YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CDe Register OF THE PARISH OF ¦ Wougbton on tbe Green IN THE COUNTY OF BUCKINGHAM, 1718 to 1812, Transcribed and edited by WILLIAM BRADBROOK, M.R.C.S.. Indexed by the REV. EDW. COOKSON, M.A. And privately printed by the Bucks Parish Register Society With the permission of the Rev. Frederick Francis Field, B.A., RECTOR. CONTENTS. Index - - - iii. - ix. The Register - - 45 - 102. PRINTED BY OLIVER RATCLIFF, OLNEY, BUCKS. WOUGHTON parish register. index nominum. Parentheses enclosing a letter indicate that it is sometimes piesent and sometimes absent. N.B. — The same name may occur more than once on a page. Abbat, Abbot, Elizabeth. 61, 85, 101 ; John, 59 ; Mary, 58 ; Thomas, 63 ; William, 75. Abby, Alice, 49 ; Ann, 96. Adams, Alice, 61 ; Hannah, 65, 71 ; John, 62 ; Joseph, 69 ; Martha, 81 ; Penelope, 66 ; Thomas, 72 ; William, Am bridge. Ambrig, Ann, 69 ; Esther, 69. 97 I James, 70, 97 ; Sarah, 67. Andrew, Alice, 46, 47. Asby, Dennis, 53 ; Elizabeth, 50 ; Henry, 53. Ashby, Ashbie, Ann, 48, 51, 96. 98 ; Dennis, 54, 97 ; Elizabeth, 50 ; Fran ces, 48 ; Henry, 51, 53. 64, 66, 89, 94 ; Hester, 52 ; John, 46, 47, 49, 50; Mary, 61, 66, 68, 98; Robert, 50 ; Sarah, 56 ; Thomas, 47 ; Wini fred, S8. Atterbury, Attarborrie, Ann, 71 ; Ber nard, 57. 80 ; Elizabeth, 53, 55, 6i, 63, 79; Frances, 56, 68 ; Hannah, 56, 71, 72 ; James, 62, 70; John, 46, 52, 58,78; Martha, 61, 99; Mary, 46, 49, 57, 62, 63. 64, 81, 96, 99; Mat thias, 54, 64, 96 ; Richard, 76, 77 ; Sarah. 64, 66, 70, 79 ; Thomas, 49, 60, 61, 69, 71, 72, 76; William, 46, 48, 5", S3. 56, 58, 97. 98. Aubery, Ann, 57 ; John, 46, 71. Austin, Mary, 70, 71, 98 ; Sarah, 69 ; Thomas, 70, 98. Bacchus, John, 96. Baker, Ann, 100; Charlotte, 101 ; John, 76, 78; Mary, 51, 72, 100; 75, Sarah, 76, 78, 98; Thomas, 78, 98 ; William, 73. Baldwin, Hannah, 75. Bambery, Banbury, Frances, 54; Mary, 50 ; William, 57. Barfoot, Mary, 98. Barkler, Thomas, 82. Barringer, Thomas, 101. Baseley, Bazeley, Charlotte, 85 ; Sus anna, 101 ; Thomas, 86, 101. Baske(r)field, Baskerffeld, Ann, 67, 75, 96, 98, 101 : Hannah, 81 ; John, 53, 62, 63, 8o,J84, 85, 96, 98, 99, 100, 102. Mark, 64 ; Martha, 54, 60, 96 ; Mary, 48. 70, 73. 9°, ioi ; Rebecca, 52, 97 ; Susanna, 49 ; Thomas, 47, 48, 50, 65. 66> 73. 74. 7°. i°» i William, 55, 70, 80, 98. Baskerville, Catherine, 76 ; John, 75 ; Susanna, 76. Basset, Ann, 78 ; Sarah, 76, 77, 8l, 99 ; Thomas, 99. Bates, Elizabeth, 70, 97 ; John, 75, 97. Batson, Charles 73. Baxter, William, 82. Bedford, Elizabeth, 102. Benson, Ann, 72 ; Dinah 84 ; George, 85 ; James, 76 ; John 75 ; Mary, 101 ; Temperance, 99; Thomas, 101. Biggs, 'Ann, 101 ; John, 85, 101 ; Thom as, 86. Billing, Mary, 99. Billington, Ann, 78 ; Elizabeth, 76, 83, 101 ; John 47, 57; Martha 6o, 99; Mary, 80 ; Sarah. 77, 101 ; Thomas, IS, 78, 99. «°i- Binyon, Binnyan, Ann, 57, 59, 97 ; Hannah, 70 ; John, 64. Bird, Ann, 83 ; Catherine 86 ; Eliza beth, 68, 100; George, 84; James, 80 ; John, 81, 97. 99, 101 ; Rebecca, 74. 79. 97. «o« ; Samuel, 85; Sarah, loo ; Thomas, 69, 100. The Register of Blewitt, Bluitt, Elizabeth, 86; John, 85. Blundell, Joseph, 58 ; Mary, 47, 101 ; Rebecca, 101 ; Ruth, 101 ; William, 101. Bonam, Bonham, Bonnham, Bonham, Elizabeth, 52, 65, 80; Frances, 67, 100 ; Hannah, 65, 99 ; James, 65 ; Jane, 74; Jonas. 51; Martha, 99; Mary, 99; Sarah, 98; William, 70. Bowery, Widow, 94. Branden, Elizabeth, 102. Brincklow(e), Bnnchloe, Brinchlow, Ann, 70, 84, 99 ; Bacchus. 50, 66, 96; Bartholomew, 96, 98; Elizabeth, 46, 47, 58, 61, 62, 78 ; Frances, 99 ; John, 61, 81, 98, 99; Joseph, 64; Mary, 62,64, 68, 100; Rebeccah, 81, 96; Richard, 48, 63, 99. Broc(c)as, Brochus, Elizabeth, 55 ; John, 56 ; Mary, 56. Brooks, Ann, 82. Broughton, Braughton, Browton, John, 77, 78 ; Liddy, 77, 78 ; Sarah, 59, 61, 77, 83 ; Thomas, 59, 60, 96 ;Wil- liam, 63, 77, 78. Brown(e), Elizabeth, 50 ; Jonathan, 51 ; Rebecca, 45. Bunker, Elizabeth, 53. Burgess, Burgis, Ann 101 ; Frances, 97. Burrows, Mary, 53. Burton, Bui-ten, Edward, 6e; Elizabeth, 51. 52> S3. 60, 63; John, 53, 79, 102; Mary, 54- 57 ; Thomas, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 : William, 54, 55. Butcher, George, 79, Butlee, Ann, 53. Butler, Bartholomew 53 ; John, 99. Byman, Mary, 46 ; William, 46. Bynup, Charles, 100. Capel, George, 100, 101 ; Hannah, 100. Carr, Elizabeth, 73, 101 ; Hannah, 78; John, 78; Mary, 71, 86, 101 ; Re becca. 101 , Thomas, 77, 101 ; Wil liam, 80. Carter, Ann, 101 ; Frances, 100 ; Hez- ekiah, 47 ; Jane, 82 ; Mary, 47 ; Thomas, 83 ; William, 100, 10 1. Chad(d), Chadds, Jane, 46, 53, 65 ; John, 39, 55, 88, 89, 94, 95. Chambers, John, 84. Chevall, Ann, 59, 65, 73 ; Bernard, 58, 67, 71, 88, 89, 96, 97; Elizabeth, 71, 97 ; Esther, 98, John, 47, 53. 89, 98 ; Sarah, 62, 71, 94. Chilton, John, 92 ; Martha, 99. Clagett, Nicholas, 92. Clark(e), John, 69 ; Mary, 76, 98, 101 ; Sarah, 102 ; Susannah, 74 ; William, 98. Clayton, W. R., 82. Cleaver, Elizabeth, 67, 77 ; Hammond, 65 ; John, 66 ; William, 77. Clothier, Clother, Elizabeth, 47, 70 ; Hannah, 57, 69, 70 ; John, 49, 57. 59 ; Jonathan, 52 ; Mary, 48, 62, 64, 72, 76; Thomas, 51, 52, 70; Wil liam, 58, 68. Coal, [Cole, Ann, 46 ; Catherine, 55, 70 ; James, 56. Coley, Elizabeth, 50. Collier, Mary, 96. Conquest, Concust, Ann, 51 ; Anna Maria, 47 ; Sarah, 98. Cook(e), Ann, 49, 70, 71, 73, 80, 84. Charlotte, 85 ; Elizabeth, 69, 81, 101' George, 72 ; Hannah, 99 ; Jane, 50, 51 ; Jemima, 52, 62 ; John, 53', 66, 71, 83, 84, 99, 100, 101; Joseph, 50; Kerenhapperk, 55 ; Keziah, 54, 65 ; Martha, 57, 97; Mary, 59, 77, 81, 98 ; Richard, 67, 71, 83 ; Robert, 47, 49, 69; Ruth, 84; Sarah, 66, 84, 100 : Susanna, 72, 83, 97, 100, 101 ; Thomas, 45, 58, 68, 74, 78, 97 ; Wil liam, 48, 51, 56, 68, 79, 80, 97 ; W., 98, 99- Corner, John, 56, 98 ; Mary, 56 ; Thomas, 56. Cotton, Ann, 98 ; John, 98. Cowley, Couley, Ann. 47, 50, 59 ; Dan iel, 65 ; Elizabeth 64; Henry, 63, 89, 96 ; James, 53 ; Jemima, 60 ; John, 47, 54 ; Keziah, 63 : Martha, 52 ; Sarah, 46 ; Thomas, 61. Cox, Daniel, 101 ; Elizabeth, 96, 101 ; Mary, 87 , Richard, 73 ; Sarah, 84. Cranwell, John, 100 ; Miriam, 100. Crapper, Elizabeth, 51 ; Jane, 49, 52: John, 49, 52, 53, 60, 65, 68, 88, 90, 94 ; Mary, 54, 62, 96 ; Susanna, 69. Daniel, Ann, 84 ; Catherine, 85 ; Eliz abeth. 