YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of STUART W. JACKSON Yale 1898 MEMORIAL DISOOUESE OH THB ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATES, DELIVERED AT HOLLIS !! N.H., N, THE DAT OP THE NATIONAL PAST, JUNE 1, ISfiK BY P. B. DAY, , PASTOK OF THB Ct)lIGREG-A^^fAL OHURCH. PUBLISHED BT KEtost so long, but has finally brought us aU safe into port. Though the old pilot has been taken from us, let us trust the new. Let us be wise in adjusting our remaining difficulties, that we may go forth on our new mission before the world, — that of carrying the blessing of liberty, intelligence, enterprise and Christianity to our entire race. Millions will be allured to our shores by the virtues of Washington and Lincoln, and help to roll the tide of civihzation on to the Pacific, whUe the moral grandeur of our institutions and our victories wUl command the respect of all the earth. SMW. , « .^-'