I/ie 51 18177 R55 THE RITUALISTIC CONSPIRACY: OOMPBISING LISTS OP "PRIESTS" WHO DESIRE THE APPOINTMENT OF LICENSED CONFESSORS FOR THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND; OP "PRIESTS ASSOCIATE" OF "THE CONFRATERNITY OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT;" OP THB CLERICAL MEMBERS OF "THE ENGLISH CHURCH UNION;" OF THE MEMBERS OF "THE SOCIETY OF THE HOLY CROSS;" OF THE MEMBERS OF THE "ENGLISH ABBEY RESTORATION TRUST;" AND ALSO OF THE CLERICAL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE "SOCIETY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE FAITH." ~. 3JAOAN" Reprinted from "THE ROCK," ? "~~^- WITH ADDITIONS AND COBEECTIONS. ' " p^' LONDON : PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF "THE ROCK," 128 and 129, ALDERSGATE STREET, E.C. O Price Threepence, post free ; or Six Copies for One Shilling. 1*77 EVERY CHURCHMAN Who desires to aid in maintaining the SCRIPTURAL, PROTESTANT AND EVANGELICAL CHARACTER OF T H F. CHURCH OF ENGLAND as (RATIONALISM, OPPOSED RITUALISM, T0 (ROMANISM, SHOULD READ THE ROCK, A CHURCH OF ENGLAND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. EVERY FRIDAY: ONE PENNY. TO TV. OBTAINED OF ANY NEWSAGENT, OK FROM THE OFFICE, 128 and 129, ALDEESGATE STEEET, LONDON. The Eitualistic Conspiracy was first exposed in the Eock of June 6, 1873. Articles on " The Priest in Absolution " appeared in the EoCK on October 16, 30, November 20, and December 11, 1874. "The Society of the Holy Cross" was first dissected in the Eock of August 11, 1876. THE RITUALISTIC CONSPIRACY. WHEN, exactly five years ago, we published the first copy of this little tell-tale pamphlet now universally known under the title of "The Eitualistic Conspiracy," there can be no doubt that we dealt the Eomisb traitors a very heavy blow ; for although the existence of secret Societies on a most formidable scale was never doubted, still the country was as yet without any tangible evidence of the fact. But at the time of which we speak some documents of a very compromising character were placed unsolicited in our hands, and from these we were enabled to compile the lists which told the country where the conspirators were to be found, what it was at which they aimed, and who they were. As the subject is now assuming an historical importance, we know not how we can do better than transcribe a portion of the original introduction which. explained the circumstances under which the revelations were first given to the world : — From the Rook of Juno 6th, 1873. In a manner the most unexpected, and which we cannot regard as otherwise than providential, three very remarkable documents have, within the space of a few weeks, been placed in our hands, each very damaging even by itself; but when all three are taken together, affording by far the most complete exposure that has yet befallen the Ritualistic conspirators. First of aU we became possessed of a copy of the " Constitutions of the Society for the Maintenance of the Faith," which was found to be placed under the protection of our Lady and St. Augustine, and the clerical members of which (including Archdeacon Denison) were required at certain Beasons to say "Mass." But from the correspondence which — guarded as it was — appeared in a certain Ritualistic journal, it soon became evident that the most intimate relations existed between the " Society for the Maintenance of the (Romish) Faith," and another secret Society called the " C.B.S." (i.e., " Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament"), of which little or nothing was then known beyond the fact that it had been secretly working for some years. Now, however, a small monthly "paper," printed by the latter, and intended only for the initiated , was picked up by a boy in the street, and eventually brought to our office, and from this — besides being furnished with a list of its " wardens " — we were enabled to gather the general soope of its operations.1 But we were still in complete ignorance of the main body of its associates, when a clerical friend — while reading an article on the subject— was reminded of a paper headed "C.B.S.," the nature of which was a mystery at the time when (a year ago) it fell into his hands, but which was now found to contain a complete roll of the members, of the Society ap to the middle of 1871 ; comprising alio a list of the Council by whom its officers are controlled. We were thus in possession of a continuous chain of evidence, not only proving what wero the real aims, but also giving us the real names, of tho conspirators now engaged in a scheme for unprotestantiii- ing our Church. And there was yet another remarkable coincidence, for just at the time that we were conning the list of the associates of the " C.B.S." a petition was presented to Convocation for tho selection and licensing of duly qualified confessors, and also praying Convocation to promote the following doctrines, which are declared to be specially dear to a large and increasing number, both of the clergy and the faithful laity : — the doctrines , that is to say, of — I. The Real Presence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion, " under tho form of bread and wine." II. The Adoration due to Him there present. III. Tho sacrifice which He there oners by the hands of His priest to the Divine Majesty. Also > These, whioh were folly set forth in the Bock for May 23rd, 1873, show the Society to be ohiefly oooapied with whatever things pertain to confession and the saoraments, the latter— including penance and oxtromo unction — being made tbo subjects of oonstant "intercession." Lists ore ^ivenof deadsouU (in purgatory, wo proiumojfor whom the brethren ore to pray, &o., &o., &c. Prayers for the " Cessation of Evening Communion," and the spread of " Early Fasting" ditto, are also of constant reourrence, Separato " intercession papers " aro provided for tho " priests " — one of whiohhas fallen into onr hands — as it would bo a source of grievous scandal were the intercessions of the members invited in order to Bustaiu the "parity " and "chastity" of this or that Father Confessor. The OonfraternUy, in- oludiufr lay (male and female) associates, now numbers ovor 10,000 members t There is aho a B.otch branch whioh pubUshos separate " Intorcessiou Papers. " (1.) That "at the burial of baptised children, due provision be made for the cele bration of the Holy Communion." (2.) " That provision be made for the decent and reverent reservation of the blessed Eucharist; " also, (3.) " That the use of Unction be restored, with proper services for the consecration by the Bishop of the oils." ' To this petition no fewer than 480 signatures of EngUsh clergymen were attached ; but the number, large as it is, does not represent, as even our opponents admit, more than a quarter of the clergy who have introduced tho vile confessional among their flocks! Startling as these disclosures were, they by no means unmasked all the batteries which the conspirators had secretly constructed for the purpose of destroying our Protestant Institutions. Most truly has the Church been said to be ''honeycombed" by the Guilds, Brotherhoods, Sister hoods, &c, which abound in all her borders, but these would be com paratively harmless were they not controlled by some central authority which moves and guides them at its will. And such a directing power is found in the " Society of the Holy Cross," of which the following account appeared in the Bock of August 18th, 1876 : — SOCIETY OF THE HOLT CROSS. This is only for the initiated. No layman — howevei ecclesiastically minded, no woman — "however docile or devout — need hope to enter here : it is for the priests alone. And its avenueB are guarded with the most zealous care, lest anything that is profane — anything that is " Low " or " Broad " — should seek to penetrate the sacred enclosure. It is the crime de la crime of Anglicanism, the quintessence of all that is " Catholic " and un- Protestant. It is a well compacted hierarchy, with many stages or steps between the puissant " master " and the humble " probationer." Mr. Mackonochie himself is the head, and the most eminent of the C.B.S. conspirators are the tail.2 They are sworn to secrecy, have their statutes, and are bound by certain rules which, though definite and obligatory, are said to " embrace little besides the rule of the Church; " this, however, it is added with caustic irony, "is so constantly broken, that the mere binding the brethren to keep it would present an appearance of considerable strictness to some." But the " mere binding " a number of clergy to perform duties which at their ordination they solemnly undertook would of itself be an insufficient excuse for all this complicated machinery ; we must, therefore, search about for some other reason, and this we apprehend will be found in the following sentence which professes to explain " the nature and objects of the society " : — " The originators were convinced that work for Christ in His Church could only be effectively done by those over whom the spirit of His own life on earth had gained some hold, and on the other Land that this spirit can only retain its hold upon the character of a priest when it finds its expression in vigorous action within the sphere of his calling." Here we have at least a sufficient, if not quite a satisfactory, explanation of the mischievous activity which these conspirators display. They cannot let others alone. Themselves the victims of an unscriptural delusioD, they find their chief solace in " vigorously " pushing their presumptuous claims in quarters where they are least desired. And nothing tends more to keep up the notion of self-importance, or the sense of power, than these secret ecclesiastical combinations. Their " synods " and their " chapters 3 " — this S.H.C. has both — are all that the sacerdotal heart could desire. The "priest" is a potentate here. In this secret conclave he can start movements and frame laws which will give a world of trouble to his ecclesiastical superiors and throw the Church into most dire confusion. AU this he thoroughly enjoys, hoping eventually to wear out his opponents — be they bishops or what not — by his obstinate audacity and pertinacity in plaguing them. For this sort of work the " Society of the Holy Cross " is, it must be confessed, most admirably adapted, as we shall now proceed to show. Mr. Mackonochie, as we said, is " Master" — such is his recognized title — and he has four " vicars," who, with the treasurer and secretaries, and a dozen elected members, form what is called " the Master's Council," en which Messrs. Lowder, Parnell, Courtenay, Murray, Littledale, Stanton, Nihill, Nicholas, Bristow, Ridsdale, and other eminent 1Tn the "Sacramentary" of the new Anglican (Secession.) Church, which has been given in the lion!;, "The use of Unction" is introduced, or rather "restored," as one of "The Seven (Komish) Sacraments." 2 According to the rules of the S.H.C, " the Master, four Vicars, Treasurer, and Secretaries are elected annually. Mr. Mackonochie was "Master " in the year 1875-6 (the date of our copy of the roll of its members) ; this year that post is filled by the Eev. F. L. Bagshawe, Vicar of St. Barnabas, Fimlieo, but Mr. Mackonochie remains the guiding spirit, 3 See Bock, January 19, 1877, where will be found a perfectly authentic and very remarkable report of tho proceedings at one of these secret " chapters." Ritualists have seats. As "Assessors," Mr. Mackonochie has the benefit of the advice of no less a personage than Mr. Orby Shipley, together with that of Mr. Hutchings (of Clewer), &c, &c. Then there are various committees in which "the Master" is assisted by certain picked men. Dr. Littledale, Mr. Nihil!, Mr. Bristow, &c, help him to choose his " Tracts." The aid of Mr. Murray (of Chislehurst) must be invaluable in the ar rangement of " Retreats." Dr. Littledale (who seems lo have more than his fair share of work), Mr. Carter, &c, deal with " Canon Law." On the " Penitentiary Committee " we find the names of Mr. Lowder, Mr. Poole (who, twenty years ago, figured in a confes sional case), Mr. Carter (of Clewer), &c. — all of them by virtue of their antecedents most admirably fitted for the task, and we can only regret the absence of Mr. Wodehouse and Mr. Nugee, who would have made the quorum quite complete. The " Foreign Missions ' ' committee includes Mr. Tooth (of Hatcham), Mr. Field (of St. Nicholas, Lancing), Mr. Pixell, &c. The very important matter of the " Affiliation of Guilds " is committed to Messrs. Tooth, Nihill, Hillingworth, &c. ; while Mr. Bristow (of Lewisham) arranges the " Theological Lectures," with the assistance of Mr. Bagshawe (now of St. Barnabas, l'imlico, and "Master" of S. II. C, 1877-8), and Mr. Marshall (of St. Augustine's, Kil- bum). Then there are " Local Branches," presided over by particular saints, suppoited by the more prominent Ritualists of the district. Thus, St. Achar is responsible for Aber deen ; St. Chad — with the aid of Mr. Bodington and Mr. Pixell — takes Birmingham ; St. Richard, of Chiehester (adjuvantibus Orby Shipley and E. S. Grindle), has Brighton; St. Thomas Aquinas, Cambridge ; St. Hilda, Scarborough ; St. Herbert, Carlisle ; St. Wulstan, Cheltenham ; St. Pcrrnn, Cornwall ; St. Boniface, Exeter; St. Wilfrid, Leeds ; St. Giles, Edinburgh ; St.Nicholas, Liverpool ; St. Dyfrig, Llandaff ; and so on. There is also a " Foreign Branch," which places (Stat. vii. § 2) all brethren residing abroad under the supervision of the " Foreign Secretary," an office which is now ably filled by Mr. Alison (of East Grinstead). Amongst the " Foreign Brethren " we find the names of "priests," who are now located at Pau, Vancouver's Island, Western Australia, Honduras, &c, and, though last not least, Bishop Venables, who hails from Nassau. As for English dioceses, Mr. Mackonochie has no more respect for them than the Pope, for he parcels out England and Wales in three divisions — " South," " East," " West " (including Wales), with Scotland forming "the North." Altogether, the society now numbers be tween three and four hundred members, among whom the very elite of Ritualism will be found. Among other notabilities we find Mr. Lyne (Father Ignatius), Mr. Body, Mr. Bennett, &c, &c, although their names do not appear on any of the committees. We must not forget the " Ceremoniarius " — a most important functionary in such a society as this — and admirably represented by Mr. Wainwright, who was trained at St. Peter's, Lon don Docks, and doubtless understands a Good Friday procession well. Brethren pay 10s. 6d. a-year, Mr. Foote (of Beckenham), being treasurer. The work to which the society specially addresses itself is divided into (l)the internal and (2) the external. The latter consists of — I. Mission work at home and abroad. II. The issuing of tracts and other publications. III. Common action in matters affecting the interests of the Church. IV. Correspondence between brethren. V. The affiliation of guilds of laymen. But the " internal " work is the most important. Inregard to this, however, ourinforma- tion is defective. There is what is called the obligatory or " Green Rule," to distinguish it from two voluntary rules, neither of which is " binding upon any brother," though both aro "strongly recommended /" one of them being the consecration of a life to God in "celibacy or widowhood." For this purpose a roll of celibates is kept. Each rule has also " a standard of life" at which the brethren should aim. The • headquarters of the society are at 5, Greville Street, Brook Street, Holborn, close to Mr. Mackonochie's other establishments. Through the kindness of some unknown friend we nro fortunately in a position to furnish a full list of the members of this dangerous and irresponsible body, which holds its secret conclaves in the innermost penetralia of the priest-party, passing resolutions, and issuing instructions, which are a source of constant worry and embarrassment to the much- enduring members of the episcopal bench. Nor will peace be restored to the Church until the Bishops, one and all, resolve to discourage these secret societies in every possible way. Indeed, so long as their members are singled out for preferment— as by the