The Pendent Globe Manual YALE UNiVERSlTf APR 22 192? LIBRARY- The Cujcion Co. '. Chicago : -. Tendent Globe Manual. BY F. E. MITCHELL Head of the Department of Geography, State Normal SchooJ, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Second Edition. Price Fifty Cents. THE CAXTON COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Copyright, 1904, by THE PENDENT GLOBE COMPANY. PREFACE. A good globe, if properly used, is as much more valuable piece of apparatus than is generally supposed. The authors have endeavored to present in simple language some of the uses to which the globe should be put, avoiding the use of technical terms as far as possible, except in the appendix which is intended for those who can and are willing to work out the harder problems. Without intending to discourage the use of flat maps, the en deavor is made to show that the globe should be used in a great many cases where formerly flat maps have been used, and that it is only by means of the globe that the flat map can be used intelligently. Special attention is called to the fact that a number of problems of an industrial or commercial nature are treated, whereas most man uals confine themselves wholly to mathematical problems and, indeed, a great many teachers have never used the globe for anything but mathematical geography. Whether the use of the Pendent Globe is profitable, depends mainly upon the energy and knowledge of the teacher. Before at tempting to use the globe the teacher should be familiar with at least the larger part of the contents of this book. Some of it will be appar ent at once but some will require study. Become acquainted with the globe. Raise it, lower it, revolve the ball, revolve the axis, turn it on the swivel, notice the time dial, the equator, the ecliptic, etc. When you have mastered the globe and the suggestions, the teaching of geography with the Pendent Globe will be a pleasure and result in great benefit to the pupils. The author wishes to make special acknowledgements to Mr. L. P. Denoyer for the very valuable assistance he has rendered in the preparation of this edition of the manual. Mr. Denoyer 's long ex perience in the handling of the globe has enabled him to make many practical suggestions of great value. Indeed, the entire appendix and paragraphs 28, 29 and 30 belong wholly to him, and constitute a very valuable addition to the manual. F. B. MITCHELL, State Normal School. Oshkosh, Wis., January 20, 1904. DEFINITIONS. These definitions will be much better understood if you will il lustrate each of the points by drawings or otherwise. 1. A circle is a plane figure, bounded by a curved line called the circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point within called the center. 2. A diameter is a straight line passing thru the center and terminating in the circumference. 3. The radius is a straight line passing from the center to the circumference. 4. A degree (°) is 1-360 of the circumference of a circle. A de gree may be of any length depending upon the size of the circle. 5. An arc is a part of a circumference. It is generally measured in degrees. An arc of 60° is called a sextant; 90° a quardant; 180° a semi-circle. 6. A chord is a straight line connecting the extremities of an arc. 7. An angle is the degree of divergence between two lines, or between two surfaces, or between a line and a surface. Angles are generally measured in degrees. An angle is measured by the arc in cluded between the lines forming the angle, the vertex of the angle being the center of the circle of which the arc is a part. 8. A central angle is one whose vertex is at the center of a cir cle and whose sides are radii. It is measured by the intercepted arc. 9. An inscribed angle is one whose vertex is in the circumfer ence of a circle and whose sides are chords. It is measured by one half the intercepted arc. 10. A sphere is a solid bounded by a curved surface every point of which is equally distant from a point within called the center. 11. A great circle is a circle that separates a sphere into two equal parts. 12. A small circle is a circle that separates a sphere into two unequal parts. NOTE— In the following definitions the earth is treated as if it were a true sphere. 13. The axis of the earth is the diameter upon which it rotates. Its ends are called poles. It is the diameter which points to the North Star. 14. The equator is that great circle of the earth which is per pendicular to the axis. 15. A meridian circle is any great circle that passes thru the poles. That half of a meridian circle that lies between the poles is called a meridian. The first or prime meridian is the meridian from which longitude is reckoned. Any meridian may be used as a prime meridian. The meridian of Greenwich is the one commonly made use of. 16. Longitude is the angular distance between two meridians. 17. Lattitude is the angular distance from the equator. Lati tude is distance north or south of the equator measured on a meridian. 18. A parallel of latitude, or simply a parallel, is a small circle of the earth parallel to the equator. 19. The horizon is the plane tangent to the earth at the point of the observer. 20. East is the direction in which the earth rotates. The oppo site direction is west. 21. North is the direction along the earth's surface, perpendicu lar to east and west, toward the North Star. The opposite direction is south. 22. The direction of a place from any other given place is de termined by their relative latitudes and longitudes. 23. The bearing of a place from any other given place is the di rection in which a great circle that passes thru both points crosses the horizon of the observer. NOTE.— Bearing and direction must not be confused. For ex ample, the bearing of Manila from San Francisco is west by north, while the direction of Manila from San Francisco is west by south. 