JTfc^M-np YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1940 This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Yale University Library, 2008. You may not reproduce this digitized copy of the book for any purpose other than for scholarship, research, educational, or, in limited quantity, personal use. You may not distribute or provide access to this digitized copy (or modified or partial versions of it) for commercial purposes. THE WORKS OF THE RIGHT REVEREND GEORGE HORNE, D.D. VOL. II. Printed by S. Hamilton, Wejbridge. THE WORKS OF THB RIGHT REVEREND GEORGE HORNE, D.D. LATE LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH; TO WHICH ARS PREFIXEO MEMOIRS OF HIS LIFE, STUDIES, AND WRITINGS, By WILLIAM JONES, M.A. F.R.S. ONE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S CHAPLAINS, AND LONG HIS MOST INTIMATE AND CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. II. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, F. & C. RIVINGTON, R. FAULDER, G. WILKIK & J. ROBINSON, J. WALKER, G. ROBINSON, R. LEA, J. NUNN, CADELL & DAVIES, CUTHELL & MARTIN, VERNOR, HOOD, & SHARPE, LONGMAN, HURST, REES, & ORME, i. RICHARDSON, & J. M. RICHARDSON. isoy. PREFACE. 1 HE Psalms are an epitome of the Bible, adapted to the purposes of devotion. They treat occasionally of the creation and formation of the world ; the dispensations of Providence, and the economy of grace ; the transactions of the patriarchs ; the exodus of the children of Israel; their journey through the wilderness, and settlement in Canaan ; their law, priesthood, and ritual; the exploits of their great men, wrought through faith; their sins and captivities ; their repentances and restorations ; the sufferings and victories of David ; the peaceful and happy reign of Solomon ;- the advent of Mes siah, with its effects and consequences ; his incarna tion, birth, life, passion, death, resurrection, ascen sion, kingdom, and priesthood; the effusion of the Spirit; the conversion of the nations ; the rejection of the Jews ; the establishment, increase, and per-; petuity of the Christian church; the end of the world; the general judgement; the condemnation of the wicked, and the final triumph of the righteous vol. ii. a ii PREFACE. with their Lord and King. These are the subjects here presented to our meditations. We are in structed how to conceive of them aright, and to ex press the different affections which, when so con ceived of, they must excite in our minds. They are, for this purpose, adorned with the figures, and set off with all the graces of poetry; and poetry itself is designed yet farther to be recommended by the charms of music, thus consecrated to the service of God ; that so delight may prepare the way for im provement, and pleasure become the handmaid of wisdom, while every turbulent passion is calmed by sacred melody, and the evil spirit is still dispossessed by the harp of the son of Jesse. This little volume, like the paradise of Eden, affords us in perfection, though in miniature, every thing that groweth else where, " every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and " good for food :" and above all, what was there lost, but is here restored, the tree or life in the midst of the garden. That which we read, aa matter of speculation, in the otter Scriptures, ia reduced to practice, when we recite it in the Psalms ; in those, repentance and faith are described, but in these, they are acted; by a perusal of the former, we learn how others served God, but, by using the latter, we serve him ourselves. " What " is there necessary for man to know," says the pious and judicious Hooker, " which the Psalms are PREFACE. iii " not able to teach? They are to beginners an easy " and familiar introduction, a mighty augmentation " of all virtue and knowledge in such as are entered " before, a strong confirmation to the most perfect " among others. Heroical magnanimity, exquisite " justice, grave moderation, exact wisdom, repent- " ance unfeigned, unwearied patience, the mysteries" " of God, the sufferings of Christ, the terrors of " wrath, the comforts of grace, the works of Provi- " dence over this world, and the promised joys of " that world which is to come ; all good necessarily "to be either known or done, or had, this one " celestial fountain yieldeth. Let there be any " grief or disease incident unto the soul Of man, " any wound or sickness named, for which there is " nOt, in this treasure-house, a present comfortable " remedy at all times ready to be found*." In the language of this divine book, therefore, the prayers and praises of the church have been offered up to the throne of grace, from age to age. And it appears to have been the manual of the Son of God, in the days of his flesh ; who, at the conclusion of his last supper, is generally supposed, and that upon good grounds, to have sung an hymn taken from it f ; who * Hooker's Ecclesiast. Pol. b. v. sect. 37- f St. Matthew informs us, chap. xxvi. 30. that he and his apostles " sung an hymn ;" and the hymn usually sung by the a 2 iv PREFACE. pronounced, on the cross, the beginning of the xxiid Psalm ; " My God, My God, why hast thou " forsaken me?" and expired with a part of the x;xxist Psalm in his mouth;." Into thy hands I com" "mend my spirit." Thus He, who had not the Spirit by measure, in whom were hidden all the -?treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and who spake as never man spake, yet chose to conclude his life, to solace himself in his greatest agony, and at last to breathe out his soul, in the Psalmist's form of words rather than his own. No tongue of man or angel, as Dr. Hammond justly observes, can convey an higher idea of any book, and of their felicity who use it aright. Proportionable to the excellency of the Psalms, hath been the number of their expositors. The ancients were chiefly taken up in making spiritual or evangelical applications of them; in adapting their discourses on them to the general exigencies of the Christian church, or to the particular necessities of the age in which they wrote. The moderns have set themselves to investigate with diligence, and ascertain with accuracy, their literal scope and meaning. Piety and devotion characterize the writings of the ancients ; the commentaries of the Jews, upoi) that occasion, was, what they called the " great " Hallel," consisting of the Psalms from the cxiiith to the cxviiith inclusive. PREFACE. v moderns display more learning and judgement. The ancients have taught us how to rear a goodly super structure ; but tlie moderns have laid the surest foundation. To bring them in some measure toge ther, is the design of the following work ; in which the author has not laboured to point out what seemed wrong in either, but to extract what he judged to be right from both ; to make the annota tions of the latter a ground-work for improvements like those of the former; and thus to construct an edifice, solid, as well as spacious. Materials, and good ones, he cannot be said to have wanted; so that , if the building should give way, the cement must have been faulty, or the workman unskilful. The right of the Psalter to a place in the sacred canon hath never been disputed ; and it is often cited by our Lord and his apostles in the New Testament, as the work of the Holy- Spirit. Whe ther David therefore, or any other prophet, was employed as the instrument of communicating to the church such or such a particular Psalm, is a question which, if it cannot always be satisfactorily answered, needs not disquiet our minds. When we discern, in an epistle, the well known hand of a friend, we are not solicitous about the pen with which it was written. The number of Psalms is the same in the ori ginal, and in the version of the LXX.; only these vi PREFACE. last have, by some mistake, thrown the ninth and tenth into one, as also the hundred and fourteenth, and the hundred and fifteenth, and have divided the hundred and sixteenth into two, as also the hundred and forty- seventh. The Hebrews have distributed them into five books ; but for what reason, or upon what authority, we know not. This is certain, that the apostles quote from " the book of Psalms*," and that they quote the " second Psalm " of that book, in the order in which it now stands f. That division, which our own church hath made of them, into thirty por tions, assigning one to each day of the month, it hath been thought expedient to set down in the margin ; as persons may often choose to turn to the commentary on those Psalms, which occur in their daily course of reading. In the titles, prefixed to some of the Psalms, there is so much obscurity, and in the conjectures which have been made concerning them, both in a literal and spiritual way, so great a variety and un certainty, that the author, finding himself, after all his searches, unable to offer any thing which he thought could content the learned, or edify the un learned, at length determined to omit them ; as the sight of them, unexplained, only distracts the eye and attention of the reader. The omission of the word selah must be apologized for in the same * Acts, i. 20. f Acts, xiii. 33. PREFACE. vii manner. The information obtained from the histori cal titles will be found in the Argument placed at the head of each Psalm; though even that is not always to be relied on. Where this information failed, the occasion and drift of a Psalm were to be collected from the in ternal evidence contained in itself, by a diligent pe* rusal of it, with a view to the sacred history ; the light of which, when held to the Psalms, often dissi pates the darkness that must otherwise for ever envelop allusions to particular events and circum stances. Sometimes, indeed, the descriptions are couched in terms more general; and then, th£ want of such information is less perceived. ' If it appear, for instance, that David, at the time of com posing any Psalm, was under persecution, or had been lately delivered from it, it may not be of any great consequence, if we cannot determine with precision, whether his persecution by Saul and Doeg, or that by Absalom and Ahithophel, be intended and referred to. The expressions either of his sor row or his joy, his strains, whether plaintive or jubi lant, may be nearly the same, in both cases, respect ively. This observation may be extended to many other instances of calamities bewailed, or deliver ances celebrated in the Psalms, sometimes by the prince, sometimes by the community, and frequently viii PREFACE. by both together. Upon the whole, it is hoped, that the design of each Psalm hath been sufficiently dis covered, to explain and apply it, for the instruction and comfort of believers. The result of such critical inquiries as were found necessary to be made, is given in as few words as possible; often only by inserting into a verse, or subjoining to it, that sense of a word, or phrase, which seemed upon mature deliberation to be the best ; as it was deemed improper to clog, with prolix disquisitions of this kind, a work intended for gene ral use. The reader will, however, reap the benefit of many such, which have been carefully consulted for him. And he will not, it is presumed, have rea son to complain, that any verse is passed over with out a tolerable consistent interpretation, and some useful improvement. — Where the literal sense was plain, it is noticed only so far as was. necessary to make an application, or form a reflection. Where there appeared any obscurity or difficulty, recourse was had to the best critics, and that solution, which seemed the most satisfactory, given in the concisest manner. Much labour hath here been bestowed, where little appears. The plan of every Psalm hath been attentively studied, with the connexion and de pendence of its parts, which it is the design of the Argument to exhibit at one view, and of the Com- PREFACE. ix mentary to pursue and explain from beginning to end*. No person is more thoroughly sensible than the author is, of the respect and gratitude due from all lovers of the sacred writings, to those who have laboured in the field of literal criticism ; great and illustrious characters, whose names will be had by the church in everlasting remembrance! All, who desire to understand the Scriptures, must enter into their labours, and make tlie proper advantage of them, as he himself hath endeavoured to do. But let us also bear in mind, that all is not done, when this is done. A work of the utmost importance still remains, which it is the business of Theology -j" to undertake and execute; since, with respect to the Old Testament, and the Psalter more especially, a person may attain a critical and grammatical know ledge of them, and yet continue a Jew, with a veil upon his heart ; an utter stranger to that sense of the * Nos Lectoris pium hunc laborem adjuvandum suscepimus: dum constitute argumcntis scopum attentioni figimus: dum scru- tarum literam, et ex sacra historia, quantum possumus, omnia repetimus ; dum annotamus qua; pietatem inflamment; alia eo exemplo quasrenda indicamus. Bossuet. Dissertat. in Psal. cap. vii. t Theologian insignis hie usus est, ut, verborum sensu exposi- to, rem intelligas. Elsner. Prafat. ad Observat. Sacr. x PREFACE. holy books, evidently intended, in such a variety of instances, to bear testimony to the Saviour of the world ; that sense, which is styled, by divines, the PROPHETICAL, EVANGELICAL, MYSTICAL, Or spiritual sense. As it is one great design of the following work to investigate that sense in many of the Psalms, this is the proper place to lay before the reader those grounds and reasons upon which such investigation- has been made. That the spiritual interpretation of the Scripture, like all other good things, is liable to abuse, and that it hath been actually abused, both in ancient and modern days, cannot be denied. He who shall go about to apply, in this way, any passage, before he hath attained its literal meaning, may say what in itself is pious and true, but foreign to the text from which he endeavoureth to deduce it. St. Jerome, it is well known, when grown older and wiser, la mented, that, in the fervours of a youthful fancy, he had spiritualized the prophecy of Obadiah, before he understood it! And it must be allowed that a due attention to the occasion and scope of the Psalms, would have pared off many unseemly excre scences, which now deform the commentaries of St. Augustin, and other Fathers, upon them. But these, and other concessions of the same kind being made, as they are made very freely, " men of sense PREFACE. xi " will consider, that a principle is not therefore to " be rejected, because it has been abused * ; since human errors can never invalidate the truths of God. It may not be amiss, therefore, to run through the Psalter, and point out some of the more remarkable passages, which are cited from thence by our Lord and his apostles, and applied to matters evange lical. No sooner have we opened the book, than the second Psalm presenteth itself, to all appearance, as an inauguration hymn, composed by David, the anointed of Jehovah, when by him crowned with victory, and placed triumphant on the sacred hill of Sion. But let us turn to Acts, iv. 25. and there we find the apostles, with one voice, declaring the Psalm to be descriptive of the exaltation of Jesus Christ, and of the opposition raised against his Gospel, both by Jew and Gentile. In the eighth Psalm we imagine the writer to be setting forth the pre-eminence of man in general, above the rest of the creation ; but by Heb. ii. 6". we are informed, that the supremacy conferred on the second Adam, the man Christ Jesus, over all things in heaven and earth, is the subject there treated of. * Bishop Hurd's Introduction to the Study of the Prophe cies, p. 64. xii PREFACE. St. Peter stands up, Acts, ii. 25. and preaches the resurrection of Jesus from the latter part of the sixteenth Psalm ; and, lo ! three thousand souls are converted by the sermon. Of the eighteenth Psalm we are told, in the course of the sacred history, 2 Sam. xxii. that " David " spake before the Lord the words of that song, in " the day that the Lord delivered him out of the " hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of " Saul." Yet in Rom. xv. 9. the 49th verse of that Psalm is adduced as a proof, that " the Gentiles " should glorify God for his mercy in Jesus Christ, "as it is written, For this cause will I confess " to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy " name." In the nineteenth Psalm, David seems to be speaking of the material heavens, and their opera tions only, when he says, " their sound is gone out " into all the earth, and their words unto the ends " of the world." But St. Paul, Rom. x. 18. quotes the passage to show, that the Gospel had been uni versally published by the apostles. The twenty-second. Psalm Christ appropriated to himself, by beginning it in the midst of his sufferings on the cross; "My God, my God," &c. Three other verses of it are, in ihe New Testament, ap plied to him ; and the words of the 8th verse were actually used by the chief priests, when they re- PREFACE. xiii viled him; " He trusted in God," &c. Matt. xxvii. 43. When David saith, in the fortieth Psalm, " Sacri- " fice and offering thou didst not desire — Lo, I " come to do thy will :" we might suppose him only to declare in his own person, that obedience is better than sacrifice. But from Heb. x. 5. we learn, that Messiah, in that place, speaketh of his advent in tne flesh, to abolish the legal sacrifices, and to do away sin, by the oblation of himself, once for all. That tender and pathetic complaint, in the forty- first Psalm, " Mine own familiar friend in whom " I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lift up " his heel against me," undoubtedly might be, and probably was, originally uttered by David, upon the revolt of his old friend and counsellor, Ahithophel, to the party of his rebellious son, Absalom. But we are certain, from John, xiii. 18. that this Scripture was fulfilled, when Christ was betrayed by his apostate disciple — " I speak not of you all ; I know " whom I have chosen; but that the Scriptures " may be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me hath " lift up his heel against me." The forty-fourth Psalm we must suppose to have been written on occasion of a persecution under which the church at that time laboured; but a verse of it is cited, Rom. viii. 36. as expressive of what Christians were to suffer, on their blessed Master's" xiv PREFACE. account ; " as it is written, For thy sake are we " killed all the day long ; we are counted as sheep " appointed to be slain." A quotation from the forty-fifth Psalm, in Heb. i. 8. certifies us, that the whole is addressed to the Son of God, and therefore celebrates his spiritual union With the church, and the happy fruits of it. The sixty-eighth Psalm, though apparently con versant about Israelitish victories, the translation of the ark to Sion, and the services of the tabernacle, yet does, under those figures, treat of Christ's resur rection, his going up on high, leading captivity cap tive, pouring out the gifts of the Spirit, erecting his church in the world, and enlarging it by the accession of the nations to the faith ; as will be evident to any one, who considers the force and consequence of the apostle's citation from it, Ephes. iv. 7, 8. " Unto " every one of us is given grace, according to the " measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he " saith, When he ascended up on high, he led cap- " tivity captive, and gave gifts unto men." The sixty-ninth Psalm is five times referred to in the Gospels, as being uttered by the prophet, in the person of Messiah. The imprecations, or rather predictions, at the latter end of it, are applied, Rom. xi. 9, 10. to the Jews ; and to Judas, Acts, i. 20. where the hundred and ninth Psalm is also cited, as< prophetical of the sore judgements which should PREFACE. xv befall that arch traitor, and the wretched nation of which he was an epitome. St. Matthew, informing us, chap. xiii. 34. that Jesus spake to the multitude in parables, gives it as one reason why he did so, " that it might be fulfilled " which was spoken by the prophet, Psal. lxxviii. 2. "" I will open my mouth in a parable : I will utter " things which have been kept secret from the foun- " dation of the world." The ninety-first Psalm was applied, by the tempt er, to Messiah : nor did our Lord object to the ap plication, but only to the false inference, which his adversary suggested from it. Matt. iv. 6, 7- The ninety-fifth Psalm is explained at large in Heb. iii. and iv. as relative to the state and trial of Christians in the world, and to their attainment of the heavenly rest. The hundred and tenth Psalm, is cited by Christ himself, Matt. xxii. 44. as treating of his exaltation, kingdom, and priesthood. The hundred and seventeenth Psalm, consisting only of two verses, is employed, Rom. xv. 1 1 . to prove, that the Gentiles were one day to praise God for the mercies of redemption. The 22d verse of the hundred and eighteenth Psalm, " The stone which the builders refused," &c. is quoted six different times, as spoken of our Saviour. xvi PREFACE. ¦ And, lastly, " the fruit of David's body," which God is said, in the hundred and thirty-second Psalm, to have promised that he would place upon his " throne," is asserted, Acts, ii. 30. to be Jesus Christ. These citations, lying dispersed through the Scrip- , tures of the New Testament, are often suffered by common readers to pass unnoticed. And many others content themselves with saying, that they are made in a sense of accommodation, as passages may be quoted from poems or histories merely human, for the illustration of truths, of which their authors never thought. " And this," as a learned critic ob serves, " is no fault, but rather a beauty in writing. " A passage applied justly, and in a new sense,- is " ever pleasing to an ingenious reader, who loves to " be agreeably surprised, and to see a likeness and " pertinency where he expected none. He has; " that surprise, which the Latin poet so poetically " gives to the tree ; " Miratuique novas- frondes, et non sua poma." The readers, who have been accustomed to con sider the New Testament citations in this view of accommodation only, must perceive the necessity of such accommodation, at least, to adapt the use of the Psalms, as a part of divine service, to the times and circumstances of the Gospel ; and cannot there- PREFACE. xvii fore reasonably object, updn their own principles, to the applications made in the following sheets for that purpose. But not to inquire, at present, whe ther passages are not sometimes cited in this manner, surely no one can attentively review the above made collection of New Testament citations from the book of Psalms, as they have been placed together before him, without perceiving that the Psalms are written upon a divine, preconcerted, prophetical plan, and contain much more than, at first sight, they appear to do. They are beautiful without, but all-glorious within, like " apples of gold in pictures, or net- " work cases of silver ;" Prov. xxv. 11. The bright* ness of the casket attracts our attention, till, through it, upon a nearer approach, we discover its contents. And then, indeed, it may be said to have " no glory, " by reason of the glory that so far excellethV Very delightful and profitable they are, in their literal and historical sense, which well repayeth all the pains taken to come at it. But that once obtained, a farther scene begins to open upon us, and all the blessings of the Gospel present themselves to the eye of faith. So that the expositor is as a traveller ascending an eminence, neither unfruitful, nor un pleasant ; at the top of which when he is arrived, he beholds, like Moses from the summit of mount Nebo, a more lovely and extensive prospect lying beyond it, * 2 Cor. iii. 10. VOL. II. b xviii PREFACE. and stretching away to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills. He sees valleys covered over with corn, blooming gardens, and verdant meadows, with flocks and herds feeding by rivers of water ; till, ravished with the sight, he cries out, as Peter did at the view of his Master's glory, " It is good to be "here!" It would be unreasonable to suppose, that no parts of the Psalms may by us be spiritually applied, but such as are already expressly applied for us by the inspired writers. Let any man consider attentively a New Testament citation ; then let him as carefully read over, with a view to it, the Psalm from which it is taken, and see if it will not serve him as a key, wherewith to unlock the treasures of eternal wisdom ; if it will not " open his eyes," and show him " won- " derful things" in God's law. When we are taught to consider one verse of a Psalin as spoken by Messiah, and there is no change of person, what can Ave conclude, but that he is the speaker through the whole ? In that case, the Psalm becomes at once as much transfigured, as the blessed Person, supT posed to be the subject of it, was on mount Tabor. And if Messiah be the speaker of one Psalm, what should hinder, but that another Psalm, where the same kind of scene is evidently described, and the same expressions are used, may be expounded . in the same manner? PREFACE. xix It is very justly observed by Dr. Allix, that " al- " though the sense of near fifty Psalms be fixed and " settled by divine authors,, yet Christ and his apo- " sties did not undertake to quote all the Psalms " they could quote, but only to give a key to their "hearers, by which they might apply to the same " subjects the Psalms of the same composure and " expression*." The citations in the New Testa ment were. made incidentally, and as occasion was given. But can we imagine, . that the church was not farther instructed in the manner of applying the Psalms to her Redeemer and to herself? Did she stop at the applications thus incidentally and occa sionally made by the inspired writers ? Did she stop, because they had directed her how to proceed ? We know she did not. The primitive fathers, it is true, for want of critical learning, and particularly a com petent knowledge of the original Hebrew,' often wan- - dered in their expositions ; but they are unexcep tionable witnesses to us of this matter of fact, that such a method of expounding the Psalms, built upon the practice Of the apostles in their writings and preachings, did universally prevail in the church from the beginning. They, who have ever looked into St. Augustin, know, that he pursues this plan invariably, treating of the Psalms as proceeding from the mouth of Christ, or of the church, or of * Preface to his Book of Psalms, p. 9. b2 xx PREFACE. both, considered as one mystical person. The same" is true of Jerom, Ambrose, Arnobius, Cassiodore, Hilary, and Prosper. Chrysostom studies to make the Psalter useful to believers under the Gospel. Theodoret attends both to the literal and prophetical sense. But what is very observable, Tertullian, who flourished at the beginning of the third century, men tions it, as if it were then an allowed point in the church, that " almost all the Psalms are# spoken in " the person of Christ, being addressed by the Son " to the Father, that is, by Christ to God*." In this ehannel flows tlie stream of the earliest Christian expositors. Nor did they depart, in this point, from the doctrine held in the church of the ancient Jewsr who were always taught to regard Messiah as the capital object of the Psalter. And though, when the time came, that people would not receive Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah, it does not appear that they ever objected to the propriety of the cita tions made by our Lord and his apostles, or thought such passages applicable to David only and his con cerns. Nay, the most learned of their Rabbies, who have written since the commencement of the Chris tian sera, still agree with us in referring many of the * Omnes pene Psalmi Christi personam sustinent, Filium ad patrem, id est Christum ad Deum verba faGientem represen.- tstnU PREFACE. xxi Psalms to Messiah and his kingdom ; differing only about the person of the one, and the nature of the other. When learning arose, as it were, from the dead, in the sixteenth century, and the study of primitive theology by that means revived, the spiritual inter pretation of the Scriptures revived with it It was adopted at that time, by one admirably qualified to do it justice, and to recommend it again to the world by every charm of genius, and every ornament of language. I mean the accomplished Erasmus, who omitteth no .opportunity of insisting on the useful ness and even the necessity of it, for the right -un derstanding of the Scriptures ; for the attainment of that wisdom which they teach, and that holiness which they prescribe; seeming to think himself never better employed, than when he is removing tlie earth and rubbish with which those Philistines, the monks, had stopped up tlie wells of salvation, opened by the apostles and first fathers of the church, for the be nefit of mankind *. This great man was much im portuned by his learned friends, as he inforroeth us in an epistle to cardinal Sadolet, to write a commen tary on the Psalms t- Such a work, executed by * Enchirid. Mil. Christ, in Prsefat. Canon. 5. et passim. -J- Lib. xxv. Epist. 11. edit. Frobcn. 100S5, edit. Cler. Nan gemel rogatus sum, quum ab aliis, turn ab Anglorum rot'.: , ut in omnes Psalmos cderem Commentarios ; sed deterrebant Sue quum xxii PREFACE. rum, had been one of the richest gifts that were ever cast into the Christian treasury; as we may judge from the specimen which he hath left us, in his discourses on eleven of them. Some of these were drawn up with a view to enlarge upon the transactions ofthe times ; and in all of them he is more diffuse and lux uriant, than, it is to be presumed, he would have been in a general exposition. But they abound with a rich variety of sacred learning, communicated in a manner ever pleasing, and ever instructive. If at any time he takes us out of the road, it is to show us a fine country, and we are still in company with Erasmus. He considers a Psalm, as it may relate to Christ, either suffering or triumphant; as it may concern the church, whether consisting of Jews or Gentiles, whether in adversity or prosperity, through the several stages and periods of its existence ; and as it may be applicable to the different states and circumstances of individuals, during the trials and temptations which they meet with, in the course of their Christian pilgrimage and warfare here below, till, having overcome their last enemy, they shall sit down with their Lord in his kingdom; when the 'al alia multa, turn ilia duo.potissimum, quod viderem hoc argu- mentum v;x posse pro dignitate tractari, nisi quis calleat Hebra- orum literas, atque etiam antiquitates ; partim quod verebar ne turba Commentariorum obscuraretur Sermo Propheticus, citius quam illustraretur. PREFACE. xxiii scheme of prophecy shall receive its final accom plishment, and " the mystery of God be finish- " ED*." It is obvious, that every part of the Psalter, when explicated according to this Scriptural and primitive method, is rendered universally " profitable for doc- " trine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in " righteousness ;" and the propriety immediately appears of its having always been used in the devo tional way, both by the Jewish and the Christian church. With regard to the Jews, bishop Chandler very pertinently remarks, that " they must have un- " derstood David, their prince, to have been a figure " of Messiah. They would not otherwise have " made his Psalms part of their daily worship, nor " would David have delivered them to the church "to be so employed, were it not to instruct and " support them in the knowledge and belief of this " fundamental article. Was the Messias not con- " cerned in the Psalms, it were absurd to celebrate, " twice a day, in their public devotions, the events of " one man's life, who was deceased so long ago as " to have no relation now to the Jews, and the cir- " cumstances of their affairs; or to transcribe whole " passages from them, into their prayers for the *l coming of the Messiahf." Upon the same prin- * Rev. x. 7. f Defence of Christianity, First Part, p. 241, xxiv PREFACE. ciple, it is easily seen, that the objections which may seem to lie against the use of Jewish services in Christian congregations, cease at once. Thus, it may be said, Are we concerned with the affairs of David and of Israel? Have we any thing to do with the ark and the temple ? They are no more. Are we to go up to Jerusalem, and to worship on Sion? They are desolated and trodden under foot by the Turks. Are we to sacrifice young bullocks, accord ing to the law ? The law is abolished, never to be observed again. Do wre pray for victory over Moab, Edom, and Philistia ; or for deliverance from Baby lon ? There are no such nations, no such places in the world. What then do we mean, when, taking such expressions into our mouths, we utter them in our own persons, as parts of our devotions, before God ? Assuredly we must mean a spiritual Jerusa lem and Sion ; a spiritual ark and temple ; a spirit ual law ; spiritual sacrifices ; and spiritual victories over spiritual enemies ; all described under the old names, which are still retained, though " old things '•' are passed away, and all things are become new*.'1 * 2 Cor. v. 17. Ergo arrige aures, Christiane Lector, et ubi talia in Davide legeris, tu mihi fac cogites, non Arcam, fragile lignum, aut Tabernaculum contectum pellibus; non urbem lapi- dibus compositam; non Templum divinag Majestati angustum ; sed Christi et Ecclesias Sacramcnta, sed vivos Iapides, Christo angulari lapidi coaptatos ; sed ipsam Eucharistiam prassentis Dei PREFACE. xxv By substituting Messiah for David, the Gospel for the law, the church Christian for that of Israel, and the enemies of the one for those of the other, the Psalms are made our own. Nay, they are, with more fulness and propriety, applied now to the sub stance, than they were of old to the " shadow of good *' things then to come*." And, therefore, ever since the commencement cf the Christian aera, the church hath chosen to celebrate the Gospel mysteries in tiie words of these ancient hymns, .rather than to com pose for that purpose new ones of her own. For, let it not pass unobserved that, when, upon the first publication of the Gospel, die apostles had occasion to utter their transports of joy, on their being count ed worthy to suffer for the name of their dear Lord and Master, which was then opposed by Jew and Gentile, they brake forth into an application of the second Psalm to the transactions then before their eyes: see Acts, iv. 25. The primitive Christians constantly followed this method, in their devotions ; and particularly when, delivered out of the hands of persecuting tyrants by the victories of Constantine, they praised God for his goodness, and the glorious success and establishment of Christ's religion, no words were found so exquisitely adapted to the pur- testcm ; deniquc cajlestc regnum et aeternam felicitatem. Bos- scet, Dissertat. de Psal. cap. i. ad fin. * Heb. x. I. xxvi PREFACE. pose, as those of David, in the xcvith, xcviiith, and other Psalms—" Sing unto the Lord a new song : " sing unto the Lord, all the earth. Sing unto the " Lord, and praise his name ; be telling of his t,al- " vation from day to day. Declare his honour unto " the heathen, his worship unto all people," &c. &c. &c. In these, and the like Psalms, we continue to praise God, for all his spiritual mercies in Christ, to this day. The Psalms, thus applied, have advantages which no fresh compositions, however finely executed, can possibly have ; since, besides their incomparable fit ness to express our sentiments, they are, at the same time, memorials of, and appeals to, former mercies and deliverances ; they are acknowledgements of pro phecies accomplished ; they point out the connexion between the old and new dispensations, thereby teach ing us to admire and adore the wisdom of God dis- played in both, and furnishing, while we read or sing them, an inexhaustible variety of the noblest matter that can engage the contemplations of man. Why is the mind more than ordinarily affected, and either melted into sorrow, or transported with joy, when, on the days set apart for the commemora tion of our Saviour's birth, passion, resurrection, &c. the Proper Psalms are read, which the church hath appointed, following herein the directions of evange lists and apostles, and the usage of the early ages ? PREFACE. xxvii Why, but because, by such appointment, we are ne cessarily put upon transferring our ideas from the complaints or exultations of David and Israel, to those of a suffering or glorified Messiah, of whose sufferings or glories we participate, as members of his mystical body ? And how much more intense would be the effect, if, in the sermons preached on those occasions, such Proper Psalms were expound ed to the people, and their propriety evinced, as it might easily be! Discourses of this kind would make the hearts of the auditors to " burn within them;" and men would cease to wonder, that three thousand Jews were converted to the faith by St. Peter's ani mated discourse on part of the sixteenth Psalm. Were believers once brought well acquainted with these Proper Psalms, they would be better enabled to study and apply the rest, which might likewise be explained to them, at different times, and certainly afford the finest subjects on which a Christian ora tor can apply his eloquence. That this was done in the primitive church, we learn from the exposition of the Psalms k-ft us by St. Chrysostom in the east, and St. Augustin in the west, those expositions still subsisting in the form of homilies, as delivered to their respective congregations. Is it not to be fear ed that, for want of such instructions, the repeti tion of the Psalms, as performed by multitudes, is but one degree above mechanism ? And is it not a xxviii PREFACE. melancholy reflection to be made, at the close of a long life, that, after reciting them, at proper seasons, through the greatest part of it, no more should be known of their true meaning and application, than when the Psalter wag first taken in hand at school ? Many sensible and well-disposed persons, there fore, who, when they read or sing the Psalms, de sire to read and to sing " with the spirit and the un- " dprstanding," haye long called for a commentary whjch might enable them to do so, which might not only explain the literal sense of these divine compo sitions, and show how they may be accommodated to our temporal affairs, as members of civil society*; but might also Unfold the mysteries of the kingdom of God, which are involved in them, and teach then- application to us, as members of that spiritual and heavenly society of which Christ Jesus is the head, and for whose use, in every age, they were intended by their omniscient Author. A work of this kind, * A concern for the present peace and prosperity of the world, and of that kingdom in it to which we belong, ought ever to be entertained and cherished by the most exalted Christian. And if this part of the subject should, at any time, in the following work, appear to be but slightly touched upon, the reason is, be cause it lies obvious upon the surface, and has been so frequently inculcated by other expositors. Nor are mankind indeed so liable to forget the relation they bear to the world, as they are to overlook that which subsists between them and their Creator and Redeemer. PREFACE. xxix though often desired, has never yet been executed, upon any regular and consistent plan. The survey of a province in theology, hitherto almost unoccupied among the moderns, which promised a great deal of pleasing as well as profitable employment, gave birth to the attempt which hath been made to culti vate it, in the ensuing Commentary ; in which the author has only endeavoured to evince, by an induc tion of particulars, the truth of what so many learn ed and good men have asserted in general, concern ing the prophetical, or evangelical, import of the Psalter. Dr. Hammond, in the preface to his An notations, tells us, he chose to leave every man to make applications of this kind for himself, finding he had work enough upon his hands" in the literal way. But so much having been done by him, and other able critics, in that way, it seems to be now time- that something should be done in the other, and some directions given, in a case where directions can not but be greatly wanted. Very few of the Psalms, comparatively, appear to be simply prophetical, and to belong only to Mes siah, without the intervention of any other person. Most of them, it is apprehended, have a double sense, which stands upon this ground and foundation, that the ancient patriarchs, prophets, priests, and kings, were typical characters, in their several offices, and in the more remarkable passages of their lives, xxx PREFACE. their extraordinary depressions, and miraculous ex altations, foreshowing Him who was to arise, as the Head of the holy family, the great Prophet, the true Priest, the everlasting King. The Israelitish polity, and the law of Moses, were purposely framed after the example and shadow of things spiritual and hea venly ; and the events which happened to the ancient people of God, were designed to shadow out paral lel occurrences, which should afterwards take place, in the accomplishment of man's redemption, and the rise and progress of the Christian church. For this reason, the Psalms composed for the use of Israel, and Israel's monarch, and by them accordingly used at the time, do admit of an application to us, who are now " the Israel of God*," and to our Redeemer, who is the King of this Israel f. Nor will this seem strange to us, if we reflect, that the same divine person, who inspired the Psalms, did also foreknow and predispose all the events of which he intended them to treat. And hence it is evident, that the spiritual sense is, and must be, pe- * Gal. vi. 16. + That expressions and descriptions in human writings are often so framed as to admit of a double sense, without any impro priety or confusion, is shown by the very learned Mr.iMBR.mcK, in -his excellent Observations on Dr. Benson's Essay concern ing the Unity of Sense, &c. subjoined to his Annotations on the Psalms. PREFACE. xxxi culiar to the Scriptures ; because of those persons and transactions only, which are there mentioned and recorded, can it he affirmed for certain, that they were designed to be figurative. And should any one attempt to apply the narrative of Alexander's expe dition by Quintus Curtius, or the Commentaries of Csesar, as the -• New Testament writers have done, and taught us to do, the histories of the Old, he would find himself unable to proceed three steps with consistency and propriety. The argument, therefore, which would infer the absurdity of sup posing the Scriptures to have a spiritual sense, from the acknowledged absurdity of supposing histories or poems merely human to have it, is inconclusive; the sacred writings differing, in this respect, from all other writings in the world, as much as the nature of the transactions which they relate differs from that of all other transactions, and the author who re lates them differs from all other authors, " This double, or secondary, sense of prophecy; " was so far from giving offence to Lord Bacon, that " he speaks of it with admiration, as one striking ar4 " gument of its divinity. In sorting the prophecies of " Scripture zvith their events, we must allow, says " he, for that latitude, which is agreeable and f ami" " liar unto divine prophecies, being qf the nature of " the Author, with whom a thousand years are but " as one day; and therefore they are not fulfilled xxxii PREFACE. "punctually at once, but have springing and gef* " minant accomplishment through many ages, though " the height, or fulness of them, may refer to some " one age. " But, that we may not mistake, or pervert, this " fine observation of our great philosopher, it may " be proper to take notice, that the reason of it holds-, " in such prophecies only as respect the several sue* " cessive parts of one system ; which being intimate-1- " ly connected together, may be supposed to come " within the view and contemplation of the same " prophecy ; whereas it would be endless, and one " sees not on what grounds of reason, we are autho- " rized to look out for the accomplishment of pro- " phecy, in any casual unrelated events of general *' history. The Scripture speaks of prophecy, as re- " specting Jesus, that is, as being one connected " scheme of Providence, of which the Jewish dis- " pensation makes a part : so that here we are led " to expect that springing and germinant accom- " plishment, which is mentioned. But had the Jew- " ish law been complete in itself, and totally unre- " lated to the Christian, the general principle — that " a thousand years are with God but as one day — ¦ " would no more justify us in extending a Jewish *' prophecy to Christian events, because perhaps it " was eminently fulfilled in them, than it would " justify us in extending it to any other signally cor- PREFACE. xxxiii " responding events whatsoever. It is only when " the prophet hath one uniform connected design " before him, that we are authorized to use this lati- " tude of interpretation. For then the prophetic " spirit naturally runs along the several parts of " such design, and unites the remotest events with " the nearest : the style of the prophet, in the mean " time, so adapting itself to this double prospect, as " to paint the near and subordinate event in terms " that emphatically represent the distant and more " considerable. So that, with this explanation, no- " thing can be more just or philosophical, than the " idea which Lord Bacon suggests of divine prophecy. " The great scheme of redemption, we are now " considering, being the only scheme in the plan of " Providence, which, as far as we know, hath been " prepared and dignified by a continued system of " prophecy, at least this being the only scheme to " which we have seen a prophetic system applied • " men do not so readily apprehend the doctrine of " double senses in prophecy, as they would do V they '" saw it exemplified in other cases. But what the " history of mankind does not supply, we may re- " present to ourselves by many obvious, supposi tions; which cannot justify, indeed, such a scheme " of things, but may facilitate the conception of it*." * Bishop Kurd's excellent Introduction to the Study of the Prophecies. Serin, iii. VOL. It. C acxxTv PREFACE. In allegories framed by man, the ground-work is. generally fiction*, because of the difficulty of find ing one true series of facts, which shall exactly re present another. But the great Disposer of events, " known unto whom are all his works," from the be ginning to the end of time, was able to effect this ; and the Scripture allegories are therefore equally true in the letter and in the spirit of them. The events signifying, no less than those signified, really hap pened as they are said to have donef. Why the allegories of this most perfect form, with which the book of God abounds, and which are all pregnant with - truths of the highest import, should be treated with neglect and contempt, while the imperfect allegories of man's devising are universally sought after and admir ed, as the most pleasing and efficacious method of * I say, " generally," since, as the above cited Mr. Merrick iustly observes, " It is possible (for example) in a complimental "address to a modern statesman, or general, to relate the actions " o: some ancient patriot of the same character, in such a man- " ner. that the parallel intended to be drawn between them, " shall be readily known, and the praises expressly bestowed on- (i the one, be transferred, by the reader's own application, to the v other." t Neque propterek ab historico, sive literali atque immediate, ut aiunt, sensu aberrare nos oportet ; quin eo erit clarior et fun- datior secretions illius intelligentia; sensus, quo typum ipsum, hoc est, historiam ac literam figemus ccrtius. Bossuet. Dis- sertat. in Psal. ad finem. PREFACE. xxx* conveying instruction, it is not easy to say. Why should it not afford a believer as much delight, tp contemplate the lineaments of his Saviour, portrayed in one of the patriarchs, as to be informed, that the character of lapis was designed by Virgil to adum brate that of Antonius Musa, physician to Augustus? Or why should not a discourse upon the redemp tion of the church, as foreshadowed by the exodus of Israel, have as many admirers among Christians, as a dissertation, however ingeniously composed, on the descent of JEneas to the infernal regions, con sidered as typical of an initiation into the Eleusi- nian mysteries. A learned, judicious, and most elegant writer of the present age hath stated and illustrated the subject we are now upon, with a felicity of thought and ex pression peculiar to himself. I shall endeavour to gratify the English reader with a view of his senti ments. The beauties of his language are not to be translated. " It would be an arduous and adventurous under- " taking to attempt to lay down the rules observed " in the conduct of the Mystic Allegory; so diverse " are the modes in which the Holy Spirit has thought " proper to communicate his counsels to different " persons, upon different occasions ; inspiring and " directing the minds of the prophets according to " his good pleasure; at one time vouchsafing more c % xxxvi PREFACE. " full and free discoveries of future events; while, at " another, he is more obscure and sparing in his inti- " mations. From hence, of course, ariseth a great " variety in the Scripture usage of this kind of alle- " gory, as to the manner in which the spiritual sense " is couched under the other. Sometimes it can hardly " break forth and show itself at intervals through the " literal, which meets the eye as the ruling sense, " and seems to have taken entire possession of the " words and phrases. On the contrary, it is much " oftener the capital figure in the piece, and stands " confessed at once by such splendour of language, " that the letter in its turn, is thrown into shades, and " almost totally disappears. Sometimes it shines " with a constant equable light; and sometimes it " darts upon us on a sudden, like a flash of lightning " from the clouds. But a composition is never " more truly elegant and beautiful, than when the ' ' two senses, alike conspicuous, run parallel together " through the whole poem, mutually corresponding " with, and illustrating each other. I will produce " an undoubted instance or two of this kind, which " will show my meaning, and confirm what has " hitherto been advanced on this subject of the mystie " allegory. " The establishment of David upon his throne, " notwithstanding the opposition made to it by his " enemies, is the subject of the second Psalm. PREFACE. xxxvii " David sustains in it a twofold character, literal and ".allegorical. If vie read over the Psalm, first with " an eye to the literal David, the meaning is obvious, " and put out of all dispute by the sacred history. " There is indeed an uncommon glow in the expres- " sion, and sublimity in the figures, and the diction " is now and then exaggerated, as it were on purpose " to intimate, and lead us to the contemplation of " higher and more important matters concealed " within. In compliance with this admonition, if we " take another survey of the Psalm, as relative to " the person and concerns of the spiritual David, a " nobler series of events instantly rises to view, and "the meaning, becomes more evident, as well as " exalted. The colouring, which may perhaps seem " too bold and glaring for the king of Israel, will " no longer appear so, when laid upon his great " anti-type. After we have thus attentively con- " sidered the subjects apart, let us look at them to- " gether, and we shall behold the full beauty and " majesty of this most charming poem. We shall " perceive the two senses, very distinct from each " other, yet conspiring in perfect harmony, and bear- " ing a wonderful resemblance in every feature and " lineament, while the analogy between them is so " exactly preserved, that either may pass for the " original from whence the other was copied, New " light is continually cast upon the phraseology, xxxviii PREFACE. " fresh weight and dignity are added to the sentiment, " till gradually ascending from things below to things " above, from human affairs to those which are di- " vine, they bear the great important theme upwards " with them, and at length place it in the height " and brightness of heaven. " What hath been observed with regard to this *' Psalm, may also be applied to the seventy-second ; *' the subject of which is of the same kind, and " treated in the same manner. Its title might be, " The Inauguration of Solomon. The scheme ofthe " allegory is alike in both ; but a diversity of matter " occasions an alteration in the diction. For whereas " one is employed in celebrating the magnificent l( triumphs of victory, it is the design of the other " to draw a pleasing picture of peace, and of that " felicity which is her inseparable attendant. The "sfyle is, therefore, of a more even and temperate " sort, and more richly ornamented. It aboundeth " not with those sudden changes of the person " speaking, which dazzle and astonish ; but the " imagery is borrowed from the delightful scenes " with which creation cheers the -sight, and the pencil " of the divine artist is dipped in the softer colours " of nature. And here we may take notice how " peculiarly adapted to the genius of this kind of " allegory the parabolical style is, on account of that " great variety of natural images to be found in ic. PREFACE. xxxix tl For as these images are capable of being employed " in the illustration of things divine and human, be- ie tween which there is a certain analogy maintained, " so they easily afford that ambiguity which is ne cessary in this species of composition, where, the " language is applicable to each sense, and obscure " in neither; it comprehends both parts of the alle- " gory> and may be clearly and distinctly referred to " one or the other*." The scheme of exposition so beautifully delineated and illustrated in two instances by this truly valuable author, has been extended, in theory, by another learned writer, to a great part of the Psalter;; and that upon a principle deduced from the attributes of God, and the nature and design of the divine dispen sations; though his own labours, like those of Dr. Hammond, were employed chiefly in literal criticism. His reasoning is as follows — " In this point (namely, the application of the " Psalms to the mysteries of the Gospel) I am very " clear. The Jews only, as a nation, acknowledged " the one supreme God, under the name of Jehovah ; *' they must be, therefore, his peculiar people. There " is nothing capricious in this ; they are correlates, " and of necessity answer reciprocally to each other. " Hence that singular intercourse between God and " them. Hence, among other instances of liis favour, " his communication of himself to them by superna^ * Bishop Lowth on the Hebrew Poetry, Lect. xi. xl PREFACE. " tural ways of Oracle, Inspiration, &c. When the " acknowledgement of the one God branched itself, " from this Jewish stock, over the face of the earth, " and by that means he was become the God of all " mankind, they must all, for the same reason, be- " come his people. As God is ever the same, and his " doings uniform, his conduct towards mankind must " exactly be proportioned to his conduct towards the " Jewish nation. Let us, therefore, place Godin com-> " mon over them both; and there will be — on one " side, the Jewish nation; and on the other, mankind : " on one side, Canaan, and a national prosperity; " on the other, heaven and human happiness : on Ai one side, a redemption from Egyptian servitude, "*' and national evils ; on the other, a redemption of ¦" the whole human race from absolute evil: oh one *" side, national crimes atoned by national ceremonies, " sacrifices, priests; on the other, sins expiated hy " the one universal sacrifice of Jesus Christ : on "one side, national and temporary saviours, kings, " prophets, !