BishoDs of London and Lichfield — things must go from bad to worse. Under these circumstances, we are satisfied that in the interests of truth and honesty it is our bounden duty, not only to put the flocks of these false shepherds on their guard, but alsotfrgWMdh— ""'] *K" p"Mjf^-»"""Uj+t-" opportunity of comparing the names of the 480 petitioners with those of the associates of the C.B.S. and the S.H.C, and of comparing all three with, the members of another mis chievous body, the E.C.TJ. (English Church Union).1 In the choice of a minister, either by congregations, trustees, or patrons (official as well as private) it will, we think, render invaluable aid. In the following Hat p signifies that the clergyman after whose name it ia placed has signed he notorious petition ; c indicates the " Priests-Associate " of the " Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament ; " * denotes Wardens of that body, -who act as " head centres ;" « means Member of English Church Union. The sign + after a name signifies belonging to the " Society of the Holy Cross." The letter r indicates the members of the " English Abbey Restoration Trust ;" 2 and S.M.F. denotes the clerical members of the Council of the " Society for the Maintenance of the Faith." Appleton, J. H., Brighton u Archer, F. H., Christ Church, Newport u Argyll and the Isles, Et. Rev. Lord Bishop of Bishop- ton, Lookgilphead u Armstrong, B. J., Vicarage, Bast Dereham u Armstrong, B. J., jun., Brbme Ouraoy House, Sco).e « Armstrong, W. F., Caloutta it Armytage, N. G., Frome Selwood + c u Arnold, F, M., Kingston-on-Thames it Arnold, J. M., Capetown u Arrowsmith, R., Walsgrove, Coventry u Artbure, B. , Bath Lodge, Woroester u Ash, J. Holland, Tanbridge Wells u Ash, R. H. P., Emery Down, Lyndhurst u Ashe, J. W., Donington-on-Bain, Lincolnshire u Ashley, G. E., Windsor u Ashwell, A. It., Theol. College, Chichester o u Ashworth, C. G. E., Proose, Barrow-in-Furness + i< Atkins, W. A. C, Castle Bar, Ealing u Atkinson, G. W„, Inc. of Oulgraith, Cumberland p u Atkinson, W. E. T., Ditohling u Atlay, B. T., St. Paul's Cathedral, Calcutta u Attwood, W. D., Little Bentley, Colchester n Auchmuty Forbes, Ceylon u Austen, S. C. u Babington, A., Wanlip, Leicester c u Babington, W. M., Madras u Backhouse, F. D., Aston, Birmingham u Bacon, J. H., Uleeby, Lincolnshire + u [fwithd/ravm) Baddeley, J. J. , St. Saviour's, Croydon c u Badeley, J. J., Whelnetham, Bury St. Edmund's u Bagge, P. S., Walpole Eectory, Wisbeach c u Bagot, Chancellor, C. W., Castle Eising Eectory u Bagot, F., Henley-on-Thames « Bagot, Lewis E. C, Bradenham, Norfolk u Bagshawe, F. L., V. St. Barnabas, Pimlico H- c u [Mr. B. is "Master" S.H.C, 1877-8.^ Bailey, G. E., Leycett, Staffordshire u Bailey, P. B., Spry, IJew South Wales it Bailey, T. J., Bunnymede House, Brighton + cu Baines, J., Little Marlow u Baird, S., Bawtree, Braintree u Baker, C. H. C, V. of Askham p Baker, F. W., Brighton u' Baker, G. E., Bittingbourne u Baker, H. L. Derver, Dundalk, Ireland c u [wich puc Baker, H. E., C. of St. Michael and All Angels, Wool- Baker, E. J. Hinton Eectory, Evesham n Baker, E. S., Hargrave Eectory, Kimbolton u Baldwin, E. 0., Tydd St. Mary, Wisbeach u Baldwin Francis, Waddesdon, Aylesbury u Balfour, F. E. T., Bloemfontein u Ball, C. It., New England, Peterborough u Ball, F. J., All Saints', Margaret-street + p it Balmer, E. L., Hertford College u Bamford, B,, Eedcliffe, Clifton u Abbey, A. J., C. of the Parish Church, Leeds p u Abbot, B., Union-grove, Wandsworth-rd., S.W. c * u Abdy, Eev. A. C, St. Mary, Stamford u Acton, J., Iwerne Minster, Blandford it Adams, C. C. , Anstey, Coventry it Adams, Coker, Saham, Tony Watton, Norfolk it Adams, D. C. O., Anstey, Coventry u Adams, G. Hill, Croft Lodge, Lynn u Adams, E., Cheetham, Manchester u Adams, W. F., V. of Little Farringdon, Berks + p c * u AdamB, W. C. P., Hawkchurcb, Axminster u Adamson, E. IT., St. Alban's, Gateshead u Adamson, T., Tbaevelly, Madras u Adye, F. W., Markyate Cell, Dunstable it Agassiz, Eodolph, Keswick, Wetherby u Ainslie, E., Great Grimsby u Airey, E. R., R. Whitwell, Yorks uo Alcock, J. P., Birohington, Margate u Aldersey, J., C. of Kirkland, Cumberland p Aldham, V. H., Boconnoc, Loswithiel u Aldred, J. T. F„ Dore, Sheffield u Alexander, H., H.M.S "Asia" u Alington, A. M., Bonniworth, Wragby u [-!- peu Alisou, L., Chap, of St. Margaret's EaBt Grinsted Allen, F. E., Chilcombe, Dorset + c u Allen, G. S., E. St. Michael, Manchester u Allen, Dr. J., Vicarage, Lancaster u Allen, J., Missionary Priest, Barrow Island p it Allen, J., Storey-square, Barrow-in-Furness c u Allen, T. W., Stobe-road, Guildford + p u Allen, W. M. E., Shouldham, Downham-market p u Alley, F. A., Charlton, Marlborough u Alleyne, A. 0., 32, Southernhay, E. Exeter v, Allfree, H. G., Felthorpe, Norwich v. Allsopp, R. W., Easterton, Devizes u Aliam, A. S., Bloemfontein u Alsop, J. E,, Bednal, Stafford it Altbam, A. 8., St. Mary Magdalene, Taunton u Amphlett, M., Evesham it Amps, J. H., St. Augustine's, Haggerstone + p c Anderson, E., Avon Dassett, Birmingham it Anderson, E. P., St. Gabriel's, Hulmep it Anderson, M., St. James's, Curtain-road, E. v Anderson, T., Pokesdown, Bournemouth v. Anderson, W. D., Milton Damerel, Devon u Andrewes, E., Holbrook Hall, Sudbury u Andrewes, W. J., Shottisham, Woodbridge u Andrews, R., Middleton, Sudbury u Andrews, S. W., Clax by Market Rasen u Andrews, W. H., Carlton Colville, LoweBtoft u Angell, C, Sedbergh, Kendal + it Angel-Smith, E., St. James's, Dudley it Anstey, C. C, 35, Godolphin-rd., Shepherd's-bush u Anstey, H., Slapton, Leighton Buzzard u Anstice, J. BM V. of Hungerford -(- p it Applegate, J. W., Woodborough, Pewsey u 1 It should ever be remembered that the English Church Union was founded six years before the Church Association, and in fact necessitated its formation as a measure of (Protestant) self-defence. Originally a clergyman could not fairly be set down as an " extreme man " merely because he belonged to the E.C.U., but the case is different since that body made the cause of Mr. Tooth its own, and identified itself, through its president (see letter of the Hon. C. L. Wood, in the Times), with the " Priest in Absolution." Indeed, all who did not care to be classed with the " extreme men " having now withdrawn, there can be no mistake about the opinions of those who remain. The Union consists now of upwards of 16,500, of whom 2,600 are clergymen. i * "It was under the guidance of the late Dr. Neale " (we quote from the private circular) " that the originator of this scheme was led to dedicate a considerable property to God, for the purpose of restoring to religious uses a site formerly dedicated to God. . . . The purpose of tfeis association will be to rescue from desecration places where God has been constantly worshipped," and to do this, "under the immediate control of reUgwtts communities." It is, in fact, an association for the restoration of monkery. Its pro moters (as was shown in the Bock, June 29th, 1877, which see) are, with very few exceptions, to be foand among the members of the C.B.S. and the S.H.C. Band, C. E., Northallerton u Banting, W. B., Newbury u Barber, Alfred, St. Alban's Hall, Oxford Barber, E., Hadley Vicarage, Abingdon u Barber, H., Madron, Penzance u Barber, E. B., 0. of St. Luke's, Kentish-town p Barff, A., Choir House, Dean's-court, E.C. + u Barker, C. F. C, Pretoria, South Africa u Barker, J. R., Great Malveru u Barker, E., Rownhams, Southampton it Barker, T. 0., Spolsbury Vicarage, Enstone u Barlow, Charles H., V. of Willaston, Cheshire p it Barlow, G. H. P., Ohardstook, Chard u [c*it Barlow, K. H., 6. Sion-place, Bathwick-hill, Bath Barnard, \,r. H., Bovey Trooey, Devon + p c u Baraardi^V n, A., Metherin^ham u Barnes, G., 9, Park-place, Grove-road, E. uc Barnes, J., 18, Delamere-ter,, Paddington, W. + c it Barnes, K. K., Hook Cottage, Horndean u Barnett, H., Koith, Cardiff it Barrett, A., D.D., Carshalton, Surrey u [S.M.F. Barrett, T. S., V. of Barrow-in-Furness + p c * u Barrow, J. W., Phillipolis, Orange Free State u Barry, R., North Tuddenaain, East Derahaiu u Barter, H., Shipton-under-Wychwood, Chipping Nor ton u Bartholomew, 0. C. Cornwall, Irybridge it Bartlett, J. ti., St. John's College, Hur^tpierpoint u Bartletfc, P., Christ Church, Lancaster u Baskett, J. G. K., Donhead, St. Andrew, Salisbury w Bastow, T. 0. V., Claybrooke, Lutterworth u Batchellor, C., ht. Marv, Bilston u [dingtou it Bateman, 0. H., 3, Clyde Villas, Cambridge-road, Ted- Bateman, Stafford, Yarbnrgh, Louth it Bateman, W. F.. South Norwood, S.E. u Bates, T,, 131, Upper Kennington-lane, S.E. u Bates, T., Queen's College, Birmingham u Bathe, A., 0. of St. Michael's, Southampton + p u Battye W. Wilberforce, Hever Eectory, Edonbridgo u Baxendale, R., V. of St. John's, Maidstouo p u Baylay, Atwell M. Y. , V. Thurgarton, Lincolns. +pc Bay lee, J. T., Holy Trinity, Birkenhead + c* u Bayleo, S., St. Aidan, Birkenhead u Bayley, J. A., Chaplain to the Forces, Preston u Baynes Donald, 9, Clifton-road, Winchester w Baynham, J. F., Charlton Rectory, Dover u Beal, S. G., Glammis Castlo, Forfar, N.B. + c it Beale, E. H., Mission House. Cowley St!, John u Beale, James, Callington u Beale, S. C. Tress, Eastgate, Tenterton, Ashford it Beales, John D., West Woodhay Reotory, Berks u Boanlands, 0., 5, Wester u-oottages Brighton it Beaufort, D. A., 9, Eliot-park, Lewishara, S.E. i* Beavan, A. E., High Wych, Sawbridgoworth it Beok, E. J., Rectory, Rotherhithe u Bedford, Henry, Chipping Norton, Oxon u Boebv, James, St. Poter's, Stroathara, S.E. a Beeoney, A. B. 0., The School, Wokiughain u Beilby, G., Street, Glastonbury u Beloher, Brymer, St. Gabriel's, Pimlico, S.W. u Belahor, R. H., 63, Warwick-road, Maida Hill, W. u Bolohor.DrT. W.,St. Faith's, Stoke Newingtou, N. c it Belgrave, C. W.. North Kilworth Reotory, Rugby, it Bolsou, W. E., V. of Rhodes, Middlatoup u Bonce, J. B.» Oribb's Lodge, Bristol u Bongoujh, E. 8., Hemmiiigl<»y Eectory, Horncastle it Bennett, A., Mordcn, St. Poter's Vicarage, Bourne mouth it Bennett, J. W., Marks Hall, Essex a Bonnott, Nowtou C, C. of St. Ives, Cornwall p u Bennett, S., Uphill, West on-supor- Mare u Bennett, H. H., V. of Tochwith, Yorkshire +p Bounott, W. J. E., Frome Solwood Somerset ¦{¦ c*« BonOlicl, M. M., St. Miohaol and all Ausrols, Clus- wiok u c [Oxford cu Benson, R. M., St. John's Mission House, Oowloy, Benson, P. G., V. Nmv Bolingbroke, Boston r Beresford, J. G., The Rectory, Bedalo u Borkeloy,U.W.,47, Nrhon-square, Blackfriars, S.E. c u Berry, A. G., Monyash, Bakewell tt Bethune, O. J., Credit, Ontario a Betfcs, W. John, Little Comberton, Porshore u Bewsher, A,, St. John's College, Hnrstpiorpoint it Beynon, J. M , Llanvaohes Reotory, Cuerloon tt Bey non, J.,Whit*un Vicara^o. Newport, Monmouth u Biokordike, J., V. St. Mary, Leeds r Btoknell, 0., lo, Lorrimoro-square, Walworth c » Bijjg, 1^0., Crowhurst, Godatoue a Bigg, T. F., The Laurels, Tilehurst, Reading tt Biggc, Henry J., Rockingham, Leicester it Biyge, J.F., Stamfordhani, Newca-i'le-upou-Tyna u Bigland, J. E., Thorney Vicarage, Xewark u Bingham, W. P. S., Berwick Bassett, S^vindnn u Binney, J. E., Vicar of Summertown, Oxford -f it Birch, Wm., Launceaton c u Bird, C, Chollerton, Hexham u Bird, G. J., Illington Rectory, Norwich u Bird, Reginald H., Quemerford, Calne n Bird, 8. W. E., St. MichaH'B- ter race, Plymouth + a Birkmyre, Neville Y.f Dorchester, Oxon -f it Birmingham, T. B., Stoke Rectory, Market Drayton v BiBcoe, C. T., St. Edith's Home, Emscote Warwick n Biscoe, J. W., St. Peter's, London-docks -I- p u Bishop, Francis, C. of Walkorn, Herts p it Black, C. J., V. Barley in Wharfedale, Yorksh.:re r Blackburn, Th>mas, Honolulu u Blagden, Hy, Hughenden Vicarage, High Wycombe tt Blair, Alexander, Allortoo Bywater, Castleford -u Blair, G. A., 68, Russell-street, MiddlH-b9rou»h v. Blake, W., R. of Wetheral aud Warwick, Cumber land p Blaker, R. N., Ifield Vicarage, Crawley u Blakelock, Ralph, jun., lied Hall. Leeds p u Bliki^ton, It. 31., Bloomfiild Villas, Dtugwall-voad, Croydon 4- i< Blakiston, R., 3, Huyshe-placo, Plymouth cu Blacker, M. J., 121, St. Gcorge's-rd., Pimlici v n Blanchard, H. D.( R. of Middle tou-on- the- Wolds p u Blencowe, E. E., Stow Banlolph, Downham, Norfolk u Blenkarne, J. C., Great Easton ReoDory, Essex it Blenkinsop, E. L., K. of Springthorpe p u S.M.F. Blew, W. J., Warwick-street, Pall-mall p Blick, J. J., Wramplington Rectory, Wymondham u Bliss, James, 3, Landsdown Place, Plymouth u Bliss, J. W., Betteshanger Rectory, Sandwich it Bliss, W. B., Wicken Ractory, Bishop's Stortford u Blood, W. H., West Boryholt Rectory, Colchester « Bloxam, J. Rouse, D.D., Beeding Priory, Huratpier- point u Blunt, J., St. John, Windsor u Blytho, Augustus, South Hark Villas, Harrogate u Bodington, A., V. of Marchington p [S.M.F. Bodington, C, Dunstall-lane, Wolverhampton + cu Boddiugton, T. F., Salehouse Vicarage, Nor\vich u Bodley, G. F-, 24, Church-row, Hampstead, N.W -u Body, G., Kirkby-Misperton, Yorks + c * w Boggis, T., Sampford Spiney, Horrabridge u Boggis, W. R. F., Elleray, Teddiugtou pen Boldero, H. K., Grittleton, Chippenham u Bolder© J. 6., Amblecote Vicarage, Stourbridge u Boles, J. T., Crowcombe, Taunton u Bolingbroke N., Brockdish, Scole u Boiling, E, J., The Vicarage Leverbridge, Bolton u Bombay, The Rt. Kjv. the Lord Bishop of n Bonsey W., Corfe Vicarage, noir Tauntou u Bonus, E. Buckland, Tring u Boodle, Adolphus, Little Addington, Thrapston u Boodle, R. G., Cloford Vicarage, frome, tt Bjoker, G., 6, Addison Gardens N.,Kensiugton, W.uc Booker, J. K., 7, St. Luko's Villas, Lower Norwood, S.E. u Booth, J., Wainfleet, Boston, Linoolnshiro it Boothman, E. D., Shelton Reotory, Stoke-on-Trent u Borradaile, Ernest, Borstal, Rochester it Borradaile, V., C. St. Cyprian's, Dorset-square cu Borrow, W., Heigham Vicarage, Bury St. Edmuud's v, Borton, Neville, A. B., Bloemfontein, Orange Free State -f w Bosoawen, W. H., Marohwiel Reotory, Wrexham u Bosworthiok, W. C, 34, Delamere-terrace, W. u Boucher, J. Sidney, Training Coll., Carnarvon -f p c u Bourke, Cocil, F. J. St. Giles', Be.uliuj tt Boutflower, D., H.M.S. Charybdis, c u Bowden, C. E., 2, Eamsay-gai'dens, Edinburgh + p it Bowditch, W. L., 13, Emily-street, Westboume- tcrrace North, W. u Bowen, C. T.. V. Bolara, D.