YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY EIGHTEEN YEAES THE GOLD COAST OE AFRICA. INCLUDING AN ACCOUNT OP THE NATIVE TKIBESj AND THEIB INTERCOUESE WITH EUROPEANS. BEODIE ceuickshank:, MEMBEB OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, CAPE COAST CASTLE. IN TWO VOLUMES. . YOL. II. LONDON: HUEST AND BLACKETT, PUBLISHEES, SUCCESSOES TO HENEY COLBUEN, 13, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. LONDON ! Printed by Schulze and Co., 13, Poland Street. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAPTEE I. The great degradation of the African owing to a consti tutional law of our nature — Assertion of the natural affections — The authority of the local government — Its great moral power — Insubordination of Chiefs — Alarm of the Fetishmen — Causes of our extensive influence — Necessity for maintaining it — Diminished power of the Chiefs — The Governor's necessary severity — Establish ment of good order — Its effect upon men's minds — Poverty of the people — More general' union of the members of a family — Frequent appeals made to the Govemor — A better understanding and full confidence established — ¦ Caution in carrying out reforms — Great influence of the decisions given in Court . . 1 CHAPTEE II. General order and security — Its effect upon trade ¦ — Employment given to the people — Progressive diffusion of wealth — Extensive system of credit — Attributable to the severity of the law of debt — The injurious tendency counterbalanced by its advantages — Trade chiefly de pendent on Ashantee — Oil trade — Condition of the people ........ .30 CHAPTEE III. Disinclination for improvement — Difficulty of overcoming prejudices — Toleration of the Government — Anomalies IV CONTENTS. observable in society, and in individual character — Compulsory observance of order— Gives rise to com mercial enterprise — Growing taste for the habits ot civilized life — Moral virtues neglected— Establishment of a school— Arrival of a Christian missionary upon the 47 coast CHAPTEE IV. The difficulties the first missionary had to struggle against, from ignorance of the language — Misapprehensions respecting Christianity • — Persecution averted by the government — Desertion of the missionary service — Similar effects of the first propagation of Christianity in other parts of the world — The Wesleyan Society- Sacrifices made by many of the uneducated adidt Chris tians — Their firmness and austerity . . .63 CHAPTEE V. Improved position of women — Effect of Christian marriages — Difficulties attending the elevation of women — Sym pathy with missionary labour — Hostility of the Fetish priests — Formation of small Christian bodies — Advan tages arising. from intercourse with the missionaries In their journeys through the country — The first missionaries — Their indiscreet zeal, and its effects — Politic conduct of Mr. Freeman — Establishment of a good under standing with the chiefs — The progress made by the natives ........ 95 CHAPTEE VI. Vague ideas respecting God — Mode of worship — The priests — Evil spirits — Offerings made to them — The immortality of the soul — Worship of the spirits of de ceased friends — Slaves killed to attend their master to the next world — Corrupting tendency of idolatry — Prophetic pretensions of the Fetishmen — Tricks and impostures — Children dedicated to the Fetish office from birth — The Great Braffo Fetish — Independent conduct of the Fetishmen — Priestesses — Their infamous conduct CONTENTS. V — The influence of Fetish upon the African — Decline of the Fetish faith — Its utility as an engine of civil govem ment . . . . . . . .124 CHAPTEE VII. Strong religious feeling of the natives — Human sacrifices — Success in war attributed to the Fetish — Confidence of the worshippers not destroyed by defeat — Ceremonies observed at the conclusion of a treaty of peace at Appol- lonla — Ordeals — Case of Yow Nacoon — Witchcraft — Curious case of an Akim woman's Fetish — Case of conjuring — Ordeal observed upon suspicion of adultery — Religious feasts — Extraordinary ceremony connected with one of the Cape Coast Fetishes — Computation of time . . . . . . . .171 CHAPTEE VIII. Native marriages — Betrothals — Description of a young virgin — African marriage cards — Causes of divorce — Enslaving nature of the marriage contract — Curious custom observed in reference to girls — Observances at the naming of a child — African names — African lovers — Curious case of disappointed affection — Murder of a wife and .children — The story of Adjuah Amissah — Circum cision — Customs for the dead — Expensive observances — The cause of slavery — Laws respecting inheritance — Day of annual remembrance — Extraordinary scene — Human sacrifices in Ashantee and Dahomey — Custom made for Governor Maclean . . . .191 CHAPTEE IX. Modifications introduced into the native laws and customs by the English magistrates — Certificates of emancipation — Alterations In the law of marriage — Difficulties attending the question of slavery — Mode of proceeding in reference to runaway slaves — Recruiting — Commotion excited by the enlistment of slaves — Major Hill's prudent conduct A slave's idea of emancipation — Practice pursued in reference to Ashantee runaways — The King's regard for oaths — Condition of the slave — His Instinctive obedience - ~^-,-:. : .1" ^p.-.v-fv Thi, "r?f-V5._jTi? inferiority to the V CONTENTS. Fantee— Extent of the internal slave trade— System of pawning— Summary of the African character— Resem blance between the state of society on the Gold Coast and the accounts given in the Scriptures of the nations of antiquity ....••• 227 CHAPTEE X. No written language — Difficulty of reducing the Fantee to grammatical rules — Proficiency of young scholars — Prevalence of written communications in the English language — Music — Musical instruments — Workmanship in gold — Tanning and dressing leather — Weaving — Dyeing — Agriculture — Native process of grinding — Palm Wine — Manufacture of oil — Introduction of cotton- growing — Mr. Freeman's model plantation — Exports — Imports — Dress — Houses — ^Taste for European luxu ries — Hospitality . . . . . .261 CHAPTER XI. Persecution of the Christians at Assafa — Their offensive conduct — Sacred grove violated — Indignation of the Fetishmen — Council of chiefs — Denunciation of the Fetish worship by a Fetish priest — Destruction of the Christians' village by Adoo, chief of Mankassim — Captivity of the Christians — Interference of the English authorities — Palaver held at Anamaboe — Resistance — Necessity for caution on the part of the authorities — Little dependence to be placed on native co-operation — Meeting with the head men of Cape Coast — Deputation to Adoo — He consults his Fetish, and receives permission to go to Cape Coast — His arrival — Interest felt in his trial — Conspiracy of Fetishmen to poison four supporters of Christianity — Exposure of Fetish tricks — Indignation of tbe chiefs — They pronounce the Fetishmen worthy of death — Helpless condition of the people bereft of spiritual aid — Their conflicting feelings on the sub ject 298 Appendix 333 EIGHTEEN YEARS ow THE GOLD COAST. CHAPTER I. The great degradation of the African owing to a consti tutional law of our nature — Assertion of the natural affections — The authority of the local government — Its great moral power — Insubordination of Chiefs — Alarm of the Fetishmen — Causes of our extensive influence — Necessity for maintaining it — Diminished power of the Chiefs — The Governor's necessary severity — Establish ment of good order — Its eiFect upon men's minds — Poverty of the people — More general union of the members of a family — Frequent appeals made to the Governor — A better understanding and full confidence established — Caution in carrying out reforms — Great influence of the decisions given in Court. The ordinary effect of misfortune upon man kind, when not under the influence of Christian feeling is to beget a selfishness, dead alike to the voice of nature and humanity. We accordingly B 2 EIGHTEEN YEARS 9n find that the long series of miseries, which for ages pressed upon this unfortunate race, begat in them a brutish insensibility to human suffering. Occupied entirely with the care of their individual interests, and checked in their pursuit by no moral restraint, every imagination of the thoughts of the heart became their only rule of life, and the natural and inevitable consequence of this guidance was, of course, what unerring wisdom had declared it in variably to be, " only evil continually." To such depths of degradation had man's natural depravity conducted the Afirican, that the natives of more favoured lands, in the pride of superior acquire ments, have sometiraes scorned to admit them to an equality of origin. This has not been a preju dice of the ignorant only, but many who considered themselves entitled to be regarded as philosophers, and as lights of the world, have written and argued in defence of this doctrine. A little attention to the corrupt tendency of the human heart, and of the consequence of yielding to its dictates, in the total extinction of every seed of goodness, might, we think, have led the candid inquirer to see that the complete demoralization of the African is owing to a constitutional law of our nature, to which the white man and the black are equally subject. He might have learned, by a '** THE GOLD COAST. reference to the early records of the most favoured nations of the earth, that wherever gross ignorance and an idolatrous worship have prevailed, the work of corruption has been uninterrupted and progres sive, and that the debasement and elevation of in dividual man, as well as of nations, have been in exact proportion to the moral standard of his worship. If he will admit this much, the long ages of dark superstition which has kept the African mind in thrall, and the influences of external and internal lawlessness and oppression, will, we think, sufficiently account for its moral debasement, without having recourse to any original inferiority of nature. It has been the misfortune of this race to labour under a greater accumulation of miseries than has fallen to the lot of any other, and to have been continuaUy subjected to them for a longer period. During these long ages of progressive debasement, the principle of evil in our nature became so strengthened and confirmed by habitual exercise, and the reasoning faculty so powerless, that the proneness of the African to evil assumed the character of an undeviating instinct, to which the absence of any sufficient legal restraint gave the utmost scope. But though thus fallen and ruined, without an apparent vestige of any higher destiny than their mean and grovelling desires and 2 4 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON pursuits indicated, there yet existed in their minds —obscured and defaced, it is true, but still unextin guished — the glimmering of a purer ray, which needed only a more genial atmosphere for its brighter development. That this has been the case, a review of the progress made during the last twenty years will sufficiently prove. As soon as the minds of men began to recover from the deadly paralysis, which was the result of the accumulation of evils that had so long afflicted them, and to experience some relief from the incessant blight which kept withering every sickly bud of hope that sprung up in their breasts, feelings of natural affection were the first to assert their claim for redress. Cheerless and desolate as the home of the African had in general been, without those endear ing associations which hallow it in the eyes of more favoured nations, it nevertheless still forraed the load-star to which their thoughts, relieved from the cares of self-preservation, became ulti mately attached. Even many, to whom the domestic affections had never been known, longing for human syrapathy, and feeling the aching void of the heart, yearned to relieve their oppressed feelings in the bosora of some one, whom they could regard as connected with them by the ties of THE GOLD COAST. 5 blood. The dispei'sion of a brood of chickens, and the wide and Sfudden separation of a flock of sheep with their restless wanderings and plaintive cries to be re-uniied, form no inapt representations of the condition of the Gold Coast at the time to which we refer. But man's havoc among his feUow-men is more irreparable than that committed by the beasts of prey upon their quarry. A long series of years has not yet healed the wounds which were inflicted, and generations yet unborn will be affected by theai. Much, however, has been done to alleviate their calamities. The acknowledgment of the independence of the Fantees and other allied tribes, whieh the English government wrung from the Ashantees, i^lieved the country from its most oppressive load ; and the consequent supervision of its general police by the government, affected such a salutary impKJvement in the increased facility and security of communication, that such redress as the peculiar circumstances of the social condition of the people admitted, was open to alL It must be remembered, that the fundamental constitution of society was neither affected by this indepen dence, nor by the protectorate of England. The same servile dependence of families upon their head, of vassals on their lord, and of slaves oc 6 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON their master, which has been akeady described, continued to exist in fiill force. Now, as before, individuals were given in pawn, and sold into slavery, according to the necessities of their relations and owners. The individuals of a household had still a property value in the esti raation of its head, and human beings still formed a portion of the currency of the country. The great step gained was the limitation which the suppression of lawlessness put upon this system, and the opportunity which a good police and an impartial adrainistration of justice afforded to every one, of resisting unjust clairas for the present, and of obtaining relief from such as had been iniquitously established in time past. Nothing could more forcibly demonstrate their need of a disinterested superior, and their estima tion of the advantages derived from his super intending justice, than the fact, that with a corps of one hundred and twenty men, natives of the country, and with pecuniary resources not ex ceeding, annually, £4,000, Governor Maclean maintained fbr a series of years an undisputed sway over an immense extent of territory, com prising a numerous population, composed of dif ferent tribes, speaking different languages, and many of them possessed of great physical power. THE GOLD COAST. 7 There have been few instances in the history of the world of such an extensive influence, so completely the result of moral force. But it must not be iraagined that it had the effect of entirely putting a stop to unjust practices, or of effecting any vital revolution in the principles upon which their general polity was grounded. The remera brance of their uncontrolled power was too fresh in the minds of the chiefs, and the temptation to relapse into their forraer tyranny too strong, to be always successfully resisted. The distance of many of them also from the seat of the controlling power was so great, and the detection of their mal-practices, on that account, so uncertain, that the restraint of fear did not always operate with the unvarying precision which was essential for the prevention of injustice. Exalted conceptions also of their physical power, of their kingly state, and of the traditionary glory of their ancestors, which the flattery of interested sycophants kept continually ringing in their ears, placed their sub mission to a superior in a degrading point of view, and induced them to make comparisons between their power and the physical strength of the government, favourable to their own consequence, and inconsistent with perfect obedience. These considerations, coupled with the instinc- 8 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON tive alarm of the priesthood, who intuitively per ceived that the doraination of the Europeans would greatly impair their influence, and who therefore used it, while it reraained to them, to warn their countrymen against incurring the dis pleasure of the gods by a departure from the custoras of their fathers, kept alive a refractory spirit, which occasionally manifested itself in acts of cruelty and oppression in open defiance of any superior authority. And as acts of obvious injustice could not always be prevented, so neither could any radical change be effected in the fun daraental structure of society. The relative positions of its raembers had been the result of a progressive growth, which might well bear a nobler graft, productive of better fruit than that of the natural branch, but whose stem and roots could not be disturbed without endangering its ¦vdtality, and hastening its decay. But although it was found impossible to pre vent injustice at aU tiraes, yet redress of injuries was generally within the power of the government, nothwithstanding the teraporary obstructions and delays which were inseparable from the very nature of its influence. Had it been based on physical force, injustice would have been less frequent, and its redress and punishment more consequent on its THE GOLD COAST, 9 commission ; but it is doubtful whether the effect in gradually moulding the inclinations of the people, and in diffusing generally a more humane spirit, would have been so salutary and lasting by the resistless opposition of superior force, as by the exhibition of an undeviating course of justice, straggling with difficulties, often baffled, but never dismayed, and persevering with an untiring firmness to the accomplishment of its object. In the one case, the irapression left on the mind is merely what they had seen exhibited among themselves — the coercion of the weak by the strong ; in the other, they have leisure to con template the moral government of the world, to trace effects through all their intricate windings to their original cause, to observe the certainty of punishment following a deviation from rectitude and justice, and to arrive at the wise conclusion that " honesty is the best policy." We would not, by these remarks, be understood to undervalue the importance of a sufficient coercive force. On the contrary, to ensure good government, there ought to be present in the minds of the governed the conviction that the government can at all times, when necessity re quires it, bring a physical force to bear more than sufficient to crush every opposition. There's no " 3 10 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON necessity for continually parading this force. In deed, it is not necessary even that it should be kno.wn whence, on any occasion of eraergency, it is to spring up. It is sufficient that the executive should be surrounded by such syrabols of his authority, as will protect him from insult, ensure respect, and enable him to provide for the ordinary administration of justice. When extraordinary emergencies occur, the moral influence of the government will become the source of its physical force, and -will raise defenders sufficient to quell the disaffected, and to enforce justice. The peculiar circumstances of our position on the Gold Coast have hitherto rendered a large railitary force unnecessary. The very iraportant part which we played in the war which led to their independence, and the indication of the exhaustless nature of our pecuniary resources, apparent in the great reckless ness of expense during the progress of the war ; the necessity of a protector against the power and ambition of the Ashantees, and their own inability to maintain their independence ; the mutual fear and jealousy of rival chiefs, which made a common superior necessary to prevent discord ; the tyranny of chiefs over their dependants, and of masters over their slaves; and a general belief in the rectitude of our intentions, and the irapartiality of THE GOLD COAST. II our justice ; all conspired to influence the miuds of every class, to elevate us into power, and to make common cause in maintaining our authority. This power once assumed, the necessity of maintaining it with a firm hand against encroach ments from without, and feuds, discords, and disobedience from within, involved the existence of the settlements, and the very principle of self- preservation. The causes of an occasional refrac tory spirit have been briefly adverted to. The supervision of the government tended to lessen the consequence of the chiefs, to curtail the sources of their emolument by the prevention of indis criminate extortion and injustice, to elevate the condition of their dependants, and to obtain for thera a consideration to which, until then, they had been utter strangers. The impartiality of our decisions, the equal distribution of justice to rich and to poor, the curb put upon the oppressor, and the general trammels which sought to tame down the restive and alraost incorrigible tempers of the chiefs to a proper degree of submissive obedience, made them sigh for a return of forraer lawlessness, and almost regret that they had thrown off the yoke of the King of Ashantee, who, provided he obtained his revenue, did not care how much his vassal chiefs oppressed their people. 12 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Under the influence of this discontented spirit, individual chiefs have, upon several occasions, atterapted to assert their independence, and to resist the authority of the government; but although a partial and temporary success has soraetiraes attended their efforts, yet they have never been able to withstand its power for any length of tirae. The arras of rebellion have dropped one by one from their hands, without the intervention of force, and left them naked and defenceless, at the mercy of the governraent. Their own dependants, sensible of their increased privileges through the intervention of the Euro peans, did not desire to see their chiefs independent of control, and were therefore lukewarm in their support. Rival chiefs could not endure that one of their number should presurae to withdraw him self from a control to which they were subject, and joined heart and hand in enforcing sub mission. The freedom of communication and our relations with Ashantee rendered the independence of a single chief inconsistent with the general peace of the country. The cries of obstructed justice, which roused a spirit of retahation, obliged the governor to cut off the rebellious from any external communication, and to shut them up in their own country ; and if need was, and nothing . THE GOLD COAST. 13 else would counsel submission, a demonstration of brute force still remained to overpower aU opposition. Such an overwhelming amount of influence might be supposed sufficient to eradicate every seed of disobedience from the heart, and to render a repetition of the same offence incredible ; but neither the hopelessness of the attempt, the certainty of punishment, motives of self-interest, nor the perfect conviction in the rainds of the offenders theraselves, in their raoraents of sober reflection, of the utility and absolute necessity of European control, could restrain the wUd bursts of passion to which the ungovernable raind of raan in his natural state is subject, nor check his inherent tendency to trans gress, and to harden himself in his transgressions. The consequence of this seemingly irreclaimable disposition made the intercourse between the gover nor a;nd the chiefs, especially at the outset, a con tinual series of offences on the part of the latter, and of punishment, of pardon, and of re-instatement to his favour, on the part of the former. The frequency of these contumacious delinquen cies, and the necessity for severity, gave to the government the character of extreme harshness, and for some years occasioned an incessant struggle between the governor and the chiefs, who could 14 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON ill brook to submit themselves to regular rules of conduct. Fines after fines were imposed with startling rapidity ; restitution to the uttermost far thing was rigidly enforced in every case of wrong ; even imprisonment and deposition were powerless in establisbing a confirmed habit of obedience. The happy contrivance of giving pledges for their peaceable behaviour was at last had recourse to, and in a short time there was not a chief of any conse quence in the country who had not been compelled to lodge in Cape Coast Castle the greater part of his property in gold, as security for his general good conduct, and for his appearance before the governor at any time that he might be summoned to answer a coraplaint against him. To such an extent was this thoughtlessness and disregard of consequences carried, and such was their want of self-control, that even in the town of Cape Coast, under the walls of the castle, and in the presence of the govemor and his whole garrison, it was necessary to have recourse to the same system, and to take security of the elders for the orderly behaviour of the inhabitants. And now we had a most gratifying corroboration of the truth of that text in Scripturg which declares, that " where our treasure is, there will our heart be also;" for no sooner was the treasure of the THE GOLD COAST. 15 chiefs lodged in the strong box of the castle, than their devotion to the governor, and obedience to his commands, becarae the rule of their life. These deposits were returnable to their owners after a certain period of probation, and were renewed or given up according to the character which each individual chief had raanaged to establish for hira self; and as a proof that they answered the end intended, there are, out of a very numerous list, only on record a few instances of forfeiture. By this simple expedient, and the posting of a soldier in the principal towns of the different districts, to maintain an open communication throughout the country, to report misdemeanors to the governor, to signify his wishes to the chiefs with whora they resided, to assist them in main taining their authority over their people, and gene rally to keep aU in mind of the duty of obedience, good order and tranquillity were completely estab lished. From this time we are to date a new era in the history of the Gold Coast. Never, untU now, had there been any scope afforded for the developraent of the better qualities of our nature. The liberty accorded was still prescribed, but a dreadful in cubus had been removed, and men began to breathe more freely, and to become conscious of 16 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON feelings and of rights of which they had previously no conception. We are now to see whether there is not something in the African which, under the influence of favourable circumstances, entertains as readily and as eagerly responds to good impres sions as in the European ; and to enable us to draw the parallel with greater justice^ we must carry back our historical recollections to the worst days of European serfdom and superstition, and com pare the slow process by which the fetters which enslaved both the body and the raind were shaken off, with the account which we are to give of the initiative taken in this country. No sooner was it fiiUy apparent that protection was afforded to every one, than a new spirit seemed to pervade the general mass of the people. It was like the awakening from a dream which had dissipated the senses, and left no tangible impres sion upon the mind, and required a process of carefiil reflection to arrive at a proper compre hension of their position. It was a boon which was regarded by many with mixed feelings of grief and joy — of hope and fear. To some it had come too late : the spoiler had already seized his prey, and left none of a numerous family to sympathise with their feelings ; and to such the contemplation of another's joy was only the renewal of their grief. THE GOLD COAST. 17 Others rejoiced in the prospect of peaceful days, in which they might sit at ease under their own palms in the undisturbed enjoyment of the society of their friends and relations ; many clung to the hope of being able to reunite the scattered nurabers of their several families, and devoted themselves to a dUigent search after them, with the view of endeavouring to redeem them from the bondage in which they were held ; while others set about this anxious labour in doubt and fear, without a trace of the lost ones, and ignorant in which direction to turn their steps. So general an emotion on the part of a people, expressed in such an unequivocal manner as soon as the most distant prospect of relief was opened up to thera, is a sufficient indication, at least, that there was no want of natural affection ; and that though misery may have deadened those feelings, or circumstances may have rendered the exhibition of them worse than useless, yet they had never been extinguished. How often raay the calmness of despair have been mistaken for insensibility, and the perfect inutUity of any exhibition of grief for a callous indifference ! It would have been happy for this people, if the gratification of those feelings had been as much within their reach as within their. 18 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON inclination; but years have been passed by many in a fruitless search ; others have been discovered in the chains of an incurable bondage ; some have been traced to the cane-fields of Cuba and BrazU ; and not a few have poured forth their blood to grace a heathen hohday, or to gUd the tombs of the Kings of Ashantee. Undismayed, however, by difficulties, and persevering in spite of dis appointment, the main object of the general body of the population for the last twenty years has been for each to raise the broken walls of his family house, and to gather his widely-scattered relatives under the shadow of its roof. But, independently of the impossibility of success in such contingencies as we have aUuded to, the difficulties were by no means easUy overcome, even where the residence and circumstances of the different members of a family were known. It wUl be remembered that we have represented society on the Gold Coast as being composed, with sundry modifications, of only the two classes — of master and slave ; that property in slaves is considered the most valuable of all kinds of possessions ; and that the constitution of society had not been affected by the protectorate of England. Bearing this in mind, as weU as the processes by which the work of enslaving was THE GOLD COAST. 19 carried on — namely, by a money value, or by assistance and protection considered equivalent to a purchase, it wiU be seen that more was neces sary than the raere discovery of the residence of a relation to be united to him. He was the property of a master, from whom he had to be redeemed before he could cast off his yoke — of a master perhaps, who, if he had bought him formally, might refuse a redemption price, or at least place such an exorbitant value upon him, as amounted to a prohibition. It wiU be seen then, that, notwithstanding the strong desire exhibited by members of the same family to be reunited, yet the difficulties which in most cases opposed the accompUshment of their vrishes were of a nature to prevent their unconditional freedom. The rich man could generaUy redeem his relations ; but after the grinding tyranny of the Ashantee supreraacy, riches were far frora abundant in the land. Neither, at the time to which we refer, was the attainraent of wealth within the reach of raany. Confidence had not yet been completely estab lished. The Ashantees, upon whom we were dependent for our principal supply of gold, were in the habit of visiting the coast for the pur poses of trade in large parties, who, on account 20 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON of the suspicion which stUl lurked in their minds, did not consider themselves altogether safe, unless under the protection of some of the principal chiefs or head men of . the Fantee country. They therefore left their own country, consigned to some one of these, who acted as brokers, in carrying on their trade with the Europeans. This was a source of great emolument to the parties immediately employed, but had Uttle effect in diffusing any general benefit. It, In fact, increased only the property of those who had the least need for it, and enabled them to increase stiU more the distance between them and the other classes of society, and to lay hold of those advantages which a superior position in its early stages never fails to place within their reach. WhUe this state of raatters continued, the general body of the people who felt raost the pressure of their separate bondage, had no " op portunity of acquiring means to purchase their own redemption, or that of their relatives. They were therefore obliged to content tliem selves with the knowledge of their different situ ations, and to Umit their intercourse to an occa sional visit or message, as circumstances gave them opportunity. Upon these occasions they THE GOLD COAST. 21 would. In pure simplicity of heart, often seek to bespeak a master's favour for a relation, by trifling presents ; and by instigating the slave to zeal for his master's service, and the master to kindness, they endeavoured to keep alive such mutual feelings of satisfaction and good-wiU, as made the connection between them agreeable to both. Where this good understanding did not exist, and where the severity of the master ren dered the slave's life miserable, recourse was often had to some wealthy person, who had the repu tation of being a good man, who was entreated to purchase his redemption from the bad raaster, and to make him his own slave; and as the services of a discontented slave were always un satisfactory to the master, the latter generally consented readily enough to his redemption. Slaves and pawns had it thus very much in their own power to make choice of their own master, and this liberty of choice contributed largely to bring together the different members of a faraUy under one master, and thus, by af fording free scope to the enjoyment of the domestic affections, deprived slavery of its severest sting. This then was the first step which the fuU protection given by the government enabled the 22 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON people to take — namely, the more general union of the different merabers of a family under the same roof, and the reUef opened up to many from the severity of a bad master. As yet, however, there was no diminution in the extent of slavery. It was its quality alone which had been affected. But the progress after this is now rapid. The great vigilance of the government in detecting, and its rigour in punishing acts of oppression, the frequent resort of aggrieved persons to the local authorities, and the ready and cheap redress of injuries, soon made the whole population perfectly famUiar with the nature of the pro tection afforded them, and unwilling to submit to any wrong at the hands of their ovra chiefs. From the decision of these, appeals were frequent. The chiefs themselves, in consequence, had often occasion to resort to Cape Coast Castle, and had many opportunities, by their attendance in court, of comprehending more fuUy the broad princi ples of justice, and the necessity of enforcing them for the general good of society. They soon perceived that the governor's severity, which they had at first been inclined to regard as persecution, was dictated from an enlightened view of a necessary exaraple, for the mainte- THE GOLD COAST. 23 nance of order, and the general tranquiUity of the country, in which they themselves had the principal interest. A better and more cordial understanding, which at length ripened into the most perfect confidence and esteem, was the result of a longer acquaintance. The effect of all this was to bring the governor prominently forward before the whole country in his true position — as the federal head and pro tector of the allied chiefs, responsible for their observance of treaties to the Ashantees, and their defender against any unjust demands from these — their mediator between each other, and the general redresser of wrongs. The chiefs began to regard themselves as so many officers of government, to each of whom was entrusted the administration of the affairs of his own people, subject to the supervision of the gover nor, who, by the punishment of injustice, and by heartily approving and rewarding a proper discharge of their duties, soon managed to elicit a strong desire to obtain his favour. If the motives for this zeal were base, it was never theless attended with a more extensive distri bution of justice, and the diffusion generaUy of a more humane and equitable spirit. Instead of a captious opposition, seeking insidiously to 24 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON overreach the law, and laying hold of every possible occasion to cause obstruction, and to limit the influences of good order, there was now, externaUy at least, a disposition which we believe in many cases to have been founded on a just appreciation of their real interests, to go hand-and-hand with the governor, and to give him every assistance in establishing and main taining a more perfect system of justice than had hitherto guided their intercourse with each other. Their ideas of justice, it is true, were not of that enlightened character which belongs to a higher standard of moral duty. They were stiU influenced by the prejudices of a dark superstition and tra ditionary customs, and required the watchful and resolute caution of a skUful reformer, whose care was as necessary in guarding against a too hasty innovation, as in rigidly enforcing the utmost degree of social progress which might safely be ventured upon. Nor was the governor without a sufficient test of the state of public feeling upon these important points. The court (of which, at the time to which we refer, he was himself the judge) became a spe cies of lecture-roora, frora which the principles of justice were disseralnated far and wide throughout THE GOLD COAST. 25 the country. It was daily crowded by listeners frora the raost distant districts under our jurisdic tion, as well as by those close at hand. The prac tice of the chiefs being constantly surrounded by a large body of retainers, gave greater publicity to the doctrines inculcated, by the free access of all classes to a knowledge of the sentiments which influenced their government. The chief there learned that an injustice done in his judicial capacity would recoil upon himself; the raaster, that he owed duties to his slave, the neglect of which, or an undue seve rity, would lead to his unconditional eraancipation ; the slave, that though obedience was the badge of aU his tribe, he was still the object of a care, which would shield hira from oppression and vindicate his title to a kind and humane consideration ; the husband, that his wife and the mother of his chUdren was not a mere household drudge, the instrument, of his gross passion, and his grosser cupidity, but that she was entitled to his love and his regard, and was Intended to be the sharer of his joys and his sorrows ; and the wife that she had been submitting to an unjust degradation, and that she could appeal successfully against the un worthy position aUotted to her. Although it was not always possible to carry out the rules of moral duty to the extent that could be desired — and a VOL. II. ,c 26 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON mightier influence than that of the civU magistrate was necessary for their strict observance — yet the effect of the decisions in the court, and the ge neral expositions with which they were attended, had a very sensible operation in ameUorating ge neraUy the social condition of the people. The court also becarae a very successful, and not an invidious raediura of attack upon their most objectionable laws and custoras, as well as upon such of their superstitious observances as led to an unjust invasion of Individual rights and liberties. The victims of their severe laws in reference to debt, of a false accusation, and of pretended crimes of which they had no evidence but their supersti tious fears, or the oracular dictate of the Fetishman, of sorcery, witchcraft, and of a variety of super stitious offences, never appUed in vain for protec tion. Any direct attack upon such dearly-che rished prejudices would have raised a perfect storm of opposition, and such watchwords as ever answer party purposes would soon have been heard, to intimate that persecution had begun. But when it was seen that the governor did not go out of his way to seek for cause of accusation, that he merely threw his protecting shield over one of themselves appeaUng against injuries inflicted for offences, of the comraission of which they could THE GOLD COAST. 27 produce no reasonable proof, they were obliged to acknowledge that he was actuated by a sense of justice, and not by direct hostility to their customs. By this indirect censure, and the tone of sUghting ridicule with which their childish superstitions were treated, as if unworthy of a moment's serious consideration, many bad practices which at one time had been attended with very injurious conse quences feU completely into conterapt, and were laughed at and disavowed by those who stUl had faith in them, although they were ashamed to own it. Sometimes during the investigation of circum stances connected with appeals to the court, cruel and barbarous practices were revealed, which were scarcely known to the Europeans to exist ; but which were considered a necessary part of their re ligious observances, which could not be aboUshed without incurring the displeasure of the gods. The pertinacity with which ignorance hugs its ab surd superstitions Is weU known, and appears to be in exact proportion to their absurdity. Abstract reasoning with such characters Is perfectly out of place. An implicit faith in the benevolent inten tion of the law-giver, a consciousness of his general superiority, and of the advantages of obedience, occasional demonstrations of his power, and the c 2 28 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON certainty of punishment in withstanding it, are essential to the abolition of a confirraed custom. The prejudices in its favour will exist long after Its fiTiIts have been destroyed, and wUl only yield to tirae, and the influence of a new class of ideas arising out of a more coraprehensive view of self- interest. As soon, then, as the governor had established sufficient confidence to afford a rea sonable hope of success in putting down their most obnoxious practices, he cautiously led his attack against them. By frequent animadversions upon their iniquitous character, and the absolute neces sity of abolishing them, by the announcement that he was only waiting for a favourable opportunity to do so effectuaUy, he famUiarized raen's minds to their possible suppression at no distant period, and won over many to an acknowledgment of their unfitness ; and when he perceived that he had thus sufficiently paved the way for an enactraent upon the subject, he pereraptorily commanded their dis continuance. This very possibly had not the de sired effect, but it gave to their repetition the character of a punishable offence, made the greatest secrecy necessary to their comraission, and sub jected the perpetrators to punishment upon dis covery. The amount and nature of the public sympathy THE GOLD COAST. 29 consequent upon the punishment of the offender, afforded a perfect criterion of the seasonableness of the step ; and thus the court served admirably the purposes of a piUse to indicate the extent of the reforraation which the country was at any tirae capable of bearing, consistent with the degree of confidence in the government, without which no progressive improvement could be general. It was therefore politic not to endanger this confidence by rash and hasty legislation, which, however bene ficial in reference to the point in question, was nevertheless to be avoided, if it prevented a greater good, by interrupting the course of gradual and steady advancement upon which the country had entered, as any interruption of this kind at the outset would have been fatal to our influence. 30 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON CHAPTER II. General order and security — Its effect upon trade — Employment given to the people — Progressive diffiision of wealth — Extensive system of credit — Attributable to the severity of the law of debt — The injurious tendency counterbalanced by its advantages — Trade chiefly de pendent on Ashantee — Oil trade — Condition of the people. Having in the foregoing chapter given, we hope, an intelligible account of the nature of our influence, of its extent, and its raode of develop ment, the reader will have less difficulty in ac counting for the rapid advancement now consequent upon the establishraent of those feelings of confi dence and rautual good-will which we have repre sented as subsisting between the governor and the governed. By this influence the raost complete THE GOLD COAST. 31 protection and security were afforded to every one. The paths and thoroughfares of the country became as safe for the transmission of merchan dize, and as free frora interruptions of any description, as the best frequented roads of the most highly civUized countries of Europe. No police force, organized upon the principles of disci pUne which govern this important engine of civU government in a free country, can be compared in efficiency with that system of responsibiUty which made the chief accountable for the peace of his district, and for the orderly conduct of his de pendants. The patriarchal rule, which obtains in families, the assemblage of famUies under a chief, the vassalage of chiefs under a common superior, with the feel ings of strict obedience, submission and clanship, strengthened and confirmed by superstitious obser vances, which exercise such a powerful control over those having faith In them, form altogether such a nicely graduated scale of accountability, that inde pendence of action becomes impossible, and the detection of crime consequently easy. With this free scope for the full development of energy and enterprize, we are now to pursue the pecuUar modes in which they principally exhibited them selves. 32 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON The Ashantees were not slow in perceiving that aU danger of being obstructed and plundered was now at an end, and that the especial protection of a particular chief was no longer necessary. They were therefore glad to be reUeved from the incon venience of travelling in such large parties, and frora the exorbitant profits which the chiefs received in name of brokerage for the simple trans acting of their trade with the merchants. They soon discovered thousands eagerly seeking to be employed, and anxious to offer their services at a much raore moderate rate; and they experienced rauch greater freedora of choice in this simple and unostentatious system of trade. On the other hand, the certainty of protection, and the profitable nature of mercantile speculation at the time, allured numbers to try their fortune as trading adventurers. SmaU capitalists invested what gold they had in goods, and either carried them into the interior, or sent them in charge of confidential agents to be sold. The success of these petty adventurers had a magical effect in making this system general. Even the merchants themselves, finding that the quantity of goods thus sent for sale into the interior had a sensible influence in curtaUing their own store trade, by preventing in a great raeasure THE GOLD COAST. 33 the resort of the Ashantees to the coast, were obUged to yield to the current, and to carry on their business principaUy by means of agents employed in the same manner. Instead of the duU, stagnant, lifeless appearance which the country presented some time before, the monotony of which was only varied occasionaUy by an act of gross outrage, or the sudden outbreak of an old hereditary feud, all was now cheerful bustle and activity. There was not a nook or corner of the land to which the enterprize of some sanguine trader had not led him. Every vUlage had its festoons of Manchester cottons and China silks, hung up upon the walls of the houses, or round the trees in the market-place, to attract the attention and excite the cupidity of the vUlagers. In the principal towns on the main line of communication with Ashantee, extensive depots were forraed, where every species of goods suited to the traffic might be got In abundance ; and in Cooraassie, the capital, many agents constantly resided, who received steady supplies of goods by an uninterrupted system of conveyance from the coast. The land carriage of aU this raerchandize, in a country where beasts of burden are not used, gave employment to many thousands in transporting the goods. The porterage, considering the great c 3 34 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON distance of the journey, and the time occupied in accomplishing it, was exceedingly trifling ; but the ignorance of the value of labour properly directed, and their natural distaste for a steady, regular and laborious employraent, made them prefer occasional jobs of this description, which gratified also a rara bling disposition, to agricultural pursuits, or any other occupation requiring fixed habits of appUca- ' tion. As yet, their absolute wants were few and their desires moderate. The simple supply of the ne cessaries of life was aU that the bulk of the population cared about, and this the bounty of nature placed within the reach of a very small araount of labour. The prospect of elevating their condition by careful Industry, had only yet been opened up to those engaged in trade, who per ceived the road to wealth and consequence now plainly exposed to them. These eagerly pursued their advantages, perfectly alive to the important consequences of success, whUe the instruraents of their traffic, the unreflecting carriers, were con scious of few wants to which the beasts of burden, whose province they had assuraed, were not sub ject. On this account the diffusion of wealth although greatly extended beyond its former Umit, was stUl partial, but rapidly progressive ; for the THE GOLD COAST. 35 numerous instances of independence suddenly ac quired, could not but strike the dullest apprehension, and excite, in some measure, a more general spirit of eraulation. The condition of slavery, also, which attached to the greater part of those carriers was another reason for their want of ambition. They had in general been hired from a master, who received their wages, and only gave them out of their scanty allowance what was necessary for their subsistence. To such persons, the present move ment held out little prospect of bettering their condition; and only those who, from their su perior quickness of parts had given promise of achieving a raore honourable position for them selves, and increased wealth for their masters, were afforded opportunities of seeking their own fortune. It was the nature, however, of this system of trade by means of agents eraployed to seU goods In the interior upon the raerchants' account, to become one of simple credit. The step between agency and the responsibUity of a comraon debtor was so easy, and the latter liable to so much less misunderstanding, that credit soon became general. The natural result of this system of trust, was the extensive diffusion of property 36 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON throughout every class of society, to a degree which can hardly be comprehended by one unac quainted with the pecuUar partiality of the natives of the Gold Coast, and, we believe, of Africa generally, for pedUng. Men, women and chUdren are indiscrirainately infected with this passion, which absolutely assuraes, frora its inveteracy, the character of a confirmed malady. One is at a loss to conceive where there is any room for buyers among such a nation of pedlers; and there Is certainly no way of accounting for the disposal of such an endless exhibition of their petty wares, except upon the principle of barter. The foundation of the confidence upon which this general and extraordinary subdivision of credit is grounded, araong a people by no means reraarkable for their integrity, raust, we believe, be sought for in the severity of the law of debt, which involves such an extensive responsibUity, including that of the freedora of the debtor and his relations, rather than in the facile credulity of the people. Owing to this peculiarity of their laws, the advantages of this systera of general credit, as a raeans of improving their social condition, have been very doubtfiil ; but we are incUned to think that Its effect in creating artificial wants, and in forming new habits, and thereby exciting to their THE GOLD COAST. 37 gratification by industrious exertion, far outweighs the temporary injustice and abuses which the spirit of progress evoked by it must ultimately redress. Its imraediate effects, however, were undoubtedly of a raixed character, dependent in a great raeasure upon individual capacity and integrity ; for where credit was so general, edu cation alraost unknown, and the standard of raorai principle extreraely low, it could not be, but that rauch of this credit was raisplaced, and that pro perty was frequently squandered, as often hy the incapacity as by the unprincipled extravagance of the debtor. But whatever the cause, the result was the sarae — the irapUcatlon of the inno cent relations, who have been made available, to raise the funds to liquidate the debt, either by bondage as pawns, or by actual sale. As a counterpoise, however, to the fooUsh and reckless adventurers, who have thus entaUed misery upon themselves and farailies, there have been others of a very different starap; men who, by cautious prudence and integrity, have acquired the means of elevating the social position of them selves, and of redeeming frpm the bondage of a former period their most distant relatives. As these more than outnumbered the former, and as, raoreover, by the happy result of their exertions, 38 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON they exhibited in its proper Ught the legitimate fruits of honest deaUng, the emulation which their success created, and thegenerai aspirations which, it raised for greater independence, greatly overbalanced the evUs resulting frora the abuse of their pri vUege. This preponderance becarae stUl more apparent as soon as it was known that by an appeal to the court, relations were relieved from all responsibUity respecting debts incurred without their especial suretiship, as it put it beyond the power of every worthless character to impoverish and enslave his relations. But the benefit of this protection was not so general as it might have been. The court only interfered upon application made to it. Public prejudice was stUl in favour of old customs. It was esteeraed a disgrace to cast off a relation on account of debt, If the family had at aU the means of paying it, and very seldom, except In the case of a confirmed and incorrigible prodigal, and where the UabUity was altogether beyond their means, did they withhold their support. The system of pawning therefore stUl continued. Even in cases where the creditor has failed to interest the debtor's faraily, and has in consequence been corapeUed to Imprison him for the debt, they have finally yielded to the feelings of syrapathy excited THE GOLD COAST. 