YALE UNIVEHSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 07223 9727 ^JH ?SS^ 0o^e THE HISTORY Raymond, N. H By JOSEPH FULLONTON. '¦Be it a weakness, it deserves some praise ; We love the play-place of our early days." — Cowper, "I have considered the days of old, the years of ancient times."— Psalms 77: 5, DOVER, N. H. PRINTED AT THE MORNING STAR JOB PRINTING HOUSE. This book will be for sale, until the edition is exhausted, by Mrs. Charles W. Lane, at the Village ; also by the author ; in Boston, by D. H. Brown, 25 and 28 Cornhill, and S. G. Drake, 17 Bromfield Street. INTRODUCTION. Home ! what a word ! What interesting associations fill the mind when it is named. It is the place where our eyes tirst opened upon the beauties of this world ; where we were first charmed by a mother's voice and fond caresses ; a father's love and the prattle of sisters and brothers. There woman's smile greets us ; children and friends gladly welcome us. The most of true bliss is enjoyed at home. Persons of labor and business toil on patiently for the blessing of home. Mariners on rough seas anticipate home. Soldiers on well-fought fields, dash through dust and blood with the hope of victory and the blessings of home again. Speak to children of home when away, and their countenances light up with joy. Speak to the aged of it, and their eyes sparkle ; they seem youthful, living over again summers that were all sunshine. These with many more say, "Home, thy joys are passing lovely." They remember the dwelling of their childhood; "the orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wild-wood," and withal, "The old oaken bucket, tbe iron bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket wliich hung in the well." The history of our Home is the object of this work. It has been the labor of convenient opportunities for many years. A goodly number have encouraged us. Some have wondered how there could be such a history. We have been asked more than once if it would be as large as a Primer or an Almanac. The inference was, that so much would be all the history of the place ; or all which the author was capable of writing. Of course, we accepted the last view of it. We have searched records, traveled, corresponded, and asked, perhaps, thousands of questions. The result is now seen. Oral testimony is some times uncertain, as memory fails. Errors, therefore, may be found. We love our town and all tha,t is good in it with the affection of a son. If the work shall prove interesting and profitable to those who read, it will be the greatest reward we expect. Large portions of the book, in manuscript, have been shown to different persons, considered good judges, some of them learned ; those pages in verse, to a member of the bar in one of the large cities, who is the author of a town history ; for such is our extreme diffidence as to capabilities, we never could have offered the book to the public without the approval of these gentlemen. With their sanction it appears, and with it, we express our warmest gratitude to true friends, who have encouraged us in our ef fort. THE OUTLOOK. Go now, my book, to every one, And give the history of the town ; Tell all the wonders we've had here, Go tell the whole with greatest care. Describe the landscape, plains and hills, The flowing streams, the murm'ring riUs, i'ell of the vales, the fields, the wood. The farms, some poor, more very good. We've little lakes, 'though call'd but ponds ; Their names are Governor's and Jones' ; Chief river, Lamprey, here not wide, Flows gently down to meet the tide. Tell how the Indians wandered here. Fished in our streams, and hunted deer ; Yelled in the woods, and counseled how. If white men came, they'd drop them low. See mortars where they pounded corn. The wigwam's place for night and storm ; Their axes, chisels, warlike maul. Friend David Pecker shows them all. Tell how the early settlers came, Built humble cots and called them "Home;" Felled forest trees and tilled the land, Raised beans and grass and Indian corn. Tell of the early schools they had, With teachers good, school-houses bad ; Of preaching, too, all went to hear, In homely dross, no fashion's gear. Go all about this rural town, THE OUTLOOK. Up "Long Hill" go, and "Break Neck" down ; Go to "The Branch" and "Fiddler's Green," There Nature's handiwork is seen. When surging wars in fury came, Brave men left mill and farm and home ; On hard fought fields, in patriot band. Their watchword, "God and native land." Of Dudley's, how much may be said, Stephen and James first purchase made ; The Judge, 'Squire Moses, Nat and Sam ; Why, bless your souls, we here made men. Pray don't forget the Blakes, the Poors, The Beans, the Browns, the Nays, the Moores ; Tell all about good Deacon Cram, His brothers two, Benj'min and John. The Pages, Prescotts, Foggs and Lanes, The elder and the younger Swains ; The Gilmans, Osgoods, Dearborns, true. And Norris, Folsom, Scribner, too. Here in the church was Stickney good, Farnsworth and Chapman, grave in mood ; This last too pure to here remain. He left and passed to heaven beyond. Of doctors there were Hodgkins, Trull, Pillsbury skilled, of fun brim full ; His pills did good, but more his mirth, He made his saddest patients laugh. (Jo see "The Oven'' up in town ; 'T would bake your pies, white bread and brown; 'Twould bake a lamb, in fact an ox ; 'Tis nature's work in solid rocks. Ten cords of wood would heat it hot, Then in with beans and pudding pot ; 'Twill hold till full, potatoes, fish. When done, oh, what a dainty dish ! McClures own the land round there. Where roamed the wolf and growling bear ; Tl THE OUTLOOK. The cunning fox, too, had his den, Secure from dogs and hunting men. The ladies here are fine and fair, Bless Heaven, they've made us what we are ; Just fit for wives and mothers too. They seem like angels here below. I little thought this country town Had done so much till written down ; We've got a start, and Crocket said, "Be sure you're right, then go ahead." Hurrah ! 'hurrah ! throw up your hats, Use all your hands in ringing claps ; Hurrah I hurrah ! a prize we've gained. The laurel, crown and diadem. Nay, little thought we'd done so much ; I need the canvas, penoil, brush ; A picture large like spreading land. With scenes of action bold and grand. To Raymond's sons we bid God-speed, In wisdom's path let each one tread ; Then honor, fame and bliss will come. And heaven be the final home. HISTORY OF RAYMOND. CHAPTER I GENERAL DESCRIPTION. SITUATION AND EXTENT. The town is in latitude 43° 2' north; longitude 5 fi 52' east of Washington. It is bounded north by Nottingham and Deerfield, east by Epping and Fremont, south by Chester, and west by Chester and Candia. It embraces, ac cording to Merrill's Gazetteer, 16,317 acres, of which 300 are water. THE LAND AND SCENERY. As a whole, the soil is less rich and productive than most other towns in the vicinity, yet there are some good farming sections. There are not, properly, any mountains. It is variegated by plains of small extent, some large swells and hills, well cultivated fields, good meadows on the streams, pleasant vales and beautiful forests. A lover of nature finds rauchto contemplate with inter- 8 THE HISTORT est. In the warm season, there are wonders and delights on every hand. The streams flow gently and form murmur ing waterfalls. The hills rejoice ; the trees seem to " clap their hands ;" the birds sing their sweetest songs ; while the flowers send forth the best perfume. Winter is long and coldj but has enjoyirients. The tillers of the earth have lei sure, social pleasures and opportunities for reading and in struction. The winds, driving storms and deep snows are attended with some gloom, yet often they are gloriously wonderful. Then, as Thompson says, " God is awful with clouds and storms Around him thrown , tempest o'er tempest rolled Majestic darkness ! On the whirlwind's wing Riding sublime, he bids the world adore, And humbles nature with the northern blast." RIVERS. The largest river in this section is Lamprey, formed by the union, in the west, of a stream from Deerfield and one from Candia, and then flowing the whole length of the town. The Indians called it Piskassett. Somewhat early in the history of the State, settlers in towns below, through which it passes, gave it the name it now bears, or, rather, Lamprey-ell, plenty of those fish being found in it. In some books it was called Lampril. In Chester Records, A. D. 1762, it is called Lamprey-eel; but for many years it has been called simply Lamprey river. After leaving this town it flows through Epping, thence into New Market, where it meets the tide. Below, it falls into Great Bay, which has an outlet into the Piscataqua, on which Portsmouth stands. This river, in places where there are many large ones, would be called but a creek, or large brook, but its relations to this town are such, it is so interesting and valuable, that we say of it as the American poet, Barlow, says of the Con necticut, — or RAYMOND. V " Few watery streams through happier villas shine, Nor drinks the sea a lovelier wave than thine." The next in size is the Branch, so called because it is a branch of the Swamscot on which Exeter stands. It is in the south-east part of the town, coming from Chester and passing into Fremont. Pawtuckaway is in the north-east, coming from Notting ham and soon enters Epping. The name Pawtuckaway, with the Indians, signified Great Buck Place. In early times, this was quite generally called Stingy river, because, at the raising of a saw-mill on it, the rum furnished was not enough to satisfy those who assisted on the occasion. Raisings then and long after were much prized by those who wished to get their spirits up by pouring spirits down. A stream from Jones' Pond falls into Lamprey river, near Mrs. H. D. Page's, and is called Cider Ferry, from the fol lowing circumstance : Some early settlers, before there was any bridge across it, were getting a barrel of cider over, when by some mishap it fell and burst, and the contents were mingled with the flowing stream. But, as fish do not drink cider, no harm was done. PONDS. Jones' pond is the largest, and is situated south-west of the village and north of the railroad. A saw-mill was built near its outlet, in early times, by a Mr. Jones, hence its name. Governor's pond is north of the Long Hill. It was named in honor of the Provincial Governor, Penning Wentworth, in office in New Hampshire from 1741 to 1767- LOCAL NAMES. A little to the south-east is "The Branch," so called from the river of that name there. A mile below the village is " Freetown," in the early years the central place of business. Two miles north of the Center is "Oak Hill," named from 10 THE HISTORT the heavy growth of oak timber once found there. In the north-west is "Break Neck Hill," called thus because an ox once ran down it, fell, and broke his neck. "The Mount ain" is near J. Tucker Dudley's. Here grow maples, which, though not as large as the cedars in ancient Syria, are useful in producing sap for sugar. In the west is "Hea- ley Mountain." Abundance of granite stone is found and carried by rail to Portsmouth. " Shattica" is in the south-west. The mountain glens of Scotland were scarcely more secure from invasion than this formerly was. As our countryman, Washington Irving, said of another place, "one might get into it as a fish into an eel-pot, but the mystery seemed to be how to get out again." Of late a road has been made through it. "The Green" is a place commanding a view of some distance. It was long called "Fiddler's Green," because one Green, formerly living there, amused himself with the use of a fiddle. But if he fiddled or piped, he found none to dance. South-west of the Gile school-house is "Rattlesnake Hill," so named be cause that reptile was once numerous there. "Guinea" is near the Nay House, northerly of the Gile school-house. A colored family once lived there, supposed to have come from Guinea in Africa. Last, but chief, as to locality, is the village, usually call ed the Center. Eighty years ago it was mostly a pine for est, with but one dwelling, just back of where that of W. B. Blake now stands. Fifty years ago there were four houses ; that of Mr. Blake, Wm. Towle's,on the spot where Mrs. Willard now lives, Jonathan Cram's, near the black smith's shop, and the one where Mr. Sargent resides. The next erected was that now owned by Mr. S. P. Blake. There are now sixty houses here. In the village are three churches, the town hall, five stores, a milliner's shop, an apothecary's shop, a tin plater's shop, and two hotels. The depot here is a central wood station between Concord arid Portsmouth. The wood and other lumber business is im mense for a country place, and the trade is great. OP RAYMOND. 11 CURIOSITY. There is but one natural curiosity here. It is on the land owned by the McClures, in sight of the road leading to Deerfield. It is a natural excavation in a ledge, called "The Oven," from the appearance of its mouth. At the opening it is five feet high, about as wide, and extends in ward fifteen feet. CHAPTER II THE PRIMEVAL STATE. For ages, this place was an almost unbroken woodland. The sun, moon and stars shone as now ; the rains came ; but man, with industry, civilization, the arts and comforts of society, was not. The forest trees were large. Any con siderable portion of the wood and timber would now be quite a mine of wealth. INDIANS. The Indians were then here. They had their trails through the woods, hunted in the forests, fished in the streams and planted in the small openings. About twenty rods east of the house of J. Fisk Stevens, and near the riv er, a cave was found in which it is supposed they lived, in stead of a wigwam. Traces of it are still seen. Therq two Indian relics were found, which are in possession of Jo- 12 THE HISTORY seph Fisk. One is a knife of flint-like stone ; the other, we are convinced, was a whistle, used to call each other in the dense woods. It is of stone about the size of a hen's egg, resembling it in shape, with a hole nicely cut through it lengthwise. John Folsom, brother to Eliphalet, found, after 1770, a stone chisel on the north side of the town. Some relics were found in the Branch district. Within a few years, David Pecker has obtained quite a collection, mostly from this town ; among which are a stone ax, two stone war clubs, gauges, a stone knife, a stone pestle, two whistles, &c. At the east of Freetown saw-mill is a mortar in a rock, and another on land of the Abbotts, west of Oak Hill. This last has a groove around it, evidently for catching corn that flew out while being pounded. South of Jones' pond is an Indian pot, cut in a ledge, and north of the Green is anoth er. The latter is in a rock some three feet high. Both are nicely cut out, and will hold nearly half a barrel each. Probably they were heated with a fire in them, and then used for cooking food. WILD BEASTS. The catamount and bear were found here, but the latter were not very numerous. The red deer wath branching horns, which were shed annually, were plenty. When Deerfield was incorporated, in 1766, the name was given to it from the abundance of deer found there. After Raymond was in corporated, at the annual town meetings, Deer-Inspectors, (called "Deerspectors" by the first town clerk,) were chos en. There was a law of the Province that none should kill deer from the first of December to the first of August. The penalty was ten pounds lawful money. Deer Inspect ors were to search and detect suspected violators of the law. OF RAYMOND. 13 Wolves were also common. When this town was a part of Chester, a bounty was offered for killing them. The law was in force ten years, ending in 1758. At first the bounty was about $i-33, but was afterwards increased to twice that sum. In 1749, ]^^^ Stark, of Derryfield, now Manchester, killed a wolf in Chester and obtained a bounty. This was the Stark who became a Major- General in the war of the Revolution, and proved himself more capable of overcoming and capturing British forces than in taking wolves, when a young man. Raccoons, foxes, beavers and many other animals, some of which are still here, were found in great numbers. CHAPTER III EVENTS PRIOR TO THE SETTLEMENT OF THE TOWN. Columbus discovered America in Oct., 1492. John Cabot discovered North America in 1497. Capt. John Smith discovered the shore of New Hamp shire in 1614. The Province was called Laconia till 1629, when John Mason, an original proprietor, gave it the name New Hampshire, from the County of Hampshire in England, from which he came. The first settlements were at Portsmouth and Dover in 1623 ; next were Exeter and Hampton in 1638. 14 THE HISTORY John Whelewright purchased what is now Exeter and a large territory near it of the Indians. The deed is dated April 3, 1638. It was obtained of the Indian Sagamore, We-ha-now-no-wit. It probably took in what is now our town. It would be gratifying to know the price, but the deed does not specify. The Sagamore only says, "I, We- ha-now-no-wit, Sagamore of Piscataquacke, for good con siderations me thereunto moving and for certain commodi- tys which I have received have granted and sould (sold) ," etc. The Indians for some time proved troublesome, and no more towns were settled for about 60 years. A little before 1700, Kingston was settled. It embraced what is now East Kingston, Danville and Sandown. It had a garrison on the Plains as security against the Indians. Londonderry, including what is now Derry and Wind ham, was settled in 1719. Scotch Presbyterians came from Ireland, and finding plenty of chestnuts, they named it Nut- field. They cultivated potatoes, the first ever raised in New Hampshire. Not far from the same date, 1719, the settlements of Exe ter were extended to the part now called Epping, and soon to what is known as Brentwood. CHAPTER IV EVENTS FROM THE FIRST OPERATIONS TO THE INCORPORATION. The place was discovered. What is now Epping and Fremont, being parts of Exeter, formed the western bound ary of occupation as a town. A foreseeing, business man at Exeter, looked beyond and saw there was " much land OF RAYMOND. 1.5 lo be possessed." This man was Col. Stephen Dudley. Dudley's purchase. In Jan., 1717, Col. Dudley purchased what is now this town of an Indian, named Penniwit, and Abigail, his squaw. The date of the deed is in the Register's Office, but not the deed itself. The following is a copy of Dud ley's Commission : " Province of New Hampshire. Sam'l Shute, Esq. Captain General and Commander in Chief in and over His Majesty's Province of New Hampshire, in New England, &c. To Stephen Dudley of Freetown, in the Province aforesaid. Greeting. By virtue of the Power and Authority in and by his Majesty's Royal Commission to me granted to be Captain General, &c., over this His Maj esty's Province of New Hampshire aforesaid, I do (by these Presents) re posing especial trust and confidence in your loyalty, courage, and good conduct, constitute and appoint you tlie said Stephen Dudley to be Colonel and Torvn Major of Freetown aforesaid, which land you have obtained by deed from Capt. Peter Penniwit and Abigail his Squaw. Given under my hand and seal at arms at Boston, the seventeenth day of August in the seventh year of the reign of his Majesty King George Annoque Domini, 1717. Sam'l Shute.i By his Excellency's command John BoydeU his Sec'y." This was the first transaction relative to the settlement of the town. WHY A RE-PURCHASE? If the deed of Whelewright was obtained in 1638, why was there a necessity of purchasing this territory again of the Indians? The only answer that can be given is, seven ty-nine years had passed, Whelewright was dead, the place had not been occupied, and probably the Indians claimed it. There is evidence, too, that Abigail, named in Dudley's Commission, was daughter of Om-a-can-can-oe, a Saga more and former owner of the land. 16 THE HISTORY THE NAME FREETOWN. It is seen that this was called Freetown when Dudley pur chased it. It bore that name till it was incorporated. It is believed that it arose from the ship timber business. The king of England claimed the best, and agents explored the forest and marked the trees they chose with the letter R, the abbreviation of the latin Rex, translated king. Attempts would be made to take these trees, and being successful here, none molesting, they called it Freetown. But at length it was found this business was not free. After 1740, a load of this timber was started for Exeter, and when near where Aaron W. Brown now lives, officers of the king came, un loaded the timber, unhitched the oxen and ran the wheels into the river near. Sergent Wm. Towle, who afterwards lived at the Center, was then a boy, and with those who drove the team. COL. DUDLEY SELLS A PART. In March, 1718, Col D. sold one-eighth part of his pur chase to James Dudley, Jr., cooper. This James Dudley was the father of Judge Dudley, and his brothers Samuel and Joseph, all of whom afterwards lived here. A part of the land then obtained has been in possession of the Dud leys ever since, more than 150 years. This, to the Dudley family, is quite interesting. J. Tucker Dudley, now of this town, is of the fifth generation of the purchaser at that time. We have seen the deed given by Col. Dudley to James Dudley aforesaid. It is a curiosity, and would be copied here if a part of it had not been torn off" and lost. Instead of commencing as now, "Know all men," it commences thus, — " To all Christian people." From the location of what is set forth in the deed, it commenced somewhere at the Center, was " three miles in width on both sides of the OP RAYMOND. 17 river by the bridle path." The price, as stated iri the deed, was three pounds. In May, 1722, Col. Dudley disposed of 400 acres more of his possessions here, giving a deed to Francis James, of Gloucester, Mass. THE FIRST SAW-MILL. This was erected at what is still called Freetown mills. Probably it was built by Col. Dudley and others of Exeter. This was not far from 1725. It stood a few rods above the present mill ; the dam was high, and the water flowed the meadows north and west of the Center. DID COL. DUDLEY RESIDE HERE? Dean Dudley, Esq., of Boston, thinks he did. The late Hon. J. Kelly, of Exeter, in some account of him, says he was of this place. Our opinion is, that he lived mostly in Exeter, but was here some of the time, superintending the affairs of his property, and showing his possession. He was a shoemaker by trade. He possessed much en ergy, enterprise, and was spirit-stirring. He wore a scar let coat, laced jacket, ruffled shirt and powdered wig. He died at Exeter, in 1734, aged 46. John, a brother of his, was killed by the Indians in the part of Exeter now called Fremont, in 1710. Col. Stephen Dudley was uncle of Judge Dudley. A son of Col. D., named Stephen, was deacon of the Congregational church in Gilmanton, and died Aug. 11, 181 1. CHESTER GRANTED AND SETTLED. In Oct., 1719, about eighty persons, chiefly of Hampton and Portsmouth, associated and obtained a grant for a town ship. The grant was given Aug. 26, 1720. It was then called the " Chestnut country." The town granted was ten 18 THE HISTORY miles square, and embraced, besides what is now Chester, Raymond, Candia, Auburn and a portion of two other towns. Settlements were immediately commenced by per sons from Hampton and Rye, among the most active of whom were S. Ingalls, J. Gotfdhue, J. Sargent, Eben Dear born, R. Smith, B. and E. Colby, John and S, Robie. The Robie family, afterwards in Raymond, came later from Hampton Falls. The town was called Cheshire till its incorporation in 1722. In 1750, a portion of Chester was set off to help consti tute Derryfield, now Manchester. In 1763, the part called Charmingfare was incorporated Candia. In 1764, Free town was disannexed and incorporated Raymond. In 1822, another portion was spared to help constitute Hook- sett. And, finally, in 1845, the west part of Chester, call- , ed Long-meadow, was incorporated Auburn. Chester is, in a sense, the venerable mother of all of these places. THE SURVEY. The' next event in the history of our town was its survey, in 1728, by a committee of five, chosen at Chester, and re siding in the part now comprised in that town. Besides the name Freetown, it was frequently called the "North Woods." It was divided by the survey into 140 lots and a few gores, not numbered. No. i was in the north-east. ¦Each lot was intended to be 100 acres, but many of them were larger. EARLY SETTLERS. The first settlement of a town forms an important part of its history. All would like to know something of those who first planted the wilderness ; whence they came ; the time when ; how they lived and what hardships they endured. But it is often difficult to get the desired particulars, espe- OF RAYMOND. 19 cially, as in this case, when the town was formerly part of another. We have already noticed the opinion that Col. Stephen Dudley was here for a while, and that about that time a saw-mill was built. Very likely a few families were here then. This was more than 140 years ago, between 1720 and 1730. Many years since, traces of cellars were seen near the mill-yard at Freetown, where, doubtless, some of the early settlers lived ; but there seems no possibility of ascertaining who they were, nor concerning any others who came here previous to 1740, Not many were here before that date. We will give the result of extensive inquiries and researches. 1744. There is a record, which we think reliable, that Samuel Dudley was here at this date, his oldest son having been born about that year. He lived where the Judge after wards lived. In 1745, Samuel Healey settled in the west part. His house was east of what is now the Jersey road in Candia. 1750. About this date, David Bean cam« from Kingston. He was brother of Lieut. Benjamin Bean, who came soon after. He lived just south of Capt. Levi Brown's, where a cellar is now seen. He soon moved to the Island in Can dia, and some of his descendants, by the name of Bean, have since lived there. 1751. Elisha Towle, from Hawke, now Danville, settled a little north of the residence of Col. Lyba Brown. 1752. Lieut. Benj. Bean, from Kingston, settled back of Aaron W. Brown's blacksmith shop ; a little after, in the old house opposite Widow John Bean's. That house was standing then, and had been occupied by one Smith. The house is the oldest in town. Jedediah and Jonathan Brown, from Seabrook, came to the Page road. Jedediah lived where Col. Lyba Brown lived, and Jonathan in the field east of the road, on land now owned by the Prescotts. 20 THE HISTORY Maj. Josiah Fogg, from Hampton, settled where Timo thy O. Page owns, and his brother Stephen on the Page road where Mr. Floyd lives. Daniel Robie, from Hampton Falls, settled where the au thor of.this book resides. 1753. Daniel Todd, originally from Ireland, came to a place east of the Dean Smith place. There is no house there, but the cellar remains, and on the door-stone, yet in its place, is " 1764," the date of the incorporation of the town, which he had chiseled there about that time. 1754. Daniel Holman was from West Epping. He had lived below, but was disposed to move westward, with civili- .zation. His small house in Epping was not far from Thom as Folsom's, and was the flrst built west of the river. In Raymond, he lived on Oak Hill, just above the Abbotts. He was not blessed or troubled with neighbors for some time. 1755. Robert Page, from Pagetown, in North Hampton, came, built a house opposite Simon Page's, and established himself in it. And about the same date, John and James Fullonton came from Epping. John built a log house in front of Lieut. John E. Cram's, which had no glass or doors, properly such. James built back from the highway, in the field now owned by Mr. Tufts. These are but fragments of the history of that early peri od. The above became families of note. In the mean time, and during the nearly ten years that followed the in corporation, "the common people" were filling in; indeed, some of the uncommon, till there was the life and industry of human activity in different parts of the town. But, in the absence of materials for any full account of those times, what can we do? A good cause, with courage and perse verance, knows no defeat. We will accomplish our object in spite of seeming formidable obstacles. We will make an exploring tour through the principal places of the town, OP RAYMOND. 21 gather all the information possible by observation and rigid inquiry, and, in a familiar talk to readers, give them the whole of it. Like one of Bunyan's characters, "we will talk of things past, present and to come, provided it be for mutual benefit." In many cases, dates can not be given. An account of some will not be mentioned here, but will be found under the head of Biography. THE EXPLORATION. Please not suppose that much of what follows is romance. Simply guess there are four of us, two intelligent lady friends, a gentleman and the writer, seated in a substantial farm wagon, drawn by a horse like one described by Wash ington Irving, named "Gun-powder," that had some metal in his day, but has lost it, so that a good whip must be used. The ladies eye him sharply, and express some dissatisfac tion. But exercise patience. Columbus's men wished to find land in a day, and would have returned, but that in trepid navigator was not disheartened, though the prospect seemed hopeless. The result was, the discovery of a conti nent. Our voyage shall result in discoveries that will inter est the people here in all coming time. The gentleman by our side has a note book in which to insert what we may dictate. We have taken "Macaulay's History of England," "Prescott's Philip II. of Spain," from which the ladies will read aloud when riding over hard roads, or through uninteresting places, also Whittier's poem, "Snow-Bound" to be read if we find ourselves horse-bound. It is August. Others go to the mountains, Saratoga, or the beaches. We can do better. We are to see the won ders of this place, and find out things of old, when the sturdy pioneers leveled the forests, erected their humble dwellings and began to cultivate the virgin soil. The first operations were at Freetown mills, and some were early in the Branch District. The veritable, shrewd, 22 THE HISTORY humorous "Maj. Jack Downing" said, "It is well to begin at the beginning of things and we shall get through better." We go to the south part of the Branch road and then pro gress north. On the Raymond side of Chester line, Benj. True, from Salisbury, built a house. He was the father of the late Capt. Benj. True, who lived in the edge of Chester. Barton Pollard lived near the Todd place, and the Moores were early on the farm still called by the name. On the Currier farm the Merrills flourished; and in 1795 Gideon Currier, from Chester, came into possession. He became, in his day, perhaps the largest land-holder in town. We are delighted, in fact charmed, with appearances in this section. It is one of the best farming portions of the town. Good, substantial dwellings, all on the northerly side of the road and fronting the street, add to the attractions. And now we are opposite the homestead of Benja min Poor, Esq., and recall the lines of a poet, — "Yon house erected on the rising ground With tempting aspect draws us from the road. For plenty there a residence has found. And content a magnificent abode." But we must not go in, for they might find out the busi ness of our ride, and that is as secret as Free Masonry, till all shall be told in the town history. About the time of the Revolutionary war, Samuel Poor, with his sons Samuel and Ebenezer, came from West New bury. They began on what are now two farms still in the name of Poor. Nearly in front of Esq. Poor's dwelling is a grand elm tree. It was set there by his father, and his mother held it erect while the soil was filled in around it, more than ninety years ago. The carriage is stopped after getting a little beyond the house, so that we shall not attract notice, a line is drawn around the tree and its circumference is found to be 14 feet. "Woodman, spare that tree." OP RAYMOND. 23 Esq. Poor held town offices when there was purity in the elections. Offices came to those judged worthy, instead of those wishing them, maneuvering to get them, sometimes by money and bad liquor. We notice not only the buildings, but the barn-yard, which, by much labor, is made basin-like, so that every thing fertilizing is saved. The farm appears well cultivat ed. At the Town Fair in Chester, in 187 1, we heard Judge French speak. He stated that a friend from Raymond told him that morning, he had some difficulties in farming ; that in mowing around the hills, it seemed necessary that one leg be shorter than the other. No name was given, but we felt sure this was Mr. Poor. He is patient, however. He was seen, not long ago, plowing at the west end, near the Currier place. There the fast stones were plenty. But the soil was all turned over. What the plow did not do, one with the breaking up hoe did, as in good old times. But do not dwell here too long. Our horse is as restless as a war-horse. He is panting for onward progress, and so onward we go. We are learning the past and present won ders of this interesting town, and the prospect of success is as bright as the star of hope. John Prescott Lovering came from Exeter to Fremont, then to what is here known as the Lovering place about the commencement of the Revolutionary war. His son Daniel, a grandson, the late Capt. Daniel, and finally a son of the Capt., the present Moses L. Lovering, also dwelt here. A Pail Manufactory was established in 1864, in which are two steam engines, and often eight or ten hands are employ ed. Sometimes 100 pails have been made in a day. Tubs, mackerel kits and shingles have also been made here. As we pass on, we see where Col. Theophilus Lovering, anoth er son of J. Prescott Lovering, resided. It is on a road half a mile to the east. On our right, too, half a mile off, is the Whittier place, where dwelt Capt. Benj. Whittier, the first Justice of the Peace. 24 THE lllSTORY Where Levi S. Brown lives, the Swains formerly resid ed. Mr. Brown and family have in preservation many relics of the olden times, embracing dresses, Buckskin breeches, long stockings, coats with broad lapels, broad brim hats, a female cloak, tea dishes, furniture, &c., all of which are well worth seeing. Jacob York came from Lee, to what is now called York's Corner, in 1795. It is said that near this Corner, Clement Moody early settled. No one lived nearer than "the Rocks" in Poplin, now Fremont, and when fire was lost, it was nec essary to go to "the Rocks" to get it. At the old Bean house, opposite Widow John Bean's, not only the town meetings were held till a meeting house was built, but the meetings for preaching. Passing on by the mill, we soon come to George S. Ro- bie's. Here Stephen Prescott, from Hampton, built a house in the woods, about 1775. Some years later he raised a bar rel of potatoes, which was then thought a great crop. Stephen Osgood, a grandson, flourished there, and for years he put much in motion in this part of the town. — Crossing the railroad, just before getting to the main road, is a cel lar ; also the remains of an orchard. Ebenezer Cram, aft erwards Deacon, came from Hampton Falls, in 1768, and located here. His brother Benjamin located where Jo siah B. Cram lives ; another brother, John, on Mr. Moul- ton's place near the Gove school-house. Afterwards, John and Ebenezer changed farms. John, in time, moved to Pittsfield. Passing Capt. S. Gove's, a large willow tree is seen ; not beautiful, not symmetrical like the poplar of Lombardy, but it has a history. More than ninety years ago, Maj. Norris, who lived near what is now known as Epping Corner, came with his wife to this place. The latter brought a willow stick for a whip, in her hand, which was stuck in the ground where James F. Gove's house is. It grew and some twenty OP RAYMOND. 25 years later, James Norris built there, cut down the tree and set up a part of the trunk for a hitching post. The present tree which is i6 feet in circumference, came from that. Easterly of the school-house, where the old road was, lived Joseph White. A man up north, Capt. John Fullonton, lost his wife, who charged him, before her death, not to mar ry Molly, who lived at Dea. Cram's. The man thus charg ed had a mind to do so, however; and at dusk the Captain would be seen wending his way to where Molly lived. Mr. White, knowing the case, thought to frighten him out of it. So one night, as the Captain was already in the door-yard, anticipating an interview with his intended bride. White appeared, wrapped in a sheet as if the ghost of the departed wife from the graveyard below. The Cap tain did not believe in witches, hobgoblins or ghosts. He was aware that "true love does not run smooth," but will run regardless of difficulties. Molly he meant to have in spite of the devil and all his works, so he gave chase. White fled, carrying the sheet on his arm and ran home for fear of a beating. Lieut. Jona. Dearborn, from Stratham, who came here about 1763, built what is now the ell of R. R. Rundlett's house. Gilman Folsom purchased his place more than 35 years ago. Mechanics had lived there, and the farm had been neglected so that it looked like "the vineyard of the slothful," but it has been changed to great productiveness. It cost him some $1,600. Garden seeds have been among the chief products. The Nursery and other parts have been extensive. Mr. Folsom and son are doing much business. The house cost $3,000 when work and materials were cheap. Just north of Capt. Tilton's road lived Benj, Fox, — after wards north of Oak Hill. Down the back road, near Ep- , ping line, lived Joseph and Moses Cass. Some confidently believe the late Gen. Lewis Cass was son of one of these. The General was born, however, in Exeter, and his father 26 THE HISTORY was Jonathan Cass. Eliphalet Folsom came from Exeter, and settled where Capt. Tilton lives, in 1770. His brother John dwelt at the foot of Oak Hill. On the Hill, besides Holman, already named, lived Jacob Smith, who moved from Epping to Nottingham, then here. The Abbotts have a large dwelling on the place. Half a mile above, where Mr. Ham lives, John Bachelder had a house of which the fire-place formed a considerable part. It would take in a backlog five feet long and two feet in diameter, a forestick six feet long, and other wood to match, in all nearly a cord. Mr. B. was from Hampton Falls. Let us now turn south and descend the hill. Near its foot, Daniel Pevere, from Hampton Falls, early settled. On the place where J. Corson once lived, Moses Sanborn resided. John Brown, father of Joseph, came later with his father ' John, from Hampton. A few rods north of Harriman's lived John Montgomery, from Ireland. Asa Harriman, a native of Rowley, Mass., came from Epping about 1783. Opposite the Harriman house, Nath'l Dudley, son of the Judge, built. After he left, James Dudley occupied the place for a time, then moved to the Branch. This house was moved, and the lower story is that owned of late by Mrs. Sherburn Blake. East, in the Blake field, lived Benj. Prescott. Reuben Tilton, from Hampton Falls, came to where Dud ley Harriman lived for years, about 1770. John Stevens came here not far from the same time, we think a little ear lier. Joseph Fisk and son now own the farm. Stevens' first house was back towards the river, afterwards the old Stevens house on the road. We do not know where Ste vens was from, but his wife was a sister of Thomas Norris, who lived at the eastern base of Jones' Hill, in Epping. The family was industrious. Mrs. S. with careful fore thought for future want, had secreted quite a sum of specie, which was found after her decease, in 1815, in a bed. OP RAYMOND. ¦ 27 We arrive at the Baptist church. Time fails to go up, west. Where Griffin's mill is, a saw-mill was built, we think by some of the Dudley's. Joseph Dudley, brother of the Judge, lived there, also a Mr. Wells. The cellars re main. Where David Griffin owns, Alexander McClure settled. His son Alexander lived on the late Martha McClure's place, beyond the "Long Hill," which is rightly named. Hon. J. D. Philbrick, a native of Deerfield, great grandson of Judge Dudlej'', late Superintendent of Public Schools in Boston, has spoken of it as seeming very long to him when young and visiting at the late Gen. Tucker's. More difficult per haps than he afterward found the "Hill of Science." But for many years S. B. Martin, who drove stage between Con cord and Portsmouth, preserved here as everywhere his sunny face while the horses tugged up the hill ; also Brown, with his baggage wagons, carrying heavy articles of freight over the same route. Nicholas Gilman, from Kingston, grandfather of B. B. Gilman, early settled where another grandson, Phineas, now lives. His first dwelling was in the woods, a large camp across the road, by the side of a great rock which is still there. Sam'l Dudley, at the west end, has already been named. Afterwards the Judge and Moses Dudley, Esq. A fuller account of all will be found in the Biography. Isaac Tuck er, grandfather of the late Barnard and Gen. H. Tucker, went first from Philadelphia to Portsmouth, thence to this place about the time of the Revolution. Daniel Richard son, the ancestor of several of that name here, was from Newbury Old Town, about 1765. Caleb Smith lived in the Dudley district. He was chosen one of the Selectmen. The place was new, but not new enough for his enterprising spirit. Usually, "westward the star of empire takes its way," but with him it was north- 28 THE HISTORY ward. So he struck for the region beyond the White Mountains, called the "Upper Cohos." He, with another Smith, pierced through an almost impenetrable forest to where they had obtained a grant of land for a town, which they named Piercy. The land was very rough, so much so, they thought Satan had, or might have had, something to do with it; and an abrupt ledge was named "The Devil's Sliding Place." The time Smith went there was in 1788. The name Piercy has since been changed to Stark. But we return to the Center and take a south-westerly course. Near the Gile school-house lived Jesse Gile, from Haverhill, Mass., and at the right, David Brown, from Chester. John Leavitt early settled nearly opposite the Hodgkins place. Nutter & Co's establishment is near the outlet of the pond. Two Nutters, Barstow and Hayes form this company. In lands, mills, a valuable house, a dam, &c., about forty thousand dollars are invested. The busi ness was commenced early in 1868. The principal busi ness is making shooks and sugar boxes for the West India trade. Wood is also cut for the market. Manoah Scribner, from Fremont, came to the Scribner place about 178?. A Mr. Palmer lived at the- north-west of the pond, and Jonathan Smith, father of Dean Smith, had a log house near Healey's Mountain. Asa Heath lived northerly of the Green, and Samuel Healey in the vicinity. Jonathan Woodman came from Candia early in the pres ent century. He was a descendant of Peter Woodman, who lived at Kingston nearly 150 years ago. But we are now in the Lane district, and stop near Eben C. Osgood's. We feel somewhat as Volney did when sitting down amid the ruins he explored in the course of three years in Egypt and Syria. "Here," he said, "once flourished noble cities." And here, say we, once flourished a fine hamlet of peaceful citizens. In a circle of a mile or so, twelve or fifteen cel lars are found. Here were industry, honest toil and social bliss. Here too were conflict and sorrow, and we would ^ \ OP RAYMOND. 29 fain believe that stricken, riven hearts breathed to the God of storms and tempests, their woes. Read, ladies, as we pass on, Macauley's account of the troubles of James II. late in his reign, and how when he found he must lose his throne, he threw the key of state from London bridge, and fled to France. And how Philip II. of Spain let the Protestants perish by persecution, as recorded by Prescott. But we come to the Lane' district. John, from Rye, came to Chester, a mile south of here in 1749. He owned land here, and on it his sons settled ; Nathan where the late Dea. Wason lived, Ezekiel where Ezekiel, a grandson, lived, Daniel where Henry lived, David where the Deacon resides, and Jonathan where David lives. Dea. Wason was from Chester, about 1800. Matthias Haines lived in the Wa son district. The Abbotts in town descended from Ephraim, from Fremont, who lived on the Bye road to the Green. Returning, we leave the Nay road on the right. An ac count of the first Nay is in another place. The road down there has matters of interest, but if we go down we shall suddenly reach the woods, where the road ends. Below, on the east path to the Branch, are three cellars. On the road east of the Gile school-house, settled the Bachelders, from Hampton Falls ; Josiah where Hazen lives, Jonathan at the house below, David farther down. South of Hazen Bachelder's lived Samuel Peavey. The Kimballs were from Exeter, the grandfather and father of the present Kimball on that road. ? At the Center, we turn down by Moulton's. Josiah, the first who settled here, was from Hampton Falls. Further down, where the road divides, lived Henry Thresher, who came from Hampton about 1775. His son David followed, but afterward moved to Candia where a son of his, Henry, now lives. Thus our exploration ends. All has been narrated that could be without occupying too many pages. As a whole, 30 THE HISTORY the tour was interesting. We fancy readers are saying, as did Cowper, at the close of the poem on John Gilpin's ride : " And when they next do ride abroad. May we be there to see." INDIAN ALARMS. In 1750, the number of inhabitants must have been small, perhaps from fifty to one hundred. It does not appear that the Indian war-whoop was heard, yet, in towns near, there were terrible alarms. There were garrison houses in Chester. In 1725, the Indians came there and took Thom as Smith and John Carr. They started for Canada, but after traveling thirty miles, the captives escaped and returned to the garrison. There was also a garrison on the Square in Nottingham, but in 1752, while some were in their own houses, the savages came and killed a Mr. Beard, Mr. Folsom, and Mrs. Simpson. In Epping were three garrisons, one of which was at the foot of Jones' hill, where Mrs. Rhoda Murray lives. Capt. John Fullonton, who lived in Epping, afterwards in this town, remembered when people carried their guns to meet ing on the Sabbath, stacked them near, and placed a senti nel over them to give alarm if trouble came. Guns were also carried to the fields where labor was performed. The fears and alarms of those who lived here then, can only be conjectured. But they had brave hearts and strong, hands. Cottages were erected ; the forest gave way before the woodman's ax; what were "range-ways" were made paths for teams ; and a highway cast up where was only the hunter's trail. The magic touch of civilization changed all; "the wilderness and solitary place were made glad," and there were songs of praise to God. In 1763, the last Indian war ended. ROADS BEFORE THE INCORPORATION. The first laid out by Chester, in what is now Raymond, OP RAYMOND. 31 was March lO, 1748. It began near where Mr. Knowles now lives in Chester, and followed a path through the Branch district to what is now Fremont line, below J. Elliott's. Sept. 22, 1749- From a road on the north of what is now Chester, to Wason district to Candia line. This pass ed a saw-mill called Chatauga, a corruption of an Indian word signifying foggy place. May 5, 1750. From below Marden's in Chester, into Raymond, east of the Dean Smith place, called the Todd road. May 5, 1750. Near Osgood True's, by what is called the Dudley place, to where Horace Whittier lives. Aug. 21, 1752. Fremont line to Freetown Mills. Oct. 18, 1757. North of Capt. Tilton's road by the gate that hiing near Gilman Folsom's, b}'' Timothy Osgood's to Epping line. - June 12, 1759. From Freetown Mills, by the Center, to Dudley's mill, in the west part. June 12, 1759. From Gilman Folsom's, over Oak Hill to Nottingham line. June 13, 1759. Freetown Mill to school-house near Tim othy Osgoods. June 14, 1760. Outlet of Jones' pond to Center. Sept. 3, 1760. Dudley's Mill to Candia line near Mr. Critchet's. Dec. 9, 1761. Page road. March 24, 1763. North side of Chester to where Henry D. Lane lately lived. EDUCATION AND MORALS. There were no schools before the incorporation, and very few, if any, books, except the Bible. Drunkenness was rare, and there was less profanity in proportion to the people than now. In the time of which we speak, about 1760, there were inhabitants in the different sections of the town, 32 THE HISTORY but dwellings were often among thick trees or near dense for ests. The sun and moon could not be seen at rising or set ting. It was in some sense, "the state of nature." But Pope says, — "Nor think in nature's state they blindly trod. The state of nature was the reign of God." Numbers went to church, the distance not preventing. Some went to Chester, eight or ten miles, to hear Rev. E. Flagg, and others, from the Lane district, went about the same distance to the Presbyterian meeting, to hear Rev. J. Wilson, in the part of Chester now called Auburn. TOWN OFFICERS. The voters went to Chester to the annual Town Meeting, which was held in March as now, but earlier in the month. It was held in the church, which stood near where the Academy now stands. No one here was elected selectman before the separation. In 1752, Benj. Bean was chosen surveyor of highways, and deer inspector in 1757. In 1759, Josiah Fogg was constable. In 1760, Samuel Dud ley was surveyor of highways, who, as such, built a bridge over the river near D. Pecker's, for which Chester refused to pay ; but he sued the town and recovered costs. In 1761, Robert Page was surveyor of highways. In 1762, Benj. Bean was constable ; Wadley Cram, surveyor of highways ; James Fullonton, tithingman, and Samuel Dudley, deer inspector. The meanness of office-seeking was not then known. Such offices as these, conferred on good and true men, sat isfied the highest ambition. Then men, if chosen to places of trust, honored them by a faithful performance of duty. THE NAME RAYMOND. The place having been named Freetown about fifty years, it is a little singular that it was not retained when incorpo- OP RAYMOND. 33 rated. Taking a new and classical one, shows that there were minds not disposed to tread all the timein one path, but capable of thinking and advancing. Raymond, in German, means "quiet place." In the Teutonic, which was the ancient German, their descend ants the Dutch, Anglo-Saxons, and Scandinavians, it was rein, pure, and mund, mouth. In Gaelic, that is, the High landers of Scotland, it is ray, luster, and in French, monde, world. The lustrous, luminous, or shining world. The last definition probably gave the surname Raymond. Persons bore the name in England and long have in our country. In England, the surname Raymond, without doubt, became the name of the residence of those bearing it. It is the name of a town in Norfolk County, England. As above defined, the name is quite interesting. We trust it will be the name of the place while the world shall stand ; and sincerely hope the virtues and intelligence of the people will be pure, lustrous and shining, like the name. Six states, besides New Hamp., have towns of this name. They are Maine, Miss., Min., Iowa, Wis., and Kansas. Ohio and Pennsylvania have it plural, — Raymonds. W. Va. has Raymond City. CHAPTER V. CIVIL HISTORY. Draw a diagram some three inches by three, then divide it by a line east and west, then, from the middle of this, draw one north, and there will be a view of the situation 34 THE HISTORY when measures were taken to have what is now Raymond incorporated. Chester. Charmingfare, now Candia. Freetown, now- Raymond. Chester was about the southern half. Charminrrfare, about to be made Candia, the west half of the other divis ion. Face the west with the page before you, to have the right idea. It should be said, however, that the territory was not an exact square as in the diagram, nor regular in its boundaries. The figure is an outline to represent the situation. It was natural that the other half of the north division should be made a town, especially if the popula tion and other requisites warranted it. This was judged to be the case, and at a town meeting held in Chester, proba bly called for the purpose, Jan. 26, 1764, it was " Voted consent that the part called Freetown be incorporated into a distinct Parish." It has already been seen why this part was called Freetown ; and the name "Old Hundreds" was applied to the lots here, after the survey in 1727. OP RAYMOND. 35 The next thing in order was to send a Petition to the Governor and Provincial Assembly. This was dated March 1,1764. It was addressed — "To his Excellency Benning Wentworth Esq. Governor and Commander-in-Chief over his Majestie's Province of New Hampshire ; To the Hon'ble His Majestie's Council, and Hon'ble House of Representa tives in General Assembly convened." We preserve the spelling, also the capitals, but omit the Petition at length. In it the name Freetown is written thus, — "freetown." We give the names of the petitioners. It will show who were here then, and also that some of the family names continue now. The spelling is as in the Petition, and, by the way, it is frequent in town histories to do this, with the use of capital letters as appear in record of votes and all documents. We shall do this only occasionally as specimens of the early manner of writing. SIGNERS OF THE PETITION. Daniel Gordon, Jr., Daniel Jorden, [ Gordon ] Daniel Holman, John Cram, Elisha Towle, Alexander Mel, [ McClure, ] Jonathan Brown, Stephen Fogg, Simeon Berry, Benjamin Smith, Noah moultpn, James Fullonton, Wadleigh Cram, Samuel Cram, Joseph glgiles, [Giles,] John Stevens, Daniel Lane, Jonathan Dearborn, Ezekiel Lane, Benia Bean, [Benjamin] David Lane, Curtis Bean, Nathan Moulton, Isaac Clifford, Josiah Fogg, Paul Smith Marston, Daniel Clay, Benjamin Prescott, Stephen marden, John Fullonton, Obadiah Griffin, John Wells, Moses Sanborn, John Prescott Downs, 36 THE HISTORY Caleb Rowe, William Todd, Robert Page, Timothy Clough, John Sweet, Ezekiel Smith, Daniel Robie, David Bean, James Clay, Alexander Smith, Stephen Wilson, Barton Pollard, Jethro Bachelder, David Bean, Jr., Benj. Whittier, Nathaniel Ethridge, Clement DoUof, Enoch Fogg. New Hampshire was then a Colony under the govern ment of Great Britain. The governor was appointed bjr the king. There was a Council of about twelve, and a House of Representatives of some thirty. The petition passed the House, May 4, 1764, and was signed, Henry Sherburn, Speaker. May 9, it passed the Council, and was signed, — Theodore Atkinson, Jr., Secre tary. The same day it was approved by the governor as fol lows : — "Consented to, B. Wentworth." Samuel Emerson was authorized by the Act of Incorpo ration to call the first meeting for the election of officers. It was held at Benj. Bean's inn, opposite where Widow John Bean lately lived. May 29, 1764. The following is a list of officers chosen : Moderator, — Samuel Dudley. Town Clerk,— Ezekiel Smith. Constable, — Benj. Whittier. Selectmen, — Caleb Rowe, Samuel Dudley, Robert Page. Auditors and Assessors, — Stephen Fogg, Joseph Dudley, Ezekiel Lane. Surveyors of Highways, — Josiah Fogg, Jona. Dearborn, Joseph Dudley, Simon Bayard, Clement DollofF. Haywards, — Stephen Thurston, Jona. Dearborn, Joseph Smith, Curtis Bean, Samuel Philbrick, Daniel Scribner. OP RAYMOND. 37 Tithingmen, — ^James Fullonton, N. Ethridge, Moses Whittier, Joseph Dudley. Deer Inspectors, — ^John Sweatt, John Stevens. Surveyors of Lumber, — Benj. Bean, Alexander Smith. Pound keeper, — ^John Smith. " Voted to hold the annual meeting on the first Monday in March for time to come." Voted to build a Pound between Benj. Bean's orchard and the mill. The Pound was soon built of wood north of where Wid ow John Bean lately lived, on the east side of the road. At a meeting held June ii, voted to raise 1200 pounds Old Tenor for the use of the town. About $60.00. 1765. April I, voted that the rates of those persons who had run away, be allowed to the constable. Men were chosen to office for the public good, and in some cases, at least, it appears that the honor of the office was a sufficient reward, for, on a proposition to see if one pound be paid to the constable for collecting the taxes the past year, it passed in the negative. 1766. Jedediah Brown was chosen constable, but rather than serve without pay, he preferred to pay another for serv ing ; so he hired John Fullonton, giving him two pounds, five shillings ; afterwards the town voted to pay it. 1767. The first census was taken by the selectmen. It was as follows : Unmarried men, between the ages of six teen and sixty, twenty-one. Married, between sixteen and sixty, seventy-eight. Boys, of sixteen and under, one hun dred and thirty-two. Men, of sixty and above, three. Fe males unmarried, one hundred and thirty-four. Females married, eighty-one. Slaves, none. Widows, six. Total, four hundred and fifty-five. March 3. Henry Flood and family needed support by the town, and the maintenance of them was set up at vendue at the close of the town meeting. 38 THE HISTORY 1768. Attention was turned to the building of a meeting house. But the difficulty was to agree on a place for it. Jan. 25, it was voted to build. Enoch Fogg entered his dissent against the vote. Voted to set it near David Bach- eldor's house. This was west of York's corner. There was dissatisfaction atout the location, and at the annual meeting, March 7, it was moved to revoke the vote ^ in regard to the place. It was negatived. April 4, it was tried again and prevailed. Then voted that it set between Lieut. Benj. Bean's and the pound. This was north of where Widow John Bean lately lived, on the east side of the road. The following entered their names in dissent : — Eze kiel Lane, Daniel Lane, David Lane, Obadiah Griffin, E. Morse, D. Clay, Samuel Healey, Wm. Todd, W. S. Hea ley, Ephraim Currier, James Rowe, John Palmer, Barton Pollard. — Sept. 22, it was tried to revoke this last vote, but it was negatived. The south-west people were so dissatis fied that it was acted upon to see if a portion there be set off to Chester. This was negatived. Number -of resident tax paj^ers, ninety-nine. Highest, James Moore, about fifteen dollars in the present currency. 1769. Daniel Robie was chosen constable and would not accept. He was excused by paying a fine of twenty shil lings. Such was the division as to where the meeting house was to stand, nothing was done in erecting it. A petition was sent to the Provincial Assembly to locate it. The result was, "That we think the site of the Meeting House at the westerly End of Lott No. 37 Laid out to Samuel Shaw at a place called Sled Hill will best accommodate said Parish." This was a little east of Mr. Hazen Bacheldor's. Some' timber was soon drawn to the place, it is said, the town having voted to accept. 1770. At the town meeting, March 5, an article to see if the town would choose a committee to build the meet- OF RAYMOND. 39 ing house on the spot fixed by the Provincial Assembly, passed in the negative. 1771. The State was divided into counties. Ours was named Rockingham, in honor of an Earl in England by that name. The matter of building a meeting house was abandoned, and at the March meeting a committee of five was chosen to take care of the timber that had been got out. 1772. Highest tax payer, Josiah Fogg, his tax being I £, 10 s.,4d. 1773. It was determined to have a meeting house. The town meetings had invariably been held at Lieut. Benj. Bean's, and what preaching was had on the Sabbath was either there, or at David Bacheldor's. To harmonize all views as to its location, it was proposed to set it near the center. The geographical center, it was found, was about in the river just back of where Horatio D. Page lately lived. The river then covered the meadows there, and was quite an expanse of water. April 12, it was voted 'to set it as near the center of the parish as may be. Then voted to set it on Pitch Pine Plain at the easterly side of Freetown Pond. Probably this was near H. D. Page's house. The vote was disputed, and then, by poll of the meeting, it was confirmed, 43 to 15. Voted that it be 45 by 35 feet, with post 21 feet. The building was to be put up, boarded, shingled, window frames put in, and underpinned in one year. For this purpose, Nicholas Gilman, Elisha Towle, and Ezekiel Lane were chosen a committee. 1774. June 6, Voted to revoke all former votes relative to the place of building the meeting house. Voted to set it near Stephen Gale's, on the great road. This was at what is now the Village. Stephen Gale lived just back of where the house of W. B. Blake stands. Twenty-one entered their names in dissent of this vote. They lived mostly in the south-west, and at the Branch district. In the autumn, Sept. 29, the frame was raised. It stood 40 THE HISTORY easterly of where the town house now stands, near where the pound lately was. The raising was a great affair. Many assembled. The town paid Ebenezer Cram three shillings for a bushel of meal for the raising, and Robert Page seventeen shillings, five pence for rum, sugar and fish. The building committee were Benj. Cram, John Dudley and Robert Page. Seventy-five pounds had been appropriated by the town to expend on the house. 1775 • J^"- 16, John Dudley and Jona. Swain were chosen Deputies to a convention at Exeter to choose delegates to the Continental Congress, to be held in Philadelphia, May 10. March 6, a vote was taken to see if the meeting house frame should be removed to some other place. Negatived. On an article in the warrant to see if a portion of the south west should be set off to Chester, negatived. The war with England came on. Nothing more was done on the meeting house ; and some time after, the frame was taken down and used in building a bridge near Mr. Pecker's. April 24, John Dudley and Jona. Swain, chosen to meet the committee appointed by a Provincial Convention, said committee to hold a session in Exeter to consult for our safety. May 4, voted to enlist ten men with arms and ammuni tion. Capt. Elisha Towle volunteered his services. Voted that he enlist nine others. Voted that Capt. Towle have three pounds, twelve shillings per month, if called into the service, and each man one pound, sixteen shillings. Voted three pounds for ammunition, if it shall be wanted. The census was taken this year. Males under sixteen, 187. From sixteen to fifty, not in the army, 120. Above fifty, 24. In the army, 18. Females, 334. Total popula tion, 683. 1777. Soldiers were called for, and John Dudley, Esq., was active in inducing several to enlist. May 19, voted to OP RAYMOND. 41 raise six hundred dollars to add to the bounty of those that shall enlist in the Continental service for three years, Sept. 15, the re-building of Dudley's bridge, (now Peck er's) was bid off by Ithiel Gordon at one hundred and four dollars. 1779. Capt. Benj. Whittier and Capt. John Fullonton were chosen to enlist five men to serve during the war. 1780. May 19, was noted for what has since been called the "dark day." It was necessary to light candles in the day-time; the birds ceased their songs, and all was gloomy. 1784. The war had ended the year previous, and a con vention had framed a constitution for the State, which was accepted by a large portion of the towns. The Chief Mag istrate for a few years, was called President. March i, was the annual meeting. But thirty-two votes were cast, all for Meshech Weare, the successful candidate for President of the State. 1785. For a meeting house again, the matter having rested about ten years. Aug. 29, voted to build. Chose Jona. Swain, David Lane, Nathaniel Dudley and Benj. Cram a committee to decide where it should set. Voted, if they could not agree, they add a fifth, and the major part decide. It is not known what this committee did. Sept. 15, voted to set it on James George's land, near Cider Ferry road. This was a little north-easterly of H. D. Page's place. Chose, as a com mittee to build the house, Daniel Norris, Samuel Nay, Ca leb Smith, Benj. Cram, Levi Swain and Clement Dolloff. Voted one hundred and twenty pounds lawful money towards building the house. The house was raised June 14, 1786. James Merrill, one of the selectmen, furnished a barrel of rum for the occasion, for which the town paid 3 £, 5 s., 6 d. 42 THE HISTORY THE RAISING. A church to raise in R-iymond town ; A crowd comes there from miles around, — Old men, young men and barefoot boys; The frame is large, a host employs. The broadsides man, the breadth and length; Our fathers were of giant strength ; Up, up, the sides go, firm they stand, The promise is a building grand. Bring on the girts, the braces, beams, Boys, tlirovv aloft the fastening pins ; The rafters next and purlins long. The ridge-pole last ; — the frame is strong. A barrel of New England rum Was furnished by the Selectmen; All drank three times, the story's great, I s'pose 'twas for "the stomacli's sake." Since then the truth has worked "like leaven ;" Reform has come, thanlc gracious Heaven ; — Let all respect themselves and sliun The "liquid fire," the tippler's doom. 1786. On the 20th of Sept., a party of about two hun dred, from towns mostly in this vicinity, went to Exeter and surrounded the meeting house in which the legislature was convened, demanding the issue of paper money to relieve the pressure of the times. As night came on, the citizens called for artillery, shouted for the government, and the dis contents, armed with guns, swords, scythes, whips and clubs, fled a mile. The next morning, the militia in good force, led by Gen. Cilley, of Nottingham, dashed in upon them, captured several and led them to jail, before entering which, they were obliged to walk through the crowd with their hats under their arms. A few of these were from this town. Before they went, they tried to get the town powder. It was at Benj. Cram's, who had placed it in his barn. OP RAYMOND. 43 They called on him, but he would not tell where it was. The next night it was carried to Robert Page's. 1788. The town meetings had, up to this time, a period of twenty-three years, been held at Benj. Bean's. Now the meeting house was so far completed that it was called there. It was held March 3d. A Moderator and Town Clerk were chosen. But somehow the citizens could not ^'get the hang' of voting there ; so it was voted to adjourn to Lieut. Bean's at four o'clock. Lieut. Bean kept tavern, but, as in temperance did not prevail then as afterward, a little liquor being taken when it was warm to keep cool, and when cool to keep warm, it need not be said the tavern was the most attractive place for town meeting. At this election, John Langdon was chosen Governor, or President as he was then called. But here many thought, and very justly, that a gentleman of the town was most worthy of the office. This was John Dudley, Esq. ; so 22 voted.for hirn. All others had 23. Dec. 15, votes were cast for the first time for electors of President and Vice President. But 30 voted, 29 of whom voted for John Dudley, Esq., as one of the electors. 1790. Tried to have a town meeting in the meeting house* again, Jan. i8th. A Moderator was chosen, and they voted to adjourn to the 25th, at Lieut. Bean's. At the adjourned meeting, pew No. i, being at the right of the front door, was bid off by Benj. Cram at sixty-three dollars. 1793. Glass had been furnished for windows of the meet ing house. The constitution of the State had been revised the pre vious year, and the Chief Magistrate called Governor. This year sixty-five votes cast for Governor, were for Josiah Bart lett, of Kingston, who was elected. It had been voted previously that if any did not wish to be taxed to support a minister, they should have their names recorded as dissenting, by the town clerk. At the March meeting, the following entered their names : — Samuel Chap- 44 THE HISTORY ' man, David Thresher, Stephen Prescott, Josiah Brown, Daniel Towle, Jona. Gilman, Theophilus Lovering, John Fox, Moses Dudley, James Dudley, Enoch Osgood, Daniel Dudley and John Leavitt. A few days later, Moses San born gave the town clerk four half coppers to enter his and another person's dissent. It should be understood that at this period, and for many years after, there was a very free use of spirituous liquors. Not only did persons themselves use them, but a sort of gen erosity was in practice of treating others to them. The fol lowing bill of the Selectmen this year will give an idea of the practice. It was charged to the town, and it must be evident that when the selectmen met for business, a portion of the liquor used must have been in treating those who came in. Selectmen dr. this 20th day of march, 1793. To two mugs Flip, - - - -018 April 6, to one-half pint of Brandy, - - o o 10 22 and 23, to one Bole and Half Egg Tody, 016 May 23d, to Five dinners and three pints Brandy and Bating two Horses, - - o 8 10 24, To Six dinners three pints Brandy and Bating two horses, - - -098 May 28, To three dinners Bating Two Horses and Bole of milk Tody, - July 23, To one Bole Brandy Tody, Sept. 23, " " " " _ _ 26, By one Quart Rum, - . _ Feb. 13, 1794, By one mug Flip, 24, By one mug Flip, _ _ . . 27, 4( 4( 4t - _ _ March 3, To expenses for the day, The town paid the bill. 2 10 0 5 8 0 0 10 0 I 0 0 I 3 0 I 0 0 I 8 0 0 10 2 I 7 0 8 9 OP RAYMOND. 45 1797. Now another contest about the location of the meeting house. It had been built near the local center of the town, but that did not prove the center of business, or where all were best accommodated. So, May 22, voted fif ty-one to thirty-seven to move it to what is now the Village. On a motion to reconsider this vote, it was negatived, fifty- two to forty. Voted to raise four hundred dollars to move the house and obtain the land. This prevailed fifty-two to twenty-nine. At a meeting, held June 19, to see if the town would re voke the vote to move the house, it was negatived fifty-nine to fifty-seven. On revoking the vote to raise the money, it was negatived fifty- eight to fifty-five. The parties were nearly balanced, and the excitement was intense. The opposition was continued, but was met by a more de cisive vote, Oct. 7, when on a proposition to revoke all votes about moving the house, it was negatived sixty-five to fifty- six. On that of revoking the vote to raise the money, it was negatived sixty-six to fifty-six. Not much remained now, but for the opposition to yield. Preparations were made to move the house. This was in October. The work looked difficult. The road from the Page place to where the Village now is, was not so direct as now. One speaks of it as crooked as a ram's horn. Down near the Center was a sort of causeway through the low ground. But stalwart men with strong hearts were here. A religious zeal is equal to almost any emergency. We have said that the opposition greatly subsided after the last votes of the town. There is a traditional account, that some in the south and south-west, in the minority in voting, were disposed to try the strength of prayer, and banded together for this purpose, hoping that the most High might in some way defeat the removal, or, if not, make it so difficult that those in favor of it should feel that He was against it. But more of this a little further on. Large stringers were placed under it, the glass, &c., re- 46 ' THE HISTORY moved, and the day came for removal. Men, women and children congregated in large numbers to see "the Taber nacle in the wilderness" moved to its final resting place. Gen. Joseph Cilley, of Nottingham, was superintendent. The teams of oxen were in place, and Rev. Peter Holt, of Epping, standing near the front door, offered prayer. And now a scene followed worthy of being painted on canvas. Let us look with eyes like eagles and we shall have a pretty good view of it. What a team of oxen ! Eighty pair. Yokes not so fin ished as now. Men all along the lines with goads having pointed iron brads in the ends. The animals are patient, hard workers, and are now waiting for "the command of their owners. Gen. Cilley stood at the end of the building. He was a man of deep feelings, commanding and earnest in action. In the Revolution at Saratoga, where Burgoyne surrender- 'ed, he had led men through dust and blood to victory. He seems now almost proud of his command over men, oxen, and virtually over the meeting house, judged to be in the wrong place. He breaks the stillness of the moment. With a voice that rings along the lines, he says, aloud, "All ready!" "All together!" "Forward!" Teamsters swing their goads. Some of their words are not in the dictionary, but they understand them, and perhaps the oxen do. The ox en have names. There are Swan and Line and Spark and Star and Duke. There are others, and a poet comes to call their names, and the language teamsters use in driving them. "Haw Buck, ge Bright, ge Bawny, ge o'." The build ing starts and there is gladness and triumph. It goes only a few feet; chains snap apart. Gen. Cilley shouts, "Whoa !'' Di'ivers say, "Whoa hish !" All in order and forward they go. Chains break, but they advance so that in a few hours some thirty rods are OF RAYMOND. 47 gone over. The house is out towards where the pound now is, and one of the stringers breaks on undulating ground. No more progress till there is a new one. The word is, "Dismissed till to-morrow morning." Now about those who prayed against the removal. It is related they felt they had success. The Egyptians under Pharaoh, pursuing the Israelites, found difficulty. "Their chariot wheels came off and they drave heavily." It was not much better now. Those moving this house "drave heavily" and finally not at all. The thought was, perhaps, if they go on, they will get fast in the morass down further, and never get it on "Pitch Pine Plain" where the common in the Village now is. Men repaired to a forest two miles away, worked all night, and the next morning had another stringer in place. Good resolution said it shall go. There were more oxen the second day. Some say at least one hundred and twen ty pairs. Before sun-down the house was at the Center, as it is now called. It fronted the street, and was nearer to it than the town hall is now. The town hall is the same build ing, but since reconstruction, the porches having been taken off, it looks much smaller than formerly. This house was occupied by the Congregationalists as a place of worship till 1834, when they erected one of their own. 1798. The meeting house in its new place was not satis factory, so at the annual town meeting in March, after a part of the business had been transacted, a vote passed to adjourn to Thomas Bean's. He was successor to Lieut. Benj. Bean. 1800. Political parties w^ere Federalist and Republican. In March, forty-four voted for J. T. Gilman for Governor, who was elected, he being then very popular. On calling a convention to revise the constitution, seventeen in favor, thirty-three against. 