\rliugton r Bowles, H. M. J., St. Aldate's, Gloucester + p c" u Bowles, S. J., Bcaconsneld it Bowles, T., East Hendred, Wantajo i; Box, W. Gy Chaplain Lunatic Asylum, Gloucester u Boycott, W,f R. of Wheatacro Bur^li, Bccclosp c a Boyd, C, Litten Cottage, Newbury n Boyd, J. W., D^uton Reotory, Peterborough k B >yd, W. F. Clipstone Hospital p Boyei, G., Averchirder, Banff u 8 Boyle, J. T., St. Saviour's, Bridge of Allen p Boys, H. A., Chaplain at Algiers u Boys, H. J., HunBtanton, Norfolk c « Boys, W. J., Walkern Rectory, Buntingford u Bradley, R. H. A.,V. St. Peter, Regent-sq., W.C. + u Bradley, W. H., Krngsland Vicarage, Herefordshire it Bradshaw, J. B., C. of Oswaldtwisle p u Braithwaite, F., Osnaburgb-st., Regeufr's-parkp « Braithwaite, P. R. P., Abbotsham Vicarage, Bide- ford it Eramah, H. S., 148, Stanley-road, Liverpool + c * u Brame, J., Warrington p Bramley, H. R., Magdalen College, Oxford + u Bramley, R., Carrington, near Manchester it Bramley, Dr. W. S., Battyeford, Mirfield u Bray, Edward r Brennan, W. H. N., Haydock, St. Helen's it Brent, Percy, The Vicarage, Easton Maudit, North ampton it Brereton, J. L., C. of St. Mary's, Barnsley p u Brett, G. R.. Thwaite St. Mary Rectory, Bungay it Brewin, G., Wortley, Sheffield u Brewster, Waldegrave, Middleton Rectory, Man chester u Bricknell, R. Nash, Salford Rectory, Chipping Nor ton u Brickwood, W., Totternhoe Vicarage, Dunstable u Bridge, Stephen F., St. Andrew' s-road, Surbitou it Brierley, G. H., Penrith u Briggs, H. C, St. Erth, Hayle + u Briggs, E. E., Stokesley, Northallerton u Bright, Dr., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Christ Church, Oxford c * it + Brinckman, A., All Saints', Margaret-Bt., W. it Bristow, R. R., V. of St. Stephen's, Lewisham, S.E. + p c * it Brockwell, J. C, V. Owston, Doncaster r Bromage, R. R., Zeals it Bromehead, J. N., Dringhouses, Yorksh're + p c u Brooke, C. E., 123, Vassall-road, S.W. u Brookes, J., Croft Rectory, Hinckley u Brookes, J. B., C. St. Mary Woolnoth + u Brooks, T. W. I)., Flitwick Vicarage, Ampthill u Broome, E., Beaconsfield it Broughton, F. R., Wyddial, Buntingford it Brown, F. J., 6, North Parade-terrace, Oxford it Brown, J., R. of Kirk Andre ws-on-Ed en p Brown, R. C. L., V. of Lyneal, Salop p u Brown, P. H., Church-st., Halifax, Nova Scotia it Browne, V. J. A., St. Barnabas* Col f Pimlico, S.W. c u Buowne, C. G., Bournemouth u Browne, E. K., Southern-road, Basingstoke u Browne, E. S., V. of Savernake Forest, Wilts p u Browne, G. O., shireoaks, Worksop + it Browne, H. L., Monk Sherbourne Rectory, Basing stoke u Browne, R. H. N., 120, Inverness-terrace, W. u Browne, W. B., South Huish, Kingsbridge u Browne, W. H., St. James', Hate bam, S.E. u Brownrigg, J. Studholme, R. of Moulse p u Bruce, J. A. it Bruce, T. R., Branhope, Otley u ¦Brumell, 12. , Holt, Norfolk u Brunshill, J., Inc. of Plumpton p u Bryan, W. B., Haigh, Wigan c it Bryans, E. de Villars, 3, Belmont, Shrewsbury u Bryett, J. T. S., Osborne House, Hfracombe u Buchanan, J. H., C. of Botherfield p Buckell, W., St. Michael's, Folkestone cp Buckle, E. V., Banstead Vicarage, Epsom u Buckle, G. E., Lindridge Tenbury u Buckley, F. J., Mountfield Vicarage, Hawkhurst u Buckley, W. L. Alderford Rectory, Norwich u Buckmaster, E 81, Piccadilly, W. u Bucknill, G., High Ercal, Salop u BuckwelLW.B., 15,Stormont-rd, Lavender hill,S. W. it Buckworth, T. H., Evenlode, Moreton-in-the-Marsh tt Bull, T. W., V. Paulton, Bristol r Bull, C, 200, S. Lambeth-road, S.W. it Bullen, J. A., St. James's, Devonport c it Buller, A., St. Mary Tavy, Tavistock u Bullock, G. F., Bovey Tracey, Devon + c * it Bullock, J., St. James's, Tunbridge Wells tt Bul*ock, J. F. W., Radwinter, Saffron' Walden + u Bullock, B. H„ H.M. Forcfis, Woolwich u Bullock, W. G-, Dalmahoy Ratho, Edinburgh + Bullock, W. H., North Camp, Alderahot u Bnlman, J. G., V. of St. Mary's, Frome p « Burgess, J. H., Blewbury, Didcot « BnrgOBS, S., Gnilsboro' it Burnett, M., Clifton, "Bristol u Burney, A. D. C, Witham Friary, Fromo 11 Burney,E. M., St. Mary Abbots, Kensington, W. m Burney, H., Wavendon, Woburn u Burningham, G. N., St. Paul, Walworth + c it Burns, W. H., Holy Cross, Olayton p u Burrell, R., St. Peter's Stanley, Wakefield cu Burridge, T. W., 21, Clonbrock-road, Stoke Newir.g- ton, N. + p c u Burrough, C, Clun, Salop u Burrows, C. H., Stratton, St. Michael's, Norfolk u Burrows, J. N., St. Stephen's, Haggerstone, E. « Bury, E. A., St. Peter's, Bournemouth u Bury, W. E., Braintree u Bushell, W. D., Harrow School it Butler, Canon S. J., Vicarage, Penrith u Butler, T. , Theale, Reading u Butler, Canon W. J., Vicarage, Wantage u Butt, G. H., St. Patrick's, Berbice u Butt, J. A., Weston, Stevenage u Butt, W. W. A., Chilmark, Salisbury u Buttanshaw, F., 2, Brunswiok-square, Camborwell,. S.E. » Butterworth, J. C, 1, St. James's-square, Heywood,. Manchester it Buttress, A., Braintree, Essex + c it S.M.F. Cadogau, E., Wicken, Stony Stratford u Caffin, 0. S., Broadway, Worcestershire ,+ c u Caffin, G. C, Ripple, Deal u Cameron, J. H. L.. Shoreham Vicarage, Kent it Camm, J. B. M., V, of Monkton Wyld, Dorset p 0 Campbell, G. 0., 36, Brompton-square, S.W. u Campbell, W. F., Barley, Royston, Herts p c Caparn, W. B., 6, Clarendon Villas, Parktown, Oxford it Capell, H. B., St. John's-row, Bedminster, Bristol c Capetown, 'Ihe Rev. Lord Bishop of it Carew, J. W., Clatworthy, Somerset p u Carey, Tupper, Fifield Bavant, Salisbury it Cargill, J. D., Southwell, Notts p c u Carlisle, J. H., Howe Fort, Windermere p u Carlyon, H. C, Mission House, St. Boniface, War minster u Carlyon, H. E. + p w Carmichael, J. T., Whitchurch, Canon icorum, Brid- port u Carpenter, G., Chadlington, Enstone it Carroll, F., Tallington Vicarage, Stamford u Carroll, T., Hilton, St. Ives, Hunts u Carter, A. E., Poplar, E. u Carter, C. E. D., 10, Richmond-terrace, Exeter u Carter, T. T„ Clewer, Windsor (Sitp. Gen. C.B.S.) + cu S.M.F. Carter, W. M., West Bromwich u Cartwright, A. E., Butcombe, Wrington, Somerset u Cartwright, F. W., Aynhoe Rectory, Banbury tt Cartwright, G. D., Baldersby, Thirsk u Cartwright, T. E., Braintree u Carus-Wilson, W., Mayland Vicarage, Maldon u Carwithen, G. E., Beaumont House, Stoke u Cass, W. A., V. of Burford, Oxon + p u CasFan, A. Bruton, Somerset c u Casson, H. C, Linton, Cambridge u Cator, W., Beckenham it Cator, W. L. B., East Hardwick, Pontefract u Cautley, E. H., 74, Micklegate, York u Cave, F. L., Southlea, Great Malvern u Cave, H. Oave-Browue, Crowboro', Rotherfield, Sussex u Cave, R. H., Covenham, Louth u Cay ley, R. A., Scampton, Lincoln u Chadwick, J. W., St. Michael, Wakefield + c it Chadwick, T. H., Dunham, Newark, Notts it Chafy-Chafy, W. K. W., Rouse Lench Court, Eve sham it Chalk, T., Quainton, Winslow u Chalmers, J. A.. The School House, Stafford u Chamberlain, T., St. Thomas-the-Martyr, Oxford + «, Chamberlen, L. J., Bury House, Gosport + u Chamberlin, T. C. B., North Wheatley, Retford u Chambers, W. F., V. of North Kelsey, Brigg + p u Chambers, O. L., Hook Hall, Howdeu it Champernowne, R., Dartington, Totnes + u Chaplyn, G. ,E., Devonshire House, Princes-Equare, Bayswater, W. u Chandler, C. E-, Guy's Hill, P. 0. Jamaica u Chandler, J., Denham Lodge, Putney, S.W. u Chanter, J. M., The Vicarage, Hfracombe u Chapman, A. T., Emanuel College, Cambridge c u Chapman, G., St. James-the-Less, Liverpool + cp u Chapman, H. E., Donhead, St. Andrew, Salisbury u Chapman, W. 8.. Inc. of St. Leonard's, Newark p Chase, C. E., AU Sainta, Clifton + p u Chave, Dr., St. Anne's, Wandsworth, S.W. u Cheere, E., Papworth Hall, St. Ives, Hunts u Chell, G. E., Kneesall Vicarage, Newark it Chell, James, St. Paul's, Bury u Ohell, W,, C. of St. James's, Eoohdale p u Cheshire, J. W., Barford St. Martin, Salisbury u Child, W. H., Barrow-in-Furness + u Childs, H. H., Aberdeen + Ohinnery, A, Haldane, All Saints, Edinburgh + p u Chirol, T. A. A., Sedgeley, Dudley c Chope, T. H,, Hartland, Bideford + Chop, E. E,, Wilton House, Hereford-square, S.W. u Christie, C. H., All Saints, Margaret-street, W. c u Christie, J.. Turriff, Aberdeenshire tt Church, S. C, C. of St. John's, Hammersmith + p c *u Church, W. M. H., Hickleton Vicarage, Lancaster it Churchyard, O., Long Benton, Newcastle- on-Tyne u Churton, E. T., 33, Bristol-gardens, Warwiok-rd., Churton, H. N., Oh. Oh., West Bromwicb p u [W. it Churton, W. E., King's College, Cambridge u Clark, T. H., Warden St. Lucy's Home, Gloucester + p C tt Clark, W. E., Vicarage, Taunton c u (withdrawn) Clarke, D. L., Belgrave, Leicester u Clarke, F. K., Orchester St. Mary's Rectory, Devizes it Clarke, H., Northfield Reotory, Birmingham u c Clarke, J., Langley Fitzurse p Clarke, J., St. Stephen's, Bowling, Bradford it Clarke, S., Samford, Newport, Salop it Clarke, W., Wingham, Sandwich u Clarke, D. G., Wellington, Madras u Claughton, P. L., Saffron Walden u (May, J., Madras u Clayton, W. R., St. Mary's, Bury u Oleatber, G. E., Ohirton, Devizes it Cleaver, E. D., Laugdon, Romford, Essox + cu Cleaver, W. H., 17, Delamere-ter., Paddington + c it Clements, W. F., St. Anne's School, Abbots Bromley, Rugeley u Clinton, H. F., Cromwell Rectory, Newark it Clowes, A., Glee, St. Margaret, Bromfield, Salop u Clowes, T. A„ North Field, Birmingham c Olutterbuck, H., Buokland, Dinham, Froome it Olutterbuok, J. C, Long Wittonham u Clutterbuck, L., 0. of Bredon, Tewkesbury p c it Ooatea, A. L., St. John'B, Bedmiostor, Bristol it Coatos, E. P., Darenth Vioarage, Dartford it Oockin, 0. E., Lea Rectory, Gainsborough it Oockshott, J. W., Burwoll Vicarage, Cambridgo it Codd, Plebendary A., Boaminster Vicarage, Dorsot u Ooe, H. A., St. Mary's, Cardiff it Colbeok, J. A., Burmah u Colborne, Tho Hon. G., Dittisbam Reotory, Totncs u Coldwell, O. L., Holy Trinity, Stirling u Coldwell, Ch. 8., C. of St. Matthew's, City-road p Cole, G. W., Ely n Cole, J. C, Ashincrton, Pnlboro' Sussex, p Cole, T. H., Chaplain of the Gaol, Lewes u Coleman, W. H., Huugorford it Cole*, K. Norman, R. of Pottesgrove, Bodsp c u Coles, V. S. 8., Wantago c it Coles, J. W., Flax-Bourton, Bristol u Coeri, J. C V. of Northmoor p tt Coley, J., 15, Elgin-road, St. Peter's Park, W. it Coilard, J. M., Highmoro Vicarage, Heuley-on- Tlmmos u Colles, G. B. P., St. Bartholomew's, Oripplegato, E.C. tt Collett, E., Vicarage, E. Ration! w Collin, J., Elmdon, Saffron Walden it Collingwood, R. G., Holme Brook, Caruforth it Collins, E. V., All Sts" Sohool, Bloxbam, Banbui-y f it Collin*, W. C, V. of lit. Linstead, Suffolk p c Collier, T. G., St. George's, Camborwell tt c Collis, Canon J. D., V. Stratford-on-Avon it Oollbi, T. W. S., St. Paul's Clergy House, Wilton- place. S.W. + n Co IH son, George Vaux, C. iu Nowton-in-Clodooh, and Chaplain to tho Union, Dore p u OolTJBU J« W„ St. Mark's Vicarage, Lakenham u Colyer, J. E., Iffley, Oxford u Comber, C. T., Assist.-C. of St. Mary's, Truro p Comper, J., St. Margaret's Mission, Aberdeen +'p u Compie, J. p Compson, J., Burnham, Bridgewater tt Compton, T. H., Frome Selwood, Somerset c u Coney, E. C, St. John's, Holborn, E.C.u Coney, T., Chaplain H. M. Forces, Devonport it Oonolly, M. J., Thorpe Malsor Rectory, Kettering u Conybeare, E., Barrington Vicarage, Royston c Conybeare, J. W. E., Barrington Vicarage, Cam bridge tt Cooke, C, 21, Vernon-terrace, Brighton w Cooke, G. F , Milverton tt Cooke, G. R. D., V. of Shalbourn, Berkshire p u Cooke, H. P., Nuneham Rectory, Oxford tt Cooke, H. S., St. James's, Whitehaven u Cooke, R. W., Swarkeston, Derby it Cooke, S. H., Northbourne, Deal it Cooke, Canon W., The Hill House, Wimbledon it Cookson, O., 5, Rolle Villas, Exmouth c Cooley, W. L. J., Rennington, Alnwick it Coombs, Ch., V. of Sutton -on-Plym p u Cooper, Alfred, St. Peter's, Horbury + p c tt Cooper, 0. E., Edgbaston, Birmingham w Cooper, E., 30, Wimpole-street, W. u Cooper, J., 215, East India-road, Poplar, E. u Cooper, J. H., Tarporley, Chester + tt Cooper, W. R. A., Froyle, Alton u Copinger, H. E., Thornhill, Dewsbury m Corbet, A., Adderley, Market Drayton it Corbet, R. W., Stoke Rectory, Market Drayton c it Corbett, J. R., Cambridge-road, Barking it Courbould, W. H., V. St. Paul's, Rarasbottom + Corfe, C. J., 123, Vassall-road, S.W. it Corfe, C. J., + p Corfield, T., Egutpoora, Bombay c u Corfield, W. B., Stoke Rectory, Market Drayton tt Corker, G. W., Vicarage, Stony Stratford u Corlett, J., H.M.O., St. John's. Isle of Man p Corser, R. K., Stand, Manchester u Cory, E. W., Moldreth, Royston it Cosser, W. M., Titchfield Vicarage, Fareham u Cosway, S.f Chute Vicarage, Andover it Cotes, D. H., 51, Greek-street, Stockport it c Cotton, A. B.,St.Paul's Parsonage, Bow-common, E. tt Courteuay.Hon. and Rev. C. L., Bovey Tracey, Derou + c w Courtney, S. T., Wynberg, Capetown it Coverley, S. C, Sledmere, York + [ford + u. Coverley, S. L., C. of St. Jude, Manningham, Brad- Cowan, J. H. C., Moseley-road, Highgate, Birming ham it Cowdon-Cole, I. J., Landrake, St. Germans ti Cowgill, H., St. Chad's School, Denstone, Dorbysh. it Cowie, A. T. C, Curate of St. Phillip aud St. James, Oxford + u Cowlard, W., Kilkhampton, Stratton u Cowpland, W. E., Acton, Beauohamp Rectory, Brom yard u Cox, Canon A. V., 7, Roundham- ter race, Paisraton Cox, C. W., Atherstone-on-Stour Reotory, Stratford- on-Avon u Cox, F., St. James's, Curtain-road, Shoreditch c Cox, J. B., St. Margaret's, Princes-rd., Liverpool, + Cox, J. M., 43, Gordon-square, W.C. u Cox, T., Norton Rectory, Atherstone it Cox, T. C, 150, New Kent-road, S.E. it [p c it Crake, A. D, All Saints' School, Bloxam, Banbury Cranbrook, J., Bankhouse- street, Burnley + u Crate, K. H., Abberton, Colohester it Crawford, J. E., Ely tt Cniwhall, S. J., Nun Moakton, York it Crawlty, H., Stow Weedon u Crawley, T. W., Heyford, near Weedon it Creed, H. K., Chedburgh Rectory c it Creaswell, F.,1S, Wharton -street, Clerkenwell, W.C. « Cripps, J. M., Great Yeldham Eectory, Halstead u Crofs, T. D., Kimpton Vicarage, Wclwyn v Orogham, Yen. Archdeacon, Bloemfontein, S. Africa. Croome, W. M., Syston Vicirage, Leicester u Cross, E. H., The Ferns, Tottenham -+• w CroS3,G.F.B.,Holy Trinity Bordesley, Birmingham c it Cross J., Hatfield Herts, c Cross. J. M., E. of Mursley, Bucks p w Crosswell, R. J., Timbersoomb Vicarage, Dunster Crouoh, W., Segenhoe Manor, Wonuni ti Cruft, W. J., Edwaltou Vicarage, Nottingham u 10 Cruikshank, E. B., Pewsey, Wilts it Cruikshank, H. C. B.,Horspath Vicarage, Oxford cp it Crump, J. B., St. Andrew's, West Bromwich u Cadlip, P. H., 63, Warwick-road, Maida-hlll, W. u Cumming, J. J., Earlham-road, Norwich it t Frith, E. B. Cookayne, Market Lavington, Wilts it Frith, James, Coal-pit Heath, Bristol it Frost, J. D., V. of St. Paul's, Winohmore-hill p Fry, G. A., Barnsley c. Fry, Lnoius George, St. Peter's Mi-sion House, Hox- ton, N. tt Fryer, A. T., 2C, Granville-square, Clerken well, W.C. « Fryer. F. W., Cwmbran, Newport, Mon. + Fulford, J. L., Parsonage, Woodbury, Exeter it Fulford, J. L. Laugdon, Woodbury, Exeter u Fuller, C. J., V. of St. Mary, Primrose-hill + p cw Fuller, H. A., Walton Vicarage, Stafford c Fnruival, James, Muston Reotory, Nottingham it FiiBsell. J. T. R-, Amroth Castle, Begelly R. S. 0. S. Wales it Fyffe, Henry, St. Helen's Cottage, Sonthsca u Ga^uey, A., S. P. G. Mis-ion, Bombay u Gael, Samuel, Battledown Knoll, Cheltenham u Gainsford, G., Woodside, Hitohin c tt Gallop, E. J., All Hallows, Tottenham it Golton, J. L., 6, Dix's Field, Exeter it Gamlen, C-. East Clevedon c tt GammelL J. S., Outwood Vicarage, Wakefi^M it Garde T. H., C. Chippenham p 12 Gardner, Herbert, St. Matthew's, Smethwiok, Staf- fords cu Gardner, J. G., Chalfont, St. Peter's, Slough it Gardner. J. L., Australia + u Gardner, John L., C. of Sevenoaks p (withdrawn) Garland, W. Guest, St. Michael's, Handsworth, War wickshire u Garratt, C. F., Little Tew Vicarage, Enstone u Garratt, Sudlow, Merrifield, Torpoint, Devonport u Garrett, Frank, The Vicarage, Par, Cornwall p u Garrett, W. W., Hookliffe, Guildford u Garrow, E. W., R. of Bilsthorpe, Ollertonp Garry. N. T., St. Mary's, Beading 11 Garven, E. D..Bollington, Altrincham, Lancashire u Garvey. C, V. of Manthorpe p Garvey, Edward, South Kyme, Sleaford, Lincoln shire u Garwood, G. F., St. Mark's, Shelton, Stoke on-Trent u Gatrill, J. M., C. of Greenhitbe, Kent +jt'« Gaze, J. Pellew, Brooke Rectory, near Newport,I. W. 11 Gedge, Edmund, Pietermaritzburg, Natal u Geldart, Ernest, Hatchford. Cobham, Surrey u Gem, C. H., C. of Penrith (itiitjidrawu) p c Gent, G. W., Llandovery, Carmarthenshire v. George, P. E., 11, Pulteney-street, Bath u Gibbs, Joseph G., St. Mary's, Speenhamland, New bury u Gibbons, E. T., Christ Church, Oxon + Gibson, Edward, Charlton House, Sittingbourne u Gibson, George, Denstone, Ashburne. Derbyshire u GibBon, H. Atkinson, Liusla.de Vicarage, Leighton Buzzard u Gibson, J. H. Ashley, 4, Clarence-street, Brighton u Gibson, ^..King's Stanley, Stonehouse,Glo'stershire u Gilbertson, L„ Braunston Eectory, Rugby u Gilder, A. C. S. u Gilder, C, S.P.G. Mission, Bombay u Giles, Edwin, 10, Springfield Villas, Kilbum, N.W. u Giles, E., late of Avonside, Christchurch, New Zea land p u Giles, J. H., St. Augustine's, Kilburn + p eu Gill, F. T., Warfield Vicarage, Bracknell, Berkshire u Grilling, J. C, Parsonage, Eosherville u Gillman, James, 14, Wimbledon-park-road, Wands worth, S.W. u Gilpin, E., Halifax, Nova Scotia c Girdlestone, F. G., Landford Eectory, Salisbury u Gladstone, S. E., Hawarden Eectory c Glanville, H. C, Sheviocke Rectory, Torpoint, Devon- port u Giascodine, R. W., Reynoldston, Swansea cu Glascott, W. E., Ghazipur, N. W. Provinces, Calcutta + u Glasspoole, R. D., Great Malvern p u Gleadowe, R. W., Kirk Andrews-on-Eden p Glencross, J. H., Helland Rectory, Bodmin u Glennie, A. H., The Close, Chichester u Godley, E. E., C. Amport, Andover r Godsell, G., St. Andrew's, Plaistow, E. c u Godwin, B. H., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Lancashire u Goldie, A. R., The Grange, Thurlston, Derby u Goldie, C. D , St. Ives, Hunts + pc • u Going, J., V. of St. Paul's, Lorrimore-square, Wal worth + pc*u Goodacre, A. E., C. of St. Mark's, North Audley- street p u Goodacre, F. W., Market Harborough u Goodacre, R. H., Ipstone's Vicarage, Cheadle u Goodaore -R. H., jun., Ipstone's Vicarage, Cheadle u Goodacre, W. W., Brooking Parsonage, Totnes u Goodlake, T. W., R. of Swindon, Cheltenham p Goodrich, B. G., Hardmead Rectory, Newport Pag- nell u