84 ; John, 99; Martha, 99 ; Mary, 72, 73; Thomas, 72, 98; Wil liam, 99. Davers, Richard, 95. Davies, Richard, 94. Daw, Mary, 100. Day, Joyce, 64, 96 ; Stephen, 64, 96. Dicey, Edward, 98. Dillon, Mary, 85. Dillow, Josh, 100 ; Martha, 100. Diton, William, 82. Ditum, Dittum, Elizabeth, 47 ; Thomas 5»- Dnice, Frederick, 45 ; Mr., 45. Dudley, Ann, 50, 53, 59, 62 ; George, 50, 54 ; Mary, 55, 97, 102 ; Rebecca, 75 ; Sarah, 87 ; Thomas, 52 ; Wil liam, 50, 53, 6o, 75. Woughton. Dumbleton, Sarah, 81. Dunckley, Dunckly, Dunkley, Ann, 61, 76; Elizabeth, 46, 59, 63: John, 61, 64, 77 ; Margaret, 69 ; Mary, 59 ; Richard, 50; Sarah, 65; Thomas, 49, 60, 64 ; William, 55, 61. Durrant, Francis, 99. Easter, Emaline, 85. E(a)stment, Ann, 59 ; Charity, 49, 50 ; Daniel, 61 ; Elizabeth, 57,61, 68, 96; George, 46, 66, 96 ; Hannah, 77 ; Martha, 61 ; Mary, 48, 64, 66, 96 ; William, 53, 69, q6. Eates, Ann, 48 ; Thomas, 48, 49. Eaton, Eaten, Edward 65, 74, 99, 100 ; Elizabeth, 77, 97. 99; Ezra, 86; Martha, 60 ; Pearcy, 80 ; Susannah, 61, 78, 86, 98, 101 ; Thomas, 63 ; William, 75, 76. Edmund, William, 72. Elliot, Elizabeth, 101 ; Thomas, ioi. Esmon, William, 74. Etheridge, George, 97 ; Mary, 97, 98. Eusden, Benjamin, 78 ; John, 77 ; Wil liam, 77. Evans, Elizabeth, 75, 97 ; John, 76, 97, 98 ; |Mary, 65, 66, 76, 99 ; Richard, Faulkner, Poulter, 83. Field, Elizabeth, 98. Fleckney, John, 100. Ford, Richard, 68. Fossey, Ann, 51, 53, 62, 9; ; Elizabeth, 48, 57 ; George, 52 ; Mary, 52, 57, 58, 62, 74; Richard, 49, 62, 68; Ruth, 53 ; Sarah, 63 ; Susanna, 46, 57,65; Thomas, 52, 64; William, 5°- Foster, Mary, 100; Nehcmiah, 100. Fountain(e), Ann, 49, 98 ; John, 98 ; Thomas, 94. Fowler, Aun, 48; Elizabeth, 47, 55, 60, 71 ; Jane, 52, 61 ; John, 55, 58, 64, 74, 80, 96 ; Joseph, 98 ; Maria, 57, 68; Martha, 61 ; Mary, 58, 83, 98 ; Rebeccah, 55, 66 ; Robert, 60 ; Samuel, 56, 84 ; Sarah, 48, 55, 58, 61, 71, 96; Thomas, 55, 72. Francis, John, 101 ; Lucy, 101. French, Ann, 45, 47 ; Joseph, 49 ; Ur sula, 66. Fuller, Edward, 57 ; John, 68 ; Mary, 62, 86, 97; Richard, 59; William, 58, 97, '°2- Gabell, Mary, 46, Gad, John, 52. Gaudern, William, 101, Gennings see Jennings. George, Ann, 98 ; Esther, 97. Gibbards, Edward, 82, Gibbons, Gibbins, Elizabeth, 67, 96 ; Sarah, 55 ; Thomas, 56. 71. Gibbs, William, 84. Gibson, Elizabeth, 53; Sarah, 58; Thomas, 53. Gilpin, Alice, 55 ; Ann, 59; Benjamin, 49; George, 45,46, 49, 59; John, 52; Mary, 47 ; Thomas, 53, 58, 59. Ginkins see Jenkins. Goodale, Ann, 97 ; Thomas, 97. Goodman, Alice, 59; Ann, 62, 98; Elizabeth, 48, 74, 78, 97, 101 ; George 59, 60, 69, 89 ; Griffith, 54; Hannah, ioi ; Henry, 53, 63, 66, 70, 89, 94, 95 : Jo1"", 48. 54. S6- 67. 73. "<>. 83. 96, 97, 98, 100; Maria, 68, 74; Mar tha, 56, 58; Mary, 55, 56, 97 : Re becca, 100 ; Richard, 50, 51, 52 ; Ruth, 54, 97 ; Sarah, 46, 51, 57, 69, 96 ; Susannah, 57, 64, 97 ; Thomas, 45, 47, 5<>, 57, 59, 94, 95, 97, ">i ; William, 72, 74. Grace, Ann, 56, 71, 97 ; Charles, 58 ; Crapper, 68 , Daniel, 58 ; Elizabeth, 98 ; George 54, 57, 79, 80, 96, 98 ; James, 56, 57, 74, 81, 96; Jane, 66; John, 54, 59, 64, 65, 82, 102; Mary, 55, 72, 75, 79, 84, 96, 97, 98 ; Matil- da, 86 ; Susannah, 67 ; Thomas, 59, 64, 67, 68, 74, 81, 83 ; Thomas Cleaver, 85 ; William, 57, 65, 66, 70, 80, 98. Gray, Grey, Ann, 48 ; Elizabeth, 55, 75; Lucy, 52 ; Thomas, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 59, 68, 97 : William, 46, 47. Green, Elizabeth, 76 ; Jacob Finch, 98 ; John, 82 ; Mary, 98, 100 ; Samuel, 100. Grimstick, Ann, 96 ; Thomas 96. Gurney, Elizabeth, 66, 97 ; John, 97, 102. Hack, Ann, 81, 82 ; Edward, 100 Elizabeth, 82, 100 ; Lucy. 86 ; Mary, 100/; Sarah, 84 : William, 85. Hall, Anna Maria, 80 ; Elizabeth, 98 Sarah, 96; William, 54, 81, 98, 100 Hames, Margaret, 68 ; Mary, 64 ; Sar ah, 47. 59 ; William, 95. Hancock, Handcock, Ann, 80, 101 Catherine, 82 ; Elizabeth, 99 ; Fran ces, 67 ; James, 79 ; John, 63, Mary 83 ; Richard, 70 ; Susanna, 81 Thomas, 65, 99 ; William, 80 ; Wil liam Hart, 86. Harris, Hannah 101 ; Richard, 46 Sarah, 46. Harrison, Barbarah, 57. Hadden, Dorothy, 53. VI. The Register of Hawkins, Elizabeth, loo ; John, 80 ; Rebecca, 83 ; William, 85, 100. Hawley, Martha, 60. Head, Ann, 96 ; John, 96, 97. Heath, John, 99. Hench, Joyce, 64, 96. Higgins, Elizabeth. 98 ; Hannah, 99 ; Matthew, 99. Higgs, Ann, 84 ; Elizabeth, 10 1 ; Richard, 101. Hilliard, Hillerd, Ann, 48; Thomas, 50; John, 48, HiUier, Hilly ar, Hil(l)yer, Ann, 51, 71, 99 ; Elizabeth, 97 ; John, 78 : Mar tha, 74; Mary, 100; Penelope, 68; Samuel, 72^ 73 ; Sarah, 69, 99, 100, Thomas, 69, 78 ; William, 70, 73, 97 98. Hine, Mr., 89, 90. Hinson, Charlotte, 101 ; William, 101. Hob(b)s, Ann, 50 ; Elizabeth, 50, 75 ; William, 72. Hobkins, Thomas, 50. Hodskin, Edward, 54. Holland, Jane, 50, 68 ; John, 47 ; Jos eph, 48, 81, 97 ; Mary, 67, 97 ; Rich ard, 49. Hollen, Mary, 58. Hollingsworth, Ann, 62 ; Jane, 63 ; Jemima, 62 ; Sarah, 64 ; William, 62. Holloway, Mary, 96 ; Robert, 96. Holton, Mary Ann, 86 ; Sarah, 83 ; William, 83. Hunnybun, Honeybone, Honeyburn, Honibone, Honnybone, Ann, 66, 99, Eliza, 61,97, 99; Martha, 65; Mary, 57, 62, 64, 67, 68, 98 ; Robert, 74 ; Sarah, 63, 67 ; Thomas, 64, 99 ; William, 63, 66. Hopkins, Johanna, 54 ; Mentha, 54. Horn, Frances, 100; Sarah, 100. Horton, Ann, 49 ; Elizabeth, 47; Fran ces, 50 ; Mary, 46, 47 ; Nathaniel, 46; William, 48. Hughes, Hughs, Mary, too; Sarah, 100 ; William Chadd, 79. Ibbi, Ann, 59. Idel, Thomas, 46. Inns, Elizabeth, 82 ; George, 82 ; Han nah, 78 ; Harding, 83 ; John, 80 ; Mary, 79; Stephen, 81 ; Susanna, 100; William, 77. Inwood, Inwards, Elizabeth, 67, 70, 86, 96 ; Hannah, 85 ; Isabel, 101 ; James, 73. 