' I V 1 ; Hrw/w YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of the YALE DIVINITY SCHOOL VISION OF. THE AGES; OB Lectures on The Apocalypse. ? OOKPLETS TIEW 07 THB BOOK OF BBTBLATIOV. Bt B. W. JOHNSON. "And the city had no need of the ran, neither of the moon, t« Ma* In it; for the glory of Qod did lighten it, and the Lamb is tit* light thereot" FOimTH editios. CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Copyright By CENTRAL BOOK CONCERN, 1881. PREFACE. When I began the study of Revelation no thought of the present work had entered my mind. The splendor of the imagery and the sublimity of its descriptions had always attracted me, but I had read as one who walks through an unknown and mysterious country. Like many others, I believed that the book could not be un- derstoodi and was ready to pronounce the man a vision ary who sought to interpret John's visions. Several years have passed since I entered seriously upon the study of the book. I was led to do so by the reflection that the "Word of the Lord was not composed of enig- . mas and dark sayings which no man could understand; that it was all written "for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," and hence, must -be written in such a way that it could be under stood; that a special blessing was pronounced upon those who hear and keep the words of the prophecy, which would certainly never have been done if it was impossi ble for men to fathom its meaning; lastly, that a great part of the prophetic portion must have been fulfilled before this last quarter of the nineteenth century, and therefore be explained by the corresponding events of history. In my studies I ever kept in mind that the book is a series of symbolical pictures; a panorama of great events until the end of time; and by a careful (3) iT PKEFACE. comparison of the pictures, in their order, with history, beginning at the date of John's exile to Patmos, I have been enabled to evolve what is to me a satisfactory view of the whole scope of Revelation. The prophecies are so wonderful, their fulfillment so striking, and there is such an exact correspondence between the prediction and the events of history, that it seems impossible for a candid student to doubt that the prophet of Patmos was filled with the Spirit of God. It is with the hope that its publication will not only increase the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, but will serve to confirm the faith of saints and to convince the skeptical, that I have con sented to add another to the vast number of books flung out in this book-making age. I think the reader will, at least, find that there is a wonderful correspondence between the symbols and historical events, and that this continues in such invariable order as to leave no doubt concerning the meaning of the prophecy. It will be found that a complete system reaches from the opening of the First Seal, until the Seventh Trumpet blows the signal for the coming of the Lord. An eminent writer has recently said: "There is great need of a clearer apprehension of the natural, simple, rational, self-consistent principles for the interpretation of Scripture prophecy." I would fain indulge in the hope that the verdict of the reader will concede the em ployment of such principles in the present work. A somewhat extended examination of books on Revelation has aroused unmixed astonishment over the wild dreams, vagaries, and meaningless speculations which have been. presented as interpretations of prophecy. The princi pal efliect of most of these works is only to confuse the PREFACE. T mind of the reader and to involve him in an endless labyrinth of obscurity. It is not wonderful that a pub lic, having access to these books, should reach the con clusion that Revelation cannot be understood. It is with pleasure that I acknowledge my indebted ness to two or three authors who are honorable excep tions to the mass of rubbish which the discussion of Revelation has evolved. I have derived substantial aid from the HortB Apocalypticce of E. B. Elliott, The Criti cal English Testament, and Barnes' Notes on Revela tion. In many respects these coincide in their views^ and, in the interpretation of the first Five Seals, I have found that some of them had anticipated my line of ex planation. On the meaning of the Sixth Seal I believe that they have all made a mistake, as well as concern ing thi' entire chapter following. While gratefully ac knowledging my indebtedness, the reader who makes comparison will find that at various points the present work proposes interpretations never before published, and it is hoped that these will be found rational and harmonious. I take occasion here to mention that the view of chap. V:9-10, on page 49, is confirmed by the revised trans lation of the New Testament issued since that portion was written. This