Goodridge, H. P., Swanmore, Ryde, I.W. c u Gordon, C. O., Mayand Vicarage, Maldon, Essex c u Gordon, E. W., 11, Norfolk Crescent, Bath u Gordon, E. W., Trinity, Gosport, Hants cu Gorham, H. S., Shipley Vicarage, Horsham u Gornall, J., St. John's, Oldham p u Goss, John, The College, Hereford u Gothard, G., India + cu Gough, Edward J., 20, South-street, Huddersfield u Gough, Melville, Sneyd, Burslem u Gough, R. H. L., Chilton Moore, Durham p « Gough, W. H., Markshall, Kelvedon cu Gould, E. A., Earsdon, North Shields u Baring-Gould, S., Rectory, East Mersea p u S.M.F. Gould, W., Sunnyside, Surbiton u Gouldeu, A. B„ 124, Kennington-lane, S.E. {Secretary C.B.S.) c»u S.M.F. Govett, J. C, Shopperton Rectory, ChertBey u Grafton and Armidale, The Eight Eev. tho Lord Bishop of u Graham, H. L., Bishop's Frome, Bromyard u Graham, J.R. J., Ohipping-Sodbury, Gloucestershire u Graham, E., Montrose, Eltham, S.E. u Grant, Alex., E. Maningford Bruoe, Wilts p u Grant, A. T., Rosslyn, Edinburgh + Grant, J. B., Oxenhope, near Keighley, Yorkshire 11 Grantham, G. P., C. of St. Saviour's, Leeds + peu Gray, Canon C, Blyth Vicarage, near Worksop + u Gray, C. N., Helmsley Vicarage, York u Gray, F. H., E. of Hookliffe, Bedfordshire pu Gray, James B., Oriok Reotory, Rugby u Gray, Waltor A., Arksey Vicarage, Doncastor u Gray, W. A. G., E. of Walpole St. Peter's, Wisbeach cp u Gray, W. F., Farringdon, Exeter u Gream, N., Springfield, Chelmsford u Greatheed, J., St. John's Mission House, Cowley, Ox ford c u Greatheed, Stephenson, Prestbury, Cheltenham H-pc u Greatorex, E., Croxdale Reotory, Durham u Greaves, H. L., Dudley, Worcestershire u Gregory, F. M., V. of St. Michael's, Southampton p c * u + Green, Very Rev. James, Dean of Maritzburg u Green, J. H. B., Normanton, Ashby-de-la-Zouoh u Green, .1 . S., R. of Wilton, Norwioh peu Green, E. Ellintr, Second Master of Brewers' School p Green, Sidney F., E. of Miles Platting p« Green, T. Lingard, Sudbury, Essex u Green, V. T., Bloxham, Banbury c « Green, W. Frederick, Lermard-road, Croydon u Greene, H. Burnaby, Longparish, Hants u Greene, J. J., St. Bartholomew's, Brighton + Greenham, Henry, South Cockerington, Louth u Greenhow, E., St. Margaret-st., Bradford-on-Avon u Greenhow, Ed., jun., V. of Newton-on-Ouse pu Greenly, J. P.,Lavcrstock, Salisbury c p Greenstreet, E. F., 98, Ourzon-street, Leicester u Greenstreet, F. W., Winterbourne Down, Bristol tt Greenstreet, 0. P., Elford, Tamworth u Greenwell, N., V. of St. Barnabas, Holbeoh, Leeds + pc*u S.M.F. Greenwood, G., 5, Duchess-street, Portland-place, W. 11 Greenwood, J. H., Hurst Vic, Ashton-under-Lyne u Gregory, Christopher, Westtteld, Retford u Greig, David, Addington Eectory, Winslow u Greive, W.T., Colnbrook, Bucks c u 4- Grenside, F. Ralph, Thornhill, Dewsbury u Grenside, Ralph, Over Whitaore p u Grey, C. F., Newbiggin-by-Sea, Morpeth u Grey, The Hon. F. E., Eectory, Morpeth u Grier, Preb. R. M., The Vicarage, Rugeley c u Griffith, 0. A., Berwick St. John's Eectory, Salisbury v. Griffith, G. O. P., St. Stephen's, Lewisham, S.E. u Griffith, E. 0. F., Colnbrook Vicarage, Slough u Griffiths, E., Llanmartin Rectory, Newport, Mon. u Griffiths, John u Grigson, Edward, WedneBbury, Staffordshire u Grigson, W. S., St. Andrew's, Wolverhampton c u Grindle, H. A. C, Devizes u Grindle, W. S., Cold Ash, Newbury p u Grinstead, 0., Brentwood, Essex » Grove, George, Llanwenarth, Ultra, Abergavenny u Grueber, C. S., V. of St. James.'.Hambridgepu S.M.F. Gueritz, J. Fortesoue L., Vicarage, Colyton, Devon it Gueritz, M., V. of Colyton, Axminster peu GueBt, G. W., All Saints', North-street, Yoik u Guilding, J. M., St. Lawrence, Eeading u Guillemard, Dr. W. H., Wanstead House, Cambridge m Gundry, J. S., Ivy Cottage. Honitun u Gurney, Alfred, 8, Marlborough-plrce, Brighton u Gurney, F., Bovey Tracey, Devon + cv. Gurney, H. P., 10, Clydesdale-rd., Notting-hill, W. Gutch, C, St. Cyprian's, Dorset-square c*u Gwyn, J. B., Llanfrechva Vicarage, Caerleon, Mon mouthshire cu Gwyn, E. H., Sooth Bepps Reotory, Norwich u Gwynne, B., V. of St. Mary's, Soho c Gwyther, Arthur, Queen's College, Demerara u Hailey, Charles, Strutley, Birmingham u Haines, S. C, St. Matthias, Kensington p c u Hale, P., Grammar School. Daventry p u 13 Hales,1 W. A., V. of Bosley, Cheshire p Hall, A. 0. A., Mission House, Cowley St. John u Hall, F., 30, Carlton-road, Kilburn, N.W. u Hall, G., Sextry House, Ely u Hall, Henry, Semley, Shaftesbury u Hall, H. P., Walton D'Eivile, Warwick u Hall, J. E., 6, Cleveland-terrace, W. c u Hall, J. Melville, Kemerton, Tewkesbury u Hall, W. D., The Lea, Boss u Hall, W. J., Rectory, Martin's-lane, Cannon-st. u Hallward, T. W. 0.,Frittenden Eeotory, Staplehurst u Hambrough, W„ 40, Marine Parade, Worthing U Hamilton, A. H, E. of St. Mary Arden, Exeter p Hamilton, Gavin C, St. John's, Bathwiok, Bath + u Hamilton, James, 6, South Parade, Clifton u Hamley, Joseph, Glapthorne, Oundle 4- u Hammond, 0. E., Exeter College, Oxford + c u Hammond, F. A., Lauriston House, Dover p u Hammond, B., St. Paul's, Brighton p u Hamond, P. Francis, South Minims, Barnet u > Hampshire, W. K., 5, Park Crescent, Torquay c u Hanbury, H., Ticehnrst, near Hawkhurst c u Hanbury, W. F. J., Bicknor, Maidstone u Hanoock, T., West Grove Honse, Point Hill, Black- heath, S.E. u Hand, W. P. L., Taynton Vicarage, Burford, Ox fordshire u Handley, E., Olipsham, Rutland + u Hankey, Olaude, Farnham u Hankey, W. B., 6, Minora-street, Ohester-sq., S.W. u Hanson, E. K., Vic, Stoke Maudeville, Aylesbury ti Hansoo, Hesketh, Marsworth Vicarage, Tring u Hanson, H. R., Forton. Gosport u [S.W. u Harding, A. G. H., 66, Thistle-grove, West Brompton, Harding, J. T., Pentwyn, Monmouth peu Harman, J., St. James's Parsonage, Enfield High way u Harper, A., St. Mary's, Inverurie, N.B. 4- Harpur, W. H., Mazagon, Bombay u Harris, H., Ardingley, Hayward's-heath 4- p cu Harris, H. T., Llangynider Eeotory, Crickhowell, Wales u Harris, J. J. W., Clenohwarton, Norfolk it Harris, P. S., Lord Leycester's Hospital, Warwick it Harris, T., late Dean of Honolulu p u Harris, W., 10, Walton-plaoe, Brompton, S. W. u Harris, W. H, 3, Mizpah-terrace, Manchester c u Harrison, A., 29, Chester-terrace, N.W. u [+ it Harrison, 0. R., North Curry Vioarage, Taunton Harrison, 0., North Curry, Taunton + Harrison, E. Dunkin, Pembroke Coll., Oxford p Harrison, Henry, Kilndown, Staplehurst u Harrison, J., Ino. of Barbon, Kirkby Lonsdale p u Harrison, J. N.; Vicarage, Reigate u Harrison, J. Nicholls, The Vicarage, Laughame, S. Wales tt Harrison, W. H., 0. of St. Leonard's, Newlaud peu Hart, J. W. Tasker, Teddington, S.W. u Harty, Thomas, Annotto Bay, Jamaica u Hurvoy, C. W., Ewelme, Wallingford u Harvey, E. G., Mullion, Helston, Cornwall p u Harvey, G. Tyson, Mmsteryard, Lincoln u Harvey, Herbert, Betley Vicarage, Crewe u Harvey, R., Sarisbury, Southampton u Harward, J. F., Little Maplestead, Halstead u Harwood, T. E., Old Windsor Vicarage tt Haslam, 0. E., Toddington Eeotory, Dunstable u Haslam, George, Brotherton Vicarage, Normanton, Yorkshire u Hastings, F. H., St. Mary's, Tenby u Hatt, W., Muohalls, Stonehaven 4- Hatoh, W. M., Sandicroft, Northwich u Hauteuville, R. W., Walton Reotory, Clevedon c u Havorfield, W. E., 2, Alma Villas, Bath u Havorgal, F. T., Upton Bishop, near Robs u Hawkcs, R. H., Tunbridge Wells p it Hawkins, C. F., King Edward VI. Grammar School, Southampton u Hawkins, E. W., Ringehall, Stowmarkot u Hawkins, Henry, Colney Hitch, N. u Hawkins, J. B. H„ 0. of Ilminster p u Haworth, T. W., Ohesham Green, Bury u Haworth, W., St. Sampson, York p u Hay, F. Drummond, Rolleston Vicarage, Newark u Haydon, W., Midhurst, Sussex u Hayes, E., P.O. of St. Martin's, Low Marple, Cheshire 4- p cu Hayes, G., C. of Alkborongh p u Hayes, T., Bracewell p u Hayes, T., jun., Broughton, Chester p u Hayne, Dr. L. G., Mistley Eectory, Manningtree, Essex u Hayter, C. P., Claybrook Vioarage, Lutterworth c u Hayton, G., Eeotory, Niton, I.W u Hayward, H. R., Lydiard Millicent, Swindon u Headeach, A. W„ Friarmere, Saddleworth u Heanley, R. M., The Old Vicarage, Burgh-le-Marsh, Boston u Hearle, G. W., Newburgh, Wigan u Heartier, C. T., Mynydd. Glwys, Swansea u Heath, E-, St. James's, Curtain-road, E.G. 4- Heath, George, St. Anne's, Lewes u Heath, Richard Ford, Elizabeth House, St. Giles's- road, W., Oxford u Heathcote, G. V., E. of West Deeping p Hedley, William, Atherstone, Warwickshire u Heigham, A. L. 0., Vicarage, Newport Pagnell u Holder, F. W., St. MQdred's, Burnt-Ash Hill, Lee, S.E, u Helme, R., Parkyns, Hurstpierpoint u Helps, W. S., Marple p Hemming, W. S., Rayne Rectory, Braintree it Henderson,H.G.,V. Holy Trinity, Shoreditch + c * 'i Henly, John, Ruscombe, Twyford, Berks u Hennessey, George, The Chase, Lynn u Henslow, L. R., Zeal's Eectory, Wilts u Herbert, A., Culham College, Abingdon c » Herbert, E. Otway, St. John's Vicarage, Crow- borough, Tunbridge Wells u Herbert, G. W., The Parsonage, Vanxhall, S.E. c * u Herford, P. M.. 24, Portland-street, Southsea u Hemaman, J, W. D., Malvern Link u Heron, George, Moore Hall, Warrington it Hervey, A. C., Beaulieu, Southampton u Hervey, T., Colmer Eectory, Alton, Hampshire it Heslop, G., Cossall, Notts c Hetling, F. T., 54, Thistle-grove, Brompton, S.W, u Hetling, G. H., 10, Loraine-terrace, Hammersmith c u Howett, J., All Saints', Babbicombe, Torquay c u Hewett, J. W., 1, Bridge-rd., Haverstock-hill, N.W. tt Hext, J. Hawkins, Kingsteignton Vicarage, Newton Abbott u Hey, R., junr., St. Andrew's, Litchurch, Derby it Heygate, W. E., Rectory, Brightstone, Hampshire u Heywood, H. E.,Moorfield, Swinton, nr. Manchester u Hickley. J. G., Walton, Bath u Hicks, J. W. Sidney, Sussex College, Cambridgeshire it Higgs, E. H., Oswald Kirk Rectory, York u Higgs, W. H., Odd Rode, Lawton, Cornwall u Hill, E., Sheering Rectory, Gloucestershire u Hill, Edward, Woolston, Bletohley u Hill, Edward, Wishford, Salisbury u Hill, E. F., Panfield Eeotory, Braintree u Hill, F. H., Biga, Russia u Hill, Rowland, St. Peter's, Bournemouth u Hill, T. B., V. of Stonesby, Leicestershire 4- Hilliard, J. A. S., Little Wittenham u Hilliaid, J. S., Christ Church, Ealing u Hilton, L. K., The Vioarage, Edgecott, Banbury u Hilton, M. F., Midhurst u [4- p *u S.M.F. Hillyard, E. A., V. Christ Church, Bridge-hill, Belper Hind, W., Bewdley Works, Ashf ord u Hinde, 0. L. M., St. John's Mission Honse, Lcen Side, Nottingham u Hindson, J. H, Old Windsor, Berks it Hingeston-Eandolph, F. 0., B. Eingmore, Ivybridge, Devon r Hinwell, James, Doddington House, Kennington Park, S.E. 4- it Hitohoook, H , St. Stephen's, Tunbridge Well3 4- c » u Hilton, F. K., Ardingloy Coll, Sussex c Hoare, J. W. D., V. of St. Philip, Upper Sydenham p c tt Hoare, E. W., Oakfield-road, Croydon 4- c u Hobson, W. L., Ugthorpo, Whitby u Hooken, H., Cople Vicarage, Bedford u Hookin, F., Phillaok Eeotory, Hayle u Hodges, G. B., St. Leonard's peu H idges, G. S., Vioarage, Dunstone, near Stafford u 1 Mr. Halts states that he signsd with a total mlsoonoeption as to the object of the petition, and at onoe yrimmmMmauat. 14 Hodges, J. J., Onibury, Salop 11 Hodgkinson,Preb.,G.L.,TrinityVicarage,Gahisboro'uHodgson, B. P., Hartburn Vicarage, Morpeth » Hodgson, J., The Vicarage, Bloxham, Banbury c * u Hodgson, Robert, Christ Church Vioarage, West Bromwich u Hodgson, S. E., The Vicarage, Scrawby Brigg u Hodgson, W. C., Swopston, Ashby-de-la-Zouch p u Hodson, H. E., Ollerton, Market Drayton u Hodson, J. S., Vicarage, Steventon « Hoggins, A. C, St. Mary's, Demerara 11 Holbrooke, F. G., Portsdale, Shoreham u Holcroft, T. Austen, Whitley, Reading u Holden, Harrington W., Gresby, Brigg 4- pit Holdich, C. W., Knipton, Grantham u Holding, J,, St. George's, CharleBtown, Manchester u Hole, H. T., St. James's, Tunbridge Wells u Hole, S. R., V. of Cannton, Nottinghamshire c p u Holland, H. S., Christ Church, Oxford u Hollings, G. S. Kirby-Misperton, Pickering, York u Holloway, H., Kidderminster 4- Hollingworth, H., of Cuckfield 4- p c Holloway, E. J., Clehonger, Hereford u Holmes, A. J., C. of Nordelph, Downham Market p Holmes, G. G., Vicarage, Holme, York u Holt, E. Kaye, Sanoton, Brough u Holt, E., Hulesden, Buckingham u Honner, A., St. Mary's Parsonage, Adelaide, S. Aus tralia u Honolulu, Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of u Hood, E. P., 57, Westbourne-terrace, W. u Hook, W., Porlock Eeotory, Taunton u Hoole, W. S., Briercliffe Vicarage, Burnley u Hope, Douglas, 123, Vassall-road, S.W. 4- u Hope, John, Dodington, Chipping Sodbury u Hope, Sackett, 8, Holywell-street, Oxford u Hope, W., V. of St. Peter's, Derby ft'u Hopgood, J. B. D., Lannarth Vioarage, Eedruth 4- p u Hore, A. H., Chap, to the Forces p u Hordern, J. C, V. Holy Trinity,Bury,Lancashire4- c u Horman, D., Chap, to the Forces, Gibraltar u Hornby, R. W. B.F Clifton Garth, Yorkp Home, F.E., Drinkstone Eectory, Bury St.Edmund's u Home, J., Balliol College, Oxford c u Horsburgh, W., Hayle 4- p c * u ' HorBley, J. W., Chaplain of the Honse of Detention, Clerkenwell 4- p u Horton, G. W., Wellow Vioarage, Bath u Horwood, E. R., Maldon Vicarage w Hose, J. C.,Antwerp House, Primrose-hill-rd, N.W. c u Hoskins, E., 7, Margaret-street, W. 4- u Houblon, T. H. A., Rectory Feasemore, Newbury u Hovell, De Berdt, New Zealand u Howard, G. B.,38,Adelaide-rd., Primrose-hill, N. W. c u Howard, R., Rawdon Vicarage, Leeds u Howell, P. Brooke, Hursley, Winchester u Howell, W., V. of Garthbrengy, Brecon p Howson, F., Morpeth, Northumberland c* u Huddleston, J. H., Cayton Hall, Ripley, nr. Leeds u Hudson, Richard, 70, Chorlton-rd., Manchester u Huff, E., V. of Little Calthorpe, Louth p u Hughes, Dr. C. J„ Castle Bar Court, Ealing u Hughes, John, Tydweiliog, Pwllheli u Hughes, E. V.,"Wyelands, Chepstow u Hughes, W., Llanenddwyn Eectory, Dyffryn, Bar- month u Hulbert, E., Shearman, Eckington, nr. Chesterfield u Hulbert, W. A., St. John's, Hackney p Hull, E. B. , C. of Thornhill, Eipon p it Hull, W. B., St. Peter's, H ungate, Norwich u Humfrey, Cave, Marston, Montgomery, Derby u Hunt, H. F., St. John-the-Evangelist, Newbury u Hunt, H. W., Shermanbury Rectory, Henfield c u Hunt, J.,V. of Northmoor-greeu, Somerset c Hunt, J. W., 57, Lister-street, Hull c * u Hunt, R. S-, Mark-beech, Edenbridge c u Hunt, W. W., Mills, Glascote, Tamworthu Hunter, A. G., Bandon-hill, near Croydon u Hunter, J. W., St. Mary Magdalene, Dundee 4- Hunter,A. J., C. of Christchurch, Luton pu Huntingf ord, tl. W., Barmwell Vicarage, Onndle u Huntington, G., Tenby Rectory u Huntley, 0. C, 9, Scarborough-terrace, Torquay eu Hurdon, J. N. D., 1, Albert-terr., Newport, Barn staple u Husband, E., St. Michael's Clergy House, Folkestone u Hnssey, A. L., Durham House, Folkestone » Hnssey, E. W., Lyneham, Chippenham* Hutchings, W. H., Clewer, Windsor 4- c • it Hutohins, W. H., All Saints', Saltfleetby u Hutchinson, C. P., St, John's Vioarage, Forton, Gosport u Hutchinson, E., Abingdon p Hutohinson, T., Vicarage, Ditchling, u Hutton, V. W., Sneinton, Nottingham eu Hutton, W. M., Lezaire, Isleof Man 4- c u Hyde, C. F. , Dilton Marsh Vioarage, Westbury tt Hyde, John, Holt Villas, Clewer 4- u Hyde, J., C. of Holy Trinity, Elyp Hyde, W., H.,2, Sandown-lane, Wavertrr e, Liverpool « Ibbotson, E., Dorchester, Wallingford c u Illingworth, E. A., 14, Powis-road, Brighton u Image, W. T., Wickham Market, Suffolk 4- o u Inge, F. G., Alrewas, Lichfield u Inge, J. E. A., R. of Athlington p Inge, W., Alrewas, Lichfield u Ingle, John, Mount Radford House, Exeter u Inman, E., West Knoyle Reotory, Bathu Innes, J. Brodie, Milton Brodie, Forres, N.B. u Iredell, H. S., North Eedlands, Eeigateu Iremonger, E. R., Waddesdon, Aylesbury u Irons, E. A., The Woodlands, Smethwioku Irons, W. J., St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard-st., E.G. c Irvine, W. H., Walverton, Chiohester « Ives, E. J., C. of Bedminster, Bristol 4- p c u Ivens, W. E., Witney u Jackson, A. G., St. Michael's Home, Wolverhampton c Jackson, 0. B., R. Wold Newton, Lincoln r Jackson, C. W., St. Mary, Reading u Jackson, F., West Lynn Rectory u Jackson, F. G., North Lodge, Windsor Forest 4- u Jaokson, H. M., Chaplain, R.N., H.M. Heotor 4- c » Jackson, J., Berwick St. John p u Jackson, Joseph, Broadway, Hminster u Jackson, J. Marshall.Eectory, Bow Briokhill, Bucks u Jackson, Robert, Little Drayton u Jacob, E., Bengal c Jacson, W. S., Chin Hospital, Clun, Salop u