W]yl Ism" B^b34- %0 iLniais^isy 1929 lancasbire $artsij fUnjsto £tomig. W$t Registers OF THE ^p arislj (Kljraxlj uf Croaton. lantasbn* Pariah fUgtater $ao*tg. PATRONS :- The Right Rev. THE LORD BISHOP OF MANCHESTER The Right Rev. THE LORD BISHOP OF LIVERPOOL '-Wr T- V TV V TTTTT rTTTTTTl GOUNCIL:- Lieut.-Col. Fishwiok, F.S.A., The Heights, Rochdale (President) James Clayton, Radcliffe Henky Brierley, B.A., Mab's Cross, Wigan [Hon. Secretary) William Farrer, Over Kellet, Carnforth Col. Parker, Browsholme Hall, Clitheroe Arthur Smith, B.A., LL.B., Wigan Rev. Canon Stanning, M.A., Leigh Vicarage, Lancashire Charles W. Sutton, M.A., Manchester Free Library W. Asheton Tonge, Staneclyfte, Disley J. R. Faithwaite, Williams Deacon's Bank, Limited, Manchester (Hon. Treasurer) ®lje Registers OF THE f)artalj Cljmxlj oi €xo%tim in the (tantij of latuaster. Part II. burials 1690-irar. Transcribed and Edited by HENRY FISHWICK, F.S.A. The Index by AMY WILSON, Wigan. Printed for the Lancashire Parish Register Society, by Strowger & Son, at the Clarence Press. 1904. NOTE. All the matter printed in this volume is derived from the Transcripts discovered in the Diocesan Registry at Chester. The Index at the end of this volume forms an Index not only to the matter contained in it, but also to the matter printed in Croston, Part I. (Vol. 6 of the Society's issue), and it will be noted that the paging of this volume is a continuation of the paging of Part I. (Vol. 6 of the Society's issue.) ®able of Contents. PAGES. Weddings . . . 1690—1727 . . 358—387 Burials . . . 1690—1727 . . 388—463 Indexes : Christian and Surnames . . . 464—567 Place Names 568—573 Trades, &c 574—576 Errata 577 Bb33.3fJ Z0 1690-1692 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 358 ^ebbixx^B. 17 20 Aprill May 31 20 22 Julyybr 8 8br 26 Jan: Croston 16 90 Howcrofte Hesketh Margret Mathew both of Rufforde 3 June Richard Faziker of Tarleton Elizabeath Blundell of the North Meales . . 17 Nov: 1691 Edward Parke Eliz: Rymer of Bretherton. . Tho: Lee Jenet Waterworth Vlmes Walton. Jam: Eastham of Croston Lucia Walmesley of ye pish of Leyland Witt Nailor EUiz: Howard of Tarlton Edw: Hunt of Hoole EUiz: Boond of Becosall Witt Mason Margrett Lighborne of Rufforh [sic] Tho: Osborne Margret Gill of Rufforh [sic] Mr Edward Haskene of Haskeine M^ Julia Mawd [sley] of Mawdsley with Ucense 9 Feb: 1692 Henery Wilson Katherin Bomber both of Bretherton . . . . . . . . 13 June Robert Maudesley of Rufforde Margery Blackhurst . . . . . . . . 14 July Thomas Clarke of Curden Margret Snart of Bretherton . . . . . . . . 14 October John Rydinge of Leyland Jane Bretherton of Vlnesse Walton with a Lycence . . 1 Nov: John Entwistle Margret Smalshawe both of Bispham . . 9 Janu: Hugh Mare of Hoole Hanna Miller of Vlnesse Walton 28 „ Thomas Jackson of Bretherton Elin Wright of Tarleton 7 Feb: ROBERT PICKERING Rect* James Wiggans a 3SE 3££n Churchwardens Hugh Jenkingson J 359 WEDDINGS'. 1693-1694 Croston 16 9 3 Robert Cocker Mary Pilkington both of Chorley . . . . 27 September William Heald Elizabeath Gerard both of Chorley . . . . . . . . . . 2 October John Tayler of Bispham Elizabeath Tompson of Maudesley . . . . . . .. ' 30 „ Thomas Benson Margret Farrington both of Croston . . . . . . . . 6 November Richard Disley Mary Scott both of Rufford 7 Februaire John Thornton of Croston Elen Walton of Longton with a lycence . . . . 20 March ROB: PICKERING Rectt Robert Penington ~\ Tho: Milner f «, . ¦, John Blackhurst ^Churchwardens Lawrance Caunce J 1694 James Ingram Mary Diconson both .of Chorley . . . . . . . . . . 29 May Henery Rydinge of Tarleton Margret Suthwort of Bretherton . . . . 14 August George Wareing of Longton Margret Farclough of this Parrish . . . . 7 September Henery Fildinge Jenet Rose both of Chorley 20 October George Banes of Croston Sarah Holland of Bretherton . . . . . . 13 Novembr Matthew WiUcocke Dorathy Robye both of Rufford . . . . . . . . . . 24 „ Robert Maudesley Margret Faziker both of Tarleton . . . . . . . . 9 Januarie Hugh Norres of Croston Deborah Rose of Bretherton .. .. .. ..16 „ John Boulton Anne Smith both of Bispham 22 „ Wittnesse our handes ROB* PICKERING Rect' de Croston Henry Bancke 'N John Entwistle / «, , , John Miller ^Churchwardens Henery Walebanke ) 1695-1696 Croston parish registers. 360 26 March 28 *» 8 Aprill 9 10 3? 5» 18 May 20 21 Croston 169 5 WiUi: WignaU Alice WignaU both of Croston James Bimson Margret Holland both of Croston Henery Blackhurst Jenet WignaU both of Tarleton Willim Suthworth Margret Holland both of Bretherton Edward Munke Jane Saursby of Croston.. John Hill of Chorley Alice Rigby of the Parrish of Standish Richard Rooecroft of Vlnesse Walton Ellin Crosse of Bretherton John Grawson Cicely Johnson both of Tarleton . . Thomas Wilson of Bretherton Alice WaUebanke of Tarleton James Browne of Maudesley Elin Mason of Croston Henery Nelson Elizabeath Staziker both of Croston Robert Penington Anne Haile both of Croston with a Lycence Richard MiUer Margerie Wigens both of Croston James Faziker Mary Bamforth both of Tarleton WiUiam Ascroft Margret Dobson both of Tarleton John WignaU Alice Rimer both of Hesketh George Almand Margret WignaU both of Tarleton Thomas Cheetam of the Parrish of Croston Margret HU1 of y® Parrish of Ormskerke Robert Turner Isabell BeU both of Tarleton WiUi: WUson Anne PUkinghton both of Bretherton . . . . . . „ „ ROBERT PICKERING Reef Witnesse hereof Thomas Wigens his x marke "\ Robart Finch I «, , , RobtSomner ^Churchwardens Willi: Ascroft his x marke ) 1696 Willi: Mather of Vlnesse Walton Jane Mason of Croston with a lycence . . . . 11 July Willi: Wigens Joane Sumner both of Bretherton 12 Janu; 15 July 9 Sep: 16 October 6 November 9 Januarie 1 Febru: 5 „ 11 „ 17 25 361 WEDDING^. £696-1698 Cboston 1696 — continued Thomas Alford Elizbeath Whittingam both of Chorley Thomas Wigens Jane Nayler both of Croston Richard Snalem Anne Porter both of Bretherton George Lowe of Tarleton Alice WignaU of Rufforth 1 Feb: 1697 Henery Brickell of Chorley Elizabeath Musgrave of Standish Parrish . . 4 June Robert Smith of Vlnesse Walton Jenet Miller of Longton . . . . . . 22 „ Richard Rydinge of Maudsley Margret Rigbye of Ormskerke . . . . 8 August Thurstan Hodson Margret Pilkington of Chorley 9 ti Robert Wareinge Margret Hough of Croston 5 October William Dalton Mary Stopforth both of Croston . . . . . . . . . . 19 Januarie DanieH Liptrot Margerie Liptrot both of Chorley 8 Februarie Witnesse our handes M. MANN Curat Thomas Hey John Duckorth Edward Blackledge Thomas Moss 1698 Henery Jackson Alice Porter both of Bretherton . . . . „ . . . 22 May James Anescoe Anne Hodson both of Chorley 30 „ Willi: Cooper Margret WignaU of Tarleto were married at Ormskerke . . . . 14 July Rodger Brown of this Parrish Margret Barnes of ye Parrish of Boulton . . . . 19 Sep: Rich: Entwistle of ye Parrich of Prestone Anne Haward of Tarleton . . . . „ „ John Tonge of ye Parrish of Ormskerke Margret Couper 10 Octob: Henery Croston Anne Wright both of Croston 12 „ Thomas Fareclough Alice WignaU of Tarleton 7 Nove* 1698-1700 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 362 Croston 1698 — continued Henery Dandy of Bretherton Dorathy Jumpe of Tarleton Wittnesse our handes to this coppye ROBt PICKERING Red? John Berey 20 Nover Churchwardens Edward x Hunt his marke Robert x Sumner his marke Thurstan Whittle 1699 Henery Moore of Halsalle Elizabeath Norres of Tarleton with a Lycence . . . . 10 Aprill James Dobson of Sollam Margret Thornton of Hesketh . . . . . . „ „ John WignaU of Tarleton Jenett Rimer of Preston . . . . . . . . . . 20 November Richard Horsker of Hesketh Jane Horsker of Rufford . . . . . . . . 28 „ 17 00 Richard Backster Elizabeath Cocket both of Hesketh 1 Aprill George Woods Mary Spibie both of Croston . . „ „ Thomas Clarkson of Wigan Parrish Jane Crosse of Bretherton . . . . . . 14 „ Hugh Ascroft Margret Coe both of Tarleton 21 „ John Dandy Elin Whittle both of Tarlton . 10 Septemb: Henery Wilson Elin Godber both of Bretherton . . . . . . . . 21 Octob: Peter Vause Elin WignaU both of this Parrish 22 „ Ralphe Bannester Elin Halle both of Bretherton . . 22 Januarie Thomas Forshawe Margret Forshaw both of Rufforde 11 Februarie WilUam Rydinge of Tarleton Jane Jumpe of Croston . . . . . . . . 21 „ Rufford 1700 Marriages None. ROBERT PICKERING Red? Daniel Baldwin James Bretherton John Higham > Churchwardens 363 WEDDINGS. 1701-1702 Croston 1701 John Blackhurst of Bretherton Jennet WaUbanke of Tarleton . . . . 1 May Thomas Bannester Elin Thornton both of Hesketh with a Lycence . . . . 3 June Thomas Forshawe of Bretherton Alice Jackson of Vlnesse Walton . . . . 1 July Ralphe Crosse of Bretherton Elizabeath Blackhurst of Hoole with a Lycence 12 August John Miller Anne Jackson both of Bretherton 29 „ Oliver Rimer of ye Meales Elizabeath Tayler of Tarleton . . . . . . . . 21 Sep: Thomas Haworth of Bretherton Margret Porter of Eccleston . . . . . . 30 „ John Choitchlawe [sic] Margret Banke both of Croston . . . . . . . . 13 October Edward Stenton of Samsburie Margret Copland of Heskin . . . . . . „ „ George Balle Jennet Loxam both of Hesketh 4 Novembr Thomas Wigans Elizabeath Thorpe both of Croston . . . . . . . . . . 5 „ James Such Anne Duckworth both of Rufford 10 Februarie This is a true coppye of our Reiestster [sic] booke att the Parrish Church of Croston as wittnesse our handes ye day year aboue sayd JA: LOWE Curate Hugh Norres "\ Nicholas x Hunt his marke ( ~, . , William Millner ^Churchwardens Richard x Thornton his marke J Rufford 17 01 Marriages None Croston 17 02 Thomas Ryding of Croston Rebecca Morton 5 April Edward Woodcock Jane Stones of Mawdesley by Licence 24 June Wm Dobson of Tarleton Jane Heigham . . 3 Aug: Wm Norris Jennet Taylor of Croston . . 7 George Sharrock Margaret Halewood of Rufford 27 Sept: Henery Forshawe Jane Mawdesley of Borscoe 5 Oct: Wm Munk Mary Ling of Eccleston Nov: Robert WUding of Hesketh Jane Cross of Bretherton . . . . . . . . 4 Dec: 1702-1703 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 364 Ckoston 1702 — continued George Smith Eleanor Thornley of Croston . Jeffery Wilding Eleanor Bannister of Hesketh Christopher Booke Jennet Chetham of Tarleton George Norris Jane Mather of Croston Robert Banke of Rufford Eleanor Miller of Croston Henery Watkinson Anne Gore of Tarleton. . Robert Farrington Eleanor Backstandine of Croston . . JA: LOWE Cu: 17 Jan: *9 25 3 5 17 Feb: Roger Smith William Cross John Hesketh Thomas Norris > Churchwardens Rufford 17 0 2 Henry AUty & Margret Asburn Croston 17 03 Robert Harrison of Bretherton Jenet Farrington of Croston Henery Dobson Jenet Ascroft of Tarleton. James Finch Alice Nelson of Maudesley . Nicholas Tayler Jane Beconsall of Tarleton John Hesketh Mary Mare of Tarleton William MiUer Ann Bankes of Croston Rich: Hodson Ann Slater both of Croston. Hugh Houldinge Margret Crosse of Croston Simon Hesketh Margret Wigens of Bretherton Tho: Carre of Tarleton Katherin Breakell of Breth: Peter Abraham Elin Spenser of Rufford Richard WignaU Margret Taylor of Tayler [sic] of Tarleton Rich: Altye Eliza: Horsker of Rufford John Bnnester [sic] of Tarleton Margery Watkinson of Rufford Elis Wareinge Eliza: Sumner of Walton Henery Watkinson of Croston Katherin Hesketh of Wrightington Robte Martland Jenet Martin of Walton Henery Blackhurst of Hoole Ann Robinson of Longton with Lysence John Harrison of Bretherton Jenet Mare 11 Augt 28 March 30 „' 12 Aprill >> 99 11 „ 19 9, 3 May 10 June 11 „ 5 July 6 „ 27 » 10 Aug: 2 Sep: 27 „ 2 October 12 „ 19 » 365 WEDDINGS. 1703-1704 Croston 1703 — continued Robert Bikerstaffe of Rufford Elin Couten . Tho: Jackson of Walton Agnes Etherington Thomas Farror of Bretherton Elin Forrest of Longton with Lysence Rich: Durninge Ann Ghisnall of Croston . . Edward Munke Margret Durrung of Croston Ralph Leyland of Kelamore Phebe Rigbye of Latham with lisence ... Rich: Asheton of Heskin Elin Ambrose of Bikerstaffe . . . . . . Willi: Rose Ann Wilson of Bretherton 26 October 30 „ 7 Novemr 26 „ 17 Feb: 28 A true coppy from the Regester att Croston Church wittnesse my hand JA: LOWE Curate ibid Rufforth 170 3 Willi: Belingham Esq* Mrs Elizabeath Hesketh with Lycense Croston 1704 John Tayler of Hay & Anne Bimson of Croston Willi: Swarebricke of Maudesley & Ellin Berry of Wrightington Willi: Croston of Vlnesse Walton & Ellin Martland of Leyland Robert Sumner of Tarleton & Cicely Wilson of Hesketh George Warton of Rufford & Elizabeth Butler of Standish with Lyence [sic] . Rodger Brown & Mary Whittle both of Maudesley Willi: Crosse of Bretherton & Elizabeath Smith of Croston Willi: Suthworth of Bretherton & Anne Shakelady of Heskin John Whiteside & Jenet Jackson both of Rufford Edward Parre of Eccleston and Jenet Ridley of Croston Thomas Coolton & Jenet Tumlinson both of Bretherton John Willding of Bretherton & Alice Norres of Tarleton 6 Aprill 10 April 20 May 13 July 27 „ 4 September 13 Novetnbr 30 „ 15 Januarie 28 „ 6 Feb: 18 Wm PILKINGTON Rect* 6 i Nobr 3 1) 2 Dber 17 ?> 27 jj 13 Ja: 1704-1706 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 566 Rufford 1704 Marriages none EDWARD ATHERTON Curate of Rufford Croston 1705 Rob* Singleton & AUce Walton both of Mawrdsley . . . . . . . . 1 Ocb? Richd Hesketh & Jane Hoult both of Rufford John Miller & Eliz: Winders both of Walton Rd Christopher & Margret Rutter both of Mawrdsley John Hesketh & Susannah Lightbowne both of Rufford Rob* Jenkinson & Jane Lea both of Tarlton Wm Saltors & Jennet Dandy both of Tarlton Miles Bell of Xton & Susannah Parr of Liverpool Lawrance Harrocks of Deane Pah & Alice fisher of Mawrdsley . . . . . . 4 Fe: MILES BELL Curate de Chroston Rufford 1705 No return Croston 17 0 6 Tho: Wilson of Mawd: & Ann Liptrot of Wrightington . . . . . . . . 6 Ap: Evan Conce & EUen Conce both of Rufford 7 July Tho: Norres of Mawd: & Eliza: Gaskall of Bispham . . ... . . 15 „ Will™ Grymshaw of Brethrton & Ann ffirth of Mawdesley . . . . . . . . 4 Nov: James Charnock & Margaret Lawson both of Hesketh . . . . . . . . 2 Dec: John Ditchfield of Leyland & Margery Mathr of Croston 9 „ Law: BaU of Hesketh & Ann Thornton of Tarleton 27 Jan: Richd Hodson of Euxton & Clare Hunt1 of Tarleton 18 ffeb: MILES BELL Curate de Croston Churchwardens Evan Conce 1 Gabrid Beckonsall his X mark J 367 WEDDINGS. 1706-1709 Rufford 17 0 6 No returns Croston 170 7 William Wignal of Hesketh & EUin Smyth of Tarlton . . . . . . . . 14 Apl: John Wignal & Dorothy Ryding both of Tarlton 12 June John Hesketh & Ann Carphet both of Rufforth 27 July WiUia Blackhurst & Alice Duckworth both of Bratherton 19 Octor John Baxtondeign & Margret Smyth both of Bratherton 1 Feb: WiUiam Ryding & Ann Jump both of Croston . . . . . . . . . . 3 „ Tho: Baxter of Hesketh & Mary Smyth of , Tarlton . . . . . . . . „ „ Rufford 17 0 7 no Mar: retd Croston 17 08 Lawrance Harrinson & Ann Taylor both of Tarlton 6 Apl John Welsh of Liverpool & Chatorine^ Chisnal of Leyland . . . . . . 25 May William Thomson of Bispham & Margret Ecclston of Heskin . . . . . . 25 .... John Hesketh and Jennet Holme both of Rufforth 17 Tho: Norris and Elizabeth Scaresbrick both of Xton 16 Dec' John Moss of Hoole and Sarah Stones of Mawdslay . . . . . . . . 20 „ John Wright and Elizabeth Baxter both of Hesketh . . . . . . 24 Jany WiUiam Jackson of Walton and Mary Cross of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 6 Febry Rufford 17 0 8 no Mar: retd Croston 17 09 James Sawer of Rufforth and Jane Jenkinson of Tarlton . . . . . . . . 1 May James Garstang and Alice Gloseburrough both of Walton . . . . . . 5 „ 1709-1710 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 368 Croston 1709— continued Thomas Wadmough and Ann Baxtendeign both of Xton 20 June WilUam Bamforth and Alice Wielding both of Bratherton wth licence . . . . 17 Aug* John Cross and AUce Wielding both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 25 „ Thomas Blackhurst of Bratherton and Ann Ratclief of Leyland 4 Sep: James MoUneux of Up Holland and Jane Crook of Bratherton . . . . . . „ „ Robert Wignal and Dorothy Dislay both of Tarlton 2 Feb: John Thornton and Margret Knowls both of Xton „ „ Richard Nelson of Mawdslay and Margery Moss of Xton . . . . . . . . 21 „ John Grayson and Jane Arclief [?] both of Tarlton 24 „ Robert Jackson and' Mary Wilson both of Walton . . . . . . . . „ „ MILES BELL Curate de Croston Rufford 17 0 9 No Mar: retd Croston 1710 William Southwarth and Ann Sharpless both of Bratherton 9 Apl Thomas Jackson of Tarlton and Mary Harsnep of Croston . . . . . . 12 „ Thomas Smyth of Tarlton and Agnes Clough of Langton wth a Licence .. .. 11 Sep Robert Hough of Langton and EUin Cross of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 30 „ WUliam Atherton and Isabel Smyth both of Leyland wth a Licence . . . . 6 Octo? Thomas Leigh of Tarlton and Ann Mellin of Bratherton 15 Jan* James Dobson and Elizabeth Ashcroft both of Tarlton 23 „ MILES BELL Curate of Croston Richard Miler [ Churchwardens Richard Nelson Rufford 1710 no Mar: Retd 369 WEDDINGS. 1711-1712 Croston 1711 Tho: Rimer of Meals and Margret Plum of Rufforth James Bympson and Mary Smyth both of Xton Richard MiUer of Xton and Jane Haddock of Bratherton Lawrance Cawnce and Alice Wone both of Bratherton wth a License Tho: Jackson and EUin Cockett both of Tarlton Henry Cawnce of Hesketh and Ann Rigby of Wrightington Richd Riser and Mary Norris both of Xton wth a licence Henry Duckworth and Elin Bannester of Tarlton John Stopwarth of Bispham and Margret Cawnce of Rufforth wth a Licence George Sharpless and Ann Sawsby both of Xton wth a Licence Tho: Dobson and Elizabeth Bannester both Tarlton William Wilkinson and Elin Wignal both of Tarlton WiUiam Wignal and Martha Tewson both of Tarlton Rob* Bratherton of Eccleston and Elizabeth Beckonsal of Tarlton wth a Licence . . William Walton and Mary Cookson both of Tarlton . . .... Hugh Jackson of Walton and Elizabeth Martin of Leverpool Henry Walbank and Catherine Cookson both of Tarlton William Ashcroft and Ann Kilshaw both of Rufforth Tho: Harrinson and Mary Norris both of Tarlton 3 Apl 4 » 12 21 24 „ 22 May 19 June 10 July 28 Aug* 4 Nov* 6 „ 20 „ 21 „ .. Dec 1 J any 12 Feby 2 March Rufforth 17 11 Daniel Altie and Jane Park with a Licence 11 Nov: HENRY WALKER Curate at Rufforth Croston 1712 WiUia Brindle and Margret Brown both of Chorley . . . . . . . . . . 4 May Hugh Leigh of Rufforth and Margery Leah of Croston . . . . . . . . 10 June 17*2-1713 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 370 Croston 1712— continued Hugh Smyth of Tarlton and EUin Hesketh of Bratherton Tho: Park of Penwortham and Margret Grundy of Walton . . .'. Tho: Wiggins and Ann Cooper both of Xton Robt Baxtendeign of Bratherton and Margret Baron of Rufforth ... William Cross and Alice Rutter both of Bratherton Robt Farrington and Margret Sharpless both of Xton John Bannister of Tarlton and Alice Hodson of Sausberry John Norris and Elizabeth Robinson both of Tarlton George Norris and Margery Bannister both of Bratherton Richd Dandy of Walton and EUin Ryffier of Hesketh Hugh Cross of Bratherton and Dorotlry Hallijwell of Walton Richard Bank and Jane Knowles both of Xton Tho: Norris of Xton and Margret Whitelay of Walton Tho: Charnley of Penwortham and Hannah Topping of Xton . . . . ,, „ Tho: Almon and Elizabeth Norris both of Xton .. .. 15 „ John Mawdslay and Elizabeth Berlay both of Rufford . . . . . . . . 19 Feby Rufford 1712 no Mar: retd Croston 1713 Henry Wilson and Margrt * Oral both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 7 Apl WiUia Abbott and Margret Knowles both of Xton . . . . . . . . 10 „ George Banc and Isabel Charles both of Bratherton 30 June John Miller of Xton and EUz: Fell of Standish 1 July Wm Duckworth and Katherine Leigh both of Tarlton 27 „ * Written in different hand on an erasure 10 June 6 8 July 20 s> 4 Augt 17 9) 19 ?) 26 JJ ?> J? 20 Octor 3 Novr 4 ?» 8 Deer 371 WEDDINGS. 1713-1714 Croston 1713— continued Tho: Chietha and EUz: Parker both of Tarlton 1 Sep* John Hodges and Jennet Bamforth both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 9 „ Jarvis Mackant of Leyland and Mary Crook of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 27 „ John Wignal and Alice Blackhurt [sic] both of Tarlton 3 Nov James Rimer and Mary Boond both of Meals 13 „ Robt Bamford and Lettice Dandy both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 29 „ Wm Cockett of Tarlton and Jane Harrinson of Leyland . . . . . . . . 23 Deer Lawrance Suffier 0f Leyland and Priscilla Balshaw of Xton ..... . . 19 Jany Tho: Holding and Jennet Farrington both of Xton . . . . . . . . 3 Feby Tho: Howcroft of Ormskirk and Ann Hall of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 4 „ Hugh Norris and EUin Benson both of Xton 7 „ Rufford 1713 no Mar: retd Croston 1714 Christopher Baxter and Jennet Thomlinson both of Hesketh Wm Moss of Bratherton and EUen Hesketh of Croston Tho: Baxtendeign and Susannah Johnson both of Croston , Jefferay Robinson and Eliz: Leigh both of Tarlton Robt Wignal and Katherine Spencer both of Hesketh Hugh Hesketh and Susannah Charnock both of Croston George Norris and Jane Buck both of Tarlton Robt kow- aEui jane Berlay both of Rufforth Wm MiUer and Margery WignaU both of Hesketh . . Wm Cheetham and EUin Cockett both of Tarlton James CadweU and Eliz: Miller both of Croston Peter Hodshon of Bispham and ElUn Hesketh of Mawdslay 8 April 4 May 30 a 15 June 28 ,9 8 July 3 17 Augt 24 »» •• Sep 28 J» 7 Octor 1714-1715 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 372 Croston 1714 — continued Wm Whittle of Bispham and EUin Taberner of Wrightington . . . . . . 20 Octor Jonas Parr of Leverpool and Mary Hesketh of Meoles . . . . . . . . 26 „ John Green and Jane Forshaw both of Mawdslay . . . . . . . . 28 „ Tho: Abraham of Tarlton and Jane Ball of Hesketh . . . . . . . . . . 4 Novr James Fassikar and Jane Rutter both of Tarlton . . . . . . . . . . 30 „ Stephen Coanse of Mawdslay and Ann Sharpless of Sarnsberry . . . . . . Dec John Owndsworth and Margret Baxtendeign both of Croston . . . . . . 3 J any Tho: Sillock of Braterton [sic] and Jane Hesketh of Rufforth . . . . . . 25 „ Robt Spiby and Isabel Jackson both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 9 Feby Henry Cawnce of Rufforth and Ann Balding of Boskoh . . . . . . . . 22 „ Rufford 1714 no Mar: retd Croston 1715 Tho: Baxtendeign and Margt Charles both of Croston . . . . . . . . 26 March John Hough and Ann Ryding both of Croston 3 May Henry Tatterson and Ann Berley both of Tarlton . . . . . . . . . . 31 „ Robt Hunter of Tarlton and Eliz: Stephenson of Hesketh . . . . . . . . 29 June Edwd Blakeledge and Eliz: Latham both of Chorlay . . . . . . . . . . 9 Augt Wm Nickinson of Parbutt and Jennet Farrar of Chorlay 25 Sepr Tho: Dobson and Jane Taylor both of Tarlton 28 Deer Hen: Bratherton and Margt Jackson both of Bratherton . . . . . . . . 26 Jany Richd Godbare and Margret Thomlinson both of Bratherton „ „ Rufford 1715 Wm Halewood of Rufford and Thomasin Worthington . . . . . . . . 30 July Wm Garstang of Whittle Lee Wood & Anne Lea of Rufford . . . . . . . . 28 Decembr 373 WEDDINGS. 1716-1717 Croston 17 16 Henry Wilson of Bratherton and EUin Smyth of Croston 2 Apl Robt Almond and Jane Clay both of Croston 20 „ Henry Hodges of Bratherton and EUin Whittle of Tarlton John Portar of Leyland and Jane Ashcroft of Tarlton David Stopforth and EUin Roscow both of Mawdslay Tho: Kilshaw and Jane Wilkinson both of Tarlton Hugh Norris and Dorothy Miller both of Croston John Tatterson and Eliz: Parker both of Tarlton Wm Bannister and Ellen Parker both of Bratherton Tho: Woods and Jennet Colton both of Bratherton John Dandy and EUin Boardman both of Croston Robt Shakerlah of Bratherton and Margret Fox of Ecclston Tho: Portar and Margt Roscow both of Bratherton James Jenkinson of Walton and Jane Dandy of Bratherton Peter Leadbetter and Katherine Abraham both of Tarlton Robt Norris of Bratherton and Mary Stopforth of Leyland John Cookson and Sarah Disslay both of Tarlton Rufford 1716 Thomas Altie and Jane Caunce Rufforth.. Peter Abram and Margret Rufforth Thomas Lancaster and Mary Walker Howks Head 16 „ Croston 1717 Dennis Grundy and Ann Godbar both of Walton . . . . . . . . . . 26 March John Sumner of Walton and Margret Welch of Heskin . . . . . . 5 May I May 17 ?? 24 Augt 17 Sep* 29 ?) I Octor 4 )) 18 JJ 1 Nov* 4 Dec^ 5 99 10 jj 29 J any 25 Feby 7 March 3 2 JulyOct: 1717-1718 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 374 Croston 1717 — continued Henry Dawson and Mary Smyth both of Walton 6 May Daniel Slye of Leyland and Margret Sharrock of Walton . . . . . . . . 13 „ Richd Horskar and Mary Dennet both of Rufforth 11 June John Ryding and Ann Norris both of Croston 24 „ Ar Tho: Low of Mawdslay and Sarah Walton * of Croston 4 July James Yates and Katherine Anscow both of Chorlay . . . . . . . . 5 Nov* Tho: Norris and Jane Addison both of Mawdslay . . . . . . . . 14 Dec Tho: Martin and Dorothy Forrest both of Hutton . . . . . . . . . . 5 Jany Henry Martin and Eliz: Sharrock both of Walton 7 „ Henry Walbank and Ann Fartlew both of Tarlton 18 Feby Hugh Southwart and Parnell Dobson both of Bratherton . . 2 March Rufford 1717 Wm Wiggins of Martinmere and Ellin Handkin of Latham . . . . . . 9 Jan: Croston 1718 Henry Taskar of Mawdslay and Margt Mason of Lathom John MiUer and Margret Cockett both of Hesketh Tho: Gooldham and Ann Yate both of Mawdslay Tho: Wiggins and Margt Bratherton both of Bratherton John Withington and EUin Benson both of Croston Richd Watkinson and Eliz: Wiggins both of Croston Rufford 1718 John Gumbry of Rufford and EUin Garstang of Whitle Lee Wood Philip Ascroft and Margret Shorrack both of Rufford Nicholas Mason and Margret Hesketh both of Rufford 13 Api 26 )» 9 June 9 July 27 Octor 21 Deer 22 Oct: 9 Sept: 5 Jan: 375 WEDDINGS. 1719-1720 Croston 1719 Rob* Cookson and Jane Wignal both of Tarlton 31 March Wm Baxtendeign and Mary Ingam both of Xton 31 Augt John Park and Dorothy Clarkson both of Xton 2 Nov1 Tho: Lawrance of Tarlton and Eliz: Wignal of Hesketh . . . . . . . . 5 „ Henry Forshaw of Tarlton and Hannah Bank of Rufforth 9 Dec' Tho: Abram and EUin Wignal both of Tarlton 26 Jany James Bradshaw and Eliz: Greaves both of Tarlton . . . . . . . . . . ' 31 „ MILES BELL Curate of Croston Rufford 17 19 Wm Ward of ye Parish of Layland and Ann Abram of Rufford . . . . 15 Decemb: Croston 17 2 0 John Sorsby of Croston and EUin Thompson of Mawdesley . . . . . . . . 13 June Thomas Sumner and Margaret Walton both of Walton . . 24 August John Hodson and EUz: Smith both of Bispham . . . . . . . . 20 Septembr John Bolton of Bispham and Mary Palmer of Eccleston 11 Octob? Robert Harrison of Ormskirk and Jane Nelson of Mawdesley . . . . . . 7 Novr Tho: Crookam of Eccleston and Alice Worsley of Croston . . . . . . 14 „ Tho: Norris of Tarleton and EUz: Finch of Mawdesley . . . . . . . . 2 Feb: Edward Tyrer of Ormskirk and Jane Marsh of Walton 5 „ John Roocroft of Walton and Eliz: Williamson of Longton . . 20 „ Rufford 17 2 0 John Knowles of Rufford and Margret Forshaw of Latham , , . . . . 6 Deceb: 1721 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 376 Croston 17 2 1 James Park of Croston and Mary Sargeant of Leyland wth Licence James Lea of Rufford and Margery Cheetham of Tarleton John Taylor and Ann Naylor both of Croston John Sargeant and Eliz: Hoolme both of Skeirsbrick Licence Richd Shackleton & Ellin Ryding both of Bretherton Richd Shawe and EUin Cardwell both of Ormskirk w*h Licence Hugh Forshawe and Martha Whittle both of Tarleton Licence Tho: Farington and Elisab: Croston both of Croston John Batnford and Jane Godber both of Bretherton Robert Dewhurst and EUin Makinson both of Croston John Craven and Mary Singleton of Walton John Talor of Tarleton and EUin Taylor of Rufford John Jump and Mary Smith both of Croston Hugh Ryding and Margt Almond both of Tarleton Jonath: Rogers and Ann Moorcroft both of Ormskirk Licence John Howard of Ormskirk and Eliz: Finch of Mawdesley Rob* Stuart and Alice Forshaw both of Mawdesley Hen: Nelson and EUin Hatch both of Croston 10 April 18 4 »> May 18 if 27 »j 23 Apl 9 June 18 99 20 99 17 4 Sept' Oct: 9 4 99 Deer 27 Janury 4 >9 20 Feb: 6 ?» 27 99 Rufford 17 21 Robert GiU of Bursco and Ann RaUinson of Rufford 2 July John Threlfell of Ormskirk and Mary Forshaw of Bursco 28 Aug: James Crane of Ormskirk and Elizab: Dennison of Rufford 30 Nov: Henry Tuson of ye Parish of Penerdam and EUin Mawdsley Rufford . . . . 29 Jan: Barnabas Hesketh of Rufford and Jane Finch of Mawdesley 4 Feb: 377 WEDDINGS. 1722 Croston 17 2 2 Richard Sephton Joyner and Ann Rishton Spinster both of Chorley married wth Licence granted by James Ryley Cur: of Chorley by W111 Crooke Cur: of Croston 28 Mar: John Sclater Husbdn and Alice Lang Spinster of Walton in ye Parish of Croston Married by Rogr Greene Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns Published there 23 April David HoUand of Heath Ch'arnock in the Parish of Standish Mason and Alice Grime of Chorley in ye Parish of Croston Spinster Married by Rogr Greene Curate of Croston by virtue of Banns Published and Certifyd by John Pearson Cur: of Standish . . . . 13 May Robert Abram Husbdn and Mary Bank Spinster both of Rufford in ye Parish of Croston married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by William Pilkington Rectr of Croston 22 „ Thomas Knowles Butcher and Sarah Norris Spinster both of Croston married by WilUam Crooke aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 23 Sept: James Baxtonden of Croston Husbdn and Ann Smith of Standish Spinster married by Willm Crooke aforesd by virtue of Banns Published and Certifyd by Jn Pearson Cur: of Standish . . 5 Nov: John Wilson Husbdn and Jane Whigh Spinster both of Bretherton in ye Parish of Croston married by Wm Crooke aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 10 Nov: Thomas Higginson of Tarleton Shoemaker and Dorothy Robinson of Hesketh in ye Parish of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Published at Croston . . . . . . 26 „ Henry Wilson Husbdn and Eliz: Snaylom Spinster both of Bretherton married by Roger Greene Curate of Croston by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston 1 Deer 1722 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 378 Croston 1722— ooutinued Wm Spybee and EUin Charles Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns pub: at Croston . . . . . . . . . . 10 Decr Thomas Cookson of Tarleton in ye Parish of Croston Husbdn and Mary Calderbank of Clayton in ye Parish of Leyland Spinster married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published and Certify' d by James Bradley Cur: of Leyland . . . . 8 Janua: Robert Lawson Husbdn and Eliz: Wignal Spinster both of Tarleton married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Wm Pilkington Rectr of Croston . . . . . . 21 „ Rob* Bailey of Tarleton Husbdn an(i Margt Disley of Rufford Spinster both of ye Parish of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns — published at Croston . . . . „ „ WiUiam Buck of Tarleton aforesd Weaver and EUin Entwistle of Wigan Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by Banns Pub: and Certify'd by Sam: Aldersey Rect: of Wigan . . . . 5 Feb: Robt Banastre Husbdn and Jeiiet Walton Spinstr both of Tarleton aforesd married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston 19 „ John Forshawe Yeom: and Jane Whittle Spinst1 both of Tarleton aforesd married by the sd Rogr Greene by virtue of a Licence granted by Wm Pilkington Rectr of Croston . . . . 21 „ Rufford 17 22 Wm Forshaw and Margret Knowles both of Rufford 15 Oct: Henry Bank and Jane Hesketh both of Rufford 27 Jan: Tarleton 17 2 2 Wm Whittle husbdn and Mary Norris Spinster both of Tarleton marryd by virtue of a Licence granted by the Revd Mr Gibson Vicar of Ormskirk by the Revd Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton . . 16 May 379 WEDDINGS. 1722-1723 Tarleton 1722 — continued Thomas Legh Labourer and Anne Fairclough Spinster both of Tarleton Marryd by Banns published and Certifyd By the Revrd Mr Green Curate of Croston and Marryd by the Revrd Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton . . . . . . 4 June WUliam BrakeU of Martin meer Webster and Eliz: Fishwick of Warton in the Parish of Kirkham Spinster Marryd by Bans Published By the Revrd Mr Green Curate of Croston and the Revrd Mr Mount Curate of Kirkham By the Revrd Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton 24 Septr Croston 172 3 WUliam Garret Carrier and EUin Ross Spinster both of Tarleton in the Parish of Croston married by Rogr Greene Cur: of Croston by Virtue of Banns pubUshed at the Parish Church of Croston . . . . . . . . . . 26 March Rob* Sumner of Walton Husband** and Eliz: Parker of Bretherton Spinster pubUshed at the Parish Church of Croston and Married by William Crooke Cur: of Croston . . . . 25 Augt Henry Hesketh Weaver and Ellin Miller Spinster both of Croston Married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 30 Decembr Rufford 172 3 Richard Disley Husband Man and Elizab: Cooper Spinster both of Rufford Married by virtue of Banns Published by Henry Walker Curate Tarleton 17 2 3 WiUiam Woane of Tarleton Labourer and Jane Bond of Tarlton Spinster Marryed April the 30th 1723 By the Reverend Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton By virtue of Banns duly pubUshed by the said Reverend Mr Tomlinson 10 Novb 1723-1724 Croston parish registers. 380 Tarleton 1723— oontinued Thomas Miller of Croston Cooper and Anne Watkinson of Croston Spinster Marryed June the 4 1723 By the Reverd Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton By banns duly published and Certify'd by the Revd Mr Greene Curate of Croston John Ryding of Croston Taylor and Jane Dobson of Tarleton Widow Marryd July the 7th 1723 By the Reverend Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton By Banns Duly published and Certify'd by the Reverd Mr Crook and Mr Greene Curates of Croston Croston 17 2 4 Rob* Thornton Joyner and Mary Dalton Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene Curate of Croston by virtue of Banns published at the Parish Church of Croston . . . . 6 April John Banister Husbdn and Margt Shackleton Wid: both of Bretherton married by Rogr Greene of Croston aforesd by virtue of Banns published at ye Parish Church of Croston . . . . . . 3 May Henry Becconsal Husbdn an(1 Fliz: Cocket Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Published at y9 Parish Church of Croston 25 May Richd Cocket Husbdn and Mary Mills Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Green Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns pubUshed at the Parish Church of Croston 30 July Robt Wignal Blacksmith and Elizab: Lea Spinster both of Hesketh married by Mr Mercer by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston Church . . 13 Aug* John Sumner Husband11 and Ann Higham Spinster both of Walton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 24 „ 381 WEDDINGS. 17^4 Croston 1724 — continued Henry Kilshawe of Newbrough in ye Parish of Ormskirk Carpenter and Alice Entwistle of Bispham in ye Parish of Croston Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Christ: Gibson Vicar of Ormskirk 25 Augt Christopher Hall Apothecary and Ann Fisher Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington Rect: of Croston . . . . . . 21 Sep: Yeoman Dobson of Hesketh Husbdn and Esther WaUbank of Tarleton Spinster married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston 22 „ John Blackhurst Husband*1 and Margt Cross Spinster both of Bretherton married by Mr Crooke Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns Published at Croston 27 Oct: Thomas Forshawe of Bretherton Husbdn and Margt Heaton of Longton within ye Parish of Penwortham Wid: married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Published and Certifyd by Robt Butterworth Minister of Penwortham aforesd . . . . . . . . . . g Novr Rob* Fairdough Husbdn and Elizab: Greene Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at ye Parish Church of Croston aforesd . . . . . . 10 „ Richd Whittle Bricklayer and Margt Farington Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Pub: 12 „ Rich* Baxtonden of Croston Shoemaker and Jane Hart of Bretherton Spinster '.; married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Published at Croston 1 Dec1 John Howard of Tarleton Husband11 and Elizab: Parke of Croston Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns PubUshed at Croston -\ 1724-1725 Croston parish registers. 382 Croston 1724 — continued Tho: Wilson of Bretherton Blacksmith and EUin Todd of Leyland Spinstr married by Mr Crooke aforesd by virtue of Banns Published at Leyland and Certifyd by Chr: Sudd Vic: of Leyland 9 Decr Jn Banister MUler and Cath: Thompson Spinstr both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Bans Pub: at Croston . . . . . . 26 Jan. James Moss Husbdn and Margt Mason Spinster both of Croston married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Bans PubUshed at Croston . . . . . . 2 Feb: Henry MiUer Husband11 and Mary Baxtonden Spinster both of Croston Married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Published at ye Parish Church of Croston 3 „ Attested by us ROGr GREENE Curate Rufford 17 2 4 Thomas and Isabel Bamber both of Rufford PubUshed by virtue of Banns by Henry Walker Curate . . 7 Apr: Tarleton 1724 WiUiam Rutter Labourer and Alice Ryding Spinstr both of Tarleton Marryd June the 30th 1724 By the Revd Mr Tomlinson Curate of Tarleton By Virtue of Banns pubUshed and Certify'd by the Revd Mr Crook and the Revd Mr Greene Curates of Croston Croston 17 2 5 Edwd Gaskel Taylor and Margt Forshawe Spinster both of Croston Married by Rogr Greene Curate of Croston by Virtue of Banns pub: at Croston . . 29 Mar: James Harrison Yeom: and Cicely Norris Spinster both of Tarleton Married by Rogr Greene by virtue of a Licence granted by ye Rect: of Croston . . 30 April 383 WEDDINGS. 1725 Croston 1725 — continued James Hesketh of Bretherton Weaver and EUin Ryding of Croston Spinster married by Mr Crook Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns Pub: at Croston . . 13 June Rob4 Wignal Husbdn and Alice Wignal Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene by virtue of Banns Pub: at Croston . . . . . . . . 6 July George Woods Yeom: and Eliz: Tootel Spinster both of Euxton in ye Parish of Leyland married by Rogr Greene by virtue of a Licence granted by ye Rect: of Xton . . . . . . . . 25 „ Wm WhaUey of Broughton Husbdn and Eliz: Clarkson of Hesketh Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington Rect: of Croston II Sept: Tho: Asmall Husbdn an(i Eliz: Knowles Spinster both of Croston married by Mr Crook aforesd by virtue of Banns pub: at Croston . . . . . . 21 „ John Cookson of Lytham Taylor and Rachel Warbrick of Croston Spinstr married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by ye Rectr 0f Ecdeston . . . . . . . . 28 „ John Unsearth Bricklayer and Mary StringfeUow Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene by virtue of Banns pub: at Croston . . . . 31 Oct: Evan Eastham Yeom: and Ellin Mercer Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington aforesd . . 4 Nov: Tho: MiUer Yeom: and Margt Whitley Wid: both of Walton mar: by Rogr Greene by virtue of Bauns pub: . . . . 17 „ Hen: Finch Glazier and Jane Slater Spinster both of Leyland married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington . . 23 „ James Wornton Husbdn and EUz: Watkinson Spinstr both of Croston mar: by Rogr Greene by virtue of Banns pub: . . 5 Deer Jn Parke Yeom: and Eliz: Hough Spinster both of Croston mar: by Rogr Greene by virtue of Banns pub: there . . 29 „ 1725-1726 croston parish registers. 384 Croston 1725— continued Joseph Wignal Yeom: and Alice Balshawe Spinster both of Hesketh mar: by Rogr Greene wth Bans pub: at Croston 10 Jan: Hugh Fairclough Husbdn and Ann Becconsal Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns PubUshed at Croston . . . . . . 21 Feb: Wm Rose of Bretherton Husbdn and Alice Dandy of Tarleton Spinstr mar: by Rogr Greene by virtue of a Licence granted by John Mercer Rect: of Eccleston . . . . . . . . 20 Mar: Rufford 17 2 5 No marriages returned Tarleton 17 2 5 None this year Croston 17 26 Richd Hunter Husbandn and EUz: Godber Widow both of Bretherton married by Rogr Greene Curate of Croston by virtue of Banns pub: there . . . . 13 April Henry Leadbetter of Tarleton Husbandn and AUce Lumley of Garstang Spinster Married by Mr Garnet Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns published and Certify'd by Thos Parkinson Cur: of Garstang . . . . 2 May Richd Wilding Taylor and Mary Grange Spinster both of Croston Parish Married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns pub: at Croston . . 16 „ Wm Whittle Weaver and Margt Dawson Spinster both of Croston Parish married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Mercer Rector of Eccleston . . . . 14 July Henry Farrington Carrier and Lydia Rigby Spinster both of Croston married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington Rector of Croston 17 „ George Wright of Ormskirk Painter and Ann Smalshaw of Aughton Spinster Married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by the sd Mr Pilkington 13 Septr 385 WEDDINGS. 1726 Crobton 1726— continued W" Baxtonden of Croston Butcher and Ann Cross of Bretherton Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by the said Mr Pilkington 3 Sep1 Seth Brameley of Leyland Taylor and Eliz: Norris of Croston Spinster Married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Mercer aforesd 21 „ Hugh Norris of Croston Yeom: and Jennet Hesketh of Croston Spinster married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 22 „ Peter Chrichlow Husband11 and Margt Dalton Spinster both of Croston married by Mr Garnet aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston 22 „ John Baxtonden Husbandn & Margt Ryding Spinster both of Croston married by Mr Garnet aforesd by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston.. ..29 „ John Blackhurst Yeom: and Mary Jump Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by ye sd Mr Pilkington 5 Octob: Roger Tuson of Chorley Husband11 and Jennet Ryding of Croston Spinster married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published and Certify'd by James Ryley Cur: of Chorley 6 Novr Hugh Yarwood Husbandman and Joanna Sorsby Spinster both of Croston married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston 7 „ John Gaskel Husbandman and EUz: Turner Spinster both of Croston married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston . . . . 5 Decr Henry Yate Husbandn and Mary Stopford Spinster both of Mawdesley married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston . . . . 5 „ Richd Cross of Bretherton Weaver and EUin Woods of Leyland Spinster married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published and Certifyd by Christopher SudeU Vicar of Leyland 19 „ 1726-1727 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 386 Croston 1726 — continued Robert Hunt Husbandn and Rebecca Waters Spinster both of Bretherton Married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns pubUshed at Croston . . . . 22 January Henry Banastre Taylor and Ann Hesketh Spinster both of Croston married by Roger Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . 26 „ Rufford 17 2 6 John Sharrock of Holmswood Husbandman and Ann Wilkinson of ye Parish of Hool Spinster Married by virtue of Baiis by Henry Walker Curate of Rufford 29 Decb: Tarleton 17 2 6 No marriages returned Croston 17 2 7 Thomas Wignal Husbandn and Margt Ascroft Spinster both of Tarleton married by Rogr Greene Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns published at Croston . . . . . . . . 3 April John Parke of Croston Yeom: and Jane Boydal of Leyland Parish Wid: married by Mr Garnet Cur: of Croston by virtue of Banns Certify'd by Chr: Sudall V: of Leyland 5 „ John Watkinson of Tarleton Husbdn and Ruth Hough of Leyland Spinster married by R. Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns Certify'd by Gerard Guy Cur: of Leyland 25 May Tho: Foster of Standish Parish Yeom: and EUz: Sumner of Croston Parish Spinster married by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Moral V: of Bolton 11 June John Nelson Husbandn and Jenet Baxtonden Spinster both of Croston married by Mr Garnet aforesd by virtue of Banns 1 July James Low Husbdn and Jane Green Spinster both of Mawdsley married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns,. 12 Sep; 387 WEDDINGS. 1727 Croston 1727 — continued Tho: Staziker Husbandn and EUin Dewhurst Wid: both of Croston married by Mr Garnet aforesd by virtue of Banns . . 30 Oct: Wm Ryding Husbandn and Jennet Howorth Spinster both of Bretherton married by Rog: Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns . . . . . . . . 23 Novr Tho: Watkinson Weaver and Alice Grayson Spinster both of Tarlton married by Rogr Greene aforesd by virtue of Banns 1 Jan: Richd Walker Husbandn and Jenet Sumner Spinster both of Walton mar: by R. Greene aforesd by virtue of a Licence granted by Mr Pilkington . . . . 23 Feb: Rufford 17 2 7 No Marriages returned Tarleton 17 2 7 No Marriages returned i6go CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 388 Muriate. Croston 1690 Denis Sonne of Denis Grundy of Croston . . 25 March Eliza: Holland of Bretherton wid . . . . 31 „ Mary Cookson of Tarleton widowe . . . . 3 Aprill Henry Thornton of Hesketh Banke & Jane Parke of Maudesley . . . . . . 14 „ Richard Harrison of Bretherton . . . . 15 „ William Bretherton of Bretherton . . 17 „ Eliza: Jackson of Bretherton wid . . 20 „ John Ball of Hesketh banke . . . . 21 „ Mary daughter of John Ridgway of Bretherton 26 „ James Mosse of Hoole . . . . . . 27 „ Rich: son of Willi: Rutter of Tarleton . . 2 May Willi: son of Robert Farror of Bretherton . . 10 „ Robte son of Robte Spyby of Croston . . n „ Eliza: Sharpies of Bretherton Spinster . . 12 „ Robert Dandy of Tarleton . . . . . . 16 „ Rodger son of Thomas Makinson of Croston 18 „ WiUi: sonne of John fnnch of Maudesley & Edward Disley of Maudesley . . . . 30 „ Thomas Rydinge of Maudesley . . . . 6 June Thomas Jackson of Bretherton & William Loxam of Bretherton . . . . 6 June Katherin wife of Richard Woods of Hoole . 17 „ Alice daughts of Richard marclew of Walton 24 „ AUce Hodson of Walton wid . . . . 11 July Richard Nelson of Maudesley . . . . 13 „ James Archer of Bretherton . . . . 1 August EUza: daughtr of George Crooke of Bretherton 14 „ Jane Hunter of Tarleton Spinster . . . . 25 „ Jenet daughtr of Willi: Rose of Bretherton 28 June Anne Wilson of Bretherton wid . . . . 1 Sep: Thomas Seede of Croston Batchler . . . . 3 „ Alice daught1 of John Walton of Longton. . 27 „ Christopher Bannester of the Banke Esqr. . 30 „ Richard Bowker of Bretherton . . . . 24 Octobr Robte son of John fforshaw of Tarleton . . 16 Novem9 John Heefelds of Bretherton . . . . 17 „ Margret daught1 of Henery Sharpies of Hoole 18 „ Margret wife of John Harrison of Bretherton 27 „ Thomas Lawrance of Sollam. . . . . . 1 Octr A child of Hugh Latham of Bispam . . 6 „ Henery Bowker of Bretherton . . . . 20 „ 389 BURIALS. 1690-1691 Croston 1690 — continued WiUi: CaUe of Tarleton Senr Christopher Crooke of Croston Margret Harrison of Croston wid & Katherin Gerard of Bretherton wid Mary daught1 of WiUi: GradeU of Croston . . Katherin wiffe of James Bretherton of Maudesley & . . Eliza: daughtr 0f Richard Nickson of Croston Mrs Penelope Traeforde of Croston Spinster Robert Hodson of Croston & Thomas son of Robert Farrington of Croston EUza: d. of Henery Nelson of Croston James Archer of Bretherton Nicholas Norres of Tarleton John Walton of Hoole Josuah Bretherton of Walton Anne d. of Henery Lunnd of Bretherton . . John s. Willi: Bamford of Bretherton Thomas Saursby of Croston Alexander s. Mr Robert Maudesley of Heskinn Margret d. WiUi: Wilcocke of Hoole & James Willdinge of Croston WiUi: s. Richard Nickson of Croston Margery Mosse of Hoole wid Sarah Rose of Bretherton wid Croston 16 91 Alice d. Hugh Cudworth Thurstan s. Tho: Edmonds of Maudsley Jane d. of Edward Muncke of Croston Mary Moss of Hoole widow Joan wife of James Munck of Croston Alice Becconsall WiU Withington of Croston Rob* s. of Nicholas Noras Tarlton & Rich: Woods of Hoole WiUiam Rutter of Tarleton & IsalbeU [sic] d. Tho: Jacson of Vines Walton John Farrington of Croston Margret wife of John Backstondeine of Croston Edward Bowker of Vines Walton Jane Fisher of Maudesley vid John Croston of Croston James Forshey of Tarlton 1 Janur 16 >J 21 J) 25 26 99 J? 2 ffe'b: 5 99 9 »9 14 99 19 >» 20 9i 21 28 3 March 7 99 JJ 99 15 16 99 24 99 23 March 30 99 31 3 Aprill 10 JJ 13 99 14 99 15 99 16 99 17 >? 23 99 25 19 27 >> 30 6 May 1691 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 390 Croston 1691 — continued Henry PhiUipson of pish of Hoole Richard Rutter of Walton Jane d. of Rich: Mawdsley of Blacke Moore Margret w. of John Nelson of Croston Ann Monke of Mawdesley Tho: WignaU of Ribbie in ye pish of Kerkeham Margrett d. of WilUam Thompson Mawdsley Dorothy d. of John Heyes of Bispam Tho: Prescott Mawdsley Elizabeth Cole of Tarleton . . Rich: s. Tho: Moss of Litle Hoole WiU s. Hugh Thompson of Mawdsley Mary Worthington of Croston Cuthbert s. Rich: Walton of Hoole Tho: HoUand of Bretherton . . EUin Wigans Croston Ann Banester of Ecleton [sic] Mr Richard Droninge of Mawdsley WilUam Swasbricke Will: s. Will: Finch Mawdsley Catherin Snart of Bretherton Robert flinch of Rufforth EUin Leadbeater of Tarlton . . Marjerie d. WU1: Jacson of Bretherton EUin Jacsonn of Hoole Margrett d. George Bancroft of Ulns Walton Mra Ann wife of Mr Cristopher Gradell of Vines Walton Tho: Ecleston Mawdsley Tho: Stazikar Croston Margret d. Henry Blackhurst of Hoole WilUam s. John Thompson of Tarleton Jenett w. Henry Bake Bretherton . . Ann w. John Hadocke Bretherton . . Alice w. Henry Walton Hoole Jenet Jacsonn of Bretherton EUin w. Will Smyth of Bretherton . . Elizabeth d. Henry Dobson & John Dandie Croston Jo: Walton of Longton in ye pish of Penwortham Jane d. James Parke Croston Mary d. Edward Banester of Bretherton & Lawrence s. Cotton [sic] Croston Jo: Archer of Bretherton EU: wife of Rich: Parke Bretherton 16 May 6 June 13 »5 16 99 >? J? 21 99 27 ?> 28 >» 99 >» 17 July 28 >? 30 99 10 August 22 ?j 14 7ber 15 99 6 8ber 9 99 14 J) 15 91 17 )» J9 99 22 >' 23 99 3i ») 11 gber 13 >) 23 >) 24 SJ 30 99 16 iober 18 99 20 J5 22 99 23 99 8 Jan: 11 >» 12 99 18 >? 30 ?» 9 ffeb: 10 ?> 39i BURIALS. 1691-1692 Croston 1691 — continued Robt s. Tho: Salsbie Croston Tho: Styrlinson Hoole Jenet w. of John Thornton Croston . . Margret Pennington of Croston vidua John Worthington of Hoole Margret d. of John Bretherton of Bretherton EUzabeth w. of Tho: Jacson of Bretherton 12 ffeb: 16 ?> 20 ?J 25 »» 5 March 7 »» , 22 99 Croston 16 9 2 EUn d. Richard MiUer of Bretherton Sarah d. WiUiam Rose of Bretherton Humphre Travise of Bispham Henery s. Hugh Latham of Bispham EUn d. of John Hawet of Maudesley Ann w. Hugh Cubbon of Maudesley. . Gilbert s. Robert Dandy of Croston. . Alice d. Henery Blackhurst of Tarleton Richard Godber of Bretherton John Lancaster of Croston Jane Jones a traveler William s. of William Cookell of Croston Isabell d. of Henery Cooper of Hesketh Banke John s. of John ffarror of Bretherton Lawrance s. John Almond of Maudesley Cicely w. of Richard Neeld of Croston Edward Wilson of Bretherton Anne d. William Nayler of Croston . . Jenett d. Richard Norres of Tarleton Jane Hough of Hoole John Mawdesley of Wrightington James s. Robert Farrington of Croston Henery Lunde of Bretherton Anne Disley of Maudesley Anne.d. of Tho: Prescott of Maudesley John s. of Rodger Smith of Croston Margrett w. of WiUiam Thornton of Hoole John s. of William Jackson of Bretherton EUn w. of Richard Leigh of y6 Holmes Margret Eccleston of Maudesley widow Henery s. Thomas Jackson of Tarleton Deborah d. Ralph Rylands of Bretherton Henery Hoult of Bispham Robert s. of Robert Maudesley of Maudesley Thomas s. William Hough of Croston EUza: d. Henery Smith of Mawdesley 26 March 28 ?J 3i 1 Aprill 3 99 4 99 5 JJ 13 JJ J? 18 99 22 3» 23 » J 24 „ 25 26 **»> 4 6 May 99 14 16 99 2526 28 )5 6 June 7 8 1516 23 28 99 29 12 16 JulV 99 20 JJ 22 26 >> 3i 99 1692-1693 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 392 Croston 1692— continued Alice d. John Dandy of Tarleton . . . . 3 Aug: Rodger s. Mr Henery Asheton of Parbould . . 24 „ William Hodges of Croston 6 Sep: WiUiam s. Richard Nickson of Croston . . 16 „ Thomas MiUer of Bispham 18 „ James Rutter of Maudesley 20 „ Anne Philipson of Hoole & Richard Bannester of Beconsall . . . . 22 „ Jane w. of Robert Jumpe of Vlnesse Walton 23 „ Mary w. of Thomas Lees of Rufford . . 1 Oct: Hugh Crosse of Bretherton . . . . . . 19 „ Richard Bannester of Bretherton . . . . 23 „ James Martindale of Hoole . . . . . . 5 Novr John s. Henery Wilson of Bretherton . . 12 „ Jenet d. Rodger Smith of Croston . . . . 14 Dec: Thomas Tyseinge of Vlnesse Walton . . 2 Janu: Margret w. Mr Willi: Boulton of Bretherton. 3 „ Grace Munke of Maudesley widow . . . . 5 „ Thomas Archer of Tarleton . . . . 15 „ Jane Tarleton of Bretherton . . . . 16 „ Richard s. of John Cookson of Tarleton . . 19 „ Susan d. Chr: GradeU of Vlnesse Walton . . 23 „ Jenet Blackhurst of Hoole widow . . . . 27 „ Eliz: w. of Ralphe Lowe of Bretherton . . 4 ffeb: Richard Whittle of Bretherton . . . . 9 „ A young child of Will: ffinch of Maudesley. . 11 „ Richard Parkinson of Maudesley & Eliza: d. Edward Munke of Croston . . 1 March Anne d. Will Wilkinson of Tarleton. . . . 12 „ Mary Bastard of Margret Rutter of Maudesley & Elin Wane of Bispham ... . . . . 14 „ Hanna d. Robte Bretherton of Bispham . . 22 „ Thomas Jenkinson of Tarleton . . . . 23 „ Croston 1693 Mary Jackson of Bretherton . . . . . . 27 March Thomas Porter of Bretherton . . . . 29 „ Jane wife Edward Munke of Croston & John Miller of Bispham . . . . . . 9 Aprill John s. Thomas ffarror of Bretherton . . 21 „ Rich: s. Christopher Walton of Hoole . . 22 „ Katherine Tyseing of Vlnesse Walton . . 23 „ Eliza: d. Geore [sic] Norres of Croston . . 15 May Walter s. Johnson of Croston . . .. ..18 „ Mary d. Rich: Neeld of Croston . . . . 27 „ 393 BURIALS. 1693 Croston 1693 — continued EUza: w. of WiUi: WignaU of Tarleton & . . Tho: s. of Tho: Mosse of Hoole AUce w. of John Thornton of Croston Tho: s. Tho: Smith of Vlnesse Walton AUce w. Tho: Thornton of Hesketh Jane w. Gabriell Beconsall of Tarleton EUz: d. Tho: Thornton of Hesketh EUz: d. Tho: Smith of Vlnesse Walton Eiz: [sic] d. John Berry of Croston & EUz: d. John Sumner of Vlnesse Walton . . James Garstinge of Hoole EUz: d. Mr Henery Ashton of Fairest Anne d. Henery Sharpies of Hoole John Bretherton of Bretherton EUz: BreakeU of Bretherton widowe & EUz: d. of John Bancroft of Vlnesse Walton Nicholas s. Nicho: Norres of Tarleton EUn d. John Smith of Bretherton . . ' Alice Diconson of Hoole widowe John s. Matth: Athrick of Croston Jane [?]odson of Vlnesse Walton widowe . . Elizf w. of Edward Blakeledge of Hoole Edward s. John Berry of Croston Katherin Parkinson of Maudesley Robert s. Thomas Dalton of Croston EUn Hesketh of Croston widowe EUz: Stanfeild of Croston widowe & Janet Jackson of Bretherton widowe Richard Blackhurst of Tarleton & Joseph s. Ralph Browne of Maudesley Jenet Finch of Croston Margret d. Tho: Rydinge of Croston Jenet w. Tho: Almond of Maudesley Elin d. John Harrison of Bretherton AUce d. Henery Blackhurst of Tarlton & EUz: d. Hen: Wigens of Bretherton Agnes w. Henery Nelson of Croston Margret Maudesley of Maudesley He.nery s. Hen: Hesketh of Croston Thomas WUson of Bretherton Jenet Bannester of Hesketh Elin d. Ralph Rylands of Bretherton Eliz: w. of Humphre Greene of Maudesley . . Eliz: d. Ralp Rylands of Bretherton WiUi : s. Tho: Jackson of Vlnesse Walton & Alice Mosse of Hoole , . 