged 66 ; a member of the provincial council and judge of the comraon pleas, whose sisters married Curwen, Ward, and Ropes, the father of Judge Ropes, and whose brother Samuel was governor of Tortola. The first mentioned Col. Pickman left a number of children. The late Dr, Thomas Pickman, who graduated at Harvard College in 1791, was one, whose first wife was a daughter of Jonathan Haraden, Esq,, a distinguished naval commander during the Revo lution, on the side of America ; and after her death. Miss Palmer, granddaughter of Hon, Joseph Palmer, president of the Massachusetts provincial congress of 1776. WUliam Pickman, Esq., another son, resides in Salem ; and Col, Benjamin Pickman, who graduated at Harvard College in 1784, and immediately com menced his travels by the way of England, He married a daughter of Ehas Hasket Derby, Esq, ; was extensively and suc cessfully engaged in comraerce ; represented Essex south district in congress ; and for several years the county, in the senate of the state. His phUanthropy was unbounded, and Salem has sustained biographical notices, 513 a great loss by his removal to Boston, to reside with the widow of his son Col, Benjamin T, Pickman, late president ofthe senate of Massachusetts ;— she is a niece of the Rev, Isaac Sraith, so often referred to in the body of this work. It is a remarkable coincidence, that of four successive genera tions, the eldest sons bearing the sarae name have been colonels, and three of them in command of the same regiraent. The last mentioned was for several years at Exeter academy, and com pleted a coraraercial education in the counting-house of Messrs, P. and H, Le Mesurier and Co., of London, preparatory to establish ing himself in mercantUe business at Boston. He was an aid-de camp of Gov. Brooks ; and like all his above-mentioned ancestors, possessed a great share of public spirit, and a dignity and elegance of manner rarely attained ; his many virtues array themselves be fore the writer on every recollection of the friend of his youth. COL. FRYE. Peter Frye, Esq., of Salem, was born in Andover, and gradu ated at Harvard College in 1744. He was a judge of the coraraou pleas and register of probate for Essex county, and colonel of the first regiment He was for several successive years a repre sentative in the provincial assembly, and was one of the seventeen noted " rescinders' in February, 1768 ; a term of reproach applied to the minority, whose votes sustained Gov. Bernard in his demand that an obnoxious vote be rescinded, at the Earl of HUlsborough's request. In the event of refusal he was durected to dissolve the assembly. The vote repelling the demand was 92 to 17, Col, Frye adhered to government, and was a refugee in 1775. He married a daughter of Col, Pickman, of Salem, His daughter Love married Dr, Peter Oliver, and afterwards Admiral Sir John Knight, K, C, B,, and died at her seat at CamberweU, near Lon don in 1839, Col, Frye died also at the residence of his daugh ter, on the 1st of February, 1820, aged 97. He was included among the banished by law in September, 1778. SAMUEL WATERHOUSE. « Samuel Waterhouse, Esq,, was appointed coUector of the cus toms for Boston, in 1772 ; a loyalist in 1775 j he retreated to PhUa- 65 514 biographical notices. delphia soon after the battle of Lexington ; was an absentee, and included in the proscription act of September, 1778. JUDGE PUTNAM. Hon. James Putnam, born in 1725, in the part of Salem now caUed Danvers, was a relative of the distinguished patriot General Israel Putnam ; he graduated at Harvard College in 1746 ; studied law with Judge Trowbridge, who was ever his friend and associ ate. He comraenced practice at Worcester, where his office was soon thronged with clients, whose confidence he ever retained. He becarae eminent as a well-read lawyer, skilful in pleading and safe in counsel. He was appointed attorney-general of the prov ince when Jonathan Sewall was raised to the bench of the court of admiralty, and was the last under the provincial government, Putnara was a firm and zealous loyalist, and took refuge in Bos ton, accompanied the British army to New-York, thence to Halifax, where he embarked for England in 1776, On the organization of the governraent of the province of New Brunswick in 1783, he was appointed a raember of his majesty's counsel, and a judge of the superior court. He resided in the city of St. John's, and continued in office till his death, which occurred 23d Oct, 1789. He was stern as a judge, but patient and inflexibly just. Re served in private life, his wit and humor were irresistible. It was said (to Charles S, Putnam, Esq., of Fredericton, a descendant) by a suc cessor on the bench, that he was " an unerring lawyer, never astray, and I am inclined to think, the best lawyer in JVorth America." DR. RUSSELL. Dr, Charles Russell, son of Hon. James Russell, of Charles town, succeeded to his uncle Judge Chambers Russell's estate at Lincoln ; graduated at Harvard College, 1757 ; married Elizabeth, only child of Col. Henry Vassall, of Cambridge ; sailed for Mar tinique in April, 1775 ; was proscribed in the Massachusetts ban ishment act of 1778 ; was a physician at Antigua, where he died in 1780. biographical notices, 515 JOHN VASSALL, John Vassall, Esq., Cambridge, graduated at Harvard College 1757 [son of Col, John VassaU, who graduated in 1732] ; the noble mansion he buUt became Washington's head-quarters in 1775-6, He lived in princely style there, but, having taken a very active part to uphold the royal cause in vain, he resigned all to the ravagers ; and large estates being still left to him in Jamaica, went with his family to England, His loyalty went so far that he would not use on his arms the family motto, " sape pro rege, semper pro repub- lica." Of his four sons, Spencer, the eldest, rose to be a lieut colonel in his majesty's service, and his gallantry at the assault on Monte Video, where he fell, Feb., 1807, won for him abundant praise. He was proscribed by the Massachusetts assembly in the ban ishraent act, Sept., 1778 ; and died at Clifton, England, October 2d, 1797, aged 60, imraedlately after rising from a hearty dinner. His widow died there, March 31, 1807, LIEUT. GOV. T. OLIVER. Hon. Thomas Oliver, the last colonial lieut. governor of Mas sachusetts, a native of Dorchester, graduated at Harvard CoUege 1753. In 1774 he was made lieut. governor, as well as manda mus counseUor, but his life had been previously so retired, and his habits and tastes so much in unison, as to give some color to the rumor of the day, that Thomas had been mistaken for Peter (the chief justice) in making out the comraission. He is spoken of by the few who reraeraber hira, as a raodel of affability and courtesy. He married a daughter of Col, John Vassall ; built and occupied the elegant mansion in Cambridge, long the residence since of Gov, Gerry, Col, Oliver was a refugee, and included in the proscription act of September, 1778, He died at Bristol, England, Nov, 29, 1815 aged 82, He was a man of letters, and lived in the shades of retirement whUe he was in Europe, CAPT, POYNTON. Thomas Poynton, of Salem, Massachusetts. His windows were broken by the mob, because he refused to recant for addressing Gov, Hutchinson ; retreated to England in 1775, where he died, T. DANFORTH. Thomas Danforth, Esq., son of Judge Danforth, of Cambridge, 516 biographical notices. where he graduated in 1762 ; pursued the profession of the law at Charlestown till the Revolution, when he became a refugee. He ended his course in London, April,. 1820, where he practised many years in his profession. He was proscribed in the act of Massachu setts, Sept., 1778. CHIEF JUSTICE OLIVER. Hon. Peter Oliver, LL. D., chief justice of Massachusetts, and brother of Lieut. Governor Andrew Oliver. Their father was the Hon. Daniel Oliver, of Boston, a meraber of the council, distin guished alike for his piety, public spirit and phUanthropy. Judge Oliver was born in 1713, and graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1730. He was appointed to the supreme bench of the province September 15, 1756. His residence was at Middleborough. On the appeal made to the judges by the general assembly in Febru ary, 1774, whether they had received any part of their allowance from the king, he alone of all the judges dared to brave popular sentiment, and answered that he " had accepted the king's bounty, and could not refuse it in future without royal permission." This caused the concentrated weight of indignation to fall upon him. The assembly voted that he had rendered himself obnoxious to the people as an enemy, and immediately presented a petition for his removal. Articles of impeachment for high crimes and misde meanors were exhibited, which Gov. Hutchinson refused to coun tenance. The grand jury at Worcester, on the 19th of April fol lowing, presented to the court a written refusal to serve under the chief justice, considering it Ulegal for him to preside until brought to answer to the above-mentioned charges. He became a refugee in 1775, and died at Birmingham, England, in October, 1791, aged 79, His son Peter died at Shrewsbury, England, in 1822, aged 81, JUDGE RUSSELL. Hon. Chambers Russell, son of Hon. Daniel RusseU, of Charles town, Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College in 1731, Was a representative from Lincoln in the legislature ; afterwards a judge of the supreme court of Massachusetts, from 1752 to 1761 ; also a judge of admiralty. He died Nov. 24, 1767, aged 54, in London, whither he went in pursuit of health. biographical notices, 517 DR. LLOYD. James Lloyd, M. D., was born at Lloyd's Neck, Long Island, (New-York,) in 1728 ; a son of Henry and grandson of Jaraes Lloyd of Boston, who died there in 1693. At the age of seventeen he removed to Boston, where his two elder brothers were settied; one of them was agent of purchases for the British government, and held the office at the coraraenceraent of the Revolution. Here he coramenced the study of medicine under Dr. Clarke, and after completing his studies in Paris, he commenced practice in 1752. He was soon after surgeon of the garrison in Castie WiUiam in Boston harbor, and was in extensive practice in the town and vicinity, before the arrival of the troops in 1775, under comraand of Sir WUham Howe, who sought out and renewed his acquaint ance with Dr. Lloyd, his forraer physician. Sir WiUiam and Earl Percy became his tenants, having rented an adjoining estate (late Gardner Green, Esq.'s) then under his care, belonging to his relative Mr. Vassall. Iraraersed in the labors of his profession, and interfering no fur ther in politics than an expression of his sentiments ; not theorizing as to the future, and seeing the country at large generally happy and increasing, it is not surprising that with raany other patriotic men, Dr. Lloyd should have thought that the time for final separa tion from the mother country had not arrived, and that a course less decisive might have procured a redress of grievances without passing through the hazards of a revolution. Events may have proved the errors of these opinions, but as the results of an honest independence of judgment, they were never disguised by Dr. Lloyd. He was an addresser of Gov. Gage in 1775, and consequently a loyalist, though never molested. In 1785 he protested against the alteration of the liturgy at King's Chapel, Boston. He died at Boston in March, 1810, " full of years and full of honors ; an orna ment to his profession, an example to his survivors, with the esteem of all who knew hira, and the blessing of those ready to perish." He left a daughter, Mrs. Sarah Borland, relict of Leonard Vassall Boriand, and a son worthy of such a father, the late Hon. James Lloyd, LL. D., who for many years represented Massachusetts in the senate of the United States. 518 biographical notices, F, WALDO, Francis Waldo, second son of General Waldo of Portland, Maine ; he was a representative of Falmouth, now Portland, in 1761-2, and the first collector of that port. He graduated at Har vard College in 1747 ; was a refugee in 1775, and died in Kent, England, May 9, 1784. B. HALLOWELL, Benjamin Hallowell, Esq., a comptroller of the customs, Bos ton, but resided at Medford; went to England a refugee ; at the peace returned to America and resided in Canada, where his daughter married Chief Justice Elrasly, and now resides at Toronto, a widow, with her son and daughter,D. BLISS. Daniel Bliss, Esq., eldest son of Rev. Samuel Bliss, of Con cord, born in 1740 ; graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1760 ; stud ied law with Abel WUlard, Esq., and was admitted to the bar May, 1765, He married a daughter of Col, John Murray, of Rut land. He had a high standing at the bar, being well versed in his profession, and enjoying a good reputation as a general scholar, and as a man of high moral and religious principle. He was early imbued with principles favorable to the prerogative; but was never a bitter, nor even a warm partisan. He was urged to join the popular party, but his oath of aUegiance awakened scruples of con science, and his family ties, friendship, and society, gave force to his objections. He repaired to Boston with his family a few days before the comraencement of hostilities, and thence with the British troops to Quebec. He was appointed commissary ofthe army, and for not making use of the facilities and opportunities which the office afforded for speculation, all he got for his honesty was, as he told a friend, to be laughed at by the British officers. At the close of the war, he settled at Fredericton, New Brunswick, where he .sustained the office of chief justice of the inferior court, and resided tUl the time of his death in 1806, He revisited his native state, and would gladly have spent his days there in the midst of his early associations, but the decree of gov ernment was an effectual barrier to it. biographical notices. 519 He possessed an active and sprightly raind, with great fluency and fascination in conversation. Of his sons, the elder, in the British army, resides in Ireland; the younger, John Murray Bliss, is a distinguished judge in New Brunswick. COL. UPHAM. Joshua Upham, Esq., the son of Dr. Upham, of Brookfield, was born in that town in 1741. He was graduated at Harvard Univer sity in 1763,* in a class with several who afterwards acted impor tant parts on the general stage. One of the first woollen factories ever attempted in this country he established in 1768, at Brookfield. On finishing his professional studies, he was adraitted to the bar in Worcester, August, 1765. He comraenced practice in his native town, and pursued his business with successful assiduity in the courts, till 1776, or the following year. He removed from Brookfield to Boston, where he resided till 1778, and thence to New-York, where he continued during the remainder of the war, WhUe in New- York he was aid-de-camp to Sir Guy Carleton, and before he left the British army, became a colonel of dragoons. On the organization of the government of the province of New Brunswick, in 1784, Upham, who had been one of the first settlers , there, returned to his favorite science, the law. He was appointed judge of the highest court in the province, and sustained the impor tant and responsible duties of his office with industry and ability. In 1807, he was selected by his brethren on the bench to visit England, for the purpose of obtaining from the government a more perfect organization and arrangement of the judiciary in the British American provinces. He fully succeeded in the object of his ap pointment, but did not live to return to his country. He died in London in the year ISOS.f While in London, he enjoyed the » The late Timothy Pickering was his class-mate and room-mate. Their early friendship survived the bitter and hostile spirit that grew up inter partes iu the revolutionary war. On the return of peace, they renewed their cor respondence, which is said to have been of an affectionate and delightful character. t He was buried in the church of Mary-le-bone. Judge Upham was twice married. His first wife was a daughter of Col. Murray of Rutland ; and the second a daughter of Hon. Joshua Chandler, of New- Haven. 