James, C. IT., Audlem,Nantwichu James, E. Rhys, Llangollen Vicarage u James, Henry, St. Andrews, Leicester u James, Moorhouse, Bedford Leigh, Manchester u James, Octavius, Kirkhaugh, Alston u James, T. S. S., St. George's, Barrow-in-Furnesa Jarvis, C. E., Hatton, Wragbyu Jeaffreson, H. H., All Saints', Highgate, N. u Jeffery, J. W., Sealand, Hawarden, Cheshire u Jeffery, S., Watergate-street, Chester it Jellicorse, W., Clunbury, Salop u Jenkins, R. B., Llanf rynach, Brecon u Jenkins, W. J., R. of Fillinghamp » Jeoner, Right Rev. Bishop 4- ou S.M.F. Jenner, C. H'., Wenvoe Rectory, Cardiff u Jenner, E., Low Catton, near York u Jenner, E, H. F., Burwell, Cambridge u Jennings, H. E., Hungerford, Berks u JerviB, G. W., Leavy Greave House, Sheffield tt Jervis, W. H. E. R., Compton Abdale, Cheltenham c Jesson, Henry, All Saints', West Bromwich 4- u Jeudwine, G. W., Greywell, Odiham, Hants u Jeudwine, W., Chicheley Vicarage, Newport Pagnell u Jickling, C, Castle Camps, Cambridge u Johnson, A. J., Foulshatn p u Johnson, F. P., Oaksey Rectory, Cirencesteru Johnson, H. F., High Wych Vic, Sawbridgeworth u Johnson, J. Barnes, C. of St. Columba, Haggerstone + m Johnson, J. E,, St. Jude's, Sheffield c u Johnson, Rowland Ingram, Radwell Eectory, Baldock, Herts u Johnson, R. W., Packwood, near Hockley Heath, Birmingham u Johnson, William, 5, Chichester-place, Exeter u Johnson, W. A., Weston, near Toronto u Johnston, C. F. H '., Oolaba u Johnstone, 0. H., V. of St. Saviour's, Bristol p u Jones, Ambrose, Stannington Vicarage, Cramlington « Jones, Basil M., Llanf air Vicarage, Ruthin u Jones, D. E., St. John's, Stamford u Jones, D. J., Oakwood, Taibach u Jones, E. T., Felinfoel, Llanelly u Jones, G. A., St. Mary's, Cardiff 4- cu Jones, Henry, Osmotherley Vicarage, York u Jones, HubertF., St. Thomas-the-Martyr, Oxfordptt Jones, H. T, Mayfield-terracei Cross-lane, Radcliffe tt Jones, John, Glanydon, Barmouth u 15 Jones, J. Banner, V. of St. Ives, Cornwall p c u Joacs, J. D. , Clergy Honse, Pendlebnry, Manchester u Jones, J. E., The Vioarage, Reynoldstone u Jones, J. R., St. Bride's, Chepstow u Jones, Kearney L. Brockville, Ontario u Jones, L., Cadoxton Vioarage, Neath 4- eu Jones, L . Usk, Llangasty Tally Uyn , Brecon 4- p u Jones, Owen, Bodedern, Holyhead u Jones, R.TyddynyrEglwys,Talsarnan, Wales 4- cu Jones, Canon T. Bedford, Chaplain to Bishop of Ontario, St. Albans, Ottawa it Jones, T. Henry, Ashwell Reotory, Oakham u Jones, T. S., Park-lane, Teddingtonu Jones-Machew, J. E., Llanthewy Vach, Caerleon u Joplin, F. , II. of Boulge and Debaoh u p Josa, F. P. L., East Coast, Demerara u Joy, Samuel, Ripon, Yorksu Jubb, H., Dunham-on-Trent Vicarage, Newarku Jukes, A. L., Cactus-cottage, Aspull, Wigan c Jukes, A. L., Clewer it Jupp, Charles, Houghton-le-Spring, Durham p u Kane, J. P., 9, Queen-square, Brighton e Kant, W., Prince of Wales's-road, Norwich u Kauffman , Moritz, C. of Chard p (withdrawn) Kay, W. H. , Tanjoro, Madras u Keate, J. 0., Hartley Wespall, Hants u Keble, T., Bisley, Stroud u Kelly, M ., Plympton St. Maurice u Kemp, G. p Kemp, G. G., Bawreth Eectory, Chelmsford 4- tt Kemp, G. J. W., All Saints', Clifton c Kemp, G. L., St. Frideswido's, Oxford u Kemp, John, Bukini, Oachar u Kempe, J. W., 40, Vassall-road, S.W. 4- u [Avon u Kempthome, R. T., Bearley, Vicarage, Stratford-on- Kenah, S., Chaplain Royal Navy u Kenrick, G. W. H., Poulton Vicarage, Orickladeu Kent, F., (care of Hayes, Lyall-plaoe, S. W.) c u Kent.G. W. R. C, West-street, Wilton, Salisbury u Kenworthy, J. W., 7, Clapton-square, Haokney, E. u Kerkham, B. A., Plympton St. Mary, S. Devon u Kerr, G. P., V. of Upper Hopton p it Kerry, W., St. Judo's, Bristol u Kerslake, E. K., B. of Deepdale, Lynnpu Kettle, E., B. of Lydgatep u Kowley, J. W., Armitage Reotory, Eugeley it Keymer, N., Bingham, Notts c * u Kilminster, E. 0., Stanstead, Sudbury u Kincaid, S. B., The School House, Shrewsbury u King, B., E. of Avebury, Wiltshire 4- pit King, Canon, Christ Onurob, Oxford u K iDg, Edward, Lauuoeston u King, W. Wilson, B. of Fleet Marston p Kingdon, H. T., 71, Wells-street, Oxford-street, W. u Kingsford, F. W., Upper Clapton, E. c * it Kingsford, S., English Church, St. Petersburg it Kingsmill, H., Buxted, Uckfield it Kirby, H. W., Atherton, Manchester u Kirby, K. H., Haverthwaite, Ulverston tt Kirby, W. H., St. Peter's Olsrgy House, Horbury u Kirk, 0., Nusseerabad u Kirkiand. M. E., Holy Trinity, Gosport c u Kirkpatriok R. 0., V. of St. Augustine's, Kilburn 4- po*u S.M.F. Kitcat, D., Woston Birt, Tetbury u Kitoat, J.,8wallowfleld, Reading p tt Kitson, E. B., Chaplain to the Forces, Halifax, Nova Sootia u Kitson, J. F., Antony, Devonport u Knapp, T. L. 6, Stookton-street, Moss Side, Man- cheater it Knight, C. E., Ohawton Eeotory Alton u Knipo, J. D., Hallow, Worcester u Knipe, J. J. B. Leigh, West Kcal, Spilsby u Knowles, C, R. of Wintoringham, Brigg p Kyle, Preb. J. T., Clondrohid Reotory, Macroom, Co. Cork u Kyle, Robert, Clifton u Kyngdon, G. T. B., Livurmoad, Torquay peu Lacon, F., U. of Headless-cross p h LaBarte, W., Prostonville-ierrace, Brighton e Labortle, H. W., Kingstown, St. Vincent, W. Indies u La Fontaine, W., Aocrington pu Laing, J. Fenwick, V. of St. Miohael's, Caldmore, Walsallp Lambert, W. H., B. of Stoke Edith, Hereford p u Lamotte, F. L., Brighton p u Lampet, W. E. L., Great Bardfield Vic, Braintree u Lance, W. H., Thurlbear, Taunton u Lane, F., E. of Whissonsett, Swaffham p e Lane, H.,Tydd, The Clergy House, Andover « LangBhaw, T. , Colne, Engain, Halstead u Large, J. J., St. Jude's, Demerara u Lascelles, B., Eectory, Woolavington, Petworth u Latham, J. L.,Lydden, Kentp u Law, Arthur, Dauntsey, Chippenham u Law, F. H„ The Eectory, Lee, S.E. u Lawrence, A.O.,Whittingion Eeotory, Andoversford u Lawrence, N. G. M., Forebridge, Stafford c Lawson, B., The Vic, Peasedown St. John, Bath peu Lawson, W. L., Lynton, Devon u Leacrof t, 0. H., Brackenfield, Alfreton u Leary, P. H., Blyth, Worksop u Leaver, F., Newhaven, Sussex u Leaver, H. G., B. of Pen Selwood p Lee, A. C, Broad-street, Ludlow u Lee, F. G., AU Saints', Lambeth p c Lee, Stanlake, R. of Broughton, Hants p u Lees, T., V. of Wreay, Carlisle 4- p u Leeson, W., Amesbury, Salisbury u Le Feuvre, P. H., Rajkote u IDury '" Lefroy, A. C, Longdon and Castlemorton, Tewkes- Le Gey t, C. J. , V. St. Matthias, Stoke Newington 4- c * Legg, J. P., Capetown u Legge, A. A. K., St. Andrew'B, Wigan u Legh, J. R., Astley, Shrewsbury u Lempriere, W., Rozel Manor, Jersey it Lendrum, A., Warburton Reotory, Warrington p c tt Lenny, H. 8. N., Crowthorne, Wokingham u Leonard, F. B., Kemeys Inferior p Leonard, F. B., Llandevand, Caerleon c u Leonard, W. S., Down Ampney, Cricklade u Leslie, R. J., V. St. John, Holbeach, Lincolnshire r Lethbridge, A., Shepton Beauchamp, Uminster u Lewis, Alex. Goldwyer, 39, Marine Lines, Bombay u Lewis, Daniel, Brynmawr (E.S.O.) Brecon u Lewis, Evan, Beotory, Dolgelly 4- u Lewis, G. H., Thnrgoland Vicarage, near Sheffield u Lewis, Richard, Streatham School, S.W. u Lewis, T. Curling, St. James's, Tunbridge Wells it Lewis, W. H. H., 0. of Halesowen, Birmingham p Lewington, A. L., 4, Nortcarn Villas, Oxford 4- c u Ley, E., Stewarton Lodge, Bournemouth 4- p c * u Liddell, The Hon. E., The Vioarage, Wilton-pl„S.W. u Liddon, Canon, Christ Church, Oxford u Limpus, H. F., Twickenham u Lindsay, it , Kettering, Northamptonshire u Lindsay, W. J. C, Llanvair, Kilgedin Eeotory, Aber- gavennv c * d u 4- Linfield, R. P., Elton, Bury u Linklater, R., St. Peter's, London Docks 4- p c * u Linton, G. C, Linstead, P. O. Jamaica u Lintott, J. C, St. Mark's, Kennington, S.E. u Lipscombe, 0. H., Howe Rectory, Norwich u Lister, J. M.,4, Montpellier-terrace, Scarboro' +cn Litler, J. B., V. Hayton c Boalby, Yorkshire r Little, C. Hardy, St. Thomas', Regent-street, W. u Little, H. W., Tamatave, Madagascar it Little, S. H., Hordle, Lymineton 4- u Little, W. J. K., Halliwell-lane, Cheetham Hill, Man chester " Little, C. H., Clewer, Windsor 4- e Littledale, Dr., 9, Red Lion-square, W.C. 4- c u Littledale, 0. E., St. Giles' -in-the-Wood, Great Tor- ringtonu Livingston, Y. G., Minor Canon Carlisle Cathedral (u>w/idraum) p Lloyd, G., Ohuroh Gresley, Burton-on-Trent u Lloyd, H. R., Cliffe Reotory, Rochester u Lloyd, T. B., Whitehall, Shrewsbury u Loohoe, L. T., 100, Oambridge-st. Pimlioo, S.W. 4- tt Lodge, A., Wavertree, Liverpool u Lomax, A., Dordrecht, Cape of Good Hope u ¦Lord, F. B„ R. of Farmborough, Bath peu Loruner, J. H., Oxford, Wickham Market u Loughborough, R. L., V. of Pirton, Herts p u Love, E. T., 0. St. Mary, Woolwioh r Loveband, W. C, West Down Vicarage, Hfracombe ti Lowder, O.F., V. St. Peter'B.London Dooks 4- p o* u S.M.F. 1 Since the list was in type, the secession (to Rome, of coarse) of Mr. Lord and his enrate, Mr. Donald- n, is anno**** _ 16 Lowder, W. H-, Hyde, Manchester u Lowe, C. B., Tydd St. Mary, Wisbeach u Lowe, E. H. , Christ Church, Luton u Lowe, G. W., Boston, Lincolnshire u Lowe, H. E., Wilmcote, Stratford-on-Avon p « Lowe, J. C, South Bailey, Durham u Lowenberg, W. J., Clevedon, Somerset u Lowndes, E. S., Ludlow u Luce, E., Goray, Jersey u Lnckman, W. G., 9, Johnston-street, Bath it Luke,W. H.C.,Elmswell,BurySt. Edmund's + pc* u Limn, J. R., Marton, Ousebum, York p u Luscombe, li. J., Moorlinch Vicarage, Bridgewater u Lush, A., Witney u Lutt, E. E., Harmston, Lincoln + u Luxmoore, C. C, Fawley, Wantage u Lyall,i W. H., V. St. Dionis Backchurch + c u Lyle, J. &., St. Thomas's College,Colombo,Ceylon + u Lynde, T. G., 87, St. Thomas-street, Victoria Park, E. pu Lyne, A. A., St. Lawrence, Ramsgate u Lyne, J. L., Llanthony, Abergavenny + Maberley, T. A., Vicarage, Cuckfield u MacColl, M.,12, Chester-ter., Eaton-sq„ S.W. * c u MacColl, M., St. Augustine's, S. Bermondaey * cu Macdona, F. A., St. Michael's, Handsworth it Macdonald, A. J. N., 47, Kempsford Gardens, West Brompton, S.W. u Macdonogh, T., Hinton Rectory, Allerford u Macfarlane, J. D., Staveley Rectory, Chesterfield c u Macfarlane, W. A. C., The Hollies, EUesmere u Maefarlane, W. C, Vicar of Dorchester, Oxon + u Mackenzie, D. C, Whelford Parsonage, Fairford it Mackey, D. J., Bombay u Mackonochie, A.H.,V. St. Alban's, Holborn + pc*v Mackrell, R., 8, Palace Grove, Bromley u Maclean, G. G., Nutley, Uckfield u . [bury u Maclean, J. H., Whiteparish Vicarage, near Salis- Maomichael, W. F., The King's School, Warwick u Macnamara, H., Dundee, N.B. + i> Macy, V. H., Oxhill, Warwick u Madagascar, Bight Rev. Lord Bishop of u Maddison, C. J., Douglas, Isle of Man u Maddock, H. J., Rectory, Bonchnrch u Mahon, G. A., Leigh-on-Mendip, Frome u Main, T. J., 55, Belsize Park Gardens, N.W. u- Mains, H. E. H., Lyndhurst Villa, Redland Park, Bristol u Maister,A.,64, Sutherland Grdns., St. Peter's Park u Maister, R. H., 33, Burton New-road, Lincoln u Malet, C. D. E., Butleigh, Glastonbury u Malet, W. W., Ardeley, Buntingford peu Malim, A. W., North Kelsey Vicarage, Brigg u Malleson, E., V. of Baldersby, Thirsk + pu Maltby, Canon Brough, Farndon Vicarage, Newark u Mangan, James, 147, King-street, Great Yarmouth u Mangin, S. W., 68, St. Ann-street, Salisbury u Manning, Douglas G., Priest-Vicar, Wells p u Mansell, H., Bartley Green p u Mansfield, E., Higbnam Parsonage, Gloucester u Mansfield, J., Blandford, St. Mary u Mant, N., St. Agnes, Kennington, S.E. u Marcon, W. H., Edgefield Rectory, East Dereham c u Marcus, Lewis, St. Paul's Rectory, Bunhill-row, E.C.cu Mare, W. S,, Bramham, Tadcaster u Maritzburg, Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of u , Marriott, C., Elton Reotory, Stockton-on-Tees + cu Marriott, H., 3, Elgin-street, Birkenhead cu Marsden, W. G.,St. Thomas-the-Martyr, Brentwood u Marshall, E. H., The Rectory, Launceston u Marshall, H. B. J)., Hopton Congeford Vicarage, Ludlow u Marshall, James, Tatham Fells Vicarage, Bentham, Lancaster u Marshall, Joseph H., Windmill Hill, Hurstmonceaux, Hailsham u Marshall, R. M., Hedenham, Bungay u Marshall, Rev. P., St. John Baptist, Hulme, Man chester + c * « MarshaU, T. O., St. Augustine, Kilburn +pcuS.M.F. Harsham, The Hon. John, Barton Seagiave Rectjry, Kettering u Martin, H., V. of Thatcham p u Martin, S., Gorley Cross, Fordingbridge c Martin, W. W., 6, Russell-street, Bath c u Martyn, John, Kirby Grindalyth, York u Martyn, T. W., Oxshott, Leatherhead it Maskew, H. E-, Tunstall, Kirby Lonsdale « Maskery, E. J., V. of Pelton, Durham + p o Mason, E. V., Dorney Vioarage, Windsor u Mason, H. J., 55, Bell Vue-road, Southampton u Mason, J., V. of St. Paul's, Leicester p c * « Mason, U. C, Guninslake, near Tavistock u Massey, J. Cooke, South Normanton, Alfreton w Massey, T. H.,Faringdon, Hants + cu Massiah, T. P., 10, Belle Vue, Clifton, Bristol u Masters, W. C, Long MarBton, Tring u Matthews, B., The Chantry, Spalding u Matthews, R. B., Shalford Vicarage, Guildford u Maturin, B. W., Peterstow, Herefordshire c Maturin, C. G., C. of St. Barnabas, Pimlioo + o Maude, F. H., V. of Holy Trinity, Ipswich p u Maugham, H. M., Whitstablo Vioarage, Kent u Maul, J. F., Wokingham, u Maunsell, C. H., St. Bartholomew's Clergy House, London-road, Brighton u Maxwell, H. G., Wyddial, Buntingford c w May, J., Woodside, Earley, Reading u Mayer, J. H., Clevedon, Somerset u Maynard, John, Orford Reotory, Wiokham Market u Mayne, F. O., Bearsted, Maidstone u Mayo, C. II., Long Burton, Sherbourne u Mayo, H. H., Rock House, Brixham1 u Mayo, T., Riverdale, Dorking c u Mayow, M. W.,TheRectory,Southam,Warwick8hire it Mc Carogher J. 0. , Nuthurst Rectory, Horsham u Mc Cleverty, R., Edgmond, Newport u Mc Cririok, T. W., St. John-the-Baptist, Stookton-on- Tees u McDowall, R. S., Powerstock, Bridport, c u Mc Grath, H. W., Newton Abbott u Mc Gregor, C. G., St. Mary's, Southfield, P. 0. Jamaica at Mc Kenzie, D. M. , Bloemfontein u McNeile, A. W. J., C. Bedminster, Bristol r Meade, C. J., 67, Montpelier-road, Peokham, S.E. u Meara, H. G. J., Westneld House, Newbury u Medd, P. G., North Cerney, Cirencester u Medley, F-, The Close, Norwich c Medley, E. S., The Close, Norwich u Meeres, H,. Bradwell, Lechdale u Meller, W. 0., St. John's College, Oxford u Mellor,W. J.,Rodmersham Vicarage, Sittingbourne c u Melville, W. J., Ashton Rectory, Wigan u Mercer, F. W., Milcombe, Banbury u Merrier, J. J., Hanwell u Meredith, J. L., Towyn, Abergele u Merriman, H. G., Mitchelmersh, Romsey u Mertens. F. M. D., Ardingley Col., Hayward's-heath u Metcalfe, F. J., Clay Cross, Chesterfield u Metcalfe, W., St. Andrew's, Ilketshall p Meynell, F. W., Wyle Cop, Shrewsbury u Meynell, H., Denstone College, Ashbourne u Michell, F. R., Calcutta u Michell, W. P., Carhampton, Dunster, Taunton u Micklethwaite, A. J., Chaplain lo the House of Mercy, Horbury + pc u Middlemass, De S., Hatchford Vicarage, Cobham u Middleton, H. 0., 27, Wyndham-square, Plymouth u Miles, C. 0., Marlborough-road, Banbury ate, A„ Mapperley and Kirk Hallam, Derby (seceded to Rome) Newman, J., WorBborough,Barnsley u Newton, H., Hornsea, Hullu Nichol, J. G. S .Litchfield, Micholdever u Nlcholl, E. P., Barning Heath Asylum, Maidstone it Nloholl, J. B., Streatham, S.W. « Nlcholl, S. H. F. Llnndough, Cowbridge u Niohols, 8. E., Christ Churoh, Oxford a Nicholas, G. D., V. of St. Stephen, Clewe (4- eu Nicholson, J., Ht. Thomas, Regent-street p u Nicholson, B.