7 June 10 »» 20 j» 4 July 9 18 99 20 »> 29 3 August 5 »> 23 >> 24 >? 28 »? 3i 2 October 13 >? 15 j» 17 28 99 29 12 November 17 »? 21 >» 22 »» 2728 ») >» 3010 99 Decembr 12 »» 13 »» 15 »» 17 »> 20 99 24 »J 25 28 1 Januarie 6 ») 15 1693 -1694 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 394 & Croston 1693 — continued Ann& d. Hugh Nor res of Croston EUn d. Hugh Norres of Croston John Stopforth Hoole Jenet d. Tho: Walton of Longton Tho: Entwisle of Bispham Edmund s. Tho: Jackson of Bretherton Thomas Walton of Longton Jane d Willi: Forshaw of Croston & Margret w. John flinch of Maudesley Henery s. Tho: Jackson of Bretherton & Arthur s. Hugh Dawson of Tarleton Tho: Jenkinson of Tarleton . . .'. EUz: d. Hugh WignaU of Tarleton & AUce Walton of Hoole widowe George Tompson a traveler John Greaves of Tarleton Henery Jackson of Bretherton Jane d Robert Farrington of Croston Rich: s Rich: Benson of Croston Robert Spybie of Croston James s. Rich: Tomlinson of Vlnesse Walton Hener [sic] Wilson of Bretherton Margret d. John Finch of Maudesley Edward Mayor of Hoole CiceUe Abbott d. Rich: Abbott of Croston . . Elen d of Rich: Tomlinson of Vlnesse Walton Francis d. John Blackstones of Croston John WignaU of Tarleton & .. Willi: s. Rich: Withington of Croston Robert Bretherton of Bispham & Elen d. Rich: Withington of Croston . . 15 J anuarie . . 18 >» . . 19 >» . . 23 j» . . 26 ») 27 29 >J 30 99 2 ffeb: 4 >» 10 )» 13 J> 19 99 23 28 I Marc 6 >» 78 99 10 »» 12 >» 13 j> 22 24 Croston 1694 Dorathy Croitchlow of Tarleton widow Tho: s. Thomas Lowe of Vlnesse Walton EUza: d. John Hadocke of Bretherton Anne Diconson of Maudesley Mabell Todde of Tarleton EUin Greaves of Tarleton John Harrison of Bretherton Richard Lunde of Bretherton Richard s. Henery Walton of Hoole Margret Chisnall of Vlnesse Walton vid EUn Culshaw of Bretherton Nicholas Stockley of Maudesley & Thomas Crookam of Maudesley 26 March 28 „ 2 Aprill •9 „ 10 99 12 i9 16 99 18 9 19 9 21 9 22 9 29 395 BURIALS. 1694 Croston 1694 — continued Gilbert Burscowe of Bispham & Jenet w. of Thomas Leigh of Vines Walton John Withington of Croston Elin Smith of Croston vid Margret d. of John Hadocke of Bretherton Margret d. Will: Wilkinson of Tarleton & EUz: d. of Mr Robert Maudesley of Heskinn SUvester s. Hugh WignaU of Tarleton Margery w. of Robte Maudesley of Tarleton Thomas Tarleton of Bretherton Elizabeath Parke of Croston vid Thomas Jenkinson of Tarleton EUn w. of Thomas Mosse of Tarleton Richard Munke of Croston Richard Leigh of Tarleton Dorathy Tarleton of Bretherton vid EUz: d. Robte Bretherton of Bispham Henery Walton of Hoole Margery w. John WignaU of Hesketh Richard s. John Spencer of Hesketh & IsabeU Wilson of Bretherton Thomas Durninge of Croston Katherine Wilson of Bretherton Mary d. John Backstondeine of Croston Thomas Farror of Bretherton WiUi: Worsley of Bretherton A young sonn of Henery Jackson of Vlnesse Walton Christopher Walton of Hoole James s. John Hesketh of Bretherton Henery s. WiUi: WaUbanke of Tarleton George s. Nicholas Tayler of Tarleton Henery s. Henery Dandy of Bretherton Tho: s. Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley EUn d. Thomas Clarkeson of Tarleton Mary d. John Knowles of Croston . . Katherin d. of MUes Halsoe of Tarleton EUz: d. Hugh Harrison of Longton . . Mary w. of Robte Jackson of Croston WiUi: s. of Henery Lunnd of Bretherton John s. John Cowburne of Vlnesse Walton AUce w. of GUbert Sadler of Maudesley John s. Henery Carter of Maudesley Mary d. of Tho: Jackson of Tarleton EUz: d. Hugh Suthworth of Bretherton Edward Forshaw of Tarleton 3 May 5 „ 6 „ 8 1417 21 25 12 7 9, 11 „ 12 „ 15 » 16 „ 7 July June 1416 J9 23 25 30 7 8 Aug: 13 „ 15 „ 18 „ 27 9, 30 ,, 1 Sep: 4 » 8 „ io „ 11 » 17 » 18 „ 28 „ 29 » 1694-1695 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 39§ Croston 1694 — continued Margret d. Tho: Farror of Bretherton IsabeU d. Richard Robinson of Tarleton Dorathy WignaU of Tarleton Margery d. Tho: Jackson of Tarleton & Jenet d. Tho: Jackson of Vlnesse Walton Robte s. Robte Latham of Bispham Mary d. John Norres of Tarleton Eliza: w. John Hodges of Bretherton Rich: Martlew of Vlnesse Walton Katherin d. Tho: Wignall of Tarleton Anne Hesketh of Bretherton vid Grace Smith of Vlnesse Walton vid & Alice d. George Crooke of Bretherton AUce w. John Walton of Hoole _ . . Robert Norres of Tarleton EUz: w. of Thomas WignaU of Tarleton Ralph Sumner of Tarnescoe James Munke of Croston EUn w. of Tho: Rydinge of Croston. . Mary w. Henery Walton of Longton . . James Dandy of Tarleton , EUz: d. John Todde of Vlnesse Walton EUz: Wignall of Hesketh Katherin d John Tayler of Tarleton AUce w. of Tho: Godber of Bretherton John Houghton of Bretherton Margret w. of Tho: Knowles of Maudesley & A young child of Ralph Brown of Maudesley Rodger s. Mr Ashton of Wrightington Margery Bannester of Bretherton Tho: s. Christopher Walton of Hoole Mary w. John Backstondeine of Croston . . Margret d. Henery Bretherton of Bretherton EUz: w. of WiUi: Wigens of Bretherton Alice d. of Thomas Latham of Hoole 1 October 4 » 15 „ 21 „ 22 „ 1 November 10 „ 21 „ 22 „ 28 „ 11 Deer 20 „ 25 .. 28 „ 10 Januarie 14 ., 16 „ 18 „ 19 .. 25 „ 27 9, 30 „ 5 ffeb: 7 „ 11 „ 15 „ 23 » 25 „ 15 March 16 „ Croston 16 9 5 Jenet w. WUliam Rydinge of Maudesley Thomas Nayler of Croston Jennett Holmes of Vlnesse Walton widow Robert s. Richard Norres of Tarleton Elizabeth d. Richard Dandy of Tarleton Alice w. Rodger Charnocke of Bretherton Anne d. Simon Hesketh of Bretherton .. 29 .. 6 AprUl . . 10 )> * • Jl S) . . 12 »5 .. 14 .. 18 99 397 BURIALS. 1695 Croston 1695 — continued Willi: s. John Backstondeine & John Blackstones both of Croston Rich: s. George Staziker of Hoole James Faziker of Tarleton EUz: w. Lawrance Sumner of Vlnesse Walton Thomas s. Richard Wignall of Hesketh A still borne child of Robert Farror of Bretherton Willi: s. of Richard Nickson of Eccleston . . Jenet d. James Cheetam of Tarleton Jenet d. John Thornton of Croston Hugh s. of Thomas Whaley of Parbould . . EUn d. James Parke of Croston Thomas s. Thomas Maudesley of Maudesley Henery Croston of Croston Margret Charles Spinster of Croston John Haile of Croston Elizabeath w. of Thomas Cheetham of Tarleton Jenet w. of Richard Smith of Vlnesse Walton John Winders of Vlnesse Walton Margret w. of Tho: Backstondeine of Croston Elizabeath w. of Thomas Hodges of Bretherton Henery s. Hugh Suth worth of Bretherton. . Robert s. Hugh Asheton of Bispham AUce d. John Hadocke of Bretherton EUz: d. Thomas Hodges of Bretherton Edward s. Tho: Rydinge of Croston Jane w. of John Rydinge of Leyland Alice d. Rich: Moore of Maudesley Margret d. of Thomas Jackson of Tarleton. . Mary d. James Knowles of Croston AUce Cartwright of Croston widow Henery Yates of Maudesley EUn Hough of Croston widow A young chUd of John Rigby of Maudesley . . A StiU born chUd of Willi: Boulton of Tarleton Anne d. Thomas Makinson of Croston John Rigbye of Maudesley John Finch of Maudesley Robert s. John Blackestones of Croston & EUn w. of Robert Maudesley of Maudesley . James Tompson* of Bispham Rich: s. of John Dobsoh of Hesketh Robert Dandy of Croston *This surname has been struck through. 19 April 22 J? 24 „ 15 May 18 „ 21 >) 22 99 24 Jj 1 June 9 M 24 99 2728 3 July 11 j» 22 jj 23 9 99 August 12 >» 29 *•> 39 11 Sep: 1726 18 October 28 JJ 3 Novembr 15 >j 29 1 Decber *9 5J 20 99 21 JJ 22 99 24 99 4 Januarie 6 99 JS 99 23 99 2528 30 99 1695-1696 Croston parish registers. 398 Croston 1695— continued WiUi: Stopforth of Maudesley . . . . 3 ffeb: Hanna d. Willi: Jackson of Bretherton & Jenet d. Henery Bretherton of Bretherton . . 10 „ EUn d. Robert Withington of Croston & Robert s. of Richard Norres of Tarleton . . 15 „ EUz: w. of Thomas Clarkson of Tarleton . . 21 „ Jenet w. Willi: Johnson of Tarleton . . 28 „ Tho: s. Thomas Wilson of Bretherton & Jenet d. James Harrison of Tarleton . . 1 March WiUi: Hunter of Tarleton & WiUiam Coe of Tarleton 18 „ Tho: s. Thomas Wilson of Maudesley . . 22 „ Rufford 16 95 Henery s. Rich: WignaU of Rufford . . Dorathy widowe of Richard Wignall Rufford Margret w. John Hollinhurst of Tarlton EUn d. Thomas Conce of Rufford George Eamund of Rufford Margret d. John Lightbonnd of Rufford Eliz: d. Rich: Gill of Rufforde Anne w. Hugh Warren Esqr of 8 Aprill 25 9 11 6 24 1522 MayAugust December ffebruarie Croston 1696 EUzabeth w. Richard Snalem of Bretherton Mary Bretherton of Bretherton Anne w. Henry Sharpies of Much Hoole EUza: d. Edward Smith of Bispham Anne Tomlinson of Vlnesse Walton . . Thomas Thornton of Hesketh Banke EUn d. Hugh Ashton of Mawdsley . . Margret w. Otiwell Johnson of Hoole WiUiam Whittle of Tarleton Ann d. Tho: Johnson of Bretherton . . Henery s. Richard Cockett of Tarleton & WiUiam Hodges of Bretherton Anne w. of James Parke of Croston. . John Parke of Tarleton Mary w. of James Fartcleugh of Tarleton Thomas Clarkson of Tarleton Richard Wildinge of Hoole Robert Pemerton of Maudesley EUza: d. Tho: Langtree of Vlnesse Walton 29 ApriU 2 May 14 „ 24 „ 29 „ 1 June 7 „ 9 9, 13 „ 15 „ 27 » 13 July 2 Aug: 26 „ 30 „ 7 Sep: 399 BURIALS. 1696 Croston 1696 — continued James Dandy of Tarleton WiUi: Stananought of Maudesley Robert s. Tho: Smith of Vlnesse Walton EUn d. Christopher Buch of Tarleton EUza: w. of Christopher Buch of Tarleton Oliver Houldinge of Croston Adam Bannester of Hesketh Robte s. of John Mosse of Croston . . John s. Willi: Tompson of Maudesley Alex: s. WiUi: Vouch of Maudesley WiUi: Smith of Bretherton Alice d. James ffazakerley of Tarleton WiUi: s. of Henery Carter of Bispham Rodger Charnocke of Bretherton AUce WUldinge of Croston widow . . EUn w. Tho: Jackson of Tarleton Hugh Willdinge of Croston EUn Horsker of Hesketh widowe A daug9 of Richard Wignanall of Hesketh Katherin w. of John Parke of Croston Anne Wane of Mawdesley widowe . . Hugh Smith of Bretherton Willi: s. of Rich: Wignall of Hesketh EUn Withington of Croston widowe Jenet w. of Tho: Walton of Bretherton Mary d. John Norres of Tarleton Robert s. Tho: Saursby of Croston . . Sarah w. of MUes Halsoe of Tarleton Henery s. Rich: Bouker of Bretherton Ralph Lowe of Bretherton Robert s. Thomas Jackson of Tarleton Willi: Johnson of Tarleton Henery s. WiUi: Willson of Bretherton Richard Charles of Croston Marys d. Christopher Leadbeater of Tarleton Rufford 1696 Anne w. John Spenser of Rufford . . Margret d. of James Gumphre of Rufford John s. Edward Lea of Houlmswoods Elin Westhead of Maudesley widdowe EUza: Parkinson of Rufforde Margret w. Tho: Ascroft of Holmswood John Todd of Rufforde EUn w- Willi: fforshaw of Latham . . .. 9 Sep: . . 12 99 . . 22 99 .. 4 Octob .. 6 99 . . 22 99 .. 27 99 ¦• 5 Nove1 .. 9 jj ¦• 13 »> .. 14 99 .. 17 99 2 Dec: • • 3 99 .. 4 99 & •• 15 99 .. 16 99 th 25 99 •• 7 Janu: •• 9 j» • * >* jj . . 11 ?» . . 12 ?> .. 18 jj .. 24 99 • • 30 99 •• 3 ffeb: .. 4 99 . . 11 March ¦• 15 99 .. 16 99 . . 20 )5 • • 23 99 n 24 99 . . 21 AprUl ¦ • 30 99 . . 17 May .. 19 99 . . 20 99 .. 25 99 .. 14 Aug: . . 22 Sep: 1696-1697 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 40O Rufford 1696— continued Alice w. George Low of Holmswood Eliza: d. Johri Hesketh of Rufforde Tho: s. Willi: GiU of Burscoe Elin d. John Spenser of Rufforde JunD Henry s. Willi: Altye of Latham Robert Hesketh of Rufforde Esqr Croston 16 9 7 Anne w. Hugh Smith of Tarlto Thomas Wignall of Tarleton Ralph s. of WiUi: Parke of Bretherton Isabell d. Tho: Willding of Maudesley Grace d. Willi: Cookall of Croston . . Tho: Christopherson of Maudesley . . Mr WiUi: Gradell of Vlnesse Walton Anne Staziker of Croston widow EUn Smith of Bispham & Robert Dandy of Croston Henery s. Tho: Snaleam of Bretherton Eliz: w. Hugh WignaU of Tarleton . . EUn d. Tho: Stopforth of Bispham . . Hen: s. John Rydinge of Croston & AUce d. WiUi: Beconsall of Tarleton Henery Walton of Hoole Thomas Norres of Croston EUz: d. John Berry of Croston Tho: Marscough of Tarleton Anne d. John Worthington of Hoole An entry here (undecipherable) has been struck WiUi: Bamforde of Bretherton Anne Rydinge of Croston widowe James s. Rich: ffaziker of Tarleton . . Jenet w. Tho: Walebanke of Tarlton WiUi: Norres of Croston & Anne Harsnep of Croston widowe Henery Sumner of Vlnesse Walton . . Jane w. Tho: Hodson of Scasebricke Hen: s. Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley Mary d. Tho: Dalton of Croston Anne d. Hugh Crosse of Bretherton. . WiUi: s. WiUi: Jackson of Bretherton A daugr of Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley Tho: WignaU of Hesketh Banke EUn w. John Rydinge of Croston . . Anne w. Rodger Brown of Maudesley . 21 • 27 Aug: Octo: • 19 Novem 21 Dec: . 16 J ami: . 20 »j . 26 March 1 Aprill 2 99 • 4 >9 n »9 17 S9 20 99 1 May 7 99 9 J» . 12 . 16 99 99 • 17 99 • 19 9-9 • 23 99 ¦ 30 99 2 June . 10 99 through - 15 59 23 ,, • 5 July • 7 »> • 9 99 • 13 99 • 15 99 . 21 99 ¦ 23 • 4 . 6 99 Aug: 99 • 9 >» ¦ 13 19 ¦ 25 99 ¦ 3i 95 4ol BURIALS. 1697-1698 Croston 1697 — continued Eliz: w. Henery Harrison of SoUam . . Eliz: d. James Croston of Maudesley WiUi: Iddon of Tarleton Jenet Tompson of Tarleton Mary Newsam of Vlnesse Walton widowe^ Elin w. Willi: Mason of Croston Francis Nellson of Mawdesley Tho: s. Tho: Willdinge of Bretherton Jenet Wallbanke of Tarleton widowe Jenet w. Rich: Gregson of Bretherton Eliz: w. Michaell Tomlinson of Vlnesse Walton Isabell w. Ralph Browne of Maudesley & Mary w. Robert Willdinge of Hesketh Banke Anne fferror of Hutton widowe Alice Wareinge of Maudesley widow John Latham of Hoole Robert Jumpe of Tarleton Elin d. WiUi: Hough of Croston John Hodson of Hoole Alice Blackhurst of Tarleton wid: Ellin d. Walter Johnson Croston Rich: Hodges of Croston & Ann d. James Parke of Croston IsabeU w. John Duckworth of Bispa Elin d. James Iddon of Hoole Jenet Sutton of Tarleton Lawrance Sumner of Vlnesse Walton James s. John Bell of Maudesley & Mary d. John Parke of Croston Cicely w. of Robte Mosse of Hoole Tho: Makinson of Croston George Staziker of Hoole John Bamford of Bretherton & Jane Loxam of Hesketh Banke widow Robert s. James Knowles of Croston Croston 1698 Eliz: d. John Almond of Maudesley Cicely d. Edw: Martin of Hoole . . . EUin d. John Harrison of Bretherton EUz: d. Tho: Ascue of Maudesley Eliz: Latham of Hoole wid: WiUi: s. John Traeforde Esqr of Croston Jane WignaU of Tarleton Spinster & Anne Mosse of Bretherton & William Ceurden of Tarleton II Sep: 13 99 27 99 2 Octob: 4 99 8 99 10 9) 23 99 25 99 13 Nov 23 99 30 99 3 Dec: 4 99 13 99 17 99 28 99 5 Janu: 25 99 29 99 4 ffeb: 5 99 9 99 18 99 22 99 23 99 26 99 2 Marche 4 99 14 99 19 9) 28 March 6 ApriU 11 99 20 99 26 99 29 99 30 1698-1699 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 402 Croston 1698 — continued John Dandy of Tarleton EUz: d. Thomas [sic] of Tarleton Tho: s. WiUi: Simson of Bretherton Thomas Nelson of Maudesley George s. EUn Smith of Croston a bastard . Henery s. Henery Dandy of Bretherto Jenet Coe of Tarleton Sarah w, Tho: Hodson of Croston Temperance Spenser of Croston wid Rob* s. Rich: Smith of Vlnesse Walts Tho: fforshawe of Vlnesse Walton Henery Ceurden of Tarleton AUce d. Henery Wilson of Bretherton A young child of Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley Elin d. Edw: Smith of Bispham Henery s. Tho: Wilson of Bretherton John WignaU of Tarleton Tho: Almond of Maudesley Margret d. Tho: Jackson of Tarleton Rich: Turner of Wrightington George s. James Parke of Croston A young child of Tho: Mosse of Tarleton . . Jenet w. Rich: Moore of Bispham Isabel d. Tho: Wilding of Madesley John Wilkinson of Tarleton John Stananought of Maudesley Mary d. John Tompson of Tarleton . Isabel w. Nicho: Hunt of Maudesley John Johnson of Euxton EUn w. Rich: Asley of Croston John s. John Nicolson of Vlnesse Walton . . Margret d. John Wignall of Hesketh Anne d. James Browne of Maudesley Rich: Withington of Croston Jenet Hesketh of Bretherton wid: Margret w. James Dobson of Tarleto Mary d. Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley George Sharpies of Bretherton Margret Harrison of Hoole wid: EUz: Lawrance of Tarleton wid: Margret w. Rich: Moore of Maudesley Willi: ffbrshaw of Croston Croston 16 9 9 JeUet d. Miles Sumner of Vlnesse Walton . . Robert s. James Tompson of Maudesley . , 16 May 5 June 7 » 8 „ 16 „ 21 ;, 23 9, 27 ,, 9 July 12 „ 14 ,, 19 9, 21 „ 22 „ 5 August 11 „ 15 „ 17 „ 29 „ 30 „ 6 Sep: 10 „ 19 ,9 12 Octobr 22 „ 3i ,, 18 Novemb: 22 „ 23 „ 16 Decr 23 „ 5 Januarie 11 „ 15 „ 20 „ 27 „ 3-1 » 12 ffeb: 13 „ 14 „ 23 „ 16 Marche 22 Marche 27 „ 4°3 BURIALS. 1699 Croston 1699 — continued Thomas s. Ralph Bown of Maudesley Margret d. Thomas Maudesley of Maudesley Anne Spybie of Croston Spinster Margret d. James Iddon of Hoole Rich: s. James Croston of Maudesley & James s. Alice Grundy of Vlnesse Walton . . Elin Bretherton of Bretherton Alice d. Willi: Suthworth of Bretherton Eliz: ffarrington of Croston widow Jane w. John Bancroft of Vlnesse Walton . . Jenet d. Tho: Wilson of Bretherton. . , Mrs Anne Traeforde of Croston widow Robert Boulton of Bretherton Elin Johnson of Bretherton widow . . . . Willi: s. Tho: Johnson of Bretherton David Williamson of Vlnesse Walton 'Hugh Wareinge Schoolmaster of Bretherton Willi: s. Richard Snalam of Bretherton & . . Mary w. Richard ffarrington of Croston Margret Hodson of Maudesley widow Robert s. Robert Backster of Beconsall John Rydinge of Croston Gilbart s. John Dandy of Maudesley . . Mr Henery Asheton of the ff airest EUn d. James Worthington of Scasebricke . Ellen w. Willi: Wilkinson of Tarleton James s. Richard Munke of Bursco we & . . Edmund WignaU of Croston David s. Robert flinch of Maudesley Thomas s. Richard Munke of Croston James s. Richard Miller of Bretherton EUzabeath ffarror of Bretherton widow Richard s. Rich: Withington of Croston Margret Stopforth of Vlnesse Walton EUzabeath WignaU' of Croston widow Jane d. Richard ffarrington of Croston John Stanfeild of Croston batchler Sarah Caunce of Tarleton widowe Rufford 1699 Ann Rotheram of Holmswood widow Margt d., Richard Gill of Rufforde Matthew s. Richard Dobson a stranger Cisley d. Edward Disley of Rufforde Mary d. John Seddon of Rufforde Nicholas s. Henery Wignall of Rufforde Jane d. James fforshawe of Latham. . 2 ApriU 28 99 2 June 5 99 21 99 5 July 15 99 18 99 19 99 23 99 7 August 14 99 18 99 16 Octobr 20 9? 3 Nover 8 99 9 99 23 99 24 99 12 Dec: 9 Janu: 28 99 31 99 1 ifebru: 2 99 4 99 5 99 23 99 28 99 2 Marche 3 99 16 99 18 99 21 99 15 Aprill 1 May 6 99 15 9 27 9 29 9 30 9 1699-1700 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 404 Rufford 1699— continued Robert Horsker of Rufforde A daug: of Peter Greeneough of Chorley . . Margret d. Hugh Forshaw of Latham Margret d. Edward Mason of Rufforde Richard GUI of Rufforde EUz: d. Willi: Haworth of ye Halgh [?] Croston 1700 Richard Asley of Croston & Anne Harrison of Maudesley Thomas s. Thomas Maudesley of Maudesley Margret d. Ralph Crosse of Bretherton Richard Marsden of Croston & Jenet Backstandeine 6i Maudesley wid Katherine d. Peter Munke of Bretherton . . Lydea d. John Berry of Croston Anne d. James Iddon of Hoole Peter Maudesley of Wrightington Lawrance s. Henery Sumner of Vlnesse Walton & Rodger s. Rodger Rydinge of Maudesley . . Cicelye Watkinson of Croston Spinster Peter & John sons of WiUi: flisher of Croston Elizabeath w. Willi: Hodson of Hoole Alice w. Robert Latham of Maudesley William Hough of Croston & Richard Wilcocke of Hoole . . George s. Hugh Norres of Croston John Haydocke of Bretherton Jane d. Hugh Norres of Croston Henery Hunt of Hoole & John s. John Worthington of Croston Henery Blackhurst of Tarleton John Rutter of Maudesley EUn d. WiUiam Hough of Croston Margery d. Rich: Miller of Bretherton AUce d. Robert Wareinge of Croston Richard s. Robert Parke of Croston . . Anne d. Thomas Makinson of Croston Margret w. Ralphe Crosse of Bretherton WiUi: s. Thomas Prescott of Maudesley EUza: d. Henery Nelson of Croston . . Rodger s. Rich: Rydinge of Maudesley Isabell Cokall of Croston widow Jane Shorrocke of Maudesley widow Eliza: d. Thomas Eastom of Croston EUza: w. WiUi: Silcocke of Bretherton Margret w. Nicholas Rutter of Croston 29 Aug: 11 Sep: 12 „ 23 ,, 6 Dec: 8 March 30 J5 6 ApriU 12 99 24 99 25 99 3 Maye 10 99 12 99 27 99 3 June 7 99 10 99 15 99 17 99 19 99 27 99 28 99 5 July 12 99 14 99 16 99 26 99 3 Aug: 5 99 7 99 26 99 27 99 28 99 11 Sep: 13 99 23 99 28 99 405 BURIALS- 1700 Croston 1700 — continued Anne w. Thomas Mason of Croston Robert s. James Iddon of Hoole Margret Munke of Croston widow Eliza: w. of Michaell Saurey of Croston WUliam Jackson of Bretherton Peter Munke of Bretherton Richard s. Richard Robinson of Tarleton & Mary d. John Wane of Tarleton Thomas Backstandeine of Bretherton & Alice his wife Lawrence Cottam of Preston Margret Stockley of Maudesley EUn Bamford of Bretherton wid Houmphre Greene of Maudesley Margret d. Henery Blackhurst of Tarlton . . Nicholas Tayler of Tarleton & Lawrence Goodin of Wigan Jenet d. Hugh Walton of Longton EUn Makinson of Croston widow John s. Willi: fforshaw of Maudesley John s. Richard Backstondeine of Croston. . Jane Hesketh of Croston widow Eliza: d. William Suthworth of Bretherto: . . John Backstondeine of Croston & . . Mary d. Christopher Gradell of Vines Walton WiUiam s. Ralph Withington of Tarleton . . Hugh s. Tho: Maudesley of Maudesley Henery Holme of Maudesley WUliam Parke of Bretherton Eliza: d. Richard Shorlaker of Croston EUn Bimson of Croston Spinster Joane Saursby of Croston widow & A young child of John Horrobin a traveler . . Jane d. Willi: Farrington of Croston Eliza: w. George Procter of Croston Anne Wilkinson of Tarleton widowe & Peter s. Rich: Backstandeine of Croston Jenet d. Robte Brookfeild of Maudesley Agnes Procter of Croston Spinster Tho: s. of Thomas Dalton of Croston Rufford 1700 Cisley Forshawe of Rufford widdow Ester Barnes of Rufford Margret d. Willi: Beconsall of the Holmes Jane d. Edward Molinex of Latham EUz: w. Daniell Baldwin of Rufforde 6 Octobr 9 » 15 „ 27 „ 1 Novembr 6 „ 22 99 25 99 15 Dec: 28 99 29 99 30 99 12 Januarie 13 99 14 99 16 99 17 99 22 99 23 99 27 99 31 99 2 ffebru: 16 99 18 99 28 99 2 March 3 99 4 99 8 99 11 99 14 99 21 99 24 99 17 Septembr 19 99 1 Novemb: 2 99 •23 99 1700-1701 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 406 Rufford 1700 — continued Emlin w. John Hesketh of Rufford & Richard Disley of Rufforde Hugh man [sic] Gumbrey of Rufforde Jane d. Thomas Hesketh of Rufforde Eliza: d. Edward Hesketh of Rufforde Richard Horsker of Rufforde Emlin w. Richard Knowles of Rufforde 3 Dec: 28 ffeb: 29 99 3 March 6 99 19 99 Croston 1701 Willi: s. John Miller of Vlnesse Walton Elizab: w. Robert Backster of Beconsall Thomas Wigens of Croston William Latham of Hoole Jane d. Henery Fisher of Maudesley Robert WignaU, of Croston Thomas s. William Aspinall of Croston Jenet w. James Mare of Much Hoole Henery Holmes of Tarleton & Elin w. of John Berry of Croston Cicely Woods of Much Hoole widow Jennet d. William Iddon of Tarleton A young child of Thomas Wignall of Tarleton Jane w. Thomas Wignall of Tarleton & . . Thomas Stananought of Bispham A dough 0f Robert Pemerton in Maudesley Henery Carter of Bispham Robert s. James Knowles of Croston William s. Thomas Worsley of Croston A young child of Peter Jumpe of Tarleton Eliza: Thornton of Hesketh Thomas Mosse of little Hoole & A young childe of James Harrison of Tarleton Jane w. Hugh Stopforth of Maudesley & Alice Walton of Longton widowe Elin Ridley of Croston Spinster Mary w. Thomas Norres of Tarleton William Finch of Maudesley Alice w. Thomas Jackson of Vlnesse Walton A son of John Bell of Maudesley Eliza: w. Hugh Iddon of Tarleton EUz: d. Richard Backster of Beconsall EUz: d. George Eastern of Croston William Gradell of Croston & Margret d. Edward Hunt of Beconsall EUz: Munke of Croston Spinster 2 Aprill 5 JJ 10 99 n 99 12 99 23 99 24 99 29 99 99 2 99 May 4 99 5 99 11 99 13 99 22 99 23 99 24 99 10 June 18 99 25 99 27 5 18 July 99 22 99 23 99 24 99 30 1 8 Aug: 99 26 99 29 99 407 BURIALS. 1701-1702 Croston 1701 — continued A young child of Henery Fisher of Maudesley Anne d. WiUiam Jumpe of Hesketh Henery s. William ffarrington of Croston & Alice Lingley of Bretherton A young child of John Entwisle of Bispham & Thomas Jackson wife of Vlnesse Walton . . Margret d. Ralph Withington of Tarleton & Katherin d. Henery Wilson of Bretherton . . Ann d. John Spenser of Hesketh Ann d. John Wignall of Hesketh John s. John Cookson of Tarleton Peter Latham Maudesley Alice Crosse of Bretherton widow Hugh s. Lawrance Suthworth of Bretherton Hugh Bond of Tarleton Richard s. WiUi: Rose of Bretherton Jane d. Hugh Tompson of Maudesley Thomas Jackson of Much Hoole Margret Munke of Tarnescoe Thomas Glaseborrow of Vlnesse Walton Alice d. Thomas Godber of Bretherton WiUi: s. John Thornton of Little Hoole Renald Bannester of Bretherton Robert s. George Woodes of Croston & Jenet Sharpies of Much Hoole Mary Crooke of Bretherton James Hunt of Much Hoole Alice Johnson of Tarleton widow Margret Marclew of Croston Spinster Son of James Iddon of Much Hoole Rufford 1701 Margret d. of Robt Abram of Rufford Arthur Forshaw of Lithom Elizabeth wife of Tho: Hesketh of Rufford Hugh s. of Robt Forshaw of Rufford Elin d. of Will: Ascroft of Tarlton . . Jo: Hoolms of Hoolmswood Jane d. of Tho: Iddon of Rufford . . Edward s. of Tho: Sharrock of Rufford Jo: s. of Tho: Farclough of Holms . . Emblin Hesketh widdow of Rufford Margret Hough widdow of Rufford Croston 17 02 Henery Wilson of Bretherton Joan w. Wm Wigans of Tarleton 3 Sep: 10 12 16 99 29 9 9 30 I Octob: 1418 99 99 27 99 3025 99 Novebr 7 Deeper *9 99 22 99 9 Janu: 24 99 2914 99 ffebru: 16 99 19 2 99 March 6 99 20 99 23 99 28 Mar: 6 June 20 28 99 99 12 July 13 99 20 „ 17 Octbr 5 July 3 Feb: 30 March 3i „ [sic] 1702 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 408 Croston 1702 — continued Richard s. Richard Clarke of Bretherton James s. John Backstandine of Croston Richard Hodson of Croston Robert Jackson of Croston Alice Porter of Bretherton George Procter of Croston Richard Boulton of Croston William BeconsaU of Tarleton Daughter of John Bell of Mawdesley Alice Procter of Croston Mary d. W™ Ryding of Hulswalton . . Margret Bannester of Beconsall A child of Richard Cross of Bretherton Mary d. Samuel Thorp of Croston . . John Hunt of Hoole Mary Stopforth of Mawdesley Christian d. Thomas Wigans Elizabeth d. Robert Martland of Hulswalton Thomas Ascue of Mawdesley Thomas Knowles of Mawdesley John Nelson of Croston Mary Sharpless of Mawdesley Wm Taylor of Tarleton John Boulton of Croston Mary wife of Roger Browne of Mawdesley Jennet w. Hugh Harrison of Longton Joan Mather of Croston Elizabeth d. Henery Wignal of Tarleton Susan Haydock of Brotherton Thomas Souldier of Mawdesley Alice d. George Meres of Croston Margaret Borscow of Walton . . Thomas Hatch of Croston A Child of Henery Dobson of Tarleton Margaret d. Thomas Ryding of Croston Elizabeth d. Wm Anderton of Bispham Christian Marsh of Bretherton John Moss of Croston Henery s. Wm Wilson of Brotherton A child of Michael Tomlinson of Walton Wm s. Wm Wilson of Bretherton . . John Glaseborrow of Walton Jennet d. Robert Sumner of Walton Mary Sadler of Mawdesley Rufford 17 02 Thomas Sharrock of Holmswood WUliam s, of William Ascroft of Holmes 16 Aprill 17 >* 21 '9 M )) 2 May 4 99 12 99 99 99 5 June 15 99 23 99 12 Aug: 22 »9 27 99 2 Oct: 9 99 24 99 29 99 16 Nov: 24 99 1 Dec: 2 99 18 99 24 99 28 '9 30 99 3i 99 4 Jan: 12 99 14 99 18 99 21 99 29 99 2 Feb: 5 99 13 99 22 99 27 99 28 99 3 Mar: 7 99 8 99 9 99 14 99 30 Novbr 11 Decr 409 BURIALS. 1702-1703 Rur-FORD 1702 — continued Elizabeth wife of Robert Smith of Rufforth 17 Dec: Sidney wife of Richard Spencer Esq1 . . 21 „ Thomas Watkinson of Rufforth . . . . 14 Feby EDW: ATHERTON Curat9 of Rufforth Croston 17 03 Henery Jackson of Hoole EUn d. Thomas Godber of Bretherton EUz: d. Richard Hadocke of Bretherton Robert s. Hugh Dason of Tarleton Katherine wife of William ChisnaU of Vlnesse Walton & John Marsh of Vlne%se Walton & . . Lidea wife of James Croston of Maudesley . Thomas Sadler of Maudesley & Anne wife of Tho: Jackson of Vlnesse Walton Elizab: d. Tho: Hodges of Bretherton Nicholas Atherton of Croston Alice d. WiUi: Jackson of Bretherton John Jumpe of Hesketh Thomas s. Richard MiUer of Croston Dorathy WiUkocke of Hoole EUzab: wife of Thomas Eastam of Croston Richard s. Willi: Boulton of Tarleton & A young chUd of Willi: Dobson of Tarleton . . IsabeU d. WiUi: Hurst of Burscoe John s. Ralph Lowe of Maudesley A child of Robte flinch of Maudesley WiUi: s. John Berry of Croston Mary wife of WiUi: Rose of Bretherton Margret d. John Hesketh of Tarleton Robert Pickeringe Rector of Croston & Ecdeston AUce Norres of Bretherton WiUi: s. Rodger Smith of Maudesley Jennet d. WiUi: Norres of Croston Elizab: Westhead of Maudesley Jane d. John Roocroft of Maudesley John s. James flinch of Maudesley Tho: Wigans of Bretherton John s. WilU: Munke of Maudesley John s. Samuell Thorpe of Croston Margret d. Henery Sharpies of Hoole Robert s. John Rydinge of Croston Tho: s. Hugh Harrison of Hoole Anne wife of John Whiteley of Vlnesse Walton Edward Smith of Bispham 27 March 6 AprUl 11 „ 1 May 10 June 12 j» 14 »s 21 „ 28 July 6 Aug: 29 8 Sep: 21 99 23 99 27 99 30 „ l8 N0Vr 23 2 99 Dec: 4 99 23 99 24 99 12 Janu: 20 99 21 >» 23 2 99 ffeb: 7 99 13 99 22 >» 1 Marcl 3 99 11 99 12 99 1703-1704 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS 4I0 Rufforth 17 0 3 Jane d. Henery Ascroft of Holmswood James s. James Gumbrey of Rufforth Tho: s. Rich: Knowles of Rufforth . . Robert s. WiUi: Hodson of Bispham Margret d. Tho: Halsall of Rufforth. . Hugh s. WUli: Haworth of Holmes . . Croston 1704 Sarah d. Lawrance Caunce of Tarlton Jane d. Thomas Whitle of Bretherton Margret Bannester of Bretherton A child of WiUi: StringfeUows of Maudesley EUn d. John Parke of Croston James s. James Leech of Croston Ann d. John Worthington of Croston Simons s. Isabel Charles of Bretherton Margret Hunt of Hoole WiUiam Harsnep of Croston WiUiam WUldinge of Hoole Margaret d. Rich: Roocroft of Bretherton Margreat Godber of Bretherton Edwin Martin of Hoole Hanah WignaU of Hesketh Margreat Norres of Tarleton Thomas Idon of Longton Joseph Lawrance of Tarleton John Godber of Bretherton Margery Jackson of Hoole A chUd of Henery Sharpies of Hoole Margreat WignaU of Tarleton WiUiam WaUbanke of Tarleton AUce flinch of Maudesley Jane Munke of Croston EUzabeath BeU of Maudesley John s. Samuell Thorpe of Croston . . A chUd of WUliam Dobson of Tarleton Robert Martland of Vlnesse Walton & EUzabeath ffowler of Walton Jane ffisher of Maudesley John MiUer of Walton buried att Leyland Anne d. WiUi: Stopford of Bispham Henery Croston of Croston John s. Robert Sumner of Walton & WiUi: s. James Tompson of Maudesley 26 May 2 June 22 Aug: 26 Dec: 15 Jan: 3i !) 29 March 3 Aprill 12 99 14 99 16 99 23 99 25 99 8 May 9 91 12 99 13 99 30 99 12 June 14 99 15 99 19 99 4 July 14 99 7 Aug: 10 99 10 Sep: 21 99 22 99 12 Octob: 14 Nov: 26 99 28 99 21 Dec: 23 99 3 Janu: 6 99 10 99 17 99 27 4il BURIALS. I704-1705 Croston 1704 — continued James Stopford of Maudesley & Susan d. Ralphe Crosse of Bretherton William Wignall of Tarleton A young child of George Tayler of Hoole John Almond of Maudesley Jane wife of Rodger Green of *Bretherton & George s. Willi: ffarrington of Croston Nicholas Rutter of Croston Hugh s. Lawrance Suthworth of Bretherton Thomas Hodges of Bretherton WiUi: ChisnaU of Walton & Rodger s. George Crooke of Bretherton & Alice Maudesley of Maudesley Jenet wife of Robert Martland of Walton Robert s. Robert Bretherton of Tarleton Margret Rutter of Maudesley widow Easter d9 Mr Crampton of Bretherton George s. Thomas Brown of Hoole Jenet Sutton of Tarleton widow Thomas WUldinge of Bretherton Robert Bretherton of Tarleton & John Moore of Maudesley 27 Janu: 28 „ 3i „ 1 ffeb: 9 9, 17 9, 26 „ 28 „ 1 March 2 3 4 10 13 1416 f20 Rufford 17 04 Margery wife of John Bannest9 of Tarleton Hugh s. Thomas Watkinson of Rufford Elin d. Henery Ascroft of Holmswood Margreat d. of a stranger Jenet Baron of Rufford widow Hugh s. John Spenser of Rufford Jane d. Rich: Gill of Rufford Katherine wife of James Gunibrey of Rufford 3 14 25 2 26 29 5 7 June July Januarie ffeb: Croston 17 0 5 A Still born child of Thomas Daltons of Croston Hugh s. Hugh Harrison of Longton Mychael Lawson of Hesketh AUce Southwert of Bratherton Hugh s. Thomas Johnson of Tarlton Jane Wielding of Bratherton ^Written over Maudesley struck through. ^This date appears to have been originally igth .. 28 Sepber .. 29 99 . . 12 Octber •• 14 99 .. 19 99 . . 24 99 1705-1706 CroSTon parish registers. 412 Croston 1705— -continued John Baxtondine of Croston . . . . 26 Octber Ann d. John Harrison of Bretherton . . 30 „ Jennet d. Robert Tarron of Bretherton . . „ „ Margery Miller of Mawrdsley . . . . . . 2 Nober Thomas Moss of Tarlton . . . . . . „ „ Thomas s. Margret Naylor . . . . „ „ AUce d. Tho: Johnson of Tarlton EUin d. WiUiam Wilkinson of Tarlton Thomas s. Robt Brookfidd of Mawrdsley .-. Jane d. Ricd Clarkson of Bratherton Katherine d. Robt park of Xton Mary d. Thomas Jenkinson of Tarlton Hugh s. Tho: Moss of Litle Hoole Dorathy wife John Knevet of Chorley Elizabeth d. John Thompson of Tarlton . . Richard s. Ann Baxtondein of Xton David s. of Rob* Finch of Mawrdsley EUn Jenkinson of Tarlton A child of Willm Banesters of Tarlton EUin Hesketh of Xton Rob* s. of Ralph Low of Mawrsdlay Margery d, Edward Bleckledge of Bratherton EUin d. Robt Worthington of Hoole John Hunt of Bispham James s. James Crampton of Bratherton . . Robert Jenkinson of Tarlton Jane Eccleston of Mawrdslay Nicholas s. OUver Rimner of Tarlton Margaret d. Mathew Etherix of Meols WiUiam Aslaw of Xton James Knowls of Xton Hannah d. John Berry of Xton Rob* Norris of Xton Isabd d. Rob: Finch of Mawrdsley John s. Joseph Bolton of Xton . . . . 30 „ Croston 1706 *IsabeU d. Robt flinch of Mawdesley . ... 26 Mar: *John s. Joseph Boulton of Croston . . . . 30 „ [no entries] Aprill Jeremiah Harrison of Tarleton . . . . 3 May Jane w. Robt Addison of Mawdesley „ „ Jane d. James Boulton of Croston . . . . 9 „ ^Repetition of two previous entries 5 99 9 99 10 99 12 99 15 99 1 Deber 16 99 99 99 23 99 3 Ja: 5 99 7 99 9 12 99 Feb: 18 99 23 99 25 3 99 March 8 99 ?j 99 12 99 15 16 99 99 20 99 21 99 2326 9999 4±3 BURIALS. I706 Croston 1706— continued Alice Almond of Croston Richd Reed of Croston Marga: w. of Hugh Jenkinson of Tarleton Tho: s. of Tho: Ryding of Croston . . Richd s. Rob* Singlton of Mawdesley Ellen w. of John Dandy of Tarleton Ann d. Rob* Bretherton of Tarleton Tho: Mair of Kirkham John s. Tho: Baxtondeyn of Bretherton Tho: Backhouse of Mawdesley Hugh s. of WiUm SUcocke of Bretherton Richd s. of Tho: Mosse of Hoole Tho: Mawdesley of .Mawdesley James Rutter of Uln: Walton Richd s. 0f John Spencer of Hesketh Jane Stananought of Bispham Eliza: d. Willm Wignall of Tarleton . . Dorothy w. of Law: Ball of Hesketh EUza: Knowls of Croston Rob* & EUz: twins of Wm ffarrington of Uln: Walton Margery d. James Wiggans of Bretnton Richd s. of Robt HUton of Euxton . . Margaret Moss of Hoole Jane d. Hugh Norres of Croston Mary w. of John Hough of Croston EUza: Dandy of Tarleton WiUm Rose of Brethston Peter s. James Charles of Croston . . Agnas d. Tho: MiUer of Mawdesley . . James s. James Yate of Mawdesley Margery d. John Harrison of Breth9ton WiUm s. John Astly of Croston Mary Hunt of Hoole Will: s. of John Wignall of Hesketh EUen w. of Willm Scerasbrick of Mawdesley Richd Baxter of Hesketh John Bickerstaff of Tarleton Margaret Jackson of Breth9ton Alice d. George Woods of Croston . . Eliza: d. John fforshaw of Mawdesley John s. Richd Moore of Bispham EUen w. James Backhouse of Mawdesley Roger Smith of Croston Hen: Duckworth of Tarleton John s. John Dobson of Hesketh 30 May 3 June 12 >> 2 July 9 99 18 99 24 99 4 Aug: 30 99 7 Sep: 16 99 17 99 26 99 8 Oc: 11 J9 29 99 99 99 30 99 10 Nov: 12 99 18 99 19 99 29 99 30 99 99 99 27 Dec: 29 99 31 99 2 Jan: 12 99 16 99 19 99 22 99 24 99 31 99 I ffeb: II 99 15 99 19 »> 26 99 4 Mar: 5 99 6 99 1706-1707 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS'. 414 Croston 1706 — continued Will"1 s. Robt Norres of Bretherton . . John s. James Crampton of Bretherton Eliza: Bawker of Breth9ton . . 'jane d. James Kilshaw of Bretherton Croston 17 07 Edward Addington of Mawdslay Alice WiUiams of Walton Margret d. of John Wignal of Hesketh Margret d. Tho: Bannister of Bratherton Henry Ryding of Tarlton Jennet d. James Harrison of Tarlton EUzabeth d. Robert Somner of Ulnes Walton Jane w. William Rose of Bratherton AUce d. Willm Harrison of Litle Hoole Sisaly w. of Tho: Moss of Much Hoole Richard s. Tho: Godbar of Bratherton John s. William Jump of Hesketh . . Elizabeth d. Tho: Ryding of Croston Henry Jackson of Bratherton John Hesketh of Bratherton Ann w. of James Kilshay of Bratherton Margrett Mounk of Croston Edmund s. William Wignal of Much Hoole Richard Watkinson of Croston Richard s. Richard Baxtendign of Croston John Wielding of Bratherton Roger Brown of Mawdsley Tho: s. of Robert Talbat of Mawdsley Jennet w. of John Thompson of Tarlton Tho: s. of Thomas Norris of Mawdsley One Hardman a stranger died in Mawdsley George Eastham of Croston Margret w. of James Charnock of Hesketh Hugh s. Richard Leeh of Tarlton Katherin w. of William Hough of Langton EUzabeth Norris of Croston Tho: Moss of Litle Hool Alice w. of Henry Jackson of Bratherton James Wiggans of Bratherton John Moss of Litle Hoole Katherine Forshaw of Tarlton Tho: Porter of Bratherton Mary w. of Ralph Whittle of Tarlton Richard s. John Doming of Bispham 14 Mar: 16 99 20 99 ,23 j; 27 March I Apl 5 99 14 99 16 99 21 99 30 May 3i 99 9 June 12 ?j 14 »9 19 99 5 July 30 99 12 Aug: 16 99 17 99 r9 99 29 99 4 Sep: 6 99 13 99 18 99 24 99 25 99 4 Octo: 5 99 17 99 15 Nov: 17 99 22 99 23 99 1 Dec: »? 99 12 99 19 99 10 Jan: 13 j? 21 99 4*5 BURIALS. I707-1708 Croston 1707— continued A still born child of WiUm Blackursts Bratherton James Park of Croston Elizabeth d. Oliver Wilson of Croston Elizabeth Norris widdow of Croston Jennet Dandy of Croston William Hough of Langton Elizabeth w. of John Lee of Ulnes Walton. . EUin MiUer of Croston Wm PUkington Rufford 1707 - Alice w. of John Hesketh Rufford Thomas s. Edward Hesketh Rufford Ann w. of John Hosker Rufford Ann w. of Richard Altie Rufford Wm s. W» Wone Tarlton Elizabeth Knowls Rufford Thomas s. Edward Molinex Latham Hugh s. Hugh Ascroft Tarlton Henry Walker Curate Feb: March 34 11 2 4 11 16 23 12 May 19 June 16 Aug: 30 Sep: 27 Oct: 31 9, 16 Jan: 16 Feb: Croston 1708 James s. Edward Monk of Xton Margret w. John Knowls of Xton A stiU born cluld of Edward Rigbys of Mawdsley Alice d. Hugh Holding of Xton Thomas s. Richard Milner of Xton AUce Wignal of Tarlton Richard Southwart of Bratherton John s. Thomas Baxtendeign of Xton Robert Pennington of Xton Agnes d. Thomas Baxtendeign of Xton Hugh s. Ralph Cross of Bratherton Thomas s. Robert Pemberton of Mawdsley . Hugh s. John Harrinson of Bratherton Anna d. Samuel Rigby of Tarlton Robert Norris of Bratherton WUliam Mason of Xton Thomas MUner of Mawdsley James s. James Crampton pf Bratherton . . Hugh s. Richard Norris of Tarlton Katherine Eastham of Xton 31 I March Apl II May 24 ») 7 8 June 14 » 15 July 3 Aug: 5 8 15 J? 22 5) 24 I Sep: j: 99 3 99 4 99 10 99 22 99 13 ?J 2228 9999 14 99 Nov: 29 i 99 Dec: 2 99 10 99 12 99 141516 999999 I70S CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 416 Croston 1708— continued Thomas Cooten of Bratherton . . . . 8 Octo: Robert Idon of Longton James s. Richard Hodson of Xton . . Elin w. Robert Wignal of Tarlton . . Margret Monk of Xton Henry Walbank of Tarlton Jennet Parker of Tarlton Jane Dandy of Xton Agnes w. Henry Finch of Mawdsley Elizabeth w. Henry Smyth of Mawdsley Margaret Hunter of Tarlton Thomas s. William Jackson of Bratherton Margaret w. Thomas Clark of Bratherton Richard s. John Bannestar of Tarlton Jane Cottham of Hoole . . . . . . 20 „ EUin Wignall of Xton „ „ Mary w. Richard Pilkington of Bratherton . „ „ Margret Mawdsley of Parbutt . . . . „ „ Hugh Southwart of Bratherton . . . . 25 „ Jennet Wignal of Hesketh 30 ,r Ann w. WilUam Southwart of Bratherton George s. WiUiam Heighs of Bispham . . 1 J any Margaret d. John Walton of Hoole . . „ „ EUzabeth Thorp of Xton . . . . . . 2 „ EUin d. Hugh BrakiU of Hesketh . . . . 7 „ James Norris of Hoole . . . . . . 8 „ EUzabeth d. Edward Bank of Hoole . . 10 „ Mathew- Athricks of North Meols .. ..11 „ Hugh BrakiU of Hesketh 12 „ Jane w. Richard Mawdsley of Mawdsley 13 „ A stiU born child of William Blackursts of Bratherton 14 „ Margret w. Hugh Norres of Xton . . . . 19 „ OttiweU Johnson of Hoole . . . . . . 20 „ William Thompson of Mawdslay . . . . 24 „ Mary d. Edward Bank of Hoole . . . . 26 „ Jane Lunn of Bratherton . . . . . . 8 Feb: WiUiam Thornton of Hoole . . . . „ „ Ann w. John Bannister of Tarlton . . „ „ WiUiam Dandy of Tarlton 14 „ Thomas Lathom of Hoole . . . . . . 20 „ Margret w. James Bispham of Xton . . 1 Mar: Thomas Rutters of Mawdsley . . . . 2 „ EUin w. WiUiam Harrinson of Hoole . . 3 „ Jennet Jump of Hesketh 4 „ Ann Bannister of Bratherton . . . . 6 „ 4±7 BURIALS. 1708-1709 Croston 1708 — continued Thomas Mason of Xton Adam s. Jefferay Wielding of Hesketh Dorothy w. Thomas Johnson of Tarlton Alexander s. Thurstan Whitle of Tarlton . . Clemens w. of Edward Jackson of Bratherton WilUam s. Richard Wignal of Hesketh WiUiam Rimner of Xton Ralph Whitle of Tarlton Edward Jackson of Bratherton WilUam Norris of Tarlton James s. Thomas Hatch of Walton Richard Cockett of Tarlton . . Miles Bell Curate de Croston 8 Mar: 9 1718 19 23 24 Rufford 170 8 John Horskar of Rufforth . . . . . . 14 June Jane d. John Scarsbrick of Rufford . . 19 Sepr John s. John Spenser of Rufford . . . . 18 Octo: Margret w. of John Ashcroft of Rufforth . . 26 „ Thomas Watkinson of Rufforth . . . . 31 „ Margret w. John Norris of Rufforth. . . . 9 Nov: Margret w. of Howcroft Hesketh of Rufforth 20 „ Jennet w. Edward Seddon of Latham . . 29 „ Margret w. Robert Durham of Rufforth . . 30 „ EUin d. Henry Alty of Rufforth . . . . 7 Dec: Widow Osburn of Rufforth . . . . . . 11 „ John Alty of Rufforth . . , . . . 14 „ Thomas Hesketh of Rufforth . . . . 15 „ Widow Watkinson of Tarlton . . . . 17 „ Widow Thompson of Rufforth . . . . 24 „ John s. Peter Abraham of Rufforth . . 11 Jany Edward Molineux of Latham . . . . 13 „ Susannah w. of John Horsker of Rufforth . . 27 „ Thomas s. Edward Lea of Rufforth . . 20 Feb: Hen: Walker Curate of Rufford Croston 17 0 9 Margret w. of Symon Hesketh of Bretherton Thomas Whitle of Bratherton Thomas Holland of Bratherton Robert Somner of Tarlton John Cockett of Tarlton Mary d. Richard Clarkson of Bratherton Jennet w. James Wignal of Tarlton 26 30 6 79 9) 14 March Apl 1709 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 418 Croston 1709— continued Matthew Joans of Hoole 24 Apl John s. Thomas Xtopher of Mawdsley . . 27 „ Thomas Jackson of Walton 28 William Bowkar of Bratherton . . . . „ " Edward Jackson of Bratherton . . . . 9 May Richard s. Hugh Harrinson of Langton . . 11 „ John Turner of Xton . . . . . . 22 Hannah d. WiUiam Woan of Tarlton . . 2 June A StUl borne chUd of Thomas Godbarrs of Bratherton . . . . . . „ „ James s. John Berry of Xton . . . . 6 „ James Wignal of Bratherton . . . . 10 „ Margret w. Thomas Hurst of Borskaw . . 14 „ Katherine Jenkinson of Bratherton . . . . 21 „ Margery w. Richard Miller of Xton . . . . 26 „ Elin d. Richard Norris of Tarlton . . . . 3 July Hugh s. John Jenkinson of Tarlton . . 19 „ John Rutter of Tarlton . . . . . . 1 Aug: Richard s. Richard Dandy of Tarlton . . „ „ Elizabeth Hunter of Tarlton . . . . . . 13 „ John s. Thomas Wignal of Tarlton . . . . 3 Sep: John Rowcroft of Walton . . . . . . 10 „ Robert s. Xtopher Baxter of Beckonsall „ „ Elizabeth d. John Crichlay of Walton . . 1 Oct: Thomas Baxtendeign of Xton . . . . 21 „ A still born child of John Higgans of Tarlton . 24 „ Ann Woods of Xton 31 „ John Harrinson of Xton . . . . . . 4 Nov: EUen Charlton of Xton . . . . . . 21 „ Agnes w. William Wielding of Bratherton . . 23 „ Margret d. Henry Hunter of Bratherton . . 25 „ Richard Stanenhough of Hoole . . . . 5 Decr Ellen Cockett of Tarlton 12 Thomas s. Henry Hunt of Hoole . . . . 31 „ Henry Ndson of Mawdsley . . . . . . 2 J any David s. Xtopher Baxter of Hesketh . . 13 Feby Emlin Finch of Mawdsley 17 „ William s. Thomas Fisher of Mawdsley . . 19 „ Thomas Norris of Tarlton 24 „ Thomas s. John Moss of Hoole . . . . 2 March Margret d. WiUiam Wielding of Bratherton . 8 „ Ann Nelson of Xton 10 „ James Xtophers of Mawdsley . . . . 17 „ Thomas s. Thomas Wiggans of Xton . . 20 „ Thomas s. Thomas Ryding of Xton . . 25 „ 419 BURIALS. Rufford 1709 John s. John Hunter Rufford Henry Bank Rufford Robert Smith Rufford Margret w. Wm Coop9 Rufford Henry s. Hugh Ascroft Tarleton Henry Walker Curate of Rufford 1709-1710 22 Aug: 23 18 "99 Dec- 4 14 Jan: Feb: Croston 1710 Tho: s. Tho: Ryding of Croston Tho: s. Gilbert Sadler of Mawdsley . . Elizabeth d. Christopher Bank of Tarlton Mary Forshaw of Tarlton Jennet w. Rob4 Baxtonden of Bratherton Ann w. Henry Nelson of Croston Thomas Wielding of Mawdsley Mary d. Henry Wignal of Tarlton . . Margret w. Tho: Clarkson of Bratherton Richd s. WUliam Wilcock of Hoole . . Thomasin d. Ann Low of Bratherton EUzabeth d. Lawrance Harrinson of Tarlton Ann d. William Ryding of Croston . . WilUam s. John Miller of Walton Richard s. Richard Cross of Bratherton w. Henry Wilson of Bratherton Mary d. John Lupton of Hesketh . . Jane w. Richard Thorp of Liverpool Margret Bowker of Bispham EUin Lawrance of Tarlton Michal Sawrey of Croston John Dandy of Tarlton EUin w. William Wilkinson of Tarlton Alice w. John Hough of Hoole A still born child of John Watkinsons of Xton John Hough of Hoole Robert Sawsby of Xton Katherine w. Edward Stanenough of Hoole EUz: w. Richard Southwarth of Bratherton William s. Nicholas Taylor of Tarlton Jane d. John Harrinson of Langton. . Alice d. John Higham of Tarlton Margret w. Henry Weaver of Tarlton Mary w. William Heys of Bispham . : Peter s. William Bannister of Bratherton Ann Low of Bratherton 25 March 4 Ap: 10 ,„ 14 ,9 16 „ 21 „ 22 „ 29 „ 3 May 22 „ 28 „ 13 June 16 „ 1 July 2 „ 11 „ 20 Augt 25 „ 8 Sepr 99 99 II „ 19 9, 30 „ 9 Octor 16 „ 19 » 27 „ 6 Nov: 11 „ 14 » 17 » 22 „ 29 „ 12 Deer 19 » 1710-1711 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 420 Croston 1710 — continued Robert Ryding of Croston Richard s. Robert Hilton of Eccston Elizabeth w. Tho: Wiggaris of Croston GUbert s. WiUiam Dandy of Xton . . EUin d. Henry Dobson of Tarlton . . Alice Worthington of Croston Cidly w. James Harrinson of Tarlton Alice Woan of Bispham A still born child of William Farringtons of Croston Rufford 1710 Thomas s. Thomas Cooton Tarleton Jane d. Henry Watkinson Tarleton Henry s. Edward Disley Rufford Henry s. John Jenkinson Rufford Edward s. John Parr Burscough EUin w. John Jenkinson Rufford Hugh s. Thomas Wilkinson Tarleton Margret d. John ton Croston Daniel Baldwin of Rufford . . Mary d. John Disley Rufford Jane w. Thomas Forshaw Rufford . Thomas s. Richard Forshaw Rufford Mary d. John Baldwin Rufford Widdow Rennet of Latham . . Widdow Scasbrick of Rufford Widdow Howard of Holmswood in Tarleton Alice d. John Cooton Rufford Henry Walker Curate de Rufford Croston 1711 Elizabeth Witherington of Croston . . John s. Thurstan Whitle of Tarlton Katherin Chinay of Mawdslay Jane Turner of Mawdslay Jane w. Richard Horskar of Hesketh Robert Farrar of Bratherton Jane d. John Harrinson of Bratherton Dorothy d. Richd Ryding of Mawdslay Henry s. John Harrinson of Bratherton Mary Sherborn widow of Xton AUce d. WiUiam. Helm of Hool Isabel w. Cuthbart Clifton of Mawdslay William s. James Dobson of Hesketh • • 3 Jany .. 9 99 . . 22 99 •• 3 Feby . . 10 99 . . 22 99 .. 25 99 . . 22 March 23 20 April 17 June 24 ,, 5 July 17 ,9 4 Aug: 14 „ 27 .. 7 Sep: 10 „ 14 „ 25 Oct: 26 „ 27 Novb 30 „ - 13 Decemb: 27 Feb: .. 26 March ¦ • 31 j» I April • • 15 99 . . 16 99 • . 23 99 5 May . . 14 99 •• 7 June .. 14 99 •• 15 99 • • 23 99 •• 7 July 421 BURIALS. 171I-1712 Croston 1711 — continued Alice w. Richard Bannister of Hesketh John s. Tho: Fearnsworth of Mawdslay Cuthbart Clifton of Mawdslay John s. Robert Smyth of Walton . . Tho: s. Thomas Baxter of Hesketh . . John s. John Bell of Mawdsley Elizabeth'w. Roger Bymson of Xton Robt s. Robert Harrinson of Bratherton Ann Smyth of Xton William s. John Ryding of Xton James Dandy of Tarlton Martha d. Ralph Cross of Bratherton Mary w. Richard Croston of Xton . . Rowland Jackson a stranger Jane w. Richard Baxtendeign of Xton Thomas Ambrose of Mawdsley Gabriel s. William Beckonsal of Tarlton Robert Dronning of Bispham EUn Jackson of Bratherton Elizabeth w. Robert Baxter of Hesketh William s. Robert Hough of Tarlton Rob* s. Thomas Sawsby of Xton Elizabeth d. John MiUer of Xton , EUzabeth w. William Hyndley of Hool Alice w. James Calderough of Tarlton Alice w. Hugh Lathom of Bispham . . EUn w. Robert Farrington of Xton . . Ann w. William Bamforth of Bratherton A still born child of John Wignals of Hesketh Miles Bell Curate of Croston Rufford 1711 Anne d. Thomas Cooton Tarleton Anne Born at William Halewoods Rufforth Hugh s. William Ascroft Tarelton Mr John Spencer Rufforth Croston 1712 Robt s. Richard Rymer of Xton John s. William Monnk of Mawdsley John Blackurst of Bratherton Jane Harrinson of Hool Dorothy Asley of Xton Katherine w. Xtopher Baxter of Hesketh Henry s. Henry Moor of Tarlton Hugh Jenkinson of Tarlton WiUia s. Richd Carver of Xton 7 July 28 99 5 Aug: 8 99 99 99 19 99 16 Sept: 17 99 28 99 3 Oct: 9 99 18 99 20 99 25 99 5 Nov: 10 99 12 99 14 99 15 99 21 99 30 99 11 Dec: 25 J any 27 99 11 Feby 13 99 19 99 18 Marc 16 July 31 99 7 Nov: 18 99 2 Marc 28 99 31 99 99 99 1 Apl 15 99 21 99 25 99 29 99 1712 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. Croston 1712 — continued Joseph Thorp of Walton Jane w. Joseph Bolton of Xton Margret d. Tho: Wignal of Tarlton . . Richd s. Richd Bamber of Parbutt . . Elizabeth w. John Miller of Walton . . Elizabeth w. William Cross of Bratherton William Smyth of Walton Mr Edmund Trafford of Xton Elizabeth d. John Harrinson of Bratherton Susannah w. James Park of Xton . . John Whitdey of Walton Elizabeth d Tho: Mason of Xton Ralph Low of Mawdslay Ellin w. Henry Duckworth of Tarlton Richard Thomlinson of Walton Ann w. William Spiby of Bratherton Margret w. John Stannenough of Bispham John Yate of Mawdesley John Spiby of Xton Ann Archer of Tarlton Elizabeth Wiggins of Ribleton A still born child of John Christophers of Mawdslay Christopher Martindale of Bratherton John s. Tho: Worslay of Xton Sarah Morton of Xton William Ryding of Walton Rob* Bratherton of Eccleston Jennet w. Richd Wilson of Hool Margret Ryding of Tarlton Elizabeth d. John Bell of Mawdsley Elizabeth w. Tho: Beardsworth of Hool James s. WiUiam Salthouse of Tarlton James s. Jonathan Brettargh of Xton Ewan Mare of Hool EUin d. Richard Monnk of Mawdsley Ann Gradwell of Xton Edward s. Christopher Gradwell of Walton Richd s, John Blakeburn of Bratherton Adam Whitle of Tarlton Alice w. John Wignal of Hesketh William Cheetham of Tarlton A stiU born child of Peter Jumpes of Tarlton Richd s. Robt Farrington of Xton . . Elizabeth w. John Tyson of Walton John Cliff of Bratherton Robert Thornlay of Xton EUin w. Thomas Mawdsley of Rufforth 8 May 13 99 17 99 9 June 1513 July 29 2 99 August 3 99 4 99 10 59 n 99 27 4 Sept: 11 99 >? 99 1410 Octor >> 99 11 99 21 99 27 28 99 99 13 Nov: 24 28 9999 20 Dec: 26 99 99 6 99 Jany 15 J J 22 99 23 99 29 99 30 1 Feby 2 99 11 18 99 99 r9 99 20 99 21 10 99 March 13 99 21 99 23 >9 a 423 BURIALS. 1712-1713 Rufforth 1712 Widdow Hesketh of Rufforth . . . . 19 April Jane d. John Cucate Latham . . 23 „ Mary w. John Baldwin Burscolane . . . . 26 „ Jennet w. Richard Forshaw Rufford . . 11 Sept: Robt Disley of Rufforth 25 Wm s. Wm Forshaw Latham . . . . 9 Oct: Rebekah w. Henry Mason, of Latham . . 2 Deceb: Margret d. Rob: Tittrington Rufforth . . 8 Jan: Henry Walker Curate de Rufford Croston 1713 John s. Samuel Thorp of Croston John s. John Berry of Croston Tho: Bannister of Bratherton George Crook of Bratherton . . Rob4 s. Richd Rimer of Xton Sarah w. George Bane of Bratherton Ann w. Peter Jump of Tarlton Margret w. Tho: Chietham of Tarlton EUin w. Henry Wilson of Bratherton John s. Richd Rowcroft of Bratherton A young child of Wm Crosses of Bratherton A young child of John Bannisters of Tarlton Jennet Walton of Langton Richd s. John Cookson of Tarlton Mary w. John Thorp of Xton Richd Walton of Hool John Ridlay of Xton Jennet Moss of Hoole. . Ann w. James Spiby of Xton Jennet d. Tho: Worsley of Xton Tho: s. Henry Blackhurst of Hool Tho: Chietham of Tarlton A stiU born child of James Tassikars of Tarlton Mrs Dorothy Bannister of Whittle Alice d. Wm Wignal of Hoole Katherine d. Matthew Wilcock of Hoole . . Jane d. Henry Sharpless of Hool EUz: Sumner of Exton Margt d. William Wignal of Hool Tho: s. John Wielding of Bratherton Margret d. Matthew Wilcock of Hool Alice Forshaw of Walton WiUiam s. Robt Charnock of Bratherton . . 7 March 29 )5 1 Apl 15 99 16 99 24 99 27 99 99 99 29 99 30 99 14 May 18 99 28 99 I June 8 99 10 July 14 99 23 Aug: 9 Sepr 23 99 24 99 25 99 27 99 30 99 6 Octor 15 99 20 99 3 Nov: 21 99 26 99 7 Dec: 8 99 17 99 .. i9 Dec: • • 25 „ .. 15 Jany . . io Feby •• 13 99 ¦¦ 15 99 ¦ • 99 .. 18 99 99 . . 20 99 . . 22 59 . . 23 2 99 March . 6 99 . n 9) ¦• 13 99 99 99 •¦ 15 . . 16 99 99 . 20 9) 1713-1714 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. Croston 1713 — continued Tho: Rhothwell of Preston drowned EUin d. John Miller of Xton Jennet w. Tho: Godbar of Bratherton George s. Wm Norris of Bretherton . . William s. John Brown of Mawdsley EUz: Sharpless of Mawdsley EUz: w. Richd Stopworth of Mawdsley Tho: s. Henry Walbank of Tarlton . . Matthew Wilcock of Hool Mary Atherton of Xton Tho: s. Richd Wignal of Hesketh Tho: Beardsworth of Hoole Jane d. Henry Eccleston of Mawdsley Matthew s. Matthew Wilcock of Hool Ann Naylor of Xton Margret d. WiUia Wilson of Xton . . William Forshaw of Xton Alice d. Wm Wilkinson of Tarlton . . James s. John Sumner of Walton Miles BeU Curate of Croston Rufford 1713 Elizabeth w. Wm Ley of Tarleton . . Ann w. Edward Mason Rufford James Barton of Rufford Widdow Berley of Lathom Jennet w. Edward Bridge Rufford . . Robert s. Richard Bank Croston Margret d. John Tootall Rufford Thomas s. Thomas Peel a Bastard . . Jane w. Wm Preston Rufford Ann w. Thomas Barton Liverpool . . George Law of Rufford Thomas s. Robert Cooton Rufford . . Widdow Bickorstaff of Rufford A Traveller at Edward Leys Rufford Mary w. George Mawdsley Rufford . . Ann d. Wm Howarth Tarleton Wm s. John Berley Rufford . . Wm s. James Dobson Rufford Henry Walker Curate of Rufford 424 . . 29 May . . 17 June . . 26 „ • • 3 July ¦• 13 99 . . 21 •• 5 Aug: . . 12 99 ¦• 25 .. 14 . . 16 Sept: Oct: 11 Nov: . . 12 • 7 99 Deceb: . . 23 . . 10 99 Feb: ¦• 7 March . . 21 99 Croston 1714 Robt Singleton of Mawdsley EUz: d. John Sumner of Walton 1 Apl 425 BURIALS. 