&c. ; on the other, all this universal, and " etfefhal : 'oil one side, the Law, and every branch " of it, adapted to a favourite nation; on the other^ " the everlasting' Gospel, suited to all mankind. It " is impossible, therefore, that God can say any " thing to David, under the quality of king of this " chosen nation, which he does not sjieak, at the " same time, to Jesus Christ, as King of all the "elect; and that in a truer and nobler sense. To PREFACE. xii " each of them he speaks in a sense adapted to the " nature of their respective kingdoms. Nor is the " latter a bare accommodation of wordsj but the " first and highest meaning of them, and which only, " absolutely speaking, can be the true sense of God; " the other being this sense, confined to a particular " circumstance ; in other words, an absolute truth, " made history and matter of fact. This is a prin- " ciple, which shows, that, far from denying the " Christian application, I consider the literal and " historical sense only as a kind of vehicle for it*." Upon this plan it is, that many of the Psalms are interpreted in the following sheets. In such of them as were written by David, and treat of his affairs, that extraordinary person is1 con sidered as an illustrious representative of Messiah, who is more than once foretold under the name of David, and to whom are applied, in the New Testa ment, Psalms which do undoubtedly, in the letter of them, relate to David, and were composed on occa sion of particular occurrences which befell him; a' circumstance in theology, to be accounted for upon no other principle. When, therefore, he describeth himself as one hated and persecuted without a cause ; as one accused of crimes which he never committed, and suffering for sins the very thoughts of which he abhorred; as * Preface to an Essay towards a New English Version of th« Book of Fsalms, by the reverend Mr. Mudge. xiii PREFACE. one whose life was imbittered by affliction, and his soul overwhelmed with sorrows ; yet, withal, as one whom no troubles could induce to renounce his trust and confidence in the promises of God concerning him, when he repeated his resolutions of adhering to the divine law, setting forth its various excellencies, and the comforts which it afforded him in the days of adversity ; when he complaineth of that implaca ble malice, and unrelenting fury, with which he was pursued by Saul and his attendants, by Doeg the Edomite, by rebellious Absalom, traitorous Ahitho phel, &c. and when, contrary to all appearances, he predicteth their destruction, with his own final exalta tion; in expounding the Psalms of this cast and complexion, it hath been my endeavour to direct the reader's thoughts to parallel circumstances, which present themselves in the history of the true David ; his sorrows and sufferings ; his resignation under theni all; his obedience to the will of his Father ; the temper and behaviour of his betrayers and mur derers ; the prophecies of judgements to be inflicted upon them, and of glory to be conferred upon him. As the Psalter was the liturgy of the Jewish church, of which our Lord was a member, and to which he "therefore entirely conformed during his abode and humiliation upon earth, he might pour forth his com plaints, and " offer up his prayers and supplications, " with strong crying and tears*," in the very words * Heb. v. 7. PREFACE. xliii which his progenitor David had before used under his own troubles, but which were given by inspiration, with a view to the case of that blessed person whom, in those troubles, he had the honour to pre figure. Other Psalms there are, which disclose far different scenes. In them the sorrows 'of David are at an end, and the day of his deliverance hath already dawned. The heavens are opened, and Jehovah ap peareth in the cause of his afflicted servant. He descendeth from above, encompassed witli clouds and darkness, preceded by fire and hail, proclaimed by thunder and earthquake, and attended by lightnings and whirlwinds. The mountains smoke, and the rocks melt before him ; the foundations of the globe are uncovered, and the deep from beneath is moved at his presence. The adversary is dismayed and confounded ; opposition, in the height of its career, feels the blast through all its powers, and instantly withers away. The anointed of God, according to his original designation, is at length elevated to the throne; 'his sceptre is extended over the nations; the temple is planned by him, and erected by his son ; the services of religion are appointed in perfect order and beauty ; Jerusalem becometh a praise ia all the earth : and the kingdom is established in honour, peace, and felicity. If in Psalms of the former kind the holy Jesus might behold those per secutions and sufferings, under which he was to be xliv ' PREFACE. humbled, and to mourn, during his pilgrimage here below ; in ' Psalms of this latter sort, he might strengthen and console himself, as a man, " touched " with the feeling of our infirmities, and tempted in " all points like as we are," by viewing " the glory " that should follow;" by contemplating the mani festation of the Father in favour of his beloved Son ; his own joyful resurrection, triumphant ascension, and magnificent inauguration ; the conversion of the world, and the establishment of the church ; events, which were foreshadowed by those above mentioned ; and to wliich, when the strongest expressions made use of by the divine Psalmist are applied, they will no longer appear hyperbolical ; especially if we bear in mind, that these prophetic descriptions wait for their full and final accomplishment at that day, when the mystical " body of Christ," haying " filled up " that which is behind of his afflictions*," shallajso, amidst the, pangs and convulsions of departing, nature^ arise ' from the dead, and ascend into heaven ; where all the members of that body, which have been afflicted and have mourned with their Lord and Master, shall be comforted and glorified together with hinr}\ (¦ * Coloss. i. 24. < .. ' + Neque praetermittendum illud Augustini passim; tunc Psal- teios videri suavissimos, ac divinissima luce perfusos, cum in his caput et membra, Christum et Ecclesiam, sive apertti propalatos, siye latenter designates intelligimus— Quare iterum atque iterum PREFACE. xiv In some of the Psalms, David appears as one suf fering for his sins. When man speaks of sin, he speaks Of what is his own ; and, therefore, every Psalm where sin is confessed to be the cause of sorrow, belongs originally and properly to us, as. fallen sons of Adam, like David and all other men. This is the case of the fifty-first, and the rest of those which are styled Penitential Psalms, and have always been used in the church as such. Some times, indeed, it happens, that we meet with heavy complaints of the number and burden of sins, in Psalms from which passages are quoted in the New Testament as uttered by our Redeemer, and in which there seems to be no change of person, from begin ning to end. We are assured, for instance, by the apostle, Heb. x. 5. that the sixth, seventh, and eighth verses of the fortieth Psalm, " Sacrifice and offering " thou didst not desire," &c. are spoken by Messiah coming to abolish the legal sacrifices, by the oblation of himself once for all. The same person, to ap- erigamus animos; atque ubi Davidem atque Solomonem; ubi Davidis hostes, Saiilem, Achitophelem, alios ; ubi bella et pacem captivitatcm, libertatem, ac caetera ejusmodi audimus ; turn animo infigamus Christum, et Ecclesiam laboribus periculisque fcxercitam, atque inter adversa et prospera peregrinai^tem ; turn sanctorum pcrsecutores, non modo visibilcs, sed etiam invisibiles ilias atque aereas potestates, pugnasque in hue vita, perpetes, ac secuturam postt-a pacem sempiternam. Bossuet. Dissertat. in Psalm, ad tin. xlri PREFACE. pearance, continues speaking, andj only three verses after, complains in the following terms : " Innumera- " ble evils have compassed me about, mine iniquities " have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to " look up ; they are more than the hairs of my head, " therefore my heart faileth me." So again, there are no less than five quotations from different parts ofthe sixty-ninth Psalm, all concurring to inform us that Christ is the speaker through that whole Psalm. Yet the fifth verse of it runs thus : " O God, thou knowest " my foolishness, and my oipk guiltiness is not hid " from thee." The solution of this difficulty given, and continually insisted on, in the writings of the Fathers, is this; that Christ, in the day of his passion, standing charged with the sin and guilt of his people, speaks of such their sin and guilt as if they were his own, appropriating to himself those debts for which, in the capacity of a surety, he had made himself re sponsible. The lamb which, under the law, was offered for sin, took the name ewk, " guilt," because the guilt contracted by the offerer was transferred to that innocent creature, and typically expiated by its blood*. Was not this exactly the case, in truth and reality, with the Lamb of God? " He did no sin, " neither was guile found in his mouth ; but he bare " our sins in his own body on the treef . He was made " sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made * See Leviti v. 6. \ 1 Pet. ii. 22. PREFACE. xlvii " the righteousness of God in him*." Christ and the church compose one mystical person, of which he is the head, and the church the body ; and as the body speaks by the head, and the head for the body, he speaks of her sin, and she of his righteousness ; which consideration is at the same time a key to any claims of righteousness made in the Psalms by her, and to any confession of sin made by him. This seems to be a satisfactory account of the matter. Such, at least, appears to have been the idea gene rally adopted and received, in the first ages of the Christian church; a circumstance which, it is pre sumed, will be deemed a sufficient apology for the author, if, in the explication of such passages, he hath ventured to proceed accordingly. Nay, and even in reciting the Penitential Psalms, when the un happy sufferer is ready to sink down under that weight of woe which sin hath laid upon him, if he will extend his thoughts, as he is sometimes directed to do, to that holy and most innocent person, who felt and sorrowed so much for us all, he will thereby furnish himself with the best argument for patience, and an inexhaustible source of comfort. Nor can it, indeed, well be imagined, that our blessed Lord, as a member of the Jewish church, and an attendant on the service of the synagogue, though conscious to himself of no sin, did not frequently join with his * 2 Cor. v. 21. xlviii PREFACE. " brethren according to the flesh," in the repeti tion of the Penitential, as well as the other Psalms, on the days of humiliation and expiation, when the use of them might be prescribed. If, from his cir cumcision to his crucifixion, "he bare our sins in " his own body;" why should it be thought strange, that he should confess them, on our behalf, with his own mouth? The offence taken at the supposed uncharitable and vindictive spirit of the imprecations, which occur in some of the Psalms, ceases immediately, if we change the imperative for the future, and read, not " let them be confounded," &c. but, " they " shall be confounded," &c. of which the Hebrew- is equally capable. Such passages will then have no more difficulty in thein, than the other frequent pre dictions of divine vengeance in the writings of the prophets, or denunciations of it in the Gospels, in tended to warn, to alarm, and to lead sinners to re pentance, that they may fly from the wrath to come. This is Dr. Hammond's observation ; who very pro perly remarks, at the same time, that in many places of this- sort, as particularly in Psalm cix. (and the same may be said of Psal. lxix.) it is reasonable to resolve, that Christ himself speaketh in the prophet ; as being the person there principally concerned, and the completion most signal in many circumstances there mentioned ; the succession especially of Mat- PREFACE. xii* thias to the apostleship of Judas. It is true, that in the citation made by St. Peter from Psal. cix. in Acts, i. 20. as also in that made by St. Paul from Ps. lxix. in Rom. xi. 9. the imperative form is preserved ; " let his habitation be void," &c. " let their table " be made a snare," &c. But it may be considered, that the apostles generally cited from the Greek of the LXX version; and took it as they found it, making no alteration, When the passage, as it there stood, was sufficient to prove the main point which it was adduced to prove. If the imprecatory form be still contended for, all that can be meant by it, whe ther uttered; by the prophet, by Messiah, or by our selves, must be a solemn ratification of the just judgements .ofthe Almighty against his impenitent enemies, like what we find ascribed to the blessed spirits in heaven, when suth judgements were exe cuted : Rev. xi. 17, 1&. xvi. .5, 6, 7- '¦ see Merrick's Annotations on Ps. cix. and Witsii Miscellan. Sacr. fib. i. cap. xviii. sect. 24. But, by, the future ren dering the verbs, ever}*- possible objection is preclude ed at once. This method has therefore been adopt ed in the .ensuing Commentary. Ofthe Psalms which relate to Israel, some are em ployed in celebrating the mercies vouchsafed them, from their, going forth, out of Egypt, to their complete settlement in Canaan, .These were the constant standing subjects of praise and thanksgiving in the vol, 11. d I PREFACE. Israelitish church. But we are taught, by the writ ers of the New Testament, to consider this part of their history as one continued figure, or allegory. We are told, that there is another spiritual Israel of God ; other children of Abraham, and heirs of the promise ; another circumcision ; another Egypt* from the bondage of which they are redeemed ; an*. other wilderness, through which they journey ; other dangers and difficulties which there await them; other bread from heaven for their support; and another rock to supply them with living water ; other enemies to overcome ; another land of Canaan, and another Jerusalem, which they are to obtain, and to possess for ever. In the same light are to be viewed the various provocations and punishments, captivities and restorations, of old Israel afterwards, concern* ing which, it is likewise true, that they " happened " unto them for ensamples," * types,, or figures, "and were written for our admonition f." Care has therefore been taken to open and apply, for that salutary purpose, the Psalms which treat of the above-mentioned particulars. What is said in the. Psalms occasionally ofthe law and it ceremonies, sacrifices, ablutions, and purifi cations; of the tabernacle and temple, with the services therein performed; and of the Aaronical priesthood; all this Christians transfer to the new * Gr. Tvmi. + lCor.x.U. PREFACE. fl law; to the oblation of Christ ; to justification by his blood, and sanctification by his Spirit ; to the true tabernacle, or temple not made with hands ; and to what was therein done for the salvation of the world, by Him who was, in one respect, a Sacrifice ; in an other, a Temple; and in a third, an High' Priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedek. That such was the intention of these legal figures, is declared at large in the' Epistle to the Hebrews : and they are of great assistance to us now, in forming our ideas of the realities to which they correspond. " Under " the Jewish economy," says the excellent Mr. Pascal, " truth appeared but in a figure ; in heaven " it is open, and without a veil ; in the church mili- " tant it is so veiled, as to be yet discerned by its " correspondence to the figure. As the figure was " first built upon the truth, so the truth is now di- " stinguishable by the figure." The variety of strong expressions used by David in the nineteenth and the hundred and nineteenth Psalms, to extol the en livening, saving, healing, comforting efficacy of a law, which, in the letter of it, whether ceremonial or moral, without pardon and grace, could minister no thing but condemnation, do sufficiently prove, that David understood the spirit of it, which was the Gospel itself*. And if any, who recited those * Haec inter, veri et spiritualcs Judasi, hoc est, ante Christum Christi discipuli, altiora cogitabant, et rerum ccelestium Sacra- d2 iii PREFACE. Psalms, had not the same idea, it was ;po,t the fault of the Law.or.qf the Psalms,, of Moses ,or of Dayid,; or of him who inspired both,, but, it was their own; as it is that of the Jews, ,at this hour, though. their. prophecies have now beep fulfilled, and, their, types* realized. " He that takes; Ifis, estimate ofthe Jewish " religion from the grossness of the Jewish multi- " tude,"as the last cited auther observes,,;" cannot; " fail of making a very wrong judgemqnt.;: Itis to; '. i , :: --:,-! n ' .¦,]/¦ d. • ; . menta vengrati,nqvam Jerusalem, novum tempi um,. no vara arcain intuebantur., Bossuet, Dissertat, in Psal. cap. i. Lex, juxta Spiritum accepta, ipsum erat Evangelium,' sub veferibus liguris dclitescehs, et cerimoniarum vclis obtcctum,'ab ipso quidem Mdse: (imprimis in Deutoronbmie) aliquate'nus et pro tempornm ratione' exp'licatum, - a f>rophetis vero succedentibus' (ut visum e|J Bivinas ¦ Sapientiae,),, dilucidius osten&um,- demum ,a Chrjsto et ajpostplis plenissime et-lucc ipso sole clarion patefactum. Bulli Op^'ra^ per Grabe, p. 6l4. — If the Jews, as our Saviour tells them, " thought they had eternal life in' their Scriptures," tliey m'tist needs have understood them in a' spiritual' sense : and 'I know, not' what other spiritual sense, that should lead them td> the expecta- I tipn of eternal life, they could put on thei'r Scriptures, but that' prqphetical or typical, sense, which respected the Messiah. Jesus - expressly asserts, at the same time, that their " Scriptures , testi- " fied of Him." How generally they did so, he explained at large', in that 'remafka'bre conversation with two of his' disciples after his resurrection ; when, " beginning at Moses, and all the " prophets, he expounded unto them in. all the Scriptures, the, " things concerning himself." Kurd's Introd. to the Study of the Prophecies, Serm. ii. PREFACE. liii " be sought for in the sacred writings ofthe prophets, " who have given us sufficient assurance, that they " understood the law not according to the letter. " Our religion, in like. manner, is true and divine in " the Gospels, and in the preaching of the apostles ; " but it appears utterly disfigured in those who maim " or corrupt it." Besides the figures supplied by' the history of Israel, and by the law, there is another set of imager often employed in the Psalms, to describe the- bless ings of redemption. These are borrowed from the natural world, the manner of its original production, and the operations continually carried on in it. The visible works of God are formed to lead us, under the direction of his word, to a knowledge of those which are invisible ; they give us ideas, by analogy, of a new creation rising gradually, like the old one, out of darkness and deformity, until at length it ar rives at the perfection of glory and beauty ; so that while we praise the Lord for all the wonders of his power, wisdom, and love, displayed in a system which is to wax old and perish, we may therein con template, as in a glass, those new heavens, and that new earth, of whose duration there shall be no end*. * Read nature; nature is a friend to truth ; Nature is Christian, preaches to mankind ; And bids dead matter aid us in our creed. lir PREFACE. The sun, that fountain of life, and heart of the world, that bright leader of the armies of heaven, enthroned in glorious majesty ; the moon shining with a lustre borrowed from his beams; the stars glittering by night in the clear firmament ; the air giving breath to all things that live and move ; the interchanges of light and darkness ; the course of the year, and the sweet vicissitudes of seasons ; the rain and the dew descending from above, and the fruitfulness of the earth caused by them ; the bow bent by the hands of the Most High, which compasseth the heaven about with a glorious circle ; the awful voice of thunder, and the piercing power of lightning ; the instincts of animals*, and the qualities of vegetables and mine- * " I believe, a good natural philosopher might show, with " great reason and probability, that there is scarce beast, bird, " reptile, or insect, that does not, in each particular climate, in- " struct and admonish mankind of some necessary truth for their " happiness either in body or mind." Dr. Cheyne's Philoso phical Conjectures on the Preference of Vegetable Food, p. 73, That which a celebrated writer has observed concerning a poet, may perhaps be equally applicable to a divine — " To him no- " thing can be useless. Whatever is beautiful, and whatever is " dreadful, should be familiar to his imagination : he should be " conversant with all that is awfully vast, or elegantly little. " The plants of the garden, the animals of the wood, the mine- " rals of the earth, and meteors of the sky, should all concur to "store his mind with inexhaustible variety; for every idea is " useful for the enforcement or decoration of moral or religious "> truth ; and he who knows most, will have most power of di- PREFACE. Iv rals ; the great and wide sea, with its unnumbered inhabitants; all these are ready to instruct us in the mysteries of faith, and the duties of morality : — They speak their Maker as they can, But want and ask the tongue of man. Parnell. The advantages of Messiah's reign are represent ed, in some ofthe Psalms, under images of this kind. We behold a renovation of all things, and the world as it were, new created, breaks forth into singing. The earth is crowned with sudden verdure and fer tility ; the field is joyful, and all that is in it ; the trees of the wood rejoice before the Lord ; the floods clap their hands in concert, and ocean fills up the mighty chorus, to celebrate the advent ofthe Great King- Similar to these, are the representations of spiri tual mercies by temporal deliverances from sickness, " versifying his scenes, and of gratifying his reader with remote " allusions, and unexpected instruction. By him, therefore, no " kind of knowledge should be overlooked. He should range " mountains and deserts for images and resemblances, and pic- " ture upon his mind every tree of the forest, and flower of the " valley; the crags of the rock, and the mazes of the stream." Rasselas, chap. x. The reader may see this exemplified in some " Disquisitions on Select Subjects of Scripture," by my worthy friend, the reverend Mr. Jones, whose labours make it evident, that true philosophy will ever be the handmaid of true divinity. lvi PREFACE. prison, danger of perishing in storms at sea, and from the sundry kinds of calamity and death, to which the body of man is subject ; as also by scenes of domes tic felicity, and by the flourishing state of well-order ed communities, especially that of Israel in Canaan, which, while the benediction of Jehovah rested upon it, was a picture of heaven itself. The foregoing and every other species of the sacred imagery, if there be any other not hitherto included, it hath been the author's main endeavour to illustrate. And a view of what is done in this way will, it is humbly hoped, afford some reason to think, there may not be that necessary connexion, which a late noble writer has been pleased to suppose, between devotion and DULNESS. The Psalms which remain are such as treat, in plain terms, without figures or examples, of wisdom and folly, righteousness and sin ; the happiness pro duced by one, and the misery caused by the other ; of particular virtues and vices ; of the vanity of hu man life ; ofthe attributes of.God ; of that patience with which the faithful should learn to bear the sight of wickedness triumphant in this world, looking for ward to the day of final retribution ; and subjects of the like nature. As Psalms of this kind call for little in the expository way, the general doctrines or pre cepts implied in them, or suggested by them, are drawn forth in short reflections, attempted after the PREFACE. lvii manner of those made by father Quesnel on each verse of the New Testament. The opportunity of doing this, where nothing else seemed to be required, and indeed of doing, upon every occasion, what did seem to be required in any way, was the reason for throwing the work into its present form, rather than that of a paraphrase, or any other. Some repeti tions, in a performance of this sort, are unavoidable. But a Commentary on the Book of Psalms is not to be read all at once*; and it was thought better to give the exposition of each Psalm complete in itself, than to refer the reader elsewhere ; which, there fore, is only done, when passages of a considerable length occur in two Psalms, without any material difference. Such is the method the author has taken, such the authorities upon which he has proceeded, and such the rules by which he has directed himself. If con sistency and uniformity in the comment have been the result, they will afford, it is hoped, no contemp tible argument on its behalf; since it is' scarce possi- * The most profitable way of reading it, perhaps, would be, by small portions, often reviewing the text and the comment, and comparing them carefully together; at times when the mind is most free, vacant, and calm ; in the morning, more especially, to prepare- and fortify it for the business of the day; and in the evening, to recompose, and set it in order, for the approaching season of rest,' lviii PREFACE. ble to expound uniformly, on an erroneous plan, so great a variety of figurative language, as is to be found in the book of Psalms*. Let us stop for a moment, to contemplate the time character of these sacred hymns. Greatness confers no exemption from the cares and sorrows of life. Its share of them frequently bears a melancholy proportion to its exaltation. This the Israelitish monarch experienced. He sought in piety that peace which he could not find in empire, and alleviated the disquietudes of state with the exercises of devotion. * The student in Theology, who is desirous of farther infor mation upon a subject so curious, so entertaining, and so inter esting, as that of the figurative language of Scripture, the princi ples on which it is founded, and the best rules to be observed in the sober and rational interpretation of it, may find satisfaction, by consulting the following authors : — Lowth's Preface to his Commentary on the Prophets. Lowth, Prelect, de Sacr. Poes. Heb. Pralect. iv. — xii. Pascfial's Thoughts, sect. x. — xiv. Kurd's Introd. to the Study of the Prophecies. Serm. ii; iii. iv. Vitringa, Observat. Sacr. lib. vi. cap. xx. et lib. vii. , Prafat. ad Comment, in Jesaiam. Glassii Philologia Sacra, lib. ii, Witsii Miscellan. Sacra, torn. i. lib. iii. cap. iii. lib. ii. Dissert. i. ii. (Econom. Feed. lib. iv. cap. vi. — x. Waterland's General Preface to Scripture Vindicated. ' PREFACE. lix His invaluable Psalms convey those comforts to others, which they afforded to himself. Composed upon particular occasions, yet designed for general use ; delivered out as services for Israelites under the law, yet no less adapted to the circumstances of Christians under the Gospel; they present religion to us in the most engaging dress ; communicating truths which philosophy could never investigate, in a style which poetry can never equal : while history is made the vehicle of prophecy, and creation lends all its charms to paint the glories of redemption. Calculated alike to profit and to please, they inform the understanding, elevate the affections, and enter tain the imagination. Indited, under the influence of Him to whom all hearts are known, and all events foreknown, they suit mankind in all situations, grate ful as the manna which descended from above, and conformed itself to every palate. The fairest pro ductions of human wit, after a few perusals, like ga thered flowers, wither in our hands, and lose their fragrancy ; but these unfading plants of paradise be come, as we are accustomed to them, still more and more beautiful; their bloom appears to be daily heightened ; fresh odours are emitted, and new sweets extracted from them. He who hath once tasted their excellencies, will desire to taste them yet again : and he who tastes them oftenest will relish them best. Ix PREFACE. And now, could the author flatter himself, that any one would take half the pleasure in reading the following exposition, which he hath taken in writing it, he would not fear the loss of his labour. The employment detached him from the bustle and hurry of life, the din of politics, and the noise of folly ; vanity and vexation flew away for a season, care and disquietude came not near his dwelling. He arose, fresh as the morning to his task ; the silence of the night invited him to pursue it ; and he can truly say, that food and rest were not preferred before it Every Psalm improved infinitely upon his acquaint ance with it, and no one gave him uneasiness but the last ; for then he grieved that his work was done. Happier hours than those which have been spent on these meditations on the Songs of Sion, he never ex pects to see in this world. Very pleasantly did they pass, and moved smoothly and swiftly along; for when thus engaged, he counted no time. They are gone, but have left a relish and a fragrance upon' the mind, and the remembrance of them is sweet. — But, alas ! these are the fond effusions of parental tenderness. Others will view the production with very different eyes; and the harsh voice of inexorable criticism will too soon awaken him from his pleasing dream. He is not insensible, that many learned and good men, whom he does not therefore value and respect the less, have conceived strong prejudices PREFACE. Ki agffinst the scheme of interpretation here pursued; and. he knows how little the generality of modern Christians have been accustomed to speculations of this kind ; which, it may likewise, perhaps, be said, will give occasion to the scoffs of our adversaries, the Jews and the deists. Yet, if in the preceding pages it hath been made to appear, that the applica tion of the Psalms to evangelical subjects, times, and circumstances, stands upon firm ground ; that it may be prdsecuted upon a regular and consistent plan ; ; and that it is npt only expedient, but even necessary, i to render the .use of them, in our devotions rational and profitable; will it be presumption in him to hope- that, upon a calm and dispassionate review of thei matter, prejudices may subside, and be done away ? , If men, in these days, have not been accustomed to snch contemplations, is it not high time they should become so ? Can they begin too soon to study, and make themselves masters of a science which pro- mises to its votaries so much entertainment, as well., as improvement; which recommends the Scriptures. to persons of true taste and genius, as books intend ed equally for our delight 'and 'instruction; which ' demonstrates the ways of celestial wisdom to be ways of pleasantness, and all her paths to be peace indeed? From the most sober, (deliberato, and at tentive survey of the sentiments which prevailed upon this point, in the first ages of the church, when the lxii PREFACE. apostolical method of citing and expounding the Psalms was fresh upon the minds of their followers, the author cannot but be confident, that his Com mentary, if it had then made its appearance, would have been universally received and approved, as to the general design of it, by the whole Christian world. And, however the Jews, in their present state of alienation and unbelief, may reject and set at nought such applications of their Scriptures to our Messiah and his chosen people, as they certainly will do ; he is not less confident, that, whenever the happy and glorious day of their conversion shall come, and the veil shall be taken from their hearts, they will be hold the Psalter in that light in which he has en deavoured to place it*. As to the deists, they, * " If this appears to be the case in so many of the Psalms " (namely, that they are predictive of Messiah), how strongly. " does it justify our Lord's appeal to them as treating of Him ! ".And what a noble argument may hence arise, for the convic- " tion and conversion of that extraordinary people, to whom they " were originally communicated, when once the veil that is on " their hearts, shall be taken away, as by the same Spirit of pro- " phecy we are assured it shall !" The bishop of Carlisle's Theory of Religion, p. V/6. 6th edit. With what transports of zeal and devotion, of faith and love, will they recite these holy hymns, in the day when the whole body of the Jews, returning to the Lord their God, shall acknowledge their unparalleled crime in the murder of their King, and their penitential sorrow for the same, perhaps, as his- Lordship intimates, in the word* of PREFACE. lxiii while they continue such, can have neither lot nor part in this matter ; for giving no credit to the Scrip ture account of things, either in the Old Testament or the New, to discourse with them concerning a; connexion and analogy subsisting between the one and the other, is to reason about a fifth sense with a man who has only four. For the conviction both of the Jews and deists, other arguments are to be urged; arguments from undeniable miracles openly wrought, and plain prophecies literally fulfilled. Such proofs are " for them that believe not." And such have been repeatedly urged, in their full force, by the many able champions, who have stood forth (success evermore attend their labours !) in defence ef the evidences of Christianity. Expositions and meditations, like those in the subsequent pages, serve not, nor are intended to serve, " for them who be- " lieve not, but for them who believe*;" who will the fifty-first Psalm: " Deliver me from blood guiltiness, " O God, thou God of my salvation; and my tongue shall sing " aloud of thy righteousness. O Lord, open thou my lips, and. " my mouth shall show forth thy praise. For thou desirest not, "sacrifice, else would I give it; thou delightest not in " burnt-offering. The sacrifices of God arc a broken spirit ;' " a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. " O do good in thy good pleasure to Zion; build thou the walls " of Jerusalem !" * 1 Cor. xiv. 23. lxiv PREFACE. exercise their faculties in. discerning and contem plating the mysteries of the kingdom of heavCn, and who are going on unto perfection ; tor increase their faith, and inflame their charity: to delightthem in pro sperity, to comfort them in adversity, to edifythem at all times. Such effects, .the author doubts not, will be experienced by believers, who will re^d his-, book with an honest and good heart, with seriousness and atten tion ; for though he humbly trusts it will not he deemed altogether unworthy a place in the libraries' of the learned, he builds chiefly on that approbation which he is solicitous it should receive in the closets of the devout; as considering, that it is love, heavenly love, which " never faileth ; but whether there be prophe- " cies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues,- they " shall cease ; whether there be knowledge, it shall " vanish away. For we know in part, and we pro- " phesy , hi part : but when that winch is perfect is " come, then that which is in part shall be done " away *." They who find not the wi'shed-for satis faction in one portion, will find it in another; they who disapprove of an interpretation at the first read ing, may, perhaps, approve of it at the. second; and they who still continue to disapprove of -some parti culars, will not therefore disdain to accept the bene fit of the rest. He has written to gratify ho sect or * 1 Cor. xiii. 8. PREFACE. lxv party, but for the common service of all who call on the name of Jesus, wheresoever dispersed, and how soever distressed, upon the earth. When he views the innumerable unhappy differences among Chris tians, all of whom are equally oppressed with the cares and calamities of life, he often calls to mind those beautiful and affecting words which Milton represents Adam as addressing to Eve, after they had wearied themselves with mutual complaints and accusations of each other : — But rise, let us no more contend, nor blame Each other, blam'd enough elsewhere ; but strive In offices of love, how we may lighten. Each other's burden in our share of woe. B. x. V. 955. Enough has been given to the arts of controversy. Let something be given to the studies of piety and a holy life. If we can once unite in these, our tem pers may be better disposed to unite in doctrine. When we shall be duly prepared to receive it, " God " may reveal even this unto us." To increase the number of disputes among us, is, therefore, by no means the intent of this publication. The author having, for many years, accustomed himself to con sider and apply the Psalms, while he recited them, according to the method now laid down, has never failed to experience the unspeakable benefit of it, vol. ii. e lxvi PREFACE. both in public and in private ; and would wish, if it so pleased God, that death might find him employ ed in meditations of this kind*. He has likewise frequently taken occasion, in the course of his mini stry, to explain a Psalm, upon the same plan, from the pulpit; and whenever he has done^so, whether the audience were learned or unlearned, polite or rustic, he has generally had the happiness to find the discourse, in an especial manner, noticed and remembered. But still many may be of a different opinion, who may conscientiously believe the doc trines, and practise the dudes of the Gospel, whether they see them shadowed out in the Psalms or not. Such will enjoy their ' own liberty, and permit their brethren to do the same. Or, if they shall 'think it necessary to take up the polemical pen, he desires only to receive that treatment, which he has himself shown to every writer, cited or referred to by himf. * " I have lost a world of time," said the learned Salma- sius, on his death-bed ; " if I had one year more, I would spend '.' it in reading David's Psalms, and Paul's Epistles." t Detur igitur erratis meis venia ; ipse demum exemplo meo mihi prosim, qui ncminem eorum, a quibus dissenserim, contu- meliis affeci ; qui non, vitio criticorum, in diversae sententise pro- pugnatorcs acriter invectus sum ; qui denique earn veniam an- tecessoribus meis libens tribui, quam ab iis, qui haec in manus sumturi sint, velim impetrare. Pearce in Prasfat. ad edit. Cic, de Oratore, PREFACE. Ixvii Instead of engaging in a tedious, and, perhaps, un profitable altercation upon the subject, he feels him self at present much rather inclined, in such a case, to follow, at his proper distance, • the amiable ex ample of his greatly respected Diocesan, who re printed in England the objections made by a foreign professor, "to some parts of his Lectures on the He brew Poetry, and left the public to form its own judgement between them*. From that Public, the author of the following work is now to expect the determination of his fate. Should its sentence be in his disfavour, nothing further remains to be said, than that he has honestly and faithfully endeavoured to serve it, to the utmost of his power, in the way, in which he thought himself best able ; and to o-ive the world some account of that time, and those op- * " In his quas sunt, quae mihi minus persuasit Vir Clarissi- " mus, ea malui hoc modo libero lectorum nostrorum judiciu l< permittere, quam in disceptationem et controversiam injucun- " dam, et fortasse infructuosam, vocare." Lowth, in Praf. ad edit. 2dam Praelect. de Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum. " Authors " should avoid, as much as they can," says another very learned critic, " replies and rejoinders, the usual consequences of which " are, loss of time, and loss of temper, Happy is he who is en- " gaged in controversy with his own passions, and comes offsu- " perior; who makes it his endeavour, that his follies and weak- " nesses may die before him, and who daily meditates on morta- <' lity and immortality." Jortin's Preface to his Remarks on Ecclesiastical History, p. xxxiv. eg xviii PREFACE. portunities, which, by the providence of a gracious God, and the munificence of a pious Founder, he has long- enjoyed in the happy retirement of a col lege. THAT the reader may the more easily turn to such Psalms as will best suit the present state of his mind, according to the different circumstances, whether external or inter nal, into which, by the changes and chances of life, or the variations of temper and disposition, he may, at any time, be thrown, the common Table of Psalms, classed under their several subjects, is here subjoined. Prayers. I. Prayers for pardon of sin. Psalm 6, 25, 38, Si, 130. Psalms styled Penitential, 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143. II. Prayers composed when the Psalmist was deprived of an opportunity of the public exercise of religion. Psalm 42, 43, 63, 84. III. Prayers wherein the Psalmist seems extremely de jected,, though not totally deprived of consolation, un der his afflictions. Psalm 13, 22, 69, 77, 88, 143. IV. Prayers wherein the Psalmist asketh help of God, in consideration of his own integrity, and the upright ness of his cause. Psalm 7, 17, 26, 35. V. Prayers expressing the firmest trust and confidence in God under afflictions. Psalm 3, 16, 27, 31, 54, 56, 57, 61, 6.2,71, 86. VI. Prayers composed when the people of God were under affliction or persecution. Psalm 44, 60, 74, 79, 80, 83, 89,94, 102, 123., 137. VII. The following are likewise Prayers in time of trou ble and affliction. Psalm 4, 5, 11, 28, 41, 55, 59, 64, 70, 109, 120, 140, 141, 142. VIII. Prayers of Intercession. Psalm 20, 67, 122, 132, 144. Psalms of Thanksgiving. I. Thanksgiving^ for mercies vouchsafed to particular persons. Psalm 9, 13, 22, 30, 34, 40, 75, 103, 108,' 116, 118, 138, 144. II. Thanksgivings for mercies vouchsafed to the Israel ites in general. Psalm 46, 48, 65, 66, 68, 76, 81, 85, 98, 105, 124, 126, 129, 13.5, 136, 149. Psalms of Prai-se and, Adoration, displaying the Attributes of God. I. General acknowledgements of God's Goodness and Mercy, and particularly his care and protection of good men. Psalm 23, 34, 36, 91, 100, 103, 107, 117, 121, 145, 146. II. Psalms displaying the Power, Majesty, Glory, and other attributes of th^ Divine Being. Psalm 8, 19, 24, 29, 33, 47, 50, 65, 66, 76, 77, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99r 104, 111, 113, 114, 115, 134, 139, 147, 148, 150. Instructive Psalms. I. The different characters of good and bad men: The happiness of the one, and tbe miseries of the other, are represented in the following Psalms, l, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 32, 34, 36, 37, 50, 52, 53, 58, 73; 75, 84, 91, 92, 94, 112, 119, 121, 125, 127, 128, 133. II. The Excellence of God's Law. Psalm 19, 119. III. The Vanity of human Life. Psalm 39, 43, 90. IV. Advice to Magistrates. Psalm 82, 101. V. The Virtue of Humility. Psalm 131. Psalms more eminently and directly prophetical. Psalm 2, 16, 22, 40, 45, 68, 72, 87, 110, 118. FIistorical Psalms. Plalm 78, 105, 106. A COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PSALMS. FIRST DAY.— MORNING PRAYER; PSALM I. ARGUMENT. This Psalm, which is generally looked upon by ex positors as a preface or introduction to the rest; describes the blessedness of the righteous, consist ing, ver. 1 . negatively in their abstaining from sin ; 2. positively, in holy meditation on the Scriptures; productive of continual growth in grace, which, 3. is beautifully represented under an image bor rowed from vegetation ; as, 4. is the opposite state of the unbelieving and ungodly, by a comparison taken from the threshing floor. The last two verses foretel the final issue of things^ with re* spect to both good and bad men, at the great day. VER. 1. Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the Ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, not sitteth in the seat ofthe scornful. The Psalter, like the Sermon on the mount, open eth with a " beatitude," for our comfort and encou-> VOL. II. B 2 A COMMENTARY Psal. 1. ragement, directing us immediately to that happiness which all mankind, in different ways, are seeking and inquiring after. All would secure themselves from the incursions of misery ; but all do not con sider that misery is the offspring of sin, from which it is therefore necessary to be delivered and preserved, in order to become happy, or " blessed." The va riety of expressions, here used by David, intimateth to us, that there is a gradation in wickedness ; and that he who would not persist in evil courses, or commence a scoffer at the mystery of godliness, must have no fellowship with bad men ; since it is impos sible for any one, who forsakes the right path, to say, whither he shall wander ; and few, when they begin to " walk in the counsel of the ungodly," propose finally to sit down in the " seat of the scornful." O thou second Adam, who alone, since the transgression of the first, has attained a sinless perfection, make thy servants " blessed," by making them " righteous," through thy merits and grace ! 2. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. He who hath once brought himself to " delight " in the Scriptures, will find no temptation to exchange that pleasure for any which the world or the flesh can offer him, Such an one will make the lively oracles of God his companions by day and by night. He will have recourse to them for direction, in the bright and cheerful hours of prosperity; to them he will apply for comfort, in the dark and dreary seasons of adversity. The enemy, when advancing to the as sault, will always find him well employed, and will Day 1. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 3 be received with — " Get thee behind me, Satan !" When the law of God is the object of our studies and meditations, we are conformed to the example of our Redeemer himself, who, as a man, while he " in- " creased in stature," increased likewise, " in wisdom," and grew powerful in the knowledge of the law which he was, to fulfil, and of those prophecies which he was to accomplish; so that, at twelve years of age, he appeared to " have more understanding than all " his teachers; for the divine testimonies had been " his meditation." Ps. cxix. 99. 3. And ke shall be like a tree planted by the rivers qf water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. By continual meditation in the sacred writings, a man as naturally improves and advances m holiness, as a " tree " thrives and flourishes in a kindly and well-watered soil. All the " fruits " of righteousness show themselves at their proper " season," as oppor tunity calls for them; and his words, which are to his actions what the " leaves " are to the fruit, fall not to the ground, but are profitable, as well as or namental. Every thing in him and about him serves the purpose for which it was intended ; his brethren are benefited by him, and his Maker is glorified. How eminently is this the case with that tree of life, which Jehovah planted in the midst of his new paradise, by the waters of comfort; a tree which sprung out of the earth, but its height reached to heaven, and its breadth to the ends of the world; its shadow is for the protection, its fruit for the sup- b 2 4 A COMMENTARY Psal. l. port, and its leaves for the healing of the nations. It flourishes in immortal youth, and blooms for ever in unfading beauty. See Rev. xxii. 2. 4. The ungodly are not, so but are like the chaff; which the wind driveth away. In the foregoing description of the righteous, all appeared verdant and fruitful, lovely and enduring; but here, by way of contrast, we are presented with nothing but what is withered and worthless, without form or stability, blown about by every wind, and at length finally dispersed from the face of the earth, by the breath of God's displeasure, and driven into the fire prepared for it. Such is the state, such the lot of the " ungodly;" and so justly are they com pared to " chaff." 5. Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the congregation qf the righteous. A day is coming, when the divine Husbandman shall appear with his " fan in his hand," and shall " thoroughly purge his floor." The wheat, which shall stand the winnowing of that day, will be ga thered into the celestial granary ; while the chaff, for ever separated from it, shall be hurried out of the floor, and carried, by a mighty whirlwind, to its own place. Then shall there be a " congregation of " the righteous," in which " sinners shall not stand." At present wheat and chaff lie in one floor ; wheat and tares grown in one field; good and bad fishes are comprehended in one net; good and bad men are contained in the visible church. Let us wait with patience God's time of separation. Day 1. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 5 6. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righ teous: but the xeay of the ungodly shall perish. In the present scene of confusion, we may be, and often are, deceived in the judgement we form of men. But it cannot be so with the Omniscient. " The " foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, " The Lord knoweth them that are his :" 2 Tim. ii. ' 19- Their good deeds are not unobserved, nor will they be forgotten by him. His eye seeth them in se cret, and his hand will reward them openly, in the day of final retribution ; when crowns of glory shall sparkle on the heads of the righteous, but shame and torment shall be the portion of the wicked; " the " way of the ungodly shall perish." PSALM II. argument. David, seated upon the throne of Israel, notwith standing the opposition made against him, and now about to carry his victorious arms amongst the neighbouring heathen nations, may be supposed to have penned this, as a kind of inauguration psalm. But that a " greater than David is here," appears not only from the strength of the expres sions, which are more properly applicable to Mes siah, than to David himself; but also from the ci tations made in the New Testament ; .the appoint ment of the Psalm by the church to be read on Easter day; and the confessions of the Jewish 6 A COMMENTARY Psal. 2. rabbies. It treats therefore, 1 — 3. of the op position raised, both by Jew and Gentile, against the kingdom of Jesus Christ; 4 — 6. of his victory, and the confusion of his enemies ; 7 — 9- after his resurrection, he preaches theGospe"!, and, 10 — 12. calls the kings of the earth to accept it; denouncing vengeance against those who shall not do so, and pronouncing a blessing on those who shall. 1 . Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2. The kings of the earth set them selves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his Anointed, saying, The true David is introduced, like his ancestor of old, expostulating with the nations, for their vain, attempts to frustrate the divine decree in his favour. These two verses are cited, Acts, iv. 27- and thus ex pounded — " Lord — of a truth against thy holy child " Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod and " Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people " of Israel, were gathered together, for to do what- " soever thy hand and thy counsel determined before " to be done." Persecution may be carried on by the people, but it is raised and fomented by kings and rulers. After the ascension of Christ, and the effusion of the Spirit, the whole power of the Roman empire was employed in the same cause, by those who, from time to time, swayed the sceptre of the world. But still, they who intended to extirpate the faith, and destroy the church, how many and how mighty soever they might be, were found only to " imagine Day 1. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 7 " a vain thing." And equally vain will every ima gination be, that exalteth itself against the counsels of God for the salvation of his people. 3. let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. These words, supposed to be spoken by the powers in arms against Messiah, discover to us the true ground of opposition, namely, the unwillingness of rebellious nature to submit to the obligations of di vine laws, which cross the interests, and lay a restraint upon the desires of men. Corrupt affections are the most inveterate enemies of Christ ; and their language is, " We will not have this man to reign over us." Doctrines would be readily believed, if they involved in them no precepts ; and the church may be tolerated by the world, if she will only give up her discipline. 4. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall have them in derision. By these and such like expressions, which frequently occur in the Scripture, we are taught, in a language which we understand, because borrowed from our selves, and our manner of showing contempt, how the schemes of worldly politicians appear to him, who, sitting upon his heavenly throne, surveys at a glance whatever men are doing, or contriving to do, upon the earth. This is the idea intended to be con veyed ; and from it we are to separate all notions of levity, or whatever else may offend when applied to the Godhead, though adhering to the phrases as in use among the sons of Adam. The same is to be said with regard to words which seem to attribute many 8 A COMMENTARY Psal. 2. other human passions and affections to the Deity: as, for instance, these which follow : — 5. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex than in his sore displeasure. 6. Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion. The meaning is, that by pouring out his indigna tion upon the adversaries of Messiah, as formerly upon those of David, God would no less evidently convict and reprove their folly and impiety, than if he had actually thus spoken to them from his eternal throne above: " Yet, notwithstanding all your rage " against him, have I raised from the dead, and ex- " alted as the Head of the church, my appointed " King Messiah; in like manner as I once set his " victorious representative David upon my holy hill " of Sion, in the earthly Jerusalem, out of the reach " of his numerous and implacable enemies." Let us reflect, for our comfort, that He who raised up his Son Jesus, has promised to raise up us also who be lieve in him; and that the world can no more prevent the exaltation of the members, than it could prevent that of the Head. 7- 1 will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Jesus, for the suffering of death, crowned with honour and immortality, upon the holy hill of Zion, jn the new Jerusalern, now " declares the decree," or preaches the Gospel of the everlasting covenant. His part in the covenant was performed by keeping the law, and dying for the sins of men. Nothing there- fore remained, but the accomplishment of the pro,r Day 1. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 9 mise made to him by the Father, upon those condi tions. One part of this promise was fulfilled, saith St. Paul, " in that he had raised up Jesus again; as it is " written in tlie second psalm, Thou art my Son, this " day have I begotten thee:" Acts, xiii. 33. Another part was fulfilled at the ascension of Christ, and his- inauguration to an eternal kingdom, and an un changeable priesthood, as the true Melchizedek, King of righteousness, King of peace, and Priest of the most high God. The next article in the covenant, on the Father's side, was the enlargement of Messiah's spiritual kingdom, by the accession of the nations to the church. , And accordingly, this was the next thing which " Jehovah said unto him," after having proclaimed his Sonship and pre-eminence; as we find by the following verse : 8. Ask qf me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost paints qf the earth for thy possession. Christ was to enter upon the exercise of the inter- cessorial branch of his priestly office with a request of the Father, that the " heathen world might be " given for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts " of the earth for his possession," in return for the labours he had undergone, and the pains he had en dured ; as also to supply the place of the Jews, who were his original " inheritance and possession,1' but were cast off, because of unbelief. That such re quest was made by Christ, and granted by the Father, the person who writes this, and he who reads it, in a once Pagan, but now Christian island, are both witnesses. 