IMUC Ul v «B1 LIB BEFORE THE VENEZUELA BOUNDARY COMMISSION. BRIEF FOR VENEZUELA. FIRST PART: INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. James J.. Storrow, William L. Scruggs, of Counsel. Legal adviser of the Venezuelan Government and Special Counsel before the Boundary Commission. Cwv/ ¦'At §mf Strbmtttetr % $tw$uth to THE COMMISSION APPOINTED "TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT UPON THE TRUE DIVISIONAL LINE BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA AND BRITISH GUIANA." FIRST PART: INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. On January 10, 1880, Lord Salisbury wrote that the Blue b., Essequibo River was the boundary '" claimed by Venezuela " as that to which she was justly entitled," and that, to admit this, "would involve the surrender of a province now inhab- " ited by 40,000 British subjects, and which has been in the " uninterrupted possession of Holland and of Great Britain " successively for two centuries." The claim to which that consequence is imputed will be dealt with by another hand, and it may then appear that the alleged uninterrupted possession has been but the continued repetition of a wrong, such as works no justification of it, and that so long as England refuses either compromise or arbitration, Venezuela may properly stand upon her strict right, however long the depredations upon that right may have been going on, or however considerable, as to popula- lation, may have been its extent. But the object of this paper is to assert for Venezuela a right which will not involve the interruption of any peaceable possession by any British subject, nor require a single one of Lord Salisbury's 40,000 to change his allegiance in order to preserve his home. Venezuela has offered to relieve the British ministry from Blue b„ the embarrassment to which Lord Salisbury refers. In ven. Cow , 239 1890, asking for arbitration, it proposed to recognize in Great Britain a right to its settlements on both banks of the Essequibo; to reserve for itself the banks of the Orinoco which the treaty of Aranjuez had recognized as Spanish, and which every English ministry, except Lord Salisbury's, had Z THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : offered to so recognize ; and to arbitrate the rest, which con sisted entirely of territory where, even then, England had no settlements ; but the offer was refused. The settlement of the Dutch, and of the English, their successors, has never extended beyond the rich alluvial land of the sea coast and the river estuaries. This paper will assume for the sake of argument that England may have a right, by occupation, wherever its people have had their established homes, we will not say for two centuries, but for a single generation ; but we assert that England can have no title by occupation to forty thousand square miles in which, during Lord Salisbury's " two centuries," neither the Dutch nor the English ever had a settlement. Now we propose to show : 1. The Spanish, in lf>00, discovered Guayana, and soon established themselves so strongly that no other power has ever been able to penetrate inland beyond the reach of its ships' guns ; the most noted failures being those of Raleigh in 15!)5-l(il(i. 2. The earliest Dutch attempt at settlement was after this ; and consisted first in an occasional touching for trade. near the mouth of the Essequibo, where the Spaniards already had had a fort; and, certainly not before 1621, a lirst attempt at settlement. o . The settlements of the Dutch and of the English were confined to the rich alluvial swamps on the tide water of the ocean and of the river estuaries ; they never had nor at tempted to have any settlement in the basin of the Cuyuni and Mazeruni above their lower cataracts, nor on the Esse quibo above its lowest cataracts, nor in the coast region west of the Pomeroon. 4. The British claim has, confessedly, no basis except occupation ; the attempt this paper combats is an attempt to extend it beyond the occupation. Now the facts as they GENERAL SUMMARY. 3 are proved, and the rules of law applied even to the facts alleged, not only give no support to this attempt, but are specifically and affirmatively fatal to it. For : a. The British allegation is that at or before 1700 the Dutch had a temporary " post " in the Cuyuni basin and a " post " at Barima Point (though there is no credible proof of the latter) . But the sources of information referred to show that these were at most mere shops for friendly trade with the older settlements of the Spaniards. Such " posts " are not an assertion of hostile dominion ; they are a recognition that the Spaniards were already established there. b. It is alleged that in the next century, and between 1755 and 1770, the Dutch had for a short time a second " post" in the Cuyuni basin, and a second at Barima Point. That they had something at or near each of those places at that time is true. But it turns out from the contemporane ous documents from the Spanish and Dutch archives, that these were temporary huts, chiefly, if not entirely, for slave raids on the Spanish Indians ; that the Spaniards sent expeditions against each as soon as discovered, destroyed both, carried away as prisoners the occupants of one, while the occupants of the other escaped. The Spaniards asserted their right to do this on the ground of territorial sovereignty ; the States-General complained to the King of Spain, but they got no redress, never afterwards renewed their attempts, and indeed abandoned their claim. It is upon these acts of