^Ssechingstoke, Devizes it Nicoll, C, Kingsomborne, Stockbridge v. Nicoll, C. A. S., Bepton, Midhurst tt Nicolson, Very Eev. J., St. Salvador's, Dundee 4- it Nihill, H. D.,V. of St.Michael's, Shoreditch 4- p c * it S.M.F. Nixon, T. W„ Ohilton-on-Polden, Bridgewater tt Noel, M. H, St. Barnabas' Clergy House, Oxford c u Norman, J. G., Care of Mr. Ivey, Lombard-st., Abing- Norman, E. W., Montreal it [don it Norris, 0. Bristow, East Dereham c u Northcote, A. F., Buckingham it Norwood, S., Grammar School, Whalley, Lancashire u Nosworthy, J. T., Warminster it Nowers, J. E. L , Kidlington, Oxford u Noyes, The Very Eev. F. B.H. H., Cnmbrae, N.B. 4- tt Nngfe, G., 3, Belsize-square, N.W.; St. Austin's Priory, Southwark it Nutt, 0. H., V. of East Harptree p « Oakes, W. F., E. of Tibberton p O'Brien, A. E., C. of St. George's, Barrow-in-T?iirness- 4-pit O'Brien, H. N. it O'Connor, J. P., Pattingham, Wolverhampton it Odell, M. 0. , Chaplain, Malta u Oldrum, D'Oyley, W,, Lonsdale, York-road, Exeter it Oldrini, T. J., Beeston, Nottingham cit Olive, C, 21, St. James's-plaoe, Plymouth u Oliver, C. N., St. Augustine's, Southsea cu Oliver, G. W., 26, Addison-gardens North, Kensing ton, W. it Oliver. R. B., Whitwell, Hants 11 Ommanney, G. C, Totterdown, Bristol tt O'Neill, S. W., in India pen Orford, H. W., 32, Cromwell-road, Peterborough it Orr, A. B., Shipton-under-Wychwood, Chipping Nor ton it Osborn, M. F. F., Kibworth, Leicester it Osborne, E. W., Mission House, Cowley St. John 4- it Osier, W. A., C. St. Peter, Mansfield, Notts r Oswell, W., Shirburn, Tetsworth, Oxon c it Ottley, F. J., Thorpe, Leicestershire it Ottley, G. L., Luckiogton, Chippenham it Ottley, W., Wellington-road, Harborne it Owen, Robert, Oxou p Owen, S. H., Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent it Owen, T. M. Bulkeley, All Saints', Shrewsbury 4- p- Owston, F., Pirbright, Guildford pit Oxenham, G. W., Clergy Ho.,Staveley, Chesterfield tt Oxenham, F. N., Exeter Coll , Oxford 4- p cit S.M.F. Oxland, Harry, Sutton-on-Plym p Paoke, H. V., Shangton, Leicester it Page, H. H, Woolpit, Suffolk it Page, R. L. , in India c u Paget, C. B., Frampton Cotterell, Bristol it Paine, A.H., St.Margaret's,Princes'-rd.,Liverpool 4- u Paine, A. H, Stoke Rectory, Market Drayton c Palairet, R., Norton, St. Philip, Bath it Palmer, G. H., St. Barnabas College, Pimlico, S.W. it Palmer, H. 0., Bowden Hill, Chippenham it Palmer, H. J., Claremount, Wallasey, Birkenhead + u Palmer, H. V., St. Margaret's, York it Palmer, W. H., Wanlip, Leicester it Palmes, James, Escrick, York tt Panckridge, W., St. Matthew's, City-road, E.C. tt Fan tin, J. W., Westcote, Chipping Norton cit Park, R., Hey wood, Rochdale it Parker, Canon, Royle Hall, Burnley tt Parker, E., Waddington, Clitheroe it Parker, H. M., Liverpool it Parker, J. B., St. Neots, Hunts pen Parkin, C. Lenham, Maidstone pit Parkin, C. J., Millbrook, Southampton it Parkinson, J. R. 8., Nova Scotia tt Parnell, C. 4- o • « Parr, John, St. Mary's, Marlborough it Parr, E. H., St. Martin's, Scarborough u Parsons, C, Priory Leas, Folkestone it Parsons, H, Minor Cauonries, Llandaff it Parsons, J. T., Muoh Dewchurch, Hereford u Parsons, L. J., Mansfield, Notts u Partington, C. E., Eusholme, Manchester tt Partridge, W. E., Princes Bisborough it Paske, T. J., C. of Creeting, Suffolk p it Patch, H. M„ 6, Castle-terrace, Torquay it Paton, G., Ramsey, Isle of Man 4- it Pattison, J. B, Brierfield, Burnley 4- it Payne, A. c u Peach, C. P., Appleton-le street, Malton, Yorks u. IS Pearse, B. K„ Ascot, Staines it Pearse, J. G., St. Wilfred's Home, Exeter cu Pearson, A., Springfield, Chelmsford it Pearson, C. B., 2, Catherine-place, Bath tt Pearson, C. B., St. James's, Tunbridge Wells it Pearson, Edward, C. of All Saints', York p u Pearson, J. H., Upton-Scudamore, Wilts it c Pearson, G. C, St. Margaret's, Canterbury it Pearson, H. R. S., Lythe, Whitby it Pearson, J. A., Alvington, Wray Park, Reigato it Pearson, W. J., St. Mary's, Sculooates, Hull tt Pedder, W., Garstang, Preston it Peel, E. , Coombe Lodtre, Bruton, near Bath it Peirce, D. D., Aberdafe it [Norfolk '' Pelham, A. S., C. Eedenhall with Harleston, Pendered, W. L., Grammar School, Haydonbridge p tt Penfold, E. B., 14, Oxford Villas, Hammersmith, W. tt Penney, W. H., Summer Town, Oxford it Penny, A., Melanesian Mission, Norfolk Iclaud it Penny, E. L., H.M.S. *' Northumberland," Lisbon it Penruddocke, J. H., South Newton, Salisbury it Percy, P. H., Beokenham it Perfect, H. T., Stanton Drew, Bristol it Perkins, T. N., Northfleet, Gravesend tt Perrin, W. W., St. Mary's, Southampton it Perring, C. A., Holy Cross, Pattishall, Towoester it Perring, E., Greete, Tenbury u Perry, G., 62, Lawford-road, N.W. it Perry, S. G. F., V. of Tollington, Bury 4- p it Perry, T. W., Ardleigh, Colchester c it Pertwee, A., Brighthogsea, Essex tt Pettigrew, S. T., Milton, Banbury it Petty, W., Lockgilphead, N.B. it Phelps, C. M., St. Mary's, Tenbury it Philo, W., St. Sampson's, Par Station it Phillpotts, A. A., Harton, South Shields u Philpott, H., Nassau, Bahamas tt Philpott, R. S., Chewton, Mendip, Bath tt Fickance, J. W., Colley Manor, Reigate it Pickard, H. A., Airedale, Oxford tt Pickard, W. J., Appleton, Abingdon it Pierson, K. T., 7, Sussex-terrace, South Kensington, S.W. it Pierson, W. F., Settle, Yorks n Pigot, J. T., Fremington, Barnstaple tt Pigott, C. F. C, Edgmond, Newport, Salop tt Pigott, E. B., St. Mary, Southampton it Pigott, G. 0. S., Kingston Seamoor Rectory, Bristol c Pigott, G. W., Upton Magna, Salop it Pigott, W. P., Bemerton, Salisbury « Pincott, E. L., Brinkburn, Morpeth it Pinckney, R., Highcliff Vicarage, Christ Church ctt Pinder, G., Ledsham, Bournemouth it Pinwill, E., C. of Hnrsemonden, Kent c Pitman, E. A. B., V. of Bynesbury, St. Neots e Pixel!, C. H., V. Christ Church, Wolverhampton 4-pt* S.M.F. Pixell, H., Southbank, Leamington p u Plant, S., Weston, Stafford tt Plater, H., Grammar School, Newark 4- it Piatt, H. E., Babbicombe, Torquay c it Piatt, T. D.. Holy Trinity, Portsea it Plenderleath, W. Ch., E. of CherhiU, Wilts p it, Plow, H. A., Bradley, Hants it Plowman, L. S., Kingsbury, Warwickshire it Plows, W., Barnham, Thetford it Plummer, M., Heworth, Gateshead tt Plummer, E. T., Hartley Mandit, Alton it Pocock, J. C, Oberweth, Coblentz it Pocock, JV., 5, Worcester-terrace, Clifton p it Poland, F. W., Vicarage, Paignton tt Polehampton, J., E. of Ightham, Kent p it Pollock, J. S., St. Alban's, Birmingham c tt Pollock, T. B., St. Alban's, Birmingham tt Ponsonby, F. J., Brington, Northants it Poole, A., Purbrook, Hants 4- tt Poole, H. J., Dulverton, Somerset p u Poole, E. B., Durston, Castle Cary it Pope, G. U. (D.D.), Bangalore it Portal, G. R., R. of Burghclere p it Porter, R.,. E. of Kenn, Exeter 4- p u Porter, R. J., Chipping Ongar it Porter, 8., Heswall, Cheshire it Porter, W. C, Eaund, Northants it Potter, P., Minsterley, Shrewsbury it Porteus, B., V. of Edenhall,& Hon.Canonof Carlislep Potter, C. A., C. of Ramsden Bellhouse p j Potter,, J. H., Sunbury p it Poulden, J. B., Down St. Mary, near Bow it Powell, E. A., Toft, near Caxton it Powell, John, Hill Deverill tt Powell, J. B., C. of St. Paul's, Lorrimore-sq. 4- Powles, R. F., St. Leonard's-on-Sea it Pownall, A., Town Close, Lakenham, Norwich tt Powys, F. A., Winterslow, Salisbury tt Poyntz, N., V. Little Drayton c it [W.O. it Poyntz, N. C. S„ 8, Wilmington-square, ClerkenWell, Pratt, P. C, Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope tt Preston, C. M., V. of Warcop, Penrith 4- pit Preston, W. S., Warcop Hall, Penrith tt Price, H. M., 0. St. Paul, Oxford r Price, W., Llangwm, near Usk it Price, W. it Prichard, A. H., St. Ives, Hunts c Priohard, A. H., Sevenoaks it Prichard, W. H., Helstou tt Prior, J. L., Horton, Slough tt Pritchard, D. P., Nantwich, Cheshire it Proby, W. H. B., Colyton p Procter, C. T., Richmond, S.W. it Proctor, G. V., Arborfield, Beading 4- it Prynne, G. E., V. St. Peter, Plymouth 4- c it Pudsey. F. W., Masbrough, Eotherham it Puller, F. W., Roa<-.h, Cardiff 4- it Pulling, F. W., Pir-bne, Exeter it Puding, W., Eastnor, Ledbury it Purton, T. W., V. of St. Anne's, Willenhall 4- p c * n Pusey, Dr., Christ Churoh, Oxford it Pywell, W. A., Grammar School, Colohester it Quilter, H. K., Bolton-in-Holderness, Yorkshire p tt Rackhain, H. F., All Saints', Stanway, Colchester it Eadoliffe, J. W., Lincoln College, Oxon p it Radford, D., 24, Cadogan-ter., South Hackney, B, tt Radford, W. T. A., Down St. Mary, Bow, Devon it Raikes, F., St. Martin's, Salisbury u Ramsay, A. C, St. Martin's, Lincoln c u Ramsbotham, Canon T., 3, Seymour-road, Crumpsall, Manchester tt Randall, R. W., All Saints', Clifton, Bristol c * it Randolph, C, St., Mary's, Ohartham, Canterbury it Randolph, II., BexbiU, Sussex tt Eansome, V. F., Weymouth tt Eaven, John, New Zealand tt Baven, T. M. , Crakohall, Bedale it Eavenshaw, T. F., Pewsey, Marlborough it Bawlins, J. A., M.A. r Eaymond, 0. A., St. Mary Tower, Ipswich it Eaymond, J. M., Belchamp Hall, Sudbury tt Eaymond, Oliver, Middleton Rectory, Sudbury tt Raymond, 0. E., Bulmer, Sudbury tt Bayson, W., Ltndridge, Tenbury it Eeade, 0. A. W., C. of St. John, Walworth 4- p Eeade, F. W., 16, Patshull-road, N.W. u Beade, W., Barkstone, Grantham it Eeay, T. Osmotherley, 2, Cliff Villas, Dovercourt it Redhead, G. B.,45, Hanover-squaro, Bradford, Yorks 4- c * it Redpath, H. A.,Luddesdon, Gravesend it Eeece, Ven. Archdeacon, Tetbury it Reece, W. S., Victoria, Vancouver 4- Reece, R. Marsden, Flixton, Manchester it Beid, C. B., Heigham Grove, Norwich tt Reid, F. A. S., St. Peter's, South Croydon it Reiss, F. A., Rock Rectory, Bewdley tt Reynolds, E„ Beighton, Sheffield it Reynolds, H., Brampton p Reynolds, J. J., South Hykeham, Lincoln it Eeynolds.W. F„East Moulsey, Kingston-on-Thames u Richards, E. T., Farlington, Havant tt Eichar.'s, F. F., The Briars, Old London-road, Hastings it Richards, J. W, , St. Michael's, Bognor c it Eichards, R. E., Training Cull. .Fishponds, Bristol u Eichardson, F. H, Belgrave, Leicester tt Bichardson, H. H., Th6 Coll., Isle of Cumbrae, N.B. tt Eichardson, John, The Chaplain's House, Warwick it Bichardson, M., 17, Stlrrey-street, Strand, W. C. tt Biohardson,P. J., C. of St. Philip's, Clerkenwell p c * Bichardson, T., care of Lord Bishop of Quebec tt Richardson, W.J. , P.O. of St.Thomas,Regent-st. p c it Bichardson, W. M., Wolverhampton 4- c p u * Eichings, F. H. , Atherstone it Richmond, W. A., New University Club, St. Jaines's- street, S.W. tt Rickards, J., Orange Eiver Free States c Eickards, J. W., Bloemfontein Mission 4- it 19 Ricketts, M. H., Hill Court, Droitwioh tt Ricketts, S. V. F. L., Fairholm, Bournemouth e u Biddle, A. J., Keene Honse, Worthing tt Ridgeway, F. E„ Weeting Eectory, Brandon tt Eidgway, Canon, 21, Beaumont-street, Oxford it Bidsdale, C. J.,Inc. of St. Peter's, Folkestone 4- p c * it Bidsdel, T„ The Coppice House. Bilston it Bidsdell.T., C. of Sedgley, Staffordshire p Biky, J. B., R. of Bagborough p it Riley, John, 175, Queen's- road, Dalston, E. tt Ring, T. P., Victoria-street, Shrewsbury u Ritchie, G. M. St. M., Chaplain to the Forces, Natal it Bivington, L., Stoke Rectory, Market Drayton c it Bivington, T., St. Luke's, Maidenhead u Bobarts, C. N., St. John's College, Oxford c it Bobberds, F. W., Berhampur it Bobbins, John, St. Peter's, Notting_ Hill, W. it Boberts, G. B., Parkham Wood, Brixham u Robertson, G., Earl Sterndale, Buxton it Robertson, J. B., Leatherhead it Robertson, R., Kiva Magwaza, Zululand u BobioBon, A. D. J., Elm, Frome c u RobinBon, O.G.,Walcha Armidale.New South Wales Bobinson, F., Dorchester, Oxon 4- Bobinson, F., St. Laurence, Reading 4- it Bobinson, F. E., Appleton Rectory, Abingdon tt Bobinson, F. E., Tubn6y, Berks p tt Bobinson, G., Morpeth 4- c it Bobinson, George, AUerton, Bradford u Bobinson, G. 0., Benson 4- tt Bobinson, J., B. of Bowness in Solwa u Bobinson, J. W., North Petherton, Bridgewater u Bobinson, T., Hulme, Manchester it Bobinson, W. 0., West Bromwich c Bobimon, W. P., Wardon of Trinity College, Glen- almond it Bobson, F., Hill-cottage, Babbicombe, Torquay c Rodwell, J. M., R. of St. Ethelburea p Eodwell, W. M., St. Ethelburga, Bishopsgate, E.C. it Boffe, A. A., Wingates, Went Houghton, Bolton it Rogers, H. G., Cranborne, Dorset p u Rogers, John, St. James's, Accrington it Sogers, J. 0. W., Stour Provost, Gillingham, Bath c it Eokeby, H. E., Althingworth, Northampton tt Rolfe, G. W., Hailey, Witney tt Boper, T., Holy Trinity Smethwiok u Bose, B. O., Lyminster, Arundel tt Boss, C. S., Glastonbury u Boss, G. G., Grahamstown it Boss, J. C, Baldon, Oxford u Eossiter, P. C, Sampford Peverill, Tiverton it Bounds, E .S., 3A, Park-road, Chorley it Routh, J. W., Tylehurst, Beading u Bowau, E. S., V. of St. James's, Rochdale p it Bowland, F. 0., 98, Upper Kennington-lane, S.E. it Boy, R., Youlgreave, Bakewell c Royds, N., Barford Parv*, St. Neot's u Ruddock, M. E., St. Michael's, Shoreditch 4- pit Bumsey, H. L., E. of St. John, Madder-market, Norwich + p c u Bumsey, J. W., Rolvenden, Aahford n Bumsey, L. H., Llanstadwell, New Milford c u Bumsey, B. F., Eton College p it Rundell, E. W., Eufieltl, N. tt Rundle, T. Sole, Holy Trinity, Barnstaple it Ruth, H. J., Hanterre, Hayward's Heath it Rushton, Joseph, Oh. Oh. St. Stephen's, Now Bruns- wioku Russell, A. B., R. of Lavertonp Bnssell, E. F., Clergy House, Brooke-street, E.C. u, RushoII, K. J., St. Jamos's, Hey wood, Roondale it Russell, H. L, White Horse-hill, Ohislehurst p c it Bussell, H. V., Wem, Salop tt Bnssell, J. F., Greenhithe, Kent it Bussell, T., Newport, Barnstaple u Russell, W , Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathedral, E.C. it Bussell, William, St. Gwithian's, Camborne u Russwurm, A., Maroham, Abingdon u Salman, J. S., R. of Full Sutton p u Sampson, D. H. W., Cathedral Sohool, Worcester u Sanders, W. S., Holy Trinity, Gosport c tt Sanderson, H. C, Dodham Grammar School, Col chester tt Sandllandi. P., Newton Abbot tt Sankey, E. H., Gorsley, Newout it Sankey, F. W., C. of Luddosdowne p Sankey, R. B., St. Andrew's, Leicester 4- pen Sawyer, W. G., St. Luke's, Maidenhead tt Saxby, G. F., Horningsham, Warminster it Saxby, S. H., East Clevedon, Somerset c * it Scarlett,E.J.,7,Kyrwick-laue,Highzate,Birminghainu Scobell. G. R., HooMeavy, Horrabridge u Scott, J. A., We3t Tytherley, Stockbridge it Scott, D. L., Spalding 4- Scott, T. J., Malaga it Scott, W., St. Mark, New Brompton, Chatham c « Scott, W. L., St. Clement's, Cambridge c Scott, W. B., Portsea c * it Scrivenor, A., Horncastle tt Scrosrgs, S. M., Clewer-hill, Windsor tt Sculthorpe, Clement, V. of Besley, Redditchp tt Scurfield, R. G., St. Clement's, Bournemouth c * u Sedgwick, J. E., V. Stanford-le-Hope, Essex 4- c * it Sedgwick. J. H., Birohington, Thanet it Sellon, W. S., Englishcombe, near Bath it Sells, A., Radston, Braokley tt Selwyn, C, Caynham, Ludlow c u Selwyn, E. J., Pluckley, Ashford tl Sewe'll, W. H., Yaxley, Eye, Suffolk it Seymour, A., Arch-hill, Kidderminster c if Seymour, C. F., Winchfield, Hants it Seymour, E. A. P., Spalding it Seymour, G. A., Holy Trinity, Winchester c * it Shackleton, T., Tho College, Hereford it Shadwell, A., Langton, Malton u Shakespear, W. A., 4, Delamero-terrace, W. u Shand, G., Heydon, Norwioh it Shannon, F. W., Quarrington, Sleaford it Sharland, G. E., Spaldwick, KiTibolton tt Sharp, J., Horbury Vicarage, Wakefield c it Sharpe, L. L., St. John's College, Oxford 4- c it Sharpe, R. N., S. Mary's, Rochdale it Sharpe, W. R., Albion-square, Dalston, N.E. c u Sharpe, W. R., jun., Harpsden, Oxfordshire it Sharpin, F. L.,LittieWelnetham,Bnry St. Edmund's u Shaw, E. F., 9, Parliament-street, Liverpool tt Shaw, T. M., Eynesbury, St. Neots it Shaw, W. F., V. of Eastry p Shears, E., Verulam, D'Urban, S. Africa it Shears, E. H., Howick, Natal it Shears, H., Bloxham, Banbury u Shebbeare, C. H., V. of Wykeham, York 4- p u Sheepshanks, J., St. Margaret's, Anfield, Liverpool it Shepherd, W. R., Rylands, Broomy-hill, Hereford it Sheppard, B. H., Leigh, Worcester it Sheppard, G. E., Mission House, Cowley, St. John it Sheppard, H. F., Thurnscoe, Botherham c it Sherlock, H, Newton-le- Willows, Warrington tt Shewell, W. M., Lindfield Lodge, Folkestone tt Shillstto, J. H. E., Church Stile, Rochdale it Shipley, 0., 20, Denmark. terraoe, Brighton 4- p c tt Shipton, P. M., Halsham, Hull u Shortland, H. V., Twinstead, Sudbury it Slioults, W. A., Cambridge p it Shrimpton,H.,64,SpriDgdale-rd., Stoke Newington.N.u Shutte, R.N. , St. Michael and All Angels, Portsmouth u Shuttleworth, E., Egloshayle, Sladesbridge tt Shuttteworth, E. S., Egloshayle, Sladesbridge u Shuttleworth, H. 0., Chapter House, St. Paul's Cathe dral 4- it Sidebotham, W. T., Capetown it Sidebottom, F. R., Yatton Keynall, Chippenham it Sidgwiok, J. B., Inc. of Copley, Halifax 4- p it Sillifant, C. W., Wear Gifford, Bideford it Silver, S. T., Watford, Herts it Simcpokos, G. S., The Atb.en.