10 A COMMENTARY Psal. 2. 9. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters vessel. The irresistible power and inflexible justice of Christ's kingdom are signified by his " ruling with a " rod of iron:" the impotence of those who presume to oppose him, is compared to that of "a potter's " vessel," which must fly in pieces at the first stroke of the iron rod. The power of Christ will be mani fested in all, by the destruction either of sin, or the sinner. The hearts which now yield to the impres sions of his Spirit, are broken only in order to be formed anew, and to become vessels pf honour, fitted for the Master's use. Those which continue stubborn and hardened, must "he dashed in pieces by the stroke of eternal vengeance. 10. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be in structed, ye judges of the earth. 1 1. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice zvith trembling. The decree of the Father, concerning the kingdom of the Son, being thus promulgated by the latter, an exhortation is made to the kings of the earth, that they would learn true wisdom, and suffer themselves to be instructed unto salvation ; that they would bow their sceptres to the cross of Jesus, and cast their crowns before his throne ; esteeming it a far greater honour, as well as a more exalted pleasure, to serve Him, than to find themselves at the head of victorious armies, surrounded by applauding nations. 12. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye pe rish from thezvay; when his wrath is kindled but a little, blessed are all they that put their trust in him. DayI. m.p, ON THE PSALMS. 11 -Christ beseeches kings, no less than their subjects, to be reconciled to him, and by him to the Father : since a day is at hand, when mighty men shall have no distinction, but that of being mightily tormented. And then will be seen the " blessedness " of those who " put their trust in " the Lord Jesus. For when the glory of man shall fade away as the short-lived flower of the field, and when all, that is called great and honourable in princes, shall be laid low in the dust, he shall give unto his faithful servants a crown without cares, and a kingdom which cannot be moved. PSALM III. ARGUMENT. This Psalm is said to have been composed by Da vid, when he fled from his son Absalom. Thus circumstanced, he expresses himself in terms well adapted to the parallel case of the Son of David, persecuted by rebellious Israel ; as also to that of his church, suffering tribulation in the world. 1, 2. He complains, in much anguish, ofthe mul titude of his enemies, and of the reproaches cast upon him, as one forsaken by God ; but, 3. de clares, notwithstanding, his sure trust in the di vine promises ; 4, 5. he relates the success of his prayers, 6—8. derides the impotent malice of his enemies, and ascribes salvation to Jehovah. 12 A COMMENTARY Psal. 3. 1. Lord, how are they increased that trouble tne! Many are they that rise up against me. David is astonished to find, that " the hearts of " the men of Israel are after Absalom," 2 Sam. xv. 1 3. that his counsellors are revolted, and his friends falling off continually ; and that the king of Israel is forced to leave his capital mourning and weeping. Thus, led forth out of Jerusalem by his own children in arms against him, the holy Jesus went, forsaken and sorrowing, to the cross, in the day of trouble. Thus is the church oftentimes opposed and betrayed by her sons, and the Christian by his passions and affections. So true it is, that " a man's foes are " they of his own household." But he who by prayer engages the assistance of Jehovah,, will rise superior to them all. 2. Many there be which say of my soul, there is no help for him in God. Affliction and desertion are two very different things, but often confounded by the world. Shimei reviled David, as reprobated by heaven; and the language of the Shimeis afterward, concerning the Son of David, was, " He trusted in God; let him " deliver him now, if he will have him." See 2 Sam. xvi. 8. Matt, xxvii. 43. The fearful imaginations of our own desponding hearts, and the suggestions of our crafty adversary, frequently join to help for ward this most dangerous temptation, in the hour of sorrow. What therefore hath faith to offer? We shall hear — 3. But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the If ter up of my head. DayI. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 13 Such is the answer of David, and of all the saints, but above all, of tlie King of saints, to the tempta tion before mentioned. Jehovah is a " shield " against this, and all other fiery darts, shot by Satan and his associates : he is the " glory" of Christ and the church, with which they will one day be seen in vested, though for a season it appear not to the world, any more than did the royalty of David, when, weeping and barefoot, he went up mount Olivet : 2 Sam. xv. 30. The same Jehovah is " the lifter up ' of our heads," by the gift of holy confidence, and the hope of a resurrection, through that of Jesus Christ, prefigured by the triumphant and happy re turn of David to Jerusalem. 4. / cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. David, driven from Jerusalem, still looked and prayed towards the " holy hill " of Sion. Christ, when a stranger on the earth, " made supplication, " with strong crying," to his Father in heaven. Christ was heard for his own sake; David was heard, and we shall be heard, through him. 5. I laid me down and slept; I azvaked, for the Lord sustained me. Behold David, in the midst of danger, sleeping without fear ; secure, through the divine protection, '' of awaking to engage and vanquish his enemies. Be hold the Son of David composing himself to his rest upon the cross, that bed of sorrows ; and commend ing his spirit into the Father's hands, in full confi dence of a joyful resurrection, according to the pro mise, at the time appointed. Behold this, O Chris- 14 A COMMENTARY Psal. 3. tian, and let faith teach thee how to sleep, and how to die ; while it assures thee, that as sleep is a short death, so death is only a longer sleep ; and that the same God watches over thee, in thy bed and in thy grave. 6. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. Faith, revived and invigorated by prayer, and fix ed on God alone, is a stranger to fear, in the worst of times. The innumerable examples of saints res cued from tribulation, and, above all, the resurrection of the Son of God from the dead, render the believer bold as a lion, although the name of his adversary be " legion." 7 . Arise, O Lord ! save me, O my God \for thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone; thou hast broken the teeth ofthe ungodly. The church, through Christ, prayeth in these words of David, that Jehovah would arise, as of old time, in the power of his might ; that he would finally break the power of Satan and his adherents ; pluck the spoil out of the jaws of those beasts of prey ; and work that glorious deliverance for the members, which is already wrought for the Head of the body mystical. 8. Salvftion belongeth, or, be ascribed unto the Lord ; thy blessing is, or, be upon thy people. The Psalm ends with an acknowledgement, which ought always to fill the heart, and, upon every proper occasion, to flow from the mouth of a Christian; namely, that " salvation " is not to be had from man, from the kings of the earth, or the gods of the DayI. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 15 heathen, from saints or angels, but from Jehovah alone ; to whom alone, therefore, the glory shall be ascribed. If He will save, none can destroy ; if He will destroy, none can save. Let Balak, then, curse Israel, or hire Balaam to curse them for him ; be but " thy blessing," O Lord, upon thy people, and it sufficeth. PSALM IV. ARGUMENT. The person speaking in this Psalm, 1. prayeth to be heard by God; 2. convinceth the world of sin; 3. declareth the righteous to be under the divine protection ; 4, 5. prescribeth solitude and medita tion, as the proper means to lead men to repent ance and faith ; 6. showeth that in God alone peace and comfort are to be found, and, 7- how superior the joys of the spirit are to those of sense ; 8. reposeth himself, in full assurance of faith, on the loving kindness of the Lord. . > 1. Hear me zvhen I call, O God of my righteous ness ; thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress ; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. The church, like David, " calls " aloud, as one in o-reat affliction, for God's assistance : she addresses him as the "God of her righteousness," as the foun tain of pardon and grace ; she reminds him of that spiritual liberty, and " enlargement " from bondage, 16 A COMMENTARY Psal. 4. which he had purchased for her, and oftentimes wrought in her; and, conscious ofher demerits, makes her prayer for " mercy." 2. O ye sons of men, hozv long will ye turn my glory into shame ? How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing, or falsehood? If the Israelitish monarch conceived he had just cause to expostulate with his enemies, for despising tlie royal majesty with which Jehovah had invested his Anointed ; of how much severer reproof shall they be thought worthy, who blaspheme the essential " glory" of King Messiah, which shines forth by his Gospel in the church ? Thou, O Christ, art ever lasting Truth ; all is " vanity and falsehood," tran sient and fallacious, but the love of thee ! 3. But knozo that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself; the Lord will hear zvhcn I call upon him. Be the opinions or the practices of men what they will, the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand. Is David " set apart " for the kingdom of Israel ? Saul shall not be able to detain, nor Absalom to wrest, it from him. Is Messiah ordained to be King of the Israel of God ? Death and hell shall not prevent it. Are his disciples appointed to reign with him ? In fallibly they shall. Our intercessor is already on high ; and for* his sake, " the Lord will hear us when " we call upon him." What, then, can be said for us, if we neglect to call upon him ? 4. Stand in azoe, Heb. tremble, and sin not ; com mune zvith your own heart upon your bed, and be still. ayI. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 17 The enemies of Christ, as well as those of David, are here called to repentance, and the process of conversion is described. The above mentioned con sideration of the divine counsel, and the certainty of its being carried into execution, by the salvation of the righteous, and the confusion of their • enemies, makes the wicked " tremble." " The fear of the " Lord is the beginning of wisdom:" it arrests the sinner in his course, and he " sins not;" he goes no farther in the way of sin, but stops, and reflects upon what he has been doing: he " communes with his " own heart upon his bed, and is still;" his con science suffers him not to rest in the night, but takes the advantage of solitude and silence, to set before him his transgressions, with all the terrors of death and judgement ; stirring him up to confess the former, and deprecate the latter, with unfeigned com punction and sorrow of heart; to turn unto the Lord, and do works meet for repentance ; to learn to do good, as well as to cease from doing evil. 5. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. The Jews are no longer to offer the shadowy sa crifices of their law, since He, who is the substance of them all, is come into the world. The Gentiles are no more to offer their idolatrous sacrifices, since their idols have fallen before the cross. But return ing sinners, whether Jews or Gentiles, are to offer the same " sacrifices of" evangelical " righteous- " ness;" not "putting their trust" in them, but " in the Lord " Jesus, through whose Spirit they tre enabled to offer, and through whose blood their offer- VOL. ii. c 18 A COMMENTARY Psal. 4. ings are acceptable unto God. Faith, hope, and charity mutually strengthen each other, and compose " a threefold cord," which is not easily broken. 6. There be many that say, Who will show us any good? Lord, lift thou up the light of thy counte nance ripon us ! The two former verses were addressed to rebel lious sinners, inviting them to repentance and refor mation. This seems to relate to the righteous, who, in times of calamity and persecution, like the friends of distressed David, are tempted to despond, on see ing no end of their troubles. The Psalmist there fore prescribes prayer to all such, as an antidote against the temptation ; he directs them, in the dark est night, to look towards heaven, nor doubt the re turn of day, when the rising sun shall diffuse light and salvation, and sorrow and sighing shall fly away. How many are continually asking the question in this verse ! How few applying to Him, who alone can give an answer of peace and comfort ! 7. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. No sooner is the prayer preferred, but the answer is given ; and the devout soul declares herself to ex perience a joy in the midst of tribulation, far superior to the joy with which men rejoice in the time of har vest, or that of vintage ; a joy, bright and pure, as the regions from whence- it descends. Such is the difference between the bread of earth, and that of heaven ; between the juice of the grape, and the cup of salvation. Teach us, O Lord, to discern this dif ference, and to choose aright. DayI. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 19 8. I zvill both lay me doxvn in peace, and sleep; for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety. This conclusion affords ample matter for profitable and delightful meditation, if it be considered, first, as spoken by David, or any other believer, when lying down to rest, full of the joys of a good conscience, and faith unfeigned ; secondly, as pronounced by the true David, when composing himself to his rest, in certain hope of a resurrection. And happy the Christian, who having nightly, with this verse, com mitted himself to his bed, as to his grave, shall at last, with the same words, resign himself tb his grave, as to his bed, from which he expects in due time to arise, and sing a morning hymn, with the children of the resurrection. PSALM V. ARGUMENT. The Psalmist, in affliction, 1—3. continues and re solves to continue instant in prayer; 4 — 6. de clares the irreconcileable hatred which God bears to sin, and, 7 ¦ his own confidence of being accept ed; 8. he petitions for grace to direct and pre serve him in the way ; 9. sets forth the wickedness ofhis enemies; 10. foretels their punishment, and, 11, 12. the salvation of the faithful. 1. Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my ¦meditation, or, my dove-like mournings. c 2 20 A COMMENTARY Psal, 5: Although nothing can really hinder or divert the divine attention, yet God is represented as " not " hearing," when either the person is unacceptable, or the petition improper, or when he would thorough ly prove the faith and patience of the petitioner. Christ, the church, and the believing soul, are all in. Scripture styled "doves," from their possessing the amiable properties of that bird of meekness and in nocence, purity and love. The "mournings" of such are always heard and attended to in heaven. 2. Hearken unto the voice of cry, my King and my God: for unto thee will I pray. The voice of the suppliant's cry will be in propor tion to the sense which he hath of his sin. Whom should a subject solicit, but his King? to whom should a sinner pray, but to his God? Let us often think upon the strong cryings of him who suffered for the sins of the world, and upon that intercession by which the pardon of those sins was procured. 3. My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord ; in the morning will I direct my prayer, Heb. dispose, or set myself in order, unto, or for thee, and zvill look up. He who is good in earnest, and hath his heart fully bent upon the work of salvation, like other skilful and diligent artificers, will be " early" in his application to it ; he will get the start of the world, and take the advantage of the " sweet hour of prime," to " dis- " pose," and " set himself in order," for the day. What is a slothful sinner to think of himself, when he reads, concerning the holy Jesus, that " in the morn- ' ing, rising up a great while before day, he went Day 1. M. p. ON THE PSALMS. 21 " out and departed into a solitary place, and there " prayed!" Marki. 35. 4. For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in zcickedness ; neither shall evil dwell zvith thee. The Psalmist was encouraged to make his early prayers to God in the day of trouble, upon this con sideration, that his righteous cause must finally pro sper, and the divine counsels be accomplished in his exaltation, and the depression of -his enemies, who were likewise the enemies of God. The same was the case and the confidence of a suffering Messiah ; and such is that of his church and people in the world, where " wickedness " may prosper, and " evil " not only live, but reign. Nevertheless, we know that "God hath no pleasure" in them, nor shall they " dwell with him," as we hope to do. 5. The foolish, Heb. mad, shall not stand in thy sight ; for thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 6. Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing, or false hood ; the Lord doth abhor the blood-thirsty and de ceitful man. No objects of the senses can be so nauseous to them, as the various kinds of sin are in the sight of God. O could we but think, as he does, concern ing these, we should rather choose " madness " than transgression, and as soon fall in love with a plague- sore, as a temptation. " Falsehood, blood-thirsti- " ness, and deceitfulness," are marked out as cha- racteristical of the enemies of David, of Christ, and the church ; and history evinces them so to have been. Let us never go within the infection of such pestilential crimes. 22 A COMMENTARY Psal. 5. 7. Um* as/or mc, / will come into if % Ao««e in the multitude of thy mercy : and in thy fear zvill Izvorship towards thy holy temple. Wisdom, righteousness, truth, mercy, and sincerity, form a character the reverse of that drawn in the preceding verses, and such an one as God will ac cept, when appearing before him in his house, and offering, with humility and reverence, the sacrifices of the new law, as David did those of the old, through faith in Him who alone filled up the charac ter, and procured acceptance for believers, and their oblations. 8. Lead me, O Lord, in thy inghteousness, because qf mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face. The child of God, admitted into his holy temple, there prefers this petition, praying to be led by the divine Spirit in a course of holy obedience, all im pediments being removed out of the way, which otherwise might obstruct the progress, or cause the fall of one beginning to walk in the path of life : of one who had many " enemies " ready to contrive, to take advantage of, to rejoice and triumph in his ruin. Thus a man's enemies, -while they oblige him to pray more fervently, and to watch more narrow ly over his conduct, oftentimes become his best friends. 9- For there is no faithfulness in their mouth ; their inward part is very wickedness; their throat is an open sepulchre ; they fatter zvith their tongue. A part of this verse is cited, Rom. iii. 13. together with several other passages from the Psalms and Pro- Day 1. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 23 phets, to evince the depravity of mankind, whether Jews or Gentiles, till justified by faith, and renewed by grace. It is plain, therefore, that the description was designed for others, besides the enemies of the literal David, and is of more general import, reach ing to the world of the ungodly, and to the enemies of all righteousness, as manifested in the person of Messiah, and in his church. The charge brought against these is, that "truth" and " fidelity " were not to be found in their dealings with God or each other; that their " inward parts " were very wicked ness ; their first thoughts and imaginations were de filed, and the stream was poisoned at the fountain; that their " throat wTas an open sepulchre," continu ally emitting, in obscene and impious language, the noisome and infectious exhalations of a putrid heart, entombed in a body of sin; and that, if ever they put on the appearance of goodness, they " flattered " with their tongue," in order the more effectually to deceive and destroy. So low is human nature fallen ! " O thou Adam, what hast thou done? For though " it was thou that sinned, thou art not fallen alone, " but we all that come of thee." 2 Esd. vii. 48. 10. Destroy thou them, OGod; let them fall by their ozvn counsels : cast them out in tke multitude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled against thee. Concerning passages of this imprecatory kind in the book of Psalms, it is to be observed, that they are not spoken of private and personal enemies, but ofthe opposers of God and his Anointed; nor of any among these, but the irreclaimable and finally impe- 24 A COMMENTARY Psal. 5. nitent ; and this by way of prediction, rather than imprecation ; which would appear, if the original verbs were translated uniformly in the future tense, as they might be, and indeed, to cut off all occasion from them which desire it, should be translated. The verse before us would then run thus — " Thou wilt " destroy them, O God ; they shall perish by their " own counsels: thou wilt cast them out in the mul- " titude of their transgressions, for they have rebelled " against thee." The words, when rendered in this form, contain a prophecy of the infatuation, rejection, and destruction of such as should obstinately per severe in their opposition to the counsels of heaven, whether relating to David, to Christ, or to the church. The fate of Ahitophel and Absalom, of Judas and the Jews, should warn others not to offend after the same example. 11. But let all those that trust in thee rejoice; let them ever shout for joy, because thou def endest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. Heb. All they that trust in thee shall rejoice, 8$c. As the last verse foretold the perdition of the un godly, this describes the felicity of the saints; who, trusting in God, rejoice evermore, and sing aloud in the church the praises of their Saviour and mighty defender ; the love of whose name fills their hearts with joy unspeakable, while they experience the com forts of grace, and expect the rewards of glory. 12. For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as with a shield. The " blessing" of God descends upon us through Jesus Christ " the righteous," or "just one," as of Day 1. E. p. ON THE PSALMS. 25 old it did upon Israel through David, whom, for the benefit of his chosen, God protected, delivered, and placed upon the throne. Thou, O Christ, art the righteous Saviour, thou art the King of Israel, thou art the blessed of Jehovah, the fountain of blessing to all believers, and thy " favour " is the defence and protection of the church militant. FIRST DAY.— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM VI. ARGUMENT. This is the first of those Psalms which are styled pe nitential. It contains, 1. deprecation of eternal vengeance, and, 2, 3. a petition for pardon; which is enforced from the consideration of the penitent's sufferings; 4. from that of the divine mercy; 5. from that of the praise and glory which God would fail to receive, if man were destroyed; 6", 7- from that of the penitent's humiliation and contrition; 8 — 10. the strain changes into one of joy and triumph, upon the success and return of the prayer. 1 . O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. Let us suppose a sinner awakened to a true sense of his condition, and looking around him for help. Above is an angry God preparing to take vengeance; beneath, the fiery gulf ready to receive him; with- ¦16 A COMMENTARY Psal. 6, out him, a world in flames; within, the gnawing worm. Thus situated, he begins, in extreme agony of spirit, " O Lord, rebuke me not in thine anger, " neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure." He ex pects that God will " rebuke " him, but only prays that it may not be in " anger," finally to destroy him; he desires to be chastened, but chastened in fatherly love, not in the " hot displeasure " of an inexorable judge. As often as we are led thus to express our sense of sin, and dread of punishment, let us reflect on Him, whose righteous soul, endued with a sensibi lity peculiar to itself, sustained the sins of the world, and the displeasure of the Father. 2. Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for lam weak: O Lord, heal me; for my bones are vexed, Heb. shaken, or, made to tremble. The penitent entreats for mercy, first, by repre senting his pitiable case, under the image of sickness. He describes his soul as deprived of all its health and vigour, as languishing and fainting, by reason of sin, which had eat out the vitals, and shaken all the pow ers and supporters ofthe spiritual frame, so that the breath of life seemed to be departing. Enough how ever was left, to supplicate the healing aid of the God of mercy and comfort ; to petition for oil and wine at the hands of the Physician of spirits. How happy is it for us, that we have a physician, who cannot but be touched with a feeling of our infirmities, seeing that he himself once took them upon him, and suffer ed for them, even unto the death of the cross, under which he " fainted," and on which " his bones were " vexed." Day i. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 27 3. My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O Lord, how long? Another argument is drawn from the sense which the penitent hath of this his woful condition, and the consternation and anxiety produced thereby in his troubled mind. These cause him to fly for refuge to the hope set before him. " Hope deferred maketh " the heart sick;" he is therefore beautifully repre sented as crying out, with a fond and longing impa tience, " But thou, O Lord, how long?" His strength is supposed to fail him, and the sentence is left imperfect. What, blessed Jesus, were thy " trou- " bles," when to thy companions thou saidst, " My " soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death?" By those thy sorrows we beseech thee to hear the voice of thine afflicted church, crying to thee from the earth, " My soul also is sore troubled; but thou, O Lord, " how long?" 4. Return, O Lord, deliver my soul; Oh, save me for thy mercies sake. A third argument is formed upon the consideration of God's " mercy;" for the sake of which, as it is promised to penitents, he is requested to " return," or to turn himself towards the suppliant; to lift up his countenance on the desponding heart; to " deliver " it from darkness and the shadow of death, and to dif fuse around it light and life, salvation, joy, and glad ness, like the sun in the morning, when he revisits a benighted world, and calls up the creation, to bless the Maker of so glorious a luminary, so bright a re presentative of redeeming love. 28 A COMMENTARY Psal. 6. 5. For in death there is no remembrance of thee ; in the grave zvho shall give thee thanks? The fourth argument proceeds upon a supposition, that God created man for his own glory, which, therefore, would be so far diminished, if man were permitted finally to perish. The body could not glo rify God, unless raised from the dead; nor could the soul, if left in hell. The voice of thanksgiving is not heard in the grave, and no hallelujahs are sung in the pit of destruction. This plea, now urged by the church,' was urged for her without all doubt by her Saviour in his devotions, and prevailed in his mouth, as, through him, it will do in hers. 6. I am zoeary with my groaning ; all the night make I my bed to szvim ; I water my couch with my tears. The penitent is supplied with a fifth argument, by the signs and fruits of a sincere repentance, which put forth themselves in him. Such was his sorrow, and such revenge did he take upon himself, that for every idle word he now poured forth a groan, like him that is in anguish through extremity of bodily pain, until he was " weary," but yet continued groan ing; while the sad remembrance of each wanton folly drew a tear from the fountains of grief. The all-righteous Saviour himself wept over sinners; sin ners read the story, and yet return again to their sins! 7- Mine eye is consumed because of grief : it waxeth old because of all mine enemies. Grief exhausts the animal spirits, dims the eyes, Day i. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 29 and brings on old age before its time. Thus it is said, concerning the man of sorrows, that " many " were astonished at him, his visage was so marred " more than any man, and his form more than the " sons of men:" Isa. Iii. 14. How long, in these times, might youth and beauty last, were godly sorrow their only enemy ! 8. Depart from me, all ye workers qf iniquity, for the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping. 9. The Lord hath heard my supplication ; the Lord will hear, or, hath heard my prayer. Repentance, having performed her task, having taught her votary to forsake sin, and to renounce all communication with sinners, now gives place to faith, which appears with the glad tidings of pardon and acceptance, causing the penitent to rejoice in God his Saviour, with joy unspeakable; and inspiring his heart with vigour and resolution to run his course in the way of righteousness. Risen to newness of life, he defies the malice, and predicts the final overthrow of his spiritual adversaries. 1 0. Let all mine enemies, or, all mine enemies shall be ashamed, and sore vexed; let them, or, they shall return, and be ashamed suddenly. Many of the mournful Psalms end in this manner, to instruct the believer, that he is continually© look forward, and solace himself with beholding that day, when his warfare shall be accomplished ; when sin and sorrow shall be no more ; when sudden and ever lasting confusion shall cover the enemies of righteous- ness; when the sackcloth ofthe penitent shall be ex changed for a robe of glory, and every tear hecome 30 A COMMENTARY Psal. 7. a sparkling gem in his crown; when to sighs and groans shall succeed the songs of heaven, set to an gelic harps, and faith shall be resolved into the vision of the Almighty. PSALM VII. ARGUMENT. David is said to have composed this Psalm concern ing the words, or the matter of Cush the Benjamite. Whether Saul, or Shimei, or any one else, be in tended under this name, it is sufficiently clear, that David had been maliciously aspersed and ca lumniated by such a person ; that the Psalm was written to vindicate himself from the imputation, whatever was the nature "of it; and, consequently, may be considered as the appeal of the true David and his disciples, against the grandAccuserandhis associates. The person speaking, 1, 2. declares his trust to be in God; 3 — 5. protests his inno- eence; 6 — 8. desires that judgement maybe given in the cause; 9, 10. prays for the abolition of sin, and the full establishment of righteousness ; ll-iJ-%3. sets forth the divine judgements against sinners; 14—16. describes the beginning, pro gress, and end of sin, with, 17. the joy and triumph of the faithful. 1. 0 Lord my God, in thee dolput my trust; save me from all them that persecute mc, and deliver me : Day 1. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 31 To a tender and ingenuous spirit, the " persecu- " tion " of the tongue is worse than that of the sword, and with more difficulty submitted to; as in deed a good name is more precious than bodily life. Believers in every age have been persecuted in this way; and the King of saints often mentions it as one of the bitterest ingredients in his cup of sorrows. Faith and prayer are the arms with which this formi dable temptation must be encountered, and may be overcome. The former assures us, that God can " save and deliver" us from it; the latter induces him so to do. 2. Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver. The " lion " of whom David stood in fear, was probably Saul, rouged, by a false accusation, to de stroy him. The rage of tyrants is often in the same manner excited against the church. And we all have reason to dread the fury of one who is " the roaring " lion," as well as the " accuser of the brethren." From him none can deliver us, but God only. 3. O Lord my God, if I have done this ; if there be iniquity in my hands; David makes a solemn appeal to God, the searcher of hearts, as judge of his innocence, with regard to the particular crime laid to his charge. Any person, when slandered, may do the same. But Christ only could call upon Heaven to attest his universal upright ness. In his "hands" there was "no iniquity;" all his works were wrought in perfect righteousness; and when the, prince of this world came to try and explore him, he found nothing whereof justly to ac- 32 A COMMENTARY Psal. 7. cuse him. The vessel was thoroughly shaken, but the liquor in it continued pure. 4. If I have rezvarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; yea, I have delivered him that without cause is mine enemy: David probably alludes to the life of Saul, which was twice preserved by him, when he had been press ed by his attendants to embrace the opportunity of taking it away. See 1 Sam. xxiv. xxvi. Of the Son of David St. Paul says, " In this he commended his " love to us, that when we were sinners, he died for " us :" Rom. v. 8. In so exalted a sense did he " deliver him that without cause was his enemy." Wretched they who persecute their benefactor; happy he who can reflect, that he has been a benefactor to his persecutors. . 5 . Let the enemy persecute my sojil, and take it ; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. These are the evils which David imprecates on himself, if he were such as his adversaries represented him; persecution, apprehension, death, and disgrace. Christ, for our sakes submitting to the imputation of guilt, suffered all these ; but, being innocent in him self, he triumphed over them all; he was raised and released, glorified and adored ; he pursued and over took his enemies, he conquered the conquerors, and trampled them under his feet ; and he enableth us, through grace, to do the same. 6. Arise, O Lord, in thine anger, lift up thyself because qf the rage of mine enemies: and azvake for me to the judgement that thou hast commanded. . Day I.e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 33 To a protestation of innocence succeeds a prayer for judgement upon the case, which is formed on these two considerations ; first, the unreasonable and un relenting fury of the persecutors ; secondly, the justice which God has " commanded " others to execute, and which therefore he himself will doubtless execute upon such occasions. How did he " awake," and "arise," and "lift up himself to judgement" on the behalf of his Anointed, in the day of the resurrection of Jesus, and the subsequent confusion of his ene mies ! And let injured innocence ever comfort itself with the remembrance of another day to come, when every earth-born cloud being removed, it shall dazzle its oppressors with a lustre far superior to that of the noon-day sun. 7- So shall the congregation of the people compass thee about: for their sakes therefore return thou, on high. The meaning is, that a visible display of God's righteous judgement would induce multitudes who should behold, or hear of it, to adore and glorify him. For their sakes, therefore, as well as that of the sufferer, he is entreated to re-ascend the tribunal as formerly, and pronounce the wished-for sentence. Thus the determination of the cause between Jesus and his adversaries, by his resurrection, and "return " on high," brought "the congregation ofthe nations " around him, and effected the conversion of the world. Nor, in human affairs, does any thing more advance the reputation of a people among their neighbours, than an equitable sentence in the mouth of him who sitteth in judgement. VOL. II. D 24 A COMMENTARY Psal. 7. 8. The Lord shall judge the people: judge me, O Lord, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. Conscious of his "righteousness" and "integrity," as to the matter in question, David desires to be judged by him who is to judge the world at the last day. How few, among Christians, have seriously and deliberately considered, whether the sentence of that day is likely to be in their favour ! Yet, how many, with the utmost composure and self-compla cency, repeat continually the words of this Psalm, as well as those in tlie Te Deum, " We believe that thou " shalt come to be our judge!" Legal, or perfect righteousness and integrity are peculiar to the Re deemer; but evangelical righteousness and integrity all must have, who would be saved. 9- Oh let the wickedness qf the zvicked come to an end; but establish the just: or, the zvickedness of the wicked shall, Sec: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins. 10. My defence is of God, zvho saveth the upright in heart. It is predicted, that wickedness will, in the end, be abolished, and the just immoveably established, by Him who knoweth intimately the very thoughts and desires bf both good and bad men, and will give to each their due reward. How can we doubt of this, when it has pleased God to afford so many examples and preludes to it, in his dispensations of old time? The righteous cause hath already triumphed in Christ; let us not doubt, but that it will do so in the church. Happy the man, whose hope is therefore in God, be^ cause " he saveth the upright in heart," Day 1. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 35 11. God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day. The sense seems to be, that there are daily in stances in the Avorld of God's favour towards his people; as also of his displeasure against the un godly, who are frequently visited by sore judgements, and taken away in their sins. In this light we should consider and regard all history, whether that of our own age and nation, or of any other. 12. If he turn not, he zvill zohet his szvord; he hath bent his bozo, and made it ready. 13. He hath also prepared for him the instruments qf death; he or' daineth his arrozvs against the persecutors. The sinner who is not converted by the vengeance inflicted on others, will himself at length be made an example of. The wrath of God may be slow, but it is always sure. In thoughtless security man wan tons and whiles away the precious hours; he knows not that every transgression sets a fresh edge on the sword, which is thus continually whetting for his de struction; nor considers, that he is the mark of an archer who never errs, and who, at this very instant, perhaps has fitted to the string that arrow which is to pierce his soul with everlasting anguish. 14. Behold, he tr availeth zvith iniquity, and hath conceived mischief, and brought forth falsehood. This is not to be understood as if " travail " were previous to " conception." The first is a general ex pression, " Behold, he travaileth with iniquity:" the latter part of the verse is more particular ; as if it had been said, " and having conceived mischief, he " bringeth forth falsehood." When an evil thought is d 2 36 A COMMENTARY Psal. 7. instilled into the heart - of ' a1 man, then the seed of the wicked one is sown ; by- admitting, retaining, and cherishing the diabolical suggestion in his mind, he " conceiveth '" a purpose of " mischief;" wdien that purpose is gradually formed and matured for the birth, he " travaileth with iniquity;" at length, by carrying it into action, he "bringeth forth falsehood." Tlie purity of the soul, like that of the body, from whence the image is borrowed, must be preserved by keeping out of the way of temptation. 15. He made a pit, and digged it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 16. His mischief shall re turn upon his ozvn head, and his violent dealing shall come dozvn upon his own pate. All the world agrees to acknowledge the equity of that sentence which inflicts upon the guilty the pu nishment intended by them for the innocent. No one pities the fate of a man buried in that pit which he had dug to receive his neighbour; or of him who owes his death-wound to the return of an arrow shot against heaven. Saul was overthrown by those Phi listines whom he would have made the instruments of cutting off David. Haman was hanged on his own gallows. The Jews, who excited the Romans to crucify Christ, were themselves, by the Romans, crucified in crowds. Striking instances these of the vengeance to be one day executed on all tempters and persecutors of others; when men and angels shall lift up their voices, and cry out together, " Righteous art thou, O Lord, and just are thy "judgements." 17. I will praise the Lord according to his righ- Day 1. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 37 teousness; and zvill sing praise to the name of the Lord most -high. Whatever doubts may at present arise concerning the ways of God, let us rest assured that they will all receive a solution; and that the " righteousness " of the great Judge, manifested in-his final determina tions, will be the subject of everlasting hallelujahs. PSALM VIII. ARGUMENT. This is the first of those Psalms which the Church has appointed to be read on Ascension-day. It treats, as appears from Heb. ii. 6, &c. of the won derful love of God, shown by the exaltation of our nature in Messiah, or the second Adam, to the right hand of the Majesty on high, and by the subjection of all creatures to the word of his power, 1. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. The Prophet beholds in spirit the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should fojlow; like St. Stephen afterward, he sees heaven opened, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God; the sight fills his heart with wonder, love, and devotion, which break forth in this address to " Jehovah," as " our Lord;" for such he is by the twofold right of creation and redemption, having made us, and purchased us. On 38 A COMMENTARY Psal. 8. both accounts, " how excellent," how full of beauty and honour is his name, diffused by the Gospel through " all the earth !" But more especially do men and angels admire and adore him for the exalta tion of his " glory," the glory of the only begotten, high " above the heavens," and -all created nature, to the throne prepared for him before the foundation of the world. 2. Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained, Heb. founded, or, constituted strength, because qf thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. This verse is cited by our Lord, Matt. xxi. 16. and applied to " little children in the temple, crying, " Hosanna to the Son of David!" which vexed and confounded his malignant adversaries. The import of the words, therefore, plainly is, that the praises of Messiah, celebrated in the church by his children, have in them a strength amd power which nothing can withstand; they can abash infidelity, when at its greatest height, and strike hellAtself dumb. In the citation made by our Lord, "which the Evangelist gives from the Greek of the LXX, we read, " thou " hast perfected praise," which seems to be rather a paraphrase than a translation of the Hebrew, literally rendered by our translators, " thou hast ordained " strength." 3. When I consider thy heavens, the work qf thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast or dained: 4. What is man, that thou art mindful qf him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? At the time of inditing this Psalm, David is evi- Day 1. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 39 dently supposed to have had before his eyes the hea vens as they appear by night. He is struck with the awful magnificence of the wide extended firma ment, adorned by the moon walking in brightness, and rendered brilliant by the vivid lustre of a multi tude of shining orbs, differing from each other in magnitude and splendour. And when, from survey ing the beauty of heaven, with its glorious show-, he turns to take a view of the creature man, he is still more affected by the mercy, than he had before been by the majesty of the Lord; since far less wonderful it is, that God should make such a world as this, than that He, who made such a Avorld as this, should be " mindful of man," in his fallen estate, and should " visit" human nature with his salvation. 5. For thou hast made him a little, or, for a little while, lozver than the angels, and hast crowned him zvith glory and honour. 6. Thou madest him to have dominion over the zvorks qf thy hands: thou hast put all things under his feet. On these two verses, with that preceding, St. Paul has left us the following comment: " One in a cer- " tain place testified, saying, AVhat is man, that " thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that " thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little lower "than [marg. a little while inferior to] the angels; " thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and " didst set him over the works of thy hands ; thou " hast put all things in subjection under his feet, " For in that he put all in subjection under him, " he left nothing that is not put under him. But " now we see not yet all things put under him. 40 A COMMENTARY Psal. 3. " But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower " than the angels, for the suffering of death, crown- " ed with glory and honour." Heb. ii. 6, &c. See also 1 Cor. xv. 27. 7. All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; 8. Thefozvlofthe air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea. • Adam, upon his creation, was invested with sove reign dominion over the creatures, in words of the same import with these ; Gen. i. 28. which are there fore here used, and the creatures particularized, to inform us, that what the first Adam lost by trans gression, the second Adam regained by obedience. That " glory" which was "set above the heavens," could not but be over all things on " the earth." And accordingly, we hear our Lord saying, after his resurrection, " All power is given unto me in heaven " and in earth : " Matt, xxviii. 18. Nor is if a spe culation unpleasing, or unprofitable, to consider, that he who rules over the material world, is Lord also of the intellectual, or spiritual creation, represented thereby. The souls of the faithful, lowly and harm less, are the sheep of his pasture; those who, like oxen, are strong to labour in the church, and who, by expounding the word of life, tread out the corn for the nourishment of the people, own him for their kind and beneficent Master ; nav, tempers fierce and untractable as the wild beasts of the desert, are yet subject to his will ; spirits of the angelic kind, that, like the bird of the air, traverse freely the superior region, move at his command ; and those evil ones, whose habitation is in the deep abyss, even to the Day 1. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 41 great Leviathan himself; all, all, are put under, the. feet of King Messiah ; who, " because he humbled ' himself, and became obedient unto death, even the " death of the cross, was therefore highly exalted, " and had a name given him above every name, that " at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, " whether of things in heaven, or things on earth, " or things under the earth ; and that every tongue " should confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory " of God the Father." Phil. ii. 8. &c. 9. O Lord, our Lord, hozv excellent is thy name in all the earth ! Let therefore the universal chorus of men and an gels join their voices together, and make their sound to be heard as one, in honour of the Redeemer, ever more praising him, and saying, O Lord, our Lord Jesu Christ, King of Righteousness, Peace, and Glory, King of kings, and Lord of lords, how excel lent, how precious, how lovely, how great and glo rious is thy Name, diffused over all the earth, for the salvation of thy chosen ! Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. And let heaven and earth say, Amen. SECOND DAY.— MORNING PRAYER. PSALM IX. ARGUMENT. ' This Psalm consists of two parts, a thanksgiving, 1 — jo. and a prayer, 13 — 20. Upon what par- 42 A COMMENTARY Psal. 9. tjcular occasion it was composed, is not known ; probably to celebrate the victories gained by Da vid over the neighbouring nations, after God had exalted him to be king in Sion. See ver. 11. But most certainly the Psalm was intended for the use of the Christian Church ; and she continually, by using it, 1, 2. declares her resolution to cele brate the praises of her God ; since, 3, 4. her ene mies were vanquished, and her cause was car ried; 5, 6. the empire of Satan was subverted, and, 7, 8. the kingdom of Christ established ; 9, 10. affording to believers refuge and salvation. For all these blessings, 1 1 . Christians are excited to praise their Redeemer, who, 12. forgets no thing" that is done or suffered for his sake. 13, 14. The Church petitions for final deliverance from the world, and the evil thereof; 15, 16. building her hope upon the mercies already re ceived, 17, 18. she foretels the destruction of the wicked ; and, 19, 20. prays for the manifesta tion of God. 1. I zvill praise thee, O Lord, zvith my whole heart; I zvill shozo forth all thy marvellous zvorks. In this animated and exalted hymn, the church begins witli declaring her resolution to " praise Je- " hovah," as the author of her salvation ; and that, neither coldly, as if the salvation were little worth ; nor partially, reserving a share of the glory of it to Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 43 herself; but with the " whole heart," with an affec tion pure and flaming, like the holy fire upon the altar. She is determined to "show forth" to the world, for its conviction and conversion, " all his " marvellous works," the most " marvellous " of which are those wrought for, and in the souls of men. Outward miracles strike more forcibly upon the senses ; but they are introductory only to those in ternal operations, which they are intended to repre sent. 2. / zvill be glad and rejoice in thee; I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Christians are taught to "be glad and rejoice," not in abundance of wealth, or plenitude of power, not in the pleasures of sense, or the praise of men, but in God their Saviour ; and their joy is as far su perior to the joy of the worldly, as the object of one is to that of the other. He who, with the spirit and the understanding, as well as with the voice, " sings " praise to thy name, O most High," is employed as the angels are, and experiences a foretaste of the de light they feel. 3. When mine enemies are driven back, they shall fall, or, they stumble, or fall, and perish at thy pre sence. The church begins to explain the subject of her joy, which is a victory over her " enemies ; " a victory not gained by herself, but by the " presence of God " in the midst of her. The grand enemy of our salva tion was first vanquished by Christ in the wilderness, and " driven back," with the words "Get thee be- " hind me, Satan." The same blessed person after- 4i A COMMENTARY Psal, 9. ward completely triumphed over him upon the cross, when " the prince of this world was cast out." This is that great victory, which we celebrate in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, from generation to generation ; and, through faith in him who achieved it, we likewise are enabled to fight and to overcome. 4. For thou hast maintained my right and my came ; thou sattcst in the throne judging right. The same important transaction is here described in forensic, as before it was in military terms. Sar tan having gotten possession of mankind, might have pleaded his right to keep it, since by transgression they had left God, and sold themselves to him. But Christ, as the church's representative and advocate; made the satisfaction required, paid down the price of redemption, " took the prey from the mighty, " and delivered the lawful captive : " Isa. xlix. 24. Thus was our "right and our cause maintained;" thus we were rescued from the oppressor, and he wh© " sat on the throne judged righteous judgement." Something of this sort may be supposed to pass, con cerning each individual, between the Accuser of the brethren and the eternal Intercessor, in the court of heaven. 5. Thou hast rebuked the heathen, thou hast de-, stroyed the zvicked, thou hast put out their name for ever and ever. To the victory of Christ succeeded the overthrow of Satan's empire in the pagan world. " The hea- " then were rebuked," when, through the power of the Spirit, in those who preached the Gospel, men were convinced of sin, and of righteousness, and of Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 45 judgement; " the wicked were destroyed, and their " name put out for ever,"' when the Roman power became Christian, and the ancient idolatry sunk, to rise no more. A day is coming when all iniquity shall perish and be forgotten in like manner. 6*. O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpe tual end, or, the destructions of the enemy 'are com pleted to the utmost: and thou, O God, hast destroy ed their cities, their memorial is perished zvith them*! The Christian church, when repeating these words, may be supposed to take a retrospect view of the successive fall of those empires, with their capital " cities," in which the "enemy" had from time to time fixed his residence, and which had vexed and persecuted the people of God in different ages. Such were the Assyrian, or Babylonian, the Persian, and the Grecian monarchies. All these vanished away, and came to nothing. Nay, . the very " memorial " ofthe stupendous Nineveh and Babylon is so "pe- " rished with them," that the place where they once stood is now no more to be found. The Roman empire was the last of the pagan persecuting powers; and when the church saw "that" under her feet, well might she cry out, " The destructions " of the enemy are completed to the utmost ! " How lovely will this song be, in the clay when the last ( Bishop Lowth renders this verse to the same effect. " De- " solations have consumed the enemy for ever; and as to the ci- " ties which thou, 0 God, hast destroyed, their memory is pe- " rished with them." See Merrick's Annotations on the Psalms, p. 9. 46 A COMMENTARY Psal. 9. enemy shall be destroyed, and the world itself shall become what Babylon is at present. Next to the glory and triumph of that day, is the jubilee which > the Christian celebrates, upon his conquest over the body of sin. 7. But the Lord shall endure for ever ; ke hath prepared his throne for judgement. 8. And he shall judge the world in righteousness, ke shall minister judgement to tke people in uprightness. In opposition to the transient nature of earthly kingdoms, the eternal duration of Messiah's kingdom is asserted ; as also its universality, extending over the whole " world ; " together with the consummate rectitude of its administration. To him, as supreme judge in an unerring court of equity, lies an appeal from the unjust determinations here below : and by him in person shall every cause be reheard, when that court shall sit, and all nations shall be summon ed to appear before it. 9. The Lord also zvill be a refuge for the oppress ed, a refuge in times qf trouble. In the mean time, and until he returneth to judge ment, the poor in spirit, the meek and lowly penitent, however " oppressed in times of trouble," by worldly and ungodly men, and by the frequent assaults of the wicked one, still finds a refuge in Jesus ; who renews his strength by fresh supplies of grace, arms him with faith and patience, and animates him with the hope of glory. 