1714 Croston 1714 — continued EUz: w. Thomas Norris of Mawdsley Eliz: w. Robert Martland of Walton EUin w. W111 Forshaw of Mawdsley . . John Stanenough of Bispham Mary d. Margery Sumner of Croston EUz: d. Hugh Harrinson of Langton A young child of Ricd Rimers of Croston Adam s. Samuel Thorp of Croston . . Margret d. Thomas Bannister of Bratherton Margery w. John Berry of Croston EUen d. John Berry of Croston WUUam Mather of Croston Margret d. James Park of Croston Ann Nichols of Heskin WUUam s. Thomas Johnson of Tarlton Margret d. William Anderton of Bispham John s. WUliam Buck of Croston Katherine d. Christopher Baxter of Hesketh Margret Norris of Tarlton EUin d. WiUiam Bamforth of Bratherton EUz: Turner of Tarlton Ann w. James Fassiker of Tarlton . . John s. William Anderton of Bispham Francis s. WUliam Nelson of Mawdsley Thomas Hodshon of Warrington John Farrar of Bratherton Richard Mawdslay of Mawdsley EUin d. Robert Finch of Mawdsley . . EUin d. Henry Forshaw of Mawdsley John Thornton of Croston Cicilia w. Thomas Wilson of Hool . . Margret d. William Wielding of Hool Margret d. William Southwart of Walton George s. Margery Sumner of Croston John s. Margery Sumner of Croston . . WUliam s. Thomas Hesketh of Bispham Andrew Hesketh of Croston Katharine w. Henry Walbank of Tarlton Robert Norris of Tarlton Ann Rowcroft of Walton Henry s. .Henry Hunt of Hool William s. W111 Thomson of Mawdsley Ann Taylor of Tarlton Dorothy Bowker of Bratherton Tho: s. Thomas Smyth of Tarlton . . John Thorp of Croston Thomas Jackson of Tarlton . . II Apl 15 99 18 99 21 99 28 99 2 May fm 1 99 10 99 12 27 28 99 99 5 June 99 99 10 99 II 99 14 2 July 3 99 J9 91 27 8 Aug: 14 99 23 99 25 28 99 99 4 Sepr 21 99 28 99 99 7 Octor 8 99 10 „ 28 Novr 9 Deer 27 3 99 January 17 99 25 99 99 28 99 19 31 Feby 2 99 5 99 i7i4^7I5 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS, 426 Croston 1714 — continued Richard Croston of Whittle . . Jane w. Tho: Alte of Hesketh Tho: Norris of Tarlton AUce d. Hugh Norris of Croston Henry s. George Walton of Langton Miles BeU Curate of Croston Rufford 1714 Sarah d. James Forshaw Latham Mary Lyon of Rufford Richard s. Edward Hesketh Rufford John KUshaw of Holmswood James s. Wm Fairclough of Holmswood Edward s. Ralf Forshaw Burscoe Henry s. Robert Banck Rufford EUin w. Robert Bickerstaff Exton . . Ann w. Wra Halewood Rufford Henry s. Richard Hesketh Rufford . . John s. Edmund Par Burscoe Margret Hesketh widow Rufford Thomas s. John Kilshaw Holmswood EUin w. Henry Baldwin Rufford George s. Rob: Law Holmswood EUin w. Wm Ascroft Holmswood Ann d. Thomas Cooton Holmswood Elizabeth Heys widow Latham Richard Lightboon Rufford Henry Walker Curate of Croston 1715 Henry s. Ralph Rylans of Bratherton Oliver Prescott of Bispham . . Tho: s. Wm WignaU of Tarlton Margret d. James Finch of Mawdsley James Charles of Croston Richd s. Robt Baxters of Hesketh Richard Portar of Bratherton Eliz: d. Wm Cross of Bratherton Joan Charles of Croston James Caldrow of Tarlton . . : Henry Smyth of Mawdsley . . Jane d. Henry Blackurst of Hool Margret w. John Rigby of Croston . Margret w. Xtopher Walton of Hool Edward s. Edward Hunt of Hesketh .. 18 Feby .. 27 i 99 March •• 7 .. 18 9999 31 March 21 Apr: 20 May 23 „ 22 July 24 Aug: 99 99 26 Sept: II Octr 15 „ 20 Novr 1 Decemb: 8 „ 8 Feb: 9 9, 15 „ 20 „ 7 March 22 „ Rufford 25 „ 3 April 11 ,. 13 „ 20 „ 99 99 23 „ 1 May 3 9, 7 „ 11 „ 14 „ 18 „ 21 „ 3i » 427 BURIALS. i7J5 Croston 1715 — continued Henry s. Lawrance Cawnce A still born child of Xtian Sawsbys of Croston . . Wm Ryding of Tarlton Jane Dronning of Bispham . . Ema Hough of Croston Margret d. Wm Wignall of Hesketh AUce d. George Norris of Bratherton Jane Parkinson of Mawdsley A still born child of Paul Robinsons of Bratherton John Forshaw of Tarlton Tho: s. Thomas Wignal of Hool WiUiam Wielding of Hool Nicholas Hunt of Mawdsley . . Wm s. John Thornton of Hool EUz: d. John Moss of Hool . . Margret d. Richd Rimer of Croston AUce w. Dennis Grundy of Walton Margrett Thomson of Bispham Richard Hodshon of Tarlton Mrs jane Bell of Croston Thomas Adamson of Tarlton Katherine Thomson of Mawdsley James Cockett of Tarlton John s. Tho: Fearnsay of Mawdsley Gilbert Sadler of Mawdsley . . Thomas Green of Mawdsley . . Margret Withington of Croston Edward Fowler of Walton Ann Baxtendeign of Croston Alice Fassakerly of Tarlton Mary Rotharam of Tarlton . . Miles Bell Curate of Croston Rufford 1715 Sidney Fairclough d Tho: Fairclough Holmswood John s. James Sitch Holmswood EUzab: Knowles widow Rufford Anne Tatterson Martin Mere Wm Lea of Holmswood Henry Watkinson Tarleton . . Anne w. Rob: Abram Rufford Anne d. Daniel Altie Rufford Jane w. James Forshaw Ruff: Wm Ascroft of Holmswood . . 4 June 82 July Aug: 12 99 30 2 Sepr 13 99 8 Octo 9 99 12 99 ?? 5? 99 99 19 » 6 Nov 22 .11 Deer 12 „ 1 Jany 9 9, 11 „ 26 „ 30 „ 10 Feby 24 „ 25 9, 28 „ 12 March 24 March 30 „ 10 Apr: 30 „ 17 July 26 „ 27 Aug: 5 Sept: 10 „ 30 „ 1715-1716 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 42$ RUFTORD 1715— continued Wm Smith of Martin Mere A child of Hen: Watkinsons Tarleton Elizab: Greaves Rufford Jennet d. Wm Baron Rufford Margery Altie of Rufford A child of Henry Ascrofts Holmswood 3 9 18 26 99 28 Henry Walker Curate of Rufford Jan: Croston 17 16 A stiU born child of Wm Mosses of Croston Dorothy d. John Bannister of Hesketh Isabel d. Henry Finch of Mawdsley EUin Miller of Bratherton WilUam Jackson of Hool Eliz: d. Tho: Knowles of Heskin Eliz: Watkinson of Croston Jane d. Richard Benson of Croston . . Richard Whittle of Tarlton Tho: s. Tho: Tatterson of Walton . . Richd KUshaw of Walton John s. Jefferay Wielding of Tarlton Isabel Croston of Croston George Rowcroft of Ecclston Richard Ryding of Mawdsley EUin Farriar of Bratherton . . Mrs Ann Oakil of Bratherton John Norris of Tarlton Edward Bank of Hool Wm & Cutbart sons of Tho: Finch < Mawdsley Katherine d. Richard Mounk of Mawdsley Jane Thompson of Mawdsley Ann Turner of Croston Wm Dalton of Ecclston Tho: s. Jane Cawn of Croston James Ashton of Bispham Ann w. John Bolton of Bispham Tho: AUinson of Mawdsley John Bell of Mawdsley Eliz: Hodshon of Croston Wm s. Tho: Widding of Hool Richard Allen of Walton Roger Bimson of Croston Ann Sumner of Walton Hugh s. John Jenkinson of Bratherton .. 28 March .. 30 Apl 4 May .. 14 99 .. 17 99 2 June •• 3 99 .. 6 99 .. 8 99 . . n 99 .. 16 99 .. 18 99 .. 28 99 .. 19 July .. 28 99 .. 30 99 .. 30 Augt •• 3i 99 • • 99 99 . . 12 Sepr . 18 99 . . 20 99 .. 24 99 • • 15 Octor .. 16 99 ¦ • 99 99 .. 29 99 .. 30 99 .. 27 Nov: ¦• 4 Dec: . . 11 9) .. 26 99 •¦ 5 Jany . . 11 99 •• 15 ?J 429 BURIALS. 1716-1717 Croston 1716 — continued John s. Richard Cross of Leyland George s. Hugh Norris of Croston EUin Smyth of Croston James Benson of Croston Hugh Ashton of Bispham Alice w. Wm Cross of Bratherton Ann d. Thomas Smyth of Croston Robert Sharpless of Mawdslay Elizabeth d. John Christopher of Mawdsley EUzabeth w. Henry Waring of Walton A still born child of Thomas Tattersons of Ulnes Walton Richard s. John Bannister of Tarlton Miles Bell Curate of Croston 1617 20 26 5 14 15 79 2021 Jany Feby March Rufford 17 16 AUice Low Rufforth Rob: Durham Rufforth Edward Mason Rufforth Margret w. George Arnon Rufforth EUin d. Rob: Abram Rufforth 24 May 5 June 15 Nov: 23 Decemb: 6 Feb: Henry Walker Curate of Rufforth Croston 1717 A still born child of Robt Almonds of Croston Mary d. Robt Almond of Croston . . Robt s. John Taylor of Tarlton Grace d. Thomas Farrar of Bratherton A stiU born child of Tho: Mosses of Croston EUin d. John Norris of Tarlton Robt Baxter of Hesketh Oliver Wilson of Croston Robt s. John Hough of Croston A stUl born child of Tho: Norriss of Croston Hugh Stopforth of Mawdslay Thomas Wilson of Hool Thomas Clough of Bratherton Ann Bamber of Croston John s. Edwd Beardsworth of Hool Wm Mounk of Mawdslay Wm s. John Cross of Bratherton Margret w. John Entwissle of Bispham Tho: s. of Tho: Fearnsay of Mawdslay 13 Ap: 15 99 21 99 99 99 22 99 8 May 13 99 24 99 17 June 21 99 22 99 jj 99 2 July 7 99 10 91 3 Aug: 22 99 24 99" 25 99 I717 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 430 Croston 1717 — continued WiUiam s. Thomas Norris of Croston . . 1 Sep: Henry s. John Blackhurst of Bratherton . . 14 ,, Robt Singleton of Walton . . . . . . „ „ Mr Thomas Leigh of Bratherton Ann Thomson of Mawdslay Lawrance Cawnce of Tarlton Margret w. Thomas Smyth of Walton Katherine w. Wm Miller of Hesketh Wm s. John Harrinson of Bratherton Robt Coe of Tarlton Thomas Fell of Standish John s. Mr Henry Leadbetter Tarlton Jennet d. Wm Cockett of Tarlton . . Henry s. John Harrinson of Bratherton George Woods of Croston Henry s. James Cadwell of Croston . . Eliz: d. John Green of Mawdslay Ann d. John Harrinson of Bratherton Jane Dandy of Croston Jennet d. Tho: Godbar of Bratherton Wm s. Wm Salthouse of Bratherton . . Wm Dandy of Croston Wm Parre of Tarlton Ann d. Robt Hunter of Tarlton. EUin d. Wm Farrar of Bratherton . . Richard Singleton of Harton John Dandy of Croston Robt s. Thomas Baxter of Hesketh . . Wm Asmough of Croston EUz: d. Robert Hodshon of Croston . . A stiU born child of Hugh Jumps Walton Ann Worthington of Croston Jane w. Ricd Harrinson of Croston . . Mary d. Thomas Hatch of Walton . . EUz: d. James CadweU of Croston . . Wm s. Henry Green of Mawdsley Margret d. Ann Makinson of Croston Andrew Stones of Mawdsley Hugh Latham of Bispham Margret w. James Thomsou of Mawdsley Margret d. Robert Cookson of Tarlton Dorothy w. Henry Dandy of Bratherton Jane Ashton of Bispham Ann d. Henry Fisher of Mawdslay . . John s. John Ryding of Croston Thomas Wadmough of Croston 12 19 99 I Octo: 2 99 2 Nov: 8 99 9 9) 13 11 16 99 99 99 17 99 21 19 99 99 25 19 26 91 I Deer 4 11 9 11 12 99 22 ,, 26 99 30 J9 99 99 4 Jany 8 91 15 99 18 99 18 91 26 99 3i 99 2 Feby 5 99 99 99 6 99 13 11 SJ 11 22 19 28 99 3 March 99 91 7 11 8 99 431 Croston 1717 — continued BURIALS. 1717-1718 Margret d. John Jenkinson of Bratherton EUz: Walbank of Tarlton Lawrance s. Lawrance Gaskel of Croston Robert s. Thomas Dalton of Croston Margret d. Thomas Wiggans of Croston Miles Bell Curate of Croston Rufford 1717 Elizab: d. Evan Canne Rufford Cisley Baron of Rufford Margret Davis of Burso [sic] James Forshaw of Rufford John s. Edward Disley of Whittleewood Edward Bridge of Rufford The s. of a Traveller Henry Walker Curate of Rufford Croston 1718 Jane d. WiUiam Cubborn of Mawdsley Thomas Benson of Croston Margret d. Tho: Bannister of Bratherton Dorothy d. Henry Talbot of Mawdsley Roger Ryding of Tarlton . . AUce w. George Ashton'of Bispham John MiUer of Walton EUin Thomson of Mawdsley . . Richard Smith of Walton Ann d. Jonathan Bratter of Croston Hugh s. James Jenkinson of Bratherton Nicholas s. Wm Bamforth of Bratherton Richard s. Sam: Thorp of Croston . . Alice Dandy of Tarlton Susannah d. Henry Forshaw of Mawdsley John Knowles of Croston EUen Nelson of Mawdslay Jennet HaU of Hool A still born child of Hugh Norris of Croston George s. Wm Bamforth of Bratherton AUce d. Richd Langtree of Croston . . Henry Bannester of Bratherton Eliz: d. Tho: Wilson of Bratherton . . James Bannister of Hesketh Ann d. John Thomson of Mawdslay Richard Benson of Croston Robert Thornton of Hesketh 15 March S3 33 17 9, 22 | „ 25 .. .. 29 March . . 22 Apr: .. 6 June 4 Oct: ¦• 13 December . . 4 Jan: • • 7 „ 27 March 29 ?j 3i j? 1 April N 8 J? 24 53 28 )) 2 May 3 ?? 6 »» 7 S3 8 33 99 33 19 33 25 33 8 June 18 99 23 99 27 99 30 99 1 July 13 99 16 99 4 August 11 99 12 99 17 99 1718 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 432 Croston 1718 — continued Ann d. John Cubborn of Mawdsley Robt Charnock of Bratherton Eliz: w. Robert Hunter of Tarlton A still born child of Wm Norriss of Croston Margret w. Richard Nickson of Walton WiUia s. Tho: Silcock of Bratherton Henry s. James Mawdslay of Mawdslay Hugh Norriss of Croston Dorothy d. Sam: Bamforth of Bratherton . . EUin Orrell of Bratherton Thomas Aspinden of Croston EUz: d. Robert Hunter of Tarlton Thomas Dobson of Tarlton Peter Jump of Tarlton John s. John Blackburne of Bratherton Henry Leadbetter of Tarlton Margret d. Rich: Bannister of Hesketh Robert Nelson of Mawdslay . . Edwd Rigby of Mawdslay EUz: d. Richd Bannister of Hesketh WUliam Bratherton of Bispham EUz: d. John Heigham of Tarlton Margret w. Wm Voas of Mawdslay Richd s. Richd Leigh of Tarlton Richard Stonning of Croston A stiU born child of Wm Salthousess of Hutton John Cockett of Tarlton Jennet d. John Moss of litle Hool Mary Keighlay of Croston Thurstan Whittle of Tarlton Jane w. Wm Ryding of Croston Tho: Godbar of Bratherton Richd Nelson of Mawdslay Richd Wignal of Hesketh Mary d.Wm Farrington of Croston Eliz: Addinson of Mawdslay Rufford 17 18 Anne w. Andrew Caunce Rufford Hugh Caunce Rufford Margret d. Tho: Altie Rufford Rich: s. Wm Cooper Rufford James s. Mary Gumbry Rufford . ., George s. Rob: Law Holmswood Andrew Caunce Rufford Ralph s. Ralph Forshaw Lathom . . 29 Sept: 30 99 6 Oct: 11 91 9 99 15 99 20 99 26 99 3 Nov: 8 95 15 99 17 99 18 99 20 99 13 Dec: 18 99 20 99 23 99 25 99 3i 99 9 Jany 12 99 16 99 23 '9 99 99 8 Feby 11 11 17 99 18 99 19 99 23 99 9 March 15 11 22 99 23 99 24 99 3 May 5 „ 19 „ 29 „ 30 June 12 Aug: 6 Sep: 433 BURIALS. 1718-1719 Rufford 1718 — continued Wm Bellingham Esqr Rufford Edward Hesketh Rufford Mary d. Ellis Jernat Martin Mere Rennet Forshaw Bursco Jane w. Tho: Silcock Bratherton Croston 1719 EUz: w. Tho: Wignal of Hesketh Ann Wilson of Croston John Tyson of Walton Mary Wignal of Hesketh Richard Forshaw of Bratherton Margret Dickinson of Mawdslay John Bannister of Tarlton Edward Stannenough of Hool Alice Eastham of Leyland Tho: Wignal of Hesketh Wm s. of Richard Miller of Croston . . Ann d. of Ellin Baxter of Hesketh . . Thomas s. Wm Moss of Bratherton Thomas s. Edward Beardsworth of Hool Alice d. Richd Wignal of Tarlton Robt s. Robt Smyth of .Walton James s. Wm Dandy of Hool W111 s. Richd Xtopher of Croston Margery Wielding of Bratherton Joan Monnk of Croston Robt s. Thomas Hesketh of Croston . , John s. John Benthom of Mawdslay Xtopher Leadbetter of Tarlton AUce Hough of Hool AUce w. Ralph Bannister of Bratherton Frances d. W111 Farrar of Bratherton Margret w. James Park of Hool Jane d. James Cadwell of Croston . . Edwd s. Sam: Bamforth of Bratherton James Welch s. of a Traveller A still born child of George Norris's Tarlton Wm s. Thomas Dobson of Tarlton . . Jane w. W"1 Blackledge of Farrington EUin Bannister of Hesketh widow . . James s. Richd Stopforth of Mawdslay Robt Sumner of Farrington Jennet d. Tho: Wiggans of Croston . . Richd s. Tho: Godbar of Bratherton John s. John Tatterson of Mawdslay of 17 Oct: 3 Jan: 20 Feb: 24 99 23 March 28 March 3i 99 3 Apl: 4 99 6 99 11 99 13 99 14 99 15 »9 25 »9 99 99 5 May 99 99 9 99 14 99 28 99 1 June 17 99 25 99 3 July 20 99 24 99 28 99 6 Aug: 99 99 8 99 13 99 99 99 17 99 21 99 21 99 29 99 2 Sept: 4 99 99 99 5 99 7 99 8 99 10 99 1719 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 434 Croston 1719 — continued Eliz: d. John Xtopher of Mawdslay Eliz: Orrell of Bratherton Richd s. Richd Nickson of Walton Alice w. John Park of Croston John s. Wm Farrington of Croston Ann d. John KUshaw of Langton Alice w. Wm Portar of Bratherton Margret d. James Jenkinson of Bratherton . Jennett d. Tho: Moss of Hool EUz: Bannister of Hesketh EUin d. Hugh Jump of Walton WUUam Miller of Croston EUin d. John Bannister of Tarlton EUin Monnk of Tarlton William Wiggans of Tarlton A stUl born child of Robt Hodshon of Croston A stUl born chUd of W™ Thomsons of Bispham Mary Baxtendeign of Croston Henry Wilson of Hool John Yate of Mawdslay EUin Proctor of Croston Wm s. Henry Wilson of Bratherton Thomas s. Wm Wignal of Hool Dorothy Prescot of Bispham ElUn w. John Thorp of Croston Ann w. Richard Rutter of Mawdslay ElUn d. Wm Wilkinson of Tarlton EUin d. John Hesketh of Tarlton John s. Tho: Tatterson of Walton John s. W"1 Dandy of Hool Alice Moor of Bispham John Studholm of Croston EUz: w. James Bratherton of Eccleston Ann d. W111 Beckonsall of Tarlton Culbart s. Henry Hesketh of Bratherton . . Alice d. Tho: Hunt of Bratherton Isabel Parre of Tarlton Margret Marsh of Walton George s. W™ Farrington of Croston Wm s. Henry Wilson of Bratherton Alice Edden of Tarlton „ „ Alice Marsh of Walton .. .. ..22 „ Rufford 1719 Ann d. Thomas Altie Rufford Rufford [sic] . 6 Apr: Margret d. John TooteU Rufford . . . . 4 June 13 Sept: 19 99 25 I Octo: 3 9* 10 99 11 99 19 99 20 99 29 4 99 Nov: 5 6 9999 9 99 12 99 17 18 99 99 20 99 4 Dec: 99 99 7 99 14 99 15 99 22 99 2 Jan: 6 99 9 99 1418 9999 25 28 Feby 99 9 18 26 99 99 99 4 6 Marc 9J 9 99 12 16 9999 435 Rufford 1719 — continued BURIALS. Jane Ascroft of Holmswood Elizabeth d. Lawrance Hesketh Rufford Elizab: w. Lawrance Berry Latham John s. Thomas Holt Black More John s. Margret Christophers Black More . . . Elizab: Cooton of Rufford Henry s. John Porter Layland . . .- Thomas Holt of Black More Margery Sharrock Holmswood Bridget Forshaw w. of Thom: Forshaw Rufford Martha d. Robert Leadbetter Tarlton Thomas s. Rob: Mawdsley Rufford Rob: Law of Holmswood Edward Hesketh of Rufford EUin w. Evan Caunce Rufford Thomas Hesketh Esq Rufford Andrew s. Evan Caunce Rufford Croston 17 2 0 Mary Westhead of Mawdesley Eliz: d. George Stopforth of Bispham EUz: w. Tho: Tatterson of Walton . . Alice w. Henry Marsh of Walton John Rimmer of Hoole Catharine Wilcock of Croston Jane d. Tho: Woods of Bretherton . . Jane Cottam of Croston A stiU born child of Tho: Norris's of Croston Jane Addison of Mawdesley John s. William Anderson of Bispham MM Eliz: Carter of Bispham Alice w. John Harrison of Bretherton John Wignal of Hesketh Jane d. Richd Hardiker of Croston . . Jennet Jenkinson of Tarleton EUz: Woan a Traveller WiUiam Fisher of Croston William Baxtonden of Croston John s. John Thompson of Mawdesley Margaret Bouker of Bispham Jane w. John Glazebrook of Walton Richard s. Richard Monk of Mawdesley EUin Jump of Walton Mary w. Thomas Clough of Bretherton Edmund s. WUliam Wignal of Hoole 1719-1720 18 July 22 99 28 99 II Sep: 19 99 29 99 • 6 Octob: 9 99 25 99 15 Nov: 24 99 25 Deceb: 29 99 28 Jan: 8 Feb: 2 March 23 33 28 March 2 April 45 6 11 12 22 2329 7 9 3 15 24 28 14 3i 1 2 3 12 1316 17 MayJune Aug: 1720 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 436 Croston 1720 — continued Henry Hesketh of Winstanley Thomas s. John Yate of Mawdesley. . Thomas Wilson of Bretherton Henry s. Simon Hesketh of Bretherton Jennet Eastham of Croston Ann Ridley of Croston John s. Tho: Charnley of Hoole James Clarkson of Bretherton William Wilcock of Longton George Norris of Croston Clerk Catharine Wignal of Tarlton widow EUin d. Thomas Wallbank of Tarleton Henry Waring of Walton Ann w. John Ryding of Croston Thomas Snaylom of Bretherton Ann Rose of Bretherton Lettice w. Robert Bamford of Bretherton . William s. Wid: Wilson of Hoole Jane w. George Norris of Tarleton Eliz: Clarkson of Bretherton Hugh s. William Cubbon of Mawdesley Catharine w. John Whigh of Lever poole . John s. WUliam ffarington Junr of Croston EUz: d. Henry Taziker of Hoole George s. Henry Taziker of Hoole . . Alice Hunter of Tarleton Richard s. John Astley of Croston . . Richard Philipson of Rufford Eliz: d. Thomas Thompson of Croston Alice d. John Cross of Bretherton . . George Ashton of Bispham Ann w. Thomas Leigh of Tarleton . . Eliz: w. John Taylor of Tarleton Margaret Hesketh of Croston Margaret d. John Jenkinson of Bretherton. WiUiam s. John Hough of Croston . . Richard s. John Frith of Mawdesley Margret w. James Hartcley of Croston EUz: Stones of Croston Peter s. of Mra Leadbetter of Tarleton Eliz: Rimmer of Croston Edward s. Henry Ball of Walton EUin w. William ffarington of Croston Mr Miles Bell Curate of Croston Mary w. John Thompson of Tarleton Rogr Greene Curate 17 Aug: 18 33 19 33 22 33 23 33 I Septemb 5 99 9 J9 11 99 14 91 99 »» 19 99 20 91 21 99 26 99 14 Octob: 17 Novemb: 19 99 23 99 27 99 6 Decemb: 11 99 16 99 18 99 19 91 22 11 28 11 8 January 14 19 23 99 28 99 7 ffebruary 9 99 99 99 18 99 20 91 99 91 24 99 25 99 28 99 7 Mar: 13 99 14 99 22 99 437 BURIALS. 1720-1721 Rufford 17 20 Cisley d. Edward Forshaw Rufford John Tyrer Rufford Hannah Walker Rufford Margret w. Thomas Heighs Rufford EUin Tod Halsey John s. Wm Hailwood Rufford John Jenkinson of Rufford . . Margret Wignal of Holmswood Thomas Forshaw Rufford Elizb: d. Henry Ascroft Holmswood Richard Altie Rufford John Disley Rufford Jane d. Rob: Hesketh Rufford Matthew s. John Hesketh Rufford John s. Wm Allerton Rufford Alice d. John Hesketh Rufford Wm Baron Rufford Ellin w. Ralph Forshaw Bursco Mary d. Thomas Sharrock Latham Thomas Osborn of Rufford . . Thomas Woosley of Martin Mere Edward s. John Forshaw Bursco Ann d. Thom: Altie Rufford . . Frances Knowles Rufford Aug: 12 Apr: 22 May 27 3 June 12 „ 13 38 11 „ 28 „ 31 » 2 Sept: 21 „ 24 Nov: 22 Deceb: 29 „ 13 Jan: 18 „ 21 „ 13 Feb: 24 „ 2 March HENRY WALKER henery hesketh Ralph Crosse John Tunstall Samuel Rigby Curate Church wardens of Croston Croston 17 21 Robert s. John Hough of Croston . . . . 25 March Ralph s. Richd Banastre of Hesketh . . 26 „ Mary d. John Thompson of Bispham . . 29 „ Isabel w. Edward Monk of Croston . . . . 30 „ Robert Hough of Much Hoole . . . . 5 Apl: William s. John Asley of Croston . . . . 6 „ Mary d. Tho: Lee of Tarleton . . „ „ John Hough of Croston . . . . . . 7 „ Richard s. Henry Worthington of Mawdesley 9 „ John s. Worsley [sic] of Croston . . . . 11 „ Margery d. Tho: Laurence of Tarleton 13 „ EUz: Blackhurst of Much Hoole . . „ „ Tho: s. John Christopherson of Mawdesley „ „ Thomas Parke of Much Hoole . . . . 29 „ 1721 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 438 Croston 1721 — continued James s. William Cocket of Tarleton Emlin Hodges of Croston EUin w. WiUiam Wignal of Tarleton Richd Cross of Bretherton Margery w. Tho: Forshawe of Bretherton Richd s. John Thornton of Croston . . Margaret Bimson of Croston Elizab: Wildin of Bretherton William Harrison of Longton A still born child of Henry Sumners of Mawdesley John s. William Wildin late of Bretherton John s. Richd Nelson late of Mawdesley Susanna d. Tho: Hunt of Bretherton Jane w. Thomas Langtree of Walton Alice Johnson of Tarleton EUin d. Margaret Mawdesley of Mawdesley John s. Henry Yates of Mawdesley . . Margaret d. Tho: Hunt of Bretherton Robert s. John Singleton of Walton EUin Godber of Bretherton . . Thomas s. John Moss of Hoole EUin Iddon of Bretherton Ann Charnock of Walton Thomas Johnson of Tarleton A still born child of James Parks of Hoole Sarah w. John Cookson of Tarleton John s. Thomas Lee of Tarleton Elisabeth Wilson of Croston John s. Hugh Jump of Walton Andrew Hodson of Walton EUsab: Cross of Bretherton William ffarington of Croston Thomas s. Tho: Banastre of Bretherton Edward Langtree of Mawdesley George s. Henry Dawson of Walton . . EUin w. Richard ffarington of Croston Margt d. Christopher Baxter of Hesketh WUliam s. Tho: Worsley of Croston Thomas Baxtonden of Croston Margaret Banastre of Tarleton Jennet w. Richd Nixon of Eccleston Thomas s. John Miller of Tarlton . . Margret Iddon of Tarleton Alice Jackson of Hoole John Cocket of Tarleton 5 May 8 99 15 99 20 99 22 99 24 99 27 99 15 June 16 )9 17 11 24 19 2 July 5 99 12 99 30 99 99 99 8 Aug: 10 99 3i 99 8 Sept: 33 99 II 99 13 99 14 11 16 19 18 99 11 99 22 99 99 11 23 99 26 99 28 99 29 99 99 99 99 99 3 Oct: 7 99 12 99 14 99 15 99 99 99 16 99 21 99 23 11 24 91 439 BURIALS. 1721 Croston 1721 — continued EUin Sharpies of Samblesbury Christopher Buck of Tarleton EUin Norris of Tarleton Catharine Snallom of Bretherton Margaret w. John Stopford of Mawdesley Hugh Norris of Croston Margaret Harrison of Croston James Dobson of Tarleton Margt w. John MiUer of Heath Charnock WiUiam Dobson of Tarleton Richd PUkington of Bretherton Oliver Holden of Croston Jennet d. Tho: Smith of Croston John s. Henry Sharpies of Hoole Mr Richd Thompson of Manchester William Porter of Bretherton WUliam Bolton of Tarleton Henry s. Thomas Wiggins of Bretherton Hugh Harrison of Longton Henry Sharpie of Hoole Margaret d. WiUiam Anderton of Bispham Margaret d. Thomas Wignal of Hesketh EUz: Taylor of Tarleton 2 Nov: 3 99 22 99 23 3 99 Dec: 56 9399 11 99 13 99 17 93 29 „ 15 Janu 99 16 99 99 19 9 99 Feb: 1 Mar: 3 99 10 93 15 99 21 93 ROGr GREENE Cur: of Croston John Baldwin 7 Church John Walch J wardens Rufford 17 21 Allice Spencer of Rufford Margret d. Robt Cookson Holmswood Cisley d. Wm Ascroft Holmswood John Spencer of Rufford Henry s. Henry Bridge Rufford Jane d. Rob: Hesketh Rufford George s. Rich: Smalshaw Martin Mere Margret d. Thom: Fairclough Holmswood Henry s. George Scuver a stranger . . John Ascroft . . . Holmswood EUzab: w. James Dobson Martin Mere Ann w. Henry Tattersall Martin Mere EUin d. Henry TattersaU Martin Mere Rob: s. John Bannister Martin Mere Thom: Hesketh Smith Rufford EUin MuUoss Burscoe Evan Caunce Rufford 25 March 3 Apr: 17 May 28 „ 13 July 27 3, 4 Aug: 4 Sep: 5 „ 16 „ 21 „ 1 Novem: 20 „ 33 33 13 Dec: 30 „ 27 Jan: .. 9 Feb: .. 14 •¦ 25 .. 4 9999 March ¦• 13 99 1721-1722 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 440 Rufford 1721 — continued Cisley w. Thom: Caunce Rufford John s. James Sutch Holmswood Tho: Caunce Rufford Rob: Jenkinson of Rufford Margret d. James Dobson Martin Mere Henry Walker Curate of Rufford Croston 17 2 2 Richard Booker of Bispham MiUer . . . . 4 Apl: Mary d. Rich: Langtree of Croston Joyner & Agnes his wife . . . . . . . . 19 „ Jennet w. John Watkinson of Croston Husband: . . . . . . . . 23 „ Ann d. Wm Becconsal of Tarlton Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 28 „ Christopher Gradell of Walton Gent: . . 5 May Eliz: d. Mary Knowles a Traveller . . . . 6 „ Mary Shawe of Tarleton Spinster . . . . 25 „ Richd s. Jn Withington of Croston Webster & Ellin his wife . . . . . . 27 „ Mr Tho: Hodges Cur: of Rainford . . . . 29 „ Hugh Thompson of Bispham Husbdn . . I0/ June EUz: w. John Baxtonden of Croston Husbdn 23 „ Margt w. Robt Banastre of Tarleton Husbdn 17 July Wm s. Wm Cubbon of Mawdsley Husbdn & Margt his wife . . . . . . . . 20 „ Thos Robt & jane sons & d. Tho: Staziker of Croston Husbdn & Jenet his w. . . 21 „ Mary w. Richd Moor of Bispham Yeom: . . 21 „ Catharine w. Robt Wignal of Hesketh Blacksmith . . . . . . . . 9 Aug: John Hodges of Bretherton Yeom: . . . . 10 „ James s. Thos Wiggins of .Croston Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 18 „ Thos s. wm Southworth of Walton Husbdn & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 22 „ Alice d. Edwd Tyrer of Walton Yeom: & Jane his wife . . . . . . . . 28 ,, Ann d. Henry Hodges of Bretherton Yeom: & EUin his wife . . . . . . „ „ EUin d. Thomas Eastham of Croston Carpenter & Jane his wife . . . . . . 3 Sep: Cicily d. James Thompson of Mawdsley Husbdn & Jenet his wife . . . . . . 6 „ Richd s. Wm Broxop of Euxton Yeom: . . 7 „ 44i BURIALS. 1722 31 3, 26 Nov: 4 Dec: 7 14 99 99 Croston 1722 — coutinued WiUiam fforshawe of Mawdesley Husbdn . . t.8 Sep: ElUn d. Rob4 Stuart of Mawdesley Husbdn & AUce his wife . . . . . . „ „ Hugh Wignal Junr 0f Tarleton Husbdn . . 24 „ Henry s. Hen: Watkinson of Croston Husbdn & Cathar: his wife . . . . . . 4 Octob: Jane d. Robt Banastre of Tarleton Husbdn. . 25 >( Alice Southworth of Bretherton Spinster . . „ „ Richd s. Richd Rimmer of Croston Skinner & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 26 „ EUz: Worthington wid: & John Berry Yeom: both of Croston Mary Godber of Bretherton widow A stUl born chUd of Thos Porters of Bretherton Husbdn & Margt his wife A stiU born chUd of James Tomlinsons of Walton Husbdn & Eliz: his wife Jane Bretherton of Leyland widow Robt s. of Thos Moss of Aughton Yeom: & Mary his wife .. .. .. ..21 „ Robt s. James Cadwel of Croston Husbdn & EUz: his wife . . . . . . . . 2 Janu: Margt Wignal of Walton Spinster . . . . „ „ EUz: d. James Mawdesley of Mawdesley Husbdn & EUin his wife . . . . 3 „ Robt S- WiUiam Baxtonden of Croston Husbdn & Mary his wife Mary d. Ursula Leadbetter of Tarleton widow Alice Heys of Bispham widow Ann d. Robt Norris of Croston Victualer & EUz: his wife Jane d. Richd Mawdesley of Mawdesley Yeom: & Jennet his wife EUin Banastre of Bretherton widow Thomas Moss of Aughton Yeom: Mary d. AUce Hatch of Walton Spinster . . John s. James Taylor of Bretherton Shoemaker & Ann his wife Thomas s. John Wignal of Tarleton Husbdn & Alice his wife Jane Hodson of Croston widow Thomas s. Reginald Harrison of Liverpool Miller & Margt his wife John s. Andrew Worthington of Croston Husbdn & EUin his wife . . . . 18 / 99 II 99 15 99 24 99 25 3 99 Feb 5 6 99 99 4 Mar: 99 99 13 „ 33 33 1722-1723 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 442 Croston 1722 — continued William Ryding of Bispham Husband" Thomas Camel of Walton Husbandman Finis ROGr GREENE Curate 19 Mar: 20 Humphrey Marsh ) ~. , , Robert Norris j Churchwardens Tarleton 17 2 2 Edward s. Hugh Legh of Tarleton & Margery his wife Henry Cocket of Tarleton Bachlour W TOMLINSON Cu: William W. Wignall his x mark Chapel warden Rufford 1722 Rob: s. Margret Hesketh Rufford Thomas s. Laurence Hesketh Rufford Henry s. Rob: Titterinton Bursco . . Ann d. Thomas Hesketh Croston Dinah d. Jonathan Inglesby Martin Mere Elizb: d. John Porter Martin Mere . . Mary Garret of Martin Mere Henry s. John Bannaster Martin Mere Joseph s. Wm Boardman a Traveller Grace Goodman a TraveUer Jane d. John Miller Tarleton John s. W111 Forshaw Rufford John Forshaw of Tarleton HENRY WALKER Curate Croston 17 2 3 Henry s. Ann Sharpies of Croston widow . . Thomas s. EUz: Rishton of Mawdesley Spinster Sarah Parke of Croston widow John s. Jane Wilding of Mawdesley Spinster John s. Rob* Harrison of Bretherton Limer Ann d. Richd Rimer of Croston Skinner & Mary his wife Ellin w. John Taylor of Tarleton Husband^ 2 Jan: 7 9, .. 30 Apr: •• 3 May .. 16 39 .. 27 99 •• 23 July •• 13 Aug: .. 26 39 .. 8 Sep: •• 4 Oct: .. 6 33 .. 8 Jan: ¦¦ 5 Feb: . . l6 Mar: 25 Marcl 3° 33 i April 13 91 20 99 24 19 27 19 443 BURIALS. 1723 Croston 1723 — continued JeSet Cross d. WiUiam Cross of Bretherton Husbdn 5 May Richd s. William ffarington of Croston Husbdn 26 „ EUz: d. Tho: Woods of Bretherton Husbdn & Jennet his wife . . . . . . 4 June EUin w. Michael Tomlinson of Walton Husbandman . . . . . . „ „ Thomas Nelson of Walton Yeom: . . . . 18 July Ann d. Hugh Norris of Croston Yeom: & EUin his wife . . . . . . „ „ A child of Tho: Adisons of Mawdesley Husbdn & Ann his w. unbapt . . . . . . 29 „ EUenor ffisher of Heskin Spinster . . . . 2 Augt Margt Yate of Mawdesley widow . . „ „ James s. Tho: Knowles of Croston Yeom: & Sarah his w. . . . . . . „ „ Margt Wignal of Hesketh widow . . . . 7 „ Tho: Crosndd a Stranger . . . . . . 13 „ Christian d. of W111 Wilson of Bretherton Husbdn & Ann his w , „ Tho: Sorsby of Croston Husbdn . . • • 17 33 Wm Christopherson of Heskin Weaver . . 21 „ Margt w. Wm Harsnip of Mawdesley Husbdn . . ^ „ EUen Durning of Bispham Spinster . . 23 „ J ane d. Wm ffarington of Croston Husbandman 26 , , Nicholas s. Wm Bamford of Tarleton Yeom: & AUce his w. . . . . . . . . 10 Sep: A stiU born chUd of James Cadwells of Croston & EUz: his w. . . „ „ A still born child of Robt Stewards of Mawdesley & AUce his w. . . . . 12 „ Thomas Corsnet of Bretherton Husbandn 15 „ EUz: Smith of Croston widow . . . . 17 „ EUin w. Rogr Nelson of Bispham Yeom: . . 18 „ James Parke of Hoole Yeom: . . . . 21 „ Henry s. Robt Banastre of Hesketh Yeom: & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 7 Octob: Richd s. of Hen: Worthington of Mawdesley Shoemaker & AUce his wife . . . . 9 „ Thomas Barret of Mawdesley Yeom: . . 10 „ Ann Markland of Walton widow . . . . 13 „ EUin w. Henry WUson of Bretherton Husbandn 14 „ Alice w. John Banastre of Bretherton Husbdn 10 „ Ralph Cross of Bretherton Yeom: . . . . 25 „ EUin d. W"1 Wignal of Tarleton Yeom: and Martha his wife 28 „ 1723 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 444 Croston 1723 — continued Margaret Downs a Traveller . . . . . . 3 Nov: Edward Monk of Croston Husbandn . . 8 „ EUin Williamson of Bretherton widow . . 9 „ Martha Johnson of Hoole widow . . 17 „ AUce d. Hugh fforshawe of Tarleton Yeom: & Martha his wife . . . . . . 20 „ EUin d. EUz: Dickson of Mawdesley Spinster 21 „ Henry Bolton of Tarlton Roper . . . . 23 „ Eliz: d. John Hodges of Bretherton Yeom: & Alice his wife . . . . . . 2 Decr Jane w. W™ Silcock of Bretherton Husbandman 9 „ Richard Crookham of Bispham Husbandman 16 „ Alice Latham of Hoole widow . . . . 18 „ Ann d. Richd Rimmer of Croston Husbandn and Mary his wife . . . . . . 19 „ Henry Marsh of Walton Yeom: . . . . 22 „ Wm Baxtonden of Croston Bachelor . . 25 „ George Banes of Bretherton Spooner . . 29 „ Robt s. Thos Lowe of Mawdesley Blacksmith and Sarah his wife . . . . . . 3 January Wm Norris of Croston Husbandn . . . . 21 ,, Ann w. Thos Worsley of Croston Carrier . . 22 „ Jane w. Henry Blackhurst of Tarleton Husbdn >} „ Mrs Margt Thompson of Manchester Spinster 24 „ Eliz: Baxtonden of Croston Spinster . . 25 „ AUce d. Richd Wignal of Tarleton Taylor and Mary his wife 31 „ Richd Stanfield of Mawdesley Naylor . . 5 ffebru: Margt Nelson of Bispham widow . . „ „ Tho: Godber of Bretherton Taylor . . . . 8 „ Margt w. John Cookson of Tarleton Yeom: . . „ „ Richd Cornes of Mawdesley Husbandman 10 „ Dorothy w. Richd Norris of Tarleton Husbdn 23 „ Margt Holden of Croston widow , „ EUz: Worsley of Croston Spinster . . . . 1 March Richd Sorsby of Croston Husbandman . . 2 „ Henry Toppin of Croston Husbandman . . 13 „ James Dobson of Hesketh Bank Yeoman . . 19 „ ffinis ROGr GREENE Curate John Walch ) Church Thomas Nowals) wardens Rufford 17 2 3 Thomas Iddon of Martin Mere Husbandman Elizab: Hesketh of Rufford widow Apr: May 445 BURIALS. 1723-1724 Rufford 1723 — continued Peter s. Richard Horsker Husbandman of Rufford & Alice his wife . . . . 10 June Elizab: d. of Thomas Altie of Rufford Husbandman & Jane his wife . . 1 July Ann d. Daniel Altie of Rufford Husbandman & Jane his wife . . . . . . 3 Sep: Margret Altie of Rufford widow . . . . „ „ EUen d. Thomas Jenkinson of Rufford Husbandman & Dorothy his wife . . 4 ,, Thomas Sharrock of Rufford Gardener & Katharine his wife . . . . . . 2 Oct: Margret d. Wm Ward of Tarleton Whitener & Ann his wife . . . . . . 8 „ EUen Disley of Rufford Spinster . . . . 6 Nov: EUen w. Peter Abram of Rufford Husbandman . . . . . . . . 8 „ Henry Baldwin of Rufford Husbandman . . 22 „ Thomas Baldwin of Bursco Husbandman . . 27 „ Thomas Knowls of Rufford Bachelor . . 7 Dec: Margret w. Wm Thompson of Holmswood Husbandman . . . . . . . . 13 „ HoithweU s. Patience Joans widow a Travdor 3 Jany John s. Henry Holt of Rufford Husbandman & Jenet his wife 15 „ Alice Barton of Rufford widow . . . . 16 „ By HENRY WALKER Curate of Rufford Robert Abram Chapel warden Tarleton 1723 Martha Smith of Tarleton widow . . . . 10 February Croston 17 2 4 A stiU born chUd of W" Parkers of Bretherton Shoemaker & EUz: his wife . . . . 26 March EUz: d. W111 Southworth of Walton Husbandn & Ann his wife . . . . . . 29 „ Robt Jump of Walton Yeom: . . . . 30 „ EUen w. John Thornton of Croston Yeom: . . 3 Apl Richd s. Richd Howcroft of Bretherton Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . 8 „ Hugh Jump of Walton Yeom: . . . . 10 „ Isabel d. Tho: ffearnsall of Mawdesley Husbandn & Alice his wife . . . . „ 1724 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 446 Croston 1724 — continued Jennet w. Robt Smith of Walton Husband11 13 Apl Miles Hallsall of Tarleton Husbandn . . ;> ;; Mary d. Wm Haworth of Euxton Husbandn & Jane his wife . . . . 15 „ EUz: d. Wm Whitley of Walton Yeom: & Margt his wife . . . . . . . . 16 „ John Cookson of Tarleton Yeom: . . . . 17 „ John Harrison of Tarleton Husbandn . . 18 „ Margt Smith of Walton Spinster . . . . 26 „ Hen: s. Paul Robinson of Bretherton Weaver & Dorothy his wife . . . . . . 27 „ Tho: s. Wm Wignal of Tarleton Yeom: & Martha his wife . . . . . . 28 „ Ann w. James Bolton of Croston Husbandman 4 May A still born child of Richd Baxtondens of Croston Shoemakr & EUz: his wife . . 6 „ Ann Dandy of Croston widow . . . . 7 „ EUz: w. James Cadwell of Croston Husbandman 10 „ EUin w. Andrew Worthington of Croston Husbdn _ . . 11 „ John Dobson of Hesketh Husbandman . . 12 „ John s. Geo: Roocroft of Ecdeston Husbdn & Jane his wife . . . . . . 16 „ EUz: d. John ffrith of Mawdsley Yeom: & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 18 „ Ralph Chamberlain of Croston Gardener . . 19 „ Richd Smith of Walton Husbandman „ „ Ann d. Rob4 Sumner of Walton Husbdn & EUsab: his wife „ „ Jn s. Laur: Goldin of Mawdsley Carpent9 & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 21 „ EUin d. George Norris of Tarleton Husbandman 23 „ EUz: w. of Richd Baxtonden of Croston Shoemaker . . . . . . . . 30 „ Wm s. Tho: Norris of Croston Yeom: & EUsab: his wife . . . . . . 1 June Alice w. James Garstang of Walton Weaver . . 10 „ Catherine Martin of Hoole widow . . . . 12 „ Alice d. Hen: fforshaw of Mawdsley Blacksmith & Margery his wife ... . . . . 18 „ Mary Jenkinson of Tarleton Spinster . . 19 „ Wm Becconsall of Tarleton Yeom: . . 30 „ Margt Latham of Longton Spinster . . 12 July Robt s. wm ffarrer of Bretherton Yeom: & Eleanor his wife . . . . . . 28 „ Mary Yate of Bispham widow . . . . 4 Augt 447 BURIALS. 1724 Croston 1724 — continued James frmch of Mawdsley Husbandn . . 8 Aug* Ann w. Laur: Harrison of Tarleton Yeom: . . 9 „ Ann d. Joseph Scarsbrick of Croston Husbdn & Jane his W 18 ElUn w. Tho: Stopford of Mawdsley Yeom: . . 19 „ A still Born child of ffleetwood Leghs of Bank Esq & his wife . . . . 21 „ Robt wignal of Tarleton Husbandn . . 22 „ Margt w, John Unsearth of Croston Bricklayer 26 „ Hannah Toppin of Croston widow . . . . 29 „ Ellin d. Wm Banister of Bretherton Yeom: & EUin his wife 4 Sept: Tho: s. Richd Mawdsley of Bispham Wheelwright & Jenet his w. . . . . 18 „ Mary WUdin of Mawdsley widow . . . . 24 „ Jennet w. Tho: Staziker of Croston Husbandn 27 „ Rogr Nelson of Bispham Yeom: . . . . 1 Oct: Margt Hallsall of Tarleton Spinster . . 3 „ Richd Stopford of Bispham Yeom: . . . . 4 „ Rob4 frmch of Mawdsley Yeom: . . . . 5 „ W110 Whitley of Walton Yeom: . . . . 6 „ Ann w. John Asley of Croston Taylor . . „ „ Joseph Bamber of Bispham Husbandn . . „ „ Richd Hodges of Croston Yeom: . . . . 10 „ A man that was a Traveller . . 17 „ A still born child of Rogr Blaxtons of Croston Shoemakr & Ann his w. . . „ „ Robt Markland of Walton Carpenter . . 23 „ W™ Iddon of Hoole Husbandn . . . . 24 „ Dorothy w. John Wignal of Tarleton . . 28 „ Alice Thornton of Tarleton widow . . . . 29 „ John Blaxton of Croston Shoemaker . . 3 Nov: Jennet d. Tho: Wiggins of Croston Yeom: & Ann his w. . . . . . . . . 4 „ Jane Hodges of Croston widow . . . . 5 „ Ann d. Hen: fforshaw of Mawdsley Blacksmith & Margery his w. . . . . 6 „ EUsab: w. Tho: Hunter of Bretherton Husband: „ „ Hen: s. Robt Banastre of Hesketh Yeom: & Mary his wUe . . . . . . . . 7 „ Wm s. of Robt Dewhurst of Croston MiUer & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 11 „ EUz: w. Henry Nelson of Croston Sexton . . 12 „ Wm s. John Cross of Bretherton Husbdn & AUce his wife . . . . . . . . 18 „ Wm Ryding of Croston Yeom: . . . . 24 „ A Poor TraveUer 29 „ 1724 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 448 Croston 1724 — continued Robt Hunter of Bretherton Husbandn . . 30 Nov: Richd Norris of Tarleton Husbandman . . „ „ Jane Wright of Hesketh widow . . . . 16 [Dec:] Tho: Stopford of Mawdsley Yeom: . . . . 19 „ Margt d. Robt Thornton of Croston Joyner & Mary his w. . . . . . . . . 20 „ John Welsh of Mawdsley Taylor . . . . 26 „ Dorothy d. John Jump of Bretherton Husbdn & Mary his w. . . . . . . . . „ „ Margt d. Tho: Sumner of Walton Taylor & AUce his w. . . . . . . „ „ John fforshawe of Mawdsley Husbandman . 28 „ Robt Harrison of Bretherton Limer . . 31 „ ffrances d. Wm Thompson of Bispham Taylor & Margt his w. . . . . . . . . 10 Jan: Hen: s. Tho: Turner of Mawdsley Yeom: & EUin his w 11 „ Agnes w. George Stopford of Lathom Husbandn X7 „ Hanah d. Robt Leadbetter of Croston Gent: & Ann his w. . . . . . . . . 24 „ Margt w. George Norris of Croston Joyner.. 26 „ WUliam ffarrer of Bretherton Tanner . . 2 ffeb: EUin w. Robt ffarington of Croston Carrier . . 4 „ Jane w. James ffezakerley of Tarleton Husbdn n }j Hannah Barton of Mawdsley spinster . . 4 „ Robt Norris of Croston Husbandman . . 7 „ Ann Nelson of Mawdsley widow . . . . 21 „ Tho: s. W111 Dandy of Hoole Carpentr & Isabd his wife . . . . . . . . 22 „ Margery Wildin of Hoole Spinster . . . . „ „ James s. Tho: Wiggins of Croston Yeom: & Ann his w. . . . . . . . . 24 „ Alice Bolton of Tarleton widow . . . . 1 Mar: Jane Kellet of Mawdsley Spinster . . „ „ Robt s. Tho: Sumner of Walton Taylor & Alice his wife . . . . . . . . 4 „ Margt Shuttleworth of Mawdsley widow . . 11 „ John s. James Taylor of Bretherton Shoemaker & Ann his wife 13 „ Finis. John fforshaw ),-«.,_ j John Hodges j Churchwardens Rufford 17 24 Thurstan s. Richard Horsker of Rufford Husbandman & Alice his wife . . 15 May Ann wife John Tootel of Rufford Shoemaker 14 June 23 99 7 Oct: 8 99 *9 99 21 99 25 99 13 Nov: 19 99 26 99 28 99 30 99 14 Dec: 6 Jan: 15 99 449 BURIALS. 1724-1725 Rufford 1724 — continued Rob: s. Thomas Hesketh Esqre of Rufford & Martha his wife . . . . . . 9 July Alice w. John Bannister of Martin Mere Miller 7 Sept: EUin Gill of Rufford Spinster d. of EUin Gill widow Thomas s. Rob: Hesketh of Rufford Weaver James Gumbry of Ruff: widower Thomas Law of Rufford Husbandman W"1 Halewood of Rufford Tapster John Altie of Bursco Husb: man Mary Disley of Rufford widow Margery Holm of Martin Mere widow Dinah d. Jonathan Ingolsby of Martin Mere Joyner & Alice his wife Thomasiu Halewood of Rufford widow Mary EUam of Bursco Spinster Elizab: Joans of Rufford Spinster Rob: Abram of Rufford widower Grace Scott widow a TraveUer Jane d. Rob: Forshaw of Rufford Husbandman & Ann his wife . . . . . . 11 ffeb: Margret w. Henry Abram of Rufford Husbandman . . . . . . . . 11 Mar: James Forshaw of Latham Ormskirk Husbandman . . . . . . „ „ HENRY WALKER, Curate The x mark of f Tho8 Baron | Chapel warden Tarleton 17 2 4 Thomas Fazakerley Singleman of Tarleton . 16 October Esther d. of Robert Barnes Shoemaker of Tarleton . . . . . . . . 14 Jany Jennet Bretherton of Tarleton widow . . 28 „ Croston 17 2 5 Tho: Hosker of Hesketh Husbandman . . 25 March Isabel Ryding of Mawdsley widow . . . . 29 „ Alice Wignal of Hoole Spinster . . . . 31 „ EUz: Hesketh of Bretherton Spinster . . 1 Ap: Jane d. Margt Dobson of Hesketh widow . . 5 „ Jennet d. Tho: Banastre of Bretherton Husbdn & EUin his wife . . . . 6 „ AUce d. W™ Bamford of Tarleton Yeom: & Alice his wife . . 26 „ 1725 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 450 Croston 1725— continued WilUam Astley of Croston Shoemaker . . 1 May Ann d. Tho: ffarington of Croston Carrier & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . . . 7 „ James s. Richd Whittle of Croston Bricklayer & Margt his wife . . . . „ „ EUz: Wignal of Hoole Spinster . . . . 10 „ Mary ffell of Tarleton widow . . . . 29 „ Richd s. Robt Sumner of Walton Husbdn & EUz: his wife . . . . . . . . 30 „ Hugh s. John Jenkinson of Bretherton Taylor & AUce his wife . . . . . . 31 „ Tho: Hunt of Bretherton Husband11 . . 6 June EUin Bamford of Bretherton widow . . . . 21 „ Richd Harrison of Bretherton Limer & Alice d. Richd Wignal of Tarleton Yeo: & Mary his w. . . . . . . . . 24 „ Hugh s. Hugh Norris of Croston Yeom: & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 25 „ Richd Moor of Bispham Yeom: . . . . 5 July EUz: Ryding of Tarleton Spinster . . . . 7 „ Jane d. John Wignal of Tarleton Husbdn & Alice his wife . . . . . . . . 17 „ AUce Jackson of Bretherton Spinster . . 12 Augt Sarah d. Richd Cross of Bretherton Weaver & Sarah his wife . . . . 13 „ Tho: Walbank of Tarleton Yeom: . . . . 20 „ Margt d. Richd Watkinson of Longton Yeom: & EUz: his wife . . . . . . 31 „ Margt d. Tho: MiUer of Croston Cooper & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 16 Sept: EUin w. Hugh Norris of Croston Husbandman 21 „ John s. Ann Wilkinson of Tarleton . . . . 25 „ Alice Thompson of Mawdesley widow . . 20 Oct: Jn Moor of Bispham Yeom: & Tho: s. Tho: Baxter of Hesketh Husbdn & Mary his w. . . . . . . . . 28 „ Gabriel Coupland of Croston Husbandn . . 31 „ Margt Sumner of Walton Spinster . . . . 6 Nov: A Still Born ChUd of Robt Hiltons of Walton Shoemaker & Jennet his w. . . . . 15 „ A StiU Born Child of Jn Smiths of Walton Shoemaker & Jane his w. . . . . 16 „ Margt d. Robt Thornton of Croston Joyner & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 18 „ EUin w. Tho: Mawdesley of Mawdesley Yeom: 26 „ A stUl born child of Edwd Tyrers of Walton Husbdn & jane his wife . . . . 11 Dec: 25 99 27 99 8 January 24 99 26 99 28 99 5 Mar: 9 99 17 99 451 BURIALS. 1725 Croston 1725 — continued Ann d. John Bamford of Bretherton Husbdn & Jane his w. . . . . . . . . 14 Dec: Richd s. George Norris of Bretherton Husbdn & Margery his wife W*1 SUcock of Bretherton Yeom: Henry Carter of Bispham Yeom: fHeetwood Legh of Bank Esqre & Robt Banastre of Tarleton Husbandn W111 Sumner of Walton Whedwright Tho: Mather of Blackburne parish Husbandn Jane w. John Smith of Walton Shoemaker Margt w. W™ Hough of Hoole Yeom: Joseph Laurence of Tarleton Yeom: Jonat s. Henry Wright a Traveller & Patience his wife . . . . . . . . . . 20 „ ROGr GREENE Curate TSa^StaSer11 } Churchwardens. Rufford 172 5 Margery w. W111 AUerton of Rufford Husbandm: 15 Apr: Thomas s. W™ Holm of Bursco Husbm: & EUin his wife . . . . . . 20 „ Elizab: d. Thomas Culshaw Holmswood Husbm: & Jane wife iB: . . . . 27 „ Jane w. Thomas Altie of Rufford Husbm: . . 5 May Wm AUerton of Rufford widower . . . . 12 „ EUin w. W111 Howorth of Holmswood Husbm: 28 „ Margret Hesketh of Rufford Spinster . . 27 Aug: George s. John Porter of Holmswood Bricklayer & Jane his wife . . . . 30 Nov: Ann w. Thomas Sharrock of Mawdsley Husbm: . . . . . . . . 25 Jan: Elizab: d. John Banister of Martin Mere Miller & Catherine his wife . . . . 2 Feby Catherine w. John Banister of Martin Mere MiUer iB: 6 „ George s. John Mawdsley of Martin Mere Husbm: & Elizab: his wife . . . . 9 „ Thomas Moss of Rufford Husbm: . . . . 17 Mar: Elizabeth Charnley a Traviller . . . . 22 „ HENRY WALKER Curate Robert Abaram Chapel wardn 1725-1726 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 452 Tarleton 17 2 5 Richard s. of Thomas Legh of Tarleton Labourer 25 March James the IUegitimate s. of James Higham Bachelor and Alice Bolton Spinstr of Tarleton . . . . . . . . 31 July James the s. of Lawrence Taylor Blacksmith and Mary his wife of Tarleton . . 28 Augt Croston 17 26 Sarah w. Richd Cross of Bretherton Weaver 25 March Joseph Scarsbrick of Croston Carpenter & EUz: ffisher of Mawdesley Spinster . . 5 April A StiU born Child of Tho: Sumners of Walton Husbdn and AUce his wife . . . . 6 „ EUz: w. Richd Watkinson of Croston Yeom: 17 „ Henry s. Paul Robinson of Bretherton Husbandn & Dorothy his wife . . 19 „ EUz: d. EUin Mayor of Hoole widow . . 22 „ James Leech of Croston Weaver . . . . 25 „ Jennet d. Robt HUton of Walton Shoemaker & Jenet his wife . . . . . . 27 „ Robt s. Robt Hilton aforesd . . . . . . 30 „ Tho: s. Henry Prescot of Longton Husbandn & EUin his wife . . . . . . 5 May Jennet Smith of Walton Spinster . . . . 7 „ James s. Robt Sumner Jun: of Walton Husbandn & EUz: his w 15 Tho: Norris of Tarleton Yeom: . . . . 25 „ Jane d. James Stopford of Hoole Husbandn & Margery his wife . . . . . . 29 „ Henry s. Henry Wilson Jun: of Bretherton Husbdn & Eliz: his w . . 1 June Robt Smith of Walton Husbandn . . . . 11 Christ: Hall of Croston Apothecary . . 15 „ Wm s. John Miller of Tarleton Yeom: & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . . . 3 June James s. Tho: Parke of Croston Glover & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . . . 9 „ Hugh Iddon of Tarleton Yeom: . . . . 11 „ Henry s. EUin Shakleton of Tarleton widow . . 20 „ WmWoan of Mawdesley Yeom: & James Parke of Walton Glover . . . . 1 Augt: ffrances d. Meriel Legh of Bank Relict of ffleetwood Legh Esquire . . . . 12 „ Robt Dewhurst of Croston Husbandn & 453 BURIALS. 1726 Croston 1726 — continued Robt s. John Sorsby of Croston ffidler & EUin his w 21 Augt: Tho: s. Tho: Knowles of Heskin Yeom: . . 27 „ Jane d. Wm Mather of Croston Husbandn & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 28 „ W^s. Tho: Moore of Croston Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . . . 30 „ Eliz: Hough of Hoole widow & Joseph s. Jane Scarsbrick of Croston widow 31 „ James s. Tho: Banister of Bretherton Husbandn & EUin his wife . . Margt d. Tho: Wiggins of Bretherton Husband11 & Margt his wife . . . . . . „ „ EUin w. Henry Yate of Mawdesley Husbandn 3 Sept: EUin d. Robt Leadbetter of Croston Gent: & Ann his wife . . . . . . „ „ Hugh s. WiUiam Cocket of Tarleton Husbandn & Jane his wife. . .. .. .. 5 „ Ann d. W111 Blackhurst of Bretherton Weaver & Alice his wife . . . . -.33 » WUliam s. Tho: MiUer of Croston Cooper & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 12 „ Mary Brown of Mawdesley widow . . . . 16 „ James s. John Baxtonden of Bretherton Husbandn & Margt his w 17 „ John s. Wm Blackhurst of Bretherton Weaver & Alice his w 18 „ Mary d. James Thompson of Bispham Husbandn & Jenet his w 18 „ Tho: s. Richd Godber of Bretherton Taylor & Margt his wife 19 „ W111 s. John Baxtonden of Bretherton Husbandn & Margt his wife . . 21 „ Tho: s. John Wilson of Bretherton Husbandn & Jane his wife . . . . „ „ Mary w. Edward Orrel of Bretherton Husbandn . . 22 „ John s. Henry Hodges of Bretherton Yeom: & EUin his wife . . . . . . 25 „ Walter s. Tho: Baxtonden of Croston Weaver & Susan his w. . . . . . . 26 „ W111 s. John Hodges of Bretherton Yeom: & Alice his wife . . . . . . . . 27 „ John s. John Dewhurst of Croston Miller & Jane his wife . . . . . . „ „ 1726 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 454 Croston 1726 — continued Tho: s. Wm Moss of Bretherton Husbandn & Ellen his wife . . . . . . . . 1 Oct: Tho: s. John Baxtonden of Croston Husbandn & Margt his wife . . . . . . 3 Isabel d. Ann Hall of Croston widow & Jane Lowe of Mawdsley Spinster . . . . 7 W™ s. Henry Molding of Bretherton' Cobler & Alice his wife . . . . . . . . 7 Margt d. John Jenkinson of Bretherton Husbandn & Alice his wife . . . . „ Ann d. Wm Moss of Bretherton Husbandn & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 8 Mary d. Tho: Godber late of Bretherton Taylor 8 Richd s. Henry fforshawe of Mawdesley Blacksmith & Margery his wife . . 9 EUz: Rutter of Mawdesley widow . . . . 11 Dorothy w. Hugh Cross of Hoole Yeom: . . 12 Robt s. Robt Charnock late of Bretherton Yeom: . . . . . . . . 13 Wm Rose of Croston Yeom: . . . . . . 14 EUin d. Wm ffarrer of Bretherton Yeom: & Eleanr his wife . . . . . . „ Mary d. Robt Almond of Croston Blacksmith & Mary his w. . . . . . . . . 15 Mary w. John Jump of Bretherton Husbandn 17 A still born Child of Mary Baxtondens of Croston Spinster . . . . . . 18 Dorothy w. Edward Nelson of Mawdesley Yeom: . . . . . . . . . . 26 EUin d. Henry Walbank of Tarleton Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 27 Ann Snaylom of Bretherton widow . . 29 Margt d. Jonat: Bretter of Walton Husbandn & Jenet his wife . . . . . . „ Margt d. Rogr Ryding of Bispham Yeom: & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . . . 1 Nov: Tho: Spencer of Hesketh Husbdn & Eliz: w. James Laurence of Tarleton Yeom: „ Wm s. Henry Miller of Croston Yeom: & Mary his wife . . . . . . „ Tho: s. John Brookfield of Croston Husbandn & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . 2 Jane d. Richd Watkinson of Croston Husbandn . . . . . . . . 3 Margt w. of Wm Cubbon of Mawdesley Husbaudn .5 455 BURIALS. 1726 Croston 1726— continued Dorothy d. Sam* Bamford of Bretherton Yeom: & Margt his wife . . . . 5 Nov: James Culcheth of Walton Weaver . . . . 8 Jennet d. Hugh Southworth of Walton Husbandn & Parnel his w. . . . . 9 Tho: s. William Wignal of Tarleton Yeom: & Martha his wife . . . . . . 11 EUz: d. John Green of Mawdesley Husbandn & Jane his wife . . . . 13 Jane Welsh of Mawdesley widow . . . . 14 Robt s. Robt Almond of Croston Blacksmith & Mary his wife . . . . 14 William Hoome of Mawdesley Shoemaker . . 16 Tho: s. Tho: Woodcock of Croston Carpenter & Margt his wife . . . . . . „ Eliz: d. Tho: Baxtonden of Croston Weaver & Susan his w. . . . . . . . . „ Jonathan Bretter of Walton Husbandn . . 21 Margt d. William Cubbon of Mawdesley Husbandn . . . . . . . . 22 EUin Christopher of Mawdesley widow . . 28 EUin d. Tho: Dobson of Tarleton Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . . . 30 John Durning of Bispham, Husbandn . . 5 Dec: Mary d. Richd Christopher of Bretherton Husbandn & Margt his w. . . . . „ Jennet w. Tho: WignaU of Tarleton Carpenter 7 Margery d. Henry Walbank of Tarleton Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . 9 John s. Willm Rose of Tarleton Husbandn & Ann his wife . . . . 13 Henry Molden of Bretherton Cobler . . 15 James s. Tho: Dobson of Tarleton Husbandn & EUin his wife . . . . . . 15 Wm s. George Monk of Tarleton Yeom: & Margt his wife . . . . . . . . 16 George s. Robt Norris of Croston Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . . . 20 Ann d. Seth Bramel of Leyland Taylor & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . „ Lydia d. Edwd Gaskell of Croston Taylor & Margt his wife . . . . . . . . 23 Alice ffowler of Walton widow . . . . 28 Ann d. Wm Bamford of Tarleton Yeom: & Alice his wife . . . . . . . . 29 AUce d. Peter Leadbetter of Tarleton Husbandn & Catherine his w. . . „ 1726 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 456 Croston 1726— continued James Iddon Yeom: and Jennet Wildin widow both of Hoole 30 Dec: EUin d. Jeffrey Wildin of Tarleton Taylor & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 5 January Ann w. Robt Hodson of Croston Yeom: . . 6 „ Henry s. Peter Leadbetter of Tarleton Husbandn & Cathar: his w. • • „ „ Mary d. Henry Wilson of Bretherton Husbandn & Ann his w. . . . . 10 „ Tho: Crookham of Croston Yeom: & Margt Hunter of Hoole Spinster . . 15 „ EUz: w. Tho: Laurence of Tarleton Yeoman 16 Jan: Margt d. Henry Hunter of Tarleton Husbandn & Eliz: his wife 18 „ John Ryding of Croston Yeom: . . . . 19 „ Sarah d. John Halsall of Tarleton Taylor & Isabel his wife . . . . . . . . 23 „ Dorothy w. John Parke of Croston Yeom: . . 26 „ William Bamford of Bretherton Husbandn m tt Grace Worthington of Hoole widow . . 28 „ Richd Monk of Hoole Yeom: & Wm Stringfellow of Mawdesley Husbandman 31 „ Ellin wife of Jeffrey Wildin of Tarleton Taylor 1 ffebru: Ann w. Tho: Moss of Hoole Husbandn . . „ „ Henry s. Wm Rutter of Tarleton Husbandn & Alice his wife . . . . . . 3 „ Maiy d. James ffezakerley of Tarleton Husbandn . . . . . . , Ann d. Henry Prescot of Longton Husbandn & EUin his wife . . . . „ „ Eliz: Monk of Hoole widow . . . . . . 4 „ Ann d. Laurence Harrison of Tarleton Yeom: 6 „ Ann d. John Green of Mawdesley Husbandn & Jane his wife . . . . . . 7 „ Ann w. Richd Hodson of Croston Shoemaker 9 „ Edwd s. Henry Prescot of Longton Husbandn & Ellin his wife . . . . . . 10 „ Jeoffrey Woods of Hoole Yeoman . . . . 13 „ Margt w. Saml Thorp of Croston Weaver . . „ „ Hugh Yarwood of Croston Husbandn . . 16 „ EUin d. James ffarrer of Longton Yeom: & Ann his wife . . . . . . . . 17 „ Catharine d. Edward Birdsworth of Hoole Yeom: & EUz: his w 18 John Baxtonden of Croston Yeom: . . 21 „ Ann d. James Mee of Hoole Yeom: & Isabel his wife „ „ 457 BURIALS. 1726 Croston 1726— continued John Moss of Hoole Yeom: Tho: Wiggins of Croston Yeom: Hugh s. Robt Harrison of Mawdsley Tanner & Jane his w. . . Margt Culcheth of Walton widow James Cocket of Tarleton Yeom: James s. John Iddon of Hoole Yeom: & Margt his w. Mathew WUcock of Hoole Husbandn Margt d. Hugh Ryding of SaUom Husband11 & Margt his w. . . Ann Blackhurst of Croston widow Margt d. WUliam Whittle of Sallom Yeom: & Mary his w. James flinch of Mawdesley Yeom: WiUiam Thornton of Croston Yeom: John Watkinson of Croston Yeoman Andrew s. Sarah Moss of Hoole widow Hugh Cubbon of Mawdesley Husbandman ROGr GREENE Curate Tho: Cookson Thomas Smith Rufford 17 2 6 ffebru: 22 25 26 99 27 6 March 7 14 17 19 20 Churchwardens John TooteU of Rufford Shoemaker . . 4 Apr: John s. George Arnon of Rufford widower 10 „ Edward Lea of Holmswood Husbandman . . 12 „ Henry s. Robert Tittrington of Bursco Carpenter & Elizab: his wife . . . . 15 May EUzabeth w. Robert Tittrington of Bursco Carpenter Suzan d. Robert Abram Jnr of Rufford Husbandn & EUin his wife Jane d. Peter Abram Jnr of Rufford Husbdn and 18 24 June Aug: 99 Oct: Margt his wife . . . . . . 26 George Arnon of Rufford widower . . . . 24 George Wharton of Rufford Farmer . . 31 Mary Disley of Rufford widow . . . . 