39 In his favour, and after aUowing hira time for correction and reflection, have helped him out of his troubles. But notwithstanding the influence of an estabUshed custora, in preventing the relief, which was put within their reach, being universaUy or even generaUy accepted, yet the knowledge that it raight be had recourse to, had a very sensible effect in curtailing the extent of credit ; and when it was seen that insolvent debtors obtained their discharge after a period of purgation, little raore was needed to restrain credit within those limits which are essential to the interests of comraerce, as well as to the steadiness and consistence of social progress. By this useful liraitation, and the removal of certain restrictions upon prices imposed by a self- constituted Board of Trade, the carrying system received its death-blow. The room for competi tion, which an unfettered traffic opened up, enabled those who preferred a sure store trade to make such a reduction of price, as induced the Ashantees to come to the coast, instead of making their pur chases from the petty traffickers, or from the depots In the interior. The greater choice of merchandize in the stores of the merchants, the presents which the traders were in the habit of receiving, and which eventually became an estabUshed perquisite, 40 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON their Uttle consideration of the value of time, and their consequent indifference about the length of their journey, combined with more consideration for themselves, and greater fairness of dealing than guided the transactions of adventurers, far re moved from any sufficient control, aU conspired to place the trade entirely upon a new footing. The consequence of the Ashantees becoraing their own carriers, was to throw a very great number of persons out of employraent, and to force thera to seek another means of living. Since the commenceraent of the carrying trade, they had becorae accustoraed to raany trifling luxu ries within the reach of their scanty pay, to which they had formerly been strangers. These had now becorae absolutely necessary to them, and they were willing to turn their hands to any work, in order to obtain the means of procuring them. This certainly was a great step in advance ; but the absence of any suitable occupation seemed on the point of consigning thera once more to their original habits of perfect Idleness, when the medium of circulation throughout the Fantee country was Increased so rapidly, that an astonish ing impetus was given to a branch of trade, which had not hitherto occupied a very prominent place in their attention. Gold-dust and ivory had been THE GOLD COAST. 41 almost the sole articles of export. Neither of^^ these coramodities was found in great abundance within the countries under our jurisdiction, and our trade was, and is, principally dependent upon Ash antee. The only source of wealth was, therefore, | confined to an Interchange of the raanufactures o^ Europe, for articles beyond the reach of labour to ob tain thera, and consequently beyond the reach of thp raass of the population. UntU labour found a mar ketable value, there was no prospect of the general ameUoration of the condition of the people. Had gold been found in the soU of the country In suffi cient quantities to render the search for it a steady and profitable occupation, it is possible that labour of this kind would have tended to iraprove the circumstances of the masses ; but the uncertainty of the result of labour of this description, and the reckless gambling spirit to which it invariably gives rise, are very unfavourable to moral improvement. On this account, we consider it particularly fortiix nate for the people of the Gold Coast, that the] branch of industry to which their attention has been directed is one which, at the same time that in gives a good return for the labour expended, yet ren-l ders necessary habits of patient toU and application. The manufacture of palm-oU, as giving employ ment to a great portion oT'the population, may be' 42 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON said to have been only known vrithin the last fifteen years. It had been made in small quantities long before this period, but It had no general influence, nor do we think that it would have ever risen into the importance which it is now assuraing, except for the extensive use of the circulating medium to which we have referred. Slaves, for sorae time, as being the staple of commerce, held the most con spicuous place as a test of computation, and an article was ordinarily reckoned at the value of one, two, or more slaves. But the imraense variety of circumstances which depreciated their value or otherwise, made it of such a relative quaUty, that even the classification into prime, good, bad, and indifferent, conveyed but a doubtful and indefinite idea of their true worth. The assumption of gold-dust as the standard of value, was, therefore, highly conducive to the interests of trade; but its supply was so limited, and so little diffused, as to render it altogether {inadequate as a mediura of circulation. The defi ciency was attempted to be made up, by raeans of various articles of trade, which were passed from hand to hand at the market price at the time, or for such value as might be agreed upon between the payer and receiver. These articles, however, were generally of a very perishable nature, and THE GOLD COAST. 43 unless required for iramediate consumption, of little use to the person receiving them. As long as this state of things continued, and there was no ready and convertible price for labour of easy access, there was little inducement to work ; but when labour could be very profitably employed in the raanufacture of an article of great con sumption, for which there was always a ready market, and which was paid in a coraraodity capable of great subdivision, and in constant use as the circulating raediura of an extensive district of the country, motives for exertion were only limited by the extent of desire. The introduction of the cowrie-sheU and Its ap plication to this purpose supplied the desideratum j necessary for the prosecution of the trade in palm-/ oU, the supply of which is found to fluctuate accordina to the supply of the cowries. If these have been exhausted in the stores of the raerchants, no oil is brought to the market unless in such smaU quanti ties as may be required for immediate consuraption ; and although the manufacture of oU may go on in the meantime, in the expectation of new importations of cowries, yet if these be long delayed, the activity of the labourer slackens and finaUy ceases; the object of his labour being to obtain what to him is tantamount to ready 44 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON cash, which he can apply in any manner he thinks fit. The reader wiU have sorae idea of the utUIty of this article as a circulating medium, when we state that the annual importation of cowries is steadily increasing, and that it at present amounts to one hundred and fifty tons per annum. When he Is farther informed that a ton of good cowries is equivalent to three hundred and sixty doUars, that two thousand four hundred shells go to the doUar, and that there are consequently eight hundred and sixty-four thousand cowries in a ton, he will more readUy comprehend the facilities of exchange, and the great encourageraent which it gives to industry. It would be irapossible at present even to conjec ture with any degree of probabUity the extent to which this importation of a very serviceable cur rency might be carried, without affecting Its circu lating value ; but the sudden and extraordinary increase of late years, has had no effect in deterio rating them, and the increased demand keeps pace with the supply — in other words, a sufficient marketable equivalent for labour has not yet been supplied, as the resources of the country and the energies of the people are only in their first stages of development. How these wiU ultimately be operated upon, with the best result, it is at present too soon THE GOLD COAST. 45 to determine, and must depend upon the market which they find for their labour, and the judgment vrith which It is directed. As yet, cowries are only in use throughout a comparatively sraall portion of the Gold Coast ; and where they are not already introduced, a strong prejudice exists against them. In Ashantee it Is forbidden to sell or pass them at all, under very severe penalties ; the impression being, that their introduction and use might have an Injurious effect in diminishing the extent of the collections of gold-dust. Along the whole line of coast also to the westward of Anamaboe, cowries are little used, and do not pass current in the markets ; gold- dust, silver, and copper coins being the only medium of circulation. Owing to the expenditure of the government at Cape Coast, the circulation of raoney and gold of the country almost suffice for the present exigencies of the people, and hold out the necessary inducement for labour ; but where there Is nothing extraneous to the gold-dust, the energy of the people Is cramped for want of a sufficiently diffusive currency. We accordingly find that the condition of the natives in those parts is much more stationary, and that, notwithstanding their greater attention to the coUection of gold, and the superior abundance 46 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON of this valuable raineral in these districts, they are nevertheless excluded from raany comforts which are now within the reach of all who devote their labour to the cultivation of the produce of the country, and who readUy find a marketable price for it. Every branch of trade and industry known to the people has been influenced in an extraor dinary manner, by adopting this currency ; but greater incentives are still wanting to caU forth the energies of the people generally, for raany stUl reraain sunk in a sluggish indifference, frora which, we fear, they can only be roused by education. THE GOLD COAST. 47 CHAPTER III. Disinclination for improvement — Difficulty of overcoming prejudices — ^Toleration of the government — Anomalies observable in society, and in individual character — Compulsory observance of order — Gives rise to com mercial enterprise — Growing taste for the habits of civilized life — Moral virtues neglected — Establishment of a school — Arrival of a Christian missionary upon the coast. If a benevolent government, with moral influ ence sufficient to obtain general obedience, and to give protection and security to aU, a fair measure of commercial prosperity, a fuU abundance of the necessaries of life, with the means of supplying many artificial wants placed within the reach of every class, were the only requisites for the social elevation of a people, the natives of the Gold 48 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Coast had now a favourable opportunity of enter ing upon this career. But something more is necessary to raise a people from a state of great moral degradation. Without the consciousness of their own debasement, and a desire for their own advancement, the most favourable circumstances vriU be unavaUing ; and the experience of aU history shows that this feeling and this desire do not arise naturaUy. The human mind is not a soU, where ideas com mon to an in a civilized state spring up spontane ously. Not a field in the material world requires more diligent culture. The weeds which rankle there are only a type of the tendency, not of the ex tent of huraan depravity. The forraer germinate, flourish, wither, die and are renewed. The latter knows no winter, no season of frigid inaction. In which the principle of vitality and development is suspended. Its growth Is continuous, strengthening with man's strength, and transmitted through suc cessive generations with a continuaUy increasing bent, and a more confirmed and instinctive impulse. And as the natural field has not any inherent power to substitute the wheat for the tares, so neither has the mind of raan the capacity of originating and carrying out Into practice Ideas of an opposite THE GOLD COAST. 49 tendency from its natural and confirmed bent, without the addition of some external influence. The ordinary operation of this influence is cer tainly through the mediura of the senses, and reflec tion .upon the effects produced upon them ; for what by some of the heathen phUosophers, with an indis tinct gUmmering of the truth, has been denominated "the divine breathing," by raodern infidels the result of reason affecting the raorai principle, and by reve lation the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, has little perraanent effect upon the actions of men in their natural state ; and for these siraple reasons, that In the one case a certain degree of raorai advanceraent is necessary to qualify men to deduce salutary rules of life from tracing effects to their original cause ; and in the other, where the Scriptures have not been" received as a revelation frora heaven, the importa tion of a divine influence has been misunderstood, has consequently not been cherished, and has there fore reserabled in its motions, rather the eccen tricity of the comet than the steady undeviating course of the sun. It is then to the slow process of raental culture, the result of compulsion in its first stages, that we are to look for a substitution of one class of ideas for another, and for the change of habits and principles upon which this substitu- '¦^¦^- ~ri ¦"n 'a "ivreV-- known, that 50 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON nothing but the strong hand of power and a clearer view of- selfrinterest can put down a cherished custom and remove a confirmed habit. Even against power and self-interest, the prejudices of the old, who have grown grey in the practice of customs established by prescription, the opposition of raonopoUst traders in the abuses; of society, the superstitious fears of sorae, the ridicule of others, and the natural disinclination for change in all, invariably maintain an obstinate struggle^ Upon the Gold Coast, the government has very wisely raade no attack upon customs which did not interfere with the rights and liberties of individuals, and has only so far meddled with their laws, as to infuse into them a more humane spirit ; ameliorating some without abolishing them, and consigning others to a gradual oblivion, by exposing their unfitness for the advancing condi tion of social progress. This spirit of toleration has consequently left the battle of civUization to be fought, principaUy by the influence of opinion ; and this opinion being moulded, not by any general system of education calculated to conduce, with slight modifications, according to the struc ture of Individual minds, to one great homogeneous result ; but being the effect of a variety of influ ences acting partially upon society, its operation has, of course, been as partial as their application. THE GOLD COAST. 51 We accordingly find the most incongruous ano- maUes in the general aspect of society ; and not only in general society, but, according to our view's' of consistent keeping In character, the strangest inconsistencies in the same individual. This is to be accounted for by his accidental tiraihing for his particular occupation, and the ripportutiitie^' which he has had of associating with and observing the condiict of men more civilized than himself Having caUed into action particular qualities bf the raind, and dravpn his attention to a special roiind' of duties, pairtlcular' faculties have been improved and certain observainces respefcted, while other mental qualities have remained perfectly faUow, arid other duties, equally ' impor tant, have been disregarded, as they wer6' not caUed into operation,' and did nbt faU within the range of his observation. ' .. We have thus a root of barbarism with a branch of civUization; the crab and 'the apple growing side 'by side, upoii the sarhe tfee, and in prdpdr- tlons varying with 'the opjiortUnlties find iiicUiiation to i-iecelV-e "hew grafts. ' Tf the ktef wete as general as thb former, '^dvan'cement would be much more j-apld ;' but ' nothing but a pers6nal experi^ribe of self-interest appears 'to' have any Influence in fnoulding the WiU to seek v61untarily a charige" of condition. The pleasure of doin^ nothing hks 52 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON such a narcotic influence upon the human faculties, that the more it is indulged in, the more Invete- rately is it cherished, untU the whole man is steeped in such a lethargic stupor that it is next to impos sible to rouse him. Where the bounty of Provi dence supplies the actual wants of Ufe almost without the necessity of labour, and where, more over, the cliraate has an enervating influence upon the human frarae, this luxurious dream of listless inactivity appears to become the chief pleasure of existence. For this reason, the allurements to exertion require to be kept continuaUy pressing upon them, and the senses to be constantly stimu lated by new and powerfiil incentives. From this cause it is, that we find so much indifference, and even disUke to engage in occasional occupations, which would appear to us, from the remuneration given, to hold out considerable inducements ; but he fact Is, this occupation not being continuous, and heir condition not being permanently affected by it, their ordinary wants, moreover, not rendering it ne cessary for their supply, the teraporary benefit is not considered worth the exertion required to obtain It. To rouse the energies of any people long burled in sloth, there must be an adequate inducement in the imraediate and permanent amelioration of their condition, and this inducement must come home in a tangible form to the general body. The least THE GOLD COAST. 53 attention to the course of social progress in this country, and not in this country alone, but in every other country, attests this truth. But for the fear of punishment, which would entail upon the perpetrator of an injustice a greater injury than the possible advantage which he might obtain from its commission, the natives of the Gold Coast would have continued to hunt, persecute, and worry each other untU this very hour. No abstract love of justice, no feelings of compassion, were capable of exercising any restraint. The personal conse quences of criminality alone had the power to enforce anything like an observance of justice, and the incessant disregard even of this restraint, at the commencement, is a sufficient proof that the golden rule of doing to others as we would that they should do unto us, is not one of natural growth. The first step, then, was pure corapulsion ; but it was the introduction of the fine point of the wedge, which communicated an aptitude for its deeper insertion, and which did not leave the whole work to be done by the force of external appUca tion. The advantages of a purer administration of justice soon became apparent to society. It was seen that its practice was not merely a negative good, reUeving men from the consequences of disobedience; but that a positive benefit to the pubUc flowed from it. This benefit once expe- 54 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON rienced becarae indispensable, and notwithstanding the interested opposition of indi-viduals, infused such a general spirit, not of acquiescence only, but of eagerness to secure and render it perraanent, that what had at first been introduced by force, was cherished from choice and maintained frora motives of self-interest. Here was the first pliable adapta tion of the cleft to the wedge, which prepared the way for a more extensive opening upon the next appUcation of pressure from without ; and as this first step, the observance of justice and consequent order and tranquiUity, was binding on aU, its influence was general, and its effects naturaUy exhibited in the diffusion of a more humane spirit throughout every class of society. This, however. Is the only Improvement of universal application. Whatever other changes have been wrought have been partial, and in exact proportion in their nature and extent to the means eraployed for their development. The next mo^t general benefit was the result of the protection and security now enjoyed by aU, which gave ample scope for commercial enterprise. It consisted In a more extensive diffusion of wealth, increased liberty in proportion to this wealth, and an ambition, among those who had been most successful, to assume the habits and acquire the tastes of civiUzed Ufe. The measure pf success attending those enter- THE GOLD COAST. 55 prises became also the measure of individual advancement, which, from the nature of the cause, produced, as a matter of course; an endless variety of effect.' We consequently find aU degrees of progress, from the duU and sluggish bushman, who has just been shamed into the necessary exertion to acquire means to purchase a cloth to cover hiraself, to the intelligent and enter prising raerchant, who is receiving his conslgn- raents of thousands from Europe. It wUl be observed,- however, that the incentives hitherto noticed, addressed themselves principally to a particular class of the affections, calling Into exercise only those' faculties requisite for the suc cessful management ' of their traffic: This, of course, left a very extensive field perfectly untiUed. WhUe it excited ambition, exercisedi the; judg ment, and generally sharpened the intellectual faculties, it had little influence upon the moral powers of the mind, except to the extent which a more enlarged view of personal interest has upon human conduct,' which Is consequently rather an effect of the inteUect than of the moral principle. Actions based upon this foun dation, wiU be in correspondence with the degree of enlightenment of the individual, thereby ren dering a very high degree of mental cultivation essential to the practice of pure moraUty. It is 56 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON a well-established fact, however, that men have never been able fuUy to act up to their own con victions of right, when they have assumed reason only for their guide. A strong temptation, where the risk of detection or of injury appears Irapos sible and doubtfiil, has often proved too much for the highest effort of mere reason to resist. Such being the case with men of the most highly cultivated inteUect, what have we a right to expect frora a people just emerging from the thraldom of body and of mind which we have represented? With an education limited to traditionary laws and customs, generaUy of a corrupt and immoral nature, with a superstitious reUgion, which makes no pretension to be a moral guide of conduct; without even the lessons of experience, and with no higher standard of obedience than the wiU of the civU magistrate, whose means of information, and whose powers of punishment are by no means commensurate with the wants of society, is it to be wondered at that the moral virtues have not a very prorainent place in their regard ? To such a people, offences punishable by law only appear criminal; and even then, the de tection of the offence, rather than the offence itself, constitutes the crirae. Offences and vices not generaUy cognizable by the civU magistrate, therefore, carry with them little degradation, and THE GOLD COAST. 57 are scarcely regarded in a derogatory point of view. Lying, prevarication, low cunning, breach of engagements, and trick and artifice of every deecription, are with them legitiraate weapons in the battle of Ufe. Intemperance, excess, lewdness, strifes, abusiveness, and maUce predominate in the general character; and aU these vicious practices only give way in proportion to the experience of their injurious effects upon their interest. This ought to excite no astonishment in the mind of the candid and rational observer, neither can it for a moment be accepted as an arguraent in favour of any constitutional inferiority of race, as it is as natural a result of the tendency of the human raind, under the influences of the circum stances which have affected their condition, as that "the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the fuU com in the ear." The degeneracy of a people is no doubt more or less affected by the circumstances of their condition. It attaches equally to their moral and physical nature; and we wUl not deny but that the African raay, through ages of progressive deterioration, have acquired a deeper moral taint than other races more favourably circumstanced. The indiscretion of a parent entaUs a constitutional taint upon his offspring to the third and fourth 3 58 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON generations. We are not sufficiently acquainted with physiology to know whether the converse of this holds true, but we should think so — namely, that a careful attention to regimen, and an abstinence from predisposing causes, wIU, in the course of the same number of generations, eradi cate this taint. If this be the case in the physical, it wiU also hold good in the raorai world; the difficulty of removal, always being in proportion to the duration of the disease before its attempted remedy. From this it would foUow, that by suitable training, good laws and an enUghtened Christian education, the most degraded of the African tribes may, in the course of some genera tions, attain an equaUty of standard with any other race of men whatever. When we mention the low moral standard, then, of the mass of the Gold Coast population, we by no means do so as a reproach to them, nor can we consider it as such : the reproach Is with those who have traded in their vices and made a profit of them. The phUanthropic exertions of England in behalf of Africa have, it is true, of late years, been attested by sacrifices which leave no doubt of their sincerity ; but we cannot avoid remarking that these exertions have been much more con spicuous for their zeal, than for their wisdom. THE GOLD COAST. 59 Had a tithe of the money which, as far as any permanent advantage to Africa is concerned, has been fruitlessly expended in the Niger Expedition, been devoted to increase the means of our judicial power, and to the establishment of schools through out the very extensive districts claiming our pro tection upon the Gold Coast, we do not hesitate to affirm, that, even by this tirae, the predoralnant character of the people would have assuraed the starap of an incipient civiUzation ; but here, where the result was certain, and where the greatest facUity was afforded for the introduction of every species of iraprovement,' the efforts of the govern ment to instruct the people have been confined to the estabUshment of a school at Cape Coast, and the occasional presence of a chaplain in the castle. Even these most inadequate raeans of instruction have been irregular and uncertain; A school was not estabUshed until 1816, and since then it has been subject to various interrup tions; at one time broken up on account of war, at another neglected through the indifference of governors and the total disregard of the European residents, and only kept from entire disruption by an occasional fit of zeal on the part of a new superintendent. The state of the country, also, until 1830, was much too unsettled to allow time for any thought but that of self-preservation. The 60 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Interest taken by Sir Charles M'Carthy in the improveraent of the country induced hira to give his particular patronage to the school, and attracted to It for a short tirae a momentary success ;* but the events which foUowed put aU such thoughts frora men's minds. Afterthe treaty of peace with Ashantee hadbeen concluded, the government, which had devolved upon the merchants again, took no interest in the education of the people ; but the means at their disposal were altogether so limited, that the system of instruction pursued was only calculated to impart a very moderate degree of knowledge. Reading, writing, and arithmetic, with a very imperfect acquaintance with the principles of the Christian religion, constituted the full extent of the school education. It enabled young men to keep me moranda, copy papers and accounts, to superintend the discharging of cargo from vessels, oversee out- of-door work, and such siraple employments ; but it did not qualify them for conducting a merchant's * Sir Charles persuaded the principal chiefs to send one of their sons to the school at Cape Coast. This measure has, in one or two instances, produced excellent results, especially at Dominassie, where the education thus given to the son of the chief, Amissah, became instrumental in preparing the people of that village for the introduction of the Gospel. THE GOLD COAST. 61 business ; although, by attention on the part of an employer, who gave hiraself the trouble to devote a Uttle pains to the subject, and by dUigence and docUIty on the part of the young men, several ac quired a sufficient knowledge of book-keeping to become, at first, factors and clerks to the mer chants ; and, finaUy, to carry on business on their own account. The prejudices entertained against education, at first Umited the scholars to the chUdren of persons in the employment of the government ; some of whom had the penetration to foresee its prospective advantages, whUe others considered that by sending their chUdren to school, they were conferring an obligation upon, and would therefore enjoy, in a higher degree, the favour of their employers. An education of this description, however, was not calculated to have any very important influence upon the life of the individual. By elevating his position, enlarging his Ideas, exciting his ambition, and placing upon the result of his actions a more Important stake, affecting perraanently his Interest, he certainly acquired a superior degree of rectitude of conduct ; but as, generaUy speaking, he was guided by what appeared most advantageous for his teraporal ad vancement. It partook of all the imperfections of his individual judgment, and was the semblance rather than the reality of probity. It was not 62 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON untu 1835 that any attempt was made to introduce Christianity among the natives of the Gold Coast. The sound of the Gospel had seldom echoed be yond the waUs of the castle, and even within this circumscribed Urait it was confined to a formal repetition of church serrices, and an occasional discourse, delivered in a tongue not generaUy intelUgible, and without an interpreter. To have expected much fruit frora such a systera of cul ture would have been contrary to all experience. In the rainds of a few, the truths of Christianity left a salutary impression, and created a desire for greater enlightenment; but with the generality, even of such as had the opportunity, they had entered the ears without awakening the sense or touching the heart, and were incapable of uprooting the feeUngs of superstition which were naturally engendered by constant Intercourse vrith friends and relations given to the practice of idolatry. The moral dark ness of the people was consequently almost uni versal, when the attention of the Wesleyan Society was attracted to this part of the world. Their first raissionary arrived here in 1835, and since then the exertions ofthis Christian society have been unremitting, and attended with results which, with a glance at the general effect of the other amelio rating influences which have been raentioned, will very appropriately close this branch of our subject. THE GOLD COAST. 63 CHAPTER IV. The difliculties the first missionary had to struggle against, . from ignorance of the language --- Misapprehensions respecting Christianity — Persecution averted by the government — Desertion pf the missionary service — Similar effects of the first propagation of Christianity in other parts of the world — The Wesleyan Society — Sacrificfes made by many of the Uneducated adult Chris tians — Their firmness and austerity. The great difficulty which presents itself to the first European missionary, upon his arrival in such a country as the Gold Coast, is his inability to convey an intelligible impressipn of his meaning to the minds of his hearers. He is obliged to have recourse to the unsatisfactory medium of an interpreter, hiraself but very iraperfectly acquainted with the nature' of the doctrines which he is caUed upon to expound. At the time to which we 64 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON refer, the knowledge of the English language was confined to a broken conversational dialect, also in very Uraited use, and only adapted to the most ordinary interchange of ideas, and the common traffic of life. Even within this small compass, it was often inadequate, without the assistance of inteUigible acts, and significant pantorairae, which could have no place in the interpretation of the doctrines of the Christian reUgion. The school at Cape Coast Castle, it Is true, had sent forth, at different tiraes, a few young raen acquainted with the ordinary branches of a school education, and versed in sorae degree in the faraUiar, although by no raeans grammatical, use of the EngUsh lan guage; but it Is a remarkable fact, that, with some rare exceptions, the generality of these, for want of any adequate eraployment, or frora habits of a low and debasing nature, sank to the level of the uninstructed natives, and lost, in a great measure, even the traces of their early education. The exceptions to this unworthy fate, were such as had been taken from the school into some of the government offices, or into the employraent of such of the merchants as required the services of a clerk or factor. In those times, however, the whole trade of the coast was very insignificant, and confined to so THE GOLD COAST. 65 few, that there was but little roora for employment from this source. Liraited therefore as was the supply, both in quality and quantity, of educated native talent, it was nevertheless greater than the demand ; for to serve the purposes of petty trafficking, to which a system of credit had given rise, the knowledge of reading and writing and figures, unassociated with any higher degree of raorai rectitude, was very justly considered, in many instances, a disqualification. The rarity of this knowledge had a tendency to excite, in the minds of those who had obtained it, an exaggerated idea of their superiority over others. With all the self-sufficiency of ignorance, they conceived that they had surraounted the barrier which dirided the uninstructed African frora the enlightened • European ; that their education, which was little raore than raechanical, and their assuraption, in part, of the habits and the dress of the white man, elevated them at once into something of an equality of position ; that these adventitious cir cumstances alone constituted the chief essentials in the formation of a civiUzed being, and that nothing else was necessary to acquire the distinc tive characteristic of what they emphaticaUy term " a white man," than the possession of certain external advantages, which they had been in the habit of seeing the Europeans enjoying. They 66 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON had a raost iraperfect idea of the infinite variety of gradations in the scale of civilization, and of the qualifications necessary for particular stages of advanceraent, and considered themselves fit for any situation which fortune might throw in their way. If such was the self-complacent satisfaction with which these persons were inclined to regard them selves, the effect upon the vulgar was even mote impressive. In the eyes of many, there was a virtue in the very coat and breeches — which typified the wearer, and invested him — although void of any moral or intellectual superiority over others — with a raysterious profundity of knowledge and inforraation, which could not be contemplated without inspiring a certain degree of awe in the mind of the beholder. Their acquaintance with the occupations of Europeans was confined to the service of the govemment and commerce. As these caUed for the exercise of but Uttle bodily exertion, they believed it to be a peculiar privilege of education to exempt them from labour. It seemed derogatory to their newly-acquired cha racter to engage in any industrious manual occu pation, which was only considered fit for slaves. Comraerce alone was therefore regarded as an eligible road to a position in society. The effect of this misconception of their own position and present capabUities, as weU as of the very erroneous THE GOLD COAST. 67 views respecting their acquirements entertained by others, was raost injurious to the cause of ciyiUza- tlpn. , These errors were a prolific source of un principled extravagance, dishonourable artifice, idle indulgence, and, grievous disappointment on the part of the , one ; and pf misplaced confidence, fruitless labours, duped credulity, and a consequent distaste for anything with the garb of civUization being introduced among the ;people, on the part of the other. On this accoijint it, -vyas, that a school education was accounted a disqualification. It fostered ideas of expense above their means, induced thera to seek the gratification of their tastes, regardless pf the consequences, enabled, them to minister to their wants by the credulous simplicity of the ignorant, and ended by involving their relations in debt and bondage. It was no wonder, then, tha,t the general body of the Africans, who, had been watching the result of what theiy had reason to consider an European education, should, with such pregnant examples before their eyes, come to the conclusion, that " the school was a very good thing for white men, but not fpr black." Even in this very forra of expression, we have an admission of the advantages of education, at the same time that its fruits, as exhibited among their own countryraen, seemed to bear them out in this 68 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON opinion, that It was not adapted for them ; and if we add to the effect of this unfortunate result in influencing the public mind, the natural disincUna tion of a people to change the practice of their fathers, we sh-aU be able to form sorae estimate of the opposition which the first missionaries had to encounter. Their difficulties would have even been much greater than they were, except for the assistance which they received in expounding the Scriptures through the mediura of some of those natives who had received their education in the castle. These interpreters being already formed to their hand, gave an advantage of at least ten years labour ; and thus the school, Inefficiently and irre gularly as it had been conducted, nevertheless produced a few young raen, who became most useful pioneers in the missionary cause, and supplied the place of school teachers, untU such time as they were able to employ youth of their own rearing. The pay given by the missionaries to the young men whom they employed as teachers, being fully equal to that given by the merchants, and a greater nuraber of them being requu-ed for this service, the missionary employ ment became an object of ambition with raany, as much, we are afraid, in many instances, for the sake of the loaves and fishes, as from a sincere and THE GOLD COAST. 69 earnest desire to promote the cause of Christianity. This inducement drew a number of the best educated natives within the pale of the society ; while the buUding of chapels, and other necessary works contingent upon the introduction of new and large estabUshments into the country, gave employment to a numerous staff of masons, carpenters and labourers, who, in like raanner, swelled the ranks of the Christian coramunity. It would be uncharitable to suppose this con version only apparent, or to assign it, even in a great raeasure, to raercenary and selfish raotives ; but the historian of such a moveraent raust not lose sight of the tendencies of huraan nature ; and when he finds these conducing to a result in many external respects analogous to the effect of religion, upon the life and conduct of raen, he raust ira- partiaUy lay bare aU the causes which appear to have operated in bringing about this end, as weU as the effects produced by the removal of these causes and the substitution of new motives for exertion. WhUe the bait of employment then attracted numbers to the Wesleyan Chapels, the promulgation of doctrines so new and unexpected aroused their attention, and led to speculation of a very mixed and iU-defined character, partaking naturally of the peculiarities inseparable from their social position, and the superstitious ideas and 70 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON observances to which the generality of them had been accustomed. Little habituated' to contemplate the operations of the mind, and to deduce rules of action from attention to them ; regardless also bf the heart as a spring, from which flow the issues of Ufe, they were more intent on discovering some thing in the new doctrine which would ImjiroVe their teraporal condition, than on probing' the weaknesses of their nature, with the view of reforraation and araendraent. The material world had, as yet at least, a far stronger hold upon their ' affections than the spiritual, and all their notions of advantage to be derived from the introduction of Christianity were coloured by this prevaUing tint. Texts of Scripture that seemed to bear some reference to the peculiar situation of individuals were wrested to suit their views, and to rainister to their inclinations and wants. To the slave, oppressed perhaps bythe severity of a rigid task-master, the announcement that aU men were equal before God, carried with it a belief that his temporal bonds wete dissolved, and that he should no longer be subjected to labour ; to woman, hitherto the drudge of man, living in the outskirts of his affection, and sharing with many rivals a cold and divided a,ttention, the coramand " to love, to comfort, to honour, and to keep her In sickness and in health, and forsaking THE GOLD COAST. 71 aU others, to keep ohly to her," must have opened up a vision of bliss for which the wildest freaks of her imagination had never prepared her ; to the African, generaUy the object of supercilious scorn, of mocking irony, or of haughty indifference to the self-sufficient European, it must have been some satisfaction to learn that Christianity pre sented a neutral ground, upon which both races, laying aside the prejudices of birth, might harmo niously unite in one comraon brotherhood. These were advantages palpable to aU, if they could only be realized, and the easy credulity of the Ignorant unhesitatingly believed this to be extreraely possible. Much misconception was the consequence of thus referring the proraises of Scripture to teraporal affairs. Instead of drawing frora them lessons of duty and' correctives against the evil passions and appetites of huraan nature, they looked upon thera as intended to subvert at once the whole , estabUshed order of society, and to compel men, by the irresistible force of a stern necessity, to release them from aU inconveniences attached to their position, withput waiting for the influences of a great moral agency to convince the understanding, enlighten the judgraent, purify the heart, and bring forth the fruits consequent upon this change. These erroneous irapressions aroused a spirit of 72 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON opposition, and soraetiraes of persecution, on the part of those whose interests appeared likely to suffer from such a .sweeping revolution ; and but for the controling power of the local government, the missionaries would have been forcibly ejected from the country. By its influence, toleration was established; and whatever raay have been the extent to which resistance was carried privately in farailies, no case of forcible restraint ever came within the knowledge of the government, without its authors being punished. To this first outburst succeeded a period of quiet indifference. With the cessation of persecution, zeal for conversion ceased also. Tirae and a juster view of the scope of Chris tianity had removed many of those wUd and visionary chimeras, which at first -riew had appeared easily attainable by all who embraced it ; and when it was found that it did not release thera from the obUgations which they owed to society, the work of proselytism went on much more slowly. The converts were nearly limited to such as were con nected directly or indirectly vrith the raissionary service. Exhorters and teachers, bricklayers, car penters, and labourers, domestics of every grade, with the wives and sometiraes the relations of these, and others in the pay of the society, con stituted the great bulk of their congregation. The Wesleyan system of church discipline being THE GOLD COAST. 73 strict, and expulsion from the ranks of the society consequent upon any known and glaring breach of the moral duties ; the supervision, moreover, which they habituaUy exercise over the indi vidual merabers being narrow, jealous, and in quisitive, a strong obligation rests upon thera to conforra to the rules of a Christian life. This obUgation becarae more iraperative, when ex pulsion frora the society carried with it depri vation of office, and forfeiture of the pecuniary benefits which they were enjoying. Owing to this watchfulness, and the consequences to their teraporal interests of any deviation from the prescribed duties required of them, the Christian community bore outwardly, at least, all the marks of sincerity of profession. Where the result is satisfactory, it Is not for man, perhaps, to pry too curiously into the secret motives of the heart, and to lay bare springs of action unknown to, at least unacknowledged by, the agents themselves ; but where circumstances indicate the presence of other and contrary prin ciples, we are constrained to beUeve that many of the converts were either labouring under a hypocritical delusion, or that the frailty of human nature exhibited itself with an uniformity of weakness truly humiUating and deplorable. This severity of expression, little consistent with fhe 74 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON feeUngs of good-wUl and charity with which we are incUned to view every indication of progress in the country, is rendered necessary by the fact, that a neglect of Christian duties has almost invariably attended worldly advancement, and a return to lewd and iraraoral practices has as con stantly foUowed dismissal from, or relinquishment of, the missionary eraployment. The profits of trade, which of late years has received an extraordinary development, as much from the progress of education, as from the increased security derived from a more extensive dissemination of justice, held out such induce ments to the best instructed natives, that the service of the missionary society, as a source of eraolument, became altogether secondary. The facUity with which credit could be obtained, placed this advantage within the reach of every person of moderate acquireraents and of respectable cha racter, and the consequence was that one by one, the raost valuable servants of the society were enticed into mercantUe employraents, in the prosecution of which they lost that raorai recti tude and pious deportment which had appeared to characterise their previous conduct. So general was this course, that it almost as suraed the form of a regular system. First, a season of quiet painstaking in the service of the THE GOLD COAST. 75 missionaries, marked by a scrupulous, sometimes even an ostentatious observance of their religious duties; then an arabitious longing to becorae traders, with the command of property in their hands; afterwards dissatisfaction with the amount of their salaries, and a grumble for more pay ; and finaUy, the abandonment of the service, and most generally at the same tirae an abandon ment of the virtuous principles which hitherto had been supposed, at least, to have been the guide of their lives. Such a result we acknowledge to be perfectly corapatible with sincerity. It is only too common an occurrence for raan, when he omits to cherish incessantly the virtues which adom the Christian character; and no one who has paid any attention to the deceitfulness of his own heart, wUl hazard the uncharitable opinion, that the forraer Ufe of such raen was either hypocritical or iraraoral. At the same time, we cannot shut our eyes to the fact, that there are only a very few exceptions to a general relapse into iramorality, when motives of personal interest no longer bound the raembers to attention to their systein of discipline. There are exceptions, however, and highly honourable ones ; some among the best-educated classes of the society, and more — to their great honour be it said — among hurable artizans and 76 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON workmen, who know neither how to read nor write, It is laraentable, however, to have to state, that raany of the best-educated and most intelUgent raen, who, some years ago, vvere most distin guished for zeal for Christianity, and who occu- pied the first rank among the offlce-bearers of the society, are now living without its pale, while the offices are fiUed by an inferior class. But the loss of merabership by no raeans impUes a return to idolatrous practices. With some of the most ignorant, whose comprehension of the object of Christianity had never been very defi nite, and whose worship, although addressed to the true God, was stUl tinctured more hy the spirit of superstition than of a rational faith, this relapse was not uncomraon ; but the more enlightened backsliders could not even lay hold of this miserable refuge from the upbraidings of conscience. Their convictions had been too strong, and their experience of the peaceable fruits of a life consistent with those convictions so agreeable, that its reraerabrance haunted their minds, poisoning their joys, and driving them to seek for its oblivion in excitements of a sinful and debasing character. Others of them, with out sinking to this degradation, retaining a re morseful consciousness of their fall, and halting with all the raisery of Indecision between a return THE GOLD COAST. 77 to. duty, and the pleasures of sinful indulgence, continued to frequent the chapels, and to turn such looks of lingering regret upon the position which they had forfeited, as we raay suppose our first parents to have turned to the Garden of Eden after their expulsion. HumUiating as this exposition of the progress of Christianity undoubtedly is, It wUl occasion no surprise to the observant student of human nature. He wUl remember by what slow degrees a just conception of the pure precepts of the Gospel, as a guide of life, dawned upon the earliest converts ; how, even among the Apostles themselves, it was found necessary to prevent misconstruction, and to warn thera against grafting them upon, and making them subservient to, the ideas and practices of the state of society, and the religious observances to which they had been accustomed ; how much difficulty the early churches of Asia found in making a complete separation between their ancient idolatry and their new faith ; what necessity there was for an unremitting supervision by faithful and zealous teachers; and with what a fatal facUity they relapsed into lukewarmness and idolatry, when this supervision slackened or was reraoved. He wIU bear in mind the number of centuries through which the churches of Europe presented nothing better than a gross superstition, occupied 78 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON with forms and observances, without regarding the influences of true religion upon the conduct. He wiU not forget the effect of early habits and Impressions, and with how much difficulty the human mind emancipates itself frora these, more especiaUy in a state of society where the indiridual is living daUy exposed to a continuance of those influences ; and when he adds to these considerar tions the aUureraents of vice, the low standard of morality generaUy prevalent in the country, associ ation with friends and relations stiU liring in the practice of idolatry, the irregularity observable in the conduct of many of the Europeans, whom they have been taught to respect, and the general indifference with which a breach of the moral duties is regarded, he wUl not be astonished that a Christian church in its purity does not at once start into existence in the midst of so many conflicting elements. But whUe the Christian phUanthropist wUl find much need for the exercise of a patient faith In the final triumph of the truths of the Gospel, and vrill see occasion to check a too sanguine expecta tion of their speedy fulfUment, we are not at all inclined to undervalue the good which has been effected. Such a work as the conversion of a people from the grossest superstition to the pure morality of a Christian Ufe, has hitherto been, and THE GOLD COAST. 79 wUl continue to be — as far, at least, as we may judge from past experience — the result of a long series of years of gradual progress necessary for the development of the reflective powers of the mind. Individual and sudden conversions no doubt take place, and in raany instances they may be foUowed by a consistent life ; but it appears to us that these wiU occur much more rarely among rude and ilUterate men than among an edu cated people, with whom the seeds of religion, long dormant in the heart, and scarcely known to exist at aU, wiU often be quickened into vitality by sudden and unexpected interpositions of Provi dence. It would be presumptuous to think of assigning limits for the operations of the Spirit, or of prescribing the manner in which they may be manifested. The truth, which may have escaped the penetration of the phUosopher, has oftentimes dawned upon the mind of the clown. Judging, however, frora the history of the past, we conceive that we are borne out in the opinion that, where the knowledge of letters is limited to a few, and where, consequently, the diffusion of knowledge is far from general, the ideas of the masses respecting Christianity, wUl be vague and erroneous, their religious observances wUl be tinged with super stition, and more attention will be paid to the form 80 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON than to the power of godliness. We must not therefore be astonished, if what we see presented as the result of the operations of the Wesleyan missionaries upon the coast, should confirm this opinion. They number, doubtless, among their converts some sincere, rational and consistent Christians; whUe others, iraagining that some great good must flow from their worshiping the God of a people so favoured as the white men, join in the offices of religion with the same vague and indefinite ideas as prompted Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration to exclaim, " It is good for us to be here." But after an enumeration of all the inconsis tencies and misconceptions into which ignorance will always lead raen in such a vital revolution as a change from a licentious idolatry to the faith and practice of the Christian reUgion, there is stUl left for us to describe results of a highly gratifying nature, which cannot be contemplated without raising confident anticipations of the time, distant though it raust yet be, when Christianity and civilization will be general in the land. From the schools which have been estabUshed in various parts of the country, a number of youths are annuaUy going out, carrying with them, it is true, in many instances, little more than a mechanical acquaintance with the subjects of THE GOLD COAST. 