24. The ecliptic is the path the earth follows in its revolution around the sun. The plane of the ecliptic is the plane in which this path lies. It is often called the plane of the earth's orbit. This plane bi-sects the equator at an angle of 23y2°. The line on the globe cut ting the equator oi the globe at 23%° will be referred to as the eclip tic. 25. The zenith is the point in the heavens directly overhead. Every place on the earth is between its zenith and the center of the earth. 26. Standard time, mean or local time, sidereal time, and sun or sun-dial time is explained in Appendix I. 27. The analemma is a figure on the globe which tells the de clination of the sun for every day of the year. It also shows the amount of time that the sun is fast or slow as compared with the mean solar time. This is explained in Appendix II. 28. The international date line is an arbitrary line on the earth at which the day is supposed to begin and end. This is explained fully in Appendix III. 29. The zodiac is explained in Appendix IV. 30. The isothermal lines will be referred to in Appendix V. 31. The ocean currents will be referred to in Appendix VI. 32. The time dial is a small sheet of brass on the globe at the North Pole and will be referred to subsequently. 33. The brass meridian is the brass ring around the globe. PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION WITH THE PENDENT GLOBE 1. To find the latitude of any given place : Elevate the North Pole to 90°. Kotate the globe until the given place comes under the brass meridian. The degree on the brass meridian over the place is its latitude. Find the latitude of your place. 2. To find all those places on the earth having the same latitude : Rotate the globe on its axis and all those places that come under the same degree on the brass meridian as the given place, have the same latitude. What places on the earth have the same latitude as New York? Milwaukee? New Orleans? Cape Town? Cape Horn? 3. To find the longitude of any given place, and all those places having the same longitude: Bring the given place, say New York, under the brass meridian. The number of degrees on the equator, counting from the prime meridian to the brass meridian, is the long itude of the place. If the place is east of the prime meridian the long itude is east longitude ; if west, west longitude. All places under the brass meridian from pole to pole have the same longitude. What is the longitude of Milwaukee ? Chicago? St. Louis? London? Pekin? Manila? 4. To find the latitude and longitude of any given place : Ele vate the north pole to 90°. Bring the given place under the brass mer idian. The degree above it is its latitude, the degree on the equator cut by the brass meridian is its longitude. What is the latitude and longitude of San Francisco? Boston? Paris? Rome? 5. The latitude and longitude of a place being given, to find the place: Elevate the north pole to 90°. Find the given longitude and bring it to the brass meridian. Under the given latitude the required place will be found. What region of the earth is latitude 22° north, 158° west? 6. To find the difference in latitude between two places : Find the latitude of each place. If they are both north, or both south of the equator the difference in latitude is the difference between the numbers. If one is north and the other south the difference will be their sum. What is the difference in latitude between Paris and Lon- 8 don? Between Paris and Rio Janeiro? Between Hammerfest and New York? 7. To find the difference in longitude between two places : Find the longitude of both places. If both be east or both be west their difference in longitude will be the difference between the numbers. If one be east and the other west, the difference in longitude will be their sum, if it does not exceed 180°. If their sum exceeds 180°, take it from 360°, and the remainder will be the difference in longitude. What is the difference in longitude between New York and San Fran cisco ? Between Sidney and Seattle ? 8. Show that latitude is the angular distance between two lines which meet at the center of the earth, and that longitude is the angu lar distance between two planes that meet at the axis of the earth ; or that the center of the earth is the vertex of the angle of latitude while the axis of the earth is the vertex of the angle of longitude. 9. The relation of time to longitude : Elevate the pole to 90°. Have some particular pupil in the room represent the sun. Rotate the globe so that he can see the United States. He can not now see any part of India. Therefore when they are having day in the United States they must be having night in India and China, for the pupil representing the sun cannot see those countries. Paste a little piece of paper, or draw a cross with a crayon, on the globe at your particu lar place. Rotate the globe until your meridian is toward the pupil representing the sun, that is, it is noon (approximately) at your place. Have the brass meridian at right angles with your meridian. It is 6 o'clock in the morning in the region lying under the brass meridian to the west, and 6 o 'clock in the evening in the region lying under the brass meridian to the east. 10. The hour of the day being given to find the time at any other place : Turn the time dial that is attached to the globe at the north pole so that the number on the time dial which corresponds to the given time is on the meridian of the place. The time at any other place will be indicated by the number on the time dial over the meri dian of that place. As the earth rotates from west to east the time will be later to the east and earlier to the west. In crossing the heavy red line on the globe called the international date line from east to west add a day, in crossing it from west to east substract a day. Say, for example, it is 10 A. M. Friday in Wisconsin. The time dial will show that it is 11 A. M. in New York, 4 P. M. in England, 12 o'clock midnight in the Philippine Islands, 1 A. M. Saturday in Japan, 4 A. 9 M. Saturday in extreme western Russia, while in the Aleution Islands it is still Friday 4 A. M. and 8 A. M. in San Francisco. NOTE.— Standard time, mean or local time, and sidereal time, are explained in Appendix I. The international date line is explained ni Appendix III. These should be studied in connection with this subject. 