48 THE HISTORY 1802. Voted to build a new pound of stone and set it near the meeting house, and to raise fifty dollars to build it. It was soon built near where Oliver Jones' barn now is. 1803. A road having been made from the Center to the corner below Benj. Cram's, about two hundred dollars were expended in building the bridge. 1806. June 16, the interesting and wonderful phenome non of a total eclipse of the sun was witnessed. The day was clear, and for a time nearly all eyes were turned to be hold it. During about three minutes of total darkness, stars appeared as if night had come. 1808. March 8, voted that twelve and one-half cents be paid for crows, brought to the selectmen. — Mr. Stickney had closed his pastorate with the Congregational church, and it was voted, fifty-seven to fifty-four, that the Baptists oc cupy the meeting house half of the Sabbaths ; each society alternately occupying it for two months. 1810. Friday, Jan. 19, very cold. Near the Green Mountains, in Vermont, thermometers gave fifty-seven de grees below zero. Long after, the day was called the "Cold Friday." 1814. March, for convention to revise the constitution, none ; against it, sixty-five. The second war with England was going on, and Aug. 29, voted to allow detached soldiers that shall be called into service, enough to make their wages ten dollars per month, with what the United States pay. Oct. 19, voted that the selectmen purchase eight guns and equipments for the use of the town. Voted that they purchase twenty-eight rounds of powder and balls and four flints for each soldier enrolled, and the Company of Ex empts. Voted that they provide provision for three days' allowance and baggage wagons for the use of the militia when called into actual service for the defense of the State. This autumn, a British fleet appeared off" Portsmouth, and OP RAYMOND. 49 lay there several weeks. A number were "detached," drafted we should say now, to go to Portsmouth to defend the place, if an attack should be made. 1815. Sept. 23, a tremendous hurricane began early in the morning and lasted much of the day, prostrat ing fences, forest trees and many buildings. 1816. March, eight tithingmen were chosen, viz. : Jona. Cram, Jer. Bennett, Thomas Wason, John Wallace, Chase Osgood, John Prescott, Daniel Lovering, Jr. , Ebene zer Cram, Jr. These were to take care of those who vio lated the Sabbath. If a person traveled on that day, a tith ingman would hasten out of church, stop him till Monday, and charge him the cost. The season was cold, crops poor. 1817. Feb. 14, another "Cold Friday." Several per sons froze their limbs. One Sabbath early in Oct., there was a considerable earthquake. The season was cold. In May, it snowed most of one day. In Sept., frost damaged the unripe corn greatly. The times were hard, wages low and prices high. Hay was $25 per ton ; cider,$3 a barrel ; corn, $2.50 a bush el ; barley, $2, and other things in proportion. 1818. It was a common tradition that winter would not set in till after Thanksgiving. Mr. Leavitt, in his Almanac, mentioned this without believing it. This year Governor Plumer put off Thanksgiving till the last day in Dec. The weather was pleasant and it was not wintry till after Thanks.. giving. Some one hereabouts wished to have Gov. Plumer in office longer, and voted for him on that account. 1820. March, on a question submitted to the voters to set off a part of Rockingham county to form a new one, none for it, one hundred and fifty-four against it. 1821. March 13, votes for Governor, one hundred and thirty-four, all for Samuel Bell, who was elected without much opposition in the State at large. For Senator, Newell Healey, of Kensington, was the principal candidate, and was chosen. But here, the citizens were minded to honor 50 THE HISTORY one of the town, every way worthy of the office. This was Moses Dudley , Esq. , and eighty-eight voted for him for Senator, thirty-one for N. Healey, and fifteen for Nathaniel Gilman. 1824. At the March election, the contest for Governor was animated. Levi Woodbury had been appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court at the early age of twenty- seven, and in 1823, at the age of thirty-three, was Govern or. This year D. L. Morril was a candidate in opposition to him. Here Morril had one hundred and twenty-seven votes and Woodbury one, which was cast by Moses Dudley, Esq. There was no choice by the people, and by the Leg islative Convention, Morril was chosen. Voted in favor of moving the terms of the Court from Portsmouth to Exeter, seventy-seven, to seven. Nov. I, an article to see if the Baptists should occupy the meeting house their proportion of the time, was negatived fifty-four to forty-two. 1826. March, an article to see if the town would pro vide a hearse, was negatived. 1826. There had been a controversy relative to a new road from the south-east corner of Deerfield, down to Col. E. Cram's. It had been laid out by a committee from the Court of Common Pleas. Aug. 16, voted to discontinue it by consent of the Court, and that the Selectmen petition to that effect. The Presidential campaign was an earnest one. The Electors in favor of Jackson, received here one hundred and twenty -three votes ; those for Adams, eighty. Highest tax payer, Gideon Currier, — $34.24. 1830. It had long been customary at the close of town meeting for the friends of the Representative elect, to be treated with liquor at a place near. The Representative, or some one, paid for it. This year, Joseph Dudley was cho- OF RAYMOND. 51 sen Representative, and through his influence the practice was broken up. The road from Deerfield to Col. Cram's,, since called the "Cilley road," was let out to be built in May. Just previous to this, the town was free from debt, but now, in consequence of expense in defending the Cilley and other roads, the debt was $1,700. 1832. Those liable to do military duty were called out; half a day in May, and also in autumn ; and then one day for Regimental Inspection and Review. About this time, there was much disaffection in the North Company of In fantry. It had' refused to choose officers. The Field Offi cers appointed a captain in Candia, extended the limits of the company to that place, and in May the company was obliged to go there for military duty. The appearance was not very soldierly. In the autumn at the review in Chester, many of them were dressed in such varied costumes that they might have been called "fantastics" or "horribles." Col. Pillsbury put an officer over them, and ordered them into a separate field, where they were subjected to a close drill all day. This game of disaffection was at length played out, and several of those engaged in it showed themselves as good soldiers as ever shouldered a musket and strapped on a knapsack. 1833. March, votes for a convention to revise the con stitution, twenty ; against it, ninety. For removing the court from Exeter to some other part of the county, ninety- two ; against it, twenty. 1834. March, for a convention to revise the constitution, five ; against it, eighty- three. 1835. Soon after March meeting, the small pox broke out, creating much alarm. John Stickney and Mrs. Rich ardson died of it. The expense to the town was $187, and in addition $50 were paid to Dr. Gale for vaccinating the citizens at large. 52 THE HISTORY 1836; Nov., on the question, "Is it expedient for the State to make an appropriation to aid in establishing an In sane Hospital," for it, eleven ; against it, fifty-seven. 1838. March, for a convention to revise the constitution, none; against it, eighty-eight. For making town clerks Recorders of deeds, four ; against it, eighty-seven. Public funds in bank, $2,558. This was surplus revenue, distrib uted among the tovfns. This was afterwards taken to pay the town debt. 1839. March, voted that residents, who pay their taxes previous to Sept. i, have four per cent, deducted. 1841: J. Stickney Cass took all the poorj needing sup port by the town, save one, for $300. 1842. March, for a convention to revise the constitution, one ; against it, one hundred and two. Mr. Cass again took the poor for $300, Voted that cattle and horses should not graze in the highways. 1843. March, Levi Page took the poor for $285. In this month a comet with an immense train, was seen, even ings, in the west. Millerism, with the belief that the world would end this year, produced great excitement in many places, but very little here. 1844. March, Simon Page, Jr., took the poor for $247, Nov., for a convention to revise the constitution, three ; against it, one hundred and twenty-eight. On the question, "Is it expedient to abolish capital punishment?" for if, thir- teeri ; against it, one hundred and thirteen. 1846. Jan. II, excessively cold. At Franconia thirty- nine degrees below zero. Mercury froze. March, on the question, "Is it expedient for the Legisla ture to enact a Prohibitory Liquor Law?" for it fifty-seven ; against it, twelve. Town debt, $950. 1850. March, for a convention to revise the constitution, sixty-four ; against it, one hundred and. fifty-three. Simon Page, Jr., took the poor for $355. Sept. 9, the railroad from Portsmouth being completed to OP RAYMOND 53 this place, the cars came as far as here for the first time. David Pecker was appointed depot master. Town debt, $2,070. 1851. March, Samuel Healey, Jr., contracted for the maintenance of the poor for $344. On accepting the amend ments of the constitution as proposed by the convention, the votes were, in favor, from seven to twenty-six ; against it, from seventy-five to ninety-two. They were rejected by the towns at large. Town debt, $2,100. I 1852. March, Samuel Healey, Jr., agreed to maintain the poor for $321. An inventory of sheep showed the number to be 570. In Aug. the railroad was completed above here so that the cars went through to Concord. Town debt, $2,650. 1853. March, voted to enlarge the town burying ground forty feet in length by sixteen in width. 1854. March, voted to provide a hearse, and a building for it. J. Blake, Esq. , and Jeremiah Fullonton were chos en the committee to carry the vote into effect. 1855. March, the Democrats had been in the ascenden cy long, but this year, although they had a majority of sev en for State officers, yet, in consequence of a division, the Republicans elected the Representative. The vote was as follows : G. Folsom, I S. B. Gove, I J. T. Dudley, 41 W. P. Worthley, loi Joseph Blake, 127 (no choice.) Second .Ballot. J. T. Dudley, 5 W. P. Worthley, 13 D. Griffin, 103 Joseph Blake, 136 (elected.) 54 THE HISTORY 1857. Jan. 24, very cold. At Franconia it was report ed forty-nine degrees below zero. In some other places lower. 1858. This year the old town meeting house was moved back several feet, one end turned towards the street, and the lower part made a town hall. And so the old form of this house was changed. It was a specimen of many in early times. We secured a view of it, and here present it. TOWN MEETING HOUSE. i860. The inventory showed 155 horses in town, and 504 sheep. Votes for State and County officers : Democrats, 169; Republicans, 146; total, 315. Over 300, for the first time. 1864. This year completed a century since the town was incorporated. A meeting was held March 5, to consider the expediency of a centennial celebration. Voted to cele brate the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation. Voted that it be on the 4th of July. Chose a committee of arrangements, consisting of the following : Joseph FuUon- OP RAYMOND. 55 ton, Benj. Poor, James T. Dudley, W. S. Abbott, D. N. Lane. March 8, at the town meeting, on motion of Benj. Poor, Esq., voted that a sum of money not exceeding'$ioo, be appropriated to aid in the expense of the celebration. July 4th came and the arrangements were complete. The day was fine. The citizens and great multitudes from other towns, assembled in the village. Capt. Benj. Cram was Chief Marshal, aided by James T. Dudley, W. B. Blake, S. P. Blake, Simon Page, T. M. Gould, and A. D. Dudley, of Candia, as Assistant Marshals. Two Companies of Mi litia performed escort duty ; first, a company of Cavalry un der command of Capt. J. S. James ; and a company of Ar tillery under Capt. David Griffin. A band from Northwood was employed, and one from Candia volunteered. W. B. Blake, of the Chief Marshal's staff, was Adjutant of the military escort. A procession was formed in which the schools with the teachers had a conspicuous place. It was conducted to a beautiful oak grove, fitted up for the occasion. Benj. Poor, Esq., was President; Rev. G. W. Sargent, as Chaplain, conducted the religious services. The Act of Incorporation was read by the Town Clerk. The historical address was given by W. S. Abbott, Esq. It was able and very appro priate. Excellent music was furnished by the bands. At noon ample refreshments were served, that had been provided by the citizens under the direction of a committee of ladies, who had gone over the several districts. The next generation will wish to know the names of this work ing committee, and especially those who shall live a centu ry hence. They are as follows : Miss Melinda K. Poor, Mrs. Moses Lovering, Mrs. Eben. Prescott, Mrs. Simon Page, Mrs. Benj. Cram, Mrs. Elbridge Brown, Mrs. S. B. Gove, Miss Flavilla Lane, Miss Anna L. Brown, Miss Mary J. Healey, Mrs. Jona. Woodman, Mrs. Amos Bacheldor, Miss Lizzie Scribner, Mrs. H. G. McClure, Miss Jane Tucker, Mrs. George Tripp, Miss Hannah Gilman, Mrs. Joseph 56 THE HISTORY Fisk, Mrs. W. B. Blake, Mrs. John Locke, Mrs. J. S. James, Mrs. John Bean, Mrs. John D. Brown, Mrs. Luther Wason, Mrs. Dudley Lane, Mrs. Elbridge Dearborn, Mrs. Charles W. Lane, Mrs. Joseph Fullonton. In the P. M., assembled again at the stand. Relics of old times were exhibited. Two scarlet cloaks were worn by ladies. Levi S. Brown appeared wearing a broad brim hat, coat with wide folds, deer-skin breeches, long stockings, &c. His wife was seen some time in the day, in the dress worn sixty or seventy years before. Next there were short speeches in response to sentiments from C. E. Brown of Boston, B. Chase of Auburn, S. F. Lerned of Chester, A. Cass of Candia, Dr. Eastman of Hamp- / stead, and J. D. Butler of Nottingham. Lastly at the stand, letters were read from the following, who had been invited : Gov. Gilmore, Concord ; Judge French, Boston ; and Ira Osgood, Esq., London. The last gentleman was a native. The services in the grove were then adjourned, by vote, one hundred years. The procession re-formed, marched to the Common in the village, and the militia were reviewed by Col. Sanborn, of Deerfield. In the evening there was a good display of fire-works. Thus closed a celebration well carried out and satisfacto ry to all. The gathering of people was the largest ever in town. It was estimated by good judges at 3,000. Who will celebrate the next centennial ? What will be the history then to be narrated? And what will be the spir it and character of the performances ? 1873. It was not intended to note anything for the few years that have passed since the centennial, but a few items in this year should be put on record. The town debt at this period was about fifty thousand dollars. The State as sumed the war debt, which reduced it to about forty thou sand. It was felt that something must be done. At the March meeting, it was voted to raise twenty thousand dol- &t SAtMMS. 57 lars towards paying the debt, and three thousand for ifttgf- est On thd debt. The addition of money for the support of schools, town charges, and repair of highways, paid iti mofl^y that year, also the State and Couflty tas, made a great sum. It looked difficult, but perhaps taxes were nev er paid more pfOhiptly and in such good season. The Col- Idctof was Shgrburn P. Blake. He showed himself effi cient. He gave all to undefstand that the whole must be col lected by the last of Feb. It was felt that he meant as he said, and it was just about accomplished. And so well sat isfied were the voters, that at the election in March, 1874J ^^ choosing Collector, it was felt there was but one mind ', and after three votes Were cast, it was voted to close the polls. The state of the vote was declared thus : "Whole number, 3. Necessary for a choice, 2. Sherbuta P. Blake has 3, and is elected." All was done in about three minutes. TOWN OFFICERS. Modei-atofs. Town Clerks. Collectors. 1764. Sam'l Dudley, Ezek, . Smith, Benj. Whittier, 1765. John Cram, (< John Fullonton, 1766. " Benj. Whittier, (( 1767. John Dudley, Jona. Swain, John Stevens, 1768. " John Fullonton, 1869. " Ithiel Gordon, 1770. John Cram, <( 1771. John Dudley, (( 1772. " John Fullonton, 1773. Ithiel Gordon, 1774. Jona. Swain j 1775- Robert Page, 1776. «« Ezekiel Morse* 1777- jona. Dearborn, 1778. " Thomas Gordea, 58 THE HISTORY 1779- 1780. " 1781. Benj. Whittier, Jos. Cass, Matthias Haines, <( Thomas Gordon, 1782. John Dudley, F. Hodgkins, Daniel Moody, 1783. " Jona. Swain, Gilman Dudley, 1861-62, J. Tucker Dudley, 1834—35, John Scribner, 1863, J. Folsom Lane, 1836, Levi Brown, Jr., 1864—65, Lymari Prescott, 1837—38, Benj. Poor, 1866—67, Abraham B. Smith, 1839—40, Samuel Poor, 1868—69, David Griffin, 1841, Jona. S. Brown, died 1870— 7l,Granvill A.Gilmore, this year, 1872—73, John Healey, 1842—43, Benj. B. Gilman, 1874, J- Wilson Fisk. OP RAYMOND. 65 SENATORS, DISTRICT NO. 2. 1785, John Dudley, elected, but declined. 1859 — ^O' Joseph Blake. ROAD COMMISSIONER, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. 1843 — 44, Benjamin Poor. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. 1860—61, Wilson S. Abbott. Coroners, Stephen Osgood, 1821. Dr. T. M. Gould, 1873. Lawyer. Elijah B. Hazzen, a native of Weare, came here as teacher of the High School, and continued such for a number of terms. He was quite successful. In the mean time he studied law, and in i869 commenced the practice of the profession here, having an office first in Mr. Higley's building, and then in the room adjoining the store of J. S. James. In 1873, he went to Suncook Village. Station Agent. Capt. David Pecker was appointed when the railroad was opened in igSo. In Dec, i860, Granville A. Gilmore succeeded, and still continues. He has much of the management of sawing the wood at the station, is Express Agent, Telegraph Operator, and Ticket Master. Though his responsibilities are great, and his time much occupied with business, yet he is always quiet, attentive and obliging, and all wish he may long fill the position. deputy SHERIFFS. S. D. Tilton, appointed 1869. J. S James, 1871. Warren True, 1872. A. B. Smith, 1874. 66 THE HISTORY DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. 1776, John Dudley, 1781, do. 1850, Daniel Scribner, 1782 Jonathan Swain, 1791 do. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 1765, Benjamin Whittier, 1768, John Dudley; 1795 throughout the State. 1789, Jona Swain, 1797, Moses Dudley; 1830 of the Quorum. 1807, John Osgood, 1802, Ebenezer Osgood, 1808, Sherburn Blake, 1820, John Brown ; Quorum 1848 State. 1826, Joseph Blake ; 1846 Quorum; 1858 State. 1828, John Folsom, 1828, Stephen Osgood, 1836, D. N, Lane ; 1853 Quorum, 1838, John Scribner, 1838, Benjamin Poor, 1838, Samuel Poor, 1841, B. B. Gilman, 1848, John M. Stevens, 1848, James Welch; 1851 Quorum. 1848, Henry Tucker, 1849, John Frank Brown, 1849, Levi S. Brown, 1849, H. D. Page, 185 1, Wm. P. Worthley, 1851, J. S.James; 1855 Quorum. 1853, S. D. Tilton, 1853, S. B. Gove, 1853, Joseph Richardson, 1854, Jacob Elliott, 1854, Horace Gordon, 1855, Oliver Jones, 1855, Oliver Tilton, 1855, Gilman Folsom, 1856, John Healey, 1858, James T. Dudley, 1858, T. M. Gould, 1859, Samuel M. Harriman, 1859, Jer. Fullonton, 1861, W. S. Abbott: 1866, State. 1863, W. B. Blake, 1864, Joshua F. Lane, 1864, D. A. Bean, 1865, Eben. Prescott, 1865, John D. Brown, 1867, Wesley Poor, 1868, Wm. Titcomb, 1869, Aaron W. Brown, 1870, Elijah B. Hazzen, 1873, Dudley Lane. OP RAYMOND. 67 POSTMASTERS. Joseph Blake, appointed 1815. Wm. P. Tufts, " 1853. Wm. B.Blake, " 1861. T. M. Gould, " 1867. John Locke, " i869,died Sept. 1872. T. M. Gould, " 1872. NORTH POST-OFFICE. John R. Brown, 1833; office discontinued, 1837. SOUTH POST-OFFICE. Jacob Elliott, 1850 ; office discontinued, 1856. Rates of postage were 6, 10, 12 1-2, 18 3-4, and 25 cents, according to distance. If a letter was on two pieces of pa per, the rate was double. In 1845, Congress reduced postage to 5, 10, 15, 20 cents, &c. In 1852, to 3 cents ; 5 if not prepaid. Soon after 5 was striken out and letters were not to be sent unless prepaid. The 3 cents is per half ounce. RAYMOND EVENING MAIL. The evening mail is welcome here, And crowds at once on " 'Change" appear; First to the cars, witness what's there, Then to the Office airrepair. Postmaster Gould and Mr. Fitts Now work in haste and with dispatch ; Letters and papers well placed are In numbered boxes, all with care. The door flies back, then what a rush ! They crowd and jam and forward push ! Receive their mail, then quick return. To read the news in quiet home. 68 THE HISTORY The Persians first invented mails ; They come and go, one seldom fails ; They fly all 'round the solid earth, Dispensing light and love and truth. NATIVES OF RAYMOND REPRESENTATIVES OF OTHER TOWNS. John Dudley, son of Moses Dudley, Esq. He has been Representative in the Maine Legislature eight years. David Pillsbury, Chester, 1842 and 44. Ira Osgood, Loudon, 1835 and 36. Gilman Richardson, Candia, 1838 and 39. Samuel Dudley, Claudia, 1851 and 52. Rufus Tilton, Sandwich, 1855. John Prescott, Jr., Candia, 1855 and 56. Henry Moore, Chester, 1862. Owen Runnels, Pittsfield, 1864 and 65. Alvin D. Dudley, Candia, 1865 and 66. John Fullonton, New Hampton, 1868. Timothy O. Norris, Troy, Iowa, 1870. J. Rowland Bacheldor, Candia, 1873 and 74. Besides the above, Nathaniel Dudley, son of Judge Dud ley, may be named. He was born in Exeter, but lived here some years. He went to Maine and was Representative of his town several years. Joseph Richardson has lived here much. He was born in Candia, and was Representative of that town in 1840. OP RAYMOND. 69 CHAPTER VI LITERARY HISTORY. The free-school system is the greatest of modern discov eries. We are indebted to the Puritans for it. The proper ty of community sustains it, and it is open to the poor as well as the rich. In 1757, seven years before this town was disannexed and incorporated, it was voted by the town meeting of Chester that Freetown (now Raymond) and Charmingfare (now Candia), have school money according to their tax, provid ed it be expended for schools. The result of this can not now be known. The next record on the subject was in 1765, the year after the incorporation. On a proposition to see if the town would build some school-houses, it was negatived. In 1767, voted to raise sixty pounds for schooling and other charges. Three schools were established, one of which seems to have been in the Branch neighborhood, and was taught by Daniel True ; another was in the section of the Dudleys, taught, or "kept" as then called, by Daniel Stillman, ten weeks ; and the third was probably in the east or north-east in charge of Abel Morse. Mr. M. was from Chester, an experienced teacher, and was employed here much of the time in following years. In 1768, Jona. Palmer is mentioned as a teacher here, besides Abel Morse. In 1769, Widow Judkins was paid twelve shillings lawful money for teaching ; and fifteen shil lings were paid to Ithiel Gordon for going after her,, board ing her and carrying her home again. The term was four weeks in length. All worked cheap then. Francis Hodg kins, about the same time, taught four months, probably not 70 THE HISTORY all in the same neighborhood. His wages were about six dollars per month. This year, five shillings were paid to Clement Moody, who lived near where John Brown, Esq., now does, for the use of a room in his house for a school. 1770, voted to build four school-houses, one in each quar ter of the town. Chose a committee to build them, consist ing of John Dudley, James Moore, Ezekiel Lane and Rob ert Page. Money was scarce, and it was voted that a tax for the erection of these houses be paid in lumber. One of these was built near where Moses L. Lovering now resides ; one in the Dudley district ; one somewhere in the Lane dis trict, and the other a little north of Josiah B. Cram's. This last, in 1 791, was moved to the spot now occupied for a school in that district ; and, in 1819 it was sold lor the erec tion of a new house, a part of it being the dwelling of Mr. Harrison Thurston. After the houses were built, the principal teachers, for years, were A. Morse, Dr. Hodgkins, Joseph Flagg, Wm. Dawling, James Farnham, Peter Coffin, Mr. Melville, Amel ia Towle and Abigail Welch. In those years there were accounts paid, of which the following may serve as a speci men : "1771, Paid Benj. Cram, for-dinnerin Master Hodg kins 10 weeks,- 16 shillings." This would be eight cents of present currency for each dinner. The schools then were held about ten weeks in a year. Reading was taught principally from the Testament, and the Psalter, which was a portion or the whole of the Psalms. Writing was on birch bark, or paper but a little better. Later, Arithmetic was introduced, but there were for a time but few if any books used by the scholars. The teacher said, "I will set you a sum." Then figures were put on the slate, which were to be added, subtracted, &c. Order was maintained by the free use of rods, of which good selections were made in the groves near. If one was used up, the next transgressor was sent to get one for his OP RAYMOND. 71 own back. If he was faithful in the work, and got a good one, his punishment might be lighter. But in general, woe ,to offenders ! Hands, ears, back and legs were made to tingle. Sometimes, if blunders were made in the lessons, the teacher would give a smart blow in the rear, which would, perchance, quicken their pace over a tall word, and help them go up the "Hill of Science" with a vengeance ! When the town was surveyed, a lot of one hundred acres or more was reserved for schooling. This was west of the "Long Hill." In 1795, the town voted to sell it. A por tion of it is now owned by the heirs of Gen. Tucker. The fund from the sale is $1,170, the interest of which is divided yearly for the benefit of all the districts. After 1800, Joel Bliss, Dr. Pillsbury, Mrs. Pillsbury, Stephen Osgood and Polly Palmer were among the teach ers. There were no Superintending Committees, and yet something of the kind was judged necessary as early as 1809, when it was "Voted that the Selectmen inspect the schools." The Board that year consisted of Sherburn Blake, David Page and Levi Swain, all good judges of schools. But it does not appear that they visited the schools often, if at all. It was customary, however, for each district to choose a committee of three of its citizens to "inspect' their own schools. This had some good effect. And when there was a minister in town, he volunteered to visit the schools, and, besides witnessing their operations, would talk to the scholars, and question those who had studied the "Assembly's Catechism," on that work. In the meantime, there was an improvement in books. Webster's excellent spelling book was first published in 1783 ; and by the early part of the present century it was in use here. Merrill's Arithmetic was used, and Morse's and Parish's Geographies for reading; also the "American Pre ceptor," and then the "English Reader." "The Ladies' Accidence," which some pronounced Accidents, as if it was 72 THE HISTORY an account of mishaps, was used for Grammar, and then "Murray's Introduction" was also used. In 1812, a new event took place, — ^James Dudley, a youth of eighteen years, went to the Academy in Exeter. This greatly astonished people, for no one in town had attended such an institution. The question was, What is he getting "larnin" for? It is of no use, unless he is to be a teacher, doctor, lawyer or minister. The father of James, Moses Dudley, Esq., a friend of books and education, with his well known expression, "Bless me," would add, "learning will not hurt James, I will warrant." 181 7. About this time, a new impulse was given to com mon school education in some of its aspects here. Mr. Til ton French, of Gilmanton, was employed as a teacher, and was successful in the vocation. He was especially active in encouraging those he thought fitted, to attend Academies and qualify themselves for teaching. The following, very much through his influence, became teachers, — Jer. F. Page, Thos. J. Dudley, Samuel M. Harriman, John M. Stevens, Mary Norris, (late Mrs. Wason,) Susan Dudley, (Mrs. Locke,) Esther Dudley, Sally Stevens, (Mrs. Fisk,) and the writer of this History. 1820. The first Superintending Committee was chosen this year. The Board consisted of Rev. S. Bailey, Dr. T. H. Merrill and Stephen Osgood. Many were opposed, and no more were appointed till 1827, when Rev. S. Farnsworth, Dr. S. Gale and T. J. Dudley were chosen. In the sum mer of that year, the Legislature passed a law, requiring towns to choose such committees. In the House of Repre sentatives it was very popular, passing by the large vote of one hundred and fifty-two, to thirty-seven. It met little or no opposition in the Senate. Gov. Pierce readily signed it. The next year the law was amended, making it necessary for teachers to be examined and obtain certificates before commencing their schools. Many here did not like such a committee. In No. 3, for OF RAYMOND. 73 two or three years, it was voted in the district meetings to have nothing to do with it ; but this opposition died away, so that there was no special manifestation of it till 1839. That year the Selectmen appointed Moses Dudley, Esq., Dea. Jer. Fullonton and Mr. EHsha Prescott as committee. This was a heavy board, some of the members being of great corpulency. They were men of sound understand ing, and excellent judgment, but they could not examine teachers, neither would they be likely to visit the schools. This was foreseen, and no doubt the object was not to have an active committee. This was accomplished. All that was done that year by the committee was the following : Mr. Gardner Tilton, of Epping, having engaged one of the schools, commenced it, and understanding how matters stood, at the close of the first day, called on one of the com mittee, Dea. J. Fullonton, in due form, and stated that his business was to be examined for the necessary certificate. The committee, Dea. F., was ready for a little sport, so he drew himself up and assumed an air of great dignity as if about to commence an examination, when, being a man bf more than three hundred pounds weight, his chair gave way, and he, with all his commxittee power, came to the floor with a crash. With a loud laugh from all present, the matter ended. Since then the superintending has gone on with regularity. For some years previous to 1800, the sum raised by the town for schools was about forty-five pounds; twenty-five years later it was about $300 ; and in 1845, $400. By 1850, what was raised by tax, and the income of local funds was $600 ; and in 1864, over $800. In 1849, the average sum to each scholar was $2.42. The rank of the town in this respect with others in the State, was 46 ; in the county, 13. After this it fell in rank, so that in 1851 it was 130; in the county, 27, In 1852, the rank was estimated by the rate per cent 74 THE HISTORY raised more than the law requires. In this the town did well. The rate per cent, was 86, the rank, 29 ; in the county, 3 ; only Deerfield and Exeter being higher. In 1854, the rate per cent, was 61, the rank 28 ; in the coun ty, 4- After 1852, terms of select schools wereoccasional. The principal persons in charge were G. W. Stevens, Miss Bacheldor, Mr. Lovering, Mr. Chase, David H. Brown, Abbie Scribner, W. S. Abbott. The first Teachers' Institute in the County was held at Exeter, in Sept., 1848. Three teachers from this town were members. In Nov., 18^, one, in charge of Hiram Smart, County School Commissioner, was held here. It was in session nearly two weeks. Number of members, about 100; belonging to this town, 39, twenty-two of whom were teach ers. A Library was commenced in 1863. In 1865, it was voted to give individuals the privilege of finishing the upper part of the Town Hall for a High School room. The funds for which were raised mostly by levees. Having been completed, it was dedicated, by appropriate services, on the evening of Feb. 26, 1867. On the 28th, the first term opened. The Literary History will be concluded by a list of COLLEGE GRADUATES. I. David Pillsbury. He was born in the Wason dis trict, his father, Benj. Pillsbury, Esq., then residing there, but soon moving to Candia. Mr. Pillsbury graduated at Dartmouth College in 1827. He studied law at Chester with Hon. S. D. Bell; commenced practice there in 1831 ; was Representative of the town two years ; in the Military line went through most of the offices from Adjutant up to Major General ; in 1855 moved to Concord ; in 1857 was appointed Police Judge of the city, and died May 25, 1861, aged 61. OP RAYMOND. 75 II. Elbridge Gerry Dudley, Dartmouth College, 1839. ^^ commenced the study of law at the Law School connected with Harvard College. Having finished the course, he began practice in Boston and continued there till 1861, when he went to Beaufort, S. C, where he died, Sept. 18, 1867, aged 56. His wife was Christiana Duncan, of Stoddard, N. H. III. John Fullonton, Dartmouth College, 1840. Aft er graduating, he became Principal of the Academy in Parsonsfield, Me., where he continued more than two years. The degree of A. M. was conferred in 1843 ; and that year he went to Clinton, N. Y., and took charge of the Institu tion there. In 1844, the Institution was moved to Whites- town in the same state, and he was continued as Principal. In 1845, he was ordained at Whitestown, and in 1849, grad uated at the Theological Institution there. In 1852, he be came Theological Professor. In 1854, the Theological De partment was moved to New Hampton, N. H., and he came with it. In 1862, the degree of D. D. was conferred upon him by Dartmouth College. In 1863, he was Chaplain of the N. H. Legislature, and in 1868, Representative of New Hampton. In 1871, the Theological Institution was moved to Lewiston, Me., where he still continues Professor. His wife was Miss Elizabeth M. Elliott, of Haverhill, Mass. IV. Timothy O. Norris, Dartmouth College, 1840- He engaged in teaching, and after a time became Principal of Hampton Academy, where he continued quite a series of years. The Institution was very prosperous during the time. About 1855, he left and soon settled in Troy, Iowa, where he taught for some time. He has relinquished teach ing, but still resides there. He has represented his town, or class of towns, in the Iowa Legislature. He married in that state. V. George A. Blake, William's College, 1849 ; graduated at Boston Medical College in 1853. He prac ticed about three years in Walpole, N. H., next year in 76 THE HISTORY RoUinsford, and next two years in Burlington, Iowa. Nov., 1861, he became connected with the Sanitary Service of the army, went with Gen. Butler to Ship Island and to New Orleans, and was there when it was captured in March, 1862. He continued in the service some time after the war closed, but now resides in Walpole, N. H., where he prac tices his profession. VI. LuTHER E. Shbpard, Dartmouth College, 1851. After graduating, he was Principal of the Academy in Grafton, Mass., one year; of Westford, Mass., Academy, four years, and then of Franklin, N. H., Academy, one year. After this he studied law in Lowell, Mass., and there engaged in its practice. He has also a license to loan and let real estate, and does a good business. VII. Wilson S. Abbott, Dartmouth College, 1852. He was in charge of the Academy in Westminster, Mass., one year, and of the Seminary in Brattleboro, Vt., three years. He then settled on the homestead in this town, and has frequently been engaged in teaching, and other portions of time in farming. His wife was Miss Olive Knowles, of Hampton. VIII. John D. Lovering, Dartmouth College, 1853. Was engaged in teaching a few years in the South and West ; studied medicine in Illinois, and is in practice in Es sex, 'Mass. IX. Robert Wallace, Dartmouth College, 1855. From information gathered, we learn that he spent some time in teaching in Vermont, where he married. His wife dying, he went to Boston and when last heard of, he was in business there. X. Joseph F. Dudley, Dartmouth College, 1858. He was born in this town. His home was Candia several years before he graduated, and his history belongs to that town. He graduated at Bangor Theological Seminary in 1862, and was settled over the Congregational church in St. . OP RAYMOND. 77 Paul, Minn. In 1866, werit to Winona, same state. His wife was Jesse Grasse, of Bolton, Mass. He still resides in the West, in Eaw Claire, Wis. XI. Calvin Howard Brown, son of Joseph and Elvira Howard Brown, was the first in this family of scholars to make the way up fair Science's hill. He interested his teachers in the common school and was encouraged to prepare for col lege. He entered Dartmouth, and graduated in 1859. ^^ taught the high school in Stoneham, Mass., three years. He studied law in Boston ; was admitted to the Suffolk Bar in Oct., 1863, and practiced in Boston till Dec, 1864. He then left in the steamer Melville for Port Royal, S. C, and perished in the disaster and loss of the vessel at sea, Jan. 8, 1865. The ship went down in latitude 38°, longitude, 72"^. His age was thirty years. He was a young man of superior excellence and great promise for usefulness. XII. John Peaslee Brown, son of Jonathan and Hari- nah Brown, brought up on the farm, but early evinced a taste for study, and through some difficulties, prepared for college. He graduated at Dartmouth, in i860. He then spent part of a year in teaching in Louisiana, then in Weymouth, Mass. He chose the Medical Profession, pursued the usual course, and graduated at Boston Medical College, and was immedi ately appointed assistant Physician in the New Hampshire Asylum for the Insane. This was in 1865, and there he still continues. His wife was Miss Caroline A. Stevens, of Mount Vernon, N. H. XIIL David Henry Brown, son of Joseph Brown and Elvira Howard Brown, was born in Raymond, August I7» 1836. He fitted for College at Phillip's Academy, Andover, Mass., and entered Dartmouth College in 1857, graduating in 1861. He then spent two years and a half in teaching school, the last year being Principal of the High school in Stoneham, Mass. He was clerk for nearly a year in the United States Quartermaster's Department at Nashville, Tenn., 78 the history leaving the position in Feb., 1865. He was in that city dur ing the memorable siege and subsequent battles between the armies of Gen. Thomas and Gen. Hood, Dec. 14 — 16, 16, 1864. He has been connected with the book business at 25 and 29 Cornhill, Boston, for nearly ten years, being now a member of the firm of Thompson, Brown & Co., publishers, stationers and whole sale booksellers. He was married, Oct. 20, 1869, to Abby Dudley Tucker, youngest daughter of the late Gen. Henry Tucker, and has two sons, Henry Tucker, born March 17, 1872, and Howard Dudley, born July 8, 1873. XIV. Gilman Henry Tucker, son of Henry and Nancy Dudley Tucker, wasborn in Raymond, Jan. 20, 1836. He fitted for college at Andover, Mass. and Meriden, N. H., and entered Dartmouth in 1856. He was absent from college a year on account of an affection of the eyes, but returned and graduated with the class of 1861. He was appointed on the Staff of Gov. Berry with the rank of Col onel, in 1861, and held the position two years. A few months after graduating, he entered upon the school book business in Boston, in which he has continued to the present time. He married, Oct. 8, 1861, Mary H. Greene, of Windsor, Vt., who died at Boston, Jan. 28, 1869. He married again, June 15, 1871, Caroline K. Clarke of Newton, Mass., and has a daughter, Mary Carol, born Sept. 23, 1873. XV. Daniel N. Lane, Jr., son of Dea. D. N. and Hannah Lane. He fitted for college at Andover, Mass., entered Dartmouth and graduated in 1863. He has been much engaged in teaching in different institutions since graduating. He has had charge of Chester Academy, which was among the first after leaving college ; afterwards in Bridgewater, Mass., Canaan, N. H., Salisbury, Mass., and Kingston, N. H. He has had charge in several other places. OP RAYMOND. 79 XVI. J. Woodbury Scribner, son of John Scribner, Esq., and Betsey D. Scribner, graduated at Dartmouth Col lege in 1864. Designing to make teaching a business, he went to Hartsville, Ind., and became Principal of the Insti tution there, where he remained till 1873. While there, he was ordained as a preacher in the denomination called United Brethren, and officiated as a minister as he had op portunity. Leaving that place in 1873, he came to Ansville, Pa., and became Professor in Lebanon Valley College, where he continues at present. While in Indiana, he mar ried. undergraduates . I. James W. Brown, son of Joseph and Elvira H. Brown, fitted for college, entered Dartmouth and continued till he became a member of the Senior Class, and would have graduated in 1865, but spending a vacation as a Clerk in the Military Department in Nashville, Tenn., he died there, 'Dec. 22, 1864, aged 23. His remains were brought here and buried after appropriate funeral services. It was felt a great loss to lose so valuable a young man. II. A. M RRiLL Osgood finished a preparatory course at Exeter Academy, before teaching in the summer of 1873, and is now a member of the Freshman Class of Boston Uni versity. He is a son of Timothy and Mary Osgood. graduates OF academies. I. Abbie Scribner, daughter of Daniel and Ann Scrib ner, graduated at Mount Holyoke Seminary, in Mass., in 1863. She taught considerably, and in Feb., 1865, was married to Dr. J. Frank Brown of Chester. II. W. Harrison Lane, son of Dea, D. N. and Han nah Lane, graduated at the Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., in 1866. He taught some in connection, with pur- 80 THE HISTORY suing a course of study. Since graduating, the high and im portant business of agriculture has been his principal occu pation. III. Vannie a. Harriman, daughter of Samuel M. Har riman and his first wife, graduated at New Hampton Institu tion in 1868. Teaching has been followed much of the time since graduating. IV. Julia A Scribner, daughter of Daniel and Ann Scribner, graduated at Mount Holyoke Seminary in 1872. She has taught much, and at present is thus engaged in Bos ton. V. John Dana Folsom, son of John F. and Elizabeth Folsom, finished a course, preparatory to entering college, at Tilton Seminary. He finished a Theological course of study at Drew Seminary in New Jersey four or five years since. He is now a minister of the Pennsylvania Methodist Conference. The entire list, sixteen College Graduates, two under graduates, and five graduates of Academies, twenty-three in all, were natives of this town. The record as to number, scholarship, and positions of trust and usefulness, is a good one, and compares well with the country towns around. OF RAYMOND. 81 CHAPTER VII. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. congregational church. MEETING-HOUSE. It was customary, in the early history of the towns in New England, as soon as convenient, to establish meetings for the worship of God. The first account here is in 1764, the year of the incorporation. At a town meeting, held June 11, voted to raise 300 pounds Old Tenor for the support of the gospel. This was but a small sum in dollars. In 1765, voted to raise the same sum. A few, who had come into town from Chester, (the part now Auburn,) belonged to the Presbyterian church. They objected to paying a ministe- 82 THE HISTORY rial tax here, and it was voted that they "be eased of their rates." That year the first minister of whom mention is made came. His name was Gilman. Many did not like him, and at a town meeting, held March 3, 1766, voted that if Mr. Gilman preached, he should not be paid by the town. In 1767, Samuel Webster was paid 6 pounds for preach ing ; Solomon Moore, 6 ; Tristram Gilman, 7 pounds 4 shil lings. In 1768, Mr. Gilman and Jona. Searle preached. Mr. Gilman was a native of Durham, and soon settled in N. Yarmouth, Me., where he continued 40 years. The meetings in these years were held at Lieut. Benj. Bean's tavern, the old house now standing opposite the late John Bean house. The town voted to pay him 3 pounds for the use of his house up to March, 1769; and 17 shillings for dinners for the ministers. In 1770, voted to raise 20 dounds for preaching. Of this, Mr. Searle received 10 pounds, 16 shillings ; and 10 shil lings were paid to Lieut. Bean for the use of his house. During these years some were opposed to raising money for preaching, and when taxed were unwilling to pay. About this time, complaint was made by Widow Hannah Cram, Daniel Holman, Joseph Gile, J. Meloon, and John Leavitt, and their taxes were given in. In 177 1, the meetings were held a part of the time at David Bacheldor's, west of York's Corner. The divided state of the people as to the location of a meeting-house for some half a dozen years, and then the war of the Revolution for eight years, tended to prevent the raising of much money for preaching. In 1785, two years after the war, a meeting-house was built near where Mrs. H. D. Page now lives, and was so far completed that meetings could be held in it. The house stood in an immense woodland, with but few openings or cleared places for considerable distance around. The following lines of Pope might have been suggested to those who assembled there for worship : OP RAYMOND. 83 "In the rude temple, — the surrounding wood, — All vocal beings hymned their equal God." At the dedication of the meeting-house. Rev. Josiah Stearns, of Epping, preached from a text singularly appro priate. It was from Psalm 132 : 6, — "Lo, we heard of it at Ephrata ; we found it in the fields of the wood." The location of the house was not liked by some, and not far from the time, some waggish person posted up an adver tisement headed, "Found," and then went on to describe " a stray meeting-house. found in the woods." In 1787, voted 15 pounds for preaching. Also, that if any who did not wish to pay the minister tax, enter their names withj the Town Clerk within ten days, they be not taxed. Also that the minister tax may be paid in pine boards, corn or grain.— Oct. 15, voted to give Mr, Stephen Williams a call to settle in the ministry, with a salary of 50 pounds the first year, and 5 pounds additional yearly, until it amounted to 65 pounds ; the income of the parsonage, except wood and timber ; 20 cords of wood yearly ; and as a settlement 90 pounds, instead of parsonage buildings. He did not ac cept. In 1790, voted to give Mr. Thomas Moore a call, on terms similar to the above. He did not accept. No church had as yet been formed. The organization took place in 1791. Articles of faith and a covenant were adopted. The number of the original members was 21. They were the following : John Bacheldor, Robert Page, Stephen Prescott, Matthias Haines, Daniel Lane, David Lane, Benjamin Cram, Ebene zer Prescott, Ebenezer Cram, Samuel Nay, Samuel Nay, Jr., Sarah Page, Phebe Prescott, Mary Nay, Mary Cram, Sar^ Haines, Abigail Lane, Hannah Lane, Mary Tilton, Abigail Bacheldor, Very soon after, Jona. Swain and Mary Swain united by letter. Some three or four years passed with occasional supplies of preaching, and then Rev. Nehemiah Ordway moved into town and was a stated supply till 1797, when the matter of 84 THE HISTORY moving the meeting-house was agitated. A strong party wished it moved to what is now the Village. Mr. Ordway, in one sermon, opposed the removal. But some thought that was not preaching the gospel. Not long after he clos ed his supply here. Those for the removal were in a small majority in 1797, at three different town meetings, and in the autumn of that year it was removed. The house was soon put in order for worship, but there was much division of feeling in the church, that had grown out of the contention concerning the removal. There was also much desire that the Most High, whose " way is in the sanctuary," would come to his resting-place with " the ark of his strength." 2 Chron, 6 : 41. Not long after. Rev. James Thurston, of Exeter, was obtained for a supply in the years 1798 and 1799. " The Lord rideth upon the whirlwind and directeth the storm," and, at the proper time, brings all to calmness and repose. Here the discordant elements became harmonized, and the way was prepared for the settlement oa a pastor. This was effected in 1800. Mr. Jonathan Stick ney, of Newburyport, came in the summer, and was ordain ed October 22. Ten ministers composed the council and assisted in the services. Rev. John Boddily, pastor of the 2d. Presbyterian Church, in Newburyport, and a native of Bris tol, England, preached the discourse. The assembly was large, for it was a great day to the town, and one of great gladness to this church. In 1801, there was a good work of grace, and 27 united with the church. The last survivor of this number. Widow Mary Moore, who lived at the Branch, died in Dec, 1856. Mr. Stickney continued 7 years, and in June, 1807, asked a dismissal inconsequence of declining health. July i, a dismissal was granted. Oct. 26, the town voted concurrence. He retired to Newburyport, and died the next year. Ten years passed before another pastor was settled. In' OP RAYMOND. 85 1808, the town voted that the Free Baptists occupy the meet ing-house half of the time. There was not the harmony between the different Societies there is now, but unkind feel ings, words and actions. The church had some preaching by neighboring ministers till 1813, after which a Missionary Society in Massachusetts furnished supplies about half of the time till 1817. Rev's Homer, Cressy, and Wright, were here most. Sept. 4, 1816, voted to give Rev. Luther Wright a call to the pastor ate, but he did not accept. Early in 1817, Rev. Stephen Bailey, of Greenland, came here, and a revival interest commenced, which lasted to the close of summer. About 90 united with the church. Mr. Bailey was installed pastor Oct. i ; sermon by Rev. E. Ab bott, of Greenland. Parsonage buildings were soon erected ; they are now owned by Mr. Isaiah Young. Mr. Bailey was settled for five years, and dismissed Oct. 22, 1822. In 1824, the parsonage lot was sold for about $1200, the interest of which is now divided yearly among the different Societies in town. Rev's James Thurston, M. Dutton and others supplied till the next pastorate. Rev. Seth Farnsworth, a native of Charleston, N. H., was ordained Nov. 3, 1824. Sermon by Rev. A. Burnham of Pembroke. Mr. Farnsworth continued ten years, preaching faithfully and successfully. Members were added to the church in 1825, '26, '31, and '32. Mr. Farnsworth was dis missed at his request in 1834, but much against the wishes ol the people. A new meeting-house was erected in 1834, ^^'^ dedicated Nov. 12,— sermon by Rev. L. Parker, of Derry, — and the next day. Rev. Andrew H. Reed, a native of Oakham, Mass., was installed pastor. Sermon by Rev. D. Root, of Dover. Mr. Reed was dismissed Oct. 26, 1836. Rev. Anson Sheldon succeeded. He was a native of 86 THE HISTORY Somers, Ct. He was installed June 28, 1837, and dismiss ed Oct. 15, 1839. Rev. John C. Page, a native of Sandwich, was ordained Oct. 6, 1841, — sermon by Rev. H. Rood, of Gilmanton,-^and dismissed May 7, 1851. A number were added during his pastorate. Rev. David Burt, a native of Monson, Mass., was ordain ed Nov. 5, 185 1, — sermon by Rev. R. D. Hitchcock, of Exeter, — and dismissed Feb. 22, 1855. Rev. Dana B. Bradford, a native of Hillsborough, was installed Dec. 5, 1855, — sermon by Rev. J. P. Cleaveland, of Lowell, Mass. In the spring of 1857, a good revival interest took place, and several were added to the church. Mr. Bradford was dismissed in the summer of 1858. Rev. George W. Sargent, a native of Dover, was ordain ed Dec. 21, 1859, — sermon by Prof. Phelps of Andover, Mass., — and was dismissed early in 1865. Then nearly two years passed without a pastor, but there was a supply by dif ferent ministers. Dec. 6, 1866, Rev. Edward D. Chapman, a native of East Haddam, Ct., was installed. The sermon was by Rev. C. W. Wallace, D. D., of Manchester. In Jan., 1858, a good work of grace commenced, and quite an addition was made to the church. The ministry of Mr. Chapman here, commenced some months before his installation, and at the end of three years was terminated by his death, Sept. 17, 1869. The people of his charge were most happily united in him. The next pastor was Rev. Samuel Bowker, installed Nov. 30, 1870. Sermon by Rev. S. H. Hayes, of Boston. This pastorate continued two and one half years, and terminated May, 1873. Mr. Bowker was a native of Phillips', Me. In August following Rev. D. B. Dodge began, and sup plied six months. In June, 1874, ^^ev. W. A. Patten be- cape acting pastor and is now supplying the church. The deacons have been, Ebenezer Prescott, Ebenezer OP RAYMOND. 87 Cram, Samuel Nay, Daniel Norris, Thomas Wason, Daniel Tilton, John Dearborn, Daniel N. Lane, Horace Gordon, Jonathan F. Page, Hayden Higley and W. S. Abbott. Fanny McClure, who died in 1814, left a legacy of 200 dollars to the church ; Joseph Richardson, who died in 1852, left 500 dollars, the income to help sustain singing ; Mary Patten, who died in 1853, left 100 dollars ; Hon. Joseph Blake, died in 1864, and left 500 dollars ; Martha McClure died in 1870, and left 1000 dollars ; Ezekiel Lane died in 1873, and left a bequest, but it is not known as yet what the amount will be. Present number of members, 142. FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH. MEETING - HOUSE. . The origin of this church was a religious interest near the mountains in Nottingham, under the preaching of Rev. Jere miah Ballard, of Unity, in 1799. The interest extended into 88 THE HISTORY Candia, Deerfield, and Raymond, and, in 1802, a church was formed, the members living in the four towns. Mr. Ballard preached in this town a few times, once at a tavern, and once in a grove near where E. C. Osgood now lives. In 1805, Rev. H. D. Buzzell, of Gilmanton, preached here some» ^ and Joseph Dudley was appointed Ruling Elder. His duty was to lead in meetings when there was no minister, and to preside in meetings of business. In 1810, there was a good revival interest. Rev. H. D. Buzzell was here part of the time ; also Rev. Moses Bean, of Candia. A good number united with the church. In 1818, the members in Candia and Raymond were constituted a church by themselves. In 1823, there was a revival. The ministers who officiated here were Rev's M. Bean and David Harriman, both of Candia. Several were welcomed to the church. In 1824, Candia and Raymond divided, and the members in this town became a separate church. The same year Rev. J. B. Prescott, of Monmouth, Me., preached here sev eral months, and welcomed several to the church. In 1826, Rev. Arthur Caverno, of Epsom, preached a portion of the time, and several were added. The same year a house of worship was erected, and was dedicated in Nov., sermons being preached by Rev's J. Barnaby, of Deerfield, S. B. Haskell, of Poplin, and D. Harriman, of Weare. In the spring of 1828, some united with the church. In the autumn of 1831, at a protracted meeting, T. Robie, was ordained. In 1832, there was a revival in which Rev. John Knowles labored. In 1834, ^.ev. C. Small lived in town six months, and preached. In the autumn of 1837, Rev. Hiram Holmes, a native of Rochester, came, and took charge of the church, and re mained until 1839. Not far from this, an unhappy division on church polity took place. The result was the forming of a second church OP RAYMOND. 89 of the same name, on the ground where there were not mem bers enough for one efficient church. The second church occupied the meeting-house half of the Sabbaths, having, in 1842, a licensed preacher, H. B. Brock, a native of Bar- rington. In 1843, it had J. O. D. Bartlett, a native of Cen ter Harbor, who was ordained here that year. This church numbered 40, but it fell into division, waned and lost its visibility. The worthy members, who desired it, were received back into the other church. Rev. Asa Merrill, of Stratham, supplied some for years, till 1844. In the spring of 1845, Rev. B. H. McMurphey, a native of Alexandria, came and took charge. He contin ued two years, leaving in 1847. Rev. Tobias Foss, a native of Strafford, succeeded in 1848, and continued five and a half years. In the latter part of 1849, ^ revival interest commenced and 28 united with the church, a portion of them by letter. Mr. Foss left in Sept., 1853. The writer succeeded as stated supply and continued nineteen years. In 1858, a good revival brought an addition of 12. Rev. John Fullonton, T. Robie, and the writer became ministers while members of this church, and later, J. Woodbury Scribner. The Deacons have been Jeremiah Fullonton, Amos Bach eldor, Jeremiah Fullonton, Jr., Jefferson Healey. Clerks, — Jeremiah Fullonton, Rev. H. Holmes, Jeremiah Fullonton, Jr., M. V. B. Gile. Membership, 39. It has been seen that the author of this History came up in this church. An Autobiography is not to be written, but a few items may be put down. The Psalmist said, "I am as a wonder unto many." We are a wonder to none but our selves. Thirsting for knowledge, an Academy was attend ed part of three terms. Engaged in teaching ; poorly quali fied ; studied and taught, taught and studied, carrying books on the road, into fields and to bed to study. Talked with the learned for improvement, studied the trees, plants, flowers, winds, clouds and stars. Continued thus, teaching and 90 THE HISTORY studying much for 25 years. Engaged in the ministry ; no chance for Theological training in the denomination of our choice then, so studied as best we could. Ordained at Dan ville, Feb. 16, 1837, continued there six years, then held a pastorate in Acton, Me., four years. Lost all voice for public speaking, and came here in Jan. 1847. Rev. Benj. S. Manson, a native of Limington, Me., came here in the spring of 1571, and here he still resides. He has been in the ministry about 50 years. In active service he had nine pastorates, one of which, in Limington, Me., his native town, continued 15 years. He has mostly retired, preaching only occasionally. It is pleasant, in advancing years, to look back on a life spent in a good work, in the highest of callings, and to hope that some good has been done. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. MEETING - HOUSE. Persons of Methodist sentiments have lived in town for more than 50 years. The greater part of these lived in the OP RAYMOND. 91 Branch District, and attended meetings in Poplin and Ches ter. Mr. J. F. Lane attended at Epping. In 1840, Rev. A. Plumer, of Poplin, held meetings here with some good results. Rev. L. H. Gordon, moved into town in 1841, and supplied for several months. The interest declined, and Mr. Gordon moved to Epping. Rev. Wm. French, of Sandown supplied some, but after a while the meetings were given up. The present church began in 1848. At the town meeting in March, it was voted to give all the right and title the town had to the town meeting-house, as a house of worship, to the Methodist Society the ensuing year. Meetings com menced early in the summer. The Conference appointed a Mr. Hoyt, but after a short time he left, and the Presiding Elder obtained, for the remainder of the year, Rev. J. S. Loveland, a native of Stoddard. Near the close of the year, it was decided to erect a house of worship. Nov. 7, the town voted to sell the Society land, for the purpose, where the Pound then stood. Soon there was much conten tion as to that vote, and some action on it at different town meetings that followed, and on the 22d of Jan. the vote was reconsidered. In 1849, the minister was Rev. James Adams, a native of Williamstown, Vt. The house of worship was built this year, and dedicated in the autumn, the sermon being preached by Rev. J. S. Loveland. Near the close of the year, a good work of grace commenced, which resulted in the addition of many worthy members. In 1850 and '51, the preacher was Rev. J. C. Emerson, a native of Canterbury; in 1852, Rev. G. W. T. Rogers, a native of Holderness ; in 1853 and '54, Rev. Elijah Mason, a native of Cavendish, Vt. ; in 1855 ^^^ '5^' Kev. Simon P, Heath, a native of Lyman, — some additions ; — in 1857, Rev. Charles Young, a native of Edinburg in Scotland. A reviv al this year made an addition of large numbers. In 1858 and '59, Rev. L. L. Eastman, a native of Canaan, had charge ; 92 THE HISTORY in i860. Rev. N. L. Chase, a native of Unity ; in 1861 and '62, Rev. N. M. Bailey, a native of Thompson, Ct. ; in 1863 and '64, Rev. James Adams, the second time; in 1865, Rev. R. J. Donaldson, a native of Everton, England ; in 1866, '67 and '68, Rev. G. W. Ruland, a native of Brook- haven, N. Y. ; in 1869 and '70, Rev. Eleazer Smith, a na tive of Marlow; in 1871, Rev. Josiah Higgins, a native of Bucksport, Me. ; in 1872, Rev. Wm. Hewes, a native of Bos ton ; in 1873, meetings suspended, and in 1874, Rev. Wm. H. H. Collins, a native of Washington. Number of mem bers, 87. Rev. Rufus Tilton, for more than 30 years a Methodist preacher, was a native of this town. Rev. J. S. Loveland, an early pastor of this church, with drew from the denomination, and has since been actively connected with the Spiritualists in Boston and vicinity. Rev. Elijah Mason, a former pastor, died in Rockport, Mass., Feb. 15, 1863, aged 54. Rev. G. W. T. Rogers, also pastor, died in Salem, N. H., in 1868. Rev. Abraham Folsom, a native of Tunbridge, Vt., moved here in 1863. He has since preached in Epping, Auburn, Rye, Chester, Fremont and Salem. He died, March, 1872. Rev. Matthew Newhall, a native of Claremont, took up his residence here in 1863. For some years he has been superannuated. In 1873, he went to Greenland. John D, Folsom, a native of the town, prepared for col lege ; is a Methodist ; has preached considerably, a portion of 1868 in Exeter, and then went to the Drew Theological Seminary in New Jersey, where he graduated. He is preaching in Pennsylvania. UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY. From an early period, there have been some Universalists in town. In 1827, Rev. T. G. Farnsworth, of Haverhill, OP RAYMOND. 93 Mass., preached a Sabbath in the Baptist church. In 1854, the Rockingham County Association of Universalists was held here. The services were in the Methodist church, and continued two days. There have been occasional supplies of preaching besides, but at long intervals. In 1857, a Society was formed with corporate powers. Thirty, in a few days, became members, but not quite all now reside in town. The Clerks have been Wm. Titcomb, Geo. S. Robie. CHAPTER VIIL BIOGRAPHY. I. MINISTERS. Rev. Nehemiah Ordway. Mr. Ordway was a native of Amesbury, Mass., graduated at Harvard College in 1764, and was ordained at Middleton, N. H., in 1778. It is not cei^tain that a Congregational church was constituted there, and we have not the year of his leaving, but it is certain he did not preach there many years. He preached in East Haverhill, Mass., from 1789 to 1794. He then came to this town and preached to the Congregational church till 1797. He was not settled as pastor, but was stated supply. After this he preached some as there were openings. A daughter of his had married Dr. John Pillsbury, and, as ad vancing years came on, he went to live with him in Candia, 94 THE HISTORY and last in Pembroke, where he died in 1836, aged 93. His wile die)-( O 108 THE HISTORY I7i7) 157 years ago. The Dudley family has been identi fied with the history of the town from the beginning. No other family has existed in the place all through, nor has the 'town conferred so many offices on any family. The Dudleys in this country are the descendants of Gov. Thomas Dudley. There is no evidence that they are con nected with those in England in the time of Edward VI. , &c., which we shall name in Chapter XY. that part which relates to the Dudley Family. We say no evidence, yet some, in research, think there is conection. Gov. Thomas Dudley was born in England in 1576, came to this country in 1630, was Provincial Governor of Massa chusetts some years, and died in 1653, aged 77. John Far mer, an antiquarian of New Hampshire, states that Gov, Jona Belcher wrote an epitaph for him. We do not know as it was used. It was this : "Here lies Thomas Dudley, that trusty old stud, A bargain is a bargain and must be made good." Samuel, son of Gov. Thomas, was born in England in 1606, came over with his father, settled in the ministry at Exeter in 1650, and died in 1683, aged 77. He was mar ried three times and had 18 children. Stephen, the son of the above by his third wife, was born in Exeter, and died there in 1734. He had three wives and eleven children. He was the grandfather of Samuel Dud ley, now to be noticed, and also of Judge John Dudley, and having named his death, a copy of his Will may be in serted here as a matter of interest : "In the name of God Amen I Stephen Dudley of Exeier in the Province of New Hampshire in New England being weak of body but of Sound & perfect mind & memory praise be given to almighty God knowing there fore that it is appointed unto man once to Dye do make & ordain this my Last will & Testament in manner & form as foUoweth that is to Say for principally I commit my Soul into the hand of God who gave hoping for the pardon and forgiveness of all my Sins in & through the merits of Je sus Christ my Saviour & Redemer & my body I Commit to the Earth to OF RAYMOND. 109 be Decently buried at the Direction of my Executrix hei-eafter named & as for the worldly Goods & Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to be- trust me with I give & bequeath as followeth Impr My will is that all my just & honest Debts be paid & my funeral Charges Defraid Item Istly' I give unto my son Nicholas Dudley five shillings he having received his part already Item 21y I give unto my two grandsons John & Davidson Dudley sons of James Dudley & Stephen Dudley Each of them five shillings their hav ing received their portions in their life limes Item Sly I give unto my two Sons James Dudley & Trueworthy Dudley my Dwelling house & housing & all ray Lands & meddows thereto be longing after the Decase of my well beloved wife mary Dudley except ing five acres hereafter to be Disposed of Item Jtly I give unto my Daughters .loanna perryman Elizabeth Gilman & Sarah Gilmm to each of them five p )unds to be paid unto them by their two brothers James & Timothy in two years after my wifes Discease. Item oly I give unto my Grandaughter Sarah Dudley the Daughter of my son Joseph Dudley Deceased five pounds to be paid within two years atfer my wifes Decease by my two sons James Dudley and Trueworthy Dudley whom I Require to pay all Legacies in this will Finally I give unto my well beloved wife Mary Dudley my house Out housing and all my Lands & Meddows During the time of her Natural Life also five acres of Land adjoining to the Land of Martha Bean which she bought of me & to have ten Rods fronting upon thq way & so ruiming back till it makes five acres to be wholly at her disposal forever & I also give her my well beloved wife all my movable Estate to be wholly at her Disposal forever & I do by these Presents make Constitute & approve her my well beloved wife Mary Dudley the Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament hereby Revoking & Disannuling all former wills & Testa ments by me heretofore made In Conformation whereof I have to this my ^ last will & Testament Let my hand & seal this Seventeenth day of febu- ary Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred thirty four five Signed Sealed & owned in the Presence of Cartee Gilman Timothy Leav itt John Luf kin his [Seal] STEPHEN M DUDLEY. This Stephen Dudley died probably not long after, as the Will was proved May 13. The Judge of Probate was Ben jamin Gambling ; the Register, John Penhallow. We wish to insert another paper of some interest here. James Dudley, son of the above Stephen, was father of 110 THE HISTORY Samuel Dudley, Judge Dudley and Joseph, all of whom came to this town. We have not the date of James Dudley's death, but it was probably about 1746. He was a Lieut, in the Militia and a cooper by trade. His personal and real estate was appraised June 13, 1746. The following biU of appraisal will show what he possessed : A Gun Coopers tools an adz, ax and howel, Frow, heading knife, bung borer, Crowsier, shave, tenant saw, jointer, Half round shave, hollow shave &c., Cruset, implements, joint hoops, Warming pan, ax, brass work and tunkard, Two dishes, a bason, old quart carboose box, steelyards. Pillion, stuff for sails, grindstone, Two notes against Aaron Young, Note against Davidson Dudley, Note against Josiah Moody, Note against Ebenezer Huckins, House and shop, Ten acres at Candlemas meadow. Ten acres near Candlemas meadow, A place near Phillips & Gordon, Note against his son John, Three hundred clapboards, Broad ax, Coopers tools and sundries. Half of a right in Gilmantown, Two thirds of a house at freetown, A hogshead. Total £263 11 0 His son John, afterwards here and Judge, was administra tor of the estate. It is seen in an account given of early purchases in this place that this James Dudley bought quite a territory of land here. That was in 1718. Probably that had long before his death passed into other hands. His son Samuel very likely owned a part of it, and "it appears from the appraise ment that he himself owned two-thirds of a house here, — put down in in the bill "freetown." £ 6 10 0 2 15 0 2 3 0 2 2 0 1 19 0 3 6 0 3 3 0 3 8 0' 4 10 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 30 0 0 20 0 0 3 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 5 1 10 0 ' OP RAYMOND. HI Samuel Dudley was born in Exeter in 1720. He was a man of great energy and very enterprising. It appears .^that he was in this town as early as 1744. He had married a Miss Ladd, and his oldest chUd, Daniel, was the first chUd born here of whom we have an account. It appears that afterward he lived in Brentwood, as, in 17SI' in that town, he gave a deed of a part of a saw miU in this place to his brother John, afterwards Judge. That deed will be inserted in the account of Judge Dudley. In the last years here, he lived in the west part and built a por tion, at least, of the Dudley house of which a view is given. This house was taken down and a new one erected by James T. Dudley, Esq., in 1855. Mr, Dudley was a soldier in the expedition that captured Louisburg in 1745. In 1760, this town being then a part of Chester, he commenced a suit at law against the Selectmen, because they had not estab lished a Grammar school. The result of the suit can not be given, but it is likely they were fined, as the town voted not to secure them from it. He was Moderator at the first town meeting after the incorporation. He was surveyor of the highway, and built the first bridge near Mr. Pecker's, charging it to the town, but as they refused to pay, he sued, and at court recovered. Mr. Dudley moved to Maine ; his first wife died, and he married Mrs. Sleeper. The latter dying, he married Mrs. Clark. He had 10 children. He died in 1797, aged 77. Three of his descendants became Free Baptist ministers. -Moses moved from Maine to Ohio in i8i5, and died in Hamilton in 1842, aged 64. Thomas moved from Maine to Ohio in 1853, and died in Pagetown in i860, aged 77. Da vid was living in Michigan a few years since, but probably is now dead. Hon. John DuDLEy, brother of the foregoing, was born in Exeter, April 9, 1725. He learned to read, and that was about the extent of his education till he was old 112 the HISTORY enough to be a hired laborer of Daniel Gilman, grandfather of John T. Gilman, afterwards Governor of the State. Mr. Gilman found that young Dudley had a mind far above the average of young men, and that he was very desirous to obtain knowledge. He, therefore, gave him such benefits as his family afforded, which were highly appreciated and im proved to the greatest advantage. He was also admitted to the circles of a class of eminent persons who were visitors to his employer's house, and by this he gained much of the political and general information that laid the foundation of his future fame. June 22, 1^49, he married Elizabeth Gilman, and opened a grocery store. Honest and industrious, success attended him. Misfortune, however, came, and much of his property was swept away by fire, but he always met disaster with quietness. Integrity and courage were left, and he perse vered, and again prospered. It has been already seen that his father, James Dudley, had made a large purchase in what is now Raymond, and that his brother Samuel had resided here. In 1751, John Dudley made a purchase here of one-fourth of a saw-mill and a small quantity of land near the mill. This was near the saw-mill called Fretownmill, a mile east of the Village. That mill was a few rods higher up the stream. The dam was high and the quantity of water in the pond was great. So much of it passed in an outlet across the road near where Mr. Pettingill now lives, that, on a fall just below the road, a saw-mill was built, which, from some circumstance not now known, went by the name of Moll Rowe mill. This was where Mr. Dudley bought. We give below a copy of the deed : "Know all Men by these Presents, That I Samuel Dudley of the parish ¦of Brintwood in the province of New hampshire yeoman for and in Con sideration of the just Sum of one hundred and Eighty pounds old tenpr Bills of Publiok Credit to me in Hand before the delivery hereof, by John Dudley of Exeter in Said province trader OF RAYMOND. 