A few T<3ci~e abou.tr Mexico. I BO I Hex Leo "/give the/e Books \for. the founding of a, College in this .Colony" A FEW FACTS ABOUT MEXICO President of the United States of Mexico A Few Facts About Mexico J901 Published by The National Commission from the United States of Mexico to the Pan-American Exposition BUFFALO, N. Y. The White-Evans-Penfold Company Nos. 302 and 304 Main Street . In Buffalo, New York Contents I Historical Synopsis, . . . . , . 13 II Geographical Information, . . . . . 21 III The Constitution. ....... 23 IV The Federal Administration, . . . . 31 V President Diaz and His Cabinet, .... 37 VI The Federal District, the States, and the Territories, 49 VII Mineral Resources, ...... 59 VIII Agriculture, ........ 65 DC Manufactures, ....... 7J X Commerce and Finance, ..... 77 XI Means of Communication, ..... 85 XII Public Instruction — Religion — Arts and Sciences — Army and Navy, ...... 91 XIII Laws of Special Interest to Foreigners, . . 97 XIV Mexico at Other Expositions, .... 107 XV Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition, . . 109 Appendix — Comments of the Press, etc. . . 115 Illustrations General Porfirio Diaz, ..... Frontispiece Liberty, ........ 7 The Mexican Commission, .... 11 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, ..... 15 Benito Juarez, ....... 19 Hon. Ignacio Mariscal, ..... 25 Gen. Manuel Gonzalez Cosio, .... 29 Hon. Justino Fernandez, ..... 33 Hon. Leandro Fernandez, ..... 39 Gen. Francisco Z. Mena, ..... 43 Hon. Jose Ives Limantour, .... 47 Gen. Bernardo Reyes, ..... 51 The Mexican Government Building, . 57 Map Plan of the Pan-American Exposition, 63 General View Exterior of Agriculture Exhibit, . 69 Mines and Liberal Arts Exhibit, 75 Front View of Manufactures Exhibit, : 81 Liberal Arts Exhibit, ...... 87 Cactus Exhibit, ....... 95 Forestry Exhibit, ...... . 103 General View of Ethnology Exhibit, . . Ill A FEW FACTS ABOUT MEXICO S thousands of visitors have kindly shown an interest in the exhibits presented by the Mexican Government at the Pan-American Exposition of Buffalo, it has been deemed appropriate to gather in these short pages the most recent and reliable information concerning that Republic, which, under the progressive administration of President Porfirio Diaz, has aroused the attention of the traveler and of the investor, and has drawn such favorable comments from impartial writers in this country. It is not intended to give full and detailed infor mation herein, as the space at our disposal forbids it; but, whatever is set forth in this little pamphlet, briefly though it may be, shall be as accurate as possible, and has been compiled from the most reliable and the latest official sources. Buffalo, September, J901. I. Albino R. Nuncio 2. Maximiliano M. Chabert 3. Juan de D. Fleury 4. Carlos Sellerier 5. Rosendo Sandoval 6. Enrique H. Garibay 7. Alberto McDowell 8. Jesus M. Nuncio 9. Lauro Viadas 10. Antonio M. Maya The numbers refer to the illustration opposite Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition The Mexican Commission Historical Synopsis The early history of Mexico, like that of most countries, com prises much that is fabulous. The true historical starting' point may be found in the annals of the Toltecs who inhabited vast areas of land in the northern part of the Continent, but owing to civil commotions emigrated from their country in the year 544. They settled first in one place and then in another, establishing large cities, until in 661 they founded their great kingdom, whose capital was located on the site of the modern City of Tula. That kingdom was ocerthrown in 1116. Thereupon, the Chichimecas made their appearance and occu pied the country abandoned by the Toltecs. Other tribes afterwards came from the north, and established themselves in various portions of the Valley of Mexico. The Aztecs were the last to reach the valley. After many years of servitude and privations, they finally settled on the islands near the western borders of Lake Texcoco. There, according to an old legend, they found an eagle upon a cactus and holding a snake in its beak, and thereupon established their capital called Tenochtitlan, upon the site of the present City of Mexico. The monarchy of the Aztecs in creased in importance and power from the year 1376, when the first king was elected, until it was finally conquered by the Spaniards un der Hernan Cortez. The latter landed in Veracruz on April 21st, 1519. His conquest of the country and the stubborn resistance of the Aztecs are subjects which have been the theme of the historian and the poet, the siege of the City of Mexico being the final and culminating scene of that his torical drama. The capital was captured on August 13, 1521, when the conqueror Cortez became governor and captain-general of the coun try, which was called New Spain. After being governed by five governors and two councils, the rule of the Spanish viceroys commenced. There were sixty-two viceroys, some of whom were men of great administrative ability, but others permitted many abuses and fostered oppressive measures. Finally, under the leadership of the great patriot, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, independence was proclaimed at the Village of Dolores, State of Guanajuato, on September 16, 1810. Hidalgo assisted by Allende, Aldama, and Abasolo, three Mexican officers, gathered a large number of Indians and peasants, and being joined by two or three regiments of the militia, he captured successively the important cities of Celaya, Guanajuato, Valladolid, and Toluca. As he was not a great military A Few Facts About Mexico leader and had only an undisciplined army, he was not able to take the City of Mexico, even after having obtained a new victory over the Spaniards at Monte de las Cruces. The viceroy thereupon concen trated his army and sent it under the order of General Calleja, who defeated the leader of the Republicans and patriots at Aculco, and then at Puente de Calderon. Hidalgo was finally taken prisoner at Aeatita de Bajan on May 21, 1811, and was shot at the City of Chi huahua on July 31, 1811. The great work of Hidalgo was then carried on by other noble leaders. Among whom Morelos, a parish priest of the State of Michoacan, stands prominent. He defeated the Spanish forces in several encounters and captured various cities. One of his great feats was the defense of the City of Cuautla, where he resisted with 3,000 men the 12,000 Spanish soldiers sent against him. He finally broke the lines of the enemy and succeeded in retreating with the rest of his army. He afterwards captured Orizaba, Tehuacan, Oaxaca, and Acapulco. Morelos was the first to organize a regular government and to convene a Federal Congress. The latter met at Chilpancingo on September 14, 1812, and issued a declaration of independence on the 6th of the succeeding- November. It also framed a provisional consti tution and established an executive council of three members. More los began to meet reverses in 1813 and was finally captured; he was shot at the town pt Ecatepec, near the City of Mexico, on December 22, 1S15. Other patriots continued the fight for freedom, among them we can mention Bravo, Mina, and Guerrero. The latter kept alive the cause of independence until it was successful. The final overthrow of the Spaniards was accomplished by General Iturbide, of the regular army, joining- the patriots. The combined and triumphant forces entered the City of Mexico on September 21, 1S21. Thereupon a regency of three members was established, of which Iturbide was appointed President. Soon after, under military pressure, he was de clared Kmperor and on July 21. 1822, he was crowned as such at the Cathedral of the City of Mexico. Put the Mexican patriots could not brook the establishment of an Knipire. and Iturbide was obliged to send in his resig-nation, and left the eountrx in the month of May. 1823. Thinking that he could again resume power, lie returned to the Republic, but was arrested and linalh shot at Padilla. July 19. 1824. In the same year a Federal Con stitution was established, and General Guadalupe Victoria became the lirst President of the Federation. The Federal Republic lasted until IS3.*>, when General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became President of a Central Republic under a new constitution. The Liberal and Conserva tive parties continued to struggle for the supremacy of the adminis tration. From 1S22 to 1845 there was a series of military mutinies and civil war predominated during most of that period, while in 1847 Father of the Independence of the United States of Mexico- Historical Synopsis the war with the United States took place, which ended by the sign ing of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848. Santa Anna's last administration began on April 1, 1853. In order to obtain means to meet the expenses of his government, he sold to the United States the Mesilla Valley lands. He also governed the country in a most despotic manner. It was then that the Liberal leaders proclaimed the plan of Ayutla, proposing to restore a consti tutional government. The Ayutla revolution was successful, and General Juan Alvarez was named President and assumed office on October 4, 1855, but soon after resigned, and General Comonfort be came President ad interim. A Constitutional Congress was convened, and after mature de liberation issued a Constitution on the 5th of February, 1857, which is still in force throughout the Republic. The Constitution having been approved by the people, General Comonfort was elected President and took office on December 11, 1857, but guided by evil advisors and claim ing that the Constitution was impracticable, he dissolved the Con gress that had just convened and declared himself Dictator. Comon fort was then betrayed by the Church party, left the country, and the administration of the Republic remained in the hands of .the great patriot Benito Juarez. Thereupon followed the final and decisive struggle between the Liberal and Conservative parties, styled in Mexican history as "War of Reform". During that great contest, .President Juarez issued his celebrated reform laws, which destroyed the political power theretofore exercised by the clergy. The Liberal party was successful in that war, but its opponents did not give up the struggle, and sought in Europe the intervention of foreign powers. England, Spain, and France formed a coalition in 1861 and sent their armies to Mexico. The Spanish and English forces soon withdrew from the country, but the French army pushed towards the City of Mexico, and was signally defeated at Puebla on May 5, 1862. Re-enforcements having arrived, the War of the French Intervention, so called, was carried on in all its fierceness, and the Archduke Maximilian being induced to assume the title of Emperor, finally paid the penalty of his folly by being executed at Queretaro on June 19, 1867. In July of the same year, President Juarez returned triumphant to the City of Mexico, was re-elected President thereafter, and remained as chief executive of the nation up to the time of his death, July 18, 1872. He was succeeded by Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, as President ad interim, and then as Constitutional President. In 1876 he was a candidate for re-election, but a popular revolutionary movement having been in augurated at Tuxtepee, it was successfully terminated by the battle of Tecoac, which took place on November 6, 1876; General Diaz there upon entered the City of Mexico, and in April, 1877, was elected Consti tutional President of the Republic. He was succeeded by General Man uel Gonzalez in 1880. Four years afterwards General Porfirio Diaz w:as re-elected and since then, through continued, and we may say A Few Facts About Mexica unanimous re-elections, has remained at the head of the administra tion. During the several terms he has filled the Presidency, he has firmly established peace, encouraged the material advancement of the country, adopted a sound financial policy and eradicated all causes- which could bring about political dissensions and pertubation of peace. Benito Juarez II Geographical Information The Republic of Mexico, or the Mexican United States, as the country is officially styled, is situated between 14° 30' 42" and 32° 32' 42" north latitude, and between 86° 46' 8" and 107° 7' 31" west long itude of the meridian of Greenwich. It is bounded on the north by the United States of America; on the east by the Gulf of Mexico and Hie Caribbean Sea; on the south by the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, and Belize; and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The boundary line with the United States was established by the treaties of February 2, 1848, and December 30, 1853, and begins at the mouth of the Rio Grande and terminates in a point on the Pacific Ocean, distant one marine league due south of the southernmost point of the Bay of San Dieg-o; the whole extent of this boundary line being 1,833 miles. The bound ary line with Guatemala was fixed by the treaties of September 27, 1882, and April 1, 1895, and its length is considered to be 642 miles. The boundary line betweeen Mexico and Belize was defined by a treaty signed July 8, 1893, runs from the mouth of the Strait of Bocalarchica and terminates at the boundary between Mexico and Guatemala. The total area of the Mexican Republic is 767,326 English square miles, which includes 1,471 square miles of islands near the coasts of the Republic. The widest portion of Mexico is its northern extremity and the narrowest point is the. Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which is about 100 miles from the Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans. The eastern coast of the Republic, washed hy the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, comprises about 1,737 miles, whilst its western coast along the Pacific Ocean is about 4,574 miles in length. The Republic presents a succession of terraces rising from the eastern and western coasts which culminate in a, great central plateau running in a northerly and southeasterly direction, and having- eleva tions which vary from 4000 to 8000 feet above the level of the sea. There are two great ranges which cross the Republic, nearly par allel to the coast along the Gulf of Mexico and along the Pacific Ocean, and which have various branches. Beside these there are other mountain ranges, the most noticeable of which is that of Anahuac, which surrounds the Valley of Mexico and of Puebla. There are sev eral volcanoes, among which we may mention the well known Popo catepetl and Ixtachihuatl in the Valley of Mexico, being 17,450 and 16,076 feet, respectively, in height; the Orizaba, 17,362 feet; the Toluca, 15,019 feet: the Colima. 11.313 feet; and the Ajusto, 13,628 feet. A Few Facts About Mexico The Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of California, and the Gulf of Tehuan tepec, the first mentioned being on the Eastern coast, and the other two along the Western coast, are considered among the largest in both Continents. The principal bays are those of Guaymas, Santa Barbara, Topolo- bampo, La Paz, and Muleje, in the Gulf of Lower California; Amejas, Magdalena. San Quintin, and San Bias, on the Pacific Ocean. The principal islands near the coast of Mexico are: El Carmen, a very large one in the Gulf of Mexico; San Juan de Ulua and Sacrificios near Veracruz; Guadalupe at a great distance from the coast of Lower California; Tres Marias, a group of three islands near the same coast; The Revillagigedo Islands and Alcatraz Island on the west coast of Colima and Michoacan. The principal rivers of the Republic are the Rio Grande, or Rio Bravo del Norte, as it is called in Mexico, being about 1,500 miles long; the Lerma, or Santiago, 540 miles in length; the Balsas, or Mescala, Fuerte, 340 miles; the Usumacinta, 330 miles; and others like the Panuco and Papaloapan of sufficient importance. Among the lakes, the most extensive is the Chapala, which meas ures eighty miles in length by thirty in breadth. In the Valley of Mexico there are seven lakes. There are other lakes of importance in various states of the Republic, such as Catemaco in Veracruz, Cariel and Carpintero in Tamaulipas, Eticantado in Tabasco, Bacalor in Yu catan, Cuitzeo and Patzcuaro in Michoacan, Yuriria in Guanajuato, and Meztitlan in Hidalg-o. Owing to its geographical position, Mexico possesses a great diver sity of climate. The heat of the torrid zone is felt along the coast and in the valleys which are below 3,000 feet of sea level. Lands which lie in a region between 3,000 and 5,000 feet above sea level enjoy a temperate climate, while those in higher altitude than 7,000 feet may be considered as lying in the cold region. The climate of Mexico is considered by many as the most delight ful in the world along the central plateau, which is the region of the Republic most thickly populated. The climatic conditions of some parts of Mexico are undergoing great changes on account of the destruction of forests. The seasons are divided into the rainy and the dry. Regarding the flora and fauna of Mexico, we may say that they are mosft varied and important. Further on we will refer more fully to them; for the present it may be stated that there are raised in Mexico all the products of the torrid, temperate, and frigid zones. As far as mining is concerned, we can truly say that Mexico is perhaps the richest country in the world in that line. Tlie population of the Republic was estimated at 9,90S,011 in 1879. The census of 1895 gave a total of 12,619,949. The latest census, held in 1900, gives 13,545,462 as the total number of inhabitants in the Re public. Ill The Constitution As already stated, the Constitution now in force in Mexico was adopted on February 5, 1857. Since then it has been amended at dif ferent times. It adopts for the Republic a representative, democratic, and federal form of government, the states composing the Republic being- free as to anything which refers to their interior adminis tration. The Federal Government is divided into three coordinate branches, viz: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. The legislative power of the Republic is vested in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. The members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected for two years, while the senators serve four years, half of the Senate being renewed every two years, and only two senators being- elected for each state and the Federal District. The Congress meets twice every year. The first session, which may be extended thirty days, begins on September 16 and ends on December 15. The second, which can be extended for fifteen days, opens on April 1 and closes on May 31. While the Congress is not in session there is a Permanent Com mittee consisting of twenty-nine members, fifteen from the Chamber of Deputies and fourteen from the Senate, who are appointed by the respective legislative bodies. This Permanent Committee has certain limited powers and reports on all matters not acted upon by the previous Congress, so as to expedite business in the succeeding ses sion. The executive power is in the hands of the "President of the United Mexican States", who is elected by electors chosen by the people, for a term of four years. The President may be re-elected, there being no limitation whatever as to the number of times that he may serve. In case of temporary vacancy in the office of President, the Secretary of Foreign Relations acts in his stead, while in case of his death or personal disability, a provisional president is elected by Congress, who discharges the duties of the- office until a successor is elected by the people. The salary of the President is $50,000 per year. The President appoints the persons who comprise his cabinet. They are seven, and have charge of the following departments: For eign Relations; Interior; Justice and Public Instruction; Public Pro motion, Colonization and Industry; Communications and Public Works; Finance and Public Credit; War and Navy. The Federal Judiciary consists of the Supreme Court of Justice and the District and Circuit Courts. They have jurisdiction: (a) In A Few Facts About Mexico all cases arising from the enforcement and application of federal laws, provided the same do not affect private interests, (b) In admiralty cases, {e) In cases to which the Federal Government is a party. (d) In cases arising between two or more states, (e) In cases aris ing between a state and one or more citizens of another state, or be tween two or more states, (f) In civil or criminal cases arising- from treaties made with foreig-n powers, (g) In cases affecting diplomatic and consular offices. The jurisdiction of said courts likewise extend to all cases g-rowing out of laws or acts of any authority which in fringe individual rights; of laws or acts of the Federal Executive which violate or limit the sovereignty of states, and of laws or acts of such states which encroach on the authority of the Federal Govern ment. The seat of the supreme power of the Federation is the capital of the Republic, situated within the Federal District. Under the Constitution all men are born free within the Republic and slaves who set foot upon the national territory, thereby recover their liberty. Instruction is free, and every man may adopt the pro fession, industrial pursuit, or occupation, which he prefers, provided it is useful and honorable. No one can be obliged to give personal ser vices without just compensation and without his full consent. The liberty to write or to publish writings on any subject whatever is in violable. No previous censure nor other restriction on the liberty of the press may be allowed. The right of petition and of lawful as semblage is secured. Every man has the right to enter and to leave the Republic, to travel through its territory and to change his residence, without the necessity of a passport or safe-conduct. No title of nobility or hereditary honors are recognized, and no person may be tried by special law nor by special tribunals, nor shall retroactive laws be enacted. No person may be arrested for debts of a purely civil character, and imprisonment shall take place only for crimes which deserve corporal punishment, while no detention shall exceed the term of three days, unless justified by a writ showing cause of imprisonment and other requisites established by the laws. Punishment, by mutilation and infamy, branding, flogging, the bas tinado, torture of whatever kind, confiscation of property, or any unusual or extraordinary punishment are forever prohibited. In all criminal proceedings, the accused shall have the following guarantees: that the ground of the proceedings and the name of the complainant, if there shall be one, shall be made known to him; that his preliminary declaration shall be taken within forty-eight hours af ter the time when he may be placed at the disposal of the judge; that he shall be confronted with the witnesses who testify against him; that he shall be furnished with the information that he may require and that appears in the records of the proceedings, and finally that he shall be heard in his defence by himself or by counsel, or by both, as he may Hon. Igfnacio Mariscal Secretary of Foreign Relations The Constitution desire. No criminal proceedings may be heard before more than three tribunals, and no one shall be tried twice for the same offence, whether by the judgment of the court he be acquitted or condemned. In time of peace no soldier may demand quarters, supplies, or other real or personal service, without the consent of the owner; and in time of war he may do so only in the manner prescribed by law. Private property shall not be taken without the consent of the owner, except on the ground of public utility, and upon previous in demnification. The inviolability of sealed correspondence going- through the mails is secured, and the infractors of this guarantee shall be punished severely. Monopolies of all kinds under pretext of industrial protection, are prohibited, excepting