jijllijli . iii!: I Illi) i IMI.j it i ilPPlli! ¦ : l,|,ii!" FRANKLIN BI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION PHILADELPHIA 1906 THE RECORD OF THE CELEBRATION OF THE TWO HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERI CAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILADELPHIA FOR PROMOTING USEFUL KNOWLEDGE, APRIL THE SEVENTEENTH TO APRIL THE TWENTIETH, A. D. NINE TEEN HUNDRED AND SIX VOL. VI printed for The American Philosophical Society Philadelphia 1908 Copyright, 1908, by The American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia For Promoting Useful Knowledge PRESS OF The new era printing company lancaster, pa. CALENDAR OF THE PAPERS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IN THE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY I. MINIS HAYS VOL. V printed for The American Philosophical Society Philadelphia 1908 CONTENTS Vol. V Index TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS. A. = Autograph. D. = Document. Diss. = Dissertation. Dr. = Draft. E. = Endorsement. F. R. S. = Fellow of the Royal Society, of London. L. = Letter. M. A. P. S. = Member of the American Philosophical Society. M. C. C. = Member of the Continental Congress. Mem. = Memorandum. Ms. = Manuscript. / N. = Note. P. = Person. p. = Page. S. = Signed. [ ] = Addition by the Editor. [?] = Doubtful reading or information. ix NOTE When not otherwise stated " Letters from " are to Benjamin Franklin and " Letters to " are from Benjamin Franklin. The Roman numerals refer to the volume number of the Calendar and the Arabic numerals to the page. The number above and to the right of the page number indicates the number of the references on that page. In cases in which different individuals have the same name, or in which it has been impossible to identify the same name as referring to the same individual, separate entries have been made in the Index. Where there are variations or inaccuracies in the spelling of proper names in the text, the most approved or correct form has been adopted in the Index. CALENDAR OF THE PAPERS OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IN THE LIBRARY OF THE American Philosophical Society INDEX -, Madame. Letter to, III, 485. A , L . Letters from, I, J543. A , R . Letter from, I, 70. Abadie, . Mentioned, I, 300. d'Abancourt, Lefebvre. Letter from, III, 186. d'Abancourt, Willemain. Letter from, II, 370. Abercromby, John. Letters from, I, 543, 550. d'Abezac, Chevalier. Mentioned, I, 329. IV, 409, 4902. Abigail, Mrs. John Jay's maid. Arrest of, III, 121, 537. Elopement of, IV, 111. Release of, IV, 115. Abrams, William, Commander of the "Friendship." Mentioned, IV, 498. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles- Lettres, acknowledges gift of 1 medal, III, 70. Academie des Sciences, Belles-lettres et des Arts de Lyon, Franklin made an Associate of, III, 81, 268. Academie des Sciences, Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Toulouse, IV, 504. Academie Royale des Sciences de Paris. Mentioned, III, 4191. Dr. Joseph Priestley for vacant seat in, III, 30. Report of, on new kind of cannon, IV, 178. Transactions of, III, 378. Transactions of The American Phil osophical Society sent to, III, 487. Academy at Philadelphia, I, 6, 8, 9", 10, 24, 58, 97, 132. Ill, 325. Commencement, I, 122. Disturbance in, III, 448. Gifts to, I, 10, 24, 151. At Washington, Pennsylvania, Dr. Franklin's gift to, IV, 366. National, for the education of the young, plan for, IV, 380. D'Acarq, Prof., formerly professor at I'Ecole Royale Militaire. Letter from, II, 461. Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Reale. Letter from, IV, 468. Accademia di Scienze, Lettre ed Arti di Padova. Letters from, II, 422, 468, 477. Calendar of the Franklin Papers Accademia di Scienze, Lettre ed Arti di Padova — Continued. Dr. Franklin made honorary mem ber of, IV, 478. d'Acheret, De Delaye. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 6. "Achilles," The Merchant Ship. II, 496. Achromatic glasses, III, 472. Achyelle, Perrot. Letter from, III, 49. Ackland, . Mentioned, I, 116. Ackland, Lady. Mentioned, IV, 240. D'Acosta, , of Nantes. Mentioned, III, 55. D'Acosta freres, Nantes Merchants. Letters from, I, 544. II, 50, 55, 3»7- Mentioned, I, 544. II, 55, 66, 186. D'Acosta freres & Cie, Merchants at Nantes. To Comte de Vergennes, IV, 371. "Active," Merchant ship. II, 5", Si6- IV, 54, 58, 320. Acts of Trade, restraints in, III, 467. Adair, James, Author of the History of the American Indians. Mentioned, I, 99. Adamoli, . Letter from, II, 12. Adams, . Mentioned, I, 160. Adams, Deane & Co., of Richmond, Va. Mentioned, IV, 10. Adams, Francis, see also " English Shepherd." To the people of England, IV, 368. Adams, James. Letters from, II, 165, 301. Adams, John, M. C. C, M. A. P. S., U. S. Commissioner to France, Minister to Holland, Commis sioner to negotiate peace, Minister io Great Britain. Adams, John — Continued. Letters from, I, 380. II, 53, 612, 69, 78, 80, 179, 221, 239, 264, 265, 266, 282, 297, 302, 306, 311, 316, 317, 3202, 328, 366, 367, 3^9. 374, 379, 383, 388. 39i, 399, 402, 403, 4042, 405, 408, 412, 415, 416, 418, 420, 425, 440, 448. Ill, 63, 70, 252, 289. IV, 442, 443, 471. To George Fox, IV, 503. To William Temple Franklin, IV, 1 6, 45, 48, 54, 88. To John de Neufville & Son, IV, 325- To Comte de Vergennes, IV, 3072, 3082, 3102, 3115, 499. Letters to, III, 517, 522, 527, 529. Jonathan Loring Austin to, IV, 273. Col. Chevalier Du Bouchet to, IV, 278. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 35i- Elbridge Gerry to, IV, 305. Veuve Lalanne & fils to, IV, 326. Arthur Lee to, IV, 267. William MacCreery to, IV, 266. Jean de Neufville & Son to, IV, 325- Rolandeau to, IV, 271. Stephen Sayre to, IV, 264. Comte de Vergennes to, IV, 308, 3°9, 499- Mentioned, I, 212, 360, 388, 389, 395, 397, 399, 4°8, 416, 517, 542. 566, 569. II, 18, 35, 44, 45, 732, 9i, "4, 168s, 184, 187, 193, 210, 212, 2542, 266, 267, 307, 310, 325, 328, 332, 340, 359, 372, 394, 397, 4*7, 4*9, 424, 425, 45«, 46o, 4«3, 476, 477, 478, 491, 505. HI, 19, 3i, 47, 87, 97, 196, 197. 242, 295, 318, 330, 354, 389, 522, 525, 527, 532s, 5342, 542, 543, 545, 549- Index Adams, John — Continued. IV, 5, 12, 16, 19, 21, 282, 36, 39, 60, 62, 66, 100, 124, 140, 141, 143, 158, 254, 279, 304, 307, 341, 378, 416, 418, 442, 446, 452, 488. Announcement of full powers of, IV, 310, 311. Appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to States-General, II, 369. Appointed Minister at London, IV, 149. Bills accepted by, IV, 324, 384. Bills drawn upon, III, 427. IV, 384. Illness, II, 392. Mission to Europe, II, 203, 204. IV, 431. Negotiating with Jean de Neufville for loan in Holland, II, 357. Objections made to delivering up posts in America, III, 311. Presentation to Louis XVI, II, 221. Ill, 510. Public papers in possession of, III, 517- Question of receiving salary from French Court, II, 404. Sailed for France, IV, 411. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. John. Letter from, III, 215. Adams, Mrs. John. Letter from, IV, 471. Adams, John, Captain of Letter of Marque. Mentioned, I, 232, 252, 254. Mrs. John, II, 486. Adams, John Quincy, Son of and Sec retary to John Adams; subse quently Minister to Holland, Por tugal, Prussia, Russia, England and Sixth President of the United States. M. A. P. S. Letter from, II, 66. Mentioned, II, 61. Adams, Joseph, Officer on U. S. S. " Alliance." Letter from, IV, 421. Adams, Samuel, Member of the Gen eral Assembly and Governor of Massachusetts, Delegate to Con tinental Congress. Letter from, II, 76. Mentioned, IV, 413. Adams, Thomas, Delegate to the Con tinental Congress from Virginia. Mentioned, I, 424, 429. IV, 260. Adanson, , Botanist, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. Letter from, I, 328. Addendum, III, 434. Addiscott, William. Appointed master of the Continental Schooner "Lee," IV, 486. de Chantereyne acknowledges his debt to, IV, 489. Addison, Mrs., of Maryland. House struck by lightning, I, 12. Addison, Alexander. To David Redick, IV, 365. "Adelaide," the frigate. Statue of Louis XVI shipped on, II, 127. d'Adhemar, Comte. Mentioned, III, 141, 215, 261. IV, 130. Admiralty, The Board of. Letters from, II, 230, 341. Court of Great Britain, Instructions by, IV, 484, 496. Judges, Capt. Charles Gustave Berg to, IV, 286. Officers of the. Letter from, II, 251. d'Admirat, Mme. Mentioned, II, 367. " Adventure," the brigantine. Ill, 434- Advertisement, III, 491. Advice to the "Brethren" on their Conduct with the "Heathen." IV, 393. Aerial journal, transcribing copies of, III, 265. Calendar of the Franklin Papers Aerial — Continued. Navigation, IV, 468. Voyage, II, 227. Aerostatic experiments, III, 107, 257. I>f, 143, 387, 470. Improvements, Gold medal struck in honor of, III, 265. Machines, III, 138, 539. IV, 120, 506. Aerts, Ther£se, nee Speeckaert. Letter from, III, 102. "Affaires de TAmerique," Com piler of. Letter from, I, 331. " Affaires d'Angleterre." I, 464, 465, 472. Agents, American, remissness in writ ing, IV, 457. " Agile," drama on the Revolutionary IV ar in America. IV, 115. Agnew, Capt. Mentioned, II, 469. IV, 252. Agreement, III, 477. Agricultural pursuits, III, 478. Agriculture of the Cape, Chamber of. Protest against the Royal Ordinance, IV, 353- Society for Encouraging, III, 298. L'Aguehay, Capt. of the French ship " Le Meulan." Mentioned, I, 261. d'Aguesseau, Marquis Henri Cardin Jean Baptiste, member of the French Academy, Avocat general to the Parliament of Paris. Letter from, II, 389. Mentioned, II, 389, 390. Ill, 528. Aguiton. Letters from, I, 405, 417. d'Ahax, Baronne. Letters from, III, 32, 60, 75. " L'Aigle," the ship. IV, 96. Aillaud, Mme. Letter from, III, 401. "Aimable Elizabeth," French ship. II, 357, 37o- HI, 211, 228, 249, 549. IV, 338, 339, 350, 35i, 352, 355, 369. And the American vessel "Nancy," meeting of, III, 234. L' Aimable Reine, the French brigan- tine. Capture of, I, 352. Aingry, Prince de. Mentioned, I, 391. Air, Condensation of, III, 419. Experiments on, I, 134, 135. In turning pure water into, II, 513- Observations on, by Dr. Franklin, III, 437- Purifying, II, 392. Fixed, I, 145, 147. Matthew Dobsoh on, III, 302, 363- Inflammable, I, 136, 508. II, 366. Volta on, I, 421. Moist, not unwholesome, III, 490. Ship, plan of an, IV, 509. D'Aire, :. Letter from, I, 537. Aislabie, John. Letters from, III, 291, 294. Mentioned, III, 270. Aitcheson, John, Father-in-law of William Alexander. Mentioned, II, 209, IV, 32, 35. Aitken, Robert, Publisher in Philadel phia. Mentioned, I, 168. D'Alagnan. Letter from, I, 394. "Alarm," the English frigate, IV, 256. Albany, Congress in, III, 371. Albert, , of Paris. Letter from, III, 115. Albert, . Mentioned, III, 212. " Albion," the British ship. I, 47«- Index d'Albon, Comte. Letter from, II, 516. Albrecht, Nicolaus ab. Letter from, III, 39. Alcock, . Mentioned, I, 157. Aleaume, . Letter from, III, 124. D'Alembert, Jean le Rond, French mathematician and litterateur. To Comte de Milly, IV, 371. Verses by, IV, 371. d'Alencon, . Mentioned, I, 292, 299. "Alert," U. S.(f) sloop of -war. I, 498, 500, 502. "Alexander," letter of marque. Ill, 433- "Alexander," a prize. II, 425, 482. Alexander, . Mentioned, III, 273. Alexander, Alexander John, third son of William Alexander, Lord Pro vost of Edinburgh. Letters from, I, 554. II, 96, 181, 386, 427. Ill, 233, 315. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 59. Mentioned, II, 140. Ill, 218. IV, 133, 355, 357- Accommodation between, and Thomas Walpole, IV, 133. John Brown, assumed name of, III, 233. IV, 133. Property at Grenada, IV, 20. . Settlement of the affairs of, III, 3152. vs. The Bank of England, II, 389, 390. Ill, 269, 528. Alexander, Bethia, eldest daughter of William Alexander. Letters from, II, 328, 475, 5182. Ill, 199. IV, 452, 454. Bonnefoux to, IV, 504. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 81, 83, 122. Mentioned, IV, 450. Alexander, Mariamne, second daugh ter of William Alexander and wife of Jonathan Williams, Jr., see also, Williams, Mariamne. Mentioned, I, 215. IV, 24. Alexander, Robert, eldest son of Wil liam Alexander, Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Letter from, I, m. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 133. To Benjamin Franklin Bache, IV, 355- Mentioned, I, 48. Alexander, William, second son of William Alexander, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, father of Mrs. Jona than Williams, Jr. Letters from, I, 135, 182, 193, 220, 222, 230, 233, 243, 247, 327, 503. II, 97, 139, 458, 473, 5i82. Ill, 83, 84, 90, 124, 191, 295, 304, 309. IV, 427. Letter to, III, 351. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 19, 23, 37, 89, 90, 95, 133. Mentioned, I, 163, 185, 186, 215, 240, 243, 259. II, 338- HI, 22. IV, 37, 71, 97, 109, 292. Estates in Grenada sequestrated, IV, 95- Oath of Allegiance, IV, 344. Observations on tobacco by, IV, 488. Alexander, Jr., William, Son of Wil liam Alexander, and Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 133, 136, 142. Alexander, the Misses, Daughters of William Alexander. Mentioned, II, 436. Alexander family, William. Mentioned, II, 518. IV, 23. " Alfred," U. S. ship of war. I, 300, 3272, 568. D'Alibart, . Anonymous to, IV, 247. Calendar of the Franklin Papers Alison, Rev. Dr. Francis, M. A. P. S., Vice-Provost of College of Phila. John Eagleson to, IV, 203. Mentioned, IV, 199, 203. All, Isaac, Capt. of an American Mer chantman. Letters from, I, 39, 40, 43. II, 303, 343, 495- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 45- Elnathan Hammond to, IV, 359. To Mrs. Sarah Bache, IV, 368. Mentioned, I, 371. II, 413. Allaire, , Administrator Gen eral of domains of King of France. Letter from, II, 249. Allaire, Peter, New York merchant. Letters from, II, 253. IV, 409. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 30, 38. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 303. Mentioned, II, 249. Allamand, John Nicholas Sebastian, Professor of Philosophy at Leyden. Letter from, I, 547. Mentioned, I, 151, 166. Allan, Thomas, et al. Certificate for the " Lyon of Bristol," IV, 504. Allcock, William. Letter from, II, 477. Allemand, . Letter from, II, 98. L'Allemand, Mme. Letter from, IV, 406. Allen, . Letter from, II, 294. Allen, . Mentioned, I, 328. Allen, Capt. Mentioned, II, 166. Allen, Col. Ethan, Revolutionary pa triot. Mentioned, II, 2. IV, 240. Allen, Jeremiah. Mentioned, II, 156. IV, 431. Allen, John. Letter from, III, 64. Allen, Philip. Mentioned, II, 158. Allen, William, M. A. P. S., Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 29, 33, 34, 37, 43, 60, 64, 69, 77. IV, 199, 402. Allere, Mme. Rebecca. Mentioned, III, 175. Alleyne, John, F. R. S. Letters from, I, 87, 100. Letter to, III, 470. " Alliance," U. S. ship. II, 23, 33, 35, 64, 71, 72, 74, 77, 782, 792, 81, 88, 106, no, 112, 1202, 122, 123, 131, 149, 153, 156, 169, 170, 1742, 177, 180, 182, 1883, 203, 207, 2I55, 2172, 2l8, 221, 2222, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 234s, 239s, 241, 253, 254, 258, 2592, 260s, 261, 262, 263, 26s2, 2663, 267, 268s, 2702, 272, 273, 278, 288, 315, 323, 324, 331, 34i, 358, 3592, 360, 364, 377, 443, 444, 445, 448, 45 iz, 455, 45 6, 457, 459, 460, 46i2, 475- III, 431- IV, 162, 18, 33, 34, 38, 43, 52, 56, 57, 298s, 301, 303, 3063, 307s, 308, 309, 317, 320, 336, 417, 419, 422, 429, 4304, 436", 443, 444, 457, 458, 4«7, 4772, 495, 497, 4983, 4992, 501. List of officers and men on board the, IV, 5002. Officers of the. Letters from, IV, 418, 419, 420. To Capt. Pierre Landais, IV, 495. Conspiracy among, IV, 288, 492. Prize-money claimed by, IV, 97. Resumption of command of, by Pierre Landais, IV, 498. Seized by Pierre Landais, IV, 498. Alliance of America with Genoa and Venice against the piratical states. Ill, 250. d'Almadora, Marquis. Mentioned, I, 444. Index Almanac, American. Ill, 160. IV, 94, 105, 112. In German, III, 65. Almon, John, London bookseller. Letter from, I, 166. Mentioned, II, 286, 387, 416. Ill, 385- Alphabet, observations on the, I, 136. Reforming the English, III, 307, 3"- Alsop, Thomas, of New Town, Long Island. Deed from, IV, 173. Alvarez, Abbe. Mentioned, IV, 56. "Alzire," Tragedy by Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire. IV, 241. Amabert, . Letter from, I, 328. Amandeur, J. Francois, Watchmaker at Paris. Letter from, III, 19. Amantine, . Italian singer. Mentioned, IV, 90. " Amazone," the French frigate in the fleet of Comte de Grasse. II, 309, 493- IV, 45. D'Amble, Abbe. Letter from, I, 539. " Ambuscade," the French frigate. I, 53i- D'amchaga, . Letters from, II, 63, 115, 135, 136, 189, 306. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 24. Amelong, . Mentioned, III, 162. Ameloo, A. Y. Letter from, I, 320. Amelot, , Member of Acad emie des Sciences of Paris. Letters from, II, 58, 396. Ill, 49. Thomas de Mante to, IV, 285. Mentioned, II, 64, 134, 267, 394. IV, 420, 452. Amelunxen, Mme. Myron. Letter from, IV, 443. America, Affairs in, IV, 497. Apostolical vicar in, III, 233. Attitude of Portugal towards, IV, 403. Commerce with, III, 498. Commercial relations between Ba varia and, III, 47, 53, 74. Treaty with, III, 46. Between Ireland and, III, 118, 129, 132. Constitution for, III, 493. Danger of disunion in, III, 27. Disputes in, I, 84. Export duties on goods sent to, IV, 427, 429- Financial distress of, IV, 340. German Regiment for, III, 17. If credit of, is lost, must accept peace, IV, 500. Is determined and unanimous, III, 501. Joseph II ready to acknowledge in dependence of, III, 46. Lies respecting, III, 547. Map of war in, IV, 17. Notice for those who wish to remove to, III, 541. Offer of Independence to, IV, 504. On the discovery of, IV, 359. Paying her debts, III, 306. Proposition for suspension of arms in, I, 356. Punctilious observance of, of her engagement with France, III, 241. Questions about, III, 494. Success of, II, 445. Too enlightened to be enslaved, III, 366. " Topographical description of," sale of, II, 479- Troops sent to, III, 498. Welshmen to emigrate to, III, 47. Wretched condition of affairs in, I, 53- " America," presentation of the ship, to the King of France, III, 76. IV, 457- Arrival at Brest of the, III, 93. 8 Calendar of the Franklin Papers American affairs, narrative of facts relative to, IV, 206. Arraignment of Englishmen by an, IV, 368. Cause, support of, in Ireland, IV, 92. Commissioners. Mentioned, IV, 278. Accounts of, IV, 422. Contract between Rey de Morande and, III, 505. Joshua Johnson to examine the ac counts of, IV, 297. To deliver tobacco to Farmers- General, I, 227. To draw upon French Banks, IV, 419. To procure clothing and military supplies, I, an. Embassy in France, Secretary for, II, 349. Geographical names, IV, 452. Indebtedness, scheme to pay, by sale of American timber, IV, 508. Men-of-war and their prizes, protec tion of, I, 189. Merchants, Committee of. Letter from, I, 67. Population, calculations on, I, 168. Provinces, Report that seven, had submitted to the English Govern ment, II, 501. Revolution, History of the, I, 424. Abbe Raynal's, II, 416, 492. Seaman, escaped. Letter from, II, 517. Injustice to, by Judge of the Ad miralty, II, 23. Service, proposal to furnish a regi ment of German soldiers for, IV, 426. Squadron, Officers of the. Letter from, IV, 422. Troops, clothing for, IV, 302. Uniforms for, I, 3303, 331. II, 215, 218. Vessels, Capture of, by Moorish Corsair, IV, 327. American Vessels — Continued. To borrow from French Govern ment to meet the demands of, III, 256. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, at Boston. Letter from, II, 348. Mentioned, II, 343, 349, 371- III, 287, 290, 292, 364, 365. Memoirs of, III, 301. " American Museum," published by Mathew Carey. Mentioned, III, 374. American Philosophical Society. Mentioned, I, 13, 44, 55, 97, I°2, 104, 122, 166, 276. II, 77, 243, 348, 47i- III, 37, 78, 158, 190, 251, 258, 259, 270, 277, 283, 285, 295, 299, 305, 310, 316, 317, 321, 326, 328, 329, 334, 337, 338, 34°, 343, 34«, 347, 348, 353, 356, 358, 359, 361, 362, 3*9, 37«, 385, 392, 399- IV, 155, 158, 203, 204, 324. Electrical apparatus to be purchased for, IV, 179. Hall of, on Fifth Street, III, 396. Ingen Housz's Book on Vegetables sent to, III, 262. Jean Baptiste Le Roy elected mem ber of, III, 487- Magellanic Fund of, III, 331, 361. Meeting of, at Franklin's House, III, 396. Petition of, and of the Library Com pany of Philadelphia to the As sembly of Pennsylvania for lots on State House Square, III, 58, 174. "Transactions" of, I, 120, 132, 136, 146, 153. Ill, 301, 316, 322, 325, 331, 333, 34i, 342, 349, 3^7, 37°, 375, 382, 485, 487. IV, 365. American, A True Born. Letter from, II, 461. "American Union," the privateer. II, 266, 268, 389. Index Americans, Escaped from English prisons, alphabetical list of, III, 547- In service of British Government, IV, 261, 437. " Ameriquiade," The, a poem, I, 370, 3792- Amherst, Sir Jeffery, Governor-Gen eral of British North America and Field Marshal. Timothy Folger to, IV, 185. Amiel, Charlotte, Wife of Peter Amiel. Letters from, I, 508, 539. Amiel, Peter, Lieutenant in U. S. Navy. Letters from, I, 448, 455. Mentioned, I, 454, 508, 521. Ill, 431. John Paul Jones to, IV, 291. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 264. " L' Amite," American prise. IV, 430. "Amity," the Merchant ship. Ill, 189, 523. Ammunition, Proposals for furnish ing, III, 427. Sent to America for the English, IV, 79- Amnesty to all who return to Al legiance, IV, 486. "Amor Patriae." Plan of Union by, IV, 211. Amore Patriae, The Society. C. W. F. Dumas to, IV, 323. Amoretti, Charles, Secretary of La Societe Patriotique. Mentioned, III, 305. Amory, Jonathan, of Boston. Mentioned, II, 496. " Amphitrite," French Letter of Marque in U. S. service. I, 206, 2072, 209, 236, 251, 261, 3122. IV, 234, 377. Cargo of, I, 353. d'Amraff, Caetanus. Letter from, I, 399. "Amsterdam," Letter of Marque, otherwise known as the " General Arnold." II, 102. Amsterdam in favor of Americans. I, 272. Anderson, . owner of the American Schooner "Sally." Mentioned, I, 502. Anderson, George, of Virginia. Letters from, I, 501. II, 26, 93. Mentioned, II, 105. Anderson, John. Letter from, I, 307. Anderson, John, Professor of Na tural Philosophy at Glasgow. Letters from, III, 368, 369. Anderson, William. To Edward Lloyd, IV, 191. d'Andilly, Vicomte de la Potherye. Letter from, II, 140. d'Andlan, M. and Mme. Mentioned, II, 193. Andre, John, Adj.-Gen. of British Army in America. Execution of, II, 300, 314. Mentioned, IV, 433. Andrews, . Owner of the ship "Sally." Claim of, III, 533. IV, 368. Andrews, Samuel. Letters from, II, 449, 453. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 67, 75, 79. Andrews, Samuel, " formerly of Bos ton, lately of Demerara." Mentioned, II, 297. D'Andrieu, , of Carcassonne. Letter from, III, 407. Andrieu family. Mentioned, II, 272. Andrillon, Mile. Mentioned, IV, 167. " Andromache," French frigate. II, 408. " Andromeda," British man-of-war. I, 433. IV, 266. IO Calendar of the Franklin Papers Andry, . Mentioned, III, 195. " Angelica," partial list of the crew of the, IV, 226. D'Angely, . Letter from, II, 363. Angenend, , Paris tailor. Letters from, IV, 471, 472. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 69. D'Angiviller, Comte Charles Claude Labillarderie, Director-General of Buildings and Gardens of Louis XVI. Member of the Academie des Sciences de Peinture, etc. Letter from, III, 104. Mentioned, III, 371. Angus, John, Captain of the Pennsyl vania ship "Franklin." Letters from, II, 407, 423, 443. Mentioned, II, 426, 442s, 451. . III. 433. IV, 73. d'Anhic. Mentioned, IV, 274. Anisson, , fils. Letters from, III, 206, 225, 234, 252. To Charles Jos. Panckoucke, IV, 332. D'Anmours, Chevalier, of Baltimore, M. A. P. S., Consul of France for the Southern Department. Letter from, I, 203. Mentioned, I, 240. IV, 22. " Anna Louisa," the ship. II, 27. Annar, Rev. Robert, of Boston. Mentioned, III, 313. " Anne," the ship. II, 393- Annuities, for industrious poor, IV, 386. " Anonyme," the ship. I, 256, 261. Anonymous. Letters from, I, 5, 12, 172, 31, 53', 86, 129, 132, 133, 162, 177, 194, 197, 262s, 266, 284, 314, 3412, 342°, Anonymous — Continued. 343°, 345, 386, 402, 442, 446, 449, 488, 515, 5^9, 5726, 573B- II, 17, 19, 39, 40, 63, 68, 104, 124, 140, 172, 199, 200, 201s, 289, 294, 339°, 34°3, 366, 420, 426, 438, 439", 500, 520, 525*, 526". Ill, 13, 21, 43, 72, 81, 100, 155', 156, 174, 182, 239", 241, 251, 330, 331, 375, 428*, 429°, 43010, 431s. IV, 404, 405, 433, 470, 4742. Letters from and to, IV, 173, 175, 222, 224, 278, 316, 326s, 328, 346, 3818, 38210, 383°, 384, 481, 491, 492, 4932, 498, 4992, 5oo4, 5012, 5072, 5089, 509°- Letters to, III, 435, 436s, 437", 441, 445, 45°, 45i, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456s, 4612, 462, 463", 464, 465", 467", 468, 471, 4732, 474, 477, 482", 485, 49i4, 492, 499, 5°65, 5H2, 526, 529, 5322, 533, 5352, 5382, 539, 5472, 55°, 552, 554, 557- IV, 4772, 479s- Louis Anty to, IV, 336. Bache & Shee to, IV, 345. Edward Bancroft to, IV, 369. Pierre Buisson de Basseville to, IV, 370. Chevalier de Beauteville to, IV, 490. Jean Jacques Caffieri to, IV, 370. Coyendahi Tribe to, IV, 481. de Fechter to, IV, 235. George Fox to, IV, 373. William Franklin to, IV, 216, 354, 373- William Temple Franklin to, IV, 224, 359, 3^4, 366, 373- Rene Georges Gastellier to, IV, 324. Marc Francois Gauthier to, IV, 497. Guerin to, IV, 337. James Hunter, Jr., to, IV, 337. Thomas Jefferson to, IV, 352. Jenneux to, IV, 247. Francois Henry Hervee de la Mothe to, IV, 377. Index ii Anonymous — Continued. A Member of Congress to, IV, 239. Montieu to, IV, 490. Abbe Morellet to, IV, 335. A General Officer to, IV, 240. Reme to, IV, 378. de la Robole to, IV, 378. De St. Maurice to, IV, 378. Col. M. de Sonnemaens and M. A. de Sonnemaens to, IV, 309. Prince de Soubise to, IV, 379. Richmond Springer to, IV, 329. Strozler to, IV, 282. Thomas to, IV, 3502. Mme. Verdelin to, IV, 498. James White to, IV, 299. Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 502. Anonymous to D'Alibart, IV, 247. Benjamin Franklin Bache, IV, 507. Chevalier de Beauteville, IV, 490. Boisgerard, IV, 292. William Carmichael, IV, 492. The author of " The Chronicle,'' IV, 481. Commissioners of the Sick and Hurt, IV, 310. Silas Deane, IV, 258. Mme. Dutartre, IV, 380. John Emery, IV, 267. William Temple Franklin, IV, 5, m, 144, 149, 167*. Graham & Simpson, IV, 348. Joseph Gray, IV, 380. Mrs. Hawkesworth, IV, 380. Francis Hopkinson, IV, 366. Horneca, Fizeaux & Co., IV, 232. George Mason, IV, 331. Mme. Melmoth, IV, 279. Vicomte de Rochambeau, IV, 302. Messrs. J. Rocquette, A. Elserier & Brothers Rocquette, IV, 321. de St. Marc, IV, 509. Cradock Taylor, IV, 294. Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hya- cinthe, French Orientalist, Mem ber of I'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Letter from, II, 42. Anquetil-Duperron — Continued. Delacolonge to, IV, 277. Mentioned, I, 561. Ansell, William. Letter from, I, 157. d'Anspach, Margrave. Mentioned, II, 446. Anstey, John, English Barrister. Mentioned, III, 289, 29s2, 296. d'Anterroches, Baron, Son of Com- tesse d'Anterroches. Request to return to France, IV, 396. d'Anterroches de Chaunac, Com- tesse de. Letter from, III, 261. Mentioned, III, 47. Antes, John, Composer. Letter from, II, no. Mentioned, II, 224. " Anthony," the prize. II,- 491. Anthony, James. Mentioned, IV, 330. Anthony, Mark, Negro servant of Jonathan Williams, Jr. Mentioned, IV, 435, 436. Antifederalists, IV, 366. Antigua, taking of, II, 207. Antill, Edward, M. A. P. S., Adju tant-General of the American Army in Canada. Letter to, III, 494. " Antonia," Letter of Marque. II, 423, 442, 443- HI, 433- d'Antrecourt, Abbe. Letter from, I, 258. Anty, Louis, Merchant of Nantes. Claim against Virginia, IV, 301. To Mile. , IV, 336. Mentioned, IV, 373. Appee, Leonard, Sailor on American frigate " Providence.'' Letter from, III, 6. Appendix, IV, 397. Appleton, , Son of Nathaniel Appleton of Boston. Mentioned, II, 228. 12 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Appleton, Nathaniel, Director of the Continental Loan Office in Boston. Letters from, II, 46. Ill, 401. Appleton, Nathaniel, Congregational Minister at Cambridge, Mass. Mentioned, III, 373. Apreece, John, Formerly of the Eng lish Army. Letters from, I, 497, 503. d'Aranda, Count, Spanish Minister to France. Mentioned, I, 449. II, 63, 172, 458, 491. Ill, 143, 545. IV, 449. D'Arbaud, Comte Helle, Governor- General of Guadaloupe. Letter from, II, 7. To Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, IV, 280. Mentioned, II, 373. IV, 280. " Arbustrum Americanum." By Humphry Marshall, IV, 156. Arbuthnot, Marriot, Admiral in the British Navy. Mentioned, II, 274. Ill, 529. d'Arcaignac, Daran. Letter from, II, 376. Arcedeckne, Charles, Brother-in-law of Richard Bennett Lloyd. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 74. d'Arcel, . Mentioned, I, 468, 488. D'Arcet, Jean, French Physician and Chemist, Member of Academie des Sciences, Paris. Letter from, III, 345. Mentioned, III, 196. Archambault, . Letter from, III, 242. D'Archambault, Chevalier, Officer in the Regiment de Rohan Soubise Letter from, I, 263. " Archangel," the prize brig. I, 485- Archdeacon, . Letter from, I, 401. Archer, H. Letter from, I, 441. Arctic exploration, I, 130. IV, 189. D'Arcy, . Mentioned, II, 54, 434. D'arcy, Mr. and Mrs. Mentioned, III, 416. d'Arendt, Baron, Formerly Col., Ger man Regt., Continental Army. Letters from, II, 79, 248, 249, 251, 266. IV, 423, 462. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 164. Mentioned, II, 67, 463, 483. Ill, 126. IV, 328. " Arethusa," Merchant ship. Ill, 245. D'Argainarts, , Merchant at St. Jean de Luz, France. Letter from, II, 189. Mentioned, III, 207. d'Argenson, Marquis. Mentioned, IV, 385. d' Argental, Charles Augustin de Fer- riol Comte, Councillor to the Par liament at Paris. Letter from, III, 88. d'Arget, . Letter from, I, 332. " Argo," letter of marque. II, 490, 492. Ill, 25, 433. d'Argreum, Chevalier. Letter from, I, 291. Aribert, Philippe. Desires American Consulship, IV, 470. " Ariel," a French ship of war in service of United States. II, 259, 264, 268, 272, 278, 280, 295, 299, 302, 312, 324", 349, 350, 359. IV, 38, 42, 57, 307, 308, 432. List of officers and men belonging to the, IV, 5002. List of volunteers belonging to the, IV, 500. Arle, S. P. Letter from, III, 63. Armand, , Dutch Ambassa dor. Mentioned, III, 188. Index 13 Armand, Col. Charles, of the Conti nental Army. Mentioned, I, 328. II, 62, 497. IV, 417, 441. Armand, Mme., Mother of Col. Charles Armand. Letter from, I, 328. D'Armando, The Marquis, Spanish Ambassador to Great Britain. Mentioned, I, 418. Armbruster, Anthony, Printer in Germantown Philadelphia. Letters from, I, 25. Ill, 286, 304, 375- Armitt, John, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, IV, 480. Armonica, I, 129, 137, 171. Ill, 92, 203. Application of keys to, IV, 471, 479. Directions for drawing out the tone from the glasses of the, III, 522. Glasses for the, III, 188. Improved, III, 94. Arms, agreement for repairing of, III, 504, 523. IV, 475. Expenses for, and repair of, IV, 487. Proposals for furnishing, III, 427. IV, 502. Armstrong, John, Brigadier-General in the Continental Army, Judge of Pennsylvania Court of Quarter Sessions. Mentioned, III, 353. Armstrong, John, Jr., Major in the Continental Army, and Adjutant- General in Pennsylvania. Letters from, III, 333, 362. Mentioned, III, 356. Army, American, Clothing for, IV, 424, 430, 434- Goods for, at Amsterdam, IV, 443. On the organization of a regular, IV, 390. Supplies for, IV, 428s, 429, 4302. Trouble with, IV, 466. Arnauld, . Letter from, II, 508. -, Brother of Franqois Arnold, — Arnold. Letter from, I, 350. Arnold, Capt., of Boston. Mentioned, II, 31. d' Arnold, . Letter from, II, 1. Arnold, Benedict, Major-Gen. in Con tinental Army, Traitor, and sub sequently Brig.-Gen. in British Army. Mentioned, I, 176, 181, 182, 325, 420. II, 314, 367. Ill, 359. IV, 44, 55, 240, 433. Burning of New London, II, 407. Silas Deane denies intimacy with, IV, 469. Marriage to Margaret Shippen, IV, 33- Trickery of, II, 300, 314, 3202, 321. IV, 432. Arnold, Francois, Mentioned, I, 350. Arnold, Freegift, an officer in the Con tinental Army. Letter from, II, 475. Arnold, George, of Mayence. Letters from, I, 325, 420. Arnold, Jonathan, lieutenant of the "Black Prince." Mentioned, II, 178. Arnoux, . Mentioned, IV, 98. Arnoux, Abbe. Letters from, I, 352. II, 328. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 117. Abbe Narduel to, IV, 326. Mentioned, IV, 64. Arrenberg, Reinier, Sec'y of the Phys ical Society at Rotterdam. Letters from, I, 231, 248, 414. Mentioned, I, 234, 433. d'Arros, Baron. Letter from, II, 270. Mentioned, III, 524. Artaud, . Letter from, III, 60. H Calendar of the Franklin Papers Arthaud, Charles, M. A. P. S., Presi dent of Le Cercle des Philadel- phes, Cap Francois, San Domingo. Letters from, III, 300, 316, 356, 385, 394- Arthur, . Mentioned, I, 488. IV, 136. Articles of Association for the defense of the Province of Pennsylvania. Ill, 436. Artillery, Instructions by_ Congress to secure field, IV, 226, 228. Shipment of, IV, 433. d'Artillieres, De Launay. Mentioned, III, 324. d'Artois, Comte, Brother of Louis XVI. Mentioned, III, 193, 394. IV, 131, 155, 156. d'Artois, Comtesse. Mentioned, III, 409, 426. d'Artus, . Letters from, II, 488, 492. Arundel, Lord. Mentioned, II, 42. Arzaud, . Mentioned, III, 419. Asgill, Henry. Mentioned, II, 495. Ashbridge, George, Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. Mentioned, IV, 199. d'Asp, L. O. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 164. Aspinwall, — . Mentioned, III, 388. d'Assas, Chevalier Louis Andre, Cap tain in the Regiment of Auvergne. Mentioned, III, 138. Assemble des Notables, III, 352, 380. Astle, Thomas, F. R. S., Antiquary and Paleographer. Mentioned, III, 188, 197. Aston's Company, III, 440. Astori, Francois. Letter from, II, 42. Astruc, Daniel, Merchant at Bor deaux. Letters from, III, 59, 72. " Athenian Stuart," a club at Chelsea io, which Dr. Franklin belonged. Mentioned, II, 225. Atherton, Dick. Mentioned, IV, 182. Athol, Duke of. Mentioned, I, 45. Atkin, Jonathan. Letter from, I, 530. d'Attems, Comte. Letter from, I, 356. Mentioned, I, 310. Atwood, John. Letter from, I, 474. D'aubenton, , Councillor of State. Letters from, II, 346, 355. Aubert, . Mentioned, II, 16, 216. d'Auberteuil, Hilliard. Letters from, II, 470, 481, 494, 518. Ill, 49, 171. IV, 448, 449, 4503, 4522, 453- l'Aubespine, Marquis de. Mentioned, II, 49, 52, 54, 87. d'Aubreme & Son. Letter from, III, 13. Aubry, . Letter from, II, 38. Letter to, III, 519. Audibert, , Captain of the Port of Calais. To Guillaume Bonsie, IV, 280. Mentioned, III, 401. IV, 369. Auditor-General, estimate of monies loaned to United States, IV, 309. Auer, Deacon M. Letters from, II, 125, 138, 263, 392, 504. Mentioned, II, 383. IV, 463. Augusta, Georgia, engagement near, IV, 322. "Aurora," the prize, II, 251,252,257, 419. IV, 325, 435, 436=. Index i5 Aurora Borealis, I, 5. Ill, .338. IV, 37'- "Aurore," the ship. II, 218. Aury le jeune, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 160. D'Aussigne, Marquis. Letter from, I, 539. Austen, . Mentioned, I, 185. Austin, Benjamin, Merchant in Bos ton. Letter from, I, 304. Austin, Benjamin, Jr., Brother of Jonathan Loring Austin. Mentioned, III, 86s. Austin, Jonathan Loring, Son of Ben jamin Austin, Secretary to Massa chusetts Board of War, Secret Agent in England of Dr. Franklin. Letters from, I, 499, 522. II, 92s, 119, 168, 303, 304, 386. Ill, 86. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 44. To John Adams, IV, 273. Mentioned, I, 303, 305, 313, 513, 520. II, 272, 291, 300. Ill, 86. IV, 59, 241, 491. Austin, Samuel, Clergyman. Mentioned, III, 323. Austria, The Ambassador of the Em peror of. 137- Letters from, II, 502. Ill, 51, no, Archduchess of, Marriage of the Duke of Parma and, IV, 377. Emperor Joseph II expressed regret at not having seen Franklin at Paris, II, 374. Hopes to see Franklin in Vienna as Minister, II, 484. Inquires after Dr. Franklin, III, 342. Refuses to allow Dr. Ingen Housz to go to Paris, III, 262. Austrian Court, efforts of, to bring about mediation, IV, 329. Austrian — Continued. And Palatine Courts, differences be tween, I, 347. Officers desirous of entering Amer ican army, I, 239. Autheaume, . Letter from, II, 513. Autun, de. Letter from, II, 405. Auvergne, Regiment of. Mentioned, III, 138. d'Auzeville, Gerard. Letters from, II, 58, 86, 189. d'Auzouer, Mme. Carroll. Letters from, III, 219, 228. IV, 404, 455. Auzoiier, Marquis d\ Letters from, II, 210, 342. D'Avelange, . Letter from, III, 108. Avery, Jonathan, Surgeon on the Letter of Marque, " Wexford." Letter from, II, 404. Aves, Mme. Mentioned, IV, 30. Avranches, des. Letter from, II, 375. " Awakening of France," a poem. I, 386. Aycard, , Sculptor. Letter from, II, 127. Aychmayer, . Mentioned, I, 468. d'Aydie, Abbe. Mentioned, I, 329. D'ayen, Due. Mentioned, II, 414. Ayres, Captain, of tea ship "Polly.'' The Committee for Tarring and Feathering to, IV, 483. Ayres, Capt. John. Letter from, I, 467. Mentioned, I, 450, 4782, 481, 496. Azambuja, Count de. Mentioned, IV, 402. B , Mme. le. Mentioned, IV, 147, 151, 155, 159, 161. i6 Calendar of the Franklin Papers B- -, A . Letter from, III, 308. B , L . Letter from, I, 554. Babcock, George William, Captain of privateer " General Mifflin." To Whom it May Concern, IV, 288. Mentioned, II, 117, 162, 240, 326. Babcock, Harry. Mentioned, I, 90. Babcock, Joshua, of Rhode Island. Letters from, I, 158, 431. Letter to, III, 478. Babcock, Luke, postmaster at New Haven. Mentioned, I, 71, 97, 100. Baberty, Jacques Christopher. Letter from, III, 401. Babson, James, Captain of the priva teer "Brigadier-Gen. Mercer." Letter from, I, 319. Mentioned, I, 375, 499. Babut and Labouchere, Merchants at Nantes. Letter from, I, 524. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 69. Bache, Mrs. of Preston, Mother of Richard Bache. Mentioned, I, 310. II, 3. Bache, Benjamin Franklin, Grandson of Benjamin Franklin and son of Richard Bache. Letters to, III, 525s. Anonymous to, IV, 507. Robert Alexander to, IV, 355. Bank of North America to, IV, 367. To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bache, IV, 315- To William Temple Franklin, IV, 13, 74, 9°, 125. To Lucas des Peintraux, IV, 356. Mentioned, I, 145. II, 408, 468, 471. Ill, 82, 143, 185, 328, 474, 475, 476, 479, 481, 483, 484, 487, 5°2, 544, 552. Bache, Benjamin Franklin — Con tinued. IV, 38, 77, 129, 150, 158, 445, 446, 506. Suffering from fever, III, 78. To be taught the art of engraving, III, 218. Bache, Deborah, Daughter of Richard Bache. Inoculated, IV, 73. Bache, Lydia, Sister of Richard Bache. Mentioned, I, 307. Bache, Richard, Son-in-law of Benja min Franklin, Postmaster-General of the U. S., Merchant at Phila delphia. Letters from, I, 89, 144, 154, 157, 160, 168, 1802, 409, 440, 518. II, 126, 186. Ill, 89, 1052, 124, 1978. IV, 405, 445. Letters to, III, 481, 493, 495, 538- Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 15, 20, 56, 63", 67, 73, 79, 85, no, 117, 119, 121, 132, 160. Sarah Bache to, IV, 182. Theophylact Bache to, IV, 220. Patrick Henry to, IV, 234. Levi Hollingsworth to, IV, 358. Mentioned, I, 79, 168, 307. II, 217, 392, 394, 467, 504, 520. Ill, 84, 98, 114, 132, 196, 316, 465, 470, 47i, 480, 552. IV, 2, 32, 59, 61, 120, 167, 2022, 363, 368, 376, 440, 463, 505. To settle in business in Philadel phia, III, 479, 480. Power of attorney to, III, 481. Refuses to apply for consulship, IV, 85. Bache, Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Mentioned, II, 394, 445. Ill, 277, 408, 485, 525. IV, 100, 108, 203. Benjamin Franklin Bache to, IV, 315. Bache, Richard, family. Mentioned, I, 431, 436, 527. Ill, 164, 266. Index 17 Bache, Sarah, Daughter of Benjamin Franklin and wife of Richard Bache. (See, also, Franklin, Sally.) Letters from, I, 153, 157. Ill, 8. IV, 438, 4«5- Letter to, III, 480. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 20, 32, 44, 46, 57, 58, 86, 87, m, 121, 161, 164. To Mrs. A. F. Burnett, IV, 369. Isaac All to, IV, 368. Mrs. A. F. Burnett to, IV, 369. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coxe to, IV, 371. Thomas Franklin to, IV, 353. Martin to, IV, 362. Debby Robinson to, IV, 368. Benjamin Vaughan to, IV, 379. Exertions of, in securing supplies of clothing for American soldiers, II, 341. Has another son, III, 489. Mentioned, I, 124. II, 303. Ill, 46, 270, 328, 413, 551. IV, 2, 20, 39, 112. Bache, Sarah, Sister of Richard Bache. To Richard Bache, IV, 182. Bache, Theophylact, Merchant at New York, brother of Richard Bache. Letter from, III, 316. To Richard Bache, IV, 220. To Henry Cuyler, IV,' 363. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 203. Bache, William, M. A. P. S., Son of Richard Bache. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 161. Mentioned, I, 184. Bache & Shee, Philadelphia Mer chants, Richard Bache, senior partner. Letter from, III, 156. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, no. To anonymous, IV, 345. Mentioned, II, 126, 369. Ill, 21, 48, 153, 169, 194, 354, 376, 384, 548. IV, 160, 3502. Bachelier, Jean Jacques, Director of the Royal School of Design, Paris. Letters from, I, 239, 246. Ill, 141, 172, 4°i- Letter to, III, 535. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 96. Back Country, against the settlement of the, IV, 391. Backhaus, Jean Guillaume, of Han over. Letters from, III, 7, 17. Bacon, . Mentioned, III, 33. Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam, Lord Chancellor of England. Mentioned, III, 388. Baden, Margrave of. Mentioned, I, 233, 399. Margravine of, I, 233. Badger, Jno. Letters from, II, 25, 187. de Baer, , Secretary of the Swedish Embassy at Paris. Letter from, I, 457. Bagley, Timothy. Mentioned, IV, 173. Bailey, Joel, of Chester Co., Penn sylvania. M. A. P. S. Mentioned, I, 97, 98. Bailey, Joseph, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 68. Mentioned, II, 82. Bailiff, A. Letter from, II, 441. Baillard, Nicolas. Letter from, III, 401. Baillivy, Chevalier de. Letters from, II, 518. Ill, 51. Baillot, . Mentioned, I, 382. Bailly, . Letter from, II, 468. Bailly, aine, . Letter from, I, 511. Bailly, Jean Sylvain, French savant and politician. Letters from, II, 144. i8 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bailly, Jean Sylvain — Continued. Ill, 1872, 195, 196, 207, 214, 230. Elected Chief Magistrate of Paris, HI, 395- Mentioned, III, 186, 196, 393. Baisch, Ernst Ludwig, Philadelphia Merchant. Mentioned, III, 309. Baker, Dr. (Sir) George, F. R. S., London physician. Mentioned, I, 78. Baker, Sir William. Mentioned, I, 123. Bakery, School of, III, 37. Bake-stone, IV, 197. Baldwin, . Letter from, III, 353. Baldwin, Christopher. Letters from, I, 547. II, 37. Baldwin, Mrs. Christopher. Mentioned, I, 547. II, 37. Balfour, James, Scottish Philosopher. Letter from, I, 61. James Parker to, IV, 207. Balfour, John, Edinburgh bookseller. Letters from, I, 48, 51, 126. Mentioned, I, 90. Ball, . Mentioned, IV, 221. Ballainvilliers, , Councillor to the Parliament of Paris. Letter from, I, 324. Balliau, Philip. Letter from, II, 284. Balliot, . Mentioned, III, 305. Ballivit, Sieur de. Mentioned, II, 250. Balloon Ascensions, III, 346. IV, 126, 1272, 479s. Construction of, III, 313. Experiments of M. Montgolfier, IV, 468. Governor Franklin sends letter by, from Dover, IV, 132. Invention of, IV, 468. Lyons, III, 237. Proposed ascent, Robert's, IV, 126, 1272. Balloon — Continued. Expedition in, across the Irish Channel, III, 261. Balloons, III, 156, 157, 167, 169, 175, 182, 217, 279, 539. IV, 107, 129, 134, 5°9- Experiments with, III, 221, 237, 283, 292, 313. IV, 469, 471, 478. Dr Franklin's letter to the Royal Society concerning, III, 181. Baltic Fleet, capture of, II, 150. Baltimore, Lord. Mentioned, IV, 1912. Boundary dispute between the Penn's and, IV, 401. " Baltimore," the brigantine. I, 429. Baluze, Mme. de. Letter from, III, 206. Bancroft, . Mentioned, I, 134. Bancroft, Dr. Edward, F. R. S., Con fidential Agent of Benjamin Franklin. Letters from, I, 173, 177, 221, 298, 328, 505, 555'. II, 187, 239, 392, 514, 519. HI, 75, 79, 128, 231, 272, 317, 401. IV, 467. Letter to, III, 519. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 13, 89, 905, 92, 103, 113, 133, 137, 138, 144, 148- To Anonymous, IV, 369. Mrs. Bonsie to, IV, 369. Joseph Kendall to, IV, 268. Joshua Johnson to, IV, 293. John Paul Jones to, IV, 274. Gen. Chevalier de Laneuville to, IV, 315- Mentioned, I, 302, 487. II, 20, 21, 23, 35, 169, 227, 231, 392, 413, 4i8, 5°9- III, 263, 520, 553. IV, 9, 32, 74, 94, 139, 261, 401, 445. Bancroft, Edward Nathaniel, Son of Dr. Edward Bancroft. Letters from, III, 158, 183. Index J9 Bancroft, Sophie, Daughter of Dr. Edward Bancroft. Mentioned, III, 183. Bandeau, Abbe. Mentioned, I, 340. Bandeira, de Monteiro. Letter from, III, 66. Bank in North America, National, III, 30. IV, 438, 501. At Philadelphia, good credit of, III, 77- Mentioned, III, 226, 334. Provincial, III, 331. Scheme of a, II, 476. Bankrupt Office, Commissioners of. Letter from, III, 381. Banks, Sir Joseph, President of the Royal Society, M. A. P. S. Letters from, III, 107, 130, 133, 325. IV, 456, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471. Letters to, IV, 478, 479s. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 131. Mentioned, III, 106, 126, 212, 351. Has never entered House of Com mons, IV, 456. To publish the Botanical Discoveries of his voyage, III, 491. Banks and Solander's Antarctic trip. I, 130. Ill, 482. Banley, J. To Lawrence Growdon, IV, 171. Banne, de. Mentioned, III, 62. Bannerman, Benjamin. Letter from, II, 53. Baptestin, . Letter from, I, 237. Baradelle, . Mentioned, III, 189. Barbadoes, taking of, II, 207. Barbancon, Comte de. Letters from, II, 275, 475. Ill, 166, 324. Mentioned, III, 105, 324. IV, 156. Barbary affairs, III, 549. Corsairs, II, n. Ill, 70, 209. Barbe, Jean. Mentioned, IV, 99. Barbe de Marbois, Francois, Marquis de, French Statesman and Charge des Affaires in the U. S. Letters from, II, 341. Ill, 276, 3'7, 358. C. Legaux to, IV, 272. Mentioned, III, 84. IV, 119. Barbe de Marbois, Pierre Francois, Vice-Consul of France at Phila delphia, brother of Francois Barbe de Marbois. Letter from, III, 362. Certificate by, IV, 363. Mentioned, III, 242, 549. Barber, . Mentioned, IV, 57. Barber, David F. Letters from, II, 450, 451. Barberie, La . Letter from, I, 232. Barbier, B. Letter from, II, 238. Barbo, Leopold, Comte. Letter from, I, 324. Barboutain aine. Letter from, III, 227. Barci, Menedrieu de. Mentioned, II, 338. IV, 410. Barclay, Dr. Mentioned, II, 326. Barclay, David, M. P., London Mer chant. Letters from, I, 179. II, 517. Ill, 185, 253, 302, 313. IV, 451, 464. Barclay & Sons, David, London Mer chants. Letter from, I, 71. Barclay, David, Jr., Nephew of David Barclay, London Merchant. Mentioned, III, 185, 272. IV, 402. Barclay, John, Philadelphia Mer chant, Commissioner for settling accounts of U. S. agents in Europe. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 124. Robert Morris to, IV, 348. To Col. David Humphreys, IV, 352. 20 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Barclay & Co., John, Philadelphia Merchants, Commissioners for set tling accounts of U. S. agents in Europe. Mentioned, III, 269. IV, 390. Barclay & Co., John and Robert, London Merchants. Thomas Blackburn to, IV, 349. Barclay, Moylan & Co., of I'Orient. Mentioned, IV, 101. Barclay, Thomas, U. S. Consul-Gen- eral in France. Letters from, II, 407, 424, 441, 448, 452, 455, 457, 495, 500, 502, 515. Ill, 12, 169, 231. Letter to, III, 542. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 81, 83, 85, 88, 90, 92, 93, 97, 99, 103, "2, 120, 121, 136, 139, 140. To Arthur Lee, IV, 364. To Thomas Osgood, IV, 364. To the Secretary for Foreign Af fairs, IV, 344. Appointed to settle prize-money, IV, 94. Commission as Consul to France, IV, 505. Mentioned, II, 238, 341, 421, 425, 440, 466, 487, 489. Ill, 114, 175, 256, 384, 548, 553, 554- IV, 632, 68, 69", 105, 125, 162, 165, 331, 336, 347, 348, 444, 454, 4«5, 469, 471. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Letters from, II, 519. Ill, 77, 80. Bard, Miss, Daughter of Dr. John Bard. Letter from, III, 291. Bard, Dr. John, New York physician. Letters from, I, no. Ill, 282, 388. To Gov. William Franklin, IV, 369. Bard, Dr. Samuel, M. A. P. S., Son of Dr. John Bard. Mentioned, I, 46, 110. Bard, Susanna, Wife of Dr. John Bard. Letter from, III, 282. Bardinet, , Poet. Mentioned, I, 534. Bareclo, . Mentioned, II, 215. Bargum, de. Letter from, II, 443. Bariatinskoy, Prince, Russian Am bassador at Paris. Letters from, III, 106, 108, 137. Letters to, III, 537, 538. Mentioned, II, 335. Ill, 148, 149. Barisais, de. Letter from, III, 401. Barker, . Mentioned, I, 25. Barker, Dr. Mentioned, III, 453. Barker, Joseph, American prisoner. Deposition by, IV, 281. Barker, Nicholas, of Rotterdam. Mentioned, IV, 293. Barker, Maj. Sir Robert., F. R. S. Mentioned, I, 25, 29s. Barker, Thomas. Letters from, I, 407, 437. Ill, 302. Barker, W. Letter from, I, 186. Mentioned, I, 190. Barletti, Rere Carlo, Italian physi cist. Mentioned, II, 501. Barlow, Joel, author, lawyer, Chap lain of Poor's brigade of the Mas sachusetts line. Poems by, printed, IV, 462. Barnard, Capt. Tristram, of Boston. Letter from, I, 511. Mentioned, I, 482, 506. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 274. To settle in America for life, IV, 274. Barnes, Captain, of the "Active." Mentioned, IV, 320. Index 21 Barnes, Corbin, Captain of the "De spatch." Navy Board, Eastern Department to, IV, 490. State of Massachusetts Bay to, IV, 490. Mentioned, I, 438, 497, 501, 522. Barnes, Thomas, Surgeon of the " Hampden." Mentioned, I, 475. Barney, Capt. Joshua, Commander of Letter of Marque. Letters from, II, 505, 512. Ill, 2, 136, 137. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 112, 113. Mentioned, III, 14, 77, 80,. 141. IV, 90, 104. Barnzen, Friedrich. Letter from, I, 288. Baron, , Merchant at Dun kirk. Leters from, II, 375. Ill, 95. Baron, Le, Merchant and American Agent at Dieppe. Letters from, I, 534, 539. II, 514. Letters to, III, 5132, 533. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 12, 13, 120, 138. Job Prince to, IV, 276. Baron fils, Le, of Ostend. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 80. Barons, Anthony. Letter from, II, 475. Barre, . Letter from, I, 414. Barre, de, Lieutenant in the French navy. Mentioned, IV, 251. Barre, Mme. Baudoiiin. Letters from, III, 176, 183, 201, 208, 216. Barrett, . Mentioned, I, 185. Barrett, James. Letter from, III, 186. Barrett, Nathaniel. To John Jay, IV, 331. Mentioned, II, 493. IV, 52. Barrington, General. Mentioned, IV, 93. Barrington, Lieut. Mentioned, I, 184. Barrington, Richard. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 93. Barrington, William Wildman, Vis count, M. P., Chancellor of Ex chequer, Secretary at War. To Richard Partridge, IV, 177. Barry, . Mentioned, II, 220. Barry, du. Mentioned, IV, 343. Barry, Capt. Arrival in the " Union " from Eden- ton, I, 453. Mentioned, IV, 250. Barry, Capt., Husband of Amelia Barry. Mentioned, II, 245. Ill, 489. Barry, Mrs. Amelia, Daughter of Lewis Evans, Geographer. Letters from, I, 55, g6, 217, 264, 272, 43«, 500. II, 150, 186, 245, 286, 416, 499. Ill, 24, 178, 180, 231, 385. Mentioned, I, 157. II, 387, 479. Ill, 247, 269, 489, 495. Barry, Ann Hellier, Wife of Dr. David Barry. To the Continental Congress, IV, 369- Mentioned, III, 159. Barry, Dr. David. To Continental Congress, IV, 369. Mentioned, III, 159. Barry, John, Captain, U. S. Navy. Letters from, II, 359, 360, 363, 364, 444, 446, 45«, 457, 4592, 4<>2. Mentioned, II, 358. IV, 43, 239, 317, 43«, 444- Account with crew, IV, 324. 22 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Barry, John — Continued. Capt. de Galatheau to, IV, 317. Names of prisoners taken during his trip to Boston, II, 364. Prize-money, IV, 99. Releases ship belonging to the sub jects of the Republic of Venice, IV, 321. To have all the American sailors he can get in any French ports, II, 451. Bart, Jean, Sailor on Continental brig "Lexington." (See also Elie Trigant.) Letters from, II, 327, 427. Mentioned, III, 425. Barth, de, Syndic-General of the Province of Alsace. Mentioned, II, 271. Barth, Johann Wilhelm. Letter from, III, 243. Barthelemy, . Letter from, III, 261. Barthelemy, Abbe Jean Jacques, French writer and antiquary. Mentioned, III, 386. Barthold, A. Letter from, III, 123. Bartillat, Marquis de. To Comte de St. Germain, IV, 231. Bartlet, Capt. Mentioned, I, 530. Bartoli, Joseph, Italian Antiquary and Poet. Letters from, III, 43, 48. Sonnets by, IV, 223, 333. Barton, Matthias, Son of Rev. Thomas Barton. Mentioned, III, 67. Barton, Rev. Thomas, of Lancaster, Pa., M. A. P. S. Mentioned, III, 67. Barton, William, M. A. P. S., Son of Rev. Thomas Barton. Letters from, III, 67, 387, 388, 399. Bartram, Alexander, Philadelphia Merchant. To the Public, IV, 482. Bartram, Elizabeth, Daughter of John Bartram. Mentioned, I, 119. Bartram, John, M. A. P. S., Amer ican botanist. Letters from, I, 89, 95, 102, 113, 119. Mentioned, I, 8, 23, 25, 41, 117. Translation of catalogue of Trees and Shrubs by, III, 184. Bartram, John, Jr., Son of John Bar tram. Mentioned, I, 119. Bartram, Joseph, Midshipman U. S. N. Letter from, II, 408. Bartram, William, M. A. P. S., Bot anist, son of John Bartram. Mentioned, II, 275. Ill, 105, 289. IV, ' 56, 63. Travels of, III, 399. Seeds from, IV, 66. Barwell, Mrs. Mentioned, I, 149. Basecourt, Marquis de, General of St. Sebastian. Mentioned, I, 347. Baskerville, John, London printer. Letter from, I, 151. Letter to, III, 490. Basmurieu, de. Mentioned, I, 191. Bass, . Mentioned, IV, 379. Bassemaison, Boullet, of St. Malo. Letter from, II, 205. Basseporte, Mile. Mentioned, I, 85, 153, 164, 364. II, 63. Ill, 401. Basserode, Chevalier de. Letters from, I, 237, 257. Basseville, Pierre Buisson de. Letters from, I, 209, 220. To Anonymous, IV, 370. Bassi, , French writer. Letters from, II, 293', 328, 477. Ill, 191. IV, 456. Bassue, de. Mentioned, I, 130. Index 23 Bastide, Mme. Letter from, IV, 474. Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefon- dervinderlijke Wysbergeerte, The. Letter from, I, 121. " Batavia," German merchant-ship. Ill, 40. Batchelder, Samuel, Member of the Council of Massachusetts. Mentioned, IV, 286, 310. Bates, Benjamin, officer on Continen tal ship "Boston." Letter from, I, 457. Bath, Sir William Pulteney, Earl of, British Statesman. Mentioned, IV, 399. Baths, building for different kinds of, III, 252. Batley, . Letter from, II, 299. Batner, William. Mentioned, I, 117. Battery, floating, plan for, IV, 385. Battier, Mme. Mentioned, II, 474, 479. "Battle of the Kegs," by Francis Hopkinson. IV, 302. Baucher, Denis, An officer on board the " Bon Homme Richard." Letter from, II, 478. Bauchers & Co., Jean, Merchants at Prague. Letter from, I, 326. Bauchot, L. Letter from, II, 43. Baud, . Letter from, I, 226. Baudin, fils, Second Lieut, on the frig ate "Lion," Son of F. Baudin. Letters from, II, 290, 303. Mentioned, IV, 250. Baudin, F., Merchant at Isle of Re. Letter from, I, 228. To Col. Thomas Conway, IV, 250. Baudin, N., Captain of " Amphitrite." Letter from, III, 253. Record of services of, IV, 353. Baudot, . Letter from, II, 210. Baudouin, , Secretary to M. de Sartine. Letters from, I, 324, 555. II, 83, 96. Mentioned, II, 74, 219. Baudouin, Comte de. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 81, 82. Bauer, Conrad. Letter from, II, 130. Bauer, Johann Christoph, Glass manu facturer. Letter from, III, 105. Baulny, . Order to pay for supplies, IV, 502. Baumann, Martin. Letter from, I, 303. Baume, . Letter from, II, 139. Baumont, , De. Mentioned, II, 339. Baussan, M. and Mme. N. Letter from, IV, 474. Baussan, Mme. N. Letters from, III, 4022. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 164. Baussancourt, . Mentioned, I, 280. Baussay, E. de. Letters from, I, 247, 272. Bausset, Chevalier de. To Capt. John Paul Jones, IV, 252. Bavaria, Elector Palatine of. John Herbergs to, IV, 375. Bavaria and America, commercial re lations of, III, 47, 53, 74. Bavarian succession, war of the, I, 462. Bay, Jaques J. de. Letter from, I, 310. Bayard, . Letters from, I, 410. Ill, 234. IV, 461. To Coder, IV, 233. Mentioned, II, m. 24 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bayard & Co., of Bordeaux. Mentioned, I, 383. Bayard, Samuel. Mentioned, III, 2. Bayard, William, New York Mer chant. To Governor William Franklin, IV, 1882, 209, 211. Deposition of, IV, 188. Mentioned, I, 84, 89, 103. IV, 187. Bayer, . Mentioned, III, 251. Bayeux, College of. IV, 4i3- Bayle, Wilhelm. Letter from, I, 246. Bayley, General Jacob. Mentioned, IV, 238. Baynes, John. Letters from, I, 297. Ill, 116, 117. Mentioned, III, 96. Baynton, . Mentioned, I, 147. Baynton, Benjamin. Mentioned, IV, 98. Baynton & Wharton, Philadelphia Merchants. Letter from, I, 33. Mentioned, I, 150. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, Phila delphia Merchants. Letters from, I, 45, 51. To Robert Callender, IV, 195. To William Franklin, IV, 197. To Hon. Thomas Gage, IV, 195. Mentioned, I, 69, 75. II, 223. IV, 202, 213. Bayonne, Advantages of the port of. Ill, 47. IV, 391- To be free port, IV, 118. Bays, de. Letters from, III, 105, 282. Bazantin, Chevalier de, officer in Con tinental army. Letters from, I, 326, 386. Mentioned, I, 421, 432, 434. IV, 408, 414, 415. Bazile, Marc-Antoine. Mentioned, III, 24. Beacham's son, Mr. Mentioned, I, 11. Beall, Samuel. Letters from, II, 498, 499. Bearus, James, of the Continental brig " Lexington." Mentioned, I, 443. Beaubourg, de. Letter from, I, 296. Beaufain, Baron de Berenger de. Letter from, III, 178. Beaufort, Badler de. Letter from, III, 79. Beaufort, Comte de. Letter from, II, 82. Beaufort, Henry, Duke of. To Christopher, Baron de Graffen- ried, IV, 169. Beaugeard, . Letter from, II, 187. Beaugeard, , Merchant at St. Malo. Mentioned, I, 283. Beaugeard, De Segray, Jr., Merchant at St. Malo. Letter from, I, 391. Beauharnois, Chevalier de. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 134s. Beauharnois, Marquis. See Beauharnois, Chevalier. Beauharnois, Fanny, Comtesse de, French poetess. Letters from, III, 210, 266. Mentioned, II, 144. IV, 353. Beaujeu, Comte de. Letters from, III, 44, 52. Beaujeu, Hyacinthe Marie L. de, French Commandant at Niagara. Mentioned, I, 5. Beaujon, . Mentioned, II, 26. Beaulieu, de, Captain in Pulaski's Legion. Letter from, I, 546. Mentioned, I, 409. Beaulieu, Anquetin, an Officer of la Loge des Bans Amis. Letter from, IV, 473. Index 25 -. of Bordeaux. Beaumann, — Mentioned, III, 509. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, U. S. secret agent in France, traded under firm name of Horta- lez & Co. Letters from, I, 491. II, 242, 179, 202, 319. IV, 453. Mentioned, I, 259, 329, 353, 564. II, 41, 48, 94, 97, 104, 215, 347, 466, 514. Ill, 366, 433. IV, 48, 148, 296, 291, 352, 4212. Claim of, IV, 451. Contract with, I, 422. Memorandum for purchase of mili tary stores, IV, 278. Beaumont, De. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 112, 119. Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Jacques Elie de, F. R. S., Parisian barrister. Letters from, I, 223, 224, 260, 268, 407. II, 464. Ill, 50. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 81. Mentioned, I, 259, 516. Beaumont, . Tariff Schedules in the Different States of Europe, IV, 508. Beaumont, Chevaliere D'Eon de. Letter from, III, 240. Beaumont, Mme. de. Mme. Montfort de Lusignan to, IV, 257. Beaumont, Santerre de. Letter from, II, 177. Beaunoir, Robineau de. Letter from, II, 411. Beauquesne, De. Letters from, II, 493. IV, 455. Beauregard, de, Vice-Consul of Sardinia at Cette. Letter from, III, 134. Beaurepaire, Durieux de, Merchants at Amiens. Letter from, II, 446. Beauteville, Chevalier de. Letter from, I, 329. Beauteville, Chevalier de — Continued. Anonymous to, IV, 490. To Anonymous, IV, 490. Beauvais fils, de. Letter from, I, 294. Beauveaux, Mme. la Marechale de. Mentioned, IV, 81. Beauvilliers, Mme. de. Letter from, III, 253. Bebiniere, Gaspard de. Letter from, III, 189. Becard, . Mentioned, I, 277. Beccaria, Giambatista, F. R. S., Prof. of Physics at Turin University. Letters from, II, 181, 313. Letter to, III, 494. Mentioned, I, 27, 189. II, 182. Ill, 191. Becker, . Letter from, I, 374. Becker, G. Letters from, I, 369. II, 218. Becker & Saltzmann, Merchants in Berlin. Letters from, II, 6s2, 106, 116. Mentioned, II, 75. Becket, T. Letter from, I, 31. Beckford, . Mentioned, I, 108. Beckley, John, Clerk of the Virginia Assembly. Mentioned, IV, 159. Beckwith, John, Major-General in the British Army. Letter from, II, 187. Mentioned, IV, 201. Beckwith, Miss S. Letter from, II, 445. Mentioned, III, 8, 121. Bedaulx, , Father of Col. Charles Frederic Bedaulx. Letter from, I, 323. Bedaulx, Charles Frederic, Colonel in Continental Army. Letters from, I, 1902, 222. Mentioned, I, 186. II, 309, 336. 26 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bedel, Thomas. Death of, IV, 172. Bedford, Gunning, M. C. C, Muster- Master-General in the Continental Army, Governor of Delaware. To Samuel Chase, IV, 225. Bedford, Jr., Gunning, lawyer, Aide- de-camp to Gen. Washington, Member of the Constitutional Con vention. Letter from, III, 398. Bedford, Jenny, Daughter of James Parker. Letter from, I, 144. Bedot, fils aine. Letter from, I, 288. Bedout, James. Letters from, I, 281, 290, 297. Bedtinger, . Letter from, III, 232. Letter to, III, 548. Beelen, Baron de. Mentioned, III, 137. Beer family. Mentioned, II, 402. Beer, Thomas, English rope-maker. To Francis Coffyn, IV, 502. Mentioned, IV, 4422. Beerenbrock, Dr. Letter from, II, 173. Bees, observations on, IV, 468. Begouan, Demeaux & Co., Merchants at Havre. Letter from, III, 391. Begougne, . Letter from, I, 293. Begue de Presle, Achille Guillaume Le, French physician. Letters from, I, 269, 311, 329, 547, 553- II, 176, 224, 244, 251, 260, 270, 298, 334, 335, 368, 372, 414. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 83. Mentioned, II, 374, 418, 471, 494. HI, 27, 57, 76, 259. Behem, Martin, German navigator. Mentioned, IV, 359. Behic, . To Jean Holker, IV, 320, 321. Behr, Baron. Mentioned, III, 473. IV, 509. Behrends, Joann-Adolph. Letter from, I, 523. Bek, . Letter from, II, 92. Belair, Du. Letters from, I, 523, 534, 551. Belgaree, Jean Baptiste de. Mentioned, I, 333. Belgioioso, Count of. Letter from, I, 137. Belgium, American trade in, III, 24. Belin, Abbe. Mentioned, IV, 123. Bell, Charles. Nathaniel Briggs to, IV, 217. Bell, Daniel, Nephew of David Bar clay. Letter from, III, 272. Mentioned, III, 185. Bell, I., British Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners. To David Hartley, IV, 281, 299. To John D. Schweighauser, IV, 281. Mentioned, II, 74. Bell, John, Captain of the British brig " Hopewell." Mentioned, II, 152, 280, 401. Bell, Thomas, Captain of the Penn sylvania ship " Chevalier de la Luzerne." Letters from, I, 527, 530. Mentioned, I, 332, 517. II, 440, 444, 448, 498- IV, 29. Belle Isle, English cruisers off, I, 319. " Belle Poule," French ship of war. Naval engagement of the, I, 446. Bellehache, Parent de. Letter from, IV, 463. Bellescizes, . Letters from, II, 67, 68. Mentioned, . II, 69. Bellescizes, Mme. de. Letter from, II, 328. Index 27 Belletti, Dominique-Francois. Letters from, III, 45, 48, 50, 55, 107. Mentioned, II, 209. IV, 337. Belleville, Bourgeois de, Secretary of La Loge des Bons Amis. Letter from, IV, 473. Bellini, . Letter from, I, 548. " Bellona," the English gun-ship. II, 26. " Bellone," French Corsair. Mentioned, I, 554, 558. Bells, Romley made, for Dr. Franklin, IV, 363. Bellujeu, Count de. Letter from, III, 26. Belp, De Watteville de. Letter from, I, 185. Belsague, de. Letter from, I, 350. Belt, James, Commander of the "Ma tilda." To whom it may concern, IV, 332. Mentioned, IV, 335. Belt, Walter, of the brigantine " Brighton." Mentioned, III, 433. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 303. Belton, Jonas. To Joseph Belton, IV, 304. Belton, Joseph. Letter from, II, 23. Jonas Belton to, IV, 304. Mentioned, II, 30, 434. Benandet, the port of, I, 529. Benard, . Letter from, II, 364. Benard, Mme. Letter from, II, 396. Benbridge, Henry, portrait painter. Mentioned, I, 93. Ill, 473. Benet, Capt. Mentioned, I, 323. Benezet, Anthony, Philadelphia phil anthropist. Letters from, I, 132. Ill, 59. Benezet, Daniel, Philadelphia mer chant. IV, 207. Benezet, John, Philadelphia Mer chant? Mentioned, IV, 56. " Benganza," the American privateer. IV, 373. Benger, Mrs. Mentioned, I, 7. Benincasa, L., French Consul-General at Ancona. Letter from, III, 214. " Benjamin," the American Mer chantman. I, 4*3, 5°7- Benjamin, Charles. Letter from, III, 158. Bennet, , Curate and neigh bor of Erasmus Darwin. Experiments in electricity by, III, 343- Bennet, Capt., of the "Franklin." Mentioned, II, 377. Bennet, James. Letter from, III, 108. Benoist, . Letter from, III, 245. Benson, a pseudonym for Silas Deane. Samuel Wharton to, IV, 261. P C to, IV, 262. Benson, Egbert, Attorney-General of the State of New York. George Washington to, IV, 340. Appointed Commissioner to inspect the embarkation of the British, IV, 340. Document signed, IV, 340. Benson, George. To Elkanah Watson, IV, 322. Bentalon, . To Bessiere, IV, 304. Bentick, Count, of Holland. Mentioned, I, 151. Bentley, Thomas, Potter, partner of Josiak Wedgwood. Death of, II, 319. 28 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Benyowsky, Comte Maurice-Auguste de, Hungarian nobleman. Letters from, I, 297, 311. II, 418, 424, .443. Impoverished by loans made to Madagascar, III, 303. Mentioned, III, 22, 312. Rumor of the massacre of, III, 304. Benyowsky, Countess. Letters from, III, 299, 303, 304, 312, 313. Berail, Louis. Letter from, I, 556. Berail, Peter. Letter from, II, 95. Berard, . Letter from, I, 280. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 73. Berard, Freres & Co., Merchants at I'Orient. Letter from, I, 191. Berard, J. T., Merchant at L'Orient. Mentioned, IV, 152. Berard, J. T., & Co., Merchants at I'Orient. Letter from, II, 442. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 151. Mentioned, III, 200. Berard, Simon, Consul-General of Sweden at I'Orient. Letter from, II, 426. Mentioned, I, 324. Ill, 433. Berdmore, Thomas, London dentist. Mentioned, III, 210. Berenger, de, French Am bassador io the Low Countries. Mentioned, I, 381. Berenger, Baron de. Henry Laurens to, IV, 341. Berenger de Beaufain, Hector. Mentioned, III, 178. IV, 341. Berenger, Jean-Pierre, a Swiss writer. Letters from, I, 369, 480, 531. Berenger, Louiseau de. Letter from, I, 404. Berg, Charles Gustave, Captain of the Swedish ship " La Vicioire." To the Admiralty Judges, IV, 286. Bergen, Town of, New Jersey. Relative to division of common lands of, IV, 188, 369. Release of unappropriated lands in the, IV, 173, 187. Commissioners. To Governor William Franklin, IV, 188. Freeholders of. To the House of Representatives of New Jersey, IV, 187. Bergeon & Co., Jacques. Letter from, II, 356. Berger, J. C. de. Letters from, II, 128, 165. " Bergere," the French merchant ship. II, 33, 38. Bergere, . Letter from, I, 219. Bergman, John, servant of the Swed ish Consul at Philadelphia. Mentioned, III, 360. Berington, Joseph, Catholic divine. Letter from, III, 402. " Berkenbos," prize of "Alliance." II, 234. IV, 449. Berkenhout, Dr. John, Physician and Naturalist, British Commissioner to America. Mentioned, II, 2. Berkenroode, L'Estevenon de, Dutch minister at Paris. Mentioned, I, 363, 388. II, 496. Bermbach, A. Letters from, II, 492, 493. Bermont, Chevalier de. Letter from, I, 294. Bermuda, proposals in regard to, IV, 391. Berna, . Letter from, III, 402. Bernard, . Letter to, III, 543. Bernard, . Mentioned, II, 24. Index 29 Bernard, Augustus. Mentioned, III, 432. Bernard, de Chateauvieux de. Letter from, II, 298. Bernard, Dom, Benedictine Monk. Letter from, I, 496. Bernard, Sir Francis, Governor of New Jersey, and subsequently of Massachusetts Bay. Selectmen of Boston to, IV, 207. Mentioned, I, 51, 94, 101. IV, 181. Commission of Charles Read, IV, 183. Bernardi, Gioanni De. Letters from, II, 34, 46. Letter to, III, 519. Bernardo, de. Mentioned, III 159. Bernier & Gourlade. Mentioned, I, 295. Bernier, F. Letter from, III, 70. Bernstorff, Johann Hartwig Ernst Count de, Danish Diplomatist. To Baron de Bulow, IV, 212. Berny, Chevalier de. Letters from, I, 408, 429, 455, 466, 484, 5", 524- Berrien, John, Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and one of the Commissioners for the Di vision of Bergen. To Governor William Franklin, IV, 188. Berruyer, Chevalier de. Letter from, III, 63. Berry, Due de. Mentioned, IV, 452. Berry, William, et al. Letter from, I, 533. Bersoll, , Merchant at Brest. Letters from, I, 402, 403. II, 366. 375- Mentioned, I, 429, 435. Bertail, Chevalier de. Mentioned, IV, 409. Berteval, de Rubigny de. Letter from, III, 180. Berthelot, Capt. Paul. Mentioned, I, 357. Berthier, Pere Joseph Etienne, F. R. S., French Physicist. Letters from, I, 94, 195, o~92, 380, 411. II, 187. Ill, 23. Letter to, III, 469. Mentioned, I, 149. Berthier fils, . Letter from, III, 141. Mentioned, III, 67. Bertholf, Baron de Beelen. Mentioned, III, 122. Bertholon, Pierre. Letter from, II, 328. Berthon de, Maisonneuve. Letters from, I, 262, 269, 295. Bertin, . Letter from, II, 461. Mentioned, IV, 83. Bertin, Madame. Letters from, I, 416, 556s. Mentioned, IV, 388. Bertin, Henri Leonard Jean Baptiste, Controller-General of Finances of France. Mentioned, II, 472. Bertin, Le. Mentioned, I, 535. Bertinot, . Letter from, II, 143. Bertols, Julien. Letters from, II, 14. Ill, 406. Bertrand, . Letters from, II, 297, 343. Mentioned, IV, 70. Bertrand, de Bois, Lieut. Col. in Con tinental Army. Mentioned, I, 282. Bertrand, V. I. Letter from, II, 137. Bertsch & Mayer, Messrs., of Phila delphia. Mentioned, III, 309. Berville, , Merchant of Paris. Letter from, III, 269. Claim of, IV, 390. 3° Calendar of the Franklin Papers Berwick, Regiment de, II, 28, 32. Besancon, Mme. de Poulinet de. Mentioned, IV, 412. " Besbro," the packet. IV, 304. Bescheloche, De. Letter from, IV, 406. Besnard, . Letter from, III, 212. Besonque, J. Letter from, II, 225. Bessborough, Lord. Mentioned, I, 21. IV, 400. Besse, Jacques, Printer. Letters from, II, 387. Ill, 230. IV, 440. Bessel, Frederick Guillaume, Baron de. Letter from, II, 109. Bessiere, . Bentalon to, IV, 304. Besson, George Leopold, of Mont- beliard, France. Letters from, II, 125, 133, 173, 217, 255, 275. Mentioned, I, 183, 185. To the Secretary of Dr. Franklin, IV, 304. Bethlehem, attacks upon, IV, 405. Bethman, . Letter from, II, 187. Bethune, Comte de. Mentioned, IV, 149. Betlen, Sir Patrick. Letter from, III, 236. " Betsey," the letter of marque. II, 255, 444, 464. " Betsey," the schooner. II, 67, 123. Ill, 432. IV, 29, 66. Captured by the Morocco privateers, III, 2. " Betsy," the brig, of Philadelphia. Capture of, III, 241. IV, 327. " Betsy," the British brig. IV, 288. Bett, William. Letter from, II, 141. Bettally & Noseda. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 85. Bettoja, Capt. Mentioned, II, 105. Beudet, M. Mentioned, I, 192. Bevage, Abbe. Letter from, III, 127. Bevans, Capt. George. Mentioned, II, 491. Beveridge, Jno., Scotch poet, Profes sor of Languages in Academy at Philadelphia. Letter from, I, 54. Beverley, . Mentioned, IV, 84. Beville, Maj.-Gen. de. Letter from, III, 52. Mentioned, III, 36. Bevos, . Letter from, I, 551. Bewick, Lady. Mentioned, I, 150. Beyer, . Letters from, II, 380, 388. Ill, 242, 251. Beyerle, Maj.-Gen. de. Mentioned, III, 59. Beyerle de Fachevert, John Francis, Nephew of Maj.-Gen. de Beyerle. Letter from, III, 59. Mentioned, III, 323. Beymont, Pigault de. Letter from, II, 126. Bezanger, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 25. Beze, de. Letter from, I, 533. Bianchi, , Lecturer on Phys ics. Letter from, II, 406. Programme of lectures by, IV, 327. Biancourt, de. Letter from, I, 304. Bianot, . Letter from, I, 422. Index 31 Bible, translation from a chapter in the, by Dr. Franklin, III, 506. Bibles wanted for America, I, 321, 433- Printed in Holland, I, 414. Bicker, L. Letter from, I, 247. Bickley, . Mentioned, II, 521. Biddle, Charles, Vice President of Pennsylvania. Letters from, I, 196. Ill, 305, 3", 327s, 340, 353, 35«- Letter to, III, 552. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 161. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 373- Biddle, James. Mentioned, IV, 192. Biddle, John, of Philadelphia. Asks to be appointed head measurer of salt and grain, III, 281. Biddle, Nicholas, Captain U. S. S. "Randolph." Mentioned, I, 119, 430. Biddle, Owen, M. A. P.S. Mentioned, I, 97, 98. Biedermann, Ehrenhold Fredric, LL. D., University of Leipsic. Letters from, III, 33, 40. Mentioned, III, 179. Bielby, . Mentioned, I, 150. Bien de Chevigny, Chevalier de Chef de. Mentioned, III, m. Bieter, General. Mentioned, IV, 32. Bigelow, Mrs. Mentioned, I, 47. Biheron, Mile., Modeller in wax. Letters from, I, 137, 149, 164. Mary Hewson to, IV, 225. Mentioned, I, 85, 133, 138, 139, 141, 142, 146, 153, 155. Ill, 485. Bilbao, blankets to be shipped from. I, 318. Biles, Langhorne. Plan of a tract of land in Bucks County, Pa., belonging to, IV, 396. Billardon de Sauvigny, Edme Louis, French poet and dramatist, Royal Censor. Mentioned, IV, 115. Billingsport, New Jersey, IV, 239. Bills, Blank form of, III, 548. Drawn upon John Adams, IV, 384. From various persons, III, 427. Interest, resolution of Congress not to issue any more, IV, 458. List of, not accepted, III, 559. Of Credit, Act for calling out of circulation certain, IV, 496. Of exchange, III, 427, 558. IV, 237, 261, 292, 312, 313, 322, 326, 334, 3844- Of Lading, IV, 384. Passed in England with regard to America, IV, 5. Payable, blank form of book for en try of, III, 559. Receivable, blank form of book for entry of, III, 559. Bilon, Louis Pierre. Letter from, II, 202. Bingel, R. Letters from, II, 504, 515. Bingham, James. Mentioned, I, 3. Bingham, William, M. A. P. S., U. S. Commercial Agent at Martin ique. Letters from, I, 278, 280, 309, 312, 313, 372, 43°, 44i, 4722, 475, 485, 489, 498- II, 4, 20, 23, 36, 90, 115, 134, 220. Governor of Guadaloupe to, IV, 302. Mentioned, I, 192, 332, 39s3, 511. II, 276, 437, 460. Ill, 65, 67, 256, 549. IV, 305, 445. Bingham, Mrs. William. Mentioned, III, 65. Bingley, William. Mentioned, II, 159. 32 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bion, . Letter from, II, 244. Birckel, . Letters from, II, 407, 413, 439, 447. Ill, 120. Bjrckenstock, J. M. Letter from, III, 327. Bird, . Mentioned, IV, 88. Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Mentioned, III, 380. Bird, Samuel. Letter from, III, 162. Birkbeck & Blakes, London Mer chants. Letter from, III, 356. Biron, Marquis de. Mentioned, III, 424. IV, 128. Biscontin, Luet de. Letter from, I, 509. Bishoff, George Michel. Mentioned, I, 364. Bishop appointed for the United States by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith at Rome, III, 90. Concerning election of a, III, 283. Establishing a, in America, III, 550. First American Bishops should re ceive their consecration from Eng lish, III, 283. Who refused alms to a beggar, story of, by Benjamin Franklin, III, 511. Bissy, Stephano, Baron de. Letters from, I, 294. Ill, 20. To Comte de St. Germain, IV, 247. To the U. S. Senate, IV, 225. Bissy, Baronne de. Mentioned, III, 169. Bissey, Mile. de. Letter from, III, 402. Bitaube, Paul Jeremie, Prussian writer. Mentioned, III, 404, 521. Bitter, Le, interpreter. Mentioned, IV, 425. Black boys. Mentioned, IV, 195. Black, Dr. Joseph, Scotch Chemist. Doctrine of Latent Heat, I, 503. Black & Co., John, Merchants at Bordeaux. Mentioned, I, 222. Blackberry jelly, III, 358. Blackburn, John, Member of Penn sylvania Assembly. Mentioned, I, 116. Ill, 453. Blackburn, John. Edmund White to, IV, 290. Mentioned, IV, 287. Blackburn, Thomas. To John and Robert Barclay & Co., IV, 349- Mentioned, III, 272. " Black Prince," the U. S. Privateer. I, 368. II, 62, 84, 90, 95, 96, 98, 106, 114, 120, 121, 122, 127, 129, 140, 142, i452, 147, 149, 151, 1523, 1783, 182, 184, 206, 207, 208, 210, 212, 2142, 218, 248, 266, 276, 280, 281. IV, 22, 293, 294, 295, 304, 424", 425, 426, 430. Journal of, II, 273. Prisoners taken by, II, 207. IV, 296. Wrecked, II, 238, 242. "Black Princess," the, U. S. Priva teer. II, 122, 142, 145, 151, 152, 178, 182, 184, 207, 208, 212, 233, 237, 243, 255, 256, 258, 269, 276, 278, 280, 281, 297, 397, 450. IV, 22, 425*, 426. Prizes taken by, II, 212. Blacke, William, To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 284. Blackit, Peter. Letter from, II, 232. Blackrie, Alexander. Lixivium, III, 249. Blackwell, Capt., of Schooner "Mil- ford." Mentioned, I, 411. II, 139. Index 33 Blagden, Col. Mentioned, III, 217. Blagden, Sir Charles, F. R. S., M. A. P. S., Physician, Secretary of the Royal Society. Letters from, III, 76, 83. Mentioned,. Ill, 220. IV, 328, 467, 470. Blair, Dr. John, F. R. S., Chronologist. Letters from, I, 105, 106. Blair, Captain William? Mentioned, II, 501. Blake, William, of South Carolina. Mentioned, IV, 8, 9. Blake, Mrs. William, of South Caro lina. Mentioned, IV, 40. Blakey, W. Letter from, I, 348. Blanchard, . Letters from, III, 4022. Blanchard, Francois (sometimes called Jean Pierre), French aeronaut. Letters from, III, 141, 227. Mentioned, III, 346. IV, 132, 140. Ascensions of, III, 313. Experiments of, III, 173, 257, 266. Two aerial voyages made by Dr. Jeffries and, IV, 357. Blanchard, Joseph. Letter from, II, 296. Blanchard's Remedy for the Stone, I, 11. Blanches, Jacques, of the Continental frigate "South Carolina." Mentioned, III, 54. Blanchet, . Mentioned, I, 503. " Blanchette." See Mme. Caillot. Bland, Elias. Mentioned, I, 2. Bland, Theodorick, M. C. C, Colonel in Continental Army. Letter from, IV, 457. Bland & Ducastel. Mentioned, III, 202. Blankenberg, Charles. Letter from, II, 133. Blardierres, Delaunay des. Letter from, III, 394. Blaugy, Ducarne De. Letters from, IV, 468s. Blauquet, J. S. Letter from, III, 246. Bleakley, John, Mentioned, IV, no. Bleton, . Mentioned, III, 181, 183. Blin, . Letter from, I, 318. Bliss, Nathaniel, F. R. S., Astronomer Royal. Mentioned, I, 35. Blittenberg, . Letter from, II, 118. Blodget, Nathan, Purser on the "Al liance." Letters from, II, 35. IV, 419. To James Moylan, IV, 307. James Moylan to, IV, 307. Mentioned, II, 227, 268. IV, 16, 104. Blome, Baron Otto de, Danish Min ister to France. Letters from, II, 374. Ill, 57. To Thomas Jefferson, IV, 362. Mentioned, II, 431. Blondeau, Capt. Mentioned, II, 7. Blondel, . Letter from, I, 201. Blossier, . Letter from, III, 157. Blount, Webster. Letter from, III, 247. Blue Anchor Inn, at Philadelphia. IV, 358. Blunderbuss, drawing of a, IV, 509. Blunt, Sir Charles. Mentioned, I, 147. Blunt, Charles William. Letter from, II, 154. Mentioned, I, 215. 34 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Blunt, Dorothy. Letters from, I, no, 147, 148, 1552, 170. II, 44. Mentioned, III, 172. IV, 126. Blunt, Lady. Mentioned, I, 177. Board of Property, meeting of, III, 311. Board of Trade, Province affairs have a hearing before, III, 450. Mentioned, III, 498. IV, 212. Disallowance of Laws by, IV, 217. Boardman, Captain, of the Schooner " Betsey." Mentioned, IV, 29, 45, 48. Boat, an unsinkable, III, 308. Model of a, constructed along new lines, III, 340. Bocheron, . Letter from, II, 82. Bodin, . Mentioned, III, 183. Boeckmann, Jean Laurent, German physicist. Letter from, I, 399. Boers, . Letter from, III, 60. Bohlen, Anna Sophia Susanna de, nee Franklin, claims to be grand- niece of Dr. Franklin. Letter from, II, 404. Boileau, . Letter from, I, 214. Boiler, improved, III, 378. Boillat, Peter, Captain of the Amer ican privateer " Laurens." Letter from, III, 36. Boirargues, Louvel de. Letters from, I, 4302. Bois, Pierre Frangois de. Letter from; II, 371. Mentioned, III, 530. Boisbertrand, Gayault de, French Officer. Mentioned, I, 477, IV, 268, 272. Petition of, IV, 301. Boisboudron, . To Pingre, IV, 231. Boisgerard, , Merchant at Nantes. Anonymous to, IV, 292. Boislandry, Louis de, Merchant of L'Aigle. Letter from, III, 184. Mentioned, III, 5. Boismartin, Veillon De. Letter from, III, 218. Boismauger, Lucas de. Letter from, I, 403. Boisrenard, Abbe de. Letter from, II, 246. Boisroger, M. and Mme. Mentioned, I, 453. Boisroger, de, Secretary to Louis XVI. Letter from, III, 35. Boisroger, de Vanquelin de. Letter from, I, 500. Boisselin, Count de. Mentioned, IV, 285. Bois-Valee, de Vyssery. Letter from, II, 513. Bollan, . Letter from, II, 512. Bollard, Robert. To the Principal Officers of his Majesty's Ordnance, IV, 293. Boiling, Thomas Tabb. Letters from, III, 233, 2912. Bolloche, Thibault Le. Mentioned, II, 25. Bolton & Watt, British Engineers. Mentioned, III, 378. Bomare, Jacques Christoph Valmont de, Director of the Museum of the Prince de Conde, at Chantilly. Letters from, I, 535. II, 173, 316, 414. IV, 462. Bond, . Mentioned, I, 377. Bond, Dr. Mentioned, IV, 192. Bond, D. Letter from, III, 402. Bond, George, Deputy Secretary of the Continental Congress. Mentioned, IV, 444, 445, 502. Index 35 Bond, Phineas, Jr., British Consul for the Middle States, Son of Dr. Phineas Bond, of Philadelphia. Letters from, III, 343, 390. Mentioned, III, 318. Bond, Richard, Son of Dr. Thomas Bond. Mentioned, I, 122. Bond, Thomas, M. A. P. S., Phila delphia physician. Letters from, I, 97, 122. II, 145, 243. Ill, 294. Mentioned, I, 41. Ill, 2, 317. IV, 203, 204. Bond, Thomas, Jr., M. A. P. S., son of Dr. Thomas Bond. Letter from, I, 436. To Dr. Jacob Rieger, IV, 224. Bond, Vens. Letter from, III, 287. Bond & Byrn, Philadelphia merchants. Mentioned, I, 97. Bond of Indemnity, blank, III, 559. Bondfield, John, Merchant, U. S. Commercial Agent at Bordeaux. Letters from, I, 279, 384, 388, 390, 39i, 39«, 409, 418, 419, 436, 4403, 441, 444, 446, 449, 453, 454, 459, 4782, 481, 485, 487, 489, 492, 494, 496, 506, 508, 512, 514, 531, 535, 538, 542, 556- II, 1, 5, 13, 18, 22, 26, 30, 31, 39, 40, 51, 64, 68, 72, 73, 82, 95, 98, 101, 103, 106, 113, 117, 131, 134, 145, 177, 181, 212, 215, 218, 219, 293, 341, 357, 368, 381, 399, 402, 405, 414, 422, 443, 447, 483. Ill, 123, 256, 368, 390, 392, 3952, 396. IV, 433, 439, 450. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 7, 163. To Pierre Roussille, IV, 306. Louis Sazerac l'aine and fils to, IV, 493- Bill for cannon, IV, 500. Mentioned, I, 522. II, 424, 442. Ill, 4322, 433- IV, 107, 136, 355. Bonds, Forms of, for Letters of Marque and Reprisal, III, 560. Given by Commander of a Letter of Marque, III, 560. Bongars, Chevalier de. Letter from, I, 426. Bonhome, , Secretary in the Dutch secret service. Mentioned, III, 97. " Bon Homme Richard," U. S. ship of war, see also " Duras." II, 772, 104, 107, no, 1122, 1202, 123, 124, 138, 149, 169, 194, 217, 264, 270, 278, 280, 315, 478, 507. Ill, 222, 227. IV, 17, 42, 308, 422, 458, 467, 484, 494, 49«, 498- The Crew of the. Letter from, II, 267. To John Paul Jones, IV, 308. " Alliance " runs foul of, court-mar tial relative to, II, 130. John Paul Jones to the Court-mar tial on board the, IV, 493. Prize-money still due, IV, 449. Bonhours, Pere. Mentioned, IV, 165. Boniface, . Mentioned, I, 471. Bonin, Capt., from Boston. Mentioned, II, 145. Bonnafons, Aime. Mentioned, III, 100, 110. Bonne, de. Mentioned, I, 446. Bonne, Souer de. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 70. " Bonne Voitiere," the frigate. IV, 35- Bonneau, . Mentioned, II, 488. Bonnefoux, . Letter from, II, 484. To Miss Bethia Alexander, IV, 504. " Bonnefoy," the French ship. IV, 391. 36 Calendar of the Franklin Papers -, Member of the Borie, Bonnefoy, — College of Surgery at Lyons. Letter from, III, 136. Bonnet, . Letter from, I, 412. Bonnet, Charles, Swiss Naturalist. Mentioned, II, 87. Bonniot, Michel. Letter from, I, 367. Bonsart, . Mentioned, IV, 87. Bonvouloir, Achard De. Letters from, I, 5562. Bonzon, . Letter from, III, 33. Books, list of, IV, 386, 388. Purchased at Alleyne's sale, ex change of, IV, 312. Booth, Richard. Letter from, II, 158. Borch, Thomas, British prisoner. Mentioned, IV, 425. Borde, Pierre. Letter from, II, 381. " Bordeaux," the frigate. I, 564. Bordeaux, How trade is carried on at, during hostilities, IV, 12. The Archbishop of. Letter from, III, 300. Mentioned, III, 349, 393. "Bordelais," the ship. I, 367- Bordet, Jean Baptiste la. Mentioned, II, 146. Bordot, I., Merchant at Rochelle. Letters from, I, 538. II, 33, 87, 137, 342- Mentioned, I, 359. II, 17. Borel, A. Letters from, I, 470, 505, 518. II, 19. IV, 411. Letter to, III, 511. Mentioned, I, 528. Borges, . Merchant at Ham burg. Mentioned, III, 82. -, One of the Commis sioners appointed by Louis XVI to investigate Animal Magnetism. Death of, IV, 350. Born, Ignace, Chevalier de, German Mineralogist. Letter from, III, 129. Mentioned, III, 128. Borth, . Mentioned, III, 348. Borthwick, John. Letter from, I, in. Bory, . Mentioned, II, 26, 405. Bospin, du. Mentioned, I, 558. Bossut, L'Abbe. Description by, of a balloon ascen sion, IV, 506. "Boston," the U. S. frigate. I, 390, 426, 436, 440, 451, 467, 468. 481. II, 32, 77, 281, 327, 337. Ill, 267. IV, 267, 279, 306, 312, 489. Plot to betray, IV, 410. " Boston," the privateer. Ill, 544- Boston, The Commissioners of Cus toms at, Governor William Frank lin to, IV, 205. Committee of the Town of. Letter from, I, 101. Evacuation of, I, 179. The Freeholders and Inhabitants of. Letter from, I, 107. Governor of. Mentioned, IV, 176. Non-importation agreement, I, 104. Protests against the blockading of harbor, III, 499. Selectmen of. Letter from, I, 91. To Gov. Francis Bernard, IV, 207. " Boston Independent Chronicle," Supplement to the, III, 530. Bostoneses, Semencia de los. Mentioned, IV, 374. Index 37 Botetourt, Lord Norborne ilerkeley, Baron, Colonial Gov. of Virginia. Mentioned, I, 99, 129. Both, de. Mentioned, III, 103. Bouchet, . Letter from, II, 498. Bouchet, Major Denis Jean-FIori- mond-Langlois Du, in the Conti nental service. Letter from, II, 3. Ill, 36. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 10, 115. To John Adams, IV, 278. Mentioned, I, 438. Bouchet, Captain Pierre, of " I' Aim- able Elizabeth." Mentioned, IV, 352. Account of the shipwreck of his ves sel, " Aimable Elizabeth," IV, 369. Boucheville, Mutel de. Letter from, II, 301. Boudet, . Letter from, I, 319. To Ferdinand Grand, IV, 491. Boudinot, Elias, New Jersey delegate to and President of Continental Congress. Letters from, III, 56, 69, 99, 122. Election as President of Congress, IV, 462. Mentioned, III, m, 189. Boudinot, Lewis, Brother of Elias Boudinot. Letter from, III, in. Boudon, . Mentioned, II, 481, 485. IV, 329. Bouffe, Gabriel. Letters from, I, 419, 420. Bouffe, Pierre. Letters from, I, 419, 420. Bouffe, Mme. Mentioned, II, 16. Bouflers-Rouvrel, Marie Charlotte Hippolyte Comtesse de. Letters from, III, 88, 259. Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, French Navigator. Mentioned, IV, 148. Bouget, A. Letter from, IV, 413'. Bougon, de. Letter from, III, 403. Mentioned, III, 409. Bouille, Marquis Francois Claude Amour de, Governor of Guade loupe. Mentioned, I, 214, 547. Bouille, La Marquise De. Letter from, IV, 472. Bouillon, . Letter from, I, 288. Bouillon, de Mauviel de. Letter from, III, 183. Bouillot, Joseph. Letter from, III, 69. " Bouitte, La," the vessel. IV, 292. Boulainvilliers, Mme. de. Letters from, II, 329'. Ill, 86. Letter to, III, 523. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 26, 46. Mentioned, III, 235. Boulainvilliers, Mile. de. Marriage to Vicomte de Clermont Tonnere, IV, 26. Boulainvilliers, Marquis de. Letters from, II, 322, 354. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 26. Boulanger, Mr. Mentioned, I, 56. Boule, . Letters from, II, 58. IV, 420. Boullancourt, Capt. Mentioned, II, 219. Boulton, Matthew, F. R. S., British Engineer. ¦ Mentioned, III, 302. Boundary Commission, New York and New Jersey, I, 86, 89. 3§ Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bouquet, Col. Henry, of British Army, Served in Pennsylvania during Colonial Period. Letters from, I, 313, 32. Letters to, III, 444, 457. To William Denny, IV, 178. Desertion from army of, I, 31. Mentioned, I, 16, 29, 33, 35, 362. Ill, 444, 458. Bourbon, Louis Henri de (Prince de Conde). Letters from, II, 34, 174, 188, 216, 377, 447, 468. Bourcel, — De. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 44. Bourdic, Marie Anne Henriette Payan de l'Etang, Baronne de, French litterateur. Letters from, II, 519. Ill, 141, 1422. Bourdic, Comtesse de. Jean Jacques Coirard to, IV, 370. Bourdieu, James, London Merchant. Letter from, III, 224. Bourdin, . Letter from, I, 246. Bourez, Sutaine de. Letter from, I, 99. Bourgeois, . Letter from, II, 158. Bourgoin, . Printer. Mentioned, III, 239. IV, 162. Bourgoing, Jean Frangois, Baron de, French Minister to Hamburg. Louis Phillipe, Comte de Segur, to, IV, 367- Bourke, , French Master. Mentioned, III, 474. Bourne, — — , London broker. Mentioned, III, 260, 261. Bourne, Dominique. Letter from, III, 327. Bourne, John, Husband of Anne Du Pont. Mentioned, III, 314. IV, 155. Bourne, John. Letter from, IV, 466. Bournons, - -, Member of Royal Acad, of Sciences, Brussels. Mentioned, III, 94. Bourzeil, Dr. De. Letter from, III, 403. Boush, . Mentioned, II, 135. Bousie, Guillaume. Audibert l'aine to, IV, 280. Passport for vessel of, III, 518. Bousie, Mrs. To Edward Bancroft, IV, 369. Mentioned, III, 401. Bousquetry, . Letter from, III, 72. Boussin, . Letter from, I, 556. Bout, De. Letters from, I, 434. IV, 414, 415. Boutey, Surgeon. Mentioned, II, 184. Bouvier, . Letter from, I, 351. Bouvinghausen, de. Letters from, II, 398, 422, 483. Bouvoire, Vicomte de. Letter from, II, 367. Boux, . Letters from, I, 214, 234, 368. IV, 474- Mentioned, II, 432. Ill, 412, 413. To his uncle, IV, 488. Bowdoin, James, M. A. P. S., Mem ber of Boston Committee of Cor respondence and Governor of Massachusetts. Letters from, I, 27. II, 244, 343. Ill, 109, 142, 287, 301, 337, 339, 34i, 3732, 375, 378. Letter to, III, 479. Caleb Gannet to, IV, 365. Mentioned, I, 218, 232. II, 398. Ill, 103, 107, 290, 316, 318, 395. Telescope, pedestal for his, I, 30. Bowen, Penuel. Letter from, I, 126. Bowles, John. To William Strahan, IV, 369. Index 39 Bowman, J. Letter from, I, 299. Bownas, Samuel. To Lawrence Growdon, IV, 172. de Boy, Pierre Francois, Maj., U. S. A. Letters from, II, 280, 284, 455. To Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, IV, 311. Mentioned, II, 78, 282. Boyd, . Mentioned, I, 163. Boyd, Lawrence. Letter from, II, 55. Boyd, William R. Letters from, II, 166, 214. Boyenval, . Letter from, II, 42. Boyer, . Letter from, II, 79. Boyer, . Letter from, III, 14. Boyer, , French actor. Mentioned, IV, 76. Boyetet, , Spanish Consul- General for France. Mentioned, II, 403. Boyle, Henry, et al., Manchester cot ton manufacturers. Letter from, II, 410. Boylston, John, Boston Merchant, son of Dr. Zabdiel Boylston. Letter from, I, 445. Mentioned, IV, 272, 274. Boylston, Nicholas, Boston Merchant. Mentioned, I, 70. Braddock, Gen. Edward, Commander- in-Chief of the British forces in America in 1755. Mentioned, I, 13, 31. IV, 176. Braddock's army supplies, paid for by Dr. Franklin, I, 13. Bradford, John, Continental Agent in Massachusetts. Letters from, I, 217. II, 4, 307. To William Lee, IV, 248. To Thomas Morris, IV, 248. To Pliarne, Penet & Co., IV, 231. Mentioned, IV, 22, 34, 199. Bradford, Samuel, Son of John Brad ford. Mentioned, I, 346, 550, 553. II, 48, 300, 307, 326. Bradford, Thomas, printer, Captain of a Military Company in Phila delphia, son of William Bradford. Letter to, III, 500. Bradford, William, Philadelphia printer, and publisher of the Penn sylvania Journal, Colonel in the Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 92. Bradstreet, Col. John, of British Army. Granted peace to Delaware and Shawanese, I, 32. Brady, Baron de. Letter from, II, 169. De Bragelonne de filley de la Barre. Letters from, I, 23 82, 248. Brahm, de. Letter from, I, 237. Brahm, Major Ferdinand J. S., M. A. P. S., Officer in Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 237. Brahm, Francois de. Letter from, III, 56. Brailey, . Samuel White to, IV, 335. Brailsford, William. Letter from, II, 377. Mentioned, II, 351. Braley, Nathaniel. Mentioned, IV, 97. Brancas, Comte and Comtesse de. Letter from, III, 142. Brancas, Lowendal, Comtesse de. Letter from, IV, 409. Brancas, Marquis de. Letter from, III, 53. Branche, . Letter from, I, 494. Branco, . Letter from, II, 324. Brandenstein, Frederic Guillaume Ferdinand de. Letter from, III, 142. 4o Calendar of the Franklin Papers Brandywine, battle of, I, 423. IV, 405. Braner, . Letter from, II, 300. Brantsen, Gerard van de, Minister Plenipotentiary of the States-Gen eral to the Court of France. Letters from, II, 510. Ill, 57. IV, 461. Mentioned, II, 496. Brault & Demezaudre. Letters from, II, 54, 84. Braumuller, John Gottfried. Letters from, III, 92, 115. Braunius, M. Mentioned, I, 40. Brav, Monte. Letter from, III, 227. Letter to, III, 546. " Brave Normand," the ship. II, 124. Braxton, . Mentioned, IV, 165. Braxton, George, Jr. To William Temple Franklin, IV, 382, 39, 42. Mentioned, IV, 38, 41, 43. Bray, Associates of the late Dr. Letters from, I, 67. Ill, 278, 301. IV, 402. Mentioned, III, 463. Dr. Benjamin Franklin made mem ber of, I, 21. To purchase a piece of land in Philadelphia, III, 278. Reports concerning negro school es tablished by, III, 450. Brazil, The Princess of. Mentioned, III, 252. Bread made of potatoes, I, 510, 516. Breda, Victor, American prisoner. Letter from, III, 403. Breeches, Order for leather, III, 435. Breget, de. Cure ascribed to magnetism, III, 175. Breget, Mme. de. Mentioned, IV, 415. Breidenstein, John Philip. Letter from, III, 84. Breintnall, Joseph, Secretary of the Library Company of Philadelphia and Sheriff of Philadelphia. Peter Collinson to, IV, 173. Bremont, Alexis. Letter from, III, 403. Bremoutier, . Letter from, III, 246. Breneisen, . Mentioned, III, 381. Brent, W. Letters from, II, 272, 274. Brentano, , Major de, Aide to Gen. Viomenil. Col. Jeremiah Wadsworth to, IV, 503- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 503. Bres, Chevalier de. Letter from, IV, 445. Bresillac, De Marion. Letter from, I, 350. Bresson, . Mentioned, I, 468. Brest, The fleet from, IV, 7, 9, 33. Major de Place of. Mentioned, II, 419. Bret, . Letter from, II, 28. Breteuil, Louis Auguste le Tonnelier Baron de, French diplomatist, Minister of Louis XVI charged with the Department of Paris. Letters from, III, 139, 140. To Ferdinand Grand, IV, 263. The Royal Commissioners to In vestigate Animal Magnetism to, IV, 350. Mentioned, II, 189. Ill, 158, 234, 413. IV, 142. Brethren's Church at Bethlehem, Pa., Ill, 368. Bretigney, Bernard De, Father of Chevalier de Bretigney. Letter from, II, 444. Index 41 Bretigney, Chevalier De, Officer in Continental Army. Letters from, I, 255, 257, 259, 329. IV, 411. Mentioned, I, 262, 293. II, 486. Ill, 504. " Breton," the merchant ship. II, 285, 331. Ill, 524. IV, 432. Breton, Cape, Expedition against, III, 435- Breton, . Mentioned, II, 412. Breton, Alexandre. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 22, 26. Breton, Le. Letter fiJom, II, 427. Breton, Abbe Le. Letter from, II, 123. Breuze, de. Letter from, III, 84. Brevitt, John. Letter from, II, 158. Brevost, , Agent for the So- ciete Philantropique. Letters from, III, 251, 253, 256, 258. Brewer, Joseph. Mentioned, I, 163. Brewse, Lieut.-Col. Mentioned, II, 457. Brewse, Mrs. and Miss. Letter from, II, 457. Brewster, Oliver. Mentioned, III, 86. B riant, . Letter from, III, 102. Briaud, . Letter from, III, 103. Brice, James, Mayor of' Annapolis. Mentioned, IV, 343. Brice, John. Letter from, II, 125. Bridgen, Edward, F. R. S. Letters from, I, 258, 378. II, 138, 141, 171, 483, 516. Ill, 72, 105, 1882, 194, 196, 197, 213, 255, 265, 268, 2732, 278, 285, 287, 313, 327- Bridgen, Edward — Continued. Mentioned, I, 504. II, 423, 443. Ill, 323. Restoration of estate of, in North Carolina, III, 309, 327. Bridgen & Waller, of London. Mentioned, III, 105, 313. Bridges, Models of, III, 338, 349^ Bridges, Robert. Mentioned, II, 24. Brie, Derneux de. Letter from, I, 293. Brienne, Chevalier de. Letter from, III, 358. Briere, , Engineer. Mentioned, III, 431. Briffaut, . Mentioned, II, 3. Brig, John. Letter from, II, 113. Brigant, Le. Letter from, II, 282. Briggs, Nathaniel. To Charles Bell, IV, 217. To Thomas Drue, IV, 217. To David Mill, IV, 217. Briggs, Richard, of Boston, Surgeon. Receipt by, IV, 379. Bright, Jacob, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 459, 465. Bright, Michael, American prisoner. Letters from, II, 454, 455, 456. To James Cuming, IV, 328. " Brighton," the brigantine. HI, 433- Brilhac, . Letter from, II, 147. Brillon, Mme. d'Hardancourt. Letters from, I, 314, 374, 377, 381, 440, 450, 525, 539, 548, 5577, 558s. II, 12, 18, 41, 45, 76, 116, 164, 165, 167, 169, 187, 210, 312, 313, 316, 317, 329, 33°*, 34i, 35i, 353, 361, 368, 397, 398, 400, 402, 412, 419, 424, 427s, 4287, 429*, 44i, 447, 4^3, 5i95- III, 1423, 1432, 174, 186, 187, 193, 234, 235", 270, 273, 274, 284, 292, 326, 357, 386, 4°3*, 404', 4°5', 406°. 42 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Brillon, Mme.— Continued. Letters to, III, 509, 511, 5153, 521, 522, 527, 529, 530, 531, 540, 541, 547, 548, SS62. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 91. To Louis Guillaume Le Veillard, IV, 278. Anonymous to, IV, 384. Mile. Brillon to, IV, 370. Leseurre to, IV, 352. Vernet to, IV, 504. Mme. Watelet to, IV, 380. Mentioned, II, 210. Ill, 253, 368, 385, 402, 410, 425, 515, 520, 525. IV, 5, 12, 51, 81, 104, 159, 162, 166, 352, 380. Declines a marriage between Wil liam Temple Franklin and Mile. Brillon, II, 368. Brillon, Mile. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 148. To Mme. Brillon, IV, 370. William Temple Franklin's suit for the hand of, II, 368. IV, 102, 104. Marriage of, III, 276, 280. IV, 1462. Mentioned, IV, 52, 126, 1452. Brillon, Miles. Mentioned, IV, 94, 154. Brillon, de Jouy, , Receiver- General of Trusts of Parliament, and husband of Mme. d'Hardan- court Brillon. Letters from, I, 532, 556, 558s. II, 148, 4272. Ill, 290. Letters to, III, 505, 548. Mentioned, I, 572. Ill, 291, 404, 506, 530, 541. IV, in, 1452, 157, 158, 370. Death of, III, 344, 357. IV, 159. Brillon, M. and Mme. de Jouy. Letter from, III, 122. Brillon family. A serio-comic address to Dr. Frank lin by, II, 427. Mentioned, IV, 127, 150, 154, 1562, 160. Brimmer, Martin, Merchant at Bos ton. To Thomas Aston Coffin, IV, 330. Mentioned, III, 39. Brion, de. Mentioned, IV, 416. Brionne, Countess of. Mentioned, III, 426. Brisbois, . To whom it may concern, IV, 491. Brisson, . Letter from, I, 329. Mentioned, I, 206. Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre, M. A. P. S., French publicist. Letters from, II, 39, 423. Ill, 384. Mentioned, III, 378, 387. " Bristol," The British war-ship. IV, 323. Bristol, Attack upon, by British, IV, 411. Fair, II, 212. Bristow, Benjamin. Letter from, IV, 413. " Britannia," the cartel ship. II, 275. " Britannia," the prize. I, 347- IV, 267. Britannic Majesties, Print of their, IV, !63. British, Attack upon Bristol by, IV, 411. Cabinet, reply to de Simolin with reference to mediation, IV, 329. Cruisers, vigilance of, I, 211. Defeat of, near Charleston, IV, 493. At Trenton, IV, 33. Goods, resolutions to consume no more, III, 472. Government attempts to make secret contracts for masts, II, 392. Ministry, illegal acts committed by the, IV, 377. Officer desires to enter American Army, I, 277. Property, vessels to prey upon, IV, 403. Index 43 British — Continued. Transports, reported capture of six, IV, 426. Troops forming an expedition under Gen. Sir Henry Clinton, list of, IV, 395- Trouble between, and Hessian troops, IV, 487. Vessels, capture of a convoy of, IV, 17- " Briton," nam de plume of Dr. Franklin. Of the Means of Disposing the Enemy to Peace, III, 451. Brocklesby, Richard, M. D., F. R. S. Letter from, II, 159. Broell, Leonhard Magnus. Letter from, III, 181. Brogden, Dr. Mentioned, III, 228. Broglie, Charles Frangois, Count de. Mentioned, II, 203. Broglie, Victor Claude, Prince de. Letters from, II, 469, 503. Bromfield, Henry, of Boston. Mentioned, I, 507. II, 272. Ill, 434- Bromfield, Jr., Henry, Amsterdam Merchant. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 49. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 313. Bromfield, Thomas, London Mer chant. Letter from, I, 174. Brongniart, Alexandre Theodore, Architect to Louis XVI. Letters from, II, 499. Ill, 8, 13, 95- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 141. Medal commemorating the Union of America and France, being struck by, III, 107. Proofs of, being made by, III, 8, 13- Struck by order of Dr. Franklin, designed by, III, 243. Brongniart, Antoine Louis, French Chemist. Letters from, I, 391, 473. Mentioned, II, 59. Brooke, Dr. Laurence, Son of Rich ard Brooke and Surgeon on the "Bon Homme Richard." Mentioned, I, 464, 474. II, 246. Brooke, Richard, of Virginia. Letter from, I, 12. Mentioned, I, 464. Brooke, Robert, son of Richard Brooke. Mentioned, I, 464, 474. Broom, Jacob, Delaware delegate to the Constitutional Convention. Letters from, III, 381, 390, 398. Broomfield, Rosetta. To Ann Loviel, IV, 331. Brossiere, , Clergyman at I'Orient. Letter from, III, 16. Brotier, L'Abbe Gabriel. Mentioned, I, 351. Broughton, Capt. Nicholas, of Mar- blehead, Mass. Mentioned, II, 348. Broughton, Sarah. Letter from, I, 61. Broussonet, Pierre Marie Auguste, French physician and naturalist. Mentioned, IV, 456. Brown, . Letter from, III, 342. Brown, . Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 262. Brown, . Mentioned, I, 266. II, 227. Brown, Captain, of the privateer "Dolphin." Mentioned, I, 252, 296. Brown, Ephraim, adopted son of Mary, widow of Peter Franklin. Letters from, I, 42, 62, 100. Mentioned, I, 40, 160. Brown, Henton,' London Banker. Letter from, I, 28. To Goldney Smith & Co., IV, 184. 44 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Brown, John, Lieut.-Col. in the Con tinental Army. To General Benjamin Lincoln, IV, 238. Mentioned, IV, 238. Brown, John, assumed name of Alex ander John Alexander. Mentioned, III, 233. IV, 133 Brown, Joseph. Mentioned, I, 422. Brown, Moses, Captain of an Amer ican privateer. Letter from, II, 386. Brown, Walter. Letter from, III, 127. Brown, William. Mentioned, III, 195. Brown & Collinson, London bankers. Letter to, III, 500. Mentioned, III, 500. Brown, Collinson & Tritton, London bankers. Failure of, IV, 448, 449. Brown University, Providence, R. I., see, also, Rhode Island College. Soliciting the patronage of the King of France for, III, 157, 298. Browne, Isaac, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church at Newark, N. J. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 183. Browne, John, Lieutenant on the "Bon Homme Richard." Letter from, II, 77. Browne, Joseph, Surgeon in the Con tinental Army. Letter from, III, 288. Browne, Joseph, V ice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. To Dr. John Kelly, IV, 185. Browne, Sir William, British physi cian. Letter to, III, 486. Brownrigg, Dr. William, F. R. S., Chemist. Letter from, I, 134. Mentioned, I, 166/275. Brubacher, Johannes. Mentioned, I, 475. Bruelt, R. Letter from, III, 406. Bruet, Comte de. Letter from, III, 98. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 124. Bruges, Comte de. Letters from, I, 292, 299. Mentioned, I, 298. Briihl, John Mauritius, Count de, F. R. S., Minister of the Elector of Saxony to Court of St. James. Letters from, III, 114, 179. Brulley, . Letter from, I, 484. Brun, Abbe Joseph Andre. Letter from, III, 250. " Brune," the ship. I, 360. Agreement between owners of, and the crew, IV, 245. "Brunetta," the Dutch Merchant ship. II, 148, 162, 240. Bruni, de. Letter from, I, 212. Brunier, . Mentioned, III, 118. Brunnet, Jean, of the Crew of the " Bon Homme Richard." Letter from, III, 227. Brunswick, battle at, I, 269. Brunswick, Duke of. Mentioned, II, 226. Portrait of, IV, 158, 160. Brunville, de Flaudre de. Letters from, III, no, 123. Brus, Ch. de. Letter from, I, 242. Brush, William. Mentioned, IV, 30. Brusle, . Letter from, I, 250. Brust, C. L. Letter from, II, 67. Brutiere, Guirquette Anquetil. Letters from, I, 558. II, 30. Ill, 68. Index 45 Brutiere, Guirquette Anquetil — Con tinued. Letter to, III, 518. Brutiere & Co., Guirquette Anquetil. Letters from, I, 437, 554. Brutus. Mentioned, IV, 60. Bry, . Surgeon on "La Ven geance." Letter from, III, 94. Bryan, Arthur. Letters from, I, 428, 525. Ill, 20. Bryan, George,. M. A. P. S., Philadel phia delegate to Stamp Act Con gress. President of Supreme Exec utive Council of Penna. and Justice of Supreme Court of Penna. Mentioned, I, 49. Bryan, Jonathan (?), Georgia patriot. Mentioned, I, 144. Bryan, William, Jr. Letters from, I, 428, 525. Ill, 20. Bryant, . Mentioned, I, 139. Bryson, . Mentioned, IV, 58. Buat, du. Letter from, I, 426. Bubier, Christopher, et al. Letter from, II, 179. Buc, du. Letter from, IV, 468. Bucaille, . Letter from, II, 497. " Buccaneer," the, Massachusetts pri vateer. II, 401. IV, 92, 334. Buchan, David Steuart Erskine, Earl of, M. A. P. S. Letters from, I, 160. Ill, 23, 305, 318. Mentioned, III, 31. Buchanan, George, M. A. P. S., Bal timore Physician. Letter from, III, 336. Buchanan, George. Mentioned, III, 433. Buchoz, — : . Letter from, I, 515. Buckingham, Mentioned, III, 180. Buckingham, George Nugent-Temple- Grenville, Duke of, British States man, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Mentioned, III, 367, 394. Buckmaster, George, of Newport, R. I. Letter from, III, 298. Bucks County, Pa., Location and Ex tent of John Williams's land in, IV, 396. Plan of a Tract of Land belonging to Lawrence Growdon and Lang horne Biles in, IV, 396. " Buckskin," the ship. II, 38. Bucquet, J. D. Marie, Chemist. Letter from, I, 558. Buc-Saint-Olympe, du. Marriage of, and Mme. de Longpre, IV, 468. Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, Comte de, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., French Naturalist. Letters from, III, 331, 348. Mentioned, I, 23, 150. II, 59. Ill, 125, 300, 345, 346, 371, 401. Buhring, . Letter from, II, 222. Buisson, Chevalier du, of the Con tinental Army. Mentioned, II, 349. Buisson, Chevalier du, Uncle of Chevalier du Buisson of the Con tinental Army. To Barbeu Dubourg, IV, 489. Bulet, . Letter from, I, 294. Bulkeley, . Mentioned, II, 26. Bull, John, Colonel in the service of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, III, 327. Bullets, Hollow, IV, 372. New process of making, I, 361. 46 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Bullett, Thomas, Virginia surveyor. Mentioned, IV, 217. Biilow, Baron de. Count de Bernsdorf to, IV, 212. Bumel, . Mentioned, I, 257. Bunker, Job. Letter from, III, 78. Bunker, Capt. Joshua. Mentioned, IV, 208. Bunnel, John, of New Haven. Mentioned, II, 303. Buquet, . Letter from, III, 98. Burckwald, de. Letter from, I, 312. Burd, Edward, of Philadelphia, M. A. P. S. Mentioned, II, 237. Burdett, . Letter to, III, 489. Burdett, P. P. Letters from, I, 233, 250. Ill, 294, 35i- Burdy, Robert. Mentioned, II, 85. Burdy, Thomas. Mentioned, II, 85. Burecourt, Chevalier de. Letter from, III, 406. Burette, . Letter from, I, 250. Burgh, Walter Hussey, M. P. in the Irish Parliament, Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer. Mentioned, III, 118. Burgoyne, John, Lieut.-Gen., British Army in America. Mentioned, I, 170, 1762, 177, 182, 265, 353, 433- II, 70, 423- IV, 222, 238, 240, 241, 245, 247, 248, 262, 405, 439. To Gen. William Heath, IV, 243% 244. Gen. Horatio Gates to, IV, 240, 242. Gen. William Heath to, IV, 243. Arrival in London, I, 423. Capture of, I, 303, 314, 321, 348. Burgoyne, John — Continued. Destination of, I, 209. Embarkation of troops at Rhode Island, IV, 245. Exchange of, for Henry Laurens, IV, 437, 438. Roster of Army of, IV, 242. Speech of, I, 430. Surrender of, I, 302, 303, 3042, 313, 314, 404. IV, 475. Tried by court-martial, IV, 411. Burk, . Mentioned, IV, 38, Burke, . Mentioned, I, 249. Burke, Edmund, M. P., British States man. Letter from, IV, 439. Bill for general exchange of prison ers, II, 458, 464. Mentioned, III, 500. Burke, Judge, of Charleston. Mentioned, III, 324. Burlingham, William, Captain of the Letter of Marque " Nancy." Mentioned, IV, 83. ' Burlington Free School, Trustees of. Letter from, I, 143. To George III, IV, 218. Burlington Island, IV, 218. Matininuck Island given to, for edu cational purposes, IV, 168. Burlington Society for the Promotion of Agriculture and of Domestic Manufactures, IV, 163. Burnell, John, Captain of the Letter of Marque, " Montgomery." To Lampre, IV, 248. To Jean Baptiste Le Roy, IV, 248. Mentioned, I, 257, 397. Ill, 511. Money due to, I, 397. Burnet seeds, I, 26. Burnett, Mrs. A. F. Mrs. Sarah Bache to, IV, 369. To Mrs. Sarah Bache, IV, 369. Burnett, Robert. Commission as Secretary of New Jersey, IV, 173. Index 47 Burpy, . Death of, IV, 201. Burr, Thaddeus, Member of the Con necticut Assembly. Mentioned, II, 408. Burrow, Sir James, London barrister. Mentioned, I, 52. II, 216. Burrowes, . Mentioned, III, 216. Burrows, Dr. Mentioned, II, 499. Ill, 24. Burrows, Miss. Mentioned, III, 24. Busaray, . Letter from, I, 522. Buscalier, Frederick. Mentioned, IV, 97. Busch, Dr. Mentioned, II, 99. Bush, David, of Wilmington, Del. Letter from, III, 280. Busson, Thomas Frangois. Mentioned, IV, 410. Bussy, de, formerly Ambas sador to England. Mentioned, I, 353. Bute, John Stuart, Earl of. Mentioned, I, 25, 451. Buter, . Mentioned, III, 397. Butler, . Captain of the " Arethusa." Mentioned, III, 245. Butler, Capt., of the Privateer " Molly." Mentioned, I, 348. Butler, Mrs. Mentioned, II, 148, 159, 163. Butler, A. To Col. Hugh Shields, IV, 322. Butler, John. Letter from, II, 257. Butler, John, American prisoner. Letter from, III, 84. Butler, Otto Magnus de. Letter from, I, 535. Butley, Thomas. Letter from, II, 417. Butor, . Letter from, I, 235. Butot, Lucas. Letters from, I, 361, 374. Butre, de. Mentioned, III, 294. " Butterfly," the English ship. II, 18. Buxueil, the Old Hermit of. Letter from, I, 410. Poems by, IV, 370. Buyck, Pierre, of Ghent. Letters from, II, 352. Ill, 42. _ IV, 454- Buyck, Mme. Pierre, of Ghent. Letter from, III, 275. Byde, Thomas Plumer, formerly M. P. Letter from, III, 17. Byles, Mather, Boston Clergyman. Letter from, III, 341. Byrne vs. Ridgely, IV, 184. Byrne, Bartholomew, et al. Letter from, I, 528. Byrne, Edward, of Philadelphia. Letter from, II, 93. Byrne, James. Mentioned, III, 432. Byrne, James. David Finney vs., IV, 219. Byrne, John Augustus. Mentioned, II, 510. Byrne, Capt. Thomas, of the Schooner " Peter." Mentioned, II, 262. Byrnes, Captain James. Mentioned, IV, 45. Byron, Lord John, British Rear- Ad miral. Damage to squadron of, II, 4. Destination of, I, 446. Squadron of, I, 443, 496, 514, 542. II, 4, 115, 128. Mentioned, IV, 13, 262, 296. Letter from, II, 100. C , Baron de. Mentioned, II, 99. 48 Calendar of the Franklin Papers C ," busybody. Mentioned, II, 231. C , J . Letter from, I, 142. C , Conduct of M. II, 234. C , P . To Benson, IV, 262. Caarten, Mentioned, I, 247. Cabanes, F. M. De. Letter from, III, 107. Cabanis, fils, Son of Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis. Letter from, II, 247. Cabanis, Pierre Jean Georges, M. A. P. S., French writer, physician, and philosopher Member of I'Academie des Sciences Morales et Politique. Letters from, II, 56, 187, 335. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 17, 27. Elected member of The American Philosophical Society, IV, 361. Cabanoux, Joly de, Lieutenant on " Le Languedoc" in the fleet of Comte d'Estaing. Mentioned, III, 180. Cabaret, . Letters from, II, 485, 520. Letter to, III, 531. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 91. Cabarras, Francis, Spanish Banker. Mentioned, IV, 94. Cabbage, Anjou, I, 26. Cabot, George. Mentioned, IV, 450. Caccia, , Banker. Pouchard to, IV, 338. Mentioned, IV, 114, 338. Caccini, . Letter from, II, 27. Cachard, Chevalier de. Letter from, III, 54. Cacheur, Pierre le. Letters from, II, 14. Ill, 406. Cadet, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 123. Cadet, John Lafitte. John Matthias Halstead to, IV, 375. Cadet de Vaux, Antoine Alexis Fran- gois, M. A. P. S., French Chemist. Letters from, I, 510, 516, 522, 538. II, 114, 138, 256. Ill, 37, 107, n82, 125, 133, 159, 166, 168, 179, 185, 254. Mentioned, III, 132. Cadignun, Baron de. Mentioned, I, 276. Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe, Cap tain in the French Army, founder of Detroit, Mich. Grant of land to, from the Gov ernor of Canada, IV, 169. Cadillac, Marie Therese de Lamothe. Letters from, III, 190, 192. Cadio, Frangois. Letter from, III, 406. Cadiz, Refusal to admit English ships into the port of, IV, 253. Cadou, , fils. Letter from, I, 534. Cadwalader, Miss, Daughter of Dr. Thomas Cadwalader. Mentioned, III, 311. Cadwalader, General John, of the Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 505. IV, 493. Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, of Phila delphia, Physician, Vice-President of The American Philosophical Society. Mentioned, II, 271. " Caesar," the ship, belonging to the fleet of Comte d'Estaing. II, 21. Caffieri, Jean-Jacques, French sculptor. Letters from, I, 256, 262, 318. II, 43, 45, 95, 245, 256, 467, 493. Ill, 8, 41, 102, 1212, 141, 262, 264. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 93, 136, 1382, 139, 506. To anonymous, IV, 370. Index 49 Caffieri, Jean-Jacques — Continued. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 355- Lair De Lamotte to, IV, 354. Mentioned, I, 262. IV, 386. Caffieri, Quentin. Order by, IV, 236. Cagliostro, Alexandre, Comte de. Mentioned, III, 290, 300. Count and Countess, III, 308. Caille, . Letter from, I, 427. Caille, Stephen D'audibert. Letters from, I, 396. Ill, 201. To William Carmichael, IV, 327. Correspondent for the United States in Morocco, IV, 327. Caillot, . Mentioned, III, 144, 429. Caillot, Armand, Son of Mme. Caillot. Mentioned, IV, 162. Caillot, M. and Mme. Mentioned, IV, 127. Caillot, Mme. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 134, 1443, 1462, 1473, 1482, 1502, 151, 152, 1532, 1542, 155, 1562, I573, I592, l6o> l61', !62. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 357, 3«o. Mentioned, IV, 52, 104, 1472. Cain, Alexander, Captain of the Let ter of Marque "St. James." Letter from, III, 207. Mentioned, II, 500, 502. IV, 478. Caire, Comtesse de. Letter from, I, 263. Cairol, M. de. Mentioned, I, 220. Caladaron, Observations on, IV, 385. Calculus, Remedy for, III, 239. Caldani, Leopold, M.A., F. R. S., Professor of Physics in University of Padua and President of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Padua. Letter to, IV, 478. Calder, Mrs. Mentioned, II, 274. Calder, Dr. John, non-conformist min ister in London, and author. Letters from, III, 34, 101. Mentioned, III, 87. Caldwell, Messrs. Andrew and James, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 72. Calhoun, James, Justice of the Peace at Baltimore. Letters from, II, 505, 513. Mentioned, II, 513. Calico Printing, III, 319. Calkoen, . Letter from, III, 407. Callender, Capt. Robert. To Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, IV, 195- Mentioned, IV, 195. Callender, William, Member of Penn sylvania Assembly. Letter from, I, 20. To John Hunt, IV, 181. Richard Peters to, IV, 179. Jacob Spicer to, IV, 181. Calmels, , Merchant at Brest. Letters from, II, 3, 42. " Calonne," the, French war vessel. II, 238. Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, Comptroller-General of France. Discourse pronounced on taking of fice as Minister of Finances, IV, 345- Mentioned, III, 291. IV, 140, 160. Calvert, Harry, English Officer. Mentioned, II, 450. Calvert, Pierre du, Montreal Mer chant. Letters from, III, 204, 215, 216, 240. Mentioned, III, 248, 265. " Camberwell," Letter of Marque. II, 516- Cambon, . Letter from, I, 363. So Calendar of the Franklin Papers Cambray, Colonel Chevalier de, French Engineer serving in the Continental Army. Letters from, III, 90, 100, 143, 276. Mentioned, III, 235, 281. Cambray, Miles, de. Letter from, III, 235. Cambridge, Sir John. Mentioned, III, 257. " Camden," the British prize. IV, 425", 426, 496. Camden, Charles Pratt, Earl of, Lord Chancellor of England. Mentioned, I, 170, 190, 324, 423. IV, 218, 221. Campagnoni, Joseph. Letter from, I, 313. Campan, . Mentioned, IV, 352. Campan, Mme. Jeanne Louise Hen- riette Genet, French educator. Mentioned, IV, 151. Campbell, Rev. Colin, Clergyman at Burlington, N. J. Mentioned, I, 62. Ill, 467. Campbell, Duncan, Captain of u Com pany of Canadians. Mentioned, IV, 227. Campbell, Lawrence Robert. Captain in the British Army. Parole of, IV, 332. Campbell, Thomas. Mentioned, II, 57. Campi, Charles Joseph. Letter from, I, 162. Campo-de-Arbe, . Letter from, III, 16. Campomanes, Don Pedro Rodriguez, Count de, M. A. P. S., Spanish statesman, President of the Cortes, Director of the Royal Academy of History. Letters from, III, 205, 343. Letter to, III, 542. Mentioned, III, 202, 208, 346. Acknowledging his election to The American Philosophical Society, III, 205. Camus, Charles Etienne Louis, French Astronomer. Mentioned, I, 85. Canada, Committee of Congress to proceed to, I, 179. Conquest of, IV, 184. Expedition against, II, 2, 3. Governor of, grants land to Cadil lac, IV, 169. Retaining of, III, 453. Revolution in, IV, 262. And Louisiana, The conquering of, III, 501. Canadians who assisted Americans were never paid, III, 248. Canals in America, II, 98. Canary Islands, IV, 345. Latitude of, IV, 95. Cancer, poke weed as a cure for, III, 437- Candles, phosphorous, IV, 85. Canier, Major in the Independent Dublin volunteers. Letter from, III, 231. Mentioned, III, 225. " Canister," the sloop, of Virginia. Mentioned, II, 252. Canning, Stratford, London Banker. father of Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe. Letter from, III, 216. Mentioned, III, 213. Cannon, Agreement to deliver to the ' United States, IV, 315. Bill for, IV, 500. Contract made with Spain for, II, 68. New kind of, invented by Hanno- teau, IV, 178. Purchase of, I, 343, 439, 487. Ill, 505. IV, 247, 439, 493. Cannon, A. Theodore. Letter from, III, 220. To Anonymous, IV, 257. Cannon, Le Grand, of Connecticut. Mentioned, III, 94. IV, 504. Canolle, . Mentioned, III, 48. Index 5i Canstadt, Carl Friderich Schilling von. Letter from, III, 309. Canterbury, Archbishop of. Mentioned, IV, 175. Refusal of, to ordain Americans unless Oath of Allegiance is taken, III, 202. Cantini, . Letter from, I, 326. Canton, John, of London, F. R. S., electrician. Letters from, I, 30, 67. Mentioned, I, 26, 56, 121. Ill, 454. Cape Artifer, IV, 276. Capet, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 107. Capion, . Letter from, III, 85. Capitaine, . Letters from, II, 135, 145, 151. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 17, 18, 24, 25, 76, 82, 102, 108. " Capitaine Jaune," the ship. II, 409, 4i5- Capitulation, Articles of, IV, 324. " Capricieuse," the ship. Ill, 61. Passport for, III, 505, 556. " Captain Jones," the ship. IV, 30. " Captain Rotch," French Merchant man. I, 256. Captures at sea, validity of, IV, 102. Carabas, . Mentioned, I, 245. Caraminico, Prince de, Ambassador of France to the King of Sicily. Letter from, III, 218. Carantene, Paul Frangois Jean Bap- tiste de, Captain in the Bavarian Army. Letter from, I, 276. Mentioned, IV, 203. Carayon, Jean Pierre, Merchant at Nimes. Letter from, III, 202. Carberry, Henry, Captain in the 4th Continental Dragoons. Mentioned, IV, 342. Carbouriech & Co., French Merchants. Letter from, II, 45. Carburi, Count J. Baptiste, F. R. S., Professor of Medicine at Uni versity of Turin. Letter from, I, 115. Carcassone, the Masonic Lodge of. Letter from, III, 276. Mentioned, III, 375. Carcot, Denis. Mentioned, IV, 165. Cardone, de. Letters from, I, 254, 271. Mentioned, I, 558. Cards, visiting, III, 428. Tradesmen's, III, 428. Carey, John, Captain of the Amer ican privateer "Hercules." Mentioned, II, 115, 317, 513. IV, 432. Carey, Mathew, Philadelphia pub lisher and political economist. Letters from, III, 303, 314, 354, 374- Letter to, III, 554. Cargoes, bonds given for the delivery of, in the United States, III, 433, 434- Carie le jeune. Letter from, II, 445. Carier, . Mentioned, IV, 434. Carinton, . Mentioned, I, 42. Carles, L., Member of the Masonic Lodge of Carcassone. Letters from, III, 311, 375. Mentioned, III, 276. Carleton, Sir Guy, Baron Dorchester, General in the British Army Governor of Quebec. 52 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Carleton, Sir Guy — Continued. Gen. George Washington to, IV, 3392, 5°3- To Gen. George Washington, IV, 5°3, 5°4- Deputed to act with Admiral Robert Digby on the Peace Commission, IV, 503. Mentioned, I, 265. IV, 200, 244, 340. Carli-Rubbi, Jean Renaud, Comte de, Italian archaeologist and econo mist, President of the Council of Finances. Mentioned, III, 113, 174. Carlisle College, Pennsylvania. Ill, 289. Donation of books to, III, 271. Carmainville, de. Letter from, I, 293. Carmarthen, Francis Godolphin, Marquis of, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Mentioned, III, 289. Carmichael, . Letter from, II, 69. Carmichael, William, Sec'y to U. S. Minister to Spain, and Charge d'Ajfaires at Court of Spain. Letters from, I, 241, 329, 359, 524. II, 384, 396, 403, 409, 454, 458, 508. Ill, 143, 184, 202, 208, 209, 216, 2502, 252, 256, 346. IV, 409. Letters to, III, 545. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 53', 55, 60, 62, 85, 94", 97, "2, 119. Anonymous to, IV, 492. Stephen D'Audibert Caille to, IV, 327- C. G. F. Dumas to, IV, 234s, 236. D'Escarano to, IV, 355. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 35i- Joshua Johnson to, IV, 228. Robert Listen to, IV, 355. J. Oliphant to, IV, 241. Carmichael, William — Continued. Appointment as Secretary to Com missioners at Paris, IV, 244. Mentioned, I, 282, 347, 358, 452, 555. II, 211, 228, 231, 239, 385, 420. Ill, 412, 511. IV, 17, 24, 73, 98, 337, 34i, 447- Proposal to meet, IV, 492. Carmier, Andrew. Letters from, I, 422, 547. Carn, de. Letter from, I, 352. Carnes, Burrill. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 1062. Mentioned, III, 99. Carolina, plan for conquering, II, 29. Carothorne, William. Mentioned, I, 200. Carpenter, . Mentioned, IV, 76. Carpenter, Benjamin, of the Brigan- tine "Adventure." Mentioned, III, 434. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 303. Carpenter, Preston, Justice of the Peace of Salem County, N. J. Mentioned, IV, 205. Carpenter, Stephen. Mentioned, III, 433. Carr, James, carpenter on the Pennsyl vania privateer " A dice." Letter from, II, 516. Mentioned, II, 511. Carrel, . Letter from, III, 175. Carriage, travelling, III, 230. Carriere, de. Mentioned, I, 293. Carrol, Archibald. Letter to William Temple Frank- linn, IV, 128. Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, M. C. C. Letters from, I, 282. II, 177. Mentioned, II, 233, 342. IV, 224, 455- Index 53 Carroll, Mrs., Wife of Charles Car roll. Mentioned, II, 210. Carroll, Daniel, M. C. C, Member of the Constitutional Convention. Letter from, IIP, 359. Carroll, John, Archbishop of Balti more. Letters from, I, 351. II, 498. Ill, 339- Carrouge, . Letter from, III, 35. Carson, . Mentioned, II, 458. Carter, John, Son-in-law of Philip Schuyler, of New York. Letters from, III, 14, 141. Mentioned, III, 79, 89. Mr. and Mrs. John, III, 143. Carter, Mrs. John, Daughter of Gen. Philip Schuyler. Letter from, III, 143. Mentioned, III, 89. Carter, John, of Providence, R. I. Mentioned, III, 243. Carter, Robert. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 189. Cartineau, L. W. Letter from, III, 28. Carver, Capt. Jonathan, American ex plorer. Mentioned, II, 395. Cary, Colonel Henry. James MacSparran to, IV, 174. Cary, J. Letter from, II, 131. Casani, Xavier. Letter from, I, 345. Casas, Dr. Simon de, of the household of Marquis d'Aranda. Mentioned, III, 143. Case, Jane Franklin, Daughter of Stephen Case. Letter from, III, 177. Mentioned, III, 177. Case, Stephen. Letter from, III, 177. Casey, Silas, of Rhode Island. Mentioned, IV, 440. Casey, Wanton, Son of Silas Casey. Mentioned, IV, 440. Casey, William. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 79, 83. Cashier of Wurttemberg, The Ducal. Embezzlement of, IV, 448. Cashman, Bartholemus. Letter from, II, 454. Caslon, 3rd, William, London type founder. Letter from, III, 371. Letter to, III, 556. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 24, 31, 37, 130, 131, 141. Mentioned, IV, 20. Caspere, l'aihe. Letter from, I, 154. Cassan, . Mentioned, IV, 509. Cassini fils, De, Director of the Royal Observatory and Mem ber of the Academie Royale des Sciences. Letter from, III, 156. Cassini de Thury, Cesar Frangois, French Astronomer. Letter from, III, 425. Cassiny, Marquise de. Mentioned, II, 456. Castagni, Gaspard, Agent of the French Navy. Certificate by, to Jean Dian, IV, 277. Castel, Du. Letter from, II, 365. Castella, De. Letter from, IV, 461. Castelle, Le Grand de, of Dunkirk. Letters from, III, 26. IV, 442. Castiglio, Chevalier. Mentioned, III, 192. Castillon, Jean Frangois Andre Le Blanc de, Attorney-General to the Parliament of Provence. Letter from, III, 143. Castle, Joy, Captain of a Pennsyl vania privateer. Letters from, I, 298, 444. 54 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Castle, Joy — Continued. Mentioned, I, 428, 440, 525. IV, 253- Oath of Allegiance to the United States, IV, 264. Castle, William, of Philadelphia. Letter from, I, 444. Castor Oil, virtues of, IV, 167. Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de la Croix, Marquis de, French Min ister of Marine. Letters from, II, 353, 397, 416, 490. Ill, 50, 51, 256. Letters to, III, 527, 549. To Comte de Vergennes, IV, 336. French sailors to, IV, 373. Alexander Hegnye to, IV, 467. Julien David Le Roy to, IV, 362. Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 501. Mentioned, I, 556, 569. II, 358, 359, 379, 389, 393, 4*9, 425, 45*, 4612, 469, 481, 486, 511, 520. Ill, 16, 20, 38, 44, 161, 162, 177, 201, 207, 214, 227, 255, 266, 267, 303, 319, 34°, 542- IV, 83, 122, 124, 142, 318. Castries, Mme. Fleury. Letter from, II, 291. Castrioto, Felix Antonio, Portuguese Merchant? Letters from, I, 296, 315, 434. II, 89. Mentioned, IV, 234. Caswell, Richard, Governor of North Carolina. Letter from, III, 309. To President Henry Laurens, IV, 248. Baron von Steuben to, IV, 293. Mentioned, IV, 248. Cat, loss of Dr. Franklin's Angora. Ill, 285. " Catalogue of Characters," IV, 30. Catarrh, origin of, I, 129. Cathalant, Etienne, Merchant at Mar seilles. To Silas Deane, IV, 253, 255. Catharine, Empress, of Russia. Mentioned, III, 367. " Catharine," the sloop. IV, 243. Cathcart, Captain, Commander of the British privateer "Essex." Mentioned, IV, 322. Catholic Church at Neuville, near Boulogne-sur-Mer, extracts from Parish records of, IV, 389. Cauffman, Joseph. Letter from, I, 238. Cauvou, . To the Board of War at Boston, IV, 241. Cavachini, Mile. Mentioned, II, 330. Cavalier, . Letter from, I, 255. Cavallier, . Letter from, II, 116. Cavallo, Tiberius, F. R. S., Natural Philosopher. Mentioned, I, 269. IV, 83. Cavelier fils. Letter from, I, 558. Cavendish, Hon. Henry, F. R. S., Natural philosopher. Mentioned, I, 67. Ill, 133, 483. Cavendish, Mary (alias Stewart) see also Stewart. Letter from, I, 490. Cavoleau, . Letter from, I, 274. Cavril, Augustin de, Royal Notary. Mentioned, IV, 247. Cayrol, E., Amsterdam Merchant. Letter from, I, 266. To Coder, IV, 230. Mentioned, IV, 230. Cayrol & Co., E., Amsterdam Mer chants. Letters from, II, 476, 478, 491. Cazaneuve, Durif de, Commander of the "Marquis de Lafayette." Letter from, II, 30. Cazeneuve, Jerome. Letter from, IV, 410. Index 55 Cazneau, Isaac, of the brigantine " Penelope." Edmund Dunkin to, IV, 304. Mentioned, III, 434. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 304. " Cecil," the ship. IV, 40. Ceintre fils. Letter from, II, 326. Ceintre, Poulain de. Letter from, II, 342. Celessa, , Late Genoese Min ister to London. Mentioned, II, 283. Ceraqui, , Italian sculptor. Mentioned, III, 57. Cercle des Philadelphes. Mentioned, III, 300, 316, 356, 385, 394- Dr. Franklin's name enrolled on list of, III, 316. Cereler, Charles Simon Le. Power of Attorney by, IV, 233. Cerisier, . Tableau des Provinces Unies, I, 505. Ceronio, Joseph, of Genoa. Letters from, I, 271, 362. II, 298. Ceronio, Stephen, Agent of Robert Morris (?) Mentioned, I, 261. IV, 406. Certificate of the genuineness of a deed, III, 528. Cette, Grangent desires Consulship at, IV, 376- Chabanet, Jacob Henry. Mentioned, I, 272. Chabanon, Chevalier de. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 87. Chabaud, . Letters from, III, 210, 217. Chabert, Joseph Bernard, Marquis de, F. R. S., French Astronomer and Vice-Admiral in the Navy. Letter from, III, 240. Chabot, Mme. de. Mentioned, IV, 158. VOL. VI — 5 Chabot, Augustus de, of Geneva. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 6. Chabrit, Pierre, French litterateur. Letter from, III, 64. Chadd's Ford, IV, 452. Chadirac, de. Letter from, III, 199. Chaffert, . Mentioned, II, 339. Chaimley, George, American prisoner. Letter from, IV, 456. Chaimley, Dr. Mentioned, IV, 456. Chais, . Letter from, II, 376. Chaisinet, Mme. de. Letter from, I, 486. Chalut, de. Letters from, II, 361, 364. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 91. Mentioned, I, 272. II, 132, 403, 413, 433- Chalut, Mme. de. Letter from, II, 188... Mentioned, II, 247. Chalut, Abbe de. Letters from, I, 408. II, 330. Ill, 28. Chalut and Arnoux, Abbes de. Letters from, II, 229, 312, 3302, 331, 403, 409, 413, 429, 438, 503, 5052, 515. Ill, 81, 326. Fay de Sathonnay to, IV, 332. Mentioned, II, 361, 409. Ill, 268. Chamber of Commerce. Certificates by, IV, 267. Of Dunkirk. To Farmers-General, IV, 494. " Chambers," the ship. IV, 495- Chambers, . Letters from, I, 79. Ill, 153. Chamillard, Paul de, Captain of Ma rines, on "Bon Homme Richard." Mentioned, II, 152. 56 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Champigny, Goueslard de. Letters from, I, 241, 244. Champigny, Colonel Jean Chevalier de, French Historian. Letters from, I, 171, 279, 302, 390. 455, 475, 476, 5i9, 559- Letters to, III, 511. Mentioned, I, 224. Champion, , French Mer chant. Letter from, II, 273. Champion & Lescuyer, French Mer chants. Letter from, II, 465. Champion, Richard, ceramist and British Government official. Letter from, III, in. Mentioned, III, 194. On Lord Sheffield's book, III, 197. Champlost, IV, 54. Champlost, De. To Coder, IV, 220. " Chance," the British privateer. IV, 26. Chancel and fils, David. Mentioned, III, 432. Chandler, . Mentioned, I, 413. Chandler, Capt. Mentioned, I, 380. Chandler, Col. Mentioned, I, 526. Channing, . Mentioned, II, 401. Channing, Capt. Mentioned, I, 483. Channing, John. Letter from, I, 482. Channing, Miss. Mentioned, II, 401. Chanorie, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 95- Chanson, . Letter from, II, 391. Chantay, de. Mentioned, I, 234. Chanteclair, de. Letter from, I, 330. Chantel, . Mentioned, II, 313. Chantereyne, de. Letters from, I, 413. II, 214, 238, 377- Acknowledging his debt to William Addiscott, IV, 489. Chantoiseau, Roze de. Letters from, III, 22, 30. Chapel, Jacques, French manufacturer. Letters from, III, 4, 214. Letter to, III, 544. Chapman, Capt. Mentioned, I, 371. Chapman, Philip. Mentioned, II, 82. Chapman, W. To William Henly, IV, 218. Chaponel, . Mentioned, III, 202. Chappe, Abbe. Letter to, III, 468. Charbonnet, . Letter from, II, 15. Chardon, Daniel Marc Antoine, Pro- cureur General pres du Conseil des Prises. Letters from, II, 9, 49. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 88. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 345- Chardron, Agent for Mas sachusetts. Mentioned, II, 262. Charity Association, for the assistance of Prisoners, Paris. Letter from, I, 408. Charity School, Dr. Franklin's, List of boys in, IV, 507. Charle, Paul. Mentioned, II, 476, 478, 491. Charlemont, Viscount James Caul' feild, Earl of, Irish Statesman. Mentioned, III, 324. Index 57 Charles II. Mentioned, IV, 185. Charles, Gerevais. Letter from, II, 119. Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar, M. A. P. S., Member of the Academie Royale des Sciences, French physi cist and aeronaut. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 373- Mentioned, III, 133. Account of balloon ascension, IV, 4792- Elected member of The American Philosophical Society, IV, 361. Experiment in aerial navigation, III, 139. Charles, Robert, Formerly agent in England for the Province of Penn sylvania. Letters from, I, 15. IV, 400. Letter to, III, 443. Mentioned, I, 22. Ill, 440, 447. IV, 176. Charleston, S. C, British leaving, IV, 463. Fire in, I, 406. Ill, 509. IV, 253. Possible evacuation of, IV, 457. Slaves in great demand at, IV, 219. Taking of, II, 263, 264, 270. Charlestown, Mass., Defeat of Brit ish near, IV, 493, 494. Pillaged, II, 144- Charleville, Rasquin de. Letter from, II, 369. Chariot, . Letter from, I, 287. " Charlotte," Parole of, the Captain, Crew and Passengers of the sloop, IV, 293. Charlus de la Croix, Comte de, Son of Marquis de Castries. Letter from, II, 413. Charme, de. Mentioned, III, 384. Charmois, Abbe de. Letter from, III, 224. Letter to, III, 546. Charost, Armand Joseph de Bethune, Due de. Letters from, I, 414. Ill, 298. Charpentier, Frangois Philippe, French engraver and mechanician. Mentioned, III, 403. IV, 384. Charrene, Jn. Letter from, III, 161. Charretie, John. Letters from, II, 318, 322, 326. Charretier, . Letter from, III, 222. Charriere, . Letter from, I, 480. Charrin, . Letter from, III, 215. Charronnes, Abbe de. Letter from, I, 272. Charter-party, IV, 388. Chartres, Louis Philippe d'Orleans, Due de. Mentioned, I, 433, 500. IV, 94, 127, 142, 148. Chartres, Duke of. The First President of the Court of Aids to, IV, 371. Chartres, Duchesse de (Mme. de Montesson). John Paul Jones to, IV, 275. Mentioned, I, 434. Charvet, . Letter from, III, 113. Charvetie, . Letter from, III, 139. Chase, , of Providence, R. I. Mentioned, I, 99. Chase, Joseph. Letters from, I, 344. II, 21. Chase, Samuel, Of Maryland, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Letters from, III, 108, 137, 162, 198. Letter to, III, 539. Gunning Bedford to, IV, 225. Mentioned, III, m. IV, 224. Chasseaulx, , Consul at Bergen. Mentioned, II, 308. 