520 biographical notices. friendship of Mr. Palmer, who afterwards bequeathed his valuable library to our university, of Sir John Wentworth, Sir William Pepperell, Lord Dorchester, and Mr. Percival.* Judge Upham held a high rank as counsellor and advocate ; he had a great comraand of language ; not a raere flow of words, but the music and harmony of arrangement and style ; the well of English undefiled, and adorned with classical elegance. He pos sessed, in a remarkable degree, that rare talent, fine powers of conversation, of which Lord Bacon laid down the true rule, and indulged occasionally in a happy vein of satire. With brUliancy and witjf he united many virtues, and a sound judgment " The prevaUing excellence of his character," to use the words of one who fondly cherishes his memory, " was a benignity of spirit, which seemed to affect the exercises of his intellect, as well as of his affections."Judge Upham w^s pleasing in his person and address, while he was imbued with all that grace which comes before education, and which education can hardly bestow. Like Bliss, he was of that peculiar class of the old school of manners, of which, pro bably, even the youngest araong us have seen some surviving specimens. COL. WILLARD. Abijah Willard, of that part of Lancaster now called Har vard, Worcester county, Massachusetts, where he was born in 1722 ; was appointed one of the mandamus counsellors, took re fuge at Brooklyn, Long Island, and at the close of the war settled at Lancaster in New Brunswick, where he died, in May, 1789, aged 67. His family returned to Lancaster, Massachusetts, after * Mr. Percival, then prime minister, a fewdays before he was assassinated, sent to the son of Judge Upham £100 sterling to assist him in his education. This son is the Rev. Charles W. Upham, now of Salem, Massachusetts, well known by his historical writings. t Major Garden, in his interesting volume of anecdotes ofthe war in the southern department, relates an anecdote of Upham that may well be intro duced here. The British troops, it will be recollected, were in red, and the American in blue uniforms, " About the period of the final departure of the British from New- York, an excellent repartee made by Major Upham, aid- de-camp to Sir Guy Carleton, to Miss Susan Livingston, has been much cele- biographical notices. 521 his death. A son and daughter are now living at the homestead ; the daughter was the second wife, and is now the widow of the Hon. Benjarain Goodhue, late senator in Congress frora Massachu setts. Mr. Willard was in the array in different grades, frora the taking of Louisburg to the peace of 1763. He was at the taking of Quebec, where he coraraanded a regiraent, and what is sorae- what reraarkable, he raised his regiraent in thirty., days, and was ready to raarch for the reduction of Canada under Loid Amherst. There were few in his station that did raore for his country than he, in civil or military capacity, until 1775, when the troubles with the mother country comraenced. He was the first person perse cuted for his loyalty in America, which induced him to reside under the British government the remainder of his life. He never bore arms against America ; though offered a colonel's comraission by Gen. Howe, he refused, saying, " he would never fight against his country." He was coraraissary to the British troops at New- York, and rauch ridiculed by the officers for accounting to the governraent for various iteras that loose commissaries had habitu ally appropriated to their own use as perquisites, ABEL WILLARD, Abel Willard, Esq., the earliest lawyer In the north part of Worcester county, was the son of Col. Sarauel Willard, of Lancas ter, who for some years was one ofthe judges of the court of common pleas. The son was born at Lancaster, Jan. 12, 1732, graduated at Harvard University in 1752, and studied law in Boston, with Benjamin Pratt, the distinguished scholar and jurist, well known at that period. He was adraitted to the bar in Worcester, Novem ber term, 1755 ; he at once went into extensive business in his native town, and devoted his tirae and opportunities to the profes sion till the period of the Revolution. His talents were quite respectable ; he was regarded as a sound jurist, and much rehance brated. 'In mercy, major,' said Miss Livingston, " use your influence with the commander-in-chief to accelerate the evacuation of the city ; for, among your incarcerated belles, your meschianza princesses, the scarlet feter must continue to rage till your departure.' ' I should studiously second your wishes,' replied the major, ' were I not apprehensive that, freed from the prevailing malady, a worse would follow, and that they would be immediately tormented with the blue devils.' " 66 522 biographical notices. was placed upon his opinion. No one was ever a greater bene factor in the neighborhood in which he lived ; instead of fomenting quarrels, and lending himself to the complaint of every one who might come to him with a list of grievances, he did all in his power to check the angry passions of clients, and promote peace. He would. frequently accompany a client to the party complained of, and succeed in reconciling their differences. Indeed, so far did he overcome the prejudices of the many, then entertained against the profession, that he was eraphatically terraed the honest lawyer. Willard possessed that true modesty that ever marks the ingenuous mind ; and, although of a cast of character approaching somewhat to timidity, he was full of moral courage, of stern integrity, and unyielding purity of principle. In his person he was tall and of good figure. In his disposition he was mUd and concihating, and his good qualities were marked in his benignant expression. In September, 1770, he formed a partnership in his profession with the late Judge Sprague, of Lancaster, which is believed to have been the earliest connection of the kind in the county of Worcester, He might have remained in that town in peace and respect, and indeed with high personal consideration, during the invading bitterness and the easily adopted suspicions and preju dices of our revolutionary struggle ; but, alarmed at the approach ing tempest, and with many others believing that it would overwhelm every thing in its course, he resorted to Boston during the impending danger, when the character of the contest became at once fixed, and it was impossible again to pass the dividing line. He left the country during the war, and died in England, Nov, 1781, His widow* survived him, and died in Boston but a few years since. Col, Abijah Willard, before noticed, was his bro ther, RUFUS CHANDLER. RtJFus Chandler, Esq., the son of Col. John Chandler, was born at Worcester, May 18, 1747, He was fitted for coUege by the Rev, Mr, Harrington, of Lancaster, and graduated at the uni- * A daughter ofthe late Rev, Daniel Rogers of Littleton ; another daughter was the wife of Samuel Parkman, Esq., of Boston, and Rev. Jonathan New. hall of Stow. — Address of J, Willard at Worcester, 1829. biographical notices, 523 versify in Cambridge in 1766 ; he comraenced the study of the law with James Putnara, and was admitted to the bar Nov. term, 1768, From that time till the closing of the courts in 1774, he continued In the profession at Worcester. Like most of the influ ential family of his name, who had had extensive and almost unbounded sway in that county ab primo origine, he adhered to the royal party, and left the country during the war. He ever after wards resided in London as a private gentleraan, till his death, October 11th, 1823 ; he was proscribed by the act of 1778, He was not distinguished for eloquence, nor for great intellectual power, but he held a respectable rank in his profession, and gained much praise in the practical parts of his business ; and for his neat ness, accuracy, and punctuality as an office lawyer. His fidelity to his clients insured him their esteera, and a very considerable araount of business. Through life he observed the strictest rules of econoray, the rather from a regard for such as had a right to his aid, than from any love of money for its own sake. In his per sonal habits he was remarkably precise ; he was the nice raan ; he possessed great moral worth and purity, and a conciliating dis position.* COMMODORE LORING. Joshua Loring, of Dorchester, Mass,, was one of the five com missioners of the revenue, and proscribed in the act of 1778 ; his son Benjamin, who graduated at Harvard College in 1772, was an absentee, but not proscribed ; his eldest son, Joshua Loring, jr., was an addresser of Gov, Gage, and proscribed in 1778, — Commo dore Loring died an exUe, in 1781, ISAAC ROYALL. Hon, Isaac Royall, of Medford, was remarked by everyone for his timidity ; he halted between two opinions respecting the Revo lution, until the cannonading at Lexington drove him to Newbury port, where he embarked for Europe, He was a proscribed refugee, and his estate, since that of Jacob Tldd, Esq,, was confiscated. He died of sraaU pox in England, Oct. 1781. His bounty laid the first professorship of law at Cambridge, and a legacy of plate to the first * See Mr. Willard's Worcester Address. 524 biographical notices. church at Medford shows that his regard for his country was not weakened by distance, nor seared by proscription. He bequeath ed more than two thousand acres of land In Granby and Royalton, in Worcester county, for the establishraent of the aforesaid profes sorship. He was for twenty-two years a member of the councU. His virtues and popularity at first saved his estate, as his name was not included with those of his sons-in-law. Sir WiUiam Pepperell and George Erving, in the " conspirators' act," — but on the repre sentation ofthe selectmen of Medford, "that he went voluntarUy to our enemies" his property was forfeited and taken under the con fiscation act. He raade bequests to Medford and Worcester, and legacies to the clergymen. While a member of the house of repre sentatives, he presented the chandelier which adorns its hall. SIR T. BERNARD. Sir Thomas Bernard, Bart., D. C, L., third son of Sir Francis, governor of Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College 1767 ; entered early at Lincoln's Inn, and was called to the bar in 1780 ; made treasurer of the Foundling .Hospital 1795, The death of his brother (Sir John) in the West Indies, 1809, devolved a baronetcy upon him. Oxford created hira soon after a doctor of the civil law. He was the active and liberal patron of various charities, and author of divers sraall tracts, the best known of which " The Comforts of Old Age," saw a fifth edition (12mo) in 1820, Sir Thomas died at Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, July 1st, 1818. — His sister, Mrs, King, was authoress of a volume entitled " Scripture Characters of Females." GEORGE ERVING, George Erving, Esq,, merchant of Boston, was a refugee includ ed in the conspirators' act; married previously a daughter of Isaac Royall, Esq,, of Medford, He died in London, January 16th, 1806, aged 70, LORD G, GERMAINE, Lord George Germaine, afterwards Lord SackvUle, was tried by court martial on account of his conduct at the battle'of Minden in 1759, and disgraced. To him has been attributed the authorship of biographical notices, 525 Junius's Letters ; but it is hardly possible that an officer who had been publicly pointed at and forraaUy convicted by a court raartial as a coward, would pen the foUowing remark of Junius respecting himself: " His character is known and respected in Ireland as much as it is here ; and I know he loves to be stationed in the rear as well as myself." He was secretary of state for the American department during the war of the Revolution, and it is generally|admitted that his ad ministration was bad. In a letter to LordiHowe, on his naval conduct, attributed to Lord SackvUle, he says, " Had your lordship and your brother saved the northern array, which you had abundant power to do, the rebellion, then in its infant state, raust have been suppressed ; the war with France and Spain had not happened ; and what is yet of more mo ment to the peace and safety of the empire, that faction, which is daUy distracting the councils of state and wrenching asunder the union of power which is necessary to its safety, would now hide its monstrous head in the dark cells of its own folly and treason," Gen, Howe had friends in parliament, and Lord George Ger maine's orders and instructions were the subject of their philippics ; and they were powerful enough to make that minister retire. SIR W. DRAPER, Sir William Draper rendered himself famous by his correspon dence with " Junius," in vindication of the character of the Marquis of Granby as commander-in-chief ; for although as a writer he was second only to Junius, he was foiled by hira, and withdrew from the contest extremely mortified. He soon after left England, arrived at Charleston, S, C, in January, 1769, and travelled towards the north as far as New-York, receiving every attention on his way. At New-York he married M.\ss'De'Lzncey,*"alady of great connec tions there and agreeable endowments," says the London Magazine for 1766, She died in 1778, In 1778 he was appointed Governor of Minorca, He built at Clifton near Bristol a monument of taste, and called it " Manilla House ;" and he also erected in College * Daughter of James De Lancey, chief justice and Heut. governor of New York, who died in 1760. 526 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, Green, Bristol, a mausoleum over the reraains of his parents, whom he delighted to honor, SIR WM. PEPPERELL. Sir William Pepperell, Bart, son of Col. Nathaniel Sparhawk, of Kittery, and grandson of Sir Willlara Pepperell, Baronet, the hero of Louisburg, whose only daughter was raother of the subject of this notice. He graduated at Harvard College in 1766, and was for many years a member of the council of Massachusetts. After the decease of his grandfather, (who adopted him on the death of his pnly son Andrew,) he was created successor to his title in Oc tober, 1774. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. Isaac Royall, of Medford. He was a refugee, and proscribed in the act of 1778, He died in Dorset-street, Portraan-square, Dec. 2, 1816, aged 70, having previously lostlady Pepperell and his only son William, His daughters were raarried as follows : — Elizabeth to the Rev, Henry Hutton, A. M., of London ; Mary to Sir William Congreve, and Harriet to Sir Charles Thomas Palmer, Bart — ^Lady Palmer and Lady Congreve were living in 1832, On the 16th Nov, 1774, in a county congress, held at Wells, York county,|Malne, he was denounced as follows in the fourth resolution passed that day : " Resolved — Whereas the late Sir Wm. Pepperell, honored and respected in Great Britain and America for his eralnent services, did honestly acquire a large and extensive real estate in this coun ty, and gave the highest evidence not only of his being a sincere friend to the rights of raan in general, but of having a paternal love to this county in particular ; and whereas the said Sir William, by his last will and testament made his grandson residuary legatee and possessor of the greatest part of said estate, who hath, with purpose to carry into force acts of the British parliament made with appa rent design to enslave the free and loyal people of this continent, accepted and now holds a seat in the pretended board of counsel lors in this province, as well in direct repeal of the charter thereof as against the soleran compact of kings and the inherent rights of the people. It is therefore resolved, that he hath therefore forfeit ed the confidence and friendship of all true friends of American liberty, and, with other pretended counsellors now holding their BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 527 seats in like manner, ought to be detested by all good men : and it is hereby recommended to the good people of this county, that as soon as the present leases made to any of them by him are expired, they iraraediately withdraw all connection, commerce and dealings frora him — and that they take no further lease or csnveyance of his farms and mills untU he shall resign his seat pretendedly occupied by mundamus. And if any persons shall reraain or become his ten ants after the expiration of their present leases, we recommend to the good people of this county not only to withdraw all connec tion and coraraercial intercourse with them, but to treat them in the manner provided by the third resolve of this congress." COL. DAVID PHIPS, Col. David Phips, son of Lieutenant Governor Spencer Phips, of Massachusetts, was graduated at Harvard College in 1741 ; was colonel of the troop of guards in Boston, 1773 ; an addresser of Gov, Hutchinson in 1774, and of Gage in '75 ; high shjerlff of Mid dlesex county in 1775, Driven into Boston, he went to England, which country he left in April, 1777, for America, with Admiral Montague, and afterwards served under General Knyphausen, His house at Carabridge, afterwards Wm. Winthrop's, was confiscated. He died in England, July 7, 1811, aged eighty-seven, styled in the Gentleman's Magazine " Capt, David Phips, R, N," His sisters married Andrew Bordman, Judge Joseph Lee, Col, John Vassall, and Richard Lechmere, all magnates of Cambridge, Several books of the British peerage represent the family of the Marquis of Normanby (Lord Mulgrave) as descended from Sir William Phips, governor of Massachusetts in 1691, This is a manifest error; Sir William having no children adopted his nephew Spencer Phips, (afterwards heut, governor of Massa chusetts,) father of Col, Phips, the subject of this article. The ancestor of Lord Mulgrave was Sir Constantine Phipps, an eminent London lawyer in the reign of Queen Anne. JOSEPH GALLOWAY. Joseph Galloway, an eminent lawyer and speaker of the assera bly of Pennsylvania ; a member of the first congress, 1774; changed sides and joined the British in New-York in December, 1776 ; 528 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, went to England, and with Gen, Robertson, in 1778, misrepresented the state of the public mind and resources of the provinces. Col. Trumbull, in a letter to Gov. Trumbull, dated Sept 12, 1780, says: " Mr. John Temple (afterwards Sir John, consul-general) has been indefatigable in his endeavors to defeat the misrepresentations of Gen, Robertson and Mr. Galloway at the bar of the house of com mons, and to convince this country of the impracticability of coer cing America. His acquaintances among the friends of America are the Dukes of Richmond and Rutland, Mr, D, Hartley, Dr, Price, Mr, Burke, etc., who pay great attention to his information." He died in England, 1803, aged seventy-three years, after publish ing several works, Mr, Galloway appeared as an evidence against Gen. Howe, in the house of commons, at the instance of Lord George Germaine ; and Eliot says of GaUoway : " Nothing can exceed the perfidy of that satellite of the minister of war, whose own ignorance and gross absurdities were raore glaring than Gen. Howe's." BENJAMIN GRIDLEY. Benjamin Gridley, Esq., graduated at Harvard College, 1751, and practised law at Boston. He was an addresser of Gov, Gage; proscribed in the act of Sepferaber, 1778. E. WILLIAMS. Elijah Williams, Esq., attorney at law, of Deerfield, Massa chusetts, graduated at Harvard College, 1764 ; became an officer in the British array, soon after the affair at Lexington, in AprU, 1775 ; returned in the spring of 1784, and received half pay during life. Died in 1793, aged forty-seven, J, JACKSON, Hon. Jonathan Jackson was treasurer of Harvard College from 1807 to 1810, when he died. He was much esteemed as a man of talents, integrity, and of araiable and courteous manners. ADMIRAL WINTHROP. Robert Winthrop, vice-admiral in the British navy, was the youngest son of John S. Winthrop, Esq., of New-London, Connec- B-IOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 529 ficut, where he was bom, Sept 7, 1764. On his father's side, he was a hneal descendant of the early governors of Massachusetts and Connecticut, of the same narae ;* his raother was Elizabeth, daughter of WiUiam Sherriffe, Esq., of London, whose first hus band was Capt. John Hay, ofthe British array. After the death of his father, young Winthrop, when fourteen years of age, left New-London for New-York under a flag of truce, consigned to the care of a maternal uncle attached to the British force stationed bere, by whora a midshipman's warrant was obtained for hira in the royal navy. Of his subsequent career the following notice, taken frora an English publication,! furnishes an interesting though concise account. " May 10th, 1832, died at Dover, of paralysis, aged seventy, Robert 'Winthrop, Esq., vice-admiral of the blue. Mr. Winthrop was a midshipman on board the Formidable, bearing the flag of Sir George B. Rodney, in the memorable battle of April 12, 1782. He was a lieutenant in 1790, and at the conquest of Martinique, in 1794, he commanded a battalion of seamen, attached to Prince Edward's brigade. In the spring of 1796, he commanded the Alblcore sloop at the capture of St, Lucia ; and about the same time, he captured near Barbadoes, I'Athenienne, French corvette, of fourteen *guns. He was afterwards appointed to the Undaunted frigate, and in that ship had the misfortune to be, wrecked, on the Morant Keys, during a heavy gale of wind, August 27, 1796. His post comraission bore date Dec. 16, following. " Captain Winthrop's next appointment was to the Circe, of twenty-eight guns, stationed in the North Sea ; and in June, 1798, he served in the expedition sent against Ostend, Major General Coote, who coraraanded the array employed on that occasion, has recorded in his despatches, 'the indefatigable exertions and good conduct' of Captain Winthrop, who superintended the landing of the troops. In the summer of 1799, Capt. Winthrop was intrusted * The line of descent was as follows :— 1. John Winthrop, first governor of Massachusetts, died in 1649. 2. John Winthrop, jr. governor of Connecticut, d 1676 3 Wait S. Winthrop, chief justice of the superior court of Mas sachusetts, d. 1717. 4. John Winthrop, F.R.S., d. 1747. 5. John S. Win throp, father ofthe admiral, d. 1776. t Gentleman's Magazine. London, 1832. 67 530 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, with the comraand of a small squadron, eraployed on the coast of Holland, the boats of which, in the night of the 27th of June, very gallantly cut out twelve sail of merchantmen from the Wadde, without having a raan hurt, notwithstanding they were much annoyed by the fire from the enemy's batteries and gun-boats. On the 10th of July, the boats also cut out three more valuable vessels, and burnt another laden with stores, " In the following month the Circe assisted at the capture of the Helder ; on which occasion all the Dutch ships lying in the Nieuwe Diep, together with the naval magazine at the Nieuwe Werk, con taining a large quantity of stores, were taken possession of by Captain Winthrop, This event led to the surrender of the eneray's fleet in the Texel, In October of the sarae year, Capt Winthrop's boats, under his own immediate direction, carried off from'the port of Delfzel a sloop of war and schooner ; the Lynx of twelve guns, and the Perseus of eight guns, " In the auturan of 1800, in the expedition agamst Ferrol, Captain Winthrop coraraanded the Stag frigate, but which was unfortunately stranded in Vigo bay, on the 6th of September, and was obhged to be destroyed by fire, after the stores had been removed, " On the renewal of war, after the peace of Amiens, Captain Winthrop obtained the command of the Ardent, a sixty-four gun .ship, stationed on the coast of Spain ; where he drove on shore La Bayonnaise, French frigate, of thirty-two guns and two hundred men, from the Havana bound to Ferrol, The crew, to prevent her being taken possession of, set her on fire, by which she was totally destroyed. The Ardent was subsequently employed off Boulogne, under the orders of Lord Keith. From that ship he was reraoved into the SyblUe frigate, about July, 1805, and on the 3d of May, 1807, he captured I'Olseau, French letter-of-raarque. In the ensuing summer, he was appointed to the command ofthe Dover district of sea-fencibles. He attained the rank of rear- admiral in 1809, and of vice-admiral in 1830, " Admiral Winthrop married, December 23, 1804, Miss Far- brace, of Dover, by whom he has left a family of two sons and four unmarried daughters," BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 531 THOMAS LINDALL WINTHROP. Thomas L. Winthrop, LL. D., half-brother of the preceding, waS bom at New-London, Conn., March 6, 1760. His mother was the only daughter of Francis Borland, Esq., a merchant of Boston, and granddaughter of Tiraothy LindaU, Esq., of Salem. Mr. Win throp began his coUegiate course at Yale College, but finished it at Harvard, where he graduated in 1780, Soon after taking his bachelor's degree, he erabarked at Nantucket for Amsterdara, in a merchant ship, which was captured on the passage and carried into .an English port ; by perralssion of Admiral Duckworth, however, he was allowed to visit London on his parole, and after wards travelled in the interior of the country, and on the continent At the close ofthe war, he returned to the United States with Comraodore Truxton, and engaged in coraraercial pursuits at Bos ton, where he continued to reside during the remainder of a long, useful, and not unhonored life. In 1786, Mr, Winthrop was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Temple, and granddaughter of Governor Bowdoin, The only son of the latter having no issue to perpetuate the family name, Mr, Winthrop's second son, the late James Bowdoin, of Boston, a gentleraan of great personal worth and literary distinc tion, assuraed it by the desire of his uncle, taking with the name a large estate,* Another son of Mr. Winthrop, Hon, Robert C. Winthrop, has recently represented the city of Boston In congress, with distinguished reputation. In politics Mr, Winthrop belonged to the old republican party ; he was several tiraes elected to the Massachusetts senate, and in 1826, was chosen lieut. governor of the state, by the votes of both political parties, which office he continued to fill by successive annual elec tions, until his retirement in 1832, He was an active and hberal pa tron of literary and benevolent institutions, over several of which he presided during the latter part of his life. He was for a long period an officer ofthe American Acaderay of Arts and Sciences. At the time of his decease he was president ofthe American Antiquarian So ciety, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and the State Agricul- * Mr Bowdoin contributed raany valuable papers to the Collections of the Mass. Hist. Society, being deeply conversant with the early history of New England. 