85, 96> 97. i°» ! Jane, 84 ; John, 72 ; Joseph, 66 ; Martha, 97 ; Mary, 71 ; Sarah, 65 ; Thomas, 68; Wil liam, 70, 79> 84, 85. James, Ann, 76, 79; Catherine, 73; David, 46, 59, 78, 88, 92 ; Elizabeth, 53 ; Fanny, 77 ; Mark, 54, 64, 96 ; Martha, 54, 96, 99 ; Mary, 61, 92 ; Philip, 60 ; Richard, 98 ; Sarah, 74 ; Susanna, 67 ; Thomas, 75 ,- Timothy, 72. Jenkins, Diana, 80 ; Dinah, 101 ; John, 86, 101. Jennings, Abraham, 81, 82, 85, 97 ; Ann, 67, 97 ; Elizabeth, 66, 99; George, 71; James, 67, 79; John, 68, 70, 102; Mary, 70, 83, 84, 85, 97 ; Rebecca, 84 ; Ruth, 73, 75, 76, 101; Sarah, 69, 100; Thomas, 67, 77 ; William, 75. Johnson, Joseph, 95 ; Mr., 88. ohnston, Catherine, 102. Jolly, John, 99. Judkins, Ann, 51. Keck, Anthony, 93 ; Mary, 93. Kent, Catherine, 55 ; John, 55. King, Elizabeth, 63 ; Maria, 59 ; Wil liam, 51, 70. Knibb, Knebs, Ann, 100 ; Catherine, 81. Knight, Mary Ann, 86. Lattimore, Mary, 100 ; William, 100. Leyton, Thomas, 99. Lee, Elizabeth, 86, 160; George 79, 80; Hannah, 80, 84; John, 83, 100; Martha, 85 ; Mary, 82, 84 ; Thomas, 80. Levi, William, 45. Lewis, Martha, 98. Lincoln, Thomas, 88. Line, George, ioi. Linnell, Sarah, 83; Thomas, 100; Wil liam, 84. Lovell, Hannah, 79, 83; James, 80, 82; John, 84, 99 ; Mary, 87, 99 ; Thomas, 77 ; William, 78, 87. Loyd, Edward, 100 ; Jane, 100. Lucas, Ann, 54, 96 ; Christian, 7 1 ; Elizabeth, 58, 67 ; Joseph, 61 ; Mary, 98 ; Nicholas, 59, 68, 88 ; Ruth, 54, 84 ; Sarah, 62, 67 ; Thomas, 55, 74, 9", 97, 98 ; William, 60. Lucy, John, 45; Ruth, 57; William, 46. Luke, Thomas, 101. Mabley, Martha, 99 ; Thomas, 99, 100. Main, John, 5a. Major, Majar, Ann, 46, 74, 79, 99 ; David, 73, 82, 83 ; Elizabeth, 65, 75, 83, 85, 101 ; Hannah, 84 ; James, 63. 77 ; Jane, 71, 72, 97 ; Jesse, 72, 102; John, 57, 60, 64, 74, 101 j Leah, 81 ; Maria, 70 ; Mary, 55, 57, Woughton. vu. 61, 68, 73, 77, 78, 81, 83, 97, 96, 100; Miriam, 100 ; Phoebe, 68, 79 ; Rich ard, 48, 72,96; Sarah, 51, 61, 98; Susannah, 100; Thomas, 51, 56, 58, ' 66, 69, 97, 98, 99, 100 ; William, 49, 58, 7', 74, 75- 76, 82, 99; Sarah, 48. Marriot(t), Henry, 62, 69, 96 ; Martha, 62, 71 ; Mary, 62, 79, 82 ; Thomas, °3- Marshall, Dennis. 67, 97 ; Elizabeth, 7>, 72. 76 ; James, 85 ; John, 6i, 62. 78; Mary, 62, 65, 98; Robert, 79; Sarah, 64, 77, 99 ; Susannah, 98 ; Thomas, 61, 71, 74, 86, 97 ; William, 85, 98. Martin, Ann, 51 ; Edward, 96 ; John, 51 ; Sarah, 96. Masters, Isabel, 101 ; Jane, 61, 62 ; William, 61, Matthews, Elizabeth, 98; John, 99; Martha, 69. Maynard, Menhard, Ann, 46 ; Charles, 48 ; Elizabeth, 46 ; John, 47, 58 ; Mary, 56. Meacham, Mecham, MeT[c)hem, Good man, 53 ; Jane, 76 ; John, 59, 74, 76 ; Thomas, 96. Meriah, Samuel, 56. Messingbird, Messenberd. Elizabeth, IOI ; Susannah, 84; William, 101. Millington, John, 61 ; Sarah. 61. Mills, George, 86, 87 ; John, 86, 87 ; Joseph, 85 ; Martha, 86 ; Mary, 84, 85. Mitchell, Alice, 49, 50; Martha, 51 ; Sarah, 52. Moore, Moors, Elizabeth, 61, 97; John, 64 ; Mary, 62, 98. Newman, Ann. 96 ; Hannah, 64 ; Rob ert, 78, 79 ; Thomas, 78, 79 ; William, 79- Nicholas, Avis, 6a ; Elizabeth, 54 ; George, 58 ; Mary, 53, 56, 57 ; Rev. 59, 60 ; Thomas, 53, 55. Nichol(l)s, Ann, 101 ; Thomas, 101 ; William, 93. Norton, Rebecca, 100. OdeU, Ann, 46, 48, 58, 98 ; Charlotte, 72 ; Dennis, 73 ; Elizabeth, 47, 59, 61, 69, 97 ; James, 72 ; John, 67, 68, 98 : Martha, 98 ; Mary, 75 ; Philip, 50, 51, 52 ; Susannah, 50, 51, 68, 73 ; Thomas, 61, 64, 71; Widow, 89; William, 46, 49, 51, 60, 73, 97, 98, Oliver, Ehzabeth, 1 00; John, 98; Mary, 84. Orton, Orten, Elizabeth, 57;; Mary, 54 ; Nathanael, 52. Osborn, James, 99 ; Mary, 99. Page, Abraham, 53, 54 ; Ann, 56 ; Bernard, 58 ; George, 57 ; Joseph, 53 ; Mary, 54, 77, 97 ; Robert, 54, 57 ; Thomas, 54 ; William, 56. Pailey, Elizabeth, 101. Pain, Payne, Hannah, 86, 98 ; Thomas, 98; Sarah, 102. Pangborne, Pangbourne, Elizabeth, 77, 86, 101 ; Martha, 80 ; Mary Ann, 77 ; Richard, 75, 79, 8o,;;ioi ; Wil- ham, 78, 79, 81, 100, 101. Parrot, Mary, 100. Partridge, Elizabeth, 64, 68, 96. Paxton, Martha, 76; Thomas, 76-; William, 75. Pebbet, Elizabeth, 97. Pell, Ann, 98 ; Richard, 98. Pepper, William, 66. Phillips, James, 55. Pickering, Pickerine, Edward, 85, 100 ; James, 80 ; Joseph, 79 ; Mary, 100 ; Sarah, 82. Picton, William, 83. Pilgrim, Mary, 76; Martha, 76. Pinder, Pindar, Mary, 64, 96. Pinkard, Pinhard, Pincard, Amy, 52 ; John, 52 ; Martha, 52 ; William, 56,. 60, 76, 90. Potter, Robert, 96. Pursell, Elizabeth, 77 ; Gestin, 77 ; James, 83; Joseph, 84 ; Thomas, 81 -r William, 90. Putman, Putnam, Putnum, Puttenham, Ann, 60, 71 ; Chadd, 51, 64, 74, 96 ; Dennis, 70 ; Elizabeth, 57, 64, 65, 73, 74, 9°, I8°> I02; George, 48, 49, 50, 60; Hannah, 61, 100; Jimmy, 75; John, 45, 46, 55, 59, 61, 65, 72, 75! 76, 79, 89, 98, 99 ! Lucas, 61 ; Mar- tha, 63 ; Mary, 58, 73, 75, 99, 100 ; Nicholas, 64 ; Richard, 47, 63, 99 ; Sarah, 67, 68, 99 ; Thomas, 64, 81. Pye, Mary, 84. Quick, Catherine, 97 ; Edward, 97. Quinney, Elizabeth, 57, 66, 68, 69 -r George, 58, 68 , John, 58, 63, 76, 96, 97 ; Martha, 61 ; Mary, 6b, 98 ,- Thomas, 63, 64. Ray, Ann, 82 ; Azilpha, 83 ; Ehzabeth, 80, 85 ; John. 84 ; Mary, 79 , Sarah, 81, 85 ; Susanna, 82 ; William, 78. Read(s), Alice, 55 ; George, 90 ; Hen ry, 51, 94; Thomas, 56. Reddall, Readall, Alice, 46 ; Ambrose, 45, 46 ; Ann, 48; Frances, 46; Sar ah, 47 ; Thomas, 95. Reynolds, Renolds, Catherine, 97 ; Elizabeth, 47 ; John, 51 ; Phillip, 45 ; William, 97. The Register of Rich, George, 98. Ridgway, James, 83 ; Matthew, 82 ; William, 81. Rise, Mary, 101. Robert(e)s, Roberds, Ann, 47, 59, 64, 76, 81, 96 ; Dorothy, 60 ; Henry, 45, *4, 7°, 96, 97 ; John, 47, 53, 60, 65, 70, 71 ; Mary, 48, 62, 71 ; Sarah, 49, 51,64, 68, 72; William, 48, 67, 89, 49- Robertson, Johan, 52. Robinson, John. 96; Mary, 100; Tho mas, 100. Roddis, Ann, 76. Rose, Dr., 45 ; Elizabeth, 47 ; Mary, 99; Thomas, 99. Rudkins, Ann, 50 ; Esther, 98. Russell, Jane, 100. Rutland, Ann, 98, Robert, 98. Sad(d)ler, Elizabeth, 56; Ethelbert, 55, 56, John, 55, 56 ; Samuel, 55 ; Sus annah, 98. S« John, Paulet, 60. Salmon, Elizabeth, 53 , William, 53. Satchel(l), Ann, 65 ; Ehzabeth, 66, 96 ; Martha, 66 ; Samuel, 66, 96. Savage, Elizabeth, 102. Sear, Seer, Damiris, 58 ; Elizabeth, 74, 75; John, 78; Mary, 100; Rebecca, 9b ; Thomas, 77 ; William, 73, 76. Sesoms, Sarah, 83. Shouler, Shoular, Sheular, Ann, 83, 100; Ehzabeth, 79; Francis, 99; John, 82, 83 ; Joseph, 80 ; Samuel, 81,82; Thomas, 79, 100; William, 81,87. Simms, Ann, 78; Mary, 102 ; William, 61. Simpson, John, 68 ; Sarah, 67. Smith, Ann, 56, 69, 100; Elizabeth, 55, 102 ; George, 56 ; James, 60, 61, 98 ; Jane, 59 ; John, 53, 55, 57, 58, 71,96, 100; Martha, 54, 