113 Have given, granted, bargained and sold, and do by these Presents give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, and fully, freely and absolutely convey and confirm to him, the said John Dudley, his Heirs and assigns forever one quarter part of a Saw meel within the bounds of Chester at a place known by the name of freetown standing on the outlet Northerly from the old me'A with all the iron work their belonging to the one Quarter also one Quarter part of four akers of land their belonging to the above men.shed meel the meel called mol Row To have and to hold the granted and bargained Premises, together with all their appertenances free from all Encumbrances whatever to him the said John Dudley his Heirs and Assigns as an absolute Estate of Inherit ance in Fee Simple forever. And I the said Samuel Dudley for myself, my Heirs Esecutors and Administrators do Covenant and engage the above demised Premises to him the said John Dudley his Heirs and As signs against the Lawful Claims and demands of any PersCin or Persons whatsoever, forever hereafter to WARRANT, secure and defend by these presents. In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my Hand and Seal this fourth Day of July Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty one and in the twenty fifth Year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of GOD, KING, &o. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Joseph Dudley James Dudley Samuel Dudley [Seal] The price of the property in this deed, i8o pounds Old Tenor, at that time was 9 pounds Lawful Money, or 45 dol lars. So far as we know, this was Mr. Dudley's first purchase here. That "meel," as it is called in the deed, was after wards burned. In 1766, Mr. Dudley came to Raymond, having bought the farm now owned by his great-grandson, James T. Dud ley, Esq. Gaining the confidence of the citizens, he soon became the leading man of the town. Two years after com ing here, he was appointed Justice of the Peace. The com mission was by the royal Governor ; it is now before us, and we copy it entire, printing capital letters as in the document. "Province of New Hampshire „ . , , , ^ j- GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of GOD, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c. 114 THE HISTORY To John Dudley of Raymond in the Province aforesaid, Esq ; Greeting, KNOW You, that We reposing especial Trust and Confidence in your Loyalty, Learning, Skill and Ability, Have assigned and by these Presents d(. assign you the said Jno Dudley to be One of Our JUSTICES to keep Our Peace within Our said Province of New Hampshire, and to keep and cause to be kept Ordinances and Statutes made for the Good of the Peace, and Conservation of the same ; and with full Power and Authority to do and perform every Act, Matter and Thing belonging and pertaining to Of fice of JUSTICE OF THE PEACE in as full and ample Manner to all In tents Purposes as any other of Our Justices of the Peace in our Great Commission named, bearing Date the 29th Day of August, 1767, may or can by Viitue thereof do and perform the same. To hold the said of fice unto You the said John Dudley during Our Pleasure. In Testimony whereof, we have caused the SEAL of Our said Province to be hereunto affixed. Witness JOHN WENTWORTH, Esq; Our Captain-General, GOV ERNOR and Commander in Chief, in and over our said Province of New / ' Hampshire, this Day of in the Eight Year of Our Reign, Annoque Domini, 1768 J WENTWORTH By His Excellency's Command T. ATKINSON jr. Sec'y When the war of the Revolution came on, Mr. Dudley espoused his country's cause with the ardor of a true patriot. On learning' of the battle of Lexington, in April, 1775, he called for his horse, but as there was some delay, he started on foot to rally the Militia. Through his influence, a com pany in this and neighboring towns was formed, which he directed to go to the vicinity of Boston, and he proceeded to Exeter to consult prominent men as to measures for the public safety. During the war ol eight years, he was almost constantly employed in public affairs, and very much of the time was from home. He was Representative of the town through the whole period, and in 1782 and '83 was Speaker. During the war he also held another important office of trust. At an early stage of the conflict the spirit of resist ance to the oppressive measures of England manifested it self in the Legislature Assembly of the Province of New Hampshire. John Wentworth, the Governor, was in sym pathy with England, and undertook to thwart the doings of . OP RAYMOND. 115 the Assembly, but not succeeding, he withdrew to the Fort at Portsmouth harbor, then to the Isles of Shoals, and after wards took vessel for England. In May, 1775, a convention of 150 delegates from the towns, assembled at Exeter. This bo>ly styled itself the First Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, and was in session from May 17th to Sept. 2d, and again about two weeks in Oct. Early in its session, this body chose a Committee of Safety. It will be observed, there was no Governor, or none worthy. to be such over those resolved to be free. Wentworth had not gone when the Committee was chosen, but left after a few months. After he had gone, this Committee sat most of the time in the recess of the Legislature, had the chief man agement of public affairs, and in fact, was the executive power. The following is the substance of the instructions given the Committee, and defines its authority : To take under consideration all matters in which the wel fare of the Province in the security of just rights shall be concerned, except the appointments of field officers. The carrying into effect all plans, determined by Congress, not provided for by other persons or Committees. If any exi gence not provided for by Congress requires immediate at tention, such as the marching of troops, raised to expel an invasion in any part ; or directing the motions of the Militia within the Province, or without the Province, with their con sent ; or making use of any advantage for securing military stores, securing important posts, or preventing the enemy from securing advantageous posts ; and obtaining military stores, or provisions. The Committee of Safety was to take the most prudent and effectual methods to accomplish the foregoing and similar purposes. The Committee was empowered and directed to apply to the Committee of Supplies for the necessary stores, provi sions, &c., to carry these instructions into effect. It should be observed that, in 1776, the next year of the 116 THE _ HISTORY appointment of the Committee of Safety, a Constitution for the Province was adopted. This was in force during the war, but nothing in this Constitution took away or diminished the powers of the Committee of Safety. Hon. Mesheck Weare was President of the Committee all through. He was also Pres ident of the Council of State, a body of twelve, and a co-or dinate branch of the Legislature. Hence, in history, he is called President of the State, but he was not the chief ex ecutive officer as the Governor is now. The Committee of Safety, as constituted May 19, 1775, consisted of' five persons, three belonging to Rockingham county, viz., Bartlett of Kingston, Whipple of Portsmouth and Folsom of Exeter. Before the year closed, five were added, — Moulton of Hampton, and Weare of Hampton Falls in this county. Others were appointed afterward, more be. ing required, and sometimes there were resignations. May 2, 1776, Mr. Dudley was appointed a member of the Committee of Safety and continued a member till May 29, 1784, when the war had closed. His whole term of service was 8 years, 27 days. During the time he was a member of the Legislative body. This Committee sat several months in each year, sometimes quite a large portion of the year. Mr. Dudley was generally present. His sagacity, keen fore sight, good judgment, and sterHng patriotism made him one of the most active and useful members. As time passed, the powers of the Committee were en larged. It was authorized to recommend suitable persons for Chaplains, Surgeons and Surgeons' Mates ; to enlist Reg iments ; appoint Muster Masters; and act in other matter.^. The Records of the Committee during the whole period of its existence are published in fuU in the collections of the New Hampshire Historial Society, Vol. VIL, 1863, and fill 340 pages. They exhibit an amounl of labor and business transactions for the State and country rarely performed by the same number of men for the public benefit. The Com- OF RAYMOND. 117 mittee was sometimes called, " The Little Congress, " but it was not very small. At the close of the war, Mr. Dudley estimated that, by attention to public affairs and the consequent neglect of his own, he had suffered the loss of half of his property. But independence had been gained, and he was satisfied. Na tional freedom for his children, — for the people at large, and millions yet to come, — he thought a sufficient reward for all sacrifices. During that time Mr. Dudley held another important office, — that of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, — to which he was appointed in 1776, and filled till 1785, when he was appointed Judge of the Superior Court, which he held till 1797. In all, he was a Judge 21 years. He had not a law education, but the late Hon. John Kelly, of Exeter, said truly that, "he had patience, discernment and sterling integrity, which neither partiality nor prejudice, threat nor flattgry, hope nor fear could seduce or awe," Few at the head of Courts of Judicature were ever more earnest and firm for justice than Judge Dudley. The late Gov. Plumer, of Epping, was a member of the Bar for years while Judge Dudley was on the Bench, and cites the following as a specimen of the manner in which the Judge would give a case to the Jury : " You have heard, gentle men, what has been said in this case by the lawyers, the rascals ! But no, I will not abuse them. It is their business to make a good case for their clients ; they are paid for it ; and they have done in this case well enough. But you and I, gentlemen, have something else to consider. They talk of law. It is not law we want, but justice. A clear head and an honest heart are worth more than all the law of the lawyers. There was one good thing said at the Bar. It was from one Shakspeare, an English player, I believe. It is good enough almost to be in the Bible. It is this, 'Be just and fear not-' That, gentlemen, is the law in this case. It is our business to do justice between the parties, not by 118 THE HISTORY the quirks of the law, out of Blackstone or Coke, books that I never read and never will, but by common sense as be tween man and man. That is our business ; and the curse of God will rest upon us, if we neglect, or evade, or turn aside from it." In one session of the Court, Jeremiah Mason, then just commencing practice as a lawyer, and who afterwards was among the ablest in the State, put in what was caUed a plea of demurrer. Judge Dudley said he "always thought de murrer a cursed cheat." Turning to Mr. Mason, he said, "Let me advise you, young man, not to come here with your new fangled law." Sometimes the Judge in Court would use language not strictly grammatical. "Them lawyers," "These 'ere witness es," &c., were some of his forms of expression. Yet it was noticed that when warmed by his subject, his language, al ways forcible, became accurate and even elegant. This shows that correctness as well as eloquence are always the result of clear thought and earnest feeling. Lawyers ' respected him, yet among themselves they laughed at his ex- pvessions. Judge Parsons, of Newburyport, who sometimes practiced in our Courts, said, "You may laugh at his law and ridicule his language, but Dudley is the best Judge I ever knew in New Hampshire," In later years, Judge Ar thur Livermore, who knew Judge Dudley well, said, "Jus tice was never better administered in this State than when Mr. Dudley was on the Bench." In 1784, while Judge, he was elected by the Legislature to fill a vacancy in the Sen ate, but he declined the office. After retiring from the Bench, he spent the evening of lif e in the quiet seclusion of his family, rarely going even so far as the center of the town. He had associated with the great men of the State, such as Weare, Langdon, Sullivan, Bart lett, all of whom became Governors, and others, and he did not forget them in his retirement, but rejoiced in their sue cess. OF RAYMOND. 119 He took great delight in reading the Scriptures, was the advocate of industry and morality, but the enemy of idle ness, deceit and hypocrisy. Free from vain show, or con ceit, he was easy of access to all, and was particularly a friend to the poor. The friend and father of the town of his adoption, he was respected by all. He was one of Nature's noblemen ; strong-minded, self-educated, (sometimes the best educated,) and inflexible in his adherence to the great principles of justice and right. We copy the bill of an inn-keeper where he tarried twenty- four hours, to show prices then charged, and that, while all drank spirits, the Judge, if that was an example of him, was more abstemious than most others. The bill was printed with blank places to be filled. It stood thus : "Richardson's Tavern at the Sign of the United States Arms ; Keene," 1 Lodging, 3 Meals, 1 Horse keepmg, Oats, Toddy, Fhp, Punch, Wine, Gm, 5 4 A little more than $1,33. Another item is introduced here, showing the estimation in which the Judge was held in comparison with some other renowned men, who had held a similar office. It is thrown in to verse thus : "Let England of her Judges boast. Of Bacon, Hale and Somers tell ; New Hampshire's sons can yearly toast, A Dudley, who knows law quite well. G. M." Our impression, from what we have heard, is that "G. M-'' was G. Mitchel, a school teacher in town, and probably in s d 0 4 3 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 120 THE HISTORY the Dudley district. The English Judges named were great « men, but the first and last had defects. Bacon wrote well, but in office accepted bribes. Pope says of him : " If parts allure thee, think how Bacon shined. The brightest, wisest, meanest of mankind." Somers was impeached, and Hale, great and good as Judge, condemned persons accused of witchcraft. Judge Dudley died. May 21, 1805, aged 80. The epitaph on his tombstone in the family burying-place, is as follows : " This modest stone, what few vain marbles can. May truly say, here lies an honest man ; Calmly he looked on either world, and here Saw nothing to regret, or there, to fear." The only relic of the Judge, that we know of, is his plain arm-chair, which is in possession of his great-grandson, G. H. Tucker. But little is known of Judge Dudley's wife. She was of the noted Gilman family in Exeter. We think she was well adapted to her station ; best known in the home circle where she delighted most to be ; the good wife and the faithful mother of children. She survived her husband nearly a year, and died, May 14, 1806. Nathaniel Dudley was the seventh of Judge Dudley's children, and was born at Exeter, Nov. 25, 1763. When about three years old, he came with the family to this town. He was a man of much enterprise, and after marrying in 1783, Miss Anna Smith, he lived opposite to where S. M. Harriman resides. He was one of the selectmen two years. Some four years after his marriage, he moved to Mount Ver non, Me. Twenty-two years later, he was living in King- field, Me. His wife dying, in 1826 he married Mrs. Harriet Pulling. He died in Freeman, Me., May 7, 1844, aged 80. He had 12 children. Moses Dudley, Esq^, was the youngest child of Judge Dudley, and was born in Exeter, Jan 29, 1766. The family moved to Raymond when he was but a few months old. ; OF RAYMOND. 121 Some physiologists maintain that, as a rule, the strongest- minded children are not the oldest in the family, but such as are born after parents come to the strength and maturity of riper years. However this may be, and however capable, as to natural endowments. Judge Dudley's older children were, it is certain that Moses had a mind, in most respects, superior to the others. When old enough, he went to school in what is called the "Dudley District;" the school-house was located just above where the late Wm. Wallace lived. Moses was rather short for his years, but thick set, with'a full face, and light, flaxen hair. His tongue seemed too thick, so that articulation was not distinct. He was not attractive to the teacher, but the teacher was to him. He eyed him sharply, hung upon his words with attention, and comprehended their meaning far be yond others. At the period of the forming of the character of most persons, between ten and fifteen years of age, his fa ther was from home most of the time, so that he would have been in great danger of idle and dissolute habits, had it not been for the influence of his good mother. And, withal, a man of Judge Dudley's fine sense of propriety and good or der, did not fail, when he was at home, to give such lessons to his children, relative to industry and good conduct, as were felt in his absence. Dudley finished his school education at the district school when about twenty years old, and it was arranged as was frequently the case then, that the youngest son should remain on the old homestead, now owned by his great grand son, J. Tucker Dudley. A love for reading manifested itself, but books were few, and newspapers scarce in country places. His father was much in office, and conversed on public affairs, so that the son became early interested in politics, the affairs of the state and nation. When about 21, he married Miss Nancy Glidden. The first office conferred on him was Ensign in the Militia, but he did not go much higher, having little martial spirit. At 123 THE HISTORY 27, he was elected Moderator of the Annual Town Meeting, and he was chosen to this office twenty-nine dififerent times. The same year that he was first elected Moderator, he was chosen one of the Selectmen.and served in aU seventeen years. His talent as a presiding officer was of the first order. When the minister came in to offer prayer at an early stage of the meeting, two directions were sufficient to have all conducted with propriety. The first was when the minister entered the front door, he uttered these words : "Gentlemen, please open to the right and left." Then, after the minister had ad vanced to the place at the Hght hand of the Moderator, he would say, "Gentlemen, please uncover." If the meeting became tumultuous, one might have been re minded of Trumbull's McFingal, — "The Moderator with great violence The desk would thump with, Silence ! Silenoe !" The thumping was with the ballot-box. It was as effect ual in stilling the meeting as the tap of Julius Csesar's finger was the Roman Senate. He was Representative of the town nine years. He was well versed in politics, firm and decided in the expression of political views, but not overbearing towards those of others. He was a great admirer of President Jefferson as a politician and a statesman. When somewhat advanced in life, he was heard to say, "If Jefferson was a Tory, I am one." In 1828, in the warm Presidential campaign, the Republicans support- ^^S J* Qc Adams, and the Democrats Gen. Jackson, he re ceived a long and well-written letter from Ex-Gov. Plumer of Epping, to induce him to give his support to Mr. Adams, but the effort was ineffectual. We will now notice more particularly his love of books and reading. His thirst in this respect was intense. It was be yond anything known in this part of the country, and perhaps but few cases in the world have been equal to it ; and happily for him, in the latter part of his life he had the opportunity OP RAYMOND. 123 of gratifying this desire. For forty years or more, he read from six to ten hours each day. Books of almost every de scription, literary, scientific, miscellaneous, were read with the greatest avidity. History, both ancient and modern, sacred and profane, ever specially interested him. So great was his knowledge of this branch, that he seemed familiar with the world's history from the earliest period of recorded time to the day in which he lived. He was even an enthusiastic admirer of the ancient Greek and Roman poets, and British classical and literary writers, more especially those who li\^d in the reign of Queen Ann. That princess reigned from 1702 to 1714, and that time was noted for the eminent men that adorned the walks of literature. Esquire Dudley, as he was familiarly called, delighted es pecially in the natural sciences, this was more the case in advanced life. Works of the most approved authors, on Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Botany, Natural Philos ophy, &c., were studied with the ardor and enthusiasm of youth. He was not satisfied with reading a book once, but was often heard to say, if a book was worth reading at all, it was worth reading more than once. One well acquainted with him estimated that, for thirty-five years, he read on an average from one hundred to two hun dred pages daily, and that during his life he could not have read less than what would have been equivalent to six thou sand octavo volumes of four hundred pages each. This ruling trait of his mind continued to the last. The evening before his sudden departure, he passed the twilight in read ing near the door of his dwelling. To be benefited by reading, it is necessary, as in the case of food, to digest it. Could one digest so much as he read? Did Esq. Dudley retain in his memory what he read ? Those acquainted with him could answer. Their word was (and some of them live now to confirm it,) that his mind was one vast storehouse of knowledge on almost all subjects. He delighted to converse and communicate knowledge to others. 124 THE HISTORY His company was sought by the intelligent, and by those who wished to be so. Esq. Dudley did not own many books. Fgr some time he had access to a library in Candia, and friends loaned him many. When a book was brought to him his countenance would brighten, and he would seize it with avidity. We musfindulge in a reminiscence here. The last time we saw him, about three years before his death, he being some seventy-four years of age, we left him volumes of an En glish work on America. He was more than delighted, but with his usual good judgment and discrimination said, "Eng lish writers on our country, write for English readers rather than for us." He was eminently a peace-maker, and for many years was a great help to those who needed legal advice. He died July 2, 1843, aged 77. Elbridge G., the youngest of his ten children, graduated at Dartmouth College as is noticed in the list of graduates. Two of his grandsons are College graduates, viz., John D. Philbrick, and Gilman H. Tucker ; also a great-nephew, John D. Lovering. John, a son of his, was Representative of a town in Maine. Gilman, another son, Representative of this town, and J. Tucker Dudley, a great-grandson, Repre-. sentative also of this town. Friends cherish his memory with true affection. Joseph Dudley was a nephew of Judge Dudley, and was born in Exeter, Feb. 15, 1750. In early life he lived a few years in Brentwood, then came to this town, perhaps about the time he was of age. He married Deborah, daughter of Lieut. Benj. Bean, and after a few years moved to Read- field, Me. He carried there two children, and in July, 1780, two others, twins, were born. His wife did not long survive. Discontented, he obtained a woman to assist him, and made the tedious journey on horseback to this town. Here he married Sarah Smith. In all he had nine children. He was one of the selectmen one year. OF RAYMOND. 125 He was remarkable for his devotedness as a Christian. He held the office of Ruling Elder in the Free Baptist church. The duty was to preside in business meetings, and lead in meetings of worship when no minister was present. Few were more exemplary in life. Near death he said he could look on the past without regret, but with the greatest satisfaction. After a short illness, he died in great peace, Oct. 28, 1825, and welcomed his long sought rest. His age was 75. His residence was on the Deerfield road, now oc cupied by Thomas Healey. Maj. Josiah Fogg was a native of Bride Hill, in Hamp ton. He came to this town in 1752, and settled on what was afterwards known as the Fogg farm, which was kept in the name more than 100 years. He was one of the Constables of Chester in 1759, before Raymond was set off. After the incorporation, he was one of the Selectmen two years. He was married first to Miss Leavitt, second to Miss French, third to Mrs. Eastman of Kingston. The number of chil dren was probably eighteen. He died Oct. 6, 1790, aged 66. Robert Page. The name Page is found in the early rec ords of Hampton, and David Page, the father of Robert, was born there, but moved to North Hampton where Robert was born. He married Sarah Dearborn, sister of Gen. Henry Dearborn, and came to this place in 1755, and the same year built a house near Mr. Simon Page's. Simon Page's children are the fifth generation of Pages on that farm. He was one of the Selectmen the first year after the town was incorporated, and served in all three years. He died suddenly, Dec. 31, 1816, aged 84. His widow died, Jan. 12, 1831, aged 95. They had eight children. Lieut. Benjamin Bean was born in Kingston, and came to this town in 1752. His house was the one opposite T. L. Brown's. He kept tavern, and for about twenty years the town meetings were held there. He was one year a mem- 126 THE HISTORY ber of the board of Selectmen. He died, April 4, 1803, aged 77. He had nine children. The children of the late George E. Bean were the sixth generation of Beans on that farm. Jonathan Swain, Esq^, was a native of Hampton Falls. He was married three times, and some of his children were born before he came to town. He took up his residence here in 1765. He was one of the Selectmen 11 years; Town Clerk, 31 ; Collector, i ; a member of the Convention that formed the State Constitution in 1782 ; and of the one ' that revised it in 1791. He was Justice of the Peace, and as such married several when there was no minister in town. He had eight children. The Town Records are a monument of his accuracy and efficiency. He was a faithful chronicler of many other events. He died Feb. 20, 1807, aged 80. Levi Swain was son of the above, and was a native of Hampton Falls. He came here when about twelve years of age. He proved a worthy son of a faithful father in the serv ice of the town. He was Collector two years ; the town honored him with the office of Selectman thirteen years, and Town Clerk ten years. His wife was Sarah Lane. They had no children. He died April 18, 1839, aged 86. James Moore was a native of Ireland, and brought to this country when about three years of age. Not long after, he came to Chester. At the age of forty, he moved to this town ; was somewhat extensively engaged in the lumber trade ; was one of the Selectmen three years ; and died early in 1770, aged 45. Robert Moore, son of the above, was born in Chester, came to this town with his parents when quite young, and after arriving at a suitable age, attended Exeter Academy one year, then engaged in teaching in Maine, also in this town. He was Moderator of the Town Meeting two years, and one of the Selectmen six. He died, Jan. 5, 1804, aged 39. The late Capt. John Moore was his son. Captain Samuel Nay. The Nays of this town descend- OF RAYMOND. 127 ed from John Nay, called a Jersey-man, because he lived on the Isle of Jersey, east of England. John came to Hampton, and died in 1750, aged 90. Capt. Samuel was born in Hampton. His father was John, son of the above. He was in the war with the French and Indians between 1755 and '66. He was Deputy Sheriff in Hampton, and a Captain in the war of the Revolution. He moved to Ep ping about 1780, and not long after to this town. He was Moderator four years ; Selectman, 6 ; Representative, i. In his declining years he expressed a desire to live till the Congregational church, in which he was deeply interested, should have a pastor. He was grati fied. Rev. Stephen Bailey was inducted into office in 1817, and not far from the time the services closed, he died in great peace, Oct., i, 1817, aged about 80. Dea. Ebenezer Prescott's birthplace was Hampton Falls. He came here about 1776. His wife was Phebe Eastman. He served as Selectman two years, and was ap pointed a Deacon in the Congregational church in 1791. He was accidentally thrown from the bridge a little south of where his son Mr. Elisha Prescott lately lived, on the even ing of Jan. 8, 1800, which was the cause of his death. He died on the 19th of that month, aged 49. He had six chil dren. His widow died at Exeter, where she was visiting, not long after. Dea. Ebenezer Cram was born in Hampton Falls ; came to town in 1768 ; was Selectman two years ; and chosen Dea con of the Congregational church in 1791. He died Feb. 7, 1819, aged 73. His wife was Mary Philbrick, who died Nov. 27, 1809. They had six children. Benjamin Cram, brother to the above, a native of Hamp ton Falls, came here in 1768, and was Selectman one year. His wife was Mary Bean, daughter of Lieut. Benj. Bean. They had thirteen children. He died May 24, 1803, aged 55. His widow died, Feb. 25, 1834, aged 82. Maj. Daniel NoKris. Persons of the name of Norris have 128 THE HISTORY long been numerous in Epping; and there the subject of this sketch was born. His wife was Mary Lane, of Poplin. He came here in 1778, filled the office of Moderator one year; Selectman five ; and was chosen Deacon of the Congrega tional church in 1810. He died Oct. 13, 1835, aged 90. He had ten chUdren. His widow died Feb. 3, 1837, aged 88. Capt. Timothy Osgood. Ira Osgood, Esq., of Loudon, h-as long been engaged in extensive researches in the Gene alogies of the Osgood families in New England, and to him we are indebted for the following account of the ancestors of the Osgoods of this place. Three brothers came from England in 1634 and '38. William, the youngest, settled in Salis bury, Mass., and built mills where the factories now stand. Chase, one of his sons, had in all three wives ; lived first in Salisbury ; next in Epping, and finally in Loudon. He had twenty children, of which Timothy, the subject of this sketch, was the oldest. He was born in Salisbury ; came to Epping when under five years of age. He came to this town about 1770. His wife was Jane Dearborn of Hampton. Number of children eleven. Was one of the Selectmen two years ; and a man of much energy. He died April 27, 1835, aged 83. His widow spent her last years in Northwood and died Oct. 16, 1847, at the great age of 98 years, 2 months. Ebenezer Osgood, Esq^, brother of the above, was born in Epping in 1757 ;. served in the army of the Revolution; married Mary Fogg ; settled in this town about 1782 ; was a Justice of the Peace ; Selectman two years ; and Represent ative one. His wife dying, he married Anna Fullonton. In 1803 he moved to Loudon, where he died in 1815, aged 58. He had nine children. His widow died in 1848, aged 81. John Osgood, also a brother of the above, wasborn in Ep ping in 1762; came to town, and lived where George S. Robie now does. He married Susanna Prescott, daughter of Stephen Prescott of this town. He lived here till after 1795. He was Selectman four years. Moved to Loudon, and was one of the Selectmen there ; also a Deacon of the ^^r^^-e^^U^ /^_^^^,^^ OF RAYMOND. 129 Congregational church. He was strictly honest, useful and respected. Later in life, he moved to Gilmanton. His wife died there in 1834, and he in 1848, aged 86. They had seven children. Stephen Osgood, son of his, succeeded him on the farm here, and for many years was one of the great business men of this town. Sherburn Blake, Esq^ Jasper Blake was the first of that name, in this country, of whom we have any account. He lived in Hampton, in 1650. Israel, a descendant of his, lived in Nottingham, where he died in 1753. Joseph, a son of his, was living in Epping ten years later. He had a son Joseph, and he was the father of Capt. Joseph of Epping, and of Sherburn, the subject of this sketch. He was born in Epping, and came to this town in 1800. His father came with him, and died here, March 9, 1810. Soon after com ing, Mr. B. opened a store, and a little later a tavern. He was a man of great energy and enterprise, and did a good business. He was Moderator, 6 years ; Selectman, 6 ; and Representative, 3. In 1820, he relinquished the business at the Center to his son Joseph, and moved to the farm a mile north. In 1825, he relinquished the farm to his son Sher burn, and moved to Exeter. He was still active in various ways, and the evening time of life passed very pleasantly. In Exeter, he was a Deacon of the ist Congregational church. He died, Oct. 26, 1847, aged 73. His wife was Affa Os good. She died in 1859, aged 84. They had seven children. Hon. Joseph Blake was son of the foregoing, and was born in Epping, in the neighborh.ood below Leonard Pease's residence in this town. He came here with his parents when about six years of age. He was favored with what at the time was a fair common school education, and early in life was put into the store of his father. He grew up in the busi ness, which became the principal one of his life. After his father left, he carried on the business alone, and afterwards he and his brother Sherburn were in company. This lasted many years, and at the same time they attended to tavern- 130 the history ing, farming, a portion of the time coopering, and at last the manufacture of shoes. The amount of business done by them was immense, and it is worthy of notice that, in all their transactions, the most delightful harmony existed be tween them. After the dissolution of the partnership, Mr. Blake took his son William B. into the business. In all, Mr. Blake was engaged as a merchant here about fifty years. In this time he not only did a great amount of business, but it was with a very large number of people. Much of the time the Blake store was the only one in town, so the trade was large. He was a ready salesman, attentive to customers, almost uniformly quiet, and was respected as a good citizen. Re verses and some losses sometimes came. He felt them, as the rich usually do. But he appeared to feel that persever ance wins, and with energy he prosecuted his work. He was the first Postmaster in town, having been appointed, as we are confident he told us, in 1815. For years that busi ness was not much. The mail came once a week ; after a stage route was established between Concord and Ports mouth about 1823 or '24, the mail came down one day and went up the next. He was Postmaster 38 years. He was Moderator of Town Meeting one year, one of the Select men four years. Representative to the General Court one year, and Senator of District No.' 2, two years. He was never an office-seeker, but when elected, with his usual quietness, attended faithfully to the duties confided to his trust. His wife was Joanna Norris of Nottingham. They had three children. Joseph the oldest son lives in Michigan. He had a son named Joseph, who died before arriving to manhood. This made seven generations in a regular line of descent that had a Joseph. Mr. Blake died Feb. 14, 1864, aged 66. His widow died July 16, 1872, aged 73. ^ Gen. Henry Tucker. Among the most active and en- .^^Z-i^-t^'i^ ay^,c^e^ Josiah Richardson, 1783, Wm. P. Prescott, " Jona. Fullonton, kiUed. " John Leavitt, " Ezekiel Lane, kiUed. " John Todd. Some of this list of soldiers in the war of the Revolution were out but a short time. Moses Dudley, Esq., about the year 1822, recorded that 24 from this town were enrolled in the army of that struggle, but others of the MUitia served for a time, — some, too, are names not known here. Prob ably they lived in other places, but went for this town. We have not learned that there was much disloyalty in this place during the Revolutionary struggle. The follow ing shows, however, one case : "State of New Hampshire in Committee of Safety, Eseter June 9,1781. To the Sherifif of the County of Rockingham, his under Sheriff or Deputy, or the Constable of Raymond in said County. Greeting. You are hereby required forthwith to apprehend John Waldron Smith, of said Raymond, Yeoman, who, by information, has appeared inimical to the United States, having uttered sundry espressions tending to discour age the people and otherwise to injure the common cause, and bring him before the General Court, if sitting, or in their recess before the Committee of Safety, that he may be examined touching the premises. M. Weaee, President." We have not found any record of the results of the case. SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND, l8l2 1815. Josiah Davis, Theophilus Stevens, Amos Davis, David Dolbier. LOST IN THIS WAR. Amos Davis, killed. Theophilus Stevens, died. 136 THE HISTORY During the same war, the following were for a time at the Fort near Portsmouth. The most part were there in the autumn of 1814. There was a draft for soldiers. It was called "taching." The true word was the mUitary one de tach. Some went as volunteers, some detached, and some as substitutes. A British fleet lay off the Harbor, and it was designed to give the vessels and soldiers a warm reception, if they came in. Phineas Healey, Harry Morse, Henry Osgood, Ensign, Francis Folsom, David Glidden, John Lane, Benjamin Poor, Ebenezer Brown, Samuel Bachelder, David Robie, Daniel Scribner, Amos Kimball, Jr., Jonathan Holman, « John Brown, Jr., Corporal, Wm. Towle, Jr., Daniel Robie, Jr. , Gilman Lovering, James Bagley, Moses C. Magoon, Thomas Leavitt, Josiah Smith, Josiah Moulton, James Dudley, Jr., Isaiah Cram, Supply Morse, Elisha Towle, Jr., Elliot Healey, Gideon Currier, Jr. , David Gile, Henry Clifford, Samuel Roberts, Healey True, Jeremiah Chandler, Nathan Brown, Musician, Samuel Moody, David Clifford, David Brown, Jr., Moses Healey, Nathaniel Towle, John Smith, Joseph Robie, Nathan Poor, Daniel Towle, Henry Clifford. WAR WITH MEXICO, 1846 — 1848. George Mace. CIVIL WAR, 1861 — 1865. SeweU D. Tilton, Capt. John E. Cram, ist Lieut. OP RAYMOND. 137 Geo. B. Cram, Regular service. George H. TUton, John Brown, Oren T. Dodge, Samuel G. Bartlett, Warren True, Augustus A. True, Elias True, Jr., Elbridge G. Moore., Wm. B. Green, Hazen Currier, George P. Sargent, Sergeant, Geo. S. Fullonton, J. Francis Fullonton, Henry Robinson, David T. Osgood, George D. Rowe, Daniel R. Bean, Andrew C. Nowell, Gilford F. Gilman, Geo. S. Gove, ist Lieut., Charles H. Edgerly, John H. Dearborn, David W. Towle, Elisha Towle, Nathan W. Magoon, Nathaniel Emery, Richard Abbott, Rufus A. TUton, Daniel W. Osgood, Nathan Norton, Jonathan P. Holman, Abraham S. Healey, Wm. H. Ferren, Charles H. Abbott, Wm. H. Keniston, Alvin Fogg, James Pecker, John H. HiU, Franklin P. Morrison, Horatio G. C. Morrison, Daniel W. Norton, Laomi G. Warren, George C. Johnson, James Card, Charles Dow, Jonathan F. BroWn, Timothy Gleason, George W. Healey, Samuel H. Robinson, James K. P. Morrison, Jesse F. Morrill, Thos. R. Tuttle, Isa. G. Young, Chase O. Wallace, Wm. A. WaUace, George W. Gilman, Wm. Y. Griffin, Leonard G. Tilton, Cyrus W. Dwight, James G. Scribner, Charies E. Dodge, Joseph Gleason, Hiram Gleason, Edward Gleason, Charles H. Perkins, John D. Folsom, Daniel Robinson, John D. Brant, Robert P. Kennard, J. Anson Littlefield, 138 THE HISTORY Samuel M. Heath, Josiah W. Lane, George M. Brown, Samuel C. Nay, J. Lawrence Stevens, John Marsh, Samuel Spaulding, Abner Lowell, Charles L. Rundlett, Cryus E. Poor, Sergeant, Wm. H. Thurston, Charles Jones, David S. Healey, Geo. Tripp, Joshua Smith, Oren B. Cram, Samuel G. Healey, John M. Smith, Daniel Bachelder, James Welch, ist Lieut., Thomas Morrison, James Buchanan, 'David L. Magoon, Charles Davis, H. D. Kidder, Aroy Qi Roberts, Wm. Smith, Wm. Cash, Elisha T. GUe, Greenleaf C. Kenniston, Thomas G. Judd, Antan Kemp, Nicholas Priss, Albert WUson, John L. Gilman, Joseph Goodwin, William Lamereen, Samuel S. Fox, deserted Jan 30, 1864. Joseph Witham, Asa. Bly, John F. Worthen, Asa T. Worthen, Samuel Healey, Charles Poor, Robert Hill, WiUiam HUl, Andrew J. Roberts, G. Bradbury Robinson, Thomas Currier, Charles Payson, Charles Conway, John McGowen, John Orr, Issachar W. Smith, 2d Lieut., Julius Adams, John Canner, John Harmon, Joseph Kelly, William Parrott, Some 20 of these were from other places, put m as substitutes. In August, 1863, there was a draft for soldiers to fill the quota, assigned to the several States. The following were drafted. As the law then was, there were many "loop-holes OP RAYMOND. 139 of retreat." Three hundred dollars would exempt. Substi tutes could be obtained ; and if one had a brother in the serv- tice, a mother, or motherless children to provide for, there was an exemption. The examining Surgeon also would ex cuse for slight disability. And the result was, scarcely one, if indeed one, went into the service. The draft was at Portsmouth by Captain J. S. Godfrey, Provost Marshal. 103 NAMES 31 DRAWN — IN PRESENCE OF JOSIAH S. JAMES. Melvin B. Moore, John F. Lane, Francis L. Heath, Daniel B. Bagley, Josiah Locke, Fred. McClure, George M. Moulton, Daniel W. Osgood, John F. Healey, Elijah Morrison, Thomas B. Bachelder, Rufus A. Tilton, Moses E. Moore, John J. Littlefield, Joseph W. Fisk, James H. MiUer, GUman Gile, David A. Bean, WiUiam L. Carlton, Moses B. Harvey, Joseph A. Nay, Edward H. Roberts, James M. Dearborn, Joseph V. B. Dearborn, George S. Poor, Henry H. Blake, Woodbury D. Titcomb, Joseph R. Bachelder, Daniel B. HUl, George B. Dudley. Hiram E. Richardson, Some later, there was another draft, to fill quota, and the following were drawn : John WaUace, Otis H. Whittier. THE FOLLOWING -^BB© PUT IN SUBSTITUTES, MANY OF THEM AT LEAST TO AVOID A DRAFT. J. Tucker Dudley, George S. Robie, J. Frank Healey, Hiram G. McClure. 140 THE HISTORY Gilman H. Tucker, James F. Hackett, Albert D. Hardy, Irvin Folsom, Green C. Fowler, John W. Robie, Aaron W. Brown, Olney T. Brown, True M. Gould, Mo^es R. Currier, George L. Hardy, John C. Whitcomb, Charles W. Lane, Elbridge G. Brown, Samuel S. Locke, George E. Bean, Lyman Prescott, J. Plumer Brown, WiUiam B. Blake, The above is the record found in the Selectmen's office, and we have nothing else to rely upon. It has been difficult in the extreme to get a correct list of those who served in the late war. No full record has been found in town. The army rolls in the Adjutant General's Office in some cases do not contain the names of the town to which soldiers belonged. BOUNTIES, &c. The foUowing votes were passed at the dates given : 1861, September 9, Voted to pay families of volunteers. 1862, August 22, Voted 200 dollars bounty to all who have enlisted since August i , and to those who may enlist to fill the quota for 600,000 men. 1863, August 29, Voted a bounty of 299 dollars to drafted soldiers and substitutes. 1863, September 4, Voted 300 dollars to drafted men and substitutes. 1864, May'31, Voted 200 doUars to all who enlist. Voted that the Selectmen hire men to enlist, paying not over 300 dollars per man. 1864, June 25, Voted that the Selectmen pay 300 to hire substitutes for drafted men. 1864, December 29, Voted that 100 dollars be added to the State bounty for volunteers for one year, and 200 dollars for two years. OF RAYMOND. 141 DIED OR KILLED IN THIS WAR. 1861, Aug. 4, Wm. H. Keniston, aged 21 years, George town, D. C. 1862, May 3, Jona. P. Holman, 23 years, Yorktown, Yk. " June 27, John Brown, 20 years, killed near Rich mond, Va. " August 22, Andrew C. Nowell, 33 years, fever, near N. Orleans. " October 31, Josiah W. Lane, 19 years, Washington, D. C. " October 27, Gilford F. Gilman, 29 years, killed, La- badierville, La. " Nov. 6, J. Franklin Brown, 33 years. New York City. " Nov. 9, John Marsh, 22 years, White Sulphur Springs, Va. " Nov. 13, Daniel R. Bean, near New Orleans. " Nov. 26, George S. Fullonton, 23 years, Washington, D. C. " Dec. 6, Timothy Gleason. " Dec. 13, Cyrus E. Poor, 31, killed, Fredericksburg, Va. " Dec. — Charles Perkins, supposed killed, Fredericks burg, Va. " Dec. 28, George Brown, near Fredericksburg, Va. 1863, March 3, James G. Scribner, 24 years, Newport News, Va. " March — George D. Rowe, Louisiana. " May II, Charles Jones, Virginia. " May 27, John K. Hill, 19 years, killed. Fort Hudson, " George Abbott, killed, Virginia. " Aug. 3, David W. Towle, probably of wounds, Va. " Sept. 3, Elisha E. Towle, 25 years, Portsmouth, Va. " Nov. 24, John Smith, killed near Knoxville, Tenn. 1864, Jan. 18, Charles Davis, Washington, D. C. 142 THE HISTORY 1864, July 26, Wm. Smith, 45 years, Portsmouth Grove, R. I. - " July 30, J. Lawrence Stevens, 41 years, kUled, Peters burg, Virginia. " Aug. 12, Nathaniel Emery, 38 years, Hampton, Va. " Thomas Currier, 24 years. City Point, Va. " David S. Healey, 28 years, killed, Peters burg, Va. " Oren B. Cram, supposed killed, Peters burg, Va. " Feb. II, 1864, WiUiam Cash, kiUed. Amos S. Holman went for Nottingham, but lived here till a short time before enlisting. He died at Aquia Cre'fek, Va., Jan. 29, 1863. DIED AFTER RETURNING HOME OF DISEASES CONTRACTED IN THE ARMY. C. O. WaUace, Nov. 4, 1865. Wm. A. Wallace, May 17, 1868. Geo. Tripp, July 15, 1869, Stephen Smith, a native of this town, went from some other town, was a fireman on board the Kearsarge when its guns sunk the British ship Alabama, June 19, 1864. He died in Portsmouth, Sept. 17, 1865, and was buried here. MILITARY FIELD OFFICERS. Josiah Fogg, Major, 1776. Daniel Norris, Major, 1786. Theophilus Lovering, Major, 1807, Colonel, 1810. Ebenezer Cram, Major, 1816, Lieutenant Colonel, 1818. Lyba Brown, Major, 1823, Lieut. Col., 1825, Col., 1828, Ebenezer Nay, Major, 1829. Daniel Robie, Lieutenant Colonel, 1830. John Todd, Major, 1830. OP RAYMOND. 143 Jonathan A. Lane, Major, 1833. Joseph Abbott, Major, 1836, Lieutenant Colonel, 1837. Henry Tucker, Major, 1837, Colonel, 1838, Brigadier Gen eral, 1840, Major General, 1846. Joseph Blake, Jr., Quarter Master, 1840, Brigadier Quarter Master, 1841. On Gen. Tucker's StaflF. Jacob Elliot, Lieutenant Colonel, 1842, Colonel, 1843. Levi S. Brown, Major, 1842. James Welch, Major, 1843, Lieutenant Colonel, 1845, Col onel, 1846. WiUiam P. Tufts, Quarter Master, 1844. Sherburn P. Blake, Adjutant, 1845. William H. Fellows, Quarter Master, 1845. Aaron W. Brown, Adjutant, 1848. Calvin B. Bacheldor, Quarter Master, 1848. Warren Titcomb, Adjutant, 1849. David Griffin, Major, 1851. GUman H. Tucker, Aide to Gov. Berry, 1861, '62. SeweU D. TUton, Aide to Gov. Harriman, 1867, '68. The military rank of Aide to the Governor is that of Colonel. Many will recollect that Thomas Dearborn, was familiarly called Major. But he had no Commission as Field officer. He was Drum Major. REGIMENTAL TRAININGS. For a long series of years, the companies of militia or ganized in each town were called out for military exercises half a day in May, which was often called the " Little Train ing," and half a day in the Autumn. This last was followed soon by the Regimental Training, which was call ed " Great Training," " Muster," " Regimental Inspection I and Review." Our Regiment was the Seventeenth, and embraced those liable to do duty in Raymond, Candia and Chester, then in- 144 THE HISTORY eluding Auburn. There was a company of Cavalry, usually caUed the "Troop." The members were in all of the three towns. The Captains here, after 1815, were Jonathan Cram, GUman Dudley, John Moore, Benjamin Cram, David Pecker, Levi S. Brown, and J. S. James. A company of ArtUlery also belonged to the three towns ; a Light Infantry company in Chester, also one in Candia. These were uni formed, well drilled and made a good appearance.. The other companies, some six or eight, were Infantry. In the later years of the trainings, the military spirit having much declined, these last did not often exhibit much of a soldierly or martial bearing. In a derisive way they were called "Rifle Rangers," but this was over-estimating them, and underrating was more common, such as " Flood-wood Companies," " Slam-bang Companies," " String-bean Com panies," and " Pig Corn Companies." These, however, bore allin silence, some of them noblemen, and got through training day as well as they could, glad of a good dinner, which the law obliged the towns to provide, or, in place thereof, 31 cents to provide for themselves. Regimental trainings were not very frequent in this town. About 1810, one or more was on the plains near the Lover- ings. In 1818, or later, one back of where Josiah Whittier now lives, and in years later others there. Twice the Regi ment met a little south of the Lane neighborhood on the Chester road, and the last, in 1847, was on Capt. Pecker's land, south of the school-house. The Muster or Regimental Training is now to be de scribed "as it was." It will be in part only. It was in some sense the great day of the year. All in those years were in terested. All, who could, went, — men, women, boys and girls. There was not much sleep the night before, certainly not after midnight. By six or seven in the morning, the companies were to be on the ground. By day-dawn, the crack of muskets was heard as a salute at the houses of commanding officers. And next the whole OP RAYMOND. 145 place would be alive, people on foot, horseback and in car riages, hastening to " Muster." Yells and running of horses were frequent. Some companies are late, but the line of the Regiment is formed by the Adjutant. He gives the command, " Present Arms ;" then the Colonel, who is there, commands , " Shoul der Arms," Next a hollow square is formed, in the center of which the Chaplain offers prayer. The line is again formed. The Colonel says, " Battalion, close column of grand divisions on the first grand division of Light Infantry, right face, M-a-r-c-h." This is done, and the Regiment makes a solid mass, resembling the Macedonian Phalanx. The line is again formed, next broken into companies, the Inspector comes, passes up and down, examining the officers, musicians, arms and equipments of each man. A few are sad as they are marked deficient in some one thing,, and are put down for fines. The most interesting feature of the day comes next. This' is the Review by the General, who is attended by his StaJF Officers. The Regiment passes down the line by him. Those carrying muskets are required to " Present Arms;" before passing him. Each officer salutes him with his sword. This is done by a peculiar motion of the sword. It is first held up in front ; next lowered with the point towards the ground ; then brought again in front ; then to its place at the shoulder. The General, if a Brigadier-general, salutes with his military cap. If a Major-general, he is simply un covered. In the afternoon, the Regiment is closely drilled in military exercises. The day's work is a hard one, and all seem fa tigued. Martial music, however, is spirit-stirring. A dozen or two of drums, clarionets, fifes, and a brass band, give Hfe to the whole proceedings. But this was only a part of the Muster. Booths, tents for the sale of gingerbread, pies, liquors, were all along the field. Showmen, fiddling, dancing, peddlers' carts with 146 THE HISTORY their owners selling their wares, goods and trinkets of a very poor quality at auction ; hallooing, bawling, and yell ing till their throats were sore. Before the close of the day, the confusion is great. There is loud talking, some disput ing, running and swapping horses. The great gun of the Artillery is discharged, the soldiers fire off their muskets by companies or platoons ; there is a "sham fight," women grow fearful, and, like Napoleon at Waterloo, say, " It is time to go." By sundown all is quiet again. The sounds that rever berated through fields, vales and woodlands have died away. The curtains of night are drawn around. The stars look calmly down. "Tired nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep," comes to refresh aU who have not that day violated the laws of their being and the just laws of Him who is over all. The form of doing military duty as above indicated, con tinued till 1846. It was then abolished by the Legislature. After this it was again revived, but not long after had dif ferent changes and was finally abolished. CHAPTER X. PHYSICIANS. The ancient pagans had a god of medicine, whom they called Esculapius. Socrates, the famous heathen phUoso- pher, put to death by the Athenians about 380 years b.c, just before he died, said he owed a vow to that god. OP RAYMOND. 147 The medical profession is honored in connection with Divine revelation. Luke is called " The beloved physician." He was the companion of Paul in some of his labors, and wrote the book that bears his name, also the Acts. The need of a physician was felt here after the settle ments became considerable, but men of the healing art were not so numerous in proportion to the number of people as now. Six years, after the incorporation, passed before one came. I. Dr. Francis Hodgkins. — He was a native of Ipswich, Mass., and came about 1770. He taught school here some, which shows that his calls were not very many. After awhile he moved to Sandwich, then back here again. He died Oct. 8, 1812, aged 61. II. Dr. Benjamin Page. — He was here a few years pre vious to 1800. His native place was Kensington. HI. Dr. John Pillsbury. He was born in Rowley, Mass., was in practice here from 1798 to 1804. He taught school some of the time. He was full of hilarity and mirth. In visiting the sick, he seemed to feel the force of Solomon's saying, " A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." In conversation he would often make his patients cheerful, and not unfrequently get them into fits of laughter. Then medicine had a better effect. After leaving here he was in Candia, then in Pembroke, where he died some years ago at an advanced age. IV. Dr. Phineas Trull, a native of Tuxbury, Mass, was here from 1805 to 1819. V. Dr. Thomas H. Merrill, a native of Brownfield, Me., practiced in Gilmanton; was here from 1820 to 1823. He moved to Boothbay, Me. The last we heard of him was in 1845, when he lived in Portland, Me. VI. Dr. Edmund R. Rowell, a native of Salem, N. H., came in 1822, left in 1825. VII. Dr. Stephen Gale, a native of East Kingston, was here from 1824 to 1846, excepting an interval of one year at 148 the history E. Kingston, and about the same length at Gloucester, Mass VIII. Dr. John Gale, a native of East Kingston, studied with his brother Dr. S. Gale, of this place, practiced at Epsom, and died at his brother's, in this town, Aug. i, 1833 aged 27. IX. Dr. Stephen Brown, a native of Andover, N. H., was here m 1829, filling Dr. Gale's place, then in another town. X. Dr'. Theodore Wells, a native of Deerfield, prac- l;iced in town in 1836, Dr. Gale being absent again. After wards he became a minister, was settled over the Congre gational church in Barrington, and died in Sanford, Me., in 1864, aged 56. XI. Dr. Thomas J. Dudley. He was born in this town, son of Thomas Dudley, who lived where John Scribner now does. He was a successful school teacher, studied medicine with Dr. Gale, attended one course of lectures at Brunswick, Me. Failing health did not allow of his going farther. He died here of consumption, Jan. 19, 1831, age 31. XII. Dr. Peter Y. Frye. His native place was Deer field. He succeeded Dr. Gale in 1846; left in 18S5, went to Oyster Bay, Long Island, N. Y., where he still resides. His second wife was Miss Carrie Currier of this town. XIII. Dr. Harrison J. Copp, a native of Georgetown, Mass., was here a few months in 1852. His practice was Eclectic. Afterwards he resided in Suncook and Manchester. In the late war he was with the third N. H. Regiment, as hospital nurse, and died at Port Royal, S. C, AprU, 1862, aged 42. XIV. Dr. John O. Haines, a native of Deerfield, Eclectic physician, was here, living up towards Langford's, from 1848 to 1857, when he went to Deerfield. Now in Man chester. XV. Dr. George A. Blake, a native of the town, son of the late Hon. Joseph' Blake, is a physician. His wife was Miss Margaret Harrington, of Cambridge, ^^^t-H- C/-^^- OF RAYMOND. 149 Mass. Other particulars given in list of college graduates. XVI. Dr. True Morrill Gould. His portrait accom panies this. He was a native of Newton, and son of Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Molly Gould. The family name has been in that town about loo years. He passed his early years on the farm with the privUeges of the district school, then at the High School and later at the Academy in Kingston. Choosing the Medical Profes sion, two years were spent under the instruction of Thomas Bassett, M. D., of Kingston, then one year under Prof. Ed mund R. Peaslee, M. D., of Hanover. He attended a full course of lectures in the Medical Department of Dartmouth College, and graduated with the degree of M. D. in 1854 ; commenced practice here in 1855. His business has been extensive and embraced surgery, not only inthis,but in other towns. He is a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He has held various offices, all of which are named in their proper places in this work. His wife was Miss Mary A. True of this town, daughter of Mr. Elias and Mrs. Mercy True. XVII. Dr. David Brown, born here, was a Botanic physician in Hingham, Mass., and died there, suddenly, Feb. 6, 1865, aged 71. XVIII. Dr. John D. Lovering, born here, son of Gil man Lovering, studied the Medical Profession with J. R. -Akers, M. D., of Bethel, IU., graduated at the Medickl De partment of Union University at Albany, N. Y., com menced practice in Essex, Mass., in 1861, where he continues. XIX. Dr. John P. Brown, born here, finished his Medi cal studies in March, 1865, and at once became Assistant Physician in the Asylum for the Insane in Concord, N. H., where he continues. XX. Dr. Moses L. Magoon, born here, is in practice in Searsport, Me., as a Dentist. XXI. Dr. Phineas H. Wheeler, a native of Barnstead, 150 the history came here in 1867, practiced a few months, and then went to Alton. CHAPTER XI. TAVERNS AND STORES. Taverns. The first that we have an account of was opened by Lieut. Benj. Bean, probably before 1760. It was oppo site where John Bean lately lived. After the death of Lieut. Bean in 1803, his son Thomas continued the busi ness, but died in 1804, and awhile after it was giyen up. Joseph Dudley kept tavern several years, commencing in 1793. He lived on the main road, two miles west of the center, where Thomas M. Healey lives. David Moody had a tavern where J. Frank Brown lives after the year 1800. Sherburn Blake, Esq., opened one after 1806. After 1820, his sons, Joseph and Sherburn, continued it till about 1840. Maj. Thomas Dearborn opened one about 1820, and con tinued till about 1835. He lived above the Long Hill, where Phineas Gilman now resides. Stanley Nay kept one for a while about 1824, where Hiram Sargent now lives. Joseph Robie kept one for a time in 1824. He lived where D. H. Blaisdell lately lived. Col. E. Cram and Henry Osgood both had taverns for awhile after the opening of the Cilley road, in 1831. OP RAYMOND. 151 John Merrill kept one about 1832. The house stood where John F. Brown resides. There were others at different periods, mostly of short duration, but no reliable account of them can be obtained. The present hotel was opened about 1850 by Mr. Tripp ; afterwards was kept by Prescott ; next by Chapman ; then by Prescott again. In 1865, it was moved to the present build ing. In 1868, Wheeler succeeded. Next Warren True. In 1873, F. G. Bean purchased the place, and he occupies it as a hotel. David Pecker opened the Riverside Hotel in 1873. Stores. The earliest was by Gilman and Boyce, after 1785, near where John Bean lately lived. The next was in 1798, by Nehemiah Ordway, Jr., above the Long Hill where Phineas Gilman resides. Not far from 1805, Sherburn Blake, Esq., commenced a store at the Center. In 1820, it passed into the hands of his son Joseph ; in 1825, his other son,Sherburn,became partner. This firm continued till about 1857, when Sherburn with drew. Then J. Blake & Son ; afterwards changes were frequent; Wm. B. Blake & Co., then Wm. B. Blake, next Hon. Joseph Dearborn of Deerfield & Ladd; next Blake & Ladd ; next Blake & Norris; again Wm. B. Blake; then Ladd & Whittier ; finally C. A. Kimball. This store was in the name of the Blakes about 60 years. The business transacted in that time was great, and it is be lieved fairly done. The building for very many years stood up the ascent above Dea. Higley's, and is a portion of the Deacon's present dwelling. In 1824, Stanley Nay opened a store, which stood where Mrs. Locke's dwelling now is. He, not long after, went to Maine. The building was moved near the Common, and was long occupied as a Hall and Selectmen's office. Later it was moved again and became the dwelling of Mrs. Ed gerly, now owned by Mr. Whitcomb. Daniel L. Norris began at the corner below Benj. Cram's in 1828. After two or three years he moved to Dover. 152 THE HISTORY John MerriU, in 1832, had a store near Esq. John Brown's. Thomas J. Dudley, in 1834, opened a store near where J. Scribner resides. It was not continued long. But a little later, John Dudley traded there. This John Dudley was son of James, and now lives in Lynn. Wm. P. Tufts settled in that neigborhood in 1842. His place was in the building west of the Baptist church where he continued till about 1850. G. Anderson was part ner two years. Wm. P. Worthley had commenced under the Methodist church, but Mr. Tufts moved his goods there and Mr. Worthley became salesman. Mr. Tufts & Son have conducted the business for some years. A Union store was commenced in 1850, and J. S. James was called to take charge of it. At first it was where the tin-plater's shop has been since. It was moved to where the hotel now is, discontinued as a Union store and in 1856 the firm was J. S. James & A. B. Smith. After a year, Mr. James left town, then it was A. B. Smith & D. A. Bean. Finally Bean alone till 1865 , when it was discontinued. In i860, J. S. James having returned to town, erected a new store, — traded till 1867, when Samuel Poor succeeded. Mr. James went in again about 1870. In the early part of 1866, Hayden Higley opened a store. About 1857, Charles Eaton established a milliner's shop. In i860, it passed into the hands of Elma Higley, and early in 1867, to A. B. Smith. The business was millinery and the sale of fancy goods. Mrs. Ladd succeeded, and in 1872 Miss M. J. Lovejoy. J. S. James commenced a clothing store in 1868, and con tinued about two years. Miss Pecker and Miss Leach opened a milliner's store in 1868. It was where B. F. Tilton's store is now. It con tinued a few years. Mrs. True took Miss Pecker's place and finally it was discontinued. Charles H. Whitcomb had a store for confectionery, &c., opening it in Jan., 1873, and ending late in that year. I OP RAYMOND. 153 B. F. Tilton opened a store in the latter part of 1873, and still continues. Mr. C. A. Kimball has a dry goods' store, which was opened in 1874. Early in 1875, he bought out Ladd & Whit tier's goods. W- H. Bailey opened a tin-plater's shop and store in 1868 and is still in business. A provision store was opened by Mr. Frank Richardson some years ago. In 1873, Whittier & Jones had charge, and in 1874 Mr. N. C. Garland succeeded. For a country town and not large, this has been for some time, and now is, a place of great trade. It has been seen that the Blakes were long engaged here ; Hon. Joseph Blake standing at the head as to time thus employed and the amount of business transacted. Other comparisons we do not wish to make, yet as the portrait of J. S. James is to appear in this place, he may be named as a prominent merchant in town. Josiah Shepard James was born in Deerfield, September 9, 1820. His parents were Moses and Martha James. They had quite a family of children, and circumstances were such, that, as the sons came forward, they were thrown much upon their own resources for the means of subsistence. With energy and proper effort, such are likely to have suc cess and may rise to usefulness and fame. The oldest son, Noah, was for a time City Marshall of Boston. Joseph Y., when Gen. Jackson became President, was appointed Post master of Exeter. For some years he has resided in Penn sylvania, and has served as Representative and Senator in the Legislature. David M. was Mail Agent on the Sunbury and Erie Railroad in Pennsylvania. Jacob F. has been Mayor of Manchester. J. Shepard James married Mary A. Dearborn, daughter of David and Irene Dearborn of this town. He settled in the place, having buUt the dweUing now the residence of Henry Hardy. He has had quite a share in helping to make the vUlage what it is as to buildings. He buUt a store, which 154 THE HISTORY was afterwards enlarged and made the present hotel ; the dwelling now in possession of John Franklin Lane ; that of Stephen Richardson ; that of A. Bean Smith ; that of Dean Smith ; that on a street south of his store ; his own residence and his store, which has a tenement above. With these there were built the necessary stables, &c. Mr. James has been chosen to several offices, one of which was the highest the town could confer. Representative in the Legislature. All the offices are named in their proper places in this history. He has good business capacity and ready perceptive powers, is capable of constant and earnest application to business, is quick at figures, and a rapid sales man. The gifted poet, Longfellow, suggests that men do something worthy and great, and leave ' ' foot-prints on the sands of time." Mr. James has, and may more. CHAPTER XII. customs IN OLD TIMES. Houses. Saw-mills were numerous early, and framed tenements were common soon after the first settlements. Many of the houses were half of a one-story, or of a two-story house. Afterwards, additions were made to them. The rooms were low, not generally more than seven feet. Tall persons could not pass from room to room without striking their heads, Unless they stooped in season. Some of these remain. Fire-places were large; some of them OF RAYMOND. 155 would take in wood from 4 to 6 feet in length. An immense back log would be rolled in first, then a fore -stick forward, then smaller wood between, and the fire on a cold winter day was a "roarer". The chairs were wooden, with bottoms of strips of the brown ash. In the best rooms were from three to six with high backs, painted black, with fiag bottoms. In the kitchen were the " dressers," so called, on the shelves of which was the table furniture, such as tin dishes, plates of wood, a few of pewter, also some of earthen ma terial. The knife basket hung on one side of the room. In the front room, where the family lived in winter, would often be found the bed, a truckle-bed, cradle, the spinning-wheel, the linen wheel, and sometimes, for a season at least, a loom. There was a clock, often without a case, a gun hanging on wooden hooks, on the mantle piece a mug cf cider, ready for use, higher up two on three pipes, and still higher sun dry good-sized rods for the backs of unruly children. Food. Bean porridge was almost a staple article in those times, and for half a century it was a considerable part of the diet for children. Milk, with roasted apples, after there were orchards, was common for supper. After 1782, Indian bread was much used ; and tea and coffee in abundance. Coffee was also made of barley and of roots. At dinner, puddings were eaten first and meat afterwards, as late as 1820. After farms were well cultivated, wheat and barley were raised, and the finest bread was made of these, but in fami lies less wealthy, they were 'used but little. Potatoes were first cultivated in this State in Londonderry, soon after 1719, but only in small quandties until after the Revolutionary war. Dress. This was largely of home manufacture. Flax was cultivated, and cloth made of tow and linen was worn by all. The men wore breeches made of this cloth, and some times of sheep skins, but very nice ones were of deer skins. Yarn stockings came to the knees, and were confined to the breeches with buckles of iron, brass, or with silver mounting. 156 THE HISTORY Buckles were also worn on the shoes. Hats were of wool, with broad brims. The wealthiest had beaver hats. Men wore wigs to church, made of human hair, or goat's hair, and in some cases of horse hair. These were white and sometimes powdered. Aged men wore their hair long and hanging down upon the shoulders. About 50 years ago, it was customary for very many men, not the most aged, to have the hair combed back and fastened by a ribbon or a leather string into what was called a cue. Women wore long-waisted dresses, aprons, Vandykes, and what were call ed coolers. Cloaks with a hood attached were common. Some were of home manufacture, but the best were broad cloth. The scarlet red color bore the palm. Ladies were sometimes married in black silk. About the time the town was settled, hoops were worn, but as they were not fitted with the grace and convenience of more modern tim^es, they were abandoned. Bonnets were almost as large as coal- hods and about as ill-shaped. Near the beginning of this century, in agreeable contrast with this, beaver hats were worn. The brim was not so broad as of those worn by the other sex, and they were tied down by ribbon strings. Modes of Travel. Before the incorporation, the men went to town meeting at Chester, the distance being some 10 miles from most of the neighborhoods here. The paths were marked by spotted trees in some portions. Many walked, some rode horseback, and later some rode on sleds. After the place became a town, the same methods prevailed in going to the meetings, held at Lieut. Benj. Bean's tavern. Side saddles were had for ladies, and a common way of rid ing was for the man to sit in front on the horse, and a lady behind him on a pillion. Frequently a lady rode thus with a child on one arm, while she held her place by throwing the other around the man's waist. Sometimes, too, the man had a boy before him, near the neck of the horse. This company, moving on at a pretty good speed on a racking horse, then called a "pacer," was a quaint sight, the like of which has OP RAYMOND. 157 not often been seen in broad daylight. Near the old meet ing-house, for more than twenty- five years, were two large, flat stones, placed on other stones, and ascended by steps, for the convenience of ladies in mounting horses, after wor ship was ended. Carriages were not introduced until after the Revolution. The first were chaises. There were but few. As late as 1797, Judge Dudley used to go to Court on horseback. The "one-horse-shay," of which Prof. O. W. Holmes speaks, was a square top. One of these, owned by Mr. Elisha Pres cott, was in existence as late as 1830. Wagons began to be common after 1820. Observance of the Sabbath. The strictness of the early people, in observing the sacredness of this day, was commendable. It was derived from the Puritans, who first settled New England. In this town, the masses went to meeting. Babes were carried in their mothers' arms. De crepit age was there. The poor in mean garments were there. Free seats in front of the pulpit were for old per sons, hard of hearing, and for the poor who had no pews. Work ceased on the Sabbath. Getting in hay and other common work now done on the Sabbath, was not done then. It was even judged wrong to clean stables on that day. There was no stove in the old church till after Mr. Farns worth was settled, in 1824. Ladies carried foot-stoves, which were filled with live coals at the house nearest the meeting. The sermon of an hour's length was listened to in cases when the thermometer was nearly down to zero, with an in terest hardly equalled now in well warmed places of wor ship. Sleeping in meeting was not known then. The Use of Intoxicating Drinks was general. On all special occasions, fifty years ago, they were provided, and at other times when it was judged best, and the expense could be met. They were used freely when sheep were washed, in haying time, at raisings, at huskings, at the birth of a child, at weddings, and at funerals. They were sold at all 158 THE HISTORY taverns and stores, and those who entered these places, usually called for a drink before leaving. Visitors were treated to them. Ministers drank, and, in cases not a few, they and members of their churches would sometimes be indecently excited by their inebriating power. Cider was used at almost all hours of the day. If a neighborly call was made in the evening, a great mug of cider was brought forward, and soon drank by those present. Such was the state of things till 1826. The wisest had then discovered that the only safety was in the abstinence principle. Moreover, it was ascertained that the Bible allow ed strong drink only as a medicine. By 1830, cider and the common wines were prohibited in the temperance pledge, and a great reform ensued. Politeness and Respect. Children, then, were taught to say " Yes, sir," and " No, sir," " Yes, marm," and " No, marm." Parents were called "dad" and "marm," the first usually being pronounced " dard."^ Scholars, on en tering the school-room, " made their manners," as it was called. This was a bow from the boys, and a courtesy from the girls. The same ceremonies were used in going out and coming in at recess ; on all other occasions of going out of the school-room, in the handing or taking a book from the teacher, in the class on the floor before commencing to read and at the close of reading. These customs contributed to the good appearance of the schools. It was highly becom ing etiquette, and had it not been fpr the deficiencies in government, schools would often have appeared to great ad vantage. But, oh, the terrible use of the rod made them what Mr. Leavitt, the Almanac maker, called them, " thrashing schools." And besides the rod, the ferule, ap plied to the palm of the hands, cuffing and pulling ears, and the savage method of pulling the hair were common. . Scholars were also taught to "make their manners" to aU who passed the school - house when they were out, and to OP RAYMOND. 