\ \ '^ \ v\\/;^ = \ \ \ \ \ \'A \ \ \ \ VVf ¦s. ^ n-\aM| AA,\A ',A S: w, ^^^^M^M^^ -X () r). THE WORKS on THOMAS SECKER, LL.D. LATE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, REVIEW OF HIS LIFE AND CHARACTER, BY BEILBY PORTEUS, D.D. LATE LORD BISHOP OF LONDON. A NEW EDITION, IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. III. LONDON : PRINTED FOR C. AND J. RIVINGTON ; J. NUNN ; lONGMAN AND CO. ; T. CADELL ; J. RICHARDSON ; HATCHARD AND SON ; BAYNES AND SON ; BALDWIN AND CO. ; HARDING AND CO. ; HAMILTON AND CO. ; J. DUNCAN ; G, B. -WHITTAKER ; G. MACKIE ; AND R. SAUNDERS. 1825. LONDON : PRINTED By R. GILBERT, ST. JOIIN'3 SQUARE. 12ZS V. 3 CONTENTS OP VOLUME III. SERMONS I. & II. MATTH. XXVIII. 19, 20. P^GG Go ye therefore, and teach all rtations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. ,• • 1,14 SERMONS III. IV. & V. EPHESIANS IV. 26. Be ye angry, and sin not 29, 43, 5? SERMON VL [Preached on Innocents-Day.] MATTH. II. 16. Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth ; and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under ; according to the time, which he had diligently enquired of the wise men 74 SERMONS VII. & VIII. PROV. XII. 22. Lying lips are abomination to the Lord : but they, that deal truly, are Ms delight • • 91, 106 A 2 iv CONTENTS. SERMON IX. ON PATIENCE. LUKE XXI. 19. In your patience possess ye your souls SERMON X. ON CONTENTMENT. PHIL. IV. 1 1 . / have learned, in whatsoever stale I am, therewith to be content PAGE 122 139 SERMON XI. ON RESIGNATION. PSALM XXXIX. 10. / became dumb, and opened not my mouth :for it was thy doing' • 155 SERMON XII. ON GIVING THANKS FOR ALL THINGS. EPH. V. 20. Give thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jestis Christ 173 SERMON XIII. [Preached at St. James's Church, June 25, 1738, being the first Sunday that the Prince and Princess of Wales came to Church after the Birth of the late King, j PSALM cxxvni. 5, 0. The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion, and thou shall see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. Yea, thou shalt see thy children's children, and peace upon Israel 1 88 SERMON XIV. [Preached upon Ash- Wednesday. J -MATTH. VI. 16. Moreover, when ye fast, be not as the Hypocrites 200 CONTENTS. V SERMON XV. PROV. XXII. 1. PAGE A good name is rather to be chosen, than great riches 217 SERMONS XVI. & XVII. [Preached on N^w- Year's Day, and the following Sunday.] GAL. VI. 15. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcisioti, but a new creature 232, 250 SERMON XVIII. [Preached on St, Stephen's-Day.] ACTS VII. 59, 60. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying. Lord Jesus receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, andcried with a loud voice. Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. Andwhen he had said this, he fell asleep. 268 FIVE SERMONS ON SCRIPTURE. SERMON XIX. ON THE DIVINE INSPIRATION OF SCRIPTURE. 2 TIM. III. 16, 17. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God: and is prof table for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righte ousness : that the man of God may be perfect, throughly fur nished unto all good works ; 286 SERMONS XX. & XXI. ON THE USEFULNESS OF SCRIPTURE. The same text 305, 324 SERMON XXII. ON THE DUTY OF READING IT. The same text ^^-^ vi CONTENTS. SERMON XXIII. DIRECTIONS FOR READING IT PROFITABLY. PAQE 36i The same text SERMON XXIV. ON THE LAWFULNESS AND EXPEDIENCY OF FORMS OF PRAYER. 1 COB. XIV. 15. — / wdl pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the under standing also : I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also SERMONS XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XXVIII. & XXIX. AN EXPLANATION AND DEFENCE OF THE LITURGY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Thesametext 395,412,430,447,463 FIVE SERMONS AGAINST POPERY. SERMON XXX. SCRIPTURE SHEWN TO BE THE RULE OF CHRISTIAN FAITH AND PRACTICE. THE INFALLIBILITY OF TJIE CHURCH AND TRADITION EXPLODED. 1 PET. V. 12. — Exhorting and testifying that this is the true grace of God wherein ye stand • 482 SERMON XXXI. AGAINST PRAYERS TO ANGELS, SAINTS AND THE VIRGIN MARY, IMAGE-WORSHIP, AND TRANSUBSTANTIATION. The same text 501 SERMON XXXII. AGAINST COMMUNICATING IN ONE KIND ONLY, THE SA CRIFICE OF THE MASS, AURICULAR CONFESSION, PRIVATE ABSOLUTION, PURGATORY AND INDULGENCES. Tht same text • i . . 