57; Mary, 45, 60, 63, 97 ; Richard, 89 ; Thomas 65, 82. Souster, Mary, 101 ; William, 10 1. Spiers, Spears, Lydia, 65, 73 ; Mary, 99 ; Sarah, 86 ; Thomas, 99, 100 ; William, 79, 98, 99, 100. Stanyard, John, 100. Stephens, Stevens, Joseph, 86, 101 ; Mary, 101 ; Susannah, 86, 101 ; Wil liam, 101. Stuiges, Mary, 98 ; William, 98. Stu(t)chbury, Martha, 79, 99 ; Thomas 99. Taylor, Ben, 53 ; John, 62 ; Mary, 62 ; Thomas, 100. Tew(s), Mary, 46, 49; Thomas, 46 Tilley, John, 100, 102. Tim(m)s, Timns, Ann, 73, 76 ; John, 77, 102 ; Sarah, 73 ; William, 74. Tredwell, Martha, 100. Troutbeck, Thomas, 59. Umbney, Ann. 102. Underwood, Ann, 74 : Ehzabeth, 64, 99; James, 73, 77 ; John, 48, 49, 73, 96 ; Jonathan, 63; Joseph, 65, 66, 67, 68; Mary, 62, 71, 78, 100; Rebecca, 66, 77 ; Sarah, 48, 68, 69, 75, 80, 83; Thomas, 61, 82, 99; William, 72, 74, 96, 97 ; Sarah, 51. Vass, Mary, 66, Walters, Thomas, 102. Ward, Hannah, 54 ; Henry, 98. Warner, John, 99. Warren, Daniel, 102. Warwick, Lucy, IOI. Watts, Mary, 78 ; Richard, 78 ; Wil liam, 80. Webb, Ann, 77 ; Hannah, 98 ; Mary, 76 ; Temperance, 99 ; Thomas, 99 ; William, 78. Webster, Diana, 86 ; Dinah, IOI ; Re becca, 85 ; Richard Jelly, 83. West, Catherine, 79 ; Henry, 82 ; James, 74. Wheat(e)l(e)y, Ann, 69, 74, 97 ; Char les, 72; Elizabeth, 70, 73, 74, 80; Frances, 77, 99; George, 69, 97, 99, 100 ; Mary, 76, 100 ; Sarah, 73 ; William, 71. White, Elizabeth, 96. Whitlark, Whiteclark, Abraham, 70 ; Amy, IOI ; Ann, 71 ; Elizabeth, 101; Jane, 97 ; Joseph, 72, 79 ; Lucretia, 69, 99; Mary, 67. Whitehead, George, 99 ; Hannah, 99 ; Lucretia, 99. Whit(e)lock, Abraham, 101 ; Elizabeth, 73 ; Jane, 81 ; John, 86 ; Joseph, 78; Mary, 101 ; Rebecca, 86. Whitworth, Charles, 101 ; Ehzabeth, 101. Wilcox, Dorothy, 60. Wildman, Mary, 69. Wilkinson, Wilkingson, Ann, 57, 74 ; Elizabeth, 85, 101 ; Hannah, 58, 99 ; Mary, 59 ; Morris, 73; Norris, 57; Phcebe, 72, 73 ; Richard 57, 60 ; Ruth, 97 ; Sarah, 84, 98 ; Thomas, 5°, 57. 85, 97, 98, 101 ; William, 55. 97- Williams, Eleanor, 69 ; John, 53, 73, 75, 99 ; Marshall, 73 ; Sarah, 99 ; Thomas, 75. Woughton. Wincles, Ehzabeth, 67. Woodcock, Ann, 56 ; Elizabeth, 54 ; Mary, 53 ; Richard, 49, 50, 54, 94 ; Thomas, 55 ; William, 55. Wyatt, Elizabeth, ioi : Hannah, 101. Yates, Ann, 47 ; Daniel, 50 ; Ehzabeth, 45,63 ; John, 46 ; Mary, 5a ; Thomas, 47 ; William, 62. Young, Charles, 86, INDEX LOCORUM. Bedford, 102. Bletchley, 47, 63, 100, 101, 102. Bradwell, 98. Bradwell Abbey, 100. Brayfield-on-the-Green, Northants, 96. r.rickhill, Bow, IOI. Brickhill, Great, 10 1, Broughton, 99. Buckingham. 88, 92. Castlethorp, 96. Cranfield, 100. Fenny Stratford, 88, 101. Hanslope, 97. Husband Crawley, Beds, 99. Lidlington, Beds, 99. Lincoln, 88. Linford, Great, 96. Linslade, 98. Loughton, 97. Milton (Keynes), 96, 97, 98, 101, 102. Mursley, 100. Newport (Pagnell), 88. Newton Longville, 99, 100, toi. Northampton, 101. Shenley, lot, 102. Sherrington, 99. Simpson, 67, 68, 96, 99, 102. Soulbury, 101. St. Dunstan's, West London, 93. St. Luke's, Middlesex, 98, St. Sepulchre's, 99. Stoke Brueme, 97. Thornborough, 100. Walton, 99, 101. Water Faton, 97. Wavendon, 97, 99. Whaddon, 98, 99. Willen, 98, 102. Wolverton, 100. Wooton, Beds, 98. Woolstone, Great, 98. Woolstone, Little (Parva), 97, 99, 102. INDEX DESIGNATIONIS. Baker, 97. Bandlace Weaver, 56, 57. Blacksmith, 66, 70, 73, 98. Bricklayer, 49, 66, 69. Butcher, 52, 73, 76, 79. Carrier, 45, 51, 61, 64, 67, •'4. Carpenter, 66, 68, 69, 74, 81. Chandler, 94. Clark, 52. Cordwainer, 52, 53, 54, 72, 73, 78, 82. Esqr., 73, 95. Farmer, 51, 52, 53, 59, 74, 77- Farrier, 53, 68. Grocer, 68, 74, 94, 95- Labourer, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 64, 65, 7L 72, 73. 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, S4, 85, 86, 97. Laceman, 70. Mason, 74. Matmaker, 73. Midwife, 48. Mr., 94. Publican, 78, Rector, 54, 59, 78, 94, 98. Revd., 73, 78, 86, 94. Scrivener, 53. Servant, 52, 54. Shepherd, 45. Taylor, 51, 52, 54, 66. Wheelwright, 60, 6j, 67, 75, 77. Yeoman, 53, 55, 56, 63, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73- Woughton. 45 Woughton-on-the-Green, co. Bucks. The Book N°. 3, of the Parish Register is 1 2 inches high by 7i wide, and contains 40 and half parchment leaves, with four paper leaves (two at each end) within stiff parchment-covered board covers. On the front cover is " Register of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1 7 1 8 to 1812." Inside the cover is written in lead pencil : " Inventory of Parchments, etc., placed in the parish chest by William Levi and Frederick Druce, Churchwardens. November 29*. 1849. Viz. The Accounts of the Parish. 2 Deeds relating to houses and land left partly for the repairs of the Church and benefit of the Poor. An old invent ory of Vestments, etc. The above were restored to the parish by Dr Rose at the Bench at Newport having been since (?) moved by the Churchwardens for that purpose. Also an old parchment found in the old cheft, and a book from Mr Druce and this register which had been kept in the iron chest containing the Terriar, etc. Also the Act for enclosing the parish of Woughton. A paper containing a resolution passed at a meeting in 1831." Two paper leaves blank. Page One. A Register book 1718. Aprill 1 " Rebeccah Browne Spinster daughter of Wid. Browne. Buried. 12th Philip Reynolds Carryer Buried May 15th John the son of William & Elizabeth Lewcy Baptize]. June 3rd Thomas Cook & Anne French Marryed. July 13th Mary the daughter of Thomas Smith & Mary his wife Baptized. Octeb. 1 9th George the son of George Gilpin & Alice his wife Baptized June ye 6th Ambross the son of Thomas Readall and Anne his wife Baptized. 1719. March 28ib Ambross infant son of Tho: Redall and Ann his wife buried. Aprill 1 1 * Tho : Goodman sheepherd buried. May 1 8th John the son of John Putnam and Denis his wife Baptizd July 27th William the son of William Lucy and Elizabeth his wife buried Aug. 16 Tho : the son of Thomas Cook and Ann his wife Baptiz'd. Aug. 1 7th Henery the son of John Roberts and Sarah his wife Baptized. Sept : 6 Elizabeth the daughter of Willm and Elizabeth Yates buried. 