159 those whom they passed on the road. The boys took off their hats and bowed ; the girls made a low courtesy. The only defect was, there was not instruction as to the manner of doing it. The bow was generally ungraceful. It was a sud den jerk of the head, that seemed somewhat in danger of dislocating the neck. And in the street, some would make it a rod or so before getting alongside of the one met. The courtesy of the girls was, in time, changed to a bow, and, as Webster says, courtesy, as a word, became obso lete. Work of Women in the Field. This was not very common, though more than now. The most they did of this sort was, they dropped corn in planting, helped rake hay, and pulled fiax, much of which was raised. Some times they picked potatoes and apples. But spinning, weaving and other similar operations, with milking, which was generally done by females, making butter and an abundance of cheese, and also taking care of large fam ilies of children, made work enough in the house, without doing much in the fields. Nicknames. These are given in contempt and derision, or sportive familiarity. Nicknaming was extensive, but it came under the last definition, " familiarity," perhaps not "sportive." So children were spoken to, or older persons addressed or spoken of, by the names, Abe, Ben, Bill, Dan, Eb, Zeke, Jake, Jim, Jo, Jerry, Josh, Siah, Jont, Mike, Nat, Dick, Sam, Tom, Bets, Lid, Nance, Pol, Sal and Suke. Some of these are used stUl, but a sense of propriety and the advancement of proper refinement will eventually do away with the practice. The Married State. Man is superior to woman in size and strength. Hence, and from love of power, he has acted the part of a tyrant over her. This has especially been the case in heathen countries. Christianity came to her relief. It raised her up from degradation and placed her by the side of man, to be his companion and true friend. 160 THE HISTORY Yet relics of heathenism and savage barbarity have ever existed in enlightened lands. Macauley, in his history of England, states that in that country, 200 years ago, among the higher classes, men chastised their wives with whips as they would disobedient children. It is not likely they were ever treated so here. Blows were given only by the intoxicated and drunken. But woman's true position is being better and better understood. Nature and Revelation proclaim man " the head of the woman," yet it is not to enslave her in the least. He is to cherish and love ; she is to reverence, confide in and bless him. The parties are in all possible ways to make each other happy. In well-regulated families there is the perfec tion of domestic bliss, which a poet says is the only bliss " that survived the fall." Poor and scanty Fare. It will readily be supposed that in early times there was destitution of what was neces sary for comfortable subsistence. But few specimens need be given. Corn and beans were used to make porridge, and often cooked without meat. Laborers went into the forest, carrying this, frozen. When needing refreshment, they would build a fire, warm it, eat, and then work again. Coffee, in log cabins, and in humble cottages, was made of the crust of bread. It is related that one used to say, for food he caught fish near the mill at Freetown,broiled them on the coals ; and without pork, potatoes or salt, found it rath er hard to swallow and digest. For a considerable time in many families, children did not come to the table with adults, but, after they had eaten, partook of the remnants or poorer food. Changes for the better have been great, al though often so luxurious, that health and strength are not what they were in those days of simple and scanty diet. Superstitious Fear and Notions. These have been common in ages when the darkness of ignorance has pre vailed. The comet was a sign of war or some other direful calamity. In 1456, one so frightened Pope Calixtus HI. OP RAYMOND. 161 that he ordered prayer that the Lord would i save from the Turks, the devil and the comet. And he feared the comet more than the devil. A half a century ago, the comet was regarded by some here as an omen of trouble in some form. There was. belief in witchcraft. An old hag of a woman could transport herself through the air on a broomstick, or in some other way, and torment others. It was an indica tion of bad luck to see the new moon first over the left shoulder. Friday was an unlucky day. It was a mis fortune to be born on that day ; it would not do to be mar ried on Friday, nor commence any particular work or busi ness then ; but some had to die on that day in spite of all that could be done, and probably the future was not im periled as a consequence. The state of the weather on the last Friday in the month showed what it would be the fol lowing month. One other notion existed down to half a century ago, which will be named. It was that those who kept bees, were in danger of losing them when the head of the family died, as, feeling the loss, they would depart. But it was believed there was a way to save them on the premises. This was for some one to go immediately to the hives and inform the bees of the death. This was done by giving a gende rap on the hive to call attention, and the person would then say, " The head of the family is dead." Sometimes the words used were, " Bees, your master is dead." Then black crape would be put on the hive as a badge of mourning for the bees, and all was considered safe. The practice was handed down from English ancestors, it having been com mon in England. To this day it exists in Prussia. Whittier has written a fine poem on it, entitled, " Telling the Bees." Most of the fears and notions indicated have passed away, as the people have become better educated. Knowl edge is a terrible foe to superstition. At its approach de- 162 THE HISTORY lusion flees and disappears. Traces of some things named remain. Some stUl hold that the weathei- of the last Friday in the month is a forerunner of what it will be in the ensu ing month. But that great astronomer and wise calculator of the weather, Dudley Leavitt, the Almanac maker, said, " There is neither sense nor reason in such an idea," and there is not. Loss OF Fire. For a long series of years the fire on one particular altar of sacrifice among the Jews did not go out. Families were not so favored in olden time. In winter it was easily kept, but in the warm season care was had to preserve it. Charges were given at night to " cover it up," " kiver it up," " rake it up," &c., stUl its loss was frequent. When it went out, it was common to go to the nearest neigh bor and get coals in pieces of green bark, or in some dish. Another way was to strike fire with powder in the pan of a gun held near a bunch of tow. It is reported that a house wife in this town, in an effort of this kind, used a musket that happened to be loaded with powder and shot. The gun went^'off, to her terrible consternation, the charge going out at one side of the house. Another case is related, which might not have been here. A boy in a family, wishing some sport with the gun, loaded it, but it failed to go off. He thought the remedy would be to put in another charge. There was no explosion. He continued the process till six charges were put in, when, failing, he put the musket away. The mother, not knowing the state of things, took the musket to strike fire, and it did strike fire. She was so frightened that she went over backwards on the floor. The boy appeared on the scene and said, "Lie still, mother, there are five charges more to go off, sartin." Friction matches were invented after 1830, and were first used here in 1835 ' ^^er that,the loss of fire was not a great trouble. Farming Tools. The late Hon. Wm. Plumer, Jr., of Epping said, in an Agricultural address, about 1820, that OP RAYMOND. . 163 " the Indians broke up the ground with a stake and had a hoe but little better than a clam-shell." In civilization it was better, but, from the settlements down to half a century ago, implements of husbandry were poor. Only a few need be noticed. Plows had straight handles, and were usually very large. Axes were heavy, thick back from the edge, and had straight handles. Hay forks were of iron, and forged by common blacksmiths. Hoes of iron, sometimes with handles, cut in the forests of suitable size and -the bark stripped off. Scythe snaths, then called " sneds,'' had but one bend, unless a small tree was found with two or three natural crooks. But what is remarkable is, our ancestors not only work ed patiently with poor tools, but they made them last very many years. Hoes, in fact, were used till they were not much better than clam-shells. Shovels, axes and scythes were not laid aside till fully worn out. Oxen were used to draw in hay until about forty years ago. The late Sherburn Blake was the first to take and read agricultural papers, and he became one of the best scientific and practical farmers in town. He used the first horse-rake in the place, in 1829. Moses L. Lovering, a man of enterprise and improvement, used the first mowing machine in town, in i860. Recording Events. Considering how poor their educa tional advantages were, perhaps more was done in this line, in proportion to the number of people, than now. In a few cases a sort of diary was kept, but it was more common to make the record on the marginal pages of almanacs. We have seen an almanac of Gov. Weare, of Hampton Falls, for 1775, in which he put down some events. Sometimes the record was in account books. We find the following recorded by Jonathan Swain, Esq.' Some of it was before coming to town : December 2, 1760. Rev. Mr. Fogg preached from Hebrew 2 : 9. 1761, Dry season. Rain came July 10, and the 16, a smart shower. 164 , the history 1776, Population of the Province of New Hampshire 160,000. December 8, 1776, my son Le\i marched to the army. 1783, August 9, a hard frost. 1786, May 30, hard frost, that cut down the corn that was up. 1797, Tuesday October, 17 began to move the meeting-house in Ray mond. 1798, June 13, began to raise the great meeting house in Eseter. Levi Swain put down this, in the book of his father : Dr. Shepard, of Brentwood, died November 4, 1815. The following record was by the late Captain Daniel Lovering, a man of much original thinking : November 18, 1813. This day we moved in this house. March 27, 1816. Our meddow h — is about gone, and our English h — half over the bay up to the girts. We began to hay July 17, 1815. There has been no rain of any conse quence for sis weeks. About as dry as most ever known for the season. 1816. Frost July 1, — ^I began to mould my corn the 18, instant — the corn is as low as ever known at this season of the year. We began to hay July 22. 1821, This March 16 — This day I plowed and sowed half bushel of rye These are taken from his account book, and Oct. i, 1841, in giving credit for half a day's work at digging potatoes, he says, " There has been no frost." We have at hand a record kept by William Smith Healey quite early. It will be seen by the genealogy of the Healey family, that he was born here very early in the settlements, lived at the west end, south of the Langford road, and all the Healeys now in town were of later generations. Great interest attaches itself to this record as in some cases it is full. He could write, but his spelling was just what might be expected under the circumstances. His own name he spelt differently from that now. He appears to have possessed a lively imagination, and, better than this, correct moral sentiments. When he began his record, he was 21 years of age, and was about to leave home to work in the country. A few extracts are given : OP RAYMOND. 165 I, William Smith Healey was born November 6 day 1746. Raymond June 7 1764 William Smith Healey his Trew account Book for Dat & Creadt. For men are to be just in theare Delelingg twords an another. let us do good to all men as unto ower own sealves and in so doing we shall find feast to our sealves. Intending to march to Plymouth I on the 24 of June 1767 march of or set Seale m the 22 year of my Reane. [Pi-obably in some written docu ments, he had seen the date in such a year iu the reign of the king of Eng land, and he applied the term reign to himself.] 27 arrived and went to work for Capt. Dannel Branerd ower bargen was to work two months for fore Pounds Lawful money and if we did not like onaother we are to depart in pece. Novv these two months are accomplished then ower bargen was for an other month thirty shillings Lawful mone}'. Raymond Apriel the 18 day 1768 I William Smith Healy began to work with John Dodoly. [This was John Dudley, afterwards Judge.] November 29 1 have worked 7 months and he give me a Not for ten Pounds Lawful money It was Dated November 29 Day yearr 1768. April the 13 Day 1769 my house was Rased. I WilHam Smith Healy was married Octobear 3L Day 1771. September the 29 Day the Meeting house was Rased. [This is named in the Civil History for that year. The war came on, it was not flnished, and the frame was taken down.] June the 6 yer 1795 Joseph Clifford threw Down my Stone Wall before me and Nathenel Healy Humphery Hook and Benj. Wodley Clifford. [It appears from some things further said, there was a dispute about the di vision of the fence.] Mr. Healey carefully put down a record of the birth of his children. We give only one as an example : November the 29 yer 1782 ower child the fifth garl or Darter was Born on friday afore Day. On a page of Mr. H's note book, his own death is record ed, by another hand, thus : "William Smith Healy Died December 27, 1795." And here we take leave of this unusually faithful chron icler of events, touched with deep sympathy for him who wrote so much, although in the early time of the town*; when he was young, he probably did not go to school a day. Prices. A few items from the account book of the elder , Dea. Jeremiah Fullonton : 1812. (0 thirty clap-board nails .05 " to half bushel potatoes .25 166 the history 1824. to two tie bows .20 " to one bushel of corn -67 On one book is a charge worthy of being noticed as illus trative of some things in earlier times. In i8io, is thus : To two cheese .40 A cheese for 20 cents ! But then it was common to make skim-milk cheese, which these probably were. We know a minister who lived in this State a little later, who had a present of a cheese from one of his parishioners. He could not cut it with a knife, so he took it out of door, laid it on a log, struck several blows with an ax, and at length it was cleft in twain. There is a bird that will swallow small stones and pieces of iron, but could it have digested this cheese? Neither the minister nor his family swallowed any of it. Some years a pair of pretty good oxen could be bought for about fifty dollars ; a hundred dollar horse was not often known. Young men worked as laborers on the farm for 10 dollars per month for the season, and often for less. By the day, men worked for fifty cents, mechanics for 67 or 75 cts. Horses were let for three cents a mile, wagons, when they came into use, about three cents per mile ; and a glass of rum was three cents. But a few items from Capt. Lovering's account book will illustrate this : 1812 To father and Dudley one day on the coal-pit ,83 1813 To two days framing barn 1.00 1814 Samuel Moody Dr. Feb. To one day cuiting timber .84 1819 Mr Newell Dr. To one pound tea hison .39 We have seen an account book in which, in 1812, are the following charges : To one gallon of Sider .12 To two g?llons of Sidei .26 To two quarts rum .60 One record of a District School Meeting will be given, to OP RAYMOND. 167 show prices of board and wood. It was at the Branch Dis trict, in 1820. Then, what is now the Brown District was a part of it. April 4, 1820, Capt, Bean chosen Moderator for said meeting One month boarding mistress bid off to Mr Whittier one dollar a week Second month to Joseph Robie one dollar Third month to Capt. Tole [Towle] one dollar Fourth to Mr Whittier one dollar Fifth to Daniel Lovering one dollar The remainder to Mr Whittier at 90 cts per week One cord of wood Mr Whittier 1.25 cts One do Col Lovering 1.26 One do Samuel poor 1.25 The remainer John moor same rate "School-marms" had five shillings, or one dollar per week. " Masters, " ten doUars per month. If schools were very large, sometimes more was paid. Female Teachers. Until about thirty years ago, females taught the summer schools, and males the winter. Now very largely females are employed at all seasons. In this town only one or two males have been employed for some years past. In 1874, not one. The High School has two terms in a year. Mr. E. B. Hazzen was long employed, and was successful. Mr. Emery and others did a good work. But for three terms, ending November last. Miss Lucy A. Burnham, of Thetford, Vt., has had charge, show ing herself qualified, a ready teacher, a most earnest work er and giving great satisfaction. And now we can record, that, at the annual town m.eeting, held March 9, 1875, Miss Lucy A. Burnham was elected Superintending School Com mittee ot Raymond. Women are fast coming to the front, and in every proper way in which it is done, it is to be hail ed as a change for the better. 168 THE HISTORY CHAPTER XIII. ORIGIN OF SURNAMES. This is a new feature of a Town History, so far as we know. The origin of these names is often interesting, and all may wish to know how their names came. What is here given was prepared years ago. It is con fined mostly to names found in town. There have been some new residents since this was written, and it has not been convenient to notice these, as much we have obtained was gotten in scientific works, at some distance away. The learned Professor who owned them is now dead Surnames were first used by the Romans 700 years before Christ, and 2575 years ago. Some of the Jews, named in the New Testament, used them, as Simon Peter, John Mark,'&c. They were under the Romans, and got the practice from them. They were introduced into England about 800 years ago, during the reign of that weak, pas sionate and unfortunate king, John, whom we shall have oc casion to name in the Genealogy of the Poor FamUy. Surnames are convenient, in fact necessary. With forty Johns, or Jameses, or Marys, or Sarahs in town, how could they be distinguished? When several with the same Chris tian and surname are in a place, by adding Jr., and then numerals, difficulties are mostly obviated. Abbott. From Abbot, the governor of an abbey. Anderson. The son of Andrew, and Andrew means a strong man. ' Bailey. A baliff, or a steward. Beede. Devout, pious. Blake. From the British Ap Lake, the son of the Lake. Bishop. An office in the Christian ministry. OF RAYMOND. 169 Blaisdell. Blase, spring forth, dell, a valley. The name was from a residence in a springing valley. Bagley. From bailiff, which is a sheriff's deputy. Brown, A color. Bean. A vegetable. Burbank. Saxon bur, the head of a burdock, chestnut, &c., and bunc, elevated earth. Name first given to a bank covered with burs. Bachelder. The Dutch bock, meant book. Bareo is doc tor. The whole means doctor of divinity, law or medicine. Currier. From the trade, leather dresser. Cleaves. Cliff, the family of the cliff. Carlton. Cal, neck of a hill, ton, town. Name from loca tion. Cram, German kram, a retail shop. Corson. From a word that meant broad-shouldered, strong. Clough. A ravine, or deep, narrow hollow. Dwight. A word that meant a strong man. Davis. From a word that meant beloved, dear. Dearborn. Dear and born, costly birth. Dodge. Starting suddenly aside. Dudley. Dudo's field. The old English Dode-ly was dead lane. ElUot. Some say, son of Elias. Heliot in Welch is a hunts man, a pursuer. Edgerly. Saxon Edigar means happy, ly is like. The name means happily. Emerson. The Saxon Emar was noble. The name means son of the noble. Emery. Hard substance, used in poUshing metals. The name means powerful, rich. Fox. An animal. Ferren. From two Latin words that meant dealer in iron. Fisk. Anglo-Saxon word that meant fish. Also to run. Fogg. A misty atmosphere, another g being added. Scot tish fog is a dry grass. 170 THE HISTORY Fowler. A sportsman that hunts wild fowl. Folsom. From fowl and ham. Fowls home. FuUonton. Fuller, a cloth dresser, ton, town. It means FuUertown. Garland. A wreath of flowers. Gove. A mow, rick or stack of hay. Gile. A small pebbly rivulet. Gordon. Words that meant little valley. Gilman. Gill in Dutch was a brook. Gilman is Brookman. Griffin. In one language Griffyin signifies to give. The name was applied to one of strong faith. Gould. The Saxon word Gould was applied to the mosi valuable metal. From that word Gould came. Gilmore. From the name applied to a Scottish chief. Green. A color. Gleason. Glee was merriment ; son added, makes son of merriment. Hackett. From a French word, meaning cut-it. Hardy. Enduring quality of mind or body. Ham. Saxon ham, meant home. Heath. A beautiful plant in England. Also means a desert. Hodgkins. From a word'that meant strong counsel. HUl. High land. Hoyt. Hoit, Hight, Hoyte, Haite. Name from a high hat. Harriman. Different spelling of Henryman. Henry means honor. Harriman is Honorman as to meaning. Healey. Saxon Hea was high ; ley, a pasture. The whole is High pasture. Holman. From a word that meant man of valor. Higley. Hig, like Hea in Healey, is high ; ley, pasture. High pasture. Holt. A small wood. James. A Christian name in much use. Means surplanter. Jones. Some say it is from John, meaning liberal, merci ful ; others from Jonas, a dove. Joy. Gladness, rejoicing. OP RAYMOND. 171 Kimball. Cam was bent. Another word was applied to some part of the body. It meant some bent form. Keys. A key is to open a lock. Name from this with s added. Locke. A bolt to fasten, with e added. Littlefield. Small field. Lane. A narrow passage. First given to one who lived in such a place. Sometimes it means alone, Ladd. A youngster. In the surname a d added. Leavitt. Leave and it. Lovering. Love and lover we know. The Saxon inge is a pasture or meadow. The whole is lc>vers' pasture. Leach. An office in the old country. MorriU. Moral. Moore. A Moor is a low land, sometimes boggy. The name was given to one living in such a place. Adding e is a matter of taste or fancy. Merrill. From words mer, sea, and rill, brook. Meaning seabrook. Morrison. Son of Morris. Morris is from the Welch Mawr, great, and rys, a warrior. So the name means son of great warrior. McClure. Scottish Mac is son, Greek lura, the lyre or harp. Meaning is son of the lyrist. Marden. In the Gaelie it was Mar, great, duin, man. The whole is great man. Moulton. Mould and ton. Meaning a model town. Name first given, probably, to one who lived in such a place. Mao-oon. Corruption of the name Mac Gowan, Mac meant son, Gow, mirth. Whole, son of mirth. Some say Ma goon means Smithson. Moody. The English means out of humor. The Welch Meudwy means a recluse, a hermit. Norris. In French it is a cherished child. Norry in Eng land was the third king at arms. Probably the name came from the last. 172 THE HISTORY Norton. Northtown; Given to one living there. Nason. Na and son. No sons, all daughters. Newhall. New and Hall. Name to one living there. Nay. From Naylor, a maker of nails, Nay being a contrac tion of the original word nagle. Nowell. Northwell. Osgood. Saxon. This meant house, the whole is good house. Poor. Given first to some poor in flesh. Pierce. To enter, to penetrate. Pecker. One who strikes with a pointed instrument, or digs or delves with a pointed weapon. Perkins. The son of Peter from the Greek petros, a rock. Patten. From the Latin patima, or French patin, the base or pedestal of a pillar or column. Prescott. Sax Priest-cot The name signifies Priest cot tage. PettingUl. Patin the foot or base, and gill, a brook. The ' whole is foot brook. Pease. Name of a vegetable with e added. Page. Name of an office. Generally it is a lad who waits on a legislative body, or a noble family. Pollard. Pol in Dutch is the head, and chopper. It was ap plied as a name to one who topped the trees. Robinson. Name originally Robertson. Son of Robert, and Robert means bright in fame. Richardson. Son of Richard, which means rich hearted. Roberts. Christian name Robert with s added. Robert means bright in fame. Robie. Formerly Roby. Ro is rest, by a town. The meaning is quiet town. Rundlett. The Saxon Rund was round. The name was from the manufacture of small casks, called rundlets. Rowe. A series of persons or things, three or more in a right line is a row. Add e and it is the name. Smith. Occupation,but whether the name was first given to a OP RAYMOND. 173 blacksmith, silver-smith, copper-smith or some other, can not be told. Spaulding. Spaulding was a place. Shepard. From shepherd, a keeper of sheep. Stevens. From the Christian name Stephen, spelling changed. The name s signifies a crown. Spinney. Gathic spin, Saxon spinman. The name given to one who worked at the business. Sargent. Spelling of sergeant, a non-commissioned officer, changed. Swain. A youth, a herdsman. The Saxon word was swein. Name from the employment of a shepherd. Smart. Briskness, ability. Scribner. Latin scribe, to write. A word now obsolete was scribender, a writer. That is the name, leaving out one e and d. Sanborn. A hamlet in England called Samborne or Sambourn. Spencer. One in care of a spence or buttery. TwUight. Faint Ught. True. In accordance with facts. The name was probably given first to one eminently reliable. Tripp. Trip, a quick, lively step, with p added. Tuttle. Italian tutto from Latin tutos. It means aU ^nd hill. The name early was Tuthill. Tilton. Saxon Tilt, a tent ; ton, town. It meant Tent- town, or tent-residence. Towle. Tol, a small grove of lofty trees. Early it was given to one residing at such a place and was written ToU. Titcomb. Tit was small ; and comb was a British word meaning valley. Name means small valley. Tucker. Tuck was a name for a swordsman, from the Welch tweca, a long, narrow sword. Name given to one that used it. Todd. Scotch Tod, a fox. 174 THE HISTORY Tufts. Plural of tuft, a cluster, branch of threads, rib bons, feathers, grass or shrubs of trees. Tuft forms the crest on the heads of birds, and was an ornament in her aldry. Thurston. Thor was the Anglo-Saxon god of thunder. Thurston was the town where this god was worshiped. From this god Thur came, the name of the day of the week Thursday ; also the surname Thurston. Thomas. A Christian name, which has become a sur name. It means a twin. It was applied first to one of the twelve disciples of the Saviour, and some suppose he was a twin. Welch. The people in Wales. Wheeler. Maker of wheels. Wallace. Wallis was the original word. A name given to the Britons by Danish invaders. It means the same as Wales or Welch. Whittier. A different spelling for Whitener, one who super induces a white color. West. Point of the compass where the sun sets. Willard. Will, choice, determination, and strength. Name from these characteristics. Wendell. Dutch Wandelaar, a walker, a traveler. Wason. Some spell it Wasson. In Dutch it signifies to grow, to increase. Name to one in a growing place. Woodman. A forest officer, appointed to take care of the king's wood in England. Young. One early in life. York. Surname from the city of York in England, next in esteem to London. OP RAYMOND. 175 CHAPTER XIV. THE VILLAGE IN 1823. South of the common was 'Squire Sherburn Blake, A farmer, taverner and merchant wide awake ; Down the hill to the yvest, was Mr. William Towle, With him lived his father, war pensioner old. East, near the smith shop, was Jonatlian Cram, Like Simon in Paul's day, his trade was to tan ; Across, where Sargent lives, was Doctor P. Trull, Some later was Farnsworth, a preacher never dull. Joseph Blake was post-master, mail once a week. Letters but few, newspapers six or eight ; There was but one church, that dingy and dark. But so large it reminded one of Noah's ark. There was Blake's Store with respectable trade In cash, in barter or such things as they h ad ; Out-buildings were small, all progress was slow, And this was the village half a century ago. THE VILLAGE IN 1874. All things are small at first, they grow and extend, This is the rule in air, water and on land ; ' ris the order of Nature, "first the blade then the ear," Till all in perfection and finish appear. Now first of the dwellings ; there are seventy all trim, Some of them like palaces just fit for a king ; — The merchants are Whittier & Ladd in one firm, And Tufts, assisted by J. Folsom Lane. There is Higley & Shepard, Tilton, and J. S. James, These men are the traders, I have given their names ; No doubt they are honest, good bargains won't fail, If you do as all should, "plank cash on the nail." 176 THE HISTORY I thought this was all, for the present at least. But hold ! Mr. Printer, pray, "stop the press ;" Mr. Kimball came in eighteen seventy-tour. And opened in Blake's Block a " city goods store." Then Whittier and Ladd were up to a trade. And sold out to Kimball all the stock they had; He has Stickney for salesman, Smith aiding too, Business there is lively, they're bound to put through. Then James took Robie, partner in the concern, Their trade is fair, 'tis immense in corn ; — And Tufts over the way, all his goods sells out. Declaring it his purpose to "shut up shop." These changes were rapid, but all for the best, And now I will resume and put down the rest ; — Historians must be faithful, recording the whole, All matters that transpire, the great and the small. Miss Lovejoy, the milliner, will fit a nice dress. Sell fancy goods and bonnets, fair prices, I guess ; — And Bailey, tin-plater, sell nicest tin ware, And furnish stoves, all with the best of care. Doctor Gould has medicine for every disease, He has stationery, much for use and to please ; And there, too, is the Post-office, when the mail comes in, Believe me, there's a rush, a bustle and din. Bean and Pecker keep hotels where travelers rest, And parties, seeking pleasure, are welcomed as guests ; N. C. Garland has a nice meat stall. As good as in Boston Market, near Faneuil Hall. There are churches and ministers, the gospel to preach, And Sabbath schools with instructors great truths to teach ; A Town Hall for town business, lectures and so on. Sometimes comic shows, wit, mirth and fun. Above is the High school room, where assemble the youth, To ascend fair ''Sience's Hill" to the temple of truth; There knowledge is gained, a treasure worth more Than empires or kingdoms, or gold's richest store. . OF RAYMOND. 177 Ladd has a shoe factory, workmen busy as bees ; Jones has a livery stable, you can ride when you please ; His horses are right, some moderate, some slow. And some you can drive as Jehu did go. Mechanics are numerous, 'tis believed they are good; They are skillful as craftsmen in metals and wood ; Shoes are made in abundance for trade in the south. And other more distant domains of the earth. There is a fine common, but wanting in shade ; To the east is " God's acre," " the city of the dead ;" Like Abraham's of old it has trees, valleys and plains , And art is employed in beauty to adorn. There slumber the peaceful in calmest repose ; The river on the border soft and gently flows ; The winds chant a requiem, and zephyrs fan the flowers. While birds sing most sweetly in nature's loved bowers. Go now to the rail station, and Gilmore is there ; He'll furnish a ticket, order express with care ; And if dispatches sent quickly you need, He'll harness the lightning, and send lightning speed. Don't accuse me of flattery; did you ever teach school? If so, you found praise better than rod or ferule ; Give credit for merit, 'tis a motive of power. It induces good deeds, more and far more. So parents, in guiding the tender and young, Should make home'glad with music and song ; Blame little, praise much, 'twill work wonders I know So much better is a kiss than cuffing and blow. But back to the subject, this village what a place ! The engines draw cars as if running a race ; In the streets teams loaded with lumber, corn or hay | Carriages in motion, people hurrying to and fro. I've been in most every New England State, In New York and north in the Province of Quebec ; Seen cities and villages, the great and the small, But say I like this some better than all. 178 THE HISTORY It may be much larger, the prospect is fair. Perhaps be a city, its chief officer a Mayor ; With laws of its own, with Alderman fat, We'll furnish the men, what say you to that? CHAPTER XV. GENEALOGY. Genealogy is valuable. Our labor in this department has been amazing. It has been perplexing and almost distract ing. The expression of Paul, "endless genealogies," would often come to mind. Such are given as could be obtained. In some important families, materials are too scanty to give anything that would be satisfactory, without work and expense that could not be employed, and, in some cases, not with these. In what has been done, in most cases, present generations have necessa rily been much omitted. The living know them. BROWN FAMILY. There was a Brown in the ship " May-flower," with those who came to Plymouth, Mass., and commenced a settlement in 1620. Another, named Abraham, came to Watertown, Mass., in 1632. Others came soon after. So we believe there have been some of the name in New England ever since it was settled. "John Brown" and "John Smith" seem to be almost everywhere. OF EAYMOND. 179 The first of the largest families of Browns in Raymond was Jedediah. He came from Seabrook and setUed towards the south end of the Page road. Children of Jedediah and Abigail Brown : I. Mary, born Nov. 21, 1760, married Samuel Nay. 2. Levi, born Oct. 4, 1762, married Elizabeth Swain and lived on the home farm. 3. Dolly, born Jan. 21, 1766, married Samuel Prescott. They settled in Wilmot. 4. Josiah, born March 16, 1771. He lived near the Cen ter, where Josiah Whittier now does. His first wife was Susan Prescott, of Epping. He had quite a family. Of his sons, Michael lived in Northwood, where he died in 1870. Oren died at home in 1820. One of his daughters married Capt Jona. Cram. Mr. Brown died Aug. 27, 1828. 5. Abigail, born June 16, 1778, married Reuben Towle. Children of Levi and Elizabeth Brown : I. Jedediah, born Nov. 11, 1786, married Martha Robin son of Canterbury. He was a house carpenter, and an ex cellent wheelwright. His children were John R., Martha, and Aaron W. Both of the sons have filled town offices. He died Nov. 2, 1868. 2. Jonathan S., born Oct. 12, 1788. He lived where his son Levi S. does, was a farmer, held town offices and was Representative in 1842, and died Feb, 12, 1842. 3. Mary, born Aug. 13, 1790, married J. Rowe, and lived in Brentwood. Her husband died, leaving Elizabeth B. Rowe, who has long been a teacher. Some years ago they came to town, and lived near John Brown, Esq. Mrs. Rowe died Oct. 29, 1870. 4. Lyba, born Aug. 30, i793- ? Twins. 5. Levi, " " " " 5 Lyba was a farmer, lived on the home place, rose as high as Colonel of the 17th Regiment, and married Molly Nay. He died, Oct. 27, 1873. Levi was at first a farmer, late in life a miller at Freetown 180 THE HISTORY mills, was in town office, and one year Representative. His wife was Adaline Towle of Danville ; his sons, John D., in town, and George W. 6. John, b. Feb. 2, 1796, married Lois Worthen, is an ingenious blacksmith, a surveyor of land, is a Justice of the Peace, much in town office, and two years Representative. His son, J. Frank, lives near him, two daughters are away. Another Brown family lived in the Gile district. Our account is as follows : In 1734, Samuel Brown lived in Brad ford, Mass. That year or the next he came to Chester. He was a Presbyterian, and often had the title Doctor applied to him, although not a physician. Possibly he did some thing with roots and herbs for diseases of men or cattle. He died in 1794. Joseph, a son, was born in 1758, lived in Chester and died in 1802. Jonathan, born in 1760, settled in Fremont. Dr. Wm. W- Brown, for some time in practice in Chester, was a grand son of this Jonathan. Another son of Samuel Brown was David. He came from Chester and settled north of the Gile school-house. The account of his family stands thus : David Brown, born Nov., 1765, died May 8, 1838. Elizabeth Nay, born Jan. 6, 1766, died May i, 1852. Married Jan. 6. 1791. Children of David and Elizabeth Brown : I. Sarah, b. Jan. 21, 1792, died Sept. i, 1843. 2. David, b. July 27, 1793. He was a Botanic physician in Hingham, Mass., and died Feb. 4, 1865. 3. Mary, b.Jan. 14, 1795, died March 28, 1846. 4. Susanna, b. March 26, 1797. She lived at home, was an exemplary Christian, and died Nov. 6, 1820. 5. Samuel, b. AprU 27, 1779, died May 24, 1848. 6. Joseph, b. ^June 14, 1801. His first marriage was to Miss Elvira Howard, in Cambridgeport, Mass., March 31, 1833. She died July 30, 1850. His second wife was Mrs. Mary Holman. He lived on the home place, was a farmer. ^a^^ ^.^/. OF RAYMOND. 181 and sustained the character of a peaceable, honest and up right citizen. He died suddenly, Nov. 8, 1866. His chil dren were four sons, by his first wife. 7- James K., b. June 4, 1805. He married Lydia Fowler, and lives on the Nay road. 8. Ehzabeth L., b. Oct. 12, 1807, married Mr. Rugg. 9. Ebenezer L, b. July 6, 1810. Children of Joseph Brown and Elvira Howard Brown : I. Calvin Howard. His portrait accompanies this, and the following account of him will not be deemed too exten sive. Calvin Howard Brown, son of Joseph and Elvira Howard Brown, was born at Raymond, Oct. 19, 1834, and was lost at sea, by the foundering of the Steamer " Melville," Jan. 8, 1865, while on his way to Port Royal, S. C. He inherited from his mother an intense thirst for knowl edge, and from his father great force of character and devo tion to duty. His earliest desire was for books and the privi lege of going to school. The oldest of four brothers, three of whom went to college, he led the way, and was no less interested in their success than in his own. At that time the school privileges of district number six, in which he resided, were limited to a term of eight weeks in the summer and six or eight weeks in the winter, and there was no school of a higher grade in town. Though generally subjected to the misfortune of a differ ent teacher every term, still, he had such love of study and received such inspiration at home, that, though he did not attend the summer school after he was about ten years old, he had made greater progress when he left the school than most pupils of the same age now connected with the large graded and high schools. It was his earnest desire to se- ciire an education, and he worked persistently with that ob ject in view, bending every energy to accomplish it. He obtained nearly all his preparation for college under instruc tion of Mr. T. O. Norris, a native of Raymond, at Plamp- 182 THE HISTORY ton Academy, finishing at Kimball Union Academy, Meri den. He entered Dartmouth College in Aug., 1855, and graduated in due course in 1859, taking a high rank in his class. He spent the winters of his academic and college life in teaching school, and after leaving college was for three years principal of the High school at Stoneham, Mass. He was very successful as a teacher and had a high esti mate of the dignity and usefulness of that work, but regard ed the law as his life pursuit, and gave up his school in 1862 to prepare for it. He studied law with T. L. Wakefield, Esq., Boston, and commenced practice in that city. He made a favorable beginning, and, had he lived, could not have failed to attain success in the profession. He had a mind trained to work, persistent energy, great integrity of character and self-reliance. It is no secret that most of the college graduates from Raymond have been obliged to depend upon their own re sources, and his experience was no exception. The Ray mond farms do not generally justify their owners in incurring the expense of sending their sons to college. He had to fight his own way with such indirect assistance as he could obtain at home, but he triumphed over all ob stacles and became stronger from the struggle. As a teacher, he exerted great influence over his pupils, and stimulated them to make the most of themselves. As a lawyer, he would have worked in the interests of jus tice and fair dealing and in favor of the peaceful adjustment of difficulties, instead of litigation. As a citizen, he was interested in everything that benefit ed the community. He had a strong love for his native town, and took great interest in everything pertaining to its welfare, especially in the centennial celebration that occurred but a few months before his tragic death. It was largely due to his heroic efforts that the ill-fated steamer was kept afloat during the terrible hours of that awful night, as it OP RAYMOND. 183 proved, only to surrender his life with those other brave souls on that wintry Sabbath morning, Thus ended a life of great hope and promise, and only two weeks and a half after the death of his beloved young est brother, of whom he wrote, when he heard of his sad and lamented early death in a distant city, — "It matters little when we die, if we fall when manfully endeavoring to do our duty," little thinking that those now memorable words would prove his own best eulogy and epitaph. Funeral services were held in the Congregational church here, March 9, 1865. Among the afflicted friends was a lady from Stoneham, Mass., with whom, probably, he would have been united in marriage, had he lived. The sermon was by Rev. S. P. Fay, of Salem Street church, Boston- Mr. F. had been intimately acquainted with him in Hamp ton and Boston. The discourse was afterwards printed. And thus closed the short career of one of the most excel lent and promising young men ever raised up in the town. In the language of Dr. Young, — " Our sighs were numerous and profuse our tears. For he, we lost, was lovely, and we loved him much." 2. David Henry, b. Aug. 17, 1836, an account of whom is given in the list of College Graduates. • 3. Joseph L., b. Dec. 8, 1838. It seemed desirable that, in this family of scholars, one should live with the father on the homestead. This was the providential arrangement. The lot fell to Joseph, who still lives on the farm. 4. James W- He is mentioned on page 79 as an under graduate in college. He died before graduating, and we give the following account of him : James William Brown, son of Joseph and Elvira Howard Brown, was born at Raymond, June 18, 1841, and died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 22, 1864. He was the youngest of four brothers, and inherited a delicate physicial organization, 184 THE HISTORY SO that, in his childhood, it seemed doubtful about his living to reach manhood. He had a passion for books, and was the favorite at home and at school. It was difficult to keep him from developing the mental at the expense of his physical powers. He grad uated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., July, 1861, and entered Dartmouth College the following month. He had been in college over three years, and planned to spend the last winter vacation of his collegiate course in the quartermaster's department at Nashville, instead o^ teaching school, as in previous winters. The climate proved unfavorable to his health, and he fell a victim to typhoid fever. He was a superior scholar, had a rare sense of honor, ex cellent character, and was a young man of whom much was expected by his friends. Other Brown Families. Mention of the late Moses Brown's children will be made in connection with Colonel Lovering's family, there having been inter-marriages. The late Brown, at the Green, was from Candia. Another Brown family has been prominent in town to which allusion should be made and some account given, but, in the absence of rec ords, it must be brief. This family was from Hampton. The first Brown in Hampton was John, son of a Scotch man. John lived in London, and was a baker. He came to Salem, Mass., in 1635. The next year 1638, he remov ed to Hampton with the first settlers. He became a large land-holder, and in 1653 paid the highest tax, save two, in town. His death is recorded thus in the Hampton Records : "John Browne Aged about ninetie eight years Died upon the 28h Day february 1686." It is said he was 25 years older than his wife. John Brown, from Hampton, settled in Deerfield, not far from the nbrth-west corner of Raymond. What links, if any, connected him with the first John Brown, we can not ttell. Two sons, John and Abraham, went to Deerfield with OP RAYMOND. 185 their father. John came to this town somewhat later and settled on the Leavitt place, north of Mr. Harriman's. He was the father of the late Joseph Brown, whose chUdren, El bridge G., Horace, J. Plumer, Mrs. Simon Page, Mrs. Amos Bacheldor, and Mrs. Elbridge Dearborn, live in town. Abraham Brown, of Deerfield, had a son Jonathan, who settled in the GUe district about 1824. His children, living, are Mrs. A. F. Keys, Mrs. Oliver Hunt, of DanviUe, Mrs. Freeman Colcord, of Candia, Charles H., John P., named in the list of College Graduates, and that of Physicians, and Olney T. BLAKE FAMILY. The name was in England long ago. The troublous reign of Charles I. ended with his being beheaded in 1649. Crom well was then Protector 11 years. One who bore this name was Admiral of the Navy. He was opposed to Cromwell and wished the restoration of the monarchy in the line of the House of Stuart, but felt it his duty, as an officer, to support the authority in power. The Blakes of Raymond descended from Jasper Blake. We have the authority of the late John Farmer, of Concord, for saying he was the first of the name to come over from England. He came to Hampton in 1650. He was married four times, his last wife being Deborah Dalton, sister of Rev. T. Dalton, minister of Hampton. He had 10 children, viz., Deborah, who married Eleazer Elkins, Timothy, Israel, Jasper, John, Sarah, Joshua, Samuel, Dorothy, and Phile mon. He lived in Hampton 23 years and died June 5, 1673. Timothy, son of Jasper, married Naomi Sleeper in 1679. His children were Moses, Israel, Aaron, Deborah, Naomi, Ruth and Samuel. Mr. Blake died in 1718. Nottingham was settled in 1727, and, a whUe after, Israel Blake, son of Timothy, struck for that wilderness. We are pretty sure he was there when the Indians killed three per- 186 THE HISTORY sons. His children were Deborah, who married E. Tucker, Sarah married Ephraim Elkins, Eliza married O. Griffin, Jedediah, Joseph, Israel and Benjamin. He died in i753- Fourth Generation. Joseph, son of Israel, lived in Epping. His children were : I. Joseph. 2. Mehitable, married a Swain of Northwood. 3. Jonathan. He lived in Northwood, and was the father of Rev. J. L. Blake, an Episcopal minister, who was the author of the Historical Reader, used in schools, a work on astronomy, and many other books. 4. Asahel. 5. Sherburn, who lived in Northwood. 6. Sarah, who married Col. John Harvey, of Northwood, and was the mother of Hon. John Harvey of that town, formerly Judge of Probate for Rockingham County. Fifth Generation. Joseph Blake of the fourth genera tion, son of Joseph of the third, lived in Epping. He might have had several children, but we have account of but two. I.Joseph. He settled at Epping corner, where he kept store and was an extensive land-holder. His death was by drowning, Nov., 1845. 2. Sherburn,b. Nov. 4, 1773, lived in Epping, afterwards in Raymond. The offices he held are named in the list of town officers. Also an account of him is in the biographical chap ter of this book. The account of the family is as follows : Sixth Generation. Sherburn Blake married Affa Os good, Dec. 30, 1796. His children were : I. Joseph, b. Oct. 28, 1797. He came to this town from Epping, with his father, when young, married Joanna Nor ris of Nottingham, held many offices, named in other parts of this book, and died Feb. 14, 1864. His children were Joseph of Michigan, George A., college graduate and a physician, and William B., on the homestead. 2. Sherburn, b. Aug 29, 1800, married first Elizabeth Pierce, second, Lucinda Hersey. He was a good farmer, at OP RAY'MOND. 187 his home on the Harriman road, and concerned in the store at the Center. ChUdren, — Sherburn P. in town, John E., Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Dr. Tuttle. These were by the first wife. By the second, Henry H. Mr. Blake died May 22, 1863. 3. Eleanor, b. Feb. 11, 1803. 4. Olive, b. June 2, 1805, married first N. Bachelder, sec. ohd, Mr. Eaton. 5. Dolly, b. Nov. 27, 1809, married W. Parker. 6. Shuah, b. March 7, 1812, married Mr. Eaton. 7. AbigaU, b. Sept. 19, 1817, married first Mr. French of Kingston, a teacher in Exeter Academy, second, Rev. L. S. Parker. It is seen from the foregoing that there was a Joseph in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth generation, ending with the late Hon. Joseph Blake of Raymond Center. Then there is his son Joseph of Michigan of the seventh generation. He had a son Joseph. He was of the eighth generation. He used to visit here, but died in early life. In all, one bore the name in six generations. ACCOUNT OF the BEAN HOUSE. Accompanying the account of the Bean family, we have the satisfaction of presenting a view of the old Bean house, the oldest now standing in town. In this, lived Lieut. Benja min Bean, followed by his son Thomas, whose son, Capt. Benjamin Bean, was next; and then the late John Bean, son of the Captain. It was, in early years, a tavern. The first town meetings were held there, and also meetings for preaching before a house of worship was erected. This house was standing in 1752, and was built by Da vid Bean, a brother of Lieut. Bean. I'robably it was built about 1750, and is, therefore, 125 years old. It has been kept in good repair, and looks as if it would do service 100 years longer. It is now owned by Frank G. Bean, at the 188 THE HISTORY vUlage, who is of the fourth generation from Lieut. Bean, the first proprietor. [«D OX < wm a o S The house is large and rather elegant as to architectural proportions. The chimney in it, tUl last year, was a wonder. OP EAYMOND. 189 At the base it was about eight feet square ; intlie^chambers, five at least, and at the top, four feet one way, and some less the other. In examining it, a few years ago, and taking its measure, we wet^ reminded of the anecdote of a boy whom people called Ben, living 60 years ago in a family in town. His employer took him with him to Exeter, then not a large viUage. He exclaimed, " I nebber, nebber ! It isn't strange how they built so many houses, but I don't see where they got the boards." And we can't see where they got the 1)ricks, when this part of the country was mostly a wilderness. Ep ping is the nearest place where they have been made. Some suppose there was a place for making them not far away, on meadow land now owned by Aaron W. Brown, but, from the nature of the soil there, it is quite doubtful. BEAN FAMILY. The earliest and largest family of this name in town was the one south of Freetown Mills. It has been about 123 years since the first member came here. The first was David, who was born, in 1725, in Kingston, where, at the age of 23, he married Mar}'' Judkins. He settled in Epping, then came to this town near Freetown Mills, 1752. He was not here many years, but went to the Island in Candia. His descendants are there now. Rev. Moses Bean, of Candia village, was also a descendant. Those of this family in Candia have been enterprising busi ness men, and good citizens. The Bean family in Ray mond, nearly related, have been about equaUy so. Benjamin Bean was a younger brother of David. He lived here first in the field north-west of Aaron W. Brown's shop, then in the house opposite that of the late John Bean. The following are the children of Benjamin and Han nah Bean : I. Mary, b. 1752, married Benjamin Cram, and lived Where Josiah B. Cram now lives. 2. Benjamin, b. Aug. 30, 1754. 190 THE HISTORY 3. Hannah, b. March 7, 1756, married Levi MerriU, and resided in that part of Shapleigh now caUed Acton, Maine. 4. Deborah, b. Nov. 13, 1758, married Joseph Dudley, lived in town a short time, then moved to Readfield, Me., where she died, in 1780. 5. Thomas, b. Feb. 8, 1760, married EHzabeth Dudley, daughter of Judge Dudley, and liyed on the homestead of his father. He was a farmer and kept tavern. He died Sept. 10, 1804. 6. Sarah, b. April 4, 1762. 7. Joan, b. Dec. 29, 1763. 8. Mehitable, b, Aug. 28, 1765, married Ralph Farn ham, of Shapleigh, now Acton, Me., where she died in 1842. Her husband lived to the age of 104 years. 9. Anna, b. April 12, 1768. Second Generation. Children of Thomas ¦ and Eliza beth Bean : I. John, b. Dec. 19, 1780, died young. 2. Benjamin, b. Dec. 19, i78o,married Naomi Page, daugh ter of Simon, and lived on the old homestead. He was a farmer. He died Nov. 21, 1844. 3. Thomas, b. 1782. 4. Betty, b. 1782, died young. 5. Moses b. June 19, 1785, died Nov. 3, 1786. 6. A chUd, b. 1788. 7. Elizabeth, sometimes called Betsey, b. May 31, 1792, married John Prescott. She died March 4, 1813. 8. A child, date not ascertained. Mehitable Bean married Ralph Farnham, of Acton, Me. Children : I. Benjamin, b. April, 1785. 2. Hannah, b. March, 1788, married Deacon Samuel Runnels, Hved in Acton, and had nine children. One of them, John, became a preacher in the FreewUl Baptist de nomination. William B., the youngest, is a physician. OP RAYMOND. 191 3. Polly, b. AprU, 1792, married Deacon Job Ricker, lived in Acton, and had six children. 4. Joanna, b. March, 1795. John, b. June, 1797, married Fanny MerriU, lives in Acton, has had five children. 5. Daniel, b. Oct., 1799. 6. Ralph, b. Jan., 1802. He was married and lived in the eastern part of Maine. Besides these six, there were two who died young. Third Generation. Capt. Benjamin and Naomi Bean, had children as follows : I. Hannah, died young, Oct. 3, 1803. 2. Hannah, married Samuel Gipson of Poplin, now Fre mont, where she resides, a widow. 3. Thomas, b. 1806, married Waity Dearborn, moved to Candia, and died in 1873. 4. Sophia, b. Nov. 14, 1808, married first, Aaron BarUett of Brentwood; second, S. Ladd of the same town. She died, Feb. 10, 1875. 5. Betsy, b. July 28, 1811, married Wm. Bartlett of King ston, where she died. 6. John, b. Jan. 19, 1814, married Miss Lovering, lived on the home farm, was a farmer and had much done by coopers, whom he employed. He died Nov. 30, 1869. 7. Gilman, b. July 17, 1816, died April 21, 1840. 8. Abigail, b. Feb. 26, 1819, married Daniel Blaisdell, lived a mile east of the Center, is now at Fremont. 9. Benjamin, b. July 16, 1821, married Mehitable Smith, lived at Fremont, but is now in trade at Haverhill, Mass. 10. Daniel Chase, b. Nov. 15, 1824, married Sarah Bean, of Kingston, and lives in that town. II. Moses D. b. May i, 1827, died March 21, 1855, at the home place. 12. Frank G. b. Aug. 30, 1830, married Olive E. 192 THE HISTORY Dudley, daughter of Franklin Dudley, has lived in diflerent places, for a time at Hampton Beach, now keeper of the hotel at the village. CURRIER FAMILY. We have no record of any of this name before 1668. Thomas Currier of Amesbury, Mass., died Sept. 27, 1712. In the line of one of his children, Benjamin, descended the progenitor of the family that came to Raymond. He was born March 27, 1668, probably in Amesbury. Benjamin had a son Gideon, born Feb. 21, 1712, who set tled in Chester, and had six children. The oldest was Ben jamin, and his daughter Abigail married Rev. Joseph Mer rill, a native of this town, of whom an account is given in the chapter on Biography. Gideon's third child was Gide on, born Aug. 13, 1754. He lived in Chester many years and came to Raymond (Branch District) in 1795. He was an industrious farmer, and bought lands as means afforded till his possessions were great. The family now living as sure us that he married a Miss Basford, but she soon died. He then married Anna Richardson, who died March 19, 1827. He died Oct. i, 1835. The following were their chil dren : I. Nancy, b. Jan. 10, 1785, married Jonathan Cram, lived in the village, moved to Lowell, then to some other place, and died May i, 1854. 2. Molly, b. Aug. 12, -1789, married John Wallace, in the Branch District, died . 3. Jonathan, who died young. 4. Daniel, who died young. 5. Asa, b. May 12, 1794, married Lydia Richardson, lived on the home farm, afterwards moved to the village where he died March 11, 1874. Children : Their first chUd, b. Aug. 16, 1822, lived less than two years. Sarah A., b. April 23, 1824, married D. A. Rich ardson. Gideon, b. April 22, 1826, married Louisa Smith, OP RAYMOND. 193 and lives in the village. Moses R., b. April 25, 1828, married SaUie Tilton, and lives in Manchester. Laura A., b. Nov. 10, 1830, married Capt. S. D. TUton, and lives in town. Carrie, b. March 24, 1833, was a school teacher, married Dr. P. Y. Frye, and lives at Oyster Bay, Long Island, N. Y, 6. Gideon, died when a young man. 7. Lydia, b. Oct, 2, 1799, married David Lane of Ches ter, died Aug. 29, 1838. CRAM FAMILY. The first of the name in this country was John Cram, who came from England, and in 1639 was among the early - settlers at Exeter. A combination being formed for the government of the settlers, his name appeared, spelt Crame. In 1648 and '49, he was elected Townsman, or what was afterwards called Selectman. When he came to Exeter, he signed his name by making his mark, but afterwards learn ed to write. He left Exeter about 1650, and went to Hampton, that part now called Hampton Falls. He and his wife Esther be came members of the church in Hampton. He was a judi cious, honest man. His death was recorded on the town book of Hampton thus: "Died 5 of March, 1681, good old John Cram, one just in his generation." His wife died in 1677. His children were Benjamin, Mary, Joseph, Lyd ia and Thomas. We have no account of the children ex cept Joseph, who was drowned in Exeter, June 24, 1648, and Benjamin, who kept up the line of succession. His rec ord is as follows : Benjamin Cram married Argentine Cromwell, said to be a relative of Oliver Cromwell, the Protector of England. The marriage took place Nov. 29, 1662. Children : I. Sarah, b. Sept. 19, 1663. 2. John, b. April 6, 1665. 3. Benjamin, b. Dec. 30, 1666. 194 THE HISTORY 4. Mary, b. Aug. 6, 1669. 5. Joseph, b. April 12, 1671. 6. Hannah, b. Oct. 16, 1675. 7. Esther. 8. Jonathan, b. April 26, 1678. 9. EHzabeth, b.Jan. 3, 1680. John Cram, son of Benjamin, by his wife Mary, had seven children, — Argentine, Abigail, Benjamin, Wadleigh, Jona than, John and Mary. It is designed to give but Httle more than the line of suc cession down to those who came to Raymond. Hence, branches that lived in other places are omitted. It should be said, however, that in one branch was Rev. Jacob Cram, b. Nov. 12, 1762, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1782, was for a time pastor of the Congregational church in Hop kinton, and died in Exeter, Dec. 21, 1833. Jonathan Cram, son of John last named, lived in Hampton Falls. He was born April 22, 1706, and died May 3, 1760. His wife was Elizabeth Heath. She died in 1773. Children: I. John. He came to Raymond and Hved here awhile, then moved to Pittsfield. 2. Nehemiah. 3. Jonathan. 4. Ebenezer, born Dec. 5, 1745, married Mary Philbrick, of Seabrook, who was born May 15, 1745. He settled in Raymond and lived at the place just north of the school- house in district No. 3. He was a deacon of the Congre-' gational church, and died Feb. 7, 1819. 5. Benjamin, came to Raymond, married Mary Bean, and lived where Josiah B. Cram now does. 6. Joel. 7. Joseph. 8. Molly. Deacon Ebenezer and Mary Cram had children, probably, as follows, but we do not vouch for the accuracy, as to dates, in every case. OF RAYMOND. 195 I. A child, b. May 22, 1768, died same day. 2. Mehitable, b. May 2, 1769, married John Dearborn, and was the mother of the late Deacon John Dearborn. She died March 25, 1805. 3. Jonathan, b. March 15, 1772, died Nov. 23, 1780. 4. Elizabeth, b. Oct, 24, 1775, married Chase Osgood, lived on the Long HiU road, and died Aug. 7, 1848. 5. Abner, b. April 7, 1778, lived in this town and in var ious otherplaces, and died in Deerfield, March 15, 1861. 6. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 20, 1782, lived on the home farm back of the school-house in No 3, was a farmer. Colonel in the Militia, of much enterprise, and an interested mem ber of the Congregational church. He died July 15, 1835. 7. Jonathan, b. Oct. 10, 1784. He was a tanner and currier, lived at the Center just west of the blacksmith shop, moved to Lowell, Mass., and died Sept. 20, 1859. His wife was Nancy Currier of this town. She died May 12, 1854, aged 69. Abner Cram, son of Deacon Ebenezer and Mary Cram. The following were his children : Mary P., married Oliver Titcomb of Amesbury, Mass. David Knowlton, supposed to be lost in the Mexican war. Hannah J., married, but we have no account of her. Col. Ebenezer Cram had children by both wives, none of whom are living except Philbrick, by his first wife. He was born June 10, 1808, and married Eliza Tasker of North- wood, lived on the homestead till 1845, when he sold it. He had great farming enterprise, was interested in the Con gregational church, and the general good enterprises. It was felt a loss to have him leave town. He lived in Low ell and Concord, and finally he and son settled in Barnard, Vt. The farm is on a large swell of land, called the " De lectable Mountains." Jonathan and Nancy Cram had the following children : Mary, b. July 21, 1811, died Oct. 10, 1812. ^ Asa Brainerd, b. July 13, 1814, has been employed much 196 THE HISTORY in manufacturing establishments, resides in Charlestown, Mass. Gideon Currier, b. Oct. ii, 1816. Stephen BaUey, b. Aug. 21, 1819. Pride of good ancestry is laudable, if the life and char acter are worthy of it. In the account of the Cram genea logy, in one of the early generations, mention has been made of a marriage into the Cromwell family. That blood is as good as royal, better than that of the royal of Cromwell's time, the princes of the vacillating, unfortunate house of Stuart. Oliver Cromwell was the leader in the overthrow of the king, Charles I. The throne was vacant eleven years and Cromwell was at the head of affairs, and was called Protector. He was a zealous Protestant, and we set it down as our judgment, that the world is as much indebted to him for Protestanism as to any man that ever lived, unless we except Martin Luther. Benjamin Cram, brother of Deacon Ebenezer Cram, mar ried Mary, daughter of Lieutenant Benjamin Bean. Chil dren : I. Hannah H., b. Oct. 17, 1771, married Jonathan Farrer. 2. Nehemiah, b. Aug. 9, i773> married Sarah Dearborn, and lived where Horatio D. Page did. He went from town, and died. 3. Mary, b. July 13, 1775, married Nathaniel Dearborn,. and lived where Benjamin Dearborn now does. 4. Elizabeth, b. July 25, 1777, married Dearborn San born, and went from town. 5. Benjamin, b. Oct. 26, 1779, went from town, but sup posed to have died long ago ; all knowledge of him was lost. 6. Nancy, b. Sept 28, 1781, married Joseph Bean, and went from town. 7. Deborah, b. Aug. 26, 1783, died at the home place. May 16, 1831. 8. Sarah, b. July 8, 1785, died Jan. 21, 1787. OP EAYMOND. 197 9. Sarah, b. July lo, 1787, married Samuel Sanborn and went from town. 10. Jonathan, b. May 20, 1789, married Abigail Brown, lived on the home farm where his son, Josiah B. Cram, lives, was a farmer and Captain of the Cavalry in the 17th Regiment. Large family. Benjamin, Josiah B., and Ruamy live in town ; Jonathan in Amesbury, and Mrs. Joshua Smith in Newton. Mr. C. died Jan. 8, 1873. II. Dolly, b. July 18, 1791, married Jesse GUe. 12. Susanna, b. Nov., 1795, married Colonel Daniel Robie. DEARBORN FAMILY. The first of the name in America was Godfrey, who came to Exeter in 1639. He was one of the Selectmen there in 1648. Soon after this date, he moved to Hampton, where he was one of the Selectmen three years. He could not write, but signed his name by making a mark. In the Hampton Records, he is named in connection with seats be ing assigned him and his wife in the meeting house. He is called Goodman Dearborn, and his wife Goody. These terms were somewhat often applied to persons then. He died Feb. 4, 1686. The Dearborn genealogy is long and wide. It is not ad visable to give much of it here, but just a sketch of two branches that came to this town. Jonathan Dearborn lived in Chester. His ancestors came from Hampton. His children were .Richard, Mehitable, Peter, Benjamin and Thomas. This last had a son Thomas, who was killed by a cannon ball in the war of the Revolu tion in 1778. His wife was Mary Morrison. They were the parents of Major Thomas Dearborn of this town. There were four children, all sons. They were born in Candia. I. David, who became a lawyer and went to Cazeno, New York. 2. John, who went to Sanbornton. 198 THE HISTORY 3. Thomas, who came to this town, lived where Mr. Phin eas Gilman does, kept tavern, was Town Clerk and Repre sentative, and moved back to Candia, where he died. 4. Samuel, who lived in Candia, on the hill north-east of the village, but we think he did not die there. Major Thomas Dearborn married Polly Bagley. Their children were : I. David, b. Dec. 10, 1794, married Irfene Turner, lived on the homestead, was a cooper, and, late in life, lived in the village, where he died. The family of children was large. Those living in town are Mrs. J. S. James, Mrs. Wm. Fer ren, and a son and daughter at the home place. 2. John, b.Jan. 8, 1797. 3. Richard, b. Sept. 8, 1799, died Nov. 29, 1852. 4. Polly, b. March 27, 1801, died Nov. 13, 1855. 5. Joseph, b. June 13, 1803, died April 26, 1806. 6. Moses, b. July 22, 1805, died Oct. 16, 1834. 7. Sally, b. June 22, 1807, married A. S. Holbrook, 'and lived in Lowell. 8. Waity, b. March i, 1809, married Thomas Bean of this town, and moved to Candia. 9. Jane, b. Oct. 10, 1812, married Leonard Dearborn, and went from town. In the north-east part of this town, in the line of another branch of the same great family, was the late Deacon John Dearborn and the present Benjamin Dearborn, Members of this branch lived in Stratham. We begin back only at the year 1715, at which date, one Jonathan Dearborn mar ried Hannah Tuck. They might have lived in Stratham ; at any rate, their immfediate descendants did. This Jona than was a son of John. Children of Jonathan and Hannah Dearborn : I. John, b. April 2, 1718. 2. Bethia, b. Nov. 2, 1719. 3. Benjamin, b. Oct. 2, 1721, died young. 4. Hannah, b. March 14, 1725. OF RAYMOND. 199 John, the oldest of these children, married Mary Chap man. Their children were : I. Jonathan, b. 1742. He came to Raymond not far from the time of the incorporation in 1764. The house of Rufus R. Rundlett was built by him a few years later. He died March i, 1826. 2. James, b. 1743, died 1809. This John's wife dying, he married Mary Cawley. Chil dren : 3. Hannah, b. 1763, married Abraham Crimball, and lived in North Hampton. A son, Benjamin Crimball, is still living there. 4. John, b. 1765. Lieutenant Jonathan Dearborn, of Raymond, married Abigail Leavitt of Stratham. Children : I. John, b. Dec. 18, 1762. He married Mehitable Cram, andlived on the homestead. His children were the late Dea. John, Mary, Jonathan, Mehitable and Abner. 2. Abigail, b. April 25, 1765, married Simon D. Page, grandfather of the present Simon Page. She died many ye^rs ago. 3. Jonathan, b. June 4, 1768, married Sarah Page, and lived below Leonard Pease's, near the Epping line. Late in life he went to Gardner, Me., to live with his son Henry, where he died. 4. Nathaniel, b. Jan.7, 1776, married Mary Cram, and lived where his son Benjamin lives. He died August, 1837. Several children; those living are Nathaniel, Mrs. Foss and Benjamin. ' 5. Sarah, b. July 7, 1778, married, first, Nehemiah H. Cram ; second, Josiah Brown ; third, John Moody. We think there was another child. James Dearborn, in the Lane District, was the son of Jo siah, of Danville. Samuel Dearborn, on the Langford road, near the Candia line, was a son of John, of DanviUe, after wards of Candia. They sprang from one branch of the 200 THE HISTORY first progenitor, Godfrey Dearborn. Nathaniel, three gen erations below Godfrey, lived in Kingston. His son Henry lived in Danville, and Josiah, named above, was his son. John was another, and was the father of Samuel, who has two sons : Elbridge, near Oak HiU, and H. Freeman, on the home place. Nathaniel Dearborn, of Kensington, had a son Edward, whose descendants live in Deerfield. One of them is Hon. J. J. Dearborn, who was a partner in trade in Blake's store, here. Another, Sewall Dearborn, was the grandfather of Capt. S. D. Tilton, of this town. ACCOUNT OF THE DUDLEY MILLS. The Dudley mills were near where J. Tucker Dudley re sides, in the west part. Several of the family, now to be named, were owners or concerned in them. On the west side of the stream was a grist mill. The wheel, a part of which can be seen, stood upright and was ten feet in diame ter. Some of the work Moses Dudley, Esq., used to do in his later years, while largely engaged in reading, was to tend this mill. The saw-mill was on the east side. Among those who used to work in this, were the sons of Judge Dudley, John and Nathaniel , and the late Franklin Dudley. ^ In the picture, the bridge, just below, is seen, a man cross ing it on horseback, a common way of riding in former times ; and below the bridge, two persons are seen in the river, washing sheep, while other sheep are near, to be washed in turn ; and although harmless and quiet, seem, as thie poet Thompson says of such a case, to be inquiring what this operation means. The mills and bridge are gone. A new road has been made a few rods above. But the picture is a lively view of things as they were. OP RAYMOND. 201 !i;;"~rv,:#' ¦Mjft "««. i( i%!».i': l«l:'*- DUDLEY MILLS. 202 THE HISTORY DUDLEY FAMILY. This family has been identified with the history of this town from the earliest date to the present. It has a noble history in our town, in the State, in some other States, and in England, before any of them came across the waters- We have seen what offices the town conferred here. One also was Judge. In Colonial times, two were Provincial Governors, and in the old country, it was an English his torical name. There were Barons, Bishops and Knights of Dudleys, from 1376 to 1460. And, later, one wore a crown for a few days, as will presently be seen. John Sutton (Lord Dudley) died in 1487. He was a distinguished soldier in the reigns that preceded Richard III. Edmund, a great-grandson, was an officer in the reign of Henry VII. Henry VIII. sent this Edmund Dud ley to the scaffold, Aug. 18, 1510. His son John was duke of Northumberland in the reign of Edward VI. The duke's son. Lord Guilford Dudley, married Lady Jane Grey. She was a relative of the reigning family. Through the influ ence of the duke (her father-in-law) , she ascended the vacant throne on the death of Edward VI. , in 1553. But the nation declared for Mary, daughter of Henry VIIL, and Lady Jane laid aside the crown. Queen Mary knew not how to be just or merciful, and Lord Guilford Dudley, Lady Jane, his wife, and the duke were beheaded. The ax used is still seen in the tower of London. Robert Dudley, a descendant of the duke, was one of the I'rivy Counsellors of Queen Elizabeth ; a great favorite, and some thought he would obtain her hand in marriage, but this able but artful Queen proposed that he marry the unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scotts, whom she afterwards sent to the scaffold. Mary declined to marry Robert. We could extend the account of the Dudleys, and the offices they held, and the part they had in stirring events in England, but our limits forbid. OP RAYMOND. 203 The ancestor of the Dudley family here, was Thomas Dudley, who came to Massachusetts in 1630, and was Gov ernor of the Province. Joseph Dudley, son of Gov. Thom as, was also Provincial Governor. Gov. Thomas Dudley was son of Capt. Roger Dudley, slain in a war in England. Gov. Joseph Dudley was popular in New Hampshire. His portrait is in the Council Chamber in Concord. His coun tenance is good looking, rather intelligent, and the wig on his head is of very profuse hair, and large. Gov. Thomas Dudley, after coming to this country, lived ' in Roxbury, Mass. Five children, by his first wife, were born in Northampton, England ; three, by his second wife, in Roxbury, Mass. Rev. Samuel Dudley, oldest son of Gov. Thomas Dudley, was settled as pastor of the Congregational church in Exe ter, N. H., in 1650, and died Feb. 10, 1683. By his first wife, he had five children, five by the second, and it seems eight by the third ; eighteen in all. It should be said that it is not certain that this Dudley family sprang from those celebrated in England, whom we have named. Still there is some probability. We are concerned only with Stephen, son of Rev. Sam uel, by his last wife. He married twice and had 11 chil dren. Of them we need name Stephen, who was a cord wainer, and married Sarah Davidson, of Newbury, Mass. He purchased Raymond of an Indian Sagamore, as has been named in its proper place, page 15. He died in Exeter in 1734, aged 46. His brother James was born at Exeter in 1690, and was the father of Judge Dudley of Raymond John, a younger brother, was killed by the Indians, in what is now Fremont, in 1710, at the age of 18. This was the same year that Col. Winthrop HUton, of New market, was killed, with others, near the "mast way" in Ep ping. James Dudley, son of the first named Stephen, was born in Exeter, June 11, 1690, and married Mercy Folsom. He 204 THE HISTORY was a cooper and a Lieutenant in the Militia. The chUdren were born in Exeter, as follows : I. James, b. 1715, who married a Miss Bean, had six children, and died in Brentwood in 1761. 2. Abigail, b. Oct. 31, 1716. 3. Samuel, b. 1720, lived first at Exeter, next in Ray mond and finally in Maine. 4. John, b. April 9, 1725. He came to Raymond, and was the Judge of whom a full account has been given in other parts of this book. 5. Joseph, b. 1728, married Susanna Lord, came to Ray mond, and lived at the mills, now owned by David Griffin. He died in 1792. 6. Joanna married a Mr. Ladd, and lived in Deerfield. 7. Sarah, lived in Gilmanton. 8. Mercy. It has been pretty well known in the Dudley family here, that some of its members were once of Quaker sentiments, that is, of the society properly called Friends. This was the case with Joseph, who lived where Thomas M. Healey now does, and Thomas his brother, who lived where John Scribner lives. But these were by no means confirmed in those views. Joseph, their father, had some peculiar ideas, which will be named presently. Samuel, son of James mentioned above, and brother of the Judge, once professed himself a Quaker. We have the fol lowing record from the Friends' Society book: "Jan. 15, 175 1, in Monthly Meeting at Hampton, now the part called Seabrook, agreed that the Friends in Brentwood be author ized to establish a meeting." James Bean, Benjamin Scrib ner and Samuel Dudley are named as being there. "Oct. 18, 1751, Samuel Dudley, dismissed." This was excluded. Some time after, he requested to be re-admitted, but was re fused. We rejoice to say, he was not disowned for any im morality. He was very zealous for what he considered the true faith, and was a speaker in the Friends' meetings. But OP RAYMOND. 