the government's exclusive right to coin money and of the postal service, besides the limited privileges granted by law to patentees of any useful invention. No corporation, civil or ecclesiastical, whatever may be its char acter, denomination, or object, shall have legal capacity to acquire in ownership, or manage for itself, real estate, with the exception of the buildings directly devoted to service or object of the institution, and no religious corporation is permitted to acquire real estate or the capital invested thereon, except as prescribed by law. The Senate and the church are independent of one another, and Congress may not pass laws establishing or prohibiting any religion. No monastic orders can be recognized, nor will the government per mit their establishment. Marriage is considered a simple civil contract and the civil status of persons belong to the exclusive jurisdiction of the functionaries of the civil order within the limits prescribed by the laws. The simple promise to speak the truth and comply with the obligations that are insured thereby, is substituted for the religious oath, with its effects and penalties. The President of the Republic, with the advice of his cabinet and with the. approval of Congress, or, during its recess, of the Permanent Committee, may suspend all constitutional guarantees in cases of in vasion, serious internal disorder, or great disturbance endangering the state, but only for a limited period, by means of general pro visions and without the same being aimed at a particular individual. According to the Constitution, Mexicans are: (1) All persons born within or without the territory of the Republic, of Mexican par entage. (2) Foreigners that are naturalized in conformity with the federal laws. (3) Foreigners that may acquire real estate in the Republic, or have children, provided they do not. express their de termination to preserve their nationality. It is the duty of every Mexican to defend the independence, territory, honor, rights, and in terests of his country, and to contribute to the general expenses of the Federation, as well as of the state and municipality in which he may reside, and as the law may prescribe. To be a citizen of the Republic, A Few Facts About Mexico one must, beside being a Mexican, be eighteen years of age, if mar ried, or twenty-one, if not married, and possess honest means of live lihood. All citizens have the right to vote at all popular elections, to be voted for any office subject to popular election, and be appointed for any other employment or commission, if they have the qualifica tions established by law; to meet with others to discuss the political affairs of the country, to enter the army or the national guard, and to exercise in all cases the right of petition. A citizen has the obligation to be inscribed on the register of the municipality stating all prop erty owned bj- him and the industry, profession, and labor he is en gaged in, to enlist in the national guard, to vote at popular elections in the district to which he belongs, and to discharge the duty of any office to which he may be elected. Citizenship is lost by naturalization in a foreign country and by serving officially the government of an other nation, or accepting from it badges, titles, or employment, without previous permission from the Federal Congress, excepting literary, scientific, and humanitarian titles, which may be accepted freely. Foreigners under the Constitution are those who do not possess the qualifications of Mexicans, above stated; they have all general rights granted to Mexican citizens, but must obey and respect the in stitutions, laws, and authorities of the country, subjecting them selves to the judgment and decrees of the courts, without having the right to seek other protection than that granted to Mexican citizens. The rights and duties of aliens and foreigners, as well as their natural ization, have been regulated by the law of May 26, 1886. The powers which are not expressl}- granted by the Constitution, are understood to be reserved to the states. The Constitution, the laws of the Congress of the Union passed by virtue thereof, and all the treaties made, or which shall be made, by the President of the Republic with the approval of Congress, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges of each state shall be guided by said Consti tution, laws, and treaties, notwithstanding provisions to the con trary, which may appear in the Constitution or laws of the states. Gen. Manuel Gonzalez Cosio Secretary of the Interior IV The Federal Administration As we have already stated, the executive power of the Republic is lodged in the President, who has a cabinet of seven secretaries to assist him in the discharge of his duties. We will now cursorily glance at the work assigned to each of the said secretaries, who are at the head of the respective departments of the Federation. The Secretary of the Department of Foreign Relations has a sub- secretary, as his assistant, and five chiefs of bureaus. The first bu reau is entrusted with all diplomatic affairs relating to America, Asia, and Oceanic. The second bureau has under its charge the same matters relating- to Europe. The third bureau has in charge the con sular service. The fourth bureau is for letters-patent, treaties, pass ports, register of naturalization, etc. The fifth bureau deals with the accounts, archives and library o'f the department. The general arch ives of the nation are also under the direct management of the De partment of Foreign Relations. Mexico is represented abroad by an embassy in the United States, by legations in England, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia, Bel gium, Holland, Portugal, and Austria, in Europe; a legation for the Central American Republics, another for the South American Re publics, and one in Japan. There are also representatives from those countries in Mexico, who reside at the capital of the Republic, the representative of the United States having the full rank of am bassador. The diplomatic career is governed in Mexico by the org-anic law of June 3, 1896, and the regulations of the same. Mexico has established a competent consular service abroad, and the same is regulated by the law of February 12, 1834, which has been modified several times. The regulations for the service were issued on September 16, 1871. Treaties of friendship, commerce, navigation, extradition, etc., with nearly all the nations in the globe have been signed and are in force, and the boundary treaties with the United States, Guatemala, and Great Britain, already referred to, have satisfactory solved pend ing questions as to the boundary lines with the neighboring nations. The Department of Interior has under its charge the due obser vance of the Federal Constitution, the election of federal officers, the relations between the President of the Republic and the Congress and the various states, public health, regulations as to public worship, the administration of the Federal District and the territories, the rural A Few Facts About Mexico police, the public civil register, the national loan office, municipal councils, federal penitentiaries and houses of correction, public chari ties, public festivities, the Official Gazette, and the government print ing office. The secretary has a sub-secretary and four chiefs of bu reaus under his immediate direction. The Federal District and the two territories, as far as political and administrative powers are concerned, are directly under the con trol of the Department of the Interior, while the Federal Congress legislates regarding them. This department likewise directs every thing relative to public health through the Superior Council of that branch of the public service, acting in conformity with the law on the subject, approved September 10, 1894. Public security, the electoral regulations and the establishment of harmonious relations between the federal and the state authorities are matters which greatly claim the attention of this department. Justice and public instruction are branches of the public service entrusted to the same secretary, but during the present year two sub- secretaries instead of one, have been respectively assigned to aid the secretary in his labors. The first branch mentioned comprises the ad ministration of justice, in everything relative to the federal laws and courts throughout the Republic and the administration of the law in general in the Federal District and the territories. The educational establishments of the Federation, all under the control of this department, are divided into primary, higher or sec ondary, and professional, confining the same, of course, to the insti tutions of that character in the Federal District and the territories. For the sake of uniformity in primary instruction, there was established under the law of June 3, 1896, a general bureau of primary instruction answerable to the department, and having branch offices in the territories of the Tepie and Lower California. Hereafter we shall refer to the federal institutions of higher and professional edu cation, which are under the direction of this department, but we may here state that the National Museum, the National Bibliographical In stitute, the National Library, and other public libraries in the Federal District, and the territories are likewise under the control of this de partment. The following are matters under the supervision of the Depart ment of Public. Promotion, Colonization, and Industry, viz: Sale of public lands, industry, trade marks, weig-hts and measures, mining- properties, water rights, agriculture, pisciculture, forestry, natural productions, immigration, national geography, astronomical and metereological observations, patents, national and international ex positions, geology, statistics, and the study of Mexican medicinal plants. There is a sub-secretary and six chiefs of bureaus to aid the secretary, and likewise a director of statistics, a medical institute, a weights and measures department, the geologi cal commission, and the commission of geographical explor- 32 Hon. Justino Fernandez Secretary of Justice and Public Instruction. The Federal Administration ations. The work of making the boundary lines between Mexico and its neighbors was also under this department, which has charge, as already stated, likewise, of the principal sources of national wealth of the Republic. The Department of Communications and Public Work has control of everything relative to telegraph, railroad, and steamship lines, bridges, roads, post offices, hydrographic works, public monuments, the drainage of the Valley of Mexico, and other public works in gen eral. There is a sub-secretary and three chiefs of bureaus to aid the secretary in his labors. Furthermore, the hydrographic commission, the post-master-general, and the director-general of telegraphs, are dependencies of this department. The Department of Finance and Public Credit has under its charge the collection of all federal taxes and imports, the purchase, sale, and management of all national property, all matters relative to institu tions of credit and to the mints, the expenses of the federal adminis tration, fiscal statistics, the public register of property, and every thing pertaining to the commerce and the public debt of the Republic. Finally, the Department of War and Navy has under its control supervision of everything pertaining to the military and naval ser vice of the nation. The sub-secretary and six chiefs of bureaus as sist in the various labors of this department. Dependent on it are the general staff, the military school at Chapultepec, and other establish ments for instruction in the various branches of the military and naval services. The Supreme Military Court and its subordinate tribunals, as well as various commissions for the advancement and improvement of the service and to prepare charts and maps of the Republic, are also subject to the control of this important department. V President Diaz and His Cabinet We think that it would not be out of place to give here slight biographical sketches of President Diaz and the members of his cabinet. Porfirio Diaz was born at Oaxaca, September 15, 1830. After finishing his preliminary studies, he entered the seminary of his native city, and while a student took part, in 1847, in the defense of his country against the armies of the United States. Two years after wards, he began to study law at the Institute of Sciences of the State of Oaxaca. Unfortunately, lack of means and the necessity of assist ing his family, made him abandon his studies. Affiliated with the Lib eral party of his country, he early took part in its struggles against the Conservatives, and helped in the overthrow of General Santa Anna. The first public office held by Porfirio Diaz was that of Sub- prefect at Ixtlan. When the War of Reform began he was Captain in the 2nd Battalion of the State National Guard. During that war he was dangerously wounded, in 1857, at the Battle of Ixtapa. As soon as he recovered he again took up arms, fought in various encounters, and in July, 1857, became Lieutenant-colonel in the National Guard, while shortly afterwards he was made Colonel. In 1860, he laid siege to Oaxaca, took it, but was wounded in the leg while leading his men on to the assault. When the War of Reform ended he was elected a Deputy to the Federal Congress, but his legislative labors were very brief, and he again entered the field against the reactionary forces, which he defeated at Jalatlaco, August 3, 1861. This feat of arms gave him the rank of Brigadier-general. When the French invasion commenced, General Diaz took up the defence of his native land and formed part of the victorious army which defeated the foreign troops at Puebla, May 5, 1862. He therefore continued in active service and was among the defenders of the same city of Puebla, which sur rendered to the French after a long siege in the spring of 1863. There he fell a prisoner, escaped, and again fought in the ranks of the Lib eral forces. He was captured a second time and again eluded his captors. Thereupon, he gathered fresh troops and defeated the in vaders of his country at Tulancingo, Piutla, and Miahuatlan, his crown ing achievements at that time being the victory of La Carbonera, won October, 16, 1866, and the taking of Oaxaca soon after. He then laid siege to Puebla, and upon learning that a large force was coming to relieve the city, he ordered a general assault which was successful. This took place April 2, 1867. Thereafter he defeated the relieving A Few Facts About Mexico army, hastened and laid siege to the capital of the Republic, which he took June 21, 1867, this being the finishing blow to the so-called empire. Peace being restored, he retired to private life, but when he was nominated as a presidential candidate he issued his manifest, called of "La Noria," this being the country place where he resided. This political movement terminated when President Juarez died and Mr. Lerdo de Tejada became President. Owing to the agitation against the re-election of President Lerdo de Tejada, the manifest or "plan'' of Tuxpec was issued, and through the battles won at Tecoac and Los Abodes, General Diaz entered victorious the City of Mexico November 24, 1876. A general election being held, he was elected President of the Republic, and took possession of that high office May 2, 1877. He remained as chief executive of the nation until December 1, 1880, when he surrendered his trust to his successor, General Ma nuel Gonzalez. From the first election of President Diaz the era of peace and prosperity, the development of railways, and the establish ment of several new industries may be properly said to have com menced in the Mexican Republic. During the administration of General Gonzalez, Porfirio Diaz acted as Secretary of Public Promotion, Sen ator, Governor of the State of Oaxaca, and Commissioner-general for the New Orleans Exposition of 1884-5. Prior to the discharge of his duties as such Commissioner-General he made a trip to the United States, where lie was most cordially received and grandly entertained. Upon his re-election to the presidency he again assumed office in De cember, 1884, and since the approval of a constitutional amendment he has been through successive re-elections, remaugurated President, in 1888, 1892, 1896, and 1900. The enthusiastic and magnificent ovation he received upon his reinauguration in last December is still fresh in the memory of all newspaper readers. President Diaz is, indeed, one of the most popular and conspicuous leaders in both continents, and his achievements in peace and in war will give him everlasting fame. Among the great gifts that President Diaz possesses as a states man, one of the most remarkable is that of knowing how to choose his advisors and how to surround himself by most competent and able counsellors. The Cabinet of the President is an exceptionally strong one. The Premier, or Secretary of Foreign Relations, who under the Constitution holds a position equivalent to that of Vice President, is Mr. Ignacio Mariscal, who was born at the City of Oaxaca, July 5, 1829. From his earliest childhood he showed great aptitude for the study of jurisprudence, and when scarcely twenty years of age he was admitted to the bar at the capital of the Republic. He then re turned to his native city, where he held various subordinate offices. Being elected a member of the National Constitutional Convention, he was one of the signers of the Federal Constitution, adopted February 5, 1857, and which is now in force. During the War of Reform he held office under Juarez. In 1861 and 1862 he was again a member of the Chamber of Deputies. Thereafter he became a Justice of the National Hon. Leandro Fernandez Secretary of the Department of Public Promotion, under the direction of whose Department Mexico's Exhibit at Buffalo is made President Diaz and His Cabinet Supreme Court, and in 1863 he was Sub-secretary of Foreign Affairs. During the War of the French Intervention he was Secretary of the Legation, and then Charge d' Affairs of Mexico at Washington. Upon his return to his native country he occupied various official positions, and in 1868 he became Secretary of Justice and Public Instruction. In the succeeding year he was appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in the United States, which high diplomatic position he held until 1876. Returning to Mexico, he successfully filled the offices of Justice of the Supreme Court of the Federal District, President of National School of Jurisprudence, and in 1879 he again took charge of the Department of Justice and Public Instruction. It was mainly through his efforts that the Codes of Civil Procedure and of Penal Procedure and other laws regarding practice in the federal courts were issued. In 1880 Mr. Mariscal was appointed Secre tary of Foreign Affairs, and since then until now, excepting the period he acted as Mexico's diplomatic representative at the Court of St. James and a few months' travel in Europe for the benefit of his health, he has been at the head of that important department. His invaluable services in the negotiations of treaties, and in settling the difficult boundary questions with Guatemala and Belize, and in all other matters refering to international relations, are well known, and have won for him a high reputation as a diplomat. He is, further more, an eloquent orator, an elegant writer, and a fine linguist. He is a member of several foreign and domestic scientific and literary so cieties, and has received decorations from various governments. The last visit of Mr. Mariscal to the United States was in 1899, when he came as representative of President Diaz to take part in the laying of the corner stone of the public federal building of Chicago. In that city, in New York, and elsewhere, he was most cordially and en thusiastically received. At the head of the Department of the Interior we find General Manuel Gonzalez Cosio, who was born at the City of Zacatecas in 1838. After obtaining a common school education he went to the City of Mexico, where he pursued the studies necessary for the career of a civil engineer. The Civil War between the Conservative and Liberal parties drew young Gonzalez Cosio into the ranks of the Liberal army. Through his gallant conduct in various battles he rose rapidly, and when the War of the French Intervention commenced he was among the first to take up arms on behalf of his country. His most brilliant achievements during those campaigns was his stubborn defence of Fort Santa Ines, 1863, at the City of Puebla; as a recognition of his conduct he was then appointed General. He was then taken prisoner and sent to France, where he remained about a year. Regaining his liberty, he decided to return to his country with two fellow-prisoners. Upon arriving in the United States, the three companions had no means to pursue their homeward journey, and so determined to draw lots and find out which one of them would enlist in the Federal Army, A Few Facts About Mexico so that with the bounty money the other two might be able to reach their native land. Luck was against him, and he was about to enter the service of the United States, when a friend loaned the three patriots sufficient funds to buy their passage to Mexico. There, Gen eral Gonzalez Coaio continued fighting bravely in the ranks of the Republican army. When peace was restored he was elected deputy, then member of the Federal Senate, and on two occasions Governor of his native state. From 1886 to 1889 he was President of the Common Council of the capital of the Republic. Thereafter he became Secre tary of Communications and Public Works, and on the death of the able statesman, Manuel Romero Rubio, the portfolio of the Interior was given to him. He has been ever since at the head of that de partment, gaining well-merited praise for his efficient administration of affairs. During his term of office the new penitentiary of the Federal District and other public improvements, as well as charitable and correctional institutions, have been established and fostered. Mr. Justino Fernandez is the latest addition to President Diaz's Cabinet, and was appointed Minister of Justice and Public Instruction, and succeeded the former Minister, Mr. Joaquin Baranda, April 19th of the present year. The new Secretary was born at the City of Mexico, June 22, 1828. After the termination of the usual academic course, he pursued his professional studies and in January, 1853, was admitted to the bar. Soon after he took part in political life, and be came a member of the Common Council of the City of Mexico. He entered the ranks of the Liberal party and was returned to Congress. He has had the honor of being one of the signers of the Federal Con stitution of 1857, now in force. Mr. Fernandez has held several im portant offices, and in 1860 was elected Governor of the State of Hidal go. Since 1882 he has been one of the most prominent members of Congress at various times, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, and since 1884 Dean of the National College of Jurisprudence. He is a member of many scientific and literary societies, both at home and abroad, and is a fine speaker and forcible writer. Mr. Leandro Fernandez, Secretary of the Department of Public Promotion, Mining, Agriculture, and Colonization, was born February 27, 1851, in the District of Nombre de Dios, State of Durango. He pursued his preliminary instruction in his native city, but terminated his professional studies at the City of Mexico. In 1873 he was received as assayer, and soon after as civil engineer. He practiced his profession successfully, and had under his charge the Chair of Mathematics and Astronomy at the National College of Mines. For a time he was President of that institution of learning and also Director of the Central Astronomical Observatory. Upon the organization of the new Department of Com munications and Public Works he was appointed Sub-secretary of that department. He has been likewise Director of the