46 The Register of Sept : 1 2tt Alice Andrew Widdow buried. Sept. 15"1 Mary the wife of Will. Byman Buried. Sept. 21" Sarah the wife of John Cowley buried. OcV 23d William byman Buried. Da : James. RecV. Tho : Grey. Tho : Redal. Churchwarden*. Page Two. Nov*"* I" Tho : Tews and Mary Atterbury married. Nov"" 8th George the son of William and Elizabeth Eastment Baptizd. Nov*' 30th Nathanael Horton & Mary Gabell married. Janu. 14th John Aubrey labourer buried. Janu. 1 7th William the son of John and Hannah Atterbury Baptiz'd. Janu") 25th Frances and Alice the daughters of Tho : Reddal & Ann his wife Baptized. JaniD 29th the set Francis and Alice were buried. Feb' 8th Elizabeth daughter of John Menhard and Mary his wife was Baptized. Feb' 9th The sd Elizabeth was buried. March 2nd John son of Tho : and Mary Ashby Baptiz'd. March 6tt The sd John was buried. 1720 May 1 " Anne the daughter of James Coal & Katheraine his wife Baptized. 8th Susanah the daughter of Tho : Fossey & Susanah his wife Baptized. June 5th Anne the daughter of Thomas Major & Jane his wife Baptized. 14th William Gray & Jane Chadd Married. 26th John the son of William Yates & Eliz. his wife baptized. July 5th William Oddell & Anne Reynolds Married. Sep' 1 5th Richard Harris and Sarah Goodman Married. 25"1 John ye son of Tho : Smith & Marry his wife Baptized. Octob' 1 8t George the son of John Gilpin & Anne his wife Baptized. Nov1 16th Wiltm the son of Willm Lewcy & Eliz. his wife Buried. 16th George the son of John Gilpin & Anne his wife Buried. 1 1 Jany 1 7th Anne the daugh1 of John Maynard & Mary his wife Baptiz'd. Da : James RecV John Putnam John Churchwardens. Page Three. 1721. Apr} 2nd Elizabeth daughter of Wilt. Dunkley and Mary his wife Bapt. Apr. 10th Ambrose the son of Tho : Redal and Ann his wife Bapt. Apr. 1 8"1 Thomas the son of William Idel and Ann his wife Bapt. May 26th John son of John Atterbury and Hannah his wife Bapt. May 28th Elyzabeth daughter of Robert Brinklow and Elyzabeth his wife buried. Woughton. 47 June 4th Ann daughter of John Roberts and Sarah his wife Bapt. July 23d Elyzabeth daughter of Nathanael Horton & Mary his wife Bapt, July 26th Richard son of John Putnum and Denis his wife Bapt. Dec. 30th Elyzabeth daughter of John Clother and Mary his wife Bapt. Jan. 2 1 " Sarah daughter of William Hames and Margaret his wife Bapt. Jan. 24' Ann daughter of John Roberts and Sarah his wife buried. Jan. 30th John Cowley and Ann Aubrey Married. Jan. 30th Ann daughter of Tho : French and Alice his wife Bapt. Feb. 1 1* Tho : Baskerfield an adult Bapt. March 25th Anna Maria daughter of Tho : Conquest & Dorothy his wife Bapt. March 25 Elyzabeth daughter of Bacchus Brinklow & Mary his wife Bapt. Da : James. Rect'. Tho : Goodman. Tho. Ashby. Churchwardens. Page Four. 1722, May 1"' Mary daughter of John Gilpin & Anne his wife bapt. 20th John the son of Thomas Ashby & Mary his wife bapt. 22nd John the son of Thomas Ashby fit Mary his wife buried. Sep' 21" Eliz. Reynolds Buried 26th Anna Maria the daught' of Thomas Conquest & Dorothy his wife Buried. Oct' 1 7th John son of Richd Holland and Jane his wife Bapt. 20th Elizabeth Ditum Buried. 27th William Gray Buried. Novemb' 2d Rob* son of Thomas Cook & Anne his wife bapt. 25th Thomas fit Anne son fit daughter of William Yates & Eliz. hi* wife bapt. Dec' 2nd Sarah daughter of Thomas Reddall fie Anne his wife bapt. 6th Alice Andrew Buried, 30th Mary daughter of Nathaniell Horton & Mary his wife bapt. Jany 21st Eliz. Smith buried. Feb. 6th Eliz. Goodman buried. 20th Thomas son of William Yates fit Eliz. his wife buried. March 3rd Thomas son of Thomas Baskerfield fie Mary his wife Bapt. 3rd Eliz : Fowler Buried. 1 7th Eliz : daughter of William Oddell & Anne his wife bapt. 1 7th John son of John Maynard 6c Mary his wife baptized. . Da : James. Minister. John Chevall. John Roberds. Churchwardens. Page Five. 1723. Apr. ye 15th Hezekiah Carter & Mary Blundel Married. Apr. ye 18th John Billington and Elizabeth Rose both of Blechley Married. The Register of May ye 15a Thomas son of Thomas and Mary Baskerfield buried. July ye 18th Ann Fowler buried. Sept : ye 1" Mary daughter of Wilt : Estment. Bapt. Sept : ye 8th Elizabeth daughter of Tho : Fowy Bapt. Sept. ye 9th Ann Eates an Infant buried Jan. ye 6th John Hilliard and Ann Grey married. Jan. 14th Sarah Fowler was buried Jan. 26th Richd son of Bacchus Brinklow Baptizd. Feb. ye 3d Frances Ashby Wi33. buried. March 8th Charles son of John Menhard Baptized. March 21" Ann daughter of Tho : Ashby Baptiz'd. March 25th Ann daughter of Tho : Ashby Buried. 1724. March 28th Sarah Man buried. Apr. ye 6th Joseph son of Richd Holland and Jane his wife was baptizd Apr. ye 6th Mary ye daughter of John Clother and Mary his wife was baptized. May ye 10th Ann daughter of Wittm Odell and Ann his wife Baptiz'd May 24th Mary the daughter of Tho : Baskerfield and Mary his wife was Baptized. May ye 25th Richard son of Thomas Major and Jane his wife was Baptized. Da : James. Minister. John Goodman. Wiltm. Roberts. Church Wardens. Page Six. May 27th Charles son of John Menhard and Mary his wife was buried Sept. ye 1 3th William ye son of William Atterbury and Hannah his wife Baptiz'd. Sept. ye 23rd Mary the daughter of John Roberts and Sarah his wife Baptizd. Oct. ye 9th Ann the wife of Tho : Reddall buried. Oct. ye 1 3'" William son of Wiltm : Aterbury buried. Novemb. ye 23d George son of John Putnam and Denis his wife Baptiz'd Decb' 22nd William son of Nathanael Horton and Mary his wife Baptiz'd Decb' 26th Thomas the son of William Eates and Elyzabeth his wife Baptiz'd. March y6 19'" Wiltm. son of Nathanael Horton buried. March y" 2 1 " William son of Thomas Cook and Ann his wife Baptiz'd 1725. March y" 28th Elyzebeth Goodman Midwife buried. April y" 1 8th Ann daughter of Tho : Ashby and Mary bis wife Baptiz'd May y* 7th Sarah Underwood was buried. May y" 7th John son of John Underwood and Sarah hi* wife was BapuVd. Woughton. 