205 he went beyond others of the Society in views of simplicity in food, dress, &c. He urged that dress should be of but one color, a mixture of black and white, that made a sort of gray, afterwards called "rye meal" color. This Samuel Dudley, while in this town and afterwards in Maine, was not, we think, inclined to the doctrines of the Friends. So very extensive is the genealogy of the Dudleys, that it is necessary to omit all save those who lived here for a time. Samuel, son of James, whose children have just been named, was an older brother of the Judge. He married first, Miss Ladd, and lived in Raymond after coming from Exeter, and here Daniel, his oldest child, was born, and probably others. He married a second and third time, lived in Maine, and had lo children. He died in Maine, Aug. 30, 1797. The following are the children of Judge John and Eliza beth Dudley : I. Betsy, b. May 14, 1750, died July 8, 1751. 2. John, b. Dec. 29, 1751, died Aug. 16, 1752. 3. John, b. Jan. 15, 1754. He came here, with the fam ily, when he was twelve years of age. He married Susan na Smith, but we do not know where. He lived in different towns in Maine, had at least five children, and died Dec. 1828, in Mount Vernon. 4. Elizabeth, b. May 18, 1766, married Thomas Bean, and lived in the old Bean house, south of Freetown mills. 'iThe children have been mentioned in the genealogy of the Bean family. 5, Susanna, b. July 3, 1759, married Col. Theophilus Lovering, lived on the road that leads to Fremont The names of the children will be found in the genealogy of the Lovering family. 6. James, b. Oct. 4, 1761, married Polly Stevens, lived in the Branch district, and died June 21, 1844. 7. Nathaniel, b. Nov. 25, 1763, married, first, Anna 206 THE HISTORY Smith, Uved in town, then in Maine. Married, second, Har riet PuUing, and died in Freeman, Me., in 1844. He had fourteen children. 8. Moses, b. Jan. 29, 1766, was brought to town the year of his birth, and became one of its most distinguished citizens. His wife was Nancy Glidden. It is seen in this book what offices he held, and a fuller account of him is given in the Chapter on Biography. James Dudley, son of the Judge, had these chUdren : I. Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1791, married Abijah Lovering, and lived in Chester. She died in 1835. 2. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1795, died in Fremont. 3. James, b. March 8, 1799, died Aug. 23, 1837. 4. John, b. July 20, 1800, married Mary Robie of Can dia, lived near Raymond Center, next in Portsmouth, now in Lynn, Mass. 5. Moses, b. May 29, 1803, settled al Rocks Village in Fremont, now in Sandown. 6. Susanna, b. Feb. 11, 1806, living in Fremont. John Dudley, son of the Judge, settled in Maine, had five children, and died in Mount Vernon in 1828. Nathaniel Dudley, son of the Judge, lived here for a time, and here some of his children were born. He was one of the Selectmen, and held other offices of trust. He moved to Maine, was a Justice of the Peace, Representative to the General Court, and had a taste for reading. He was a good business man. He had 14 children, whose name's must be omitted, save Edmund who was born in Raymond, and be came a school teacher, probably after leaving town. He was the father of Dean Dudley, a lawyer in Boston, author of a work entitled, " Dudley Genealogies." Moses Dudley, son of the Judge, had the following chil dren : I. Betsey, b. Sept. 12,1788, married Rev. Peter Phil brick of Deerfield. Of their children is John D. Philbrick, graduate of Dartmouth College in 1842. He taught some, OP RAYMOND. 207 and from Dec, 1856 to 1874 ^^^ the/efficient Superintendent of Public Instruction in Boston. Mrs. Philbrick died in Deerfield. There were three children besides John D. Peter H. died in this town Feb. 20, 1835, aged 15. Eliza beth lives on the home place in Deerfield. One died young. 2. John, b. Oct. 3, 1789, settled in Maine, was a man of influence, many years Representative in the Legislature, and otherwise useful. A daughter of his, Sarah A., is the wife of B. Franklin Dudley of Boston. He died in Waite, Me., Jan. 25, 1873. 3. Gilman, b. Dec. 28, 1790, married Mary Bean of Can dia, settled where Mr. Anderson now lives, was honored with town offices, was two years Representative, and died Feb. 4, 1835. Children: Hannah B., who was teacher, Panthenia A., John G., Nancy G., Mary E., Emily B., Sarah G., a teacher. All have died but Mary E., living in the West, and Emily B., who resides in town with her mother. 4. Moses, b. Sept. 10, 1792, settled in the West. 5. James, b. Feb. 10, 1794. He went West, after some time returned, lived in Manchester, Worcester, Mass., and died in Maiden. 6. Gilford, b. Dec. 7, 1795, settled in Illinois. 7. Sally, b. Oct. 17, 1797, married Barnard Tucker, set tled in town. Children ; Philena, married Mr. Sumner of Delham, Mass. Moses D., is in business in Boston ; James Tucker lives in town, John D. died in Beaufort, S. C, in 1867 ; Anna L. married Mr. Young, and lives in Boston ; Sarah married H. G. McClure of this town ; Jane E. mar ried Mr. Grout and lives in town ; Isaac lives in Boston ; Helen married Mr. Eaton of Boston. 8. Franklin, b. Nov. 7, 1799, married Olive Bean of Can dia, settled opposite his father's, was a farmer, and a great reader, particularly in his last years. He died April i, 1870. They had seven children, four have died. Moses 208 THE HISTORY G., the second son, died in Kansas; Benjamin Franklin is in business in Boston ; Olive E. is the wife of Frank G. Bean, and lives in this town ; Anna G. married Edwin A. Davis, and lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. . 9. Nancy, b. July 9, 1805, married Gen. Henry Tucker. Children : Josephine L., Gilman H., who graduated at Dart mouth College, and an account of whom is given in the list of college graduates, and Abbie A. D. They are all living in Boston, or vicinity, and are married. Abbie is the wife of David H. Brown, formerly of this town and a graduate of Dartmouth College. 10. Elbridge G., b. Aug, 13, 181 1, graduated at Dart mouth College, became a lawyer in Boston, and died in South Carolina. A fuller account is given in the list of college graduates ; a portrait and a sketch of his life will be given on another page. It is being arranged, at the time of this writing, that the portraits of Mr. Barnard Tucker and his wife, Mrs. Sally (Dudley) Tucker, be inserted in this work, and a somewhat fuller account of them than that just given may be appro priate. Barnard Tucker was the son of Isaac and Sarah Tucker, and a brother of Gen. Henry Tucker, a sketch of whom, with a portrait, is given in the Chapter on Biography. He was born in 1802, on the place described as the birthplace of Gen. Tucker, and noted for its beautiful and romantic scenery. When he was sixteen years of age, his father died. Most, if not all the children, were under age. The family was left without a director and head. Barnard, with the other sons, had been brought up to work, mostly on the farm. This had a great influence in saving them from an aimless, dis solute and reckless course of life. The seeds of dUigence in business, industry and economy, had been planted in them, and in after life, the good fruit appeared. Barnard settled on the home farm. It has now been s**' * Barnard Tucker. Sally D. Tucker. OP RAYMOND. 209 in the Tucker name nearly one hundred years, and the de scendants may continue there much longer. Mr. Tucker was a farmer, attentive to his business, we should judge nc>t in haste in work, but carefully and quietly doing things to the best possible advantage ; fair and honest in business transactions with others, never hard, or exact ing, or overbearing to the poor, some of whom he employ ed as laborers. He was a home man, spending little or no time riding abroad. Home and the farm were the most de lightful of all places to him. He, with his wife, brought up a large family of children, and trained them to habits of in dustry. He died Aug. 9, 1868. Mr. Tucker's wife, Sally (Dudley) Tucker, daughter of Moses Dudley, Esq., and Nancy (Glidden) Dudley, was born at the time indicated in the genealogy of Esq. Dudley's children. On marrying Mr. Tucker, it was her privilege to settle some fifty rods from the old Dudley homestead, the next house east. She still lives, and of the special excellen ces of the living, it is not appropriate to speak in published accounts. Although not intimately acquainted, yet for some cause that we know not, this lady for years has been one of our few fast and abiding friends. A true friend is worth more than vast revenues of wealth. Mrs. Tucker, it has seemed to us, inherited some of the traits of her worthy father. We had no acquaintance with her mother, but have evidence that she was a good wife and mother. We once heard Esq- Moses Dudley say, he hoped his children would be fond of reading. Some of them, at least have been. Mrs. Tucker has a good memory, and what she has read, or learned, is retained for use and enjoy ment. She has a good constitution, is capable of great en durance, and the evening time of Hfe is passing agreeably, Mrs. Grout, a daughter, with her husband, residing with her, at the family home. We now return to another brother of Judge John Dudley, through whom the line of succession of the Dudleys 210 THE HISTORY in this town was continued. This was Joseph Dudley. Joseph was the next younger brother of the Judge, was born in Exeter in 1728, married Susanna Lord, prob ably of Exeter, came to Raymond, and settled near where Griffin's mill now is. The remains of the cellar are still seen. He died in 1792, and was buried a little to the east, with others, in the pasture now owned by Oliver Tilton. The record of this Joseph Dudley is, that he was a man of great generosity, but strangely enthusiastic on the subject of religion. He knew of the Quaker sentiments of his brother Samuel, already named, and had thought of embracing them. His mind was much exercised, somewhat confused, and he did not settle on any religious opinions. His morals were good, and he was the friend of good order. Among his visionary notions was that of miracles being performed by the good, some as in primitive times. He was a good husband and father, and much good influence was exerted over his children, several of whom became respectable and useful, as will be seen by the following : I. Joseph, b.Feb. 15, 1750, married, first, Deborah Bean, second, Sarah Smith. A fuller account of him is given in the Chapter on Biography. 2. Benjamin, b. 1753, died in Maine in 1795. 3. Thomas, b. Nov. 18, 1766, lived in this town, and died in Chester with his daughter, Mrs. Locke, now of this town, March 28, 1839. 4. Daniel, b. 1768. 5. Elizabeth. 6. Joanna, married Reuben Bean of Candia, a sincerely devoted Christian. Rev. Moses Bean, of Candia, was their son. 7. Mary, married Nathaniel Wells, and lived in Gilman ton. 8. Hannah, who was the wife of Nathan Robie. They lived where a cellar is seen, between Aaron W. Brown's and Elisha T. Giles's, afterward where their son, Thomas OP RAYMOND. 211 Robie, now lives. Their sons, David and Thomas, became preachers. 9. Susanna, married Jonathan Gilman, and went from town. Joseph Dudley, son of the above, and Deborah, his wife, had the following children : I. Benjamin, b. Oct. 26, 1776, married, first, Elizabeth Smith, second, Sarah Tucker ; lived in Mount Vernon, Me., was a blacksmith, and had a large family of children. One son, Thomas J., was a preacher. Benj. Dudley died May 29, 1864. 2. Hannah, b. Sept. 17, 1778, married Dea. Jeremiah Fullonton. She was our mother. We wish no words in describing her excellences, but that which we can repeat only in tones of affection, mother. She died May 26, 1835. 3. 'Susanna, b. July 17, 1780. \ rp • 4. Deborah, b. July 17, 1780. 5 ^^^^^s- Susanna married Samuel Tilton of this town, and died March 25, 1806. Deborah married Josiah Hook, lived in the Dudley dis trict, and died Oct. 20, 1815. Children by his second wife, Sarah Smith : 5. Mary, b. July 27, 1783, unmarried, and passed her last years in Candia, and died Jan. 10, 1869. 6. Eunice, b. Sept. 20, 1787, unmarried, died in town, July I, 1842. 7. Joseph, b. Feb. 7, 1790, married Sally Dudley, set tled on the home place, was in town office much. Representa tive in the Legislature, spent his last years in Candia. His son Alvin D. Dudley is a shoe-manufacturer, was Repre sentative of Candia, and is now in business in HaverhiU, Mass. Joseph Francis, another son, is mentioned in the Hst of college graduates. He is a preacher in Eau Claire, Wis. Joseph Dudley died Aug. 31, 1868. 8. Samuel, b. May 5 ,1796, married, first, Judith PiUsbury, second, Sally Marston. He lived in Candia VUlage, was ai 212 THE HISTORY shoe-manufacturer, trader, Representative of the town, dea con of the Free Baptist church, and a very worthy Chris tian. Sarah, a daughter, married Rev. J. D. Emerson, and died in HayerhUl, N. H. Joseph, a son, is in business in Buf falo, N. Y. Woodbury J., another son, is in business in. Candia Village. Samuel Dudley died April 17, 1863. 9. Stephen, b. July 27, 1798, married Hannah Turner, lived in Candia, Exeter, Bangor, Me., and finally in Buffalo, N. Y. where his sons, Joseph and another, followed him in business. He died Aug. 11, 1856. Thomas Dudley, brother of Joseph, married Mary Moody. He lived where John Scribner now does. Children : I. Sally, b. March 6, 1795, married Joseph Dudley, lived first in town, next at Candia Village, and finally with her son, Alvin D., in HaverhiU, Mass. 2. Mary, b. May 23, 1797, married Joseph Jenness, lived in Epping, in other places, and last with Mrs. Locke, a sis ter, in this town, where she died May 26, 1864. 3. Assenath, b. March 19, 1799, married Andrew John son, of Ljmn, Mass. Her last years, while a widow, were passed with Mrs. Locke, in this town, where she died Dec 7. 1873- 4. John, b. Nov. 6, 1800. He never married, lived in various places, the latest of which were in Chester and Can dia, in the last of which he died. His trade was that of a shoe-maker. 5. Thomas J., b.Jan. 13, 1803. He attended Gilman ton Academy, taught school successfully for many years, studied the Medical Profession with Doctor Gale of this town, but died, before commencing practice, Jan. 19, 1835. 6. Susanna, b. March 3, 1805, became a school teacher, married John Locke, Esq., of Chester, lived there, then at the village in this town, where she still lives. 7. Esther, b. March 22, 1807, died Oct. 13, 1838. 8. Francis Dana, b. Feb. 4, i8o9. He was, after arriv ing at age, a young man of an active spirit, and he was led OF RAYMOND. 213 to go west as far as Ohio. He got into business, married a Miss Palmer of Cincinnati, and died, rather suddenly, while going down the Mississippi river, in Oct., 1829. 9. David Moody, b. Dec. 25, 181 1. He lives in Iowa, having gone there before it became a State. His wife was Sarah Proctor. It has been seen how the name Joseph prevailed in the Blake family, extending through several generations. It was much so in the Dudley family. Joseph, who lived near where Griffin's mill now is, had a son Joseph, who lived where Thomas M. Healey does. He had a son Joseph, and of the others of that family, Benjamin, Mrs. Tilton, Mrs. Fullonton, Samuel of Candia, Stephen of Buffalo, Joseph himself of Raymond, all had sons of the name ; and Benja min, of Maine, had a son James, who had a son Joseph ; and Hannah Dudley, daughter of Joseph, at the Griffin mill place, who married Nathan Robie, had a son named Jo seph. It may be interesting to put down here the names of the Dudleys and the time they filled the office of Representa-' tive. Honorable John Dudley, Raymond, 8 years Moses Dudley, Esq., (1 6 " Joseph Dudley, a 2 " Gilman Dudley, a 2 ¦ " J. Tucker Dudley, a 2 " Samuel Dudley, Candia, 2 " Alvin D. Dudley, a 2 " John Dudley, Maine, 8 " Nathaniel Dudley, Maine, estimated 5 " 37 years. Not only in this genealogy, but in different parts of this history, prominence has been given to the Dudley famUy. It is a rule, that a historian should not sit in judgment on the facts he narrates. History is a record of the wonderful. It 214 TKB HISTORY may be good, it may be bad. It must be put down, and the events left to speak for themselves. A historian must be impartial. Invidious comparisons are not often allowable. Severe reprobation of bad characters may be necessary, as a warning to others to avoid vaunting ambition, lawless vio lence, pollution, vice and crime. Eulogism should be mod erate and with discrimination. Praise to the living savors of fiattery, always disgusting to noble minds. The best and the wisest are but men, and liable to imperfections. The sun in the heavens is glorious, but dark spots can be detect ed on its surface. Sometimes cold in summer is accounted for in consequence of these spots. So of men. They may shine with transcendent brightness, but their glory may be, often is, somewhat eclipsed by some dark spots on their character. These things have been kept in view in what we have written. The past Dudleys have had imperfections, doubt less, like others. They have been aware of some of them. But we confess to deep feeling and indescribable interest, in the account we have given of them. This has been from two considerations. First, we are of the family, our mother was a Dudley, as has been seen by the genealogy. If we have done anything useful in life, we attribute it much, un der Providence, to her good training and influence, with that of our parent on the other side. Home and mother ! What words ! This history is about home to multitudes who will read il ; about mothers and other good friends. We call to mind the touching poetry of our countryman, G. P. Morris, when speaking of mother : " Her angel face, I see it yet. What throbbing mem'ries come ; Again our little group seems met Within the cot at home." The second consideration of our interest is, the long and useful history of this family in town. Let us go back now OP RAYMOND. 215 to James Dudley, father of Judge John Dudley, and the im mediate progenitor of the family here. He was of the fourth generation of Gov. Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts. It was said of Abraham, the Patriarch of the Jews, " kings are in thy loins." In the loins of James Dudley, as great as kings. They were those who should grace and honor the bench, the bar, the forum, the legislature, the pulpit and the medical profession. The future historian of Raymond, who may write a hun dred years hence, is not yet born. If he shall not be of the Dudley race, as now, the view of the family may be modi fied somewhat, especially, if unhappily, before then, its fair fame shall be tarnished by improprieties and misconduct. Goldsmith, in the history of England, condemns some of the kings of the House of Tudor, particularly Henry YIII. Fronde is not so hard. Hume is moderate in regard to the failures of the kings of the House of Stuart, one of which, Charles I., lost his head on the scaffold ; and another, James II. ,lost his crown and throne and was obliged to take refuge in France, under the shadow of the monarch of that nation. Macaulay is severe, in a great measure, on those princes. In these and similar cases, the truth probably lies between the extremes. Possibly thus in what may come in this matter. The Dudleys and others, in whom the blood of the family flows, as the Tuckers, Philb ricks. Beans, Loverings, FuUon- tons and others, should be careful to maintain the fame of their ancestral line, in fact to make it more illustrious. And this remark applies to very many others, in the place, and who have lived here. There is a bright future before us, if we do our duty, and help make it so. Some think the human race is running down. The evidence is, that it is running up. EMERSON FAMILY. In the genealogical part of this history, more is said in explanatory remarks, and characteristics, found in some 216 THE HISTORY generations of families, than is common in similar works. The justification is in this, — important objects are to be ac complished. Citizens and others, who have lived here, are to have a history of the past, and get a knowledge of fami lies that will make them feel a loving acquaintance with each other, and thus a bond of happy union be felt. The Emersons live in almost the extreme south-west. In that neighborhood, church privileges are mostly at the Bur- rough, in Chester. The Emersons, so far away, do not seem to be much known by the great body of our people. We have the pleasure now to introduce them. The families are two, — ^John V. in "Shatica," and Samuel, with his sister, Mrs. Martha Thomas, near Candia line. Already, and in families yet to be noted, much is made of excellent talents, civil services, and patriotic deeds, perform? ed by some members, in the past. Having little to tell of in our own family, we speak freely of others. In doing this, those favored with noble blood, should remember the senti ment of Pope in his " Essay on Man," to the effect that none can be ennobled by the blood of the good or great, but by their own good deeds. The Emersons here had an ancestor, in the female line, of heroic fame. This was Hannah Dustin, whose name be fore marriage was Hannah Emerson. Her husband was Thomas Dustin. Their home was in Haverhill, Mass., two miles or more west of the compact part of the city. March 15, 1697, a party of Indians came, took her and her nurse and little child but a few days old, and started off in the wilderness. The child being troublesome, an Indian dashed its head against a tree, and left it. On the night of April 30, while encamped on an Island, now Fisherville in Concord, Mrs, Dustin and her nurse, with hatchets, killed ten Indians while they were asleep ; two others, being alarm ed, escaped. The heroines then made their way back to Haverhill. The first Emerson in America was John, of Ipswich, OF RAYMOND. 217 Mass., in 1648. Whether he was the progenitor, or relative, of those found in Haverhill, but eight years later, has not, so far as we know, been ascertained. Michael Emerson settled in Haverhill in 1656. The set tlements were but 16 years old. It is thought he was a shoe-maker, as there is an account some later, that he was chosen leather sealer. The record is, that he was chosen " to view and seal all leather." His wife was Hannah Web ster. They were married April i, 1657. Their oldest child was Hannah, who married Mr Dustin, and she was the one captured by the Indians, as already narrated. A son of Michael was Jonathan. This Jonathan had a son Samuel, who settled in Chester. He was a surveyor of land, Town Clerk, and one of the Selectmen. Samuel Emerson had five children, of whom we have an account. The youngest was Nathaniel, who married Sarah, Tilton. He settled in Candia, before the town was incorpo rated. He entered the army, was Lieutenant Colonel, and, as such, fought under Stark at Bennington. He died April 30, 1824, aged 82. His residence was where Freeman Parker lately lived. Children : I. Jonathan, died young. 2. Anna, married Seth Knowles. 3. Samuel, married Mary Varnum, lived in Raymond, where his son Samuel and Mrs. Thomas live. 4. Sarah, lived in Vermont, married E. Robie. 5. Nathaniel, married Polly Norton, lived in Maine, then in Candia. 6. Richard, married Sally Clay, Hved in Candia, was a Land Surveyor. 7. Elizabeth, married Mr. Eaton. 8. Hannah, married Mr. Jenness, lived in Piermont. 9. Lydia, married Samuel Patten. He lived in the Pat ten District, owned a farm in Raymond on the Green, now possessed by John Healey, Esq. Colonel Rufus E. Pat ten is his son, and lives on the homestead in Candia. 218 THE HISTORY lo. Nabby, married John Lane, Esq., of Candia. He was a land surveyor, was much in office, and was Representa tive nine years. He died in 185 1, his widow in 1867. A daughter is the wife of Ex-Governor Frederick Smyth of Manchester. Colonel Nathaniel Emerson had a step-brother, his fa ther's son by a second wife. This was Moses, who lived in Candia. Of his children, Moses, now aged, lives in the Patten district. Hon. Abraham, fifth child of the first Moses, lives on the home place of his father. Hon. Abra ham is the father of Rev. John D. Emerson, now pastor in Biddeford, Me. Samuel Emerson of Raymond, son of Col. Nathaniel of Candia, was married to Mary Varnum, Nov. 19, 1801. Children : I. Jesse, b. Oct. 20, 1802, lived in town, and died Feb. 28, 1821. 2. Betsy, b. July 26, 1804. 3. Mary, b. March 20, 1806, married Mr. Fitts, andlived in Candia. 4. Martha, b. Oct. 14, 1807, married Mr. Thomas, lived in Boston, and in 1861, returned to this town, where he died in Nov. She resides on the homestead. 5. John v., b. Dec. 26, 1809, married Sarah Hoyt, lives at " Shatica," in town. 6. Samuel, b. Aug. 18, 181 1, lives on the home stead. 7. Sarah A., b. June 8, 1813, married Mr. Pearson, and lives in Chelsea, Mass. 8. Harriet A., b. March 6, 1817, taught school, married Luther M. Wason, and lives in town. 9. Hannah, b. Aug. 14, 1819, died in town Aug. 30, 1836. 10. Lydia P., b. Dec. 22, 1821, lives in Charlestown, Mass. Samuel Emerson, the father of this large family, lived to OP RAYMOND. 219 see the most of them become of age. He died March 13, 1848, aged 76. FULLONTON FAMILY. The progenitor of the family in this country was John, said to have come from England, to that part of Exeter now Epping. His wife's name was Deliverance, as there is a record in Epping of children born to John and Deliverance Fullonton. The names of but three are put down, and the dates are uncertain. The children of whom we have an ac count are the following : I. John, b. 1730, lived just below the late Amos Stick ney's place, in Epping, came to Raymond soon after 1760, lived where Lieutenant J. E. Cram does, and died June 14, 1817. 2. David, lived on the home place, in Epping, went into the army of the Revolution, and died. 3. James, b. 1733, came to this town with his brother John, settled in the field now owned by Mr. Tufts, near J. E. Cram's, afterwards moved to Sanbornton. 4. WUliam, settled in Wolfborough. Descendants were living there but a few years since, spelling their names FuUerton. Betty, married Benj. Fox, and lived in town. Of their children were the late David Fox ; Sinclair, who went to Ohio ; and the wives of Samuel and John Bachelder, who lived in the north-west part of the town. John Fullonton, son of John above, married Delia Locke. Children : Mary, married Eliphalet Folsom, and lived in town. Ezekiel, married Jane McClure, lived on the Blake place, north of the Baptist church, but afterwards settled in Cam bridge, Vermont. Jonathan, killed in the Revolutionary war, near Albany, New York. 220 THE HISTORY Joseph, died while moving to Vermont. Francis went West, or to Canada, and not heard of. Four died young. Second wife, Molly Cram, a relative of Deacon Ebenezer Cram. Children : Anna, b. Nov. 6, 1767, married Ebenezer Osgood, lived in Loudon, where she died in 1847. Ephraim, b. Jan. 10, 1770, settled in Cambridge, Vt., and died Jan. 12, 1843. Third wife, Rachel French, a native of Hampton. Chil dren : Ebenezer, b. April 21, 1773, lived here, in Fremont, Ep ping, Greenland, and died in Amesbury, Mass., Feb., 1842. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 27, 1775, followed his father on the homestead, an industrious farmer, and a deacon in the Free Baptist church. He was very corpulent, weighing at one time about 300 ; died July 12, 1848. Rachel, b. Aug. 23, 1778, married David Page, lived in town, and died Oct. 8, 1834. Ezekiel Fullington, son of John, married Jane McClure. Some of John FuUonton's sons adopted the spelling Fulling ton, which we preserve. Children, — Delia, Betsy, John, Jonathan, Alexander and Ezekiel. The issue of Mary, daughter of John Fullonton, is given in the genealogy of the Folsom family ; Anna, also a daugh ter, in that of the Osgood family ; and Rachel in that of the Page family. Ephraim Fullington, son of John, married Hannah Pat ten of Candia. They settled in Cambridge, Vt. Children : Moses P., b. Oct 15, 1796. Polly, b. Jan. 14, 1798. Rachel, b. July 27, 1800, died in Boston, Dec. 14, 1821. Hannah P., b. Aug. 19, 1802, married Mr. Carpenter, died in Milton, Vt., Nov., 1867. Nancy, b. April 7, 1804, ™^*"- ried Henry Brush Second wife, Sarah Foster, of Candia. ChUdren : John T., b. AprU 28, 1808, now Hving in Cambridge. OP RAYMOND. ^ 221 Ruth M., b. Aug. lo, 1809, married A. J. Terrill. Sarah J., b. May 24, 181 1, died March 9, 1847. Clarissa O., b. Jan. 8, 1813, died Oct. 20, 1814. Clarissa O., 2d, b. Sept. 20, 1814, married Amos Hobart, lives at Essex Junction, Vt. Bradbury, b. March 24,1816. Bradley E., b. Feb. 19, 1819. Ephraim Fullington died Jan. 12,1843. Sarah, his sec ond wife, died March 7, 1847. Ebenezer Fullington, son of John, married Lydia Puring- ton of Epping. He lived at first on the place where Leon ard Pease does. Children : I. Lydia, died young. 2. Lydia, married W. Claridge. 3. Ebenezer, died young. 4. Ebenezer, b. March 18, 1800, served at the chaise mak ing business, married Mary J. Chase, of East Haverhill, Mass., settled at West Amesbury, kept store, was Post master, and for several years has been engaged in the sale of carriages. 5. Samuel, was a'brick-maker, and died in Newburyport. 6. Hiram, died in Newmarket. 7. Polly, married Henry Bragg, and died in Newmarket. 8. Jacob S., b. April 24, 1812, married Electa Chase, and settled at West Amesbury ; a chaise maker. Deacon Jeremiah Fullonton, son of John, married Han nah Dudley in 1804. Children : I. Susanna, b. Feb. 4, 1806, died May 10, 1831. 2. Joseph, b. Jan 31, 1808, married Abigail D. Robinson of North Hampton. Their children are Susan M., the wife of C. W. Lane, and Sarah A., wife of C. M. Roberts. 3. Jeremiah, b. Feb. 3, 1810, married Hannah P. Folsom, settled on the homestead, was clerk and deacon of the Free Baptist church, Justice of the Peace, and a very useful citi zen. He died March 19, 1864. Children: George S., died in the army. Emma J. married Lieutenant J. E. Cram. E. Francis lives away. John D. 222 THE HISTORY ' 4. John, b. Aug. 3, 1812, graduated at Dartmouth Col lege. An account of him is given in the list of college graduates. Children : John E. and Ida. 5. Hannah, b. Dec. 21, 1814, married Leonard Pease. ChUdren : Rose A. and Susan E. Rose married C. H. Edgerly, and died July 21, 1874. Susan died previously. 6. Ezekiel, b. Jan. 13, 1818, married Adaline Bunker of Epping, and is in the furniture business in Charlestown. ChUdren: Roselle A., married S. Augustus Severance, and died. Eugene is married, and in trade with his father. 7. Mary D., b. March 30, 1820, married George Kimball of Danville. ChUdren: John S., Anson B., Albert and Eugene F. 8. Caroline, b. July 4, 1822, married Abel Kimball of Fremont. Captain John Fullonton, the first of the name in this town, was brought up in what was mostly a wilderness, in Ep ping, when it was a part of Exeter. Probably there were no schools, yet he learned to read and write. His penman ship, a sample of which is now before us, was of the first order for that age, indeed, is not excelled by many in this time. It has neatness and mechanical finish. His son, Jeremiah, wrote a plain hand, that all could read. We have both names written together, in signing a document, but the father excelled. , His first purchase in the direction of the homestead, ob- tairied a little later and now in possession of John E. Cram, was one forty-eighth part of a saw-mill, called Perkins' mill. It stood a mile east of John E. Cram's, on the small stream west 01 Lowell Clifford's, in Epping. The deed was given by James Norris, 3d, of Epping, and is dated July 3d, 1757. It is called " Pertuckway Loer Mill." The price of the forty-eighth part was twenty-five pounds. Old Tenor. It might have been one pound, five shiUings, lawful money, although likely less. Probably not over six dollars in our currency. The deed specifies a right of way to the mill OF RAYMOND. 223 " for Logging Logs." And there the first boards were cut out, used not long after in the neighborhood above, where he took up his residence. James Fullonton, a brother of Captain John, came with him to town, as we have stated. It appears that he sold out to move to Sanbornton in 1770, but the deed was not ac knowledged by his wife till 1778. Her name probably was Martha. We have the deed, with her signature. It is " Marthew," as she signed it. FOGG FAMILY. This family is one of great antiquity in England and Wales. Some of the name settled in the county of Kent, in the reign of Henry I. Their coming there was about the year 1112 or 1115. That was about fifty years before the Norman conquest. Some settled in Ashford, fifty miles from London, in the reign of Henry IV., about the year 1400. Sir John Fogg founded a College in Ashford, where he died. His son, Sir John Fogg, resided there. His will was dated Nov. 4, 1533. There was also a Sir Francis Fogg in that place. These families were of high standing. Rev. Robert Fogg, supposed to be a relative to the first of the name in America, lived in the north of Wales, in 1662. The first in New Hampshire was Samuel Fogg. He was the progenitor of the name in this part of the country. It is said " three brothers" came oyer, the other two, Robert and Ralph, going to other States. Samuel Fogg came to Hampton. The town was settled in 1638, and he came soon after. Then there were but four towns in New Hampshire. He was about 35 years of age, and married Anne Shaw of that town, Oct. 12, 1652. Ten years later, she died, and he married Mary Page, of Hamp ton. He died April 16, 1672. He had a farm, and was a member of the Congregational church in the town, as were both of his wives. 224 THE HISTORY Rev. Jeremiah Fogg, born in Hampton about 1711, grad uated at Harvard College in 1730, and was settled as the first minister in Kensington, Nov., 1737. He continued there 52 years, and died Dec. i, 1789, aged 78. He was of the third generation from Samuel Fogg, already named at Hampton. It is believed that Major Josiah Fogg, early in this town, was also a descendant of Samuel Fogg, of Hampton. He was from near Bride Hill, in that town. He was married three times. His first wife's name was Mary. Children : Samuel, b. Aug. 10, 1756. Molly, b. April 30, 1762, married Mr. Osgood. By second wife, — Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1767. Lucy, b. Nov. 12, 1770, married Chase Osgood. By third wife, — Abigail, b. July 25, 1772, married Joshua Norris. Dorothy, b. March 14, 1774. Joseph, b. March 27, 1776. He followed hisjfather on the home place, owned a large farm, was energetic and indus trious, and represented the town in the Legislature. Josiah, b. June 10, 1778, was a farmer and joiner, lived where Rev. M. Newhall lately lived, but sold and went to Exeter. Nancy, b. July 11, 1780, married Mr. Sanborn. Dudley, b. Sept. 20, 1782, married Nancy Gove, of Not tingham, and settled in Readfield, Me. It is thought that there were more children, who died young. Major Fogg's third wife was Abigail Eastman, probably of Kingston. Dr. J. C. Eastman, of Hampstead, is a relative. Joseph Fogg, son of Major Josiah Fogg, married Dorothy Evans. Children : I. Hannah, b. Jan. 16, 1799. 2. Sally, b. March 16, 1803. These both married and went to> Maine. , OF RAYMOND. 225 3. Joseph, b. Oct. 22, 1806. He lived away after marry ing, but came back to the home place. Neither he nor his wife lived to advanced years. Of their children, three re main : Mrs. Aaron W. Brown of this town, Mrs. Floyd of Epping, and Mrs. Samuel Gove of Nottingham. 4. Eleanor, b. Aug. 23, 181 1, married Ebenezer Prescott and lives in town. 5. Timothy E., b. Feb. 15, 1814, settled at first on the home place, having married Frances Prescott. Afterwards he went to Maine, and lived last in Lewiston, where he died. Josiah Fogg, son of Major Josiah Fogg, married Hannah I'ecker of Salisbury, Mass. He died in Deerfield, Mass., in March, 1869. His wife died in Exeter, Sept. 26, 1861. Children : I. Josiah, b. March 25, 1811, resides in Deerfield, Mass., is engaged in raising short-horned cattle. 2. James P., b. Nov. 26, 1812, resides in Chicago, IU., and is an importer and dealer in seeds. In that business, he has been to Europe several times. 3. Lucy J., b. Nov. 6, 1814, married A. H. Dunlap, and resides in Nashua. Mr. Dunlap is in the garden seed busi ness. 4. Abby P., b. Dec. 19, 1816, married J. T. Porter of Exeter, died March 4, 1861. 5. WilHam P., b. Dec. 24, 1818, died Aug., 1823. 6. Charlotte H., b. July i, 1821, died Aug., 1823. 7. Martha N., b. May 3, 1824, resides in Deerfield, Mass. The above were born in Raymond, and the family moved to Exeter. 8. WiUiam P., 2d, b. in Exeter, July 27, 1826, resides in Cleaveland, Ohio. He has been a great traveler ; once saU- ed around the world, and at the time was correspondent of a Cleaveland paper, which correspondence was publish ed in book form. He spent the winter a year ago in Egypt. Dudley Fogg, son of Major Josiah Fogg, married Nancy 226 THE HISTORY Gove, Aug. 28, 1805. She was born, Dec. 28, 1783. Mr. Fogg, after marriage, went to Readfield, Me., and, in 1807, moved his family there. That town was his home till his death, Nov. 19, 1855. His widow died June 23, 1859. Mr, Fogg was Town Agent several years, one of the Selectmen from 15 to 20 years, and he and his wife were members of the Free Baptist church, of which he was a deacon. Children : I. Samuel G., b. Sept. 13, 1806, died June 9, 1819. 2. Sally S., b. March 24, 1809, married Moses Choate. 3. Ruth A., b. Oct. 9, 181 1, married Charles Bean. 4. Josiah N., b. Jan. 12, 1815, married Hannah V/. Shaw. 5. Dudley, b. May 11, 181 7, died June 5, 1839. 6. Perfenda R.,b. May 17, 1821, married Rev. G. W. Bean. He is a minister in the F. Baptist denomination, was pastor some years in Maine, then in Lowell, Mass., Sand wich, N. H., then back to Maine, and is now agent of Pittsfield Seminary. 7. Samuel G.,b. March 27, 1823. He lives on the home place in Readfield. He married Mary A. Stevens. She died, and he married, second, Ann M. Prescott, daughter of Ebenezer Prescott, of Raymond. FOLSOM FAMILY. The first of the name in this country was John, who came to Hingham, Mass., in 1638, and to Exeter about 1650. His descendants have lived, if we have a correct account, in Exeter ever since. One, Gen. Nathaniel Folsom, was an officer in the war of the Revolution, and a member of the Continental Congress. Eliphalet Folsom was born in Exeter, a mile below the village. He came to this town, married Molly Fullonton, and lived where Capt S. D. TUton does. Children : I. Child, b. March 2, 1777, died same day. OF RAYMOND. 227 2. Jonathan, b. Oct. i8, 1778. He never married, lived on the home place to a great age, had good social qualities, and a very genial disposition. He died Dec. 8, 1871. 3. Polly, b. Feb. 7, 1780, married James Young, lived in Deerfield, and the last years of her life in this town. 4. John, b. July 2, 1783, married, first, Mary Palmer of Candia ; second, Mrs. Pillsbury, lived in town, was much in office, as Selectman, Representative and Justice of the Peace ; died Jan. 31, 1864. Children : Mary, Sally, Delia, John Franklin, Hannah, one died young. All dead but De lia. By second wife, Julia and Emily. John Franklin, the only son, married EHzabeth PiUsbury, and died July 7, 1857, aged 37. He was an active, good citizen. One son. Rev. John Dana Folsom, and three daughters, Hving. 5. Jacob, b. July I, 1785, married Huldah Folsom, and settled in Maine. His widow and a daughter, Mrs. H. P. Fullonton, are now Here. 6. Eliphalet, b. Dec. 7, 1788, married Miss Folsom and settled in Maine. 7. Francis, b. Feb. 16, 1792, never married, lived on the home place, and died May 3, 1833. 8. Thomas, b. Dec. 22, 1794, married Sally Edgerly of Epping, lived on the home place, a farmer, and for two years one of the Selectmen. Children, — Eliphalet Francis, a school teacher, a young man of promise, died Nov. 23, 1842. Sarah A. became the first wife of Capt. S. D. Tilton, and died Nov. 20, 1870. Thomas Folsom died Nov. 12, 1862. 9. Delia, b. Dec. 21, 1796, married, first, John Nay, lived in town ; second, Theophilus Stevens, and lives in Epping. Rev. Abraham Folsom. The first account of his an cestors is in Epping, and there is no doubt they were descendants of the first John, at Exeter. First Generation.' Abraham Folsom lived in Epping. Second Gbnkration. Abraham and John, sons of the above, settled in Gilmanton. 228 ' THE history • Third Generation. Jacob, son of Abraham, settled in Tunbridge, Vt., and was deacon of the Free Baptist church. His late years were passed in Washington, Vt. Fourth Generation. Rev. Abraham Folsom, oldest son of Jacob, was born in Tunbridge, April i6, I794, and died in this town, March 31, 1872. An account of him is given in the Chapter on Biography. Moses Folsom, brother of Rev. Abraham, is a Free Bap tist preacher in Newfield, Me. Enos, another brother, served as a printer, in after years lived in Washington, Vt., and about 1863 moved to Wiscon sin. He became a member of the Rolling Prairie Free Bap tist church, was its Clerk, and died in Burnett, Wis., Feb. 5, 1874, aged 75. Gilman Folsom, of this town, came from another branch of the first John in Exeter. There was a David Folsom, who had five sons, — James, David, Winthrop, Gilman and Ezekiel. Ezekiel lived in the north part of Epping, near the Lee line. There his son Gilman was born. He served with Mead Folsom, at West Epping, married Betsy Norris, and settled on a farm that had long been in the Osgood name. The great business in which he and his son were former ly engaged, is named on page 25. Moses, a brother of Gil man, lived when young with John Folsom, Esq., near Oak HUl. He was killed many years ago by an accident in a mill, somewhere west of New Hampshire. GILE FAMILY. Joseph GUe signed the petition for the incorporation of the town. We know nothing more of him, and it is not likely that Jesse Gile, the head of the family afterwards here, who came from Haverhill, Mass., was related to him. Jesse Gile lived on the place where ¦ his grandson, Martin V. B., now lives. He was a man who made no great show, but possessed good judgment, and a sound understanding. OF RAYMOND. 229 He died Aug. 7, 1838. His chUdren by his wife, Mary, were : I. Ruth, b. June i, 1795, lived in town, died April i, 1871. 2. David, b. March 30, 1797, lived in the west part, and about 1848, when the line was straightened, his house was in Candia, where he died. 3. Phebe, b. May 8, 1802, lived in town, became the sec ond wife of Elias Wendell, and died Dec. 12, i860. 4. Samuel, b. Oct. 23, 1804. 5. Mary, b. June 21, 1807, married Nathaniel D. West, and died April 16, 1857. 6. Jesse, b. March 3, 1812. ?Ie lived on the home farm, married Eliza Towle. He has always been willing to work for a living, and it is pleasant to say that from that humble home, children came forth to act a good part. They are the foUowing: Martha V. B., on the home place, Nancy, Elisha T., Lavinia, married Henry O. Towle, Gilman E., Lydia, married Mr. Webster of East Kingston, Erastus B., Ellen, married Mr. Hayes, lives in Milton, and Jesse. Two died young. Another, a relative of the Gile family, should be named. Mary N. GUe was a native of the town ; in the common school, evinced good scholarship ; much by, her own energy and industry, attended higher schools, so that she became qualified to teach, in which she became very successful. After pursuing this calling for a few years, another situation for usefulness presented itself. On the 25th of July, i860, she was united in marriage with Nathaniel G. Knowles of Haverhill, Mass., where she resides. OILMAN FAMILY. There are accounts of this family, like that of the Poor family, as early as 1066. Some of the name went with William the Conquerer, from the Province of Maine, in 230 THE history France, to England. The first who settled in our country was Edward, who came to Hingham, Mass., in 1638. John, his son, came to Exeter in 1650, and in that town, descend ants have lived to the present, while branches have lived in Newmarket and many other places. The family has an honorable history. Members have filled high places of trust. John of Exeter, was Councilor in the time when New Hampshire was a British Province. Nicholas was a Repre sentative and Senator in Congress, and once, while on his way to the seat of government, discovered, it is believed, one of the springs in Saratoga, N. Y., which to this day bears the name "Congress Spring." From that spring we have drank. John Taylor Gilman was governor of this State fourteen years. The blood of the Gilmans flows in the veins of the Dudleys in this town, and their connections* Judge John Dudley having, while living in Exeter, married Elizabeth Gilman. Hence the name, Gilman Dudley, grand son of the Judge. The Gilmans of Raymond sprang from a family in Kings ton, probably a branch of the Exeter family. Nicholas Gil man, of Kingston, came here as we have named in our jour ney about town. Chapter IV., page 27. His wife's name was Elizabeth. The following were their chUdren, probably the most, or all, were born here : I. Jonathan, b. May 31, 1763, settled in Vermont. 2. Phineas, b. Oct. 25, 1764, lived here, as wUl be seen. 3. AbigaU, b. Sept. 17, 1766, died nine days later. 4. Zebulon, b. June 7, 1768, settled in Vermont. 5. Edward, b. March 10, 1770, setUed in Vermont. 6. John, b. Feb. 11, 1772, settled in Vermont. 7. Levi, b. Sept. 10, 1775, settled in a northerly part of the State. 8. Joseph Warren, b. May 31, 1777, died young. 9. Joseph Warren, b. Aug. 23, 1779. 10. Nicholas, b. Jan. 2, 1785. Phineas, the second child of the first Nicholas, married OF RAYMOND. 231 in 1786, Ruth Brown of Poplin, now Fremont, and settled where his son, the late Benjamin B. Gilman, lived. He was one of the Selectmen and Representative. He was a farmer, and diligent in business. He died Oct. 6, 1836 ; his widow, June 7, i860, aged 90. Children: I. Moses, b. March 7, 1787. He went to New York. His wife was Miss Strickland. 2. Betsy, b. June 26, 1789, married Joseph Bean of Can dia, (Island) and died in 1826. 3. Sarah, b. Jan. 26, 1791, residence here. 4. Hiram, b. June 11, 1793, went to Pennsylvania and settled. First wife. Miss Marsh, second, Miss Inglesby. 5. Enoch, b. Feb. 28, 1795, settled in Pennsylvania. Married Miss Marsh. 6. Mary, b. Dec. 26, 1797, married Samuel McClure, lived in town, died Oct. 9, 1855. 7. Ruth, b. Jan. 24, 1799, residence here. 8. Susan, b. Jan. 25, 1801, resides in town. 9. Benjamin B., b. Jan. 17, 1803. He married, Aug. i, 1832, Sally Tucker, settled on the homestead, was much in office, as Moderator of town meeting, one of the Selectmen, Representative, and Justice of the Peace. He had good business capacity, was a farmer, and died Oct. 29, 1871. ChUdren, — Gilford F., lost in the late war, Enoch, Mrs. Nowell, George, Hannah, Mary, Sarah, married, Emeline, and Charles, who died. 10. Nicholas, b. 1805, died when about six months of age. II. Nicholas, b. Nov. 29, 1807. He went to Indiana. In the time of the war with Mexico, in 1846, he entered the service, and was a Lieutenant. 12. Phineas, b. Dec. 8, 1809, married Catharine Good win of Newburyport, lived for a time in Strafford, and for the last years in this town. His wife died Nov. 29, 1869. 13. Hannah, b. Nov. 2, 1811, married James Hobbs of Indiana. 14. Sophia W., b. AprU 26, 1813, married, first, a Mr. 232 THE HISTORY Gove, Hved away ; second, Joseph N. Haines, a mason by ^ trade. For a few late years, they lived in town, then moved to Dover, and a few months since came back here. HEALEY FAMILY. The first of the name in this country was Thomas, who came over in 1635, and was in Cambridge, Mass. The next was WiUiam, in 1645, who came to the same town, and was likely a relative. The Healeys of Raymond, Candia and those formerly in Chester, descended from this William. He had a son Samuel, who lived in Hampton Falls. This last had a son WiUiam, born Jan. 29, 1689, married Mary Sanborn. Six chUdren were born while living in that town ; about 1728, he moved to Chester, where two more were born. His third child was Samuel, born in Hampton Falls in 1720. He came to Raymond in 1743, an early settler. His father gave him a lot of land in the west part, near the Langford road in Candia. His age was 23, young and coura geous, planting himself in the wilderness, with but small openings, where soon after there were terrible fears of the Indians. It is related that the great hope of safety was, if danger was imminent, to flee to a garrison in Chester. We have called this town by its present name, but it was called Freetown till Mr. Healey had been here twenty-one years. Samuel's wife was named AbigaU, but what her other name was, we have not ascertained. Two years after com ing, that is, Nov. 5, 1745, a child was born, who was named William Smith. We had a record of but one child born here before that in this place. It is a tradition that Romulus, the founder of Rome, five centuries before the Saviour came, was suckled by a wolf. We do not suppose children were here early, but we have only to look back to that time, and see babes cradled in the rudest of cottages, amid the howling of wolves and other wild beasts. OP RAYMOND. 233 These parents had a large family of children. Besides William Smith, we have the names of Sarah, Samuel, Lydia; Jonathan, Elizabeth and Abigail, died young. It appears that Mr. Healey's wife then died. He married again, and if our record is correct, had nine children more, making sixteen in all. We have the name Flanders, and the following : Benjamin, b. Aug. 28, 1766. He died in a barn, Dec. 26, 1826. This will be noticed, together with some of his peculiar characteristics, in the Chapter on Casualties. Jonathan, b. March 8, 1768. He lived in the edge of Candia, was the father of Dea. Jefferson Healey there, and Samuel Healey in the Gile district, in this town. He was drowned in a well in Candia, Oct. 21, 1846. Then there were Elizabeth, Nathaniel, Mirriam, Abigail, and last Moses, born May 12, 1782. We find the record of his birth in the hand-writing of his much older brother, William Smith, who was waggish and rather mirthful, thus : " Mow Healey Was born in 1782 November 29 one frida day." This date does not agree with that we have given. William Smith Healey married, and he and his wife Elizabeth had children as foUows : AbigaU, b. Dec. 13, 1772, died Feb. 24, 1787. Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1775. Betty, b. Aug. 22, 1777. Sarah, b. March 18, 1781, died young. Molly, b. July 21, 1782. Sarah, b. Feb. 26, 1784. Phineas, b. Jan. 16, 1785. OUey, b. Nov. 29, year not given, died March 8, 1787. The name probably was Olive, but the pronunciation was often OUey, and we follow the spelling we find. Smith, b. AprU 21, 1788. There were two others, John and Phebe. These make eleven. Possibly others besides the two noted, died young. Samuel Healey brother of WiUiam Smith Healey and 234 THE HISTORY Naomi, his wife, were married Nov. 13, i777' Children : Reuben, b. Feb. 23, 1779. Dolly, b. Feb. 7, 1782, EUiot, b. March 22, 1784. Samuel, b. April 10, 1786. Only space can be well afforded for an account of the sons of the first Samuel Healey in town, and their issue, as these are the principal ones that lived here. Samuel Healey, in District No. 6, son of Jonathan of Candia, has been nam ed. Smith Healey, son of William Smith Healey, lived on the Langford road where Widow Roberts now does, in a house since taken down. Warren and Thomas M., of this town, and William, of Candia, are sons. He died June 20, 1827. His widow, some years later, became the second wife of Jonathan Smith, father of A. Bean Smith in the Village. » Reuben Healey, son of Samuel, son of the first Samuel in town, was the father of Samuel Healey in the Dudley district. Moses Healey, son of the first Samuel in town, lived at the Green, and died June 28, 1865. Of his sons. True died in the Lane district ; Edward in Boston in 1874 ' John married Sarah Heath, lived on the Green, now on the Hodg kins place, has been one of the Selectmen and Representa tive. Children, — J. Francis in town ; Mary J. was a teacher, married Isaac Underbill, lives in Manchester ; James M., in town; Dana C, in Maine ; Annie P. and Edward S., at home. Two others died young. HARRIMAN FAMILY. John and Leonard Harriman (brothers) Yorkshire Puri tans, emigrated from England about the year 1640. John settled in what is now New Haven, Conn., and died in 1681. In his wUl he calls himself "stricken in years," and names OP RAYMOND. 235 only one son. His son's name was also John, born, 1647 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1667. He was a minister, and preached 20 years in New Haven and vicinity. In 1690, he removed to Elizabethtown, N. J., was settled over the church until his decease in 1704. Some of his descendants, it is believed, are now found in New England, but are some what numerous in the Middle States. Leonard Harriman, brother of John, who went to New Haven, is found among the early settlers of Rowley, Mass. Rowley then embraced the present Rowley, together with Boxford, Groveland, Bradford and Georgetown. In 1649, Leonard and Margaret his wife had a daughter born. They had three sons, John, born 1650, Matthew, 1652, Jonathan, 1657. John, the first born son of Leonard, was sacrificed in King Phillip's war, in the massacre at Bloody Brook, Deerfield, Mass., where perished 90 brave youths, the flower of Essex County, John, the son of Leon ard, being one of the number. Matthew, Leonard's second son, settled in Haverhill, Mass. From him descended the Harrimans of Plaistow, the town north. The first, of whom we have an account there, was John. Farmer, New Hampshire's former great anti quarian, gives his name John, but Mrs. Fellows of Haver hiU, a great grand-daughter, gives us his name as Joseph. Farmer says, he is supposed to have been the first man in New Hampshire who adopted Baptist sentiments. We think his church relations were in Newtown, now Newton, where the first Baptist church in this State was formed in 1755. This Harriman was a deacon, and died in 1820, aged 97. Deacon Harriman had a son David, we think a good man, with a very pious wife. Two sons, John and David, became preachers. John was ordained in a barn in Plaistow, AprU, 1812. He was known in most of the towns about here as very useful in his calling. WhUe Hving in Canterbury, he was Representative in the Legislature. He was a man of great purity of life, warm-heartedness as a Christian, a good 236 THE HISTORY singer, and always happy. He died in Newton, April 8, 1864, aged 82. He belonged to the denomination called Christians. David was ordained in Candia, where he lived some years, in 1817. He was a Free Baptist, was pastor in Weare some years; died in Sutton, Dec. i, 1844; buried at his home in Weare. A son, David P., was a college graduate, a Free Baptist minister, and died in Strafford, June 23, 1864. Jonathan, the youngest son, remained on the homestead. Margaret, his mother, died in 1676. Leonard, his father, the common ancestor of all the Harrimans of New England, died Aug. i9, 1691. Jonathan married Margaret Wood. To this couple were born six sons, namely : Jonathan, 1692 ; Leonard, 1694 ; Nathaniel, 1696 ; John, 1703 ; Samuel, i7°S 5 Jeremiah, 1709. The descendants of these, as well as the descendants of Matthew, who settled in Haverhill, are found in Massachu setts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont and many other States. Samuel Harriman, above named, married Oct. 16, 1729, Jane Coleman of Newbury. At the organization of the second church in Rowley (now Georgetown) this Samuel was one of the members. He had a farm in this part of Rowley, and either lived here, or at Newburyport, at the time of his death, which resulted from a fall from the beams of his barn, about 1756. This couple lost all the children they then had (three), in the great epidemic, " throat dis temper," of 1736. Nine hundred children, in Essex county alone, were swept off by this disease, within the space of six months. Perhaps there was more superstition in that age, than in this. During the prevalence of this disease, but before it had reached her family, Mrs. Samuel Harri man, being in the cellar, heard, as she believed, three loud and distinct raps, sounding like one striking knuckles against the ceiling. On getting up stairs, she looked about for the cause of this rapping, but finding none, she was painfully OP EAYMOND. 237 impressed with the conviction that what she heard was but the " forerunner of the death of her children." The disease entered her house, and, in a few days, her three little ones were deposited in the same grave. Subsequently, two chil dren were born to them : Jane, in 1740, who became the wife of Benjamin Evans, Esq., of Rocky HiU, Salisbury, Mass., and Asa, born in 1742. Asa, at the age of fourteen (his father having died from a fall in the barn) , was put under guar dianship of his Uncle Coleman. In 1759, at the age of seventeen, we find him in the mUitary service in the French War. He served in Col. Joseph Gerrish's Regiment, raised for the invasion of Canada. Though he had hardly attain ed to manhood, he possessed great muscular power, and in leisure hours during his military service, he was much en gaged in wrestling, jumping the pole, lifting at stiff heels, &c. He obtained a fund of stories and anecdotes, while in this service, that lasted him tl trough a long life, and he had a great faculty of interesting old and young, in recounting the events of the war. March 25, 1760, at the age of eighteen, Asa Harriman married Joanna Beal, of York, Me. She was of the same age, and is represented as having been a large, court ly woman, of fine personal appearance, and much good ness of heart. Asa inherited from his father the Rowley farm, to which he took his young bride in 1760. They lived here several years ; they then sold out and moved to Epping, N. H., having bought the farm in that town, now owned by Capt. George N. Shepard, of the Eleventh Regi ment, N. H. Volunteers. The children of Asa and Joanna were, — Jane, born 1762 ; Asa, Jr., born 1766 ; Phebe, born 1768 ; Betsey, 1770 ; Samuel, 1773 ; Dudl&y, 1776 ; Jesse, 1778; Sally, 1780, and John, 1783. The descendants of these are in all the New England States, particularly Maine and New Hampshire. Asa, Jr., in 1786, at the age of twenty, married Sarah Evans, of Salisbury Point, Mass. In 1788, this couple emigrated into the wUderness, and settled 238 THE HISTORY in the south-westerly part of Warner, N. H., at the foot of the Mink Hills. This farm consisted of lOO acres of wild land, which, on being cleared up, proved to be productive, but the privations of these first settlers were bitter, and their struggles against want and hunger, severe. A young fam ily of four children had been born to them, — Nancy, Phebe, Benjamin Evans and David. The sun had begun to shine in the wilderness, and the circumstances of the family were beginning to wear a more cheerful aspect, when it was visit ed by a terrible calamity. In March, 1794, Asa Harriman, then but twenty-eight years of age, was killed by a falling tree. His burial service was numerously attended, for he was a man of sterling qualities, and whoever knew him, was his friend. He was a man of great physical strength, was "six feet two," and weighed two hundred. Benjamin Evans Harriman was three years of age when his father died, having been born Jan. 14, 1791. He remained on the old homestead, and added largely to its acres. He was a good farmer, and an upright man, considerably in- public life, and represented his town several years in the Legisla ture. He married Hannah Flanders, also of Warner, by whom he had a large family, viz.: Henry H., Benjamin F., Walter, (Col. of the Eleveth Regiment N. H. Volun teers, and Brigadier General by Brevet, and subsequently Governor of his native State two years,) David C, Elkanan W., Augustine W., Leonidas, Hannah, Helen, and Frank P. All are now living in sight of old Kearsarge Mountain. Benjamin E. died Oct., 1856, aged 65. Dudley and Jane, brother and sister of Asa, Jr., emigrated to the State of Maine, where they became heads of large families. Betsey married John Flanders of Salisbury, Me., had eight children, only two of whom are now known to be living, — Benjamin E.,of Brentwood, N. H., and Joseph, late of Boston, Mass. It has been stated before, that during the Revolutionary war, Asa Harriman moved from Maes, to Epping, N. H., OP RAYMOND. 239 where his three youngest children, Jesse, Sally and John were born. About the year 1785, he moved from Epping to Raymond, and settled on an elevation now known as " Harriman Hill," about a mile from the Center, where he closed a life of fourscore years, his wife surviving him three years. Jesse inherited the paternal estate, to which he and his descendants have added largely in acres and culture. It may be said of him, he had a sound mind in a sound body. His physicial force was very great, few of his contempora ries, being able to match him. He possessed many sterling qualities of mind and heart, and among others in a high de gree the rare virtue of common sense, which made him a man of correct judgment in everything pertaining to the sphere of life in which he moved ; fortitude in suffering, that true courage or presence of mind that renders its possessor calm, serene and efficient in times of danger, and the benev olence of heart that forgets itself in its eager desire to ad minister to the necessities of others. It was a part of his philosophy, that every man should pursue that course of life for which nature designed him ; that no one should seek to advance his own interest by engaging in any business detrimental to the public weal. It was his ambition to sub due and beautify the earth, to render it obedient to the de mands of moral nature, to rear flocks and herds, to keep them in high condition, and train them to become the ready vassals of his will. And now, having faithfully served his day and generation, and almost reaching the half-way mile stone of the last decade of a century, he passed calmly and joyously from the friends he loved to those who had gone before, exclaiming, "I have a hope as an anchor tothe soul. I see visions of beauty and glory ' beyond the river.' " He died March 28, 1872. He was married, in 1804, to Abigail Tilton, also of Raymond. To them were born Samuel M., a public teacher of youth for more than forty consecutive years, John Dudley, Mary T. (Mrs. Henry Hardy) , Emily B. (Mrs. Rawson) , of Chicago, G. Washing- 240 ' THE HISTORY ton who died at the age of twelve, and Josiah, who also died young. His wife, AbigaU Tilton, died, Nov. 13, 1824, aged 44. Hannah Locke, whom he married in 1825, died Feb. 7, 1868, in her 84th year. Samuel M. Harriman, who resides on the homestead, was married to Elizabeth Locke, of Seabrook, in 1837. To them were born five children, two of whom survive, Ellen E. and Luvan A. ; the other three, a son and two daughters, died in infancy. His wife, Elizabeth Locke, having died in 1856, aged 37 years, he was married to Hannah Maria Hazelton of Chester, Oct. 9, 1867. J. Dudley Harriman, now residing on the previously named hills, was married to Almira T. Rowson, of Douglas, Mass., in 1839. To them were born two sons and a daughter. The oldest, Adelaide, who died in her twenty-third year, An- gello who died in infancy, and John Wesley. The children of Henry and Mary T. Hardy, who live at Raymond Cen ter, are Albert D., George H. and Mary Abbie, the wife of J. W. Fisk. The chUdren of Emily, Mrs. Rowson, are Fannie, Mrs. S. W. Adams, of Chicago, Celeste L., Mrs. Baker of Al bany, New York, Byron and Ada. Sally Harriman, sister of Jesse, was married to WilHam Stevens, and became the mother of eight children. Sarah, the oldest daughter, was married to Joseph Fisk, of Derry, they moved to Raymond in 1844, and have one son, J. Wil son, who represented the town in 1874, also elected in 1875. LANE FAMILY. The first Lane in this country was Andrew, who was in Hingham, Mass., in 1639. It is thought that he afterwards came to Portsmouth, but nothing more is known of him. The progenitor of the Lanes in the south-west of this town, and in the part of Chester near, was William. He OP RAYMOND. 241 came from England to Boston in 165 1. The next year, he was made a freeman by taking what was called the " Free man's Oath." His trade was that of cordwainer (shoe-mak er) . He was married twice, and had seven children. The line of descent of the Lanes here, was through his fifth child, named William, born Oct. i, 1659, in Boston. By some means he came north. He chose for his wife, Sarah Webster, a native of Hampton, and settled there. His house, it is said, was near where the Academy now stands. By trade, he was a tailor. He had seven children. He died Feb. 14, 1749, his wife having previously died. The oldest son was John, born Feb. 17, 1685, married Mary Libbey of Rye. He followed the sea, and finally made a voyage from which he never returned. His family, it seems, resided in Rye, or his widow might have returned there after he was lost. In that town, his son John resided, who was born Oct. 12, 1709. He it was who came to Chester, and some of his sons settled in Raymond, He married, first, Hannah Lamprey. Children : I. John, b. Oct. 17, 1733, married Mary Colby. They had eight children and he died in 1779. 2. Daniel, b. July 8, 1735, was married, first, to Mary Butterfield, second, to Mrs. Bachelder. He lived in Ray mond and was the father of the late Ezekiel Lane, the blacksmith. Daniel died March 8, 1825. Second marriage to Mary Knowles. 3. Ezekiel, b. July 4, 1789, married Abigail Varnum, lived in Raymond, and was killed in the battle of Benning ton, Aug. 16, 1777. X 4. David, b. Feb. 21, 1741, married Hannah Morse, liv ed in Raymond, was the grandfather of the late Maj. Lane and Dea. D. N. Lane, and died Aug. 23, 1824. 5. Mary, b. Feb. 24, 1743, married John Knowles, died Aug., 1795. 6. Hannah, b. Feb. 25, 1745, married Ezekiel Morse, died Nov. 16, 1831. 242 THE HISTORY 7. Nathan, b. June 12, 1747, married Hannah Holmes, lived in this town, near where Garland Wason now lives, went into the army, and died in the service, Sept. 22, 1776- 8. Isaac, b. Nov. 20, 1749, "^^^^ when between seven and eight years of age. 9. Sarah, b. Feb. 16, 1758, married Levi Swain of this town, lived where Levi S. Brown does, had no children that lived, died Aug. 13, 1839. 10. Isaac, b. AprU 19, 1760, married Abigail Garland, settled on the homestead in Chester, died April 21, 1834. II. Jonathan, b. Dec. 13, 1763, married Susanna Emer son, lived where David Lane does, and raised a large family of children, 14 in all. He died March 2, 1847. Three or four of these last children of John Lane were born in Chester, as he came there about 1749. -^^ died Feb. 13, 1784. In the MiUtia, he had a Cornet's Commis sion, from the Provincial Governor, Benning Wentworth, which we have seen. His son Isaac, who followed him on the home place, had a like Commission. And this last had a son Isaac, the present Col. Isaac Lane, who was also Cor net. Daniel, son of the John above named, and Mary, his wife, had children as follows : I. Jacob, b. 1757. 2. Hannah, b. April 15, 1759. 3. Lydia, b. Sept. 5, 1761. 4. Susey, b. Feb, 14, 1764. 5. Peter, b. Oct. 20, 1766. 6. Molly, b. Dec. 19, 1768. 7. David, b. Dec. 19, 1770, went West. 8. Zachariah, b. Feb. 18, 1773, died about 1793. 9. Keziah, b. Feb., 1775, married John Roberts. 10. Ezekiel, b. April 25, 1780, married AbigaU Page, daughter of Simon D. Page, and of their chUdren are Diid- ley Lane, in the Wason district, the late Henry D. Lane, on the home place, and Mrs. John L. Marden. OP RAYMOND. 243 This Daniel Lane had a second wife, remarkable for cor pulency. Her weight was about 300 pounds. The large arm-chair, she well filled, is preserved. Doors were hardly wide enough for her passage through them. We think she was the largest woman who ever lived in town. Ezekiel Lane, son of John, married Miss Shackford, and lived at the corner in the Lane district, where the road leads off to Chester. He was killed in the war of the Revolution, leaving but one child, named Ezekiel, who married Betsy Shackford, lived on the home place, and had the following children : Abigail, who died young ; Betsy ; Lucretia ; Ezekiel, who liv ed on the home place, married, first, Hannah M. Wadley of Epping, second, M. C. Osborn. He died in June, 1873, at Widow Timothy Osgood's. There was one other in this family, Lydia, who married Joseph Wallace and went from town. Jonathan Lane, youngest son of John, married Susanna Emerson, and settled where David Lane now lives. Chil dren :' I. Susanna, b. June 15, 1786, married Jonathan James, lived here and in Kensington, where she died, May 20, 1823. Children : Mrs. Jonathan Robinson of Fremont, J. Lane in Danville and a sister in Chester. 2. Sarah, b. May 19, 1788, married Jonathan Woodman, lived in town, died Dec. 4, 1857. 3. Abigail, b. March 13, 1790. 4. Jonathan, b. Oct. 24, 1791, died Oct. 17, 1793. 5. Mary, b. June 14, 1793, married Dea. Amos Bachel der, died Dec 25, 1845. 6. Jonathan, b. Feb. 27, 1795, died March 10, 1818. 7. Deborah, b. Dec. 13, 1797, married Daniel Robie, died May 24, 1829. John W. Robie was her son. 8. An infant, b. and died Feb. 8, 1799. 9. ReUef, b. Jan. 9, 1800, lived in towntiU her last years, died in Chester, Aug. 8, 1870. 244 THE HISTORY lo. Nancy, b. Sept. 22, 1801, died Nov. 6, 1821. II. Betsy, b. Jan. 6, 1803, married John Page, Esq., of Kingston, died suddenly, Aug. 7, 1858. 12. Jesse, b. Oct. 28, 1805, died at the age of 23 days. 13. Ruth, b. Dec. 16, 1809, married Col. Moses Page, lived in Sandown, next in Kingston, died Feb. 11, 1874. 14. Jason, b. June i, 1809, lived on the home place, died May 24, 1855. David, another son of John, was older than Jonathan, last named. He is reserved to this place as his posterity are to be named. Children : I. Mehitable, married Jonathan Ambrose of Concord. 2. David, married Mary Norris, and lived where Dea. D. N. Lane does. He was killed by a cart-wheel May 13, 1807. 3. Isaac, married Joanna Davis, and lived where Jonathan Lane does. 4. Hannah, married Moses C. Magoon, lived in town, died, Feb. 21, 1862. 5. Nathan. David Lane, son of David, son of John, married Mary Norris, daughter of Maj. Daniel Norris, Feb. 16, 1797. He followed his father on the home place. Children : I. Mehitable, b. Dec. 13, 1797, died young. 2. Jonathan Ambrose, b. April 28, 1799, married, first, Betsy Lane, second, Nancy Lane. Of his children, David and Jonathan live in town, two daughters away. He was a Major in the Militia, served as one of the Selectmen, and was a hard-working farmer. He died July 27, 1870. 3. Daniel Norris, b. Dec. 31, 1801. He married Hannah Lane, settled on the home place, was a school-teacher, has long been a deacon in the Congregational church, has serv ed as one of the Selectmen, and has these children now living , Seth F., Daniel N., FlaviUa A., and Wm. Harrison. Dan iel N. is a college graduate ; Wm. Harrison at a Normal school. Some others died young. C. Freeman died at OP RAYMOND. 245 the age of 23, March 11, i860. He was much beloved. 4. David, b. July 22, 1807, died at the age of 17. As the genealogy of the Lanes is confined mostly to those who were born or lived in Raymond, some of the Chester family, who married and came here, are not named as to their genealogy. But it should be put down that of this class were the wives of Dea. Wason, Dea. Amos Bach elder, and the first and second wives of Major J. Ambrose Lane. Joshua Folsom Lane, at the vUlage, is a descendant of an other branch of the same family as the foregoing, that be gan with William Lane at Boston in 165 1. He had a son William, whose son John was the father of John, who came to Chester, as already described. The second WiUiam had a son Joshua, younger than the first John, and the Lanes now to be noted came in his line. John, of Chester, was his nephew, so the branching off was by the second Wil liam. Joshua Lane was born in Hampton, June 6j 1696. He married Bathsheba Robie, and lived about a mile north of where Hampton depot now is, was a shoe-maker and currier, and a deacon in the Congregational church. It is said he was a faithful Christian. He was killed by lightning, while standing in his door, June 14, 1766, aged 70. He had 16 children. His twelfth child, Ebenezer, was father of the late Joshua Lane, Esq., of Hampton, two years Representa tive of the town; his sons, Ebenezer and Samuel D., have been elected Representatives of Hampton two years each. But Joshua, fifth child of Deacon Joshua, is the one whose descendants settled in this vicinity. He was born in Hamp ton, July 8, 1724, married Ruth Bachelder, and several years later, that is, not far from 1762, settled in what was a little later named Poplin, now Fremont. It was in the north east part, where Dea. Fitts lives. He had ten chUdren, and died Jan. 13, 1794. He was a member of a Congregational church, probably in Epping. 246 THE HISTORY His oldest chUd, Mary, married Major Daniel Norris of Raymond. The issue will be given in the Norris family. The second chUd was John. He was the father of the late John Lane, Esq., of Candia, much in office, and also of Dr. Isaiah Lane of the same town. James P., son of the doc tor, is pastor of the Congregational church in Bristol, R.I. Joshua, of Fremont, had, as his fourth child, Joshua, born in Hampton, Jan. 5, 1755, came with his parents to what is now Fremont, when about 17 years of age, married Han nah Folsom, of New Durham, and settled on Jones's Hill, in Epping. He was a farmer and carpenter, and a deacon of the Baptist church in Brentwood, where he attended meet ing. He died July 20, 1828 ChUdren : I. Jonathan, b. Feb. 17, 1778. He married Hannah Mars ton, settled in Sandwich, died in this town at the home of his son, J. Folsom Lane, AprU i, 1853. 2. Josiah, b. Nov. 22, 1780, lived in Maine. 3. Dolly, b. Nov. 30, 1782, married a Hoyt. 4. Joshua, b. Jan. i, 1786. 5. John, b. Sept. 28, 1789, married Judith Rowe lived on the home place, was a captain in the Militia, a farmer and mechanic. , 6. Hannah, b. Nov. 18, 1793, married Mr. Rowe. Jonathan, oldest son of Dea. Joshua, and Hannah, his wife, had the foUowing children, born in Sandwich : I. Hannah, b. Oct. 10, 1800. 2. James M., b. Oct 25, 1803. 3. MatUda, b. July i, 1806, married Amos Stickney, of Epping. The children are Mrs. Jonathan Woodman, Mrs. John W. Robie, and Mrs. Elbridge G. Brown, all of Ray mond. George died a young man, Rosetta died young. 4. Jonathan, b. May 8, 1808. 5. J. Folsom, b. May 21, 1810, married AbigaU Jenness, of Epping, setded in this town, now lives in the village, has been Representative. His chUdren are, Charies W., John OP RAYMOND. 247 F., and Mrs. W. A. Tufts, all in town. Abbie married Jo seph Scott, and died in Westfield, Mass. 6. Dolly, b. Sept. 7, 1812. Her second marriage was with Amos Stickney as his second wife, her third with Mr. Taylor, of Exeter. 