58 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Chasseneuil, Marquise de. Letters from, I, 387, 527. " Chasseur," French warship. II, 1, 145, 244. Chastellux, Frangois Jean, Marquis de, M. A. P. S., Traveller and Maj.-Gen. in French Army. Letters from, II, 317, 348. Ill, 67, 69, 147, 310, 325. Mentioned, I, 168. II, 333, 431. Ill, 145, 262, 421. IV, 115, 167, 296. Received diploma of Doctor of Laws from the Academy at Philadel phia, III, 325. Travels of, forwarded to Dr. Frank lin, III, 325. Chateaufort, . Mentioned, III, 139, 188. Chateaurenault, Comtesse de, Mother- in-law of the Comte d'Estaing. Mentioned, I, 519. Chatham, William Pitt, First Earl of, Prime Minister of England. Letter to, III, 500. Mentioned, I, 161, 170, 210, 267, 324, 329, 405, 43o, 45i- Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick to, IV, 201. To Thomas Walpole, IV, 221. Conciliatory measures of, III, 498, 499- Eulogy of, III, 359. Proposition by, I, 356. Thanked by the Continental Con gress, III, 500. Verses on, IV, 381. Chattin, James, Philadelphia printer. Mentioned, I, 12. Chaubet & Bremont. Letter from, II, 462. Chaulnes, Marie Joseph d'Albert d'Ailly, Due de. Letters from, I, 330. II, 88, 107, 188. Mentioned, II, 122. Ill, 30, 427. IV, 101, 341. Chaumont, . Letter from, III, 310. Chaumont, Secretary Gen eral of the Hussars. Letters from, IV, 424, 426. de Chaumont family. Mentioned, III, 291, 528. IV, 12, 66. Chaumont, Mile, de, Daughter of Le Ray de Chaumont. Letter from, III, 273. de La Salle to, IV, 376. Mentioned, IV, 31. Chaumont, Donatien Le Ray de, Confidential Agent in Franco- American negotiations. Letters from, I, 196, 200, 295, 330, 559- II, 71, 74, 77, 120, 124, 132, 138, 172, i88z, 211, 262, 285, 291, 292, 300, 315, 321, 322, 3317, 382, 429, 4304, 5202. Ill, 191, 236, 271, 274, 276, 286, 291, 296. IV, 424, 434, 471. Letters to, III, 5281, 533, 541, 542, 556. IV, 475, 478. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 64, 84, 143. Mme. de Chaumont to, IV, 370. Denis Nicolas Cottineau de Klo- guene to, IV, 496. Farges to, IV, 372. Joseph Matthias Gerard de Rayne- val to, IV, 378. Alexander Gillon to, IV, 300. Theodore Jauge et fils to, IV, 3142. Pierre Landais to, IV, 303. Mar to, IV, 497. Montplaisir to, IV, 498. Benjamin Vaughan to, IV, 269. de Villiers de Terrage to, IV, 343. Account against the United States, IV, 478. Accounts of, IV, 121. Agreement between Benjamin Frank lin and, relative to their respective claims, III, 531, 532, 533, 541, 542. Failure of, IV, 49, 433, 434, 435. Dr. Franklin requests loan of piano, HI, 556- Index 59 Chaumont, Donatien LeRayde— Con tinued. Dr. Franklin's profiles made at Fay- ence factory of, IV, 4. Mentioned, I, 239, 243, 302, 332, 354, 37i, 448, 525- II, 6, 73, "°, i", 118, 130, 1692, 178, 184, 221, 270, 283, 28s2, 295, 313, 3i52, 317, 338, 348, 356, 398, 404, 520, 526. Ill, 158, 178, 217, 324, 344, 400, 4122, 415, 506, 514, 5182, 524, 526*, 530, 53i, 542- IV, 9, 10, 23, 28, 32, 39, 41, 522, s82, 61, 267, 300, 314, 347, 408, 426, 431, 434, 453, 471, 497, 500. Necessity of accepting peace if America loses her credit, IV, 500. Plan to buy frigate to be commanded by John Paul Jones, IV, 10. Project for sinking paper money, IV, 500. Repairs made by Dr. Franklin in house of, III, 5 5 12. Resumes payment, IV, 435. Terms agreed upon by, for shipping freight to America, IV, 427. To adjust account with Benjamin Franklin without arbitrator, III, 541. Chaumont fils, Le Ray de. Letters from, III, 324, 397, 400. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 12, 17, 42, 63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 73, 742, 94, 149, 155- Mentioned, IV, 522, 138, 145, 357, 363. Chaumont, Mme. de, Wife of Dona tien Le Ray de Chaumont. Letters from, II, 426, 462. To Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 370. Antoine Terrasson to, IV, 372. Mentioned, I, 402, 535. II, 402. Ill, 286. IV, 121, 148. Chaumont fille ainee, Donatien Le Ray de. Letters from, II, 299, 352. Chaumont, Sophie de, Daughter of Le Ray de Chaumont. Letter from, III, 270. Chautel, . Letter from, II, 182. Chauveau, . Mentioned, III, 35. Chavagnes, Bide de, Captain of French ship of war " Sensible." Letter from, II, 332. Mentioned, III, 242. Chavannes, . formerly Com- missaire de Guerre. Letter from, II, 230. Chavere, Lazare, Mentioned, III, 205. Cheese, Parmesan, Receipt for mak ing, III, 298, 478. Cheever, William, of Boston. Mentioned, II, 425. Cheffontain, Chevalier de. Mentioned, I, 278. Cheminot, Madame de. Letters from, II, 393. Ill, 180. Mentioned, II, 148. Ill, 337. Chemisard, Guillaume. Letter from, III, 407. Chenel, . Certificate by, IV, 370. Cherisey, Comtesse de. Letter, from, II, 332. Cherokee Indians, III, 357. War, I, 27. Chesapeake Bay, Naval engagement in, III, 528. Cheselles, Perros de. Letter from, III, 247. Chesnaye, Capt. Gleyo La, Master of the ship " Mere Bobie." Letter from, IV, 407. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 236. Chess, Books on, III, 445. " Chess, The Game of," by Dr. Franklin. Ill, 522. " Morals of," II, 102. Ill, 541. IV, 3012. 6o Calendar of the Franklin Papers Chess-player, Automatic. Ill, 67. "Chester," the ship. I, 320, 364, 505. Chester, Andre, English interpreter at Marseilles. Letters from, III, ,c, 143. Mentioned, III, 32. Cheston, Daniel, of Maryland. Letter from, I, 3, 4. Cheston, James, of Maryland. Letter from, II, 304. Mentioned, II, 3043, 312. IV, 265. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 314. Chevalier, . Letter from, III, 189. Chevalier, Henri, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 332. Chevalier, Jno. To Nathaniel Falconer, IV, 209. Chevalier, Peter. To Nathaniel Falconer, IV, 209. Chevallie, Pierre Frangois. Letters from, III, 221, 248. Account of, with the State of Vir ginia, IV, 274. Mentioned, II, 289. Ill, 226. IV, 3522. Chevmont, de, French of ficer. Mentioned, I, 212. Chew, Benjamin, M. A. P. S., Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. Letter from, III, 306. Mentioned, I, 50, 253. IV, 140. Chew, Benjamin, Master of an Amer ican privateer. Letter from, I, 479. Chew, Joseph, of the Post-office at New London. Letters from, I, 54, 103. Mentioned, I, 74, 75, 98, 102. Chew, Robert Benjamin. Letter from, II, 377. Chew, Samuel, Prothonatory of the Court of Common Pleas in Dela ware. Mentioned, IV, 184. Cheylus, Marquis de. Letter from, II, 453. Chickesaw Captain. Letter from, III, 345. " Childers," the English ship. IV, 276. Childs, Francis, Printer at New York. Letters from, III, 277, 284, 293, 294, 298, 301, 303, 304, 307, 308, 310, 312, 314, 3162, 3202, 327, 332, 335, 339, 34i, 352, 356, 3«3, 366, 383- Letter to, III, 552. Chillau, Comte de, Commander of the " Diligente." Mentioned, II, 150. China, Census of, III, 490. Chinon, Comtesse de. Letter from, II, 430. Choctaw Chief. Letter from, III, 345. Choiseul, Baron de, French Ambas sador to Sardinia. Mentioned, I, 561. Choiseul, Comtesse de. Letters from, I, 431. IV, 468. Choiseul, Etienne Francois, Due de. Mentioned, IV, 149. Choiseul, Vicomtesse de. Mentioned, I, 255. Choiseul - Gouffier, Marie - Gabriel- Florent-Auguste, Comte de, Mem ber of the French Academy. Letter from, II, 332. Mentioned, III, 433. Choisy, de. Letter from, III, 52. Cholmondeley, Lord. Mentioned, II, 210, 447. Chondeville, . Letter from, II, 2. Chotek, Count, Chancellor of Bohemia and Austria. Mentioned, III, 102, 156. Chovet, Dr. Abraham, Philadelphia Physician. Mentioned, II, 378. Index 61 Chrestien, . Letter from, II, 332. Chrestien & Co., Paris Merchants. Letter from, II, 262. Christ Church and St. Peter's in Phila delphia, Address sent to Jacob Duche, Jr., by, III, 54. Christian, Evan, Vicar-General of the Isle of Man. Letter from, III, 270. Mentioned, III, 291, 294. Christin, . Letter from, I,, 499. " Chronicle," the author of the. Anonymous to, IV, 481. Church of Paris, The Dean, etc. Letter from, II, 182. Church, . Letter from, III, 198. Church, . Mentioned, II, 287. Church, Edward, of Boston. Letter from, III, 227. Churchill, C. HI, 91, 99- Churchman, George. Letter from, III, 332. Churchman, John, Physicist, Member of the Imperial Academy of Sci ences of Russia. Letters from, III, 312, 334, 336, 3382, 347- Inventions of, III, 552. Mentioned, III, 400. Churchman, Mordecai, Brother of John Churchman. Mentioned, III, 347. Ciccati, Beraud de. Letter from, II, 452. Letter to, III, 530. Cice, Comte de Champion de, Com mander of a vessel in the squad ron of Comte de Grasse. Mentioned, III, 300. " Cicero," the American vessel. IV, 460. Cigna, John Francis, F. R. S., Secre tary of the Academy of Sciences at Turin. Letter from, IV, 468. Cincinnati, General Society of the. To the State Societies of the Cincin nati, IV, 350. Mentioned, III, i37) 163, 165, 170, 180, 193, 199, 200, 215, 2182, 2292, 253, 262, 319, 347, 379. IV, 1222. Marquis de la Fayette desires to find out if Chevalier Dubuysson is eli gible to, III, 140. Cross of the, III, 199, 300. La Ciotat, Request of citizens of, that they might enjoy privileges of trade with the United States, III, 49- Situation of, IV, 391. Cipher Code, III, 430, 506. Cissay, de. Mentioned, III, 266. " Civis," to the Inhabitants of Penn sylvania, IV, 483. Clairbois, Vial du, Naval Officer. Letter from, I, 477. Clairval, Frauche de, Theatrical Di rector. Letters from, III, 63, 143. Mentioned, III, 112, 113. Claphamson, Samuel, London Cabinet Maker. Letter from, I, 115. Clare, Lord. Mentioned, I, 131. Clarendon, Earl of. Impeachment of, III, 452. Clark, Dr. Mentioned, I, 42. Clark, Mrs. Mentioned, III, 131, 210, 320. Clark, Capt. Elisha. Letter from, I, 541. Mentioned, I, 523. Clark, Sir Francis. Mentioned, IV, 240. 62 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Clark, George Rogers, Colonel of Vir ginia Militia operating in the Western Country, elder brother of William Clark, the Western Ex plorer. Mentioned, II, 108. Clarke, Anne, Wife of Peter. Letter from, I, 120. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 134. Clarke, Capt. Peter. Mentioned, I, 112. Clarkson, . Mentioned, III, 2. Clarkson, John L., Sec'y pro-tem. of the Board of Treasury. Mentioned, II, 342. Clarkson, Matthew, M. A. P. S., Com missioner of the Bankrupt Office, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Letter from, III, 381. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 137. To John Hull, IV, 195. Mentioned, I, 131. Clarkson, Matthew, Lieut.-Col. in Continental Army, Pres't of the Bank of New York, Philanthro pist. Mentioned, III, 195, 206. " Clary and Durimel," Fragment of a scene in, IV, 388. Claus, Daniel. Letter from, I, 13. Clauser, . Letter from, III, 407. Clawes, Henry, Philadelphia Mer chant. Mentioned, III, 361. Clay, Ann. Letter from, I, 125. Cleary, Abbe Patrice Brother of Tim othy Cleary. Letters from, I, 469, 488. Cleary, Timothy, of Newburn, N. C. Mentioned, I, 469, 488. Clegg, Edmund, Silk Manufacturer. Letters from, II, 425, 467, 473, 4782, 485- Clelone, William. Mentioned, III, 373. Clememderin, . Letter from, II, 423. Clement, . Mentioned, II, 419- Clergy in the State, right and au thority of the, IV, 389. Clermont, de. Letter from, I, 284. Clifford, George. Letter from, II, 375. Clifford, Thomas, of Philadelphia, M. A. P. S. Letter from, I, 101. Clifford, Jr., Thomas, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, I, 101. Clifton, — - Mentioned, III, 351- Clifton, Miss, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, IV, 32. Clifton, The Misses, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, IV, 21. Clifton, Anna Maria. Letter from, I, 221. Clinton, George, Member of the Con tinental Congress, Brig.-Gen. in the Continental Army. Letter from, III, i95- Document signed, IV, 340. Clinton, Gen. Sir Henry, Commander- in-chief of British Army in Amer ica. To Lord George Germain, IV, 497. Besieged in New York, I, 476. Death of, II, 263. Mentioned, I, 170, 433, 496> 537- II, 97, 204, 245, 249, 253, 2612, 278, 300, 335, 431. IV, 40, 48, 266, 405, 428, 429, 494. Clive, Robert, Baron, F. R. S., Gover nor of Bengal. Mentioned, IV, 201. Index 63 Clives, Lord. Mentioned, I, 369. Clock with three wheels invented by Dr. Franklin, III, 96. Clonard, Comte de. Letters from, II, 43, 75. Augustus Charles Fallon to, IV, 263. Mentioned, IV, 22. Clonitz, . Mentioned, IV, 509. Clos, Beruin. Letter from, III, 377. Clothing, proposals for furnishing, III, 427. And arms to be furnished by French Government, IV, 61. Orders concerning, IV, 426, 434. Shipments of, IV, 427. Clouds and Rain, I, 5. Clouet, Jean Frangois, Member of the French Academy of Sciences, French Chemist. Letters from, I, 471, 484. Clough, Elizabeth. Letter from, I, 377. Cloupet, Captain. Mentioned, III, 433. Club, The, I, 30. ' Clutterbuck, . Mentioned, I, 42. Coal Mine drawings, III, 489. Coastin, Comtesse de. Cottereau to, IV, 235. Coates, Capt. Mentioned, III, 468. Coates, Christopher, Sec'y of the Prov ince of New Jersey. Mentioned, I, 129. Cobalt Mine, III, 340. Cochin, Charles Nicolas, French en graver. Letter from, II, 27. Mentioned, IV, 22. Cochin, Denis Claude, French Bot anist. Mentioned, II, 141. Cochran, . Letter from, IV, 474. Cochran, C. B. E., Son of Robert Cochran and friend of Benjamin Franklin Bache. Mentioned, II, 99, 440. Cochran, John, Sea Captain of Phila delphia. Mentioned, IV, 67, 692. Cochran, Dr. John, Director-General of Hospitals in Continental Army. Mentioned, III, 262. Cochran, Mary, Wife of Robert Coch ran. Letter from, II, 383. Cochran, Robert. Letter from, I, 477. Cochrane, Sir Alexander Forrester, Admiral in the British Navy. Mentioned, III, 3742. Cochrane, John, Deputy Commissary to the British forces in North America. Mentioned, III, 374s. Cock, de. Letter from, III, 37. Cocke, William, General of Militia and Senator from Tennessee. Letter from, III, 310. Cod, Capt. Mentioned, I, 202. Cod and whale fisheries, IV, 185. Coder, , Captain in French Infantry, and Manufacturer of Cloth Fabrics. Letters from, I, 220, 249, 250, 251, 255, 257, 258, 273, 3303, 3314, 497, 559- II, 157, 169, 203, 285. IV, 6. To Barbeu Dubourg, IV, 230. Bayard to, IV, 233. E. Cayrol to, IV, 230. De Champlost to, IV, 220. Baron de Wimpfen to, IV, 226. Mentioned, I, 248, 254s, 266, 306, 364, 559. IV, 446. Coder, Mme. Letter from, II, 288. Coder, de. To Antoine Raymond Jean Gual- bert Gabriel de Sartine, IV, 370. 64 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Codner, Christopher, Commander of the Privateer "American Union." To Messrs. Poreau & Co., IV, 330. Mentioned, II, 389. IV, 454. Coffee, growth of, I, 154. Remarks on, I, 155. Coffin, Alexander, of Boston. Letter from, II, 102. Mentioned, II, 84. Coffin, Capt. Jno., of Nantucket. Mentioned, II, 479. Coffin, Thomas Aston, Loyalist, Pri vate Sec'y to Sir Guy Carleton. Martin Brimmer to, IV, 330. Coffyn fils, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 140. Coffyn, Francis, Merchant of Dun kirk. Letters from, I, 352, 356, 370, 380, 395, 4432, 449, 454, 455, 45^, 559- II, 95, 122, 129, 142, 145, 149, 152, 153, 178, 182, 203, 219, 275, 324, 327, 350, 359, 387, 400, 426, 440, 462, 4722, 494. Ill, 4, 48, 55, 183. IV, 442, 450. To Silas Deane, IV, 255. Thomas Beer to, IV, 502. John Torris to, IV, 295. Mentioned, I, 447, 455, 456, 505, 533. II, 28, 140, 156, 178, 248, 353, 392, 402, 418. Ill, 27, 70, 75, 96, 263, 330, 539. IV, 265, 357, 3^3, 379- Coffyn, Francois Jean, Ship broker and interpreter at Dunkerque. Mentioned, IV, 267, 491. Coggeshall, John. Mentioned, III, 432. Cohin & Coinge. Letter from, II, 508. Coigny, Marie Francois Henri de Franquetot, Due de, Marshal of France. Letters from, III, 269, 273. Coimet, . Letter from, III, 259. Coin, circulation of copper, suspended, IV, 367. Coins, valuation of gold, III, 11. Cointerval, Chevalier de. Letter from, I, 559. Coirard, Jean Jacques. To Comtesse de Bourdic, IV, 370. Cold by evaporation, III, 455. Colden, Alexander, Son of Cadwal lader Colden and Postmaster at New York. Letters from, I, 103, 122, 124, 143, 148, 150. To Henry Potts, IV, 186. Mentioned, I, 9, 18, 60, 61. Colden, Cadwallader, M. A. P. S., Physician and Surveyor-General of New York. Letters from, I, 4, 8, 9. Letters to, III, 436, 437, 438, 450. Article on fluxions by, III, 436. Mentioned, I, 19, 51, 60, 61, 71, 1002, 102, 104, 138, 150. Colden, David, Son of Cadwallader Colden. Mentioned, I, 9. Colden, David, Nephew of Cadwal lader Colden. Letter from, I, 18. Colden, Henrietta Maria, Widow of Richard Nicholls Colden, of New York. Letter from, III, 35. Colden, Richard Nicholls, Son of Al exander Colden. Letter from, I, 159. Letter to, III, 493. Colds and their causes, I, 142, 147. Ill, 486, 488. Cole, James. Letters from, I, 267, 306. Cole, John. Mentioned, IV, 179. Cole, Col. William, of Maryland. Mentioned, I, 151. Coleman, . Mentioned, III, 470, 471. Index 65 Coleman, William, M. A. P. S., and its Treasurer, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Province of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, III, 452. Collas, Jane, Daughter of Jane Me- com and wife of Peter Collas. Letter from, II, 376. Mentioned, I, 304. II, 155. Collas, Peter, Captain in the Merchant Marine and son-in-law of Jane Me com. Letters from, I, 469, 484, 510, 531. II, 6, 155. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 252. Mentioned, I, 191, 392. II, 376. Ill, 431. IV, 8, 9, 248. College affair, the, IV, 400. In America, plan to found, I, 481. In Philadelphia, III, 387, 392. Of justice, II, 326. Of Medicine, Boston, III, 31. Colleton, James Nassau, descendant of Gov. James Colleton of South Carolina. Letter from, I, 458. Colleton, Margaret. To Francis Kinlock, IV, 267. To Robert Raper, IV, 267. Collier, Sir George, Vice-Admiral in British Navy. Expedition of, II, 150. Collignon, . Letters from, II, 332, 327. IV, 473- Collineau, Capt., of the " Elegante." Mentioned, I, 426, 429. IV, 415. Collins, Charles, American prisoner. Letters from, II, 109, 232, 243. Collins, James, Merchant at Philadel phia. Mentioned, IV, 84. Collins, John, of Dublin. Mentioned, II, 290. Collins, John ?, of Rhode Island. Mentioned, I, 26. 6-5 Collins, Mark, Commander of the ship "Herr Adams." Letter from, III, 207. Collins, Thomas. Letter from, II, 296. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 43. Mentioned, III, 434. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 312. Collinson, Capt., of Bordeaux. Mentioned, II, 80. Collinson, Michael, Son of Peter Col linson. Letter to, III, 470. Mentioned, I, 95. Collinson, Peter, F. R. S., English Naturalist. Letters from, I, 2, 42, 52, 6s, 73, 83, 9, 10, 15, 23, 252, 262, 27. IV, 402. Letter to, III, 440. To Joseph Breintnall, IV, 173. To Capel Hanbury, IV, 184. Mentioned, I, 4, 23, 41, 89, 95, 1022, 113, 153. Ill, 470. Collinson, Thomas, Son of Peter Col linson, Letters from, I, 77. Ill, 126. To his uncle, IV, 184. Mentioned, III, 302. Collyer, Thomas, Captain of American privateer " Vengeance." Letter from, II, 387. Mentioned, III, 432. IV, 60. Cologan, . Mentioned, I, 467. Cologan, Mme. de. Letters from, III, 60, 1442. Colomb, Pierre, Major in the Con tinental Army. Letters from, II, 488, 494. Mentioned, II, 27, 157, 214, 246, 3i5- Colonia, de. Mentioned, IV, 133. Colonial Agents in England, III, 479, 480. Cause, New York's desertion of the, IV, 482. 66 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Colonies, American. , Alliance of the, with France, IV, 295. Constitutions of the, translation of, I, 229. Disputes in, IV, 209. Edict prohibiting intercourse be tween the Dominions of Portugal and the, IV, 402. Observations on the laws, etc., gov erning, held by Greece and Rome, IV, 387- On the relation of the, to England, IV, 392. Postal arrangements in the, IV, 369. Representation in Parliament of the, IV, 393. Scheme for uniting the, I, 12. Taxation of the, IV, 393. Temper of the, III, 502. Trade with the, III, 469. IV, 170. Unanimity throughout the, III, 499. Writers try to widen the breach be tween the, III, 491. Colonne, . Mentioned, III, 336. Colony forming, A new, III, 484, 485. Colors seen in closed eye after gazing on luminous objects, I, 157. Colougnac, . Mentioned, IV, 331. Colson, , Agent for the So- ciete Philantropique. Letters from, III, 201, 233. Mentioned, IV, 473. Colston, Rawleigh, Agent for the Commonwealth of Virginia at Martinique. Letters from, I, 365, 400, 438. Patrick Henry to, IV, 241. Appointed Agent for Virginia in the Island of Hispaniola, IV, 241. Coltin, Rezia. To Jane Mecom, IV, 206. Columbian Magazine desires an ac count of Franklin's life, III, 314. " Columbus," the U. S. ship of war. I, 456, 568. Columbus, the vision of Christopher. IV, 382. Colville, Lord, Rear Admiral in Brit ish Navy, Commander of North American Station. Mentioned, I, 54. IV, 194. Order to seize every vessel cleared without stamp paper, IV, 193. Combes, Joseph, Merchant of Langue- doc. Mentioned, III, 249. Comedie Frangais Theatre, sculptured figures on the stage front in, IV, 386. Comet, III, 472. " Comite," the ship. IV, 24. " Commerce," the ship. I, 561- Commerce, Commissioners of. To the Governor of Guadeloupe, IV, 302. Foreign, premature in all new states, III, 320. Freedom of, III, 502. Plans for destroying England's, I, 331. Commercial Agents in France, I, 362. Treaty with England, IV, 100, 138, 506. Treaties with European powers, IV, 35i- Commines, Gaston de. Letter from, II, 180. Commission on a commercial trans action, III, 557. Commissioners, appointed for obtain ing the delivery of all property in possession of the British, IV, 340. Commissioners to France, American. Account of money received from, HI, 555- Appointment of, I, 187. Form of Bond issued by the, III, 559- Instructions to, I, 187, 188, 1932. Lack of confidence in, III, 510. Index 67 Commissioners to France — Continued. Arthur Lee's charge of negligence, against, III, 509. Orders by any two, sufficient, IV, 476. Personal intercourse of the, III, 510. Settlement of accounts of, III, 509, 510. To borrow £2,000,000, I, 193. To defend and support the public cause at all hazards, IV, 475. To forward to, all letters addressed to Mr. Deane, III, 511. To hazard the censure of Congress, IV, 475- To procure battleships, I, 188. Commissioners to Spain, Tuscany, Vienna and Berlin, American. Expenses of, IV, 258. Commissioners of the Revenue, Dub lin. Reuben Harvey to, IV, 341, 342. " Committee," the schooner. II, 175, 208. " Common Sense," by Thomas Paine. I, 179. IV, 22. Translation of, I, 188. Commons, House of, Bill freeing the New England Plantations from paying duty, IV, 168. Resolutions by, IV, 499. "Comte d'Estaing," the brig. II, 94, 402. " Comte de Maurepas," the frigate. IV, 228. Comte, Jacques, Ship Captain of Bor deaux. Letter from, III, 407. " Comtesse de Brionne," the frigate. I, 389- Comus, Nicolas Philippe Ledru, French Physicist. Mentioned, III, 118, 175, 182, 185. Comyn, Michel, of Marseilles, of Irish birth. Letters from, I, 449, 559. To Ferdinand Grand, IV, 263, 266, 268, 269, 270. Comyn, Michel — Continued. Appointment as Consul, IV, 269, 270. Mentioned, I, 561. IV, 2632. Conciliatory Bills, I, 417, 433s, 439. Conclair, , of Marseilles. Mentioned, III, 23. " Concord," the American privateer. I, 5342, 539- II, 29. " Concord," The, Merchant ship. Mentioned, I, 153, 191. Concord, the Battle of, brought on by British Soldiers, IV, 221. Conde, Prince de (see Bourbon, Louis Henri). Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, Abbe de Mureaux. Mentioned, I, 366. Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nico las Caritat, Marquis de, M. A. P. S., French Philosopher and Math ematician, Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences of Paris. Letters from, I, 151, 166, 300, 409. HI, 236, 376. Letter to, III, 494. Mentioned, III, 127. Condormes, Roches de. Letter from, I, 379. Conductor, new prime, I, 146. Conductors, on the form to be given to, I, 337. And non-conductors, use of the terms, III, 437. " Confederacy," the U. S. frigate. II, 179, 211, 212, 214, 228, 393, 408, 421. IV, 25, 28, 30. " Confederation," the U. S. frigate. II, 462. Confiscated estates, Restoration of, to the loyalists, III, 265. In North Carolina, III, 273. " Congress," Letter of Marque. II, 439. Congress at New York, proposed Stamp Act, I, 46. Congress, Continental. Letters from, I, 187*, 1882, 1933, 195, 68 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Congress, Continental — Continued. 198, 211, 308, 311, 413, 416, 475 508, 521. II, 2, 24, 91, 97, 104, 126, 2502, 2542, 277, 279, 283, 285, 286, 306, 317, 325, 34°, 342, 3782, 379, 410, 480. Ill, 187. IV, 403, 421, 4222, 424, 429, 433, 434, 4363, 437, 438, 439, 441, 443, 444*, 445, 449, 45i, 457, 459°, 4^4- To John Jay, IV, 312. To Louis XVI, IV, 278, 293, 320, 328, 353, 503. To people of United States, IV, 289. David Barry and Ann Hellier Barry to, IV, 369. Silas Deane to, IV, 501, 507. Robert Montgomery to, IV, 341. Sir Edward Newenham to, IV, 360. Israel Pemberton, James Pemberton, John Pemberton, Thomas Whar ton, Henry Drinker, Thomas Fisher, Samuel Pleasants and Sam uel R. Fisher to, IV, 486. Samuel Stanley to, IV, 273. Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 273. Acknowledgment to the King of France of the Treaties of Amity and Commerce, IV, 258s. Action of, on Lord Howe's message, IV, 225. Agreement among foreign represen tatives of, IV, 276. Application by Benjamin Franklin to, in behalf of William Temple Franklin, IV, 132. Appointment of Commercial Agents by, IV, 249. Appointments by, IV, 2972. Beaumarchais's accounts, IV, 290. Congratulations on the preliminaries to be inserted in a definitive treaty, HI, 532- Consular Commission by, IV, 505. Decision not to use British goods, III, 496. In regard to Foreign Commerce, IV, 349- Congress, Continental — Continued. Instructions by, IV, 2262, 322. To Commanders of Letters of Marque, IV, 224. To John Laurens, IV, 315. Letter from, to the King of France, IV, 454- Loan Office Certificates, IV, 237. Mentioned, I, 165, 166, 168. Ill, 497- Order for gunpowder by, IV, 222. Papers relating to the " Aimable Elizabeth," IV, 338. Petition to Parliament, III, 498. Proposed resolution of, III, 501. Refusal of, to accept Franklin's res ignation, II, 396. Relative to Bills of Exchange, IV, 312. Relative to claims of South Carolina against Spain, IV, 349. Relative to the compensation of Rod- erigue Hortalez & Co., IV, 256, 260. Relative to the correspondence be tween J. G. Diricks and Dr. Franklin, IV, 278. Relative to the expenses of the Com missioners to the Courts of Spain, Tuscany, Vienna and Berlin, IV, 258. Relative to the proceeds of the sale of the Portuguese snow, IV, 281. Relative to raising troops, IV, 362. Relative to supplying funds to the Ministers appointed to treat with France and England, IV, 296. Report by, IV, 247, 280. Report of committee of, on de Fran- cey's memorial, IV, 290. Resolutions by, IV, 225, 226s, 237, 240, 2423, 243, 244, 245, 255, 258, 2592, 260, 261, 294, 321, 348, 485, 490, 502. Successes of, III, 496. Thanks of, to Marquis de la Fay ette, IV, 275. To the Earl of Chatham, III, 500. Index 69 Congress, Continental — Continued. To treat with the English for peace, IV, 4i5- The Committee of the. Joseph Haisley to, IV, 223. Commercial Committee. Letters from, I, 362, 424, 429. IV, 422. Invoice by, IV, 260. Committee of Foreign Affairs. Letters from, I, 241, 244, 249, 256, 257, 260, 263, 278, 2992, 302, 307, 3i42, 398, 407, 421, 422, 443- II, 172, no, 114, 281, 307, 372. IV, 421. Letter to, III, 517. Report of, IV, 237. Committee on Secret Correspondence. Letters from, I, 189, 1922, 195, 201, 211, 353. IV, 403. Committee on Treasury, IV, 291,292. Marine Committee Letter from, I, 439. Appointment of Robert Robinson by, IV, 484. Massachusetts Bay, Delegates in. Letter from, II, 76. Secret Committee. Letters from, I, 200, 201. To Thomas Morris, IV, 228. Virginia Delegates in. Thomas Walke to, IV, 339. A member of. George Washington to, IV, 239. To anonymous, IV, 239. The President of. Letter to, III, 538. John Laurens to, IV, 318, 319. Sir Edward Newenham to, IV, 360. Various persons to, IV, 286. George Washington to, IV, 340. Letter to, desired for John Wil liams, IV, 427. Note payable to, for money re ceived from Dr. Franklin, III, 560. Conkling, Joseph, Captain of Letter of Marque " Whim." Letters from, II, 291, 300, 346, 354. Mentioned, II, 381. IV, 50. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Letter from, III, 347. Connecticut Settlers, Claims of, to land in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, IV, 377. Connell, B. Mentioned, IV, 218. Connelly, . Verses by, IV, 225. Connelly Sons & Arthur, Merchants at Dunkirk. Letter from, III, 15. Connelly, Thomas, American prisoner. Mentioned, III, 4. Conner, James, of Germantown, Phila delphia. Letter from, II, 72. Connor, John. Letter from, II, 62. " Conqueror," a Maryland galley. I, 548- Conscious Lovers, Comedy of, I, 571. IV, 6. " Constance," the prize ship. I, 549, 552, 553- " Constant Reader." Letter from, I, x. Constard, Mme. Letter from, III, 407. Constitution of 1777 rejected by Mas sachusetts, IV, 411. Federal, III, 364, 366, 369, 371, 37«2, 379, 383- Resolution of Virginia Assembly concerning the convention to ratify the, III, 362. Ratified by New Jersey, III, 364. Constitutional Convention. Letter from, III, 342. Mentioned, III, 352, 355, 357, 359, 361, 366, 369, 371. IV, 159, 1602, 162. 7o Calendar of the Franklin Papers Constitutional Convention — Con tinued. Dr. Franklin's speech before, III, 357, 359, 361, 362. Invitation to dine with, III, 346. Society, I, 169, 171. Constitutions of America, IV, 386. Translation of, I, 470. Consular powers, II, 495. Consuls, Appointment of, III, 539. IV, 348. Necessity of appointing, IV, 349. Convention relative to, IV, 466. Consulship, American. Sir Edward Newenham desires, at Marseilles, IV, 3602. N. Reboul applies for, at La Ciotat, IV, 466. Philip Aribert desires, IV, 470. Conte, E., et al. Letter from, II, 242. Content & Co., Le. Letter from, II, 101. Conti, Frangois Louis de Bourbon Prince de. Mentioned, I, 155. Contour, Chevalier Duvet de. Mentioned, II, 241, 466. Contracts given to French officers paid by the American Govern ment, interest on, III, 241. Contrepont, Chevalier de. Letter from, III, 119. Converez, M. de. Mentioned, I, 182. Convicts, ships transporting to Amer ica, III, 487. Convoys, unlimited, II, 213, 237. Conway, . Mentioned, IV, 401. Conway, , Sec'y of State of Rhode Island. Mentioned, I, 54, 59, 64. Conway, , Father of Gen. Thomas Conway. Letter from, I, 465. Conway, Comtesse D. B. de, Wife of Gen. Thomas Conway. Letters from, I, 236, 289, 328, 331, 457, 54«, 5592- II, 5°, J88. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 8, 92. Mentioned, I, 505. Conway, Thomas, Comte de, Brig.- Gen. in U. S. Army. Letters from, II, 47, 87. IV, 416. F. Baudin to, IV, 250. Duel with Col. John Cadwalader, IV, 9. Mentioned, I, 265, 304, 375, 394, 465. II, 3, 501. IV, 409. Reported illness of, IV, 9. Conyngh, . Mentioned, II, 244. Conyngham, Ann, Wife of Captain Gustavus Conyngham. Letter from, II, 143. Conyngham, Gustavus, Captain of an American privateer. Letters from, I, 346. II, 171, 176, 3792, 382. To Silas Deane, IV, 223. Agreement by, and his crew of the privateer " Benganza," IV, 250. Arrival of, at Corunna, I, 441. Capture of, II, 246. IV, 298. Complaint against, by Spanish Gov ernment, III, 515. Death of, II, 335. Escape of, IV, 437. Mentioned, I, 236, 295, 320, 367, 368, 376, 393, 423, 467, 514, 568. II, 80, 104, 113, 117, 129, 137, 143, 144, 155, 160, 161, 165, 171, 174, 178, 182, 190, 202, 274, 275, 317, 3532, 359, 426, 47°, 5°4- HI, 73, 513, 515- IV, 21, 65, 100, 251, 253, 256, 310, 321, 373, 405. Power of Attorney by, IV, 247. Cook, . Mentioned, III, 482. Index 7i Cook, Capt. James, F. R. S., Circum navigator. American corsairs not to injure, II, 188. Mentioned, II, 84. IV, 349. Medal struck by Royal Society in honor of, IV, 471. Voyage of, III, 319. IV, 471. Cooke, John. Mentioned, I, 125. Cooke, Richard Donaldson. Letter from, II, 217. Mentioned, I, 440. Cookson, Thomas. Mentioned, I, 38. Coombe, Rev. Thomas, M. A. P. S., Assistant Minister at Christ Church, Philadelphia. Letter from, I, 95. Letter to, III, 495. Mentioned, I, 147. Ill, 480. Coombs, William, Member of the Council of Massachusetts. Mentioned, IV, 286. Cooper, Sir Grey, M. P., Secretary of the Treasury. Letter from, I, 100. Mentioned, I, 328. Cooper, Richard, Son of William Cooper of Boston. Mentioned, II, 274. Cooper, Samuel, Boston Clergyman. Letters from, I, 145, 149, 163, 179, 186, 218, 231, 303, 304, 346, 364, 433, 450, 535- II, 3, 168, 228, 252, 272, 274, 288, 348, 350, 476, 496. Ill, 862, 116. IV, 4082, 411. Letter to, III, 479. Death of, III, 129, 170. Dr. Franklin's bill on the late, III, 286. Honorary degree from University of Edinburgh, III, 466. Mentioned, I, 70, 465, 472. II, 397. Ill, 62, 68, 133, 197, 453. Cooper, Samuel, Son of William Cooper of Boston. Letters from, II, 460. Ill, 128. vol. vi — 6 Cooper, William, Town Clerk, Bos ton, Brother of Dr. Samuel Cooper. Mentioned, I, 107. Cooper, William, Jr., Son of William Cooper of Boston. Letter from, I, 408. Mentioned, I, 364, 391. II, 460, 496. IV, 250. Coote, G. M., M. P. for Dublin. Mentioned, II, 200. Copley Medal of the Royal Society. To be presented to Dr. Franklin, I, 9, 10. Coppens fils. Letter from, II, 480. Copper, IV, 257. Copying machine, IV, 119. Coquillot, , Prior of Epinay. Letters from, III, 45, 91. Corbett, Vin, of the Office for Sick and Hurt Seamen. To John D. Schweighauser, IV, 281. Corcelles, Pierre Bon de. Letters from, II, 37, 278. Ill, 247, 385. Letter to, III, 519. Corcelles, Polier de. Letter from, I, 387. Cordes, , of Boston. Mentioned, II, 84. Cordier, Le. Compagnie des Indes to, IV, 217. Cordis, . Mentioned, IV, 16. Coreil, Captain. Brig belonging to, III, 48. Mentioned, III, 55. Corgemont, . V. Voisin to, IV, 380. Corin, . Letter to, III, 435. Cork, George. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 160. Corkeran, Ann. Dennis McCarthy to, IV, 189. Corn, Invention for grinding, III, 98. 72 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Corneille, Pierre, Poet and Play wright. Statue of, II, 493. Corney, Louis Dominique-Ethis de, Commissary of War. Mentioned, II, 350. Comic, Veuve Min. Letter from, I, 460. Comic, Veuve Min, et fils. Letters from, I, 552. II, 18. Cornie, Estris de. Mentioned, IV, 439. Cornu, , Valet to the Marquis de la Fayette. Letter from, II, 448. Mentioned, II, 448. Cornu, Capt., of the French Corsair " Princesse de Robec." Mentioned, II, 269. Cornwallis, Charles, Earl, Lieut.-Gen. in British Army in America. Banastre Tarleton to, IV, 320. Besieged at Yorktown, IV, 63. Defeat of, I, 209, 279, 352. Forced to surrender, II, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 418, 419, 431. Ill, 528. IV, 673, 682, 324, 443- Mentioned, I, 265, 269. II, 274, 296, 341, 364, 367, 394, 4072, 423. IV, 48, 53, 64, 322, 324. Proposed terms of capitulation, II, 406. Corps, du. Mentioned, I, 212. Correspondent de Philadelphie, Nom de Plume of Barbeu Du- bourg. Mentioned, I, 164. Corrick, James. Letter from, II, 105. Corsange, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 58. Corvalle, Madame de. Letter from, II, 3. " Corvette," the French Merchantship. II, 291. Cosse, Marquis de. Letter from, I, 419. -, Officer on board Cossont, — the "Pallas." Ill, 95- Cossoul, , Merchant at Nan tes. Letters from, II, 260, 280, 283. Coste, Dr. Jean Frangois, M. A. P. S., Surgeon in Chief of the French Army in America. Mentioned, III, 69, 147, 262. Costentin, Berube de, in charge of vessels and prizes at Brest, belong ing to the U. S. Letters from, I, 482, 491. Mentioned, II, 53. Cotiere, Cathallet. Letter from, I, 509. Cotte, Robert de. Letter from, III, 41. Cottereau, . To Comtesse de Coastin, IV, 235. Cottier, . Letter from, II, 349. Cottin and fils, Jauge, J. Letters from, II, 457. IV, 440. Cottineau de Kloguene, Denis-Nicolas, Captain of the U. S. S. "Pallas." Letters from, IV, 423, 431. To Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 496. Mentioned, II, 159, 160. IV, 494. Quarrel between John Paul Jones and, IV, 496. Couder, J. M. Letter from, II, 320. Coudray, see Tronson Du Coudray. Coulougnac, . Letter from, IV, 460. Coulougnac & Cie, French Merchants. Letters from, II, 373. Ill, 14. Council of War at Kassel, I, 443. Couneler, Laurent, of Marseilles. Letter from, III, 23. " Count de Grasse," a Virginia pri vateer. II, 467- " Count de Vergennes," the ship. I, 213, 2152, 222, 225, 229, 230. " Countess of Berigen," the frigate. II, 147- Index 73 " Countess of Moreton," American prize. Mentioned, I, 467. " Countess of Scarborough," British sloop of war. II, I492, 152, 153, 156, 203, 207, 251, 445- IV, 431. " Courageuse," the French frigate. II, 33- Courcelles, de Gars de. Mentioned, III, 158. Courcy, Veuve de. Letter from, II, 127. Courier de PEurope, IV, 281. Courreget fils, . Letter from, I, 256. Court de Gebelin, Antoine, French savant. Letter from, I, 235, 378. II, 190, 343, 37i, 485- HI, 130- IV, 414, 446. Jean Paul Rabaut-St. Etienne to, IV, 329. Mentioned, I, 565. Ill, 196. Court of Aids, First President of the. To the Duke of Chartres, IV, 371. " Court of Aydes." To the King, IV, 211. Courtanvaux, Frangois Cesar Le Tel- lier, Marquis de (Due de Dou- deauville), Soldier and Scientist. Letters from, I, 400, 523. Death of, II, 383. Mentioned, I, 153, 342. II, 25. Courtauld, George. Letter from, III, 279. Courtauld, Samuel. Letters from, II, 4702. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 327. Courter, Harmon, Captain of the Let ter of Marque "Jay." Letters from, I, 376, 413. II, 298, 308, 315, 318. Mentioned, I, 422. II, 318, 324. Courtney, Nicholas, of Cornwall County, England. Bond to Joseph Growdon, IV, 168. Courtois, Joseph Gabriel Mounier de. Letter from, I, 339. Cousturier, . Letter from, II, 493. Couteulx, Le, Cadiz banker. Mentioned, I, 488. Couteulx & Co., Joseph Louis and Laurent, of Cadiz. To Silas Deane, IV, 2532, 254, 256s. Couteulx, Le, Paris Banker. Letter from, II, 394. Couteulx & Co., Le, Paris Bankers. Letters from, II, 460. Ill, 200. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 68. Mordecai Lewis & Co., to, IV, 356. Peter Whitesides & Co., to, IV, 356. Willing, Morris & Swanwick to, IV, 356. Mentioned, IV, 358, 437. Coutteux, Le. Mentioned, IV, 155. Couture, Guillaume, French Archi tect. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 141. Coux, Chevalier de. Letter from, I, 505. Covay, Mme. de. Letter from, III, 407. Cowdry, , British Agent in charge of American prisoners. Mentioned, IV, 375. Cowell, Mentioned, I, 97. Cowley, William, Major 22d Reg't, British Army. Mentioned, II, 397, 405. Cowper, William, English poet. Mentioned, II, 468. Cox, . Mentioned, I, 157. Cox, . Mentioned, IV, 290. Coxe, . Mentioned, IV, 8. 74 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Coxe, Daniel (second). Grant for lands on Mississippi, I, 26, 28, 292. Coxe, Daniel (fifth), of Trenton, Member of the Council of New Jersey, M. A. P. S. Mentioned, I, 77, 120. Ill, 475. Coxe, John D., Grandson of Colonel Daniel Coxe (third), lawyer. Mentioned, I, 152, 547. Coxe, Tench, M. A. P. S., Grandson of Colonel Daniel Coxe (third), and younger brother of John D. Coxe. Letters from, II, 482. Ill, 311, 34i, 344, 366, 37i, 374, 383- Coxe, Jr., William. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 163. Coxe, Mr. and Mrs. W. To Mrs. Sarah Bache, IV, 371. Coyand, . Letter from, III, 315. Coyendahi tribe. To Anonymous, IV, 481. Coyesarne, Sampson. To Lawrence Growdon, IV, 169. Crafton, Robert, a London friend of Dr. Franklin. Letter from, I, 118. " Craftsman," the newspaper. IV, 165. Craig, , of Philadelphia. Mentioned, I, 392. Craig, J. To John Ross, IV, 494. Craig, John. Mentioned, IV, 26. Craig, Mrs. John, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, III, 311. Craik, Dr. James, Surgeon in the Con tinental Army. Mentioned, III, 262. Cram, John. Mentioned, III, 292. Cramer, Mme. C, nee de Wesselow, oversees the education of Benja min Franklin Bache. Cramer, Mme. C. — Continued. Letters from, II, 373, 471. Ill, 168. IV, 445. Mentioned, II, 408. Cramer, de Wesselow, of Geneva, oversees the education of Benja min Franklin Bache. Letter from, II, 469. Crane, Stephen, Member of the As sembly of New Jersey. Letter, from, I, 122. Crantz, . On the aurora borealis, IV, 371. Craven Street Gazette. Letter to, III, 474. Crawford, Adair, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., English Physician and Chemist. To Benjamin Vaughan, IV, 371. Crawford, John, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 128. Crawford's book, William, historian. II, 153. Crawley, . of London. Mentioned, I, 92. Cray, Due de. Letter from, II, 188. Credit in Europe, American, III, 302. Importance of supporting, IV, 466. Creek Indians. Mentioned, I, 30. Ill, 353, 357. Creery, , of the Continental Army. Letter from, II, 32. Crenis, Chevalier de. Mentioned, II, 75. Crespin, Jacques Francois, American Sailor. Letters from, II, 317, 504, 517. Cretelle, de. Mentioned, III, 300. Creuze, . Letters from, III, 138, 157. Letter to, III, 539. Crevecoeur, de, Father of Michel Guillaume Jean de Creve coeur. Mentioned, II, 402. Index 75 Crevecoeur, Michel Guillaume Jean de, M. A. P. S., French Consul at New York, Member of the French Institute. Letters from, II, 391, 398, 416, 466, 520. Ill, 2, 144, 311, 362, 366, 370. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 114. L. le Fevre Des Mars to, IV, 344. Mentioned, II, 388, 402, 421, 488, 491, 504. Ill, 44, 104, 316. IV, 326. Crevecoeur, St. John de. See Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur. Crigan, Claudius, Bishop of Sodor and Man. Letter to, III, 550. Crignon, Mme. Mentioned, III, 233. Crillon, Louis des Balbes de Berton de, Due de Mahon, Lieut.-Gen. in the French Army. Letter from, III, 122. Mentioned, IV, 60. " Crisis," Publication of the, I, 423. Crocco, Giacomo Francisco, Agent of the Emperor of Morocco. Letter from, III, 83. Croft, Lieut. Richard, British prisoner. Mentioned, II, 159. Croghan, George, Deputy Indian Agent, Pennsylvania and Ohio In dians. Letters from, I, 76, 91. Anonymous to, IV, 180. Journal by, of Expedition down Ohio . River, IV, 190. Mentioned, I, 17, 39, 47, 57, 69, 76, 92. IV, 181, 202, 214, 2192. To draw Ohio Indians to a confer ence, IV, 179. Croiset, . Letter from, I, 498. Croize, Pierre. Letter from, III, 407. Croker, Catherine, see Catherine Croker Mead. Croker, Isaac, Son of Richard Croker. Letter from, III, 290. Croker, John, Brother of Richard Croker. Mentioned, III, 290, 297. Croker, Richard, Brother of John Croker. Mentioned, III, 290. Croker, Rev. Temple Henry, British writer. Letters from, III, 344, 351, 359. Crome, Augustus Friedrich Wilhelm, German economist. Letter from, III, 30. Crommelin and fils, Daniel, Amster dam Bankers. Letter from, II, 332. Mentioned, II, 183, 248, 362. Crosby, Josiah. Mentioned, I, 372. Cross, John, English Engineer. Mentioned, II, 254. Crossley, Adam, American Sailor. II, 158. Crouss, Cordier de. Letters from, III, 39, 58. Crow, Whipple, American Sailor. Mentioned, II, 472. Crow, Ro de, American Sailor. Letter from, II, 443. Crowley, Thomas, of London. Letters from, I, 55, 114. Crown, The British, Aids to be granted to, IV, 196. Persists in severe measures against America, III, 497. Power of, to make void laws pre sented for its approval, III, 492. Crown Point. Expedition against, I, 13. Cubieres, Chevalier Michel de, lit terateur. Mentioned, II, 144. Cucket, . Letter from, II, 3. Cugny, Marquis de. Mentioned, II, 223. Cuillie, . Letter from, II, 361. 