Mint at the capital of the Republic and a member of the Sanitary Board of said city. Gen. Francisco Z. Mena Secretary of Communications and Public Works President Diaz and His Cabinet He discharged with marked ability the duties of these various posi tions. In 1897 he was elected Governor of the State of Durango, but soon returned to take charge of the Mint at the City of Mexico. Finally upon the resignation of the former Secretary of the Depart ment of Public Promotion, Mr. Manuel Fernandez Leal, President Diaz, with his usual tact and foresight, selected Mr. Leandro Fernan dez as his successor. He entered into the discharge of his new duties. in December, 1900. General Francisco Z. Mena, the Secretary of Communications and Public Works, was born in 1841 at the City of Leon, State of Guana juato. While yet a boy he entered the ranks of the Liberal army, and in March, 1857, began his distinguished military career as a Lieutenant in the infantry army. He rose in rank and in November, 1880, was made a Brigadier-general. During the War of the French Intervention he was a member of General Diaz's staff. After the fall of Maximilian, he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies, was re-elected for several terms, and thereafter became Governor of the State of Guanajuato^ Being appointed Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of his country in London and Berlin, he served with distinction, until he resigned. He remained several years abroad, but was finally called by President Diaz to his present position. In his department General Mena has supervision over the railways, telegraph and postal services- of the Republic, which he has managed with great ability. A dis tinguished soldier and an affable gentleman, General Mena has won the esteem of all who come in contact with him. The Secretary of Finance in President Diaz's Cabinet is Mr. Jose Ives Limantour, a lawyer by profession and a great financier. He was born at the City of Mexico, December 24, 1854. His parents were wealthy and gave him all the advantages of a liberal education. After pursuing his preliminary studies at the National Preparatory School, and his law studies at the National School of Jurisprudence, he was admitted to the bar in March, 1875. In the succeeding year he was ap pointed Professor of Political Economy at the National College of Commerce. He began his public career as a member of the Common Council of the City of Mexico, and in 1888 he was elected to the Cham ber of Deputies, where he served several terms and acted as President of said legislative body. During that time at various occasions he filled commissions of importance for the Federal Government. His thorough acquaintance with all questions relative to political economy led to his appointment in March, 1892, as Sub-secretary of the Depart ment of Finance. A year afterwards he was given the portfolio of that department, where he has since rendered inestimable services to his country. The late conversion of the public debt and the financial operations performed under his direction, whereby a balance of sev eral millions have remained in the National Treasury, have stamped him as one of the ablest financiers of the present time. Mr. Liman tour speaks several languages, is highly accomplished, and although A Few Facts About Mexico wealthy, instead of devoting his time to frivolous amusements or pleasure, gives himself up readily to intellectual labor and painstaking study. He has traveled throughout Europe and the United States, his last trip having occurred during the spring and summer of 1899. The Portfolio of War and Navy in General Diaz's Cabinet is held by General Bernando Reyes, one of the most popular military leaders of the Republic. He was born at the City of Guadalajara in 1850, and after pursuing his preliminary studies, entered college, but when six teen years of age he went into the ranks of the Republican army, which was fighting against the French invaders. He rose rapidly through his gallantry, and was present at the siege of Queretaro, when Archduke Maximilian was made a prisoner. After peace was restored he continued his miltary career, and at various times assisted in put ting down some revolutionary chieftains. At Villa Union he won a great victory, but was wounded three times. It was then he was given the rank of Brigadier-general. Since then he has been made a Major-general. Owing to his popularity he was made Governor of the State of Nuevo Leon in 1885, and was re-elected for several successive terms. His wise and enlightened administration of affairs in that state gave him both a national and an international reputation. Final ly, on the death of Secretary of War Berriozabal, in 1899, President Diaz called him to become a member of his Cabinet. In that position he has rendered important services, and has justly earned the plaudits of his countrymen. The foregoing brief sketches of the persons who are aiding Presi dent Diaz in his great and patriotic labors, sufficiently demonstrate the wisdom displayed by the Executive of Mexico in the selection of the members of his official family. Hon. Jose Ives Limantour Secretary of Finances VI The Federal District, the States, and the Territories The Republic of Mexico is divided into a Federal District, twenty- seven states, and two territories. As already stated, the states are free and independent as far as their internal affairs are concerned; each one has a Governor, a Legislature, and a State Judiciary. The Federal District, situated in the southwestern portion of the Valley of Mexico, has an area of about 463 square miles. According to the census of 1900, it has a population of 540, 47S inhabitants. It is divided into four subprefeetures, viz: Guadalupe-Hidalgo, Tacu- liaya, Tlalpan and Xochimileo, and the Municipality of Mexico, the capital of the Republic. About three-fourths of the lands in the Federal District are under cultivation. The Municipality of Mexico comprises the capital proper, with a population of 368,777 inhabitants. It has about nine hundred streets and lanes, five hundred and thirty- two public and private schools, ten theaters, twenty-one hospitals and asylums, one hundred and thirty-four churches, fourteen markets, and thirty-four libraries. The number of dwelling houses in the Federal District was 47,901 in 1900, and the value of real estate about .$200,000,000. The City of Mexico is one of the oldest of this continent, and has been successively the capital of the Aztec Empire, of the Colony of New Spain, and now of the Republic. At present it em braces nearly twice the area that it did in olden times. It is a most important commercial center and possesses wealthy banking institu tions, great manufacturing industries, large and numerous stores and mercantile establishments, electric lighting and tramways, and all the comforts and conveniences to be found in the leading cities of the world. The gieat work of the drainage of the Valley of Mexico, which was successfully terminated in 1S96 at a cost of more than $13. 000, 000, is now to be perfected and made thoroughly available t. the city, by the construction of an extensive system of interior sew- eis, soon to be completed at an expense of several million dollars. The water supply of the city has been greatly enlarged, and lately the widening of several streets, the construction of a new hospital, of a magnificent national theater, of a Legislative palace, of a new post- office, and of other expensive improvements, will greatly add to the beauty and attractiveness of that great capital. We will now briefly describe the states of the Republic in then- alphabetical order: A Few Facts About Mexico The State of Aguascalientes has a population of 101,940 inhabitants. Its total area is about 2,951 square miles. Though one of the smallest states in the Republic, it is very rich in agricultural resources. The principal industries of the state are stock raising, agriculture, min ing, and commerce. Its chief city, bearing the same name, had in 1900 a population of 35,052 inhabitants. The State of Campeche, with a population of 84,281 inhabitants, occupies the western portion of the Peninsula of Yucatan. Its area is 18,091 square miles. Nearly all the state has a hot climate. Its principal industries is the cutting and shipping of cabinet woods, commerce, agriculture, stock raising, fisheries, exploitation of the salt deposits, and manufacturing of articles made from the heniquen fibetr. Its capital is the City of Campeche, with a population in 1895 of about 17j000 inhabitants.* Its leading sea port is El Carmen. The State of Chiapas has a population of 363,607 inhabitants, and is situated along the boundary line with Guatemala, and has an area of 27,230 square miles. It has great agricultural resources and, though generally hot, has lands at a moderate altitude, enjoy ing a temperate climate. Its principal industries are the raising oi coffee, tobacco, rubber, and fruits, stock raising and commerce.. Its capital is Tuxtla Gutierrez, with a population in 1895 of 7,882 inhabit ants, and its leading sea ports are Tonala and San Benito. The State of Chihuahua is the largest state in the Republic, has an area of 87,820 square miles and a population of 327,004 inhabitants. It is a very rich state in mining and agriculture, and its manufactur ing interests are also of importance. Being situated along the fron tier of the United States, it has great commerce with said country. Its capital city bearing- the same name r s a population in 1895 of 13,128 inhabitants. The State of Coahuila is the third largest in the Republic, and has also the United States for its northern boundary. Its area is 62,376 square miles and its population is 280,899 inhabitants. Agri culture is the principal industry of the state and cattle raising is one of its great sources of wealth. Although its mining resources were little known until lately, now they are being well and properly de veloped. The leading city and capital is Saltillo. with a population in 1900 of 40,441 inhabitants. The State of Colima is after Tlaxeala, the smallest of the Re public. Its area is 2,273 square miles and it has a population of 65,026 inhabitants. Most of the state is in a tropical region and has a good coast line along the Pacific Ocean. The principal industries are agri culture, stock raising, and the exploitation of the salt deposits. The -capital of the state had in 1895 19,305 inhabitants. *Where the figures of the census of 1900 could not be obtained before this publication went to press, those of the census of 1895 are given. ^l» EL*** *^l - 1 1 Gen. Bernardo Reyes Secretary of War and Navy The Federal District, the States, and the Territories The State of Durango has an area of 38,020 square miles and a population of 371.274 inhabitants. It is a very large and rich state. and its capital city bearing the same name had a population in 1900 of 42,165 inhabitants. Its principal industries are agriculture, stock raising, and commerce. There are various manufactories in the state, among which are several cotton mills of importance. The State of Guanajuato has an area of 11,374 square miles and a population of 1,065,317 inhabitants. Its capital city had in 1900 a population of 52,412 inhabitants. There are other large cities as Leon, Celaya, San Miguel Allende, Irapuato, Silao, and Salamanca. The state has one of the richest mineral regions in the world and is a most important mercantile and industrial center of the Republic. Tlhe State of Guerrero, having- a sea coast line on the Pacific, has a population of 474.594 inhabitants and an area of 25,003 square miles. Its leading city and capital is Chilpancing-o with 6,204 inhabitants in 1S95, and its principal sea port is Acapulco. The commerce and manufacturing interests of Guerrero are as yet of comparatively little importance, and its agricultural and mineral interests are partly undeveloped. The State of Hidalg-o, with an area of s.920 square miles and a population of 603.074 inhabitants, is one of the most important in so far as mining is concerned. Its principal industries are the reduction of ores, the manufacturing of cotton and woolen goods and of pulque, brick tiles, etc. Its leading city and capital is Paehuca, with a popu lation in 1895 of 52,189 inhabitants. The State of Jalisco is one of the richest in the Republic and has the larg-est population of any. Its manufacturing, agricultural, and commercial interests are very great. It has an area of 31,855 square miles and a population of 1,137,311 inhabitants. Its capital is Guada lajara, a very beautiful city with a population in 1895 of 83.S70 in habitants. The State of Mexico is among the most important in the Republic for its agricultural and industrial interests. It has an area of 9,250 square miles and a population of 924,457 inhabitants. Stock raising and mining are also sources of its wealth. The leading city and capital, Toluca, with a population in 1900 of 20,893 inhabitants, is a most attractive and interesting town. The State of Michoacan is another of the leading agricultural states in the Republic. It has also very rich mining districts and its commerce and manufacturing interests are quite important. Its population is 935,847 inhabitants and it has an area of 22,881 square miles. Its leading city and capital, Morelia, had in 1895 32,287 in habitants, is situated in a picturesque location, and offers great at tractions to the tourist. The State of Morelos is one of the smallest, but is a rich state, with an area of 2,774 square miles and a population of 161,697 in habitants. Its leading industries are manufacturing, commerce, and A Few Facts About Mexico agriculture. Its leading city and capital, Cuernavaca, had in 1895 8,554 inhabitants and is a most attractive winter resort. The State of Nuevo Leon, which occupies part of the eastern slope of the Central Plateau, has an area of 24,324 square miles and a popu lation of 326,940 inhabitant;-. It has large manufacturing interests', its agriculture has been steadily progressing, but its mineral wealth has not been greatly developed. Its principal city and capital is Monterrey, a most progressive town and had in 1900 62,266 in habitants. The State of Oaxaca is also of great importance, has an area of 35,392 square miles and a population of 947,910 inhabitants. Its lead ing industries are agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. It has an extensive coast line along the Pacific Ocean, along which may be found Salina Cruz, one of the termini of the Tehuantepec R. R., Puerto Angel, and other harbors. The capital had 32,641 inhabitants in 1895 and is an interesting city. The State of Puebla in the central portion of the Republic is most important, especially on account of its manufacturing and agri cultural interests. It has an area of 12,207 square miles and a popula tion of 1,024,446 inhabitants. Its capital bears the same name and had 91,917 inhabitants in 1895, and is a large commercial center and a handsome city. The State of Queretaro, though one of the smallest of the Re public, is very rich in agriculture and mining, and its commercial and industrial interests are in flourishing condition. It has an area of 3,558 square miles and a population of 228, 4S9 inhabitants. Its capital, bearing the same name, is historically most interesting, and had in 1895 a population of 32,790 inhabitants. The State of San Luis Potosi, also one of the central states, is rich in mining and agriculture, while its industries are rapidly in creasing in importance. Tt has a population of 582,486 inhabitants. and an area of 25,323 square miies. Its capital has the same name, is an attractive city, and had in 1900 a population of 61,009 inhabitants. The State of Sinaloa has an extensive sea coast line on the Pacific Ocean, a population of 296.109 inhabitants, an area of 33,681 square miles, and is rich in agricultural and mining- resources. Its leading port is Mazatlan, and its capital Culiacan. which in 1895 had a popu lation of 14,205 inhabitants. The State of Sonora is the second in extent and has an area of 76,922 miles. Its population is 220,553 inhabitants. It is on the border of the United States, and its eastern portion is washed by the Gulf of California. Its soil is very fertile and it has vast mineral resources. Its leading port is Guaymas and its capital Hermosillo, which had in 1900 a, population of 17,618 inhabitants. The State of Tabasco lies on the southeastern part of the Re public and borders on Guatemala. It has large rivers and its agri cultural resources are very great. Its area is 10,075 square miles and 54 The Federal District, the States, and the Territories has a population of 158,107 inhabitants. The capital city of this state is San Juan Bautista, which has a population of xU,543 inhabitants. The State of Tamaulipas occupies one of the most beautiful sec tions of the Republic, and is one of the border states, and has an ex tensive coast on the Gulf of Mexico. Its principal source of wealth is agriculture, and its mineral resources are scarcely developed. With an area of 32.5S5 square miles, it contains only 218,948 inhabitants. Its leading sea ports are Matamoros and Tampieo, while its capital is Ciudad Victoria, with a population of 10,086 inhabitants, according to the census of 1900. The State of Tlaxcala is the smallest, in size in the Republic, and it has merely 1,595 square miles, with a population of 172,217 inhabi tants. It is essentially an ag-ricultural state. Its capital city bears the same name and had in 1895 a population of 2,874 inhabitants. The State of Veracruz, considered the richest in the Republic, has an area of 29,210 square miles and a population of 960,570 inhabitants. It is one of the most important commercial sections of the Republic, and has an extensive coast along the Gulf of Mexico, its chief ports being Veracruz, Tuxpan, and Coatzacoalco. Its capital is Jalapa, with a population in 1S95 of 18,173 inhabitants, but both Orizaba and Veracruz are larger cities in said state. The State of Yucatan, so celebrated for its production of fibrous plants, is a peninsula with an area of 35,214 square miles and a popu lation of 312,264 inhabitants. Tts foreign trade is carried on almost exclusively throug-h the port of Progreso. Its capital city is Merida, which had a population in 1895 of 36,720 inhabitants. The £tate there attaining. * <$» -~» cSjs, vni Agriculture The wonderful fertility of the soil of the Mexican Republic is well known, and it may be truly stated that everything that may be culti vated can be raised in that country with great profit to the agricul turist. Owing to its peculiar geographical situation, and orography, Mex ico should be divided into three agricultural zones or regions, which may be designated as the sugar cane and rubber region in the low lands, the coffee region in the temperate lands, and the section yield ing the European cereals, which comprises the central plateaus. According to an article, in the "Corn Reporter" of the Agricultural Department of the United States in its issue for June, 1901, Mexico ranks third among the corn-growing countries of the world, its total crops being exceeded only by those of the United States and Austria- Hungary. This most abundant cereal grows almost everywhere in the Republic, and in some places three crops of it are raised every year. Wheat and the other cereals are produced, but not in such abund ance as corn. Still the tables hereinafter inserted, will show the im portance of this production. Mexican coffee is now well known, and in the last few years the number of plantations have increased, and it is claimed that in time Mexico will be able to supply more of that product to the markets of the world than all other countries combined, save only Brazil. The production of cocoa is now increasing every year, while sugar cane, notwithstanding the great competition to which it has been subjected owing to the increase in the production of sugar beets. still is an inexhaustible source of wealth in Morelos, Veracruz, Puebla, Jalisco, and other states of the Republic. Mexican tobacco now holds its place among the first in the world, and since 1868 the plant has been cultivated on an extensive scale. Cotton has been raised in Mexico from the most remote times, and the Aztecs well knew and practised the art of cotton spinning. Al though the soil and climate are suited to the production of this fiber, Mexico has to import that staple, as its output is not sufficient to supply the great demands of its factories. There are several cotton belts "in the Republic, which are situated in Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz, and other states. Vanilla, cochineal, and alfalfa are also products which are suc cessfully raised in Mexico. In so far as fibers are concerned, the territory of Mexico stands pie-eminent for the richness and abundance of such products. The A Few Facts About Mexico exportation of heniquen, jute, and other fibers, reaches every year enormous figures, and the traffic in them is a source of wealth to Yucatan, Campeche, Sinaloa, Oaxaca, Chiapas, and other states. Among fiber plants we cannot forego mentioning the agave or maguey, which grows most abundantly on the plateaus, and yields a great variety of products from its leaves, roots, and juice, it being claimed that about forty different articles are manufactured from said plant. Among- these we may mention pulque, a beverage made from the fermented juice, which is consumed in very large quantity in the City of Mexico and neighboring towns. Mescal or tequila is another alcoholic drink, which is largely produced principally in the states of Jalisco and Coahuila. About one-fourth of the territory of Mexico is covered with num berless trees and woods for dyeing and construction purposes, and medicinal ulants are also to be found throughout the Republic. Ma hogany, ebony, rose, cedar, oak, and walnut, and other trees of a similar class, are cut yearly and make a large item in the exportation of the country. Chewing gum and rubber are also valuable products of the Re public and are successfully obtained in the states of Campeche, Chia pas, Jalisco, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz, and Yucatan, and the Territory of Tepic. The climate of the high plateaus is well adapted with the aid of irrigation for the cultivation of all fruits; there we find apples, peaches, pears, figs, and apricots produced in abundance. On the slope of the Gulf of Mexico and of the Pacific Ocean we find the region which produces tropical fruits, such as bananas, pineapples, mameyes, chirimoyas, oranges, limes, etc. Of these only the orange is cultivated for export. Of vegetables there is abundant production, though with few exceptions they are consumed in the home market. The flora of Mexico is extensive, brilliant, and varied. All kinds of flowers are to be found everywhere, and roses, carnations, begonias. camellias, etc., may be procured at the City of Mexico and other cities of the Republic at most reasonable prices. Cacti and orchids are abundant, and large quantities of them are exported annually. We now will make reference of some statistical data, which will undoubtedly prove the importance and magnitude of the agricultural resources of the Mexican Republic. These data we take from the latest "Anuario Estadistico de la Republica Mexicana." issued in 1900 by the Department of Public Pro motion, and corresponding to the year 1899. Undoubtedly they under rate the yearly production of agricultural products, owing- to the lack of proper officials to collect information in some localities, and to the desire of land owners to conceal the extent of these products for the purposes of avoiding taxation. Dining said year 1S99. the total value of agricultural products, Agriculture fermented drinks, and medicinal plants in the Republic was as fol lows: Eice $ 2,209,021 Barley 5,591,533 Indian corn 72,807,205 Wheat 17,607.924 Chickling vetch 427 997 Beans 7,847,898 Chick-peas 1,687,439 Lima beans 1,136,485 Lentils 98)647 Sweet potatoes 369 898 Huacamote 49 334 Potatoes 1,387^973 Green peppers 2,420,563 Dried peppers 1,960,307 Sugar 13,283,338 Brown sugar 5,022,500 Molasses 2,246,450 Sesame seed 45,502 Peanuts 344,674 Linseed 172,585 Rum 15,748,558 Pulque 6,196,703 Unfermented pulque 9,292,578 Heniquen 33,227,203 Ixtle 808,621 Cotton 4,679,628 Grape brandy 139,064 Grape wine 307,225 Indigo 35,826 Brazil 145,656 Campeachey 266,507 Cascalote 59,092 Tanning bark 1,557,091 Cocoa ." 