4 Wm s. John Gumbry of Rufford Husbandn & ElUn his wife . . . . . . 6 „ Daniel s. Henry Altie of Rufford Husbandn & Margret his wife 9 Decb: Hannah w. Roger Scasebrick of Welsh Whitle in Standish parish . . . . 5 Mar: Elizab: d. Roger Scasebrick of Welsh Whitle in Staudish parish widow1 , „ 1726-1727 Croston parish registers. 45S Rufford 1726 — continued Joseph s. Jane Brinn a Traveller widow . . 10 Mar: Thomas s. Wm Thompson widower in ye parish of Halsey . . . . 13 „ Thomas s. Thomas Wignal Husbandm: & Margret Berley Spter Both of Holmswood 15 „ HENRY WALKER Curate of Rufford Tarleton 17 2 6 William s. of William Labourer and Jane his wife of Tarleton . . 20 Augt: Croston 17 2 7 Mary Pemberton of Mawdesley widow . . 25 Mar: Mary ffirich of Mawdesley widow . . . . 27 „ Richd s. W111 Mawdesley of Mawdsley Yeom: & EUin his wife . . . . . . 29 „ ElUn d. Margt Baxtonden of Croston widow . . . . . . . . . . 6 Apr: Tho: Thompson of Croston Husbandn . . n „ Hugh Langtree of Mawdesley Husbandn & Margt w. 0f Hugh Waring of Hoole Yeom: . . 20 „ James s. AUce Wignal of Tarleton . . . . 22 „ Ann w. James Baxtonden of Croston Husbandn 26 Ap: Saml Bamford of Bretherton Yeom: . . 28 „ Edwd Brown Weaver & Susan fforshawe wid: both of Mawdesley . . 29 „ Mary d. Agnes Thompson of Mawdesley widow 1 May AUce flinch of Mawdesley widow . . . . 3 „ EUin d. Richd Stopford of Mawdsley Husbandn & Margt his wife . . 6 „ Rob* Berey of Croston Draper . . . . 12 „ Robt s. 0f Edwd Addison of Mawdsley Husbdn & Mary bis wife . . . . . . 14 „ Peter Wilson of Hoole Yeom: . . . . 16 „ EUz: d. John Hesketh of Tarleton Yeom: & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 17 „ Alice Wilson of Hoole wid: & HaBah d. Robt Leadbetter of Croston Gent: & Ann his w. . . . . . . . . 21 „ Tho: s. Hen: Nelson of Croston Husbandn & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 4 June Margt w. Robt Brookfidd of Mawdsley Taylor 8 „ Tho; Wignall of Tarleton Carpenter . . 25 ,, 27 June 3 July 4 99 13 99 17 99 23 99 27 99 28 99 4S9 BURIALS. W? Croston 1727 — continued Mary d. Hen: Barton of Croston Gent: & EUin his wife EUz: d. Hen: Taziker of Hoole Yeom: & Ann his wife Joseph Bolton of Croston Draper Ann Rose of Croston widow Isabel Almond of Mawdsley widow Henry Yate of Mawdesley Husbandman James s. James Tomlinson of Mawdsley Husbandman & Eliz: his w. . . Margt Harrison of Bretherton Spinster Jennet Almond of Mawdesley Spinster . . ,3 Aug: Mary d. John Christopher of Mawdesley Husbandn & Margt his wife . . 6 „ Hannah d. Yeoman Dobson of Tarlton Husband" & Esther his wife . . 9 „ Ann w. Math: Byby of Mawdsley Husbandn & James Thompson of Bispham Husbdn . , ;> >t Robert Mawdesley of Heskin Esquire . . 13 „ EUin w. Will™ Mawdsley of Mawdsley Yeom: 16 „ Jn Taylor of Bretherton Yeom: & Ann d. Tho: ffarington of Croston Carrier & EUz: his w. . . . . . . . . 24 „ Jn Trafford of Croston Esquire & James Tomlinson of Mawdesley Husbandn 28 „ Martha Ditchfield of Walton Spinster & Laur: Miller of Mawdsley Yeom: . . . . 30 „ Alice w. Henry Worthington of Mawdsley Shoemaker 2 Sep: ffrances d. Wm Thompson of Bispham Husbandn & Margt his wife . . 4 „ Sarah Rigby of Tarleton Spinster . . . . 5 „ Margery Moss of Croston widow . . . . 7 „ WiUiam s. Robt Hodson of of [sic] Preston Yeom: 12 „ Christian w. Ralph Rylands of Bretherton Yeom: 20 „ Jennet Bank of Croston Spinster . . . . 21 „ Lettice d. Richd Howcroft of Bretherton Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . 23 „ Ann w. Richd Dandy of Tarleton Yeom: . . 25 „ Richd d. Henry Worthington of Mawdsley Shoemaker . . . . . . . . 27 „ EUz: d. James Baxtonden of Croston Husbandn . . . . . . . . 29 „ 1727 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 460 Croston 1727 — continued EUin w. Robt Withington of Croston Smith . . 3 Oct: Richd Cocket of Tarleton Husbandn . . 5 n Tho: Baxter of Hesketh Husbandn & John s. Jeffrey Wildin of Tarlton Taylor ..12 „ Dorothy w. Wm Tomlinson of Bretherton Yeom: . . 16 „ Mary w. Richd Rimmer of Croston Skinner & Henry flinch of Mawdsley Yeom: . . 17 „ Margt Disley of Bispham widow . . 18 „ WiUm Vause of Mawdsley Schoolmr & EUz: AsmaU of Croston widow . . . . 20 „ Eliz: w. W™ Saurey of Walton Yeom: . . 24 „ Ann w. Richd Haddock of Bretherton Gent: 29 „ Rogr Smith of Mawdsley Husbandn 31 ft Eliz: Hough of Croston wid: & Margt Thompson of Mawdsley widow . . 3 Nov: Jane Abbot of Hoole widow . . . . . . 6 „ Grace d. Wm Gerard of Bretherton Husbandn & Jennet his wife . . . . . . 8 „ Robert Archer of Bretherton Husbandn . . 11 „ A still born child of Robt Hunts of Bretherton Husbdn & Rebecca his wife . . 12 „ Henry s. Henry Sumner of Croston Yeom: & Margery his w. . . . . . . 16 „ George Norris of Croston Joyner & Lambert s. of Richd whittle jf Croston & Margt his w. . . . . . 17 „ W111 Tomlinson of Bretherto 1 Husbar. in ..18 „ Ann Green of Mawdsley widow . 25 „ Eliz: w. Tho: ffarington of Crostou Carrier . . 28 „ Tho: Cubbon of Mawdsley Husbdn . . . . 29 ,, Robt Latham of Bispham Husbandn . . 2 Deer: Tho: s. Robt Hodson of Preston, Yeom: & Margt w. Robt Waring of Croston Husbdn . . 4 >} Robt Steward of Bretherton Cobler . . 5 „ ffrancis s. Robt Harrison of Mawdsley Yeom: & Jane his wife . . . . . . 9 „ Madam Grace Nettleton of Bank Spinster .. 11 „ W™ Mawdesley of Heskin Esquire & Cath: w. John Cubbon of Mawdsley Husbdn 12 „ EUz: w. Richd ShurUker of Croston Husbdn 13 ;j Hugh s. Hugh Harrison of Bretherton Yeom: & EUz: his wife . . . . 15 „ Richd s. Mary Sheshwood of Walton Spinster 16 „ Tho: Aspinder of Croston Husbandn . . 20 „ Tho: Howorth of Bretherton Husbandn . . 22 „ Wm Wilson of Bretherton Husbandn . . 26 461 BURIALS. 1727 Croston 1727 — continued Margt d. Geo: Norris of Bretherton Yeom: & Margery his wife .. .. .. 31 Deer: Robert Christopher of Mawdesley Husbandn 2 Jan: James s. Hugh Bell of Mawdsley Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . . . 6 „ John s. John Thornton of Croston Yeom: & Margt his wife & Mary Orrel of Writon wid: . . . . . . 8 „ Henry fforshaw of Mawdsley Yeom: . . n „ Henry ffisher of Mawdsley Sadler . . . . 14 „ Jane Snallom of Hoole widow . . . . 17 „ Tho: Christopher of Mawdsley Yeom: . . 18 „ Richd Miller of Croston Yeom: . . . . 20 „ Lucy w. James Eastham of Croston Carpenter & Jenet Harrison of Bretherton wid: . . . . 27 „ Hen: s. Hen: Yate of Mawdsley Husbdn & Alice w. W™ Bamford of Tarlton Yeom: 28 „ Tho: s. Henry Leadbetter of Tarlton Husbn & Jane his wife & Edmd s. Alice Banister Spinster . . . . 2 ffeb: John Hesketh of Tarleton Junr & Tho: s. John Kesters of Mawdsley Yeom: & Margt his w. . . . . . . . . 4 „ A still born child of EUz: Alleys of Croston Spinster 5 „ John s. John Green of Mawdsley Husbdn & Jane his wife & EUz: d. EUin Hunt of Bretherton wid: . . 8 „ John Park of Bretherton Yeom: & Margt d. John Baxtonden of Bretherton Husbdn & Margt his w. . . . . 10 „ Alice d. Rob* Rigby of Tarleton Husbdn & EUin his wife . . . . . . . . 14 „ Ann Langtree of Mawdsley widow . . . . 15 „ W1 s. Rogr Bimson of Mawdsley Husbandn & Ann his wife . . . . . . 19 „ James Eastham of Croston Carpenter & Ann w. John Slater of Walton Taylor . . 21 „ W™ s. Richd Waring of Croston Carpenter & Mary his wife . . . . . . . . 22 „ Margt ffisher of Mawdsley Spinster & Margery w. John Knowles of Croston Husbdn 23 „ W™ Scarsbrick of Croston Carpenter . . 26 „ Alice d. Ann Becconsall of Tarleton widow 28 „ W111 s. Henry Jackson of Bretherton Husbandn & Ann his wife 28 „ i7^7 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 402 Croston 1727 — continued James ffisher of Mawdsley Weaver . . . . 2 Mar: A still born child of John Withingtons of Croston Husbandn & EUin his w. . . 3 „ Wm s. EUz: Astley of Croston Spinster . . 7 „ EUin d. Thos; Parke of Croston Glover & Eliz: his wife . . . . . . . . 8 John s. WiU™ Wignall of Tarleton Yeom: & Martha his wife . . . . . . 11 „ ElUn d. John Withington of Croston Husbn & EUin his wife 16 „ Thomas Johnson of Tarleton Husbandn . . 18 „ Cather: d. Edwd Birdsworth of Hoole Yeom: & EUz: his wife 20 „ ROGr GREENE Curate Tho-cSkso? } Churchwardens Rufford 17 2 7 James s. James Lea Rufford Husbdn & Margery his wife . . . . . . 1 Apr: AUce d. Thomas Fairclough of Tarleton Hub: & EUzab: his wife . . . . . . 3 „ Hugh s. William Ascroft of Tarleton Husb: & EUzab: his wife . . . . . . 10 „ Laurence Berrie in ye parish of Ormskirk Husbdn t8 „ Dinah d. Jonathan Ingolsby Joynr Martin Mere & Alice his wife . . . . . . 19 „ Jane d. James Lea of Rufford Husbdn & Margery his wife . . . . . . 20 „ Jenet w. Henry Holt of Rufford Husbdn . . 28 „ John Hoult of Black More Husbdn . . . . 29 „ WilUam s. WiUiam AUerton of Rufford Husbdn & EUzab: his wife 8 May Margret d. James Dobson of Martin Mere Husbdn & Alice his wife . . . . 6 June Jane d. Henry Dobson of Martin Mere Husbdn & AUce his wife . . . . . . 29 „ Mary w. Rob: Abram of Rufford Husbdn . . 30 „ WUliam s. WiUiam Ascroft of Rufford Husbdn & Ann his wife . . . . 6 July Margret d. Thomas Arnon of Rufford Husbdn & EUzab: his wife . . . . . . 10 Aug: AUce Hawet widow at Rufford Chappel Buried 16 „ 463 BURIALS. 1727 Rufford 1727— continued Howcroft Hesketh of Rufford widower . . 19 „ Margret Barret of Rufford Spinster . . . . 31 „ Jane d. Rob: Abram of Rufford Husbdn . . 6 Sep: Rob: s. Henry Bank of Rufford Husb: & Jane his wife . . . . . . . . 10 „ Edward Forshaw of Rufford Husb: . . 12 „ Thomas Altie of Rufford widower . . . . 14 „ Thomas Altie of Rufford Husb: . . . . 23 „ EUin d. John MUler of Tarleton Husbdn & Margret his wife . . . . . . 11 Oct: Thomas Forshaw Pmus of Rufford Husbdn 15 n William s. John Gumbry of Rufford Husbdn & EUin his wife . . . . . . 16 „ Jane Moss of Rufford widow . . . . 22 „ Thomas s. Edward Halsal of Rufford Husbdn & Mary his wife . . . . 3 Nov. Richard s. Richard Disley of Rufford Husbandn & EUz: his wife . . . . 23 „ Ann Sharrock of Rufford widow . . . . 25 „ James Williamson of Upper Holland Farmer in Wigga Parish . . . . 27 „ Margret w. Peter Abram of Rufford Husb: 29 „ EUzab: Halewood of Rufford widow . . 9 Deceb: Alice Forshaw of Bursco widow . . 15 „ EUin w. Hugh Smith Husb: Rufford „ Henry Abram of Rufford widower . . „ „ William s. Richard Disley of Rufford Husbdn & EUzab: his wife . . . . . . 21 „ Ann Moss of Rufford Spinster . . . . 26 „ Peter Urmston in ye Parish of Leigh a Traveller 22 Jan: John Berley of Rufford Husbdn . . ¦ • 23 „ Richard Knowls of Rufford widower . . 5 Feb: HENRY WALKER Curate de Rufford Barnabas Hesketh Tarleton 172 7 Henry Blackhurst Sexton of Tarleton Chapel 10 May Henry s. of Robt Banister deed and Jent his wife of Tarleton . . . . ¦ • 15 33 Anne wife of Tho8 Legh Labourer . . . . 30 July John Taylor of Tarleton Labourer . . . . 19 October William s. of William Woane . . . . 5 Decembet EUin d. of Richd Willding Taylor and Mary his wife of Tarleton . . . . . . 8 „ EUin w. of Tho8 Johnson Deed . . . . 7 Feb: 4°4 gnbexez. OF CHRISTIAN NAMES AND SURNAMES. CHRISTENINGS WEDDINGS . . BURIALS.. .. pp. 1— 118 and 279—357. „ 119—162 and 358—387. „ 163— 275 and 388— 463. Where a name has variants the Head-name has been selected which now exists or which most closely resembles the modern equivalent. All variants are separately Indexed with cross references to the Head-name. Where a Surname has an alias each form of the Surname is Indexed under its initial letter. The Christian names are, with some few exceptions, Indexed under their modern form. Illegitimate Children are Indexed under the Surnames of both Mother and putative Father. " N.X.N." signifies " No Christian Name." An Asterisk following a page number signifies that that combination of Christian and Surname occurs more than once on the page number Asterisked. Abaram, see Abram Abbott (Abbot, Abott, Abotte) Cicely, 266, 394 James, 331 Jane, 324, 460 Margaret, 331, 343 Richard, 91, 93, 236, 274, 319, 394 William, 91, 93, 236, 264,* 266, 319, 324, 331, 343,* 370 Abram (Abaram, Abraham) Alice, 174, 217 Anne, 287, 303, 375, 427 Catherine, 373 Eem, 131 Elizabeth, 6, 188, 291, 333, 33,8 Abram, Ellen, 49, 100, 186, 247, 319, 333, 338, 341, 355, 356, 429, 445, 457 Helen, 50 Henry, 194, 291, 293, 297, 308, 338, 350, 449, 463 Hugh, 1, 69, 209 James, 341 Jane, 328, 350,* 354, 355, 457, 463 Jenet, 125, 172, 200 John, 32, 57,* 151, c. of 206, 214, 217, 225, 299, 417 Margaret, 119, 306, 309, 328, 333, 338, 350,* 355, 407, 449, 457, 463 Mary, 210, 297, 342, 354, 462 Matthew, 21 465 INDEX OF NAMES). C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-461 Abram, Peter, 299, 303, 321, 328, 338, 350, 355, 364, 373, 417, 445, 457, 463 Richard, 214, 342 Robert, 22, 49, 50, 210, 219, 287, 291,* 293, 306, 309, 315, 319, 322, 328, 333, 334, 341, 342, 354, 355, 356, 377, 407, 427, 429, 445, 449, 451, 457, 462, 463 Susan, 315. 355, 457 Thomas, 29, 37, 69, 76, 100, 139, 144, 172, 308, 321, 333,* 334, 338, 372, 375 William, 37, 76, 322 Abrose, see Ambrose Acock, Jenet, 125 Acroft, see also Ascroft, John, 156 Adamson, Thomas, 427 Addington, Edward, 414 Addinson, see also Addison Elizabeth, 432 Addison (Adison, Adisonn) see also Addinson Anne, 272, 344, 443 Edward, 252, 254, 256, 271, 281, 458 Elizabeth, 258, 356 Ellen, 254* Jane, 256, 329, 344, 374, 412, 435 Margaret, 271 Mary, 252, 458 Robert, 281, 288, 289, 412, 458 Thomas, 251, 254, 258, 326, 344, 356, c. of 443 William, 201, 289, 326, 329 Ainscoe (Anescoe, Aniscoe, Anscow, Aynscowe, Enscoue) Catherine, 374 Elizabeth, 169 James, 361 Robert, 5 Thomas, 162 Aldersey, Samuel, 378 Alemon, see Almond Alenson, see Allinson Alerton, see Allerton Alford (Alfford), Elizabeth, 161 Thomas, 361 Alison, see Allinson Allen, Richard, 428 Allerton (Alerton) Anne, 72, 157, 161 Elizabeth, 354, 462 Ellen, 180 Evan, 77 Gilbert, 175 Huan, 233 Allerton, Humphrey, 72, 77 Jane, 121 John, 180, 437 Margaret, 157 Margery, 451 Robert, 172 William, 164, 354,* 437, 451,* 462* Allestone, Matthew, 181 Alley (Aly), Elizabeth, c. of 461 Thomas, 131 Allinson (Alenson, Alison) Elizabeth, 124 Jenet, 263 Roger, 142 Thomas, 428 Allty, see Alty Almond (Alemon, Allmon, Allmond, Almand, Almon, Amen, Arnon, Amond), see also Emond Alice, 77, 89, 216, 304, 413 Elizabeth, 355, 401, 462 George, 97, 237, 287, 291, 303, 309, 356, 360, 429, 457* Henry, 309 Isabel, 342, 459 Jane, 77, 89, 216, 220 Jenet, 109, 304, 393, 459 John, 91, 114, 159, 219, 303, 344, 345, 391, 401, 411, 457 Laurence, 101, 110, 259, 312, 391 Margaret, 93, 291, 323, 342, 355, 376, 429, 462 Mary, 97, 108, 335,* 344, 345, 356, 429, 454,* 455 Richard, 89, 219, 237, 239* Robert, 321, 325, 335, 344, 373, c. of 429, 429, 454, 455* Thomas, 89, 91, 93, 97, 101, 104, 108, 109, 110, 114, 259, 287, 312, 323, 325, 342, 355, 370, 393, 402, 462 Thurstan, 104 WiUiam, 321 Alty (Allty, Alte, Altie, Altye, Atie, Attie, Autie, Auty, Awetie, Awtie, Awty) see also Otie Anne, 317, 322, 324, 328, 415, 427, 434, 437, 445 Daniel, 142, 240, 313, 317, 322, 324,* 350, 369, 427, 445, 457 EUzabeth, 72, 297, 321, 445 Ellen, 176, 201, 228, 321, 417 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 466 0. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W, 119-262 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Alty, Emm, 32 Henry, 145, 287, 297, 305,* 315, 321, 350, 364, 400, 417, 457 Jane, 91, 163, 426, 445,* 451 Jenet, 356 John, 91, 235,* 297,* 356, 417, 449 Margaret, 317, 330, 350, 432, 445, 457 Margery, 428 Richard, 72, 297, 313, 364, 415, 437 Robert, 315 Thomas, 131, 201, 240, 297, 317, 321, 324, 328, 330, 373, 426, 432, 434, 437, 445, 451, 463* WiUiam, 287, 400 Aly, see Alley Aly [or] Aty, Thomas, 131 Ambrose (Abrose, Ambrosse, Ambrous) Agnes, 180 Alice, 64, 146, 209 Anne, 183, 238, 240 Elices, 240* Elizabeth, 41 EUen, 199, 365 Hugh, 240 Isaac, 208 Jane, 36 John, 33, 36, 130, 206, 230, 231 Joney, 252 Margery, 206 Mary, 45 Richard, 30, 230, 252, 255 Thomas, 64, 71,* 208,209,230,* 231, 421 Amen I Arnon >see Almond Amond j Ande Thomas, 307 WiUiam, 307 Andernes, Elizabeth, 170 Anderson, John, 435 WUUam, 435 Anderton, Alice, 241 Anne, 193 Catherine, 123 Elizabeth, 55, 157, 195, 408 Ellen, 168 Henry, e. of 187, 267, 297 John, 47, 129, 188, 300, 318, 425 Margaret, 200, 303, 315, 425, 439 Mary, 267 Peter, 47, 55, o. of 189 Anderton, Robert, 33, 241, 245 WilUam, 297, 300, 303,* 312,* 315, 318, 408, 425,* 439 Anescoe ] Aniscoe Ksee Ainscoe Anscow ) Ansted, Richard, 231 Anstidd alias Woods (Anstheade alias Woods) Margery, 67 N.X.N., 67 Richard, 136 Archer, AUce, 211 AUson, 201 Anne, 100, 422 Cicely, 41 Elizabeth, 256 James, 58, 100, 117,* 266, 279, 388, 389 Jane, 46, 156, 215 John, 42, 43, 46, 73, 135, 151, 206, 215, 230, 252, 258, 390 Margaret, 66, 207, 220, 257, 258, 266 Richard, 52, 66, 73, 126, 207, 215, 220, 272 Robert, 279, 460 Thomas, 256, 392 WUliam, 52, 58, 135, 142, 149, 211, 252 Archer alias Lingley, Jo : 264 Arclief [?], Jane, 368 Armatriding (Armeridynge, Armitridinge, Armitrydinge,Armothrydlng, Armridynge) Ellen, 178 Isabel, 128 Jane, 13 John, 154, 180 Margaret, 156 Mary, 178 Robert, 124 Thomas, 129, 193 Arnoul, Alice, 342 EUzabeth, 342 William, 342 Arrowsmith (Arosmith, Arowsmith, Arrosmith.-Arrosmithe) Anne, 195 Elizabeth, 24 Hugh, 180 Jane, 176 John, 175* Margaret, 14, 37 Margery, 265 467 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Arrowsmith, Richard, 133, 208 Thomas, 37, 41, 213 WilUam, 171 Arscoe, see also Ascough Richard, w. of 183 Arsnepp, see Haresnape Asborne (Asburn, Asburne, Assborne) Emme, 143 Margaret, 364 Robert 91 Susan, 237 Thomas, 91 Ascough (Aschow, Asckoe, Ascoe, Ascoh, Ascoughe, Ascow, Ascowe, Ascue, Askew, Askoe, Askoh, Askow, Asscooe) see also Arscoe Agnes, 4 Anne, 122, 311 Edmund, 122 Elizabeth, 194, 306, 401 Hugh, 52, 57, 208, 214, 239, 241, 306, 309, 311, 316, 321 325 James, 57, 208, u. of 259, 267, 309 Jane, 136, 186, 190, 214, 254 Jenet, 121 John, 48, 180, c. of 242 Margaret, 48 Marv, 241, 252, 321 Richard, 2, 52, 254, 325 Robert, 170 Thomas, 185, 252, 257,* 267, 316, 401, 408 Ascrofft ) . , ,, Ascroft j see AslKrofl, Ascue, see Ascough Ash, Mr, 218 Ashcroft (Ascrofft, Ascroft, Asscroft, Assecroft,) see also Acroft Agnes, 347 Alice, 342 Anne, 328. 331, 339, 462 Cicely, 328, 439 EUzabeth, 94, 303,* 308,* 349, 355, 368, 437, 462 Ellen, 299, 356, 407, 411, 426 Henry, 160, 281, 297, 299, 303, 304, 308, 311,* 319,* 338, 356, 410, 411, 419, c. of 428, 437 Hugh, 281, 298, 299, 304, 308, 322, 349, 356, 362, 415,* 419, 421, 462 James. 282, 298, 299, 313, 321, 330 Ashcroft, Jane, 297, 308, 339, 373, 410, 435 Jenet, 364 John, 98,* 152, 253, 308, 315, 317, 321, 326, 338, 339, 417, 439 Joseph, 326 Margaret, 311, 338. 339, 354, 355, 386, 399, 417 Mary, 308, 331, 342 Philip, 91, 98, 148, 238, 315, 325, 330, 339, 354, 374 Richard, 91, 98, 148, 331, 342, 347 Thomas, 94, d. of 96, 253, 282, 325, 347, 399 William, 155, 285, 287,* 292,* 303, 308, 311, 313, 317, 322, 324,* 328,* 339, 349, 354, 355, 356, 357,* 360,* 369, 407, 408,* 421, 426, 427, 439, 462* Asheton, see Ash ton Ashmoule, tee Aspinall Ashton (Asheton, Ashtton, Asshton, Aston) Agnes, 3, 4 Alice, 6, 39, 139, 170, 171, 173, 182, 197, 229, 431 Anne, 24, 114, 125, 239, 344 Blanche, 134 Bridget, 206 Catherine, 252, 262 Dorothy, 226, 264 Edward, 31, 206, 231, 241 Eleanor, 213 EUzabeth, 31, 124, 127, 188, 217 253 393 Ellen, 8,' 57, 121, 173, 302, 398 George, 193, 431, 436 Henry, 97, 205, 211, 212, 214, 239, 392, 393, 403 Hillary, 246 Hugh, 52, 57, 110, 114, 116, 138, 155, 172, 173, w. of 229, 229, 230, 271, 272, 397, 398, 429 Isabel, 94 James, 2, 167, 168, u. of 232, 251, 252, 428 Jane, 12, 24, 79, 126, 186, 430 Jenet, 165 John, 34, 186, 225, 298, 302 Julian, 95, 227, 253 Margaret, 121, 132, 241 Margery, 123 Mary, 262 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 468 C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Ashton, Mr, 7, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 97, 126, 130, 186,* 187,* 211, 230, 239, 242, 246, 253, 262,* 392, 393, 396, 403 Mrs, 24, 188, 264 N.X.N., 52 Ralph, 190, 191 Richard, 13, 14, 16, 26, 79, 122, 130, 180, 186, 187,* 197, 213, 217, 223,* 225, 226, s. of 230, grandchild of 245, 247, 298, 365 Robert, 16, 116, 170, 272, 344, 397 Roger, 15, 94, 95, 97, 205, 253,* 262,* 344, 392, 396 Thomas, 7, 27, 126, 166, 197, 207, 211, 223 William, 29, 33, 110, 166, 212, 242, 271 Ashurst, John, c. of 213 Askew ] Askoe I . , Askoh W Ascough Askow J Aslaw I Aslay > see Astley Asley ) ilmough}seeAsPma11 Aspinall (Ashmoule, Asmall, Asmough, AspanaU, AspenwaU, AspinwaU, Aspnall, Assmough) Anne, 43, 305 Edward, 296 Elizabeth, 289, 352, 460 Jerehjah, 149* John, 27, 68 Margaret, 352 Margery, 65, 308 Richard, 159 Thomas, 43, 65, 68, 134, 285, 293,* 352, 383, 406 Thomasin, 301 WUUam, 59,* 285, 289, 293, 296, 301, 305, 308, 313,* 406, 430 Aspinden (Aspinder), Thomas, 432, 460 AspinwaU > . ¦ n Aspnall j^AspmaU Assborne, see Asborne Asscooe, see Ascough Asscroft ) . , ,, Assecroftj*ee Ashcroft Asshton, see Ashton Asslay, see Astley Assmough, see Aspinall 304, 305, 330, 413, Astley (Aslaw, Aslay, Asley, Asslay, Astly) Anne, 447 Christopher, 209 Dorothy, 421 Easter, 267 Elizabeth, 112, 280, 333, 353, 462 Ellen, 305, 402 James, 304, 314 Jane, 333 Jenet, 330 John, 76, 298, 302, 309, 314, 323,* 436, 437, 447 Margaret, 253 Mr, 209 Peter, 302 Richard, 72, 104, 154, 267, 402, 404, 436 Temperance, 112, 270 Thomas, 209 WUliam, 72, 76, 83,* 104, 115,* 253, 268, 278, 280, 298, 309, 353, 412, 413, 437, 450, 462 Aston, see Ashton Atherton (Atharton) Edward, 366, 409 Elizabeth, 221, 353 James, 70, 212 Luke, 353* Margaret, 75 Mary, 424 Nicholas, 409 Richard, 78 William, 70, 75, 78, 212, 221, 368 Athrick (Athricks), John, 393 Matthew, 393, 416 AtieAttieAutie Auty AwetieAwtie Awty J Aynscowe, see Ainscoe* Aynsworth (Eansworth) Agnes, 210 EUzabeth, 257 George, 73 John, 255 Richard, 73 Thomas, 143, 210 Ayston, Ellen, 24 B Richard, 307 Robert, 307 • see Alty '¦ see Baxtonden ¦ see Baxtonden 469 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Bailey, EUen, 204 Henry, 236 Jane, 236 John, 339 Margaret, 339, 345, 351 Robert, 339, 345, 351 378 Roger, 146 William, 345, 351 BaUing, EUen, 245 John, 245 Baily, see Bailey Bake, Henry, 390 Jenet, 390 Baker, Margaret, 34 Bakstandeine ") Bakstendeine j ' B:ltng]-B^™ Baldwin (Balden, Balding) Anne, 291, 372 Daniel, 326, 362, 405, 420 Edward, 96,* 315, 326 EUzabeth, 405 Ellen, 426 Henry, 291, 426, 445 John, 299, 304, 420, 423, 439 Mary, 304, 420, 423 Robert, 315 Thomas, 299, 445 Baley, see Bailey Ball (Balle, Boe, Boll) Alice, 76, 144, 179, 306 Andrew, 293, 300 Anne, 72 Cicely, 80 Dorothy, 413 Edward, 326, 436 Elizabeth, 48, 98, 157, 295, 303, 320 Ellen, 143 George, 140, 363 Henry, 145, 320, 322, 326, 436 Isabel, 144, 298 Jane, 64, 202, 322, 372 Jenet, 228 John, 48, 64, 83, 158, 202, 388 Laurence, 69, 72, 76, 79, 106, 293, 295, 298, 300, 303 306, 366, 413 Margaret, 100, 103 Margery, 37 " One " c. of 225 Richard, 134 Robert, 69, 98, 100, 103, 152 Thomas, 79, 106, 127 William, 44, 80, 83, 144 Ballart (Ballert), Anne, 215 Elizabeth, 79, 232 Ellen, 215 Robert, 79, 141, 145, 215,* 232 B . . . oup, see also Buckuppe Isabel, 128 Bacckhouse] gee Backhouse Baccus ) Bachurste, see Blackhurst Backesterden, see Baxtonden Backhouse (Bacckhouse, Baccus, Backhowse, Backhuse) Dorothy, 243 Edward, 277 EUen, 413 Henry, 215, c. of 215, w. of 222, 245 James, 413 Jane, 231 Margery, 215 Thomas, 73,* 138, 196, 229, 231, 243, 413 Backhurst, see Blackhurst Backhuse, see Backhouse Backsandeine Backsonden BackstandaynBackstandeineBackstandine Backstendeine Backstenden Backstendon J >«ee Baxtonden Backster, see Baxter Backston, Anne, 87, 238 Thomas, 87, 238 Backs tondeane Backstondeen BackstondeineBackstondenBacks tondene Backstondeyne BackstonedeaneBacstendayn BacstendenBacs tendon BacstondenBacstondyne Badge, Margery, 242 Badger (Bager, Bagger) Alice, 15, 190 Elizabeth, 125 Ellen, 20, 171 Henry, 171 Jane, 28 John, 171 Margaret, 169 Thomas, 13 William, 7, 171 Badger alias Singlton, George, 10 SaSer ] see Badger Bagger j ° Bailey (Baily, Baley, Baly, Bayley, Bele) EUzabeth, 140 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 470 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Balle, see Ball Ballert, see Ballart Balshaw (Balshawe, Balshow, Baltshawe) Adam, 159, 320 AUce, 384 Edmund, 349 EUzabeth, 349 Ellen, 349 Hugh, 308 James, 308 Jane, 349 John, 329, 349 Margaret, 201, 349 Priscilla, 371 Richard, 159 Robert, 320, 329 Baly, see Bailey Bamber (Bomber), Anne, 318, '429 Catherine, 358 George, 318 Isabel, 382 Joseph, 447 Margaret, 141, 222 Richard, 422* Bamford (Bamfford, Bamforde. Bamforth, Bampfor, Bampford, Bampforth, Bomforth) Alice, 106, 339,* 443, 449,* 455, 461 Anno, 107, 263, 325, 343, 421, 451, 455 Cicely, 347 Dorothy, 322, 330, 432, 455 Edward, 64. 100, 109, 111, 116, 130, 183, 238, 261, 318, 323, 433 Elizabeth, 275, 306 Ellen, 197, 260, 261, 296, 310, 313, 405. 425, 450 George, 321, 431 Henry, 316 Jane, 243, c. of 243, 264, 332, 343, 348, 451 Jenet, 116, 301, 371 John, 68, 96, 98, 101, 106, 260,* 261, 275, 287, 290, 332, 343, 348, 376, 389, 401, 451 Lettice, 327, 436 Margaret, 71, 96, 101, 320, 455 Mary, 29, 261, 332, 360 Nicholas, 316, 329, 431, 443 Robert, 309, 313, 316, 320, 323, 327 371 436 Samuel, 65, 68, 71, 98, 109, 118, c. of 214, 217, 238, 260, 287, 318, 322, 330, 347, 432, 433, 455, 458 ¦ see Bannister Bamford, Sarah, 347 Thomas, 65, 217, 348 WiUiam, 63,* 64, 100, 107, 111,* 114,* 118, 153, 200, 243, 263, 264, c. of 264, 266,* 290, 294,* 296, 301, 306, 309, 310, 313,* 316, 321, 325, 329, 339, 368, 389, 400, 421, 425, 431,* 443, 449, 455, 456, 461 Banaster } Banastre j ' Bancks (Banc, Banck, Bancke, Banckes, Bank, Banke, Bankes, Boncke) Adam, 24 Agnes, 10 Alice, 124, 297 Anne, 281, 364 Catherine, 72, 212 Christopher, 419 Edward, w. of 230, 250, 416,* 428 Elizabeth, 130, 133, 145, 265, 328, 416, 419 EUen, 25, 131, 173, 258, 300 Ezekiel, 280 George, 370 Hannah, 338, 375 Henry, 153, 311, 328, 338, 350, 359, 378, 419, 426, 463 Isabel, 178 James, 250, 258, 262, 265 Jane, 42, 140, 203, 338, 350, 356, 463 Jenet, 123, 124, 146, 153, 304, 352, 459 John, 73, 77, 84, 135, 212, 238 Laurence, 262 Margaret, 12, 73, 120, 275, 363 Mary, 274, 377, 416 Matthew, 352 Richard, 15, 292, 352, 370, 424 Robert, 72, 77. 84, 143, 238, 281, 292, 297, 300, 304, 311, 350, 356, 364, 424, 426, 463 Roger, 9 Sarah, 280 Thomas, 121, 123, 125, 146, 242 William, 12, 73, 124, 174, 178, 190 Bancroft (Bancrofte) EUzabeth, 393 George, 390 Jane, 403 John, 135, 393, 403 Margaret, 390 47i INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Banes (Bane), Francis, 297 George, 359, 423, 444 Jane, 297 Sarah, 423 Bannister (Banaster, Banastre, Baneste, Banester, Banestr, Baniste, Banister, Banistr, Banistre, Bannaster, Bannestar, Bannester, Bannestre, Banster, Bnnester [sic]) Adam, 130, 132, 169, 187, 204, 208, 209, 213, 227, 267,* 318, 399 Agnes, 174, 176 Alice, 14, 19, 26, 31, 69, 129, 130, 136, 139, 163,* 173, 194, 208, 283, 339,* 353, 421, 433, 443, 449, 461 Alison, 182, 199 Anne, 35, 50, 57, 65, 80, 85, 98, 113, 126, 136, 139, 145, 146, 224, 267, 314, 341, 352, 390, 416* Bartholomew, 12 Catherine, 40, 121, 122, 126, 128, 142, 346, 451* Christopher, 13, 26, 57, 65, 78, 98, 103, 126, 179, 206, 209,* 219,* 268, 388 Cicely, 84, 153, 210 Dorothy, 32, 98, 316, 423, 428 Edmund, 461 Edward, 11, 59, 175, 353, 390 Eleanor, 364 Elizabeth, 5, 86, 103, 123, 142, 158, 240, 293, 300, 337, 346, 369, 432, 434, 451 Ellen, 24, 42, 91, 105, 121, 124, 131, 132, 135, 141, 169, 171, 177, 197, 237, 260, 269, 272, 286, 296, 323, 326, 337, 340, 352, 369, 433, 434, 441, 447,* 449, 453 Frances, 8 George, 167 Grace, 5 Henry, 10, 15, 36, 46, 55, 62, 78,* 80, 91, 105, 118, 119, 133, 149, 163, 183, 184, 199, 214, 224, 225, 247,* 248, 257, 265, 308, 323, 331, 334, 352, 386, 431, 442, 443, 447, 463 Hugh, 62, 149, 177, w. of 243, 243, 248 , Isabel, 122 Bannister, James, 50, 58, 267, 323, 334, 431, 453 Jane, 3, 10,* 11, 22, 24, 55, 102, 120, 125, 126, 128, 135, 219 329 441 Jenet, 6^ 28, 34, 123, 136, 142, 175, 181,* 187, 188, 337, 340, 350, 393, 449, 463 Jn: 382 John, 5, 35, 41,* 46,* 52, 55, 58, 65, 75, 80, 87, 102, 106,* 115, 124, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 183, 187, 194, 207, 210, 231, 232, 240, c. of 242, 244, 245, 247, 269, 274, 302,* 314, 310, 317, 319, 320, 326, 327, 334, 339, 341, 346, 364, 370, 380, 411, 416,* c. of 423, 428, 429, 433, 434, 439, 442, 443, 449, 451* Kester, w. of 186 Laurence, 125, 198 Margaret, 4, 13, 31, 34, 96, 116, 136, 140, 145, 169, 204, . 209, 219, 225, 226, 240, 245, 296, 301, 304, 314,* 317, 341, 408, 410, 414, 425, 431, 432, 438, 440 Margery, 9, 43, 71, 109, 116, 122, 134, 156, 206, 207, 208, 209, 370, 396, 411 Mary, 95, 129, 183,* 249, 268, 274, 331, 390, 443, 447 Mr, 98, 163, 182, 183, c. of 215 Mrs, 423 Nicholas, 170 Peter, 306, 419 Ralph, 108, 293, 296, 302, 306, 308, 314, 324, 362, 433, 437 Randell, 171 Ranet, 105, 108, 109, 113, 116, 272 Ranold, 133- Regnald, 113 Renald, 43, 83, 220, 407 Renard, 116, 154 Reynold, 302* Richard, 2, 3, 12, 17, 20, 29, 32, 52, 65, 69, 74, 80, 84, 86, 87. 95, 96, 115, 118, 119, 123, 139, 146, 168, 171, 181,* w. of 182,* 182, 206, 207, 208, 226, 227, 232, 241, 249, 256, 279, 283, 286, 296, 300, 306, 319, 334, 392,* 416, 421, 429, 432,* 437 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 472 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-337 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Bannister, Robert, 41, 126, 128, 240, 244, 293,* 312, 314, 317, 318, 323, 327, 329, 331, 337, 378, 439, 440, 441, 443, 447, 451, 463 Samuel, 59 Thomas, 20, 36, 43, 122, 124, 177, 179, 241, 261, 279, 301, 304, 307,* 312, 317, 323, 324, 329,* 340, 363, 414, 423, 425, 431, 438,* 449, 453 Thurstan, 350 William, 3, 16, 30, 35, 38, 46, 55, 71, 74, 75, 78, 83, 85, 105, 121, 123, 124, 142, 153, 157, 175, 177, 178, 181, 218, w. of 244, 247,* 289,* 302, 306, 320, 323, 337,* 373, c. of 412, 419, 447 Iar:tt}*eeBarrett Barker (Barkar) Anne, 109 Joseph, 212 Mr, 212 Richard, 13, 109, 212 Barnes (Barns) Elizabeth, 343 Esther, 341, 405, 449 Henry, 343 Isabel, 343 Margaret, 361 Mary, 341 Robert, 341, 449 Baron (Barron, Bayron) AUce, 135 Cicely, 431 Jane, 156 Jenet, 411, 428 John, 60 Margaret, 130, 155, 370 Thomas, 449 William, 29, 60, 428, 437 Barrett (Baret, Barett, Barret, Barrette) Anne, 85, 230 Catherine, 12, 234 Clarice, 19, 32 Elizabeth, 4 Fr: 21 Gilbert, 173 Hannah, 117 Jane, 30, 48 John, 48,* 50, 156, 208, 227, 275 Laurence, 10, 15, 47, 122, 128, w. of 170, 175, 181, 228 Margaret, 170> 463 Barrett, Richard, 31, 47, 48, 85, 117, 170, w. of 188, 230, 233, 234, 271 Robert, 15, 181 Thomas, 23, w. of 221, 228, 275, 443 Thomasin, 271 Barron, see Baron Barrowes (Barrosse, Barrus) Alice, 60, 202 Edward, 60, 202 Gerard, 208 Bartman, Elizabeth, 125 Barton, Alice, 298, 445 Andrew, 295, 298 Anne, 424 Catherine, 293 Dorothy, 199 Ellen, 351, 459 Hannah, 448 Henry, 351, 459 Humphrey, 91 James, 281, 424 John, 91, 293 Mary, 351, 459 Sarah, 351 Thomas, w. of 184, 424 William, 295 Barwick (Barwicke) Alice, 47 George, 46* John, 47 Bastingden, see Baxtonden Bate (Beat, Beate) Elizabeth, 67 George, 309 Jane, 262 - John, 67, 70,* 210* Mary, 309 Richard, 230 Battler, see also Butler Alice, 17 Bau?ar ] see Bowker Bauker j Bawdell, see Boydell Bawker, see Bowker BaxstandeineBaxstondenBaxstondeneBaxtandeineBaxtandineBaxtendeign 'see Baxtonden BaxtendeigneBaxtendeinBaxtendeynBaxtendignBaxter (Backster) Anne, 324, 433 Catherine, 421, 425 473 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Baxter, Christopher, 301, 371, 418,* 421, 425, 438 David, 418 EUzabeth, 258, 367, 406,* 421 Ellen, 324, 433 Henry, 293 Hugh, 308 Isabel, 272 ! Margaret, 438 Mary, 313, 337, 450 Richard, 293, 298, 311, 362, 406, 413, 426 Robert, 258, 298, 301, 304, 311, 316,* 320, 325, 403,* 406, 418, 421, 426, 429, 430 Thomas, 304, 308, 313, 320, 325, 337,* 367, 421,* 430, 450,* 460 William, 272 Baxtonden (Backesterden, Backsandeine,Backsonden,Backstandayn,Backstandeine,Backstandine,Backstondeine,Backstenden,Backstendon,Backston, Baekstondeane,Backstondeen, Backstondeine,Backstonden,Backstondene,Backstondeyne, Backstonedeane,Bacstendayn,Bacstenden,Bacstendon,Bacstonden,Bacstondyne,Bakstandeine,Bakstendeine, Bastingden,Baxstandeine,Baxstonden,Baxstondene, Baxtandeine,Baxtandine, Baxtendeign, Baxtendeigne, Baxtendein,Baxtendeyn,Baxtendign, Baxtondeign,Baxtondein. Baxtondeine,Baxtonden. Baxtondene, Baxtondeyn, Baxtondine) Agnes, 415 Baxtonden, AUce, 86, 97, 176, 209, 243, 343, 405 Anne, 40, 87, 90, 105, 141, 238, 288, 295, 303, 332, 335, 336, 343, 346, 351,* 368, 412, 427, 458 Charles, 316 Eleanor, 364 Elizabeth, 65, 81, 93, 99, 116, 139, 193, 202, 213, 243, 258, 259, 282, 290, 312, 327, 347, 348, 351, 440, 444, 446,* 455, 459 Ellen, 31, 102, 142, 221, 325, 330, 458 George, 14, 351 Isabel, 247 James, 27, 57, 63, 64, 87, 108, 143, 201, 209, 235, 269, 294, 316, 332,* 336, 343, 377, 408, 453, 458, 459 Jane, 92, 237, 238, 286, 295, 314, 336, 344, 352, 421 Jenet, 14, 107, 164, 214, 231, 240, 292, 299, 340, 386, 404, 419 John, 34, 61, 65, 84, 89, 90, 97, 99, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110,* 113, 115, 124, 136, 140, 144, 151, 158, 188, 213, 221, w. of 226, 229, 237, 243, 254, 258, 259, c. of 260, 265, 267, 269, 280, 283, 287, 290, 294, 300, 301, 303,* 306, 308,* 312, 315, 316, 322, 325, 330, 336, 340, 343, 344, 348, 353, 367, 385, 389, 395, 396, 397, 405,* 408, 412, 413, 415, 440, 453,* 454, 456, 461 Laurence, 86, 230 Margaret, 97, 116, 301, 310, 325, 330,* 335, 336, 343,* 347, 348, 353,* 372, 389, 397, 453,* 454, 458, 461* Margery, 184 Mary, 265, 279, 283, 305, 320, 332,* 341, 351, 382, 395, 396, 434, 441, c. of 454 Peter, 289, 300, 352, 405 Ralph, 283, 351 Richard, 93, 113 115, 119, 267, 280, 282,* 284,* 286, 288, 289, 292, 295, 350, 302,* 324, 344, 352, 381, 405,* 412, 414,* 421, u. of 446, 446 Robert, 95, 294, 306. 322, 326, 351, 370, 419, 441 Croston parish registers. 474 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 338-463. Baxtonden, Susan, 331, 346, 353, 453, 455 Thomas, 63, 64, 81, 84, 86, 87, 90, 92,93, 104, 109,* 111,* 116, 149, 201, 230, 238,* 239, 254, 271, 272,* 283, 286, 295,* 299, 303, 305, 310, 314, 315, 316, 318,* 320, 322, 324, 325, 327, 331, 335, 336, 341, 346, 347, 353, 371, 372, 397, 405, 413, 415,* 418, 438, 453, 454, 455 Walter, 331, 353, 453 William, 57, 61, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 95, 109, 116, 130, 211, 239,* 258, 279, 282, 286, 287, 289,* 294, 295, 322, 326, 332, 341, 351,* 375, 385, 397, 435, 441, 444, 453 Bayley, see Bailey Bayron, see Baron Beardsworth (Bearsworth, Beerdsworth, Berdsworth, Berdworth, Birdsworth) see also Bedworth Alice, 133 Amies, 125 Catherine, 456, 462 Cicely, 125 Edward, 429, 433, 456, 462 Elizabeth, 422, 456, 462 Ellen, 125 Jane, 128 John, 124, 147, 429 Mary, 156 Richard, 145 Thomas, 422, 424, 433 Beat 1 tj„v-„ t, i i see Bate Beate ) Becconsall (Becconsal, BeckensaU, Beckonsal, Beekonsall, Beckonsoll, Beconsall, Beconsey, Beconshall, Beconsoe, Biconsall) Adam, 168 Alice, 114, 316, 389, 400, 461 Andrew, 70 Anne, 320, 328, 337, 384, 434, 440,* 461 Catherine, 127 Elizabeth, 169, 210, 337, 341, 369 Ellen, 163, 202 Gabriel, 90, 109, 162, 263, 308, 366, 393, 421 Henry, 341, 380 Hugh, 65, 132, 186 Humphrey, 12, 175 Becconsall, James, 113, 266 Jane, 122, 364, 393 Margaret, 405 Mr, 168, 169 Mrs, 169 Robert, 65, 70, 169, 215,* 249,* 258 William, 90, 109, 113, 114, 202, 266, 308, 311,* 316, 320, 328, 337, 341, 400, 405, 408, 421, 434, 440, 446 Beckerstafe, see Bickerstaff Beckonsal ") Beekonsall I Beckonsoll | Beconsall \see Becconsall BeconseyBeconshall Beconsoe Bedsworth (Bedworth) see also Beardsworth Ellen, 185 Jane, 2 Beerdsworth, see Beardsworth Bekersaf, see Bickerstaff Bele, see Bailey Belingham, see Bellingham Bell, AUce, 64 Elizabeth, 410, 422, 461 EUen, 120 Hugh, 461 Isabel, 360 James, 401, 461 Jane, 427 John, 64, 206, 401, s. of 405, d. of 408, 421,* 422, 428 Miles, 311, 323, 366,* 368,* 375, 417, 421, 424, 426, 427, 429, 431, 436 Mr, 436 Mrs, 427 " Old," w. of 245 Bellingham (BeUngham, Bellingam) Dorothv, 299 Elizabeth, 297 WilUam, 297, 299, 365, 433 Beman, Elizabeth, 168 Bene, Jane, 266 WilUam, 266 Bennet (Benet, Benett) James, 4 John, 39* Margery, 197 Mary, 88 Richard, 88 Thomas, 122 Benson, Alice, 292 Ellen, 279, 285, 371, 374 James, 96, 429 Jane, 428 475 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Benson, Richard, 96, 100, 102,* 250, 279, 284, 394,* 428, 431 Robert, 296 Thomas, 100, 284, 285, 292, 296, 359, 431 Bentham (Benthom, Bentom) see also Benton Ellen, 318 John, 318, 322,* 326,* 433* Benton, see also Bentham John, 313 Thomas, 313 iSdT? }"*«*"«* ||J- Berry Berley ]MeBWey Berry (Berey, Berie, Berrie, Bury) Alice, 126 Catherine, 282 Edward, 282, 393 Elizabeth, 280, 287, 393, 400, 435 Ellen, 365, 406, 425 Hannah, 412 James, 418 John, 280, 282, 287, 289, 310,* 362 393,* 400, 404, 406, 409, 412, 418, 423,* 425,* 441 Laurence, 282, 435, 462 Lidea, 289, 404 Margery, 425 Robert, 458 William, 409 Beuerley, Robert, 277* Bhrekill, see Breckell Bibby (Byby), Anne, 459 Grace, 141 Jenet, 195 Matthew, 459 Bickerstaff (Beckerstafe, Bekersaf, Bickarstaffe, Bickerstaffe, Bickorstaff, Bicurstath, Bikerstaffe, Bixstaff) Annes, 138 EUen, 79, 426 Hugh, 143 John, 79, 297, 319, 413 Margaret, 315 Mary, 309 Richard, 130, 309, 315, 319, 323 Robert, 297, 365, 426 Thomas, 323 Thurstan, 127 Widow, 424 Biconsall, see Becconsall Bicurstath 1 „. , . ™ Bikerstaffe j see Bl<*erstaff Billing, Henry, 22 Margery, 129 Mary, 131 Bilsborough (Bilsburrow) Jenet, 142 John, 140 Bimpson (Bimson, Bimsonne, Bymison, Bympson, Bympsonn, Bymson) see also Bison Agnes, 111, 268 Alice, 39, 66, 142,* 288 Anne, 108, 353, 365, 461 Edward, 45, 48, 68, 82, 216 Elizabeth, 103, 421 Ellen, 106, 288, 405 George, 217 Gilbert, 82, 134, 218, 226, 230 James, 106, 284, 294,* 297, 360, 369 Jane, 66, 111, 113, 268 Jenet, 45, 140, 237 Luce, 218 Margaret, 68, 108, 438 Nicholas, 84, 86, 103, 114, 226, 257 Richard, 184 Roger, 48, 84, 103, 106, 108, 111, 114, 116, 257, 268, 284, 353, 421, 428, 461 Thomas, 86, 103, 106, 108,* 111 113, 116, 268, 297 Widow, 217 William, 353, 461 Bindly, Anne, 192 John, 51* [BirchaU] (Burchoue, Burshowe) Mary, 181 Richard, 164 Birdsworth, see Beardsworth Birley (Berlay, Berley) Anne, 372 Elizabeth, 370 Hannah, 307 James, 292 Jane, 371 John, 292, 306,* 307, 313, 356, 424, 463 Margaret, 351, 356, 458 Thomas, 351, 458 Widow, 424 William, 313, 424 Birlch, Gilbert, 85, 145 Henry, 85 Bison, see also Bimpson George, 127 Croston parish registers. 476 C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Bispham (Byspham) Agnes, 150 James, 416 Margaret, 416 Bixstaff, see Bickerstaff BlacchursteBlachhursteBlachurst \see Blackhurst BlachursteBlack Blackburn (Blackburne, Blakeburn) Anne, 313 Jane, 316 John, 66,* 205,* 307, 310, 313, 316, 323,* 422, 432* Richard, 310, 422 WiUiam, 307 Blackehurst, see Blackhurst Blackestones, see Blackstones Blackhurst (Bachurste, Backhurst, Blacchurste, Blachhurste, Blachurst, Blachurste, Black, Blackehurst, Blackhost, Blackhurste, Blackhurt, Blackurst, Blakhurst, Blaychurste) Adam, 89, 234, 242 Alice, 18, 62, 176, 214, 265, 282, 285, 371, 391, 393, 401, 453* Alison, 21, 119 Anne, 299, 320, 453, 457 Catherine, 46, 142, 233, 245 Charnlow, 231 Christian, 89 Daniel, 65, 203 Dorothy, 53, 86, 208 Edward, 200 Elizabeth, 76, 122, 140, 223, 363 437 Ellen, 56, 58, 64, 98, 177, 210, 257, 265 Grace, 33 Henry, 17, 24, 52, 53, 56, 59, 63, 64, 127, 163, 180, 181, 210, 254, 259,* 265, 282, 285,* 288, 290, 310, 343, 360, 364, 390, 391, 393, 404, 405, 423, 426, 430, 444, 463 Hugh, 29, 43, 81 James, 27, 192, 193, 196 Jane, 26, 37, 52, 129, 181, 426, 444 Jenet, 30, 47, 60, 119, 123, 132, 168, 189, 223, 256, 343, 392 Blackhurst, John, 26, 37, 46, 47, 53, 56,* 59,* 62, 64, 65, 67, 71, 76, 112,* 114,116,123,129, 139, 171, 173, 177, 179, 196, 202, 203, 214, 216,* 223, w. of 226, 233, 265,* 288, 295,* 299, 305, 310, 311, 343, 359, 363, 381, 385, 421, 430, 453 Margaret, 10, 16, 21, 67, 221, 251, 259, 290, 390, 405 Margery, 23, 254, 358 Mary, 33, 71, 151 N.X.N., 58 Peter, 32, 132 Richard, 53, 130, 170, 209, 233,* 395 Robert, 36, 98, 172, 196, s. of 259, 259, 264, 266,* 285 Seth, 44 Susan, 145 Thomas, 31, 32, 46, 60, 63, 64, 114, 134, 170, 202, 229, 368, 423 William, 4, 25, 41, 46, 81, 86, 116, 125, 169, 224, 231, 242, 249, 267, 305, 311, 320, 367, u. of 415, e. of 416, 453* Blaekledge (Blacklidge, Blakeledge, BlakUdge, Bleckledge) Edward, 361, 372, 393, 412 Elizabeth, 393 Ewan, 36 Henry, 160 Jane, 433 John, 133 Margery, 412 William, 433 Blackstones (Blackestones, Blackston, Blackstons, Blaston, Blastons, Blaxstones, Blaxton, Blaxtones, Blaxtons) Anne, 346, 447 Cicely, 44 Edward, 207 Elizabeth, 13, 181, 197 Frances, 394 Grace, 5, 123 Jane, 2 Jenet, 25, 43 John, 51, 76, 82, 85,* 113,* 116, 117, 120, 165, 226, 253, 287, 346, 394, 397,* 447 Margaret, 52. 117, 178 Mary, 20, 126, 185,* 253 Richard, 12, 17, 51, 52, 76, 85 * 175, 226 477 Index of names. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. see Blackstones Blackstones. Robert, 27, 82, 287, 397 Roger, 116, 346, c. of 447 Thomas, 22 William, 19, 44 Blackurst, see Blackhurst Bladshae, see Bradshaw Blakeburn, see Blackburn Blakeledge, see Blackledge Blakhurst, see Blackhurst Blaklidge, see Blackledge Blaston "j Blastons j ' Blaw, Jenet, 121 BlaxstomnesBlaxstonesBlaxton y«ee Blackstones Blaxtones Blaxtons Blaychurste, see Blackhurst Bleckledge, see Blackledge Blevin (Bleven), Ellen, 261 John, 152 Richard, 121 Blundell (Blumdell, Blundal, Blundall, Blundel) Alice, 10, 129 Elizabeth, 7, 126, 307, 358 EUen, 33 GUbert, 217, 240, 241 James, 139, 307, 320* John, 164 Margaret, 72, 211, 241 Margery, 141 Ralph, 175 Richard, 26, 126 Robert, 5, 12, 138 Thomas, 72, 211 WUliam, 72, 211 Bnnester [sic], see Bannister Boardman, Ellen, 373 Isaac, 324 John, 291,* 324 Joseph, 442 William, 442 Bod [or Boe] almost certainly = " BaU " Margaret, 250 Robert, 250 Boe [probably = Ball EUzabeth, 98, 157 Henry, 233 John, 158 Laurence, 106 Margaret, 100, 103 Margery, 255 Robert, 98, 100, 103, 253, 255 Thomas, 106 Boe [? Bod], EUzabeth, 252 Robert, 252 Bold [?], Mary, 147 Boll, see Ball Bolton (Boolton, Boulton) Alice, 265, 273, 287, 311, 320, 341, 448, 452 Anne, 137, 428, 446 Edward, 155 Ellen, 100, 188, 257, 300 Fa: 241 Grace, 27 Henry, 444 James, 66, 72, 97, 142, 241, 289, 295, 300, 311, 341, 412, 446, 452 Jane, 66, 102, 129, 250, 316, 412, 422 Jenet, 131, 175, 356 John, 108, 189, 241, 346, 359, 375, 408, 412,* 428 Joseph, 289, 293, 299,* 412,* 422, 459 Lancelot, 293 Margaret, 24, 229, 392 Mary, 346 Mr, 392 Richard, 13, 97, 100, 102, 105, 108, 124, 177, 180, 250, 255, 257, 265, 273, 291, 295, 304, 320, 408, 409 Robert, 403 Thomas, 102, 130, 175, 255 William, 72, 105, 243, 287, 291, 304, 310,* 316, 346, 356, 392, c. of 397, 409, 439 Bomber, see Bamber Bomforth, see Bamford Boncke, see Bancks Bond (Boond, Bownd) Elizabeth, 345, 358 Henry, 24 Hugh, 407 James, 155 Jane, 379 John, 345 Mary, 371 Nicholas, 345 Robert, 132 Bonnie, Elizabeth, 104 WilUam, 104 Boocroft [sic] probably meant for Roocroft, q.v. George, 284 John, 284 Boode, Joan, 180 Richard, 180 Booke (Buke) Christopher, 282, 296, 364 Robert, 296 William, 282 Booker, see Bowker CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 478 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Boolton, see Bolton Boond, see Bond Bore, see also Bouer William, c. of 58, c. of 197 Borscoe I Borscow > see Burscough Borskoe ) Boucar ) .-, , Bouckerj*eeBowker Bouer, see also Bore Margaret, 165 Boukarrl „ , Bouker j 3ee Bowker Boulden (Boulding), Alice, 235 Ellen, 96 John, 96 Boulton, see Bolton Bowker (Baucar, Bauker, Bawker, Booker, Boucar, Boucker, Boukarr, Bouker, Bowkar) Agnes, 11, 121 Alexander, 21 Alice, 14, 173, 174, 177 Anne, 10 Catherine, 190 Cicely, 131, 219 Dorothy, 21, 27, 425 Edward, 29, 84, 105, 230, 236, 238, 267, 275, 389 Elizabeth, 108, 195, 414 Ellen, 124 Henry, 18, 101, 154, 206, 250, 388, 399 Ideth, 210 Isabel, 18 Jane, 6, 28, 101, 250 Jenet, 14, 104, 120, 267 John, 13, 181, 195, 297 Joseph, 297 Leonard, 8 Maladice, 4 Margaret, 115, 211, 419, 435 OUver, 8 Richard, 34, 104, 105, 108, 110, 114, 115, 164, w. of 189, 189, 190, 234, 246, 252, 275, 318, 388, 399, 440 Thomas, 19, 28, 84, 114, 179, 206, 230,* 234, 238, 239* William, 14, 110, 122, 318, 418 BowUnge, Roger, 40 Bown, Ralph, 403 Thomas, 403 Bownd, see Bond Boydell (Bawdell, Boydal) EUen, 227 George, 227 Jane, 386 Brachshaw ) Brachstowe ( see Bradshaw Bradge Bradgey ) Bradley, Hugh, 72 James, 378 Margaret, 72, 158 Mrs, 158 Bradshaw (Bladshae, Brachshaw, Brachstowe, Bradge, Bradgey, Bradshae, Bradshawe, Bradshawie, Bradshay, Bradshow) Alice, 240 Anas, 216 Andrew, 21 Anne, 165, 177, 243 Cicely, 25 Constance, 197 Dorothy, 70 Ellen, 17, 40, 185 Humphrey, 246, 270 Isabel, 16, 346 James, 29, 37,* 43, 59, 191, 286,* 375 Jenet, 35, 132, 135 John, 192 Laurence, 134, 206, 213 Margaret, 26, 35 Margery, 44 Mary, 143, 213 Nicholas, 69,* 70, 142, 208* Richard, 26, 59 Susan, 29 Thomas, 37, 235, 242 Thurstan, 22 William, 37, 202, 346* Brakell see Breckell BrakiU j Bramel, Anne, 348, 455 Elizabeth, 348, 455 Seth, 348, 455 Brameley, Seth, 385 Brand, Anne, 220 Bratherton, see Bretherton Brathurst, Thomas, 140 Bratter, see Brettargh Breackhell j Breakell ( ,-, , „ Breakhell \see Brecke11 BreakiU J Breares (Breeres, Breires, Brieres, Briers, Bryers) Cicely, 97 Jane, 167 John, 153, 156, 168 Margery, 167, 168 Thomas, 97, 150, d. of 244 479 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Dreckell (Bhrekill, BrakeU, BrakiU, Breackhell, Breakell, Breakhell, Breakill, Brechall, Brechehell, Brechell, Breckhell, Breckhill, Breckill, Brehkill, Brekell, 'Brekhell, Brekhill, Brekill, Brickelt, BrickUl) Agnes, 127, 224 Alice, 110, 129, 143, 177, 246, 264 Anne, 111,252,257 Catherine, 364 Dorothy, 55, 117 Edmund, 124, 175 Edward, 292 Elizabeth, 55, 81, 134, 137, 224, 225, 266, 290, 338, 345, 393 Ellen, 2, 17, 127, 187, 188, 416 ElUs, 164 George, 6 Henry, 13, 292, 361 Hugh, 76, 186, 205, 266, 281, 416* Isabel, 266 James, 196, 345 Jane, 272 Jenet, 139, 174, 175 John, 6, 10, 19, 39, 54,* 76, 105, 108, 110, 111, 117, 120, 121, 127, 156,* 205, 207, 220, 240, 252, 260, 263, 264, 266, 272, 338 Margaret, 42, 76, 86, 119. 136, 175 Nicholas, 16 Richard, 6, 125, 193 Robert, 12, 80, 81, 86, 105, 135, 144, 168, 174, 193, 223 Thomas, 21, 203, 290, 292 William, 80, 108, 123, 223, 263, 338, 345, 379 Breeres, see Breares Brehkill, see Breckell Breires, see Breares Brekell ) BrekhellBrekhillBrekill 1 Brethat, Penelope, 204 Bretherton (Bratherton, Brotherton) Alice, 3, 7, 35, 51, 75, 135,* 143, 152, 194, 223, 227 Anne, 40, 42, 54, 70, 107, 192, 197, 246, 253, 264, 297, 324, 335,* 348, 413 >see BreckeU Bretherton, Catherine, 206, 389 Christopher, 119 Cicely, 17, 39, 176 Deborah, 226 Dorothy, 275 Ebenezer, 83 Edward, 22, 119, 126, 132, 200 Elizabeth, 9, 23, 30, 44, 46, 71,* 108, 115, 152, 173, 178, 181, 188, 211, 244, 269, 349, 395, 434 Ellen, 8, 37, 53, 84, 85, 120, 122, 126, 127, 155, 165, 176, 178. 194, 196, 225, 329, 337, 349, 403 Enoch, 212 George, 21, 47, 51, 52, 53, 70, 77, 80, 136, 138, 196, 223* Gilbert, 4, 133, 135 Grace, 77, 181 Hannah, 86, 392 Henry, 21, 37, 47, 48,* 54, 57, 69, 71,* 74, 75, 77, 80,* 102, 103, 126, 142, c. of 187, 204, 209,* 219, 220, 223, 225, 226, w. of 226, 227, 279, 282,* 284, 285, 287, 290, 294, 318,* 322, 327, 335, 347, 372, 396, 398 Hugh, 12, 14, 19, 73, 75, 78, 82, 85, 127, 131, 212, 213, 244 James, 29, 33, 51, 73, 173, 181,* 184, 210, 212,* 223,* 362, 389, 434 Jane, 25, 40, 96, 128, 136, 190, 204, 207, 216, 245, 337, 348, 358, 441 Jenet, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 90, 125, 132, 152, 169, 171, 176, 188, 285, 398, 449 John, 2, 9, 10, 12, 18, 26,* 35, 46, 47,* 49, 53,* 55, 58, 69, 102, 103, 106, 108, 124,* 127, 128, 161, 166, 169, 170, 176,* 188, 194, 199,* 212, 264, 279, 327, 391, 393 Joshua, 107, 155, 264, 389 Margaret, 1, 18, 19, 24, 49, 57, 63, 106, 117, 121, 130, 135, 170, 187, 197, 284, 287, 335,* 347, 374, 391, 396 Margery, 1, 10, 75, 80, 174, 176, 179, 190, 191, 204 Mary, 35, 45, 80,* 82,* 234, 398 N.X.N., c. of d. of 222, 290 Rebecca, 78 Richard, 48, 51, 52, 77, 218, 219 Croston parish registers. 4S6 C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Bretherton, Robert, 6, 33, 55, 58, 71, 74,115, 117, 140,161, 220, 269, 275, 281, 297, 369, 392, 394, 395, 411,* 413, 422 Roger, 122 Thomas, 3, 39, 53, 63, 83, 125, 127, 132, 133, 184, 185, c. of 197, 212, 226, 244, 253, 264, 335, 347, 348 William, 7, 11, 27, 42, 43, 51,* 71, 73, 82, 84, 86, 90, 96, 127, 128, 142, 175, 178, 196,* 206,* 213, 237, 244, 245, 246, 281, 294, 322, 324, 329, 337, 349, 388, 432 Bretherton, alias Tydy, John, 214 Brettargh (Bratter, Bretter, Brettragh) Anne, 431 James, 311, 422 Jenet, 454 Jonathan, 311, 422, 431, 454, 455 Margaret, 454 Bretton, Margaret, 209 Brettragh, see Brettargh Bridge, Anne, 341 Edward, 424, 431 Henry, 326, 328, 330,* 334, 341, 439* Jenet, 424 John, 326 Margaret, 334 Margery, 341 Robert, 328 Bridgway, John, 279 Mary, 279 Brieres ) -c Briers j see Breares Brindle (Brindell, Brinhill) Andrew, 210 Anne, 36, 130, 245 Catherine, 223 James, 213 John, 72, 228 Margaret, 72 Margery, 129 Ro : 245 Robert, 67, 151, 250 William, 67, 72, 78,* s. of 200, 210, c. of 216, 222, 369 Brinn, Jane, 351, 458 Joseph, 351, 458 Brinsoe, Nicholas, 123 Broadall, Margaret, 142 Brooke (Broke, Broocke) Brooks, Margaret, 178 Margery, 165 Mary, 280 Richard, 280 Brookfield (Brookfeild) Elizabeth, 454 Jenet, 405 John, 454 Margaret, 458 Robert, c. of 295, 405, 412, 458 Thomas, 412, 454 Brostoche, Charles, 59 John, 59 Broth, Robert, 235 William, 235 Brotherton, see Bretherton Brown (Browen, Browne) Alice, 6,* 170, 349 Anne, 288, 291, 400, 402 Christopher, 307 Edward, 300, 458 George, 8, 411 Isabel 40 1 James, 122, 142, 172, 285, 288, 291, 360, 402 Jane, 11, 175, 230 Jenet, 5 John, 137, c. of 220, 424 Joseph, 393 Margaret, 6, 173, 307, 349, 369 Mary, 408, 453 Mr, 278 Ralph, 393, c. of 396, 401 Richard, 123 Robert, 146, 230, 238, 278* Roger, 257, 300, 361, 365, 400, 408, 414 Thomas, 411 WilUam, 257, 285, 349, 424 Brownell, Margaret, 141 Brownwont, Jane, 125 Broxop, Richard, 440 WilUam, 440 Bruscou, see Burscough Bryers, see Breares Bryninge, Ellen, 203 Henry, 203 Buck (Buch, Bucke) Christopher, 287, 301, 305,* 308, 399,* 439 Elizabeth, 301, 308, 399 Ellen, 287, 345, 399 Hugh, 313 Jane, 313, 371 John, 312, 316, 425 Margaret, 345 William, 312, 316, 345, 378, 425 Buckley, Jane, 149 Buckuppe, see also B . . . . oup Mary, 142 481 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 3S8-463. Buke, see Booke Bullin, John, 327 Thomas, 327 Burchoue, see [Birchall] Burschowe, see [Birchall] Burscough (Borscoe Borscow, Borskoe, Bruscou, Burschawe, Burschou, Burschowe, Burscoe, Burscogh, Burscoue, Burscoughe, Burscowe, Burskoe) Agnes, 15, 43, 175, 178 - Alice, 49, 121 Anne, 124 Catherine, 119 Edmund, 52, 57 Edward, 49, 57, 136 Elizabeth, 51, 123 Ellen, 122 Ewan, 135 Gilbert, 227, 245, 264, 395 Huan, 45, 192 Hugh, 6 Isabel, 227* Jenet, 264 Joan, 165, 180 John, 135, 164 Margaret, 45, 245, 408 Robert, 28 Roger, 43 Thomas, 52, 121, 124, 175, 176, 202. 263 Thurstan, 164 William, 51, 57, 180 Burskoe, see Burscough Burton, Henry, 47 James, 47, 1S8 Jenet, 219 Richard, 144 Thomas, 219 Burton, alias Carbur, Anne, 40 Bury, "see Berry Bushell, Dorothy, 134 Butler (Buttler), Christopher, 122 Elizabeth, 173, 365 EUen, 3 Henry, 29 James, 13 Jenet, 164 John, 6, 121 Nicholas, 4 Penelope 26 Robert, 11, 40 William, 120, 131, 181 Butterworth, Robert, 381 Buttler, see Butler Byby, see Bibby Byckerston als Shervington Ellen, 187 Bymison j Bympson ( „ . ^ r ysee Bimpson Bympsonn j r Bymson ) Byram, Agnes, 221 Byspham, see Bisphs ham Cabbon, see also Cowburne and Cubbon Richard, 235 Cadrwe, see Cawdrey Cadwell (Cadwel, Cadwill, Cadwoue) Elizabeth, 314, 322, 331, 430, 441, 443, 446 Henry, 317, 430 James, 314, 317, 322, 324, 329, 331, 371, 430,* 433, 411, u. of 443, 446 Jane, 324, 433 John, 171 Mary, 290 Philip, 290 Robert, 331, 441 William, 329 Cairdwell, see Cardwell Calderbank, Mary, 378 Calderough (Caldrow) Alice, 421 James, 421, 426 Call (Calle), see also Coe Agnes, 170, 171 Alice, 124 Anne, 68, 202, 329 Clemence, 170 Ellen, 43, 207 Em, 75 Henry, 84, 228 Hugh, 329 Jenet, 18 Margery, 173 Thomas, 7 William, 66,* 68, 75, 84, 170, 202, 207, d. of 223, 228, 389 Camce, see Caunce Camel, Thomas, 442 CanceCanseCar, see Carr Car alias Jenkonson 1 ,. T , . < alias „ „ Jenkinson ] JenMnson Car alias WignaU James, 70, 210 Jane, 73 Richard, 70, 73, 210 Carbur, alias Burton, Anne, 40 > see Caunce CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 482 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Carden, Edmund, 247 Henry, 247 Cardwell (Cairdwell), Agnes, 22 Alice, 283 Elizabeth, 191, 196 Ellen, 136, 376 Jane, 216 John, 129, 139, 200, 279 Thomas, 279, 283 Care, see Carr Care, alias Janson, Jane, 85 Thomas, 85 Carphet, see Kerfoot Carr (Car, Care, Carre), AUce, 212 Christopher, 13, 80, 143, 172, c. of 223, 223 Elizabeth, 22, 33, 80, 140, 223 Ellen, 17, 84, 129, 188 George, 219 Hugh, 83 Jane, 318 Jenet, 75, 124, 168 John, 122 Margaret, 152 Margery, 28, 143 Richard, 30, 84, 127, 255 Robert, 87 Thomas, 83, 87, 190, 318, 364 William, 75, 127, 187, 212 Carr, alias Jenkinson (Car alias Jenkenson ,, „ Jenkinson) Ellen, 214 George, 251 Jane, 210 Thomas, 210,* 251 William, 210 Carre, see Carr Carter, Anne, 48 Elizabeth, 105, 435 Henry, 105, 107, 108, 110, 112,* 395, 399, 406, 451 John, 48, 107, 294, 395 Mary, 160, 284 Mr, s. of 244 Mrs, 435 Richard, 99, 108, 294 Robert, 284 WiUiam, 99, 107,* 110, 399 Cartwright (Cartrick) Alice, 95, 397 Richard, 95 Caruce, Margaret, 35 Carver (Carvar), Ellen, 296 Jane, 312 Richard, 296, 299, 307,* 312, 421 William, 299, 421 Cassen, Henry, 205 Jane, 207 Catterall (Catarall, Catarell, Caterall, Catharall, Catherall, Catherow, CathraU, Cathrow, Catrall, Cattrall, Scatterall) Agnes, 126 Alice, 18, 122, 154, 177 Ellen, 240 George, 48,* 224 Isabel, 46, 147, 148 James, 183 John, 46, 71, 119, 127, 190 Margaret, 176 Mary, 71 Ralph, 124, 180 WiUiam, 176 Caudery 1 Caudrey S- see Cawdrey Caudry ) Caunce (Camce, Cance, Canne, Canse, Caunse, Cawn, Cawnce, Cawnse, Coance, Coanse, Conce, Conse) Alice', 1, 237, 250, 333 Andrew, 89, 93, 282, 315, 317, 321, 432,* 435 Anne, 223, 262, 432 Catherine, 150 Christopher, 52, 53, 57, 61, 63, 202, 237, 240 Cicely, 303, 319, 440 Edward, 52, 188 Edwin [? Evan], 306 Elizabeth, 31, 33, 34, 63, 257, 293, 319, 339, 355, 431 Ellen, 22, 25, 46, 57, 130, 133, 142, 155, 192, 196, 280, 333, 366, 398, 435 Evan, 77, 113, 143, w. of 246, 282, 293, 303, 310,* 315, 319, 321, 322, 339, 355, 366,* 431, 435,* 439 Henry, 61, 202, 280, 309,* 311,* 316,* 321, 369, 372, 427 Huan, 93,* 150 Hugh, 44, 48, 123, 188,214, 315, 319, 321, 432 James, 223, 316 Jane, 77, 89, 93, 373, 428 Jenet, 194, 208 John, 53, 312, 322 Laurence, 46, 48, 52, 122, 228, 293, 296, 298, 309, 312, 316, 321,* 325, 359, 369, 410, 427, 430 Margaret, 28, 113, 137, 154, 369 Mary, 41, 309, 317 Richard, 298 483 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Caunce, Robert, 5, 41, 44, 249, 262, 293 325 Sarah, 296, 403, 410 Stephen, 372 Susan, 76 Thomas, 53, 257, 261, 306, 315, 398, 428, 440* WiUiam, 52, 53, 76, 134, 189, 223, 355 Cawdrey (Cadrwe, Caudery, Caudrey, Caudry, Cauulldrey, Cawdre, Cawdree, Cawdroow, Cawdrow, Cawdry, Cawthery, Codre, Codrey, Cotherey, Cothrey, Cowdery, Cowdrell, Cowdrey, Cowdry, Cowthrey) Agnes, 3, 7, 234 Anne, 97, 245 Catherine, 46 Cicely, 205 Edward, 32 Ellen, 36, 141, 230 George, 40 Ja : c. of 250 Jenet, 69 John, 33, 56, 59, 97, 128, 209, 218, 245, 246 Margaret, 13, 145, 193 Margery, 8, 165, 264 Ralph, 122 Richard, 41, 132, 202, 214, 237 Robert, 56, 59, 61,* 64,* 69, 121, 124, 209, 214, 239 Thomas, 46, 174, 248 ' Cawn I Cawnce > see Caunce Cawnse > Cawsey (Coossey), AUce, 165 William, 142 Cawthery, see Cawdrey Celbie, Robert, 191 Cershee ) -v- u r, -. > see Kirshaw Uershere ) Ceurden, see Cuerden Chadock (Chadocke) Daniel, 152 Henry, 128 Jenet, 20 William, 244, w. of 246 Chaldrs [sic], Ralph, 173 Chamberlain (Chamberlin) Anne, 335 Elizabeth, 335 Ralph, 322, 327, 335, 446 Roger, 327 William, 322 Channely, see Charnley Chapman, Mrs, 249 Charelles I charlea Charells ( 8ee ^narles Charelson, Robert, 170 Charles (Charelles, Charells, CharreUes) Agnes, 175 AUce, 252 Anne, 190, 211, 219 Barnabas, 290 Catherine, 65, 74, 223 Elizabeth, 37, 199, 231, 260 Ellen, 62, 64, 95, 96, 200, 218, 243, 247, 287, 378 Hugh, 127, 140 Isabel, 164, 235, 290, 370, 410 James, 68, 74, 101, 199, c. of 221, 233, 280, 283, 287, 413, 426 Jane, 23 Joan, 426 John, 62, 64, 69, 180, 209, 221, 272 Margaret, 105, 226, 240, 265, 280, 372, 397 Mary, 98, 258 N.X.N. , 294 Peter, 68, 95, 96, 98, 101, 105, 108, 114,* 201, 243, 258, 265, 283, 413 Richard, 18, 22, 37, 65,* 128, 132, 192, 211, 223, 240, 246, 399 Robert, 25, 29, 62, 65, 68, 72,* 78, 129, 139, 173, 197, 200, 221, 231, 233* Simon, 294, 410 Thomas, 6, 68, 69, 98,* 108,260 William, 34, 78, 235, 247 Charlton, Ellen, 418 Charnley (Channely) Elizabeth, 451 Jenet, 2 John, 436 Margaret, 215 Mary, 328 Mr, 328 Thomas, 370, 436 William, 328 Charnock (Charnocke, Chernock, Chernocke) Alice, 396 Anne, 438 Elizabeth, 74, 144, 256, 270 Ellen, 72, 211, 319 Gilbert, 45, 72, 74, 143, 211, 237 Henry, 76, 222 James, 319, 366, 414 John, 210 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 484 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Charnock, Margaret, 80, 117, 222, 307, 414 Peter, 76, 80, 82, 84, 157 Robert, 82, 307, 423, 432, 454* Roger, 117, 396, 399 Susannah, 371 William, 84, 136, 186, 423 Charrelles, see Charles Cheetham (Cheatom, Cheetam, Cheetom, Chetam, Chetham, Chietham) Elias, 313 Elizabeth, 324, 397 Ellen, 272 James, 286, 397 Jenet, 154, 250, 364. 