81 Instruction which had engaged their attention, but with sufficient knowledge .to enable them, when Increasing years have brought reflection, to improve and turn to advantage the benefits which they have enjoyed. The causes of this great Imper fection in their education are various. Unac quainted with the coUoquial use of the EngUsh language, when they enter the school, associating with companions equaUy Ignorant, and hearing nothing spoken In their famUies but their native tongue, a knowledge of the sounds which certain formations of the letters of the alphabet represent, without assigning to them any meaning, is all the extent of their information. The English mis sionary, in like manner, ignorant of the native language. Is unable to explain in a manner intel ligible to the scholars the meaning of words and sentences, and is obliged to leave the very impor tant task of tuition to native teachers, themselves often imperfectly acquainted with the English language, and stiU more Ignorant of the very difficult art of teaching. The consequence is, that it is not unusual to meet with lads, who have been at the schools, who wiU read fluently a difficult passage of EngUsh, and who are raasters of penmanship, who, at the same time, wIU not comprehend the meaning of the most ordinary Question that mav be asked of 82 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON them, and wiU be unable to give an answer in English when it is explained. The difference be tween these lads, and others of a sImUar age, who have been brought up in the domestic service of a person who is in the habit of speaking English, is very marked. The latter has no hesitation, and readUy comprehends whatever may be said. He raay be sometiraes seen interpreting to his master a coramunication frora the scholar of several years standing, who has not yet learned how to make himself Intelligible; nay, we believe that he has been known to dictate a letter for the other to write, who mechanically does so, without knowing the meaning of its contents. These youths have to coraplete their education, at best very defective, by seeking the employment of Europeans, and others with whom the English language Is in constant and farailiar use. Here they learn practically the application of the words, the sound of which had been long farailiar to them ; and, in a short time, they acquire such an enlargement of comprehension, as enables them to understand what they read, and to explain It to others. There are, doubtless, some who have not to go through this Inverted process of instruction : these are the children of parents who speak EngUsh, and who are brought up with a know ledge of EngUsh and Fantee simultaneously. They THE GOLD COAST. 83 have a great advantage over the others, and do not require to wait tiU they leave school for the comprehension of the meaning of what they have been learning. These carry away with them the knowledge of a few facts, with an aptitude of raore readily adding to their number, by a practical acquaintance with the business of life, and in tercourse with persons of superior inteUigence. Another cause of their imperfect education, is the want of any moral supervision and prudent control out of school-hours, to which raay be added irre gularity of attendance and a too early departure from school, both consequences of the ignorance of parents, and of their impatient haste to see their chUdren in a position to assist them — an object generaUy effectuaUy defeated by this very impatience. We would also vrith some diffidence advance the opinion, that the course of instruction given is too exclusively of a reUgious character. While we acknowledge the propriety of religion forming the basis of every system of education, intended for the moral and social advancement of a people, more especiaUy in a country where Pagan idolatry prevaUs, it is, nevertheless, a well-established fact, that an undivided attention to any particular class of ideas tends to cramp the intellectual faculties, and to limit that generous expansion of the mind 84 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON which is so essential even to a tme reUsh and an exalted appreciation of the sublime tmths of the Gospel. Another peculiarity is very observable with regard to these youths after they leave school. One would be inclined to suppose, that the ranks of the society would be constantly recraited by numbers of those with whom so much pains had been taken to bestow upon them a religious educar tion ; but so far is this from being the case, that the members who can neither read nor write, greatly exceed those who have been taught to do both. And it is rare for a lad leaving the school, to observe such a correct deportment as wUl admit him to the honour of merabership. It is scarcely doubtful whether this should not be attributed to the rigid severity of their discipUne. A glooray and morose austerity seems to pervade their ministrations. Lugubrious pictures of man's wretchedness are continuaUy set before their imagi nations. The sinfiilness of youthful levity, and of the gay frivolities which have so many attractions for the young, raeets with the sternest reprobation. The Christian's pilgriraage appears to them a continued series of dark conflicts, of harsh raorti fications, of fiery trials, and of dismal horrors. The world is represented as a vale of tears, where wretched raan wanders about a vUe outcast, until THE GOLD COAST. 85 he sinks with weeping and sorrow into the grave.* These pictures have no doubt a brighter side ; but such is the predoralnant character of their harangues. Their rules of discipUne enforce fre quent serrices, a strict and inquisitorial scrutiny, not only into the life, but into the thoughts of the heart, a staid solemnity of deportment, an open exposure of error, and a conturaelious disraissal from their community of every fraU raember. However tme such representations of man's character may be, and however efficient such a systera of discipUne for separating the chaff from the wheat, they certainly do not seem best calcu lated for enticing the young and the giddy vrithin the fold. They would be more in place araong a nation of Christians, who were relapsing into luke warraness ; or where men, satiated with the vain cares and pleasures of the world, longed for a higher degree of spiritual Ufe than could be enjoyed, amidst intercourse with , the worldly. They would serve admirably the purpose, where they were sought in true singleness of heart, for * It is not meant to assert, that the calm joys of a Christian life do not equally form the subject of these discourses ; but these are only understood by the confirmed Christians, while to the general body Christianity appears a, gloomy and self-denying struggle, which is forever to place o nrriovniia rpstrir.tion unon human eniovment. 86 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON gleaning the pure from the impure; and for a haven to the hurable penitent, buffeted by the storras of the world, and seeking araid the sym pathy of kindred spirits an outlet for the feelings and emotions of his heart. But to the young African, irapatient of restraint, and eager to taste the cup of enjoyraent which the effervescent spirit of youth seems to present to him, such disraal pictures and such austere rules, serve no other purpose than to hurry him as far as possible from a raissionary ; and only when overtaken with disease, or surfeited with excess, wiU he reraember the instruction of his boyhood, and seek for reUef in reUgion.We cannot avoid thinking that less severity, and less awful pictures of human life, might have the effect of drawing many over to a Christian life at the outset ; and when these raight be exhibited without any violation of scriptural truth, It is to be regretted that so many should be withheld from assuming the profession and being under the necessity of performing the duties of a Christian. An eloquent and observant historian, in ascribing the effacement of all distinction between Norraan and Saxon, and raaster and slave, in England, to the noiseless operation of raorai causes produced by religion, has hazarded the reraark that " It may perhaps be doubted whether a purer religion might THE GOLD COAST. 87 not have been found a less efficient agent." It would, perhaps, havebeen nearer the truth to have said, that the national raind of England, at the time referred to, was not in a condition to adopt'a purer forra of reUgion ; for religion, in its purity, wiU always produce proportionate effects upon society. Christianity is undoubtedly suited to man in every stage ofhis advancement ; but its practical effects upon the life wUl not be exhibited in the utmost purity where moral degradation has long existed, except among a few rare individuals, whose hearts have been softened by a Divine influence. With the bulk of a people Uving In " the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life," without a course of prerious training, the wrench Is too sudden from all their traditionary and iraraemorial custoras, and from aU their darUng rices and instinctive habits of life, to the pure raorality of the Gospel. Our Sariour's answer to a question put by the Pharisees, would seera to indicate that the heart of man required this previous preparation : " Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away your wives;" and the whole of the Mosaic dispensation, as well as the very gradual and progressive advancement of Christian principles, into what are now the countries of Europe most distinguished for pure Christianity, 88 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON clearly demonstrate that a long course of years is necessary to mould the mind of a nation for its reception. During these years, there wUl be much error and misconception in the minds of men, there wiU be raany bright examples of Christian rectitude, and still raore raournfiil in stances of human fraUty and inconsistency ; but truth -wiU finally be written upon the hearts of aU, as with a sunbeam, and to mankind raised by its force to the highest degree of moral elevation, strength wUl be accorded to act consistently with its dictates. Entertaining the opinions vvhich we have here expressed, we do not think such a rigid system of discipline as the Wesleyans practise, altogether best adapted to ensure great results. We by no means advocate the adraission of immoral cha racters to the full benefits of Christian communion; nor do we blame the missionaries for striving, with a watchful jealousy, to keep their flocks un tainted from the vices prevalent In society, and for weeding thera as they see occasion ; but it is necessary that sorae means should be adopted to prevent the youths, who are daily coming out from their schools, from giving themselves up to an atheistical vagabondism, neither deterred from vicious courses by the superstitious fears — which are still a check upon their pagan coun- THE GOLD COAST. 89 trymen — nor incited to higher moral attainments by sorae link connecting them with a Christian community. It were weU also, that there were some Christian refuge provided for erring members, where they might hide the shame attached to their expulsion, without losing sight of the duties of religion altogether. If the rules of this Church wUl not aUow it to make some provision of this description, another shepherd is necessary to gather these stray sheep into a Christian fold, where adraission to the sympathy of erring sinners like themselves, and to the benevolent ministra tions of a Christian teacher, might lead them back from error without suffering the deep humiUation, often too painful for a sensitive mind, of re-ap pearing at worship in a church where they had lost caste and reputation. Few of the Christians of England of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries would stand, we fear, the test of admission to church membership with the Wesleyans of the present day ; and yet it is to the men of those times, and to the influence of religion upon their hearts, that the historian has ascribed such a mighty moral and social revolution. May we not then confidently look for simUar results from like causes in this country ? and ought not this consideration to make us cnrpfiil nnt tn drive back to Daeanlsm and infi- 90 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON deUty, men in whose hearts the seeds of religion have been once sown, although they may be choked for a time, as much by the cares and pleasures of the world, as by the barren unfruit- fulness of the soU ? Having now adverted to the obstacles which opposed the introduction of Christianity, to some of the raost unproraising features which marked its progress, and to what we may have erroneously conceived to be the defects of the system pursued, we wUl proceed to direct attention to results of a more cheering character. It has been observed above, that many of the most intelligent Christians who first^joined the society were now living without its pale. This remark we would be understood to refer to such as had withdrawn from the missionary employment, seduced by the greater temporal benefits which trade held out to them. There stiU remain, however, in its ranks and em ployment, a few who have acted with Christian consistency throughout, who, owing to the care taken to quaUfy them for rendering efficient assistance In extending a knowledge of the Gospel, have arrived at higher theological attainments than any of those who have made shipwreck of their faith. WhUe trade held out to the latter prospects of greater emolument than they found it possible to THE GOLD COAST. 91 resist, the former chose the better part, and, wisely contenting themselves with such salaries as their services to the society should appear to merit, have risen, step by step, to a high degree of useftJness, and to an honourable place of moderate compe tence. These men owe their education almost entirely to the society. Adopted by it soon after the arrival of the first missionaries in the country, and set apart for its service, the greater part of them were educated at an institution formed at Accra, chiefly with the view of preparing them for the ministry. Sorae of those students have made an Ul-requital for the care and money expended upon them. Unable to withstand the trading mania, they ungratefiiUy turned their backs upon their benefactors soon after the corapletion of their education. But some reraained faithful, and are now, as assistant preachers, actively engaged in propagating the Gospel, giving fair proraise, highly gratifying to the lover pf his species, that Western Africa vriU, at no distant period, supply a native band of soldiers of the Cross, qualified, in every respect, to carry its consecrated standard into the most distant and darkest abodes of heathen idolatry. When we spoke of the offices of the society being now fiUed by an inferior class, we had no reference to this promising band, but to the class-leaders 92 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON and exhorters, who, for the most part, are unedu cated raen, and between whora and the assistant preachers there is a wide gulf in point of acquire raents. These men, converted to Christianity after having arrived at raanhood, and after a youth passed in idolatrous observances, barbarous cus toms, and iramoral habits, had trials of no ordinary severity to encounter. The husbands, perhaps, of several wives, enjoying among their countrymen offices of distinction in their rude custoras, as cap tains of corapanies, attached by long habit to a certain course of life, they had to cleave to one vrife, to resign positions hitherto the objects of a fond arabition, to give up cherished practices, and to bear the jeering taunts, soraetiraes the enraged threats, of former companions. The moral courage capable of such sacrifices could only be derived from a deep conviction of the unsatisfactory nature of their pagan rites and custoras, and an unshaken faitK in the promises of the Gospel ; and to brave successfully this desperate stmggle, a constancy and firmness was required, which gave to their character soraething of the rigid austerity of the Scotch Covenanters. It is gratifying to find the naraes of most of those men inscribed upon the class-lists for many years, and to know that they are stiU raaintaining a consistent life. If they be inferior in point of THE GOLD COAST. 93 knowledge to the others, they equal, if they do not surpass thera in zeal. This zeal raay possibly sometimes overshoot the raark, and run into wild and extravagant fanaticisra ; but there can be little doubt that it has its root in a sincere. If somewhat raistaken idea of the duty incurabent upon a Christian. It has always appeared to us, however, araong raen of this class who have been weaned from idolatrous practices, and who are without education, that their ideas of worship re gard the regularity and formality of the act, as constituting a raost essential part of their devotion, fuUy as necessary as the frarae of raind which should characterise it. Long accustomed to con sider religion as raade up of superstitions and cere raonious observances, they have not their rainds as yet altogether emancipated from the idea that attention to the external form of worship is of itself a chief constituent part of the Christian's duty, superseding in some instances the necessity of a strict adherence to more essential moral duties which, from early prejudice and the prevailing rices of the coramunity around them, they have been ac custoraed to regard in a venial Ught. It is no uncommon thing to find Europeans living in a course of habitual iramorality, who would scorn the imputation that they were not Christians, ex- clalmlns; against these raen, and denying their 94 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON claim to this character, because the fraUty of our nature soraetiraes leads them into the coraraission of sin, seemingly forgetting that if they themselves were judged by the sarae standard, their own claims would be discovered to be rauch more deficient. It is better surely that the soldier should remain true to his flag, notwithstanding the occasional loss of a standard, which a raoment of inadvertence or the overwhelraing force of the enemy -has occasioned, than that he should basely throw it away, and seek an inglorious security where the din of battle wiU never reach him more. In like manner, that Christian chooses the nobler part, who, trae to his warfare, and with a firm reliance on God, rises superior to every faU, than he who weakly shrinks from the struggle, and, alarmed at the sacrifices which he raust raake, lives in the neglect of every Christian ordinance. With aU the imperfections, then, natural to men under the influence of such a moral and spiritual revolution, we can see no reason to withhold from thera the merit of acting sincerely according to the conrictions, however faulty sorae of their impressions may be, and notwithstanding that they raay not be exempt from the fraUties " that flesh is heir to." THE GOLD COAST. 95 CHAPTER V. Improved position of women — Effect of Christian marriages — Difficulties attending the elevation of woman — Sym pathy with missionary labour — Hostility of the Fetish priests — Formation of small Christian bodies— Advan tages arising from intercourse with the missionaries in their joumeys through the country — The first missionaries — Their indiscreet zeal, and its effects — Politic conduct of Mr. Freeman — Establishment of a good understand ing with the chiefs — The progress made by the natives. Not the least gratifying result of missionary labour is the Increased consideration which it has obtained for woraan. Nothing could be lower than the state of depression to which purely native Ideas and customs had consigned her, and so Improbable appeared any ameUoration of her lot, that the feraale mind, faraUiarised to the destiny of an unworthy bondage, assumed contentraent with a position which was believed to be her natural heritage. But another spirit was evoked at the 96 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON sound of the Gospel. No longer constrained to submit to what had hitherto been considered as an inevitable necessity, many of them rebeUed against the tyranny to which they had been subjected. They flocked to the chapels to learn the astoundmg fact, that it was contrary to the law of God for man to have more than one wife. They returned to then- homes, and brooding over this consolatory commandment, were astonished to find themselves regarding with an excess of jealousy which they had never before experienced their co-partners in their husbands' affections. Curtain lectures became the order of the day ; bickerings were heard in estabUshments which had been mled with the quiet despotism of the Grand Turk ; refusals to cohabit with husbands, except upon condition of a general repudiation of his other wives, were of common occurrence ; and such a general fermenta tion was stirred up in the depths of society, that husbands yielding to the requirements of a Christian life, began to cleave to one wife ; and wives, partly Impatient of a dirided affection, and partly influenced by a vague idea of Christian duty, in like raanner insisted upon a divorce from their pagan polygamist husbands. We should be too credulous to beUeve that these separations were Invariably the result of a convic tion of thc sinfulness of polygamy, or of a sincere THE GOLD COAST 97 desire to reform the life. A pretended zeal for religion was, no doubt, in some instances, only a convenient cloak to enable them to get rid of an incumbrance which had become disagreeable; but the faithfiilness with which many have fulfiUed their marriage engagements, adraits no doubt of the conscientious nature of their raotives. This fideUty has been rauch more conspicuous on the part of the wife than the husband, but this fact does not, by any means, iraply on her part a higher sense of Christian obUgation. The mis conceptions which we have noticed as natural to the male Christians, with regard to some views of Christian duty, apply with stUl greater force to the feraale, who from the debasing influences of the injurious position assigned to them, had sunk to a lower degree of moral and intellectual degra dation. Where a husband is seen faithful to his vows, there can be little doubt of the sincerity of the principle which actuates him ; but so raany motives concur in imposing this obUgation upon the wife, that there can be no want of charity in beliering that they have a powerful influence upon her conduct. By her marriage, her position in society has been greatly elevated. She is entitled to the undirided addresses of her husband. He provides more careftiUy for the wants of his famUy ; 98 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON he Is a better father to his chUdren, feeds, clothes, and educates them in a respect-able manner, and contrary to the native law affecting heathens, leaves them entitled to his property. With advantages of this description, the institu tion of Christian raarriage became very popular with the sex, apart from religious considerations; and their remarkable fidelity compared with the easy virtue of the polygaraist's wife, whether arising from Christian principle or from worldly motives, sufficiently proves their consciousness of their ad vantages, and their determination to maintain them. The number of these marriages was very consider able, some of them between parties who had been living together as man and wife before the intro duction of Christianity, some among the raembers of the society, who had been cohabiting with seve ral women before their conversion, and who had to repudiate these previous to marriage, and a few among the young raen and girls, who had both been educated at the Missionary schools. Of aU these classes, the latter is that which holds out the best prospect of happiness, and which approaches nearest to our European Ideas of raarriage. In both of the forraer there were mixed up some roots of bitterness. There were children, perhaps, of different mothers, who became to the Christian THE GOLD COAST. 99 wife objects of jealousy. There was the knowledge of a former attachment, the embers of which were sometimes supposed to sluraber in the heart, ready to burst forth into a new flame. There was the fuU consciousness of the loose prin ciples of a large proportion of the female comrau nity. There was no want of opportunity for, nor allurements to, unfaithful conduct ; and there was with all this, perhaps, a want of confidence In the husband's powers of resistance and self-denial. Where such feelings existed, the shadow of a circumstance capable of suspicion, was sufficient to cause a scene of doraestic dissension. The new ness of the position of the married wives, so lately raised frora degradation, blinded them to the knowledge of their duties, and Induced them to exact, as an inalienable and compulsory right, what, if they had known human nature better, they might have made the spontaneous result of dutiful affection. This termagant conduct to men, who had hitherto been accustomed to have their own way in their domestic arrangements, was difficult to brook, and led, we are persuaded, in many instances, to the sin which it was intended to repress. From this and other causes, incident to the state of society, many of these marriages were not always ' so happy as could 100 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON be wished ; but after making large deductions for backslidings and short-comings, a great proportion is still distinguished for consistent fideUty, and a proper attention to the duties devolving upon them as husbands and fathers. With these and the young couples who have lately been united to the objects of their first affections, raarriage is exhi bited in its right character. Here Christianity and the doraestic affections mutuaUy act and react upon each other. Christianity first forraed the link, and domestic feUcity, grateful for the boon, finds its raost endearing enjoyments, its very existence even, dependent upon cherishing the sacred flame. The natural result of these Christian mar riages has been to give an unity of interest to the husband and wife, which has scarcely any place in the domestic arrangements of the heathen. There the wives rarely reside in the same house with the husband, but come in their turn, or as his whimsical fancy may direct, to proride his food, or to rainister to his desires ; attending him, rather with the obedient serriUty of the slave, than with the affectionate assiduity of a vrife. Too much of this lordly superiority stUl characterizes the conduct of many of the Christian husbands; but it is fast disappearing, and where it exists, it is as much to be attributed to the abjectness of THE GOLD COAST. 101 the female mind, the consequence of early habit and education, as to the domineering conduct of the husband. She, happy in the possession of a husband, who is bound by his marriage vows to remain faithful to her, cares not how she slaves, if she can preserve his affection. She cannot read, and has no mental resources to occupy her attention. Her happiness is bound up in the contentedness of her husband, and the welfare of her children. To secure these, she is satisfied to drudge as for a master, without pretending to the rank of an equal. It is not in the nature of man to practise so much self-denial, as to refuse the acceptance of a superiority, so voluntarily accorded ; and what the woman yields, from a sense of the duty incumbent upon her position, the raan coraes to regard as his natural right, and only a fitting tribute due to his superiority. The tie of a young faraUy springing up around them, however, and centering their affections upon objects of a common interest, is fast breaking down the barriers between husband and wife, which ages of oppressive severity have rendered natural and instinctive. It foUows, as a necessary consequence frora this improveraent of the doraestic econoray of the African, that the condition of the offspring 102 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON of Christian marriages is widely different from others. The Uttle community of interest caUed into existence by marriage contracts among the heathen, left the destiny of the chUdren to the fortuitous buffetlngs of chance. Owing to the peculiarities of the social system, which give to the indiridual, as has been stated in a former chapter, a property value in the estima tion of his family, and which attaches to the maternal side, the father had very frequently nothing to do with his offspring. He did not even regard them as part of his family, in the African sense of the term. But it is not thus with a Christian famUy. The vows of baptism irapose upon the parents the duty of training up their children in a Christian manner. They are sent to school at an early age. There is a praiseworthy ambition to see them respectably dressed, and fond anticipations are cherished of their becoming useful members of society, in positions to enable them to smoothe the piUow of their own declining age. This instruc tion is not confined to boys alone. Female schools are in active operation, where numbers of this long-neglected class have been, and are con tinuing to be, brought up in a knowledge of the the Christian religion, and an acquaintance with THE GOLD COAST. 103 every branch of a plain and useful female educa tion. In the moral elevation of woman, the philan thropist acknowledges the raost efficient human engine for the general elevation of a people, and in her debased and abandoned condition, the Christian raissionary discovers the raost insuperable obstacle to the success of his labours. Nowhere has there been greater necessity for the presence of this agent than in Africa ; but the same causes which have produced this necessity, have also occasioned the great difficulty of calling it efficiently into operation. From these causes— namely, the long ages of debasement which gave to the character an instinctive tendency to vicious courses — the peculiarities in the social condition of the people which made the marriage of a daughter a marketable contract, tantamount to rendering female virtue an object of sale, the very lax ideas prevalent in society upon this subject, daUy asso ciation with friends and relations living in iraraoral practices, and raaking them the subject of ordinary conversation, seemingly unconscious of their vUe- ness, the encouragement given to seduction by Europeans, and the fierce impetuosity of passion natural to the chUdren of a tropical sun ; from all these, and the numerous modifications of cir- 104 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON cumstances arising out of them, the missionary found it, at first, a difficulty amounting almost to an impossibUity to pilot these frail vessels, beset with so many dangers, into the safe haven of matri raony, without making shipwreck of their virtue. It is just, however, to acknowledge that this ruin has been as much the result of compulsory measures of bargain-making relations, as of the voluntary act of Indiriduals. This subject is also a fruitful source of sneering aniraadversion to raany who wiU not see anything good in mission ary labour; but with the antagonistic influences which we have enumerated, what else have we a right to expect as a general result? Analogous laws govern the moral and physical world. Can a number of persons in health enter a city infected with the plague, mingle vrith its diseased inhabi tants, eat, and drink, and sleep with them, and yet remain untainted by infection, notwithstanding that there may be in their own systems no predis posing causes ? would we be surprized if we were told that the majority were attacked with the malady? and shall we be astonished that those who are exposed to the taint of a moral plague equally rirulent in its nature, have not been able to escape its pollution ? To the attentive and candid inquirer after truth. THE GOLD COAST. 105 who duly weighs the influence of the counter acting causes which we have enumerated, it wiU be matter of satisfaction to learn that there are, nevertheless, a few exemplary instances of rirtuous Integrity, whose escape from the snares with which they were beset, and whose elevation to the dignity of Christian matrons, are beginning to give a far different tone to female moraUty. It has been shown, that, however great the dangers and terapta tions raay be to which the young African Is subjected, they are yet to be withstood by the Influence of Christian principles, and by the judicious supervision of Christian instructors. The bridge over the yawning gulf has been crossed. The pItfaUs upon it, numerous as those opened up to the vision of Mirza, have been avoided, and finger-posts have been erected by Faith and Love, to guide future traveUers by the same road past those treacherous snares. SiraUar difficulties are never Ukely to operate again with the same force, for, in addition to the superior moral tone which Christian marriages have Introduced, the respect and consideration accorded to educated married people, and the position of easy competence which they never faU to attain in society, hold out inducements which, apart from reUgious considera tions, must exercise a powerful restraint upon the conduct. 106 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON But another cause of far greater weight is now coming into operation. The majority of the female scholars had at first been chUdren of heathen parents, who had been reluctantly per suaded by the missionaries to send them to school. No supervision was exercised over thera out of school-hours. On the contrary, they very possibly were accustoraed to hear Christian instruction revUed, and practices of an iraraoral tendency encouraged, by those whom the ties of nature bound them to respect. Now, however, many of the children attending school are the offspring of Christian parents. These, both by precept and example, are bringing them ,up in new ideas, and subjecting thera to those restraints which are necessary to keep thera from acquiring bad habits and tastes. With this additional restriction upon the girls, there is every reason to expect more satisfactory results in the tirae to corae, than those which have attended our experience of the past. Every fresh exaraple of Christian constancy on the part of the educated female coramunity wIU act as a powerfiU lever to raise others to the same eleva tion, and the generaUy Improved tone of morahty characterising the conduct of those who aspire to European habits, wUl help to strengthen and confirm those reUgious bonds, upon which our main dependence must always rest. THE GOLD COAST. 107 Such are a few of the most prominent results of missionary labour. They are Umited, it is true, comparatively, to a very smaU portion of the people. The great masses stIU cling, although with a less confident grasp, to their idolatrous practices, and their mde and barbarous customs. But, even among these, a great revolution of feeUng has t-aken place. The sentiraents of jealous discontent with which they had at first viewed the introduc tion of the Gospel have died away, and have been replaced by a quiet indifference on the part of the great body of the people, a complacent satisfaction with others, and a hesitating assent to its advan tages with raany. The indications of an incipient civUization, daUy becoming more apparent in the general adoption of the dress and habits of Europeans ; the temporal advantages which education is enabling so raany to obtain ; the possession of those advantages by raen who, by their elevation, have acquired extensive influence and have become the central points of attraction to very numerous clans of friends and relations ; the natural deference which ignorance pays to a higher degree of intelUgence, and the knowledge of the humane and benevolent spirit of Christianity, which idea of its character, though imperfectly understood, is extensively diffused through all classes, have not 108 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON only overcome aU tendency to a hostUe opposition, but have prepared the natives for a more general consideration of its claims for acceptance, unde terred by fear of persecution. This amicable feeUng is not confined within the narrow compass of the principal towns along the sea-board, where the Europeans reside ; but has penetrated into the raost distant corners of the extensive territory under British jurisdiction. The Fetish priests are viewing the progress of this state of the public mind with much uneasiness, and are exerting their influence to counteract it, by urging upon the chiefs the necessity of abiding by the customs of their forefathers. They would wiUingly see the Christians exterminated. This wide-spread appreciation of the superiority of European civUization, without an admixture of that strong disinclination to keep it far from their doors, which was so general in the comraencement, is partly the result of the great advantages derived from the administration of justice by the local government, and the necessary concourse of the chiefs and people of the interior to the towns upon the coast, where they have such frequent opportuni ties of observing the rapid advance which the natives there are making in every useful art, and partly of the numerous schools and mission stations estab- THE GOLD COAST. 109 lished throughout the country. To these should also be added the effect which trade has, not only in drawing constant streams of people to the coast, but of sending out into every nook of the interior traffickers with their petty store of mer chandize. Many of these are youths who have been educated in the schools. Sorae of them are in connection -with the missionary society. They take up a position in the interior towns where they often reside for months at a time. Their European dress gives them respect In the eyes of the inha bitants, who are eager to know frora them all that they can tell of the white men, their customs, habits, and religion. During this intercourse, new ideas are imparted. Important traths soraetiraes take root in their minds, convictions of their own inferiority and debasement begin to be entertained, and longing desires for their Iraproveraent are frequently awakened. But of aU these causes, the schools and mission stations are decidedly the raost efficient. The sword of justice has a double edge, and cuts in both directions. To one it imparts confidence, to another fear. While it restrains the act, it does not always reach the thought of the heart ; it represses crime, but Is powerless to instU virtue ; and although the arts of peace and moral 1 1 0 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON advancement are beholden to it for protection, and for scope for their fuU development, yet it teaches no loora to spin, no spade to dig, nor does it enter into the deep recesses of the human breast and bring forth the fruits of righteousness. The civUization ovring to the itinerant trader, also, is of a very mixed and doubtful nature. He may be, and frequently is, a worthless and immoral character, and presents to the eyes of the people in the ulterior, an example unworthy of his education. He may, however, and does often speak of the duty required of a Christian. He can teU of the virtues which he does not practise, and which he has been taught to consider as essential to every good man. Precepts of this kind, unsupported by example, have seldom much influence, but even from such corrupt sources the knowledge of some tmths may be learned, which raay give expansion to other minds, and incite them to farther inquiry. With raissionary exertion, however, there mixes no injurious aUoy. It attacks the vices existing In society ; but whUe it aims at destroying the roots from which they spring, it is carefiil to sow new seed. The explanation which the missionary raakes of his object to the elders of a town, to induce them to consent to the establishment of a school for the education of the young, reveals such a benevolent THE GOLD COAST. 1 1 1 spirit, and such an absence of aU selfish motives, that however slow they raay be at first to profit by it, a long course of laborious perseverance seldom faUs in gaining them over. A teacher once estab Ushed, a knowledge of the truths which he has been instructed to communicate, gains its way among the general body of the people. Faith in the efficacy of their superstitious ob servances and idolatrous worship is sapped In the minds of a few. They have recourse to the Christian teacher, and are instracted In his creed. They attend his ministrations, and listen, often with awe-struck attention, to his explanation of the Scriptures. One by one, they feel a desire to acknowledge the effect which this teaching is having upon their minds; but shame and fears arising from a variety of causes, beget a restless indecision fuU of misery. CorapeUed by the veheraence of the stmggle going on in their minds, and unable longer to contend against the convic tions which begin to dawn upon them, they request to be admitted to a novitiate. In the process of time a sraaU society is forraed. They consent to submit to the discipline necessary for merabership, and a watchful rigUance Is henceforth kept upon their raanner of Ufe. The expulsion from the coramunity of any one persisting in 112 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON iraraorality, reveals to the natives generally the wide difference between the frailty of raan and the purity of the Gospel. The sinful practices of professing Christians begat an idea that these were not inconsistent with the Christian faith, and the beautiful precepts which were represented as forming the moraUty of the Christian, were considered only as soraething fit to talk about, without any intention of carrying them into practice. It was soon revealed, however, that the weakness of man formed no ground for irapugning Christianity. No breach of its morality was allowed to pass without animadversion, and the bare imagination of the acknowledged pos sibUity of attaining such a mastery ovep the cor ruptions of our nature, compelled the most bigoted to admit that society could not but derive immense advantages from its consistent practice. This conviction limited any active spirit of hostiUty, which stUl Ungered in the minds of some men, to those Fetishmen, and the more elderly of the natives, who were loath to see such a dangerous Invasion of their dearly cherished customs. The periodical visits which the mission aries raake to these stations, and the constant intercourse between them and the natives generaUy in their frequent journeyings thi'oughout the THE GOLD COAST. 113 country, have the effect of confirming the impres sions which have been raade, and of diffusing widely a spirit of acquiescent toleration ; and thus while the schools in those parts are laying the foundations of a new faith, and of increased know ledge in the education of the young, a variety of causes is at work, habituating the rainds of aU to the idea of the final triuraph of the reUgion of the white raan. As a proof of the estimation in which Euro pean instraction is now beginning to be held, and of the graduaUy relaxing hold, of idolatry, it should be mentioned that it is not uncomraon for the superintendent of missions to receive invi tations and earnest petitions from distant chiefs to estabUsh schools among their people, and to be entreated by adult persons liring in viUages, where no branch society exists to visit them, with the view of admittuig thera for trial, and of instructing thera in the duties of Christianity. UntU we had paid particular attention to this subject, and had seen to how great an extent this leaven had been infused, it had been, we must confess, always a matter of doubt with us whether the systera of widely scattering the rais sion stations through the country, were as efficient a raeans of diffusing a knowledge of the Gospel, as the concentrating the whole energies of the 114 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON society upon one point; thus forming a nucleus which would expand itself in every, direction, as soon as the work of conversion had acquired sufficient consistence. But when we reflect how difficult it is to bring the generality of rainds to an agreement upon any point, either of faith or practice, how obstinately new doctrines are op posed, that only a sraaU portion in any coramunity wiU declare themselves untU these doctrines have become the creed of the raajority; when, more over, it is seen that the gradual preparation of the mind of a people has been in aU countries and ages the necessary forerunner of an entire revolution in religion, we are persuaded that the seed in this country has not been scattered In vain, but that these humble nurseries, where a Christian blossom can scarcely yet be discovered amid the wide waste of heathen barrenness, are the seed-plots, insufficient as they raay appear, by which an over-ruling Providence raeans to raise this hitherto neglected wUderness into a fruitfiil Eden. It woiUd be unjust to close this subject, with out adverting to the manner in which the mis sionaries have been enabled to set on foot this silent revolution, and to gain for it the acquiescence of raen bigoted in no ordinary degree to their traditionary usages. It has been observed that THE GOLD COAST. 115 a very hostile spirit was exhibited on Its first promulgation, to be attributed as much to an indiscreet zeal on the part of the missionary, as to the instinctive alarm of a people trembUng for the subversion of a system, with an adherence to which their prosperity was supposed to be inse parably bound up. It is with no exaggeration of this feeling that we have remarked, that, but for the protection of the local government, the work would not have been permitted to go on. Even with such countenance and support as it could extend, more than one forcible demonstration has been raade to suppress It. The first raissionaries, appaUed at the moral waste which the degraded state of the African population presented to their view, and believing it impossible that any race of people, living in such a state of spiritual destitution, would close their ears against a knowledge of the truth, burned with an interaperate enthusiasm approaching to fanaticism to communicate the glad tidings of salvation. In season and out of season, they dinned into unwUling ears loud complaints of their lost and raiserable condition. They attacked their idolatrous practices, their social iraraorallties, and their more innocent conventional usages, and forbade their repetition with such a tone of authp- 116 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON rity as the possession only of a power to stUl at once the raging sea or the stormy passions of man could have warranted. With their own experience of the efficacy of religion upon tbe heart, and under the influence of a strong impulse to impart to others their joy in beUeving, they seemed credulously to think that the mere announcement of such consolatory tmths would at once secure their eager acceptance. To the jealous comprehension of the African, aniraadversions upon their customs, conveyed in such loud and objurgatory language, assumed the character of personal abuse; and their pride took offence at what they were inclined to regard as a wanton piece of Insult. A too rash inter ference also vrith their domestic arrangements, and vrith the fuU discretionary power which every head of a family considered himself entitled to exercise over aU its merabers, stUl farther aug mented this spirit of opposition. Owing to this over-zeal, which looked for a harvest without tillage, and which did not make due aUowance for the nature of the soil, much exacerbation of feeling was the consequence. It was not untU the manageraent feU into the hands of Mr. Freeman, one who had himself served in the ranks, that a better spirit was evoked. He had THE GOLD COAST. 117 had opportunities of learning, from the experience of his past labours, the necessity of not losing sight of the tendencies of our nature ; and he did not think it below the dignity of reUgion to consult these in his attacks upon their prejudices. He had seen that no dependence could be placed upon the relinquishment of any custom or habit, where the understanding remained unconrinced, and the heart unchanged ; and to this iraportant work he directed his best energies. Combining the wisdom of the politician with the active zeal of the mis sionary, and possessed of an elastic buoyancy of temperaraent, the result of a firm confidence in the ultiraate triumph of the Gospel, he warily reduced the strongholds of superstition, one by one, in the minds of those to whom he gained access ; neither arousing hostUity by any Ul-timed intemperance of assault, nor disconcerted by occa sional and temporary failure. By perseverance in this judicious course, and by cultivating the friendship both of chiefs and people, in his very frequent and extended journey ings through the country, by a kind and courteous affabUity fuU of Christian charity, he not only removed aU feelings of resentment, but induced them to yield to his guidance in many important particulars. It was seen that a difference of 118 EIGHTEEN VEARS ON opinion upon points of belief did not necessarily form an insurmountable barrier to friendly inter course, and the Christian missionary thus found frequent opportunities of Inoculating the pagan chief vrith new ideas. The natural result of such an Intercourse, wiU always be the gradual con cession of ignorant prejudices to superior intelli gence. The chief who would have taken alarm at a direct attack upon his unchristian practices, and who would have held aloof with a jealous suspicion from any one who authoritatively com manded hira to abandon thera, could see no danger In an araicable conversation, which was nevertheless sapping their foundations. Much credit is therefore due to Mr. Freeraan, who has managed to secure an acquiescent assent for the free dissemination of Christian truth, which they feel to be underraining their power, and to be depriving thera of their privUeges, which are best maintained by the ignorance of a people. It has often been a question, whether, with the pecuniary means placed at the disposal of the Gold Coast Mission, greater results might not have been expected ; and the sums swaUowed up by heavy traveUing expenses, have often been represented as so much raoney needlessly thrown THE GOLD COAST. 119 away. Christianity, it has been said, needs no extraneous assistance for its diffusion, and should scorn to huraour the prejudices of any people. The Christian missionary, like the apostles of old, should provide neither gold, nor sUver, nor scrip for his journey. He should humbly wander through the African hamlets, in the firm con fidence that the workman wUl be considered worthy of his hire. Much diversity of opinion wiU always exist upon a subject of this nature; but our experience leads us to express with con fidence, that if this course had been pursued upon the Gold Coast, Christianity as yet would have numbered but few converts. It is doubtful even if the missionary might not have been left to die without any one seeking to provide for his wants. In the Christian, as well as in the pagan world, the surest way to gain friends is not to need them. Nowhere is this truth more evident than in Africa, for, unless an appearance of respectability is maintained, nay, without some Indication of the raeans of being liberal, the European, lay or clerical, wiU only raeet with indifference and neglect. It has been observed above, that the eraploy ment given by the missionaries was a principal cause of their chapels being fiUed in the com- 120 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON mencement. But for the assistance of attrac tions of this nature, many who are now respectable Christians, would never have been drawn within the reach of Christian teaching at all. Whether, is it better that it should be so, or that barefooted friars should be wandering through the land, exposed to the scoff of the heathen, and without the sympathy of a single convert? Did the power and influence of the Pope give no impetus to the establishment of Christianity in England, apart from its inherent power of disseminating itself? Did the support of Elizabeth's government give no extension to the tenets of the Reformed Church? Teaching is not confined either to the school-room or the pulpit. The active mind of man drawsits stores of inforraation from innumerable sources, and is influenced in its adoption of new ideas from in numerable causes. From the cradle to the grave this instruction is in continual progress. More good may be effected by the journey of a missionary traveUing through the interior hara lets, in a manner calculated to secure the respect of the people, by his friendly and famiUar inter course with them, by his example of pure mo rality, of strict teraperance, of Christian charity, as weU as by the exhibition of the superior THE GOLD COAST. 121 comforts which ciriUzation has placed within his reach, than by the preaching of a thousand homUies. The raore frequent the repetition of such -risits, the deeper and more lasting will be the impression. Hence the reraoval of so many prejudices in this country, and hence also the gradual preparation of the minds of men for a hew state of things. With such unquestionable proofs of the beneficial results arising from the system which has been adopted, it is impossible to regret that another, less calculated to secure respect for the raissionary, and for attracting the natives to his teaching, has not been had recourse to. Our reraarks upon this very iraportant move ment now draw to a close. It has been our endeavour to give a faithful representation of what has been passing before our eyes for the last eighteen years, in a spirit of candour and charity. Some of the observations made may appear somewhat deficient in the latter quality ; but the prospect of such an imputation has not been able to deter us from giving what we con scientiously believe to be a true picture of mis sionary labour, and its result upon the Gold Coast. Where there is such an admixture of the elements of progress and civUization with 122 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON mde and barbarous usages, and where society presents every variety of shade, from the dark and besotted idolater, into whose mind one single ray of knowledge has scarcely penetrated, to the enlightened Christian, already advanced to a moderate standing in the scale of civUized beings, it is difficult in a narrative of this description to avoid the appearance of seeming contradictions and inconsistencies. The gratifying indications of progress which have to be recounted, and which assume, perhaps, in the eyes of the observer, an exaggerated esti mation from contrast with the prevaiUng ignorance, by which they are surrounded, have a tendency, at one moment, to lead us to believe the condition of the people to be generaUy much more advanced than we find it ; whUe, on the other hand, the descriptions which it is necessary to give of the deep raorai degradation, and the barbarous and idola trous practices of the masses, are apt to blind us to the degree of progress which has actually been made. Only one who has been a witness of this progress can duly estimate its impprtance. A passing stranger, who obtains only a casual gUmpse of society, and sees merely its surface, would not hesitate to pronounce it altogether barbarous. It is, therefore, necessary to caution the reader, THE GOLD COAST. 