518 13 CONTENTS. Vll SERMON XXXIII. AGAINST EXTREME UNCTION, PRAYERS IN AN UNKNOWN TONGUE, PROHIBITION OF THE SCRIPTURES, EQUALLING APOCRYPHAL BOOKS WITH CANONICAL, UNWARRANTABLE NUMBER OF SACRAMENTS, &C. PAGE The same text 536 SERMON XXXIV. GENERAL PLEAS OF THE ROMANISTS CONFUTED, AND RULES OF CONDUCT TOWARDS THEM GIVEN. The same text 552 SERMON I. MATT. XXVIII. 19j 20. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, hapiiziyig them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even imto tlie end of the world. Amen. These words contain that great commission and charter, granted by our Saviour to his Apostles and their successors, by virtue of which we and all man kind have been called to the knowledge and practice of true religion, inforced by the motives of eternal felicity or misery. As it had been chiefly in Galilee, that he instructed his disciples before his death : so he appointed them to retire thither after lijs resur rection, that he might add to his instructions what ever then became proper ; and more fully acquaint them with such things, as pertained to the kingdom of God *. There our Evangelists informs us, he ap peared to them on a mountain : perhaps the same, on which he had begun to open the doctrine of Christianity, in that noble discourse, which we have in the fifth and following chapters of this gospel: and given them a specimen of his and their future * Acts i. 3. VOL. III. B 2 SERMON I. glory, at his transfiguration *. Wlien they saw him., the generality immediately worshipped him : hut some, we are told with the usual fairness of the sacred writers, douhted^. Whether these were only persons, who accompanied the Apostles, and had not yet seen him since he rose again : or whether some of the Apostles, themselves, who might not with certainty know him at a distance, is not clear. But the doubts of either could not but vanish when Jesus came up to them, as St. Matthew assures us he did, for so the original word signifies %, and conversed familiarly with them. Many such conversations he held with these his followers : for St. Luke in their Acts in forms us, that they continued forty days \. But the substance of them all must be, what the text ex presses : where, in consequence of that fulness of power, which he tells them, in the foregoing words, was given him over all things in heaven and in earth ; as the Father had sent him, he sends them ||, to maJee disciples, for that is the more accurate rendering ^, not of the Jews alone, but of all nations. And that they may do it rightly and effectually, he distinctly sets forth, L Thp doctrines, they were to teach. IL The duties they were to enjoin. in. The protection and happiness, of which they might assure, both themselves, and all those, who faithfully preached his gospel, and who sincerely em braced it. * Grot, in Loc. saith, There is ancient tradition for the last. See Rexland Falsest, p. 334, &c. t V. 17. X ^poo•£^6«,;», V. 18, § Acts i. 3. |1 John xx. 21. ^ Mafi«Teti» is not used in the Septuagint : nor MaG^jT,)?. In the New Testament it is found thrice, besides the text : and signifies to make Disciples, Acts xiv. 21. to be a Disciple, Matth. xxvii. 57. and in the passive voice may signify, to be made a Disciple, Matth. xiii. 52. It signifies also in Plutarch, to be a Disciple. See Steph. in Voc. SERMON I. S I. The doctrines, they were to teach. These are briefly, but sufficiently, comprehended in the direction of baptizing men in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost : for the better un derstanding of which phrase, it will be proper to ex plain, I. What is meant by being baptized in the name of any one, and particularly of these three. 2. What is the faith in these three, which our bap tism requires us to profess. 1. For the completer apprehension of the former of these points, it will be useful to observe, that in our Saviour's days, it had been an ancient custom amongst the Jews, when any Gentile forsook iddatry, and be lieved the law of Moses, to receive him into their religion, amongst other ceremonies, by baptism : as indeed they had themselves been prepared for the re ception of that law, by a solemn and religious wash-- ing, as we read Exod. xix. Nay even the Heathens made use of purifications by water, when they initia ted, or entered, any one into the mysteries of their Deities. And this rite being not only thus univer sally used, but also naturaEy expressive of those two things, which, on professing Christianity, chiefly