10. And they that know thy name zvill put their trust in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 47 Therefore, they who " know God's name," that is, who are acquainted with, and have experienced his merciful nature and disposition, expressed in that name, will take no unlawful methods to escape afflic tion, nor " put their trust" in any but " him," for de liverance ; since a most undoubted truth (and, O what a comfortable truth !) it is, that " thou, Lord Jesus, " hast not forsaken," nor ever wilt finally " forsake " them that " sincerely and diligently, with their whole heart, " seek " to " thee " for help ; as a child, upon apprehension of danger, flies to the arms of its tender and indulgent parent. 11. Sing praises to the Lord which dzvellcth in Zion : declare among the people his doings. The church, having celebrated the power and the goodness of her Lord, exhorteth all her children to lift up their voices, and sing together, in full chorus, the praises of him whose tabernacle is in " Zion," who resides with men, upon the mountain of his ho liness, and faith, " Behold I am with you always, " even to the end of the world." And thus, not only " among the people," but also to principalities and powers in heavenly places, will be " declared " and made known by the voice of thanksgiving in the church, the manifold wisdom and mercy of God, in his " doings" towards man. See Ephes. iii. 10. 12. When he maketh inquisition for blood, he re- membereth them, and forgetteth not the cry of the, humble. An objection might be started to the so much ex tolled loving kindness of God, namely, that in this world his faithful people are often afflicted and per- 48 A" COMMENTARY Psal. 9. secuted ; nay, sometimes suffered to be killed all the day long, as sheep appointed to the slaughter. But this is obviated by the consideration, that all is not over, as Avicked men may suppose, at death ; that a strict " inquisition " will be appointed hereafter, when the " blood " of martyrs and the sufferings of confessors shall not be ," forgotten." He remem- bereth " them," that is, those who seek him, men tioned verse 10; so that the exhortation to "sing " praises," &c. ver. 11. seems parenthetic. 13. Have mercy upon me, O \Jokt>,. consider the trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that If test me up from the gates of death. We are now come to the second part ofthe Psalm. The church, after having, hi the former part, strengthened her faith by commemoration of the mighty works God had wrought for her, proceeds, in this, to pour forth a prayer for farther and final deliverance. She speaks, as still militant upon earth, still in an enemy's country, surrounded :by them that hate her, and suffering much from them. To whom therefore should she address herself, but to him whose high prerogative it is, literally to " raise from the " gates of death ;" to him who is, in every possible sense, " the resurrection and the life ?" 14. That I may show forth all thy praise in the gates qf the daughter of Zion : I zvill rejoice in thy salvation. The members of the church militant despair of being able to " show forth all God's praise," till they become members of the church triumphant. There is a beautiful contrast between " the gates of death," Day 2. m1. p. ON THE PSALMS. 49 in the preceding verse, and " the gates of the daugh- " ter of Zion," or tlie heavenly Jerusalem, in this : the one lead down to the pit, the other up to the mount of God ; the one open into perpetual dark ness, the other into light eternal ; from the one pro ceeds nothing but what is evil, from the other nothing but what is good ; infernal spirits watch at the one, the other are unbarred by the hands of angels. What a blessing then is it, to be snatched from the former, and transported to the latter! Who but must " re- " joice" in such " salvation!" 15. The heathen are smik, or sink, dozvn in the pit that they made; in the net zvhich they hid is their ozvn foot taken. \6. The Lord is knozvn by the judgement which he executeth ; tke zvicked is snared in the work qf his own hands. Faith beholds, as already executed, that righteous judgement, whereby wicked men and evil spirits will fall into the perdition which they had prepared for others, either openly by persecution, or more covertly by temptation. See Ps. vii. 15, 16\ 17. The zvicked shall be turned into hell, and all the ¦nations that forget God. All wickedness came originally with the wicked one from hell ; thither it will be again remitted, and they who hold on its side must accompany it on its return to that place of torment, there to be shut up for ever. The true state both of " nations," and the individuals of which they are composed, is to be esti mated from one single circumstance, namely, whether in their doings they remember or " forget God." VOL. II., x 50 A COMMENTARY Psal. 9. Remembrance of Him is the well-spring of virtue ; forgetfulness of Him, the fountain of vice. 18. For the needy shall not alxvays be forgotten: the expectation ofthe poor shall not perish for ever. They who remember God shall infallibly be re membered by Him ; and let this be their anchor, in the most tempestuous seasons. The body of a martyr is buried in the earth ; and so is the root of the fairest flower; but neither of them " perisheth forever." Let but the winter pass and the spring return, and, lo, the faded and withered flower blooms ; the body sown in corruption, dishonour, and weakness, rises in incorruption, glory, and power. 1.9. Arise, O Lord, let not men prevail; let the heathen be judged in thy sight. And now, the Spirit and the Bride say, Come ; Arise, O Lord Jesu, from thy throne of glory, and come quickly; "let not" the "man" of sin " pre- " vail " against thy church ; but let the long depend ing cause between her and her adversaries, " be " judged " and finally determined " in thy sight." 20. Put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Strange, that man, dust in his original, sinful by his fall, and continually reminded of both by every thing in him and about him, should yet stand in need of some sharp affliction, some severe visitation from God, to bring him to the knowledge of himself, and make him feel, who, and what- he is. But this is frequently the case; and when it is, as there are wounds which cannot be healed without a previous Day 2. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 51 application of caustics, mercy is necessitated to be gin her work with an infliction of judgement. PSALM X, ARGUMENT. This Psalm is, in the LXX, joined to the pre ceding, but, in the Hebrew, divided from it. The church, under persecution from the spirit of anti christ in the world, after, 1. an humble expostu lation with her Lord, setteth down the marks whereby that spirit may be known; such as, 2. hatred of the faithful; 3. self-willedness and worldly-mindedness ; 4. infidelity ; 5, 6. profli gacy and pride; 7- profaneness and perjury; 8 — 10. subtilty and treachery employed against the people of God; 11. security and presumption. From the persecutions of such a spirit the church, 12 — 15- prayeth earnestly to be delivered; and, 16 — 18. through faith, rejoiceth in tribulation. 1. Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble ? During the conflict between the church and her adversaries, God is represented as one withdrawing to a distance, instead of affording succour; nay, as one concealing himself, so as not to be found by those who petitioned for aid, or counsel. To behold the righteous cause oppressed, and good men seem- E 2 52 A COMMENTARY Psal. 10, ingly deserted by heaven, at a time when they most need its assistance, is apt to offend the weak, and oftentimes stagger those who are strong. It is in deed a sore trial, but intended to make us perfect in the practice of three most important duties, humility, resignation, and faith. That we may not faint under the severity of this discipline, let us ever bear in mind, that the beloved Son of the Father, the Son in whom he was well pleased, had once occasion to utter these words, " My God, my God, why hast thou for- " saken me?" 2. The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor ; let them, or they shall, be taken in the devices tkat they have imagined. Inconceivable is that malignant fury, with which a conceited infidel persecutes an humble believer, though that believer hath no otherwise offended him than by being such. And what wonder? since it is a copy of the hatred which Satan bears to Christ. But the devices of the adversaries, like those of their leader, will end in their own eternal confusion, 4. For the zvicked boasteth ofhis fi cart's dea-ire, and blesseth the covetous whom the Lord abhor ret h. The first part of this verse points out that alarm ing symptom of a reprobate mind, a disposition to exult and glory in those lusts, which are the shame and disgrace of human nature, whether the world or the flesh be their object. The latter clause is differ ently rendered, as implying either that " the wicked " blesseth the covetous, whom God abhorreth," or that " the wicked, being covetous, or oppressive,. " blesseth himself and abhorreth God." Either wav> Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 53 an oppressing, griping, worldly spirit is characterized, with its direct opposition to the spirit of God, which teaches, that sin is to be confessed with shame and sorrow; that in God alone man is to make his boast ; and that it is more blessed to give, than to receive. 4. The zvicked through the pride of his counte nance zvill not seek after God ; God is not in all his thoughts; or, all his imaginations are, There is no God. The counsels of heaven are not known by the wicked, because they are not sought after ; and they are not sought after, because of a diabolical self- sufficiency, which, having taken possession of the heart, displays itself in the countenance, and reigns throughout the man. He wants no Prophet to teach him, no Priest to atone for him, no King to conduct him ; he needs neither a Christ to redeem, nor a Spirit to sanctify him ; he believes no Provi dence, adores no Creator, and fears no Judge. Thus he lives a " stranger from the covenants of " promise, and without God in the world." Ephes. ii. 12. O that this character now existed only in the Psalmist's description ! 5. His zvays are always grievous, or, corrupt ; thy judgements are jar above out qf his' sight ; as for all his enemies, hepuffeth at them. As are a man's principles, such will be his prac tices ; and if he hath not God in his thoughts, his course of life will be corrupt and abominable, his end, his means, and his motives being all wrong, and polluted with concupiscence. There 54 A COMMENTARY Psal. 10. would have been some chance of holding him by fear, but that is gone with his faith ; for no man can - tremble at judgements in which he does not believe. 6. He hath said in his heart, I shall not be moved; for I shall never be in adversity. Prosperity begets presumption, and he who has been long accustomed to see his designs succeed, be gins to think it impossible they should ever do other wise. The long-suffering of God, instead of leading such an one to repentance, only hardens him in his iniquity. Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, he thinks it will not be exe cuted at all. He vaunteth himself, therefore, like the proud Chaldean monarch, in the Babylon which he hath erected, and fondly pronounceth it to be im mortal. Such, it is too evident, are often the vain imaginations of triumphant wickedness. 7. His mouth is full qf cursing, deceit, and fraud; wider his tongue is mischief and vanity. From the thoughts of the sinner's " heart," men tioned in the preceding verse, David goes on to de scribe the words of his " mouth." And here we may illustrate the character of antichrist, by setting. that of Christ in opposition to it. The mouth of one poureth forth a torrent of curses and lies; from that of the other flowed a clear and copious stream of be nediction and truth. Under the serpentine tongue of the former is a bag of mischief and vanity; but honey and milk were under the tongue of the latter, so pleasant and so nourishing to the spirits of men were all his communications. 8. He sitteth in the lurking places of the villages ; Day 2. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 55 in the secret places doth he murder the innocent: his eyes are privily set against the poor. From " words," the description proceeds to " ac- " tions." And with regard to these, as the Son of God went publicly preaching through cities and vil lages to save men's lives, so this child of Satan lieth in ambush to destroy them, privily bringing into the church, and diffusing among the people, pestilent errors, and damnable heresies, for that purpose. 9. He lieth in zvait secretly as a lion in his den ; lie lieth in zvait to catch the poor: he doth catch the poor, when he drazedh him into his net. The disciples of Jesus, like their blessed Master, are ever vigilant to catch men in the evangelical net, in order to draw them from the world to God : the partisans of Satan, in imitation of their leader, arc employed in watching, from their lurking places, the footsteps of the Christian pilgrim, that they may spring upon him in an unguarded moment, and draw him from God to the world, and from thence to the devil. 10. He croucheth, and humbletk himself , that the poor may fall by his strong ones. Our Lord, who is styled " the Lion of the tribe " of Judah," became a " Lamb," for the salvation of mankind; but when his adversary at any time " humbleth " himself, when the wolf appears in sheep's clothing, let the flock beware ; it is for their more effectual destruction. And if, allured by an outward show of moderation and benevolence, the simple ones shall venture themselves within his reach, 56 A COMMENTARY Psal. 10. they will soon find that his nature is disguised, but not altered. 1 1 . He hath said in his heart, God hath for gotten; lie hideth his face, he zvill never see it. For the chastisement ofhis people, God often suf fers the enemy to prevail and prosper, who then ri dicules the faith and hope of the church, and solaces himself in the conceit, that if there be a God, he either knows not, or cares not, what is done upon earth. These Epicurean notions, however absurd and unworthy of the Deity they may seem, do yet in some measure take possession of every man's mind at the instant of his committing a sin ; since it is most certain, that, with a due impression of the divine omniscience upon his soul at the time, he would not commit it, for all that the tempter could offer him. But faith is apt to sleep, and then sin awakes. 12. Arise, O Lord; O God, If t up thine hand ; forget not the humble. 1 3. Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? He hath said in his heart, Thou wilt not require it. The church now prays, that Jehovah, in vindica tion of his own honour and attributes, would arise to judgement, and make bare his glorious arm for the defence of his elect, who cry day and night unto him. Thus would the insolence of the wicked one and his agents, founded on the divine forbearance, be re pressed, and all the world would see, that God had not forgotten, but still, as ever, remembered and re garded the low estate of his handmaid. 14. Thou hast seen it, for thou beholdest mischief Day 2. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 57 and spite, to requite it zvith thine hand: the poor com mit teth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless. " The wicked," above, " saith in his heart, thou " wilt not requite it." But the faithful are taught other things by the promises in Scripture, and the experience of unnumbered histories. They know assuredly, that God beholds all that travail and vexa tion which some inflict, and others sustain, upon the earth ; and that he will infallibly recompense to the former their deeds, to the latter their sufferings. Destitute should we be of every earthly help, in the state of beggars and orphans, yet in him will we trust, who, as the father and protector of all such,, saith unto every one of us, "I will never leave thee, nor " forsake thee." 15. Break thou the arm ofthe zvicked and the evil man : seek out his wickedness till thou find none. This may be either a prayer, or a prediction, im plying that the time will come, when the power of Jehovah will dash in pieces that of the enemy, by the demolition either of sin or the sinner, until wick edness be come utterly to an end, and righteousness be established for ever in the kingdom of Messiah. And, lo, 16. The Lord is King for ever and ever: the heathen are perished out qf the land. Faith beholds the Lord Jesus, as already manifesto ed in his glorious majesty, the kingdoms of this world become his, and the Canaanite no more in the land of promise. Each individual experiences in himself a happy prelude to this manifestation, when Christ 5S A COMMENTARY Psal. 10. rules in his heart by the Spirit, and every appetite and affection is obedient to the sceptre of his king dom. 17. Lord, thou hast heard, or, hearest, the desire qf the humble: thou zvilt prepare, or, thoupreparest, their heart : thou zvilt cause, or, thou causest, thine car to hear. How many important and comforting truths have we here, in a few words! As, that the "humble" and lowly, whatever they may suffer in the world, are the favourites of Jehovah : that he attends to the very " desires " of their hearts : that such hearts " prepared " to prayer, are so many instruments Strang and tuned by the hand of heaven : and that their prayer is as music, to which the Almighty him self listens with pleasure. 18. To judge the fatherless and the oppressed, that '• ihe man qf the earth may no more oppress. For the sake of the elect, and their prayers, the ¦¦ days of persecution and tribulation will be shortened; the insolence of the earth-born oppressor, the man of sin, will be chastised ; the cause of the church will be heard at the tribunal of God; and victory, triumph, and glory will be given unto her. In the foregoing exposition, regard has been chiefly had to the case of the chureh, and to her sufferings from the spirit of antichrist, in whomsoever existing and acting, from time to time, in the world ; this being judged the most generally useful application, which Christians, as such, can make of the Psalm. Parti cular accommodations of it to the various oppressions of innocent poverty by iniquitous' opulence, will meet Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 59 the eye, and offer themselves at once to persons so circumstanced, for their support and comfort, under their respective afflictions; which will be also not a little alleviated by the consideration, that the whole church of God groaneth with them, and travaileth in pain, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the re demption of the body. Then, and not till then, tears shall cease to run down the cheeks of misery ; and sorrow and sighing shall fly away, to return no more for ever. PSALM XI. ARGUMENT. The Psalmist, under persecution, I — 3. declareth himself resolved to trust in God alone, at a time when he was advised to fly to some place of re fuge ; 4. he expresses his faith in the omniscience and over-ruling power of Jehovah ; 5. assigns the reason why good men are afflicted ; who, after, that the wicked, 6. shall be destroyed, will appear to have been all along, 7- the favoured of God. 1 . In the Lord put I my trust; hozo sayj/e to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain? The Christian, like David, in perilous times, should make God his fortress, and continue doing his duty in his station ; he should not, at the instigation of those about him, like a poor, silly, timorous, in constant bird, either fly for refuge to the devices of worldly wisdom, or desert his post, and retire iato 60 A COMMENTARY Psal. 11. solitude, while he can serve the cause in which he is engaged. Nor indeed is there any " mountain " on earth out of the reach of care and trouble. Tempta tions are every where; and so is the grace of God. 2. For, lo, the zvicked bend their bozv, they make ready their ai~rozv upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. These seem to be still the words of David's friends, representing to him, as a motive for his flight, the extreme danger he was in from the " arrows " of the enemy, already, as it were, fitted to the " string," and pointed at him " in secret," so that not knowing from whence they were to come, he could not guard against them. The Christian's danger from the darts of the infernal archers, lying in wait for his soul, is full as great as that of David. But " the shield of " faith " sufficeth, in both cases. 3. If the foundations be destroyed, zchat can the righteous do? This likewise seems to be spoken by the same per sons, discouraging David from making any farther resistance, by the consideration, that all was over ; the " foundations " of religion and law were subvert ed; and what could a man, engaged in the most " righteous " designs, hope to " do," when that was the case? Such arguments are often urged by the timid, in similar circumstances ; but they are falla cious ; since all is not over, while there is a man left to reprove error, and bear testimony to the truth. And a man who does it with becoming spirit, may st^p a prince, or senate, when in full career, and reT Day2. M.p. ON THE PSALMS. 61 cover the day. But let us hear David's farther reply to his advisers. 4. The Lord is in his holy temple, the I.ord'j throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children qf men. In the first verse, the Psalmist had declared his trust to be in Jehovah. After reciting the reasonings of his friends, he now proceeds to evince the fitness and propriety of such trust, notwithstanding the seemingly desperate situation of affairs. " Jehovah " is in his holy temple;" into which, therefore, unholy men, however triumphant in this world, can never enter : " Jehovah's throne is in heaven ;" and conse quently superior to all power upon earth, which may be controlled and over-ruled by him in a moment; '* his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of " men ;" so that no secret wickedness can escape his knowledge, who scrutinizeth the hearts as well as the lives of all the sons of Adam. Why, then, should the man despair, who hath on his side holiness, omni potence, and omniscience? 5. The Lord trieth the righteous ; but the wick ed, and him that loveth violence, his soul hateth. ¦ As to the afflictions which persons may suffer, who are embarked in a righteous cause, they are in tended to purge away the dross, and to refine them for the Master's use. " Gold," saith the son of Si rach, " is tried in the fire, and acceptable men in the " furnace of adversity :" Ecclus. ii. 5. In the mean time, God's displeasure against the wicked is ever the same, and their prosperity, instead of benefiting, will in the end destroy them. The cases of David 62 A COMMENTARY Psal. 11. and Saul, Christ and the Jews, the martyrs and their persecutors, are all cases in point, and should be often in our thoughts to teach us patience, and guard us against despair, in seasons of calamity, pain, or dis grace. 6. Upon the zvicked he shall rain snares, or, burn ing coals, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest; this shall be the portion of their cup. St. Jude, ver. 7. tells us, that the cities of Sodom, Gomorrah, &c. for their abominable sins, " rffoxewrai " Seiypa, are set forth for an example, or, specimen, " suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." And here we see the images are plainly taken from the dreadful judgement inflicted on those cities, and transferred to the vengeance of the last day. Then the sons of faithful Abraham shall behold a prospect, like that which once presented itself to the eyes of their father; when rising early in the morning, and looking toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, he " beheld, and, lo, the smoke e-f " the country went up as the smoke of a furnace !" Gen. xix. 28. Such must be the " portion of their ' ' cup," who have dashed from them the cup of salvation. He, therefore, who would enjoy the prosperity of the wicked here, must take with it their torment hereafter ; as he who is ambitious of wearing the crown of righteousness in heaven, must be content to endure tribulation upon earth. 7. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness ; Ms countenance doth behold the upright. He who is in himself essential righteousness, can not but love his own resemblance, wrought in the Day 2. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 63 faithful by his good Spirit ; with a countenance full of paternal affection, he beholds, and speaks peace and comfort to them, in the midst of their sorrows; until, admitted, through mercy, to the glory, from which justice excludes the wicked, and beholding that countenance which has always beheld them, they shall enter upon a life of boundless and everlasting felicity. SECOND DAY.— EVENING PRAYER, PSALM XII. ARGUMENT. The church, through David, 1, 2. laments the de crease of God's faithful servants, and the universal corruption among men, but, 3 — 5. rests upon the divine promises, the truth and certainty of which, 6, 7- she celebrates, and comforts herself there with, while in a world where oftentimes, 8. tlie wicked walk uncontrolled. 1. Help, Heb. save, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth ; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. Our Lord foretels, that in the later days, " be- " cause iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall " wax cold;" and seems to question whether, "when " the Son of man cometh, he shall find faith upon " the earth." The universal depravity of Jew and Gentile caused the church, of old, to pray earnestly 64, A COMMENTARY Psal. it< for the first advent of Christ; and a like depravity among those who call themselves Christians, may in duce her to pray no less earnestly for his appearance ,the second time unto salvation. It is frequently a benefit, to be destitute of help from man, both as it puts us upon seeking it from God, and inclines him to grant it, when we do seek. 2. They speak vanity, or, a lie, every one zvith his neighbour: with flattering lips, and zvith a double heart do they speak. When men cease to be faithful to their God, he who expects to find them so to each other, will be much disappointed. The primitive sincerity will ac company the primitive piety in her flight from the earth ; and then interest will succeed conscience in the regulation of human conduct, till one man cannot trust another farther than he holds him by that tie. Hence, by the way, it is, that although many are infidels themselves, yet few choose to have their fa milies and dependants such ; as judging, and rightly judging, that true Christians are the only persons to be depended on, for the exact discharge of social duties. 3. The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things : 4. Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail, our lips are our own : who is lord over us ? They who take pleasure in deceiving others, will at the last find themselves most of all deceived, when the Sun of truth, by the brightness of his rising, shall at once detect and consume hypocrisy. And as to men of another stamp, who speak great swelling Day 2. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 65 words of vanity; who vaunt themselves in the arm of flesh, thinking to prevail by human wit, or human power ; equally deplorable will be their case, when the Lord God " omnipotent" reigneth. 5. For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing qf the needy, now zvill I arise, saith the Lord, I zvill set him in safety from him that pu ff eth at him. For the consolation of the afflicted and poor in spirit, Jehovah is here introduced promising, out of compassion to their sufferings, to " arise, and set " them in safety," or place them in a state of " sal- " vation." Such all along has been his promise to the church, who, by looking back to the deliverances wrought of old for the servants of God, and, above all, to that wrought for the Son of God, is now en couraged to look forward, and expect her final re demption from the scorn and insolence of infidelity. 6. The words qf the Lord are pure zcords; as silver tried in a furnace, or, crucible of earth, puri fied seven times. The church rejoices in the promises of God her Saviour, because they are such as she can confide in. His words are not like those- of deceitful boasting man, but true and righteous altogether. Often have they been put to the test, in the trials of the faithful, like silver committed to the furnace, in an earthen crucible ; but like silver in its most refined and ex alted purity, found to contain no dross of imperfec tion, no alloy of fallibility in them. The words of Jehovah are holy in his precepts, just in his laws, gra cious in his promises, significant in his institutions, true in his narrations, and infallible in his predictions. vol. jr. ' F 66 A COMMENTARY Psal. 12. What are the thousands of gold and silver, compared to the treasures of the sacred page ! 7- Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt pre serve them from this generationfor ever. As if it had been said, Yes, blessed Lord, what thou hast promised shall surely be performed, since there is with thee no variableness, nor shadow of turning : thou wilt keep thy poor and lowly servants, as thou hast promised, from being circumvented by treachery, or crushed by power ; thou wilt preserve them undefiled amidst an evil and adulterous gene ration : thou wilt be with thy church to the end of the world, and then admit her to be with thee for ever. 8. The zvicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted. While the faithful repose, as they ought to do, an unlimited confidence jn God's promises, they liave, in the mean time, but too much reason to mourn the prevalence of wickedness, stalking, like its author, to and fro, and up and down in the earth, uncon trolled by those who bear the sword, but who either blunt its edge, or turn it the wrong way. Such is often the state of things here below; and a reflection, made upon the subject by our Lord, when his ene mies drew near to apprehend him, may satisfy us how it comes to be so : " It is your hour, and the " power of darkness." But that hour will quickly pass with .us, as it did with him, and the power of darkness will be overthrown ; the Lord Avill be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning shall be ended/ Day 2. E. p. ON THE PSALMS. 67 PSALM XIII. ¦ ARGUMENT. This Psalm contains, 1, 2. a complaint of desertion ; 3, 4. a prayer for the divine assistance ; 5, 6. an act of faith and thanksgiving. 1. How long zvilt thou forget me, O Lord ? for t ever ? Hozo loitg zvilt thou hide thy face from me? While God permits his servants to continue under affliction, he is said, after the manner of men, to have " forgotten, and hid his face from them." For the use, therefore, of persons in such circumstances, is this Psalm intended; and, consequently, it suits the differerub cases of the church universal, languish ing for the advent of our Lord to deliver her from this evil world ; of any particular church, in time of persecution; and of each individual, when harassed by temptations, or broken by sickness, pain, and sorrow. He who bore our sins, and carried our sor rows, may likewise be presumed to have made it a part of his devotions in the day of trouble. 2. Hozv long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? How long shall mine ene my be exalted over me ? "To excite compassion, and prevail for help from above, the petitioner mentions three aggravating cir cumstances of his misery: the perplexity ofhis soul, not knowing which way to turn, or what course to take; his heart-felt sorrow, uttering itself in sighs and groanings; and the mortifying reflection, that F 2 (i8 A COMMENTARY Psal. vs. his enemies were exulting in their conquest over him. All this will happen, and be particularly painful, to him who has yielded to temptation, and committed. sin. 3. Consider and hear me, O Lord my God ; lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep oi death. On the preceding considerations is founded a pray er to Jehovah, that he would no longer hide his face, but " consider," or, more literally, " have respect " to, favourably. behold" his servant; that he would " hear, attend to, be mindful of" his supplication in distress. The deliverance requested is expressed figuratively, " Lighten mine eyes, lest, I. sleep the " sleep of death." In time of sickness and grief, the ' ' eyes" are dull and heavy ; and they grow more and more so as death approaches,; which closes them in darkness. On the other hand, health and joy render the organs of vision bright and sparkling, seeming, as it were, to impart " light" to them from within. Tlie words, therefore, may be fitly applied to a re covery of the body natural, and thence of the body politic, from their respective maladies. Nor do they less significantly describe the restoration of the soul to a state of spiritual health and holy joy, which will manifest themselves in like manner, by " the eyes of " the understanding being enlightened;" and in this case, the soul is saved from the sleep of sin, as the body is, in the other, from the sleep of death. 4. Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved. This argument we often find urged in prayer to* Day 2. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 69 God, that he should be pleased to work salvation for his people, lest his and their enemies should seem to triumph over him as well as them; which would in deed have been the case, had Satan cither seduced the true David to sin, or confined him in the grave. And certainly it should be a powerful motive to restrain us from transgression, when we consider, that as the conversion of a sinner brings glory to Cod, and causes joy among the angels of heaven ; so the fall of a believer disgraces the Gospel of Jesus, opens the mouths of the adversaries, and would produce joy, if such a thing could be, in hell itself. ,- 5. But I have trusted, or, I trust, in thy mercy; my heart ^hall rejoice, or, rejoices, in thy salvation. 6. I zvill sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt, or, deals, bount fully zvith me. The heart which " trusteth in God's mercy," shall alone " rejoice in his salvation," and celebrate by the tongue, in songs of praise, the loving kindness of the Lord. It is observable, that this, and many other Psalms, with a mournful beginning, have a tri umphant ending; to show us the prevailing power of devotion, and to convince us of the certain return of prayer, sooner or later, bringing with it the com forts of heaven, to revive and enrich our weary and barren spirits in the gloomy seasons of sorrow and temptation, like the dew descending by night upon the withered summit of an eastern mountain. 10 A COMMENTARY Psal. 14. PSALM XIV. ARGUMENT. This Psalm is in a manner the same with the 53d. It sets forth, 1 — 3. the corruption of the world ; 4 — 6. its enmity against the people of God; 7- the prophet longs and prays for salvation. 1. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God : they are corrupt, they have done abominable zvorks, there is none that doth good. It does not appear upon what occasion David composed this Psalm. The revolt of Israel in Ab salom's rebellion, is by most writers pitched upon as the subject of it. But, be this as it may, the expres sions are general, and evidently designed to -extend beyond a private interpretation. And accordingly, the apostle, Rom. iii. 10, &c. produces some pas sages from it, to evince the apostasy of both Jews and Gentiles from their King and their God, and to prove them to be all under sin, In this light, therefore, we are to consider it, as characterizing the principles and practices of those who oppose the Gospel of Christ grave, after the labours of the day, in sure and certain hope of a speedy resurrection and glorification. This same consideration is to the afflicted, the sick, and the dying Christian, a never failing source of com fort, an inexhaustible fountain of joy : sin and in fidelity are the enemies, who would fill it with earth. 10. For thou zvilt not leave my soul in hell; nei ther zvilt thou suffer thy Holy One to see corrup tion. It was a part of the covenant of grace, and pro mised by the mouth of God's prophets, that after the death of Messiah, his animal frame, wdi, should not continue, like those of other men, in the grave, Virip, nor should corruption be permitted to seize on the body, by which all others were to be raised to incor ruption and immortality. As members of Christ, this same promise and assurance is so far ours, that although our mortal part must see corruption, yet it shall not be finally left under the power of the enemy, but shall be raised again, and reunited to its old com panion the soul, which exists, mean while, in secret and undiscerned regions, there waiting for the day when its Redeemer shall triumph over corruption, in his mystical, as he hath already done in his natural body. 11. Thou wilt show me the path qf life: in thy vol. nr g S2 A COMMENTARY Psal. 17. presence is fulness of joy ; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. The return of Christ from the grave is beautifully described by Jehovah " showing," or discovering to him a " path of life," leading through the valley of the shadow of death, and from that valley to the sum mit of the hill of Zion, or to the mount of God in heaven, on which he now sits enthroned. There ex alted at the right hand of tlie Father, that human body, which expired on the cross, and slept in the sepulchre, lives and reigns, filled with delight, and encircled by glory incomprehensible and endless. Through this thy beloved Son and our dear Saviour, " thou shalt show" us likewise, O Lord, " the path "of life;" thou shalt justify our souls by thy grace now, and raise our bodies by thy power at the last day ; when earthly sorrow shall terminate in heaven- ly joy, and momentary pain shall be rewarded with, everlasting felicity. PSALM XVLT. ARGUMENT. The Psalmist, confiding in the justice of his cause, 1 — 4. prayeth for a hearing and decision of it ; 5 — 9- he petitioned! for the divine guidance and protection ; 10— 12. he describeth the temper and behaviour of his enemies; 13, 14. beseecheth God to disappoint them, and to deliver him; he endeth .with an act of faith* Day 3. m.p. ON TrfE PSALMS. 83 1. Hear the right, O Lord, or, Hear, O righ teous Lord, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out qf feigned lips. The righteousness of the judge, and the importu- . nity and sincerity of the petitioner, are the arguments here urged for a speedy and favourable determina tion. Slander and calumny were the. portion of David, and of a greater than David, till the righteous Lord manifested himself on their behalf. And shall not God, in like manner, judge and avenge the cause of " His own elect, who cry day and night unto him; " I tell you," saith Christ himself, " that he will " avenge them speedily :" Luke, xviii. 8. " Men " ought always to pray, therefore, and not to faint." 2. Let my sentence come forth from thy presence; let thine eyes behold the things that are equal. A court of equity is ever sitting in heaven, to re ceive appeals from the wrongful decisions of men here below ; and in that court a judge presides, whose impartial hand holds the scales of justice even ; whose unerring eye marks the least inclination of either ; and from whose sentence injured innocence is therefore taught to expect redress. 3. Thou hast proved mine heart ; thou hast visited me in the night ; thou hast tried me, and shalt find nothing: I am purposed that my mouth shall not transgress. The sufferer's " heart condemns him not, and he " has confidence towards God," to whom he applies as the proper judge, because the only witness ofhis integrity. God had " proved" not only his words and actions, but his " heart," which man could not G 2 84 A COMMENTARY Psal. 17. do: God had " visited," observed, and explored him "in the night," when secrecy'and solitude prompt the hypocrite to sin, and when the undisciplined ima gination wanders abroad, like the bird of darkness, after forbidden objects : God had " tried" him, as silver or gold, in the fiery furnace of adversity ; and if there be any dross or scum in the metal, it will then rise to the top, and show itself; yet nothing ap peared, not so much as the alloy of an intemperate word. Absolutely and universally this could only be , time of the holy Jesus ; however, through his grace, it may be true of some of his disciples in par ticular instances of crimes falsely laid to their charge. Let us pray that it may be true of us, whenever God shall please to prove and try us. 4. Concerning the zvorks of men, by the zvord qf thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the de stroyer. The w ay to hold fast our integrity in time of temp tation is here pointed out. " Concerning the works " of men, " that is, such works as fallen, depraved man has recourse to, when in distress, " by the word " of thy lips,*' by treasuring up thy word in my heart, as the rule of my actions, and the guide of my life, " I have watched, " observed, that is, in order to avoid " the paths of the destroyer. " This seems to be ,the literal construction, and to convey the fidl meaning of the verse, which contains exactly the same sentiment with that in Psal. cxix. ll. " Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might " not sin against thee. " If the word either be not in the heart at. all, or if it be not there in such a man- Day 3. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 85 ner as to be ready at all times for use and applica tion, the man is in danger, at every turn, of going astray. 5. Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my foot steps slip not. The word of God affords us direction, but the grace of God must enable us to follow its direction, and that grace must be obtained by prayer. The " paths of God" are opposed to the " paths ofthe " destroyer," the way of righteousness^to that of sin. The image here is taken from one walking in a slip pery path, for such is that of human life, by reason of temptations ; so that the believer, especially if he be young, feeble, and inexperienced, has great need of a divine -supporter in every step he takes,. 6*. I have called upon thee, for tkou zvilt hear me, or, because tkou hast heard me, O God: incline thine ear to me, and hear my speech. The sweet experience of former deliverances giveth a comfortable assurance of protection in present and future dangers; and this should cause us to fly for refuge at all times, by strong supplication and pray er, to him, who is able and willing to save us from death. 7. Shozv thy marvellous loving kindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their t?'ust in thee from those that rise up against them. This is an address to the " loving kindness, " or mercy of God, which the Psalmist entreats him to display and magnify in his favour, since it was the promise, the delight, and the glory of Jehovah, to save those who believed and trusted in him. 86 A COMMENTARY Psal. it. There are two ways of rendering the latter clause of this verse : either, " Thou who savest by thy right " hand," &c. as our translation has it : or, " Thou " that savest them which put their trust in thee from " those that rise up at, or, against thy right hand," meaning the opposers of the divine counsels and dispensations: as in Zech. iii. 1. Satan is said to " stand at Joshua's right hand, " to obstruct the building of the temple. 8. Keep me as the apple qf the eye : hide me under the shadozv of thy zvings. 9. From tke wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies, who compass me about. He who has so fenced and guarded that precious and tender part, the pupil of the eye, and who has provided for the security of a young and helpless brood under the wings of their dam, is here entreat ed to extend the same providential care and parental love to the souls of his elect, equally exposed to dan ger, equally beset with enemies. Of his readiness so to do he elsewhere assureth us, under the same ex quisite imagery, Zech. ii. 8. " He that toucheth " you, toucheth the apple of his eye : " Matt, xxiii. 37- " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often would ft I have gathered thy children together, even as a " hen gathereth her chickens under her wings ! " 10. They are enclosed in their ozvn fat ; with their mouth they speak proudly. . The last argument made use of hy the Psalmist, in his address to God, is the character of his adver saries. He begins with their " pride, " and its cause, " fulness of bread, " or high living. Dp. •f Day 3. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 87 Hammond prefers the rendering which follows : • " They have shut up their mouth with fat ; they speak " proudly. " Either way the meaning plainly is, that pride is the child of plenty, begotten by self- indulgence, which hardens the hearts of men against the fear of God, and the love of their neighbours ; rendering them insensible to the judgements ofthe. former, and the miseries of the latter. Let every man take care, that, by pampering the flesh, he do not raise up an enemy of this stamp against him self. 1 1 . They have now compassed us in our steps : they have set their eyes bowing down to the ground. " They have compassed us in our steps ; " that is, literally, Saul and his followers had watched, pur sued, and at last hemmed in David and his men : " They have set, or fixed their eyes " upon us, psa mtoiV, " to lay us prostrate upon the earth, " or finals ly to make an end of us. Such are our spiritual enemies ; such is their intention, and our danger. 12. Like as a lion that is greedy of his prey, and as it zvere a young lion lurking in secret places. The similitude of a lion, either roaring abroad in quest of his prey, or couching in secret, ready to spring upon it the moment it comes within his reach, is often employed by David, to describe the power and malice of his enemies. Christians cannot forget, that they likewise, have an adversary of the same na ture and character; one ever seeking whom, and contriving how, he may devour. 13. Arise, O Lord, disappoint him, cast him dozen : deliver- my soidfrom the zvicked, which is thy szvord; 8S A COMMENTARY Psal. 17. 14. From men which are thy hand, O Lord, from men of the zvorld, which have their portion in this life, and zvhose belly thou fittest with thy hid treasure: they are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes. The Psalmist, having characterized those who pur sued after him to take away his life, now entreatsGod to " arise," or appear in his Gause, to " disappoint," or " prevent" the enemy in his designs, and to " cast " him down," to overthrow and subdue him. The next words may be thus rendered; " Deliver my " soul from the wicked by thy sword, from men by " thy hand, O Lord, from the men of the world;" the expressions, " sword" and "hand of Jehovah," being frequently used to denote his power and ven geance. The i^ba o'no or " mortals of the transi- " tory world," from whom David prays to be deli vered, are said to be such as have " their portion in " this life," such as, in our Saviour's language, " have " their reward " here, and are not to expect it here after; " whose bellies thou fillest with thy hid " treasure ;" whom thou pennittest to enjoy thy tem poral blessings in abundance, to " receive their good "things" upon earth, and to " fare sumptuously " everyday;" as if it were to convince us, in what estimation we ought to hold the world, when we see the largest shares of it dealt out to the most worthless of the sons of Adam: " They are full of, or abound " in children, and leave the residue of their substance " to their babes;" after living in plenty, perhaps to a good old age, they leave behind them a numerous and flourishing posterity, who inherit their estates, Days. m.p. ON THE PSALMS, 89 and go on, as their fathers did before them, w ithout piety to God, or charity to the poor. From these men and their ways, we have all reason to say with David, " Good Lord deliver us !" 15. As for me, Izvitt behold thy face in righteous* ness: I shall be satisfied, when I azvake, zvith thy likeness. Instead of setting our affections on tilings below, the prophet instructs usr after his example, -to place all our happiness in the vision of God, and in that righteousness which leads to it; since the hour is coming, when we shall awake, and arise, after the divine similitude; when we shall be like God, for we shall see him as he is, and by seeing him shall be changed into the same image : and then shall every desire be satisfied with the fulness of joy, with the exceeding abundance of unutterable glory. THIRD DAY.— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XVIII. ARGUMENT. This Psalm, as we are informed by the sacred histo ry, 2 Sam. xxii. 1. was composed and sung by David, in the day that the Lord had delivered him out of the hand of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul. It contains, ver. 1 — 3. an address of thanks to Jehovah ; 4 — 6. a relation of suffer ings undergone, and prayers made for assistance ; 7 — 15. a magnificent description of the divine in- 90 A COMMENTARY Psal. IS. terposition in favour of the sufferer, and, 16 — 19. of the deliverance wrought for him, 20 — 24. in consideration of his righteousness, 25 — 28. ac cording to the tenour of God's equitable proceed ings ; 29 — 36. to Jehovah is ascribed the glory of the victory, which, 37 — 42. is represented as every way complete, by the destruction of all opponents, and, 43 — 45. the submission of the heathen; for these events, 46—50. God is blessed and praised. As the sublimity of the figures used in this Psalm, and the consent of ancient commentators, even, Jewish as well as Christian, but above all, the citations made from it in the New Testament, do evince, that the kingdom of Messiah is here pointed at, under that of David, an application is therefore made of the whole, in the ensuing comment, to the sufferings, resurrection, righteous ness, and conquests of Christ, to the destruction of the Jews, and conversion of the Gentiles. In a word, the Psalm, it is apprehended, should now be considered as a glorious epinikion, or triumphal hymn, to be sung by the church, risen and victo rious in Christ her Head. 1. I will love thee, O Lord, my strength. Let us suppose king Messiah, like his illustrious progenitor of old, seated in peace and triumph upon the throne designed and prepared for him. From thence let us imagine him taking a retrospect view of Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 91 the sufferings he had undergone, the battles he had fought, and the victories he had gained. With this idea duly impressed upon our minds, we shall be able, in some measure, to conceive the force of the words, " *|nmK, with all the yearnings of affection " I will love thee, O Jehovah, my strength, through "jny union with whom, I have finished my work, " and am now exalted to praise thee, in the name " of a redeemed world." Whenever we sing this Psalm, let us think we are singing it in conjunction with our Saviour, newly risen from the dead; a con sideration which surely will incite us to do it with be coming gratitude and devotion. 2. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in zvhom I trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tozver. In other words, explanatory of the figures here made use of, Through Jehovah it is, that I have stood immovable amidst a sea of temptations and afflictions; he has supported me under my troubles, and delivered me out of them; his protection has secured me, his power has broken and scattered mine enemies ; and by his mercy and truth am I now set up on high above them all. — How lovely these strains, in the mouth of the church militant ! How glorious will they be, when sung by the church triumphant! It is observable, that the words, " in " whom I trust," or, as the original has it, "I will " trust in him," are referred to, in the margin of Our English Bible, as quoted from this verse by St. Paul, Heb. ii. 13. If it be so, the reader, by turning to 92 A COMMENTARY Psal. 18. the place, may furnish himself with a demonstration, that in the xviiith, as well as in the xvith Psalm, David speaks in the person of Christ. 3- / zvill, or, did, call upon tke Lord, who is worthy to be praised ; so shall I be, or, so was I, saved from mine enemies. As the Psalm so evidently throughout is a thanks giving for past deliverances, the verbs in this verse seem to require the same rendering which is given to them below, at ver. 6. Jehovah is to be " called " upon," both in adversity and in prosperity; in the former, with the voice of prayer, in the latter with that of praise. " Is any afflicted?" saith St. James, v. 13. Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him " sing Psalms." 4. Tke sorrows, or, cords, qf death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men, or, Belial, made me afraid. 5. The sorrows, or, cords, qf hell, or, the grave, compassed me about; the snares qf death pre vented me. St. Peter, in his sermon on the day of Pentecost, says, when speaking of Christ — " Whom God hath " raised up, having loosed the pains of death, be- " cause it was not possible that he should be holden " of it:" Acts, ii. 24. " Now the Hebrew word ban " (as Dr. Hammond well observes, on that place) " signifies two things, a cord or band, and a. pang,' " especially of women in travail ; hence the LXX " meeting with the word, Ps. xviii. where it certain- " ly signifies, xoma, cords, or bands, have yet ren- " dered it wives, pangs; and from their example here, '' St. Luke hath used r«; uStvas Sahara, the pains or Day 3. E. p. ON THE PSALMS. 9? "pangs of death; when both the addition of the " word x-.-0-a.;, loosing, and xaarsdrflai being holden fast, " do show the sense is bands, or cords." From the passage in the Acts, with this learned and judicious remark upon it, we obtain not only the true rendering of the phrase " nin 'ban cords, or bands of death," but also something more than an intimation that, in the verses of our Psalm now before us, David speaks of Christ, that the " cords of death," those " bands " due to our sins, " compassed him about, and the " floods of Belial," tlie powers of darkness and un godliness, like an overwhelming torrent breaking forth from the bottomless pit, " made him afraid," in the day of his agony, when the apprehensions of the bitter cup cast his soul into unutterable amaze ment, and he beheld himself environed by those " snares " which had captivated and detained all the children of Adam. David, surrounded by Saul and his blood-thirsty attendants, was a lively emblem of the suffering Jesus, and therefore the same description is applicable to both; as the words of the second Psalm, in like manner, celebrate the inauguration of the son of Jesse, and that of the Son of God. 6. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out qf kis temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. David was in distress ; David called upon Je hovah, the God of Israel, who dwelt between the Cherubims~in the holy place; and by him the prayer of David was heard. Much greater was the distress 94 A COMMENTARY Psal. IS. of Christ, who likewise, as St. Paul speaks, " in the " days of his flesh offered up prayers and supplica- " tions, with strong crying and tears, unto him that " was able to save him from death, and was heard;" Heb, v. 7. his voice ascended to the eternal temple, his powerful cry pierced the ears of the Father ever lasting, and brought salvation from heaven at the time appointed. The church also is distressed upon earth, she crieth, her cries are heard, and will be answered in the day of God, 7- Then tke earth shook and trembled; the founda tions also of the hills moved and zvere shaken, because he was wroth. At this verse the prophet begins to describe the manifestation of divine power in favour of the Righteous Sufferer. The imagery employed is bor rowed from mount Sinai, and those circumstances which attended the delivery of the law from thence. When a monarch is angry, and prepares for war, his whole kingdom is instantly in commotion. Universal nature is here represented as feeling the effects of its sovereign's displeasure, and all the visible elements are disordered. The earth shakes from its founda tions, and all its rocks and mountains tremble before the majesty of their great Creator, when he ariseth in judgement. This was really the case at the resur rection of our Lord from the dead ; when, as the Evangelist informs us, " there was a great earth - " quake," and the grave owned its inability any longer to detain the blessed body, which had been committed, for a season, to its custody. And what Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 99 happened at the resurrection of Jesus, should remind us of what shall happen, when the earth shall trem ble, and the dead shall be raised, at the last day. S. There zvent up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out qf his mouth devoured: coals zvere kindled by it; or, fire out qf his mouth devoured, zvith burning coals from before him. The farther effects of God's indignation are re presented by those of fire, which is the most terrible of the created elements, burning and consuming all before it, scorching the ground, and causing the mountains to smoke. Under this appearance God descended on the top of Sinai: thus he visited the cities of the plain; and thus he is to come at the end of time. Whenever therefore he is described as show ing forth his power and vengeance for the salvation of his chosen, and the discomfiture of his enemies, a " devouring fire " is the emblem made choice of, to convey proper ideas of such his manifestations. And from hence we may conceive the heat of his wrath against the adversaries of man's salvation, when by raising his Son Jesus from the dead, he blasted their schemes, and withered all their strength. 9- He bozved the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet. 10. And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly ; yea, he did fly on the zvings qf the zvind. 1 1 . He made darkness his secret place ; his pavilion round about him were dark zvaters and thick clouds of the skies. Storms and tempests in the element of air are in struments of the divine displeasure, and are therefore selected as figures of it. When God descends from 90- A COMMENTARY Psal. 13. above, the clouds of heaven compose an awful and gloomy tabernacle, in the midst of whieh he is sup posed to reside : the reins of whirlwinds are in his hand, and he directs their impetuous course through the wOrld ; the whole artillery of the aerial regions is at his command, to be by him employed against his enemies, in the day of battle and war. 12. At the brightness that was before kim,\his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire. 1 3. The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice ; hail stones and coals ofjire. 14. Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered thenr, and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them. The discharge of the celestial artillery upon the adverse powers is here magnificently described. Ter rible it was to them, as when lightnings and thunders, hail stones and balls of fire, making their way through the dark clouds which contain them, strike terror and dismay into the hearts of men. Such is the " voice," and such are the " arrows " of the Lord Almighty, wherewith he " discomfiteth " all w-ho oppose the execution of his counsels, and obstruct the salvation of his chosen. Every display and description of this sort, and indeed every thunder-storm which we be hold, should remind us of that exhibition of power and vengeance, which is hereafter to accompany the general resurrection,. 15. Then the channels of waters zvere seen,, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, 0 Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils. As the former part of the Psalmist's description Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 97 was taken from the appearance on mount Sinai, so this latter part seems evidently to allude to what passed at the Red Sea, when by the breath of God the waters were divided, the depths were discovered, and Israel was conducted in safety through them. By that event was prefigured the salvation of the church universal, through the death and resurrection of Christ, who descended into the lower parts of the earth, and from thence reascended to light and life. The xivth chapter of Exodus, which relates the pas sage of Israel through the Red Sea, is therefore ap pointed as one of the proper lessons on Easter Day. And thus we obtain the ideas intended to be conveyed in this sublime but difficult verse, together with their application to the grand deliverance of the true David, in the day of God's power. Indeed it is not easy to accommodate to any part of the history of the son of Jesse those awful, majestic, and stupendous images, which are made use of throughout this whole description of the divine manifestation, from verse 7. But, however this be, most certainly every part of so solemn a scene of terrors forbids us to doubt but that a " greater than David is here;" since crea tion scarce affords colours brighter and stronger than those here employed, wherewith to paint the appear-, ance of Jehovah at the day of final redemption. 16. He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out qf many, or, the great, waters. 17- He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too string for me. For this purpose did God in so wonderful a man ner display his power and glory, that he might deli- vox.. 11. H 98 A COMMENTARY Psal. 18. ver the sufferer out of his troubles. This deliverance is first expressed metaphorically, by " drawing him " out of the great waters," and then plainly, "he " delivered me from my strong enemy," &c. The " great waters," in ver. 16. are the same with " the " floods of the ungodly," in ver. 4. By these was Messiah, like David, oppressed and overwhelmed for a time; but, like David, he arose at length superior to them all. The " strong enemy " was obliged to give way to a " stronger than he, who overcame him, " and took from him his armour in which he trusted, " and divided the spoil : " Luke xi. 22. 1 8. They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord zvas my stay. 19- He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, be cause he delighted in me. The divine mercy is celebrated again and again through this sacred hymn, in a variety of expres sions. Innumerable foes " prevented," that is, sur rounded, enclosed Christ, on all sides, " in the day of " his calamity," when the powers of earth and hell set themselves in array against him: but "Jehovah " was his stay;" on him he reposed an unshaken con fidence; Jehovah therefore supported his steps, and led him on to victory and triumph; from the narrow confines of the grave he translated him to unbounded empire, because he was the son of his love, in whom he delighted. 20. The Lord rezvarded me according to my righ teousness ; according to the. cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me. 21. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed Day 3. E. p. ON THE PSALMS. 99 from my God. 22. For all his judgements were be fore me, and I did not put away his statutes from me. 23. I zvas also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity, or, from iniquities. 24. There fore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness qf my hands in his eye-sight. Commentators have been much perplexed to ac count for these unlimited claims to righteousness made by David, and that, long after the matter of Uriah, and, towards the close of life. Certain indeed it is, that the expressions, considered as David's, must be confined either to his steadfast adherence to the true worship in opposition to idolatry, or to his innocency with regard to some particular crimes falsely alleged against him by his adversaries. But if the Psalm be prophetical, and sung by the victo rious monarch in the person of king Messiah ; then do the verses now before us no less exactly than beautifully delineate that all-perfect righteousness wrought by the Redeemer, in consequence of which, he obtained deliverance for himself and his people. For " His " righteousness' sake Jehovah was well pleased, and rewarded with everlasting felicity the unspotted purity of his works : " He " performed an unsinning obedience to every part of the law, and swerved not from its line in a single instance ; the rule was ever in his eye, and no temptation could induce him to deviate frorri its direction; like the light, he passed through all things undefiled, and his garments were white as the lily : therefore a glorious H 2 100 A COMMENTARY Psal. 18. kingdom was given unto him, forasmuch as in him the piercing eye of heaven could discover no blemish at all. 25. With the merciful thou zvilt show thyself ' mer- cful; with an upright man thou zvilt shozv thyself upright: 26. JVith the pure thou wilt shozv thyself pure : and zvith the froicard thou zvilt show thysef frozvard : Heb. with the perverse tkou zvilt zvrestle, or, strive. The reason is here assigned why God " recom- '" pensed Messiah according to the cleanness of his " hands," namely, because he is just, in rendering to every one according to his works. He who is " mer- ' ' ciful " to his brethren shall obtain the divine mercy ; he who is " upright" in his dealings with others, will have justice done him by the great Judge, against his iniquitous oppressors ; he who is " pure " from deceit and hypocrisy in the service of his God, shall expe rience in himself a faithful and exact performance of the promises which God hath made to such; but the man that is " froward," perverse, and rebellious, must expect to grapple with an arm which will either hum ble or destroy. See Levit. xxvi. 3, 4, &c. 23, 24, Sec. 1 Kings, viii. 32. Prov. iii. 34. 27- For thou wilt save the afflicted, or, lozvly, people : but zvilt bring dozvn high looks. "God resisteth the proud," saith an apostle, " and " giveth grace unto the humble :" James, iv. 6. And, indeed, what is the covenant of grace, but a cove nant to humble pride, and to exalt humility; what was it, but the humility of Christ, that subdued the Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 101 .pride of Satan; and on what does the salvation of every man depend, but on the issue of the contest between these two principles in his heart ? 28. For thou zvilt, or, dost, light my candle, or, lamp: the Lord my God zvill, or, does, enlighten my darkness. An instance of God's favour towards the lowly and afflicted was the salvation vouchsafed to the suf fering Jesus, who, like David, after much tribulation and persecution, under which he sunk for a time, even so low as to the grave itself, was exalted to glory and honour. This change of condition is set forth by that of a " lamp," from a state of extinction to one of illumination, darkness being a well known emblem of sorrow and death, as light is the establish ed symbol of life and joy. Remarkable are the words of the Chaldee Paraphrast upon this verse, cited by Dr. Hammond — " Because thou shalt enlighten the " lamp of Israel, which is put out in the captivity, " for thou art the author of the light of Israel : the " Lord my God shall lead me out of darkness into " light, and shall make me see the consolation of the " age which shall come to the just." 29- For by thee I have run through, or, broken, a troop : mid by my God have I leaped over a zvall. Through the power of his divinity, the Captain of our salvation vanquished the host of darkness, and escaped from the sepulchre, notwithstanding all their precautions to confine him there. Vain is every effort, by whomsoever it is made, against the coun sels of omnipotence. And let us reflect, for our comfort, that they who could not prevent the resur- 102 A COMMENTARY Psal. 13. rection of Christ, cannot detain the soul of a Chris tian in sin, or his body in the grave. 30. As for God, his way is perfect: the word ofthe Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. The " way " of God is the course of his proceed ings with men, and its " perfection" consists in the equity of those proceedings ; the promises made in " the word of Jehovah " to his servants, are " tried" in times of affliction and persecution, as gold in the fire, and found pure from any dross of deceit, or fal libility : he is ever a " shield " to protect " those who " trust in him," during their stay here, until he be comes their " exceeding great reward " hereafter. All this he has been to the Head, in order that he may be all this to the members of the church. 31. For zvho is God, save the Lord? Or zvho is a rock, save our God? " Jehovah" alone is the " God," or covenanted Saviour of his people; he is the only "rock," on which they may securely build their hope of heaven. Vain were the idols of the ancient world, Baal and Jupiter; as vain are those of modern times, Pleasure, Honour, and Profit. They cannot bestow content, or make their votaries happy below ; much less can they deliver from death, or open the everlasting doors above. 32. It is God that girdetk me with strength, and maketh my zvay perfect. In this and the following verses are enumerated the gifts of God to the spiritual warrior, whereby he is armed and prepared for the battle, after the ex- Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 103 ample of his victorious leader. God invests him with " strength," or what the apostle calls " the spirit of " might in the inner man," as the loins of a soldier are braced by the military girdle ; whence that of St. Paul, " having your loins girt about with truth." He removes every thing that may impede his progress, until he has accomplished his warfare, and finished his course in righteousness, which seems to be what is meant by " making his way perfect." 33. He maketh my feet like kinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places. He endueth the affections, which are the feet of the soul, with vigour and agility, to run the way of his commandments, to surmount every obstacle, arid, with an activity like that of the swift hart, or the bounding roe, to conquer the steep ascent of the everlasting hills, and gain the summit of the heavenly mountain. St. Paul tells us how the feet must be shod, for this purpose, namely, " with the prepara- " tion of the gospel of peace." 34. He teacheth my hands to zvar, so tkat a bow of xteel is broken by mine arms. He communicates a wisdom and a power which nothing can withstand, instructing and enabling the combatant to overcome in the conflict, to seize and render useless the weapons of the adversary. St. Paul puts into the Christian warrior's hand, " the " sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." 35. Thou hast also given me the shield of thy sal vation-: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness, or, thy afflictions, have made me great. 104 A COMMENTARY, Psal. IS. The salvation of God is a defence against all temptations, to such as believe in it; whence St. Paul styles this piece of armour, the shield of Faith, " wherewith," says he, " ye may be able to quench " all the fiery darts of the devil." The " right hand " of God must support and sustain us at all times; and the wholesome discipline of the Christian camp, the chastisements and corrections of our heavenly Father, must train us up to true greatness, and prepare us for the kingdom of heaven. The soldiers, like their great Leader, must be " made perfect through " suf- " ferings." 36. Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, tkat, or, and, my feet did not slip. In other words, God had opened a free course for him to victory and triumph, and had also endued him with strength to run that course; thus removing the two mischievous effects of sin, which not only precluded the way to heaven, but deprived us of the ability to travel in it. 37- I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them ; neither did I turn again till they zvere con sumed. 38. / have zvounded them that they were not able to rise : they are fallen under my feet. If we suppose David in his conquests to have pre figured victorious Messiah, then have we, in these and the subsequent verses, a sublime description of that vengeance which Jesus, after his resurrection and ascension, inflicted on his hardened and impeni tent enemies. His wrath "pursued" and " overtook" them, in the day of visitation ; nor did it return, till, like a devouring fire, it had " consumed" the prey. Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 105 The Jews were cast down, " not able to rise," or lift up themselves as a people, being crushed under the feet of the once-despised and insulted Nazarene. Let us reflect upon the impotence of our spiritual adversaries, when Jesus declares war against them, and let us beseech him to conquer them in us, as he has conquered them for us. 39. For thou hast girded me zvith strength unto the battle ; thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. 40. Tkou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies ; that I might destroy them that hate me. With the almighty power of the Godhead was Jesus invested, by which all enemies were subdued unto him; the stiff " necks" of his crucifiers were bowed under him, and utter destruction became the portion of those who hated him, and had " sent after " him, saying, We will not have this man to reign " over us. " So gird us thy soldiers and servants, O Lord Jesu, to the battle, and subdue under us, by the power of thy grace, those that rise up against us, whether they be our own corrupt desires, or the ma->. licious spirits of darkness ; so give us, like another Joshua, the " necks" of these our enemies, that Ave may destroy them that hate, and would destroy us. 4 1 . They cried, but there was none to save them ; even unto the Lord, but he answered them not. Never was there a more just and lively portrait of the lamentable and desperate state of the Jews, when their calamities came upon them. " They cried, " but — none to save!" They had rejected him who alone could save, and who was now about to destroy 106 A COMMENTARY Psal. 18. them. They cried to Jehovah, and thought them selves still his favourite nation; but Jehovah and Jesus were one ; so that after putting the latter from them, they could not retain the former on their side. " He answered them not !" It was too late to knock, when the door was shut ; too late to cry for mercy, when it was the time of justice. Let us knock, while yet tlie door may be opened ; and not begin to pray, when prayer shall be no longer heard. 42. Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets. The nature of that judgement which was executed upon the Jews, cannot be more accurately delineated, than by the two images here made use of. They were broken in pieces and dispersed over the face of the earth by the breath of God's displeasure, like " dust before the wind; and as .dirt in the streets, " tliey were cast out," to be trodden under foot by all nations. O that every nation would so consider, as to avoid their crime and their punishment ! 43. Thou hast delivered me from the st livings ofthe people, and thou hast made me the head of the heath en : a people whom / have not knozvn shall serve me. If David was delivered from the strivings of the people ; if the adjacent heathen nations were added to his kingdom, and a " people, whom he had not "known, served him;" how much more was this the case of the Son of David, when he was " deliver- " ed," by his resurrection, from the power of all his enemies ; when he was made " head of the heathen," of whom, after their conversion, his church was, and Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 107 to this day is, composed; and when, instead of the rejected Jews, a people, to whom before he had not been known, became his servants ! 44. As soon as they hear qf me, they shall obey me : the strangers shall submit themselves1 unto me. 45. The strangei^s shall fade azvay, and be afraid out of their close places. " As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me;" hereby is intimated the readiness with which the Gen tiles should flow into the church, upon the preaching of the Gospel to them, when the Jews, after having so long and so often heard it, had nailed Christ to the cross, and driven the apostles out from among them. " The strangers shall submit themselves unto "me;" the nations who were " aliens from the com- " monwealth of Israel, and strangers to the cove- " nants of promise," either cordially submitted to the sceptre of Christ, or at least dissembled their hostility, and yielded a feigned submission (for so the word wra sometimes signifies) ; " the strangers " shall fade away ; " that is, such of them as set themselves against me, shall find their strength blast ed and withered as a leaf in autumn, and shall fall at the sound of my name and my victories; " they shall "be afraid out of their close places;" or rather, " they shall come trembling from their strong holds," as places not able to protect them, ahd therefore they will sue for peace. Such seems to be the import of these two verses, which therefore denote the conquest of Messiah to have been every way complete. And accordingly, in the remaining part of the Psahn, the 108 A COMMENTARY Psal. 18. church, through Christ her Head, blesseth Jehovah for the same. 46. The Lord liveth, and blessed he my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted. 47- It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me. 48. He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou If test me up above those that rise up against me ; thou hast delivered me from the violent man. In other words, " And now, the Lord God om- " nipotent liveth and reigneth, for ever blessed and " exalted, as the God of salvation : by whom I am " avenged of those who persecuted me, and am ad- " vanced to empire ; my enemies are fallen, and my " throne is established. " Thus we learn to trust in Jehovah without fear, when our enemies are victo rious, and to glorify him without reserve, when we are so. 49. Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name. Remarkable is the manner in which St. Paul cites this verse, Rom. xv. 9. The context runs thus : " Now I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of the " circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the " promises made unto the fathers : and that the " Gentiles might glorify God, for his mercy, as it is " written, For this cause I will confess to thee among " the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name." This verse is by the apostle produced as a proof, that the Gen tiles were one day to glorify God, for the mercy vouchsafed them by Jesus Christ. But, according to the letter of the passage, king David only says, that Day 3. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 109 he will give " thanks unto God among the heathen," on account of his own deliverance, and exaltation to the throne of Israel ; for upon that occasion we know that he composed and sung the Psalm. This cita tion brought by St. Paul, cannot therefore be to the purpose for which it is brought, unless the Psalm have a double sense ; unless God be glorified in it for the victory and inthronization of Christ, as well as for those of David ; and this cannot be, unless the same words which literally celebrate the one, do like wise prophetically celebrate the other ; unless David be a figure of Christ, and speak in his person, and in that of his body, the church. While this Psalm is used as a Christian hymn, in the Gentile Christian church, David still continues, as he foresaw he should do, " to give thanks unto Jehovah, to glorify God " among the Gentiles," for the mercies of redemp tion, and to " sing praises unto his name *." 50. Great deliverance giveth he to his King : and shozveth mercy to his Anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore. " Great deliverance giveth he unto his King; " to king David, in saving him from Saul, and his other temporal enemies, and seating him on the earthly throne of Israel ; to King Messiah, in rescuing him from death and the grave, and exalting him to an heavenly throne, as Head of the church : " and * " This verse is applied in Rom. xv. 9- to the calling of the l< Gentiles unto the faith of Christ, and praise unto God there- "fore. By which we are taught, that of Christ and his kingdom '¦' this Psalm is chiefly intended." Ainsworth. 110 A COMMENTARY Psal. 13, " showeth mercy to his anointed ; " to him who was anointed outwardly, and in a figure, with oil ; and to him who was anointed inwardly, and in truth, with the Holy Ghost and with power; " to David, and " to his seed for. evermore ; " to the literal David, and to his royal progeny, of whom, according to the flesh, Christ came; and to Christ himself, the spiritual David, the beloved of God, with all those who, through faith, become his children, the sons of God, and heirs of eternal life. FOURTH DAY.— MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XIX. ARGUMENT. In the former part of this beautiful Psalm, ver. 1--6, the heavens are represented as the instructors of mankind ; the subject, the universality, and the manner of their instructions are pointed out ; the glory, beauty, and powerful effects of the solar light are described. The latter part of the Psalm, 7 — 14. contains an encomium on the word of God, in which its properties are enumerated; and a prayer of the Psalmist for pardoning and restrain ing grace, and for the acceptance of these and all other his devotions and meditations. From a citation which St. Paul hath made of the 4th verse, it appears, that, in the exposition, we are to raise our thoughts from things natural to things spiritual ; Day 4. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 1 j i we are to contemplate the publication of the Gos pel, the manifestation of the Light of Life, the Sun of Righteousness, and the efficacy of evangelical doctrine. In this view the ancients have consider ed the Psalm, and the church hath therefore ap pointed it to be read on Christmas-day. 1 . The heavens declare the glory qf God, and the firmament shozveth kis handy zvork. Under the name of " heaven," or " the heavens," is comprehended that fluid mixture of light and air which is every where diffused about us; and to the influence of which are owing all the beauty and fruit fulness of the earth, all vegetable and animal life, and the various kinds of motion throughout the system of nature. By their manifold and beneficial operations, therefore, as well as by their beauty and magnifi cence, " the heavens declare the glory of God;" they point Him out to us, who, in Scripture language, is styled " the glory of God;" by whom themselves and all other things were made, and are upholden ; and who is the author of every grace and blessing to the sons of men : " the firmament ;" or expansion of the celestial elements, wherever it extends, " showeth his handy work," not only as the Creator, but likewise as the Redeemer of the world. And thus do the heavens afford inexhaustible matter for contemplation and devotion, to the philosopher and to the Christian. 2. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night shozveth knozvledge. ¦ 112 A COMMENTARY Psal. 19. The labours of these our instructors know no in termission, but they continue incessantly to lecture us in the science of divine wisdom. There is one glory ofthe sun, which shines forth by day ; and there are other glories of the moon and of the stars, which be come visible by night. And because day and night interchangeably divide the world between them, they are therefore represented as transmitting in succession, each to other, the task enjoined them, like the two parts of a choir, chanting forth alternately the praises pf God. How does inanimate nature reproach us with our indolence and indevotion ! 3. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Our translators, by the words inserted in a differ ent character, have declared the sense of this pas sage to be, that there is no nation or language, whi ther the instruction diffused by the heavens doth not reach. But as the same thought is so fully ex pressed in the next verse, " Their sound is gone " out," &c it seems most advisable to adhere to the original, which runs literally thus : " No speech, no " words, their voice is not heard ; " that is, although the heavens are thus appointed to teach, yet it is not by articulate sounds that they do it ; they are not en dowed, like man, with the faculty of speech ; but they address themselves to the mind of the intelligent beholder in another way, and that, when understood, a no less forcible way, the way of picture or repre sentation. So manifold is the wisdom of God; so various are the w-ays by which he communicates it to men. Day 4. M. p. ON THE PSALMS. 1 1 3 4. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their, zvords to the end ofthe zvorld. The instruction which the heavens disperse abroad is universal as their substance, which extends itself in " lines," or rays, " over all the earth ; " by this means their " words," or rather, their " * significant " actions" and operations, are every where present, even " to the ends of the world;" and thereby they preach to all nations the power and wisdom, the mercy and loving kindness of the Lord. The apostles' commission was the same with that of the heavens ; and St. Paul, Rom. x. 18. has applied the natural images of this verse to the manifestation of the Light of Life, by the sermons of those who were sent forth for that purpose. He is speaking of those Jews who had not obeyed the Gospel. " But I say," argues he, " have they not heard ? Yes, verily, their " sound went into all the earth, and their words unto " the ends of the world." As if he had said, They must have heard, since the apostles were command ed not to turn unto the Gentiles, till they had publish ed their glad tidings throughout Judea; but the knowledge of him is now become universal, and all flesh has seen the Glory of the Lord ; the Light Di vine, like that in the heavens, has visited the whole world, as the prophet David foretold, in the xixth Psalm. The apostle cannot be supposed to have made use of this Scripture in a sense of accommoda- * arv^o — The verb bhii (whence >^d, words), is used for ex pressing the meaning by signs. It has this sense, Prov. vi. 13. l^nn bbm, speaking ¦with his foot- VOL. II. I 114 .A COMMENTARY Psal. 19. tion only, because he cites it among other texts which he produces merely as prophecies. And if such be its meaning, if the heavens thus declare the Glory of God, and this is the great lesson they are incessantly teaching ; what other language do they speak than that their Lord is the representative of ours, the bright ruler in the natural world of the more glorious one in the spiritual, their sun of the " Sun of Righ- " teousness?" But of this the following verses will lead us to speak more particularly. 5. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. In the centre of the heavens there is a tent pitch ed by the Creator for the residence of that most glo rious of inanimate substances, the solar light ; Trom thence it issues with the beauty of a bridegroom, and the vigour of a champion, to run its course, and per form its operations. A tabernacle, in like manner, was prepared for him, who saith of himself, " lam " the light ofthe world :" John, viii. 12. And as the light of the sun goes out in the morning with in conceivable activity, new and youthful itself, and com municating life and gaiety to all things around it, like a bridegroom, in the marriage garment, from his chamber to his nuptials ; so, at his incarnation, did the Light Divine, the promised bridegroom, visit his church, being clad himself, and clothing her with that robe of righteousness which is styled, in holy Scripture, the marriage garment ; and the joy which his presence administered, was, like the benefits of it, universal. And as the material light is always ready Day 4. M.p. ON THE PSALMS. 115 to run its heavenly race, daily issuing forth with renewed vigour, like an invincible champion still fresh to labour; so likewise did he rejoice to run his glorious race ; he excelled in strength, and his works were great and marvellous ; he triumphed over the powers of darkness ; he shed abroad on all sides his bright beams upon his church ; he became her deliverer, her protector and support; and showed himself able in every respect to accomplish for hei\ the mighty task he had undertaken. What a mar vellous instrument of the Most High is the sun at his rising, considered in this view ! 6. His going forth is from the end qf heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it ; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The light diffused on every side from its fountain, extendeth to the extremities of heaven, filling the whole circle of creation, penetrating even to the inmost substances of grosser bodies, and acting in and through all other matter, as the general cause of life and motion. Thus unbounded and efficacious, was j the influence of the Sun of Righteousness, when he' sent out his word, enlightening and enlivening all things by the glory of his grace. His celestial rays like those of the sun, took their circuit round the earth ; they went forth out of Judea into all parts of the habitable world, and there was no corner of it so remote as to be without the reach of their penetrating and heading power. " The Lord gave the word, " great was the company of those, that published it :" Ps. lxviii. 11. It was the express declaration of our Saviour himself, " This Gospel ofthe kingdom shall 1 2 116 A COMMENTARY Psal. 19. " be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all " nations, and then shall the end come : " Matt. xxiv. 14. And St. Paul affirms, that the Gospel was " come unto all the world, and had been preached "to every creature under heaven:" Col. i. 6. and 23. The prophet, therefore, having thus foretold the mission of the apostles, and the success of their mini stry, proceeds, in the next place, to describe their • ." doctrine ;" so that what follows is a fine encomium upon the Gospel, written with all the simplicity pecu liar to the sacred language, and in a strain far surpass ing the utmost efforts of human eloquence. 7- The lazv, or, doctrine, qf the Lord is perfect, converting, or, restoring, the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making zvise the simple. The word of God, ia this and the following verses, has several most valuable properties ascribed to it. It is perfectly well adapted, in every particular, to " convert," to restore, to bring back " the soul" from error to truth, from sin to righteousness, from sickness to health, from death to life; as it convinces of sin, it holds forth a Saviour; it is a means of grace, and a rule of conduct. It giveth wisdom, and by wisdom stability, to those who might otherwise, through ignorance and weakness, be easily deceived and led astray ; " it is sure," certain and infallible in its directions and informations, " making wise the " simple." 8. The statutes ofthe Lord are right, rejoicing the heart : the commandment ofthe Lord is pure, en lightening the eyes. To those who study the righteousness of God Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 117 therein communicated to man, it becometh a never- failing source of consolation and holy joy; the con science of the reader is cleansed by the blood, and rectified by the spirit of Christ ; and such a con science is a continual feast : " the statutes of the Lord " are right, rejoicing the heart." The divine word resembleth the light in its brightness and purity, by which are unveiled and manifested to the eyes of the understanding, the wonderful works and dispensations of God, the state of man, the nature of sin, the way of salvation, tlie joys of heaven, and the pains of hell : " the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlight- " ening the eyes." 9. The fear qf the Lord is clean, enduring for ever : the judgements of the Lord are true and righ teous altogether. ¦" The fear of the Lord," which restrains from transgressing that law by which it is bred in the heart, is in its effect a preservative of mental purity, and in the duration both of its effect and its reward eternal; it "endureth for ever." " The judgements " of the Lord are" not, like those of men, oftentimes wrong and unjust, but all his determinations in his word are " truth and righteousness united " in per fection. 10. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey, and the honey comb. What wonder is it, that this converting, instruct ing, exhilarating, enlightening, eternal, true, and righteous word, should be declared preferable to the riches of eastern kings, and sweeter to the soul of the 118 A COMMENTARY Psal. 19. pious believer, than the, sweetest thing we know of is to the bodily taste? How ready we are to acknow ledge all this! Yet, the next hour perhaps, we part with the true riches to obtain the earthly mammon, and barter away the joys of the spirit for the gratifi cations of sense ! Lord, give us affections towards thy word in some measure proportioned to its excel lence ; for we can never love too much what we can never admire enough. 1 1 . Moreover by them is thy servant warned ; and in keeping them there is great rezvard. The Psalmist here bears his own testimony to the character above given of the divine word ; as if he had said, The several parts of this perfect law, here after to be published to the whole race of mankind, have been all along my great instructors, and the only source of all the knowledge to which thy servant hath attained ; and I am fully assured, that the bless ed fruit of them, when they are duly observed, and have their proper ' effect, is exceeding glorious, even eternal life. 1 2. Who can understand his errors ? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. The perfection and spirituality of God's law render it almost impossible for a fallen son of Adam even to know all the innumerable instances of his transgress ing it. Add to which, that false principles and inve terate prejudices make us regard many things as in nocent, and some things as laudable, which, in the eye of heaven, are far otherwise. Self-examination is a duty which few practise as they ought to do : and he who practises it best, will always have reason to Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 119 conclude his particular confessions with this general petition, " Cleanse thou me from secret faults !" 13. Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins, let them not have dominion over me : then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. In the preceding verse, David had implored God's pardoning grace, to cleanse him from the secret sins of ignorance and infirmity : in this he begs his re straining grace, to keep him back from presump tuous sins, or sins committed knowingly, deliberately, and with an high hand, against the convictions and the remonstrances of conscience : he prays that such sins micfht not " have dominion over him," or that he might not, by contracting evil habits, become the slave of an imperious lust, which might at length lead him on to " the great transgression," to rebellion, and final apostasy from God ; for he who would be innocent from the " groat transgression," must be ware of indulging himself in any. 14. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. The prophet, having before solicited the justifica tion of his person through grace, concludes with a petition for the acceptance of all his offerings, and more especially of these his meditations, at the hands of that Blessed One, whom he addresses as the au thor of all good, and the deliverer from all evil ; as the " strength," and the "Redeemer" ofhis people*. * If the reader shall have received any pleasure from perusing the comment on the foregoing Psalm, especially the first part of 120 A COMMENTARY Psal. 20. PSALM XX. ARGUMENT. 1 — 4- The church prayeth for the prosperity of King Messiah, going forth to the battle, as her champion and deliverer; for his acceptance by the Father, and for the accomplishment of his will. 5, 6, 7. She declareth her full assurance of faith, and her resolution to trust in him alone, and not in the a*rm of flesh. 8. She foreseeth the fall of her enemies, and her own exaltation ; and, 9. concludeth with a prayer to the God of her strength. 1. The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble ; tke name of the God of Jacob defend thee, This may be considered as the address of a peo ple to their king, when he goeth forth to the battle against their enemies. But it is to be regarded, in a more general and. useful view, as the address of the church to Christ her king, in " the day of his trouble." She prayeth for the happy accomplishment of his it, he is to be informed, that he stands indebted, on that account, to a Discourse entitled, Christ the light ofthe world, published in the year 1750, by the late reverend Mr. George Watson, for many years the dear companion and kind director of the author's studies ; in attending to whose agreeable and in- 1 structive conversation, he has often passed whole days together, ' and shall always have reason to number them among the best- i spent days of his life ; whose death he can never think of without i lamenting it afresh ; and to whose memory he embraces, with '(pleasure, this opportunity to pay the tribute of a grateful heart. Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 121 warfare, "through the name of the God of Jacob," dwelling in him. And his warfare, though accom plished in his own person, still remaineth to be ac complished in his people, until the last enemy shall be destroyed, and death shall be swallowed up in victory. It is still " the day of trouble ;" still " the " name of the God of Jacob must defend" the body of Christ. 2. Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Sion. All help and strength, in the time of danger and sorrow, must be obtained by prayer from the heavenly Sion which is in the Jerusalem above, and from the eternal temple thereon constructed. By this " help " and strength," the Captain of our salvation conquer ed; and the church, with all her sons, must conquer through the same. 3. Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice. As Christ, in the days of his flesh, offered up, not only prayers and tears, but, at length, his own most precious body and blood, the church here prays, that the great propitiatory sacrifice may be had in ever lasting remembrance before God, and the merits of it be continually pleaded in arrest of judgement, and accepted for herself and her children. 4. Grant thee, according to thine own heart, and fulfil all thy counsel. The desire of Christ's heart, and the counsel of his will, was, that he might die for our sins, and rise again for our justification; that the Gospel might be preached, the Gentiles called, the Jews converted, 122 A COMMENTARY Psal. 20. the dead raised, and the elect glorified. That this his " desire might be granted," and this his " coun- " sel be fulfilled," the church of old prayed; and the church now prayeth for the accomplishment of that which yet remains to be accomplished. 5. We zvill rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God zve zvill set up our banners: the Lord ful fil all thy petitions. The joy of the church is in the salvation of Christ; and the joy of every individual is in the application of that salvation to himself, and all around him. In the name of Jesus, and under the banner of the cross, the armies of the faithful undertake and carry on all their enterprises against the world, the flesh, and the devil. The prospect of the glorious fruits of Christ's victory caused the church to redouble her prayers, that he might be heard in his " petitions " for mankind, and might see of the travail of his soul. 6. Now know I, that the Lord saveth his anoint ed; he zvill hear him from his holy heaven, with the saving strength of his right hand. The assurance of the ancient church was built on the prophecies going before concerning the salvation of Messiah. Our assurance is strengthened by the actual performance of so great a part of the counsel of God. We know that the Lord has " saved his " Anointed;" that his Anointed saveth all, who be lieve and obey him, from their sins; and therefore, we doubt not, but that, by " the strength of his right " hand," or by the excellency of his power, he will finally save them from death, and rescue them from the grave. Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 123 7- Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but zve zvill remember the name qf the Lord our God. This should be the resolution of every Christian king and people, in the day of battle. And, in the spiritual war, in which we are all engaged,- the first and necessary step to victory is, to renounce all con fidence in the wisdom and strength of nature and the world; and to remember, that we can do nothing, but in the name, by the merits, through the power, and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God. 8. They are brought dozen and fallen; but we are risen, and stand upright. This was eminently the case, when the pride and power of Jewish infidelity and Pagan idolatry fell before the victorious sermons and lives of the humble believers in Jesus : this is the case in every conflict with our spiritual enemies, when we engage them in the name, the spirit, and the power of Christ; and this will be the case at the last day, when the world, with the prince of it, shall be " brought down; and "fall; but we, risen" from the dead, through the resurrection of our Lord, shall " stand upright " in the courts of heaven, and sing the praises of him who getteth us all our victories. 9. Save, Lord: let the King hear us zoken zve call. Thus the Psalm concludes, as it began, with a general " Hosanna " of the church, praying for the prosperity and success of the then future Messiah, and for her own salvation in him, her king : who, from the grave and gate of death, was, for this end, 124 A COMMENTARY Psal. 21. to be exalted to the right hand of the majesty in the heavens, that he might hear, and present to his Fa ther, the prayers of his people, " when they call " upon him." PSALM XXI. ARGUMENT. This is one of the proper Psalms which the church hath appointed to be used on Ascension-day, and wherein, 1—6. she celebrates the victory of her Redeemer, and the glory consequent thereupon ; she prophesies, 7. the stability of his kingdom, and, 8 — 12. the destruction of the enemies thereof; concluding with a prayer for his final triumph and exaltation; the celebration of which, with ever lasting hallelujahs, will be her employment in heaven. 1 . The King shall joy in thy strength, O Lord ; and in thy salvation how greatly shall he rejoice! The joy of Christ himself, after his victory, is in the strength and salvation of Jehovah, manifested thereby. Such ought to be the joy of his disciples, when God hath enabled them to vanquish their ene mies, either temporal or spiritual ; in which latter case, as they are called kings, and said to reign with Christ, so they are in duty bound to acknowledge that they reign by him: " He that glorieth," what ever the occasion be, " let him glory in the Lord." Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 125 2. Thou hast given him kis heart's desire, and hast not withholden the request of his lips. The desire of Christ's heart was his own resurrec tion and exaltation, for the benefit ofhis church; and now he ever liveth to make " request with his lips," for the conversion and salvation of sinners. Such desires will be granted, and such requests will never be withholden. Let us be careful to frame ours, after that all-perfect model of divine love. 3. For tkou preventest him zvith the blessings qf goodness ; thou set test a crozvn qf pure gold on his head. The Son of God could not be more ready to ask for the blessings of the divine goodness, than the Fa ther was to give them : and his disposition is the same towards all his adopted sons. Christ, as king and priest, weareth a crown of glory, represented by the purest and most resplendent of metals, gold. He is pleased to esteem his saints, excelling in different vir tues, as the rubies, the sapphires, and the emeralds, which grace and adorn that crown. Who w ould not be ambitious of obtaining a place therein ! 4. He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it km, even length qf days for ever and ever. The life, asked by Christ, was not a continuance in this valley of tears, but that new and eternal life consequent upon a resurrection from the dead. For thus his petition was granted in " length of days for " ever and ever." He died no more; death had no " more dominion over him." Whose disciples then are they that wish only to have their days prolonged 126 A COMMENTARY Psal. 21. upon the earth, forgetful of the life which is hid with Christ in God? 5. His glory is great in thy salvation: honour and majesty hast thou laid upon him. What tongue can express the " glory, honour, and " majesty," with which the King of righteousness and peace was invested, upon his ascension; when he took possession of the throne prepared for him, and received the homage of heaven and earth ! The sacred imagery in St. John's Revelation sets them be fore our eyes in such a manner, that no one can read the description, whose heart will not burn within him, through impatient desire to behold them. See Rev. ch. iv. vii. xix. xxi. xxii. 6. For tkou hast made him most blessed, Heb. set him to be blessings*, for ever: thou hast made him ex ceeding glad zvith thy countenance. Christ, by his death and passion, having removed the curse, became the fountain of all blessings to his people, in time and eternity ; being himself the bless ing promised to Abraham, and the object of the pa triarchal benedictions. The joy communicated to the humanity of our Lord, from the divine nature, shall be shed abroad on all his saints, when admitted to view the "countenance of God" in the face of Jesus"Dhrist. Then they shall enter into " the joy of " their Lord." 7- For the King trusteth in the Lord, and * "Nam posuisti eum in secula benedicendum." Houbigant. Compare Gen. xii. 2. Bishop Lowth, in Merrick's Annotations. Day 4. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 127 through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved. The throne of Christ, as a man, wras erected and established, by his trust and confidence in the Father, during his humiliation and passion. Faith in God, therefore, is the way that leadeth to honour and sta bility. " Look at the generations of old, and see : " did ever any trust in the Lord, and was confound- " ed?" Ecclus. ii. 10. 8. Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies; thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. The same right hand of Jehovah is glorious in power to save his people, and to destroy his enemies ; to convert the Gentiles, and to crush the Jews ; to exalt the faithful to heaven, and cast down the un believing to hell : neither is there any treason against the King of heaven, which shall not be dragged forth into the light, made manifest, judged, and condemn ed. Let thy hand, O Lord, be upon our sins to de-r stroy them ; but upon us, to save us. 9. Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger: the Lord shall szvallozv them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. " The time of God's anger " often begins in this life, especially towards the close of it, when an evil conscience within, like flame confined in an "oven," torments the sinner, as a prelude to punishments fu ture and unknown, which the " wrath " of God is preparing to inflict on the incorrigible and impeni tent. Let us so meditate on this sad scene, that we may have no part in it.. 128 A COMMENTARY Psal. 21. 10. Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. A day is coming, when all the "fruits" of sin, brought forth by sinners, in their words, their writ ings, and their actions, shall be " destroyed;" yea, the tree itself, which had produced them, shall be rooted up, and cast into the fire. The " seed " and posterity of the wicked, if they continue in the way of their forefathers, will be punished like them. Let parents consider, that upon their principles and prac tices may depend the salvation or destruction of mul titudes after them. The case of the Jews, daily be fore their eyes, should make them tremble. 11. For they intended evil against thee; they ima gined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform. Vengeance came upon the Jews to the uttermost, because of their intended malice against Christ. They^ like Joseph's brethren, " thought evil against "him;" but "they were not able to perform it; " for God meant it unto good, to bring it to pass,as " it is this day, to save much people alive:" Gen. 1. 20. So let all the designs of ungodly men against thy church, O Lord, through thy power of bringing good out of evil, turn to her advantage : and let all men be convinced, that no weapon formed against thee can prosper. 12. Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, or, thou shalt set them as a butt, when thou shalt make ready thine arrows upon thy strings against the face of them. Day 4. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 129 * The judgements of God are called his " arrows," being sharp, swift, sure, and deadly. What a dread ful situation, to be set as a mark, and " butt," at which these arrows are directed! View Jerusalem enconipassed by the Roman armies without, and torn to pieces by the animosity of desperate and bloody factions within. No farther commentary is requisite upon this verse. " Tremble, and repent," is the in ference to be drawn by every Christian community under heaven, in which appear the symptoms of de generacy and apostasy. 13. Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine ozvn strength ; so zvill we sing, and praise thy pozver. The church concludes with a joyful acclamation to her Redeemer, wishing for his " exaltation in his " own strength," as God, who was to be abased in much weakness, as man. We still continue to wish and pray for his exaltation over sin, in the hearts of his people by grace, and finally over death, in their bodies, by his glorious powder at the resurrection. The triumph over sin we sing in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, upon earth ; that over death, we shall praise with everlasting hallelujahs, in heaven. FOURTH DAY.— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXII. ARGUMENT. This Psalm, wliich the church hath appointed to be used on Good Friday, as our Lord uttered the VOL. II. K 130 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. first verse of it when hanging on the cross, corr» sisteth of two parts. The former, 1 — 21. treat- eth of the passion; the latter, 22 — 31. celebrateth the resurrection of Jesus, Avith its effects. l,-2. He complaineth of being forsaken; 3 — 6. acknow ledgeth the holiness of the Father, and pleadeth the former deliverances of the church ; 6 — 8. de scribed! his humiliation, with the taunts and re proaches of the Jews; 9 — 11- expresseth his faith, and prayeth for help; 12 — 18. particularizeth his sufferings; 19 — 21. repeateth his supplications; 22 — 25. declareth his resolution to praise the Fa ther for his deliverance, and exhorteth his church to do the same; 26 — 31. prophesieth the conver sion of the Gentile world to the faith and worship of the true God. 1. My God, my God, zvhy hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so fir from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? Christ, the beloved Son of the Father, when hang ing on the cross, complained in these words, that he was deprived, for a time, of the divine presence and comforting influence, while he suffered for our sins. If the master thus underwent the trial of a spiritual desertion, why doth the disciple think it strange, un less the light of heaven shine continually upon his ta bernacle? Let us comfort ourselves, in such circum stances, with the thought, that we are thereby con- Day 4. £. *. ON THE PSALMS. 