7. Betsy, b. AprU 27, 1815. 8. Winthrop M., b. May 26, 1818, lives in Rochester. 9. Susan M., b. Oct. 9, 1820. 10. Mary A., b. Aug. 21, 1825. II. Laura J., b. Jan. 8, 1827. We now put down those of the Lane family, descendants of the first WilHam, who have filled important offices. Deacons. Joshua Lane, of Hampton, Samuel Lane, of Stratham, Joshua Lane, of Epping, the late Joshua Lane, of Hampton, John Lane, of Chester, D. N. Lane, of Raymond, E. J. Lane, of Dover. Ministers. James P. Lane, son of Doctor Isaiah Lane, of Candia, J. W- Lane, of the Stratham branch of the fam ily, and C. W. Lane, Professor of a university in Georgia. He was son of Joseph Lane. Representatives in the Legislature. Joshua Lane, of Hampton, two years ; his son Ebenezer two years, Sam uel D., two years ; John Lane, of Candia, nine years ; E. J. Lane, of Dover, two years ; J. Folsom Lane, of Raymond, two years. Success to the Lanes still in good offices and all else good. LOVERING FAMILY. There is an account of a family of this name in England in 1620. William Lovering lived at Aldham, and between the date given and 1637, had his children baptized, prob ably in the Episcopal church. Their names were William, John, George, Thomas, Jonathan", Susanna, David, Eliza beth and Edward. Thomas came to America, as is related, but where, it is not said. Farmer says, the first who came 248 the history over was John, in Massachusetts, made a freeman about 1636, and was in Dover in 1665. The name was in Hamp ton and Exeter, sometime ago, and John Prescott Lovering, the progenitor of those in Raymond, came from Exeter. It was not in the village of Exeter, but near the "Great Hill," on, or not far from, the road leading to Kingston. There, at least, some of his chUdren were born. Leaving Exeter, he lived at the Rocks in Fremont, moved from there to this town, locating near where his great-grandson, Moses L. Lovering, now lives. The house stood near the road, and one built early was standing but a few years since. Its fire place was interesting as a specimen of many in olden time. It was some eight feet wide, with an oven on the backside at one end. It was about five feet high, and would take in half a cord of wood. The children by Abigail, his wife, were the following : I. Molly, b. Nov. 29, 1754. After coming here, she lived on the home place, never married, and died Jan. 25, 1851. 2. Theophilus, b. Jan. 3, 1759, came here with his par ents, went into the army of the Revolution at about the age of eighteen, after the war, settled where Hiram P. Beede lives, was a Colonel in the Militia, and a farmer. His wife was Susanna, daughter of Judge Dudley. He died April 15, 1852. 3. Daniel, b. Aug. 16, 1760, a farmer, lived on the home place, died Oct. 14, 1838. The late Capt. Daniel Lovering was his son. 4. Sarah, b. Jtily 22, 1762. 5. John, b. Aug. 17, 1764, went west, or south. 6. Jonathan, b. Aug. 9, 1764. He married, settled in the woods between the Branch and the Nay road, afterwards moved to Springfield. John Prescott Lovering, father of these chUdren, died by a fall in Exeter, April 13, 1802, aged 76. His wife died March 9, 1796. OF RAYMOND. 249 Theophilus Lovering, known afterwards as a Colonel, married Susanna, daughter of Judge Dudley, Jan., 1786. Children : I. Polly, b. AprU 3, 1786, died Nov. 3, 1788. 2. John, b. March 26, 1788, settled near where Col. Elliot lives, died March 10, 1853. 3. Dudley, b. AprU 30, 1790, died March 5, 1802. 4. Polly, b. March 12, 1792. She afterwards took the name Mary, and married Moses Brown. After living away a few years, the family came here, andlived with Col. Lover ing. One daughter, the wife of Mr. Quinby, living in the village, died May 24, 1854. Charles and Theophilus L., and Mrs. Hiram P. Beede live in town, Jennie M., in Mass. ¦5. Gilman, b. April 5, 1795, settled near his brother John, was the father of John Dudley Lovering, named as a col lege graduate, on page 76, also in the list of physicians. Gilman Lovering was a farmer, is recollected as a most skill ful drummer at military trainings. He used a small drum, and would throw one stick from hi.s hand, then the other, catching them so as not to loose a beat on the drum. He died July 12, 1829. 6. Abigail, b. June 16, 1796, died Sept 6, 1802. 7. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1798, died Oct. 3, 1801. 8. Dudley, b. Feb. 20, 1802, died Feb. 12, 1808. The children of Daniel Lovering, son of John Prescott Lovering were, Daniel, Abijah and Abigail. His daughter married a Mr. Miller, and moved to Maine. Abijah lived a little from the Branch, in Chester. Daniel followed his father on the home place. He was captain of the south company of Infantry , a man of industry, noted for independ ence of thought and views, not adopting opinions in poli tics or religion, because others said they were right, unless they commended themselves to his understanding. He was a member of the Methodist church, and a great lover of meetings, sometimes going to PopHn, Chester, &c., to attend them. He died Nov. 16, 1863. His chUdren by his first 250 the history wife were four in number. Moses L., married Jane Bas- fofd, of Chester, and lives on the home place ; Mrs. John Bean, in Manchester; Mrs. Atwood, in Wisconsin; Mrs. John Whittier, in Manchester. moody FAMILY. William Moody, the progenitor of most of the name in America, came from Wales, in 1633, to Ipswich, Mass., and thence, in 1635, to Newbury, with the first settlers. He was a blacksmith, and it is said that he was the first who shod oxen in this country. From him descended a long line of ministers, so'me of them quite eminent ; among them we may name Rev. Joshua Moody, of Portsmouth, the first pastor of the Congregational church, a son of the emigrant. Rev. Samuel Moody settled in York, Me., was a man of some eccentricity, but of great purity of life. He was grandson of the emigrant. Where the family that came here was from, has not been ascertained. The record is of Daniel, perhaps the earliest in this place. Children of Daniel and Esther Moody : I. Sarah, b. Nov. 7, 1758, died, unmarried, Oct. 5, 1786. 2. Levi, b. Oct. 18, 1761, drowned in New York, March ' 19, 1782. 3. David, b. July 23, 1763, kept tavern in town. 4. Clement, b. March 4, 1766. He lived on the Nay road ; his two sons, Samuel and Gilman, also settled there. Clement Moody died Jan. 30, 1832. 5. Betty, b. May 2, 1768. 6. Hannah, b. Sept. 16, 1771. 7. Mary, b. June 16, 1773, married Thomas Dudley, liv ed near Griffin's mill, afterwards where John Scribner, Esq., resides. The children are named in the Dudley genealogy. Mrs. Locke, a daughter, lives in town. Mrs. Dudley died Nov. 17, 1827. OP RAYMOND. 251 8. Esther, b. AprU 7, 1776. 9. Daniel, b. March 6, 1780, Hved where Mr. David Page afterwards lived. 10. Levi, b. July 20, 1783. The first Levi having been drowned, the name was given to this son. II. John, b. May 9, 1785, lived in town, and died Aug. 14, 1859. Daniel Moody, father of the above children, lived near the residence of John Brown, Esq. His wife, Esther, died March 17, 1787 ; and he was killed at the saw mill at Free town, Feb. 20, 1804. The death of Clement Moody, the fourth of David's chil dren, has been noticed. His son, Samuel, lived where his father did, on the Nay road, and in the house now occupied by James K. Brown. He died Feb. 17, 1831. He had been one of the Selectmen, was a man of energy and con siderable promise, but fell at the age of 39 years. His widow became the second wife of John Wallace, at the Branch, and still lives. Jan. 26, 1834, Gilman, another son of Clem ent, died. His widow lives on the Nay road. With the death of John Moody, in 1859, the name, in the male line in town, became extinct. Six years went by, and Samuel Moody, son of Samuel, already named, came to the place of his nativity, and thus restored the family name. He has had more experience in a sea-faring life than any of the sons of the town. He has had all the vicissitudes of calm, storm, tempest-tossed at the mercy of the winds and waves, and terrible peril. He went to sea young, and passed through the different grades of service up to that of captain. He followed the life of a seaman some twenty two years, and was commander the last four. He sailed to different countries, particularly Chi na, having visited most of its' ports; also Japan. He was among the first who went there after its ports were effectu ally opened to the commerce of the world. We have said that he has known peril. He was on board 252 THE history the Ocean Monarch,in Aug. ,1848. It was an emigrant ship, and one day out from Liverpool when it took fire, was lost, and 272 persons, with a part of the crew, perished. Five hundred emigrants were on board, and 228 were rescued. Captain Moody was in the water two hours, supported on a spar, when he was picked up by a vessel that came for help. The captain lives so retired, and is so closely at home, that comparatively few in the town know him. His sea life is entertaining. His house is at the end of the Nay road at the east. On page 29, we said that it ended at the woods. The woodman's ax has been there since the visit then made. Still the locality is interesting. MOORE FAMILY. John and Charles Moore came from Ireland. The for mer married Jane Morrison in .Ireland. He bought land in Londonderry, and perhaps lived there, but afterwards in Chester. His children were, James, John, Henry and Charles, and perhaps others. The family here is in the line of James, who married Mary Todd, and in 1764, the year Raymond was incorporated, moved to what is still the Moore place, in the Branch district. Children : I. John, b. Dec. 3, 1760, in Chester. 2. V/iUiam, b. Oct. 13, 1762, in Chester. 3. Robert, b. AprU 23, 1764, was brought to this town when about three weeks old. He died Jan. 5, 1804. 4. Henry, b. Feb. 8, 1766. 5. James, b. Jan. 21, 1768, lived in Freeport, Me., died in 1797. 6. Mary A., b. March 5, 1770. James Moore, father of these children, died in 1770. His widow married Robert Wallace of Londonderry, and the late John WaUace, in the Branch district, was a son by this marriage. OF EAYMOND. 253 Robert Moore, son of James, married Mary, daughter of WUliam Todd, Jr. Children : I. Lydia, b. June 20, 1790. 2. John, b. Jan. 21, 1792. He lived on the home place at the Branch, married Abigail Locke of Chester, was an energetic, spirit-stirring citizen, captain of the Cavalry, one of the Selectmen, and died by an accidental fall, as will be found in the Chapter on Casualties. 3. Mary, b. AprU 3, 1795. 4. James, b. Feb. 27, 1799- Children of Captain John Moore, son of Robert, and Abi gail : One died young ; Lavinia, Eleanor, both live at the home place ; Henry, a trader in Chester, has been one of the Selectmen, Town Clerk, and Representative of that town ; John L., died May 12, 1851 ; William J-, in Sandown ; Mary married Mr. Smith, and lives in Winchendon, Mass. ; Melvin B. lives in Michigan ;.Elbridge G. in Milford, Mass., Franklin at home ; Catharine married Mr. Griffis, and lives in Michigan. MCCLURE FAMILY. Whenever M' or Mc, or Mac, is the first of a surname, the evidence is that the persons are of Scotch origin, or de scent. Mc and M' are abbreviations of Mac, which in Scot tish language is son. The Greek lura, meaning lyre, it be comes son of the lyre. Hence the name McClure, some times spelled MaClure and McCluer. Names with the M', or Mc, or Mac were found in Londonderry, settled in I7i9by the Scotch Irish. Among them were McGregor, McKeen and McNeil. The McClure family of this town has the Scotch blood, and that is of the best kind. We shaU name it again in the account of the Wallace family. We heard the late Horace Greeley once say, that Scotiand is small ; that he traveled across it in a few hours ; yet it had produced poets, philoso- 254 THE HISTORY phers, historians and other great men, that have made that land one of renown ; we may add, have helped shape the destinies of the world for good. The first settler of Candia was David McClure. We name him because the McClures of Raymond are relatives. He was born in Scotland, about 1720, came over to Boston some twenty years later, thence to Chester, and in 1743 took up his residence in Candia, then or a little later, called Charmingfare. His place was near where Col. R. E. Patten now lives, and only a mile or so from the Green in Raymond. He built a log house, on a spot still pointed out. Afterwards he built a framed house, which is still standinsf. We have visited it again and again, and wish to give some account of it, to induce others to make a pilgrimage there, as it is well worth seeing. It is half of a one-story house, of pretty good size, with one large front room, and others for sleeping rooms, large timber and a chimney of stone, with an enor mous fire-place, which one can walk into it, unless quite tall, without stooping, and in the night can look up and see the stars. The mantle-tree, over the fire-place, is of hewed pine timber, more than two feet square. For the rest, go and see for yourselves. This David McClure perished at the Green, in a snow storm, about 1770, as will be named in the Chapter on Cas ualties. Alexander McClure was the first of the name in this town. We have not been able to ascertain his relationship to David, of Candia, yet as he settled some two miles from him, as they then traveled through the woods, he was prob ably related. But he married David's daughter, and in that way, if no other, the blood of David McClure, the Scotch man, was transmitted to the family here. Alexander McClure was born Jan. 1734, very likely in Scotland. EHzabeth McClure, daughter of David, was born Nov. 20, 1738. Alexander and Elizabeth McClure were married in Oct., 1 761. They settled, not long after. OP RAYMOND. 255 on the place where David Griffin's large house now stands, half a mile above his mills. Nearly a century passed before a road was opened by that place. Children : I. Jane, b. 1763, died. 2. Jane, b. June 2, 1765, married Ezekiel Fullonton, liv ed in town at the Blake house, on the Harriman road, where three children were born, viz., John M., James and Betty. About 1793, the family moved to Cambridge, Vt. 3. Martha, b. June 31, 1766, married Mr. Smith. 4. Mary, b. Dec. 29, 1768. 5. James, b. June 9, 1771, died young. 6. Alexander, b. Oct. 11, 1773, married, first, Sarah Nay, second, Martha Varnum. He lived on the road beyond the "Long Hill," was honest and industrious, a steadj'' church attendant, and brought up a large family of children, which he trained to good habits. He died Feb. 8, 1850. 7. Betty, b. June 1775, died young. 8. & 9. Twins, b. Oct. 1707, dead at birth. 10. Elizabeth, b. June 19, 1780, married Jonathan Nay, lived in Georgia, Vt., where she died. Mr. Nay came back to town. II. Fanny, b, April 24, 1784, died July 5, 1815. Children of Alexander McClure, sixth of the children of the first Alexander, and Sarah his first wife : I. Samuel. We have not the date of the births of any of these children. He married Mary Gilman, lived where his sons, H. G. and T. F. McClure, now live, was a farmer, and died Dec. 26, 1847, aged 52. Of the children that lived, besides the sons named, is Mrs. Samuel B. Gove. 2. James, died in New York. 3. Thomas, an active man, lived away some years, came back and died of consumption, at the home of his brother John, then living at the late J. Dudley Harriman place, April 28, 1832, aged 32. 4. David settled in Cambridgeport, Mass., was a deacon in the Congregational church, came here while health was 256 THE HISTORY failing, and died at his sister's, Mrs. Hoyt, Jan. 20, 1852, aged 48. 5. John, married Mrs. Nay, widow of Jedediah Nay, lived on the Harriman road, moved to Cambridgeport, Mass;., where he died. Three children, — Charles F., John F., and a daughter. Charles F. married Joan E., daughter of Sher burn Blake, and lives in Boston. 6. Abigail, died. 7. Mary, died. 8. Elizabeth G., married Moses Hoyt, Aug. 15, 1827. One daughter lived, and became the first wife of Lyman Prescott. Mr. Hoyt died, and his widow was married to Rev. Benjamin S. Manson, Nov. 22, 1866. Mr. Manson was then pastor in Kittery, Me. In the spring of 1871, his health not allowing full work as a minister, he took up his residence here. Alexander McClure married second Martha Varnum. Children : Moses V. and Alexander died in California in 1858 ; Frederick and Martha died here within a few yeaxs. All of them are now dead. Rev. David McClure, D. D., was pastor of the Congrega tional church in North Hampton, from 1776 to 1785, and died in Connecticut in 1820. He was born in Boston, where, as has been seen, David McClure, the first settler of Can- din lived, after coming from Scotland. Quite possible there was a relationship. There has been but one Patten family in the place, and that has become extinct. Thomas Patten was the head of it, was of the McClure descent, and, having no record of his genealogy, we name him in connection with his kindred, McClures. He was born in town, Hved on the place of the first Alexander McClure, was a farmer, had a family of chUdren, mostly daughters, one of whom was the first wife of David Griffin, but aU have died, except Mrs. Bullard, of Nashua. Mr. Patten died Jan. i, 1869. OP RAYMOND. 257 MOULTON FAMILY. John Moulton came over, in 1637, to Newbury, when that place was but two years old. Farmer is our authority for this. His work is not at hand now, but we think he does not name any other. But we have anaccount of Thom as, who came at the same time to the same place. Proba bly they were brothers. Newbury was new, but not enough so for their adventurous spirits. Hampton was settled in 1638, and, in 1639, both joined the settlers there. One, if not both, lived a few rods below the present Town Hall. Farm continued in the name to the present, 236 years, some of the seventh generation, we think, being there now. Thomas Moulton died in Hamp ton, Feb. 18, 1665. John had children as follows: William, Thomas, Henry, Bridget and Jane. Then there were twins, who died the day they were born. John Moulton died at the age of 64. From these, John especially, sprang a large posterity of Moultons in Hampton, Hampton Falls, Ray mond and other places. Some of the family were enterpris ing and influential. Col. Jonathan, of Hampton, was a Rep resentative in the Provincial Assembly. In 1763, a town was granted back in the hill country, of which he and others were proprietors. In honor of him and Ezekiel Moulton, who became a settler there, it was named Moultonborough. The same year, Col. Moulton fattened a large ox till it weighed 1400 pounds, raised a flagon his horns, and drove him to Portsmouth, as a present to Gov. Benning Went worth. He refused any compensation, but said he would ac cept a gore of land, by charter, which adjoined Moulton borough. The Governor complied, and Col. Moulton nam ed it New Hampton, in honor of his native town. It em braced what is that town now, and also Center Harbor. Col. Moulton lived a Httle west of Hampton Academy, and at least one house that he built is standing now. One branch of the family settled in that part of the town 258 THE HISTORY now Hampton Falls. There lived Richard Moulton. His son Josiah married Hannah Thresher, of Seabrook, and came to this town, probably about 1771. He lived east of what is now the village, on the road to Fremont, where the Moulton family now live. Children : AbigaU, b. Sept. 8, 1773, married Daniel Page, lived in East Kingston, also in Concord, where she died. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1775, married John Norris, lived on the Long Hill, at what is now the Tucker place, died April 5, 1822. Three or four, born next, died young. Hannah, b. Jan. 14, 1782, married Joshua Sleeper, and lived in Vermont. A daughter, named Polly, married Rev. John Norris, a Free Baptist minister. He was on a visit here, and preached in the Free Baptist church, April 29, 1849. We thought him an earnest worker, and the testi mony is, that great energy of body and mind characterized him. He died at Littleton, N. H., in Aug., 1870, aged 66. Sarah, b. Oct. 12, 1784, married Captain Josiah Tilton, lived where their son Oliver does, died Oct 19, i860. The children are named in the genealogy of the Tilton family. Josiah, b. 1786, has passed his whole life on the home stead, and is the oldest man in town. Levi, b. April 18, 1789, followed his father on the home stead, has ever been among our most industrious, hard working farmers, a large land-holder, and for somS years, the highest tax-payer in the town. He married Miss Sylva Scribner, June 13, 1827. Children: John S., lives here; Levi, lives in Portsmouth ; Daniel F., in Deerfield; Sarah A., married, lives in Canterbury; George M., on the home place ; Joseph Ransom, died Aug. 6, 1861. NAY FAMILY. John, the emigrant, was the father of Capt. Samuel Nay, who came to this town, and lived in the first house on the OP RAYMOND. 259 Nay road, where Samuel Nay lately lived. He was born, it is said, in Hampton. The names of his children were given us years ago, by Mrs. Deacon John Dearborn, a granddaughter. They may be correct, or nearly so, but possibl}' not in the order of their birth. Samuel and Ebene zer, died young; Molly, Elizabeth, John, Jonathan, Sarah, Abigail, Eleanor, Joseph, Joanna, and a child who died young. Captain Nay trained them in the paths of morality and upright conduct, and his good influence still lives, haying been transmitted to generations later. He was a very atten tive reader of the Scriptures. Rev. Stephen Bailey, who came here in 1817, some months before the Captain died, found him better acquainted with the Bible than any one of his parishioners. We can only give the genealogy of those of the family who lived here. Samuel, son ol the foregoing, was a deacon in the Con gregational church, lived on the Nay road, died April 13, 1834. ChUdren of Deacon Samuel and Mary Nay : I. Molly, b. May 28, 1787, married Colonel Lyba Brown, died March 4, 185 1. 2. Jedediah, b. Feb. 24, 1789, married Miss Brown, daughter of Isaac, of Fremont. He died Aug. 4, 1824, and his widow married John McClure. 3 Abigail, b. Nov. 29, 1790, married Abraham Hodg kins, lived in town, died Jan. 14, 1863. 4. Sarah, b. Dec. 7, 1792. 5. Stanley, b. March 15, 1795. He lived at the Center a few years, where Hiram Sargent lives, kept store, was Cap tain of the north company of Infantry, and moved to Maine about 1825. 6. Ebenezer, b. March 25, 1797. He settled in Candia, then in this town, north of the Gile school-house. He was in the shoe business, Capt. of the ArtiUery company, Major in the Seventeenth Regiment, an interested* member of the Congregational church, and died suddenly of heart disease. 260 THE HISTORY Sept. 19, 1842. Children by his wife Mercy: J. Augus tus, in town ; John K., of Candia, who has been a merchant there, and Albert J., of Manchester. John, son of Captain Samuel Nay, b. April 2, 1763, and died in Georgia, Vt., Feb.2, 1814. Sarah Swain, b. Nov 17, 1763, married about 1793, and died in Raymond, Feb. 7, 1834. Children: I. John, b. Feb. 3, 1794, married Delia Folsom, lived first in a part of Deacon Dearborn's house, then in one near, died March 21, 1855. 2. Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1795, became the second wife of Ebenezer Dearborn, of Nottingham, and died there. 3. Mary, b. Jan. 7, 1797, married Deacon John Dearborn. Children : John, died young ; Sarah, the second wife of Nathaniel G. Knowles, of Haverhill, Mass., died Feb. 23, i860; Jerusha, wife of R. R. Rundlett. Mrs. Dearborn was of a very quiet, peaceable disposition, great kindness of heart, and died Feb- 20, 1872. 4. Sarah, b. Nov. 20, 1798, became the wife of Captain Benjamin Crimball, of North Hampton, where she died. 5. Jonathan, b. Dec. 20, 1800, died Nov. 20, 1802. 6. Jonathan, b. July 20, 1803, married Sarah A. Taylor, of North Hampton, lives in Nottingham. 7. Samuel, b. July 25, 1805. Abigail, b. March 13, 1809, married John Taylor of North Hampton, afterwards became the second wife of Capt. Benjamin Crimball of North Hampton, and died in that town. These were born in Vermont. After the death of the father, the widow and family came back here. Jonathan, son of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth Nay, set tled in Georgia, Vermont. Children : Polly, Betsy, Samuel and Amasa. His wife died, and he came back here. The children are all dead except Samuel, who lately moved from the Nay road to the village. Jonathan Nay married, as sec ond wife. Miss Wason. ChUdren : Jonathan, died young ; Jane, married Mr. Pickering, lives in Needham, Mass., and OP RAYMOND. 261 Thomas, who went to the South. Jonathan Nay died Jan. 14, 1843, aged 72. Samuel Nay, of this last family, has been named as living here. He married Miss Chase in Massachusetts. Two chil dren. Samuel C, living in New York, was a_soldier in the late war. Anna A. was a school teacher, but died, in youth, loveliness, beauty and goodness, May 25, 1872, NORRIS FAMILY. The first of the name in this country was Edward, who came to Salem, Mass., and then to Boston in 1639. The name was in Epping early, and continues to the present. It was here about 100 years, but became extinct, in the male line, with the death of James Norris in 1865. All that have been here were of one family. Daniel Norris came here, from about half a mile west of Epping Corner. He was born Nov. 22, 1744. Mary Lane was born in Hampton, Sept. 16, 1748. They were married Jan. 8, 1767. Children: I. Daniel, b. Sept. 30, 1767, married Lucy Perkins, and settled in Center Harbor. 2. Joshua, b. Feb. 23, 1769, married AbigaU Fogg, daughter of Maj. Josiah Fogg, settled in Center Harbor, and died Dec. 2, 1853. 3. James, b. April 10, 1771, married Martha Osgood, who died April 10, 1824 ; married, second, Martha Guy, lived on the home place, was a farmer, carpenter, mason, and ingenious in many other things. His last years were passed at the village, where he died Jan. 17, 1865. 4. John, b. July 18, 1773, married, first, Mary xMoulton ; was married a second time, lived at the place of the heirs of Gen. Henry Tucker, and last in Dover, "where he died. 5. Stephen, b. Feb. 6, 1775, died AprU 2, 1775. 6. Molly, later called Mary, b. March 2, 1777, married 262 THE HISTORY David Lane. Maj. J. Ambrose Lane and Dea. D. N. Lane were their sons. She died July 8, 1856. 7. Ruth, b. Nov. 22, 1778, married Henry Sanborn, of Epping. She lived only a few years after. 8. Stephen, b. Feb. 20, 1781, died March 15, 1815. 9. Lydia, b. Aug. 23, 1783, married Jonathan Brown, and lived in Meredith. [ jio. Sarah, b. Jan. 19, 1786, married Samuel Gove of Nottingham, a very industrious farmer. A son, Jonathan Gove, lives on the homestead. James Norris, son of the above, and Martha Osgood were married Nov. 12, 1794. ChUdren : I. Mary, b. March 6, 1796. She was a teacher in com mon schools many years, married Thomas Wason, lived in Exeter, Hampton, and last at Raymond village. She died Aug. 17, 1869. 2. Jane, b. June 17, 1798, married Capt; Sherburn'Gove, settled in Northwood, then on the Norris homestead in this tcwn. .Mr. Gove was an excellent farmer, a good citizen, and died Oct. 25, 1874, aged 79. Their children are Sam uel B., Mrs. Dr. Parsons, of Rye, James F. and George S. in the'West. 3. Hannah, b. June 10, 1801, married, first, Samuel Shepard of Epping, second, L. Brown ; third, Gardner Tilton. George N. Shepard, of West Epping, is her son. He has been Representative of Epping, and was an officer in the late war. 4. Daniel L., b. Aug. 7, 1805, married Sophia A., daughter of Stephen Osgood, Esq., was in trade in a store, at the corner, east of Benjamin Cram's, moved to Dover, had a commission store, auction store, and finally was news man, and was engaged in other business. David Lane's wife is a daughter. Daniel died in Dsver. 5. Timothy O., b. Aug. 14, 181 2, graduated at Dart mouth College, and an account of him is given in the list of college graduates. OP RAYMOND. 263 OSGOOD FAMILY. The old story, "three brothers from England," is true as to the ancestors of all, or nearly all of the somewhat numer ous famUy of Osgoods, in America. Their native place, probably, was Andover, England, as it is certain John, one of them, was born there. Coffin's History of Newbury, page 313, is our authority for this. According to Farmer, the first who came to-this country was Christopher, who set tled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1635. John, born in Andover, England, July 23, 1595, came also to Ipswich; the year is not given, but he was Representative of that town in 1639, we think the first the town ever chose. He moved to An dover in 1645, where he died in 1651. The youngest of the three brothers was William, with whom we have most to do, as he was the ancestor of those who lived in Raymond and other towns in this part of the State. He was born in 1609, came over in 1638, or a little before. Just at that time the town of Salisbury was granted, being then a wilderness. He was one of the proprietors, and was there as early as 1640, being then in the prime of life, 31 years of age. One of the first requisites of a new place is a saw-mill. Mr. Osgood was the man for this business, being a mill wright. He was a carpenter also, and built and owned the first saw-mill on the Powow River, where are now the Salisbury factories at Salisbury and Amesbury village. He died in that place in 1700, aged about 91. The Osgoods in this section were in the line of descent through his son John, born in 1648. He died at the age of 35, leaving a son William, born in 1673, who lived to the age of 79. He had a son Timothy, born in 1694, died 1731. Timothy had a son Chase, born in Salisbury in 1729. He struck for the frontier, as it then was, moving to Epping, N. H., between 1753 and '57. Probably he lived north of what is now West Epping village, as some of his chUdren, 264 THE HISTORY who came to this town, were from that part of Epping. He afterwards moved to Loudon, where he died in 1817, aged about 88. This Chase Osgood had sons who came to Raymond, and were men of enterprise, so this family will be noticed more fully. Chase Osgood was married, first, to Martha Tucker, sec ond, to Shuah Eastman ; third, to Phebe Stevens. He had a family of twenty children, fifteen of whom lived to mature age, and fourteen had families : I. Timothy, b. in i752,in Salisbury, came to Epping with his parents, when young, afterwards to Raymond, and liyed opposite the Gove school-house. His wife was Jane Dearborn, of Hampton, daughter of Henry, a distant rela tive of Gen. Henry Dearborn. She had sisters named Margaret and Love, hence these names given to two of her daughters, Mrs. Brown of Northwood and Mrs. Levi Page of Raymond. Mrs Page's name, however, was Lovey. Timothy Osgood was a farmer and shoe-maker, a man of much energy, a hard worker, and a member of the Congre gational church", as was also his wife. He died April 27, 1835- 2. James, b. in 1753, in SaHsbury. 3. Ebenezer, b. in 1757, in Epping, as were all of the children that follow. An account of him has been given in the Chapter on Biography. That of his children will be found a little farther along. 4. Enoch, b. 1757. 5. John, b. 1762. See account of him in the Chapter on Biography. His chUdren farther on. 6. Chase, b. 1767. 7. Samuel, b. 1768. 8. Martha, b. 1769, married Daniel Robie, lived where the writer does, died Nov. 25, 1848. 9. Shuah, b. 1771, married Captain Joseph Blake, of Ep ping, died Jan., 185 1. OF RAYMOND. 265 lo. Affia, b. 1774, married Sherburn Blake, Esq., lived in this town and in Exeter, died March 7, 1859. II. Sarah, b. 1778. 12. Hannah, b. 1781, married Jona. Edgerly, died Feb. 18, 1871. 13. Olive, b. 1784. 14. Edward, b. 1785. This is a long list, but there were six others, making twenty, as above indicated. We have no account of them ; probably most, or all, died quite young. Capt. Timothy Osgood, son of the foregoing, and Jane, his wife, had children as follows : The date of the births of these can not be found, so far as search has been made. I. Chase, married Elizabeth Cram, lived where Geo. A. Wendell does, and died Oct. 27, 1824. Two daughters live in town, .Mrs. John Smith and Widow Welch. Ebenezer, Timothy, Chase and David are dead. Thurston lives in Pennsylvania. 2. Martha, married Ja^es Norris, died April 10, 1824. 3. Molly, married Colonel Ebenezer Cram, as his second wife, and died Aug. 13, 1866. 4. Sarah, married John Wason, of Candia. 5. Mehitable, married Levi Cass, of Epsom. 6. Jane, married Colonel Ebenezer Cram. She was his first wife, and the mother of Philbrick Cram, now of Bar nard, Vt. She died March 3, 1811. 7. Lovey, married Levi Page, and died July 20, 1864. Children named in the Page family. 8. Henry, married, first, Sarah Locke, sister of John Locke, late of this town, second, Caroline Veazey. He lived on the homestead, then in Lowell, and died in Califor nia. 9. Betsy, married Josiah Basford, of Chester. Mrs. Moses L. Lovering and Mrs. Hiram PoUard are daughters, also Mrs. Marden of Chester. THE HISTORY lo. Lydia, married James Fogg of Deerfield, now in town, a widow. II. Margaret, married Michael Brown, March lo, 1821, and settled in Northwood, where she now lives, a widow. Ebenezer Osgood, Esq., brother of the preceding, mar ried Mary Fogg, daughter of Enoch Fogg, about 1782, and settled in Raymond, near where Gilman Folsom lives. Chil dren : I. Enoch, b. 1783, married Elsey Simpson, of Notting ham, was a farmer and joiner. His wife died, he went from town, married again, lived in the country, then in Dan ville, last back to town, and died at Simon Page's, March 10, 1857., 2. James, b. 1785, married Sally Bachelder of Loudon, lived there, was a farmer and wheelwright, died in Hallow ell, Me;, 1863, and was buried in Loudon. Ebenezer Osgood's second marriage was to Anna Fullon ton, by Rev. Josiah Stearns of Epping. 3. Bradley, b. 1788, married Mehitable Wood of Boxford, Miiss., was a blacksmith, lived last in Dover. 4. Polly, b. 1792, married Gideon Ladd, lived mostly in Loudon. 5. Ira, b. 1799, married Sarah B. Parsons, of GUmanton, taught school much, settled on the homestead at Loudon Center, where he still resides. Representative 1835, '3^, Road Commissioner for Merimack County 1853, '54, Post master from 1825 to 1865, Justice of the Peace from 1836 down. For years he has been collecting genealogies of the Osgood family in America. From him aid has been had in what is given here of the Osgoods. We hope his work will be pubHshed. It wUl be useful to all of the name, at lea!st, and a monument of his industry and research. 6. LamUa, b. 1801, married J. Kenny, died in HaverhiU, Mass. She was born in Raymond. 7. Nancy, b. 1806, in Loudon, to which place the family had moved, married Parish Badger. OF RAYMOND. 267 8. Ebenezer, b. 1807, married Eleanor Burrows of Leb anon, Me., lives in Milton, is a blacksmith, and was Repre sentative of Milton in 1851, '52. Enoch Osgood, brother of Captain Timothy and Ebene zer, Esq., married Polly Fogg, had ten children, eight of whom were born here. In 1798, he moved to Loudon. Of John Osgood, another brother, a sufficiently full account is given in the Chapter on Biography. He married Susanna Prescott, daughter of Stephen, who lived where Geo. S. Robie does, and went there to live. ChUdren : . I. Stephen, b. 1785, married Polly Morrill, and lived with his grandfather Prescott, where George S. Robie does. He was a man of great business enterprise, followed farming, made plows, for a time, was in the carriage manufacture, had a blacksmith shop, and in various ways put much in mo tion. Perhaps in no neighborhood in town was there so much business activity, caused by one man, as in this. He died Aug. 19, 1852. His widow died at her daughter'sj Mrs. Meserve, in Hampton. 2. Betsy, b. 1786, married, first, EHphalet MorrUl, second. Rev. Samuel B. Dyer, then of Loudon, afterwards pastor of the Free Baptist church in Deerfield, where he died, Nov. 19, 1846. 3. Susan, b. 1795, married Timothy Tilton, of Carmel, Maine. 4. Lucinda, b. 1 799, marriedjohn Avery, of Wolf borough. 5. John, b. 1802, died young. 6. Cyrene, b. 1806, married George W. Chamberlain, of Maine. 7. John, b. 1810, lived in Dover, died in i860. Only the genealogy of those in this large family of chil dren, can be given, who lived in this section, or not very far away, and so we pass to some of the sisters. Martha Osgood married Daniel Robie, son of the first Daniel in town. The issue wiU be found iii the account of the Robie family. 268 THE HISTORY Hannah Osgood, sister to the foregoing, married Jona than Edgerly. After marriage, for a time he drove a stage, and her home was in Loudon. They lived mostly in Ep ping, where he died. She died in this town, Feb. i8, 1871. Children : I. Sally, b. 1800, in Loudon. She married Thomas Fol som, and settled in this town, where she is still living. 2. Eliza was born in Epping, married Hiram Osgood, a lawyer, lived -in Epping, moved to Michigan, where, her husband dying, she married again. She died in that State. 3. Harriet, has lived principally in Epping and this town, working in families that need help, and thus making herself useful. 4. Calvin O., a painter, lived in Dover, and Charlestown, Mass., where he died. 5. Chase went West, lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he died. Eliza, first wife of Irvin Folsom, was a daughter. Charles H. Edgerly and Arthur, in town, are sons. 6. Olive O., married J. B. Eaton, lived at Great Falls, Berwick side of the river, afterwards in Epping. He hav ing died, she lived as housekeeper for Doctor N. Bachel der, in Epping, where she died suddenly, Nov. 7, 1865. PAGE FAMILY. Robert Page, of Ormsby, Norfolk County, England, and Margaret his wife had five children. Robert, the oldest, was born in 1604. At the age of 33, he emigrated to this country. This was in 1687. He came to Salem, Mass., and, the next year, came with the first setders to Hampton. He lived just below where the Town Hall now stands. He became a man of good influence in the new town. When the town first chose Selectmen, he was one of them, and served in aU seven years. He was elected to the Provincial Assembly two years, was a 'deacon in the Congregational OF RAYMOND. 269 church ; paid the highest tax in town in 1659, buUt the first saw-mill, and was employed to construct a parsonage for the society. It is no reproach to him to say he could not write, but signed his name by his mark. His wife, Lucy, died Nov. 12, 1665. He died Sept. 22, 1679, aged 75. He had several children, some of them born in England. Fran cis, a son, was deacon of the church in Hampton. The Pages in Raymond were in a direct line of descent from Deacon Robert, through his son Thomas, who had a son Christopher, who had a son David. This David settled in North Hampton, in a neighborhood now called Pagetown. He had a son Robert, who, at the age of 23, came to. this town, and built opposite to where his great-grandson, Si mon Page, lives. He married Sarah Dearborn. She was of the fifth generation from Godfrey Dearborn, the patriarch of the Dearborn family in America. Her father was Simon Dearborn, born, it is believed, in a garrison at North Hamp ton, near where the meeting-house now stands. Sarah was one of twelve children. The youngest was General Henry Dearborn, educated as a physician, had fame as an officer in the war of the Revolution, and in the war of 181 2. He was a member of I 'resident Jefferson's Cabinet, and held other important offices. Robert Page was one of the Selectmen early in the town history, and a good citizen. His record is thus : Robert Page, b. AprU i, 1732, died Dec. 31, 1816. Sarah Dearborn, b. Dec. 25, 1735, married 1755, and died Jan. 12, 183 1. Children: ¦ I. Ruth, b. Aug. 25, 1756, lived in the home family, and died, Jan. 29, 1832. 2. Sarah, b. Dec. 3, 1758, married Jonathan Dearborn. She died Dec. 23, 1829. A son Henry is living in Maine. 3. Simon, b. Jan. 12, 1762, married AbigaU Dearborn, afterwards Miss Gale. He lived on the home place, and died Sept. 13, 1850. 4. David, b. Jan. 20, 1764, died young. 270 THE HISTORT 5. Mary, died young. 6. Mary, b. May 31, 1768, married Mr. HiU, of Chester. 7. David, b. July 17, 1774, married Rachel Fullonton, lived first where Mr. Floyd does, on the Page road, then where his son, the late H. D. Page, lived. He was a farm er, but did something as a carpenter and as a wheelwright. He was a man of some reading, firm and well established in good principles, after having embraced them. He died Oct. 20, 1867. Simon Page, son of Robert, by Abigail, his first wife, had children as follows : I. Naomi, married Benjamin Bean. Their children are named in the genealogy of the Bean family. Died March II, 1870. 2. Levi, married Lovey Osgood, lived on the home place. The children were, — Samuel, died away from town ; Mrs. Dearborn Knowles, of Chester ; Robert ; Simon on the home farm ; Timothy O., whose home is the Fogg place, he being an engineer on the railroad from Boston to Lawrence ; Mrs. Horace Brown and Mrs James F. Gove. One or more died young. 3. Abigail, married Ezekiel Lane. She is living, and is ¦ the mother of Dudley Lane, Mrs. John Marden, and the late Henry D. Lane. 4. John, married Joanna Nay. He lived where Mr. Floyd does. Died AprU i, 1842, aged 50. 5. Robert, died young. 6. Betsy, died young. 7. Ruth, married John Lane, of Chester ; isstiU living. Not having dates, these children may not be in the exact order as to birth. David Page, son of Robert, and Rachel Fullonton were married Nov. 13, 1800. ChUdren : I. Jeremiah F., b. Oct. 24, 1801. He was a good scholar, became qualified for teaching, taught many yeafs, and fi nally settled in Pembroke. He married, first, Sophia Rem- OP RAYMOND. 271 ick, of Chester, second, S. G. Buzzell, of Pembroke. He died Nov., 1872. 2. Betsy D., b. May 22, 1803, married John Scribner, Esq. , lives in town. 3. Rachel F., b. Oct. 27, 1805, married Asa MorriU, liv ed in Pembroke. Two children died, also her husband, and she now lives with her daughter, Mrs. Luther Hayes, in MUton. 4. Horatio D., b. Oct. 15, 1808, married Shuah B. Emery, settled in town, then resided in Chester, Methuen, Mass., Dracutt, and then back to town, on the old home stead. He was a good citizen, and died April 13, 1871. Children living, — Mrs. Sabine, whose husband died here, Mrs. Olney T- Brown, Mrs. Charles E. Wason, and Forest E. Harriet died young. 5. Jonathan F.,b. Nov. 11, 1811, married Jane O. Cram, lived in town ; his wife d3nng, he married Mrs. Lucella Di- mond, of Danville, and went there to reside. WhUe here, he was a deacon in the Congregational church. Three chil dren, by his first wife ; J. Stickney resides in Manchester, the others somewhere away. 6. Lamile O., b. April 13, 1816, married D. Richardson, settled in Woburn, Mass., where she died. 7. Sarah D., b. Aug. 18, 1818, married D. Richardson, and lives in Woburn, Mass. POOR FAMILY. This is an ancient family. We can go back 800 years, and find the name in England. We have made an effort to find the connecting links of those in this town, with the old .family in England. The evidence is that there are such connections, but labor and extensive research are requisite to find them. WUHam, Duke of Normandy, landed in England in 1066, with 60,000 men, fought the battle of Hastings, Oct. 19, was 272 THE HISTORY victorious, was called afterwards the " Conqueror," and the period was called the " Conquest." He reigned, as king, 21 years. The Poors came with him, and had lands in Wiltshire. The name came, as was sometimes the case in early times, from something in the features, manners, or form of the person. The testimony is, that the name was early given from the gaunt, sinewy, long appearance of the race. Some say, it was because of their poverty. It is said that, in the old country, the family passed in to the more stocky, English shape. There was a Daniel Poor, born in England in 1628, who came to Andover, Mass., and died in 1713. He had a son Daniel, who had a son Thomas, and he was the father of Gen. Enoch Poor, of the Revolutionary army. Gen. Poor died during the war, and Gen. Washington was at his funer al. A daughter of Gen. Poor, Mary, married Rev. Jacob Cram, who died in Exeter. Patty, another daughter, mar ried Col. Bradbury Cilley, of Nottingham, and Harriet, also a daughter ot Gen. Poor, married Maj. Jacob Cilley, of Nottingham. Harriet Poor Cilley, granddaughter of this last couple, was the first wife of Wm. B. Blake, Esq. From what part of England, Daniel Poor, the first at An dover, came, can not be stated, nor whether he was a con nection of the Poors in WUtshire, to which we will now re turn. Herbert and Richard Poor, brothers, were bishops. In ^'^99' 133 years after the family came to England, John be came king ; iBishop Herbert Poor assisted at the coronation. John proved a weak prince, but passionate and tyrannical. And in 1 2 15, Bishop Richard Poor helped wrest from that unworthy monarch, the Magna Charta, or the Great Char ter of Liberties. Newbury, embracing what is now Newburyport and West Newbury, was settled in 1635. One of the settlers, that year, was John Poore, there being an e at the end of his U dJiA^UA\^\y.y^^ (jo-&^ OF RAYMOND. 273 name. There have been persons of the name there ever since, and likely descendants. This John came from Wiltshire in England, where we have found the first of the name in that country, 569 years before. He had 14 children, and died in 1684. Samuel Poore, supposed to be a brother of John, had 9 children, and died in 1683. Benjamin Poore, son of Samuel, mar ried widow Mary Hardy, and their children were Sarah and Ann. Samuel Poore, another son of Samuel, married Rachel Bailey. Children : Rebecca, Samuel, Judith, Sa rah, Eleanor, and, the first Rebecca having died, another bore her name. One branch of the Poor family lived, at Indian Hill, in Newbury, and from that neighborhood came the first to this town, and settled in the Branch district. Ebenezer Poor, son of Samuel, was born in Newbury, March 2, 1752, and died in Raymond, Feb. 16, 1819. Sarah Brown, his wife, b. Nov. 29, 1757, died Jan. 8, 1852. Children : I. Mary, b. March 2, 1777, married John Prescott, and settled in Chester. 2. Nathan, b. May 26, 1780, married Susan WUson, liv ed in different places, and died in the old Robie house, standing where the author of this book now resides. One of his sons was Cyrus E., killed in the late civil war. 3. Sally, b. Nov. 21, 1782, married E. Thatcher. 4. Ebenezer, b. July 17, 1785, married Dolly Sanborn, and settled in Fremont. 5. Rebecca, b. July 17, 1789, married Moses Stuart of Kingston, and went to Maine ; now living. 6. Ruth, b. Feb. 26, 1792, married Reuben Whittier, went to New York, finally to Wisconsin. 7. Benjamin, b. Sept. 24, 1795. 8. Dennis, b. March 4, 1798, married Polly Lovering, lived in Exeter near "Great HiU," and died June 10, 1834. Benjamin Poor, Esq^, was the seventh of the children of 274 THE HISTORY Ebenezer Poor, just named. His portrait accompanies this. His name is frequently found in this book, in connection with the various offices he has held, — Selectman, Representative in the Legislature, Justice of the Peace, and Road Com missioner. He was born on the homestead of his father, and there has lived to the present. He has a good consti tution, and his looks, as in the picture, indicate one of only some sixty-five or seventy years of age. The vigorous consti tution was inherited from his parents, especially his mother, who, in a somewhat green old age, departed, after having lived 94 years, as will be found farther on in this work. It is stated in the Introduction of this book, that it has been the labor of many years. It is now fitting to say, the commencement was in the spring of 1847, twenty-eight years ago, although but little was done for many years, after a beginning was made. Coming to the home of our child hood, disabled by the almost total loss of voice, and being told that silence was imperative, the question was, how time should be employed to some good purpose. A voice within, as Quakers term it, was, "Write, Joseph, write." The purpose was immediately formed, to write the history of this much beloved town. We began by seeking information from a class of aged persons, then living. Much was ob tained, which, had it not been secured then, would have been lost forever ; and Mrs. Sarah Poor, mother of Benja min, was the first person of whom information was sought. This lady was, before marriage. Miss Sarah Brown, of PopHn, now Fremont, and daughter of Captain Nathan Brown, who was in the war of the Revolution. Esq. Poor is a farmer, and farming has been his occu pation through life. It is an important avocation, a business that lies at the foundation of most others. The exercise is healthful, the profits, although often smaU, are sure, and what is obtained by labor and honest industry is enjoyed. The bread of idleness is not good, but that gained by " the sweat of the face," even, is the best that can be had. These OP EAYMOND. 275 things are spoken of because applicable to this case, Esq. Poor having been long one of the substantial farmers of the town, and satisfied with his calling. " Of all pusuits by man invented. The farmer is the best contented." Mr. Poor married Miss Alice Moore of Chester, daughter of Lieutenant William, who lived near where Daniel San born now does. Children : I. Sarah J., b. AprU 23, 1818, married Mr. Moar, lives in Lowell. 2. Rufus, b. Aug. 9, 1820. He came forth as a flower. We knew him as one of our school-boys, in the Brown dis trict, in 1833. He died May 29, 1846. 3. Melinda K. 4. George S. The two last mentioned reside at home, and help make the circle there. George married Miss Nancy M. Stevens of Chester. Samuel Poor, son of Samuel, brother of Ebenezer, married Lydia Swain, daughter of Jonathan Swain, Esq. He lived where his grandson, Asa K., does, and died Dec. 9, 1828. ChUdren : I. Nancy, b. Jan. 13, 1775, died March 21, 1778. 2. Lydia, b. Aug. 31, 1778, died Oct. 21, 1778. 3. Nancy, b. Jan. 21, I1780, married Wm. Gilman Gor don. She was the third wife, and Horace Gordon, formerly of this town, now in Manchester, was a son by this mar riage. 4. Lydia, b. July 9, 1782, married Mr. J. Whittier, settled in Canterbury, afterward moved to Ogden, N. Y. To show the labor of a removal in earlier times, it may be stated, that they were eighteen days on the way, with a four-ox team. 5. Samuel, b. Aug. 3, 1785, setded on the home place. Fuller notice hereafter. 276 THE HISTORY 6. Judith, b. July 20, 1789, married Ezekiel Norris of Fremont, died in Methuen, Mass., and was buried here. Samuel Poor, the fifth of the chUdren of the foregoing Samuel, followed his father on the homestead, was married to Sarah True, of Chester, AprU 9, 1808, by Rev. WUHam Stevens, a local Methodist preacher. He was a farmer, calmly, industriously and quietly attending to his affairs. He was repeatedly chosen one of the Selectmen, and was Representative two years. His wife died Sept. 30, 1859, and he died May 21, 1868. ChUdren : I. John Lindsey, b. Jan. 9, 1809, married Sophia Shan non, of Candia, settled at the Branch, but came to the vil lage a few years ago. Charles, a son, lives in town, is Town Clerk. Osborn J. died here, Sept. 2, 1871. Two others liVe away. 2. Almira, b. Nov. 9, 181 1, married, first, Edmund Whit tier, second, Mr. Robinson, and settled in Western New York. She still lives there, having recently married a third husband. Her children were by her first, husband, and will be named in the Whittier family. 3. Judith T., b. May 21, 1814, married Jonathan Currier, of Candia. He died, and she returned here. 4. Asa K., b. March 24, 1818, married Betsy Towle, lives on the home place, is a farmer and mechanic. Children, — Rufus H., Mrs. True and a son younger. 5. Samuel, b. Aug. 5, 1820, married Miss Elizabeth Mur ray, of Auburn, was a merchant in East Kingston, returned here, was in trade in the viUage, also salesman in Blake's store, served as Moderator and Town .Clerk ; went to Man chester, where he is now in trade. He married, second, Miss Augusta Brown, of Candia. 6 Wesley, b. Aug. 31, 1829, married Lydia Richardson, settled at the Branch, afterwards in the village, has been one of the Selectmen, Moderator of town meeting, is a me chanic, and has two children, the oldest of whom is the wife of John D. Fullonton. OF RAYMOND. 277 PRESCOTT FAMILY. Of this family ,we will first notice James Prescott, of Stand- ish, England, who was ordered by Queen Elizabeth to have charge of the horses and armor belonging, we sup pose, to the royal family. This was in 1564. A son of one of his sons had a son James, who emigrated to this country and settled in that part of Hampton now called Hampton Falls, in 1665. Three years later, he married Mary Boulter, a native of Exeter, became a member of the Congregation al church, was an industrious farmer, and a man of in fluence. In 1694, Kingston being granted, he was named as one of the proprietors, and became an extensive land holder there. In 1725, he moved to Kingston, and transfer red his church relations to the Congregational church in that place, organized that year. He died, Nov. 25, 1728, aged about 85. His widow died, Oct. 4, 1735, aged 87. This James Prescott had nine children, two of whom were twins. Of his children, we shall notice only James, who was born in what is now Hampton Falls, Sept 21, 1671. He married, first, Maria Marston, second, Abigail Sanborn ; was a Sergeant in the Militia, an office of considerable hon or then. Constable of the town one year, and a deacon in the Congregational church. We have not the date of his death. He had eight chUdren. The next, we note, was of the third generation. EHsha, son of this last James, was born in Hampton Falls, March 18, 1699. He married Phebe Sanborn, was a farmer, and had thirteen children, ten of whom died young. He died Dec. 10, 1781, aged 81. His widow died in 1788, aged 85. Fourth Generation. We have stated that ten of the children of Elisha Prescott died young. The others were the foUowing : I. James, b. Oct. 3, 1736, lived at Hampton Falls, and was a deacon in the Congregational church. 2. Stephen, b. Feb. 22, 1741, married Elizabeth Healey, ,278 the history settled in Raymond, where George S. Robie now lives. He had two children. Susanna marriedjohn Osgood, father of the late Stephen Osgood. Phebe married David Thrasher, lived in Raymond and then in Candia. This Stephen Pres cott died June 2, 1828, aged 87. His wife died before he did. 3. Ebenezer, married Phebe Eastman, and settled in Ray mond, on the Page road, on the farm long occupied by his son, Elisha Prescott, and followed by the sons of the latter, Ebenezer and Josiah C. Mr. Prescott was a deacon of the Congregational church in Raymond, and died in 1800. Fifth Generation. Children of Ebenezer and Phebe Prescott, of Raymond. I. Ebenezer, b. Feb. 9, 1773, married Mary Tucke and lived where David Pecker, who married Mary S., his daughter, now lives. He moved to Monmouth, Me., where he died. May 16, 1844. 2. Phebe, married Israel Sawyer, and lived in Deerfield. 3. Elisha, b. Aug. 9, 1777, lived on the home place, was a good farmer, a good citizen, and died, Nov. 20, 1874. 4. Jedediah B., b. in 1784, became a preacher in the Christian denomination, lived in Monmouth, Me., where he died in 1861. 5. Tristram, b. in 1793, and lived in Monmouth, Me. Sixth Generation. Ebenezer Prescott, son of Deacon Ebenezer had seven children. The first died young. Ebenezer lived in Monmouth, Me., Samuel in Charlestown, Mass. ; Mary S. married David Pecker, and lives in toyn. Mr. Pecker has held several offices, and was the first depot- master at the Raymond station. Fanny S. married Tim othy Fogg, and went to Maine. Lydia W. and Clarissa E. live in Maine. Phebe Prescott and Israel Sawyer, of Deerfield, had nine children. Elisha Prescott, son of Deacon Ebenezer, married Mary Chase, of Epping. Children : I. Ebenezer, b. 1802, married Eleanor Fogg, settled at OP RAYMOND. 279 the south part of the Page road, is a farmer, has been one of the Selectmen. Children, — Ann Maria, a school teach er, now the wife of Samuel G. Fogg, of Readfield, Me. ; Dorothy E., died Oct i6, 1856 ; Mary R. ; Chase E. died May 29, 1846 ; George C. ; Sarah E. ; Joseph E. 2. Josiah C, b. 1806, married Margaret D. Leach, is a working farmer. ChUdren, — Emma B., died March i, 1872 ; Lizzie L. 3. Sarah, b. 1810, died Aug. 25, 1848. Rev. Jedediah B. Prescott, who lived in Monmouth, Me., had six children by his second wife. Tristram Prescott also lived in Monmouth, Me., married Rosanna Orcutt, and had one child. John Prescott, who formerly lived in town, was a son of Elisha, who lived in Epping, and was of another branch of the large Prescott family. John Prescott came to town, a youngster, and lived in the family of Levi Swain. He evinced good mechanical genius. We do not know what advantages he had, in this respect, but after arriving to manhood, he was a wheel wright, and constructed cider mills, &c. He married Betsy D. Bean, sister of the late Captain Benjamin Bean,' and lived where John D. Brown now does. There was a card ing mill at Freetown mills then, and he operated that in carding wool. It is a tradition, likely correct, that he, in connection with another person, built the first wagon ever made in town, in the building now occupied by Capt. Levi Brown. That was about the year 1814. Mr. Prescott's wife died, and he married Betsy Bean, of Candia. She was daughter of Nathan, and sister of Wid OW Mary Dudley in the west part, also of the Widow Olive Dudley, who recently died in town. Mr. Prescott next lived on the Langford road, in the house lately occupied by John Willard. He moved to Gilmanton, then to Candia, where he died March 9, 1862. He had one child by his first wife ; by second wife the following : 280 THE HISTORY I. John, b. May 27, 1815, lived on the home place, mar ried Mary A. Critchet, was a farmer. Colonel in the MUitia, Representative in the Legislature, and died, Dec, 1866. The only chUd, a son, lives in Raymond vUlage. 2. Betsy, b. AprU 24, 1822, married David M. Bachel der, lived in the Dudley district, in Candia, in other places, now in Haverhill, Mass. 3 Martha A., b. March 23, 1825, married Moses. D. Tucker, lives in Boston. These were born in Raymond. 4. Nathan B.,b. Aug. 15, 1827, in GUmanton, taught school, and has long been engaged in the ice business. He resides at Jamaica Plain, Mass. 5. Lucinda T., b. Nov 29, 1829, in Gilmanton, is a teacher in Ohio. ROBIE FAMILY. The first in this country was Henry, whose name was spelt Rol)y. He was at Exeter about the time of the first settlements, in 1638, was one of the Selectmen in 1650, soon removed to Hampton, was Justice of the Peace, and prominent in public affairs. He was a member of the Con gregational church, in Hampton, but there were some clouds that darkened his fame in the evening of his life. He died in 1688. His children were Thomas, - Samuel, Icha bod, Judith, John, Ruth and Mary. The last married Sam uel Folsom, probably of Exeter. The progenitor of the Robies in Raymond', was John, of Haverhill, Mass. Whether he was a descendant of the above Henry, is not known. The presumptive evidence is that he was. Some of John's posterity lived afterward in that part of Hampton now Hampton Falls. Then the names Henry, John, etc., found in the family of Henry, are found in that of John. John Robie was in Haverhill as early as 1667. In 1691, he was killed by the Indians. Ichabod, his son, was taken OF RAYMOND. 281 captive, but escaped, returned, and settled at Hampton Falls. By trade, he was a tanner. When Chester was set tled, he had a lot there, and lived there some. He died about 1753. Children, — ^John, Henry and Samuel. In the line of Samuel are three brothers in the ministry. One of them, Thomas S., was candidate here, after the death of Rev. E. D. Chapman. Ichabod's second son, Henry, lived in Hampton Falls, and married Abigail Butler, Oct. 9, 1734- Their oldest son was Daniel, born Jan. 9, 1735, who came to Raymond after 1760, and settled on the spot where the writer resides. He died, AprU 27, 1795, and was buried in the field a little way south of George S. Robie's on the west side of the road. On a common flat stone, at the head of the grave, is the following inscription. We preserve the spelling, the only specimen of the sort we have seen in town. There are many in New England, which is not strange, as in early times education was limited. HEAR LIES THE BODY OF DANIEL ROBIE DYED IN THE YERS 1795 AG 57 YRS AP 27 The date of his birth is given as we find it, but probably that is wrong, as by that his age would have been 60. ChU dren by Nancy, his wife : I. Henry, married Sarah Bean, and Hved near where his son. Colonel Daniel Robie, did. He died Dec. 23, 1845, and his wife July 3, 1837. ChUdren : Moses, b. AprU 15, 1787, lived where John D. Brown 282 THE HISTORY does, was a blacksmith, and, after 1830, moved from town. Jacob, b. April 3, 1789, went from town. Henry, b. June 16, 1791, was a hard working farmer, and had a Colonel's Commission in the Militia. His wife was Susan Cram. They were married June 21, 1827. The children living are George S. and Mrs. Charles B. Pettin gill. Colonel Robie died Sept. 19, 1871. Henry Robie and wife had two other sons, Benjamin and Dudley, also a daughter, Anna, who married Theophilus Gilman, of Brent wood, Dec. 10, 1821. Later, they moved to Sandwich. While on a visit here, she was taken sick, and died, Sept. 16, 1837. 2. Nathan, son of the first Daniel'. We have no dates of the births of this family. He married Hannah, daughter of Joseph Dudley, who lived at Griffin's mill. Chil dren : An infant, who died soon after birth. Benjamin died when about 13 years of age. Nancy, married Stephen Tucker, lived near where the late Barnard Tucker did, moved to Maine. Daniel, married, lived, it is said, in Danvers, Mass.f and was killed by the kick of a horse, about the year 1813, while in Ashburnham, Mass. Joseph settled at the corner, below Esq. John Brown's, afterwards moved to Maine. Nathan lived in Auburn, and late in life in Kensington, where he died in Nov., 1872. Norris Lane, named for Dea. Lane here, is a son, living in Auburn. David and Hannah were twins. David became a preacher, and an account of him is given in the Chapter on Biography. Hannah married Daniel Ball, and lived in Auburn, where she died April 10, 1866, aged 69. Thomas was born in May, 1799. In the history of the Free Baptist church here, he is named as having been or dained in 1 83 1. He never took charge of a church as pas tor, but for many years, while working as a farmer, sup- OF RAYMOND. plied in various places as a preacher. He is still living. John W. L., near York's cor»ner, isa son; there are also daughters. Nathan Robie, father of the foregoing family, died Dec 12, 1811. His widow died Aug. 16, 1834. 3. Daniel, married Martha Osgood, and lived on the home farm. As he was of a sober, quiet disposition, some gave him the title of " Deacon. " But he had the wisdom to keep on in the even tenor of his way,looking well to his in dustrial pursuits, and was one of the good citizens of that generation. He died May 17, 1826, aged 55 years. His wife lived tUl Nov. 27, 1848. ChUdren : I. Joseph, b. Feb. 14, 1795. On the 3d of Jan., 1821, he was married to Abigail Pecker, of Salisbury, Mass. He had built the house just east of Benjamin Cram's, lived there, and carried on the carriage making .business. He moved to Readfield, Me., where he died. 1 2. Nancy, b. May 26, 1796, became the second wife of Elijah Jones, of Epping. After his death, she returned here, lived with her nephew, John W. Robie, and died Oct. 5, 1869. 3. Daniel, b. Jan. 18, 1799, married, first, Deborah Lane. John W. Robie at the vUlage is a son, by that marriage. Married, second, Sarah Hook. Albert D. Robie o£ Penn sylvania is a son. Mr. Robie lived just south of the house of his father, and died Jan. 28, 1848. 4. Polly, b. Dec. 20, 1800, in after life called Mary, mar ried Jesse Shepard, an active, energetic man, in the carriage making business. After a time, he moved to Barnstead, then back here. Children : Luther F., named with the.coUege graduates, now in Lowell, one other son in Lowell, Alba J., Mrs. Wallingford in Lowell, the first wife of Daniel Bachelder, and John D., who died here Dec. 3, 1850. Jesse Shepard died Oct. 14, 1850 ; his wife, Nov. 28, 1848. 5. Shuah, b. Dec. 10, 1802, died at home, Aug. 20, 1824. 284 THE HISTORY 6. John, b. July 28, 1805, died Nov. i, 1827. 7. Sally, b. March 17, 1808', died March 13, 1826. 8. Olive, b. Dec. 4, 1810, died Sept. 6, 1842. Consumption did a fearful work in this family ; Daniel, John, Shuah, Sally, Olive, and perhaps Mrs. Shepard, also her son, John Dana Shepard, died of this disease. SCRIBNER FAMILY. I. Samuel Scribner was the earliest ancestor of those in this place, of whom we have an account. He lived in Exe ter, and was accidentally shot,- while hunting in the woods. 2. John, son of the above, settled in what is now Fre mont. Mention is made of four children : I. Samuel, who, lived in Candia. 2. Manoah, who lived in Raymond, on the farm now in possession of Mark and Charles W. Scribner. 3. John, lived in Fremont, was in town office. Representa tive, and Justice of the Peace. He died in 1853. 4. Betsy, married Henry Smith, John Smith, of this town, was one of the chUdren. She died in Auburn, and was buried here. Manoah Scribner was born Jan. 6, 1759, died Dec. 8, 1818. He married, first, Anna Taylor, who died Feb. 14, 1794; second, Sarah Fitts, who died Aug. 26, i84i. She was of Sandown, and of the fifth generation of Robert Fitts, the first emigrant of the name, and progenitor of the Fitts family in America, and one of the first settlers in Salis bury, Mass. in 1640. Children : I. Mary, b.Jan. 23, 1789, married Thomas Critchet, of Candia, still living. 2. Betsy, b. AprU 9, 1791, died on the home place, March 24, 1865. 3. Grace, b.Feb. 16, 1793, married Caleb KimbaU, of Fremont, died March 24, 1840. George Kimball, of Dan ville, and Abel, of Fremont are sons. T^ CZof'-c^^>r^y OP RAYMOND. 285 By second marriage : 4. Anna, b. Oct. 16, 1795, died July 26, 1871. 5. Daniel, b. Nov. 20, 1797, married Ann Langford, was Captain of the Militia, one of the Selectmen, and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention of 1850. Of their children, James G. died in the late war. Abbie is the wife of Doctor Brown of Chester, Lizzie the wife of D. L. Guernsey of Concord, JuHa A. teacher in Boston, and Mark and Charles W. on the homestead. Also Martha a teacher living at home. Capt. Scribner died June 27, 1871. 6. Sylva, b. Oct. 20, 1799, married Levi Moulton. Chil dren will be given in the genealogy of the Moulton family. She died July 19, 1853. 7. John, b. July 25, 1802, married Betsy D. Page. He has been Selectman, Representative, and had a commission as Justice of the Peace. Children living, — ]. Woodbury, named with the college graduates, and S. Grace, a teacher, and now the wife of Mr. Spencer of Ohio. One died. 8. Abigail, b. April 26, 1804, died Jan. 16, 1829. The portrait of Abbie (Scribner) Brown appears here, and in such a case, a fuller notice is given. She was daughter of Captain Daniel and Ann (Langford) Scribner, and the journey of life commenced Feb. 11, 1840. The family homestead is nearly three miles south-westerly of the village. And on the way to the place, when getting within iibout a mile, all dwellings are left behind, and the way was, till lately, through woods, till coming to an opening beyond a gate, is the tillage land, meadows, and the buildings be yond, still skirted by woodlands on the west. The place is basin-like ; the sun rises above hills, and sinks at night be hind hills and towering pines. Scarcely a dwelling, if any, is in sight. The place is conveniently retired from the bustle of the busy world, is romantic and grand as to its scenery. Locality and outward surroundings may have a bearing in developing and forming the characteristics of the mind, and strengthening its powers. Weems, in his life of Wash- 286 THE HISTORY ington, suggests that great fish are found in the largest oceans, and great men in great countries. Our country is great, our town is great as to its interests, and the Scribner homestead has such grand scenery that it is a good place in which to be born. Plants will not grow without the sun. Sunlight and heat are indispensable to the opening of swelling buds and beau tiful flowers. In like manner, knowledge is demanded by the mind. The infant, in its mother's arms, should have it; and as soon as, with feeble steps, it walks out doors, held by a fond mother's hand, it should be told of the fields, the hills and woods around ; the sun, sky and stars above. Young, in his Night Thoughts, says, "Extended views, a narrow mind extend." Tell the young of things around them, and it will beget thought. Thought will lead to inquiry. A small child was pointed to the wonders of the heavens above us, and at once asked, as represented, in substance, " Who made the sun to shine so far, The moon, and every twinlsling star?" At the Scribner home, besides variegated hills, valleys, woodlands and fields, is a small rivulet, with gentle water falls above, and a beautiful sheet of tranquil water, Jones's pond, is in full view a few rods below. These could not have escaped the attention of children there. Abbie Scribner's first educational privileges were at the district school. But what were those privileges? JSTot the best of the kind. The school-house was about a mile and a half away, and in an almost desolate region ; a lonely building, without attractions or conveniences. It had no architectural proportions, no clapboards, and no paint. In side, the des ^ and seats were arranged on two sides of the room, facing each other, with a small space between. But knowledge may be attained in bad houses, or in no house at all. Sir Isaac Newton learned some of his hardest lessons in a hay-loft, in his country, England ; and "unfold- OP RAYMOND. 287 ed all Nature's law," as Pope ha,s it, under an apple tree. In this poor school-house, which stood till i860, scholars were made. Here primary education was obtained by Cal vin H. Brown, David Henry Brown, James W. Brown, J. Woodbury Scribner, John P. Brown, all named in the list of those who went to college, also, Abbie Scribner, Julia A. Scribner, graduates of Mount Holyoke Seminary, and by Sarah Grace Scribner, Mary Gile and Susan Brown, who became school teachers. Also Martha Scribner. Solomon says, " To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." AU right. We have wanted time to tell about this school district, and have it here. In 1833, President Jackson visited New England, and was in New Hampshire. It is related, that while riding in some section ^hat appeared poor and unproductive, the President asked Gen. Cass, a member of his Cabinet, who was with him, what was raised there. Gen. Cass, who was born in New Hampshire, pointing to a school-house and a church, said, "They raise men here." Had they come here, and passed through district No. 6, and known the facts, it might have been said, " That is where they have raised influential men and women." Miss Scribner began teaching at the early age of fifteen years. She attended the Academy at Chester, also New Hampton, and finally Mount Holyoke Seminary, where she graduated in 1863. She taught at different times for ten years, and Feb. 16, 1865, was united in marriage with Dr. J. F. Brown, of Chester, where she has resided to this time. Notwithstanding the cares and duties of home, whUe her husband is engaged in an extensive practice, she finds time for reading history and other literary works of the times. STEVENS FAMILY. John Stevens, the first here, has been named on page 26. Children by his wife, Joanna : THE HISTORY I. Joanna, b. Nov. 25, 1765, lived at home, in the house now occupied by Mr. Ellis, died Jan. 8, 1816. 2. Molly, b. March 4, 1769. This name is given as it was recorded, but we find it afterwards written Polly, and, we think, Mary. She married James Dudley, son of the Judge, and lived at the Branch where Elijah Sanborn now does. The children are given in the Dudley genealogy. 1 3. John, b. Nov. 25, 1771, died, Jan. 2, 1788, aged 16 years. 4. William, b. June 15, 1774, married Sally Harriman, sister of the late Jesse Harriman, settled where Joseph Fisk lives. He was a farmer, and not only diligent and industri ous, but what a distinguished agriculturalist calls a neat farmer, keeping his fields free from weeds, and everything about the farm in place. He was a specimen of the plain ness and simplicity of many worthy persons in earlier times. Extravagance and superfluity in dress, equi'page and modes of living, he detested. He even preferred the common names for children. New-fangled ones, as they seemed to him, and middle names, he thought unnecessary. He died Oct. 14, 1840. His widow survived him till Dec. 18, 1846. Children : (We have not the date of the births.) John M. John Fisk, a son, lives in town, two sisters away. John Stevens died AprU 3,1865. Mrs. Joseph Fisk. WiUiam, died Jan. 31, 1843. Mrs. Benjamin Cram. Mrs. Thomas Robie. GUman, died Feb. 16, 1871. Mrs. Samuel N.Sar gent, living in Candia. James Lawrence, lost in the late war. 5. Theophilus. This was the last of John and Joanna Stevens' children of whom we have an account. The date of his birth is not given. He married Lovey Brown, daugh ter of John Brown, north of Harriman's Hill. He became a soldier in the war with England, 181 2 — 1815, and died in the service. Children under the guardianship of Stephen Osgood,, Esq. Plumer, settled in Derry, and was killed in a saw-mill, a few years since. Lovey married and lives in OP RAYMOND. 289 Massachusetts. Theophilus, living, but we do not know where. \ SWAIN FAMILY. The first that we find of the above name, were in Hamp ton in 1643. Richard, Francis and Nicolas were then there. The name was first spelled Swayne, later Swaine, and we have found it Swene. Aug. 20, 1657, eight persons were drowned at sea. Whittter, in a poem, gives an account of this, and the sup posed connectiqn of Goody Cole, regarded as a witch, with the affair. The Hampton recerds contain the following : " The sad hand of God upon eight persons goeing in a ves- sell by sea from Hampton to boston who were all swallowed up in the osian soon after they were out of the Harbour," &c. One of these was " Sargent Will. Swaine." The next record at hand, is of another Wm. Swaine. Probably he lived in the part now Hampton Falls. He had six children, the fourth of whom was John. His birth is put down after the manner of the Quakers thus : "John ii d, II mo, 1686. This John, and Martha his wife, had nine children. The sixth was Jonathan, born Aug. 23, 1726. He lived at Hampton Falls. He came to Raymond, and settled on the farm now owned by Levi S. Brown. Children by his first wife, Mary : I. Lydia, b. Oct. 27, 1750. 