689,907 Coffee 11,065,657 Tobacco 2,038,897 Vanilla 868,967 Chewing gum 502,471 India rubber 272,821 Mezquite gum 9,523 Cocoa gum 9,062 Jalap 15,830 Sarsaparilla 7,464 The exportation of agricultural products is quite large, the aggre- ?i+e value of such exportation being $4,046,854.41 for April, 1901, the latest month whereof reliable statistical data are at hand. The prin cipal items of such exports were coffee, woods, tobacco, heniquen, and ixtle. A Few Facts About Mexico Furthermore, we will state that the aggregate values of the expor tation of aa-ricultural products for the fiscal years beginning with 1892-93 and ending with 1899-1900, were as follows: 1S92-93 $24,85S,887 1893-94 26,6S9,978 1S94-95 27,999,998 1S95-9 i 25.907,196 1S96-97 2S,6S4,389 1S97-9S 34.743,290 1S9S-99 40,371,661 1899-1900 : 50,939,474 Thus in eight years the exportation of agricultural products has more than doubled. The figures above g-iven more than sufficiently attest the growth and prosperity of Mexican agriculture. General View Exterior of Agriculture Exhibit Agriculture Building Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition IX Manufactures Mexico cannot be classed among the manufacturing countries, and until some years ago only raw materials were supposed to be produced and raised successfully in the Republic. However, about ten years ago the country entered into an era of industrial prosperity, and manu facturing sprang- up everywhere throughout the land. This was due to the permanent peace the country is enjoying, the increase in its railroad mileage, the wise and enlig-hted administration of public af fairs, the liberal laws enacted to encourage foreig-n capital, and other causes, among- which the depreciation of silver may be set down is an all important one. Cotton factories are to be found in various states, some with most. extensive plants and employing- a large number of operatives. In Jul;; 1900 there were 134 of such factories in active operation throughout the Republic, which gave employment to 27,767 persons; their sales during the fiscal year terminating July 30, 1899, amounted to the sum of $18,460,348.19. The profits of some of those factories reached as high as forty per cent per annum on the investment. Woolen mills are also established in various states as Aguascalien- tes, Durango, Guanajuato, Puebla, and others, and there splendid woolen blankets and cassimeres are made. The zarapes, or woolen blankets, have achieved considerable reputation, especially those of Saltillo and San Miguel. Silk weaving may be considered as a growing industry, which in time will become most important. Already, manufactured articles from Mexican silks have found quick sales. The jute manufactured products, such as cordage, ropes, sacks, etc., are daily finding- great favor. Paper mills are profitable investments owing to this industry be ing protected by the tariff. The oldest paper mill in the Republic is situated at Coeolapan, near Orizaba, but the more modern mills in the Federal District, Puebla, Jalisco, etc., have greatly improved this industry. There are many flour mills in the Republic, but their output is not sufficient to supply the local demand. Hammock making is one of the industries, which, especially in Yucatan, has attained considerable proportions, and a great part of the product is exported to the United States. There are a great many foundries in the Republic, and some of them turn out excellent work. It may be here appropriate to state A Few Facts About Mexico that the government has a large arsenal and gun foundry at the capi tal, where arms and all kinds of first class munitions of war are made. Though type founding is in its infancy, we may say that printing ma terials are made for home consumption, though the greater part of the type in use is imported. Perhaps one of the industries which is more generally carried on in every state is that of pottery manufacture. The leading cities in that industry are Guadalajara, Puebla, Zacatecas and Guanajuato. Crockery for table use is also manufactured in Mexico, and glassware likewise to some extent. The manufacture of acids and chemical compounds is attaining great importance, especially in the Federal District. Chocolate, which is a favorite beverage throughout Mexico, is manufactured in establishments, some of which have large capital invested in this industry. Tanneries exist in many places and the leather made is of good quality. Mexican workers in leather have gained a well-deserved repu tation for the articles they manufacture, saddles especially. The City of Leon is one of the principal centers of this industry. The collection and exportation of hides, skins, and leathers is an industry which has attained considerable importance. The manufacture of felt hats is carried on in all cities, while straw and palm hats are made everywhere in the Republic. The arti cles turned out at some hat factories in the cities of Mexico, Puebla, and Guadalajara can well compete with the best imported articles of a similar character. There are several furniture factories in the Republic, but the de mand for such articles is so great that large quantities are yearly imported. Rubber factories, electrical plants, soap, brick, artificial stone, var nish, and starch factories are already established and yearly their number increase, as the demand for their output is very large, and the profit derived from their establishment is so alluring- and solid. Several smelting- works are now in operation, and the capital in vested in them amounts up to millions of dollars. Cigar and cigarette factories are numerous, especially in the states of Puebla, Guanajuato, Veracruz, and the Federal District. This in dustry is a most profitable one. From July, 1900, to April, 1901, inclu sive, a period of ten months, there were manufactured in the Republic 5,019,820 kilograms of cigarettes, and the number of cigars made was 95,534,544. In April, 1901, there were 745 cigar and cigarette factories in the Republic. The rapid advancement of this industry is shown by the notable increase in the taxes paid by the factories to the govern ment. The amount so paid for the fiscal year 1S96-97 was $1,161,480.12; for 1S97-98, $1,280,729.52; for 1S9S-99, $1,395,212. 17, and for 1S99-1900, $1,551,447.15. Manufactures Beer and ale manufacturing is also making rapid strides, and in 1899 there were seventy-two factories of that beverage in the Republic. During the fiscal year of 1898-99, there were 2211 establishments devoted to the manufacture of spirits from maguey, g-rapes, su»av cane, grains, etc., and their output was 39,311,731 liters. The pearl industry is quite important in the Territory of Lower California; while sponge, abalone, and other shells are collected in various parts of the Republic; tortoise fishing having also become an industry of some importance. Mexico is known the world over for the success attained by its people in what may be styled distinctively Mexican industries, such as drawn work, filigree jewelry, feather work, rag and wax figure, tecali fruits, paper weights, inkstands, etc. Such articles now find a ready market abroad, and their exportation is yearly increasing. The raising- of cattle is another most important industry in the Republic, and in the northern states and Veracruz and Michoacan great advancement has been made in that line. During the year 1899, there were slaughtered for home consumption 764,935 cattle, 790,148 sheep, 617,124 goats, and 659,334 hogs, no refer ence being had to the consumption of the states of Chihuahua and Chiapas, as the information relative to the same was not at hand when the above totals were prepared. During the six months com prised from January to July, 1900, the exportation of live stock from the Republic was as follows: 1,904 horses, valued at $ 67,000 1,331 sheep and goats, valued at 45,002 647 hogs, valued at 3,575 725 mules, valued at 34,160 83,759 cattle, valued at 2,203,075 The above figures show how large is the exportation of Mexican cattle. During- that same period, the value of the importation of ani mals of all kinds to the Republic only amounted to $246,291. Let us finally say that manufacturing industries in Mexico have received lately a great impetus through the utilization of water power under liberal concessions from the Federal Government. Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition Mines and Liberal Arts Exhibit Mexican Building X Commerce and Finance The growth of Mexican commerce since the advent of General Diaz to the presidency, and especially since the year 1893, has been really wonderful. The official figures as to exportations of the Re public, and the increase in the revenues of the government, without additional taxation, as well as the great increment of wealth through- mit the country, plainly and unequivocally corroborate that state ment. The duties collected for importations since 1893, paid in Mexican silver, of course, were as follows: Year 1893-94 $15,313,926,59 " 1894-95 17,73S,129.66 " 1*95-96 21.492,211.91 1896-97 21,481,225.93 " 1S97-9S 20,963.442.63 " 1898-99 20,443,847.66 " 1S99-1900 27,696,979.06 While the value of such importations declared in gold, was as follows: 1S93-94 $39,287,489 1S94-95 34,000.400 1895-96 42,253,938 1S96-97 42.204,095 1897-9S 43.603,492 1S9S-99 50,8(19,194 1899-1900 50,S(i9,194 1S99-1900 61,318,175 Thus it is that the value of the importations has doubled in a period of seven years. If we now examine the figures relative to the values of the article -ent abroad by Mexico, we will notice the same rapid increase. The total exportations, which were declared in Mexican silver, were as follows: 1893-94 $ 79,343,2S7 1894-95 90,854,953 1895-96 '.'. 105,016,902 1S96-97 111,346,494 1897-9S 128,972,749 1898-99 148,453,834 1899-1900 158,247,933 These last figures likewise show that the exportations have doHbled in the said period of seven years. Let us now examine into the class of articles which are mostly imported into the Republic, and for that purpose we take the following- A Few Facts About Mexico official figures corresponding to the fiscal year of 1899-1900. They are as follows: Animal industry $4,359,923 Agricultural products 8,367,184 Metals and their manufacture 16,555,522 Fabrics (cotton, wool, etc.) 9,928,361 Chemical products, drugs, oils, and paints 2,450,028 Wines, liquors, fermented and unfer- mented drinks 2,809,986 Paper and its manufactures 2,126,630 Machinery and apparatus 9,843,880 Carriages and wagons 1,392,847 Arms and explosives 1,715,575 Sundries 1,768,239 Total $61,318,175 The exportations in that fiscal year may also be distributed as follows: Metals and their manufactures $ 84.988,592 Vegetable products 50,939,474 Animal industry 10,633,713 Manufactured articles 2,813,6S7 Sundries 680,914 To which is to be added the premium on the gold exported... 8,191,573 Total $158,247,933 During that same year the countries whose commerce was most active with Mexico, were the following: Countries. Importations. Exportations. United States and colonies. $31,026,435 $116,105,935 England and colonies 10.973.757 12.659,757 France and colonies 6,763.398 6,637,765 Germany 6,673.846 5.049.487 Cuba .'. 49.637 5.SS2.029 Spain 2,919.162 912,173 Belgium S02,374 1,926,103 Italy 463.224 83,657 Austria 414,983 30,000 Holland and colonies 189.511 237,912 Guatemala 32,S49 238,996 Thus it may be said that over half of the imported articles Mexico receives come from the United States, and that the latter country ab sorbs about three-fourths of the exports of the Mexican Republic. During- the said fiscal year the arrivals and departures of vessels at Mexican ports, whether doing- an international traffic, or coastwise trade, was as follows: Arrivals — Steamers 5.232 Sailing vessels 3.S15 Total 9,047 Commerce and Finance Departures — Steamers 5,112 Sailing vessels 3,801 Total 8,903 And the tonnage of the merchandise carried by said vessels was: Exportation 1,076,676 tons Importation 412,985 " Coastwise trade 350,985 " Total 1,840,646, tons The traffic by rail along the northern frontier, that is, to and from the United States, was the following during said fiscal year oi 1899-1900: Arrivals.... 47.592 cars, carrying 645,953 tons Departures. 24,471 cars, carrying 242,550 tons If we now look into Mexican finances, we may state without fear of contradiction that their present condition is most prosperous and satisfactory. In the able report presented by Secretary Limantour to the Chamber of Deputies in December, 1900, we find the following state ment as to the revenues of the fiscal year of 1899-1900, subdivided into four groups or classes: I. Foreign Commerce Taxes. Import duties $27,696,979 . 06 Export duties 872,996.00 Two per cent for port investments 550,963.74 Special port taxes 419,718.32 Sailing licenses 704.00 Pilot's dues 17,483.05 Health office receipts 77,157 . 51 Consular fees 29S.173.67 Consular and diplomatic certificates abroad 11,617.69 Total $29,945.793 . 04 II. Interior Federal Taxes. Stamp tax comprising — Regular stamps $S,968,326.33 Federal tax 6,401,755.51 Seven per cent on imports 2,086,977.69 Mining tax 814,044 . 20 Three'per cent on gold and silver .. . 2,309,239.20 Real estate tax 10,063.00 Manufactured tobacco 1,395,212.17 Spirits 8S0,926.93 Cotton yarn and fabrics 1,367,660.98 Sundries 96,439.29 Mintage dues and charges 1,367,660.9s Patent and trade mark dues 6,520.00 Total $26,201,406.14 A Few Facts About Mexico III. Interior, District and Territorial Taxes. Direct taxes on real estate, professions, business houses, flour and pulque.. $2,947,393.34 Inheritance tax 332,921.66 Other taxes 315.91 Total $3,280,630.91 IV. Public Services and Minor Sources. Postal service $1,860,105 . 86 Telegraph service 1,087,520 . 34 Tehuantepec Railway 106,025 . 80 Lottery and sundries : 1,779,594.30 Total $4,833,246.30 The above gives a grand total of revenue of $64,261,076.39 for the said fiscal year. The progressive increase in the revenues of the Mexican Govern ment has been as follows: Fiscal year 1S95-96 $50,521,470.42 "" 1S96-97 51,500,628.75 " 1897-98 52.697,981.55 " 1S98-99 60,139,212.84 " 1S99-1900 64,261,076.39 The estimated expenditures for the year 1900-01, as proposed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and then modified bjr the Chamber of Deputies in May, 1901, are as follows: Legislative power $1,130,983 . 30 Executive power 1S3,986 . S4 Judicial power 537,368 . 20 Department of Foreign Relations 755.127.25 Department of the Interior 4,852,778.10 Department of Justice and Public In struction 2,SS9,677.50 Department of Promotion, Colonization and Industry 996.686.16 Department of Communications and Public Works S,699,840.09 Department of Finance and Public Credit 2S,205,411 . 55 Department of War and Navy 14,023.242 . S4 Total $62,275,101. S3 Since 1895, there has always been a balance left in the treasury at the end of every fiscal year after all expenses have been paid. The accumulated balances at the end of the fiscal year of 1S99-90 amounted to the large sum of $31,799,921.14. These figures satisfactorily prove the healthy condition of the public treasury in the Mexican Republic. The public debt of Mexico was as follows at the end of the fiscal year of 1899-1900: Front View of Manufactures Exhibit Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building Mexico at the Pan-Am«rican 'Exposition Commerce arid Finance Debt payable in gold $1 15.178,612.00 Debt payable in silver 123,118.982.20 Floating- debt payable in silver and bearing- no interest 1,015,836.24 $239,313,430.44 The interest, on the public debt has always been punctually paid, even in those years, now fortunately gone by. when some difficulties were experienced in meeting- all the expenses of the government. The foreign gold bearing debt, through a skillful operation of the Secretary of the Treasury, was lately converted into a. five per cent loan, while formerly the government securities issued on account of said debt were bearing- six per cent. In connection with the finances of the country, we may take a cursory glance into coinage, currency, and banking' in Mexico. Owing to the liberal provisions of the laws of Mexico, the production of precious metals has greatly increased. A portion of the output of the mines is exported, while the rest, with exception of whatever mav be u-ed in the arts, is coined at the various mints of the Re public. These were first established in 1537. Up to seven years ago •there weie thirteen mints in the country, but owing' to increased facilities for the transportation of bullion and for other reasons, the number of such establishments has been reduced to four; one is situated at the City of Mexico; another at Guanajuato; a third one at Zacatecas; and still another at Ciiliacan. Besides these, there are government assay offices at various other cities of the Republic. During the fiscal year of 1899-1900 the coinage effected by the mints amounted to $18,723,720. while the value of the exportation of gold, silver, and copper in money, bars, and in ores, amounted to $MI.S.8s.92(i. Practically there is no gold in circulation in the Republic, the circulating medium being- silver and copper fractionary coins and bank notes issued by banks duly authorized for such purposes. Their paper is not legal tender, and it is covered by large deposits of coins. The government issues no paper money. On the 30th day of April, 1901, there were twenty-four banks in operation in the Republic, duly organized under the hanking- laws. Their financial standing was as follows: ASSETS. Unsubscribed capital $5,452,450.00 Cash on hand . . .' 56,429,472.46 Rills receivable 91,712.252.31; Loans and personal properly 34,474,676.29 Hypothecary loans ' 10.070.450. 89 Loans on real estate 3, 027, 43,6. 59 Public funds 3,070,324.35 Current debts or accounts 52, 115,844. 8.> Real estate 1.953,235.47 Total $258,312,143.24 S3 A Few Facts About Mexico LIABILITIES. Authorized capital $77,300,000.00 Bills in circulation 61,855,281.25 Mortgage bonds in circulation 8,611,600.00 Cash bonds in circulation 709,300.00 Sight deposits 4,317.265.25 Other deposits 6,795,876.05 Current credit accounts 84.99S,968.10 Reserve fund 10,271,335.93 Surplus fund 2,452.516 . 66 Total $258,312,143 . 24 The four principal banks of the Republic are the National Bank of Mexico, the International and Mortgage Bank, the London and Mexico Bank and the Central Bank, having- their main offices at the City of Mexico and branch offices in different cities of the Republic. The oldest banking institution is the Monte de Piedad (National Loan Office), Which was established in 1775. In former times it could issue notes; at present it merely effects loans on pledges, at moderate rates of interest, under supervision of the government, and does a business of more than $1,000,000, distributed among 60,000 persons. The banking institutions now in operation in the Republic are in a most flourishing condition, but the demand for increased facili ties are so great and legal provisions relative to such institutions are of so liberal a nature, that new banks are being established in various parts of the Republic, and the business of the old ones is increasing very rapidly. 84 XI Means of Communication It was in 1873 that the entire line of the Mexican Railway, from Veracruz to the City of Mexico, was inaugurated; but what may be called the "railroad era" of the Mexican Republic did not really begin until General Diaz became President, in 1876. From 1877 to 1882 Mexico constructed more miles of railways than any other Latin American country, and thereafter the increase in railroad mileage has been steady and uninterrupted. At the end of 1896 there were 11,469 kilometers of road, or 7,053 miles, while at the present time the railway lines aggregate 15,454 kilometers, or say 9,600 miles. In 1897 the number of passengers car ried was 27,470,296; in 1898, 30,809,624; and in 1899, 36,037,447; while the freight transported amounted in 1897 to 5,936,852 tons; in 1898 to 6,329,029 tons; and in 1899 to 7,267,067 tons. The gross earnings of the roads were $36,747,658.12 in 1897, $40,225,981.95 in 189S, and $46,374,334.94 in 1S99. Most of the roads were built, after obtaining large subsidies from the Government, ranging from $6,000 to $10,000 per kilometer. At the present time, the railway system of Mexico connects the capital with the leading- cities of the Republic, also with some of the most important seaports on the Gulf of Mexico, and with the United States. In point of fact now the trip by rail from Buffalo, New York or Washington to the City of Mexico, or other principal Mexican cities, is as rapid, safe, commodious and agreeable as a trip to some of the western cities or those of the Pacific Coast of the United States. The leading railways of the Republic are: The Mexican Railway, broad-gauge, which, as alreadjr stated, was the first road built in Mexico. Tt has branches to Puebla and Pachuca, and is considered one of the most picturesque roads in the world, especially the portion comprised between Veracruz and Ori zaba. The Mexican Central is the longest road, the whole of the main line connecting El Paso, Texas, with the City of Mexico, was opened to traffic in April, 1884. Since then branches have been built to Guadalaiara. Ameca, San Luis Potosi, Tampico, and Pachuca. It crosses some of the most important states, and reaches Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Leon, Trapuato, Celaya, Queretaro, Guada lajara, San Luis Potosi, Tampico, Pachuca, and other important cities. The Interoceanic Railway is a narrow-gauge road which ulti mately will connect Veracruz and Acapulco. It has completed the A Few Facts About Mexico road from Veracruz to the City of Mexico, passing through Puebla and Jalapa, and has built a portion from the capital towards Acapulco. The Mexican National Railroad, also narrow-gauge, is the shortest line between the City of Mexico and the United States, which it enters at Laredo. Corpus Christi, Texas, is the northern terminus of the line. It has branches to Patzcuaro, El Salto, and other points. The Mexican International Railway is a broad-g-auge line, built without a subsidy, and commences at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, opposite Eagle Pass, Texas. It reached Torreon in 1888, and was completed to the City of Durango in October, 1S92. It has also several branches. The Monterey and Mexican Gulf Railway, now owned by a Bel gian company, extends from Trevino in the State of Coahuila and goes as far as Tampico, passing- through Monterey and Ciudad Vic toria. The Mexico, Cuernavaca and Pacific Railway, which also it is in tended shall reach Acapulco, has g-one beyond Cuernavaca, and is also considered a most picturesque road. In point of fact the scenery along most of the railroads in Mexico is most interesting and attrac tive. The National Interoceanic Tehuantepec Railroad connects the At lantic and Pacific oceans at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, its termini being the Port of Salina Cruz on the Pacific Ocean and that of Coatzacoalcor on the Gulf of Mexico. It is being rebuilt and repaired by an English company, and the two ports mentioned are being im proved at great expense. There are other railways, especially in the State of Yucatan, which might be described if our limited space would permit it. All those lines, and the new ones to be constructed, are reg-ulated by the new railway law promulgated April 29, 1S99. All the leading cities of the Republic have street car lines or tram ways. These are very extensive in the Federal District, where electric traction was inaugurated in 1900. In December, 1S9S, there were over 501 kilometers