I to6i VINVATASNNHJ OO HOHMOW O d HONVJAE 0N030J MNI OMODOd '*^4H_ POCONO INN POCONO MANOR P. O. MONROE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA THE POCONO MANOR ASSOCIATION I 904 SUMMER DAYS AT POCONO MANOR. FALLS ON THE SWIFTWATER [NE of the great features distin guishing Pocono Manor from many other mountain resorts is the large and varied expanse of territory within its boundaries, thus presenting opportunities for the enjoyment of Nature in its many aspects and amid sur roundings of unsurpassed beauty. This estate of seven hundred and fifty acres is being developed on lines which will promote and protect its natural attractions. It includes some of the most attrac tive scenery in the noted Pocono range, and is situated near Mt. Pocono, in Monroe County, Penn sylvania, one hundred and eleven miles from New York City, and one hundred and thirty-six miles from Philadelphia. It is charmingly located at an elevation of upwards of nineteen hundred feet above sea-level, with picturesque valleys and beautiful ravines, through which, for a distance of two miles flows the Only an idle little stream, Whose amber waters softly gleam, Where I may wade through woodland shade, And cast the fly, and loaf, and dream. — Van Dyke. Swiftwater, a rapid mountain stream of excep tional purity. The Swiftwater is an ideal trout stream, which cannot fail to lure the sportsman ; while its romantic surroundings, its beautiful falls and ever-changing scenery are a constant source of delight and attraction. Nestled in the Swiftwater ravine is Lake Minausin, artificially constructed ; yet its precipi tous and wooded surroundings produce an effect rarely surpassed in the wildest mountain scenery. Bathers praise its refreshing coolness; young and old alike seem to find a never - ending source of pleasure in this fine sheet of water. An attractive boat-house has been erected on the borders of the lake. It is well furnished with an assortment of safe boats, in which can be whiled away many a delightful hour. The well-graded avenues and drives on and adjoining the Pocono Manor present the most favorable opportunities for walking and driving, while the mountain-trails attract those desiring more active exercise. The rhododendron walks have many admirers, and under the refreshing shade can be enjoyed the magnificence of their gorgeous bloom in the early summer, or the later combination of their glossy foliage and the delicate green of the fern and hemlock, or the earlier shades of the autumnal tints. The dis play of rhododendrons for 1904 promises to be unusually fine. Several summer-houses at desirable view points, and numerous rustic seats have been provided since last season, for the pleasure and comfort of guests. Little Pocono Mountain occupies the central portion of the Manor, with Pocono Inn perched high on the eastern slope. The view from this charming location should be seen to be appre ciated. Just beyond the beautiful Paradise Valley stands out in bold relief the Delaware Water Gap ; from here, the eye follows the intervening peaks and valleys along the Dela- BskSK POCOJ INN THE EXCHANGE, POCONO INN A COTTAGE LIVING HALL ware River far northward towards the Catskills, nearly one hundred miles away ; these form, with the lights and shadows, an ever-changing panorama upon which the eye may rest with unwearied interest. POCONO INN Pocono Inn will open its third season for guests Sixth Month 18th, 1904. This popular mountain resort for Friends and others desiring a quiet, restful summer home, combines an excellent cuisine, pure water, and bracing air, with inspiring scenery, and association with persons of refined and quiet tastes. There are accommodations for two hundred guests. The Inn is provided with steam heat, a passenger elevator, twenty private and public baths, an abundance of hot and cold water, is fully lighted by electricity, and furnished through out with all that is conducive to comfort. THE COTTAGES Grouped around in close proximity to the Inn are located sixteen private cottages, forming an interesting and attractive addition to its life and surroundings ; some of these will be for rent for all or a portion of the present season. Cottagers may, if they desire, arrange for table- board at the Inn. COTTAGES AT POCONO MANOR. SUMMER AND WINTER LIVERY A well-equipped livery, belonging to the Inn, affords an opportunity of enjoying the delightful drives in the neighborhood. Ample stabling is provided for those wishing to bring their own horses and carriages. On First-Day (Sunday) morning, a Friends' Meeting for Divine Worship is held in the Assembly Room at 10.30 o'clock, to which all are invited. Those desiring to attend other places of worship in the vicinity can procure a conveyance ; otherwise, the livery-stable and the boat-house are closed on this day of the week. In addition to boating, bathing, and miles of beautiful walks and drives, ample provision has been made for other pastimes, including a bowling-alley, shuffle -board, lawn-tennis, and croquet. Prof. Edward S. Wildman, of the University of Pennsylvania, will again conduct the informal walks and talks on Nature-Study, so popular last season. An excellent library of several hundred volumes will be at the disposal of our guests the coming summer. A long-distance telephone will be installed before the opening. The Western Union Tele- graph Office at Mount Pocono is connected by 'phone. A post-office will be established at the Inn Sixth Month 15th, and all correspondence should be addressed Pocono Manor P. O. In view of increasing apprehension of the contagious character of tuberculosis, those af fected therewith are kindly requested not to apply. A resident physician will be at the Inn throughout the season. A competent stenographer will be in attend ance for the convenience of business men and others requiring her services. To afford an opportunity to enjoy the autumnal tints, the house will remain open until Tenth Month 10th. Those desiring rooms should make early application, as many former guests have already been booked for the coming season. For further information and rates, address M. E. WISTAR, Manager, Pocono Manor P. O., Monroe Co., Pa. Before Sixth Month 10th address 1725 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TO REACH POCONO INN From Philadelphia, take the Pennsylvania Railroad from Broad Street Station to Mt. Pocono. From New York City, take the Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western Railroad from foot of Barclay or Christopher streets to Mt. Pocono. Excursion rate tickets to Mt. Pocono can be pro cured throughout the year. Those issued after Sixth Month ist are good for the season. Baggage should be plainly tagged to " Pocono Inn," Mount Pocono Sta tion, Monroe County, Pa. Guests should advise the manager in advance of the time of their expected arrival, to insure being met at the station by the Inn coaches. The summer schedule on the Pennsylvania Rail road will take effect in the Sixth Month. The time of travel from Philadelphia or New York is about four hours. There are three or four express trains each -way daily. ? J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA I APR 6 1943 LIBRARY.