49 May y° 1 6th Alice daughter of Samuel Mitchel and Alice his wife was Buried. July y* 4th George son of John Putnam and Denis his wife was Buried. Oct. ye 10th Thomas son of William Dunkley and Margaret his wife was Baptized. Dec. 9th John son of John Crapper and Susanna his wife was Baptized. Dec. ye 9th Mary the daughter of John Atterbury and Hannah his wife was Baptized. Dec. ye 24th Thomas ye son of William Atterbury and Hannah his wife was baptized. Da : James. Minister. George Gilpin. John Ashby. Churchwarden*. Page Seven. Jan. ye 1" Richard son of Richard Holland and Jane his wife Baptiz'd Jan. 26. Alice Abby was buried. Feb. the 2nd Benjamin son of John Gilpin and Ann his wife was Baptiz'd Feb. ye 4"1 Richard Fossey labourer buried. Feb. ye 9th William son of William Odel and Ann his wife was Baptiz'd Feb. ye 9th Charity daughter of William Estment and Elyzabeth his wife Baptizd. March ye 6th Susanna the daughter of Tho : Baskerfield and Mary hie wife was Baptiz'd. 1726. Aprill ye 1 5a John son of John Crapper and Susannah his wife Baptizd May the 1 " Sarah daughter of John Roberts and Sarah his wife was Buryed. May the 25th Rich4 son of Rich" Holland Buried. June ye 5th Ann the daughter of Nathanael Horton and Mary his wife Baptizd. June the 1 2th Sarah the daughter of John Roberts Buried. October ye 1 3tb Robert Cook and Ann Fountain Married. October ye 30th William the son of Tho : Major and Jane his wife Baptized. November ye 3d Charity daughter of Wilt Eastment fie Elyzabeth hi* wife Buried. November ye 4th Ann daughter of Nathanael Horton Buried. Novber ye 4th Joseph son of Tho. French Bricklayer Buried. November ye 20th Tho. son of Wilt. Eates Buried. January ye 1 5* John the son of John Clother and Mary h» wife wa* Baptized. Jan. ye 20th Jane daughter of John Crapper and Susannah his wife was Baptized January ye 25th John Underwood and Mary Tew Married. Da : James. Rector. John Chad. Richard Woodcock. Churchwardens 5° The Register of Page Eight. 1727. May 7. William the son of William and Hannah Atterbury was baptized 1 4. Jane Holland was Buried. Jane the daughter of Richd and Jane Holland was baptized. 21. George the son of John and Dennis Puttenham was baptized. 28. Anne the Bass born daughter of Elizabeth Hobs was baptized. June 4. Jane the daughter of Rich4 Holland was buried. 25. Mary the base born daughter of Martha Banbury was baptized. Aug. 1 8. Bacchus the son of Bacchus 6c Mary Brinckloe was baptized. 20. Daniel the son of William &c Elizabeth Yates was baptized. 22. Philip the son of William and Anne Odell was baptized. 23. Frances the son of Nathaniel fie Mary Horton was baptiz'd. 23. Elizabeth Brown was buried. Sep. 6. Bartholemew Brincklow was buried. 19. Richard Woodcock was buried. Oct. 3. William Dudley fit Anne Ashby were married. 9. Richard the son of Wm and Margaret Dunkley baptzed. 1 5. Jane the daughter of Robert and Cook was baptized {sic.) 17. William the son of Wm and Hannah Atterbury was buried. Dec. 27. Anne the daughter of Laurance and Mary Rudkins baptiz'd. Jan. 7. William the son of John and Mary Underwood baptiz'd. 1 7. Elizabeth the daughter of John and Jane Asby baptiz'd. Feb. 4. Anne Cowley was buried. 5. Francis the son of Nathaniel and Mary Horton buried. David James. Minister. Page Nine. Anno Domini . 1728 Mar. ye 29. Elizabeth Coly was Buriedl. April ye 7. Jn" and Rob' the sons of Thomas and Mary Ashby were Baptized. ye 1 2th Jr.0 and Robert the sons of Thomas and Mary Ashby were Buried ye 2 1 " Joseph the son of Thomas and Ann Cook was Baptized. June ye 9th Charity the daughter of William & Elizabeth Estementwas Baptized. June 29 Richard Goodman was Buried. July ye 7th Allice the daughter of Samuel fit Allice Michell was buried. ye 14th George ye son of William and Ann Dudly was Baptized. August ye 2. Thomas the son of John fit Ann Hillerd was Buried ye 1 1 Thomas Hobkins was buried. ye 15. Elizabeth daughter of John and Jane Ashby was buried. ye 19. Thaims ve son of Thomas and Mary Baskerfield baptized. Sep. ye 15. .Viiliam the son of W" and Hannah Atterbury was Baptized. ye 24th Susannah ye daughter of William and Ann Odell was baptized. Woughton. 5 1 Oct. ye 1 " Susannah ye daughter of William and Ann Odell was buried. ye 6. Ann Judkins was Buried. ye 9. Ann Concust was Buried. Nov. ye 6. Thomas Clother was Buried, Jan. ye 12. Martha ye daaghter of Samuel 6c Allice Michell was Baptized. Feb. ye 1 0. Jonas Baker and Mary Bonam were married. Mar. ye 9. Philip the son of William and Ann Odell was buried. Da : James. Minister. Tho. Grey. Rich" Goodman. Churchwardens. Page Ten. Anno Domini 1729. April 7* Sarah daughter of John & Sarah Robert* Baptiz'd. May 1 8a Anne daughter of Henry &c Mary Ashby Baptiz'd, May 1 8th Elizabeth daughter of John and Susanna Crapper Baptiz'd, June 1 5th Chadd ye son of John 6c Denis Putnam Baptiz'd. 1 7. William ye son of William 6c Elizabeth King was Buried. July 20. Sarah, daughter of Henry &c Sarah Goodman was Baptiz'd. August 10. Susanna daughter of Nathaniel fie Mary Orten was Baptiz'd. Sept ye 2* Johannah Brown was buried. October 1 2. Sarah daughter of Thomas & Jane Major Baptiz'd. 29. Thomas Dittum was Buried. November 2 1 . Sarah daughter of Henry 6c Sarah Goodman was Buried 25. Anne Hillyar was Buried. 25. Sarah daughter of John fie Sarah Roberts was Buried. 30. Susanna daughter of William 6c Anne Odel was Baptiz'd. December 28. Anne daughter of George 6c Anne Fossey was Baptiz'd. January 1 0. Susannah daughter of Nathaniel 6c Mary Orten was Buried. February 6. Henry Read was Buried. 9. Thomas Major was Buried. March I . Thomas son of John 6c Mary Cloather was Baptized. 22. Jane daughter of Robert 6c Anne Cook was Buried Da : James. Minister, Tho. Goodman. Churchwarden Page Eleven. 1730. April ye 3d Will. Odel. carrier buried. ye 8* John Rinolds buried ye 1 2th William son of Tho. 6c Ann Cook buried. ye 25. Henery A»hby. Farmer, buried May ye 10th John Martin. Tayler. buried. ye 14th Ann Martin his widdow buried. ye 1 7th Sarah Upstone widdow buried 24. Elizabeth daughter of John fie Eliz. Burton Baptiz'd. 52 The Register of June ye 14th Thomas son of Wilt, and Ann Dudley Baptiz'd. July ye 9th John son of William 6c Mary Pincard Baptiz'd. August ye 1 8"1 Jonathan Bonker 6c Elizabeth Clother married. Sept. ye 1 2* John Gilpin was buried. ye 30th Nathanael Orton was buried. Oct. ye 4th Lucy Grey was buried. ye 4th John son of William 8c Mary Pincard buried. Nov. ye 1 *' Thomas son of William &c Ann Dudley buried. ye 8'" Phillip son of William 6c Ann Odel Baptiz'd. Dec. ye 1 " Hester Ashby was buried. Janry ye 3d Rebeccah daughter of Tho : and Mary Baskerfield Bapt. ye 6th John son of William 6c Hanah Atterbury Buried. ye 1 0th Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth Yates Bapt. ye 12tb Elyzabeth daughter of John 6c Eliz : Burton buried. ye 24th Jemima daughter of Robert and Ann Cook Baptiz'd March ye 3rd Nathanael son of Nathanel 6c Mary Orton Baptiz'd 1731. April ye 2d Martha daughter of John Cowley labourer buried. ye 1 6th Mary daughter of Richard Fossey labourer 6c Ann his wife Bapt. ye 23rd The sd. Mary Fossey was buried. 