76 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Cullen, William, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., Edinburgh Physician. Letter to, III, 463. Mentioned, I, 147. On the gout, I, 555. Cullman, David. To John Paul Jones, IV, 249. " Culloden," the British ship. II, 376. Cumberland County, Rebellion in, I, 4i2, 43, 4«, 81. Cumberland, Richard. Mentioned, IV, 85. Cuming, James, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 263. Cuming, James, Merchant at I'Orient. Letters from, II, 158, 288, 357. Michael Bright to, IV, 328. William Sharp to, IV, 294. Cuming & Macarty, Merchants at I'Orient. Letters from, II, 465, 491, 505, 520. Letter to, III, 531. Cumming, Alexander, Mathematician and Watchmaker in London. Mentioned, I, 35. Cumming, Thomas, of London. Letters from, I, 27, 79. Mentioned, I, 27. Cummings, Mr. Mentioned, I, 32. Cummings, Mrs. I, 88. Cummings, Alexander, American pris oner. Letter from, II, 475. Cummings, William. John Rice to, IV, 205. Cumstock, Capt. Mentioned, I, 413. Cunningham, Mr., of Quebec. Mentioned, I, 51. Cunningham, Capt. Gustavus, see Conyngham. Cure at Passy. Letter from, IV, 471. Currency, Plan for a general, in America, IV, 198. Question of, IV, 305. -, Captain of an Eng- Currie, — lish privateer. Mentioned, II, 155. Curson, Samuel. Letter from, III, 6. Curson, Samuel, Merchant at St. Eu- statius. Mentioned, II, 372, 393, 484. Curtis, , of Georgia. Mentioned, I, 378. Curtis, . Mentioned, I, 417. Curwen, John. Letter from, III, 119. Cushing, Thomas, Speaker, Massachu setts House of Representatives, Delegate to the Continental Cong ress. Letters from, I, 101, 122, 125, 149, 168, 178, 2192, 305. Ill, 200. IV, 408. Letters to, III, 479, 49s2, 498. To Silas Deane, IV, 2-50. Mentioned, I, 231. IV, 376. Cushing, Thomas, Jr., Son of Thomas Cushing. Mentioned, I, 232, 283. IV, 231, 408. Cussac, . Letter from, III, 144. Customs Bureau, Receipt for duties, IV, 338. Cuthbert, . Mentioned, III, 459. Cuthbert, John, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, F. R. S. Letter from, I, 150. Letter to, III, 489. Cutler, B. C. Letter from, II, 479. Cutler, Manasseh, M. A. P. S., Con necticut Clergyman, Physician in the Continental Army. Mentioned, III, 329. Cuyler, Henry. Theophylact Bache to, IV, 363. Mentioned, IV, 40. Index 77 d- -, Abbe N- Letter from, III, 144. Dabadie, . Letter from, I, 429. Dabbe, , Captain in Cham- boron Reg't of Hussars. Letter from, II, 189. Dacier, Joseph Bon, Baron, French litterateur and Perpetual Secre tary of the Academie des Inscrip tions et Belles-Lettres. Letter from, III, 70. Da Costa, , owner of the " Cecil." Mentioned, IV, 40. Dacosta, Telles. Mentioned, III, 97. Daer, Lord, Son of Lord Selkirk. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 164. Mentioned, IV, 342. Dagge, . Mentioned, I, 93. Dagge, Henry, F. R. S. Letters from, III, 2362, 274. Dagoneau, Comte de Bussy. Letters from, I, 469. Ill, 18. Dagord, Vincent. Letters from, II, 5, 44. D'Aguiton, . Merchant of Geneva. Mentioned, I, 394. D'aigueville, . Letter from, II, 8. Daillens, Weiss de, Major in Swiss Army. Letter from, I, 540. Mentioned, I, 545. Dainval, .Merchant of Lyons. Mentioned, III, 62, 69. IV, 387. Dale, Lieut. Richard, U. S. S. "Bon Homme Richard." Mentioned, II, 263. IV, 308. Dalet, Comte. Letter from, I, 374. Dalgres, . Letter from, II, 293. Dalibard, — . Letter from, I, 559. Dalibard, . Guerin to, IV, 374. Dalibard, Thomas-Frangois, French Physician and Electrician. Letters from, I, n, 23, 85, 199. Letters to, III, 468, 472. Mentioned, I, 142, 145, 149, 257, 310. Dalkerque, De Lattre. Letter from, I, 389. Dalrymple, Capt. Mentioned, I, 117, 370. Dalrymple, Alexander, F. R. S., Hy- drographer to British Admiralty. Letter from, I, 170. Dalrymple, Gen. John, Sixth Earl of Staer. Mentioned, II, 296. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ire land, III, 368. Dalton, John, et al., American seamen. Letter from, II, 167. Dalton, Tristram, of Newburyport, Mass. Letters from, II, 77s, 154, 273, 356. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 333. Mentioned, II, 493. Ill, 25. IV, 286. Damalix, . Letter from, II, 393. Damboix, . Letter from, III, 3. Damdraga, Urtado, Marquis. Letters from, II, 267, 338. Ill, 28. Dames, William. Letter from, I, 2. Dampierre, Le Maire de. Letter from, I, 332. Dana, Francis M., M. C. C, Sec'y to the Commissioners for negotiating Peace with Great Britain, Minister to Russia. Letters from, II, 300, 328, 347, 360, 370. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 53, 70. To Comte d'Osterman, IV, 339. Mentioned, II, 2542, 404, 420, 456. Ill, 527. IV, 71, 94, 311. 78 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Dandelot, Mme. Mentioned, III, 542. Dangeuil, de. Letters from, I, 331, 332. Guillard to, IV, 374. Dangirard, freres, French Merchants. Letter from, II, 520. Dangiviller, Mme. Mentioned, III, 418. Daniell, William, Printer in Kingston. Letters from, I, n3, 13. Daniels, . Estate of, IV, 185. Danish and Norwegian ports, Trade in, IV, 271. Danish Minister. Mentioned, IV, 348. Dantoine, . Letter from, I, 531. Danton, Joseph, of Newport, R. I. Letter from, I, 141. Danton, William, of Newport, R. I. Letter from, I, 141. Darang, Chevalier, Letter from, II, 173. Darbaumont, . Mentioned, IV, 294. Darby, Captain, of the "Hope." Mentioned, IV, 53. Darby, John. Mentioned, III, 26, 30. Darcel, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 102. Darcet, N. Letters from, III, 69, 84. Darcour, Pierre Feree. Letter from, I, 560. Dariban, Sr., , Merchant at Agen. Letter from, I, 404. Darlincourt, , Farmer-Gen eral. Letter from, I, 560. Darlincourt and fils, Merchants at Paris. Letter from, II, 40. Darling, Thomas (?), of New Haven. Mentioned, I, 4. Darrach, David, of Philadelphia? Mentioned, I, 120. Darrell, Josiah. Letter from, II, 14. Dartmouth, William Legge, Second Earl of, Colonial Secretary in the British Cabinet. Letter to, III, 499. Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 221. Advice of, to disarm Colonies by force, III, 498. Mentioned, I, 143, 145, 160, 172. IV, 221, 222. Portrait of, by Joseph Wright, III, 57- Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Letters from, II, 506. IV, 335, 347, 460. Benefactions solicited for, III, 73. Darwin, Erasmus, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., English Physician. Letters from, I, 136, 157. Ill, 343. Translation of the Botanical Works of Linnaeus by, III, 343. Darwin, Sir George Howard, Medal lion of Benjamin Franklin pre sented to The American Philo sophical Society by, I, Frontis piece. Darwin, Robert Waring, M.D., F. R. S., son of Erasmus Darwin and father of Charles Darwin. Letter from, III, 292. Mentioned, III, 343. Daschkow, Ekaterina Romanova, Princess, M. A. P. S., President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg. Letters from, II, 346, 347. Mentioned, II, 325. Dashwood, Sir Francis, see Le De- spencer, Baron. Dassart, Dupin. Mentioned, III, 36. Index 79 Daste, Jean. Mentioned, III, 267. " Date obolum Belisario," by Fran cis Hopkinson. IV, 302. Daubenton, Jr., Louis Jean Marie, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., Member of the Academy of Sciences at Paris. Letters from, I, 1502. Daubert, . Letter from, II, 347. Daume & Co. Letter from, III, 205. Dauphin, birth of the, Duke of Nor mandy. II, 434, 435, 437- HI, 5282. IV, 68, 78, 328, 375, 503. Joy in America over, IV, 450. " Dauphin," the schooner, of Boston. I, 543. II, 301. Davenant, Charles, Political econo mist. Mentioned, I, 12. Davenport, Josiah Franklin, of New Jersey, Great Nephew of Benjamin Franklin. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 3. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 182. To William Franklin, IV, 1972. To the Mayor's Court, IV, 201. Mentioned, I, 148. Davesne, . Mentioned, II, 252. David, , of Bordeaux(?) Letter from, I, 265. David, , Philadelphia(f) Physician. Letter from, II, 378. David l'aine, Secretary of the Legation at Paris of the Elector Palatine. Letters from, II, 52, 234, 282, 296. Mentioned, I, 316. David, Jean Pierre, French physician. Mentioned, IV, 81. Davidson, , of Rotterdam. Mentioned, I, 186. Davies, Cecilia. Mentioned, IV, 377. Davies, John. Letter from, IV, 461. Davies, Mary Ann. Letters from, III, 55, 117. Her skill in playing on the Ar- monica, III, 55. Mentioned, II, 519. Davies, Williams, of Newport, R. I. Letter from, II, 381. Mentioned, II, 381. Davis, . Mentioned, I, 280. Davis, Captain. Mentioned, I, 7, 103. Davis, Caleb. Letter from, III, 97. Davis, Nicholas, of Amsterdam. Letter from, II, 71. Mentioned, II, 75, 81. Davis, Richard, Massachusetts sailor. Letter from, III, 7. Davis, William. Letters from, III, 365, 373. Davison, Samuel, Captain of the American privateer "Phoenix." Letters from, II, 108, in. Mentioned, II, 63, 108, in. Dawes, Cephas , of Pennsyl vania. Letter from, II, 489. Mentioned, II, 486. Dawrey, . To William Hodgson, IV, 318. Dawson, . Mentioned, IV, 136. Dawson, Major, Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man. Letter to, III, 483. Mentioned, I, 197. Day, William. Letter from, I, 290. Dead, on burying of the, IV, 392. Deale, Richard, Captain of the Letter of Marque " Queen of France." Mentioned, II, 500, 502. IV, 478. Dean, John, Member of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsyl vania. Mentioned, III, 361. 8o Calendar of the Franklin Papers " Deane," the U. S. frigate. Arrival of, I, 452. IV, 409. Mentioned, II, 36. IV, 250. Deane, Mrs. Letter from, IV, 399. Deane, Barnabas, Brother of Silas Deane. Letters from, I, 362. II, 443. Deane, Jesse, Son of Silas Deane. Mentioned, IV, 21, 248, 254. Deane, Silas, M. C. C, U. S. Com missioner to France (see also Benson). Letters from, I, 193, 231, 245, 254, 263, 266, 267, 269, 271, 302, 320, 332°, 358, 391, 489, 49«, 5i7- II, 157, 184, 276, 344, 347, 355, 372, 3732, 466. IV, 404, 419, 437, 441, 447, 4^7, 4^92- Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 8, 21, 43, 67, 69. To the Continental Congress, IV, 501, 507. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 371. Anonymous to, IV, 258. Etienne Cathalant to, IV, 253, 255. Francis Coffyn to, IV, 255. Gustavus Conyngham to, IV, 223. Joseph Louis and Laurent Le Cou teulx & Co., to, IV, 25 32, 254, 2562. Thomas Cushing to, IV, 250. Charles Guillaume Frederic Dumas to, IV, 232. Fairholme & Luther to, IV, 254. John Folger to, IV, 240. Conrad Alexandre Gerard de Ray- neval to, IV, 227, 233, 245. Jared Ingersoll to, IV, 255. John Paul Jones to, IV, 249, 251, 2522. La Goaner & Co., to, IV, 251. Le Blanc to, IV, 255. William Lee to, IV, 237. William MacCreery to, IV, 253, 254. William MacKean to, IV, 243. Manieu to, IV, 259. Martin De Marron to, IV, 235. Massieu to, IV, 254. Robert Morris to, IV, 246, 485. Deane, Silas — Continued. Samuel Nicholson to, IV, 233, 249. John Ross to, IV, 254. Gurdon Saltonstall to, IV, 248. Major Benjamin Tallmadge to, IV, 502. Terrasson to, IV, 256. Viel to, IV, 233. Jeremiah Wadsworth to, IV, 502. Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 230, 231, 252. Accounts, IV, 447. Accounts to be examined by a Vice- Consul, IV, 502. Arnold, denies intimacy with Bene dict, IV, 469. Bill against Congress, IV, 507. Certificate as to the probity of, in the Public service, III, 516. Certifies that he has not sold certifi cates which he was given power to sell, IV, 501. Desires to be assured of personal safety, IV, 467. Innocent of embezzlement, IV, 476. Memorandum of purchase of Mili tary stores, IV, 278. Mentioned, I, 195, 199, 214, 221, 222, 225, 230, 248, 255, 258, 274, 295, 307, 328, 366, 370, 4°3, 4i3, 439, 479, 544, 553, 554- II, 19, 20, 222, 28, 31, 33, 36, 61, 69, 70, 126, 272, 276, 298, 350, 360, 406, 514. Ill, 85, 324, 363, 430, 528. IV, 4, 13, 322, 392, 66, 68, 69, 74, 228, 234, 237, 2422, 246, 258, 266, 279, 281, 409, 418, 422, 428, 437, 444, 445, 4753, 4762, 485, 5°3- Private letters intercepted, IV, 447. Quarrel with Arthur Lee, IV, 476. Recall of, I, 376. IV, 420. Recall of, due to misrepresentations, IV, 475- Worth of, IV, 475. Deane, Simeon, Brother of Silas Deane. Letter from, I, 398. Letter to, IV, 476. Index 81 Deane, Simeon — Continued. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, io. Mentioned, I, 368. II, 13, 29. Ill, 5i7- Secret Commission to Congress, IV, 476. Deane, William. Letter to, III, 487. De Baris, Lt.-General Forget. Letter from, I, 349. De Beche & Graff. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 88. De Berdt, Dennys, Agent for the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay. Letter to, III, 474. Debons, . Letter from, I, 432. De Boor, . Mentioned, III, 122. Debt, arbitration to collect, III, 437. British, non-payment of, III, 313. Contracted before the war, III, 536. "Liquidated," IV, 162. National, III, 265, 481. Payment of, III, 333, 552. Decambray, . Letter from, II, 429. De Casson, . Letters from, I, 268, 289. Deceased, method of announcing sex of, IV, 175. Deck, Frantz Xaverius, Brewer. Mentioned, I, 206. Declaration of Independence. I, 210. IV, m. Attack on, IV, 412. To celebrate anniversary of, II, 99, 103, 105, 109. Ill, 520, 536. De Corny, . Letters from, II, 417. Ill, 255. De Corny, Mme. Mentioned, III, 2. De Court, de Sorlut. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 11, 19. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 269. De Court, de Sorlut— Continued. Reflections on the War between Great Britain and her Colonies, IV, 220. Defay, , Paper Manufacturer in Paris. Letters from, II, 394. Ill, 16. Defay, , Member of the So- ciete Royale des Sciences de Mont- pellier. Letters from, III, 158, 259. Defay, Mile. Letter from, II, 450. " Defiance," the English privateer. II, 87. Defleury, Bertherand. Letter from, I, 323- " Deformed and handsome leg," Bagatelle by Benjamin Franklin. Ill, 525, 541. Defouchy, . Letters from, III, 407, 408. Mme. and Mile., Ill, 408. Defrancq, J. J. Letter from, I, 425. Degenfeld, Comte de, Dutch Minister at Vienna. Mentioned, I, 347. Degge, James Arthur, Lieutenant on the U. S .S. "Alliance." Letters from, IV, 428, 430. John Paul Jones to, IV, 298. Pierre Landais to, IV, 306. Certificate by, IV, 499. Mentioned, II, 265. IV, 298. De Gimat, , Lieut.-Col. in Continental Army, Aide-de-Camp to Gen. de la Fayette. Mentioned, I, 343, 352. II, 81. " De Graaff," the Letter of Marque. II, 378. De Gruyere, . Letter from, I, 394. Dehaistre, : — . Letter from, I, 274. De Harold, Edmund. Letters from, I, 304, 315. 82 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Dehez, Bernard. Letter from, II, 117. Mentioned, IV, 247. Deinet, . Letter from, IV, 417. Dejean, , Formerly Lieu tenant in French Navy. Letters from, III, 316, 319. Mentioned, III, 311. Delacolonge, . Letter from, III, 245. To Anquetil Duperron, IV, 277. Desires appointment as Agent for the United States at Lyons, IV, 277. De Lafaye, . de Ponteney to, IV, 235. Delafaye, Charles. To Sir William Keith, IV, 170. Delagenetiere, . Mentioned, II, 188. Delagrange, . Letters from, I, 366. II, 147. Delahaulsse, Chevalier. Letter from, I, 481. Delaire, . Letter from, I, 387. Delamain, . Mentioned, I, 194. Delamar, Mordyay. Letter from, III, 2. Delamoignon, Marie Elizabeth, Aunt of Chevalier de la Luzerne. Letter from, II, 139. De Lancey, James, Lieutenant-Gov. of New York. Mentioned, I, 4. Delap, John Hans, Bordeaux Mer chant. Bond to, IV, 270. Delap, S., and John Hans, U. S. Com mercial Agents at Bordeaux. Letters from, I, 416, 462, 499. II, 38. Mentioned, I, 324, 438. II, 38. Delassau, Lambert. Letter from, I, 345. Delavoiepierre, . Letter from, III, 144. " Delaware," the Letter of Marque. II, 393- " Delaware," Pennsylvania frigate. IV, 239, 271. Delaware Indians, I, 36, 47. IV, 179. Vocabulary of the, II, 371. Interpretation of Language of, III, 336. Islands, I, 46, 143. People of, Gen. Sir William Howe to, IV, 486. Pilots, Committee for Tarring and Feathering to the, IV, 483. River, forts on the, IV, 239. Del Campo, . Confidential Sec'y to Spanish Minister of State. Mentioned, II, 409, 459. Ill, 31. IV, 449. Deleutre, . Mentioned, IV, 345. Delfino, Chevalier, of Padua. Letter from, II, 468. Delisle, . Balloon ascension, IV, 507. Mentioned, III, 50. Delisle-Pierrogues. Letter from, III, 79. Delius, Arnold, Merchant at Bremen. Letter from, III, 17. Mentioned, III, 22. Delivet, . Letter from, III, 255. Delleville, Philippe de. Letters from, II, 236, 246, 332. Delmot, Jean, Merchant at Leyden. Letter from, II, 308. Deloigne, Pierre. Letter from, II, 315. De Lome, John Louis, v Letter from, III, 408. Delon, . Mentioned, II, 447. Delor, . Letter from, I, 349. Mentioned, I, 160. Index 83 De Lor, . Electrical machine by, III, 482. Delorme, . Mentioned, IV, 138. Delos, . Letter from, IV, 412. Delott, Baron. Memoirs of, III, 409. Delseny, Chevalier. Letter from, III, 408. Demareuil, Tripse, Lieut, in the Royal Grenadiers. Letter from, I, 552. Demayr, , Prussian officer. Letter from, II, 268. Demazaudre, . Letter from, II, 92. Demolon, . Letter from, I, 520. Demonplaisir, , Merchant at I'Orient. Letter from, I, 353. " Demophile." Verses by, IV, 372. Demronti, Chevalier de Savari. Letter from, I, 245. Denans, . Letter from, III, 62. Denham, William. George III to, IV, 495. Denis, Mme., and daughter. Letter from, III, 161. Denmark, Dr. Franklin's Memorial to the Court of, IV, 429. Indemnity offered, for certain prizes restored to the British, IV, 473. Intrigues at Court of, IV, 212. King of, III, 471. Treaty of Friendship and Com merce with, III, 82, 122. IV, 336. Denneville, Mme. Mentioned, I, 255. Dennie, . To the Navy Board, IV, 279. Dennie, William, of Boston. Mentioned, I, 360. Denny, Col. Letter from, IV, 400. Denny, Lady Arabella. Mentioned, IV, 381. Denny, John. Mentioned, IV, 285, 291. Denny, William, Deputy-Gov. of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 19. IV, 1812. Proprietors discard, III, 4472. Denombe, Andre Frangois Broche. Letter from, I, 333. Denward, Rev. Thomas, of London. Letter from, I, 543. Mentioned, I, 552. Depire, Mme. Mentioned, IV, 116. Deplaine, . Letter from, I, 455. Depotot, . Letter from, II, 259. Dereine, . Letter from, II, 242. Derglanieres, Letter from, I, 382. Derkenne, Louis. Letter from, II, 344. Deroillers, Marquise. Mentioned, III, 8. Derry, the Bishop of. J Letter from, III, 236. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 124. De Saillian, Frangois Louis Chevalier. Letter from, I, 340. Des Bancels, Larguier. Letter from, I, 290. Desbois, Mile. Mentioned, III, 16. Desbrossee, . Letter from, III, 45. Deschamps, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 134. Deschenaix, Duhamel. Letter from, III, 172. Descombes, Sieur Broche. Mentioned, I, 404. Des Cotes & Co., Messrs. James. Letter from, I, 73. 84 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Desdodiere, Felix. Letter from, I, 521. Desdoit, de Gueydon. Letter from, I, 270. Desdonaires, . Mentioned, II, 174. De Segray, , Merchant at St. Malo. Mentioned, II, 303. Ill, 526. De Segray, Beaugeard fils & Co., Merchants at St. Malo. Letter from, II, 301. De Segray & Co., Merchants at St. Malo. Letters from, II, 297, 310, 452. Deseitre, M. and Mme. Mentioned, II, 422. Desertion in Bouquet's Army, I, 31. Desfours, . Letter to, III, 546. Des Genettes, Baron Rene Nicolas Dufriche, Member of the Acad emic des Sciences de Paris. Mentioned, III, 195. Desgrange, . Letter from, II, 259. Desgranges & Co., Paris Merchants. Letters from, I, 529. II, 29. Deshautesrayes, Prof. Letters from, II, 348, 430. Deshayes, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 142. Deshon, John, Member of Navy Board, Continental Congress. Mentioned, I, 437. IV, 417, 490. Deslande, Mme. Loyer. Letter from, III, 92. Deslon, Charles, French physician. Mentioned, III, 186, 196, 237, 291. Desmarain, . Letter from, III, 408. Desmaret, . Letter from, II, 441. Description by, of a balloon ascen sion, IV, 506. Des Mars, le Fevre L. To St. John de Crevecoeur, IV, 344. Desmortiers, Le Bouvyer. Letter from, III, 242. Desnos, . Letter from, IV, 411. Desnos, Odolant, of Alencon, France. Letters from, III, 391. IV, 416. Desouche, . Mentioned, III, 153. Desparbez, . Letter from, I, 349. D'Esparre, . Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine to, IV, 484. " Despatch," the Merchant schooner. I, 437, 438, 5°i- IV, 490. Despatches, sending public, I, 365. Despeintreaux, Lucas. Letters from, III, 157, 377. Desplaces, Machillot, valet de cham- bre to the Marquis de la Fayette. Letter from, I, 503. Desportes, Dalmas, French lawyer. Letter from, I, 418. Desprades, Abbe. Letter from, I, 190. Despret, Sieur. Mentioned, I, 414. Dessein, . Mentioned, III, 210. Dessin, Pierre, Merchant at Calais. Letters from, III, 74, 115, 123, 229. Mentioned, IV, 342. Dessoud, . Letter from, II, 139. Dessours l'aine . Letters from, III, 125, 220. Dessous, . Letters from, III, 230, 232. Destelan de Norey, Jean Louis. Letter from, I, 325. Destouches, . Letters from, II, 318, 324, 384. IV, 430, 456. Mentioned, II, 335. Des Touches, Charles Rene Domi nique Sochet, Chevalier. Engagement between, and Admiral Arbuthnot, III, 529. Index 85 Destouches freres. Letter from, IV, 462. Destours, Chevalier. Mentioned, II, 354. Detrez, Brd. Letter from, II, 202. Deubome, . Letter from, I, 529. Deucher, Riedy & Co., Merchants at Nantes. Letter from, I, 416. Deudon, A. C. G. Letter from, III, 94. Deuersine, et al., . Letter from, I, 502. Deux-Ponts, Dowager Duchess de, Widow of Duke Christian de Deux-Ponts, see Forbach, Com tesse de. Deux-Ponts, Duke de. Death of, IV, 472. Deux-Ponts, Mesdames de, Daugh ters of the Dowager Duchess de Deux-Ponts. Mentioned, II, 415. Deux-Ponts, Charles, Prince de, elder brother of Maximilian, King of Bavaria, and nephew of Duke Christian de Deux-Ponts. Letters from, III, 74, 98. Letter to, III, 536. Mentioned, III, 53, 56. IV, 102. Deux-Ponts, William, Comte de, younger son of Christian, Duke of Deux-Ponts-Birkenfeld and Bar oness de Forbach, Lieut.-Col. of the Regiment Royal-Deux-Ponls, serving in America. Mentioned, II, 408, 413, 415. IV, 69, 70, 109. Deux-Ponts, Messieurs William and Christian de, Sons of Christian, Duke of Deux-Ponts. Mentioned, II, 236. Deux-Ponts, Countess Elizabeth de, Daughter of the Dowager Du chess de Deux-Ponts. Mentioned, IV, 109. Deux-Ponts family, de. Mentioned, IV, 66. Devellenne, . Letter from, III, 408. " Development of Reason," The author of the. Letter from, III, 241. Devienne, Marquis. Letters from, I, 277, 289. Deville, Mme. Letter from, III, 408. Deviller, . Letter from, III, 172. Devoute freres, Merchant at Mar seilles. Letter from, III, 41. Dewees, Jr., William, Letter from, III, 434. Dewey, Sarah. Mentioned, IV, 206. Dexter, Dr., of Boston. Mentioned, IV, 69. Dezoteux, Capt. Frangois? Letter from, II, 273. Mentioned, II, 275. Dialogue on North America in her ef forts to obtain freedom, IV, 388. Between Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Saxony and America, III, 505- Between some wreckers and a cap tain of a ship, IV, 504. " Diamond," the ship. II, 152. IV, 60. Dian, Jean, of Boston. Mentioned, IV, 277. Dianot, . Letters from, II, 127, 138. Diary of Dr. Franklin, III, 518. Dick, Sir Alexander, M. A. P. S., Edinburgh Physician. Letters from, I, 46, 65. Letter to, III, 463. Mentioned, I, 23, 41, 479. Dick, Lady, Wife of Sir Alexander Dick. Letter from, I, 24. Mentioned, I, 41. 86 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Dickinson, John, M. A. P. S., Brig.- Gen. Continental Army, M. C. C; Member of Constitutional Conven tion, Author of " Farmer's Letters." Letter from, II, 517. Mentioned, I, 35, 37, 48, 49, 159 HI, 54- Charge against Joseph Galloway of having obtruded on the public a pretended speech, IV, 481. Dickinson, William. Mentioned, I, 44. Dickinson, Lloyd and Nicklin, London Merchants. Mentioned, III, 60. Dickson, David, Mentioned, III, 433. Dickson & Co., David,, London Mer chants. Letter from, III, 223. Dictionary, Chambers's, of Arts and Sciences, III, 386. Perry's Pronouncing English, III, 358, 364, 37°- Universal, III, 297. Didelot, , Farmer-General. Letter from, II, 441. To N. M. Gellee, IV, 294. Mentioned, II, 119, 427. Diderot, Denis, French Philosopher. Mentioned, III, 426. Dieche, Chevalier. Letters from, II, 230, 246. Dieffenbach, Michel, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 370. Dieffenbach, Philippe. Letter from, II, 370. Diel, Michel. Mentioned, II, 511. Diesbach, Comte de. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 117, 120. Dieskaw, Baron de, Maj.-Gen. of French troops in Canada. Wounded, I, 13. " Digby," English frigate. I, 4«3- Digby, Robert, Admiral and British Commander-in-Chief in North America. To General George Washington, IV, 504. Sir Guy Carleton deputed to act with, on Peace Commission, IV, 503. Digges, . Mentioned, III, 339. Digges, George, of Maryland. • Mentioned, III, 301. Digges, Thomas, of Maryland, resi dent in London, a spy in the em ploy of both the American and English Governments. Letters from, II, 206, 254. IV, 418, 419, 421, 4232. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 25, 38, 73. Mentioned, II, 238, 325, 351, 362, 366, 371, 380, 381, 385. Ill, 265. IV, 262. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 287. Dike, Timothy, of Falmouth, Maine. Letter from, III, 103. " Diligente," the French frigate, be longing to the fleet of Comte d'Es taing. II, 137, 150. Dillaway, Arthur, Sailing Master, U. S. sloop of war, "Dolphin." Mentioned, I, 280. " Dillon," the bark, American prize. I, 323. II, 194. Dillon, Count Arthur, Colonel of Dil lon's Irish Reg't, French Army. Mentioned, II, 57, 286. Dillon, Comtesse, Wife of Count Ar thur Dillon. Letters from, II, 295, 430. Ill, 145. Mentioned, II, 328. Dillwyn, , of Burlington. Mentioned, I, 160. Dilly, Charles, London Bookseller. Mentioned, III, 317, 341. Index 87 Dilly, Messrs., London Booksellers. Mentioned, III, 485. Dimsdale, , of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 70. Dimsdale, Thomas, Baron, F. R. S., English Physician. Mentioned, I, 83. IV, 451. Dinan Castle, British prison. I, 5i7- DTnarre, . Letter from, III, 222. Diot, John, Merchant at Morlaix. Letters from, II, 120. Ill, 85. Mentioned, II, 214. IV, 291. Diot & Co., John, Merchants at Mor laix. Letters from, II, 207, 212, 242, 255, 256, 269, 273, 278, 281, 285. Diriks, Colonel, J. G., of Holland. Letter from, II, 78. Mentioned, I, 544. II, 99, 166. IV, 278. Diseases, effect of fresh air on, III, 488. " Dispatch," Virginia Brigantine. I, 461. IV, 270. Dissenters, charge against, III, 483. Diterich, Johann Matthias, of Berlin. Letter from, II, 107. Divine goodness, confidence in, III, 456, 459- Recompense, On, IV, 392. Divorce laws and the Division of the Children, Draft of, IV, 393. Dixon, . Mentioned, I, 138. Dixon, John, of Williamsburg, Va. Letters from, II, 209. Ill, 305. Mentioned, II, 466. Dixwell, John, Regicide. Mentioned, IV, 185. Doan, Aaron. Letter from, III, 339. Dobbs, Francis, Irish politician. Mentioned, IV, 446. Dobree, , Son-in-law of John D. Schweighauser. Mentioned, IV, 407. vol. vi — 7 Dobree, , of Guernsey, father of Peter Frederick Dobree. Mentioned, II, 12. Dobree, Peter Frederick. Letter from, I, 480. Dobson, Joseph. Deposition by, IV, 190. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 286. Dobson, Matthew, F. R. S., British Physician. Mentioned, III, 302, 363. Dodd, William. Letter from, I, 210. Doels, Count. Mentioned, III, 222. Doerner, Jr., . Letters from, I, 300, 321, 347. Dohren, Jacques von, of Hamburg. Letter from, I, 395. Dohrman, Arnold Henry, Lisbon Mer chant. Letters from, I, 413, 502. Mentioned, I, 501. II, 93, 94, 105, 106. Dollars, value of, in French money, IV, 114. Dollond, Peter, M. A. P. S., London Optician. Mentioned, III, 271. "Dolphin," a Maryland naval schooner. I, 265, 267, 273, 293, 294, 296, 343, 379, 420, 425, 548. II, 301. IV, 263, 281. List of stores on board the, IV, 396. Dominica, Officer in New York to a friend in, IV, 487. Domuer, . Mentioned, I, 531. Donaldson, John, Philadelphia Mer chant. Mentioned, III, 197. Donath, . Mentioned, III, 76. Donath, Joseph, Philadelphia Mer chant. Letter from, III, 322. " Don Francisco's Garden." IV, 57. 88 Calendar of the Franklin Papers "Don Galvez," a Letter of Marque. H» 439, 483, 49i- Donjeux, Antoine de. Letter from, I, 333. Donmartin, Captain. Mentioned, IV, 762. Donnaldson, . Letter from, IV, 472. Donop, Count, Carl Emil Kurt von, Colonel of the Hessian Jaegers. Mentioned, I, 443. Doppelmair, Capt. von. Letter from, II, 205. Dorhman, . Mentioned, III, 368. Dorlay, Eleazer, Gunner on the " Con federacy." Letter from, II, 421. Dornan, A. J. Mentioned, IV, 32. Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, Duke of, British Ambassador to France. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 142. Mentioned, III, 165, 542. Dorsett, William, American sailor. Letters from, II, 233, 332. Dorsey, Benjamin, To Thomas Gassaway Howard, IV, 191. Dorsey, John, Merchant at Baltimore. Deposition of, IV, 335. Dorsey, Whelen & Co., Baltimore Merchants. Mentioned, IV, 335. Dorsius, , Merchant at Charleston. Mentioned, II, 520. Dosnot, Sutaine de, Uncle of Gen. du Coudray. Letter from, I, 424. Douglas, Archibald, Mate of Capt. Burnell's Letter of Marque" Mont gomery." Letter from, I, 257. Douglass, Dr. Mentioned, IV, 399. Douglass, Andrew. Letters from, I, 510, 513. Douglass, Dr. William, of Boston. Mentioned, I, 7. Douillemond, . Letter from, II, 300. Douin, Randall. Letter from, I, 560. Doumolon, . Mentioned, I, 541. Douson, . Mentioned, I, 419. Dousset, . Letter from, I, 410. Dove, David James. "A Prayer to Satan," by, IV, 481. Dowell's widow, Capt., Daughter of Oswald Peel. Mentioned, I, 98. Dowlin, Patrick, et al., Captain of the "Black Prince." Letters from, II, 178, 212, 233. Mentioned, II, 1522, 182, 238, 257. IV, 304. Downe, Col. Mentioned, III, 248. Downes, , Brother of Mrs. William Franklin. Mentioned, I, 124. Dowse, Joseph, of Boston. Letter from, I, 3. Mentioned, III, 436. IV, 180. Dowse, Nathaniel, Commander of the ship "Mercer." Letter from, I, 413. Mentioned, I, 376. Doyle, Mrs. Mentioned, IV, 348. Doyle, William, Letter from, III, 202. Drage, Theodorus Swaine, Clergyman of Salisbury, N. C. Letter from, I, 118. " Drake," British sloop of war. I, 416, 418, 426, 433, 512. II, 115. IV, 288, 489, 490. Engagement between the "Ranger" and, I, 429. Index 89 " Drake " — Continued. Letters from the crew of, I, 424. II, 83. Drake, Jno. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 163. Drayton, William, South Carolina Jurist. Mentioned, III, 314. Drayton, William Henry, President of the Council of Safety of South Carolina and M. C. C. Mentioned, I, 528. Eldest son studying at Caen, III, 265. Drinker, Edward, Pioneer resident of Philadelphia. Mentioned, IV, 346. Drinker, Henry, M. A. P. S., Phila delphia Merchant. Letter from, III, 304. To the Congress, IV, 486. Drinker, John, M. A. P. S., Phila delphia Merchant. Refusal of, to receive bills of credit emitted by Congress, IV, 484. Driver, Edward, American prisoner. Letter from, I, 514. Drogart, C, formerly of Penet, Da Costa & Co. Letter from, II, 490. Drogart & Co., C. Letter from, III, 194. Droin, Mme. Mentioned, IV, 67. " Dromedary," the ship. II, 152. D'ron, . Letter from, III, 4. Droomgoole, Major. Mentioned, III, 357. Droop, Johann Friedrich. Mentioned, III, 35. Dropsy, tobacco ashes a remedy for, I, 211, 3112, 324, 347, 360, 366, 395, 427, 5°9- II, 42, 371. Drouart, Chevalier. Letter from, II, 377. Drouart, Henry Dieudonne. Mentioned, II, 377. IV, 20. Drouet, . Letters from, I, 446, 479, 560. IV, 416. Drouet, . Mentioned, II, 123. Drouilhet & Co., Etienne, Merchants at Madrid. Letter from, III, 181. Mentioned, III, 184. Drouillard, . Letter from, I, 560. Drown, Dr. Solomon. Mentioned, III, 188, 258, 264. Drue, Thomas. Nathaniel Briggs to, IV, 217. Drummond, Baronne De. Ill, 188, 190. Drummond, . Lord of Perth. Mentioned, I, 369. Drummond, James. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 101, 119. Dryburugh, , Captain of French coaster. Mentioned, II, 227. Duane, James, M. C. C, New York jurist. Letter from, III, 195. Dubbeldemutt, F. and A. Rotter dam Merchants. Letters from, I, 318, 320. II, 189. Mentioned, I, 428, 434, 446. Dubeaucage, . Letter from, III, 45. Dubeller, Frangois Barthelemy. Letter from, I, 560. " Dublin," the British Merchant Ship. II, 121, 159. IV, 294. Duboccage, Mme., Marie Anne Le Page, French poetess, cousin of M. Montaudouin Letter from, I, 333. Frangois Marie Arouet de Voltaire to, IV, 241. Mentioned, I, 192. 9° Calendar of the Franklin Papers Du Bois, . Letter from, II, 286. Dubois, . Mentioned, II, 446. Dubois, . Mentioned, IV, 338. Du Bois, Abbe. Letter to, III, 517. Du Bois, Henry, Merchant at Am sterdam. Letters from, II, 32, 161. Mentioned, I, 309. Dubois, Jean Baptiste. Letter from, IV, 418. Dubois, Mme. Jeanne. Letters from, II, 409, 415. IV, 458. Dubois, Mile. J. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 30. Dubois & Thierin, Paris Bankers. To , IV, 244. Duboishalbrand, Chevalier Depotien. Letter from, II, 252. Du Boisviolette, Genevois & Co., Merchants at Nantes. Letter from, I, 316. Dubosc, . Letter from, II, 415. Dubosque, Fabre. Letter from, III, 80. Du Bost, . Letter from, III, 221. Dubourg, Barbeu, M. A. P. S., Phy sician at Paris, Editor of the French edition of Franklin' s Works, see also noms de plume of Correspondent de Philadelphie, and Samuel Tone. Letters from, I, 83, 113, 121, 133, 138, 139, 141, 142, 145, 146, 153, i558, 156, 159, 1642, 169, 172, 1972, 205, 206, 210, 226, 228, 248, 249, 254, 2602, 282, 298, 306, 309, 364, 442, 468, 470, 474, 488, 517, 560. II, 58, 59, 63, 74, 86, 102, 121, 128, 130, 141, 148, 180, 189, 412. Ill, 408, 409. Dubourg, Barbeu — Continued. IV, 410, 446. Letters to, III, 472, 485s, 486, 488", 492- Chevalier du Buisson to, IV, 489. Coder to, IV, 230. Comte de Mirabeau to, IV, 227. Due de la Rochefoucauld to, IV, 375- Jonathan Williams, Jr., to, IV, 226. Funeral of, II, 181. Mentioned, I, 85, 113, 149, 164, 172, 181, 219, 222, 229, 233, 243, 247, 249, 250, 257, 266, 349, 402. II, 90, 114, 117, 157, 180. IV, 6, 225, 247. "The Morals of Chess," IV, 3012. Paratonnerre of, III, 488. Preface to French Edition of Frank lin's Works, IV, 219. Remarks on Political Economy, IV, 372- On Importing tobacco from the United States and selling it to the Farmers-General, IV, 228. Treaty between Farmers-General and, I, 226. Dubourg, Madame, Wife of Barbeu Dubourg. Mentioned, I, 257, 260. Ill, 485. Illness of, IV, 226. Dubourg & Dalibard. To furnish rifles, I, 331. Dubourg, Debout & Co., to furnish Farmers-General with tobacco. I, 210. Dubourgneuf, . Letter from, I, 333. Du Breuil, Dr. Mentioned, IV, 98. Du Breuil fils. Letter from, I, 217. Dubrocq, Alexandre. Letter from, I, 560. Du Buat, Pierre Louis Georges, Comte de, French Military Engineer. Letter from, I, 205. Index 91 Dubuisson, Paul-Ulrich, French Dufaux, Morel. writer. Letters from, II, 479. Ill, 114. Letter from, II, 92. Mentioned, I, 531. Dubuysson, Chevalier, Lieut.-Col. Dufay, . Continental Army. Mentioned, IV, 49, 51. Letters from, II, 409, 413, 414. Duff, Charles Adam. Ill, 140. Du Chateau, '¦ — . Mentioned, III, 64. " Due de Choiseul," the ship. I, 425. Duche, Jr., Jacob, M. A. P. S., Rec tor of Christ Church, Philadelphia. Letters from, I, 17. Ill, 53, 185. Duchemin, . Mentioned, III, 7. Duchemin, Daniel, Lieut, in Conti nental Army. Letters from, II, 62, 117, 345. Ill, Duffield, Betsy. 53. Mentioned, IV, 33. Duchesac, . Theatrical Di- Duffield, Edward, M. A. P. S., Clock- rector, maker at Philadelphia. Letter from, III, 143. Mentioned, III, 466. " Duchesse de Grammont," French Duffield, Sally. Merchant Ship. Mentioned, IV, 33. I, 371, 373, 37^, 379, 386, 395, 465, Duffield family, of Philadelphia. 478. Mentioned, IV, 21. Ducis, Mme., Veuve Morin, Merchant Dufour, Madame, Wife of a Paris Mentioned, III, 1. Duff, James, of Cadiz. Mentioned, II, 131. Duffield, . Mentioned, IV, 250. Duffield, . Mentioned, I, 184. Duffield, Miss. Mentioned, IV, 57. Duffield, Benjamin, M. A. P. S., Philadelphia Physician. Letters from, II, 80. Ill, 328. at Paris. Letter from, II, 202. Ducker, Letter from, III, 145. Duclaux, , Letter from, I, 293. Duclos, . Letter from, II, 252. Du Cosquer, Georgelin. Letter from, 1, 439. Dudley, John. To Governor William Franklin, IV, 343- Dudouit, . Mentioned, I, 244. Du Doyer, Peltier. Leconte to, IV, 490. Diieil, Mme. de Gravellines. Letter from, III, 243. tailor. Letter from, III, 25. Dufourneau, Moreau. Letter from, III, 2. Duhattoy, Joseph. Letter from, I, 356. Duhil, Even, Captain in the First South Carolina Reg't. Letter from, II, 238. " Duke of Leinster," U. S. Merchant Brigantine. IV, 38, 42. Dulany, Walter. Letter from, III, 358. Duler, , Supercargo on ship " Harmony." Mentioned, II, 526. Dulonprey, . Mentioned, I, 397. IV, 248. Calendar of the Franklin Papers Du Luc, . Letters from, I, 307, 318. Mentioned, I, 316. Dumagny, . Letter from, I, 394. Dumas, Charles Guillaume Frederic, U. S. Secret Agent in Holland. Letters from, I, 118, 166, 172, 1912, 205, 217, 225, 246, 264, 273, 283, 291, 306, 310, 312, 333, 347, 363, 373, 375, 378, 381, 383, 388, 391, 402, 406, 419, 427, 434, 438, 439, 44i, 447, 452, 461, 4^3, 4^4, 468, 478, 486, 490, 491, 493", 495, 506, 513, 514, 515, 520, 522, 523, 525, 526s, 530, 532, 535, 537, 540, 542, 546, 560. II, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 26, 31, 33, 35, 36, 43, 482, 51, 52, 55, 62, 64, 702, 72, 742, 8 12, 82, 84, 86, 88, 902, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 104, "3, 141, 143, H92, 15°, 156, 157, 159, 160, 162, 1632, 1652, 166, 171, 1742, 177, 1812, 1822, 186, 204, 207, 211, 2132, 214, 216, 218, 2212, 226, 228, 230, 2312, 235, 2372, 239, 241, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 2612, 264, 265, 268, 269s, 273, 277, 279, 283, 285, 288, 290, 2922, 293, 294, 295, 297, 299, 301, 3052, 307, 310, 312, 313, 318, 321, 323, 325, 327, 340, 344, 34«2, 347, 350, 357, 358, 364, 372, 374, 383, 385, 391, 394, 417, 449, 452, 49«- III, 165, 168, 177, 205, 206, 208, 257, 287. Letters to, III, 501, 550. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 124. To Mme. , IV, 280. To William Carmichael, IV, 234^ 236. To Silas Deane, IV, 232, 234. To Sir George Grand, IV, 2722. To the Society Amore Patriae, IV, 323- William Temple Franklin to, IV, 351- Dumas, Charles Guillaume Frederic — Continued. John Paul Jones to, IV, 301. Robert R. Livingston to, IV, 324. J. D. Van de Capellan to, IV, 303. Duties as American Agent, I, 205. Mentioned, II, <)6, 124, 159, 163, 164, 168, 171, 195, 308, 328, 331. Ill, 99. IV, 282. Oath of Allegiance, II, 323, 325. Observations on the States-General of Holland, IV, 345. Dumas & Mallet. Letter from, I, 264. Dumay, Esther Brickland. Letter from, III, 403. Dumay, Ignace. Mentioned, III, 403. Dumenil, Pierre, Merchant at Havre. Letter from, II, 229. Dumesnil de St. Pierre, John Lewis, In the Continental Service. Mentioned, I, 439, 500. II, 392. IV, 254. Dumesnil de St. Pierre, Mme. John Lewis. Letter from, II, 392. Dumolon, . Mentioned, I, 530. Du Mont, , French writer. Letters from, I, 362, 381, 384. II, 79- Dumont, , Son of the Mar quis D'aubarede. Letter from, I, 333. Dumont, M., of Mayence. Mentioned, III, 402. Dumouchel, . Letter from, II, 447. Dumoulin, . Letters from, I, 519, 560. Dumouriez, . Letter from, II, 257. Dunbar, William, Sailor. Letter from, I, 561. Dundonald, Archibald Cochrane, Earl of. Mentioned, III, 374. Index 93 Dunies, J. To Jonathan Nesbitt, IV, 347. Dunkin, Edmund. To Isaac Cazeneau, IV, 304. Dunkirk, advantages of the Port of, III, 48. IV, 390. Extract from records of the Ad miralty Office at, IV, 321. The Ship-owners of, to the French Ambassador, IV, 280. Dunlap, . Mentioned, IV, 364. Dunlap, Benjamin, Son of Rev. Wil liam Dunlap. Mentioned, I, 129, 183. Dunlap, D. (Mrs. William), Niece of Mrs. Deborah Franklin. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 218. Poor health of, IV, 218. Dunlap, Thomas. Mentioned, III, 216. Dunlap, Rev. William, of Virginia. Letter from, I, 183. Mentioned, I, 129. Dunlap, William, Printer at Philadel phia, relative by marriage of Mrs. Deborah Franklin. Letters from, I, 17, 54, 912. Letters to, III, 443, 471. Appointed Postmaster at Philadel phia, III, 443. Mentioned, I, 35, 382, 45, 94. Dunmore, John Murray, Earl of, Royal Governor of Virginia. Mentioned, I, 124, 147, 169, 220. Dunn, Capt., of Georgia. Mentioned, I, 378. Dunn, Robert. Margaret McKinney to, IV, 188. Dunois, . Letter from, I, 561. " Du Papillon," the prize. II, 67. Duparny, . Mentioned, I, 316. Duparquet, Lieut.-Colonel. Letters from, I, 239, 244, 24s2, 246. Dupaty, Charles Marguerite Jean Baptiste Mercier, French writer. Letter from, III, 409. Dupee, Capt. Nicholas, see Dupuy, Captain Michael. Du Perier, Alard. Letter from, IV, 452. Duperon, Anisson, Printer at Paris. Letters from, I, 551. IV, 409. Duperron, Anquetil, see Anquetil Du- perron. Dupin, D' Assarts. Letters from, II, 270, 292. Ill, 160. Duplacy, Joseph Ruault. Letters from, IV, 417. Duplan, . Letter from, III, 101. Duplessis, . Letter from, I, 261. Duplessis, . Mentioned, IV, 473. Du Plessis, Huet. Mentioned, I, 515. Duplessis, Louis Gourlet, see also Duplessy. Certificates of services of, IV, 227. Mentioned, IV, 440. Duplessy, Louis Gourlet, formerly of Quebec. Letter from, II, 279. " Du Ploy la Sensible," French frig ate. IV, 18. Du Ponceau, Chevalier, Brother of Peter S. Du Ponceau. Letters from, III, 104, 140. Du Ponceau, Louise Genevieve, Sis ter of Peter Stephen Du Ponceau. Letters from, II, 452. Ill, 66. To Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, IV, 334- Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, Presi dent of The American Philosoph ical Society, on the staff of Baron von Steuben, Jurist. Letter from, IV, 444. 94 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen — Con tinued. Louise Genevieve Du Ponceau to, IV, 334- Mentioned, III, 104. Dupont, . Letters from, I, 5612. Du Pont, . Mentioned, IV, 222. Du Pont, Anne, Wife of John Bourne. Mentioned, III, 314. Du Pont, Victor Marie, son of Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours. Mentioned, III, 355. Du Pont fils, , Son of Pierre Samuel Du Pont(f). Letter from, I, 398. Dupont and fils, Messrs., of Paris. Sir Edward Newenham to, IV, 352. Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, M. A. P. S., French Political Economist, Member I'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Member of the States-General. Letters from, I, 83, 276. Ill, 314, 355- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 155. Mentioned, I, 145, 547. Table of the Principles of Political Economy, II, 31. Duportail, Louis Le Begue, General in the Continental Army. Letters from, I, 1962, 198, 203, 2042, 206, 207, 211, 2122, 245. Letter to, III, 506. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 82, 91. Mentioned, I, 222, 547, 553. II, 444. Ill, 244, 503. IV, 243. Duprat, Count de. Mentioned, III, 429. Dupre, , French Medallist. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 140, 141. Dupre, Lewis. Mentioned, II, 118. Dupre de St. Maur, Mme. John Holker fils, to, IV, 295. Dupuis, . Mentioned, III, 232, 548. Dupuy, . Letter from, II, 489. Dupuy, Ferrand. Letters from, I, 425, 427. Dupuy, Capt. Michael, of the schooner " Lively." Mentioned, I, 284, 509. Duquene, Roger, Letter from, III, 264. Du Radier, . Letters from, III, 29, 145. Duran, L. Letter from, IV, 410. Durand, . Mentioned, III, 69. Durand, , French Consul in Sardinia. Letters from, I, 477, 561. II, 344- Durand, Gabriel. Mentioned, I, 477. "Duras," the ship, later the "Bon Homme Richard." I, 322, 348, 354. Duras, Emmanuel Felicite de Durfort, Due de, Marshal of France, mem ber of French Academy. Mentioned, I, 227. Durat, Comte de. Mentioned, II, 151. Durden, . Mentioned, I, 82. Dureux, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 76. Durfy, Captain. Mentioned, IV, 79. Durham Iron Works, accounts of, IV, 173. Duriquet, Abbe. Letter from, III, 7. Durival, Jean, French Diplomatist. Letter from, IV, 455. Mentioned, III, 411. Index 95 Dursousquet, . Letters from, III, 4092. Dusaillant, Marquis, Son-in-law of the Marquis de Mirabeau. Mentioned, III, 18. Dusaix, Desmignons. Letter from, III, 206. Dusaulx, Jean, Member of the French Academy. Letter from, II, 290. Dussaut, Chevalier, French Officer who served in America. Letter from, II, 393. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 44. Dutaille, Saint Pierre, Officer in Con tinental Service. Letter from, II, 29. To Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, IV, 282. Dutartre, Mme. Melin, Friend of Dr. Franklin. Letters from, I, 527. II, 189. Ill, 193, 253. IV, 465. Anonymous to, IV, 380. Death of, III, 295. IV, 148. Mentioned, II, 3302. Dutch forts, for wounded British prisoners, IV, 496. Loan, I, 403. IV, 448. Scheme for relief of the poor, I, 134. Ships declared fair prizes, II, 226. Dutchmen, Franklin's supposed en mity to Pennsylvania, I, 47. Duties, export, on goods sent to Amer ica, IV, 427, 429. Freight, IV, 436. Inland, I, 28. On wine, IV, 4062. Protecting, IV, 348. Release of, by France, IV, 479. Unjust, levied by Farmers-General on goods sent to America, IV, 490. Dutilh, Jacques. Letter from, III, 145. Dutilh, Pierre, French Merchant. Letter from, II, 520. Mentioned, I, 235. Dutour, Etienne Frangois, French physicist. Mentioned, I, 23. Duvaudier, , formerly en graver and printer to the King of Portugal. To Langlin, IV, 323. Duvaunoel, . Letter from, I, 278. Duverger, . Letter from, II, 35. Duvivier, . Letter from, II, 99. Du Vivier, Pierre Simon Benjamin, French medallist, member of the Academie des Beaux Arts. Letters from, II, 240, 253. Letter to, III, 523. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 372. Dyer, Eliphalet, of Connecticut, Jurist, Colonel in the French War, Con troller of the Port of New Lon don, Delegate to Stamp Act Con gress. Mentioned, I, 47. " Dying Legacy," III, 126. Dyke, Charles de. Letter from, II, 270. "Eagle," the frigate. IV, 85. " Eagle and the Cat," allegorical fable by Dr. Franklin. I, 554- Eagleson, Jno., Presbyterian clergy man at Cumberland, Pa. To Rev. Dr. Francis Alison, IV, 203. Earle, John, Captain of American merchant vessel. Mentioned, III, 356. Earth, Dr. Franklin's hypothesis con cerning the extraordinary motions of, IV, 470. Earthquake, account of, I, 4. Hypothesis of, III, 221. East India Co., English. Mentioned, III, 367. 96 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Easton, Conference at, III, 442. d'Eberstein, Messrs. Mentioned, III, 76. Echlin, Henry. Letters from, I, 204, 209. Eckerling, Gabriel, of the Ephrata Community of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 33. Eckerling, Israel, of the Ephrata Community of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 33. Eckerling, Samuel, of the Ephrata Community in Pennsylvania. Letter from, I, 33. Eckhardt, Anthony George, F. R. S., of Utrecht. Letters from, II, 237. Ill, 161. Eckhardt, T. and N. Letter from, I, 312. Eckstrom, Pierre. Letter from, II, 108. " Eclipse," the American privateer. II, 508. IV, 333. Eclipses, III, 441. L'Ecluze de vieux Chatellet. Letter from, II, 373. Economic Society of Berne. Letter from, I, 298. Economical Society, Memoirs of. II, 39«- Eddystone Lighthouse, IV, 470. Eden, William, Baron Auckland, Statesman and diplomatist. Letter to Earl of Carlisle. II, 253. Edenton, North Carolina. Arrival of brig from, II, 19. Edes, Caroline. Letters from, II, 418, 423, 443. " Edgar," the ship. II, 152. " Edict by the King of Prussia," a canard by Dr. Franklin. I, 157- Edinburgh, City of. Admitted as burges and gild-brother of, I, 20. Editor of . The. Letter to, III, 492. Edmonds, William, of Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Letter from, III, 277. Edrobal, . Letter from, I, 356. " Edward," the ship. Ill, 192. Edwards, Capt. Cony. Mentioned, IV, 175. Edwards, David. Death of, III, 450. " Eel, Torporifick," IV, 401. Egleton, John. Letter from, III, 234. " Egmont," the British war-ship. IV, 323. Egmont, Sir John Perceval, Earl of, F. R. S. Mentioned, I, 28, 31. Egremont. Sir Charles Wyndham, Earl of. Mentioned, I, 26. Ehet, Jno. Thaddeus de. Letters from, II, 5072. Ehlers, Martin, German Philosopher. Letters from, III, 304, 355. Eicke, Jean Frederic. Letter from, II, 388. d'Ejean, , Merchant of Lan- guedoc. Mentioned, III, 249. Elam, Joseph. Letter from, III, 382. Letter to, III, 555. Mentioned, III, 361. Election, the Judges of. Letter from, III, 281. Memoranda, IV, 187. Electric Bells, III, 447. Shock, injurious effects of, III, 96. Insane might be restored by, III, 96. Electrical explosions by which Dr. Franklin was hit, III, 96. Machine, patent, III, 95. De Lor's, III, 482. Dr. Franklin's, III, 482. Abbe Nollet's, III, 482. Index 97 Electrical — Continued. Storm in Oxfordshire, account of, III, 95- Electricity, Discussion about, III, 514. Experiments with, I, 5, 6, 296. II, 522. Ill, 343. Mentioned, I, 286. Dr. Priestley's History of, III, 468. In treatment of disease, I, 19, 25, 53, 155- HI, 55, "82, 185, 491. Electrics and non-electrics, III, 437. Electrometer, III, 288. "Electrophorus," Theory of, II, 351, 366, 374. " Elegante," the French Merchant Ship. I, 426, 429. II, 80, 381, 393. Ill, 5- IV, 415- Eliot, Jared, F. R. S., Connecticut Clergyman, Physician, Trustee of Yale College. Letter to, III, 437. " Eliza Belle," the American prize. Ill, 401. " Elizabeth," the brigantine. Passport for, III, 556. Elizer, Isaac. To whom it may concern, IV, 483. Ellery, William, M. C. C, Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Letters from, I, 362, 424, 429. Ill, 280. Invoice of articles to be imported, IV, 260. Ellicott, Andrew, M. A. P. S., Sur veyor-General of the United States. Letter from, III, 395. Ellinkhuysen, Major. Letter from, III, 328. Elliot, Sir Gilbert, of Edinburgh. Mentioned, I, 47. Elliot, John(?) of the U. S. Marines. Mentioned, I, 283. Elliot, Nancy, of South Carolina. Mentioned, II, 489. Elliott, Grey. Letter from, I, 153. Ellis, . Mentioned, I, 144. Ellis, Henry, of London, F. R. S. Letters from, I, 154, 155. Ellis, Welbore, British Secretary at War. John Glover and Barlow Trecothick to, IV, 194. Ellison, Robert. Letter from, I, 493. Elmsly, P. Letters from, I, 302. Ill, 106. Mentioned,. Ill, 101. Elphinston, James, schoolmaster. Letter from, I, 98. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, i, 101, 123, 139, 143. Mentioned, IV, 37. Elwes, Henry. Letter from, I, 101. Embargoes on grain and on the poor. IV, 387. Embser, Prof. Letters from, II, 440, 478. Ill, 28. " Emelia," the French Merchant Ship. II, 448. " Emerald," the English frigate. II, 381. IV, 415. " Emeraude," French frigate. II, 505- HI, 109. IV, 332, 3342. Emerich, Carl, Baron von. Letter from, I, 315. Emery, . Mentioned, II, 64. Emery, Jacob. Letter from, II, 141. Emery, John, Merchant at Bilbao. Letters from, I, 352, 375, 499, 509, 530. II, 63. Anonymous to, IV, 267. Capt. Sargent Ingersoll to, IV, 285. Emigrants, rush of, to America, IV, 99- Emigration to America, II, 487. IV, 348. Emmery pere et fils, Merchants at Dunkirk. Letter from, I, 357. 98 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Emmons, Nathaniel, of the Town of Franklin, Mass. Letter from, III, 311. Employment, public, III, 538. Empson, , Husband of Eliza beth Empson. Mentioned, I, 119. Empson, Elizabeth. Letter from, I, 119. D'Enach, . Letter from, I, 548. " Endymion," the British war-ship. IV, 320, 323. Engelhard, . Letter from, II, 262. Engineer School, IV, 376. England, Bank of, Maryland's Stock in the, III, 162. IV, 496. Mentioned, IV, 357. Coalition of European powers against, IV, 48. Commercial treaty with America, IV, 100, 138, 506. Declares war on Holland, II, 340. IV, 46, 49. Expedition against, IV, 20. People of, Francis Adams to, IV, 368. Refuses Russia's offer of mediation, II, 364- England and America. Chances of another war between, III, 320. Invoice of pamphlets on the rela tions of, IV, 392. On peace negotiations between, IV, 388. Present condition of war between, IV, 299. Restoring trade between, III, 31. Separation of, I, 38. Trouble between, IV, 222. England, Allen and Joseph. Letter from, I, 18. England, Major Richard. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 89. William Franklin to, IV, 333. English Cartel, passport for, III, 533. Church at The Hague burnt, II, 340. Colonies in America, boundaries of, and their form of Government, IV, 187. Fleet destined for Indies captured, II, 288. Engagement between French fleet and, IV, 20, 318, 437. Plan for setting fire to, in New York Harbor, I, 342. Return to New York of, IV, 63. Language, dissertation on the, III, 389. Grammatical Institute of the, III, 307, 330. Rules for Construing Latin into the, IV, 387. Ships, refusal to admit, into the Port of Cadiz, IV, 253. West India Fleet, II, 128. " English Gentleman," An. Letter from, III, 409. "English Shepherd," (nom de plume of Francis Adams). To the people of England, IV, 368. Engraver, An. Letter to, III, 491. Engraving on Chinaware, III, 491. Engs, Samuel. Letter from, I, 26. Enlistment of white servants. Complaint concerning, IV, 173. d'Enneville, Mme. Letter from, IV, 468. Enore, . Letter from, IV, 464. " Enterprise," a prize. II, 278, 281. d'Enville, Duchesse. Mentioned, III, 385. IV, 148. D'Eon, Charles Genevieve Louis Au- guste Andre Timothee, Chevalier, French Diplomatist and Captain of Dragoons. Letter from, I, 354. Index 99 D'Eon, Mile., Wife of Chevalier O'Gorman. Mentioned, IV, 333. " Epervier," French brig of war. IV, 273. Ephemera, The Story of the. Ill, 512, 515. IV, 450. " Ephemerides of a Citizen." I, i33, 138, 140- HI, 485- Epidorge, , of Dunkirk. Letters from, II, 353, 426, 470. Episcopal Office in Virginia and New York, Election for, III, 315. Epp, Charles. Letters from, I, 450. II, 112. Erenatius, Baron. Letter from, I, 333. Erie enterprise, I, 210. " Eripuit coelo fulmen, sceptrum- que tyrannus," French transla tion of, II, 357, 360, 476. IV, 371. Erkelens, Gosrunus, Dutch gentle man residing in Connecticut. Letter from, III, 340. Mentioned, II, 2. Ermet, . Mentioned, I, 4. Erries, . Letters from, II, 189, 190. Erroll, Lord. Mentioned, I, 163. Erskine, Frances Moore, Wife of the Hon. Thomas Erskine, Subse quently Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. Mentioned, III, 318. Erskine, Sir Harry, M.P.,Lieutenant- General in British Army. Mentioned, I, 48. Erskine, Lord Thomas, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. Mentioned, III, 318. Erskine, Sir William. Mentioned, I, 55. " Ersten," the brigantine. IV 453- Eruptions, remedies to cure, IV, 81. Erving, Capt. Mentioned, III, 375. Erving, William, Brother-in-law of James Bowdoin. Mentioned, III, 341. Erwin, James, Commander of the brig "Betsy," Philadelphia. Letter from, III, 241. Capture of a vessel belonging to, by a cruiser of the Emperor of Mo rocco, III, 241. Mentioned, IV, 327. D'Escarano, . Clerk in the Madrid Post-office. To William Carmichael, IV, 335. Esch, Johann Thaddeus von. Letter from, II, 319. L'Escop, . Letter from, II, 442. d'Escordeck, Comte. Letter from, I, 266. Escudier fils, . Letter from, II, 137. Esdaile, . Passport for, IV, 41. d'Eshen, Messrs. Waiz. Mentioned, II, 50. " Esmangard," the ship. IV, 259. Esmangare, . Letter from, III, 124. d'Espagnac, Jean Baptiste Joseph Damazit de Sahugut, Baron de, French General. Letter from, IV, 462. D'Espagne, . Letters from, IV, 406, 407. " Esperance," French Merchant Ship. I, 445, 453- Essarts, des. Letter from, III, 28. Esser, H. Letter from, II, 273, " Essex," the privateer. IV, 322. IOO Calendar of the Franklin Papers d'Estaing, Charles Henri Theodat, Comte, Admiral, Lieutenant-Gen eral of the French Naval Forces. Letters from, II, 227, 380, 420, 474- HI, 297, 299. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 62, 100. Mentioned, I, 401, 478, 489, 492, 4962, 509, 542, 553, 560, 564, 571. II, 3, 4, 17, 3°, 36, 126, 134, 150, 156, 163, 175, 1792, 184, 192, 229, 248, 252, 312, 331, 349, 526. Ill, 138, 229, 350. IV, 7, 13, 15, 19, 24", 97, 292, 295, 296, 493. Arrival in Boston, I, 462. Conquest of Grenada by, II, 115. IV, 202. Engagement between English Fleet and, II, 13. Fete at Bordeaux in honor of, II, 226. Fleet, II, 177. IV, 9. Position of, off Sandy Hook, IV, 492- d'Esteins Comte, French Minister to the Court of Prussia. Louis Phillipe, Comte de Segur to, IV, 367- d'Estko, Anne, Sister of Count Thad deus Kosciuszko. Letter from, III, 136. "Etats d'Artois," Capture of the ship, IV, 39. Etienne, Capt., of the French corsair "La Bellone." Mentioned, I, 554, 558. L'Etombe, , De, Consul at Boston. Mentioned, III, 208, 227. Etres, Des. Letter from, III, 408. Ettwein, John, Moravian bishop. Letter from, III, 368. Eudel, . Letter from, II, 224. Eupen, Henri van, Merchant at Ant werp. Mentioned, IV, 453. European policy, America's, IV, 462. Eustace, John Skey, Major in the Continental Army, Adjutant-Gen eral of Georgia. Mentioned, III, 393. d'Euville, Duchess. Mentioned, I, 300. Evans, Miss. Mentioned, IV, 210. Evans, Amelia, see, also, Barry, Amelia. Letters from, I, 5 s2, 96. Evans, Ann, of Gloucestertown, Va., Mother of Ann Loviel. To Ann Loviel, IV, 330. Mentioned, II, 498, 499. IV, 330, 33i- Evans, Cadwalader, M. A. P. S., Philadelphia physician. Letters from, I, 41, 78, 97, 98, 102, 120. Letters to, III, 484. To William Franklin, IV, 197, 199, 203. William Franklin to, IV, 204. Mentioned, I, 147. Ill, 482, 489. IV, 204. Evans, John, a British prisoner. Letter from, II, 173. R. Grey to, IV, 299. Evans, Lewis, Geographer. Mentioned, III, 495. Evans, Rowland, M. A. P. S., Mem ber of Pennsylvania Assembly. Mentioned, I, 48. Evans, Sarah, Sister of R. Haines. Mentioned, I, 258. " Eveille," French war vessel in the fleet of Comte de Ternay. II, 340. Even, . Letter from, II, 89. " Evidence of the Fathers respecting the Nature of Jesus Christ," by Dr. Priestley. IV, 139. Ewart, . Mentioned, IV, 107, 119. Index IOI Ewing, Alexander, Captain of the Merchant brig " Catherine." Letters from, I, 333, 409. Ewing, John, M. A. P. S., Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. Letters from, I, 104, 109. Mentioned, III, 322. IV, 199, 203. Ewins, . Discharge for, III, 440. Exchange and Banking System in the United States, III, 547. Excise law, IV, 4832. Exercises in French, by Benjamin Franklin. Ill, 506. d'Exmes, Le Prevost. Letter from, I, 415. Expedition from Ireland to America. II, 104, 108. " Experiment," Pennsylvania galley. II, 32. Explorers to Newfoundland and to Hudson's Bay Territory, Notes rel ative to the history of the early, IV, 39i- Exports from Great Britain, account of, IV, 187. Eyes, George White. Letter from, III, 377. D'Eyk, Count, Envoy of the Elector of Bavaria. Mentioned, I, 266. Eyles, , Warden of the Fleet. Mentioned, III, 474. Eyraut, . Letter from, I, 240. F. + S. Mentioned, III, 469. IV, 205. F . J . Letter from, III, 44. Faber, . Mentioned, IV, 55, 56. Fabroni, . Mentioned, IV, 423. Fadeville, M. Letters from, I, 187, 202. Fagan, . Mentioned, III, 62. Faillieux, . Letter from, I, 479. Failly, Chevalier de, Lieut.-Col. in the Continental Army. Letter from, III, 165. Fain, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 15. " Fair Play," the brigantine, of New bury, Massachusetts, Giddings, Captain. II, 7, «5, 76", 772, 154, 265, 273, 356. 493. Ill, 25. IV, 280, 285, 286, 287s, 3022, 333. Indemnity for, III, 524, 527. Papers relating to, IV, 310. Fairholme and Luther, Merchants of St. Martin de Re, France. Letters from, I, 436, 452, 523. To Silas Deane, IV, 254. To J. R. Hamilton, IV, 234. Mentioned, I, 313. Falck, Lars, of Stockholm. Letter from, II, 353. Falck, Dr. Nicholas, of New York. Mentioned, I, 73. Falconer, . Mentioned, I, 394. Falconer, Nathaniel, Captain of a packet plying between Philadel phia and London, Manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, see also Falkner. Letters from, I, 42, 46, 86, 137, 140, 148, 154, 168. Ill, 61, 71, 772, 82, 85. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 114. Jno. and Peter Chevalier to, IV, 209. Robert Wain to, IV, 209. Mentioned, III, 495, 499. Falconer, William, F. R. S., British Physician. Mentioned, III, 302. Falconet, Ambroise, French lawyer. Mentioned, III, 240. Falconi, Signor. Mentioned, III, 348. 102 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Falkenstein, Count. Mentioned, II, 74. Falkner, Capt., of a Merchantman see, also, Falconer, Nathaniel. Mentioned, I, 77, 78. Fallavel, . Letter from, II, 275. Fallon, Andrew. Mentioned, IV, 263. Parole as British prisoner, IV, 490. Fallon, Augustus Charles. To Comte de Clonard, IV, 263. Falls, James. Letter from, II, 383. Falmouth, Casco Bay, For relief of sufferers at, III, 103. IV, 344. Committee of, III, 109. Inhabitants of, III, 142. Families, perpetuation of, by estates, III, 542. Famin, Jean Baptiste, of Paris. Letter from, II, 176. Mentioned, II, 186. Famin, Devoize and Cie, of Paris. Letters from, II, 186. Fanning, .American prisoner. Mentioned, III, 51. Fanning, James. Letter from, III, 193. Fanning, Capt. Nathaniel, of New London. Letters from, II, 508. Ill, 10. Protest by, IV, 333. " Fanny," American merchant ship. I, 192. II, 197. Farcis, . Letters from, II, 14. Ill, 406. " Farges," the ship, an English prize. I, 3"- Farges, . To Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 372. Farley, Henry. Letter from, I, 541. Mentioned, III, 432. Farmers- General of France. Letters from, I, 199, 216, 227. Ill, 85. Letters to, III, 5032, 504. IV, 479. Farmers-General — Continued. Chamber of Commerce of Dunkirk to, IV, 494. Action of, regarding tobacco, I, 538. Agreement between Thomas Morris and, IV, 230. Duties demanded by, II, 406. Levied by, on goods sent to Amer ica, IV, 490. Mentioned, III, 200. IV, 364, 428. Negotiations with, I, 197. Proposition of. III, 505. To remit duty on clothing, IV, 233. " Farmers Letters," Second edition of, III, 362. Farquharson, Walter, of the Office for Sick and Hurt Seamen. To David Hartley, IV, 281. To John D. Schweighauser, IV, 281. Farrant, Godfrey Lee, Registrar of the English High Court of Ad miralty. Mentioned, IV, 484. Farrell, Margaret. Letter from, III, 328. Farron, Captain Christopher, Irish Smuggler. Mentioned, IV, 255. Farry, , English Surgeon. Letter from, I, 392. Fast-day on account of the American War, IV, 226. Fauchet, . Mentioned, III, 236. Faucon, . Letter from, II, 473. Faucon, Julien. Mentioned, II, 473. Faudoas, Vicomte de. Letter from, III, 104. Faujas De St. Fond, Barthelemy, French Geologist. Letters from, III, 6, 74, 75. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 101. Description of a balloon ascension, IV, 507- Mentioned, IV, 342. Index 103 Fauquier, Francis, Lt.-Governor of Virginia. To John Larpent, IV, 192. To Edward Sedgewick, IV, 188. Faure, Donneau and Cie, Merchants of Marseilles. Letter from, IV, 415. Antoine Gautier to, IV, 313. Mentioned, III, 5. Faurines, Jean Baptiste Alexandre. Letter from, I, 334. Fautrel, , Captain of the " Amphitrite." Mentioned, I, 251. Fautrel, V. C, Lieut., Royal Marines. Letter from, I, 435. Favarez, de. Letter from, I, 324. Faverolle, Guenard de, Officer in the French Dragoons. Letter from, II, 190. Favi, , Charge d' Affaires of the Grand Duke of Tuscany. Letters from, II, 486, 515. IV, 452. Favier, Letter from, IV, 464. Favier, . Mentioned, II, 430. " Favorite," the Letter of Marque. Ill, 433. Favre, Jean Louis, Officer in French Navy. Letter from, II, 255. Favrot, . Letter from, I, 334. Fawkener, Sir Everard, Joint Post master-General of Great Britain. Mentioned, III, 443. Fawkener, Lady Hannah, Widow of Sir Everard Fawkener and wife of Thomas Pownall. Mentioned, I, 66. Fay, Mile. de. Mentioned, II, 464. Fayenberg, . Letter from, I, 285. vol. vi — 8 Fayerweather, Samuel, of Cam bridge, Mass. Letter from, I, 90. Fayet, de, Officer in French Army. Mentioned, I, 566. Faynard, Jacques. Letter from, IV, 420. Mentioned, IV, 370. " Fearnot," American privateer, Capt. Ryan. II, 208, 209, 212, 216, 257. Febiger, Christian, Brigadier-General in the Continental Service. Letter from, III, 312. Febvet, . Mentioned, IV, 229. Fechter, de. Letter from, I, 268. To Anonymous, IV, 235. Feillens, Comtesse de. Letter from, I, 293. Felarme, de. Letter from, III, 265. Felons, Act for sending, to America, IV, 198. Femme Bastard. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 123. " Femme de Poche," see Le Roy, Mme. Jean Baptiste. Fendall, Philip R. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 284. " Fendant," French ship of war in the fleet of Comte d'Estaing. II, 222. Fendrich, Alexander, of Strasbourg. Letter from, I, 297. Fennel, John. Report of vessels captured and lost, IV, 327. Feoren, Comte de. Mentioned, III, 80. Feray, Jean Baptiste A. Letter from, II, 426. Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince. To Lord Chatham, IV, 201. 104 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Ferguson, James, F. R. S., M. A. P. S., British Astronomer. Mentioned, I, 124. Ferguson, Col. Patrick, of the Brit ish Army. Mentioned, II, 203, 313. Fergusson, W. Letters from, I, 197, 334. Feriet, Baron De. Letters from, III, 67, 162, 188, 203, 230. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 120. Mentioned, IV, 132. Fermoy, see Rochefermoy. Feron, . Letter from, III, 14. Ferrier, . Letter from, III, 32. Ferrier, James. Letters from, I, 464, 487. Ferriere, De. Letter from, IV, 457. Ferriere, Chevalier de. Mentioned, IV, 4. Ferry, . Letters from, III, 42, 114. Ferry, . To Henry Grand, IV, 338. Ferry, . Officer in the French Army. Letter from, II, 368. Ferry, Jeremiah. Letters from, I, 1992. •" Fete Apolloniene," Notice and pro gramme of, IV, 309. Feuilly, Chevalier de. Mentioned, II, 272. Feutry, , M. A. P. S., French Engineer. Mentioned, III, 189. Feutry, Aime Ambroise Joseph, French poet. Letters from, I, 233s, 234, 237, 238, 239, 240, 276, 3342, 401. II, 31, 309, 473. Ill, 328. IV, 408. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 4, 31, 57, 58, 59, 75. Feutry, Aime Ambroise Joseph — Con tinued. Antoine Frangois Quetant to, IV, 231. Verses by, IV, 232s, 233, 372*. Copy of Verses by Mme. Greuze, IV, 235- Mentioned, IV, 3212 Fevre, L. Letter from, I, 151. Fibery, Treeton de. Letter from, III, 91. Fichet, Jh., owner of the ship " Le Prudent." Letters from, I, 412. Ill, 231. Fick, Frangois. Mentioned, IV, 424. " Fier Rodrique," the man-of-war. II, 276. Ill, 221. Figeac, Prat de. Mentioned, IV, 304. Filangieri, Charlotte, Wife of Gae- tano Filangieri. Letter from, III, 380. Filangieri, Gaetano, Italian Lawyer and Publicist. Letter from, III, 290. Death of, III, 380. Mentioned, II, 388, 507. Ill, 38, 88, 133- Filature, Managers of the, Philadel phia Society for the encouragement of silk culture. I, 140. Filleul, . Letter from, III, 409. Filleul, Mme. Letters from, III, 4092, 410. Finance, the Superintendent of. James Milligan to, IV, 347. Finances, III, 516. Deplorable state of, IV, 438. Embarrassed, IV, 466. Finck, Jacques, Dr. Franklin's maitre d'hotel. Letters from, III, 145, 146'. IV, 470, 472. Expense account of, IV, 509. Index 105 Findats, Alex., Lieut, on board the American privateer " Greyhound." Mentioned, II, 472. Finlay, George, American prisoner. Letter from, I, 481. Finlay, Hugh, Postmaster of the Que bec Post-office. To James Goldfrap, IV, 200. To William Hey, IV, 198. To James Potts, IV, 199. James Goldfrap to, IV, 200. Finlay, Sir Robert, Bordeaux Banker (?). To John Paul Jones, IV, 372. To Arthur Lee, IV, 257. Mentioned, II, 224. Finney, David, of Newcastle, Dela ware. Letters from, I, 159. II, 384. Finney, David, vs. James Byrne. IV, 219. Finnie, William, of Williamsburg, Va. Letter from, II, 247. Mentioned, II, 306. " Fire-brand," the ship. Ill, 280. Fire engine, coal consumed by, I, 68, 722- Fireplace, the Franklin, III, 244. IV, 180. Fisher, . Letter from, III, 186. Fisher, , Uncle of Joseph Gilpin. Mentioned, III, 382. Fisher, Hendrick, Member of As sembly of New Jersey. Mentioned, I, 107. Fisher, Hezekiah, of the town of Franklin, Mass. Mentioned, III, 311. Fisher, Miers, Philadelphia Lawyer. Letter from, III, 378. Fisher, Samuel, Philadelphia Mer chant, son of Joshua Fisher. Refusal of, to receive bills of credit emitted by Congress, IV, 484. Fisher, Samuel R., Philadelphia Mer chant. To the Congress, IV, 486. Fisher, Thomas, M. A. P. S., Phila delphia Merchant, son of Joshua Fisher. To the Congress, IV, 486. Refusal of, to receive bills of credit emitted by Congress, IV, 484. Fisheries, Cod and whale, IV, 185. Importance of, IV, 456, 465. Fisson, , of Malaga. Mentioned, IV, 80. Fitch, , of Boston. Mentioned, IV, in. Fitch, John, inventor of the steam boat. Letters from, III, 277, 280, 317. Mentioned, III, 370. Steam boat, III, 360, 366. Fitzgerald, . Letter from, I, 24. Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Irish pa triot. Mentioned, IV, 383. Fitz-Herbert, Alleyne, British Min ister-plenipotentiary for negotia ting peace with the U. S. Letter from, II, 513. Fitzmaurice, Lord, Eldest son of Lord Shelburne. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 125. Mentioned, III, 204, 219. IV, 128, 130, 135, 35i- Fitzmaurice, Thomas. Letter from, I, m, 112. Mentioned, III, 335. Fizeaux, , Amsterdam Banker. Mentioned, II, 382s, 383. Jan Derek Van der Capellen to, IV, 277. Fizeaux & Co., H., Amsterdam Bankers. Letters from, III, 239, 242. Fizeaux & Grand, Messrs., Amster dam Bankers. Mentioned, II, 149, 408. IV, 31. io6 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Fizeaux, Grand & Co., Amsterdam Bankers. Letters from, II, 332, 403. Ill, r5- IV, 452. Flachenfeld, — de. Letter from, II, 146. Flad, Charles Louis de, Captain in the Regt of Royal-Deux-Ponts. Mentioned, II, 299. Flagg, Josiah, Son of Sally Mecom, and grand-nephew of Dr. Franklin. Letters from, III, 295, 298, 318. To Mrs. Jane Mecom, IV, 359. Mentioned, III, 304. Flaghac, de, Officer in French Army. Letter from, II, 230. Flahaut, Mme. de. Mentioned, III, 418. " Flaman," the ship, burned, II, 7. " Flamand," the ship, Commanded by Captain Pierre Landais. II, 33- Cargo of, IV, 486. Flamarens, Marquis de. Letter from, I, 561. Flamenque, . Mentioned, I, 240. Flanders and the United States, es tablishment of commercial rela tions, II, 439. Flavigny, Gratien Jean Baptiste Louis, Vicomte de. Letter from, I, 549. Mentioned, I, 402. Flavigny, Madame de, Wife of Vi comte de Flavigny. Letters from, I, 402, 5612. Mentioned, I, 549. Fleet, plea for a powerful, to be sent to America, IV, 310. English, arrived near the Chesa peake, II, 496. French, set sail from Brest, II, 453. Fleming, Alexander. Letter from, II, 287. Fleming, Joseph. LETTER n")M. Ill, 390. Fletcher, John. Letter from, II, 344. Fletcher, John Walter. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 272. Fletcher, Joseph. Mentioned, III, 434. Fleury, de, Father of Lieut.- Col. de Fleury. Letters from, I, 487. Ill, 161. Fleury le jeune, . Letter from, II, 314. Fleury, Frangois Louis Teisseidre de, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Conti nental Army. Letters from, II, 213, 219, 233. Medal for, II, 233, 240. Mentioned, I, 329, 402, 533. IV, 440. Fleury & Nemadieres, Merchants at Orleans. Letters from, II, 301, 320, 342. Ill, 21. Fleus, Harmen, French pilot. Mentioned, II, 177. Flevy, Grandjean de. Letter from, III, 243. Flies, Experiment of drowning, in Madeira wine, I, 159. Floirac, L'Abbe de. Letter from, III, 47. Flood, Henry, Irish Statesman. Mentioned, III, 120, 125. IV, 108. " Flora," an American prize. II, 248, 261, 264. "Flora," the French frigate. II, 98. " Flora," the ship. Ill, 288. Flores, Don Joseph Miguel de, Presi dent of the Spanish Academy, M. A. P. S. Letter from, III, 341. Mentioned, III, 346. Florida Blanca, Francisco Antoine Moiiino, Spanish Premier. Letter from, III, 247. Mentioned, I, 203. II, 129. Ill, 250. IV, 449. Index 107 -, u Watchmaker, of Flower, — Philadelphia. Mentioned, III, 451; Floyd, . To John Welch, IV, 380. Flushing smugglers, piratical act of the, IV, 280. Flying Machine, III, 61, 133, 182. Rough draft of a, III, 538. Foache, .Book-seller at Neuf- chatel. Mentioned, I, 516. Fog, Conjectures on the Universal Dry, by Dr. Franklin, III, 262. Folger, . Mentioned, IV, 220. Folger, Capt. John, Nantucket Mer chantman. To Silas Deane, IV, 240. Mentioned, II, 406, 455. IV, 59, 248. Folger, Sylvester. Mentioned, III, 391. Folger, Capt. Timothy, of Nantucket (?)¦ Letter from, II, 382. To Sir Jeffery Amherst, IV, 185. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 196, 208. Mentioned, 1, 102. Ill, 434. IV, 206. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 321. Foligne, De, Lieutenant in French Navy. Letters from, II, 127, 190, 379. Mentioned, I, 278. Foncier, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 108. Fontaine, . Letter from, II, 249. Fontallard, Baronne de. Letter from, II, 229. Fontana, . Mentioned, IV, 423. Fontanges, Vicomte de, Maj.-Gen. in the Naval Army in America of Comte d'Estaing, Mentioned, III, 199. Fontelle, Comte de. Mentioned, I, 243. Fontenai, Abbe de. Letter from, III, 170. Fontenailles, de. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 14. Fonteneau, , Maitre-d' Hotel to the Archbishop of Rouen. Mentioned, III, 246. Fontenet, de, Brother of the Dowager Duchess de Deux-Ponts. Letter from, III, 223. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 102, 127. Mentioned, III, 144. IV, 50. Fontevieux, de, Nephew of the Dowager Duchess de Deux- Ponts, Lieutenant in the Continen tal service. Mentioned, I, 327, 376, 478. II, 44. Fontfrede, de. Letter from, II, 115. Fontinet, de. Charles d'Hirschberg to, IV, 276. Forbach, Comtesse de, see, also, Dow ager Duchess de Deux-Ponts. Letters from, I, 327, 417, 478, 489. II, 24, 97, 520. Ill, 38, 50, 53, 56, 80, 144, 145. Letter to, IV, 476. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 70. Marquis de la Fayette to, IV, 283. Mentioned, I, 421, 519, 538, 570. II, 47, 60, 69, 88, 3522, 3542, 355, 408, 412, 413, 420, 452, 453, 502, 514. Ill, 10, 87, 93, 223. IV, 50, 5i2, 455- Forbes, Benjamin. Marriage of, and Elizabeth Sterling, IV, 389- Death of, IV, 389. Forbes, Donald (see Digges, Thomas). Forbes, James, Member of the Con tinental Congress, from Maryland. Mentioned, I, 362. io8 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Forbes, James, Commander of Amer ican privateer "Annapolis." Letter from, II, 304. Forbes, John. Mentioned, IV, 253. Will of, IV, 220. Forbonnais, Frangois Veron de, French Economist, Member of In- stitut de France. L'histoire des Finances, by, IV, 508. Forbouay, de. Mentioned, III, 413. Ford, Hezekiah, Private Secretary to Arthur Lee. Letters from, I, 445, 448, 463. II, 10. Foreign Countries, rule to be observed while travelling through, III, 476. Representatives, money for salaries of, IV, 456. Forest, Colonel. Mentioned, III, 332. Forester, Col. Letter from, I, 334. Forestier, . Letter from, II, 287. Forestier, Lt.-Col. de. Letter from, I, 446. Forged paper by Price & Haywood. Ill, 226. Forman, Ezekiel. Letter from, III, 348. Forman, Richard. Thomas Roberts to, IV, 288. Forrest, Uriah. Letter from, III, 182. Forrester, James. Mentioned, III, 455. Forster, Johann Reinhold, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., German Naturalist. Letter from, II, 475. Mentioned, I, 569. Forster's Brothers, of Bordeaux. Letter from, III, 194. Mentioned, IV, 336. Forstuer, Chevalier de. Letter from, II, 51. Fort George, New York. IV, 238. Fort, Le. Mentioned, IV, 415. Forton Prison, near Portsmouth, Eng., where American prisoners were detained. Sufferers in, I, 479. Forts, men for Western, IV, 184. In Pennsylvania frontier, III, 441. IV, 179. " Fortune," the ship, an American prize. I, 466. II, 194. " Fortunee," the ship, to be com manded by John Paul Jones. I, 389- Fossard, . Mentioned, III, 201. Fossil shells, I, 53. Foster, . Mentioned, II, 260. Foster, Ingham. Mentioned, II, 216. Foster, John, Baron Oriel, Speaker of the Irish House of Commons, Chancellor of the Irish Exchequer. Mentioned, III, 120. Fothergill, Dr. John, F. R. S., M. A. P. S., London Physician. Letters from, I, 142, 166. II, 326. Letters to, III, 446, 454. Israel Pemberton to, IV, 176, 179. James Pemberton to, IV, 179. Account of Franklin's examination in Parliament, IV, 196. Biography of, by Dr. John Coakley Lettsom, IV, 464. Death of, II, 343. Eulogy on, II, 438. Life of, III, 163. Memoirs of, III, 254. Mentioned, I, 15, 68, 95, 102, 113, 117, 132, 154, 155. II, 77, 146, 324, 395, 471- HI, 92, 315, 348, 449. IV, 451. On Stamp Act, I, 60. Index 109 Fottrell, John, Merchant at Ostend. ' Letter from, III, 24. Foucault, Mme. Mentioned, I, 279. II, 402. IV, 107, 232. Foucault, Jean Simon David de. Letter from, I, 279. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 7, 8, 106. Fouche, Louis. Letter from, I, 491. Foulger, Thomas. Letter from, I, 163. Mentioned, I, 168. Foulke, Dr. John, of Philadelphia, M. A. P. S., Physician to the Penn sylvania Hospital. Letters from, II, 400. IV, 450. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 62, 70, 712, 73, 98, 118. Mentioned, II, 243s, 359. IV, 34, 432, 54, 55, 57, 59, 66, 43°. Foundling Hospital. Advantages of, III, 226. In Ireland, IV, 381. Fouquet, Sieur, Master gun-powder maker at Yorktown, Pa. Mentioned, I, 471, 484. II, 199. Fourcroy, Antoine Frangois, Comte de, Member of the Institute of France and of most of the learned Societies of Europe, Professor of Chemistry at the Museum d'His- toire Naturelle, etc. Mentioned, III, 337. Fournier, Mme. Letter from, II, 308. Fournier l'aine, T. T., Printer and type founder at Paris. Letter from, III, 218. Fournier fils, T. T, Printer and type founder at Paris. Letters from, I, 291, 520. Fournier le jeune, Printer and type founder at Paris. Letters from, I, 361, 458, 494. II, 22, 141, 247, 281, 284, 287, 357, 358. Ill, 69, 243, 244, 267. IV, 431. Fournier le jeune — Continued. Letter to, III, 523. Mentioned, III, 29. Fouville, . Letter from, II, 386. Fowler, , Inventor of a hemo static powder. Mentioned, I, 318. Fowler, Alexander, Former Officer in the British Army. Letter from, I, 473. Fowler, Francis, a Scotchman who sought a Letter of Marque. Letter from, I, 253. Mentioned, I, 253, 275. Fowler, Peter. Mentioned, IV, 90. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 304. Fowler, Samuel, of Newport, R. I. Letter from, I, 141. " Fox," British frigate. I, 268, 280, 498, 500, 502. Taking of the, IV, 9. Fox, Anthony, Secretary of the Sons of Shamrock. Mentioned, IV, 349. Fox, Charles James, Baron Holland, British Statesman and Secretary of State. Proposal to admit American vessels, IV, 506. Mentioned, I, 205. IV, 119, 446. Fox, George, of Philadelphia, M. A. P. S. Letter from, III, 101. Letter to, IV, 478. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 402, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 51, 53, 542, 552, 5<5, 57, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 79, 80, 82, 91, 100, 101, 102, 108, no, 1143, 121, 145. To Anonymous, IV, 373. John Adams to, IV, 503. Mentioned, II, 243, 408, 470. Ill, 2. IV, 42, 43, 51, 57, 65, 67, 69, 430, 498. Offers to carry Definitive Treaty of Peace to America, IV, 100. Passport for, IV, 503. no Calendar of the Franklin Papers Fox, Henry, Bason Holland, British Statesman. Mentioned, I, 10, 24. Fox, John. Letters from, III, 4102. Fox, Joseph, M. A. P. S., Speaker of the Pennsylvania Assembly. Mentioned, I, 48. IV, 186. Fox, Joseph M., of Philadelphia, brother of George Fox. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 57. Fox & Sons, George C. Letter from, III, 323. Foxcroft, John, M. A. P. S., Deputy Postmaster-General in North America. Letters from, I, 93, 112, 116, 126, 169, 175. Letters to, III, 480, 482, 494, 496. Mentioned, I, 38, 40, 43', 45, 71, 73, 75, 84, 92, 96, 110, 112, 122, 123, 124, 129. Ill, 456, 462, 473, 475, 497, 499- IV, 220. Foxcroft, Mrs. John. Mentioned, I, 149. Foxcroft, Thomas, M. A. P. S., Con nected with the Post-Office at Phil adelphia. Letter from, I, 132. Letter to, III, 493. Mentioned, I, 62, 157. Ill, 475. Foy, . Mentioned, II, 483. Fraguier, Madame Mandat de. Letter from, III, 5. Fraissignea, Jacques, American prisoner. Letter from, IV, 417. Fraley, Dr. Mentioned, IV, 366. Francalanza, Felicie Frangoise. Letter from, II, 65. France, Admiralty Court of. Letters from, IV, 4242, 425". Affairs in, III, 376", 380, 385, 388, 3932, 394, 3952, 39<>, 397- Alliance with, IV, 295. France — Continued. Ambassador of, at Vienna, IV, 263. Attitude of the United States to ward, IV, 375. Clothing and arms to be furnished by, IV, 61. Consul-General to, IV, 321. Crisis in, III, 386, 392. Declaration of Spain in favor of, IV, 295. Financial condition of, IV, 390. Loan to be raised in, I, 249. IV, 438. On the Peers of, IV, 392. Queen of, gives birth to a daughter, I, 534- Rejoicing over the consummation of two treaties with, IV, 4082, 409. Relief map of, IV, 390. Revolution in, III, 395, 396. Six millions appropriated by, IV, 451. France, King of, Contract between, and the United States for loan of six million livres, IV, 3362. Dr. Franklin's accepting and retain ing the picture of, III, 299. Latin inscription on statue of, III, 27. The people of Port Louis to, IV, 378. France and America, Contract be tween, for reimbursement of loan, HI, 534- First naval salute between, IV, 251. Removal of packet boats between, III, 387. Treaty between, III, 399, 508, 509. France and Great Britain, Commer cial treaty between, III, 323, 336. Efforts of, to destroy civil liberty, III, 501. Funds for Ministers appointed to treat with, IV, 297. Preliminary treaty between, IV, 335. France and Netherlands. Alliance between, III, 206, 288. Draft of a Treaty between, IV, 389. Index in Frances, -, French Minister at London. Mentioned, I, no. Franchessin, Letter from, I, 266. Francis, . Mentioned, I, 72. Francis, Mentioned, II, 276. Francis, Tench, of Philadelphia, Agent for the Penn Family. Mentioned, I, 516. IV, 201. de Francey Memorial, IV, 290. Franck, . Letter from, II, 411. Francke, de. Letter from, III, 63. Francken, Christian von, late of the Hannoverian Army. Letter from, II, 70. Francklin, Lieut.-Gov. Letter from, I, no. Francky Freres, Strasbourg Mer chants. Letter from, II, 75. Francois . Jules, Comte de Montfort to, IV, 312. Francy, de. Letter from, II, 289. Francy, John Baptiste Lazarus There- neau de, Agent of Roderique Hor- talez & Co. Mentioned, IV, 255, 256. Frank, J. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 87. Frankland, Richard, Letter from, III, 258. " Franklin," Letter of Marque. II, 44, 222, 324, 377, 384, 407, 423. Ill, 21, 431, 432. IV, 95, 96, 456. Franklin, the Town of, Mass. Letter from, III, 311. Dr. Franklin's gift to, III, 318. The Library of, III, 260, 264, 290, 3"- List of books for, IV, 140. Franklin, Benjamin. Letters from, III, 435-560. IV, 475-479- Letters to, from various persons, I, 1-573. II, 1-526. Ill, 1-434- IV, 399-474- Mentioned, III, 288, 427, 483, 532, 5342- IV, 1, 2, 42, 9, 13, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 242, 252, 28, 29, 30, 31, 322, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 423, 43, 452, 462, 47, 48, 492, 522, 532, 552, 56, 58, 59, 602, 61, 62, 64*, 652, 66, 68, «92, 70, 713, 723, 74, 752, 77, 79, 802, 813, 823, 832, 85, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 972, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 1052, 107, 1083, no2, 1124, 1133, 1143, 115, 1161, 1172, 118, 120, 121, 124s, 1252, 126, 127, 1283, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 1392, 141, 1422, I432, I452, 146, 1472, 148, 1492, 150, 1532, 155, 1562, I572, 1583, 160, 1614, 162, 1642, 1662, 1672, 174, 1752, 176, 179, 1802, 1812, 183, 1843, 1853, 186, 1872, 189, 191, 1922, 193, 1942, 195, 1972, 1982, 199, 2002, 2023, 203, 204, 205, 2062. 2072, 2085, 209, 212, 214, 215, 2l6, 220, 221, 224, 227, 2282, 229, 230, 2313, 235*, 236, 237, 242, 246, 2473, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 2614, 264, 267, 2682, 272, 273, 274", 275, 276, 277s, 278s, 279, 2802, 2842, 288, 290, 2912, 293, 2952, 2962, 2972, 298, 299*, 3°°2, 3°i, 3022, 3033, 304, 3052, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 3122, 3", 314, 316, 323, 3242, 325s, 3262, 328', 3292, 33'°, 3322, 333, 335, 336*, 3372, 338, 3402, 34i2, 3422, 343, 346, 348, 349, 35°2, 35i3, 3522, 353s, 354, 355, 358, 359s, 361, 362", 363, 365", 3662, 368, 369', 37o2, 37i, 372, 3742, 376, 3782, 379, 38o4, 3832, 387, 388s, 399, 400, 4062, 4072, 4^2, 423, 427, 428, 471, 4752, 476, 485, 49i, 492, 495, 496, 4972, 498, 5°o, so1, 503, 5044, 5°5, 506. Bust of, I, 223, 231, 318, 547. II, 43, 95, 475, 506. Ill, 172, 217, 261, 262, 359. IV, 16, 20, 32, 112 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Franklin, Benjamin — Continued. 108, 138, 139, 279, 355, 405, 506. To be honored by Masons, III, 238. IV, 135. Commission as Colonel of Philadel phia Regiment of Foot, I, 14. Giving Military Authority over Northampton County, Pa., I, 14. Medallion of, I, Frontispiece, 379, 515. IV, 451, 456. Nom de plume of "A Briton," III, 451. "A Londoner," III, 498. " Francis Lyon," I, 94. " Offended Fellow of the Royal So ciety," III, 486. " Old England in its Senses," III, 470. Portrait of, I, 122, 126, 153. II, 271, 281. Ill, 121, 141, 409, 477. IV, 4, 21, 70, 92, 103, 122, 137, 368, 405, 411, 476. Crowned with laurel, I, 545. To sit for, II, 247. Ill, 523. Verses to be put under, IV, 222, 377- Royal Society presents Copley Medal to I, 9, 10. Statue of, IV, 93. In wax by Patience Wright, IV, 56. Works, out of print, III, 317. New edition of, to be printed in London, III, 317. Translation of into French, I, 133, 138, 139, 141, 145, 155, 156, 162. Ill, 489. List of errata in, III, 488. Into German, II, 339. Ill, 92. 390. Writings. Advice for those who wish to re move to America, III, 541, 545. Aurora borealis, I, 5. II, 62, 66, 83, 86, 109, 181, 193. " Bagatelles " printed at Passy, HI, 54i- Bible, translation from chapter in, III, 506. Franklin, Benjamin — Continued. Bishop who refused alms to a beg gar, story of, III, 511. Causes of the American Discon tents, I, 84. Chess, the game of, III, 522. Morals of, II, 102. Ill, 541. Clouds and Rain, I, 5. Colonies, legislation for, during the 17th century, III, 465. Productions and population of the, III, 464. Taxation of the, on the, III, 465. Deformed and Handsome Leg, HI, 525, 54i- Difficulty of establishing a good Constitution, founded entirely on the sacred writings, III, 385- French translation of, III, 385. Disaffection toward the new sys tem of government, address on, III, 394. Electricity, Experiments and Ob servations on, I, 4, 5, 15. England and America, causes of the existing bad feeling between, III, 498. England in its senses, Old, III, 470. Examination before the House of Commons, Relating to the re peal of the Stamp Act, III, 461. IV, 196. Translation of, into French, I, 303. Executive justice, III, 308. Fables, allegorical, I, 5542. Fog, conjectures on the universal dry, III, 262. Gout, dialogue with the, II, 313, 371. Ill, 525, 527, 530, 551. Gulf stream, observations on, III, 364, 397- Heat and cold, on, III, 444. Increase of mankind, I, 5, 9, 17. Information to those who would remove to America, III, 205. Index "3 Franklin, Benjamin — Continued. Land concern, heads of articles relating to, III, 465. Legislation for the Colonies dur ing the 17th Century, III, 465. "Letters from a Farmer in Penn sylvania," Preface to, III, 469. Magnetism and the theory of the earth, ingenious queries con cerning, III, 375. Mareashine, poem on, III, 556. Maritime observations, III, 313, 337, 34i, 374- IV, 362. Navigation from Newfoundland to New York, Remarks upon, HI, 55i- Non-importation resolutions, rise and present state of the misun derstanding with North Amer ica, and effect of the, III, 473. Observations on 'Water, Air, Trade Winds, etc., Ill, 437. Paper currency, account of, I, 25, 208. On the issue of, in the American Colonies, III, 464. Paper Money Act of 1739, III, 468. Parliament of Great Britain and the Province of Massachusetts Bay, III, 498. Physical and meteorological obser vations, conjectures and supposi tions, III, 442. IV, 174. Plain Truth, I, 5. Politeness amongst the Savages, remarks on, III, 541. Political, Miscellaneous and Phil osophical Pieces edited by Vaughan, I, 186. II, 86, 122. Posts on the American frontier, on the retention by the English of the, III, 344. Rise and Present State of the Mis understanding with North Amer ica and the effect of the Non importation Resolutions, III, 473- Franklin, Benjamin — Continued. Rules for reducing a Great Em pire to a Small One, III, 4902. On the Savages of North Amer ica, III, 547. On smuggling, I, 84. Ill, 467. Song, copy of, IV, 381. Stoves, on, I, 508. II, 375. Ill, 132, 166, 313. IV, 477. Ten Commandments, on the, I, 377- True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Brit ain and in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, III, 498. Turkish war, remarks on, III, 378. Ventilation, papers on, III, 382, 388, 389. Vindication and Offer from Con gress to Parliament, IV, 402. Water-spouts, on, I, 6, 7. Waves, stilling of, by oil, I, 166. Weather, on the, I, 6. Whistle, Story of the, II, 169. Ill, 521. "Young Lion and the Mastiff," Allegorical fable, I, 554. Academy of Sciences of Paris, Gift to, I, 151, 262. Account of his life, promise to write, III, 283, 295, 306, 344, 371, 380, 385, 3862. Accounts of, II, 520. IV, 134. Chief Justice Allen, Charge against, by, I, 60. Malevolence of, shown by his ac cusation against, I, 59. America, passage to, III, 257. IV, 142. Appointed Commissioner of Acad emy of Sciences of Paris, I, 421. Attack on, by Anti-Federalists, III, 359- Attacks upon, I, 49. Baggage of, IV, 356. Balloon ascension, description of, IV, 507. Banking account, IV, 96. Il 301- Taylor, George, Lieutenant of the British privateer " Chance." Mentioned, IV, 26. Taylor, Jesse, of Belfast. Letters from, I, 537. II, 59- Taylor, John, of Bath, but formerly of America. Letters from, II, 213, 510. Mentioned, II, 510. Taylor, John. To John Lawrence, IV, 363. Taylor, Rachel. To Thomas Franklin, IV, 357. Te Deum on the Occasion of the Peace, Invitation to the, IV, 345. Tea, Bostonians ought not to pay for, III, 496. Duty on, III, 493s. Importation of, I, 154. Lord Chatham blamed Americans for destroying, III, 495. Not to permit cargo of, to reach Philadelphia, IV, 483. Throwing overboard of, I, 154, 158. Teedyuskung, Chief of Delaware In dians. Mentioned, IV, 181. Teissier, Le Sieur, Surgeon of Salpe- triere, Paris. Letters from, I, 341, 447, 570. Teissier de la Tour, . Letter from, II, 337. Telescope, Prismatic, Dr. Franklin's, IV, 378. Tellejus, Tirsius. Letter from, II, 131. Temple, . Letter from, IV, 472. Temple, E. Letter from, II, 122. Temple, Gustavus H. To Hoffman, IV, 506. Temple, Henry, 2d Viscount Pal- merston, Lord of the Treasury. Mentioned, II, 506. Temple, Sir John, Lieut.