of said tramway lines in the Republic. There is no state capital or fairly important town in Mexico which is not connected by telegraph with the outside world. The telegraph services may be divided into federal telegraph lines, railway telegraphs, lines belonging to private individuals or companies, and state lines. On January 1, 1900, the entire telegraph system, in round numbers, was as follows: Kilometers. Federal lines 45.103 State lines 8^557 Private lines 3 590 Railroad lines 11.19S T°tal 6S,54S That is a grand total of over 68,500 kilometers, or 42.538 miles. Mexico at th.c F, 111- American Expositio Liberal Arts Exhibit Mexican Building Means of Communication In December, 1900, the extension of the federal lines amounted to 45,740 kilometers and the increase in revenue from that branch of the service had been remarkable. The number of messages lately trans mitted through said lines had been: Fiscal year of 1896-97 1,559,450 Fiscal year of 1S97-98 L765^758 Fiscal year of 1898-99 l,97s|280 Fiscal year of 1899-1900 2,241359 Mexico has also an efficient cable service which places it in direct communication with the United States and Europe. Telephone service in the Republic is excellent. On January 1, 1900, the total extent of the telephonic system in Mexico, in round numbers, was as follows: Kilometers. State city lines 914 State suburban lines 7,040 Private city lines 3,740 Private suburban lines 6,630 Mexican Telephone Company 3,260 Railroad telephones 1,739 Private suburban lines, for private use 7,005 Total 30,328 Thus giving a total of 30,328 kilometers, or say 18,834 miles. Since 1877 the establishment of steamship lines has been greatly encouraged by granting special concessions or subsidies. In January, 1899, there were twenty-three steamship lines having contracts with the Government for carrying mails, of which eleven were Mexican, five American, four English, one Spanish, one German, and one French. The leading ports of the Republic are therefore in constant and rapid communication with the principal countries of Europe and America. The postal service in the Republic is now very efficient, and has been greatly improved from year to year. The following data will fully prove this statement: In 1896, there were 1,500 postoffices in the Republic, while in 1900 the number of such offices was 1,972. The movement of interior postal matter has been as follows: Pieces. Fiscal year, 1896-97 77,819,334 Fiscal year, 1897-98 86,821,020 Fiscal year, 1898-99 92,189,270 Fiscal year, 1899-1900 99,714,426 While the international postal service was as follows: Pieces. Fiscal year, 1896-97 23,483,863 Fiscal year, 1897-98 26,024,464 Fiscal year, 1898-99 30,256,582 Fiscal year, 1899-1900 34,922,683 A Few Facts About Mexico The revenues of that branch of the public service have likewise in creased, and were as follows: Fiscal year, 1896-97 $1,247,144.22 Fiscal year, 1897-98 1.107,178.05 Fiscal year, 1S9S-99 1,598,477.10 Fiscal year, 1899-1900 1 .S71.II98.44 Of course, the service of certified letters, parcels, and postal money orders (the latter having been extended to the United States in January, 1900,) is well established and g-ives most satisfactory results. The postal orders transmitted in the Republic during- the fiscal year of 1896-97 amounted to $924,406.89; in 1897-9S to $1,212,217.82; in 1S9S-99 to $3,323,510.63; while in 1S99-1900, they rose to $5,112, 3SS.37. Finally, we may state that in December, 1900, the extension of all postal routes was 91.048 kilometers, or 56,540 miles. XII Public Instruction— Religion— Arts and Sciences— Army and Navy Public instruction has made rapid strides in the Mexican Republic during the past few years, and more especially since 1897, when the law making- compulsory education went into effect. Under that law primary elementary education in the Federal District and the terri tories was nlaced under the exclusive control of the Executhe, pre paratory education was made uniform for all professions and profes sional education was reorganized making it only relate to such techni cal matters as pertain to the professions to which each special estab lishment is devoted. In the states the state governments defray the expenses of public education either with funds appropriated for that purpose or with the funds of municipalities. The following statistical data shows the condition of public educa tion throughout the Republic on January 1, 1900: Number of schools 9,271 Students enrolled 669,941 Average monthly attendance 463,095 As to private educational establishments, we have the following figures for that same date: Number of schools 2,560 Students enrolled 134,987 Average monthly attendance 103,955 The total expenses made for the support of federal, state and municipal schools in 1899 amounted to $4,720,062. The Federal Government, beside maintaining in the City of Mexico and in the territories a large number of primary normal schools, has under its control most important institutions for profes sional education and technical schools. To those existing in the capi tal of the Republic we shall now make passing reference. The National School of Medicine, whose organization dates back from 176S, is now housed in the building occupied by the Inquisition before the establishment of the Republic. This school has the repu tation of being one of the best institutions of its class. The Xational School of Engineering, formerly called the School of Mines, partly occupies the magnificent building which contains the offices of the Department, of Promotion, and that was erected at a cost of three millions of dollars. This educational establishment is among the best A Few Facts About Mexico in the Latin-American Republics. The National Conservatory of Music and Elocution occupies the edifice of the first university in America, founded by the Spanish Kings in 1551. The National Acad emy of Fine Arts, formerly called the Academy of San Carlos, stands where Fray Pedro de Grante established, in 1524, the first school of the New World. The National Preparatory School, with its numerous students, serves as the threshold to all professional studies. The National School of Jurisprudence is also one of the institutions which worthily fulfils the object of its organization. We may also mention the National School of Commerce and Administration, the School for the Blind, the School for the Deaf and Dumb, and several reformatory and industrial schools, etc., which fully demonstrate the extent and importance of professional education in the capital of the Republic. And here we may add that in the various states there are also public educational institutions where all may follow a professional career, free of charge, and under competent instructors. Among other institutions pertaining to or connected with the branch of public education, we may state that on January 1, 1900, there were throughout the Republic thirty-three museums, one hun dred and thirty-five libraries, forty scientific and literary associations and seven hundred and two periodical publications, distributed as follows: Federal District, 202; State of Aguascalientes, 8; Lower Cali fornia, — ; Campeche, 4; Coahuila, 20; Colima, 11; Chiapas, 5; Chihua hua, 29; Durango, 17; Guanajuato, 28; Guerrero, 3; Hidalgo, 4; Jalisco, 58; Mexico, 17; Michoacan, 36; Morelos, 4; Nuevo Leon, 21; Oaxaca, 11; Puebla, 25; Queretaro, 1; San Luis Potosi, 15; Sinaloa, 9; Sonora, IS; Tabasco, 18; Tamaulipas, 27; Tepic, 8; Tlaxcala, 1; Veracruz, 4S; Yucatan, 36; and Zacatecas 14. Of such publications six hundred and fifty-nine are printed in the Spanish language; twenty-one in English: four in French; one in German; sixteen in Eng-lish and Spanish; and one in several languages; there being sixty-four dailies, three hundred and twenty-seven weeklies, one hundred and nineteen monthlies, and the rest published at various other stated periods. As is well known, the prevailing religion in the Mexican Republic is the Roman Catholic, but there is no connection between church and state, and the Federal Constitution guarantees the free exercise of all religions. Many of the buildings erected by the Catholic clergy, both before and after the colonial period, are splendid specimens of architecture and their interiors are magnificently decorated, the cathedrals of the City of Mexico, of Puebla, of Guadalajara, and others, being among the most admirable structures of their class in the American continent. Statistics show that there are 10,112 Catholic churches and chapels in the Republic and that the number of Pro testant places of worship is 119. The army in Mexico has lately attained a high degree of discipline and efficiency, due to the proper re-organization given to it during the administration of President Diaz. Furthermore, the Department of Public Instruction — Religion — Arts and Sciences, etc. War and Navy, under the able direction of Secretary Bernardo Reyes, has recently introduced many notable improvements in the service. In 1S99 the personnel of the regular army was as follows: Generals 62 Commissioned officers 944 Non-commissioned officers 2,471 Soldiers 2 7.247 Total 30,724 The navy consists only of several gun boats, lighthouse dispatches n.-d training ships. Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition Cactus Exhibit Southern Ground Portion of the Horticulure Building xm Laws of Special Interest to Foreigners To the colonist, to the settler, and to the investor, some of tne most important laws of Mexico are those which relate to the acquisi tion of public lands, to colonization, and to patents and trade marks. It may therefore be not amiss to take a cursory glance at such legis lation. All lands in the Republic which have not been duly dedicated to public use, or that have not been granted as a lien or for a pecuniary consideration to some individual or corporation authorized to acquire such property, are public lands, and any inhabitant of the Republic has the right to claim up to two thousand, five hundred hectares, and no more, of such lands, excepting persons born in countries along the boundaries of the Republic, and those naturalized therein, who cannot acquire them in the state bounded thereon. The Supreme Govern ment publishes every two years the price of public lands in each state, district, and territory. The price Of public lands is to be paid, two-thirds in cash and the rest in bonds of the public national or foreign debt. There are certain cases specified in the law in which a, reduction may be made on the price of ' public lands. Owners of public lands are obliged to keep in some place within their property, and during ten years computed from the time when they were granted, an inhabitant at least for each two hundred hectares granted. Petitions for claims of public lands should be presented to the judge of first instance who has jurisdiction of federal cases in the judicial district wherein the public lands may be situated. When the petition is presented, the survey and plot shall be made by a professional ex pert, or by a practical expert, if the former is wanting, who may be appointed by the judge. After the survey and plat of the land shall have been made, an investigation shall take place at the office, under whose jurisdiction such public lands may be, to ascertain whether the Government is in full possession of the land claimed. If it should be, and no contestant appears, the adjudication and ownership of the property shall be decreed to the claimant, without further proceed ings; but if there be a contestant, the judicial proceedings pending between the claimant and the contestant shall first be decided; a representative of the Federal Treasury to be likewise a party to such proceedings. If the Government should not have possession of the public lands, the claim or denouncement shall be published three times — once every ten days — in the newspapers and by notices fixed in A Few Facts About Mexico public places. If no contestant appears, the adjudication of the prop erty should be decreed, not as absolute property, but as by possessory title; but if a, contestant appears, proper proceedings must be previously instituted as between the claimant and the contestant, a representative of the Federal Treasury likewise to appear as a party to the proceedings. A judicial decree relating to the adjudication or concession of public lands whether for possessory title or ownership, shall not be carried into effect until it is first approved by the Depart ment of Public Promotion. When such approval is obtained, and the party concerned has presented a certificate showing that he has paid into the corresponding office the value of the land, in conformity with the price list or schedule of the two-year period within which the claim was made, the judge shall cause to be delivered to him the land and the titles of ownership or possession. The adjudication and de livery of possession gives ownership as well against the Government as against the contestants who may have appeared in the litigation; but as far as third parties are concerned the ownership in this class of judgments or adjudication, can only be acquired by limitation or other legal title. Any suspension in the proceedings instituted by virtue of the denouncement or claim, due to the fault of the claimant, whether it should consist in not making the necessary expenses, in remaining absent without leaving- an attorney under pay, in not pushing the proceedings which should be instituted, or in any other way, shall give right to the contestant to ask that a time be set, which shall not exceed six days, within which such proceedings shall be prosecuted. If that is not done, it shall be decreed that the claim has been aban doned and the dilatory claimant shall not be able to claim the same public lands again. If no motion is made by the contestant, the judge on his own motion shall set the time already mentioned. The expenses of measurements, survey, delivery of possession, and any other that may be incurred, shall be on account of the claimant. It may be stated that public lands are classified as follows: Lands of the first class are those which, owing to their situation and favorable elements for agriculture or operation of some industry, deserve to be considered as such; that is, lands adjoining towns of some importance, or to railroads, or rivers; those which may be irri gated and are suitable for an easy and remunerative cultivation; those having trees of precious woods; those having orchilla or some dyeing productions, and those containing- minerals or salts. Lands of the second class are those of a single crop, those that are more distant than those of the first class from means of communication, and those that are suitable for cattle raising, or that can be rendered productive with little cost, be it for agriculture or for any other industry. And lands of the third class are those that, owing to their inferiority, be it through the quality of the land, or for their great distance from Laws of Special Interest to Foreigners means of communication, or from the centers of consumption, or through their situation exposed to inundations, cannot be considered as comprised within the first and second classes. The law of colonization contains equally liberal provisions. They are substantially as follows: In order to be considered a colonist and have the right to the franchises granted by the law, it is necessary that the foreign immi grant shall bring to the Republic a certificate of the consular agent of immigration executed at the request of the very immigrant, or of the company- or corporation authorized by the Executive to bring colon ists to the Republic. The petitioners must present certificates of the appropriate authorities, certifying to their good habits and the occu pation which they may have followed before maldng their petition to be admitted as colonists. Colonists shall enjoy for a period of ten years, computed from the date of their establishment, the following exemptions: From military service; from all kinds of taxes, except municipal; from the duties of importation and interior dues on provisions, wherever there shall not be any, agricultural implements, tools, machines, materials of construction for dwellings, furniture in use, and animals for breeding and procreation purposes, intended for the colonies; from the expor tation duties on the fruits that they may gather; and from the pay ment of fees for the legalization of signatures and issuance of pass ports issued by consular agents. Such colonists are also entitled to premiums for notable labors and bounties and special protection for the introduction of new methods of cultivation or new industries. The Department of Public Promotion shall determine the amount and kind of articles that in each case may be introduced free from the payment of duties, and the Treasury Department shall regulate the manner of making the importations. Colonies shall be established under the municipal system, subject however as to the election of their authorities and as to the levying and collecting taxes, to the general laws of the Republic and of the states where they may be at the time. Every foreign immigrant who may settle in a colony shall declare, prior to his settling, before a federal agent of colonization or be fore a competent notary or judge, whether he has the intention of preserving- his nationality, or whether he desires to be naturalized. Colonists shall be considered as having all the rights and obligations that in their case the Federal Constitution grants or imposes on Mexicans and foreigners, and enjoy the temporary exemptions that the law gives them; but in all questions that may arise, they shall be subject to the decision of the courts of the Republic with the entire exclusion of any foreign interference. Colonists may acquire lands, not to exceed two thousand, five hun dred hectares, under the following conditions: A Few Facts About Mexico I. By sale, at the price of appraisement, made by the engineers and approved by the Department otf Public Promotion, payable in installments in ten years, beginning from the second year after the establishment of the colonist. II. By sale, upon the payment of the full price in cash, or in shorter stated terms than those above stated. III. As a a-ift. when the colonist shall demand it, but in that case the amount of land shall not exceed one hundred hectares, nor shall he obtain the title of ownership unless he proves that he has held it in his possession and has cultivated the whole or not less than one-tenth of its extent during five consecutive years. Colonists who may abandon, without duly justified cause, for more than one year, and before they may have paid for, the lands that shall have been granted to them by sale, shall lose the right to said lands and to the portion of the purchase price that they may have advanced, and in case of the lands being granted as a gift, the right to a free title shall be lost, by abandoning the land or leaving it without culti vation for a period of six months, without a justified cause. In places dedicated by the Federal Government to new towns, there shall be granted free one lot to the Mexican or foreign colonist who may wish to establish himself thereon, as founder, but he will not acquire the ownership of said lot until he shall justify that before the two years of his settlement he had built a dwelling thereon; other wise he shall lose the right of ownership. The Executive may assist the colonists or immigrants, as deemed convenient, with reference to the expenses of their transportation and their baggage, and may provide them with tools, seeds, materials for construction, and animals for labor and breeding purposes. The Executive may authorize companies for the measurement, sur vey, subdivision, appraisement, and description of public lands, and for the transportation of colonists and their settlement in the same lands. These companies shall always be considered as Mexicans and must have their place of domicile in some one of the cities of the Republic, without prejudice to their having offices abroad, and are obliged to establish a part of their Board of Directors in Mexico or to have one or more representatives in the Republic fully empowered to enter into agreements with the Executive and all questions that may arise between the Government and the companies shall be settled by the courts of the Republic and in conformity with its laws, without there being any rights of foreign diplomatic interference. The companies shall have similar privileges and franchises as those granted to individual colonists, and as are established in the law for coloniza tion. In conformity with the law above described, which was approved December 15, 1883, the Department of Public Promotion issued on July 17, 1889, the regulations for the importation of articles belong ing to colonists, which are extremely liberal. The law which regu- Laws of Special Interest to Foreigners lates the issuance of letters-patent for inventions was approved on June 7, 1890, and amended on June 2, 1896. Under said law any Mexican or foreigner, who is an inventor or improver of any industry or art or objects destined therefor, may obtain a patent, which may be granted for twenty years, but if the articles or processes patented are already protected by foreign patents, the term of its duration oannot exceed what may be wanting for the expiration of the first patent issued in favor of the petitioner. The term of the patent may be extended for five years at the discre tion of the Executive. An invention or improvement cannot be con sidered new under the law, if in Mexico or abroad, and prior to the petition for the patent, it may have received sufficient publicity, unless such publicity has been made by a foreign authority empowered to issue patents or the invention or improvement has been presented in expositions held in Mexico, or abroad. Inventions or improvements whose working shall be contrary to the laws forbidding them or to public security and scientific principles or discoveries of a merely speculative power, or that cannot be put into practice by means of a machine, apparatus, instruments, mechanical or chemical proceedings of a practical industrial character, shall not be patentable. The right of petitioning for a patent on objects or processes that may be protected by foreign patents can only be granted to the in ventors or improvers or to their legitimate representatives. Appro priation of patents for the public good may be made under certain circumstances stated in the law, but always upon payment of a fair indemnity. In order to obtain a patent, application must be made therefor in due form to the Department of Public Promotion. The first applicant shall have in his favor the presumption of being the first inventor, and moreover enjoys the right of possession. Inventors, whether citizens or foreigners, who are unable to apply personally to the Department of Public Promotion, may appoint at torneys-in-fact to act for them, both in obtaining the patent and in law suits and other matters relative thereto. Citizens and foreigners residing in the Republic may appoint an attorney-in-fact by a common letter of authorization, but those residing abroad must grant a regular power of attorney duly registered. The petitions for the granting of letters patent shall be published in the Official Journal of the Federal Government, during a period of two months, and at intervals of ten days, and during that period in terference proceedings may be instituted by any one with a view to prevent the granting of the patent, but after said period has elapsed no proceedings of interference will be allowed. These proceedings can only be instituted on the ground that the alleged invention or improvement is not properly patentable under the provisions of the law, or that such invention or improvement had been taken from de- A Few Facts About Mexico scriptions, drawings, models, devices, apparatuses, or methods in vented by another, or from processes already reduced to practice by another, or, in general, on