25th Elyzabeth daughter of John Burton labourer fie Elyzab. his wife Baptized. May ye 9th Tho Fossey, Howard, was buried June ye 1 6th Nathanael son of Nathanael Orton labour 6c Mary his wife buried July ye 1" Amy and Matha daughter of William Pinkard, Butcher and Mary his wife being twins were Baptized. ye 5th Richard Goodman, Cordwainer was buried August ye 27th Amy daughter of William Pinkard, Butcher was buried September 20. Tho6 son of John Clother, Clark and Mary his wife buried. 26. Johanna Robertson an adult servant Baptiz'd 29th Martha daughter of ye above named William Pinkard buried. October 1 0a John Main, Tayler and Johanna Robertson were married with Bans 31" Sarah daughter of Sam1 Mitchel, Farmer 6c Alice his wife Baptiz'd Da : James. Minister. John Crapper, George Fossey. Churchwardens Page Twelve. 1731 November 5th John Gad a servant buried. 28. Jane daughter of John Fowler Junr 6c June his wife Faptiz'd. 30. Jane wife of sd John Fowler buried. February 27. Jane daughter of John Crapper, Farmer c Susannah his wife buried. Woughton. 53 ditto 27. William son of Willm Atterbury c Hannah his wife Baptiz'd. ditto 27. Elyzabeth daughter of John Burton labourer Buried. 1732. Apr. 1 " Jane wife of John Chad, Farner buried. 17. Elyzabeth Bunker buried. 30. Ann daughter of Richard Fossy lab' Baptiz'd May 28th Ann daughter of William Dudley lab' Baptiz'd. June 1 6. William Salmon yeoman buried Sept'. 24. Joseph son of William Page. Cordwainer, Baptiz. 25. William son of Will. Atterbury lab' buried. 28. Mary daughter of Rich4 Woodcock yeom. Baptiz. Dec' 25 Bat : Butler and Dorothy Hadden Maried with Bans. 30.*Thomas Gilpin. Scrivener Buried. Jany 2d Tho. Gibbons and Elyzabeth Ashby married with Bans. 7. Mary daughter of John Smyth lab' Baptiz'd. March 4. John son of John Burton labr Baptiz'd. 1733. May ye 22nd Elyzabeth Samon buried. June 24. John son of Thomas Baskerfield Baptiz'd. Aug. 19. John son of Robert Cook Baptiz'd. 21. Henery and Denis children of Henry Asby Bapt. Sept. 9th John son of John Crapper Baptiz'd 1 9. Elyz : daughter of William Atterbury Baptiz'd. 23. She was buried. 23. John son of Eleaner Williams a bastard Bapt. Decber. 30'" John son of John Smith Baptiz'd. Jan17 3d Henery son of Henry Goodman Baptiz'd. ditto. 3 John son of John Smith buried. March 3d William son of William Estment Baptiz'd. Da : James. Rector. John Cheval, John Roberts, Churchwardens- Page Thirteen. 1734. March 3 1 . Elyzabeth daughter of Thomas fie ElyzabethlGibbons Baptiz'd April 7. James son of John fie Mary Cowley Baptiz'd. June 30. William son of Wilt 6c Ann Dudley Baptiz'd August 4. Ruth daughter of Rich* and Ann Fossey Baptiz'd August 25. Benjamin Tayler 6c Ann Butlee married with Bans. October 20 Goodman son of Susannah Mechani bastard Bapt. Novem : 2nd Tho : Nicholas 6c Mary Burrows married with bans. 6. Tho : Grey Farrier Buried 1 7 Abraham son of Willm 6c Ann Page baptiz'd. Decemb' 1 " Elyzabeth daughter of Phillip 6c Susannah James baptiz'd privately. 5th sd. Elyz : James was buried 54 The Register of Jan'T 4. Ruth daughter of Nicholas fit Ruth Lucas bapt. 7. sd. Ruth was buried. Feb. 10. Johanna Hopkins was buried. 1 1 . Mary Orton a girle burried. 1 6. John son of Henery fie Sarah Goodman baptiz. 16. Martha daughter of John 6c Ann Smith bap. 1 9. John Cowley labourer buried. 25. William son of Will" 6c Winifred Hall bapt. 26. Meritha Hopkins buried. March 4. George son of William 6c Ann Dudley burid. 9. Elizabeth daughter of Tho. 6c Mary Nicholas bapt. Oct. 27. wel1 was forgot above in its proper place. Mary daughter of Wilt 6c Lucy Page Baptiz. 1735. April ye 20Ul Mary ye Daughter John 6c Elizabeth Burton Baptized. May ye 9th Martha ye Daughter of John 6c Anne Smith Buried. 1 1th John ye son of James 6c Mary Grace Baptized privately. 1 4th John ye son of James and Mary Grace was Buried 16to M™ Martha James late wife of ye Rev. M' David James Rector of this parish was Buried. 29th Richard ye son of Richard fie Elizabeth Woodcock Baptized July ye 6th Edward Hodskin servant was Buried. Page Fourteen. October ye 5"1 Martha Daughter of Thomas 6t Mary Baskefield baptiz'd 14th Robert Page Cordwainer was buried. 20th Griffith Goodman Taylor was buried Nouember ye 9th Dennis daughter of Henry fie Mary Ashby baptized. 20tt Richard son of Richard fie Elizabeth Woodcock buried. December 27tk3Matthia* son of William 6c Hannah Atterbury baptized Jan. ye 7* Keziah Daughter of Robert &c Ann Cook baptized. 21" Abraham son of William 6c Ann Page buried. February ye 8. Hannah Daughter of Sarah Ward Base Bom baptized March ye 1" Mary Daughter of John 6c Elizabeth Burton buried. 1736. May 10th Frances Bambery buried 1 6. Mark ye son of Philip fie Susannah James baptized. 30. Thomas, son of Wm 8c Lucy Page baptized. June 6. Mary, daughter of Jn° & Susannah Crapper baptized July 5. Eliz : daughter of Rich" 6c Eliz : Woodcock bunecL 18. George, son of James 8c Mary Grace baptized Aug. 22. Ruth, daughter of Henry fie Sarah Goodman baptized 22. Wm son of Jn° 6c Eliz : Burten baptized. 23. Anne Daughter of Nicholas 6c Ruth Lucas baptized Sep' 25. William son of Jn* fie Eliz : Burton buried Woughton. 55 Oct' 9. W" son of Norris fie Ann Wilkinson baptized. Jan'7 1 3. John Chadd yeoman buried. Feb. 1 9 Alice Read Widdow buried Mar. 20. Elizabeth Daughter of John fie Ann Smith baptized Da : James. Minister. John Putnam. Phillip James. Church Wardens Page Fifteen. 