Beautiful Jauderdale Iakes w ijs-e©-N«^ .in ZgKM \ll UNlVtfc&tY ill-lf #191 i (ftRi FT 'i-43£ ---L CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE&ST.PAUL RAILWAY V. / 17 OR the summer vacationist who enjoys boating, fishing, bathing and other sports and amusements of the out-o'- doors, Lauderdale's fulfillment of these vacation charms are complete. This cluster of lakes is reached from Elkhorn, Wis., on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, less than four hours' ride from Chicago and two from Milwaukee. A smooth, well-surfaced road leads north from Elkhorn for seven miles over hill and dale, and through long corridors of arching maples and oaks. This ride in one of the machines that meets all trains is made in a half hour from the station. It is a sort of intro ductory which acclimates one by degrees to the genuine beauty of the Lauderdale Lakes and their surroundings, Obscured in the solitude of a richly wooded shore, these water gems are hidden from the eye until the road swings abruptly to the hotel within a stone throw of the gently sloping shore. The trees form an unbroken screen around the zig zag course of the The road from station to the lake Lauderdale' s tree-clad shore lakes, the ice house and the power plant are absent. Lauderdale is off the beaten path. Its natural charm remains unblemished as the eye sweeps the tree-clad shore. A gable roof or rustic home is seen among the branches, but the hotel and homes one finds scattered around the lake are pleasing ornaments. Mill Lake, Green Lake and Middle Lake are the aquatic trinity that form the Lauderdale waters. Bass, pike and pickerel abound. The rod and reel do their full duty and the pleasure- seeker who reaps enjoyment in this pursuit will find generous rewards from his skill as an angler. Few lakes in the vast central zone of vacation territory equal Lauderdale for fishing. The facilities for boating and bathing are excellent. Every type of craft plys between the different landings on these lakes; the graceful sail boat, the speedy motor boat, the large, comfort able launch and the listless rowboat make up the pleasure fleet. On the 4th of July every year, the motor boat races start and Ready for a tour of the lakes A shady, picturesque spot continue through the summer, every Saturday. Some of the boats that compete here are the speediest in the middle west. The second Friday in August is the most notable day in this section of Wisconsin. Lauderdale puts on her gayest attire, the season is at its height and every visitor within its hospitable confines joins hands to make the holiday yield the maximum in wholesome fun The gala day ends in a celebration called ' 'Venetian Night. ' ' Hundreds of pleasure crafts, bedecked with myriads of colored lights and arranged in ingenious formations, dot the lakes. On shore, amid its wealth of green foliage, thousands of lanterns of many shades and shapes, circle the shore line, presenting a beautiful sight. The night of frolic and gorgeous pageantry on land and water does not wane. It is the spirit of this resort. It is expansive enough also to allow perfect quiet for those who would rest amid surroundings that invite complete relaxation and ease. Amid the "Einokenne" springs Picnic party landing for a day's fun The hotel accommodations at Lauderdale are all that the most exacting could demand and they are well within the purse range of the average vacationer. A short boat trip from the hotel several splendid springs, still known by their ancient Indian name, ' ' Einokenne, ' ' are found which contain magnesia and iron. The proportion of these elements, according to physicians who have made a chemical analysis of the water, furnish a refreshing, palatable drink that is beneficial for many organic disorders. The fare for the round-trip to Elkhorn from Chicago is $3. 40, from Milwaukee $2.28. For tickets, apply in Chicago at the City Ticket Office, 52 West Adams Street, or the Union Passenger Station. In Milwaukee, at the Ticket Office, 400 East Water Street, or the Union Station. At other points at the office of the local ticket agent. Plenty of good sport for the angler PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE CHICAGO AND ELKHORN (Subject to change) No 45 No 47 No 23 No 49 No 9 Noll Mb. STATIONS No 48 No 24 NolO NoI46 No 36 No 50 PM P M P M P M A M A M ! A M A M P M PM P M PM <)5 - 00 ts.nn tsno ff.oo til. 30 t8.00 0 Lv. . . .Chicago . . Ar. 9.05 9.35 4.00 8.30 nn H.30 5.11 5.11 3. 11 ¦/ 1? 11.41 8.11 H Lv. . Western Av. Ar. 8.52 9.20 34t> H IB X.5/ HI/ 6? Corliss < Lv. 7.36 8.05 2 M Via 746 IM 6 30 B 35 4211 3. 25 105 9.35 Lv. Ar. 7.30 7.52 2. 25 Bard- well 4.53 7.50 /.4b 7 11 7 26 4.53 4. 04 1 41 10.15 RI Ar. . .Burlington . Lv. 6.33 7 16 1 41 6. 48 711 751) 7. 55 517 4 29 2. 15 10.41 94 Ar. . . . Elkhorn . . Lv. *6.00 t6.53 ti 1)5 t517 16.17 So 46 PM P M PM P M P M A M AM A M PM P M P M PM PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE MILWAUKEE AND ELKHORN (Subject to change) No 45 No 47 No 23 No 49 No 9 No 35 MU. STATIONS No 48 No 24 NolO No 36 No 50 PM P M PM PM P M A M A M A M PM P M S4.0II 15.45 tS.Sh 19.00 a Lv. ..Milwaukee ..Ar. 9.50 9.05 3 ?n 8 30 8. 30 4 33 6. 18 4. 15 2. 38 12. 50 9.34 „ Lv. }Cor.iBs {£ 9.03 8.00 1 30 7 55 7 5b 6 30 6.3b 420 t-Vb 105 9.35 7.30 7.52 1 ?S 7. 30 7. 45 711 in 4.53 4 114 1 41 10.15 43 Ar. . .Burlington . .Lv. fi 33 7.16 1 41 6 48 7 11 / 50 /.bb 5.1/ 4.29 2 15 10.41 57 Ar. ... Elkhorn . . Lv. §6.00 16.53 ti 05 t6.17 §6.48 .. PM PM PM PM P M AM A M A M | P M P M P M *Daily. tDaily except Sunday. §Sunday only. JSaturday only. LIST OF HOTELS, THEIR RATES, ETC. Name of Hotel or Boarding Place Proprietor or Manager Distance from Station No. Guests Rate per Day Rate per Week Elkhorn, Wis. *The Sterlingworth Nickel Plate Hotel W.A.Sharp Wm. O'Brien James H. Amos dale Lakes, E.F.D. No. 7 miles 3 blocks 4 blocks 1.) 175 75 100 $2.00 up 2.002.00 $12.00 to $14.00 $10.00 $10.00 to $14.00 Elkhorn Hotel (*Hotel and Cottages on Lauder F. A. MILLER Passenger Traffic Manager Chicago GEO. B. HAYNES General Passenger Agent Chicago YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08461 1368 r