the ground that the applicant is not the original inventor or his legitimate assignee. If two or more persons claim the same invention, the first inventor shall be entitled to the patent, but if priority of invention cannot be determined the patent shall be granted to the first petitioner. If interference proceedings be instituted, the Department of Pub lic Promotion summons the parties and endeavors to reconcile their conflicting claims, but if this is not obtained, the Department sus pends all further executive proceedings and transmits all the proofs in the case to the proper judicial authority, and then the party insti tuting the proceedings is allowed two months to make good his action in court, but if he fail to do so within that time his claim shall be dis allowed. At the expiration of the period of two months already mentioned and after the due payment of the Government tax, the letters patent shall be issued, provided others covering the same invention shall not have been previously granted by the Department of Public Promotion. Letters patent shall require the payment of a fee amounting to from fifty to one hundred dollars payable in Mexican dollars or in bonds of the National Consolidated debt, and in case of an extension a new fee shall be paid. The owner of a patent must prove to the satisfaction of the De partment of Public Promotion at the end of each five years of the life of a patent, in order to preserve it for another like period, that he has made to the General Treasury of the Federation at the end of the first five years a payment of $50, at the end of ten years a pay ment of $75, and at the expiration of fifteen years a payment of $100; and the term within which these payments must be proven will be two months next succeeding the expiration of the five years' period, and cannot be extended. Proceedings may be instituted to declare the nullity or lapse of patents in conformity with the law, and the determination of nullity and lapse produce the effect of subjecting the inventions or im provements to the use thereof by the public in general. The ow njershjip in- letters patent may be assigned by any of the means established by law with regard to private property, but no act of assignment or anyr other that implies the modification of the right of property, shall be prejudicial to the rights of third parties, if the same shall not be recorded in the office of the Department of Public Promotion. The trade-mark law of Mexico was passed November 28, 1889, and amended in one particular only, on December 17, 1897. It provides that any proprietor of a trade-mark, whether a citi zen or a foreigner, residing in Mexico or abroad, may acquire the ex- Mcnco .it the Pan-Amcric.in E.tposition Forestry Exhibit Forestry Building Laws of Special Interest to Foreigners elusive right to the use of the same in the Republic, subject to th provisions of the law, but the protection granted includes only ar ticles manufactured or sold in Mexico. In order to acquire the exclusive ownership of a trade mark, the party concerned will apply personally, or by means of a representa tive, to the Department of Public Promotion, stating that he reserves his rights. The application should state the name of the factory, its location, the residence of the owner, and the kind of trade or industry in which the applicant desires to employ the trade mark, and must be accompanied by the following documents: A power of attorney, granted to the attorney-in-fact, in case the party concerned does not appear in person; two copies of the trade mark or of an engraved or photographic reproduction thereof; and in case that the trade mark is in intaa-lio or in relief on the articles manufactured, or has some other peculiarity, two separate sheets will also be forwarded on which these details will appear, either by means of one or more drawings or a written description. The person who may have first made legal use of a trade mark is the only one who can apply to acquire ownership thereof, and in case of a contest between two owners of the same mark, the ownership will rest in the first possession, or in case possession cannot be proven, in the first applicant. A trade mark owned by a foreigner not residing in the Republic, cannot be registered therein, unless previously and regularly regis tered abroad. Trade marks may only be transferred with the establishments for whose manufacture of trade they serve as a distinctive device; the transfer, however, is not subject to any special formality and will be carried into effect according to the ordinary provisions of law. The duration of the ownership of a trade mark is indefinite, but the right will be considered as abandoned by the closing or failure to produce, for more than a year, of the establishment, factory or business em ploying the same. It may be not amiss to make reference in this chapter to a. law which was approved on December 14, 1898, which is of interest to investors of new enterprises in the Mexican Republic. By virtue of that law the Executive is authorized, for the term of five years, reck oned from the date of its promulgation, to enter into contracts grant ing franchises and concessions, without prejudice to third parties, to enterprises that shall guarantee the investment and development of new industries, subject to the following condition: I. The term of the franchise and concessions to be, from five to ten years, according to the importance of the industry and the amount of capital invested therein. II. The minimum capital to be invested in the establishment and exploitation of an industry shall be one hundred thousand dollars (Mexican currency), and shall apply to the minimum franchise. A Few Facts About Mexico III. The said industry shall be exempt from all direct federal taxes during- the full term of the contract, excepting revenue stamps. IV. The concessionaires may import, once only, free of customs duties, such machinery, apparatus, tools, and building materials, as may be necessary to establish the industry and the erection of build ings, after inspection by the Department of Public Promotion, and the execution of a bond in every case of introduction to be cancelled ' as soon as the machinery is erected, and the use to which the apppara- tus or material is to be put, is proven. V. The said concessionaires to guarantee the performance of their contracts by a, deposit in securities of the public debt to be determined by the Department of Public Promotion, which shall be made upon the sig-ning of the contract. VI. The concessionaires to defraj' the cost of the stamps to be affixed to the contract upon signing said document. And finally, the importation privileges granted unnder said law are to be regulated by the Departments of the Treasury and of Public Pro motion. It may be stated that by virtue of the law above described several important concessions have been granted by the Mexican government, and thereby various new and valuable enterprises have been estab lished in the Republic. XIV Mexico at Other Expositions The first international exposition in which Mexico took part in an official manner may be stated to be the Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, held in 1876, to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the independence of the United States. Although the public treas ury was not at the time in a flourishing condition and the country was part of the time in a state of political perturbation, the Mexican exhibits were greatly admired and the press published favorable criticisms regarding them, while the number of premiums obtained were commensurate with the importance and extent of the Mexican department. The Cotton Centennial held at the City of New Orleans towards the end of 18S1 and beginning of 1885, was the next international ex position in which Mexico took a prominent part. The Commissioner- General was General Porfirio Diaz, now President of the Republic, and he labored with great zeal to make the Mexican department a great success. The Mexican exhibit then occupied spaces in the Main Building, in the Gallery of Fine Arts, in the Agricultural Building, and in the Women's Building. Besides, Mexico erected a beautiful iron and glass octag-onal pavilion, wherein her mineral exhibit was placed, and a large rectang-ular building which contained the barracks for the fine band and the military contingent sent by the government. It was the unanimous opinion of the press that Mexico was the foreign nation best and most brilliantly represented at that exposition. The next occasion when the Mexican Republic made a. most cred itable showing at an international exhibition, was at the one held in Paris in 1889. There the whole exhibit was presented in a building erected for the purpose, seventy meters long by thirty meters wide, and constructed in imitation of the most correct style of Aztec archi tecture. This building was inaugurated on June 22, 1889, and was con stantly throna-ed bv visitors until the end of the exposition. It was the first time that a Mexican exhibit had been seen at an international ¦exhibition held in Europe, and therefore the articles presented aroused the attention of all visitors. The large number of premiums obtained by Mexican exhibitors plainly demonstrated that the work of the 'Government in collecting and presenting the exhibit was properly appreciated. •The large and varied display made by Mexico of her natural prod ucts and manufactures at the World's Fair, held in Chicago in 1893, now claims our attention. That international exposition, so grand in A Few Facts About Mexico its conception and execution, aroused a friendly rivalry among all nations, and every one of them endeavored to be seen at its best near the shores of Lake Michigan. Mexico there appeared, showing her vast resources and possibilities, and although it did not have a building of its own, her exhibits could be seen in the following buildings: Agri cultural, Fisheries, Manufactures and Liberal Arts, Leather, Mines, Ethnology, Forestry, Woman's, Machinery, Transportation, Horticul ture and Viticulture, and Fine Arts. In all a full and complete ex hibit was made, and therefore it was nothing but just that the Mexi can exhibitors should obtain, as they did, a very large number of premiums. After the World's Fair, Mexico has taken part at expositions held at Atlanta, Nashville, Omaha, and San Antonio, Texas, where in a more limited scale than in the larger and more important exposi tions, her exhibits have been creditable and well deserving of praise. The participation of Mexico in the International Exposition, re cently held at Paris in 1900, deserved the praises of all. The elegant building which the Mexican government erected at the capital of France was full of products and manufactures tastefully arranged, and which showed the state of advancement of the country and its great elements of wealth. At that exposition, Mexico obtained thirty- three grand premiums, one hundred and fourteen gold medals, two hundred and forty-two silver medals, three hundred and forty-two bronze medals, and three hundred and fifty-seven honoray mentions. These satisfactory results fully and justly compensated for the pains taking efforts of the able commissioners who had charge of the ex hibits and for the expenses incurred and well directed measures taken by the Department of Public Promotion of Mexico on that behalf. XV Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition Mexico could do not less than take an important part in an ex position, such as is the Pan-American at Buffalo, wherein all the countries of America are invited to show the state of advancement of this Continent at the beginning of the twentieth century. As soon as the Government was officially invited to participate in the exhibi tion, the former Secretary of Public Promotion, Senor Manuel Fer nandez Leal, issued the necessary orders for the collection and prepa ration of the exhibits to be sent to Buffalo. President Porfirio Diaz, not only determined that the Mexican department should be in keep ing with the importance of the exposition, but in order to show the interest he took therein, he determined that a military band and a military contingent should also take part at the opening of the ex position, and remain for some time thereafter at Buffalo. His resolu tion in that regard was cheerfully seconded by the efficient Secretary of War, General Bernardo Reyes; and thus it was that for about a period of two months the First Artillery Band, under the leadership of Captain Ricardo Pacheco, and a, military contingent of the Mexican Army under the commend of Captain Samuel Garcia Ouellar took part in the festivities and exercises held on various occasions at the Pan-American Exposition. But let us state events in the order in which they happened. Soon after the new Secretary of Public Promotion, Senor Leandro Fernan dez, entered into the performance of the duties of his office, he sent to Buffalo, Mr. Albino R. Nuncio, Chief of the Second Bureau of the Department, in order to receive the spaces that had been set apart for the exhibits of Mexico in the leading exposition buildings. Upon the report made by Mr. Nuncio and it being apparent that sufficient space was not granted to Mexico for her mineral exhibit, it was deter mined that a building should be erected on the exposition grounds, to contain the mining exhibit and serve as an office to the Mexican Commission. Afterwards, it was decided that the display of Liberal, Graphic, and Fine Arts, should also be placed in said building. The Commission appointed by the Mexican government to repre sent it at the Pan-American Exposition was constituted as follows: Albino R. Nuncio, Mechanical Engineer, Chief of the Commission. Maximiliano M. Chabert, Secretary of the Commission and Chief of Divisions XIV, XV, and XVIII. Lauro Viadas, Agronomical Engineer, Chief of Divisions I, III, and IV. A Few Facts About Mexico Jesus M. Nuncio, Chief of Pomology and Viticulture, Division V. Alberto McDowell, Chief of Floriculture, Division VI. Juan de D. Fleury, Mining Engineer, Chief of Divisions VIII and X. Carlos Sellerier, Mining Engineer, Chief of Divisions XI and XIII. Enrique H. Garibay, Chief of Division VI. Rosendo Sandoval, Assayer, Chief of Division XVI. Antonio M. Maya, Second Chief of Division XVI. Later on, the Department of War sent an honorary commission to the exposition, headed by Mr. Enrique Mondragon, Lieutenant Colonel of the Engineers' Corps of the Mexican Army, and he was assigned as Honorary Chief of Division XII. Owing- to strikes, the inclemency of the weather and other cir cumstances, delays occurred which prevented the full installation of exhibits in all the leading buildings of the exposition, and likewise in the opening of the pavillions erected by the foreign nations and states of the American Union. However, Mexico was one of the first countries to have her installations ready and to open her official build ing. The formal dedication took place on June 14, 1901, in the presence of the Secretary of State, Hon. John Hay, the Mexican Ambassador, Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, the Lieutenant General of the Army of the United States, Nelson A. Miles, the President of the Exposition, Hon. John G. Milburn, the Director-General of the Exposition, Hon. William I. Buchanan, the chiefs of the foreign and state commissions and other prominent persons; the ceremonies of inauguration likewise consistina- of a review of the Mexican troops sojourning at the ex position, and of a banquet g-iven by the commission in honor of the Mexican Ambassador. Full detail of these ceremonies, as well as of the Mexican exhibits, may be found in the various articles pub lished on the subject by the leading newspapers of this country, whose kind and well-written notices have done so much to make known and popularize the exhibits of the Mexican Republic. Some of said notices are reproduced in the appendix herein. The display made by Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition is as follows: In the Mexican Building, 60x40 feet, two stories high, Mining, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and Graphic Arts. In the Agricultural Building, Mexico occupies about 2000 square feet. In the Forestry Building, about 1,000 square feet. In the Horticulture Building, and outside in the garden, about 6,000 square feet. In the Manufactures Building, it has about 3,000 square feet. In the Ethnology Building, it occupies about 2,000 square feet. The number of Mexican exhibitors is as follows: Division I. Agricultural and Dairy Products. 137. Division III. Live Stock. 2. Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition General View of Ethnology Exhibit Ethnology Building Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition Division IV. Foods and their Accessories. 135. Division V. Horticulture, Pomology, Floriculture, and Viticul ture. 88. Division VI. Forestry. 59. Division VIII. Mines and Metallurgy. 119. Division X. Electricity and Electric Appliances. 9. Division XL Transportation. 5. Division XII. Ordnance and Munitions of War. 3. Division XIII. Manufactures. 144. Division XIV. Graphic Arts. 10. Division XV. Liberal Arts. 109. Division XVI. Ethnology. 11. Division XVII. Fine Arts. 10. About the 22nd of July, 1901, the juries which were to give the awards were duly appointed and began their labors. The Chief of the Commission, Mr. Albino R. Nuncio, thereupon became a member of the Superior Jury. In the juries that actually examined and passed upon the merits of all the exhibits, Mexico was represented by the fol lowing gentlemen: Division I. Agriculture. Mr. Jose F. Godoy, First Secretary of the Mexican Embassy at Washington. Division IV. Foods and their Accessories. Mr. Lauro Viadas, Chief of the Mexican Section of Agriculture. Division V. Viticulture. Mr. Jesus M. Nuncio, Chief of the Mexi can Section of Pomology and Viticulture. Division VI. Forestry. Mr. Rosendo Sandoval, Chief of the Mexi can Section of Ethnology. Division VIII. Mines and Metallurgy. Mr. Juan de D. Fleury, Chief of the Mexican Section of Mines and Metallurgy. Division XII. Ordnance and Munitions. Captain Victor Hernan dez, of the Mexican Army. Division XIII. Manufactures. Mr. Carlos Sellerier, Chief of the Mexican Section of Manufactures. Division XV. Liberal Arts. Mr. Maximiliano M. Chabert, Chief of the Mexican .Section of Liberal Arts. Group 125, Class 115, Division XV. Photographs. Mr. Antonio M. Maya, Second Chief of Division XVI. Division XVI. Ethnology. Mr. Enrique H. Garibay, Chief of the Mexican Section of Forestry. Although, officially, no information has been given as to the num ber of medals and honorary mentions that Mexican exhibitors have received, it is gratifying to know that about sixty per cent of such exhibitors have been given awards. Finally, we may say, that the Mexican Commission, besides per forming the labors of installation and proper presentation of the ex hibits, has been giving, and will continue to give, to the public all the "13 A Few Facts About Mexico information at its command regarding such exhibits and the resources of the Mexican Republic, and to obtain that end, has distributed periodical publications relative to Mexico, and has issued in pamphlet form, translations of various important laws, a full and complete cata logue of all said exhibits and now publishes this illustrated pamphlet in the hope that the information it contains may prove of some value to the visitors of the Mexican sections at the Pen- American Exposi tion Appendix Mexican Commissioners at the Pan-American Exposition (as published by the Committee on State and Foreign Relations, August, 1901) Senor Don Albino R. Nuncio, Chief of the Commission. Senor Don Maximiliano M. Chabert, Secretary of the Commission. Senor Don Jose F. Godoy, Commissioner "ad honorem." Senor Don Nicolas Veloz, Jr., Clerk. Agriculture Senor Don Lauro Viadas, Chief. Senor Don Valente Alvarez del Castillo, Assistant. Senor Don Luis Rosas, Assistant. Horticulture Senor Don Jesus M. Nuncio, Chief. Senor Don Benito Navarro, Assistant. Forestry Senor Don Enrique H. Garibay, Chief. Senor Don Jose P. Godoy, Jr., Assistant. Mines Senor Don Juan D. -Fleury, Chief. Senor Don Luis I. Fleury, Assistant. Senor Don Julio Viderique, Assistant. Manufactures Senor Don Carlos Sellerier, Chief. Senor Don Manuel Costa, Assistant. Senor Don Edwin Charles Georger, Assistant. Graphic Arts, Liberal Arts, and Fine Arts Senor Don Maximiliano if. Chabert, Chief. Senor Don Jacinto Morales, Assistant. Senor Don Amando Gomez, Assistant. Senor Don Francisco A. Godoy, Assistant. Ethnology Senor Don Rosendo Sandoval, Chief. Senor Don Antonio Maya, Second Chief. Senor Don Saulo Navarro, Assistant. Senor Don Alberto L. Godoy, Assistant. A Few Facts About Mexico Women Managers Senora Laura Smith de Mariscal, Honorary Member of the Board of Women Managers. Senora Maria Callas de Linmantour, Honorary Member of the Board of Women Manag-ers. Mexican Army Representatives Technical Commission Lieutenant Colonel Don Enrique Mondragon. Captain Victor Hernandez. Comments of the Press From 'Brooklyn Eagle-Times, 'June 14, 1901 At the dedication of the Mexican building on the Pan-American grounds yesterday, Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, Ambassador from Mexico to the United States, said: "Although the world at large does not look upon the Pan-American Exposition as an international fair, it is to us of the three Americas more than an international exposition. It is a gathering of brother countries, where each is trying to do all the good that it can for itself incidentally, but really for the entire western hemisphere." The spirit of the Pan-American has not been better expressed by anyone since the idea of the fair was conceived. It is especially ap propriate that this sentiment should come from the representative of Mexico, which has co-operated so heartily in making the exposition a success. All of the nations on this hemisphere are being brought in to closer contact than they ever have been before. We of the United States are learning daily more respect for the people and institutions of neighboring- states and they, it is hoped, are gaining more confi dence in and admiration for us. A common discovery of one an other's good qualities is going on. And there is no nation which has risen to the occasion better than Mexico. This was to have been ex pected in view of the progressive character of the Mexican Govern ment. We of the United States like to think of our own advance ment since the close of the Civil War, but when Mexico, which Juarez started to rebuild after the downfall of Maximilian, is compared with the Mexico of today, the progress of the United States seems slow be side that of our southern neig-hbor. The building of a nation has been laid deep to make it a great nation. The commercial relations of Mexico and the United States are al ready very close; fifty per cent of Mexico's imports are from this country and seventy per cent of her exports come here. Mexico is our best customer on this hemisphere after Canada, and the trade figures approach very close to those with the Dominion. This com merce has been increasing rapidly and it will continue to grow by leaps and bounds as a result of the better acquaintance and Increased knowledge of the wants and resources of the two countries which their representatives are g-aining by means of this exposition. Appendix — Comments of the Press From Buffalo Times. June 14, 1901 Our honored sister republic, Mexico, held the stag-e at the exposi tion yesterday with the dignity that is a heritage with the people of Spanish blood and training, and with a pride born of the conscious ness of a part well-played and enthusiastically applauded. The central figures in the ceremonies attending the formal dedi cation of the fitting structure Mexico has erected in the center of the colony of foreign and state buildings were Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, the Mexican Ambassador, Senor Albino R. Nuncio, Chief of the Mexi can