123 who would wish to carry along with him a just impression of the progress made on the Gold Coast in aU its features, not to be so enamoured of its beauties as to overlook the multitude of its defects, nor to fix his attention so exclusively upon Its bleraishes as to shut his eyes to its merits. He wUl not err much in comparing it to those land scapes, where the hand of art loves to Introduce, araidst the wUds of nature, sorae traces of its own fancifiil creation, and where may be seen in emu lous contrast, the vrild luxuriance and the stubborn ruggedness of the indigenous plant, and the fair though tender blossoras of the exotic. And when he reraerabers how raany a wUderness has, by patient cultivation, been converted into fhiltful corn-fields and smiling vineyards, for the supply of the wants, and as a solace for the cares of raan, he wUl not do wrong in cherishing hopefiU anticipations of the tirae when the natives of the Gold Coast wUl, by a long process of raental culture, be fully quaUfied to take their stand among the civilized nations of the world. 124 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON CHAPTER VI. Vague ideas respecting God — Mode of worship — The priests — Evil spirits — Offerings made to them — The immortality of the soul — Worship of the spirits of de ceased friends — Slaves killed to attend their master to the next world — Corrupting tendency of idolatry — Prophetic pretensions of the Fetishmen — Tricks and impostures— Children dedicated to the Fetish office from birth — The Great Braffo Fetish — Independent conduct of the Fetishmen — Priestesses — Their infamous conduct — The influence of Fetish upon the African — ^Decline of the Fetish faith — Its utility as an engine of civil govem ment. Having, in the foregoing part of this work, traced the origin and progress of the connection which has subsisted between the nations of Eu rope, and the natives of the Gold Coast for a period extending over more than three centuries and a half, and having also placed before the reader a general and cursory riew of the existing social condition of the people, with some account THE GOLD COAST. 125 of its gradual formation and growth, we shaU now direct his attention to their ideas of religion, and sorae of their superstitious observances, as weU as to a more particular account of their domestic economy, without a description of which, the pic ture would be incomplete. Those subjects, espe ciaUy the reUgious practices of the people, may appear to have been of sufficient consequence to entitle them to be incorporated with the account which has been given ; but we were unwilling to intermpt the Consecutive representation of events by any episodical digression not absolutely required for the perfect comprehension of the narrative, and although we have been obUged to advert occa sionally to their Fetish, the expression hitherto has been used more as a general term for a supersti tious worship, than as indicating any particular observance requiring explanation. We shaU now, however, attempt to describe the nature of this superstition, which exercises such an iUimitable influence over the minds of the masses of the population. An analysis of this description is beset vrith no ordinary difficulties. We derive little assistance in our investigations from the ideas of the idolaters themselves, which are extremely vague and indefinite, and we are still farther puzzled to discriminate between such im- 126 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON pressions, as may be the result of an effort of their own reason, or the consequence of their fears, and such as without the knowledge of the existing generation may have been derived from a more enlightened people, and handed down to them as a portion of the creed of their forefathers. There is great roora to believe that the idea of one great first cause, the Creator of aU things, has prevaUed araong them from time iraraemorial; for the Fantee words Yankompon derived frora " Yankom, " Friend, and " epon," great, and Yaramie from " Yeeh" make, and " eme" or " mi " me, by which they designate God, would seem to indicate that the idea of a benevolent Creator was co-eval with the language ; but there can also be little doubt that indefinite as this idea even now is, in their minds, it must have received its confirmation from an intercourse of more than three hundred and fifty years with Europeans, whose acknowledgment of one God must soon have become universaUy known. Even before their intercourse with Euro peans, it is possible that this great trath might have been disseminated by the Mohammedan population of the interior. Be this as it may, the natives of the Gold Coast generally acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being, who made and governs the world, but they cannot be said to THE GOLD COAST. 127 worship him.* They sometimes invoke his name, and caU upon him to bless those whom they love, and much more frequently to curse those whom they hate, but in either case their invocation amounts simply to an ejaculation, and is not attended by any formal act of worship. '~- When oppressed with afflictions and over whelraed by any great calamity, for a release from which they have sacrificed to their idols in vain, we find them resigning themselves subralssively to their fate, vrith the exclaraation that " they are in God's hands, and he wUl do whatever he thinks best." But they neither offer sacri fices to hira, nor do they think of seeking by supphcation to avert what (if their idols fail them) they seera inclined to regard as their inevitable destiny. To this extent, then, we raay regard thera as predestinarians, acknowledging one Supreme Governor of the world, who has appointed all things according to his pleasure, and to whom * The manner in which they regard God corresponds exactly -with the account given of the Assyrians, whom Shalmeneser transplanted into Samaria, and who, in con sequence, became acquainted with the God of the Jews : " They feared the Lord, and served their own gods. So these nations feared the Lord, and served their graven images." — 2 Kings xvii, 33, 41. 128 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON It were in vain for man to appeal with any hope of changing his immutable decrees. They beUeve, however, that this Supreme Being, in compassion to the human race, has bestowed upon a variety of objects, animate and inanimate, the attributes of Deity, and that he directs every individual man in his choice of his object of worship. This choice once made, the object becomes the " Souman," or idol of the individual. It may be a block, a stone, a tree, a river, a lake, a raountain, a snake, an aUigator, a bundle of rags, or whatever the extra vagant iraagination of the idolater may pitch upon. From the moment that he has made his choice, he has recourse to this god of his in all his troubles. He makes oblations to it of rum and palm wine ; he lays offerings before it of oil and corn; he sacrifices to it fowls and goats and sheep, and smears it with their blood ; and, as he performs these rites, he prays it to be propitious to him, and to grant him the accomplishment of his petition. These rites and supplications are directed exclu sively to his Idol, without any ulterior reference in his mind to the Supreme Being. During thek performance, the idolater is sometiraes wrought up to a high pitch of excitement, and under the influence of this frenzy, deludes himself vrith the idea that his idol has mysteriously communicated THE GOLD COAST. 129 vrith him, and granted him an answer to his prayer. He is thus directed, by an extraordinary self-delu sion, to the adoption of some ceremonious rite, from the performance of which he expects to obtain the object of his wishes. Nothing can exceed the absurdity of these rites. They bear no reference whatever to the subject of petition as a means to an end. To restore to health a sick child, to shield from danger a friend engaged in some perilous enterprize, or to draw down destruc tion and death upon an eneray, the idolater may, perhaps, surround his house with a string of withes, hang up some filthy rags to the branches of a tree, or naU a fowl to the ground by means of a stake driven through its body. Whatever wild and ex travagant fancy may take possession ofhis dark and superstitious raind, he believes it to be an inspiration of his senseless block, and to carry it into execu tion, iraraediately becomes the subject of a strong religious obligation. Traces of this blind super stition are to be seen on every path, and about the house of every idolater. From the Souman, or idol of individuals, we come to the Boossum of a famUy or town, which frequently has no material representation. This word literaUy expresses " take to serve," but it does not so much represent the god of an indiridual as a family god, or, more G 3 1 30 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON universally stiU, the god of a people. Every family has some god of this description coraraon to aU, and every town has one or raore also acknow ledged by the general body of the people, but a priest or sofoo waits upon this Boossura, and rainisters at his altars. As long as men are pros perous, and no extraordinary event occurs to disturb the even tenor of their lives, they are content each to worship his individual Souman ; but when cala mities overtake them, they distrust the power of their idol to succour them, and their own capacity to interpret aright his inspirations. Under these circumstances, they repair to the sofoo to obtain consolation and relief, from his superior insight into the mysteries by which they are surrounded. An offering is given to him to lay before his god. He explains the nature of the service required, and after a number of absurd ceremonies, arouses his deity to attention, and receives from him an inti mation of the observances necessary to obtain his object. These he communicates to the supplicant for priestly comfort, who listens with reverential awe to the injunctions prescribed, and proceeds to carry them into effect with a blind credulity. In Uke manner, when the calaraity is general, such as a drought, a dearth, a pestilence, or want of success in war, the whole population or their THE GOLD COAST. 131 representatives, with their chiefs and head men, repair to the chief Boossum to make their offerings and sacrifice, and to seek, through the intercession of the priests, a mitigation and a release from their sufferings. These priests, aware of the neces sity of raaking a deep impression upon such mo mentous occasions, surround the whole of their proceedings with a fearful secrecy and mysterious solemnity, calculated to awe the minds of the sup plicants, and they deliver their oracles in such enig matical language as may be capable of a double interpretation. Like the weird sisters in Mac beth " they palter in a double sense, and keep the word of promise to the ear and break It to the trust." If the observances, which the priests prescribe, should be performed vrithout any satisfactory result, it is by no means the fault of the Boossum. It Is immediately attributed to inattention to sorae reli gious duty, to the general irapiety, perhaps, of the people, to the neglect of their sacred groves, their Fetish houses, or a want of a proper respect for the comfort of the priests themselves. Greater zeal is urgently recommended, richer offerings are de manded, and a renewal of ceremonious observances prescribed; and when the calaraity, whatever it raay have been, is overpast, the glory belongs to the Boossum. 132 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON This idol worship confines the idolater to no particular idol ; as he attributes his prosperity to the protecting care of his Fetish, he wiU, as long as his prosperity continues, remain steadfast to the worship of that particular Fetish ; but when diffi culties ariue, and he is beset with perplexities, he wiU range at vrill, as fancy directs him, to a thou sand different objects, and make them the gods of his gross idolatry. The prosperous man is therefore confined in his worship to fewer idols and observances than the unfortunate. The former has faith In the power of his idol, while the latter cannot rest untU he has found a relief from his troubles ; and hence the multiplication of his idols and of his modes of worship. Apart from his own Souman, the zealous Idolater finds no want of idols in the groves set apart for his worship, in the sea, the rivers, the rocks, and the mountains which surround him. The grander features of nature have a tendency to excite in the Christian's mind emotions of devo tional awe and veneration, and at once to raise his thoughts from nature up to nature's God; the mind of the idolater goes not beyond the objects themselves, but their grandeur appals him : they become to him gods, and he seeks to propitiate their favour by an obsequious deportment and vain oblations. THE GOLD COAST. 133 There is one peculiar form, which the Fetish worship of a famUy about to be separated takes, which deserves to be recorded, as in it we have no external representation of an idol. In view of a separation which wiU most probably prevent them from ever again worshipping the Boossum, to which they have made their devotions hitherto, they repair to the priest, or sofoo, and having explained their wants, he pounds up some Souman or Fetish substance, and mixes it with water into a drink, which the whole family swaUow together. WhUe partaking of this strange coraraunion, the priest declares to thera that his Boossum com mands that none of this family shaU ever after partake of such and such an article of food, naming, perhaps, fowl, mutton, beef, pork, eggs, mUk, or anything which he raay choose to mention at the time. The Fetish edict, once pronounced against a particular article of food under such circumstances, no one of the faraily ever tastes it raore ; and thus we find one who wUl not taste a bit of chicken, another an egg, a turkey, and so on ; and this abstinence from a particular species of food descends to the children, who are under the necessity of obserring a simUar abstinence. In this case, the parties are supposed to have swal lowed their idol, and to have him existing In their 134 EIGHTEEN YEARS^ ON own persons, and the abstinence prescribed, forms a continued act of worship. We do not find that the opinion of a devU, or one great evU spirit, prevails among' thera. There are raodes of expression in use which might lead us to entertain this idea ; but it is found, on more minute investigation, that these are only translated forras of expression suited to raeet our European notions, such as " the devU terapted rae," " to drive the deril out of town," and so forth, for which the literal Fantee terras express, " an eril spirit terapted rae," " to drive all aboraination and evU spirits away." But although they do not acknowledge the existence of one superior devU, they believe the world to abound with numbers of eril spirits, who are continuaUy eraployed about mischief. They deny that they worship these evU spirits ; but if they do not worship thera in the proper sense of the terra, they have frequently recourse to offerings to bribe them to inaction, or to take their departure. Sudden iUness and diseases, which do not speedily give way to their processes of cure, are attributed to eril spirits, and most of the misfor tunes which occur are also put down to the same cause ; and offerings of different descriptions are thrown out upon the paths, vrith the view of THE GOLD COAST. 135 appeasing these spirits, not to their gods to induce thera to take them away. Neither do we find that they have any definite ideas of the imraortality of the soul. They are unanimous in thinking that there is In man a spirit which surrives the body. This spirit is supposed to remain near the spot, where the body has been buried. They believe it to have a con sciousness of what is going on upon earth, and to have the power of exercising sorae influence over their destiny. Hence they worship the spirits of deceased friends and relations, and raake pilgrim ages to their graves, to make oblations and sacri fices to thera. But their ideas upon this subject are as absurd and contradictory as upon every other point relating to their spiritual concerns. Unless in the case of the very vUest of malefactors, they do not associate any idea of punishment in another world with criraes coramitted in this ; and the belief that their conduct here wiU have to be accounted for hereafter, has no part in their systera.* With regard to a great criminal, we * Their vague ideas upon this subject may be gathered from the remark of a criminal under sentence of death. He had been tried by the assessor and a few of the native chiefs. The remarks of the former at his trial led the prisoner to regard him as favourable to his escape ; and he 136 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON sometimes hear the expression made use of " he wUl die a second death in the other world ;" but this sentiment seems to arise from an impression, that the mere death of the body is not a sufficient punishment for such great criraes, and that a repetition of this, the heaviest calaraity which can befal man, ought to be meted out to him, rather than from any conriction that he has to give an account in the world beyond the grave for the crimes which he has committed here. In Uke manner, they wUl teU us, that they have no belief in the resurrection of the body ; and yet if they are asked where they suppose they go to when they die, they wiU say that they enter upon a new life in many respects simUar to that which they have led here. Acting upon this idea, they are in the habit of burying with the dead a portion of his valuables, in gold and handsome cloths, and placing ready to his hand a flask of rum, his pipe, and tobacco. Formerly, before the government had obtained attributed his sentence principally to the native chiefs. On the" morning of his execution he said : " I have no fault to find with the white man ; he -wished to be merciful ; but the chiefs are my enemies ; and if it he a country to which I am going, I will take care to make them suffer for it, when they come there." THE GOLD COAST. 137 the authority which it now possesses, many of the wives and slaves of the deceased were kiUed, that they might wait upon hira in the country to which he had gone. From preparations of this descrip tion, we might be led to infer that they really beUeved that the deceased had some use for the supplies which they had given him for his journey ; but this belief Is again glaringly contradicted by the fact, that we find these provident caterers for their deceased relation, soraetiraes disturbing his bones to rake frora them the gold which had been buried with him ; thus giving a very satisfactory proof, that whoever else might have been deceived into the beUef that gold passed current In the other world, they at least were not the dupes of such a vain idea. In short, the whole systera is fuU of the raost Inconsistent contradictions, and cannot stand the test of even an ordinary scrutiny. Had we not divine authority for the awful state of gross and ignorant bUndness to which idolatry reduces man In his search after happiness, and for the abomina tions into which a dark superstition invariably leads him, we should find it difficult to give credit to the eridence of our eyes, for the reality of the Impenetrable darkness of the raind, with regard to idolatrous practices which we find existing. It 138 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON may be thought by many, that we have here made the effect and the cause change places ; and that we should have attributed their idolatry to their spiritual darkness, and not the excess of this darkness to idolatry. But although ignorance is assuredly the mother of superstition, yet there cannot reraain a doubt in the raind of any one who has attentively watched the effects of an idolatrous practice, that, upon aU points connected vrith their worship, the clear reason and sound comraon sense, which do not faU raen In the ordinary affairs of life, are entirely dethroned as soon as the idolater repairs to his gods. It would appear, as if God by this obrious phenoraenon intended to teach us a lesson of very weighty import. We raay read in the perplexing doubts, the slavish fears, the barbarous rites, the cmel sacrifices, the besotted infatuations, and the fflthy bestiality of the idolater's mind, the in dignation of the Almighty against idolatry; and perceive the fearfiil excesses into which man's natural constitution wUl invariably lead him, when he anchors his hopes on any other than the true God. The highest degree of inteUectual attain ment forras no safeguard against the operation of this universal law. It is exhibited in characters as unmistakable among the ancient Greeks and THE GOLD COAST. 139 Romans, as among the iUiterate people whose religious ideas we have been attempting to ex plain ; and the same law is no less authoritatively vindicated in the career of the Christian, who faUs to keep alive his reUgious impressions, by an abiding tmst and dependance upon God. The account which has been given of the reli gious ideas of the natives of the Gold Coast, com prehends as nearly as can be discovered the funda raental principles of their faith, if we may apply the terra to a principle which involves the contradiction of a facUity of beUef which no absurdity, how gross soever it may be, can offend, and at the same time a hesitating infideUty which doubts of every thing. The articles of their creed which have been laid down, are gathered raore from their acts than from any process of reasoning, which have guided the idolaters in the adoption of their systera. At present we can discover nothing but a crowd of ceremonial observances, which we be lieve to be mechanicaUy performed without rauch mental participation In the act, without the thoughts of the idolater, in fact, extending beyond the mere act itself. Such a system, where the mind of the idolater alternates be tween credulity and doiibt, and where of course 140 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON he is ready to yield, for a time, a blind assent to every proposition which his spiritual adviser may think fit to dictate, presents opportunities for deceit and iraposture, of which the priests are not slow to avail theraselves. One of the chief characteristics of an ignorant superstition, is a longing desire to reraove the veU which conceals the future, and to anticipate events which the Sovereign Ruler of the world has, in great mercy to man, enveloped in darkness. This imprudent curiosity leads the African to have recourse to the Fetishman upon every occasion of difficulty and doubt. The latter, finding so many wUling dupes, readily accepts the character of a prophet, with which the fears of the people impel them to invest him. His pretensions rise In pro portion to their guUibility, which stops short at no cheat, however monstrous and preposterous it may be. A short experience of apphcations of this nature, and of the confiding credulity of the people, would soon enable the crafty Fetishman to dis cover the great influence which these circumstances, in their condition skilfiiUy managed, placed within his reach ; and hence, out of the priraary articles of their creed, which we have mentioned, has been formed such a system of cunning artifice and me thodical iraposture, as almost effectuaUy conceals, THE GOLD COAST. 141 under the multiplicity of its absurd observances, the groundwork upon which they have been formed. Without adverting to the many fabulous stories of the origin of this Fetish religion, which are alto gether unworthy of a place in a narrative of this description, we wUl give a short account of the Fetish- men's mode of proceeding, and indicate a few of the tricks by which they contrive to irapose upon the multitude. In order to obtain admission Into the ranks of the Fetishmen, a course of previous training is considered absolutely necessary. The norice may be either one who voluntarUy makes choice of this profession, or he may have been from his birth, devoted to the service of the Fetish. It is not an uncoramon practice for mothers, who have been so unfortunate as to lose several children by death, to make a vow to devote the next frait of their worab to the Fetish, with the view of thus purchasing the favour of her gods for her offspring. The chUd born under such circurastances is set apart for the Fetish service ; and very frequently, on arrival at maturity, fulfils the maternal vow, by becoming a Fetishman. But if his own inchna tions should be opposed to this course, an offering to the Fetish is considered sufficient to release him from the consequences of this vow.* * Leviticus xxvii. 142 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON From causes of this description considerable numbers adopt the profession of Fetishmen. It is also customary for a Fetishman to bring up his grandchild to his own caUing. He passes over his own chUdren, rightly judging that one of a faraily at a time is sufficient for aU the purposes of a fraudulent liveUhood ; and he concludes that his grandchild will be ready to carry on the game of deceit by the tirae that his own age will preclude him from taking a very active part In the Fetish ceremonies. One of the chief qualifications in the norice is great endurance in dancing, which forms a prominent part of the serrice. It is from violent dancing to the sound of drams that they look for inspiration. They excite themselves by this exer cise into a perfect frenzy, untU the Fetish takes possession of them, when they lose aU accountar bUity, and toss themselves about wUdly, trembling aU over, and staggering like a drunken man. In frightful convulsions, with eyes rolUng, mouth foaraing, and every indication of total unconscious ness of all around them, they perfectly confirm the ignorant belief of their adrairing dupes that they are no longer self-possessed, but are under the influence of the Fetish, who leads thera whither soever he wUl, untU nature can no longer endure THE GOLD COAST. 143 this tension of her powers, and they sink in a state of complete exhaustion on the ground. The greater the strength of the indiridual the longer he is able to bear up under his exertions, and the more natural and involuntary he can make these appear, so much the better is he adapted for the Fetish serrice. It is generaUy from qualifications of this de scription that the aspirants to the higher grades of the order of Fetishmen are chosen. After this, they take lessons from some Fetishman in his craft. He initiates them, however, by slow degrees, taking care to observe well the natural disposition of the norice, and to judge how far he may be trusted with the sacred mysteries. If he unites vrith the qualifications of a good Fetish dancer, a tenacious meraory, a prudent discretion, and In violable secrecy, he may expect to rise to the highest point of Fetish knowledge ; but if he be very deficient in either of these qualifications, but more especiaUy the latter, he wiU never be aUowed to advance in priestcraft. The gross deceits which they are in the constant habit of practising, renders this a wise and very necessary precaution. The foundation of the Fetishman's power being the idle fears and superstition of the people, everything which has a tendency to foster those fears, and to 144 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON acquire for the priests a character for supernatural knowledge is diligently employed. To this end, they make it their particular study to obtain a knowledge of the history of every famUy in their district for several generations. The names of their ancestors, with any remarkable event, are carefully preserved in the memories of the Fetish men, and handed down as a valuable legacy to their successors. By these means, a knowledge of many circumstances concerning individual families is kept alive among the priests, which are un known to the families theraselves, or only vaguely remembered as a very ancient tradition. This training of the priest, as a necessary con sequence, gives him a knowledge of the affairs of his locality, which the curiosity of the African to pry into futurity enables hira to turn to good account ; for no sooner has misfortune overtaken a person, than his relations have recourse to the Fetishman to know its issue. Should an indi vidual be sick, they in like manner desire to know the reason. They seldom think of attributing any serious iUness to natural causes, such as irregu larity of liring and a neglect of the means of preserving health ; they look for the true cause in the displeasure of the Fetish, the maUce of evil spirits, the incantation of some wizard, or the THE GOLD COAST. 145 uneasiness of the spirit of some deceased relation, whose obsequies perhaps have not been properly performed. With these fears of a supernatural agency lurking in their minds, the slightest indi cation of any cause of this nature intimated by the Fetishman, gains immediate belief, and they deliver themselves up to his guidance vrith a blind reliance in his perfect acquaintance with the cause of the iUness, and in his power to grant relief During the Interviews which they have with the Fetishman upon the subject, the extraordinary ac quaintance which he evinces of all their raost secret family concerns, his allusion to past events, and to the circurastances attending the death and funeral of sorae ancestor, which they may discover to have actuaUy taken place, invest him in their eyes with a knowledge Uttle short of omniscient. This know ledge, be it reraarked, he pretends to have learned from his god, after a special consultation upon the subject, attended by offerings and sacrifices, and a great deal of idle rauraraery, which stUl fiirther im poses upon his dupes. For the sarae purpose, they study sleight of hand, conjuring, ventrUoquisra, and have concealed accomplices to assist them in carrying out their deceits. They generaUy perform their rights in the recesses of some dark shady grove, apart from the haunts of men, where the solemn 146 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON stillness which reigns around imparts a characto- of sUent awe to these ceremonies. However different the result may be from the promises and prognostications of the Fetishman, the faith of the idolater in Fetish generally does not appear to be destroyed. The Fetishman has little difficulty in persuading hira that the fault is neither with the Fetish nor with himself, but that the applicant, for sorae offence which he has coramitted, is labouring under the displeasure of the gods, who refuse to be appeased unless renevyed and richer offerings are made ; or it may be, that the cause assigned for the IU success of the means applied, is the disquiet of an ancestor's spirit, -who cannot rest, and wUl not cease troubUng his living relations untU they have performed cer tain Fetish ceremonies, and raade presents to the Fetish. By such flagrant tricks and excuses, which no extent of ignorance would seem blind enough to accept, but which are nevertheless raost credu lously assented to, the Fetishraen drive a thriving business, and ruin and enslave thousands by the extravagant and expensive offerings which they demand in the name of the Fetish. Another, and not the least legitimate source of their influence, is the knowledge which they have acquired of herbs, which has given them, in con- THE GOLD COAST. 147 sequence, a considerable proficiency in the healing art.* In case of sickness, the Fetishman is not content merely with the sacrifices and other cere monial observances which he enjoins, he makes particular inquiry respecting the nature of the disease ; and is able, from his medical experience, to prescribe such medicines as very frequently effect a cure. But while he impresses upon his patients the necessity of attending to his directions regarding the medicines which he gives, he is nevertheless very particular in making them think that it is to the Fetish ceremonies they wUl owe their recovery. They stUl farther manage to extend a high opinion of themselves, and the power of their Fetish, by mutual assistance; and the cunning manner in which they play into each other's hands. They have messengers continually passing from one to another, giving information of what is going on ; what parties are likely to corae to con sult them, on what subject, and generaUy on every * The natives of the Gold Coast have no despicable knowledge of the qualities of herbs. A collection of these was, at one time, sent home for analysis ; and it was found generally that they possessed some qualities calculated to be of use in alleviating the diseases for which the natives applied them. 148 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON matter which is at aU likely to be of use to a brother priest in managing the affair. One Fetish man wiU acknowledge that his Fetish wUl not give any information upon the specific subject ; but coraraands the person applying to him to go to another Fetishman, whom he names, and to whom he has, in the meantirae, comraunicated all the particulars of the affair. When application is raade to this priest, the applicant is astonished perhaps to find the Fetish- raan perfectly conversant with the cause of his visit, even before he has opened his mouth upon the subject ; and notwithstanding such gross cases of collusion, the stupid idolater can see nothing In it but a confirmation of the extraordinary power of the Fetish. In Uke manner, when a Fetishman pays a visit to a town, where he does not ordinarily reside, his first business is to find out the residence of the Fetishman of the place, who soon makes hira acquainted with the worldly and spiritual condition of such of the people as are likely to seek the ralnlstrations of the stranger ; for in cases of obstinate resistance to Fetish influences, where the nostruras of one Fetishman have faUed, it is customary to have recourse to another. The crafty rogues arrange their plans in concert, and proceed systematicaUy to juggle their deluded dupes to ad miration. THE GOLD COAST. 149 But it would be an endless and a wearisome task to foUow these cheats through all the various schemes which they have set on foot to consolidate and extend their power. They have only too effi cient an aUy in the chUdish and ignorant fears of their countrymen to render this a task of difficulty. We do not find that there is any regular subordi nation of rank among these priests, except in those cases where more than one rainister at the altars of the sarae Fetish, as araong the Braffo Fetishmen at Mankassim, who are regarded as the Fathers of the Fetish of the Fantee country. They have their residence at Mankassim, forraerly the head-quarters of the Fantee power, and are looked up to as the most infaUible oracles of the country. No fewer than five priests minister at the altars of this Great Fetish. Their nurabers enable thera to bring into operation a raore coraplicated and better arranged machinery for carrying on their tricks, and their acknowledged superiority over all other Fetishes, and the consequent estimation in which they are held by the general body of Fetishraen in the country, give them advantages in obtaining infor mation, which individual Fetishmen do not always possess. They are seldom consulted in the first in stance. It Is only when the matter is of moment, or after other Fetishmen have faUed to give satisfac- 150 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON tion that they are applied to ; so that before the appeal is made to them, they have enjoyed oppor tunities of raaking themselves acquainted vrith the circurastances of each case, and are fully prepared to give their answer. But they take care to sur round theraselves with every concoraitant calculated to inspire awe and fear in the minds of those who consult them. Their temple is a deep glooray recess of the forest, where the overhanging foliage is so dense, that scarcely a single ray of Ught can penetrate it, and where there is no difficulty in concealing the accom plices of their artifice. Into this den they convey their dupes blindfolded ; and amidst strange un earthly noises, which to the bewUdered senses of the poor terrified idolaters, seem at one time to issue from the bowels of the earth, and at another to rush through the air, they raake their sacrificial offerings and invocations to their god, whom they have corae to consult. The confused ubiquity of the disraal sounds which assaU the ears, and make the hearts of the wretched worshippers quail, is accounted for by a band of accompUces being sta tioned around, some in holes underground, and some araong the leafy branches of the tree, and aU beUow ing out the most hideous and unearthly cries and groans, which a long practice in this vUlanous de- THE GOLD COAST. 151 ception has enabled them to utter. When they have sufficiently subdued the minds of their unhappy rictims by this discordant concert, and when by violent dancing, and wUd and convulsive struggles they have aroused their god to attention, they pro pound to him the object of their visit. It is not always, however, upon the first application that he wiU deign a response. This inattention, or rather this contemptuous neglect of the Fetish, is inter preted by the priest in the way most accordant vrith his own wishes. The applicants, it may be, are told to wait for a raore propitious raoment, to ob serve a reUgious fast, to appease by offerings the evU spirits, or to bestow a richer gratuity upon the priests. It matters little to those hard-hearted men, that they give their dupes long and fruitless jour neys in vain. They know that what is obtained with . difficulty, is prized proportionably, and they take care that the favours of their Fetish shall not be Ughtly esteemed. When every penny has been got from their rictiras, which they can, either by cajolery or by threats, extort, an answer to their petition is resolved upon, and deUvered with all those imposing artifices which they so weU know how to assume. But although the, Braffo Fetish Is considered more powerful, and of a superior order to the other 152 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Fetishes of the country, yet its priests assume no direction over the conduct of other Fetishraen, who each in his particular sphere follows the bent of his own inclinations, and the supposed inspiration of his idols. Different kinds and degrees of power are, however, attributed to different Fetishes. One may be celebrated for his success in exorcism, ano ther for the detection of a thief and the recovery of stolen property, a third for the removal of disease, a fourth for raaking the barren fruitful and so on. But no jealousy appears to be excited by such pre ferences. The field for imposture is so extensive, that there is not only a sufficiency of rictims for the acknowledged and duly estabUshed fraternity to prey upon ; but a numerous host of sectaries, simple conjurors, and doctors assurae the Fetish character as a very efficient shield for aU kinds of roguery, and make large gains out of the credulity of the people. Neither is priestcraft confined to the raale portion of the coramunity. An established order of priestesses, or Fetishwomen, still farther sweU the ranks of these reUgious harpies. Their practice is little different from that of the men, with whom they are associated in most of the religious cere monies. Their principal sphere of action, however, is In the Fetish processions and dances, which are THE GOLD COAST. 153 greatly enlivened by their pecuUar costurae, their vrild gestures, their shrlU cries, and their frantic passion. The character of these bedlamites is in famous in the extreme ; their life is one continued round of wanton lewdness and debauchery. Under the influence of a superstitious frenzy, and in flamed by the noise of the Fetish druras, and the acclamations of a crowd, they give theraselves up wUdly to aU manner of excesses. But we will not stain our page with farther detail of the enormities of those deluded wretches. Enough has been said to conrince the reader, that the miserable state of moral degradation which we have represented as existing among the people cannot have been over drawn, seeing that such abominable profanity is not only tolerated, but adopted as an essential part of their worship. The character of the Gold Coast African, the nature of his government, his ideas of justice and Its adrainistration, his domestic and his social relations, his crimes and his virtues, are aU more or less influenced by, and even formed upon their pecuUar superstition. There is scarcely an occur rence of life into which this aU-pervading element does not enter. It gives fruitfulness to marriage ; it encircles the newly-born babe with its defensive H 3 154 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON charras ; It preserves it from sickness by its votive offerings; it restores it to health by its bleeding sacrifices; it watches over its boyhood by its ceremonial rites ; it gives strength and courage to its manhood by its warlike symbols ; it tends its decUning age with its consecrated potions; it smoothes its dying pUlow by its delusive obser vances ; and it purchases a requiem for its disem bodied spirit by its copious hbations. It fills the fisherman's net ; it ripens the husbandman's corn ; it gives success to the trader's adventure ; It pro tects the traveUer by sea and by land ; it accom panies the warrior, and shields hira in the battle ; it stays the raging pestUence ; it bends heaven to its wUl, and refreshes the earth with rain ; it enters the heart of the liar, the thief, and the raurderer, and makes the lying tongue to falter, quenches the eye of passion, withholds the covetous hand, and stays the upUfted knife, or it conricts them of their crimes, and reveals thera to the world; it even casts its speUs over malignant demons, and turns them for good or for Ul, according to its pleasure. It might be supposed that a religion with pretensions of this nature could not stand the test of a single week, and that no ingenuity of the Fetishraen could THE GOLD COAST. 155 conceal the multitude of their broken pledges, or save from exposure the hollow tricks by which they manage to prop up their tottering faith. That a race of men, who are by no means devoid of inteUigence, and who upon many other subjects are perfectly open to reason and to con riction, should continue, tirae after tirae, the dupes of such a childish infatuation, can only be accounted for by raan's innate consciousness of the helpless nature of his being, and his necessity for supernatural assistance ; his need, in short, for sorae faith in things imseen, on which to rest the anxious burden of his hopes and fears. That they should trast to such a gross superstition is a humUiating proof of man's natural blindness, as weU as of his vicious and corrupt tendencies. That they derive some consolation frora their faith is not altogether to be denied ; but It is a fruitless confidence, ready to be swaUowed up in perplexing doubts upon any untoward occurrence, and only not altogether lost, because nature is not more abhorrent of a vacuum, than is the mind of man of a blank and infidel isolation. It is very apparent, however, that with a large number of the people — a nuraber, too, daUy increasing — faith in their Fetish practices is merely 156 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON norainal. The raore famUiar intercourse with Europeans, and the freer interchange of ideas, which have marked the last twenty years of their relations with each other, as weU as the effect of missionary teaching, have given an entirely new and vigorous impulse to the native mind, before which the cherished prejudices of ages begin to crumble away. The unsatisfactory nature of their worship is tacitly admitted ; its cheerless, deadening influence upon the raind is openly acknowledged ; the vile cheats of the Fetishmen are weU understood, and observed vrith a gloomy dissatisfaction ; and their punishment by the local government, upon conviction of some glaring imposture, is viewed with a sUent and gratified deUght. But with all this fermentation going on in the depths of society, the leaven is not suffi ciently diffused for any general expression of feel ing upon the subject. The tirae for speaking out has not yet arrived. The gloomy terrors of the Fetish stIU cast their dark shadows upon minds which acknowledge their thraldom, less from a dread of the spiritual anathemas, which an avowed contempt for, and open renunciation of a belief in Fetish, raight bring upon the renegade, than from a weU-grounded fear of some rile THE GOLD COAST. 157 human agency being employed to satisfy the ven geance of the Fetishmen. Many, also, among the higher and more inteUi gent ranks of the natives, who have very little faith in the Fetish, acknowledge its value as an •engine of civU government, and give their coun tenance and support to It accordingly. These men, in our opinion, give strong evidence of their political prudence by this course ; for there cannot be a doubt that, with all its rile im postures and foul abominations, it has a most salutary restraint upon huraan conduct, and that the removal of this restraint, without the sub stitution of such a powerful moral agent as Christianity, would at once give loose to the most frightful scenes of a brutal and ferocious anarchy. Considerations of this nature suggest to us the prOf bability of a stage, in the progress of opinion, fraught with dangers to society of no ordinary magnitude, which it vriU require the whole energies of a govern ment possessed of strong physical powerto avert. Distrust of Fetish is not necessarUy followed by the adoption of the Christian faith. Indeed, it is seen, that at present there is a wide disproportion between the number of Fetish renegades and Christian converts. It is not difficult to anticipate the time, when this disproportion may be increased 158 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON to such an alarming extent as wiU let loose upon society bands of infidel miscreants, under the re straint of no religious obligation whatever ; for there must be, necessarily, a short period of tran sition in the minds of the great body of the people, fuU of a wavering uncertainty, which wUl take refuge for a whUe in a lawless infidelity. Such periods of time in the history of a people cannot be passed over, even by a strong and despotic government, vrithout fear and trembling. For a general revolution of this nature on the Gold Coast, neither the British local government or the native authorities are at aU prepared. There may, it is true, be Uttle likeUhood of the near approach of such an event, but a partial revolution is at present at work, and its effect, in a minor degree, wUl be to loosen the bands of social order. The reraoval. In part, of the strong superstitious restraint which has hitherto existed, wUl naturaUy give freer scope to individual action, and leave men exposed to the vrild guidance and the rash irapulse of their own passions, the conse quence of which will be the introduction of criraes almost unknown in the present simple and primi tive state of society. The elements of an extensive social disorganizar tion are now fermenting in its depths, and give THE GOLD COAST. 159 token, by a grumbling discontent and an agitated alarm on the part of the higher classes, and by an uneasy restiveness, and a partial disregard of their masters on the part of the slaves, of the breaking up of many of those fetters, which time and the right of might had rivetted upon the bodies and minds of the- people. The powerful chief, and the wealthy slave-owner alike hold the reins of authority with a less confident grasp ; and even the cunning Fetishman feels that he must lower his pretensions, and raoderate his extortions if he would not see his victira drag him into a court of justice. These are certain indications of a new and more enlarged class of ideas being generaUy dif fused throughout society, and are the forerunners of change. The danger is, that the first taste of emancipation, however circurascrlbed, raay be so sweet, that an ignorant irapatience raay hurry raen into excesses, destmctive of aU order. It is on this account that governraent, during the pro gress of a revolutionary spirit of the kind, should strengthen theraselves for the occasion, as much by a skilful and liberal direction of this spirit to Its legitimate objects by lawful means, as by a bold and uncompromising resistance and repres sion of every iUegal act. On this account, also, it is that a renunciation of Fetish, by the general 160 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON mass of the people, is by no means desirable, unless it should be supplanted by Christianity vrith its peaceable fruits. The local government upon the Gold Coast must have the candour to acknow ledge its obligations to Fetish, as a police agent. Without this powerful aUy, it wovdd have been found Impossible to raaintain that order, which has characterized the country during the last twenty years, with the physical force of the government. The extraordinary security afforded to property in the raost reraote districts, the great safety with which packages of gold of great value are trans raitted by single raessengers for hundreds of mUes, and the facUity with which lost or stolen property is generaUy recovered, have excited the astonish ment of Europeans newly arrived in the country. , But while much of this exceUent poUce has been due to the energetic raeasures of the local government, the superstitious fears exercised over the rainds of the people by the Fetish, have also had a powerful controUing influence which ought not to be lost sight of During these years, so little complicated were the relations of society, so unvarying its usages, so great the subordination of its different ranks, and so rare the commission of crime, that a few magistrates, assisted by a small body of police, were found perfectly suffi- THE GOLD COAST. 161 cient for all the purposes of good order. But daUy experience now shows that this system is no longer adequate to the present circumstances of the people. The government has now to exer cise a raore extensive and subdirided watchfulness over the masses. The obedience which the slave formerly unhesitatingly yielded to his master, the dependent and feudal retainer to his chief, and the general body of the people to their Fetish obser vances and obligations, concentrated the controUing power vrithin such a narrow compass, and, at the same time, maintained this power in such perfect efficiency, that the government had only to keep a watchful eye over these directing influences, in order to secure its object, the general order and peace of the country. If these agents had been content not to abuse their authority, the same system would no doubt have been continued in aU its original efficiency to the present tirae ; but the cause of social pro gress would not have advanced with the rapidity which their abuse of their privileges has occa sioned. The oppressions of masters, the tyranny of chiefs, and the extortions of the Fetishman having exposed them, on various occasions, to pun ishment, their authority feU into contempt ; and hence arises the necessity of the government to 162 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON substitute new checkSj to replace those restraints, which are daUy losing some portion of their effi ciency, and wiU soon become obsolete. Happy wUl it be for the Gold Coast population, if the government has the wisdom and the power to carry them peaceably through such a moral and social revolution. Their very docUe disposition is our surest ground of hope ; but we must take care to direct this disposition to its legitimate objects, by fortifying those minds which are throwing off the yoke of the Fetish with a purer religion. InteUigent natives, who have the penetration to see the tendency of Christian instruction, and the other civUizing influences in active operation, tremble for the consequences of a struggle be tween the two great principles of civiUzation and barbarism, which are beginning to form the people into distinct camps. They see the ancient landmarks of society disappearing, and attribute much of it to the roguery of the Fetishmen, who, by their extortions, have alienated the aUegiance of the Fetish-worshippers, and have branded the whole system with the character of imposture. They look for the preservation of order to the re forraation of the Fetishmen, and would gladly see sorae Luther arise among their ranks, to sweep away the abominations which have been heaped THE GOLD COAST. 163 upon the primitive simplicity of their worship. They feel no enmity to Christianity ; for they see that it inculcates peace, order, and a higher regard for the rights of individuals, and for the general good. But they have no faith in its becoming the rule of Ufe of the multitude, who can only, they think, be kept in check by the power of the Fetish. There are a few, again, who would wish to see the Christians persecuted and utterly exterminated. They have no favour for education, and cannot see the gradual progress of civUization without a wish to cmsh it entirely. These are not so much bigoted zealots, as alarmed for an invasion of many of their privileges, which the Fetish super stition enables thera to secure. The Fetishmen themselves, with the short-sighted blindness natural to a very long practice of low cunning, though aware of the necessity, do not seem to yield much of their pretensions. It appears im possible to shake their faith in the credulity of their dupes. This, indeed, is not to be wondered afc, when we find their own minds, in spite of their knowledge of the infamous impositions to which they have recourse, deeply imbued with a superstitious dread of the Fetish. The very men who have spent a lifetime in obvious and pal- 164 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON pable trickery, seek relief in the same mummeries, in their own misfortunes. Can there be a better eridence of the doubting principles of a creed like this than such a fact ? Weak indeed must be the confidence, cold the emotions, and spudtless the consolations, derived from a source known to be based on lying cheats. The knowledge of this fact, added to a consideration of the foregoing detaUs, wiU afford us, perhaps, the best clue to a proper definition of Fetish, and the hold which It occupies on their minds. Dr. Beecham traces the polytheism of the natives to the foUovring tradition : "It is believed, that in the beginning of the world, God haring created three white and three black men, with an equal number of women of each colour, resolved, in order that they might be left without complaint, to allow them to fix their own destiny, by giring them the choice of good and eril. A large box or calabash was, m consequence, placed upon the ground, together with a sealed paper or letter. The black men had the first choice, who took the calabash, expecting that it contained aU that was desirable ; but upon open ing it, they found only a piece of gold, some iron, and several other metals, of which they did not know the use. The white men opened the paper or letter, and it told thera everything. THE GOLD COAST. 