397 Leonard, 313, 324, 334* Margaret, 423 Margery, 286, 376 Thomas, 360, 371, 397, 423* WUliam, 155, 250, 272, 371, 422 Chernock ~) ™ , Chernocke]seeCharnookChetam I Chetham .-see Cheetham Chietham I Chinay, Catherine, 420 Chisnall (Chisnal) Alexander, 72, 212 Alice, 212, 214 Anne, 265, 365 Catherine, 117, 367, 409 Edward, 100 Elizabeth, 64 Ellen, 72 John, 37, 90, 183, 271 Margaret, 114, 217, 273, 394 Mary, 154 Robert, 263 Thomas, 90, 97,* 100, 263, 265, 267 William, 36, 37, 64, 67,* 96,* 112,* 114, 117, 207, 269,* 273, 358, 409, 411 Chitchinge, Richard, 262 William, 262 Choitchlawe [sic] I Chrichley i see Critchley Chrichlow I Christopher (Xtopher, Xtophers) see also Kesters and Christopherson Elizabeth, 429, 434 Ellen, 455 James, 418 John, 301, 325, 326, 348, 418, c. of 422, 429, 434, 435, 459 Margaret, 326, 348, 435, 455, 459 Christopher, Mary, 320, 348, 455, 459 Richard, 301, 304, 305, 308, 314,* 320, 366, 433, 455 Robert, 305, 461 Thomas, 304, 325, 348, 418, 461 William, 308, 433 Christopherson, see also Christopher and Kesters and Kesterson Elizabeth, 332 John, 437 Margaret, 326 Richard, 326 Thomas, 332, 400, 437 William, 326,* 332, 443 Chritchlow ~) ,-, .. , - Chritchlowej*eeCntcmey Cirkby, see Kirkby Claiton, see Clayton Clarckson, see Clarkson Clarke (Clark, Clerke) EUzabeth, 295 George, 341* Henry, 117,* 274,* 275 John, 34, 133 Margaret, 416 Mary, 294 Richard, 178, 294, 295, 408* Sir Richard, 178 Thomas, 358, 416 Clarkson (Clarckson, Clarkeson, Clarkesone) AUce, 111, 272 Anne, 113 Dorothy, 108, 238, 375 Elizabeth, 383, 398, 436 Ellen, 284, 395 George, 90, 92, 238, c. of 238 James, 108, 111, 113, 117, 272, 436 Jane, 117, 412 Margaret, 90, 419 Mary, 417 Richard, 412, 417 Thomas, 92, 281, 284, 362, 395, 398,* 419 Claton ") m .. Clauton)*eeClaytonClay, Jane, 373 Clayton (Claiton, Claton, Clauton, Cleyton) Alice, 142, 173 Catherine, 252 Edward, 105, 107, 108, 110, 262 272 Ellen, 63 Isabel, 53, 202 Jane, 51, 108, 110, 130, 262, 272 Jenet, 49, 50, 125, 143 485 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Clayton, John, 53, 63, 191, 207, 213 Margaret, 213 Mr, c. of 187 Richard, 107, 252 Thomas, 51, 52,* 105, 137 WilUam, 145, 206 Cleeve, Richard, 136 Cleg, Mr, 161 Clerke, see Clarke Clerowe, Jenet, 166 Cleyton, see Clayton CUff (Clife, Cliffe) Alice, 122, 132 Catherine, 25, 135, 189 Debrie, 87 Easter, 238 Elizabeth, 5, 125 Jane, 10, 23, 124, 127, 128, 244 Joan, 14 John, 18, 87, 92,* 236, 238, 251, 422 Mr, 223 Mrs, 244 Phebe, 257 Richard, 28, 61, 168, 223, 236 Robert, 189 Clifton (Clyfften, Clyffton) Agnes, 163 Amerye, 181 Cuthbert, c. of 250, 268, 420, 421 Isabel, 420 Matthew, 2, 175 Richard, 268 Cliston, Henry, 135 Clough, Agnes, 368 Jenet, 228 John, 212 Margaret, 283 Mary, 435 Ralph, 283 Thomas, 280,* 429, 435 Clowdeth, EUen, 45 Mary, 45 Clunch, als Hodson, Jenet, 207 £!y!Sen ] «• Clifton Clyffton ) Coance 7 Coanse j Coapland, see Copeland Coates, N.X.N., 256 Cocckett, see Cockett Cock, Thomas, 123 Cocker (Coker), Alice, 141 Edward, 46 Henry, 37, 133 Robert, 46, 359 WUliam, 34 see Caunce Cockett (Cocckett, Cocket, Cokett, Cooccet, Coocet) see also Cucate AUce, 23, 338 Alison, 19 Anne, 89 Elizabeth, 59, 90, 225, 254, 280, 314, 362, 380 Ellen, 1, 130, 351, 369, 371, 418 George, 218 Henry, 16, 128, 398, 442 Hugh, 349, 453 James, 3, 116, 126, 162, 181, 280, 326, 427, 438, 457 Jane, 53, 338, 349, 354, 453 Jenet, 32, 146, 153, 167, 318, 322, 430 John, 50, 85, 89, 90, 116, 165, 254, 265, 417, 432, 438 Joth, 273 Margaret, 35, 48, 184, 354, 374 ' Margery, 10, 20, 120, 192 Mary, 351 Richard, 48, 50, 58,* 59, 85, 158, 198, 201, 273, 287, 351, 380, 398, 417, 460 Robert, 121 Sarah, 198 Thomas, 167, 287 William, 314, 318, 322, 326, 330,* 338, 349, 354, 371, 430, 438, 453 Codre ) „ , CodreyreeCawdreyCoe, see also Call Anne, c. of 244, 245, 265, 319 Cicely, 188 Elizabeth, 265 Em, 255 Henry, 60, 188, 252, 262 James, 55 Jane, 199, 230 Jenet, 238, 402 John, 56 Margaret, 362 Robert, 255, 319, 430 Thomas, 195 William, 55, 56, 60, w. of 233, 237, 238,* 252, 398 Cokall ~) „ , „ Cokell j see Cooka11 Coker, see Cocker Cokett, see Cockett Cole, Elizabeth, 390 Henry, 85 William, 85 Colliart, Catherine, 323 William, 323 Collinson, Hugh, 49 John, 49 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 486 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Colton, see Cotton Comberland, Roger, 144 Comey (Comeye), Abigail, 46 Elizabeth, 51 George, 44, 48 Jane, 48 Judith, 53 Mr, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53 Sarah, 50, 191 Comigan (Comigam, Comingam, Commigam, Commigan) Alice, 4 EUzabeth, 167, 176 Jane, 178 Jenet, 2 Margery, 176 Conce, see Caunce Connie, Elizabeth, 219 Conningan or Commigan Alice, 4 Jenet, 2 Conner, see of Conner Conse, see Caunce Consketh, Thomas, 5 Coobon, see Cubbon Cooecet ) „ , , . Coocet j see Cockett Coocke, EUen, 153 Coockson, see Cookson Cookall (Cokall, Cokell, Cookell) Elizabeth, 285 Grace, 283, 289, 400 Isabel, 404 WUliam, 280,* 283, 285, 289, 391,* 400 Cookson (Coockson, Cuckson) Anne, 273, 310, 325 Catherine, 330, 369 Eleanor, 294 Elizabeth, 301, 341 Ellen, 264, 293 Hugh, 271 James, 356 Jane, 341, 351 John, 117, 271, 273, 322, 325, 341, 352, 373, 383, 392, 407,* 423, 438, 444, 446 Margaret, 314, 322, 325, 430, 439, 444 Mary, 117, 341, 352, 369, 388 Nicholas, 351 Richard, 305, 356, 392, 423 Robert, 251, 267, 293, 294, 298, 301, 305, 310, 314, 321,* 325, 330, 341, 351, 375, 430, 439 Sarah, 438 Thomas, 266, 267, 298, 319,* 341, 352, 378, 457, 462 Coolen, Elizabeth, 292 Robert, 292 Coolton, see Cotton Cooper (Coowper, Couper, Cowper) Anne, 57, 370 Catherine, 131 Elizabeth, 48, 83, 160, 204, 379 EUen, 56, 58, 143, 192, 196 Henry, 22, 391 Hugh, 43, 46, 204 Isabel, 391 James, 73, 135, 217, 328 Jane, 44, 64, 216, 228 Jeffrey, 44 Joan, 33 John, 48, 79, 83, 198, 356 Margaret, 145, 328, 361, 419 Margery,' 46, 73, 137 Mary, 19, 145, 153 Peter, 300 Ralph, c. of 203 Richard, 25, 56, 57, 58, 64, 205, 299, 303, 432 Robert, 300 Thomas, 17, c. of 56, d. of 57, 79 125 356 William, 29,' 43, 153, 299, 303, 361, 419, 432 Coore, see Core Coossey, see Cawsey Cootan \ Cooten 5 see Cotton Cooton ) Coowper, see Cooper Copeland (Coapland, Copland, Coupland) Anne, 156 Gabriel, 450 Jane, 155 Margaret, 363 Corbeshaw, Elizabeth, 121 Core (Coore) Richard, 153 Robert, 44 Cornes, Richard, 444 Corsnet, Thomas, 443 Cortus, see Curtass Cosan, Isabel, 134 Cotham, see Cottam Cothreyy}seeCawdreyCottam (Cotham, Cottan, Cottham Cottom) Anne, 144, 146 Elizabeth, 257 Henry, 118, 275 Isabel, 220 Jane, 416, 435 Jenet, 118 I 487 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Cottam, John, 118, 275 Laurence, 405 N.X.N, 228 Richard, 78, 133, 224 Mary, 333 N.X.N, 390 Robert, 96, 297, 324, 424 Thomas, 91, 299, 303, 305,* 309, 311, 315, 325, 333, 345,* 365, 416, 420,* 421, 424, 426 WUUam, 219, 324 Cotton (Colton, Coolton, Cootan, Cooten, Cooton, Cottan, Coulton, Couten, Cuten) Alice, 96, 160, 235, 325, 420 Anne, 309, 421, 426 Cicely, 333, 345 Dorothy, 303 Elizabeth, 91, 315, 435 Ellen, 365 ( James, 38, 71, 145, 149, 235 Jenet, 373 John, 71, 152,297,420 Laurence, 390 Margaret, 35, 299, 311 Henry, 123 Hugh, 315 Jane, 312, 325, 431 John, 99, 110, 112, 152, c. of 249, 264, 266, 267, 287, 308, 312, 315, 322, 323,* 395,* 432 Margaret, 110, 112, 161, 264, 267 WUliam, 317, 322, 325, 431 Couell, Ellen, 156 Jenet, 159 Coulthurst, Alice, 135 Coulton, see Cotton Couper, see Cooper Coupland, see Copeland Courden, see Cuerden Couten, see Cotton Couyn [or Gouyn], John, 164 Cowburne (Cowborn, Cowborne, Cowbron, Cubbarn, Cubborn) see ai!so Cabbon and Cubbon Anne, 308, 317, 432 Catherine, 266 Elizabeth, 99, 287 Robert, 78, 221, 224 Thomas, 270 Widow, 262 William, 43, 257 270 Cowdery 1 Cowdrell ( n ¦, Cowdreyf8eeCawdrey Cowdry J Cowley, Alice, 203 John, 142 Cowper, see Cooper Cowthrey, see Cawdrey Crackett, Richard, 160 Crampton, Easter, 296, 411 James, 296, 300,* 301, 303,* 412,* 414, 415* John, 301, 414 Mr, 411 Crane (Crene, Crone) Edward, 47, 162 George, 89 James, 376 John, 89 Margaret, 47 Craven, John, 376 Crene, see Crane Creswall, Jenet, 163 Critchley (Choitchlawe, Chrichley, Chrichlow, Chritchlow, Chritchlowe, Crichlay, Crichley, Crichloy, Critchlaw, Croitchlaw, Croitchlow, Croochly) Adam, 307 Dorothy, 299, 394 Elizabeth, 305, 348, 418 Henry, 317 James, 310 Jenet, 287 John, 294, 296, 299, 302,* 305, 307, 310, 314, 317, 332, 363, 418 Margaret, 314, 332, 348 Mr, 100, 153* Peter, 294, 348, 385 Rachel, 332 Ralph, 277* Richard, 100, 153, 287 Thomas, 47,* 100 William, 296 Croft, William, 126 Croise, see Cross Croitchlaw') ru. .. ,. Croitchlow j^ Critchley Croke, see Crook Crone see Crane Croochly, see Critchley Crook (Croke, Croocke, Crooke) Agnes, 177 Alice, 67, 86, 213, 221, 396 Anne, 63, 101, 202, 348 Catherine, 123 Christopher, 1, 46, 70, 127, 165, 169, 217, 389 Cicely, 33 Edward, 23, 63, 82, 202, 220 226 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 488 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Crook, Elizabeth, 17, 42, 70, 82, 135, 220, 226, 254, 259, 329, 348, 388 EUen, 42 Emme, 73 George, 70, 84, 108, 109, 113, 115, 117, 121, 157, 158, 182, 210, 217, 261, 263, 265, 281, 284, 288, 388, 396, 411, 423 Henry, 64, 75, 115, 129, 195, 214 James, 1, 70, 254 Jane, 24, 27, 28, 104, 108, 136, 137, 241, 368 Jeffrey, 312 Jenet, 109, 117, 254, 263 John, 32 Margaret, 46, 73, 79, 121, 222, 238, 265 Margery, 214 Mary, 70, 76, 79, 105, 145, 204, 216, 281, 312, 371, 407 Mr, 381, 382, 383* Nicholas, 120 Randle, 105 Rev Mr, 380, 382 Richard, 47, 78, 83, 84, 101, 120, 204, 219 Roger, 13, 18, 19, 31,* 115, 226, 288, 411 Thomas, 24, 66, 79, 84,* 86, 99, 108, 113, 199, 207, 226, 238,* 261 WUliam, 22, 28, 47, 64, 66, 67, 68,* 70, 73,* 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 99, 101,* 104, 105,* 108, 111, 115, 131, 140, c. of 188, 189, 204, 207, 210, 213, 214, 216, 219, 222, 238, c. of 250, 259, 272,* 284, 329, 348, 377,* 379 Crookham (Crookam) Richard, 444 Thomas, 375, 394, 456 Croose 1 Croosse > see Cross Crose ) Crosfield, Thomas, 443 Croshae, Nicholas, 131 Cross (Croise, Croose, Croosse, Crosse, Crose) Agnes, 27, 322 Alice, 92, 97, 102, 326, 331,* 340, 344, 407, 429, 436, 447 Anne, 111, 116, 142, 300, 385, 400 Catherine, 28 Cross, Dorothy, 312, 454 Edward, 131, 133, 203 Elizabeth, 100, 102, 115, 196, 249, 286, 314, 344, 422, 426, 438 Ellen, 48, 82, 105, 154, 360, 368 Emlin, 111 Emme, 243 Henry, 60, 309 Hugh, 17, 54, 57, 66, 77,97, 100, 102,* 105, 107,* 108, 111,* 113, 115, 116, 152, 204, 215, 249, 272, 304, 310, 316, 370, 392, 400, 415, 454 Jane, 57, 79,* 113, 362, 363 Jenet, 296, 318, 443 John, 5, 57, 116, 120, 272, 291, 306, 309, 316, 322, 326, 331, 340, 344, 368, 429,* 436, 447 Margaret, 4, 54, 66, 107, 113, 114, 129, 170, 189, 204, 263, 290, 295, 304, 316, 364, 381, 404* Margery, 241 Martha, 305, 421 Mary, 367 Ralph, 77, 81, 82, 92, 107, 114, 144, 161, 248, 286, 290, 295, 298, 300, 304, 305,* 310, 363, 404,* 411, 415, 421, 437, 443 Richard, 108, 113, 115, 117,* 263, 264, 296, 304, 306, 309, 312, 316, 340, 385, c. of 408, 419,* 429, 438, 450, 452 Sarah, 340,* 450,* 452 Susan, 298, 411 Thomas, 248, 289 Ursula, 60 William, 48, 81, 115, 192, 289, 291, 305, 309, 314, 318, 340, 364, 365, 370, 422, c. of 423, 426, 429,* 443, 447 Croston, AUce, 102, 300 Anne, 64, 202 Catherine, 27, 28, 78, 123 Clarice, 132 Edward, 7, 35, 172, 203 Elizabeth, 15, 111, 123, 204, 376, 401 Ellen, 197 39, 67, 136, 174, 183, 205 Emlyne, 9 George, 76 Hannah, 284 489 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Croston, Henry, 72, 78, 81, 103, 159, 185, 224, 228, 361, 397, 410 Hugh, 30, 54, 86, 121, 173, w. of 183, 190,* 252, 287 Isabel, 78, 428 James, 287, 290, 293, 401, 403, 409 Jane, 4, 43, 44, 53, 68, 126, 183, 194 Jenet, 20, 47 John, 2, 24, 25, 47,* 51, 72, 130, 136, 143, 165, 169, c. of 189, 190, 204, 212, 389 Lidea, 409 Margaret, 8, 12, 33, 63, 72, 81, 100, 133, 135, 137, 154, 224 Margery, 190, 255 Mary, 293, 421 Maud, 179 Richard, 284, 290, 403, 421, 426 Robert, 84, 228 Thomas, 100, 102, 103, 109, 111, 154, 157,237,302,309 WiUiam, 5, 22, 47, 51, 63, 64, 65,* 67, 68, 72, 76, 78, 84, 86, 109, 126, 202, 205, 228, 237, 252, 255, 261, 300, 302, 304,* 309, 365 Cubban, see Cubbon Cubbarn, see Cowborne Cubbon (Coobon, Cubban, Cubon) see also Cabbon Alice, 157, 216 Anne, 117, 391 Catherine, 460 Hugh, 113, 115, 117, 327, 391, 436, 457 James, 216 Jane, 115 John, 113, 460 Margaret, 333, 339, 346,* 440, 454, 455 Roger, 333 Thomas, 460 William, 327, 329,* 333, 339,* 346, 436, 440,* 454, 455 Cubborn, see Cowburne Cubon, see Cubbon Cucate, see also Cockett Jane, 423 John, 423 Cuckson, see Cookson Cudbertshaw (Cudbertshawe) Isabel, 171 John, 172 Cudworth, Alice, 389 Hugh, 389 Cuerden (Ceurden, Courden, Cureden) AUce, 221 Catherine, 270 Edmund, 55, 64, 250 EUzabeth, 55 Henry, 61, 250, 270, 402 Margaret, 64, 251 Richard, 61 William, 401 Culcheth, see also Culshaw and Kilshaw Edward, 327 James, 455 Margaret, 457 Richard, 327 Culshaw (Khulshaw, Kulshaw) see also Culcheth and Kilshaw Anne, 321* Elizabeth, 296, 345,* 350, 451 EUen, 321, 324, 330, 394 George, 334 James, 294,. 296 Jane, 350, 451 John, 328, 346 Margaret, 346 Ralph, 334 Richard, 294, 321,* 330 Thomas, 321, 324, 328, 346, 350, 451 William, 321 Cureden, see Cuerden Cursnough, Mary, 329 Thomas, 329 Curtass (Cortus) Elizabeth, 314 Jane, 336 John, 314, 321,* 327, 336 Margaret, 327 Thomas, 336 Curwine, Jane, 127 Cuten, see_ Cotton D Dakers, Edward, 133 Dalton (Daulton, Dolton) see also Datton Anne, 183, 258 EUzabeth, 11, 70, 130, 163 George, 6 Jane, 74, 102 Jenet, 120 Margaret, 68, 151, 385 Mary, 67, 289, 380, 400 Richard, 65, 204 Robert, 77, 80, 97, 100, 102, 151, 220, 252, 393, 431 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 496 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Dalton, Thomas, 2, 8, 41, 65,* 67, 68, 70,* 74, 77, 80, 97, 183, 204, 220, 222,* 244, 393, 400, 405,* c. of 411, 431 WiUiam, 13, 65, 100, 289, 361, 428 Dandy (Dand, Dande, Dandey, D audio, Dandye) AUce, 35, 38, 123, 128, 170, 233, 258, 270, 293, 384, 392, 431 Anne, 45, 257, 266, 269, 349, 446, 459 Bartholomew, 126 Christian, 285 Cicely, 134* Dorothy, 59, 90, 161, 223, 264, 430 Elizabeth, 15, 18, 23, 28, 42, 54, 73, 100, 111, 129, 135,209, 217, 219, 227, 230, 246, 248, 268, 272,273, 299, 318, 396 413 Ellen, 34, 44, 65, 71, 97, 135,* 212, 245, 256, 318, 413 Em, 180 George, 18, 49, 50, 55, 57,* 62, 65, 68, 73, 77, 137, 233, 242 GUbert, 52, 91, 194, 195, 240, 258, 261, 268, 284, 313, 391, 403, 420 Henry, 16, 38,* 41, 45,* 62,* 90, 93, 97, 100, 101,* 104, 133, 151, 196, 221, 239, 245, 246,* 248, 250, 256, 282,* 283, 285, 289, 291,* 298, 362, 395,* 402,* 430 Hugh, 133 Isabel, 448 James, 35, 52, 54,* 55, 82, 101, 104, 126, 133, 183, 195,* 238, 239, 256, 258, 396, 399, 421, 433 Jane, 12, 54, 91, 133, 150, 238, 240, 242, 243, 259, 260, 280, 283, 373, 416, 430 Jenet, 23, 38, 55, 93, 113, 124, 146, 186, 193, 238, 283, 289, 366, 415 Joan, 20 John, 24, 64, 77, 82, 84, 86, 111, 113, 116, 130, 172, 198, 205, 209,* 210, 218, 236, 238, 258, 259, 289, 293, 299, 313, 349, 362, 373, 390, 392, 402, 403, 413, 419, 430, 434 Lettice, 371 Dandy, Margaret, 3, 49, 50, 55, 134, 142,* 184, 191, 198 Margery, 11, 84, 184, 250 Mary, 31, 287 Richard, 2, 55, 209, 235, 261, 349, 370, 396, 418,* 459 Robert, 31, 38, 52, 65, 68, 104,* , 116,* 127, 158, 179, w. of 199, 205, 219, 230, 234, 258, 280, 283, 287, 388, 391, 397, 400 Thomas, 448 WilUam, 21, 27, 34, 38, 52, 55, 59, 62,* 64, 65, 69,* 71, 77,* 86, 97,* 101, 116, 184,* 209,* 212, c. of 214, 221, 239, 246, 249, 257, 265, 266, 269, 270, 272, 284, 289, 298, 416, 420, 430, 433, 434, 448 Danson, Hugh, 292 Robert. 292 Darbishire (Darbyshyre) Richard, 45 Thomas, 144 WUliam, 44 Dason, see Dawson Datton, see also Dalton Jane, 179 John, 181 Margaret, 181 Daubers aUas Harison see Dawber alias Harison Daues ) „ . Dauis ) 8ee Davles Daulton, see Dalton Dauson, see Dawson Davies (Daues, Dauis, David, Davie, Davis, Davy, Devie) Edward, 66, 148, 236 EUen, 255 Jenet, 143, 236 Margaret, 431 Richard, 58, 198 Robert, 245 Thomas, 58, 66, 139, 198, 205, 268 Dawber, John, 57 Megg, 57 Dawber alias Harison (Daubers aUas Harison) AUce, 67 Margaret, 67, 207 Dawson (Dason, Dauson, Doson) Agnes, 347 Anne, 93 Arthur, 283, 288, 391 Christopher, 93 EUzabeth, 354 George, 325, 438 49i INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Dawson, Henry, 321, 325, 328, 347, 354, 374, 438 Hugh. 283, 284, 288, 394, 409 Jane, 284 John, 280 Luce, 139 Margaret, 321, 384 Mary, 347, 354 Parnell, 280 Robert, 409 Thomas, 16 William, 328 Deane (Deine, Deyn, Deyne) Alice, 225 Henry, 250 John, 131, 173, 193 " Old " Henry, 250 Thomas, 10 Dearden, Thomas, 230 Debdall (Debtell), Ellen, 177 Isabel, 159 Richard, 177 Deine, see Deane Deine [or Deiuie], Old Henry, 250 Dennet, Mary, 374 Dennison, Elizabeth, 376 Devie, see Davies Dewhurst (Dewarst) Anne, 313, 329 EUzabeth, 322 EUen, 335, 344, 387, 447 Hugh, 331 Jane, 331, 342,* 352, 453 John, 313, 317, 322, 326,* 331, 342, 352,* 453* Margaret, 317 Robert, 329, 335, 344, 376, 447, 452 William, 335, 344, 447 De^e}*eeDeaneDicconson (Diccinson, Dickinson, Dickonson, Diconnson, Diconson, Diconsone) AUce, 33, 393 Anne, 394 Dorothy, 340, 344 Edward, w. of 251 EUzabeth, 125 Ellen, 240 Henry, 166 Hugh, 195 John, 96, 140, 340 Margaret, 129, 344, 433 Mary, 138, 359 Robert, 143, 168, 340, 344 Sarah, 96 Thomas, 133 WiUiam, 246 . see Dicconson Dickinson ~) Dickonson j ' Dicks (Dicke, Dickes, Dikes) Elizabeth, 181 Ellen, 80 Jenet, 189 John, 180 Richard, 80 Thomas, 180 Dicks als Wylson, Henry, 197 Dickson (Dicson, Dixson) Catherine. 324 Elizabeth, 336, 444 Ellen, 225, 336, 444 James, 218 Jane, 143, 324 Thomas, 291 William, 218, 291 Diconnson J Diconson >see Dicconson Diconsone ) Dikes, see Dicks Dirninynge, see Doming Disley (Dislay, Disleye, Disly, Dislye, Disslay, Dissley, Dysley, Dysly, Dyssley) Agnes, 59, 174 AUce, 144, 339 Anne, 32, 291, 391 Catherine, 130 Cicely, 291, 403 Dorothy, 368 Edward, 291, 292, 299, 320, 388, 403, 420, 431 EUzabeth, 20, 36, 46, 236, 339, 346, 355, 463* Ellen, 77, 186, 445 George, 46, c. of 189, 207, 219, 254, 320 Gilbert, 22 Grace, 339 Henry, 59, 61, 63,* 77, 216, 328, 420 Hugh, 229 Isabel 211 Jane, 24, 60, 184, 213, 356 Jenet, 17, 166 John, 39, 60, 61, 70,* 85,* 93, 99,* 120, 130, 152, 185, 207, 211, 216, 217, 229,* 287, 291, 292, 303, 308, 311,* 324, 328, 339, 356, 420, 431, 437 Margaret, 70, 207, 211, 287, 378, 460 Margery, 3, 18 Mary, 137, 223, 308, 324, 339, 420, 449, 457 Croston parish registers. 492 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Disley, Richard, 183, 220, 293,* 299, 339, 346,* 355, 359, 379, 406, 463* Robert, 42, 93, 303, 423 Sarah, 373 Thomas, 128 William, 355, 463 Ditchfleld, Agnes, 314 Ellen, 347 James, 314, 326, 334, 347 Jane, 347 John, 326, 366 Martha, 459 Thomas, 321 William. 321, 334 Dixson, see Dickson Dobbes (Dobs), Cicely, 47 Eleanor, 12 John, 12 Richard, 47 Dobson (Dobsone, Dobsonn) AUce, 26, 50, 54, 159, 197, 228, 345,* 350, 462* Alison, 131 Anne, 37, 55, 58, 129, 183, 196, 354 Cicely, 143 Edmund, 354 Edward, 196, 283 EUzabeth, 28, 48, 98, 101, 119, 272, 281, 286, 294, 304, 327, 329, 349, 354, 390, 439, 455 EUen, 65, 122, 175, 183, 307, 309, 310, 319, 420, 455* Emme, 68 Esther, 349, 459 Hannah, 459 Henry, 37, 71, 99, 118, 130, 197, 243, 281, 286, 298, 302, 304, 307, 310,* 317, 326, 357, 364, 390, c. of 408, 420, 462* Hugh, 179 Isabel, 41 James, 34, 77, 99, 105,* 110, 153, 269, 291,* 294, 297, 298, 301, 304, 308, 309, 310, 313, 317, 318, 324, 327, 345, 349, 350, 362, 368, 402, 420, 424, 439,* 440, 444, 455, 462 Jane, 56, 58, 141, 196, 248, 312, 317, 318, 324, 354, 357, 380, 449, 462 Jenet, 47, 51, 60, 142, 164, 199, 301, 349 John, 27, 54, 60, 183,* 219, 283, 285, 287, 290,* 294, 302,* 354, 397, 413,* 446 Dobson, Margaret, 30, 37,63, 110, 118, 132, 193, 269, 294, 297, 314, 350, 360, 402, 440, 449, 462 Margery, 33 Matthew, 403 ParneU 374 Richard, 43, 55, 58, 285, 397, 403 Robert, 15, 203, 206, 287 Thomas, 117, 312, 314, 317, 319, 324, 326, 329, 349, 354, 369, 372, 432, 433, 455* WiUiam, 12, 31, 32, 34, 37, 47, 48, 50, 51, 56, 58, 61,* 63, 65, 68, 71, 77, 98, 101, 117, 130, 131, 135; 152, 177, 205, 231, 239, 248, 302, 304, 308, 313, 324, 363, c. of 409, c. of 410, 420, 424, 433, 439 "Yeoman," 349, 381, 459 Dobson aUas Munck Richard, 209 Dobson alias WignaU Henry, 40 see Dobson Dobsone \ Dobsonn j ' Doding, Elizabeth, 150 Dodsworth, Howcroft, 218 Mr, 218 Roger, 218 SoSH^1-] Dolton, see Dalton Dootton, see Dutton Doran, Thurstan, 350* Doming (Dirninynge, Dornige, Dorninge, Draning, Droning, Droninge, Dronning, Dronninge, Dronnynge, Drouning, Druning, Druninge, Dnmning, Drunynge, During, Durneing, Durnig, Durning, Durninge, Durniynge, Durnninge, Durnynge) see also Duning AUce, 13, 20, 52, 136, 171, 173 Amer, 180 Amner [or Anmer], 129 Anne. 25, 60, 89, 298 Catherine, 13, 195 Charles, 4 Christopher, 2, 163 Edward, 46, 203 Elizabeth, 3, 26, 55, 58, 78, 194, 220 493 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Doming, Ellen, 22, 80, 443 Emme, 1 George, 2 Henry, 28, 52, 53, 54,* 92, 199, 224 237 James, 6, 26, 27, 36, 74, 78, 80, 126, 135, w. of 182, 215, 220 222 Jane, 14, 22, 30, 74, 215, 317, 427 Jenet, 19, 165, 202 John, 18, 46, 103,* 155, 171,* 176, 231, 272, 287,* 298, 303, 307, 414, 455 Margaret, 10, 167, 201, 244, 254, 303, 365 Margery, 8, 165, 175, 216, 232 Mary, 17, 53, 269, 307 Mr, 390 Rachel, 317 . Richard, 2, 36, 55, 58, 60, 93, 120, 126, 173, 182, 193, c. of 193, 202, 218, 261, 365, 390, 414 Robert, 33, 421 Thomas, 36, 89, 92, 93, 168, 188, w. of 194, 208, 237, 254, 269, 395 Doson, see Dawson Dotton, see Dutton [Douglas] (Doglas, Dogles, Dowglasse) EUen, 21 John, 127 Mary, 135 Downs, Margaret, 444 Draning, see Doming Draper, Anne, 73, 200, 251 EUzabeth, 260 Henry, 166, 201 Jane, 1, 7, 127, 149 John, 77, 120 Margaret, 181 Richard, 11, 53, 69, 73, 77, 149, 181, d. of 244, 251, 255, 260 Robert, 69 Roger, 5, 170, 269 WilUam, 180 DroningDroninge \ Dronning Dronninge grouTf}-^-™* Druning j Druninge I Drunning J Drunynge see Doming Duckworth (Duckorth, Duckoth, Duckwoth) Alice, 367 Anne, 363 Catherine, 337, 349 Elizabeth, 201 Ellen, 317, 422 Henry, 116, 273, 309, 312, 369, 413, 422 Isabel, 401 John, 309, 361, 401 Laurence, 116, 273 Margery, 349 William, 312, 317, 337,* 349, 370 Duddle (Duddell, Dudell) Anne, 50 Elizabeth, 125 John, 50, 137, 233 Margaret, 192 Duning, see also Doming John, 130 Durham, Margaret, 417 Robert, 417, 429 During DumeingDurnigDurningDurningeDurniyngeDumningeDurnynge Dutton (Dootton, Dotton) AUce, 215 Bridget, 157 Eme, 177 Grace, 166 James, 215 Margaret, 169 Mr, 168 Robert, 179 WUliam, 168 Duxbury (Duxburye) Alexander, 141 Robert, 143 Thomas, 138 Dysley j Dysly > see Disley Dyssley J E Eaocleston, see Eccleston Eaden, see Iddon Eamund, see Emond Eansworth, see Aynsworth Earle, see also Hirlv Elizabeth, 130 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 494 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Eastham (Eastam, Eastern, Easthan, Easthome, Eastom, Eastome, Estam, Estham) see also Esham Agnes, 203 Alice, 77, 83, 216, 433 Anne, 143 Catherine, 289, 415 Dorothy, 274 Edward, 107, 241, 289, 295 Elizabeth, 112, 209, 289, 336, 404, 406, 409 Ellen, 102, 331, 440 EmUn, 280 Evan, 77, 209, 216, 383 Ewan, 67, 137, 205, 236 George, 69, 95, 99, 102, 104, 107, 109, 112, 266, 273, 274, 280, 348, 406, 414 Henry, 67, 205 Isabel, 236 James, 99, 279, 358, 461* Jane, 87, 331, 336, 348, 440 Jenet, 215, 436 John, 54. 83, 87, 92,* 104, 239,* 241, 273, 282 Lucy, 461 Margaret, 194 Richard, 206 Robert, 65, 109, 266, 291 Thomas, 54, 65, 69, 95, 203, 206, 215, 218, 274, 279, 282, 285,* 289, 291, 295, 331, 336, 348, 404, 409, 440 EcceUston, see Eccleston Eccles (Ecclese, Eckles, Eckls, Ecles) AUce, 244 Ewan, 269 Jane, 155, 227 Jenet, 79 John, 244 Margaret, 86, 237 Thomas, 79, 86, 100, c. of 225, 227, 237, 271 WiUiam, 100, 271 Eccleston (Eaccleston, EcceUston, Ecclston, Ecleston) AUce, 16 Anne, 139 Catherine, 51, 119 Charles, 246 EUzabeth, 47, 194 Henry, 88, 121, 300, 328, 424 Hugh, 18, 47, 49, 51, 126, 195 Isabel, 237 Jane, 221, 412, 424 Jenet, 234, 262 Eccleston, John, 239, 296, 300 Margaret, 68, 299, 367, 391 Margery, 175 N.X.N., 49, 328 Richard, 125 Susan, 295 Thomas, 147, 148, 234, 235, 237 296 390 William' 68, 88, 158, 239, 246,* 262, 295, 299 Eckles I Eckls \ see Eccles Ecles j Ecleston, see Eccleston Edam v EdanEddenEddon }¦ see Iddon EdemEden Edeon ' Edmanson, see Edmondson Edmonds (Edmunds) Alice, d. of 136 Thomas, 389 Thurstan, 389 Edmondson (Edmanson, Edmonson, Edmundson Edmundsone) Christopher, 78, 81, 144, 226 Elizabeth, 78, 103 Hiet, 81, 103, 105, 155, 226 James, 70 Jane, 175 Mr, 103 Sidney, 105 Thomas, 70, 142 Edmund, see Edmonds Edmundson ") Edmundsone j Edrawe, Ralph, 176 Edwardson, Henry, 170 Sir Henry, 170 Eidden, see Iddon Ellam, Mary, 449 ElUson, EUzabeth, 128 Emond (Eamond, Emon) see also Almond George, 97, 398 John, 114, 115 Mary, 97 Thomas, 97, 114, 115 Enscoue, see Ainscoe Entwistle (EntwiseU, Entwisle, Entwissle) Alice, 340, 381 Cicely, 273 Ellen, 378 John, 296, 358, 359, o. of 407, 429 • see Edmondson 495 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Entwistle, Margaret, 340, 429 Mary, 161 Richard, 361 Thomas, 273, 296, 394 Esham, see also Eastham Anne, 53 Estam I „ ,, EsthamjMeEastha™Etherington, Agnes, 365 Etherix, Margaret, 412 Matthew, 412 Euxton (Exton) Elizabeth, 65 Ellen, 202 William, 65 Eves, Richard, 133 Exton, see Euxton Eyden, see Iddon Fadell, Ellen, 2 Fairclough (Farclew, Farclough, Fareclough, Farelogh, Fartcleugh, Fartclough, Fartlew, Fartlough) AUce, 324, 357, 462 Anne, 351, 374, 379 EUzabeth, 292, 462 EUen, 303, 355 George, 98, 287, 356 Henry, 303 Hugh, 351, 384 James, 308, 315, 398, 426 Jane, 281 John, 123, 355, 356, 407 Laurence1, 319 Margaret, 292, 359, 439 Margery, 308 Mary, 398 N.X.N, 281 Robert, 98, 100, 156,* 158, 281, 286, 355, 381 Sarah, 315 .Sidney, 427 Thomas, 268, 292, 303, 308, 315, 319, 324, 356,* 361, 407, 427 439, 462 WUliam, 100, 281, 286, 287, 292, 299,* 303, 308, 315, 351, 357, 426 [Fairhurst] (Faireste, Fareherst, Farest) Anne, 156 Ewan, 178 Jane, 3 Fantom, see Fenton Farclew 1 Farclough V see Fairclough Fareclough I Fareherst, see [Fairhurst] Farelogh, see Fairclough Farer, see Farrar Farest, see [Fairhurst] Faringdale, see also Farrington EUzabeth, 120 Farington, see Farrington Farrar (Farer, Farrer, Farriar, Farror, Ferer, Feror, Ferrer, Ferror) Alice, 48, 54, 87, 166, 197, 214 Anne, 218, 401, 456 Edward, 90, 148, 235, 251, 290 Eleanor, 337, 344, 446, 454 Elizabeth, 55, 58, 194, 261, 403 Ellen, 4, 50, 68, 71, 153, 167, 169, 189, 191, 212, 239, 308, 316, 320, 325, 428, 430, 454, 456 Frances, 320, 329, 433 Grace, 219, 318, 429 Hannah, 93, 237, 239 Henry, 106, 230, 262 Isabel, 206 James, 37, 79, 85,* 87,* 89, 102, 104, 106, 127, 130, 137, 146, 154, 155, 165, 176, 183,* 200, 231, 235, 237, 259, 262, 273, 284, 456 Jane, 17, 184 Jenet, 5, 23, 41, 43, 89, 104, 127, 136, 235, 244, 269, 372 John, 25, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 68, 70, 75, 76,* 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 102, 114, 121, 148,* w. of 183,* 183, 191, 214, 219, 225, 230, 231, 235,* 236, 239,* 242, 262,* 263, 266, 274, 298, 391,* 392, 425 Margaret, 45, 138, 167, 200, 203, 284, 313, 396 Margery, 133 Mary, 280 N.X.N., 45 Richard, 9, 22, 37, 128, 138, 197 301 Robert, 29, 45, 75, 91, 136, 137, 179, 187, 206, 236, 282, 284, 290, 337, 344, 388, c. of 397, 420, 446 Thomas, 45, 70, 90, 92, 114, 176, 201, 235, c. of 251, 274, 280, 284, 298, 301, 308, 313, 318, 365, 392, 395, 396, 429 William, 71, 75,* 79, 142, 212, 214, 269, 282, 316, 318, 320,* 325, 329, 337, 344, 388, 430, 433, 446, 448, 454 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 496 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Farrington (Farington, Forrington) see also Faringdale Alice, 152 Anne, 43, 74, 80, 117, 154, 236, 317, 329, 345, 450, 459 Catherine, 169 Charles, 57, 170 Cicely, 184 Elizabeth, 95, 109, 118, 268, 282, 301, 303,* 305, 320, 335, 345, 403, 413, 450, 459, 460 Ellen, 154, 282, 314, 421, 436, 438, 448 George, 298, 300, 411, 434 Henry, 288, 293, 302, 384, 407 James, 117, 273, 391 Jane, 72, 80, 289, 294, 394, 403, 405, 443 Jenet, 99, 112, 239; 284, 364, 371 John, 93, 288, 296, 307, 389, 434, 436 Margaret, 61, 67, 68, 107, 158, 209, 248, 268, 280, 291, 321, 359, 381 Mary, 322, 403, 432 Nicholas, 77 Richard, 72, 89, 142, 282, 284, 310, 403,* 422, 438, 443 Robert, 39, 102, 105,* 107, 109, 112, 114, 117, 118, 122, 157, 248, 260, 268, 273, 280, 282, 285, 288, 291, 296, 301, 304,* 312, 320, 335, 364, 370, 389, 391, 394, 413, 421, 422, 448 Thomas, 42, 57, 61, 67, 68, 71,* 74, 77, 80, 102, 140, 209, 285, 316, 329, 335, 345, 376, 389, 450, 459, 460 William, 61,* 80, 89, 93, 95, 99, 100,* 114, 117, 136, 272, 285,* 288, 289, 293, 294, 298. 300, 301, 302, 303,* 305, 307, 310, 312, 314, 316, 317, 321, 322, 405, 407, 411, 413, c. of 420, 432, 434,* 436,* 438, 443* Farro, Thomas, 135 Farror, see Farrar Fartcleugh \ ¥3£Z* UF-cl-gh Fartlough J Fash, John, c. of 189 Fassall, Ellen, 48 John, 48 Fasseker j Fassikar V see Faziker Fassiker ) Fazakeley, see Fazakerley Fazaker, see Faziker Fazakerley (Fasakerly, Fascicarly, Fassakerley, Fassakerly, Fazacarley, Fazacharley, Fazackarley, Fazakeley, Fazakerly, Fezakerley, Fizackerley, Phassakerley, Phizacarley) Alice, 286, 291, 399, 427 Anne, 17, 48 Elizabeth, 73, 140 Henry, 87 Hugh, 31, 243 James, 70, 73,* 77, 80,* 101, 143, 222, 239, 286, 330,* 356, 399, 448, 456 Jane, 73, 75, 80, 222, 224, 239, 448 Jenet, 77 John, 48, 208 Margaret, 34, 84 Mary, 80, 87, 222,* 456 Richard, 70, 75, 84, 101, 208, 291, 356 Thomas, 207, 221, 449 Faziker (Fasseker, Fassikar, Fassikars, Fassiker, Fazaker, Fazicar, Phazicar) Alice, 260 Anne, 425 Henry, 86 James, 109, 153, 316, 360, 372, 397, 400,' 425 Margaret, 359 Margery, 193 Mary, 78, 156. 316 Richard, 78, 260, 358, 400 Thomas, 86, 109 Fazley, Jane, 236 Richard, 236 Fearnial, Thomas, 327 William, 327 Fearnsall (Fearnsay) Alice, 445 Isabel, 445 John, 427 Thomas, 427, 429,* 445 Fearnsworth, John, 421 Thomas, 421 Fell, Elizabeth, 370 Mary, 450 Thomas, 430 497 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Fenton (Fantom) Elizabeth, 54 Isabel, 340, 345 Margaret, 194, 340 Thomas, 54, 188 William, 340, 345* Ferer ) Ferrer \see Farrar Ferror J Fezakerley, see Fazakerley Fexcroft, Frances, 30 Fidler (Fiddler) AUce, 14 Thomas, 179 FUdinge, Henry, 359 Finch (Finche, Finsh, Fynch, Fynche) Agnes, 416 AUce, 39, 270, 309, 410, 458 Anne, 36, 66, 101, 109, 242 Christopher, 200 Cicely, 145 Cuthbert, 316, 428 David, 50, 83, 85, 89, 113, 146, 221, 253, w. of 253, 273, 274, 299, 403, 412 Dorothy, 90 Edward, 11, 43 Elizabeth, 50, 55, 89, 123, 221, 235, 274, 284, 375, 376 Ellen, 48, 198, 240, 258, 284, 293, 306, 425 Emlin, 112, 418 Gilbert, 320 Henry, 48, 50, 83, 112, 120, 135, 171,224,253,262,301,311 383, 416, 428, 460 Hugh, 46 Isabel, 113, 227, 262, 298, 412,* 428 James, 46, 90, 98, 255, 281, 284, 289, 293, 296,* 302, 309, 311, 314, 364, 409, 426, 447, 457 Jane, 46, 115, 155, 192, 231, 287, 308, 376 Jenet, 38, 50, 68, 85, 153, 168, 191, 393 John, 41, 64, 66, 68, 94, 109, 111, 113, 115, 118, 156, 163, w. of 182, 210, 249, 279, 283, 289, 296, 388, 394,* 397, 409 Laurence, 47,* 120 Margaret, 143, 189, 283, 302, 314, 394,* 426 Mary, 458 Maud, 172 Finch, Richard, 9, 64, 94, 98, 101, 202, 240, 249, 252, 270 Robert, 90, 113, 115, 118, 121, 146, 160, 191, 270,* 273, 281, 284, 285, 287, 296, 298, 299, 301, 306, 360, 390, 403, c. of 409, 412,* 425, 447 Thomas, 21, 90, 111, 115, 125, 235,* 242, 256, 270, 308, 311,* 316, 320, 428 WiUiam, 46, 50, 55, 125, 215, 231, 235, 262, 279, 316, 388, 390,* c. of 392, 406, 428 Firth, see Frith Fish (Fisshe, Fysh) Abraham, 311 Anne, 311 Bamaby, 136, 216 Jane, 121 Fisher (Fissher, Fycher, Fysher) Alice, 119, 238, 366 Anne, 249, 294, 381, 430 Edward, 207 Eleanor, 443 Elizabeth, 134, 259, 452 Henry, 298, 301, 406, c. of 407, 430, 461 James, 462 Jane, 152, 389, 406, 410 John, 290, 304, 404 Margaret, 100, 157, 461 Mary, 87, 301 Peter, 98, 100, 259, 269, 284, 298, 404 Thomas, 418 WiUiam, 87, 98, 143, 233, 284, 290, 294, 304, 404, 418, 435 Fishwath, Edmund, 170 Fishwick (Fishweeck, Fishweeke, Fishwicke) Elizabeth, 379 Ellen, 156 John, 154 William, 161 Fisshe, see Fish Fissher, see Fisher Fizackerley, see Fazackerley Flashworth, see Flessworth Flawer, WUliam, 167 Fleacher, see Fletcher Fleetwood, Herettamaria, 118 Mrs, 118 Flessworth (Flashworth, Fleshwart) Elizabeth, 122 Margaret, 170 Thomas, 167 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 498 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Fletcher (Fleacher), Jane, 204 Jenet, 185 Margaret, 217 WiUiam, 141 Fleyn, EUen, 124 Fog, John, 129 Foode, AUce, 182 Richard, 182 Foole, WUUam, 238 Fooler, see Fowler Forrest, Dorothy, 374 Ellen, 81, 365 Thomas, 81, 141 Forrington, see Farrington Forshaw (Forshae, Forshawe, Forshay, Forshew, Forshewe, Forshey, Forshoe, Forshow) Agnes, 182 Alexander, 90, 92, 240, 248, 257 281 Alice, 76, 79, 131, 283, 303, 317, 333, 334, 376, 423, 444, 446, 463 Anne, 155, 259, 271, 291, 313, 325, 447, 449 Arthur 407 Bridget, 306, 342, 435 Catherine, 121, 414 Cicely, 71, 311, 334, 405, 437 Daniel, 299, 342, 346 Dorothv, 154 Edward, 311, 317, 324, 328*334, 346, 395, 426, 437,* 463 EUzabeth, 37, 64, 69, 112, 136, 156, 270, 287, 292, 309,* 313, 413 Ellen, 67, 76, 115, 192, 271, 272, 299, 300, 313, 317, 399, 425,* 437 George, 315 Hannah, 342 Henry, 76,* 79, 222, 238, 260, 300, 309, 311, 313, 317, 321,* 325, 326, 329, 334, 342, 348, 363, 375, 425, 431, 446, 447, 454, 461 Hugh, 67, 69, 71, 76, 79, 83, 85, '90,* 117, 251, 270, 281, 293, 304, 311, 334, 376, 404, 407, 444 Isabel, 90, 287 James, 37, 79,* 102,* 103, 104, 111, 112, 115,* 117, 122, 133, 154, 160, 161, 201, 240, 248, 252, 255, 257, 259, 266, 271, 272,* 287, 292,* 299, 305,* 313, 321, 357, 389, 403, 426, 427, 431, 449 Forshaw, Jane, 11, 83, 102, 111, 132, 159, 222, 257, 279, 289, 315, 330, 342,* 355, 372, 394, 403, 420, 427, 449 Jenet, 423 John, 79, 85, 101, 103, 104, 125, 153, 251, 252, 255, 281, 287, 289,* 291, 299, 303, 304, 306,* 309,* 313, 317, 321, 326, 330, 334, 356, 378, 388, 405, 413, 427, 437, 442,* 448* Laurence, 240 Margaret, 39, 76, 92, 115, 285, 293, 297, 317, 330, 334, 342, 355, 362, 375, 382, 403 Margery, 348, 438, 446, 447, 454 Martha, 334, 444 Mary, 266, 289, 305, 315, 342, 346, 354, 376, .419 Nicholas, 164 Ralph, 309, 315, 426, 432,* 437 Rennet, 433 Richard, 72, 291, 306, 317, 329, 342, 348, 356, 420, 423, 433. 454 Robert, 40, 51, 101, 102, 281, 286, 299, 306, 309,* 315,* 319,* 324, 326,* 330, 334, 342,* 354,* 388, 407, 449 Roger, 131, 184 Sarah, 313, 426 Susan, 153, 458 Susannah, 317, 431 Thomas, 64, 67, 68, 72, 140, 157, 160, 206, 281,* 283, 286, 289, 297, 306, 326, 333, 356, 357, 362, 363, 381, 402, 420,* 435, 437, 438, 463 William, 51, 67, 68, 204, 206, 260, 279, 285, 289, 291, 292, 299, 305, 313, 334,* 342, 355, 356, 378, 394, 399, 402, 405, 423,* 424, 425, 441, 442 Forster, see Foster Fortune, William, 218 Foster (Forster) Elizabeth, 162 Francis, 75, 216 Hugh, 75, 216 Isabel, 258 Margaret, 126 Mr, 115 Richard, 124 Robert, 115, 116 499 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Fowler, Thomas, 116, 141, 386 WUliam, 115, 161 Fowler (Fooler) AUce, 110, 280, 455 Edward, 110, 116, 272, 280, 284, 288, 427 Elizabeth, 410 Ellen, 284 James, 116, 272 Jenet, 239 John, 239 Margaret, 288 Fox, Margaret, 373 Freckleton (Freckellton, Freckton, Frecleton, Frectleton) EUen, 92, 251 George, 92, 238. 240, 251 Margaret, 92, 238, 240 Frith (Firth, Fryth, Frythe, Furth) Anne, 323, 366 EUzabeth, 126, 330, 342, 446 Henry, 280 John] 280, 323, 327, 330, 436, 446 Mary, 330, 342, 446 Richard, 13, 327, 436 Thomas, 128 Furth, see Frith Fusdall, Henry, s. of 218 Fycher, see Fisher Fylipson, see Philipson Fy^che}"ee:FmchFynwud, Richard, 123 Fysh, see Fish Fysher, see Fisher G Gabbott (Gabbett, Gabbot) Alice, 71 Ellen, 71 John, 71 Gadell (Guegadell) Christopher, 49 WiUiam, 49 Galstange, see Garstang Gant, Elizabeth, 118 James, 118 Garnet, Ellen, 160 Mr, 384, 385,* 386,* 387 Garret (Garrot) Adam, 338 Ellen, 37, 346 Mary, 346, 442 William, 338, 346, 379 Garstang (Galstange, Garstand, Garstange, Garsting, Garstinge) Agnes, 132 Alexander, 119 AUce, 64, 124,^,204, 217, 446 Andrew, 186 Anne, 55, 90, 319 Bridget, 94 Dorothy, 29, 36, 55, 61, 137, 145, 198, 202, 218 Elizabeth, 122, 124, 214 Ellen, 28, 32, 158, 93, 374 Henry, 124 Hugh, 48 James, 26, 52, 62, 156, 200, 257, 367, 393, 446 Jane, 133 Jenet, 52, 123, 143, 174, 211 John, 33, 48,* 72, 76, 198, 202, 218 226 Margaret, 50, 130, 168, 175, 204 Margery, 22, 137, 226 Mary, 328 Richard, 24, 29, 50, 52, 55, 61, 64, 72, 141, 198,* 218, w. of 232 Robert, 128, 267 Thomas, 19, 48, 52, 55, 58, 62, 94, 123, 124, 131, 175, c. of 183, 190,* 200, 214, 216,* 218 242 William,' 33, 34, 58, 76, 90, 194, 319, 328, 372 Gaskell (Gaskall, Gaskel) Anne, 352 Edward, 347, 353, 382, 455 EUzabeth, 352, 366 John, 352, 385 Laurence, 293 298, 431* Lydia, 347, 353, 455 Margaret, 347, 353, 455 Robert, 298 William, 293 Gasskeen, see also Goskin EUen, 53 Geenson see also Janson and Jenson Anne, 22 Genketsone, see Jenkinson Gerard, see Gerrard Germane, Jenet, 124 Gerrard (Gerard) see also Jarret Agnes, 121 Catherine, 389 Elizabeth, 161, 270, 359 Grace, 352, 460 Jenet, 352, 460 John, 256 Thomas, 151, 266, 270 WUliam, 352, 460 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 500 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463. Gibbes alias Watkinson see Gibbs alias Watkinson Gibbs (Gibs) Andrew, 80 Elizabeth, 227* Thomas 80 Gibbs alias Watkinson (Gibbes alias Watkinson, Gibs aUas Watkinson) Cicely, 63 Elizabeth, 75 EUen, 75 Isabel, 66 James, 37 John, 63, 66, 70,75, 139,215, 220 Richard, 70 WUliam, 37 Gibs, see Gibbs Gibs alias Watkinson see Gibbs alias Watkinson Gibson, Christopher, 381 Rev Mr, 378 Thomas, 9 Gidloe (Guddlawe, Gudlawe) AUce, 24 Anne, 53 Annes, 126 Clarice, 195* EUen, 195 James, 9 Jane, 14 John, 132, 194 WiUiam, 22, 26, 122, 136 GUes (Gyles), EUen, 190 Hellen, 190 Margaret, 36 Thomas, 131, 132, 190 Gill, Anne, 299, 355 Elizabeth, 398 EUen, 449* Jane, 330, 411 Margaret, 88, 358, 403 Richard, 398, 403, 404, 411 Robert, 330, 355, 376 Thomas, 88, 400 William, 299, 355, 400 Gilner, Mary, 140 Girdler (Girldler, Gyrdler) Ellen, 131 Isabel, 126 John, 179 Margery, 120 Glaseburrow (Glasbarrow, Glasberogh, Glasbery, Glasborough, Glasborow, Glasborowe, Glasborrow, Glasbrough, Glaseborough Glaseborow, Glaseborrow, Gloseburrough)see also Glazebrook Abraham, 80 Glaseburrow, Alice, 105, 367 Anne, 86, 157 Elizabeth, 81, 199, 208, 295 Ellen, 25, 114 George, 144 Isabel, 22 James, 109 John, 76, 80, 81, 86, 99, 143, c. of 220, 295, 408 Margaret, 111, 118, 244, 274 Mary, 144 Peter 27 Thomas, 76, 99, 103,* 105, 109, 111, 114, 118, 152, 186, 201, 407 Glaue, John, 133 Glazebrook, see also Glaseburrow Jane, 435 John, 435 Gloseburrough, see Glaseburrow Glouer, Edward, 112, 113, 117, 266 Elizabeth, 117 Isabel, 112, 266 Jane, 239 Richard, 113 Godber (Godbar, Godbare, Godbarr, Godbeare, God beer, Godbeere, Godbere, Godbier, Godbire, Gotbet) Adam, 165 Alice, 42, 201, 254, 293, 295,' 396, 407 Anne, 113, 298, 299, 373 Catherine, 165, 197 Elizabeth, 163, 299, 336, 384 Ellen, 29, 42, 110, 247, 319, 327, 362, 409, 438 Jane, 280, 302, 376 Jenet, 249, 299, 319, 424, 430 John, 52, 87, 110,* 113, 116, 120, 136, 201, 219, 263, 299, 301, 302, 410 Margaret, 118, 198, 307, 344, 410, 453 Margery, 33, 43, 89 Mary, 297, 315, 441, 454 Richard, 110, 112, 118, 160, 302, 323, 344, 372, 391, 414, 433, 453 Thomas, 52, 87, 89, 95,* 112, 247, 249, 254, 280, 293, 295, 297, 298, 301, 302, 307, 315, 319,* 323, 327, 344, 396, 407, 409, 414, c. of 418, 424, 430, 432, 433, 444, 453, 454, Thomasin, 336 William, 116, 132, 141, 165, 201, 210 5oi INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; E. 163-275 and 388-463. Godkire [sic], [probably Godbere] Adam, 22 Gods, William, 94* Goldbom, Margery, 164 Goldin, ) Good* -Guiding Gooding I Goodman, Grace, 334,* 442 Mary, 160 Goodwin, Robert, 74 Roger, 74 Gooldham, see also Goulding Thomas, 374 Gooldin, see Goulding Gordon, see also Gorton Margaret, 141 Gore, Alice, 145 Anne, 364 Richard, 77 Robert, 77 Gorshae, Margery, 4 Gorton, see also Gordon Alice, 142 Anne, 152 Goskin, see also Gaskeen Elizabeth, 356 Jane, 356 Gotbet, see Godber Goulding (Goldin, Goodan, Goodin, Gooding, Gooldin, Gouding) see also Gooldham Edmund, 116 EUzabeth, 334 Jn: 446 Laurence, 116, 405, 446 Margaret, 240, 241, 323, 343 Mary, 446 Thomas, 323, 334 William, 240, 241 [Gouyn] or Couyn, John, 164 Gradwell fGraddell, Graddl, Gradel, Gradell, Gradle) Agnes, 121 Alice 256 Anne', 98, 162, 219, 390, 422 Christopher, 14, 30, 56, 132, 177, 219, 300, 302, 310, 313, 390. 392, 405, 422, 440 Cicely, 59, 215 Dorothy, 75, 107, 226 Edward, 36, 63, 66, 68, 71, 75, 78, 119, 139, 168,213,220, 310, 422 EUzabeth, 101, 169, 178, 190, 254, 266 Ellen, 42, 62, 78, 80, 144, 166, 183, 233 Erne, 229 Gradwell, Henry, 34, 63, 221 Jane, 53, 68, 123, 138, 146, 178, 216, 232 Jenet, 32, 122, 274 John, 31, 37, 41, 178, 179 Margaret, 6, 27, 44, 73, 75, 120, 143, 170, 177, 241 Margery, 55, 58, 124, 137 Mary, 66, 73, 111, 389, 405 Mr, 390, 400 Mrs, 390 Richard, 5, 31, 37, 53, 59, 62, 95,* 169, 199, 302 Robert, 4, 50, 170, 172, 179, 197 Roger, 24, 28, 71, 181, 196, 213 Susan, 392 Thomas, 4, 126, 129, 190, 214, 258 William, 6, 50, 53, 55, 56, 58, 73,* 75, 80. 95,* 98, 101, 107, 111, 138, 146, 185, 209, 226, 250,* 256, 266, 274,* 300, 313, 389, 400, 406 Grange, Mary, 384 Graues, see Greaves Grayson (Graveson, Gravson, Grawson, Greason) Agnes, 7, 314 AUce, 354, 387 Anne, 337 Eleanor, 7 Jane, 337 Jenet, 311 John, 306, 311, 314, 320,* 326,* 337, 354, 360, 368 Mary, 306 Greaves (Graues, Greaues, Greves) Elizabeth, 60, 199, 375, 428 Ellen, 394 Henry, 123 John, 60, 394 Margaret, 268 William, 132, 259,* 268 Greeham, Anne, 139 Greehough, see Greenough Green (Greene, Greens) Anne, 111,335,456,460 Edward, 294 Elizabeth, 125, 188, 308, 320, 343, 381, 393, 430, 455 Henry, 294, 297, 321, 430 Humphrey, 106, 271, 332, 393, 405 Jane, 297,* 332, 335, 343, 353 386, 411, 455, 456, 461 ' CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 502 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Green, John, 7,* 171, 174, 179, 316, 320, 323, 327, 335, 343, 353,* 372, 430, 455, 456, 461* Margaret, 321,* 322, 356 Margery, 106, 271 Mary, 348 Mr, 322, 380 Rev Mr, 379,* 380, 382 Robert, 286, 327, 348 Roger, 111, 159, d. of 262, 308, 311, 322, 328,* 377,* 378,* 379,* 380,* 381,* 382,* 383,* 384,* 385,* 386,* 387,* 411, 436, 439, 442, 444, 451, 457, 462 Susannah, 323 Thomas, 6, 125, 170, 172, 286, 297,* 316, 332, 348, 356, 427 William, 248,* 311, 321, 430 Greenough (Greehough, . Greenehough, Greeneough, Greenhough, Grenough) .Anne, 78, 220 Elizabeth, 233 Ellen, 74, 202 Hugh, 57 James, 57, 66, 69, 74, 78, 202, 220, 236, 242 Mary, 236 Peter, d. of 404 Richard, 66 William, 69 Greens, see Green Gregory, John, 154 Gregson, Catherine, 119 Ellen, 123 Henry, 141 Jenet, 401 -Margaret, 122, 288 Richard, 288, 401 Sarah, 299 William, 299 Grenough, see Greenough Greves, see Greaves Griffe, Alice, 7 Grime, Alice, 377 Grimshow (Grymshaw) Cicely, 231 William, 230, 366 Grundy (Grundie) Alice, 97, 403, 427 Ami or Anne, 104 Anne, 159, 322 Dennis, 322, 373, 388,* 427 Frances, 97 Francis, 315 Grundy, Henry, 318 James, 403 John, 315, 318 Margaret, 370 Mary, 97, 217 Thomas, 104 WUliam, 131 Grymshaw, see Grimshow Guddlawei ^..j, Gudlawe | aee Gldloe Guegadell, see Gadell Guest, Ellen, 73 John, 73, 143 , Gumbrey (Gumberye, Gumbry, Gumphre) Catherine, 334, 411 Elizabeth, 326 Ellen, 288, 334, 342, 354, 457, 463 Hugh, 406 James, 288, 292,* 330, 399, 410,* 411, 432, 449 John, 326, 330, 342, 354, 374, 457, 463 Margaret, 399 Mary, 432 William, 342, 354, 457, 463 Guttrige, Margaret, 91 William, 91 Guy, Gerard, 386 Gybonson, Hugh, 174 Gylbertsone, John, 166* Gyles, see Giles Gyrdler, see Girdler H Hackbn (Hakin), Grace, 5 Robert, 123 Haddleye, Edward, 168 Haddock (Haddocke, Hadock, Hadocke, Haydock, Haydocke, Hedocke) Alice, 37, 69, 148, 206, 265, 284, 397 Anne, 57, 244, 290, 390, 460 Christopher, 54, 233 Elizabeth, 89, 209, 234, 236, 295, 394, 409 Ellen, 127, 135, 279 Henry, 65, 72, 137, 141, 211, 215, 240 Isabel, 56 James, 72, 197,211 Jane, 34, 67, 116,369 Jenet, 24 John, 26, 45, 65,* 109, 110,* 113, 116, 123, 140, 148, 149, 203,* 236, 264,* 279, 283, 284, 301, 390, 394, 395, 397, 404 503 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Haddock, Margaret, 47, 118, 134, 149, 199, 236, 283, 307, 395 Margery, 128 Richard, 2, 37, 50, 109, 130, 290, 295, 301, 307, 409, 460 Robert, 13, 47, 50, 54, 56, 57, 65, 67, e. of 187, 203, 228,* 235, 271 Susan, 408 Temperance, 145 Thomas, 69, 89, 118, 185, 234, 236 William, 113 Ydith, 127 Haghton, see Haughton Haile, Alice, 108 Anne, 360 John, 108, 109,* 397 Hailwood (Halewood) Anne, 334, 426 Cicely, 315 Edward, 351 Elizabeth, 326, 351, 463 John, 303, 437 Margaret, 309, 363 Thomasin, 449 William, 303, 308, 309, 315, 319,* 326, 334, 351, 372, 421, 426, 437, 449 Hakin, see Hacken Halewood, see Hailwood Haliwell, see HalUwell Hall (HaUe) Anne, 68, 343, 371. 454 Christopher, 343, 381, 452 Ellen, 362 Isabel, 343, 454 Jane, 134 Jenet, 68, 431 Margaret, 81 Thomas, 81 Hall, of the, Anne, 68 Jenet, 68 HalUwell (Haliwell, Hallewell, Hallijwell, Halliwall, Halliwel, Hallowell, Haliwell, Hallywell, Holliwell, Hollywell, Holywell) Anne, 242 Dorothy, 370 Edward, 51 Elizabeth, 225 Ellen, 32, 51, 154 Jane, 68, 73,201,207 Jenet, 123 John, 57, 132, 191, 202, 219 Laurence, 226 Margery, 216 Halliwell, Robert, 162 Thomas, 63, 68,* 73, 190, 226 Thurstan, 26 Tristram, 57, 63, 68, 139, 207, 216, 219, 225, 229, 242 Halloway, Elizabeth, 60 Tristram, 60 Hallowell, see Halliwell Hallsall | rr i. ii Hallsoe \ 8ee Halsa11 Haliwell, see Halliwell Hallworth (Halworth) Elizabeth, 126 Ellen, 125 Isabel, 164 James, 165 Jenet, 119 Margaret, 164, 169, 180 Hallywell, see Halliwell Halsall (Hallsall, Hallsoe, Halsal, Halsale, Halsay, Halsey, Halsoe) Anne, 334 Catherine, 395 Edward, 334, 342, 355, 463 Elizabeth, 342 Ellen, 197 Emlin, 293 Isabel, 336, 456 Jane, 281 John, 285, 329, 336,* 456 Margaret, 287, 297, 410, 447 Mary, 342, 355, 463 Miles, 285, 395, 399, 446 Sarah, 329, 399, 456 Thomas, 281, 287, 293, 297, 355, 410, 463 Halson, Thomas, 198 Halsop, John, 237 Robert, 237 Halton, Alice, 37 George, 295 Margaret, 127 Orsan, 295 William, 37 Halworth, see Hallworth Hamson, Anne, 131 Handkin, see also Henkin Ellen, 374 Hankinson (Handkinson) Anne, 56, 58 Edmund, 136 George, 223 Margaret, 223 Nicholas, 56, 58 Harm, Catherine, 96 , James, 96 Hanson [? Harrison,] Anne, 12 Hardiker, Elizabeth, 347 Jane, 435 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 504 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hardiker, John, 347 Richard, 435 William, 347 Hardman, "One," 414 Hardy, Richard, 178 [Haresnape] (Arsnepp, Haresnep, Haresnepp, Harsenep, Harsenipp, Harsnap, Harsnappe, Harsnep, Harsnepp, Harsnip, Harssnapp, Harssnepp, Hasnappe, Herseneppe, Hersenoppe, Hersnep) Agnes, 9 Alice. 37, 76, 123, 124, 141, 152, 198, 216 Anne, 79, 268. 271, 273, 400 Bartholomew, 65, 69, 74, 79, 85, 222, 227, 253, 260 Elizabeth, 18, 30, 74, 137, 185, 238 253 Ellen, 22, 52, 76, 79, 120, 174, 216 Gilbert, 294* Henry, 24, 53, 227, 235, 236, 240, 243 James, 37, w. of 227 Jane, 49, 50, 65, 132, 144, 174, 197, 201 Jenet, 7, 29, 126, 165, 166, 203 Joan, 19 John, 25, 43, 63, 65, 132, 135, 140, 187, 213, 271 Margaret, 22, 26, 28, 69, 85, 93, 126, 132, 160, 172, 222, 227, 240, 443 Margery, 15, 227, 235 Mary, 38, 63, 368 N.X.N., 131 Nicholas, 165 Old Richard, 247 Richard, 247 Robert, 12, 120, 134, 175, 205 Thomas, 32, 52, 53, 56,* 59,* 65, 79, 123, 126, 131,* 137, 205, 227, 236, 242, 264 William. 93, 116,* 118,* 137, 162,* 238,* 244, 271, 273, 274,* 275,* 410, 443 Harison, see Harrison Harison alias Dawber (Harison alias Daubers) AUce, 67 Margaret, 67, 207 Harison alias Shaver, John, 211 Harrison (Harison, Harisone, Harrieson, Harrinson, Harryson, Heryson) Agnes, 102, 175 Alice, 40, 57, 254, 298, 414, 435 Harrison, Anas, 247, 248 Anne 12, [? Harrison], 24, 144, 226, 240, 298, 311, 343, 404, 412, 430, 447, 456 Catherine, 216 Cicely, 70, 420 Eleanor, 8 Elizabeth, 54, 108, 145, 202, 301, 305, 308,* 311, 352, 395, 401, 419, 422, 425, 460 Ellen, 30, 45, 95, 114, 119, 125, 129, 242, 286, 289, 314, 393, 401, 416 Francis, 332, 460 George, 2 Henry, 70, 142, 310, 401, 420, , 430 Hugh, 79, 221, 247, 260, 304, 329, 352,* 395, 408, 409, 411,* 415, 418, 425, 439, 457, 460* Humphrey, 300 James, 14, 81, 110, 130, 160, 209, 280,* 284, 291, 298, 301, 302, 323, 382, 398, u. of 406, 414, 420 Jane, 35, 43, 55, 70, 194, 210, 247, 253, 260, 307, 318, 332, 343, 371, 419, 420, 421, 430, 457, 460 Jenet, 79, 119,* 130, 172, 284, 301, 398, 408, 414, 461 Jeremiah, 412 John, 40, 45, 48, 67, 94, 95, 96, 98, 101,* 102, 105,* 108, 109, 110, 112, 114,* 116, 125, 127, 150, 154, 183, 211, 227, 240, 245, 247, 248, 249, c. of 252, 254, c. of 260, 264, 268, c. of 269, 282,* 284, 286, 288, 289 290, 292,* 294, 295,* 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 304,* 307, 308, 310, 313, 364, 388, 393, 394, 401, 412, 413, 415, 418, 419, 420,* 422, 430,* 435, 442, 446 Jonne, 197 Laurence, 32, 37, 90, 94, 112, 130, 134, 170, 242, 249, 250, 268, 305, 308, 311, 314, 318, 367, 419, 447, 456 Margaret, 15, 26, 36, 63, 94, 105, 115, 140, 234, 271, 294, 317, 388, 389, 402, 439, 441, 459 505 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Harrison, Margery, 42, 70, 90, 160, 301, 413 Mary, 28, 98, 136, 153, 161, 223, 247. 249 Maud, 163 Reginald, 441 Renald, 284 Richard, 5, 37, 57, 59,* 63, 67, 94, 96, 105, 115, 116, 150, 240, 245, 250, 253, 263, i' 271, 288, 291, 296, 297, 388, 418, 430, 450 Robert, 8, 55, 114, 264, 275, 282, 295, 301, 305,* 311,* 317, 329, 332, 343, 364, 375, 421,* 442, 448, 457, 460 Roger, 1, 167 Thomas, 30, 81, 119, 132, 210, 295, 311, 316,* 323, 369, 409, 441 f Timothy, 70, 210 William, 1, 40, 42, 48, 54, 109, 123, 124, 139, 164, 167, 183, 213, 290, 313, 414, 416, 430, 438 Harrison aUas Kesters James, 216 Thomas, 49* Harrocks, Laurence, 366 Harrt, see Hart Harryson, see Harrison Harsenep 1 Harsenipp J Harsnap >see [Haresnape] Harsnappe I Harsnep ! Harsnep. aUas MiUer (Harsnep alias Millers) Jane, 209 William, 73,* 142, 209 Haresnepp, see [Haresnape] Harsnet alias Hesket, Nicholas, 60 Robert, 60 Harsnett, Ellen, 60 Thomas. 60 Harsnip 1 Harssnapp .- see [Haresnape] Harssnepp I Hart (Harrt), Jane, 381 Jenet, 176 Hartlev (Hartcley) Hugh. 63, 211 James, 436 Margaret, 436 Mary, 63 Hascoue [or Hascone] Margaret, 165 Haskene, see Heskin Hasketh, see Hesketh Hasnappe, see [Haresnape] Hasten, Agnes, 120 Hasty, Roger, 123 Hastyne, Agnes, 172 HasweU, Catherine, 260 Hatch, Alice, 294, 333, 343, 441 Anne, 314 Catherine, 310 Ellen, 376 James, 302, 417 John, 321 Margaret, 306 Mary, 318, 333, 343, 430, 441 Thomas, 294, 302, 306, 310, 314, 318, 321, 408, 417, 430 Hatton, Margaret, 27 Mary, 40 Haughton (Haghton, Hawghton, Hoghton, Houghon, Houghton, Houghtonn) Adam, 37, 198 Agnes, 168 AUce, 42, 216 Catherine, 132 Edward, 37, 133, 197, 204, 257 Elizabeth, 86, 206, 270 Ellen, 67, 134,* 206, 236, 257 Henry, 22, 54, 57, 63,* 67, 184, 206,* 218, 241 Hugh. 56, 59, 126, 231, 233 Isabel, 167 Jane, 17, 57, 241 Jenet, 79, 123, 130, 165 John, 4, 16, 37, 54, 86, 198, 236, 237, 270, 396 Judith, 61 Lady, 241 Margaret, 7, 20, 79 Margery, 34, 138, 231, 237 Mrs, 61 Perceuell [or Ptemell], 180 Prudence, 195 Richard, 12 Thomas, 37, 197, 265 William, 20, 56, 59, 257 Haughwicke ) tt • i Haugwicke j <*e Howicke Haukeshead (Hokshead) Margaret, 144 Thomas, 159 Hauworth, see Haworth Haward, see Howard Hawarth ) TT , , Hawath j«»Howarih Hawet, AUce, 462 Catherine, 176 Ellen, 391 John, 391 Hawghton, see Haughton CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 506 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hawker, William, 134 Hawod, see Heywood Haworth (Hauworth, Hawarth, Hawath)see also Howarth Alice, 205 Anne, 311 Elizabeth, 77, 291, 404 Henry, 298, 299 Hugh, 297, 410 Jane, 336, 446 John, 298 Laurence, 299 Margery, 303 Mary, 336, 446 Nicholas, 278 Oliver, 205 Richard, 185 Robert, 330 Thomas, 77, 298, 363- William, 137, 291, 297, 298. 