11. The hemispheres : Whenever you look at the globe you will see a hemisphere, consequently there are just as many hemispheres as there are points on the globe— an infinite number. Geographers have selected six hemispheres as of special importance, namely, north ern and southern ; land and water ; eastern and western. The center, or point of view, of the northern hemisphere is the north pole ; of the southern hemisphere the south pole ; of the land hemisphere London ; of the water hemisphere, New Zealand ; of the eastern hemisphere, 0° latitude, 70° east longitude; of the western hemisphere, 0° latitude, 110° west longitude. 12. Northern and southern hemispheres: Turn the globe in such a way that the class will be looking at the north pole and have the ball so turned that the meridian of Hudson Bay and Wisconsin will come under the brass meridian. The questions to be asked should be somewhat as follows: What line divides the earth into these two hemispheres? It crosses what regions of the earth? How much of the equator falls on the water? Imagine yourself standing on the north pole ; now look south. Is this a definite direction ? Give rea sons for your answer. (Every point in the horizon is south.) Now look into the region of Hudson Bay and Wisconsin. Is this a definite direction? When you are looking into Wisconsin what region is on your left? On your right? Back of you? How many degrees be tween front and left, etc? How many degrees between Wisconsin and western Europe? How much difference in time? What time is it now in London ? What region is on your right ? Question same as above. What region back of you ? Question same as above. Compare and contrast the arrangement of land and water in these two hemi- speres. 13. Eastern and western hemispheres : The meridian circle that separates these hemispheres is made up of the meridians of 20° W. and 160° E. Give the relative positions of each of these meridians in respect to bodies of land and water. Draw a great circle that is made up of these two meridians and draw and number every 15th meridian in the eastern hemisphere; same for western hemisphere; IO also draw each 10th parallel. Give latitude and longitude of centers of each of these hemispheres. What regions of the earth are found in these centers ? Between what parallels does each of the continents lie? Draw the parallels in your maps of the hemispheres. Same with the meridians which bound the continental masses. Describe the positions of the land masses in the different hemispheres, thus : North America lies in the middle of the north half of the western hemis phere. Australia lies in the southeast quarter of the eastern hemis phere, etc. How many continents in each hemisphere? Point out the differences that you notice in the arrangement of the land and water in these hemispheres. Estimate the relative amount of land and wa ter in each hemisphere. All the above points should be illustrated by the use of the globe and also by drawings to make them clear and definite. 14. Land and water hemispheres: Elevate the north pole to 38%°. Rotate the globe so that London comes under the 0 of the brass meridian and rotate the meridian on the swivel and lower the globe so that London will be on a level with the eyes of the class. Now the class is looking at the land hemisphere. By rotating the brass meridian on the swivel thru 180° the class will be looking at the water hemisphere. The distance around the earth is a little over 24,000 miles. One fourth this distance is 6,000 miles. Therefore the distance from Lon don to any point in the land hemisphere is within 6,000 miles. Could the largest city in the world ever by in New Zealand or near Cape Horn? Why? Give the position of the circle that sepa rates the earth into these two hemispheres. Give an estimate of the fractional part of the land in each hemisphere. What land on the earth is more than 6,000 miles from London? What land on the earth is within 6,000 miles of New Zealand? From the experiments can you determine the influence this arrangement of land and water will have on climate? How do you account for the fact that all the land on the earth that is more than 6,000 miles from London is within 6,000 miles of New Zealand ? 15. To prove that the altitude of the north star equals the lati tude of the place : Elevate the north pole to 90°. If you were stand ing at the north pole the north star would appear directly overhead and your latitude would be 90°. Now lower the pole to 0° If you were standing at the equator you would see the north star on vour horizon, and you would be at 0° latitude. It is 90° from your horizon to your zenith, and it is 90° from the equator to the pole, therefore II for every degree you travel from the equator to the pole, the north star will appear to rise one degree. Hence the altitude of the north star equals the latitude of the observer. Observe the north star and estimate its altitude. Prove also by means of drawings that the alti tude of the north star equals the latitude of the place. 16. Every great circle passing thru a point on the earth must pass thru the point opposite. See if you can prove this by means of a string and the globe. 17. Every point on the earth is on some great circle that passes thru your schoolroom. Demonstrate this by means of the globe and a string. The direction in which these great circles cross your state is the bearing of those places from you. Show that great circles run from your schoolroom to London, Cape Town, the center of each of the continents, and to Manila. 18. Review definitions TV to X. Prove that the distance meas ured on a great circle between any point on the earth and the point opposite you is 180°, less the distance from your place to that point. Measure on a great circle how many degrees from a place opposite you is a place 90° from you? 70° ? 60° ? 35° ? 22° ? Draw a great circle thru your place and show that your answers are correct. Il lustrate by means of the globe. Draw a great circle passing thru your place. In this circle draw the line of the body. See illustration : Vour pl