Commission, and his colleagues, together with Capt. Cuellar and his g-allant associates representing the Mexican army. The exchajig-e of courtesies and the expression of reciprocal appreciation by the gentlemen from Mexico on the one hand, and the Hon. John Hay, Sec retary of State, President Milburn and Director-General Buchanan on the other, gave great pleasure to the large party enjoying the hos pitalities of the occasion. The key-note of what His Excellency, the Mexican Ambassador, happily styles the "Gathering- of brother coun tries" was the hope earnestly expressed by all speakers that the ex position would fulfill its true mission in making all the nations and peoples of the Western Hemisphere better known to each other, soci ally, politically and commercially. "Never has there been an exposi tion which was born as the result of such an idea," said President Milburn. "It is a good one!" We have not known each other as we should." After the popular demonstrations of yesterday in honor of the Mexican visitors there can be no question about the immense suc cess of the Mexican contribution to the Pan-American Exposition and of the hie'h esteem in which President Diaz is held by the American people. We hope many Mexicans will think it worth while to visit +he exposition this summer. They will find only friends here. From Buffalo Courier, June 15, 1901 The dedication of the Mexican Building at the exposition, which took place yesterday morning, was made a notable ceremony by the prominence of the participants. The neighboring Republic of Mexico was not only represented by its official commissioners to the Pan- American, but by the Mexican Ambassador at Washington, Don Manuel Azpiroz, a veteran Mexican statesman; by Jose F. Godoy, First Secre tary of Legation, and by several army officers, beside the Mexican soldiery and the excellent military band. The Ambassador made a happy address in Spanish, which was responded to felicitously by Secretary John Hay. It was a pleasant chance that brought the Secre tary of State to the exposition at the time of the dedication of this building, and our southern friends will undoubtedly be gratified by the attendance of the commanding general of our army. Mexico has taken more complete advantage of the opportunities offered by the Pan-American than any other country except our own. Mexican ex hibits will be found in nearly every building, all of a higii order of excellence and all attractively arranged. While President Diaz is not likely to attend, because of advancing- age and ill health, he has shown his appreciation of the objects of the exposition in many ways. A Few Facts About Mexico From Buffalo Express, June 15, 1901 A dignity and fine courtesy marked the ceremonies of the opening of Mexico's building at the exposition at 11 o'clock yesterday morn ing. The building is in the center of the group of foreign buildings east of the Triumphal Causeway and south of the Government Build ing. It is an attractive building tastefully decorated, -with its exhibits arranged to excellent advantage. President Milburn, Secretary of State Hay, the Mexican Ambassador, Director-General Buchanan, and Mayor Diehl spoke, Senor Nuncio presiding. A banquet and a review of the Mexican troops followed. The entire Mexican contigent met the Ambassador and escorted him into the grounds. Color bearers rode ahead bearing the flags of the United States and Mexico. Then came a trumpeter and then Capt. Cuellar mounted on a prancing horse. Next came Capt. Ricardo Pacheco and his Rurales. It was a gorgeous, picturesque procession. The Mexican Commission escorted the Mexican Ambassador. All wore high hats and frock suits. At the entrance to the building they met President Milburn, Treasurer Williams, Chairman Scatcherd, and the other guests of honor and all entered together, two by two. The specially invited guests were Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, Am bassador to the United States from Mexico; John Hay, Secretary of State; Gen. Nelson A. Miles, U. S. A.; Jose F. Godoy, First Secretary to the Mexican Embassy; President John G. Milburn of the Pan- American Exposition Company; Director-General Buchanan, John N. Scatcherd, Secretary Fleming, and Mayor Diehl. They were received by the members of the National Commission from the United States of Mexico to the Pan-American, as follows: Senor Albino R. Nuncio, chief of commission; Maximiliano M. Chabert, secretary to the com mission; Lauro Viadas, chief of ag-ricultural department; Alberto Mc Dowell, chief of the floriculture section; Enrique H. Garibay, chief of forestry department; Juan de D. Fleury, chief of the manufactures departments; Maximiliano M. Chabert, chief of the various arts; Ro- sendo Sandoval, chief of the department of ethnology, and the following-named army officers: Lieut. Senor Teniente Enrique, Capt. Victor Hernandez, and Senor Teniente F. Narvaez. Pacheco's band played during the ceremonies. The concert was one of the finest heard on the grounds and was a triumph for the great Mexican bandmaster. The g-uests of honor ascended to the broad landing on the stairway in the building. The main floor was filled with distinguished persons, including the commissioners from all countries on the Western Hemisphere. Herbert P. Bissell, Col. W. H. Michael, J. N. Adam, F. Almy and many others were present. Senor Nuncio spoke first. "It gives us pleasure that you have accepted this invitation," he said. "We tender you a cordial welcome." Briefly and eloquently, he referred to ti task well done, and felicitated the exposition officials on the successful opening of the exposition. He thanked them for many helpful acts, thanked the people for coming to the dedication ceremonies, told them they were always welcome, and invited the representatives of the foreign gov ernments to make their homes in the Mexican Building-, which, thoug-h small, is large enough to hold a great deal of hospitality. Then he spoke in Spanish receiving- great applause for his graceful utterances to the members of the Mexican Commission. He introduced the Mexi can Ambassador, Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, gray-haired, gray- mustached, soft-voiced. Appendix — Comments of the Press The Ambassador spoke in Spanish and was interrupted repeatedly by applause. He turned to the history of the world's progress and eloquently, concisely, graphically, traced it to the present. New ideas in old times were coupled with religion, he said. Every new thought was conceived in the church, as in the days of the present time every long stride in progress is coupled with the exposition. The ambassa dor traced the history of the various great expositions. "Although the world at large," he said, "does not look upon the Pan-American Exposition as an international fair, it is to us of the three Americas more than an international exposition. It is a gath ering- of brother countries, where each is trying to do all the good that it can for itself incidentally, but really for the entire Western Hemisphere. He referred to the great help that the Pan-American officials had given to the Mexican Commission and enlarged on the hope that the exposition would result not only in bringing the countries of all America closer together, but also would aid in developing trade re lations among them. He paid a graceful tribute to President Milburn and to Secretary Hay. One paragraph near the close of his speech was a beautiful expression of sentiment of peace, friendship, and affection between the United States and Mexico. He received pro longed applause when he finished. Secretary Hay spoke next, briefly and amid great applause. "My part in this joyful occasion is very simple," said he. "It is merely to express to you my very g-reat pleasure at being here, to extend my congratulations to the Mexican Ambassador, who has done so much during- his stay in this country to make pleasant the rela tions between this country and Mexico, and to express the hope that this occasion and the entire Pan-American Exposition may not only extend our social relations, but may broaden our commercial inter course, which I know will be greatly to the advantage of both re publics." President Milburn was introduced next and he made a charac teristically graceful speech. He said: "It is occasions like this which give the greatest satisfaction to those who are officially connected with the exposition. The exposi tion originated in a great idea and that was to make all the nations and peoples of the Western Hemisphere better known to each other, socially, politically, and commercially. Never has there been an exposition which was born as the result of such an idea. It is a good one. We have not known each other as we should. This exposition will have reached its greatest result if it succeeds in promoting closer relations between the countries of the Americas. I ask you, Sir. Ambassador, to extend to the President of Mexico the heartfelt thanks of the Pan-American Exposition officials for the many kindnesses that have been shown us, both by himself, and by his commissioners, through his direction." In closing-, Mr. Milburn said that the exposition is indebted to Mexico for its ready acquiescence in the Pan-American idea, and for the building- and exhibits it has on the grounds, to the commissioners for the hearty way in which they joined with the officials, and to the ambassador for his trip to Buffalo, both now and two years ago in the interests of the idea which had fostered the exposition. Director-General Buchanan then spoke, briefly: "It is certainly unnecessary," said he, "for me to say that so far as the executive officials of the exposition are concerned, we are all gratified at being here and at the efforts that Mexico has so success fully made for the accomplishment of this great purpose. I ask you, A Few Facts About Mexico Mr. Ambassador, to extend the heartfelt thanks of the Pan-American Exposition officials for the many kindnesses they have shown to us, both by himself and by his commissioners, through his direction.'' Senor Nuncio then introduced Mavor Diehl. "On behalf of the City of Buffalo," said the Mayor, "I heartily congratulate you. The City of Buffalo appreciates what you have done. You were the first country to come into line for the exposition. You are to be congratulated, too, on your beautiful building." A luncheon followed. It was informal and enjoyed by all. Every woman present during the day received a bunch of carnations. The Mexicans were the embodiment of courtesy and cordiality to all. The great crowd remarked it and was pleased. At 1 o'clock the ambassador and his party reviewed the Mexican troops on the Esplanade. A big crowd applauded the parade. The Mexicans made a fine showing. Their gay colors, the picturesque yellow charror uniforms and big- sombreros of the Rurales, the pranc ing-, bounding mustangs, the splendid band, all receiving great ap plause. The ambassador naturally was proud of the ovation g-iven his countrymen. To the joy of the thousands the troops paraded around the Promenade to the Plaza. Everywhere they were cheered. A tremendous burst of enthusiasm g-reeted them when they saluted the American flag. The crowd cheered again and again. It was one of the foremost ovations of the expositions, given with a heartiness and sincerity that betoken the warm friendship existing- in this coun try for Mexico and appreciation of the courtesies of President Diaz to the American people at the exposition. There will be a banquet in the Stadium tonight, which may be considered a part of the dedication celebration. From Buffalo Evening SNs"Ws, June 16, 1901 The final event in connection with the opening of the Mexican Building at the Pan-American took place last night at 8 o'clock when an elaborate dinner was given in the Stadium restaurant in honor of the Mexican minister, Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz. Over 150 guests sat down with the minister at tables beautifully decorated with floral designs, suggestive of the Central American republic. Bunting of all Latin-American republics were swung generously from the walls and pillars of the dining room. The Mexican artillery band stationed behind the head table played appropriate selections. An orchestra of string instruments, all ilexican performers, a menu of unmistakable Mexican design, and many Mexican suggestions on the bill of fare, heightened the effect. The tables were arranged in the conventional fashion, three lone tables running from a head table at which sat the minister and the chief of the Mexican Commission, Senor Albino R. Nuncio, under whose direction the building and installation of the Mexican exhibit were accomplished. The director-general of the exposition and the distinguished members of the exposition board were at the table also and seated around the board were the heads of the departments of the exposition and many prominent exhibitors. The employes of the Mexican Commission were provided for also, many of them occupying- Beats at the table, and after the dinner the band and all the Mexican soldiery now quartered in the Stadium had a jollification and a dinner which they will not soon forget. Appendix — Comments of the Press The list of guests at the banquet is as follows: Senor Hon. Manuel de Azpiroz, Mexican Ambassador; Senor Al bino R. Nuncio, chief of Mexican Commission; Senor Lauro Yiadas. commissioner for division of agriculture: Senor Carlos Sellerier, com missioner for division of manufactures; Senor Rosendo Sandoval, com missioner for division, of ethnology; Senor Jesus M. Nuncio, commis sioner for division of horticulture; Senor Alberto McDowell, commis sioner for division of floriculture; Senor Enrique H. Garibay. commissioner for division of forestry; Senor Juan de D. Fleury. commissioner for division of mines; Senor Maximiliano M. Chabert. commissioner for division of fine arts; Senor Valente Alvarez del Castillo. Senor if. Rosas, Senor Manuel Costa, Senor E. Georger, Senor JJenito Navarro, Senor Luis J. Fleury. Senor Jacinto Morales, Senor Amado Gomez, Senor Nicolas Veloz, assistants; Senor Antonio Maya. second commissioner for ethnology; Senor Julio Viderique, assistant: Senor Teniente F. Narvaez, Senor Capt. Samuel Garcia Cuellar, Senor Capt. J. M. Tello, Senor Capt. Inocencio Martin, Senor Lie. Jose F. Godoy, First Secretary of the Mexican Embassy; Senor Antonio Rivera de la Torre, reporter for El Impartial, City of Mexico. Senor I. D. Montesinos, reporter for El Universal, City of Mexico; Senor Abelardo Quiroga, Senor Jorge Nelken y Waldberg, Senor M. Hadida, Senor Enrique Budge, Chile; Senor Ernesto Tomas, Chile: Senor Elliott Rourg-e, Chile; Senor Julio Perez Canto, Chile; Senor Enrique Lanz, Chile; Senor Guillermo Fredumberg, Chile; Senor Car los Silva Cruz, Chile; Senor Teodoro Schneider, Chile; Senor Gen. Nicinor Bolet Peraza, Honduras; Senor Francisco Altshul, Senor Er nesto Shernikow, El Salvador; Senor George W. Fishbach, Porto Rico; Senor Floreciel A. Rojas, Dominican Republic; Senor Charles Garcia Cross, Chile. Among the American guests were Mayor Conrad Diehl, Director- General W. I. Buchanan, John N. Scatcherd, Charles R. Huntley, Edwin Fleming, Herbert P. Bissell, Dr. D. R. Day, T. Guilford Smith, Frederic W. Taylor, Harry Hamlin, H. Montgomery Gerrans, George Bleistem, Dr. A. L. Benedict, George W. Ames, Frank A. Converse, Algar M. Wheeler, Francis Almv, Maj. T. W. Svmons, Col. William H. Michaels. Mark Bennitt. Col. John B. Weber, R. R. Hefford, Lieut. Godfrey L. Carden, Henry Wendt, Hal. W. Smith, William C. Cornwell, H. D. Follinsbee, S. *W. Mason, E. R. Rice, G. B. Rich, Wallace H. Hill, Bar clay Chadwick, Julius N. Gregor, W. V. Cox, J. B. Brownlee, J. H. Brigham, and George P. Mason. At the close of the banquet Senor Nuncio introduced Senor Ber- mudez, who spoke in Spanish and whose remarks were vig-orously applauded. Director-General Buchanan translated the speech and dis closed that it breathed patriotism and good fellowship between the United States and Mexico. Ambassador Azpiroz spoke in the same strain. John N. Scatcherd followed with a tribute to Mexico, and Senor A. Rivera de la Torre eulogized the United States and Mexico. From &{. Y. Tribune, June 16, 1901 This evening in the Stadium restaurant the Mexican Commis sioners gave a banquet in honor of Ambassador Manuel de Azpiroz. and also in celebration of the opening- of the Mexican Building. The occasion will be recalled with pleasure by those who attended, because of its interest and brilliancy. A special train conveyed the guests from the Terrace station in the business part of the city. A Few Facts About Mexico The speechmaking began at 8:30 o'clock, and the exercises were not over until nearly midnight. The occasion was one to cement the bonds of friendship between North American and South American business and public men, and was in line with the ambition of the promoters of the exposition to this end. All the principal Spanish speaking visitors were present, and expressed themselves as hig-hly delig-hted. The general sentiment was that a few more events of this nature could not fall to remove any slig-ht commercial differences now existing between the countries of the Western Hemisphere. It is said that this line will be followed by the exposition officials as often as possible, so that the people of the south which lies beyond the Gulf of Mexico may come to know the citizens of the north as their brothers in commemrce and progress for this side of the globe. When the main building for Mexico's exhibit was thrown open to the public yesterdaj', in spite of the location being far from the main features of the exposition, particularly the Midway, hundreds of visi tors found their way to it and were repaid by the fine display of valuables, curiosities, useful articles, and bric-a-brac of all kinds to be seen there. In spite of the apparently bewildering collection, one fact is paramount, and that is that the exhibit is designed to educate, and, because it can do this, it is a revelation of the advancement of Mexico that is surprising to the citizens of the United States, who are made familiar in this way with a country that is making rapid progress in commercial importance. The building itself is a two-story structure, gayly ornamented and beautifully furnished; rich carpets cover the floors, and rare paint ings, many of them prize winners at the Paris Exposition, adorn the walls. An idea of the comprehensiveness of the display is gained when mention is made that ten thousand specimens of minerals and metals alone are on view. Groups illustrating graphic, liberal and fine arts and mining are arrang'ed in a tasteful manner, and polite attendants look after the comforts and demands of the visitors, who are wel comed with true Mexican hospitality. The mineral display attracts the eyes of the city dwellers. The exhibits of silver ores are unusually fine, and the silver particles often are so large that the precious metal could be removed by merely breaking the ore with a hammer. The fanna of the country have not been overlooked, and there are mounted specimens of beasts that are rare even in Mexico. One specimen holds attention by its lifelike attitude. It is that of a Mexican puma of extraordinary size, and its ferocity must have equaled that of a tiger, while its strength could not have been far inferior, as its size is almost as great. Some of the finest specimens are among the mounted birds, which include everything from the little humming birds to the gaudy par- roquets. There are many birds of paradise, and their various hue ex cites even the envv of women who would not wear feathers in their hats. The Mexican Building' does not contain all of Mexico's display, immense as it is. An entire section in the Manufactures Building is devoted to exhibits from that country, illustrating its progress" in the mechanical arts. Saddles, rich and costly, are shown in all of the different shapes; boots, shoes, furniture .and cotton goods are in this section, and attract much attention. In the Ag-ricultural Building- there is a big display of coffee, tobacco, cigars, and cigarettes of all kinds. Care is taken to explain the merits of the different products, cost of production, and the advantages the country offers for locatin°- Appendix — Comments of the Press there. There also are Mexican displays in the Horticultural Building and the Forestry Building-. The display in the former building at tracts the men from California and Central New York because of tlr-i excellence of the specimens of wine made in Mexico that are shown. From Modern Mexico, September 19, 1901 Upon crossing from the north half, or Exhibit Division, of the Pan-American Exposition, over the splendid Triumphal Bridge into the section devoted to State and Foreign buildings, one of the fore most features to attract the eye is the imposing pavilion of Mexico. It represents the central figure of a unique architectural group, whose artistic details combine to form one of the most striking features of the magnificent color scheme which has made the Pan-American Ex position so justly famous. The g-roup in question comprises five buildings, the arrangement and decorative treatment of which call to mind the exquisite details of a varieg-ated Mexican begonia. One of the petals of this gorgeous architectural flower is the quaint, Pagoda-like pavilion of the Do minican Republic, with its curving-, rose-tinted roof spreading gen erously above its cream and azure vails; another, is the superb rubescent edifice of Chile, its ornamental steel sides ablaze; again, in perfect harmony, both as to angle and color effect stretches away the stately and commodious mansion reared by the New England States resplendent in natural brick effects and immaculate Colonial trim mings. Finally, to complete the symmetrical and eminently cosmopoli tan setting, there is interested the inviting Queen Anne structure of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which, with gorgeously hued ban ners floating- above an artistically treated exterior, stands as a herald of the next great World's Fair, at St. Louis, in 1903. And from the heart of this cosmical creation towers the majestic Moorish Palace of the Mexican Republic, its green and gray castellations constituting- a fitting central feature of so novel a configuration. Viewed from the broad avenue on which it fronts, the Mexican pavilion presents the form of a perfect quadrangle the main structure being two stories in height, while at each of the four corners orna mental towers capped by banner staffs arise. In the rear of the build ing for its entire height is a semicircular well containing the stair ways of the structure, above which is a gracefully fashioned dome. The windows throughout the entire structure are of a hig-hly orna mental character, and are further set off by costly moresque panels. Extending- for a considerable distance across the main facade, at the height of the second story, is an inviting- balcony enclosed by an ornate triple archway and carved balustrade. Immediately beneath this is the principal entrance to the building, enclosed by an engaged colonnade on the entablature of which, in carved letters, is the name "Mexico," and above it the emblem of the Republic, a sculptured eagle perched on a cactus branch and holding a serpent in its beak and talons. When President Diaz, on behalf of his Government, accepted the invitation to participate in the Pan-American Exposition, he chose as his Commissioner-General for the occasion, a man who, by his past achievements in kindred lines of work, had proved himself, more than any other citizen of the Republic, pre-eminently fitted for the duty. That distinguished personage was Senor Don Albino R. Nuncio, one A Few Facts About Mexico of the most progressive and widely known exponents of expositions on this continent. The wisdom of President Diaz's choice, in this con nection is today manifested in the fact that Mexico has by far the largest and most creditable exhibit of all the foreign countries rep resented at the Pan-American Exposition. And