attempted occupation (if they could be dignified by that word) that the English base their claim to the gold regions of the southern part of the Cuyuni basin, and of the Barama and Barima rivers, and the still more monstrous claim to hold the mouth of the Orinoco, whose entire basin, nearly as large as France and Spain combined, has always been held by Spain and its successors, and by no one else. 4 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : 5. The actual settlements of the Spaniards and the Dutch were separated by 150 miles of forest, in which no white man lived. There are two rules of law which designate where, between them, the boundary line shall run : Twiss. c. 8, «¦ When, either by nature or by the habits of the 226™?4r?and settlers, a tract has been defined, the rule is that the first pUth0"n/ra°n occupation of a part is. in law, an entry upon and possession of the whole. But the entry of a second claimant cannot displace the legal possession of the first beyond the actual occupation of that second. 6. Where, between the settlements of two nations in a country otherwise wild, there are features which form a natural barrier or line of demarcation, and which in a long series of years have not been overpassed nor attempted to be overpassed by the actual settlements of either party, the law makes that line the international boundary. Now there is such a tract, defined by such a line ; the Dutch and English settlements have never attempted to overpass it. This line also defines the tract from which, as already stated, the Spaniards expelled the Dutch posts, and no part of. which either Dutch or English ever again at tempted to rest in until the invasion by an armed English force, after the discovery of gold, about a dozen years ago. The British claim, therefore, is limited to their settled dis tricts, and cannot reach the ultra-settlement region. Spain the first The facts, more fully stated, are as follows : the first to 'ex- 1. Spain, about 1500, discovered the northeastern part plore, and the _, , . . _ . . . firsttooccupy. of South America. Within a few years its explorers had coasted the whole of Guiana and sailed up the Orinoco. Soon they brought back stories of gold, and, in the space of forty years, more than twenty expeditions penetrated Guiana to search for it. They were all Spanish, but their reports ^excited other nations. Raleigh devoted twenty GENERAL SUMMARY. 5 years and all his fortune to the effort to acquire those riches for himself and his country. He sent out four expeditions, the first and last of which (1596, 1616) he led. But he never was able to penetrate the country, because everywhere the Spaniards confronted him. His last expedition, of Spain held fourteen ships, on the success of which he risked his life, against ail captured, sacked and burned " Old Guayana," a Spanish town p. , infra. on the Orinoco. But it could not maintain itself, and within four weeks retreated before the Spaniards, irretrievably ruined. Raleigh's son was killed ; his lieutenant, Keymis, committed suicide in despair ; and Raleigh, on his return to England, went to the block. After that, other freebooters ravaged its coasts as far as the guns of their ships could reach, but no one was ever able to effect a lodgment on the shores of Guiana, or to penetrate to the interior. Spain prevented it. Against such a history it is useless to quibble about the exact size of the Spanish settlements. Spain possessed the land ; and so strongly as to hold it against all comers. The Spaniards settled on the lower Orinoco at and near St. Thome, not merely or indeed chiefly for the value of that spot in itself, but because it was the entrance to the interior. By it they went in ; by holding it they kept every one else out. We must look at the large region as one integral whole, of which by nature and in history the landing on the Orinoco was a part. This part was occupied because it was part of a larger whole ; and because the occupation of this part practically gave control of the whole. Such an occupation of such an entrance is, in law, possession of the whole, at least if the purpose be followed up. And it was. The Spaniards reached towards the interior not merely with their expeditions, but with their civil settlements and their extensive mission villages. This was done so thoroughly, and by Spaniards alone, that we find to-day a b THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : and made it vast region pervaded with Spanish language, Spanish names, land. Spanish religion and Spanish habits ; and where no Euro pean civilization has been received from any nation except from Spain. English title 2. The English claim is that the Dutch obtained a. title pation" What by occupation, and that, by conquest and treaty, between occupy? UC11796 and 1814, the British succeeded to the Dutch title. Assuming, for the purposes of this argument, that a title can be so acquired for this case, the real inquiry is, What did the Dutch occupy1? They came by sea to the mouth of the Essequibo, and sailed part way up its estuary. There and there only (we do not speak of their Berbice and Surinam settlements to the south, which are not here material) they settled. Until the middle of the last century they were barely strong enough to live. Two companies that fostered them became insol vent. In 1735, one hundred and fifty years after their alleged first landing, Essequibo had but one hundred and fifty whites and three thousand negroes. All their cultivation, See map. all their houses, and all their use of the soil west of the Essequibo, were within two or three miles of the Atlantic coast, not reaching to the Pomeroon River ; along the Essequibo estuary itself ; and five or ten miles up the banks of the Essequibo, the Cuyuni and the Mazeruni, above their confluence, but below their lowest cataracts and on tide water. The English extended substantially no further. Thus it came to pass that between the Dutch- English settlements and the Spanish towns and missions, there intervened about one hundred and fifty miles of unbroken forest without settlements ; and that constitutes, in substance, the disputed territory. Theiawahout 3. There are several well-known rules which bear upon occupation. , such a case : a. The Spaniards were the first to occupy the country ; GENERAL SUMMARY. 