299,* 303, 311, 330, 336, 404, 410, 446 Hay, see Hey Haydock > gee Haddock Haydocke J Hayworth (Hayward) Christopher, 61 Jenet, 294 Thomas, 61, 294 Heald, Henry, 145 Jenet, 139 John, 156, 249 N.X.N, 139 William, 359 Heaton (Heeton) EUzabeth, 141 Ellen, 24 Margaret, 381 Randoll, 24, 126 Richard, 30 Hedocke, see Haddock Heefelds, John, 388 Heeton, see Heaton Hegins, see Higgans Heginson, see Higginson Heigh, see Hey Heigham, see Higham Heighs. see Hey Helm (Helme), AUce, 420 James, 228 William, 228, 420 Henkin, see also Handkin Elner, 309 James, 309 Henryesone, Thomas, 167 Herod (Heret), Emm, 235 Thomas, 235, 261 Herritage, Hugh, 139 Herrop, Anne, 155 Herseneppe I Hersenoppe > see [HaresnapeJ Hersnep ) Herster, Ellen, 178 Henry, 178 Heryson, see Harrison Heske, see Hesketh ' Heskeine I Hesken > see Heskin Heskene J Hesket, see Hesketh Hesket alias Harsnet, Nicholas, 60 Robert, 60 Hesketh (Hasketh, Heske, Hesket, Heskit, Heskth, Husketh) A 95 Alexander, 91, 107, c of 260, 265* Alice, 131, 164, 321, 415, 437 Andrew, 425 Anne, 52, 81, 90, 220, 261, 266, 298, 316, 348, 386, 396,* 442 Arthur, 21 Barnabas, 286, 334,* 342, 355, 376, 463 Bartholomew, 165 Catherine, 271, 333, 338, 342, 343, 350, 364 Christian, 304 Cicely, 30, 97, 123, 342 Cuthbert, 144, 323, 333, 434 Dorothy, 107 Edward, 72, 110, 117, 141, 157, 246, 292, 406, 415, 426, 433, 435 Elizabeth, 18, 144, 169, 284, 299, 322, 327, 338, 347, 365, 400, 406, 407, 435, 444, 449, 458 EUen, 61, 79, 91, 237, 253, 255, 326, 337, 347, 348, 370, 371,* 393, 412, 434 Em: 311 Emlin, 406, 407 Ewstis, 191 Frances, 331 George, 49, 82, 137, 226 Henry, 50, 86, 87, 90, 93,* 96, 112, 114, 118,* 125, 135, 150, 162, 255, 261, 280, 281, 289, 293, 298, 313, 320,* 323, 327, 333, 337, 343, 348, 379, 393,* 426, 434, 436,* 437 507 INDEX OF NAMES. ! C.pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hesketh, Howcroft, 286, 292, 342, 358, 417, 463 Hugh, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88,* 91, 118, 145, 147,* 150, 232, 237, 315, 316, 320, 325, 331, 340,* 352, 371 James, 282, 288, 343, 347, 383, 395 Jane, 72, 112, 122, 161, 286, 291, 298, 306, 319, 330, 342, 355, 372, 378, 405, 406, 437, 439 Jenet, 94, 124, 126, 162, 289 385, 402 John, 47, 50, 52, 54,* 56,* 59, 82, 86, 89, 95, 97, 123, 136, 159 197,237,269,280,282, 284, 286, 288, 292,* 293, 296, 298, 301,* 304, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 316, 320, 321, 325, 328, 338, 364,* 366, 367,* 395, 400, 406, 409, 414, 415, 434, 437,* 458, 461 Joseph, 115 Laurence, 117, 313, 322, 326, 330, 342, 435, 442 Margaret, 47, 71, 85, 90, 92, 95, 105, 232, 237, 296, 304, 313, 322, 234, 350, 374, 409, 417,* 426, 436, 442, 451 Margery, 306, 316 Martha, 449 Mary, 114, 200, 237, 328, 334, 338, 372, 458 Matthew, 286, 437 Mr, 61, 107, 165, 240, 260, 265 Mrs, 122, 365 Monica, 265 Nicholas, 88 Paul, 309 Ralph, 61, 218 Richard, 56,* 57, 59, 79, 90, 92, 95, 103, 196, 306, 310, 313, 337, 356, 366, 426* Robert, 10, 35, 49, 57, 61,* 71, 82, 88,* 89, 91, 92,* 94, 95,* 143, 153, 165, u. of 214, 226, c. of 227, c. of 228, 232,* 233,* 237, 240,* 253, 258, 273, 297, 304, 308, 310, 319, 321, 322, 327, 330, 338, 350, 355, 400, 433, 437, 439, 442, 449* Sidney, 104 Simon, 271, 297, 304, 364, 396, 417, 436 Sir Robert, 163 Hesketh, Susan, 331, 340, 352* Thomas, 45, 81, 86, 88, 90,* 91,* 92,* 96, 103, 104, 105, 110, 246, 265, 273, 281, 286, 291, 292, 299, 304, 315, 316,* 321, 327, 330, 338, 356, 406, 407, 415, 417, 425, 433, 435, 439, 442,* 449* Widow, 423 William, 115, 118, 186, 266, 312, 425 Hesketh alias Mackon Margaret, 52 Margery, 52 Hesketh alias Smith Edward, 202 Heskin (Haskene, Heskeine, Hesken, Heskene, Heskine, Heskyno) Alice, 144 Edward, 283,* 358 EUzabeth, 282 Ellen, 229 Henry, 43, 120 John, 40, 191 Mr, 282, 283, 358 Richard, 85, 229 Robert, 125 Thomas, 85 see Hesketh Heskit I Heskth J ' Heskyne, see Heskin Hey (Hay, Heigh, Heighs, Heye, Heyes, Heys) Agnes, 174 Alice, 441 Catherine, 54, 214, 259 Clarice, 211 Dawes, 173 Dorothy, 390 Elizabeth, 211, 306, 426 George, 259, 273, 416 Hugh, 13 James, 32, 86, 189, 299, 306, 356 Jane, 59 Jenet, 218 John, 12, 279, 281, 356, 390 Jonathan, 89 Margaret, 28, 128, 279, 437 Margery, 56, 57 Mary, 63, 221, 419 Mr, 281 Peter, 54, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64, 202, 212, 218, 221, 356 Richard, 4, 30, 91 Robert, 281 Thomas, 356, 361, 437 Croston parish rEgiSterS. . 508 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hey, William, 64, 86, 89, 91, 202, 212, 299, 416, 419 Heyam, see Higham Heye 1 Heyes > see Hey Heys ) Hey ton, Jenet, 15 Heywood (Hawod) Jenet, 307 John, 281 Jon, 281 Thomas, 307 Hickson, Walter, 143 Hie [? Hey], EUen, 25 Hiet, see Hyett Higgans (Hegins) EUzabeth, 13 John, c. of 418 Higginson (Heginson, Higinsone) Hugh, 121 Margaret, 181 Thomas, 377 Higham (Heigham, Heyam, Hiham) Alice, 307, 315, 419 Anne, 293, 380 Elizabeth, 432 James, 341.* 452* Jane, 363 Jenet, 172 John, 290, 294,* 299, 304, 307, 315, 362, 419, 432 Mary, 299 Thomas, 290, 293 WUliam, 304 Higinsone, see Higginson Higson, John, 125 Hiham, see Higham Hill, Elizabeth, 165 Em, 120 Jenet, 120 John, 85, 249, 360 Margaret, 360 Robert, 85 Hilton (Hylton), Isabel, 40 James, 327 Jenet, 333, 344,* 352, 450, 452* John, 39 Richard, 413, 420 Robert, 327, 333,* 344, 352,* 413, 420, c. of 450, 452* Hinley (Hyndley) EUzabeth, 421 Hugh, 84, 146 Patience, 84 William, 421 Hirly, see also Earle Jenet, 14 Hoame, see Holmes Hoches, see Hodees Hochkmson ) „ , , . t-t , , ¦ I see Hodgkinson Hochkmsone ) e Hochsone, see Hodgson Hocknell, Margaret, 127 Hodcikensone, see Hodgkinson Hodgdson, see Hodgson Hodgekinson, see Hodgkinson Hodges (Hoches, Hodgis, Hodgs, Hogdes, Hoges) Agnes, 353 Alice, 144, 336, 340, 353, 444, 453 Anne, 42, 101, 232, 325, 339, 440 Catherine, 106 Christian, 61, 73, 192, 264 Dorothy, 75 Edward, 138, 215 Elizabeth, 13, 15, 31, 34, 79, 199, 221, 247, 292, 295, 336, 348, 396, 397,* 409, 444 EUen, 69, 76, 123, 339, 348, 440, 453 Em, 79 Emblin, 110,* 438 Frances, 96, 251 Henry, 34, 41, 44, 69, 73, 76,* 79, 83, 85, 98, 201, 205, 232, 234, 235, 255, 259, 281, 320, 325, 329, 339, 348, 373, 440, 453, 462 Hugh, 71, 134, 190, 214, 240, 262 James, 247 Jane, 83, 104, 258, 260, 262, 272, 290, 447 John, 38, 53, 61, 65, 69, 85, 93, 194, 205, 225, 243, 247, 272, 281, 284,* 329, 336, 340, 353, 371, 396, 440, 444, 448, 453* Margaret, 54, 55, 82, 90, 130, 201, 237, 261, 268 Margery, 180, 189 Mary, 136 Mr, 440 Richard, 46, 79, 161, 234, 268, 401, 447 Roger, 125 Thomas, 43, 46, 53, 54, 55, 65, 68, 75, 79, 94, 135,* 143, 197, 221, 225, 240, 290, 292, 295, 397,* 409, 411, 440 William, 38, 41, 43, 44, 68, 69, 71, 76, 79, 82, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 101, 104, 106, 131, 141, 151, 184, 199, 206, 235, 237, 240,* 241, 247, 509 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W, 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hodges, William, continued — 251, 258, 259, 260, 262,* 264, 320, 340, 392, 398, 453 Hodgkinson (Hochkinson, Hochkinsone,Hodcikensone, Hodgekinson, Hodkinson, Hodskinson,Hogkinson) Alice, 126, 186 Catherine, 223 Elizabeth, 120 Ellen, 25, 166 Jane, 67 John, 186 Julian (f), 204 Luke, 67, 204 Margaret, 132, 172 Mr, 223 William, 129, 172, 223 Hodgs, see Hodges Hodgson (Hochsone, Hodgdson, Hodshon, Hodson, Hogdson, Hogeson, Hoochson, Hoochsone) Agnes, 10, 11,* 125, 126 Alice, 73, 214, 258, 261, 370, 388 Andrew, 438 Anne, 78, 82, 83, 117, 142, 222, 249, 254, 335, 361, 456* Catherine, 25, 170, 283 Christopher, 10, 63, 168 Clares, 334 Edward, 29, 232 EUzabeth, 40, 77, 83, 99, 106, 124, 190, 208, 217, 247, 331, 335, 404, 428, 430 Ellen, 4, 9, 126, 133, 169, 173, 174, 185, 218, 245, 248 Ewan, 123, 178 George, 84* Hugh, 73 Infant, 189 Isabel, 136 James, 307, 334, 416 Jane, 21, 108, 112, 127, 199, 251, 263, 393 [Surname here may be " Dodson "], 400, 441 Jenet, 8, 17, 18, 33, 171, 207 John, 13, 15, 19, 21, 46, 50, 126, 136, 217, 218, 227, 246, 251, c. of 252, 258, 261, 303, 331, 375, 401 Margaret, 15, 19, 36, 63, 79, 114, 130, 131, 307, 331, 403 Margery, 124 Hodgson, Martha, 320 Peter, 109, 270, 371 Richard, 36, 48, 64, 69, 71, 75, 78, 80, 83, 126, 177, 209, 232, 242, 299, 303, 304, 307,* 311, 316, 317, 364, 366, 408, 416, 427, 456 Robert, 24, 48, 69, 71, 117, 141, 192, 208, 209, 214, 222, 281, 317, 320, 327,* 335, 389, 410, 430, c. of 434, 456, 459, 460 Sarah, 299, 402 Thomas, 8, 26, 46, 77, 79, 80, 82, 106, 108, 109, 111,* 112. 114, 129, 134, 137, 143, 157, 170, 174, 195, 196, c. of 205, 241, 248, 283, 304, . 316, 400, 402, 425, 460 Thurstan, 143, 361 WUliam, 50, 64, 75, 83, 99. 137, 138, 190, 206, 218, 227, 247, 281, 311, 404, 410, 459 Hodkinson, see Hodgkinson Hodshon, see Hodgson Hodskinson, see Hodgkinson Hodson, see Hodgson Hodson als Clunch, Jenet, 207 Hoet, John, 114, 161 Margaret, 114 Thomas, 260 Hogdes, see Hodges Hogdson, see Hodgson Hoges, see Hodges Hogeson, see Hodgson Hogh, see Hough Hoghcraft, see Holerafte Hoghton, see Haughton Hoghwick, see Howicke Hogkinson, see Hodgkinson Hokshead, see Haukeshead Holand, see Holland Holerafte (Hoghcraft) Elizabeth, 1 Jane, 3 Holden (Holding, Houdinge, Houlding, Houldinge, Howdinge) Alice, 309, 320, 415 Elizabeth, 117, 262 Ellen, 314, 340, 351 Hugh, 79, 111, 297, 309, 364, 415 James, 351 Margaret, 444 Mary, 79, 195 Oliver, 111, 113, 115, 117, 262, 268, 297, 399, 439 Croston parish regiSterS. 510 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275and 388-463 Holden, Richard, 268 Robert, 340 Thomas, 113, 115, 268, 314, 320, 325,* 340, 351, 371 Holland (Holand, Hoolond, Hoolonde) Agnes, 10, 31, 174 Alice, 12, 58, 122, 133, 181 Anne, 32, 95, 238, 239, 258, 336, 347 Catherine, 35, 132 Cicely, 55 Cuthbert, 85, w. of 230 David, 377 Edward, 63, 67, 193, 252 Elizabeth, 61, 81, 90, 222, 224, 246, 275, 388 EUen. 53, 57, 60, 197, 200, 210, 241 George, 47 Isabel, 131 James, 33, 81, 90, 224, 241, 252, 323, 329, 336, 347* Jenet, 119 John, 47, 67, 232, 265 Margaret, 105, 156, 198, 211, 221, 360* Margery, 103, 161, 254 Nicholas, 55 Peter, 323 Ralph, 133 Richard, 60, 66, 67, 74,* 103, 105, 155, 204, 221, 268 Robert, 85 Sarah, 97, 359 Theophilus, 58 Thomas, 91, 94,* 95, 97, 116,* 118, 132, 155, c. of 182, 211, 218, 232, 238, 239, 246, 250, 258, 275, 336, 390, 417 Thurstan, 16, 53, 57, 61, 63, 66, 67, 91, 118, 204, 210, 222, 254 William, 329 HoUinhurst, John, 398 Margaret, 398 SWweeIl}-HalMHolmes (Hoame, Holm, Holme, Holms, Home, Hoolm, Hoolme, Hoolms, Hoome, Houlme, Houme) Abraham, 74, 76, 80, 91, 143, 150, 231, 251 Alice, 74, 208, 273, 342, 351 Anne, 54, 80, 89, 93, 145, 197, 272, 350 Cicely, 231 Dorothy, 280 Holmes, Elizabeth, 76, 334, 376 EUen, 272, 342, 350, 451 George, 258, 272,* 275, 285, 308 Henry, 92, 138, 150, 170, 238, 269, 285, d. of 292, 299, 308, 334, 405, 406 Isabel, 92, 238, 258, 326 James, 326, 328, 334, 342, 351 Jane, 269 Jenet, 145, 367, 396 John, 280, 342, 407 Laurence, 80, 91, 93 Margaret, 54, 176, 228, 273. 326 Margery, 328, 449 Marv, 139, 299, 351 Robert, 80 Susan, 273 Thomas, 194, 342, 451 William, 54,* 89, 228, 326, 334, 342. 350, 451, 455 Holt (Hoult, Houlte, Howlte) Anne, 113, 251 Catherine, 3 Hannah, 322 Henry, 113, 115, 317,* 322, 328, 346, 391, 445, 462 Jane, 115, 153, 366 Jenet, 346, 445, 462 John, 237, 328, 346, 435, 445, 462 Thomas, 263, 435* William, 261 Holywell, see Halliwell Home, see Holmes Hoochson ) tt j „ , > see Hodgson Hoochsone ) e Hoodson, see Hudson Hooghe, see Hough Hoole, Hugh, 15 Richard, 123 Hoolm I Hoolme > see Holmes Hoolms ) Hoolond ~) tt n j Hoolonde j ** Holland Hoome, see Holmes Hooughe, see Hough Hooughe, see Hough Hoougher, Ellen, 165 Hopwood, Elizabeth, 319 James, 319 Hornby, John, 141 Hornett, Anne, 198 Homrycke, John, 176 Horrobin, John, c. of 405 Horsbots, John, 58 Richard, 58 •5» indEx of nAmES. C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Horsker (Horscar, Horscarr, Horscarre, Horsehair, Horsecar, Horsecarre, Horseker, Horseketh, Horskar, Hosker) Alice, 74, 244, 445, 448 Amer, 1 Anne, 71,90, 236, 415 Catherine, 98 Elizabeth, 82, 196, 364 Ellen, 15, 132, 182, 399 Henry, 4, 15, 325 Hugh, 62 Jane, 362, 420 Jenet, 2, 247 John, 7, 98, 170, 171, 172, 175, c. of 259, 291, 300, 303, 415. 417* Margaret, 242, 286 Margery, 167 Mary, 295, 303 Peter, 445 Richard, 62, 71, 78, 90, 92, 98,* 120, 135, 182, 203,* 220, 236, 238, 242, 281, 286, 291, 295, 297, 300, 302, 322, 325, 362, 374, 406, 420, 445, 448 Robert, 281, 322, 404 Samuel, 92, 238 Susannah, 417 Thomas, 43, 74, 78, 82, 143, 243, 244, 302, 449 Thurstan, 297, 448 Horskill, John, 56 Richard, 56 Hosker, see Horsker Hoster, Margery, 120 Houdinge, see Holden Hough (Hogh, Hooghe, Hooughe, Houghe, Hugh, Hughe) Agnes, 166, 179, 211 Alice, 15, 24, 177, 180, 274, 419, 433 Anne,' 38, 215 Bartholomew, 40, 42, 265, 267 Catherine, 414 Dorothv, 21 Elizabeth, 14, 38, 107, 129, 160, 164, 202, 254, 275, 383, 453, 460 Ellen. 9, 18, 80, 114, 125, 154, 172, 174, 223, 274, 290, 397, 401, 404 Em, 10, 129 Emlin, 46 Emma, 427 George, 107, 254, c. of 263, 267, 273, 274, 283 Hough, Henry, 23, 55, 58, 82, 129, 205, 224 Jane, 133, 187, 264. 391 Jenet, 5, 127, 136, 167, 187 Joan, 218 John, 6, 44, 50, 81, 83, 117, 128, 157, 173, 180, 225, 232, 316,* 319, 322. 326, 372, 413, 419,* 429, 436, 437* Jonie, 86, 154 Margaret, 9, 135, 361, 407, 451 Margery, 129, 130, 202 Mary, 413 Orcila, 265 Richard, 46, 50, 52, 120, 229 Robert, 12, 55, 58, 80, 82, 1 85, 223, 251, 285, 319, 322, 368, 421, 429. 437* Roger, 33 Ruth, 386 Susan, 30 Thomas, 17,* 81, 83, 86,. 145, 163, 182, 225, 243, 281, 283,* 391 William, 13, 31, 52, 114, 117' 122, 123,* 162, 178, 181' 196, 264, 267, 273, 2-75' 281, 283. 285, 290, 326, 391, 401, 404,* 414, 415, 421, 436, 451 Houghon 1 Houghton > see Haughton Houghtonn ) Houghwick 1 Houghwicke r see Howicke Houghwige ) gilding ] see Holden Houldmge ) Houlme, see Holmes Hoult 1 TT Ii Houlte)8eeHoltHoume, see Holmes Houson, William, 198 Howard (Haward), Anne, 361 Elizabeth, 353, 358 Ellen, 308, 353 Hugh, 315 John, 353, 376, 381 Mary, 156 Orcila, 162 Thomas, 83,* 155 Widow, 420 WiUiam, 308, 315, 324* Howarth (Howorth) see also Haworth Alice, 103 Anne, 424 Elizabeth, 309 | Ellen, 204, 451 Isabel, 143 Croston parish registers. 51 a C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Howarth, James, 198 Jenet, 387 John, 309, 356 Nicholas, 278 Thomas, 103, 460 WiUiam, 356, 424, 451 Howcroft, Anne, 326 Dorothy, 300 Elizabeth, 308, 336, 348, 445, 459 James, 314 Lettice, 348, 459 Margaret, 305 Richard, 305, 308, 314, 326, 336,* 348, 445,* 459 Thomas, 314,* 326, 371 William, 300, 326 Howdinge, see Holden Howicke (Haughwicke, Haugwicke Hoghwick, Houghwick, Houghwicke, Houghwige, Ho wick, Howike) Agnes, 5 Anne, 24, 125 George, 8 John, 23 Margaret, 19, 168 Sarah, 12 Thomas, 121 WilUam, 2, 125, 129, 187, w. of 230 Howlte, see Holt Howorth, see Howarth Hudson (Hoodson, Hudeson) Agnes, 131 AUce, 48 Anne, 190 Catherine, 121 Cicely, 122 Ellen, 27 John, 131 Thomas, 48, 164, 189, 190 WUliam, 189 Huett, John, 128 Hughe }*eeHoug;h Hughson (Hughsone, Huson) Elizabeth, 206 Henry, 167 James, 51 Jane, 170 Jenet, 195 Richard, 51 Thomas, 134, 230 Hunt (Hunte, Huntt, Huntte) Alice, 16, 30, 76, 127, 314, 434 Alison, 134 Anne, 36, 62, 203, 274, 320 Bartholomew, 143 Hunt, Catherine, 13, 129, 131, 177, 257 Ceture, 170 Clayers, 241 Dorothy, 133, 137 Edmund, 51 Edward, 22, 281, 283,* 358, 362, 406, 426* Elizabeth, 51, 135, 325, 461 Ellen, 26, 50, 73, 104, 141, 142, 184, 258, 461 Gilbert, 12, 14 Henry, 18, 29, 57, 76, 79, 102, 122, widow of 132, 248, 268, 269, 404, 418, 425* Isabel, 3, 131, 402 James, 11, 23, 45, 50, 64, 69, 73, 76, 79,* 87, 124, 132, 176, 189, 213,* 219, 241, 268, 407 Jane, 27, 125, 194, 200 Jeffrey, 45 Jenet, 8, 12, 27, 44, 128, 137 John, 23,* 53, 69, 102, 120, 122, 128, 130, 172, 178, 179, 180, 189, w. of 192, 193, 197, 248, 254, 258, 408, 412 Joseph, 44, 190 Laurence, 125 Margaret, 7, 8, 127, 248, 281, 406, 410, 438 Margery, 126, 258 Mary, 29, 413 Nicholas, 363, 402, 427 Prudence, 35 Rebecca, 460 Richard, 35, 119, 311 Robert, 64, 104, 165, 203, 213, 216, 281, 386, c. of 460 Roger, 76 Susannah, 438 Thomas, 4, 20, 57, 62, 121, 173, 185, 200, 203,* c. of 211, 213, 216, 281, 306, 311, 314, 320, 325, 418, 434, 438,* 450 William, 2, 11, 16, 20, 46,* 87, 142, 165, 168, 174, 203, 213, 306 Hunter, Alice, 49, 82, 155, 171, 199, 262, 305, 436 Anne, 316, 430 Catherine, 243 Christian, 189 Clare, 366 Dorothy, 320 Elizabeth, 72, 310, 311, 323, 336, 349, 353, 418, 432,* 447, 456 $13 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463" Hunter, Ellen, 23, 78, 85, 166, 208 Em, 227 George, 304 Gilbert, 120. 179, 181 Henry, 23, 81, 198,* 208, 224, 238, 305, 310, 315, 349, 418, 456 Hugh, 191* James, 81, 87, 89, 95,* 118, 151,* 224, 235, 243, 247, 265, 266, 298 Jane, 166, 349, 388 Jenet, 10, 20, 87, 137, 145, 235, 247, 250 John, 123, 167, 174, 290, 336, 419* Jony, 127 Margaret, 46, 136, 156, 163, 256, 294, 307, 416, 418, 456* Margery, 128, 204, 228, 301, 324 Mary, 265, 286 Maud, 21,, 137, 167, 190 Peter, 306 Richard, 9, 163, 193, 353, 384 Robert, 111, 283,* 286, 290, 294, 298, 301, 306, 316, 323, 329, 353, 372, 430, 432,* 448 Thomas, 43, 111, 159, 198, 301, 315, 320, 324, 329, 336, 447 Ursula, 222 WUliam, 18, 28, 46, 72, 78, 82, 85, 89, 118, 137, 145, 216,* 220, 222, 227, 228, 242, 256, 301, 304, 307, 311 398 Huntt ) tt HunttereeHunt Hurds (Hurdesse) Elizabeth, 131 William, 25 Hurst, Isabel, 409 John, 37 Margaret, 418 Thomas, 37, 418 WUliam, 409 Husketh, see Hesketh Huson, see Hughson Hussy, John, 72* Hutten, Jane, 159 Hyett (Hiet, Hyet) Catherine, 144 Cicely, 225 James, 60, 61, 70, 225, 245 Mr, 225, 242 Patience, 146 Robert, 61 Hyett, Sarah, '144 Hylton, see Hilton Hyndley, see Hinley Hyton, WiUiam, 20 Iddon (Eaden, Edam, Edan, Edden, Eddon, Edem, Eden, Edeon, Eidden, Eyden, Idam, Idan, Idden, Iden, Idon, Idonn, Ydam, Ydan, Ydden) Alice, 125, 255, 434 Anne, 53, 68, 202, 325, 404 Elizabeth, 13, 70, 90, 242, 406 Ellen, 9,* 66, 83, 160, 186, 204, 242, 288, 401, 438 Hannah, 338 Henry, 4 Hugh, 66, 74, 101, 103, 154, 219, 250, 267, 406, 452 James, 5, 53, 127, 211,* 401, 403, 404, 405, s. of 407, 456, 457 Jane, 81, 242, 407 Jenet, 2, 45, 58, 85, 128, 187, 267, 293, 406 John, 119, 120, 163, 171, 177, 457 Margaret, 18, 403, 438, 457 Margery, 125, 266 Mary, 101 N.X.N, 172 Old, w. of 244 Robert, 98. 338, 405, 416 Thomas, 58, 68, 70, 74, 81,. 90, 98, 101, 142, 231, 248,* 288. 313,* 319, 325, 407, 410, 444 William, 83, 85, 101, 103, 127, 170, 243, 250, 293, 319, 401, 406, 447 Ingam, Mary, 375 Ingoldsby (Inglesby, Ingolsby) AUce, 338, 346, 355,* 449, 462 Cicely, 316 Dinah, 330, 338, 346, 442, 449, 462 Isabel, 308 Jonathan, 308, 316, 330, 338, 346, 355,* 442, 449, 462 Mary, 355 Ingram, James, 359 Ireland, Alice, 350 Ellen, 350 George, 61 John, 329 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 5i4 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Ireland, Lady Margaret, 61 Margaret, 61 Mary, 69 Richard, 69 William, 329, 350 Jackson (Jaccson, Jaccsone, Jackeson, Jacksone, Jacksonn, Jacksons, Jackstons, Jacson, Jacsone, Jacsonn, Jaxon) Agnes, 332 Alice, 63, 66, 70, 75, 87, 94, 112, 157, 192, 193, 201, 206, 212, 239, 259, 266, 328, 343, 363, 406, 409, 414, 438, 450 Anas, 100 Anne, 84, 243, 266, 321, 335, 343, 353, 363, 409, 461 Catherine, 20, 24, 27, 99. 115, 126, 144, 168 Charles, 57 Clemens, 417 Dorothy, 109 Edmund, 283, 394 Edward, 35, 63, 66, 70. 206, 212, 219, 224, 417,* 418 Elizabeth, 9, 30, 32, 51, 61, 82, 90, 101, 107, 108, HI, 116, 138, 144, 243, 255, 256, 260, 268, 310,* 315, 332, 388 391 Ellen, 23, 49, 56, 58, 106, 123, 218, 219, 239, 255, 267, 310, 390, 399, 421 Emey, 129, 236 Emilia, 112 George, 63. 106, 201, 247 Hannah, 398 Henry, 6, 17, 27, 49, 53, 56,* 78,* 80.* d. of 81, 82, 83, 84, 86,* 87. 90,* 94, 99, 103,* 106, 108, 109,* 110, 112,* 118, 119, 127, 128, 145, 184, 192, 217, 226,* 235, 239,* 249, 259, 263, 272, 288, 290,* 294, 305, 310, 328, 335, 343, 353, 361, 391, 394,* s. of 395, 409, 414,* 461 Hugh, 113, 310, 315, 318, 321, 326, 332, 369 Humphrey. 24 Isabel, 65, 114,298, 372, 389 James, 21, 39, 40,* 56,* 129, 130, 183, 205 Jackson, Jane, 81, 143, 155, 259 Jenet, 5, 14,* 40, 104, 122, 158, 159, 164, 166, 181, 185, 214, 249, 256, 257, 260, 264, 365, 390, 393, 396 John, 18, 31, 49, 84, 100, 101,* 104,* 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113,* 115, 128, 177, 185, 194, 239, 266, 272,* 274,* 285, 307, 318, 319, 326, 391 Mabel, 144 Margaret, 14, 57, 83, 86, 90, 96, 98, 102, 110,* 116, 120, 123,* 126, 127, 219, 226, 249, 261, 262, 270, 283, 285, 289, 343, 372, 397, 402, 413 Margery, 94, 160, 280, 390, 396, 410 Mary, 94, 139, 263, 335, 392, 395* N.X.N., 104 Old, w. of 247 Richard, 84, 109, 121 Robert, 6, 11, 23, 27, 46,* 51, 53, 56, 58, 60, 70,* 78, 81, 83, 86, 94, 98, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 113, 114, 116, 133, 136, 137, 156, 200, 218, 219, 226, 243, 246, 249, c. of 250, 255, 256,* 257,* 260, 261, 264, 271, 272, 274, 307, 319, 368, 395, 399, 408 Rowland, 421 Thomas, 1, c. of 22, 49, 60, 61, 63, 64,* 65, 68, 75, 78, 82.* 84,* 86,* 90, 96, 101, 105, 109,* 110, 112,* 114,* 115, 116, 118, 130, 159, 162, 167, 180, 181, 201, 205,* 208, 209, 231, 236,* 240, 243, 247, 262, 268, 270, 272, 283, 285,* 289, 298, 305, 358, 365, 368, 369, 388, 389, 391,* 393, 394,* 395, 396,* 397, 399,* 402, 406, 407, w. of 407, 409, 416, 418, 425 William, 7, 25, 40, 49,* 68, 101, 102,* 104, 106, 112, 115, 189, 258, 259, 277,* 280, 283, 286,* 288, 294. 310, 353, 367. 390, 391, 393, 398, 400,* 405, 409, 416, 428, 461 James, Jane, 44 5i5 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Jameson (Jamson) Hugh, 217 Jane, 141 Jameson alias Tompson Anne, 214 Jampe, see Jump Jamson, see Jameson Janat [1 Jernat], Alice, 324 Ellis, 324 Janen, James, 175 Janes, see Jones Jannie, Alison, 119 Jannyce, Alice, 165 Janson (Jannson) see also Geenson and Jenson Henry, 91 Jenet, 89 John, 91 Margaret, 234 Thomas, 89, 91,* 146, 234 Janson alias Care, Jane, 85 Thomas, 85 Jarret, see also Gerrard Elizabeth, 260 Jaxon, see Jackson Jelebrand, Margaret, 123 Jenkinson (Genketsone, Jenckinsone,Jenkingson, Jenkinsone) Adam, 122 Agnes, 123 Alice, 19, 131, 338, 347,* 450, 454 Catherine, 347, 418 Dorothy, 338, 350, 445 Elizabeth, 79, 124, 226, 324, 339, 341, 351 Ellen, 68, 94, 207, 274, 330, 350 351, 412, 420, 445 George, 87, 114 Henry, 100, 248, 319, 420, 421 Hugh, 114, c. of 265, 286,* 291, 297, 305, 318, 321, 338, 358, 413, 418, 421, 428, 431, 450 James, 324, 329, 341, 351, 373, 431, 434 Jane, 55, 339. 367 Jenet, 16, 123. 215, 435 John, 50, 55, 97, 125, 215, 297, 305, 318, 321, 324, 329, 338,* 347, 418, 420,* 428, 431. 436, 437, 450, 454 Julian (f), 143 Lettice, 341 Margaret, 50, 95, 164, 297, 324,* 329.* 413, 431, 434, 436, 454 Margery, 125 Jenkinson, Mary; 301, 412, 446 Miles, 172 Old, w. of 244 Richard, 226 Robert, 77, 126, w. of 163, 177, 218, 258, 297, 366, 412, 440 Thomas, 68, 69,* 70, 77, 79, 87, 94, 95, 97, 100, 141, 144, 207, 208,* 218, 248, 267, 274, 296,* 301, 319, 324, 330, 338, 350, 392, 394, 395, 412, 445 William, 70, 291 Jenkinson alias Carr (Jenkenson alias Car, Jenkinson alias Car) EUen, 214 George, 251 Jane, 210 Thomas, 210,* 251 WiUiam, 210 Jenkinson alias Miles Robert, 213 Jenson, see also Geenson and Janson John, 52 Thomas, 52 Jernat, Ellis, 433 Mary, 433 Jhonson, see Johnson Joans, see Jones Johnson (Jhonson, Johnsone, Joneson, Jonson) Abraham, 80 Alice, 50. 76, 111, 123, 154. 196, 209, 289, 296, 407, 412, 438 Anne, 95, 159, 209, 286, 398 Catherine, 62 Cicelv, 195, 360 Dorothy, 111, 141, 248, 267, 272, 417 Edward, 304 EUzabeth, 76, 80, 157, 223, 282, 283 Ellen, 3, 75, 89, 215, 401, 403, 463 Em, 130 George, 97, 236, 245, 292 Henry, 22, 76, 128, 216 Hugh, 62, 258,* 299, 305, 411 Jane, 24, 79, 133, 197, 225, 239 Jenet, 32, 131, 139, 247, 398 John, 45, 51,* 79, 109, 132, 179. 247, 264, 267, 295, 402 Joshua, 304 Kate, 245 Margaret, 34, 97, 132,* 168, 194, 228, 240, 274, 398 Margery, 43, 133, 216 Martha, 444 CROSTQN PARISH REGISTERS. 516 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Johnson, Mary, 36, 274 OtiweU, 100,* 152, 398, 416 Peter, 57, 91, 95, 99, 111, 242, 252 Ralph, 47 Richard, 132, 170, 292 Robert, 46,* 50, 89, w. of 186, 203, 261 Susan, 252 Susannah, 371 Thomas, 3, 57, 86, 91, 97, 102, 126, 135, 136, 137, 235, 270, 272, 274,* 281, 284,* 286, 296, 299, 305,* 310, 398, 403, 411, 412, 417, 425, 438. 462, 463 Walter, 99, 242, 283, 392, 401 William, 33, 45, 47, 50,* 59,* 72,* 75, 76, 86, 97, 100,* 102, 106,* 109, 111, 126, 132,* 145, 153, 157, 161, 183, 191, 206, 215, 223, w. of 229, w. of 232, 235, 236, 239, 247, 260, 264,* 274, 281, 282, 289, 291,* 295, 305, 310, 398, 399, 403, 425 Johnson alias Nickson Margaret, 130 Johnson alias Nicolson John, 143 Jolly (Joley), Anne, 112 James, 112, 115, 160 John, 261 Thomas, 115 Jones (Janes, Joans) Edward, 156 Elizabeth, 449 HoithweU, 445 James, 252 Jane, 391 John, 322 Matthew, 418 Patience, 445 Robert, 322 Joneson 1 T , Jonson ]»" Jonnson Joynson (Joyntson) Cuthbert, 48 John, 281* William, 48 Jump (Jampe, Jumpe, Jumppe) Alice 155 Anne' 25, 107, 206, 239, 294, 332, 367, 407, 423 Catherine, 30, 185, 199 Dorothy, 340, 362, 448 Elizabeth, 80, 271 Ellen, 76, 135,* 163, 325, 434, 435 Jump, Henry, 224 Hugh, 64, 66, 69, 72, 76, 80, 83, 203, 212, 242, w. of 243, 254, 314, 318, 325, 327, 332, c. of 430, 434, 438, 445 James, 318 Jane, 248, 332, 362, 392 Jenet, 416 John, 36, 69, 99, 107, 177, 194, 202, 242, 314, 327, 340, 376, 409, 414, 438, 448, 454 Margaret, 40, 64, 72, 123, 161, 203, 212, 318 Margerv, 66 Mary, 258, 340, 385, 448, 454 Oliver, 125, 128 Peter, 110, 158, 265, 294, 303, 307, 314, 318, c. of 406, c. of 422, 423, 432 Robert, 83, 110, 157, 258, 271, 288, 303, 314, 392,'401, 445 Thomas, 19. 69,* w. of 230, 307 William, 36, 99. 123, 126, 172, 239, 248, 252, 407, 414 Jump alias Miller, Thomas, 239 K Kebbfoot, see Kerfoot Keerfott alias Kilshae William. 130 Keighlay, Mary, 432 Kellet, Anne, 208 Jane, 448 Kenion [?], Thomas, 266 Kerbyej8eeKirkby Kerfoot (Carphet, Keerfoot, Kerfoote, Kerfoott, Kirfote) Anne, 367 Edward, 181 Elizabeth, 132, 172 Em, 15 Grace, 132 Isabel, 130 Jane, 184 Thomas, w. of 187 Thomasin, 8 Kesters, see also Christopher and Christopherson Anne, 262 Elizabeth, 272 Ellen, 255 John, 137, 255, 262, 271, 461 Margaret, 110, 272, 461 517 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Kesters, Thomas, 110, 271, w. of 271, 272,* 461 Kesters alias Harrison James, 216 Thomas, 49* Kesterson, see also Christopherson William, 193 Khulshaw, see Culshaw Kilshae, see Kilshaw Kilshae alias Keerfott William, 130 Kilshaw (Kilshae, Kilshaesh, Kilshawe, Kilshay, Kilshow, Kishow, Kylshae) see also Culcheth and Culshaw Alice, 35 Anne, 126, 300, 302, 346, 355, 369, 414, 434 Henry, 381 James, 30, 300, 302, 305, 306. 313, 414* Jane, 216, 414 John, 116, 160, 286,* 355, 426,* 434 Margaret, 28, 355 Mary, 305, 346 Richard, 158, 346, 428 Thomas, 116, 216, 306, 373, 426 William, 121, 174, 313 Kindsley (Kindsly, Kinsley, Kyndesleye) Agnes, 142 George, 8 Hugh, 140 Jane, 43 Margaret, 142 Richard, 7 Kirby, see Kirkby Kirfote, see Kerfoot Kirkby (Cirkby, Kerby, Kerbye, Kirby, Kyrby, Kyrkby) Jenet, 192 John, 130 Margaret, 121 "" ||*Richard, 44 ¦*" William, 190* Kirkham, Thomas, 63 Kirshaw (Cershee, Cershere, Kyrshaw) Anne, 181 Isabel, 7, 127 Kishow, see KUshaw Kithin, Elizabeth, 127 Knevet, Dorothy, 412 John, 412 Knowles (Knoll, Knolles, Knolls, Knoules, Knoweles, Knowle, Knowls) Alice, 72, 88, 235 Anas, 253 Catherine, 11, 27, 92, 94, 272 Christopher, 106 ,. Elizabeth, 3, 104, 115, 120, 126, 265, 302, 383, 413, 415, 427, 428, 440 Ellen, 97 Emlin, 406 Frances, 437 George, 118 Henry, 99 Isabel, 24, 96 James, 88, 94, 96, 99, 102,* 104, 106, 116, 118,* 265, 280, 283, 290, 292, 293, s. of 294, 302, 306, 335. 351, 397, 401. 406, 412, 443 Jane, 268, 356, 370 Jenet, 76 John, 54, 56,* 91,* 97. 100,* 103, 106, 107, 115, 116, 118, 161, 235, 257, 282, 283, 292, 330, 356, 375, 395, 415, 431, 461 Laurence, 72, 76, 103, 123, 257 Margaret, 221, 280, 282, 283, 368, 370, 378, 396, 415 Margery, 461 Mary, 94, 283, 290, 341, 395, 397, 440 Richard, 56, 89,* 121, 292, 330, 406, 410, 463 Robert, 293, 306, 401, 406 Sarah, 335, 341, 351, 443 Thomas, 3, 105,* 107, 156, 286,* 292, 295.* 335, 341, 351, 377, 396, 408, 410, 428, 443 445 453* Tristram, 54,' 56, 92, 94, 136, 253, 262 Knowls, see Knowles Kulshaw, see Culshaw Kvlshae, see Kilshaw Kyndesleye, see Kindsley Kyrkby }*«« Kirkby Kyrshaw, see Kirshaw Laland, see Leyland Lamb (Lambe) Margaret, 17, 136 Mary, 20 Richard, 128 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 5i8 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ;, B. 163-275 and 388-463 Lancaster, Elizabeth, 70 John, 391 Richard, 70 Thomas, 373 Lang, Alice, 377 Langtree, Agnes, 333, 344, 440 Alice, 315, 323, 431 Anne, 461 Edward, 438 Elizabeth, 333, 398 Hugh, 458 Jane, 312, 438 John, 344 Mary, 328, 440 Richard, 312, 315, 323, 328, 333, 344, 431, 440 Thomas, 398, 438 Lapage (Lap: Lappage, Lappeage) Andrew, 237 Anne, 215 Catherine, 83 Cicely, 63 Edward, 76, 85 Elizabeth, 86 James, 76 John, 63,* 66, 83, 85, 86, 91, 215 * 237 Margaret, 66, 91, 217 Margery, 141* Roger, 63 Thomas, 229 William, 201 Lapfinch (Lapfmche. Lapfynch, Lappfinche) Alice, 169 Arthur, 13 Charles, 174 Elizabeth, 183 James, 182 John, 49, 52, 53,* 134, 136, w. of 183, 187, 262 Margaret, 43 Thomas, 52 WUUam, 49 Laping, Susan, 253 Lappage } La Lappeage) r e Lappfinche, see Lapfinch Larenee, see Lawrence Larenceson, Elizabeth, 6 Lassells (Lascleys, LasseUes, Lastley, Lystles) Anne, 169 Henry, 5, 169, 170 Jane, 172 Latbeter, see Leadbeater ^am] see Lathom Lathan \ Lathat, see Lythwhat Lathom (Latham, Lathan, Lathome, Lathum, Lathumm, Letham, Letthum) Alice, 61, 120, 396, 404, 421, 444 Anne, 125 Cuthbert, 45 Edward, 39, 73, 78, 83, 237, 238, 252, 267 EUzabeth, 21, 83, 223, 237, 252, 372, 401 Ellen, 170, 202, 237 George, 7 Henry, 82, 164, 212, 217, 251, 391 Hugh, 86, 133, 149, 203, widow of 236, c. of 388, 391, 421, 430 James, 221 Jane, 84, 122, 126, 169, 185, 222 Jenet, 67, 170,207,211 John, 11, 63, 123, 182, 257, 401 Margaret, 67, 132, 198, 219, 238, 446 Mary, 67, 207 Paul, 70 Peter, 126, w. of 187, 193, w. of 244, 244, 407 Richard, 2, 7, 8, 25, 44, 45, 53, 61, 63, 67, 74,* 78, 82, 84, 86, 140, 141, 167, 204, 212, 223, 232, w. of 245, 247,* 251,* 266 Robert, 182, 396,* 404, 460 Thomas, 73, 134, 164, 396, 416 William, 12, 201, 257, 406 Latwis, Margaret, 164 Laurance see Lawrence Laurence j Law (Lawe) Alice, 202,. Anne, 130 EUzabeth, 23, 35, 123, 212 George, 3, 315, 324, 424, 426, 432 Jacob, s. of 200 Jenet, 71, 123 John, 32 Margaret, 33 Ralph, 10 Richard, 65, 130 Robert, 9, 315, 324, 426, 432, 435 Thomas, 60, 449 WUliam, 13, 60, 65, 71, 202, 212, w. of 223 Lawrence (Larenee, Laurance, Laurence, Lawrance, Lawrances, Lowrence) 5i9 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Lawrence, Alice, 25, 193 EUzabeth, 171, 214, 402, 454, 456 EUen, 89, 126, 234, 300, 419 George, 286 Gilbert, 79, 223 Henrv, 225 James, 57, 193, 279, 324,* 454 Jane, 3 Jenet, 64, 142 Joseph, 279, 286, 295,* 300, 410, 451 Margaret, 152, 229 Margery, 128, 437 Robert, 26, 36, 75, 166, 214 Sarah, 90 Thomas, 28, 57, 64, 67, 71, 75, 79, 89, 90, 119, 130, 139, 201, 208, 212, 214,* 223, 225, 229, 234, 264, 375, 388, 437, 456 WUliam, 67, 71, 208, 212 Lawson, Elizabeth, 337, 346 Margaret, 366 Mary, 346 Michael, 411 Robert, 337,* 346, 378 Laxon, Margery, 199 Layland, see Leyland Lea (Leagh, Leah, Leaye) see also Lee, Leigh, and Ley A . . . , 57 Anno 372 Edward, 286, 293, 339, 399, 417, 457 Elizabeth, 380 Idith, 139 James, 330, 339, 350,* 355,* 376, 462* Jane, 314, 330, 366, 462 Jenet, 163 John, 161, 286, 399 Margery, 339, 350, 355, 369, 462* Mary, c. of 57 Nicholas, 314 Roger, 132 Thomas, 89, 196, 417 WUliam, 89, 293, 427 Leadbeater (Latbeter, Leadbetter, Ledbetter, Lethbetter) Alice, 86, 120, 286, 337, 350, 353 455 Anne, 334, 344, 353, 448, 453, 458 Catherine, 93, 337, 353, 455, 456 Christopher, 94, 280, 286, 305, 399, 433 Dorothy, 239 Leadbeater, Elizabeth, 47 Ellen, 324, 353, 390, 453 Fleetwood, 296 * Hannah, 306, 334, 344, 448, 458 Henry, 81, 83, 86, 90,* 93, 94, 108, 145, 239,* 241, 255, 296, 302, 306, 309, 314, 321, 327, 350, 384, 430, 432, 456, 461 Jane, 49, 461 John, 314, 430 Margaret, 83, 239 Martha, 435 Mary, 247, 255, 256, 305, 321, 328, 399, 441 Mr, 321, 344, 430 Mrs, 436 Peter, 47, 49, 81, 108, 117, 255,* 256, 258,* c. of 263, 275,.* 280, 309, 321, 327, 337, 353, 373, 436, 455, 456 Robert, 324, 328, 334, 344, 353, 435, 448, 453, 458 Thomas, 321, 350, 461 Ursula, 441 William, 117, 275, 302 LeahhjseeLea Lealand, see Leyland Leaver (Leauer, Leyver) Catherine, 55, 58 James, 321* John, 55, 58 Leaye, see Lea Ledbetter, see Leadbeater Lee (Leeh, Lees) see also Lea, Leigh and Ley Agnes, 117 Alexander, 56,* 61 Catherine, 251 Elizabeth, 61, 162, 415 Ellen, 257, 273 Hugh, 156, 191, 251, 271, 273, 414 James, 300 John, 274, 415, 438 Margaret, 113, 115, 155, 300 Martha, 261 Mary, 273,* 392, 437 Richard, 56,* 196, 252, 266, 273, 274, 414 Thomas, 113, 115, 117, 269,* 358, 392, 437, 438 William, 156, 252 Leech (Leich) James, 293, 297,* 300,* 304, 410,* 452 John, 293 William, 304 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 520 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 Leegh, see Leigh Leeh, see Lee Leele, Barbary, 132 hlghe}8eeL6iSh Leich, see Leech Leigh (Leegh, Legh, Leghe, Leig, Leighe, Leyghe, Ligh, Lighe) see also Lea, Lee and Ley Alexander, 63, 66, d. of 201, 203 Alice, 66, 82. 152, 182, 235, 350 Anne, 202, 269, 317, 337, 341, 436, 463 Ann Meriel, 347, 349 Catherine, 370 Christopher, 174 Cicely, 42 Edward, 328, 442 Elizabeth, 30, 65, 83, 223, 371 Ellen, 42, 75, 177, 350, 391 Fleetwood, 343, 345, 347, 349, c. of 447, 451, 452 Frances, 343, 345, 452 Hugh, 68, 73,* 308, 312, 317, 322, 328, 337, 369, 442 James, 72, 212 Jane, 145, 160, 204 Jenet, 4, 395 John, 65, 68, 72, 75, 80, 85, 212, 215, 223, 241, 269, 320, 341 Joseph, 34, 53, 87 Judith, 63 Margaret, 136 Margery, 337, 442 Martha, 115 Mary, 37, 325, 337 Meriel, 343, 345, 347, 349, 452 Mr, 430 N.X.N, 447 Ralph, 329 Richard, 83, 85, 115, 145, 223, 228, 236,* 243, 316, 322, 350, 391, 395, 432,* 452 Robert, 337 Thomas, 10, 37, 80, 82, 87, 110,* 145, 160, 202, 203, 233, 234,* 235, 241, 243. 308, 311, 312, 316, 320, 325, 329, 337, 341, 368, 379, 395, 430, 436, 452, 463 William, 179, 311 Leland 1 Lelande [• see Leyland Lelonde ) Letham, see Lathom Lethbetter, see Leadbetter and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Letthum, see Lathom Lewes, John, 194 Ley (Ly) see also Lea, Lee and Leigh Edward, 424 EUzabeth, 424 Hugh, 125, 197 Margaret, 307 Richard, 24 Robert, 307 William, 424 Leyghe, see Leigh Leyland (Laland, Layland, Lealand, Leland, Lelande, Lelonde) Agnes, 335,* 347 Alexander, 11 Alice, 215, 322 Anne, 347 Bridget, 257 Catherine, 110, 264 Dorothy, 275 Ellen, 96 Henry, 18 Humphrey, 140 Jenet, 140, 163 John, 65, 96, 199, 2 twins of 249, c. of 256, 257, 268 Margery, 48, 193, 255 Ralph, 42, 48, 65, 96, 141, 195, w. of 232, 246, 275, 327, 365 Richard, 36 Robert, 312, 317,* 322, 327, 335 347 Thomas,' 7, 17, 110, 133, 140, 220, 264 WiUiam, 20, 312 Leyver, see Leaver Lideart (Lydiard) Anne, 347 John, 347 Margaret, 317 N.X.N., 347 Thomas, 317 Ligh, see Leigh Lighborne, see Lightboune Lighe, see Leigh Lightboune (Lighborne, Lightbonnd,Lightboon, Lightboun, Lightbound, Lightbowne) Anne, 93 John, 88, 93, 280, 398 Margaret, 286, 358, 398 Richard, 286, 426 Susan, 88 Susannah, 366 Thomas, 280 Linaker (Lynacre) EUzabeth, 19 521 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Linaker, EUen, 205 Henry, 63 Richard, 63 Thomas, 202 Ling, Mary, 363 Lingley, Alice, 407 Lingley alias Archer, Jo : 264 Liptrot (Lyptrott) Alice, 132 Anne, 366 Daniel, 361 EUzabeth, 143 Jane, 145 Margery, 361 Thomas, 162 Little Jo: alias Wilson Jo : 222, s. of 222 Livesley, AUce, 208 Lloyd, Anne, 339 Thomas, 339 Loe, see Lowe Longtonn, Henry, 139 Lowe (Loe, Low) AUce, 78, 180, 217, 225, 400, 429 Anne, 91, 116, 249, 255, 304, 353, 419* Edward, 279 EUzabeth, 302, 392 EUen, 249 Eydeth, 235 George, 160, 361, 400 James, 62,* 353, 363, 364, 365, 386 Jane, 319, 353, 454 Jenet, 217 John, 76, 158, 215, 293, 352, 409 I Mary, 109 Ralph, 60, 91, 109, 116, 140, 158, 249, 255, 293, 298, 302, 322, 392, 399, 409, 412, 422 Richard, 154 Robert, 298, 319, 336, 371, 412, 444 Roger, 327 Sarah, 336, 342, 352, 444 Thomas, 116,* 161, 279, 322,* 327, 336, 342,* 352, 374, 394,* 444 Thomasin, 304, 419 WUliam, 60, 76, 78, 82,* 225, 234, 235, 250, 264, 322 Lowrence, see Lawrence Loxam (Loxem, Loxham, Loxome, Loxon, Loxsam) Alice, 26, 113 Edmund, 12, 145, 154, w. of 246, 254, 260, 269* Loxam, Edward, 318 Ellen, 41, 82, 161, 188, 254 Henry, 61, 65,;66 James, 41 Jane, 401 Jenet, 131, 363 John, 61, 122, 185, 197, 258, 294 Margaret, 80, 155, 267 Mary, 80, 298 Ralph, 128 Richard, 80, 94,* 113, 124, 127, 134, 135, 206, 294, 298, 301, 307, 312,* 318 Robert, 20, 66, 80, 271 Samuel, 301 Sarah, 307 William, 65, 82, 137, 388 Lucas, Dorothy, 213 Judith, 162 Margaret, 76 Mary, 158 Robert, 76 Lugbotham, Alice, 21 Lume, Jenet, 31 Lumley, Alice, 384 Lunde (Lun, Limit, Lunnd, Lunne) Anne, 115, 260, 389 Dorothy, 118 EUen, 193, 214 Grace, 153 Henry, 112, 113, 115, 118, 160, 268, 389, 391, 395 James, 318 Jane, 70, 159, 416 Jenet, 66 John, 318 Richard, 394 Thomas, 113, 268 William, 27, 66, .70, 112, 214, 395 Lunt (Luntt) Anne, 28 Elizabeth, 138 Isabel, 35 Jane, 189, 190 Margaret, 190 Richard, 20, 190, 201 Lupton, John, 419 Mary, 419 Ly, see Ley Lyan, see Lyon Lydiard, see Lideart Lym [? Lynn], Henry, 129 Lynacre, see Linaker Lyning, AbigaU, 330 John, 330 Margaret, 330 Lyon (Lyan) John, 181 Margaret, 127 CroSton parish registers. 522 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 Lyon, Mary, 426 Lyptrott, see Liptrot Lystles, see Lassells Lythom, John, 180 Lythwhat (Lathat), Isabel, 137 James, 127 William, 138 M Macayn, Jane, 120 Machon (Machan, Machance, Machen) Anne, 146 Catherine, 19 John, 2, 51, 120 Margaret, 51, 236 Thomas, 120, 127, w. of 182, 200 William, 2 Mackant, Jarvis, 371 Mackon alias Hesketh Margaret, 52 Margery, 52 Macon, see Mason Macreftie, John, 7 Madsley, see Mawdesley Maime [or Manne], Margaret, 129 Maior ] Maiore ( Maiors >see Mayor Mair I Maire ) Makinson (Mekinson) Anne, 280, 319,* 397, 404, 430 Elizabeth, 114, 287 Ellen, 376, 405 Grace, 283 Margaret, 319,* 430 Roger, 388 Thomas, 6, 114, 116, 120, 280, 283, 287, 388, 397, 401, 40'4 WilUam, 116 Malton, Alice, 123 Mann (Man, Manne) Alice, 126 Jane, 26, 136 John, 120 Margaret, 129 Mr, 361 Marcer, see Mercer March, see Marsh Marclew, see Martlew MaresH^01 Margerson (Margaron, Margersonne, Marginson) Alice, 220 demons, 235 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Margerson, Elizabeth, 200 Ellen, 145 John, 48,* 224 Robert, 224 Thomas, 224 William, 221, 235 Markland, see Martland Marrowse, Bryan, 86 Margaret, 86 Marscough, Thomas, 400 Marsden, Margaret, 154 Richard, 271, 404 Marsh (March, Marshe) Alice, 102, 224, 253, 282, 434, 435 Catherine, 105 Christian, 408 Ellen, 65, 94, 161, 203, 212, 241 Hannah, 75 Henry, 77, 435, 444 Humphrey, 69, 94, 95, 99, 102, 105, 212, 241, 253, 255, 442, 451 Jane, 343, 375 Jenet, 332 John, 65, 66, 69, 75, 77, 95, 141, 203, 224, 231, 282, 285,* 332, 343, 409 Margaret, 434 Mary, 153, 332, 343 Sarah, 66 Thomas, 99, 255 William, 140 Marshhouses, William, 178 Martclew, see Martlew Martin (Martine) Alison, 208 Catherine, 446 Cicely, 401 Edward, 252, 401 Edwin, 410 Elizabeth, 369 Henry, 374 James, 89 Jenet, 364 John, 61, w. of 208, 265 Mary, 151 Thomas, 61, 265, 374 William, 59, 89, 271 Martindale (Martinall, Martinedale, Martyndale) Anne, 259 Christopher, 422 EUzabeth, 267 James, 137, 259, 260, 266, 267, 392 Margaret, 134 Peter, 184,* 260 Robert, 266 Martine, see Martin Martinedale, see Martindale 523 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 s W. 119-162 Martland (Markland, Martian) Ann, 443 Custance, 20 Edward, 127 Elizabeth, 82, 222, 408, 425 EUen, 365 Elinor, 35 Henry, 82, 241, 296 James, 20 Jane, 128 Jenet, 130, 411 John, 28 Margaret, 25, 241, 294* Ralph, 16, 17, 47 Robert, 222, 296, 364, 408, 410. 411, 425, 447 Thomas, 223 WUliam, 32, 47 Martlew (Marclew, Martclew, Martlow) Alice, 267, 302, 388 Anne, 115 Henry, 89,* 100, 109, 249, 256,* 267 James, 100, 249 Jenet, 115 Margaret, 284, 407 Richard, 282, 284, 388, 396 Robert, 109, 251, 263,* 282, 302, 305 Thomas, 305 Martyndale, see Martindale Maskar, Nicholas, 261 Mason (Macon, Masome, Massom, Mayson, Moson) Alice, 334 Anne, 66, 114, 133, 324, 405, 424 Bartholomew, 92, 111, 114, 268 Cuthbert, 60, 66 David, 108, 261 Edward, 165, 342, 356,* 404, 424, 429 EUzabeth, 39, 140, 167, 422 EUen, 103, 360, 401 Henry, 105,* 109, 291, 423 Jane, 60, 122, 249, 360 Jenet, 125 John, 71, 168 Laurence, 5 Margaret, 106, 130, 259, 328, 342, 374, 382, 404 Margery, 122 Nicholas, 71, 77,* 142, 324, 328, 334, 342, 374 Rebecca, 423 Robert, 98 Thomas, 95, 279, 302,* 405, 417, 422 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Mason, Walter, 10 William, 92, 94,* 95, 98, 103, 106, 108, 109, 111, 120, 168, 249, 259, 261, 279, 291, 358, 401, 415 Massye, James, 50 John, 50 Mather (Mathar) Adam, 91, 247 • AUce, 74 Ellen, 109, 111" Jane, 80, 103, 107, 253, 364, 453 Joan, 408 John, 82, 84, 86, 91, 226, 239 Margaret, 70, 114 Margery, 82, 226, 366 ., Mary, 453 Richard, 86 Thomas, 70, 74, 80, 84, 103, 107, 109, 111, 114, 154, 223, 253, 272, 290, 451 William, 287,* 290, 360, 425, 453 Mathew, Barnaby, 154 Ellen, 145 Margaret, 358 Maudesley j Maudisley j Maudlin [?], Jenet, 45 Mawdesley (Madsley, Maudesley, Maudesleye, Maudessley, Maudisley, Maudsley, Maudsly, Mawdesslye, Mawdisley, Mawdslay, Mawdsley, Mawdsly, Mawldsdlye, Modesley, Modsley, Moodesley, Moodessley, Moodsley, Mowdsley) Agnes, 1, 24, 176 Alexander, 97, 102, 150, 258, 389 Alice, 34, 35, 123, 128, 133, 168, 256, 286, 352, 411 Anne, 11, 20, 274, 319, 350, 355, 356 Catherine, 140, 205, 230 Cicely, 133 Cuthbert, 21, 59, 235 Dorothy, 162 Edward, 26, 214, 350, 355 Elizabeth, 19, 31, 166, 188, 193, 229, 251, 274, 395, 441, 451 Ellen, 9,* 18, 49, 63, 132, 136, 168, 176, 180,* 247, 311, 315, 324, 328, 376, 397, 422, 438, 441, 450, 458, 459 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 524 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Mawdesley, Elnathan, 20 Esther, 343, 352 George, 97, 291, 343, 352, 424, 451 Henry, 14, 50, 60, 90, 120, 131, 244, 249, 256, 260, 315, 335, 400, 432 Hugh, 123, 129, 185, 292, 295, 347, 405 Isabel, 175 James, 4, 432, 441 Jane, 6, 8,* 11, 17, 90. 121, 125, 175, 214, 222, 317, 331, 332, 335, 363, 390, 416, 441 Jeffrey, 24, 55, 57, 169 Jenet. 37, 120,* 132, 133, 146, 332, 441, 447 Joan, 38 John, 7, 24, 37, 48, 121,* 133, 142, 177, 182, 313, 317, 324, 370, 391, 451 Julia, 358 Juliana, 102 Lydia, 347 Margaret, 4, 11, 12, 46, 55, 120, 130, 131, 154, 175, 195, 236, 249, 393, 403, 416, 438 Margery, 124, 139, 395 Mary, 10, 258, 313, 347, 350, 402, 424 Mr, 389, 395 Mrs, 358 Peter, 404 Ralph, 122, 166 Richard, 10, 14, 15, 17, 37, 46, 48, 59, 120, 178,* c. of 187, 216, 222, 229, 230, 231, 260, 264, 311, 326. 328, 332, 355, 356, 390, 416, 425, 441, 447, 458 Robert, 22, 31, 88,* 93, 128, 150, 181, w. of 187, 193,* 225, 243,* 251, 255, 264, 286, 291, 304,* 331, 343, 358, 359, 389, 391,* 395,* 397, 435, 459 Roger, 335 Simion, 127 Thomas, 3, 14, 37, 50, 55, 58, 93, 125, 166, 174, 177, 180, 196, 225, w. of 229, 229, 230, 232, 267, 274, 284,* 286,* 292, 295, 309,* 315, 319, 331, 395,* 397,* 400, d. of 400, c. of 402, 402, 403, 404,* 405, 413, 422, 435, 447, 450 Mawdesley, William, 2, 15, 30, 34, 35, 49, 55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 120, 132, 173, 176, 177, 191, 195, 214, 229, 255, 267, 315, 326, 458, 459, 460 Mayor (Maior, Maiore, Maiors, Mair, Maire, Mare, Mares, • Meare) Alice, 36, 125, 129, 271, 354 Catherine, 106, 122, 164, 166, 254 Cicely, 175 Dorothy, 190 Edward, 55, 106, 200, 271, 273, 394 Elizabeth, 12, 133, 452 Ellen, 452 Ewan, 422 George, 10, 174 Henry, 59, 323, 327 Hugh, 44, 128, 229, 358 James, 266, 273, 406 Jane, 119, 273, 323 Jenet, 7, 12, 266, 364, 406 Jilian, 4 John, 155 Laurence, 327 Margaret, 12, 170 Margery, 14, 123, 134, 175, 177 Mary, 364 Miles, 120, 179 Thomas, 55, 185,* 258, 273, 354, 413 WUliam, 59, 232 Mayson, see Mason , Meare, see Mayor Mee, Anne, 456 Isabel, 456 James, 456 Mekam [or Mekan], George, 5 Mekinson, see Makinson Melling (Mellin, Mellinge) Anne, 97, 154, 368 Isabel, 231 James, 97 Jane, 87, 145, 154, 157 John, c. of 215 Margaret, 89 Richard, 89 William, 87 Mercer (Marcer) Catherine, 267 Clares, 119 Custance, 7, 120 Elizabeth, 14 EUen, 133. 383 Henry, 3 Hugh, 167 Jenet, 10, 123 John, 132, 173, 176, 384 525 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Mercer, Mr, 380, 384, 385 Richard, 130 Robert, 134 Thomas, 121 WiUiam, 4, 123, 264 Meres, Alice, 408 George, 408 Merton, Gilbert, 32 Michaell, Alice, 161 Mickson [sic], Elizabeth, 2 Midleton, Anne, 2181 William, 281 MUer, see Miller MUes alias Jenkinson Robert, 213 MU1 . . . ton, John, 307 Robert, 307 MiUer (MUer, Millar) Agnes, 106, 251, 332, 413 AUce, 74, 75, 101, 144, 157, 219 Anne, 102, 104, 296, 310, 312, 337, 343, 347, 450, 453 Blanche, 215, 220 Catherine, 108, 430 Dorothy, 82, 225, 373 Eleanor, 364 Elizabeth, 112, 114, 295, 298, 313, 320, 345, 371, 421, 422, 452 EUen, 83, 103, 156, 267, 284, 287, 288, 290, 294, 316, 318, 351, 352, 379, 391, 415, 424, 428, 463 George, 325 Hannah, 358 Henry, 76, 105, 107, 114, c. of '254, 270, 320, 344, 348, 382, 454 Hugh, 87, 240 Humphrey, 328 James, 116, 117,* 161, 304, 345, 403 Jane, 252, 275, 329, 335,* 337, 442 Jenet, 240, 361 John, 78,* 98, 102, 107,* 111. 112,* 154, 158, 207, 245. 252, 259,* 270, 275,* 276, 290, 294,* 295,* 296, 298, 301,* 304, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 318, 320, 323, 325, 327, 329,* 337,* 345,* 351, 359, 363, 366, 370, 374, 392, 406, 410, 419, 421, 422, 424, 431, 438, 439, 442, 452, 463 Laurence, 83, 298, 459 Margaret, 113, 141, 204, 270, 291, 326, 332, 337,* 343, MUler, Margaret, continued — 345, 351, 352, 439, 450, 463 Margery, 312, 335, 348, 404, 412, 418 Martha, 335, 344 Mary, 322, 323, 335, 344, 346, 348, 454 Paul, 262 Rachel, 346 Richard, 76, 82, 84, 105, 111, 113, 116, 118,* 144, 225, 238, 287, 294, 298, 301, 302, 305,* 310, 312, 314. 315, 322, 326, 335, 344, 360, 368. 369, 391, 403, 404, 409, 418, 433, 461 Thomas, 76,* 78, 106, 108, 110, 112, 137, 146, 157, 173, 204, 249, 284, 294, 295, 302, 323, 327, 329, 332, 337,* 343, 347, 380, 383, 392, 409, 413, 438, 450, 453 WiUiam, 71,* 74, 75, 78, 83, 84, 87, 98, 101, 103, 104, 110, 112, 155, 165, 219, 220, 229, 245. 252, 281,* 284,* 288, 291, 294,* 313,* 318,* 322,* 323, 328, 335,* 344,* 345, 346, 347, 364, 371, 406, 419, 430, 438, 434, 452, 453, 454 Miller alias Harsnep (MUlers alias Harsnep) Jane, 209 William, 73,* 142, 209 Miller alias Jump, Thomas, 239 Milles, see Mills Millner, see Milner Mills (Milles, Myles) Erne, 169 Margaret, 22 Mary, 380 Robert, 138 Milner (Millner, Mylner) Alice, 32 Anne, 30, 40 Anthony, 168 Blanche, 27, 131 Elizabeth, 84 Ellen, 34 Hugh, 39 Jenet, 167 John, 36, 180 Margaret, 34 Richard, 169, 415 Thomas, 84, 359, 415* William, 38, 119, 200, 363 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS, 526 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 ModsleyyjaeeMawdesley Molding (Molden) AUce, 454 Henry, 454, 455 WilUam, 454 Molyneux (Molineux, Molinex, MoUnes, Mollynex, Mullinex) Anne, 16 Edward, 287, 292, 297, 303, 405, 415, 417 Elizabeth, 97 Ellen, 255, 292 James, 368 Jane, 405 John, 93,* 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 243, 297 Lucy, 95, 243 Mary, 96, 287 Theodosia, 94 Thomas, 99, 303, 415 Monk (Monck, Moncke, Monke, Monkes, Monnk, Moonk, Moonke, Mounk, Munck, Muncke, Muncky, Munk, Munke, Munky) Adam, 314 Alice, 76, 216, 280, 325 Anne, 110, 116, 289, 318, 390 Catherine, 26, 51, 117, 138, 167, 274, 290, 317, 404, 428 Clares, 12 Dorothy, 101, 129 Edward, 52, 60, 62, 81, 92, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 117, 138, 158, 226, 232, c. of 260, 261, 274,* 275, 280, 282, 285, 289, 292, 295, 300, 302, 310. 360, 365, 389, 392,* 415, 437, 444 EUzabeth, 19, 62, 94, 104, 109, 200, 232, 282, 323, 392, 406, 456 EUen, 78, 81, 110, 117, 252, 257, 274, 311, 313, 422, 434 Emme, 92, 204, 270 George, 310, 314, 318, 325, 333, 341 349 455 GUbert, 48, 76, 80, 83, 98, 244, 267 Grace, 302, 392 Henry, 107 Isabel, 437 James, 18, 37, 81, 87, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 105, 107, 112, 118, 232, 241, 245, 256, 300, 310, 341, 389, 396, 403, 415 Monk, Jane, 83, 85, 89, 115, 118, 226, 270, 280, 317, 349, 389, 392, 410 Jenet, 96, 245 Joan, 60, 292, 389, 433 John, 48, 51, 62, 76, 92, 98, 101, 104, 107, 110, 112, 117, 152, 200, 267, 296, 307, 316, 409, 421 Joney, 91 Margaret, 23, 92, 112, 114, 285, 333, 341, 349, 405, 407, 414, 416, 455 Margery, 130, 275 Mary, 38 MUes, 7 Peter, 290, 404, 405 Richard, 37, 52, 76, 78, 81, 85, 87, 105, 107, 108, 109,* 110,* 112, 115, 116, 118,* 121,128, 156,204,216,255, 256, 257, 261,270, 280, 295, 302, 306, 310, 311, 313, 323,* 395, 403,* 422, 428, 435,* 456 Robert, 3 Roger, 112 Thomas, 34, 306, 403 William, 80, 107, 121, 296, 302, 307, 312,* 316, 333, 363, 409, 421, 429, 455 Moodesley j Moodessley > #ee Mawdesley Moodsley j Sel-Monk Moor, see Moore Moorcroft (Moorecroft) Anne, 240, 376 Richard, 277* Moore (Moor, More, Morr) Alice, 2, 31, 48, 397, 434 Anne, 186, 215, 327, 336, 344, 453 Annes, 166 Elizabeth, 66, 141, 220, 232, 312 Ellen, 13 Henry, 312, 316,* 362, 421* Jane, 71, 150 Jenet, 30, 215, 402 Jn, 450 John, 48, 130, 190, 215, 261,* 298, 411, 413 Margaret, 54, 55, 58, 76, 217, 402 Mary, 233, 344, 440 MUes, 21 Richard, 119, 129, w. of 189, 194, 199, 298, 322, 397, 527 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Moss, Henry, 165, 326 Hugh, 2, 37,* 43, 46, 60, 73, 77, 81, 92, 129, 134, 162, c. of 186, 213, 221, s. of 225, 251, 254, 262, 412 James, 9, 19, 29, 46, 63, 65, 73, 77, 84, 99, 101,* 103, 117, 127, 141, 206, 221, 225, 239, 242, 245, 252, 256, 260, 275,* 343, 354, 382, 388 Jane, 42, 92, 104, 198, 239, 254, 265, 271, 284, 356, 463 Jenet, 8, 61, 83, 99, 121, 129, 132, 163, 202, 423, 432, 434 John, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 72, 73, 84, 96, 104, 105, 107, 117, 129, 137, 166, 173, 213, 215, 218, 246, 265, 268, 284, 320, 367, 399, 408, 414, 418, 427, 432, 438, 457 Margaret, 15, 49, 125, 127, 196, 206, 239, 243, 260, 343, 350, 354, 413 Margery, 16, 37, 79, 81, 136, 220, 314, 368, 389, 459 Mary, 262, 389, 441 N.X.N, 200 Nicholas, 38 Richard, 13, 27, 245, 324, 390, 413 Robert, 21, 48, 68, 107, 217, 268, 399, 401, 441 Roger, 46,* 50, 54, 83, 87, 96, 202, 204, 225, 233,* 243, c. of 245, 263 Sarah, 309, 457 Thomas, 5, 20, 38, 43, 60,* 61, 63, 72, 79, 81, 87, 117,* 119, 144, 161, 212, 216, w. of 218, 220, 225, 233, 244, 253,* 266,* 270,* 273,* 275,* 287, 291, 309, 314, 320, 322, 343, 347, 350, 356, 361, 390, 393,* 395, c. of 402, 406, 412,* 413, 414,* 418, c. of 429, 433, 434, 438, 441,* 451. 454, 456 William, 1, 30, 37, 61,* 68, 72,* 73, 103, 140, 167, 213, 218, 234, 249, 262, 322, 324, 326, 335, 347, 371, c. of 428, 433, 454* Mounk, see Monk Mount, Rev Mr, 379 Mowdsley, see Mawdesley Mullinex, see Molyneux Moore, Richard, continued — ¦ 402,* 413, 440, 450 Robert, 27 Thomas, 24, 54, 55, 58, 60, 66, 71, 76, 138, 215,* 217,* 232,* 322, 327, 336, 344, 453 William, 8, 60, c. of 189, 217, 231, 336, 453 Moorecroft, see Moorcroft ^oose 1 see Moss Moosse j Moral, Mr, 386 More, see Moore Moros, see Morris Morr, see Moore Morris (Moros, Morres, Morress, Morresse, Morrisse, Morros) Bryan, 56, 57, 81, 83, 224* Catherine, 275 Dorothy, 264 Elizabeth, 56, 57, 81, 151, 224 Ellen, 95 Isabel, 83 James, 65,* 159 Jenet, 119 Joan, 113 John, 95, 113 Margery, 265 Morrowebs, Ellen, 95 John, 95 Mortimer, Andrew, 201 Morton, Rebecca, 363 Sarah, 422 Moson, see Mason Moss (Moose, Moosse, Mosse, Musse [sic]) Agnes, 13, 27, 131, 132, 135 Alexander, 1, 21, 127 Alice, 3, 17, 24, 45, 61, 65, 125, 139, 153,* 217, 242, 257, 268, 273, 393 Alison, 32, 167 Andrew, 37, 133, 204, w. of 204, 457 Anne, 41, 47, 52, 55, 58, 138, 155, 205, 335, 401, 454, 456, 463 Catherine, 81, 188, 265 Cicely, 354, 401, 414 Dorothy, 202, 275 Edward, 34, 36, 37, 60, 204, 205, 225, 291, 350 Elizabeth, 8, 9, 59, 73, 121, 193, 233, 287, 427 Ellen, 5, 23, 51, 62, 105, 121, 131, 137, 192, 218, 246, 273, 335, 347, 395, 454* CROSTON parish registers. 52§ C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Mulloss, Ellen, 439 Munck, see Monk Munck alias Dobson Richard, 209 Muncke \ Muncky Munk J- see Monk MunkeMunkyMusgrave, Elizabeth, 361 Musse, see Moss Myles, see MiUs Mylner, see Milner N Naylob (Nailer, Nailor, Nalyor, Nayler, Naylyor) AUce, 236 Anne, 67, 206, 283, 376, 391, 424 Edward, 90, 94, 244 EUen, 258 George, 74 James, 60, 199 Jane, 90, 231, 254, 361 Margaret, 37, 117, 150, 412 Richard, 60, 199 Thomas, 37, 94, 157, 396, 412 WUliam, 67, 74, 117, 162, 206, d. of 225, 231, 261, 283, 358, 391 Neeld ") Neeldej'Nelson (Nellson, Nellsone, Nlsson) Agnes, 176, 393 Alice, 4, 51, 78, 131, 137, 179, 192, 352, 364 Alison, 49, 119 Anne, 7, 45, 56, 66, 95, 127, 137, 201, 231, 250, 272, 304, 311, 322, 418, 419, 448 Bridget, 79, 220, 237 Catherine, 9, 19, 21, 38, 41, 44, 61, 66, 78, 122, 128, 134, 140, 172, 220, 227 Cicely, 3, 74, 186, 236, 273 Dorothy, 332, 347, 454 Edward, 332, 347, 454 Elizabeth, 4, 7, 17, 72, 107, 120, 138, 143, 167,* 181, 199, 226, 256, 262, 301, 330, 352, 389, 404, 447 Ellen, 27, 57, 71, 72, 92, 131, 196, 211, 213, 257, 330, 340, 352, 431, 443, 458 Em, 22 Emme, 121 Fall [?], 187 Frances, 17, 47, 51, 281 ¦ see Nield Nelson, Francis, 40, 41, 45, 49, 89, 222, 226, 284, 307, 401, 425 George, 120, 171, 228 Gilbert, 12, 47, 78, 175,* 176, 178, 201 Henry, 49,* 51, 61, 62, 66, 69, 74, 78, 87, 103, 128, 129, 131, 138, 181, 202, 212, c. of 216, 224, 227, 228, 231,* 236, 254, 256, 280, 282, 285, 288,* 291, 293, 296, 301, 304, 311, 315, 330, 340, 347, 352, 360, 376, 389, 393, 404, 418, 419, 447, 458 Hugh, 44, 45, 47, 57, 87, 99, 139, 152, 179,* 231, 232,* 247,* 293 Humphrey, 18, 51, 57, 121, 228, 231, 234, w. of 236, 262 Isabel, 10, 273 James, 212 Jane, 13, 15, 41, 42, 50, 53, 119, 128, 137, 181, 270, 281, 315, 375 Jenet, 29, 45, 167, 208, 352 Joan, 92 John, 28, 33, 56, 62,* 66,* 78, 92, 103, 107, 167, 185, 199, 206, 219, 220, 252, 257, 262, 282, 308, 309,* 352, 386, 390, 408, 438 Margaret, 25, 27, 53, 76, 99, 137,145,178,216,222,226, 231, 242, 247, 262, 280,* 285, 390, 444 Margery, 139, 176, 316 Mary, 17, 51, 52, 53,* 146, 186, 219, 291, 296 Maximilian, 208, 213, 320 Michael, 25, 42, 55, 57, 201, w. of 243, 250 Molinex, 251 Mr, 237, 275 " old," w. of 260 Ralph, 226, 304 Richard, 5, 9, 10. 30, 38, 40, 41, 51, 55, 58, 62,* 71, 89, 92, 95, 167, 170, 195, 202, 211,* 256, 267, 261, 272, 275, 284, 301, 307, 316, 322, 332, 368,* 388, 432, . 438 Robert, 38,* 40,* 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 50, 52, 53,* 62, 69, 168, 172, c. of 187, 208, 228, 236, 242, 253, 432 529 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Nelson, Roger, 19,38,* 79,220,275, 301, 304, 308, 312, 320, 443, 447 Susan, 222, 232 Thomas, 3,* 5, 44, 45, 53, 76, 78, 94,* 125, 144, 165, 178, 195, 213, 216, 235, 237, 246, 250, 268, 275, 280, 340, 402, 443, 458 Waring, w. of 189, 195, 222 WiUiam, 4, 12, 42, 55, 66, 131, 216, 312, 425 Neson, Anne, 198 Henry, 198 Robert, 198 Nettleton, Madam Grace, 460 Newhouse (Newhowse) Jenet, 130 Margery, 48 William, 48 Newsome (Newsam, Newsom, Newson) John, 139, 204 Mary, 401 Richard, 247 William, 247 Nichols (Nicholes) Anne, 425 John, 115* Nicholson (Nicolson) John, 290,* 402* Nickes, Elizabeth, 185 Nickeson ) XT. Nickesonej*eeNlxonNickinson, William, 372 Nickson, see Nixon Nickson als Johnson Margaret, 130 Nickson als Poore John, John, 206 Nicolson, see Nicholson Nicolson als Johnson, John, 143 Nicsone, see Nixon Nield (Neeld, Neelde) Bannester, 101 Cicely, 391 Elizabeth, 99, 102, 248 Jeremy, 259 Margaret, 160 Mary, 392 Richard, 99, 101, 102, 153, 248, 259, 391, 392 Nixon (Nickeson, Nickesone, Nickson, Nicsone, Nixaon, Nyccson, Nyckson, Nycson, Nykson, Nyxson) Alice, 129 Anne, 73, 78, 114, 275 Edmund, 120, 182 Edward, 38 Nixon, Elizabeth, 117, 194, 216, 282, 389 Ellen, 222 Isabel, 166 Jenet, 31, 47, 438 John, 40, 42, 47, 78, 146, 183, 185, 206 Margaret, 8, 176, 193, 432 Margery, 18, 73 Nicholas, 33 Richard, 114, 117, 135, 161, w. of 186, 273, 282, 322,* 389,* 392, 397, 432, 434,* 438 Robert, 171 Thomas, 238, 241 WiUiam, 191, 253, 254, 282, 389, 392, 397 Nlsson, see Nelson Nodder, James, 115 John, 115 Noras 1 Noresse > see Norris Noris J Nornett, Jenet, 53 Norris (Noras, Noresse, Noris, Noros, Norowes, Norras, Norres, Norress, Norresse, Norrise, Norriss, Norros, Norrys) Agnes, 239 Alice, 17, 66, 116, 310, 314, 318, 329, 365, 409, 426, 427 Anne, 114, 202, 248, 273, 283, 284, 323, 327, 331, 374, 394, 441, 443 Catherine, 90, 259, 283, 284, 307, 317, 352 Charles, 60 Cicely, 96, 281, 382 Dorothy, 247, 444 Edward, 347 Elizabeth, 62, 112, 115, 152, 157, 195, 235, 253, 282, 306, 320, 333, 335, 336, 343, 352, 362, 370, 385, 392, 414, 415, 425, 441, 446, 455 Eliz'a [sic], 95 Ellen, 23, 54, 102, 133, 135, 145, 196, 283, 288, 315,* 319, 331, 332, 336, 339,* 347, 394, 418, 429, 439, 443, 446, 450* Enoch, 331 George, 56, 59, 63. 65, 74, 91,* 94, 95, 96, 99,* 102, 105, 108, 112, 117, 137, 203, 219, W. of 222, 222, 227, croston parish registers. 530 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Norris, George, continued — 237, 239,* 244, 274, 275, 282, 283, 284, 290, 296, 311, 315,* 318,* 320, 324,* 327, 331, 332, 343,* 353, 364, 370, 371, 392, 404, 424, 427, 429, c. of 433, 436,* 446, 448, 451, 455, 460, 461 Hugh, 18, 51, 57, 62, 65, 66, 69,* 74, 77, 95,* 105, 110, 112,* 114, 115, 116, 118, 137, 203, 215, 218, 242, 243, 269, 279, 280,* 283, 284, 285, 288,* 290, 293, 297, 305, 310, 314, 318,* 324, 325, 326, 331, 336, 339,* 359, 363, 371, 373, 385. 