-eum, Pall Mall, S.W. tt Sinicox, H. K., Patney, Devizes it Simeon, A. B., Warden of St. Edward's School, Oxford 4- it Simeon, G. B., St. James's, Plymouth it Simeon, P. B., North Moreton, Wallingford c it Pimms, G. H., Moseley, Birmingham it Simpkin, T. H., Bednall, Stafford it Simpson, F. R., North Sunderland, Durham » it Simpson, Joseph, Tilsworth, Leighton Buzzard tt Simpson, J. H, St. Mark's, BexhiU, Sussex it Simpson, J. C, Sunninghill, Staines it Simpson, E. B., Greaves Honse, Lanoaster c u Simpson, T. B., V. of St. Outhbert's, Thetford p Singleton, J. B., Dowland, Devon it Sinyanki, J. E-, Sutherland Ho., Clapham Eise, S.W.u Sketohley, E. P., St. Edmund's, Salisbury it Skey, F. C, Wearo, Somerset tt Skinner, G. A., Frome-Selwood c u Skinner, J., Kewland, Great Malvern c it Skinner, B., Lea Marston, Birmingham it 20 Skipwith, H., Hamstall, Rugeley it SkrimBhire, H., CammenelliB, Redruth a Slater, F., Coatham, Redcar it Slatter, J., Streatley, Reading tt Slatter, W., Winterbourne, Binstead-road, Eyde it Slessor, J. H., Headbourne-Worthy, Winchester it Slodden, H. T., Ash Eectory, Farnboro' Station tt Smallpiece, F. F., Hungerftrd 11 Smallwood, G. A., Barrow-with-Twyford, Derby shire it Smith, Adam C, St. John's, Middlesboro' c tt Smith, A. Charles, Yatesbury, Calne tt Smith, A. E. C, Coatham, Bedcar c tt Smith, A. H., Crown-crescent, Scarborough c tt Smith, B. J., AUcerton, Banbury it Smith, C. J. E.. Mathematical Master, Eton College, Windsor 4- p tt Smith, D., St. Matthews, Demerara it Smith, E., Highgato. N. it Smith, E. H., E. of Bilomarsh, Derbyshire c Smith, E. J. H., Pembroke College, Camb. tt Smith, F. P. C, Stratford-on-Avon tt Smith, F. G. H., Armley, Leeds it Smith, G. E., Owston, Bawtry tt Smith, H. B., Wymering, Cosham tt Smith, H. Urling, Curfew House, Haigh, Wigan c it Smith, J. Bainbridge, B. of Sotby, Lincolnshire p it Smith, J. Ind, Agra Villa, Belmont-hill, Lee, S.E. tt Smith, J. Newton, Bishopston 4- Smith, J. T., St. Jude's, Bradford c * tt Smith, L. A., Hanbury, Bromsgrove it Smith, M., Clergy House, Plympton St. Mary tt Smith, P. 0., Stoke Eectory, Market Drayton it Smith, E., Swyncombe, Henley-on-Thames it Smith, E. F., Vicar' s-court, Southwell it Smith, S. A., St. Frideswide's, Oxford tt Smith, S. 0., Long Ashton, Bristol tt Smith, S. E., St. John's, Hatfield, Broad Oak, Harlow tt Smith, T. A., Tenbury, Salop tt Smith, T. W., Calverton, Notts, tt Smith, V., St. Saviour's, Hoxton c Smith, W., Bickington, Newton Abbott tt Smithe, W. H., St. Stephen's, Devonport 4- p c tt * Smyth, 0., Woodford, Thrapstone c u Smyth, F. J., St. Leonard's-on-Sea 4- it Smyth, H. M., Preston, Ipswich tt Smythies, C. A., Roatb, Cardiff it Soanes, 0., Streatham, S.W. tt Solbe", C. A., Chaplain to H.M. Forces, Woolwich tt Somerset, H. P., Raglan, Monmouth tt Sonlby, H. D., Hunworth, East Dereham it Southgate, F., Northfleet, Kent tt SouthweB, G., Yetminster, Sherborne tt Southwell, G. B., Chetnole, Sherborne 4- tt c Sowden, &., Hebden Bridge, Halifax tt Sowerby, C.B., Harrogate p Spalding, A. C. C, Heathfield, Hawkhuist e Sparks, W. R., St. John's, Aberdeen 4- it Sparling, A. S. L., Prince Town, Dartmoor, Devon u Spencer, C. C, R. of Benfield, Oundle p c it Spittal, John, South Banbury it Spooner, C, V. of Dean, Beds 4- p Spranger, R. J., Hursley, Winchester tt Sproston, S., 84, Queen' s-roan, Dalston, E, tt Square, E., Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wilts tt Stack, M., Portland, Dorset tt Stafford, C. E. F., Stoke, Market Drayton c it Stafford, J. R. W., Whitchurch Canonicorum, Brid- port it Staley, E., St. Stephen's, Lewisham, S.E. tt Stallard, A. G. B., 23, Londonn-Bquare, Cardiff 4- tt Stallard, G., Grafton, Marlborough tt Standidge, A., Adel, near Leeos tt Stanley, Hon. & Rev. A. C, Inc. Holy Cross, St. Pahcras 4- ctt Stannage, J., St. Augustine's College, Canterbury it Stansfield, E., V. of Rustington p it Stanton, A. H., St. Alban's, Holborn + p c Stathers, W., Glasgow tt St. Croix, H. C. de, Figheldean, Salisbury tt St. John, J. S., Caldicot, Chepstow 4- Stebbing, H., St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf c Steel, H. W., DurweBton, Blandford it Steel, M., Caerwent, Chepstow it Steele, C, Bradfield, Combust, Bury St. Edmund's it Steele, E., V. St. Neof s, Liskeard 4pe Steele, T. James, Whepstead, Bury St. Edmund's tt Stennisg, G. 0., Beaulieu Vioarage, Southampton it Stephen, W., Dumbarton, N.B. 4- Stepbenson, W. Hammersmith, W. tt Stevens, L., St. Philip's, Battersea Park, S.W. it Stevens, M., Towednack, Penzanco it Stewart, C. H., Somerootea, Alfreton it Still, R. T., Clevedon, Somerset it StiUingfleet, H. J. W., Hampton Bp. Hereford it St. John, H. F., 42, Albany-street, N.W. St. John, J. S., C. of Wymering 4- p it St. Leger, B., St. James', Eatoliffe, B. tt Stockdale, C, Ashbourne and Mapleton, Derbyshire tt Stockdale, H., Clayworth Bawtry, Worksop tt Stockdale, W., Milton-under-Wychwood, Chipping- Norton tt Stocks, J. E., Market Harborough 4- it Stonhouse, A., Walford, Boss a Stopford, F. M., TithmarBh, Thrapstone it Stork, J. H., Colwick Eeotory, Nottingham c Story, G. J., BarneB, S.W. it Streeten, G. B., Chaplain to H.M. Forces, India it Stretton, H., Eastville, Boston it Stretton, John, Mount Radford School, Exeter it Strickland, W. E., Egremont, Carnforth it Strother, J. B., E. of St. Mary- Steps, Exeter p it Strubbs, ProfeBsor, Broad-street, Oxford it Sturges, E., Wokingham it Suckling, M. S., E. of Shipmeadow, Beocles pen Suckling, E. A. J., Barsham Eeotory, Beocles 4- p c it Sugden, A. M., 17, Belmont, Bath a Sutton, A., West Tofts Brandon, Norfolk it Sutton, F. H., Brant, Broughton, Newark tt Sutton, W. II., Buoknell Cottage, Salop c u Sutton, W. M., 22, Powis-square, Brighton. tt Swainson, J. G., Wistanston, Salop tt Swallow, J. E., Chap, of Cuddesdon College 4- tt Swan, J. T. A., Sandhayes, Corsley, Warminster it Swann, II., 4, Dnnoan-terraoe, N. tt Swayne, W. J., Chitteme, Heytesbury, Wilts it " Sweet, J. H. S., Quebec tt Sweeting, W. D., The Precincts, Peterborough tt Swinnerton, C, 0. Colombo, Ceylon 4- Swete, H. B., Gouville & Cains Coll., Cambridge it p Swinburne, F. J., V. of Acook's green p Swinny, G. H., Abingdon up Sydenham, C. St. Barbe, Brushford, Tiverton u Sylvester, E. T., Deene Bectory, Wansford tt Symonds, G. E„ Thaxted, Essex tt Symonds, H., Thaxted, Essex 4- it Symonds, H., Willonhall, Wolverhampton 4- Symons, B. W. J., care of W. Bolton, Far Heading- ley, Leeds it Szyrma, W. S. L., St. Paul's, Newlyn, Penzance 4- tt (withdrawn) Tahourdin, R., Windsor it Talfourd, W. W., Winceby, Horncastle tt Tandy, G. M., V. of Loweswater, Cumberland 4- p it Tanner, W., Nether Wilton, Morpeth it Tapson, J. J„ Hooe, Plymonth it Tarbutt, A. C, Inc. St. Peter's, Streatham p u Tasker, J., V. of Holy Trinity, Carlisle p Tate, W. B., St. Mary, Blandford it Tatham, A., Southwell, Notts it Taunton, C. B., St. John's, Harlow c it Taylor, A. C, Chaplain, Vepery, Madras n * Taylor, C. W„ Chicklade, Hindon, Salisbury u Taylor, C. J. F., 6, Barnard's Inn, Holborn, W. it Taylor, E., V. of Temple-Sowerby, Penrith (utth- dra-wn) p Taylor, F. W., St. Mary Magdalene's, Brighton tt Taylor, G., Oak Lodge, Snnningdale it Taylor, G. J., White Colne, Halstead tt Taylor, H. B., Cambridge 4- p c n Taylor, James, Kolapore tt Taylor, J. H., Iripingo, D'Urban, Natal it Taylor, J. E. G., Vicar Choral, Hereford pen Teale, W., St. Chad's, Haggerston 4- p e tt Templer, H. S., Great Cox'well, Faringdon p tt Tetley, J. G., Higbnam, Gloucester it Teulon, J. S., Theol. Col., Chichester it Thompson, A. D. C.,Wormley Eectory, Herts 4- * p c tt Thompson, B. T., Heaton Norris, near Manchester u Thompson, C-, Pensax, Tenbury it Thompson, G., St. Michael & All Angels, Beckenham c Thompson, H., V. of Chard cp tt Thompson, J. H., Datchet, Windsor it Thomson, G., Banstead, Surrey c it Thorndike, C. F., Wallingford tt 21 Thornton, C. G., St. John, Bodminster, Bnstolp Thoroid, W. A. H., Kippenoes, nr. Lisa, Petersfield tt Thorpe, H., Aston-le- Walls, Leamington it Thorpe, B. J., Hovingham, York it Thwaytes, Thomas, R. of Hayton, Maryport p Thynne, A. C„ Penstowe, Stratton u Tickell, T„ North Leverton, Lincoln it Till, L., East Molesey it [mouth u Tink 0. e" , 18, Dnrnford-street, Stonehouse, Ply- Tinkier, J., V. Arkengrarthdale, Yorkshire p tt Tinling, G. D., I. of St. Clement's, Bournemouth 4- p c it S.M.F. Todd, K. H., TruBham, Bovey Tracey it Todd, J. U., Dunster, Somerset « Todd, T., Newton Rectory, Folkingham u Tollemache, A. F„ Tarporley, Chester c tt Tollemaohe, E. 0., Well, Bedale it Tomlins, B., Oity Gaol, Manchester it Tomlins, T. W., Alton, nr. Cheadle, Staffordshire it Tompkins, B. F„ Arundel u Tompson, B. J., Denham, Bury St. Edmund's it Tompson, E„ Woodstone, Peterborough it Tonkin, F., Thurlaston, Hinckley tt Tonkin, J., St. Burian, Penzance p c it Tooth, A., St. James's Vioarage, Hatcham, S.E. 4- * u Toppin, G. P., Cattislook, Dorchester p it Totbill, C. W. E., Tedburn, St. Marl, Exeter u Tottenham, E., C. of St. Peter's, Plymouth 4- p * tt Tower, 0., Ohilmark, Salisbury u Tower, 0. M. A., Wethersfield, Braintree it Towle, C. S., BedminBter, Bristol c it Towne, Ernest J., V. of Foroett p it [4- p c it Towne, L. B., E. of Christ Church, Coatham, Bedcar Townaend, T. J. M., Searby-Caistor 4- p c it Townson, E., St. Mary's, Allithwaite 4- p it Toye, J. T., St. David's, Kxeter it Trebeok, J. J., Southwell, Notts, u Trench, F. 0., St. Margaret's, Aniield, Liverpool it Trend, J. B., Chaplain of Vellore, S. India it Trenow, T. T., Grafham, Surrey it Trevolyan, E. 0., Clifton, Bristol ti Trevelyan, W. P., Oalverton, Stony Stratford it Trevenen, T. J., Dalton, Thirsk 4- p c it Trevitt, J. F., Brereton, Eugeley tt Trevor, G. A., 48, Queen's Gardens, W. tt Trew, John, S. P. G., 19, Delahay-street, Westmin ster, S.W. it Trotter, H. E., Northam, Southampton tt Trow, J. W., Oookham Dean, Maidenhead tt Trower, A., St. Mary-at-Hill, Eastcheap, E.C. tt Troyte, B. H. D., Porlook, Taunton tt Trundle, G., 4, St. Mary's, York u Trye, E. E., Leatheby, Otley it Tuck, J. G., Ebberaton, York u Tucker, H. W., 16, Scarsdale Villas, Kensington, W. u Tuoker, J. M., Toot Baldiw, Oxford u Tudor, H., Wolborough, Newton Abbot it Tudor, T. 0., St. Thomas's, Monmouth it Tugwcll, G., Bathwick, Bath it Tunnioliffe, M. W., Earl's Heaton, Dewsbury u Turnbull, W. 8., Penistone, Shefflold it Turner, 0., Grasby Brigg it Tumor, 0. 8., Beeoh Hill, Beading it Turnor, E. W., 160, Downham-road, Islington, N. it Turner, G. P., St. Mary's, Tenbury it Turner, T., Marden, Devizes it Tumook, J. R., St. Mary-le-Tower Vicarage, Ipswich 4- (toithdraiMi) Tnte. J. S., Markington, Bipley, York p it Tweddcll, M., 19a, Clifford-street, Bond-street, W. it Twoddle, C, 41, Bernard-st., Eussell-square, W.C. it Twigg, R., St. James's, WedneBbury it Tyaoke, It. F., Lelant, Cornwall tt Tydd, T. H., St. Paul's, Knightabridge, S.W. it Tylee, T. G., 2, Grosvenor Villas, Biohmond, S.W. it Tyler, C. H, Eodney-Stoke, near Wells it Tyrwhitt, C. B., St. Chad's, Denstone, Ashburne u Tyrwhitt, H. M., WaltbnmHoly Cross it Underwood, 0. E., Madley, Hereford tt Upton, B., Moreton-Say, Markot Drayton tt Urquhort, E. W.,V.of King's Sutton, Banbury H- p cit Utterson, F., 16, St. Anne s-terraoe, Derby it Valpy, J. M., Sudbury, Suffolk u Vaughan, A. 0. 0., Lambley, Haltwhistle, Corbridge- on-Tyna u Vaughan, 0. L., St. Leonard's on Sea e tt Vanghau, E. T., Hunton Bridge, Waitord it Vaughan, T. B., Upton, Gainsborough it Vanx, B., Great Yarmouth tt Vanx, G. B., Wolverb.ampr.on it Vaux, J. E., Teignmouth, Devon 4- e Verooe, S., Penmaen, Swansea u Vernon, J. B., V. of Bioknoller, Somerset p Vernon, J. B., St. Andrie, Bridgewater it Vigne, H., Sunbury tt Villiers, H. M., Adisham, Sandwich tt Vincent, M. 0., Charlton, Salisbury it Vinen, F. A. H, Wigan u Viner, A. E., Badgeworth, Cheltenham it Vyvyan, H., Seaton, Axminster it Wadmore, H. B., 15, Fairfax-road, St. John's Wood, N.W. it Waghorne, A. C, St. John's College, Newfoundland it Wagner, A. D., St. Paul's, Brighton c * it Warnwright, L. S., St. Peter's, London Docks 4- p u Walke, N., Eedlynoh, Wilts it Walker, A. H, Hebden Bridge, Halifax tt Walker, C, Hove Cottage, Brighton it Walker, 0. J. S., Birmingham it Walker, H. A., St. Patriok'B. South Kensington 4- c S.M.F. • , _ Walker, G. A., Chidham, Emsworth, Sussex tt Walker, Joseph, Averham, Notts tt Walker, Ealph, St. Mary-the-Less, Lambeth, S.E. tt Walker, Robert, St. Magnus, Lerwick, N.B. it Wallace, C. S., Sydenham, S.E. 4- it Wallace, R. J., Hurst Green, Blackburn it Wallace, W. B., Moresby, Whitehaven it Waller, A., Hunstanton, Lynn c tt Waller, C. E., V. of Humberstone p it WalmiBley, H., Odd Rode, Lawton it Walpole, R. H., V. of Balderton, Notts p c Walpole, R. S., Balderton, Newark 4- it Walsh, A., Bussage Heuse of Meroy, Strond it Walsh, W., Middlesex Hospital, W.C. 4- c it Walter, W. W., Bishop's Hull p Walters, A. V., Westgate House, Winchester u Walters, 0., Wardington, Banbury tt Walters, J. V., V. of St. Oolumba, Shoreditch p u Walters, J. V., St. Martin's, Salisbury c Walters, Thomas, C. of Pemnachno, Cornwall p Walters, T., Boyton, Launceston tt Walton, J., Newton, Glasgow it Walton, J., V. of Alversthorpe, Wakefield p it Walton, T. J., Iokleford Reotory, Hitchin c u WanstaU, W., Sneinton, Notts it Warburton, Dr. A., St. John's, Dnlwich, S.E. u Ward, A. H, St. Eaphael's, Bristol 4- c • u S.M.F. Ward, C, 35, Queen's-road, Great Yarmouth ti Ward, C. B., Whitfield, Glossop it Ward, 0. C., Lymm, Warrington it Ward, J. H. K., Marlborough it Wardell, H., Winlaton, Blaydon-on-Tyne it Wardell, H. J., The Elms, Kamsgate tl Wardroper, H. T.? Northmoor, Bynsham, Oxon it Ware, F. L., Lewisham, S.E. 4- p c it Ware, H. E., Church of the Ascension, Lavender Hill, S.W. it Ware, J. M., TJllingswick, Bromyard it Warner, C, Clun, Salop it Warner, R. E., Suitterby, Kirton-in.Lindsey p it Warren, A. J., Ash, Whitchurch, Salop it Warreu, F. E., St. John's College, Oxon it Waterfall, G. H, Tollard Eoyal, Salisbury u Waterfield, H. B., St. Germoe, Helston c it Watkins, O. D., Allahabad tt Watson, C, 7, Monkgate, York it Watson, F., St. John's College, Cambridge u Watson, J. T., Woodford, Thrapstone p c * Watson, W., C. of St. Mary, Roath, Cardiff 4- it Watts, B. E. B., Ninfield, Battle it Weaver, J. C, 160, Waterloo-road, Manchester u Webb, 0., Mansfield, Woodhouse, Notts it Webster, F. N., Mexborough, Botherham 4- Webster, W., New Pitsligo, Aberdeen 4- it Welch, H. F., Pattisholl, Towcester it Welland, L. P., Tallaton, Exeter 4- c it Wellesley, Wesley L. H., Hatchford, Cobham it Wellington, H. M., Exeter 4- it Wells, G. A., Uplands, Winchester c tt Wesley, 0. A. C, St. Alphago, Southwark West, G., Horham Hall, Thaxted it West, John, Aisholt, Bridgewater it West, J. E., Wrawby p u S.M.F. West, E. T., Delamere-ter., Paddington, W. c ' u West, W. H., Clandown, Bath it 22 Westell, H., 154, Finborough-road, West Brompton, S.W. 4- tt Westall, W., Forebridge, Stafford c tt Westbrooke, W. F. W., Market Easen it Westerman, E., Elton, Bury tt Westropp, J. T., Froome Selwood it Wetherall, C. A., Southend it Wethered, F. T., Hurley, Marlow it Whalley, G., St. James's, Blackburn tt Whalley, B. A., Gaywood Eectory, Lynn c it Wharton, E., Lincoln it Wheat, C. G., Timberland, Sleaford it Wheeler, H. N., Chaplain to H.M. Forces, Woolwioh tt Wheelwright, C. A., Shirley, Southampton it Whereat, R. H., Newland, Worcester it Whish, H. F., 17, Powis-road, Brighton 4- it Whitaker, W. E., Holcombe, Bath it Whitby, N. B., Pall Mall Club, S.W. tt White, D. J., West Butterwick, Rotherham c tt White, G. C, St. Matthias, Malvern Link (Treasurer) 4- c* tt White, John, Grayingham, Kirton-in-Lindsay tt White, J. B., 123, Vassall-road, S.W. it White, R. H., Little Bardfield, Essex tt Whitehead, A., St. Peter's, Margate it Whitehead, W. C., Ravensthorpe, Normanton p u Whiteley, Joseph, Royd, Ripponden, Halifax tt Whiting, H. B., Writhlington, Bath it Whitlaw, G., C. of St. Clement, Kensington 4- c Whitmarsb, Dr., Keble-terrace, Oxford tt Whitmore, H., Precentor of Carlisle Cathedral p Whitworth, W. A., St. John's, Hammersmith, W. tt Whytehead, R. Y-, C. of Icklesham, Sussex tt 4- p Widdioombe, John, Leribe, British BaButoland tt Wigston, W., St. Andrew, Rushmere, Ipswich u Wilberforce, E. R., St. Thomas, Seaforth, Liverpool it WUcooks, H. S., 7, Wyndham-place, Plymouth 4- c Wilde, B. L., Hurstmonceaux, Hurst Green tt * Wilgress, G. F., Cadmore End, High Wycombe tt Wilkins, John, Scarborough it Wilkins, Canon, J. M., Southwell, Notts u Wilkins, T., St. Michael's, Neepsend, Sheffield tt Wilkinson, F. H. 0., Stoke Reotory, Market Drayton tt Wilkinson, F. P., Euyton XI. Town*, Shrewsbury tt Wilkinson, John, St. Paul's, Gateshead 4- it Wilkinson, J. B., Inc. of the Church of the Ascen sion, Wandsworth c * it S.M.F. Wilkinson, Bt. Eev. Dr., Bishop