165 "AU this is supposed to have happened in Africa, in which country it is believed God left the blacks, with the choice which their avarice had prorapted them to make, under the care of sub ordinate or inferior deities ; but conducted the whites to the water-side, where he comraunicated with them every night, and taught them to buUd a small vessel, which carried them to another country ; from whence, after a long period, they returned with various kinds of raerchandize, to barter with the blacks, whose perverse choice of gold. In pre ference to the knowledge of letters, had doomed thera to inferiority." Dr. Beechara adds : " Is this notion of the judicial degradation of the blacks traceable to the curse pronounced upon Hara ? And is this again confounded with the result of man's pro bation Ul Paradise? These are interesting ques tions; but however they may be decided, it is certain that in this tradition is to be found the source of those superstitions which enthral raUlions of the negro race." We suspect that this tradition, which Is cor rectly given, does not date its origin further back than the period of the first acquaintance of the natives vrith the Europeans. It seeras to us rather a theory forraed from the observation of the circum- 166 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON stances of their respective conditions, than the fundamental source of their superstitions, which must have existed before the tradition, and which are to be accounted for, simply by a reference to man's natural constitution. Unassisted reason has never yet, we beUeve, led man to entertain just conceptions of the being and attributes of the trae God, The speculations of Plato and of Socrates, founded upon an enlightened contem plation of nature, approach nearest to the truth; but it is raanifest that notwithstanding the clear evidences of power, harmony, and unity, which they observed in creation, their ideas of God were vague and indefinite, and only amounted to a plausible conjecture, not to a beUef on which their minds could securely rest. Heathen nations generaUy have faUen far short of the conclusions to which these great logicians attained. They have been guided more by their spiritual instincts than by reason, and have never arrived at the idea of one God, however much the forms of expression might lead us to think so. The operation of our spiritual instincts is as pow erful, though less discriminating than our physical instincts. The feeUng of hunger impresses man vrith the belief that there is something provided in nature to appease it, and would lead him to THE GOLD COAST. 167 seek to remedy his want, even if he were ignorant of the nature of food. If he is thirsty, he feels that there must be somewhere a remedy for this also. If he is sick, stiU instinct leads him to look for reUef amidst nature's stores. In seeking to gratify those instincts, he might, it is true, take poison for nourishment, and apply remedies which would aggravate his disorder, but tl^e instinct would stUl remain, and lead him to a discovery of the objects in nature calculated to satisfy it. In like raanner, his spiritual instincts urge him to look abroad through nature for relief He feels that for thera also sorae provision has been made ; but he is directed in his search by no certain test, and hence the multiplicity of his objects of worship. Guided by this impulse, the African has stum bled into a belief in a mighty, supernatural, and intelUgent influence, pervading aU created things, but dormant and unconcerned about the affairs of men, until by an act of faith and worship, the idolater has constituted its special abode for the time, aroused its attention, and purchased its serrices, which may be made either subserrient for a blessing, or instrumental for a curse. He is directed in his particular manner of 168 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON worship at aU tiraes by his own fluctuating doubts and fears, for he has no assurance of the forra of worship and rites raost acceptable to his idol, hence his multipUcity of supersti tious observances, his wavering doubts of their efficacy, and the influence of the Fetishmen, who pretend to frequent and famiUar com munication with this supernatural intelligence. Its hold upon the minds of those under Its influence is unbounded; for the faith of innu merable worshippers having given a local habi tation to this intelUgence upon every hand, wherever their extravagant fancies may have directed, and their prayers and sacrifices being supposed to have purchased a fulfUment of their behests, an endless variety of emanations, in con formity with the wUl of the supplicants, is beUeved to be continuaUy proceeding from these idols, which have become, by an act of worship, the consecrated abode of a liring inteUigence; hence a perplexed dread in the mind of the idolater, of becoming at any moment, through misfortune or ignorance, or in answer to the particular prayers offered to an idol, the unhappy butt against whom those subtle influences may direct their inrisible attacks ; hence also the necessity for countervaiUng THE GOLD CO.\ST. 169 observances, charms, and speUs, to preserve him from such attacks, or to render them abortive. In his raind, and to compare spiritual with material things, the spiritual world may be Ukened to the firmament, with its galaxy of stars, which from its otherwise dark surface shoot innumerable scintiUating rays, each according to its magnitude, and from their combined influence diffuse a light which pervades space. In like raanner, the idolater appears to be subjected to the eyes of an aU- pervading inteUigence, which surrounds him with an atmosphere of mysterious combinations, deeply affecting his destiny. When contemplating the African, under the influence of purely superstitious emotions, we have never been able to remove frora our mind the idea that he regarded the material world as a breathing aniraated raass, watching him frora a countless nuraber of sleepless eyes, which kept hira under continual alarra and restraint. Such appears to us the nature of the superstition known to Europeans under the narae of Fetish. If the account which has been given should fail to leave upon the mind of the reader a clear and inteUigible comprehension of the subject, we must plead the impossibility of bringing light out of darkness, or VOL. II. I 170 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON of escaping entirely frora its inherent mystification. It is enough for us, if, from a higher vantage- ground than the idolaters themselves possess, we have been able to throw upon their benighted superstitions a gUmmering from our own rush light, which may direct other minds more deeply versed in the mysterious operations of the human heart, to a lucid solution of its strange and un accountable vagaries. THE GOLD COA.ST. 171 CHAPTER VII. Strong religious feeling of the natives — Human sacrifices — Success in war attributed to the Fetish — Confidence of the worshippers not destroyed by defeat — Ceremonies observed at the conclusion of a treaty of peace at Appol- lonia — Ordeals — Case of Yow Nacoon — Witchcraft — Curious case of an Akim woman's Fetish — Case of conjuring — Ordeal observed upon suspicion of adultery — Religious feasts — Extraordinary ceremony connected with one of the Cape Coast Fetishes — Computation of time. We have now taken a general view of the people and of their superstitious beUef, and would desire to place before the reader sorae account of their ordinary habits of life ; but this we find irapossible, without being obUged to recur, at every step, to their Fetish practices, so much are they Incorpo rated vrith the every-day occupations and pleasures of the African. It is to be lamented that the heathen should, in this respect, exhibit a more I 2 172 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON . constant, steadfast, and pious dependence upon his idols than the Christian does upon God, and that man, relieved frora his superstitious fears, should so often subside into indifference with but few indications of a reverential and grateful heart. It is rare for thera to orait, morning and evening, to raake some oblation to their Fetish, or to pay then- homage when they eat or drink. They undertake nothing even of ordinary importance, without raising their thoughts to an unseen intelUgence, and pro pitiating it by some observance, whUe humble thank-offerings invariably attend its successful issue. If they were content to confine themselves to this hurable and thankful dependence, we raight regret their ignorance of the true object of worship, whUe we applauded the spirit which dictated it ; but, un fortunately, their beUef in a raultiplicity of deities leads to the Idea of a variety of discordant attri butes, which render necessary a raultitude of observances. Their vague ideas of a future state of rewards and punishraents, araounting practicaUy to a disbelief of such a state, lirait the operation of their spiritual Instincts chiefly to the circurastances of their present existence ; which are all more or less Influenced by them. War is never undertaken by kings or states without consulting the national deities. The Fe- THE GOLD COAST. 173 tishmen " go up to inquire"* of their idols, after sacrifice being made, and unless the response be propitious, they wUl not engage in it. Renewed offerings and sacrifices are made to obtain the favour and assistance of their gods, and a promise of success. This once secured, they meet their ene mies with confidence, relying as much upon the protection of their gods as their own bravery. After victory, the glory of which belongs to the Fetish, they propitiate a continuance of his favour by sacrificing many of the prisoners taken in war. These are considered especiaUy grateful to their tutelary gods. This idea seems to arise from the belief that, in international wars, the protecting deities of one nation are contending against those of the other, and are equaUy interested in the result of the warfare with the mortal corabatants. Fetishraen accompany the warriors to the field,f and urge them to deeds of daring and bravery by the promise of supernatural aid, and by the invo- * Has this practice, which has been so generally followed by the pagans, been derived from the Mosaic system of appeal to the Deity ; or was the latter adopted out of regard to the natural constitution of man, and consequently univer sal .' We believe the latter conjecture to be the true solution. t This custom of the priests attending the army to the npln IQ n1«n nf a veiw En^n^pn^ Aatti _— I7j/7p ^"TllberS XXxl 6 174 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON cations which they never cease to make. Their captive enemies are consequently regarded as the enemies of the victor's Fetish, and no sacrifice is so acceptable as their blood. Hence those whole sale slaughters of vanquished eneinies which attend the rictories of the kings of Ashantee and Daho- raey, proceed not so much from the blood-thirsty disposition of the African, as from a reUgious sense of duty to their gods. Want of success is some times, but not always attributed to the inferiority ofthe gods of the vanquished. The Fetishmen do not easUy give up their defence, and frequently manage to conrince the conquered that their faflure is owing to their displeasure, for the oraission of sorae observances, for national impiety, or for in attention to prescribed ceremonies. After the con quest of Fantee by Sai Tootoo Quamino in 1807, the faith of the Fantees was considerably shaken in the Braffo Fetish Mankassim, which, up to this time, enjoyed an extraordinary shai-e of national favour. The Fetishmen, however, had always been averse to the war, and they now took occasion of this known aversion to excuse then- defeat, and the worshippers were soon brought back to its altars. It is worthy of reraark, that although the Ashantees destroyed Mankassim, they had respect to the Fetish grove in Its immediate neighbourhood. THE GOLD COAST. 175 Treaties of peace and amity are also entered into ¦vrith Fetish ceremonies. Having witnessed several of this description at AppoUonia, we will here give a short description of them. After the capture of the King of AppoUonia, deputies arrived from neighbouring states to enter into a treaty of peace, and among others a party of Assinees. They asserabled under a large tree in the centre of the town, and seated theraselves in two semi-circles, the AppoUonians on one hand, and the Assinees on the other. They then discussed the different articles of the treaty about to be concluded, and evinced the greatest anxiety to obtain a very clear and distinct under standing on each item. Twenty of the AppoUo- nian head men then came a Uttle in advance of their party, and sat down upon the ground ; the Assi nees carefuUy examining their persons, and removing frora them their knives and ornaments, lest they should intercept the virtue of the Fetish. They next addressed them, repeating the nature of the engagement, entering minutely into the different terras of the treaty. When these were aU agreed to, which was not done vrithout sundry explana tions of the light in which the AppoUonians under stood thera, and which showed that faith was ac tuaUy placed in the power of the Fetish by their 176 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON anxious care not to compromise themselves by an imperfect comprehension of their engagements, the Fetishman, or priest, of the Assinees produced a sheU fiUed with sorae odious black compound, which he mixed and stirred with a piece of stick. He then stood up and spread his arms over the Appol- lonians, and evoked the vengeance of the Fetish if they should prove faithless to the treaty. After his invocation, he was about to adrainister the nauseous mixture, when the AppoUonians caUed out loudly to the Assinees first to take a Utde of it into the mouth of a few of theraselves to convince them that there was no poison. This being done, they smeared the tongues of the AppoUonians vrith the stuff in the sheU, and waved it over the otiier AppoUonians standing about, to bring them aU under the binding of the oath. A siraUar proc&ss was then gone through by the AppoUonians admi nistering Fetish to the Assinees, and the cereraony was at an end. It is not necessarily confined to one set form. Upon another occasion we saw green leaves raixed in a calabash with a dark liquid, used as the sacred draught. The head men took a Uttle of it into their mouths, and the remainder was sprinkled over the multitude standing round.f * Here, again, we would appear to have fallen in with an ancient observance — Exodus xxiv, 8. " And Moses took THE GOLD COAST. 177 In their judicial proceedings, also, the Fetish element predominates. We have already adverted to the Edura draught, which Is admmistered to discover guilt; many other ordeals are also had recourse to, for as the constitution of the African mind leads the people to attribute misfortune and death to supernatural causes, they are constantly employing Fetish practices to discover the guUty. An instance of this description occurred near Anamaboe, about sixteen years ago, which will serve as an Ulustration. At the viUage of Aggrey- fooah, a man of the narae of Yow Nacoon, was seized with a lingering illness which seeraed to set at defiance aU the nostrums of the doctors and Fetishmen. Eggs had been bespattered about the door-posts, strings and rags had been hung up to the branches of his Fetish-tree in the yard, the empty bottle suspended over the door-way had been appealed to, charms had been tied about his person, stones encircled with rags and feathers, bread besmeared vrith palm-oU, yaras nailed to the ground vrith stakes, and white fowls sacrificed, aU to appease the evU spirit, and In vain — he died. The Abrah Fetish was consulted, with the view the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said. Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Lord hath made with you respecting all these words." : 3 178 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON of discovering the author of his death. His family were ordered to appeal to the dead man, which was done in the foUowing manner. The inhabitants of Aggreyfooah were assembled upon a spot near the viUage, seating themselves in a circle according to their different wards or divisions. In the centre of this circle a stake was set up, covered with leaves and branches. The corpse was then brought out on a sheU, and was carried on the heads of bearers. The Fetish drums kept beating all the time, as the bearers danced round the circle. At last they carae to a dead halt before one of the divisions of the town. They appeared to strain every muscle and nerve to go forward, but no sooner had they extended a foot than they were pulled back by some invisible power. On every side, the same controling influence restrained them, and there they reraained, straggling and puUing against the spirit, untU overcome by their ej^rtions they sunk under the body to the ground. The other divisions iramediately rose up, and declared the raurderer of Yow Nacoon to be one of the division before which the dead raan's spirit had compeUed the bearers to halt. This proceeding had been carried on amidst the niiise of the Fetish druras accorapanied by dancing, and araidst the fears of the assembled divisions lest THE GOLD COAST. 179 the lot should fall upon thera. They now carried the body to the rillage, and passed round in the sarae raanner aU the houses of the guUty division. The bearers at last halted involuntarily before one of the houses, where of course the raurderer was declared to be. AU the inmates of the house were now subjected to a similar ordeal, and the spirit corapelled the bearers to fall at the feet of an old man named Cogo Fee, who was unanimously pro nounced a wizard.* He was drowned at night by the head raen of the viUage ; and the knowledge of this circurastance did not corae to the ears of the English authorities untU fourteen years afterwards, when aU the circurastances were fully confessed, and the perpetrators conderaned to iraprisonraent for a number of years. Of course it had been preriously arranged who the rictiras of this ordeal should be, and the bearers had been instracted to act accordingly. Witchcraft is a crirae which entaUs by the Afri can laws not only death upon the witch or wizard, but death or bondage upon their relations also. It is chiefly discovered by the Fetishraen, who suit * We have, in the Old Testament, a trial by lot, of a similar description, descending from tribes to families and individuals, although we have no account of the process. — Vide Joshua vii, 16, 17, 18, 19. 180 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON their own purposes In denouncing the guUty. If sudden iUness or death should overtake a person, who had chanced to have a quarrel with another, this other is supposed to have bewitched him, and rarely escapes punishment. Appeals are also made to the Fetish by persons accused of witchcraft to be reUeved frora the false imputation, and If de clared innocent, heavy penalties are decreed against the accuser. Persons are frequently charged with haring in their possession dangerous Fetishes, which bring calamities upon their neighbours. A curious case of this description was brought under the author's notice. A native of Akim sumraoned a Fetish- woman before him, whom he accused of haring caused the death of a number of his relations. His story was, that this woman and her famUy were slaves of an Akim chief, who had died. The Fetish was consulted as to the cause of his death, and pro nounced it to be owing to this woraan's bad Fetish. She was seized in consequence, and was about to be put to death, when she contrived to escape, car rying her Fetish with her. Some time afterwards, she was discovered in another part of the country by a member of the Akim chief's family, who assaulted and beat her, and knocked her Fetish, which she was carrying, off her head. Enraged at THE GOLD COAST. 181 this treatment, the woman poured out a libation of rura before her Fetish, and invoked its wrath upon the aggressor's famUy. Since that time, six mem bers of his family had died, and a seventh was labouring under a mortal disease at the time he made his complaint. These raisfortunes he attri buted to the woman's curse, and he pleaded that she ought to be delivered up to him in the first place as his slave, and in the next, that he raight deprive her of her Fetish. Nothing could exceed the earnestness with which he pleaded his cause, and the superstitious terrors under which he was labouring were evidenced in the tremor of his accents, and in the heavy drops of perspiration which rained down frora his face. The woraan acknowledged that she was his slave, and that her daughter and four chUdren were stUl in bondage at his house at Akira. It was six years since she escaped from that country flying for her Ufe. She admitted having invoked her Fetish to curse her master's house in the heat of her passion ; but it was a long time ago. She did not, however, appear to deny that she beUeved the misfortunes of his house to be owing to the anger of her Fetish. Indeed, there was visible in her deportment an air of satisfied triuraph in the power of it. She prayed with great earnestness, that she 182 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON might not be deprived of it, as she obtained her living by its assistance. It was represented to her, that she had been at least guilty of the murder of the heart, as she had faith in the efficacy of her Fetish when she invoked the curse upon her mas ter ; and that whUe he as well as herself enter tained this belief, it was not proper that she should be aUowed to keep such a dangerous Fetish. It is very difficult to deal with such cases as these, as it is utterly impossible to reason with them upon the subject. In the present case, it was arranged that the Fetish should be taken from the woman, and that she should be free frora her raaster. But it was not sufficient to deprive her of the Fetish alone ; the Akira man wished it to be delivered to him, that he might carry it back to his country, and appease its wrath, by worshipping it and sacrificing to it, in order that the curse might be removed. Without it. In fact, he considered himself lost, as he believed that unless he had the opportunity of appeasing it, he hiraself and all his family woiUd inevitably perish. Advantage was taken of this feeling to obtain the freedom of the woman's family, and the Fetish was to be delivered up to him, only upon their being immediately restored to the woman free. He eagerly consented to this THE GOLD COAST. 183 arrangement, but the woman seeraed to prefer the Fetish to her chUdren, and it was only by compul sion that she reUnquished it. Her daughter and her four grand-chUdren were handed over to her vrith certificates of freedom, and the Fetish was given to the Akim man. Sorae idea may be formed of the effect of this superstition upon their minds, when it induced this raan to part with five slaves and to travel a distance of raore than a hundred railes to get possession of the Fetish, and led the woraan to esteem it of more value than her children. It was brought into court carefully covered over with a white cloth, which, on being reraoved, gave to view a brass pan containing a lump of clay with parrot's feathers stuck in it. With this dread god, the poor man went away greatly relieved in mind ; but the awe-struck manner in which he placed it on his servant's head showed with what a superstitious fear he handled it ; whUe the woman, now reconciled to the sacrifice which she had made, consoled herself with the belief that Yaukumpon* would direct her in the selection of a new Fetish. It may be thought absurd in an European to entertain such cases at all, but unless we were to hear them, they would * God. 184 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON settle the matter in their own way by kUling the whole faraUy. Neither would it have been suffi cient to destroy the Fetish, as their superstitious terrors would stUl have haunted them, and induced them to have recourse to new cruelties. The Fetishmen are applied to alraost in every concern of life, to detect thefts, adultery, and the perpetrators of every crime against society, as well as to avert raisfortune, to procure a blessing, and to reveal future events. Applicants for priestly aid carry with thera presents to the Fetishmen,* and often impoverish and enslave themselves in their eagerness to secure their services. Such credulity exists among the people, that the most barefaced impostures frequently pass unnoticed and un redressed, and it is only when serious calamities overtake them, through this agency, that a magis trate is applied to. We vyUl here relate a case of conjuring which was brought under our notice some time ago. A woman belonging to Cormantine, suramoned a Fetishman of Dixcove to answer the charge of having falsely accused her son of theft, on account * This custom of carrying presents to the Fetishmen appears similar to the practice foUowed in ancient times, upon apphcation made to the prophets — Saul to Samuel, Naomato EUsha, Benhadad to Elisha, &c., &c. THE GOLD COAST. 185 of which she herself and her chUdren had been sold to raake restitution for the property aUeged to have been stolen, and to pay the services of the Fetishraan. It appeared that a neighbour of this woman had lost his foutra, or purse, said to con tain a great deal of gold. He had recourse to the Dixcove Fetishman to discover the thief, which he pretended to do by means of his conjuring, and fixed the guUt upon the son of the woman ; and afterwards forced her to make good the loss. This Fetishman appeared in court dressed in a white Moorish robe, curiously bound round his waist with a girdle. On his head was a mitre- shaped hat of fine matting. A large string of white and black beads encircled his neck, and hung down over his breast. Small beUs were attached to his dress, and iron castanets were round his ankles, and these made a ringing noise on every movement of his person.* He was a strong young man, with an air of conscious importance in every look and gesture. He admitted at once that he had detected the thief, and had caused him and his mother's family to be sold, to make good the loss. The money gained * The dress of a head Fetishman, whom we have seen at Pram Pram, appeared something Uke a caricature of the High Priest's robes. — Vide Exodus xxix. 186 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON by their sale had been paid to the party the purse was stolen from, after a deduction of five pounds for his own trouble. He acknowledged that he had no evidence whatever of the boy's guUt, nor even of the existence of the purse aUeged to be stolen, except such as he had obtained by conjuring. He was desired to show how he proceeded in this matter ; and he cooUy took out from a pouch which he carried at his side six leathern thongs, and threw them upon the floor, saying, these had given him the information. He was asked in what manner, and he proceeded to twist the thongs, and to place the ends of them in a confused heap, and having done so, said that they were now speaking to him, and stiU telling him that the boy was the thief Being asked if he thought we could hear what the thongs were saying, he answered that we might, if we would look at them in the right way ; upon which, we pretended to examine them curi ously, and then said, that we now understood them, but that they did not speak the same language to us as to hira. He asked what they said, and was told that they coramanded him, the Fetishraan, to be iraraediately tied up and flogged with them, as a cheat and an Impostor. This sentence, which appeared to give great satisfac tion to a crowd of people assembled in court, was THE GOLD COAST. 187 carried into effect, and the Fetishman received two dozen lashes with his oracular thongs. The woman and her children were moreover redeemed, the Fetish man and his accomplices having been corapeUed to raake restitution. After this, he decaraped frora that part of the country as speedily as possible, much crest-faUen, but only, we believe, to renew his cheats in another district, which the report of his treatraent had not reached. In cases of this description, they raay possibly have sorae grounds of suspi cion, but frequently not, and they are directed to their victims by their utter helplessness. In the case of suspicion of adultery, the woman is carried before the Fetishman, and required to prove her innocence by an ordeal not dIssimUar to that required by the Leritical law.* The bitter draught which she is given to drink is supposed to have the power of bursting her belly in the event of guilt, and the terror of such an ordeal frequently leads to confession. Conriction of this crime with a king's wife is foUowed by death ; and the original law appears to have contemplated this punishment generaUy, but pecuniary compensation is now the practice generaUy of the country. We find the natives keeping general feasts at stated times, which are likewise a part of their * Numbers xxxi, 1 1 . 188 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON religion, and are attended by a great variety of cereraonious observances. The priests compute the time of their approach, and suraraon the people to prepare theraselves to observe thera. National sacrifices and offerings of the first-fraits of harvest are invariably raade, before the kings or people presume to raake use of the new crop ; and In addition to this general solemnity, every indiridual raakes separate offerings for himself and family upon the day that they first eat of it. Ahout the same time that this cereraony is observed. It Is custoraary for aU the males to parade themselves through their villages, and to clear the paths leading to their Fetish groves.* During these processions, they sing aloud the praises of the deities of the country. They are also in the habit of propitiating the gods of the sea to give them abundance of fish in seasons of scarcity. This duty principaUy devolves upon the woraen, who, raarshaUed by a numerous body of Fetishwomen dressed in white, carry greert branches in their hands, and go singing and dancing through the streets. During this cere mony, they caU upon their gods to send them the * Has this custom any connection with the Jewish ordi nance for all the raales to appear before the Lord ? — Vide Deuteronomy xvi, 16. THE GOLD COAST. 189 blessings of " fish, corn, and peace ;" and the wUd clamour of their shriU voices is heard at a great distance, as they continue shouting out, in a musical choras, this short prayer. At the same time, the principal Fetishwomen throw heave-offerings of corn bread, mixed with palm oU, upon aU the rocks and principal Fetishes. In seasons of drought, too, they observe a somewhat simUar practice ; but if rain is long withheld, they go direct to the Braffo Fetish in a grand procession, and seek the intercession of the priests by offerings and sacri fices. Great virtue is supposed to reside in one of the principal Fetishes of Cape Coast, especially in the matter of making the sea propitious for their fish ing ; and upon the occasion of the death of an old Fetishman who ministered at this altar, we remem ber having seen his body, which was tightly bound up in palm-leaves, dragged by a long rope along the beach and through the breakers, surrounded and followed by a numerous crowd of howling worshippers, who had implicit faith in the power of the dead Fetishraan to give them an abun dance of fish. They divide time into weeks, months, and the seasons of the year. The division of the week into even days, for which they have distinct names. 190 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON appears to have always prevaUed among them, as well as the observance of one of those days as a sabbath of rest. The fishermen have set apart Tuesday for their day of rest, whUe the bushmen or agriculturists observe Friday. But in addition to this general ordinance, each indiridual is in the habit of paying great respect to the day of the week on which he was born. On it he dresses hiraself with more than ordinary care, abstains from aU manner of business, and employs it in a more close observance of his Fetish. They have no means of computing a series of years, and can only reckon their age by a reference to coUateral events. In the time of the African Committee, the regularity of the arrival of store-ships annuaUy for the forts, afforded them the nearest approach to the enumeration of time ; and during that period, it was customary to say that a person was so many store-ships old. THE GOLD COAST. 191 CHAPTER VIII. Native marriages — Betrothals — Description of a young virgin — African marriage cards — Causes of divorce — Enslaving nature of the marriage contract — Curious custom observed in reference to girls — Observances at the naming of a chUd — African names — African lovers — Curious case of disappointed affection — Murder of a wife and children — The story of Adjuah Amissah — Circum cision — Customs for the dead — Expensive observances — The cause of slavery — Laws respecting inheritance — Day of annual remembrance — Extraordinary scene — Human sacrifices in Ashantee and Dahomey — Custom made for Governor Maclean. It has been stated, that native contracts of marriage are made by the payment of a certain sum to the relations of the bride,* This sum * In this we have another instance of resemblance be tween the customs of the African and the patriarchal age : — " Ask me never so much dowry and gift, and I wiU give according as ye say unto me ; but give me the damsel to wife." — Genesis xxiv, 12. 192 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON varies according to the rank of the Indiridual, from two ounces of gold (£8) to four ackles and a half (£1 2s. 6d.) ; but it is more frequently paid in goods than in gold. Betrothals often take place long before the female has arrived a marriageable age — soraetimes even before she is born. Such being the case, it is needless to say that the in clinations of the lady are little consulted. A desire to be connected with the family of a friend induces the African frequently to betroth mere chUdren, which he does by presenting the parents with a flask or two of rum, and a piece of cloth. The acceptance of these destines their offspring to be the wife of the donor. There is, in consequence, great dissimUarity of ages ; the chUd of fourteen being often united to the man of fifty. But the prevalence of polygamy makes this cus tom a hardship only on the part of the female, as the man has, in his youth and manhood, been already joined to several wives of more appropriate ages. This betrothal, however, is held perfectly binding on the faraily of the girl, who is henceforth regarded as the wife of the person betrothing her, and who narrowly watches her conduct, and fre quently deraands and receives compensation for the most innocent and unsuspecting liberties which she raay allow other men to take with her. THE GOLD COAST. 193 Upon arrival at the a'ge of marriage, which in this precocious country takes place about the thirteenth year, the girl is dressed out with most extraordinary care in rich silks, borrowed in many instances for the occasion. Her hair is completely covered with golden ornaments, consisting of doubloons, sovereigns, figures of serpents, fish, aUigators, and crosses. Chains of gold hang down over her bosom, which is left uncovered, and her tawny skin is exquisitely painted in very delicate lines of white chalk, giring her the appearance of having on a tightly fitting vest of the finest lace. Armlets and anklets of gold encircle her wrists and feet, whUe the silk robe extending from the waist to the ankle is gracefully fitted over a neat bustle, and corapressed by raeans of a broad sUk girdle around her loins. There is often an appearance of great elegance in the naked simpli city of this attire, weU suited to set off to advan tage the trim little figures of the young virgins, whose deUcate features, sparkling eyes, beautiful teeth, soft velvety skin, and fine rounded breasts, greatly add to the charm of their appearance. There is, especially at this early age, an air of grace, of lively gaiety and effeminate softness, about the young African girl, which gives to her move- VOL. II. K 194 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON ments great beauty and gracefulness, and fiUs the mind with such agreeable impressions as we expe rience when contemplating a fine picture, a beauti ful horse, or the airy and natural elegance of the young fawn. We see in her every glance, and in the unpremeditated ease of her motions, the buoyant elasticity of youth and health, reveUing in the glad joyousness of mere animal existence. As soon as she has been properly attired, she is paraded through the streets, attended by a nume rous escort of her own sex, one of whom holds an umbreUa over her head, to protect her from the sun, or rather, perhaps, to aid the effect of her elaborate toilet. They attract the notice of the inhabitants by singing a loud psean in honour of her virginity, giring the bachelors to understand that she has arrived at the marriageable age. Soon after this event, if she has been preriously betrothed, she is led home to her husband ; or, if not betrothed, the pubUcity thus given to her charms soon attracts to her suitors for her hand. Previous to the consummation of the marriage ceremony, rum, tobacco, and pipes are given by the husband to the bride's famUy, which are distri buted among the more immediate friends and relations, as proofs of their honourable aUiance, a THE GOLD COAST. 195 species of " marriage cards" in fact, to notify the event. In addition to this, a more general notifi cation is sometimes given by a long procession of people, sent to the husband's house with presents of bread, yams, plantains, oU, fruits, and sheep, which they carry through the streets on their heads at the same time that they sing a song in honour of the event. These preliminaries having been gone through, the bride is led to the house of the new husband, who gives a feast to his friends upon the occasion. It might be supposed that enough had now been done to acquaint the world they live in vrith aU that it was necessary to know of the married couple. But "the spirit of jealousy," which in the African takes the form of a strong instinct, requires an evidence of the lady's purity. In the event of the husband being satisfied on this iraportant point, he is obliged, as the Africans emphaticaUy express It, "to give her chalk" — that is to say, he sprinkles her over the head, neck, shoulders, and breast with a thick powdering of white chalk, and sends her through the streets, accompanied by a train of singing damsels, who proclaim the praises and the honour of the young bride. But if he brings a palaver to the famUy — that is, if he accuse them of having 196 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON passed off upon him a girl hot a virgin, then he is entitled, if his accusation be found correct, to a restitution of the money expended in dowry to his wife, as weU as the ordinary expenses attending the marriage, and, moreover, he can at once repudiate her. If there be truth in the accusation, the girl's family often persuade him to patch up the matter and hide her shame ; but if it be groundless, he is eaUed before the elders, by the girl's father, who is required to produce " the tokens of her virginity."* This being done to the satisfaction of the judges, the husband is bound to pay damages for defama tion, and the girl may if she pleases repudiate him without being obliged to make restitution of the dowry. The desire for offspring is particularly strong among the African woraen, barrenness being con sidered a great reproach. It is the cause of much discord between husband and wife, and frequently leads to separations. Among the higher classes, a slave girl is generaUy given by the bride's faraily, to attend upon her in her husband's house. This slave, in many instances, becomes the concubine of the husband ; and her mistress, when she has no * The practice, in cases of this nature, corresponds exactly with the Mosaical law. — Vide Deuteronomy xxii, 13—22. THE GOLD COAST. 197 chUdren of her own,'regards the offspring of her maid as her own progeny.* Among the poorer classes the man and the woman soraetiraes Uve together, without any dowry havhig been paid, or only a single bottle of rura for the friends to drink upon the occasion. In such eases, the husband generaUy resides with the faraily of his wife, and gives his services to eke out the means of their coraraon subsistence. Owing to the little community of interest between husband and wife, to which we have already adverted in our general view of the construction of society, and which leads them to consider theraselves indivi duaUy as members of distinct famiUes, separations are of frequent occurrence, and easUy raade ; the vrife, under such circumstances, invariably retuming with her chUdren to her mother's family. The causes of this separation are various. If the husband neglect his wife for a length of time to bestow his favours upon a rival, or gros,sly mal treats her, she may leave him without making restitution of her dowry ;t but if she has become * Of this we have also instances in the Scriptures, Sarai and Hagar, Leah and Zilpah, Rachel and BUhah, Hannah and Peninnah. t Exodus xxi, 10, 11. 198 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON tired of the connection, and vrishes to leave him without cause, she is compeUed to repay him the original dowry paid for her, vrith aU other expenses and presents, which he raay have made ; and if she has chUdren, she has to pay him four ackies and a half (22s. 6d.) for every chUd which she has bore to him, as a reward for his proper fulfil ment of the connubial duties. This latter part of the arrangement is often coraproraised, by the mother aUowing her sons to remain with their father ; but in this case he has no pecuniary claim upon them, and cannot sell or pawn them. Sometimes, not being able to make restitution of the expenses made by her husband on her ac count, she leaves her chUdren in pawn to him for the amount; and they are obliged to serve him, until this sum, with 50 per cent of interest, has been made good. From causes like this, chUdren have often become pawns and slaves in their father's house for life, and have descended as such to those who have succeeded him in the famUy inheritance. Connubial infideUty is punished by fine or damages awarded to the husband, which vary according to the rank of the individual froni £1 to £10 ; and where polygamy prevaUs to such an extent, such a crime is of frequent occur- THE GOLD COAST. 199 rence. Indeed, many husbands make a trade of the fraUty of their wives, and encourage them in their infidelity. But if the wife and the adulterer should prefer to live together, the latter may obtain her as his wife, by the payment of the husband's expenses on her account, without any additional compensation for the injury. This arrangement, however, stiU leaves the vrife liable to her new husband for this sum ; and she cannot separate from him without making restitu tion. Even the death of the wife does not release her famUy from the debt of the dowry, which has either to be repaid, to the husband, or another wife substituted by them In her place, upon whom the same debt in like manner devolves. And as her famUy are not released by her death ; so neither is she at Uberty to retum to them upon the death of her husband, Unless she can pay to his successor the' debt of dowry, she is compeUed to become his wife also. The brother thus frequently becomes the husband of a brother's wife, or a nephew of his uncle's, according to the order of succession. A decent interval, however, is aUowed to elapse before this second marriage is consummated, and sometiraes the successor does not not seem in clined to marry her at aU ; but if another should have intercourse with her in the raeantime. 200 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON damages are exacted as if she had been reaUy married.* It is thus seen, that the wife in this part of Africa is regarded by the husband in the light of a pawn or pledge for the repayment of the money given to her famUy as dowry ; and when we con sider with what great facility the husband can add to the araount of the original debt, by other ex penses incurred either by his vrife or chUdren, we readily perceive the very enslaring nature of the raarriage contract. We have been thus particular in describing the laws regulating marriage, as it will afford the reader an opportunity of seeing how deep are the foundations of African slavery, since they are consequent upon the very propagation of the race. A curious custom, originating in the super stitious belief of the people, prevaUs among them, in reference to a girl after conception. As soon as it becomes generaUy apparent that she is with child, her friends and neighbours set upon her, and drive her to the sea, pelting her vrith mud, * By a reference to the thirty-eighth chapter of Genesis, the reader has a good illustration of this -practice ; and even in the meeting of Judah with his daughter-in-law, Tamar, he has before him an account of circumstance which might occur any day upon the coast of Africa. THE GOLD COAST. 201 and covering her with dust. During this operation they abuse her vehemently ; and conclude the ceremony by tumbling her over among the waves. She returns unmolested to her house; and the Fetishwoman binds charms of strings and parrot's feathers about her wrists, ankles, and neck, mut tering a dark speU aU the whUe, to keep away bad luck and evU spirits. Without passing through this ordeal, they believe that her chUdbirth would be unfortunate. It is considered very disgraceful to utter any cry of impatience during the pains of labour. The African mother must endure the pangs of nature with a stoical indifference, if she would not incur the taunts and reproaches of her neighbours. Upon those occasions, they make use of stools, such as were employed by the Hebrew and Egyptian women of old, and are generaUy sur rounded by a crowd of visitors. After chUdbirth, the mother remains unclean for seven days ; and continues " in the blood of her purification," for even a longer period than was prescribed by the Levitical law. After the first seven days, during which she can touch nothing without rendering it unclean, she is perraitted to attend to ordinary affairs within doors, but she cannot go from home, or take part in any cere- " 3 202 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON raony, untU the period of her purification be com pleted. She then makes her sacrifice and offermgs to her Fetish, is afterwards dressed out with extraordinary care, with a profusion of golden ornaments and rich cloths, and pays visits to her friends. On these occasions, she is accompanied by a band of singing women, who sing a song of thankfulness for her safe delivery. In these songs they express their gratitude, not only to the Fetish, but to aU the inhabitants, considering that she is indebted in part to them for her recovery; for, inasrauch as no iU-luck had befaUen her, it is erident that no one had wished her harm or be witched her, or given her up to the vengeance of their Fetishes. The very cordial manner in which they are in the habit of expressing their thanks to the indiriduals upon whom they make calls, perfectly conveys the impression, that they really believe themselves under the greatest obUga tions for their good-will and forbearance, of which they have sufficient proofs in the mere absence of misfortune. Eight days after birth the chUd receives its name from its father, who proceeds with some friends to the house of the mother, if she does not reside in the same house with hiraself, which rarely is the case at such a time, as she almost THE GOLD COAST. 203 invariably returns to her mother's house at this critical juncture. The father and his friends seat themselves in a circle at the gate of the house. The chUd is then brought out, and handed to him. After a short address and blessing, he bestows a name upon it, caUing it generaUy after some deceased relation, or some particular friend StiU living, who assists at the ceremony, which consists in squirting a little rum from his mouth into the child's face. Libations are then poured out to the Fetish to propitiate his favour for the chUd, and the christening concludes with a jubUee among the friends. In addition to this narae, however, the chUd takes another from the moment of its birth, derived from the day of the week on, which it was born. These are for : MALES. FEMALES. Sunday Quashie Accoossuah. Monday Cudjoe Adjuah. Tuesday Quabino Abnebah. Wednesday Quacoe Eccooah. Thursday Quow Abbah. Friday Cofee Effooah. Saturday Quamino Ambah. UntU the chUd has arrived at an age to be of some use to its father in carrying on his occu pation, whatever it may be, he gives himself very 204 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON little anxiety about its training. He may occa sionally be seen nursing it, and amusing himself with its prattle, beguUing an indolent hour in this manner ; but raore frequently he leaves it entirely to its mother's care. f It is thus brought up, principaUy, in the society of woraen and grown-up people, who place no restraint upon their conversation on account of ; its presence ; but, on the contrary, speak and act as if their words and actions could have no effect upon its raind, and were not understood. It thus becoraes faraUiar with thoughts, feeUngs, passions, and actions vrith astonishing precocity, and frequently startles us as often by its dis gusting language, indicative of the foul pictures of life becorae farailiar to its raind, as by its old-fashioned conceits of worldly wisdom. If the parents be engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which the man and the woman alike take a part, they are always accompanied to their plantations by their chUd, who has a sraaU hoe placed in its hand to assist In the labour, at an age when its ^ serrices can be of little moraent. In like raanner, even before it can handle any irapleraent, it is carried about everywhere on its raother's back, seated upon a large bustle, and strapped round her by her upper garment. Thus roughly cradled. THE GOLD COAST. 205 it is inured to all weathers and every kind of hardship, being carried about by the mother, whether she be engaged in carrying water from the pond, firewood from the forest, corn or vegetables to the market — in grinding her cora, or in hawking her petty merchandize through the streets. This rude nursing is, generaUy speaking, so ^ severe, that a very large per centage of chUdren die in infancy. Those who escape this fate, ^ undergo a variety of diseases incident to their mode of nurture, and until the ages of five or six years, their health seldom appears confirmed. A woman has seddora raore than six or seven chUdren, although we have known instances of as raany as a dozen ; but the average does not, at aU events, exceed five, and of these, perhaps, no more than two or three arrive at maturity. If the father be a fisherraan, his chUd Is to be seen at sea with hira in his fraU canoe, and handling a paddle, which he has as yet scarcely the strength to lift. Indeed, no sooner are the senses of the chUd awakened to the realities of Ufe, than it becomes initiated into aU the practical concerns which occupy the very Uraited attention of the parents ; and as these are confined to the necessities, habits, and customs of a very simple \ 206 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON and primitive mode of Ufe, its education is readUy and almost intuitively acquired. Marriage takes place at an early age. The enjoyments of the African being chiefly of an animal nature, he delivers himself up to the gratification of his passions, unrestrained by any considerations except those of an irresolute pru dence, which forms but a fraU safeguard for rirtue. Their frequent dances and merry-makings in the streets on moonUght nights, their often- recurring seasons of Fetish festirities, and their nightly serenadings, in aU of which the raales and females indiscriminately take a part, afford oppor tunities of forming Zzaisons which often disconcert the bestrlaid matrimonial schemes. There is in deed a freemasonry among the young, which begets a mutual understanding, which laughs at bolts and bars and aU manner of restrictions, and compresses, into a few stolen moments, the sorrow ful tale of kindred hearts. It has sometimes been remarked, that the Africans are insensible to the tender passion, or that with them it merely amounts to instinctive indulgence. We by no means agree with this view of the case. Their love may, it is true, be unaccorapanied by the roraance, and sentiment, and refineraent, which form the great charm THE GOLp COAST. 207 of European attachments and of poetical descrip tion ; but it is frequently distinguished by an order and a constancy full of distracting fears and doubts, and seeks its gratification, regardless of the greatest sacrifices. The African rashes into battle, shouting the name of his lady-love to inspire him to deeds of daring ; the canoeman gives additional vigour to the stroke of his paddle at the mention of her name ; the weary hammock- bearer plucks up a new spirit through the same aU- powerfiil speU, and the solitary wayfarer beguUes the tediousness of his journey by a song in her praise. WhUe seated round our watch-fires at AppoUonia, we have frequently Ustened with a pleased attention to the fond pictures of home and love, on which their imaginations were wont to dwell, caUing up ideas of increased fondness and attachment on the part of sweethearts and vyives, frora the dangers which they had encoun tered, the prevaUing sentiraent in the minds of the speakers being that of the swarthy Moor, " She loved me for the dangers I had pass'd, And I loved her, that she did pity them." The obstacles thrown in the way of the union of lovers, occasionaUy lead to very disastrous con sequences. We wiU raention an instance of this 208 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON kind which occurred sorae years ago. An attach ment sprung up between two young people, residing in the village of Aissam, in the Fantee country. The girl was a pawn of her lover's father, who could not be persuaded to aUow them to raarry. He could not prevent thera, however, from cherishing a mutual passion in secret, which they were not sufficiently prudent to conceal from public notice. Reports of their too great Intimacy reached his ears, and he determined to put an end to the annoyance by espousing the girl himself. His son earnestly reraonstrated with him upon the cruelty of his conduct, declared the vdolence and sincerity of his passion, which it was impos sible for him to overcome, and predicted the misery which must attend such an union. The poor girl entreated him vrith tears and prayers ; but he remained obdurate, and made use of the power of a master to bend thera to his will. This Ul-oraened raarriage was at length consum mated ; but the spirit of jealousy which took pos session of the husband, made it the fruitful source of raisery to him. Every look and action of the wife were misconstrued. It was gall and worm wood to him to see her speak to his son, and the loving glances of mutual inteUigence, which they knew not how to hide, were requited with great THE GOLD COAST. 