394,* 404,* 413, 415, 416, 426, 429, c. of 431, 432, 439, 443, 450* Isabel, 68, 153, 333 James, 416 Jane, 25, 56, 59, 76, 91, 138, 158, 162, 243, 288, 293, 314, 404, 413, 436 Jenet, 62, 110, 114, 118, 239, 242, 264, 269, 324, 391, 409 John, 62, 87, 113, 115, 269, 281, 283, 287, d. of 291, 312, 314, 319, 321, 322,* 326, 333, 370, 396, 399, 417, 428, 429 , Lidea, 296 Margaret, 22, 26, 60, 114, 118, 133, 135, 137, 144,* 153, 224, 311, 312, 331, 333, 336, 339, 353, 410, 416, 417, 425, 448, 461 Margery, 332, 343, 353, 451, 461 Marv, 96, 244, 287, 298, 299, "329, 369,* 378, 396, 399, 406 Nicholas, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64,* 66, 68, 71, 76, 81, 87, 90, 95,96, 111, 112, 114, 116,* 200, 205, 228, 235, 244, 259, 264, 273, 298, 389,* 393* Ralph, 62 Richard, 30, 285, 288, 314, 318, 320, 343, 391, 396, 398, 415, 418, 444, 448, 451 Robert, 51, 54, 71, 77, 89, 94, 108, 111, 113, 114, 115, 139, 160,. 215, 218, 269,* 279, 281, 283, 285,* 288, 311, 320, 321, 325, 327,* Norris, Robert, continued — 329, 333,* 336, 343, 347, 352, 373, 389, 396,* 398, 412, 414, 415, 425, 441, 442, 448. 455 Sarah, 297, 377 Thomas, 20, 60, 63, 66, 81, 89, 110, 114, 115, 198, 202, 205, 223, 235, 246, 247, 281, 302,* 305,* 306, 307, 310, 311, 312, 314, 317, 323, 328,* 329, 335, 336, 339, 364, 366, 367, 370, 374, 375, 400, 406, 414,* 418, 425, 426, c. of 429, 430, c. of 435, 446, 452 William, 59, 91, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 159, 264, 269. 274, 281, 299, 305, 310, 312, 335, 363, 400, 409, 414, 417, 424, 430,. e. of 432, 444, 446 No Surname Alice, 60, 87, 249 Anne, 49, 68, 139, 237, 286, 294, 302, 308, 312, 421 Catherine, 256, 284, 299 Edward, 292 Elizabeth, 303, 305, 402 George, 303 James, s. of 294, 296, 308, 313 Jane, 458 Jenet, 68, 139 John, 267, 313 Margaret, 140, 373, 411 Martha, 310 Mary, 330 Old Ann, 242 Old Isabel, 189 Roger, 265 Poor John, 206 Poor Martha, 287 Richard, 296. 302, 307, 322 Robert, 144, 294, 305, 307 Thomas, 234, 308, 382, 402 WiUiam, 49, 87, 305, 458* Nowals, Thomas, 444 Nyccson Nyckson Nyeson NyksonNyxson • see Nixon O Of Conner, Laurence, 302 Sarah, 302 Okell (Oakil, Ockell) Anne, 111, 428 Deborah, 115, 271 Margaret, 110 53i INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Okell, Mary, 114 Mr, 110, 114 Mrs, 428 N.X.N, 271 Richard, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 270, 272 WiUiam, 112, 270 OHerton, John, 357 WUliam, 357 Orrell (Oral, Orral, Orrel) Alice, 192 Edward, 453 Elizabeth, 434 Ellen, 432 Margaret, 370 Mary, 453, 461 Orton (Ourton), Jenet, 185 WiUiam, 292* Osborne (Osborn, Osburn) John, 278* Thomas, 358, 437 Widow, 417 Otie (Ottie, Oty) see also Alty Daniel, 30 Jenet, 127 John, 155 Margaret, 159 Margery, 33, 134 Robert, 154 Ouen, Jane, 150 Ourton, see Orton Owndsworth ") Ownsworth j ' Owsie (Owsee) Henry, 104, 156 Richard, 104 Oxton, Ellen, 139 Palmer, Mary, 375 Par, see Parr Parcevell \ Parcivell j see [Percival] Parciwell ) Park (Parcke, Parke, Parkes, Parrke) Alice, 47, 172, 173, 174, 182, 207, 247, 312, 332, 348, 434 Ame, 235 Anne, 51, 55, 68, 80, 133, 137, 140, 207,* 237, 290, 329, 331, 340, 398, 401 Catherine, 145, 293, 399, 412 Dorothy, 133, 261, 456 Edward, 34, 55, 70, 77, 124, 186, 203, c. of 214, 217, 358 ¦ see Unsworth Park, Elizabeth, 18,* 20 22, 42, 97, 109, 136, 137, 188, 195, 248, 255, 263. 271. 272, 273, 298, 331, 340, 348, 381, 395, 452, 462 Ellen, 8, 32, 49, 127, 176, 213, 224, 255, 260, 263, 287, 297, 329, 390, 397, 410, 462 George, 59, 227, 235, 289, 402 Grace, 262 Henry, 5, 23, 35, 174, 197, 295 Hugh, 3, 31, 51. 97, 99, 124, 134, 174 Isabel, 132 J ... e, 41 James, 25, 26, 49, 51, son of 54, 58, 59, 60, 67, 79, 84, 98, 99,* 101,* 105,* 108, 124, 126, 137, 153, 180, 199, 208, 226, 246, 248, 252,* 260, 261,* 262, 263, 267, 271, 272,* 280, 282, 283, 284, 289, 290, 295,* 301, 325, 329, 332, 376, 390, 397, 398, 401, 402, 415, 422, 425, 433, c. of 438, 443, 452* Jane, 1, 14, 82, 91, 116,* 142, 162, 183, 226, 280, 284, 307, 325, 369, 388, 390 Jenet, 20, 33, 61, 78, 120, 142, 154, 175, 272, 295 Jn, 383 Joan, 11, 174 John, 6, 13, 25, 27, 44, 45, 58, 71, 91, 108, 123,* 125, 131, 145, 182, 199, 203, 216,* 237, 248, 258, 259, 266, 289, 291,* 297, 348, 375, 386, 398, 399, 401, 410, 434, 456, 461 Joseph, 55* Laurence, 13, 174, 176, 213, 247 Margaret, 4, 26, 80, 121, 126, 129, 133,* 181, 185, 192, 216, 237, 425, 433 Margery, 14, 51,* 191 Mary, 29, 266, 289, 325, 332, 401 Maud, 207 N.X.N., 70 Nicholas, 129 Ralph, 400 Richard, 11, 19, 36, 61, 62, 64, 68, 69, 71, 74. 128, 131, 132, 192, 193.,* 201,* 207, 208, 212, 216, 235, 266, 291, 390, 404 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 532 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Park, Robert, 22, 24, 40, 44, 87, 99, 216, 232, 235, 243, 283, 287, 291, 293, 298, 302,* 307, 404, 412 Roger, 15, 51, 79, 82, 84, 87, 99. 129, 144, 186, 226,* 231, 232. 267, 282 Sarah, 155, 301, 442 Susan, 10 Susannah, 422 Thomas, 36, 37. 41, 44, 51, 62, 64, 67, 69, 74, 77, 78, 98, 123, 139, 201,. 208,* 212, 216, 224, 246, 312, 325, 329, 331, 340, 370, 437, 452, 462 William, 29, 37, 47, 51, 60, 99, 109, 123. 125, 132, 185, c. of 187, w. of 192, 192, 238, 245, 246,* 258, 263, 268, 273, 400, 405 Parker (Parkar) Anne, 84, 107, 153, 310 Dorothy, 83 Edward, 82, 104, 107, i.-. of 211, 226 262 EUzabeth, 345, 371, 373, 379, 445 Ellen, 373 Henry, 292, 345 Isabel, 215 James, 286, 292 Jenet, 104, 416 John, 177 Thomas, 82, 226 WiUiam, 82, 83, 84, 226, 286, 345, c. of 445 Parkinson, Catherine, 393 Edward, 96, 240 Elizabeth, 399 James, 96, 259 Jane, 427 Margery, 240 Richard, 229, 244, 392 Robert, 85* Thomas, 384 William, 229 Parr (Par, Parre) Anne, 300 Catherine, 91 Edmund, w. of 243, 426 Edward, 91, 300, 365, 420 Isabel, 434 John, 420, 426 Jonas, 372 Mr, 68 Roger, 79,* 220* Susannah, 366 WilUam, 430 Parrke, see Park ParsevellParsifellParsivaU ^ see [Percival] Parsivel ParsivellParsons, see Pearson Patefield (Patefyld) Elizabeth, 89, 234 James, 89, 234 Patrick (Patricke, Patrik, Patrike, Pattrick) Bridget, 61, 200 Catherine, 195 Elizabeth, 120, 206 George, 202 Henry, 168 James, 30 Jane, 24 Mr, 222 Richard, 256 Robert, 61, 62, 203, 222 Susan, 62 Thomas, 194, 203, 246, 259* Paynter, Catherine, 3 Pearson (Parsons, Person) James, 121 John, 377* Richard, 127 Pecket, Thomas. 87* Pedler, Thomas, 131 Peel, Thomas, 424* Peerey, Henry, 202 Peeters, see Peter Pemberton (Pemerton, Pemperton) John, 97 Margaret, 97 Mary. 458 Ralph, 99 Richard, 82, 99 Robert, 398, d. of 406, 415 Thomas, 82, 415 Pendlton, Ralph, 132 Sgton}-^-^ Penkett, Margaret, 201 Pennington (Penigton, Penington, Pennyngton. Pinington, Pinnington) Alexander, 65, 66, 75, 204, 233 AUce, 145 Anne, 65, 66, 102, 204 Jane, 193 Margaret, 215, 391 Robert, 75, 102, 154, 359, 360, 415 [Percival] (Parcevell, Parcivell, Parciwell, Parsevell, Parsifell, ParsivaU, 533 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Percival, continued — Parsivel, Parsivell, Perciwell) Elizabeth, 83 Ellen, 74 Grace, 85 John, 246 Margaret, 85 Richard, 76, 246 Robert, 225 Thomas, 74, 76, 83, 85, 225, 256 Pereth, Christopher, 51 Person, see Pearson Peters (Peeters) Cicely, 224 John, 78,* 224 Mary, 260 Peterson, John, 71, 75, 212 Peter, 75 Thomas, 212 William, 71 Pettie, Thomas. 252 Phassakerley, see Fazakerley Phazicar, see Faziker Philipson (Fylipson, Philippson, PhilUppson, Phillipson, Philopeson, Philopson, Philopsone) Alice, 256 Anne, 392 Annes, 174 Catherine, 11 Edward, 30 Elizabeth, 5 Ellen, 134 Henry, 390 Isabel, 17, 135 James, 79 Jane, 61, 79, 171, 256 Jenet, 9, 125 John, 171 Margaret, 124, 194 Marv, 124 Richard, 122, 164, 239, 436 Thomas, 3, 165 William, 8, 61, 128, 171 Phillipson alias Wigans (Philipson alias Wigens, Philipson alias Wygans, Phillipson aUas Wigen, Phillipson alias Wigens, Phillpisson [sic] alias Wigenes. Philipson alias Wigenes, PhUpson alias Wigens, Phyllipson alias Wyggan) Elizabeth, 64 Em, 222 George, 92 Phillipson, Hugh, 73 James, 95 Jane, 256 Jenet, 93, 103, 240 John, 37 Margaret, 207 Margery, 51, 73, 94 Richard, 37, 73, 92, 93, 103, 154, 240 Thomas, 41. 94, 95, 262 William, 51, 64, 73, 143, 207 Philopeson J Philopson >see PhUipson Philopsone I Philpson alias Wigens see Phillipson alias Wigans Phizacarley, see Fazakerley Phyllipson alias Wyggan see Phillipson alias Wigans Pickering (Piccaring, Pickeringe, Pikering, Pikeringe) Charlotte, 292 Elizabeth, 290 John, 289, 290, 292, s. of 294 Robert, 224, 281, 285, 288, 289, 358, 359,* 360, 362,* 409 Pickles (Picles) Edmund, 82, 84, 225 Elizabeth, 82, 167, 225 Richard, 84 Pigop [? Piggott] James, 117 John, 117 Pikertege}*eePickerinSPilkington (Pilkinghton, Pilkinton) Alice, 306 Anne, 158, 360 Easter, d. of 256 Elizabeth. 153 James, 106, 153, 273 Jane, 267 John, 143. 267 Margaret, 303. 361 Mary, 155, 359, 416 Mr, 273, 381, 383,* 384,* 385,* 387 Richard, 306, 416, 439 Robert, 82 Thomas, 82, 128 William, 106, 303, 365, 377, 378,* 415 Pincock (Pincocke, Pyncock) Alice, 354 Elizabeth, 354 John, 127, 296, 313 Thomas, 296. 354 Thurstan, 137 William, 313 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 534 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 PmningtonJ''ee:Pennin8ton Piper, Hannah, 162 Margaret, 119 Plumb (Plum) Margaret, 281, 369 Richard, 281 Polert, Elizabeth, 143 Poore John als Nickson, John, 206 Porter (Portar, Portor, Pourter) Alice, 110, 361, 408, 434 Anne, 35, 361 Catherine, 323 Elizabeth, 91, 146, 300, 328, 334 442 Ellen, 142, 243, 272 George, 89, 319, 451 Henry, 45, 50, 325, 435 Jane, 53, 306, 346,* 451 Jenet, 45 John, 101, 325, 328, 334, 346, 373, 435, 442, 451 Margaret, 49, 144, 332, 363, 441 Peter, 98, 247 Richard, 49, 50, 53, 56, 92, 282, 426 Robert, 50 Thomas. 38, 56, 89, 91, 92, 98, 101, 243, 247, 272, 282, 298, 300, 302,* 306, 312, 323,* 329, 332. 373, 392, 414, c. of 441 William, 110. 160, 298, 312, 319, 329, 332, 434, 439 Potter (Poter) Ashton, 233 Catherine, 5 Pourter, see Porter Powel, Alice, 333 James, 333 John, 333 Prescot (Prescote, Prescott, Presscatt) Agnes, 19, 71, 75, d. of 221 Alice, 183, 203 Anne, 44, 273, 335, 391, 456 Dorothy, 434 Edmund, 328 Edward, 26, 137. 214, 456 Elizabeth, 29, 75, 198* Ellen, 71, 72, 162,* 211, 226, 335, 452, 456* Henry, 273, 324, 328, 335, 452, 456* Hugh, 37, 140, 218 James, 72, 135, 140, 211 Jane, 227 John, 227, 233, 263, 274 Mary, 44 Oliver, 263, 426 Richard, 239 Prescot, Susan, 40 Thomas, 37, 120,* 206, 274, 324 390, 391, 404, 452 WiUiam, 404 Preston, Anne, 159^ 244 Elizabeth, 309 Henry, 68 Jane, 43, 424 Mary, 68 Thomas, 159 William, 309, 310, 424 Procter (Prockter, Procktor, Proctor) Agnes, 405 Alice, 408 Catherine, 153 Elizabeth, 405 EUen, 434 George, 405, 408 Henry, 135, 204 Isabel, 128 James, 48 Margaret. 160 Peter, 268 Richard, 128 William, 48 Pyncock, see Pincock Q Que, Richard, 137 Qnilell [?] [? meant for Whittell] see Whittle Richard, 7 R Ratnsoroft, see Ravenscroft Rallinson, see Rawlinson Ramsbottom, John, 287 William, 287 Randals, Isabel, 135 Ranikers, Thomas, 243 Ranscroft [or Rauscroft] Alice, 113 John, 113 Ratclief, Anne, 368 Ravenscroft (Rainscroft, Rauenscroft) John, 115, 275 Mary, 117 V ^ N.X.N., 117 ' Ralph, 115 Raw, see Row Rawlinson (Rallinson, Rolineston, Rolinson, Rollinson, Rowlineson, Rowlinesone, Rowlingson, Rowlinson, Rowlinsone) Anne, 80, 222, 376 Elizabeth, 2, 167 Jenet, 30, 124, 165 535 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Riding, Cicely, 45, 55, 229 Clarice, 204 Dorothy, 112, 367, 420 Edmund, 7, 51,* w. of 182. 188 Edward, 13, 28, 29, 30, 60, 99, 129, 144, 229, 233, 252, 308 397 Elizabeth, 4, 7, 21, 80, 91, 92, 99, 102, 122, 138,* 166, 171, 180, 295, 301, 303, 339, 345, 347, 414, 450, 454 Ellen, 34, 57, 59, 66, 95, 146, 166, 192, 195, 196, 221, 269,, 272, 290, 292, 293, 376, 383, 396, 400 Em, 177, 196 Erne, 165, 166 Frances, 89, 229, 249 George, 339 Henry, 1. 3, 20, 50, 62, 95, 99, 102,* 106, 123, 127, 129,* w. of 186, 193, 194, 195, 196, 206,* c. of 250, 253, 257, 269, 272, 285,* 286,* 288, 289, 290, 292, 295, 301, 323,* 329, 338, 347, 359, 400, 414 Hugh, 120, 174, 290, 334, 345*, 376, 457 Isabel, 169, 449 James, 38 Jane, 10, 12, 20, 53* 64, 65, 76, 79, 135,* 141, 161, 175, 197, 206, 228, 260, 268, 338,* 344, 397, 432 Jenet, 1, 2, 5, 93, 127, 165, 195, 385, 396 John, 13, 17, 19,21, 46, 50, 52, 57, 62, 64, 65, 67,* 69,* 70, 71, 73, 74,* 75, 77.80, 98,* 102, 121, 125, 127, 141, 142, 143,* 152,* 170, 183, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 211, 214, 220, 222, 229, 250, 279, 283*, 286, 289, 293, 296,* 321,* 323, 324, 338, 344,* 345, 358, 374, 380, 397, 400*, 403, 409, 421, 430,* 436, 456 Jony, 190 Julian, 296 Margaret, 8, 12, 17, 32, 48, 77, 122, 127, 128. 137, 138, 141, 169, 193, 283, 284, 314, 329, 334,* 345, 385, 393, 408, 422, 454, 457* Margery, 11, 25, 87, 91, 130, 237 Rawlinson, John, 10, 67, 167 Peter, 80. 222 Richard, 307 Robert, 307 Roger, 212 WUUam, 7, 67, 168, 171 Rawse, see Rose Rawson (Roosone, Roowsone, Rosen, Roson, Rowson) Anne, 182 Annes, 166 Catherine, 214 Edward, 9 Elizabeth, 121 Isabel, 180 Margaret, 43 Thomas, 1, 5 Re [sic] Blanche, 123 Readman, John, 21 Rede, see Reed Reece (Reeste) see also Wrast and Wrest Jane, 102 Owen, 102, 104* Reed (Rede) Mary, 156 Richard, 413 Reeste, see Reece Renalls, see also Wrennall Roger, d. of 199 Renforth, Margery, 173 Rennet, Widow, 420 Rhothwell, see Rothwell Richardson (Richardsone, Richarson, Richerdson, ^ Richerdsone, W+ Rycherdsone) Elizabeth, 9, 165, 173 Henry, 3, 122 Jane, 4 Jeffrey, 248 John, 6 Margaret, 128, 173 Thomas, 130, 178 Rideing, see Riding Ridgway, John, 388 Mary, 388 Riding (Rideing, Ridinge, Rydeing, Ryding, Rydinge. Rydynge) Agnes, 126, 203 AUce, 1, 3, 21, 74, 114, 139, 174, 206, 247, 288, 295, 382 Alison, 29 Anne, 47, 127, 148, 237, 260, 306, 338, 372, 400, 419, 436 Catherine, 137, 172, 307, 338, 347 Christopher, 179 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 536 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Riding, Mary< 35, 94, 103, 108, 152, 232,* 235, 257, 293, 295, 408 Maud, 166 N.X.N., 18, 59, 247, 253, 290 Nicholas, 6, 26, 121, 170, 178 Richard, 6, 32, 58, 59, 66, 70, 74. 79,* 95, 128, 141,* 166, 212,* c. of 218, 221,* 222,* c. of 223, 257, 279, 289, 292, 296, 361, 404, 420, 428 Robert, 9, 12, 18, 23, 47, 57, 59, 70, 74. 129, 166, 185, e. of 188, 188. c. of 189, 199, 200, 212,* 221, 288, 290, 296, 300, 409, 420 Roger, 6. 12, 33, 59,* 60, 65, 73, 87, 89, 91,* 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 103, 108, 112, 116, 126, 127, 171, 177, c. of 209, 228, 229, 232.* 237, 238, 241, c. of 243, 246, 249, 257, 263,* 275, 289, 292. 300, 304, 305, 308, 314, 323, 327, 339, 404,* 431, 454 Sarah, 307 Sibell, 172 Thomas, 5,* 22, 52, 53, 55, 60, 114, 116, 161, 177, 181, 227, 279, 283, 284, 295, 300,* 303, 305,* 307, 363, 388, 393, 396, 397, 408, 413,* 414, 418,* 419* William, 5, 9, 23, 36, 45, 46, 57, 58, 60, 64,* 67, 70, 73, 76, 106, 120, 121,* 167, 181. 222, 228, 234, 235, 236, 237, 257, 279, 288,* 290, 293, 296, 304, 306, 307, 324, 327, 362, 367, 387, 396, 408, 419, 421, 422, 427, 432, 442, 447 Ridley (Ridlay, Ridlow, Ridly, Ryddleye, Rydley) Alice, 132 Anne, 436 Catherine, 212 Christian, 262 Cicely, 69, 209 Edward, 114 EUzabeth, 100, 190, 251 EUen, 71, 406 George, 31, 54, 57, 127, 138, 200, 213 James, 62, 100, 212 Jane, 75, 157, 213 Jenet, 103, 110, 224, 251, 365 Ridley, John, 68, 95, 96, 97,* 100, 103, 108, 109, 110, 112, 114, 151, 159, 251,* 263, 267 423 Margaret, 57, 92, 251 Margery, 54, 77, 92, 160 Richard, 89 Thomas, 68, 69, 71, 86, 89, 92, 95, 96, 193, 209, 224, 251 William, 62, 75, 77, 86, 100, 108, 109, 112, 194, 221, 263, 267 Rigby (Rigbby, Rigbey, Rigbie, Rigbye, Rygbye) Adam, 61, 295 Alexander, 115 Alice, 137, 185, 255, 262, 354, 360, 461 Anne, 86, 108, 157, 275, 295, 369, 415 Cicelv, 95 Edward, 86. 91, 93, 97, 117, 145 255, 307, 358, c. of 415, 432 Elizabeth, 26, 91, 199, 283 Ellen, 32, 93, 134, 219, 225, 236, 268, 333, 341, 354, 461 Gabriel, 30 George, ,138 Hannah, 307 Henry, 46 Hugh, 10, 174 Isabel, 209 James, 28, 108 Jane, 161, 224, 307 John, 34, 46, 49, 125, 129, w. of 182, 283, 333, c. of 397, 397, 426 Lydia, 384 Margaret, 97, 143, 162, 361, 426 Mr. 115, 117 Nicholas, 138 Peter, 135, 136 Phebe, 365 Richard, 125 Robert, 333, 341, 354, 461 Samuel, 302, 307, 341, 415, 437 Sarah, 459 Thomas, 95, 115, 117,* 136, 162,* 225, 229, 236, 274,* 302 William, 6, 28, 49, 110,* 255, 262 Rimmer (Rimer, Rimner, Rymer, Ryrroner, Rymner) Alice, 106, 360 Anne, 82, 156, 160, 327, 336, 442, 444 537 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Rimmer, Cicely, 297 Elizabeth, 112, 356, 358, 436 EUen, 107, 370 James, 371 Jane, 108 Jenet, 362 John, 157, 297, 356, 435 Makin, 134 Margaret, 316, 427 Margery, 302 Martin, 304 Mary, 331, 336, 343,* 441, 442, 444, 460 Nicholas, 298, 300, 412 Oliver, 294, 298, 300, 302, 307, 363, 412 Peter, 82 Richard, 92, 304, 307, 309, 312, 316, 327, 331,* 336, 343, 369, 421, 423, c. of 425, 427, 441,* 442, 444, 460 Robert, 294, 309, 312, 322,* 421, 423 Thomas, 92, 110. 369 WiUiam, 106, 107, 108, 110, 112, 417 Rishton, Anne, 377 Elizabeth, 335, 442 Margaret, 122 Thomas, 335, 442 Roase, see Rose Robberts, see Roberts Robbinson, see Robinson Roberts (Robberts, Robertes) Christopher, 82 John, 82, 145, 262 Mary, 264 Robertson (Robertsone) Nicholas, 173 Thomas, 124 Robinson (Robbinson, Robinsonn) Alice, 284 Anne, 92, 95, 146, 236, 248, 364 Annes, 45 Dorothy, 333, 343, 351, 377, 446, 452 Edward, 88, 147, 148,* 149,* 150, 154, 293 Elizabeth, 86, 129, 157, '158, 234, -345, 354, 370 Ellen, 45, 128, 269, 306 Frances, 52, 54 George, 72, 240, 264, w. of 265, 288 Henry, 250, 301, 309, 343, 446, 452 Hugh, 219 Isabel, 396 James, 82, 88, 91, 116, 144, 226, 234, 241 Robinson, Jane, 45, 88, 91, 154, 234, 270, 311, 345 Jeffrey, 316, 323, 329, 345, 354, 371 Jenet, 72, 151, 240 John, 90, 125, 238 Margaret, 82, 98, 142, 154, 226,* 247, 354 Mary, 84 Paul, 309, 311, 320, 325, 333, 343, 351, c. of 427, 446, 452 Richard, 54, 84. 86, 90, 92, 95, 97,* 219, 236, 238, c. of 242, c. of 244, 247, 248, 284, 288, 291,* 293, 297,* 301, 329, 333, 396, 405* Sarah, 351 Thomas, 52, 1 16, 269, 320, 323 Thurstan, 316, 325 William, 98, 247, 306 Robye, Dorothy, 359 Rodenson HI Edward, 309 Jane, 309 Roe, see Row Roes, see Rose Rogers, Henry, 29 Jane, 25 Jonathan. 376 Rogers, 22 Rolineston 1 Rolinson f see Rawlinson Rollinson ' Roocroft (Roocrofft, Rooecroft, Rowcroft)see also Booeroft Anne, 425 Elizabeth, 285, c. of 288, 331 Ellen, 104, 252, 259 George. 66. 97, 250, 252, 284, 353. 428, 446 Hugh, 303 James. 66, 69,* 74, 81, 250, 288, 310 Jane, 293, 353, 409, 446 Jenet, 331 John, 97. 100,* 101, 104, 149, 258,* 259, 284, 288, 291, 293,' 331, 375, 409, 41S, 423, 446 Margaret, 74, 410 Marv, 294 Richard, 101, 285, 291, 294, 303, 306, 310, 360, 410, 423 WiUiam. 81. 306, 353 Rooper, see Roper Roose, see Rose CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 538 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Roosone > ,-, Roowsonej*ceEawson JEtoper (Rooper) Catherine, 17 Richard, 74, 128 WiUiam, 22, 74 Roscoe (Roscow) Ellen, 373 Gilbert, 55 John, 55 Margaret, 373 Rose (Rawse, Roase, Roes, Roose, Rowes, Rowse) AUce, 81, 217, 234, 349 Anne, 111, 253, 350, 436, 455, 459 Catherine, 185 Debera, 106, 359 Edward, 13, 119 Elizabeth, 139, 152, 192, 200, 232 Ellen, 34, 80, 128, 164 GUbert, 16 Jane, 75, 83, 414 Jenet, 268, 279, 359, 388 John, 17, 47, 67, 217, 349, 455 Margaret, 43 Margery, 74, 135, 191, 192, 202, 242 .Mary, 350, 409 Richard, 70, 81, 83, 124, 145, 206, c. of 217, 217, 256, 281, 349, 350, 407 Robert, 287 Sarah, 108, 281, 389, 391 Thomas, 67, 70, 72, 75, 80, 106, 108, ill, 136, 155, 189, 200, 202, 211, 230, 269 WiUiam, 43, 47, 72, 74, 84,* 133, 183, 198, 211, 229, 279, 281, 287, 289,* 365, 384, 388, 391, 407, 409, 413, 414, 454, 455 RosenRosonRoss, EUen, 379 Rotheram (Rotharam) Anne, 403 Mary, 427 Thomas, 161 Rothwell (RhothweU) Jane, 138 ihomas,,424 Row (Raw, Roe) Agnes, 11 Christopher, 24 Emmanuel, 28 Richard, 123 Thomas, 77 WUUam, 77, 130 Rowcroft, see Roocroft Rowes, see Rose [ see Rawson Rowlineson \ Rowlinesone / Rowlingson >see Rawlinson Rowlinson I Rowlinsone J Rowse, see Rose Rowson, see Rawson Royle, John, 278 Rulicta, Jane, 128 Ruph, Richard, 26 Russell, Dorothy, 137 Ruter, see Rutter Ruthos, Edward, 180 Rutter (Ruter, Rutte, Rutters) Agnes, 9, 133 Alice, 30, 56, 111, 182, 220, 238, 243, 247, 274, 341, 349, 370, 456 Andrew, 55, 85, 237, 241, 243 Anne, 13, 42, 127, 193, 312, 434 Catherine, 54, 61, 66, 93, 176, 243 Christopher, 91, 266 Clarice, 124 Dorothy, 53, 153 Edward, 211 Elisse, 172 Elizabeth, 8, 31, 42, 80, 167, 180, 192, 200, 223, 224, 237, 258, 454 Ellen, 75, 90, 126, 166, 182, 185, 216, 254 EUsen, 31 Gilbert, 324 Henry, 272, 292, 349, 456 Hugh, 168 Isabel, 134, 222 Ja : c. of 224 James, 13, 190, 224, 238, 254, 309, 392, 413 Jane, 39, 77, 92, 184, 187, 220, 242, 250, 372 Jenet, 23 John, 17, 48, 53, 54, 55, 58, 61, 62,* 63, 64, 66, 71, 85, 89, 92, 111, 113, 159, 169, 176, 200, 202, 211, 218, 234, 241, 242, 243, 245,* 246, 247, 258,* 259, 274, 292, 300, 303,* 341, 404, 418 Laurence, 205 Lewis, 238 Margaret, 46, 125,* 142, 199, 257, 268, 299, 300, 366, 392, 404, 411 Margery, 120, 188, 218 Mary, 54, 151, 392 Matthew, 34, 63, 64, 200, 211, c. of 213, 213, 244 539 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Rutter, Maud, 175 Michael, 64, 91, 245,* 258 Nicholas, 58, 64, 133, 169, 202, 238, 404, 411 Peter, 48, 89, 93, 116, 130, 168, 206, 211, 234, 257, 298, 319 Ra aline, 165 Richard, 2, 23, 37, 119, 139, 167, 177, 205, 213, 235,* w. of 240, 259, 298, 299, 300, 388, 390, 434 Robert, 35, 46, 53, 54,* 56, 120 Roger, 37, 54, 126, 133, 140, 203 Thomas, 2,* 9, 71, 132, 172, 173, 222, 232, 239, 240, 243, 300, 416 WiUiam, 25, 54,* 71, 75, 77, 80, d. of 81, 90, 111,* 113, 116,* 120, 123, 144, 179, 216, 220, 223, 238, 239, 242, 246, 257, 271,* 309, 312, 314,* 319, 324, 341, 349, 382, 388, 389, 456 Rycherdsone, see Richardson Rycroft, Margery, 25 Ryddleye, see Ridley Rydeing j Ryding > see Riding Rydinge J Rydley, see Ridley Rydynge, see Riding Rygbye, see Rigby Rylands (Rylans, Rylandes) Christian, 459 Deborah, 391 , EUzabeth, 393 EUen, 393 Henry, 426 Jenet, 285 Ralph, 285, 391, 393,* 426, 459 Ryley, Deborah, 280 EUzabeth, 142 James, 377, 385 Ralph, 280 Thomas, 266 Rymer, see Rimmer Rymg [? Rying = Ryding] Elizabeth, 144 Rymmerl ggRimmer Rymner ) Ryvington, Thomas, 119 S Saddon, see Seddon Sadler, Alice, 395 Anne, 184 Catherine, 266, 270 Sadler, Elizabeth, 175, 253 Ellen, 233 GUbert, 181, 212, 271, 395, 419, 427 Jane, 250 John, 174, 179, 180 Margaret, 228 Margery, 30, 216 Mary, 408 Richard, 15 Robert, 62, 81,* 212, 233, 244, 250 Thomas, 35, 62, 216, 253, 259, 261, 266, 270, 271, 409, 419 Sale, George, 258 Robert, 255, 258 Sallom • see Sollam Sallum j Salsbery (Saulsbury) see also Salsbie and Sawrey Anne, 282 Catherine, 78 John, 78, 220 Richard, 78, 220 Thomas, 282 Salsbie, see also Salsbery Robert, 391 Thomas 391 Salthouse (Saltos), AUce, 354 Anne, 354 Elizabeth, 300 Ellen, 312 James, 422 John, 304 WUliam, 300, 304, 312, 318,* 422, 430,* c. of 432 see Salthouse Saltors I Saltos } William, 366 Sananought, see Stananought Sandeford, Anne, 137 Sanderson, Margaret, 138 Sands (Sandes, Sandez, Sannds, Sannes, Sonnes, Sonns, Sons) Agnes, 119 Ewan, 126 John, 18, 119, 159 Margaret, 19, 23, 141, 241 Richard, 77,* 137, 218 Robert, 141, 241 Thomasin, 134 WUliam, 22 Sands als Tod, Robert, 72 Thomas, 72 Sanfild, Alice, 37 John, 37 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 540 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Sannds ) „ , Sannes j eee Sands Sareand 1 „ Sargeant }"* SerSeant Sarples, see Sharpies Sasakerly [sic], Margaret, 34 Saulsbury, see Salsbery Saurby, Robert, 84 Ursula, 84 Saurey, see Sawrey ESg. I -*«•"¦ Saury, see Sawrey Savage (Savidge) Alice, 33 Jeffrey, 124 Jenet, 239 Sawer, James, 367 Sawrey (Saurey, Saury, Sawray, Soary, Sorah, Sorey, Sory) see also Salsbie and Salsbery Anne, 305 Catherine, 78, 226 Elizabeth, 405, 460 Ellen, 110, 305 John, 78, 220 Margaret, 82 Michael, 76, 82, 108, 110, 226, 405, 419 Richard, 76, 78, 82, 108, 220, 226* WilUam, 460 Sawsby, see Sorsbie Scarsbrick (Scaresbrick, Scarsbricke, Scasbrick, Scasebrick, Scerasbrick) Anne, 447 Elizabeth, 159, 367, 457 Ellen, 147,* 413 Hannah, 457 Jane, 417, 447, 453 John, 417 Joseph, 447, 452, 453 Roger, 457* Widow, 420 William, 413, 461 Scatterall, see also Catterall George, 48* Scerasbrick, see Scarsbrick Sclater, see Slater Scott, Grace, 449 Mary, 359 Scuver, George, 439 Henry, 439 Seargeant, see Sergeant Seddon (Saddon, Seden, Sedone) Alison, 164 Edward, 417 Seddon, Jenet, 417 John, 210, 237, 403 Mary, 403 Robert, 237 Seed (Seede) Edward, 97 Henry, 95 James, 93 John, 93, 95 Roger, 100, 268 Thomas, 97, 100, 103,* s. of 259, w. of 263, 268, 275, 388 Seedell, Henry, 268 Margaret, 268 Sem, Elizabeth, 89 John, 89 Senser, see Spencer Sephton, Richard, 377 Sergeant (Sargand, Sargeant, Seargeant) Ellen, 262 John, 106, 376 Mary, 376 Richard, 73 Robert, 73, 106 WUliam, 94* Seuington, see Shevington Sevell, William, 32 Shacklady (Shakelady, Sheakledy) Alexander, 126 Alice, 268 Anne, 365 Thomas, 213 Shackleton (Shakleton) EUen, 452 Henry, 452 Margaret, 380 Richard, 376 Shae, see Shaw Shakelady, see Shacklady Shakerlah, Robert, 373 Shakeshaft, James, 134 Shakleton, see Shackleton Shamon, see Shawman Shapherd, see Shepherd Sharock, see Sharrock Sharpies (Sarples, Sharpie, Sharpless. Sharplesse, Sharpls, Sharppus, Sharpulls, Sharpuls, Sharpus) Agnes, 120, 208 Alice, 18, 21, 122 123 Andrew, 17, 62, 194 Anne, 64, 105, 272, 368, 372, 393, 398, 442 Catherine, 46, 166 Cicely, 32 54i INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Sharpies, Elizabeth, 10, 19, 36, 83, 131,139, 158,205,388,424 Ellen, 23, 312, 439 George, 312, 369, 402 Henry, 3, 20, 31, 47,* 69, 166, 176, 188, 191, 213,* e. of 218, 220* 222, 388, 393, 398, 409, c. of 410, 423, 439*, 442 Isabel, 56, 122, 130 James, 54, 213 Jane, 32, 54, 75, 133, 256, 269, 423 Jeffrey, 21, 52, 54, 58, 60, 64 Jenet, 21, 24, 36, 52, 181, 224, 407 John, 14, 19, 25, 28, 32, 47, 67, 100, 101,* 103, 105, 171, 186, 193, 248, 249,* 252,* 269, 439 Laurence, 28 Margaret, 1, 4, 9, 15, 32, 58, 103, 126, 128f 129, 138,* 173, 268, 370, 388, 409 Margery, 52, 60, 189, 204 Mary, 160, 251, 408 Ralph, 47 Randolph, 49 Richard, 47, 52, 54, 55, 62, 83, 100, c. of 189, 207, 208, c. of 210, 213, 228, 233, 248 Robert, 40, 51, 54,* 56, 60, 67, 75, 122, 251, 429 Roger, 6, 34, 51 Thomas, 10, 14, 35, 52,* 60, 123, 137, 182, 213, 263 Widow, 229 William, 4, 29, 46, 49, 55, 69, 172, 180, 181, 205, 207, 208, 210, 228 Sharrock (Sharock, Sharrocke, Sharrocks, Sherrock, Shorock, Shorocke, Shorrack, Shorrock, Shorrocke) Anne, 299, 305, 451, 463 Catherine, 89, 234, 445 Edward, 61, 356, 407 Elizabeth, 77, 234, 374 George, 363 GUbert, 77 Isaac, 290 Jane, 89, 234, 260, 404 Jenet, 309 John, 351,* 357, 386 Laurence, d. of 290 Margaret, 156, 374* Margery, 435 Mary, 437 Sharrock, N.X.N., 290 Richard, 83 Robert, 21, 207 Roger, 260, 270 Thomas, 25, 61, 83, 89, 147,* 155, 234,* 299, 305, 309. 356, 357, 407, 408, 437, 445, 451 Shaver alias Harison, John, 211 Shaw (Shae, Shawe, Shoe, Show, Showe) Catherine, 11, 78, 152 Christopher, 75 Cicely, 244 Edward, 72,* 75, 78, 83, 102, 106, 152, 153, 159, 212,* d. of 244, 244, s. of 259, 271- Elizabeth, 101 Hugh, 132 Jane, 4 John, 106, 121, 145 Margaret, 83, 244 Margery, 6 Mary, 440 Michael, 102 Peter, 200 Richard, 101, 251, 376 Shawman (Shamon) Agnes, 123 Hugh, 119 Jeffrey, w. of 170 Sheakledy, see Shacklady Shepherd (Shapherd, Sheepheard, Shepard, Shephard, Shephrd) AUce, 122, 124 Anne, 219 Elizabeth, 121 George, 306 Henry, 23, 137 James, 306 Jane, 5, 128 John, 14, 129 Margaret, 8 Shepley, Isabel, 141 Sherborn, Mary, 420 Sherington, see Shervington Sherlaker, see ShurUker Sherrock, see Sharrock Shervington (Sherington, Sheruington, Shirvington) see also Shevington AUce, 31, 203, 210 Anne, 129 Christopher, 125 EUzabeth, 22, 23, 241 Ellen, 28, 35, 73, 152, 180, 234 Geoffrey, 129, 184 GUbert, 122 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 542 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Shervington, James, 8, 20, 120 Jane, 29 Jenet, 1, 70, 120, 126, 148 John, 73, 142, 180, 210, 214 Margaret, 18, 20, 24, 26, 127, 209 N.X.N, 200 Richard, 3, 12, 16, 33, 70, 126, w. of 194, 225, 241* Robert, 12, 20 Thomas, 127 WiUiam, 22, 122 Shervington alias Byckerston Ellen, 187 Sheshwood, Mary, 352, 460 Richard, 352, 460 Shevington (Seuington, Sheuington, Shvington) see also Shervington Anne, 175 Ellen, 138 GUbert, 175 Jenet, 168, 190, 195 Richard, 59,* 178, w. of 194, 196 Robert, 166 Shirvington, see Shervington Shoe, see Shaw Shorlaker, see ShurUker ShorockShorocke Shorrack tsee Sharrock Shorrock Shorrocke , ££, } see Shaw Shrimpton, Jane, 130 ShurUker (Sherlaker, Shorlaker) EUzabeth, 296, 405, 460 Margaret, 311 Richard, 296, 311, 405, 460 Shuttleworth, Margaret, 448 Shvington, see Shevington Sich, see Sutch Silcock (SUcocke, SUcoke, Sillcock, Sillock) Anne, 342 EUzabeth, 316, 404 Hugh, 329, 413 Jane, 342, 433, 444 Thomas, 279, 316, 321, 329, 342, 372, 432, 433 WiUiam, 279, 321, 404, 413, 432, 444, 451 Sunken 1 Simkin > see Simpkin Simkine J Simons (Simond) Alice, 282 Ellen, 274 George, 130 Simons, Henry, 282 Hugh, 114, 267 James, 273 Jane, 273 WilUam, 1 14, 267, 273, 274 Simpkin (Simken, Simkin, Simkine, Symkin, Sympkin) Anne, 85 Ellen, 71 Henry, 75 James, 83 John, 86 Laurence, »t> Margaret, 92, 212 Richard, 71, 75, 80, 83, 85, 92, 212 Thomas, 80, 158 Simpson (Simison, Simson, Sympson, Symson) EUzabeth, 313 James, 129 Jane, 235 Jenet, 94 John, 19, 73, 75, 79, 213, 223, 236 Margaret, 154 Margery, 73, 79, 213, 223 Richard, 94 Robert, 313 Thomas, 75, 402 WUUam, 277, 402 Singleton (Singlton, Syngleton) EUzabeth, 156* Jane, 126, 307 John, 182, 328, 332, 438 Margaret, 303, 332* Mary, 376 Richard, 300, 413, 430 Robert, 300, 303, 307, 310, 328, 366, 413, 424, 430, 438 WUUam, 218, 310 Singlton aUas Badger, George, 10 Sinkinson, Jane, 137 Sitch, see Sutch Skew, Agnes, 145 Ellis, 224 Skirkland, see Strickland Slater (Sclater) AUce, 336, 347 Anne, 364, 461 Henry, 336 James, 59,* 347 Jane, 383 John, s. and. d. of 68, 336, 347, 377, 461 Richard, 240 Slaughter, James, 56* Sleyn, Elizabeth, 18 . John, 128 543 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Slye, Daniel, 374 Slyn, Henry, 180 Smalshaw (Smalshawe) Anne, 384 George, 439 Margaret, 358 Richard, 439 Smart, Laurence, 33 Margery, 123 Smith, (Smithe, Smyth, Smythe) AUce, 5, 39, 77, 87, 121, 206, 217, 248, 302 Anne, 42, 56, 82, 83, 102, 107, 115, 144, 246, 248, 251, , 262, 265, 294, 319, 323, 335, 343, 353, 359, 377, 400, 421, 429 Bartholomew, 105 Catherine, 2, 93, 121, 172, 185, 226, 305 Christopher, 57, 122, 129 Cicely, 7, 134, 178, 203 Cuthbert, 47 Dorothy, 98, 112, 162 Edward, 14, 52, 113, 137, 226, 240, 246, 398, 402, 409 Eime, 282 EUzabeth, 4, 18, 20, 87, 112,* 128, 133, 137, 159, 182, 184, 250, 273, 330, 365, 375, 391, 393, 398, 409, 416, 443 EUen, 7, 23, 25, 29, 33, 43, 57, 81, 100, 105, 107, 110, 112, 130,* 175, 177, 184, 187, 193, 222, 230, 238, 248, 270,* 283, 290,* 294, 351, 367, 373, 390, 393, 395, 400, 402,* 429, 463 Emlin, 87, 230 Emm, 248 Emme, 172, 209 Emy, 6 Geoffrey, 23, 125, 171 George, 6, 90, 109, 174, 236, 297, 305, 364, 402 Grace, 396 Gregory, 4 Henry, 42, 67, 125, 126, 129, 185, 205, w. of 217, 264, c. of 269, 270, 391, 416, 426 Hugh, 19, 45, 74, 77, 81, 82, 102, 105,* 108, 110,* 143, 151, 159, 212, 218, c. of 223, 247, 248, 251, 263, 307, 314,* 319, 351, 370, 399, 400, 463 Isabel, 211, 368 James, 124, 297, 302, 315 Smith, Jane, 36, 49, 67, 79, 131, 135, 137, 138, 204, 205, 208, 229, 263, 270, 450, 451 Jenet, 3, 12, 29, 31, 93, 98, 159, 188, 226, 252, 260, 302, 320 327, 353, 392, 397, 439, 446 452 J", c. of 450 Joan, 35 John, 35, 39, 45, 47, 48, 60, 87,* 90, 92*, 93, 94, 98 101, 104, 107, 110,* 112, 120, 135, 136, 146, 151, 152, 164, 173, 181, 186, 207, 211, 212, 222, 230, 236, 237, 248, 252, 258, 266, 267, 268, 279, 283, 286, 305, 317, 343, 351, 353, 391, 393, 421, 451 Margaret, 6, 8, 52, 64, 77, 94, 110,* 120, 158, 188,* 194, 195, 201, c. of 203, 263, 268, 310, 367, 430, 446 Margery, 92, 157, 167, 184, 237, 310 Martha, 445 Mary, 108, 112, 255, 274, 297, 319, 320, 367, 369, 374, 376 N.X.N., 186 Nicholas, 2, 125, 168 Ralph, 48, 92, 100, 102, 104,* 108, 109, 115, 241, 251, 297 Richard, 10, 25, 32, 60, 85, 110, 112, 131, 141, 191, 206, 209, 222, 233, 267, 273, 397, 402, 431, 446 Robert, 36, c. of 54, 56, 60,* 64, 85, 93, 104, 108, 113, 119, 171, 210, 212,* 222, w. of 255, 265, 302, 305, 310, 317, 323,* 361, 399, 402, 409, 419, 421, 433,* 446, 452 Roger, 163, 170, 279, 282, 283, 286, 296, 335, 364, 391, 392, 409, 413, 460 Sarah, 34 Sir Robert, 171 Thomas, 16, 94,* 98, 101, 112, 121, 127, 166, 169, 181, 226, 236, 238, 248,* 255, 264, 271, 279,* 283, 307, 310, 313,* 315, 319, 320, 323, 327, 330, 335, 343, 368, 393,* 399, 425,* 429, 430, 439, 457 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 544 C.pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Smith, WilUam, 14, 45,* 49, 57,* 74, 77, 79, 83, 87, 102, 105,* 107, 108,* 122, 130, 143, 207, 217, 218,* 249, 251, w. of 261, 262, 263, c. of 265, 265,* 296, 390, 399, 409, 422, 428 Smith alias Hesketh, Edward, 202 Smithe | Smyth > see Smith Smythe ) Sna, Jenet, 139 Snalum (Snalam, Snaleam, Snalem, Snallam, Snallom, SnaUum, Snaylom) Alice, 259 Anne, 454 Catherine, 439 Elizabeth, 100, 106, 377, 398 Henry, 400 Jane, 461 John, 100, 106, 259 Richard, 285, 361, 398, 403 Thomas, 96,* 400, 436 WiUiam, 285, 403 Snart (Snarte, Snartte) Alice, 53, 103, 128, 132, 178, 191, 193, 230, 249 Alison, 35, 188 Andrew, 55, 222 Anne, 42, 65, 66, 204 Catherine, 99, 390 Christian, 40, 75 Christopher, 164 Elizabeth, 22, 37, 101, 186,* 226, 249 Em, 32 Henry, 42, 62,* 66, 68, 72, 128, 202, 210, 215, c. of 215 Hugh, 242 James, 43, 68, 132, 184, 186, 201, 207, 208 Jane, 65, 66, 75, 204 Jenet, 38, 68, 104, 105, 133, 192,* 228, 253, 257, 261, 274 John, 20, 41, 42, 47, 50, 51,* 53, 65, 66, 68, 72, 75,* 79, 83, 97, 98, 99, 101, 104, 135, 153, 178, 180,* s. of 204, 208, 210, 211, 221, 239. 246, 253, 254, 257 Margaret, 50, 62,* 72, 83, 151, 193, 202, 215, 358 Margery, 43, 124, 215 N.X.N., 47 Thomas, 37, 43, 72, 79, 98, 103, 105, 133, 152, 184, 211, 238, 246, c. of 249, 249, 253, 261, 275 Snart, Widow, 227 WiUiam, 41, 49, 53, 97, 135, 249, 274 Snaylom, see Snalum Snell [?], Dorothy, 292 William, 292 Soary, see Sawrey SoUam (Sallom, Sallum, Solam, Solem, Sollan, Sollom, Sollome, Solium, Solom, Solome) Agnes, 35 Cicely, 11, 175, 236 David, 69, 72,* 135, 142, 224 Elizabeth, 6, 129 EUen, 132 George, 8, 9, 128 Jane, 197 Jenet, 16 John, 178 Margaret, 125, 167 Richard, 101, 122, 129, 178 Roger, 15 Thomas, 8, 23, 24, 69, 97,* 100, 101, 106,* 122, 236, 247, 253,* 259 WilUam, 13, 100, 247 Somer, see Sumner Somerer, Richard, 177 Sommner | Somner Sompner j Sonmer ) Sonnes j Sonns >see Sands Sons J Sontus, Grace, 152 Soothworth, see Southworth ££} see Sawrey Sorsbie (Saursby, Saursbye, Sawsby, Sorsbey, Sorsby, Sorsbye) Anne, 318, 369 Catherine, 86 Christian, 107, c. of 427 Elizabeth, 292 EUen, 233, 240, 453 Jane, 102, 360 Joan, 385, 405 John, 289, 329, 375, 453 Mary, 251 Michael, 85, 113 Richard, 85, 86, 146, 240, s. of 244, 245, 295, 444 Robert, 109, 301, 329, 399, 419, 421, 453 Thomas, 98,* 102, 107, 109, 289, 292, 295, 301, 389, 399, 421, 443, r see Sumner 545 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Sorsbie, Timothy, 318 WiUiam, 113 Sory, see Sawrey Sothord, see Southworth Sotton, see Sutton Souldier, Thomas, 408 Southworth (Soothworth, Sothord, Southart, Southwart, Southwarth, Southwert, Southwhart, Soward, Sowthark, Sowthart, Suthart, Suthert, Suthorth, Suthwort, Suthworte, Suthworth; AUce, 113, 287, 290, 296, 314, 403, 411, 441 Anne, 333, 344, 416, 440, 445 Edward, 303 EUzabeth, 285, 300, 327, 336, 395, 405, 419, 445 EUen, 287, 299 Henry, 282, 290, 318, 397 Hugh, 87, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 117, 266, 274, 282, 285, 293, 295, 302, 323, 329, 336, 353, 374, 395, 397, 407, 411, 416, 455 Jenet, 84, 228, 329, 455 John, 322 Laurence, 108, 285, 287, 290, 293, 295, 298, 300, 303, 310, 344, 407, 411 Margaret, 110, 235, 298, 312, 323, 333, 359, 425 Nicholas, 29 Parnel, 336, 353, 455 Richard, 109, 111, 115, 266, 296, 299, 302, 310, 415, 419 Thomas, 117, 144, 274, 308, 344, 440 WUUam, 84, 87, 106, 146, 228, 235, 285, 287, 290, 293, 308, 312, 314, 318, 322, 327, 333, 344, 353, 360, 365, 368, 403, 405, 416, 425, 440, 445 Soward, see Southworth Sowthark I gee Southworth Sowthart / Spakeman, Anne, 42 Sparke, Anne, 54 Spencer (Senser, Spenscer, Spenser) AUce, 229, 305, 439 Anne, 59, 241, 291, 399, 407 Catherine, 60, 371 Dorothy, 138 Spenser, EUzabeth, 74, 79, 91, 137, 248, 322, 356 Ellen, 67, 79, 82,* 217, 233, 286, 317, 351, 364, 400 Helen, 44 Hugh, 51, 86, 91, 93, 161, 197, 217, 232, 245, 248, 299, 305, 308, 311,* 317, 322, 326, 411 Jane, 42, 65, 77, 141, 326 Jenet, 122 Joan, 201 John, 39, 51, 116, 124, 193, 241, 243, 286, 291, 299, 351, 356, 395, 399, 400, 407, 411, 413, 417,* 421, 439 Margaret, 72, 77, 141, 143, 208, 212 217 Mary, 42, 69, 93, 245, 272 Mr. 421 N.X.N., 60 Richard, 395, 409, 413 Robert, 59, 65, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 84, 90, 116, 217,* 248, 250, 308 Sidney, 409 Susan, 240 Temperance, 402 Thomas, 44, 68, 72, 77, 79, 82,* 84, 86, 90, 92,* 116, 138, 142, 144, 146, 207, 208, 212, 229, 232, 233, 239,* 240, 246, 273, 454 WiUiam, 68, 207 SpibaU, see Spiby Spiby (SpibaU, Spibbe, Spibee, Spibie, Spivie, Spybee, Spybie, Spyby, Spybye) AUce, 300 . , Anne, 114, 162, 279*308, 333, 403, 422, 423 Catherine, 255 EUzabeth, 304 EUen, 333, 341, 348i Henry, 340 M Isabel, 340, 348 James, 117, 280, 300,j[304, 308, 312, 348,* 423 Jenet, 104 John, 79, 160, 280, 312, 330, 422 Mary, 109, 362 Robert, 79, 81,* 84, 104, 106, 109, 111,* 114, 117, 145, 255, 261, 279, 283, 316, 321,* "326, 330, 340, 348, 372, 388,* 394 Thomas, 84, 326 WiUiam, 106, 283, 285,* 316, 333, 341,* 348, 378, 422 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 546 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387,- B. 163-275 and 388-463 Spie (Spies), Anne, 86 Jenet, 236 i Robert, 86, 235, 236 Thomas, 235 Spivie, see Spiby Spopford, see Stopford Spybee J Spybie I Spyby ?««« Spiby Spybye I Stananought (Sananought, Stananough, Stananock,Stananoght, Standanough, Standanought,Standenogh,Standenoght,Standenough,Standenought, Standinoughe, Rtandnoght, Standnought,Standonoght, Stauenhough, Stanenoght, . Stanenough, Stannanought, Stannenough, Stannonought, Stanonought, Stonanoght,Stononought) Alice, 51, 53, 269, 274 Anne, 113, 125, 129, 237, 242 Catherine, 419 Edward, 123, 227, 269,* 419, 433 Elizabeth, 17, 217, 269 Ellen, 70, 121, 212 Henry, 21, 245 Hugh, 268 Isabel, 125, 126 Jane, 11, 17, 227, 269, 413 Jenet, 177 John, 53, 55, 56, 59, 70, 113, 212, 215, 258, 402, 422, 425 Margaret, 11, 55, 140, 222,* 249 422 Richard, 418 Robert, 32, 44, 59, 185, 214, jt 237, 242,* 245, 249, 258, 268, 274 Thomas, 173, 191, 192, 213, 406 Thurstan, 44, 51, 56, 59, 203 WilUam, 15, 59, 399 Standish, Richard,, 88 Standley, see Stanley Standnoght ) Standnought / Standonoght V „, ,. Stanenhough ( 8ee Stananought Stanenoght I Stanenough J Stanes, see Stones Stanfield (Stanfeild, Stanseild) Elizabeth, 264, 291, 393 Henry, 264 John, 403 Richard, 93, 441 Thomas, 93* William, 93, 291 Stanley (Standley, Stanly) Anne, 198 Catherine, 123 Edward, 317 Elizabeth, 317 John, 134 Mrs, 198 Sir Edward, 317 Stannanought ) Stannenough I _. , . Stannonought \8ee Stananought Stanonought I Stanseild, see Stanfield Stapforth, see Stopforth Starkey (Starkeie, Starkie, Starky, Starkye) Agnes, 163 Anne, 49, 59 Elizabeth, 189, 214, 227 Ellen, 29, 138 Eem, 132 Em . . . , 219 Eme, 179 George, 142, 213, 214 Jane, 214, 233 Jenet, 31, 65, 149, 189 John, 181 Richard, 15, 37, 62, 131, 188, 238 Robert, 37, 38, 59, 62, 65, 73, 138, 202, 213, 214, 229 Roger, 73, 195, 213 Thomas, 49 Startlacke, Robert, 168 Staziker (Stassikar, Stazaker, Stazicar, Stazikar, Stessikar) Anne, 317, 400 EUzabeth, 109, 157, 270, 360 George, 397, 401 < Hugh, 102, 109, 111, 114, 160, 254, 259, 270 Jane, 331, 440 Jenet, 331, 336, 440, 447 John, 111 Julian, 271, 323 547 INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 see Stevenson Staziker, Margaret, 114 Richard, 279, 336, 397 Robert, 331, 440 Thomas, 102, 161, 254,* 259, 279, 317, 323, 331,* 336, 387, 390, 440,* 447, 451 SteeuensonSteeuensonn Steevenson StensonStenton, Edward, 363 Stephenson, see Stevenson Stessikar, see Staziker Stevenson (Steeuenson, Steeuensonn,Steevenson, Stenson,Stephenson,Steuenson,Steuensone, Stevnson) AUce, 31 Alison, 121 Anne, 54 Catherine, 39 Elizabeth, 45, 372 EUen, 250 Henry, 35 Hugh, 24, 44, 224 Isabel, 200 Jenet, 63 John, 19, 44, 52, 63, 124, 132, 134, 186,* 203, 270 Margaret, 61, 201, 224 Margery, 52 Peter, 31 Richard, 13, 54, 176, 255 Thomas, 14, 21, 34, 117,* 250, 252 270 William,' 29, 31, 61 Stevns, John, 57 Stevnson, see Stevenson Steward, see Stuart Stirkland, see Strickland Stockley, Margaret, 405 Nicholas, 394 Stonanoght, see Stananought Stones (Stanes, Stone, Stonnes, Stons) Andrew, 3, 77, 108, 135, 230, 430 Ardress, 151 Catherine, 37 Dorothy, 108 Elizabeth, 55, 145, 233, 436 James, 30 Jane, 74, 152, 363 Jenet, 29, 47, 127, 141 John, 37, 47,* 184, 190 Margaret, 14, 35, 39, 61, 69 Stones, Margery, 51, 61, 124, 192, 199 Mary, 27 Matthew, 22 Robert, 31, 39, 51, 55, 61, 69, 74, 77, 87,* 141, 232 Roger, 47 Sarah, 367 Thomas, 18 Stonning, Richard, 432 Stononought, see Stananought Stons, see Stones Stopford (Spopford, Stapforth, Stopath, Stopforth, Stopforthe, Stophforth, Stophord, Stophort, Stophorth, Stopoth, Stoppart, Stoppath, Stoppforth, Stoppforthe, Stopphord, Stopwarth, Sttopforth) Agnes, 176, 448 Alice, 128, 241, 242, 281 Anne. 23, 28, 52, 64, 105, 201, 256,* 298, 301, 320,* 410, 448 Catherine, 158 Charles, 6, 171 Christopher, 21 Cicely, 86, 144 Clara, 62 Clarice, 221 David, 68, 105, 248, 255, 256, 373 Eden, 49 Edward, 281* Eleanor, 295 Elizabeth, 197, 311, 320, 424, 435 Ellen, 25, 33, 71, 85, 109, 123, 135, 159, 172, 267, 400, 447, 458 Emme, 74 Ewon, 122 George, 4, 74, 143, 186, 281, 320, 324, 435, 448 Henry, 80 Hugh, 16, 67, 68, 71, 75, 77, 80, 83, 86, 122, 137, 146, 186, w. of 186, 222, 228. 248, 254, 273, 281, 406, 429 Ideth, 201 Isabel, 50 James, 5, 34, 39, 50, 52,* 55, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 84, 106, 109, 110, 113, 134, 199, 210, 221, 254, 256, 257, 267, 268, 273, 328, 411, 433, 452 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 548 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; W. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Stopford, Jane. 5, 173, 192, 212, 240, 248, 291, 406, 452 Jenet, 8, 188 John, 5,* 14, 29, 31, 47, 68, 117, 184, 211, 212, 223, 224,* 242, 247, 275, 311, 317, 369, 394, 439 Margaret, 2, 11, 55, 70, 75, 106, 110, 125, 168, 204, 210, 222, 259, 324, 403, 439, 458 Margery, 127, 452 Mary, 329, 361, 373, 385, 408 Matthew, 329 Mrs, 201 N.X.N., 52 Richard, 8, 16, 32, 84, 89, 117, 230, 317, 328, 424, 433, 447, 458 Robert, 10, 66, 239, 241, w. of 253 Roger, 181 Sarah, 67, 113, 259, 268 Thomas, 1, 6, 34, 47, 77, 134, 172, 176, 182, 211, 281, 291, 295, 400, 447, 448 Widow, 226 WilUam, 7, 49, 83, 85, 89, 201, 226, 228, 275, 298, 301, 398, 410 Stopwarth, Stopworth, see Stopford Stotnes, Richard, 126 Strain vge [?], Alice, 176 Strange (Strang) Grace, 15 John, 124 Strickland (Skirkland, Stirkland) Anne, 80 Edward, 78, 81, 220, 225, 228 Francis, 80 Jane, 120 Jenet, 120 John, 78, 220 Margaret, 81, 203, 225 Stringfellow, Anne, 321 EUen, 299 Jenet, 295 John, 303 Mary, 316, 383 Richard, 311 William, 295, 299, 300,* 303, 311, 316, 321, c. of 410, 456 Sttopforth, see Stopford Stuart (Steward) Alice, 340, 353, 441, 443 Ellen, 334, 340, 441 N.X.N., 243 Robert. 334, 340, 353, 376, 441, u. of 443, 460 Studholm, John, 434 Styrlinson, Thomas, 391 Such, see Sutch Sudall, see Sudell Suddan) „ ,, SuddonreeSuttonSudell (Sudall, Sudel) Christopher, 382, 385, 386 Sumner (Smner, Somer, Sommner, Somner, Sompner, Sumer, Summner, Sumpner, Sumptner, Suner) Agnes, 135, 196 AUce, 33, 37, 65, 127, 141, 172, 201, 340, 448,* 452 Alison, 132 Amer, 179 Anne, 67, 129, 140, 206, 237, 265, 270, 284, 337, 343, 428, 446 Anthony, 47, 48, 51, 126, c. of 187 Beatrice, 22 Catherine, 51, 122 Christopher, 63, 65, 68, 70, 75, 78, 96, 211, 216, 223, 225, 229 Cicely, 232,* 245, 311,* 319 Dorothy, 347 Edward, 145 EUzabeth, 9, 25, 57, 63, 76, 92, 95, 117, 146, 176, 178, 198, 221, 261, 279, 285, 301, 331, 337, 343, 346, 364, 386, 393, 397, 414, 423, 424, 446, 450, 452 Ellen, 36, 44, 59, 68, 87, 90, 101, 109, 119,* 129, 199, 211, 221, 254,298 Ellis, 10, 46, 48 Esther, 332, 352 George, 314, 425 Holcraft, 47 Henry, 62, 66, 67, 94, 204, 206, 215, w. of 232, 281, 288,* 331, 342, 347, 353,* 400, 404, c. of 438, 460* Hugh, 2 Isabel, 66 James, 56,* 346, 424, 452 Jane, 48, 113, 122, 143, 191, 342 Jenet, 62, 111, 120, 132, 295, 304, 340, 352, 387, 402, 408 Joan, 360 John, 48, 51, 56,* 66, 81, 86, 90, 92, 96, 99, 100,* 101, 103, 109, 130, 149, 163, 164, 200, 204, 230, 232, 549 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Sumner, John, continued — 237, 249, 254, 258, 265, 279, 280, 281,* 300, 312, 314, 319, 325, 332, 343, 347, 352. 373, 380, 393, 410, 424,* 425 Laurence, 37, 94, 96, 99, 128, 133, 138, 151, 168, 194, 248, 281, 340, 352, 371, 397, 401, 404 Margaret, 28, 54, 86, 90, 99, 120, 128, 130, 135, 138, 149, 233, 260, 298, 332, 352, 448, 450 Margery, 255, 291, 307, 314, 331, 342, 353, 425,* 460 Mary, 59, 96, 140, 225, 248, 275, 307, 425 Miles, 51, 54, 57, 59,* 69,* 70, 71, 78, 99, 101, 103, 111, 113, 117, 132, 139, 193, 201, 214, 216, 223, o. of 250, 251, 255, 258, 283, 402 Myllers, 170 Oskell, 214 PriscUla, 340, 352 Ralph, 88, 162, 186, 396 Richard, 8, 15, 41, 46, 135, 164, 176, 319, 343, 450 Robert, 66, 71, 76, 96, 101, 124, 141, 144, 159, 190, w. of 231, 240, 245,* 280, 283, 284, 285,* 288, 291, 295, 298,* 300, 301, 303,* 304, 307, 325, 337, 340, 343, 346, 360, 362, 365, 379, 408, 410, 414, 417, 433, 446, 448, 450, 452 Thomas, 42, 75, 81, 87, 88, 90, 95, 96, 120, 140, 146, 184, 230, 249, 250, 255, 261, 288, 312, 331, 340, 343, 375, 448,* c. of 452 WUliam, 25, c. of 40, 44, 45, 49,* 50,* c. of 183, 307, 319, 451 Sutch (Sich, Sitch, Such) Alice, 138 Anne, 223, 322 Henry, 266 James, 223, 309,* 315, 322, 330, 356, 363, 427, 440 Jane, 161, 356 John, 315, 330, 427, 440 Margaret, 315 Mary, 145, 146, 223 Peter, 138* Suthart, see Southworth Suther, see also Southworth Suther, Ellen, 235 John, 235 Suthert 1 Suthorth J Suthwort Vsee Southworth Suthworte I Suthworth ' Sutton (Sotton, Suddan, Suddon, Suton) Alice, 124, 130 Anne, 67 Catherine, 176 Cicely, 101, 246 Edmund, 174, 176 Edward, 37, 55 Elizab-th, 3, 85 Ellen, 124, 165, 179 Ellis, 183 Emme, 225 Henry, 47 Hugh, 330 James, 4, 41, 220 Jane, 36, 73, 131, 205, 212 Jenet, 1, 55, 64, 140, 197, 401, 411 John, 17, 32, 37, 50, 51,* 72, 99, 101, 139, 152, c. of 187, w. of 205, 205, 208, 211, 222. 226, 270 Margaret, 121, 176, 225 Mary, 62, 87, 351 Nicholas, 175 Ralph, 330, 351 Richard, 351 Robert, 27, 50, 76 Thomas, 47, 144, 167, 178, 179, 185, 211, 245 Widow, 226 William, 25, 62, 64, 67, 72, 73, 76, d. of 81, d. of 84, 85, 87, 99, 142, 189, c. of 210, 212, c. of 213, c. of 215, 220, c. of 220, 225, 237,* 243, 246, 261 Swarsbrick (Swarebricke, Swasbricke, Sweasbrick) Ellen, 320 Isabel, 257 ' William, 320, 365, 390 Swift (Swifft) Ellen, 78 Hugh, 69, 73, 78, 84, 142, 264, 266 Margaret, 264 Margery, 69, 73 Mary, 84, 162 Symkin } Simpkin Sympkin S r SST }-«-*« Syngleton, see Singleton CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 55o see Taylor Taberner, EUen, 372 Tailer, see Taylor Talbot (Talbat, Talbott, Talbut) Catherine, 318 Dorothy, 321, 431 EUzabeth, 331,* 346 Henry, 318, 321. 323, 331, 346, 431 Jane, 289 Jenet, 285 N.X.N., 282 Robert, 282, 285, 289, 414 Thomas, 323, 414 WUliam, 346 Taler TallerTalorTalyer I Talylor Talyor I Tapley (Taply) Isabel, 127 Jenet, 210 Margaret, 86 "Poor," 274 Richard, 86, 231 Tarleton (Tarellton, Tarelton, Tarlton, Turlton) Agnes, 120, 263 AUce, 20, 119, 144, 198 Anne, 92, 229 Catherine, 208 Dorothy, 395 Edward, 28, 168 Ellen, 17, 89, 126, 136 George, 34, 61, 174, 185, 227 Henry, 1, 9, 38, 164, 190, 205, 208, 229 James, 70 Jane, 190, 254, 392 Jeffrey, 44, 89, 254, 260 Jenet, 121, 123, 126, 139, 158 John, 16, 186, 199 Margaret, 120, 174 Margery, 166 Richard, 150 Thomas, 44, 66, 92, 142, 194, 211, 252,* 395 WUliam, 18, 61, 64,* 66, 123, 218, 229 Tarron, Jenet, 412 Robert, 412 Tasicar 1 Tasiker V see Tassiker Tasikley ' Tasker (Taskar, Taskir) see also Tassiker Henry, 374 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Tasker, James, 75 John, 77 Seth, 153 William, 75, 77 Tassiker (Tasicar, Tasiker, Tasikley, Tassikar, Tazaker, Tazicar, Tazikar, Taziker) See also Tasker Anne, 115, 333, 459 . Christopher, 348, 350 Elizabeth, 86, 348, 350, 436, 459 George, 436 Henry, 104, 232, 436,* 459 Hugh, 104, 106 James, c. of 423 Jane, 95 Jenet, 92 Margaret, 152 Mary, 312 Richard, 333, 348, 350 Thomas, 86, 92,* 95, 106, 115, 144, 312 TattersaU (Taterson, Tattersoll, Tatterson) Agnes, 309, 323 Alice, 307 Anne, 315, 427, 439 Elizabeth, 310, 435 EUen, 330, 439 Henry, 324,* 330, 372, 439* James, 319* Jane, 330, 339 John, 301, 309, 315, 319,* 330, 339, 373, 433,* 434 Thomas, 301, 304,* 307, 310, 323, 339, 428,* u. of 429, 434, 435 Taures, Margaret, 146 Taylor (TaUer, Taler, Taller, Talor, Talyer, Talylor, Talyor, Tayler, Taylior, Taylyor) Alice, 49, 192, 292, 298, 354 Anne, 56, 189, 309, 332, 344, 367, 425, 441, 448 Catherine, 284, 334, 396 Edmund, 61 Elizabeth, 111, 184, 261, 302, 363, 436, 439 Ellen, 78, 161, 376, 442 George, 63, 116, 203, 316, 395, c. of 411 Henry, 26, 203, 243, 332, 334 Isabel, 18, 42, 344 James, 49, 56, 74, 76, 107, 108, 111,* 112, 233, 250, 270,* 285, 301, 327, 328, 332, 441, 448, 452 70, 55i INDEX OF NAMES. C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf. 1 19-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Taylor, Jane, 69, 105, 110, 237, 252, 263, 334, 354, 356, 372 Jenet, 329, 363 Jn, 459 John, 21, 34, 61, 63, 66, 69, 74, 77, 84, 104, 107, 194, 196, 203, 219, 237, 273, 284, 285, 292, 298,* 301, 302,* 306, 312, 316, 326, 329, 344, 359, 365, 376,* 396, 429, 436, 441, 442, 448, 463 Laurence, 328, 334, 349, 452 - Margaret, 266, 364 Margery, 51, 62, 64, 81, 268 Mary, 51, 334, 349, 452 Nicholas, 66, 105, 110, 111, 112, 116, 156, 159, 261, 263, 273, 298, 302, 306, 309, 326, 334, 354, 356, 364, 395, 405, 419 Richard, 298 Robert, 312, 349, 429 Roger, 302 Silvester, 76, 78, 81, 84, w. of 230,* 250, 252, 261, 274 Sybell, 271, 272 Thomas, 62, 64, 158, 160, 203, 327 WUUam, 77, 104, 108, 151, c. of 256, 268, 289,* 408, 419 Tazaker ] TazikaV \ See Tassiker Taziker 1 Tewson (Tuson, Tusone) Elizabeth, 173 Ellen, 164, 166 George, 99, 348 Henry, 376 James, 99 Jenet, 348 John, 166 Martha, 369 Roger, 348, 385 Thomas, 166 Thisleton (Thisellton) Anne, 264 James, 233,* 249 John, 234 Margery, 233* Thomason, Elizabeth, 71, 211 Ralph, 71, 211 Thomlinson, see Tomlinson Thompson (Thomson, Thomsone, Tompson, Tompsone, Tomson, Tomsone) Adam, 28 Thompson, Agnes, 26, 120, 133, 224, 333, 458 Alexander, 50, 192, 208, 211, 240 Alice, 38, 64, 130, 225, 296, 318, 330, 333, 450 Anne, 73, 138, 246, 290, 320,* 430, 431 Catherine, 17, 274, 316, 325, 382, 427 Christian, 217 Christopher, 7, 21, 180 Cicely, 10, 11, 98, 101, 106, 218, 247, 331, 440 Clarice, 191 Custance, 20 Dorothy, 99, 325 Edith, 97 Edward, 77, 217, 315 Elizabeth, 25, 97, 106, 128,* 133, 137, 208, 247, 283, 301, 304, 306, 359, 412, 436 Ellen, 6, 33, 219, 231, 243, 375, 431 Em, 184 Emme, 73 Frances, 311, 352, 448, 459 George, 10, 21, 50, 52, 65, 68, 71, 77, 124, 126, 209, 210, 211, 217, 250, 394 Henry, 31, 60, 191, 202, 217, 219 271 Hugh, 24, 98, 101, 104, 107, 110, 119, 131, 152, 179, 205, 225, 231, 247, 265,* 271,* 308, 390, 407, 440 James, 81, 106, 108, 109, 120, 154, 156, 209, 210, 243, w. of 247, 263, 275, 286, 290, 296, 315, 325, 331, 339, 397, 402, 410, 430, 440, 453, 459 Jane, 90, 91, 107, 159, 161, 191, 236, 262, 265, 317, 319, 331, 407, 428 Jenet, 1, 23, 121, 122, 172, 173, 220, 256, 331, 339, 401, 414, 440, 453 Joan, 173 John, 17, 40, 48,* 64, 68, 90, 91, 100, 105, 202, 214, 231, 236, 241, 242, 249, 250, 259, 265, 280, 283, 289 296, 297, 301, 304, 305,* 312,* 316, 320,* 328, 339, 390, 399, 402, 412, 414 431, 435,* 436, 437 Laurence, 24 CROSTON parish registers. 552 C.pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Thompson, Margaret, 106, 129, 157, 171,174,209,240,249,265, 271, 296, 321, 339, 352, 390, 427, 430, 444, 445, 448, 459, 460 Margery, 65, 173 Mary, 35, 71, 104, 110, 159, 265, 289, 312, 328, 331, 402, 436, 437, 453, 458 Mr, 106, 263, 439 Mrs, 444 Orselley, 235 Peter, 36, 81 Richard, 15, 33, 52, 60, 81, 97, 108, 125, 126, 145, 173, 184, 209, 224, 235, 241, 249, 252, 262, 271, 304, 439 Robert, 62, 81, 105, 200, 256, 274, 286, 402 Thomas, 9, 55, 62, 66, 96, 99, 103,* 106, 109, 129, 173, 246, 247, 259, 306, 312, 315, 318, 321, 325, 327,* 330, 333, 339, 436, 458* Thurstan, 225 Widow, 232, 417 William, 50, 55, 62,* 66, 96, 97, 100, 103, 106, 124, 125, 152, c. of 191, 208, 231, 240,* 241,* 243, 247, 250,* 257, 259, 274, 280, 297, 304, 308, 311, 315, 317, 319, 321,* 326,* 330,* 331, 339, 352, 367, 390,* 399, 410, 416, 425,* c. of 434, 445, 448, 458, 459 Thorne, Hugh, 46 Thomas, 46 Thornley (Thornlay) Eleanor, 364 Robert, 422 Thornton (Thornston, Thorton) Alice, 12, 226, 332, 393,* 447 Anne, 87, 270, 366 Edward, 28, 54, 64, 195 Elizabeth, 133, 208, 393, 406 Ellen, 33, 72, 270, 313, 363, 445 Em, 124 Grace, 171 Henry, 87, 158, 323, 388 Hugh, 43, 67, 68, 72, 75, 78, 81, 87, 98, 100, 185, 197, 206, 232, 248, 256, 266, 269 "Infant," 188 Isabel, 221 James, 37, 49, w. of 186, 317 Jane, 37 Jenet, 106, 138, 143, 391, 397 Thornton, John, 15, 44, 51, 55, 58, 75, 94,* 131, 133, 160, 167, 176, 196, 198, 245, 265, 280, 309,* 313, 317, 323, 332, 344, 359, 368, 391, 393, 397, 407, 425, 427, 438, 445, 461* Margaret, 43, 67, 104, 124, 158, 196, 206, 224, 250, 253, 256, 332, 340, 344,* 362, 391, 448, 460, 461 Mary, 340, 344, 448, 450 N.X.N., 114 Richard, 78, 98, 152, 248, 249, 363, 438 Robert, 340, 344, 380, 431, 448, 450 Thermostom, 58 Thomas, 44, 47, 51, 68, 87, 100, 104, 106, 136, 191, 232, 249, 250, 268, 270,* 393,* 398 Thurstan, 29, 49, 50, 54, 55, 64, 135, 208, 224* Tresterum, 58 * Widow, 227 WilUam, 30, 34, 41, 49, 50, 81, 114, 145, 224, 233, 245, 253, c. of 264, 268, 269, 280, 344, 391, 407, 416, 427, 457 Thorpe (Thorp) Adam, 425 Anne, 241 Elizabeth, 363, 416 Ellen, 434 Jane, 419 John, 115, 153, 266, 295, 298, 409, 410, 423,* 425, 434 Joseph, 422 Margaret, 322, 456 Mary, 299, 408, 423 Richard, 115, 266, 419, 431 Samuel, 241, 295, 298, 299, 322, 408, 409, 410, 423, 425, 431, 456 Thorton, see Thornton Threlfell, John, 376 Tildeslay, Richard, 278 Tinsley, Thomas, 231 Tiseing ) ?Snge^T^n Tisings ' Titterington (Titerington, Titterinton, Tittrington) Anne, 321 Elizabeth, 350, 457* Henry, 286, 350, 356, 442, 457 Margaret, 311, 326, 334, 423 553 INDEX OF .NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Titterington, OUver, 286 Robert, 311, 321, 326, 334, 350, 423, 442, 457* Thomas, 356 Tobitt, Robert, 296 Thomas, 296 Tod, see Todd Tod als Sands, Robert, 72 Thomas, 72 Todd (Tod, Todde, Tode, Tood, Toode) Agnes, 9 Alexander, 21, 47, 61, 77, 208, 225 Andrew, 91, 133, 188, c. of 188 Catherine, 279 Cicely, 152 Elizabeth, 287, 396 EUen, 20, 97, 143, 382, 437 Em, 145 George, 169 Henry, 61, 87, 120, 129 Isabel, 127, 242 Jenet, 8, 19, 150 John, 225, 237, 279, 287, 396, 399 Mabel, 394 Margaret, 91, 92, 163, 227, 237 Margery, 125, 237 Mary, 13 Nicholas, 169 Richard, 28, 40, 119, 122 Roger, 167 Susan, 47 Thomas, 92, 97 William, 77, 87, 144, 188, c. of 225, 225, w. of 230, 287 Tomez, John, 18 Tomlinson (Thomlinson, Tomlinsone, Tomlnson,Tomlynson,Tomlynsone,Tumblinsone,Tumlinson) Agnes, 10, 174 Alice, 122 AUson, 2 Anne, 192, 398 Dorothy, 460 EUzabeth, 206, 332, 346, 348, 401, 441, 459 Ellen, 394, 443 Henry, 122 James, 142, u. of 207, 332, 348,* 394, c. of 441, 459* Jane, 18, 149, 171, 346, 352 Jenet, 115, 365, 371 John, 50, 85, 116, 171 Laurence, 44 Tomlinson, Margaret, 372 Margery, 332 Mary, 44 Michael, 346, 352,* 401, u. of 408, 443 Mr, 378, 379,* 380,* 382 Parnet, 141 Rev" Mr, 378, 379,* 380,* 382 Richard, 26, c. of 82, 85, 116, 118,* 121, 146, 180, 271, 394, 422 Thomasin, 50 W., 442 WilUam, 10, 115, 161, 170, 174, 228, 460* Tompson, see Thompson Tompson als Jameson, Anne, 214 Tompsone 1 Tomson V see Thompson Tomsone ) ton, John, 420 Margaret, 420 Tonge, John, 361 Tonson, Ellen, 124 John, 120 WUliam, 123 Tooppinge, see Topping TooteU (TootaU, Tootel, TwotaU, Twotel) Anne, 143, 324, 448 Edward, 314, 320 EUzabeth, 383 Gilbert, 320 John, 303,* 306, 308, 315, 319, 324, 328, 424, 434, 448 457 Margaret, 328, 424, 434 Mary, 315 Richard, 27B,* 308 Robert, 314 Thomas, 306, 319 Topping (Tooppinge, Toppin, Toppinge) Hannah, 370, 447 Henry, 444 Margaret, 175 Torner, see Turner Townley (Townly) John, 57, 139 WilUam, 57, 197 Trafford (Traeforde, Traford, Trafforth) Anne, 245, 318, 403 Ashton, 245 Catherine, 284 Edmund, 422 Humphrey, 289 Jn, 459 John, 245, 284, 288, 289, 401 Mr, 318, 422 Croston parish registers. 