7 and in such case the material occupation of a substantial part, in name of the whole, is, in law, possession of the Authorities 1 ubi sup., and whole. But here the Spaniards also, in fact, excluded all p- ,Wra. other persons from the interior of Guiana, and this, of itself, is held by all jurists to be a most decisive act of dominion. b. Against such, or against any possession, a second comer may, in the absence of other controlling elements, acquire title by open, notorious, adverse occupation, if con tinued long enough ; but in such case his title is limited to his actual occupation. Now the Dutch were the second comers, for they did not attempt to settle until after the fail ure of the Raleigh expeditions had proved the fact and the strength of Spanish possession. c. The English assert a right one hundred and fifty miles No part of it beyond any actual Dutch occupation. When the rule is in- Dutch or Eng- voked that occupation of part of a tract may be, in law, an entry upon and possession of the whole ; and if the law would perm it the second comer to invoke this rule for any thing beyond what may be called the curtilage or appurte nances of his actual occupation ; the crucial question arises — what constitutes a tract, or unit, such that the occupa tion of a partis, in law, possession of the whole? Now the most controlling element, where there is no defining deed or treaty, is found in a natural barrier. In this case, — to consider first the main basin of the Cuyuni and Maze- runi, — that basin is not a prolongation of the low lands of Cuyuni and the coast, gradually sloping up as they recede from the sea, S^s'ee as many drainage areas are. It consists in a true interior map- basin, shaped like a great tray with a rim, and tipped so as to throw all its waters to the eastern corner, where they escape through what is virtually a single breach in its rim, and pour as one stream into the Essequibo estuary. The passage of all these waters at this one point through this " small range of mountains, through which the river has 8 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : Schomburgk in Blue b., 225, Blue b., 227. Geolog. Sur vey of Br. Guiana 17. Canoe & Camp, p. 1. "broken itself a passage," takes place down a series of rapids and cataracts, with a drop of about two hundred feet in forty miles. Of the cataracts with which the Cuyuni is filled, Schomburgk snys : " The difficulties which the Cuyuni presents to its navigation, and those tremendous falls which impede the river in its first days ascent, will, I fear, prove a great obstacle to making the fertility of its banks available to the Colony." The difficulty of penetrating this basin by land is such that, from the earliest times, it has been recognized that a single blockhouse placed in this gorge is sufficient to protect the settlements against incursions from the interior, and to pre vent the escape of runaway slaves from the plantations. Thus this basin is an interior region or tract, surrounded by a ridge or rim and natural barriers which, on the sides towards the Dutch settlements are in fact recognized by the English explorers to be, and, in the history of the colony, have always constituted, such an absolute barrier to its spread that, during the whole two hundred and fifty years, Dutch and English settlement never passed over into it.* * Mr. C. Burrington Brown , the Government Geologist, wrote in 1875: L' The civilized and cultivated portion of the Colony lies only along a narrow strip of sea coast. . . The portion between the rear of the sugar estates and the confines of the Colony is known as the " Inte rior," and, wilh the exception of a few settlements on the banks of the lower Berbice, Demerara and Essequibo rivers, it remains to-day in the same state as in the time of Raleigh." Parliamentary Papers of 1839, vol. 35, contains Hatfield's map of 1838, showing the settlements and cultivation in accord with the fore going quotation. .Mr. im Thurn, in his Boundary Article of 1879, says: '' The territory in dispute commences on the western bank of the Essequibo River, and extends to an undefined distance toward the Orinoco. Along and near the banks of the Essequibo is a fairly dense population of English subjects, at least during the lower part of its course and along and near the banks of the Orinoco is a tolerably thick population of Venezuelans; but the intermediate space is inhabited only by some scattered Indians, and is visited only at lon« intervals by a few travellers, traders, adventurers, or explorers." GENERAL SUMMARY. 