532 biographical notices, tural Society ; and the libraries of the two former institutions were greatly indebted to his liberality for many iraportant additions to their historical treasures. Governor Winthrop was also a raember of various other learned and economical institutions both in this country and Europe, with sorae of which he raaintained a constant correspondence. Indeed, the greater part of his time for several years before his death was devoted to these objects, and to the promotion of the religious and benevolent enterprises of the day. He died universally beloved for his raany virtues, and respected for his public services, at his residence in Boston, on the 22d of Feb., 1841, having nearly completed the eighty-first year of his age. ' Governor Winthrop was In his person tall and commanding, and remarkable for the elegance and suavity of his manners ; enjoying an ample fortune, he lived in a style of generous hospi tality, and for many years was in the habit of receiving at his table most strangers of consideration who visited fhe New England metropolis. The members of the state legislature, and of the nuraerous associations with which he was connected, have reason to reraeraber the liberal character of his hospitable attentions; and the latter lost in hira a raunificent patron and benefactor. In his religious opinions he was firra, but catholic and tolerant; attached to the coraraunion of the Episcopal church, he died as he had lived, a humble and sincere Christian. N. GORHAM, Hon, Nathaniel Gorham, born at Charlestown, Mass,, 1738, was often a meraber of the legislature, and in 1784 was elected to congress, of which body he w-as afterwards president. He was also a judge of the coramon pleas for several years, and assisted in forming the constitution of the United States, as a meraber of the convention. His early advantag.es were only those of a com mon school, but possessing talents of a high order, he appeared to advantage in company with literary men. He at one time engaged in mercantile pursuits, but left them for public life. In debate he had independence enough to dissent from measures he disapproved, and therefore he did not escape the obloquy of the ignorant, who confounded all moderate men with those who were unfriendly to the cause of liberty. He died In 1796, biographical notices, 533 DR. APTHORP, Rev. East Apthorp, D, D., born in Boston, 1733, educated at Cambridge, England ; took orders, retumed, and was setUed over the church erected under his care at Carabridge, Massachusetts. Here he published a pamphlet in defence of the conduct of the " Society for Propagating the Gospel," which was attacked by Dr. Mayhew, who was answered by Dr. Seeker, Archbishop of Canterbury. This controversy rendered his situation irksorae, and he left for England, It was thought by raany, that the establish ment of the Episcopal church at Cambridge was for the purpose of converting the students, who were generally dissenters, and with ulterior views, which excited the raost acrimonious jealousy, Dr, Apthorp was afterwards successively vicar of Croydon, and rector of Bow church, London, which he exchanged for the pre bendary of Finsbury ; he had many friends among the dignitaries of the church, and was generally beloved and respected. He mar ried a daughter of Foster Hutchinson, Esq., brother of Gov. Hutch inson. His only son was a clergyraan. His daughters raarried Dr, Cary and Dr, Butler, heads of colleges, and a son of Dr. Paley. — His sisters were raarried to Dr. Thoraas Bulfinch, of Boston, and ¦Robert Bayard, Esq., of New -York. He published two voluraes of Discourses on the Prophecies, delivered at the Warburton lecture, Lincoln's Inn, and a volurae in answer to Gibbon, The last twenty-six years of his life he passed at Carabridge, England, with almost total loss of sight; he died AprU, 1816, R. WARD, Richard Ward, Esq., of Salera, son of Joshua Ward, one of the justices for Essex county, first appointed on the establishment of republican government in Massachusetts, was born in Salem, April 5, 1741- He ardently espoused the popular cause with his father, and opposed the arbitrary measures of parliaraent. He was a member of the coraraittee of safety and protection during the entire period ofthe Revolution, and under direction of Gen. Charies Lee constructed at the neck the fort bearing his narae, for the defence of the harbor and town of Salera. He accompanied Col. Pickering with the regiment in which he was a subaltern officer as 534 biographical notices. * soon as the Lexington affair was known, to Medford, in order to intercept the enemy, but they were not in season. They also took up the line of raarch for the heights of Charlestown, on 17th June, but arrived too late to participate in the affair of Bunker Hill, His comraission, dated at Watertown, June 6, 1776, as " cap tain of the third company of the first regiment of Essex county, whereof Timothy Pickering, jr., is colonel," was granted " by the major part of the council of the Massachusetts Bay, in JVew Eng land," and by them signed during the interval between colonial and republican government, on paper bearing the impress of the crown and the sign raanual of the king, with the colonial seal ap pended. The following are the signatures attached to it, and of those who signed it, one was afterwards president of the continental congress, and six were governors and lieutenant-governors of Mas sachusetts : — viz., J. Bowdoin, J. Winthrop, Caleb Cushing, R. Derby, Jr.,'T..Cushlng, B, Lincoln, S. Holten, Jabez Fisher, Moses GUI, B. White, WUliam PhUlips, Benjarain Austin, John Whet- comb, Henry Gardner, Daniel Davis, and D, Hopkins, Mr. Ward had married the daughter of George Curwen, in 1762, and owing to her feeble health, the cares of his nuraerous family devolved upon him ; and its imperative claims, as well as that of their uncle's faraily, (the author of the foregoing Journal), pressed so heavily that he was obliged, after having served with his regiment com manded by Col. Pickering in New-Jersey, under Washington, in 1777, to retire from the railitary service of his country. He was for a long period at the head of the town government, and a member ofthe state legislature, as well as an acting justice ofthe quorum for Essex county raany years. He was frora the beginning prominent in the ranks of the anti-federal or old republican party, but never a heated partisan. Mr. Ward possessed great firmness and equanimity of temper, and his suavity of manners and obliging disposition endeared him to all. He died in November, 1824, in the eighty-fourth year of his age, and a widowed daughter only survives of his large family. Children of his sons, George C, Samuel C, and Richard, are living in different parts of the union. biographical notices, 535 S, A, OTIS, Hon, Samuel Allyne Otis, a brother of the Hon, Jaraes Otis and General Joseph Otis, was born in 1741, and graduated at Harvard College in 1759, He soon after becarae a raerchant of Boston, In 1776 he was first elected a representative to the gen eral court, and he was also a raember of the convention which framed the constitution of Massachusetts, During the Revolution he was a meraber of the board of war. In 1787, he was one of the comraissloners to negotiate with the insurgents of " Shay's Re bellion." He was elected a raeraber of congress in 1788, and after the adoption of the new constitution was secretary to the senate of the United States, which office he filled with scrupulous fidelity and suavity of raanner, without being absent frora his post a single day during a period of thirty years, and till his death, araidst the colli sion of party strife, to the entire satisfaction of all. He died at Washington, April 22, 1814, aged seventy -three. Mr. Otis was first married to the only daughter of the Hon. Harrison Gray, re ceiver-general of Massachusetts, and afterwards to the widow of Edward Gray, Esq. His son, Samuel A. Otis, Esq., died at New buryport the sarae year with his father. His other son is the Hon, Harrison Gray Otis, of Boston, long the able and eloquent repre sentative of Massachusetts in the national senate, S. GARDINER, Sylvester Gardiner, M, D,, was bom at Narragansett, Rhode Island, in 1717 ; coraraenced the practice of raedicine in Boston, by which, and the iraportation of drugs, he accuraulated great wealth • he also inherited an extensive landed estate in Maine, He married the widow of William Eppes, Esq., of Virginia, who was a daughter of Col. Benjarain Pickman, of Salem, Massachu setts, and died at Poole, England, leaving a son WUliam Eppes, who married a Miss Randolph, of Bristol, England, and whose son is an assistant commissary-general of the British array ; a daugh ter. Love Eppes, who married Sir John Lester, of Poole, and Abi gail Eppes, who married Richard Routh, Esq., also a loyalist From his high standing and extensive acquaintance, Dr, Gar diner selected his associates frora such as were congenial to his taste and his house was the resort of the literary and scientific 536 biographical notices, from both sides the Atlantic, Among his guests were Sir WiUiam Pepperell, Gov. Hutchinson, Earl Percy, Adrairal Graves, Majors Pitcairn and Small, and General Gage. The Revolution broke up these associations, and after the siege of Boston he sought shelter at Halifax, and afterwards in England, where he passed with heavy heart ten years of exile. For being a refugee, his large estate and stores of drugs were confiscated, but owing to some er ror, his lands in Maine were recovered after his return, at the close of the war. He closed his eventful life at Newport, Rhode Island, August 8, 1786, in his 69th year. The following tribute is inscribed on a monument erected to his memory at Gardiner, Maine : Sacrum Memorice SYLVESTRIS GARDINER, Qui natus, baud obscuro genere, in insula Rhodi, Studuit Parislis, et Bostonise diu medicinam feliciter Exercuit. Postquara satis opum paravisset, Navavit operam ad domandara ornandaraque Hanc orientalem regionem, tunc incultara. Hie sylvas late patentes evertit, molas omnigerias jEdificavit, omnia rura perinultis tuguriis ornavit, Templum Deo erexit, Atque haec loca habitantibus pater-patrise dici Profecto meruit, Vir acerrimo ingenlo, medicus sciens, Maritus fidells, plus in llberos, In obeundis negotiis vigilans, sagax, indefessus. Integer vitae, in sacris Uteris doctus, ChrlstianEe fidel omnino addlctus, Eccleslceque Angllcanee observantisslmus, Mortuus est in insula Rhodi, Anno Domini mdcclxxxvi, aetatis lxxix,' Ut vlri de ecclesia deque Republic^, optime raeriti Meraoriara comraendaret posteris, suaeque insuper Erga avum venerandura pletatls raonuraentura extaret. Honorarium hoc marraor erexit, Nepos haeresque, Robertus Hallowell Gardiner, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 537 DR, JEFFRIES. Dr, John Jeffries, of Boston, son of David Jeffries, Esq., bom Feb. 5, 1744 ; graduated at Harvard College in 1763 ; studied in London, and was honored with the degree of M. D. at Aberdeen in 1769. He was a physician in Boston till the Revolution ; after wards surgeon of a ship in the British squadron in Boston harbor, and attended the wounded at Bunker HUl; went to Hahfax in 1776 as surgeon-general, and to England in 1779, and had in both places professional eraployment under the crown. He recoraraenced his regular raedical life in London in 1780, and on the 7th Jan uary, 1785, he acquired a sort of eclat by crossing the Enghsh channel with Blanchard in a baUoon, when he landed in the forest of Guines in France, which procured for hira the attention of the most distinguished personages of the day, and an introduction to all the learned and scientific societies of Paris. He returned to Boston in 1789, to an extensive practice ; and delivered the first public lecture on anatomy, a branch of his profession of which he was very fond. After a successful practice of fifty-three years, he died at Boston on the 16th of September, 1819, aged seventy-six years. C. PAXTON. Charles Paxton, Esq., one of the comraissloners of the customs, and the writer of one of the obnoxious letters to Mr. Whately, took refuge in England during the war. He was a pall-bearer at Gov. Hutchinson's funeral in 1780. Of his subsequent career we have no information. LIEUT. GOV. COLDEN. Cadwallader Colden was born at Dunse, Scotiand, 17th Feb., 1688 ; he was educated at the University of Edinburgh, and devo ted himself to raedicine and mathematics, in both of which he made great proficiency. He emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1708, where he practised physic for several years, and then returned to Great Britain, and acquired reputation as a raedical writer. He carae a second tirae to Araerica in 1716, and after passing two years in Pennsylvania, he settled at New- York, and the next year was appointed the first 68 538 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. surveyor-general of the lands of the colony, and a master in chan-' eery. In 1720 he was a king's counsellor under Gov. Burnet. He had resided on a tract of land, for which he received a patent, near Newburgh on the Hudson, then on the frontier, where he was ex posed to attacks from the Indians. He was appointed lieut, gov ernor of New-York in 1761, and occupied this station during the remainder of his life, being repeatedly at the head of affairs by fhe absence or death of several governors. While acting governor, the stamps arrived and were placed under his care in Fort George. The people assembled in great numbers, determined to destroy them ; but although the fort was pronounced untenable by engi neers, and the people threatened to kiU hira, he defended his trusty and succeeded in securing it on board of a British raan-of-war. He was burnt in effigy by the populace, who destroyed, his car riage. After Gov, Tryon's return in 1775, he retired to his seat at Flushing on Long Island, whare he died Sept, 28, 1776, in his 89th year,* Mr, Colden wrote, besides nuraerous raedical and bo tanical essays, a valuable history of the Five Indian Nations, and an essay on the " Principles of Action in Matter," to which is an nexed a Treatise on Fluxions, Araong his correspondents were Linnaeus, Gronovius, the Earl of Macclesfield, Dr, Frankhn, and many other of the most scientific men of his time, DR, COOPER. Myles Cooper, D, D., president of King's, now Columbia Col lege, New-York, was born in 1734, and educated at the university of Oxford, where he graduated as master of arts in 1760, Arriving in New-York, and recommended by the archbishop of Canterbury as well qualified to assist in a college, he was received by Presi dent Johnson in the most affectionate manner, and appointed pro fessor of moral phUosophy. After the resignation of Dr. Johnson, he was chosen to the presidency in February, 1763. Soon after, Dr. Clossey, a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, where he had * The seat of Gov. Colden at Flushing was called Spring Hill ; it was confiscated, and is now the property and residence of Hon. Benjamin W. Strong. , BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 539 also taken the degree of doctor of physic, was appointed professor of natural philosophy. A grararaar school was also established and connected with the college, under the charge of Mr, Cushing, frora Boston. The classes were now taught by Dr, Cooper, Dr, Clossey, and Mr, Harper, with great advantage. In 1775 Dr, Cooper was a stanch loyalist, and on being dis covered as a public writer on the side of the crown, a large raob assailed hira in the night at the college, with threats against him, but Alexander Hamilton kept them at bay by his unsurpassed elo quence, while Dr. Cooper escaped to a friend's in the upper part of the city, frora whence he was put on board a vessel bound to Eng land, This was in the raonth of May, 1775. On the 10th ofthe sarae raonth, prior to his departure. Dr. Cooper wrote to his friend and fellow-sufferer, Isaac Wilkins, Esq., who had preceded him to London, as follows : " All things yet in statu quo. On Sunday I went to Morrisania to visit Mrs. Wilkins ; she was as well as could be reasonably expected, after parting with you, and returned that evening to Castle Hill, where I hope she will enjoy your return in safety. I had not tirae, you know, to write by you, save to Mr, Blackburn and Mr, Vardill, but they wUl sufficiently introduce you to all whora you would wish to see for for the present. If I think of any thing I can do for you, I wUl write by Mr, Cooke, for Bristol next week, and I will let no op portunity escape that I hear of, without giving you a line, whilst I continue in this country of confusion, which for the sake of the col lege I am minded to do as long as I can with any degree of pru dence. Should this congress be as hot as the last, we arc undone; should cooler measures be adopted, we may yet be preserved ; for Britain, though stout, is exorable," From Oxford, Feb, 4, 1777, where he had resided for three months he thus writes to the same friend then at Long Island : " Mr, Wetherhead wrote rae about Mr. Seabury's pay ; I have ap plied to the bishop of London to interfere with the adralralty, and hope all will be settied to his satisfaction. I wish rauch to hear frora hira ; in the raean time, ray best respects to hira, Wetherhead, Sarauel Bayard, etc. I wUl write to as raany as I can