when the truly supeilj exhibits of many of her sister nations are considered, such pre eminence is indeed significant. Even before the main building is entered, one of the principal resources of the Republic is brought to notice by the large pyramids of silver and copper ore and virgin coal specimens which guard the approach on either hand. Immediately within the entrance and oc cupying nearly the entire lower floor is the mining exhibit, superin tended by Senor Don Juan D. Fleury. This display is remarkable for its richness and variety, the specimens on exhibition representing every species of the finer and baser metals and ores known to the mineral kingdom. Nearly every State, in the Republic has contributed something to this interesting department, some of the most notable specimens being copper from the vast deposits in Baja California, g-old from the famed ledges of Sonora, silver from the. historic lodes of Zacatecas and onyx from the rich quarries of Puebla. In addition to the mining- exhibits, a number of highly ingenious scientific instru ments are shown on the first floor. The most interesting of these is the Mexican seismograph, a curious triangular-shaped apparatus em ployed as an indicator of the seismic motions in cases of earthquake. A commendable detail in the interior arrangement of the main building is the clever manner in which space has been economized. Every inch of both wall and floor space has been utilized for ex hibition purposes in one form or another. For example, the master pieces in sculptured marble and on cleverly wrought canvases, rep resenting the Fine Arts, and the superb specimens in photography and kindred lines comprising the Liberal Arts are strikingly ar ranged on the large expanse of wall flanking the double stairways. Many hours may be spent in pleasant and profitable contemplation of these truly exquisite art productions of Mexico. The upper floors of the building- are most tastefully appointed, both with respect to furni ture and decorations, this portion of the structure being devoted largely to reception purposes. But even here some beautiful displays have been made, notably that of the natural history specimens which are made to serve the double purpose of adorning the apartment anrl showing-, through the taxidermist's skill, the products of the country in this particular line. Opening- from the upper floor at one side of the reception hall is the private office of Commissioner-General Nuncio, and on the opposite side that of his secretary, Senor Don Maximiliano M. Chabert. The various other departments comprising the Mexican section are distributed throughout the various exhibit buildings of the Ex position. One of the most interesting and instructive of these is the ethnological display, which has been collected, from all over the Re public and appropriately installed by Senor Don Rosendo Sandoval, a scholar of rare attainments in this scientific field. By his wonderful collection of antiquities and ancient literature, Senor Sandoval has succeeded in showing both comprehensively and entertainingly the evolution of the Mexican race down to the present age. In her Forestry Exhibit, conducted by Senor Don Enrique H. Garibay, Mexico has revealed in herself a. marvelous wealth of re source. In all there are some 350 different species of woods displayed. of which no more than seven would be considered as common varie ties. And not only are these valuable timber woods shown, but like- Appendix — Comments of the Press wise various products of the forest, such as rubber, chewing-gum and other commodities. The Department of Manufactures, presided over by Senor Don Carlos Sellerier is absorbingly interesting, in that it shows most in- coiitrovertibly the wonderful progress that has been made within recent years by Mexican manufacturers. Iii this connection there is shown a line of rattan furniture that for beauty and general excel lence will bear comparison with the best similar product turned out by any of the leading factories of the world. In addition to this and other varieties of furniture there are displayed an assortment of fabrics, cordag-e, textiles, native silks, shoes and hats that would re flect credit on the resourcefulness of any nation. Mexico's ag-ricultural exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition is universally pronounced as the most creditable feature of the entire section. The excellence of the department is in no small measure due to the able management of its director, Senor Don Lauro Viadas. Among other products there are shown some 600 varieties of beans, while the cereal display throughout is proportionately fine. Senor Viadas is particularly proud of his coffee and cocoa exhibit, which he is justly confident will win the higiiest honors awarded by the Ex position juries. In native fruits and wines the Mexicans can boast of the most unique display in the entire horticultural section. A list of the various products shown in this department and submitted by its director, Senor Don Jesus M. Nuncio, a brother Of Commis- cioner-General Nuncio, embraces upwards of 100 varieties of fruits and liquors, among which are products rarely, if ever, heard of by any one outside of Mexico. Among other features of this order are a variety of fruits and liquors produced by certain species of cactus, which product vegetates so abundantly throughout Mexico. The cactus display at the Pan-American is in itself a feature of marvelous interest, embracing- 125 varieties, ranging from the little-old-man species with its life-like g-rowth of silvery white hair, to the gigantic monarch of the desert, which on its native heath frequently attains a height of over sixty feet. This exhibit, tog-ether with the floral dis play, is under the charge of Senor Don J. A. McDowell, who by the way is every inch a Mexican, notwithstanding his name. Mexico's strong- feature in the floral lists at the Exposition is her begonia dis play. Of this queenly flower she shows some eighty different varie ties, while in all she has no less than a thousand of the varieg-ated blossoms of this superb collection which is something- never to be forgotten. JOSE DE OLIVARES. Buffalo, N. Y., August 20. From Buffalo Courier, August 25, 1901 President Diaz has evolved his people into a greater nation and when the showing is made of the others, his country has 'come smil ing and gracious, and visitors at the Exposition have been left to judge for themselves the position to which Mexico has been appointed. It was not an easy task, this work of preparing an exhibit from Mexico. Skilled hands "were required to gather from the store of re sources the few specimens which could be brought and the com pleted result must be highly gratifying to its makers. One of the secrets of the success of President Diaz lies in his power to estimate men and he has come to look about his country and A Few Facts About Mexico learn which of its citizens are the most advanced so that he com mands the services of the best men of Mexico. When the Pan-American exhibits was decided, as when there is work to do, the President saw to it himself that the most competent men in his country should be entrusted with the work. The exhibit is a marvel of perfection and all the credit is due to the commissioners to the Exposition who made it. These commissioners are all gentlemen, who in their own country hold high positions and rank and, with what has today come to be known as "the true Mexican spirit," have left no stone unturned to make their display one of the finest and as up-to-date as is everything in modern Mexico. While the commissioners are limited by the trifling space that is at their disposal here, they have gathered together a collection that is no less wonderful than interesting, and followed out it will give the visitors a splendid idea of our neighbors and awaken an interest that will lead to further research and with that comes endless topics of interest. Mexico has a building of its own in the Court of Foreign Build ings and already it has become one of the most attractive features of the Exposition. It is one of the handsomest structures of its kind on the g-rounds and furnishes so much of interest and hospitality that it is one of the established resting places on the Exposition grounds. In the Agricultural Building is another massive display, and in Horticulture, Manufacturing-, Liberal Arts and Ethnology, the exhibits are wonderfully attractive and unique. From these displays we learn that for three hundred and fifty years Mexico has been rich, even if most of that time wealth has been the unstable product of mines. No country in the world has the min ing history that is woven into old Mexico, and who shall blame it if for years in the past her people devoted themselves to reaching their hands into the pockets of the earth's wealth and taking- out the riches that lay beneath the soil? Everj'one familiar with mining countries knows the life is kaleidoscopic, in its contrasts; that crazy luxury moves beside g-reat misery; that few are rich and the many poor; that all other standards than wealth are lost; that looseness ever accom panies any form of gambling. The life of a mining camp giitters and fascinates but it imbues no patriotism, no higher ideals, no nobler people. The wise mind of President Diaz saw this, while the pages of Mexican history were covered with examples and under his regime mines have become a secondary consideration, although, conservative estimates declare that not ten per cent of the mineral wealth of the country has been exploited. From the Exposition display we learn that the mines are not Jailing, but that other industries are growing up alongside them w-hich furnish more copious returns and more stable offerings than ever the pockets of the richest mines. "All that glitters is not gold" goes an old saw, and President Diaz knew that neither did all that was gold show a glittering surface and he saw in the hundreds of other industries for which his country was fitted, surface gold that needed but the hands of miners to wash out the pure metal and he taug-ht his people to pluck the fruits of plenty along these many lines. Commerce, growing throug-h new and costly harbors and speeding- over transcontinental railways: the product of swiftly multiplying- manufactories; the development of agriculture and other Industrie's have come to be safer bonanzas than the mines and are engaging alike Appendix — Comments of the Press the attention of Mexicans and foreigners who are flocking to the land to invest their capital. In the agricultural exhibit we learn that cereals have always been a heavy factor in the output of the country and the splendid speci mens there shown tell a. story of remarkable interest. Corn has ever been one of the chief products of the Western Hemisphere whence it was given to the Old World by the Spanish conquest and it is still a leader among the ag-ricultural products of Mexico. Wheat, according- to tradition, was first introduced into this con tinent in Mexico in 1530, and it has developed from that start into its present, exalted position among the cereals. In Mexico, its western foster mother, it is a vast source of the country's wealth and g-rows especially fine under the. benign influence of the climate. Fivefold pro duction is the European return from wheat, while in Mexico it mul tiplies from twenty to one hundredfold. The mean average of produc tiveness in Mexico, according to well-posted writers, is five times that of fertile France. Every vegetable of the Temperate Zone we find among- Mexico's offerings and as we follow on we are led through the products of the warmer climates until we come to the rarest specimens of tropical g-rowths and then we come to realize the tremendous advantage which the country has in the wajr of agricultural resources. Within the broad expanse of her territory she raises every article of ag-riculture, thus providing for her own wants independently of the elect of the world. Thus she has but to turn her hand to raising those th'ing-s which are indigenous to her climate and which must be purchased by other people. Cochineal is a stable source of foreign gold, and coffee has be come one of the greatest revenue producers. We, with all our wealth, must look to other climes and different countries for our supply of certain food products, and while we are looking, Mexico comes from over the border waving anything that we may want and offering to sell. Coffee at present is one of the most promising crops that is being- raised in Mexico and for several j-ears the output has been doubling. Even the United States is now using something like fifty million pounds of coffee from the vast fields of Mexico and we, with our dis criminating tastes, have come to know that Mexican coffee bears com parison with any in the world and that it is already cutting into the markets of other producing countries. Again we see that our neighbor favors us with another of our national beverages, for the chocolate industry of Mexico has always been a great component part in the output of the country. Today it is reaching undreamed heights and with the increasing demand for so staple an article has come the development of the thousands of miles of land which is perfectly adapted to raising cocoa. At present no great attention is paid to this important crop so that its real great ness lies in the future and the same may be said of the vanilla in dustry, which at present is confined almost entirely to Vera Cruz and Oxaca. From a financial viewpoint, one of the most important crops of Mexico, we learn at the Exposition, is tobacco, and that, too, is almost a mere infant in arms, awaiting only care and growth to become a man in the commerce of the world. Tobaccos of the finest quality are raised in Mexico, together with medium and lesser types, so that within the scope of her product are produced the various plants that lend themselves to the uses of the thousands of different tastes that are found among tobacco users. A Few Facts About Mexico The rubber industry, which each year is becoming more im portant as the demand increases and the visible supply decreases is as yet in an embryonic state. Now there are less than five plantations of over 5,000 trees, but there are millions of acres of land which is adapted by nature to the culture of the rubber trees and as the product of these lands is becoming more and more accessible as the transportation facilities are developed, the growing of rubber bids fair to become an ever greater industry in Mexico. In fruits, broadly speaking, every variety grows in Mexico, al though, in reality, little fruit has ever been cultivated, instead of growing1 naturally. When cultivation is carried to its heights, as is now being rapidly done, there is no doubt that for variety, quality and quantity Mexico will hold first place as a fruit raising countrj- among the nations of the world. The precious woods that abound on hillside and forest throughout the whole country include the rarest varieties and types of lumber, while the other forest products are simply astounding in their variety and quantity. In several sections already the industry of growing silk is being developed and sufficient headway has been had to prove that it lacks but the efforts of energetic people to make the growing of silk a source of great revenue to thousands of people. Bice and cane sugar are also two of the world's most famous and staple food supplies and in the culture o'f these commodities, Mexico is far advanced, yet doing but a trifle of what her natural endow ments entitle her to do. In speaking- of Mexico and her agricultural resources, a well- known writer, who had spent years investigating his subject, sums up the situation in the following g-raphic style: "Between the marvelous climatic range from tierra caliente to tierra fria, Mexico can produce, and commercially, not alone every article that she needs herself but, as Humboldt justly observed, 'Every crop known to the civilized world.' "Despite Its latitude, two thirds of its land belongs to the tem perate zone and only one third to the tropics. Setting aside the long- est mountains system on earth, its head touches the eternal snows while its feet dabble in seas of everlasting summer." But these are only a few things that one learns in viewing the display of Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition, nor by any means do they tell in detail the mighty resources of the country. For everywhere about the Mexican exhibit are revealed other stories of other features that go to make up the whole of the country; in the one place dealing of horticulture and in the other of manu facturing and mining and liberal arts. This wonderful supply of things necessary for the sustenance of life which is within her borders has brought the nation to where it needs not look to other places for food and giving the people an op portunity to turn their attention to supplying- their wants in other lines. When the financial upheaval of the seventies and early eighties shook almost the entire world, Mexico stood upon the silver basis which then was being hurled from its place in every clime. Its country was just then coming under the hand of President Diaz and everything was chaotic; yet from out of the many troubles that shook older nations to their Aery foundation Mexico was carried through to safety and to a safety that stands peculiarly alone among the governments of the world. Appendix — Comments of the Press The fall of silver as a money metal cut in two the finances of Mexico and when she went forth into other climates to buy products she was obliged to take two dollars to procure one dollar's worth of goods. She owed debts then besides all that. Yet, strange as it may seem, the result shows that she has made much out of what would appear to be ruin. Her people, tired of paying two dollars abroad, took to manufac turing their own commodities and each year has seen new cotton mills, new machine shops, new factories, until gradually Mexico has come to make her things rather than to buy them. The surplus of her products she has sent to foreign markets, and for them she has received two dollars of her own money. She leaves her native shores with a cargo valued at a certain price and — presto — when it is landed on a foreign shore it has doubled in value. True, there were her many foreign debts contracted for at the .rate of one hundred cents on a dollar, Mexican money, and when she came to pay she was compelled to disgorg-e two Mexican dollars to wipe out a dollar of the old debt. But gradually she has paid her liabilities and with a rapidity that has astounded the whole world has built modern improvements that vie with any similar structures in the whole world. Schools have grown into every hamlet, waterworks, sewers, elec tric street cars, public buildings have arisen up in every city and throug-h each year she has become more and more prosperous until at the beginning of the century she holds, perhaps, the most con tented people that reside anywhere upon the face of the globe. These things are difficult to comprehend, and it is more to dis play them that the commissioners from Mexico have sought to devote their exhibit. Behind the hundreds of specimens lurk something more than what the eye sees and the glance reveals. For the exhibit of Mexico when taken as a wrhole depicts nothing so much as progression, advancement and enlightenment. It speaks of arts that stand distinct from anything in the world, of agriculture that might be well used as an example, of the ultima chule of mines and mining, of the rarest flowers and fairest fruits, and, best of all, of a people of whom the country may well be proud. It is true that there is but one Diaz, but his spirit is no longer confined to him. It has pervaded his people and has become the key note of the whole country and to talk with the Mexican representa tives at the Exposition and to view their showing is to catch a breath of the inspiration. Perhaps there is nothing that will so appeal to the popular mind when it is turned toward our Southern neighbbor than does the ex hibit of cactus which is made outside the Horticulture Building. We have always been wont to view Mexico as merely a bed of cacti and they have brought the bed to us and transplanted it within the con fines of the Rainbow City, where it attracts wide attention in its in finite beauty and variety and makes everyone envious of a country where such plants grow. In the cacti are breaths of the past and from the tradition and mysticism, the hand of progression has kept all of the beautiful and woven it in with the newer arts and later beauties of the higher plant life that is shown in the Horticulture and Agriculture buildings. Throughout the whole display two things at once appeal to the visitor, and those are the cordial invitation which Mexico holds out to home seekers to come and share her plenteous riches and the spirit of progression of the country which is leading it on to greater ends. A Few Facts About Mexico No exhibit at the Exposition is more interesting, attractive, or creditable than that which Senor Albino E. Nuncio and his associate commissioners have prepared for the United States of Mexico. The exhibit is made under the Department of Promotion of Mex ico, under whose wideawake administration developments are being made on every line throughout the country, and to Senor Leandro Fernandez, Secretary of Public Promotion, and to ex-Secretary Manuel Fernandez Leal, no end of praise is due for their active and energetic efforts in behalf of the representation of Mexico at the Pan-American Exposition. 13a Bibliography The following is a partial and rather incomplete list of (princi pally English) books about Mexico: Abbott, Gorham D. Mexico and the United States. New York, 1S69. Bancroft, H. H. A Popular History of the Mexican People. 8. London. Resources and Development of Mexico. San Francisco, 1894. Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico To-day. London, 1883. Burke, U. R. Life of Benito Juarez. 8. London, 1894. Castro, Lorenzo. The Republic of Mexico in 1882. New York, 1SS2. Charnay, D. Ancient Cities of the New World. Tr. 8. London. Chevalier, Michel. Le Mexique ancien et moderne. 18. Paris, 18S6. Conkling, Howard. Mexico and the Mexicans. New York, 1883. Conkling, A. R. Appleton's Guide to Mexico. New York, 1890. Crawford, Cora Hayward. The Land of the Montezumas. New York, 1889. Cubas, Antonio Garcia. Mexico, its Trade, Industries, and Re sources. Mexico, 1893. Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maximilian. 12. Philadelphia, 1867. Gloner, Prosper. Les Finances des Etats Unis Mexicains. Brux- elles, 1S95. Gooch, F. C. Face to Face with the Mexicans. London, 1890. Griffin, S. B. Mexico of To-day. New York, 1886. Hamilton, Leonidas. Border States of Mexico. Chicago, 1882. Hamilton, L. L. C. Hamilton's Mexican Handbook. London, 1884. Janvier, Thomas A. The Mexican Guide. New York, 1886. Kozhevar, E. Report on the Republic of Mexico. London, 1886. La Bedolliere, Emile G. de. Histoire de la guerre du Mexique. 4. Paris, 1866. Lester, C. Edwards. The Mexican Republic. New York, 1878. Noll, Arthur Howard. A Short Historj^ of Mexico. Chicago, 1890. Ober, F. A. Travels in Mexico. Boston, U. S., 1884. Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Mexico. 8. London. Ratzel, Fried. Aus Mexico, Reiseskizzen aus den Jahren 1874-75. Breslau, 1878. llice, John N. Mexico, Our Neighbor. New York. (No date.) Romero, Mafias. Geographical and Statistical Notes on Mexico. New York, 1898. Mexico and the United States. New York, 1898. Routier, G. Le Mexique de nos Jours. Paris, 1895. Sehroeder, Seaton. The Fall of Maximilian's Empire as seen from a United States Gunboat. New York, 1887. Scobel, A. "Die Verkehrswege Mexicos und ihre wirtschaftliohe Bedeutung." In Deutsche Geognaphisehe Blaetter. Band X, Heft 1. Bremen, 1887. Through the Land of the Aztecs; or, Life and Travel in Mexico. By a "Gringo." London, 1892. Wells, David A. A Study of Mexico. New York, 1887. 3 9002 08540 5737