is the more satisfactory from the fact that the views there expressed of the Pour Beasts and The Elders have been considered somewhat revolu tionary. I will further add, that in deference to those who have passed middle life, a class to whom the sun set of life gives a keener relish for the study of proph ecy, I have chosen a bold type that can be easily read by every age. I trust that all who are waiting for the VI PBEFAOS. " consolation of Israel," by the triumph of the Saviour's kingdom and his blessed appearing, will find comfort in these pages. John wrote in order that the saints, when the dark waves of persecution and sorrow and trial roll ed over them, might be enabled to look beyond and see the brightness of the coming morning. If this work shall be the means of cheering, comforting and encour aging my weary fellow-travelers to that "city which hath foundations," I shall feel that I have not written in vain. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PBELIMINAKY OBSERVATIONS. When Written. — In the Reign of Domitian. — The character of Domitian. — Patmos. — The Circumstances. — Can the Book be Undentoodt — Reason for Blunders. — The Object and Scope of the Book 16. CHAPTER II. THE SEVEN OHUKOHBS. The Lordsday. — ^The Three Parts of Revelation. — The Seven Angels. — The Letters to the Churches. — Why Seven Churches! Their Character. — Their Subsequent History 81. CHAPTER IIL VISION OF HEAVEN. "Oie Open Door of Heaven. — The Glory of God. — ^The Throne. — The Four Beasts. — ^The Four and Twenty Elders. — The (7) TIH eONTBWTB. Sealed Book.— Its Significance.— The Weeping Prophet.— The Lamb. — ^The Doxologies. — The Atonement 43. CHAPTER IV. THE FIBST SEAL OPENED. The White Horse. — The Crowned Warrior. — An Epoch of Tri umphant War.— Is Christ Meant?— Why Not— The Era ot Trajan. — The Greatness of the Empire; its Conquests and Prosperity. — ^The Significance of the Bow 63. CHAPTER V. THE SECOND, THIRD AND FOURTH SBALS. The Vision of the Second Seal. — The Red Horse; Peace Taken Away. — The Era of Civil Discord. — Commotion for Nineiy- two Years. — ^The Gift of the Great Sword. — ^The Third Seal. —The Black Horse.— The Balances.— The Seal of Want.— The Fourth Seal. — The Pale Horse. — Death and Hades. — The Era of Death from War, Famine, Pestilence and Wild Beasts. — Gibbon's Striking Testimony 74. CHAPTER VI. THE SEAL OF PEBSEOUTION. The Fifth Seal Opened. — The Symbolism Changed. — ^The Horse Seen no More. — The Change of Symbols Indicates a Change of Theme. — Souls under the Altar.- -The Cry of Martyrs. — An Era of Persecution. — The Attempt of Diocletian to Abol ish the Christian Name. — The White Robes. — Appendix on the State of the Church from the Time of Nero to that of Diocletian 94. CHAPTER VIL THE ERA OF REVOLUTION. The Sixth Seal Opened. — The Startling Phenomena in Earth and Sky. — The Meaning of the Symbols. — A Period of Rev olution. — The Political and Religious Agitation of the Reign CONTENTS. ix !>f Constantine. — Paganism Destroyed, — A New Civilization. — ^The Mightiest Change Known to History. — Rome no Longer Capital of the World.— The Four Winds Held.— The Sealing. — ^The Song of Salvation. — The Triumph of the Church over Paganism 109. CHAPTER VIII. THE FOUR WINDS LET LOOSE. The Silence in Heaven. — The Prayers of the Saints. — The West ern Roman Empire, the Theatre of the Four Angels. — The Rush of the Goths upon Rome. — The Land Scourged, Red with Blood and Blackened with Fire.— The Term Third Part Discussed. — The Second Angel and the Scourge of the Sea. — The Vandals. — The Romans Swept from the Seas. — The City Pillaged. — Wormwood. — Attila, the Hun; Buried under the Danube. — The Fourth Angel. — Rome Overwhelmed. — The Sun, Mood and Stars of a Third Pa/rt of the Earth Smitten. - The Dark Ages 130. CHAPTER IX. THE ARABIAN LOCUSTS. The State of Christianity. — The Dyiag World. — The Eastern Symbols.— The Fallen Star.— The Key of the Caaba.— The Locusts. — The Scourge of the World. — The Duration ot the Scourge 160. CHAPTER X. THE EUPHBATBAN HORSEMEN. The Sixth Trumpet.— Tho Angels of the Euphrates. — The Turks. — The Myriads of Horsemen. — Gunpowder. — The Power of the Tails. — The Rest Who Repented Not.— Catho lic Sorceries, Murders and Thefts 178. CHAPTER XI. THE OPEN BOOK. The Radiant Angel. — The Open Book. — The Seven Thunders — S CONTENTS. The Book Eaten.— The Reed.-— The Standard of Measure for the Church. — The Two Witnesses. — Prophesying in Sack cloth. — Forty-two Months. — The Slaying of ihe Witnesses.- Their Resurrection and Exaltation — The Great City.— The Earthquake. — The Seventh Trumpet. — The Reign of Christ 192 CHAPTER XII. THE CHUEOH IN THE WILDERNESS. The Open Temple. — The New Vision. — The Crowned Woman. — The Red Dragon.- The Man Child.— The War in Heaven. — The Flight into the Wilderness. — The Sea Mi)nRter.