-Gov. of New Hampshire, British Commissioner of Customs for the Colonies fixed at Boston, British Consul-General in New York. Letters from, I, 267, 274. To William Franklin, IV, 207. Mentioned, II, 325, 351, 496s. IV, 18, 443- Temple, Robert, Brother of Sir John Temple. Mentioned, II, 311. 290 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Templeman, Dr. Peter, Keeper of Reading Room in British Mu seum, and Secretary of the So ciety of Arts of London. Letter from, I, 68. Mentioned, I, 114. IV, 399. Templetown, Clotworthy Upton, Baron. Children of, claim land on the Sus quehanna, III, 254. Tende, Count de. Letter from, II, 314. Tendon, Anne. Marriage of Alexis Le Blanc and, IV, 186, 227. Tennent, Gilbert, Clergyman, of Phil adelphia. Letter from, I, 1. Mentioned, I, 10. IV, 197. Terasson, Bartholomew. Mentioned, IV, 17. Terenet, . Mentioned, III, 346. Ternant, . Letter from, I, 203. Mentioned, I, 203. Ternay, Charles Louis d'Arsac, Chev alier de, Commanding the French fleet in America. Mentioned, II, 276, 2892, 2912, 296, 302, 328, 334. Ill, 155. Safe arrival of fleet from Brest under, II, 274. Terrasson, Antoine. To Mme. de Chaumont, IV, 372. Terrasson, Barthelemy, French Mer chant. Mentioned, IV, 256, 363. Terrasson Freres & Cie, Merchants at Philadelphia. To J. Baptiste Deumie Groc, IV, 35i- Capt. Robert Shewell to, IV, 350. Terrassons, , Secretary io Louis XVI. To Silas Deane, IV, 256. " Terrible," the American prize. II, 419. IV, 113. Terrier, L. Letter from, III, 64. Terriere, Col. de. Mentioned, III, 378. Terrot, . Letter from, III, 181. Tesche, Pierre Arnoud, Merchant at Brest. Letter from, II, 366. Tesdorpf, Peter Henry. Letter from, I, 104. Tessier, . Letter from, I, 471. Mentioned, I, 415. Test, Edward, Sheriff of Salem Co., N. J. Mentioned, IV, 205. Tetu, . Experiments by, III, 313. Texier, Pierre, Merchant at Bordeaux. Mentioned, III, 189. Teysset, . Letter from, II, 375. Tezenad, . Letter from, II, 473. Thackwell, Mammy. Mentioned, IV, 57, 64. Thames Regatta, IV, 223. Thaxter, . Letter from, III, 71. Thaxter, John, Jr., Private Sec'y to John Adams. Letters from, II, 294, 392, 460. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 69. Passport for George Fox, signed by, IV, 503- Thayer, John, Clergyman of Boston. Letter from, II, 422. Mentioned, II, 376. Theatre in Philadelphia, III, 63, 143. "Theatrum Machinarium," 111,499. Thelusson, Mme. de. Mentioned, IV, 408. Thellusson fils & Co., Peter. Letter from, III, 271. Ruellan & Co., to, IV, 356. Index 291 Theobald, James, of London. Letter from, II, 3. Mentioned, I, 310. Thevart, , Cloth Manufac turer at Beauvais. Letter from, II, 173. Thevenard,. Antoine Jean Marie, Comte, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, Commandant of the Port of I'Orient, Vice-Admiral of French Navy, Minister of Ma rine. Letter from, III, 374. John Paul Jones to, IV, 498. Mentioned, II, 263, 268. Thiard, Henri Charles, Comte de, French General. Letter from, I, 483. Thiard, Jean. Letter from, III, 425. Thibouzet, Poem by, IV, 323. Thicknesse, Philip, British Writer. Letter from, I, 190. Thierin, Ph. F. Letter from, I, 256. Thieriot, Ph., of Leipsic. Letter from, III, 101. Mentioned, III, 81, 87, 114. Thiery, . Letters from, I, 541, 544. Thirion, . Mentioned, IV, 376. Thiriot, . Merchant at Phila delphia. Mentioned, III, 181. Thiriot, J. Letters from, III, 102, 198. IV, 35i- To de la Salle, IV, 353. Thirteen Original States, Designs for an emblem of, IV, 394. " Thomas," the privateer, of Salem, Mass. IV, 327. Thomas, . Letter from, III, 425. Thomas, , French Merchant. Letters from, III, 354, 376, 384. Thomas — Continued. To Anonymous, IV, 3502. Mentioned, III, 358, 368, 548. Thomas, George, Royal Governor of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, III, 435. Quarrel between, and the Assembly of Pennsylvania, IV, 480. Thomas, Isaiah, of Worcester, Mass., M. A. P. S. Letters from, III, 358, 364. Thomas, Thomas, Member of the Council of Massachusetts. Mentioned, IV, 286, 310. Thomassin, Mme. Letter from, II, 385. Mentioned, II, 388. Thompson, , British subject. Mentioned, I, 541. Thompson, Mentioned, III, 242. Thompson, , Captain of the Pennsylvania galley " Experi ment." Mentioned, II, 32. Thompson, Benjamin, U. S. Recruit ing Agent in France. Letter from, II, 32. Thompson, Mrs. Emma, of Lisle, Eng. Letter- from, I, 212. Thompson, Capt. James, of Boston. Letter from, II, 115. Mentioned, II, 123. Thompson, John, Gunner on the U. S. brig "Lexington." Letters from, I, 447. II, 12. Thompson, M. E. Mentioned, IV, 78. Thompson, Major Robert, a grantee of lands in Pennsylvania. Mentioned, I, 134. Thompson, Thomas, of Dover, Eng land. Letters from, III, 192, 254. Thompson, Thomas, Captain of the U. S. brig "Raleigh." Letters from, I, 300, 302, 315, 322, 324, 570. Mentioned, I, 240, 430. 292 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Thompson, Dr. Thomas(?), Mis sionary. Mentioned, I, 5. Thompson, William, Brig.-Gen. in Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 1812. Thompson, Farley & Co., Merchants at Nantes. Letter from, II, 99. Thomson, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 167. Thomson, Charles, M. A. P. S., Sec retary of the Continental Con gress. Letters from, I, 36. Ill, no, 159, 160, 184, 276, 284, 299, 306, 365. To William Franklin, IV, 179, 1802. Mentioned, I, m, 260, 308, 475. Ill, 211, 448. IV, 55, 193, 2262, 237s, 240, 242, 2442, 245, 249, 256, 2582, 2602, 275, 276, 278, 280, 2902, 291, 294, 297", 322, 340, 348, 349, 403, 422", 436", 437, 439, 444, 449, 451, 458, 459s- Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Letter from, III, 341. Thomson, William, of Worcester, Eng. Letter from, I, 21. Thornton, Dr. Letter from, III, 292. Thornton, E. Letter from, I, 197. Thornton, Major J., Special Agent of Dr. Franklin to visit American prisoners in England. Letters from, I, 299, 328. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 293. Thornton, John, English Merchant and Philanthropist. Letter from, II, 468. Thornton, Robert John, British Bota nist and Physician. Mentioned, III, 163. Thorogood, Stephen. Letter from, III, 68. Thouret, Michel Augustin, French Physician. Letter from, III, 238. Mentioned, III, 195. Thouron, Jean, French Sea Captain. Mentioned, II, 277. "Three Friends," the American prize. II, 118, 122, 1232, 188. " Three Friends," the, merchant brig antine, Jonathan Williams owner. II, 79, 127- Three Rivers, Engagement near, I, 181. Recruits and supplies furnished to the Continental Army at, in 1776, IV, 396. Thuillieres, Baron de. Letter from, I, 255. Thun, Baron de, Minister Plenipo tentiary from Wurttemberg to France. Letters from, II, 383. IV, 448, 463. Letter to, IV, 478. Copy of receipt by the administrator of the Estate of Frederick Hock lerin, IV, 505. Thunder, Greeks condemned to death first physicists who explained the causes of, III, 408. Queries concerning, I, 22. Thurn, de. Letters from, IV, 465, 469. Appointment of, as Secret Agent in England, IV, 469. Thurston, Jr., Edward, of Newport, R. I. To Jonathan Williams, Sr., IV, 215. Thurston, John. Letter from, I, 318. Thynne, H. F., Joint Postmaster-Gen eral of Great Britain. Rates of postage by, IV, 484. Ticonderoga, I, 218. IV, 2382. Evacuation of, IV, 404. Loss of, I, 202, 268, 282, 353. Index m Tilebein, Christian A., of Barcelona. Letter from, I, 403. Mentioned, I, 408, 418. Tiles for covering houses, Cast-iron, HI, 545- Tilghman, James, M. A. P. S., Phila delphia Lawyer, Member of the Provincial Council of Pennsylva nia, Loyalist. Mentioned, I, 55. IV, 493. Tilghman, Tench, Secretary to the Commission to treat with the Six Nations. Mentioned, I, 174. Tillet, Mathieu, French Agriculturalist. Letter from, IV, 420. Tillier, Rodolph. Mentioned, III, 19. Tilly, Jean Le Gardeur, Chevalier de, Captain of " La Concorde " be longing to the fleet of Comte d'Estaing. Mentioned, II, 340. Timbrune-Valence, Marquis de, Lieut.-Gen. in French Army and Governor of the Ecole Royale Militaire. Mentioned, I, 321. IV, 100. Timothy, Ann, Wife of Peter Tim othy, of Charleston. Letter from, III, 284. Timothy, Benjamin Franklin, Son of Peter Timothy. Mentioned, I, 255. Timothy, Peter, Printer of Charles ton, S. C. Letters from, I, n, 12, 87, 126, 137, 255. Letter to, III, 496. To David Hall, IV, 1752. Mentioned, I, 30. Tioga, Relating to the establishment of a Post at, III, 441. Tissington, Anthony, of Alfreton, Eng., F. R. S. Letters from, I, 62, 69, 72, 98, 101, 114. Letter to, III, 479. Titius, Dr. Charles Henri. Letters from, III, 80, 81. Titoix, Aimable, American sailor. Letter from, II, 317. Titot, , Governor of the Royal Military School at Colmar. Letter from, II, 209. Toasts at a Banquet on July 6, IV, 387. Given at a dinner in honor of Maj.- Gen. Charles Cotesworth Pinck ney, IV, 508. Tobacco, III, 5043. IV, 364, 430, 460, 479. Agreement for sale of, IV, 230. Cargo lost on way to France, I, 422. Contract made for, IV, 331. Duty on, IV, 494. English vessels cruising off the coast of France to attack vessels laden with, IV, 232. Formation of Society for supplying, to Farmers-General, I, 205, 206. From Virginia, IV, 509. Importing, from the United States and selling it to the Farmers- General, IV, 228. Observations on, IV, 488. Plan for the adjustment of the, trade, IV, 393- Purchase of, I, 191, 342. Shipments of, I, 199. HI, 5032. IV, 493- Supplies in exchange for, I, 197. Tobine, James K. Letters from, III, 363, 384. Todd, Anthony, Secretary to the Gen eral Postoffice, London. Letters from, I, 88, 145, 156. IV, 4002. Letter to, III, 499. Mentioned, I, 93. Ill, 496. Public notice by, IV, 206. Todd, Jonathan. To , IV, 17J 294 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Toderini, Jean Baptiste, Italian Lit terateur, Ambassador to Constan tinople. Letter from, I, 136. Tokely, William (or Jokely), Captain of the American merchant ship " Fanny." Mentioned, I, 192. II, 197. Tollius, Prof., Dutch Philologist. Mentioned, I, 275. " Tom Johnson," the brig, Letter of Marque. HI, 432. Tomling, John, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 12. Tone, Samuel, nom de plume of Bar beu Dubourg. Mentioned, I, 113, 172. Toner, David, et al., American sailors. Letter from, II, 525. Tonnay, . Mentioned, I, 379. Tonnelier, Madame. Letter from, III, 135. Tonnere, Vicomte de Clermont. Marriage to Mile, de Boulainvillers, IV, 26. Tonnerre, Madame De. Letter from, II, 272. Mentioned, II, 329, 432. Ill, 235. Tonometer, III, 30. Tonon, . Letter from, III, 88. Tooth found near the Ohio River, supposed to belong to an elephant, III, 468. Tories, Petition of New York, to King of England, IV, 136. Torpedo for destroying vessels, I, 173. Electrical properties of, I, 135. Ill, 485, 490. Experiments on the, I, 135, 137, 144, 160. Ill, 488. Torris, John, Merchant at Dunkirk. Letters from, II, 84, 90, 103, 106, 127, 140, 145, 151, 178, 184, 208, 209, 232, 238, 248, 251, 252, 2572, 258, 262, 276, 280, 288, 450. IV, 22. Torris, John — Continued. To Francis Coffyn, IV, 295. To Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de Sartine, IV, 294. J. S. Lefevre to, IV, 305. Stephen Marchant to, IV, 291, 295, 302. Mentioned, II, 95, 178, 498. Torris & Co., Merchants at Dunkirk. Mentioned, IV, 333. Torris & Wante, John, Merchants at Dunkirk. Letters from, III, 21, 153. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 95, 96. Tortola, The Court of Vice-Admiralty of, Judgment by, IV, 338, 344. Toscano, Le F. Letters from, II, 440. Ill, 425. Tott, Comte de. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 36. Toulon squadron, I, 427. Toulouse, Academy of Sciences of, IV, 504. Archbishop of. Mentioned, III, 344, 349. Philosophical Society of, IV, 452. Tourbon & Bauer, Paris Bankers. Mentioned, I, 194. Toumachon, . Letters from, III, 100, no. Tournelle, de. Letter from, I, 509. Tournemelle, Jean B. Letter from, II, 438. Tours, Chevalier des. Passport, III, 527. Tourton, . Letters from, III, 82, 1543. Tourton & Ravee. Letter from, III, 32. Tourville, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 97. Tourville, Anne Hilarion de Cotentin, Comte de, Admiral of French Navy. Mentioned, II, 270. Index 295 Tourzel, Marquis de Sourches-. Mentioned, IV, 157. Tousard, Louis De, Lieut.-Col. in the Continental Army. Letters from, II, 323, 324. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 107. Mentioned, IV, 453. Toustain-Richebourg, Vicomte de. Letters from, I, 393. Ill, 160. Touzel, W. Letter from, II, 140. Towgood, . Mentioned, I, 367. Towne, Benjamin, Philadelphia Printer. To the public, IV, 482. Trouble between, and William God dard, IV, 482. Townsend, Solomon. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 265. Tracy, . Letter from, IV, 472. Tracy, Nathaniel, of Newburyport, Mass. Mentioned, II, 63. Ill, 200. IV, 132, 471. Trade, Free, A discussion of the ad vantages of, IV, 393. Of a Province of 40,000 inhabitants, III, 435- With United States, Repeal of Acts prohibiting, IV, 389. Trade & Plantations, Extracts from journals of the Lords Commission ers for, IV, 170. Report of Commissioners for, IV, 170. * Trade-winds, Observations on, by Dr. Franklin. HI, 437- Tradesman, A. To the Tradesmen, Farmers and Other Inhabitants of Philadelphia, IV, 482. "Tradesmen, Farmers and Other Inhabitants of Philadelphia," A Tradesman to, IV, 482. VOL. VI — 20 Traile, James. Mentioned, II, 150. Traill, . Mentioned, I, 96. Trambell, . Mentioned, II, 296. Tramblay, . Letter from, I, 571. Travaux de Minerve, ou Description du Tableau Allegorique a la Paix, IV, 346. Travellers, American, Passport to, IV, 477- Traverse, Charles. Mentioned, II, 409. Traxler, . Letter from, II, 160. Treasury, Board of, II, 94, 147, 255, 277, 279, 295, 310, 342, 346, 351. Commissioners' accounts to be transmitted to the, IV, 294. Certificate, United States, IV, 328. The Lords of the. Lt.-Col. David Hay and Edmund White to, IV, 287. Warrant, United States, IV, 325. Treaties of Amity and Commerce, Acknowledgment to the King of France of, IV, 258. Read to troops, IV, 258. Between United States and Den mark, IV, 336. Instructions for negotiating, III, 187- With European Powers, IV, 351. Treaty of Alliance, Original of, II, 220. Tenth Article of, II, 374. Mentioned, II, 412. Of Commerce, I, 413. Article 12 of, I, 359. Articles n and 12 of, I, 422. II, 245. Of Peace, with Great Britain, pic ture of signing of, III, 225. Between America and Holland, II, 307. 296 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Treaty — Continued. Between France and America, I, 404, 412. IV, 453. With England, Commercial, IV, 100, 138, 506. Trecesson, Chevalier de. Richard Peters to, IV, 305. Trecothick, Barlow, M. P., Alderman of the City of London. To Welbore Ellis, IV, 194. Humbug alphabet of, III, 472. Trees, Article on, by Francis Hopkin son. Ill, 42. Machine for uprooting, I, 35. To ship young, IV, 148, 157. Trees and shrubs of America, Cata logue of the, III, 334. Trembinski, Comte Biberstein. Letter from, III, 172. Tremont, . Mentioned, III, 490. Trenchard, George, Justice of the Peace of Salem Co., N. J. Mentioned, IV, 205. Trent, Major William, Youngest son of William Trent (Chief Justice of New Jersey), Indian Trader, Officer in the Colonial Wars. To Gov William Franklin, IV, 214. Mentioned, I, 170, 174. II, 448. IV, 215. Trenton, Defeat of British at, IV, 33. Tressan, Mme. de. To M. de St. Lambert, IV, 229. Tressan, Louis Elisabeth de la Vergne, Comte de, Member of the French Academy, Author of a Treatise on Electricity, French Litterateur. Letters from, I, 259, 528. Mentioned, I, 260, 268. Treuttel, , of Strasbourg. Letters from, III, 69, 160. Trevitt & Co., Samuel R. Mentioned, III, 433. Trezarrieur, Pierre. Letter from, I, 290. Trial, Roux & Co., Merchants at Mar seilles. Letter from, III, 25. " Trident," the British warship. IV, 323. Trigant, . Letter from, III, 425. Trigant, Elie, see also Jean Bart. Treatment of, IV, 264. Trincomali, the port of, III, 306. Trink, Baron de. Mentioned, III, 371. Trinquesse, . Letter from, III, 255. " Triomphant," French ship-of-war. Ill, 75. IV, 113. Tristan to Iseult, Verses, IV, 382. Tristan-Brission, Abbe de. Letter from, I, 472. "Triton," a vessel belonging to Peter Collas. I, 469. Troisset, . Letter from, III, 425. Trone, du, French Physician. Mentioned, III, 131. Tronquoy, de. Letter from, III, 233. Tronson-Desjardins, , a brother of Maj.-Gen. Tronson-du- Coudray of the Continental Army. Letter from, I, 399. Tronson -du- Coudray, Philippe Charles Jean Baptiste, Maj.-Gen. of Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 99, 199, 2072, 208, 209, 214, 261, 265, 323, 334, 338, 390, 424. II, 115. IV, 242. Troops, Advisability of concerting with New York and Massachu setts as to the raising of, III, 441. In Boston, IV, 207. Number of English, in the field, IV, 225. Of Foreign, engaged by Great Britain for the campaign in America, IV, 487. Index 297 Troops — Continued. States to fill their quotas in, IV, 445- Sum is subscribed for the supply of, III, 440. Trottier, . Letter from, I, 484. Trouillot, . Letter from, II, 474. Trout, Joseph. Letter from, III, 7. Troy Weight, Standard, III, 334 Troye, Lieutenant de, in Count Pu laski's Legion. Mentioned, II, 505. Troyes, . Antoine Felix Wuibert to, IV, 242. Truce to America, Ten Years', II, 203, 204. To France, Report that England pro posed a nine years', II, 350. Flags of, British, received at Dobb's Ferry only, IV, 503. Truck, Thomas. Mentioned, I, no. Trudaine de Montigny, Jean Charles Philibert, French Administrator. Mentioned, I, 134. " True State of the Proceedings in the Parliament of Great Britain and in the Province of Massa chusetts Bay," by Benjamin Franklin. Ill, 498. Truffe, . Letter from, III, 175. Trullon, . Letter from, II, 157. Truman, Thomas, British prisoner. Mentioned, I, 469. Trumbinsky, Count de. Mentioned, III, 431. Trumble, . Mentioned, IV, 45. Trumble's House, Appearance of, after having been struck by light ning, III, 438. Trumbull, John, M. A. P. S., son of Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, Artist. Letters from, II, 418. Ill, 170, 397- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 40. Mentioned, II, 237, 325, 351, 372, 393. Ill, 397. IV, 433, 439, 443. Trumbull, Jonathan, Governor of Con necticut. Letters from, I, 430, 431, 544. II, 237, 506. Ill, 180. IV, 439. To President Henry Laurens, IV, 245. Conference in relation to surrender of posts, prisoners, negroes and other properties in possession of the British, IV, 339. Favorable impression created by letter of, II, n. Mentioned, I, 492. IV, 502. Trump's Company, III, 440. Trusler, John, Divine, Literary Com piler and Medical Empiric, Super intendent of the Literary Society for abolishing publishers. Letter from, I, 39. Truxton, Thomas, Captain of London Packet. Mentioned, III, 2712. IV, 68. Tryon, William, Governor of New York, Lieutenant-General in Brit ish Army. Mentioned, I, 124, 275. "Tryton," the brig. IV, 248. Tucker, Henry, of Bermuda. Letter from, I, 174. Tucker, Jacob, relative of Captain Samuel Tucker. Letter from, II, 281. Tucker, Capt. James. Mentioned, II, 399, 402. Ill, 433. Tucker, Josiah, Dean of Gloucester, Economist and Divine. Letters from, I, 1582. Letter to, III, 498. 298 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Tucker, Samuel, Member of the Pro vincial Assembly of New Jersey, and of Committee of Safety, Presi dent of Provincial Congress and Judge of Supreme Court. Letter from, I, 163. Letters to, III, 497s. Tucker, Samuel, Captain of the U. S. frigate "Boston." Letters from, I, 386, 407, 452, 457, 459- Navy Board, Eastern Department to, IV, 488. Mentioned, I, 390, 396, 418, 440, 45i, 455, 463, 467, 468, 482. II, 32, 327, 337. IV, 312. Tudesq, . Letter from, II, 277. Tugny, Chevalier de. Letters from, III, 119, 127. Tuitten, Robert. . Mentioned, IV, 474. Tulle, Royal Manufactory of, Offer to furnish firearms, IV, 379. Tunnicliff, John, of Darby, Eng. Letter from, I, 67. Mentioned, I, 24, 42. Turenne, Henri de La Tour d'Au- vergne, Vicomte de, Marshal of France. Mentioned, I, 355. Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, Baron de L'Aulne, Economist and Con troller-General of the Finances, brother of Marquis Turgot. Mentioned, I, 164, 429. II, 31, 175, 3402, 372. Ill, 204, 340. IV, 72, 132. "National Riches," by, IV, 131. Turgot, Etienne Frangois, Marquis, Administrator and French Officer. Letters from, I, 397. II, 338, 369, 375, 438- IV, 410, 441. Letter to, IV, 477. Mentioned, III, 203. Turin, Academy of Sciences of, see Academy of Sciences of Turin. Turin, Comte de. Letter from, I, 361. Turing, James, & Son, Merchants of Middelburg, Netherlands. Letters from, II, 148, 162, 240. Turini, Pierre. Letter from, II, 293. Turkey, War against, IV, 364. And Russia, Dr. Franklin's remarks on the war between, III, 378. Peace between, III, 480, 482. War between, III, 35s2. Turkish Apologue, A, III, 557. Turnbull, John, of the firm of Living ston & Turnbull. Mentioned, IV, 255. Turner, , Husband of Catha rine Turner. Mentioned, III, 46. Turner, Major. Letter from, III, 292. Turner, Catharine, Widow of John Mecom. Letter from, III, 46. Mentioned, I, 184. Turner, G. Letter from, III, 372. Turner, James, Silversmith of Boston. Letter from, I, 2. Turner, Thomas, Captain of the brig "Dolphin," from Boston, a Brit ish prize. Mentioned, I, 420, 541. Turner, Thomas, Son of Captain Thomas Turner. Letter from, I, 541. Turner's lathe, Description of a, IV, 395- Tuscany, Grand Duke of. Mentioned, I, 291. Commissioners to be sent to, IV, 226. Tuscaroras, Agreement of Baron de Graffenried with, IV, 170. Alexander Spotswood to, IV, 170. Twins joined at breast-bone, I, 72. "Two Brothers," the ship. Guns seized on, I, 520. " Two Easters," the Letter of Marque. Ill, 432. " Two Sisters," the American prize. I, 266. Index 299 Tyler, John. Letter from, III, 344. Mentioned, III, 317, 395, 396, 477. Tyler, John S. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 45. Type, Arrival of, III, 301. Manufactured in Franklin's house in France, III, 298. Misunderstanding over, purchased from Dr. Franklin, III, 374. Ordered by Franklin, I, 494, 520. Price of, I, 301. Purchase of, III, 354. IV, 265. For Printers in Connecticut, 1,431. Used in new method of printing, III, 225. Type-founding in America, IV, 258. Type-foundry, Benjamin Franklin Bache's, III, 344. Ubetius, Jean Frangois. Letter from, I, 189. " Union," the ship, from Edenton, N. C. I, 453- " Union between Great Britain and her Colonies, Reciprocal Ad vantages of a Perpetual," I, 58. Union of the Colonies, Parliament to establish, for the Common de fense, III, 440. Plan of, III, 499. IV, 21 12. Proposed at Albany, Draught of the Plan of, III, 438. United States Agent at Lyons, Com mission to be given to, by Con gress, IV, 387. Aids granted by Louis XVI to, III, 306. Arms for, IV, 256. Attitude of, towards France and Spain, IV, 475. Bank, IV, 438. Collection of laws of, II, 502. Constitutions of the Thirteen, Copy of, HI, 535- French Translation of, published in Paris, III, 45, 535- United States. Constitutions of the — Continued. Mentioned, III, 61, 71, 78, 887, 89, 92, 98, 99, 100, 1012, 106, 112, 171, 239, 359, 362. IV, 112, 117, 120, 332, 342, 469. Observations of Abbe de Mably on, III, 241. Continental Congress to the people of the, IV, 489. Credit of, II, 316. Emblems of, IV, 443. Expenditures on account of, IV, 487. Dr. Franklin's account with, IV, 467. Free ports to be accorded to, III, 62. French vessels can visit and trade in any port of, III, 533. Hanoverians desirous of emigrating to, III, 203. Money system of, II, 289. Receipts and disbursements on ac count of, IV, 458. Repealing Acts prohibiting trade and intercourse with, IV, 389. Senate. Stephano, Baron de Bissy to the, IV, 225. Settling accounts of public servants of, in Europe, IV, 451. Statement of receipts and expendi tures on account of, in France, IV, 424. Swamped with foreign goods, IV, 466. Treasurer of. Letter from, II, 407. And France, Remarks on the Trea ties between, IV, 453. And Great Britain, Suspension of Arms between, III, 533, 534. Plan of conciliation between, IV, 224. And Sweden, Treaty between, IV, 335, 346- " Universal Gazette " of Cologne. I, 437- Universal history, Voltaire's, IV, 386. D'UrbainviUe, . Letter from, I, 489. 300 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Urdele, . Mentioned, IV, 309. Urvoy, . Letter from, III, 71. d'Ussaut, Chevalier, French Officer in America. Letter from, II, 393. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 44. "Utrecht Gazette." Mentioned, II, 427. Utzschneider, Joseph. Letter from, III, 47. V , Count de. Mentioned, IV, 156. Vaillant, . Mentioned, II, 354. Vailly, . Anonymous to, IV, 228. Valans, , Captain of Mer chant ship " Concord." Mentioned, I, 153. Valaze, Charles Eleonor Dufriche de, French politician. Letters from, II, 153. Ill, 160, 167, 173, 182, 191, 194, 195, 234, 264, 266. Valentz, Jno., formerly of Pennsyl vania. Letter from, I, 273. Valeton, Isaac, of Rotterdam. Letter from, II, 244. " Valiant," the British man-of-war. II, 3°3- Valiniere, de la, French Priest. Letter from, III, 213. Vallenais, de. Letter from, I, 200. Valley Forge, Camp at, I, 423. Valltravers, Rodolph, M. A. P. S., F. R. S. Letters from, I, 239, 263, 266, 296, 308, 316, 349, 350, 375, 395, 424, 465, 483, 514, 549. II, 501, 516, 517. Ill, 23, 260. To Capt. James Lake, IV, 361. Valltravers, Rodolph — Continued. Baron de Graffenried to, IV, 270. Memoir on the resemblance between the United States and Switzerland, IV, 268. Mentioned, III, 10. Valmer, de. Mentioned, II, 148. Valminiere, de, of Marti nique. Mentioned, II, 355. Valnais, de. Letter from, III, 182. Valnais, Mr. and Mrs. de. Letters from, III, 138, 154, 180. Valnais, Joseph de, French Consul at Boston. Mentioned, IV, 311. Valori, Chevalier De. Letter from, III, 154. Valory, Marquis de. Letter from, II, 268. Van Arp & Co., of Amsterdam. John de Neufville & Son to, IV, 325. Mentioned, II, 417, 419, 448. Van Berckel, E. P., Grand Pension ary of Holland. Mentioned, I, 283, 388, 447, 452, 478, 506, 526, 530. II, 70, 90, 91, 113, 214, 237", 241, 307, 309. Ill, 205, 206. Van Braam, Major, formerly of the English Army. Mentioned, II, 476. Van Cortlandt, Pierre, President of the Council of Safety for the State of New York. Mentioned, IV, 235. Vandalia grant in Ohio, II, 79. Memorial concerning, IV, 18. Van den Yver, , of Paris. Letters from, II, 309, 360. Van den Yver & Co., of Paris. Letters from, I, 355. II, 264. IV, 453- Van den Yver freres, of Paris. Letter from, II, 380. Index 301 Van den Yver Freres & Co., of Paris. Mentioned, IV, 7. Van de Perre, P. E. Letter from, III, 23. Van der Capellen, Baron Jan Derek, Member of the House of Nobles of the Province of Overyssel, Hol land. Letters from, I, 404, 493. II, 10, 166. To the Council of Nobles of the Province of Overyssel, Holland, IV, 337. To C. G. F. Dumas, IV, 303. To Fizeaux, IV, 377. Answer of, to the Governor of Con necticut, IV, 277. Mentioned, II, 90, 93, 96. Vanderen, Jr., John. Letter from, III, 284. Petition to be appointed Notary Pub lic, III, 284. Vanderhorst, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 118. Mentioned, III, 165, 170, 171. Vanderhorst, Capt. Elias. Mentioned, I, 137. Van der Kemp, Fr. Adr. Letters from, III, 374, 379. Vanderpar, . of Iceland. Mentioned, II, 365. Van der Perre & Meyners, of Middel- burg, Netherlands. Letters from, II, 234. Mentioned, II, 239. Vanhamme, . Mentioned, I, 251. Van Horn, Dr. Philip. Mentioned, III, 3822. Van Lehsveld, F. Letters from, I, 166, 275. Van Moorsel & Co., Theodoor. Letter from, III, 140. Van Mulbraght, C. J. Letter from, I, 245. Vannes, Admiralty of. Mentioned, I, 223. Van Noemer, Petrus, Senator of the Council of Ziericzee. Letter from, II, 91. The Burgomasters of Ziericzee to, IV, 223. Mentioned, IV, 221. Verses by, IV, 377. Van Oudermeulen, Corn. Mentioned, II, 261, 265, 268. Vanschellebeck & Mailhot, Mer chants at Newbern, N. C. Mentioned, III, 202. Van Teylingen, Isaac, of Rotterdam. Letters from, I, 364, 505. Van Vordice, Mrs. Mentioned, I, 184. Van Wort, Isaac, Soldier in Conti nental Army. Mentioned, II, 314. Van Wynbergen, L. F., Baron. Letter from, II, 82. Vaquier, . Letter from, I, 341. Varage, Joseph, Captain U. S. cutter " Cerf." Letter from, II, 163. Varaigne, Chevalier de. Mentioned, I, 338. Varenne, Detouches de. Letter from, II, 424. Varnum, James Mitchel, M. C. C. from Rhode Island, Brig.-Gen. in the Continental Army, U. S. Judge in Northwest Territory. Letter from, III, 335. Varon, . Letter from, II, 380. Varranault, see Vauronault. Varseille, de. Mentioned, IV, 165. Vatteville, de. Letter from, I, 341. Vauban, Jacques Anne Joseph Le Prestre, Comte de, Aide-de-Camp to Rochambeau in America. Mentioned, II, 278, 295, 309. Ill, 87. 302 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Vaublanc, de. Poem by, IV, 379. Vaucher, C. Letter from, III, 123. Vaudois, Mme. de. Mentioned, II, 329. Vaudore, Mace de, Aide-de-Camp lo Col. Charles Armand. Letters from, II, 412, 456, 497. Vaudreuil, Joseph Frangois de Paule, Comte de, Member of L'Institut de France, French General. Description of a balloon ascension, IV, 507. Mentioned, III, 130. Vaudreuil, Louis Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de, Captain commanding " Le Pendant " in the fleet of Comte d'Estaing. Letter from, III, 136. Letter to, III, 537. Arrived from West Indies, II, 496. Mentioned, II, 47, 483. Vaugelas, . Mentioned, IV, 165. Vaughan, . Mentioned, II, 321. Ill, 47. Vaughan, the Messrs. Letter from, III, n. Vaughan, Benjamin, M. A. P. S., M. P., London Merchant, later of Hallowell, Maine. Letters from, I, 80, 208, 372, 405, 43o, 45i, 468, 491, 57i- II, 58, 70, 86, 96, 109, 122, 1432, 151, 153, 199, 387, 4io, 459, 482, 486, 494. Ill, 26, 35, 93, 249, 254, 260, 331. IV, 454- Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 13, 14, 81, 82, 83, 84, 88, 96, 101, 125, 1263, 128, 129, 131, 137, 139, 167, 506, 510. To Mrs. Sarah Bache, IV, 379. To Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 269. To Reuben Harvey, IV, 342. To Matthew Ridley's clerk, IV, 34i2- To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 272, 277. Vaughan, Benjamin — Continued. Adair Crawford to, IV, 371. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 274. W. Lisle to, IV, 331. William Vaughan to, IV, 351. Mentioned, I, 325, 367, 547. II, 107. Ill, 4, 44, 1872, 290. IV, 149, 165, 251. To purchase lands in America, II, 459- Vaughan, Charles, of Hallowell, Maine, brother of Benjamin Vau ghan and Boston Merchant. Letter from, III, 369. Vaughan, Christiana. To Ann Loviel, IV, 330. Mentioned, IV, 330. Vaughan, James, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 361. Vaughan, John, M. A. P. S., Merchant at Philadelphia, brother of Ben jamin Vaughan. Letters from, I, 401, 426. II, 373, 420. Ill, 72, 330, 389, 391. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 22, 23, 27, 28, 46, 51, 52, 53, 62, 68, 75, 77, 79, 85, 86, 87, 100, 106. Anxious to become an American citi zen, IV, 51. Buys property of Gen. Charles Lee in Berkley County, Va., IV, 86. Mentioned, I, 372. IV, 9, 13. Prisoner on a Quebec frigate, IV, 77, 79- Proposes to go to America before the war is over, IV, 23. Registered as an American, IV, 7. Vaughan, John, M. P., Lieut.-Gen. in British Army. Mentioned, IV, 241. Vaughan, Samuel, M. A. P. S., West Indian Merchant and Planter, father of Benjamin Vaughan. Letters from, I, 171, 372. II, 156, 514. Ill, 58, 67, 74, 174, 380. Mentioned, II, 423, 508. Ill, 77, 105, 385. Index 3°3 Vaughan, Samuel, Jr., M. A. P. S., West Indian Planter, brother of Benjamin Vaughan. Letters from, III, 14, 19, 20, 30, 41, 44, 5i, 139, 269, 330, 341, 350, 363, 372, 383, 387, 392- Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 102, 135. To Hoffman, IV, 506. Jan Ingen Housz to, IV, 357, 363. Mentioned, III, 378, 380. IV, 104. Vaughan, Sarah, probably the wife of Samuel Vaughan, possibly the wife or sister of Benjamin Vaughan. Letter from, III, 380. Vaughan, William, of London, M. A. P. S., brother of Benjamin Vau ghan. Letters from, III, 121, 259, 364, 370, 372, 380, 386, 395, 396. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 104. To Capt. Spence, IV, 364. To Benjamin Vaughan, IV, 351. William Harrison to, IV, 363. Mentioned, III, 220. Vauronault, Chevalier de Goyon du, Lieutenant on the ship " Le Ca- ton " in the fleet of Comte de Grasse. Letter from, III, 319. Mentioned, 347. Vausenville, de. Letter from, II, 102. " de Vaux," the vessel, see also " Vi comte de Vaux." IV, 410. Vaux, de. Mentioned, III, 219. de Vaux brothers. Mentioned, III, 224. Vaux, Richard. Oath of Allegiance of, IV, 330. Vebon, J., Letter from, III, 133. Veillard family, Le. Mentioned, IV, 148. Veillard, Mile. Le, Daughter of Louis Guillaume Le Veillard. Letters from, II, 170, 208. Ill, 426. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, n. Veillard fils, Louis Le, Son of Louis Guillaume Le Veillard. Letter from, II, 354. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 41, 51, 52*, 77, 84, 87, 88, 95, 97, i°°, IOI> io4> IC,6> 126, 144, 163. Mentioned, IV, 57, 74, 156, 157. Plan for starting in business in America, IV, 95, 97. Verses by, IV, 380. Veillard, Louis Guillaume Le, of Passy, M. A. P. S. Letters from, I, 419, 430, 466, 571. II, 16, 133, 199- HI, 5, r54, 274, 280, 283, 290, 295, 300, 303, 3062, 308, 316, 321, 324, 344, 361, 37i, 380, 385, 388, 393, 4252, 426'. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 108, 126, 1452, 146, 1472, 150, 151, 1523, 1532, 154, I552, 156, 1572, 1583, 159, 1602, 161, I633, 1632. Mme. Brillon to, IV, 378. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 359, 360, 361. Lavabre, Doerner & Co., to, IV, 316. Candidate for French Academy, III, 405. Commands the Militia of Passy, III, 393- Election to membership in The American Philosophical Society, IV, 360. Family of, III, 291. Mentioned, I, 539, 562. II, 313, 385, 402, 428. Ill, 184, 235, 238. Ill, 404, 4052, 417, 543- Iv, I25, 127, 1452, 1472, 151, 1612, 278. Veillard, Mme. Louis Guillaume Le. Letters from, II, 399. Ill, 119, 374. IV, 471. 304 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Veimerange, Palteau, Chevalier de, Comissaire du Guerre, France. Letters from, II, 461, 496. Ill, 50. IV, 440. Mentioned, II, 379. Ill, 2, 146. Veinbrenner, Joseph de, Merchant at Vienna. Letter from, III, 24. Venant fils, . Letter from, III, 406. " Vengeance," the ship, U. S. brigan tine of war. I, 444. II, no, 149, 152, 203, 207, 485. Ill, 94, 130, 432. IV, 329, 437- Desertions among crew of, IV, 494. Officers of. Letter from, IV, 422. Venice, the Ambassador of. Letter from, III, 75. Report of Franklin's intention of visiting, III, 68. Ventades, . Mentioned, IV, 32. Venus, transit of, I, 97, 98, 102, 104, 109. Ill, 469. Verac, Marquis de, Charles Olivier de Saint Georges, French General and Diplomatist. Mentioned, II, 420. Verdelin, Mme. To Mme. , IV, 498. Vergeel, Anthonius Albertus. Letter from, II, 43. Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de, M. A. P. S., French Minister of Foreign Affairs. Letters from, I, 269. II, 266, 302. 315, 316, 379, 390, 438, 490. Ill, 5, 162, 39, 45, 81, 88, 109, 173. IV, 421, 431. Letters to, III, 510, 512, 514, 521, 5352, 539, 54o- To John Adams, IV, 308, 309, 499. To the Underwriters of the ship " Nancy," IV, 345. John Adams to, IV, 3072, 3082, 3102, 3HS, 499- Vergennes, Comte de — Continued. D'Acosta freres & Cie, to, IV, 371. Marquis de Castries to, IV, 336. Arthur Lee to, IV, 281. Philippe Denis Pierres to, IV, 342. John Schaffer to, IV, 344. Formal address of, IV, 385. Mentioned, I, 193, 344, 494, 538- II, 85, 92, 101, 118, 131, 135, r52, 154, 169, 197, 221, 248, 262, 264, 266, 332, 391, 434, 485, 5io, 512, 515. Ill, 402, 412, 47, 62, 76, 78, 99, 100, 118, 119, 138, 215, 217, 386, 338, 344, 409, 412, 417, 426, 526, 537- IV, 19, 36, 62, 67, 71, 103, 104, 105, 106, 124, 232, 318, 336, 340, 342, 344, 413, 434, 447, 455, 4662, 467, 477- Verin, Chalut de. Letter from, I, 341. Verite, Hippolyte de. Letter from, II, 87. Verjusty, Gregorio Alvarez de. Y. Bertrand Kenguer to, IV, 265. Verme, Comte Del. Mentioned, IV, 114. Vermeille, Frangois, Sailor on the " Revenge." Mentioned, II, 156. Vermonnet, Jean Baptiste Artur De, French Officer, Major in the Con tinental Army. Letters from, III, 103, 133, 248. " Vernet," the merchant ship. Ill, 267. Vernet, Carle, Painter for the King at the Gallery of the Louvre. Letter from, III, 201. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 141. To Mme. Brillon, IV, 504. Vernet, Claude Joseph, French Ma rine Painter. Mentioned, III, 1422. Vernie, . Captain in Royal Regiment of Hesse Darmstadt, brother of le Sieur Vernie. Letter from, II, 486. Index 3°5 Vernie, le Sieur, a French Officer in the service of the U. S. Mentioned, II, 421, 441. Vernier, de. Letters from, II, 421, 441. Vernier, Pierre. Letter from, III, 244. Letter to, III, 549. Vernier & Co., Pierre, of Lyons, France. Mentioned, IV, 316. Vernon, . Mentioned, IV, 1,36. Vernon, William, of the Navy Board of the Eastern Department. Letters from, I, 360, 542. II, 55. Ill, 278. Letter to, III, 551. Mentioned, I, 362. Ill, 280. IV, 417, 488, 4892- Vernon, Jr., William, Son of William Vernon. Letters from, II, 76. Ill, 252. Letter to, III, 552. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 137. Mentioned, I, 543. II, 466. Ill, 278, 551. IV, in. Veron, Paul. Letter from, I, 336. " Versailles," the merchant ship. I, 338. Versan, Couturier de. Letter from, I, 405. Verseuil, . Letter from, I, 381. Vesey, Peter, et al., American sailors. Letters from, II, 96, 143. IV, 431. Vessel, Inventory of a, for sale, IV, 396. Offer of a, IV, 4032. Vessels, Arrangements for two, to sail for America, I, 252. Carrying contraband of war, Regu lations with regard to, III, 538. Commissioners to fit out, for war on British Property, IV, 226. Contract for freighting, IV, 333. Vessels — Continued. Despatched to America since Treaty of Peace, III, 48. List of English, IV, 508. Sale of, in Holland, IV, 487. "Vestatur." Letter from, III, 426. Vetrimetmann, L. H. de. Letter from, III, 312. Viau & Vineau. Letter from, III, 32. Vibraye, Vicomte de. Letter from, II, 224. Vic, de, Father of de Bois Bertrand. Mentioned, I, 282. Vicard, Jean. Mentioned, III, 362. " Vicomte de Vaux," the French ship, see also " de Vaux." Mentioned, I, 426. Vicq d'Azyr, Felix, Secretary of the Royal Society of Medicine at Paris. Letters from, I, 341. II, 29, 132, 284, 287, 356, 387, 390, 438, 458, 505. Ill, 31, 98, 104, 170, 195, 199, 211, 222. IV, 460. "Victoire," see "Victoria." "Victoria," the Swedish ship. II, 67, 130. IV, 286, 443. Vidal, . et al., Masons. Letter from, II, 480. Vidau, . Letter from, IV, 467. Vidau fils, . To President Tascher, IV, 331. Desires position as American Consul, IV, 331, 467. Viel, . To Silas Deane, IV, 233. Plan for a National Academy, IV, 380. Vienna, Court of, Resolution of Con gress to send Commissioners to the, IV, 226. General Congress at, II, 494. Vienne, Comte de, Field Marshal. Letters from, I, 197, 540. 306 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Vienne, Marquis de, Son of Comte de Vienne. Mentioned, I, 540. Vieux, Le. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 144. Vigeral, Gabriel, American prisoner. Mentioned, II, 196, 282, 302. " Vigne," the American prize. I, i942- Vigneron, . Letters from, II, 107, 135. Vignier, . Letter from, I, 412. Viguera, Neveu, Villers, de. Letter from, III, 357. Villarceaux, Mme. and Miles. Mentioned, IV, 95. Ville, de. Letter from, I, 502. Villeboisnet, Espivent de La, Paris Merchant. Letters from, I, 552, 553. II, 18. Ill, 301. Villedeuil, de, Comptroller- General of Finances of France. Mentioned, III, 344. Villefort, Bachois de, Lieutenant of Police. Letter from, III, 112. ViUefranche, Chevalier de, Major in the Continental Army. Mentioned, II, 230, 246, 287. Ill, 145. Villeneuve, Comtesse de. Mentioned, I, 288. II, 282. Villeneuve, Mme. de. Mentioned, IV, 130. Villepatour, Louis Philippe Tabou- reau de, French General. Letter from, I, 350. Villepre, Chevalier, Lieut.-Col. in the Continental Service. Mentioned, I, 341. Villequier, Due de. Letters from, II, 144, 383. de Villeroy, Duchesse. Harmonica sent to, III, 162. Mentioned, I, 171. Mentioned, IV, 149. Villevault, de. Mentioned, I, 431. Villiam, . Mentioned, II, 412. Villiers, de, Sculptor. Mentioned, I, 223. II, 500. Villiers, Dufourny de. Letters from, I, 355, 571. II, 150, 179, 408. Ill, 42, 116. Mentioned, III, 35. Villiers du Terrage, de. To Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 343. Villon, de. Mentioned, IV, 108. Vilna, Bishop of. Mentioned, I, 139. Vincennes, capture of, II, 108. Vincent, , an American. Mentioned, II, 352. Vincent, . Letters from, II, 14. Ill, 406. Vincent, , et fils. , Letter from, III, 33. Vincent, G., fils. Letter from, I, 387. Vincent, J. Letter from, I, 291. de Vinck & Co., Merchants at Ostend. Letter from, III, 19. " Vindication and Offer from Con gress to Parliament," by Benja min Franklin. IV, 402. Vines, , et al. Letter from, IV, 422. Vinfrais, . Letter from, II, 425. Vinient, Pomponne. Letter from, III, 427. Viny, John, Carriage wheel maker in London. Letter from, III, 238. Viny, John, and family. Letter from, III, 64. Viny, Joseph, Son of Thomas Viny. Mentioned, III, 255. Index 3°7 Viny, R. W., Wife of Thomas Viny. To Mrs. Margaret Stevenson, IV, 216. Viny, Thomas, Timber Bender and Carriage Wheel Maker of Tenter- den, Kent. Letters from, I, 105, 159. Ill, 154, 220, 255. Coach fitted with wheels made by, IV, 449. Mentioned, II, 89. Viollier, J. P. Letter from, III, 37. Virginia, Agent for, II, 90. Arms and ammunition on account of, I, 261. IV, 265. Arms loaned to, by France, IV, 331. Boundary between, and the country to the west, IV, 217. British in, IV, 321. Claim against, IV, 301. Contract for supplies to, IV, 50, 66. Debt owing by, III, 14, 248. Dr. Franklin's Printing Press sold to, IV, 405. Governor of. Mentioned, IV, 460. Grants of land in, I, 129, 138, 140, 143. House of Burgesses of, against right of Parliament to tax Virginia, IV, 190. Relative to Stamp Act, I, 45, 462. IV, 190. Legislature of. Charles Simms to the, IV, 362. Minister of War to give gun-car riage to, IV, 279. New edition of laws of, to be printed with Franklin's type, IV, 234. Observations on, by Thomas Jeffer son, translated into French by Abbe Morellet, III, 300, 349. Requesting .articles of war for, II, 13, 53, I36- Supplies for, II, 53, 91, no. Ill, 518. IV, 269. Virth, -, Volunteer in the serv ice of South Carolina. Mentioned, IV, 501. Virth, Mme. Letter from, IV, 442. Mentioned, IV, 501. Vitel, . To Le Roy, IV, 313. Mentioned, IV, 43. Vitre, Denis de. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 149. Vivier, L., Merchant at La Rochelle. Letter from, III, 25. Vogler, Abbe George Joseph, Com poser and Organist. Letter from, III, 30. Voice, the human, III, 320. Voisin, Jean Baptiste. Letter from, I, 548. Voisin, V. To Corgemont, IV, 380. To his cousin, IV, 184. Volange, . French Actor. Mentioned, IV, 76. Volmers, , Bremen Merchant. Mentioned, III, 74. Volney, Constantin Frangois de Chas- seboeuf, Comte de, Member of L'Institut de France, French sa vant. Mentioned, III, 344. Volta, Alessandro, F. R. S., Member of Academie Royales des Sciences, Italian Physicist. Mentioned, I, 189, 296, 430. On inflammable air, I, 421. Voltaire, Frangois Marie Arouet de, F. R. S., French Philosopher and Litterateur. To Mme. Duboccage, IV, 241. Apotheosis of, I, 551. Grave of, IV, 382. Mentioned, I, 107, 296. II, 42. IV, 372. Remains of, I, 449. Universal History by, IV, 386. Works, IV, 31, 37. 