9 d. On the other hand, the natural entrance to that basin is not up these rivers which are blocked by cataracts, but from the ancient Spanish settlements on the Orinoco, over the easy and open slopes of that part of the water-parting. Such ahvays has been and such is to-day the access to this interior. The savannas which border the Orinoco extend, with only a few fringes and patches of forest, over the neighboring hills and into the northern part of the Cuyuni basin, which itself is asavanna country. In this way settlement pene trated, so that while the whole northern part is, and from the early times has been, occupied by Spanish settlements, there are no settlements anywhere in the basin except the Spanish. Thus we have a tract defined in its outline by nature, and bound together by nature as a unit; it is in The " Local Guide," a volume of nine hundred pages containing the Colony laws, regulations, civil list, etc., published at Demerara in 1843, after describing the sugar islands of the estuary, etc., says (p. ii): " The banks of the Essequibo are inhabited only by a few scattered wood cutters; and above the rapids, which occur about fifty miles from its mouth, there are no inhabitants except Indians. The same is the case with the two great tributaries of the Essequibo, the Cuyuni and the Mazeruni, which come from the west and southwest. These rivers unite about eight miles from the Essequibo, and their united stream joins that river, about forty miles from its mouth. A short distance above their junction, these rivers become impeded by rapids, above which they are frequented only by a few wandering Indians." Mr. Dixon, in 1895, visited the British Yuruan station, and wrote that it " made me, as an Englishman, feel considerably mortified to think Geo. Jour. that it takes our Government from five to six weeks to reach their VohS, p. 342. frontier station , whereas the Venezuelan outpost was then being put, and by this time probably is, in direct communication with their capi tal by road and wire. Also, whereas it costs our Government an immense annual sum to maintain their small number of police at Yur uan on salt and tinned provisions (sent all the way from Baritca Grove, on the Essequibo, in paddled boats), within 200 yards on the other bank of Kuyuni is the Venezuelan outpost, supplied with all kinds of fresh food from their cattle farms and plantations." 10 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : The Cuyuni basin. Spain ex pelled the Dutch and permanentlyexcluded them. Rodway & Watt, i, 174. Rodway, i, 105. 1739. Ib.,i, 104-5. large part actually occupied by Spaniards (now Venezue lans). They first entered, and no one else has ever had material occupation of any part. That Spanish occupation of a part is in law Spanish possession of the whole. 4. But the Spaniards aho exercised dominion over the unsettled part by excluding other nations from it ; and here, besides the repulse of the early military invaders, we come to another group of facts which of themselves are decisive. The Spanish and Dutch populous settlements were sepa rated by one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles of impassable forests, while the rivers passing directly from one to the other were almost equally impassable from fre quent and dangerous cataracts. They traded somewhat, chiefly or entirely by schooners and launches up the Ori noco, and for a century had little friction except from some smuggling, and occasional negro runaways. But in 1738 the vigorous Storm van 's Gravesande, an educated man of military training, was sent out to the colony, first as secre tary, and soon after as governor ; he ruled it from 1738 to 1772. Gravesande's view was that the true wealth of the colony lay in agriculture ; and he very soon induced the directors to throw it open to all settlers, with the promise of grants of land. The result was a large influx, particularly from the British West India Islands, while old settlers and new, and even the seat of government and the fort, were moved down to the rich swamps of the actual shore, to which all cultivation has since been confined. But this led to a great demand for slaves ; and as the Dutch company which had the monopoly of importation of negroes furnished a totally insufficient supply, the demand for Indians, — red slaves or Poytos as they were called, — became very great. This led to the most active, indeed the GENERAL SUMMARY. 11 only active occurrences which affect the boundary question ; and they settled it. From the time of the early use of Indian slaves, before 1700, the Commandeurs, in order to avoid retaliatory at- w.?Ii87& tacks from the Indians and to diminish the risk of run aways, forbade their capture " in the river Isequebe and its ^ ' u si districts," but they were allowed to be bought from the ?7r3^rsof 1717_ Caribs of the lower Orinoco. The horrid work was carried ^odway- *> on by the Caribs, the fiercest savages of the country, directed by Dutchmen who received the slaves and paid for them. Their raids extended to the very Spanish missions, because the domesticated Indians made the least resistance and became the best slaves. Of course, therefore, these raids in any particular territory went far to prove that it was recognized as Spanish, and not Dutch ; and in fact they habitually reached regions which neither Dutch nor English have ever claimed. ¦ In 1757-58 the Spaniards discovered that these slave raiders Spanish Docs. 1 filed by Ven- had actually formed an establishment in the Cuyuni basin, on ezueia, ii, 1. an island in that river. Thereupon the Spanish commander sent a strong force which swept down the principal affluent and then the main river itself, found only one post, attacked and captured that, destroyed it and carried off its occupants as prisoners. The