554 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 see Tomlinson Trafiord, Mrs, 389, 403 Penelope, 389 Richard, 318 Sir Sussell, 245 Sussell, 245 WUliam, 288, 401 Travis (Travers, Traverse, Travesse, Travies, Travise) Catherine, 253, 254 Elizabeth, 336 Humphrey, 253, 255, 391 James, 336 Martha, 336 Peter, 106, 157, 267 WiUiam, 106, 254, 258 TrissUian, Catherine, 278* Trouer, Isabel, 128 Trueman (Truman), Ellen, 79 John, 79, 144 TumbUnsone , Tumlinson Tunstall (Tunstal, Tunstale) John, 300, 304, 310,* 326, 437 Nathaniel, 300 Richard, 304 Thomas, 136, 326 Turlton, see Tarleton Turner (Torner) Agnes, 316 Anne, 63, 310, 428 Edward, 217- EUzabeth, 67, 253, 255, 385, 425 Ellen, 331, 340, 448 Henry, 248, 340, 448 Jane, 420 John, 267, 418 Margaret, 221, 271 Mary, 80 Matthew, 259, 269, 321 Nicholas, 63 Peter, 254 Richard, 39, 267, 271, 402 Robert, 67, 80, 203, 217, 253, 255, 259, 360 Thomas, 310, 316, 321, 331,* 340, 448 * WiUiam, 245, 248, 256, 262 Tumley, Henry, 158 ^If J -TooteU Twyforth, EUzabeth, 126 Tydy als Bretherton, John, 214 Tyer, see Tyrer Tyrer (Tyer) Alice, 330, 440 Edward, 205, 330, 375, 440, c. of 450 Jane, 440, 450 Tyrer, John, 330, 437 Robert, 205 Tyson (Tiseing, Tising, Tisinge, Tyseing, Tyseinge, Tysing, Tysinge, Tyssing, Tyssinge, Tysting) Catherine, 54, 198, 392 Elizabeth, 7, 106, 167, 422 Ellen, 121, 180 Henry, 61, 235, 284 Isabel, 177 Jeffrey, 122 John, 14, 54, 106, 120, 196, 284, 422, 433 Richard, 10, 37, 144, 226 Thomas, 26, 64, 392 WilUam, 37, 61, 64, 119, 137, 168, 194 U Unsworth (Owndsworth, Ownsworth, Unsearth) EUzabeth, 320 Jane, 332 John, 316, 320, 325, 332, 372, 383 447 Margaret, 325, 332, 447 Mary, 316 Urmston, Peter, 463 V Vause (Voas, Voce, Vos, Vose, Vouch) Alex: 399 Anne, 299 EUzabeth, 311 Ellen, 303 James, 356 Margaret, 308, 432 Peter, 299, 303, 308, 311, 356, 362 Richard, 157 Stephen, 281 WUUam, 281, 399, 432, 460 VgnaU, see WignaU ViUars, Mrs Mary, 278 Voas ) Voce I Vos >see Vause Vose I Vouoh j W Wabanok i Wabank > see WaUbank Wabanke ) 555 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 see Watkinson Waccinson 1 Wacesone \ see Watkinson Wackensone ) Wackfell, Alice, 156 Wackinson \ Wackinsone j ' Waddington, Robert, u. of 217 Wade, Jenet, 20 Richard, 129 Wadkinson ) TTT ,, . Wadkinsone \ see Watkmson Wadmoth , ,TT . Wadmough j 8ee Watmough Waen > ,„ Waine { 8ee Wane Waker, see Walker Wakinsone, see Watkinson Walbanck } Walbancke I „. „. Walbank (8ee WaUbank Walbanke I Walch, see Walsh Walebanke, see WaUbank Walell, see Wallell Walker (Waker) Ellen, 201 George, 317, 319 Hannah, 437 Henry, 324, 369, 379, 382, 386, 415, 417, 419, 420, 423, 424, 426, 428, 429, 431, 437, 440, 442, 445, 449, 451, 458, 463 Isabel, 339 Jane, 319 Jenet, 127 John, 326, 339 Martha, 339 Mary, 373 PhyUis, 339 Richard, 387 Robert, 326, 339* Thomas, 317 Wall, Thomas, 145 WaUbank (Wabanck, Wabank, Wabanke, Walbanck, Walbancke, Walbank, Walbanke, Walebanke, WaUbanke, Wallbannck, Wallebanke, Wobancke, Wobank) AUce, 95, 208, 209, 360 Anne, 51, 338, 349, 454, 455 Catherine, 425 Elizabeth, 20, 85, 136, 431 Ellen, 42, 268, 282, 327, 436, 454 Em, 7 Esther, 381 George, 65, 209 WaUbank, Henry, 48, 85, 86,* 95, 100, 125, 146, 179, 189, 237, 248, 263, 312, 314, 323, 327, 338, 349, 359, 369, 374, 395, 416, 424, 425, 454, 455 Isabel, 263 Jenet, 41, 140, 169, 279, 323, 363, 400, 401 John, 15, 34, 61,* 65, 100, c. of 201, 248 Margaret, 41, 134, 166 Margery, 191, 338, 455 Mary, 237 N.X.N, 186 Robert, 177 Thomas, 17, 51, 186, 225, 263, 279, 282, 312, 314, 400, 424, 436, 450 William, 135, 192, 193, 268, 349, 395, 410 Wallell (Walell) Richard, 131 WUliam, 145, 146 Waller, Edward, 133 WaUton . ,Tr ,, Walltonn jseeWalton Walmesley (Walmesly, Walmisley, Walmsley, Walmysley, Wamsley, Wamsly, Womsley) Annesse, 237 Elizabeth, 340 Ellen, 85 Jenet, 27 John, 141 Lucia, 358 Richard, 153, 253, 340 Robert, 85, 237, 275 Thurstan, 135 WUliam, 130 Walmsley alias Wright, EUen, 71 Robert, 71 Walmysley, see Walmesley Walsh (Walch Ish, Welch, Welsh) Ann, 302 James, 433 J ei n g 4 'i ^ John, 117,* 367, 439, 444, 448 Laurence, 132, 305 Margaret, 373 Richard, 104,* 302, 305, 307 Robert, 36 WilUam, 155, 307 Walton (WaUton, Walltonn, Wolton) Agnes, 54, 235 Alice, 46, 56, 61, 85, 142, 186, 187, 195, 216, 246, 254, 263, 273, 366, 388, 390, 394, 396, 406 Croston parish registers. 556 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 1 19-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Walton. Anne, 22, 141, 201, 255, 257 Catherine, 26, 63, 96, 124, 130, 258, 265 Christopher, 26, 46,* 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 81, 113, 133, 135, 187, 203,* 215, 216, 221, 245, 250, 254, 256, 264, 271,* c. of 272, 272, 273, 275, 392, 395, 396, 426 Cuthbert, 390 Dorothy, 60, 203, 225, 250 EUzabeth, 35, 98, 270, 274 Ellen, 54, 127, 133, 259, 271, 274, 359 George, 36, 49, 50, 54, 56, 59, 63, 64, 192, 208, 219, 246, 426 Henry, 4, 43, 140, 183, 190, 191, 195, 203, 258, 265, 267, 390, 394, 395, 396, 400, 426 Hugh, 15, 405 James, 14, 21, 36, 47, 59, 128, 137, 204 Jane, 30, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49,* 59, 142, 213, 245, 265, 269 Jenet, 21, 30, 36, 52, 129, 134, 137, 140, 199, 219, 257, 272, 378, 394, 399, 405, 423 John, 10, 15, 39, 42, 48, 56,* 61,* 74, 77,* 81, d. of 98, 129, 136, 139, 142, 143, 155, 184, 186, 191, 204, 215, 216,* d. of 222, 232, 239,* 246,* 247, 254, 255, 258, 263, 265, 271, 388, 389, 390, 396, 416 Margaret, 11, 32, 42, 45, 59, 61, 64, 113, 129, 133, 139, 156, 195, 199, 239,* 241, 248, 275, 375, 416, 426 Margery, 26, 40, 57, 136, 164, 185, 203 Mary, 11, 129, 396 Mr, 264 Nicholas, 27 Richard, 43, 46, 50, 54, 96, 129, 135, 184, 187, 188, 222, c. of 230, 241, 246,* 247, 249, 257, 259, 270, 273, 274, 390, 392, 394, 423 Robert, c. of 189, 235 Sarah, 374 Thomas, 4, 10, 18, 23, 45, 46, 49, 51, 54,* 55, 74, 85, 151, u. of 187, 213, 223, 245, c. of 245, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 264, 265, 394,* 396, 399 Walton, WiUiam, 17, 48, 96,* 134,* 198, 204, 251, 260, 369 Wane (Waen, Waine, Wanes, Wayne) Anne, 399 Edith, 185 Elizabeth, 283 Ellen, 187, 190, 392 Isabel 29 John, 283, 285, 289, 292, 405 Margaret, 35, 285 Mary, 289, 405 Richard, 175, 191, 224 Thomas, 190* William, 169, 292 Warberton (Warbleton) Ellen, 222 James, 52 Jane, 290 William, 62, 290 Warbrick, Rachel, 383 Ward, AUce, 327 Anne, 445 Elizabeth, 334 Margaret, 334,* 445 William, 327, 334, 375, 445 Warden, see Wearden Wardinge, Richard, 296 Robert, 296 Waring (Wareing, Wareinge, Waringe, Waryng, ' Weareing, Wearing) Agnes, 13, 130, 172 Alice, 144, 230, 289, 401, 404 Anne, 151 Catherine, 160 Elis, 297, 364 Elizabeth, 80, 94, 128, 140, 159, 190, 429 Ellen, 86, 186 George, 359 Henry, 46, 60, 91, 105, 156,* 228, 230, 429, 436 Hugh, 254, 403, 458 James, 39,* 94, 242, 245 Jane, 8 John, 9, 19, 86, 128, 220 Laurence, 77, 123 Margaret, 269, 297, 458, 460 Margery, 130 Mary, 245, 353, 461 Peter, 189 Ralph, 41 Richard, 224, 353, 461 Robert, 15, 77, 80, 289, 361, 404, 460 Thomas, 45, 60, 91, 94,* 145, 249 557 INdEx oF namES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 38S-463 Waring, William, 46, 105, 353, 461 Warren, Anne, 398 Hugh, 398 Warton, see Wharton Waryng, see Waring Wastley, Anne, 140 Waterforthe, Richard, 41 Waterhouse, AUce, 81, 224 Edmund, 217, 231 Elizabeth, 81, 217, 224 Waters, Rebecca, 386 Waterward, see Waterworth Waterwood, Margaret, 140 Waterworth (Waterward, Waterwort) Agnes, 259 . Andrew, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 220, 231 Anne, 78, 144 Catherine, 113 Cicely, 71 Henry, 113 Hugh, 242 Isabel, 164 Jenet, 143, 164, 358 Margaret, 36, 81, 130 Margery, 137 Robert, 170 Thurstan, 75, 212 WUUam, 71, 76, 83, 184, 220 Watkinson (Waccinson, Wacesone, Wackensone, Wackinson, Wackinsone, Wadkinson, Wadkinsone, Wakinsone, Watkinsone) Alexander, 20, 65 Alice, 90, 113, 128, 145, 151, 160, 234, 306 Anne, 258, 295, 380 Catherine, 441 Cicely, 404 Cuthbert, 123 Elizabeth, 6, 30, 251, 383, 428, 450, 452 Ellen, 327 Frances, 65 Henry, 73, 111, 115, 268, 296, 301, 305, 306, 308, 311, 312; 318,* 364,* 420, 427, c. of 428, 441* Hugh, 60, 73, 157, 240, 308, 411 Isabel, 132, 159, 311 Jane, 60, 420, 454 Jenet, 120, 165, 440 John, 8, 9, 105, 167, 171, 295, 354, 386, c. of 419, 440, 457 Margaret, 165, 181, 312, 450 Margery, 155, 364 Watkinson, Mary, 120, 139, 142 Richard, 105, 111, 115, 268, 301, 325, 327, 374, 414, 450, 452, 454 Roger, 24 Thomas, 90, 93,* 113, 149, 156, 171, 182, 234, 296, 305, 325, 354, 387, 409, 411, 417 Widow, 417 Watkinson alias Gibbs (Watkinson alias Gibbes, Watkinson alias Gibs) Cicely, 63 Elizabeth, 75 Ellen, 75 Isabel, 66 James, 37 John, 63, 66, 70, 75, 139, 215, 220 Richard, 70 William, 37 Watkinsone, see Watkinson Watmough (Wadmoth, Wadmough, Watmouth) EUen, 305 Jane, 107, 261 Laurence, 98, 101, 107, 254, 261 Richard, 98 Thomas, 305, 313, 368, 430 William, 101, 254, 313 Watson, Nicholas, 119 Thomas, 145 Watton, see Whatton Waund (Waun, Waune) Hannah, 329 Jane, 63 Mary, 60 Richard, 60 Thomas, 63 WUUam, 329 Waver, see Weaver Wawn (Wawari, Wawen, Wawine, Wawne) Agnes, 122 Alice, 181 Anne, 122 Ellen, 26 Isabel, 26 James, 131 Margaret, 167 Richard, 19, 20 Robert, 127 WiUiam, 13, 14, 120 Wayne, see Wane Waywigh, Cicely, 233 George, 233 Croston pariSh registers. 558 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Wearden (Warden, Weerden, Werden) Alice, 127, 133,* 158, 190, 204, 205* Anne, 50, 51, 82, 138, 166, 190 Catherine, 134 Edward, 132 Elizabeth, 206 Ellen, 33, 77, 160, 260 Henry, 26 Jenet, 138, 191 John, 48, c. of 188, 190, 192, 237 Margery, 139 Richard, 51 Robert, 33, 36, 44, 48, 49, 77, 82, 187, 188, 198 Thomas, 33, 49, ehn. of 223 Thomasin, 50 WiUiam, 206, 217, 260 Weaver (Waver) Henry, 282, 419 Margaret, 419 Robert, 282 Webster (Webstar, Weybster) Edward, 51, 221 Gilbert, 51, 60, 67, 69, 206, c. of 217, 231 Hugh, 69 Isabel, 60 James, 328, 332* Jane, 328 John, 15, 178 Mary, 332 Richard, 130 Thomas, 67, 206 Wedicar, Anne, 105 EUzabeth, 101, 269 EUen, 257 George, 103 Richard, 152, 253 Robert, 97, 101, 103, 105, 253, 254, 255, 257 Thomas, 97, 254 Weerden, see Wearden Welch, see Walsh Weldin, see Wilding Welsh, see Walsh Werden, see Wearden West, Isabel, 15 Westfield, George, 158 N.X.N., 220 WiUiam, c. of 220 Westhead, Elizabeth, 161, 409 EUen, 399 John, 153 Mary, 435 Richard, 141 Westmoore, Jane, 178 Wetnall, Thomas, 125 Weybster, see Webster WhaUey (Whalay, Whaley, Whally, Whaly, Wholey) Anne, 192, 342 Blanche, 256 Catherine, 272 Elizabeth, 34 EUen, 30 Henry, 320, 342 Hugh, 82, c. of 197, 208, 221, 226, 228,* 235, 397 Jane, 342 Jenet, 258 John, 19, 195, 208, 320 Margery, 221 Thomas, 187, 226, 261, 272, 397 WiUiam, 82, 383 Wharton (Warton) Ellen, 126 George, 365, 457 Whatton (Watton, Whotton) EUzabeth, 174 Jenet, 173 John, 119, 171, 177, 181 Margery, 12, 132, 168 Sir John, 171 Whigh, Catherine, 436 Jane, 377 John, 436 White, Anne, 11 William, 2 Whiteecars, see Whittaker Whitehead (Whithead) Adam, 74 AUce, 70, 142 Ellen, 235 Henry, 205 James, 41, 70 Jenet, 206 John, 138, 194 Margaret, 211 Richard, 89 Robert, 65,* 141, 235 WUUam, 74, 89 Whitehende, Alice, 198 Whitehouse, Benjamin, 338* EUzabeth, 338 Martha, 338* Whiteman, Catherine, 334 Jonathan, 334 Whiteside, John, 365 Whitfeld, Margaret, 152 Whithead, see Whitehead Whitlay, see Whitley Whitle, see Whittle 559 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Whitley (Whitelay, Whiteley, Whitlay) Anne, 409 Elizabeth, 325, 446 John, 111, 113, 115,* 116, 270,* 271, 302, 409, 422 Margaret, 113, 305, 370, 383, 446 Thomas, 111, 271 William, 116, 302, 305, 325, 446, 447 Whitstones, Hugh, 126 Whittaker (Whiteecars) Holcraft (f), 37 Mr, 37 Robert, 37, 185 Whittall , „,,.,,, Whittell j 8ee Whlttle Whittingam, EUzabeth, 361 Whittle (Whitle, Whittall, Whittell, Whittl, Whytell, Whytelle, Whyttell) see also Quilell Adam, 118, 282, 422 Alexander, 304, 417 Alice, 232 Anne, 56, 58, 117 Catherine, 25, 64, 140, 169 David, 73 Elizabeth, 28, 63, 74, 76, 115, 158, 212, 213 EUen, 12, 28, 30, 67, 133, 206, 228, 246, 263, 338, 362, 273 George, 69, 209 Grace, 131 Henry, 23, 121, w. of 176 Hugh, 44, 65, 68, 74, 141, 213, c. of 227, 242 Isabel, 162 James, 31, 63, 74, 76, 87, 216, 222, 232, 241,* 342, 450 Jane, 57, 61, 63, 79, 80, 97, 105, 152, 194, 214, 226, 251, 252, 253,* 378, 410 Jenet, 131, 133, 267 John, 56, 58, 60, 64, 67, 71,* 78, 123, 130, 138, 141, 170, 206, 212, 231,* 307, 354, 420 Lambert, 352, 460 Margaret, 11, 53, 65, 139, 171, 175, 230, 258, 333, 342, 352, 450, 457, 460 Margery, 132, 179, 204, 261 Martha, 376 Mary, 86, 333, 338. 354, 365, 414, 457 Nicholas, 14, 117, 177 Ralph, 414, 417 Whittle, Richard, 36, 68, 133, 253, 267, 282, 298, 342, 352, 381, 392, 428, 450, 460 Robert, 31, 53, 78, 81, 83, 144, 224, 342 Thomas, 19, 35, 37, 60, 65, 70, 77, 80, 81, 83, 86, 87, 97, 100, 102, 114, 131, 224, 226, 230, 236, 248, 250, 251,* 253, 268, 301, 410, 417 Thurstan, 8, 15, 57, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 74, 100, 102, 108, 124, 129, 130, 138, 204, 205, 209, 216, 230, 238, 248, 250, 293, 298, 301, 304,307,362,417,420,432 William, 2, 37, 67, 70, 73, 76,* 77, 79, 83,* 105, 108, 114, 115, 118, 129, 142, 191, 230, 241,* 263,* 268, 293, , 333, 338, 354, 372, 378, 384, 398, 457 Wholey, see WhaUey Whotstones, Margery, 119 Whotton, see Whatton Whytell ) Whytelle \ see Whittle Whyttell I Wi lay [Probably " Wilding "] Adam, 307 Jeffrey, 307 Wielding, see Wilding Wigans (Wigan, Wiganns, Wigens, Wiggans, Wiggins, Wigins, Wygans) Anne, 68, 91, 331, 340, 348, 440, 447, 448 Christian, 294, 408 Dick, 80 Elizabeth, 98,* 114, 268, 289, 315, 374, 393, 396, 420, 422 Ellen, 52, 84, 87, 206, 227, 254, 281, 282, 390 George, 68, 221 Henry,. 52, 54, 56, 59, 60, 87, 110, 111, 114, 191, 227, 233, 269, 298, 327, 344, 393 439 James, 52, 79, 130, 227, 275, 281, 282, 288, 291, 294, 302,* 323, 327, 340, 358. 413, 414, 440, 448 Jane, 52, 80, 84, 90, 219, 224, 256 Jenet, 232, 248, 318, 331, 348, 433, 447 Joan, 407 John, 132 CroSton PARISH REGISTERS. 560 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163 -275 and 388-463 Wigans, Joseph, 326 Lettice, 294 Margaret, 27, 44, 64, 83, 110, 207, 219, 227, 242, 269, 306, 324, 333,* 344, 364, 431, 453* Margery, 101, 360, 413 Richard, 52, 60, 64, 68, 79, 83, 84,* 85, 87, 90, 115, 219, 221, 224, 227, 232,* 248, 249, 254, 291, 326 Thomas, 54, 85, 87, 91, 97,* 101, 111, 162, 215, 242, 285, 288, 289, 294, 298, 302,* 306, 312,* 315, 318, 323, 324, 327,* 331, 333, 340, 344, 348, 360, 361, 363, 370, 374, 406, 408, 409, 418,* 420, 431, 433, 439, 440, 447, 448, 453, 457 WilUam, 39, 52, 54,* 56, 59, 68, 107,* 115, 185, 207, 209, 240, 260,* 275, 317,* 324,* 360, 374, 396, 407, 434 Wigans alias PhUlipson (Wigen alias PhUlipson, Wigenes alias Phillpisson, Wigenes alias PhUlpson, Wigens alias PhiUpson, Wigens alias Phillipson, Wigens alias Philpson, Wygans alias Philipson, Wyggan alias Phyllipson) Elizabeth, 64 Em, 222 George, 92 Hugh, 73 James, 95 Jenet, 93, 103, 240 John, 37 Margaret, 207 Margery, 51, 73, 94 Richard, 37, 73, 92, 93, 103, 154, 240 Thomas, 41, 95, 262 William, 51, 64, 73, 143, 207 Wigens 1 Wiggans / Wiggen Vsee Wigans Wiggins | Wigins ; Wigmore, Edmund, 61 John, 61 WignaU (Vgnall, Wignal, Wignanall, Wignell, Wignhall, Wignoll, Wyggnall, Wygnall) Agnes, 9, 34, 131, 134, 173, 201 Wignall, Alice, 11, 89, 106, 168, 169, 186, 189,* 190, 241, 258, 261, 286, 288, 296, 322, 323,* 327, 328, 337, 341, 346, 349,* 354,* 360, 361,* 383, 415, 422, 423, 433, 441, 444, 449, 450,* 458 Anne, 66, 81, 184, 219, 236, 245, 256, 275, 290, 292, 294, 313, 328, 407 Barnaby, 295 Catherine, 44, 100, 213, 245, 248, 318, 337, 396, 436, 440 Cicely, 15, 130, 306 Clarice, 227 Daniel, 297 Dorothy, 396, 398, 447 Easter, 273 Edmund, 23, 44, 50, 53, 69, 73, 125, 142, 185, w. of 187, 246, 253, 254, 256, 269, 286, 403, 414, 435 Elizabeth, 29, 41, 48, 78, 84, 85, 113, 129, 145, 151,* 184, 216, 259, 269, 283, 286, 289, 296, 301, 307, 309, 311, 320, 352, 375, 378, 393, 394, 396,* 400, 403, 408, 413, 433, 450 Ellen, 19, 36, 37, 41, 54, 72, 79, 111, 121, 122, 143, 165, 180, 194, 197, 202, 203, 213, 229, 248, 263, 267, 299, 325, 334, 362, 369, 375, 416,* 438, 443 Em, 123 George, 117 Hannah, 410 Henry, 6, 27, 46, 60, 66, 67,* 69,* 74, 84, 90, 91, 100, 101, 107, 140, 157, 165, 169, 202, 209, 218, 221,* 228, 235, 248, 253,-264, 266, 289, 301, 318, 337, 398, 403, 408, 419 Hugh, 22, 62, 87, 109, 111, 113, 117, 269, 283, 303, 327, 394, 395, 400, 441 Infant, 188 Isabel, 122, 220 James, 80, 327, 338, 417, 418, 458 Jane, 22, 49, 50, 72, 79, 89, 95, 105, 156, 160, 253, 255, 304, 318, 341, 345, 354, 375, 401, 406, 450 Jenet, 3, 41, 49, 67, 69, 73, 82, 119, 141, 146, 148, 209, 249, 253, 263, 288, 302, 304, 360, 416, 417, 455 5^i Index oF names. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Wignall, John, 16, 21, 27,* 40, 48, 53, 2 twins of 57, 58,* 60, 62, 65, 74, 82, 89, 91, 99, 100, 103,* 104, 113, 131, 137, 148, 173, 177, 183, 186, 193, 196, c. of 197, 203, 210, 227, 240, 241,* w. of 242, 248, 256, 264, 266,* 267, 271,* 288, 289, 290, 292, 294, 296, 297, 300, 302, 303, 305,* 308, 309, 310, 313,* 314,* 318, 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 341, 345,* 354, 356, 360, 362, 367, 371, 394, 395, 402,* 407, 413, 414, 418, c. of 421, 422, 435, 441, 447, 450, 462 Joseph, 349, 384 Margaret, 25, 26, 28, 43, 75, 77, 90, 102, 126, 134, 143, 158, 173, 228, 238, 270, 291, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, 329, 338, 360, 361, 402, 410, 414, 422, 423, 427, 437, 439, 441, 443 Margery, 35, 42, 45, 218, 256, 266, 271, 333, 334,* 352, 371 395 Martha, 334, 341, 354, 443, 446, 455, 462 Mary, 73, 148, 158, 159, 222, c. of 222, 235, 250, 261, 281, 301, 308, 320, 325, 337, 345, 354, 419, 433, 444, 450 Nicholas, 73, 107, 143, 241, 291, 403 OUver, 303 Richard, 39, 67, 69, 72,* 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 82,* 84, 118, 148, 185, c. of 188, 203, 229, 238, 244, 246, 253, 269, 281, 289, 293, 296, 298, 302, 306, 309, 313, 317,* 318, 323,* 327, 328, 337, 338, 345, 349, 354, 356, 364, 397, 398,* d. of 399, 399, 417, 424, 432, 433 444 450 Robert, 49, 72, 73, 75, 80, 81, 84, 87, 89,* 109, 132, 138, 145, 148, 190, 213, 219, 232, 236, 239,* 240, 250, 255, 302, 305, 314, 317, 321, 327, 349,* 368, 371, 380, 383, 406, 416, 440, 447 Roger, 314 Silvester, 313, 395 Wignall, Thomas, 28, 29, 34, 37, 39, 46, 57, 69, 73, 76, 78,* 85, 90,* 95, 98,* 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 112, 113, 128, 146, 148, 184, 188, 189, 203, 204, 218, 220, 227, 228, 242, 245, 248,* 249, 255, 258, 259,* 263, 264, c. of 264, 267, 270, 271, 273, 280, 286, 295, 296, 298, 303, 305, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 316,* 318, 320, 325, 326, 329, 337, 341, 351,* 354, 386, 390, 396,* 397, 400,* c. of 406, 406, 418, 422, 424, 426, 427,* 433,* 434, 439, 441, 446, 455,* 458* Thurstan, 184 WilUam, 11, 24, 32,* 51,* 54, 57, 62,* 65, 67, 74, 80,* 100,* 101, 112, 118, 119, 121, 139, 158, 175, s. and d. of 210, 213, 216, 222, 228, w. of 233, 244, 251, 253, 266, 267, 270, 271, 280, 288, 293, 294,* 296, 299, 300, 301, 304,* 307, 308,* 310, 313,* 317, 318,* 322, 323, 324, 326, 327,* 329, 333,* 334,* 341, 352, 354, 360, 367, 369, 393, 399, 411, 413,* 414, 417, 423,* 426, 427, 434, 435, 438, 442, 443, 446, 455 462 WignaU alias Car James, 70, 210 Jane, 73 Richard, 70, 73, 210 Wignall alias Dobson Henry, 40 ; Wignanall J WlgnhaU -WignaU . Wignoll ) Wilcock (WUcocke, WUcocks, | WUcok, Wilooke, WUcox, Wilkock, Wilkoks, WiUcocke, Willkocke, Wylcock, Wylcocks, Wylcok, Wylooks, Wylkock, Wylkocka, Wylkok) AUce, 23, 45, 193, 195 Anne, 41, 209 Catherine, 19, 189, 423, 435 Dorothy, 409 Edward, 66, 134, 138, 198, 199, 213, 229, 247 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 562 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 WUcock, Elizabeth, 183 EUen, 32, 140, 194 Henry, 35 James, 196 Jane, 36, 199 Jeffrey, 16, 45 Jenet, 191 John, 36, 54, 191, 195, 196, 209 Lettice, 230 Margaret, 45, 49, 66, 125, 389, 423 Margery, 177, 188 Matthew, 254, 359, 423,* 424,* 457 Richard, 38, 51, 54, 198, 213, 247, 404, 419 Stephen, 26 Thomas, 32, 40 WUUam, 29, 31, 51, 54, 184, w. of 189, 389, 419, 436 Wilcockson (WUcocsone, Wilkockson, WUlcocsone, Wylcokson, Wylkoekson) Agnes, 168 EUen, 5 Erne, 177 Henry, 15 John, 165 Margery, 11 Ralph, 163 Wilcok 1 Wilcoke > see Wilcock Wilcox I Wilding (Weldin, Wielding, Wilden, Wildin, Wildinge, WUldeng, Willdin, WiUding, Willdinge, Wylding, Wyldinge, WyUding, Wylldinge) [see also Wilay] Adam, 26, 298, 417 Agnes, 138, 172, 195, 418 Alexander, 33, 125,* 166, 183 Alice, 49, 60, 257,* 260, 368,* 399 AUson, 164 Anne, 15, 50, 145, 200, 238, 270, 320 Catherine, 62, 122, 135, 205 Cicely, 131, 132, 177 Daniei, 111 Dorothy, 10, 128 Edward, 2, 133, 169, 188, 257* EUzabeth, 17, 54, 81, 105, 119, 135, 169, 256, 286, 438 Ellen, 51, 81, 125, 131, 174, 203, 287, 337, 456,* 463 Henry, 61, 127, 174, 219 Hugh, 94, 129, 137, 195, 399 Wilding, Isabel, 102, 229, 257, 288, 400, 402 JameB, 2, 32, 69, 92, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 105, 245,* 256, 257, 260, 389 Jane, 27, 44, 59, 100, 146, 192, 263, 411, 442 Jeffrey, 21, 44, 47, 54, 136, 179, 204, 268, 302, 312, 318, 320, 337, 349,"364, 417, 428, 456,* 460 Jenet, 8, 53, 111, 129, 131, 203,* 209, 246, 456 Jephera, 295, 298 John, 6, 27, 35, 49, 56, 58, 110, 111, 177, 192, 270, 275, 302,* 318, 337, 365, 414, 423, 428, 438, 442, 460 Lewis, 131, 133 Margaret, 6, 12, 83, 120, 135, 159, 168, 171, 181, 194, 207, 219, 282, 418, 425 Margery, 5, 28, 51, 64, 119, 121, 184, 223, 292, 433, 448 Mary, 56, 58, 196, 211, 349, 401, 447, 463 Matthew, 264 Peter, 69, 72, 78, 84, 92, 98, 228, 229, 245, 260, 269 Ralph, 107, 108, 179 Richard, 20, 64, 84, 106, 113, 133, 136, 140, 156, 245, 263, 266, 295, 296, 349, 384, 398, 463 Robert, 47, 49, 56, 58, 81, 83, 106, 127, 130, 144, 145, 209, 211, 229. 238, d. of 244, 287, 296, 302, 363, 401 Roger, 44, 46, 52, 180, 186 Thomas, 9,* 31, 42, 49, 50, 51,* 52,* 56, 58, 60, 62, 72, 81,* 95, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 118,* 122, 129, 131, 137, 139, 157, 159, w. of 186, 198, 205, 227, 244, 260, 263,* 288, 400, 401,* 402, 411, 419, 423, 428 Thurstan, 34, 59, 78, 131, 228 Widow, 227, 262 William, 6, 23, 46, 61, 164, 171, 215,* 263, 282, 286, 292, 312, 410, 418,* 425, 427, 428, 438 Wildsmith, Sarah, 158 WUkinson (WUkinsone, Willkinson) AUce, 312, 424 Andrew, 330 563 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Wilkinson, Anne, 289, 337, 386, 405, 392, 450 Ellen, 320, 403, 412, 419, 434 George, 82* Hugh, 295, 420 Jane, 284, 373 John, 83, 99, 310, 337, 402, 450 Margaret, 283, 395 Mary, 143 Thomas, 325, 420 WUliam, 83, 99, 283, 284, 289, 295, 310, 312, 316,* 320, 325, 330, 369, 392, 395, 403, 412, 419, 424, 434 Wilkock, see Wilcock WUkockson, see Wilcockson WUkoks, see Wilcock Willan (Willam) George, 217 John, 20 Willcocke, see WUcock Willcocsone, see Wilcockson WHldeng ) Willdin I ,„..,,. Willding W Wilding WUldinge I Willes (Willis, Wylles, Wylls) Alice, 123* Custance, 135 EUzabeth, 169 EUen, 8 Eme, 4, 172 Jenet, 161 John, 130 Margaret, 5 Margery, 128, 182 Roger, 125, 172, d. of 172 Willesie, John, 275 WiUet, Margaret, 128 Williams, AUce, 414 David, 279* Williamson (WUliamsonne) AUce, 296 Anne, 152 Catherine, 296 David, 403 EUzabeth, 66, 375 Ellen, 62, 69, 245, 444 Henry, 18, 62, 74, 245 Hugh, 43, 66, 69, 74, 128, 219 James, 463 Jenet, 220 WUlkinson, see Wilkinson Willkocke, see WUcock Wilson (Willson, Willsone, Willsonne, WUsone, Wyllsone, Wylson) Alice, 31, 87, 90, 109, 116, 120,* 174, 241, 251, 255, 288, 293, 402, 458 Wilson, Anne, 63, 106, 139, 169, 213, 218, 290, 297, 301, 335, 345, 365, 388, 433, 443, 456 Catherine, 67, 100, 102, 130, 395, 407 Christian, 335, 443 Cicely, 67, 301, 365, 425 Edward, 7, 50, 107, 109, 132, 195, 213, 316, 391 Elizabeth, 11, 16, 23, 27, 72, 97, 116, 130, 155,219,231, 250, 273, 303, 306, 328, 334, 336, 344, 351, 415, 431, 438, 452 EUen, 33, 48, 62, c. of 220, 251, 271, 336, 345, 423, 443 Henry, 15, 33, 47, 60, 64, 82, 83, 86,* 89, 90, 93,* 97, 100, 102, 104, 107,* 108, 109, 131, 157, 160, 177, 182, 214, 239, 240, 248, 250, 251, 253, 263,* 265, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 290, 293,* 294,* 296,* 298, 301,* 304,* 306,* 309, 312, 316, 321, 325, 327, 336,* 344,* 345,* 351, 358, 362, 370, 373, 377, 392, 394, 399, 402,* 407,* 408, 419, 423, 434,* 443, 452,* 456 Hugh, 14, 25, 52,* 87, 138, 172, 174, 191, 239,* 241, 243, 261 Isabel, 111, 113, 251, 266, 395 James, 2, 43, 327 Jane, 29, 86, 138, 145, 157, 195, 239,* 248, 263,* 291, 334, 341, 453 Jenet, 11, 19, 72, 132, 225, 251, 290, 298, 403, 422 John, 5, 8, 27, 30, 47, 48, 60, 62,* 64, 67,* 72, 82, 92, 104, 106, 109, 111, 113, 116, 117,* 118, 121, 123, 124, 128, 138, w. of 187, 202, 211, 218,* 222,* 225, 253, 266, 273, 275, 282, 294, 309, 312, 334, 341, 377, 392, 453 Jonathan, 306 Julian, 107 Margaret, 10, 34, 55,* 58, 111, 146, 273, 313, 336, 344, 424 Margery, 2, 7, 22, 29, 64, 86, 136, 222, 243 Martha, 339 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 564 C. pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 WUson, Mary, 24, 217, 305, 345, 368, 456 N.X.N., 419 Nicholas, 121 Oliver, 106, 107, 109, 111, 114,* 116, 270, 415, 429 Peter, 121, 295, 458 Richard, 38, 107, 114, 270, 336, 339,* 422 Robert, 55,* 58, 62, 64, 213, 240, 321 Thomas, 3, 36, 79, 89, 90, 106, 107, 109, 118, 130, 158, 192, 221, w. of 257, 263, 273, 275, 283, 284, 285,* 286,* 288, 290, 293, 295, 303, 316, 341, 345, 351, 360, 366, 382, 393, 398,* 402, 403, 425, 429, 431, 436, 453 Widow, 229, 436 WiUiam, 18, 29, 48, 50, 52,* 55, 63, 64,* 79, 83, 85,* 87,* 90, 92, 108, 145, 213,* 217, 221, 231, 232, s. of 237, 239, c. of 262, 263, 271, 273, 287, 291, 294, 297, 301,* 305, 309, 313, 316, 325, 328, 335, 344, 360, 399, 408,* 424, 434,* 436, 443, 460 WUson alias Litle Jo : Jo : 222, s. of 222 Winard, AUce, 144 Winders, EUzabeth, 366 John, 397 Windwart (Winwarte) Jenet, 40, 183 Winnell (Winell, Winnall, Winnel, Wynell, WynneU, Wynoll) Anne, 143, 155 Cicely, 36 Henry, 143 Infant, 189 Jane, 42 Jenet, 215 Margaret, 45 Richard, 145 Roger, 133 WUliam, 45 Winstanley, Anne, 338 Jane, 145, 338 Ralph, 41 Thomas, 338 Winwarte, see Windwart Wiswell (Wisall), Elizabeth, 199 '• Old," w. of 225 Witherington, Elizabeth, 420 Withington, Elizabeth, 329 Withington. Ellen,"335, 353,* 394, 398, 399, 440, 460, 462* Jn, 440 John, 95, 97, 101, 286, 325, 329, 335, 353, 374, 395, c. of 462, 462 Margaret, 280, 293, 335, 407, 427 Ralph, 291, 293, 405, 407 Richard, 280, 286, 289,* 325, 394,* 402, 403,* 440 Robert, 101, 297, 398, 460 Thomas, 95 William, 97, 291, 297, 389, 394, 405 Woan (Woane, Wolhne, Wone ) AUce, 242, 369, 420 Elizabeth, 256, 435 EUen, 211, 357 Hannah, 304, 418 Hugh, 323 James, 208, 211, 308 Jane, 231, 341, 349, 354 John, 292, 341 Margaret, 72, 210 Mary, 292 Robert, 72, 210, 231, 242, 256, 263 Thomas, 255 William, 299,* 304, 308, 312,* 318,* 323, 341, 349,* 354,* 357, 379, 415,* 418, 452, 463* Wobancke) w Ubank Wobank ) Wodds, see Wood Wodez see Wood Wodgos, Jenet, 13 Wodus, see Wood Wolhne, see Woan Wolhue, WiUiam, 134 Wolton, see Walton Wolmsley, see Walmesley Wone, see Woan Wood (Wodds, Wodez, Wodus, Woodde, Wooddes, Woodds, Woode, • Woodes, Woods) Alice, 131, 167, 248, 258, 289, 300, 309, 321, 413 Alison, 5, 121 Amer, 5, 171 Anne, 180, 185, 297, 418 Barbara, 34 Catherine, 108, 169, 176, 192, 388 Christian, 294 Cicely, 125, 275, 406 Dorothy, 129 Edward, 3 565 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Wood, Elizabeth, 23, 129, 131, 139, 144, 223, 253, 307, 325, 443 Ellen, 5, 7, 105, 125, 385 George, 101, 164, 294, 297, 300, 305, 307, 318,* 362, 383, 407, 413, 430 Hugh, 228, 230 Isabel, 135, 178 James, 131, w. of 182, 182 Jane, 15, 56, 59, 178, 196, 204, 325, 435 Jeffrey, 60, 131, 205, 248, 253, 254, 257, 258, 456 Jenet, 99, 443 Joan, 191 John, 8, 14, 31, 121, 131, 133, 195, 253, 321 Laurence, 172 Margaret, 60, 257, 267 Mary, 12, 46, 319 Peter, 104, 253 Ralph, 129 Richard, 2, 7, 28, 46, 56, 59, 160, 169,. 180, 182, 204, 228, 275, 388, 389 Robert, 7, 202, 294, 305, 407 Roger, 9 Thomas, 3, 165, 289, s. of 294, 294, 319, 325, 373, 435, 443 Thurstan, 179 William, 11, 99, 101, 104, 105, 108, 253, 309 Woodcock (Woodcocke, Woodcok, Woodcoke, Woodcoocke) Alice, 73 Cicely, 128 Edward, 141, 321, 363 Elizabeth, 179, 321 Ellen, 78, 98, 137, 212, 335 Jane, 191, 196 John, 6, 7, 48, 249, 262, 270 Margaret, 262, 330, 335, 455 Margery, 250 Mary, 249 Peter, 41, 73, 78, 126, 212, 220 Robert, 122, 179 Roger, 48, 98, 135, 149, J79, 201 Thomas, 45, 210, 330, 335, 455* William, 27, 330 Woodde J Wooddes | Woodds >see Wood Woode I Woodes ) Woodroof (Woodroffe) Jenet, 171 Richard, 122 Woods, see Wood Woods alias Anstidd (Woods alias Anstheade) Margery, 67 N.X.N., 67 Richard, 136 Woodwart, Robert, 127 Woormalte [?] [or Woowadle] Ellen, 165 Woosley, Thomas, 437 WooBy, Richard, 77 Robert, 77 Woowadle [?] [or Woormalte] Ellen, 165 Wornton, Bartholomew, 267 James, 383 John, 261, 267, 270,* 274 Margaret, 270 Matthew, 261, 274 Richard, 248 Thomas, 248 Worsley (Worslay, Worsly, Worstley) Alexander, 36, 50, 53, 56, 58, 80, 83, d. of 187, 189, 208, 223 Alice, 112, 375 Anne, 236, 444 Christopher, 267 Elizabeth, 81, 94, 242, 348, 444 Henry, 234, 318, 323, 328, 331, 340 Jane, 36, 49, 50 Jenet, 423 John, 306, 328, 340, 422, 437 Margaret, 242, 267, 268, 303 Margery, 331,* 340 Mary, 318 N.X.N., 189, 437 Richard, 53 Roger, 56, 58, 207, 237 Seth, 179 Thomas, 80, 143, 223, 236, 293, 303, 306, 318, 348, 406, 422, 423, 438, 444 WiUiam, 45, 81, 83, 94, 112, 236, 237, 242, 252, 267, 268, 270, 293, 318, 323, 348, 395, 406, 438 Worthington (Worthinton, Wothington) Alice, 48, 134, 218, 251, 340, 348, 420, 443, 459 Andrew, 31, 53, 63, 75, 250, 280, 329, 441, 446 Anne, 109, 215, 295, 400, 410, 430 Bartholomew, 19 Cicely, 179 Clarice/ 185, 215 Edward, 63, 314 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 566 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357 ; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-276 and S88-463 Worthington. Elizabeth, 26, 40, 46, 68, 107, 121, 166, 310, 347, 441 EUen, 43, 211, 292, 340, 403, 412, 441, 446 EUis, 164 Geoffrey, 9 George, 119, 181, 456 Grace 456 Henry, 27, 57, 60, 63, 92, 123, 202, 310, 320, 326, 329, 340, 348, 437, 443, 459* Hugh, 22, 122 Isabel, 145 James, 33, 57„ 86, c. of 209, 214,* 248,* 286, 329, 347, 403 Jane, 28, 127, 262 Jenet, 57, 79, 119, 167, 198, 254 John, 11, 25, 48, 57, 60, 61, 63, 77, 79, 82, 92, 110, 136, 144, 202, w. of 224, 230, 261, 262, 273,* 274, 286, 289,* 292, 295, 347, 391, 400, 404,* 410, 441 Kester, 46 Laurence, 146 Margaret, 22, 53, 93, 123, 128, 202, 256, 257, 314 Margery, 15, 121, 197, 248 Mary, 146, 390 Matthew, 30, 251, 274 Maud, 128 Richard, 61, 67, 82, 84, 91, 101, 102, 105, 110, 126, 139, 141, 171, 212, 227, 229, 254, 261, 274, 326, 329, 348, 437, 443, 459 Robert, 412 Roger, 68, 138, 140, 231 Thomas, 10, 15, 23, 61, 75, 77, 84,* 86, 91, 93, 101, 102, 107, 109, 112, 128, 131, 132, 138, 139, 146, 157, 211, 227, 230,* 237, 256, 257, 266, 280 Thomasin, 112, 372 Walter, 119, 164 WiUiam, 18, 36, 43, 47,* 61, 65,* 67, 105, w. of 187, 199, 212, 230, 237, 320 Wrast, see also Reece Jane, 25, 227 Wrennall (Renall, Wrenall, Wrenell, WrennoU) see also Renalls Alice, 6, 126 EUzabeth. 38 EUen, 223 Hugh, 3, 168 Wrennall, Jane, 14, 129 Jenet, 232 Margaret, 129, 193 Nicholas, 121, w. of 182 Richard, 11 Roger, 16,* 223, 228 Thomas, 134, 221 Wrest, see also Reece Constance, 28 Henry, 37 Richard, 19 Thomas, 37 Wright (Wrighte, Write, Wryght) Alice, 160, 168 Alison, 200 Anne, 33, 45, 83, 133, 137, 361 Catherine, 158 Edward, 17 Elizabeth, 75, 144, 262 Ellen, 7, 43, 358 Ellis, 44 Ewan, 128 George, 384 Henry, 451 James, 345 Jane, 247, 267, 448 Jenet, 91, 245, 264 John, 21, 47, 62, 164, 367 Jonat, 451 Jony, 34 Lettice, 138 Margery, 4 Mary, 337, 345 Patience, 451 Richard, 11, 14, 62, 71, 125, 135, 180, 264, 337 Robert, 44, 47, 71, 75, 80, 83, 87,* 91, 132, 224, 252, 324, 337, 345 Thomas, 204 WiUiam, 80, 224, 324 Wright alias Walmsley Ellen, 71 Robert, 71 Wrightington, Agnes, 182 Bartholomew, 182 Write, see Wright Wryght, see Wright Wygans, see Wigans Wygans alias Philipson Wyggan alias Phyllipson, see Wigans alias PhUlipson WygSuV WignaU Wylbugton, Robert, 139 Wylcock \ W^ -Wilcock Wylcoks 1 Wylcokson, see Wilcockson 567 INDEX OF NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Wylde, Annes, 187 WylSJ- Wilding Wylkocks,*ee Wncock Wylkockson, see Wilcockson Wylkok, see WUcock wSe]- Wilding WyUes, see Willes WyUington, Robert, 139 Wylls, see Willes WylsZ6}- Wilson Wylson alias Dicks, Henry, 197 Wyne [?] Richard, 173 WyneU \ WynneU > see WinneU WynoU ) X Xtopher, see Christopher Yarwood, Hugh, 385, 456 Yates (Yate, Yatee, Yattes, Yeat, Yeatt) Agnes, 170, 175, 193 Alexander, 309 AUce, 82, 92, 141, 209, 300 Anne, 269, 303, 314, 317, 374 Yates, Edward, 213 Elizabeth, 6, 200, 223, 270, 308 Ellen, 129, 204, 270, 339, 350,* 453 Henry, 78, 135, 210, w. of 227, 236, 281,* 302, 306, 314, 319,* 328, 339, 350, 385, 397, 438, 453, 459, 461* Hugh, 44, w. of 255 James, 297, 309, 374, 413* Jane, 133, 191, 196 John, 7, 12, 28, 40, 78, 82, 92, 94, 163, 183, 210, 255, 269, 271, 272, 273, 302, 308, 310, 311, 3)7, 328, 339, 422, 434, 436, 438 Margaret, 191, 272, 443 Mary, 94, 261, 446 Richard, 164 Thomas, 14, 177, 209, 245,* 246, w. of 249, 273, 297, 303, 306, 310, 311, 436 William, 122, 300 Ydam I Ydan ,- see Iddon Ydden I Yeatt jaeeYatea Yetle, Agnes, 9 Yodam, WilUam, 179 Younge, Margery, 155 568 II. gnbex of Wface=!$laxnes. CHRISTENINGS WEDDINGS . . BURIALS pp. 1—118 and 279—357 „ 119—162 and 358—387 „ 163—275 and 388—463 Abraham, 274 Alker, 342 Amondernes Hundred, 153 Armeschurch parish, see Ormskirk parish Armschurch, see Ormskirk Ash, The, 246 Ashton, 152 Asley, 280 Aughton, 384, 441* Banck, see Hesketh Bank Bancke Hall, 162 Banckes in Meales parish, 150 Bank, see Hesketh Bank Barbara More, 219 Becconsall (Beckonsal, BeckonsaU, Beconsal, BeconsaU, BecosaU, BeconsU, and abbreviations) 74,* 80,* 102, 105, 115, 117, 157, 182, 220,* 226 256,286, 334, 406* 208, 210, 219 237, 240, 241, 257, 263, 281, 289, 293, 345, 358, 408, 418 296, 392, 243,283, 300,403, Bedford, 301 Bickerstaffe, 365 Bispham (Bispam, Bispom, Byspanv, Byspham, and abbreviations) 55 and 176 subsequent pages Blackburne parish, 451 Blackegate Lane in Tarleton (Blaket Lane) 205, 256 Blacke Moore 1 Blackmor6 Blacke More ) Black Gate of Tarleton, 84, 103, 222, 223, 228, 237, 271 -see Burscough Black More (Blackemoore, Blackemore, and abbreviations) 59, 82, 209, 210, 217,* 219,* 222,* 224, 225,* 226, 227, 232, 246, 247, 326, 334, 339, 350, 390, 435,* 462 Blaket Lane, see Blackegate Lane in Tarleton Bolton (Boulton) 253, 386 Borsco | Borscoe | Borskaw i Boskoh j Boulton, parrish of, 361 Bretherton (Braterton, Bratherton, Brereton, Brerton, Brethrton, Brotherton, and abbreviations) 56 and 320 subsequent pages Bridge End, 231 Brindle, 117, 162 Broughton, 383 Bryneing, 158 Bursco Lane, 423* Burscough (Borsco, Borscoe, Borskaw, Boschow, Boscow, Boskoh, Bursco, Burscoe, Burscow, Burscowe, Burso) 149, 158, 162,* 286, 291, 292, 297,* 299,* 306, 308, 311, 313,* 317, 321,* 324, 326,* 330,* 333, 334, 339, 342, 346, 350,* 355,* 356,* 363, 372, 376,* 400, 403, 409, 418, 420, 426,* 431, 433, 437,* 439, 442, 445, 449,* 451, 457, 463 Byspam I s6e Bispham Byspham ) 569 INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES. Carhotjse, 252 Charnock (Charnocke) 116, 154, 228, 245, 258 Cheshire, 80, 280 Chorley (Chorlay, Chorly) 67, 140,* 150, 153, 154,* 155, 156,* 158, 159,* 160, 161, 162,* 240, 348, 359,* 360, 361,* 369, 372,* 374, 377,* 385,* 404, 412 Chroston parish, see Croston parish Clayton in Leyland parish, 378 Coppull, 115 Croston (Chroston, Crostonn, Xton, and abbreviations) 1 and passim Croston parish (Chroston parish) 136,* 148,* 149,* 150,* 359, 360, 361, 362, 377, 378,* 379, 380* Crostons in ye North Meales, 155 Cureden (Curden) 70, 260, 358 D Dalton (Dotten) 79, 159, 268 Deane parish, 366 Dotten, see Dalton Drinckehouse, 59 Duckbery, 241 Duglas Chappell (Duggas Chappell, Duggus Chappell, Dugus Chappell) 70, 106, 163 E Eauxton, see Euxton Eccleston (Ecclston, Ecleton) 45,* 47, 61, 62, 82, 87, 93, 97, 98, 100, 104,* 151, 152, 153, 154, 156,* 187, 223, 232, 249,* 259,* 262, 265, 270, 300, 346, 363,* 365, 369, 373, 375,* 383,* 384,* 390, 397, 409, 422, 428,* 434, 438, 446 Eccleston Church, 68 Eccleston parish (Eckleston parish) 70, 74, 95,* 96,* 151, 206, 216, 221, 224 Ecclston, see Eccleston Eccston, see Euxton Egsborth [Aigburth] 150 Euxton in Leyland parish (Eauxton, Eccston, Exton) 85, 154, 156,* 159, 225, 250, 255, 261, 327, 336,* 366, 383, 402, 413, 420, 423, 426, 440, 446 C.pp. 1-1 18 and 279-357; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387 ; B. 163-275 and 388-463 F Fatbehttbst 1 Fairest > see Fayrehurst Farehurst ) Farrington, 118, 433* Fayrehurst (Fairehurst, Fairest, Farehurst, Farest) 208, 213,* 216, 221, 226, 237, 250, 393, 403 Field, Ye, 104 Fienes ales Tarltone, 96 Fiernes, the, 244 Formby (Formbye) 297, 356 Fulwood, 153 G Garstang, 384* Grange, 218 H Hahous, 246 Halgh, the, 404 Hall, the (Halle) 68 Hall Care, 96 Hall in Lonton, 96 Halsall (Halsey) 142, 362 437 Halsey [Halsall] parish, 458 Harton [? for Haighton] 430 Haskeine, see Heskin Hay, 365 Heath Charnock in Standish parish, 377, 439 Hesbie in Cheshire, 280 Heskeine, see Heskin Hesketh 66 and 125 subsequent pages Hesketh Bank (Banck ye, Banckes the, Bank, Hesbancke, Hesketh Banck, Hesketh Bancke, Hesketh Banke, Hesketh Bonck, Hesketh Boncke, and abbreviations) 59 and 95 subsequent pages Hesketh cum Becconsall (Hesketh cum Becconsal, Hesketh cum Beconsall) 337,* 345,* 349, 350,* 354 Heskett Boncke, see Hesketh Bank Heskin (Haskeine, Heskeine, Heskinn) 78, 96, 101, 161,* 224, 252, 255, 261, 270, 283, 358, 363, 365,* 367, 373, 389, 396, 425, 428, 443,* 453, 459, 460 Heyes, 229, 230 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 570 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Hindlay, 304 Hirst Greene in Mawdesley, 112, 255 Hodhouse in Hoole (Hodhouses) 81, 216, 222, 246, 247, 250, 252 Holmes in Tarleton (Holm, Holme, Holms, Hoolms, Houlmes, Whoulmes) 66, 69,* 77,* 183, 207, 219, 223, 230, 234, 235, 238, 240, 243, 253, 286, 291,* 297, 299,* 346, 354, 356,* 391, 405, 407, 408, 410 Holmes Wood, see Holmswood Holms, see Holmes Holmswood (Holmes Wood, Hoolmswood,Houllmes Wood, Houlme Wood, Houlmes Wood, Houlmswoods, Whoulmewood, and abbreviations) 59, 61, 77,* 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 89, 91, 96, 97, 98, 104, 148, 216, 223, 224, 228, 241, 281, 286,* 291,* 292,* 293, 297, 298, 299,* 303,* 309, 311, 313, 315,* 317,* 319,* 321,* 322,* 324,* 326,* 328,* 330,* 338,* 339,* 341, 346,* 350,* 351,* 356,* 357,* 386, 399,* 400, 403, 407, 408, 410, 411, 420, 426,* 427,* 428, 432, 435,* 437,* 439,* 440, 445, 451,* 457, 458 Hoole (Hool, Hule) 46 and 142 subsequent pages Hoole parish (Hool parish 244, 386, 390 Hooles Walton ( „„., TT1 „ w„u Hoolswalton j 8ee V]ne9 WMon Hough, 46 Houghwick, 262 Houllmes Wood | Houlme Wood I „„„ xt„i~-™„«j Houlmes Wood \8ee Holmswood Houlmswoods ) Howks Head, 373 Hulswalton, see Ulnes Walton Hutton, 248, 251, 374, 401, 432 Hyten, 158 Je, or Jd, 241 Kelamore, 365 Kerkeham K Kerkeham j ieh of gee Kirkham, Krrcham jr parish of Kirkham (Kirckam, Kirkam, Kirkeham) 81, 141,154, 161,379,413 Kirkham, parish of (Kerkeham, parish of, Kircham, parish of) 136, 379, 390 Lailand 1 t 1 j Lalan I eee Leyland Lancaster, 284 Lane, Countie of, 149 Langton, see Longton Lankieshire, 85 Lathom (Latham, Laytham, Letham, Lethom, Li thom) 78, 110, 154, 157, 159,* 161, 229,* 281,* 285, 287,* 291, 292,* 293, 297, 299,* 303, 304, 305,* 309,* 313, 315,* 319, 321, 326,* 356,* 357, 365, 374,* 375, 399, 400, 403, 404, 405, 407, 415, 417,* 420, 423,* 424, 426,* 432, 435, 437, 448, 449, Layland, see Leyland I i^lond [ Parish, see Leyland parish Laytham, see Lathom Leagh Hole, 153 Leigh parish, 463 Leland, see Leyland Letham, see Lathom Leverpool Ue Li ol Leverpoole J r Leyland (Lailand, Lalan, Layland, Leland) 49, 55, 56,* 57, 59, 64, 81, 99, 100,* 117, 140, 149, 153, 158,* 159,* 160,* 244, 255, 265, 307, 319, 325, 348, 358, 365, 366, 367, 368,* 371,* 373,* 374, 376, 378,* 382,* 383,* 385,* 386,* 397, 410, 429, 433, 435, 441, 455 Leyland parish (Lalan parish, Layland parish Laylond parish) 58,* 64, 68, 70, 94,* 140, 147, 228, 358, 375, 378, 383, 386 Lirpoole, see Liverpool Lithom, see Lathom 57i INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf. 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Little Hoole (Litle Hool, Litle Hoole) 218, 220, 222, 225, 232, 259, 263, 390, 406, 407, 412, 414,* 432 Littlewood in Ulnes Walton (Litlewood) 94, 95, 97, 205, 211, 212, 214, 227, 239,* 253,* 262* Liverpool (Lerpoole, Lererpoole, Leverpool, Leverpoole, Lirpoole) 61, 80, 150, 156, 236, 322, 366, 367, 369, 372, 419, 424, 436, 441 London, 75, 93, 216, 224, 333 Longton in Penwortham parish (Langton, Lonton) 79, 96,* 99, 152, 153,* 155,* 157,* 159, 191, 223, 224, 225, 227, 231, 235, 252, 254, 255, 256, 258, 263, 265, 267, 269, 271,* 273,* 284, 348, 359,* 361, 364, 365, 368, 375, 381, 388, 390, 394,* 395, 396, 405, 406, 408, 410, 411, 414 415, 416, 418, 419, 423, 425, 426, 434, 436, 438, 439, 446, 450, 452, 456* Lonton, Hall of, 96 Lytham, 383 M Madesley ] Madsley [ see Mawdesley Madsly ) Manchester, 439, 444 March Houses, 219, 220,* 228, 246* Martin Mere (Martin Mear, Martin Meer, Marton Mere) 317,* 319, 321, 324,* 325,* 326,* 328,* 330,* 334,* 338,* 339,* 342, 345,* 346,* 351, 354, 355,* 374, 379, 427, 428, 433, 437, 439, 440, 442,* 444, 449,* 451,* 462 Marton, 232 Mawdesley (Madesley, Madsley, Madsly, Maudesley, Maudisley, Maudslay, Maudsley, Maudsly, Maurdsley, Maurdsly, Mawdesleigh, Mawdesly, Mawdisley, Mawdley, Mawdslay, Mawdsle, Mawdsley, Mawdsly, Mawnsley, Mawrdsley,' Mawdesley, continued — Mawrsdlay, Mawsley, Modesley, Modsley, Mowdesley, Mowdsley) and abbreviations 27 and 297 subsequent pages Meales, see Meols Meales parish, 150, 151, 160 Meols, the (Meales, Meals, Meoles, Meyles) 151, 154, 363, 369, 371, 372, 412 Middleton Church, 98 ModsleyylSee:RIaWdeSley Mosse Houses in Hoole 219, 230, 246, 247, 248, 249 MowdslSiyylse6Mawde8leyMuch Hoole (Muche Hoole, Much Houle) 59, 102, 190, 218, 221, 273, 398, 406,* 407,* 414,* 437* N Newbrough in Ormskirk parish, 381 Newport in Shropshire, 338* Newton, 272 North Meols (North Meales) 152, 155, 157, 358, 416 O Ormskerke, see Ormskirk Ormskerke parish, see Ormskirk parish Ormskirk (Armschurch, Ormskerke, Ormskirke) 111, 136,* 156, 329, 335, 361,* 371, 375,* 376,* 378, 381, 384, 449 Ormskirk parish (Armeschurch parish, Ormeskerke parrish) 136, 360, 361, 381, 462 Oulswalton ) Ouswalton j see Ulnes Walton Parbold (Parbot, Parbould, Parbutt, Perbold) 70, 92, 156, 261, 275, 283, 372, 392, 397, 416, 422 Penordam)Parish> 8ee Penwortham ' parish Penwortham (Penwartham) 141, 160, 234, 312, 370,* 381 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 572 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Chappell Penwortham parish (Penerdom parish, Penordam parish) 160, 235, 3J6, 381, 390 Perbold, see Parbold Preston, 67, 68, 89, 152,* 153,* 158, 234, 261, 297, 362, 405, 424, 459, 460 Preston parrish (Prestone parrish) 280, 361 R Rainford, 440 Ribbie in Kerkeham parish, 390 Ribleton, 422 Rufford (Rofford, Rufforde, Rufforth, Ruforth) 60 and 164 subsequent pages Rufford ChappeU (Rufforth Chapel, Rufforth Chapell, Rufforth Chappei) 63, 70, 113, 165, 218,* 232, 233, 240, 276, 291, 462 Rufforde, Rufforth, see Rufford $"%*% EMi { *<" F^ord Rufforth Chapell V Rufforth Chappei ) Ruforth, see Rufford S Sallom, see Sollom Samblesbury (Samsberry Samsbury, Sausberry) 267, 363, 370, 372, 439 Scasebrick (Scacebricke, Scasebricke, Skeirsbrick) 100, 102, 154, 158, 330, 376, 400, 403 Shevington (Shervington) 68, 157 Shropshire, 338* Skeirsbrick, see Scasebrick SoUom in Tarleton (SaUom, Solam, Sollam, Sollome, Solom, Sullom — and abbreviations) 67,* 68, 77,* 79, 80, 82, 83, 87, 89,* 90,* 91,* 95,* 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 104, 152,* 190,* 205, 206,* 207, 208, 219, 220, 221, 222,* 223,* 224, 225,* 226, 232, 234, 235,* 236, 238, 239,* 240, 242, 243,* 244,* 245, 248,* 259, 281,* 286,* 291,* 292, 294, 297, 298, 354, 356,* 357, 362, 388, 401, 457* S* Gyles, London, 333 Stakes, 209 Standish, 155, 295, 365, 370, 377,* 430 Standish parish, 136, 156, 360, 361 377, 386, 457* Stopwarth, 319 Tarlescoe (Tamescoe) 286, 396, 407 Tarleton (Talton, Tarelton, Tarletonn, Tarlton, Tarltone, Tarton — and abbreviations) 38 and 310 subsequent pages Tarleton Chapel, 463 Tarlton ales Fienes, 96 Tarlton Water, 207 Tarnescoe, see Tarlescoe Tarton, see Tarleton Towne Gate, Mawdesley, 232 U Ulnes Walton (Hooleswalton, Hoolswalton,Hulswalton, Oulswalton, Ouswalton,Uln Walton, Ulnes Walten, Ulns Walton, Vies Walton, Vlines Walton, Vlmes Walton, Vm Walton, Vines Walton, Vlness Walton, Vlnesse Walton, Vlns Walton, Vis Walton, WaUton,Walton, Waltonn,Wolton) 59 and 254 subsequent pages Upholland in Wigan parish (Upper Holland, Vpholland) 162, 368, 463 Vles Walton, Vlmes Walton, Vln Walton, Vines Walton, Y see Ulnes Walton Vlness Walton, Vlnesse Walton, | Vis Walton, 573 INDEX OF PLACE-NAMES C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Vluerston [Ulverston] parish, 150 Vper Deron [Upper Darwen] 90 Vpholland, see Upholland Vpper Hall, 226 W Waiton™ } "ee Ulnes Walton Walton parish, 150 Waltonn, see Ulnes Walton Warrington, 425 Warton in Kirkham parish, 161, 379 Welsh Whittle in Standish parish, 457* Whitle Lee Wood, see Whittle Lee Woods Whittle (Whitle) 264, 423, 426 Whittle Lee Woods (Whitle Lee Wood, Whittleewood) 319, 372, 374, 431 Whoulme wood, see Holmswood Whoulmes. see Holmes Wigan (Wigen) 153, 154, 156, 158, 378,* 405 Wigan parish (Wiggan parish) 84, 362, 463 Wigen, see Wigan Winicke, see Winwicke Winstanley, 436 Winwicke (Winicke) 144, 152 Wolton, see Ulnes Walton Wood in Rufford, 94, 237 Wrightington (Wrightenton, Wrighton) 50, 79, 95, 112, 115, 116, 154, 155, 159, 160, 247, 251, 254, 255, 256,* 258, 259, 261, 264, 265, 267, 271, 273, 275, 364, 365, 366, 369, 372, 391, 396, 402, 404, 461 574 UT. §nbex of grades, Igvofessionsi, atxb g«tsc«ffrtttcous gffaffcrs. CHRISTENINGS WEDDINGS . . BURIALS . . pp. 1—118 and 279—357 „ 119—162 and 358—387 „ 163—275 and 388—463 Alehouse-keeper, 345,* 354 Apothecary, 343, 381, 452 Apprentice, 93 B.D. [Bachelor of Divinity] 70, 225 Bedlamer, 221, 222 Beggar, 208,* 210, 213, 226, 235, 266 Beggar Woman, 234, 235, 282, 284 Blacksmith, 204, 335, 336,* 342, 344,* 345, 348, 349, 380, 382, 440, 444, 446, 447, 452, 454,* 455 Blind Child, 222 Boatman, 242 - Bricklayer, 332, 342, 346, 352, 381, 383, 447, 450, 451 Bridgeman, 354 Briefs, 276, 277, 278 Burial at Leyland, 410 „ „ Liverpool, 236 „ „ Penwortham, 234 „ „ Rufforth Chapel, 232, 233, 240, 462 . Butcher, 68, 341, 351,* 377, 385 Buttoner, 212 C Carpenter, 71, 207, 211, 213, 331, 335, 336, 347, 348, 350, 353, 381, 440, 44«, 447* 448, 452, 455,* 457,* 458, 461* Carrier, 335, 345,* V1Q, 384, 444, 448,450,459,460 Chancel, burial in, 192, 225 Chapel, Mr. Ashton's, 186 Chapel Warden, 442, 445, 449, 451 Church, burial in (templo, burial in) 186,* 187,* 202,* 203,* 205,* 206,* 207,* 208,* 209,* 210,* 218,* 219,* 222, 223,* 224,* 226,* Churchwarden, 281, 285, 358, 359,* 360, 362,* 363, 364, 366, 368, 437, 439, 442, 444, 448,* 451, 457, 462 Clericus, 155 Clerk (Clerke) 66, 76, 78, 153, 436 Cobbler, 454, 455, 460 Cooper, 298, 337, 343, 347, 380, 450, 453 Cotton Weaver, 338, 339, 347, 380 Cripple, 303 Curate, 63,* 70, 151, 153, 311, 323, 324, 328, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366,* 368,* 369, 375, 377,* 378, 379,* 380,* 382,* 383, 384,* 385, 386,* 409, 415, 417,* 419, 420, 421, 423, 424,* 426*, 427, 428, 429,* 431,* 436,* 437, 439, 440,* 442,* 444, 445, 449, 451, 457, 458, 462, 463 Currier, 340 D Dauber, 355 Death by a Cart, 242 Doctor, 211 Draper, 458, 459 Drister (Dryster) 243, 26 > Drowning, death by, 202 206, 207, 211, 226 * 231, 246, 424 575 INDEX OF TRADES, &c. C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 E Esquire, 16, 57, 61,* 78, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103,* 104, 122, 150, 168, 197, 207, 213, 223, 224, 225,* 232, 233, 243, 245, 247,* 258, 268, 280, 284, 288, 289,* 290, 292, 294, 297, 299, 343, 345, 347, 349, 365, 388, 398, 400, 401, 409, 433, 435, 447, 449, 451, 452, 459,* 460 Excommunicate, 200 Farmer, 457, 463 Fidler, 453 G Gardener, 335, 445, 446 Gentleman, 60, 61, 84, 144, 146, 187, 190, 191,* 197,* 205, 206, 208, 209,* 211, 212, 213, 214,* 341, 344, 351, 353, 440, 448, 453, 458, 459, 460 Glasier, 214, 383 Glass Grinder, 336 Glover, 214, 271, 452,* 462 Godfather, 61 Godmother, 61 Goldsmith, 224 H HOUSEBROKER, 333 Husbandman, 74,* 80 151, 205, 207,* 209,* 211, 212,* 214, 221, 230,* 331,* 332,* 333,* 334,* 335,* 336,* 337,* 338,* 339,* 340,* 341,* 342,* 343,* 344,* 345,* 346,* '347,* 348,* 349,* 350,* 351,* 352,* 353,* 354,* 355,* 377,* 378,* 379,* 380,* 381,* 382,* 383,* 384,* 385,* 386,* 387,* 440,* 441,* 442,* 443,* 444,* 445,* 446,* 447,* 448,* 449,* 450,* 451,* 452,* 453,* 454,* 455,* 456,* 457,* 458,* 459,* 460,* 461,* 462,* 463,* Innkeeper, 332, 339, 343* Joiner, 331, 333, 338, 340, 344,* 346, 355,* 377, 380, 440, 448,* 449, 450, 460, 462 Justice of the Peace, 149, 150 Labourer, 333, 334, 337,* 341,* 345, 349,* 350,* 354,* 379, 382, 452, 458, 463* Lady, 241 Lector, 65, 67, 69, 71, 141, 142, 143, 201, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210 Limer, 442, 448, 450 Linen Webster, 345* Londoner, 216 Longevity, 211, 227,* 228 Ludimagister, see Schoolmaster Licence, Marriages by, 140,* 141,* 142,* 143,* 144,* 145,* 146,* 151,* 152,* 153,* 154,* 155,* 156,* 157,* 158,* 159,* 160,* 161, 162, 358, 359, 360, 362, 363,* 364, 365,* 368,* 369,* 376,* 377,* 378,* 381, 382,* 383,* 384, 385,* 386, 387 M Mason, 377 Miller, 79, 83, 204, 205, 331, 337, 339, 342, 346, 349, 352, 382, 440, 441, 447, 449, 451 * 453 Minister, 78,'81, 208, 218, 226, 381 Mr, 7, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 37, 44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 68, 98, 103, 106, 107, 110, 114, 115, 117, 126, 130, 153,* 161, 163, 165, 168,* 169, 182, 183, 186,* 187* 209, 211, 212, 215, 218,* 223,* 225, 230, 237, 239, 240, 242, 244, 246, 253, 260, 262,* 263, 264, 265, 273, 275, 282, 283, 321, 358, 378,* 379,* 380,* 381,* 382,* 383,* 384,* 385,* 386,* 387,* 389, 390,* 392,* 393, 395, 396, 400, 403, 411, 421, 422, 430,* 436, 439, 440 Mrs, 24, 61, 118, .122, 158, 169, 188, 201, 244, 249, 358, 365, 389, 390, 403, 423, 427, 428, 435, 436, 444 Mugman, 338, 346 N Naylor, 444 Nicknames, Captain, 240 Cock, 240 Little John, 222 Major, 240 Poor Martha, 287 CROSTON PARISH REGISTERS. 576 C. pp. 1-118 and 279-357; Tf . 119-162 and 358-387; B. 163-275 and 388-463 Nicknames, Shaver, 211 Steward of Rufford, 240 True Heart, 231 Painter, 384 Papist, 284 Parish Register [The Officer], 88, 147,* 148,* 149,* 150* Parson, 61, 68, 273 Pauper (poor) 275, 287 Poor child, 269 Poor stranger, 213, 269 Poor traveller, 262, 447 Poor woman, 251 Prince Rupert in Lancashire, 85 R Rector, 106, 153, 225, 281, 285, 288, 303, 358, 359,* 360, 362,* 365, 377, 378,* 381, 382,* 384,* 409 Register, see Parish Register Register, appointment of, 88 Register Book, 1, 39, 88, 147, 150, 363, 365 Register Book, neglect of, 229 „ ,, new, 234 Reverend, 378,* 379,* 380,* 382* Rope maker (roper) 267, 308, 444 Sadler, 331, 340, 351, 352, 461 Salter, 206 Schoolmaster (Ludimagister) 73, 74, 75, 143, 151, 158, 161,211, 212, 214, 220, 233, 267, 290, 334, 344, 403, 460 Servant, 190, 199, 242 Sexton, 273, 447, 463 Shoemaker, 153, 331, 332, 333, 338, 340,* 341, 344,* 345, 346, 348, 349, 350, 352,* 353,* 377, 381, 441, 443, 445, 446,* 447,* 448,* 449, 450,* 451, 452, 455, 456, 457, 459, Sir, 165, 170, 171,* 178, 245, 317 Skinner, 331, 441, 442, 460 Slaine by a Mill, 207 Slayne, 208 Smith, 334, 339, 352, 355, 460 Soldier, 338, 408 „ slain at Lathom, 229 Sojourner, 210 Spooner, 444 Stranger, 27, 64, 74, 75, 77, 79. 81, 82,* 83, 84, 117, 158, 189, 210, 212, 213,* 218, 220, 226, 250, 251, 256, 267, 269, 275, 286, 287, 291, Stranger, continued — 292, 299, 309, 310, 347, 403,411,414,421,439,443 Stranger unknown, 205 Stuff weaver, 338 Sydem [? Sideman], 71 Tailor, 74, 115, 331, 336, 337,* 338,* 339, 340,* 342,* 344,* 345, 347,* 348, 349, 352, 353, 355, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 444, 447, 448,* 450, 453, 454, 455,* 456,* 458, 460, 461 Tanner, 332, 343, 448, 457 Tapster, 449 Templum. see Church, burials in Tinker, 211 Traveller, 283, 292, 305, 312, 313, 321, 322, 330, 339, 351, 391, 394, 405, 424, 431, 433, 435, 440, 442,* 444 445, 447, 449, 451,* 458, 463 v V Vicar, 37, 44, 46, 48, 51, 60, 61, 70, 106, 153, 185, 245, 378, 381, 382, 385, 386,* Victualler, 333, 441 W Wanderer, 79, 264 Wandering beggar, 215,* 223 Weaver, 331, 335, 337, 340, 343, 344, 346,* 347,* 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 378, 379, 383, 384, 385, 387, 443, 446,* 449, 450, 452,* 453,* 455,* 456, 458, 462 Webster, 79, 332, 338, 339, 379, 440 Wheelwright, 330, 332, 335, 447, 451 Whitener, 445 Wight [?wright] 95 Yeoman, 70, 72, 88, 149, 205, 207, 210, 331,* 332,* 333, 334, 335,* 336,* 337,* 338,* 339,* 340,* 341,* 342, 243,* 344,* 345, 346,* 347,* 348,* 352,* 353,* 354, 378,* 382, 383,* 384, 385,* 386,* 440,* 441,* 443,* 444,* 445,* 446,* 447,* 448,* 449, 450,* 451,* 452,* 453,* 454,* 455,* 456,* 457,* 458,* 459,* 460,* 461,* 462* Young wench, 205 Youth, a poor strange young, 210 577 (Rrrata. Page 47, Une 6 from bottom for " Heny " 48, „ 5 51. „ 10 71, „ 16 top 93, 20 104, margin It line 8 „ bottom 110, „ 10 „ top read Henry " Johnes " „ Johnis " Johes " „ Johis The words above " Jo: Ryding " should be spaced " Inscript hue vsque " " Stansield " read Stanseild "Fo. 164" „ Fo. 281 " Parkar " „ Parker " or " „ of 111, insert fo. 271 opposite the bottom line 134, line 10 from top for " WoUiue " may be Wothue 139, „ 20 „ „ „ " Wylbugton " proves to be WyUington 147, The erased Unes mentioned in the Italic Head-Note prove to be first Marriage entry on this page and the Marriage entry of Thomas Wignall and Marey Wignall on page 148 148, Une 6 from bottom for " young " read young' 158, „ 21 „ top „ " Henry " „ Henery 165, „ 7 „ ,, „ " Blaxstomnes " „ Blaxstones 172, „ 24 „ „ „ "Bobert" „ Robert 194, „ 14 " Shvingto " „ Shevingto 210, The Latin opposite "Jo: Ryding " should be spaced " hui vsque " 222, line 24 from 'top for "Spopford" read Stopford 19 bottom Une ,, " Nlckso " „ Nickso 236, line 21 from ,, ,, " Henlsson " ,, Henry Nelson 237, „ 17 ,, ,, ,, " Christot " ,, Cristot: 249, „ H ,, ,, ,, " Martlow " ,, Martlew 251, „ 21 „ bottom „ " or " „ of 263, „ 14 ,, top „ " AprUl " ,, Aprill 344, „ 24 ,, 11 11 " dis " ,, his These involve corresponding alterations in the Index. 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