2. Levi, b. Feb. 28, 1752. He married Sarah Lane of this town, lived on the homestead of his father, was in town office. Having no children, he adopted his nephew, Jona than Swain Brown, father of Levi S. Mr. Swain died AprU 18, 1839. 3. Lyba, b. April 5, I75S, died at the age of 3 mos, 18 d. 4. Mary, b. Oct. 9, 1757. 290 THE HISTORY 5. EHzabeth, b. Nov. 7, 1763. ) rj, . 6. Sarah, b. " " " 5 Elizabeth married Levi Brown, and an account of their children is given in the genealogy of the Brown family. Sarah married John Nay. Of their children who lived in town were John Nay and the wife of Dea. John Dearborn. All the children are named in the account of the Nay fam- 7. Hannah, b. Jan. 21, 1766. She married William Gil man Gordon, and lived, while in town, where Jonathan Brown does, in the Gile district. Betsy, a daughter, lived for some time in the family of Jonathan Folpom. 8. Judith, b. Feb. 20, i>74, died young. Jonathan Swain's first wife, Mary, died March 13, 1792 ; tlie second wife, Molly, died Dec. 6, 1795 ; and the third wife, whose maiden name was Towle, died Feb. 6, 1820. A sketch of Jonathan Swain, Esq., and the time of his death, is given in the Chapter on Biography.' Nathan, a brother, settled on the Blake road, at West Epping, and died in 1820. His son Jonathan is living on the same farm His wife was Sarah, daughter of Jonathan Dearborn, of this town, who lived below Leonard Pease's. Not having a full accoimt of Jonathan Dearborn's family when the genealogy of the Dearborn family was prepared, it may be stated here, that Henry, his only son, was born in this town, Feb. 9, 1797. He was named for his great uncle, Gen. Henry Dearborn, who did much for him. He went to Maine, and is still living. TILTON FAMILY. The emigration of this family to America is the old story of " three brothers." They came from the West of Eng land, their names being Daniel, Jacob and Peter. They came to Massachusettg, Jacob settled in Newbury, Peter in Lynn, and Daniel came to Hampton. The late John Far- OP RAYMOND. 291 mer, of Concord, says in his writings that, from these three brothers, it is believed sprung the many persons of the name, found in various parts of the United States. Within the last few months, the public have had consid erable knowledge of Theodore Tilton of New York. He is an able journaHst, and lyceum lecturer, and lately has been known as the prosecuter of Rev. Herry Ward Beech- er, charging him with the violation of the seventh com mandment Eighty-six days had passed in the trial. May 19, of this year, when this account of the Tilton famUies went to the printer, and then the lawyers began their argu ments. Was he of the Tilton families in New England, and a relative of those in this town? Undoubtedly. It is be lieved that the descendants of Jacob, or Peter, went West as far as New York, and Theodore sprang from one of them. Daniel Tijton was born in England in 1645. Probably he came to Plampton about or not long after 1665, for, Dec. 3, 1669, he there married Mehitable Sanborn. He was a farmer and blacksmith ; also an Ensign in the Militia, an office of honor in those eariy times. The people were the loyal subjects of Charles II. of England. Ensign Daniel Tilton died Feb. 10, 1714. Children : AbigaU, b. Oct. 28, 1670. Mary, b. March 9, 1672,. died young. Samuel, b. Feb. 14, 1674. Joseph, b. March 19, 1677. Mary, b. May 25, 1679. Daniel, b. Oct. 28, 1680. David, b. Oct. 30, 1682. Jethro, b., probably, in 1684. Mehitable, b. Oct. 2, 1687- Josiah, b., probably, in 1689. This was the large family of ten children, according to what was often the case in early times. The divine com mand, " Be fruitful and multiply" was obeyed then. 292 THE HISTORY The family that came to Raymond descended in the Hne of Jethro, named above. He had sons, Samuel and Josiah, also two daughters. Samuel, son of Jethro, had sons Sam uel of Hampton FaUs, Jethro, who setUed in Epping where the name was long continued, Reuben, who came to Ray mond, Ebenezer, who settled in Andover, and Daniel, who settled in Sanbornton. Names there long and may be now. Some held important offices. When Sanbornton was divided in 1869, and a new town constituted, it was named Tilton, in honor of one of that name who had lived there. Besides the five sons of Samuel, named, there were five daughters ; ten children again. Dr. Joseph Tilton, of Exeter, who died in 1838, was born in Hampton Falls, and was a great-grandson of Daniel, whom we have mentioned as having come early to Hamp ton. Reuben Tilton came here from Hampton Falls about 1 77 1. His land was a mile north of the Baptist church, where J. Dudley Harriman lived, and Elbridge G. Brown now resides. It was then, far around, mostly a wilderness. He erected a log house, and with scanty means, but a strong heart, began to clear and cultivate the soil. There he lived till his death. May 17, 1826. He was an indus trious, peaceable citizen, traits descending, by inheritance, to his children, so far as we have learned. He kept the Sab bath by attending public worship. For several of his last years, he was obliged to use crutches, and then he would walk over to the church, slowly making his way, sometimes accompanied by his aged wife, sitting down occasionally to rest. Children of Reuben and Mary TUton : I. Josiah, b. Dec. 7, 1767, died Oct. 4, 1776. 2. Molly, b. March 10, 1770, lived and died tit home. 3. Daniel, b. July 23, 1772, lived at the foot of the Long Hill, then erected buildings beyond where Phineas GUman now lives, and, after some years, returned to the first place. OP RAYMOND. 293 He was a deacon in the Congregational church, a lover of meetings and the instructions of the Sabbath. Many can recollect his quiet appearance, late in life, each Sabbath morning, walking to church, with an octavo Bible under his arm. His children were Mary, Stephen and John, He died Oct 24, 1861. 4. Samuel, b. Sept. 15, 1774. He settled as farmer on the home place, a diligent worker, of good principles and a good life. He married, first, Susanna Dudley. Two sons, one dying young, and Joseph, first in town, then in Maine. Second, Anna Moulton, a native of Amesbury, Mass. Her -brother, Avery Moulton, and three sons, Abiel, Thomas P., and Albanus K., were Free Baptist ministers. She was a woman of sincere piety, had two sons, Reuben and Rufus. The first lives in Rochester, and Rufus has been a Metho dist preacher for about 37 years. He now lives in Derry, having retired in part from active service. S. Tilton's third wife was Sarah Prescott. He died March 7, 1827. 5. Susanna, b. March 27, 1777. 6. AbigaU, b. Oct. 23, 1779, died Dec. 23, same year. 7. Abigail, b. Nov. 12, 1780, was the first wife of Jesse Harriman, a woman of many excellences, who died Nov. 13, 1824. The children are named in the genealogy of the Harriman family. 8. Josiah, b. AprU 22, 1783. He was Captain in the Militia, a kind-hearted citizen. His wife was Sarah Moul ton, and their chUdren were Oliver, on the home place ; Hannah, wife of A. Bean Smith ; J. Norris, killed by acci dent as will be mentioned in the Chapter on Casualties, and Mary Abbie, the first wife of Samuel B. Gove. Capt. Jo siah Tilton died March 2, 1867. Capt. SeweU D. Tilton is of a family of the name in Deerfield. How connected with those here given, if at all, has not been ascertained. Capt. Tilton. is named as to his lineage on the Dearborn side, at the close of the genealogy of the Dearborn family. 294 THE HISTORY WALLACE FAMILY. ScoUand was the land of the Wallaces. WUliam Wal lace is well known in Scottish history. Edward I. was king of England from 1272 to 1307. When Scotland was at war with England, Wallace was the champion of the forces of Scot land, led the armies, and, in a terrible battle in which king Edward led the British forces in person, the Scotts were vanquished, with terrible slaughter. Wallace was the mov ing genuis, and kept up the contest for years, but finally was betrayed into the hands of the English. Edward had some wisdom and great bravery, but in this case overstep ped the bounds of propriety and justice. He resolved to make Wallace a terrible example of severe punishment. He was held as a captive, accused of treason, tried, condemned and executed. Then Edward ordered his head to be hung on London bridge, and his four quarters hung in different parts of Scotland. All this is a blot on this king's charac ter that will always remain. Some four centuries passed, and a WaUace came from Scotland to this country. Whether he was of the line of the patriot William can not be known. His name was Robert, and he settled in Londonderry. James Moore, grandfather of the late Capt. John Moore, settled on that lot. His wife was Mary Todd, but he died in middle life, and his widow married this Robert Wallace, of Londonderry. Of the issue was John, born there, May 30, 1784. Mary Currier, daughter of Gideon Currier, was born Aug. 12, 1787. John Wallace and Mary Currier were married Nov. 26, 1807. Children : ChUd, b. Jan. 7, 1819, died Jan. 25, same year. Lydia, b. Nov. 4, 1820, now in town. Mary, b. June 2, 1823, married Samuel N. Page, lived at the homestead of his father where John Floyd lives, went away, and when last heard of, they were living in Texas. John, b. Feb. 24, 1825, lives on the home place at OP RAYMOND. 295 the Branch, is a farmer, has been one of the Selectmen. Robert, b. Feb. 23, 1827, graduated at Dartmouth Col lege, as named in the list of graduates, liyes in Milford, Vt., and is a farmer. John Wallace's wife died Jan. 18, 1837, and he married V/idow Samuel Moody, still living. Mr. Wallace died April 29, 1865. The late William Wallace in the Dudley district was of a family from Lee. WASON FAMILY. The emigrant, in whose line came those of the name in Chester and Raymond, was Thomas, who settled in Lon donderry, and in 1738 came to Chester, in that part where seme of the name continue. We have an account of four sons, but no daughters. The fourth was James, born in 1746, died in Chester, in the homestead, March 14, 1829. His oldest son, John, married for his second wife Sarah Osgood, of this town, and lived in Candia where his son, John O., livesi The second son was Thomas, born in Chester, Nov. 23, 1775. This was the late Dea. Thomas Wason, in what is called the Wason district, in this town. He married Abi gaU, daughter of Isaac Lane, of Chester. He was a farmer, industrious and frugal. He was long a deacon in the Con gregational church, having been chosen when Rev. S. Farnsworth was pastor. He died Nov. 25, 1862. Chil dren : I. Garland, married Maria Seavey, of Chester. She died March 20, 1864, aged 52. Child,— Mrs. Alva T. Emery, at the home place. 2. Isaac. 3. James Wright, married, first, Miss PiUsbury, second. Miss Page, daughter of John Page, and lives in Roxbury, Mass. 296 THE HISTORY 4. Betsy L. married Hazen Bachelder, and lives in town. Children in the genealogy of the Bachelder family. 5. Luther, married, first, Susan Bachelder, daughter of Deacon Amos. She died April 19, 1857. ChUdren, — Melvin A. He married Lucy B. Dearborn, of Candia, and resides in a house he built at Raymond Center, which, for fine architectural proportions, good arrangement and excel lent work, is not excelled by many in town. Betsy Ellen became the second wife of Sherburn P. Blake. Sarah A. died young. Thomas A. Mr. Wason married, second, Harriet Emerson. One daughter by this marriage, Harriet Cecelia. WOODMAN FAMILY. The ancestor of the family in this country was Edward, thought to have come from the south part of England, and settled in Newbury, in 1635. That year was the commence ment of that town, and embraced what is now Newbury, West Newbury and Newburyport. He had a son Edward. This last had a son Archelus, who was a deacon, probably in Newbury. The deacon had a son, named Joshua, born June 6, 1708, married Eunice Sawyer, in 1736, and about the same time settled in Kingston. That town was then new, having been settled less than 40 years. He had a large family of fifteen children, three of whom died young. The testimony is, that this Joshua was a man of great hon esty and uprightness. His sons, that grew up, were eight, and they scattered somewhat widely, not one of them, we think, setUing in Kingston, although one of them finally lived in Hawke, now DanviUe, near. This was Moses. His widow lived to the great age of 99, dying in 1850. Jonathan, sixth living child of Joshua, was born in Kings ton, July 25, 1746. He setUed in Candia near where the late Colonel John Prescott lived. He married, first, Mary Elkins, of Hawke. Children : OP RAYMOND. 297 I. Mary, b. June 27, 1773, married Samuel Sargent, of Danville. 2. Dorothy, went to Maine. 3. Hannah, b. Aug. 13, 1778, married Abner Cram, of Raymond. 4. Peter, b. June i, 1780, lived in Vermont. 5. Jonathan, b. March 21, 1782, married Sally Lane, of Raymond, lived here and died June 12, 1852. Their chil dren were eight. Two died. Levi S., Mrs. David Abbott, Jonathan, live in town, George in Kingston, David in Maine, and Mrs. David T. Woodman, (maiden name Luella,) in South Hampton. Jonathan of Canada married, second, Abigail Morse, of East Kingston. The issue was : 6. Abigail, b. Sept. 21,1783, married Jonathan Philbrick, of Deerfield. 7. Ruth, b. Feb. 18, 1785, married and went to Maine. 8. Betsy, b. Sept. 20, 1786, married, lived in Maine 9. Sarah, b. Jan. 23, 1789, married D. Tukesbury, lived in Amesbur}''. 10. Nancy, died young. II. David. 12. Nancy, married A. TUton, lived in Maine. 13. Eunice, b. April 7, 1797, married Mr. Emmons, lived in Alexandria. 14. Enos, b. July 14, 1800. SKETCHES OF FAMILIES, THE FULL GENEALOGY OF WHICH HAS NOT BEEN OBTAINED. Abbott. We have an extended amount of names of this family in America, but it is a net-work, — a tangled mass, that we confess we know not how to unravel. It is evident good blood flows in many of its branches, and, we trust, in all. It wUl be of interest to name some of the most distinguished. But it should flrst be said, that the first Abbott in this 298 THE HISTORY country was George, who came to Andover, Mass., about 1635. He was the ancestor of very many, if not all, who have lived in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and other parts. Benjamin Abbot, L. L. D., was born in 1763, graduated at Harvard College in 1788, and the same year became Pre ceptor of Phillips Exeter Academy. He continued with distinguished ability and eminent success fifty years, ending in 1838. He died in Exeter, Oct. 25, 1849. Dr. Abbott wrote his name with but one t. Few, if any, at the head of academies ever had so many pupils, who became eminent in after life as Dr. Abbott. Among them may be named, Lewis Cass, Daniel Webster, Edward Everett, John G. Pal frey, John A. Dix, George Bancroft, John P. Hale and many others. Two others of the name are worthy of special mention. They are brothers and authors of books. Jacob Abbott was born in Hallowell, Me., in 1803. He early became a writer of moral and religious books. One series embraced twenty- four volumes. Another series, adapted particularly to the young, consisted of thirty-three volumes. This account was taken ten or twelve years ago. He still lives, and con tinues to write. Probably the number of books of which he is author, is not far from seventy-five. He has proved himself the friend of children, the friend of virtue and the friend of the race. John S. C. Abbott, his brother, was born'in Hallowell, Me., in 1805. He has sometimes been settled over churches, but then, as at other times, he has devoted himself largely to literary pursuits, especially in writing books. Biography is the line, to which he has mostly devoted himself. Some distinguished characters in America have been his subjects ; also kings, queens and others in the old country. He once went across the Atlantic for material, and had an inter view with the late Emperor, Napoleon III. His most noted work is the life of the first Napoleon. It OP RAYMOND. 299 was first a serial in Harpers' Magazine, then in book form. In it he maintains that Napoleon was not actuated by ambi tion in his military enterprises, but simply his own rights and especially the rights of France, to which he was ar dently attached. The truth often lies between extremes. It has long been plain to us, that the confederation or alliance of some of the I principal powers of Europe to crush Napoleon, was to break down a monarchy not constitutional. Napoleon was not of any royal line. A Corsican subaltern officer, he came forth to bury the remnants of the most bloody and infernal revo lution of 1792, and help France to come up and take her formerly proud place among the nations of the earth. He climbed the vacant throne. The unfortunate king, Louis XVL, usually called Louis Capet, had been pulled from it some ten years before and beheaded. All the other mon archies were jealous. They hated a government the head of which was not of hereditary descent. The House of Bourbon should furnish princes in France. This was their opinion. It was dictated partly by the laws of hereditary descent in monarchial governments, and partly by their own selfish views. If Napoleon might rule in France, other rev olutions might come ; other kings lose their crowns and usurpers be in authority. It has seemed to us important that these features of the case be understood. We have not seen them noticed by his torians. Although not writing the life of Napoleon I., nor of John S. C. Abbott, nor justifying all of his views as to the Napoleon dynasty, yet while writing of the Abbott fam ily', this is inserted for variety, and to help understand what one of the Abbotts has written. Mr. John S. C. Abbott stiU lives, and is about as busy with his pen as ever. He is a fascinating writer and has a host of admiring readers. The Abbotts havebeen in Raymond for some time, although none were here very early. Ephraim Abbott lived in Pop- 300 . THE HISTORY Hn, now Fremont. He had a son Joseph, who came here, and lived in the Lane district, not far from the entrance of the " Bye Road" to the Green. Of the children may be named Joseph, who lived here some years, and was Lieutenant Colonel in the Militia. He afterwards moved from town. A sister, Mrs. Fogg, passed her last years in Deerfield. David, a farmer, settled on Oak Hill. The place is elevated, good water, good air ; the view around in every direction is extensive and delight ful. His first wife was Affa Smith, daughter of Jacob Smith; One t son, Wilson S., graduated at college, and is named with the college graduates. Wilson S. Abbott is at present a farmer. It is encouraging to have men of scientific attainments in this important business. Peter Abbott, probably a relative, lived here a while, a little north of William Spinney's. He was a mason by trade. Anderson. George Anderson, who was in trade near the Baptist church for a time, was from Sandown. Bishop. Joseph Bishop came to town about half a cen tury ago, from Newburyport. Bagley. Daniel Bagley was from Amesbury, Mass. John Bagley, in the Brown district, was a native of War ner. Burbank. Enoch Burbank lived in Candia, NoV. i8, 1818, married Betsy Healey, sister of Samuel Healey in the Gile district, lived at two or three different places in this town, one of which was in the Moss house on the place where Levi S. Woodman lives, then in Deerfield. Bachelder, The spelling of this name is various. The first who came over, to be named presently ,wrote it Bach- iler. His children did so, and perhaps some others. In some early writings at Hampton, we find it Bachiller, Batch- eller and Bashelder. As time passed, a few spelt it Bachel der, some Bachelor, the same as the word that means a man of age, unmarried. Those in this town and many others OP RAYMOND. 301 spell it Batchelder, but still more common in the country is Bachelder, and we have adopted it in this book. This is an old name in this town, persons bearing it hav ing been here during most of its history. There was a Je thro Bachelder here before the incorporation in 1764. He lived near the Todd road, not far from the place where Dean Smith lately lived. There is no record of his death, and probably he moved from town. David Bachelder was here soon after the incorporation, lived west of York's corner on land now owned by Thomas Robie. There is no account of his death. Jonathan and Josiah, who afterwards lived near the above, were brothers. The emigrant was Stephen Bachiler. He was early in New Hampshire, but Barstow doesnot name him. Belknap, Farmer and Whiton men tion him, without any full particulars. Joseph Dow, Esq., of Hampton, a diligent chronicler of old time matters in that section, gives a more extended account. [ History of Congregational and Presbyterian churches in New Hamp shire, page 64. ] The late Hon. John Kelly of Exeter gives an account of him as the first minister of Hampton, and says he passed as a man of good reputation and uncommon sanctity, but, as in some other cases, a cloud darkened his fair fame ; however, he was good enough to take the right method to have brightness come again. [Historical CoUec- tions,Vol. II. , page 236. ] The gifted American poet, Whit tier, in a poem on the wreck of a boat and the loss of eight lives, off Hampton beach in 1657, mentions Mr. Bachiler as being present at the funeral of those lost. [ Ballads of New- England, pages 82 and 83. ] We follow Coffin as to the out lines of Mr. BachUer's Hfe. Born in England in 1561, he came over to Boston in 1632, to Lynn and Ipswich in 1636, to Yarmouth in 1637, to Newbury in 1638, and to Hampton in 1639. [Dow says .1638. ] From 1641 to 1650, he lived in Portsmouth, whence he returned to England, and died at Hackney, aged nearly 100 years. If that was his age, he must have died about 302 THE history 1661. All testimony given is, that he attained that great age. He was the common ancestor of most, if not all, of the Bachelders in this part of the country, and of many who went west. All will love to think of him as a man of energy, making transits across wide oceans and from place to place, living, as is hoped, to some good purpose, and dy ing full of years. Mr. Bachiler was about 77 years old when he came to Hampton. It is said he was 88 days on the voyage. It is supposed his wife died before he left England. He was the first minister in Hampton, and preached about three years, ending in 1641. We have the following names of his chil dren : Theodate, Deborah, Nathaniel, Frances, Stephen, John, WiUiam, Henry and a daughter, who had married John Sanborn in England. Mr. Sanborn was dead. Of the Rev. Stephen BachUer's children, his daughter. Widow Sanborn, came to this country in the same vessel in which he did. We are not certain whether his other two daughters came then or at some other time. Theodate mar ried Christopher Hussey, of Hampton ; Deborah, John Wing, of Scituate, Mass. How many of his sons came over can not be stated ; from them the Bachelders, since here, descended. Nathaniel, named in the Hampton records, married Deborah Smith, Dec. 10, 1656, and had nine chil dren. His wife died, and he married Mary Wyman, March 8, 1676, and had eight children. There is reason to sup pose he had a third wife. He died in 1707. Property then consisted much in lands and herds. A granddaughter, by his will, had a cow and three sheep. His children probably ' had greater legacies. Stephen, another son of Rev. Stephen, remained in Eng land. In writing to his brother, the above Nathaniel, his letter is dated thus : " London the 23 Aprill 1685." The following are extracts : "I have re'cd yo' 19 Januarie and bless god you and yo' wife and children are well ; may god continue health to you all. I bless god I am much better than OF EAYMOND. 303 I Was though verie weake." — " lost fifteen hundred and above by our brother Francis Bachiler and above one thous and pounds by others, all one upon one another ; but I thanke god I have rubed thorow all and am contented in my condi tion, not being beholding to any relation, and hope shall continue soe to my end. The stocking I sent by you cost me £5 — 5 — 6d." [The " stocking" was undoubtedly, cattle, &c. ] This letter was superscribed, "To my loveing brother Nathaniel Bachiler at Hampton in New England. By a friend." Nathaniel Bachiler, of Hampton, had descendants who settled in that part of Hampton afterwards constituted Hamp ton Falls, but connecting links between them and the Bach elders, who came from that place to Raymond, are not abso lutely certain. We assure the families of the name here, that we have not spared time, labor or money, to find their direct genealogy from the first of the name in this country. The efforts have not been rewarded with the certain success desired. What can be said is this : The Nathaniel of Hampton, whom we have noticed, had a son Nathaniel, born Dec. 24, 1659. One of his children was John, born July 28, 1692. From two sources we have it as a tradition, that he settled in Kensington. This adjoins Hampton Falls, in which were some of the Bachelder famUies. This John married Abigail , Dec. 30, 1714. They had ten children. The third was John, born Oct. 5, 1719. We next find that a John Bachelder married Esther . Probably this was John, son of John and Abigail. John and Esther had seven chUdren, whose names are before us. If this is the family of which some of the children came to Raymond, and no doubt is is, there were at least eight chil dren. Children of John and Esther Bachelder : Joanna, b. Aug. 10, 1741. David, b. Nov. 4, 1742, came to Raymond. John, b. Sept. 12, 1744, came to Raymond. Mary, b. Aug. 24, 1746. 304 THE history Matthew, b. July i, 1748, kUled by the fall of a tree. Josiah, b. Jan. 24, 1750, came to Raymond. Esther, b. March 29, 1752. Jonathan, another son, not named in the record, came to Raymond. In the first part of the account of the Bachelders, we have mentioned a David who came here and lived west of York's corner. There is every reason to believe that David, nam ed with these children, was the one. In genealogy it is advisable to be certain, but sometimes it is impossible. We are not certain in this case, but still have no doubt. Chil dren of David and Sarah Bachelder, who lived in Ray mond. I. Benjamin, b. Nov. 26, 1763, died in Saco, Me., Dec, 1783- 2. Jonathan, b. Sept. 14, 1765. These were born in this town. David Bachelder came here about 1762, and after 1765, it seems, moved away. John, brother of David, came from Hampton Falls. His purchase was in the wilderness west of Oak Hill. A cabin or log house was built farther up the road than where he afterwards built, where the Ham house now stands. " Up the road !" There was not any road then, and none now far up. It is said, " It is a long road that has no end." This has an end before getting up to " Break Neck Hill." Mr. Bachelder built later, and the house was the one named on page 26, as having had a very large fire-place. Mr. B. was short in stature, from recollection of him we should say not more than five feet, five inches, but he was what is caUed " thick set." Some caUed him " Truckee ;" but he paid no attention to it. He had a large family, six sons and six daughters. We mention them below : Samuel settled near the north-west of the town. John, b. Nov. 28, 1770, settled near the north-west corner of the town, died Jan. 26, 1.865. Anna, b. Sept. i, 1773, married Mr. Fogg, of Sandwich. OP RAYMOND. 305 Abigail, b. Aug. 9, 1775, married David Fox. Eunice, b. Nov. 28, 1777, married Mr. Pickering, of Greenland. Elisha, b. Oct. 6, 1779, lived in Amesbury. Rhoda, b. Jan. 31, 1782, not married, lived in Greenland, and died. Benjamin, b. Jan. 27, 1784, married a daughter of John Brown. Mrs. Joseph Corson and Daniel Bachelder are the children living. Mr. Bachelder died July 19, 1857. Sarah, b. Sept. i, 1785, was the first wife of'Ebenezer Brown, died March 5, 1841. Stephen, a son, is Hying in South Hampton ; also a daughter, Mrs. James Tilton,in Sal isbury, Mass. A number died. One was the first wife of Joseph Bishop. David, b. Oct. 21, 1788, married Lovey Holman, settled on the home place ; one son, Emery, who died when a young man. David died May i, 1863. There were two others, but we have no dates as to birth. Levi lived in Exeter, and Mary, unmarried, died Oct. 27, 1865. Samuel Bachelder, son of John, married Sarah Fox, His residence has already been stated as at the north-west. For a short time, late in life, he lived in Nottingham, where lie died, April 13, 1832. Without records, the children are given in the order of birth as correctly as possible. Betsy became the first wife of James Critchet, of Candia. Abigail married Jabez Bean, of Deerfield. Benjamin married Miss Morrison ; lived at the last house on the road to Deerfield. He engaged in the carriage mak ing business early for that work in town, did much at it, and at length, there being two others of the same name, he was famiUarly caUed "Wagon Benjamin." He had the reputa tion of an honest man, and died Sept. 14, 1852. ChUdren, — Joseph, dead ; David M., living in HaverhUl, Mass. ; Lucin da, in town, married, first, George Anderson, second, Mr. Gile. Another daughter married Martin Young, of Deer field, and died. Moses living on the home place. 306 THE HISTORY The next son of Samuel was Samuel. He married Mary Holman, settled at Freetown mills, was a cloth-dresser, and died Dec. i6, 1869. ChUdren,— Calvin E., Mrs. Theophilus L. Brown and Mrs. G. Bradbury Robinson. David moved from town. Sarah married Mr. Smith, of Deerfield. John moved from town. Oren lived last in the Patten district in Candia, where he died. Jeremiah. John Bachelder, also son of John, married Mary Fox. He was a home man and a diligent worker. He lived to be 94 years of age. He continued to work till nearly 90. At last he would take a chair into the corn-field and hoe around him, sitting in the chair.- Children : I. James, married, first, Nancy Critchet, of Candia, sec ond, Lucy Fox. His children were, by his first wife, James Rolin, living in Candia, Representative two years ; Cassan- dane married I. Godfrey, of Candia ; John Briggs, who is in California, town of Jackson. Pie has been in that State some twenty-five years. A while since, an account of him stated that he had five horses, five cows and was largely in the grape culture, having seven thousand vines, and some years made eight hundred gallons of wine, and sold grapes enough for five hundred more. Some years he has had two hundred bushels of winter apples, some of his trees having three crops in a year. We think, in business, he has reflect ed honor on his native town. Next of James Bachelder's children is Olive Perry, of Nottingham ; Francis, of Lynn, Mass. ; Nancy married Stephen Thomas ; Rosella in town ; Stephen K. and Joseph K. in the vUlage. 2. Mary married James Critchet, of Candia, and lives in town, with her son Freeman. 1 3. Thomas resides in Candia village. 4. Betsy married Thomas Morrison. A few years ago OP RAYMOND. 307 they lived in the Lane district. Elijah, a son, owns the Dean Smith place. 5. Nancy was the first wife of Josiah Dm Uey, living on the Cilley road. 6. Catherine married John TUton. A son was lost in the late war. 7. Benjamin married, first, Eleanor Fox, second, Sally Young. Lewis S., a son by his first wife, lives in town. 8. Abigail married Mr. Cole ; lives in Canada. We have had a pretty good time on the north, at the west of Oak Hill, where, in a rough section, men were raised; now backwest of York's corner where was David, whom we named as the first of the four brothers. It used to be call ed the " Candia road," and leads up through the Gile dis trict, north of Jones's pond and near it, to the Langford neighborhood in Candia. Previous to thirty years ago, it was a road of great travel, but is little used now. At pres ent we are concerned with it from York's corner, where EHsha T. Gile lives, up to the Gile school-house. The dis tance, may be about two miles. It seems now retired from much of the bustle of the town, but is amidst beautiful scenery. The citizens there have wisely preserved their wood and timljer lots, so their farms are still valuable, as they are a source of income they can use as occasion may require. But let us see what the Bachelders did there. Josiah Bachelder, the third of the three brothers, who came here from Hampton Falls, lived on the place where Hazen Bachelder now lives. He died Nov. 12, 1837. The next of the brothers was Jonathan. He lived where the late Matthew Bachelder and sisters did. He died April 12, 1834. -^i^ '^'^^^ "^as a sister of Amos Kimball, father of the present Amos. Children: I. Eunice, married Josiah Davis. She died. Oliver, dead; the first wife of J. Lawrence Stevens, dead ; Sally, dead, and Jonathan, Hving on the home place were the children. 2. Matthew, followed his father on the homestead, had 308 THE HISTORY not bodily strength for labor, never married, had a great memory, knew more about famUies in town, their ages, &c., than any other, was a peaceable citizen, and died. 3. Jonathan went to AUenstown. 4. Amos, married Mary Lane, settled near where his son Amos now lives, was a farmer, diligent in business, and or^ dinarily successful. He was deacon of the Free Baptist church, and a great lover of meetings. His wife dying, he married Mary Lane of Chester. Children by his first wife : Hazen, married Betsy L. Wason, and has children, — Mary A., married Levi Moulton, lives in Portsmouth ; Thomas B., Charles A., Hazen WeUs, Alvah G. 2. Hannah, married Orlando Hunt, lives in Kingston. 3. Amos, married Martha Wason, of Candia. A son, Andrew R., lives on the old place. Amos Bachelder mar ried, second, Amanda Brown. 4. Susan was the first wife of Luther Wason . One child of Dea. B. died young. Dea. Bachelder's first wife died Dec. 25, 1845. Dea. Amos Bachelder died Nov. 28, 1865. The next of Jonathan Bachelder's children were, — Sally, who died. Hannah, died. Mary, living at Hazen Bachelder's. John lived in town, moved away, came back, and died Jan. 31, i860. Bennett. Jeremiah Bennett was a townsman, but we do not know whence he came. The name has not been very common in this part of the country. It was in Sandown, and one there was a local Methodist preacher. Mr. Bennett lived in the house now owned by Widow Welch. He was uncommonly small in stature. From recollection of him, it would seem his weight could not have been much more than 120 pounds. But he was energetic and a good worker. In his time, wood was burned in what were called coal pits, to produce charcoal, and he was thus frequently OP RAYMOND. 309 employed. His wife died, and he sold and went to Maine. DoLLOFF. The old " Dollar" house near Nutter & Co's mills stUl stands, although falling to ruin. "Dollar" is the usu al pronunciation and so the Dolloff name was usually called. Clement from Exeter was the head of the ^family. He and Elizabeth, his wife, had ten children. Thomas, the oldest, was a soldier in the army of the Revolution, and died in 1782. Clement, another son, lived in town, but moved farther up in the State, and died. A daughter, Anna F., died March i, 1847. His widow died April 12, 1852, and the name became extinct in this place. Thomas, another son of the first Clement, settled in Vermont, and died Aug. 2, 1874, aged 92 years. He was a member of the Free Baptist church, had been a professed Christian 75 years, and had the reputation of a good man. Davis. Josiah Da^iis, father of the present Jonathan, was from Kingston. Dodge. George L. Dodge, some of whose children live in town, was a native of Salem, Mass. Dow. Jacob Dow lived in the Dolloff house. A son is living in Manchester. Another married a daughter of Dea. John Dearborn, but died early. Elliot. The name was not here early. Jacob Elliot married into the family of James Towle, at the Branch, and came to town. He was from Chester, son of Jacob, who was son of Edmund, from Amesbury, Mass. Fox. Benjamin Fox married Betty Fullonton, sister of Capt. John, lived last north of Oak Hill. Two daughters married Samuel and John Bachelder. Sinclair moved to Ohio. David married AbigaU Bachelder, lived in a house, now gone, near the Widow John Tilton. Children, — Levi, Benjamin, who lived in Nottingham, John, David, Abigail, who married Ebenezer C. Osgood, Lucy, the second wife of James Bachelder, Affa B., who married Dean Smith, and Eleanor B., who married Benj. Bachelder. Fowler. Name not here till after the railroad was built. 310 THE HISTORY Green C. Fowler was from near the Junction in South New market. Flood. This name was spelled as we give it, and there is such a name in the country now. There is also Floyd, possibly they were originally of the same family. The family was here early. Henry Flood had four children between 1759 and 1767- Poverty rendered it necessary to have help from the town. How should it come ? It was proposed that the assistance be by auction. So, in the warrant for town meeting, in 1767, was the following article r " To Pass a Voat to see whather Henry flood and his famerly Shall be Set up to the Lowest Bidder, or him to have him that will keep him Cheepest for the year insuing, and to be set up this night after the mett- ing to a vandue." The following is a record of the auction on that article r "Voted to Seet up Henry flood and famerly to a vandue to y' lowest bider." This practice for providing aid for to the poor was continued more or less through the years till some forty years since, when methods more in ac cordance with the feelings of humanity and reflnements of the age were adopted. It is not designed, however, to say I that under the method named, the poor, as a whole, were not properly cared for, but disposing of them at public auc tion seemed not the wisest plan. Gordon. WiUiam Gilman Gordon was from Brentwood. He lived on what has since been the farm of Jonathan Brown, in the Gile district. He had twelve children, was a diUgent farmer and a good citizen. He had more than one wife, two certainly, not at the same time, for polygamy was not practiced then, and husbands generally were continent and "keepers at home." He married into the Swain and Poor families and his wives were a help to him. His chU dren did not setUe permanently here. One died at Jonathan Cram's in the vUlage. Betsy was long in the Jonathan Fol som family, and Mary for a time at Col. Ebenezer Cram's. Horace was well known in town for years, living in the OF RAYMOND. 311 Branch district. He is now in Manchester. Mr. William G. Gordon moved to Vermont after 1820, and died there. Gove. Sherburn Gove was a native of Nottingham. March 24, 1819, he was united in marriage with Jane Nor ris, of this town, and settled in Northwood. Some time later than 1830, they came to the Norris place. Mr. Gove was a good farmer. He and his wife lived in the married state 55 years. He died Oct. 25, 1874, aged 79. The children have been named in the account of the Norris family. Griffin. Benjamin Griffin was from Sandown, where the name has long been. He had quite a family of children. Jefferson lives in Candia, also Mrs. Noyes and Mrs. John C. Dearborn. John lived in Exeter, but is now in Boston ; Mrs. Tilton in Haverhill, Mass. David lives in town, has been Representative in the Legislature. Heath. Asa Heath was from Sandown. His son David lived in Candia, near Raymond line. Samuel, at the Green, is a son of David, and Widow Howard Towle and Mrs. John Healey are daughters. Holman. Solomon Holman was born in England, served seven years on board a war vessel, came to the Bermuda isl ands, next to Newbury, bought thirteen acres of land, pay ing for them a fat heifer, built a log house, and died in 1753, aged 81. Jeremiah Holman came to this town from Epping. Whether related to Solomon or not, can not be stated. Jeremiah was a son of Daniel of Epping. His chil dren and grandchildren died, so the name became extinct. One granddaughter is still here. She is the wife of George E. Dodge. Kimball. This name has long been in Exeter, and Amos Kimball, father of the present Amos, was from that town. Leavitt. Persons of this name were in town before the Revolution and remained here many years. Now there are none excepting Jess Leavitt, who was of a Deerfield 312 the history family. John Leavitt, and others who came here, were from Brentwood. One John Leavitt came from England to Hingham, Mass., in 1636, and Thomas to Exeter, N. H.,in 1639. Dudley Leavitt, the almanac maker, was a descend ant, and was born in Exeter, May 22, 1772. The name has also long been in Hampton. John lived near the road from the Gile school-house to Jones's pond : Nehemiah farther south. Of his son, the Rev. Nehemiah, we have given an ac count, in the Chapter on Biography. The late Thomas Leavitt was a son of John, and lived where Nathaniel West does, near the road to the Green. Two daughters also lived here. Locke. Samuel Locke, in the Wason district, was from Brentwood. William Locke, from Rye, came to Chester somewhat early ; his son John followed him on the home stead. Three of John's children settled in Raymond. One was the first wife of Henry Osgood, another was the wife of the late Capt. John Moore,'still living, and the other was John Locke, Esq., who built a fine residence at the village. He was Postmaster, and died while holding that office. Marden. This family was from Rye. George Marden, born in 1741, came to the north part of what is now Ches ter. John L. Marden, a grandson, lives in the Wason dis trict in this town. He is the only one of the name of whom we have an account as living here. Magoon. Moses C. Magoon was from Brentwood. John Magoon, his grandfather, was killed by the Indians, some say in Brentwood, but our account is in Exeter. Probably it was in what is now Brentwood. He was killed soon after 1710, and Brentwood was then a part of Exeter. Mr. Ma goon, on coming here, settled on the road from Nutter & Co's miUs to the Green. Later he lived on the Green and died at his son's, David L. Magoon, on the Langford road, Dec. 17, 1862. The Magoon family that lived in Kingston and East Kingston was respectable. Rev. Josiah Magoon, born in East Kingston, was a Free Baptist preacher, and lived OP RAYMOND. 813 in New Hampton, where he died. A brother, a Justice of the Peace and a good business man, lived in East Kings ton. Prof. Magoon, well known in the West, was of this eastern family. The Magoons of New England, some of them at least, it is believed, descended from John, the first who came from England. He was in Scituate, Mass., in i6S7- Norton. The first of the name that we have was in 1066, when one Norville came with William the Conqueror to England. It is quite certain that the name afterwards be came Norton. Rev. John Norton was the second minister of Hingham, Mass., ordained there Nov. 22, 1678. . Bonas, a brother, came to that part of Hampton now Seabrook, where he died, April 30, 17 18. The Norton family here was originally from Greenland. Joseph and Jonathan, brothers, came from that town to the north part of Chester. Daniel, son of Jonathan, married Lydia, daughter of Joseph, and settled in what is now the Wason district, and died there. His widow died March 14, 1863. The name in the male line is now extinct here. Mrs. Dudley Lane and Mrs. Alanson G. Brown iire of the Norton descent. Pecker. David Pecker was from Salisbury, Mass., and came here about" 1823. He has been Representative in the Legislature, was the first station agent after the opening of the railroad in 1850, and is a mechanic and a farmer. Pollard. Barton PoUard was here early and lived on what is now the Moore place at the Branch. There were others in town, likely relatives. When the war of the Revo lution came on, Barton, Elijah and Ezekiel, " strapped on their knapsacks" and went into the service. Children of Barton Pollard, — Hezekiah, John, MoUy and Asa, born be tween 1763 and 1770. There was a Hannah Pollard recol lected now by some. John M., a descendant, was born Jan. 28, 1784. July 4, 1825, he was married to Sally Locke, of this town. Hiram L., son of John, built the Dearborn 314 THE HISTORY hbuse,in the village, for himself, also the one where Rev. B. S. Manson lives, but sold both. As a house carpenter, he built a large number of houses in town. His wife was Diann Basford, of Chester. They reside there now. Al fred, another son of John, lives on the Elder Newhall place. Runnels. In early times in this country we find this name RenoUs, Renels, Renals, Runels, Runalls, Reanols and Renils. And now some of the same family spell it Reynolds. The name was in Chester and Deerfield early. Those who came were descendants of families first in Ports mouth, then in Exeter and Stratham. Thomas lived in Chester, then in Deerfield. He died after 1766, and by his will gave his sons as follows : Owen five shillings, Samuel the same, John the same, Thomas a yoke of white-faced steers.. It is believed that Owen was the son of Samuel. He came to this town, married Susan L. Roberts, daughter of John, and lived here several years, afterwards in Candia. Of the chil dren, we have named Thomas F., in Chapter on Biography, as a preacher, and Owen as a Representa,tive of Pittsfield. Richardson. The first of this name in this country was Thomas, who was made a freeman in 1638, and was one of the first settlers in Woburn, Mass. Daniel was the first in Raymond, and he came from Dracut, adjoining Lowell, Mass. He settled on the road leading from the Judge Dud ley place to the Critchet place, in Candia, where his de scendants have been to the present. His children, so far as we have mention of them, were Nathaniel, a soldier in the war of the Revolution and the father of Cuzziah, well known as domestic help in the Blake and other families ; by a second wife, Sarah, a tailoress, married and went to AUenstown, returning here after the death of her husband ; Rebecca, Daniel, John and Joseph. Daniel lived a while in Candia near the Colcord place, since the town farm, where his son Gilman Richardson was born. He settled north of the village in that town, and was Representative in the OP RAYMOND. 315 Legislature. Joseph, another son, lives in town. While liv ing in Candia, he was Representative, and has been one of the Selectmen here'. Perhaps a number if not all of the first Daniel Richard son's children were born before coming to this place. One of them, Joseph, was born Aug. 9,1768. Nov. 25, 1794, he married Anna Wilson, born Aug. 9, 1771. She died June 27, 1834, aged 62. Mr. Richardson died June 6, 1852, aged 83. Stephen Richardson, is a son. Frank Richard son, in the village, was from Candia. Roberts. Ezekiel Roberts wa| from Brentwood, where his son John was born. Some of this name were here as early as the Revolutionary war. All that we know of John Roberts is that he was a soldier in that war. The late John Roberts had a large family. Samuel, Thomas, Dan iel and WiUiam lived to be men, and died in town. Mrs. Runnels died in Candia, Feb. 15, 1854, aged 59. Mrs. WJilliam S. Carlton lives in town. Also Andrew J. Roberts and Mrs. Samuel S. Smart, chUdren by a second wife. John H. lived at the Island, in Candia, and lately moved to this town near Phineas Oilman's. He has taken the name Harrison, instead of Roberts. Sanborn. The progenitor of the family in America was John Sanborn of England, who married a daughter of Rev. Stephen Bachiler. He died in 1632, and that year she came over with her father, and was at Hampton in 1638. Three sons, John, William and Stephen came with her, but Stephen soon went back. Son;ie of the descendants of John and WiUiam settied in Sanbornton and from them the town took its name when incorporated in I'j^o. Moses Sanborn setUed in Raymond. It is said he was born in Sanbornton long before it was incorporated, some of the pame living there before 1740. He settled here on what is now called the Leavitt place, near Horace Brown's. He went into the army of the RevoluUon, was a Sergeant in Capt. John Dearborn's company, and died in the service in 316 the history • 1778. We have good authority for saying his children were born here. They were, Molly, AbigaU, Catharine, Daniel, Lovey, Moses, John C, Stephen, Anna B. and Ben jamin. Most, if not all of them, left town. Moses was a Major in the Milita and a soldier in the war of 1812. Some of the sons settled in Maine. Stephen died in Vienna, Me., Aug. 9, 1854, aged 77. Probably this family became extinct in town. One bear ing this name lived in what is now Mr. Tufts's field, near Lieiit. John E. Cram's, perhaps before the year 1800, but we have no account of hjm. He might have been of Ser geant Moses Sanborn's family. Dearborn Sanborn married Miss Cram, daughter of Ben jamin Cram. It is said he lived in town a while. A daughter of his is the wife of Levi S. Brown. Elijah Sanborn, in the Branch district, is of the large family of the name in the lower part of Chester and in Fre mont. Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn, who died in Hopkinton a few years since, had made extensive researches in the genealogy of the Sanborn family. In a letter, he informed us he had brought the work, from John of Derbyshire, England, down through eight generations. We hope it is in the hands of some one who will complete it and have it published. Shannon. Persons of this name were here for some time till less than fifty years ago. A family lived on the place where Garland Wason does. April 13, 1829, Henry Shannon was married to Anna Towle, both of this town. Some more than fifty years ago, Moses Shannon, a deaf mute, was living here. His home was in the family of John Leavitt, near where Nutter & Co's mills now are. He wag the first deaf mute we have an account of here. He after wards lived in Candia, where he died. Smith. Those of the name who have lived here have been of different branches of the great Smith family. Jacob, on Oak Hill, was from Epping. OP RAYMOND. 317 Jonathan, father of Dean,, was from Fremont. He was a very quiet man ; the tones of his voice were naturally low, rising only above a loud whisper, hence some mirthfully called him " noisy Jonathan." But he heeded them not. The largest family was that of Samuel Smith, who came from Poplin, now Fremont, where several, if not all, of his children were born, and lived where H. G. and T. F. Mc Clure live. The children were nine sons and four daugh ters. Of the sons who lived here or near were Samuel, father of the first wife of Samuel F. West; Josiah, father of Mrs. James B. Spencer ; Mrs. Alvin Fogg, of Epping ; Mrs. Swasey of Exeter, and others. Of Henry, father of John Smith, and Jonathan, father of A; Bean Smith, we have not a full account, but the time of the deaths of most of them may be found in the Chapter of deaths. Elizabeth and Sa rah were the first and second wives of Benjamin Dudley, of Mount Vernon, Me. Sarah, however, was a widow when Mr. Dudley married her, her first husband having been Isaac Tucker. Of their children were the late Barnard Tucker, Gen. Henry Tucker, the widow of Benj. B. Gil man, and others. Smart. A little way east of the road from George S. Robie's, on pasture land owned by Ebenezer and Josiah C. Prescott, a lot was originaUy in the name of Smart. The remains of an orchard, walled fields and a cellar are still there. The first of the Smart family here was Richard. It is thought he lived on the lot mentioned. Benjamin, his son, lived on the north side, east of Break Neck Hill. There is a record thus : " Nathaniel, son of Benjamin Smart and Thank ful, his wife, was born Nov. 7, 1763." He married and later moved to New Chester, now called HUl, where he died after 1830. Jeremiah, a brother, married a Tandy of Deer field, lived in the neighborhood of his father, but later in Nottingham on the road to the mountains. Descendants of Nathaniel and Jeremiah are now in town. 318 THE HISTORY Sweatt. Some of this name were here till after 1815, living on the place where WiUiam S. Carleton does. They moved from town. Stickney. William Stickney came from England in 1637, and was among the first settlers in Rowley, Mass., in 1639. His son, Amos, settled in Newbury. A descend ant, two or three generations later, named John, came to Epping. He had a son, Amos, a farmer and tailor. Two twin daughters married in Raymond, Mary to John Hol man, Susan to Joseph Tilton. Their husbands having died, Mary married Joseph Brown in the Gile district, and Susan Joseph Brown on the Harriman road. — Amos Stickney, of Epping, son of the first Amos there, had three daughters married in Raymond. Belinda married Jonathan Woodman, Caroline M. married John W.. Robie, and Elizabeth married Elbridge G. Brown. Reuben Stickney lived in Raymond in the time- of the Revolutionary war, and went into the service. On some of the army rolls his name is spelled " Sticknee." He lived on the road about half a mile beyond Martin V. B. Gile's, on land owned by the Curriers. Remains of the cellar and orchard are still seen. John Stickney, brother of the first Amos of Epping, lived here a year or two, and died, March 30, 1835, of small pox, aged 66. He was buried in the pasture of David Page, not far from the Nay house. He had been a ship carpen ter. Shaw. Nathaniel Shaw lived where Ebenezer C. Os good did iri late years. On a rock in his pasture, Rev. Jeremiah Ballard preached about the year 1800. It is said Rev. EHas Smith also preached there. This Shaw left town and we think went to Maine. — Not far from the time the town was incorporated, a part of lot No. 37, where Hazen Bachelder lives, was laid out to Samuel Shaw. It is not known that he liyed there, but the hill just east of Mr. Bachelder's house was long known as "Shaw Hill." OP RAYMOND. 319 In a record we also find it caUed " Sled Hill." Perhaps a sled might have been broken there. Just below Benjamin Cram's, the hill where the old road used to be was called " Shaw HiU." Spinney. J. Spinney, the head of the family of the name here was from Elliot, Me. He lived near where his son William now does. The late Mrs. Daniel Bagley was a daughter. Mrs. Oren Towle is also a daughter. Thrasher. Henry Thrasher lived in Hampton. He had a son David, born March 7, 1765. He came to Ray mond, married Phebe, daughter of Stephen Prescott, who lived where George S. Robie does, settled where a cellar is seen east of Levi Moulton, and after some years mbved to Candia. The number of children was ten. True, Elisha and Henry were born here, and probably others. Henry is still living in Candia, aged 83. His wife was Betsy Taylor, daughter of John Taylor of Candia, whose death was caused by a cartwheel previous to 1824. David Thrasher's youngest chUdren were daughters. Betsy married Daniel Kelly and settled in Wentworth. A sister of Mr. Kelly was the wife of the late James Jenness of Epping. Sally Thrasher married Cyrus Osborn, and settled in Piermont. Phebe died in Candia. TowLE. The Towle family is one of the oldest in town. By reference to an account of early settlements, on page 19, it will be seen that Elisha Towle came here in 1751. Some of the name have been here ever since, although not in the same family line of descent. Elisha Towle is called Captain in the town records. His house stood a little north of where the late Col. Lyba Brown lived. Late in life, Oct. 8, 1794, he married Widow Amel ia Welch, and died. The only children whose names we have found, were William, who remained on the home place, and Daniel, who lived near Governor's pond where John Smith lives. Ensign WilHam Towle's wife was Elizabeth. All other 320 THE history information we have is that a son was born Feb. 27, 1782, and she died July 12, of the same year, leaving this chUd, named John. This son went to Maine, in after years, and was killed by the falling of a tree. Ens. Towle married, second, a woman named Abigail. She had been a school-teacher in the Page, and perhaps other, districts. She was a woman of more than common powers of mind. Some now living recollect her. At times, after 1815, she was insane. Then she was inclined to be away from home, visiting acquaintances. But these seasons were only temporary. The children were : I. Elizabeth, b. March 3, 1788, married SUas WiUey. 2. Amelia, b. Sept. 20, 1791, married Jeremiah Chand ler. 3. Sarah, b. Sept. 14, 1792, died young. 4. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 4, 1794. 5. Elisha, b. March 7, 1801, married Susan, daughter of Josiah Brown, lived in the old house now standing near Ebenezer Prescott's ; afterwards moved to Maine. Daniel Towle lived near Governor's pond. Of his chil dren, no full account is at hand. Jeremiah lived on the homestead, but sold and went to Maine. He was a man of large frame, and, as extremes sometimes meet, he married/ a wife uncommonly small in person. Capt. James Towle was from Hawke, now Danville, and is said to havebeen a nephew of Capt. Elisha Towle. He lived on the place where Mr. Mack now lives, at the Branch. Serg. William Towle was from Epping. It is said he lived on the north side of the town after coming here, near where Samuel West now lives. Afterwards he settled near the vUlage, his house standing where the Willard house now^oes. He was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and a man of great energy. He was a pensioner for many years, and died March 28, 1825, aged 85. Serg. Towle married a daughter of Benjamin Prescott, OP RAYMOND. 321 who lived east of the Harriman road in what has since been the Blake field, afterwards just above David Pecker's, on the south side of the road. He had a brother Philemon, hence that name in Sargeant Towle's family. Mr. Towle's wife died Nov. 25, 1820. Of their children, Philemon lived in town, then in Rumney and afterwards here again. William followed on the home place. Mrs. Asa K. Poor and Mrs. Luther True are daughters. Another daughter of Sargeant Towle married Mr. Bliss and went from town. Mehitable married Stephen Smith, and settled at Oak Hill. Of their children, only Oliver lives in town. Jacob, and Eliza, who married E. H. Giddings, live in Exeter. Irene married, and lives in Manchester. Dolly, William and Stephen have died. Widow Mehitable Smith is. the oldest person belonging to this town, but she resides mostly at Exeter. She will be 96 this year. Her husband was Stephen, son of Jacob, on Oak Hill. Elisha Towle was from Candia, and lived at the Green. Mrs. Dodge, a daughter, also lives there. How ard and Oren Towle were sons of Elisha. Titcomb. William Titcomb was from Amesbury in 1823. He lived first where Nutter & Co's mills are ; now above York's corner. His son Warren and the wife of John W. L. Robie live jn that neighborhood. Another son lives in Boston, is an ardst, and drew the pictures of the Dudley Mansion and Dudley mills which have been engraved and inserted in this book. They are excellent copies and well exhibit his skUl. His name is WilHam H. Varnum. James Varnum was in Chester, and .appears to have had seven children. One named AbigaU married Ezekiel Lane and setUed in Raymond. This was the Ezekiel named as killed in the war of the Revolution. John, son of James, married Elizabeth Patten, of Candia, and Hved in the Wason district in this town. We find men tion of five chUdren. Martha became the second wife of Alexander McClure. Peter Varnum was a famiHar name 322 THE HISTORY here forty or more years ago. " Pete Varnum " he was more generally called. Though of a stout, healthy and strong appearance, he had no disposition to work or attend to any business. He roved about, subsisting on such fare as he could get. Sometimes he would hire out for a few days and get some cast-off clothes, which he would himself mend after a fashion. He was chargeable to the town, and, for a series of years, he was disposed of by vendue in town meeting, the price frequently being as low as five dollars per year. The one agreeing to secure the town from all expense on his account for that sum would put a notice in a paper, forbidding all persons " harboring or trusting," &c., and that might be the end of it, as he might not see " Pete " for the year ; dr if he did happen along, the con tractor would set him to work, but after dinner, or the next morning after breakfast, Peter would be missing. His near relatives were mostly dead at the time of his death, which was Jan. 17, i860, at the age of 79. No kind hand was near to smooth the pillow of death. In fact he had no pil low but the ground, as he died by exposure. Whittier. Reuben Whittier is supposed to have been from Newton. He and his wife Mary had eleven children, born between 1740 and 1758. Probably a number of them were born in some other pl^ce. His was lot No. 30. in the south-east corner of the town, now in possession of Horace Whittier. Benjamin Whittier was active in the time of the Revolu tion. He lived in that part of the town, we think, on or near the road that leads, by Addison Green's, to Ches ter. Richard Whittier Hved in Brentwood. It is said he lived in Raymond in his later years; He had a son, Aaron, born in Brentwood, who came here and lived on lot No. 30, al ready named. He was a diligent, enterprising, successful farmer, and whUe he minded his own business well, he was generous and obliging to others. He died on that place. OP RAYMOND.. 323 His widow lived to be 90 or more years, but died at her •daughter's, Mrs. Josiah Robinson's, in Fremont. They had a number of children, but, in the absence of records, no full particulars can be given. Edmund, a son, followed him on the home place, was a good farmer, one of the Selectmen, and Representative two years. He died. •His wife was a daughter of Samuel Poor, and is noticed in the genealogy of the Poor family. Of the children, Otis H. lives in Hampton, Horace on the home place, Mrs. John F. Lane in the village, and one or two younger in Western- New York. Anothei;^ son of Aaron Whittier was the late John Whittier, an active business man, of Fremont. Mrs. Josiah Robinson of Fremont, and Mrs. Isaac Poor of Newbury, Mass., are daughters. Mr. Aaron Whittier's father, Richard, had a brother Dan iel. This Daniel had a son, Josiah, who lived once in the westerly part of this town. Josiah, now living near the vil lage, was a son, born in town, and Aaron W. Whittier, in the village, was another. Others live in Deerfield, where the parents died. Wendell. William Wendell was born in Greenland. The name was in Rhode Island, and a town in New Hamp shire was incorporated in 1781, And, in honor of John Wen dell, a proprietor, was named Wendell. In 1850, its name was changed to Sunapee. William Wendell married Miss Todd of this town. Daniel, who lives in the village, was a son. George, on Long Hill, was a grandson, his father having been Elias. York. Jacob York was born in Lee, Dec. 26, 1765, married Judith Tuttle of that town, settled here after 1790- His wife died July i, 1847, and he died Sept. 13, 1856. Levi, the oldest son, was born in Aug., 1792. He settled in town, but afterwards moved away. There were ten children in all. Comfort, Ahaz and Lydia died here. Others scattered to different places. But two are now liv- 324 the history ing, Mrs. David Bunker of Epping, who, April 25, 1875, had been married sixty years, and Mrs. Webb, of Keene. The York name is now extinct in town. Mrs. James F. Hackett, in the vUlage, and Mrs, EHsha T. GUe, on the old York place, are great grandchildren of Jacob York- Another, Mrs. Moore, lives in Epping. On page i79,is the account of Levi S. Brown, who lived, as there stated, where his son, Levi S., does. It should have been mentioned that, besides Levi S., another son is Samuel, for more than twenty-five years a resident in the West, where he is largely engaged in farming. On Page 198, we find, since it was in print, that the ac count of David Dearborn's family is not sufficiently full. It was the large family of thirteen children, as follows: Mrs. Joseph M. Young, Candia; Mrs. J. S. James, Raymond; Thomas B. ; Moses W. ; Sarah A. married Samuel Rey nolds and died ; David F. lives in HaverhiU, Mass. ; Joseph V. B. lives here ; John H. ; James M. ; George H. ; Mrs. V/illiam H. Ferren ; Lavinia F. ; Ellen M. Some besides those named as having died are also dead, and their deaths may be found in the next chapter. Thus ends our long chapter on genealogy. Pope says, " The proper study of mankind is man." We have had quite a lesson in this, dnd h'ave found it wond^erfuUy inter esting. In the best of books, the Most High says, "I will make a man more precious t?han fine gold ; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir." He has done all that he said he would. OP EAYMOND. 325 CHAPTER XVI. RECORD OF MORTALITY. DEATHS FOR FORTY YEARS, COMMENCING TWO YEARS AFTER THE INCORPORATION, RECORDED BY JONATHAN SWAIN, ESQi 1776. Daniel Welster's wife, June ; Robert Page's child ; Daniel Gale, Sept. 6; child of Nicholas Gilman, Sept. 26. 1767. Child of Josiah Fogg, Jan. i ; Enoch,Fogg's wife, Jan. 14 ; child of Joseph Gile ; child of William Towle, May 15 ; Matthew Bachelder, June 30 ; Enoch Fogg's son, July; Henry Flood, Oct, 3 ; chUd of Mr. Carr, Nov. 1768. Child of Ebenezer Cram, May 22 ; child of Dan iel Pevere. 1769. Child of Lieutenant Bean, Jan. 2 ; child of Moses Cass, Jan. ; Moses Cass's wife, Jan. 29 ; chUd of John Lov ering, Oct. 4. 1770. James Moore; child of Daniel Gordon, Feb. 19; John Palmer, June 26 ; child of John Wells, Aug. 1771. Child of Benjamin Cram, Jan. 19; .Margaret Scribner, March 29 ; child of Nehemiah Leavitt ; child of C. DoUoff; Josiah Fogg's wife. May 18. 1772. Samuel Brown's wife, Feb. 15 ; Mr. Palmer, Feb. 24 ; Nathaniel Bean, Feb. 27 ; child of Mr. Pollard, Feb. 27 ; John Magoon, Feb. 28; chUd of Robert Page, April 3 ; child of Robert Page ; child of John Lovering, April ; John FuUonton's wife, April 8; Sanborn Cram's wife. May 15 ; chUd of Sanborn Cram, May 15 ; child of John Roberts ; Philemon Prescott's wife, Aug. 15 ; child of Samuel Phil brick, Nov. I. > . 326 THE HISTORY 1773, ChUd of Pollard, Jan. ; son of Robert Page, Jan. 29; chUd of John Roberts ; child of John FuUonton, Aug. 15; mother of Mr. Todd, Sept. 7 ; Sarah Pike, Sept. 23; son of Moses Cass' wife, Nov. 20 ; Jonathan Hoyt's wife, Dec. 15. 1774. ChUd of Nicholas Gilman, Jan. 22 ; child of Elisha Thomas, June 8; Philemon Prescott, June; child of Noyes Pevere, Oct, 10 ; Clement Moody, Oct. 24. 1775. ChUd of Widow Palmer, Sept. ; child of Eph raim Currier, Sept. 22. f 1776. John Sweatt, Jan. 9 ; child of John Bachelder, April ; child of Joseph Cass, June 4 ; child of Reuben Til ton, Oct. 23. 1777. Child of Joseph Clifford, Jan. 6 ; child of Joseph Clifford, Jan. 11 ; Widow Bachelder, 89, Feb. 6; child of Jeremiah Conner, March 2 ; child of Daniel Norris, April 8 ; chUd of Clement Moody, May ; child of Eliphalet Fol som: child of Josiah Moulton, June ; child of Susan Clough, Sept; son of Benjamin Fox, Oct. 15 ; child of Moses Whit tier, Nov 5 ; child of Moses Whittier, Nov. 14 ; child of Widow Lane, Nov. ; child of Levi Merrill, Nov. 26. 1778. ChUd of John Roberts, Feb. 27; Jonathan Hoyt, March i'; Widow Fullonton, March ; child of John Leavitt, Jr., July; child of Joseph Glidden, Aug. 20; John Gale, Aug. 28 ; child of Josiah Moulton, Aug. 29 ; chUd of Nicho las Gilman, Sept. 17 ; child of A. McClure, Sept. 20 ; child of A. McClure Sept. 23 ; [two children of A. McClure, Oct. twins; child of Samuel Poor, Oct. 21; child of Samuel Poor, Nov. 22 ; chUd of Alexander Smith, Dec. ' 16. 1779. Child of WilHam Towle, Jan. 10; Mr. Tucker's wife, AprU; chUd of Josiah Moulton, Sept. 13; chUd of Reuben Tilton, Dec. 1780. ChUd of Samuel Nay, Jan. ; Mr. Smith's wife, AprU; Ezekiel Smith, Oct. 31; son of Ebenezer Cram, Nov. 23 ; chUd of Josiah Moultou, Dec 2 ; Elijah Giles, OP RAYMOND. 327 (drowned) Dec. i8 ; Daniel Lane's wife, Dec. ; >chUd of Widow Lovering, Dec 1781. Benjamin Prescott's wife, March 31 ; Samuel Chapman's wife, May 11 ; child of Ebenezer Poor, June 5 ; Deborah Fogg, July 5 ; John Folsom's wife, July 21 ; Ste phen Fogg, Sept. 29. i'j82. Child of Ebenezer Osgood, Feb. 27 ; daughter of Daniel Holman, March ; Elisha Towle's wife, July 12 ; child of Anthony Clifford; child of Eliphalet Folsom, July; chUd of Ebenezer Prescott, Aug. 30 ; child of Samuel Moore ; child of Matthias Hains, (drowned,) Dec. 10 ; child of Thom as Bean, Dec. 20; child of Thomas Bean, Dec. 24. 1783. John Robinson, Jan. 12 ; one black child, Jan. 16 ; child of Samuel Chapman, Feb. 21 ; Widow Robinson, July 20 ; Jedediah Brown, Aug. 7 ; Caleb Towle, Sept. 12 ; Abi gail Joy, ^ept. 20, grandmother of Captain Daniel Lover ing ; Widow Mary Gomery, Nov. 20 ; Lieutenant Bean's wife, Dec. 17. 1784. Child of William Furnald, Jan. 13 ; child of Dan iel Todd, Jan. 23 ; Joseph Cram, Feb. 21 ; Ezekiel Hol- man's wife, Feb. 29; Elisha Towle, Jr., July 21 ; child of Nathan Robie, Oct. 6; child of WilHam Towle, Jr., Dec. 19. 1785. Wife of WUHam Towle, Jr., Jan. 4 ; chUd of Jo siah Robinson, May ; child of Israel Griffin ; Christopher Richardson, Dec. 22. 1786. Child of Samuel Nay, Jan. 17 ; child of Ebenezer Osgood, Feb. 5 ; Daniel Gordon's wife, 79, March 9 ; Dan iel Gordon, 81, April 16; Nicholas Gilman, April 30; child of Josiah Glidden, May 7 ; Ebenezer Osgood's wife, May 19 ; Enoch Fogg, July 27 ; Jonathan Brown, Aug. 5 ; Israel Griffin, Aug. 13 ; child of Hannah Gordon, Sept. 30 ; Sarah Moody, Oct. 4 ; child of Hosea Bean, Oct. 31; chUd of Josiah Robinson, Nov. 19. 1787. ChUd of WilHam S. Healey, March 8; John Rains' wife, March 11 ; W. S. Healey's daughter, March 328 THE HISTORY 15 ; Daniel Moody's wife, March 19 ; child of S. Healey, May; chUd of Mr. Waters, June ; Widow Sanborn's daugh ter; June 10; child of Joseph White, June 10; child of EHsha Towle, June ir ; Gordon Leavitt; John Bachelder's , wife, June 16 ; child of Widow Griffin, June 17 ; child of Benjamin Cram, June 21 ; child of Jonathan Swain, June 21 ; child of John Chapman, July 5 ; child of Thomas Bean ; child of Ebenezer Osgood ; child of Widow Griffin, Oct. 6 ; Widow Thurston, Nov. 12. 1788. John, Stevens' son, Jan. 2; child of Captain Todd, Jan. 19 ; child of Captain Todd, Jan. 22 ; child of Ebenezer Poor, June 10 ; child of Mr. Marsh, July 14 ; Panuel Chap man, Sept. 7 ; child of Samuel Chapman, Oct. 14 ; child of Theophilus Lovering, Nov. 2. 1789. Jonas Clay, Jan. 10; Benjamin Prescott, Jan. 24; child of Ezekiel Holman, Jan. 27 ; child of Thomas Dud- leyi July 18 ; child of Enoch Osgood; child of Asa -Harri man ; child of Philemon Towle, Dec. 1790. Amos KimbaU, Jan. 16; John Leavitt, Jan. 25; wife of John Smith, Jr., Jan. 25 ; child of Josiah Lane, Feb. 4; child of Widow Torrey, March 12 ; Reuben Whittier, March 28 ; John Folsom, April 8 ; Widow Thurston, July 5 ; Widow Brown, 51, Sept. 21 ; child of Susan Bean, Nov. 14; Lieutenant Thomas Merrill, 44, Nov.- 15. 1791. Child of Ebenezer Osgood, Jan. 6 ; wife of Daniel Holman, March 8 ; wife of Daniel Clay, May 3 ; child of John Fox, Oct. 4 ; Major Josiah Foggi Oct. 6 ; Joseph Dud ley, Dec. 14;. Henry Thresher, Dec. 18. 1792. Wife of Captain Towle, Jan. 24 ; chUd of Humph rey Hook, Jan. 25 ; Mr. "Ciers" wife, [probably Currier] Feb. 25 ; chUd of WUHam Towle, Jr., March 17 ; Captain Nay's wife, 50, June 10 ; Reuben Prescott's wife, July i ; S. Shannon's wife, Aug. 11; John Bachelder, 74, Sept. 25; Widow Carr, Oct. 21 ; chUd of Sarah Richardson, Dec. - 1793. Widow Betty Bean, March 17 ; Daniel Robie, April 27; child of Mr. Waters, AprU; child of Daniel Dud- OF RAYMOND. 329 ley, May; child of Jonathan Lane, Oct. 17 ; wife of Samuel Lane, Oct. 31 ; wife of Thomas Gordon, 53, Nov. 6 ; child of Jonathan Dearborn, Jr., Dec. 5. 1794. Clement Dolloff, Jan. 29; child of James Dudley, Feb.; wife of Manoah Scribner, Feb. 22; child of Joseph Leavitt, Sept. 24 ; child of John Osgood, Sept. ; child of Jeremiah Griffin, Dec. ; William Todd, Dec. 29. 1795. Daughter of Mr. Heath, May 23; child of Mr. Heath, Sept.; child of Simon Gross, Sept. 12; MoUy Swain, 56, Dec. 6; Wm. S. Healey, Dec. 28. 1796. Wife of John Prescott Lovering, Mc\rch 9 ; child of Gideon Currier, Aug. 28 ; child of Simon D. Page, Sept. 5 ; John Glidden, 76, Oct. 9 ; child of Theophilus Lover ing. 1797. Child of Benjamin Leavitt, Feb. ; child of Capt. Nay, Feb. 18 ; child of Mr. Ebat, Feb. ; Robert Runnels' wife, March 9 ; Daniel Pevere's wife, April 19; Jacob Lane, May 6; Widow Poor, 84, Aug. 20; wife of Mr. Peavey, Sept. 21; Widow Cram, Nov. 8; Widow Brown, 74, Dec. 2. 1798. ChUd of David Lane, Jr., March 31 ; chUd of John Roberts, July 4 ; child of Benjamin Leavitt, Aug. 20 ; child of Ebenezer Fullonton, Sept. 20. 1799. Widow Clay, 83, Jan. 11 ; wife of Benjamin Leav itt, April 9 ; D. Towle's son, Aug. 30 ; Nathaniel Richard son, Sept. 20; Widow Robinson, Oct. 18. 1800. Ebenezer Prescott, 49, Jan. 18 ; wife of John Palmer, Jan. 22 ; Widow Sarah Lane, April 29 ; Jonathan Clay, May 22 ; Widow Prescott, June i ; child of Amos Kimball. 1801. Woman at York's, Feb. 27 ; son of Nathan Robie, April 5 ; child" of S. Scribner, May 3 ; daughter of John Bachelder, July 9 ; child of Mr. Gile, Aug. i ; Amos Kim ball's wife, 39, Aug. 16. 1802. Widow Dudley, Jan. 13 ; child of John Richard son, AprU 8 ; John P. Lovering, 75, AprU 13 ; chUd of A. 330 THE HISTORY McClure, Jr., May 20; child of Simon D. Page, July 25 ; child of Samuel Shannon, Sept. 24 ; child of Samuel Nay, Jr., Sept. 8; child of William Dudley, Sept. 20 ; child of Ebenezer Tabor, Oct. i ; Major Coffin, Oct. 18 ; child of Widow Healey, Oct. ; child of Daniel Lane, Aug. 20. 1803. Child of Josiah Smith, Jan. 18 ; wife of John Leav itt ; Feb. 23 ; child of Benjamin Dolloff, Feb. 26 ; child of Captain Lovering, March 7, afterwards Colonel Lovering; Betsy Pevere, March 16 ; Lieutenant Benjamin Bean, April 4; Benjamin Dolloff, April 19; woman at Ezekiel Roberts, May 23 ; Benjamin Cram, 55, May 24 ; John Varnum, June 8 ; daughter of Captain Lovering, Sept 23 ; Mrs. McNeal, Oct. 2; child of James Towle, Oct. 2 ; child of Captain Lovering, Oct. 2; child of Benjamin Bean, Oct. 24. 1804. Robert Moore, Jan. 5 ; Daniel Clay, Jan. 9 ; Widow Tandy, Feb. 4 ; Daniel Moody, Feb. 20, killed in a saw-mill ; Widow Rhoda Clay, May i ; Abigail Leavitt, May 20; Benjamin Fox, Aug. 12 ; Thomas Bean, Sept. 10 ; daughter of Ruth Shaw, Sept. 16. 1805. Widow Mary Thresher, Jan. 26 ; child of Phineas Gilman, March 8 ; wife of John Dearborn, March 24 ; John Dudley, Esq. , May 21 ; Captain Elisha Towle, June 2 ; child of Widow Mary Moore, Aug. 4; child of Chase Osgood, Aug. 25 ; child of Chase • Osgood, Sept. 3 ; Oba diah Griffin, Sept. 9 ; Lieut. Samuel Scribner, Sept. 30 ; wife of Humphrey Hook, Oct. ; Thomas Gordon, Nov. 14 ; child of Jonathan Lane, Nov. 22 ; Isaac Lane, Nov. 22. 