Q^. DlC-ov^ THE BOOK OF "PSALMS AND HOW TO, USE IT. A SERMON, PREACHED. IN ORANGE, M% JERSEY/OCTOBER 21, 1866. BY GEORGE B. BACON, IX PASTOK OF THE OKANGE VALLEY CHUECH. NEW YORK: JOHN F. TROW & CO., PRINTERS, 50 GREENE STREET. ' 18S1. » [This sermon was written with no thought of any use for it beyond the church in which it was preached and the immediate purpose for which it was designed. What that purpose was, sufficiently appears in the.ser- mon itself. But because it has been thought that it could be of wider and more permanent value, the writer has consented that it should be pub lished. He will heartily rejoice if it shall serve to commend to any the responsive use of the book of Psalms in their households, Sunday-tchools, or Churches. He is aware that the argument for this use of them, as it is herein set forth, is incomplete. It does not claim to be complete. For example, it does not inBist upon,, but rather takes for granted, the neces sity of vocal expression in worship, — a necessity which, it is conceded, is not sufficiently met in our rion-liturgical churches, to one of which this sermon was especially addressed. It is believed that there are many such churches that feel the importance of supplying this want, and are pre pared to welcome any movement which tends to give a freer and fuller use to scriptural forms of worship. Even where such a movement is not practicable in the church, it may he in the Sunday-school ; and if not in the Sunday-school, at least it may be in the Christian family.] THE BOOK OE, P'SALMS AND HOW" TO IT SE IT.--; "l?or it is written in the book of Psalms," — Acjs i., 20. ; This is one of several passages in the New Testament which prove that the scriptures--, of the Old" Testament, essentially in the form in ^hich we have them now, were known and used and valued by the Christian church from its very beginning. Already". they were arranged in books, and in the general; order in which we arrange them still Our Lord spoke of them by the three grand divi sions which w&recegnizeHo-day. fii«st,:the Law of Moses; second.^ "the Prophets, including certain historical works connected with the prophecies' ; and third, the Psalms, including certain other miscellaneous poetic works. In deed the argument for the authoritative character of the Old Testament scriptures rests , largely on the fact that the canon of them was then complete, and was recognized, quoted, and sanctioned by the Lc*rd, Jesus, -and by his Apostles in the scriptures of the ISef,. . Especially the book of Psalms "has received this Chris tian sanction, arid has1 been, from the beginning^' of the church, distinguished from the others by a more constant and universal use. The pas'sage* from which our text'is taken describes the first reeorded-, meeting of our Lord's believing followers, after his ascension* And at this meeting, we, find the Apostle Peter emphasizing the ad vice which" he is giving to Ms brethren, by the quotation of a precedent which, he reminds them, " is written in the book of Psalms." Such a reference would at once carry back the minds of his hearers to the golden age of the Jewish church — the age of David, glorious both as king and poet, fighter and singer too. And, to this very hour, there is a sanctity and dignity which we cannot easily express, attaching to the worship of the Christian church, when it employs the venerable words which it finds " written in the book of Psalms." Concerning this book of Psalms I wish to preach this morning. And in order that what I say may be the better understood, I have requested that printed copies of the book may be dis tributed throughout the church, to which I shall present ly ask you to refer. , ' First, however, I wish to consider what that charac teristic of this bo Published by Mason Brothers, 596 Broadway, New York. .*- STYLES AND PRICES. The Sabbath Hymn Book. 4 Shall Quarto Edition, Brevier type (being as large as ijhat used in the 18mo edition of " "Watts' and Select"), double columns, 336 pages, with Index of First Lines of Hymns, and Index of Authors, printed on super fine paper. 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The arrangement! is generally such that, at each ^ ' opening, two or more tunes are presented, thus affording a choice ; con- , taming also a considerable number of chants and short anthems. Sixteenmo Edition, Brevier type, corresponding with the large edition page for page, except that the topical index is omitted. Cloth, extra, marbled edges j,*:......... 1.38 Morocco " " " ., 1.88 The same, gilt edges •'• 2-50 Octavo Edition, with large plain type. 512 pages, including a full topical index. ** Cloth, extra 2-25 Morocco 3*00 Morocco, gilt edges 3.50 Turkey Morocco, extra, gilt edges, in variqns patterns 7.00 to 10-00 '* ' „ • & The New Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book, with popular tunes ; with the same arrangement of Hymns, and the same indexes, but with differ- Published by HEason Brothers, 596 Broadway, New York. ent tunes. In place ofthe Anthems in the other edition are a number of popular tunes. * Sixteenmo Edition, Brevier type, corresponding with the large edition page for page, 'except that the topical index is omitted. Cloth, extra... | $1.38 Morocco .'* 1.88 Morocco, gilt edges 2.50 Octavo Edition, with large, plain type, including a full topical index. Cloth, extra..'..*.; 2.25 Morocco 3.00 Morocco, gilt * 3 . 50 Turkey Morocco, in various patterns 7.00 to 10.00 WaylancPs Editions. %.* Editions ofthe above, prepared Jbr the use of Baptist Churches, by Bev. Dr. "Wayland, are also published. Parties desiring these should order " Wayland's Editions." T%e Sabbath Tune Book; containing the tunes in The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book. Flexible Embossed Cloth ,.:- 0.75 The Sabbath- School Hymn arid Tune Book. 96 pages. Containing 220 hymns, set to appropriate melodies. Selected from The Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book. Thin covers # 0.15 Stiff covers j 0.20 Full cloth 0.35 0305