3o8 Calendar of the Franklin Papers "Volunteers of Franklin," Two picked companies under title of, IV, 508. von Holberg, Baron Ludwig. Comparative History of Oriental and Indian Heroes, IV, 395. Vorvisca, Capt. Mentioned, I, 366. Vosmon, Chevalier de. Letters from, II, 243, 245. Voss, George Carl. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 272. Voyage to England, Account of Ex penses of Benjamin Franklin's, HI, 555- Wachworth, . Letter from, III, 198. Wack, Georg, Stocking Weaver in Philadelphia. Mentioned, III, 243. Wadsworth, James, Maj.-Gen. of Connecticut Militia in Continental Army. Mentioned, III, 217, 314. Wadsworth, Col. Jeremiah, Commis sary-General of the Continental Army, Member of the Continental Congress. To Brentano, IV, 503. To Silas Deane, IV, 502. Mentioned, III, 79. IV, 503. Settlement of Account of, IV, 469. Wadsworth & Carter. Mentioned, IV, 502. Wagner, Laurence Joseph, of Trieste. Letter from, II, 490. Wagner, Philip. Letters from, II, 60, 117. Mentioned, II, 130. Wagons, Hiring of, for supplying Braddock's Army, III, 439*. Wahrendorff, . Suit against, III, 542. Wahrendorff & Son, Merchants at Wismar. Letter from, II, 167. Waiscott, . Mentioned, IV, 182. Waite, John, of Falmouth, Maine. Petition concerning the sufferings of the people of Falmouth, IV, 344. Waites, Thomas. Mentioned, I, 421. Waitz, the Misses. Letter from, II, 74. Walcott, Colonel. Mentioned, I, 275. Waldeck, regiments of Prince de, re fusal of Holland to cede to Eng land the two, I, 273. Waldner, Dowager Countess de. Letter from, III, 165. Wales, Prince of, Unpopularity of the, HI, 391- Walhm, Count von Gravenitz. Letter from, III, 78. Walke, Jno., American ship captain. Letter from, I, 377. Walke, Thomas. To the Virginia Delegates in Con gress, IV, 339. Mentioned, IV, 340. Walker, . of Hartford, Conn. Mentioned, I, 99. Walker, . Mentioned, I, 335. Ill, 557. Walker, George, of the Barbadoes. Letters from, II, 510. Ill, 16. Walker, Mrs. Hannah, of Westbury, Eng., cousin of Benjamin Franklin. Letters from, I, 49, 61, 63, 85, 96, 98, 141. IV, 399. Mentioned, I, 147. IV, 208. Walker, Henry, Son of Hannah Walker. Letter from, I, 82. Mentioned, I, 139, 146. Walker, John, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 28. Walker, Joseph. Mentioned, II, 468. Walker, M., Wife(?) of Thomas Walker, Merchant at Montreal. To Mrs. Jane Mecom, IV, 224. Walker, Mary. Receipt for rent from, to Lawrence Growdon, IV, 168. Index 309 Walker, Thomas. Letter from, I, 303. Walker, Thomas, Husband of Hannah Walker, of Westbury, Eng. Mentioned, I, 61. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, of Westbury, Eng. Mentioned, I, 310. " Wallace," the brigantine. Ill, 432. Wallace, John. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 129. Wallace & Muir, of Annapolis, Md. Letters from, III, 373, 376. Wallier, Jean, of Edenton N. C. Deposition concerning, IV, 332. Wallier, Jean Jacques, of Edenton. Deposition relative to, IV, 332. Wallisch and Hancock, Messrs. Mentioned, II, 32. Wain, Nicholas, M. A. P. S., Manager of the Library Company of Phila delphia. Mentioned, I, 117. Wain, Robert, Philadelphia Merchant. To Captain Nathaniel Falconer, IV, 209. Walnut, White, Description of the, III, 328. Walpole grant, the, III, 475, 480. IV, 215, 216. Walpole, . Mentioned, II, 519. Walpole, Horace, British Diplomatist. James Logan to, IV, 480. Walpole, Sir Robert, Earl of Orford, Prime Minister of England. Mentioned, I, 10. Walpole, Thomas, London Banker, Member of British Parliament. Letters from, I, 210, 213, 221, 323. To Joseph Wharton, Jr., IV, 215. William Pitt to, IV, 221. Accommodation between Alexander John Alexander and, IV, 133. Walpole, Thomas — Continued. Mentioned, I, 120, 174, 221. Ill, 233. IV, 23, 90, 95, 218, 2i9a, 355, 357- Secretly endeavoring to take the per son of Alexander John Alexander, IV, 133. Walsh, Dennis. Letter from, II, 220. Walsh, James. Letters from, III, 63, 70. Walsh, John, F. R. S., English Physi cist. Letters from, I, 134, 135, 137. IV, 401. Letter to, III, 484. Mentioned, I, 137, 160, 167, 169. Ill, 288, 488s, 494. Walsh, John, late master of the " Drake." Letters from, I, 535. II, 26, 85, 108. To John Paul Jones, IV, 277. John Paul Jones to, IV, 288. Walter & Co., Conrad, Merchants at Hildesheim. Letter from, III, 176. Walter, Henri, Merchant at Hildes heim. Letter from, I, 301, 317. Walter, John, Founder of the Times Newspaper, London. Letter from, III, 140, 192, 242, 255, 392- Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 1302. Walterstorff, de, Minister of Foreign Affairs at Copenhagen, Danish Commissioner to negotiate with Dr. Franklin. Letters from, III, 50, 61, 64, 89. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 125. Baron Rosencrone to, IV, 336. Walther, Christian. Mentioned, III, 294. 3io Calendar of the Franklin Papers Walton, George, Signer of the Decla ration of Independence, Colonel in Georgia Militia, Governor and Chief Justice of Georgia. Letter from, I, 322. Walton, John, of Philadelphia. Song by, IV, 229. Verse by, IV, 229. Walton, Thomas, Lieut, in the British Navy. Letter from, II, 10. Walton & Stott. Letter from, III, 77. Wanklyn, I., American Dissenting Minister. Letter from, II, 57. Wante, . Letter from, III, 154. War, The Board of. Letter from, I, 422. At Boston, Cauvou to, IV, 241. Chevalier De Franval to the, IV, 241. Chariot, Memoir on a, IV, 385. Map of the, in America, IV, 17. Munitions of, from Royal Arsenals sold on credit to the United States, IV, 318. Ward, Artemas, Maj.-Gen. in the Continental Army, President of the Executive Council of Massachu setts, Speaker of the Massachusetts Legislature. Mentioned, IV, 486. Ward, Samuel, Colonial Governor of Rhode Island, Member of the Continental Congress. Mentioned, I, 44, 85. Ward, Samuel, Son of Gov. Samuel' Ward, Major in the Continental Army. Mentioned, I, 543. Warder, Jeremiah, Merchant at Phila delphia. Letter from, I, 96. Warder, John, of London. Mentioned, III, 211. Ware, . Letter to, III, 478. Waring, Dr., of South Carolina. Mentioned, III, 69. IV, 100. Waring, John, of London, Member of The Associates of the Late Dr. Bray. Letters from, I, 16, 21. Mentioned, I, 82. Warman, Richard. Mentioned, IV, 173. " Warren," the U. S. ship-of-war. II, 95, 100, 106. IV, 17. Warren, . Mentioned, I, 135, 141, 149, 154, 158. Warren, , Son of John and Anne Johnson Warren, of Eng land, and second cousin of Francis Hopkinson. Mentioned, I, 82. Warren, Col. James, Revolutionary leader and President of the Pro vincial Congress of Massachusetts. Mentioned, IV, 223. Warren, Gen. James, of Plymouth, Mass., Member of the Navy Board of the Eastern Department. Letters from, I, 360, 437. IV, 429. Mentioned, IV, 238, 488, 490. Warren, Winslow, Son of Gen. James Warren of Plymouth, Mass. Letter from, II, 365. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 722, 74. Mentioned, II, 351, 370. IV, 54. Wars, Cost of, III, 554. " Washington," the American ship. HI, 2, 77, 80, 84, 193. IV, 103. Washington, Charles, of Fredericks burg, Virginia. Mentioned, II, 377. Washington, George, M. A. P. S., General and Commander-in-Chief of Continental Army. Letters from, I, 180, 184. II, 503. Ill, 396. IV, 471. Letter to, III, 504. To Egbert Benson, William S. Smith and Daniel Parker, IV, 340. To Sir Guy Carleton, IV, 3392, 503. Index '311 Washington, George — Continued. To a Member of Congress, IV, 239. To the President of Congress, IV, 340. To John Hancock, IV, 239. To the State Societies of the Cin cinnati, IV, 350. Sir Guy Carleton to, IV, 503, 504. Admiral Digby to, IV, 504. Maj.-Gen. Nathanael Greene to, IV, 317. Sir Edward Newenham to, IV, 360. Abbe Tardieu to, IV, 232. Attack on, by Anti-federalists, III, 359- Battle between Gen. Howe and, IV, 487. Bust of, IV, 359. Cabal against, I, 524. Compared to Cincinnatus, IV, 468. Engraving of, III, 423. IV, 22. In Possession of Philadelphia, I, 313. Medal to be forwarded to, III, 44. Mentioned, I, 195, 218, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 243, 268, 269, 280, 309, 344, 353, 417, 478, 553, 5«9- II, 5, 19, 38, 97, 112, 243, 274, 289, 293, 314, 407, 413, 437, 473, 495, 521. Ill, 54, 105, 107, 123, 138, 160, 170, 198, 202, 205, 228, 315, 342, 389- IV, 25, 40, 50, 79, 91, 115, 241, 248, 250, 366, 405, 417, 443, 45i, 486, 509. Movements of, I, 300, 218. Opening the Potomac to Navigation, IV, 137- Portrait of, II, 151, 207. IV, 21. Recommendation for John Wheelock, IV, 347- Successes in New Jersey, I, 256, 444. Statue to, III, i3i, 259- " Washington to the National Con gress of the United States," Poem, IV, 381. Washintgon, I., of The Hague. Letter from, I, 338. VOL. VI — 21 Washington, William, Col. in the Continental Army. Mentioned, IV, 332. Waste, John, of Falmouth, Maine. Letter from, III, 103. Watelet, Claude Henri, French Lit terateur and Artist. Letters from, II, 177, 193. Death of, III, 295. Watelet, Mme. Claude Henri. To Mme. Brillon, IV, 380. Mentioned, II, 187. Water, Decomposition of, Chemists interested in, III, 279. Machine for freshening salt, III, 296. Observations on, by Franklin, III, 437- Setting on fire, I, 84. Water-spout, I, 6, 7, 8. Explanation of the phenomenon of, III, 404. Waterhouse, Benjamin, M. A. P. S., Student of Medicine at Leyden, Physician, Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and of Natural History at Brown Uni versity. Letters from, II, 324, 343. Mentioned, II, 326. Waties, Jno. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 12, 14, 16. Watines, Louis Eugene Des. Letter from, II, 370. Watkins, Miss. Mentioned, II, 37. Watkins, J., et al., of the crew of the U. S. S. "Alliance." Letter from, IV, 429. Watmaugh, . Mentioned, III, 335. Watson, Col. Mentioned, II, 121. Watson, Ebenezer, Sailor on U. S. ship-of-war " Ranger." Letter from, I, 449. 312 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Watson, Elkanah, Jr., American Mer chant and Agriculturalist, bearer of despatches to Dr. Franklin. Letters from, II, 371, 438. Ill, 52, 87. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 76, 83, 89, 98, 99, 102, 1032. George Benson to, IV, 322. Mentioned, II, 65, 260. Watson, James. To Capt. Robert Niles, IV, 258, 265. Watson, John, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 8. Watson, Marston. Letter from, I, 347. Watson, Dr. Richard, F. R. S., Bishop of Llandaff. Letter from, I, 136. On evidences of Religion, III, 258. Watson, Sir William, F. R. S., Brit ish Physician and Naturalist. Mentioned, I, 25. Ill, 483. Watson & Carey. Letter from, II, 410. Watson & Cossoul, Merchants at Nantes. Letters from, II, 373, 412, 448, 452, 490, 492. Watt, James, F. R. S., Member L'In stitut de France, British Engineer. Mentioned, III, 302. Watts, , of Virginia. Mentioned, II, 167. Waves, stilling of, by oil, I, 164, 166, 167, 172, 275. Dutch translation of Dr. Frank lin's letter on, I, 166. Wavran, Abbe. Letter from, III, 127. Wax, Experiments with green, III, 276. Wayne, Anthony, M. A. P. S., Maj.- Gen. in the Continental Army. Letters from, I, 182. IV, 402. To the House of Assembly of Georgia, IV, 362. Mentioned, III, 324. IV, 296. Weather, observations on the, III, 381. Webb, . Mentioned, I, 417. Webb, Benjamin. Letters from, I, 324. II, 425. Ill, 82, 183. Webb, Daniel, Brig.-Gen. of British Army. Mentioned, IV, 178. Webb, John. Letter from, I, 320. Webb, William, Captain of the Brit ish cartel ship "Happy Return." Letter from, II, 218. Mentioned, II, 218. Webster, Jr., Noah, M. A. P. S., Lexi cographer. Letters from, III, 311, 322, 330,389. To dedicate his lectures to Dr. Franklin, III, 307. Mentioned, III, 325. Webster, Pelatiah, Philadelphia Po litical Economist. Letter from, III, 383. Weckherlein, Major Gottlieb Chris tian von. Letter from, II, 206. Wedel, Carl. Letter from, I, 503. Wedgwood, Josiah, F. R. S., British Potter. Letter from, III, 369. Mentioned, III, 363. Weed, Comte de. Letter from, III, 37. Weems, Rev. Mason Locke, of Vir ginia, Historian. Letter from, III, 202. Mentioned, II, 460. " Weeren Firenden," merchant ship. IV, 93- Weilster, Baron de. Letter from, II, 236. Weinbrenner, . Mentioned, III, 76. Weinlandt, Johann Caspar. Letter from, III, 170. Index 313 Weis, et fils, Eml., and Ns. To Ferdinand Grand, IV, 271. Wish to be appointed Consular Agents, IV, 271. Weiser, Conrad, Indian Interpreter. Mentioned, IV, 181. Weisheim, Ferdinand. Letter from, I, 363. Weisner, the, an isolated mountain in the country of Hessia. Description and drawing of, III, 139. Weiss, de. Mentioned, III, 420. Weiss, L. Letter from, III, 361. Welch, John. To Floyd, IV, 380. Well, Raising water out of, III, 302. Welleb, Chief Justice. Letter from, I, 345. Wells, Charles. Mentioned, III, 432. Wells, Richard, of Philadelphia. Letters from, III, 382. Welsh, Mrs. Mentioned, IV, 368. Welsh, David. Mentioned, I, 451. Welsh, John, of Cadiz. Letter from, II, 131. Welsh, Rogers & Co. Mentioned, IV, 318. Wendell, John, Merchant and Justice of the Peace, of Portsmouth, N. H. Letters from, I, 3052. Wendorp, D., Amsterdam(?) Mer chant. Letter from, II, 375. Wentworth, Paul, New Hampshire Agent in Great Britain. Mentioned, I, 225, 287. Wernecke, Frederick de, Captain in the Continental Army(f). Mentioned, I, 518. Wernier, Hartsinck & Wernier, Am sterdam Merchants. Letter from, II, 113. Werzery, Comte, of Italy. Letter from, II, 49. Wesey, Peter, et al., see Vesey, Peter, et al. West, Benjamin, of Pennsylvania, M. A. P. S., Historical Painter to George III, President of the Royal Academy. Letters from, II, 475, 489. Ill, 348, 397- Concerning his sons, II, 475. Mentioned, I, 158. Ill, 54, 225, 378, 473. IV, 122. A series of pictures representing the great events of the Revolution, by, III, 398. Picture of the Signing of the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain, III, 225. West, Mrs. Benjamin. Mentioned, III, 484. Dr. Franklin is Godfather to son of, III, 484. West, Francis, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, III, 197. West, James, Politician and Anti quary, President of the Royal So ciety. David Hall to, IV, 202. Mentioned, I, no. West, Nathaniel, Captain of the U. S. privateer "Black Prince." Mentioned, II, 62. West, William, Philadelphia Mer chant. Mentioned, III, 197. " West India Merchant," a pamphlet. Mentioned, I, 515. West India Trade, Thoughts on, IV. 385. West Indies, Concerning the trade of, III, 89. Governor of the French, Leave of Absence granted by, IV, 176. Promise of North America to, I, 287. Restrictions on trade between Amer-' ica and, IV, 469. 3H Calendar of the Franklin Papers West Indies — Continued. Spain to keep, open to France and the United States, IV, 499. Trade not interrupted between the United States and, IV, 6. Westerholt, Baron F. de. Letter from, I, 140. Western country, Maps of the, IV, 216. Plan for the Settlement of the, III, 458. Westerwick, N. Letter from, III, 22. Westley, . Mentioned, III, 497. Wethered, John, of New Castle, Dela ware. Letter from, III, 367. Wetherhead, John. Charles Williamos to, IV, 266. To Charles Williamos, IV, 354. To Gov. William Franklin, IV, 354. Mentioned, IV, 354. Wets, Jean Guild, Merchant at Bruges. Letter from, III, 12. "Wexford," the American privateer. II, 352, 404- Weyl, August Wilhelm. Letter from, I, 352. Weyman, William, Printer and Pro prietor of the New York Gazette. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 177. Mentioned, I, 77, 78, 79, 80, 93. Weymouth, Thomas Thynne, Vis count, British Statesman, Sec'y of State for the Southern Department. Mentioned, I, 372. II, 81. Weyss, de. Letter from, I, 260. Whaling vessels, English, I, 509. Whalley, Edward, Regicide. Mentioned, IV, 185. Wharton, Jr., , see also Joseph Wharton, Jr. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 48, 167. Wharton, Franklin, Son of Thomas Wharton, Philadelphia Merchant and Manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Mentioned, I, 57. Wharton, Hudson, Son of Joseph (Duke) Wharton. Mentioned, III, 459. Wharton, Joseph (Duke), Uncle of Thomas Wharton, Philadelphia Merchant. Mentioned, I, 64, m. Ill, 459. IV, 435- Wharton, Joseph, Jr., Son of Joseph (Duke) Wharton, Philadelphia Merchant. Letters from, I, 503. II, 23, 85, 243. Letter to, III, 521. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 34, 48, 167. Thomas Walpole to, IV, 215. Samuel Wharton to, IV, 215. Oath of Allegiance by, IV, 286. Mentioned, III, 462. Wharton, Richard, Lawyer, son of Samuel Wharton. Mentioned, III, 353, 362. Wharton, Samuel, M. A. P. S., second son of Joseph (Duke) Wharton, Merchant of Philadelphia, Signer of the Non-Importation Resolu tions of 1765, Member of the Com mittee of Safety and of the Colo nial and State Legislature, Mem ber of the Continental Congress, and Member of the firm of Bayn ton, Wharton £f Morgan. Letters from, I, 35, 36, 37, 45, 49, 62, 68, 92, 1672, 170, 371, 380, 423, 433, 57i- II, 79, 85, 97, 98, 102, no, 118, 127, 128, 133, 147, 1992, 2005, 249, 2602, 299, 302, 304, 318, 378. Ill, 282, 299, 353. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 18, 86. To Benson, IV, 261. Index 3i5 Wharton, Samuel — Continued. To Gov. William Franklin, IV, 192, 198, 199, 214, 220. To Joseph Galloway, IV, 218. To St. Pierre, IV, 261. To Joseph Wharton, Jr., IV, 215. To Thomas Wharton, IV, 218. To John Williams, IV, 261, 262. Arthur Lee to, IV, 279. John Williams to, IV, 262, 263. Entrusted with money to invest for Dr. Ingen Housz, II, 474, 484. Mentioned, I, 120, 137, 138, 1402, i472, 150, 173, 213. II, 48, 178, 223, 239, 305, 324, 350, 359, 363, 366, 392, 405, 418, 481, 501, 5092. Ill, 17, 27, 46, 96, 1282, 262, 378, 480, 520, 553, 554. IV, 42, 47, 52, 64, 73, 137, 138, 202, 212, 215, 357, 363- Oath' of Allegiance by, IV, 286. Wharton, Samuel Lewis, Philadelphia Merchant, son of Samuel Wharton. Mentioned, III, 263. IV, 137. Wharton, Sr., Thomas, Son of Joseph Wharton and brother of Samuel Wharton, Philadelphia Merchant and partner of Galloway & God dard in " The Chronicle," Mana ger of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Letters from, I, 33, 35, 41, 43, 462, 47, 48, 50, 52, 55, 57, 582, 60, 65, 692, 75, 772, 81, 90. To the Congress, IV, 486. To Gov. William Franklin, IV, 215. Samuel Wharton to, IV, 218. Mentioned, IV, 214, 218, 482. Wharton, Thomas, Jr., Son of John (the older brother of Joseph) Wharton, Philadelphia Merchant, Signer of the Non-Importation Resolutions, Member of the Com mittee of Safety, President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, IV, 487. Wharton & Trent. Draft by, IV, 215. Whately, Thomas, Secretary to Treas ury in Mr. Grenville's Adminis tration. Letter from, I, 53. Mentioned, II, 200. Governor Hutchinson's letters to, I, 150. Whately, William, vs. Benjamin Franklin, IV, 220. Whatley, George, London Economist. Letters from, III, 216, 226, 228, 271, 334, 354, 37o2. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 129, 131. Wheat, Advantage of America in ex porting, to Europe, III, 396. Culture of, III, 540. Wheatley, Henry, English Clergyman. Extract from the will of, IV, 179. Mentioned, I, 16. Wheel, New carriage, III, 487. To force a, to go round with gun powder, Diagram and explanation of, by Benjamin Franklin, III, 470. Wheeler, John, Irish Sailor. Letter from, II, 25b. Wheelock, Dr. Eleazar, Clergyman, Founder of the Indian Charity School in New Hampshire, and President of Dartmouth College. Mentioned, II, 506. IV, 335. Wheelock, James. Mentioned, IV, 460. Wheelock, John, Son of Eleazar Wheelock, Lieut.-Col. in Continen tal Army, President of Dartmouth College. Letters from, III, 73, 85. Historical Account of Moore's Charity School, IV, 335. Mentioned, III, 132. IV, 347, 460. To solicit benefactions in France and Holland, II, 506. Wheelwright, . Mentioned, I, 125. "Whim," the Letter of Marque. II, 291, 300, 346, 354, 381. IV, 50. 316 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Whipple, Abraham, Captain of the U. S. ship "Columbus." Letters from, I, 432, 441, 447, 451, 467, 479. Ill, 321. John Paul Jones to, IV, 270. Navy Board of the Eastern Depart ment to, IV, 48 92. To John Paul Jones, IV, 370. Mentioned, I, 457, 459, 463, 480, 523. Whipple, Job, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 464. Whipple, General William, M. C. C, from New Hampshire, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Brig.-Gen. in Continental Army. Mentioned, IV, 241. Whistle, the story of the, by Dr. Franklin. II, 169. Ill, 521. Whital, . Mentioned, III, 306. IV, 360. Whitall, Joseph P., of, Philadelphia U. S. Commercial Agent in France. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 82. Mentioned, I, 492. IV, 10. Whitchurch, William. Letters from, I, 370. Ill, 154. White boys. Mentioned, III, 314. White, Edmund, British Ordnance Officer. To John Blackburn, IV, 290. To the Lords of the Treasury, IV, 287. To the Officers of His Majesty's Ordnance, IV, 283s, 284, 285s, 287, 289°, 290, 2913. Mentioned, IV, 288, 2892. White, Isaac, of Salem, Mass. Mentioned, II, 269, 279. White, James. Letters from, I, 471. II, 205. To Anonymous, IV, 299. White Oaks. Mentioned, IV, 193. White, Samuel. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 96, 506. To Brailey, IV, 335. Mentioned, III, 9, 53. IV, 93, 94. White, Taylor, of London, Treasurer of the Foundling Hospital. Mentioned, I, 132. White, Thomas. Mentioned, II, 352. White, the Rt. Rev'd Dr. William, M. A. P. S., Bishop of Pennsyl vania. Letter from, III, 342. To Robert Hare, IV, 366. Mentioned, III, 333. White, William, American Sailor. Letter from, I, 528. Whitefield, Rev. George, English Methodist Missionary, founder of Orphanage in Savannah, Ga. Letters from, I, 2. IV, 400. Letter to, III, 456. Account of Dr. Franklin's examina tion in Parliament, by, IV, 196. Mentioned, I, 3, 123. Ill, 436. Whitefoord, Caleb, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., British Diplomatist, Secre tary to the Commission which ne gotiated Treaty of Peace with the U. S. at Paris, 1782. Letters from, II, 501. Ill, 274. Letter to, III, 453. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 99, 116, 117, 122, 135. Richard Oswald to, IV, 338. Mentioned, III, 348. IV, 92. Whitehall, Joseph P., see Whitall, Joseph P. Whitehaven, John Paul Jones's at- temp on, I, 429. Whitehead, Charles, of London. Letter from, I, 281. Whitehurst, John, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., Horologer and Scientific In strument Maker at Derby, Eng. Letters from, I, 24, 42, 49, 105, 123, Index 3i7 Whitehurst, John — Continued. 124, 133, 136, 158, 235. II, 46. HI, 34, 334, 35i- Mentioned, II, 248. Whitehurst, William. Mentioned, I, 170. Whitesides & Co., Peter. To Le Couteulx & Co., IV, 356. Whitestone, . Mentioned, II, 307. Whom it may concern. Robert Morris to, IV, 501. William Semple, Alexander Bar tram, James Stuart and Robert Wilson to, IV, 482. Benjamin Towne to, IV, 482. Wickenstein, Count de. Mentioned, II, 432. Wickes, Lambert, Captain U. S. brig " Reprisal." Letters from, I, 198, 201, 202, 204, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 223, 333, 3362, 336, 239, 240, 262, 265, 267, 2682, 271, 273, 276", 277, 278, 282, 283, 285, 286, 289, 392, 293. Gourlade to, IV, 228. To Jonathan Williams, Jr., IV, 236. Complaint against, I, 275. Mentioned, I, 189, 193, 194, 3o32, 315, 3i62, 319, 330, 365, 380, 381, 288, 294, 305, 408. IV, 25, 233. Ordered to leave I'Orient, I, 226. St. Malo, I, 289. Wiebel, C. F. de. Letter from, I, 464. Mentioned, I, 573. Wiedrunkel, Count. Mentioned, III, 34. Wiggins, James, American prisoner. Mentioned, I, 399. Wight, Jr., Thomas. Letter from, III, 317. Wikil, Patrick, Consul at Alicante. Mentioned, III, 87. Wilbraham, Roger, of Paris. I^ETTER FROM, I, 366. Wilcox, Charles, of Bristol, Eng. Letters from, I, 151, 153, 166. Wild, Henry, Cotton Manufacturer at Manchester. Mentioned, II, 425. Ill, 319. Wildrik, W., Dutch Surgeon. Letters from, I, 277, 314, 354, 571. IV, 418. Wilfelsheim, . Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 167. Wilkes, Miss. Mentioned, III, 204. Wilkes, Mrs. Mentioned, IV, 455. Wilkes, John, F. R. S., M. P., Lord Mayor of London. Mentioned, I, 28*. Wilkin, David, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 57. Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester. Mentioned, III, 133. Wilkinson, , French Iron Master and brother of Mrs. Joseph Priestley. Mentioned, II, 56. Wilkinson, Miss. Letter from, III, 59. Wilkinson, , of South Caro lina. Mentioned, IV, 30. Wilkinson, George. James Wilkinson to, IV, 481. Wilkinson, James. To George Wilkinson, IV, 481. Wilkinson, Thomas, British prisoner, formerly pilot on British sloop of war "Drake." Mentioned, I, 491. II, 43, 75- Wilkinson, William. Letters from, I, 226, 233. II, 441. Ill, 59, 60. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 74. " Will," the British ship. IV, 478- 3i8 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Willard, Rev. Joseph, M. A. P. S., Sec'y of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Presi dent of Harvard College. Letters from, II, 351, 356. Mentioned, III, 226. Willard, Josiah, Jurist, Secretary of Massachusetts Bay. Mentioned, II, 399. Willcocks, et al., Robert, American prisoners. Letters from, II, 310, 415, 423. Mentioned, II, 409. William and Mary, College of, Vir ginia, confers honorary degree on Dr. Franklin, I, 15. Williamos, Capt. Mentioned, III, 209. Williamos, Charles, of London. Letters from, III, 135, 155, 243, 250. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 142. To John Wetherhead, IV, 266. John Wetherhead to, IV, 354. Mentioned, IV, 3542. Williams, Capt. Mentioned, I, 138. Williams, Mile. Letter from, II, 339. Williams, Mrs. Mentioned, III, 102. Williams, . Mentioned, III, 350. Williams, , Limner. Engraved cai-d, IV, 510. Williams, . an impostor. Mentioned, IV, 56. Williams, Widow. Mentioned, IV, 174. Williams, Major, British Officer. Mentioned, IV, 240. Williams, Charles. Mentioned, III, 305. Williams, Rev. David, Dissenter, Founder of Royal Literary Fund. Letter from, III, 20. Mentioned, II, 225, 248, 275. Williams, David, Soldier in the Con tinental Army. Mentioned, II, 314. Williams, G., London Surgeon. Letters from, I, 483, 506, 523. Kindness of, to prisoners, I, 506. Mentioned, I, 541. Williams, John, of Boston, Special Agent of the British Treasury in America, brother of Jonathan Wil liams, Sr. Letters from, I, 385, 572. IV, 407, 426. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 31. To John Hughes, IV, 216. To Samuel Wharton, IV, 262, 263. Samuel Wharton to, IV, 261, 262. Mentioned, I, 46. IV, 11, 31, 2613, 269, 427". Not in communication with British Government, IV, 4262. Williams, John, Son of Jonathan Wil liams, Sr. Mentioned, I, 231, 371. Ill, 263, 342, 396- Williams, Capt. John Foster, of Bos ton, Commander of Massachusetts Cruiser "Hazard." Mentioned, II, 448. Williams, Jonathan, Jr., M. A. P. S., Grand-nephew of Benjamin Frank lin, Merchant and U. S. Commer cial Agent at Nantes. Letters from, I, 121, 127, 131, 133, 134, 135, i39, 141, 146, 147, i492, 154, 158, 1622, 1632, 164, 165, 171, 172, 185, 186, 202, 2032, 205, 206, 2072, 2083, 211, 2122, 213, 2155, 216, 2l82, 2192, 220, 222, 2232, 224, 225, 228, 2293, 2302, 232, 234, 235, 236, 238, 2402, 2432, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 261, 272, 275, 277, 278, 2813, 2882, 300, 3013, 302, 306, 307, 308, 310, 313, 315, 3172, 322, 323, 325, 360, 363, 371, 372, 373, 375, 3762, 378, 379, 386, 389, 3928, 395, 399, 4062, 408, 413, 418, Index 3*9 Williams, Jr., Jonathan — Continued. 425, 428, 452, 461, 485, 493, 5°i, 502, 512, 514, 527, 534, 544. II, 6, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 29, 31, 35, 40, 41, 44, 48s, 50, 54, 56, 57, 61, 65, 68, 70, 73, 79, 83, 90, 103, 105s, 109, 1138, 1152, 116s, 117, n9> 123, 140, 141, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 2002, 209, 216, 274, 276, 283, 285, 291, 301, 313, 317, 322, 323, 326, 348, 351, 355, 356, 3622, 364, 369, 406, 410, 413, 421, 44o, 444, 4482, 4502, 455, 460, 4612, 463, 465s, 466, 467, 471, 476, 479, 48i, 484", 4862, 4872, 490, 492, 4932, 497, 499, 500, 509. Ill, 4, 92, n, 13, 25, 30, 39, 83, 90, 93, 94, 952, 96, 120, 131, 169, 203, 204, 208, 330, 239, 249, 257s, 265, 266, 269, 2712, 290, 292, 296, 298, 304, 319, 368, 394, 397. IV, 409, 424s, 426s, 427*, 428*, 429s, 430°, 43i5, 4326, 433*. 4342, 435', 4364, 437, 438, 4392, 44°2, 444, 453, 461, 467, 473. Letters to, III, 514, 524, 526s. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 1, 43, 53, 82, 93, io2, n, 14s, 152, 162, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 232, 252, 26, 382, 293, 302, 3 12, 332, 35s, 362, 37, 39s, 40s, 41, 42, 45s, 48s, 49s, 5o4, 51, 52, 532, 54s, 56, 59°, 60s, 612, 64, 69, 70, 73, 73, 75, 762, 77a, 784, 802, 83, 83, 88, 89, 933, 942, 95, 972, 98, 99, 103, 1032, 104, 1053, I068, IO72, 113, 117, Il82, 131, 1232, 128, I322, 133, 135, 136, 140, 141, 147, 156, 159, 167, 506. To Anonymous, IV, 502. To Daniel Blacke, J. Johnson, W. Blacke, Philip R. Fendall, J. Ross, John Lloyd-Ogilvie and J. D. Schweighauser, IV, 284. To William Blacke, Daniel Blacke, Philip R. Fendall, Joseph Whar ton and John Lloyd-Ogilvie, IV, 284. To Marquis de Castries, IV, 501. Williams, Jr., Jonathan— Continued. To the Continental Congress, IV, 273. To Lord Dartmouth, IV, 221. To Silas Deane, IV, 230, 231, 252. To Barbeu Dubourg, IV, 226. To Messrs. V. P. French and Nephew, IV, 316. To Augustin Guichard, IV, 485. To James Kinsey, IV, 222. To Captain Lawrence, IV, 485. To Arthur Lee, IV, 263, 283. To Mercier, IV, 487, 488. To Montieu, IV, 492. To Thomas Morris, IV, 245. To Odea, IV, 485. To John D» Schweighauser, IV, 293. Anonymous to, IV, 222. William Blacke to, IV, 284. Capt. Gleyo La Chesnaie to, IV, 236. Peter Collas to, IV, 252. De Court de Sorlut to, IV, 269. Tristram Dalton to, IV, 333. Silas Deane to, IV, 371. Philip R. Fendall to, IV, 284. William Temple Franklin to, IV, 251. V. P. French and Nephew to, IV, 314. Harman & Lewis to, IV, 309. Hennet to, IV, 378. John Hurd to, IV, 357. Thomas Hutchins to, IV, 303. Yves Joseph de Kerguelen-Tremarec to, IV, 336. Arthur Lee to, IV, 359. Andrew Limozin to, IV, 334, 325, 326. John Manley to, IV, 310. Mercier to, IV, 4872. Montaudouin to, IV, 377. Thomas Morris to, IV, 245. J. Thornton to, IV, 260. Benjamin Vaughan to, IV, 272, 277. Lambert Wickes to, IV, 236. Accounts, IV, 283, 284. With Le Ray de Chaumont, IV, 50. Arrangements made with creditors of, III, 540. 320 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Williams, Jr., Jonathan — Continued. Arrival in Nantes, I, 202. Asks for an " arret de surseance," HI, 535, 539- IV, 103, 105, 106, 107. To have accounts placed in Con sul's Office, IV, 121. Bankruptcy of, III, 90, 93. IV, 1042. Departure from London with Dr. Franklin, IV, 1. During residence in Nantes was sub jected to Militia duty, quartering of troops and town taxes, III, 319. Feelings for Miss Schweighauser, I, 259, 288. " Interventions " in his drafts, II, 430. Marriage of, II, 139. Mentioned, I, 121, 124, 169, 232, 255, 332, 366, 368, 385, 387, 396, 429, 433, 438. II, 45, 105, 162, 190, 211, 222, 231, 239, 240, 365, 271, 272, 285, 297, 301, 304, 310, 321, 331, 369, 386, 396, 419- HI, 27, 73, 84, in, 207, 354, 384, 43i, 4324, 433, 508, 519, 522, 528, 544- IV, 6, 22, 242, 26, 47, 50, 62, 76, 78, 92, 107, 109, 135, 137, 282, 3i42, 323, 335, 35o2, 37i, 416, 446, 485, 488. Opposition of Le Ray de Chaumont to his obtaining a suspension, IV, 106. Orders given to, for clothing, III, 510. Proposal to enter business with Mr. John Daniel Schweighauser, I, 224, 253, 259. Relative to a portrait of Dr. Frank lin, IV, 368. Returns to America, IV, 357. Shipment of printing press, IV, 49, 50. Son of, I, 253. II, 68, 83. IV, 76. Williams, Jr., Mrs. Jonathan, see Wil liams, Mariamne. Williams, Sr., Jonathan, Nephew of Benjamin Franklin, Merchant at Boston, father of Jonathan Wil liams, Jr. Letters from, I, 34, 76, in, 112, 116, 123, 124, 125, 127, 137, 144, 152, 179, 231, 303, 414, 507, 526, 529, 550. II, 1212, 127, 156, 445. HI, 13, 44, 5i, 61, 264, 286, 326, 355, 386, 398, 400. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 99. Edward Thurston, Jr., to, IV, 215. Death of, IV, 39. Death of wife of, III, 400. Mentioned, I, 99. II, 520. Ill, 396. IV, 99, 180, 208, 215, 357, 506. Williams, Jonathan, 3d. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 17. Mentioned, IV, 16. Williams, Josiah, Son of Jonathan Williams, Sr. Mentioned, I, in, 131, 133. Williams, Josiah, Son of Jonathan Williams, Jr. Mentioned, 1, 253. 11,68,83. IV, 76. Williams, Mariamne, Wife of Jona than Williams, Jr., and daughter of William Alexander, see, also, Alexander, Mariamne. Letters from, III, 132, 269, 315. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 92, 97. Mentioned, II, 362, 493, 498. IV, 127, 357, 46i- Serious illness of, IV, 492. Williams, Mary. To Lawrence Growdon, IV, 173. Williams, Richard, Son of Widow Williams. Mentioned, IV, 174. Williams, Sally, Daughter of Jona than Williams, Sr. Death of, I, 77. Williams, Soloman, Captain of the American prize " Padmore." Mentioned, II, 273. Index 321 Williams, Walter. Letters from, II, 307, 326. Williams, William, Son of Mary Wil liams. To Lawrence Growdon, IV, 173. Williams, William, claims to be a nephew of Benjamin Franklin. Mentioned, II, 376, 382. IV, 440. Williams & Co., Jonathan Williams Jr.'s firm at Nantes. Mentioned, I, 234. Williams, Moore & Co., Merchants at I'Orient. Letters from, II, 486, 492. IV, 460, 461, 464- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 92. Williams's land in Bucks County, John, Extent and location of, IV, 396. Williamsburg, Virginia, Engagement near, IV, 322. Williamson, , Captain of American merchant ship. Mentioned, I, 284. Williamson, Hugh, M. C. C, M. A. P. S., Professor of Mathematics in the College of Philadelphia. Mentioned, IV, 204. Willing, James, Captain of a privateer on the Mississippi. Mentioned, I, 407, 453, 465. Willing, Thomas, M. A. P. S., M. C. C, Mayor of Philadelphia, Pres't of the Bank of North America and of the Bank of the United States. Letter from, III, 388. To Benjamin Franklin Bache, IV, 367- Willing, Morris & Co., Merchants at Philadelphia. To Thomas Morris, IV, 246. Mentioned, I, 373, 472. Ill, 508. Willing, Morris & Swanwick, Mer chants at Philadelphia. To Messrs. Le Couteulx & Co., IV, 356. Willis, Owner of the Amer ican prize "Philip." Mentioned, II, 285. Will's Creek, Pennsylvania, IV, 176. Willson, John, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 343. Willson, Stephen, of Philadelphia. Mentioned, II, 395. Wilmington, Evacuation of, IV, 445. Wilmot, Henry, Agent for the Prov ince of New Jersey in England. Mentioned, I, 65, 169. Wilmot, Sir John Eardley, British Privy Councillor and Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Letter from, I, 22. Letter to, III, 452. Wilson, . Mentioned, I, 104. Wilson, . Letter from, III, 338. Wilson, Alexander, Professor of As tronomy at Glasgow University. Letter from, I, 119. Wilson, Benj amin, British Painter and Physicist. Letter from, I, 19. Letter to, III, 448. To Sir Charles Frederick, IV, 217. Mentioned, I, 56. II, 298. Ill, 483. Objects to pointed lightning rods, II, 490, 492. Wilson, Prof. Patrick, of Glasgow. Letters from, I, 136. Ill, 307. Mentioned, III, 187. Wilson, Robert. To the Public, IV, 482. Wilt & Delmestre, Merchants at Nantes. Letters from, II, 292. HI, 199. Wiltgerstein, Count de. Mentioned, I, 518. Wimpfen, Baron Felix de, French General. To Coder, IV, 226. Mentioned, I, 432. 322 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Wind, Baron de. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 141, 142. Windisch-Gratz, Comte de. Letters from, III, 29, 94, 244, 250, 260. Letter to, III, 549. Mentioned, III, 259. Windmill, Franklin's improvement on the horizontal, III, 351, 359- Windship, Amos (Surgeon U. S. ship "Alliance"?). II, 54- Wine Merchants of Bordeaux, Dis tress of, IV, n. Wines, Duties paid on, IV, 4062. In exchange for wheat, III, 540. Proposals for raising, in British North America, IV, 391. Winstanley, Miss. Mentioned, IV, 381. Winter, Cornelius, of Georgia. Mentioned, I, 114, 123. Winthrop, Adam, Son of Prof. John Winthrop. Mentioned, I, 134. Winthrop, John, M. A. P. S., F. R. S., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy at Harvard College. Letters from, I, 145, 218. Letters to, III, 472, 479. Death of, II, 157. Franklin obtained telescope for, III, 472- Mentioned, I, 40, 90, 131. II, 72. Ill, 461. Winthrop, Joseph. Mentioned, IV, 69. Winthrop, Thomas. Mentioned, IV, 69. Wintmulle, J. M. Letter from, III, 52. Wire, Experiment for burning, II, 501, 509. Wish, Baron de. Mentioned, III, 65. Wistar, Dr. Caspar, President of The American Philosophical Society and Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania. Mentioned, III, 323. Wister, Daniel, of Philadelphia, Cousin of Dr. Caspar Wistar. Letter from, I, 147. Wistmore, . Mentioned, IV, 304. Witel, J., Member of Societe Typo- graphique de Lausanne. Letter from, I, 518. Witel & Pauche, Printers at Neuf- chdtel. Letter from, III, 222. Letter to, III, 546. Witherspoon, John, M. A. P. S., Signer of the Declaration of Inde pendence, President of Princeton College. Letters from, I, 189. II, 378. Ill, 178, 195. IV, 403. Witherspoon, Jr., Dr. John, Son of John Witherspoon, Surgeon on Letter of Marque " De Graaf." Mentioned, II, 372, 393. Ill, 191. Wittentrin, P. Letter from, I, 320. Wittgenstein, Jean Louis, Comte de Sayn et. Letter from, II, 211. Woddrop, John, Merchant at Glas gow. Letter from, III, 22. Woedtke, de, Brother of Baron Frederick William de Woedtke. Letter from, II, 359. Woedtke, Frederick William, Baron de, Brig.-Gen. in Continental Army. Letters from, I, 181, 182. Mentioned, I, 179, 336. Woestyn Brothers, Merchants at Dun kirk. Letters from, II, 46, 63, 68, 75. Index 323 Wolcott, Oliver, M. C. C, Governor of Connecticut, President of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Mentioned, III, 347. Wolff, de. Letter from, III, 173. Wommrad, Lieut., of Mannheim, Ger many. Letter from, I, 274. Wood, . Mentioned, I, 334. Wood, , Secretary to Lord Chatham. Mentioned, III, 453. Wood, Champion, American prisoner. Letter from, II, 454. Mentioned, II, 456, 465. Wood, William. Mentioned, III, 2. Woodfall, Henry Sampson, London Printer and Journalist. Letter to, III, 490. Woodford, Thomas. Oath of Allegiance, IV, 270. Woodham, Charles Somerset. To Samuel Soumain, IV, 185. Woodmason, James, London Book seller. Letters from, II, 304, 313, 390, 309, 40b. Mentioned, IV, 37. Woodward, Besa, Secretary of Dart mouth University. Letter from, IV, 460. Woodward, Richard, Bishop of Cloyne. Letter to, III, 487. Woolford, Mrs. D. Letters to William Temple Frank lin, IV, i, 57, 64, "8. Worp, de Graffenried, Baron de, see also Graffenried. Letter from, I, 351. Worcester, Bishop of. Mentioned, I, 108. Workhouse at Philadelphia, Mana gers for the, I, 59. Works, Good, Franklin's notion of, HI, 437- Worsam, . Mentioned, IV, 196. Woulfe, George. Letters from, II, 297, 302, 303. Mentioned, IV, 113. Wray, Sir Cecil, M. P., British poli tician. Mentioned, IV, 119. Wren, Rev. Thomas, Presbyterian Minister who befriended Amer icans in Forton Prison. Letters from, II, 511. IV, 406. To William Hodgson, IV, 315, 316, 3i7- Congress thanks, III, 537. Princeton College confers degree on, HI, 537- Mentioned, III, 122. Wright, Mrs. Elizabeth, of London. Letters from, I, 213, 224, 320. Wright, Sir James, Governor of Georgia. The Commons House of Assembly of Georgia to, IV, 209. Treatment of the Assembly of Georgia by, III, 482. Wright, John. Letters from, III, 302, 363, 394. IV, 448. Mentioned, III, 380. Wright, Joseph, Portrait Painter, son of Mrs. Patience Wright. Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 92. Death of, III, 37. Mentioned, III, 25. IV, 122. Painting Franklin's portrait, II, 491. Picture for Mr. Hodgson, II, 503. Wright, Patience, nee Lovell, Niece of John Wesley, Modeller in Wax. Letters from, I, 220, 231, 242, 308, 323, 386. II, 43, 491, 503. HI, 25, 37, 38, 56, 75- Letter to William Temple Frank lin, IV, 136. Ebenezer Smith Piatt to, IV, 229, 230. Mentioned, I, 242. Ill, 286, 487. IV, 230. 324 Calendar of the Franklin Papers Wright, Susy. To Mrs. Deborah Franklin, IV, 190, 194. Wrixon, Elias, of Ireland. Mentioned, I, 1772. Wuibert, Antoine Felix, Lieut.-Col. in Continental Army, Captain of French Marines on the " Bon Homme Richard." Letters from, I, 314, 341, 506. II, 15, 65. To John Paul Jones, IV, 495. To Troyes, IV, 242. John Paul Jones to, IV, 496. Joseph Lunt to, IV, 277. Charges against Pierre Landais, IV, 495- Desires to return to America, IV, 495- Mentioned, II, 460. Ill, 505. IV, 25, 434- Wiilffen, Baronne de, see Sonnemaens, M. A. Wiilffen, Johann Heinrich, Baron de, Captain of Cavalry in the service of the U. S. Letters from, II, 244, 256, 257, 269, 277, 339- Letter to, III, 524. Mentioned, II, 207, 227, 268, 273s, 277, 279. Wurmser, Baron Dagobert Sigis- mund, Austrian General. Mentioned, IV, 115. Wutsen, Frantz Siegfried de, of Magdeburg. Mentioned, II, 503. Wyld, Henry, English Manufacturer. Letters from, II, 440, 451, 463, 470, 472. To Ferdinand Grand, IV, 505. Mentioned, II, 467, 473, 478. IV, 333- Wynne, Thomas, American prisoner. Mentioned, II, 350. Wyoming, Affairs of, IV, 377. Wyss, , of Longwy, France. Letter from, I, 384. Mentioned, I, 394. Wythe, George, of Virginia, M. C. C., Signer of the Declaration of In dependence. Letters from, I, 60, 292. Wyvil, Rev. Mr. Letter to, III, 550. Yale College, New Haven, Conn. Declines favors from Louis XVI, HI, 157- Yart, Abbe Antoine, French Littera teur. Letter from, I, 299. Yates, Thomas L. To Murphy, IV, 239. Yellow Fever, Causes of, I, 30. Yonger, Levy, American prisoner Letter from, II, 454. Yorke, Sir Joseph, British Ambassador at The Hague. Mentioned, I, 253, 272, 273, 310, 312, 381, 526, 530. II, 1, 55, 62, 69, 70, 88, 90, 93, 99, 155, 156, 157, 160, 1632, 166, 174, 205, 231, 261, 305, 312, 316, 318, 323, 327. IV, 236. Memorial of, IV, 298. " Yorktown," the merchant brig. II, 414, 443- Yorktown, Cornwallis beseiged at, IV, 63. French Alliance to be inscribed on the Marble Column at, IV, 443. Memorial pillar to be erected at, IV, 445- Thomas Paine at, I, 423. Victory at, IV, 331. Yorktown and Saratoga, Medal struck in honor of capitulations of, II, 525- Young, . Mentioned, II, 381. IV, 60. Young, , Captain of the mer chant ship "Mary Elizabeth." Mentioned, I, 191, 315. II, 197. Young, Arthur. Mentioned, IV, 466. Young, David. To Sir Edward Newenham, IV, 333. Index 325 Young, Jno., Captain U. S. sloop " Independence." Letter from, I, 319. Young, Matthew, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin, Bishop of Clonfert. Letter from, III, 190. Young, Moses, Secretary to Henry Laurens. Letters from, II, 412, 449, 486. Ill, 393. Mentioned, II, 383, 449. Young, Robert. Mentioned, II, 386. Ill, 392. Young, William, Botanist. Mentioned, I, 113, 119. Young, William, Speaker of the Georgia Assembly. Letter from, I, 159. "Young Lion and the Mastiff," Allegorical fable by Dr. Franklin. I, 554- " Young Man's Companion," I, 3. Younglove, Moses, Surgeon in Gen eral Herkimer's brigade. Deposition of, IV, 246. " Your Ould Friends in Broad St." II, 254. Zafarimes Islands, Morocco. Proposal to seize, I, 340. Zealand, Company forming in, to Trade with America, I, 310. Zedewitz, Baron Hermann de. Mentioned, II, 22, 38. IV, 412. Zeller, Heinrich Hartmann, Wurttem- berg Curate. Letter from, II, 511. "Zephyr," the ship. IV, 290, 297. Ziegler, Lieut. Letter from, I, 242. Ziericzee, The Burgomasters of. To Pierre Van Noemer, IV, 223. The Ordinary Council of. Minutes of, IV, 221. Zinnern, Jean Charles de. Letter from, I, 521. Zion Church, Philadelphia. Exercises at, III, 359. Zizendorp, Carlo, Conte de. Letter from, II, 209. Zollickoffer, Jean Conrad, formerly a clerk with John D. Schweig hauser, of Nantes, see, also, Solli- coffre. Letters from, I, 529. II, 234, 244. Mentioned, I, 301, 341. Ill, 432. IV, 361, 432. Zollicoffer, Jean de Jean. Letter from, I, 529. Zoroaster's writings, III, 478. Zreny, Baron, of Hungary. Letter from, II, 342. Zubly, John Joachim. Letter from, I, 123. ¦ :¦¦¦ " -VI h wm ¦ ¦'-¦ ¦ mMt'-MWitt.i. ....... 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