1806. Daughter of Joshua Palmer, Feb. 11 ; wife of Samuel TUton, March 25 ; child of Thomas Dearborn ; widow of Judge Dudley, May 13 ; Widow Dearborn, July I- [Mr. Swain's health was failing, and he died early the next year. The record was continued by his son, Levi Swain. ] 1807. Jonathan Swain, Feb. 20, aged 80 ; Sarah Dudley March 13 ; Samuel Healey, March 21 ; Simon Gross's son. OiP RAYMOND. 331 AprU 15 ; David Lane, Jr., May 13 ; son of Samuel Tilton, Nov. II ; John Varnum, Jr., Nov. 14; Charlotte, wife of Daniel Moody, Dec. 31. 1808. ChUd of Chase Osgood, Jan. 5 ; chUd of Daniel Towle, Jan. 12 ; Widow Betty Fox, Feb. 9 ; child of Nathan iel Dearborn, Feb. 14 ; child of Daniel Norton, June 30 ; Josiah Moulton's wife, Sept. 4 ; Peggy Clay, Nov. 22 ; Dan iel Richardson, Nov. 29; Isaac Tucker, Dec. 16. 1809. Widow Kimball, Jan. 27 ; Richard Whittier, Feb. 24 ; child of John Folsom ; Lieutenant Jonathan Dearborn's wife, March i ; child of Josiah Davis, March 28 ; boy of Simon Gross, April ; child of Widow Richardson, May 12 ; Sanders Carr, May 18 ; Daniel Holman. July 25 ; daughter of Caleb Smith, Aug. 4 ; wife of J. Bennett, Aug. 6 ; Betty Healey, Sept. 19 ; Creasy Morse, Oct. 28 ; wife of Deacon Ebenezer Cram, Nov. 27 ; child of Mr. J^mes Dudley, Nov. 1810. Reuben Prescott, Feb. 12; Joseph Blake, March 9, father of Sherburn Blake, Esq. ; Betty Prescott, Aug. 13- 181 1. Samuel Peavey, 96, Jan. 14 ; Hitty Dearborn, Jan. 23 ; wife of Colonel Ebenezer Cram, Jr., March 3 ; boy of J. Towle, March 15 ; Samuel Smith, March 31 ; chUd of D. Towle, Jr., Aug. 9 ; wife of Simon Gross, Sept. 15 ; Sam uel Francis, Sept. 24 ; Widow* Pollard, Nov. 16 ; Axy Moore, Dec. 7 ; Nathan Robie, Dec. 12; William Moore, Dec. 14. 1812. Dr. Francis Hodgkins, Oct. 8 ; child of Jonathan Cram, Oct. 10 ; child of A. McClure, Jr. ; wife of A. Mc Clure, Jr., Nov. 28 ; J. Bennett's wife, Nov. 28. 1813. Wife of John Prescott, March 4 ; John Lane, March 11 ; child of Peter Abbott, AprU 23 ; child of James Dudley, April 15 ; Eleanor McClure, Sept. 3 ; Ephraim Morse, Oct. 17 ; WiUiam Runnels, Dec. 28. 1814. Widow Carr, Feb. 3 ; wife of D. Pevere, Jr., April 6 ; chUd of John Prescott, AprU 9 ; Samuel Healey, May 2 ; Major Josiah Fogg's widow. May 10; wife of David 3^2 Tfifi HISTORY Carr, May 15 ; child of Ebenezer Cram, Jr., July 22 ; Simon Page's son, Robert, Sept. 4 ; child of John Roberts, Sept. 20 ; son of Widow Lane, Sept. 24 ; Widow Sarah Smith, Nov. 9. 1 815. ChUd of WiUiam WendeU, March 9; chUd of Enos Hoyt, March 14; Betty Miller, June i ; Fanny Mc Clure, July 3 ; Ebenezer Cram's child, Aug. 9 ; wife of Jo siah Hook, Oct. 20, aged 35 ; child of John Moore ; child of T. Dudley ; child of J. Davis ; Widow Richardson, Oct. 30 ; James Miller, Nov. 7 ; wife of John Stevens, Nov. 9 ; Daniel Whittier, Dec. 3 ; child of Joshua Hodgkins, Decem ber 29. 1816. Joan Stevens, Jan 8 ; child of John Sweatt ; child of John Moore ; child of Ebenezer Cram ; child of D. Towle ; Widow Prescott, March 29 ; John Stevens, April 12 ; Jonathan Holman, April 29, and Patten Holman, May 3, twins ; two children of John Roberts, May, twins ; Lieut. Jeremiah Holman, Aug. 20; Widow Towle, Nov. 10; Gid eon Currier, Jr. , Nov. 25; wife of Elisha Towle, Dec. 6; child of Dr. Trull, Dec. 27 ; Robert Page, Dec. 31, aged 85- 1817. Child of Jesse Flood, Jan 26 ; Simon Page's wife, March 22 ; child of Stephen Tucker, April 21 ; Captain John Fullonton, June 14, ^ged 87 ; Daniel Pervear, June 21 ; Phineas Healey, July 5; Widow McClure, July 9; chUdof R. Whittier, July 13 ; child of Ed. Gleason, Sept. 21, drowned in a well ; Capt. Samuel Nay, Oct. i ; Betsy Holman, Oct. 28 ; Joshua Hodgkins, Dec 10. 1818. Asa Heath's wife, Jan. 24 ; Jonathan Lane, Jr. , March 10 ; Robert Runnels, April 16 ; Calvin Brown, Aug. 4 ; Samuel Tilton's wife, Aug. 13 ; Daniel Lane's wife, Aug. 28; Samuel Locke, Oct. 22; Isaac Tucker, Jr., Nov. 18; Daniel Lovering, Jr's., wife, Nov. 24; Manoah Scribner, Dec 8. 1819. Jesse Harriman's child, Jan. 6 ; Molly McClure, Jan. 25 ; WilHam Clifford's daughter, Jan. 28 ; Dea. Eben- OP RAYMOND. 3S3 eZer Cram, Feb. 7 ; Ebenezer Poor, Feb. 16 ; John Wal lace's child, Feb. 25 ; Stephen Tucker's child, March 31 ; Sarah CHfford, April 2 ; Widow Martha Holman, April 28 ; Widow Lovey Stevens, May 2 ; Widow Rachel FuUonton, May 24 ; Asa Harriman, July i ; WiUiam Wendell's child, Nov. 28; Benjamin Clifford's child, Dec. 7. 1820. Susan Bachelder, Amos's daughter, Feb. 9 ; Jo siah Lane, Feb. 19 ; Gilman Gordon ; Emily Bean, Sept. 23 ; Eliphalet Folsom, Sept. 26 ; Oren Brown, Sept. 29 ; Jonathan Nay's child, Oct. 14 ; Susanna Brown, David's daughter, Nov. 6 ; Josiah Brown's wife, Nov. 11 ; William Towle's wife, Nov. 25. 1821. Jesse Emerson, Feb. 27 ; Moses Woodman's child, March 19 ; Robert Patten's child ; Smith York, July 13 ; Nancy Lane, Nov. 6; Eleanor Brown's child, Nov. 9; Mary Richardson, Dec. 6 ; Daniel Young's wife, Dec. 9. 1822. Mrs. Severance, Feb. 8 ; John Norris's wife, April 5 ; Ezekiel Roberts' wife, April 17 ; Thomas Shannon's wife. May 10 ; Thomas Miller, May 30 ; Isaiah Cram's child, June 26 ; son of John Dearborn, Jr., July 7 ; N. Smith, July ; William Clifford's wife, July 22 ; Jacob Clifford, Aug. 28 ; Widow Lydia Sessions, Oct. 2 ; John Leavitt, Deg. 25. 1823. John Dearborn, Jan. 9 ; Samuel Gile, Feb, aged 18 years ; Peter Mitchell, March 6 ; Mr. Adams, March 13 ; Josiah Fogg's chUd, April 15 ; Benjamin Berry, April 22 ; Widow Tucker, May 20 ; chUd of Mr. RoUins, Sept. 17; Josiah Miller's wife, Sept 20; Levi^Page's boy, Oct 5 ; John Bachelder's wife, Oct. 15 ; Samuel Roberts' wife, Nov. 15 ; Joseph Robie's daughter, Nov. 24 ; Thomas Leavitt's boy, Dec. 19; Deacon Samuel Nay's wife, Dec. 23. 1824. Moses C. Magoon's chUd Jan. 5 ; Moses C. Ma- goon's child, Feb. 5 ; James Norris' wife, April ib ; Alexan der McClure's child, April 30 ; Benjamin Rowe, May 17 ; Asa Currier's chUd, May 26 ; Jedediah Nay's child, July- 19 ; Collins Robie, July 24 ; Jedediah Nay. Aug. 4 ; David Fox's chUd Aug. 13 ; Shuah Robie, Aug. 20 ; David Lane, Aug. 334 THE HISTOR* 23 ; WUliam Fogg, son of Josiah, Sept. 16; daughter of Jo siah Fogg, Oct. 6; Nancy Richardson, Oct 17 ; Chase Os good, Oct 27 ; Jesse Harriman's wife, Nov. 13 ; Widow Ro bie, Nov. 17, wife of the first Daniel. 1825. Dr. Rowell's child, Jan. i ; two children of Mr. Mender, twins, Jan. 20 ; Elizabeth Towle's child, Feb. 4 ; old Mrs. Harriman, Feb. 6; Samuel Nay's child, March 2 ; John W. Locke, March 11 ; Daniel Lane, March 28, 89 years ; William Towle, March 28, aged 85 ; Enos Hoyt, Jr., June 24 ; Abigail McClure, July 15 ; Thomas Roberts' child, July 15 ; Smith Healey's child, July 15 ; Phebe Healey's girl, July 24 ; Charles Osgood, son of Stephen, Aug. 29 ; Henry Osgood's child, Aug. 31; Alba Osgood, son of Ste phen, Sept. 19 ; Jacob Davis's child, Sept. 29 ; Josiah Moul ton, Oct. 10, father of Levi; Enos Hoyt, Oct. 11 ; Stephen Robinson's child, Oct. 9 ; Jacob Dow's child, Oct. i3 ; Stephen Robinson's child, Oct. 17 ; Henry Osgood's wife, Oct. 25 ; Betsy Lane, Oct. 27 ; Joseph Dudley, aged 75, Oct. 28; Jeremiah Gross, Oct. 31 ; Stephen Prescott's wife, Nov. 2 ; Abraham Smith, Dec. 22. [The record kept by Levi Swain was continued many years longer. One was kept by David Page, Ebenezer C. Osgood, Timothy Osgood, and John Dearborn, but that by Jeremiah Fullonton is copied, being more full and giving ages. The others have been consulted. ] 1826. Jan., Samuel Moody's child, 8 years ; Feb., Widow Hannah Lane ; Feb. 28, Dudley Rowe ; March i ; Lieutenant Jonathan Dearborn, 84 years ; March 10, Mary Hook; March 11, Elbridge Brown ; March 13, Sally Robie, 18 years ; March, Mrs. Brown, wife of Levi ; April 7, Suel Abbott's chUd, 2 weeks; April, E. Worthen's wife ; April 12, D. Towle's child, 12 years ; AprU 18, Mrs. Dudley, 57 years, wife of James ; May 17, Daniel Robie; May 24, Reuben Tilton; Aug. 5, Mrs. Smart ; Aug. 30, J. Richard son; Sept., John Page's child, 17 months; Oct. 3, GUman Lovering's child ; Oct. 7, J. Lovering's child ; Nov., Mrs. OP RAYMOND. DoUoff 's child; Dec. i6, James Thurston, 31 years; Dec. 24, B. Healey. 1827. Feb. 13, Anna Peavey; March, Samuel Smith ; March 7, Samuel Tilton, 49 years ; March 8, R. Healey; March 19, Mrs. Currier, wife of Gideon ; April 24, Eph raim Abbott; Ma}', Mrs. Shepherd; June i, Jonathan Brown's child; June 22, Benjamin Towle; June, Smith Healey; Aug., Sarah Kimball; Aug. 23, Atwood Tilton, son of Joseph ; Oct. 19, Mrs. Poor ; Oct. 26, John Lover ing's child ; Nov. i, John Robie, 21 years ; Nov. 10, Thom as Roberts' child ; Nov. 17, Mary Dudley, 54, wife of Thom as ; Nov. 30, Widow TUton 89, widow of Reuben; Dec. 3, Mr. Brown, Joseph of Poplin, died here; Dec, 31, Daniel- Todd. 1828. Jan., S. Robinson's child ; Jan. 23, Daniel Robie's chUd, 2 years; Jan. 30, John Bachelder's child ; Feb. 7, Amos Kimball's child ; Feb. 27, Marj^ Folsom, 42, wife of John; March 4, Henry Osgood's chUd ; March, W. Bun-* ker's child ; April 3, Mrs. Bachelder, wife of Josiah ; April 17, Mary J. Dudley, 5 weeks, daughter of Joseph; May 4, Stephen Tilton's child; May 23, Thomas Bean's chUd ; May 31; Mr Meader's chUd ; June 2, Stephen Prescott, 88 ; July 15, Moses James, 20, drowned, belonged in Candia ; Aug. 27, Josiah Brown, 57 ; Sept. 27, Mrs. Webster; Oct. 23, Mrs. GUes, wife of. Jesse ; Oct. 25, Mrs. Palmer, wife of Joshua ; Oct 30, Daniel Hilton's child ; Dec. , Samuel Poor ; Dec. 13, Joseph Brown's chUd; Dec. 29, Lydia Fullonton, wife of Ebenezer. 1829. Jan., Mrs. Foot, 70; Jan., Mr. Abbott's child, 2 years; Jan. 16, AbigaU Scribner, 24; March 12, Sally Da vis, 18 ; March 18, Mrs. Roberts, 54, wife of John; March 20, Mrs. Towle, wife of Daniel; AprU, Thomas Bachelder's chUd; May 24, Deborah Robie, 31 ; May 26, John Bachel der, 77 ; June, Thomas Roberts' chUd ; July 12, GUman Loverino-; Oct. 29, Rebecca Richardson; Nov. 9, Levi Page's chUd, 6 weeks ; Nov. 27, Jacob Smith, 55, a tran- 336 THE HISTORY sient person; Dec. 23, Sarah Dearborn,7o, wife of Jonathan. 1830. Feb., David GUe's chUd ; May 21, AbigaU Rich ardson, 45 ; June 8, Samuel GUdden ; Sept. 14, Sarah J. Robie, I year, 10 months ; Sept. 16, Susan Smith, 40, >vife of Jonathan ; Oct. 8, Phebe Healey ; Oct. 28, Nathan Poor's child, 6 years ; Nov. 5, Ira Griffin, 26; Nov. 8, NanCy Smith, 35. 1831. Jan. 12, Sarah Page, 95, mother of David; Feb., Samuel Moody, 39; April 2, Mr. Colby's child; April Mrs. Wallace, 92, mother of John; May 10, Susanna Ful lonton, 25 ; May 16, Deborah Cram ; Aug. 6, Ezekiel Roberts, 82 ; Sept. 8, Mary McClure, 24 ; Sept. 16, Moses Hoyt's child, 3 years ; Sept. 30, Dea. D. N. Lane's child, 3 years; Oct. 3, Dea. D. N. Lane's child ; Oct. 4, Rev. S. Farnsworth's child, 3 years. 1832. Jan. 4, Elizabeth Bean, mother of Captain Benja min ; Jan. 24, Jane Bachelder, 5 years ; Jan. 30, Clement 'Moody, 66; Feb., Oren Fogg's child, i year; April, Wid ow Locke ; April 28, Thomas McClure, 32; June 16, Joseph Corson's child, 3 years ; June 19, Ruth Page, 77 ; July 19, Stephen Tilton's child, i day ; Sept. 4, Betty Moody; Nov. 2, John H. Woodman, 16; Nov. 7, George W. Harriman, 12 ; Dec. 12, Elizabeth Cram, 4 years ; Dec. 22, Mrs. Lane, wife of Jonathan A. Lane. 1833. Tan. 4, Oren B. Cram, 4 years; Feb. 5, Elizabeth Smith, 79; Feb. 7, Ebenezer S. Cram, 10 years, son of Ebenezer; March i, R. Miller; AprU 9, Lucy Hunt, 3 years; AprU 30, Darius Smith, 22; May 3, Francis Fol som, 40; Aug. I, Dr. John Gale, 27; Aug. Widow Clifford, 83; Oct. 2, Betsy Brown, 38; Oct. 11, Mrs Pat ten, 41, wife of Thomas ; Nov. 14, JuHa A. McClure, 8 years; Dec, Samuel McClure's child, 4 years. '^ , 1834. Jan. 16, Elizabeth J. Smith, 3 years; Jan. 25, Mrs. Peavey, 80 ; Jan. 26, GUman Moody, 37 ; Jan. 28, Joseph Peavey, 82 ; Jan. 29, Daniel Hoyt, 87; Feb. 3, Mrs. Hoyt, 82; Feb. 7, Sarah Nay, 70; Feb. 13, Jonathan OP RAYMOND. 337 Smith, 77; Feb. 25, Mary Cram, 82, mother of Captain Jonathan; April 13, Samuel Nay, 72, Deacon; April 22, Mrs. Bachelder, 79, wife of Jonathan ; June 29, George Mace ; Aug. 9, Mrs. Abbott ; Aug. 16, Widow Hannah Robie, 74, mother of Thomas ; Sept. 3, Hannah Brown, 78, wife of John; Sept. 23, Widow Sarah Dudley, 74; Oct. 8, Rachel Page, 56, wife of David; Oct. 16, Moses Dearborn, 28, son of Major Thomas; Oct. 16, William Clifford, Jr., 18, son of William. 1835. Jan. 19, Dr. Thomas J. Dudley, 31 ; Feb. 4, Captain GUman Dudley, 44 ; Feb., Mr. Whittier's child, 2 yeafs ; Feb., Mr. Amos KimbaU, 75; Feb. 20, Peter H. Philbrick, 15; March 10, Widow Moody, 72; March 29, John Stickney, 66 (small-pox) ; April, Widow Rich ardson (small-pox) ; April 27, Captain Timothy Osgood, 84; April 28, Sarah Stevens, wife of John M. ; May 26, Hannah Fullonton, 56 ; June, J. Bachelder's child ; July 15, Colonel Ebenezer Cram, 53; July 27, Daniel Towle; Sept. 3, Mrs. Lovering, 76, wife of Colonel L. ; Sept. 28, Theodore Bachelder, 30 ; Sept. 30, Gideon Currier, 80 ; Oct. 13, Major Daniel Norris, 90; Oct., Widow Lane, 71 ; Nov., L. Abbott's child, 2 years ; Dec. 3, Charles Leav itt, 19, son of Abraham. 1836. Jan., Widow Healey, 87, wife of William; May 20, Major John Todd, 38 ; June, Hannah Emerson, 18 ; Sept. 2, Elsie Osgood, wife of Enoch, aged 50; Sept. 5, Widow Lovering; Sept.. William Brown's child; Sept. 20, David Fox, Jr. (drowned) ;,Nov. 3, Mr. Spinney, 55. 1837. Jan. II, Elizabeth J. Brown, 5 years, daughter of Capt. Levi; Jan. 17, Mrs. WaUace, 49, wife of John; Feb. 3, Widow Mary Norris, 88 ; April 20, John Brown, 78 ; AprU 21, J. GUe's child, 2 months ; April 23, Mrs. Abbott, wife of SeweU ; June 6, Mrs. Roberts, wife of Daniel ; June 13, infant child of C. C. Hartford; June 13, infant chUd of C. C. Hartford; July 3, Sally Robie, wife of Henry, 75 ; Aug. 5, Mary Folsom, 27, daughter of John, Esq. ; Aug. 338 THE HISTORY 27, James Dudley, Jr., 38; Aug., Nathaniel Dearborn, 62 ; Sept. 16, Mrs. A. Gilman, daughter of Henry Robie ; Oct. II, Jacob Smith's child, i year; Oct. 24, Dorothy Fogg, wife of Joseph, 63: Nov., Josiah Bachelder, 88; Dec. 13, infant child of S. TUton; Dec. 18, infant child at S. Tilton's ; Dec, Widow Todd, 82. 1838. Jan., Samuel Robert's child; March 9, David Brown, 72; AprU, L. Woodman's child; Aug. Jesse Gile, 68; Aug. 13, Peter BarUett, 49; Sept, Widow Welch; Oct., Daniel Lovering ; Oct., Captain Phineas GUman, 74 ; Oct. 21, Richard Whittier, 22. 1839. J^u- ^5' Daniel Pervere, 68 ; Feb., W. Richardson, 53 ; March 12, James Welch, 6 months ; March 29, Orange York, I year, 6 months ; March 30, Albert Foss, 2 years ; AprU 4, Widow Molly Folsom, 83; AprU n, Jonathan Bachelder, 84; April 18, Levi Swain, 86; April 22, Hiram Sargent's chUd, 5 weeks ; April 30, Elizabeth E. Harriman, r year, 3 months; June 17, John PoUard; Aug., Mrs. Swain, wife of Levi, 84; Aug. 15, S. Robert's child, i year; Oct., J. Robert's- child, 2 years; Nov., Widow Locke, 81 ; Dec. 19, Josiah MiUer. 1840. March 8, John Scribner's chUd ; March 25, Sam uel MiUer, 84; April 3, Mrs. Pecker, 82; April 21, Gilman Bean, 24; May 7, EHsha Towle, 62 -, Oct. 16, WilHam Stevens, 66; Oct. 29, David Gile's chUd, 11 months; Dec. 15, Mary Moore, 45. 1841. Jan. 27, Joanna Page, 8 years ; March 6, Widow Dolbier, 60; March 7, Sarah Brown, 56, wife of Ebenezer; March, Samuel Nay's child; April 2, William Wallace's chUd; July, Jonathan A. Lane's chUd; Aug. 19, PhUemon Towle, 75; Aug. 25, Widow Sarah Scribner, 80; Sept. 4, John TUton's chUd ; Oct. 6, Sarah Gale, 2 years. Dr. Gale's chUd; Oct. ri, Harriet J. Corson, r year; Dec. 23, Mrs. Robie, wife of Thomas. 1842. Jan. 5, SewaU Abbott; Jan., Mr. Poor's chUd, i year, Asa K's.; Feb. 25, Jonathan Swain Brown, 53 ; April OP RAYMOND. 339 I, John Page, 50; April 15, Aaron Whittier, 63 ; June, Mr. Wason's child, 11 weeks; July i, Eunice Dudley, 54; July 15, Andrew Robie, 5 years, 6 months ; Aug., Peter Abbott; Sept. 6, Olive Robie, 31 ; Sept. 11, Howard Towle's child, 2 years; Sept., John Heale3'-'s child, 2 years; Sept. 15, Mary Willard, 28, wife of Daniel ; Sept., Howard Towle's child, 4 years; Sept., John Healey's child, 4 years; Sept. 20, Major Ebenezer Nay, 45 ; Oct. 10, Franklin Dudley's child, 4 years ; Oct., Howard Towle's child, 2 weeks; Oct. 14, Franklin Dudley's child, 6 years ; Oct., Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, wife of Jonathan ; Oct. 27, Franklin Dudley's child, 12 years; Nov. 13, Widow Dorothy Gile, 50; Nov. 23, Eliphalet Francis Folsom, 20; Nov., T. Blaisdell's child; Dec. 21, Mrs. E. Roberts, wife of John; Dec. 31, Widow Nay, 92, Captain S. Nay's widow. 1843. Jan. r4, Jonathan Nay, 74 ; Jan. 31, WiUiam Ste vens, 36; Feb. 15, Jacob Lane; April i, Nancy Dudley, 79, wife of Moses; April 16, Francis Patten, 20; April 24, Daniel Willard's child, i year; May 2, infant of J. B. Cram; May 2, infant child of J. B. Cram; June 26, Mr. Abbott's child, 2 years; July 2, Moses Dudley, Esq., 78; July, Martha Norris, 70, wife of James ; July 19, Mary Til ton, 66, wife of Deacon; Aug. 10, Jacob Smith, 87 ; Aug. 20, Sarah K. Gale, 39, wife of Dr. Gale; Aug. 31, Sarah Brown, 51, daughter of David; Oct. 3, Joseph Fogg, 67. 1844. March 14, Josiah Keys, 70; April 14, James Bartlett, 50 ; April 30, James Patten, 28 ; May 20, Mr. Sanborn's child; June 14, Widow Mercy Nay, 45, wife of Major Ebenezer; June, James Dudley, 82; Aug., Samuel Dearborn's child ; Aug. 10, V/illiam Titcomb's child, 9 years; Aug. 12, Benjamin Smart, 42; Aug., Amos Kim ball's child, I year; Sept. 14, Comfort York, 40; Oct. 3, James Welch's chUd, i year, 4 months; Nov., Deacon D. N. Lane's chUd ; Nov. 13, S. Richardson's chUd, 4 months; Nov. 21, Captain Benjamin Bean, 64; Nov., Timothy Os good's chUd; Nov. 30, Sally Cram, 20; Dec. 15, AbigaU 340 TUE HISTORY Brown, 25, wife of Levi S. ; Dec, S. Heath's chUd, 5 years. 1845. Jan. 8, Maryetta Robie, 12 ; Jan., Mrs. Lane, 82, wife of Jonathan ; Feb., Mrs. GUman's chUd ; AprU 2, E. R. Bachelder's child, 8 weeks ; Mrs. Lane, mother of J. Folsom Lane; May 21, Hannah Brown, 44, wife of Jona than; June 22, Perley Abbott; June 23, Josiah Smith's child; Oct, Levi Page, 60; Oct., George P. Anderson's child; Nov. 11, Hazen Smart's child; Dec. 23, Henry Ro bie, 80; Dec. 25, Mary Bachelder, 52, wife of Deacon Amos. 1846. Jan., Mr. Healey, 80; Feb. 24, James Welch's child, 6 months; Feb., Mrs. Patten wife of Thomas ; Feb. 26, William Carlton's child, 5 years ; March 7, William P. Tufts' child, 5 months ; March, Widow Hodgkins, 89 ; March, William Healey ; March, Hazen Smart's child ; April 9, Jacob Dow, 26 ; May 29, Rufus Poor, 25, son of Benjamin ; May, Ebenezer Prescott's child, i year, 6 months ; May, O. G. Smith's child, 4 weeks ; June 29, Rachel Leavitt, 60; July 25, Jesse McClure, 20; Aug., Hiram Sargent's child ; Aug. 18, Elizabeth Sargent, wife of Hiram; Sept., Mr. Marden's child, 2 years; Sept. 28, Mrs. Brown, 40, wife of Ebenezer ; Oct. 20, Jonathan Hea ley; Oct., Tappan Currier's child ; Dec. 18, Widow Sally Stevens, 66. , 1847. Jan., T. Blaisdell's child, 4 weeks; Jan. 12, Car oline Smith, 8 years; Jan. 15, Daniel Norton, 82 ; Jan. 16, Mary Stevens, 30, wife of John M. ; Feb. 3, T. Blaisdell's chUd, 3 years ; Feb. 24, Samuel M. Harriman's child, 3 months; Feb. 26, Anna Dolloff, 33; March 2, H. B. Bean's child, i year; March 2, Jonathan Lane, 82; April 2, Samuel D. Pease, 2 years, chUd of Leonard; May 22, Daniel Hoyt, 3^ ; June 3, Mary A. Lane, wife of Dudley; July I, Judith York, 74; July 16, John Holman, 44; Sept. 13; S. Stevens, 31, wife of Lawrence; Oct. 27, M. L. Lov ering's child, I year; Nov. 6, Mary Tilton, 77; Dec. 26, Samuel McClure, 53. OP RAYMOND. 341 1848. Jan. 6, Stephen Smith, 66; Jan. 7, Aphia Page, 76, wife of Simon D. ; Jan. 7, Daniel Robie, 48; Jan. 28, Daniel Young, 77; Feb. 6, S. B. Gove's child; Feb. 20, Mary E. Pease, 19, wife of Leonard ; March, Samuel Em erson, 77 ; April 18, Samuel Smith, 77 ; May, Jonathan Davis's child; May 13, William Carlton's child, i week; July 12, Deacon Jeremiah FuUonton, 72; July 24, A. B. Smith's child, 2 years; Aug. 7, Betsy Osgood, 72, widow of Chase ; Aug. 25, Sally Prescott, 37, Elisha's daughter; Sept. 16, Joseph Bishop's child, 6 weeks; Sept. 24, Oliver Tilton's child, i year; Sept., Lydia Patten, 26; Sept. 26, Mary Shepherd, 47, wife of Jesse; Oct. 12, Sarah A. Fel lows, 27, wife of William H. ; Oct., Roswell Cass, 26; Nov. 25, Widow Martha Robie, 80; Nov., Jonathan Davis's child ; Dec. 14, Merchant Cleaves, 58. 1849. Jan., Mrs. Morrison ; Feb. 24, Sarah Tilton, 60, wife of Samuel; March 25, Rev. T. Foss' child; March 31, Jesse- Gile's child, 2 weeks; April 4, S. M. Harriman's child ; April 14, Benjamin Griffin, 80 ; May, Mrs. Healey, wife of Moses; June 16, H. B. Bean's child, 8 years; June 23, General Henry Tucker, 44; June 26, John Smith's child, 8 years; Aug. 8, Widow Richardson, 89; Aug., Jonathan Davis's child ; Aug. 10, Rufus R. Rundlett's child, II months; Sept. 2, Widow Lydia Doe, 76; Sept. 23, Sarah Tilton, 75, wife of Deacon T. ; Sept. 29, Mr. E. Gleason, 71 ; Sept. 29, Mrs. Towle, wife of Captain T. ; Sept., Nathaniel West's chUd, 4 years; Oct. 7, Luther Wason's child ; Oct. 15, Henry Smith ; Oct., T. L. Brown's child; Nov. i, S. Robinson's child, i year; Nov. 12, Em erson Smith's child, 4 years; Nov. 13, Emerson Smith's chUd, 2 years ; Nov., Levi Brown, 87. 1850. Jan. 15, Harriet A. Page, 12, daughter of Hora tio ; Feb. 8, Alexander McClure, 76 ; March, D. Brown's chUd; AprU i, David Griffin's child, 2 years; AprU, Mr. Luf kin's chUd, 6 weeks ; May, T. L. Brown's child ; June 20, Josiah Davis, 69; July 30, Mrs. E. Brown, 43, wife of 342 THE HISTORT Joseph; Sept. i, Mr. Elliot; Sept. 13, Simon D. Page; Oct. 14, Jesse Shepard, 52 ; Dec 3, John D. Shepard, 22. 1851. Jan. , Mary Lovering, 92; Feb., chUd of Benja min Bachelder, Jr.; March 5, Mary Brown, 6^, wife of Colonel Brown ; March 18, Mr. Howard, 39 ; March 24, Dr. Peter Y. Frye's child, i year, 6 months ; May 12, John L. Moore, 27; June, Oren Towle's chUd, 3 years; July, Sarah G. Dudley; Aug. 11, Mr. David McClure's child, 3 years; Aug. 24, Mrs. Dearborn; Sept., Mr. Gary's chUd; Sept. 14, Josiah Copp, 82 ; Sept. 24, Mrs. Brown, widow of Jonathan S. Brown; Oct. 21, Mrs. Roberts, 76, wife of John; Nov. i, Shuah Willard, 27, wife of Daniel ; Dec. 17, Mr. HiU; Dec, 28, George L. Dodge, 40; Dec. 30, Martha Titcomb, 20, daughter of WiUiam. 1852. Jan. 4,. WUliam P. Tufts' child, 2 months; Jan. 8, Widow Sarah Poor, 96 ; Jan. 20, Deacon David Mc Clure, 48; Jan. 25, William Roberts, 38; Feb. 29, True Healey; March 8, Emily J. Brown, 15, daughter of Jona than ; March 13, David Griffin's child, 9 months; April 3, Luther Wason's child, i year ; April 15, Colonel Theophi lus Lovering, 93 ; April 30, John W. Robie's child, 10 months ; May i, Widow Brown, 86, wife of David ; May 22, David Brown's child, 5 months ; May 30, Mrs. Dow, 66, wife of Jacob; May, Mary Frances Pecker, 16; May, child of Benjamin Bachelder, Jr. ; June 6, Joseph Richardson, 84; June 12, Jonathan Woodman, 70; July, Chase O.Wal lace's child, 2 weeks ; Aug. 4, Mrs. Leavitt, 76, wife of Thomas ; Aug. 8, Rufus R. Rundlett's child, 5 months ; Aug. 19, Stephen Osgood, Esq., 67; July 20, Rev. D. Burt's chUd; Aug. 28, Nathan P. Woodman, 26; Sept. 16, Benjamin Bachelder, 61 ; Sept. 18, Emerson Smith's child, 9 months; Oct. 5, Samuel Roberts, 50; Oct. 8, OHver Spinney; Nov. 6, Mrs. Smith, 27, wife of Emerson; Dec, Mr. Grasse, 52. 1853. Jan. 26, Widow Sally Gleason, 69 ; Jan. 26, Mar tha O. Bachelder, 28, wife of Amos; Feb. 15, Mary Patten, OP RAYMOND. 343 34 ; March lo, John Lovering, 54 ; March, J. T. Brown's child; March 26, Mrs. M.Dow; April I, Jonathan Lane, 74, father of Folsom Lane; April, Daniel Bean's child; April 12, Widow DoUofT, 67, widoAv of Clement; April 15, Mr. Nathan Poor, 72 ; May, Oliver Davis' child, 2 months ; June, William P. Tufts' child, 4 months ; June 28, Widow Griffin; July 19, Sylvia Moulton, 53, wife of Levi; Aug. 28, Charlotte Worthen; Sept. 27, Eva J. Smith, i year, 3 months, William's child; Oct, M. Richardson, 17, daugh ter of Joseph ; Oct., Widow Knox; Nov. 14, Dolly M. Smith, 13, daughter of Jacob; Nov., Sarah Moody, 77; Dec. 3, Sarah Leayitt, 20 ; Dec. 7, Mrs. Lovering, wife of Captain Daniel. 1854. Jan- 12, Eleanor Bachelder, 34; Feb. i, Thomas Leavitt, 77 ; Feb. 2, EHzabeth A. Osgood, 20; Feb. 5, Mr. J. Brown, 85 ; Feb. Daniel Richardson, son of Joseph ; March 13, Mrs. Perkins, 45 ; April 6, Emery Bachelder, 24; April, Mrs. Blaisdell, wife of Thomas, 42; May 6, Mrs. Helson ; May 24, Mrs. Quimby, wife of William, 28 ; July, child of Amos Bachelder, Jr., i year, 6 months ; Aug. 3, Mrs. M. James, 79 ; Sept. 4, Samuel Heath's chUd, 3 years; Sept. •7, Stephen Heath's child, 4 years; Sept. 16, Mr. Hanson, at Simon Page's ; Oct. 22, Alfred Bachelder, 34; Oct. 31, Josiah Smith, 74; Dec. 25, Mr. Burnam's 'child. 1855. March 20, Moses Bean, 27 ; March 21, John Nay, 61 ; April, Abbie P. Folsom, 7 years ; May 24, Jason Lane, 46; July, Rebecca Richardson; Sept. 23, WiUiam Smith's chUd, i year; Oct., Mrs. M. McClure, 57 ; Oct. 7, Samuel S. Healey. 21; Oct. 27, WilHam Wendell, 80; Nov., Dudley Lane's child; Dec, Mr. Leonard's chUd, 2 years ; Dec. 14, WUHam' Griffin, 42 ; Dec, Nancy Clough, S3- 1856. Jan. I r, Joseph Fogg, 49 ; Jail. 15, Mrs. Rich ardson, 71 ; Jan. 31, Eliza A. GUe, 20; Feb. 21, Jonathan Bachelder, 72; March 6, Elizabeth L. Harriman, 35, wife 344 THE HISTORY of Samuel M; March i8, Mary A. Jones, 50, wife of Oliver; AprU, Gilman Richardson's chUd; May 3, Sally Folsom, 62, wife of John, Esq.; May 27, Mr. Burnam's chUd ; May 28, Mrs. Towle, 77, widow of EHsha ; June, Mrs. Moore ; July 8, Widow Lane, 80, mother of Deacon ; July 25, Ahaz York, 52; Aug. 14, Ruth Richardson, 49, wife of Joseph ; Aug., Howard Towle's child, 4 weeks; Sept. 13, Jacob York, 90; Sept. 26, Elizabeth Smith, 66, sister of Dean ; Oct. 8, Melissa Robinson, 21 ; Oct. 15, Jane Bishop, 66, wife of Joseph ; Oct. 16, Dorothy Prescott, 18, daughter of Ebenezer; Nov. 13, Isaiah Young's child, 5 years ; Nov. 18, Widow M. Moore, 85, wife of Robert ; Dec. 26, D. Barrett, 24. 1857. Aaron W. Brown's child, i year 7 months; Feb. 13, Abraham Leavitt, 74 ; Feb. 25, Sarah Bachelder, 82, formerly Sarah Richardson ; March lo^ Enoch F. Osgood, 74; March, Francis Heath's chUd; March 27, Mrs. M. Prescott, 77, Elisha's wife; April 16, Mrs. West, wife of Nathaniel, aged 49 ; April, Mrs. Todd, wife of Major John, aged 52 ; April 19, Susan Wason, 32, wife of Luther ; May 15, Elizabeth Bean, 67, wife of Jesse ; May 26, Oliver G. Smith's child, 8 months ; July 7, John Frankliil Folsom, 37 ; July 13, Benjamin Bachelder, 74, father of Daniel; July 15, Elisha Sawyer, 20 ; July 24, Laura Bachelder, 10 years, daughter of Alfred ; Aug. i, Mr. Stearns' child, 2 weeks; Aug. 10, John Todd, 20 ; Aug. 11, George West's child, 2 years; Aug. 12, Oliver Davis; Aug. 14, Benjamin Bachel der's child; Oct. 14, Wm. Smith's child,' i year 3 months; Nov., Mrs. Mary Tilton, 58, daughter of Deacon T. ; Nov. 16, Mr. Stearns' child, 5 years; Dec. 3, Sally Woodman, 6g, widow of Jonathan; Dec. 9, Levi Bachelder, 15. 1858. Jan. 18, J. Emerson Smith, 39 ; Jan. 30, Daniel Bagley's child; March 19, Affia Abbott, 71, wife of David; March, Moses Bachelder's child, 2 years ; March 25, Betsy Brown, 58, wife of Ebenezer; March, Mrs. Lane, 70; June 23, Lydia Sanborn, 77 ; July 4, Samuel Reynolds, 35 ; July, OF RAYMOND. 345 Kelly; Aug. 8, L. E. Bean 23, wife of Adison; Aug., Mr. Ferren's chUd ; Aug., Calvin Bachelder's chUd ; Sept. 3, Mrs. M. Davis, 69; Sept., T. GUe, 48; Sept., Cal vin Bachelder's child ; Sept. Mrs. M. McClure, widow of Alexander; Sept. 24, Joseph Page's chUd, 6 months; Oct., Mrs. N. Bachelder, 66, widow of Benja min; Nov. 16, Nancy Pease, 84 ; Nov., Mrs. S. Reynolds, 30; Dec. 25, AbigaU Smith, 75 ; Dec. 27, Rufus A. Rund lett, 14 weeks. 1859. Jan. 15, Susan Poor, 30; March 17, Ann Bachel der, widow of Alfred; April 13, Benjamin Bachelder's child, I year; May, Betsy Richardson; May 12, Geo. A. Wen dell's child, 3 years ; May, Mr. Roberts' child ; May, Hiram Pollard's adopted child ; June, Ruth Gilman, 91, widow of Phineas ; July 17, James Welch's child, 2 years ; July 22, Adaline Healey, 32, wife of Thomas M. ; Aug., Alvin Fogg's child ; Aug. 14, John Moody, 78; Sept. 30, Mrs. Poor, 71, wife of Samuel; Oct. 4, Henry Tilton, 17, son of Stephen; Oct. 12, Mary Bachelder, 86, wife of John; Oct. 18, Mary Dearborn, 84, widow of Nathaniel ; Oct., Mr. Emery's child; Nov. 3, Samuel Sargent's child ; Nov., Wil liam Nason, 20 ; Nov. 14, Widow Abbott's son, 12 ; Nov. 19, Olive Bachelder, 29, wife of Daniel; Dec. 3, Hannah Fogg, 50, widow of Joseph ; Dec. 13, John Roberts, 86. i860. Jan. 17, Peter Varnum, 79 ; Jan. 20, G. Rowe's child, I year 6 months; Jan. 25, Joseph Dearborn's child, 3 months; Jan. 31, John Bachelder, 62 ; March 11, C. Free man Lane, 23, son of Deacon Lane; April 2, S. D. Tilton's child, 10 weeks; June 5, Horace Abbott, 19; Aug. 18, Phineas Sabins, 33 ; Aug., E. Nason; Sept., Mr. Dolbier; Oct. 14, M. Abbie Gove 36, wife of S. B. Gove ; Oct. 20, Sarah Tilton, 76, wife of Josiah Tilton ; Oct. 23, John Clay, 76; Dec II, W. P. Tufts' chUd, i year; Dec. 12, Phebe Wendell, wife of Elias, age 58 ; Dec. 21, Joseph Kimball's child, I week. 1861. Jan. 3, Clara Patten, 30; Feb. i, M. Smart, wife 346 THE HISTORT of Jeremiah ; Feb. 2, Mary A. Smith, 19, daughter of Dean ; AprU 9, Stephen Tilton, 65 ; April 19, Sarah A. Pease, 15 ; May 18, Alonzo Morrill ; June 9, Mary EHzabeth Pease, 13 ; June, Rev. Mr. BaUey's chUd; July 5, S. D. Tilton's child, 6 months ; July 18, M. B. Harvey's child, i year ; Aug. 2, Lyman Prescott's child, 10 months ; Aug. 6, J. Ransom Moulton, 13 ; Aug., Mr. Gardener's child ; Aug., J. G. Dud ley's adopted child ; Aug., Joseph Page's child; Sept. 15, Daniel Roberts, 53; Oct. 16, D. T. Wendell's child, 3 years ; Oct. 24, Deacon Daniel Tilton, 88 ; Oct. 29, Gilford Healey, 18; Nov.,Mr. MUler's child; Nov. 30, Mr. Perkins' child; Nov., C. Thomas, 55 ; Nov., Bradbury Robinson's child; Dec, W. P. Tufts' chUd ; Dec, Mrs. Bachelder's child; Dec. 22, Edgar E. Brown, 6 j^ears, son of Elbridge G. ; Dec, Mrs. Richardson, wife of H. Richardson; Dec. 25, Joseph Page's child, 6 years ; Dec, Mr. Moore's child ; Dec. 29, Geo. H. Jones, 6 years, at Oliver's; Dec, Elias WendeU, 56. 1862. Jan. 4, Mr. Payson's child, i year 6 months; Jan. ¦II, Mrs. Davis 83, widow of Josiah ; Jan. 12, Charles A. Fuller, 17 ; Jan. 18, James O. Smith, 3 years, son of Oliver ; Jan. 31, John G. Dudley, 41 ; Feb. 21, H. Magoon, 83, wife of Moses C. ; Feb. 26, Jacob MorriU, 29 ; Mar;ch 9, A. L. Brown, 21, wife of George; April 2, Captain John Moore; 70; May 25, Mr. D wight's child, 2 years ; June 26, S. P. Blake's child, 5 years; July 2, Abbie E. Smith, 10 ''years, daughter of Joshua; July 2, Mrs. Fellows, wife of William IL, aged 38 ; July 2, Mr. Fellows' chUd, 4 days ; July, J. Wilson Fisk's child ; July, David Lane's child ; July 28, Mary A. Green, 33, at Samuel Nay's; Aug. 25, Widow Sally WendeU. 88; Aug., Sylva Smith, 15, daughter of Oli ver ; Sept. 28, Matthew Bachelder, 82; Nov. 12, Thomas Folsom, 66 ; Nov. 25, Deacon Thomas Wason, 87; Nov. 30, Clarissa Flint; Dec. 17, Moses C. Magoon, 84 ; Dec. 28, Rev. Mr. Bailey's son, 6 years. 1863. Jan. 14, AbigaU Hodgkins, 72, wife of Abraham; OF RAYMOND. 347 Feb., Charles Spinney, 15, son of WilHam; Feb. 11, Olive Smith, 65, widow of Josiah ; March 14, Widow Norton, 92 ; March 20, Ezekiel Lane, 83 ; March, Meservy Meader, over 80 ; AprU I, Hannah Brown, 67, wife of Joseph ; AprU, David Fox, 85 ; April 17, Edmund Whittier, 57 ; April, John Dear born's child, 2 years ; May i , David Bachelder, 74 ; May 3 , El bridge Dearborn's child; May 13, Polly Brown,' 60, wife of Ebenezer; May 22, Sherburn Blake, 62; May 28, Ira Moore; Sept. 9, Lucinda Marden; Oct., Mr. Shannon's child, I year 6 months ; Nov. 16, Capt. Daniel Lovering, 76 ; Nov. 20, David Brown. 1864. Jan. II, Joseph Dearborn's chUd, 6 months; Jan. 23, EHza O. Folsom, 2i,_wife of Irvin; Jan. 31, John Fol som, Esq., 80; Feb. 3, George Dearborn, 23, son of David; Feb. 13, Ellen Dearborn, 17, daughter of David; Feb. 14, Hon. Joseph Blake, 66. Here ends the record kept by Jeremiah Fullonton, 37 years. The whole number of deaths recorded by him is 697. His departure was next, and the record after, was kept by the author of this history. 1864 continued. March 19, Jeremiah Fullonton, 54 ; March 19, Berthia Lusk, 2 years 7 months; March, Maria Wason, 52, wife of Garland; March, Widow Huldah Harvey ; April 18, Henry West, 55 ; April 21, Daniel Handy 52, section hand on R. R. ; May i, Hannah B. Dudley, 47 ; May 14, Tuttle's child, 3 weeks ; May 26, Mary Jen ness, 67, sister of Mrs. Locke ; June 7, Susan Dearborn, 24, wife of John; July 5, Eliza Gile, 48, Jesse's wife; July 13, Charles Norton, 20, drowned ; July 20, Lovey Page, wid ow of Levi ; July 30, Emma E. Cram, 4 years 3 months, daughter of Josiah ; July 30, Edie L. Cram, 2 years 6 months, child of Josiah ; Sept. 25,- Abbie J. Littlefield, 16, daughter of John ; Sept. 28, Freddie H. Dodge, 4 weeks, son of George ; Oct. 2, WiUiam Wallace! 64 ; Oct. 8, Charles LitUefield, 4, son of John; Oct. 25, Sarah E. Littlefield, 12, daughter of John; Nov. 10, Jane O. Page, 348 THE HISTORY wife of Jonathan; Nov. 31, Horatio G. Morrison, 23. 1865. Jan. I, Abraham Hodgkins, 77 ; Jan. 13, Mary A. Smith, 39, widow of WiUiam; Jan. 17, James Norris, 93 ; Jan. 26, John Bachelder, 94; Jan. 29, Nancy F. Dudley, 57, ¦wife of Josiah; March 11, Charles H. P. Gilman, 12; March 24, Betsy Scribner, 74; April 3, John M. Stevens, 62 ; April 6, Susan Lane, 23 ; April 7, Joseph S. Dudley, 18; April 26, Louisa J. Osgood, 21, wife of Chase; April 29, John Wallace, 81 ; May 8, James A. Welch, 6 ; May 12, Nancy G. Smith, 42, wife of Oliver; May 13! Sherburn Blake, 3, son of S. P. Blake ; May 21, Franklin P. Morri son, 23, June 6, Edward E. Long, 14 weeks ; June 8, Chris tiana Bagley, 83 ; June 28, Moses Healey, 85 ; July 27, Tuttle's child ; Aug. 14, Alice E. Treften, 1 year 5 months ; Sept. 10, Sarah Treften, 32 ; Oct. 6, Caleb Shannon, (burn ed) ; Oct. 14, Anna Spinney, 80; Oct. 21, Elizabeth Pres cott, 33, wife of Lyman; Oct. 27, Mary Bachelder, 73; Nov. 4, Chase O. Wallace, 35 ; Nov. 24, John Edgar, 6 months ; Nov. 30, Daniel Osborn, 62 ; Dec. 9, Sarah M. Witherell, 29 ; Dec. 11, Charles A. Bachelder, 5 months, son of Isaac; Dec, V/ood's child; Dec. 30, G. Porter Sar gent, 24. 1866. Feb. 2, Frederick McClure, 39; Feb. 18, Emma Prescott, 9 years, Lyman's daughter; March 7, Lydia AUen, 83; May 10, Adie S. Ferren, 7 weeks; May 12, child of Enoch Gilman, 2 years; May 17, Mary E. Smith, 16 ; May 20, child of Thomas Roberts ; May 30, Adelade Marsh, 23, daughter 0/ Dudley Harriman ; June 15, Charles F. P. Roberts, 13 ; June 25, Michael Leaky, 30, suicide by drowning; Aug. 13, Mary Cram, 87, widow of Col. E. Cram ; Sept. 12, Bes.sy T. Griffin, 2 years ; Nov. 3, Joseph Brown, 66, in GUe district; Dec. 22, Lucretia Lane. 1867. Jan. 24, Hannah M. Lane, 66, wife of Ezekiel; Jan. 28, Sarah Griffin, 41, wife of David; Feb. 15, WilHam Towle, 83 ; March 2, Josiah Tilton, 83 ; March 14, Bel knap Tilton's child; March 23, Mary J. Gilmore, 3 years, OP RAYMOND. 349 9 months ; March 30, James Harriman, 28, at David Ab botts'; March, Mr. HiU's chUd, 8 months; AprU 11, David Dearborn, 72 ; AprU 30, Willie F. Tufts, 6 months ; Aug. 17, HowardTowle, 60; Oct. 19, Jane Healey, 17, daughter of Samuel ;Oct. 20, David Page, 93 ; Nov. 28, Dea. Amos Bachelder, 81 ; Nov., Mrs. Hill. 1868. Ferdinand Gentilty's child; Feb. 3, WilHam C. Osgood, I year 6 months; Feb. 7, Hannah Harriman, 83, wife of Jesse ; Feb. 12, Samuel TUton, 81 ; March 2, Orin Towle, 49 ; March 8, Betsy Emerson, 89 ; March 14, Nancy G. GUe, 35; March 20, Benniah Rundlett, 78; May 17, Wm. A. Wallace, 33; May 21, Samuel Poor, 82; July i, Abigail Fox, 92; Aug. 9, Barnard Tucker, 66; Aug. 12, Deacon John Dearborn 73 ; Sept. 2, Morrill's child; Sept. 20, Olive S. Blake, 44, wife of Sherburn P; Oct. 31, Chas. W. True, 16, son of EHas; Nov. 2, Jedediah Brown, 81 ; Nov. II, Mary A. Bachelder, 29, wife of Moses. 1869. Jan. I, Thomas Patten, 78; Jan. 20, child of Dwight Roberts, 7 months ; Feb. 3, Mary Morton, 90, mother of Gilman F. ; May 26, chUd of John H. Dodge; July 4, James Rundlett, 87 ; July 15, George Tripp, 48; July 17, Thomas Roberts, 66; chUd Jesse Roberts; Aug. 6, Mr. Healey's child, 4 weeks; Aug. 12, Hiram L. pollard, I year 9 months ; Aug. 16, Mary Wason, 73 wife of Thomas, Jr. ; Aug. 27, Mary S. Beede, 2 years 7 months ; Aug. 27, Mehitable Spinney, 46; Sept. 17, Rev. E. D. Chapman, 53; Sept., Spencer's child, 2 weeks ; Sept. 21, Spencer's chUd; Oct. 5, Nancy Jones, 73; Oct. 5, Eliza J. Healey, 16; Oct. 16, Martha A. Bachelder, 33, wife of Cal vin ; Oct 20, Nathan S. Brown, 4 months, John D. Brown's son ; Nov., Joseph Dearborn's child; Nov. 21, Mary West, 49, wife of Samuel; Nov. 30, John Bean, 55; Dec. 15, Samuel Bachelder, 75 ; Dec. 29, Catherine Gilman, 62, wife of Phineas ; Dec. 30, Shuah E. Abbott, 20, daughter of Col. Welch. 1870. Jan. 20, Joseph Harrriman, 58, at J. T. Dudley's ; 350 THE HISTORY Jan. 23, Jane Jocelyn, 75, mother of Mrs. J. Tucker Dud ley ; Feb. 3, John Tilton, 67 ; Feb. 11, Ebenezer C. Osgood, 63 ; March 2, Martha G. McClure, 52 ; March 12, Widow Naomi Bean, 85 ; March 28, Thomas Blaisdell, 60; AprU i, Franklin Dudley, 70 ; AprU i, Winfield C. Corey, 4 months, at Sylvanus Steel's ; May 4, Widow Abigail Wason, 86 ; May 17, Adaline C. Brown, 34, wife of Charles; July 24, Mary C. Lane, 61, wife of Ezekiel; July 25, Horace M. Lane, i year i month; July 25, Susan E Pease, 17 ; July 27, Major J. Ambrose Lane; July 27, Trustom Brown, 47 ; July 27, Sarah Garland; Aug. 5, chUd of Mr. Healey; Sept 14, George Sawyer, 29, accident on R. R. ; Sept. 25, child of Joseph Dearborn ; Oct. 11, Jennie M. Page, 11, daughter of Simon; Oct. 22, Alice L. Dearborn, 8 weeks, child of Joseph ; Oct. 29, Widow Mary Rowe, 80 ; Nov. 20, Sarah D. Tilton, 39, wife of Capt. S. D. Tilton; Dec. 7, Elizabeth Durgin, 54; Dec 17, Sarah Gregg, 64, sister of John Smith. 1871. Jan. 12, two children of Mr. Spencer, twins; Jan. 31, James Twombly, 58, Feb. 3, chUd of Mr. Moore ; Feb. 5, child of Mr. Morrill, 13 weeks; Feb. 16, Gilman Stevens, 58; Feb. 18, Hannah Edgerly, 89, at Capt. Tilton's ; Feb. 23, Daniel WiUard, 60; Feb. 28, qhild of Enoch GUman; March 15, Charles A. Bishop, i year 5 months; March 17, Timothy Osgood, 64; April i, Ruth Gile, 75; April 13, Horatio D. Page, 62 ; April 14, John Huse, 54 ; April 26, Rose Roberts, 20, wife of Aroy Q^ ; April 28, Ruamy Rund lett, 77, mother of Rufus ; May 31, Dearborn S. Brown, 24; June 27, Daniel Scribner, 73 ; June 28, Nancy Lane, 83, widow of Major Lane; July 3, Mary S. Brown, 68; Aug. 10, Wm. H. TwUight, 34; Aug. 25, Lena E. Whit comb, 18; Aug. 26, Anna Scribner, 75 ; Aug. 31, Henry D. Lane, 53; Sept. 2, Osborne J. Poor, 32; Sept. 3, chUd of Oliver Smith, 10 days ; Sept. 19, Daniel Robie, 75 ; chUd of Elisha Gile; Oct. 10, John H. Dearborn, 36; Oct. 21, Hiram W. Stevens, 41 ; Oct. 29, Benjamin B. GUman, 68 ; OP RAYMOND. 351 Dec. 8, Jonathan Folsom, 93 ; Dec. 27, Sarah Roberts. 1872. Jan. 19, Ebenezer Brown, 92 ; Jan. 19, Clara E. Pecker, 29, daughter of David ; Feb. 16, Lizzie S. Young, 7 weeks ; Feb. 20, Betsy Fox, 75, at G. A. Wendell's ; Feb. 24, Mary Dearborn, 75, widow of Deacon Dearborn ; March I, Emma R, Prescott, 14, daughter of Josiah ; March 2, Mabel E. Spencer, 3 years ; March 20, Walter Dearborn, .4 weeks; March 21, Abigail Cram, 79, wife of Capt. Jona than ; March 21, Rosa Bell Magoon, 5 years 2 months; March 27, Plumer B. Cdrson's child, 2 weeks; March 28, Jesse Harriman, 93 ; March 31, Rev. Abraham Folsom, 77 ; April 21, Betsy Rundlett, 77, at Benjamin Dearborn's; April 27, child of Enoch Gilman, 5 weeks ; May i, Harriet Hardy, 18 ; May 10, Mary Lees, 14, in Mrs. George Robie's house ; May 23, Arthur Emery, 2 years 2 months ; May 25, Anna A. Nay, 20 years 11 months, daughter of Samuel; July 7, John W. Cram, 12, at Captain Benjamin Cram's; July 16, Joan Blake, 73, widow of Hon. Joseph Blake ; July 29, Ernest O. Smith, 4 years 11 months ; Sept. 7, Eleanor Bagley, 70, wife of Daniel ; Sept 19, Lovey Bachelder, 84, widow of David; Sept. 27; John Locke, 67, Postmaster; Nov. 4, son of Mr. Spencer, 2 months 3 days ; Nov. 24, Bradbury W. Sturtevant, 25, drowned; Nov. 24, Alden Towle, 19, drowned; Dec. i, Katie L. Ferren, 14; Dec. 7, Marland Spencer, 4 months. 1873. Jan. I, George E. Bean, ^9; Jan. 2, Irene Dear born, 69, widow of David ; Jan. 8, Capt. Jonathan Cram, 83 ; Feb. 8, Mary F. Sanborn, 34, wife of Elijah; Feb. 13, Lydia York, 76 ; Feb. 21, child of Henry Titcomb ; March 22, Elvira M. Lane, 21, daughter of Dudley; March 26, Susan M. Keys, 75 ; April 8, Carie E. Smith, i year 8 months ; April 29, George E. Pecker's chUd ; May 9, Betsy Nason, 78 ; May 25, Nathaniel Sleeper, 79 ; June 3, Eze kiel Lane, 76; June 3, Sophia Norris, 67 ; July 3, Charles A. Brag, 35, at hotel; July 11, Harriet P. C. Blake 35, wife of WUliam B. ; July 29, Matilda Smith, 30, daughter of 352 THE HISTORT Dean; Aug. I, EUen F. Gould, 33, at Oliver Jones'; Aug. II Joseph Brown, 76 ; Sept 22, OHve Spaulding, 43 ; Oct. I, Mary Bachelder, 73, widow of Samuel; Oct. 8, Philip H. Bartlett, 78 , Oct. 27, Col. Lyba Brown, 80; Nov. 13, Col. James Welch, 58 ; Dec. 7, Assenath Johnson, 74, sister of Mrs. Locke; Dec. 11, Rev. D. B. Dodge's child, 2 days ; Dec. 16, Hannah Bachelder, 80. 1874. 'Jan. I, C. WilHam Ladd, 19, son of W. D. Ladd; Jan. 16, John H. Dearborn, 3 months, son of Joseph; March II, Asa Currier, 79; June 5, Adaline Brown, 64, wife of Capt. L. Brown; June 19, Phebe D. Morse, 86, at J. D. Brown's; July 21, Rose A. Edgerly, 24, wife of C. H. ; Aug. 31, Mehitable Magoon, 69, wife of David L. ; Oct. 9, child of Laura Towle, 3 days ; Oct. 18, William C. Gil bert, 5 weeks 5 days; Oct. 25, Sherburn Gove, 79; Nov. 5, Martha Sturtevant, 26; Nov. 20, Elisha Prescott, 97 years, 3 months, 11 days. ADDENDA. 1804. Feb., chUd of Mr. Healey. 1810. John Bean. 181 1. Nov. 10, David Towle's chUd. 1815. J. Davis's child. 1817. Widow Healey. 1819. Samuel Smith's child. 1821. Ebenezer Brown's child. 1822. July 10, John Folsom's child. 1823. 'Benjamin Rowe's chUd; Dec, child of Dudley Rowe. 1825. Samuel Moody's chUd. 1826. Oct. 10, Widow Clark. 1827. Samuel Tilton's child ; chUd at Samuel TUton's. 1828. Aug. 2, Asa Brown's chUd. 1829. Feb. 12, Stephen Abbott's chUd. 1831. Child of J. A. Lane; Nov. 13, Asa Heath. OP RAYMOND. 353 1832. Child of Orin Fogg ; June 16, chUd of James Bachelder; Dec. 12, Mrs. Rollins. 1833. Child of Mr. Burke. 1834. Child of Mr. Whittier. 1837. Widow Hoyt. 1839. April 16, J. Wallace's child ; Blake's child. 1840. Sept. 26, D. Bagley's chUd. 1841. AprU 7, D. Bagley's child ; J. Lane's child. 1842. S. Richardson; March 5, L. Abbott's wife. 1844. May 10, James Bachelder's wife, Nancy; Aug. 29, J. Lovering's chUd; Aug. 30, Wm. Robert's child. . 1846. March i, Mr. Robinson's chUd ; July, William Robert's child; July 10, S. Lane's wife. 1847. Mr. Carleton's chUd, Aug. 18. 1849. ^^- Lovering's child. 1850, July 8, Nathan Abbott. 185 1. Sept. 19, Widow BarUett. 1853. March 26, A. Spinney, 38; June 22, Widow Griffin. 1855. Mrs. PoUard's child. 1856. Sept. 13, Frank Gleason, 33. 1859. ^ay 23, Mr. Proctor's chUd. 1863. June 22, Woman killed on railroad; Sept. 9, Jonathan Davis's daughter, 13. We are not responsible for errors in the records of deaths, only since 1864. We have no doubt the errors are many. In some of the manuscripts, names 'and dates are al most illegible. In some, the dates and ages recorded by different persons do not agree, and it has been impossible to tell which were correct, if either were. So imperfect is the Record in some of its parts, that hesitation was felt about in serting any of it. But no town that we know of has a Rec ord so nearly through its history as this. And there is no doubt it will be a great help to many, in ascertaining the time of the departure of many of their relatives, acquaint- 354 THE HISTORY ances, friends, and others, which will be of use to them. Besides this, it indicates what numbers have fallen before the fell destroyer of our race on this territory of ours, and conveys a lesson of human frailty at once impressive and in structive. The Record, it will be seen, commences about i6 years after the first permanent settlements, and two years after the incorporation, and runs through io8 years. The following statistics are adduced : Number of deaths recorded, 1,562. Number killed or died in different wars, 46. Estimated number died before any record, 30. Estimated number omitted since 1766, x'2. Estimated number having lived here, and by re movals, dying in other places, or still Hving, 200. Estimated population now, made on the basis of 1870, 1,150. Making a grand total of human beings having been or are now residents of this town, 3,000. LONGEVITY. Those living 90 years or upwards, are put down under this head. Their names appear in the foregoing Record of deaths, but they are here collected to show how many there have been of this class, venerable as to age : 1814. Samuel Peavey, 96. 1831. Sarah Page, 95, mother of David ; April 18, Wid ow Wallace, 91. 1835. Deacon Daniel Norris, 90. 1842. Dec. 31, Mercy Nay, 92. 185 1. Jan. Molly Lovering. 1852. Jan. 8, Mary B. Poor, 94, mother of Benjamin. AprU 15, Colonel Theophilus Lovering, 93, 1856. Sept 13, Jacob York, 90. 1859. J"''^^ S» Widow Ruth GUman, 91. ^. THE HISTORY to dip water with, the staves finely put together and of dif ferent kinds of wood. The deer-skin breed les were nice in their day, and have been well preserved. An overcoat is not of valuable ma terial, but its form looks ancient. So of a ladies' cloak and hood. A pair of ladies' stockings are good. A hat, be lieved to have been beaver, worn and old, with a very broad brim. These and some other things at Mr. Brown's are well worth seeing. They enable us to look to the plainness and simplicity of early times. And if some things were had that made a good show, there was a value and a substance in them, that made them serve important purposes. CHAPTER XXL SPIRITUALISM. This is a belief in holding communications with the de parted in the spirit world. Something of the kind was known in the old countries in the seventeenth century. It was manifested more especially over a hundred years ago, under the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg, born in Stock holm, Sweden. His writings were considerable, and it is a tradition that just before his death in London, in 1772, he predicted that in about eighty years his views or similar ones would be more general and prominent. The rappings among spiritualists were first known in Ar- OP RAYMOND. 375 cadia, Wayne County, N. Y., in 1847, in the house of John D. P''ox. Communications through what are called mediums were in 1849. Among the most prominent in extending spiritualism is Andrew Jackson Davis, born in Blooming Grove, Orange County, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1826. It is said that in 1844, he was in a trance sixteen hours, and had important communi cations with invisible beings. Also by magnetism he was thrown into an abnormal state, in which he dictated a work ot 800 pages. It is entitled, " The Principles of Nature, — her Divine Rule, and a Voice to Mankind." It has many readers. Healing mediums came somewhat late, and the believers in spiritualism are numerous in several countries. On the subject of what is usually called spiritualism, there has been no special interest here. Few have read, nor do many know much about it. At times otie here and there has expressed a favorable opinion of it, so far as they under stand it, but no firm or fixed belief in it. A native of the town, however, residing in Boston, is a spirit medium. Mary M. Smith, daughter of Jacob Smith, brother of Oliver, was born here in 1847, but the family resides in Exeter. At the age of 16 she went to Boston, and becoming associated with spiritualists, became a believer and a medium, acting also as a medical medium. At the age of 18 she married Mr. John Hardy in Cambridge, but Boston is their place of residence. She is still very active in holding what are call ed spirit circles. In what we say, we simply give history, but express no opinion for or against spiritualism. 376 THE HISTORY CHAPTER XXII. POOR LAND, MINERAL ORES, AND SUGGES TIONS. Some intimation is given in the early part of this work, that portions of the town are made up of land not very good. This is the case with a gomewhat wide belt from east to west through the central parts. Many travelers this way, who live on richer farming lands, so judge it. We will give a story of what is related as having taken place at an early period relative to this. We have named on page 26, that Benj. Prescott lived east of the Harriman road. He was the father of Sergeant W. Towle's wife, also of Wm. Partridge Prescott, in the list of Revolutionary soldiers. The story is, that a Prescott lived just above David Pecker's, on the south side of the road, and we think it was the same Benja min. He was by the road one day, a stranger came along, and the following conversation took place : Stranger. "How der, du?" Prescott. "How du, sir?" Stranger. "I should think the more land one owns here, the poorer he would be." Prescott. "I don't own but two acres." The stranger appeared reUeved, as if no more than that was possessed, he had no great occasion to pity him. We take occasion to say, on lands here not the best for farming, with labor, frugality and economy, there has gen erally been a competency. So it will be. There have been at different times, some intimations that ores of some value may exist here. We will give a brief OP RAYMOND. 377 account of these intimations without laying stress on them, being incredulous as to there being any worthy of note. In the autumn of 1850, one C. K. Morrison was here two or three days, professed to make some geological examina tions near the village and a mile or two away, and thought there were copper and sUver. Some springs he saw, he thought had medicinal properties. He wrote on two sheets of paper what he discovered and left it with David Pecker, It is now in our possession. In 1865 Asa Brown in the Lane district was strongly of opinion that there was a valuable silver mine on his farm. There was great excitement about it. Some of the papers had it that it was gold. Some thought it extended into the highway, and so the town itself might get enough to pay its great debt, and perhaps have a surplus to divide among the citizens. We of course pushed up to see what was there, and were led to say as in the Bible as to a place in the vicinity of the garden of Eden, "The gold of that land is good;" that is, we felt as farmers all about town did relative to it at what they heard ; shrugging their shoulders, winking at each other, they struck for silver and gold by plowing their fields and cultivating them. Mr. Brown still owns the farm, but lives in Fremont. So late as Jan., 1875, he had some of this ore shown to the editor of the Portsmouth yournal, who states in that paper that it is rich in lead,and'that it is thought in the same mine there is rich silver ore. Another thing may be mentioned, probably news to about all of our citizens. Within five years, in one branch or both of the city government of Portsmouth, some Httle at tention has been given to a proposition to obtain water for the city from one of our excellent ponds in town. It is not known what will come of it, but the subject is named here \o show what importance is attached to the place. Not far from the time of arranging what we put down in 378 THE HISTORY this chapter, a visit was made to our friend, Col. R. E. Pat ten, of Candia, a lover of antiquarian research. He suggest ed that we get into this book something of the mirthful, as it is proper for a town history, would give zest to it and make it take better. Our reply was, our organ of mirthfulness, phrenologically, is not much. But on examination of these pages afterwards, it was found there was more than in any such work we have seen. Perhaps a little more may not be amiss. We profit by the Colonel's advice and give the fol lowing as suggestions to our people, in view of the fact that we have some poor lands, and may be valued minerals, &c. : Don't say we're poor, with such rich ore, We may have here a treasure ; We'll search and find, if fortune's kind, For profit and for pleasure. Plow up the plains, in arid sands. Wealth for our sons and daughters ; Go search our streams, our ponds and springs. Find valued mineral waters. Bring crow-bar, pick, drive drills, click, click. Cleave massive rocks asunder ; Drive iron wedges, in solid ledges. There's wealth in them or under. Out early morn, begin at dawn, Work ever and work steady ; The folks at home will sound the horn When "jonny cakes" are ready. Girls do not learn to "spin street yarn," 'Tis business never paying ; Wash, bake and mend, 'tis "Grecian bend," Believe what I am saying. The Portsmouth men, with foresight keen Have searched the hills and mountains ; And thought with pipes to Raymond lakes They'd have pure water fountains. Now boys cheer up, our star of hope OP RAYMOND. 379 Is in the high ascenrlant ; We're on the the road that's sure to lead To wealth and fame resplendent. Old Raymond town will have renown, It may not be in a minute ; So fair young men and lovely dames, Please marry, settle in it. CHAPTER XXII I. PUBLICATIONS. In the state of things from the incorporation in 1764 on for a third of a century and more, there was not likely to be anything written for the press in this town. A newspaper, called "The New Hampshire Gazette" had been established in Portsmouth in 1756, two or three years later two at Exe ter, but one of them did not live long. The " New Hamp shire Patriot" was published in Concord in 1808. , Judge Dudley died in 1805. A sketch of his public serv ices, evidently written for publication has been in our pos session. If published, probably it was in the "New Hamp shire Gazette." It would make but a square or two. Sermons at ordinations in early years were often printed. But we have no account of any here. Nov. 3,1811, Mrs. Jane Cram died. She was the first wife of Capt. Ebenezer Cram. He was afterwards Colonel, and Philbrick Crani was a son. A small pamphlet was published, containing an account of her Christian expe- 380 THE HISTORY rience, sickness and peaceable death. One copy, at least, is in town. Rev. David Burt, pastor of the Congregational church, on fast day, 1853, gave a discourse, which at the request ol several citizens, was printed. A few, late years, have written for newspapers. Calvin H. Brown wrote a very good account of the centennial cele bration in 1864, which was published in the "Independent Democrat" at Concord. The author of this book for nearly forty years has been the regular correspondent of from three to five papers in New England, one in New York city, and one as far west as Chicago, Illinois. He was editor of the "Granite Pillar," a temperance paper, published in Exeter two years, ending in 1843, and editor of the " Myrtle," a Sabbath school paper, pubHshed in Dover, seven years, ending in 1854. What has been written for newspapers makes eight scrap-books, some of them very large. Modest as we are in view of the value of our own work, we are not prepared to do as Rev. Benjamin Butler of Nottingham, who, on retiring from the ministry there in 1770, committed his manuscript sermons to the flames, saying they made more light then than they could in any other way. Besides the above, articles were written for a Quarterly, some of them running through quite a number of pages. The fc>llowing were the subjects : " Second Adventism ;" " Heaven;" " Modern Astronomy, and an account of Dud ley Leavitt, the Almanac Maker ;" "Slavery ;" "Agricultur al Interests ;" " Process of Grace ;" " History of the Tem perance Enterprise ;" "The Invention of Writing, the Alpha bet and Art of Printing ;" " Our Country ;" " Woman's Po sition and Influence." Prof John Fullonton was appointed a corresponding edi tor of the " Morning Star" in 1839. -^^^ years he wrote much and continues to write some. He has written for some other publications. On the first of January, 1875, a paper was commenced OP RAYMOND. 381 here by " The Ra5'-mond Advertising Club," caUed " The Raymond Advertiser." It is issued quarterly, furnished free, and is designed chiefly for advertising. One number of another paper appeared in April, 1875, called "The Ray mond Enterprize." It was by Kimball and Stickney, traders in the village. These publications, particularly by their advertisements, indicate the business activities and industries of the place, and seem to foretell something much greater in newspaper publications, at some time in the not far off future. This history of the town is the first work in book form, but it is is trusted other volumes on subjects of vital interest, may be produced in after years, by able, intellectual, learned per sons, who shall be qualified to write them. The celebrated Lord Bacon, of England, more than two hundred years ago, said, " The world is full of books." It is fuller now, but room for more, if they shall be of the right character.. CHAPTER XXIV. CHEER IN WINTER, The winter, ending with February, 1875, was noted for very cold weather. With good homes, the good things of life, good books, good friends, and good conversation, there was enjoyment. But without, it seemed almost cheerless. In the midst of this, various kinds of birds,were occasionally seen, such as stay with us in the cold season. To them at- 382 THE HISTORY tention is now called as they help to cheer in that somewhat gloomy time of the year. This is a part of our history. THE BIRDS OF WINTER. The birds of song are mostly gone. In warmer climes they're singing ; When sprinff shall come then they'll retarn^ Their merry voices ringing. Sweet chickadee with meny glee. You're welcome here in winter ; With stirring notes from tenor throats Our door-yards freely enter. Some sunny day the screaming jay Comes oul^ of dale and thicket ; Its coat of blue a sky-light hue, And never seeming proud of it. The snow-bird comes presaging storm-. It studies well the weather; More sure to hit than almanac And wise heads altogether. The owl is heard in deepest wood',. And always in the night time ; Its note is hoot, a toot a toot. And given in the right time. The partridge gi)od in pleasant mood» No art, no craft, no cunning ; He fears not man, but dogs and gun; — In winter aever drumming. The crow is here, but he don't cheer ; Its notes are chiefly "caw," "caw j" The farmer storms, says that means corn. That's what the p'ague is after. Don't be too hard on that dark bird. His crop needs somett^ing in it ; Extend your lines on planted corn. He'll think it's a snare and shun it. OP RAYMOND. 383 Some hearts devout thank heaven for sleep. And 'tis a blessing peerless ; But we want words to praise for birds, Without them winter 's cheerless. CHAPTER XXV. ARREARAGES BROUGHT UP. One or two things have been left out by accident. One, a biographical sketch of Rev. Stephen Bailey, the second pastor of the Congregational church, was not inserted in the Chapter on Biography where it belonged, as an account of his last place of residence, last labors and death, was not obtained till after that chapter was printed. Since the account of the stores was put in print as found on page 151, B. F. Tilton has erected a new store of good proportions and now trades in that, having taken as a part ner his brother, J. N. Tilton. In the account of stores on the page indicated, by some means the apothecary store of Dr. T. M. Gould and Mr. Fitts was omitted. It is named, however, on page 176. It should be noted that the building thus occupied was erected in 1868, and the apothecary business commenced about that time. The various drugs, medicines and miscellaneous articles are nicely arranged. Order and neatness appear. The post-office is on one side, and in the course of each day and evening, it is a place of much company and 384 THE HISTORY business. The hall overhead is occupied by the Junietta Or der of Odd Fellows. It is not quite so strange that there was an omission of mention of the store of Jacob Elliot, as that was on an out- skirt of the town, on the road to Fremont. Mr. Elliot open ed a store in 1844, and discontinued it in 1872. The minister appointed to the Methodist church in April of the present year, is the Rev. A. L. Kendell, a native of Roy- alston, Mass. Rev. John D. Folsom, born here and named on page 80 and 92, has returned to this State and is preach ing in Hudson. Other changes within the last few months are more seri ous. Rev. Nathaniel L. Chase, pastor of the Methodist church here in i860, died in Manchester, May 3, 1875. Rev. Matthew Newhall, who resided here ten 3'ears ending in 1873, died in Greenland May 4, 1875, aged 76. He had been in the ministry 48 years. On the next page after the title page, it is named that this work would be for sale by S. G. Drake, 17 Broomfield St., Boston. His name was down for ten copies, to begin with. Mr. Drake died June 14, 1875, aged 76. He was born in Pittsfield, N. H., was a school teacher many years, taught- in Epping, in Raymond, &c. In Boston kept an antiqua rian bookstore, and was the author of some books, which were published. On the same page it is said, this book would be for sale in the village by Mrs. Susan M. Lane. Mrs. Lane died June 15, 1875, aged 40. Near relationship doesnot allow us to speak of her excellences. In the language of the English poet, Thompson, we say, " Come then, expressive silence, nurse her praise." Rev. Stephen Bailey. The biographical sketch of this minister, once pastor of the Congregational church here, belongs properlyin Chapter VIIL, Biography, commencing on page 93. Persistent efforts were made for years to get an account pf him, but nothing definite was obtained until in OF RAYMOND. 385 March of this year. So, what is at hand, is inserted here. Fifty-one years have pased since he left town. Many live, who recollect him, and all will want to know what he did after leaving, and the time of his death. Stephen Bailey was born in Greenland, N. H., Jan. 17, 1784. Early religious privileges were with the Methodists. They had preaching in Portsmouth, adjoining Greenland, before 1807, and in Greenland and Newington soon after. In those times there were great zeal, devotion, earnestness with some excitement with them, and quite congenial with Mr. Bailey's naturally active spirit. He yielded to the power of truth, and the arguments and invitations given, and made a public profession of religion. He became active as a public exhorter, and after a time a preacher, We have no dates save these. About 1810 was the period of his first preaching. We have an account of his preaching in Newington, not far from that date. It was the Sabbath ; the meeting was in the meeting-house used by the Congregationalists. Many attended. In one part of the day, the passage of Scripture used as a text was, Prov. 11 : 9, " Rejoice, O young man in thy youth," &c. Good re sults appeared, one professed conversion, others were in fluenced to commence a better life, among whom was John Adams, of that town, then about 19 years of age, who not long after became pious, and later a Methodist preacher, known as " Reformation John Adams." He ever after ac- knowleged Mr. Bailey as his spiritual father. Mr. Bailey continued with the Methodists a few years, then joined the Congregationalists. He came to this town early in 1817, preached to great acceptance, a good interest was manifested, and quite a number united with the church. He was installed as pastor, Oct. i, 1817. He was then 31 years of age. When flrst coming, he boarded with Deacon Cram, north of the Gove school-house, but on marrying, he went into the parsonage house, now occupied by Isaiah Young. There one, if no more, of his five children was born. 386 THE history His pastorate here was five years. He was dismissed Oct. 22, 1822. In the early part of his labor in town, he was held in very high esteem by his parishoners. Before he left there was some change. Such things came then as well as now, although less then. Sometimes from real causes, sometimes not. In this case, however, a part of the change was in consequence of his opposing the sentiments of Rev. A. Burnham, of Pembroke, and Rev. A. Wheeler, of Candia, in sermons here in exchanges with him. The sentiments were too highly Calvinistic for his views. Frorn the force of his early religious education, he held more firmly to the freedom of the will and the doctrine of free grace than most Congregationalists at that time. This course of his, caused a part of the alienation of feel ing, although there was not much controversy in the place then, nor has there been since by the friends and opponents of Calvinism. The Rev. Mr. Burnham, however, met with a little opposition here from another source, to his preaching Calvinism. He was in the midst of a sermon on one occa sion, probably an exchange, when one of the Moodys, we do not know which, interrupted him by speaking out, and say ing those things were not so. Leaving this town, Mr. Bailey preached on Nantucket Isl and, Mass. Next in Truro and Wellfleet, [on Cape Cod. He supplied for a time Salem St. church in Boston, during the extended absence of the pastor. This brought him down to the year 1838, when he moved his family to Dor chester, near Boston, which was his home till the end of life. He was still active in his work, preached in Dorchester some years, labored also in the cause of the seamen, and in spite of old age, supplied vacant pulpits in his own State and in Maine till eighty years of age. He died in Dorchester, Dec. II, 1867, aged 83 years, 11 months. His widow died in 1869. They had flve children, two of which, daughters, one named Lora G., are living. Their home is in Dorches ter. They have been, if are not now, teachers. OP RAYMOND. 387 CHAPTER XXV I. TWO TOWN MEETINGS. THE FIRST TOWN MEETING, 1764. We'll just look back to days of yore. 'Twas seventeen hundred sixty four ; The meeting was at Bean's large inn. No meeting-house then in the town. Men left their fields, their plows and hoes. In homely dress, their working clothes ; They went on foot, horseback, in carts ; They felt no pride, had noble hearts. There oft is virtue I have thought Both in what's done, and what is not ; — No buying votes with cash or rum ; The meeting was a model one. Now take a peep and see what's there, — S. Dudley fills with grace the chair; To keep town records plain and neat, They chose for clerk, Ezekiel Smith. And next they chose for Selectmen, Eowe, Dudley, Page, able and strong ; They chose inspectors of the deer. It killed unlawful time of year. They chose surveyors of the roads, To level them and make them good ; For constable Whittier, Esquire, . A man of peace, but fierce in war. The freemen thus arranged their plans. And organized the new made town ; THE HISTORY Begining small, they hoped increase. The home of love, of joy, of peace. THE LAST TOWN-MEETING, 1 875. Town hall is full, watchword "long pull;" And yet don't pull together ; Parties are two, they disagree. One right against the other. Some handing votes, shake hands, pull coats, " Take this, 'tis democratic;" Another comes with Cheney's name, " Take this and up and at It." SomCiScream and yell, rush on pell-mell, 'Tis Babel-like confusion ; Mod'rator Brown, the best in town. Says, " Order ! stop intrusion !" Cesar of old as we are told, Could awe the Roman Senate With gentle rap, a finger's tap. All tranquil in a minute. Mod'rator here from year to year, Must be alike commanding. Or " Freeman's day," would be a fray, And in a tumult ending. Ked fiery rum makes fools of some ; It causes the commotion ; Keep clear of this, then we'll have peace In town, and state and nation. For Selectmen, Olney T. Brown, Mark Scribner, working farmer; Corson P. B., these make the three. All right ; please look no farther. Charles Pool', Town Clerk, writer expert. He checks the names when voting ; Records the votes and all the acts, And everything worth noting. OF RAYMOND. 389 To get tax rates, Sherburn P. Blake ; None can withstind his dunning; He's full of vim, he'll up pitch in, Unless the tax is coming. For General Court, the laws to make, 'Twas just as all expected; J. Wilson Fisk ran much the best, Triumphantly elected. Now ballots bring for most learned man ; For schools, the Supervisor; A man ! whew, whew ; woman's worth two. Miss Burnham is the wiser. Town meeting done and all go home ; Some hearts ache most distressing; But all the good, in peaceful mood, Find sleep and dreams a blessing. CHAPTER XXVI I. AN EXHIBITION,— THE GALAXY,— FIRE-WORKS. What now? What have these to do with a town history? Do not wonder beyond measure. We shall come nearer these subjects than the somewhat noted Artemus Ward, a public lecturer, but a few years ago did to his. The subject of one lecture was, " The Babes in the Woods." In a prim er for children there was a story of such little ones being stolen, carried away and left in the woods. Mr. Ward gave a lecture on various matters, treating 390 THE HISTORY some mirthfully, some with ridicule, some with biting sar casm, and so forth, and as to " The Babes in the Woods," would only say, " They were well enough. I never heard any hurt of them." Now to our subject for this chapter. Schools at the close of a term, or the year, give an exhibition. In this the object is to interest by an intellectual and literary show. Again,we go out at night to see the heavens above us. We look at several of the particular fields of stars, called Constellations, as Hercules towards which our solar system is believed to be moving ; at the Harp ; at the Northern Crown, at the Great Bear with ' ' the dipper" on it ; at Cassiopea with its "chair;" at the Lion with "the sickle" on it; at Orion, named in the Scriptures, and others all around in the broad sky ; and at last end with a gaze at the Galaxy, the belt that extends across the vast concave heavens. This is made up of an innumerable number of stars, so closely together that we see no space between them, making the grandest show of all up there. And again, there is sometimes an enter tainment by fire-works. One rocket is sent up, and another and another, varying, by the way, in kind. Then as any approach to sameness tires, or ceases to specially interest, the operator sends up a collection of rockets, and the space above is all aglow. Well now, we have in this book considered a variety of subjects, have studied them, and now propose an exhibition . while near the close. Men and things have been looked at one at a time, and it is now proposed to look at a galaxy of them. Webster says this word sometimes is applied to an assemblage of persons. And then a noted character or important historical event has been presented, and then another and another, like rockets thrown up one at a time ; now we are to throw up a whole collection of them. Please be on the lookout for the show. A word as to the size of the views of the old meeting- OP RAYMOND. 391 house and the churches. They are smaller than those of other pictures. It was chosen to have them of a size that would go in on the pages directly, instead of lengthwise. And they were engraved before it was decided to have the book in octavo form. And, after all, we think well of the size, being adapted to the simplicity, modesty and we hope of the humility of the congregations, that assemble for in struction and worship. We liave not here as yet the aristo cracy of education, wealth or social position. May there never be. There are some who are rich, but as Solomon says, " The rich and the poor meet together" in worship much on one common level. For preachers there is a call for " smart men." It is so almost throughout Christendom. It strikes a little strangely that there is not a call for great men. Smartness and greatness are two-very different things. It is stranger still that there is not a call for good men. That is a qualification so pre-eminently important in those who minister in churches, that it should have some place in the demands of those who choose teachers in sacred things. The late Mr. Lucius M. Sargent in " The Temperance Tales," hits a hard blow to some in what they approve in a minister, thus, "He'll drink down a glass, He'll chat with a lass, And that's the parson for me." This does not apply to people here, we are happy to say. On page 72 mention is made of Mr]. Tilton French, of Gilmanton, who taught school here. Since that was writ ten, other particulars have been found relative to him, that may be given, and no place has been found for them till now. He was here a number of winters in the center dis trict, and four in No. 3, now called the Gove district. Forty-nine years have passed since he last taught here, but some still remember him. Four that he encour- 392 THE HISTORY aged to qualify themselves for teaching still live, and all are here. They are Mr. S. M. Harriman, Mrs. Locke, Mrs. Fisk and the writer. We have a letter dated May 23, 1867, from the late Prof. Dyer H. Sanborn, a native of Gilmanton, and long a resi dent there, in which he says, "Mr. French taught many years, and was a useful, successful teacher." The French family at Gilmanton was from East Kingston. Samuel, of that town, married Abigail Tilton, hence the name Tilton given to the son, of whom we now speak. This Samuel was blest with sound lungs, and of such capacity that the natural tones of his voice were ringing, clear and rather loud. " People will talk," even if that talk is not wise, nor sensible, and if it is designed to be at the expense of others as good and better than themselves. So they ap plied the term " still-born" to this gentleman. He noticed it much as the moon did the dog that barked at it, that was, continued to shine. Mr. TUton French ceased touching here in 1826. He afterwards taught in Gilmanton, Exeter and other places. Past the middle of Hfe he married Miss Mary Ann Calef, of Kingston. After ceasing to teach he was agent for some useful publications, colporter for disposing of good books, and in other ways active and useful. His heart was in whatever he engaged, his manners were easy and agreeable so that he readily gained access to those he wished to benefit. Somewhat late in life he moved to Brickton, Cook County, Illinois, where, we learned, he was prosperous, was deacon of a church. He died a few years ago, but we have not the date. He must have been somewhat aged. Good teachers are remembered with gratitude. We have great pleasure in having the portrait of Benja min Franklin Dudley put in this work. He has shown a good interest in the book, and has done more to aid in illus trations by views of buildings and portraits than any one person. ''i^. -^ ^.,'^^'^-