Dutch governor peremptorily demanded their release. The Spaniard replied that he found them, without right, on the territory of his King; that was his justification; and he should keep them. The States-General complained to the King, asserting a right; but they got no redress ; and the Dutch never again attempted to enter the basin. These facts are proved by the original documents from both Spanish and Dutch archives. There could be no stronger acts of sovereign dominion by the Spaniards ; of acquiescence by the Dutch ; and termina tion of the ephemeral occupation of the latter, — if it could 12 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : Twiss; The be called occupation. But it is well settled that neither tion. trading, nor even the maintenance of a trade house, is an " occupation " which can give rise to a claim of sovereignty. Moreover, while private occupation may, in time, give a private title to the soil, no occupation can create sovereign dominion, in favor of the settler's native country and capa ble of passing by treaty from the latter, unless it be directly authorized or adopted by his government at the outset, and for the purpose of acquiring sovereignty. This was settled in the Oregon boundary case, and is recognized law. Dutch settle- 5. The Oregon boundary case answers another conten- river mouth tion. It has been asserted that the Dutch settlement on the title to° theVe estuary of the Essequibo and Cuyuni gave Holland a title to basin. the entire water-shed of those rivers. There is no such principle of law. Twiss the The United States first discovered the mouth of the tionfpn 282eS" Columbia River, first ascended it, and first occupied it by a fur-trading factory at its mouth. Twiss gives the utmost statement that anyone has ever supposed to be tenable : " As the discovery has taken place from the sea, the approach to the territory is presumed to be from the sea, so that the occupant of the sea-coast will necessarily bar the way to any second comer ; and as he is supposed, in all these grants, to have settled in vacant territory, he will naturally be entitled to extend his settlement over the vacant district, as tbere will be no other civilized power in his way." Elsewhere Twiss expresses what is both the pith of the rule and the limitation of it : lb. 247. " because their settlements bar the approach to the interior countoy, and other nations can have no right of way across the set tlements of independent nations." Phiiiimoie, Phillimore thus states it : k 238 "The right of dominion would extend from the portion of the coast actually and duly occupied, inland so far as the country was GENERAL SUMMARY. 13 uninhabited, and so far as it might be considered to have the occu pied seaboard for its natural outlet to other nations." When the United States, upon two occasions, went a Twiss Lawo£ hair's breadth beyond the rules thus expressed, by omitting ^ITm any of the qualifying conditions, Great Britain protested, and Dr. Twiss declares the claim extravagant. The claim cut no figure in the final adjustment. Now, every one of the conditions made essential by these quotations is against Great Britain and in favor of Spain. Spain discovered the Essequibo, and the Dutch fort was built on Jhe foundations of the older Spanish one. The real road to the interior Cuyuni-Mazeruni basin is by way of the Spanish settlements on the Orinoco ; and it was those settle ments which barred the way to Raleigh and all other comers. When the Dutch came to the Essequibo, the Spaniards were already in power in the interior, from their Orinoco settlements. But the rule invoked by Great Britain, even if it could apply, is a rule of constructive possession. It yields al ways to the facts of actual dominion ; and these here are (a) that the only settlements ever .made in the interior basin under consideration were by the Spaniards ; and (6) that the Spaniards, by and from their settlements, excluded Ral eigh and others who tried to enter by force, and expelled the Dutch slave-traders who had entered like a thief in the night. *&' The Barima region was, between 1760 and 1770, the scene „ . ° Barima and of incidents not unlike those in the Cuyuni basin. There {|]| Orinoco were no Dutch settlements beyond the Moruca, where a small armed outpost was maintained. But Dutch slave-traders stayed with the Caribs on the delta waters of the Orinoco, and Dutchmen engaged there in some contraband trade. As soon as the Spaniards discovered this they stopped it ; the States-General again complained ; got no redress ; and 14 THR CASE FOR VENEZUELA Spain owned the entire basin of the Orinoco, and that was pos session of its mouth. The Anna, 5 C. Rob. 373, 3856. desisted even from complaint. The British reports of ten years ago show that there was then not a trace of any civi lized occupation beyond the Moruca. But for Barima there exists another set of considerations, decisive in themselves. The Spaniards, and no one else, first occupied and have ever since occupied the great basin of the Orinoco. The natural route and the used route to and from it was that river. No one else had a settlement within its basin or laid claim to its banks, and the Spanish settlements reached as far down towards its delta mouth as desirable land could be found. The Spaniards, moreover, not only used the lower reaches of the river for ingress and egress to their empire within, — nearly as large as France and Spain together, — but they exercised sovereign rights over the mouth of the river itself, by an armed pilot station on the lowest