209 harshness and cmelty. It did not appear that any improper intercourse had taken place between the lovers ; but the jealous fears of the husband would not allow him to believe them innocent. He persecuted his wife with great bitterness, and at last stripped her of her garments, and turned her out into the streets to be the laugh and scoff of her neighbours. This treatment was raore than she could bear. She went to her lover, reproached him as being the cause of her great misery, and besought him, swearing a great oath by the chiefs of the country, by Sir Charles M'Carthy and by the Fetish, to put an end to her sorrows and her raisery, by shooting her, and afterwards kUlIng hiraself. Highly ex asperated, at seeing the state to which the object of his affections was reduced, and giving way in an evU raoraent, to the influence of the passions which had so long been consuraing him, he rushed into his house, seized his musket, and shot the wretched girl through the heart. He then took a knife and cut his own throat; but the wound not being mortal, he was brought to the hospital at Cape Coast, where he recovered only to be tried for the. raurder, and afterwards to be hanged — a fate, perhaps, scarcely raerited, when we consider the aggravated nature of the feeUngs under which he 210 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON committed the rash act. It ended the miseries of a life for ever clouded by the gloomy horrors of an unfortunate attachment. Another -rictim of the laws, which regulate the system of huraan pawns, was guilty of a shocking murder, the result also of outraged affection. Haring incurred a debt, he undertook to place his wife and chUd in pawn to his creditor, prorided he was not able to pay it by a certain day. As the time approached, and he saw no means of satisfying the demands upon him, without the fulfilment of his cmel agreement, he shrank from the thought of giving over into the custody of another, those who were naturaUy so dear to him. Under the influence of the harrowed feelings, to which this idea gave rise, he stabbed his vrife and chUd, and then laid violent hands upon himself. The fame of Adjuah Amissah, a native of Cape Coast, is stiU kept fresh in the raeraory of the natives, by the songs which they sing in honour of her death. People are stUl alive, who remember the great beauty which hurried her to an early grave. She became the object of a devouring passion on the part of a young man of Cape Coast. Her relations, considering that her charms authorized thera to expect a better aUiance, refused to admit his addresses. This rejection so preyed THE GOLD COAST. 211 upon the mind of the disappointed lover, that his life became insupportable, and he determined to sacrifice himself to his passion. He resolved, how ever, that Adjuah Amissah's famUy should dearly rue having spurned his suit, and in the spirit of an inextinguishable vengeance he shot himself, attributing his death to his unrequited love, and invoking his famUy to retaliate it upon his murderess. It is the principle of the Fantee law, to risit the cause of such a calamity with a simUar retribution, and when a person puts himself to death, " upon the head of another," as they express it — that is, attributes the cause of his act to another's conduct — that other is required to undergo a like fate. The famUy of the unhappy girl endeavoured to avert this fate by offering to pay a large sum in gold ; but nothing but her death would satisfy the vengeance of the youth's relations, and they ap pealed to the native authorities to vindicate their laws. AU the mercy which could be extended to Adjuah Amissah, was to aUow her a few days to laraent with her friends her untimely end, and to have a silver buUet put into the musket with which she was compeUed to deprive herself of life. She employed the few days of respite, in singing 212 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON with her young friends her farewell dirge, and com pleted the cruel sacrifice by shooting herself These instances wUl show, that the love of the African is more than a raere aniraal instinct. Both men and women are at the greatest pains to render theraselves mutuaUy agreeable to each other. With this view, they decorate themselves with much care, and indulge freely in the greatest coquetry. They frequently exchange love tokens, and watch over the objects of their affection vrith a jealous eye. Contentions about a lover are of frequent occurrence, and lead to much strife and litigation. Amours are often carried on secretly, without the knowledge of relatives ; but if a man betrays a virgin, he is compeUed to marry her or to pay the price of her dowry, if the parents wiU not consent to the marriage.* Women are considered unclean at particular periods, and are not aUowed to touch anything In the house, or to approach their husbands. If they should accidentally transgress this law, they are subjected to heavy penalties. In sorae parts of the * Exodus xxii, 16, "And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, he shall surely endow her to be his wife." 17, "If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of rirgins.'' THE GOLD COAST. 213 country, and especiaUy at Dixcove, they are not aUowed to come into the house, or even to the town ; smaU huts being erected for them in the bush, where they remain until the period of puri fication. Circumcision is practised amongthe natives of Accra. This rite is perforraed about the age of twelve or thirteen, the tirae observed by the descendants of Ishraael. They can give no other account of the origin of this practice, than that it had always been the custora of their an cestors. The cereraonies observed upon occasions of death occupy a large portion of their attention. In view of this event, the head of a faraily sura mons around his death-bed his relations. He in structs thera about the state of his affairs, and how his property was acquired, and how to be dis posed of. He Is raost particular to furnish thera vrith proofs respecting the acquisition of his pawns and slaves, raentions the names of the witnesses to the transactions, the circurastances under which they took place, and the suras paid for thera, in order that his successor may be enabled to defend his rights, in the event of their attempting to ob tain their liberty or rederaption at the death of their raaster. He also recounts the names of his 214 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON debtors, vrith the sums which they owe to him, as weU as the debts which he owes to others.* His death-bed declarations, made in the presence of responsible witnesses, are always received as evi dence in the event of litigation afterwards. Hav ing made these arrangements, he calmly resigns himself to death, apparentiy unconcerned ahout a future state. No sooner has the breath left the body than a loud waiUng laraentation is heard proceeding from the house. The woraen rush into the streets with disordered dress and disheveUed hair, and utter wUd sobbings and bursts of grief. There is some thing pecuUarly heart-rending in the mournfid accents of their voices. We have seen a mother suddenly bereaved of her chUd per fectly frantic with despair, violentiy beating her breast, and uttering such sharp agonizing screams, as the most acute bodily suffering could alone seem fit to eUcit. The sting of a serpent, or the appUcation of some horrible instrament of torture, * Tlie manner in which Jacob on his death-bed instructs his sons respecting the nature of their right to the cave in the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite, from the chUdren of Heth, is an exceUent iUustration of the custom upon the Gold Coast. — Vide Genesis xlix, 28, 32. THE GOLD COAST. 215 could not produce more excruciating distortions than we behold them suffering, whUe writhing imder the first stroke of their bereavement. Nature cannot long endure this vehemence of grief, and graduaUy they subside into a low monotonous dirge, broken by painful fits of sobbing and fresh bursts of uncontrollable anguish. Sometimes they lie low on the ground, unconsciously paddling vrith their fingers in the dust, and moistening it with their tears, without any interruption to their low monotonous waU. Again they wander through the streets, regard less of every person about them, and entirely absorbed in their grief, which they vent In a loud, sorrowful, and soraetimes defiant tone, as if they dared any one to gainsay their right to be perfectly miserable. The African seems to understand weU the hopelessness of administering consolation, untU the first paroxysm of grief be past. They pity and respect the raourner, but never obtmde a word of syrapathy or corafort untU the first natural irapulse of the heart has had time to assuage itself The repose of night is often startled by the mourners thus going about the street ; and whUe those on whom the affliction presses most hearily are delivering themselves up to the unrestrained 216 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON expression of their sorrow, other relations are washing the corpse, and preparing it for the funeral obsequies. It is dressed out with great care in the richest robes of the deceased, and adorned with a variety of golden ornaments and beads. Thus appareUed, it is then propped up In a chair or sofa, and is ready to receive the risits of those who come to do the honours of its burial. Spirits and food are placed upon a table before it, and a close observation is necessary to satisfy one that Ufe is extinct, so closely do the arrangements resemble the ordinary occasions of show and fes tivity, which he was wont to observe in his life time. Relations, friends, and neighbours crowd to the house of mourning, and consider it necessary on their near approach to join in the universal wail, They speak to and address the dead, sometimes in accents of reproach for leaving them ; at others, beseeching his spirit to watch over and protect them from evU. It is chiefly women who fiU the chamber of death. The men generally seat them selves outside, and until the fimeral custom is commenced, take no very active part in the pro ceedings ; but the feraales, whether relatives or not, are very loud in their laraentations, and appa rently deeply affected by the event. They appear THE GOLD CO.\ST. 217 to have at ready command an abundant supply of tears, which stream down their cheeks without interraission whUe they continue in the house, but which give place to smiles and laughter and the greatest unconcern as soon as they have turned their backs upon the scene. It is customary for friends and acquaintances to bring presents to the relations of the deceased, to assist thera in perforraing the funeral ceremonies in a becoming manner. These presents consist of gold, rura, cloths, and' powder; and the more wealthy add fowls, a sheep, or a goat, and sorae tiraes a bullock. Each succeeding party, as it arrives, coraraences a rapid discharge, of mus ketry, accorapanied by the beating of drums and dancing ; and having expended their ammunition, they take up their station in the yard of the house, or in some convenient place near it selected for the purpose, and join in the songs, the dances, and general festivity which mark the occasion. These saturnalia often last for days and weeks, and are attended with scenes of great drunkenness and confusion. They represent that they are intended to distract the minds of the mourners, and. to deaden the irapression of grief; but we often hear, in the midst of all this noise, the waUing accents of the real raourner, who, seated in some obscure 218 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON comer of the house, pours forth a continuous dirge, descriptive of the heavy loss sustained, of the good quaUties of the deceased, and of the help lessness of those left behind, deprived of his pro tection. There is often much beauty and simplicity of feeUng expressed in these unpremeditated songs. A grave is dug in the floor of one of the rooms of the house ; and here the body, laid in a coffin, with rich cloths, gold trinkets and aggery beads, with rum and tobacco, and soraetiraes a considerable araount of valuables. Is finally deposited. Sacrifices of sheep and bullocks, and fowls, are raade over the grave. The more iraraediate relatives of the deceased are in the habit of sharing aU the hair frora their heads and persons, and of perforraing a long and painful fast. It is soraetiraes with diffi culty that they can be induced to have recourse to food again at aU. They are rendered unclean by the touch of a dead body, and raay be seen going in procession to the sea, as soon as the grave has been closed, to sprinkle theraselves vrith water, which is their process of purification. Widows generally keep the house for raany weeks after the death of their husbands, and raain tain a constant watch over the grave. During this time, they neglect their persons, and partake raost THE GOLD COAST. 219 sparingly of food. On the day after the custom is at end, the relations of the deceased, dressed out in mourning cloths of dark blue baft, go round the streets, singing a song of thanks to the people for their assistance at the fiineral, and caUIng for a few moments at the houses of more intimate acquaint ances, to thank them more particularly. It Is considered unfortunate if a raan approach a widow before she has performed certain Fetish cereraonies and sacrifices, which are supposed to have the power of reraoring the ill-luck, and which seldora take place until raany months after the death of the husband. Whoever transgresses in this point, is doomed to raisfortune. He Is sure, they think, to die in battle, to be drowned at sea, or to mis carry in whatever he takes in hand. AU these troublesome and ceremonious observ ances attending the obsequies of the dead, occupy- a very large portion of the time of the people, and in seasons of great sickness and death they appear to an observer to have Uttie else to occupy their attention. They are also a fruitful source of debt and slavery. Let the consequences be what they wUl, it is deeraed a point of honour to make a great show at their funeral customs, and they vie with each other In perforraing these expensive burials. Even the poorest wUl pawn and enslave 220 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON themselves to obtain the means of burying a relation decently, according to the ideas of the country. The expense faUs upon the heir of the deceased, who is often obUged to raise the funds by pawning some of his relations, which the laws of the country aUow him to do, as head and raaster of the faraily. Considerable suras are received in presents at the tirae of the funeral, but these are often con sumed at the festivity. At aU events, they are seldora a source of gain, as it is expected that the receiver wiU raake siraUar presents to the donor upon the occasion of death in his family. The African has a strong desire to lay his bones among those of his own kindred, and dead bodies are frequently brought from long distances to be buried in the family house. On the approach also ¦^f a mortal Ulness, many strive to reach their horaes to die among their friends. In many of the towns of Fantee, when a stranger or passing traveller dies among thera, the inhabitants seldom bury hira. The body is placed upon a wooden platforra outside the town, with any property which he raay have, to be clairaed by his relations. If these be known to the natives of the town in which he dies, they are sent to and informed of the circumstance ; but if they be not known, the THE GOLD COAST. 221 body is aUowed to wither and consurae in the open air. This custom does not take its rise from any super stition, or from want of respect to the dead ; but froni fear of the consequences attending his interment. The Fantee laws render the person who defrays the burial of the deceased responsible for his debts, and it is the dread of incurring this responsibility which leads to the barbarity of the exposure of the corpse. The operation of this law often brings heavy liabi lities upon surriring relatives, in addition to the raere funeral expenses, as in many instances the defunct leaves little or no property behind hira to raeet the debts which raay be brought against hira, and which his nearest of kin is bound to pay. To avoid this liability, where the debts of the deceased are great, and his property nothing, the relations carry a small present to the authorities of the town, and deliver the body to thera for interraent. This forras a legal discharge frora his debts ; but it is not frequently had recourse to, as great dis grace is attached to any faraily who thus decUnes to bury their dead, and they prefer to Incur debt, and even slavery to this reproach. The custoras for the dead are not confined to the period of his decease. If his heir be wealthy, they are renewed at stated intervals and with increasing porap. 222 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON At a certain period of each year, about the season of eating new yams, a general remembrance of the dead is observed throughout the land. We have been startled at a very early hour of the day set apart for this purpose, by the waUings and lamentations proceeding from every house. They commence the day by devoting a short portion of it to mourning for those who have died during the year, and their grief appears as loud and natural as on the first day of their loss. Members of a famUy corae frora a great distance to join in this observance. After they have sufficiently testified their sorrow by their cries and tears, the whole of the raerabers of each famUy unite together, and proceed to their place of sepulture. They seat themselves around the grave, sorae on stools, others on the ground. They then address the spirits of the deceased, praying of thera to accept their offerings, to guard the faraUy frora misfor tune, and to bless and prosper thera. Old people record the good qualities of some ancestor, and urge the young to adopt him as a pattern for their conduct. They then pour out a libation of rura upon the grave, and strew it vyith corn-bread mixed with oU. After this they give themselves up to a day of festivity, dressing them selves In their finest clothes, and receiring and THE GOLD COAST. 223 returning calls. Upon such an occasion the towns upon the coast present a scene of great excitement. The chiefs come out in their greatest state, and are carried through the streets in their basket palan quins, attended by crowds of very gaudily-attired retainers, who sing and dance, and beat their tora-toras. Old and young alike join in the general gaiety. They forra theraselves into smaU bands for the most part related to each other, and pass slowly round the streets, singing songs and dancing. They intermit this occupation to visit the houses of their friends, where they are generaUy regaled with spirits. The great variety of costume, their showy colours, the rich dresses of the chiefs, their silver- beaded canes, the large gold handles of their swords, their picturesque umbreUas, the lithe figures and sparkling glances of the deUghted dancers, the rarapant joy of the little chUdren astonished at their finery, the contrast of their dark skins with the rainbow colours of their dresses, the wild cadence of their songs, the warlike sound of their horns, their noisy but stirring drums, and the confused hubbub of bewUdered joy which seems to pervade the whole, form altogether such a cora bination as cannot be witnessed without a strange astonishraent. The European residents who do 224 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON not choose to close their doors against them are expected to receive their visits on this occasion. No sooner has one party been admitted, than others arrive ih quick succession. They enter the house, often singing the praises of the person whora they corae to visit, and whora they approach with a bold confidence, in curious contrast with the distant and alraost fearful respect which they are wont to observe on other occasions. One sentiment of universal gladness appears to level all distinctions, and to place aU ranks for one day upon a footing of happy equality. They eagerly press forward to shake hands, are profuse in their expressions of regard, of thankfulness to God and the Fetish for preserving the white man to see another year, offer prayers for his continued health and happiness, for an increase to his riches, and the blessings of peace in his time ; and having performed a dance in honour of him, they retire in the same merry spirit to give place to new visitors. During such extraordinary scenes of a total aban donment of a whole people, to what raay be caUed a reUgious joy, incurabent on aU by the rules of their Fetish worship, it .is not perhaps to be wondered at, that the day does not close without indications of a very general inebriety. It is rare, however, to hear of any quarrels during their THE GOLD COAST. 225 excesses upon this occasion ; good-wUl everywhere prevails, and the hearts of aU appear so steeped in the overflowing of an exuberant joy, as to be incapable of harbouring an unkind or an ungene rous thought of another. This avoidance of strifes and contentions is so different to their conduct on ordinary occasions of festivity, that we cannot help attributing it to a sense of the religious nature of this festival. In the account which we have given of their funeral customs, we have not adverted to the practice of huraan sacrifices, as it is no longer foUowed, throughout the whole of the extensive districts at present enjoying British protection. In Ashantee, Dahoraey, and until lately, in AppoUonia, a frightful sacrifice of huraan life often takes place upon these occasions. The authorities at our forts get their first intiraation of the death of men of rank In Ashantee, from runaway slaves, who have raade their escape from these terrible immolations, and who do not consider themselves safe untU they have placed themselves under the protection of our flag. Upon the death of a king, scarcely any one is safe, as his relations and executioners rush into the streets and slay every one they meet. Their only protection is to remain within their houses, which 226 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON are not violated to gratify this bloodthirsty impulse. In Fantee, the people are now satisfied to content themselves with the sacrifice of sheep and buUocks, and they make up for the diminished consequence of their sacrifices, by the noise and extravagance of their loud discharges of musketry. The practice of firing guns at burials must have arisen from an attempt to imitate the custom of Europeans at their mUitary funerals. It is now, however, perfectly, incorporated with their own ideas of befitting respect for the dead. The quantity of powder expended on these occasions is sometiraes enorraous ; and nothing can exceed the noisy confusion of such a scene. Upon the occasion ofthe death of Mr. Maclean in 1 847, the town of Cape Coast, for the long period of fourteen days, presented the appearance of a continued cannonade. AU kind of business was suspended. Day by day new parties arrived from distant parts of the country, who, taking up a position In front of the castle gate, continued for hours their loud discharges of rausketry; and even months after, upon the arrival of any chief from the Interior, who had not risited Cape Coast since his death, he considered it necessary before attending to any other business, to pay this last mark of respect to his old governor. THE GOLD COAST. 227 CHAPTER IX. Modifications introduced into the native laws and customs by the English magistrates — Certificates of emancipation — Alterations in the law of marriage — Difficulties attending the question of slavery — Mode of proceeding in reference to runaway slaves — Recruiting — Commotion excited by the enlistment of slaves — Major HiU's prudent conduct —A slave's idea of emancipation — Practice pursued in reference to Ashantee runaways — The King's regard for oaths — Condition of the slave — His instinctive obedience — Causes of severity — The Donko — His inferiority to the Fantee — Extent of the internal slave trade — System of pawning — Summary of the African character — Resem blance between the state of society on the Gold Coast and the accounts given in the Scriptures of the nations of antiquity. From the account given of the custoras and the social condition of the people in the two preceding chapters, in which we have described them in their natural state, without adverting to the great modi fications which European influence is now rapidly 228 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON effecting, the reader wiU have Uttle difficulty in perceiving the very enslaving nature of their insti tutions. He wUl also understand how hopeless raust be their sudden eraancipation, seeing that slavery is no abnormal developraent, but a natural and spontaneous growth. Many circurastances in their condition, both externaUy and internaUy, have tended to aggravate its nature, and raultiply its forras. Among these, the export slave trade deserves a pre-erainent notoriety, as it fostered, if it did not originate, that spirit of lawless acqui sition which placed the weak entirely at the mercy of the strong, who knew no raercy. But its total suppression along that line of coast, and the araell- orating influence of a raore huraane administration of justice, and of a consequent increased and increasing consideration for the rights of indi viduals, have checked Its violent lawlessness, and raodified its natural severity, as weU as extin guished raany of the sources of slavery, and opened a way for the rederaption of all who can be roused to seek their freedom by their ov^m industrious exertions. Scarcely a day passes that the English magis trates are not caUed upon to exaraine into the validity of a raaster's right to the persons held in slavery by him. These cases are brought into court by a suramons Issued at the instance of the THE GOLD COAST. 229 slave. An investigation is made into the nature of the master's right, which is often found to be invalid ; in which case the slave is unconditionaUy emancipated. But if the master's title to him be valid, according to the laws of the country — that is, if he can prove that a money value was paid for himself or his ancestors — then the slave is obUged to pay a rederaption price for his freedora. The ordinary araount paid in such cases is two ounces of gold (£8). Certificates of freedora are given under the hand of the raaglstrate, which are treasured up with a jealous care, to be produced in after tiraes, when any attempt is raade by the raaster or his heir to resume his alleged right, which they soraetimes do upon the death or absence from the coast of the magistrate before whom the case was decided. These certificates have an additional value in their estimation, as they are considered to place the indi viduals holding them under the more imraediate guardianship of the government, which effectually protects them from imposition and oppression. The writer has, during a long period of magisterial duties, had occasion to grant sorae thousands of these, and has found them to be, with rare excep tions, a very efficient safeguard. It may be that the redemption price has not been in all cases paid by the person redeemed, and that he is not entirely 230 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON reUeved from a state of servitude. His relations often advance the raoney, which lays hira under obligations to thera, which he can only requite by his services ; or a new master raay have been induced, upon proraise of his obedience, to do the sarae good office for hira. But as his eraancipation from slavery has been effected, his new obligations merely amount to a common debt. EngUsh interference is also putting an end to the enslavement going on through the laws regu lating raarriage, by disaUowing the repayment of the dowry, and the expenses incurred during co habitation, in aU cases except where the wife leaves the husband vrithout just cause. The protection also given against accusations of witchcraft, the extortions of the Fetishmen, the rapacity and injus tice of the native tribunals, and an exorbitant usury, is fast closing up the avenues of very fiTutfiil sources of slavery. The effect of missionary teach ing is also exercising a beneficial influence in restraining the customs for the dead; whUe the spirit of improveraent, which education and com mercial enterprize have evoked, is directing nurabers to the means of independence. At the present tirae, the Gold Coast essentiaUy exhibits aU the symptoms of progress in every phase of its existence. There is a vitaUty of change diffusing its innuraerable currents throughout every THE GOLD COAST. 231 class of society, and giving expansion and force to an entirely new class of ideas, affecting the moral, religious, social, and domestic condition ofthe people. A taste for many of the European necessaries and luxuries of life, and a partial assimUation in the construction of their houses, in dress, in manners, and in religion, are becoming daUy more observable ; and even where little external change is perceptible, there is nevertheless going on an extensive modi fication of ideas, feelings, and customs, paving the way for a raore general conformity to the usages of cirilized Ufe. This infusion of new ideas and desires has effected a very marked improveraent in the habits of the people, serving as an invigorating principle of action, and substituting activity for idleness, and habits of useful industry for idle raurameries and barbarous arauseraents. If no interruption be given to the gradual advanceraent thus hopefuUy coraraenced, their social elevation wiU be rapid and continuous, but we must carefully guard against any rash inno vations, and trust their development more to the influence of the progress of opinion, than to com pulsory enactments. On more than one occasion, our influence has been greatly endangered by a threatened interference with the state of slavery existing araong thera. This is the question about 232 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON which we have to apprehend the greatest difficulties. Our colonial authorities in Downing Street appear to shrink from the very mention of the word slave by one of their governors, and have scarcely ever been induced to look the difficulty fairly in the face. The consequence has been that a species of timid disavowed poUcy has been pursued by our Gold Coast governors in reference to this subject. Our settleraents appear to be regarded, as far as this question is concerned, as entirely British territory, and subject to British law, without ever taking into account that the British authorities are exercising a raost beneficial influence over at least a miUion of natives occupying a most extensive range of coun try. Our governors are instructed not to deUver runaway slaves, who are supposed to recover their liberty as soon as they reach a British fort, and no slaves are supposed to exist within our jurisdiction. No one, who has read the account which has been given of the state of slavery in the country, can believe in the possibility of a sudden emancipation without the total disruption of society and universal anarchy. If the governor is to countenance the slave in renouncing his obedience to his raaster, hy harbouring hira, where is he to find an asylum for hira, or how support him ? for it is only within the waUs of our forts that we could shield hira from his THE GOLD COAST. 233 master ; and if this asylum were opened for all the discontented slaves in the country. It would be an utter ImpossibUity to find roora to contain thera, or to provide means for their subsistence. In con sequence ofthe great squeamishness upon this point, our governors have been obliged to grapple with the difficulty as they best could, without entering into any detaUs in their coramunications to the Colonial Office. The plan hitherto adopted has been to examine into the slave's complaint against his master, and if the treatraent which he has received should appear to have been very bad, he receives a certifi cate of his liberty, and pubUc opinion assents to this decision, as only a proper check upon the severity of a cruel master. But if, as is more generally the case, his coraplaint be frivolous, he is restored to his master, who gives security for his kind treatment of hira. Were certificates of eraancipation given to every slave who chose to run away, the natives generaUy would throw off their aUegiance, cut off aU intercourse with our settleraents, and punish the disobedience of slaves in a very suraraary way — by putting them to death. Slaves are the only property of raany people in the country, and no reasoning can convince thera that the forcible taking of them away is not as much a theft and a rob- 234 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON bery, as if they were deprived of their value in gold. In consequence of this state of slavery, the present governor. Major HiU, has had many diffi culties to encounter in raising a local corps of three hundred men. It was only frora the class of slaves that he could expect to get his recruits. Many of these carae to the castle for enlistraent, and the governor, in pursuance of his instructions, refused to deUver them up to their masters. A great commotion was excited in the country by this proceeding, which was on the point of bringing the governor into hostUe coUision with the people. The chiefs promised to produce the requisite nuraber of raen, prorided the governor would stop his enlistment, and they seemed pre pared to run all hazards to defend their rights. Major HIU acted with great pradence upon the occasion, and prevented an insurrection, to which the forcible defiant execution of his instmctions must inevitably have led. But he was obliged to wink at an arrangement made between the recruit and his late master, by which the latter was to receive monthly a portion of the pay untU the sum of £8, the price of his redemption, should be made good. If such a feeling was excited about the enlistment of a few recruits, whom they acknowledged to be necessary for the purposes of THE GOLD COAST. 235 government, and employed for their own protec tion, it is not difficult to imagine the effect of a sweeping measure of emancipation, or even the non-recognition of their right to hold slaves. It was not so rauch against the individual loss that they contended. Even those who were not injured by the enlistraent were as loud in their coraplaints as those who sustained this loss. They were con tending for a principle which affected the whole frarae-work of society, and which nothing short of an irresistible corapulsion could have induced them to renounce. Nor, adraitting the possibility of upholding the slaves in a renunciation of their ser vitude, should we, in their present priraitive state, consider it conducive either to their moral or social advancement. The control of a master is necessary to re strain men within the Umits of order essential to the preservation of society, until their faculties and pursuits have been sufficiently developed to enable thera to feel their self-interest to consist in honest industry, and in the observance of the laws which regulate the comraunity of which they form a part. Most of the criraes at present comraitted on the Gold Coast are perpetrated by vagabonds, who have absconded frora their masters, and who live 236 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON by theft and plunder; and the only excuse or extenuation which the criminals themselves give for their conduct Is, that they had no person to look after them, and support thera. When Dr. Madden explained to a number of slaves at Accra, that the English government did not recognise slavery, and that they were free, they asked hira to provide for their subsistence; for unless the queen intended to give thera something to eat, they would prefer to serve their master who supplied their wants. Another difficulty which our Gold Coast go vernment has to contend against, is the disposal of runaway slaves from Ashantee. It was stipulated in our treaties with the king, that his fugitive, subjects should be re-delivered to him in the same way that Fantees, flying into his dominions, were to be restored to the governor. This arrangement was necessary to prevent raalefactors escaping punishraent. But in many cases, the runaway Ashantee seeks a refuge from the fate which is likely to overtake hira at the raurderous cus toms which are often taking place at Cooraassie, and a natural repugnance is, of course, felt about sun-endering hira. Our position and power, however, do not enable us to foUow the course raost consistent with our THE GOLD COAST. 237 feelings. If we were to refuse to deliver these runaways, the King of Ashantee would retaUate by seizing aU the Fantees in his country, where a large number raay at all tiraes be found prose cuting their trade. He has also the raeans of cutting off aU intercourse with his country, a raea sure which he invariably adopts upon occasions of misunderstanding with the governor. If redress were refused, war would be the consequence, a calaraity in the present hopeful state of progress which would go far to undo the good which has been already effected, and which of aU things is raost anxiously to be avoided. Under these cir cumstances, the governor is obUged to mediate as he best can, and refuses to deliver up the runaway, except upon condition of sufficient security being given that his life wUl be spared. Although this restriction raust be gaUing to the king, yet he is induced to subrait to it, rather than incur the risk of a doubtful war, into which he and his chiefs would not hesitate to plunge If such a vital question as the non-surrender of runaway slaves were involved in the issue. The security given for their safety Is siraply " the king's great oath," taken on his behalf by his raessengers. There is no Instance known of this oath given under such circurastances being violated. We reraeraber -238 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON a case, which wiU show the fearful regard which the king has for oaths. Upon appUcation being made for some run aways, the messengers were required to take the usual oath before they were surrendered. The refugees, however, were not satisfied with this oath alone, and positively refused to return to Ashantee, unless the king's raessengers would give additional security for their safety, by " kiss ing the white raan's book." They did not hesitate to agree to this, as they were perfectiy satisfied that the kmg's oath would not be riolated, and that, therefore, there could be no danger in kissing the book. But when they returned to Cooraassie, and the king found that they had bound him, not only by his own, but also by the white man's oath, he became alarraed, lest any accidental injury raight happen to the persons thus protected, which might bring him under the penalty of its violation ; and to get rid of the UabUity, he sent the refiigees back to the Fantee country, preferring to lose them to the risk of incurring an unknown danger. It vriU be thus seen, that both to avoid insur rection among the Fantees, and the horrors of a war with Ashantee, the British authorities are corapeUed to adopt a policy with regard to this THE GOLD COAST. 239 slave question, which appears never to have been openly avowed, and which is never brought under the notice of the Colonial Office without exciting a feeling of uneasiness, and calling forth a renewed declaration that slavery cannot be recognized within our settleraents upon the Gold Coast, thus throwing back upon the governor the responsi biUty of its recognition. We have considered it fair to place this question fuUy before the public, and to represent it in aU its breadth and deformity; and we justify the poUcy pursued, as the only one adapted to the state of the country, and in every respect the most humane, and best calculated to promote the weU-being and advancement of the people. We must look for the only legitimate extinction of slavery in such a state of society, to the gradual and extensive diffu sion of wealth and Christian knowledge, through a series of successive generations. They are now fairly entered upon this career, and the only assist ance we can give, is to protect it from interrup tion, and to multiply the means of its acceleration. Each succeeding year wiU render our progress less difficult, by providing us with an increasingly effi cient aUy, in the gradual education of the people. If it be offensive to English ears, to hear that a slave does enter our forts on the Gold Coast vrith- o ¦ ¦ ¦' 1-' --- -i-:-!- i^" — laws, the 240 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON very touch of our soU is held to comraunicate, then raust we relinquish our establishraents in this country. But if we do not choose to sacrifice to a proud boast, the power which circum stances have given us of conferring blessings of ci-yUization on a benighted and enslaved race, let us boldly persevere In the course upon which we have entered, in a firra reUance that Pro vidence wUl prosper our exertions in so righteous a cause. The condition of the slaves in the countries under our protection is by no means one of un mitigated hardship. In ordinary cases, the slave is considered as a meraber of his raaster's famUy, and often succeeds to his property, in default of a natural heir. He eats with hira frora the same dish, and has an equal share in aU his simple enjoyments. He intermarries with his children, and Is allowed to acquire property of his ovra, over which, unless under very extraordinary cir cumstances, his master exercises no control. He sometimes even acquires wealth and consideration far superior to his master, who may occasionaUy be seen sweUing his importance, by foUowing in his train. They address each other as " my father " and " ray son," and differ in Uttle in their mutual relations frora the respect and obedience iraplied in these endearing epithets. THE GOLD COAST. 241 We see in the whole of their domestic econoray a coraplete transcript of the patriarchal age ; the sarae participation in the cares, and sorrows, and enjoyraents of life ; the sarae coraraunity of feeling and of interest ; and the same external equality, conjoined with a devoted obedience, so marked and decided, as to assurae the forra of a natural instinct. This quaUty in the mind of dependants has a tendency to destroy the idea of personal accountabUity. The will of the master is in most instances more than a counterpoise for the volition of the slave, who yields obedience to his com mands with an instinctive submission, without the intervention of any external corapulsion, and often under circurastances where the natural incli nation of the slave is opposed to the particular conduct required of him. Slavery of body and mind is thus thoroughly engrained in the con stitution of the African. We have known cases of murder having been coraraitted at the cora mand of a master, and against the reraonstrances of the slave, who however does not refuse com pliance ; and we have seen how completely the wiU of the master has been considered the test of the slave's conscience, by the perfect unconcern of the latter respecting the deed, and the absence of any idea of his accountabiUty for it. M 242 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Scarcely would the slave of an Ashantee chief obey the mandate of his king, without the special concurrence of his immediate master; and the slave of a slave wiU refuse obedience to his master's raaster, unless the order be conveyed to him through his own raaster. This perfect identification of the mind of the slave with that of his raaster has no doubt given rise to the master's accountability for the acts of his slave, and to the laws which affect thera. He has to pay his debts, and to make compensation and restitution for every injury committed by him, either wilfuUy or accidentaUy. This responsibUity raay be a cause of the kind and considerate treatraent so often observable, the raaster's interest being so closely involved in the conduct of his slave, as to render him anxious to attach him to his person, and to engage his affectionate obedience. It wUl also account for the isolated cases of harshness and cruelty which occasionally corae under our observation, the vindictive slave having it in his power to cause his master much annoyance and expense, for which the latter can only retaliate by corporal suffering. Where this discordant spirit exists, the master, after repeated ineffectual attempts to reclaim an incorrigible slave, gets rid of the annoyance by seUing him. THE GOLD COAST. 243 There does not appear any limit to the extent of punishment which a raaster is perraitted to inflict upon his slave. He is considered so entirely his property, that he may with impunity put him to death ; although frora applications for freedora, on the ground of severe personal injury, such as the loss of an eye or a tooth, there is reason to beUeve that, during some period of their history, the slave was protected by a more humane code of laws. We have heard a slave argue for his eman cipation on the score of the accidental loss of an eye, in his master's service, from the recoU of a branch of a tree, and appeal to a tradi tionary law* which entitles him to this compen sation. Like the Hebrews, the Fantees make a dis tinction between the slaves, their countrymen, and those who have been taken in war, or purchased from another tribe. The latter, untU they be come amalgamated by a long period of servitude, and by intermarriage, do not receive the sarae considerate treatraent. They are considered an inferior race, -vrith the ordinary class of whom * " And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish, he shall let him go free for his eye's sake." — Exodus xxi, 26. M 2 244 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON it Is thought derogatory for the daughters of the land to intermarry. The burden of the labour of the country faUs upon thera. Imraense nurabers of these slaves are being annuaUy iraported into ' the country, through Ashantee, from the countries near the range of the Kong Mountains. Many of thera, on their first arrival, raanifest an extraor dinary degree of stolidity and brutishness, and exhibit a very low type of inteUect and breeding. They pass under the general narae of " Donko," a word signifying a slave in the language of the interior, and which, from the great stupidity of these creatures, has come to be a word of reproach, ' tantamount to " fool." They are naturaUy a very obstinate, perverse, and self-wUled race, upon whora it is difficult to make any impression by kindness. It is very difficult also to coerce them to labour; and yet, notwithstanding their many bad quaUties, the Fantees eagerly purchase them from the Ashantees. They vary in price from £6 to £8, girls and boys being sold at a con siderable reduction. They have scars on the face and person, distinctive of their native tribes; some with semi-circular lines covering the whole face, some with a few scarred lines on each cheek, some with a single raised mark upon the forehead, and others seamed and scarred over the whole THE GOLD COAST. 245 of the upper part of their persons. Araong this "i servant race, we find also a good raany mongrel ' Moors, little superior to the others. If they arrive in the country at an early age, they are by no means slow in acquiring knowledge, and become very useful to their masters, and some times obtain a consideration equal to the native of the country, intermarrying with the Fantees, and becoming raerabers of their farailies. But if the Donko be grown up before his arrival upon the coast, he generally remains a duU, stolid beast of burden aU the days of his Ufe. It is only by comparing the native Fantee vrith these, that we are sensible of the very great advancement of the former, who appears a very cirilized being in com parison with this foreign race. And yet these are not altogether devoid of some of the better qualities of our nature. They erince much sym pathy and corapassion for each other, and readily assist one another in their difficulties. A common fate appears to unite them by the ties of a patriotic attachment, and they deUght to sing, in the place of their captirity, the songs of their native land. Their treatment by their raasters depends much upon their own conduct, for interest, as weU as natural inclination, make the Fantee a kind raaster. The great stubbornness of the Donko, however, ^A-ov, Vv..;nn.a rinwin irririn V)im a severe chastisement, 246 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON to which he submits with a suUen insensibility. Some thousands of these are added to the popula tion of the country under our protection every year. Various considerations have induced the local governraent to tolerate this internal slave trade, which it would be difficult to suppress. The objects of it are either taken in war by the Ashantees, received as tribute frora subjugated states, or purchased by them. If they were not bought by the Fantees, many of them would be /-sacrificed at the Ashantee customs, or kept in a worse bondage in that country. By being brought into the countries under our protection, their lives are spared ; they receive a more humane treatment ; they are shielded from oppression, and are placed i within the influence of a higher degree of ciriUza- : tion. Their condition, in every respect, is Im- ; proved by the change, and the second generation ¦¦ becomes an effective addition to a by no raeans superabundant population. It wUl be seen, then, that whUe the diffusion of wealth and the progress of knowledge are creating a spirit of industry, and exciting a desire for greater freedora araong the native Fantees, a fresh tide of slavery Is pouring into the country from another direction. It may be questioned how far this state of matters is to be approved. But when we reflect, that the Ashantee wars are not THE GOLD COAST. 247 undertaken expressly to supply this demand ; that the transfer of the slaves from the Ashantee to the Fantee country is not adding to the ranks of slavery generaUy; that it greatly araeUorates the condition of the slaves in question, and brings thera and their descendants within the scope of many civUizing influences, to which they would othervrise have reraained strangers; that, more over, an increase to the population is desirable to bring out the resources of a rich and fertUe country, we are warranted In concluding that the cause of general civUization and of humanity is advanced by this moveraent. It is not unreasonable to hope that, after centuries of progress, the tide of emigration may again recede into the interior, carrying with it the seeds of civilization and Christian knowledge. ' Besides the native-bom Fantee slaves, and those purchased from the interior, there remains to be noticed another species of slavery existing, under the name of " pawns," to which we have already adverted. It has been seen that indiriduals form, in the present state of commerce, no smaU portion of the currency of the country. To obtain a loan or pay a debt, a master does not hesitate to place one or more of his faraily, or slaves, in teraporary bondage to another. The terras of this contract 248 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON are, that the pawn shaU serve his new raaster untU such tirae as the person pawning him shall raake good the sum lent, with 50 per cent, interest; the services of the pawn, even if they should extend over a great nuraber of years, counting for nothing in the Uquidation of the debt. If a woraan has been pawned, her new raaster has the right to raake her his concubine, and her children continue to serve hira also. The cruel operation of this systera wiU be best iUustrated by an exaraple. We will suppose A. to pawn his daughter B. to his friend C. for the sura of two ounces. He finds it irapossible to redeem her, perhaps, under a period of many years, during which tirae we will suppose her to have borne seven children to her raaster. A. now is anxious to redeera his daughter, but he cannot do so without paying C. the original araount with interest, and four ackies and a half (22s. 6d.) for each chUd, which raises the original debt of two ounces (£8) to four ounces fifteen ackies and a half, or £19 17s. 6d. The raoney paid on account of the chUdren is regarded as an equi valent for their raaintenance. If A. has had to borrow the raoney to effect this rederaption, which frequentiy happens, it wiU be seen that the original sura of two ounces would THE GOLD COAST. 249 go on accumulating at a rate which raust even tually leave this family in a state of hopeless bondage. The death of the pawn does not cancel the debt. A. must substitute another pawn in her place, or pay the amount ; but in this case B. generaUy, though not invariably, foregoes the interest. Neither is the master of a pawn, like the master of a slave, responsible for his pawn's debts. These recoil upon the head of the person pawning her. A father cannot pawn his child without the concurrence of the mother's relations, unless she also be his slave. Neither can a raother pawn her chUd without the father's consent; but if he cannot advance the sura required, then she can do so. We have always regarded this system of pawning as much worse than actual slavery, and we have seen but too many of its victims irrecoverably reduced to perpetual bondage. The English authorities have greatly raitigated its hardships, by refusing to consider the loan in any other light than that of a coramon debt. After the account which has been given, the reader will now be able to haye a clear compre hension of the nature and condition of slavery upon the Gold Coast. It would appear that It is greatly influenced by the atHt of social pro- M 3 250 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON gress, and that its exactions becorae more rigid in proportion to the advancement of a people. The closer the points of resemblance between the master and the slave, the easier wiU be the yoke; and where the improvement of both go on simultaneously, aU distinctions graduaUy become effaced. We see the gradual operation of this process among the Fantee masters and their native-born slaves, whUe the diffusion of greater wealth among the former, and of increased know ledge, renders the condition of the " donkos," an inferior class, more truly that of a degrading servitude, and widens the distance between them and their masters. We have now taken a view of this interesting people under a great variety of aspects, and would fain hope that we have provided the reader with data to enable him to form a correct estimate of their condition. Before closing this subject, we are anxious to corapress Into one brief sketch a general picture of their every-day life ; but we shrink with conscious Inability frora the attempt, for who can portray aU the varied shades of existence which so distinctively characterize them in their idiosyncrasy of teraperaraent, in their doraestic and social relations, in their superstitious observances, and in their acts as merabers of the THE GOLD COAST. 