wanted to be expressed : a promise on our part, care fully to preserve ourselves pure, from the defilement of sin, thi'ough the assistance of the Holy Spirit : and a promise on God's part, graciously to consider us, as pure from the guilt of it, through the merits of his Son: therefore our blessed Lord condescended to make this the form of entering into his religion also. But at the same time he thoroughly distinguished the Christian baptism, both from that of the Heathens, who were baptized into superstitions and idolatrous follies ; and from that of the Jewish Proselytes, who b2 4 SERMON I. were baptized, as the Apostle expresses it, mto Moses*, by directing, that his followers should oe baptised in the name of the Father, and of the bon, ana of the Holy Ghost. . In the language of Scripture, doing any thing in the name of God, signifies doing it by virtue ol his authority. Thus our Saviour saith to the Jews, lam come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not : If another shall come in his ovon name, him ye will re ceive^. In this sense baptism is administered in the name of the Holy Trinity, being a divine appoint ment, with a distinct reference to each of the three persons. And in this sense the. phrase appears to have been used by St. Peter, when he commanded the family of Cornelius to be bapti%ed in the name of the Iiord\ : that is, by virtue of his commission to bap tize all nations. Till that day, the Apostles had un derstood this only concerning Jews and Proselytes of all nations. But now, St. Peter being sent by ex press revelation to Cornelius, a Gentile; and perceiv ing, in the midst of his discourse to him and his friends, that, on their believing, the Holy Ghost was fallen upon them \, Gentiles as they were : after some astonishment, he argues very justly. Can any manfor- bid water, that these should not he baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost, as well as we ? and he commanded them to he baptized in the name of the Lord II : that is in pursuance of our Saviour's gene ral directions. But though the expression in the text undoubtedly imphes this meaning, yet it comprehends a further one. For the phrase translated in tlie name, is diffe rent from that in the passage relating to St. Peter, and signifies in strictness, into the name of the Father, ' I Cor. X. 2. t John v. 43. % Acts x. 48. ^ Acts V. 44. II Acts V. 47, 48. SERMON I. 5 Son, and Holy Ghost: which word, into, the New Testament uses nine times besides *, in speaking of baptism, whereas it uses a word signifying, in, at most but once besides f. The particular import of this term, I shall now explain to you. It hath ever been usual, that the believers or pro fessors of any doctrine should be called by a name, derived from the first or chief teacher of that doc trine. And by whatever form or ceremony they de clared themselves his Disciples, by the same they were understood to take upon them his name. Thus the Jews, when, taking Moses for their prophet and guide, they followed him into the midst of the Red Sea, are said by St. Paul, in allusion to the water through which they passed, to have heerx , baptized into Moses X'. which is equivalent to saying, that they • Acts viii. 16. xix. 3. 5. Rom. vi. 3. 1 Cor. i. 13. 15. x. 2. xii. 13. Gal. iii. 27. t Acts ii. 38. ; where the preposition is iirt. Now, ew* t« ono/iaTs appears to signify the same thing as n t« ovo^aTt. INlatth. xxiv. 5. Mark ix. 39. xiii. 6. Luke ix. 49. xxi. 8. Acts iv. 18. v. 28. 40- Eb-j tw otoi^art signifies alsoybr the sake of, or from regard to ; Matth. xviii. 5. Mark ix. 37. Luke ix. 48. ; and so doth ei? to oi/o^a, Matth. X. 41, 42; as doth UV7. Thus the Samaritans circumcised their children D''.l''"1J IH CW/ into the name of Mount Gerizim. Avoda Sara, fol. 27.1. in Schoetg. Hor. Heb. in Matth. xxviii. 20; i. e. devoted him to the worship there instituted; of which Schwarzius, in his Exercitationes in Pent. Sam. Witemb. 1756, p. 51, saith the ex planation is (as he cites it from the Talmudical book. yO^Tl DDVfH Edzardi Ed. Hamb. 1710, p. 42.) that they circumcised them Ql^'^ muy n"? inmn D''?n3 "in UfH12 /IIDT in, or into, the name of the image on the top of Mount Gerizim, which image they worship, and circumcise their children Ht HiVn Oifb in, or into, the name of this dove. The only places where the phrase et; to ow^a occurs be sides, are John i. 12. ii. 23. iii. 18. 1 John v, 13 ; where the phrase is ¦jr.