con venient island, by coast-guard launches, etc. Now it is settled law that those who own and possess the water-shed and the firm banks, thereby own and possess the delta islands and shores below, though these are unfit for habitation and have never been inhabited ; these are not vacant land which another nation can appropriate arid thus establish a hostile military control at the mouth. This was settled forever by the highest English authority, Lord Stow- ell, with reference to the delta of the Mississippi. He said : " If they do not belong to the United States of America, any other power might occupy them ; they might be embanked and fortified. What a thorn would this be in the side of America! It is physically possible at least that they might be so occupied by European nations, and then the command of the river would be no longer in America, but in such settlements. The possibility of such a consequence is enough to expose the fallacy of any arguments that are addres&ed to shew that these islands are not to be consid ered as part of the territory of America." GENERAL SUMMARY. 15 The English allegation is that the Dutch had, not a settle- Barima and ment or the pretence of one, but a "post," whatever that the Orinoco/ may be, for trade or to watch the Spaniards, at " Barima Sand," on the delta pass known as the Brazo Barima ; a tem porary not a permanent lodgment. One is alleged, but with out credible proof, to have been established about 1666, and soon after abandoned, either voluntarily or from fear of the Spaniards. Between 1760 and 1770 a few Dutch slave trad ers lived with the Caribs on one of the tributary creeks. About that time the Dutch were somewhat apprehensive that the Spaniards meant to come from the Orinoco through the delta bayous to attack the settlements, and it is said that the Dutch governor put a watchman or two on the Barima. But all these places were destroyed by the Spaniards before 1768. Neither Dutch nor English ever attempted to re- occupy until the armed invasion of a dozen years ago. The claim to hold the mouth of this great Spanish river is based upon a story which, being tested by the contempo raneous archives, turns out to be as we have stated it. Every historian, Dutch or English, who pretends to serious Seep. , VtXlTOL ¦ consideration of the matter, has considered the claim utterly untenable ; and in doing so they have only re-echoed (though without knowing it) the judgment of Lord Stowell. The Dutch and English officials have again and again declared p. , infra the Monica, where they did maintain their furthest outpost, to be the limits of the colony. 7. The Dutch occupation, whatever its extent, is sand wiched in between two solemn documents ; one of which, at its origin, fixed what the colony might do, and the other, just at its termination, determined what it had done. a. The original Dutch West India Company of 1621, under which the colony had begun, became insolvent ; was reorganized and again became insolvent and disappeared. 16 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : Rodway & Thereupon a new company was chartered on September 20, Rodway,' 1674. i 20. Rodway, This company carried on the colony until Holland took "• 55' the direct control in 1791. Now the only grant of South The Charter American territory in that charter is of " the places of Esse- The Hague) quibo and Pomeroon" — "Plaatsen van Isekepe en Bawro- tooni°nocCoend menora."* It is impossible to contend that this specific enumeration of two rivers, about twenty miles apart, and one a small one, could include the great Orinoco, one hundred miles away. By every rule of sensible and of legal con struction, this excludes the Orinoco. It is clear, therefore (1) that there were, in fact, no Dutch settlements except on the two rivers so named, for, if there had been, such other settlements Avould have been granted ; and ( 2) , that the company had no authority from its sovereign to occupy or acquire the Orinoco. Now the consequence of this latter limitation alone is that, under the well-known rule just referred to, the company had not the capacity, by any act whatever, to create in Holland a sovereign right on the Orinoco. Treat of ^' In 1791, Spain and Holland made the treaty of Ar- Aranjuez, anjuez for the mutual restitution of runaways. Its princi- Biueb.,137. pal clause specifies, in couples, the colonies between which the restitution should take place — "between Porto Rico and " St. Eustache, between Coro and Curacao, and between all " the Spanish establishments on the Orinoco [on the one hand] " and [on the other] Essequibo, and Demerara, Berbice and Surinam."| This is plainly a statement by the parties that Blue b 8 *The Blue Book says of this charter that " the colonies of Esse quibo and Pomeroon were enumerated, the limit of the company's jurisdiction being still fixed at the river Orinoco." There is nothing in the charter to justify the last clause of this assertion. flf read without the words in brackets, which are not in the treaty, this might mean that the establishments on the Essequibo GENERAL SUMMARY. 