1737. April ye 20. Alice Gilpin was buried June ye 5th Elizabeth Daughter of John 6c Merriah Fowler baptized 6. John son of Thomas 6c Mary Smith buried 26. Thomas son of John &c Rebeccah Fowler baptiz'd July 6. Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas 6c Elizabeth Gray baptiz'd August 6. Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas 6c Elizabeth Gray buried 1 1 tt Thomas England son of Richard 6c Elizabeth Woodcock buried 2 1 . Sarah Daughter of Thomas 6c Elizabeth Gibbons baptized. 28th Mary Daughter of Thomas 8c Ann Major baptized. Sep' ye 25th William son of John 8c Elizabeth Burton baptized Oct' ye 1 6. Thomas son of Thomas fie Mary Nicholas baptized. 30th Mary daughter of William 6c Ann Dudly baptized. Jan. ye 22nd William son of Thomas 6c Mary Baskerffeld baptized A True Rejester Bill for the PisB of Woughton for ye Year of our Lord , 1 738. April ye 27th John Kent 6c Katharine Coal were Married by Banns. July ye 23d Sarah ye Daughter of John 8c Merriah Fowler was baptized Augs' ye 20th Kerenhappuck ye Daughter of Robert fie Ann Cook was baptized Octb' ye 1 "' Samuel ye son of John 8c Ethelbert Sadler was baptized Oct' 29"" Elizabeth ye Daughter of Edward 8c Mary Brochus was baptized. Novb' ye 1 5th William the son of Richard 6c Elizabeth Woodcock was buried Feb*3' ye 13th Elizabeth Atterbury Widdow was buried. Feb" ye 21" Mary the daughter of John 6e Susannah Goodman wae baptized. Da : James. Minister. Tho : Gray. John Fowler. Churchwarden*. Page Sixteen. 1739. April 5A Thomas 3on of Nicholas 6c Ruth Lucas baptiz'd. April 1 5th Mary Daughter of James fit Mary Grace baptiz'd April 29* Thomas Son of John 6c Elizabeth Burton baptiz'd. May 1 5* William son of William 6c Margret Dunkly bun d. May: 20* Elizabeth Daughter of John fit Merriah Fowler, buri'd. 56 The Register of June 1 7th Ann Daughter of John and Ann Smith, baptiz'd July 15tt William Son of William 8c Ann Page, baptiz'd. July 1 5th William Son of Richard 8c Ann Fossy. baptiz'd. August 16th Thomas Son of John 8e Elizabeth Burton, burid. Sept' 4th Thomas Son of Tho8 8e Elizabefh Gray baptiz'd. Octb' 7th Frances Daughter of Wm and Hanna Attarberrie baptiz'd. Decb' 9th John Son of Edward 6c Mary Broccas baptiz'd. Jan" 4th Sarah Ashbie was buri'd. Jan" 5th Thomas Son of Norris 6c Ann Wilkinson baptiz'd. Jan17 1 3th Thomas Son of Norris 8c Ann Wilkinson buried. Jan" 1 5th Mary Brockus was buried. Feb" 1 7th Thomas Son of Thomas 6c Ann Major baptiz'd. 1740. April ye 5 th Ann Daughter of Richard 6c Elizabeth Woodcock was buried. May ye 4th Mary Daughter of Thomas 8c Mary Nicholas was baptiz'd May ye 5th William Son of Richard fie Ann Fossey was buried June ye 8th Martha Daughter of Henry fit Sarah Goodman was baptized Privately. June ye 1 7th George Smith Labourer was buried. July ye 1 3th Thomas Son of Thomas 6c Elizabeth Gibbons was baptized August ye 3d Mary Maynard was buried. August ye 1 7th Elizabeth Daughter of John 6c Ethelbert Saddler was baptized. Page Seventeen. Octob™ ye 5th John son of John fie Susannah Goodman was baptiz'd. November ye 24th Thomas Goodman was buried. Decb<* ye 3 1 "' Mary Daughter of Thomas &c Mary Nicholas was buried Feb" ye 2nd Ann Daughter of William fie Lucy Page was baptized. 1741. April ye 1 " Ann Daughter of George 8c Ann Grace baptized. May ye 4th Martha Daughter of Henry 6c Sarah Goodman buried. May ye 31" Samuell Son of John Fowler 6c Merriah his Wife baptized June ye 8th Ann Daughter of John fie Ann Smith buried. June ye- 8* William Son of William fie Mary Pinkard bap. July ye 18th James Coal Bandlace Weaver buried. August ye 9* James Son of James & Mary Grace baptized. August ye 1 5th Thomas Read Yeoman buried August ye 16tt Thomas son of Henry 6c Sarah Goodman baptized August ye 1 6* William son of Robert fit Ann Cook baptized August ye 19th Mary daughter of Henry 6c Sarah Goodman bapt. privtly 8c buried. August ye 20"1 Thomas son of John 6c Mary Corner privately bapt. & Buried Woughton. 5 7 August ye 20th Thomas son of Norris 6c Ann Wilkingson baptiz. August ye 30th Thomas son of Henry 6c Sarah Goodman buried. Sept. ye 6th Mary Daughter of Rich4 6c Ann Fossey baptiz. Nouber ye 27 Ann Binyon. Bandlace Weaver buried Decber ye 25. Barbarah Daughter of Francis 6c Catherine Harison bap, Decber ye 27"" Bernard Son of William 6c Hannah Atterbery baptiz. Feb. ye 1 8th John Quinney & Elizabeth Smith were married with banns Feb. ye 26th Thomas son of Thomas &c Elizabeth Gray buryed March ye 5lh Mary Daughter of John fie Hannah Atterbery buryed Page Eighteen. 1742. March ye 31" Ruth Daughter of Nicholas 6c Ruth Lucy baptized June ye 6th Mary Daughter of Thomas 8c Mary Nicholas baptized June ye 7* Hannah Daughter of William 8c Hannah Clother baptized June ye 9th James son of George 8c Ann Grace baptized. July ye 10th Elizabeth Orten buried. August ye 22nd Susannah Daughter of John & Susannah Goodman baptized August ye 26th Elizabeth Eastment buried Sept. ye 30* John Major 8c Mary Honnybone were married w"1 banns Nouber ye 30th John Clother buried. January ye 23rd Merriah Daughter of John & Merriah Fowler baptiz. February ye 20th Martha Daughter of Robert & Ann Cook baptized February ye 25th Susannah Fossey buried 1743. May ye 1 4th William Banbury Labourer buried. July ye 3rd George son of William & Lucy Page baptized. July ye 1 7th Thomas & Mary Son & Daughter of John & Elizabeth Burton baptized. July ye 31st Elizabeth daughter of Richd fit Ann Fossey baptd. August ye 1 8th Martha daughter of John 6c Ann Smith buried. Nouber ye 30th Elizabeth Daughter of Richard & Jane Putnum baptized Decber ye 28th George Son of George & Ann Grace baptized. Jan'ay ye 8th Elizabeth Daughter of Richard & Ann Fossey buried. Feb. ye 5th Robert son of William & Ann Page bapt. March ye 1 0th Thoma* Son of John & Elizabeth Burten buired. Page Nineteen. 1744. March ye 28* Richard Son of Norris & Ann Wilkingson bapt. April ye 7th Sarah Goodman Widdow buried. April ye 9th William Son of James & Mary Grace buried. June ye 24* Edward Son of Richard & Mary Fuller baptized. July ye 1 201 Edward Son of Richard fc Mary Fuller buried. 5 8 The Register of Sept. ye 29th Winifred Ashby buried. Nouber ye 18th Sarah Daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Gibbons buried Nouber 22n