by this pack et but likb an improvident man, I have deferred the business to the 540 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. last, and now am called upon by the provost to attend some affairs of the college, which are agitating before the house of commons ; so that it is out of my power to say whether or not I shall be able to write another line. Dr, Clossey shall hear from me pres ently." From Edinburgh, 26th Feb., 1779, he wrote to the same friend at Long Island, as follows: "I received your obliging letter of 2d October, in London ; I had not been there for a year before, and was only there then for a feW days, having gone from this remote region into the south to take possession of a very sraall living pre sented me by the present chancellor, frora which business I returned as quickly as possible to this city, which has been my residence for fourteen months past, and where I am too agreeably situated to think of moving unless for the better ; or unless I should be obliged to reside on the little living aforesaid ; or unless, which would be best of all, a happy termination of American disputes should enable me to resume my old situation ; and till such an event takes place, I do not expect to be completely satisfied. " You gave me spirits by representing matters in your quarter in a better light than I had viewed them. Indeed, Drs. Inglls and Seabury had been uniform in their information, so much of it as came to my knowledge, of the sarae purport ; but the corrobora tive evidence even of a layman to two priests still had its effect. I wish to heaven you may not be wrong in your opinions. My most affectionate regards to Mr. Cutting, Mr. Colden, the Ludlows, Dr. Ogden, etc., whom I suppose you frequently see." To the same friend, care of Rev. Dr. Inglls at New-York, he wrote from Edinburgh, May 30, 1783, as foUows : " 0, my dear friend ! I shed tears raost copiously when I first opened your letter, and upon the perusal of it now in order to answer it, I am more affected than before. Heavens ! what confusion must you all be wit nesses of in your unhappy situation. And yet I cannot help form ing some hopes, that now the contest is ended the governing pow ers wUl relax their severity, and endeavor to bring over to them the minds of those whose persons and properties they have posses sion of. I long for accounts from New-York that I can depend upon ; fof I have not received a line from any of my correspondents there since their independency ; a circumstance that must occasion such BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, 541 changes in tbe Araerican systera as cannot be conceived, I trust, by the wisest at this distance, " 'Tis true I have taken a living ; it is in Berkshire, half-way between London and Bath, and twenty-six miles from Oxford ; a spot as delightful as can well be imagined, yet I don't know if ever I shall go thither to reside, I am as pleasantly situated here as I could wish to be." He had been for some time one of the ministers of the Episco pal chapel of Edinburgh, where he died May 1, 1785, at the age of 51. Dr. Cooper possessed wit and humor to a great degree ; and pleasing manners, united to agreeable conversational powers. Al though he had long expected death, he died suddenly, soon after writing the following epitaph of hiraself: ' ' Here lies a priest of English blood, Who, living, liked whate'er was good ; Good company, good wine, good name ; Yet never hunted after fame. But, as the first he still preferred, So here he chose to be interred ; And, unobserved, from crowds withdrew. To rest among a chosen few ; In humble hope that Sovereign Love Will raise him to the blest above." SIR F. BARING, Sir Francis Baring, Bart., born AprU 18th, 1750, was a son of John Baring, of Larkbeer, near Exeter, England, frora which city the forraer was first elected to pariiament on the 9th Nov, 1776, an in teresting account of which is contained in the third chapter of this work. He early distinguished himself by his accurate knowledge and dexterity in financial calculations at the eventful period in which his public career coramenced, and the reputation thus early acquir ed continued throughout his fife. He exhibited a just knowledge of the interest of his country, and an anxiety to extend her commerce. In negotiating the various loans required from time to time, his af fluence and talents enabled him to assist the minister, and he final ly became the leading meraber of the raonied interest ; and even N the prosperity of England, at certain periods, may be said to have revolved around him as its primum mobUe. He was designated by 542 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Mr, Erskine as " the first merchant of the world," and his services on all occasions of great national interest, particularly as a director of the East India Corapany and as a member of parliaraent, were too important to escape the notice of administration, and entitle his memory to grateful recollection. The honor of baronetcy was conferred upon him on 29th May, 1793, Sir Francis possessed such influence in the cojhmercial- world, that his death, which occurred on the 12th September, 1810, oc casioned a sensible depression in the ffublic stocks. He married a daughter of William Herring, Esq., a cousin and coheiress of Dr, Herring, archbishop of Canterbury, The sister of Sir Francis married the celebrated lawyer John Dunning, afterwards Lord Ashburton, which title became extinct at the decease of their only son. Sir Thomas Baring, born in 1772, succeeded his father in the bar onetcy. Another son, Alexander Baring, now Lord Ashburton, be came the head ofthe great commercial house, and did not retire from it until 1830, He was born in 1774, visited this continent in 1794, and travelled through the greater portion of the then United States on horseback, before 1797, He met the present king of France at the Falls of Niagara when there was but one house in Buffalo, and that a very indifferent one, Mr. Baring married a daughter of the Hon. WiUiara Binghara, one of the raost opulent and public spirited citizens of PhUadflphia, then a senator in congress from Pennsylvania, The house of Baring, Brothers & Co, have with scrupulous fidelity attended to the interests of the United States as government agent for nearly half a century, which entitles every member of it to our gratitude ; and we can never too highly appre ciate the services and sacrifices of Lord Ashburton in his recent em bassy, which has secured to Great Britain and the United States a treaty satisfactory to all the right minded of both countries, Mr, Baring, having served as a member ofthe house of commons for many years, and held vrith hon(^r, for a short period, the chancel lorship of the exchequer, was elevated to the peerage in 1835, a proud testimonial of his distinguished abUities, and a just reward for a hfe devoted to the honor and best interests of his country. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 543 B, MARSTON. Benjamin Marston, Esq., son of Col, Benjamin Marston, of Salem, Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College in 1749. Be came a merchant at Marblehead, and was a refugee, proscribed in 1778, He closed his career as a coraraissary in the service of the African Company at Baalam's Isle, on the coast of Africa, in 1793, E, WINSLOW, Jun. Hon, Edward Winslow, jr,, of Plymouth, Massachusetts, was graduated at Harvard College in 1765; he was compelled to take re fuge in Boston in 1775, and became a colonel in the British service. He was afterwards a counsellor and judge of the superior court of New Brunswick, where he died, at Fredericton, in 1815, aged 70, He and his cousin, Pelhara Winslow, were araong the found ers of the « Old Colony Club" in 1769, now the "Pilgriras' So ciety," S, ROGERS, Samuel Rogers, raerchant of Boston, who graduated at Har vard College in 1765, was proscribed as an absentee,. Sept, 1778, and returned to Boston, where he died June 1, 1804, aged 57, S. WILLIAMS, Seth Williams, Esq,, of Taunton, graduated at Harvard Col lege in 1755 — pursued the study of the law, and was in practice at the comraencement of the Revolution, He was a refugee, and died in London previous to 1791, COUNT DE GRASSE. Francois JosfePH Paul, Count de Grasse TiUy, born in 1723, made his first appearance in the war between England and France as the ally of the North American colonies, in coramand of the frigate Robuste, in the battie of Ouessant, July, 1778 ; the first se rious act of hostility between the two powers, and the first step of the Count de Grasse in defence of American hberty. Under Count d'Estaing, in command of a squadron, he aided in takmg the island of Grenada, in 1779, when the British fleet was saved from total 544 biographical notices, defeat by a calm at the close of the action. After three years of distinguished services he left Brest in 1781, in command of a fleet of a hundred and fifty sail, (twenty of the line,) and in thirty-six days fell in with Adrairal Hood, then blockading Martinique, whose superiority of saUing alone enabled him to escape, with severe damage to four of his ships. After a short stay at Port Royal de la Martinique, he concerted with the Marquis de BouiUe the attack of Tobago, the success of which, and its rapidity of execution, are well known. His distinguished talents and zeal in the cause of America gained her entire confidence; and measures of co-operation were concerted between Generals Washington and Rochambeau and the French adrairal, which resulted in the defeat of Cornwallis at Yorktown, and virtually closed the war between Great Britain and America. Count de Grasse was solicited for protection against the British fleet daUy expected upon the coast, for a reinforcement of troops, for provisions " de guerre and de bouche," and for 1,200,000 francs for the more pressing necessities of the French troops. To all of these demands he lent most zealous and efficient aid, and in the short space of twelve days he collected all his disposable naval force, (without endangering St. Domingo,) embarked three thousand four hundred troops, and by his personal influence, and the actual pledge of his estates in St Domingo and France, raised the funds desired. The expedition (necessarily a secret one) arrived at the capes of the Chesapeake on the 28th August, the same day that Adrairal Hood appeared off New-York with fourteen vessels of the Ime. He succeeded in landing the troops, and on the 5th Septem ber was prepared and engaged the British fleet until nightfall, when they separated. After four days' vain search for his oppo nents, he returned to the capes in time to intercept two frigates, the " Iris" and " Richmond," which were leaving the bay with des patches they had been unable to deliver to Cornwallis, The allied armies (inforraed of the approach of the French fleet, by the frig ate " La Concorde," on 15th August) arrived at the mouth of the Elk on 6th September, one hour only after the bearer of despatches from Count de Grasse, Count Rochambeau spoke of this coinci dence as most remarkable, that a combined expedition of land and naval forces, the one from the north of America and the other fi:om biographical notices, 545 the West Indies, should both arrive in the same bay only one hour apart. On the 19th October, Lord Cornwallis capitulated to the united forces of France and Araerica ; six thousand five hundred raen were raade prisoners of war, one hundred and sixty cannon, twen ty-two flags, and forty transports fell into the hands ofthe allies. This expedition originated with Count de Grasse ; the plan was matured by Washington, Rochambeau and himself in concert To the activity of all the commanders is mainly due this tran scendant success, as only eight days after the capitulation was signed an increased British naval force arrived off the capes with seven thousand troops on board ; enough, in all probabihty, to have sustained the royal authority in the south. Congress passed a resolution on the 28th October, to erect a mon ument at Yorktown in coramemoratlon of this great event, and also the following : " That the thanks of the United States, in Con gress assembled, be presented to his excellency the Count de Grasse, for the skUl and valor he has shown in attacking and beat ing the British fleet, in Chesapeake Bay, and for the zeal and ar dor by which he gave, by the naval force urtder his comraand, the most effective and distinguished succor and protection to the allied array in Virginia." Congress also presented him four pieces of cannon, inscribed as follows : " Taken frora the English army, by the corabined forces of France and America, at Yorktown, Virginia, August 19, 1781. Presented to his Excellency Count de Grasse, in testimony ofthe inestimable services rendered by him on that day." The cannon remained at the chateau of Tilly, fourteen leagues from Paris, until during the French Revolution the property and all its dependencies were lost to the family. On the 13th February, 1782, the island of St Christopher sur rendered to Count de Grasse and the Marquis de BouUle. In coramand of the united forces of France and Spain, in the West Indies, the count sustained his high naval reputation, and de fended himself successfully against the English fleet, untU the 12th AprU, when (his vessels having been injured by contact with each other, his own ship, the " VlUe de Paris," being run afoul of by the " Zelee") he was attacked by eleven of the eneray. His sails torn and ships ungovernable, his crews fasting and worn down with the 69 546 biographical notices. exertions of the previous nights, and without chance of success, he hauled down his flag, after combatting from eight A. M. tUl six P. M, History offers no example of a longer or more spir ited naval engagement, or a more obstinate resistance. It was proved at a court of inquiry, that the most important manoeuvres, as well as nine signals from the admiral, were neglected. Count de Grasse (which is worthy of notice) never left the quarter-deck dur ing the action, nor received a wound ; he had a hundred and twen ty-one killed on board the VUle de Lyons, and a very large number wounded. Carried a prisoner to England, the hero became negotiator, and exerted himself with that governraent to incline it to peace. He had the gratification of taking to France, in August following, verbal propositions of peace to the French governraent, from Lord Shelburne, first lord of the treasury, France insisted upon the ac knowledgment of the independence of the United States as a con dition of the treaty, and the preliminaries were signed at Paris on the 30th November, 1782, History shows that the United States are as much indebted to the unceasing efforts of the Count de Grasse in her favor after his return to Europe, as for his brilliant achievements in the Chesapeake and West Indies, It may be said that his life was consecrated to securing independence to the North Araerican colonies ; for its ac complishment he employed all his valor, all his talents, all his zeal, and finding his task corapleted, and object gained, he died on the 14th