17 the Essequibo is, and that the Orinoco is not, Dutch ; and Barima Point 1 ¦ i • j j , ¦ , i . , , an(l tne Ori- masmucn as it is a statement m a treaty, this makes them noco mouth. so. ¦ It is legally impossible for either Holland or its successor, in the face of that treaty, to claim that the controlling shore of Orinoco mouth was then Dutch. There is no pretence of any acquisition by England except by cession from Holland. After the vigorous lesson taught the Dutch by their ex pulsion from the Cuyuni basin and Barima Point, the two nations lived as good neighbors, and the delivery up of runaways, which had rested on good- will, was fixed on a stable basis by the treaty of Aranjuez, in 1791. In 1794, Ven. Span. Archives, v. 3. the Dutch Secretary of State recognized that Spanish p. 53-8. territory began at the Moruca. In 1796, Pinckard, a British 1839.' ° . Vol. 35, p. 425. ofhcer, wrote : our outpost at Moroko, the remotest point "of the Colony of Essequibo." In 1839, the British gover nor wrote that British territory ended there. Schomburgk's ill-advised agitation of 1839 first disturbed the peace. Schomburgk had won credit as a scientific explorer of the Schomburgk. distant region where British Guiana, Brazil and Venezuela meet, by taking up and continuing Humboldt's Venezuelan surveys. He had never been inside the Cuyuni basin nor beyond the Pomeroon on the coast. He was profoundly ignorant of the true facts about the "posts," the expulsion of the Dutch, and the treaty of Aranjuez, and afterwards showed himself incapable of appreciating their significance and value. Bouchenroeder was a surveyor employed to plat the settle- Blue bij 184 ments. He added a small general sketch map of the whole 235, region. But it showed that he was utterly ignorant of the country beyond the Pomeroon, and this map has been dis credited by all recent historians, both Dutch and English. were Spanish. The British have therefore insisted that it must be read as we have indicated, and we shall so assume. 18 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA : Schomburgk was told by this map, and by Hartsinck's his tory of 1770, that the Dutch were said to have claimed at one time that their rights extended to Barima Point, and, at Schom- some tilue> hacl' for a while, a "post" there. He proposed Me^mir, to take tllis claim, which in Bouchenroeder's map was shown B?uetM8i34. °y an arbitrary straight line running back into the country from the mouth of the Barima or the Amacura, but terminat ing nowhere, and which Hartsinck utterly rejected in his map, and locate it according to natural lines, i. e., by follow ing those mountain ranges or streams which substantially agreed with it. He submitted his plan to the government with a memoir and a map which described and showed the boundary, tickled the ambition of the ministry, by point ing out that the Venezuelan boundary "merits the greatest '' attention on account of the political importance of the " mouth of the Orinoco,'" and enlisted the philanthropic party (this was the period of West Indian emancipation) by a long letter to Sir Fowell Buxton, in which he dwelt upon the extension of British territory as a Christian duty for the good of the Indians. One of that party in Parliament called for the papers, and they were printed, map and all, in Pari. Pap. 1840, vol. 34, p. 315. Schomburgk honestly pointed out that a line run ex parte gave no security, and that it must be marked by a joint com mission. But before even this step could be taken, the two termini, he considered, must be agreed upon; this would in volve negotiations, and, therefore, he wrote, the first step would be "to prevent delay arising from negotiations, to " propose the termini of our boundary, as mentioned before "in this report." * In other words, his proposed boundary counted for nothing unless its termini should be agreed to. Seep. , *This passage and the one before quoted about Orinoco mouth, b., p. 184. are found in the Pari. P. cited, but are omitted from Schomburglc1 s memoir as printed in the Blue Book, though in each case they form part of a sentence the rest of which is given. GENERAL SUMMARY. 19 He was appointed to survey the line and set some posts on it, but Lord Palmerston determined to give Venezuela not even an opportunity to join, directing the work to be done "Schom- " as a statement of the British claim." Afterwards, he wrote, March isf' Venezuela might "make any objection . . . and state theb.^ik " reasons upon which such objections might be founded, " and Her Majesty's government would then give such "answers thereto as might appear proper and just." Some posts having been set, Venezuela heard of that fact, and remonstrated with such vigor that on Jan. 31, 1842, Lord Blue b., 234. Aberdeen ordered them to be removed, declaring, in a half apology, that they were not " indications of dominion and " empire on the part of Great Britain," "but merely aprelim- " inary measure open to future discussion between the two " governments . " Dardanelles 0 01 the Discussions ensued. Every British ministry except that °rmoco- of Lord Salisbury has recognized that it was monstrous, and diplomatically inadmissible, upon such flimsy pretences, to claim what the English notes called " The Dardanelles or the Orinoco," and offered to agree to lines which would or which they declared would " secure to Venezuela the undis " turbed possession of the mouths of the Orinoco." (Lord 29s" 299,' 354' 356 Aberdeen in 1884, Lord Granville in 1881, and Lord Rose- bery in 1886.) It is impossible to overlook the value of this recognition. It is true that it was made in negotiations for a compromise ; but it is plain, especially from the value which the English notes justly attributed to it, that the offer to give up Barima Point was because Great Britain felt that neither in law nor in good conscience could a claim to it be insisted upon. Lord Salisbury is the only minister who has insisted upon a different view ; and his claims grew every time he recurred to the subject. The