131 formed to the image of our dying Lord, that sun which set in a cloud, to arise without one. 2. O my God, I cry iu the day-time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. Even our Lord himself, as man, prayed, " that if " it were possible, the cup might pass from him;" but God had- ordained otherwise, for his own glory, and for man's salvation. " Day and night," in pro-/ sperity and adversity, living and dying, let us not be " silent," but cry for deliverance ; always remember ing to add, as Christ did, " Nevertheless, not my will, " but thine be done." Nor let any man be impatient for the return of his prayers, since every petition preferred even by the Son of God himself was not granted. 3. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel*. Whatever befalleth the members of the church, the Head thereof here teacheth them to confess the justice and holiness of God in all his proceedings ; and to acknowledge, that whether he exalteth or humbleth his people, he is to be praised and glorified by them. 4. Our fathers trusted in thee : they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. " Trust" in God is the way to " deliverance," and the former instances of the divine favour are so many arguments why we should hope for the same; but * Or, perhaps, as bishop Lowth renders it, " Thou that inha- " bitest, bmtw m^nn, the irradiations, the glory of Israel," See Merrick's Annotations on the Psalms, p. 43. K 2 132 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. it may not always be vouchsafed, when we expect it. The patriarchs and Israelites of old were often saved from their enemies : the holy Jesus is left to languish and expire under the malice of his. God knows what is proper for him to do, and for us to suffer; we know neither. This consideration is an anchor for the afflicted soul, sure and steadfast. 5. They cried unto thee, and zvere delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not cor founded. No argument is of more force with God, than that which is founded upon an appeal to his darling at tribute of mercy, and to the manifestations of it for merly made to persons in distress ; for which reason it is here repeated, and dwelt upon. They who would obtain grace to help, in time of need, must " cry" as well as " trust." The " prayer of faith " is mighty with God, and (if we may use the expres sion) overcometh the Omnipotent. 6. But I am a zeorm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised by the people. He who spareth all other men, spared not his own Son; he spared not him, that he might spare them. The Redeemer of the world scrupleth not to compare himself, in his state of humiliation, to the lowest reptile which his own hand had formed, a " worm," humble, silent, innocent, overlooked, oppressed, and trodden under foot. Let the sight of this reptile teach us humility. 7, 8. All they that see me, laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the Lord, that he zvould deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. Day 4. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 133 This was literally fulfilled, when Messiah hung upon the cross, and the priests and elders used the very words that had been put into their mouths, by the spirit of prophecy, so long before. Matt, xxvii. 41 — 43. " The chief priests mocking him, with " the scribes and elders, said, He trusted in God ; " let him deliver him now, if he will have him." O the wisdom and foreknowledge of God! The in- fatuation and blindness of man ! The same are too often the sentiments of those who live in times, when the church and her righteous cause, with their advocates, are under the cloud of persecution, and seem to sink beneath the displeasure of the powers of the world. But such do not believe, or do not consider, that in the Christian economy, death is followed by a resurrection, when it will appear, that God forsaketh not them that are his, but they are pre served for ever. 9, 1 0. But thou art he that took me out of the xvomb; thou didst make me hope, when I was upon my mothers breasts. I zvas cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mothers belly. This was eminently the case of Christ, who was the Son of God in a sense in which no other man ever was. But in him we are all children of God by adoption : we are all in the hands of a gracious Providence from the womb; and into those hands must we commend ourselves, when about to depart hence. To whom else, then, should we have re course, for support and consolation, in the day of calamity and sorrow ? 134 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. 1 1. Be not far from me, for trouble is near ; for there is none to help me. From the foregoing considerations, namely, from the holiness of God, ver. 3. from the salvation vouch safed to the people of old time, ver. 4, 5. from the low estate to which Messiah was reduced, ver. 6, 7? 8. and from the watchful care of the Father over himj since his miraculous birth; ver. 9, 10. from all these considerations, he enforceth his petition for help, dur ing his unparalleled sufferings, when " all forsook " him, and fled." Let us treasure up these things in our hearts, against the hour when " trouble shall " be near, and there shall be none to help;" when all shall forsake us, but God, our consciences, and our prayers. 12, 13. Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roar ing lion. From the 11th verse to the 19th the sufferings of the holy Jesus are described, in terms partly figura tive, and partly literal. A lamb, in the midst of wild " bulls and lions," is a very lively representation of his meekness and innocence, and of the noise and fury of his implacable enemies. " Bashan " was a fertile country, Numb, xxxii. 4. and the cattle there fed were fat and " strong." Deut. xxxii. 15. Like them, the Jews, in that good land, " waxed fat and " kicked," grew proud and rebelled; " forsook God " that made them, and lightly esteemed the rock of " their salvation." Let both communities and indi- Day 4. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 135 viduals, when blessed with peace, plenty, and. pro sperity in the world, take sometimes into considera tion this flagrant instance of their being abused ; w ith the final consequence of such abuse. 14, 15. I am poured out like zvater, and all my bones are out qf joint, or, sundered: my heart is like wax, it is melted in the midst of my bozvels. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue cleaveth to myjazvs; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. For our sakes Christ yielded himself, like " wa- " ter," without resistance, to the violence of his ene mies; suffering his "bones," in wdiich consisteth the strength of the frame, to be distended and dislocated upon the cross ; while, by reason of the fire from above, to the burning heat of which this paschal Lamb was exposed, his heart dissolved and melted away. The intenseness of his passion drying up all the fluids, brought on a thirst, tormenting beyond ex pression; and, at last, laid him low in the grave. Never, blessed Lord, was love like unto thy. love ! Never was sorrow like unto thy sorrow ! Thy spouse and body mystical, the church, is often, in a degree, conformed unto thee; and as thou wert, so is she in this world. 16. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me : they pierced my hands and my feet. Our Lord, who compared himself above, ver. 12. to a lamb in the midst of bulls and lions, here setteth himself forth again under the image of a hart, or hind, roused early in the morning of his mortal life, 136 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. hunted and chased all the day, and in the evening pulled down to the ground, by those who " com- " passed" and "enclosed" him, thirsting and cla mouring for his blood, crying, " Away with him, "away with him! crucify him, crucify him!" And the next step was, the " piercing his hands and his " feet," by nailing them to the cross. How often, O thou Preserver of men, in thy church, thy ministers, and thy word, art thou thus compassed, and thus pierced ! 17. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. The skin and flesh were distended, by the posture of the body on the cross, that the bones, as through a thin veil, became visible, and might be counted *; and the holy Jesus, forsaken and stripped, naked and bleeding, was a spectacle to heaven and earth. Look unto him, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the world ! 18. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. " The soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, " took his garments, and made four parts, to every " soldier a part, and also his coat; now the coat was " without seam, woven from the top throughout. * " Qui macilenti sunt, sic habent ossa prominentia, ut facile " omnia possint tactu secerni et numerari. David, quatenus haec " ei conveniunt, dicere hoc potuit de se fuga et molestiis emaciate " Sed Christus aptius ita loqui poterat, quod magis emaciatus " esset, et corpore nudo atque in cruce distento, magis adparerent " ossa." Le Clerc, cited by bishop Lowth, in Merrick's Anno tations. Day 4. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 137 " They said therefore among themselves, Let us not " rend it, but cast lots for it, wdiose it shall be: that " the Scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They " parted my raiment among them, and for my " vesture they did cast lots :" John, xix. 23, 24. 19. But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my ; strength, haste thee to help me. The circumstances of the passion being thus re lated, Christ resumes the prayer, with which the Psalm begins, and which is repeated, ver. 10, 11. The adversary had emptied his quiver, and spent all the venom of his malice ; Messiah therefore prayeth for a manifestation of the power and favour of Heaven on his side, in a joyful and glorious resurrec tion. And to a resurrection from the dead every man will find it necessary to look forward, for com fort. 20, 21. Deliver my soul from the szvord ; my dar ling* from the pozver of the dog. Save me from the lions mouth : for thou hast heard me, or, and hear thou me, from the horns ofthe unicorns. The wrath of God was the " sword," which took vengeance on all men in their representative ; it was the " flaming sword," which kept men out of Para dise ; the sword, to which it was said, at the time of the passion — " Awake, O sword, against my shep- " herd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith " the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the * Heb. wvn» my united one. " May it relate to any thing " more than 'ttfBJ? the human nature united with the Divinity f in the person of Christ? Qtfsre." Bishop Lowth, in Merrick's Annotations. 138 , A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. "sheep shall be scattered:" Zech. xiii. 7- Matt. xxvi. 31. The ravening fury of the "dog," the " lion," and the " unicorn," or the " oryx," a fierce and untamable creature of the stag kind, is made use of to describe the race of the devil and his instru- ments, whether spiritual or corporeal. From all these Christ supplicates the Father for deliverance. How- great need have we to supplicate for the same, through him! '< 22. I zvill declare thy name ttnto my brethren : in the midst ofthe congregation zvill I praise thee. The former part of the Psalm we have seen to be prophetical of the passion. The strain now changes to an epinikiori, or hymn of triumph, in the mouth of the Redeemer, celebrating his victory, and its happy consequences. This verse is cited by the apostle, Heb. ii. 11. " Both he that sanctified, and " they who are sanctified, are all of one : for which " cause He is not ashamed to call them brethren, " saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren," &c. And accordingly, when the deliverance, so long wished, and so earnestly prayed for, was accomplish ed by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, he " declared the name of God," by his apostles, to all his " brethren;" and caused the church to resound with incessant praises and hallelujahs ; all which are here represented as proceeding from the body, by and through him who is the head of that body. 23. * Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all yt * Bishop Lowth is of opinion, that this verse and the follow ing are the " song" of praise, which, in the verse preceding, the speaker says, he will utter " in the congregation." The intra- Day 4. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. !39 the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye tke seed qf Israel. If Christ arose from the dead, to declare salvation to his brethren, and to glorify God for the same, how diligent ought we to be in doing the former ; how de lighted, in the performance of the latter ! Messiah first addressed himself to his ancient people, " the seed " of Jacob," to whom the Gospel was first preached. How long, O Lord, holy and true, shall thy once highly favoured nation continue deaf to this gracious call of thine ! " All ye seed of Jacob glorify him ; and " fear him all ye seed of Israel." 24. For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted ; neither hath he hid his face from him ; but zchen he cried unto him, he heard. The great subjects of praise and thanksgiving, in, the church, are the sufferings of the lowly and afflict ed Jesus, and the acceptance of those sufferings by the Father, as a propitiation for the sins of the world; which acceptance was testified by raising him from the dead ; inasmuch as the discharge of the surety proved the payment of the debt. The poor and af flicted brethren of Christ may take comfort from this verse; for if they suffer ia his spirit, they will be raised in his glory. 25. My praise shall be of thee in the great con gregation: I zvill pay my vows before them that fear him. The vow of Christ was, to build and consecrate duction of it, as his lordship justly observes, gives a variety to the whole, and is highly poetical. Merrick's Annotations. 140 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. to Jehovah a spiritual temple, in which the spiritual sacrifices of prayer and praise should be continually offered. This vow he performed, after his resurrec tion, by the hands of his apostles, and still continueth to perform, by those of his ministers, carrying on the work of edification in " the great congregation " of the Gentile Christian Church. The vows .of Christ cannot fail of being performed. Happy are they whom he vouchsafeth to use, as his instruments, in the performance of them. 26. The meek shall eat and be satisfied : they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. A spiritual banquet is prepared in the church for the meek and lowly of heart; the bread of life and the wine of salvation are set forth in the word and sacraments ; and they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, shall be " satisfied" therewith: they, ' ' who seek " the Lord Jesus in his ordinances, ever find reason to " praise him;" while, nourished by these noble and heavenly viands, they live the life, and work the works of grace, proceeding still forward ' to glory ; when their " heart shall live for ever," in heaven. 27- All the ends of the world shall remember, and turn unto the Lord : and all the kindreds ofthe na tions shall zvorship before thee. The great truths of man's creation and fall, with the promise of a Redeemer to come, were " forgot- " ten" by the nations, after their apostasy from the true God, and the one true religion ; but were, as we may say, recalled to their " remembrance " by the Day 4. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 141 sermons of the apostles, and the writings of* Moses and the prophets, translated, and spread among them. ,By these they were converted to the faith, and now compose the holy church universal throughout the world ; being the glorious proofs and fruits of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. 28. For the kingdom is the Lord'*: and he is the governor among the nations. There is good reason why the nations should wor ship Christ, and throw away their idols ; since in his hands, not in theirs, is the government of the world. Upon his ascension he was crowned King of kings, and Lord of lords ; he ruleth in the church by his Spirit ; and blessed are the hearts, that are his will ing subjects in the day of his power. 29- All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship : all they that go dozen to the dust shall bozo before him : and none can keep alive his ozvn soul. It was said above, ver. 26. " the meek," the poor, and lowly, " shall eat and be satisfied." It is here foretold that the " fat ones of the earth," the great, the opulent, the flourishing, the nobles and princes of the world, should be called in to partake of the feast, and to " worship " God. Rich, as well as poor, are invited*; and the hour is coming, when ali * They are ''¦ invitL-d," but they do not so often accept the in vitation. And it must be owned, that yiN >jan, are generally mentioned in an unfavourable sense. Bishop Lowth is therefore rather inclined to construe the words, as Mr. Fenwick does ; all who are " fattened," that is, " fed" and " sustained by the " earth." The expression then intimates the universality of the Gospel, which, the apostle says, " was preached to every 142 A COMMENTARY Psal. 22. the race of Adam, as many as sleep in the " dust" of the earth, unable to raise themselves from thence, quickened and called forth by the voice of the Son of man, must " bow " the knee to king Messiah. 30. A seed shall serve him : it shall be accounted to tke Lord for a generation. The apostle informeth us, Rom. ix. 8. that " the " children of the promise are counted for the seed;" that is, the converts to be made, among the nations, by the preaching of the Gospel, according to the pro mise to Abraham ; these were to constitute the church and family of Christ, the " generation" of the faith ful ; these were to take the place, and enjoy the pri vileges of the Jews, cut off because of their unbelief. Lord, enable us to serve thee all our lives, with a service acceptable to thee in Christ Jesus ; that at the resurrection of the just, we may be numbered in the generation of thy children. 31. They shall come, and shall declare his righ teousness unto a people that shall be born, tkat he hath done this. The promised and expected race shall spring forth at the time appointed, and proclaim the " righteous- " ness," which is of God by faith, to ages and genera- " creature;" a phrase of similar import. All who would partake the benefits of Christ's passion, must worship him as a Saviour, before they are called upon- to adore him as a Judge. The bishop thinks, likewise, that the 29th verse should end with the words, " bow before him ; " that the next words in the ori ginal should be read, as almost all the ancient, versions seem to have read them, rvn l^> »tt> Sll, and rendered — " But my soul shall " live— My seed shall serve him," &c. Day 4. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 113 tions yet unborn ; who, hearing of that great work, which the Lord shall have wrought, for the salvation of men, will thereby be led to glorify him in the church, for the same to the end of time. Rise, crown'd with light, imperial Salem rise ! Exalt thy tow'ring head, and lift thy eyes ! See a long race thy spacious courts adorn ; See future sons, and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks, on ev'ry side, arise, Demanding life, impatient for the skies ! See barb'rous nations at thy gates attend, Walk in thy light, and in thy temple bend. Messiah. PSALM XXIII. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, the " sheep of God's pasture " address themselves to their great and good Shepherd, de claring, 1. their acquiescence and confidence in him ; 2. his diligence in feeding them with the food of eternal life ; 3. his watchful care in bringing them back from the ways of error, and conducting them in the path of truth ; 4. his power in saving them from death ; 5. his loving kindness in vouch safing his spiritual comforts, during their pilgri mage in an enemy's country ; and, 6. they express their hope and trust, that a continuation of that loving kindness, will enable them to pass through the vanities and vexations of time, to the blissful glories of eternity. 144 A COMMENTARY • Psal. 23. 1. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. In these words, which one cannot utter without feeling the happiness they were intended to describe, the believer is taught to express his absolute acqui escence and' complacency, in the guardian care of the great Pastor of the universe, the Redeemer and Preserver of men. With joy he reflects, that he that a " Shepherd;" and that that Shepherd is Je hovah; one possessed of all the qualities requisite to constitute the pastoral character in the highest perfection. For where shall we ever find such un exampled diligence, such inexpressible tenderness, such exquisite skill, such all-subduing might, and such unwearied patience? Why should they fear, who have such a friend? How can they " want," who have such a " Shepherd? " Behold us, O Lord Jesu, in ourselves hungry, and thirsty, and feeble, and dis eased, and defenceless, and lost. O feed us, and cherish us, and heal us, and defend us, and bear with us, and restore us ! 2. He maketh me to lie dozen in green pastures : he leadeth me beside the still zvaters. The loveliest image afforded by the natural world, is here represented to the imagination; that of a flock, feeding in verdant meadows, and reposing, in quietness, by the rivers of wrater, running gently through them. It is selected, to convey an idea of the provision made for the souls, as well as bodies of men, by His goodness, who " openeth his hand, and " filleth all things living with plenteousness. By " me," saith the Redeemer, " if any man enter in, " he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find Day 4. E. p. • ON THE PSALMS. 145 " pasture:" John, x. 9. And what saith the Spirit of peace and comfort? " Let him that is athirst " come ; and whosoever will, let him take the water " of life freely:" Rev. xxii. 17. Every flock that wTe see, should remind us of our necessities; and every pasture should excite us to praise that love by which they are so bountifully supplied. 3. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths qf righteousness for his name's sake. To " restore," or bring back, those that had " gone " astray," that is, in other words, to " call sinners " to repentance," was the employment of Him who, in the parable ofthe " lost sheep," represented! him self as executing that part of the pastoral office. By the same -kind hand, when "restored," they are thenceforth led in " the path of righteousness;" in the w ay of holy obedience. Obstructions are re moved; they are strengthened, to wralk and run in the path of God's commandments ; while, to invite and allure them, a crown of glory appears, held forth at the end of it. All this is now done, for, in, by, and through, that " name," beside which, there is none other under heaven given unto man, whereby he may be saved. 4. Yea, though I zealk through tke valley qf the shadow qf death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. The sheep here express their confidence in the power of their Shepherd, as sufficient to defend them against the last and most formidable enemy, death himself. To apprehend the scenery in this verse, we must conceive the church militant, and the church vol. 11. L 146 A COMMENTARY Psal. 23. triumphant, as two mountains, between which. lieth the " valley of the shadow of death," necessary to be passed by those who would go from one to the other. Over all that region of dreariness and desolation, ex- tendeth the empire of the king of terrors : and the believer alone " feareth no evil," in his passage through it ; because he is conducted by " that great " Shepherd of the sheep, whom God brought again " from the dead:" Heb. xiii. 20. and who can there fore show us the path of life, through the vale of death. In all our dangers and distresses, but chiefly in our last and greatest need, let " thy rod," the sceptre of thy kingdom, O Lord, protect u9, and thy pastoral " staff" guide and support our steps ; till, through the dreaded valley, we pass to the heavenly mountain, on which St. John saw " the Lamb stand- " ing, with a great multitude, redeemed from the " earth." Rev. xiv. 1. 5. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Another set of images, borrowed from a " feast," is introduced, to give us ideas of those cordials and comforts prepared to cheer and invigorate the faint ing soul, while, surrounded by " enemies," it is ac complishing its pilgrimage through life ; during which time, its sorrows and afflictions are alleviated and sweetened by the joys and consolations of the Holy One ; by the feast of a good conscience ; by the bread of life, the " oil" of gladness, and the " cup" of sal vation, still full, and " running over." 6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all Day 4. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 147 the days of my life : and I will dwell in the house qf the Lord for ever. Experience of " goodness and mercy," already so often vouchsafed, begets an assurance of their being continued to the end; for nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, if we do not separate our selves from it. Thus will the Lord, our Saviour, pro vide for us on earth, and conduct us to heaven ; where we shall dwell to " length of days," even the days of eternity, " one fold under one Shepherd : " a fold into which no enemy enters, and from which no friend departs : where we shall rest from all our labours, and see a period to all our sorrows ; where the voice of praise and thanksgiving is heard conti nually; where all the faithful, from Adam to his last- born son, shall meet together, to behold the face of Jesus, and to be blessed with the vision of the Al mighty; where " we shall hunger no more, neither " thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on " us, nor any heat. But the Lamb, which is in the " midst of the throne, shall feed us, and lead us to " living fountains of waters." Rev. vii. 16, 17. FIFTH DAY.— MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXIV. argument. The plan of this Psalm, according to the letter of it, is beautifully delineated by bishop Lowth, in his E2 I4S A COMMENTARY Put. 24 xxviith lecture. The Ark of God is supposed to be moving, in a grand and solemn procession of the whole Israelitish nation, towards the place of its future residence, on mount Sion : see 1 Chron. xv. On ascending the mountain, the Psalm is sung, declaring, 1, 2. the sovereignty of Jehovah over all the earth ; describing, 3 — 6. what the character ought to be of that people whom he had more peculiarly selected, to serve him in the house where his Glory was to dwell, and of which, 7 — 10. it was now about to take possession. All this is by us to be applied to the Christian church, and the ascension of our Lord into heaven ; for which reason, the Psalm is one of those appointed to be used on Ascension-day; 1. The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness there of; the zvorld, and they that dwell therein. The God of Israel was Lord of the whole earth, by right of creation. The same Divine Person who created the world, hath since, in Christ, redeemed it; and it is his again, by that right also. But the church Christian is his, in a more peculiar manner, as the church of Israel formerly was. We are doubly bound to adore and to obey him. " It is he that hath made " us, and not we ourselves :" Psal. c. 2. and " we " are not our own, being bought with a price : " 1 Cor. vi. 20. The inference is, " Let us glorify God in " our bodies, and in our spirits, which are," every way,' " God's." Day 5. m. p. ON THE 'PSALMS. 149 2. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and esta blished it upon the floods. The waters which, at the creation, and again at the deluge, overspread all things, being, by the power of God, driven down into the great deep, and there confined, the earth, was, in a wonderful manner, con structed and established, as a circular arch, upon or over them. Let us often meditate on this noble subject for contemplation and devotion; that we may learn whither we are to have recourse, when in danger of being overwhelmed by sins or sorrows. 3. Who shall ascend into the kill of the Lord? and zvho shall stand in his holy place? The connexion seems to be this : If the Almighty Creator and Lord of all the earth has chosen us to be his peculiar people, to serve and worship him in his temple, upon the holy hill of Sion, whither the sacred symbol of his presence is now ascending, what manner of persons ought we to be? The reasoning is exactly the same, as bishop Lowth observes, with that of Moses, in Deut. x. 14—16. " Behold the " heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord's " thy God; the earth also, with all that therein is. " Only the Lord had a delight in thy fathers, to love " them ; and he chose their seed after them, even " you, above all people, as it is this day. Circum- " cise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no„ " more stiff-necked." The argument applies, with additional force, to ourselves, as Christians. We compose a far more numerous and magnificent pro cession than that of the Israelites, when the church universal, with her spiritual services, attends our 150 ' A COMMENTARY Psal. 24. Lord, as it were, upon his ascension, in heart and mind ascending with him into the holy places not made with hands. 4. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, or, placed his trust in vain idols, or, in the creature, nor szvorn deceitfidly. 5. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God qf his sal vation. No man can ascend into heaven through his own righteousness, but he who came down from heaven, and performed a perfect sinless obedience to the will of God. Sinners of old were purified, through faith in him that was to come, by typical offerings and ablutions, before they approached the sanctuary. We have been cleansed from our sins, and renewed unto holiness, by the blood of Christ, and the washing of the Holy Ghost. Thus we become his people : thus we " receive the blessing from the Lord, and " righ- " teousness from the God of our salvation." 6. Tkis is tke generation qf them that seek him, tkat seek thy face, O Jacob, or, O God of Jacob. Such ought the people to be who seek the presence of God, and approach to worship him in the sanctuary; who celebrate the ascension of their Re deemer, and hope, one day, to follow him into those happy mansions, which he is gone before to prepare for them. 7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory shall come in. 8. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord Day 5. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 151 strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9> 10. The chorus is repeated. We must now form to ourselves an idea of the Lord of Glory, after his resurrection from the dead, making his entry into the eternal temple in heaven ; as of old, by the symbol of his presence, he took possession of that figurative and temporary structure which once stood upon the hill of Sion. We are to conceive him gradually rising, from mount Olivet, into the air, taking the clouds for his chariot, and ascending up on high ; while some of the angels, like the Levites in procession, attendant on the trium phant Messiah in the day of his power, demand that those everlasting gates and doors, hitherto shut < and barred against the race of Adam, should be thrown open, for his admission into the realms of bliss. " Lift up your heads, O ye gates ; and be ye " lift up, ye everlasting doors ; and the King of Glory " shall come in." On hearing this voice of jubilee and exultation from the earth, the abode of misery and sorrow, the rest of the angels, astonished at the thought of a max claiming a right of entrance into their happy regions, ask from within, like the Levites in the temple, " Who is this King of. Glory?" To which question the attendant angels answer, in a strain of joy and triumph — and let the church of the redeemed answer with them — " The Lord strong "and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle;" the Ljdrd Jesus, victorious over sin, death, and hell. Therefore we say, and with holy transport we repeat it, " lift up your heads, O ye gates ; and be ye lift " up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of Glory 152 A COMMENTARY Psal. 25. " shall come in." And if any ask, " Who is the " King of Glory?" To heaven and earth we proclaim aloud — " The Lord of Hosts ;" all conquering Messiah, Head over every creature, the Leader of the armies of Jehovah, " He is the " King of " Glory." Even so, Glory be to thee, O Lord Most High! Amen. Hallelujah. PSALM XXV. ARGUMENT. It is much the same, whether we suppose the church, or any single member thereof, to be speaking throughout this Psalm, and praying, 1 — 3. for help and protection against spiritual enemies ; 4, 5. for knowledge and direction in the way of godliness; pleading for this purpose, 6, 7- God's mercies of old ; 8- the perfections of his nature ; 9, 1 0. enu merating the qualifications requisite for scholars in the divine school ; 11. upon the strength of these arguments, enforcing the petition for mercy; 12 — 14. describing the blessedness of the man who feareth the Lord; 15 — 21. preferring divers petitions ; and, 22. closing the whole with one for the final redemption of the Israel of God. 1. Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. 2. O my God, I trust in thee:' let me not be ashamed; let not mine enemies triumph over me. Cares and pleasures are the weights which .press Day 5. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 153 the soul down to earth, and fasten her thereto; and it is the spirit of prayer, which must enable her to throw off these weights, to break these cords, and to " lift up " herself to heaven. He who " trusteth " in any thing, but in God, will one day be " ashamed " and confounded, and give his spiritual " enemies " cause "to triumph over him." 3. Yea, let none that zvait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed zvhich transgress without a cause, or, vainly, rashly. God, as a father and a master, will never suffer his children and servants to want his favour and pro tection ; nor will he permit malicious rebels to enjoy it. Honour will, in the end, be the portion of the former, and shame the inheritance of the latter. 4. Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. 5. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me; for thou art the God qf my salvation; on thee do I zvait all tke day. We are travellers to heaven, who, through tempta tion, are often drawn aside, and lose our way. The way is the law of God ; and, to keep that law, is to walk in the way. God only can put us in the way, and preserve and forward us therein; for which pur pose, we must continue instant in prayer to " the " God of our salvation," that he would " teach" us to do his will ; that so we may not be ashamed and confounded. 6. Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies, and thy loving kindnesses ; for they have been ever qf old. The soul, when hard beset with sins and sorrows, 154 A COMMENTARY Psal. 25. is apt to think that God hath forsaken and forgotten her. In this case, she cannot more effectually pre vail upon him, or comfort herself, than by recollect ing, and, as it were, reminding him of former mer cies; since, however the dispositions and affections of men may alter, God is always the same. 7. Remember not the sins qf my youth, nor my transgressions: according to tliy mercy remember thou me, for thy goodness' sake, O Lord. When God remembers his mercy, he forgets our sins ; and when he forgets our sins, he remembers his mercy ; for what else is his mercy, but the forgiveness, the blotting-out, the non-imputation of sin ? Who, that has lived long in the world, can survey the time past of his life, without breaking forth into this peti tion, adding, to " the sins of his youth," the many transgressions of his riper years? 8. Good and upright is the Lord : therefore zvill he teach sinners in the way. Another argument for hope and trust in God, k drawn from his " nature." He hates sin, and loves righteousness ; he sent his Son to suffer for the one, and his Spirit to produce the other ; and he cannot but be faithful and just to his own gracious promises, which all centre in the salvation of sinners by pardon and grace, through Him who is " the way, the truth, " and the life." • 9. The meek zvill he guide in judgement: and the meek will he teach his way. Pride and anger have no place in the school of Christ. The Master himself is " meek and lowly of " heart;" much more, surely,, ought the scholars to Day 5. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 155 be so. He who hath no sense of his ignorance, can have no desire or capability of knowledge, human or divine. 10. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, unto such as keep his covenant and his testi monies. The law of God is the way by which he cometh to us, as well as that by which we go to him ; and all the different dispensations of that law, here styled the " paths of the Lord," are composed of " mercy and " truth;" mercy promising, and truth performing, meet together in Christ, who is " the end of the law " to every one that believeth;" to such as v " keep his " covenant and his testimonies." 11. For thy name's sake, O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great. The pardon of sin is to be asked, and obtained, through that gracious "name," in which "mercy and " truth are met together; and so " great" is our sin, that pardon can be had only through that name. 12. What man is he that feareth the Lord? Him shall he teach in the zeay that he shall choose. The blessings consequent upon " the fear of the " Lord " are such as will fully justify the earnest ness and fervour of the foregoing petitions for pardon and grace. " The fear of the Lord is the beginning " of wisdom." He who hath it, will " choose" the right way, and will be "taught" to go therein. 13. His sold shall dzvell at ease, Heb. lodge in goodness; and his seed shall inherit the earth. It is a privilege of " the man who feareth the " Lord," that, not only in this present life, all things 156 A COMMENTARY Psal. 25,. work together for his " good," but his soul, after having persevered in righteousness, shall take up its abode in the mansions of felicity. His " seed " like* wise shall be blessed in the same manner, with such a portion of the temporal promise made to Abraham as God seeth best for them, and certainly with an abundant share in the spiritual inheritance, the new earth, wherein dwell righteousness, joy, and glory. " Blessed are the meek, the seed of Christ, for they " shall inherit the earth:" Matt. v. 5. 14. The secret, Heb. fixed counsel, or, design, qf the Lord, is zvith them that fear him; and he zvill shozv them his covenant, Heb, and his covenant, to make them knozv it. The greatest happiness of man in this world is, to know the fixed and determinate counsels of God con cerning the human race, and to understand the cove nant of redemption. This likewise is the reward of "the fear of the Lord," which ¦ humbles the soul, and prepares it for divine illumination, causing it to place all its comfort in meditation on the wonders of heavenly love. " All things which I have heard of " my Father I have made known unto you," saith our Lord to his disciples: John, xv. 15. 15. Mine eyes are ever toward the Lord ; for he shall pluck my feet out of the net. Encouraged to hope for the blessings above men tioned, the lowly suppliant still continues to fix the eyes of his understanding on their proper object, God his Saviour, beholding his glory, attending to his will, and expecting his mercy. An unfortunate dove, whose feet are taken in the snare of the fowler, is a Days. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 1ST fine emblem of the soul, entangled in the cares or pleasures of the world; from which she. desires, through the power of grace, to fly away, and to be at rest, with her glorified Redeemer. 16. Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted. They who are ever looking unto the Lord will be ' heard, when they beseech him to turn his face, and to look upon them. When the soul, forsaking and forsaken by all earthly supports and comforts, finds herself in a state of desolation, and is experimentally convinced of her being, not in a paradise of delights, but in a vale of misery, then her visitation and deli verance are at hand. 1 7- The troubles of my heart arc enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses. As life is prolonged, troubles are generally en larged*, till at length they take up what room there is in the heart. The last scene of the tragedy is the most calamitous. So it was in the life of our dear Master. And every man will sooner or later per ceive, that God alone can " bring him out of his distresses." 18. Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins. Affliction and pain, whether of mind or body, are the fruits of sin; and the pardon of sin is the first * Bishop Lowth, with some slight alteration of the text, thinks the rendering should be, Coarctationes cordis mei dilataj Et ex angustiis meis cduc me. See Merrick's Annotations, 158 A COMMENTARY Psal. 25. step towards the removal of sorrow. The latter is sent to beget in us a due sense of the former, in order to a deliverance from both. In the new earth "dwelleth righteousness;" and, for that reason, " there is no more sorrow, pain, nor crying." 2 Pet. iii. 13. Rev. xxi. 4. 19- Consider mine enemies, for they are many; and they hate me zvith cruel hatred. As the evils we suffer are great, so the enemies we have to encounter are many. Their name is " le- " gion:" and to their envy, hatred, and malice, there are no bounds. How unequal the combat, unless thou, O God, goest forth with us by thy grace, " conquering and to conquer!" 20. O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I have put my trust in thee. Preservation from sin, and deliverance from death, are two great gifts of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the latter clause, see ver. 2. 21. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I zvait on thee. How many w ishes do our hearts send forth after riches, honours, and pleasures! how few after " in- " tegrity and uprightness ! " yet these can " preserve" us, and those cannot. Absolute integrity and up rightness are the prerogatives of the King of righ teousness; and it is his grace which makes us such as his mercy will accept. On him therefore let us " wait." 22. Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. In the common salvation all have an interest; and, for that reason, all should pray for it. The earthly Day 5. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 159 David petitioned for Israel ; the heavenly David ever continued to intercede for the church; and every Christian ought to become a suppliant for his bre thren, still looking and longing for that glorious day, when, by a joyful resurrection unto life eternal, God shall indeed " redeem Israel out of all his " trou- " bles." PSALM XXVI. ARGUMENT. The party speaking in this Psalm, whether we sup pose it to be the typical, or the true David, the church, or any member thereof, lying under the false accusations of calumny, 1, 2, 3. appealeth to God in behalf of injured innocence; 4, 5. dis- claimeth all connexion with wicked men; 6,7, 8. declareth a fixed resolution to adhere to the worship of God in the church; 9, 10. prayeth to be de livered from the ungodly; 11. again protesteth in tegrity, and, 12. determineth to praise the Lord. 1. Judge me, O Lord, for I have, walked in mine integrity; I have trusted also in the Lord; therefore I shall not slide. We have here an appeal to God, in behalf of in jured and calumniated innocence. This was the case of David, with regard to the accusations of Saul; of Christ, with regard to those of the Jews; and it is often the case of .the church, and: of good men in 160 A COMMENTARY Psal. 26. the world; for whose use this Psalm seems pecu liarly calculated. 2. Examine me, O Lord, and prove me ; try my reins and my heart. A trial of this sort might be desired by David, and may be desired by men, like him, conscious of their integrity, as to the particular crimes charged ripon them by the malice of their enemies. Christ alone could ask such a trial at large, as being equally free from every kind and degree of sin; and certain of receiving additional lustre from the increasing heat of the furnace. 3. For thy loving kindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. They who study, in order to copy, the " loving " kindness " and the " truth " of God, may have confidence towards him, whose " truth " will not suffer him to be false to ,the promises, which his " loving kindness " prompted him to make.. 4. I have not sat zvith vain persons, neither zvill I go in zvith dissemblers. 5. I have hated ihe congrega tion of evil doers ; and will not sit with the zvicked. David, driven by Saul into a land of aliens, yet preserved himself from the contagion of idolatry. And happy the Christian who can say, that, during the time of his banishment and pilgrimage, he hath escaped the pollutions that are in the world, namely, vanity ahd hypocrisy, evil practices, and wicked prin ciples. Christ alone, like his emblem the light, passed through all things undefiled. 6. i" zvill wash mine hands in my innocency : so zvill I compass thine altar, O Lord : 7. That I may Day 5. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 161 publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous zvorks. Instead of consorting with the heathen, David comforts himself with the future prospect of restora tion to Jerusalem : of attending the service of God in the tabernacle; of performing the legal ablutions, in token of innocency thereby signified ; and of sing ing, before the holy altar, psalms of praise for his deliverance. The believing soul, in like manner, may find perpetual consolation, while she looks forward, toward her return home, from her exile in the world, to the Jerusalem above; her access to the fountain of life and purity ; her employment of serv ing God in the eternal temple; and chanting forth, with angels and archangels, the new songs of the ce lestial Sion, for so great salvation. 8. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place zvhere thine honour dzvelleih, Heb. the place qf tlie tabernacle qf thy glory. With what ardent affection the banished prophet sighs for the beauty of holiness in the church ! the most amiable object on earth, because the nearest re semblance of heaven, where is the true " habitation " of God's house, and the place of the tabernacle of " his glory;" since of the heavenly Jerusalem St. John tells us, that the " Lord God Almighty and the " Lamb are the temple." Rev. xxi. 22. 9. Gather not my sold with sinners, nor my life with bloody men: 10. In zvhose ha?tds is mischief, and their right hand is full qf bribes. In consideration of, his integrity and piety, David VOL. II, M 162 A COMMENTARY Psal. 26. beseeches God not to deliver him over into the hands of his unjust and bloody enemies, nor to reckon him in their number. Let our lot, O Lord, be among thy children here, that it may be among them here after. 1 1, But as for nie, I zvill zvalk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be mere fid unto me. The Christian's resolution, like that of the pro phet, must be, to hold fast his " integrity" in tlie midst of his enemies, and not follow a multitude to do evil; as knowing, that the day of final " redemp- " tion and mercy " will come. 12. My foot standeth in an even place ; in the con gregations will I bless the Lord. The law of God is that " even place," that plain and direct path, in which the affections, which are the " feet" of the soul, must be immovably fixed^ so that nothing may induce her to swerve from the stability of her purpose, to the right hand, or to the left. David, upon his return to his country, " blessed " the Lord hi the congregation " of Israel, by sing ing psalms of praise and thanksgiving ; and by the constant use of those very psalms, the Lord is daily " blessed " in all Christian " congregations " through out the world ; yea, and he shall be so blessed to the end of time. Day 5. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 163 FIFTH DAY— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXVII.. ARGUMENT. This Psalm containeth, 1 — 3. a declaration of trust and confidence in Jehovah, amidst the dangers and tumults of war; 4. a longing desire of re storation to the city and house of God; 5, 6. a triumphant assurance of final victory and exulta tion; 7 — 12. earnest prayer for support and pro tection; 13. a profession of faith, and its mighty power and comfort in affliction ; 14. an exhorta tion to patience. 1. 7^eLoRD is my light and my salvation; zvhom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength qf my life; of whom shall I be afraid? God is our " light," as he showeth us the state we are in, and the enemies we have to encounter ; he is our " strength," as he enableth us, by his grace, to cope with, and overcome them; and he is our " sal- " vation," as the author and finisher of our deliver ance from sin, death, and Satan. All this he was to the blessed person whom David represented; and all this he will be to his faithful servants. " If God " therefore " be for us, who can be against us ?" Rom. viii. 31. 2. When the zvicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me, to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. M 2 16*, A COMMENTARY Psal. 27- The past time is often used, in the prophetical language, to intimate the certainty of the future. Faith sees the foe already vanquished, and the prey snatched from the jaws of the devouring lion. 3. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear : though zvar should rise against me, in this will I be confident. What avails it, that the " host" of darkness is in arms, and the world taking the field against us, when the Lord is our light, and heaven our ally? 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that zvill I seek after ; that I may dzvell in the house of the Lord all the days of my Vfe, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple. The victories of David ended in his restoration to Jerusalem, and the service of God : the victories of Christ terminated in his triumphant return to a better Jerusalem; and this ought to be the " one thing de- " sired " by the Christian, that, after his conquest over the body of sin, he may pass the unnumbered days of eternity in the courts of heaven, contem plating the beauty and glory of his Redeemer. 5. For in the time of trouble, he shall hide me in his pavilion : in the secret qf his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. The protection and consolation experienced hy believers of the church militant, give them a taste of the loving kindness of the Lord, and make them im patiently desirous of quenching their thirst at the fountain of divine pleasures, after they shall have been exalted upon the rock of ages, from whenee that fountain flows. Days. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 165 6. And nozo shall mine head be If ted up above mine enemies round about me : therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy ; I zvill sing, yea, I zvill sing praises unto the Lord. These words, as they are supposed to be spoken by David, by Christ, or by the church, express their respective assurances, through faith, of final victory over their several enemies, with their determined resolution of singing hallelujahs to Jehovah, for the same. 7. Hear, O Lord, when / cry zvith my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. From the assurances of faith it is always good to descend to the humiliation of prayer to God, who alone can grant unto us that one thing which we de sire, and long after, while in the land of our capti vity, and house of our pilgrimage. See ver. 4, 8. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face ; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, zvill I seek. The voice of God, throughout the Scriptures, ex- horteth the believer to turn away from the delusive appearances of the creature, and to seek after Him who is " altogether lovely," until he behold " the " glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" To this voice the believer answers, like a well-tuned instru ment to the master's touch, declaring his resolution so to do. 9. Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy ser vant azvay in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, 0 God qf my salvation! The suppliant, having determined to seek the face £>f God, here prayeth, that he would permit himself 166 A COMMENTARY Psal. 27, to be found, and to be seen; and that he would not, by " hiding his face," cause the light of knowledge to become darkness, and the -fire of charity to go out. The church dreadeth nothing so much as an eclipse of the " Sun of righteousness." 10. When my father and my mother forsake me, then tke Lord zvill take me up. A time will come, when the dearest earthly friends and relations can no longer be of any assistance to us*. The case of the church and of the soul is oftentimes compared to that of a poor, helpless, ex posed orphan. Where worldly comforts end, hea venly ones begin. See Isa. xlix. 15.; Matt, xxiii. 37« John, ix. 35. • 11. Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. The child of God, learning to walk in the law of his heavenly Father, prayeth to be directed and strengthened from above, that the enemy may neither pervert his steps, nor triumph in his fall. 12. Deliver me not over unto the will qf mine ene mies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. David had his enemies, and false accusers ; Christ also had his; and every child of God hath need to petition for deliverance from the great enemy of his salvation, the grand accuser of the brethren, who is * As there seems to be some difficulty in supposing the Psalm ist's parents to have " deserted" him, they might perhaps be said to have " forsaken " him, (as Muis conjectures), that is, to have left him behind them, as being dead, Merrick. Day 5. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 167 ever breathing out malice and cruelty against the body and members of Christ. 13. I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness qf the Lord in the land of the living. " Faith" in the comfortable promises of God is the only sovereign cordial for a " fainting" spirit. Earth is the land of the dying; we must extend our prospect into heaven, which is the land of the " liv- ¦" ing," where the faithful shall " see," and expe rience evermore " the goodness of the Lord." 14. Wait on the Lord : be of good courage, and ' ke shall strengthen thine heart : zvait, I say, on the Lord. The person speaking concludes with an apostrophe to his own soul, resulting from the confidence in God, expressed, ver. 1. from the desire and the hope of heaven, 4 — 13. and from the manifold pledges of the divine love already received in this life; 14. the ' proper inference from all which considerations is this; that we should patiently " wait on the Lord," till the few and evil days of our pilgrimage pass away, and we arrive at the mansions prepared for us, in the house of our heavenly Father; till our warfare be ac complished, and terminate in the peace of God; till the storms and tempests of wintry time shall give place to the unclouded calm, and the ever-blooming pleasures of eternal spring. 168 A COMMENTARY Psal. 28. PSALM XXVIII. ARGUMENT. This Psalm, like the xxiid and many others, con sisted! of two parts. For, 1 — 5. the true David appeareth in his state of humiliation and suffer ing; he prayeth for deliverance, and prophesieth the destruction of his enemies. 