251 body politic ? What daring hand shaU arrest the ever-changing expression of this Protean race? What daguerreotype shaU fix its various linea raents? What strange and sudden contrasts of feeUng, what unaccountable alternations of pur pose, what eccentricities of conduct, arrest and puzzle our observation ! Joy and sorrow, reck less gaiety and glooray despondency, exaggerated hopes and distracting fears, unbridled passion and humble meekness, ardent love and cool in difference, fierce hate and cordial friendship, prodigal profusion and griping avarice, atheistical unconcern and bigoted superstition, sway by turns their versatUe rainds, and with a rapidity of change which startles and confounds us. In whatever relation of life we view the Gold Coast native, we equaUy behold him the creature of some momentary impulse, which he seeks not to conceal, and knows not how to repress. Born beneath the rays of a tropical sun, with a clear and serene sky over his head, seldom ruffied by lowering storms, his character partakes largely of the gaiety of external nature, and his exuberant spirits are in unison vrith her bountiful profusion. Freely as the earth ministers to his wants, supply ing him with the necessaries of Ufe almost without the penalty of labour, as thoughtlessly and unstint- 252 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON ingly does he make use of her bounties. Fond of his ease, and loving to indulge a quiet, volup tuous indolence of disposition, he can seldora be roused to much bodily exertion, unless enticed by the prospect of obtaining the raeans of festivity, to which he delivers hiraself up with the raost deterrained abandonment. Possessed of high physical qualities, and patient in the prosecution of his object, when once his mind is fairly bent upon it, he is capable of enduring the severest toU and the greatest privations ; but unless his affections are engaged in his work, he soon relapses into inactivity and indifference, and leaves his task unfinished. Such does he appear in his purely native condition ; but brought into contact with Europeans, and rendered famUiar with a system of thought and of action, differing in so raany respects frora his own natural heedlessness of disposition, he soon learns to conceal his emotions, and to disguise his real sentiraents, and ends in becoraing an accoraplished hypocrite. He is by no raeans deficient in inteUectual faculties; but they are craraped and paralysed by the strong superstitious bent of his raind, and we see on many important occasions his whole reasoning powers thrown prostrate by this prejudicial agency, in the very moment of their triumphant vindication. THE GOLD COAST. 253 His views of external nature, of his own condi tion, and of aU the circurastances which affect it, are, in consequence, narrow and liraited, and con fined within the speU-bound circle of his prejudices, which nothing but the clearest coraprehension of his interest is able to break. His memory is strong and retentive, and he dwells vrith a garru lous minuteness upon the recollections of his youth. His lively iraagination delights to feed itself vrith pleasing reveries ; but it is gross, sensual, and unrefined. He is naturaUy eloquent, speaks with an easy and fluent grace, with suitable and appropriate action, and clothes his ideas with a siraple and natural imagery. He has frequent recourse to parables, and dark and enigmatical sayings, which he never deigns to explain, taking an apparent delight in lea-ying the rainds of his hearers to puzzle out his hidden meaning. He is fond of repartee, dearly loves a joke, the coarser the better, and has a most lively sense of the ridiculous. He delights in rude and barbarous raerriraent, and in noisy and turbulent carousals. He is quick and irascible in bis teraper, but easUy appeased if the injury be unintentional or slight ; but when deeply offended, it is irapossible to regain his favour without a peace-offering, in the 254 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON shape of a present of rura, or a sheep, with which he makes a Ubation or a sacrifice to his Fetish " to give him a good heart." In the excitement of the moment, he is some times perfectly bUnded by his passion, and commits acts which he deeply repents, and which he would undo the very next instant. With aU this, he is, in ordinary intercourse, particularly observant of the courtesies of life, is slow to give offence, often dignified in his deportment, regardful of another's consequence, and tenacious of his own. Indignity and sUght rankle deeply in his heart, and are seldom forgiven. His affections are keen, but not durable, and the impressions of sorrow are soon effaced. His joys and his sorrows equaUy find vent in spontaneous song, and at raorn, noon, and night the streets re-echo with the loud catch of the bacchanal, the impassioned lays of the lover, and the plaintive notes of the mourner. He is slow to form friendships, but firm to retain them, and will often sacrifice his raoney and his comfort to help a friend in distress. He does not easily give his confidence to an European, although he may treat hira with the greatest outward deference and respect. He is quick in discovering pecuUari ties of teraper and conduct, and treasures up words THE GOLD COAST. 255 and acts, to enable hira to form a tme estiraate of character. Once satisfied of the white man's tmth, honour, and justice, of his favourable incli nations to black men generaUy, and of his sensible and judicious views, nothing can exceed the chUd like obedience with which he gives hiraself up to his guidance. It is not upon a short acquaintance that this influence is established; but when it has been confirraed by tirae, and an uniform consistency of conduct, the European is in a position to break down the strong barrier of his prejudices. He is, in short, a truly natural raan, in aU his corraptlons, and in raany of his virtues, and formed Uke our selves for such slow and gradual developraent of his moral and inteUectual faculties as the constitu tion of our comraon nature wiU only adrait. Upon a general conteraplation of their whole custoras and manners, as weU as of the constraction of their rainds, we cannot help being forcibly struck with their great resemblance, in raany respects, to the state of society handed down to us, in the earliest records of the huraan race. Everything in their ideas, in the idiom of theu- language. In their worship, and In the naked simplicity of their raanners, betrays their priraitive condition, and 256 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON convinces the attentive observer, that he is con templating a race of men, who, though old In their generations, have, in most of their essential characteristics, an unraistakable impression of an early stage of society. We seem to be transported back to the patriarchal age, and to be living among a people in the sarae state of siraple nature. It requires no effort of the imagination to bring before the mind's eye the manner in which the characters recorded in Scripture thought and spoke and acted, as we have daUy in our sight Uring representations of human beings actuated by simUar irapulses which find vent in simUar modes of expression and action. The extraordinary coincidences in many parti culars of the manners and customs of the Africans, with those of the Hebrews and other Eastern na tions, raust lead us to the conclusion that we see in Africa a transcript of these, cormpted by the uncertain light of tradition ; or that the human mind. In certain stages of its progress, and under the influence of similar predisposing causes, exhibits an uniforraity of bias and developraent so truly astonishing, as to be argument sufficient to set at rest the cavUs of phUosophers respecting original inferiority of race. THE GOLD COAST. 257 The observation of such a state of society clearly demonstrates the necessity of the Mosaical dispensa tion, to wean the human race frora the gross idolatry into which it had faUen ; for it could only be by types and syrabols that raan, constituted as he is, could receive into his raind an idea of the attributes of the true God. It is irapossible for hira to arrive at the knowledge of a holy, just, and merciful God, without revelation ; and this revelation could only be conveyed to him through the mediura of the senses, aided by reflection, coraparison, and abstrac tion. Man can forra no idea of such a being, as there Is nothing in the raaterial world which would convey it to his raind. He can, therefore, only transfer to his idols his own imperfect attributes, and by worshipping thera, the reaction of his own depravity would recoil upon hiraself. In this con sists the corrupting nature of aU idolatry. We deify the worst passions of our nature, becorae in consequence assiraUated to the objects of our worship, and thus aggravate our natural deprarity by a raost besotting infatuation. To this cause must we attribute the stagnant nature of the Fantee mind, it being impossible for it to rise above the standard of its worship. And now let us consider the necessity of types and symbols as the only means of conveying a reve- 258 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON lation of a perfectly holy, just, and merciful God. In the infancy of language, there is no term by which an abstract idea can be conveyed. If the Christian raissionary were confined to the use of the Fantee language, he could only throw into the rainds of his disciples the idea of a perfectly holy God by a process of symbolical comparisons simUar to those instituted araong the Jews. We have seen in the Mosaical account given us in the Scrip tures, that this idea was conveyed to the rainds of the Jews by separating the aniraals into clean and unclean, the first step in the coraparison of purity. The beasts selected for sacrifice were to be from the clean class, and not only so, but from those of that class without spot or blemish, thus conveying another degree of purity. These sacrifices were to be offered by the priests, a class purified, and set apart for the office. Before they could be offered, both the beasts to be sacrificed and the priests had to be washed and purified ; and even the sacrifice could only be made in the court of the Holy of Holies.* Thus, by a series of comparisons, God's holiness was contrasted with the highest degree of earthly purity, as neither the people, the priest, nor * The writer is chiefly indebted to a work entitled " The PhUosophy of the Plan of Salvation," for a confirmation of the views which he had himself formed upon the subject. THE GOLD COAST. 259 the sacrifice were considered sufficiently pure to corae before him, and the idea of his perfect purity was thus estabUshed in their minds and engrafted upon their language. They were led to see by the sarae systera of types, that God's perfect holiness becarae the standard of his conscience in the pu nishment of sin by death, thus revealing his justice, whUe the vicarious substitute of the sacrifice for the sinner irapressed them with an idea of his mercy.* If the raissionary had not the power of transferring these ideas frora his own language into that of the Fantee, it would be irapossible to origi nate them in the mind of the latter without the teaching by siraUar types. As it is, the poverty of the language makes it a most difficult process of instmction; for it is irapossible to disjoin the abstract idea formed by outward objects, and repre sented by a word derived from them, from the object which originated it. From this cause, we have never been able to Usten to the perforraance of Dirine service in the Fantee tongue, vrithout being shocked by the irreverent ideas constantly * We have not been able to discover that there is in the African's mind any idea of the substitution of the sacrifice for himself, when he sheds the blood of men or beasts in sacrifice. He merely yields to a traditionary practice, which he does not understand. 260 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON obtruded upon the mind by the use of vulgar words appUed to sacred emotions, which we have felt assured the generality of the hearers understood In their literal acceptation. Even vrith the assistance of circumlocution and iUustration, they find it diffi cult to express the fuU force of abstract ideas, and the native interpreters are constantly haring recourse to the substitution of the EngUsh words which represent them. This is a difficulty which can be overcome by tirae alone, and the adoption of words of foreign extraction into their language. At present, shades of raeaning can only iraperfectly be expressed by degrees of coraparison, and the Fantee language must be rauch enriched before it can becorae an efficient raediura of Chris tian instruction. We thus see the slow and pro gressive steps by which new ideas are originaUy im pressed upon the raind, and can by reflection upon this tedious process, which is necessary according to man's constitution, raore easUy raake aUowances for the misapprehension of pagan converts to Christianity upon raany points of faith and doc trine. THE GOLD COAST. 261 CHAPTER X. No written language — Difficulty of reducing the Fantee to grammatical rules — Proficiency of young scholars — Prevalence of written communications in the English language — Music — Musical instruments — Workmanship in gold — Tanning and dressing leather — Weaving — Dyeing — Agriculture — Native process of grinding — Palm vrine — Manufacture of oil — Introduction of cotton- growing— Mr. Freeman's model plantation — Exports — Imports — Dress — Houses — Taste for European luxu ries — Hospitality. Although it wUl be perceived from the delinea tions which we have given of the Gold Coast natives, that considerable regularity exists in their forras of governraent, in their laws, in their worship, and in their social relations, and that they have the appearance of having attained to this degree of advancement long before their inter course with Europeans ; yet viewing thera as a whole, we cannot consider them as having advanced beyond the state which Europeans would denomi- 262 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON nate barbarous. There is among them no trace of a written language, no hieroglyph, nor symbol, nor anything corresponding to the painted stories of Mexico or the knotted quipos of Peru. Their coraraunications are altogether oral, and their history is a blank. Nor have Europeans been successful in reducing their language to grammatical rules, which would be necessary to its being written in the Roraan character. Educated natives have frequently faUed In making coraraunications in writing, in their native language, intelligible to each other, frora their dis agreeraent about the sounds of words, and the consequent employraent of different letters to represent thera. We do not even know, that it is desirable that rauch anxiety should be felt to remedy this defect, for the sooner their own language gives place to the English, which is rapidly spreading among thera, the better wiU it be for their progress in knowledge and civUi zation. It wiU be as easy for the African to acquire a knowledge of the EngUsh language, and to write it, as It would be for him to acquire the grararaar of his own, and to reduce it to writing. Teachers find Uttle difficulty in in structing them to read and to write EngUsh; and the African boys, who are sent to school THE GOLD COAST. 263 at an early age, would bear a coraparison of their proficiency with English children of the same standing. Their powers of iraitation are very strong. They acquire with ease the art of pen manship, and seem capable of changing their ^le of writing at wUl, according to the copies se! before them. A native clerk wUl, in the course of a week, be able to copy his master's hand so exactly, as to puzzle him to discover whether it is his own or his clerk's. There are nearly a thousand of these chUdren receiving instruction at the schools of the Wes leyan Missionary Society, who are yearly sending out frora them some hundreds of young people, very tolerably educated. The uninstructed natives raake use of these to keep their accounts, and to coraraunicate by letter with each other ; and they are now so widely scattered over the country, that every viUage, even in the reraote interior, has one or more of these scribes residing in it, who suppUes the inhabitants with the means of commu- nnicating with their friends at a distance. Letters are received daily by the governor and raagistrates frora Ashantee, Akim, Wassaw, Assin, Appol- lonia, and aU the towns of Fantee. Many of the chiefs have a secretary in constant attendance upon them, very frequently their own sons, who 264 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON have received their education at the schools. The merchants also receive written orders for goods, from trading correspondents in the interior. In short, the people now generally have aU the ad vantages which are to be derived from the written coramunication of their wants and feelings. Parties to a suit In our courts are particularly anxious to avaU themselves of this raethod of representing their cases to the raagistrates. They think, and think rightly, that it is a check upon the infidelity of the interpreters. Representations of their cases are therefore carefuUy drawn out, and handed in upon the court days. Many of these coramunications are of a very extraordinary nature, frora the siraplicity of their detaUs, and the plain unvarnished stateraents of their com plaints. Some of the scribes charge a high price for their services, varying according as they esti mate their iraportance. The ordinary sum given for writing a letter is about ten-pence, but we have known an instance of four pounds haring been paid ; and when the scribe was afterwards brought up for his exorbitant charge, the only excuse which he thought it necessary to give for such extortion was, that he " considered it neces sary to teach these ignorant people the value of literature." THE GOLD COAST. 265 With such ready means of communication, the greatest facUity is afforded in carrying on the trade of the country, as weU as in furthering the riews of the govemment. Let the reader contrast this state of matters, and the general peace and security which it irapUes, with the distracted state of the country twenty-five years ago, and he can scarcely help being astonished at the rapidity of the progress made. Africans are passionately fond of music, and have an excellent ear for it. The native airs are very siraple, consisting merely of detached bars. Their songs are chiefly a species of recitative or chaunt, with a short choms. They are often improvised, the principal performer giving out a line, and a band of choristers joining in the refrain. He stands up whUe the others are seated around him, and turns frora one to another, whUe he pours forth his unprennedltated lay. As one gets wearied, or his invention fails him, another takes his place, and continues the amuseraent, which frequently lasts for hours. They are very expAt in adapting the sub jects of these songs to current events, and indulge in mocking ridicule, in biting sarcasm, in fulsome flattery, or in just praise of raen and things, accord ing as circumstances seem to demand. The bravery of a chief, the beauty of a young girl, the 266 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON UberaUty of a friend, the avarice of a miser, the poltroonery of a coward, the affection of a mother, and the disappointments of a lover, form indis crirainately the theraes of these exteraporaneous effusions. If a white man were to pass these songsters, whUe thus employed, they would quickly seize upon some pecuUarity of his character, whether good or bad, and celebrate it aloud, amidst the unrestrained merriment of the by-standers. Even a passing stranger whom they had never seen before, would come in for a share of their notice, and sorae eccentricity of look, of gait, or of apparel be quickly fastened upon as worthy of praise, or of ridicule. This habit of publishing the praise or sharae of individuals in spontaneous song, exercises no little influence upon conduct ; for the African is most sensitive to pubUc opinion, and dreads being held up to ridicule, while the incense of flattery incites him to actions which wUl gain for him the admiration of his countrymen. In this way these singing men and woifien become the organs of pubUc opinion, and supply the place of our journals and gazettes. The acrimony of their censure is soraetiraes so severe, that it leads to contentions, especially when a whole corapany or division of a town forras the subject of a derisive attack. THE GOLD COAST. 267 Their rausical instruraents are neither numerous nor of great corapass. They have a drara forraed of the trunk of a tree scooped out, and a skin stretched over one of the ends. The larger kind is carried on the head of a bearer, the druramer foUowing behind and plying his sticks. The smaUer drams are hung round the neck, and beaten either with small sticks or the fingers. These druras or tora-toras are in very frequent request. No raerry-raaking can take place without them. They appear to have the sarae stirring effect upon the Fantee, which the bagpipe has upon the Highlander. He dances franticly at their sound, and even araidst his most rapid evolutions keeps time with astonishing accuracy. It Is laughable to observe the effect of this rude rausic upon aU classes, old and young, raen, woraen and children. However eraployed, whether passing quietly through the street, carrying water from the pond, or assisting in sorae grave proces sion, no sooner do they hear the rapid beats of a distant drum, than they begin to caper and dance spontaneously. The bricklayer wUl throw down his trowel for a minute, the carpenter leave his bench, the corn-grinder her mUling-stone, and the porter his load to keep time to the inspiriting fsound. Even the cooper rivets his cask and drives 2 268 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON his hoops, keeping tirae to sorae native air, and the inhabitants, in default of other rausic, may be seen dancing to his strokes. They have also a species of guitar, caUed a sancho. It consists of a square hoUow box with a neck attached to it, having ^ght strings in two rows, supported perpendicularly by a bridge. It is played with the fingers, and has a soft soothing effect. This instrument is chiefly employed to give expression to the raore pensive raoods of the mind. The lover and the mourner find consolar tion in its notes, which they accompany vrith their voices. It is principally in the moonlight nights that we catch the low sound of their plaintive raelody. They have also a long flute which discourses sweet rausic. Its notes have a raost pleasing effect upon the ear, and are inexpressively sweet. It is impossible to listen to it without desiring to hear more than the rausicians bring frora it, their airs being only broken fragments of raelody, and not a finished composition. They play this instrument generaUy in bands of five or six, and pretend to be able to converse together upon it. Their most raartial instruraent is the horn, which is raade of an elephant's small tusk. It has simply a hole perforated in the side near the smaU THE GOLD COAST. 269 end, and requires good strength of lungs to blow it. Every chief has a horn-blower and a special air of his own. It has a bold, loud, defiant sound, and raUies the retainers round their raaster. A chief never travels without a retinue of arraed followers, his drumraer, and horn-blower. He announces his arrival In a town by the martial note of his horn ; and even before he is seen, the inhabitants can distinguish by the peculiar sound who it is. These notes always express sorae short sentence descriptive of the chief's prowess, or of his conterapt for others. Great offence was given by an Anaraaboe chief, by the raeaning conveyed in his trurapet note. It appeared to the town's- people to say " Who are you ?" in slighting aUusion to them, in comparison with the horn- blower's master. They have also gong-gongs, rattles, and casta nets, which assist in adding to the noise. In which they take such great delight. Many of thera have learned to play upon English fifes, flutes, flageolets, and bugles. They pick up our airs with the greatest facility, and play them tolerably after hearing them a few times. The arts have not raade much advance in this part of the world. They are ingenious workers in gold, and make rings, chains, and brooches, which 270 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON would do no discredit to an European artist. They mould the gold in every variety of shape, of beasts, and birds, and creeping things, and adorn their persons with these ornaraents. They know some thing of the tanning of leather ; but the Fantees are inferior to raany of their neighbours in the art of dressing it. They have attained to some proficiency in pottery. Their earthenware is good and serviceable for holding water and cook ing. They also mould images from clay, and bake them. We have seen curious groups of these in some parts of the country. Upon the death of a great man, they make representations of him, sitting in state, with his wives and attendants seated around him. Beneath a large tree in Adjuraacon, we once saw one of these groups, which had a very natural ap pearance. The iraages were, some jet black, some tawny-red, and others of aU shades of colours be tween black and red, according to the complexion of the originals, whora they were raeant to repre sent. They were nearly as large as life, and the proportions between the raen and women, and boys and girls, were well maintained. Even the soft and ferainine expressions of the feraale countenance were clearly brought out. The cabboceer and his principal raen were represented smoking then- THE GOLD COAST. 271 long pipes, and sorae boys upon their knees were covering the fire in the bowls, to give thera a proper light. There is no apotheosis of the dead in tended by these representations : they are simply monuraents to their raemory like the statues of our own great men. No care is paid to their pre servation after they have been set out for ex hibition, but there they reraain until they crurable to pieces. It is chiefly woraen who are employed in making these figures. They also weave, making use of a small loom upon the same principle as the EngUsh hand-loora. They spin the thread frora the cotton which grows in the country ; but they raore comraonly make use of thread out of English cloths, which they pick to pieces. The web is seldom broader than four inches, and is interwoven with a great variety of colours. Many of their cloths are elaborately wrought, and are sold among themselves at high prices. The AppoUonians make fine grass cloths, which are strong and durable. They make strings, nets and ropes from the fibres of the plantain and cocoa-nut-trees. They are acquainted with dyeing, and use red, blue, yellow, and a green formed of a mixture of the blue and yellow. Their blue dye especiaUy is very good and durable. Blacksraiths, carpenters, masons, coopers, taUors, and shoe- 272 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON makers now ply their busy trades throughout the land. Theu- agriculture is stiU in a very primitive state. They have neither plough nor beasts of burden to assist In the operations of the field. Their chief products are corn, yaras, cassada, ground-nuts, plantains, and bananas. Besides these, they have a great variety of fruits, which appear to grow spontaneously without rauch attention to their cultivation, such as pine-apples, guavas, Umes, lemons, oranges, papaws, custard-apples, sour-sops, a variety of apples, caUed the Cashew apple, the Cormantine apple, and the sweet apple, raelons, pumpkins, ochros, a species of musk cherry, and many kinds of peppers. They have also the cocoa-nut and the palm -nut, frora which they compress the oU, which forras the staple of the export trade. They cultivate a species of gourd, which grows to a great size, and is very serviceable to them. They are used for bottles, calabashes to drink frora, water-pots, and trays-. They soraetiraes bring the palra oU to raarket in thera, and we have seen some capable of contain ing eight gallons. The sugar-cane and cotton-tree also appear to have been long naturalized to the soil, if they be not indigenous. But in addition to the fraits and vegetables which appear indi- THE GOLD COAST. 273 genous to the country, many others can be raised with moderate attention. Mr. Freeman has a model farra or plantation, about seven miles distant from Cape Coast, which is a perfect nursery of every description of vegetable production. Perhaps there is not anywhere to be found, within the same limited compass, such an extensive variety. Over and above aU the native products, he has successfuUy cultivated grapes, figs, arrow-root, coffee, radishes, turnips, carrots, beet, cabbage, peas, potatoes, onions, beans, &c., &c. He has also a variety of trees, and plants, and flowers, among which the cinnamon-tree and the rose are conspicuous. He has given the name of Beulah to his beautiful plantation, which being situated in the neighbourhood of a smaU mission station, where there is a chapel and school, and In the midst of a rich district, presents a fine landscape to the eye, and the most agreeable Impressions to the mind, as forming the nucleus of the regenerat ing influences which are to ameliorate the moral and physical waste of the people and their country. The natives prepare the ground for the seed by cutting down the matted thickets with the biU- hook, and leaving the more valuable fruit-trees and plants in the midst of their fields. The N 3 274 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON heat of the sun soon renders the withered bushes fit to be consumed by fire, and the ashes are scattered as manure over the ground. They seldora extract the roots, and siraply turn up the ground between them with a hoe, and deposit the seed. More care is taken with their yam and cas sada plantations, which are carefully kept clear of weeds, and staked and trimraed. The pistache, or ground nut, is also grown in raised beds, which re quire considerable attention to keep clean. They do not seek to cultivate raore than is necessary for their annual consuraption, but if a deraand is made upon thera for corn for exportation, they are eager to raise it for sale, and have the raeans of giving a large supply. They live principaUy upon bread made from the Indian corn, and upon yams and plantains, which they mash, or cut up into pieces, making a vegetable soup, which is highly seasoned with peppers. The corn Is prepared for bread, by being ground upon a large stone, sUghtly concave, by means of another smaller stone roUer, with which they squeeze the grains. The larger stone is raised a few inches frora the ground in a slanting position ; the woraen stand behind it, and stooping down, move their arms, and the upper part of the body backwards and forwards, as they keep roUing THE GOLD COAST. 275 the smaUer stone over the corn. A vessel is placed upon the ground to receive the meal as it falls from the stone. This work is always performed by the woraen, generally about daybreak, when " the sound of the grinders" is heard in all the streets. They raix the meal with water, leaven the dough with a bit of stale bread, roU it up in a plantain leaf, and bake it in their smaU earthen conical ovens. They do not raake use of rauch animal food, not that they do not care for it, but because it is not abundant. They have not many bullocks in the neighbourhood of Cape Coast, which is not favour able for their pasturage. There are pigs, sheep, goats, turkeys, fowls, and ducks; besides game, such as deer, bush-pig, buffaloes, hares, partridges, &c. ; but they are by no means numerous. Dried fish forras their chief reUsh for their vegetable diet. In addition to what they cure theraselves, there is a very considerable supply imported by the Americans, which is eagerly purchased. They make a very pleasant and palatable wine from the palm species of trees. This is done by up rooting the tree, lopping off its leaves, and perfo rating the trunk. They place a calabash at the puncture, and bum sorae dried twigs under the 276 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON tree. The sap is thus forced to the orifice, and received into the pot, into which it distils for several days at the rate of about a gaUon a day. A good tree will yield about twelve gaUons. The wine is fresh and very pleasant to drink when new ; but if allowed to stand for sorae hours it ferraents rapidly, and becoraes pungent and In toxicating. The natives are very fond of this beve rage, and drink great quantities of it, preferring It in its strength. Soraetiraes the tree is not cut down ; but the extraction of its sap destroys its vitality. It is the sarae species of palm-tree that produces the nut from which the oil is made. The nuts are placed in a large raortar buUt of stones, and pounded with sharp-pointed stakes, to separate the external husk frora the stone. The husks thus separated are then gathered up, put into an earthen pot with water, and boiled. The oil ascends to the top. Is skimraed off, and coUected into separate vessels. These nuts are so full of oU, that It spirts out upon a pressure of the hand. They also raake another drink frora the corn, which is not malted. It tastes soraewhat Uke small beer, and is caUed pittau. This drink, also, by being aUowed to ferment, acquires considerable intoxicating properties. THE GOLD COAST. 277 The soU of the country Is rich and fertile, and yields raost abundant returns. Property In it is acquired by bringing it under cultivation. All the land in the neighbourhood of a town is considered as belonging to the inhabitants generally ; and the raan who first cuts down the bush, and grows a crop, is regarded as the proprietor of the portion thus occupied. There is so rauch unoccupied space, however, that until lately property of this kind was little regarded. And it is perhaps the best evidence of advancement that litigations about a disputed title to ground are now of very fre quent occurrence. The progressive development of the resources of the country Is forcing upon the natives the conviction, that cultivation is the best and raost legitiraate source of wealth. A strong impetus in this direction has been given by an association of gentleraen who are atterapting to introduce the cultivation of cotton as an article of export, and several of the native chiefs and others begin to give their attention to it; whUe the people generaUy are only waiting the result of the experiraent, to undertake it, if it shall be found to answer. We do not think that there Is rauch doubt about the success of a cotton plan tation, If properly attended to. The labour of a grown person can be obtained at two doUars per 278 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON raonth without any additional expense of board or raaintenance. The exports of the Gold Coast are gold- dust, ivory, palra-oil, corn, ground-nuts, raalagetta pepper, and gum copal. The three articles first enumerated, form the staple of their coraraodities. The principal supply of gold is received from the Ashantee traders. It is found generaUy in the soil of the country in small dust ; but the beds of rivers yield the largest quantities. There are also mines, where it is obtained raixed with red loam and gravel, and pieces of white granite. Many slaves are employed in collecting it throughout the Ashantee country. ; From the River Barra, and frora the province of iGaman, the largest supplies are said to be obtained; but the policy of the Kings of Ashantee, in pre venting intercourse with the interior, does not enable us to speak with much certainty upon this point. It is also got In abundance in some parts of the Akim country, which appears to be as pro Ufic as Ashantee. There are raines in Wassaw and Denkera. The Dutch governraent took some trouble to work a raine in the forraer country, but frora the bad selection of the spot, frora the sick ness of the rainers, and the unfitness of their apparatus, it was attended with Uttie success, and THE GOLD COAST. 279 is now abandoned. In raost parts of the Fantee country, there is a slight impregnation of the soU with it ; but it hardly rewards their iraperfect pro cess of separating it. They take a calabash partly fuU of earth, raix it with water, and agitate it. The particles of gold sink to the bottora, and the earth is thrown away. By continued processes of this description it is entirely separated frora the earth, and found in rainute grains deposited in the bottora of the calabash. It is also found near Winnebah in luraps of granite, which are pounded and sifted in the same manner. There can be little doubt that it wiU yet be found in parts of the interior in large abundance and in rich veins. We have ourselves seen a lurap of eleven ounces, and Dupuis speaks of having seen at Cooraassie luraps of the weight of four pounds. It would not appear that the quantity of gold ex ported frora the Gold Coast has increased of late years. On the contrary, if we are to consider thei stateraents which have been made on this subjec ' correct, it has greatly decreased. Mr. Swanzy, ii his eridence given before a parUamentary cora^ mittee, in 1816, gives it as his opinion that a hundred thousand ounces of gold were annuaUy produced. This is nearly double the quantity at present exported. .J 28P' EIGHTEEN YEARS ON We are also dependent on the Ashantees for our supplies of ivory. Our exports of this article are now very insignificant. It would seem that the elephants are far less numerous than they were, or that the interior market for ivory has been closed against the Ashantees. Themanufacture of palm- oil has greatly increased, and is stiU increasing. It is entirely produced by the natives living under our protection, who bring it, sometiraes on their heads, in pots of five and six gallons, a distance of forty mUes. The operations of trade are greatly im peded, from the want of beasts of burden, or any narigable river, the time of the people being so much occupied In the mere carriage of their pro duce to market. The trade, however, is steadily increasing, and is capable of a much greater though gradual development. We do not despair In the course of sorae years of being able to add cotton to the nuraber of the exports. The imports are cotton goods, sUks, velvets, wooUen stuffs, spirits, wines, tobacco, iron, brass, copper, lead, hardware, earthenware, cutlery, guns, powder, flints, salt prorisions, house furniture, beads, cowries, tea, sugar, beer, and an endless variety of the ordinary articles of consuraption. The coraraercial spirit is very strong in the African. The whole population are traders to a THE GOLD COAST. 281 certain extent. It is the deUght of the African women to sit in the market-places under the trees, exposing their wares for sale, or to hawk them through the streets from door to door, and from vUlage to viUage. Their trade, however, is as yet little more than a barter of one coraraodity for another. The Gold Coast natives are particularly fond of dress. The sirapUcity of the national costurae does not adrait of any other variety than what can be obtained by change of colours and of texture. It consists of an under girdle caUed a shin, which is tied round the loins, passed between the thighs, and the ends secured to the folds at one side. They are particular in haring this part of their dress of the finest texture. It is very frequently of sUk, of a showy colour, and they allow the ends or fringes to faU down the side of the leg, that it raay occasionally be seen upon any disarrangeraent of the upper robe, which is thrown round the left shoulder, passed under the right arra, and readjusted in graceful drapery from the left, covering the whole person, with the exception of the right shoulder, arm and breast, which are left exposed. These robes are made of all kinds of Man chester goods, of silks, of velvets, and of their own 282 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON rich country cloths. The patterns and colours are selected according to the taste of the wearer, some preferring a neat modest print, while others delight in gaudy contrasts of colour. Wealthy people indulge in frequent changes of apparel, and have an immense variety of these robes. Even the poorer classes have several changes, and always a good handsorae cloth to wear on gala days. Sandals are worn by the better classes, which they reraove frora their feet as a raark of respect.* They leave thera at the entrance of a room when they pay a visit. They also salute Europeans, and sometimes each other, by slightly removing their robe frora their left shoulder with the right hand, gracefully bovring at the same time. When they vrish to be very respectful, they uncover their shoulder altogether, and support the robe under the arm, the whole of the person from the breast upwards being left exposed. WhUe labouring, they often reraove the upper robe altogether, or they gird it In a large araple fold round the loins.f The feraales have an under girdle simUar to that worn by the men. To this is attached, behind, a large bustle ofa conical shape, extending about a foot * This would also appear to be a traditionary usage of great antiquity. t " Gird up now thy loins like a man." — Job xxxviii, 3, THE GOLD COAST. 283 from the person. A robe is passed round the body from the waist to the ankle, and tightly secured im mediately above the bustle by a broad outer girdle. This is the whole attire of a young unmarried girl. The breasts, shoulders, arms, and neck, are left perfectly uncovered. Older females wear an additional cloth, which is passed round under the arras, and raeets the lower robe or petti coat, leaving only the shoulders, arras, and neck exposed. They are equaUy anxious with the men to set off their persons to advantage, and occupy no little portion of their time about their toilet, of which the proper adjustraent of the bustle is their chief study. The size of this extraordinary appen dage varies according to the consequence of the wearer, always increasing in proportion to her dignity. Both sexes raake use of beads and gold as ornaraents for the neck, wrists, and ankles. Notwithstanding the bare exposure of so rauch of their persons, it does not strike us as in delicate, the dark hue of their skins taking away entirely from the naked appearance, and serring as a covering. Their fine smooth skins are, Indeed, their principal beauty, and they take care to preserve thera carefuUy. Their habits are cleanly. They wash their whole persons once, if 284 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON not oftener, during the day, and rub their skins over with a little pomatura and other unguents, which are so thoroughly absorbed by the friction, as not to leave any unpleasant greasy appearance. This Is found to be a very necessary preservative against the hard, drying action of the sun. Such are the national costuraes of the men and women ; but, like everything else in their condition, they are being largely encroached upon by a growing taste for our European style of dress. Their houses do not exhibit much architectural decoration, or great variety in their accommoda tions ; but even the very poorest have ample shelter in proportion to their siraple necessities. The lowest class of dweUing which we have ob served Is to be seen in the neighbourhood of the Saccoora river, near Accra, and at sorae fishing hamlets between Axim and Dixcove. These con sist of smaU conical huts, thatched over with grass, huddled together Uke so many hay-cocks upon the sand, and vrith only a sraall aperture, through which the occupant raakes his Ingress and egress upon his hands and knees. The appearance of these kennels betrays at once the poverty, the filth, the ignorance, and lazy habits of life of those degraded creatures, who live principally by gather^. THE GOLD COAST. 285 Ing sheUs for Ume-burnlng. The next in degree to these are the smaU hamlets in the interior parts of the country, the houses of which are, for the most part, composed of waUs of bamboo and other stakes, plastered over with raortar, and thatched with plantain and palm-leaves. These huts con sist of one, two, or more apartments, and have square holes to serve the purpose of vrindows and door-ways, which are closed up at night, by a bamboo fence drawn over the apertures, and secured inside to keep out the beasts of prey. Some of these huts, of higher pretensions, have window shutters and doors, with aU the advantages of hinges and bolts. The sraaller riUages are entirely composed of huts of this description. They are generaUy in the neighbourhood of the principal farras and plantations, and have been erected for the convenience of the labourers, who very possibly have dweUing-houses of a better description in sorae of the principal towns of the district. UntU within the last twenty-five years, there was so Uttle security in the country now enjoying British protection, that raen dared not live in detached dweUings. The population of a district was corapelled to congregate in large towns for mutual protection. Long tracts of forest or jungle, 286 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON without a vestige of a human habitation, inter vened between these towns, in the immediate neighbourhood of which they were obliged to cul tivate their sraall patches of ground, without ven turing to any distance from their homes. The great tranquUUty, however, which the country has enjoyed since the close of the last Ashantee war, and the effective systera of control under which the natives generaUy have been brought by the government, have entirely obriated the necessity for thus herding together. Detached huts and smaU haralets have been and are springing up on every side, and now give to the country not only the appearance, but the reality, of greater populous ness and more extensive cultivation. There Is in consequence at present going on a partial depopu lation of the larger and raore central towns, which do not afford sufficient scope for the spirit of greater industry evoked by the security and pro tection now universally felt. But while the most industrious raembers of these comraunities are thus carrying their labour into new fields, and planting theraselves In various directions,- where, seated beneath their own palm- trees, they are enabled to enjoy In peace and com fort the fruits of their industry, they nevertheless maintain a close connection and constant inter- THE GOLD COAST. 287 course with the parent towns in which their faraily houses are situated, and where their ancestors are buried. As yet these are eraphaticaUy considered their " horaes," whUe their new dweUings in the wUderness are raerely regarded in the light of a teraporary convenience. In consequence of this idea of the transient nature of these new resi dences, they have been erected without any view to great corafort and durabUity, and consist chiefly of wattles and thatch. There are, how ever, decided indications that ere long their connection with the parent town wUl becorae norainal. This is seen in raore substantial houses being substituted for these teraporary hovels, and in the neglect and dUapidation of the faraily houses in the towns. Greater independence is enjoyed in their rural retreats, where the whole population consists of one or two faraiUes, connected by re lationship, than where they form a component part of a large town, subject to local regulations, under the iraraediate eye of their chiefs or head raen, and exposed to the constantly recurring " palavers," which constitute the eraployraent of the Fantees, when Uving together in large numbers. DaUy the intercourse between their old and their new houses becomes less frequent ; longer Intervals 288 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON elapse betwixt succeeding visits ; chiefs and head raen gmmble at the desertion of the houses, and reraonstrate with the owners. These proraise to return and make faint excuses for prolonged ab sence ; but captivated with the happy indepen dence and easy abundance of a country life, they graduaUy corae to lirait their risits to stated occasions of public festivity or annual custom- making. At last the disjunction is corapleted by the faUen roof and broken-down waUs of the old famUy house, always to be, but never repaired. The Fantee country, at the present time, bears in the general aspect of its towns and hamlets, the traces of this progressive change. The prin cipal towns are deforraed by heaps of roofless waUs in all stages of decay, whUe substantial houses of higher pretensions are being buUt upon new sites in uninhabited parts of the country. These houses are buUt of raud, or " s\\'ish," as it is caUed when prepared for use, which is done by mixing the earth with water, and tramp ing it vrith the feet. It is then coUected into a heap, covered over with straw, and aUowed to ferraent for sorae days. Having thus acquired great adhesive qualities, it is buUt in successive layers of about eighteen inches high at a time. The hot rays of the sun perform the operation THE GOLD COAST. 289 of baking it as effectually as an oven, and give to it the tenacity, consistence, and hardness of a brick. Their ordinary plan of construction is in the form of a square, the rooms forming its sides, and en closing a quadrangular space, of dimensions pro portionate to the size of the side rooms. The entrance is llirough a door or gateway, leading into one of these rooms, which is generaUy kept as an open lodge, through which to pass into the inner square, and in which the chief or head man is in the habit of keeping his drams. On the side of the square, fronting this lodge, the floor of the apartments is raised about a couple of feet from the ground, and is altogether open to wards the square, or yard. Sometimes there is only a part of it open ; a smaU space at each end being set apart for rooras. The other two sides of the square consist of rooras with doors and windows, their floors being on a level vrith the ground ; or, as in the raeaner class, of raised and open sheds, as already described. These houses have rarely any vrindows opening to the outside, so that the entrance through the gateway is the only means of extemal comraunica tion. The greatest privacy is therefore enjoyed by every faraUy, even in the centre of a town, as they can attend to the household affairs in the open air, VOL. II. o 290 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON within the square, or under the open sheds or rooms forraing its sides, without being seen by their neighbours. Of course there is sorae variety in the arrange ments of the different houses, according to the taste of individuals ; but the prevailing, and what raay be terraed the purely native style, is such as we have here described. In houses of recent erection, the open apartments are now giving place to rooms with doors and windows, there being seldom more than one open apartment in the square. They frequently consist of a succession of these quadri lateral buUdings and yards, the nuraber being in proportion to the consequence and riches of the individual, and the size of. his family. A smaU door of comraunication at one of the corners leads out of one square into another. The females of the house occupy one of these interior sets if apartments, where they perforra the domestic duties of the establishraent — grinding corn, pounding foofoo, cooking and preparing food. The fire place is in the centre of the yard, and .consists of three sraaU clay cones placed close together in the forra of a triangle ; the cooking utensUs rest be tween these, and the wood of the fire is on the ground beneath them; the smoke rises into the open air, and as the yard is closed in by the waUs THE GOLD COAST. 291 of the house, and there is not frequently rauch wind, the atraosphere is often thick and sraoky during the operation of cooking. There is frequently a second story upon one side of the square, and soraetimes upon all. This is considered necessary to meet the idea of a white man's house, which they think it so desirable to imitate. We have observed that the waUs of these houses are buUt of raud, or swish. They are substantially roofed with stout sticks and thatch, which for the most part overlap the waUs some two or three feet, and afford an agreeable shade to the inmates, who sit upon a low bank or seat of earth, which is raade to run along the whole of the waUs inside the square. This low bank and the floors, being rubbed over with a wash of red earth, which takes on a fine glaze when dry, and the waUs above whitewashed, the whole arrangeraents have a clean, tidy, and soraewhat showy appearance, the pic turesque look of which is stiU farther enhanced by a display of muskets and other warlike accoutre ments upon the waUs of the principal open apart raent, which is used by the raaster of the establish ment as his reception-room and haU of audience. In other parts of the house we find, suspended from, or naUed to the waUs, a variety of portraits 292 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON and prints, chiefly French, and vile daubs. Africans are exceedingly fond of pictures in their rooms, and to gratify this taste press anything into their service that comes readiest to hand. Napoleon In his cocked hat, in gaudy colours or siraple wood cut, on foot and on horseback, and George IV. in his coronation robes, may be seen disputing for space with Punch and his dog Toby, as they appear in the frontispiece of his publication, with the urns, tea and coffee-pots of Cox, Savory, and Corapany, as seen in their advertisements, or with the royal arras of England flaming in aU the glory of an announcement of one of her Majesty's tradesmen. The introduction of pictures is far from being the only European innovation which attracts our atten tion. UntU inoculated with the fancy for change, which their intercourse with Europeans is daUy deve loping, their household wants were extremely few and of the most siraple kind, and with raany people in the country, even yet little change has taken place. With a cloth to cover hiraself, a mat to sleep upon, a few earthen pots for holding water and cooking, a calabash to drink from, a couple of stones to grind his corn, a tub to pound his plantains in, and a bUl-hook and hoe to clear his plantation, the Fantee is in a condition to commence housekeeping. THE -GOLD COAST. 293 with everything necessary for his estabUshment. Gradually, however, are gathered around him the superfluous luxuries which travel in the wake of the white raan. It is amusing to observe, in raany of the faraily houses, the progress of ideas among its inmates, and the various degrees of advancement which they have made, from their different arrange ments. Their superstition raay be seen in the bottle or string suspended over the doorway, in the Fetish tree in the yard, and in the posts erected in the corners and behind the doors, to sustain vessels which hold Fetish substances. The old people care not to vary the practiee of their fathers, and confine themselves to the siraple necessaries of Ufe, not so much that they do not prefer the comforts of raore ciriUzed habits, as that they cannot give themselves the trouble to acquire the means to gratify them. The bare clay waUs of their apartraent, with their mats and stools, their earthen pots and calabashes, bespeak the stagnant nature of their ideas. In another apartment of the same house, we find perhaps dishes of pewter and earthenware, a spoon, a knife and fork, a table, a chair, a bed, and a trunk ; and the waUs whitewashed, with pictures and the owner's musket and cartouch-box hung upon them. Again we may find, stUl in the sarae house, a vveU- 294 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON finished roora according to our European ideas of corafort, and its inraate dressed like an EngUsh raan, able to read and to write, and haring the Bible, Bunyan's " PUgrira's Progress," and other religious books upon his table or sofa. This strange interraixture gives a grotesque and coraical appearance to their whole arrangeraents. There are few houses now, however, in the neigh bourhood of Cape Coast, and other principal towns, in which many of the coraforts and luxuries of civiUzed Ufe are not to be found ; and many of the natives enjoy a degree of easy abundance, and of luxurious enjoyraent, which, untU intercourse vrith thera has raade it faraUiar to us, we should not be inclined to associate with the naked simplicity of their attire ; for it is not among those alone who follow European habits of dress that we find all the conveniences of life. Indeed, among aU classes there is a much more general diffusion of a raoderate and corapetent means of subsistence than is to be perhaps found in any other country in the world, absolute want being perfectly unknown. The tendency, how ever, at present is strong towards a higher standard of exceUence in the objects of their pursuit, which are chiefly based upon an anxious desire to imitate European habits of life, which would appear. THE GOLD COAST. 