January, 1788, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Count de Grasse left an only son, who served with honor in the several grades of the French array, and was decorated by Count Rocharabeau at St, Doralngo with the cross of St, Louis in behalf of Louis XVI, At the massacre of Cape Francois, he saved him self and faraily on board an American'vessel, which landed them in coraplete destitution at Charleston, where, with other exiles, they experienced the hospitality and syrapathy of the inhabitants. Count de Grasse becarae a citizen of the United States, and subse quently returned to the service of his country, his attachment to which was manifested in the campaigns of Italy and Spain, The French Revolution deprived hira of his estates, and he has in vain awaited from government, to the age of seventy-eight, a biographical notices, 547 recompense of his services. Should we do more than justice to the raeraory of one of the bravest and most devoted defenders of our liberties, in sharing with him the inheritance acquired by the united valor of our fathers 1 The only surviving daughter of the first Count de Grasse, is the widow of the late Francis Depau, Esq., of this city, one of our most enterprising, opulent, and public spirited raerchants, to whom all praise and credit is due for greatly extending our commerce with France, by establishing the first line of packets between New- York and Havre, COL, EDSON, Josiah Edson, Esq,, of Bridgewater, graduated at Harvard Col lege in 1730, was a representative in the general asserably of Massachusetts, frora that town. He was a refugee, and banished by the act of September, 1778 ; he had been coraraissioned a raan- damus counsellor in August, 1778, but declined serving ; he died previous to 1782. W, VASSALL, William Vassall, Esq., of Boston, was appointed a counsellor in 1774, by writ of raandamus, but did not serve ; he was a re fugee, and banished by the act of September, 1778, He died in Surrey, England, in 1800, aged eighty-five ; he graduated at Har vard College in 1733, JUDGE HUTCHINSON, Hon, Foster Hutchinson, a brother of Governor Hutchinson, and one of the last judges In the supreme court of Massachusetts under the charter, to which he was appointed in 177 L He gra duated at Harvard CoUege in 1743 ; he accepted the appointment of mandamus counsellor in 1774, and soon after was compeUed to take refuge in Boston, and becarae an absentee. He was proscribed in 1778 and charged by the act of 1779, as a conspirator against the liberties of his country ; he died at Halifax, in May, 1799. N. R, THOMAS, Nathaniel Ray Thomas, Esq,, of Taunton, Bristol county. Mass,, was graduated at Harvard College in 1751 ; appointed by 548 biographical notices, writ of mandamus a counsellor in 1774, but declined serving. He was proscribed in the act of 1778, and died in Nova Scotia, 1791, PELHAM WINSLOW. Pelham Winslow,. Esq., an attorney of Plymouth, Massachu setts, was a son of General John Winslow, of Marshfield ; and graduated at Harvard College in 1753. He was driven into Bos ton, and was a major in the British service ; proscribed by the act of 1778 ; and died at Flushing, Long Island, in 1783. JUDGE LEONARD. Hon. Daniel Leonard, of Norton, Massachusetts, graduated at Harvard College in 1760 ; a member of assembly. He was a dis tinguished political writer, and a member of the legal profession. In 1774, he was the antagonist of John Adaras, in relation to " the rights and prospects ofthe colonies," under the respective signa tures of Novanglus and Massacbusettensis. He was a refugee in 1775, and was proscribed in 1778 ; he was afterwards chief justice of Berrauda, and died in London, June 27, 1829, aged eighty-nine. COL, SALTONSTALL. Col. Richard Saltonstall, was the eldest son of Richard Salton staU, of Haverhill, Mass., a judge of the superior court of that pro vince. He was born, April 5, 1732, and graduated at Harvard College with distinguished honor, in 1751. Colonel Saltonsall entered into the railitary service of the province in the French war, in 1756, and was at Fort Willlara Henry, Lake George, at the tirae of the memorable capitulation and massacre, August 9, 1757. When the Indians fell upon the unarmed prisoners, he escaped, and arrived a few days afterwards at Fort Edward, on the Hudson, nearly exhausted by hunger and fatigue. He coraraanded a regi ment from 1760 to the close of the war. On his return to Haver hiU, he was appointed sheriff of the county of Essex, which office he held until he left the country. When the difficulties between the colonies and the mother country came on. Colonel Saltonstall was opposed to forcible resistance ; he believed that it raust be ineffectual, and that the colonies would fall before the power of Great Britain, He was biographical notices. 549 greatly beloved and respected ; he often represented the town in the general court. It was long before he lost his popularity, not withstanding his opinions ; but in tbe autumn of 1774, a great nuraber of persons collected before his house, arraed with clubs, etc., and with threats of violence, contrary to the advice of some friends who were with him, and who had gone for the purpose of aiding in his escape, he carae to the door and addressed the excited as sembly with great calmness, firmness and dignity ; reminding thera of his services for bis country, tbat he had exposed his life in its defence, etc. Seldom has a speech been more effectual ; it quelled the excited passions of the multitude, and they dispersed. He was soon after corapelled to take refuge in Boston, and erabarked for England, in 1775, Col. Saltonstall refused to accept a commission in the British army, saying, that if he could not conscientiously engage on the side of his country, he would not take up arms against her. His reputation as an officer was high, and it is supposed that he might have had an iraportant coramand in the American army, if he had embraced the popular cause. Col, Saltonstall was proscribed by the law of 1778, and passed the remainder of his days in England, In one of his letters, writien soon after the peace, he expressed great affection for the delightful place of his nativity ; but he added, — " I have no remorse of con science for mv past conduct, I have had more satisfaction in a private life here, than I should have had in being next in comraand to General Washington, where I raust have acted in conforraity to the dictates of others, regardless of my own feelings," Colonel SaltonstaU resided on the beautiful family estate in Haverhill, known as " the SaltonstaU place," where he lived in a style of liberal hospitality, sustaining the character of a truly upright and honorable man, and an accomplished gentieman ; he was never married. He was kindly received by his remote family connections in Eno'land ; and his filends erected a monuraent to his raeraory at Kensington, with the following inscription : « Near this place are interred the reraains of Richard Salton stall, Esq., who died October 1, 1785, aged fifty-two. He was an American loyalist, from HaverhUl in the Massachusetts; where 550 biographical notices, he was descended from a first faraily, both for the principal share it had in the early erecting, as well as in rank and authority in governing that province. And wherein he himself sustained, with unshaken loyalty and universal applause, various important trusts and comraands under the crown, both civil and mihtary, from his youth till its revolt ; and throughout life raaintained such an amia ble private character, as engaged him the esteem and regard of many friends, " As a meraorlal of his raerits, this stone is erected," Col. Saltonstall was a descendant in the sixth generation from Sir Richard SaltonstaU, one of the patentees of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, and who arrived at Salem, in the Arabella, (or Arbella,) June 12, 1630, with Governor Winthrop and their associates, " bringing out the charter with thera," He was also a patentee of Connecticut, and raay be considered as one of the principal founders of both colonies, A raemoir of this family may be found in the publications of the Mass, Historical Society, Dr. Nathaniel Saltonstall, brother of Colonel Saltonstall, was a decided whig of the Revolution. The Hon. Leverett Saltonstall, of Salera, an able and eloquent representative, now in congress from Massachusetts, is his son. N. CHANDLER. Nathaniel Chandler, son of Col. John Chandler of Worcester, graduated at Harvard CoUege, in 1768, was a practising attorney at Petershara, when the troubles comraenced, and was corapelled on account of his principles to take refuge in Boston, He was proscribed in 1778, Had for a while led a corps of volunteers in the British service at New-York. He afterwards went to Eng land, returned, and died at Worcester, 1801, aged fifty-one. DR. B. S. OLIVER. Brinley Sylvester Oliver, M. D., fourth son of Lieut Governor Andrew Oliver, graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1774, studied medicine and surgery, and was afterwards a surgeon in the British Service, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICE?,, 551 DR, PAINE. William Paine, M. D,, son of Timothy Paine, Esq,, of Wor cester, Mass., graduated at Harvard College in 1768, He was practising professionally at Worcester at the commencement of the Revolution ; was a refugee, and proscribed in 1778, Became an apothecary to the British forces in Rhode Island and New-York, At the peace he settled at New Brunswick, and was a represent ative for Charlotte county. He removed to Salera, Mass., where he practised from 1787 to 1793, with success in his profession. The death of his father caused hira to return to Worcester, where he closed his checkered life, on the 18th April, 1833, at the age of eighty-three, WM, CHANDLER. Wh.liam Chandler, Esq., youngest son of Col. John Chandler, of Worcester, Mass,, was corapelled to take refuge in Boston, and was proscribed in 1778, He returned after peace was restored, and died in his native place, July, 1793, aged forty, Mr, Chandler graduated at Harvard College, in 1772, CHARLES CURTIS, Charles Curtis, of Scituate, Mass,, graduated at Harvard Col lege, 1765, Driven into Boston, he was proscribed in 1778, and died in New-York, previous to 1832, DR. P, OLIVER. Peter Olfver, Jr,, second son of the chief justice of the sarae name, both of Middleborough, Plymouth county, Mass. ; the forraer graduated at Harvard College in 1761. He had practised in Scit uate in early life ; was driven into Boston, and in consequence became a refugee in England, where he died, at Shrewsbury, in Sept, 1822, aged eighty-one, REV. M, BADGER. Rev, Moses Badger, of HaverhUl, graduated at Harvard Col lege, 1761 ; was a refugee, proscribed by the act of Sept 1778. Af ter the peace he returned, and was rector of King's Chapel, Provi dence, Rhode Island, where he died. Sept, 19, 1792, 552 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES, J, D, ROGERS. Jeremiah Dummer Rogers, Esq., an attorney at law of Little ton, graduated at Harvard College, 1762. He was a refugee, pro scribed in 1778, and died at Halifax, 1784. T. A. COFFIN. Thomas Aston Coffin, Esq., son of Willlara Coffin, of Boston, and cousin of Sir Isaac Coffin, reraalned in Boston after the siege, and was proscribed in 1778. He was private secretary to Gen. Carleton, and in 1784 was appointed commissary-general to the British troops at Quebec. He died in London, May 3d, 1810, aged fifty-six. Mr. Coffin graduated at Harvard College in 1772, REV. B, LOVELL. Rev, Benjamin Lovell, youngest son of the grararaar school master at Boston, was graduated at Harvard College in 1774. He became a refugee, first to Halifax, where he married, and after wards to England. Mr, Lovell took orders, and was settled at Ashe, Surrey, where he died, March 14, 1828, aged seventy-three. J. PUTNAM, Jr. James Putnam, .Jr., Esq., son of Hon. James Putnam of Wor cester, graduated at Harvard College in 1774 ; was a refugee in 1775 ; becarae barrack-master, and subsequently one of the house hold of the late Duke of Kent ; of whose wUl he was executor. He died in London, March, 1838, GOV. FRANKLIN, Hon, William Franklin, born in 1731, a natural son of the celebrated Dr, Franklin, was the last of the royal governors of New Jersey, and one of the raost conspicuous persons in opposition to the principles of the Revolution. Although born upon the Araerican soil, he was from feeling and principle a loyalist ; and his firm adherence to government, under the raost adverse circum stances, and with all the influence of his father's example to con tend against, as well as his disapprobation of the course he took, showed a self-sacrifice seldora equalled, and renders him well worthy of notice, while his sufferings entitie him to our sympathy. biographical notices, 553 Of his early history very llttie is known ; he was a captain in the army during the French war, and served with credit at Ticon deroga, He afterwards accompanied his father to England, where he appears to have been received with distinction. He was honored by the university of Cambridge with the degree of Master of Arts, and we find him enjoying the intiraacy and confidence of the Earl of Bute, on whose recoraraendation Lord Halifax appointed him, in 1763, the governor of New-Jersey. Governor Franklin seems to have studied the best interests of his province, and for some time enjoyed considerable popularity, but he did not possess the good fortune to retain it. In the first dispute which occurred between him and the assembly, in relation to the removal of a defaulting treasurer, he manifested a useless obstinacy, in opposition to their wishes, which served to deprive hira of their confidence, and to prevent any influence which he might otherwise have exerted In opposition to the Revolution, He also gave offence by showing, in all contests between the raother country and her colonies, that he reraalned faithful to his principles ; for he steadily advocated the clairas of governraent, and in answer to the strong remonstrances of the assembly he invariably aimed to show thera that their situation was rauch to be preferred to the uncertain results of a revolution'. At length the current of opinion became strong against hira, and he found that his exertions served only to excite a more determined opposition. He labored assidu ously to prevent the formation of an independent provincial govern ment and the union of the colonies, and afforded encouragement and protection to the most violent opponents ofthe Revolution, But what gave the greatest offence was his proclamation caUing together the royal asserably, in order to oppose their action to that ofthe provincial congress. This raeasure alarmed the latter body, and they at once resolved that his proclaraation ought not to be obeyed, that he had acted in violation of their resolves, and had proved'himself an enemy to the liberties of his country; that mea sures should be taken to secure his person, and that all payments of salary to him should cease. He was then arrested by order of the convention, and on his refusal to sign a