of Zululand c Willes, G. E., Christ Church, Epsom tt Willett, F., V. of West Bromwioh 4- p c tt Williams, Arthur, Sutton-on-Plym, Plymouth it Williams, A., Culmington, Salop tt Williams, B., Bilborough, Notts it [berland it Williams, C. Ovingham, Prudhoe, E. S. 0. Northum- Williams, C. T., West End, Southampton it Williams, B. O., Vicarage, Pwllheli c it Williams, B. P., Chap, of St. Agatha's, Beckenham 4- p c tt Williams, E. T., Caldicot, Chepstow it Williams, F. M., Siefton, Bromfield, Salop tt Williams, H., Hemswell, Kirton-in-Lindsey it Williams, H. J., Tintern, Chepstow tt Williams, J., Beaumaris, Anglesea c it Williams, L. C, Siefton, Bromfield, Salop tt Williams, P., Bewe, Exeter tt Williams, R. P., Scartho, Grimsby tt Williams, T. L., Portleven, Helston p c ti Williamson, T. P., Little Brickhill, Bletchley it Williamson, T. Pym, Thelwall, Warrington it Williamson, Z. P., Abererch, Pwllheli tt Willington, H. E., Oxford & Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, S.W. + cv, Willington, J. R., Torquay 4- p c tt Willis, E. V., Cuddesdon College, Oxford 4- tt Willoughby, A. H., 26, Warwick-square, S.W. 4- it Wills, F. C, St. Agatha, Shoreditch (withdrawn) p c Wills, T. A., Wickham, Fareham it Wilmot F. E. W., Leigh Sinton, Malvern « Wilson, A., 3, Leamington-terrace, The Grove, Ham mersmith, W. tt Wilson, C. H., Upavon, Marlborough it Wilson, C. H., V. of Cubberley, Cheltenham p Wilson, H. J„ Surbiton it Wilson, John, Ockbrook, Derby u Wilson, B. F. Eownhams, Southampton tt Wilson, E. J., V. of Woolvoroott, Oxfordshire 4- tt Wilton, C. T., Foy, Boss it Wimperis, J. J.. St. Leonard's, Shoreditch p Winder, J. H., Handswortb, Woodhouse, Sheffield it Windsor, S. B. Warley, Brentwood it Winser, 0. J., High Legh, Knutsford it Winslow, E. F., Epping it Winterborn, B. T., Eochdale tt Winterbottom, E., Portslade-by-the-Sea, Shoreham tt Wither, B. F. Bigg, Beigate tt Wither, W. Bigg, Hardwicke, Aylesbury tt Witt, S. T., 40, Ecoleaton-square, S.W. u Wix, Joseph, Little-bury, Saffron Walden it Wix, E. H., Swanmore, Byde, Isle of Wight c tt Wodehouse, C. G., Lower Slaughter, Moreton-ia- Marsh c tt Wodehonse, P. C, Hampton Court Palace u Wollaston, Canon 0. B., Amport, Andover tt Wollaston, John, Old Church, Smethwiok tt Wollaston, J. T. B., Montgomery tt Wollaston, B. G., Lyme Regis tt Wood, A. A., South Boston, Louth tt Wood, C. P., St. Philip's, Demerara it Wood, E„ St. Urbain-street, Montreal it [S.M.F. Wood, E.G. de S., St. Clement's, Cambs. 4- p e * « Wood, F. J., Park -place, Leeds, it Wood, J. G., 9, Erith-road, Belvedere, S.E. u Wood, J„ V. of Wolverton 4- p tt Wood, B. N., 0. of Somerset County Asylum p tt Wood, S. T., St. Saviour's, Eastbourne tt Woodard, L., Stretham, Ely it Woodcock, Oh., V. of Ohardstock, P. Sarum p tt Woodcock, T., Cheltenham u Woodgates, J. R., Depden, Bury St. Edmund's it Woodhead, H., 28, Harrington-street, Hampstead road, N.W. tt Woodhouse, F. C, St. Mary's, Hulme, Manchester « Woodhouse, E., Tugford, Ludlow it Woodhouse, T., North Kelsey Brigg, Lincolnshire c Woodroffe, J. H., V. of St. Augustine, S. Hackney p Woods, Ven. Archdeacon C. T., New Westminster, British Columbia tt [S. W. Woodward, G. E., St. Barnabas College, Pimlico, Woodward, H. H., The Priory, Wantage tt Woodward, M., V. of Folkestone tt Woodward, T. B., The Knowle, Tenbury tt Wooler, W. G., Oleobury North, Bridgnorth « Woolmer, C. E. S., St. Andrew's, Deal c « Worgan, J. H., Cheltenham p tt Wortham, B. H., Shrepreth, Royston it Wray, C, Clatworthy, Wivelisoombe c tt Wray, C, V. of St. Martin's, Liverpool p Wray, W. M., St. Oswald's, Durham 4- c it Wreford, J., Sunningdale, Berkshire 4- p c Wright, A. R. B., Stebbing, Chelmsford tt Wright, Henry E., Vange, Essex p Wright, O. C, St. John's, Dulwich, S.E. c Wright, R. G., Kimberley, Oriqualand, West it Wright, R. R., R. of Marhamchurch, Cornwall p Wright, W. B., St. Mary's, Newington, S.E. c Wyatt, E. E., St. Wilfrid's, Hayward's Heath u Wyatt, V. P., Hlesley-villa, Lower Eedland-road Bristol it Wyld, C. N., Maiden Bradley, Bath « Wylde, J., All Saints', West Bromwich 4- c * it Wylde, R., Bartley-green, Birmingham 4- p c * tt Wyncb, J. W., Madras, ctt Wynhain, H. H. W., Forton, Gosport tt Wyon, W. J., Mission House, Cowley St. John n Yarde, T. J., Torquay it Yates, W., Arley, North wich it Yeld, C, St. John's, Nottingham c it * Yeo, C. 0., Kexby, York tt Yeo, J. P., Edenneld, Bnryit Young, C. B., Whitway, Burghclere, Newbury u Young, D. E., Wantage tt Young, F. J., South Milford, Yorkshire tt Young, H. S., Hurst, Twyford it Young, J. G. Hursley, Winchester it Young, J. P., Grimsby it Young, W. H., All Saints', North Moreton c * v THE PETITION. The following is the full text of the petition referred to on the title-page, and which was presented to Convocation in the spring of 1873. How the Bishops could allow such a docu ment to be presented is a portent and a prodigy ! For thia and other reasons we deem it desirable to republish it in its entirety : — " The Humble Petition of the undersigned Priests of the Church of England— Sheweth :— 1. That your Petitioners have learnt that changes have been made, and are being made, with the sanction of your Venerable House, in the Book of Common Prayer. 2. That your Petitioners are of those who, in the present position and circumstances of the Church of England, have hitherto, on the whole, deprecated any change whatever being made in the accepted status of the formularies of the Church, and are even now desirous that no further changes should be made. 3. That nevertheless that status having been now disturbed, your Petitioners are anxious to be heard in support of the conviction which they have long entertained, with respect to certain additions to her formularies which they believe wo-ild tend greatly to the benefit of the Church. 4. That inasmuch as the Church of England declares in a variety of ways her acceptance of all Catholic doctrine and practice, the Book of Common Prayer to which, as it now stands, your Petitioners have, at different times, honestly given their assent and consent, appears to them, notwithstanding, to be manifestly incomplete, through the absence in many particulars of such services and rubrics as would give adequate expression to this claim of the Church of England to be Catholic in her doctrine, usage, and ceremonial. 5. That this want of completeness has of late become to your Petitioners and others a more distinct grievance, through the novel and destructive interpretation which, in various quarters, has been placed upon the rubrics as they stand, to the effect that whatsoever is not therein expressly or by necessary implication enjoined, is prohibition ; a principle which your Petitioners believe to be of " dangerous consequence, as secretly striking at some established doctrine or laudable practice of the Church of England, or indeed of the whole Catholic Church of Christ " (see Preface to the Book of Common Prayer). 6. That the same want of completeness is further evidenced by the fact that, notwithstanding the attempt to enforce the above-mentioned principle, viz., that " omission is prohibition," — so far from the said principle being accepted and acted upon by thc Church, a large number of services and ceremonies are actually in use of a character supplementary to the Book of Common Prayer, which, albeit they are not set forth by authority, and various attempts have been made to prohibit some of them, are nevertheless daily increasing more and more in number and variety, and cannot be either ignored or suppressed. As examples your Petitioners would mention — 1. As to Services: The different forms of Prayer for the Consecration and Eeopening of Churches and Chapels, and the Consecration of Cemeteries ; for Harvest Festivals ; for Missions ; for the benediction of Missionaries ; for the appointment of Beaders ; and for various other like purposes : and the widespread use of Metrical Psalms, Hymns, and Litanies. 2. As to Ceremonials and Ornaments : The use of solemn and other processions as well in Cathedral and Parish Churches as elsewhere. The formal presentation to Archbishops and Bishops of croziers and pastoral staves, and the ceremonial use thereof. The use of processional crosses and banners, credence tables, chalice veils, coloured altar cloths, and the like. All of which, and many other such Catholic usages, while they are extensively promoted by or used under Episcopal countenance and sanction, are nevertheless neither expressly nor by neces sary implication enjoined by the Book of Common Prayer. 7. That, in the face of these facts, to alter the Book of Common Prayer, as is proposed, in an mi-Catholic direction, appears to your Petitioners to be a course of proceeding fraught with grievous mischief to the interests of truth, unity, and concord. 8. That whereas it is notorious that, on the plea of the Church embracing men of various minds, a large amount of licence is allowed to the non-observance of the direct requirements of the Book of Common Prayer, and to the defects and excesses of ultra-Protestantism, your Petitioners submit that at least an equal amount of liberty may be fairly claimed, and ought to be expressly permitted, for those who seek only to restore and promote in every way such doctrine and ceremonial as, being in nowise prohibited, have been inherited from the whole and undivided Catholic Church ot' Christ. 9. That the additions which, in the event of any further changes being made in the Book of Common Prayer, your Petitioners pray your Venerable House to promote — i. Are in accordance with the principle which has guided the Church of England in previous additions to. and alterations of her formularies, viz., a desire to symbolize with the" ancient fathers and primitive doctors, and to avoid any divergence from "the established doctrine or laudable practice of the whole Catholic Church of Christ." ii. Aie suggested by an earnest desire ou the part of your Petitioners to further, so far as in them lies, the consummation of that much-to-be-desired end which was to be prayed for by the seventy-six bishops in Communion with the Church of England, in Conference assembled at Lambeth, in the year of our Lord 1867, viz., "that God in His good time would give back unto His whole Church the blessed gift of unity in the truth." iii. Would tend to tlm more distinct enunciation in the formularies of the Church of England of certain doctrines, whic'i (a) Art undoubtedly ogreeable to the mind of the ancient fathers and of the whole Catholic Charon ol Christ: 24 (i) Have ever since the Reformation been held and taught by a succession of divines, for learning and piety inferior to none in the reverent esteem of the faithful : (c) Are specially due to your Petitioners and to a large and increasing number both of the clergy and also of the faithful laity : and (rf) Are in exact accordance with the formularies of the Church of England, and have even been recently affirmed (with whatever amount of authority) by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council to be not repugnant thereto : The doctrines, that is to say, of I. The Real Presence of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion, " under the form of Bread and Wine." n. The Adoration due to Him there Present. TTT. The sacrifice which He there offers by the hands of His Priest to the Divine Majesty. (c) Would also tend in great measure to supply, to the services of the Church of England that elasticity, a desire for which is so commonly expressed,' inasmuch as they would directly meet (as is well-known to your Petitioners) the requirements of vast numbers of the 'faithful,' and also would ensure that brevity, vigour and variety in.' the -services which your Venerable House has already felt and affirmed to be necessary for these times. 10. That changes having already been made in the Book of Common Prayer, your Petitioners therefore humbly pray your Venerable House to provide — i. That in the event of any change whatever being made, with the concurrence of your Vene rable House, in the Order for the Administration of Holy Communion, such changes only may be made as shall bring the said Service into closer accordance with the Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England, the original from which that Order was derived. • ii. That the Service for Holy Communion contained in the first Prayer Book of Edward VI., which being prepared by certain Bishops aDd learned divines of the Church of England, was declared to have been "concluded by them by the aid of the Holy Ghost with one uniform agreement," and by the constant testimony and consent of this Church and Realm hath subsequently, notwith standing its disuse, been held to be " a very Godly order, agreeable to the Word of God and the Primitive Church, very comfortable to all Christian people desiring to live in Christian conversation, and most profitable to the state of the realm," may at the very least, be taken as the model after which any alteration in the present order may be made. iii. That in making such alterations, a due regard may be had by your Venerable House to the following particular requirements : 1. The full provision of the ancient and proper Introits and Graduals, together with the Secreta, Communions, and Post-communions, for Festivals, Sundays, and Ferial days. 2. The insertion of the proper prefaces in the same for the following days and seasons, viz. — (1) Epiphany and seven days after; (2) Lent; (3) Feasts of Apostles and Evangelists ; (4)' Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. - ¦* 3. The restoration of the ancient and proper Collects, Epistles, ahd Gospels for the week-days in Lent, the Ember and Rogation days, and those Festivals contained in the Calendar of the Book of Common Prayer for which none are at present provided ; and also for the Administration of Holy Communion at the Solemnization of Matrimony, and at the Burial and other' Commemora tions of the Dead, for which occasions none are supplied by the Book of Common Prayer, with the exception of the Collect for the Burial of the Dead. iv. That a special Service may be supplied for the Burial of Baptized Children, with due provision for the Celebration of Holy Communion on that occasion. v. That the proper Antiphons may be restored to the Psalms and Canticles throughout the year, after the manner indicated in the Book of Common Prayer by the provision of'0 Sapientia for December 16. •' • vi. That provision may be made for the decent and reverent Reservation of the Blessed Eucharist, and that an Office be prepared for the Communion of the Sick therewith. vii. That the use of Unction may be restored in Holy Baptism and Confirmation, as well as in the Visitation of the Sick, together with the proper Services for the consecration by the Bishop of the Oils for the said purposes. viii. That a service prepared in as close accordance as possible with the ancient Rite may be sanctioned by your Venerable House for the Consecration of Churches and Cemeteries, instead of the widely-varying forms which are at present commonly used for that purpose. ix. That in accordance with the precedent already set by your Venerable House in the authori zation of a Service for Harvest Festivals in order td meet a want of recent growth, the like sanction may be given to the ancient and edifying Ceremonies proper to the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, the three last days of Holy Week, and Rogation Days, all of which Ceremonies have of late years been restored to use in this Church and Realm. x. That in view of the wide-spread and increasing use of Sacramental Confession, your Vene rable House may consider the advisability of providing for the education, selection, and licensing of duly-qualified Confessors, in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law. xi. And, finally, that your Venerable House will discountenance in every way attempts to restrain the liberty of the faithful to be present throughout the Celebration of Holy Communion, whether they may or may not intend to communicate at that particular Service. And your Petitioners will ever pray, tfec. W. H. & L. Collingridge, Xos. 128 and 129, Aldefsg'ate street, and kew 'street, LoDg Lane, London, E.{\