295 especiaUy in external acquireraents, to be the grand desideratum of young Africa. So great is the competition in this respect, that it is leading many to min ; for, not satisfied to wait the slow process of obtaining the raeans of adding to their enjoyraents by habits of frugal industry, by which the road to wealth is open to aU, they are apt to launch into extravagant expenses, without at aU reflecting upon their capability of supporting thera. In this way, it is not at aU uncomraon to see a person run headlong and deeply into debt, aU the whUe that he is buUding a house, which may possibly be sold by his creditors even before the projector has raanaged to raake it habitable. Others, with equal iraprudence, ex pend the whole of their means in raising a costly buUding, which remams a raere unfinished sheU — a monuraent of the foUy and of the pride of its owner. Some even make a greater miscalculation of their raeans than this, and coraraence a stmcture upon a scale so disproportioned to their means, that they are compelled to leave it half-finished, to be battered to the ground by the rains. But on aU hands we see pretensions to a much higher class of buUding than the preceding generation considered necessary for their wants, and faUure Is by no raeans the invariable result of these am- 296 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON bitious riews; on the contrary, there are now to be found raany whose houses and raode of life correspond in every respect with our European ideas. Frora these reraarks, the reader wUl have Uttle difficulty in picturing to hiraself the endless variety of degree in the progress raade towards the habits of a higher degree of civUization, He wiU also easily iraagine the strange incongruities to be encountered in his researches into the present condition of the people ; for he wUl look in vain in an African estabUshraent for that nice adjust ment and appropriate suitability, which is expressed by being " in keeping," and which is justly con sidered an indication of correct taste. The virtue of hospitality is general, and appears so natural to the Fantees, that one of themselves, a stranger, seems to think he has a right to put it to the proof by taking up his teraporary abode wherever he thinks fit. Accommodation is readily granted without any expectation of recompense; and upon occasions of a visit between friends, the guest is invariably received with presents. To Europeans they are so very accomraodating, that they do not hesitate to vacate their own houses for a tirae, in order that they raay be properly lodged ; and although they do not provide THE GOLD COAST. 297 them with an entertainraent which they doubt their abiUty of making suitable for them, yet do they bring presents of sheep, fowls, yams, plan tains and palm-wine, in order that their own servants may prepare the feast. The writer has seen the greatest delicacy evinced in the unob- tmsive manner in which real kindnesses have been done; and has himself, during a long residence araong thera, received so many proofs of their respect and attachment as will ever lead him to regard thera vrith an affectionate and grateful remembrance. n 3 298 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON CHAPTER XI Persecution of the Christians at Assafa — Their offensive conduct — Sacred grove violated — Indignation of the Fetishmen — CouncU of chiefs — Denunciation of the Fetish worship by a Fetish priest — Destruction of tbe Christians' village by Adoo, chief of Mankassim — Captivity of the Christians — Interference of the EngHsh authorities — Palaver held at Anamaboe — Resistance — Necessity for caution on the part of the authorities — Little dependence to be placed on native co-operation — Meeting with the head men of Cape Coast — Deputation to Adoo — He consults his Fetish, and receives permission to go to Cape Coast — His arrival — Interest felt in his trial — Conspiracy of Fetishmen to poison four supporters of Christianity — Exposure of Fetish tricks — Indignation of the chiefs — They pronounce the Fetishmen worthy of death — Helpless condition of the people bereft of spiritual aid — Their confiicting feelings on the subject. Since writing the chapter upon the Fetish wor ship of the people, in which we represented the struggle going on between the two great princi- THE GOLD COAST. 299 pies of barbarism and civUization, the views which we then expressed have received an extraordinary corroboration from circumstances which have since taken place. At the smaU vlUage of Assafa, which is not far distant frora the great Braffo Fetish of Mankassim, Mr. Freeman had estabUshed a school, and adraitted to Christian feUowship a sraaU body of adult converts to Christianity. It was a cause of great indignation to the Fetishraen to see their worship repudiated in the Imraediate vicinity of the chief Fetish of the country, and they commenced a series of annoying persecutions, by which they hoped to extinguish the spirit of Fetish repudiation. To escape from these annoyances, the Christian converts removedfrora Assafa, and estabUshed thera selves in a sraall village under their head raan " Old Quashie," who had renounced Fetish. This re moval only brought them nearer to the Fetish grove, and exposed them stiU more to the vengeance of the Fetishmen. Nor was the conduct of these proselytes at all times calculated to avoid giving offence. They appeared to believe that the best way of displaying their zeal for Christianity, was to insult the worshippers of Fetish, and they took no pains to conceal their detestation, which they ex pressed by making a raock of their worship, and by a general abuse of the worshippers. Moreover thev cleared the bush and made their 300 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON plantation in the iramediate ricinity of the sacred grove, which they approached with a levity and irre verence highly displeasing to the Fetishraen, who urged upon the Fantee chiefs the necessity of aveng ing their insulted god. The believers in Fetish generaUy, however, did not consider their interfer ence necessary, as they had great faith in the power of their chief deity to avenge hiraself, and they believed that he would be induced to make some signal deraonstration of his wrath against the pro fane contemners of his power. Their faith in this hope was, however, disappointed, for the plantations which they thought raust be blighted were particu larly fruitful, and a stUl raore raarked indignity faUed to rouse the anger of the god. One of the Christian converts did not fear to shoot a deer within the precincts ofthe grove, which was regarded as such a flagrant conterapt of the great Fetish, that the priest at last prevaUed upon the Fantee chiefs to take the matter into their serious consideration. A council was held, at which it was agreed that the chiefs would mutually support each other In punish ing the next insult offered to their deity. Adoo, the chief of Mankassim, (the representative of the forraer kings of Fantee, when the nation acknow ledged one king,) was appointed guardian of the Fetish. The other chiefs proraised hira their sup port, and consented to share the responsibUity of THE GOLD COAST. 301 any measure which he might find it necessary to adopt in reference to the charge imposed upon him. Affairs were in this state, when a Fetishraan — one who had been an inferior serritor at the altar of the great Fetish — renounced his worship and joined the other converts to Christianity. -This defection stiU farther alarraed the Fetishraen, and they only watched for an opportunity to cut hira off. He soon afforded thera one, for he was influenced by the rancour of a renegade against his old associates, and spared no pains to evince his contempt for them. Actuated by this spirit, he and two others ventured to cut sorae sticks within the grove; which the Fetish men no sooner heard, than they had recourse to Adoo to punish the offenders. This chief, burning vrith a fiery zeal In the cause of the Fetish, and rely ing upon the support of the other Fantee chiefs, immediately sumraoned his retainers, and set out for Old Quashie's riUage, where the deUnquents re sided. He arrived at daybreak, before the vUlagers had risen frora their beds. He seized and bound the Christians, and carried thera captive to Man- kasslra, leaving their houses in flames. Information of this outrage was conveyed to the judicial assessor in a letter written by one of the edu cated natives In the neighbourhood. UntU the receipt of this coraraunication, the EngUsh authorities had no knowledee whatever of the councU of the chiefs. 302 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON or of the other circurastances connected with this affair. A soldier was iramediately sent to Mankas sim to deraand the Uberation of the prisoners, and to cite Adoo to appear at Cape Coast Castle, to ex plain and account for his conduct. At the same tirae, the assessor, persuaded that such a gross riola tion of authority, the like of which had not occurred since the close of the Ashantee war, could only have been coraraitted by a man who had made up his mind to dare the worst, privately requested Am- raooney, the chief of Anamaboe, to use his influence with Adoo to induce him to subrait to the authori ties and to obey the suraraons. In the raeantirae the Fetishraen were instigating hira to drown the renegade, by the terrors of the offended deity and every induceraent which they could think of, but he trembled to take this decisive step. He stUl respected the EngUsh government, and he refused to corarait an act which he could not help regarding as an entire renunciation of his aUegiance. WhUe this debate was going on, the suramons reached hira, which being supported by Araraooney's strong persuasions, had the effect of recaUing hira to a sense of his danger. He con sented to appear at Cape Coast upon a day men tioned, excusing hiraself frora accorapanying the soldier, upon the plea that he could not collect his retainers, who must foUow him, under the delay of THE GOLD COAST. 303 a few days. He promised that he would bring his prisoners with him, and that no injury should befal thera. This answer not being satisfactory, another raessenger was sent to him demanding his imrae diate obedience to the suraraons. By this tirae, however, he was ready to corae, the whole of the Fantee chiefs haring espoused his cause as that of the Fetish, and prepared theraselves to accompany him, and to support hira by their countenance at his trial. When they arrived at Anaraaboe they wrote a letter to Mr. Bannerraan, the governor, praying hira not to insist upon their coraing to Cape Coast, as they had a great many foUowers vrith them, whora they would find it difficult to support there, and entreating hira to send the assessor to Ana maboe " to hear the palaver, " giving at the same time the strongest assurances that they would en tirely abide by his decision. Their request was granted, and the case was investigated at Anamaboe ; but the assessor was not a little astonished to find, on landing upon the beach there, that the whole of the Fantee chiefs, with fully three thousand foUowers, were congregated to watch the proceedings. He found the facts of the case to be what we have here stated. It was evident, by their own adraission, as weU as by the testimony of others, that the nKv;ct;nn inverts had intentionally insulted the 304 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON worshippers of the Fetish, and their conduct had been calculated with a view to provoke them. Nor did Adoo seek to deny his act, which he and his brother chiefs justified as a duty which he owed to his gods. The merits of the case were, there fore, easUy comprehended ; but it was not so easy to decide upon the best raanner of treating it. There was a necessity for the calraest deliberation, for a due aUowance being made for the prejudices of the people, who had faith in their Fetish, and for the exhibition of the most impartial consi deration, without regard for Christian or heathen. It was decided that Adoo should pay to the Chris tians the fiiU value of the property destroyed by the burning of their huts, which was calculated at £56, and that, moreover, he should pay a fine of £40 to her Majesty for his flagrant contempt of the law. The insulters of the Fetish were adjudged to pay £20 to the Fantee chiefs, as compensation for the insults offered them through their Fetish. It raay perhaps be thought that the treatraent they had received, had been sufficient to relieve thera frora further punishraent, and that the lawlessness of Adoo's act had forfeited every title to a consi deration of their insulted feeUngs. But vrithout basing the whole decision upon the original merits ofthe case. It would have been impossible to con vince the Fetish worshippers that favour and par- THE GOLD COAST. 305 tiallty had not keen shown to the Christians ; for in dealing out justice to them, it is more necessary to mark, by comparative penalties, our sense of the different degrees of culpability, than, after care fully sumraing up the eridence, to strike the balance of guUtiness and affix a single penalty upon the greatest offender. The circumstances of iraportant cases are ex tensively, although often iraperfectly, known to the pubUc ; and it is only by the araount of penalty that they can estiraate the Europeans' views of jus tice, as the strictures of the judge are not generally heard. As soon as judgraent was given in this case, the chiefs requested, as they often do, to be aUowed to retire for a few rainutes to consult upon it. When they returned to the haU, they acknow ledged its justice in respect to the corapensation decreed for theraselves, and the fine iraposed for the violation of the law, and expressed their perfect readiness to abide by the decision to this extent ; but their whole sentiraents revolted against the idea of corapensating the Christians for their losses. These were, in their eyes, altogether an inadequate punishment for the affronts offered to the Fetish. They, therefore, argued strenuously against sub raission upon this point, and aUeged that they could not comproraise the dignity of the great 306 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Fetish by yielding to a payment which must greatly offend their god. They, moreover, insisted that the Christians should be prevented frora returning to their viUage and plantations as a raark of defer ence to the Fetish, essential to avert his wrath from the whole country. Their arguraents were met by a firm assertion of the principles of justice, which could not be aUowed to trackle to their prejudices. They were given to understand that the local govern raent had established, and were determined to raaintain, security and protection for aU ; not even injustice arising frora theu- Fetish partiaUties could be aUowed to form an exception to this rule. Care was taken to explain to them that the conduct of the Christians was disapproved of, and that whUe the prejudices of the people led thera to reverence their Fetish groves, the magis trates would regard theu- wUfiU desecration in the sarae Ught, in performing justice between man and man, as they would the spoliation of a missionary chapel. The fine iraposed upon the Christians was an evidence of this impartial •riew of the case. Such Insults were neither dictated by a Christian spirit, nor calculated to recoraraend Christianity to others. It was per fectly possible for Christians and Fetish wor- THE GOLD COAST. 307 shippers to live together in the same country, vrithout mutually offending each other. While the assessor insisted upon compensation being made for the losses sustained, and thus justified and explained the grounds of his decision, and the principles upon which he acted, he, at the sarae tirae, expressed his wiUingness to raediate between them, in order to remove occa sions of future quarrels. With this view, although he would neither corapel nor sanction the abandon ment of their plantations, merely to gratify the superstitious feelings of the Fetish worshippers, yet he would recoraraend the Christians to seU them; and if the chiefs were sincere in their desire to do honour to their Fetish, they would not object to raake sorae sacrifice, to preserve the inriolabUity of his abode. Although these arguraents were neither satis factory nor conrincing — for the assessor was reasoning with them upon the only subject on which they vriU not Usten to reason — yet they established in the minds of the chiefs and people the conviction that the governraent was pursuing in this raatter the sarae system of impartial justice which they had observed to characterise its general conduct. They had the penetration to perceive the inutUity of attempting to alter this policy. 308 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON and they sorrowfuUy submitted themselves to the decision, saying: "If our master prefers these ten Christians to the whole of the Fantee nation, we cannot help it ; we are sorry, but we submit." In this reraark we have an excellent iUustration of their ideas of justice. It would never occur to them to support a principle, in opposition to such a numerical opposition. It impUed also a partial disruption of the cordial ties which had hitherto united them to the government, their great attachraent to their Fetish rendering their present subraission a severe stmggle between the duty required of them by their faith, and that imposed upon them by a governraent which they loved and respected, and of whose power to benefit them they were fuUy conscious. Seeing no means of overcoming the assessor's deterraination, Ottoo, chief of Abrah, and Am- mooney, chief of Anaraaboe, becarae responsible for the payment of the fine and compensation- money on the morrow. Then they left the fort, much dejected at the result of the investi gation. It had been necessary to close the gates of the fort, to exclude the retainers of the chiefs, who were anxious to be present. About two hundred of the principal men were aU that the haU could THE GOLD COAST. 309 accommodate. The others took up a position outside the gate, and waited with rauch Irapatience the result of the trial. As soon as it was an nounced to thera, they flew to their arras, which had been deposited in the houses of their Ana maboe friends, and in less than ten minutes Adoo was surrounded by fuUy a thousand of adherents, who raised hira upon their heads, and carried him in defiant triumph through the town. It appeared that these measures had all been previously ar ranged by a party of the bush chiefs, without the connivance or knowledge of the Anaraaboes and Abrahs. Their object in obtaining a hearing of the palaver at Anaraaboe, instead of Cape Coast, had been to be out of reach of physical coercion, which the presence of troops in garrison there afforded. They beUeved it possible to awe the assessor, unsupported as he was by any present protection, into a compliance with their wishes in the settlement of the case. FaUing in this, they had resolved to withstand his authority, and to brave his displeasure, and the manner in which they now acted but too plainly erinced their feelings. WhUe they paraded Adoo through the streets, they sung the praises of the Fetish, proclaimed the merits of the chief as its protecting hero, and 310 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON heaped insult and abuse upon the Christians and their aiders and abettors. A few kegs of powder were carried before Adoo during this progress, to intimate that he was prepared to fight in defence of his gods. An occasional shout to slay and exterminate the Christians, was sometimes made. The assessor, fearing that they might proceed to extreraities, and having great reliance on his influ ence over them, which had on many prerious occasions been successfiiUy eraployed in like tu multuous uproars, determined to go out and endeavour to disperse them. He proceeded directly to that part of the procession where Adoo was elevated on the heads of his bearers. He indignantly ordered him to descend and dis miss his attendants. He carae down from his palanquin accordingly ; but his retainers, thinking that the assessor's object was to take him prisoner, hurried hira off in another direction. By this tirae raany of the Anaraaboes, getting alarraed for the white raan's safety, hastened to his protection, and ranging theraselves around him with heavy sticks and cutlasses in their hands, were eager to corae to blows with the bush people, who seeing the turn which raatters were taking, becarae alarraed, and took to flight in the direction of their horaes. In two minutes there was not THE GOLD COAST. 311 one of them to be seen in Anaraaboe. Nor did they slacken their flight until they had put sorae mUes between them and the town. As soon as Ammooney heard that Adoo had left the town, he began to have an unpleasant sense of his responsibiUty for the payment of the sums which had been decreed. He therefore hastened after him, to endeavour to persuade him to retum without his followers, and to wait the final settlement of the palaver. He carae up with hira at Great Corraantine, but he could make no irapression upon hira of the kind which he desired. On the contrary, Adoo revUed hira and Ottoo as traitors to the Fetish, and to the covenant which they had raade together to defend their coraraon worship. He told him that he had only come to Anamaboe to have the case heard, in the con fidence that the Fantees were aU so firmly leagued together on this point, that the white raen would not dare to punish hira. But he had found thera subraissive in everything to the assessor, and he now meant to leave thera to make good the UabUity which they had undertaken. Ammooney returned home disconsolate, araidst the jeers and execrations of the woraen in the viUages through which he passed, who were all on the side df the Fetish hero. 312 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON Many subsequent atterapts were made to induce Adoo to submit to the authorities, and to come to the castle; but he equaUy disregarded the suramons of the governor, and the persuasions of many of his countryraen. He prorided himself with powder and lead, cut war-paths through the bush, and raaintained hiraself for four months in an attitude of armed defiance. He was sup ported in his resistance by many of the Fantee chiefs, who, asserabling in the neighbourhood of the Fetish grove, kept watch and ward lest any sudden attempt should be raade to seize Adoo, or to destroy the sacred abode. During this tirae, the more favourably-disposed chiefs endea voured to mediate between hira and the governor, and were wiUing to pay the fine. The amount decreed to corapensate the losses of the Christians was stIU a stumbUng-block for aU, although Ammooney and Ottoo did not refiise to redeem their responsibUity. A half-way submission of this kind was deemed unsatisfactory, and the authorities preferred to wait the progress of events, rightly judging that the state of un certainty in which Adoo and his friends were, and the interruption which his hostUe attitude was giving to coramercial intercourse, would soon become intolerable to aU parties, and render them THE GOLD COAST. 313 sincerely desirous of a settlement. It was also prudent not to aggravate the feelings of the people on the subject of their Fetish. Adoo's was a holy warfare, and the sympathies of the raasses were on his side. There would have been difficulty in knowing whora to trust in such an eraergency. It was not like the AppoUonian carapaign, in which every one was anxious to take a part. Their superstitious fears would have paralyzed the courage of native auxi liaries, if a sense of religious duty raight not even have rendered them treacherous aUies. Under these circumstances, it was necessary for the governor to observe the greatest caution and circumspection ; and it was only when raurraurs of discontent throughout the country became general and loud, and the natives were raade fuUy sensible of the necessity of bringing Adoo to obedience, that vigorous measures were resolved upon. The king and head men of Cape Coast were suraraoned to attend the governor and councU in the castle, and being inforraed that it was the intention of the governor to send an expeditionary force against Adoo, were asked if they would give their assistance. This question occasioned a good deal of hesitation, and they retired to consult before 314 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON they would venture to give a decided answer. On their return, they acknowledged Adoo's conduct to be very bad, and also the necessity of reducing him to obedience ; but they did not see how they could go and fight against the Braffo Fetish. It was true, the Cape Coast people were the soldiers of the fort, and were ready, on aU ordinary occasions,, to fight the battles of their EngUsh raasters; but the governor raust make aUowances for them, if they hesitated to engage in a war which so deeply impli cated the religious feelings of the whole people. They begged that he would defer his intention of proceeding to hostUities for a week, to aUow them to send a fresh deputation to Adoo and the people with him ; hoping by their persuasions to influ ence him to submit. If their remonstrances should prove ineffectual, they would no longer vrithhold their assistance, as they were convinced of the necessity of supporting the authority of the govern ment. The governor gladly accepted this condi tional promise of their co-operation, and to ^ve weight to the representations of the deputation, active and ostentatious preparations were made for war, in order that the pubUc rumour of them might intimidate the recusant chief. The soldiers were daily paraded and exercised at target practice, and trained to the use ofthe rocket-guns and field- THE GOLD COAST. 315 pieces, and other indications given of the earnest intentions of the governor. The deputation, before leaving, were anxious to receive assurances that Adoo would not be imprisoned, but the governor disdained to give any pledge of the kind. The subraission, if made at aU, must be fuU and entire. The insubordinate opposition of Adoo and his abettors at length gave way before these raoving arguraents. He accorapanied the deputation to Cape Coast, attended by raost ofthe Fantee chiefs, vrith a very nuraerous retinue of armed foUowers. A bold attempt was made to induce the governor to consent to have the palaver heard outside the castle, upon the plea that there was no roora suffi cient to contain such a numerous assembly. This concession was firmly denied, and Adoo was cora peUed to humble hiraself, and to submit to such terms as the govemor chose to grant hira. Upon the day appointed for receiring Adoo's subraission, Cape Coast presented a scene of extra ordinary bustle and excitement. All the streets and thoroughfares were thronged with crowds of eager groups talking over the great event of the day, and speculating upon its probable terraination. Some latent hopes stUl lurked in the minds ofthe Fetish worshippers, that the governor would be deterred by the display of their great numbers, frora p 2 316 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON proceeding to extreraities against Adoo; but if they ever conteraplated farther resistance, their hopes of success must have been entirely destroyed by the precautionary measures which were taken to maintain the peace of the town. An officer and a party of gunners were stationed in Fort William Tower, Ajfhich completely coraraands the castie, the town, and its approaches. The soldiers in the garrison were under arras. The gates were closed, and only a sraaU wicket left open for the admission of the chiefs. The sentries were doubled, and the officer in charge of the gate had orders to admit only the principal men. By ten o'clock they began to arrive, and to take up their seats in the largest haU of the castle. It was nearly twelve before Adoo made his appearance, escorted by the Cape Coast deputation. He entered the castle with great state and show, and seeraed offended that his druramers and jhorn-blower were not aUowed to attend him. He was dressed in a very rich yeUow silk damask cloth. His wrists and ankles were profusely decorated with golden ornaments, whUe a string of valuable beads, interspersed vrith luraps of rock-gold encircled his neck, and hung down upon his breast. His air was altogether a strange mixture of stately dignity, blustering swagger, and stealthy apprehension. WhUe his THE GOLD COAST. 317 pompous walk and assuraed unconcern revealed his sense of the consequence attached to his position on such an occasion, the quick fiirtive glances of his unsteady eye, as it rested for an instant upon the sraaU groups of soldiers sauntering in the yard, and the lowering scowl of his bloated face, betrayed the uneasiness ofhis mind. The traces of a long debauch were strongly raarked on his countenance, giring evidence that he had been seeking relief from his fears in sensual indulgence during his pro longed contumacy. He was preceded by several sword-bearers, carrying his large gold-handled swords of state, and his Unguist, vrith his sUver- headed cane of office, and was foUowed by an attendant vrith the royal stool and cushion. As soon as he had taken his seat in the great palaver haU, the governor received totice that the chiefs were prepared to see hirru He accordingly proceeded to join the asserably, accorapanied by his councU, the magistrates, and several of the mUitary officers of the garrison. When they had taken their seats at the farther end of the room, and had leisure to observe the whole appearance and arrangements of this large congress, it was irapos sible to avoid being rauch stmck with the strange character of the scene. Fully six hundred of the principal raen of the country were assembled within 318 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON the haU. They were seated on chairs and country stools along the waUs, and on to the centre of the wide floor, through which a small clear passage, to admit of ingress or egress to the governor's seat, was the only space left unoccupied. The rest was one dense mass of liring men, so closely packed together, that not a vestige of the floor was visible. The great irregularity in the height of their seats, some being on high chairs, others on stools of aU sizes, and the sprinkling of attendants who had been admitted, squatted on the bare floor, stUl farther added to the grotesque appearance of the assembly ; whUe the rich and variegated colours of theu: robes, contrasting with the darkness of their skins, the sheen of gold and sUver .which glittered on many of their persons, the gold- handled swords of state, which marked the position of some principal chief, the switching of the elephants' tails by the little pages, and the monkey skull-caps of the chiefs' court-criers gave additional variety to the scene. Add to these the grave de portraent of the head raen, with their long dark or grizzled beards, the eager upturned gaze of all eyes in the direction of the white men, the soleran and dignified bearing of the governor and magistrates, the presence of a rainister ofthe Christian religion, with a band of native converts deeply interested in THE GOLD COAST. 319 the result of the question, and behind aU the martial figures and bold raien of gaUant English officers, in fuU miUtary equipments, and the reader has before him a combination of features, which, taken in connexion with the high moral and religious con siderations involved in the stmggle, must deeply impress him with the strange interest of the scene. Great forraality is observed by the Fantees upon occasions of this description. The business was opened by the Cape Coast deputation coming up to the governor's table, and relating through their Unguist, the whole proceedings, from the tirae that the governor had asked their assistance, untU then- arrival vrith Adoo on the floor of the haU. Haring finished their narration, they turned round to this chief, and leading hira to the governor's chair, retired to their seats. Adoo made a deep obeisance to his exceUency, throvring his handker chief at his feet, to indicate the humble and sub missive position in which he placed himself. He then bowed consecutively to the magistrates and officers, and drew himself up in an attitude of respectfiil attention before the governor. Being required to explain his conduct, he acknowledged his error, and craved raercy. He did not regard the question much as his own, as that of the whole Fantee nation, and he acted 320 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON in defence of his Fetish, on the strength of a covenant which he had raade with his brother chiefs. He was very wrong in having so long resisted the governor's sumraons, but he was afraid of the assessor, whora he regarded as his personal eneray, as he had, on several previous occasions, severly punished him. He protested against the judgraent he had given in the present case, and prayed the governor and raagistrates, in conjunction with the Fantee chiefs, to give It a rehearing, declaring hiraself perfectly wUUng to abide by their decision. The assessor was quite vrilling that his decision should be set aside, and had no fears of subraitting his judgment to the impartial consideration of the present assembly. The sarae eridence was gone over which had been adduced at Anaraaboe, and when the investigation was finished, the governor, raagistrates, and prin cipal chiefs, retired to consult upon it, without the assessor. On their return to the haU, it was announced to Adoo that they fuUy concurred in the decision which had been given at Anaraaboe, and that he raust now subrait to the payraent of the sums decreed by the assessor. The governor, in con sideration of the entreaties of the other chiefs, and being satisfied that his authority had been fully vin- THE GOXD COAST. 321 dicated vrithout any unworthy compromise, con sented to forgive Adoo for his contumacy, and not to inflict any additional punishment upon hira. He insisted, however, on his depositing a security of fifty ounces of gold-dust in the castle, as a pledge that he would observe a perfect obedience for the space of two years. The fine and the corapensation to the Christians having been paid, this troublesorae question was finally set at rest. But the effects of this religious exciteraent were not confined to the case in question. During these four months of antagonism, the minds of men had been directed to their system of Fetish worship with a more intelligent and reasoning scrutiny, than they had ever before exercised. The defection of several of the priests, and the dis closures which they did not hesitate to raake of the tricks of the Fetishraen, had a tendency to weaken the confidence of the natives generally. Several of the chiefs, who had hitherto been blind foUowers of the Fetishraen, were anxious that the white men should institute an inquiry into their proceedings, evidently prepared, if the investiga tion should prove their pretensions to be founded on lies and cheats, to throw off their grievous yoke. The consequence of this infidel spirit was a p 3 322 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON more determined and concentrated effort on the part of the Fetishmen to prop up their tottering power. This feeling, more than tbe insults of the Assafa Christians, was the occasion of the councU of Fantee chiefs upon the subject, and of Adoo's outrageous act. They had observed, with a bitter hate, the prevalence of new ideas destmctive of their authority, and while they had yet influence over the superstitiojis fears of ,the people, they in stigated the Fantee chiefs to raake an united effort to maintain the supremacy of the Fetish, It was also the persuasions of the Fetishmen, founded upon pretended communications vrith thfe great Fetish, that kept Adoo so long firra in his recusancy. He was confirmed in the coiirse which they had compeUed him to adopt by frequent messages from the deity. The Fetishmen were daily inquiring of their god, what was to be the result of the straggle, and the responses which they pretended to receive buoyed up Adoo with a superstitious confidence. Upon the receipt of the governor's summons, he never manifested the smaUest disrespect. On the contrary, he always acknowledged the EngUsh as his raasters, whom he was ready to obey, and ex pressed his wiUingness to proceed to Cape Coast, proyided the Fetish would give hira perraission. THE GOLD COAST. 323 He invariably went up to inquire of the god, before he presumed to give an answer, and his repeated refusals were couched in the most respectful terms. Even when the Cape Coast deputation went to hira, he did not deriate frora this course. He received the merabers of it vrith much kindness and hospitaUty, and asked them to remain a few days untU he could receive an answer from the Fetish. He made sacrifices and inquired, and on this occasion was answered that he might go without fear. Many circumstances combined to influence the Fetishmen to hold out no longer. In the earUer stages of the contention, they had hoped to be able to constrain the Fetish wor shippers to rise as one man to assert Fetish supre raacy ; but the defection of the chiefs of Anamaboe and Abrah, gave alarming token of their waning power. They did not, however, despair of being able to recal them to their worship, and they con tinued sending them threatening messages from their god, with the view of effecting this purpose. They seized upon every untoward cUcurastance which occurred, and attributed it to the wrath of the great Fetish. No rain had faUen during these months, the countiy was parched with drought, and the people suffered from a deficiency of water. This, of course, was the work ofthe Fetish, a demon- 324 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON stration of his anger, which was not without its effect upon the minds of the natives generaUy. During the investigation at Anamaboe, Ottoo, the chief of Abrah, fell down in a faint In the haU of the fort, and died about two months afterwards, whUe the excitement was stiU going on. This was a still raore signal mark of the vengeance of the Fetish, as he was a firm supporter of English authority. We are not altogether without sus picions, that his death ought to be attributed to the agency of the Fetishmen. At aU events, the sequel will show that they were very capable of dealing vrith poison. Mr. George Blankson, a native merchant in Anaraaboe, Mr. Hayfron, the fort interpreter, and Mr. WUliam Parker and Mr. Stanhope, office-bearers of the Wesleyan church, and strong supporters of Christian religion, had rendered themselves particularly obnoxious on account of the active part which they were taking in these proceedings. The Fetishmen believed, If they could manage to cut these raen off, that it would not be difficult to persuade their superstitious dupes that the great Fetish had kUled them. With this view, a councU of Fetishmen and Fetish women was held in the dead of night, in a lonely spot on the margin of a smaU salt lake, near Anaraaboe. THE GOLD COAST. 325 Here they concerted their diabolical plans, and bound themselves by a great oath to secrecy. A subscription was made for the purpose of engaging the services of sorae Fetishraan, skiUed in poison, who was to be hired to put them to death. WhUe they were thus making their preparations to estabUsh anew the authority of the great Fetish by such unscrupulous measures, the growing discon tent of the people, and the active preparations or the governor, alarmed many of the Anamaboe Fetishmen, who urged upon the Braffo priests the necessity of aUowing Adoo to go to Cape Coast, and of trusting to the chapter of accidents for the re-establishraent of their authority. Many of thera saw that their brethren at Mankassin had overshot the mark, by counselling Adoo's continued resistance, and they trembled for the entire over throw of their power by a longer persistence. The whole of the Fetish priests during this time, were in a state of great excitement. Their entire crafty system, by which they obtained a raeans of livelihood, was in danger. Sorae of thera, perceiving it to be a faUing cause, were anxious to separate theraselves in tirae frora their coraraunity, and thus to escape the punishraent which seemed ineritable, whUe others pressed upon he priests of the great Fetish the necessity of 326 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON lowering their pretensions, if they would not con sent to see the whole of their privUeges over thrown. These circumstances were privately communi cated to the assessor, about the time of Adoo's arrival at Cape Coast, by one of the Fetishraen, named Cofee Coomah, who had been present at the unholy councU near the salt pond at Anaraaboe. He gave hira a Ust of the men and women who had been present upon this occasion, and pro vided hira vrith sufficient proofs of their guUt. He moreover disclosed the whole clap-trap of the Braffo Fetishmen, their practice of stationing their accompUces in the leafy recesses of the sacred grove, to utter in an unnatural voice the oracles of the god, and of placing others araong the branches of the trees over the heads of the supplicants to receive the offerings which they presented vrith downcast eyes and vrith their hands extended to the heavens, and which they believed to be taken up by the god. The assessor's informant had no personal know ledge of these facts, nor untU lately had it ever occurred to him that the Braffo Fetish was not possessed of supernatural power. He acknow ledged that he had himself, as a Fetishraan, prac tised tricks to deceive his dupes, but his fearfiil THE GOLD COAST. 327 respect for the great Fetish would not aUow hira to beUeve that the Braffo priests had recourse to a system of trick and deception. The circum stance which led to his conviction upon this point, arose out of the violation of his wife by a brother Fetishman. The woman, who had gone to consult this Fetishman respecting the sickness of a child, had been compeUed to subrait to the erabraces of the priest. She informed her husband, who went to expostulate -vrith the ravisher. The latter accused the woraan of speaking falsely, and asserted his innocence. Upon this, Cofee Cooraah insisted that they should both go to the great Fetish, and leam the trath frora the Braffo priests. Whereupon he was told that the great Fetish was no god, that the Fetishmen there were as great rogues as thera selves, that they only cheated the people with tricks, and that he himself had frequently been employed to assist them, and had often pronounced the oracles which had previously been agreed upon by the priests. He mentioned the name of this man and several others, as persons who could reveal the whole system of deception. With the knowledge of these facts, the assessor determined to expose the Fetishmen to the whole of the people ; and when Adoo's affair was settled, 328 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON ¦he startled the asserably by announcing that he had now the intention of showing thera what kind of people they had been supporting, alraost to the verge of bringing utter destraction upon the country. He charged the Fetishmen vrith a con spiracy to comrait raurder, and stated that he had proofs to lay before them of their guUt, as weU as of the gross deceptions which they practised, and he invited them to appear in the castle on the morrow to be present at this Investigation. This announcement was received by the chiefs with a variety of eraotions. Sorae of them, staunch supporters of the Fetish, shrank from an exposure of the kind ; and others, and especiaUy the Abrahs and Anaraaboes, whose faith was greatly shaken, were anxious to have their doubts resolved, and their consciences eased by the conviction of the Fetish impostures. The chiefs were ordered to brine- the Fetishraen of their several districts into court, and the predoralnant desire to have the raatter thoroughly sifted was evidenced by the alacrity with which they sent for thera. Adoo's case had sunk into perfect insignificance, before the weightier considerations involved in the present accusations. With reference to this point, it is sufficient to state that the conspiracy to poison was fidly proved THE GOLD COAST. 329 and acknowledged by the Fetishraen themselves. Nineteen of them, men and women, were fuUy con victed of this heinous crirae, and the assessor had the satisfaction of gaining over the chiefs to their punishraent. They were even wiUing to outvie hira in severity, and pronounced the criminals worthy of death. The raen were sentenced to be pubUcly flogged, and to be iraprisoned and put to hard labour for the space of five years. The women, in consideration of their sex, got off vrith two years imprisonment. The public whipping of the dreaded Fetishmen was inflicted in the raarket- place of Cape Coast, araidst the universal applause of the people. Upon the subject of the Fetishraen's tricks and deceptions, no less curiosity was evinced. The exposure of these struck at the very root of their faith, and an eagerness proportioned to its im portance was accordingly felt. For three long days during which the investigation took place, the large haU was as crowded as on the first day of Adoo's trial ; and when conriction was at last clearly brought home to the minds of the people, it was curious to observe its effect upon different minds. Some rejoiced, some grieved, sorae laughed, and sorae were indignant. Several of the Fetishraen's accompUces, who had been 330 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON employed to speak the oracles, revealed their whole proceedings, and gave proofs of the truth of their statements, by mentioning the occasions on which they had answered the supplicants, many of whom were present. Then might be seen an angry chief press forward, to abuse these luckless accompUces, with such taunts as these, " Were you the god that pro nounced me guUty of perjury ?" " Was it you that made me pay my money in vain to cure my chUd's sickness ?" " Did you fix upon me the guUt of vritchcraft ?" And as they lashed them selves into a passion, with the thought of the tricks which had been played upon them, they threatened the culprits vrith vengeance and restitution. No one was more enraged than AdoD. Here was before him the self-acknowledged god, who had prevented him from obeying the governor's sum mons, fidly revealed in the very shabby person of one of his own vassals. He taunted him vrith aU the sufferings which he had caused him to endure, and actuaUy wept at the bare imagination of his foUy. One venerable chief, when order was somewhat restored, rose, and pointing to his long white beard, said : " This teaches me that I am too old to learn ; but it ought to give weight to the THE GOLD COAST. 331 adrice which I now give to aU who are young, to give up their Fetish and to go to school." It was impossible to see their only stay and support, thus radely shattered to pieces, without a feeling of pity for their desolate condition, bereft of every spiritual trast. Many of them left the castle sorrowful and downcast, and were heard repeating to each other, " What can we now do in sickness and distress ?" " Whither can we fly for succour ?" " Our gods have been proved to be no gods !" " Our priests have deceived us !" When the writer left the coast, the altar of the great Fetish, who had been reverently worshipped for ages, was entirely deserted, and the sacred persons of the priests were no longer of any account. Adoo, attributing his losses and mis fortunes to them, had compeUed them to refund the money which had been taken from him. It is not intended to convey the impression, that the conriction of the roguery of this, the principal Fetish of the country, has eradicated the desire to worship Fetishes. This desire wiU reraain, untU their rainds have become enUghtened by a knowledge of the Christian religion, for the in troduction of which, this sapping of their forraer faith has clearly paved the way. It speaks weU for the docUe disposition of the people, that such a 332 EIGHTEEN YEARS ON THE GOLD COAST. movement has been effected vrithout bloodshed. At one tirae our power and influence trerabled in the scale, and nothing but the calm and teraperate measures of the govemment prevented a fearful calamity.* * As this work was about to go to press, the author received a letter from Mr. Freeman, from the Gold Coast, which has been added in an appendix. The reader wiU perceive that the effects of this exposure have even exceeded the author's expectations. APPENDIX. Extract from a Letter of the Rev. T. B. Freeman, dated Cape Coast, September 30, 1852. " I have long felt desirous to write a few lines, giving you a little information respecting the state of our work here since you left us ; but whenever a vessel has been sailing, I have been so hardly pressed with official duties, that I have been compelled to forego that pleasure. I cannot, however, allow this vessel to leav^ without con veying to you a few lines from me. " Since your departure from the coast, many deeply interesting circumstances, indicating the growing ascend ancy of Christian truth have occurred ; and the practical results of the destruction of the pernicious influence of the Grand Fetish are now being clearly developed. The little church at Assafa* now contains upwards of eighty * It was against this small body of Christians that Adoo went in the cause ofthe Fetish; they then, I believe, numbered fourteen. 334 APPENDIX. members. Fourteen candidates for Christian society have sprung up in a village called Kuntu, about an hour's journey from Assafa. The station at Salt Pond, abandoned some time ago, has been reopened under very promising circumstances. " Mankassim is to become a mission station in a few days. Winnebah is also to be reoccupied with every pros pect of future success. Adoo,* the Chief of Mankassim engages to put fifteen children in the Mankassim school from his own household, and shows the vast change his mind has undergone on the great subject of Christianity, by attending Divine worship in our chapel here, when he comes to Cape Coast. What an extraordinary change ! Yamiki, the Chief of Abuadzi, has recently built a nice little chapel entirely at his own expense. Throughout the Abrah country there seems to be a great movement in favour of Christianity. Dominassi, Abuadzi, Dunkwa, Abakrampa and Akroful stations, are all under the happiest influences. " A short time after your departure for England, we received instructions from our committee in London, to ordain Mr. Martin, our senior native brother, to the fuU authority and responsibities of the ministerial office, and the interesting event took place on Monday last, the 27th instant. We had nearly three hundred Christian strangers at Cape Coast to attend the special services connected with the ordination of Mr. Martin.f The chapel was crowded to excess, so much so, that we were obliged to set a watch * This is the same chief who was so zealous in the Fetish cause ; and the new school is estabUshed on the ruins of the Grand Fetish. t This young preacher has been entirely educated in the country, and is a very well-informed man. APPENDIX. 335 at the steps of the gallery, to keep it from being over-filled and broken down. It has been an exhibition of the growing influence of Christianity quite unexampled in this country since the commencement of our mission here, and it has evidently made a deep impression on the public mind. " Beulah stiU wears a pleasing aspect. I inclose you a hastily taken copy of my report of it, addressed to the Governor Ln February last. Perhaps you may be able kindly to make some use of it to our advantage in a pecu niary point of view ; there being, I think, many benevolent persons, who though of a diflferent religious persuasion to our own, would readUy aid us in such an enterprize as that of Beulah. "We all hope we shall soon have the pleasure of seeing you safely retumed to Cape Coast again to exert your extensive influence in favour of Christian civilization." THE END. LONDON : Printed hy Schulze and Co, 13, Poland Street. Just Published, in 2 vols.. Post 8vo., 21s. bound. A TOUR OF INQUIRY THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY, ILLUSTRATING THEIR PRESENT SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND RELIGIOUS CONDITION. BY EDMUND SPENCER, ESQ., Author of "Travels in European Turkey," "Circassia," &c. " Mr. Spencer is favourably known to the public as the author of several works describing the land of the Osmanli, the Greek, the Albanian, and the Slavonian ; and in the two volumes before us he has given the results of a Tour of Inquiry through France and Italy, which, commencing at Boulogne, includes visits to Paris, to the important towns in the centre and sduth of France, to Leghorn, Rome, and Piedmont. As a careful observer of the actual condition of the people in both countries, the results of his inquiries cannot fail to be read with much interest and instruction. Mr. Spencer has made himself thoroughly conversant with the present social, political, and religious condition of the people of France and Italy, describing at one time that curious class the vagrants of Paris; next the modern miracles hy which the parti pretre in France are endeavouring to stimulate the superstitious feelings of the peasantry; and then the hostility of the Papal Church to intellectual progress, the pohtical condition of Turin, the insurrection at Rome, &c. — topics which at the present moment excite the deepest interest in this country. It must not be supposed that Mr. Spencer's work is made up of mere dry political or religious disquisitions, however valuable they may be in theraselves. He describes all that he saw with a facile and graceful pen, and the tone of his narrative is altogether so animated and cheerful that we defy the reader who takes the work in his hand for mere amusement to put it down unsatisfied. We have now said enough to recommend Mr. Spencer's valuable and interesting work, which we have no doubt will command an extended popularity." — Morning Post. " France and Italy, in their social or rather «w-social condition, are depicted in these intelligent and interesting volumes with a vivid and striking truth. Tuscany, with its unfortunate position as regards one power, and oppressed by its goaded ruler on the other, the atrocities which take place by armed soldiery in the streets, and the still greater horrors enacted in prisons in the name of the law — Kome, which once more bares her dreadful dungeons, and the sanguine secrets of the unholy Inquisition, to the eyes of the world — these, with other glaring evils, exhibit a condition of things which move our indignation and our pity. To those who would acquaint themselves with the state of these latter historic countries in particular, we do not know any volumes that convey so much that is valuable on such important heads, so interestingly, as Mr. Spencer's ' Tour of Inquiry.' " — Weekly Dispatch. " The work contains a good deal of fresh and striking matter on the present condition and prospects of France and Italy." — Spectator. " These clever and comprehensive volumes contain much valuable information and much close reasoning." — Britannia. HURST AND BLACKETT, PUBLISHERS, SUCCESSORS TO HENRY COLBURN, 13, GREAT MARLBniinrKTi CTi.iri7,T. YALE UNIVERSITY 3 9002 0731 1 7088