6 — 9. He singeth a sweet, though short, hymn of triumph, and inter ceded! for his church and people, 1. Unto thee will I cry, O Lord, my rock; be not silent to me : lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. The true David here maketh supplication, " with " strong crying," to the Father, that he may not be suffered to continue/ like other men, under the do- minion of the " grave." The Christian prayeth, in the same words, to be delivered from the "pit" of corruption; and mightily should he " cry" to Jeho-- vah, the " rock" of his salvation, until his prayer be heard and answered. 2. Hear the voice qf my supplications, when I cry unto thee, zvhen I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle. Christ frequently interceded for his people, with his " hands lifted up " toward " heaven," in fervent prayer : and — " I will," saith the apostle, " that " men pray every where, lifting up holy hands ;" Day 5. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 169 1 Tim. ii. 8. Shall our Redeemer pray for us, and shall we not pray for ourselves ? 3. Drazv me not azvay zvith the zvicked, and with the workers qf iniquity, zvhich speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts. Christ, who alone is without sin, petitioneth that he may not be oppressed by sinners; he who is truth and love, prayeth to be preserved from the " false " and malicious." Let us pray to be made like him; and, like him, to be delivered from evil, especially from the evil of a " lying and slandering" tongue. 4. Give them according to their deeds, and ac cording to the zvickedness qf their endeavours; give them after the zvork qf their hands; render to them their desert. 5. Because they regard not the zvorks of the Lord, nor the operation qf his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them up. In these verses, as indeed in most of the impreca tory passages, the imperative and the future are used promiscuously ; " Give them — render them— he shall " destroy them." If, therefore, the verbs, in all such passages, were uniformly rendered in the " future," every objection against the Scripture imprecations would vanish at once, and they would appear clearly to be what they are, namely, prophecies of the di vine judgements, which have been since executed against the Jews, and which will be executed against all the enemies of Jehovah and his Christ, whom neither the " works " of creation, nor those of re demption, can lead to repentance. 6. Blessed be ^AeLoRD, because he, hath heard the voice of my supplications. 7- The Lord is my strength 170 A COMMENTARY Psal. 28. and my shield ; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song zvill I praise him. The scene now changes from the humiliation and sufferings, to the glory and triumph of Christ, our Head, who, through the power of the Divinity, hav ing overcome his enemies, may be supposed, at his resurrection from the dead, to have sung this strain ; a strain which they who have been delivered from - sin and sorrow, will best understand by using it. 8. The Lord is their strength, and he is the sav ing strength of his Anointed, or, Christ. He who saved and exalted the Head, will also save and exalt the members ; or, as St. Paul expresseth it, " if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the " dead dwell in you : he that raised up Christ from " the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodies " by his Spirit, that dwelleth in you :" Rom. viii. 11. And for the accomplishment of this glorious salvation, the salvation of his church, the Redeemer intercedeth in the remaining verse of this Psalm. 9. Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance : feed them also, and lift them up for ever. 9- Save us, O Lord Jesu, from our sins ; bless us, O thou Son of Abraham, with the blessing of righ teousness ; feed us, O thou good Shepherd of the sheep ; and lift us up for ever from the dust, O thou, who art the resurrection, and the life ! Day 5. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 171 PSALM XXIX. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, the prophet, 1, 2. calleth the kings of the earth to give glory to Jehovah, and to the Voice, or Word, ofhis power; the effects of which, in the world and in the church, are most magnificently described ; the same things being true of thunder and lightning in the former, and of the Word of God in the latter ; as each of them is styled, the " Voice of the Lord ; " and both, 3, 4. are mighty in operation ; both, 5. rend, and, 6, 7. shake, and, 8. pierce, and melt, and, 9. make manifest. The Psalm concludes with, 10. an ac knowledgement of the extent and glory of God's kingdom, and, 11. a promise of victory and peace through him. 1. Give unto tke Lord, O ye mighty, give unto the Lord glory and strength. 2. Give unta the Lord the glory due unto his name : worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The prophet addresseth himself to the " mighty " ones of the earth, exhorting them to " give" God the " glory," and to submit themselves to the king dom of Messiah, to honour that holy " name," by which they must be saved ; to bow before his altars, " by whom kings reign;" and to cast down their crowns at the foot of the eternal throne. 112 A COMMENTARY Psal. 25. 3. The voice ofthe Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thundereth ; tlie Lord is upon many waters. The reason why the mighty are exhorted to serve Jehovah is, beqause of his wondrous works in die world, and in the church. By the " voice," or, " word," of God, the " waters " were driven down into the deep, and forbidden to overflow the earth any mOre ; by the voice of God, the tumultuous and raging nations subsided, and the church was immov ably fixed upon the rock of her salvation ; and by the Gospel of the " God of glory," all those effects were produced in the hearts of men, which are wrought upon terrestrial substances, by its well known and most significant emblem in the material heavens. 4- The voice ofthe Lord is pozverful ; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty. Of the power and majesty of God's voice, when he speaketh from heaven in thunder, few hearts are insensible ; of the power and majesty of his voice, when he spoke from heaven by his apostles, those " sons of" the spiritual " thunder," the world was once fully sensible. O may the evangelical " Boaner- " ges" so cause the glorious sound of the Gospel to be heard, under the whole heaven, that the world may again be made sensible thereof; before that voice of the Son of Man, which hath so often called sinners to repentance, shall call them to judgement ! 5. The voice of the Lord breaketh the cedars ; yea, the Lord breaketh the cedars of Libanus. The force of lightning is known to rend in pieces the tallest and strongest trees in a moment ; nor is Day 5. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 173 the word of God less effectual in bringing down the loftiest pride, and rending the hardest heart of man, by the Spirit which accompanieth it. Thus was the persecuting Saul humbled and converted, by a " light" and a " voice" from " heaven;" so that, instead of " breathing out threatenings and slaughters," he asks, like a meek and dutiful child, " Lord, what wilt thou " have me to do?" Acts, ix. 1.6. 6. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Leba- noti and Sirion like a young unicorn. Thunder not only demolishefh the cedars, but " shaketh the mountains" on which they grow. Thus by the Gospel, " every mountain and hill was "shaken, and made low; every high thing, which " exalted itself against the knowledge of Christ, was " cast down, and brought into subjection :" Isa. xl. 4. ; 2 Cor. x. 5. 7. The voice ofthe Lord divideth the flames of fire. By the power of God, the " flames of fire" are " divided" and sent abroad from the clouds upon the earth, in the terrible form of lightning, that sharp and glittering sword of the Almighty, which no substance can withstand. The same power of God goeth forth by his word, " quick and powerful, and sharper " than any two-edged sword," penetrating, melting, enlightening, and inflaming the hearts of men ; Acts, ii. 3.; Heb. iv. 12. 8. The voice of tke Lord shaketh the wilderness ; the Lord shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh. The wilderness of Kadesh was a part of that wil derness through which the Israelites passed, in their 174 A COMMENTARY Psal. 29. way to Canaan; see Numb. xiii. 26. Thunder shaketh those wide extended deserts, as well as Leba non and Sirion, mountains of Judea. The Gospel was first preached in Palestine, but from thence it went forth into the Gentile world, that dry, barren, and desolate " wilderness." The wilderness is yet once again to be shaken by " the voice of God," and to be removed for ever, that paradise may succeed in its place. 9. The voice ofthe Lord maketh the hinds to calve,, or, the oaks to tremble*, and discovereth the forests; and in his temple doth every one speak qf his glory. Storms of thunder and lightning, attended often with whirlwinds, strip the trees of their leaves and bark, and disclose the recesses of forests. It is by the " word of God," that the hidden " things of " darkness are manifested," and the " counsels of all "hearts revealed:" for "all things are naked and " opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have " to do:" 1 Cor. iv. 5. Heb. iv. 13. For these his marvellous works, in the natural and spiritual world, God is daily " glorified " in the " church." 10. The Lord sitteth upon tke flood; yea, the Lord sitteth a King for ever. * So bishop Lowth renders the clause in his Lectures. Aris totle, Plutarch, and Pliny, as cited by Mr. Merrick, mention the case of abortion being sometimes caused among cattle by thunder. Whatever terrifies to any degree, may certainly produce such an effect. But the bishop's interpretation is, in every respect, the most eligible. The evident connexion with the words that fol low — " discovereth the forests," — foTbids us to doubt of its being right. Day 5. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 175 The Lord Jesus sitteth on his throne, having all power in the dispensations of nature and of grace ; by which, as he checketh at pleasure the rage of the most boisterous elements in the former, so, with the same ease, he controlled! the fury of the enemy and oppressor in the latter ; saying, with equal authority in both cases, Peace ! be still! 11. The Lord zvill-give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people zvith peace. From Jehovah, whose power and majesty have been with so much sublimity displayed in this whole Psalm, we are to expect, through faith and prayer, " strength" to overcome our enemies, whether ghost ly or bodily; and also the blessing of " peace," which must be the fruit of victory. Thou, O Christ, art the " Mighty God;" and, therefore, thou art the " Prince of Peace." Isa. ix. 6. SLXTH DAY.— MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXX. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, or devout hymn, composed probably by David, on his revisiting the sanctuary, after a joyful recovery from some dangerous sickness, he, 1 — 3. returneth thanks for that event; and, 4. call eth the church to do so likewise, 5. drawing a comparison between temporary sufferings and eternal rewards. 6, 7. He describeth his former 176 A COMMENTARY Psal. 30. prosperity succeeded by affliction, with, 8 — 10. the supplications poured forth to the Almighty, hi the day of his distress; and then returneth again, 11. to celebrate his deliverance, and, 12. to glorify God for the same. The Psalm is finely adapted to the case of the true David, and of Christians, his disciples and followers. 1. I will extol thee, O Lord ; for thou hast I fled me up, Heb. drawn me out, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me. These words, if originally composed and uttered by king David, on occasion of some temporal mercy, apply, in a far more emphatical and beautiful man ner, to the case of Messiah, suffering and rising again, as well as to that of his church and people, following him, both in his sufferings and resurrection; when we shall all lift up our voices, and sing toge ther — •" I will magnify thee, O Lord, for thou hast " lifted me up! and hast not made my foes to re- " joice over me!" 2. O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. Deliverance is to be attained by " prayer ; " for so David, and so the Son of David, obtained it ; the former was " healed," at his restoration to health and strength ; the latter at the resurrection : the soul is healed at its repentance and conversion ; and the body will hereafter be repaired, beautified, and glo rified, from the ruins of the grave. 3. O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul, or, Day 6. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 177 animal frame, from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go dozen to the pit. The resurrection of David was a figurative one ; that of Christ was a real one, as that of his saints will be ; so that the Psalm is more strictly applicable to the true, than it ever could have been to the typi cal David. The latter clause may be rendered — " Thou hast quickened me from among them that " go down to the pit;" which rendering is most agreeable to the former part of the verse — " Thou " hast brought up my frame from the grave." 4. Sing untojhe Lord, O ye saints qf kis, and give thanks at the remembrance qf his holiness, or, ofhis Holy One. The church of the redeemed is called upon to glo rify the name of God, for his remembrance of " the " King of Saints," and for the accomplishment ofthe promise in raising him from the dead. 5. For his anger endureth but a moment ; in his favour is life : weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. This is a most beautiful and affecting image of the sufferings and exaltation of Christ ; of the sorrows and joys of a penitent ; of the miseries of time, and the glories of eternity ; of the night of death, and the morning of the resurrection. 6. And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved. 7. Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong : thou didst hide thy face, and I zvas troubled. David, after his success against Goliath, and Christ, upon his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, were vol. ii. N 17$ A COMMENTARY PsAL. S0. hailed by the acclamations and hosannas of the peoj pie, as the Christian may sometimes meet with the applauses of the world, and be led to think himself established in prosperity. But other troubles await ed David; and the blessed Jesus was nailed to the cross. Let not the disciple expect to be above his master ; nor, ' in the season of life and joy, neglect tb prepare for the approaching days of sorrow and darkness. 8. 1 cried unto thee, O Lord ; and unto the Lord / made supplication. 9- What profit is there in my blood, when I go dozen to the pit ? • Shall the dust praise thee? Shall it declare thy truth ? 10. Hear, O Lord, and have mercy upon me: Lord, be thou my helper. » These are some of " the strong cryings and suppli- " cations," which the true David poured forth, while under the cloud of his passion ; and which are to be poured forth by us, when conformed to his image, in suffering affliction. The argument here used, is* a very powerful one, namely, the necessity of a re surrection from the grave, that man may be saved> and God glorified. The dead cannot praise, or serve God. They must live again for this purpose ; and for this purpose it is, that we should desire to live, whether it be in the present world, or that which is1 to come. 11. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing : thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me zvith gladness. This might be true of David, delivered from his* calamity; it was true of Christ, arising from the Day 6. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 179 tomb, to die no more ; it is true of the penitent, ex changing his sackcloth for the garments of salvation ; and it will be verified in us all, at the last day, when we shall put off the dishonours of the grave, to shine in glory everlasting. 12. To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent : O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever. The end of Christ's resurrection, of the salvation of the souls of the faithful, and the resurrection of their bodies, is one and the same, namely, the glory of God, who is the author of every kind of deliver ance; whose praise should, therefore, be resounded by the grateful tongues of the redeemed, from gene ration to generation ; as the tongue then becometh tlie " glory" of man, when it is employed in setting forth the glory of God, PSALM XXXI. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, ver. 5th of which was pronounced by our Lord, when expiring on the cross, we hear the true David, like his representative of old, 1 — 6. supplicating for deliverance; 7, 8. rejoicing in the divine favour and assistance; 9 — 13. describing his afflicted and forlorn state ; 14 — 18. returning again to his prayers ; 19 — 22. celebrating the mercies of God to the children of Adam; and, 23, n 2 ISO A COMMENTARY Psal. 31. 24. exhorting his saints to courage and persever ance, under their troubles in the world. 1. In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust, let mc never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. God is faithful and jusf, to save those who, in time of trouble, renouncing all dependence on them selves and the creature, "put their trust" only in his mercy. His honour is engaged by his promise, not to let such be " ashamed" of their confidence. 2. Bow dozen thine ear to me, deliver me speedily : be thou my strong rock, for an house qf defence to save me. The Christian, like his blessed Master, is " be- " sieged" by many and powerful enemies, insomuch that, notwithstanding all human precautions, " un- " less Jehovah keep the city, the watchman waketh " in vain." Who, in such circumstances, would not pray for " speedy" deliverance? 3. For thou art my rock and my fortress : there fore, for thy name's sake, lead me and guide me. God will be the " rock" and " fortress" of those who esteem him as such ; and, after having been so, through all the dangers and difficulties of life, he will "lead" and " guide" them to the realms of peace and rest, for the sake of that " name" wliich implieth salvation. 4. Pull me out qf that net zvhich they have laid privily for me : for thou art my strength. As David prayed for an escape from the secret conspiracies that were entered into against him, so did Christ pray for deliverance from the snares of Day 6. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 181 death ; and so doth the Christian pray to be extri cated from the toils both of sin and death. 5. Into thine hand I commend my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, thou God qf truth. David, in his distresses, might, by these words, ex press his resignation of himself and his affairs into the hands of God ; but it is certain, that Christ ac tually did expire upon the cross, with the former part of this verse in his mouth : Luke, xxiii. 46. Nor is there any impropriety in the application of the latter part to him ; since, as man, the surety and represen tative of our nature, he was " redeemed" from the power of the enemy, by " the God of truth" accom plishing his promises. 6. I have hated them that regard lying vanities : but I trust in the Lord. They may hope for redemption, who so " trust in 4i God," as to trust in nothing beside him; for all else is " vanity," and will deceive. 7. / zvill be glad and rejoice in tky mercy, for tkou hast considered my trouble; and hast known my •soul in adversities : 8. And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; thou hast set my feet in a large room. The considerations that make the soul " cheerful " in the hour of affliction, are, that God is merciful; that as he is not ignorant, so neither is he unmindful of our troubles; that he is a friend, who " knows" us in adversity, no less than in prosperity ; that he hath not subjected us to the necessity of being over come by our spiritual enemies ; but hath, " with the *' temptation, made a way for us to escape." 182 A COMMENTARY Psal. 31. 9- Have mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am in trouble: mine eye is consumed zvith grief, yea my soul, or, animal frame, and my belly. Upon the strength of the foregoing considerations, supplication is here made for deliverance from trou bles, which wasted the eyes with weeping, and ex hausted the strength and vigour of the frame. Such were the troubles of David, and, more emphatically, those of Christ; and sickness and sorrow will one day teach us all to use the same expressions. 10. For my life is spent zeith grief, and my years with sighing : my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are consumed. > Do we not, in these words, hear the voice of the " man of sorrows," suffering not indeed for his own " iniquity," but for ours, of which he frequently, in the Psalms, speaks as if it were his own? If sin was punished in the innocent Lamb of God, let us not expect that it should be unpunished in us, unless we repent; and let pur punishment never fail to remind lis of our guilt. 1 1 . I zeas a reproach among all mine enemies, but especially among my neighbours, and a fear to mine acquaintance ; they that did see me zvithout, fled from me. These particulars were never more applicable to David, than they were to the Son of David, when his acquaintance, at beholding him reviled hy his ene mies, were terrified from attending him, and when " all the disciples forsook him, and fled." The same things are often too true of the faith and the church. They are true likewise of every man, when he suffers Day 6. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 183 the dishonours of the last enemy, death ; when he is " a fear " to his dearest friends, and they are obliged to forsake him. 12. / am forgotten as a dead man out of mind; I dm like a broken vessel. This was literally the case of Christ, when laid in the sepulchre, and esteemed no longer the object of hope by his friends, or of fear by his enemies. That he should be so "forgotten," while dead, is less won derful, than that this should have happened since his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven. 13. For I have heard tlie slander of many : fear was on every side, while they took counsel together against me; they devised to take azvay my Ife. The slander of Shimei, and the counsel of Ahitho phel against king David, direct us to the slanders of the Jews, and the counsels of Judas and the Sanhe drim against the beloved Son of God, who, in his church, will be persecuted in like manner, by the un godly, to the world's end. 14. But I trusted in thee, O Lord: I said, thou art my God. 15. My times are in tky hand ; deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. \6. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: save me for thy mercies' sake. In all our afflictions, after the example of the ty pical, and of the true David, we are to have recourse to the prayer of faith ; we are to consider, that Je hovah is our God and Saviour: that the times and the seasons of prosperity and adversity, of life and death, are in his hand ; and therefore on him we are 184 A COMMENTARY Psal. 31. to wait, till the day of mercy shall dawn, and tlie shadows fly away. 17. Let me not be ashamed, O Lord, for I have called upon thee ; let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. 18. Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous. Ahithophel, for his treason against David, and Ju das, for his treachery against Christ, felt the force of this prophetical imprecation, or prediction, which will also, one day, take its full effect, in the confusion of all impenitent calumniators and traitors. 19. O hozv great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee ; which thou hast wrought for them thai trust in thee, before the sons qf men. Peace of conscience, the comforts of the Spirit, and the hope of future glory, will teach the soul, even in the darkest night of affliction, to break forth into this exulting strain of gratitude and praise, for the blessings experienced by those who confess their Saviour before men. 20. Thou shalt hide them in the secret qf thy pre sence from the pride, Heb. conspiracies qf man; thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strfe of tongues. In times of contention and persecution, there is a refuge for the faithful in " the tabernacle of David," which is the mystical body of Christ, inhabited by the presence of God. In this sacred " pavilion," they enjoy the pleasures of contemplation and devo* Day 6. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 185 tion, regardless of the distant tumult and confusion of the world. 2 1 . Blessed be the Lord ; for he hath skozved me marvellous kindness in a strong city. The man Christ, and the church with him, like David of old, here rejoice in the protection and sav ing power of God, in the same manner as in Isa. xxvi. 1. " We have a strong city; salvation will " God appoint for walls and bulwarks." .22. For I said in my haste, I am cut off from be fore thine eyes ; nevertheless, thou heardest the voice qf my supplications, zvhen I cried unto thee. Whoever shall consider the troubles of the be loved Son of God, bereaved for a season of the light of heaven, only that it might afterwards arise upon him with the greater lustre, will be taught never to faint under the chastisement of the Lord ; since the darkness of tlie night argues the approaching dawn of the day. 23. O love the Lord, all ye his saints: for the Lord preserveth the faithful, and p lent fully rezeard- eth tke proud doer. 24. Be qf good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. The exhortation is raised from the consideration of the deliverance of Christ, with the destruction of his enemies; which ought to strengthen and comfort the hearts of believers, under all their afflictions here be low ; that so, after having suffered courageously with their Master, they may triumphantly enter into his joy and glory. 186 A COMMENTARY Psal. 32, SIXTH DAY.— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXXII. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, which is the second of those styled penitential, David, as a model of true repent ance, 1, 2. extolleth the blessedness of those whose sins are forgiven them ; 3, 4. describeth the torment endured by him, before he confessed his sin; and, 5. the goodness of God in pardoning it, when confessed ; 6. he foretelleth that others, after his example, should obtain the like mercy; 7. declareth his hope and confidence in his God; who, 8. is introduced, promising wisdom and grace to the penitent; 9, 10. sinners are warned against obstinacy; and, 11. the righteous exhorted to re joice in God their Saviour. 1. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. 2. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in zehose spirit there is no guile. As the sick man is eloquent in the praise of health, so the sinner beginneth this his confession of sin with an encomium on righteousness, longing earnestly to be made a partaker ofthe evangelical " blessedness;" to be delivered from the guilt and the power of sin ; to be pardoned and sanctified through faith which is in Christ Jesus. See Rom. iv. 6. Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 187 3. When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. In opposition to the blessedness above-mentioned, the penitent now proceeds to declare his own wretch ed estate, occasioned by his " keeping silence," or not confessing his sin, which therefore rankled and festered inwardly, occasioning torment inexpressible. The disorders of the mind, as well as those of the body, should be communicated to persons skilful in assuaging and removing them. Many might thereby be saved from the horrible crime of self-murder, which is generally committed in agonies of solitary remorse and despair. 4. For day and night thy hand zeas heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of su??i- ?ner. Outward calamities, and inward pangs of con science, are the strokes of God's hand, designed to humble the sinner, and lead him to confession; and in the infliction of these, such severity is sometimes necessary, that the patient is brought to death's door, before a turn can be given to the disease ; but the pain of a blow upon an ulcerated part, however ex quisite, is well compensated 'for, if, by promoting a discharge, it effect a cure. 5. / acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine ini quity have not I hid; I said, I will confess my trans gresses unto the Lord ; and thouforgavest the ini quity of my sin. What is this, but the Gospel itself — " If we con^ " fess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us " sins:" 1 John, i. 9. And thus it happened, in one 188 A COMMENTARY Psal. 32. case, to David, who had no sooner confessed his sin to the prophet Nathan, but an answer of peace was instantly vouchsafed — " The Lord hath put away " thy sin :" 2 Sam. xii. 1 3. Were angels to descend from heaven, to comfort the dejected spirit of a sin ner, they could say nothing more effectual for the purpose, than what is said in this verse of our Psalm. But practice will be the best comment upon it. 6. For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods qf great waters they shall not come nigh unto him. Encouraged, by this. example and declaration of David, to hope for mercy, on confession of sin, it is here foretold, that humble penitents shall be led to make their prayer unto God in the acceptable time, and in the day of salvation, while he " may be " found;" that so they may be forgiven, and pre served from great and overwhelming calamities ; from the fears of death, and the terrors of judgement. 7- Thou art my hiding place, thou shalt preserve me from trouble: thou shalt compass me about with songs qf deliverance. The penitent, happily returned to the house of his heavenly Father, now esteemeth himself safe under his protection ; and resteth in full assurance that all his sorrows shall one day be turned into joy, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. *». 8. I zeill instruct thee, and teach thee in the way in which thou shalt go : I zvill guide thee with mine eye. The Redeemer is here introduced, returning an Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 18S answer to the penitent's declarations of his humility and faith ; promising " instruction " in that wisdom which every man wants who continues in sin, toge ther with the direction of the Spirit in the way of righteousness, and the superintendance of his watch-. ful care. Man cannot prevent evils, because he can not foresee them. " Next therefore to the protecting " power of God's Wing, is the securing prospect of " his Eye," saith Dr. South. 9- Be ye not as the horse, or, as tke mule, which have no understanding : zehose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee. The person speaking in the former verse, or the prophet himself, exhorts sinners to repent, at the in vitation and encouragement afforded them; and not to continue, like brutes, fierce, obstinate, and sense less, until, like them, they must be tamed and ma naged by force, and the severity of discipline. 10. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked: but he that trusteth in the Lord, mercy shall compass Mm about.. They who are not to be reformed by gender me thods, must learn righteousness under the rod of affliction, in the school of the cross : and happy are they, if their " sorrows " may so turn to their advan tage. But happier are those who, led by the good ness of God to repentance and faith, enjoy the light and protection of " mercy." 11. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice ye righteous: and shout for Joy, all ye that are upright in heart*. * Bishop Lowth is of opinion, this verse should be tie first of 190 A COMMENTARY Psal. 33. In the beginning of the Psalm, the penitent, smit ten with a sense of his wretchedness on account of his sips, extolleth the blessedness of the righteous ! he now again doth the same, through a joyiul sense of his pardon, and restoration to that happy state. Let us " rejoice," O Lord Jesu ; but let us rejoice " in thee," and in thy salvation ; so shall we rejoice indeed ! I PSALM XXXIII. ARGUMENT*. In this Psalm, the prophet, 1 — 3. exhorteth the faithful to a spiritual and holy joy in their God, whom they are to praise, 4, 5. for his truth, •righ teousness, and mercy; 6 — 9, for his power, dis played in the works of creation; 10 — 19. for the wisdom of his providence, and the care he hath of his people. 20, 21. The righteous, in answer to the exhortation, declare their joy and confidence in God their Saviour, and, 22. prefer a petition for his manifestation. 1 . Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous, for praise is comely for the upright. the ensuing Psalm, the repetition being in the very style and man ner of the Hebrews, and the words repeated and varied with the greatest art and elegance. " Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye " righteous ; and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. " Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous ; for praise is comely for the " upright." See Merrick's Annotations. Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 191 God, and not the world, is the fountain of "joy;" which sinners talk of, but the righteous only possess. " Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, re- " joice:" Philip, iv. 4. 2. Praise the Lord zvith harp: sing unto him zvith psaltery, and an instrument of ten strings. Music, both vocal and instrumental, is of eminent use in setting forth the praises of God; but there is no instrument like the rational soul, and no melody like that of well-tuned affections. When this music accompanies the other, the sacred harmony of the church is complete. 5. Sing unto him a new song ; play ski fully with a loud noise. " Old things are passed away," and the ideas of a Christian are to be transferred from the old world, and the old dispensation, to the " new;" since, un der the Gospel, " all things are become new," and all men ought to become so :" Rev. xxi. 1. 5. Abi lities of every kind are never so well employed, as in the service of him who giveth them. , 4. For the word of the Lord is right : and all his zvorks are done in truth. God is to be praised for his word, and his Avorks ; for his rectitude in the one, and his truth in the other; for his faithfulness in accomplishing by the latter, what his goodness had promised in the former. The sense will be the same, if we suppose- that by the " word of the Lord " is meant the personal word, or Son of God, all whose " works " wrought for the salvation of men, are done in truth, as witnessed by the law and the prophets. 192 , A COMMENTARY1 Psal. 33. 5. He loveth righteousness and judgement : the earth is full of the goodness, Heb. mercy, of the Lord. "Justice" is an attribute inseparable from God; and what deserves the praises of man, as it excites the admiration of angels, is, that, without sacrificing this formidable attribute, he hath contrived to fill and overflow the earth with his " mercy." 6. By tke word qf tke Lord were tke heavens made : and all the host qf them by the breath, or, spirit, qf his mouth. It is true, that the world was created by the " word," or fiat of God, which may be here de-. scribed, after the manner of men, as formed by " the breath of his mouth." It is also true, that. by the instrumentality of the eternal word, and the eternal spirit, the old heavens and earth were made; as also the new heavens and earth which shall succeed them. Glory is due from man to God, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. 7- He gathereth tke waters qf the sea together, as an heap: he layeth up the depth in store houses. The next instance of divine power and goodness, for which we arc here excited to be thankful, is that of laying up the waters, which originally covered the face of the earth, in the great depth beneath. And let us reflect, that, by the same divine power and goodness, a deluge of wickedness and violence is prevented from overwhelming the faith and the church. 8. Let all the earth fear Me Lord: let all tke in habitants of the world stand in azee of him: 9. For Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. is 3 he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast. He who made all things, who preserves all things, and can in a moment destroy all things, is the proper object of our " fear;" and that we fear him so little, is a most convincing proof of the corruption and blindness of our hearts. 10. The Lord bringeth the Counsel of the heathen to nought: he maketh the devices qf the people of none effect. 1 1 . The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations. The wisdom of God's providence is not less worthy of adoration than the power of his might. By this wisdom the " councils" of states and empires are either directed to the accomplishment of the great council of heaven ; or, if they attempt to thwart it^ are blasted, and " brought to nothing." History will force all, who read it with this view, to acknow ledge thus much, And with this view, indeed, it should always be read. 1 % Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord ; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own in heritance. The foregoing considerations of the righteousness, truth, mercy, power, and wisdom, of Jehovah, na turally suggest a reflection on the " blessedness " of the church, in whose cause all those attributes are, by the covenant of grace, engaged and exercised. But who now esteems this blessedness as it deserves? 13. We Lord looketh from heaven: he beholdeth all the sons of men. 14. From tke place ofhis habi* tation, he looketh upon all the inhabitants ofthe earth. vou 11. o 194 A COMMENTARY Psal, 33. 15. Hefashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their zvorks. How great must be the advantage of living in his favour, and under his protection, who, from the watch-tower of his eternal throne, beholdeth, direct- et£/£Sd controlled! at pleasure, not only the actions and the words, but the very thoughts and imagina tions of all the inhabitants of the earth ! For, this being the case, it is most certain, that, 16. There is no king saved by the multitude of an host; a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. 17. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shalt he deliver any by his great strength. All the power in the world is less than nothing, if brought into the field against that of God; so that the fate of every battle will depend upon the side which he shall please to take, who is equally able to confound the many and the mighty, and to give vic tory to the weak and the few. The same is true of that spiritual warfare in which we are all en gaged. 1 8. Behold, the eye ofthe Lord is upon them that fear him; upon them tkat hope in his mercy: ]g. To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive mfarnine. ¦ The ever-waking eye of Providence, w hich look eth on all, looketh with favour and loving kindness on such as " fear " God without despondency, and "hope" in him without presumption; their bodies are often wonderfully preserved in times of danger and want; but, what is of far greater consequence, their souls are saved from spiritual and everlasting Day 6. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 193 death, and nourished, in the wilderness, with the bread of heaven. 20. Our soul zvaitcth for the Lord : he is our help and our shield. 21. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because zve have trusted in his holy name. In answer to the foregoing exhortation, the " righ- " teous " are here introduced, declaring their fixed resolution to persevere in faith and patience, " wait- " ing " for the coming of their Lord and Saviour, in whom they " rejoice with joy unspeakable and full " of glory," by reason of that humble and holy con fidence which they have in him. 22. Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as zve hope in thee. The "hope" of the church was always in Mes siah. Of old she prayed for the "mercy" of his first advent; now she expecteth his second. Grant us, O Lord, hope, of which w7e may never be disap pointed. PSALM XXXIV. ARGUMENT. The prophet, escaped out of the hands of his ene. mies, uttereth a song of praise, in words which the Christian now em ploy eth to celebrate the far greater deliverance of his Saviour, and himself by him, from the power of more formidable adversa ries 1 — 7- He calleth his brethren to rejoice with him, and to magnify God for the favour and o 2 196 A COMMENTARY Psal. 3*. protection vouchsafed to his servant, in a time of danger; 8 — 10. he exhorteth others to taste and experience the goodness of Jehovah to such as fear him; and for that purpose, 11 — 14. instructeth them iii the nature and effects of divine fear ; after which, 15 — 22. he sweetly descanteth on the cer tainty of redemption from all the tribulations en dured by the faithful in this mortal life. 1. I zvill bless tke Lord at all times: his- praise' shall continually be in my mouth. The Christian, delivered from many perils, yet continually liable to more, finds cause, at all'seasons and in all situations, to bless God. " In all things " he gives thanks, and rejoices even in tribulation," which cannot deprive him of the true ground of all joy, the salvation of Christ. 2. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord : the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. The glory of every action is to be ascribed to God, whose interpositions, in behalf of his people of old time, afford consolation and joy to the humble and afflicted. But chiefly are the members of the church bound to give thanks for the resurrection and triumph of Christ, their head. " The humble " can never " hear " of this, without being " glad."^ 3. O magnify the Lord zvith me, and let us exalt his name together. The Christian, not only himself magnifies God, but exhorts others to do likewise ; and longs for that day to come, when all nations and languages, laying Day 6. z. p. ON THE PSALMS. 197 aside their contentions and animosities, their preju dices and their errors, their unbelief, their heresies, and their schisms, shall make their sound to be heard as one, 'in magnifying and exalting their great Re deemer's name. 4. I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and de livered me from all my fears. The ground of this rejoicing, to the typical David, might be his deliverance from his enemies ; to the true David, it was his rescue from the powers of darkness ; to the believing soul, it is her salvation from sin ; and to the body, it will be redemption from the grave. Then the Lord will deliver us " from " all our fears;" and this he will do, if we " seek" him, in his scriptures, and his ordinances. 5. They looked upon him, and zvere lightened: and their faces zvere not ashamed. Faith is the eye, sin the blindness, and Christ the light of the soul. The blindness must be removed, and the eye must be directed te the light, which will then illuminate the whole man, and guide him in the way of salvation. He who thus looketh unto the sun of righteousness, for light and direction, shall never be confounded. 6. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. David, when he escaped from his enemies, might be " poor " and destitute. But he was emphatically " the poor man," who became so for our sakes; who not only possessed nothing, but desired nothing in this world. He " cried, and Jehovah heard him, and " delivered hira out of all his troubles ;" as he will hear 198 A COMMENTARY Psal. 34. and deliver the " poor in spirit," who pray unto him. For, 7, The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. The divine protection and salvation, vouchsafed to the faithful, is here signified, whether Ave suppose that by " the angel of Jehovah," is meant the pre sence of Christ in the church militant, as of old in the camp of Israel; or the ministration of created spirits to the heirs of salvation, as in the case of Elisha: 2 Kings, vi. 17- Let the consideration of these invisible guardians, who are also spectators of our actions, at once restrain us from evil, and incite us to good. 8. O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed. is the man that trusteth in him. David saw and tasted the goodness of Jehovah, when delivered from his adversaries : the son of David when raised from the dead. Both invite us, by "trusting" in God, to behold and experience, in our own persons, the mercies and consolations of heaven. 9. 0 fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is na want to them that fear him. 10. The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they that seek the Lord shall not zvant any good thing. He who seeketh the Lord, shall find him; and he who hath found Him, can want nothing. Faith, hope, charity, temperance, purity, patience, and con tentment, are the true riches; and the lack of them, the poverty to be most dreaded; since to a Christian, persecution, loss, sickness, nay, death itself, is gain. Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 199 In the mean time, God is never wanting to provide for his servants what he seeth needful and best, h* matters temporal; while tyrants and oppressors, who are, in the world, what " lions " are in a forest, are often, by the just judgement of heaven, reduced to want that which they have ravished from others. 11. Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. They who, by contemplating the advantages de scribed above, which attend the fear of the Lord, are become desirous of obtaining that fear, must hearken to their heavenly Father, who by his prophet " speak- " eth unto them as unto children," offering to teach them the good and right way. 12. What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Every Christian professeth to " desire," not only an animal, but a spiritual "life;" to love, not an old age in time, but an eternal duration ; that he may " see those good things " which God hath prepared, not upon earth, but in heaven, for them that love him. Let us observe, therefore, upon what terms such blessings are offered. 13. Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. The tongue is an instrument of much good, or much evil. Life and death are in its power; he that keepeth it, keepeth his soul ; and he who offendcth not therewith is a perfect man ; it is an unruly member, and the first work of the fear of God must be to bridle it, that no profane, unclean, slanderous, deceitful, or idle words, proceed out of the mouth, 200 A COMMENTARY Psal. 34. And as the heart is to the tongue, what the fountain is to the stream, that must first be purified. 14. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. Not the tongue only, but the whole man is to be corrected and regulated by the fear of God, operating unto repentance from dead works, and, through faith, unto obedience of life. And he who hath thus obtained peace with God, must ever remember to fol low peace with men, reconciling his brethren, if at variance; himself, if it be possihle, being at variance with no one. 15. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. 16. The face qf the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous may be afflicted, like David, and like a greater than David ; and their oppressors may, for a time, be triumphant ; but, in the end, the for mer will be delivered and exalted; the latter Avill either cease to be remembered, or they will be re-*. membered with infamy, 17. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. This great and comforting truth, is attested by the history pf the deliverances of Israel from Egypt, Babylon, &c. ; of Jonah from the whale ; of the three children from the flames, &c. wrought at the suppli* cations of the respective parties in distress : but above all, by the salvation of the world, through the inter* cession of Jesus Christ. The death of martyrs is Day 6. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 201 their deliverance ; and the greatest of all deliver ances. 18. The Lord is nigh unto them that are qf a broken heart ; and saveth such as be qf a contrite spirit. AVe are apt to overlook men, in proportion as they are humbled beneath us ; G od regards them in that proportion. Vessels of honour are made of that clay, which is " broken" into the smallest parts. 19- Many are the afflictions of the righteous : but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Afflictions all must suffer ; but those of the righ teous end in victory and glory. What soldier would not cheerfully undergo the hardships of a campaign upon this condition? " In the wrorld," saith the Cap tain of our salvation, " ye shall have tribulation ; " but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world;'' John, xvi. 33. 20. He keepeth all his bones ; not one qf them is broken. It is God who preserveth to man the strength of his body, which lieth in the bones ; and that vigour of his spirit, which consisteth in firm and well-esta blished principles of faith and holiness. The bones of the true Paschal Lamb continued whole during the passion ; and those of the saints shall be raised whole at the last day, when the mystical body of Christ shall come out of its sufferings, no less perfect and ^ntire, than did the natural. 21. Evil shall slay the zvicked: and they that hate ihe righteous shall be desolate. The evil of punishment springs from the evil of 202 A COMMENTARY Psal. 35. sin; and no sin works such " desolation," as a mali cious " hatred" and persecution of the true sons and servants of God. Whoso doubts the truth of this, let him only survey and consider attentively the de solation of the once highly favoured nation, for their enmity against the King of righteousness, and his faithful subjects. 22. The Lord redeemeth the soul of his servants: and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate. The frequent prosperity of the wicked, and the troubles of the righteous in this world, strike power fully upon the sense, and are, for that reason, too apt to efface from our minds the notices given us by faith, of that future inversion of circumstances which is to take place after death. To renew, therefore, the impression of such an interesting truth, the redemp tion of the afflicted righteous is so often insisted on- in the course of this Psalm. Enable us, O Lord, to " walk by faith,' and not by sight," until we come to thy heavenly kingdom ; where, with all thy saints, made perfect through sufferings, we shall " bless and " magnify thee at all times," and thy " praise will " continually be in our mouth," for evermore; SEVENTH DAY.— MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXXV. ARGUMENT. The prophet, in this Psalm, as in the xxiid, which it resembles, personating Messiah, in his state of Day 7. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 203 humiliation and suffering, 1 — 3. beseecheth Jeho vah to interpose in his behalf; 4 — 8. predicteth the confusion of his enemies, and, 9, 10. his own triumph; 11 — 16. describeth the malice of his persecutors against him, and his love .towards them; 17 — 25. repeateth his supplications for de liverance, and enlargeth upon the cruel insults he met with ; 26. he again foretelleth the destruction of the adversary, and, 27, 28. the exultation of the faithful. 1. Plead my cause, O Lord, zvith them that strive zvith me: fight against them tkat fight against me. David, in his afflictions; Christ, in his passion; the church, under persecution ; and tlie Christian, in the hour of temptation, supplicate the Almighty to ap pear in their behalf, and to vindicate their cause. 2. Take hold qf shield and buckler, and stand up for mine help. 3. Drazv out also the spear, and stop the way against them that persecute me : say unto my soul, I am thy salvation. Jehovah is here described, as a " man of war,*' going forth to the battle against the enemies of Mes siah, and his church : the protection afforded by his mercy, is figured by the shield of the warrior, cover ing his body from the darts of the enemy ; and the vengeance of his uplifted arm, is represented by the offensive weapons used among men, such as the spear and the sword. " If God be for us, who can be " against us?" If he speaketh salvation, who shall 204 A COMMENTARY Psal. 35. threaten destruction? see Deut. xxxii. 4 1 . Wisdom, v. 20. 4. Let them be confounded, or, they shall be con founded, and put to shame, that seek after my soul: let them be, or, they shall be, turned back and brought to confusion, that devise my hurt. The consequence of the omnipotent appearing in arms against his adversaries, is here foretold. And the prediction has long since been verified in the " confusion" of Saul, and of the Jews, as it will be finally fulfilled in that of Satan, and all his adherents, . at the last day ; for the manifestation of which day the church now waiteth, in faith and patience. 5. Let them be, or, they shall be, as chaff before the zvind : and let the angel qf the Lord, or, the angel ofthe Lord shall chase them. The Jews, separated from the church and people of Christ, become useless and unprofitable to any good work, possessing only the empty ceremonies and husks of their religion, and by the breath of the di vine displeasure dispersed over the face of the earth, . afford a striking comment on this verse, and as strik ing an admonition to every opposer of the holy Jesus. See Psal. i. 4. 6. Let their zeay, or, their zvay shall, be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the Lord, or, the angel of the Lord shall, persecute them. A traveller, benighted in a bad road, is an expressive emblem of a sinner walking in his slippery and dan gerous ways of temptation, without knowledge to direct his steps, to show him the danger, or to extricate him from it ; while an enemy is in pursuit of him, whom. Day 7. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 205 he can neither resist nor avoid. Deliver us, O Lord, from all blindness, but, above all, from that which is judicial! 7- For zvithout cause have they hid for wze their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. 8. Let destruction, or, destruction shall, come upon him at unazvares ; and let his net that he hath hid, or, his net that ke hath hid, shall catch him self: into that veiy destruction let him, or, he shall, fall The causeless persecution raised against David by Saul, and against our Lord by the Jewrs, reverted, through the righteous judgement of God, on the heads of the persecutors. The innocent birds escaped ; and they who set the toils, were themselves taken therein. Saul lost the kingdom which he thought to have secured, and his life also ; and the Jews who crucified Christ, lest " the Romans should " take away their place and nation," had their place and nation taken away by those Romans, for that very reason. In these histories, all impenitent per secutors of the faith, the church, and the servants of God, may read their doom. 9. And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in his salvation. 10. All my bones shall say, Lord, zvho is like unto thee, zvho deliverest the poor from him that is too strong far him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him ? These verses, as they describe the joy which the soul and body of Christ were to experience after the resurrection, so shall they one day be sung by the mystical body of the Lord, when delivered from the 206 A COMMENTARY Psal. 35. power of the spoiler, and raised entire from the dust. In the mean time, they may express our gratitude for any temporal preservation from enemies, from sad casualties, and dangerous temptations. 