— The Seven Heads.— The Deadly Wound Healed. — The Forty-two Months 231. CHAPTER XIII. THE FALL OF BABYLON. Fhe Revival of Religion. — The Gospel Angel. — Mystic Baby lon.— The Earth Reaped.— The Wine Press of Wrath.— The Open Tabernacle. — The Seven Plagues. — The Vial Poured on the Earth. — The Vial on the Seas. — The Vial on the Rivers. — The Scorching Sun. — The Martyrs Avenged. — The Vial on the Throne of the Beast. — The Euphratean Power Overthrown. —The Battle of Armageddon.— The Seventh Vial 374. CHAPTER XIV. THE MILLENNIUM AND THE NEW JERUSALEM. The Word of God.— The Great Triumph.— The Fate of the Beast and the False Prophet. — The Lake of Fire. — The Millennium. —Satan Chained. — The First Resurrection. — The Golden Age.— The World's Last Battle.— The Judgment Day.— The Glorious City. — The Tree and River of Life. — The Eternal Glory 331 ANALYSIS OF REVELATION. PART L CHAPTEES I. -XI. Introduction. — Chap. 1:1-3. Salutation to the Seven Churches; 4-8. Author, and place and time explained; 9-10. The First Vision. — The Son of Man between the Colden Candlesticks. Letters to the Churches, chap ters II. and III. THE BOOK OF THB FUTUEE OPENED. The first four chapters are not prophecy, except as the history of the Seven Churches' is outlined. The future history of the world and the Church is symbolized by a sealed book. It has seven seals. These are seven epochs that reach into the future until the end of time. The First Seal—Th.e White Horse. The Era of Tri umph. The Glorious Period of Roman History; 6:3-4, A. D. 96 to A. D. 180. The Second Seal.—Tlae Red Horse. The Era of Blood and of Civil Discord; 6:3-4. Beginning A. D. 198. The Third Seal.— The Black Horse. The Seal of Calamity, and of National Distress; 6:5-6. Beginning about A. D. 200. TheFov^rth Seal— The Pale Horse. The Era of Fam ine, Pestilence and Death; 6:7-8. About A. D. 240 to A. D. 270. The Fifth Seal.—Th.6 Era of Persecution. The last (11) xii ANALYSIS OF EEVELATION. effort of Paganism to blot out the Christian name; 6:9-- 10. A. D. 303. Tlie Sixth Seal.—Tlhe Seal of Revolution. The Era of the Overthrow of Pagan Civilization; 6:12-17. Be ginning about A. D. 310 and extending to A. D. 350. The Four Winds. — A vision of destructive forces that shall destroy the Roman Empire, but held back until it shall be Christianized. — The Four Winds represent Four Northern Invasions, also indicated by Four Trumpets; 9:1-17. Fulfilled from A. D. 340 to A. D. 395. THE FALL OF THE WESTEEN EMPIEB. The First Trumpet under the Seventh Seal. — The Gothic Invasion fulfilled by the Invasion of Alaric; 8: 7. A. D. 409. The Second Trumpet. — The Vandal Invasion. The Conquest of the Seas; 8:8-9. A. D. 422. The Tliird Trumpet. — The Invasion of Attila, the Hun. The Scourge of the Rivers; 8:10-11. A. D. 440. The Fourth Trumpet. — The final overthrow of Rome by Odoacer. The end of Ancient History; 8: 12. A. D. 476. These Four Trumpet Invasions are the Four Winds which were withheld. THE FALL OF THE EASTEEN EMPIEE. The Fifth Trumpet Sounded. — The Mahometan Up rising. The Saracen Empire; 9:1-12. A. D. 632 to A. D. 772. The Sixth Trumpet. — The Euphratean Angels Loosed. The Rise of Turkish Power; 9:13-21. A. D. 1057 to A. D. 1453. EEVIVAL OF ANCIENT CHEISTIANITT. The Little Book and the Seven Thunders. Symbols of the Reformation of Luther; 10:1-11. A. D. 1518. The Old Paths Souc/ht.~The Church Measured- 11: 1, 2. From A. D. 1516 to the present time. ' The T'WO Wittiesses.— The Two Books of the Word of God. In Sackcloth for twelve hundred and sixty yea's. ANALYSIS OF EEVELATION. XlU feJIain in 1793. Resurrected near the beginning of this century; 11:3-12. Babylon Falls. — 11: 13. Yet future. The Seventh Angel Sounds. — Christ comes. The judg ment; 12: 14-18. This ends the first part of Revelation and ends the world. PART IL With the last verse of Chap. xi. heaven is opened to permit a new vision. The first vision of the future has carried the reader to the end of time. In that vision the Church, in its relation to secular history, has been prominent. In the new vision the history of the True Church, its tribulations, and its final glorious triumph, are outlined upon the one hand, and upon the other the history of the great Apostasy. The Vision opened. — 11:19. The Crowned Woman. — The Church in Progress: 12: 1-5. The Church in the Wilderness.—12: 6-17. A. D. 533 to about A. D, 1800. The Beast. — Seven Heads and Ten Horns. Imperial and Secular Rome; 13:1-10. The period referred to is from A. D. 533 to A. D. 1793. The Two Horned Beast. — Spiritual Rome; 12:11-18. A-bout the same period. The Gospel Triumph. — The Means of the Overthrow jf Rome. The Everlasting Gospel. The Triumph; i4: 1-20. In progress at this time. THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES. These give an outline of the worldly instrumentalities