parole, detained in close custody. In the mean time an application had been made to the continental congress for advice as to the course to be pursued, 70 554 biographical notices- suggestlng that it would be more safe to confine him in some other state than New-Jersey ; and that body recommended that, after an exaraination, he should be transferred to the custody of the gover nor of Connecticut. He was accordingly brought before the con vention for exaraination, but his firraness did not desert hira, and he steadily refused to answer any questions, denying the authority of that body, which he asserted had usurped the government. He was then sent to Connecticut, and after a confinement at Middle- town of nearly two years, was liberated in exchange for an Ameri can general officer, when he retired to England, on a pension, which was continued during life. He died on the 17th Noveraber, 1813, at the age of eighty-two. Gov. Franklin, though wanting the genius of his father, was a man of talents, firraness, and integrity. That his conduct was the result of sincere convictions cannot be doubted. He had been raised to his dignified station without any solicitation on his part, or on the part of his father, and it is probable that a feeling of gra titude raay have held him raore steadily in his course. It Is evident that he sacrificed much In acting as he did, if it were only the friendly intercourse with his parent, who had previously bestowed upon him much of his confidence and affection. The letters be tween them had been frequent, but when the course of the gover nor became manifest, their intercourse entirely ceased. The last of the doctor's letters was in January, 1774, and he had no further communication with his son till after the peace, when the latter, in 1784, wrote to his father, proposing a reconcUiation. The doctor remarks in his answer, that nothing had ever caused hira so much pain as " to find himself deserted, in his old age, by his only son :" he finds for him, however, an excuse in his situation, but remarks that " there are natural duties which precede pohtical ones, and cannot be extinguished by thera." The intercourse thus recom menced continued, probably, till the death of the Ulustrious philoso pher and statesman. Gov. Frankhn was twice married, and left, at his death, one son, William Temple Franklin, editor of the works of his grand father, who died in Paris, May 25, 1823. Gov. Franklin caused a monumental tablet to be placed in the chancel of St. Paul's church. New- York, with the following inscrip tion : biographical notices. 555 " Beneath the altar of this church are deposited the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Frankhn, wife of his Excellency WUliam Franklin, late governor, under his Britannic Majesty, of the province of New- Jersey. Compelled to part frora the husband she loved, and at length despairing of the soothing hope of his speedy return, she sunk under accumulated distresses, and departed this life 28th July, 1778, in the forty-ninth year of her age. Sincerity and senslbUlty, Politeness and affability, Godhness and charity, were, with sense refined and person elegant, in her united. From a grateful remembrance of her affectionate tenderness and constant performance of all the duties of a good wife, this monument is erected, in the year 1787, by one who knows her worth, and still laments her loss." L WILKINS, D. D. Isaac Wilkins, of Westchester, New-York, son of Martin WUkins, Esq., who in infancy, at the decease of his father, an opu lent planter, and an eminent man of the island of Jaraaica, was brought to the province, and received the best education the coun try afforded. The former married Isabella Morris, a sister of that eloquent patriot and statesman, Gouverneur Morris.* Mr. Wilkins first prepared himself for the church, but did not take orders. As a member of the provincial assembly, he was subsequently distin guished for loyalist principles, and his eloquence and integrity ac quired for hira an influence rarely attained, andwhich for a consid erable time prevented the prostration of the colonial government The following extract from his speech on the resolutions for adopting the measures recomraended by congress, shows the interest he felt in the subject : " We have before us the choice of peace or war, of happiness or misery, of freedom or slavery ; and can we hesitate which to choose ? By proceeding in a firm, but loyal and constitutional ' Another brother, Sir Staats L. Morris, K. C. B., who entered the British army in early life, attained the rank of lieut. general, and married the duch. ess of Gordon. 556 biographical notices. manner, in tbe settlement of this unhappy difference with our mother country, we cannot faU, I am convinced, of meeting with success, of securing to ourselves a free constitution, and of a restor ation to the favor and protection of the parent state, which, next to the favor of heaven, will be our best and strongest safeguard and security. This is the critical moment of our fate ; we have it now in our power to do the most essential good or mischief to ourselves and our posterity. If we neglect this opportunity of promoting our comraon felicity, and of establishing our liberties on a firm and lasting basis, we may perhaps never have another, and shall repent of our fatal infatuation and folly when too late to retrieve the mis take ; when the horrors of civil war shall be increased by the curses of our wretched and deluded constituents, who, in the bitter ness of their hearts, shall point us out as the authors of their ruin, and when we shall be obhged to submit to the laws of conquest, or the penalties of rebellion, I have shown that the rise of this dispute with Great Britain has been an unreasonable jealousy on our part, originating from an impolitic exertion of authority on hers ; and that it is our interest, as well as duty, to cultivate the closest union with her, I have shown that by a peaceful conduct we may procure for ourselves, and perhaps for our sister colonies, a more perfect system of government than that we have hitherto enjoyed, which was indeed better calculated for our infant state than for the present period of our maturity ; a period that requires, however paradoxical it may seera, raore liberty and a stricter gov ernment, I will only add, that if contrary to ray most ardent wishes, contrary to the dignity of this house, to the dictates of hu manity, and our duty to our constituents and country, you adopt the measures of congress, and by that raeans involve our country in a civil war, that raost dreadful of calamities, I declare my honest in dignation against your course, and call heaven to witness I am guiltless of the blood of ray fellow subjects that will be shed on the occasion — I ara guUtiess of the ruin of ray country," About the 1st of May, 1775, Mr, Wilkins was corapelled to abandon his faraily and country, and embarked for England, after taking the following leave of his countrymen, which appeared in Rivington's Gazette, of May 3, 1775 : biographical notices, 557 "My Countrymen: " Before I leave Araerica, the land I love, and in which is con tained every thing that is valuable and dear to me, my wife, chU dren, friends, and property, permit me to make a short and faithful declaration, which I ara induced to do, neither through fear, nor a consciousness of having acted wrong. An honest raan and a Chris tian hath nothing to apprehend from this world, God is my judge and witness, that all I have done, written, or said, in relation to the present unnatural dispute between Great Britain and her colonies, proceeded from the honest intention of serving my country. Her welfare and prosperity were the objects towards which all my en deavors have been directed. They stUl are the sacred objects which I shall ever steadily and invariably keep in view, and when in England, all the influence that so inconsiderable a man as I am can have, shall be exerted in her behalf. " It has been my constant maxim through life to do my duty conscientiously, and to trust the issue of my actions to the Al mighty. May He, in whose hands are all events, speedily restore peace and liberty to my unhappy country ; may Great Britain and America be soon united in the bands of everlasting amity, and when united,~jnay they continue a free, virtuous, and happy nation, to the end of time. " I leave America and every endearing connection, because I will not raise my hand in opposition to my sovereign, nor wUl I draw my sword against my country ; when I can conscientiously draw it in her favor, my life shall be cheerfully devoted to her service. " Isaac Wilkins," Bishop Seabury wrote Mr, Wilkins on the 30th of May, 1775, that Drs. Cooper and Chandler had saUed frora New-York the pre vious week for England, Mr, Samuel Bayard, jr,, wrote Mr, Wilkins in London, dated New-York, 6th June, 1775, " that the few soldiers who were here embarked on board the Asia yesterday ; their baggage was stopped by some of our inhabitants, and one or two soldiers deserted. Stop ping the baggage is said to have been contrary to the sentiments of most people here. We are, however, very quiet. The military made no resistance, as the officers were afraid of greater desertions 558 biographical notices. if the soldiers reraained in the streets," On the 5th July he writes as follows : " Wooster's carap I suppose you know is within two railes of us — it is in a field adjoining the sand-hill, and on the left hand side of the new road which runs through N, Bayard's land, so that this road is on the east side, and the road over the sand-hUl on the north side of the camp. The number is said to be fourteen hundred. These are a part of the five thousand which the continental .con gress have directed to be kept in this province. We have for ten days past received contradictory accounts of an action between Gen. Gage and the provincials, which happened on the 17th June, No account frora Gen, Gage yet Surely, if those who now direct affairs had a real love of the country at heart, they would use every raeans to obtain their desires before they involved us in the horrors of war. If influenced by laudable raotives, their measures appear to be the effect of infatuation ; the uncertainty of what this raay urge them to is such, that when I go to bed I know not whether I may not be waked by the noise of cannon battering the town, as there is the Asia of sixty guns lying just opposite ray bed." On the 13th of July he further writes as follows : " Yesterday sorae of our Connecticut troops seized the cutter of the Asia, with eight or ten men, who carae on shore to bring a sick raan. They hauled the boat into the street, (the raen belonging to her sitting in, huzzaing and calling thera their horses ;) some time after they put the boat in the water and set fire to her, I hear Gen. Wooster has wrote a polite letter to Capt. Vandeput, assuring hira that this outrage was without his knowledge, and contrary to his wishes. It is said the boat will be paid for," August 2, he also writes thus : " Although we are but looked upon as enemies to the liberty of our country, yet I can answer for you, as I believe you can for me, that we as sincerely wish her every blessing and the enjoyraent of every liberty which the nature of civil government can admit, as the loudest of those who at this time are in opposition to govern ment ; and I ara convinced you will use all your influence and abilities to promote the good of your country ; which I hope our infatuated countrymen will one day be convinced of and acknow ledge," Mr, WUkins returned to Long Island in 1776, then under con trol of the British, where he remained until the close of the war. biographical notices, 559 W^hile in England, Mr. Wilkins recomraended to Lord North terms on which the breach could be healed, but they were not heeded. On the 4th of Feb., 1777, from Oxford, Dr, Cooper, forra erly president of King's College, New-York, wrote to Mr. WU kins, at Long Island, as foUows: " I have heard of your sufferings with rauch pain, though I own without surprise ; you may remem ber I tried to dissuade you from going so soon on that very account. But that * * * * * * should have been the very instrument of this wickedness, is far more than I could have supposed, and I heartily pray, (with a safe conscience, too,) that he may have an ample and speedy reward. The same good wishes attend all the laborers in the vineyard of Satan, wheresoever dispersed." At the close of the war, Mr. Wilkins was, by the terms of the banishraent act, corapelled to leave the republic, and he repaired to Shelburne, Nova Scotia, where he reraained several years, and subsequently removed to Lunenburgb, in the same pro vince. He obtained leave to return to his native land previous to 1803, and having taken orders, was settled over the parish of West Chester, where he continued highly esteemed for lofty prin ciple, ever exhibited through a protracted and checkered life, which closed soon after penning the following epitaph : To the memory of The Rev. ISAAC WILKINS, D. D. who for 31 years was the diligent and faithful minister of this parish, placed here, as he believed, by his Redeemer, He reraained satisfied with the pittance aUowed him, rejoicing that even in that he was no burden to his parishioners : nor ever wished nor ever went forth to seek a better hving, Mr, Wilkins died 5th February, 1830, aged eighty-nine years. 560 biographical notices. REV, IVORY HOVEY,* Rev, Ivory Hovey was born at Topsfield, near Salem, Mass., on the 3d of July, 0, S, 1714, He graduated at Harvard CoUege in 1735, in the class of Mr, Curvyen. He studied theology, and was setUed at Matapolset, a parish of Rochester, Massachusetts, in 1740, He left that place in 1765, and was soon after resettled in a parish of Plymouth, where he passed the reraainder of an unusu ally long and useful life. He raarried in 1739, Olive, daughter of Capt Sarauel Jordan, of Biddeford, Maine, who survived hira a few months, Mr, Hovey was able to continue his ministerial la bors tUl a few days before his death, which took place on the 4th of November, 1803, in the ninetieth year of his age. It is reraarked by Dr, Alden, (from whose Collection these particulars are obtained,) that for some time before his decease, Mr, Hovey " was but the third araong fhe living of his alraa mater," He probably outlived all of his classmates, although he survived Mr, Curwen by only eighteen months. For sixty-five years before his death, says Alden, Mr. Hovey kept a journal, in which those things designed for his own partic ular use were penned in a short hand, as is said, of his own inven tion. This journal, closely written, amounts to the astonishing number of seven thousand octavo pages. The sarae author pub lishes an excellent letter of great length, addressed by Mr. Hovey to a young candidate for the ministry, written twelve days only before his death, * See above, page 418, where it is mentioned as uncertain whether this classmate of Mr. Curwen was living in 1795. The present notice of Mr. Hovey has been prepared since that part of the work was printed. biographical notices. 