11. False zeitnesses did rise up ; they laid to my charge, Heb. asked me, things that I knew not. 12. They rezvarded me evil for good, to the spoiling of my soul. This was never more literally true of David, than it was of the holy Jesus, when, standing before Pon tius Pilate, he received no other return from the Jews, for all the gracious words which he had spoken, and all the merciful works whirh he had done among them, than that of being slandered, and put? to death.13. But as for me, zvhen they zvere sick, my cloth ing was sackcloth : I humbled, or, afflicted, my soul zvith fasting ; and my prayer returned into mine ozvn bosom. If David prayed, fasting in sackcloth, for Saul, and his associates, the son of David, to heal the souls of men, put on the veil of mortal flesh, and appeared in the form and habit of a penitent, fasting forty days and forty nights, making continual intercession for transgressors, and grieving to think that any men, by their obstinacy, should deprive themselves of the benefits thereof.' 14. I behaved myself, Heb. Ixvalked, as though he had been my friend or brother ; I bozeed dozen heavily, as one that mournefh for his mother, or, as /t mother that mourneth. He who so passionately lamented the natural death. Day 7. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 201 of Saul, doubtless bewailed greatly his spiritual death of sin : and he who took a comprehensive view of the sins and sorrows of Jerusalem, wept over that wretched city, with the tender affection of a " friend," a " brother," and a " mother" — " O Jerusalem, Jeru- " salem, how often would I have gathered thy child- ;l ren together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens " under her wings !" 15. But in mine adversity they rejoiced, and ga~ thered themselves together : yea, tlie abjects, or, smit- ers, gathered themselves together against me, and I ' kneze it not ; they did tear me, and ceased not. When the blessed Jesus was suffering for the sins of men, he was insulted by those men for whose sins he suffered. He gave, not only his reputation to the revilers, but also his back to the " smiters," though not conscious of the crimes for which they pretended to punish him. 1 6. With hypocritical mockers in feasts, or, among the profligates the makers qf mock, gnashed upon me zvith their teeth. However this might be true in the case of David, it certainly had a literal accomplishment in the scoffs and taunts of the chief priests, and others, when Christ was hanging on the cross" — " Ah, thou that " destroyest the temple," &c. " He trusted in " God," &c. " Let him come down from the cross," &c. &c. &c. nay, one of the thieves, crucified with him, " cast the same in his teeth." Whosoever con siders these things, will not be surprised at the ex postulation in the following verse. 17- Lord, hozv long wilt thou look on ? Rescue my 208 A COMMENTARY Psal. 35. soul from their destructions, my darling from the lions. Christ prayeth, like David of old, for the mani festation of the promised mercy : for the deliverance of the nature which he had assumed, and which he , delighted in. Who does not behold, in him, sur rounded by his enraged and implacable enemies, a second Daniel, praying in the den of " lions." 18. I will give thee thanks in the great coyigrega- tion: I zvill praise thee, among much people, or, the strong people. This verse is exactly parallel to Psal. xxii. 25. wherein, after an enumeration of his sufferings, our Lord predicteth the praise and glory that should ac crue to God in the church, after his resurrection, from the preaching of the apostles ; which passage see, and compare ; as also, Isai. xxv. 3. and Rev. vii. 9. 19. Let not them that are mine enemies zvrong- fully rejoice over me : neither let them wink zvith the eye that hate me zvithout a cause. The prophet, in the person of Christ, returnetb again to make supplication, that an end may be put to the insults, the scoffs, and the sneers, of the re probate. O come that day, when they shall cease for evermore ! 20. For they speak not peace : but they devise de ceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. 21. Yea, they opened their mouth zvide against me and said, Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it. David would have lived " quietly" under the go vernment of Saul : our Lord did not aim at tempo ral sovereignty over the Jews; nor did the primitive. Day 7. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 309 Christians desire to intermeddle witli the politics of the world ; yet all were betrayed, mocked, and per secuted, as rebels and usurpers, and the pests of society. 22. This thou hast seen, O Lord: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me. 23. Stir up thysef, and azvake to my judgement, even unto my cause, my God, and my Lord. 24. Judge me, O Lord my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not re joice over me. God " seeth" and knoweth all things; yet he per- mitteth those who love him best, to be often and long afflicted and oppressed, seeming as one at a " di- " stance," or " silent," or " asleep," that is, regard less of what passes. At such times, we are not to remit, but to double our diligence in prayer, reiter ating our cries — " Lord save us! we perish!" Then will he " awake and arise, and rebuke the winds " and the seas, and there shall be a calm," ' 25. Let them not say- in their hearts, Ah, so zvould zve have it : let them not say, We have szvallowed him up. Messiah prayeth for an end of his sufferings ; that the enemies of mankind might not triumph in his de struction; that death might not finally " swallow hiin " up," but be itself " Swallowed up in victory." The church daily maketh the same request. 26. Let them, or, they shall, be ashamed and brought to confusion together, that rejoice at mine hurt : let them, or, they shall, be clothed zvith shame and dishonour, that magnify themselves against me. The accomplishment of this prediction, by the re- VOL. II. p 210 A COMMENTARY Psal. 36, surrection of Jesus, and the destruction of Jerusalem, is well known. There are two events to come parallel to those two which are past, viz. the resur rection of the faithful, and the destruction of the world ; when all who, like the Jews, have " rejoic- " ed in the hurt" of Messiah, and have " magnified " themselves against him," will, like the Jews, be covered with everlasting " confusion." 27. Let them, or, they shall, shout for joy, and be glad, that favour my righteous cause : yea, let them, Or, they shall, say continually, Let the Lord be mag nified, zvhich hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. 28. And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness, and qf thy praise, all the day long. As the preceding verse foretold the sorrow of the enemies, so these two describe the joy of the friends to Messiah upon his victory and exaltation, which have been, and shall continue to be, celebrated by the church in these divine hymns, indited by the Holy Spirit for that purpose, until the songs of time shall end in the hallelujahs of eternity. PSALM XXXVI. ARGUMENT. In the first four verses of this Psalm, the Prophet describeth the principles, the actions, the conver sation, and the imaginations of his wicked perse cutors; and from thence raising his thoughts to heaven, 5 — 9- celebrateth the mercy and loving Day 7. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 211 kindness of Jehovah ; for a continuation of which to himself and the church, he fervently prayeth ; 10, 11, and 12. foreseeth the downfal of the un godly. 1. The transgression qf the zvicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear qf God before his eyes. If the present reading in the original be the true one, the meaning must be this — The transgressions of a bad man show plainly, in the apprehension of a good one, that the former is destitute of a true fear of God. Bishop Lowth, by a slight alteration or two in the text, renders it to this effect — " The wick- " ed man, according to the wickedness in his heart, " saith, There is no fear of God before mine eyes*." The great truth which the prophet here declareth himself to be convinced of, is, that all wickedness proceedeth from the absence of " the fear of God," in the person who committed! it ; that fear being a principle which, while it is predominant in the man, will restrain him from transgression. Our laws sup pose as much, when, in the form of indicting a cri minal, they attribute the commission of the offence to his " not having the fear of God before his eyes." 2. For heflattereth himself in his ozvn eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful : or, when his sin is ready to be found out, and to be hated. He who hath lost " the fear of God," is first led into sin, and then detained in it; because, having forgotten the great witness and judge of his actions, * See Merrick's Annotations. P 2 212 A COMMENTARY Psal. 36\ he vainly thinks his crimes may be concealed, or dis guised, till a discovery breaks the charm, and dis perses the delusion. The last day will show strange instances of this folly. 3. The words ofhis mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be' wise, and to do good : or, to un derstand, that he may do good. , If the fear of God be not in the heart, " iniquity " and deceit" will be under the tongue; and then, an apostasy from w isdom and goodness, or the wis dom of goodness, which is the only true wisdom, can not be far off. 4. He deviseth mischief upon his bed ; he sett eth himself in a zvay that is not good; he abhorreth not evil. From the actions and the words of him who hath not the fear of God before his eyes, the prophet goeth back to the thoughts and imaginations of his heart, which, even in retirement and solitude, are busily employed upon evil, as those of the righteous are, at those seasons, upon God and goodness. A man may know the state of his mind, in some mea sure, from his morning and evening thoughts " upon " his bed." He who doth not give diligence to " set " himself in a good way," will soon be set in one that is not good ; and he who doth not " abhor" sin, will, ere long, delight in it. 5. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in tke heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds, or, skies. 6. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgements are a great deep. From the wickedness of the world, in which we Day 7. M.P. ON THE PSALMS. 213 Kve, Ave must lift up our eyes for help and comfort, to the mercy and truth of God, boundless, pure, and beneficial, as the heavens over our heads ; to his righteousness, fixed and permanent as the everlast ing hills ; and to his judgements, stupendous and un fathomable as the Avaters of the great deep. Truth will engage menSy to accomplish the promised sal vation of the elect ; and righteousness will employ judgement in executing upon the reprobate the ven geance that is due. 7- O Lord, thou preservest man and beast. Hoze excellent is thy loving kindness, O God! therefore the children qf men put their trust under the shadozv of thy wings. The good providence of God extendeth over all creatures, nourishing and preserving them, as well as man, for Avhose use they Avere made. We can never enough value and extol the " loving kindness" of him, Avhose overshadowing " wings" protect and cherish us on earth, in order to bear us from thence to heaven. See Matt, xxiii. 37- Deut. xxxii. 11. 8. They shall be abundantly satisfied zvith the fat ness of thy house ; and thou shalt make them drink qf the river qf thy pleasures. In heaven alone the thirst of an immortal soul after happiness can be satisfied. There the streams, of Eden will Aoav again. They who drink of them shall forget their earthly poverty, and remember the miseries of the Avorld. no more. Some drops from the celestial cup are sufficient, for a time, to make us forget our sorrows, even while Ave are in the midst &i them. What then may we not expect from full / 214 A COMMENTARY Psal. 36, draughts of those pleasures which % are at thy right hand, O Lord, for evermore? 9. For with thee is tke fountain of life ; in thy light we shall see light. The rivers before mentioned flow from a " foun- " tain" which fetcheth not supplies from without, but whose spring is within itself, and therefore can never be exhausted. The " water of life" proceeds from " the throne of God and the Lamb :" Rev. xxii. 1. " This is life eternal, to know thee the " only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast " sent :" John, xvii. 3. God, like the sun, cannot be seen, but by the light which himself emits. 10, O continue thy loving kindness unto them that knozo thee ; and thy righteousness fo the upright in heart. The prophet, groaning under the oppression of the Avicked, who are described in the first part of the Psalm, prayeth for a continuation of the mercies of God, Avhich he has celebrated in the second part. Give us, O God, the knowledge of thee, and make us upright in heart, that thy loving kindness and thy righteousness may be our portion for ever. 1 1 . Let not the foot of pride come against me ; and let not the hand ofthe zvicked remove me. * The Christian has reason enough to join with the prophet in this petition, Avhether we suppose it to de precate destruction from proud men and sinners without us, or from pride and sin within us. 12. There are the workers of iniquity fallen : they are oast dozen, and shall not be able to rise. Faith calleth things that he not, as though they Day 7. M. p. ON THE PSALMS. 21$ were ; it carries us forward to the end of time ; it shows us the Lord, sitting on his throne of judge ment ; the righteous caught up to meet him in the air; the world in flames under his feet ; and the em pire of sin fallen to rise no more. SEVENTH DAY.— EVENING PRAYER. PSALM XXXVII. ARGUMENT. From the beginning to the end of this Psalm, the Holy Spirit, by the prophet, administereth advice and consolation to the church and people of the Lord, oppressed and afflicted in the Avorld, by pros perous and triumphant wickedness. Faith and patience are, therefore, recommended, upon the double consideration of that sure reward Avhich aAvaiteth the righteous, and that certain punish ment which shall be inflicted on the Avicked. These two events are set before us in a variety of expres sions, and under many lively and affecting images. As the Psalm is rather a collection of divine apho risms on the same subject, than a continued and connected discourse, it admitteth of nothing far ther in the Avay of argument. 1 . Fret not thysef because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against the zvorkers of iniquity. 2. 216 A COMMENTARY Psal. 37. For they shall soon be cut dozen like .the grass, and wither as the green herb. The Holy Spirit here prescribeth a remedy to a very common, and no less dangerous disorder of the mjnd, namely, a distrust of God's providence, occar sioned by frequently beholding the prosperity of the AA'icked, in this present world. He avIio alloweth him self time to consider, how soon the fairest spring must give place to, a burning summer, a blighting autumn, and a killing winter, will no longer envy, but pity, the fading verdure of the grass, and the still more transient glories of the flowers of the field. Herbs and plants are medicinal in more senses than one*. 3. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt tkou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed: or, dwell in the land, and feed on truth, or fait If ulnes.s. The consideration of the speedy and tragical end of sinners, affordeth a powerful argument for perse verance in faith and holiness ; for continuing in the church, and making our abode in the pastures of truth; until, in the strength of that sacred viand, Ave come to the heavenly land of promise, and dwell therein for ever. 4. Delight thy sef also in the Lord ; and he shall give thee tke desires of thine heart. He who delighteth in the creature, hath not always " the desires ofhis heart" granted, nor is it fit that he should have them ; but he Avho delighteth in God, * See an elegant and beautiful discourse on *' the lilies of the " field," published among the Sermons of the late learned, inge nious, and worthy, Dr. Tottie, Day 7. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 217 will desire Avhat he delighteth in, and obtain Avhaihe desireth. 5. Commit thy zvay unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 6. And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgement as the noon day. Malice and calumny may, for a time, overshadow the splendour of an holy character; but the sun -will come forth, and the clouds will fly away. This w-as most eminently true of the blessed Jesus, at his re surrection, and -will be verified in his saints, at the last day. The history of Susannah affordeth a re markable instance cf it in this life. " Her heart " trusted in the Lord, and he brought forth her righ- " teousness as the light; insomuch that all the as- " sembly cried out with a loud voice, and praised " God, Avho saA*eth them that trust in him." Ver. 35. 60. 7- Rest in, or, be silent to, the Lord, and wait patiently for hiin : fret not thyself, because of him who prospereth in the zvay, because of the man who bringeth zvicked devices to pass. If the spotless Lamb of God Avas dumb, before those who Avere divesting him of his honours, and robbing him of his life, " silent" resignation cannot but become one, who suffers for his sins. Israel Avas commanded to " stand still, and see the salvation of " God;" but the people gazed upon the pomp and poAver of Pharaoh, Avho Avas in pursuit of them, till their faith failed, and they began to murmur and despond. How often is this our case, before Ave perceive it! 218 A COMMENTARY Psal. 37. §. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath : fret not thy se fin any wise to do evil. 9. For evil doers shall be cut off; but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. At the day of judgement, when " evil doers shall " be cut off," by the flaming sword of- eternal ven geance, and when the saints of the Most High shall " inherit the new earth," the latter Avill have no emo tions of anger or envy against the former. Let them sp meditate on that day, as to make it present to their minds, and they will have no such emotions noAv. 10. For yet a little while, and the zvicked shall not be : yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. The Avhole duration of the Avorld itself is but " a " little Avhile" in the sight of him, Avhose hope is full of immortality. But the calamities and deaths of princes ; the tragical fate of empires, swept with the besom of destruction ; the overthrow of cities, Avhose dimensions, towers, and palaces, once asto nished the earth, but Avhose " place " is now no where to be found by the most curious and diligent inqui rer ; and the desolations of the chosen city, Jerusa lem ; all these are even noAv sufficient to draw forth the tear of commiseration, and to exthiguish the kindling spark of envy in every considerate mind. 11. But the meek shall inherit the earth, and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The " meek" are they Avho bear their OAvn adver sities, and the prosperity of their enemies, without envy, anger, or complaint. For these there is a pos- Day 7. e.p. ON THE PSALMS. 219 session in the kingdom and city of the Prince of " Peace," which " the Lord, the righteous judge, shall " give them at that day." " Blessed are the meek," ?aith that Lord and judge himself, " for they shall " inherit the earth:" Matt. v. 5. "In the mean time, " they, and they only, possess the present earth, as " they go towards the kingdom of heaven, by being " humble, and cheerful, and content, Avith what their " good God has allotted them. They have no tur- "" bulent, repining, vexatious thoughts that they de- " serve better; nor are vexed Avhen they see others " possessed of more honour, or more riches, than " their wise God has allotted for their share. But " they possess what they have with a meek and con- " tented quietness ; such a quietness as makes their " very dreams pleasing, both to God and themselves." Walton's Complete Angler, p. 295. 12. The zvicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him zvith his teeth. 13. The Lord shall laugh at him : for he seeth that Ids day 'is coming. The original enmity between the Wicked One and the Just One, aa ill always subsist between the wicked and the just. The rage, of the former against the latter is compared to that of mad dogs, or wild beasts ; but a day is coming, Avhen all that rage must be turn ed and employed against themselves. God, who knoweth this, contemneth their vain efforts; and Christians, Avho know it, and are under the protec tion of God, should do the same. 14. The zvicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast dozen the poor and needy, 220 A COMMENTARY Psal. 37. : and to slay such as be of upright conversation, or, up right qf zvay. 15. Their sword shall enter into their ozen heart, and their bow shall be broken. The tongue is a " sword," and a " boAv," Avhich shooteth its arrows, even bitter Avords, against the humble and upright Jesus, and his disciples. But these are not the only Aveapons that have been draivn against them. Hoav the malice ofthe Jews returned upon their OAvn heads, no one is ignorant ; though few lay it to heart, and consider them as set forth for an example. 16. A little that a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many zvicked. 1 7- For the arms of the zvicked shall be broken : but the Lord uphokl- eth the righteous. A little, with the blessing of God upon it, is bet ter than a great deal, with the encumbrance of his curse. His blessing can multiply a mite into a talent, but his curse will shrink a talent to a mite. By hiin " the amis of the wicked are broken," and by him " the "righteous are upholden;" so that the great question is, Avhether he be Avith us, or against us; and the great misfortune is, that this question is seldom asked. 18. The Lord knoweth the days of the upright ,- and their inheritance shall be for ever. 19. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. The favour of God is, to them that obtain it, a better and an enduring substance, which, like the widoAv's barrel and cruse, Avasted not in the evil days of famine, nor will fail in that evil day of eternal Day 7. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 221 Avant, when the foolish virgins shall be calling in vain for oil, and the rich glutton as vainly imploring a drop of Avater to cool his tongue. 20. But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies qf the Lord shall be as the j'at of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away. The destruction of the Avicked is here again set before us, but under a different image, namely, that of a sacrifice. Senseless, as cattle, they are fatted for the altar, they Avanton in their prosperity, and nourish their hearts against the day of slaughter. In the mean time, the Almighty is Avhetting that sword, which nothing can Avithstand ; and those fires are kindling, which shall never be extinguished. See Isa. xxxiv. 6 — 10. 21. The zvicked borroweth, and payeth not again; but the righteous shozveth mercy and giveth. The wicked man, like his leader, the " Avicked " one," payeth not those Avhose money or abilities he hath occasion to borroAv, and to employ, in his ser vice; whereas the disciple of Christ, in imitation of his master, not only punctually observeth the rule's of justice and equity, but thinketh it " more blessed " to give than to receive." In like manner, though both are indebted, for every thing, to the bounty of God, the latter maketh all the acknowledgements and returns in his power; Avhile the former never thinketh of making any. 22. For, or, therefore, such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off. They who are like their merciful and gracious 222 A COMMENTARY Psal. 37. Lord, and who, by their devotion and charity, bless him, are blessed of him; they wrho are like their cruel and iniquitous master, and who, by their un godliness, injustice, and hard-heartedness, dishonour their Maker and Redeemer, are cursed of him. To the former therefore it will be said, at the last day, " Come, ye blessed, inherit the kingdom;" to the latter, " Go, ye cursed, into the fire." 23. The 'steps qf a good man are ordered, Heb. established, by the Lord; and he delighteth in kis zvay. 24. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast dozvn: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. This Avas emphatically true of the man Christ, whose steps Jehovah established, and in whose way he delighted; avIio, " though he fell" by death, yet was raised again by his mighty hand and outstretch ed arm. It is true likeAvise of Christians, whom it should support and comfort, in all dangers and temptations. See, for a parallel, Psal. xci. 25. I have been young, and now am old: yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 26. He is ever merciful, and lendeth: and his seed is blessed. So far is charity from impoverishing, that what is given away, like vapours emitted by the earth, re turns in showers of blessings into the bosom of the person Avho gave it; and his offspring is not the worse, but infinitely the better for it. " The liberal " soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth shall " be watered also himself:" Prov. xi. 25. The bread which endureth, as well as that which perisheth, is Day 7. e. p. ON THE PSALMS. 223 his; and the blessings of time are crowned Avith those of eternity. 27- Depart from evil, and do good; and dzvell for evermore. 28. For the Lord loveth judgement, and forsaketh not his saints ; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the zvicked shall be cut off. 29. The righteous shall inherit the land, and dzvell therein for ever. The justice and mercy of. God, the rewards which aAvait the righteous, and the punishments that will, sooner or later, be inflicted on the wicked, are sub jects on which whoever shall frequently meditate, " will depart from evil, and do good. Whatsoever " thou takest in hand," saith the wise son of Sirach, " remember the end, and thou shalt never do " amiss." Ecclus. vii. 36. 30. Tiie mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgement. 31. The lazo qf his God is in Ids heart ; none of his steps shall slide. The AA-ord Avhich is here, as in other places innu merable, translated " the righteous," is in the singu lar number, and might therefore be translated " the " Righteous One," or, " the Just One," for it is often designed to point him out to us, who is empha tically so styled; Avhose " mouth " always spake " Avisdom," in Avhose " heart was the law of God," and whose " steps" never declined to evil. Lord, put thy laws into our hearts, that out of the abun dance of the heart the mouth may speak; and as th§ mouth speaks, the hands may act, and the feet may- walk. 224 A COMMENTARY Psal. 37, 32. The zvicked zvatcheth the righteous, and seek eth to slay him. 33. The Lord will not leave him. in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. The Jews " Avatched " that " Just One," daily and hourly; they " sought to slay him," and did so; but " Jehovah left him not in their hands," but vindi cated his innocence, by raising him from the dead. And the day is coining, when he Avho hath stood tamely at the bar of men, and hath suffered for truth and righteousness, shall be advanced to a throne among the saints and martyrs, to assist at the trial of his once-insulting judges. 34. Wait on the Lord, and keep his zvay, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: zvhen the zvicked, are cut off, thou shalt see it. The apostle, writing to the HebreAv converts, under affliction and persecution, thus expresseth the sentiment contained in this verse. ' ' Cast not away " your confidence, which hath great recompense or " reAvard. For ye have need of patience, that after " ye have done the will of God, ye might receive " the promise. For yet a little while, and he that ' ' shall come, will come, and will not tarry." Heb. x. 35. 35. I have seen the zvicked in great pozver, and spreading himself like a green bay tree, or, a native tree, zvhich has grozvn from the seed zvithout trans plantation, in the same spot. 36. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he Avas not ; yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. The great Babylonian monarch had his own ex altation, and subsequent degradation, portrayed to Day 7. £. p. ON THE PSALMS. 225 him, in a vision, under this very image, which con- veyetli to the mind a most striking and affecting idea of the rise and fall of men and empires, Avhich have noAv no existence but in history. " I saAV, and be- " hold a tree in the midst of die earth; and the height " thereof was great. The tree grew, and Avas strong, " and the height thereof reached unto heaven, and " the sight thereof to the end of the earth. The " leaves thereof Avere fair, and the fruit thereof much, " and in it Avas meat for all : the beasts of the field " had shadow under it, and the foAvls of the heaven " dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh av&s fed of " it. I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed, '* and behold a watcher and an holy one came doAvn " from heaven. He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew " doAvn the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off " his leaves, and scatter his fruit; let the beasts get " away from under it, and the fowls from his " branches :" Dan. iv. 10, 11. &c. See the prophet's exposition, 20, 21. &c. and Avhat is said abOve, on ver. 10. of this Psalm. 37- Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end ofthoX man is peace. 38. But the trans gressors shall be destroyed together : the end of the zvicked shall be cut off. After taking a vieAv of those short-lived honours, which the Avorld setteth upon the heads of its most favoured votaries, let us turn our eyes to " the Per- " feet and Upright One;" let us behold the perma nent greatness and the unfading glory of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of vol, ii. Q 226 A COMMENTARY Psal. 38. God; whose leaves are for the healing of the nations, and whose fruit is the fruit of " peace." 39. But the salvation of the righteous is qf the Lord : he is their strength in the time qf trouble. 40. And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them; he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they put their trust in him. Of thee, O Lord Jesu, is our salvation : be thou our strength in this mortal life, which is a time of trouble; help us against our spiritual enemies, and deliver us from them; deliver us from the wicked one, and from all evil; and save us from the guilt and punishment thereof, because we put our trust in thee, and in thee alone. EIGHTH DAY.— -MORNING PRAYER. PSALM XXXVIII. ARGUMENT. In this Psalm, which is the third of those styled Pe nitential, the sinner, ver. 1. prayeth to be chastened only, and not destroyed; 2 — 10. describeth the state of his soul under various images,* chiefly borrowed from bodily diseases and pains; 11, 12. complaineth of his friends forsaking, and his ene mies persecuting him j but, 13—15, continueth pa tient and resigned, committing his cause to God, Avhom, 16 — 22. he beseecheth to help him, on his confession and repentance. As our Day 8. m.p. ON THE PSALMS. 227 Lord took upon him the guilt, and suffered the punishment of sin; as there are some passages in the latter part of the Psalm, literally predictive of his passion, and so understood by the best ancient expositors ; and as the sinner should be led by his own sorroAvs to reflect on those of his Redeemer; the meditations of the reader are, therefore, under each particular, directed by the ensuing comment into that channel. 1. O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath; neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure. The petition here preferred, as in the sixth Psalm, is, that Jehovah would not condemn as a judge, but chasten as a father, for the amendment and preser vation of die offender. The same prayer, Avhich we sinners make for ourselves, Christ, who bore our sins, once made for us. 2. For thine arrozvsMick fast in me, and thy hand presseth me sore. The " arrows," and the "hand" of God, are his judgements on sin; those internal pangs and terrors which pierce the soul, and those external afflictions and calamities which sink and Aveigh down the spirits. The holy Jesus, at the time of his passion, received these arrows, and sustained this Aveight, for the sins of the whole Avorld. 3. There is no soundness in my flesh, because of thine anger; neither is there any rest, or, peace, or, health, in my bones, because of my sin. The expressions in this verse are applicable to the Q 2 228 A COMMENTARY Psal. 38. disorders and diseases which sin hath introduced both into the soul and into the body, as the terms, "health," and "sickness," are in Scripture no less frequently employed to describe the state of the for mer, than that of the latter. If a single sinner thus complaineth of his grief and pain, what must have been the agony and passion of him Avho suffered for all, mercifully and lovingly submitted to be " made " sin for us?" 4. For mine iniquities are gone over my head: as an heavy burden they are too heavy for me. Sins and sorrows are here, as in many other places, represented under the image of mighty waters rolling incessantly over the head of the person sunk into them, and by their accumulated weight depressing him, so that he can no more rise above them. Let us meditate on that deep and tempestuous ocean, into which Ave Avere the means of plunging the inno cent Jesus. 5. My zvounds stink and are corrupt, through my foolishness. Sin is the Avound of the soul, Avhich must be Avashed with the tears of repentance, cleansed by the blood of Christ, and healed by the Spirit of the Holy One. It requires great care and attention, until the cure be completed. Othenvise, mortification and death ensue, as in the case of outward Avounds, if neglected, or ill managed. See Isa. i. 6. Luke x. 34. All the sores and pains of the body mystical are la mented by him Avho is the head of that body, and Avho felt the sad effects of these corruptions of our nature, in the day of his sufferings. Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 229 6. I am troubled, Heb. writhed, or, distorted, I am bozved dozvn greatly : I go mourning all the day long. As the body by pain, so the soul by guilt, is "distorted" from its original uprightness; it is "bowed doAA'n" to the earth, through shame and fear, being no longer able to look up towards hea ven, Avithits accustomed holy confidence ; and, instead of rejoicing in a good conscience, and the hope of glory, sorroAv is its portion, and grief its familiar acquaintance. And Avhat wonder, that we should be humbled and afflicted for our own sins, Avhen the Son of God was so humbled and afflicted for sins not his OAATl? 7- For my loins are filled zvith a loathsome disease, or, inflammation: and there is no soundness in my flesh. The " disease," or " inflammation," complained of, in these metaphorical terms, seems to be the dis- temperature of our fallen nature, Avhereby it cometh to pass, that " the flesh lusteth against the spirit;" it is that " other law in our members, warring against " the laAv in our minds, bringing us into captivity to " the law of sin," and forcing every son of Adam to cry out — " O wretched man that I am, Avho shall de- " liver me from this body of death?" Happy is it for us, that Ave are enabled to go on with the apostle, and to "thank God," that Ave are delivered, " through " Jesus Christ our Lord," on Avhom were laid the " iniquities of us all." 8. / am feeble and sore broken : I have roared by reason of the disquietness of my heart. 230 A COMMENTARY Psal. 38. The vigour of a man is broken in pieces, and wasted away, by pain and the disquietude from thence arising, which cause piercing cries, and loud lamentations. When sin in the soul is felt like sick ness in the body, it will produce effects in some degree similar. Let us reflect on the sufferings, the cries, and the tears of our Redeemer. 9- Lord, all my desire is before thee; and my groaning is not hid from thee. The " desires " and " groans " of the penitent are knoAvn to God, and marked down in his book; and there is no small comfort in thinking and acknow ledging that they are so; but much more comfort is there in the remembrance of those inconceivable " de ¦ " sires," and those unutterable " groanings," which the holy Jesus poured forth for us in the days of his flesh, and which prevail for the acceptance of our OAvn. 10. My heart panteth, my strength faileth me: as for the light qf mine eyes, it also is gone from me< In bodily sickness, there are three symptoms of approaching dissolution; and the soul is in great ex tremity, when the three corresponding symptoms ap pear upon her; namely, when she hath neither reso lution to will, poAver to perform, nor knoAvledge to discern the things that belong unto her health and peace. 1 1 . My lovers and my friends stand aloof from my sore, or, plague, or, affliction; and my kinsmen, or, my neighbours, stand afar off. A body afflicted with a noisome distemper, and a soul troubled on account of sin, find but feAv friends, Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 231 who have charity enough to stay with, and to minister to them. Let us not be surprised, or offended at this, when Ave see the righteous Jesus, at his passion, destitute and forsaken by all; as it is written, " Then " all the disciples forsook him, and fled:" Matt. xxvi. 56. ; " and all his acquaintance, and the women that " followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, beholding " these things." Luke, xxiii. 49. 12. They also that seek after my life, lay snares for me: and they that seek my hurt, speak mis chievous things, and imagine deceits all the day long. 13. But I, as a deaf man, heard not; and I was as a dumb man, that openeth not his mouth. 14. Thus I zvas as a man that heareth not, and in zvhose mouth are no reproofs, or, altercations. These verses describe and recommend to our imita tion the behaviour of David, and of a greater than David, when under persecution; the former from Absalom, Ahithophel, Shimei, &c. the latter from the chief priests and elders, Judas, and the Jews. 15. For in thee, O Lord, do I hope, or, thee do I zvait for: thou wilt hear, or, anszver, O Lord my God. This verse assigns the reason why the ill usage which Ave receive at the hands of men, should be borne with patience and resignation; namely, be cause, as it is not without the permission, so neither will it be without the notice of the Almighty, Avho will one day take the matter into his OAvn hands. Christ, saith St. Peter, " Avho did no sin, neither was " guile found in his mouth, yet when he Avas reviled, " reviled not again ; when he suffered, he threatened 232 A COMMENTARY Psal. 38. "not; but committed himself to him that judgeth " righteously." 1 Pet. ii. 21. 16. For I said, Hear me, lest otherwise they should rejoice over me: zvhen my foot slippeth, they magnify themselves against me. As the glory of God may be said, in some mea sure, to depend on the behaviour and fate of his ser vants; on that account, besides the stings of con science, temporal punishments, and the danger of eternal torments, good men should ever have before their eyes the dishonour Avhich is brought on the name of God, and the stop which is put to the progress of his Gospel, by the fall of any eminently righteous and holy person into sin. 17- For /am ready to halt, and my sorrow is con* tinually before me. 1 8. For I will declare mine ini quity : I zvill be sorry for my sin. The surest way to have our Aveakness strengthened, and our sin forgiven, is to acknowledge and confess both ; and this we need not be ashamed to do, Avhen we consider, that he,. Avho is the Lord strong and mighty, took our infirmities ; and the King of righ teousness bare our sins, in his own body, on the tree. 19- Rut mine enemies are lively, and they, are strong, and they that hate me zvrong fully are multi plied. 20. They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follozv the thing that good is. These words, joined with the preceding, are ap plicable to the distress of David, and the prosperity of his adversaries; to the sufferings of Christ, and the triumph of the Jews; to the afflictions of the Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 233 church, and the gaiety of the Avorld ; to the Aveak- ness of faith, and the strength of nature. The resuft of all is this, that salvation cometh of God only, and is to be implored in the following Avords, Avhich con clude the Psalm. 21. Forsake me not, OLord; O my God, be not far from me. 22. Make haste to help me, O Lord God qf my salvation. PSALM XXXIX. ARGUMENT. The prophet, in a state of distress and persecution, determineth, 1 — 3. to be watchful and silent, as our blessed Lord also Avas, before his enemies. 4. He prayeth for a due sense of the shortness of human life; and after meditating, 5, 6. on that subject, fixeth all his faith and hope in God, 7- whom he entreateth, but Avith submission to his will, 8 — 10. for the remission of sin, and allevia tion of misery. 1 1 . From a view of the human body wearing aAvay by sickness, he breaketh out 12, 13. into a most fervent and affectionate prayer, Avhich ought to be continually in the mouth of the Christian, upon earth. — This Psahn is, with the utmost propriety, appointed byk the church to be used at the burial of the dead, as a funeral is indeed the best comment upon it. 234 A COMMENTARY Psal. 33. 1 . / said, I zvill take heed to my ways, thai I sin not zvith my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, zehile the wicked is before me. The Psalm begins abruptly Avith the result of a meditation on the narrow^, slippery, and dangerous paths of life ; and more especially on the extreme difficulty of restraining the tongue, amidst the con tinual temptations and provocations of the adversary. In these circumstances, " watchfulness " and " si- " lence " are resolved on, as the only means of secu rity. Let us behold the Lamh of God, as our great pattern and example herein. 2. / zvas dumb zvith silence, I held my peace even from good, and my sorrozv zvas stirred. There is a time to keep silence, because there are men Avho will not hear ; there are tempers, savage and sensual, as those of SAvine, before Avhom evange lical pearls,, or the treasures of heavenly wisdom, are not to be cast. This consideration stirreth up fresh grief and trouble, in a pious and charitable heart. Hoav much more must it have done so, in the soul of him who lived and died only for the salvation of sinners! 3. My heart was hot zvithin me, zvhile I was musing the fire burned: then spake I with my tongue. The fire of divine Charity, thus prevented from diffusing itself, for the illumination and Avarmth of those around it, and, like other fire, rendered more intense by its confinement, presently ascended, in the flame of devotion, towards heaven; Avhile it conti nued to be fed, and preserved in brightness and vi- Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 235 gour, by meditation on the goodness of God, and the ingratitude of man; the transient miseries of time, and the durable glories of eternity. 4. Lord, make me to knozv mine end, and the mea sure qf my days zvkat it is : that / may know how frail I am. Wearied with the contradiction of sinners, and sickening at the prospect of so much Avretchedness in the valley of weeping, the soul looks forward to her departure from hence, praying for such a sense of the shortness of human life, as may enable her to bear the sorroAvs of this Avorld, and excite her to prepare for the joys of a better. " O faithless and " perverse generation," saith even the meek and pa tient Jesus himself, " how long shall I be Avith you, " how long shall I suffer you?" Matt. xvii. 17- 5. Behold, thou hast made my days as an hand breadth, and mine age is as nothing before thee: verily every man at his best, Heb. settled estate, is altogether vanity. The age of man, or that of the Avorld, is but a " span " in dimension, a moment in duration; nay, it is less than both; it is " nothing," if compared with the unmeasurable extent, and the unnumbered days, of eternity : every hour, from that of our birth, brings us so much nearer to our death : nor can we continue, for a second of time, in one stay. " Behold," then, O Lord, the " vanity " of man ; and be so merciful unto him, as to open his eyes, that he may behold it himself! 6. Surely, every man zvalketh in a vain show, or, in a shadozvy image: surely they are disquieted in 236 A COMMENTARY Psal. 39. vain: he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not zvho shall gather them. This Avorld is, to the other, as a " shadow " to the substance; nay, temporal life, health, riches, ho nours, and pleasures, can hardly be called shadoAvs of those which are eternal, in' point of resemblance ; though, for their illusive and fleeting nature, they are shadows indeed. " The mortal state of man is " compounded of light and darkness; seeming to be " something, when really it is nothing; always alter- " ing, and ending on a sudden; nearest to disappear- " ing, Avhen at full length; sure to continue no longer " than Avhile the sun is above the horizon; but liable " to vanish, at the interposition of a cloud; and " Avhen it is gone, leaving no track behind it." The fate of riches, heaped up by misers, with unutterable care and anxiety, may convince us, how "vainly" men are "disquieted!" 7- And note, Lord, what zvait I for? My hope is in thee. The soul, that hath a true sense of the vanity of the creature, will at ohce fix her thoughts and affec tions on the Creator. A celebrated writer, describ ing a man of the world on his death-bed, hath ex pressed this sentiment with wonderful sublimity and elegance — " Whoever would know, how much piety " and virtue surpass all external goods, might here " have seen them Aveighed against each other, where , " all that gives motion to the active, and elevation "to the eminent ; all that sparkles in the eye of hope, " and pants in the bosom of suspicion, at once be- " came dust in the balance, without av eight, and Day 8. M. p. ON THE PSALMS. 237 " Avithout regard. Riches, authority, and praise, lose " all their influence, when they are considered as " riches, Avhich to-morroAv shall be bestoAved upon " another; authority, which shall this night expire " for ever; and praise, which, hoAvever merited, or " however sincere, shall, after a few moments, be " heard no more*." 8. Deliver me from all my transgressions ; make. me not the reproach of the foolish. Affliction hath then had its proper effect, when the sufferer is thereby convinced of sin, and there fore prayeth for a removal of the latter, as the only way to be delivered from the former. The " re- ', ' ' proaches " of the foolish make no inconsiderable article in the account of a Christian's sufferings; and our Lord frequently complaineth of them, in the- Psalms, as one of the bitter ingredients in his oavii cup. 9. I zvas dumb, I opened not my mouth; because thou didst it. Whatever materials compose the rod of affliction, and from whatsoever quarter the stroke cometh, let us remember, that the rod is grasped, and the stroke is inflicted by the hand of our heavenly Father. To revenge ourselves on the instrument, is folly ; to mur mur against the agent, is something Avorse. 10. Remove thy stroke azvay from me: I am con sumed by the blozv of thy hand. The Christian, who knoAvs from Avhence his trou bles proceed, knows vvhere to apply for relief; and * Rambler, Vol. II. No. 54, 238 A COMMENTARY Psal. 39. having first " petitioned " for remission of sin, ver. 8. he then humbly supplicates for a mitigation of his sorrow. " Father," saith the beloved Son of God, " if thou be willing remove this cup from me." Luke, xxii. 42. 11. When thou zvith rebukes dost correct man for iniquity, thou makest his beauty, or, all that is de lightful, or, desirable in him, to consume away like a moth : surely every man is vanity, The body of a man is as a " garment " to the soul : in this garment sin hath lodged a " moth," which, by degrees, fretteth and weareth away, first, the beauty, then the strength, and, finally, the contex ture of its parts. Whoever has watched the pro gress of a consumption, or any other lingering dis temper, nay, the sIoav and silent devastations of time alone, in the human frame, will need no farther il lustration of this just and affecting similitude ; but will discern at once, the propriety of the reflection, which folio avs upon it: — " Surely every man is " vanity!" 12. Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry: hold not thy peace at my tears ; for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fa thers were. Meditation should terminate in devotion ; and me ditation on human vanity and misery, if indulged as it deserves to be, certainly will do so - it will bring us to our " prayers," our " cries," and our " tears;" and teach us to address the throne of grace, as poor pilgrims in a strange land, Avho have here no abiding city, but are soon to strike our tents, and be gone Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. 23» for ever. Such was David, though king of Israel ; and such was the Son of David, in the body of his flesh, though Lord of all things : both Avere " stran- " gers and sojourners, as all their fathers," Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, were before them, and as all their children have been, and shall be after them, upon the earth. 13. O spare me, tkat I may recover strength, be fore I go hence, and be no more. Most fervently and affectionately, therefore, ought the Christian pilgrim to pray, that God would spare his life and respite the fatal sentence, until all that hath been decayed, through the frailty of nature, be renewed by the powrer of grace ; that his perfect re conciliation Avith the Almighty may be accomplished, and his plenary pardon sealed in heaven, before he taketh his last farewel of the world, and ceaseth to have an existence in these regions of vanity and sorrow. PSALM XL. ARGUMENT. It is plain, from ver. 6 — 8. of this Psalm, compared with Heb. x. 5. that the prophet is speaking in the person of Christ, Avho, 1 — 5. celebrateth the de liverance wrought for his mystical body, the church, by his resurrection from the grave, effect ing that of his members from the guilt and domi nion of sin ; for the abolition of which he declar- 240 A COMMENTARY Psal. 40. eth, 6 — 8. the inefhcacy of the legal sacrifices, and mentioneth his OAvn inclination to do the will of his Father, and, 9, 10. to preach righteousness to the world. 11 — 13. He representeth himself as pray ing, while under his sufferings, for his own, and his people's salvation; he foretelleth, 14, 15. the confusion and desolation of his enemies, and, 16. the joy and thankfulness of his disciples and servants ; for the speedy accomplishment of which, 17. he preferreth a petition. I. Izeaited patiently for the Lord, and he inclin ed unto me, and heard my cry. In this verse we hear the voice of the meek Lamb of God, who, though never sorrow was like unto his sorroAv, " waited patiently," till the time ap pointed by the Father came, when that sorrow should be turned into joy. Let not his disciples expect to " inherit the promises," otherwise than " through " faith and patience." Four thousand yews, the church, under the patriarchs, the law, and the pro phets, waited for the first advent of Messiah ; and, seventeen hundred years, the church, under the Gos pel, hath waited for the second. Jehovah, who in- ; elined himself to the prayers of the former, will also hear the cries of the latter. 2. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, Heb. a pit of confused tumultuous noise, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and establish ed my goings. ' The sufferings from Avhich our Redeemer was Days. m.p. O'N THE PSALMS. 241 delivered, are here described under the image of a dark subterraneous cavern, from which there was no emerging, and where roaring cataracts of water broke in upon him, overwhelming him on every side; till, as it is expressed in the xviiith Psalm, " God sent " from above, and took him, and drew him out of " many waters." Let us celebrate, the deliverance of Christ, as a pledge and earnest of our OAvn rescue from the troubles and temptations of life ; from tlie power of death and the grave ; from the " horrible " pit, and the miry clay;" when we shall be exalted on " the rock " of our salvation, and our " goings " shall be " established " for ever. 3. And he hath put a nezo song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Every neAV deliverance requires " a new song," Christians sing their wonderful redemption, from sin and death, in these holy hymns, Avhich God, by his Spirit, hath put into their mouths, and which, by their application to matters evangelical, are become " neAv" songs, setting forth the praise and glory of God, through Jesus Christ. x\nd who can hear the church, singing the victory and triumph of her mighty and merciful Saviour, without being incited to " fear," and " to believe?" 4. Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. He who is sensible how much God hath done, and how little the world can do for him, will earnestly and heartily pronounce the blessedness of the man, vol. n. R 242 A COMMENTARY Psal. 40. who relies upon the real poAver and goodness of the ,former, instead of suffering himself to be deceived by the empty parade, and fallacious promises, of the latter. 5. Many, O Lord my God, are thy zvonderful zvorks which thou hast done, and thy thoughts Avhich are to us-zvard: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered. The counsels and works of the ever-blessed Tri nity, planned and executed for the benefit of man, in his creation and preservation, liis redemption and sanctification, in order to his resurrection and glori fication, through Christ, already risen and glorified, are subjects which can never be exhausted, by the intellectual poAvers of men or angels; but will, to both, afford matter of incessant meditation, and end less praise. Yet, how little do we meditate on them; how seldom, and how coldly, do Ave praise God for them ! 6. Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire, mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required. 7. Then said I, Lo, I come : in the volume of the book it is written of me, 8. I delight to do thy zvill, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. , These Avords, as the apostle informeth us, Heb. x. 5. are spoken by Christ, in his own person. In them he proclaims the ineflicacy of the legal sacrifices to take away ski, and the divine disapprobation of such sacrifices, when relied on for that purpose. He sets forth his own readiness to do, and to suffer, Day 8. m. p. ON THE PSALMS. • 243 the will of the Father, implied in the Psalm, by the Avords — " mine ears hast thou opened;" but more plainly expressed in the apostle's citation, by the paraphrase, " a body hast thou prepared me*." He * For the expression, " Mine ears hast thou opened," seems equivalent to — " Thou hast made me obedient." Thus, Isa. 1. 5. " The Lord God hath Opened mine ears, and I was not rebellious, " neither turned away back. I gave my back to the smiters," &c. The LXX, perhaps, meant to interpret this symbolical ex pression, when they rendered it by trtuwa. KSLtr^Titrw jxct, " Thou " hast prepared," or, " fitted my body," that is, to be " obedi- " ent," and to " do thy will." See Dr. Jackson, vol. ii. p. 8S2. This seems to be the best sense of the present reading, and is well expressed by Mr. Merrick, in his poetical version : Nor sacrifice thy love can win, Nor offerings from the stain of sin Obnoxious man shall clear : Thy hand my mortal frame prepares (Thy hand, whose signature it bears), And opes my willing ear. Mr. Pierce of Exeter proposed a conjectural alteration of the word CJ'llN, " ears," rrfto the two words, nu [N, " then a b6dy," &c. in which case, a learned friend suggests, n'"0, must likewise be altered to rt'^3, " hast thou prepared, or finished." Bishop Lowth wishes to adopt Mr. Pierce's emendation, in order to ren der the original conformable to St. Paul's citation from the LXX. And I must confess, if the apostle's argument turned on the word