line marked by Schomburgk on the maps published 20 THE CASE FOR VENEZUELA Expansion of British claim. Jan. 10, 1880. Blue h., 295. Schomburgk Line ex panded after it was forty years old. For the whole matter of the Schomburgk - line, see p. , infra. by himself and by the government had been declared at the outset, as we have seen, to be the definition of the British claim, and merely a basis for discussion. But now, no dis cussion is to be permitted, says Great Britain, as to terri tory within that line ; and all that it will submit to arbitra tion is territory now newly claimed far outside of it. But even the " Schomburgk line " has been altered and expanded. In every map and every description of it down to 1886, which was twenty years after his death, it was shown and described as an approximately north-and-south line, cutting across the Cuyuni, and across its southern basin. This includes three maps — 1840, 1841, 1847 — published in the reports of his explorations ; five separate maps pub lished directly by the government or by government author ity, — 1840, 1867, 1875, 1876, 1885, and ten in the official " Colonial List," 1877-1886 : — one of which maps, namely, that of 1875 in the government publication of the Geological Survey, was stated in the text to be from a tracing of Schomburgk's final map in the possession of the govern ment ; one published in 1875 by the same government surveyor, with a popular account of his work ; one by the Royal Geographical Society in 1880 (Proceedings of 1880), with the same note as the Stanford map, and another in 1883 also with the same note which that society contributed to Mr. im Thurn's book on Guiana. The great map of the colony, about five feet by four in size, prepared by the government surveyors in 1875, and based on a tracing of Schomburgk's map, bearing Schomburgk's name and still officially known as " Schomburgk's map," and pub lished by Stanford in 1876 (dated 1875) by procure ment of the Colonial Government, showed the north and south line ; and a note on its face said : " The boundaries indicated in this map are those laid down by the late Sir Rob ert Schomburgk." But in 1886, twenty years after Schom- GENERAL SUMMARY. 21 burgk's death, the Colonial Office " discovered " that all these Expansion of maps were wrong ; that Schomburgk's line went around by the Schom- *" hurgk's Line great bend of the Cuyuni. It thereupon compelled Stanford 20 years after J L L his death. to cancel his existing maps, and change his plate by striking out the note referred to ; by erasing the boundary which went across the head waters of the Barima and across the Cuyuni : and by inserting another, by engraving and color, which went around by the great bend of the Cuyuni ; and the map so changed in 1886 still bore the date 1875 and no other date. The new line first invented or asserted in 1886 thus appeared as if it were the original line of 1875, supported by the authority of the surveyors whose names still appeared on the map as before. This is perilously near the alteration of ancient landmarks, and spoliation of records. It evidently deceived Lord Salis bury, who, on Feb. 13, 1890, asserted it to be "the line sur- J . . Blue b., 413. veyed by Sir R. Schomburgh in 1841 ". He did not survey this line in 1841 or in any other year. Let us not mistake the value or want of value of the Schomburgk line. It was originally nothing but a specula tive attempt or proposal, to form the subject of discussion and negotiation. It has not, in itself, the slightest proba tive or presumptive value. It was stated merely as a defi nition of the British claim ; and the attempt, after it had stood forty years, to alter both its location and its character, gives rise to reflections which it is not necessary to dwell upon. Nor would the recent attempt stand any better if some unpublished papers in the Colonial Office should lend a color of justification to it. The value of the line as a lim itation of the British claim does not lie in the opinion of Schomburgk, but in the fact of its authoritative publication. It must also be pointed out that in 1850 the two nations Blueb 262_g agreed that there should be no occupation of the disputed £°f ™pstan- territory by either, and that in 18 P- 7' " There was no extensive mining done until 1884, which is the first year for which any record of Colonial gold has been obtained." " The high rate of wages offered (64 cents per day with food and sleeping accommodation) induced the labouring population, chiefly black, to leave their homes in the Villages on the Coast to engage themselves to work in the bush for three or four months at a time." " The really "ood men are very few and the majority are habitual ,. ,, ° lb., p. 11. malingerers." It describes the gold diggers' habitations as follows : — " The architecture of a bush-house is neither elaborate nor expen sive; the corner posts and cross beams are usually of round wood barked, and the rafters of round poles, also barked ; on these is placed the roof, made of peculiar tough paper imported from the United States and called " Neponsett," or else palm leaves, which make a much cooler covering, are used; but, as leaves are not always to be obtained, paper is substituted." British Guiana and Us Resources; London, 1895, says (p. 48) : " There are, it is estimated, upwards of 200 placers now in actual work, the returns from which vary from a few oz. to 1000 oz. gold per month, or an average of about 50 oz. each; the aggregate capital YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 08540 6263