561 SAMUEL QUINCY. [The following additional particulars and documents relating to this unfortunate gentleraan are derived from original papers, of which copies have been made and forwarded to us since the preceding notice of hira was in type. Aside from the fact that they have been communicated by a lady, (Miss Eliza S, Quincy, jr,, of Cambridge, Massachusetts,) these documents possess too deep an interest to be withheld fi'om the public, although their publica tion renders the article more voluminous than is strictly consistent with the plan of this work,] Mr, Quincy was born in that part of Braintree now Quincy, Massachusetis, April 13, 1735, He was the second son of Josiah Quincy, who at that time resided on the estate of his ancestor in that town, and who afterwards reraoved to Boston, and becarae an eminent merchant of that place. His mother's name was Hannah Sturgls, daughter of John Sturgls, Esq. of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, She died in Boston, August, 1755, aged 43, leaving three sons and one daughter. She was an exceUent and religious woman, and had received the best education the country at that time afforded. Her chUdren honored her memory, and the eminence and usefulness of their lives and characters bore testimony to the virtuous principles she had early instilled. Endowed with fine talents, Mr, Quincy became eminent in the profession of the law, and succeeded Jonathan Sewall as solicitor- general of Massachusetts. He was also distinguished for his know ledge and attainraents in general literature, and as the author of nuraerous fugitive essays in prose and verse, that appeared in the journals of the day. He was the intiraate friend of raany of the most distinguished men of that period, and an eariy correspond ent of John Adams, In early life he appears to have coincided in his political course and opinions with his brothers. During the movements preceding the Revolution, his name appears on the records of the town of Boston, associated with that of Josiah Quincy, jr. From the letter written by him to his brother, so ardent a patriot, on receiving a copy of his " Observations on the Boston Port Bill," 71 562 biographical notices, it appears that their affection for each other remained unal tered,* The feelings of his father and family, who were all devoted to the cause of freedora and independence, were undoubtedly deeply wounded by the course Samuel Quincy pursued, as a letter of Jils sister, Mrs. Lincoln, evinces. But they always continued to take an affectionate interest in his fate and fortunes ; and the want of letters from his father and friends, to which he alludes in his letters from London, undoubtedly arose from the difficulties of transmitting letters to London at that troubled period. His father was then advanced in life, and lived in retirement at Braintree on his paternal estate. The following impassioned letter was written to Mr. Quincy by his sister, Mrs. Lincoln, when on the eve of his departure for Eng land : TO SAMUEL QUINCY. Braintree, May 11, 1775, My dear Brother : I write this in hopes to put it into the letter my father has just written. If it should reach you, it may serve to convince you that I have not forgotten that you are my only brother. He raust judge what I feel, when I tell him that I fear I shall never see him again. Our two departed brothers died upon the seas. You perhaps will say your body is sound ; it may be so, but the sick in mind call for more than Esculapian aid. If any thing could surprise me now, the hearing of your going home would ; but of late every thing that is raarvellous and strange is to be expected. I have not tirae to enlarge upon the compli cated distresses of our country, of ¦families, or of individuals, but shall briefly say that our connections have experienced such a se ries of melancholy events as are not to be paralleled. We, my brother, I hope, can sympathize in sorrowing for the loss of a bro ther, whose character was, as far as any man's of his age ever was, unimpeachable. In his labors for the salvation of his country, he was indefati- * See Memoir of J. Quincy, jr., by his son President Quincy, p. 160. biographical notices. 563 gable. His death, I hope, will prove a warning to others— ndt to pursue too eageriy any point. Nature kept upon the stretch will give way. He did not sufficiently consider the tenderness of his frame, and it may truly be said he fell a martyr in the cause of liberty. In the monody on our eldest brother I find the following lines ; they may with equal propriety be applied to the younger : " That heart which late, inflamed with patriot zeal. Braved the bold insults of its country's foe. No more its pious frenzy can reveal, Nor e'er in Freedom's cause again shall glow." Let it not be told in America, and let it not be published in Great Britain, that a brother of such brothers fled from his coun try — the wife of his youth — the children of his affection — and from his aged sire, already bowed down with the loss of two sons, and' by that of many more dear, though not so near connections, to se cure himself frora the reproaches of his injured countrymen, and to cover such a retreat, obliged to enlist as a sycophant under an ob noxious Hutchinson, who is a tool under a cruel North, and by thera to be veered about, and at last to be blown aside with a cool " to-morrow, sir," "Refusal, canst thou wear a smoother form ?" My blood chUls at the thought of the meanness of a seeker, and flames with indignation at such treatment from those in power. Arouse from your lethargy — let reason take the helm — disregard aU greatness but greatness of soul ; — then the littie trappings that royalty can confer will lose their lustre, that false lustre which I fear inclines you to the prerogative side. Spare me, and do not call what I have written irapertinent, but ascribe it to the anxiety of a sister, really distressed for thee, I behold you leaving your country " a land flowing with rallk and honey," and in which, as yet, iniquity of all kinds is punished, and its religion as yet free frora Idolatry, (how long it wUl continue so God only knows — we have reason to fear a depredation on our religious system next,) for a country where evU works are committed with impunity. Caui 564 biographical notices. you expect there to walk uprightly 7 Can you take fire into your bosom and not be burned ? I take a long farewell, and wish you success in every laudable undertaking. Your affectionate sister, H, Lincoln, TO HENRY HILL, ESQ., CAMBRIDGE. Boston, May 13, 1775, Dear Brother : There never was a time when sincerity and affectionate unity of heart could be more necessary than at present. But in the midst of the confusions that darken our native land, we may still, by a rectitude of conduct, entertain a rational hope that the Almighty Governor of the universe will in his own time reraeraber mercy, I am going, ray dear friend, to quit the habitation where I have been so long encircled with the dearest connections. I ara going to hazard the unstable eleraent, and for a while to change the scene — whether it will be prosperous or adverse, is not for rae to determine. I pray God to sustain my integrity, and pre serve me frora temptation. My political character with you may be suspicious ; but be as sured, if I cannot serve my country, which I shall endeavor to the utmost of ray power, I will never betray it. The unhappy event which took place yesterday, was as unex pected as it was distressful ; my concern for your safety, as well as my anxiety for the agitation of my dear partner, wounded me to the heart Oh, cruel separation, I had raany things to say ; I could have talked with you for ever ; but the wUl bf Heaven forbade it The kind care of my faraUy you have so generously offered, penetrates me with the deepest gratitude. If it should not be in my power to reward you, you will have that recompense greater than I can give you, the approbation of your own heart Would to God we may again enjoy that harmonious intercourse I have been favored with since my union with your famUy, I will not despair of this great blessing in sorae future and not very distant period, * * God preserve you in health and every earthly enjoy ment, until you again receive the salutation of '* Your friend and brother, Samuel Quincy, biographical notices. 565 EXTRACTS FROM MR. QUINCY'S LETTERS. London, July 25, 1775. * * I have now been here a month. I have not yet seen Lord North or Lord Dartraouth, not because I could not, but be cause I have not been sent for, and choose my own time if I do it at all. I raention this to show you how raistaken you are when you suppose I shall be strictly exarained. I have just returned from a visit to one of the first law officers, by whora I was very politely received. As to politics I say nothing ; suffice it that ray opinion of men and things reraains the sarae, and is confirraed every hour. * * We have just received the news of the battle of the 17th of June, by the Cerberus ; but this is a subject on which I dare not venture. Every thing is peace here ; I wish it raay soon return to my dear, dear country, TO henry hill, esq, London, August 18, 1775, You conjure rae by the love of my country, to use my best endeavors to bring about a reconcihation, suggesting that the Americans are stiU as determined as ever to die free, rather than live slaves ; I have no reason to doubt the zeal of my fellow- countrymen in the cause of freedora, and their firmness in its de fence and were it in ray power, ray faithful endeavors should not be wanting (nay, I have a right to say they are not) to effect an accoramodatlon. But, my good friend, I am unhappy to find that the opinion I formed in America, and which in a great measure governed my conduct, was but too justiy founded. Every propo sal of those who are friendly to the colonies, to alter the raeasures of governraent and redress the grievances of which they complain, is spumed at, unless attended with previous concessions on their part. This there is less reason every day to expect, and thus the prospect of an accomraodation Is thrown at a distance ; nor is there yet the least reason to suppose that a forraidable if any opposition will be framed against administration in favor of America. The people of this country are united in their attachment to the reigning 566 biographical notices, prince and his family. The king's ralnisters are their own ; and though a claraor against those who are in power, which is ever the case in popular governments, in some measure divides the metrop olis, the city politics never were on a lower ebb. Their petitions and remonstrances are received with indignation, as they are con ceived to originate from an anti-ministerial spirit, and not as the offspring of true patriotism or friendship to America. The politi cal subordination of the colonies is in this island a sacred tenet. It is not, therefore, very surprising, that the late alarraing strides of colony opposition have taught them to suspect a determination to emancipate the continent frora every civil connection with this country, and a dangerous design of independency, notwithstanding the denial of it in words. Under this apprehension, the yeomen, merchants, and manufacturers, in the inland parts of the country, who were wont to be advocates for America, as far as I am able to form a judgment both from information and observation, are be ginning to murmur against them. Their coramon answer is. Whilst you were reasonable in your demands and complained of real burdens, we were willing to support you, but we cannot ven ture to assist Araerican independence, lest we lay a foundation for the destruction of both countries. Their produce and manufac tures are in quick deraand, and likely to continue so, owing princi pally fo the equipraent of the Spanish flota, and the late Russian war. They are therefore at peace and contented, iraraersed in wealth and coraraerce, and caring little what passes beyond them. Some of the principal American raerchants here with whora I have conversed, are projecting an association proralslng their aid to gov ernment, and publicly to convince Araerica that they are not to expect the assistance of the trade here in support of what they call her extravagant clairas. We look, say they, upon your attempts to distress us by stopping your commerce, as a mark of your want of honesty, and your pretended flame for liberty as only a desire for domination and empire. When the lord mayor carried up to St. James's the late city remonstrance and petition for the removal of the troops from Boston, his procession, with the usual parade, at tended by the sheriffs, aldermen and comraon-council, excited little attention, and was honored at the palace gate with but a dumb peal even from the tattered rabble. biographical notices, 567 The effect of the battle of Bunker Hill is a resolution to send more ships and troops, every species of araraunltion and warlike implements, and all kinds of supply for the support of Boston ; many of them are already embarked. Admiral Shuldam supersedes Adrairal Graves, and Sir Jeffery Araherst, it is said, has consented to accept the coraraand, and General Gage wUl have leave to re turn. What nuraber of troops will be sent I am not able to say, but I understand much greater in the spring, if a negotiation does not take place, I mention these things minutely, to show you of how sraall importance are those flattering articles of intelligence which sound well upon paper, and appear highly spirited and influential. These are facts, not of conjecture only, but visible and operative. Your reflection will perhaps be, we must then work out our own sal vation by the strength of our own arm, trusting In the Lord, Really, my friend, if the colonies, according to their late declaration, have made a resistance by force their choice, the contest is in short re duced to that narrow compass, I view the dangerous and doubtful struggle with fear and trerabling ; I laraent it with the most cor dial affection for my native country, and feel sensibly for my friends. But I am aware it is my duty patiently to subrait the event as it may be governed by the all-wise counsels of that Being ' who ruleth in the heavens, and is the God of arraies, ' ' TO MRS, QUINCY, London, Jan. 1, 1777. ¦* * The continuance of our unhappy separation has something in it so unexpected, so unprecedented, so corapllcated with evU and mlsforiune, it has become alraost too burdensorae for ray spirits, nor have I words that can reach its description. There are passing be fore me a thousand varying objects, sorae of tbem affording arause- ment, and others admiration, I see many faces I have been used to America seeras to be transplanted to London, St James's Park wears an appearance not unlike the Exchange in Boston. * * I long rauch to see my father. It is now raore than eighteen months since I parted wUh him in a manner I regret. Neither of vou say any thing of the faraily at Braintree. They ought not to think me rei;»i^:ni r'B E. ffilKiab'^^f M f ^» " ,' '•; t' = \ ' Il't I sm . Ir, '' 'i ' II 1I